translation |
"en": "Or perhaps it never goes to trial at all.",
"ja": "もしくは、そこまで行かせない"
} |
"en": "Oh, now don't lay that on me.",
"ja": "そんな事言われても"
} |
"en": "The timing is really off!",
"ja": "タイミングずれまくり"
} |
"en": "OK. You're OK. We're gonna get you outta here.",
"ja": "大丈夫 酷くはない"
} |
"en": "Reading",
"ja": "読み込み"
} |
"en": "It's gonna be clean.",
"ja": "綺麗に"
} |
"en": "Drive!",
"ja": "走れ!"
} |
"en": "So I know what you think about this war, but what do you think about this peace?",
"ja": "だから私はあなたがこの戦争について考えるものを知っているが、あなたはこの平和についてどう思いますか?"
} |
"en": "With her gift, I'm sure she knows you're coming.",
"ja": "彼女はギフト(能力)により、 あなた方の訪問を知っているのではないでしょうか。"
} |
"en": "So, anyway.",
"ja": "ともかく..."
} |
"en": "They're sort of edgy to see whatever's out there.",
"ja": "敵が何者か分からないので イラついています"
} |
"en": "We gotta get indoors.",
"ja": "避難しましょう..."
} |
"en": "No more friends. Nothing familiar.",
"ja": "親類や友人には近付くな"
} |
"en": "It looks like your guy's sending a text.",
"ja": "彼はメッセージを 送ってるみたいだ"
} |
"en": "- Hi.",
"ja": "- ハイ"
} |
"en": "In vienna, austria, to mourn the passing",
"ja": "\"本日ウィーンに 見送りに来ています\""
} |
"en": "- Arthur's grandmother. - Oh!",
"ja": "- アーティの祖母"
} |
"en": "Sorry, but right now I want my life back more than I want your money.",
"ja": "今はお金より普通に暮らしたい スキュラはどこだ?"
} |
"en": "And then we deal with it directly as men. over there.",
"ja": "ああ それから早急に解決する 男として。"
} |
"en": "- Here's your book.",
"ja": "どうぞ"
} |
"en": "The Speaker.",
"ja": "議長よ"
} |
"en": "Why are you here?",
"ja": "なぜ来たの?"
} |
"en": "From a very young age, Mr. Wilford's love of locomotive was apparent.",
"ja": "とても若い頃から機関車に対する ウィルフォードさんの愛情は現れていました"
} |
"en": "Irretrievable. In short, John, we'll kill it.",
"ja": "取り返しがつかない 要するに ジョン それを始末する"
} |
"en": "Huh?",
"ja": "え?"
} |
"en": "Dad, it's just around the corner.",
"ja": "父さん すぐそばにあるんだ"
} |
"en": "Then he looked carefully at the stars",
"ja": "その時かれは諸星を一目見て,"
} |
"en": "What, are you fucking stalking me?",
"ja": "何、あんたストーカー?"
} |
"en": "At ease be, my friends, within range we are not.",
"ja": "気楽にね、まだ射程内じゃない"
} |
"en": "Build a boat... like before. Think this was Caleb?",
"ja": "ボートを作るの 前みたいに ケイレブだと思う?"
} |
"en": "Well, we know Red John killed Emma so we can assume Red John hired the skywriter.",
"ja": "警察は 知らないわ 僕らは レッド・ジョンがエマを殺したことを 知っている だから レッド・ジョンがあの空中文字を 書かせたこともわかる"
} |
"en": "How about something with gold?",
"ja": "ゴールドか何かがいいわ?"
} |
"en": "Okay.",
"ja": "オーケー。"
} |
"en": "Available collections:",
"ja": "利用可能なコレクション:"
} |
"en": "Gabriella?",
"ja": "ガブリエラ?"
} |
"en": "- No such thing as ghosts, dumb-ass. - Hey.",
"ja": "バカじゃねえの"
} |
"en": "That's unfortunate.",
"ja": "良くないね"
} |
"en": "Red sky will heal your oceans, make fertile your barren lands,",
"ja": "レッドスカイは海洋を癒します 不毛の地には生命を"
} |
"en": "The first time I'm in trouble you turn your back on the one person who's always stood by you.",
"ja": "初めて私が問題起こしたら 見捨てるの? 唯一の味方を"
} |
"en": "As far as possible, be polite.",
"ja": "できるだけ礼儀正しく"
} |
"en": "My parents will be home for dinner any minute.",
"ja": "両親は夕食には 戻るって言ってたけど"
} |
"en": "I'm Dave Skylark.",
"ja": "デーヴ・スカイラークです"
} |
"en": "But, Mom, I love it.",
"ja": "ママ レースが大好きなんだ"
} |
"en": "You paying up, or we got a problem?",
"ja": "払うか 問題起こすか?"
} |
"en": "An hour later, same spot, an 8.7 sub-surface earthquake creates a Tsunami that kills 83,000 people.",
"ja": "その一時間後同じ場所で M8. 7の地震と津波が8万3千人の命を奪った"
} |
"en": "- Elaine, I have to tell you something.",
"ja": "-エレーン 君に話さなきゃ"
} |
"en": "The cows were moving very slowly through the long green grass.",
"ja": "牛は背の高い緑色の草の中をゆっくり動いていました。"
} |
"en": "Mail-Copies-To",
"ja": "Mail-Copies-Tocollection of article headers"
} |
"en": "- Hi, Barry.",
"ja": "- バリー"
} |
"en": "- They're coming hard.",
"ja": "- 厄介なことになってる"
} |
"en": "Yes, ma'am. I'll connect you.",
"ja": "はい、お繋ぎします"
} |
"en": "That's great.",
"ja": "良かったわね"
} |
"en": "- Is that a little balcony?",
"ja": "そこはバルコニーかしら"
} |
"en": "who created all things and gave them due proportions,",
"ja": "かれは創造し,整え調和させる御方,"
} |
"en": "- Are you crazy? Don't open that!",
"ja": "- 正気か 開けるなよ"
} |
"en": "-Good luck.",
"ja": "- 頑張って"
} |
"en": "I didn't make it topside. That weld can't hold in these seas.",
"ja": "甲板に出れない 溶接はこの海では持たない!"
} |
"en": "No, I don't, Captain.",
"ja": "いや、思わないぞ、大尉."
} |
"en": "It is?",
"ja": "そうか?"
} |
"en": "- Kind of ironic now that I think about it.",
"ja": "- なかなかシャレが効いてたよ"
} |
"en": "How are you planning to set us free?",
"ja": "どのように我々を 自由の身にする予定だ?"
} |
"en": "No.",
"ja": "いいや"
} |
"en": "-What's your name?",
"ja": "- なんて名前?"
} |
"en": "Granger was the first one in this morning.",
"ja": "グレンジャーは今朝最初に ここに来た"
} |
"en": "Or... he's involved because Katherine convinced him that Lauren was getting in the way of their new marriage.",
"ja": "または ローレンが結婚生活に 入り込んできて キャサリンにとって邪魔だった"
} |
"en": "You will not be welcome there.",
"ja": "人間はダメだ"
} |
"en": "♪ Everybody knows",
"ja": "♪みんな分かってるのさ"
} |
"en": "Get in the car, please.",
"ja": "、車の中でお願いします。"
} |
"en": "What else can you tell me about her?",
"ja": "他に知ってることは?"
} |
"en": "The boy and the girl seem to know each other.",
"ja": "少年と少女は知り合いらしい。"
} |
"en": "Thanks, that thought will be a great comfort to me.",
"ja": "気分が楽になった"
} |
"en": "Oh, and I want to thank everybody here for helping me.",
"ja": "皆さんにお礼を 皆様に感謝しています"
} |
"en": "Run fast, Piggy, and sleep well!",
"ja": "早く走れ 豚さん そして よく眠れ"
} |
"en": "I'm making friends.",
"ja": "友達は作っている所よ"
} |
"en": "I don't make much of his opinion.",
"ja": "私は彼の意見をあまり重視しない。"
} |
"en": "The winner of the singing contest will receive a grand prize of... $935.",
"ja": "賞金が贈られます 935ドル"
} |
"en": "Tell me, do your employers look kindly on vagrancy, do they?",
"ja": "雇用主は 君がここに泊まり込んでたのを 黙って見逃すかな?"
} |
"en": "The one you smashed ain't got nothing on it.",
"ja": "潰したのは 何も映ってないんだ"
} |
"en": "(INAUDIBLE)",
"ja": "(INAUDIBLE)"
} |
"en": "So I could tell the little girl in the meadow.",
"ja": "草原で少女の君に会って"
} |
"en": "Ammunition! Ammunition, there!",
"ja": "弾薬 そこの弾薬を!"
} |
"en": "You're no wildling.",
"ja": "野人じゃないな"
} |
"en": "I'm not going to go on with a big speech, so I'll just say this.",
"ja": "私が言えるのはひと言"
} |
"en": "Very well.",
"ja": "いいねえ"
} |
"en": "I found another deleted text from Abel the truck driver.",
"ja": "もう1つの削除されたメールを見つけた トラック運転手のアベルから"
} |
"en": "What happened?",
"ja": "何があった?"
} |
"en": "- It's a place.",
"ja": "- 場所よ"
} |
"en": "But... I don't--",
"ja": "・・・私ね"
} |
"en": "I'm with Rayna now, and I'm here to help you both.",
"ja": "私はレイナと共に 二人のために此処にいる"
} |
"en": "You know, you're amazing, you know that?",
"ja": "何か驚くことでも?"
} |
"en": "- Thanks.",
"ja": "ありがとう。"
} |
"en": "I'm coming out now.",
"ja": "今出る"
} |
"en": "And what if we traveled all over the world while you performed with great orchestras in foreign lands?",
"ja": "2人でー緒に 世界中を旅するの 名地のオーケストラと 共演するためにね"
} |
"en": "Uh, zero years old.",
"ja": "歳は?"
} |
"en": "The guy who invited me here said he knows the prime minister.",
"ja": "俺をここに招いた男は 首相と知り合いだそうだ"
} |
"en": "Hold on.",
"ja": "待って。"
} |
"en": "I didn't come to fight.",
"ja": "戦いに来たのではない"
} |
"en": "Good luck.",
"ja": "幸運を 息子よ"
} |
"en": "Priority number one, happy ending, right?",
"ja": "〈ハッピーエンドが優先だ〉"
} |
"en": "You go. You go.",
"ja": "あなたの番"
} |
Subsets and Splits