// Quartus II Verilog Template // Barrel shifter module barrel_shifter #(parameter M=8, parameter N=2**M) ( input [N-1:0] data, input [M-1:0] distance, input clk, enable, shift_left, output reg [N-1:0] sr_out ); // Declare temporary registers reg [2*N-1:0] tmp; // Shift/rotate in the specified direction and // by the specified amount always @ (posedge clk) begin tmp = {data,data}; if (enable == 1'b1) if (shift_left) begin tmp = tmp << distance; sr_out <= tmp[2*N-1:N]; end else begin tmp = tmp >> distance; sr_out <= tmp[N-1:0]; end end endmodule
module top_module( input in, output out ); assign out = in; endmodule
module top_module( input a,b,c, output w,x,y,z ); assign w = a; assign x = b; assign y = b; assign z = c; endmodule
module top_module( input in, output out ); assign out = ~in; endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = a&b; endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = ~(a|b); endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = ~a^b; endmodule
`default_nettype none module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out, output out_n ); wire in1,in2; assign in1 = a & b; assign in2 = c & d; assign out = in1 | in2; assign out_n = ~(in1 | in2); endmodule
module top_module ( input p1a, p1b, p1c, p1d, p1e, p1f, output p1y, input p2a, p2b, p2c, p2d, output p2y ); assign p1y = (p1a & p1b & p1c) | (p1d & p1e & p1f); assign p2y = (p2a & p2b) | (p2d & p2c); endmodule
module top_module ( input wire [2:0] vec, output wire [2:0] outv, output wire o2, output wire o1, output wire o0 ); // Module body starts after module declaration assign outv = vec; assign o2 = vec[2]; assign o1 = vec[1]; assign o0 = vec[0]; endmodule
`default_nettype none // Disable implicit nets. Reduces some types of bugs. module top_module( input wire [15:0] in, output wire [7:0] out_hi, output wire [7:0] out_lo ); assign {out_hi,out_lo} = in; endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] in, output [31:0] out );// assign {out[7:0],out[15:8],out[23:16],out[31:24]} = in; endmodule
module top_module( input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [2:0] out_or_bitwise, output out_or_logical, output [5:0] out_not ); assign out_or_bitwise = a | b; assign out_or_logical = a || b; assign out_not[2:0] = ~a; // Part-select on left side is o. assign out_not[5:3] = ~b; //Assigning to [5:3] does not conflict with [2:0] endmodule
module top_module( input [3:0] in, output out_and, output out_or, output out_xor ); assign out_and = in[0] & in[1] & in[2] & in[3] ; assign out_or = in[0] | in[1] | in[2] | in[3]; assign out_xor = in[0] ^ in[1] ^ in[2] ^ in[3]; endmodule
module top_module ( input [4:0] a, b, c, d, e, f, output [7:0] w, x, y, z );// assign w = {a[4:0],b[4:2]}; assign x = {b[1:0],c[4:0],d[4]}; assign y = {d[3:0],e[4:1]}; assign z = {e[0],f[4:0],2'b11}; endmodule
module top_module( input [7:0] in, output [7:0] out ); assign out[7:0] = {in[0],in[1],in[2],in[3],in[4],in[5],in[6],in[7]}; /* // I know you're dying to know how to use a loop to do this: // Create a combinational always block. This creates combinational logic that computes the same result // as sequential code. for-loops describe circuit *behaviour*, not *structure*, so they can only be used // inside procedural blocks (e.g., always block). // The circuit created (wires and gates) does NOT do any iteration: It only produces the same result // AS IF the iteration occurred. In reality, a logic synthesizer will do the iteration at compile time to // figure out what circuit to produce. (In contrast, a Verilog simulator will execute the loop sequentially // during simulation.) always @(*) begin for (int i=0; i<8; i++) // int is a SystemVerilog type. Use integer for pure Verilog. out[i] = in[8-i-1]; end // It is also possible to do this with a generate-for loop. Generate loops look like procedural for loops, // but are quite different in concept, and not easy to understand. Generate loops are used to make instantiations // of "things" (Unlike procedural loops, it doesn't describe actions). These "things" are assign statements, // module instantiations, net/variable declarations, and procedural blocks (things you can create when NOT inside // a procedure). Generate loops (and genvars) are evaluated entirely at compile time. You can think of generate // blocks as a form of preprocessing to generate more code, which is then run though the logic synthesizer. // In the example below, the generate-for loop first creates 8 assign statements at compile time, which is then // synthesized. // Note that because of its intended usage (generating code at compile time), there are some restrictions // on how you use them. Examples: 1. Quartus requires a generate-for loop to have a named begin-end block // attached (in this example, named "my_block_name"). 2. Inside the loop body, genvars are read only. generate genvar i; for (i=0; i<8; i = i+1) begin: my_block_name assign out[i] = in[8-i-1]; end endgenerate */ endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] in, output [31:0] out );// assign out = {{24{in[7]}},{in}}; endmodule
module top_module ( input a, b, c, d, e, output [24:0] out );// wire [4:0] k = {a,b,c,d,e}; assign out[24:20] = ~ {5{a}} ^ k; assign out[19:15] = ~ {5{b}} ^ k; assign out[14:10] = ~ {5{c}} ^ k; assign out[9:5] = ~ {5{d}} ^ k; assign out[4:0] = ~ {5{e}} ^ k; endmodule
module top_module ( input a, input b, output out ); // Create an instance of "mod_a" named "inst1", and connect ports by name: mod_a inst1 ( .in1(a), // Port"in1"connects to wire "a" .in2(b), // Port "in2" connects to wire "b" .out(out) // Port "out" connects to wire "out" // (Note: mod_a's port "out" is not related to top_module's wire "out". // It is simply coincidence that they have the same name) ); /* // Create an instance of "mod_a" named "inst2", and connect ports by position: mod_a inst2 ( a, b, out ); // The three wires are connected to ports in1, in2, and out, respectively. */ endmodule
module top_module ( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out1, output out2 ); mod_a aa(out1,out2,a,b,c,d); endmodule
module top_module ( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out1, output out2 ); mod_a aaaa(.out1(out1),.out2(out2),.in1(a),.in2(b),.in3(c),.in4(d)); endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input d, output q ); wire q1,q2; my_dff d1(clk,d,q1); my_dff d2(clk,q1,q2); my_dff d3(clk,q2,q); endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input [1:0] sel, output reg [7:0] q ); wire [7:0] o1, o2, o3; // output of each my_dff8 // Instantiate three my_dff8s my_dff8 d1 ( clk, d, o1 ); my_dff8 d2 ( clk, o1, o2 ); my_dff8 d3 ( clk, o2, o3 ); // This is one way to make a 4-to-1 multiplexer always @(*) // Combinational always block case(sel) 2'h0: q = d; 2'h1: q = o1; 2'h2: q = o2; 2'h3: q = o3; endcase endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, output [31:0] sum ); wire con1, con2; add16 adder_1(a[15:0], b[15:0], 0, sum[15:0], con1); add16 adder_2(a[31:16], b[31:16], con1, sum[31:16], con2); endmodule
module top_module ( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, output [31:0] sum );// wire con1, con2; add16 adder_1(a[15:0], b[15:0], 0, sum[15:0], con1); add16 adder_2(a[31:16], b[31:16], con1, sum[31:16], con2); endmodule module add1 ( input a, input b, input cin, output sum, output cout ); assign sum = a^b^cin; assign cout = a&b | a&cin | b&cin; endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, output [31:0] sum ); wire cout1,cout2a,cout2b; wire [15:0] sum2a,sum2b; add16 add1(a[15:0],b[15:0],0,sum[15:0],cout1); add16 add2a(a[31:16],b[31:16],0,sum2a,cout2a); add16 add2b(a[31:16],b[31:16],1,sum2b,cout2b); always @(*) begin case (cout1) 0: sum[31:16] = sum2a; 1: sum[31:16] = sum2b; endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, input sub, output [31:0] sum ); wire cout,cout2; wire [31:0] b_in; assign b_in = b^{32{sub}}; add16 a1(a[15:0],b_in[15:0],sub,sum[15:0],cout); add16 a2(a[31:16],b_in[31:16],cout,sum[31:16],cout2); endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module( input a, input b, output wire out_assign, output reg out_alwaysblock ); assign out_assign = a&b; always @(*) out_alwaysblock = a&b; endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module( input clk, input a, input b, output wire out_assign, output reg out_always_comb, output reg out_always_ff ); assign out_assign = a^b; always @(*) out_always_comb = a^b; always @(posedge clk) out_always_ff <= a^b; endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output wire out_assign, output reg out_always ); assign out_assign = (sel_b1&sel_b2)?b:a; always@(*) begin if (sel_b1&sel_b2) begin out_always = b; end else begin out_always = a; end end endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module ( input cpu_overheated, output reg shut_off_computer, input arrived, input gas_tank_empty, output reg keep_driving ); // always @(*) begin if (cpu_overheated) shut_off_computer = 1; end always @(*) begin if (~arrived) keep_driving = ~gas_tank_empty; end endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module ( input [2:0] sel, input [3:0] data0, input [3:0] data1, input [3:0] data2, input [3:0] data3, input [3:0] data4, input [3:0] data5, output reg [3:0] out );// always@(*) begin // This is a combinational circuit case(sel) 3'b000: out = data0; 3'b001: out = data1; 3'b010: out = data2; 3'b011: out = data3; 3'b100: out = data4; 3'b101: out = data5; default: out = 4'b0000; endcase end endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module ( input [3:0] in, output reg [1:0] pos ); always @(*) begin pos = (in[0]&1)?2'd0:(in[1]&1)?2'd1:(in[2]&1)?2'd2:(in[3]&1)?2'd3:2'd0; end endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] in, output reg [2:0] pos ); // casez treats bits that have the value z as don't-care in the comparison. //Notice how there are certain inputs (e.g., 4'b1111) that will match more than one case item. //The first match is chosen (so 4'b1111 matches the first item, out = 0, but not any of the later ones). //There is also a similar casex that treats both x and z as don't-care. I don't see much purpose to using it over casez. //The digit ? is a synonym for z. so 2'bz0 is the same as 2'b?0 always @(*) begin casez (in[7:0]) 8'bzzzzzzz1: pos = 0; 8'bzzzzzz1z: pos = 1; 8'bzzzzz1zz: pos = 2; 8'bzzzz1zzz: pos = 3; 8'bzzz1zzzz: pos = 4; 8'bzz1zzzzz: pos = 5; 8'bz1zzzzzz: pos = 6; 8'b1zzzzzzz: pos = 7; default: pos = 0; endcase end endmodule
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001 module top_module ( input [15:0] scancode, output reg left, output reg down, output reg right, output reg up ); always @(*) begin up = 1'b0; down = 1'b0; left = 1'b0; right = 1'b0; case (scancode) 16'he06b: left = 1'b1; 16'he072: down = 1'b1; 16'he074: right = 1'b1; 16'he075: up = 1'b1; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] a, b, c, d, output [7:0] min);// wire [7:0] min1 = (a<b)?a:b; wire [7:0] min2 = (c<d)?c:d; assign min = (min1<min2)? min1 : min2; endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] in, output parity); assign parity = ^ in; endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] in, output out_and, output out_or, output out_xor ); assign {out_and,out_or,out_xor} = {&in,|in,^in}; endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] in, output [99:0] out ); integer i; always @(in) begin for(i=0;i<100;i++) begin out[i] = in[99-i]; end end endmodule
module top_module ( input [254:0] in, output reg [7:0] out ); always @(*) begin // Combinational always block out = 0; for (int i=0;i<255;i++) out = out + in[i]; end endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] a, b, input cin, output [99:0] cout, output [99:0] sum ); integer i; always @(*) begin sum[0] = a[0] ^ b[0] ^ cin; cout[0] = a[0] & b[0] | cin & (a[0]|b[0]); for (i = 1; i<100; i++) begin sum[i] = a[i] ^ b[i] ^ cout[i-1]; cout[i] = a[i] & b[i] | cout[i-1] & (a[i]|b[i]); end end endmodule
module top_module( input [399:0] a, b, input cin, output cout, output [399:0] sum ); wire[99:0] cout_wires; genvar i; generate bcd_fadd(a[3:0], b[3:0], cin, cout_wires[0],sum[3:0]); for (i=4; i<400; i=i+4) begin: bcd_adder_instances bcd_fadd bcd_adder(a[i+3:i], b[i+3:i], cout_wires[i/4-1],cout_wires[i/4],sum[i+3:i]); end endgenerate assign cout = cout_wires[99]; endmodule
module top_module ( input in, output out); assign out = in; endmodule
module top_module (input x, input y, output z); assign z = (x^y) & x; endmodule
module top_module (input x, input y, output z); assign z = ~(x^y); endmodule
module top_module( input x, input y, output z); wire o1, o2, o3, o4; A ia1 (x, y, o1); B ib1 (x, y, o2); A ia2 (x, y, o3); B ib2 (x, y, o4); assign z = (o1 | o2) ^ (o3 & o4); // Or you could simplify the circuit including the sub-modules: // assign z = x|~y; endmodule module A ( input x, input y, output z); assign z = (x^y) & x; endmodule module B ( input x, input y, output z); assign z = ~(x^y); endmodule
module top_module( input ring, input vibrate_mode, output ringer, output motor ); // When should ringer be on? When (phone is ringing) and (phone is not in vibrate mode) assign ringer = ring & ~vibrate_mode; // When should motor be on? When (phone is ringing) and (phone is in vibrate mode) assign motor = ring & vibrate_mode; endmodule
module top_module ( input too_cold, input too_hot, input mode, input fan_on, output heater, output aircon, output fan ); assign fan = fan_on | heater | aircon; assign heater = mode & too_cold; assign aircon = ~mode & too_hot; endmodule
module top_module( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out ); integer i,count; always @ * begin count = 0; for (i=0; i<3;i=i+1) begin if (in[i]==1'b1) count=count+1; end out = count; end endmodule
module top_module( input [3:0] in, output [2:0] out_both, output [3:1] out_any, output [3:0] out_different ); assign out_both = {in[3]&in[2],in[2]&in[1],in[1]&in[0]}; assign out_any = {in[3]|in[2],in[2]|in[1],in[1]|in[0]}; assign out_different = {in[0]^in[3],in[3]^in[2],in[2]^in[1],in[1]^in[0]}; /* // Use bitwise operators and part-select to do the entire calculation in one line of code // in[3:1] is this vector: in[3] in[2] in[1] // in[2:0] is this vector: in[2] in[1] in[0] // Bitwise-OR produces a 3 bit vector. | | | // Assign this 3-bit result to out_any[3:1]: o_a[3] o_a[2] o_a[1] // Thus, each output bit is the OR of the input bit and its neighbour to the right: // e.g., out_any[1] = in[1] | in[0]; // Notice how this works even for long vectors. assign out_any = in[3:1] | in[2:0]; assign out_both = in[2:0] & in[3:1]; // XOR 'in' with a vector that is 'in' rotated to the right by 1 position: {in[0], in[3:1]} // The rotation is accomplished by using part selects[] and the concatenation operator{}. assign out_different = in ^ {in[0], in[3:1]}; */ endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] in, output [98:0] out_both, output [99:1] out_any, output [99:0] out_different ); assign out_any = in[99:1] | in[98:0]; assign out_both = in[98:0] & in[99:1]; assign out_different = in ^ {in[0], in[99:1]}; endmodule
module top_module ( output out); assign out = 1'b0; endmodule
module top_module ( input in1, input in2, output out); assign out = ~ (in1|in2); endmodule
module top_module ( input in1, input in2, input in3, output out); assign out = in3 ^ ~(in1^in2); endmodule
module top_module( input a, b, output out_and, output out_or, output out_xor, output out_nand, output out_nor, output out_xnor, output out_anotb ); assign out_and = a&b; assign out_or = a|b; assign out_xor = a^b; assign out_nand = ~out_and; assign out_nor = ~out_or; assign out_xnor = ~out_xor; assign out_anotb = a&~b; endmodule
module top_module ( input p1a, p1b, p1c, p1d, output p1y, input p2a, p2b, p2c, p2d, output p2y ); assign p1y = ~(p1a && p1b && p1c && p1d); assign p2y = ~(p2a && p2b && p2c && p2d); endmodule
module top_module ( input x3, input x2, input x1, output f ); // This truth table has four minterms. assign f = ( ~x3 & x2 & ~x1 ) | ( ~x3 & x2 & x1 ) | ( x3 & ~x2 & x1 ) | ( x3 & x2 & x1 ) ; // It can be simplified, by boolean algebra or Karnaugh maps. // assign f = (~x3 & x2) | (x3 & x1); // You may then notice that this is actually a 2-to-1 mux, selected by x3: // assign f = x3 ? x1 : x2; endmodule
module top_module( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z); // assign z = (A[0] == B[0]) && (A[1] == B[1]); assign z = (A[1:0]==B[1:0]); // Comparisons produce a 1 or 0 result. // Another option is to use a 16-entry truth table ( {A,B} is 4 bits, with 16 combinations ). // There are 4 rows with a 1 result. 0000, 0101, 1010, and 1111. endmodule
module top_module( input a, b, sel, output out ); assign out = (sel==1)?b:a; endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] a, b, input sel, output [99:0] out ); assign out = (sel)? b:a; endmodule
module top_module( input [15:0] a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, input [3:0] sel, output [15:0] out ); always @(*) begin case (sel) 4'd0: out = a; 4'd1: out = b; 4'd2: out = c; 4'd3: out = d; 4'd4: out = e; 4'd5: out = f; 4'd6: out = g; 4'd7: out = h; 4'd8: out = i; default: out = {16{1'b1}}; endcase end endmodule /* module top_module ( input [15:0] a, input [15:0] b, input [15:0] c, input [15:0] d, input [15:0] e, input [15:0] f, input [15:0] g, input [15:0] h, input [15:0] i, input [3:0] sel, output logic [15:0] out ); // Case statements can only be used inside procedural blocks (always block) // This is a combinational circuit, so use a combinational always @(*) block. always @(*) begin out = '1; // '1 is a special literal syntax for a number with all bits set to 1. // '0, 'x, and 'z are also valid. // I prefer to assign a default value to 'out' instead of using a // default case. case (sel) 4'h0: out = a; 4'h1: out = b; 4'h2: out = c; 4'h3: out = d; 4'h4: out = e; 4'h5: out = f; 4'h6: out = g; 4'h7: out = h; 4'h8: out = i; endcase end endmodule */
module top_module( input [255:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output out ); assign out = in[sel]; endmodule
module top_module ( input [1023:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output [3:0] out ); // We can't part-select multiple bits without an error, but we can select one bit at a time, // four times, then concatenate them together. assign out = {in[sel*4+3], in[sel*4+2], in[sel*4+1], in[sel*4+0]}; // Alternatively, "indexed vector part select" works better, but has an unfamiliar syntax: // assign out = in[sel*4 +: 4]; // Select starting at index "sel*4", then select a total width of 4 bits with increasing (+:) index number. // assign out = in[sel*4+3 -: 4]; // Select starting at index "sel*4+3", then select a total width of 4 bits with decreasing (-:) index number. // Note: The width (4 in this case) must be constant. endmodule
module top_module( input a, b, output cout, sum ); assign cout = a&b; assign sum = a^b; endmodule
module top_module( input a, b, cin, output cout, sum ); assign cout = a&b | b&cin | a&cin; assign sum = a^b^cin; endmodule
module top_module( input [2:0] a, b, input cin, output [2:0] cout, output [2:0] sum ); FA FA1(a[0],b[0],cin,cout[0],sum[0]); FA FA2(a[1],b[1],cout[0],cout[1],sum[1]); FA FA3(a[2],b[2],cout[1],cout[2],sum[2]); endmodule module FA( input a, b, cin, output cout, sum ); assign cout = a&b | b&cin | a&cin; assign sum = a^b^cin; endmodule
module top_module ( input [3:0] x, input [3:0] y, output [4:0] sum ); // This circuit is a 4-bit ripple-carry adder with carry-out. assign sum = x+y; // Verilog addition automatically produces the carry-out bit. // Verilog quirk: Even though the value of (x+y) includes the carry-out, (x+y) is still considered to be a 4-bit number (The max width of the two operands). // This is correct: // assign sum = (x+y); // But this is incorrect: // assign sum = {x+y}; // Concatenation operator: This discards the carry-out endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output [7:0] s, output overflow ); // wire [8:0] sum; assign sum = a+b; assign s = sum[7:0]; assign overflow = a[7]&&b[7]&&(~s[7]) || (~a[7])&&(~b[7])&&(s[7]); endmodule
module top_module( input [99:0] a, b, input cin, output cout, output [99:0] sum ); assign {cout,sum} = a+b+cin; endmodule
module top_module( input [15:0] a, b, input cin, output cout, output [15:0] sum ); wire c1,c2,c3; bcd_fadd b1(a[3:0],b[3:0],cin,c1,sum[3:0]); bcd_fadd b2(a[7:4],b[7:4],c1,c2,sum[7:4]); bcd_fadd b3(a[11:8],b[11:8],c2,c3,sum[11:8]); bcd_fadd b4(a[15:12],b[15:12],c3,cout,sum[15:12]); endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, output out ); assign out = (a | b | c); endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out ); assign out = ~d&~a | ~c&~b | c&d&(a|b); endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out ); assign out = a | ~b&c; endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out ); assign out = a^b^c^d; endmodule
module top_module ( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out_sop, output out_pos ); assign out_sop = (c&d)|(~a&~b&c); assign out_pos = c&(~b|~c|d)&(~a|~c|d); endmodule
module top_module ( input [4:1] x, output f ); assign f = ~x[1]&x[3] | x[1]&x[2]&x[4]; endmodule
module top_module ( input [4:1] x, output f ); assign f = (~x[1]&x[3])|(~x[2]&~x[4])|(x[2]&x[3]&x[4]); endmodule
module top_module ( input c, input d, output [3:0] mux_in ); assign mux_in = (c&d)?4'b1001:(c)?4'b0101:(d)?4'b0001:4'b0100; endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input d, output reg q); // Use non-blocking assignment for edge-triggered always blocks always @(posedge clk) q <= d; // Undefined simulation behaviour can occur if there is more than one edge-triggered // always block and blocking assignment is used. Which always block is simulated first? endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input in, output out); always @(posedge clk) begin out <= out^in; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input L, input r_in, input q_in, output reg Q); always @ (posedge clk) begin case (L) 1'b0 : Q <= q_in; 1'b1 : Q <= r_in; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input w, R, E, L, output Q ); wire [1:0] con = {E,L}; always @(posedge clk) begin case(con) 2'b00: Q <= Q; 2'b01: Q <= R; 2'b11: Q <= R; 2'b10: Q <= w; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input x, output z ); reg q,q1,q2; always @(posedge clk) begin q<= q^x; q1<= ~q1 && x; q2<= ~q2 || x; end assign z=~(q | q1 | q2); endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input j, input k, output Q); always @ (posedge clk) begin case ({j,k}) 2'b00: Q <= Q; 2'b01: Q <= 1'b0; 2'b10: Q <= 1'b1; 2'b11: Q <= ~Q; endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input [7:0] in, output reg [7:0] pedge); reg [7:0] d_last; always @(posedge clk) begin d_last <= in; // Remember the state of the previous cycle pedge <= in & ~d_last; // A positive edge occurred if input was 0 and is now 1. end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input [7:0] in, output [7:0] anyedge ); reg [7:0]dlast; always @ (posedge clk) begin dlast <= in; anyedge <= dlast ^ in; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, input [31:0] in, output [31:0] out ); reg [31:0] d_last; wire [31:0] state; assign state = d_last & ~in; always@( posedge clk) begin d_last <= in; if (reset) begin out <= '0; end else begin for (int i = 0; i<32; i++) begin if(state[i] == 1'b1) out[i] <= 1'b1; end end end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input d, output q); reg p, n; // A positive-edge triggered flip-flop always @(posedge clk) p <= d ^ n; // A negative-edge triggered flip-flop always @(negedge clk) n <= d ^ p; // Why does this work? // After posedge clk, p changes to d^n. Thus q = (p^n) = (d^n^n) = d. // After negedge clk, n changes to p^n. Thus q = (p^n) = (p^p^n) = d. // At each (positive or negative) clock edge, p and n FFs alternately // load a value that will cancel out the other and cause the new value of d to remain. assign q = p ^ n; // Can't synthesize this. /*always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin q <= d; end*/ endmodule /* module top_module ( input clk, input d, output q ); reg q1,q2; assign q = clk? q1:q2; always@(posedge clk) begin q1 <= d; end always@(negedge clk) begin q2 <= d; end endmodule */
module top_module( input clk, input [7:0] d, output reg [7:0] q); // Because q is a vector, this creates multiple DFFs. always @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input [7:0] d, output [7:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) begin q <= (reset)?8'd0:d; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, input [7:0] d, output [7:0] q ); always @(negedge clk) begin q <= (reset)? 8'h34:d; end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input [7:0] d, input areset, output reg [7:0] q); // The only difference in code compared to synchronous reset is in the sensitivity list. always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) if (areset) q <= 0; else q <= d; // In Verilog, the sensitivity list looks strange. The FF's reset is sensitive to the // *level* of areset, so why does using "posedge areset" work? // To see why it works, consider the truth table for all events that change the input // signals, assuming clk and areset do not switch at precisely the same time: // clk areset output // x 0->1 q <= 0; (because areset = 1) // x 1->0 no change (always block not triggered) // 0->1 0 q <= d; (not resetting) // 0->1 1 q <= 0; (still resetting, q was 0 before too) // 1->0 x no change (always block not triggered) endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input resetn, input [1:0] byteena, input [15:0] d, output [15:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) begin case(byteena) 2'b01: q <= (~resetn)? 16'd0:{q[15:8],d[7:0]}; 2'b10: q <= (~resetn)? 16'd0:{d[15:8],q[7:0]}; 2'b11: q <= (~resetn)? 16'd0:{d[15:8],d[7:0]}; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input d, input ena, output q); always @ (*) begin if (ena) q<=d; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input d, input ar, // asynchronous reset output q); always @(posedge clk or posedge ar) begin q <= (ar)? 0 : d; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input d, input r, // synchronous reset output q); always @(posedge clk) begin q <= (r)? 0:d; end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 0; else q <= q+1; // Because q is 4 bits, it rolls over from 15 -> 0. // If you want a counter that counts a range different from 0 to (2^n)-1, // then you need to add another rule to reset q to 0 when roll-over should occur. endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) if (reset || q == 9) // Count to 10 requires rolling over 9->0 instead of the more natural 15->0 q <= 0; else q <= q+1; endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, output [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset || q == 4'd10) q <= 4'd1; else q <= q + 1; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input slowena, input reset, output [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) begin if (slowena) begin if (q == 4'd9) q<=0; else q<=q+1; end if(reset) begin q<=0; end end endmodule

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