theres not enough going on around here for air service none want to waste there time on this town
[ "Omar Khadr- This entire fiasco is an unmitigated disaster by successive multiple partisan canadian governments, sheer incompetence. This should be a lesson to ALL CANADIANS about how unprofessional and completely naive their federal governments are and have clearly demonstrated, TOTAL FAIL!!", "It would nonetheless be refreshing for Trudeau to describe it as a team effort with his advisors, rather than, as he does so often, mugging the cameras to give a histrionic, dramatic display of acting the big leader man.\n\nI suspect that you (very understandably and reasonably) favor President Obama over Trump.\n\nTerrific, and Obama is a case in point of what I am getting at: Obama had no need or compulsion to give histrionic, dramatic displays of acting the big leader man and, indeed, he frequently acknowledged in his speeches the contributions and sacrifices by others, and in leaving office Obama even thanked the American people for making him 'a better man'.\n\nWhen a scientist gives a speech about the lab's directions and accomplishments, she or he typically names each contributor and their ideas. For a prime minister who says he salutes evidence based, scientific approaches and those who take them, he falls short in the expected and appropriate protocol. Always the drama teacher.", "I thank you for beginning a great and vital discussion. It is important that we decide as a state what our priorities are, so we can focus our energies. Our constitutional convention will be a place where we determine which issues are most central that they deserve mention in our founding document. Obscure tax codes do not get codified in the constitution, but our fundamental relationships–with the land, with our government, and with each other–will be governed by our constitution. The convention will allow us to debate and set priorities in an environment free from partisan squabbling and petty politics.", "\"By stirring up the anger of the US populace, he distracted them long enough to get their votes.\"\n\nOh brother. Pretending issues such as illegal immigration and dissatisfaction with Obamacare are new issues needing a Renaissance provided by Trump is bogus. You people crack me up.", "I hope she appreciates Judge Nakamoto's mercy and doesn't squander this opportunity.", "Anyone can pull \"facts\" from the internet. If I pull \"facts\" from a source that you think is to conservative, would you believe them? How about a liberal source? Unless one is actually in the production themselves you wont know true fact from BS. \n\nhttp://marketrealist.com/2016/01/crude-oil-prices-fell-17-last-6-trading-sessions/", "The most troubling statement of all: \"...and what happened ...that eventually made Trump's behaviour seem normal.\"\n\nA CBC Washington journalist said basically the same thing on the National a couple of weeks ago, during another chaotic \"Trump\" week.", "They could sell off the elephants at the zoo to help pay for it. Then again, they may come in handy when the train needs to be towed!", "It only gets tougher - Dallas, Oakland, KC and NE on the horizon, plus the Chargers again next month who I'm sure will want this one back.", "Because he BLOCKED a deal?! Logic 101?", "Thank you PM Trudeau for sending over this delegation and saving the life of this Canadian. That is called leadership. Another great moment for our Canadian government. Everyday our country just keeps on winning, unlike America.", "Thanks for the review!\nI plan on reading. \n\nDidn't care much for Bill. Knew something like this was up, when Bill handed the keys over to his business and disappeared. I knew he'd be safe, cause that the kinda guy he is. \n\nYeah Bill is loud and was when i met him. However Cox is just loud and stupid. \n\nWhen the ship is sinking in the heart of hostile territory, hope Bill is right next to ya. \nCox not so much.", "THIS got censored by the CivilGestapo: Only a fool would choose to believe campaign promises like in 2008's \"If elected I promise to end the war in Iraq.\" Also to get RE-elected in 2012 \"You can keep your provider/doctor\". WORD for WORD this was censored by the CivilGestapo. No foul lanquage. No personal attacks and no violations of the posting guidelines yet it was STILL censored. This tells anybody with any REASONABLE amount of intelligence what is going on behind the scenes of this communist run forum. The minority runs this forum. This is proof.", "While we all sit and Rome Burns the Clinton body count just keeps increasing.", "Really cannot understand why many are so upset about the election in the US when we have so many problems here a home. I really think Canadians like to poke fun and belittle the US to take the heat off our own shortcomings. \nSo, how are the NDP polling, not that great I think. Bereft of any leadership or good ideas, the Liberals will again win the BC election.....thankfully. Why not cut the lefty condescending crap, it shows how little you know. I read the Economist.", "So basically what you're saying is that nothing should be done?" ]
[ "King estates must own some politicians.\nIt's the only reason anyone would suggest spending 17 million on lorane hwy.\n200 cars a day.\nOregon has a stupidity problem along with a spending problem .", "wow you live in an ignorant world see lefty, the usa is where everyone desires to sell too, they dont need to export to us period,, and our cars are not 100% made in canada, try learning how things work", "Nothing in the article about loss of gun ownership. Must need them for \"defense\" against all of the horrid birds and animals threatening his life. State should completely disarm this cretin as too irresponsible to have access to any weapons of mass destruction.", "You pompous, arrogant fools spewing your superiority by claiming you have little or no use for a cell phone etc......you remind me of the same arrogance once upon a time listening to your counterparts proclaiming their superiority NOT have a television at home.", "Shut up. It's ok when 15 Americans are dead in Chicago alone over the weekend but this hits a nerve.", "And I don't care about the problems of bums either.", "I disagree that there has to be a cogent alternative. Just plain cease work at this istant and leave it be as-is and forget about it.\nJust the fact that people like you insist for constructive alternatives is the problem. As long as there is discussion (well-intended) on anything that goes awry, with an eye toward \"saving it\" or salvaging what good that can be had, then every bloody politician will know that all they have to do is simply bamboozle you just enough to get you to approve the start of ANY project. Because once it goes off-kilter you will seek a \"solution\". This will beget you more of the same, ad nausea, in perpetuity.\nThe way to STOP this kind of crap fro happening again is to cease work right this instant in its present uusable state. Thenceforth every generation of voter will be wiser about letting pols sell ignorant public on pipe dreams.", "Cancel all outstanding orders with Boeing immediately and tell the moron we will buy our planes elsewhere. Even Russia. That might register with his minimal mind. Maybe!", "The problem is people come here and they think hey this needs to change yet it worked just fine for years. What moral high ground do you think you hold over people who were born and raised here and this is their way of life. Its not the default response. Its the we get sick of people coming from the lower 48 saying hey I don't like this. No one forced you to live here. There is a large reason that Anchorage/Palmer isn't growing at the pace of KGB/Big Lake. People are sick of some idiot on some council trying to rule their way of life. I am quite sure the majority of people of Bethel feel the same way.", "it's not so much that these people are a certain way, as the country has quietly agreed to do so damned little about it", "Hippies don't in general put their money where their mouth is. They ain't done nothin\" and they don't know what more to do! Damn Beatniks! Get a hair cut and get a real job.", "I guess it's baby killing time! They're biggest freeloaders around!\nAmirite?\n\nOh, and you're an idiot. Not everything has - or should - have a dollar value. \n\nIt's a good thing Alaska isn't gonna get all those free federal dollars anymore. For years we've gotten more than our share. What a bunch of freeloaders! But I have to say it sure has been getting to drive on paved roads though. Gonna miss that.", "Has nothing to do with \"liberals\"; it has to do with 'free enterprise' making a decision it doesn't want to redirect to nazi-sympathizing sites.\n\nPS...Ezra's web site is alive and well and he's making sh*t up for sympathy.\nwww.therebel.media/\n\nGo find something else to be a crybaby about, snowflake.", "ships coming to Hawaii not going to happen as a result of what the 4 useless monkeys in Washington . They can keep up their useless fighting and continue to lose federal money. The Federal money 'gravy train' has rusted and slowly coming to an end...", "Well it would seem Cherrault has bullied, postured and refuse to hear what all voters want. That means Democrats, independents and undeclared. Not just Republicans because you have more. You have made some major malfunctions and now you can wait. No oil tax credits, no LIO, no mega projects. Keep yours sticky fingers out of fund. Tighten up your oversized pants and downsize your obese OCD spending to curry favor with people who plays you for the fool you have become. Rein in your threats of retaliation because voters can enact revenge for threats to fund and Alaska we love.", "This article is poorly written, poorly researched, offensive, and completely out of touch with any kind of reality. As a millenial graduate student and state government employee, you're saying I can get what I need in housing, which is apparently turned down for 3 auto loans and living with 4 other people in a poorly maintained house in a poor black neighborhood, displacing folks who have lived here for generations and are less well off than I, commuting by bike and bus because I can't afford a car? Really?\n\nInteresting how the comments on this article have to be civil, but the article doesn't. Thanks for being insulting and for your classist, ageist, wealthy old white guy perspective. Must have been nice being able to afford a house before you hit 30.", "Unions aren't the problem. It's uneducated citizens who don't bother to attend board meetings but would rather sit back on their fat butt and Monday morning quarterback.", "boohoo. get over the pfd. maybe da villagers can reconsider joining society, getting a job, and all that silly stuff.", "For one thing, the red states are too dependent on the federal spigot to get very far with their silly threats.", "You are wrong. If this project were done without corruption, we would have a stable port right now. It has nothing to do wit your ideological beliefs. It has everything to do with skimping on materials and processes, paying people off, and dirty political tricks that Republicans shield themselves from by blocking anti-corruption legislation in Alaska and continuing to allow only the Alaska Bar association to discipline it's own members. It's corruption, It's disgusting, and it will be the downfall of America itself.", "The failure of citizens to educate others on basic principles which led to the creation of our country, is what is leading to its downfall. I think of the citizens of the super sized cities as having a Hive Mentality, probably by necessity. They are far divorced from any reality but big city life. This is leading to politicians adopting suicidal policies because it wins them the votes of the scum.", "Maybe you should move to San Fran and go live in a box with the other human trash. Alaska has lots of hard working people (including natives) which don't want to support these lazy people.", "The dying out generation ... your interest is becoming irrelevant day by day. People are more concerned about economy, income, house price, etc, not ideology stupidity.", "Pretty pathetic when you must form a Union instead of having government make sensible rules to allow owners and renter to get along. You cannot expect an owner to rent out a unit at less than market value but rent cannot be raised in one year at a massive sum either.", "and you and your family can drown in a hurricane or crap out with asthma", "you live in a total delusional world of liberal nonsense,, we are already connected grid to grid , province to province, we dont need this as we have an over supply of electricity as it is!.. there will be no revenue to offset taxpayers bud, man get a grip and live in reality....", "Again, far too little, too late for the government to intervene now. Idiots - the damage is done. Most middle class workers have ALREADY been priced out of the TO and Vancouver markets and that's now spreading to surrounding communities. At this point, the only thing taxing more of the capital gains on the sale of a house will do is generate more revenue for the government to squander. We need a serious housing price correction to put an end to this wild speculation activity. Bring on the crash. RE in general has become ridiculously expensive with no justification vis-a-vis middle class incomes.", "The great part about this is that the US is not part of it and will gradually be more and more isolated. Another win for the failure President.!!!!!", "What happened to the good ole days when people fly peacefully? Now days a few screws are missing from their pathetic brains. Just throw them in the cargo hold with bread, water and a toothpick.", "Hay good going jack ass. It's Jonny come latelys like your self that can't appreciate a place for what it is. \nSo you have to share it with everyone else instead of keeping the majesty of the place for those who would find it on there own. And actually deserve it. \nGood job ****hole. \nHope I don't see you up there.", "All those folks had ample warning, time after time, that they must evacuate the Keys before the storm hit. Yet they were stubborn and stayed. Now they are complaining about service while first responders are trying to open roads. No sympathy whatsoever for your stupidity. Let the rotting bodies be discovered one by one as a reminder.", "How about you move to Detroit or the Bronx or some other inner city and see what the death toll is there. Baltimore couldn't hold a cease fiire for more than 2 days. Wake up Libertarian and drop your rose colored glasses. You are in make pretend land with your righteous talk. And how many did we kill in Vietnam? Don't give me your libertarian BS talk and make like you know more than everyone else. N Korea should be a parking lot but we keep talking and talking and now look where we are at? We got a scary okole president running us straight into oblivion as Mike Tyson would say. So save your bull crap for the rest of your lala land idiots", "Good! I was tired of financing the big shi**y! Welcome to the rest of Alaska, Anchorage!", "bs, same as klastri, what are you going to do about anything except blow hot air out of your a..", "It's the only place to get 100LL north of the Brooks ,south of Deadhorse and east of the Haul Road. Hope she still can run the camp. Anyone who's watched any of these Alaska Realty shows more than 10 min.knows they're fake garbage. Mindless drama for suburbanites with empty heads and meaningless lives.", "Admitt it sir, you are a freeloader that will never consent to any taxes to pay for State services. You want a free lunch and the state could never cut enough for you, and you will scream bloody murder if they cut any program you personally care about.", "all we need is more syrians, more \"free\" trade with china - LOL. justin is as stupid as they come. the syrians have no jobs but somehow get a handout ahead of the Albertans", "Look all they are talking about is letting the troops off the confines of the area they are in to blow off a little steam. But really they should not even be there, get them back to Canada and we can let them enjoy the summer then send them to our north to learn some winter camping skills. It is stupid to think our troops need to be there at all, JT is stupid to think he is making a difference, the liberal et all are stupid to think they make a difference, and the troops they know the whole mission is stupid. It makes me sick to think we have any troops in this area, let alone thinking of more training as reported I yesterday in the globe. There must be a way for Canadian citizens to get rid of a government.", "Meanwhile the roads are crumbling infrastructure is falling apart. This city and state has the most incompetent donkeys I've ever seen in my life good grief", "Right the fuck on. I couldn't agree more! All you piece of shit out of towers DEFINITELY need to go back were you came from and give us our hometown back! This doesn't even feel like like Portland no more, it just feels like a \"Snobby/Yuppiesville\" now. So GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU SORRY ASS OUT OF TOWNERS!!!", "This is not a \"creative solution\" as English puts it. It is the obvious, and wrong, solution of taxing hotels further. People whine about Hawaii being an expensive destination and you can thank your lawmakers for that. Taxes like this cause hotels to charge more when there are millions of dollars of taxes left on the table from airbnb and others. This is not a creative solution, it is a cop out. Mayor Caldwell claims to understand that how important the visitor industry is to the state and then he flops on an issue like this. Pathetic all around.", "No flotation device, dumb, but not unusual for down there. Saw many boats with families loaded down out in the bay in rough weather. Some things never change.", "Unfortunately people are just too stupid, lazy and irresponsible to manage their own lives. They have become dependent on Government and only want to live for the moment.", "Ridiculous, Las Vegas-y, blot-out-the-night-sky distraction to both drivers and pilots. Expensive to maintain. Pumping out green house gases. And apparently fairly useless too! No wait, it advertises!", "typical ignorant lefty, no clue as to the costs that are soaring, the milions that had to giver up thier doctors and insurance cause some government mandate says they have to have this and that,,, trump is thier champiion just not for greedy ignorant left wingers living off the mandates etc... too bad sheep of liberalism like you are blind to the real problems,, i guess you have a crystal ball too since no bill has been put forward thus you have no clue what is coming to replace it", "There is a fine lone between stubborn and stupid. Without meeting the federal standards there is a real chance many Alaskans will no longer be able to travel out get to work. Since the majority of the States have already complied it it very unlikely Alaska will win this battle.", "We are $20 Trillion in debt, we don't need more subsidized feel good projects like the Fire Island Wind Farm. The Paris Accords result in corporate lobbyists stealing from taxpayers to meet ridiculous goals.", "Wow! The writer of this article and the ADN are both as pathetic as it gets. It's hard to know what keeps this paper in business, it certainly isn't the subscribers. no one wants this so called newspaper for anything more than fish wrap.", "More likely than not this is a matter of overall junk service not directed at any particular group of people.", "I'm sorry, but in spite of your quotes above, you are either idiots or desperate for money and/or attention. Heck, if you're on a transcountry or trans-Atlantic flight, you can SEE the curvature of the Earth! Ugh!", "Tell them all to stock it in their butt. They should set up their power grid better a long time ago instead letting themselves go bankrupt. Sounds like they need to help themselves instead of asking the u.s. taxpayer to.bail them out.", "oh please save the bs, there is nothing this trash can do to redeam themselves after a decade of incompetence and corruption", "I flew twins otters up there in the 80\"s. There was nothing wrong with the old airport, other than a little short for a beech 1900. So may you ask yourself this question...Where are all the high priced engineers with their bright orange jackets that study the daylights out of these projects and concoct all kinds of fancy equations and bs when these problems occur? They should be forced to stand behind their work and pay for repairs for the millions and millions they charge the state for their ridiculous designs. You can always tell who these fools are on the state jobs.. they have the brand new white pickups with the lights flashing with a set of plans laid across the hood of the truck looking bewildered ...idiots...they should all be design build put out to bid, the state of Alaska Dot needs to be gutted.", "This is a cheesy, backdoor way to borrow ever more money - sell the asset now, get money for our out-of-control government to spend NOW, while the lost revenue is spread out into the future. And airports are a serious part of national security - does Justin really want to sell them to foreign interests?? How short-sighted, greedy, naive, stupid etc. can you be?? CUT SPENDING, stop subsidizing idiotic bits of \"innovation\" policies, fire about half of your bureaucrats, and cut the pay of those that remain by 15% to 40% (higher cuts at higher incomes). Quit paying OAS to wealthy seniors - in the short term, change the clawback - longer term, means test on income. Don't sell valuable assets, screwing future generations more than we already are. How can JT look into a camera and claim to be any friend of the young, as he piles debt upon their heads directly, and by sleazy schemes like privatization???", "Seriously....who the F * # K is S-A polling??? People that have NEVER flown? People that consider a \"big trip\", a family vacation in Hilo???\n\nDo they even KNOW what an airport authority IS, versus the pathetically inept, Hawaiian kine state gov \"management\" that we're currently stuck with???\n\nThis poll is highly suspect ...", "Why do we NOT have a few smaller and faster passenger-only ferries?? Get us off this DOT treadmill of dullards and dimwits.", "I hope to hell you and your crap attitude never make it to Nome, and if you want to talk about a \"colossally vulgar display of wastefulness\" just take a look around Anchorage, it's everywhere starting with the LIO....", "Kill rail and turn it into an elevated roadway for buses and cars that pay . Oh that's right no more Common sense left in Hawaii.", "Can't you lazy bums do anything ??? We send you there and you don't do diddly", "Darn leftist political whimpiness: Now airlines do not dare to react properly and give the boot in the rearend to foul passengers, and the subhumans get not dealt with properly .", "so you dont use oil? no gasoline? no plastic? man you ignorant losers are pathetic", "Dumbest travel company ever! I don't need to be traveling to places where I need government-assigned escort.", "Balanced my butt!!! Shell games and wishful hope. Wait until business leaves for cheaper electricity. There will be zero growth of the ecomomy which this B. S. is based upon.", "There's no icon for \"you write like you're stoned\" and he felt like he had to click something. I appreciate the challenge of trying to figure out what he's talking about, it's sort of like a crossword puzzle, so maybe later I'll like it. Or maybe not. The best I can gather is that he wants to give the airport land to homeless people.", "My plan A is to see this collection of fools and their bedfellows in the other party dumped and replaced by people who appreciate the needs of working Alaskans in the cities and villages and have a different priority than protecting the Alaskan tax haven and giveaways to the oil companies.", "I hate to say it but, who would be stupid enough to take their plane out during heavy winds? Sheesh", "I could careless about what the fakeass state or city governments thinks about the most stupidest ideas that you people come up with is pitiful small minded and to dam much instead you assholes fix the problems that we have at hand no you dummy's keep adding more projects online then you assholes can finish official are a bunch of incompetent people costing taxpayers money unnecessarily spending we already had railroad tracks going around the islands and that money that you dummy's spent already you could have put tracks on all the islands and buy new trains for half of what you stupid people did how much more dumbasses are you people put to take care of our affairs not mine to many greedy and corrupted officials sitting in office making decision base on what and where the hand outs is going to be lining there pockets I don't like politicians they are so full of shit all they think of is themselves no one else so the rail is dead and it has been from the beginning wake the hell up", "It's kind of disturbing how little thought some people put into their comments. You really think it's \"simple\" if you have HPD responsible for airport security? You do realize HPD has limited manpower don't you? The only thing \"simple\" is your mind.", "No, just a plane and stupid ideas. Quebec\nwill never get a grid like that. We in the \nwest have supported Quebec for to long.\nNow the West should separate from the\nEast. We will look after ourselves and\nthey can feed themselves.", "It's time to use some common sense. Build to middle Street and stop. You probably could even think about changing it from rail to buses since the rail system is a total waste of money and will need a lot of maintenance.\n\nThese elected Officials are just a bunch of donkeys who don't want to take a stand and demand accountability. They are all part of the problem here in Hawaii.", "And that's not all those state workers at our airport spend thousands on crap and say it's for training or some other fairly tale. There manager acts like it's his own personal savings account and does what he wants. That airport needs a serious audit because the tales I have heard sounds like they ar as bad or worse than our elected officials", "And there are no real problems that need to be dealt with? How stupid are our elected officials? Too stupid to live!", "another waste of money\n they live in places with no real hope of a normal life, no o rlittle employment, education, health care etc\nthey need to move closer to the real world or be happy with what they have\n there is never enough money to correct stupidity", "Some of the essential air service subsidies are needed for down the chain, but they are definatleynot need in the Bristol Bay region or the Bethel area. The Federal government is so stupid that they recognize Grant Aviation in the Dillingham and King Salmon area as the only airline that flys to the Bristol Bay Region when in fact its a crock of shit. There are about 25 small airlines out here that are not federally subsidized and these little airlines provide 90 percent of all the passenger service. Grant Aviation is getting paid extra to compete with all the little guys. What a scam. More wasted taxpayer money", "At long last, the idiotic decades-long N.I.M.B.Y. blockade against the reality of modern air travel has broken. Propeller planes are far noisier than modern jets as Boeing proves in Snohomish County every day.", "It's time. With a city this large with no highway that connects yet bypasses the city so you don't have to stop is ridiculous." ]
Her name is still floating? Might I suggest flushing twice?
[ "If by 40 you are still unemployed, you are likely one of Trump's \"poorly educated\"........", "Good points, unfortunately western \"progressives\" are wilfully blind to the reality of the niqab all over the world - they see women submitting to male authority under the guise of \"modesty\" and piousness as cultural differences. In Canada the veil means \"feminism\" but in Iran, women who don't cover their hair are flogged by morality police. The Globe also purposefully ignores the fact that the veil is synonymous with a belief system that condones the death penalty for \"apostasy\", \"blasphemy\", and homosexuality - yet they accept the \"feminism\" narrative without question? Next week, the Globe interviews three guys dressed in KKK outfits just out for a community bonfire talking about how their cloaks represent \"diversity\"...", "Theyre the \"experts\" apparently", "Do you mean 1980s style Calvin Klein and Jordache jeans?", "China maybe not yet, Shanghai can and Shenzhen - cities where there is enormous developments being made in working clean energy solutions such as bike sharing and electric scooters. \n\nMost of China's emissions are due to factory line production of products to the west. \n\nEurope is leader and will remain leader in clean energy solutions. Asia has also strong presence and growth in this field.", "Yeah, and I'm just another commenter for hire. Let me know when you find out something useful.", "Strange. The landlord wasn't racist when it originally leased the property but is now racist when the tenants are being told their presence affects the property and its value.", "Hahahhaaa....!!!! Chickens....Cluck...Cluck...Cluck!!!!! No doubt the reality is they want a system so they can spy on each other with voice recording devises too....that way Meyers and the rest of the paranoid bunch can find out which legislators are in fact breaking ranks and perhaps beginning to think for themselves....", "I hate to burst the author's bubble but Kid Rock is not a dolt. Regardless of his politics for which I've never taken an interest, Kid Rock is a very talented guitarist and a veritable encyclopedia when it comes to modern musicology. Sit him down with an acoustic guitar and ask him to play anything popular from the last 50 years and, likely, he'll do it. His knowledge of country and rock music is amazing and possibly unsurpassed. He is extremely highly regarded among musicians. Beat the guy down all you want but don't call him a dolt just because you don't like his behaviour.", "You had me up until \"Christian society.\"\n\nCanada is a secular state.", "HRC was the most corrupt candidate in decades. Her candidacy and the behaviour of the Democratic party subsequent to losing so badly, even beyond the executive branch, illustrate their bankruptcy of morality and any ideas that interest the electorate. Only sycophantic media hysteria over Trump covers this up.", "and so it begins..... so many fires burning for the​ Libranos and so little time before the election", "Globalist like to pretend the Confederate Flag is a symbol racism when its a symbol of State Nationalism, and we all know Globalist will stoop to trying to erase history, banning words and inciting wars including race wars to stop Nationals or The People from controlling their own political destiny.", "Rick it would be very interesting to know what you do for a living. You point of view indicates working for a living isn't in your cards.", "The Donald is so out to lunch. Hay Donald, why don't you do what you promised and give us health care second to none? Too tough? Always felt you were little more than a big cry baby.", "I'll jump in ahead of the nativists and ask what his immigration status is." ]
[ "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....Now that is the most desperate smear on the (white) male I have ever seen. As I have stated before ICON - Hogwash (slimy, filthy and stinky).", "Love how these Reformaclowns keep wistfully bringing up Harpo's name when he departed the scene defeated long ago without having achieved any significant lasting political accomplishments.\n\nAfraid to now even reveal his true whereabouts.\n\nProbably off hiding in a closet somewhere or at Sheldon Adelson's casino in Lost Wages with his other loser Repugnican buddies.\n\nHe's not coming back, clowns.\n\nTime to get over your man crush, methinks.", "Liar. I'm considering your idiotic source. Anyone that carries the name Mohamed shouldn't throw stones. We don't need any wannabe Muslim bringing bigotry into our great nation. We already have way too many bigots and racists hurling stones.", "You're a T R O L L\nYou faked someone else's name and you've been trying to make them look bad.\nWhat you did on those articles about those unfortunate deaths was unforgivably bad.\nGet your own name or just go away.\nQuit trolling other people's names, quit trolling the real 907AK.", "Not really seeing what your cynical, self stroking comment has to do with some jerk that had to skirt the system that is trying to keep out these invasive species and drive his trailer/boat into Green Mtn without going through the proper channels. But, not matter how right you think you are and how terrible of a place this is for you, nobody is keeping you here. Just go back on the same road that brought you here, make CO a better place and beat it!\n\n\"....attending school without shooting their classmates..\" what an ass you are!", "Civil beat common you think Caldwell will remove Ron Taketa his boss he kisses Rons butt.. The one that ran all the dirty ads at prp for kirk. You got a better chance removing the pope..", "I suggested you research it but clearly I wasted my breath. I even provided a link that explains how it was brought up numerous times before Reid ever got to the Senate in '87. How is it possible for Reid to \"resurrect it\" if it was used regularly before he came along? If you weren't such a partisan hack you would have avoided looking like a willful idiot. All it would have taken is maybe a minute to read through the facts you were just provided but that would require you to exercise even the smallest mote of skepticism in your own self-righteousness.", "No NO & NO!\nTHIS DAMN COUNTY NEEDS TO STOP FOULING UP THE DUNGENESS RIVER!\nLEAVE THE RIVER ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "~ WE USE HYDRO IDIOT. YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD 20 TIMES NOW.", "So he's an \"idiot\" for thinking that, being both conservative and male, he'd get a fair shake in a tech company rife with political grandstanding about tolerance and inclusion? He's like Harvard's Larry Summers. The latter suggested, to an audience of female scientists, that one hypothesis explaining the dearth of top-tier females in STEM fields is female choice. For daring to say that, the female scientists got hysterical, worked to get him fired, and added evidence that females are thin-skinned, emotional, unable to tolerate different viewpoints, and lack leadership grit.", "stupid comparison. if you had condi's job, you would have prevented the whole thing. right? nahh, don't bother answering we all know the truth.", "no kidding. Started with McGuilty and has been getting worse with Wynne and Boy Blunder.\n\nTake a look at your hydro and gas bills. My hydro has plummeted and the savings appear to have have been added to the gas bill.\n\nShe thinks we are too stupid to notice", "no, we should call it babbling deluded stupidity. You live in a home made from wood, and yet in staggering hypocrisy seek to deny others what you enjoy, You spin yourself stupid, one minute lecturing how we must turn to renewable natural resources to save us from global warming and extinction, to then demonize harvesting a renewable natural resource Stop being a liberal sheep.", "Art, the fact is you made a mistake, and let your big mouth get out ahead of your brain (a common occurrence). No amount of obfuscating and tap dancing will get you out of it. But nice try, genius.", "Looking: Ya, \"Drop the block all together\", Lets just let the Police decide when they pull you over. Dispatch, Vehicle Stop, Uhhhhhh, driver is Ummmmm, female, No, male, Opppps, he/she, she/he, Cough, wait a second, Trans-Mutilated, maybe Agender, I know for sure they are not Black or Mexican, Wait, the driver says to look on their Drivers License and in the sex box its marked with a \"X\". H ^ & *, I do not know. I am calling in for backup, I need to go see the Psychiatrist.", "I did not comment on the bizarre event of him driving along during the day with a body in his car. I just can't fathom how stupid people can be...even criminals. I'm glad he had not dumped her body yet or else he wouldn't have been caught. I just wonder what they are going to do with the money! Maybe the powers that be could divvy it out to substance abuse treatment or some group that works with prostitutes. They could give it to some child feeding program.", "I was getting everything right but quit when I reached the second \"Drake\" question. \nIs this quiz for readers to have fun with or another goddammed advertorial?", "Just another reason to turf these imbeciles from Queens Park. Maybe the cops who have been suspended on criminal charges and who are receiving a Sunshine salary can assist in fixing this mess.....or maybe they not. Might find them of the golf course now.\n\n Now back to the topic.....a few years ago during a snaking line of cars approaching the 400 N I noticed a car approaching my rear, not slowing down so I braced myself. BANG, and this young Asian lady with an open laptop on her lap looked angrily at me as though I caused the accident. Hours later after reporting to the collision center, I fumed about this ridiculous system. This driver shold be OFF the road for a min period of 30 days and have a mandatory driving training, PLUS a HUGE increase in premiums. \n\nI dont care how much the lawyers make,,,,,,,if people cause accidents they should be OFF THE ROAD permanently. And the medical mess is assesemnets is a joke and always have been. Must address this asap.\nLots of problems...", "Hillary is so far removed from the Real World. She is still living in the past. I would never DARE to tell my magnificent wife HOW to vote or WHO to vote for any office. Geez, Hillary just because you married Bill and put up with his indiscretions (to keep moving up the political ladder) tells a lot of ladies, that you are not too bright. I mean, I do not know any woman in her right mind who would put up with his crap. So no respect for you.", "Things could've been worse. She could have been on a flight coming in from Japan, and the two dozen Japanese male perverts around her would've whipped out their cell phones (or more) and watched her let loose while they grunted and moaned, lewdly and passionately. Probably would've been a hit video on some Japanese porn site, also, as she is blonde and those degenerates go absolutely ape**** for white women.", "I don't know your name, are you an immigrant? Your questions are kind of odd, are you rapist? See how stupid you sound?", "That was 15 seconds of my life the g&M owes me.\nDumb article and dumb G&M for accepting it. I could just as easily write that there is a split between those who use their right hand most or their left and those with light-coloured hair and those with dark. All very sinister, I'm sure.\nThe article was just word salad.", "Ha ha ha. Just let Obamacare implode from the inside out. Ha ha ha. When this sh!t implodes carry an umbrella. Goo can be a sticky mess. Yuck.", "exactly...Ballard has every right to pick her team. While Kealoha was robbing the City blind, Ballard is trying to fix things. She is in my prayers as HPD has become a disgusting embarrassment to all.", "You sound like an elitist, mtf1953... Many people barely finished high school but they sure are hard working, tax paying, law abiding individuals... You sound like Hillary... Just deplorable... And you know what mtf1953...? You can call me anything you want because you have the right to. I fought for those rights for 25 years while serving in the military... And you know what else, mtf1953...? I actually graduated summa cum laude and have taught for 28 years... How bow dah, mtf1953..? I think you are the one that's acting like a \"dumb pig\".... But you know what, mtf1953...? I still like you....😊", "Not necessarily. The former prez put in place so many stumbling blocks that very few knew about. His political schoolyard antics gives a better insight into Obama's utter contempt for our country's way of life, our foundations of life, liberty and pursuits and really does illustrate how mean, nasty, vindictive, calculated and unpatriotic his administration was and still is. There are careerists still infecting our national governing infrastructure that wake up every day and think, \"How are we going to fool 'em today?\" Immigration parole status is such a narrow and extraordinary one that it is barely, if ever used. Now the question is, will this coordinated attempt to obstruct, confound, diminish, mitigate, or degrade our nation result in more needless American deaths due to his actions? Maybe then the news orgs will finally get disgusted at what their savior is and has been doing when given power and report accordingly. I'm not holding my breath. Mrs Lynch? Comment?", "What about all the other examples Renzetti cites? Did Jo Cox deserve to die because she was a woman? You are the problem, buddy.", "Dammit who's in the kitchen ? Where's my pork chop? Woman you hear me, I got your shoes so don't go sneakin out...........woman......woman ...........maybe you need to be pregnant again to keep you on task.", "Would you white folks please use your real names? What do you have to fear? hodad, GFN55, Tell the Truth, recovering homeroid, watching alaska die,Woozer11, Geezerly, jabbers, cheechako, nativegal, come on. Be truthful.", "You neglected to answer my questions about the defense of marriage act, NAFTA, her putting blacks into prison for minor offenses and wanting to make black predators heel. Please respond love to hear your erudite answers. Also her support for the Iran Nuclear deal and opening up borders for the whole western hemisphere. Can't wait to hear your wisdom.", "Must be somkind of stupid. Could have just said I glanced down and drifted into oncoming lane but admitted to taking aim ! What's wrong with the human race, couple days ago some gal drives her suv into Safeway because they wouldn't take a bad check. It's like 5 year old mentality anymore is the norm with people and mental instability is the excuse. Maybe these people shouldn't be allowed a license to drive.", "So, basically what you're saying is that women, (particularly, although I also know some teenage boys) who prefer privacy while peeing are somehow mentally ill and must be ripped out of their insanity by a six-foot male in 4-inch heels goggling them over the top of a public restroom stall. (And, yes, I have had that experience and know other women who have had it also). These fearful and unfair people who think their body shouldn't be under public display of the opposite sex will get used to being goggled and their daughters won't even think it's unusual and the whole world will be better off for them getting used to being sexually harassed. And, hey, the occasional sexual molestation of children ... that will only grow the number of transgendered, so it will meet your goal and that means there's nothing to worry about.", "Well, there actually is a fix for \"stupid\". Unfortunately the only fix available for \"stupid\" isn't legal -- yet. :-)\n\nBut I really need to talk to Darwin about that theory of his, apparently the gene-pool-cleaners have been shirking in their duties in ridding the human-gene-pool of all its disasters. I say we remove all guard-rails and warning-labels from everything for a few generations. That should bring things back in balance somewhat.", "Is your typimg finger stuck somewhere? Same lame post repeatedly throughout the comments, if thats all you can muster for a comment, you must be one of those traumatized Liberals still harping over harper, take your meds man.", "Maybe more a sign of dead wood being cast aside. Look for more heads to roll.", "if you pull your head from your bum and be original instead of regurgitating talking points you were told like a mindless sheep, I said the FED, not Obama, and the fed has done a horrid job at enforcing our immigration law and why there are 22 million illegals in our country today. take your straw elsewhere SHEEP.", "She died Don Richey. I'll be seeing you at a SEHS reunion if you'll come out of the bathroom and overcome your fear of others calling you out for what you are - a rat.", "Interesting. Something tells me you are omitting some nuances. For example, the first law applies only to nursing homes where someone repeatedly and knowingly refers to a resident in a manner contrary to what he or she wants. Yes, that is stupid enough, but it is couched as a form of harrassment of helpless people. It is not about just referring some random person encountered on the street or a store or wherever the wrong pronoun.", "I'm waiting for Wynne to publish her book - \"Election Buying For Dummies\" I can't believe this is still happening and allowable. What a disgrace she and her party have become. No sincerity, no authenticity. Only what can I do to stay in power. Shameful", "You should hear Kaaihue's dumb stupid psycho presentation on Hawaii's Election Fraud. Real stupid!! She's an embarassment to Hawaii, someone tell her to change her last name, it's shameful! This is the reason why Hawaiians don't get involved in politics, it's shameful!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dowO-NhwT2Q&t=20s", "maybe his brain cancer, or the drugs he's on, is affecting his judgment.. because, if something looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck!. the same for illegal immigrants,(criminals).. how are you going to find out if they are illegal for certain, if you don't ask for their paperwork??.", "Yup, the LG would go against precedent and call for a $40M election redo when she has another obvious option. \nThen she'd head for the nearest fallout shelter and hope to stay there for 10 years or so. \nI can see that happening. Suuuure.\nAnd Brexit: the brits made a stupid decision but they made it. They'll live with it, so how about you let us live with ours - Clark out and a NDP government with Green support.", "Obviously, Laura Mulligan's statement proves she's an idiot. There should be a policy of letter rejection if the first sentence demonstrates imbecility on the part of the writer.", "I don't know if the rat lung worm money was diverted as retaliation, but it's high time Tokuda is removed as WAM chair. She has become arrogant, misusing her power and position for personal means. As she grand-standed on the rail funding issue and launched a mean-spirited attack on gov. Ige's proposed budget, I wondered if she was setting herself up to run for governor. She has no one to blame for there downfall but herself.", "Or what? You'll do the same? Get outta here! If this was my family member, I'd be too embarrassed to admit it. This is not something I'd want to be known for. Not only did he shoot him twice but slit his throat! This is disturbing as hell!", "Some people just need to chill out. Why bring up something that happened years ago? Because of what's going on today you idiots want to dissect on what happened in the past? You idiots are reaching and I mean reaching for something that means nothing. If Janet was a white woman and her right breast was revealed nothing would change. The press would write up the same thing. There are some idiots that still need to evolve.", "My advice is to stand back, Roach.\n\nThe splatter off of Trump is going to hit a lot of people.\n\nAll your Fox News faux responses are not going to change history.\n\nTrump and his gang of sewer rats are going down.\n\nEnjoy.\n\n.", "Interesting. If John gets to call me a liar...I get to respond. If our peers feel that is uncivil...then perhaps first downrate John's comments.\n\nWhy on earth do you go back to a 3 month old comment in order to perpetuate your ridiculous and specious accusations?\n\nMove on, John. Your false reality has grown tiresome. Please stop making these false allegations and setting yourself up as the litmus test of truth...for you fail miserably.", "Oh Dianne, it bad to show a joke about hillary but it's ok to show Trump's severed head. You are the one that is appalling and disgusting. We will be voting to send your ass home next elevtion.", "Well, since I live in CA several months out of the year, we see a HUGE reduction of mexicans and other illegal aliens here. \n\nAnd the only joke is the morons that are slamming their heads against the wall that he is building. \nTrump has done more positive things than Obama did in 8 years. In fact, everything supports this except the MSM, you, the snowflakes, and the Trump-disorder syndrome people that are checking into their shrinks in record numbers! Are you one of those people? Melting snowflakes all over the place as you realize you lost with the just re-opened investigation of your babe, Hillary Clinton, by none other than the FBI! You see, snowflake, they have everything on her now, the docs they just found and were hiding, are now going to court. You don't hide docs unless they are damning. That is your babe about to be going down again. Ask yourself...why would the FBI re-open her case again? \n\nNo laws broken by us. We had a permit. Did your side to beat people up?", "Then its very very confusing why they would charge him with penetration - twice.... and hes actually admitting to touching her, so if at very least you're implying that's ok...\n\nJust cause you think he's your friend cause you bought a few dogs off him doesn't change the fact he raped a girl or that he committed suicide to avoid the embarrassment of trial. And hes also a repeat offender. \"Dredge\" up information... its common knowledge and half the reason you read through the article\n\nTHE GUY WAS GOING ON TRAIL FOR RAPING AN 18 YR OLD EMPLOYEE>>> HE KILLED HIMSELF TO NOT GO THROUGH THE EMBARRASSMENT AND JAIL.... oh and he sold hotdogs and talked to you while he took your money.. whats inappropriate is the actions he took....and it did happen.\n\nIf your relative was this 18 yr old girl you'd be singing a different tune and looking back on your free conversations and $9 hotdog a different way; have some respect for the victims and dont put him on a pedestal and ignore the whole rape thing", "Who is that clown? \"Trying to coax girls into STEM, with some notable exceptions, is like trying to coax them into men's professional football.\"\n\nIf the best spokesman you can come up with is a raving doofus men's rights activist, you might want to rethink your position, or at least your strategy.", "Ruth if our cheap fn politicians would stop sending BILLIONS overseas and start treating the mentally disturbed we will continue to have these problem. And I will never get rid of my AR-15 and will always carry my .380. You see i'm handicap and will always be easy prey for the thieves and lowlifes out there and I have only one question to these lowlifes. Can you outrun a bullet", "Oh shit ... they seem to have left-out orange-skinned ginger-haired triple-spirited six-fingered \"persons of size\". Left-handed ones. With Tourette's Syndrome. Maybe hemophilia ... \n\nCan't make a decision? Just check Option D ... all of the above. This juicy job is supposed to reflect a a spirit of meritocracy. :) Not diversity ...", "Maybe try to find some support for your inane contention. I bet it wouldn't surprise you if Martha Stewart held up two liquor stores and raped a jogger after she beat both Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather upon crashing their event. You have a fervent imagination, no?", "I might believe Drumpf if he repeats his claim while under oath. But probably not even then. I'm just going to add this to his long list of Twitter Tales, aka \"lies\".", "Though I never did find her funny this is especially pathetic judgement on Griffins part and I hope CNN parts ways with her. On the other hand, Trump whining about it after his \"lock her up\" and \"knock the hell out of them\" bravado? Seems he has a couple of capers where his big boy parts should be.", "Except, of course, this is still a dynamic and developing situation. There may be one more person in the GOP who cares enough about this country to keep a *filthy* rich, clueless, unprepared, war-profiteer out of a critical seat.", "Wait a minute. Wait—a—darn—minute. Wasn't the goal all along to be able simply to say that there IS a Commission, rather than actually to have the Commission get all uppity and rock boats?", "Stories get moved around. You also have to look in the right place. This is the second story under nation and world news.\n\nQuit being such a crybaby.", "maybe it was my use of the word imbeciles regarding this group of haters that was deemed unacceptable, but I'll say it again, CB, and see if you delete my comment a 2nd time re this article...\n\nthere are likely many in this bunch who would pack the 'closet' of secrets and hypocrisy.", "Cross her and you might kill yourself", "Yawn....zzzzzzzzzz. I'm pretty confident that our ultra-conservative state will continue to overlook this fools poor behavior and send him back for another 2 years of nothing only because an R is next to his name.", "Is it not completely obvious to everyone that this woman is mentally ill? I mean she needs to seek qualified help, maybe spend a little time in a mental ward under some supervision. Add the rest of the idiots who voted for her please. She is clearly about to have a mental breakdown every time she speaks she is about to fold. Shameful behavior and her actions on the MCB are reprehensible. Get rid of this shameful nutcase or you are doomed to have her idiocy repeated.", "Your comment is silly. It presumes only partial, and arguably errant, aspects of an anthropologic, sociologic, and subjective view of sexuality. The whole reason the Church persists in her teaching (..yes, she persisted and still persists...) is because she communicates the life of GRACE available to those who follow the gospel of Christ, her founder. Grace helps us in our growth in HOLINESS, our coming to know and see Christ better, that we might one day be able and worthy to see HIM in all His glory. If we strive for grace, them the subjective views, and first hand \"knowledge\" and \"experience\" of the laity can be properly weighed by their true worth and merit. Then we see that the personal arguments and experience of an adulterer, pervert, pornographer, sodomite, fornicator, etc, dont really matter much.", "She used precious little English to get where she is! She used a lot of x-rated films, nude posing, and botox!", "Nope. Let me help you right your ship. It's another long list of reasons why corrupt cops and their corrupt-cop-loving Republican friends need to be eradicated.", "This witch hunt needs to stop. So the guy likes jacking off in front of women. If you feel offended, turn the other way. I mean, really. He wasn't exactly holding a gun now.", "Yeah! She and Elizibeth Warren could host a seminar on high cheekbones and good indians vs. bad indians. Cash firewater bar!", "I will not. She is a treasonous, lying, divisive hypocrite looking out for only herself. That her outrageous criminal behavior coupled with a lack of ethics and morals can be overlooked by her supporters is mind boggling. Disgusting.", "This Muslim says \"WTG El-Papa.\" Wholeheartedly agree. Heard her speak one time in which she said, \"You girls, please don't kill your babies--give them to me.\" Wept until my beard was met because it was clear to me and everyone present that she meant every word she said. I won't pray to her, as I only pray to God, but I certainly have no problem revering her as a saint. A MUCH better choice than some of the Church's earlier picks.", "I wonder where the damage to Jughead is deepest - in the house taking questions about ethics he can't answer, or on the road, taking questions from Canadians he can't answer. Only selfie power remains, it is so abundantly clear he is an idiot. There's blood in the water, we just need a shark.", "Molly would gladly have put her rump in front of President Bush in front of millions of viewers. I'd bet the dress is still in the closet waiting for DNA sampling.", "Fair enough but I am not encouraged by what I'm seeing so far. To date, his modus operandi has been: Try something stupid; watch it crash and burn; then try something else. The immigration file is one example of that.", "Gingrich, Pawns?? are you reading the same article I am? And regarding \" not running\" how about Mark is a human being , why can't that be a reason to not trash him ?", "hey goddess, watch out out for that pile of #$%^, ohhhhh, sorry, too late.", "\"Can we change it to dead savages to avoid mispronunciation?\"\n\nJust so you know who flagged your disgustingly racist post, it was me.", "RTH problem with you idiots is you keep on focusing on the Clintons and they're not in the White House so get over it. The bullseye is on the Chumps fat rear end and it's a hard target to miss. As much as he shakes it even Stevie Wonder could hit it with a slingshot from a mile away. Only a true idiot would not say that this presidency is a f-----n mess. BTW how many bankruptcies have you been through.", "Why take the lead on posting when there are so many posts like yours out there to reply to?\nWhat's \"pure comedy\" is that 1) you can't answer my question about the threat (\"Where's the threat\"?) and 2) you continue to prove my point about you and your propensity to assume (\"so darn trump type angry\").\nPlease continue.", "I defend a thrice accused rapist? Where? I've never defended Fornicator Clinton who paid off victim Paula Jones. $800,000.00\nYou're as disgusting as her highnASS, HRC.", "Apparently so, but perfect timing for my new innovative device to replace the timely task of urination and defecation with a mobile, minature Aeration chamber and settling tank. Just dump and then dump again. \"It makes things a lot less complicated. And when you're busy, it takes the toilet off your plate\"\n\nNext up is Sex-in-a-Cup.", "I am generally the first to say that exceptions exist but how do you know she was really gay to begin with? Or that she really desired men afterwards? With gay conversion it is far more common for such converts to revert back to being gay.", "Victoria pumps 150 million litres of raw sewage into the ocean every day\n\n... the moral high ground of the activist is paved with hypocrisy", "here you go again. the discussion is about kenoi and you again pivot to denigrating Caldwell. cb should admonish you for your continual denigration of Caldwell on these blogs, irrespective of the subject matter. you are malicious and vindictive.", "How long until somebody accuses her of murdering Servaas, her lesbian lover? I say 12 minutes.", "Yet, if you would retire from here-we would all be better off. You do realize your rationale of sympathizing with the white supremacists and Nazi's is completely incorrect and borders stupidity.\nAfter your last statement, you have lost all credibility and may want to consider changing your user name to Klasless. My mommy taught me name-calling is not nice and serves no purpose when I was 5-How old are you?", "Evidently you neither read nor understood my logical arguments about the false math used by deniers of the 97%. Did you go back and see that the false math was used in the papers you linked to? No, of course you didn't. You also ignored the implicit consensus of all the science societies and organizations in the world, which I stated twice. Yet you continue to push the falsehoods of others without even considering or responding to the arguments I made against the falsehoods. That makes you intellectually dishonest. Maybe liar is too strong a term, but the result is the same.", "Sadly, you have hypotheticals in your narrative as well, James. 13 years ago I was with my sons in an Indian restaurant in downtown San Francisco. As I headed to the men's room there was a commotion in the ladies' room. A transgender guy dressed as a female prostitute in a very short skirt was in the ladies room shaving his legs at the sink to prepare for the evening. He had no underwear on so his junk was clearly visible as he had one foot up on the sink. This was all apparently no big deal to him, but a female patron had complained to the owner, who was confronting the guy and holding the ladies' room door open as I walked by. I figured, wow, so that's what goes on in San Francisco. Now this will be coming to a ladies' room near you and your young daughters, minus the confrontation. The brazen attitudes will increase exponentially as the administration enables their behavior. It is only being done to increase the turnout for Hillary, not just for the benefit of the trangendered.", "Well, to be fair, any supposed \"merits\" of Trump are yet to be seen, so there is a reason these people keep up with the conspiracy theories and other deflection tactics that involve people that are not Trump, like Hillary. \n\n\nNext up in the rotation? Maybe the birther stuff? Ayers? Alinsky? Wright? Obama is secretly gay and/or Muslim? Or that Michelle is really a man?\n\n\nThere is no end of nonsense conspiracy theories that the right spends hours and hours agonizing over, all while ignoring the rot at the center of their party, as well as the intrinsic immorality of their ideology.", "I am going to guess he'd sooner release his taxes before releasing his actual IQ..\nThis is a no-win situation for him.\nBetter to stay silent, and let others think you're a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt", "All the non-believers please hang on to your disrespectful thoughts for when the rollout begins, get out of the way. You will be mashed in the crap that you spew from your tiny minds and filthy mouths. You all disappoint me to the max for your classless conduct and loser attitude. Can't you move on and get a life? I guess not, since you all are having such a good time jawing back and forth and really without solving anything at all. Well, have at it, especially, klastri, allie, ad1, dai, ready2go, QBcoach15, gonesh, aiea7, downtown, and the ever alert keaukaha. Like the cowboys would say, \"Git along little doggie.\"", "This is absolutely disgusting. Of course this garbage has an attached emergency clause. Kate Brown and her liberal cronies who proposed this nonsense need to be deported along with all the damn illegals who they want to support with our money. Screw them!", "nicknaylorrulesagain/nicknaylorridesagain/retireefinally, etc, etc writes:\n\n\"and yet again a left winger spews the childish stupidity\"\n\n....making it very clear why he keeps getting banned.", "Or she might go out with a black man some night and a right wing white goober will gun them both down. Whats your point? Do you wan to start naming names? You'll loose that one starting with Mcviegh", "I am ashamed at my alma mater. I am ashamed at the whitesplaining, plantation-owner mentality displayed in the some of the comments below. Really? \"...would think be grateful to have the comfortable lives most of us have....\" Really? Yes, slave-owner, thanks for letting them come into the house now, and wear nicer clothes? NO. I will keep marching on behalf of POC, LGBTQ, Muslims, and immigrants. When one is in chains, none of us are free. Nancy Schurtz needs to be fired. Deady Hall should be re-named, and the Black Student Task Force should get to name it. Speaking of, all 13 of the demands the BSTF asked for should be met. Otherwise what kind of backward, hillbilly, ignorant, racist, football-obsessed university do we have here? Shall we change the Duck theme song to \"Dixie\"?", "Roof Tops\n37 minutes ago\nIn reply to:\nFunny, I still see it, so not sure I believe you. Your known for making stuff up after all. All I said is \"your double wide must be nice this time of year\"... And that comment is still up. So...\n— Rachael Stevenson\n< this comment did not meet civility standards >\n.\nPersonally I wish people would be a little less touchy about the \"civility\" of a comment. I would prefer to read most of the stupid comments with the good ones because it gives me a pretty good gauge on the writer. It also helps make sense of some of the replies imo.", "I'm still not sure why the Governor was not handling public relations. Considering their status of government, debt and unwillingness to make concessions it puts them in a tedious position for receiving aid. IMO, Trump would have kept quieter had this woman stayed off CNN. So I ask, who is being the idiot here?", "Congratulations, Globe. \n\nWhat Denise Balkisoon thinks about Harry Windsor?\n\nCall in the Nobel committee; you have discovered the mathematical limit of irrelevance.", "and the feverish hand-wringing continues. as if it's gonna change how peeople here have been growing, eating smoking, and transporting their pot for the flast 40 years WITHOUT ANY HELP from the state. In fact, in many case's the state's own stupidity has only aided the \"criminals\" we would have a tome filled with legends of yore, heralding our own successes against these bumbling sheriff of knottingham types.", "This authors inflammatory rhetoric and alt-facts need to be called out for what they are, bigoted and divisive.\n\nSo after years of attacking the Jewish faith, Muslims are now \"self-reflecting\" on how the chickens have come home to roost?\n\nThe victim card is already wearing thin, and yes, those opposed to M-103 are preaching equality and free speech, but to the radicals, waving is now considered a Nazi salute. Opponents of M-103 are clearly not the bigoted goons the fascist progressives are foisting as alt-facts.\n\nCanada has no place for this authors or left wing intolerance.", "Wow, my mild and inoffensive comment gets deleted and this piece of drivel stays up? Something is seriously wrong with the censors on this comment board.", "Just because your name is ducksinarow doesn't mean you have all your marbles. Now go crawl back into your whole you Nazi racist.", "Can't believe the snowflakes melting over stupid shit like this! You keep removing HISTORY and it will be forgotten... you people are raising your kids under the pantyhose umbrellas and retarding their learning abilities by \"shielding\" them from EVERYTHING! My God let kids be kids! Let boys be BOYS and let girls be GIRLS.... Quit raising your kids to be confused retards that get offended by EVERYTHING!", "And what about that 'lil trailer park trash Miley Cyrus? When is she leaving?", "IF she's lucky enough to live that long. What she did implies a lot of stupidity. Darwin may intervene.", "I will never recover from the deep sense of shame that washes over me every time I confront anew the fact that the buffoon Trump represents my country.\n\n I’ll always feel it, even if President Gillibrand is followed by Presidents Kamala Harris, Ted Lieu, Joaquin Castro, et al, and the Republican Party atrophies like a vestigial tail, drops off and is forgotten by history. \n\nThis shame is eternal.", "So called conservatives! What did you think you were getting when you got together and voted in this little imp? Yes she was a little wacky but our city would be in much better financial shape had we ignored the cheap political assasination executed against Amy and done the right thing. Hope you establishment hypocrites are happy!", "I know what her problem was. I have 21 cats, kind of an informal rescue service. More keep showing up. I leave my idiot magnet on. She should turn hers off when she leaves the house.", "More Hollywood Stupidity....so boring. But the bigger question is ,why is this NEWS worthy?\nI say to Mr. Kawaipunahele aka;Patrick Stewart, Good Luck with that US citizenship application. First Red Flag? Unable to assimilate with the Leader of American people .....It;s as stupid as me saying: I want to be British subject/citizen so that I can Oppose the Queen of England.", "Ok all you NDP \"LEAP\" manifesto types, where is your hero Naomi Klein? Her fawning adoration of Chavez and Venezuelan thuggery knows no bounds. I'm sure she's awfully hysterical over the thought that such a pathetic dictstorship could ever be sanctioned.", "Wow...I can't believe that the Washington Post, from whom tis story is syndicated, is still talking about the \"potty Dossier\". Wow. They are grasping at straws. Bezos is the devil.", "At some point in this squabble, you know the dollar signs popped up in her eyes. Apparently, the husband was waiting at the arrival site holding up a sign asking if anyone has video of the incident.\n\nThey should throw her in jail.", "What absolute nonsense! Coming from this mutt and his leanings as a Dimmocrat, it's 'par for the course'. First, Colorado drivers licenses, now, 'a fund for legal aid for 'illegal aliens' to fight deportation' Here Illegally, broke the laws of our nation, and this 'mayor' sets up a 'fund' for their legal plight, what absolute nonsense. Has anyone ever debated this 'mayor'? He's a real dope, and the embarrassment would be entertaining.", "Christy1, a poster on this thread is a real little hellcat. Her favorite word seems to be \"regurgitate\". she used that word in two recent posts. Must be trying to impress us. I'd like to vomit down her fat ugly neck. I'll be she is a fat girl, ugly and smells really bad on hot days.", "Amen. Plus, I have had to \"approve\" as many as five comments — sometimes twice — to get my own posted. It's a dumb system.", "That story should be quite compelling. She was located by her husband. The airlift photo depicts a perilous ordeal.\nReporters aren't required to be perfect with every keystroke. It's time your silly side accepted that and grew up.", "Has someone added a person to the Godhead, maybe Ashura, the ancient wife of Yaweh? That would be heresy (unless the whole Church through council agrees to it. Correcting how we use natural law reason is not heresy (by taking away the supposed superior competence of the Pope, reason be damned). The consequence, of course, would be reinterpretation of certain moral questions. I can't wait either, but I think we need the asexuals in the clergy to out themselves (like Burke) and apologize for imposing their natural instincts on the rest of us, who don't share their peculiar natures.", "Totally Off topic, but it seems we have a new Civil Bot, bot! For nearly a year now I've avoided the Funny Red Owl by just passing on every comment because it didn't matter and I didn't want the hassle of getting out of jail. The ridiculous thing for me is that when I got in trouble before (-swear words, blatant racism and etc.) it has now de rigueur! Some subaltern in the organization finally crafted an algo to screen swear words, imagine that. Dang, now I have to actually read silly crap to post. I wonder what the cost of this so-called service is?", "RA: Didn't take long for another buttercup to come to the rescue and no surprise it was you. Why is it when you get all flustered and frustrated you revert to senseless ad homenium attacks? Do you think that makes your comment more relevant or is it just childish chest beating. Or does it satisfy your cyber bully ego?", "Excellent work Chelsea ! So many sanctimonious fakes in the Democratic party...I remember when Abercrombie said eff you in a letter to a State official....and then Hawaii voters made the clown governor. The middle finger is so appropriate in this case and I am looking forward to 4 years from now when we can vote this corrupt woman Clinton out of office." ]
Stop by So Cold at MFNW/Project Pabst! It'll make the top of any list. socoldpdx.com
[ "Nothing wrong with that headline. He has rocks and steel balls in his head!", "Good comment. and as for ' [In] cases in which THC was the only drug present were analyzed, the culpability ratio was found to be not significantly different from the no-drug group.” '\nYes but this would apply to experienced users. First time & less experienced pot users should not get behind the wheel.\nPart of the education program that is needed.", "I'm sure that sentence means something. Right?", "you're a real fun person to be around.", "What a load of HS!....Just more sour grapes from the Democrats and their sinking ship! I'm no Donald Trump fan but, the guy \"WON\" the election so please, please all you lefties, just get over it already !!!!!!!", "This guy was not a sniper people...ugh.", "\"Just because it will eventually be legal, doesn't mean its safe.\"\n\nTrue, it is 5000 years of experimentation and use both recreationally and medicinally, without a single documented fatality, that means it is safe!", "Absolutely brilliant,\n most of these so called writers are all Zionist manipulators.", "You should try watching his show. It is funny AND informative.", "Congrats to Bernie! I really hope if he doesn't get it that all his supporters will go for Hillary rather than not voting and letting Trump win.", "Are we allowed to criticize him or is that racist?", "They have already been paid under the table. That's why nobody has seen any of the money. They get so many more benifets from ConocoPhillips. This is fracking nuts.", "All it takes is a few good men...\n...to look the other way.", "I'll try to refresh your memory. I got this from the Huffington Post. \n1. On election night, several television networks called Florida for George W. Bush, clinching the electoral college — although Gore would end up winning about 500,000 more votes. Gore called Bush to concede.\n2. Then the networks uncalled Florida — and Gore unconceded, realizing that he was ahead in the popular vote and if he ended up winning Florida he would have won the election. The election was literally too close to call.\n3. A legally mandated recount began.\n4. Bush (not Gore) sued to stop recounts in some counties.\n5. Gore sued to extend deadlines for recounts.\n6. The Florida Supreme Court ordered a more extensive recount. Bush (not Gore) appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.\n7. The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the recount.\n8. Gore conceded.\nBush v. Gore would resonate, in any case, because the Court prevented Florida from determining, as best it could, whether Gore or Bush really won.", "Why ? Acknowledging a creation without a Creator is pretty illogical. Unless you choose to believe something comes from nothing, and the law of thermodynamics didn't apply for a long period of time. Equivalent to believing a frog turns into a prince and rabbits come out of hats.", "Again Lynn, you have no idea who I am or what I do. You have automatically put me in the category that that dislikes homeless and travelers without meeting me. Would it shock you to know I have friends that are in the “legal” homeless camps, and that I work for a no-profit that assists people of all ages in need throughout the valley? And when I say assist, I work with people face to face to try help put them in contact with resources to help them recover from whatever may have put them in their current position. I also meet with people that disagree with me, or I disagree with, and I appreciate an open discussion in hope of exchanging ideas. You are a very passionate person, but your passion seems to have created a feeling of intense tunnel vision of frustration, annoyance. contempt, hostility, and resentment to others that may not agree with your point of view 100%. I always ask people to welcome constructive dialog, and I hope you will be a facilitator, not an obstacle for change" ]
[ "It is right there in your original post: ho\n\nMaybe before you go on a typical conservative, holier than thou, condescending, pompous, arrogant rant to lecture others, you should proofread your nonsense.\n\nFortunately this site allows one to laugh and scoff at red bigots like you.", "Yawn! More 'poppyland' style propaganda by our general staff who love to strut and rant about Taliban' scum',moving Canadians into more dangerous regions, and then slither off into retirement. Some things truly...never change!", "Make so much sense unless you are trying to advertise you silly faith.😜", "I am ashamed at my alma mater. I am ashamed at the whitesplaining, plantation-owner mentality displayed in the some of the comments below. Really? \"...would think be grateful to have the comfortable lives most of us have....\" Really? Yes, slave-owner, thanks for letting them come into the house now, and wear nicer clothes? NO. I will keep marching on behalf of POC, LGBTQ, Muslims, and immigrants. When one is in chains, none of us are free. Nancy Schurtz needs to be fired. Deady Hall should be re-named, and the Black Student Task Force should get to name it. Speaking of, all 13 of the demands the BSTF asked for should be met. Otherwise what kind of backward, hillbilly, ignorant, racist, football-obsessed university do we have here? Shall we change the Duck theme song to \"Dixie\"?", "suicidal tendencies are treatable NP5! But if your proned to ride that missle in, strap in and have a great LAST ride FOOL!!!!! I'll be laughing watching!!!!!", "She died Don Richey. I'll be seeing you at a SEHS reunion if you'll come out of the bathroom and overcome your fear of others calling you out for what you are - a rat.", "Show Ms. Deluxe the door. Then she can have all the time in the world to click glasses with lobbyists and any other creepy crawly that she's interested in rubbing noses with.", "Come on Phil, you posted the same damn thing in 2013, except you deleted \"The NDP are 20 POINTS ahead in the POLSS!!! (sic)\n\nOrange is fading, like wallpaper from the 1970s, and Green is greening. But in 72 hrs, the flag of Red, White & Blue will continue to fly over this province.\n\nSplendor Sine Occasu !", "Oh Rthur, I knew we could count on you to maintain your Fox News Lapdog status. I just love the most ignorant of voters (you and the MAGAphants) are so easily distracted by Hillary Clinton. It's so much fun knowing that you can't move on from election day 2016. Your heads are exploding and your hair is on fire from all of the baby-in-chief failures this week. I've run out of words to describe how spectacular stupid you are, and yet you keep posting. Not two weeks ago you predicted that the senate, with Trumps supreme deal making ability, would pass the repeal of the ACA. What changed. Better start keeping track of your stupid comments. Oh wait, you MAGAphants are a reflection of your infantile leader - no brains, no memory. I totally know why you like him, you're just like him and it in supporting him you are becoming a smaller and smaller minority reflecting the true morons in our society. You're running neck-and-neck with sparkle,Ronin,and sarge as the stupidest MAGAphants.", "Want to help stop Trump ruining America ?\n\nRead this guidebook on how to do so :\n\nhttps://www.indivisibleguide.com\n\nResponding to the paid Breitbart/Putin/Koch posters online is a very ineffective way.\n\n\"Learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.\"\n\n- George Bernard Shaw", "For the \"hipster gym rat\" its mostly not even about the exercise I suspect...\nIts mostly about scouting for singles...buying fab new sweatspants etc etc\n\nIts about calling yourself a \"gym rat\" and thinking its cool....like those lunatics with the full \"Tour de France\" outfit on' and the bike strapped to the roof racks...\n\na bit of a grumpy old man", "THIS IS A TEST: \n\nAny fool knows Star Trek is the best albeit lacking the technology available to more recent shows. Your post is total crap. \n\nThat's not what I really think or how I talk...just giving you a crap comment :)", "Catch them, eat them and then petition government to stop the stupidity of farmed Atlantic salmon in the Pacific.\n\nReally, how many warnings that this is insanity do we need?", "your ignorance knows no limit, look to the NW states and california who forced such high fast min wage increases and there were lots of layoffs at the small business level!, it always comes true!", "is this news??? put it in the ads section. and who cares about who got promoted. really, who give a rats ass about these peoples new jobs. what about naming the person that got promoted to supervisor on the construction site, or at the trash dump, or at mcdonalds. i had a nephew that got promoted from drive thru at burger king and now is training supervisor ahahahahahhahha serious though, i could care less about these people, why do you keep putting this crap in your newspaper. is it because you have to kiss someones ass. its just like in the sports section on where the kids are playing in college, majority are punahou alums. does the SA sports writers keep checking all on these kids in college playing sports or are all these reported by their publicity seeking parents. I vote these parents are emailing or calling in about to report how wonderful their child is doing in their college sport. bingo", "Fools. Time to load up on this hog.", "Eh...why not. I still think it's funny:\n\nTHE WASILLA GRUNTBUGGLIES!\n\n(Sung to the tune of “The Beverly Hillbillies”—with apologies to Earl Scruggs, Lester Flatt and Douglas Adams)\n\nCome and listen to a story ‘bout a boy named Todd\n\nCame from a place where the men are fairly odd\n\nGot him a beauty queen and spawned a big ‘ol brood\n\nLoud-mouthed, ignorant, drunken and crude \n(Rednecks, that is—tweaker hos, trailer trash)\n\nWell the first thing you know Sarah’s turnin’ politricks\n\nGot Jesus on ‘er side, gonna get outta the sticks\n\nShe said “rich and famous is the way I wanna be!\n\nIf I can’t be vice-president, just put me on TV!”\n(Fox, that is—self-promotion, hate-rants)\n\nIt’s way past time to say good-by to all the Palin kin\n\nWe wish some place that’s far away would kindly take ‘em in\n\nLike Alabama, Georgia, or even Tennessee\n\nLet the Palins burden the ol’ Con-fed-er-a-cy\n\n(South, that is…sorry, folks—yer too low-class for us northern rednecks; y'all go ‘way now, y'hear?)", "another one of the obama administration regulations to supposedly \"save the world\". just like his opposition to the keystone pipeline. the trump administration can't come soon enough. does anyone here want to try to justify this stupidity?", "Gawd but the headline writers and editors at the G&M are so pathetically sophomoric. When it gets extremely cold or the going otherwise gets tough, we don't \"buckle\" down we \"HUNKER\" down.", "jimbo you trash, typical alt left lunatic, someone comes up with a suggested alternative and you immediately call him a denier!! then after i call you out being the coward you are, you edit your post to this lunatic stupidity about trump, well loser its the usa under trump that is going to get past the alt left wing bs carbon taxing nutters like canada and enjoy the prosperity while we begin to do the damage to our people", "\"post puts comments section at bottom so you see their pathetic ADS first , its all money to them not dialogue.\"\n\ngee. \nDo you supposed that is because they are a FOR-PROFIT COMPANY?\nIf you do not like this, please go elsewhere. \nGo to faux news, breitbart, Washington Summit Publishers, American Conservative magazin, Der Sturmer, etc. All of these will be to your liking.", "Oooh, I love it. A sort of \"I know you are but what am I comment\". Another missive from your kindergarten years. Just so you know, smart people are absolutely not intimidated by stupid MAGAphant lapdogs who are willfully ignorant about what is happening around them. I'm sure you've spent many years trolling and getting no response. kind of like your idiotic baby-in-chief. I love having you on such a short leash. Keep it up, it really makes my day watching MAGAphants like you and your exploding head friends, as your racist, homophobic, fat white, leader spirals out of control (I assume you're probably a portly white guy also). Of course you realize he has to keep you guys here, in Charlottesville, and West Virginia foaming at the mouth so that when he is out of office you can all retreat to some white trash community to make a new life with your fellow despicables. Please more comments I'm really having fun. I'm sure there are other kindergarten favorites.", "Congratulations, Globe. \n\nWhat Denise Balkisoon thinks about Harry Windsor?\n\nCall in the Nobel committee; you have discovered the mathematical limit of irrelevance.", "What a whining wanker. In the Navy they used this policy to keep us in line. If one person continued to screw up, the whole barracks was punished. This led to some nocturnal blanket parties to get the jerk who caused the problem to straighten up. It worked. Maybe Mr. Snowflake should be on CNN's ass along with the other Fake News outlets. Until the MSNBCs of the country start playing fair, this kind of treatment will continue.", "Great to see this sort of important and timely local news buried in the website as opposed to all things negative Trump headlining every freaking day. I guess now that police have released the photo ADN can squirmingly announce the suspects race.", "Keeping with that thought of yours here, \"pale in comparison to the damage done by right wing terrorists here, like right wing hero Timothy McVeigh of OKC bombing infamy, or the Birmingham church bombers, or the killers of Emmet Till.\"\n\nBoy you must totally oppose any and all Muslims too then huh! They have the highest number of successful group kill rates of anyone out there, including in the world in fact!", "Monty, we all knew you were a troll on here but parades and snow clearing...lol, thats really reaching even for you. And all of a sudden the CBJ and Flyers are the yardstick...it used to be the never won anything ever Blues but their best years are behind them now...but what could we expect from someone with as much hockey knowledge as you.\n\nThe Leafs young talent is obviously eating you up and it brings a smile to my face.", "Wow, you're post is a smoking gun for Delusional Trump Support Syndrome.\nDTSS ...\nOr perhaps a paid troll.\nTake your pick.", "Atta boy, Zoolander. Your biggest customer, large enough to put out your lights with single phart, has decided to make their goods and services more competitive. What do you do in the face of such a challenge. Why, what any drama teacher might suggest to a 10 year old. You raise prices, taxes and increase red tape. Be right. Be dead. But dead right.", "Actually my favorite is the murder of unborn babies. yes, I realize that. Some of the illegals are also heading north. I did not realize norstog was anglo-saxon or that you were a useless old man. ;-)", "Inside the Beltway and Big Media smell blood and want to go in for the kill....................this stuff sells and puts eyeballs and money in their pockets.......\n\nYou gotta be above reproach otherwise they'll hang you high or throw you under the bus......just sayin'\n\n#MAGA haha", "Golly aren't we generous and welcoming! Very unlike Stephen Harper. Much more like Angela Merkel!\nOpen the border.... announce we are a safe refuge for refugees, and watch as the trickle turns into a torrent! Our stupidity is astonishing.", "Prepare to be trickled down upon.", "I don't go to Fox, I don't go to Breitbart, I don't skim those check stand magazines and I don't believe anything I see on Facebook.\n\nMy point is that there is no difference in validity between all of those and that Kristof is seriously worried about those which are making money for someone else. \n\n\"Some of the people promoting these sites aren’t even conservatives; they’re foreign entrepreneurs trying to build websites that gain a large audience and thus advertising dollars\" \"While the business model for mainstream journalism is in crisis, these alt-right websites expand as they monetize false “news”\"\n\nAs far as 'entertainment' is concerned, you need to get out more; there are an astonishing number of idiots and morons out there who actually believe that tabloid stuff at the check stand! Hillary promised an Area 51 visit to placate some of them, remember?", "..Seriously buddy, do you just wait, like a frothing little dog, for any article with the title Leafs in it to post your drivel??? Sad bruv..", "Right. Remember your post here. This is PRECISELY what I'm gonna say the next time you sniffle and snot about something us eeeeevil 'ol Muslims have done. Khalas.", "Next to leave and be thrown under the dTrump0 endless but effective bus will be Spicer after JOE TRUDEAU calls his cohort in crime dTrump0 to ask \"do you remember who you met YESTERDAY? Or, was it another of your alternate fact dementia episodes?\n\nGeez....Hollywood couldn't write this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\nWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super-Stupid 'Mericans~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "And snowflake would give this\ncreep a hug. Did mommy hug you\nsnowflake, bet she even taught you\nhow to roll a joint, seen as she smuggled\ndope into Canada in daddy's luggage. Then\nthat scum used tax payers money to\nnot only bail the useless thing out, but\nalso to bail his kid. All the while locking\nothers up. Round this useless family up,\nput them to sea on a plastic dingy, then\nallow the US Navy to use it for target practice.\nBetter yet, let kim use it for practice.", "Looking: Ya, \"Drop the block all together\", Lets just let the Police decide when they pull you over. Dispatch, Vehicle Stop, Uhhhhhh, driver is Ummmmm, female, No, male, Opppps, he/she, she/he, Cough, wait a second, Trans-Mutilated, maybe Agender, I know for sure they are not Black or Mexican, Wait, the driver says to look on their Drivers License and in the sex box its marked with a \"X\". H ^ & *, I do not know. I am calling in for backup, I need to go see the Psychiatrist.", "Yes, LFT. In the annals of the Internet, you are a yuuuge winner! The winningest.", "Burn baby burn.\nSeaTac is Ground Zero for the Democratic Resistance Movement against President Trump.\nWe want anarchy and violence because we lost the election and we cannot come to grips with reality. We are mindless fat white women that wear pink pussy hats.\nWe will burn the whole I-5 corridor until we get free healthcare and free McDonalds. Black Lives Matter. Fat White Women's Live Matter.\nWe are Fat and Proud. Long live Patty Murray, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters.\nGotta go...I just farted and wet my diaper.", "Gfaw, Gfaw. Wow, Andrewmoron, you learn that one on the kindergarten playground?I'm more than happy to add you to the list of MAGAphants. Let me guess, you probably look just like the the guy driving the car who also looks just like all the overweight, stupid, racists white males standing behind the baby-in-chief in West Virginia. Please next time you post, attach a link to your latest photo, so we can confirm. No need, we all know who you racists idiots are. Oh, BTW, I'm having so much fun commenting on all the MAGAphant posts. Every day that you guys defend the baby-in-chief by posting comments makes the world see just what morons voted for Trump.", "Pfeh -- that's thinking like a troll. Half those 30 posts are yours!\n\nAnd why on earth should you and the PABA have any say in what the League does? Start your own competition for their forums, since you're so confident you have their new-school successor tucked up in your brain. \n\nLet the League keep on doing what they've done very well since your grandfather was a pup. People like you, who are bored by civil discourse, can just stay away from their forums.", "I love to poke a stick into your cage Art because your ego and vanity provide so many opportunities. You call the paper Pravda, yet you're here all.......day........long. Really it's your only opportunity for interaction with others isn't it? You drum your fingers looking for an opportunity to post a toxic comment; always bringing it back to how you claim you beat the working man while at the same trough.", "YA !!! SHAME--- NOW--MOVE TO my village and cure all of our corporate ills also---we got seals too--don't brutally club em tho--only brutally shoot and harpoon em---yay !!!", "Nincompoop, that's a nice one! I'm partial to silly goose.", "The bleating and tears from the tin foil hat crowd are beyond hilarious! Bring back Harper? BWaahahahahahahah! Just keep checking after you flush twice and it's the same stale smelly muffin remains spiraling down! Keep it up con jobs,at this rate it will be decades before anyone takes you seriously. I am not a fan of Justin ,but if this is all the opposing viewpoints have to offer, he will have a longer run than even his father did. What pathetic Neanderthals,one track minds, the penny pinching con jobs continue to display! Pathetic!", "Incest is best !", "Your headlights went straight up cause that is called ICEFOG.. you should see when ice fog moves into ANC and all streetlights go straight up. Uhh, do some of you live out of state? Or idiots or something, I'm confused suddenly with your lack of environmental knowledge.", "Civil beat common you think Caldwell will remove Ron Taketa his boss he kisses Rons butt.. The one that ran all the dirty ads at prp for kirk. You got a better chance removing the pope..", "That regurgitating, gone fishing simpleton \" libertarian\" mouth that incites, relishes separation between \"winners\" and \"losers; \" those picky tweet fingers throwing, at random, kindling into the fire of confrontation ( while having lived for so long in a penthouse of speculative, manipulative deception ...) - what a nightmarish \"winner\" to deal with in a world of \"losers\" that seems to be imploding - not just from Harry, Irma and Family, which are \"Fake News\" of course. Theresa May, when that friends of yours opens that chuckling mouth, when those tweeting fingers go berserk, your worst enemy might be not just those \"losers\" of terrorists at home ....Remember Greenfell fire. Remember those awful comments about the Mayor of London that such a mouth regurgitated to the point of oblivion. No apologies at all. Such a bubble-babble of an entitled Babel's mouth cannot stop babbling. Send a tweet and ask the culprit to think before opening that mouth.", "The Troll is strong with this one.", "Mission accomplished: bring people back to nature with all it's risks and deceases.\nAnd the most fun and educational part for kids is the killing of Suzy Chicken for Sunday's dinner.\nBack to nature indeed. The left's stupidity knows no boundaries.", "Let me set a new record for crawling my native ass across the concrete jungle through 10 miles of waste deep snow to get to school \"ON TIME' mind you, and see if I create any new \"records\" or start any new crisis' world wide. Doubt it...SMH... its just another back page story...UNLESS", "you have all the character and credibility of a skid mark.", "The \"hands off my \"PFD\" rhetoric is so tiring. I find it's those who keep up this ridiculous chant are the same ones who then decry other social welfare programs for low income residents. And yes, the PFD is a social welfare program. So - Johnson? He's out. \n\nLandfield? \"The closest thing the Alaska Senate race has to Trump.\" Reworking and using Trump's \"Make America Great Again\" slogan (\"Make Alaska Great Again.\")\n\n Yikes, double yikes and no thanks. I'll not take a narcissistic bully on the national level, nor someone who mimics (idolizes?) his campaign at the state level. \n\nVon Imhof appears to be the only thoughtful, reasonable one in the bunch.", "Ah, I am going to take my Sawzall and my Plasma Cutter this winter either by snowmachine or 4 Wheeler this winter and cut that thing into pieces.\nEnough of this pilgrimage crap!", "Let's see, James......I believe this idiotic concoction is #26 on your list of verbatim copy/paste nonsense...right?\n\nSteven D. Slott, DDS", "Your comment has way too much common sense in it for this site. Watch it get whacked." ]
Nobody awake on the bridge, no lookouts ,,no radar tech. Never saw the ships lights ???? Oh boy !!
[ "People are targeted. These nut jobs will find someone to target. Americans at WTC, kids at school, nurses, postal workers, politicians. I don't care that the shooter ended up dead, but I'd like to know how his thinking was shaped, warped.", "This is a major problem.", "Re: \"He and his followers believe America has been pillaged by freeloaders in other countries.\"\n\nThat is because they are delusional and mis-/un-informed.\n\nRe: \"That Mexican wall has to be paid by somebody.\"\n\nIt doesn't \"need\" to be BUILT in the first place.", "Obama was great at that...", "Representative Buck: You describe the \"old\" Republican Party in a manner that probably 80% of the Nation could get behind. If those values are truly important -- and I agree they are -- why doesn't the Republican Party embrace them and ditch the climate change denials, social and family value issues, anti-LGTB, Bible-thumping, etc. In other words, get on-board with the issues that truly imperil our nation, and leave to state and local governments, churches and nonprofits the remaining \"culture war\" issues. Probably too late for the Republican Party, but the new political party that replaces it could really take off if it left the culture war to play out among the people and stuck with the one thing that government does best: governing.", "Paul Jenkins regurgitates his own claptrap every week: blah blah blah [put anything anti-Obama here], blah blah blah [put anything anti-Walker here]. Week after week, month after month, year after year.", "You're confusing criminality with FCC Licensing. The FCC doesn't license ANYTHING that isn't criminal. But the major media considers itself too big to fail. Even tough they were caught red-handed colluding with the Clinton campaign against both Trump and Sanders, their attitude is you HAVE to believe us anyway because a free press is so important.", "Do you need a safe space to cry in?", "I don't need to volunteer, I LIVE it. I have two kids whom have special needs. They both have various behavioral issues, my oldest having more aggressive behaviors...though he's made great improvement in this area. I can't possibly explain to you in the comments section WHY he has these behaviors. NO, he's NOT a student at Mt. I. I can tell you that he certainly DOES have the right to an inclusive education. My husband and I pay the same tax dollars that you do, presumably. Not to mention that little thing called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. I didn't mean that inclusion is only beneficial to the special needs child, it is. But, it could also be beneficial to your children AND their families. With the Autism rates only getting higher (1 in every 42 boys now), some of whom (not all) will experience these behaviors. So, it's likely that it isn't ONLY in the classroom that your child will be exposed to other kids with behavioral issues.", "Nice pictures. I like the large head costumed protestors. Well done. If you look at the picture a very conservative estimate (or only those you see in the one picture where they are speaking to the crowd) I would say at a minimum there are 450 attendees. On this hot Wednesday. Good job!", "Haha, hmm. Both common sense and the cold hard numbers in this paper point to -> more people being able to see a doctor for preventive care = better health outcomes.", "I'm still searching through the article about the revenues it will generate and what taxes will be cut to offset this new found stream of money. Oh that's right. With our D government, it's only addition, no subtraction.", "I find it very sad to know that our own people won't even help their own people, not even the homeless in anchorage but they'll move mountains to bring people from other countries here, give them a place to live, donations of groceries, assistance with everything for them to start a happy life but where is catholic services when it comes to their own people???? What is the real motive in such things. Not that I don't feel empathy for people from other countries but their motives for coming here is simply they think America is the dream land and its not, its far from it. What is the number right now of Alaskans on unemployment? Where is the help for them. This is and has been my stance all along. We should be helping our own people FIRST before we help people come here.", "And neither will happen as long as the Lobbyists own the Congress of the United States of America.\n\nThe American Medical Association, BigPharma, Health Insurance, Medical equipment manufacturers; the list goes on and on. \n\nThose Senators and Congresscritters are bought and paid for or at least on a long-term lease basis with or by all those Lobbyists. \n\nThe direct recipients also cut 'deals' with other politicians who aren't on that particular gravy train to help out on other issues those politicians are making money from.", "AT: I am not in some contest, to \"lose\" or \"win.\" I am expressing my opinions based on my knowledge of this incident. Do I condemn the police actions......indeed I do. I stated at the time and continue to believe that a lack of training regarding dealing with PTSD veterans led to their handling this confrontation in precisely the wrong fashion. Instead of de-escalating the situation, they escalated it. You dismiss the quotation from a third-party expert on working with PTSD individuals as \"\"Hogwash.\" \n\nI hope the police have learned from this case and will have a better understanding of PTSD issues and how to deal with them without escalating the level of confrontation. However, the reaction of the EPD has been to defend their every action and not acknowledge any mistakes. In today's litiguous world, that's the approach virtually everyone takes....Deny, defend..... Ironically enough, it is an approach which also promotes lawsuits. \nGary Crum", "The al-qaeda members were sued under the US anti-terrorist act (ATA), including Omar's father, Ahmed.\n\nDamages under the ATA are automatically tripled.\n\nBreakdown was $31.5M to the Speer family ($1.5M lost wages, $10M pain/suffering, $20M to widow & kids\n\n$5.2M sought by Morris and family - $2.7M awarded ($200K lost wages, $2.5M pain/suffering)\n\nTriple these amounts and you get the $100M+ figure\n\nNote that the posthumous pain/suffering amount to Speer is roughly equivalent to that received by Khadr." ]
[ "Doing the same thing over and over after shootings - you mean nothing? Doing nothing at all about shootings?\n\nYep, pretty insane.", "China's puppet Trudeau isn't going to do any such thing.", "OMG with the amount of stuff coming at the Pres. 24/7 it is a wonder he does not forget to put his shoes on. Who are these idiots who keep trashing these inane ideas that Trump had forgotten to do something...he was talking to people when Pence reminded him what still had to be done (and that is what Pences job is for God's sake!). These idiot Newsies haven't got enough to do but to keep printing their garbage and stoking the fires! How they are loathed in, and around, the U S A!!!", "We don't protest so we have nothing to apologize for.\nYou are terrorists", "hell hath frozen over, I agree with DD, this is dumb.\ndidn't see that coming!", "It's for sure that trawling doesn't help. It's all man made in the end. Humans are stupid.", "Communists and left-wing thugs have no place in modern society. None.", "More like the idiot's inactions.", "Trump's first bluff with China was his blunder over the One China policy, and he folded like a house of cards, causing the Chinese to laughingly proclaim him a paper tiger. The armada bluff was similarly disastrous. You have to be as naive as Trump to think that the Chinese don't know where US aircraft carriers are at all times — and that they don't share that information with North Korea. Calling the armada story a bluff is giving Trump too much credit; more likely it was a spontaneous lie that left the White House staff scrambling to provide cover for him. When the inevitable happened — Trump's lie was exposed — Trump just looked like a fool, again.", "Third!\nWhat a bunch of slackers.", "I remember being reminded when I was in the military that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on a Sunday. \n\nThis was supposed to encourage those stuck with \"the duty\" to pay attention. \n\nThe best and the brightest are seldom at work on the weekend in a 24/7 organization.\n\nUsually in the military the OD was the SLJO. (Sh***ty Little Jobs Officer) and the NCOIC was the guy who was overweight, under-enthused and work averse but had been around long enough to keep the SLJO from screwing up too badly. \n\nIn the civilian world it seems to be the newest, most underpaid and risk averse. Sometimes all three!", "No, it's not 'there'. And you can't provide any source. It's a lie.\n\nA bald faced lie that you and the other poster can't back up.\n\nYou should be ashamed. But you probably can't conceive of the very concept.", "We had decades to protect our grid and harden our infrastructure for an EMP attack, and no one in power did anything other than insure their own survival. The sad fact is this....Our globalist leaders want the majority of people to die so they can re-emerge at some future date on a planet devoid of most people. They want us dead!!! That is the reality....", "The writer of this piece failed to mention one of the Ducks goals came after a missed off sides call, another after a missed icing call, and the interference on Talbot was a sure thing, the Refs and Linesmen SUCKED in this game. It was truly a disgusting display of either bias or ineptitude.", "Can't you lazy bums do anything ??? We send you there and you don't do diddly", "Good points...I don't think anyone saw this coming, even for all the crazy nonsense Trump says.", "What an astonishingly incompetent and arrogant government.", "The NFL doesn't know-tow to ignorant Republicans.", "Sure, no doctors were killed, no clinics shot up.\n\nYour wholly imaginary false reality won't save you.\n\nAnd your failed defense of Nazis is disgusting.", "Wait a minute. Wait—a—darn—minute. Wasn't the goal all along to be able simply to say that there IS a Commission, rather than actually to have the Commission get all uppity and rock boats?", "Geez, I thought only 0bama was stupid enough to announce his military strategy to the world.", "The depths of your ignorance are unfathomable.", "What a dumb idea....", "It never bothered the idiot Pio Nono.", "That's right, he showed up as the entertainment, not a leader. He rarely if ever speaks a complete coherent sentence. In a world of social media likes and celebrity, his crowds more then likely wanted to tell their friends they got to see him, be close to him, walk by him. God forbid he showed any sense of intellect, he went right to the lowest common denominator, fear and foreboding to the overwhelming number of under-educated, closeted US public. Pathetic, but here we are...", "You're a jerk with nothing useful to add to the conversation.", "If you think sailing around disputed territory is crossing a line it shows you don't know the line, which shows you are naive and will get a spanking.", "When the deck is stacked like these folks are doing it, it's just like Russia, no real news, no real justice system, legislators are puppets, cops are bullies and all our money is being redirected to the bully pulpit.\nAll we get to do is make jokes and wonder why we lost 58,000 of our peer group in nam fighting communism when this administration welcomes them into our country. I spent my 3 years training to fight the Russian blocks tanks now this outfit is buddy buddy because so called president trump owes them a lot of money? And sir how about the huge GOP push to restrict voting, gerrymandering and the electoral college, one man or women one vote is long dead in America.\nThank goodness these folks are so dumb, trump says the last President wiretapped the towers, somebody had to get a court to OK a wiretap so they must have been doing something wrong to get wiretapped. Maybe that's a smoke screen but now the question is \"what were you doing wrong to get wiretapped\" please explain...I", "\"Team Trump\" ?????\n\nIt is to laugh.\n\nThere is no \"team\".\n\nThere is a madman who is an unstable megalomaniac with no clue and no policies and NO leadership. \n\nAny that surround him now are mere sycophants and toadies.\n\nAnd America fell.", "\"There was never anything more to it than that, then or now. \"\n\nIt is when you say \"we were looking for a fight with a stupid Aboriginal\"", "And there are no real problems that need to be dealt with? How stupid are our elected officials? Too stupid to live!", "Trumps has no class.", "The U.N. is a useless organization, completely dominated by Muslim nations.", "What a stupid country.", "your an idiot PERIOD!,, FULL STOP!! , trump never enlisted anyone you ignorant brain washed fool, that has even been admitted by CNN now!,, Whats wrong with this picture? Answer, YOUR STUPIDITY", "You're right. White people never experience dark clouds.", "Trump is a classless buffoon with no leadership skills. \nHe keeps dumping on soldiers and his clueless followers cheer him.", "Was going from Peck to Zappa to Duben to go around the construction this morning at 530 AM and had a jerk in dark clothes fly off of Grand Larry onto Duben in front of me. Saw him on Peck just doing whatever he wanted, so I was on a look out, If someone else had been coming down Duben the city would have been better off with out this idiot. Even walkers late at night and in the morning wear dark clothes. Tired of it, make bikers register,test, and buy insurance. Hell every driver and person that uses the roads need to be put through the same grind truck drivers go through, they get in more accidents than the truckers. If I hadn't seen this jerk one street over riding like a new born and expected him to pull in front of me I would have been held responsible for some reason even though it was his fault. No BS, he went from Grand Larry into the middle of Duben before even looking left and shrugged. Berky talks big, fix this BS.", "You really didn't read the article, did you? Is so, you would realize how dumb your comment is.", "Why do we NOT have a few smaller and faster passenger-only ferries?? Get us off this DOT treadmill of dullards and dimwits.", "How about you move to Detroit or the Bronx or some other inner city and see what the death toll is there. Baltimore couldn't hold a cease fiire for more than 2 days. Wake up Libertarian and drop your rose colored glasses. You are in make pretend land with your righteous talk. And how many did we kill in Vietnam? Don't give me your libertarian BS talk and make like you know more than everyone else. N Korea should be a parking lot but we keep talking and talking and now look where we are at? We got a scary okole president running us straight into oblivion as Mike Tyson would say. So save your bull crap for the rest of your lala land idiots", "<<And the Western governments, NGOs, human rights activists and champions of tolerance, inclusiveness and equality stood by in awful silence.>>\n\nNonsense.", "ships coming to Hawaii not going to happen as a result of what the 4 useless monkeys in Washington . They can keep up their useless fighting and continue to lose federal money. The Federal money 'gravy train' has rusted and slowly coming to an end...", "We've waited for years for you clowns to come up with something, anything...but nothing has been found.", "Stupid and ignorant post.", "Trump is a faithless negotiator. Plain and simple.", "Nature isnt fair. Im still waiting for the lightening strike that will vaporize 10,000 ISIS or thousands of taliban. Or freak simultaneous strikes in several large cities that incinerate 500,000 gang members. Whats the holdup God? Make it happen!", "What a dumb @ss", "Not sure why we are even discussing this person, the cops should have just drowned him in the river on the way back to the station. Oh well...", "Wait. Wait. Wait. There was no Russian hacking. Wait. Wait. Wait. Obama failed to stop the Russian hacking. Just how stupid are you people?", "Repubs still in denial. Can't solve a problem if don't acknowledge it. Pathetic.", "What an unbelievably useless comment for a unbelievable topic for the newspaper to write about...", "Idiot? Is that what was missing?", "These overpaid undereducated buffoons can't even articulate what they are doing and why.", "And lobbing a missle over our ally Japan wasn't enough to trigger a response from us? What are you waiting for Mattis, a direct hit before you do something? Again Trump and gang are all talk and no action. He's still beating up the afghans and taking pride in being the bully out there. Loser!!!", "they are a stupid people", "Nothing you posted is \"evidence.\" All conjecture. Cmon - if it was such a problem then post a damn link from a reputable source. Shouldn't be that hard, right?", "why are you regularly showing the bias ignorance with your nonsense, even cnn has now admitted there is no russia connection anything loser", "Ignorant like g.d. sheep.....", "\"Locals\" are ridiculously ignorant?", "I can not believe the level of ignorance.", "A most ignorant comment.", "We don't know, he may have actually had some sort of training. These sort of incidents are so mindless, that one wonders if training would have even made a difference. Some people are just idiots and/or careless, period.", "Totally incompetent, our bureaucrats have no excuses and they really don't give a crap!", "rage against the machine.........\"hands up don't shoot\" never happened. A stupid protest based on a lie and backed by no facts. Yeah I would stake my livelihood on that one. It just shows that they aren't that smart.", "The Soviets didn't call 'em \"Useful Idiots\" for nothing...", "Clinton has hovered at 5000 feet where she can't even see what she considers poor working slobs her entire life and has no desire whatsoever to EVER get to know what it's like to have to actually WORK ...............She's nothing but a liar and a criminal. She's totally unfit.", "All those folks had ample warning, time after time, that they must evacuate the Keys before the storm hit. Yet they were stubborn and stayed. Now they are complaining about service while first responders are trying to open roads. No sympathy whatsoever for your stupidity. Let the rotting bodies be discovered one by one as a reminder.", "Only stupid human error could cause this. Asleep in the wheelhouse? The instruments have alarms, for crissakes! WTF!!! This really shows our readiness to our enemies, doesn't it? And your president sez: That's too bad. Really? Really? What a Commando-in-Briefs!", "First World Problems!\n\nTotally useless article.", "I bet getting warned unfairly sucked. What's a frickin' person to do?", "Off topic deflection trolling. Get lost.", "You sound as ignorant as the fake news media!", "The only \"insufficient tool\" was the candidate.", "no laws against stupid...", "your comment just shows your ignorance. safety first!", "Mr. Photo Op is just to dumb to know when he should be concerned.", "How come Trumplestilskin has never been called for jury duty? Bone spurs?", "Yeah Mike quick your right Obama never had any scadals,at least none that the media would cover, comment on or bring to the attention of douchebags such as your self.so if you don't count solndra,fast and furious,the black panther voter suppression,failed stimulus,lying about hands up don't shoot and Trevon Martin, Benghazi slaughter that they sat and watched happening and never lifted a finger to send help and then lied to the families and all of us about some stupid vedio,the list goes on and on. But yeah I'm the idiot Mike.im the idiot because I still expect that kind of crap to matter to people like you,brainless sheep.", "And the cops thought it just fine not to warn the residents of Anchorage. Pathetic!", "Once again revealing your complete lack of any intelligene whatsoever.", "What a useless organization for peace.", "Your ignorance is shocking.", "You are truly witless.", "Cause the dummies no vote", "Just another WaPo nonsense he said-she-said-they-said story with 0 information being regurgitated by the DP. Pathetic!", "nobody with more then 5 minutes market experience pays any heed to what the bloodsucker squid says as they are probably on the other side of whatever trade they are pumping on that day. I wish the media would stop pretending they have more then zero credibility or honesty.", "Is silly...4 in the afternoon....door left ajar and no one notices until the next day....", "What a weak, lazy PM, all show and no substance. Pretty boy empty headed governing by the tax and take your money Lieberals.", "That's a ridiculous statement based on nothing.", "Read the constitution and get lost.", "Trying to dock a huge cruise ship when the wind was blowing 45 mph was a dumb move.", "If only they were all that brainless.", "What really gets me is that our public broadcaster, the CBC, has not covered this story at all. They overdid the Trudeau helicopter ride but nothing on hypocrit Ambrose. Pathetic.", "There is no evidence to prove your theories. From a scientific, rational point of view, it's a load of rubbish.", "says the weak empty headed", "you cannot reason with an idiot, they are defenseless.", "None of the right wing trolls do it seems", "The NEB hired some clowns that know nothing about pipelines, or even the scope of their powers. Disgraceful. This government is in shambles.", "She not woke, She dumb!", "No flotation device, dumb, but not unusual for down there. Saw many boats with families loaded down out in the bay in rough weather. Some things never change.", "CNN doesn't think, there are absolutely NO brain cells available in their newsroom.", "There are no bikes in them yet you dummy!", "No rat with any sense would go aboard a sinking ship!" ]
Pessimist's might say that we the US will have a Godzillion deficit in 10 years and bucks for Lo-Lo's going be gonahs real soon, however Optimist's might say; look on the bright side, if you work at the Pearl Harbor Ship Yard or for the DOD your career and future is secure braddahs and sistahs!
[ "One these days a police officer won't be able to answer a call without taking along a mediator, a social worker, and an attorney. In our sue happy society, public employees own their jobs and the police can do no right.", "You obviously don't understand this situation very well. I would agree that her passing up other employment is a stretch, however, there is merit to these lawsuits. They (SB Nation) were exploiting their workforce. Maybe read the Deadspin piece before making comments like this?", "If there was ever a comment that sounded like a Trump type outlandish, intolerant attack on those he disagreed with it is this.", "So people who want to own firearms are now absolutely insane as you say. \nGuess that makes law enforcement insane too. May you never have a visit at 0 dark thirty from someone wanting to do you harm and you have no way to protect yourself.", "You're husband has a real problem. Trust me I know, I have the same bizarre addiction. The only difference is that I would never say the things he said to you. He needs to be put on notice that this is not normal behavior.\n\nMy suggestion is that if he insists on indulging in his Trump addiction to set up a space in the basement with a computer and an internet connection and tell him that if he wants to live like that at your expense that he is banished to the basement. If he refuses then you've (or more accurately HE has) got some real problems.", "ROFLMAO, yeah, that's what's happening. I guess false hope is still hope...", "I can only imagine the look on a mother's face when the Canadian Aid worker tells her, about her 2 sick kids, \"sorry, we can't save your son, only your daughter, our mandate is to help women and girls only\".", "That is some great spin doctoring by Trudope's handlers. See how the worked in the idea that Canadians are troubled by the little Omar affair? Oh, yes, and the settlement. The guys is out of touch. \n\nCanadians are troubled by the settlement, period.", "The basic text here is John 3:5 \"Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.\" which was taken to mean that the unbaptized cannot be saved. Theologians then asked, \"What about small babies who die before they can be baptized? Are they going to hell? Is this fair?\". To answer this, they invented limbus puerorum -- \"limbo of the children\" -- essentially out of thin air.\n\nNowadays, the attitude is \"Of course a loving and merciful God would not have that happen\", and limbo has fallen into disrepair.", "From what I hear he did not care very much for the Canadian Taxpayer by flying first class between Ottawa and Toronto when there was much cheaper forms of transportation available, such as the train. Least not forget the insistence on everyone calling him doctor. I for one say keep up the investigation.", "Kaimana was neither a runaway or sent somewhere. The pup was wrapped up in a net and carrying off to who knows where. Only those involved in the kidnapping (NOAA, DLNR, HMAR) and their environmentalist friends know and are allowed to visit the seal.", "\"Eric Ryan, the group’s campaign manager who also lead the Stop Rail Now campaign eight years ago.\"\n\nThat doesn't sound right at all. I think he was briefly associated with that group but they had a falling out or something. He was never the leader as far as I recall. He doesn't seem to play well with others.\n\nAnyway, forcing the route to end at Middle Street would be ridiculous. He should change the name to \"Make Rail a Failure.\" \n\nWho are the other \"leaders\" of this \"hui?\" Are there any, or is this a one-man band?\n\nCivil Beat really needs to stop being so gullible.", "This was one of the topics on the Mandy Connell (Colorado) radio show yesterday. Where a caller said: \"It used to be when People traveling on the airlines used to dress up to catch a plane,but now what we see ,is people catching the plane using T-shirts ,Shorts. \"Hot Pants\" and even Pajamas\". \"priceless or......Classless?\nSo True! And BTW, like any business,,the Airlines reserves the right to refuse service to anyone,if they cannot comply with a simple dress code.\n\n But what really gets me, is when you see these \"Cheapskates\"travelers trying to shove an OVER sized luggage into the overhead compartment! uuuuuuuggghhh! Really? This one really get's me.IMUA", "Well, there you go, if Don Jr says it isn't true then it's settled!", "Remember-we do not know. What we DO know is they shot a felon, rapist, with a weapon and ICE could use more time practicing their aim.", "The state certainly did nothing to contain the violent leftist protesters. In fact they have done everything in their power to get them right back out on the streets in the blue states in which most of these riots occur." ]
[ "Rep Pruitt: You tout cuts but no details on what they are. You ignore the widely know fact that ALL state employees, including the \"vital\" ones you cite could be laid off and STILL not balance the budget. I am on board with both an income and sales tax. They can both be smaller than either alone, capture tourist/visitor revenue along with expat worker revenue. As a bonus the citizens now have true skin in the game and pay much closer attention to the spending than ever before. It's called being engaged, something not seen since the income tax was rescinded. No more stupid, endless SuHydro studies, KABATA, roads to nowhwhere, LIO debacles, travel junkets, useless railroad extensions etc.", "Good I hope \"the threat\" of NAFTA sinks into the swamp \nwhere it belongs! With the rest of the crooks who dreamt it up in the first place. It brought homelessness and it brought death to thousands who were killed by privateer hospital housekeeping company's who are more concerned about profitability then clean hospitals! Donald Rocks!!", "Yes, yes, by all means useful idiots; let us save the whales, save the snails, save the trees, save the seas, save the worms, and save the germs. Of course, we must carbon tax all those greedy polluting capitalists into bankruptcy under one world government by the United Nations to save the planet from GORED BULL warming for the greater glory of the goddess Gaia. The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through all kinds of things worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots,magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles...hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, word-wide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion cosmic rays, and recurring ice ages. Two hundred thousand years man has been here versus the planet for four and a half billion. And we have the CONCEIT to think that somehow we're a threat?", "Did they \"capitulate\" or did the good old white guys of the 40+ \"sign-back-into\" the \"make America great again like is was when we could burn and hang\"?", "The easiest way to win a beauty contest is to stand next to the fat girl wearing a diaper and bad pants suit. \n\n- Mental Instability? Ask Matt Lauer who went bat sh%$ crazy on him yelling and screaming and cursing him and threatening she was going to have him fired ...all for asking a question she hadn't pre approved..Advantage Shrillary\n- Used Evangelicals? Hardly, their moral compass worked just fine in rejecting a 30 yr criminal who regularly has her political opponents and body guards whacked...advantage Killary\n- Suckered Workers? Not this time They rejected Corporate Americas candidate - Advantage Corpillary\n- Unprepared Millenials? Try again they don't want the TPP, and are anti war...Hillary was the \"Gold Standard of endless war candidates- Advantage - TPPillary \n- Misguided Tools? - Those are the ethically and morally bankrupt voters who ignored Hillary's 1,000's of felonies and selling out of this country to vote for herb - advantage Toollary\n\nOut of space Hillary Wins 5-0", "Again, I'm not calling you stupid - I don't know you. \n\nWe disagree on trickle down. It has helped increase income disparity, and helped (along with NAFTA and the like) decimate our middle class while increasing misery around the world. A rather bad outcome wouldn't you say? Of course it's based on an economy that no longer exists, so no wonder. Of course those are those pesky little facts again. You might try an unbiased source - assuming you haven't demonized academia like so many of your ilk.\n\nI stand by my thesis that anyone who rabidly follows the conservative agenda and failed policies is stupid. This, because they aren't working, they freely ignore or cherry pick facts, and are a step back (a big step back) for our democracy (it's a democratic republic by the way). Compare the US metrics for infant mortality, incarceration rates, violent crime, income equality, education, working hours, time off, etc to almost any other developed nation. Is this something to be proud of?", "We shall see how powerless Schaltz and the democrats are. Frankly they just need to sit back and watch the republicans destroy themselves. All this might just change next year. Republicans have a tendency to really blow it because they only care about the rich and no one else. Why anyone would vote for such a bankrupt party is beyond me. \n\nJust remember it has been over 50 years since a republican president submitted a balanced budget to congress. The real pathetic thing is that today's repblicans would never chose this president today. How sad.", "And your point is??\nIF i have a 'fear' it's that one day liberals/Democrats and their socialist hypocrisy will actually rule our Country and turn us into a social failure as they have California & Hawaii and are doing in several other states. America and the way we live can NOT survive as a socialist country, it is hoped that Trump will grind them to dust.", "you are a nut job, ontario has increased its spending by hiring up some 350.000 public sector workers and they did that AFTER the crash in 08 hit us, thus chosing to ramp up spending which has created the largest fastest debt increase in our history, now 320 BILLION! . the size of the debt is due to that, we already pay the most taxes period, its not just rates its the never ending adding of things taxed that has never stopped growing under liberal fiscal incompetence THAT IS A FACT", "Suck it it princess, words like ill -informed, bigotry, delusional, thin skin are all you and your failed ilk have left!!!\n\nPeace in the Middle East, NOT under Obuma 8 years., 300 hundred thousand dead Syrians, yes it's all on Bush - how convenient. \n\nThe Globe has woken up to the Marxist and its failed ideology, change has come. Last on the list of change will be little potato in 2019. \n\nYes Keys Stone has been approved , after all it was \" A No Brainier \" Just saying!", "really black kids seeing that is better than growing the economy and jobs or defending the usa etc as reagan did? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", "Just do your friggin' job! If you feel the need for a higher powers assistance, get another one that you are capable of without taxing us with your weak needs.", "Except, of course, this is still a dynamic and developing situation. There may be one more person in the GOP who cares enough about this country to keep a *filthy* rich, clueless, unprepared, war-profiteer out of a critical seat.", "The great part about this is that the US is not part of it and will gradually be more and more isolated. Another win for the failure President.!!!!!", "Mr Trump may be a buffoon but this constant drumbeat of negativism over everything associated with him is getting boring. The old administration lost track of the needs and wishes of a huge part of the American population and is being booted out as a result. The new administration is going to try new ways to save and create jobs for their constituents. That will naturally offend those elites who liked running their own show in their own way ignoring the unsophisticated masses . But they had their chance and now someone else is getting a chance. Blindly shooting down everything proposed and every personality involved is rather naive and a highly presumptuous. And did I say: boring?\n\nRead your own Report on Business where the need where we are constantly told that change and experimentation and creativity and empathy for customers and staff are brilliant things. So now all this is taboo? Mr Trump should just deliver the same old pap? Come on. Give me a break.", "Thank you for digging that up. When are we all going to wake up that our politicians work for themselves first and count on our dumbness. That is why they cut education first and foremost in every budget cycle. Now we have DeVos!", "Paul Krugman \"Could ignorance, incompetence be the silver lining?\" Actually as it turns out Krugman and other liberals ignorance and incompetence is the silver lining that helped to elect Trump.\n\nThe better question is what \"lessons reasonably rational citizens \" learn from a liberal, Krugman type of meltdown?\n\nFrom one of the latest mainline news conferences Rep. [D] Maxine Waters claims President Trump is currently supplying bombs & bombing Aleppo, Syria. Waters also claims Trumps, Putin/Russia is currently invading Korea. While Maxine Waters wants the-Impeachment of Trump, Rep. [D] Nancy Pelosi believes Bush is still the current President and that she can't work with Bush. At the news conferences both Pelosi and Waters claim Trump is ‘Incoherent,’ ‘Incompetent,’ ‘Reckless’. Really? Hilarious in light of Kruggy questioning if \"ignorance, incompetence be the silver lining?\". \n\nI'd say yes as liberals continue to provide more evidence Liberalism is a mental illness.", "AHH TO BE REMEMBERED BY FAMILY FRIENDS & COLLEAGUES AS A CRAFTY DISHONEST \n CORRUPT MORALLY DESTITUTE INDIVIDUAL\n GOALS WE ALL NEED TO PURSUE \n\nGOOD LUCK", "My plan A is to see this collection of fools and their bedfellows in the other party dumped and replaced by people who appreciate the needs of working Alaskans in the cities and villages and have a different priority than protecting the Alaskan tax haven and giveaways to the oil companies.", "GM,\nAmerica First diplomacy is a certain recipe for disaster. It is only a catchy phrase that works well for NFL teams not world economics. \nTrumpet will have to build many more huge walls to further isolate the USA from the rest of our world if nationalistic phony patriotism was a workable policy.\nThis isn't a scamming real estate business, this is where the wise and intelligent people deal with big problems that require tough decisions. Bankruptcy is not an option. Tweeting is silly and intended for those who often communicate by deception and lying. It is not where informed people go for the truth.\nIn truth, Kerry and Hillary were marvelous Secretary's of State. Ask our allies for their opinions.", "you cant be this stupid! the anti tax increase realist are out in force cause unlike you idiots we understand what makes an economy work and this does real harm to it while accoumplishing nothing for the environment since canada spews all but nothing in emmission of the worlds !<, what is relevant is the future trump world where the usa who is cutting taxes and such will be enjoying all the businesses and jobs that leave canada for there!,, canada needs to wake up to reality,, not be brain washed stupid like you", "Your ignorance is why our country is in so much trouble. If you use debt to buy a house, then pay it off over time, this is good. If you use debt to buy a skidoo, boat, TV, Quad, groceries etc, and add to it every year, you are an idiot. If you do this all your life, and complain you can't retire at 55 and travel, you are a super idiot. The government of Ontario falls into the super idiot catagory.", "You keep forgetting. \"The budget will balance itself\". Silly.", "I hope anyone left with two brain cells to rub together can see just how destructive partisan media has become.\n\nI would argue a full 90% of the idiocy that passes for 'news' or public opinion these days is total garbage. \"Muslim compounds in Alaska\", \"Government FEMA concentration camps\".\n\nMark my words. When we can't even agree on the same set of facts, the wheels are about to come off.", "If you believe that any credible solution can be realized without rescinding \"Money == Speech,\" then you have failed to learn the manifest lessons taught by the last four decades of wild dysfunctional extremes in US policy outcome as corporate spectres fight for control of the soul of government and then abuse it, and us, and the world. Over and over and over again. To steal oil. To fill prisons. To liquidate prosperity and income equity. To do dark immoral thing abroad in collusion with the enemies of mankind; misogynists, extremists, warlords, tyrants, usurpers of liberal democracy. It's pretty bad.", "\"The Senate supports wise use of our savings\"\n\nThe Senate supports taking our PFDs to give to oil companies for tax credits.\n\nThe Senate supports taking our PFDs to spend $3.5 million to fix up the new LIO they didn't need \n\n$4 million to fix up the Permanent Fund office\n\n $400,000 for new computers for the legislature\n\ncontinued funding for boondoggle road projects...the list goes on....\n\nThe Senate leadership are delusional hypocrites who think we are morons. \n\n\nThe loss of jobs was made worse by the legislature's cut to our permanent fund dividends. A removal of 700 million from our economy affects local purchases, local businesses, local jobs.\n\nIn the oil industry however, even as thousands of Alaskans were fired, employment from out of state has increased.\n\nNumber of nonresidents working in Alaska oil industry again up slightly\nhttps://www.adn.com/business-economy/2017/02/07/nonresidents-in-oil-and-gas-industry-rose-slightly-in-2015-for-6th-year-straight/", "The author of this piece, and we know what a piece of ---- it is, is one very scary and twisted individual. What is scarier still though is the fact that she is teaching our young adults, that is what truly is scary. \n\nThis left-wing-ologist makes a living by pumping out nonsense like this and receives money from a university that is publicly funded, yes that is right tax payers dollars - the same tax payers that she is now advocating pay the terrorist. If you ever wanted to know why government is continually running deficits and has accumulated debt to the point that the carrying charges on that debt are a major expenditure it is people like her. \n\nThe majority of Canadians have reacted properly to what Trudeau and his henchmen are doing on this file and rightly want Khadr out of Canada. Kahdr is a very scary person but you know something, the author is far more frightening then 10 Khadr's combined.", "typical left wing ignorants, never understand economics at all, since cutting income taxes will mean net MORE revenue for governments as it has been proven before when both reagan and jfk did it", "Still working the Big Lie, eh Gerson? Yes, 9/11 was a tragedy and quite possibly avoidable if your then boss had been paying attention, but it was in no way a Pearl Harbor. It was a golden opportunity for you neo-cons to have the war you'd wanted since the first Gulf war, and to get it you lied. You lied and got your war and then bungled and mis-mismanaged the occupation and so set the stage for ISIS. You lied and hundreds of thousands of people have died, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee for their lives. And here you are again, still with the lie that this was somehow all justified because 11 young men carried out a suicide attack, and again, tragic as that was, there was no follow up attack. There was no grand strategy other than provoking the US into a stupid war to unite muslims in a jihadist war against America. And you and your cohort of war criminals, let them get exactly what they wanted. Do us all a favor Michael, have some sense of shame and just shut up.", "Yup there it is the folks, the entitled are on a feeding rampage.\n It's not enough to have an indexed pension, unlimited sick days, early retirement, gold plaited health care plan, 8 plus week vacation days, accumulated sick days, personal days,double time and half , endless job security, elevated hourly rate over private sector counterparts , public union representation, 37.5 hour work week and on and on and on . \nSimply put the abused have become the abusers \nHow I miss Harper, he got it - Justin not so much. \nSHAME !!!!!!!\n2019 can't come fast enough.", "ships coming to Hawaii not going to happen as a result of what the 4 useless monkeys in Washington . They can keep up their useless fighting and continue to lose federal money. The Federal money 'gravy train' has rusted and slowly coming to an end...", "There is no difference. Harper was equally as incompetent. Trudeau is now running 30 billion dollar defecits. This over 8 years is 240 billion to our national debt. This 30billion average I assure you will not go down. If you think Trudeau fiscally will be any better then you will be sadly mistaken. If you still think government cuts anything without making up for it elsewhere than you will simply never learn how the government operates. Some of us are just slower learners.", "It's called democracy pal. Get used to it. And boo hoo hoo, \"decades alienating the other side\" - what a ridiculous fable. It is the trailer park right that has spent almost 40 years now spewing hate and poison and the stupidest ideas you ever heard of. You and your ilk are the problem, jack.", "According to the oil lobby, they only account for 10% or less of the gdp. So which one is it? Make up your darn mind", "They will also be benefiting. It's for their future that we invest in. The long term benefits are priceless. Nomu is penny-wise and pound-foolish.", "True, I also -miss those ancient days when as a kid I could roam safely, even hitchhike; families seemed to be stable; folks believed in their excellent public schools; and we all felt like a part of a warm safe community. Best of all, in a strange way, was WWII, where we ALL pulled together for the sake of America.\n\nAt the same time, our town was probably a \"sundown\" town, as no blacks or other minorities seemed to live there; girls weren't encouraged to finish college or take most jobs; gays and lesbians, if we thought of them at all, were just \"queers\"; the environment was too often a place to dump trash; forests were overcut and not adequately replanted, etc.\n\nSo is life better or worse today? That is a long and complex question.", "LMAO. Wow insurmounting college debt. A generation unable to afford to purchase a house and a moron who is undoubtably destroying global trade for the United States and the future of energy independence. Not to mention the whole world is laughing at how dumb America’s are. The rich are getting richer and are stealing money from public schools. Wow. Thank leader🤣😂😅", "Ruth if our cheap fn politicians would stop sending BILLIONS overseas and start treating the mentally disturbed we will continue to have these problem. And I will never get rid of my AR-15 and will always carry my .380. You see i'm handicap and will always be easy prey for the thieves and lowlifes out there and I have only one question to these lowlifes. Can you outrun a bullet", "oh! you bring up GDP? are you insane? NO. Stop this f*c*king crap of jobs for war!!", "Sound like one of those freeloaders who uses this mindset to rationalize sitting on your ass drawing max public assistance. Newsflash were on to you, and your days of a free ride on someone else's hard earned dime are over.", "\"Anybody who can kiss that many asses, that quickly, is so primed for success in the American workplace that they don't need your crappy restaurant job.\" \n\n^This.\n\nAlso, having been both the chatty person and the languishing-in-line-behind-the-chatty-person person, I think the best thing to do is smile and get over it.", "The only real question left in this \"news\" cycle is when will ADN / NY Times / WA Post realize that this repeated biased reporting with hoped for results' admit how stupid they were and that the ship has sailed. But Liberal Elitism is not going quietly, for that we have you and the steady lefty bloggers here to thank and keep the powder dry.", "I have several outdoorsman buddies who have sent their nice girls to UC Berkeley. \nThose girls have returned on holidays quite a bit bigger, hairy-legged, and awfully angry at papa.\nAnger on the left, anger on the right, anger everywhere.\nYou want to tell people \"buck up, you look well-fed\" but it's passing time for reason.\nSometimes I think President Obama was right: \"change is going to come\"\nWhat I think he was either ignorant or deceitful about is that it will only come out of the barrel of a gun.", "your ignorance knows no limit, look to the NW states and california who forced such high fast min wage increases and there were lots of layoffs at the small business level!, it always comes true!", "Boots - do you mean the military spending that our dumbocrap senators and reps keep pushing to increase for Hawaii? That military spending? Darn dumbocraps! You mean the military spending that you dad Danny Inouye got for us in Hawaii? That military spending? Maybe Trump will close the Kaneohe Marine Base and Pearl Harbor shipyard to reduce military spending for you...", "oh bs loser but you are ok with justins larger debt coming and faster debt growth too, typical liberal hypocrit trash", "Coming from elitist Junior and Morneau your new budget, will spend more to save your GREEN ass. How does that work Junior?? All this means folks is that taxes on the rise now and in our children/grandchildren future. Not one word about spending cuts.....OMG this is a nightmare.", "I think what these typical liberals (Butts) are naïve about is that they are over compensating for a 'cushy' job given to one of their friends, while many others more deserving of money from the govt. are getting squeezed. Just another reason NOT to vote liberal in the next election. Lets continue to raise taxes, hit the middle class hard, and make sure all you liberals in govt. get good pensions! (disgusting group of con artists)", "LOL!!!!!!!!!! You're going to use the fact that guns were used to murder 10's of millions of people to imply that guns make us safer? \n\nSeriously? You can't be that dumb.", "when the government bureaucracy is pushing this insanity it will take some time for the sillyness to pass", "The bleating and tears from the tin foil hat crowd are beyond hilarious! Bring back Harper? BWaahahahahahahah! Just keep checking after you flush twice and it's the same stale smelly muffin remains spiraling down! Keep it up con jobs,at this rate it will be decades before anyone takes you seriously. I am not a fan of Justin ,but if this is all the opposing viewpoints have to offer, he will have a longer run than even his father did. What pathetic Neanderthals,one track minds, the penny pinching con jobs continue to display! Pathetic!", "You are completely brainwashed or are on the take. We are posting huge deficits.", "oh save the stupidity, no one forces you to take the 407, but you do have to buy electricity, who is worse for you now pal! and harris you know turned the books around from a 10 bill deficit to 4 years of balanced books, a booming economy and over 800,000 NET private sector jobs created in his time! not so much under either the NDP last time of these libs!", "You know what is going to be really funny here? It will be when this $20+Billion monster is all done and it is crawling along at 15 mph, crammed full of tired, sweating people that have to stand up and hold on to the straps in there for 1-2 hours just to get home. You will be looking up from your standing still, motionless car, listening to the radio about all the traffic snafu's on the jammed up parking-lot \"freeway\", and realize that the traffic is even worse than it was before!\nIt is then that everybody will realize that this thing didn't accomplish one damn thing except put us all in debt forever.", "This is not the best news. The best news would be to see your name in the obits.", "Ah, shucks. What's a little graft, corruption or payoff here or there? I've go mine Jack, I'm OK", "Yawn. One dimwit replacing another.\n\nOuting of incompetent Nayef indicates that campaign against Daesh/ISIL is not going well. It also means it will go worse under untested Salman.\n\nWith Iran-Saudi and US-Russia rivalry rife, and Saudi fate in young hands, the ME future is a foregone conclusion. Out with US, Saudi, in with Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The West is on the wrong side of history.\n\nSaudi Arabia represents 1400 years history of \"the religion of peace\" - father following son in Kaliphate or Monarchy in futile pursuit of gore, glory, conquest, and colonialism, just to live off other people's money (OPM) by imposing Tariffs (Arabic word of Kaliphate origin) by controlling world trade and closing the Silk Road. Maggie Thatcher famously said the trouble with OPM is that it soon runs out.", "You are wrong. If this project were done without corruption, we would have a stable port right now. It has nothing to do wit your ideological beliefs. It has everything to do with skimping on materials and processes, paying people off, and dirty political tricks that Republicans shield themselves from by blocking anti-corruption legislation in Alaska and continuing to allow only the Alaska Bar association to discipline it's own members. It's corruption, It's disgusting, and it will be the downfall of America itself.", "The same source of \"experts\" that conjured the 97% \"consensus \" garbage about global warming that turned out to be a heavily doctored \"survey\" of selected responses compiled by a grad student?\nMaybe if Obama threw another $10 billion into their debt it would make even more idiots on the left and their historical think tank place him as number one.\nDoubling the national debt in 8 years makes the clown an absolute failure trying to spend his way out of trouble like the village idiot we have presently destroying Canada.", "The dying out generation ... your interest is becoming irrelevant day by day. People are more concerned about economy, income, house price, etc, not ideology stupidity.", "80% success rate.....I guess the military is happy with that?.....but shouldn't we be worried about the 20% failure rate? So North Korea fires 5 missiles and one will get through to Hawaii.....assuming they can aim the darn thing.", "I suspect that in the end, the US will assume that debt rather than have the Court cancel it. The EU should do the same for Greece.\n\nAlito likely remembers reading the paper in college. It is easy misquote something read years ago. Either that, or he has some very partisan law clerks feeding him this information.\n\nThe Anglicans have an Africa problem. So do we if Cardinal Sarah is an example. More than a mileia ago, all of Africa was given to the Copts. Lamberh and Rome should honor that agreement now instead of trying to cope with the traditionalism of the African Church.\n\nThe heros of Las Vegas show the Lord is still with us, although it may not be with the NRA, which still wants to let insane people buy guns. Like insisting that there is no global warming, that view could only be supported by a real moron.", "I could careless about what the fakeass state or city governments thinks about the most stupidest ideas that you people come up with is pitiful small minded and to dam much instead you assholes fix the problems that we have at hand no you dummy's keep adding more projects online then you assholes can finish official are a bunch of incompetent people costing taxpayers money unnecessarily spending we already had railroad tracks going around the islands and that money that you dummy's spent already you could have put tracks on all the islands and buy new trains for half of what you stupid people did how much more dumbasses are you people put to take care of our affairs not mine to many greedy and corrupted officials sitting in office making decision base on what and where the hand outs is going to be lining there pockets I don't like politicians they are so full of shit all they think of is themselves no one else so the rail is dead and it has been from the beginning wake the hell up", "YA !!! SHAME--- NOW--MOVE TO my village and cure all of our corporate ills also---we got seals too--don't brutally club em tho--only brutally shoot and harpoon em---yay !!!", "And if Wente had actually \"read\" the article, she would have found out the study compared Seattle to a 'Synthetic' Seattle of different areas of the state. Further, another study (using a different 'Synthetic' Seattle) came to the conclusion that, for restaurants, the increase had little effect. \n\nAnd the authors of this other study had criticisms of this study. So the study's conclusion is hardly a slam-dunk. \n\nBut we still have the usual crowd predicting doom-and-gloom. \n\nBut then these are likely the same people who predicted a jobs boom when Ontario lowered its corporate tax rate to be the lowest in North America. (We're still waiting on that one, aren't we?)\n\nLiars figure and figures lie.", "First of all kudos to all them that served and are serving. With the highest respect for all. However when is someone going to tell the truth. Granted there was a draft in that war, but the newer ones relied on a feeling. Its called patriotism. This word, or feeling is a money maker for the real people in control. If you cant control your feelings you may get in trouble. What is really going on? The Bushes and others sold a line of crap, men died and were maimed. For What! A feeling!! We only think we are free. Those in controll laugh at chest thumping studs. The real money people dont let their kids join. How many deferments did they get from nam, then they are suppose to lead us! How stupid! Then you have a terrorist like Obama, who in there right mind would give a plane load of cash to Iran. A fellow terrorist would. That money is now working against the patriots Im talking about. Again kudos to the brave men & woman of our country.", "Don't know how that \"Nice Guy\" could vote this as sad... higher tariffs would have people thinking twice about spending stupidly on trash toys, and dependable retirement income after a union job would reduce his worries about \"picking up the load\" for those he seems to despise ....", "For another the so called “computer models” the Ultra-Religious Left priests rely on cannot even predict the weather TOMORROW with any great reliability thanks to the astonishing number of variables in play that are still not well understood. And yet devout practitioners like Ansak credulously accept the notion these “models” can predict ocean temperature a decade or century hence to the nearest degree Celsius.\n\nAnyone who has written code to create or execute a model knows how easy it is to tweak a few lines of that code to generate any “scientific” result desired.\n\nPhineas T. [“there’s a sucker born every minute”] Barnum must be spinning like a lathe in his grave to realize he was born a century too soon: The explosive growth in the number of credulous bumpkins who find thinking a nuisance but LOVE all manner of conspiratorial balderdash is the hallmark of our new gilded age.\n\nWe are in danger of becoming a nation of credulous marks waiting to be played by grifters.", "It takes a special level of dumb to celebrate the potential downfall of our aerospace industry and the consequent layoffs in Quebec at the hands of another country. You do realize this will lead to even more \"pork barreling\" in the form of larger equalization payments and unemployment cheques, right? \n\nThese blatantly unfair tariffs will be applied to more and more imports, hurting Canadians from coast to coast. We may be witnessing the beginning of a trade war, it's good for no one.", "\"Estimated to be between $8 billion and $10 billion\".......Stop the lying already, in a year or so it will be estimated to be 12-15 billion due to inflation and/or some other lame duck excuses (corruption??) !!!!", "They're not in it for the long haul...most will be dead or in jail soon...", "Balanced my butt!!! Shell games and wishful hope. Wait until business leaves for cheaper electricity. There will be zero growth of the ecomomy which this B. S. is based upon.", "We'd be a lot better off if most of human life dropped dead tomorrow.", "If you are going to engage in hypotheticals, how's this, one day you'll actually learn how to be a critical reader. One day you'll realize that the falling numbers happened because the dismal performance of Chow and, in fact, it's reversing. One day you'll realize that UH athletics depends on football revenues and existence of most other UH sports programs depends on it. One day you'll realize your assertion on injuries applies to ALL programs across the nation and to use that as a some end of the world \"potential liability cesspool\" for UH is beyond total nonsense.", "This is a cheesy, backdoor way to borrow ever more money - sell the asset now, get money for our out-of-control government to spend NOW, while the lost revenue is spread out into the future. And airports are a serious part of national security - does Justin really want to sell them to foreign interests?? How short-sighted, greedy, naive, stupid etc. can you be?? CUT SPENDING, stop subsidizing idiotic bits of \"innovation\" policies, fire about half of your bureaucrats, and cut the pay of those that remain by 15% to 40% (higher cuts at higher incomes). Quit paying OAS to wealthy seniors - in the short term, change the clawback - longer term, means test on income. Don't sell valuable assets, screwing future generations more than we already are. How can JT look into a camera and claim to be any friend of the young, as he piles debt upon their heads directly, and by sleazy schemes like privatization???", "I remember being reminded when I was in the military that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on a Sunday. \n\nThis was supposed to encourage those stuck with \"the duty\" to pay attention. \n\nThe best and the brightest are seldom at work on the weekend in a 24/7 organization.\n\nUsually in the military the OD was the SLJO. (Sh***ty Little Jobs Officer) and the NCOIC was the guy who was overweight, under-enthused and work averse but had been around long enough to keep the SLJO from screwing up too badly. \n\nIn the civilian world it seems to be the newest, most underpaid and risk averse. Sometimes all three!", "you are nuts! there are plenty of unemployed skilled poeple with no work to go to, in 10 of 15 years if things turn around great bring them in , such in the mean time NO! , the economy and jobs have been decimated by the scams of ontaro liberals for one thing! Carbon taxes hurt everyone and for no dam good reason. it is not necessary, get educated. , the activist say so not scientist. the usa now with the gop and trump will ignore them completely over this nonsense while we push ahead and make ourselves less competitive and hurt our consumers. in 4 years the usa will be soaring and enough people will wake up to the complete disaster of a direction the likes of wynne and trudeau are taking us. as for your arrogant finish, with the enjoy comment, yet proving again why the left are corrupt arrogant trash" ]
"I'm sure Hawaiian can put Southwest out of business but the Southwest/Alaska combination may be too(...TRUNCATED)
["It should be built. There is more risk and cost to the environment with the present set up. We hav(...TRUNCATED)
["Well that`s better yet. Thanks for that. I knew one of them had passed Trump`s repeal. Now Sulliv(...TRUNCATED)
"States don't grow economies, cities grow economy. \nCities that invest in their residents will enco(...TRUNCATED)
["this is a circus.......","Your past position on the LIO has everything to due with \"respect\", es(...TRUNCATED)
["really black kids seeing that is better than growing the economy and jobs or defending the usa etc(...TRUNCATED)
"What makes Magnitsky so special? Countless thousands of people around the world have been tortured (...TRUNCATED)
["There needs to be a cap on the percentage the Federal Government can own in any state such that th(...TRUNCATED)
["Another hack writer. Making this article about ludicrous but not mentioning that Canada will not (...TRUNCATED)
The Mayor said we need "more skin in the game" . That explains the rash on my...
["Don't let Trustin near N. Korea, he'll start taking about man-feminism and Kim will just blow us u(...TRUNCATED)
["Boyd, is it time for you to go change your diaper and take your medicine you're one of those old (...TRUNCATED)
"Because of the \"anonymous\" part, it's very difficult to get accurate statistics for AA. The numbe(...TRUNCATED)
["\"138,000 of us voted to build the gasline if we can make it work.\"\n\nOil companies who do this (...TRUNCATED)
["if you pull your head from your bum and be original instead of regurgitating talking points you we(...TRUNCATED)
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