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PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,PROCEDURES: , Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye.,PREOPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The patient had epiretinal membrane causing cystoid macular edema. Options were discussed with the patient stressing that the visual outcome was guarded. Especially since this membrane was of chronic duration there is no guarantee of visual outcome.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled to the OR table. Local anesthesia was delivered using a retrobulbar needle in an atraumatic fashion 5 cc of Xylocaine and Marcaine was delivered to retrobulbar area and massaged and verified. Preparation was made for 23-gauge vitrectomy, using the trocar inferotemporal cannula was placed 3.5 mm from the limbus and verified. The fluid was run. Then superior sclerotomies were created using the trocars and 3.5 mm from the limbus at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Vitrectomy commenced and carried on as far anteriorly as possible using intraocular forceps, ILM forceps, the membrane was peeled off in its entirety. There were no complications. DVT precautions were in place. I, as attending, was present in the entire case. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
SPECIMENS:,1. Pelvis-right pelvic obturator node.,2. Pelvis-left pelvic obturator node.,3. Prostate.,POST-OPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenocarcinoma of prostate, erectile dysfunction.,DIAGNOSTIC OPINION:,1. Adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 9, with tumor extension to periprostatic tissue, margin involvement, and tumor invasion to seminal vesicle, prostate.,2. No evidence of metastatic carcinoma, right pelvic obturator lymph node.,3. Metastatic adenocarcinoma, left obturator lymph node; see description.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , None listed.,GROSS DESCRIPTION:,Specimen #1 labeled "right pelvic obturator lymph nodes" consists of two portions of adipose tissue measuring 2.5 x 1x 0.8 cm and 2.5 x 1x 0.5 cm. There are two lymph nodes measuring 1 x 0.7 cm and 0.5 x 0.5 cm. The entire specimen is cut into several portions and totally embedded.,Specimen #2 labeled "left pelvic obturation lymph nodes" consists of an adipose tissue measuring 4 x 2 x 1 cm. There are two lymph nodes measuring 1.3 x 0.8 cm and 1 x 0.6 cm. The entire specimen is cut into 1 cm. The entire specimen is cut into several portions and totally embedded.,Specimen #3 labeled "prostate" consists of a prostate. It measures 5 x 4.5 x 4 cm. The external surface shows very small portion of seminal vesicles attached in both sides with tumor induration. External surface also shows tumor induration especially in right side. External surface is stained with green ink. The cut surface shows diffuse tumor induration especially in right side. The tumor appears to extend to excision margin. Multiple representative sections are made.,MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION:,Section #1 reveals lymph node. There is no evidence of metastatic carcinoma.,Section #2 reveals lymph node with tumor metastasis in section of large lymph node as well as section of small lymph node.,Section #3 reveals adenocarcinoma of prostate. Gleason's score 9 (5+4). The tumor shows extension to periprostatic tissue as well as margin involvement. Seminal vesicle attached to prostate tissue shows tumor invasion. Dr. XXX reviewed the above case. His opinion agrees with the above diagnosis.,SUMMARY:,A. Adenocarcinoma of prostate, Gleason's score 9, with both lobe involvement and seminal vesicle involvement (T3b).,B. There is lymph node metastasis (N1).,C. Distant metastasis cannot be assessed (MX).,D. Excision margin is positive and there is tumor extension to periprostatic tissue. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 91-year-old female who was brought in by family. Apparently, she was complaining that she felt she might have been poisoned at her care facility. The daughter who accompanied the patient states that she does not think anything is actually wrong, but she became extremely agitated and she thinks that is the biggest problem with the patient right now. The patient apparently had a little bit of dry heaves, but no actual vomiting. She had just finished eating dinner. No one else in the facility has been ill.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Remarkable for previous abdominal surgeries. She has a pacemaker. She has a history of recent collarbone fracture.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Very difficult to get from the patient herself. She seems to deny any significant pain or discomfort, but really seems not particularly intent on letting me know what is bothering her. She initially stated that everything was wrong, but could not specify any specific complaints. Denies chest pain, back pain, or abdominal pain. Denies any extremity symptoms or complaints.,SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient is a nonsmoker. She is accompanied here with daughter who brought her over here. They were visiting the patient when this episode occurred.,MEDICATIONS: Please see list.,ALLERGIES: NONE.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile, actually has a very normal vital signs including normal pulse oximetry at 99% on room air. GENERAL: The patient is an elderly frail looking little lady lying on the gurney. She is awake, alert, and not really wanted to answer most of the questions I asked her. She does have a tremor with her mouth, which the daughter states has been there for "many years". HEENT: Eye exam is unremarkable. Oral mucosa is still moist and well hydrated. Posterior pharynx is clear. NECK: Supple. LUNGS: Actually clear with good breath sounds. There are no wheezes, no rales, or rhonchi. Good air movement. CARDIAC: Without murmur. ABDOMEN: Soft. I do not elicit any tenderness. There is no abdominal distention. Bowel sounds are present in all quadrants. SKIN: Skin is without rash or petechiae. There is no cyanosis. EXTREMITIES: No evidence of any trauma to the extremities.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: I had a long discussion with the family and they would like the patient receive something for agitation, so she was given 0.5 mg of Ativan intramuscularly. After about half an hour, I came back to talk to the patient and the family, the patient states that she feels better. Family states she seems more calm. They do not want to pursue any further workup at this time.,IMPRESSION: ACUTE EPISODE OF AGITATION.,PLAN: At this time, I had reviewed the patient's records and it is not particularly enlightening as to what could have triggered off this episode. The patient herself has good vital signs. She does not seem to have any specific acute process going on and seemed to feel comfortable after the Ativan was given, a small quantity was given to the patient. Family and daughter specifically did not want to pursue any workup at this point, which at this point I think is reasonable and we will have her follow up with ABC. She is discharged in stable condition. | [
"label": " Psychiatry / Psychology",
"score": 1
] |
SUBJECTIVE:, He is a 29-year-old white male who is a patient of Dr. XYZ and he comes in today complaining that he was stung by a Yellow Jacket Wasp yesterday and now has a lot of swelling in his right hand and right arm. He says that he has been stung by wasps before and had similar reactions. He just said that he wanted to catch it early before he has too bad of a severe reaction like he has had in the past. He has had a lot of swelling, but no anaphylaxis-type reactions in the past; no shortness of breath or difficultly with his throat feeling like it is going to close up or anything like that in the past; no racing heart beat or anxiety feeling, just a lot of localized swelling where the sting occurs.,OBJECTIVE:,Vitals: His temperature is 98.4. Respiratory rate is 18. Weight is 250 pounds.,Extremities: Examination of his right hand and forearm reveals that he has an apparent sting just around his wrist region on his right hand on the medial side as well as significant swelling in his hand and his right forearm; extending up to the elbow. He says that it is really not painful or anything like that. It is really not all that red and no signs of infection at this time.,ASSESSMENT:, Wasp sting to the right wrist area.,PLAN:,1. Solu-Medrol 125 mg IM X 1.,2. Over-the-counter Benadryl, ice and elevation of that extremity.,3. Follow up with Dr. XYZ if any further evaluation is needed. | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Achilles ruptured tendon.,HISTORY:, Mr. XYZ is 41 years of age, who works for Chevron and lives in Angola. He was playing basketball in Angola back last Wednesday, Month DD, YYYY, when he was driving toward the basket and felt a pop in his posterior leg. He was seen locally and diagnosed with an Achilles tendon rupture. He has been on crutches and has been nonweightbearing since that time. He had no pain prior to his injury. He has had some swelling that is mild. He has just been on aspirin a day due to his traveling time. Pain currently is minimal.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Denies diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or pulmonary disease.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Malarone, which is an anti-malarial.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a petroleum engineer for Chevron. Drinks socially. Does not use tobacco.,PHYSICAL EXAM:, Pleasant gentleman in no acute distress. He has some mild swelling on the right ankle and hindfoot. He has motion that is increased into dorsiflexion. He has good plantarflexion. Good subtalar, Chopart and forefoot motion. His motor function is intact although weak into plantarflexion. Sensation is intact. Pulses are strong. In the prone position, he has diminished tension on the affected side. There is some bruising around the posterior heel. He has a palpable defect about 6-8 cm proximal to the insertion site that is tender for him. Squeezing the calf causes no plantarflexion of the foot.,RADIOGRAPHS:, Of his right ankle today show a preserved joint space. I don't see any evidence of fracture noted. Radiographs of the heel show no fracture noted with good alignment.,IMPRESSION:, Right Achilles tendon rupture.,PLAN:, I have gone over with Mr. XYZ the options available. We have discussed the risks, benefits and alternatives to operative versus nonoperative treatment. Based on his age and his activity level, I think his best option is for operative fixation. We went over the risks of bleeding, infection, damage to nerves and blood vessels, rerupture of the tendon, weakness and the need for future surgery. We have discussed doing this as an outpatient procedure. He would be nonweightbearing in a splint for 10 days, nonweightbearing in a dynamic brace for 4 weeks, and then a walking boot for another six weeks with a lift until three months postop when we can get him into a shoe with a ¼" lift. He understands a 6-9 month return to sports overall. He will also need to be on some Lovenox for a week after surgery and then on an aspirin as he is going to travel back to Angola. Today we will put him in a high tide boot that he will need at six weeks, and we will put him in a 1" lift also. He can weight bear until surgery and we will have it set up this week. His questions were all answered today. | [
"label": " Orthopedic",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Low Back Syndrome - Low back pain with left greater than right lower extremity radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Nerve root decompression at L45 on the left side.,2. Tun-L catheter placement with injection of steroid solution and Marcaine at L45 nerve roots left.,3. Interpretation of radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: , Severe and excruciating pain in the lumbar spine and lower extremity. MRI shows disc pathology as well as facet arthrosis.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was admitted to the operating room, consent was obtained and signed. The patient was taken to the Operating room and was placed in the prone position. Monitors were placed, including EKG, pulse oximeter and blood pressure monitoring. After adequate IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl the procedure was begun.,The lumbar sacral region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and four sterile towels. After the towels were places then sterile drapes were placed on top of that.,After which time the Epimed catheter was then placed, this was done by first repositioning the C-Arm to visualize the lumbar spine and the vertebral bodies were then counted beginning at L5, verifying the sacral hiatus. The skin over the sacral hiatus was then injected with 1% Lidocaine and an #18-gauge needle was used for skin puncture. The #18-gauge needle was inserted off of midline. A #16-gauge RK needle was then placed into the skin puncture and using the paramedian approach and loss-of-resistance technique the needle was placed. Negative aspiration was carefully performed. Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected through the #16-gauge RK needle. The classical run off was noted. A filling defect was noted @ L45 nerve root on the left side. After which time 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine/Triamcinolone (9/1 mixture) was then infused through the 16 R-K Needle. Some additional lyses of adhesions were visualized as the local anesthetic displaced the Omnipaque 240 dye using this barbotage technique.,An Epimed Tun-L catheter was then inserted through the #16-gauage R-K needle and threaded up to the L45 interspace under continuous fluoroscopic guidance. As the catheter was threaded up under continuous fluoroscopic visualization lyses of adhesions were visualized. The tip of the catheter was noted to be @ L45 level on the left side. After this the #16-gauge RK needle was then removed under fluoroscopic guidance verifying that the tip of the catheter did not migrate from the L45 nerve root region on the left side. After this was successfully done, the catheter was then secured in place; this was done with Neosporin ointment, a Split 2x2, Op site and Hypofix tape. The catheter was then checked with negative aspiration and the Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected. The classical run off was noted in the lumbar region. Some lyses of adhesions were also visualized at this time with barbotage technique. Good dye spread was noted to extend one level above and one level below the L45 nerve root and bilateral spread was noted. Nerve root decompression was visualized as dye spread into the nerve root whereas prior this was a filling defect. After which time negative aspiration was again performed through the Epimed® Tun-L catheter and then 10 cc of solution was then infused through the catheter, this was done over a 10-minute period with initial 3 cc test dose. Approximately 3 minutes elapsed and then the remaining 7 cc were infused (Solution consisting of 8 cc of 0.25% Marcaine, 2 cc of Triamcinolone and 1 cc of Wydase.) The catheter was then capped with a bacterial filter. The patient was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any complications.,Interpretation of radiograph revealed nerve root adhesions present with lysis of these adhesions as the procedure was performed. A filling defect was seen at the L45 nerve root and this filling defect being significant of fibrosis and adhesions in this region was noted to be lysed with the insertion of the catheter as well as the barbotage procedure. This verified positive nerve root decompression. The tip of the Epimed Tun L catheter was noted to be at L45 level on the left side. Positive myelogram without dural puncture was noted during this procedure; no sub-dural spread of Omnipaque 240 dye was noted. This patient did not report any problems and reported pain reduction. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
Pap smear in November 2006 showed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. She has a history of an abnormal Pap smear. At that time, she was diagnosed with CIN 3 as well as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. She underwent a cone biopsy that per her report was negative for any pathology. She had no vulvar treatment at that time. Since that time, she has had normal Pap smears. She denies abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, or pain. She uses Yaz for birth control. She reports one sexual partner since 1994 and she is a nonsmoker.,She states that she has a tendency to have yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. She is also being evaluated for a possible interstitial cystitis because she gets frequent urinary tract infections. She had a normal mammogram done in August 2006 and a history of perirectal condyloma that have been treated by Dr. B. She also has a history of chlamydia when she was in college.,PAST MEDICAL HX: , Depression.,PAST SURGICAL HX: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Lexapro 10 mg a day and Yaz.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,OB HX: , Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at term in 2001 and 2004, Abc weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and Xyz weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces.,FAMILY HX: ,Maternal grandfather who had a MI which she reports is secondary to tobacco and alcohol use. He currently has metastatic melanoma, mother with hypertension and depression, father with alcoholism.,SOCIAL HX:, She is a public relations consultant. She is a nonsmoker, drinks infrequent alcohol and does not use drugs. She enjoys horseback riding and teaches jumping.,PE: , VITALS: Height: 5 feet 6 inches. Weight: 139 lb. BMI: 22.4. Blood Pressure: 102/58. GENERAL: She is well-developed and well-nourished with normal habitus and no deformities. She is alert and oriented to time, place, and person and her mood and affect is normal. NECK: Without thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. BREASTS: Deferred. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. There is no organomegaly or lymphadenopathy. PELVIC: Normal external female genitalia. Vulva, vagina, and urethra, within normal limits. Cervix is status post cone biopsy; however, the transformation zone grossly appears normal and cervical discharge is clear and normal in appearance. GC and chlamydia cultures as well as a repeat Pap smear were done.,Colposcopy is then performed without and with acetic acid. This shows an entirely normal transformation zone, so no biopsies are taken. An endocervical curettage is then performed with Cytobrush and curette and sent to pathology. Colposcopy of the vulva is then performed again with acetic acid. There is a thin strip of acetowhite epithelium located transversely on the clitoral hood that is less than a centimeter in diameter. There are absolutely no abnormal vessels within this area. The vulvar colposcopy is completely within normal limits.,A/P: , ASCUS Pap smear with history of a cone biopsy in 1993 and normal followup.,We will check the results of the Pap smear, in addition we have ordered DNA testing for high-risk HPV. We will check the results of the ECC. She will return in two weeks for test results. If these are normal, she will need two normal Pap smears six months apart, and I think followup colposcopy for the vulvar changes. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Rotator cuff tear, left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Sixty-percent rotator cuff tear, joint side.,2. Impingement syndrome.,ANESTHESIA: , General,NAME OF OPERATION:,1. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression.,2. Repair of rotator cuff through mini-arthrotomy.,FINDINGS AT OPERATION: , The patient's glenohumeral joint was completely clear, other than obvious tear of the rotator cuff. The midportion of this appeared to be complete, but for the most part, this was about a 60% rupture of the tendon. This was confirmed later when the bursal side was opened up. Note, the patient also had abrasion of the coracoacromial ligament under the anterolateral edge of the acromion. He did not have any acromioclavicular joint pain or acromioclavicular joint disease noted.,PROCEDURE:, He was given an anesthetic, examined, prepped, and draped in a sterile fashion in a beach-chair position. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. The shoulder was instilled with fluid from posteriorly, followed by the arthroscope. Arthroscopy was then carried out in standard fashion using a 30-degree Dionic scope. With the scope in the posterior portal, the above findings were noted, and an anterior portal was established. A curved shaver was placed for debridement of the tear. I established this was about a 60-70% tear with a probable complete area of tear which was very small. There were no problems at the biceps or the rest of the joint. The subacromial space showed findings, as noted above, and a thorough subacromial decompression was carried out with a Bovie, rotary shaver, and bur. I did not debride the acromioclavicular joint. The lateral portal was then extended to a mini-arthrotomy, and subacromial space was entered by blunt dissection through the deltoid. The area of weakness of the tendon was found, and was transversely cut, and findings were confirmed. The diseased tissue was removed, and the greater tuberosity was abraded with a rongeur. Tendon-to-tendon repair was then carried out with buried sutures of 2-0 Ethibond, giving a very nice repair. The shoulder was carried through a range of motion. I could see no evidence of impingement. Copious irrigation was carried out. The deltoid deep fascia was anatomically closed, as was the superficial fascia. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers. A sterile dressing was applied. The patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Positive peptic ulcer disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Gastritis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with photography and biopsy.,GROSS FINDINGS:, The patient had a history of peptic ulcer disease, epigastric abdominal pain x2 months, being evaluated at this time for ulcer disease.,Upon endoscopy, gastroesophageal junction was at 40 cm, no esophageal tumor, varices, strictures, masses, or no reflux esophagitis was noted. Examination of the stomach reveals mild inflammation of the antrum of the stomach, no ulcers, erosions, tumors, or masses. The profundus and the cardia of the stomach were unremarkable. The pylorus was concentric. The duodenal bulb and sweep with no inflammation, tumors, or masses.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient taken to the Endoscopy Suite, prepped and draped in the left lateral decubitus position. She was given IV sedation using Demerol and Versed. Olympus videoscope was inserted in the hypopharynx, upon deglutition passed into the esophagus. Using air insufflation, the scope was advanced down through the esophagus into the stomach along the greater curvature of the stomach to the pylorus to the duodenal bulb and sweep. The above gross findings noted. The panendoscope was withdrawn back from the stomach, deflected upon itself. The lesser curve fundus and cardiac were well visualized. Upon examination of these areas, panendoscope was returned to midline. Photographs and biopsies were obtained of the antrum of the stomach. Air was aspirated from the stomach and panendoscope was slowly withdrawn carefully examining the lumen of the bowel.,Photographs and biopsies were obtained as appropriate. The patient is sent to recovery room in stable condition. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Vitreous hemorrhage, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Vitreous hemorrhage, right eye.,PROCEDURE: ,Vitrectomy, right eye.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was prepared and draped in the usual manner for a vitrectomy procedure under local anesthesia. Initially, a 5 cc retrobulbar injection was performed with 2% Xylocaine during monitored anesthesia control. A Lancaster lid speculum was applied and the conjunctiva was opened 4 mm posterior to the limbus. MVR incisions were made 4 mm posterior to the limbus in the *** and *** o'clock meridians following which the infusion apparatus was positioned in the *** o'clock site and secured with a 5-0 Vicryl suture. Then, under indirect ophthalmoscopic control, the vitrector was introduced through the *** o'clock site and a complete vitrectomy was performed. All strands of significance were removed. Tractional detachment foci were apparent posteriorly along the temporal arcades. Next, endolaser coagulation was applied to ischemic sites and to neovascular foci under indirect ophthalmoscopic control. Finally, an air exchange procedure was performed, also under indirect ophthalmoscopic control. The intraocular pressure was within the normal range. The globe was irrigated with a topical antibiotic. The MVR incisions were closed with 7-0 Vicryl. No further manipulations were necessary. The conjunctiva was closed with 6-0 plain catgut. An eye patch was applied and the patient was sent to the recovery area in good condition. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR VISIT: , I have been asked to see this 63-year-old man with a dilated cardiomyopathy by Dr. X at ABCD Hospital. He presents with a chief complaint of heart failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In retrospect, he has had symptoms for the past year of heart failure. He feels in general "OK," but is stressed and fatigued. He works hard running 3 companies. He has noted shortness of breath with exertion and occasional shortness of breath at rest. There has been some PND, but he sleeps on 1 pillow. He has no edema now, but has had some mild leg swelling in the past. There has never been any angina and he denies any palpitations, syncope or near syncope. When he takes his pulse, he notes some irregularity. He follows no special diet. He gets no regular exercise, although he has recently started walking for half an hour a day. Over the course of the past year, these symptoms have been slowly getting worse. He gained about 20 pounds over the past year.,There is no prior history of either heart failure or other heart problems.,His past medical history is remarkable for a right inguinal hernia repair done in 1982. He had trauma to his right thumb. There is no history of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or heart murmur.,On social history, he lives in San Salvador with his wife. He has a lot of stress in his life. He does not smoke, but does drink. He has high school education.,On family history, mother is alive at age 89. Father died at 72 of heart attack. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister all of whom are healthy, although the oldest suffered a myocardial infarction. He has 3 healthy girls and 9 healthy grandchildren.,A complete review of systems was performed and is negative aside from what is mentioned in the history of present illness.,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg daily and chlordiazepoxide and clidinium - combination pill at 5 mg/2.5 mg 1 tablet daily for stress.,ALLERGIES: , Denied.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, On my comprehensive cardiovascular examination, he is 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 231 pounds. His blood pressure is 120/70 in each arm seated. His pulse is 80 beats per minute and regular. He is breathing 1two times per minute and that is unlabored. Eyelids are normal. Pupils are round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are clear and sclerae are anicteric. There is no oral thrush or central cyanosis. Neck is supple and symmetrical without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Jugular venous pressure is normal. Carotids are brisk without bruits. Lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. The precordium is quiet. The rhythm is regular. The first and second heart sounds are normal. He does have a fourth heart sound and a soft systolic murmur. The precordial impulse is enlarged. Abdomen is soft without hepatosplenomegaly or masses. He has no clubbing, cyanosis or peripheral edema. Distal pulses are normal throughout both arms and both legs. On neurologic examination, his mentation is normal. His mood and affect are normal. He is oriented to person, place, and time.,DATA: , His EKG shows sinus rhythm with left ventricular hypertrophy.,A metabolic stress test shows that he was able to exercise for 5 minutes and 20 seconds to 90% of his maximum predicted heart rate. His peak oxygen consumption was 19.7 mL/kg/min, which is consistent with mild cardiopulmonary disease.,Laboratory data shows his TSH to be 1.33. His glucose is 97 and creatinine 0.9. Potassium is 4.3. He is not anemic. Urinalysis was normal.,I reviewed his echocardiogram personally. This shows a dilated cardiomyopathy with EF of 15%. The left ventricular diastolic dimension is 6.8 cm. There are no significant valvular abnormalities.,He had a stress thallium. His heart rate response to stress was appropriate. The thallium images showed no scintigraphic evidence of stress-induced myocardial ischemia at 91% of his maximum age predicted heart rate. There is a fixed small sized mild-to-moderate intensity perfusion defect in the distal inferior wall and apex, which may be an old infarct, but certainly does not account for the degree of cardiomyopathy. We got his post-stress EF to be 33% and the left ventricular cavity appeared to be enlarged. The total calcium score will put him in the 56 percentile for subjects of the same age, gender, and race/ethnicity.,ASSESSMENTS: , This appears to be a newly diagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy, the etiology of which is uncertain.,PROBLEMS DIAGNOSES: ,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Dyslipidemia.,PROCEDURES AND IMMUNIZATIONS: , None today.,PLANS: , I started him on an ACE inhibitor, lisinopril 2.5 mg daily, and a beta-blocker, carvedilol 3.125 mg twice daily. The dose of these drugs should be up-titrated every 2 weeks to a target dose of lisinopril of 20 mg daily and carvedilol 25 mg twice daily. In addition, he could benefit from a loop diuretic such as furosemide. I did not start this as he is planning to go back home to San Salvador tomorrow. I will leave that up to his local physicians to up-titrate the medications and get him started on some furosemide.,In terms of the dilated cardiomyopathy, there is not much further that needs to be done, except for family screening. All of his siblings and his children should have an EKG and an echocardiogram to make sure they have not developed the same thing. There is a strong genetic component of this.,I will see him again in 3 to 6 months, whenever he can make it back here. He does not need a defibrillator right now and my plan would be to get him on the right doses of the right medications and then recheck an echocardiogram 3 months later. If his LV function has not improved, he does have New York Heart Association Class II symptoms and so he would benefit from a prophylactic ICD.,Thank you for asking me to participate in his care.,MEDICATION CHANGES:, See the above. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure *, pulse *, respirations *, temperature *.,GENERAL APPEARANCE:, Alert and in no apparent distress, calm, cooperative, and communicative.,HEENT: , Eyes: EOMI. PERRLA. Sclerae nonicteric. No lesions of lids, lashes, brows, or conjunctivae noted. Funduscopic examination unremarkable. Ears: Normal set, shape, TMs, canals and hearing. Nose and Sinuses: Negative. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat: Negative except for dental work.,NECK: , Supple and pain free without bruit, JVD, adenopathy or thyroid abnormality.,CHEST:, Lungs are bilaterally clear to auscultation and percussion.,HEART: , S1 and S2. Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, heave, click, lift, thrill, rub, or gallop. PMI nondisplaced. Chest wall unremarkable to inspection and palpation. No axillary or supraclavicular adenopathy detected.,BREASTS:, In the seated and supine position unremarkable.,ABDOMEN: , No hepatosplenomegaly, mass, tenderness, rebound, rigidity, or guarding. No widening of the aortic impulse and no intraabdominal bruit auscultated.,EXTERNAL GENITALIA: , Normal for age.,RECTAL: , Negative to 7 cm by gloved digital palpation with Hemoccult-negative stool.,EXTREMITIES: , Good distal pulse and perfusion without evidence of edema, cyanosis, clubbing, or deep venous thrombosis. Nails of the hands and feet, and creases of the palms and soles are unremarkable. Good active and passive range of motion of all major joints.,BACK:, Normal to inspection and percussion. Negative for spinous process tenderness or CVA tenderness. Negative straight-leg raising, Kernig, and Brudzinski signs.,NEUROLOGIC:, Nonfocal for cranial and peripheral nervous systems, strength, sensation, and cerebellar function. Affect is normal. Speech is clear and fluent. Thought process is lucid and rational. Gait and station are unremarkable.,SKIN: , Unremarkable for any premalignant or malignant condition with normal changes for age. | [
"label": " Office Notes",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Angina and coronary artery disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Angina and coronary artery disease.,NAME OF OPERATION: , Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) x2, left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending and reverse saphenous vein graft to the circumflex, St. Jude proximal anastomosis used for vein graft. Off-pump Medtronic technique for left internal mammary artery, and a BIVAD technique for the circumflex.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position upon the table. After adequate general anesthesia, the patient was prepped with Betadine soap and solution in the usual sterile manner. Elbows were protected to avoid ulnar neuropathy, chest wall expansion avoided to avoid ulnar neuropathy, phrenic nerve protectors used to protect the phrenic nerve and removed at the end of the case.,A midline sternal skin incision was made and carried down through the sternum which was divided with the saw. Pericardial and thymus fat pad was divided. The left internal mammary artery was harvested and spatulated for anastomosis. Heparin was given.,Vein resected from the thigh, side branches secured using 4-0 silk and Hemoclips. The thigh was closed multilayer Vicryl and Dexon technique. A Pulsavac wash was done, drain was placed.,The left internal mammary artery is sewn to the left anterior descending using 7-0 running Prolene technique with the Medtronic off-pump retractors. After this was done, the patient was fully heparinized, cannulated with a 6.5 atrial cannula and a 2-stage venous catheter and begun on cardiopulmonary bypass and maintained normothermia. Medtronic retractors used to expose the circumflex. Prior to going on pump, we stapled the vein graft in place to the aorta.,Then, on pump, we did the distal anastomosis with a 7-0 running Prolene technique. The right side graft was brought to the posterior descending artery using running 7-0 Prolene technique. Deairing procedure was carried out. The bulldogs were removed. The patient maintained good normal sinus rhythm with good mean perfusion. The patient was weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass. The arterial and venous lines were removed and doubly secured. Protamine was delivered. Meticulous hemostasis was present. Platelets were given for coagulopathy. Chest tube was placed and meticulous hemostasis was present. The anatomy and the flow in the grafts was excellent. Closure was begun.,The sternum was closed with wire, followed by linea alba and pectus fascia closure with running 0 Vicryl sutures in double-layer technique. The skin was closed with subcuticular 4-0 Dexon suture technique. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the intensive care unit in stable condition.,We minimized the pump time to 16 minutes for just the distal anastomosis of the circumflex in order to lessen the insult to the kidneys as the patient already has kidney failure with a creatinine of 3.0. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,PROCEDURE: ,Cystoscopy under anesthesia, retrograde and antegrade pyeloureteroscopy, left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, difficult and open renal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthetic with a caudal block x2.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1000 mL crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 10 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Tissue sent to pathology is a renal biopsy.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: , A stenotic scarred ureteropelvic junction with dilated ureter and dilated renal pelvis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: ,A 10-French silicone Foley catheter with 3 mL in balloon and a 4.7-French ureteral double J-stent multilength.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 3-1/2-year-old boy, who has a solitary left kidney with renal insufficiency with creatinine of 1.2, who has had a ureteropelvic junction repair performed by Dr. Chang. It was subsequently obstructed with multiple episodes of pyelonephritis, two percutaneous tube placements, ureteroscopy with balloon dilation of the system, and continued obstruction. Plan is for co surgeons due to the complexity of the situation and the solitary kidney to do surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operative room. Surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Dr. X and Dr. Y both agreed upon the procedures in advance. Dr. Y then, once the patient was anesthetized, requested IV antibiotics with Fortaz, the patient had a caudal block placed, and he was then placed in lithotomy position. Dr. Y then calibrated the urethra with the bougie a boule to 8, 10, and up to 12 French. The 9.5-French cystoscope sheath was then placed within the patient's bladder with the offset scope, and his bladder had no evidence of cystitis. I was able to locate the ureteral orifice bilaterally, although no urine coming from the right. We then placed a 4-French ureteral catheter into the ureter as far as we could go. An antegrade nephrostogram was then performed, which shows that the contrast filled the dilated pelvis, but did not go into the ureter. A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two. Upon draining the ureter allowing to drain to gravity, the pelvis which had been clamped and its nephrostomy tube did not drain at all. Dr. Y then placed a 0.035 guidewire into the ureter after removing the 4-French catheter and then placed a 4.7-French double-J catheter into the ureter as far as it would go allowing it to coil in the bladder. Once this was completed, we then removed the cystoscope and sheath, placed a 10-French Foley catheter, and the patient was positioned by Dr. X and Dr. Y into the flank position with the left flank up after adequate padding on the arms and legs as well as a brachial plexus roll. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Dr. Y then incised the skin with a 15-blade knife through the old incision and then extended the incision with curved mosquito clamp and Dr. X performed cautery of the areas advanced to be excised. Once this was then dissected, Dr. Y and Dr. X divided the lumbosacral fascia; at the latissimus dorsi fascia, posterior dorsal lumbotomy maneuver using the electrocautery; and then using curved mosquito clamps __________. At this point, Dr. X used the cautery to enter the posterior retroperitoneal space through the posterior abdominal fascia. Dr. Y then used the curved right angle clamp and dissected around towards the ureter, which was markedly adherent to the base of the retroperitoneum. Dr. X and Dr. Y also needed dissection on the medial and lateral aspects with Dr. Y being on the lateral aspect of the area and Dr. X on the medial to get an adequate length of this. The tissue was markedly inflamed and had significant adhesions noted. The patient's spermatic vessels were also in the region as well as the renal vessels markedly scarred close to the ureteropelvic junction. Ultimately, Dr. Y and Dr. X both with alternating dissection were able to dissect the renal pelvis to a position where Dr. Y put stay sutures and a 4-0 chromic to isolate the four quadrant area where we replaced the ureter. Dr. X then divided the ureter and suture ligated the base, which was obstructed with a 3-0 chromic suture. Dr. Y then spatulated the ureter for about 1.5 cm, and the stent was gently delivered in a normal location out of the ureter at the proximal and left alone in the bladder. Dr. Y then incised the renal pelvis and dissected and opened it enough to allow the new ureteropelvic junction repair to be performed. Dr. Y then placed interrupted sutures of 5-0 Monocryl at the apex to repair the most dependent portion of the renal pelvis, entered the lateral aspect, interrupted sutures of the repair. Dr. X then was able to without much difficulty do interrupted sutures on the medial aspect. The stent was then placed into the bladder in the proper orientation and alternating sutures by Dr. Y and Dr. X closed the ureteropelvic junction without any evidence of leakage. Once this was complete, we removed the extra stay stitches and watched the ureter lay back into the retroperitoneum in a normal position without any kinking in apparently good position. This opening was at least 1.5 cm wide. Dr. Y then placed 2 stay sutures of 2-0 chromic in the lower pole of the kidney and then incised wedge biopsy and excised the biopsy with a 15-blade knife and curved iris scissors for renal biopsy for determination of renal tissue health. Electrocautery was used on the base. There was no bleeding, however, and the tissue was quite soft. Dermabond and Gelfoam were placed, and then Dr. Y closed the biopsy site over with thrombin-Gelfoam using the 2-0 chromic stay sutures. Dr. X then closed the fascial layers with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl in 3 layers. Dr. Y closed the Scarpa fascia and the skin with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Rapide respectively. A 4-0 nylon suture was then placed by Dr. Y around the previous nephrostomy tube, which was again left clamped. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed over the incision and then a dry sterile dressing was placed by Dr. Y over the nephrostomy tube site, which was left clamped, and the patient then had a Foley catheter placed in the bladder. The Foley catheter was then taped to his leg. A second caudal block was placed for anesthesia, and he is in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right temporal lobe intracerebral hemorrhage.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right temporal lobe intracerebral hemorrhage.,2. Possible tumor versus inflammatory/infectious lesion versus vascular lesion, pending final pathology and microbiology.,PROCEDURES:,1. Emergency right side craniotomy for temporal lobe intracerebral hematoma evacuation and resection of temporal lobe lesion.,2. Biopsy of dura.,3. Microscopic dissection using intraoperative microscope.,SPECIMENS: , Temporal lobe lesion and dura as well as specimen for microbiology for culture.,DRAINS:, Medium Hemovac drain.,FINDINGS: , Vascular hemorrhagic lesion including inflamed dura and edematous brain with significant mass effect, and intracerebral hematoma with a history of significant headache, probable seizures, nausea, and vomiting.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Per Anesthesia.,FLUIDS: , One unit of packed red blood cells given intraoperatively.,The patient was brought to the operating room emergently. This is considered as a life threatening admission with a hemorrhage in the temporal lobe extending into the frontal lobe and with significant mass effect.,The patient apparently became hemiplegic suddenly today. She also had an episode of incoherence and loss of consciousness as well as loss of bowel/urine.,She was brought to Emergency Room where a CT of the brain showed that she had significant hemorrhage of the right temporal lobe extending into the external capsule and across into the frontal lobe. There is significant mass effect. There is mixed density in the parenchyma of the temporal lobe.,She was originally scheduled for elective craniotomy for biopsy of the temporal lobe to find out why she was having spontaneous hemorrhages. However, this event triggered her family to bring her to the emergency room, and this is considered a life threatening admission now with a significant mass effect, and thus we will proceed directly today for evacuation of ICH as well as biopsy of the temporal lobe as well as the dura.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was anesthetized by the anesthesiology team. Appropriate central line as well as arterial line, Foley catheter, TED, and SCDs were placed. The patient was positioned supine with a three-point Mayfield head pin holder. Her scalp was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. Her former incisional scar was barely and faintly noticed; however, through the same scalp scar, the same incision was made and extended slightly inferiorly. The scalp was resected anteriorly. The subdural scar was noted, and hemostasis was achieved using Bovie cautery. The temporalis muscle was reflected along with the scalp in a subperiosteal manner, and the titanium plating system was then exposed.,The titanium plating system was then removed in its entirety. The bone appeared to be quite fused in multiple points, and there were significant granulation tissue through the burr hole covers.,The granulation tissue was quite hemorrhagic, and hemostasis was achieved using bipolar cautery as well as Bovie cautery.,The bone flap was then removed using Leksell rongeur, and the underlying dura was inspected. It was quite full. The 4-0 sutures from the previous durotomy closure was inspected, and more of the inferior temporal bone was resected using high-speed drill in combination with Leksell rongeur. The sphenoid wing was also resected using a high-speed drill as well as angled rongeur.,Hemostasis was achieved on the fresh bony edges using bone wax. The dura pack-up stitches were noted around the periphery from the previous craniotomy. This was left in place.,The microscope was then brought in to use for the remainder of the procedure until closure. Using a #15 blade, a new durotomy was then made. Then, the durotomy was carried out using Metzenbaum scissors, then reflected the dura anteriorly in a horseshoe manner, placed anteriorly, and this was done under the operating microscope. The underlying brain was quite edematous.,Along the temporal lobe there was a stain of xanthochromia along the surface. Thus a corticectomy was then accomplished using bipolar cautery, and the temporal lobe at this level and the middle temporal gyrus was entered. The parenchyma of the brain did not appear normal. It was quite vascular. Furthermore, there was a hematoma mixed in with the brain itself. Thus a core biopsy was then performed in the temporal tip. The overlying dura was inspected and it was quite thickened, approximately 0.25 cm thick, and it was also highly vascular, and thus a big section of the dura was also trimmed using bipolar cautery followed by scissors, and several pieces of this vascularized dura was resected for pathology. Furthermore, sample of the temporal lobe was cultured.,Hemostasis after evacuation of the intracerebral hematoma using controlled suction as well as significant biopsy of the overlying dura as well as intraparenchymal lesion was accomplished. No attempt was made to enter into the sylvian fissure. Once hemostasis was meticulously achieved, the brain was inspected. It still was quite swollen, known that there was still hematoma in the parenchyma of the brain. However, at this time it was felt that since there is no diagnosis made intraoperatively, we would need to stage this surgery further should it be needed once the diagnosis is confirmed. DuraGen was then used for duraplasty because of the resected dura. The bone flap was then repositioned using Lorenz plating system. Then a medium Hemovac drain was placed in subdural space. Temporalis muscle was approximated using 2-0 Vicryl. The galea was then reapproximated using inverted 2-0 Vicryl. The scalp was then reapproximated using staples. The head was then dressed and wrapped in a sterile fashion.,She was witnessed to be extubated in the operating room postoperatively, and she followed commands briskly. The pupils are 3 mm bilaterally reactive to light. I accompanied her and transported her to the ICU where I signed out to the ICU attending. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presents today as a consultation from Dr. ABC's office regarding the above. He has history of neurogenic bladder, and on intermittent self-catheterization 3 times a day. However, June 24, 2008, he was seen in the ER, and with fever, weakness, possible urosepsis. He had a blood culture, which was positive for Staphylococcus epidermidis, as well as urine culture noted for same bacteria. He was treated on IV antibiotics, Dr. XYZ also saw the patient. Discharged home. Not taking any antibiotics. Today in the office, the patient denies any dysuria, gross hematuria, fever, chills. He is catheterizing 3 times a day, changing his catheter weekly. Does have history of renal transplant, which has been followed by Dr. X and is on chronic steroids. Renal ultrasound, June 23, 2008, was noted for mild hydronephrosis of renal transplant with fluid in the pericapsular space. Creatinine, July 7, 2008 was 2.0, BUN 36, and patient tells me this is being followed by Dr. X. No interval complaints today, no issues with catheterization or any gross hematuria.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Neurogenic bladder, in a patient catheterizing himself 3 times a day, changing his catheter 3 times a week, we again reviewed the technique of catheterization, and he has no issues with this.,2. Recurrent urinary tract infection, in a patient who has been hospitalized twice within the last few months, he is on steroids for renal transplant, which has most likely been overall reducing his immune system. He is asymptomatic today. No complaints today.,PLAN:, Following a detailed discussion with the patient, we elected to proceed with intermittent self-catheterization, changing catheter weekly, and technique has been discussed as above. Based on the recent culture, we will place him on Keflex nighttime prophylaxis, for the next three months or so. He will call if any concerns. Follow up as previously scheduled in September for re-assessment. All questions answered. The patient is seen and evaluated by myself. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
MALE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,HEENT: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements are intact. Sclerae are anicteric. TMs are clear bilaterally. Oropharynx is clear without erythema or exudate.,NECK: Supple without lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotids are silent. There is no jugular venous distention.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without S3, S4. No murmurs or rubs are appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended with positive bowel sounds. No masses, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly are appreciated.,GU: Normal **circumcised male. No discharge or hernias. No testicular masses.,RECTAL EXAM: Normal rectal tone. Prostate is smooth and not enlarged. Stool is Hemoccult negative.,EXTREMITIES: Reveal no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Peripheral pulses are +2 and equal bilaterally in all four extremities.,JOINT EXAM: Reveals no tenosynovitis.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. Motor strength is 5/5 and equal in all four extremities. Deep tendon reflexes are +2/4 and equal bilaterally. Patient is alert and oriented times 3.,PSYCHIATRIC: Grossly normal.,DERMATOLOGIC: No lesions or rashes. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
CT ABDOMEN WITH AND WITHOUT CONTRAST AND CT PELVIS WITH CONTRAST,REASON FOR EXAM: , Generalized abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and recent colonic resection in 11/08.,TECHNIQUE:, Axial CT images of the abdomen were obtained without contrast. Axial CT images of the abdomen and pelvis were then obtained utilizing 100 mL of Isovue-300.,FINDINGS: , The liver is normal in size and attenuation.,The gallbladder is normal.,The spleen is normal in size and attenuation.,The adrenal glands and pancreas are unremarkable.,The kidneys are normal in size and attenuation.,No hydronephrosis is detected. Free fluid is seen within the right upper quadrant within the lower pelvis. A markedly thickened loop of distal small bowel is seen. This segment measures at least 10-cm long. No definite pneumatosis is appreciated. No free air is apparent at this time. Inflammatory changes around this loop of bowel. Mild distention of adjacent small bowel loops measuring up to 3.5 cm is evident. No complete obstruction is suspected, as there is contrast material within the colon. Postsurgical changes compatible with the partial colectomy are noted. Postsurgical changes of the anterior abdominal wall are seen. Mild thickening of the urinary bladder wall is seen.,IMPRESSION:,1. Marked thickening of a segment of distal small bowel is seen with free fluid within the abdomen and pelvis. An inflammatory process such as infection or ischemia must be considered. Close interval followup is necessary.,2. Thickening of the urinary bladder wall is nonspecific and may be due to under distention. However, evaluation for cystitis is advised. | [
"label": " Nephrology",
"score": 1
] |
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Left hip fracture.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Diminished function, secondary to the above.,HISTORY: , This pleasant 70-year-old gentleman had a ground-level fall at home on 05/05/03 and was brought into ABCD Medical Center, evaluated by Dr. X and brought in for orthopedic stay. He had left hip fracture identified on x-rays at that time. Pain and inability to ambulate brought him in. He was evaluated and then underwent medical consultation as well, where they found a history of resolving pneumonia, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, seizure and chronic renal failure, as well as anemia. His medical issues are under good control. The patient underwent left femoral neck fixation with hemiarthroplasty on that left side on 05/06/03. The patient has had some medical issues including respiratory insufficiency, perioperative anemia, pneumonia, and hypertension. Cardiology has followed closely, and the patient has responded well to medical treatment, as well as physical therapy and occupational therapy. He is gradually tolerating more activities with less difficulties, made good progress and tolerated more consistent and more prolonged interventions.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Positive for congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, azotemia, hyperglycemia, coronary artery disease, history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Remote history of subdural hematoma precluding the use of Coumadin. History of depression, panic attacks on Doxepin. Perioperative anemia. Swallowing difficulties.,ALLERGIES:, Zyloprim, penicillin, Vioxx, NSAIDs.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Heparin.,2. Albuterol inhaler.,3. Combivent.,4. Aldactone.,5. Doxepin.,6. Xanax.,7. Aspirin.,8. Amiodarone.,9. Tegretol.,10. Synthroid.,11. Colace.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Lives in a 1-story home with 1 step down; wife is there. Speech and language pathology following with current swallowing dysfunction. He is minimum assist for activities of daily living, bed mobility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Currently negative for headache, nausea and vomiting, fevers, chills or shortness of breath or chest pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,HEENT: Oropharynx clear.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds positive.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: There are no focal motor or sensory losses to the lower extremities. Bulk and tone normal in the lower extremities. Wound site has healed well with staples out.,IMPRESSION ,1. Status post left hip fracture and hemiarthroplasty.,2. History of panic attack, anxiety, depression.,3. Myocardial infarction with stent placement.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hypothyroidism.,6. Subdural hematoma.,7. Seizures.,8. History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recent respiratory insufficiency.,9. Renal insufficiency.,10. Recent pneumonia.,11. O2 requiring.,12. Perioperative anemia.,PLAN: , Rehab transfer as soon as medically cleared. | [
"label": " Physical Medicine - Rehab",
"score": 1
] |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 68-year-old woman whom I have been following, who has had angina. In any case today, she called me because she had a recurrent left arm pain after her stent, three days ago, and this persisted after two sublingual nitroglycerin when I spoke to her. I advised her to call 911, which she did. While waiting for 911, she was attended to by a physician who is her neighbor and he advised her to take the third nitroglycerin and that apparently relieved her pain. By the time she presented here, she is currently pain-free and is feeling well.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , The patient has been having arm pain for several months. She underwent an exercise stress echocardiogram within the last several months with me, which was equivocal, but then she had a nuclear stress test which showed inferobasilar ischemia. I had originally advised her for a heart catheterization but she wanted medical therapy, so we put her on a beta-blocker. However, her arm pain symptoms accelerated and she had some jaw pain, so she presented to the emergency room. On 08/16/08, she ended up having a cardiac catheterization and that showed normal left main 80% mid LAD lesion, circumflex normal, and RCA totally occluded in the mid portion and there were collaterals from the left to the right, as well as right to right to that area. The decision was made to transfer her as she may be having collateral insufficiency from the LAD stenosis to the RCA vessel. She underwent that with drug-eluting stents on 08/16/08, with I believe three or four total placed, and was discharged on 08/17/08. She had some left arm discomfort on 08/18/08, but this was mild. Yesterday, she felt very fatigued, but no arm pain, and today, she had arm pain after walking and again it resolved now completely after three sublingual nitroglycerin. This is her usual angina. She is being admitted with unstable angina post stent.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Longstanding hypertension, CAD as above, hyperlipidemia, and overactive bladder.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Detrol LA 2 mg once a day.,2. Prilosec for GERD 20 mg once a day.,3. Glucosamine 500/400 mg once a day for arthritis.,4. Multivitamin p.o. daily.,5. Nitroglycerin sublingual as available to her.,6. Toprol-XL 25 mg once a day which I started although she had been bradycardic, but she seems to be tolerating.,7. Aspirin 325 mg once a day.,8. Plavix 75 mg once a day.,9. Diovan 160 mg once a day.,10. Claritin 10 mg once a day for allergic rhinitis.,11. Norvasc 5 mg once a day.,12. Lipitor 5 mg once a day.,13. Evista 60 mg once a day.,ALLERGIES: , ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS ARE NONE. SHE DENIES ANY SHRIMP OR SEA FOOD ALLERGY.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father died of an MI in his 50s and a brother had his first MI and bypass surgery at 54.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, no use of illicit drugs. She is divorced and lives alone and is a retired laboratory technician from Cornell Diagnostic Laboratory.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She denies a history of stroke, cancer, vomiting up blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding stomach ulcers, renal calculi, cholelithiasis, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, home oxygen use or sleep apnea, although she has been told in the past that she snores and there was some question of apnea in 05/08. No morning headaches or fatigue. No psychiatric diagnosis. No psoriasis, no lupus. Remainder of the review of systems is negative x14 systems except as described above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is a pleasant elderly woman, currently in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Height 4 feet 11 inches, weight 128 pounds, temperature 97.2 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure 142/70, pulse 47, respiratory rate 16, and O2 saturation 100%,HEENT: Cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. She has moist mucosal membranes.,NECK: Veins are not distended. There are no carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion without wheezes.,HEART: S1 and S2, regular rate. No significant murmurs, rubs or gallops. PMI nondisplaced.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nondistended. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: Without significant clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Pulses grossly intact. Bilateral groins are inspected, status post as the right femoral artery was used for access for the diagnostic cardiac catheterization here and left femoral artery used for PCI and there is no evidence of hematoma or bruit and intact distal pulses.,LABORATORY DATA: , EKG reviewed which shows sinus bradycardia at the rate of 51 beats per minute and no acute disease.,Sodium 136, potassium 3.8, chloride 105, and bicarbonate 27. BUN 16 and creatinine 0.9. Glucose 110. Magnesium 2.5. ALT 107 and AST 65 and these were normal on 08/15/08. INR is 0.89, PTT 20.9, white blood cell count 8.2, hematocrit 31 and it was 35 on 08/15/08, and platelet count 257,000.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: ,The patient is a 68-year-old woman with exertional angina, characterized with arm pain, who underwent recent left anterior descending percutaneous coronary intervention and has now had recurrence of that arm pain post stenting to the left anterior descending artery and it may be that she is continuing to have collateral insufficiency of the right coronary artery. In any case, given this unstable presentation requiring three sublingual nitroglycerin before she was even pain free, I am going to admit her to the hospital and there is currently no evidence requiring acute reperfusion therapy. We will continue her beta-blocker and I cannot increase the dose because she is bradycardic already. Aspirin, Plavix, valsartan, Lipitor, and Norvasc. I am going to add Imdur and watch headaches as she apparently had some on nitro paste before, and we will rule out MI, although there is a little suspicion. I suppose it is possible that she has non-cardiac arm pain, but that seems less likely as it has been nitrate responsive and seems exertionally related and the other possibility may be that we end up needing to put in a pacemaker, so we can maximize beta-blocker use for anti-anginal effect. My concern is that there is persistent right coronary artery ischemia, not helped by left anterior descending percutaneous coronary intervention, which was severely stenotic and she does have normal LV function. She will continue the glucosamine for her arthritis, Claritin for allergies, and Detrol LA for urinary incontinence.,Total patient care time in the emergency department 75 minutes. All this was discussed in detail with the patient and her daughter who expressed understanding and agreement. The patient desires full resuscitation status. | [
"label": " Emergency Room Reports",
"score": 1
] |
PROCEDURES:,1. Chest x-ray on admission, no acute finding, no interval change.,2. CT angiography, negative for pulmonary arterial embolism.,3. Nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, abnormal. Reversible defect suggestive of ischemia, ejection fraction of 55%.,DIAGNOSES ON DISCHARGE:,1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation improving, on steroids and bronchodilators.,2. Coronary artery disease, abnormal nuclear scan, discussed with Cardiology Dr. X, who recommended to discharge the patient and follow up in the clinic.,3. Diabetes mellitus type 2.,4. Anemia, hemoglobin and hematocrit stable.,5. Hypokalemia, replaced.,6. History of coronary artery disease status post stent placement 2006-2008.,7. Bronchitis.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient is a 65-year-old American-native Indian male, past medical history of heavy tobacco use, history of diabetes mellitus type 2, chronic anemia, COPD, coronary artery disease status post stent placement, who presented in the emergency room with increasing shortness of breath, cough productive for sputum, and orthopnea. The patient started on IV steroid, bronchodilator as well as antibiotics.,He also complained of chest pain that appears to be more pleuritic with history of coronary artery disease and orthopnea. He was evaluated by Cardiology Dr. X, who proceeded with stress test. Stress test reported positive for reversible ischemia, but Cardiology decided to follow up the patient in the clinic. The patient's last cardiac cath was in 2008.,The patient clinically significantly improved and wants to go home. His hemoglobin on admission was 8.8, and has remained stable. He is afebrile, hemodynamically stable.,ALLERGIES: , LISINOPRIL AND PENICILLIN.,MEDICATIONS ON DISCHARGE:,1. Prednisone tapering dose 40 mg p.o. daily for three days, then 30 mg p.o. daily for three days, then 20 mg p.o. daily for three days, then 10 mg p.o. daily for three days, and 5 mg p.o. daily for two days.,2. Levaquin 750 mg p.o. daily for 5 more days.,3. Protonix 40 mg p.o. daily.,4. The patient can continue other current home medications at home.,FOLLOWUP APPOINTMENTS:,1. Recommend to follow up with Cardiology Dr. X's office in a week.,2. The patient is recommended to see Hematology Dr. Y in the office for workup of anemia.,3. Follow up with primary care physician's office tomorrow.,SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:,1. If increasing shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, any acute symptoms to return to emergency room.,2. Discussed about discharge plan, instructions with the patient by bedside. He understands and agreed. Also discussed discharge plan instructions with the patient's nurse. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,There was no weight loss, fevers, chills, sweats. There is no blurring of the vision, itching, throat or neck pain, or neck fullness. There is no vertigo or hoarseness or painful swallowing. There is no chest pain, shortness of breath, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, or chest pain with exertion. There is no shortness of breath and no cough or hemoptysis. No melena, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or blood in the stools. No dysuria, hematuria or excessive urination. No muscle weakness or tenderness. No new numbness or tingling. No arthralgias or arthritis. There are no rashes. No excessive fatigability, loss of motor skills or sensation. No changes in hair texture, change in skin color, excessive or decreased appetite. No swollen lymph nodes or night sweats. No headaches. The rest of the review of systems is negative. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Anxiety, alcohol abuse, and chest pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a pleasant 40-year-old male with multiple medical problems, basically came to the hospital yesterday complaining of chest pain. The patient states that he complained of this chest pain, which is reproducible, pleuritic in both chest radiating to the left back and the jaw, complaining of some cough, nausea, questionable shortness of breath. The patient describes the pain as aching, sharp and alleviated with pain medications, not alleviated with any nitrates. Aggravated by breathing, coughing, and palpation over the area. The pain was 9/10 in the emergency room and he was given some pain medications in the ER and was basically admitted. Labs were drawn, which were essentially, potassium was about 5.7 and digoxin level was drawn, which was about greater than 5. The patient said that he missed 3 doses of digoxin in the last 3 days after being discharged from Anaheim Memorial and then took 3 tablets together. The patient has a history prior digoxin overdose of the same nature.,MEDICATIONS:, Digoxin 0.25 mg, metoprolol 50 mg, Naprosyn 500 mg, metformin 500 mg, lovastatin 40 mg, Klor-Con 20 mEq, Advair Diskus, questionable Coreg.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , MI in the past and atrial fibrillation, he said that he has had one stent put in, but he is not sure. The last cardiologist he saw was Dr. X and his primary doctor is Dr. Y.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, History of alcohol use in the past.,He is basically requesting for more and more pain medications. He states that he likes Dilaudid and would like to get the morphine changed to Dilaudid. His pain is tolerable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Stable.,GENERAL: Alert and oriented x3, no apparent distress.,HEENT: Extraocular muscles are intact.,CVS: S1, S2 heard.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No edema or clubbing.,NEURO: Grossly intact. Tender to palpate over the left chest, no obvious erythema or redness, or abnormal exam is found.,EKG basically shows atrial fibrillation, rate controlled, nonspecific ST changes.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. This is a 40-year-old male with digoxin toxicity secondary to likely intentional digoxin overuse. Now, he has had significant block with EKG changes as stated. Continue to follow the patient clinically at this time. The patient has been admitted to ICU and will be changed to DOU.,2. Chronic chest pain with a history of myocardial infarction in the past, has been ruled out with negative cardiac enzymes. The patient likely has opioid dependence and requesting more and more pain medications. He is also bargaining for pain medications with me. The patient was advised that he will develop more opioid dependence and I will stop the pain medications for now and give him only oral pain medications in the anticipation of the discharge in the next 1 or 2 days. The patient was likely advised to also be seen by a pain specialist as an outpatient after being referred. We will try to verify his pain medications from his primary doctor and his pharmacy. The patient said that he has been on Dilaudid and Vicodin ES and Norco and all these medications in the past. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
DIAGNOSES ON ADMISSION,1. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) with right arm weakness.,2. Bronchitis.,3. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.,4. Hyperlipidemia.,5. Thrombocytopenia.,DIAGNOSES ON DISCHARGE,1. Cerebrovascular accident with right arm weakness and MRI indicating acute/subacute infarct involving the left posterior parietal lobe without mass effect.,2. Old coronary infarct, anterior aspect of the right external capsule.,3. Acute bronchitis with reactive airway disease.,4. Thrombocytopenia most likely due to old coronary infarct, anterior aspect of the right external capsule.,5. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was admitted to the emergency room. Plavix was started in addition to baby aspirin. He was kept on oral Zithromax for his cough. He was given Xopenex treatment, because of his respiratory distress. Carotid ultrasound was reviewed and revealed a 50 to 69% obstruction of left internal carotid. Dr. X saw him in consultation and recommended CT angiogram. This showed no significant obstructive lesion other than what was known on the ultrasound. Head MRI was done and revealed the above findings. The patient was begun on PT and improved. By discharge, he had much improved strength in his right arm. He had no further progressions. His cough improved with oral Zithromax and nebulizer treatments. His platelets also improved as well. By discharge, his platelets was up to 107,000. His H&H was stable at 41.7 and 14.6 and his white count was 4300 with a normal differential. Chest x-ray revealed a mild elevated right hemidiaphragm, but no infiltrate. Last chemistry panel on December 5, 2003, sodium 137, potassium 4.0, chloride 106, CO2 23, glucose 88, BUN 17, creatinine 0.7, calcium was 9.1. PT/INR on admission was 1.03, PTT 34.7. At the time of discharge, the patient's cough was much improved. His right arm weakness has much improved. His lung examination has just occasional rhonchi. He was changed to a metered dose inhaler with albuterol. He is being discharged home. An echocardiogram revealed mild concentric LVH with normal left ventricular function with an EF of 57%, moderate left atrial enlargement and diastolic dysfunction with mild mitral regurgitation. He will follow up in my office in 1 week. He is to start PT and OT as an outpatient. He is to avoid driving his car. He is to notify, if further symptoms. He has 2 more doses of Zithromax at home, he will complete. His prognosis is good. | [
"label": " Neurology",
"score": 1
] |
INDICATIONS:, Previously markedly abnormal dobutamine Myoview stress test and gated scan.,PROCEDURE DONE:, Resting Myoview perfusion scan and gated myocardial scan.,MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION IMAGING:, Resting myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging and gated scan were carried out with 32.6 mCi of Tc-99m Myoview. Rest study was done and compared to previous dobutamine Myoview stress test done on Month DD, YYYY. The lung heart ratio is 0.34. There appears to be a moderate size inferoapical perfusion defect of moderate degree. The gated myocardial scan revealed mild apical and distal inferoseptal hypokinesis with ejection fraction of 55%.,CONCLUSIONS:, Study done at rest only revealed findings consistent with an inferior non-transmural scar of moderate size and moderate degree. The left ventricular systolic function is markedly improved with much better regional wall motion of all left ventricular segments when compared to previous study done on Month DD, YYYY. We cannot assess the presence of any reversible perfusion defects because no stress imaging was performed. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
IDENTIFYING DATA:, Psychosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 28-year-old Samoan female who was her grandmother's caretaker. Her grandmother unfortunately had passed away recently and then the patient had developed erratic behavior. She had lived with her parents and son, but parents removed son from the home, secondary to the patient's erratic behavior. Recently, she was picked up by Kent Police Department "leaping on Highway 99.",PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , PTSD, depression, and substance abuse.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Unknown.,ALLERGIES:, Unknown.,MEDICATIONS: , Unknown.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Unable to obtain secondary to the patient being in seclusion.,OBJECTIVE:, Vital signs that were previously taken revealed a blood pressure of 152/86, pulse of 106, respirations of 18, and temperature is 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit. General appearance, HEENT, and history and physical examination was unable to be obtained today, as patient was put into seclusion.,LABORATORY DATA: , Laboratory reviewed reveals a BMP, slightly elevated glucose at 100.2. Previous urine tox was positive for THC. Urinalysis was negative, but did note positive UA wbc's. CBC, slightly elevated leukocytosis at 12.0, normal range is 4 to 11.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,AXIS I: Psychosis. Inpatient Psychiatric Team to follow.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: We were unable to perform physical examination on the patient today secondary to her being in seclusion. Laboratory was reviewed revealing leukocytosis, possibly secondary to a UTI. We will wait until the patient is out of seclusion to perform examination. Should she have some complaints of dysuria or any suprapubic pain, then we will begin on appropriate antimicrobial therapy. We will followup with the patient should any new medical issues arise. | [
"label": " Psychiatry / Psychology",
"score": 1
] |
EXAM: , Left heart cath, selective coronary angiogram, right common femoral angiogram, and StarClose closure of right common femoral artery.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Abnormal stress test and episode of shortness of breath.,PROCEDURE: , Right common femoral artery, 6-French sheath, JL4, JR4, and pigtail catheters were used.,FINDINGS:,1. Left main is a large-caliber vessel. It is angiographically free of disease,,2. LAD is a large-caliber vessel. It gives rise to two diagonals and septal perforator. It erupts around the apex. LAD shows an area of 60% to 70% stenosis probably in its mid portion. The lesion is a type A finishing before the takeoff of diagonal 1. The rest of the vessel is angiographically free of disease.,3. Diagonal 1 and diagonal 2 are angiographically free of disease.,4. Left circumflex is a small-to-moderate caliber vessel, gives rise to 1 OM. It is angiographically free of disease.,5. OM-1 is angiographically free of disease.,6. RCA is a large, dominant vessel, gives rise to conus, RV marginal, PDA and one PL. RCA has a tortuous course and it has a 30% to 40% stenosis in its proximal portion.,7. LVEDP is measured 40 mmHg.,8. No gradient between LV and aorta is noted.,Due to contrast concern due to renal function, no LV gram was performed.,Following this, right common femoral angiogram was performed followed by StarClose closure of the right common femoral artery.,IMPRESSION:,1. 60% to 70% mid left anterior descending stenosis.,2. Mild 30% to 40% stenosis of the proximal right coronary artery.,3. Status post StarClose closure of the right common femoral artery.,PLAN: ,Plan will be to perform elective PCI of the mid LAD. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 55-year-old female with a history of stroke, who presents today for followup of frequency and urgency with urge incontinence. This has been progressively worsening, and previously on VESIcare with no improvement. She continues to take Enablex 50 mg and has not noted any improvement of her symptoms. The nursing home did not do a voiding diary. She is accompanied by her power of attorney. No dysuria, gross hematuria, fever or chills. No bowel issues and does use several Depends a day.,Recent urodynamics in April 2008, here in the office, revealed significant detrusor instability with involuntary urinary incontinence and low bladder volumes, and cystoscopy was unremarkable.,IMPRESSION: ,Persistent frequency and urgency, in a patient with a history of neurogenic bladder and history of stroke. This has not improved on VESIcare as well as Enablex. Options are discussed.,We discussed other options of pelvic floor rehabilitation, InterStim by Dr. X, as well as more invasive procedure. The patient and the power of attorney would like him to proceed with meeting Dr. X to discuss InterStim, which was briefly reviewed here today and brochure for this is provided today. Prior to discussion, the nursing home will do an extensive voiding diary for one week, while she is on Enablex, and if this reveals no improvement, the patient will be started on Ventura twice daily and prescription is provided. They will see Dr. X with a prior voiding diary, which is again discussed. All questions answered.,PLAN:, As above, the patient will be scheduled to meet with Dr. X to discuss option of InterStim, and will be accompanied by her power of attorney. In the meantime, Sanctura prescription is provided, and voiding diaries are provided. All questions answered. | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
DATE OF ADMISSION: , MM/DD/YYYY.,DATE OF DISCHARGE: , MM/DD/YYYY.,ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Peritoneal carcinomatosis from appendiceal primary.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Peritoneal carcinomatosis from appendiceal primary.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: , Diarrhea.,ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: , AB CD, M.D.,SERVICE: , General surgery C, Surgery Oncology.,CONSULTING SERVICES:, Urology.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:, On MM/DD/YYYY, ,1. Cystoscopy, bilaterally retrograde pyelograms, insertion of bilateral externalized ureteral stents.,2. Exploratory laparotomy, right hemicolectomy, cholecystectomy, splenectomy, omentectomy, IPHC with mitomycin-C.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient is a pleasant 56-year-old gentleman with no significant past medical history who after an extensive workup for peritoneal carcinomatosis from appendiceal primary was admitted on MM/DD/YYYY. He was admitted to General Surgery C Service for a routine preoperative evaluation including baseline labs, bowel prep, urology consult for ureteral stent placement. The patient was taken to the operative suite on MM/DD/YYYY and was first seen by Urology for a cystoscopy with bilateral ureteral stent placement. Dr. XYZ performed an exploratory laparotomy, right hemicolectomy, cholecystectomy, splenectomy, omentectomy, and IPHC with mitomycin-C. The procedure was without complications. The patient was observed closely in the ICU for one day postoperatively for persistent tachycardia after extubation. He was then transferred to the floor where he has done exceptionally well.,On postoperative day #2, the patient passed flatus and we were able to start a clear liquid diet. We advanced him as tolerated to a regular health select diet by postoperative day #4. His pain was well controlled throughout this hospitalization, initially with a PCA pump, which he very seldomly used. He was then switched over to p.o. pain medicines and has required very little for adequate pain control. By postoperative date #2, the patient had been out of bed and ambulating in the hallways. The patient's only problem was with some mild diarrhea on postoperative days #3 and 4. This was thought to be a result of his right hemicolectomy. A C. diff toxin was sent and came back negative and he was started on Imodium to manage his diarrhea. His post-splenectomy vaccines including pneumococcal, HiB, and meningococcal vaccines were administered during his hospitalization.,On the day of discharge, the patient was resting comfortably in the bed without complaints. He had been afebrile throughout his hospitalization and his vital signs were stable. Pertinent physical exam findings include that his abdomen was soft, nondistended and nontender with bowel sounds present throughout. His midline incision is clean, dry, and intact and staples are in place. He is just six days postop, he will go home with his staples in place and they will be removed on his follow-up appointment.,CONDITION AT DISCHARGE: ,The patient was discharged in good and stable condition.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. Multivitamins daily.,2. Lovenox 40 mg in 0.4 mL solution inject subcutaneously once daily for 14 days.,3. Vicodin 5/500 mg and take one tablet by mouth every four hours as needed for pain.,4. Phenergan 12.5 mg tablets, take one tablet by mouth every six hours p.r.n. for nausea.,5. Imodium A-D tablets take one tablet by mouth b.i.d. as needed for diarrhea.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:, The patient was instructed to contact us with any questions or concerns that may arise. In addition, he was instructed to contact us, if he would have fevers greater than 101.4, chills, nausea or vomitting, continuing diarrhea, redness, drainage, or warmth around his incision site. He will be seen in about one week's time in Dr. XYZ's clinic and his staples will be removed at that time.,FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENT: , The patient will be seen by Dr. XYZ in clinic in one week's time. | [
"label": " Discharge Summary",
"score": 1
] |
OPERATIVE NOTE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and was placed in the supine position on the operating room table. A general inhalation anesthetic was administered. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The urethral meatus was calibrated with a small mosquito hemostat and was gently dilated. Next a midline ventral type incision was made opening the meatus. This was done after clamping the tissue to control bleeding. The meatus was opened for about 3 mm. Next the meatus was calibrated and easily calibrated from 8 to 12 French with bougie sounds. Next the mucosal edges were everted and reapproximated to the glans skin edges with approximately five interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The meatus still calibrated between 10 and 12 French. Antibiotic ointment was applied. The procedure was terminated. The patient was awakened and returned to the recovery room in stable condition. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left inguinal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left direct and indirect inguinal hernia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Repair of left inguinal hernia with Prolene mesh.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with local.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition.,SPECIMEN: , Hernia sac, as well as turbid fluid with gram stain, which came back with no organisms from the hernia sac.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,This is a 53-year-old male who presented to Dr. Y's office with a bulge in the left groin and was found to have a left inguinal hernia increasing over the past several months. The patient has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and opted for an open left inguinal hernial repair with Prolene mesh.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was found to have a direct as well as an indirect component to the left inguinal hernia with a large sac. The patient was also found to have some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for gram stain and turned out to be negative with no organisms.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent, risks and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient, the patient was brought to the operative suite, prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. The left inguinal ligament was identified from the pubic tubercle to the ASIS. Two fingerbreadths above the pubic tubercle, a transverse incision was made. First, the skin was anesthetized with 1% lidocaine and then an incision was made with a #15 blade scalpel, approximately 6 cm in length. Dissection was then carried down with electro Bovie cautery through Scarpa's fascia maintaining hemostasis. Once the external oblique was identified, external oblique was incised in the length of its fibers with a #15 blade scalpel. Metzenbaum scissors were then used to extend the incision in both directions opening up the external oblique down to the external ring. Next, the external oblique was grasped with Ochsner on both sides. The cord, cord structures as well as hernia sac were freed up circumferentially and a Penrose drain was placed around it. Next, the hernia sac was identified and the anteromedial portion of the hernia sac was stripped down, grasped with two hemostats. A Metzenbaum scissor was then used to open the hernia sac and the hernia sac was explored. There was some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for cultures. Gram stain was negative for organisms. Next, the hernia sac was to be ligated at its base and transected. A peon was used at the base. Metzenbaum scissor was used to cut the hernia sac and sending it off as a specimen. An #0 Vicryl stick suture was used with #0 Vicryl loop suture to suture ligate the hernia sac at its base.,Next, attention was made to placing a Prolene mesh to cover the floor. The mesh was sutured to the pubic tubercle medially along the ilioinguinal ligament inferiorly and along the conjoint tendon superiorly making a slit for the cord and cord structures. Attention was made to salvaging the ilioinguinal nerve, which was left above the repair of the mesh and below the external oblique once closed and appeared to be intact. Attention was next made after suturing the mesh with the #2-0 Polydek suture. The external oblique was then closed over the roof with a running #0 Vicryl suture, taking care not to strangulate the cord and to recreate the external ring. After injecting the external oblique and cord structures with Marcaine for anesthetic, the Scarpa's fascia was approximated with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with a running subcuticular #4-0 undyed Vicryl suture. Steri-Strip with sterile dressings were applied.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Comminuted fracture, dislocation left proximal humerus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Comminuted fracture, dislocation left proximal humerus.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Hemiarthroplasty of left shoulder utilizing a global advantage system with an #8 mm cemented humeral stem and 48 x 21 mm modular head replacement.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to OR #2, administered general anesthetic. He was positioned in the modified beach chair position on the operative table utilizing the shoulder apparatus. The left shoulder and upper extremities were then prepped and draped in the usual manner. A longitudinal incision was made extending from a point just lateral to the coracoid down towards deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. This incision was taken down through the skin and subcutaneous tissues were split utilizing the coag cautery. Hemostasis was achieved with the cautery. The deltoid fascia were identified, skin flaps were then created. The deltopectoral interval was identified and the deltoid split just lateral to the cephalic vein. The deltoid was then retracted. There was marked hematoma and swelling within the subdeltoid bursa. This area was removed with rongeurs. The biceps tendon was identified which was the landmark for the rotator interval. Mayo scissors was utilized to split the remaining portion of the rotator interval. The greater tuberosity portion with the rotator cuff was identified. Excess bone was removed from the greater tuberosity side to allow for closure later. The lesser tuberosity portion with the subscapularis was still attached to the humeral head, therefore, osteotome was utilized to separate the lesser tuberosity from the humeral head fragment.,Excess bone was removed from the lesser tuberosity as well. Both of these were tagged with Ethibond sutures for later. The humeral head was delivered out of the wound. It was localized to the area of the anteroinferior glenoid region. The glenoid was then inspected, and noted to be intact. The fracture was at the level of the surgical neck on the proximal humerus. The canal was repaired with the broaches. An #8 stem was chosen as it was going to be cemented into place. The trial stem was impacted into position and the shaft of the bone marked with the cautery to the appropriate retroversion. Trial reduction was performed. The 48 x 21 mm head was the most appropriate size, matching the patient's as well as the soft tissue tension on the shoulder. At this point, the wound was copiously irrigated with gentamycin solution. The canal was copiously irrigated as well and suctioned dry. Methyl methacrylate cement was mixed. The cement gun was filled and the canal was filled with the cement. The #8 stem was then impacted into place and held in the position in the appropriate retroversion until the cement had cured. Excess cement was removed by sharp dissection. Prior to cementation of the stem, a hole was drilled in the shaft of proximal humerus and #2 fiber wires were placed through this hole for closure later. Once the cement was cured, the modular head was impacted on to the Morse taper. It was stable and the shoulder was reduced. The lesser tuberosity was then reapproximated back to the original site utilizing the #2 fiber wire suture that was placed in the humeral shaft as well as the holes in the humeral implant. The greater tuberosity portion with rotator cuff was also attached to the implant as well as the shaft of the humerus utilizing #2 fiber wires as well. The rotator interval was closed with #2 fiber wire in an interrupted fashion. The biceps tendon was ________ within this closure. The wound was copiously irrigated with gentamycin solution, suctioned dry. The deltoid fascia was then approximated with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous layer was approximated with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl and skin approximated with staples. Subcutaneous tissues were infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine solution. A bulky dressing was applied to the wound followed by application of a large arm sling. Circulatory status was intact in the extremity at the completion of the case. The patient was then transferred to recovery room in apparent satisfactory condition. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Chronic otitis media with effusion, conductive hearing loss, and recurrent acute otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Chronic otitis media with effusion, conductive hearing loss, and recurrent acute otitis media.,OPERATION: , Bilateral myringotomies, insertion of PE tubes, and pharyngeal anesthesia.,ANESTHESIA: ,General via facemask.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a one-year-old with history of chronic and recurrent episodes of otitis media with persistent middle ear effusions resistant to medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, was placed in supine position. General anesthesia was begun via face mask technique. Once an adequate level of anesthesia was obtained, the operating microscope was brought, positioned and visualized the right ear canal. A small amount of wax was removed with a loop. A 4-mm operating speculum was then introduced. An anteroinferior quadrant radial myringotomy was then performed. A large amount of mucoid middle ear effusion was aspirated from the middle ear cleft. Reuter bobbin PE tube was then inserted, followed by Floxin otic drops and a cotton ball in the external meatus. Head was then turned to the opposite side, where similar procedure was performed. Once again, the middle ear cleft had a mucoid effusion. A tube was inserted to an anteroinferior quadrant radial myringotomy.,Anesthesia was then reversed and the patient was transported to the recovery room having tolerated the procedure well with stable signs. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left mesothelioma, focal.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left pleural-based nodule.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left thoracoscopy.,2. Left mini thoracotomy with resection of left pleural-based mass.,FINDINGS:, Left anterior pleural-based nodule, which was on a thin pleural pedicle with no invasion into the chest wall.,FLUIDS: , 800 mL of crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,DRAINS, TUBES, CATHETERS: , 24-French chest tube in the left thorax plus Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , Left pleural-based nodule.,INDICATION FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 59-year-old female with previous history of follicular thyroid cancer, approximately 40 years ago, status post resection with recurrence in the 1980s, who had a left pleural-based mass identified on chest x-ray. Preoperative evaluation included a CT scan, which showed focal mass. CT and PET confirmed anterior lesion. Therefore the patient was seen in our thoracic tumor board where it was recommended to have resection performed with chest wall reconstruction. In the outpatient setting, the patient was willing to proceed.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient identified correctly. She was taken to the operating room where an epidural catheter was placed by Anesthesia without difficulty. She was sedated and intubated with double-lumen endotracheal tube without difficulty. She was positioned with left side up. Appropriate pressure points were padded. The left chest was prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. The skin incision was made in the posterior axillary line, approximately 7th intercostal space with #10 blade, taken down through tissues and Bovie electrocautery.,Pleura was entered. There was good deflation of the left lung. __________ port was placed, followed by the 0-degree 10-mm scope with appropriate patient positioning. Posteriorly a pedunculated 2.5 x 3-cm pleural-based mass was identified on the anterior chest wall. There were thin adhesions to the pleura, but no invasion of the chest wall that could be identified. The tumor was very mobile and was on a pedunculated stalk, approximately 1.5 cm. It was felt that this could be resected without the need of chest wall reconstruction because of the narrow stalk.,Therefore a 2nd port was placed in the anterior axillary line approximately 8th intercostal space in the usual fashion. Camera was placed through this port. Laparoscopic scissors were placed through the posterior port, but it was necessary to have another instrument to provide more tension than just gravity. Therefore because of the need to bring the specimen through the chest wall, a small 3-cm thoracotomy was made, which incorporated the posterior port site. This was taken down to the subcutaneous tissue with Bovie electrocautery. Periosteal elevator was used to lift the intercostal muscle off. The ribs were not spread. Through this 3-cm incision, both the laparoscopic scissors as well as Prestige graspers could be placed. Prestige graspers were used to pull the specimen from the chest wall. Care was taken not to injure the capsule. The laparoscopic scissors on cautery were used to resect the parietal pleural off of the chest wall. Care was taken not to transect the stalk. Specimen came off the chest wall very easily. There was good hemostasis.,At this point, the EndoCatch bag was placed through the incision. Specimen was placed in the bag and then removed from the field. There was good hemostasis. Camera was removed. A 24-French chest tube was placed through the anterior port and secured with 2-0 silk suture. The posterior port site was closed 1st with 2-0 Vicryl in a running fashion for the intercostal muscle layer, followed by 2-0 closure of the latissimus fascia as well as subdermal suture, 4-0 Monocryl was used for the skin, followed by Steri-Strips and sterile drapes. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was extubated in the operating room and returned to the recovery room in stable condition. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Chronic dyspepsia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Chronic dyspepsia.,3. Alkaline reflux gastritis.,4. Gastroparesis.,5. Probable Billroth II anastomosis.,6. Status post Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsies.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 55-year-old African-American female who had undergone Whipple's procedure approximately five to six years ago for a benign pancreatic mass. The patient has pancreatic insufficiency and is already on replacement. She is currently using Nexium. She has continued postprandial dyspepsia and reflux symptoms. To evaluate this, the patient was boarded for EGD. The patient gave informed consent for the procedure.,GROSS FINDINGS: , At the time of EGD, the patient was found to have alkaline reflux gastritis. There was no evidence of distal esophagitis. Gastroparesis was seen as there was retained fluid in the small intestine. The patient had no evidence of anastomotic obstruction and appeared to have a Billroth II reconstruction by gastric jejunostomy. Biopsies were taken and further recommendations will follow.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the Endoscopy Suite. The heart and lungs examination were unremarkable. The vital signs were monitored and found to be stable throughout the procedure. The patient's oropharynx was anesthetized with Cetacaine spray. She was placed in left lateral position. The patient had the video Olympus GIF gastroscope model inserted per os and was advanced without difficulty through the hypopharynx. GE junction was in normal position. There was no evidence of any hiatal hernia. There was no evidence of distal esophagitis. The gastric remnant was entered. It was noted to be inflamed with alkaline reflux gastritis. The anastomosis was open and patent. The small intestine was entered. There was retained fluid material in the stomach and small intestine and _______ gastroparesis. Biopsies were performed. Insufflated air was removed with withdrawal of the scope. The patient's diet will be adjusted to postgastrectomy-type diet. Biopsies performed. Diet will be reviewed. The patient will have an upper GI series performed to rule out more distal type obstruction explaining the retained fluid versus gastroparesis. Reglan will also be added. Further recommendations will follow. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for GERD, history of iron deficiency anemia, and asthma for which she takes an inhaler.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Positive for only for left knee arthritis. She has no exposure to tuberculosis or syphilis, she has no mouth or genital ulcers. She has no skin rashes. She has no connective tissue disorders.,PAST OCULAR HISTORY: , Significant for cataract and glaucoma surgery of the right eye.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, visual acuity measures hand motions on the right and 20/25 in the left. There is an afferent pupillary defect on the right. On examination, there is a right hypertropia. There is dense anterior chamber inflammation on the right eye with a stagnant aqueous. There is either neovascularization on the iris or reactive iris vessels, it is difficult to discern. This seems to be complete iris synechia to the anterior lens capsule. There is a posterior chamber intraocular lens with an inflammatory debris on the anterior surface. The anterior chamber appears narrow. On the left, there is also dense inflammation at 4+ cell. There is 1+ nuclear sclerosis. Dilated fundus examination cannot be performed on the right secondary to intense inflammation. On the left, there is no evidence of active posterior uveitis. There is some inferior vitreous debris.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:, Chronic bilateral recurrent nongranulomatous diffuse uveitis. Currently, there is very severe right eye inflammation and severe left eye. I discussed at length with the patient that this will likely take an oral steroid to quite her down. Since she has only one seeing eye, I am anxious to obtain a decreased inflammation as soon as possible. She has been on oral steroids in the past. We also discussed, considering the aggressive recurrent nature of this process, it is likely we will have to consider a steroid sparing agent to maintain longer term control of this recurrent process so that we do not use visual acuity in the left. I anticipate we will likely start methotrexate in the near future. In this acute phase, I have recommended oral steroids at a dose of 60 mg a day, hourly topical Pred Forte as well as atropine sulfate. We will watch her closely in clinic. I am sending a copy of this dictation to her primary care doctor, she said she has had a negative HLA-B27, rheumatoid factor, and ANA in the past. At this stage, to be thorough I would ask Dr. X to assist us in repeating her chest x-ray, PPD if not current, and an RPR. Additionally, in anticipation of need for methotrexate, it would be helpful to have a full liver function profile as well as hepatitis B and hepatitis C. | [
"label": " Ophthalmology",
"score": 1
] |
PROCEDURE:, Bronchoscopy, right upper lobe biopsies and right upper lobe bronchial washing as well as precarinal transbronchial needle aspiration.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: , The risks, alternatives, and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient as well as conscious sedation and she agrees to proceed. The patient received topical lidocaine by nebulization. The flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope was introduced orally. The patient had normal teeth, normal tongue, normal jaw, and her vocal cords moved symmetrically and were without lesions. I proceeded to the right upper lobe where a mucous plug was noted in the subsegmental bronchus of the posterior segment of the right upper lobe. I proceeded under fluoroscopic guidance to guide the biopsy wire in this area and took four biopsies. Followup fluoroscopy was negative for pneumothorax. I wedged the bronchoscope in the subsegmental bronchus and achieved good hemostasis after three minutes.,I then proceeded to inspect the rest of the tracheobronchial tree, which was without lesions. I performed a bronchial washing after the biopsies in the right upper lobe. I then performed two transbronchial needle aspirations with a Wang needle biopsy in the precarinal area. All of these samples were sent for histology and cytology respectively. Estimated blood loss was approximately 5 cc. Good hemostasis was achieved. The patient received a total of 12.5 mg of Demerol and 3 mg of Versed and tolerated the procedure well. Her ASA score was 2. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Lump in the chest wall.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 56-year-old white male who has been complaining of having had a lump in the chest for the past year or so and it has been getting larger and tender according to the patient. It is tender on palpation and also he feels like, when he takes a deep breath also, it hurts.,CHRONIC/INACTIVE CONDITIONS,1. Hypertension.,2. Hyperlipidemia.,3. Glucose intolerance.,4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?,5. Tobacco abuse.,6. History of anal fistula.,ILLNESSES:, See above.,PREVIOUS OPERATIONS: , Anal fistulectomy, incision and drainage of perirectal abscess, hand surgery, colonoscopy, arm nerve surgery, and back surgery.,PREVIOUS INJURIES: , He had a broken ankle in the past. They questioned the patient who is a truck driver whether he has had an auto accident in the past, he said that he has not had anything major. He said he bumped his head once, but not his chest, although he told the nurse that a car fell on his chest that is six years ago. He told me that he hit a moose once, but he does not remember hitting his chest.,ALLERGIES: , TO BACTRIM, SIMVASTATIN, AND CIPRO.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Lisinopril.,2. Metoprolol.,3. Vitamin B12.,4. Baby aspirin.,5. Gemfibrozil.,6. Felodipine.,7. Levitra.,8. Pravastatin.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. Negative for heart disease, obesity or stroke.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is married. He works as a truck driver and he drives in town. He smokes two packs a day and he has two beers a day he says, but not consuming illegal drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies weight loss/gain, fever or chills.,ENMT: Denies headaches, nosebleeds, voice changes, blurry vision or changes in/loss of vision.,CV: See history of present illness. Denies chest pain, SOB supine, palpitations, edema, varicose veins or leg pains.,RESPIRATORY: He has a chronic cough. Denies shortness of breath, wheezing, sputum production or bloody sputum.,GI: Denies heartburn, blood in stools, loss of appetite, abdominal pain or constipation.,GU: Denies painful/burning urination, cloudy/dark urine, flank pain or groin pain.,MS: Denies joint pain/stiffness, backaches, tendon/ligaments/muscle pains/strains, bone aches/pains or muscle weakness.,NEURO: Denies blackouts, seizures, loss of memory, hallucinations, weakness, numbness, tremors or paralysis.,PSYCH: Denies anxiety, irritability, apathy, depression, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances or suicidal thoughts.,INTEGUMENTARY: Denies unusual hair loss/breakage, skin lesions/discoloration or unusual nail breakage/discoloration.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,CONSTITUTIONAL: Blood pressure 140/84, pulse rate 100, respiratory rate 20, temperature 97.2, height 5 feet 10 inches, and weight 218 pounds. The patient is well developed, well nourished, and with fair attention to grooming. The patient is moderately overweight.,NECK: The neck is symmetric, the trachea is in the midline, and there are no masses. No crepitus is palpated. The thyroid is palpable, not enlarged, smooth, moves with swallowing, and has no palpable masses.,RESPIRATION: Normal respiratory effort. There is no intercostal retraction or action by the accessory muscles. Normal breath sounds bilaterally with no rhonchi, wheezing or rubs. There is a localized 2-cm diameter hard mass in relationship to the costosternal cartilages in the lower most position in the left side, just adjacent to the sternum.,CARDIOVASCULAR: The PMI is palpable at the 5ICS in the MCL. No thrills on palpation. S1 and S2 are easily audible. No audible S3, S4, murmur, click, or rub. Carotid pulses 2+ without bruits. Abdominal aorta is not palpable. No audible abdominal bruits. Femoral pulses are 2+ bilaterally, without audible bruits. Extremities show no edema or varicosities. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Evaluate exercise-induced chest pain, palpitations, dizzy spells, shortness of breath, and abnormal EKG.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This 72-year-old female had a spell of palpitations that lasted for about five to ten minutes. During this time, patient felt extremely short of breath and dizzy. Palpitations lasted for about five to ten minutes without any recurrence. Patient also gives history of having tightness in the chest after she walks briskly up to a block. Chest tightness starts in the retrosternal area with radiation across the chest. Chest tightness does not radiate to the root of the neck or to the shoulder, lasts anywhere from five to ten minutes, and is relieved with rest. Patient gives history of having hypertension for the last two months. Patient denies having diabetes mellitus, history suggestive of previous myocardial infarction, or cerebrovascular accident.,MEDICATIONS: , ,1. Astelin nasal spray.,2. Evista 60 mg daily.,3. Lopressor 25 mg daily.,4. Patient was given a sample of Diovan 80 mg daily for the control of hypertension from my office.,PAST HISTORY:, The patient underwent right foot surgery and C-section.,FAMILY HISTORY:, The patient is married, has six children who are doing fine. Father died of a stroke many years ago. Mother had arthritis.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient does not smoke or take any drinks. ,ALLERGIES:, THE PATIENT IS NOT ALLERGIC TO ANY MEDICATIONS.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Otherwise negative. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,GENERAL: Well-built, well-nourished white female in no acute distress. ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 160/80. Respirations 18 per minute. Heart rate 70 beats per minute. Patient weighs 133 pounds, height 64 inches. BMI is 22.,HEENT: Head normocephalic. Eyes, no evidence of anemia or jaundice. Oral hygiene is good.,NECK: Supple. No cervical lymphadenopathy. Carotid upstroke is good. No bruit heard over the carotid or subclavian arteries. Trachea in midline. Thyroid not enlarged. JVP flat at 45°.,CHEST: Chest is symmetrical on both sides, moves well with respirations. Vesicular breath sounds heard over the lung fields. No wheezing, crepitation, or pleural friction rub heard. ,CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: PMI felt in fifth left intercostal space within midclavicular line. First and second heart sounds are normal in character. There is a II/VI systolic murmur best heard at the apex. There is no diastolic murmur or gallop heard.,ABDOMEN: Soft. There is no hepatosplenomegaly or ascites. No bruit heard over the aorta or renal vessels.,EXTREMITIES: No pedal edema. Femoral arterial pulsations are 3+, popliteal 2+. Dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis are 1+ on both sides.,NEURO: Normal.,EKG from Dr. Xyz's office shows normal sinus rhythm, ST and T wave changes. Lipid profile, random blood sugar, BUN, creatinine, CBC, and LFTs are normal.,IMPRESSION:, | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Mass, left second toe.,2. Tumor.,3. Left hallux bone invasion of the distal phalanx.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Mass, left second toe.,2. Tumor.,3. Left hallux with bone invasion of the distal phalanx.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Excision of mass, left second toe.,2. Distal Syme's amputation, left hallux with excisional biopsy.,HISTORY: , This 47-year-old Caucasian male presents to ABCD General Hospital with a history of tissue mass on his left foot. The patient states that the mass has been present for approximately two weeks and has been rapidly growing in size. The patient also has history of shave biopsy in the past. The patient does state that he desires surgical excision at this time.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported from the operating room and placed on the operating room table in the supine position with the safety belt across his lap. Copious amount of Webril was placed around the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 6 cc mixed with 1% lidocaine plain with 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a digital block fashion at the base of the left hallux as well as the left second toe.,The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. Care was taken with the exsanguination to perform exsanguination below the level of the digits so as not to rupture the masses. The foot was lowered to the operating table. The stockinet was reflected and the foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge. A distal Syme's incision was planned over the distal aspect of the left hallux. The incision was performed with a #10 blade and deepened with #15 down to the level of bone. The dorsal skin flap was removed and dissected in toto off of the distal phalanx. There was noted to be in growth of the soft tissue mass into the dorsal cortex with erosion in the dorsal cortex and exposure of cortical bone at the distal phalanx. The tissue was sent to Pathology where Dr. Green stated that a frozen sample would be of less use for examining for cancer. Dr. Green did state that he felt that there was an adequate incomplete excision of the soft tissue for specimen. At this time, a sagittal saw was then used to resect all ends of bone of the distal phalanx. The area was inspected for any remaining suspicious tissues. Any suspicious tissue was removed. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin was then reapproximated with #4-0 nylon with a combination of simple and vertical mattress sutures.,Attention was then directed to the left second toe. There was noted to be a dorsolateral mass over the dorsal distal aspect of the left second toe. A linear incision was made just medial to the tissue mass. The mass was then dissected from the overlying skin and off of the underlying capsule. This tissue mass was hard, round, and pearly-gray in appearance. It does not invade into any other surrounding tissues. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline and the skin was closed with #4-0 nylon. Dressings consisted of Owen silk soaked in Betadine, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and an Ace wrap. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient was given postoperative pain prescription for Vicodin and instructed to follow up with Dr. Bonnani in his office as directed. The patient will be contacted immediately pending the results of pathology. Cultures obtained in the case were aerobic and anaerobic gram stain, Silver stain, and a CBC. | [
"label": " Hematology - Oncology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Radiation cystitis.,2. Refractory voiding dysfunction.,3. Status post radical retropubic prostatectomy and subsequent salvage radiation therapy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Radiation cystitis.,2. Refractory voiding dysfunction.,3. Status post radical retropubic prostatectomy and subsequent salvage radiation therapy.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Salvage cystectomy (very difficult due to postradical prostatectomy and postradiation therapy to the pelvis), Indiana pouch continent cutaneous diversion, and omental pedicle flap to the pelvis.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal with epidural.,INDICATIONS: ,This patient is a 65-year-old white male who in 1998 had a radical prostatectomy. He was initially dry without pads and then underwent salvage radiation therapy for rising PSA. After that he began with episodes of incontinence as well as urinary retention requiring catheterization. One year ago, he was unable to catheterize and was taken to the operative room and had cystoscopy. He had retained staple removed and a diverticulum identified. There were also bladder stones that were lasered and removed, and he had been incontinent ever since that time. He wears 8 to 10 pads per day, and this has affected his quality of life significantly. I took him to the operating room on January 16, 2008, and found diffuse radiation changes with a small capacity bladder and wide-open bladder neck. We both felt that his lower urinary tract was not rehabilitatable and that a continent cutaneous diversion would solve the number of problems facing him. I felt like if we could remove the bladder safely, then this would also provide a benefit.,FINDINGS: , At exploration, there were no gross lesions of the smaller or large bowel. The bladder was predictably sucked into the pelvic sidewall both inferiorly and laterally. The opened bladder, which we were able to remove completely, had a wide-open capacious diverticulum in its very distal segment. Because of the previous radiation therapy and a dissection down to the pelvis, I elected to place an omental pedicle flap to provide additional blood supply for healing as well in the pelvis and also under the pubic bone which was exposed inferiorly due to previous surgery and treatment.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the operative suite and after adequate general endotracheal and epidural anesthesia obtained, placed in the supine position, flexed over the anterosuperior iliac spine, and his abdomen and genitalia were sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A nasogastric tube was placed as well as radial arterial line. He was given intravenous antibiotics for prophylaxis. A generous midline skin incision was made from the midepigastrium down to the symphysis pubis, deep into the rectus fascia, the rectus muscle separated in the midline, and exploration carried out with the findings described. Moist wound towels and a Bookwalter retractor were placed for exposure. We began by retracting the bowels by mobilizing the cecum and ascending colon and hepatic flexure and elevating the terminal ileum up to the second and third portion of the duodenum. The ureter was identified as a crisis over the iliac vessels and dissected deep into pelvis and subsequently divided between clips. An identical procedure was performed in the left side with similar findings and the bowels were packed cephalad.,We began then dissecting the bladder away from the pelvic side walls staying medial to both epigastric arteries. This was quite challenging because of the previous radiation therapy and radical prostatectomy. We essentially carved the bladder off of the pelvic sidewall inferiorly as best we could and then we were able to have enough freedom to identify the lateral pedicles, and these were taken between double clips approximately and clipped distally. We then approached things posteriorly and carefully dissected between the __________ and posterior bladder. There was some remnant seminal vesicle on the right as well as both remnant ejaculatory duct and we used this to dissect the longus safe plane anterior to the rectum. We then entered the bladder anteriorly as distal as we could and remove the bladder and what we thought was a bladder neck and this appeared to end in a diverticulum. We then peeled it off the remaining rectum and passed the specimen off the operative field. Bladder was irrigated with warm sterile water and a meticulous inspection was made for hemostasis.,We then completely mobilized the omentum off of the proximal transverse colon. This allowed a generous flap to be able to be laid into the pelvis without tension.,We then turned our attention to forming the Indiana pouch. I completed the dissection of the right hepatic flexure and the proximal transverse colon and mobilized the omentum off of this portion of the colon. The colon was divided proximal to the middle colic using a GIA-80 stapler. I then divided the avascular plane of Treves along the terminal ileum and selected a point approximately 15 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve to divide the ileum. The mesentery was then sealed with a LigaSure device and divided, and the bowel was divided with a GIA-60 stapler. We then performed a side-to-side ileo-transverse colostomy using a GIA-80 stapler, closing the open end with a TA 60. The angles were reinforced with silk sutures and the mesenteric closed with interrupted silk sutures.,We then removed the staple line along the terminal ileum, passed a 12-French Robinson catheter into the cecal segment, and plicated the ileum with 3 firings of the GIA-60 stapler. The ileocecal valve was then reinforced with interrupted 3-0 silk sutures as described by Rowland, et al, and following this, passage of an 18-French Robinson catheter was associated with the characteristic "pop," indicating that we had adequately plicated the ileocecal valve.,As the patient had had a previous appendectomy, we made an opening in the cecum in the area of the previous appendectomy. We then removed the distal staple line along the transverse colon and aligned the cecal end and the distal middle colic end with two 3-0 Vicryl sutures. The bowel segment was then folded over on itself and the reservoir formed with 3 successive applications of the SGIA Polysorb-75. Between the staple lines, Vicryl sutures were placed and the defects closed with 3-0 Vicryl suture ligatures.,We then turned our attention to forming the ileocolonic anastomosis. The left ureter was mobilized and brought underneath the sigmoid mesentery and brought through the mesentery of the terminal ileum and an end-to-side anastomosis performed with an open technique using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures, and this was stented with a Cook 8.4-French ureteral stent, and this was secured to the bowel lumen with a 5-0 chromic suture. The right ureter was brought underneath the pouch and placed in a stented fashion with an identical anastomosis. We then brought the stents out through a separate incision cephalad in the pouch and they were secured with a 2-0 chromic suture. A 24-French Malecot catheter was placed through the cecum and secured with a chromic suture. The staple lines were then buried with a running 3-0 Vicryl two-layer suture and the open end of the pouch closed with a TA 60 Polysorb suture. The pouch was filled to 240 cc and noted to be watertight, and the ureteral anastomoses were intact.,We then made a final inspection for hemostasis. The cecostomy tube was then brought out to the right lower quadrant and secured to the skin with silk sutures. We then matured our stoma through the umbilicus. We removed the plug of skin through the umbilicus and delivered the ileal segment through this. A portion of the ileum was removed and healthy, well-vascularized tissue was matured with interrupted 3-0 chromic sutures. We left an 18-French Robinson through the stomag and secured this to the skin with silk sutures. The Malecot and stents were also secured in a similar fashion.,We matured the stoma to the umbilicus with interrupted chromic stitches. The stitch was brought out to the right upper quadrant and the Malecot to the left lower quadrant. A Large JP drain was placed in the pelvis dependent to the omentum pedicle flap as well as the Indiana pouch.,The rectus fascia was closed with a buried #2 Prolene running stitch, tying a new figure-of-eight proximally and distally and meeting in the middle and tying it underneath the fascia. Subcutaneous tissue was irrigated with saline and skin was closed with surgical clips. The estimated blood loss was 450 mL, and the patient received no packed red blood cells. The final sponge and needle count were reported to be correct. The patient was awakened and extubated, and taken on stretcher to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,PROCEDURES,1. Anterior cervical discectomy, C3-C4, C2-C3.,2. Anterior cervical fusion, C2-C3, C3-C4.,3. Removal of old instrumentation, C4-C5.,4. Fusion C3-C4 and C2-C3 with instrumentation using ABC plates.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was placed in the supine position. The neck was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for anterior cervical discectomy. A high incision was made to allow access to C2-C3. Skin and subcutaneous tissue and the platysma were divided sharply exposing the carotid sheath which was retracted laterally and the trachea and esophagus were retracted medially. This exposed the vertebral bodies of C2-C3 and C4-C5 which was bridged by a plate. We placed in self-retaining retractors. With the tooth beneath the blades, the longus colli muscles were dissected away from the vertebral bodies of C2, C3, C4, and C5. After having done this, we used the all-purpose instrumentation to remove the instrumentation at C4-C5, we could see that fusion at C4-C5 was solid.,We next proceeded with the discectomy at C2-C3 and C3-C4 with disc removal. In a similar fashion using a curette to clean up the disc space and the space was fairly widened, as well as drilling up the vertebral joints using high-speed cutting followed by diamond drill bit. It was obvious that the C3-C4 neural foramina were almost totally obliterated due to the osteophytosis and foraminal stenosis. With the operating microscope; however, we had good visualization of these nerve roots, and we were able to ___________ both at C2-C3 and C3-C4. We then placed the ABC 55-mm plate from C2 down to C4. These were secured with 16-mm titanium screws after excellent purchase. We took an x-ray which showed excellent position of the plate, the screws, and the graft themselves. The next step was to irrigate the wound copiously with saline and bacitracin solution and s Jackson-Pratt drain was placed in the prevertebral space and brought out through a separate incision. The wound was closed with 2-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissues and Steri-Strips used to close the skin. Blood loss was about 50 mL. No complication of the surgery. Needle count, sponge count, cottonoid count was correct.,The operating microscope was used for the entirety for both visualization and magnification and illumination which was quite superb. At the time of surgery, he had total collapse of the C2, C3, and C4 disc with osteophyte formation. At both levels, he has high-grade spinal stenosis at these levels, especially foramen stenosis causing the compression, neck pain, headaches, and arm and shoulder pain. He does have degenerative changes at C5-C6, C6-C7, C7-T1; however, they do not appear to be symptomatic, although x-rays show the disks to be partially collapsed at all levels with osteophyte formation beginning to form. | [
"label": " Orthopedic",
"score": 1
] |
SUBJECTIVE: ,School reports continuing difficulties with repetitive questioning, obsession with cleanness on a daily basis, concerned about his inability to relate this well in the classroom. He appears confused and depressed at times. Mother also indicates that preservative questioning had come down, but he started collecting old little toys that he did in the past. He will attend social skills program in the summer. ABCD indicated to me that they have identified two psychologists to refer him to for functional behavioral analysis. There is lessening of tremoring in both hands since discontinuation of Zoloft. He is now currently taking Abilify at 7.5 mg.,OBJECTIVE: , He came in less perseverative questioning, asked appropriate question about whether I talked to ABCD or not, greeted me with Japanese word to say hello, seemed less.,I also note that his tremors were less from the last time.,ASSESSMENT: , 299.8 Asperger disorder, 300.03 obsessive compulsive disorder.,PLAN:, Decrease Abilify from 7.5 mg to 5 mg tablet one a day, no refills needed. I am introducing slow Luvox 25 mg tablet one-half a.m. for OCD symptoms, if no side effects in one week we will to tablet one up to therapeutic level.,I also will call ABCD regarding the referral to psychologists for functional behavioral analysis. Parents will call me in two weeks. I will see him for medication review in four weeks. Mother signed informed consent. I reviewed side effects to observe including behavioral activation.,Abilify has been helpful in decreasing high emotional arousal. Combination of medication and behavioral intervention is recommended. | [
"label": " Psychiatry / Psychology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,PROCEDURES:,1. Removal of antibiotic spacer.,2. Revision total hip arthroplasty.,IMPLANTS,1. Hold the Zimmer trabecular metal 50 mm acetabular shell with two 6.5 x 30 mm screws.,2. Zimmer femoral component, 13.5 x 220 mm with a size AA femoral body.,3. A 32-mm femoral head with a +0 neck length.,ANESTHESIA: ,Regional.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS: , Hemovac times one and incisional VAC times one.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 66-year-old female with a history of previous right bipolar hemiarthroplasty for trauma. This subsequently became infected. She has undergone removal of this prosthesis and placement of antibiotic spacer. She currently presents for stage II reconstruction with removal of antibiotic spacer and placement of a revision total hip.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room by anesthesia personnel. She was placed supine on the operating table. A Foley catheter was inserted. A formal time out was obtained in identifying the correct patient, operative site. Preoperative antibiotics were held for intraoperative cultures. The patient was placed into the lateral decubitus position with the right side up. The previous surgical incision was identified. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in standard fashion. The old surgical incision was reopened along its proximal extent. Immediately encountered was a large amount of fibrous scar tissue. Dissection was carried sharply down through this scar tissue. Soft tissue plains were extremely difficult to visualize due to all the scarring. There was no native tissue to orient oneself with. We carried our dissection down through the scar tissue to what seemed to be a fascial layer. We incised through the fascial layer down to some scarred gluteus maximus muscle and down over what was initially felt to be the greater trochanter. Dissection was carried down through soft tissue and the distal located antibiotic spacer was exposed. This was used as a landmark to orient remainder of the dissection. The antibiotic spacer was exposed and followed distally to expose the proximal femur. Dissection was continued posteriorly and proximally to expose the acetabulum. A cobra retractor was able to be inserted across the superior aspect of the acetabulum to enhance exposure. Once improved visualization was obtained, the antibiotic spacer was removed from the femur. This allowed further improved visualization of the acetabulum. The acetabulum was filled with soft tissue debris and scar tissue. This was removed with sharp excision with a knife as well as with a rongeur and a Bovie. Once soft tissue was removed, the acetabulum was reamed. Reaming was started with a 46-mm reamer and carried up sequentially to prepare for 50-mm shell. The 50 mm shell was trialed and had good stability and fit. Attention was then turned to continue preparation of the femur. The canal was then debrided with femoral canal curettes. Some fibrous tissue was removed from the canal. The length of the femoral stem was then checked with this canal curette in place. Following x-rays, we prepared to begin reaming the femur. This femur was reamed over a guide rod using flexible reaming rods. The canal was reamed up to 13.5 mm distally in preparation for 14 mm stem. The stem was selected and initially size A body was placed in trial. The body was too tight proximally to fit. The proximal canal was then reamed for a size AA body. A longer stem with an anterior bow was selected and a size AA trial was assembled. This fit nicely in the canal and had good fit and fill. Intraoperative radiographs were obtained to determine component position. Intraoperative radiographs revealed satisfactory length of the component past the distal of fractures in the femur. The remainder of the trial was then assembled and the hip was relocated and trialed. Initially, it was found to be unstable posteriorly. We changed from a 10 degree lip liner to 20 degree lip liner. Again, the hip was trialed and found to be unstable posteriorly. This was due to reversion of the femoral component. As we attempted to seat the prosthesis, the stent continued to attempt to turn in retroversion. The stem was extracted and retrialed. Improved stability was obtained and we decided to proceed with the real components. A 20 degree liner was inserted into the acetabular shell. The real femoral components were assembled and inserted into the femoral canal. Again, the hip was trialed. The components were found to be in relative retroversion. The real components were then backed down and the neck was placed in the more anteversion and reinserted. Again, the stem attempted to follow in the relative retroversion. Along with this time, however, it was improved from previous attempts. The femoral head trial was placed back on the components and the hip relocated. It was taken to a range of motion and found to have improved stability compared to previous trialing. Decision was made to accept the component position. The real femoral head was selected and implanted. The hip was then taken again to a range of motion. It was stable at 90 degrees of flexion with 20 degrees of adduction and 40 degrees of internal rotation. The patient reached full extension and had no instability anteriorly.,The wound was then irrigated again with pulsatile lavage. Six liters of pulsatile lavage was used during the procedure.,The wound was then closed in a layered fashion. A Hemovac drain was placed deep to the fascial layer. The subcutaneous tissues were closed with #1 PDS, 2-0 PDS, and staples in the skin. An incisional VAC was then placed over the wound as well. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the close of the case.,DISPOSITION:, The patient will be weightbearing as tolerated with posterior hip precautions. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
3-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION,This patient is undergoing 3-dimensionally planned radiation therapy in order to adequately target structures at risk while diminishing the degree of exposure to uninvolved adjacent normal structures. This optimizes the chance of controlling tumor while diminishing the acute and long-term side effects. With conformal 3-dimensional simulation, there is extended physician, therapist, and dosimetrist effort and time expended. The patient is initially taken into a conventional simulator room where appropriate markers are placed and the patient is positioned and immobilized. Preliminary filed sizes and arrangements, including gantry angles, collimator angles, and number of fields are conceived. Radiographs are taken and these films are approved by the physician. Appropriate marks are placed on the patient's skin or on the immobilization device.,The patient is transferred to the diagnostic facility and placed on a flat CT scan table. Scans are performed through the targeted area. The scans are evaluated by the radiation oncologist and the tumor volume, target volume, and critical structures are outlined on the CT images. The dosimetrist then evaluates the slices in the treatment-planning computer with appropriately marked structures. This volume is reconstructed in a virtual 3-dimensional space utilizing the beam's-eye view features. Appropriate blocks are designed. Multiplane computerized dosimetry is performed throughout the volume. Field arrangements and blocking are modified as necessary to provide coverage of the target volume while minimizing dose to normal structures.,Once appropriate beam parameters and isodose distributions have been confirmed on the computer scan, the individual slices are then reviewed by the physician. The beam's-eye view, block design, and appropriate volumes are also printed and reviewed by the physician. Once these are approved, physical blocks or multi-leaf collimator equivalents will be devised. If significant changes are made in the field arrangements from the original simulation, the patient is brought back to the simulator where computer designed fields are re-simulated.,In view of the extensive effort and time expenditure required, this procedure justifies the special procedure code, 77470. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,Followup diabetes mellitus, type 1., ,SUBJECTIVE:, Patient is a 34-year-old male with significant diabetic neuropathy. He has been off on insurance for over a year. Has been using NPH and Regular insulin to maintain his blood sugars. States that he is deathly afraid of having a low blood sugar due to motor vehicle accident he was in several years ago. Reports that his blood sugar dropped too low which caused the accident. Since this point in time, he has been unwilling to let his blood sugars fall within a normal range, for fear of hypoglycemia. Also reports that he regulates his blood sugars with how he feels, rarely checking his blood sugar with a glucometer., ,Reports that he has been worked up extensively at hospital and was seeing an Endocrinologist at one time. Reports that he had some indications of kidney damage when first diagnosed. His urine microalbumin today is 100. His last hemoglobin A1C drawn at the end of December is 11.9. Reports that at one point, he was on Lantus which worked well and he did not worry about his blood sugars dropping too low. While using Lantus, he was able to get his hemoglobin A1C down to 7. His last CMP shows an elevated alkaline phosphatase level of 168. He denies alcohol or drug use and is a non smoker. Reports he quit drinking 3 years ago. I have discussed with patient that it would be appropriate to do an SGGT and hepatic panel today. Patient also has a history of gastroparesis and impotence. Patient requests Nexium and Viagra, neither of which are covered under the Health Plan. , ,Patient reports that he was in a scooter accident one week ago, fell off his scooter, hit his head. Was not wearing a helmet. Reports that he did not go to the emergency room and had a headache for several days after this incident. Reports that an ambulance arrived at the scene and he was told he had a scalp laceration and to go into the emergency room. Patient did not comply. Reports that the headache has resolved. Denies any dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or other neurological abnormalities., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , WD, WN. Slender, 34-year-old white male. VITAL SIGNS: Blood sugar 145, blood pressure 120/88, heart rate 104, respirations 16. Microalbumin 100. SKIN: There appears to be 2 skin lacerations on the left parietal region of the scalp, each approximately 1 inch long. No signs of infection. Wound is closed with new granulation tissue. Appears to be healing well. HEENT: Normocephalic. PERRLA. EOMI. TMs pearly gray with landmarks present. Nares patent. Throat with no redness or swelling. Nontender sinuses. NECK: Supple. Full ROM. No LAD. CARDIAC: | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS AND INDICATIONS:, Acute non-ST-elevation MI.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS AND SUMMARY:, The patient presented with an acute non-ST-elevation MI. Despite medical therapy, she continued to have intermittent angina. Angiography demonstrated the severe LAD as the culprit lesion. This was treated as noted above with angioplasty alone as the stent could not be safely advanced. She has residual lesions of 75% in the proximal right coronary and 60% proximal circumflex, and the other residual LAD lesions as noted above. She will be continued on her medical therapy. At age 90, she is not a good candidate for aortic valve replacement and coronary bypass grafting.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Selective coronary angiography, coronary angioplasty.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the cath lab, placed on the table in the supine position. The area of the right femoral artery was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. Using the percutaneous technique, a 6-French sheath was placed in the right femoral artery under fluoroscopic guidance. With the guidewire in place, a 5-French JL-4 catheter was used to selectively angiogram the left coronary system. The catheter was removed. The sheath flushed. The 5-French 3DRC catheter was then used to selectively angiogram the right coronary artery. The cath removed, the sheath flushed.,It was decided that intervention was needed in the severe lesions in the LAD, which appeared to be the culprit lesions for the non-ST elevation-MI. The patient was given a bolus of heparin and an ACT of approximately 50 seconds was obtained, we rebolused and the ACT was slightly lower. We repeated the level and it was slightly higher. We administered 500 more units of heparin and then proceeded with an ACT of approximately 270 seconds prior to the 500 units of heparin IV. Additionally, the patient had been given 300 mg of Plavix orally during the procedure and Integrilin IV bolus and then maintenance drip was started.,A 6-French CLS 3.5 left coronary guide catheter was used to cannulate the left main and HEW guidewire was positioned in the distal LAD and another HEW guidewire in the relatively large third diagonal. An Apex 2.5 x 15 mm balloon was positioned in the distal portion of the mid LAD stenosis and inflated to 6 atmospheres for 15 seconds and then deflated. Angiography was then performed, demonstrated marked improvement in the stenosis and this image was used for sizing the last of the needed stent. The balloon was pulled more proximally and then inflated again at 6 atmospheres for approximately 20 seconds, with the proximal end of the balloon positioned distal to the origin of the third diagonal so as to not compromise the ostium. The balloon was inflated and removed, repeat angiography performed. We attempted to advance a Driver 2.5 x 24 mm bare metal stent, but I could not advance it beyond the proximal LAD, where there was significant calcification. The stent was removed. Attempts to advance the same 2.5 x 15 mm Apex balloon that was previously used were unsuccessful. It was removed, a new Apex 2.5 x 15 mm balloon was then positioned in the proximal LAD and inflated to 6 atmospheres for 15 seconds and then deflated and advanced slightly with the distal tip of the balloon proximal to the third diagonal ostium and it was inflated to 6 atmospheres for 15 seconds and then deflated and removed. Repeat angiography demonstrated no evidence of dissection. One more attempt was made to advance the Driver 2.5 x 24 mm bare metal stent, but again I could not advance it beyond the calcified plaque in the proximal LAD and this was despite the presence of the buddy wire in the diagonal. I felt that further attempts in this calcified vessel in a 90-year-old with severe aortic stenosis and severe aortic insufficiency would likely result in complications of dissection, so the stent was removed. The guidewires and guide cath were removed. The sheath flushed and sutured into position. The patient moved to ICU in stable condition with no chest discomfort at all.,CONTRAST: , Isovue-370, 120 mL.,FLUORO TIME: , 9.4 minutes.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 30 mL.,HEMODYNAMICS:, Aorta 185/54.,Left ventriculography was not performed. I did not make an attempt to cross this severely stenotic aortic valve.,The left main is a large vessel, giving rise to LAD and circumflex vessels. The left main has no significant disease other than calcification in the walls.,The LAD is a moderate-to-large vessel, giving rise to small diagonals and then a moderate-to-large third diagonal, and then a small fourth diagonal. The LAD has significant calcification proximally. There is a 50% stenosis between the first and second diagonals that we treated with angioplasty alone in an attempt to be able to advance the stent. This resulted in a 30% residual, mostly eccentric calcified plaque. Following this, there was a 50% stenosis in the LAD just after the takeoff of the third diagonal. This was not ballooned. Beyond this is an 80% stenosis prior to the fourth diagonal and then a 99% stenosis after the fourth diagonal. These 2 lesions were dilated with 10% residual prior to the fourth diagonal and 25% residual distal to the fourth diagonal. As noted above, this area was not stented because I could not safely advance the stent. Note, there was also a 50% stenosis at the origin of the moderate-to-large third diagonal that did not change with angioplasty.,The circumflex is a large, nondominant vessel consisting of a large obtuse marginal with multiple branches. The proximal circumflex has an eccentric 60% stenosis prior to the takeoff of the obtuse marginal. The remainder of the vessel was without significant disease.,The right coronary was a large, dominant vessel giving rise to a large posterior descending artery and small-to-moderate first posterolateral, small second posterolateral, and a small-to-moderate third posterolateral branch. The right coronary has an eccentric smooth 75% stenosis beginning about a centimeter after the origin of the vessel and prior to the acute marginal branch. The remainder of the right coronary and its branches were without significant disease. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR CONSULT:, Altered mental status.,HPI:, The patient is 77-year-old Caucasian man with benign prostatic hypertrophy, status post cardiac transplant 10 years ago who was admitted to the Physical Medicine and Rehab Service for inpatient rehab after suffering a right cerebellar infarct last month. Last night, he became confused and he eloped from the unit. When he was found, he became combative. This a.m., he continued to be aggressive and required administration of four-point soft restraints in addition to Haldol 1 mg intramuscularly. There was also documentation of him having paranoid thoughts that his wife was going out spending his money instead of being with him in the hospital. Given this presentation, Psychiatry was consulted to evaluate and offer management recommendations.,The patient states that he does remember leaving the unit looking for his wife, but does not recall becoming combative, needing restrains and emergency medications. He reports feeling fine currently, denying any complaints. The patient's wife notes that her husband might be confused and disoriented due to being in the hospital environment. She admits that he has some difficulty with memory for sometime and becomes irritable when she is not around. However, he has never become as combative as he has this particular episode.,He negates any symptoms of depression or anxiety. He also denies any hallucinations or delusions. He endorses problems with insomnia. At home, he takes temazepam. His wife and son note that the temazepam makes him groggy and disoriented at times when he is at home.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:, He denies any prior psychiatric treatment or intervention. However, he was placed on Zoloft 10 years ago after his heart transplant, in addition to temazepam for insomnia. During this hospital course, he was started on Seroquel 20 mg p.o. q.h.s. in addition to Aricept 5 mg daily. He denies any history of suicidal or homicidal ideations or attempts.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Heart transplant in 1997.,2. History of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.,3. Diverticulitis.,4. Cholecystectomy.,5. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.,ALLERGIES:, MORPHINE AND DEMEROL.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Seroquel 50 mg p.o. q.h.s., 25 mg p.o. q.a.m.,2. Imodium 2 mg p.o. p.r.n., loose stool.,3. Calcium carbonate with vitamin D 500 mg b.i.d.,4. Prednisone 5 mg p.o. daily.,5. Bactrim DS Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.,6. Flomax 0.4 mg p.o. daily.,7. Robitussin 5 mL every 6 hours as needed for cough.,8. Rapamune 2 mg p.o. daily.,9. Zoloft 50 mg p.o. daily.,10. B vitamin complex daily.,11. Colace 100 mg b.i.d.,12. Lipitor 20 mg p.o. q.h.s.,13. Plavix 75 mg p.o. daily.,14. Aricept 5 mg p.o. daily.,15. Pepcid 20 mg p.o. daily.,16. Norvasc 5 mg p.o. daily.,17. Aspirin 325 mg p.o. daily.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is a retired paster and missionary to Mexico. He is still actively involved in his church. He denies any history of alcohol or substance abuse.,MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION:, He is an average-sized white male, casually dressed, with wife and son at bedside. He is pleasant and cooperative with good eye contact. He presents with paucity of speech content; however, with regular rate and rhythm. He is tremulous which is worse with posturing also some increased motor tone noted. There is no evidence of psychomotor agitation or retardation. His mood is euthymic and supple and reactive, appropriate to content with reactive affect appropriate to content. His thoughts are circumstantial but logical. He defers most of his responses to his wife. There is no evidence of suicidal or homicidal ideations. No presence of paranoid or bizarre delusions. He denies any perceptual abnormalities and does not appear to be responding to internal stimuli. His attention is fair and his concentration impaired. He is oriented x3 and his insight is fair. On mini-mental status examination, he has scored 22 out of 30. He lost 1 for time, lost 1 for immediate recall, lost 2 for delayed recall, lost 4 for reverse spelling and could not do serial 7s. On category fluency, he was able to name 17 animals in one minute. He was unable to draw clock showing 2 minutes after 10. His judgment seems limited.,LABORATORY DATA:, Calcium 8.5, magnesium 1.8, phosphorous 3, pre-albumin 27, PTT 24.8, PT 14.1, INR 1, white blood cell count 8.01, hemoglobin 11.5, hematocrit 35.2, and platelet count 255,000. Urinalysis on January 21, 2007, showed trace protein, trace glucose, trace blood, and small leukocyte esterase.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, MRI of brain with and without contrast done on January 21, 2007, showed hemorrhagic lesion in right cerebellar hemisphere with diffuse volume loss and chronic ischemic changes.,ASSESSMENT:,AXIS I:,1. Delirium resulting due to general medical condition versus benzodiazepine ,intoxication/withdrawal.,2. Cognitive disorder, not otherwise specified, would rule out vascular dementia.,3. Depressive disorder, not otherwise specified. | [
"label": " Psychiatry / Psychology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Nasal fracture and deviated nasal septum with obstruction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Nasal fracture and deviated nasal septum with obstruction.,OPERATION:, Open reduction, nasal fracture with nasal septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,HISTORY: , This 16-year-old male fractured his nose playing basketball. He has a left nasal obstruction and depressed left nasal bone.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was given general endotracheal anesthesia and monitored with pulse oximetry, EKG, and CO2 monitors.,The face was prepped with Betadine soap and solution and draped in a sterile fashion. Nasal mucosa was decongested using Afrin pledgets as well as 1% Xylocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine was injected into bilateral nasal septal mucoperichondrium and the nasal dorsum, lateral osteotomy sites.,Inspection revealed caudal portion of the cartilaginous septum lying crosswise across the nasal spine area and columella causing obstruction of the left nasal valve. Further up, the cartilaginous septum was displaced to the left of the maxillary crest. There was a large maxillary crest and supramaxillary crest had a large spur with the vomer bone touching the inferior turbinate.,There was a large deep groove horizontally on the right side corresponding to the left maxillary crest.,A left hemitransfixion incision was made. Mucoperichondrium was elevated from left side of the cartilaginous septum and mucoperiosteum was elevated from the ethmoid plate. Vomer and inferior tunnel was created at the floor of the left side of the nose to connect the anterior and inferior tunnels, which was rather difficult at the area of the vomerine spur, which was very sharp and touching the inferior turbinate.,The caudal cartilaginous septum, which was lying crosswise, was separated from the main cartilage leaving approximately 1 cm strut. The right side mucoperichondrium was released from the cartilaginous septum as well as ethmoid plate and the maxillary crest area.,The caudal cartilaginous strut was sutured to the columella with interrupted #4-0 chromic catgut suture to bring it into the midline.,Further back, the cartilaginous septum anterior to the ethmoid plate was deviated to the left side, so it was freed from the maxillary crest, nasal dorsum, from the ethmoid plate, and was sutured in the midline with a transfixion #4-0 plain catgut sutures.,Further posteriorly, the ethmoid plate was deviated to the left side and portion of it was removed with Jansen-Middleton punch forceps.,The main deviation was also caused by the vomerine crest and the maxillary crest and supramaxillary cartilaginous cartilage.,This area was freed from the perichondrium on both sides. The maxillary crest was removed with a gouge. Vomer was partially removed with a gouge and the rest of the vomer was displaced back into the midline.,Thus, the deviated septum was corrected. Left hemitransfixion incisions were closed with interrupted #4-0 chromic catgut sutures. The septum was also filtered with #4-0 plain catgut sutures.,By valve, septal splints were tied to the septum bilaterally with a transfixion #5-0 nylon suture.,Next, the nasal bone suture deviated to the left side were corrected. The right nasal bone was depressed and left nasal bone was wide. Therefore, the nasal bones were refractured back into the midline by compressing the left nasal bone and elevating the right nasal bone with the nasal bone elevator through the nasal cavities. The left intercartilaginous incision was made and the nasal bones were disimpacted subperiosteally and they were molded back into the midline.,Steri-Strips were applied to the nasal dorsal skin and a Denver type of splint was applied to the nasal dorsal to stabilize the nasal bones.,Nasal cavities were packed with Telfa gauze rolled on both sides with bacitracin ointment. Approximate blood loss was 10 to 20 mL. | [
"label": " ENT - Otolaryngology",
"score": 1
] |
EXAM:, Lexiscan Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Scan.,INDICATION:, Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: ,Lexiscan, unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION: , Resting heart rate of 96, blood pressure of 141/76. EKG, normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific ST-T changes, left bundle branch block. Post Lexiscan 0.4 mg injected intravenously by standard protocol. Peak heart rate was 105, blood pressure of 135/72. EKG remains the same. No symptoms are noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic Lexiscan.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION SCAN WITH STANDARD PROTOCOL:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 32.5 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake. There is no evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed mild global hypokinesis, more pronounced in the septal wall possibly secondary to prior surgery. Ejection fraction calculated at 41%. End-diastolic volume of 115, end-systolic volume of 68.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 41% by gated SPECT. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR CONSULT: , Essential tremor and torticollis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 62-year-old right-handed now left-handed white female with tremor since 5th grade. She remembers that the tremors started in her right hand around that time subsequently later on in early 20s she was put on propranolol for the tremor and more recently within the last 10 years she has been put on primidone and clonazepam. She thinks that her clonazepam is helping her a lot especially with anxiety and stress, and this makes the tremor better. She has a lot of trouble with her writing because of tremor but does not report as much problem with other activities of daily living like drinking from a cup and doing her day-to-day activity. Since around 6 to 7 years, she has had a head tremor, which is mainly "no- no" and occasional voice tremor also. Additionally, the patient has been diagnosed with migraine headaches without aura, which are far and few apart. She also has some stress incontinence. Last MRI brain was done in 2001 reportedly normal.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Klonopin 0.5 mg twice a day.,2. Primidone 100 mg b.i.d.,3. Propranolol long-acting 80 mg once in the morning.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Essential tremor, cervical dystonia, endometriosis, migraine headaches without aura, left ear sensorineural deafness, and basal cell carcinoma resection on the nose.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , L5-S1 lumbar laminectomy in 1975, exploratory laparotomy in 1967, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, and anal fissure surgery in 1975.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Both parents have ET and hypertension. Maternal cousin with lupus.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Denies any smoking or alcohol. She is married since 44 years, has 3 children. She used to work as a labor and delivery nurse up until early 2001 when she retired.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No fever, chills, nausea or vomiting. No visual complaints. She complains of hearing decreased on the left. No chest pain or shortness of breath. No constipation. She does give a history of urge incontinence. No rashes. No depressive symptoms.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 131/72, pulse is 50, and weight is 71.3 kg. HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal. Regular rate and rhythm. She does have a rash over the right ankle with a prior basal cell carcinoma was resected. NEUROLOGIC: Alert and oriented x4. Speech shows a voice tremor occasionally. Language is intact. Cranial nerves II through XII intact. Motor examination showed 5/5 power in all extremities with minimal increased tone. Sensory examination was intact to light touch. Reflexes were brisk bilaterally, but they were equal and both toes were downgoing. Her coordination showed minimal intentional component to bilateral finger-to-nose. Gait was intact. Lot of swing on Romberg's. The patient did have a tremor both upper extremities, right more than left. She did have a head tremor, which was no-no variety, and she had a minimal torticollis with her head twisted to the left.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This 62-year-old white female has essential tremor and mild torticollis. Tremor not bothersome for most activities of daily living, but she does have a great difficulty writing, which is totally illegible. The patient did not wish to change any of her medication doses at this point. We will go ahead and check MRI brain, and we will get the films later. We will see her back in 3 months. Also, the patient declined any possible Botox for the mild torticollis she has at this point. | [
"label": " Neurology",
"score": 1
] |
INDICATION FOR STUDY: , Chest pains, CAD, and cardiomyopathy.,MEDICATIONS:, Humulin, lisinopril, furosemide, spironolactone, omeprazole, carvedilol, pravastatin, aspirin, hydrocodone, and diazepam.,BASELINE EKG: , Sinus rhythm at 71 beats per minute, left anterior fascicular block, LVBB.,PERSANTINE RESULTS: , Heart rate increased from 70 to 72. Blood pressure decreased from 160/84 to 130/78. The patient felt slightly dizziness, but there was no chest pain or EKG changes.,NUCLEAR PROTOCOL: , Same day rest/stress protocol was utilized with 12 mCi for the rest dose and 33 mCi for the stress test. 53 mg of Persantine were used, reversed with 125 mg of aminophylline.,NUCLEAR RESULTS:,1. Nuclear perfusion imaging, review of the raw projection data reveals adequate image acquisition. The resting images are normal. The post Persantine images show mildly decreased uptake in the septum. The sum score is 0.,2. The Gated SPECT shows enlarged heart with a preserved EF of 52%.,IMPRESSION:,1. Mild septal ischemia. Likely due to the left bundle-branch block.,2. Mild cardiomyopathy, EF of 52%.,3. Mild hypertension at 160/84.,4. Left bundle-branch block., | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR VISIT: , Acute kidney failure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 68-year-old Korean gentleman with a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes and stage III CKD with a creatinine of 1.8 in May 2006 corresponding with the GFR of 40-41 mL/min. The patient had blood work done at Dr. XYZ's office on June 01, 2006, which revealed an elevation in his creatinine up to 2.3. He was asked to come in to see a nephrologist for further evaluation. I am therefore asked by Dr. XYZ to see this patient in consultation for evaluation of acute on chronic kidney failure. The patient states that he was actually taking up to 12 to 13 pills of Chinese herbs and dietary supplements for the past year. He only stopped about two or three weeks ago. He also states that TriCor was added about one or two months ago but he is not sure of the date. He has not had an ultrasound but has been diagnosed with prostatic hypertrophy by his primary care doctor and placed on Flomax. He states that his urinary dribbling and weak stream had not improved since doing this. For the past couple of weeks, he has had dizziness in the morning. This is then associated with low glucose. However the patient's blood glucose this morning was 123 and he still was dizzy. This was worse on standing. He states that he has been checking his blood pressure regularly at home because he has felt so bad and that he has gotten under 100/60 on several occasions. His pulses remained in the 60s.,ALLERGIES: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Imdur 20 mg two to three times daily, nitroglycerin p.r.n., insulin 70/30 40/45 units daily, Zetia 10 mg daily, ? Triglide 50 mg daily, Prevacid 30 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily, potassium 10 mEq daily, Lasix 60 mg daily, folate 1 mg b.i.d., Niaspan 500 mg daily, atenolol 50 mg daily, enalapril 10 mg b.i.d., glyburide 10 mg b.i.d., Xanax 0.25 mg b.i.d., aspirin 325 mg daily, Tylenol p.r.n., Zantac 150 mg b.i.d., Crestor 5 mg daily, TriCor 145 mg daily, Digitek 0.125 mg daily, Celexa 20 mg daily, and Flomax 0.4 mg daily.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Coronary artery disease status post CABG x 5 in December 2001.,2. Three stents last placed approximately 2002.,3. Heart failure, ejection fraction of 30%.,4. Hypertension since 1985.,5. Diabetes since 1985 with history of laser surgery.,6. Moderate mitral regurgitation.,7. GI bleed.,8. Hyperlipidemia.,9. BPH.,10. Back surgery.,11. Sleep apnea.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is a former tailor from Korea. He is divorced. He has one daughter who has brain injury status post severe seizure as a child. He is the primary caregiver. No drug abuse. He quit tobacco and alcohol 15 years ago.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Parents both died in Korea. Has one sister with hypertension and the other sister lives in Detroit and is healthy.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He has lost about 10 pounds over the past month. He has been fatigue and weak with no appetite. He has occasional chest pain and dyspnea on exertion on fast walking. His lower extremity edema has improved with higher doses of furosemide. He does complain of some early satiety. He complains of urinary frequency, nocturia, weak stream and dribbling. He has never passed the stone. He gets dizzy when his blood sugars are in the 40s to 60s but now this is continuing with him running, glucose is in the 120s. He has some right back pain today and complains of farsightedness. The remainder of review of systems is done and negative per the patient.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 78. Blood pressure 116/60. Height 5'7" per the patient. Weight 78.6 kg. Supine pulse 60 with blood pressure 128/55. Standing pulse 60 with blood pressure of 132/50. GENERAL: He is in no apparent distress, but he is dizzy on standing for prolonged period. Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. Sclerae not icteric. HEENT: He wears upper and lower dentures. Lips acyanotic. Hearing is grossly intact. Oropharynx is otherwise clear. NECK: Supple. No JVD. No bruits. No masses. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs or gallops. LUNGS: Clear bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Active bowel sounds. Soft, nontender, and nondistended. No suprapubic tenderness. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. MUSCULOSKELETAL: 5/5 strength bilaterally. No synovitis, arthritis or gait disturbance. SKIN: Old scars in his low back as well as his left lower extremity. No active rashes, purpura or petechiae. Midline sternotomy scar is well healed. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Reflexes are poor to 1+ bilaterally. 10 g monofilament sensation is intact except for the big toes bilaterally. No asterixis. Finger-to-nose testing is intact. PSYCHIATRIC: Fully alert and oriented.,LABORATORY DATA:, December 2004, creatinine was 1.5. Per report May 2006, creatinine was 1.8 with a BUN of 28. Labs dated 06/01/06, hematocrit was 32.3, white blood cell count 7.2, platelets 263,000, sodium 139, potassium 4.9, chloride 100, CO2 25, BUN 46, creatinine 2.3, glucose 162, albumin 4.7, LFTs are normal. CK was elevated at 653. A1c is 7.6%. LDL cholesterol is 68, HDL is 35. Urinalysis reveals microalbumin to creatinine ratio 59.8. UA was otherwise negative with a pH of 5. Today his urinalysis showed specific gravity 1.020, negative glucose, bilirubin, ketones and blood, 30 mg/dL of protein, pH of 5, negative nitrates, leukocyte esterase. Microscopic exam was bland.,IMPRESSION:,1. Acute on chronic kidney failure. He has underlying stage III CKD with the GFR approximately 41 mL/min. He has episodic hypotension at home and low diastolic pressure here. His weight is down 2 to 3 Kg from June and he may be prerenal. He also has a history of prostatic hypertrophy and obstruction must be investigated. I am also concerned about his use of Chinese herbs which can cause chronic interstitial nephritis. There is no evidence of pyuria today although this can present with a fairly bland sediment. An additional concern is that TriCor can cause an artifactual increase in the creatinine due to changes in metabolism. I think this would be a diagnosis of exclusion.,2. Orthostatic hypotension. He is maintaining systolic but his diastolic pressures are gotten in to a point where he may not be perfusing his brain well.,3. Elevated creatine kinase consistent with myositis. It could be a result of Crestor alone or combination of TriCor and Crestor. I do not think this is enough to cause rhabdomyolysis, however.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient was cautioned about using NSAIDs and told to avoid any further Chinese herbs.,2. Recheck labs including CBC with differential, SPEP, uric acid and renal panel.,3. Decrease atenolol to 25 mg daily.,4. Decrease enalapril to 10 mg daily.,5. Decrease Lasix to 20 mg daily.,6. Stop Crestor.,7. Check renal ultrasound.,8. See him back in two weeks for review of the studies. | [
"label": " Nephrology",
"score": 1
] |
LEXISCAN MYOVIEW STRESS STUDY,REASON FOR THE EXAM: , Chest discomfort.,INTERPRETATION: , The patient exercised according to the Lexiscan study, received a total of 0.4 mg of Lexiscan IV injection. At peak hyperemic effect, 24.9 mCi of Myoview were injected for the stress imaging and earlier 8.2 mCi were injected for the resting and the usual SPECT and gated SPECT protocol was followed and the data was analyzed using Cedars-Sinai software. The patient did not walk because of prior history of inability to exercise long enough on treadmill.,The resting heart rate was 57 with the resting blood pressure 143/94. Maximum heart rate achieved was 90 with a maximum blood pressure unchanged.,EKG at rest showed sinus rhythm with no significant ST-T wave changes of reversible ischemia or injury. Subtle nonspecific in III and aVF were seen. Maximum stress test EKG showed inverted T wave from V4 to V6. Normal response to Lexiscan.,CONCLUSION: ,Maximal Lexiscan perfusion with subtle abnormalities non-conclusive. Please refer to the Myoview interpretation.,MYOVIEW INTERPRETATION: , The left ventricle appeared to be normal in size on both stress and rest with no change between the stress and rest with left ventricular end-diastolic volume of 115 and end-systolic of 51. EF estimated and calculated at 56%.,Cardiac perfusion reviewed, showed no reversible defect indicative of myocardium risk and no fixed defect indicative of myocardial scarring.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal stress/rest cardiac perfusion with no indication of ischemia.,2. Normal LV function and low likelihood of significant epicardial coronary narrowing., | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
CC:, Found down.,HX:, 54y/o RHF went to bed at 10 PM at her boyfriend's home on 1/16/96. She was found lethargic by her son the next morning. Three other individuals in the house were lethargic and complained of HA that same morning. Her last memory was talking to her granddaughter at 5:00PM on 1/16/96. She next remembered riding in the ambulance from a Hospital. Initial Carboxyhemoglobin level was 24% (normal < 1.5%) and ABG 7.41/30/370 with O2Sat 75% on 100%FiO2.,MEDS:, unknown anxiolytic, estrogen.,PMH:, PUD, ?stroke and memory difficulty in the past 1-2 years.,FHX:, unknown.,SHX:, divorced. unknown history of tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP126/91, HR86, RR 30, 37.1C.,MS:, Oriented to name only. Speech without dysarthria. 2/3 recall at 5minutes.,CN:, unremarkable.,MOTOR: ,full strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,SENSORY: ,unremarkable.,COORD/STATION:, unremarkable.,GAIT:, not tested on admission.,GEN EXAM:, notable for erythema of the face and chest.,COURSE:, She underwent a total of four dives under Hyperbaric Oxygen ( 2 dives on 1/17 and 2 dives on 1/18). Neuropsychologic assessment on 1/18/96 revealed marked cognitive impairments with defects in anterograde memory, praxis, associative fluency, attention, and speed of information processing. She was discharged home on 1/19/96 and returned on 2/11/96 after neurologic deterioration. She progressively developed more illogical behavior, anhedonia, anorexia and changes in sleep pattern. She became completely dependent and could not undergo repeat neuropsychologic assessment in 2/96. She was later transferred to another care facility against medical advice. The etiology for these changes became complicated by a newly discovered history of possible ETOH abuse and usual "anxiety" disorder.,MRI brain, 2/14/96, revealed increased T2 signal within the periventricular white matter, bilaterally. EEG showed diffuse slowing without epileptiform activity. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
PROCEDURE: , Sigmoidoscopy.,INDICATIONS:, Performed for evaluation of anemia, gastrointestinal Bleeding.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl (Sublazine) 0.1 mg IV Versed (midazolam) 1 mg IV,BIOPSIES: , No BRUSHINGS:,PROCEDURE:, A history and physical examination were performed. The procedure, indications, potential complications (bleeding, perforation, infection, adverse medication reaction), and alternative available were explained to the patient who appeared to understand and indicated this. Opportunity for questions was provided and informed consent obtained. After placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position, the sigmoidoscope was inserted into the rectum and under direct visualization advanced to 25 cm. Careful inspection was made as the sigmoidoscope was withdrawn. The quality of the prep was good. The procedure was stopped due to patient discomfort. The patient otherwise tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications.,FINDINGS: , Was unable to pass scope beyond 25 cm because of stricture vs very short bends secondary to multiple previous surgeries. Retroflexed examination of the rectum revealed small hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids were found. Other than the findings noted above, the visualized colonic segments were normal.,IMPRESSION: , Internal hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids Unable to pass scope beyond 25 cm due either to stricture or very sharp bend secondary to multiple surgeries. Unsuccessful Sigmoidoscopy. Otherwise Normal Sigmoidoscopy to 25 cm. External hemorrhoids were found. | [
"label": " Gastroenterology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Surgical closure of gastrostomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This 1-year-old child had a gastrostomy placed due to feeding difficulties. Since then, he has reached a point where he is now eating completely by mouth and no longer needed the gastrostomy. The tube was, therefore, removed, but the tract has not shown signs of spontaneous closure. He, therefore, comes to the operating room today for surgical closure of his gastrostomy.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After the induction of general anesthetic, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual manner. An elliptical incision was made around the gastrostomy site and carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue with sharp dissection. The tract and the stomach were freed. Stay sutures were then placed on either side of the tract. The tract was amputated. The intervening stomach was then closed with interrupted #4-0 Lembert, Nurolon sutures. The fascia was then closed over the stomach using #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with #5-0 subcuticular Monocryl. A dressing was applied, and the child was awakened and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
2-D M-MODE: , ,1. Left atrial enlargement with left atrial diameter of 4.7 cm.,2. Normal size right and left ventricle.,3. Normal LV systolic function with left ventricular ejection fraction of 51%.,4. Normal LV diastolic function.,5. No pericardial effusion.,6. Normal morphology of aortic valve, mitral valve, tricuspid valve, and pulmonary valve.,7. PA systolic pressure is 36 mmHg.,DOPPLER: , ,1. Mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.,2. Trace aortic and pulmonary regurgitation. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES,1. Prematurity.,2. Appropriate for gestational age.,3. Maternal group B streptococcus positive culture.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Prematurity, 34 weeks' gestation, now 5 days old.,2. Group B streptococcus exposure, but no sepsis.,3. Physiologic jaundice.,4. Feeding problem.,HISTORY OF ILLNESS: ,This is a 4-pound female infant born to a 26-year-old gravida 1, now para 1-0-0-1 lady with an EDC of November 19, 2003. Group B streptococcus culture was positive on September 29, 2003, and betamethasone was given 1 dose prior to delivery. Mother also received 1 dose of penicillin approximately 1-1/2 hours prior to delivery. The infant delivered vaginally, had a double nuchal cord and required CPAP and free flow oxygen. Her Apgars were 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. At the end of delivery, it was noted there was a partial placental abruptio.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The infant has had a basically uncomplicated hospital course. She did not require oxygen. She did have antibiotics, ampicillin and gentamicin for approximately 48 hours to cover for possible group B streptococcus. The culture was negative and the antibiotics were stopped at 48 hours.,The infant was noted to have physiologic jaundice and her highest bilirubin was 7.1. She was treated for approximately 24 hours with phototherapy and the bilirubin on October 15, 2003 was 3.4.,FEEDING: , The infant has had some difficulty with feeding, but at the time of discharge, she is taking approximately 30 mL every feeding and is taking Formula or breast milk, that is, ___ 24 calories per ounce.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, ,VITAL SIGNS: At discharge, reveals a well-developed infant whose temperature is 98.3, pulse 156, respirations 35, her weight is 1779 g (1% below her birthweight).,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Eyes are without conjunctival injection. Red reflex is elicited bilaterally. TMs not well visualized. Nose and throat are patent without palatal defect.,NECK: Supple without clavicular fracture.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate without murmur, click or gallop present.,EXTREMITIES: Pulses are 2/4 for brachial and femoral. Extremities without evidence of hip defects.,ABDOMEN: Soft, bowel sounds present. No masses or organomegaly.,GENITALIA: Normal female, but the clitoris is not covered by the labia majora.,NEUROLOGICAL: The infant has good Moro, grasp, and suck reflexes.,INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUING CARE,The infant will be discharged home. She will have home health visits one time per week for 3 weeks, and she will be seen in followup at San Juan Pediatrics the week of October 20, 2003. She is to continue feeding with either breast milk or Formula, that is, ___ to 24 calories per ounce.,CONDITION: , Her condition at discharge is good. | [
"label": " Discharge Summary",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,Leaking nephrostomy tube.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This 61-year-old male was referred in today secondary to having urine leaked around the ostomy site for his right sided nephrostomy tube. The leaking began this a.m. The patient denies any pain, does not have fever and has no other problems or complaints. The patient had bilateral nephrostomy tubes placed one month ago secondary to his prostate cancer metastasizing and causing bilateral ureteral obstructions that were severe enough to cause acute renal failure. The patient states he feels like his usual self and has no other problems or concerns. The patient denies any fever or chills. No nausea or vomiting. No flank pain, no abdominal pain, no chest pain, no shortness of breath, no swelling to the legs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Review of systems otherwise negative and noncontributory.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Metastatic prostate cancer, anemia, hypertension.,MEDICATIONS: , Medication reconciliation sheet has been reviewed on the nurses' note.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a nonsmoker.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 97.7 oral, blood pressure 150/85, pulse is 91, respirations 16, oxygen saturation 97% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed, appears to be healthy, calm, comfortable, no acute distress, looks well. HEENT: Eyes are normal with clear sclerae and cornea. NECK: Supple, full range of motion. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart has regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. Peripheral pulses are +2. No dependent edema. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. No wheezes, rales or rhonchi. Good air movement bilaterally. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended. No rebound or guarding. Normal benign abdominal exam. MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient has nontender back and flank. No abnormalities noted to the back other than the bilateral nephrostomy tubes. The nephrostomy tube left has no abnormalities, no sign of infection. No leaking of urine, nontender, nephrostomy tube on the right has a damp dressing, which has a small amount of urine soaked into it. There is no obvious active leak from the ostomy site. No sign of infection. No erythema, swelling or tenderness. The collection bag is full of clear urine. The patient has no abnormalities on his legs. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. No sign of infection. NEUROLOGIC: Motor and sensory are intact to the extremities. The patient has normal ambulation, normal speech. PSYCHIATRIC: Alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC AND LYMPHATIC: No bleeding or bruising.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE:, Reviewed the patient's admission record from one month ago when he was admitted for the placement of the nephrostomy tubes, both Dr. X and Dr. Y have been consulted and both had recommended nephrostomy tubes, there was not the name mentioned as to who placed the nephrostomy tubes. There was no consultation dictated for this and no name was mentioned in the discharge summary, paged Dr. X as this was the only name that the patient could remember that might have been involved with the placement of the nephrostomy tubes. Dr. A responded to the page and recommended __________ off a BMP and discussing it with Dr. B, the radiologist as he recalled that this was the physician who placed the nephrostomy tubes, paged Dr. X and received a call back from Dr. X. Dr. X stated that he would have somebody get in touch with us about scheduling a time for which they will change out the nephrostomy tube to a larger and check a nephrogram at that time that came down and stated that they would do it at 10 a.m. tomorrow. This was discussed with the patient and instructions to return to the hospital at 10 a.m. to have this tube changed out by Dr. X was explained and understood.,DIAGNOSES:,1. WEAK NEPHROSTOMY SITE FOR THE RIGHT NEPHROSTOMY TUBE.,2. PROSTATE CANCER, METASTATIC.,3. URETERAL OBSTRUCTION.,The patient on discharge is stable and dispositioned to home.,PLAN: , We will have the patient return to the hospital tomorrow at 10 a.m. for the replacement of his right nephrostomy tube by Dr. X. The patient was asked to return in the emergency room sooner if he should develop any new problems or concerns. | [
"label": " Emergency Room Reports",
"score": 1
] |
EXAM:, Lexiscan Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Scan.,INDICATION:, Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: ,Lexiscan, unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION: , Resting heart rate of 96, blood pressure of 141/76. EKG, normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific ST-T changes, left bundle branch block. Post Lexiscan 0.4 mg injected intravenously by standard protocol. Peak heart rate was 105, blood pressure of 135/72. EKG remains the same. No symptoms are noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic Lexiscan.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION SCAN WITH STANDARD PROTOCOL:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 32.5 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake. There is no evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed mild global hypokinesis, more pronounced in the septal wall possibly secondary to prior surgery. Ejection fraction calculated at 41%. End-diastolic volume of 115, end-systolic volume of 68.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 41% by gated SPECT. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Newly diagnosed head and neck cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a very pleasant 61-year-old gentleman who was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue bilaterally and down extension into the right tonsillar fossa. He was also noted to have palpable level 2 cervical lymph nodes. His staging is T3 N2c M0 Stage IV invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The patient comes in to the clinic today after radiation Oncology consultation. His Otolaryngologist performed a direct laryngoscopy with biopsy on July 29, 2010. The patient reports that in December-January timeframe, he had noted some difficulty swallowing and ear pain. He had a work up by his local physician that was relatively negative, and he was treated for gastroesophageal reflux disease. His symptoms continued to progress, and he developed difficulty with his speech, dysphagia, otalgia and odynophagia. He was then referred to Dr. X and examination revealed a mass at the right base of the tongue that extended across the midline to include the left base of the tongue as well as posterior extension involved in the right tonsillar fossa. He was noted to have bilateral neck nodes. His biopsy was positive for squamous cell carcinoma.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for mild hypertension. He has had cataract surgery, gastroesophageal reflux disease and a history of biceps tendon tear.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide 20/25 mg q.d., alprazolam 0.5 mg q.d., omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d., Lortab 7.5/500 mg q 4h p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for father who has stroke and grandfather with lung cancer.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married but has been separated from his wife for many years, they remain close, and they have two adult sons. He is retired from the Air Force, currently works for Lockheed Martin. He was born and raised in New York. He does have a smoking history, about a 20 pack-year history and he reports quitting on July 27. He does drink alcohol socially. No use of illicit drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient's chief complaint is fatigue. He has difficulty swallowing and dysphagia. He is responding well to Lortab and Tylenol for pain control. He denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, fevers, chills and night sweats. The rest of his review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITALS: | [
"label": " Hematology - Oncology",
"score": 1
] |
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 56-year-old female who comes in for a dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. The patient states that her husband has been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol as well. She wants some support with some dietary recommendations to assist both of them in healthier eating. The two of them live alone now, and she is used to cooking for large portions. She is having a hard time adjusting to preparing food for the two of them. She would like to do less food preparation, in fact. She is starting a new job this week.,OBJECTIVE:, Her reported height is 5 feet 4 inches. Today’s weight was 170 pounds. BMI is approximately 29. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on a 1200 calorie meal plan emphasizing low-saturated fat sources with moderate amounts of sodium as well. Information on fast food eating was supplied, and additional information on low-fat eating was also supplied.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient’s basal energy expenditure is estimated at 1361 calories a day. Her total calorie requirement for weight maintenance is estimated at 1759 calories a day. Her diet history reflects that she is making some very healthy food choices on a regular basis. She does emphasize a lot of fruits and vegetables, trying to get a fruit or a vegetable or both at most meals. She also is emphasizing lower fat selections. Her physical activity level is moderate at this time. She is currently walking for 20 minutes four or five days out of the week but at a very moderate pace with a friend. We reviewed the efforts at weight reduction identifying 3500 calories in a pound of body fat and the need to gradually and slowly chip away at this number on a long-term basis for weight reduction. We discussed the need to reduce calories from what her current patterns are and to hopefully increase physical activity slightly as well. We discussed menu selection, as well as food preparation techniques. The patient appears to have been influenced by the current low-carb, high-protein craze and had really limited her food selections based on that. I was able to give her some more room for variety including some moderate portions of potatoes, pasta and even on occasion breading her meat as long as she prepares it in a low-fat fashion which was discussed.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient increase the intensity and the duration of her physical activity with a goal of 30 minutes five days a week working at a brisk walk. Recommend the patient reduce calories by 500 daily to support a weight loss of one pound a week. This translates into a 1200-calorie meal plan. I encouraged the patient to keep food records in order to better track calories consumed. I recommended low fat selections and especially those that are lower in saturated fats. Emphasis would be placed on moderating portions of meat and having more moderate snacks between meals as well. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise. | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Prostate cancer, Gleason score 4+3 with 85% burden and 8/12 cores positive.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Prostate cancer, Gleason score 4+3 with 85% burden and 8/12 cores positive.,PROCEDURE DONE: , Open radical retropubic prostatectomy with bilateral lymph node dissection.,INDICATIONS:, This is a 66-year-old gentleman who had an elevated PSA of 5. His previous PSAs were in the 1 range. TRUS biopsy revealed 4+3 Gleason score prostate cancer with a large tumor burden. After extensive counseling, the patient elected for retropubic radical prostatectomy. Given his disease burden, it was advised that an open prostatectomy is probably the standard of care to ensure entire excision. The patient consented and agreed to proceed forward.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room here. Time out was taken to properly identify the patient and procedure going to be done. General anesthesia was induced. The patient was placed in the supine position. The bed was flexed distant to the pubic area. The patient's lower abdominal area, pubic area, and penile and scrotal area were clipped, and then scrubbed with Hibiclens soap for three minutes. The patient was then prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. Foley catheter was inserted sterilely in the field. Preoperative antibiotics were given within 30 minutes of skin incision. A 10 cm lower abdominal incision was made from the symphysis pubis towards the umbilicus. Dissection was taken down through Scarpa's fascia to the level of the anterior rectus sheath. The rectus sheath was then incised and the muscle was split in the middle. Space of rectus sheath was then entered. The Bookwalter ring was then applied to the belly, and the bladder was then retracted to the right side, thus exposing the left obturator area. The lymph node packet on the left side was then dissected. This was done in a split and roll fashion with the flimsy tissue, and the left external iliac vein was incised, and the tissues were then rolled over the left external iliac vein. Dissection was carried down from the left external iliac vein to the obturator nerve and up to the level of the pelvic sidewall. The proximal extent of dissection was the left hypogastric artery to the level of the node of Cloquet distally. Care was taken to avoid injury to the nerves. An accessory obturator vein was noted and was ligated. The same procedure was done on the right side with dissection of the right obturator lymph node packet, which was sent for pathologic evaluation. The bladder subsequently was retracted cephalad. The prostate was then defatted up to the level of the endopelvic fascia. The endopelvic fascia was then incised bilaterally, and the incision was then taken to the level of the puboprostatic ligaments. Vicryl stitch was then applied at the level of the bladder neck in order to control the bladder back bleeders. A Babcock was then applied around the dorsal venous complex over the urethra and the K-wire was then passed between the dorsal vein complex and the urethra by passing by the aid of a right angle. A 0-Vicryl stitch was then applied over the dorsal venous complex, which was then tied down and cinched to the symphysis pubis. Using a knife on a long handle, the dorsal venous complex was then incised using the K-wire as a guide. Following the incision of the dorsal venous complex, the anterior urethra was then incised, thus exposing the Foley catheter. The 3-0 Monocryl sutures were then applied going outside in on the anterior aspect of the urethra. The lateral edges of the urethra were also then incised, and two lateral stitches were also applied going outside end. The catheter was then drawn back at the level of membranous urethra, and a final posterior stitch was applied going outside end. The urethra was subsequently divided in its entirety. A Foley catheter was then taken out and was inserted directly into the bladder through the prostatic apex. The prostate was then entered cephalad, and the prostatic pedicles were then systematically taken down with the right angle clips and cut. Please note that throughout the case, the patient was noted to have significant oozing and bleeding partially from the dorsal venous complex, pelvic veins, and extensive vascularity that was noted in the patient's pelvic fatty tissue. Throughout the case, the bleeding was controlled with the aid of a clips, Vicryl sutures, silk sutures, and ties, direct pressure packing, and FloSeal. Following the excision of the prostatic pedicles, the posterior dissection at this point was almost complete. Please note that the dissection was relatively technically challenging due to extensive adhesions between the prostate and Denonvilliers' fascia. The seminal vesicle on the left side was dissected in its entirety; however, the seminal vesicle on the right side was adherently stuck to the Denonvilliers' fascia, which prompted the excision of most of the right seminal vesicle with the exception of the tip. Care was taken throughout the posterior dissection to preserve the integrity of the ureters. The anterior bladder neck was then cut anteriorly, and the bladder neck was separated from the prostate. Following the dissection, the 5-French feeding tubes were inserted bilaterally into the ureters thus insuring their integrity. Following the dissection of the bladder from the prostate, the prostate at this point was mobile and was sent for pathological evaluation. The bladder neck was then repaired using Vicryl in a tennis racquet fashion. The rest of the mucosa was then everted. The ureteral orifices and ureters were protected throughout the procedure. At this point, the initial sutures that were applied into the urethra were then applied into the corresponding position on the bladder neck, and the bladder neck was then cinched down and tied down after a new Foley catheter was inserted through the penile meatus and into the bladder pulling the bladder in position. Hemostasis was then adequately obtained. FloSeal was applied to the pelvis. The bladder was then irrigated. It was draining pink urine. The wound was copiously irrigated. The fascia was then closed using a #1 looped PDS. The skin wound was then irrigated, and the skin was closed with a 4-0 Monocryl in subcuticular fashion. At this point, the procedure was terminated with no complications. The patient was then extubated in the operating room and taken in stable condition to the PACU. Please note that during the case about 3600 mL of blood was noted. This was due to the persistent continuous oozing from vascular fatty tissue and pelvic veins as previously noted in the dictation. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Elevated PSA with nocturia and occasional daytime frequency.,HISTORY: , A 68-year-old male with a history of frequency and some outlet obstructive issues along with irritative issues. The patient has had history of an elevated PSA and PSA in 2004 was 5.5. In 2003, he had undergone a biopsy by Dr. X, which was negative for adenocarcinoma of the prostate. The patient has had PSAs as high as noted above. His PSAs have been as low as 1.6, but those were on Proscar. He otherwise appears to be doing reasonably well, off the Proscar, otherwise does have some irritative symptoms. This has been ongoing for greater than five years. No other associated symptoms or modifying factors. Severity is moderate. PSA relatively stable over time.,IMPRESSION: , Stable PSA over time, although he does have some irritative symptoms. After our discussion, it does appear that if he is not drinking close to going to bed, he notes that his nocturia has significantly decreased. At this juncture what I would like to do is to start with behavior modification. There were no other associated symptoms or modifying factors.,PLAN: , The patient will discontinue all caffeinated and carbonated beverages and any fluids three hours prior to going to bed. He already knows that this does decrease his nocturia. He will do this without medications to see how well he does and hopefully he may need no other additional medications other than may be changing his alpha-blocker to something of more efficacious. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Large herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6 with myelopathy (722.21).,2. Cervical spondylosis.,3. Cervical stenosis, C5-C6 secondary to above (723.0).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Large herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6 with myelopathy (722.21).,2. Cervical spondylosis.,3. Cervical stenosis, C5-C6 secondary to above (723.0), with surgical findings confirmed.,PROCEDURES: , ,1. Anterior cervical discectomy at C5-C6 with spinal cord and spinal canal decompression (63075).,2. Anterior interbody fusion at C5-C6, (22554) utilizing Bengal cage (22851).,3. Anterior instrumentation for stabilization by Uniplate construction, C5-C6, (22845); with intraoperative x-ray times two.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,SERVICE: , Neurosurgery.,OPERATION: ,The patient was brought into the operating room, placed in a supine position where general anesthesia was administered. Then the anterior aspect of the neck was prepped and draped in a routine sterile fashion. A linear skin incision was made in the skin fold line from just to the right of the midline to the leading edge of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle and taken sharply to platysma, which was dissected only in a subplatysmal manner bluntly, and with only blunt dissection at the prevertebral space where a localizing intraoperative x-ray was obtained, once self-retaining retractors were placed along the mesial edge of a cauterized longus colli muscle, to protect surrounding tissues throughout the remainder of the case. A prominent anterior osteophyte at C5-C6 was then localized, compared to preoperative studies in the usual fashion intraoperatively, and the osteophyte was excised with a rongeur and bony fragments saved. This allowed for an annulotomy, which was carried out with a #11 blade and discectomy, removed with straight disc forceps portions of the disc, which were sent to Pathology for a permanent section. Residual osteophytes and disc fragments were removed with 1 and 2-mm micro Kerrison rongeurs as necessary as drilling extended into normal cortical and cancellous elements widely laterally as well. A hypertrophied ligament and prominent posterior spurs were excised as well until the dura bulged into the interspace, a sign of a decompressed status. At no time during the case was evidence of CSF leakage, and hemostasis was readily achieved with pledgets of Gelfoam subsequently removed with copious amounts of antibiotic irrigation. Once the decompression was inspected with a double ball dissector and all found to be completely decompressed, and the dura bulged at the interspace, and pulsated, then a Bengal cage was filled with the patient's own bone elements and fusion putty and countersunk into position, and was quite tightly applied. Further stability was added nonetheless with an appropriate size Uniplate, which was placed of appropriate size with appropriate size screws and these were locked into place in the usual manner. The wound was inspected, and irrigated again with antibiotic solution and after further inspection was finally closed in a routine closure in a multiple layer event by first approximation of the platysma with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl, and the skin with a subcuticular stitch of 4-0 Vicryl, and this was Steri-Stripped for reinforcement, and a sterile dressing was applied, incorporating a Penrose drain, which was carried from the prevertebral space externally to the skin wound and safety pin for security in the usual manner. Once the sterile dressing was applied, the patient was taken from the operating room to the recovery area having left in stable condition.,At the conclusion of the case, all instruments, needle, and sponge counts were accurate and correct, and there were no intraoperative complications of any type. | [
"label": " Orthopedic",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Followup on diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and sinusitis. ,SUBJECTIVE:, A 70-year-old female who was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus last fall. She has been checking her Accu-Cheks generally once a day, and they range from 82 to a high of 132. She feels well. She walks 1-2 miles most days. If the weather is bad, they go to a local mall. Otherwise they walk outside. She does complain of some sinus congestion and drainage for the last several days. She is up-to-date on her mammogram that she had at the Baylis Building. She sees Dr. Cheng for her gynecological care. She is a nonsmoker. Denies abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, blood in her urine, blood in her stools. She has nocturia x 1. Denies swelling in her ankles. She checks her feet regularly., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Refer to chart.,MEDICATIONS:, Refer to chart.,ALLERGIES:, Refer to chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Vitals: Wt: 185 B/P: 142/70. When she checks it at the mall and other places, it is usually about 120/56. T: 96.5 P: 84 and regular.,General: A 70-year-old female who does not appear to be in acute distress. ,HEENT: She has frontal and maxillary sinus tenderness on the right to palpation. The right TM is slightly dull. | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Dental pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 45-year-old Caucasian female who states that starting last night she has had very significant pain in her left lower jaw. The patient states that she can feel an area with her tongue and one of her teeth that appears to be fractured. The patient states that the pain in her left lower teeth kept her up last night. The patient did go to Clinic but arrived there later than 7 a.m., so she was not able to be seen there will call line for dental care. The patient states that the pain continues to be very severe at 9/10. She states that this is like a throbbing heart beat in her left jaw. The patient denies fevers or chills. She denies purulent drainage from her gum line. The patient does believe that there may be an area of pus accumulating in her gum line however. The patient denies nausea or vomiting. She denies recent dental trauma to her knowledge.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Coronary artery disease.,2. Hypertension.,3. Hypothyroidism.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Coronary artery stent insertion.,SOCIAL HABITS: , The patient denies alcohol or illicit drug usage. Currently she does have a history of tobacco abuse.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Plavix.,2. Metoprolol.,3. Synthroid.,4. Potassium chloride.,ALLERGIES:,1. Penicillin.,2. Sulfa.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a Caucasian female who appears of stated age of 45 years. She is well-nourished, well-developed, in no acute distress. The patient is pleasant but does appear to be uncomfortable.,VITAL SIGNS: Afebrile, blood pressure 145/91, pulse of 78, respiratory rate of 18, and pulse oximetry of 98% on room air.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. Sclerae are anicteric and noninjected. Nares are patent and free of mucoid discharge. Mucous membranes are moist and free of exudate or lesion. Bilateral tympanic membranes are visualized and free of infection or trauma. Dentition shows significant decay throughout the dentition. The patient has had extraction of teeth 17, 18, and 19. The patient's tooth #20 does have a small fracture in the posterior section of the tooth and there does appear to be a very minor area of fluctuance and induration located at the alveolar margin at this site. There is no pus draining from the socket of the tooth. No other acute abnormality to the other dentition is visualized.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , None.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The patient does receive an injection of 1.5 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine for inferior alveolar nerve block on the left mandibular teeth. The patient undergoes this all procedure without complication and does report some mild decrease of her pain with this and patient was also given two Vicodin here in the Emergency Department and a dose of Keflex for treatment of her dental infection.,ASSESSMENT: ,Dental pain with likely dental abscess. ,PLAN: , The patient was given a prescription for Vicodin. She is also given prescription for Keflex, as she is penicillin allergic. She has tolerated a dose of Keflex here in the Emergency Department well without hypersensitivity. The patient is strongly encouraged to follow up with Dental Clinic on Monday, and she states that she will do so. The patient verbalizes understanding of treatment plan and was discharged in satisfactory condition from the ER., | [
"label": " Dentistry",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Followup on hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.,SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 78-year-old male who recently had his right knee replaced and also back surgery about a year and a half ago. He has done well with that. He does most of the things that he wants to do. He travels at every chance he has, and he just got back from a cruise. He denies any type of chest pain, heaviness, tightness, pressure, shortness of breath with stairs only, cough or palpitations. He sees Dr. Ferguson. He is known to have Crohn's and he takes care of that for him. He sees Dr. Roszhart for his prostate check. He is a nonsmoker and denies swelling in his ankles.,MEDICATIONS:, Refer to chart.,ALLERGIES:, Refer to chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, ,Vitals: Wt; 172 lbs, up 2 lbs, B/P; 150/60, T; 96.4, P; 72 and regular. ,General: A 78-year-old male who does not appear to be in any acute distress. Glasses. Good dentition.,CV: Distant S1, S2 without murmur or gallop. No carotid bruits. P: 2+ all around.,Lungs: Diminished with increased AP diameter. ,Abdomen: Soft, bowel sounds active x 4 quadrants. No tenderness, no distention, no masses or organomegaly noted.,Extremities: Well-healed surgical scar on the right knee. No edema. Hand grasps are strong and equal.,Back: Surgical scar on the lower back.,Neuro: Intact. A&O. Moves all four with no focal motor or sensory deficits.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hypertension.,2. Hypercholesterolemia.,3. Osteoarthritis.,4. Fatigue.,PLAN:, We will check a BMP, lipid, liver profile, CPK, and CBC. Refill his medications x 3 months. I gave him a copy of Partners in Prevention. Increase his Altace to 5 mg day for better blood pressure control. Diet, exercise, and weight loss, and we will see him back in three months and p.r.n. | [
"label": " SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes",
"score": 1
] |
GROSS DESCRIPTION: , Specimen labeled "right ovarian cyst" is received fresh for frozen section. It consists of a smooth-walled, clear fluid filled cyst measuring 13x12x7 cm and weighing 1351 grams with fluid. Both surfaces of the wall are pink-tan, smooth and grossly unremarkable. No firm or thick areas or papillary structures are noted on the cyst wall externally or internally. After removal the fluid, the cyst weight 68 grams. The fluid is transparent and slightly mucoid. A frozen section is submitted.,DIAGNOSIS: , Benign cystic ovary., | [
"label": " Obstetrics / Gynecology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,Airway obstruction secondary to severe subglottic tracheal stenosis with foreign body in the trachea.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,Airway obstruction secondary to severe subglottic tracheal stenosis with foreign body in the trachea.,OPERATION PERFORMED,Neck exploration; tracheostomy; urgent flexible bronchoscopy via tracheostomy site; removal of foreign body, tracheal metallic stent material; dilation distal trachea; placement of #8 Shiley single cannula tracheostomy tube.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY,The patient is a 50-year-old white male with history of progressive tracheomalacia treated in the National Tennessee, and several years ago he had a tracheal metallic stent placed with some temporary improvement. However developed progressive problems and he had two additional stents placed with some initial improvement. Subsequently, he developed progressive airway obstruction and came into the ABC Hospital critical airway service for further evaluation and was admitted on Month DD, YYYY. He underwent bronchoscopy by Dr. W and found to have an extensive subglottic upper tracheal and distal tracheal stenosis secondary to metallic stent extensive granulation and inflammatory tissue changes. The patient had some debridement and then was hospitalized and Laryngology and Thoracic Surgery services were consulted for further management. Exploration of trachea, removal of foreign body stents constricting his airway, dilation and stabilization of his trachea were offered to the patient. Nature of the proposed procedure including risks and complications of bleeding, infection, alteration of voice, speech, swallowing, voice changes permanently, possibility of tracheotomy temporarily or permanently to maintain his airway, loss of voice, cardiac risk factors, anesthetic risks, recurrence of problems, upon surgical intervention were all discussed at length. The patient stated that he understood and wished to proceed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in the supine position. Following adequate monitoring by Anesthesia Service to maintain sedation, the patient's neck was prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. The neck was then infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine and 1000 epinephrine. A collar incision approximately 1 fingerbreadth above the clavicle, this was an outline incision, was carried out. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, platysma, subplatysmal flaps elevated superiorly and inferiorly. Strap muscles were separated in the midline, dissection carried down to visceral fascia. Beneath the strap muscles, there was dense inflammation scarring obscuring palpable landmarks. There appeared to be significant scarring fusion of soft tissue at the perichondrium and cartilage of the cricoid making the cricoid easily definable. There was a markedly enlarged thyroid isthmus. Thyroid isthmus was divided and dense inflammation, attachment of the thyroid isthmus, fusion of the thyroid gland to the capsule to the pretracheal fascia requiring extensive blunt sharp dissection. Trachea was exposed from the cricoid to the fourth ring which entered down into the chest. The trachea was incised between the second and third ring inferior limb in the midline and excision of small ridge of cartilage on each side sent for pathologic evaluation. The tracheal cartilage externally had marked thickening and significant stiffness calcification, and the tracheal wall from the outside of the trachea to the mucosa measured 3 to 4 mm in thickness. The trachea was entered and visualized with thickening of the mucosa and submucosa was noted. The patient, however, was able to ventilate at this point a #6 Endo Tube was inserted and general anesthesia administered. Once the airway was secured, we then proceeded working around the #6 Endo Tube as well as with the tube intake and out to explore the trachea with ridged fiberoptic scopes as well as flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy to the trach site. Examination revealed extrusion of metallic fragments from stent and multiple metallic fragments were removed from the stent in the upper trachea. A careful examination of the subglottic area showed inflamed and thickened mucosa but patent subglottis. After removal of the stents and granulation tissue, the upper trachea was widely patent. The mid trachea had some marked narrowing secondary to granulation. Stent material was removed from this area as well. In the distal third of the trachea, a third stent was embedded within the mucosa, not encroaching on the lumen without significant obstruction distally and this was not disturbed at this time. All visible stent material in the upper and mid trachea were removed. Initial attempt to place a #16 Montgomery T tube showed the distal lumen of the T tube to be too short to stent the granulation narrowing of the trachea at the junction of the anterior two thirds and the distal third. Also, this was removed and a #8 Shiley single cannula tracheostomy tube was placed after removal of the endotracheal tube. A good ventilation was confirmed and the position of the tube confirmed it to be at the level just above the metallic stent which was embedded in the mucosa. The distal trachea and mainstem bronchi were widely patent. This secured his airway and no further manipulation felt to be needed at this time. Neck wound was thoroughly irrigated and strap muscles were closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl. The skin laterally to the trach site was closed with running 2-0 Prolene. Tracheostomy tube was secured with interrupted 2-0 silk sutures and the patient was taken back to the Intensive Care Unit in satisfactory condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complication. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In short, the patient is a 55-year-old gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7 with comorbidities of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, possible sleep apnea, and also osteoarthritis of the lower extremities. He is also an ex-smoker. He is currently smoking and he is planning to quit and at least he should do this six to eight days before for multiple reasons including decreasing the DVT, PE rates and marginal ulcer problems after surgery, which will be discussed later on. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On physical examination today, he weighs 514.8 pounds, he has gained 21 pounds since the last visit with us. His pulse is 78, temperature is 97.5, blood pressure is 132/74. Lungs are clear. He is a pleasant gentleman with stigmata of supermorbid obesity expected of his size. Abdomen is soft, nontender. No incisions. No umbilical hernia, no groin hernia, has a large abdominal pannus. No hepatosplenomegaly. Lower extremities; no pedal edema. No calf tenderness. Deep tendon reflexes are normal. Lungs are clear. S1, S2 is heard. Regular rate and rhythm. ,DISCUSSION:, I had a long talk with the patient about laparoscopic gastric bypass possible open including risks, benefits, alternatives, need for long-term followup, need to adhere to dietary and exercise guidelines. I also explained to him complications including rare cases of death secondary to DVT, PE, leak, peritonitis, sepsis shock, multisystem organ failure, need for reoperations, need for endoscopy for bleeding or leak, operations which could be diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparotomy, drainage procedure, gastrostomy, jejunostomy for feeding, bleeding requiring blood transfusion, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, atelectasis, respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, rarely tracheostomy, rare cases of renal failure requiring dialysis, etc., were all discussed. ,All these are going to be at high risk for this patient secondary to his supermorbid obese condition. ,I also explained to him specific gastric bypass related complications including gastrojejunal stricture requiring endoscopic dilatation, marginal ulcer secondary to smoking or antiinflammatory drug intake, which can progress on to perforation or bleeding, small bowel obstruction secondary to internal hernia or adhesions, signs and symptoms of which are described, so the patient could alert us for earlier intervention, symptomatic gallstone formation during rapid weight loss, how to avoid it by taking ursodiol, which will be prescribed in the postoperative period. ,Long-term complication of gastric bypass including hair loss, excess skin, multivitamin and mineral deficiencies, protein-calorie malnutrition, weight regain, weight plateauing, psychosocial and marital issues, addiction transfer, etc., were all discussed with the patient. The patient is at higher risk than usual set of patients secondary to his supermorbid obesity of BMI nearing 70 and also major cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. Smoking of course does not help and increase the risk for cardiopulmonary complications and is at increased risk for cardiac risk. He will be seen by cardiologist, pulmonologist. He will also undergo long Medifast dieting under our guidance, which is a very low-calorie diet to decrease the size of the liver and also to optimize his cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. He will also see a psychologist, nutritionist, and exercise physiologist in preparation for surgery for a multidisciplinary approach for short and long-term success. ,Especially for him in view of his restricted mobility, supermorbid obesity status, and possibility of a pulmonary hypertension secondary to sleep apnea, he has been advised to have retrievable IVC filter and also will go home on Lovenox. He also needs to start exercising to increase his flexibility and muscle tone before surgery and also to start getting the habit of doing so. All these were discussed with the patient. The patient understands. He wants to go to surgery. All questions were answered. I will see him in few weeks before the planned date of surgery. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Blood loss anemia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Blood loss anemia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Laparotomy.,2. Myomectomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than a 100 cc.,URINE OUTPUT: , 110 cc, clear at the end of the procedure.,FLUIDS: , 500 cc during the procedure.,SPECIMENS: , Four uterine fibroids.,DRAINS: ,Foley catheter to gravity.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the patient has an enlarged, approximately 14-week sized uterus that is freely mobile and anteverted with no adnexal masses. Surgically, the patient has an enlarged fibroid uterus with a large fundal/anterior fibroids, which is approximately 6+ cm and several small submucosal fibroids within the endometrium. Both ovaries and tubes appeared within normal limits.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room where she was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion in the dorsal supine position. After the general anesthetic was found to be adequate, a Pfannenstiel skin incision was made with the first knife. This was carried through the underlying layer of fascia with a second knife. The fascia was incised in the midline with the second knife and the fascial incision was then extended laterally in both directions with the Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the fascial incision was then grasped with Ochsner clamps, tented up, and dissected off the underlying layer of rectus muscle bluntly. It was then dissected in the middle with the Mayo scissors. The inferior aspect of this incision was addressed in a similar manner. The rectus muscles were separated in the midline bluntly. The peritoneum was identified with hemostat clamps, tented up, and entered sharply with the Metzenbaum scissors. The peritoneal incision was then extended superiorly and inferiorly with the Metzenbaum scissors and then extended bluntly. Next, the uterus was grasped bluntly and removed from the abdomen. The fundal fibroid was identified. It was then injected with vasopressin, 20 units mixed in 30 cc of normal saline along the serosal surface and careful to aspirate to avoid any blood vessels. 15 cc was injected. Next, the point tip was used with the cautery _______ cutting to cut the linear incision along the top of the _______ fibroid until fibroid fibers were seen. The edges of the myometrium was grasped with Allis clamps, tented up, and a hemostat was used to bluntly dissect around the fibroid followed by blunt dissection with a finger. The fibroid was easily and bluntly dissected out. It was also grasped with Lahey clamp to prevent traction. Once the blunt dissection of the large fibroid was complete, it was handed off to the scrub nurse. The large fibroid traversed the whole myometrium down to the mucosal surface and the endometrial cavity was largely entered when this fibroid was removed. At this point, several smaller fibroids were noticed along the endometrial surface of the uterus. Three of these were removed just by bluntly grasping with the Lahey clamp and twisting, all three of these were approximately 1 cm to 2 cm in size. These were also handed to the scrub tech. Next, the uterine incision was then closed with first two interrupted layers of #0 chromic in an interrupted figure-of-eight fashion and then with a #0 Vicryl in a running baseball stitch. The uterus was seen to be completely hemostatic after closure. Next, a 3 x 4 inch piece of Interceed was placed over the incision and dampened with normal saline. The uterus was then carefully returned to the abdomen and being careful not to disturb the Interceed. Next, the greater omentum was replaced over the uterus.,The rectus muscles were then reapproximated with a single interrupted suture of #0 Vicryl in the midline. Then the fascia was closed with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion. Next, the Scarpa's fascia was closed with #3-0 plain gut in a running fashion and the skin was closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a running subcuticular fashion. The incision was then dressed with 0.5-inch Steri-Strips and bandaged appropriately. After the patient was cleaned, she was taken to Recovery in stable condition and she will be followed for her immediate postoperative period during the hospital. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Burn, right arm.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a Workers' Compensation injury. This patient, a 41 year-old male, was at a coffee shop, where he works as a cook, and hot oil splashed onto his arm, burning from the elbow to the wrist on the medial aspect. He has had it cooled, and presents with his friend to the Emergency Department for care.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,MEDICATIONS: ,None.,ALLERGIES: ,None.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished 21-year-old male adult who is appropriate and cooperative. His only injury is to the right upper extremity. There are first and second degree burns on the right forearm, ranging from the elbow to the wrist. Second degree areas with blistering are scattered through the medial aspect of the forearm. There is no circumferential burn, and I see no areas of deeper burn. The patient moves his hands well. Pulses are good. Circulation to the hand is fine.,FINAL DIAGNOSIS:,1. First-degree and second-degree burns, right arm secondary to hot oil spill.,2. Workers' Compensation industrial injury.,TREATMENT: , The wound is cooled and cleansed with soaking in antiseptic solution. The patient was ordered Demerol 50 mg IM for pain, but he refused and did not want pain medication. A burn dressing is applied with Neosporin ointment. The patient is given Tylenol No. 3, tabs #4, to take home with him and take one or two every four hours p.r.n. for pain. He is to return tomorrow for a dressing change. Tetanus immunization is up to date. Preprinted instructions are given. Workers' Compensation first report and work status report are completed.,DISPOSITION: , Home. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Persistent abnormal uterine bleeding after endometrial ablation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Persistent abnormal uterine bleeding after endometrial ablation.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) with a right salpingo-oophorectomy.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 250 cc.,FLUIDS: ,1500 cc of crystalloids.,URINE: , 125 cc of clear urine at the end of the procedure.,FINDINGS: , On exam, under anesthesia, an obese female with an enlarged fibroid uterus freely movable on the pelvis. Operative findings demonstrated the same with normal appearing tubes bilaterally. The right ovary contained a right ovarian cyst. The left ovary appeared to be within normal limits. The peritoneal surfaces were noted to be within normal limits. The bowel was also noted to be within normal limits.,INDICATIONS FOR THIS PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 44-year-old female who had an endometrial ablation done in May, which showed submucosal fibroids. She had history of anemia and has been on iron therapy. She started having bleeding three weeks ago with intermittent bouts of flooding.,She desired permanent and definitive therapy and therefore it was felt very appropriate to take the patient for a total abdominal hysterectomy. The uterus, cervix, and right tube and ovary was sent to pathology for review.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, all questions were answered to the patient's satisfaction in layman's term. She was taken to the operating room where a general anesthesia was obtained without any difficulty. She was examined under anesthesia with noted findings above. She was placed in a dorsal supine position and prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The Pfannenstiel skin incision was made with the first knife and was then carried down to the underlying layer of the fascia. With the second knife, the fascia was excised in the midline and extended laterally with the Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the fascial incision was then tented up with the Ochsner clamps and the underlying rectus muscle was dissected off sharply as well as bluntly. Attention was then turned to the inferior aspect of the fascial incision, which in a similar fashion was tented up and the underlying rectus muscle was dissected off sharply as well as bluntly. The rectus muscle was then separated in the midline, the peritoneum was identified, entered bluntly and digitally. Then the peritoneal incision was then extended superior and inferiorly with excellent visualization of the bladder. The GYN Balfour was then placed. A Lahey clamp was placed on the fundus of the uterus to pull the uterus into the operative field and the bowel was packed away with moist laparotomy sponges. Attention was then turned to the round ligaments bilaterally, which were tented up with Allis clamps and then a hemostat was poked through the avascular portion underneath the round ligament and the #O-tie was passed through and then tied down. Then the round ligament was transected and suture ligated and noted to be hemostatic. The round ligaments were then skeletonized to create a window in the broad ligament. The right infundibulopelvic ligament was isolated through the window created from the round ligaments and then the infundibular ligament on the right was loop tied and then doubly clamped with straight Ochsner clamps and then transected and suture ligated with a #0 Vicryl in a Heaney stitch fashion. It was noted to be hemostatic. Attention was then turned to the left side, in which the uterovarian vessel was isolated and then tied with an #O-tie and then doubly clamped with straight Ochsner clamps, transected and suture ligated with a #0 Vicryl in a Heaney stitch fashion and noted to be hemostatic. The vesicouterine peritoneum was then identified, tented up with Allis clamps, and then the bladder flap was created sharply with a Russian and Metzenbaum scissors. Then the bladder was deflected off of the underlying cervix with blunt dissection with a moist Ray-Tec sponge down to the level of the cervix.,The uterine vessels were skeletonized bilaterally and then clamped with straight Ochsner clamps and transected and suture ligated and noted to be hemostatic. In the similar fashion, the broad ligament down to the level of the caudal ligament, the uterosacral ligaments was clamped with curved Ochsner clamps and transected and suture ligated, and noted to be hemostatic. The second Lahey clamp was then placed on the cervix. The cervix was tented up and the pubocervical vesical fascia was transected with a long knife and then the vagina was entered with a double pointed scissors poked through well protecting posteriorly with a large malleable. The cuff was then outlined. The vaginal cuff was grasped with a Ochsner clamp and then the cervix, uterus, and the right tube and ovary were transected using the Jorgenson scissors. The cuff outlined with Ochsner clamps. The cuff was then painted with a Betadine soaked Ray-Tec sponge and the sponge was placed over the vagina. The vaginal cuff was then closed with a #0 Vicryl in a running locked fashion holding on to the beginning end on the right side as well as incorporating the ipsilateral cardinal ligaments into the cuff angles. A long Allis was then used to grasp the mid portion of the cuff and a #0 Vicryl figure-of-eight stitch was placed in the mid portion of the cuff and tied down. At this time, the abdomen was copiously irrigated with warm normal saline and noted to be hemostatic. The suture that was used to close the cuff was then used to come back through the posterior peritoneum grabbing the uterosacral ligaments and the mid portion of the cuff, and then tied down to bring the cuff close and together. Then, the right round ligament was pulled into the cuff and tied down with the #0 Vicryl that was used as a figure-of-eight stitch in the middle of the cuff. The left round ligament was too small to reach the cuff. The abdomen was then again copiously irrigated with warm normal saline and noted to be hemostatic. The peritoneum was then re-peritonealized with a #3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The GYN Balfour and all packing sponges were removed from the abdomen. Then the abdomen was then once again copiously irrigated and the cuff and incision sites were once again reinspected and noted to be hemostatic. The ______ was placed back into the hollow of the sacrum. The omentum was then pulled over to top of the bowel and then the peritoneum was then closed with a #3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion and then the fascia was closed with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The skin was closed with staples and dressing applied. The patient was then examined at the end of the procedure. The Betadine-soaked sponge was removed from the vagina. The cuff was noted to be intact without bleeding and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2 and she was taken to the recovery in stable condition. The patient will be followed throughout her hospital stay. | [
"label": " Obstetrics / Gynecology",
"score": 1
] |
S:, ABC is in today for a followup of her atrial fibrillation. They have misplaced the Cardizem. She is not on this and her heart rate is up just a little bit today. She does complain of feeling dizziness, some vertigo, some lightheadedness, and has attributed this to the Coumadin therapy. She is very adamant that she wants to stop the Coumadin. She is tired of blood draws. We have had a difficult time getting her regulated. No chest pains. No shortness of breath. She is moving around a little bit better. Her arm does not hurt her. Her back pain is improving as well.,O:, Vital signs as per chart. Respirations 15. Exam: Nontoxic. No acute distress. Alert and oriented. HEENT: TMs are clear bilaterally without erythema or bulging. Clear external canals. Clear tympanic. Conjunctivae are clear. Clear nasal mucosa. Clear oropharynx with moist mucous membranes. NECK is soft and supple. LUNGS are clear to auscultation. HEART is irregularly irregular, mildly tachycardic. ABDOMEN is soft and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, no clubbing, no edema.,EKG shows atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 104.,A:,1. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
CC: , "Five years ago, I stopped drinking and since that time, I have had severe depression. I was doing okay when I stopped my medications in April for a few weeks, but then I got depressed again. I started lithium three weeks ago.",HPI: ,The patient is a 45-year-old married white female without children currently working as a billing analyst for Northwest Natural. The patient has had one psychiatric hospitalization for seven days in April of 1999. The patient now presents with recurrent depressive symptoms for approximately four months. The patient states that she has decreased energy, suicidal ideation, suicide plan, feelings of guilt, feelings of extreme anger, psychomotor agitation, and increased appetite. The patient states her sleep is normal and her ability to concentrate is normal. The patient states that last night she had an argument with her husband in which he threaten to divorce her. The patient went into the rest room, tried to find a razor blade, could not find one but instead found a scissor and cut her arm moderately with some moderate depth. She felt better after doing so and put a bandage over the wound and did not report to her husband or anybody else what she had done. The patient reports that she has had increased tension with her husband as of recent. She notes that approximately a week ago she struck her husband several times. She states that he has never hit her but instead pushed her back after she was hitting him. She reports no history of abuse in the past. The patient identifies recent stressors as having ongoing conflict at work with her administrator with them "cracking down on me." The patient also notes that her longstanding therapy will be temporarily interrupted by the therapist having a child. She states that her recent depression seems to coincide with her growing knowledge that her therapist was pregnant. The patient states that she has a tremendous amount of anger towards her therapist for discontinuing or postponing treatment. She states that she feels "abandoned." The patient notes that it does raise issues with her past, where she had a child at the age of 17 who she gave away for adoption and a second child that she was pregnant by the age of 42 that she aborted at the request of her husband. The patient states she saw her therapist most recently last Friday. She sees the therapy weekly and indicates the therapy helps, although she is unable to specify how. When asked for specifics of what she has learned from the therapy, the patient was unable to reply. It appears that she is very concrete and has difficulty with symbolization and abstractions and self-observation. The patient reports that at her last visit her therapist was concerned that she may be suicidal and was considering hospitalization. The patient, at that point, stated that she would be safe through Monday despite having made a gesture last night. At present, the patient's mood is reactive and for much of the session she appears angry and irritated with me but at the end of the session, after I have given her my assessment, she appears calmed and not depressed. When asked if she is suicidal at present, she states no. The patient does not want to go into the hospital. The patient also indicates at the end of the session she felt hopeful. The patient reports her current sleep is about eight hours per night. She states that longest she has been able to stay awake in the past has been 24 hours. She states that during periods where she feels up she sleeps perhaps six hours per night. The patient reports no spending sprees and no reports no sexual indiscretions. The patient states that her sexuality does increase when she is feeling better but not enormously so. The patient denies any history of delusions or hallucinations. The patient denies any psychosis. The patient states that she does have mood swings and that the upstate lasts for a couple of weeks at longest. She states that more predominately she has depression. The patient states that she does not engage in numerous projects when she is in an upstate although does imagine doing so. The patient notes that suicidality and depression seems to often arise around disputes with her husband and/or feelings of abandonment. The patient indicates some satisfaction when she is called on her behavior "I need to answer for my actions." The patient gives a substantial history of alcohol abuse lasting up to about five years ago when she was hospitalized. Most typically, the patient will drink at least a bottle of wine per day. The patient has attended AA but at present going once a week, although she states that she is not engaged as she has been in the past; and when asked if she may be in early relapse, she indicates that yes that is a very real possibility. The patient states she is not working through any of the steps at present.,PPH: , The patient denies any sexual abuse as a child. She states that she was disciplined primarily by her father with spankings. She states that on occasion her mother would use a belt to spank her or with her hand or with a spoon. The patient has been seeing Dr. A for the past five years. Prior to that she was admitted to a hospital for her suicide attempt. The patient also has one short treatment experienced with the Day Treatment Program here in Portland. The patient states that it was not useful as it focused on group work with pts that she did not feel any similarity with. The patient, also as a child, had a history of cutting behaviors. The patient was admitted to the hospital after lacerating her arm.,MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The patient has hypothyroidism and last had her TSH drawn a week ago but does not know the results. Janet Green is her primary physician. The patient also has had herniated disc in the neck and a sinus inflammation, both of which were treated surgically.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , The patient currently is taking Synthroid 75 mcg per day and lithium 1200 mg p.o. q.d. The patient started the lithium approximately three weeks ago and has not had a recent lithium level or kidney function test.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SUBSTANCE HISTORY: , The patient has been sober for five years. She drank one bottle of wine per day as per HPI. History of drinking for approximately 25 years. The patient does not currently have a sponsor. The patient experimented with amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana approximately 16 years ago.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient's mother is age 66, father is age 70, and she has a brother age 44. Her brother has been incarcerated numerous times for assaults and has difficulty with anger and rage. He made a suicide attempt at age 17. The patient's father is a machinist who she describes as somewhat narcissistic and with alcohol abuse problem. He also has arthritis. The patient's mother is arthritic. She states that her mother stopped working at middle age after being laid off and appears somewhat reclusive.,EDUCATIONAL HISTORY: , The patient was educated through high school and has two years of Night College. The patient states that she grew up and was raised in Portland but notes her childhood was primarily lonely. She states she was unliked and unpopular child because she was "shy" and "not smart enough." The patient denies having secrets. The patient reports that this is her second marriage, which has lasted two years. Her first marriage lasted I believe it was five years. The patient also had a relationship in recovery for four years, which ended after they went "different directions.",MSE:, The patient is middle-aged white female, dressed in a red sweater with a white shirt, full patterned skirt, and open sandals. The patient is suspicious and somewhat confrontative early in the session. She asked me regarding my cancellation policy, why I require seven days and not 24 hours. The patient also is irritated with paper required of her. Psychomotor is increased slightly. The patient makes strong eye contact. Speech is normal rate, rhythm, and volume. Mood is "irritated." Affect is irritated, angry, demanding, attempting to wrest control from me, depressed, frustrated. Thought is directed. Content is nondelusional. There are no auditory and no visual hallucinations. The patient has no homicidal ideation. The patient does endorse suicidal ideations. Regarding plan, the patient notes that cutting herself hurts too much therefore she would like to take some benzodiazepines or barbiturates but has access to none. The patient states that she will not try to hurt herself currently and that she poses no risk at present. The patient notes that she does not want to go to the hospital at present. The patient is alert and oriented x 3. Recall is three for three at five minutes. Proverbs are concrete. She has fair impulse control, poor judgment, and poor insight.,FORMULATION: ,The patient is a 45-year-old married white female with no children now presenting with recurrent depressive symptoms and active suicidal ideation and planning. The patient reports longstanding depressive symptoms that were subthreshold punctuated by periods of more severe depression. The patient also reports some up periods, which do not meet most criteria for a bipolar disorder or manic states. The patient notes that current depression started with approximately the same time that she became aware that her therapist was pregnant. She notes that the current depression is atypical in that it is primarily anger based and she does not have the typical hypersomnia that she gets. The patient reports being unable to express anger to her therapist and being unable to discuss her feeling regarding the pregnancy. The patient also states that she feels abandoned with the upcoming discontinuation of treatment while the therapist is giving birth and thereafter. Symptoms are consistent with a longstanding dysthymia and reoccurring depression. In addition, diagnosis is highly complicated by presence of a strong personality disorder component, most likely borderline personality disorder. This latter diagnosis seems to be the most active at this time with the patient acutely reacting to perceived therapist's absence and departure. This is exacerbated by instability in the patient's marital life.,DIAGNOSIS:,Axis I: Dysthymia. Major depression, moderate severity, recurrent, with partial remission.,Axis II: Borderline personality disorder.,Axis III: Hypothyroidism and cervical disc herniation and sinus surgery.,Axis IV: Medical access. Marital discord.,Axis V: A GAF of 30.,PLAN: ,The patient is unlikely to have bipolar disorder. We will recommend the patient's thyroid be rechecked to ensure she is currently euthymic. We would recommend continued weekly or twice weekly insight oriented psychotherapy with aggressive exploration of the patient's reaction to her therapist's departure. We would also recommend dialectical behavioral therapy while the therapist is on leave. We would recommend continued treatment with SSRIs for dysthymia and depression. We would suggest prescribing long acting antidepressant such as Prozac, given the patient's ambivalence regarding medications. Prozac should be pushed to minimum of 40 mg, which the patient has already tolerated in the past, but most likely up to 60 or 80 mg. We might also supplement the Prozac with a (anti-sleep medication).,Time spent with the patient was 1.5 hours. | [
"label": " Psychiatry / Psychology",
"score": 1
] |
EXAM: , CTA chest pulmonary angio.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Evaluate for pulmonary embolism.,TECHNIQUE: , Postcontrast CT chest pulmonary embolism protocol, 100 mL of Isovue-300 contrast is utilized.,FINDINGS: , There are no filling defects in the main or main right or left pulmonary arteries. No central embolism. The proximal subsegmental pulmonary arteries are free of embolus, but the distal subsegmental and segmental arteries especially on the right are limited by extensive pulmonary parenchymal, findings would be discussed in more detail below. There is no evidence of a central embolism.,As seen on the prior examination, there is a very large heterogeneous right chest wall mass, which measures at least 10 x 12 cm based on axial image #35. Just superior to the mass is a second heterogeneous focus of neoplasm measuring about 5 x 3.3 cm. Given the short interval time course from the prior exam, dated 01/23/09, this finding has not significantly changed. However, there is considerable change in the appearance of the lung fields. There are now bilateral pleural effusions, small on the right and moderate on the left with associated atelectasis. There are also extensive right lung consolidations, all new or increased significantly from the prior examination. Again identified is a somewhat spiculated region of increased density at the right lung apex, which may indicate fibrosis or scarring, but the possibility of primary or metastatic disease cannot be excluded. There is no pneumothorax in the interval.,On the mediastinal windows, there is presumed subcarinal adenopathy, with one lymph node measuring roughly 12 mm suggestive of metastatic disease here. There is aortic root and arch and descending thoracic aortic calcification. There are scattered regions of soft plaque intermixed with this. The heart is not enlarged. The left axilla is intact in regards to adenopathy. The inferior thyroid appears unremarkable.,Limited assessment of the upper abdomen discloses a region of lower density within the right hepatic lobe, this finding is indeterminate, and if there is need for additional imaging in regards to hepatic metastatic disease, follow up ultrasound. Spleen, adrenal glands, and upper kidneys appear unremarkable. Visualized portions of the pancreas are unremarkable.,There is extensive rib destruction in the region of the chest wall mass. There are changes suggesting prior trauma to the right clavicle.,IMPRESSION:,1. Again demonstrated is a large right chest wall mass.,2. No central embolus, distal subsegmental and segmental pulmonary artery branches are in part obscured by the pulmonary parenchymal findings, are not well assessed.,3. New bilateral pleural effusions and extensive increasing consolidations and infiltrates in the right lung.,4. See above regarding other findings. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,1. Secondary scleral suture fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens implant with penetrating keratoplasty.,2. A concurrent vitrectomy and endolaser was performed by the vitreoretinal team.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,The patient is a 62-year-old white male who underwent cataract surgery in 09/06. This was complicated by posterior capsule rupture. An intraocular lens implant was not attempted. He developed corneal edema and a preretinal hemorrhage. He is aware of the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the surgery and now wishes to proceed with secondary scleral suture fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens implant in the left eye, vitrectomy, endolaser, and penetrating keratoplasty.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Preretinal hemorrhage.,2. Diabetic retinopathy.,3. Aphakia.,4. Corneal edema.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Preretinal hemorrhage.,2. Diabetic retinopathy.,3. Aphakia.,4. Corneal edema.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,SPECIMEN: ,1. Donor corneal swab sent to Microbiology.,2. Donor corneal scar rim sent to Eye Pathology.,3. The patient's cornea sent to Eye Pathology.,PROS DEV IMPLANT: ,ABC Laboratories 16.0 diopter posterior chamber intraocular lens, serial number 123456.,NARRATIVE: , Informed consent was obtained, and all questions were answered. The patient was brought to the preoperative holding area, where the operative left eye was marked. He was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. EKG leads were placed. General anesthesia was induced. The left ocular surface and periorbital skin were disinfected and draped in the standard fashion for eye surgery after a shield and tape were placed over the unoperated right eye. A lid speculum was placed. The posterior segment infusion was placed by the vitreoretinal service. Peritomy was performed at the 3 and 9 o'clock limbal positions. A large Flieringa ring was then sutured to the conjunctival surface using 8-0 silk sutures tied in an interrupted fashion. The cornea was then measured and was found to accommodate a 7.5-mm trephine. The center of the cornea was marked. The keratoprosthesis was identified.,A 7.5-mm trephine blade was then used to incise the anterior corneal surface. This was done after a paracentesis was placed at the 1 o'clock position and viscoelastic was used to dissect peripheral anterior synechiae. Once the synechiae were freed, the above-mentioned trephination of the anterior cornea was performed. Corneoscleral scissors were then used to excise completely the central cornea. The keratoprosthesis was placed in position and was sutured with six interrupted 8-0 silk sutures. This was done without difficulty. At this point, the case was turned over to the vitreoretinal team, which will dictate under a separate note. At the conclusion of the vitreoretinal procedure, the patient was brought under the care of the cornea service. The 9-0 Prolene sutures double armed were then placed on each lens haptic loop. The keratoprosthesis was removed. Prior to this removal, scleral flaps were made, partial thickness at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions underneath the peritomies. Wet-field cautery also was performed to achieve hemostasis. The leading hepatic sutures were then passed through the bed of the scleral flap. These were drawn out of the eye and then used to draw the trailing hepatic into the posterior segment of the eye followed by the optic. The trailing hepatic was then placed into the posterior segment of the eye as well. The trailing haptic sutures were then placed through the opposite scleral flap bed and were withdrawn. These were tied securely into position with the IOL nicely centered. At this point, the donor cornea punched at 8.25 mm was then brought into the field. This was secured with four cardinal sutures. The corneal button was then sutured in place using a 16-bite 10-0 nylon running suture. The knot was secured and buried after adequate tension was adjusted. The corneal graft was watertight. Attention was then turned back to the IOL sutures, which were locked into position. The ends were trimmed. The flaps were secured with single 10-0 nylon sutures to the apex, and the knots were buried. At this point, the case was then turned back over to the vitreoretinal service for further completion of the retinal procedure. The patient tolerated the corneal portions of the surgery well and was turned over to the retina service in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. No complications were noted. The attending surgeon, Dr. X, performed the entire procedure. No complications of the procedure were noted. The intraocular lens was selected from preoperative calculations. No qualified resident was available to assist. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PROCEDURE: , Primary right shoulder arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with subacromial decompression.,PATIENT PROFILE:, This is a 42-year-old female. Refer to note in patient chart for documentation of history and physical. Due to the nature of the patient's increasing pain, surgery is recommended. The alternatives, risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the patient. The patient verbalized understanding of the risks as well as the alternatives to surgery. The patient wished to proceed with operative intervention. A signed and witnessed informed consent was placed on the chart. Prior to initiation of the procedure, patient identification and proposed procedure were verified by the surgeon in the pre-op area, and the operative site was marked by the patient and verified by the surgeon.,PRE-OP DIAGNOSIS: , Acute complete tear of the supraspinatus, Shoulder impingement syndrome.,POST-OP DIAGNOSIS:, Acute complete tear of the supraspinatus, Shoulder impingement syndrome.,ANESTHESIA: , General - Endotracheal.,FINDINGS:,ACROMION:,1. There was a medium-sized (5 - 10 mm) anterior acromial spur.,2. The subacromial bursa was inflamed.,3. The subacromial bursa was thickened.,4. There was thickening of the coracoacromial ligament.,LIGAMENTS / CAPSULE: , Joint capsule within normal limits.,LABRUM: , The labrum is within normal limits.,ROTATOR CUFF: , Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon, 5 mm anterior to posterior, by 10 mm medial to lateral. Muscles and Tendons: The biceps tendon is within normal limits.,JOINT:, Normal appearance of the glenoid and humeral surfaces.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:,PATIENT POSITIONING: , Following induction of anesthesia, the patient was placed in the beach-chair position on the standard operating table. All body parts were well padded and protected to make sure there were no pressure points. Subsequently, the surgical area was prepped and draped in the appropriate sterile fashion with Betadine.,INCISION TYPE:,1. Scope Ports: Anterior Portal.,2. Scope Ports: Posterior Portal.,3. Scope Ports: Accessory Anterior Portal.,INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS:,1. The arthroscope and instruments were introduced into the shoulder joint through the arthroscopic portals.,2. The subacromial space and bursa, biceps tendon, coracoacromial and glenohumeral ligaments, biceps tendon, rotator cuff, supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor, capsulo-labral complex, capsule, glenoid labrum, humeral head, and glenoid, including the inner and outer surfaces of the rotator cuff, were visualized and probed.,3. The subacromial bursa, subacromial soft tissues and frayed rotator cuff tissue were resected and debrided using a motorized resector and 4.5 Synovial Resector.,4. The anterior portion of the acromion and acromial spur were resected with the 5.5 acromionizer burr. Approximately 5 mm of bone was removed. The coracoacromial ligament was released with the bony resection. The shoulder joint was thoroughly irrigated.,5. The edges of the cuff tissue were prepared, prior to the fixation, using the motorized resector.,6. The supraspinatus tendon was reattached and sutured using the arthroscopic knot pusher and Mitek knotless anchor system and curved pointed suture passer and large bore cannula (to pass the sutures). The repair was accomplished in a side-to-side and a tendon-to-bone fashion using three double loaded Mitek G IV suture anchors with 1 PDS suture.,7. The repair was stable to palpation with the probe and watertight.,8. The arthroscope and instruments were removed from the shoulder.,PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN: , No pathology specimens.,WOUND CLOSURE:, The joint was thoroughly irrigated with 7 L of sterile saline. The portal sites were infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine. The skin was closed with 4-0 Vicryl using interrupted subcuticular technique.,DRAINS / DRESSING:, Applied sterile dressing including gauze, iodoform gauze and Elastoplast.,SPONGE / INSTRUMENT / NEEDLE COUNTS:, Final counts were correct. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Left carpal tunnel release.,FINDINGS:, Showed severe compression of the median nerve on the left at the wrist.,SPECIMENS: ,None.,FLUIDS:, 500 mL of crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT:, No Foley catheter.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General through a laryngeal mask.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , None.,CONDITION: , Resuscitated with stable vital signs.,INDICATION FOR THE OPERATION: , This is a case of a very pleasant 65-year-old forensic pathologist who I previously had performed initially a discectomy and removal of infection at 6-7, followed by anterior cervical discectomy with anterior interbody fusion at C5-6 and C6-7 with spinal instrumentation. At the time of initial consultation, the patient was also found to have bilateral carpal tunnel and for which we are addressing the left side now. Operation, expected outcome, risks, and benefits were discussed with him for most of the risk would be that of infection because of the patient's diabetes and a previous history of infection in the form of pneumonia. There is also the possibility of bleeding as well as the possibility of injury to the median nerve on dissection. He understood this risk and agreed to have the procedure performed.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, awake, alert, not in any form of distress. After smooth induction of anesthesia and placement of a laryngeal mask, he remained supine on the operating table. The left upper extremity was then prepped with Betadine soap and antiseptic solution. After sterile drapes were laid out, an incision was made following inflation of blood pressure cuff to 250 mmHg. Clamp time approximately 30 minutes. An incision was then made right in the mid palm area between the thenar and hypothenar eminence. Meticulous hemostasis of any bleeders were done. The fat was identified. The palmar aponeurosis was identified and cut and this was traced down to the wrist. There was severe compression of the median nerve. Additional removal of the aponeurosis was performed to allow for further decompression. After this was all completed, the area was irrigated with saline and bacitracin solution and closed as a single layer using Prolene 4-0 as interrupted vertical mattress stitches. Dressing was applied. The patient was brought to the recovery. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Ruptured globe OX.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Ruptured globe OX.,PROCEDURE: , Repair of ruptured globe OX.,ANESTHESIA:, General,SPECIMENS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,INDICATIONS:, This is a XX-year-old (wo)man with a ruptured globe of the XXX eye.,PROCEDURE:, The risks and benefits of eye surgery were discussed at length with the patient, including bleeding, infection, re-operation, loss of vision, and loss of the eye. Informed consent was obtained. The patient received IV antibiotics including Ancef and Levaeuin prior to surgery. The patient was brought to the operating room and placud in the supine position, where (s)he wad prepped and draped in the routine fashion. A wire lid speculum was placed to provide exposure.,Upon examination and dissection of the conjunctiva superiorly, a scleral rupture was found. The rupture extended approximately 15 mm in length superior to the cornea, approximately 2 mm from the limbus in a horizontal fashion. There was also a rupture at the limbus, near the middle of this laceration, causing the anterior chamber to be flat. There was a large blood clot filling the anterior chamber. An attempt was made to wash out the anterior chamber with BSS on a cannula. The BSS was injected through the limbal rupture, which communicated with the anterior chamber. The blood clot did not move. It was extremely adherent to the iris.,At that time, the rupture that involved the limbus from approximately 10:30 until 12 o'clock was closed using 1 suture of 10-0 nylon. The scleral laceration was then closed using 10 interrupted sutures with 9-0 Vicryl. At that time, the anterior chamber was formed and appeared to be fairly deep. The wounds were checked and found to be watertight. The knots were rotated posteriorly and the conjunctiva was draped up over the sutures and sewn into position at the limbus using four 7-0 Vicryl sutures, 2 nasally and 2 temporally. All suture knots were buried. ,Gentamicin 0.5 cc was injected subconjunctivally. Then, the speculum was removed. The drapes were removed. Several drops of Ocuflox and Maxitrol ointment were placed in the XXX eye. An eye patch and shield were placed over the eye. The patient was awakened from general anesthesia without difficulty and taken to the recovery room in good condition. | [
"label": " Ophthalmology",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Clogged AV shunt.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 32-year-old African-American male who came to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient complains of fatigue, nausea, vomiting and fever. The patient states that the shunt was placed in February, although according to medical records it was placed in April and it has been periodically clogging since its placement. The patient had dialysis today, which is Saturday, for approximately one hour before the shunt no longer worked. The patient had been seen in the Emergency Room yesterday, 08/29/03, by Dr. X for the same problem. At that time, Dr. X felt that the patient should use the AV fistula during dialysis and after the fistula is able to be used, the PermCath on the right subclavian should be removed. As mentioned above, he had dialysis today and they were unable to use AV fistula as well as the PermCath read "did not work". The patient has had dialysis since January secondary to hypertension-induced renal failure. He takes dialysis Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the ABCD Dialysis Center. He also was seen at XYZ and he had an apparent thrombectomy with reversal done a few days ago. The patient's history at this point is a little sketchy; however, he states that he left AMA. All other systems are reviewed and are negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for heart attack, chronic renal failure with dialysis, CHF, hypertension, and PermCath.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , AV fistula on the left arm and a PermCath.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin.,MEDICATIONS: , Include metoprolol 100 mg two tablets b.i.d., Tylenol #3, Accupril 20 mg q.d., digoxin, Renocaps, aspirin, and Combivent.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Half pack of tobacco x3 years. No alcohol, occasional marijuana, and no IV drug use. He lives alone, single and no children.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vital signs: In Emergency Room, temperature 98.2, pulse 83, respirations 20, blood pressure 146/84 and 99% on room air. General: This is an alert and oriented African-American male x3 and in no acute distress. The patient is extremely lethargic and had to be aroused multiple times to answer questions. Mucous membranes are moist. HEENT: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic. There is no scleral icterus noted. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact. Cardiovascular: Shows a heart rate that is regular with a laterally displaced point of maximum intensity. There is no murmur, gallop, or rub noted. Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheeze, rhonchi or rales. Abdomen: Soft, nontender and nondistended. Bowel sounds are present. Extremities: Show left forearm with an incision that is well healed from a left AV fistula. There is a distal thrill palpable and there is some tenderness over the incisional area. There is no erythema or pus noted. Other extremities show peripheral pulses present and no edema.,LABORATORY VALUES: , Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 92, CO2 33, BUN 36, creatinine 9.2, and glucose 131. Digoxin 0.6, white count is 5.8, hemoglobin 11.7, hematocrit 34.9 and platelets are 252.,IMPRESSION:,1. Nonfunctional AV fistula.,2. End-stage renal disease.,3. Hypertension.,4. Status post MI.,5. Clogged PermCath.,PLAN:,1. Give the patient TPA to the shunt, PermCath in both feet.,2. To board for Tuesday for shunt repair if needed.,3. To dialyze as soon as possible.,4. To review previous operative report.,5. The patient will be contacted in the morning and told whether to go to dialysis or not. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Mesothelioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 73-year-old pleasant Caucasian male who is known to me from his previous hospitalization. He has also been seen by me in the clinic in the last few weeks. He was admitted on January 18, 2008, with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. On the same day, he underwent VATS and thoracoscopic drainage of the pleural effusion with right pleural nodule biopsy, lysis of adhesions, and directed talc insufflation by Dr. X. He was found to have 2.5L of bloody pleural effusions, some loculated pleural effusion, adhesions, and carcinomatosis in the parenchyma. His hospital course here has been significant for dyspnea, requiring ICU stay. He also had a chest tube, which was taken out few days ago. He has also had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, for which he has been on amiodarone by cardiologist. The biopsy from the pleural nodule done on the right on January 18, 2008, shows malignant epithelioid neoplasm consistent with mesothelioma. Immunohistochemical staining showed tumor cells positive for calretinin and focally positive for D2-40, MOC-31. Tumor cells are negative for CDX-2, and monoclonal CEA.,The patient at this time reports that overall he has been feeling better with decrease in shortness of breath and cough over the last few days. He does have edema in his lower extremities. He is currently on 4L of oxygen. He denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, recent change in bowel habit, melena, or hematochezia. No neurological or musculoskeletal signs or symptoms. He reports that he is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but gets short of breath on exertion. He denies any other complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction as per the previous echocardiogram done in December 2007, history of pneumonia in December 2007, admitted to XYZ Hospital. History of recurrent pleural effusions, status post pleurodesis and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer as per the biopsy that was done in XYZ Hospital.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,In the hospital are amiodarone, diltiazem, enoxaparin, furosemide, methylprednisolone, pantoprazole, Zosyn, p.r.n. acetaminophen, and hydrocodone.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married and lives with his spouse. He has history of tobacco smoking and also reports history of alcohol abuse. No history of illicit drug abuse.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for history of ?cancer? in the mother and history of coronary artery disease in the father.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As stated above. He denies any obvious asbestos exposure, as far as he can remember.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: He is awake, alert, in no acute distress. He is currently on 4L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/65 mmHg, respiration is 20 per minute, pulse is 72 per minute, and temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit.,HEENT: No icterus or sinus tenderness. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation except few diffuse wheezing present bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral pedal edema is present in both the extremities. No signs of DVT.,NEUROLOGICAL: Grossly nonfocal.,INVESTIGATION:, Labs done on January 28, 2008, showed BUN of 23 and creatinine of 0.9. Liver enzymes checked on January 17, 2008, were unremarkable. CBC done on January 26, 2008, showed WBC of 19.8, hemoglobin of 10.7, hematocrit of 30.8, and platelet count of 515,000. Chest x-ray from yesterday shows right-sided Port-A-Cath, diffuse right lung parenchymal and pleural infiltration without change, mild pulmonary vascular congestion.,ASSESSMENT,1. Mesothelioma versus primary lung carcinoma, two separate reports as for the two separate biopsies done several weeks apart.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,4. Malignant pleural effusion, status post surgery as stated above.,5. Anemia of chronic disease.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. Compare the slides from the previous biopsy done in December at XYZ Hospital with recurrent pleural nodule biopsy slides. I have discussed regarding this with Dr. Y in Pathology here at Methodist XYZ Hospital. I will try to obtain the slides for comparison from XYZ Hospital for comparison and immunohistochemical staining.,2. I will also discuss with Dr. X and also with intervention radiologist at XYZ Hospital regarding the exact sites of the two biopsies.,3. Once the results of the above are available, I will make further recommendations regarding treatment. The patient has significantly decreased performance status with dyspnea on exertion and is being planned for transfer to Triumph Hospital for rehab, which I agree with.,4. Continue present care.,Discussed regarding the above in great details with the patient and his wife and daughter and answered the questions to their satisfaction. They clearly understand the above. They also understand his very poor performance status at this time, and the risks and benefits of delaying chemotherapy due to this. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient has recently had an admission for pneumonia with positive blood count. She was treated with IV antibiotics and p.o. antibiotics; she improved on that. She was at home and doing quite well for approximately 10 to 12 days when she came to the ER with a temperature of 102. She was found to have strep. She was treated with penicillin and sent home. She returned about 8 o'clock after vomiting and a probable seizure. Temperature was 104.5; she was lethargic after that. She had an LP, which was unremarkable. She had blood cultures, which have not grown anything. The CSF has not grown anything at this point.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, She is alert, recovering from anesthesia. Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat are unremarkable. Chest is clear to auscultation and percussion. Abdomen is soft. Extremities are unremarkable.,LAB STUDIES: , White count in the emergency room was 9.8 with a slight shift. CSF glucose was 68, protein was 16, and there were no cells. The Gram-stain was unremarkable.,ASSESSMENT: , I feel that this patient has a febrile seizure.,PLAN: , My plan is to readmit the patient to control her temperature and assess her white count. I am going to observe her overnight. | [
"label": " General Medicine",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute appendicitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute suppurative appendicitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic appendectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and Marcaine 0.25% local.,INDICATIONS:, This 29-year-old female presents to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Department on 08/30/2003 with history of acute abdominal pain. On evaluation, it was noted that the patient has clinical findings consistent with acute appendicitis. However, the patient with additional history of loose stools for several days prior to event. Therefore, a CAT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was obtained revealing findings consistent with acute appendicitis. There was no evidence of colitis on the CAT scan. With this in mind and the patient's continued pain at present, the patient was explained the risks and benefits of appendectomy. She agreed to procedure and informed consent was obtained.,GROSS FINDINGS: , The appendix was removed without difficulty with laparoscopic approach. The appendix itself noted to have a significant inflammation about it. There was no evidence of perforation of the appendix.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, The patient was placed in supine position. After appropriate anesthesia was obtained and sterile prep and drape completed, a #10 blade scalpel was used to make a curvilinear infraumbilical incision. Through this incision, a Veress needle was utilized to create a CO2 pneumoperitoneum of 15 mmHg. The Veress needle was then removed. A 10 mm trocar was then introduced through this incision into the abdomen. A video laparoscope was then inserted and the above noted gross findings were appreciated upon evaluation. Initially, bilateral ovarian cysts were appreciated, however, there was no evidence of acute disease on evaluation. Photodocumentation was obtained.,A 5 mm port was then placed in the right upper quadrant. This was done under direct visualization and a blunt grasper was utilized to mobilize the appendix. Next, a 12 mm port was placed in the left lower quadrant lateral to the rectus musculature under direct visualization. Through this port, the dissector was utilized to create a small window in the mesoappendix. Next, an EndoGIA with GI staples was utilized to fire across the base of the appendix, which was done noting it to be at the base of the appendix. Next, staples were changed to vascular staples and the mesoappendix was then cut and vessels were then ligated with vascular staples. Two 6 X-loupe wires with EndoGIA were utilized in this prior portion of the procedure. Next, an EndoCatch was placed through the 12 mm port and the appendix was placed within it. The appendix was then removed from the 12 mm port site and taken off the surgical site. The 12 mm port was then placed back into the abdomen and CO2 pneumoperitoneum was recreated. The base of the appendix was reevaluated and noted to be hemostatic. Aspiration of warm saline irrigant then done and noted to be clear. There was a small adhesion appreciated in the region of the surgical site. This was taken down with blunt dissection without difficulty. There was no evidence of other areas of disease. Upon re-exploration with a video laparoscope in the abdomen and after this noting the appendix base to be hemostatic and intact. The instruments were removed from the patient and the port sites were then taken off under direct visualization. The CO2 pneumoperitoneum was released into the air and the fascia was approximated in the 10 mm and 12 mm port sites with #0 Vicryl ligature x2. Marcaine 0.25% was then utilized in all three incision sites and #4-0 Vicryl suture was used to approximate the skin and all three incision sites. Steri-Strips and sterile dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and taken to Postoperative Care Unit in stable condition and monitored under General Medical Floor on IV antibiotics, pain medications, and return to diet. | [
"label": " Gastroenterology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Postpartum hemorrhage.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Postpartum hemorrhage.,PROCEDURE:, Exam under anesthesia. Removal of intrauterine clots.,ANESTHESIA: , Conscious sedation.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Approximately 200 mL during the procedure, but at least 500 mL prior to that and probably more like 1500 mL prior to that.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS AND CONCERNS: , This is a 19-year-old G1, P1 female, status post vaginal delivery, who was being evaluated by the nurse on labor and delivery approximately four hours after her delivery. I was called for persistent bleeding and passing large clots. I examined the patient and found her to have at least 500 mL of clots in her uterus. She was unable to tolerate exam any further than that because of concerns of the amount of bleeding that she had already had and inability to adequately evaluate her. I did advise her that I would recommend they came under anesthesia and dilation and curettage. Risks and benefits of this procedure were discussed with Misty, all of her questions were adequately answered and informed consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room where satisfactory conscious sedation was performed. She was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Bimanual exam revealed moderate amount of clot in the uterus. I was able to remove most of the clots with my hands and an attempt at short curettage was performed, but because of contraction of the uterus this was unable to be adequately performed. I was able to thoroughly examine the uterine cavity with my hand and no remaining clots or placental tissue or membranes were found. At this point, the procedure was terminated. Bleeding at this time was minimal. Preop H&H were 8.3 and 24.2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in good condition. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PRESENTATION: , A 16-year-old male presents to the emergency department (ED) with rectal bleeding and pain on defecation.,HISTORY:, A 16-year-old African American male presents to the ED with a chief complaint of rectal bleeding and pain on defecation. The patient states that he was well until about three days prior to presentation when he first started to experience some pain when defecating. The following day he noted increasing pain and first noted blood on the surface of his stool. The pain worsened on the subsequent day with increasing bleeding as well as some mucopurulent anal discharge. The patient denies any previous history of rectal bleeding or pain. He also denies any previous sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and states that he was screened for HIV infection eight months ago and was negative. The patient does state that he has not felt well for the past week. He states that he had felt "feverish" on several occasions but has not taken his temperature. He has also complained of some abdominal discomfort with nausea and diarrhea as well as generalized myalgias and fatigue. He thinks he has lost a few pounds but has not been weighing himself to determine the exact amount of weight loss.,The patient states that he has been sexually active since age 13. He admits to eight previous partners and states that he "usually" uses a condom. On further questioning, the patient states that of his eight partners, three were female and five were male. His most recent sexual partner was a 38-year-old man whom he has been with for the past six months. He states that he has been tested for STDs in the past but states that he only gave urine and blood for the testing. He is unaware of the HIV status of his partner but assumes that the partner is uninfected because he looks healthy. The patient also admits to one episode of sexual abuse at the age of 8 by a friend of the family. As the man was a member of the family's church, the patient never felt comfortable disclosing this to any of the adults in his life. He is very concerned about disclosure of his sexual behavior to his family, as they have expressed very negative comments concerning men who have sex with men. He is accessing care in the ED unaccompanied by an adult.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Thin but non-toxic young man with clear discomfort.,Pulse = 105,RR = 23,BP = 120/62,HEENT: Several areas of white plaque-like material on the buccal mucosa.,Neck: Multiple anterior/posterior cervical nodes in both anterior and posterior chains- 1-2 cm in diameter.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Cardiac: Quiet precordium.,Nl S1/S2 with a II/VI systolic murmur. ,Abdomen: Soft without hepatosplenomegaly.,GU: Tanner V male with no external penile lesions.,Lymph: 2-3 cm axillary nodes bilaterally.,1-2 cm epitrochlear nodes.,Multiple 1-2 cm inguinal nodes.,Rectal: Extremely painful digital exam.,+ gross blood and mucous.,LABORATORY EVALUATION:,Hbg = 12. 5 gm/dL,Hct = 32%,WBC = 3.9 thou/µL,Platelets = 120,000 thou/µL,76% neutrophils,19% lymphocytes,1% eosinophils,4% monocytes,ALT = 82 U/L,AST= 90 U/L,Erythrocyte sedimentation rate = 90,Electrolytes = normal,Gram stain of anal swab: numerous WBCs,DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: , This patient is presenting with acute rectal pain with bleeding and anal discharge. The patient also presents with some constitutional symptoms including fever, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and adenopathy on physical examination. The following are in the differential diagnosis: Acute Proctitis and Proctocolitis.,ACUTE HIV SEROCONVERSION: , This subject is sexually active and reports inconsistent condom use. Gastrointestinal symptoms have recently been reported commonly in patients with a history of HIV seroconversion. The rectal symptoms of bleeding and pain are not common with HIV, and an alternative diagnosis would be required.,PERIRECTAL ABSCESS: , A patient with a history of receptive anal intercourse is at risk for developing a perirectal abscess either from trauma or a concurrent STD. The patient could experience more systemic symptoms with fever and malaise, as found with this patient. However, the physical examination did not reveal the typical localized area of pain and edema.,DIAGNOSIS: ,The subject had rectal cultures obtained, which were positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. An HIV ELISA was positive, as was the RNA PCR.,DISCUSSION: , This patient demonstrates a number of key issues to consider when caring for an adolescent or young adult. First, the patient utilized the emergency department for care as opposed to identifying a primary care provider. Although not ideal in many circumstances, testing for HIV infection is crucial when there is suspicion, since many newly diagnosed patients identify earlier contacts with health care providers when HIV counseling and testing were not performed. Second, this young man has had both male and female sexual partners. As young people explore their sexuality, asking about partners in an open, nonjudgmental manner without applying labels is integral to helping the young person discuss their sexual behaviors. Assuming heterosexuality is a major barrier to disclosure for many young people who have same-sex attractions. Third, screening for STDs must take into account sexual behaviors. Although urine-based screening has expanded testing of young people, it misses anal and pharyngeal infections. If a young person is only having receptive oral or anal intercourse, urine screening is insufficient to rule out STDs. Fourth, this young man had both localized and systemic symptoms. As his anal symptoms were most suggestive of a current STD, performing an HIV test should be part of the standard evaluation. In addition, as acute infection is on the differential diagnosis, PCR testing should also be considered. The care provided to this young man included the following. He was treated presumptively for proctitis with both IM ceftriaxone as well as oral doxycycline to treat N gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis. Ceftriaxone was chosen due to the recent reports of resistant N gonorrhoeae. At the time of the diagnosis, the young man was given the opportunity to meet with the case manager from the adolescent-specific HIV program. The case manager linked this young man directly to care after providing brief counseling and support. The case manager maintained contact with the young man until his first clinical visit four days later. Over the subsequent three months, the young man had two sets of laboratory testing to stage his HIV infection.,Set #1 CD4 T-lymphocyte count = 225 cells/mm3, 15% ,Quantitative RNA PCR = 75,000 copies/mL | [
"label": " Emergency Room Reports",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , The patient is here for followup visit and chemotherapy.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder.,2. Chronic renal insufficiency.,3. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.,4. Anemia secondary to chronic renal insufficiency and chemotherapy.,5. Hypertension.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 51-year-old white male diagnosed with PTLD in latter half of 2007. He presented with symptoms of increasing adenopathy, abdominal pain, weight loss, and anorexia. He did not seek medical attention immediately. He was finally hospitalized by the renal transplant service and underwent a lymph node biopsy in the groin, which showed diagnosis of large cell lymphoma. He was discussed at the hematopathology conference. Chemotherapy with rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, daunorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone was started. First cycle of chemotherapy was complicated by sepsis despite growth factor support. He also appeared to have become disoriented either secondary to sepsis or steroid therapy.,The patient has received 5 cycles of chemotherapy to date. He did not keep his appointment for a PET scan after 3 cycles because he was not feeling well. His therapy has been interrupted for infection related to squamous cell cancer, skin surgery as well as complaints of chest infection.,The patient is here for the sixth and final cycle of chemotherapy. He states he feels well. He denies any nausea, vomiting, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain or fatigue. He denies any tingling or numbness in his fingers. Review of systems is otherwise entirely negative.,Performance status on the ECOG scale is 1.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: He is afebrile. Blood pressure 161/80, pulse 65, weight 71.5 kg, which is essentially unchanged from his prior visit. There is mild pallor noted. There is no icterus, adenopathy or petechiae noted. CHEST: Clear to auscultation. CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal with regular rate and rhythm. Systolic flow murmur is best heard in the pulmonary area. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender with no organomegaly. Renal transplant is noted in the right lower quadrant with a scar present. EXTREMITIES: Reveal no edema.,LABORATORY DATA: , CBC from today shows white count of 9.6 with a normal differential, ANC of 7400, hemoglobin 8.9, hematocrit 26.5 with an MCV of 109, and platelet count of 220,000.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma following transplantation. The patient is to receive his sixth and final cycle of chemotherapy today. PET scan has been ordered to be done within 2 weeks. He will see me back for the visit in 3 weeks with CBC, CMP, and LDH.,2. Chronic renal insufficiency.,3. Anemia secondary to chronic renal failure and chemotherapy. He is to continue on his regimen of growth factor support.,4. Hypertension. This is elevated today because he held his meds because he is getting rituximab other than that this is well controlled. His CMP is pending from today.,5. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. The scalp is well healed. He still has an open wound on the right posterior aspect of his trunk. This has no active drainage, but it is yet to heal. This probably will heal by secondary intention once chemotherapy is finished. Prescription for prednisone as part of his chemotherapy has been given to him. | [
"label": " Hematology - Oncology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left undescended testis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left undescended testis plus left inguinal hernia.,PROCEDURES:, Left inguinal hernia repair, left orchiopexy with 0.25% Marcaine, ilioinguinal nerve block and wound block at 0.5% Marcaine plain.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS:, A high left undescended testis with a type III epididymal attachment along with vas.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1100 mL of crystalloid.,TUBES/DRAINS: , No tubes or drains were used.,COUNTS:, Sponge and needle counts were correct x2.,SPECIMENS,: No tissues sent to Pathology.,ANESTHESIA:, General inhalational anesthetic.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , The patient is an 11-1/2-year-old boy with an undescended testis on the left. The plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then placed in a supine position, and sterilely prepped and draped. A superior curvilinear scrotal incision was then made in the left hemiscrotum with a 15-blade knife and further extended with electrocautery into the subcutaneous tissue. We then used the curved cryoclamp to dissect into the scrotal space and found the tunica vaginalis and dissected this up to the external ring. We were able to dissect all the way up to the ring, but were unable to get the testis delivered. We then made a left inguinal incision with a 15-blade knife, further extending with electrocautery through Scarpa fascia down to the external oblique fascia. The testis again was not visualized in the external ring, so we brought the sac up from the scrotum into the inguinal incision and then incised the external oblique fascia with a 15-blade knife further extending with Metzenbaum scissors. The testis itself was quite high up in the upper canal. We then dissected the gubernacular structures off of the testis, and also, then opened the sac, and dissected the sac off and found that he had a communicating hernia hydrocele and dissected the sac off with curved and straight mosquitos and a straight Joseph scissors. Once this was dissected off and up towards the internal ring, it was twisted upon itself and suture ligated with an 0 Vicryl suture. We then dissected the lateral spermatic fascia, and then, using blunt dissection, dissected in the retroperitoneal space to get more cord length. We also dissected the sac from the peritoneal reflection up into the abdomen once it had been tied off. We then found that we had an adequate amount of cord length to get the testis in the mid-to-low scrotum. The patient was found to have a type III epididymal attachment with a long looping vas, and we brought the testis into the scrotum in the proper orientation and tacked it to mid-to-low scrotum with a 4-0 chromic stay stitch. The upper aspect of the subdartos pouch was closed with a 4-0 chromic pursestring suture. The testis was then placed into the scrotum in the proper orientation. We then placed the local anesthetic, and the ilioinguinal nerve block, and placed a small amount in both incisional areas as well. We then closed the external oblique fascia with a running suture of 0-Vicryl ensuring that the ilioinguinal nerve and cord structures were not bottom closure. The Scarpa fascia was closed with a 4-0 chromic suture, and the skin was closed with a 4-0 Rapide subcuticular closure. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed on the both incisions, and IV Toradol was given at the end of the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was in a stable condition upon transfer to the recovery room. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Blood-borne pathogen exposure., ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 54-year-old right-handed male who works as a phlebotomist and respiratory therapist at Hospital. The patient states that he was attempting to do a blood gas. He had his finger of the left hand over the pulse and was inserting a needle using the right hand. He did have a protective clothing including use of gloves at the time of the incident. As he advanced the needle, the patient jerked away, this caused him to pull out of the arm and inadvertently pricked the tip of his index finger. The patient was seen and evaluated at the emergency department at the time of incident and had baseline studies drawn, and has been followed by employee health for his injury. The source patient was tested for signs of disease and was found to be negative for HIV, but was found to be a carrier for hepatitis C. The patient has had periodic screening including a blood tests and returns now for his final exam., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient prior to today has been very well without any signs or symptoms of viral illness, but yesterday he began to experience symptoms of nausea, had an episode of vomiting last night. Has low appetite. There were no fevers, chills, or malaise. No headache. No congestion or cold. No coughing. He had no sore throat. There was no chest pain or troubled breathing. He did have abdominal symptoms as described above but no abdominal pain. There were no urinary symptoms. No darkening of the skin or eyes. He had no yellowing or darkening of the urine. He had no rash to the skin. There was no local infection at the side of the fingerstick. All other systems were negative., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for degenerative disc disease in the back., ,MEDICATIONS: ,Nexium., ,ALLERGIES:, IV contrast., ,CURRENT WORK STATUS:, He continues on full duty work., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient was awake and alert. He was seated upright. He did not appear ill or toxic, and was well hydrated. His temperature was 97.2 degrees, pulse was 84, respirations 14 and unlabored, and blood pressure 102/70. HEENT exam, the sclerae were clear. Ocular movements were full and intact. His oropharynx was clear. There was no pharyngeal erythema. No tonsillar enlargement. His neck was supple and nontender. He had no masses. There was no adenopathy in his cervical or axillary chain. Breath sounds were clear and equal without wheeze or rales. Heart tones were regular without murmur or gallop. His abdomen was soft, flat, and nontender. There was no enlargement of the liver or spleen. His extremities were without rash or edema. He had normal gait and balance without ataxia., ,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient presents for evaluation after a contaminated needlestick to the index finger. The source patient was tested and found to be negative for HIV. However, he did test positive for hepatitis C. He was described as a carrier without active disease. The patient has been followed with periodic evaluation including blood testing. He has completed a 3 shot series for hepatitis B and had titers drawn that showed protected antibodies. He also was up-to-date on his immunization including tetanus. The patient has been well during this time except for the onset of a intestinal illness being investigated with some squeakiness and vomiting. He had no other symptoms that were suggestive of acute hepatitis. His abdominal exam was normal. He had no generalized lymphadenopathy and no fever. Blood tests were drawn on 02/07/2005. The results of which were reviewed with the patient. His liver function test was normal at 18. His hepatitis C and HIV, both of which were negative. He had no local signs of infection, and otherwise has been doing well except for his acute intestinal illness as described above., ,IMPRESSION:, Blood-borne pathogen exposure secondary to contaminated needlestick., ,PLAN: ,The patient is now six months out from his injury. He had negative lab studies. There were no physical findings that were suggestive of disease transmission. He was counseled on ways to prevent exposure in the future including use of protective gear including gloves, which he states that he always does. He was counseled that ways to prevent transmission or exposure to intimate contacts., ,WORK STATUS:, He was released to regular work., ,CONDITION: ,He was reassured that no signs of disease transmission had occurred as result of his injury. He therefore was found to be medically stationary without signs of impairment of today's date. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
SINGLE CHAMBER PACEMAKER IMPLANTATION,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Mobitz type II block with AV dissociation and syncope.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Mobitz type II block, status post single chamber pacemaker implantation, Boston Scientific Altrua 60, serial number 123456.,PROCEDURES:,1. Left subclavian access under fluoroscopic guidance.,2. Left subclavian venogram under fluoroscopic evaluation.,3. Insertion of ventricular lead through left subclavian approach and ventricular lead is Boston Scientific Dextrose model 12345, serial number 123456.,4. Insertion of single-chamber pacemaker implantation, Altrua, serial number 123456.,5. Closure of the pocket after formation of pocket for pacemaker.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The procedure was explained to the patient with risks and benefits. The patient agreed and signed the consent form. The patient was brought to the cath lab, draped and prepped in the usual sterile fashion, received 1.5 mg of versed and 25 mg of Benadryl for conscious sedation.,Access to the right subclavian was successful after the second attempt. The first attempt accessed the left subclavian artery. The needle was removed and manual compression applied for five minutes followed by re-accessing the subclavian vein successfully. The J-wire was introduced into the left subclavian vein.,The anterior wall chest was anesthetized with lidocaine 2%, 2-inch incision using a #10 blade was used.,The pocket was formed using blunt dissection as he was using the Bovie cautery for hemostasis. The patient went asystole during the procedure. The transcutaneous pacer was used. The patient was oxygenating well. The patient had several compression applied by the nurse. However, her own rhythm resolved spontaneously and the percutaneous pacer was kept on standby.,After that, the J-wire was tunneled into the pocket and then used to put the #7-French sheath into the left subclavian vein. The lead from the Boston Scientific Dextrose model 12345, serial number 12345 was inserted through the left subclavian to the right atrium; however, it was difficult to really enter the right ventricle; and while the lead was in place, the side port of the sheath was used to inject 15 mL of contrast to assess the subclavian and the right atrium. The findings were showing different anatomy, may be consistent with persistent left superior vena cava, and the angle to the right ventricle was different. At that point, the lead stylet was reshaped and was able to cross the tricuspid valve in a position consistent with the mid septal place.,At that point, the lead was actively fixated. The stylet was removed. The R-wave measured at 40 millivolts. The impedance was 580 and the threshold was 1.3 volt. The numbers were accepted and because of the patient's fragility and the different anatomy noticed in the right atrium, concern about putting a second lead with re-access of the subclavian was high. I decided to proceed with a single-chamber pacemaker as a backup system.,After that, the lead sleeve was used to actively fixate the lead in the anterior chest with two Ethibond sutures in the usual fashion.,The lead was attached to the pacemaker in the header. The pacemaker was single-chamber pacemaker Altura 60, serial number 123456. After that, the pacemaker was put in the pocket. Pocket was irrigated with normal saline and was closed into two layers, deep interrupted #3-0 Vicryl and surface as continuous #4-0 Vicryl continuous.,The pacemaker was programmed as VVI 60, and with history is 10 to 50 beats per minute. The lead position will be evaluated with chest x-ray.,No significant bleeding noticed.,CONCLUSION: ,Successful single-chamber pacemaker implantation with left subclavian approach and venogram to assess the subclavian access site and the right atrial or right ventricle with asystole that resolved spontaneously during the procedure. No significant bleed. | [
"label": " Cardiovascular / Pulmonary",
"score": 1
] |
NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY/CARDIAC STRESS REPORT,INDICATION FOR STUDY: , Recurrent angina pectoris in a patient with documented ischemic heart disease and underlying ischemic cardiomyopathy.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was studied in the resting state following intravenous delivery of adenosine triphosphate at 140 mcg/kg/min delivered over a total of 4 minutes. At completion of the second minute of infusion, the patient received technetium Cardiolite per protocol. During this interval, the blood pressure 150/86 dropped to near 136/80 and returned to near 166/84 at completion. No diagnostic electrocardiographic abnormalities were elaborated during this study.,REGIONAL MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION WITH ADENOSINE PROVOCATION: , Scintigraphic study reveals at this time multiple fixed defects in perfusion suggesting indeed multivessel coronary artery disease, yet no active ischemia at this time. A fixed defect is seen in the high anterolateral segment. A further fixed perfusion defect is seen in the inferoapical wall extending from close to the septum. There is no evidence for active ischemia in either distribution. Lateral wall moving towards the apex of the left ventricle is further involved from midway through the ventricle moving upward and into the high anterolateral vicinity. When viewed from the vertical projection, the high septal wall is preserved with significant loss of the mid anteroapical wall moving to the apex and in a wraparound fashion in the inferoapical wall. A limited segment of apical myocardium is still viable.,No gated wall motion study was obtained.,CONCLUSIONS: ,Cardiolite perfusion findings support multivessel coronary artery disease and likely previous multivessel infarct as has been elaborated above. There is no indication for active ischemia at this time. | [
"label": " Radiology",
"score": 1
] |
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Right distal ureteral calculus.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient had hematuria and a CT urogram at ABC Radiology on 01/04/07 showing a 1 cm non-obstructing calcification in the right distal ureter. He had a KUB also showing a teardrop shaped calcification apparently in the right lower ureter. He comes in now for right ureteroscopy, Holmium laser lithotripsy, right ureteral stent placement.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Prostatism.,2. Coronary artery disease.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Right spermatocelectomy.,2. Left total knee replacement in 1987.,3. Right knee in 2005.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Coumadin 3 mg daily.,2. Fosamax.,3. Viagra p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , NONE.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, CARDIOPULMONARY: No shortness of breath or chest pain. GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. GU: Voids well. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No weakness or strokes.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL APPEARANCE: An alert male in no distress.,HEENT: Grossly normal.,NECK: Supple.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: Normal sinus rhythm. No murmur or gallop.,ABDOMEN: Soft. No masses.,GENITALIA: Normal penis. Testicles descended bilaterally.,RECTAL: Examination benign.,EXTREMITIES: No edema.,IMPRESSION: , Right distal ureteral calculus.,PLAN: , Right ureteroscopy, ureteral lithotripsy. Risks and complications discussed with the patient. He signed a true informed consent. No guarantees or warrantees were given. | [
"label": " Urology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Gallstone pancreatitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gallstone pancreatitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and local injectable Marcaine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,SPECIMEN: , Gallbladder.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Video laparoscopy revealed dense omental adhesions surrounding the gallbladder circumferentially. These dense adhesions were associated with chronic inflammatory edematous changes. The cystic duct was easily identifiable and seen entering into the gallbladder and clipped two proximally and one distally. The cystic artery was an anomalous branch that was anterior to the cystic duct and was identified, clipped with two clips proximally and one distally. The remainder of the evaluation of the abdomen revealed no evidence of nodularity or masses in the liver. There was no evidence of adhesions from the abdominal wall to the liver. The remainder of the abdomen was unremarkable.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,This is a 17-year-old African-American female who presented to ABCD General Hospital on 08/20/2003 with complaints of intractable right upper quadrant abdominal pain. She had been asked to follow up and scheduled for surgery previously. Her pain had now been intractable associated with anorexia. She was noted on physical examination to be afebrile; however, she was having severe right upper quadrant pain with examination as well as a Murphy's sign and voluntary guarding with examination. Her transaminases were markedly elevated. She also developed pancreatitis secondary to gallstones. Her common bile duct was dilated to 1 cm with no evidence of wall thickening, but evidence of cholelithiasis. She was seen by the gastroenterologist and underwent a sphincterotomy with balloon extraction of gallstones secondary to choledocholithiasis. Following this, she was scheduled for operative laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Her parents were explained the risks, benefits, and complications of the procedure. She gave us informed consent to proceed with surgery.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient brought to the operative suite and placed in the supine position. Preoperatively, the patient received IV antibiotics of Ancef, sequential compression devices and subcutaneous heparin. The abdomen was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. Utilizing a #15 blade scalpel, a transverse infraumbilical incision was created. Utilizing a Veress needle with anterior traction on the anterior abdominal wall with a towel clamp, the Veress needle was inserted without difficulty. Hanging water drop test was performed with notable air aspiration through the Veress needle and the saline passed through the Veress needle without difficulty. The abdomen was then insufflated to 15 mmHg with carbon-dioxide. Once the abdomen was sufficiently insufflated, a #10 mm bladed trocar was inserted into the abdomen without difficulty. Video laparoscope was inserted and the above notable findings were identified in the operative findings. The patient to proceed with laparoscopic cholecystectomy was decided and a subxiphoid port was placed. A #15 bladed scalpel was used to make a transverse incision in the subxiphoid region within the midline. The trocar was then inserted into the abdomen under direct visualization with the video laparoscope and seen to go to the right of falciform ligament. Next, two 5 mm trocars were inserted under direct visualization, one in the midclavicular and one in the anterior midaxillary line. These were inserted without difficulty. The liver edge was lifted and revealed a markedly edematous gallbladder with severe omental adhesions encapsulating the gallbladder. Utilizing Endoshears scissor, a plane was created circumferentially to the dome of the gallbladder to allow assistance and dissection of these dense adhesions. Next, the omental adhesions adjacent to the infundibulum were taken down and allowed to expose the cystic duct. A small vessel was seen anterior to the cystic duct and this was clipped two proximally and one distally and noted to be an anomalous arterial branch. This was transected with Endoshears scissor and visualized the pulsatile branch with two clips securely in place. Next, the cystic duct was carefully dissected with Maryland dissectors and was visualized clearly both anterior and posteriorly. Endoclips were placed two proximally and one distally and then the cystic duct was transected with Endoshears scissor.,Once the clips were noted to be in place, utilizing electrocautery another Dorsey dissector was used to carefully dissect the gallbladder off the liver bed wall. The gallbladder was removed and the bleeding from the gallbladder wall was easily controlled with electrocautery. The abdomen was then irrigated with copious amounts of normal saline. The gallbladder was grasped with a gallbladder grasper and removed from the subxiphoid port. There was noted to be gallstones within the gallbladder. Once the abdomen was re-insufflated after removing the gallbladder and copious irrigation was performed, all ports were then removed under direct visualization with no evidence of bleeding from the anterior abdominal wall. Utilizing #0 Vicryl suture, a figure-of-eight was placed to the subxiphoid and infraumbilical fascia and this was approximated without difficulty. The subxiphoid port was irrigated with copious amounts of normal saline prior to closure of the fascia. A #4-0 Vicryl suture was used to approximate all incisions. The incisions were then injected with local injectable 0.25% Marcaine. All ports were then cleaned dry. Steri-Strips were placed across and sterile pressure dressings were placed on top of this. The patient tolerated the entire procedure well. She was transferred to the Postanesthesia Care Unit in stable condition. She will be followed closely in the postoperative course in General Medical Floor. | [
"label": " Gastroenterology",
"score": 1
] |
REASON FOR EXAM: , Lower quadrant pain with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast axial CT images of the abdomen and pelvis are obtained.,FINDINGS: , Please note evaluation of the abdominal organs is secondary to the lack of intravenous contrast material.,Gallstones are seen within the gallbladder lumen. No abnormal pericholecystic fluid is seen.,The liver is normal in size and attenuation.,The spleen is normal in size and attenuation.,A 2.2 x 1.8 cm low attenuation cystic lesion appears to be originating off of the tail of the pancreas. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen. There is no abnormal adjacent stranding. No suspected pancreatitis is seen.,The kidneys show no stone formation or hydronephrosis.,The large and small bowels are normal in course and caliber. There is no evidence for obstruction. The appendix appears within normal limits.,In the pelvis, the urinary bladder is unremarkable. There is a 4.2 cm cystic lesion of the right adnexal region. No free fluid, free air, or lymphadenopathy is detected.,There is left basilar atelectasis.,IMPRESSION:,1. A 2.2 cm low attenuation lesion is seen at the pancreatic tail. This is felt to be originating from the pancreas, a cystic pancreatic neoplasm must be considered and close interval followup versus biopsy is advised. Additionally, when the patient's creatinine improves, a contrast-enhanced study utilizing pancreatic protocol is needed. Alternatively, an MRI may be obtained.,2. Cholelithiasis.,3. Left basilar atelectasis.,4. A 4.2 cm cystic lesion of the right adnexa, correlation with pelvic ultrasound is advised. | [
"label": " Gastroenterology",
"score": 1
] |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,4. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis.,5. Severe mucosal irregularity with endobronchial narrowing of the right middle and lower lobes.,6. Left vocal cord irregularity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe.,ANESTHESIA: , Demerol 50 mg with Versed 3 mg as well as topical cocaine and lidocaine solution.,LOCATION OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopy suite #4.,After informed consent was obtained and following the review of the procedure including procedure as well as possible risks and complications were explained and consent was previously obtained, the patient was sedated with the above stated medication and the patient was continuously monitored on pulse oximetry, noninvasive blood pressure, and EKG monitoring. Prior to starting the procedure, the patient was noted to have a baseline oxygen saturation of 86% on room air. Subsequently, she was given a bronchodilator treatment with Atrovent and albuterol and subsequent saturation increased to approximately 90% to 91% on room air.,The patient was placed on a supplemental oxygen as the patient was sedated with above-stated medication. As this occurred, the bronchoscope was inserted into the right naris with good visualization of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. The cords were noted to oppose bilaterally on phonation. There was some slight mucosal irregularity noted on the vocal cord on the left side. Additional topical lidocaine was instilled on the vocal cords, at which point the bronchoscope was introduced into the trachea, which was midline in nature. The bronchoscope was then advanced to the distal trachea and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this time, the bronchoscope was further advanced through the main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. Bronchoscope was then further advanced into the right upper lobe, which revealed no evidence of any endobronchial lesion. The mucosa was diffusely friable throughout. Bronchoscope was then slowly withdrawn into the right main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this point, the bronchoscope was then advanced to the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, it was noted that there was severe mucosal irregularities of nodular in appearance significantly narrowing the right lower lobe and right middle lobe opening. The mucosal area throughout this region was severely friable. Additional lidocaine was instilled as well as topical epinephrine. At this time, bronchoscope was maintained in this region and endobronchial biopsies were performed. At the initial attempt of inserting biopsy forceps, some resistance was noted within the proximal channel at this time making advancement of the biopsy forceps out of the proximal channel impossible. So the biopsy forceps was withdrawn and the bronchoscope was completely withdrawn and new bronchoscope was then utilized. At this time, bronchoscope was then reinserted into the right naris and subsequently advanced to the vocal cords into the right bronchus intermedius without difficulty. At this time, the biopsy forceps were easily passed and visualized in the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, multiple mucosal biopsies were performed with some mild oozing noted. Several aliquots of normal saline lavage followed. After completion of multiple biopsies there was good hemostasis. Cytology flushing was also performed in this region and subsequently several aliquots of additional normal saline lavage was followed. Bronchoscope was unable to be passed distally to the base of the segment of the right lower lobe or distal to the further visualized endobronchial anatomy of the right middle lobe subsegments. The bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the distal trachea.,At this time, bronchoscope was then advanced to the left main stem. Additional lidocaine was instilled. The bronchoscope was advanced to the left upper and lower lobe subsegments. There was no endobronchial lesion visualized. There is mild diffuse erythema and fibromucosa was noted throughout. No endobronchial lesion was visualized in the left bronchial system. The bronchoscope was then subsequently further withdrawn to the distal trachea and readvanced into the right bronchial system. At this time, bronchoscope was readvanced into the right bronchus intermedius and additional aliquots of normal saline lavage until cleared. There is no gross bleeding evidenced at this time or diffuse mucosal erythema and edema present throughout. The bronchoscope was subsequently withdrawn and the patient was sent to recovery room. During the bronchoscopy, the patient noted ________ have desaturation and required increasing FiO2 with subsequent increased saturation to 93% to 94%. The patient remained at this level of saturation or greater throughout the remaining of the procedure.,The patient postprocedure relates having some intermittent hemoptysis prior to the procedure as well as moderate exertional dyspnea. This was confirmed by her daughter and mother who were also present at the bedside postprocedure. The patient did receive a nebulizer bronchodilator treatment immediately prebronchoscopy and postprocedure as well. The patient also admitted to continued smoking in spite of all of the above. The patient was extensively counseled regarding the continued smoking especially with her present symptoms. She was advised regarding smoking cessation. The patient was also placed on a prescription of prednisone 2 mg tablets starting at 40 mg a day decreasing every three days to continue to wean off. The patient was also administered Solu-Medrol 60 mg IV x1 in recovery room. There was no significant bronchospastic component noted, although because of the severity of the mucosal edema, erythema, and her complaints, short course of steroids will be instituted. The patient was also advised to refrain from using any aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication because of her hemoptysis. At this time, the patient was also advised that if hemoptysis were to continue or worsen or develop progressive dyspnea, to either contact myself, , or return to ABCD Emergency Room for evaluation of possible admission. However, the above was reviewed with the patient in great detail as well as with her daughter and mother who were at the bedsite at this time as well. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,DDDR permanent pacemaker.,INDICATION: , Tachybrady syndrome.,PROCEDURE:, After all risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure were explained in detail to the patient, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to the Cardiac Catheterization Suite where the right subclavian region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the left subclavian vein. Once adequate anesthesia had been obtained, a thin-walled #18-gauze Argon needle was used to cannulate the left subclavian vein. A steel guidewire was inserted through the needle into the vascular lumen without resistance. The needle was then removed over the guidewire and the guidewire was secured to the field. A second #18 gauze Argon needle was used to cannulate the left subclavian vein and once again a steel guidewire was inserted through the needle into the vascular lumen. Likewise, the needle was removed over the guidewire and the guidewire was then secured to the field. Next, a #15-knife blade was used to make a 1 to 1.5 inch linear incision over the area. A #11-knife blade was used to make a deeper incision. Hemostasis was made complete. The edges of the incision were grasped and retracted. Using Metzenbaum scissors, dissection was carried down to the pectoralis muscle fascial plane. Digital blunt dissection was used to make a pacemaker pocket large enough to accommodate the pacemaker generator. Metzenbaum scissors were then used to dissect cephalad to expose the guide wires. The guidewires were then pulled through the pacemaker pocket. One guidewire was secured to the field.,A bloodless introducer sheath was then advanced over a guidewire into the vascular lumen under fluoroscopic guidance. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. Next, a ventricular pacemaker lead was advanced through the sheath and into the vascular lumen and under fluoroscopic guidance guided down into the right atrium. The pacemaker lead was then placed in the appropriate position in the right ventricle. Pacing and sensing thresholds were obtained. The lead was sewn at the pectoralis muscle plane using #2-0 silk suture in an interrupted stitch fashion around the ________. Pacing and sensing threshold were then reconfirmed. Next, a second bloodless introducer sheath was advanced over the second guidewire into the vascular lumen. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the atrial lead was passed into the right atrium. The sheath was then turned away in standard fashion. Using fluoroscopic guidance, the atrial lead was then placed in the appropriate position. Pacing and sensing thresholds were obtained. The lead was sewn to the pectoralis muscle facial plane utilizing #2-0 silk suture around the ________. Sensing and pacing thresholds were then reconfirmed. The leads were wiped free of blood and placed into the pacemaker generator. The pacemaker generator leads were then placed into pocket with the leads posteriorly. The deep tissues were closed utilizing #2-0 Chromic suture in an interrupted stitch fashion. A #4-0 undyed Vicryl was then used to close the subcutaneous tissue in a continuous subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips overlaid. A sterile gauge dressing was placed over the site. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the Cardiac Catheterization Room in stable and satisfactory condition.,PACEMAKER DATA (GENERATOR DATA):,Manufacturer: Medtronics.,Model: Sigma.,Model #: 1234.,Serial #: 123456789.,LEAD INFORMATION:,Right Atrial Lead:,Manufacturer: Medtronics.,Model #: 1234.,Serial #: 123456789.,VENTRICULAR LEAD:,Manufacturer: Medtronics.,Model #: 1234.,Serial #: 123456789.,PACING AND SENSING THRESHOLDS:,Right Atrial Bipolar Lead: Pulse width 0.50 milliseconds, impedance 518 ohms, P-wave sensing 2.2 millivolts, polarity is bipolar.,Ventricular Bipolar Lead: Pulse width 0.50 milliseconds, voltage 0.7 volts, current 1.5 milliamps, impedance 655 ohms, R-wave sensing 9.7 millivolts, polarity is bipolar.,PARAMETER SETTINGS:, Pacing mode DDDR: Mode switch is on, low rate 60, upper 120, ________ is 33.0 milliseconds.,IMPRESSION:, Successful implantation of DDDR permanent pacemaker.,PLAN:,1. The patient will be monitored on telemetry for 24 hours to ensure adequate pacemaker function.,2. The patient will be placed on antibiotics for five days to avoid pacemaker infection. | [
"label": " Surgery",
"score": 1
] |
CONSULT FOR PROSTATE CANCER,The patient returned for consultation for his newly diagnosed prostate cancer. The options including radical prostatectomy with or without nerve sparing were discussed with him with the risks of bleeding, infection, rectal injury, impotence, and incontinence. These were discussed at length. Alternative therapies including radiation therapy; either radioactive seed placement, conformal radiation therapy, or the HDR radiation treatments were discussed with the risks of bladder, bowel, and rectal injury and possible impotence were discussed also. There is a risk of rectal fistula. Hormonal therapy is usually added to the radiation therapy options and this has the risk of osteoporosis, gynecomastia, hot flashes and impotency. Potency may not recover after the hormone therapy has been completed. Cryosurgery was discussed with the risks of urinary retention, stricture formation, incontinence and impotency. There is a risk of rectal fistula. He would need to have a suprapubic catheter for about two weeks and may need to learn self-intermittent catheterization if he cannot void adequately. Prostate surgery to relieve obstruction and retention after radioactive seeds or cryosurgery has a higher risk of urinary incontinence. Observation therapy was discussed with him in addition. I answered all questions that were put to me and I think he understands the options that are available. I spoke with the patient for over 60 minutes concerning these options. | [
"label": " Consult - History and Phy.",
"score": 1
] |
Subsets and Splits