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### Human: Good. And we've got a little bit of time, so maybe we can start on talking a little bit about sleep, and maybe do you think we'll check in on that and maybe focus more on sleep next time? Does that sound--? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Because you're going to bed-- we've got the back of what we did last time. You're going to bed at 9:30 but you're not really asleep until-- | ### Assistant: Around --- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --1 o'clock? | ### Assistant: --or 1:00, yeah. Sometimes go to bed at around about 11:00 and depending on how much I've done in the day because I do do a lot of exercising on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So you more do-- | ### Assistant: And Friday, I do-- that is at Dad's, so I do sport at school, and I'm good at that one-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: You get that? | ### Assistant: --for long. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. So-- | ### Assistant: And then Wednesday, I'm doing sport at school. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So Wednesday's sport at school. | ### Assistant: And Tuesday as well. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Just good to know what's at school. Yeah. | ### Assistant: And Thursday and Friday. Thursday, I'm doing sport at school. And Wednesday and Friday as well. Yeah. Wednesday, I'm doing sport and also football training, and then Friday's just doing football training. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And for these days, is your sleep different with getting to sleep depending on if you've done sport or not? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Mondays, sometimes I even go to bed at 1:00. Some days, if I've done enough-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yes. And is that because it's hard to get to sleep? | ### Assistant: Yeah. And if I've done enough running on a Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday, I may go to bed at around about 11:00 or 12:00. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Because you say you go to bed 9:30, does that mean you fall asleep? Is that what you're meaning? | ### Assistant: No. That's when Mum sends us to bed. So Mum sends us to bed at around about 9:30. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And what do you--? | ### Assistant: 10 o'clock's when Dad sends us to bed. And I sort of get to bed around about the same time on the weekday and weekend. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So it's about 10:00 PM, between 10:00 to 11:00? | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yep. And that's because you're lying in bed for the hour? | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: You've gone to bed, you're in bed, but you can't fall asleep? | ### Assistant: Yeah. I try to go to sleep but I just can't. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So when you've exercised more, it's easier to fall asleep? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Because I'm a lot more tired. Yeah. It depends if I've done a lot of running. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. So your energy levels are impacted then on what-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --goes on too, yeah? | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Which makes sense because often when you exercise, you're more tired and it sounds like it's easier. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And do you feel less paranoid when you're more tired, that it's easy to fall asleep? | ### Assistant: I still get-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --- | ### Assistant: --paranoid. But I guess how long I can physically keep myself awake is a lot less when I've exercised and done stuff during school. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Okay. And how about Saturdays and Sundays? | ### Assistant: Saturdays and Sundays, Dad sends us to bed at around about-- well, Mum sends us to bed and Dad said that they want us around about 10 o'clock to go to bed. But at Dad's, might be going to bed at around about maybe 1:00 in the morning on a weekend. Obviously, that's not possible because we've got games, so depending on that, that means that we're going to have to go to bed a lot earlier. But at the moment, Dad says that TV in the lounge room has to be turned down a lot because their bedro | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yep. And I've brought this in to remember the-- | ### Assistant: --so-- yeah. So the-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --setup. | ### Assistant: Yeah. So the main lounge room gets turned off-- well, it doesn't get turned off. It gets turned down at around about 10:00 or 9:00, on volume, and Dad only comes out if we're awake at-- if we're awake till 3:00, he comes out and turns it off and tells us to go to bed. But that rarely happens. Normally, we fall asleep at around about 1:00. At Mum's, Mum sends us to bed at around about 10:00, and I go to bed at around about 11:00 or 12:00 on a weekend. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: hours. So that's Dad's, and mother's 10:00. And you're asleep 1:00, was that, or 11:00? At Mum's 10:00 PM's bedtime, and what time are you asleep usually? | ### Assistant: Normally around about 11:00 or 12:00. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: 11:00 to 12:00. 12:00 PM. Yep. | ### Assistant: Yeah. And that's around about . yeah, on Dad's, though. So we fall asleep at around about 1:00-ish. So-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So that's roughly, in my very nice neat writing, is what it looks like at the moment. | ### Assistant: Yeah. That's how it looks like, yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So it'd be helpful to focus on what goes on that it can take you an extra hour and a bit to fall asleep, for next time. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: How's that sound? And if you want to have a think of any examples for us to problem-solve together with dealing with problems better. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah? | ### Assistant: But otherwise, it's a pretty productive. I usually like-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: It does look pretty productive. | ### Assistant: --a lot of colors. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Colors are good. I'm a big fan of colors because you can see it easier. | ### Assistant: Yeah. It makes it a lot easier. Normally, I don't color-code, but sometimes I do, depending on-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Some things are just easier color-coded, to get your head around. I'll put this one back so we've got it for next time. Good job. | ### Assistant: Looks pretty good. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Anything else you wanted-- | ### Assistant: : for later. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --to do today, or you think we've done a good job? | ### Assistant: Nothing else, really. I really wanted to focus on getting this a bit more organized and a bit neater. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Which we've definitely done, I feel. | ### Assistant: Yeah. And I can have that both at Mum and Dad's, and I can tell Dad what I'm doing and-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So they both know. | ### Assistant: --I'll know he'll support it. He's big on school because-- yeah, he's big on school because he knows that I don't like going to school and that I don't like doing-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Homework and stuff. | ### Assistant: --homework and just don't like doing maths, all that sort of stuff. I only do it if it was sport-related, which is most of my stuff at the moment. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So that's really positive that there's a lot that is sport-related? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Because I've got Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday during school, yeah, where I've got my school things, my school sessions on, and I get homework for them, and I always do it because it's-- a sport and I just love-- I like to do it and-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So it's what you enjoy, which-- | ### Assistant: --and things like-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --makes sense-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. Like on a Monday or a Tuesday or a Wednesday, all the way, every single day at school I have sums. Once a day I just go, "No, I can't be bothered doing it." So, yeah, I've just got to figure them out and then, yeah, I just need to do them. And if Dad knows the times that I'm doing homework then, yeah, Monday and Tuesday are now when I'm going to be able to get that done because Dad gets home late and it's a bit too hard. So, yeah, it just means that I have to do it that w | ### Assistant: |
### Human: We'll try it out. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So next time I'll see you, it'll be school holidays. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah? We'll check if she has a next appointment booked in and we'll go from there. | ### Assistant: so we might have-- I'm not sure. Mum, probably-- depending on went the next one is. So either-- because so I think this is how it-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Where are you at-- where were you at this week? | ### Assistant: So this is week-- we're on week one now. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Week one, yeah. | ### Assistant: So this is week one. This is what it is at the moment. So at Mum's today, and tomorrow, we go Dad's after school, then we go back. So what happens is Friday, Saturday, Sunday, normally Dad would have us for Monday and Tuesday, but instead of doing that, because it's the first week of school holidays Mum has us for that week and then Dad has us for the second week. So week one-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: It's kind of-- | ### Assistant: --is the second week. And week two is-- so, basically, Mum. So after this, on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday it's at this time, then Mum has us and then Dad has us the other week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and we go back to school Wednesday because we're a private school. So instead of going-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Ah, so you've got a few days, yeah? | ### Assistant: So instead of going back on Tuesday, I think next term we go back-- so this term, next term, we start back on a Wednesday. The next term after that, we start back on a Tuesday. So they alternate. We get one day more, so the public school goes back on a Tuesday and we go back on the Wednesday, which is good because it means we get an extra day. So Dad has us Monday, Tuesday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Does Dad take you here also, or is it Mum that's been taking you? | ### Assistant: Mum's been taking us here every single session. Dad has taken us a few times. He knows how important this is because Mum and Dad both decided together for us to do this. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And how are you finding it? | ### Assistant: It's all right. Yeah. It's helpful. I wouldn't have done any of this if it was just me. I wouldn't gone, "Pfft." Just ignored it. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Which it can be easier to ignore when you're feeling stressed if you're less stressed, but then the stress can increase because you're not-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --planning things which can make it easier sometimes. So if there's anything else that's really stressing you, we can do something like this or whatnot. | ### Assistant: Yeah. So that's what's happening. We go back to Mum's on the Tuesday at around about the end of school time, so around about 4:00-ish. So when Mum-- no. That's what time we'd get there. So Mum would probably come pick us up around about then on the Tuesday, and then we go back to school on the Wednesday morning. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. Shall we--? | ### Assistant: Wait. Or do we get to Wednesday off? | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Is the Tuesday--? | ### Assistant: No. Ah, I get it. So term one is we'd normally go back to school on the 30th or 31st. Term two, we go back on the Tuesday. Term three, we go back on the Wednesday, and then term four, we go back on the Tuesday again. So it's only term three that we go back on the Wednesday. No. We go back on the-- this could-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Because when you go back to school, isn't that the weekends, that day? back to the Tuesday? | ### Assistant: --- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And that's probably why you start on Wednesday this term. | ### Assistant: I know that we do get a Wednesday off and we go back on a Thursday. I can't remember-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: When. | ### Assistant: That might be term three, but every other day, we go back on the Tuesday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Tuesday. Yeah. | ### Assistant: Every other term. I know that one term, we go back on the Wednesday. I know one term. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: You'll keep me posted when you-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
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