Different from Visual Question Answering task that requires to answer only one question about an image, Visual Dialogue involves multiple questions which cover a broad range of visual content that could be related to any objects, relationships or semantics. The key challenge in Visual Dialogue task is thus to learn a more comprehensive and semantic-rich image representation which may have adaptive attentions on the image for variant questions. In this research, we propose a novel model to depict an image from both visual and semantic perspectives. Specifically, the visual view helps capture the appearance-level information, including objects and their relationships, while the semantic view enables the agent to understand high-level visual semantics from the whole image to the local regions. Futhermore, on top of such multi-view image features, we propose a feature selection framework which is able to adaptively capture question-relevant information hierarchically in fine-grained level. The proposed method achieved state-of-the-art results on benchmark Visual Dialogue datasets. More importantly, we can tell which modality (visual or semantic) has more contribution in answering the current question by visualizing the gate values. It gives us insights in understanding of human cognition in Visual Dialogue.
[ "Feature Selection", "Question Answering", "Visual Dialog", "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "Visual Dialog v1.0 test-std", "VisDial v0.9 val" ]
[ "MRR (x 100)", "R@10", "NDCG (x 100)", "R@5", "Mean Rank", "MRR", "Mean", "R@1" ]
DualVD: An Adaptive Dual Encoding Model for Deep Visual Understanding in Visual Dialogue
Robots navigating autonomously need to perceive and track the motion of objects and other agents in its surroundings. This information enables planning and executing robust and safe trajectories. To facilitate these processes, the motion should be perceived in 3D Cartesian space. However, most recent multi-object tracking (MOT) research has focused on tracking people and moving objects in 2D RGB video sequences. In this work we present JRMOT, a novel 3D MOT system that integrates information from RGB images and 3D point clouds to achieve real-time, state-of-the-art tracking performance. Our system is built with recent neural networks for re-identification, 2D and 3D detection and track description, combined into a joint probabilistic data-association framework within a multi-modal recursive Kalman architecture. As part of our work, we release the JRDB dataset, a novel large scale 2D+3D dataset and benchmark, annotated with over 2 million boxes and 3500 time consistent 2D+3D trajectories across 54 indoor and outdoor scenes. JRDB contains over 60 minutes of data including 360 degree cylindrical RGB video and 3D pointclouds in social settings that we use to develop, train and evaluate JRMOT. The presented 3D MOT system demonstrates state-of-the-art performance against competing methods on the popular 2D tracking KITTI benchmark and serves as first 3D tracking solution for our benchmark. Real-robot tests on our social robot JackRabbot indicate that the system is capable of tracking multiple pedestrians fast and reliably. We provide the ROS code of our tracker at https://sites.google.com/view/jrmot.
[ "Autonomous Navigation", "Motion Planning", "Multi-Object Tracking", "Object Tracking" ]
[ "KITTI Tracking test" ]
[ "MOTA" ]
JRMOT: A Real-Time 3D Multi-Object Tracker and a New Large-Scale Dataset
This paper investigates the notion of learning user and item representations in non-Euclidean space. Specifically, we study the connection between metric learning in hyperbolic space and collaborative filtering by exploring Mobius gyrovector spaces where the formalism of the spaces could be utilized to generalize the most common Euclidean vector operations. Overall, this work aims to bridge the gap between Euclidean and hyperbolic geometry in recommender systems through metric learning approach. We propose HyperML (Hyperbolic Metric Learning), a conceptually simple but highly effective model for boosting the performance. Via a series of extensive experiments, we show that our proposed HyperML not only outperforms their Euclidean counterparts, but also achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmark datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of personalized recommendation in hyperbolic geometry.
[ "Metric Learning", "Recommendation Systems", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "MovieLens 1M", "MovieLens 20M" ]
[ "nDCG@10", "HR@10" ]
HyperML: A Boosting Metric Learning Approach in Hyperbolic Space for Recommender Systems
Incorporating knowledge graph (KG) into recommender system is promising in improving the recommendation accuracy and explainability. However, existing methods largely assume that a KG is complete and simply transfer the "knowledge" in KG at the shallow level of entity raw data or embeddings. This may lead to suboptimal performance, since a practical KG can hardly be complete, and it is common that a KG has missing facts, relations, and entities. Thus, we argue that it is crucial to consider the incomplete nature of KG when incorporating it into recommender system. In this paper, we jointly learn the model of recommendation and knowledge graph completion. Distinct from previous KG-based recommendation methods, we transfer the relation information in KG, so as to understand the reasons that a user likes an item. As an example, if a user has watched several movies directed by (relation) the same person (entity), we can infer that the director relation plays a critical role when the user makes the decision, thus help to understand the user's preference at a finer granularity. Technically, we contribute a new translation-based recommendation model, which specially accounts for various preferences in translating a user to an item, and then jointly train it with a KG completion model by combining several transfer schemes. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art KG-based recommendation methods. Further analysis verifies the positive effect of joint training on both tasks of recommendation and KG completion, and the advantage of our model in understanding user preference. We publish our project at https://github.com/TaoMiner/joint-kg-recommender.
[ "Graph Learning", "Knowledge Graph Completion", "Recommendation Systems" ]
[ "MovieLens 1M", "DBbook2014" ]
[ "NDCG", "HR@10", "Hits@10", "Mean Rank" ]
Unifying Knowledge Graph Learning and Recommendation: Towards a Better Understanding of User Preferences
Multimodal attentional networks are currently state-of-the-art models for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks involving real images. Although attention allows to focus on the visual content relevant to the question, this simple mechanism is arguably insufficient to model complex reasoning features required for VQA or other high-level tasks. In this paper, we propose MuRel, a multimodal relational network which is learned end-to-end to reason over real images. Our first contribution is the introduction of the MuRel cell, an atomic reasoning primitive representing interactions between question and image regions by a rich vectorial representation, and modeling region relations with pairwise combinations. Secondly, we incorporate the cell into a full MuRel network, which progressively refines visual and question interactions, and can be leveraged to define visualization schemes finer than mere attention maps. We validate the relevance of our approach with various ablation studies, and show its superiority to attention-based methods on three datasets: VQA 2.0, VQA-CP v2 and TDIUC. Our final MuRel network is competitive to or outperforms state-of-the-art results in this challenging context. Our code is available: https://github.com/Cadene/murel.bootstrap.pytorch
[ "Relational Reasoning", "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "VQA v2 test-std", "VQA v2 test-dev", "VQA-CP", "TDIUC" ]
[ "Score", "overall", "Accuracy" ]
MUREL: Multimodal Relational Reasoning for Visual Question Answering
Low-rank matrix approximation (LRMA) methods have achieved excellent accuracy among today's collaborative filtering (CF) methods. In existing LRMA methods, the rank of user/item feature matrices is typically fixed, i.e., the same rank is adopted to describe all users/items. However, our studies show that submatrices with different ranks could coexist in the same user-item rating matrix, so that approximations with fixed ranks cannot perfectly describe the internal structures of the rating matrix, therefore leading to inferior recommendation accuracy. In this paper, a mixture-rank matrix approximation (MRMA) method is proposed, in which user-item ratings can be characterized by a mixture of LRMA models with different ranks. Meanwhile, a learning algorithm capitalizing on iterated condition modes is proposed to tackle the non-convex optimization problem pertaining to MRMA. Experimental studies on MovieLens and Netflix datasets demonstrate that MRMA can outperform six state-of-the-art LRMA-based CF methods in terms of recommendation accuracy.
[ "MovieLens 10M" ]
[ "RMSE" ]
Mixture-Rank Matrix Approximation for Collaborative Filtering
In interactive instance segmentation, users give feedback to iteratively refine segmentation masks. The user-provided clicks are transformed into guidance maps which provide the network with necessary cues on the whereabouts of the object of interest. Guidance maps used in current systems are purely distance-based and are either too localized or non-informative. We propose a novel transformation of user clicks to generate content-aware guidance maps that leverage the hierarchical structural information present in an image. Using our guidance maps, even the most basic FCNs are able to outperform existing approaches that require state-of-the-art segmentation networks pre-trained on large scale segmentation datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed transformation strategy through comprehensive experimentation in which we significantly raise state-of-the-art on four standard interactive segmentation benchmarks.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Interactive Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "Berkeley", "GrabCut" ]
[ "NoC@90" ]
Content-Aware Multi-Level Guidance for Interactive Instance Segmentation
Accurately annotating large scale dataset is notoriously expensive both in time and in money. Although acquiring low-quality-annotated dataset can be much cheaper, it often badly damages the performance of trained models when using such dataset without particular treatment. Various methods have been proposed for learning with noisy labels. However, most methods only handle limited kinds of noise patterns, require auxiliary information or steps (e.g., knowing or estimating the noise transition matrix), or lack theoretical justification. In this paper, we propose a novel information-theoretic loss function, L_DMI, for training deep neural networks robust to label noise. The core of L_DMI is a generalized version of mutual information, termed Determinant based Mutual Information (DMI), which is not only information-monotone but also relatively invariant. To the best of our knowledge, L_DMI is the first loss function that is provably robust to instance-independent label noise, regardless of noise pattern, and it can be applied to any existing classification neural networks straightforwardly without any auxiliary information. In addition to theoretical justification, we also empirically show that using L_DMI outperforms all other counterparts in the classification task on both image dataset and natural language dataset include Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10, Dogs vs. Cats, MR with a variety of synthesized noise patterns and noise amounts, as well as a real-world dataset Clothing1M.
[ "Image Classification", "Learning with noisy labels" ]
[ "Clothing1M" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
L_DMI: A Novel Information-theoretic Loss Function for Training Deep Nets Robust to Label Noise
The interactive image segmentation model allows users to iteratively add new inputs for refinement until a satisfactory result is finally obtained. Therefore, an ideal interactive segmentation model should learn to capture the user's intention with minimal interaction. However, existing models fail to fully utilize the valuable user input information in the segmentation refinement process and thus offer an unsatisfactory user experience. In order to fully exploit the user-provided information, we propose a new deep framework, called Regional Interactive Segmentation Network (RIS-Net), to expand the field-of-view of the given inputs to capture the local regional information surrounding them for local refinement. Additionally, RIS-Net adopts multiscale global contextual information to augment each local region for improving feature representation. We also introduce click discount factors to develop a novel optimization strategy for more effective end-to-end training. Comprehensive evaluations on four challenging datasets well demonstrate the superiority of the proposed RIS-Net over other state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "Interactive Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "GrabCut", "SBD" ]
[ "NoC@90", "NoC@85" ]
Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
Human action recognition based on the depth information provided by commodity depth sensors is an important yet challenging task. The noisy depth maps, different lengths of action sequences, and free styles in performing actions, may cause large intra-class variations. In this paper, a new framework based on sparse coding and temporal pyramid matching (TPM) is proposed for depth-based human action recognition. Especially, a discriminative class-specific dictionary learning algorithm is proposed for sparse coding. By adding the group sparsity and geometry constraints, features can be well reconstructed by the sub-dictionary belonging to the same class, and the geometry relationships among features are also kept in the calculated coefficients. The proposed approach is evaluated on two benchmark datasets captured by depth cameras. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm repeatedly achieves superior performance to the state of the art algorithms. Moreover, the proposed dictionary learning method also outperforms classic dictionary learning approaches.
[ "Action Recognition", "Dictionary Learning", "Multimodal Activity Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "MSR Daily Activity3D dataset" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Group sparsity and geometry constrained dictionary learning for action recognition from depth maps.
Since many safety-critical systems, such as surgical robots and autonomous driving cars, are in unstable environments with sensor noise and incomplete data, it is desirable for object detectors to take into account the confidence of localization prediction. There are three limitations of the prior uncertainty estimation methods for anchor-based object detection. 1) They model the uncertainty based on object properties having different characteristics, such as location (center point) and scale (width, height). 2) they model a box offset and ground-truth as Gaussian distribution and Dirac delta distribution, which leads to the model misspecification problem. Because the Dirac delta distribution is not exactly represented as Gaussian, i.e., for any $\mu$ and $\Sigma$. 3) Since anchor-based methods are sensitive to hyper-parameters of anchor, the localization uncertainty modeling is also sensitive to these parameters. Therefore, we propose a new localization uncertainty estimation method called Gaussian-FCOS for anchor-free object detection. Our method captures the uncertainty based on four directions of box offsets~(left, right, top, bottom) that have similar properties, which enables to capture which direction is uncertain and provide a quantitative value in range~[0, 1]. To this end, we design a new uncertainty loss, negative power log-likelihood loss, to measure uncertainty by weighting IoU to the likelihood loss, which alleviates the model misspecification problem. Experiments on COCO datasets demonstrate that our Gaussian-FCOS reduces false positives and finds more missing-objects by mitigating over-confidence scores with the estimated uncertainty. We hope Gaussian-FCOS serves as a crucial component for the reliability-required task.
[ "Autonomous Driving", "Object Detection" ]
[ "COCO test-dev" ]
[ "box AP" ]
Localization Uncertainty Estimation for Anchor-Free Object Detection
Multi-choice Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) requires model to decide the correct answer from a set of answer options when given a passage and a question. Thus in addition to a powerful Pre-trained Language Model (PrLM) as encoder, multi-choice MRC especially relies on a matching network design which is supposed to effectively capture the relationships among the triplet of passage, question and answers. While the newer and more powerful PrLMs have shown their mightiness even without the support from a matching network, we propose a new DUal Multi-head Co-Attention (DUMA) model, which is inspired by human's transposition thinking process solving the multi-choice MRC problem: respectively considering each other's focus from the standpoint of passage and question. The proposed DUMA has been shown effective and is capable of generally promoting PrLMs. Our proposed method is evaluated on two benchmark multi-choice MRC tasks, DREAM and RACE, showing that in terms of powerful PrLMs, DUMA can still boost the model to reach new state-of-the-art performance.
[ "Language Modelling", "Machine Reading Comprehension", "Reading Comprehension" ]
[ "RACE" ]
[ "Accuracy (High)", "Accuracy (Middle)", "Accuracy" ]
DUMA: Reading Comprehension with Transposition Thinking
Words in natural language follow a Zipfian distribution whereby some words are frequent but most are rare. Learning representations for words in the "long tail" of this distribution requires enormous amounts of data. Representations of rare words trained directly on end tasks are usually poor, requiring us to pre-train embeddings on external data, or treat all rare words as out-of-vocabulary words with a unique representation. We provide a method for predicting embeddings of rare words on the fly from small amounts of auxiliary data with a network trained end-to-end for the downstream task. We show that this improves results against baselines where embeddings are trained on the end task for reading comprehension, recognizing textual entailment and language modeling.
[ "Language Modelling", "Natural Language Inference", "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension", "Word Embeddings" ]
[ "SQuAD1.1 dev", "SQuAD1.1" ]
[ "EM", "F1" ]
Learning to Compute Word Embeddings On the Fly
Click-Through Rate(CTR) estimation has become one of the most fundamental tasks in many real-world applications and it's important for ranking models to effectively capture complex high-order features. Shallow feed-forward network is widely used in many state-of-the-art DNN models such as FNN, DeepFM and xDeepFM to implicitly capture high-order feature interactions. However, some research has proved that addictive feature interaction, particular feed-forward neural networks, is inefficient in capturing common feature interaction. To resolve this problem, we introduce specific multiplicative operation into DNN ranking system by proposing instance-guided mask which performs element-wise product both on the feature embedding and feed-forward layers guided by input instance. We also turn the feed-forward layer in DNN model into a mixture of addictive and multiplicative feature interactions by proposing MaskBlock in this paper. MaskBlock combines the layer normalization, instance-guided mask, and feed-forward layer and it is a basic building block to be used to design new ranking model under various configurations. The model consisting of MaskBlock is called MaskNet in this paper and two new MaskNet models are proposed to show the effectiveness of MaskBlock as basic building block for composing high performance ranking systems. The experiment results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed MaskNet models outperform state-of-the-art models such as DeepFM and xDeepFM significantly, which implies MaskBlock is an effective basic building unit for composing new high performance ranking systems.
[ "Click-Through Rate Prediction", "Recommendation Systems" ]
[ "Criteo" ]
[ "AUC" ]
MaskNet: Introducing Feature-Wise Multiplication to CTR Ranking Models by Instance-Guided Mask
Spatial and temporal stream model has gained great success in video action recognition. Most existing works pay more attention to designing effective features fusion methods, which train the two-stream model in a separate way. However, it's hard to ensure discriminability and explore complementary information between different streams in existing works. In this work, we propose a novel cooperative cross-stream network that investigates the conjoint information in multiple different modalities. The jointly spatial and temporal stream networks feature extraction is accomplished by an end-to-end learning manner. It extracts this complementary information of different modality from a connection block, which aims at exploring correlations of different stream features. Furthermore, different from the conventional ConvNet that learns the deep separable features with only one cross-entropy loss, our proposed model enhances the discriminative power of the deeply learned features and reduces the undesired modality discrepancy by jointly optimizing a modality ranking constraint and a cross-entropy loss for both homogeneous and heterogeneous modalities. The modality ranking constraint constitutes intra-modality discriminative embedding and inter-modality triplet constraint, and it reduces both the intra-modality and cross-modality feature variations. Experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that by cooperating appearance and motion feature extraction, our method can achieve state-of-the-art or competitive performance compared with existing results.
[ "Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51", "Something-Something V2" ]
[ "Top-5 Accuracy", "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Cooperative Cross-Stream Network for Discriminative Action Representation
Deep metric learning aims to learn an embedding function, modeled as deep neural network. This embedding function usually puts semantically similar images close while dissimilar images far from each other in the learned embedding space. Recently, ensemble has been applied to deep metric learning to yield state-of-the-art results. As one important aspect of ensemble, the learners should be diverse in their feature embeddings. To this end, we propose an attention-based ensemble, which uses multiple attention masks, so that each learner can attend to different parts of the object. We also propose a divergence loss, which encourages diversity among the learners. The proposed method is applied to the standard benchmarks of deep metric learning and experimental results show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin on image retrieval tasks.
[ "Image Retrieval", "Metric Learning" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "In-Shop", "CARS196", "SOP" ]
[ "R@1" ]
Attention-based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning
Prediction of future states of the environment and interacting agents is a key competence required for autonomous agents to operate successfully in the real world. Prior work for structured sequence prediction based on latent variable models imposes a uni-modal standard Gaussian prior on the latent variables. This induces a strong model bias which makes it challenging to fully capture the multi-modality of the distribution of the future states. In this work, we introduce Conditional Flow Variational Autoencoders (CF-VAE) using our novel conditional normalizing flow based prior to capture complex multi-modal conditional distributions for effective structured sequence prediction. Moreover, we propose two novel regularization schemes which stabilizes training and deals with posterior collapse for stable training and better fit to the target data distribution. Our experiments on three multi-modal structured sequence prediction datasets -- MNIST Sequences, Stanford Drone and HighD -- show that the proposed method obtains state of art results across different evaluation metrics.
[ "Latent Variable Models", "Trajectory Prediction" ]
[ "Stanford Drone" ]
[ "ADE-8/12 @K = 20", "FDE-8/12 @K= 20" ]
Conditional Flow Variational Autoencoders for Structured Sequence Prediction
Multi-agent interacting systems are prevalent in the world, from pure physical systems to complicated social dynamic systems. In many applications, effective understanding of the situation and accurate trajectory prediction of interactive agents play a significant role in downstream tasks, such as decision making and planning. In this paper, we propose a generic trajectory forecasting framework (named EvolveGraph) with explicit relational structure recognition and prediction via latent interaction graphs among multiple heterogeneous, interactive agents. Considering the uncertainty of future behaviors, the model is designed to provide multi-modal prediction hypotheses. Since the underlying interactions may evolve even with abrupt changes, and different modalities of evolution may lead to different outcomes, we address the necessity of dynamic relational reasoning and adaptively evolving the interaction graphs. We also introduce a double-stage training pipeline which not only improves training efficiency and accelerates convergence, but also enhances model performance. The proposed framework is evaluated on both synthetic physics simulations and multiple real-world benchmark datasets in various areas. The experimental results illustrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of prediction accuracy.
[ "Autonomous Driving", "Autonomous Vehicles", "Decision Making", "Relational Reasoning", "Trajectory Forecasting", "Trajectory Prediction" ]
[ "Stanford Drone" ]
[ "ADE-8/12 @K = 20", "FDE-8/12 @K= 20" ]
EvolveGraph: Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Dynamic Relational Reasoning
Effective understanding of the environment and accurate trajectory prediction of surrounding dynamic obstacles are critical for intelligent systems such as autonomous vehicles and wheeled mobile robotics navigating in complex scenarios to achieve safe and high-quality decision making, motion planning and control. Due to the uncertain nature of the future, it is desired to make inference from a probability perspective instead of deterministic prediction. In this paper, we propose a conditional generative neural system (CGNS) for probabilistic trajectory prediction to approximate the data distribution, with which realistic, feasible and diverse future trajectory hypotheses can be sampled. The system combines the strengths of conditional latent space learning and variational divergence minimization, and leverages both static context and interaction information with soft attention mechanisms. We also propose a regularization method for incorporating soft constraints into deep neural networks with differentiable barrier functions, which can regulate and push the generated samples into the feasible regions. The proposed system is evaluated on several public benchmark datasets for pedestrian trajectory prediction and a roundabout naturalistic driving dataset collected by ourselves. The experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves better performance than various baseline approaches in terms of prediction accuracy.
[ "Autonomous Vehicles", "Decision Making", "Motion Planning", "Trajectory Prediction" ]
[ "Stanford Drone", "ETH/UCY" ]
[ "ADE-8/12", "ADE-8/12 @K = 20", "FDE-8/12 @K= 20" ]
Conditional Generative Neural System for Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction
Humans navigate complex crowded environments based on social conventions: they respect personal space, yielding right-of-way and avoid collisions. In our work, we propose a data-driven approach to learn these human-human interactions for predicting their future trajectories. This is in contrast to traditional approaches which use hand-crafted functions such as Social forces. We present a new Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model which jointly reasons across multiple individuals in a scene. Different from the conventional LSTM, we share the information between multiple LSTMs through a new pooling layer. This layer pools the hidden representation from LSTMs corresponding to neighboring trajectories to capture interactions within this neighborhood. We demonstrate the performance of our method on several public datasets. Our model outperforms previous forecasting methods by more than 42% . We also analyze the trajectories predicted by our model to demonstrate social behaviours such as collision avoidance and group movement, learned by our model.
[ "Trajectory Prediction" ]
[ "Stanford Drone" ]
[ "ADE (8/12) @K=5", "FDE(8/12) @K=5" ]
Social LSTM: Human Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces
Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) is widely used for maximum likelihood learning in end-to-end speech recognition models. However, there is usually a disparity between the negative maximum likelihood and the performance metric used in speech recognition, e.g., word error rate (WER). This results in a mismatch between the objective function and metric during training. We show that the above problem can be mitigated by jointly training with maximum likelihood and policy gradient. In particular, with policy learning we are able to directly optimize on the (otherwise non-differentiable) performance metric. We show that joint training improves relative performance by 4% to 13% for our end-to-end model as compared to the same model learned through maximum likelihood. The model achieves 5.53% WER on Wall Street Journal dataset, and 5.42% and 14.70% on Librispeech test-clean and test-other set, respectively.
[ "End-To-End Speech Recognition", "Speech Recognition" ]
[ "LibriSpeech test-clean" ]
[ "Word Error Rate (WER)" ]
Improving End-to-End Speech Recognition with Policy Learning
Skeleton-based human action recognition has become an active research area in recent years. The key to this task is to fully explore both spatial and temporal features. Recently, GCN-based methods modeling the human body skeletons as spatial-temporal graphs, have achieved remarkable performances. However, most GCN-based methods use a fixed adjacency matrix defined by the dataset, which can only capture the structural information provided by joints directly connected through bones and ignore the dependencies between distant joints that are not connected. In addition, such a fixed adjacency matrix used in all layers leads to the network failing to extract multi-level semantic features. In this paper we propose a pseudo graph convolutional network with temporal and channel-wise attention (PGCN-TCA) to solve this problem. The fixed normalized adjacent matrix is substituted with a learnable matrix. In this way, the matrix can learn the dependencies between connected joints and joints that are not physically connected. At the same time, learnable matrices in different layers can help the network capture multi-level features in spatial domain. Moreover, Since frames and input channels that contain outstanding characteristics play significant roles in distinguishing the action from others, we propose a mixed temporal and channel-wise attention. Our method achieves comparable performances to state-of-the-art methods on NTU-RGB+D and HDM05 datasets.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)" ]
PGCN-TCA: Pseudo Graph Convolutional Network With Temporal and Channel-Wise Attention for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
This paper extends the Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) for skeleton-based action recognition by introducing two novel modules, namely, the Graph Vertex Feature Encoder (GVFE) and the Dilated Hierarchical Temporal Convolutional Network (DH-TCN). On the one hand, the GVFE module learns appropriate vertex features for action recognition by encoding raw skeleton data into a new feature space. On the other hand, the DH-TCN module is capable of capturing both short-term and long-term temporal dependencies using a hierarchical dilated convolutional network. Experiments have been conducted on the challenging NTU RGB-D-60 and NTU RGB-D 120 datasets. The obtained results show that our method competes with state-of-the-art approaches while using a smaller number of layers and parameters; thus reducing the required training time and memory.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D", "NTU RGB+D 120" ]
[ "Accuracy (Cross-Subject)", "Accuracy (Cross-Setup)", "Accuracy (CV)", "Accuracy (CS)" ]
Vertex Feature Encoding and Hierarchical Temporal Modeling in a Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition
Sentiment Analysis is an important algorithm in Natural Language Processing which is used to detect sentiment within some text. In our project, we had chosen to work on analyzing reviews of various drugs which have been reviewed in form of texts and have also been given a rating on a scale from 1-10. We had obtained this data set from the UCI machine learning repository which had 2 data sets: train and test (split as 75-25\%). We had split the number rating for the drug into three classes in general: positive (7-10), negative (1-4) or neutral(4-7). There are multiple reviews for the drugs that belong to a similar condition and we decided to investigate how the reviews for different conditions use different words impact the ratings of the drugs. Our intention was mainly to implement supervised machine learning classification algorithms that predict the class of the rating using the textual review. We had primarily implemented different embeddings such as Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) and the Count Vectors (CV). We had trained models on the most popular conditions such as "Birth Control", "Depression" and "Pain" within the data set and obtained good results while predicting the test data sets.
[ "Sentiment Analysis" ]
Sentiment Analysis in Drug Reviews using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are capable of modeling the temporal dynamics of complex sequential information. However, the structures of existing RNN neurons mainly focus on controlling the contributions of current and historical information but do not explore the different importance levels of different elements in an input vector of a time slot. We propose adding a simple yet effective Element-wiseAttention Gate (EleAttG) to an RNN block (e.g., all RNN neurons in a network layer) that empowers the RNN neurons to have the attentiveness capability. For an RNN block, an EleAttG is added to adaptively modulate the input by assigning different levels of importance, i.e., attention, to each element/dimension of the input. We refer to an RNN block equipped with an EleAttG as an EleAtt-RNN block. Specifically, the modulation of the input is content adaptive and is performed at fine granularity, being element-wise rather than input-wise. The proposed EleAttG, as an additional fundamental unit, is general and can be applied to any RNN structures, e.g., standard RNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed EleAtt-RNN by applying it to the action recognition tasks on both 3D human skeleton data and RGB videos. Experiments show that adding attentiveness through EleAttGs to RNN blocks significantly boosts the power of RNNs.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)" ]
Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
This paper presents a new framework for human action recognition from a 3D skeleton sequence. Previous studies do not fully utilize the temporal relationships between video segments in a human action. Some studies successfully used very deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models but often suffer from the data insufficiency problem. In this study, we first segment a skeleton sequence into distinct temporal segments in order to exploit the correlations between them. The temporal and spatial features of a skeleton sequence are then extracted simultaneously by utilizing a fine-to-coarse (F2C) CNN architecture optimized for human skeleton sequences. We evaluate our proposed method on NTU RGB+D and SBU Kinect Interaction dataset. It achieves 79.6% and 84.6% of accuracies on NTU RGB+D with cross-object and cross-view protocol, respectively, which are almost identical with the state-of-the-art performance. In addition, our method significantly improves the accuracy of the actions in two-person interactions.
[ "3D Action Recognition", "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)" ]
A Fine-to-Coarse Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Human Action Recognition
This letter presents SkeletonNet, a deep learning framework for skeleton-based 3-D action recognition. Given a skeleton sequence, the spatial structure of the skeleton joints in each frame and the temporal information between multiple frames are two important factors for action recognition. We first extract body-part-based features from each frame of the skeleton sequence. Compared to the original coordinates of the skeleton joints, the proposed features are translation, rotation, and scale invariant. To learn robust temporal information, instead of treating the features of all frames as a time series, we transform the features into images and feed them to the proposed deep learning network, which contains two parts: one to extract general features from the input images, while the other to generate a discriminative and compact representation for action recognition. The proposed method is tested on the SBU kinect interaction dataset, the CMU dataset, and the large-scale NTU RGB+D dataset and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Time Series" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)" ]
Skeletonnet: Mining deep part features for 3-d action recognition
Recent advances on human motion analysis have made the extraction of human skeleton structure feasible, even from single depth images. This structure has been proven quite informative for discriminating actions in a recognition scenario. In this context, we propose a local skeleton descriptor that encodes the relative position of joint quadruples. Such a coding implies a similarity normalisation transform that leads to a compact (6D) view-invariant skeletal feature, referred to as skeletal quad. Further, the use of a Fisher kernel representation is suggested to describe the skeletal quads contained in a (sub)action. A Gaussian mixture model is learnt from training data, so that the generation of any set of quads is encoded by its Fisher vector. Finally, a multi-level representation of Fisher vectors leads to an action description that roughly carries the order of sub-action within each action sequence. Efficient classification is here achieved by linear SVMs. The proposed action representation is tested on widely used datasets, MSRAction3D and HDM05. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms that rely only on joints, while it competes with methods that combine joints with extra cues.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)" ]
Skeletal quads: Human action recognition using joint quadruples
Existing deep embedding methods in vision tasks are capable of learning a compact Euclidean space from images, where Euclidean distances correspond to a similarity metric. To make learning more effective and efficient, hard sample mining is usually employed, with samples identified through computing the Euclidean feature distance. However, the global Euclidean distance cannot faithfully characterize the true feature similarity in a complex visual feature space, where the intraclass distance in a high-density region may be larger than the interclass distance in low-density regions. In this paper, we introduce a Position-Dependent Deep Metric (PDDM) unit, which is capable of learning a similarity metric adaptive to local feature structure. The metric can be used to select genuinely hard samples in a local neighborhood to guide the deep embedding learning in an online and robust manner. The new layer is appealing in that it is pluggable to any convolutional networks and is trained end-to-end. Our local similarity-aware feature embedding not only demonstrates faster convergence and boosted performance on two complex image retrieval datasets, its large margin nature also leads to superior generalization results under the large and open set scenarios of transfer learning and zero-shot learning on ImageNet 2010 and ImageNet-10K datasets.
[ "Image Retrieval", "Transfer Learning", "Zero-Shot Learning" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011" ]
[ "R@1" ]
Local Similarity-Aware Deep Feature Embedding
Even in the absence of any explicit semantic annotation, vast collections of audio recordings provide valuable information for learning the categorical structure of sounds. We consider several class-agnostic semantic constraints that apply to unlabeled nonspeech audio: (i) noise and translations in time do not change the underlying sound category, (ii) a mixture of two sound events inherits the categories of the constituents, and (iii) the categories of events in close temporal proximity are likely to be the same or related. Without labels to ground them, these constraints are incompatible with classification loss functions. However, they may still be leveraged to identify geometric inequalities needed for triplet loss-based training of convolutional neural networks. The result is low-dimensional embeddings of the input spectrograms that recover 41% and 84% of the performance of their fully-supervised counterparts when applied to downstream query-by-example sound retrieval and sound event classification tasks, respectively. Moreover, in limited-supervision settings, our unsupervised embeddings double the state-of-the-art classification performance.
[ "Audio Classification" ]
[ "AudioSet" ]
[ "Test mAP" ]
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Audio Representations
Convolutional layers in graph neural networks are a fundamental type of layer which output a representation or embedding of each graph vertex. The representation typically encodes information about the vertex in question and its neighbourhood. If one wishes to perform a graph centric task, such as graph classification, this set of vertex representations must be integrated or pooled to form a graph representation. In this article we propose a novel pooling method which maps a set of vertex representations to a function space representation. This method is distinct from existing pooling methods which perform a mapping to either a vector or sequence space. Experimental graph classification results demonstrate that the proposed method generally outperforms most baseline pooling methods and in some cases achieves best performance.
[ "Graph Classification" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Function Space Pooling For Graph Convolutional Networks
Motion is a salient cue to recognize actions in video. Modern action recognition models leverage motion information either explicitly by using optical flow as input or implicitly by means of 3D convolutional filters that simultaneously capture appearance and motion information. This paper proposes an alternative approach based on a learnable correlation operator that can be used to establish frame-toframe matches over convolutional feature maps in the different layers of the network. The proposed architecture enables the fusion of this explicit temporal matching information with traditional appearance cues captured by 2D convolution. Our correlation network compares favorably with widely-used 3D CNNs for video modeling, and achieves competitive results over the prominent two-stream network while being much faster to train. We empirically demonstrate that correlation networks produce strong results on a variety of video datasets, and outperform the state of the art on four popular benchmarks for action recognition: Kinetics, Something-Something, Diving48 and Sports1M.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation" ]
[ "Kinetics-400" ]
[ "Vid acc@1" ]
Video Modeling with Correlation Networks
Two-stream network architecture has the ability to capture temporal and spatial features from videos simultaneously and has achieved excellent performance on video action recognition tasks. However, there is a fair amount of redundant information in both temporal and spatial dimensions in videos, which increases the complexity of network learning. To solve this problem, we propose residual spatial-temporal attention network (R-STAN), a feed-forward convolutional neural network using residual learning and spatial-temporal attention mechanism for video action recognition, which makes the network focus more on discriminative temporal and spatial features. In our R-STAN, each stream is constructed by stacking residual spatial-temporal attention blocks (R-STAB), the spatial-temporal attention modules integrated in the residual blocks have the ability to generate attention-aware features along temporal and spatial dimensions, which largely reduce the redundant information. Together with the specific characteristic of residual learning, we are able to construct a very deep network for learning spatial-temporal information in videos. With the layers going deeper, the attention-aware features from the different R-STABs can change adaptively. We validate our R-STAN through a large number of experiments on UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets. Our experiments show that our proposed network combined with residual learning and spatial-temporal attention mechanism contributes substantially to the performance of video action recognition.
[ "Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy" ]
R-STAN: Residual Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Action Recognition
Spatio-temporal representations in frame sequences play an important role in the task of action recognition. Previously, a method of using optical flow as a temporal information in combination with a set of RGB images that contain spatial information has shown great performance enhancement in the action recognition tasks. However, it has an expensive computational cost and requires two-stream (RGB and optical flow) framework. In this paper, we propose MFNet (Motion Feature Network) containing motion blocks which make it possible to encode spatio-temporal information between adjacent frames in a unified network that can be trained end-to-end. The motion block can be attached to any existing CNN-based action recognition frameworks with only a small additional cost. We evaluated our network on two of the action recognition datasets (Jester and Something-Something) and achieved competitive performances for both datasets by training the networks from scratch.
[ "Action Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "Jester", "Something-Something V1" ]
[ "Val", "Top 1 Accuracy" ]
Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
Knowledge representation of graph-based systems is fundamental across many disciplines. To date, most existing methods for representation learning primarily focus on networks with simplex labels, yet real-world objects (nodes) are inherently complex in nature and often contain rich semantics or labels, e.g., a user may belong to diverse interest groups of a social network, resulting in multi-label networks for many applications. The multi-label network nodes not only have multiple labels for each node, such labels are often highly correlated making existing methods ineffective or fail to handle such correlation for node representation learning. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-label graph convolutional network (ML-GCN) for learning node representation for multi-label networks. To fully explore label-label correlation and network topology structures, we propose to model a multi-label network as two Siamese GCNs: a node-node-label graph and a label-label-node graph. The two GCNs each handle one aspect of representation learning for nodes and labels, respectively, and they are seamlessly integrated under one objective function. The learned label representations can effectively preserve the inner-label interaction and node label properties, and are then aggregated to enhance the node representation learning under a unified training framework. Experiments and comparisons on multi-label node classification validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
[ "Multi-Label Classification", "Node Classification", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "MS-COCO" ]
[ "mAP" ]
Multi-Label Graph Convolutional Network Representation Learning
Differentiable rendering is a very successful technique that applies to a Single-View 3D Reconstruction. Current renderers use losses based on pixels between a rendered image of some 3D reconstructed object and ground-truth images from given matched viewpoints to optimise parameters of the 3D shape. These models require a rendering step, along with visibility handling and evaluation of the shading model. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that we can avoid these steps and still get reconstruction results as other state-of-the-art models that are equal or even better than existing category-specific reconstruction methods. First, we use the same CNN architecture for the prediction of a point cloud shape and pose prediction like the one used by Insafutdinov \& Dosovitskiy. Secondly, we propose the novel effective loss function that evaluates how well the projections of reconstructed 3D point clouds cover the ground truth object's silhouette. Then we use Poisson Surface Reconstruction to transform the reconstructed point cloud into a 3D mesh. Finally, we perform a GAN-based texture mapping on a particular 3D mesh and produce a textured 3D mesh from a single 2D image. We evaluate our method on different datasets (including ShapeNet, CUB-200-2011, and Pascal3D+) and achieve state-of-the-art results, outperforming all the other supervised and unsupervised methods and 3D representations, all in terms of performance, accuracy, and training time.
[ "3D Reconstruction", "Pose Prediction", "Single-View 3D Reconstruction" ]
[ "ShapeNet" ]
[ "Mean", "Mean IoU", "3DIoU" ]
An Effective Loss Function for Generating 3D Models from Single 2D Image without Rendering
Visual Question Answering (VQA) requires a fine-grained and simultaneous understanding of both the visual content of images and the textual content of questions. Therefore, designing an effective `co-attention' model to associate key words in questions with key objects in images is central to VQA performance. So far, most successful attempts at co-attention learning have been achieved by using shallow models, and deep co-attention models show little improvement over their shallow counterparts. In this paper, we propose a deep Modular Co-Attention Network (MCAN) that consists of Modular Co-Attention (MCA) layers cascaded in depth. Each MCA layer models the self-attention of questions and images, as well as the guided-attention of images jointly using a modular composition of two basic attention units. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate MCAN on the benchmark VQA-v2 dataset and conduct extensive ablation studies to explore the reasons behind MCAN's effectiveness. Experimental results demonstrate that MCAN significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art. Our best single model delivers 70.63$\%$ overall accuracy on the test-dev set. Code is available at https://github.com/MILVLG/mcan-vqa.
[ "Question Answering", "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "VQA v2 test-std", "VQA v2 test-dev" ]
[ "overall", "Accuracy" ]
Deep Modular Co-Attention Networks for Visual Question Answering
Semantic segmentation is one of the key tasks in computer vision, which is to assign a category label to each pixel in an image. Despite significant progress achieved recently, most existing methods still suffer from two challenging issues: 1) the size of objects and stuff in an image can be very diverse, demanding for incorporating multi-scale features into the fully convolutional networks (FCNs); 2) the pixels close to or at the boundaries of object/stuff are hard to classify due to the intrinsic weakness of convolutional networks. To address the first issue, we propose a new Multi-Receptive Field Module (MRFM), explicitly taking multi-scale features into account. For the second issue, we design an edge-aware loss which is effective in distinguishing the boundaries of object/stuff. With these two designs, our Multi Receptive Field Network achieves new state-of-the-art results on two widely-used semantic segmentation benchmark datasets. Specifically, we achieve a mean IoU of 83.0 on the Cityscapes dataset and 88.4 mean IoU on the Pascal VOC2012 dataset.
[ "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012 test", "Cityscapes test" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "Mean IoU (class)" ]
Multi Receptive Field Network for Semantic Segmentation
Recently, remarkable advances have been achieved in 3D human pose estimation from monocular images because of the powerful Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs). Despite their success on large-scale datasets collected in the constrained lab environment, it is difficult to obtain the 3D pose annotations for in-the-wild images. Therefore, 3D human pose estimation in the wild is still a challenge. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning framework, which distills the 3D human pose structures learned from the fully annotated dataset to in-the-wild images with only 2D pose annotations. Instead of defining hard-coded rules to constrain the pose estimation results, we design a novel multi-source discriminator to distinguish the predicted 3D poses from the ground-truth, which helps to enforce the pose estimator to generate anthropometrically valid poses even with images in the wild. We also observe that a carefully designed information source for the discriminator is essential to boost the performance. Thus, we design a geometric descriptor, which computes the pairwise relative locations and distances between body joints, as a new information source for the discriminator. The efficacy of our adversarial learning framework with the new geometric descriptor has been demonstrated through extensive experiments on widely used public benchmarks. Our approach significantly improves the performance compared with previous state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "MPI-INF-3DHP" ]
[ "3DPCK", "AUC" ]
3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild by Adversarial Learning
We present a novel 3D object detection framework, named IPOD, based on raw point cloud. It seeds object proposal for each point, which is the basic element. This paradigm provides us with high recall and high fidelity of information, leading to a suitable way to process point cloud data. We design an end-to-end trainable architecture, where features of all points within a proposal are extracted from the backbone network and achieve a proposal feature for final bounding inference. These features with both context information and precise point cloud coordinates yield improved performance. We conduct experiments on KITTI dataset, evaluating our performance in terms of 3D object detection, Bird's Eye View (BEV) detection and 2D object detection. Our method accomplishes new state-of-the-art , showing great advantage on the hard set.
[ "2D Object Detection", "3D Object Detection", "Object Detection" ]
[ "KITTI Cars Hard", "KITTI Pedestrians Hard", "KITTI Cyclists Hard", "KITTI Cyclists Moderate", "KITTI Pedestrians Moderate", "KITTI Cars Moderate", "KITTI Pedestrians Easy", "KITTI Cyclists Easy", "KITTI Cars Easy" ]
[ "AP" ]
IPOD: Intensive Point-based Object Detector for Point Cloud
When multiple conversations occur simultaneously, a listener must decide which conversation each utterance is part of in order to interpret and respond to it appropriately. We refer to this task as disentanglement. We present a corpus of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) dialogue in which the various conversations have been manually disentangled, and evaluate annotator reliability. This is, to our knowledge, the first such corpus for internet chat. We propose a graph-theoretic model for disentanglement, using discourse-based features which have not been previously applied to this task. The model’s predicted disentanglements are highly correlated with manual annotations.
[ "Conversation Disentanglement" ]
[ "irc-disentanglement", "Linux IRC (Ch2 Elsner)", "Linux IRC (Ch2 Kummerfeld)" ]
[ "F", "P", "Local", "1-1", "Shen F-1", "VI", "R" ]
You Talking to Me? A Corpus and Algorithm for Conversation Disentanglement
Currently, in Autonomous Driving (AD), most of the 3D object detection frameworks (either anchor- or anchor-free-based) consider the detection as a Bounding Box (BBox) regression problem. However, this compact representation is not sufficient to explore all the information of the objects. To tackle this problem, we propose a simple but practical detection framework to jointly predict the 3D BBox and instance segmentation. For instance segmentation, we propose a Spatial Embeddings (SEs) strategy to assemble all foreground points into their corresponding object centers. Base on the SE results, the object proposals can be generated based on a simple clustering strategy. For each cluster, only one proposal is generated. Therefore, the Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) process is no longer needed here. Finally, with our proposed instance-aware ROI pooling, the BBox is refined by a second-stage network. Experimental results on the public KITTI dataset show that the proposed SEs can significantly improve the instance segmentation results compared with other feature embedding-based method. Meanwhile, it also outperforms most of the 3D object detectors on the KITTI testing benchmark.
[ "3D Instance Segmentation", "3D Object Detection", "Autonomous Driving", "Instance Segmentation", "Object Detection", "Regression", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "KITTI Cars Hard", "KITTI Cars Moderate", "KITTI Cars Easy" ]
[ "AP" ]
Joint 3D Instance Segmentation and Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Accurate 3D object detection from point clouds has become a crucial component in autonomous driving. However, the volumetric representations and the projection methods in previous works fail to establish the relationships between the local point sets. In this paper, we propose Sparse Voxel-Graph Attention Network (SVGA-Net), a novel end-to-end trainable network which mainly contains voxel-graph module and sparse-to-dense regression module to achieve comparable 3D detection tasks from raw LIDAR data. Specifically, SVGA-Net constructs the local complete graph within each divided 3D spherical voxel and global KNN graph through all voxels. The local and global graphs serve as the attention mechanism to enhance the extracted features. In addition, the novel sparse-to-dense regression module enhances the 3D box estimation accuracy through feature maps aggregation at different levels. Experiments on KITTI detection benchmark demonstrate the efficiency of extending the graph representation to 3D object detection and the proposed SVGA-Net can achieve decent detection accuracy.
[ "3D Object Detection", "Autonomous Driving", "Object Detection", "Regression" ]
[ "KITTI Cars Hard", "KITTI Pedestrians Hard", "KITTI Cyclists Hard", "KITTI Cyclists Moderate", "KITTI Pedestrians Moderate", "KITTI Cars Hard val", "KITTI Cars Moderate val", "KITTI Cars Moderate", "KITTI Pedestrians Easy", "KITTI Cyclists Easy", "KITTI Cars Easy val", "KITTI Cars Easy" ]
[ "AP" ]
SVGA-Net: Sparse Voxel-Graph Attention Network for 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
Graph Neural Network (GNN) research has concentrated on improving convolutional layers, with little attention paid to developing graph pooling layers. Yet pooling layers can enable GNNs to reason over abstracted groups of nodes instead of single nodes. To close this gap, we propose a graph pooling layer relying on the notion of edge contraction: EdgePool learns a localized and sparse hard pooling transform. We show that EdgePool outperforms alternative pooling methods, can be easily integrated into most GNN models, and improves performance on both node and graph classification.
[ "Graph Classification" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Edge Contraction Pooling for Graph Neural Networks
In recent years, many works in the video action recognition literature have shown that two stream models (combining spatial and temporal input streams) are necessary for achieving state of the art performance. In this paper we show the benefits of including yet another stream based on human pose estimated from each frame -- specifically by rendering pose on input RGB frames. At first blush, this additional stream may seem redundant given that human pose is fully determined by RGB pixel values -- however we show (perhaps surprisingly) that this simple and flexible addition can provide complementary gains. Using this insight, we then propose a new model, which we dub PERF-Net (short for Pose Empowered RGB-Flow Net), which combines this new pose stream with the standard RGB and flow based input streams via distillation techniques and show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin in a number of human action recognition datasets while not requiring flow or pose to be explicitly computed at inference time.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "HMDB-51", "UCF101", "Kinetics-600" ]
[ "Top-5 Accuracy", "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
PERF-Net: Pose Empowered RGB-Flow Net
Typical video classification methods often divide a video into short clips, do inference on each clip independently, then aggregate the clip-level predictions to generate the video-level results. However, processing visually similar clips independently ignores the temporal structure of the video sequence, and increases the computational cost at inference time. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named FASTER, i.e., Feature Aggregation for Spatio-TEmporal Redundancy. FASTER aims to leverage the redundancy between neighboring clips and reduce the computational cost by learning to aggregate the predictions from models of different complexities. The FASTER framework can integrate high quality representations from expensive models to capture subtle motion information and lightweight representations from cheap models to cover scene changes in the video. A new recurrent network (i.e., FAST-GRU) is designed to aggregate the mixture of different representations. Compared with existing approaches, FASTER can reduce the FLOPs by over 10x? while maintaining the state-of-the-art accuracy across popular datasets, such as Kinetics, UCF-101 and HMDB-51.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Video Classification" ]
[ "Kinetics-400", "UCF101", "HMDB-51" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy", "Vid acc@1" ]
FASTER Recurrent Networks for Efficient Video Classification
Real-world networks exhibit prominent hierarchical and modular structures, with various subgraphs as building blocks. Most existing studies simply consider distinct subgraphs as motifs and use only their numbers to characterize the underlying network. Although such statistics can be used to describe a network model, or even to design some network algorithms, the role of subgraphs in such applications can be further explored so as to improve the results. In this paper, the concept of subgraph network (SGN) is introduced and then applied to network models, with algorithms designed for constructing the 1st-order and 2nd-order SGNs, which can be easily extended to build higher-order ones. Furthermore, these SGNs are used to expand the structural feature space of the underlying network, beneficial for network classification. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the network classification model based on the structural features of the original network together with the 1st-order and 2nd-order SGNs always performs the best as compared to the models based only on one or two of such networks. In other words, the structural features of SGNs can complement that of the original network for better network classification, regardless of the feature extraction method used, such as the handcrafted, network embedding and kernel-based methods.
[ "Graph Classification", "Network Embedding" ]
[ "NCI109", "IMDb-B", "PROTEINS", "NCI1", "MUTAG", "PTC" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Subgraph Networks with Application to Structural Feature Space Expansion
Creating noise from data is easy; creating data from noise is generative modeling. We present a stochastic differential equation (SDE) that smoothly transforms a complex data distribution to a known prior distribution by slowly injecting noise, and a corresponding reverse-time SDE that transforms the prior distribution back into the data distribution by slowly removing the noise. Crucially, the reverse-time SDE depends only on the time-dependent gradient field (\aka, score) of the perturbed data distribution. By leveraging advances in score-based generative modeling, we can accurately estimate these scores with neural networks, and use numerical SDE solvers to generate samples. We show that this framework encapsulates previous approaches in score-based generative modeling and diffusion probabilistic modeling, allowing for new sampling procedures and new modeling capabilities. In particular, we introduce a predictor-corrector framework to correct errors in the evolution of the discretized reverse-time SDE. We also derive an equivalent neural ODE that samples from the same distribution as the SDE, but additionally enables exact likelihood computation, and improved sampling efficiency. In addition, we provide a new way to solve inverse problems with score-based models, as demonstrated with experiments on class-conditional generation, image inpainting, and colorization. Combined with multiple architectural improvements, we achieve record-breaking performance for unconditional image generation on CIFAR-10 with an Inception score of 9.89 and FID of 2.20, a competitive likelihood of 2.99 bits/dim, and demonstrate high fidelity generation of 1024 x 1024 images for the first time from a score-based generative model.
[ "Colorization", "Image Generation", "Image Inpainting" ]
[ "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Inception score", "FID", "bits/dimension" ]
Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations
In this paper, we revive the use of old-fashioned handcrafted video representations for action recognition and put new life into these techniques via a CNN-based hallucination step. Despite of the use of RGB and optical flow frames, the I3D model (amongst others) thrives on combining its output with the Improved Dense Trajectory (IDT) and extracted with its low-level video descriptors encoded via Bag-of-Words (BoW) and Fisher Vectors (FV). Such a fusion of CNNs and handcrafted representations is time-consuming due to pre-processing, descriptor extraction, encoding and tuning parameters. Thus, we propose an end-to-end trainable network with streams which learn the IDT-based BoW/FV representations at the training stage and are simple to integrate with the I3D model. Specifically, each stream takes I3D feature maps ahead of the last 1D conv. layer and learns to `translate' these maps to BoW/FV representations. Thus, our model can hallucinate and use such synthesized BoW/FV representations at the testing stage. We show that even features of the entire I3D optical flow stream can be hallucinated thus simplifying the pipeline. Our model saves 20-55h of computations and yields state-of-the-art results on four publicly available datasets.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation" ]
[ "HMDB-51", "Charades" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "MAP" ]
Hallucinating IDT Descriptors and I3D Optical Flow Features for Action Recognition with CNNs
In action recognition research, two primary types of information are appearance and motion information that is learned from RGB images through visual sensors. However, depending on the action characteristics, contextual information, such as the existence of specific objects or globally-shared information in the image, becomes vital information to define the action. For example, the existence of the ball is vital information distinguishing “kicking” from “running”. Furthermore, some actions share typical global abstract poses, which can be used as a key to classify actions. Based on these observations, we propose the multi-stream network model, which incorporates spatial, temporal, and contextual cues in the image for action recognition. We experimented on the proposed method using C3D or inflated 3D ConvNet (I3D) as a backbone network, regarding two different action recognition datasets. As a result, we observed overall improvement in accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.
[ "Action Recognition" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy" ]
Contextual Action Cues from Camera Sensor for Multi-Stream Action Recognition
Video recognition models have progressed significantly over the past few years, evolving from shallow classifiers trained on hand-crafted features to deep spatiotemporal networks. However, labeled video data required to train such models have not been able to keep up with the ever-increasing depth and sophistication of these networks. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to learning video representations that require no semantically labeled videos and instead leverages the years of effort in collecting and labeling large and clean still-image datasets. We do so by using state-of-the-art models pre-trained on image datasets as "teachers" to train video models in a distillation framework. We demonstrate that our method learns truly spatiotemporal features, despite being trained only using supervision from still-image networks. Moreover, it learns good representations across different input modalities, using completely uncurated raw video data sources and with different 2D teacher models. Our method obtains strong transfer performance, outperforming standard techniques for bootstrapping video architectures with image-based models by 16%. We believe that our approach opens up new approaches for learning spatiotemporal representations from unlabeled video data.
[ "Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization", "Video Recognition" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy" ]
DistInit: Learning Video Representations Without a Single Labeled Video
The lack of fine-grained joints such as hand fingers is a fundamental performance bottleneck for state of the art skeleton action recognition models trained on the largest action recognition dataset, NTU-RGBD. To address this bottleneck, we introduce a new skeleton based human action dataset - NTU60-X. In addition to the 25 body joints for each skeleton as in NTU-RGBD, NTU60-X dataset includes finger and facial joints, enabling a richer skeleton representation. We appropriately modify the state of the art approaches to enable training using the introduced dataset. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of NTU60-X in overcoming the aforementioned bottleneck and improve state of the art performance, overall and on hitherto worst performing action categories.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "NTU60-X" ]
[ "Accuracy (Body + Fingers + Face joints)", "Accuracy (Body joints)", "Accuracy (Body + Fingers joints)" ]
NTU60-X: Towards Skeleton-based Recognition of Subtle Human Actions
Deep learning models have enjoyed great success for image related computer vision tasks like image classification and object detection. For video related tasks like human action recognition, however, the advancements are not as significant yet. The main challenge is the lack of effective and efficient models in modeling the rich temporal spatial information in a video. We introduce a simple yet effective operation, termed Temporal-Spatial Mapping (TSM), for capturing the temporal evolution of the frames by jointly analyzing all the frames of a video. We propose a video level 2D feature representation by transforming the convolutional features of all frames to a 2D feature map, referred to as VideoMap. With each row being the vectorized feature representation of a frame, the temporal-spatial features are compactly represented, while the temporal dynamic evolution is also well embedded. Based on the VideoMap representation, we further propose a temporal attention model within a shallow convolutional neural network to efficiently exploit the temporal-spatial dynamics. The experiment results show that the proposed scheme achieves the state-of-the-art performance, with 4.2% accuracy gain over Temporal Segment Network (TSN), a competing baseline method, on the challenging human action benchmark dataset HMDB51.
[ "Action Recognition", "Image Classification", "Object Detection", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy" ]
Temporal-Spatial Mapping for Action Recognition
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively applied for image recognition problems giving state-of-the-art results on recognition, detection, segmentation and retrieval. In this work we propose and evaluate several deep neural network architectures to combine image information across a video over longer time periods than previously attempted. We propose two methods capable of handling full length videos. The first method explores various convolutional temporal feature pooling architectures, examining the various design choices which need to be made when adapting a CNN for this task. The second proposed method explicitly models the video as an ordered sequence of frames. For this purpose we employ a recurrent neural network that uses Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells which are connected to the output of the underlying CNN. Our best networks exhibit significant performance improvements over previously published results on the Sports 1 million dataset (73.1% vs. 60.9%) and the UCF-101 datasets with (88.6% vs. 88.0%) and without additional optical flow information (82.6% vs. 72.8%).
[ "Action Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation", "Video Classification" ]
[ "Sports-1M", "UCF101" ]
[ "Video hit@5", "Video hit@1 ", "3-fold Accuracy" ]
Beyond Short Snippets: Deep Networks for Video Classification
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been established as a powerful class of models for image recognition problems. Encouraged by these results, we provide an extensive empirical evaluation of CNNs on large-scale video classification using a new dataset of 1 million YouTube videos belonging to 487 classes. We study multiple approaches for extending the connectivity of a CNN in time domain to take advantage of local spatio-temporal information and suggest a multiresolution, foveated architecture as a promising way of speeding up the training. Our best spatio-temporal networks display significant performance improvements compared to strong feature-based baselines (55.3% to 63.9%), but only a surprisingly modest improvement compared to single-frame models (59.3% to 60.9%). We further study the generalization performance of our best model by retraining the top layers on the UCF-101 Action Recognition dataset and observe significant performance improvements compared to the UCF-101 baseline model (63.3% up from 43.9%).
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Video Classification" ]
[ "Sports-1M", "UCF101" ]
[ "Video hit@5", "Video hit@1 ", "3-fold Accuracy", "Clip Hit@1" ]
Large-Scale Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
State-of-the-art image captioning methods mostly focus on improving visual features, less attention has been paid to utilizing the inherent properties of language to boost captioning performance. In this paper, we show that vocabulary coherence between words and syntactic paradigm of sentences are also important to generate high-quality image caption. Following the conventional encoder-decoder framework, we propose the Reflective Decoding Network (RDN) for image captioning, which enhances both the long-sequence dependency and position perception of words in a caption decoder. Our model learns to collaboratively attend on both visual and textual features and meanwhile perceive each word's relative position in the sentence to maximize the information delivered in the generated caption. We evaluate the effectiveness of our RDN on the COCO image captioning datasets and achieve superior performance over the previous methods. Further experiments reveal that our approach is particularly advantageous for hard cases with complex scenes to describe by captions.
[ "Image Captioning" ]
[ "COCO Captions" ]
[ "CIDEr-D", "METEOR", "BLEU-1", "CIDER", "ROUGE-L", "BLEU-4" ]
Reflective Decoding Network for Image Captioning
The Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task entails an agent following navigational instruction in photo-realistic unknown environments. This challenging task demands that the agent be aware of which instruction was completed, which instruction is needed next, which way to go, and its navigation progress towards the goal. In this paper, we introduce a self-monitoring agent with two complementary components: (1) visual-textual co-grounding module to locate the instruction completed in the past, the instruction required for the next action, and the next moving direction from surrounding images and (2) progress monitor to ensure the grounded instruction correctly reflects the navigation progress. We test our self-monitoring agent on a standard benchmark and analyze our proposed approach through a series of ablation studies that elucidate the contributions of the primary components. Using our proposed method, we set the new state of the art by a significant margin (8% absolute increase in success rate on the unseen test set). Code is available at https://github.com/chihyaoma/selfmonitoring-agent .
[ "Natural Language Visual Grounding", "Vision and Language Navigation", "Vision-Language Navigation", "Visual Navigation" ]
[ "VLN Challenge" ]
[ "length", "spl", "oracle success", "success", "error" ]
Self-Monitoring Navigation Agent via Auxiliary Progress Estimation
We propose a novel deep learning architecture for regressing disparity from a rectified pair of stereo images. We leverage knowledge of the problem's geometry to form a cost volume using deep feature representations. We learn to incorporate contextual information using 3-D convolutions over this volume. Disparity values are regressed from the cost volume using a proposed differentiable soft argmin operation, which allows us to train our method end-to-end to sub-pixel accuracy without any additional post-processing or regularization. We evaluate our method on the Scene Flow and KITTI datasets and on KITTI we set a new state-of-the-art benchmark, while being significantly faster than competing approaches.
[ "Regression" ]
[ "KITTI Depth Completion Validation" ]
[ "RMSE" ]
End-to-End Learning of Geometry and Context for Deep Stereo Regression
As deep learning continues to make progress for challenging perception tasks, there is increased interest in combining vision, language, and decision-making. Specifically, the Vision and Language Navigation (VLN) task involves navigating to a goal purely from language instructions and visual information without explicit knowledge of the goal. Recent successful approaches have made in-roads in achieving good success rates for this task but rely on beam search, which thoroughly explores a large number of trajectories and is unrealistic for applications such as robotics. In this paper, inspired by the intuition of viewing the problem as search on a navigation graph, we propose to use a progress monitor developed in prior work as a learnable heuristic for search. We then propose two modules incorporated into an end-to-end architecture: 1) A learned mechanism to perform backtracking, which decides whether to continue moving forward or roll back to a previous state (Regret Module) and 2) A mechanism to help the agent decide which direction to go next by showing directions that are visited and their associated progress estimate (Progress Marker). Combined, the proposed approach significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art methods using greedy action selection, with 5% absolute improvement on the test server in success rates, and more importantly 8% on success rates normalized by the path length. Our code is available at https://github.com/chihyaoma/regretful-agent .
[ "Decision Making", "Vision and Language Navigation", "Vision-Language Navigation", "Visual Navigation" ]
[ "VLN Challenge" ]
[ "length", "spl", "oracle success", "success", "error" ]
The Regretful Agent: Heuristic-Aided Navigation through Progress Estimation
Recent deep learning models achieve impressive results on 3D scene analysis tasks by operating directly on unstructured point clouds. A lot of progress was made in the field of object classification and semantic segmentation. However, the task of instance segmentation is less explored. In this work, we present 3D-BEVIS, a deep learning framework for 3D semantic instance segmentation on point clouds. Following the idea of previous proposal-free instance segmentation approaches, our model learns a feature embedding and groups the obtained feature space into semantic instances. Current point-based methods scale linearly with the number of points by processing local sub-parts of a scene individually. However, to perform instance segmentation by clustering, globally consistent features are required. Therefore, we propose to combine local point geometry with global context information from an intermediate bird's-eye view representation.
[ "3D Instance Segmentation", "3D Semantic Instance Segmentation", "Instance Segmentation", "Object Classification", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "ScanNetV2" ]
3D-BEVIS: Bird's-Eye-View Instance Segmentation
The Flickr30k dataset has become a standard benchmark for sentence-based image description. This paper presents Flickr30k Entities, which augments the 158k captions from Flickr30k with 244k coreference chains, linking mentions of the same entities across different captions for the same image, and associating them with 276k manually annotated bounding boxes. Such annotations are essential for continued progress in automatic image description and grounded language understanding. They enable us to define a new benchmark for localization of textual entity mentions in an image. We present a strong baseline for this task that combines an image-text embedding, detectors for common objects, a color classifier, and a bias towards selecting larger objects. While our baseline rivals in accuracy more complex state-of-the-art models, we show that its gains cannot be easily parlayed into improvements on such tasks as image-sentence retrieval, thus underlining the limitations of current methods and the need for further research.
[ "Flickr30K 1K test" ]
[ "R@10", "R@1", "R@5" ]
Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have recently made remarkable breakthroughs in the paradigm of learning with graph-structured data. However, most existing GNNs limit the receptive field of the node on each layer to its connected (one-hop) neighbors, which disregards the fact that large receptive field has been proven to be a critical factor in state-of-the-art neural networks. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to appropriately define a variable receptive field for GNNs by incorporating high-order proximity information extracted from the hierarchical topological structure of the input graph. Specifically, multiscale groups obtained from trainable hierarchical semi-nonnegative matrix factorization are used for adjusting the weights when aggregating one-hop neighbors. Integrated with the graph attention mechanism on attributes of neighboring nodes, the learnable parameters within the process of aggregation are optimized in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method (hpGAT) outperforms state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate the importance of exploiting high-order proximity in handling noisy information of local neighborhood.
[ "Node Classification" ]
[ "Cora", "Citeseer" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
hpGAT: High-order Proximity Informed Graph Attention Network
Recent techniques in self-supervised monocular depth estimation are approaching the performance of supervised methods, but operate in low resolution only. We show that high resolution is key towards high-fidelity self-supervised monocular depth prediction. Inspired by recent deep learning methods for Single-Image Super-Resolution, we propose a sub-pixel convolutional layer extension for depth super-resolution that accurately synthesizes high-resolution disparities from their corresponding low-resolution convolutional features. In addition, we introduce a differentiable flip-augmentation layer that accurately fuses predictions from the image and its horizontally flipped version, reducing the effect of left and right shadow regions generated in the disparity map due to occlusions. Both contributions provide significant performance gains over the state-of-the-art in self-supervised depth and pose estimation on the public KITTI benchmark. A video of our approach can be found at https://youtu.be/jKNgBeBMx0I.
[ "Depth Estimation", "Image Super-Resolution", "Monocular Depth Estimation", "Pose Estimation", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "KITTI Eigen split unsupervised" ]
[ "absolute relative error" ]
SuperDepth: Self-Supervised, Super-Resolved Monocular Depth Estimation
We present an approach which takes advantage of both structure and semantics for unsupervised monocular learning of depth and ego-motion. More specifically, we model the motion of individual objects and learn their 3D motion vector jointly with depth and ego-motion. We obtain more accurate results, especially for challenging dynamic scenes not addressed by previous approaches. This is an extended version of Casser et al. [AAAI'19]. Code and models have been open sourced at https://sites.google.com/corp/view/struct2depth.
[ "Depth And Camera Motion", "Depth Estimation", "Monocular Depth Estimation", "Motion Estimation" ]
[ "KITTI Eigen split unsupervised" ]
[ "absolute relative error" ]
Unsupervised Monocular Depth and Ego-motion Learning with Structure and Semantics
Estimating 3D poses from a monocular video is still a challenging task, despite the significant progress that has been made in recent years. Generally, the performance of existing methods drops when the target person is too small/large, or the motion is too fast/slow relative to the scale and speed of the training data. Moreover, to our knowledge, many of these methods are not designed or trained under severe occlusion explicitly, making their performance on handling occlusion compromised. Addressing these problems, we introduce a spatio-temporal network for robust 3D human pose estimation. As humans in videos may appear in different scales and have various motion speeds, we apply multi-scale spatial features for 2D joints or keypoints prediction in each individual frame, and multi-stride temporal convolutional net-works (TCNs) to estimate 3D joints or keypoints. Furthermore, we design a spatio-temporal discriminator based on body structures as well as limb motions to assess whether the predicted pose forms a valid pose and a valid movement. During training, we explicitly mask out some keypoints to simulate various occlusion cases, from minor to severe occlusion, so that our network can learn better and becomes robust to various degrees of occlusion. As there are limited 3D ground-truth data, we further utilize 2D video data to inject a semi-supervised learning capability to our network. Experiments on public datasets validate the effectiveness of our method, and our ablation studies show the strengths of our network\'s individual submodules.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "HumanEva-I", "Human3.6M", "3DPW" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)", "PA-MPJPE", "Using 2D ground-truth joints", "Mean Reconstruction Error (mm)", "Multi-View or Monocular" ]
3D Human Pose Estimation using Spatio-Temporal Networks with Explicit Occlusion Training
Circuits of biological neurons, such as in the functional parts of the brain can be modeled as networks of coupled oscillators. Inspired by the ability of these systems to express a rich set of outputs while keeping (gradients of) state variables bounded, we propose a novel architecture for recurrent neural networks. Our proposed RNN is based on a time-discretization of a system of second-order ordinary differential equations, modeling networks of controlled nonlinear oscillators. We prove precise bounds on the gradients of the hidden states, leading to the mitigation of the exploding and vanishing gradient problem for this RNN. Experiments show that the proposed RNN is comparable in performance to the state of the art on a variety of benchmarks, demonstrating the potential of this architecture to provide stable and accurate RNNs for processing complex sequential data.
[ "Sentiment Analysis", "Sequential Image Classification" ]
[ "IMDb", "Sequential MNIST" ]
[ "Permuted Accuracy", "Unpermuted Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
Coupled Oscillatory Recurrent Neural Network (coRNN): An accurate and (gradient) stable architecture for learning long time dependencies
In this paper, we propose a novel method for a sentence-level answer-selection task that is a fundamental problem in natural language processing. First, we explore the effect of additional information by adopting a pretrained language model to compute the vector representation of the input text and by applying transfer learning from a large-scale corpus. Second, we enhance the compare-aggregate model by proposing a novel latent clustering method to compute additional information within the target corpus and by changing the objective function from listwise to pointwise. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches, experiments are performed with the WikiQA and TREC-QA datasets. The empirical results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach, which achieve state-of-the-art performance for both datasets.
[ "Answer Selection", "Language Modelling", "Question Answering", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "TrecQA", "WikiQA" ]
[ "MRR", "MAP" ]
A Compare-Aggregate Model with Latent Clustering for Answer Selection
We address the challenging problem of learning motion representations using deep models for video recognition. To this end, we make use of attention modules that learn to highlight regions in the video and aggregate features for recognition. Specifically, we propose to leverage output attention maps as a vehicle to transfer the learned representation from a motion (flow) network to an RGB network. We systematically study the design of attention modules, and develop a novel method for attention distillation. Our method is evaluated on major action benchmarks, and consistently improves the performance of the baseline RGB network by a significant margin. Moreover, we demonstrate that our attention maps can leverage motion cues in learning to identify the location of actions in video frames. We believe our method provides a step towards learning motion-aware representations in deep models. Our project page is available at https://aptx4869lm.github.io/AttentionDistillation/
[ "Action Recognition", "Video Recognition" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51", "Something-Something V2" ]
[ "Top-5 Accuracy", "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "3-fold Accuracy", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Attention Distillation for Learning Video Representations
Most online multi-object trackers perform object detection stand-alone in a neural net without any input from tracking. In this paper, we present a new online joint detection and tracking model, TraDeS (TRAck to DEtect and Segment), exploiting tracking clues to assist detection end-to-end. TraDeS infers object tracking offset by a cost volume, which is used to propagate previous object features for improving current object detection and segmentation. Effectiveness and superiority of TraDeS are shown on 4 datasets, including MOT (2D tracking), nuScenes (3D tracking), MOTS and Youtube-VIS (instance segmentation tracking). Project page: https://jialianwu.com/projects/TraDeS.html.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Object Detection", "Object Tracking", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "nuScenes", "MOT16", "MOT17", "YouTube-VIS validation" ]
[ "MOTA", "amota", "AP75", "IDF1", "AP50", "mask AP" ]
Track to Detect and Segment: An Online Multi-Object Tracker
Joint object detection and semantic segmentation can be applied to many fields, such as self-driving cars and unmanned surface vessels. An initial and important progress towards this goal has been achieved by simply sharing the deep convolutional features for the two tasks. However, this simple scheme is unable to make full use of the fact that detection and segmentation are mutually beneficial. To overcome this drawback, we propose a framework called TripleNet where triple supervisions including detection-oriented supervision, class-aware segmentation supervision, and class-agnostic segmentation supervision are imposed on each layer of the decoder network. Class-agnostic segmentation supervision provides an objectness prior knowledge for both semantic segmentation and object detection. Besides the three types of supervisions, two light-weight modules (i.e., inner-connected module and attention skip-layer fusion) are also incorporated into each layer of the decoder. In the proposed framework, detection and segmentation can sufficiently boost each other. Moreover, class-agnostic and class-aware segmentation on each decoder layer are not performed at the test stage. Therefore, no extra computational costs are introduced at the test stage. Experimental results on the VOC2007 and VOC2012 datasets demonstrate that the proposed TripleNet is able to improve both the detection and segmentation accuracies without adding extra computational costs.
[ "Object Detection", "Self-Driving Cars", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012 test" ]
[ "Mean IoU" ]
Triply Supervised Decoder Networks for Joint Detection and Segmentation
Recent leading approaches to semantic segmentation rely on deep convolutional networks trained with human-annotated, pixel-level segmentation masks. Such pixel-accurate supervision demands expensive labeling effort and limits the performance of deep networks that usually benefit from more training data. In this paper, we propose a method that achieves competitive accuracy but only requires easily obtained bounding box annotations. The basic idea is to iterate between automatically generating region proposals and training convolutional networks. These two steps gradually recover segmentation masks for improving the networks, and vise versa. Our method, called BoxSup, produces competitive results supervised by boxes only, on par with strong baselines fully supervised by masks under the same setting. By leveraging a large amount of bounding boxes, BoxSup further unleashes the power of deep convolutional networks and yields state-of-the-art results on PASCAL VOC 2012 and PASCAL-CONTEXT.
[ "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL Context", "PASCAL VOC 2012 test" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "mIoU" ]
BoxSup: Exploiting Bounding Boxes to Supervise Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Semantic segmentation is a task that traditionally requires a large dataset of pixel-level ground truth labels, which is time-consuming and expensive to obtain. Recent advancements in the weakly-supervised setting show that reasonable performance can be obtained by using only image-level labels. Classification is often used as a proxy task to train a deep neural network from which attention maps are extracted. However, the classification task needs only the minimum evidence to make predictions, hence it focuses on the most discriminative object regions. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel formulation of adversarial erasing of the attention maps. In contrast to previous adversarial erasing methods, we optimize two networks with opposing loss functions, which eliminates the requirement of certain suboptimal strategies; for instance, having multiple training steps that complicate the training process or a weight sharing policy between networks operating on different distributions that might be suboptimal for performance. The proposed solution does not require saliency masks, instead it uses a regularization loss to prevent the attention maps from spreading to less discriminative object regions. Our experiments on the Pascal VOC dataset demonstrate that our adversarial approach increases segmentation performance by 2.1 mIoU compared to our baseline and by 1.0 mIoU compared to previous adversarial erasing approaches.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012 test", "PASCAL VOC 2012 val" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "mIoU" ]
Find it if You Can: End-to-End Adversarial Erasing for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Sparse Neural Networks regained attention due to their potential for mathematical and computational advantages. We give motivation to study Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) from a network science perspective, provide a technique to embed arbitrary Directed Acyclic Graphs into ANNs and report study results on predicting the performance of image classifiers based on the structural properties of the networks' underlying graph. Results could further progress neuroevolution and add explanations for the success of distinct architectures from a structural perspective.
[ "Neural Architecture Search" ]
[ "MNIST" ]
[ "R2" ]
Structural Analysis of Sparse Neural Networks
A grand goal in AI is to build a robot that can accurately navigate based on natural language instructions, which requires the agent to perceive the scene, understand and ground language, and act in the real-world environment. One key challenge here is to learn to navigate in new environments that are unseen during training. Most of the existing approaches perform dramatically worse in unseen environments as compared to seen ones. In this paper, we present a generalizable navigational agent. Our agent is trained in two stages. The first stage is training via mixed imitation and reinforcement learning, combining the benefits from both off-policy and on-policy optimization. The second stage is fine-tuning via newly-introduced 'unseen' triplets (environment, path, instruction). To generate these unseen triplets, we propose a simple but effective 'environmental dropout' method to mimic unseen environments, which overcomes the problem of limited seen environment variability. Next, we apply semi-supervised learning (via back-translation) on these dropped-out environments to generate new paths and instructions. Empirically, we show that our agent is substantially better at generalizability when fine-tuned with these triplets, outperforming the state-of-art approaches by a large margin on the private unseen test set of the Room-to-Room task, and achieving the top rank on the leaderboard.
[ "Vision-Language Navigation" ]
[ "Room2Room", "VLN Challenge" ]
[ "length", "spl", "oracle success", "success", "error" ]
Learning to Navigate Unseen Environments: Back Translation with Environmental Dropout
Cross-lingual model transfer has been a promising approach for inducing dependency parsers for low-resource languages where annotated treebanks are not available. The major obstacles for the model transfer approach are two-fold: 1. Lexical features are not directly transferable across languages; 2. Target language-specific syntactic structures are difficult to be recovered. To address these two challenges, we present a novel representation learning framework for multi-source transfer parsing. Our framework allows multi-source transfer parsing using full lexical features straightforwardly. By evaluating on the Google universal dependency treebanks (v2.0), our best models yield an absolute improvement of 6.53% in averaged labeled attachment score, as compared with delexicalized multi-source transfer models. We also significantly outperform the state-of-the-art transfer system proposed most recently.
[ "Cross-lingual zero-shot dependency parsing", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "Universal Dependency Treebank" ]
[ "UAS", "LAS" ]
A Representation Learning Framework for Multi-Source Transfer Parsing
We propose CRaWl (CNNs for Random Walks), a novel neural network architecture for graph learning. It is based on processing sequences of small subgraphs induced by random walks with standard 1D CNNs. Thus, CRaWl is fundamentally different from typical message passing graph neural network architectures. It is inspired by techniques counting small subgraphs, such as the graphlet kernel and motif counting, and combines them with random walk based techniques in a highly efficient and scalable neural architecture. We demonstrate empirically that CRaWl matches or outperforms state-of-the-art GNN architectures across a multitude of benchmark datasets for graph learning.
[ "Graph Learning" ]
[ "REDDIT-B", "ZINC-500k" ]
[ "MAE", "Accuracy" ]
Graph Learning with 1D Convolutions on Random Walks
In this work, we tackle the problem of crowd counting in images. We present a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based density estimation approach to solve this problem. Predicting a high resolution density map in one go is a challenging task. Hence, we present a two branch CNN architecture for generating high resolution density maps, where the first branch generates a low resolution density map, and the second branch incorporates the low resolution prediction and feature maps from the first branch to generate a high resolution density map. We also propose a multi-stage extension of our approach where each stage in the pipeline utilizes the predictions from all the previous stages. Empirical comparison with the previous state-of-the-art crowd counting methods shows that our method achieves the lowest mean absolute error on three challenging crowd counting benchmarks: Shanghaitech, WorldExpo'10, and UCF datasets.
[ "Crowd Counting", "Density Estimation" ]
[ "UCF CC 50", "ShanghaiTech A", "WorldExpo’10", "ShanghaiTech B" ]
[ "MAE", "Average MAE" ]
Iterative Crowd Counting
Convnets have enabled significant progress in pedestrian detection recently, but there are still open questions regarding suitable architectures and training data. We revisit CNN design and point out key adaptations, enabling plain FasterRCNN to obtain state-of-the-art results on the Caltech dataset. To achieve further improvement from more and better data, we introduce CityPersons, a new set of person annotations on top of the Cityscapes dataset. The diversity of CityPersons allows us for the first time to train one single CNN model that generalizes well over multiple benchmarks. Moreover, with additional training with CityPersons, we obtain top results using FasterRCNN on Caltech, improving especially for more difficult cases (heavy occlusion and small scale) and providing higher localization quality.
[ "Pedestrian Detection" ]
[ "CityPersons", "Caltech" ]
[ "Medium MR^-2", "Small MR^-2", "Reasonable MR^-2", "Large MR^-2", "Reasonable Miss Rate" ]
CityPersons: A Diverse Dataset for Pedestrian Detection
In this paper, we propose a pose grammar to tackle the problem of 3D human pose estimation. Our model directly takes 2D pose as input and learns a generalized 2D-3D mapping function. The proposed model consists of a base network which efficiently captures pose-aligned features and a hierarchy of Bi-directional RNNs (BRNN) on the top to explicitly incorporate a set of knowledge regarding human body configuration (i.e., kinematics, symmetry, motor coordination). The proposed model thus enforces high-level constraints over human poses. In learning, we develop a pose sample simulator to augment training samples in virtual camera views, which further improves our model generalizability. We validate our method on public 3D human pose benchmarks and propose a new evaluation protocol working on cross-view setting to verify the generalization capability of different methods. We empirically observe that most state-of-the-art methods encounter difficulty under such setting while our method can well handle such challenges.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "3D Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M" ]
[ "MPJPE" ]
Learning Pose Grammar to Encode Human Body Configuration for 3D Pose Estimation
Self-supervised learning (SSL) is rapidly closing the gap with supervised methods on large computer vision benchmarks. A successful approach to SSL is to learn representations which are invariant to distortions of the input sample. However, a recurring issue with this approach is the existence of trivial constant representations. Most current methods avoid such collapsed solutions by careful implementation details. We propose an objective function that naturally avoids such collapse by measuring the cross-correlation matrix between the outputs of two identical networks fed with distorted versions of a sample, and making it as close to the identity matrix as possible. This causes the representation vectors of distorted versions of a sample to be similar, while minimizing the redundancy between the components of these vectors. The method is called Barlow Twins, owing to neuroscientist H. Barlow's redundancy-reduction principle applied to a pair of identical networks. Barlow Twins does not require large batches nor asymmetry between the network twins such as a predictor network, gradient stopping, or a moving average on the weight updates. It allows the use of very high-dimensional output vectors. Barlow Twins outperforms previous methods on ImageNet for semi-supervised classification in the low-data regime, and is on par with current state of the art for ImageNet classification with a linear classifier head, and for transfer tasks of classification and object detection.
[ "Object Detection", "Self-Supervised Learning" ]
[ "ImageNet - 1% labeled data", "ImageNet - 10% labeled data", "iNaturalist 2018", "Places205", "ImageNet" ]
[ "Top-1 Accuracy", "Top 5 Accuracy", "Top 1 Accuracy" ]
Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction
Non-uniform blind deblurring for general dynamic scenes is a challenging computer vision problem as blurs arise not only from multiple object motions but also from camera shake, scene depth variation. To remove these complicated motion blurs, conventional energy optimization based methods rely on simple assumptions such that blur kernel is partially uniform or locally linear. Moreover, recent machine learning based methods also depend on synthetic blur datasets generated under these assumptions. This makes conventional deblurring methods fail to remove blurs where blur kernel is difficult to approximate or parameterize (e.g. object motion boundaries). In this work, we propose a multi-scale convolutional neural network that restores sharp images in an end-to-end manner where blur is caused by various sources. Together, we present multi-scale loss function that mimics conventional coarse-to-fine approaches. Furthermore, we propose a new large-scale dataset that provides pairs of realistic blurry image and the corresponding ground truth sharp image that are obtained by a high-speed camera. With the proposed model trained on this dataset, we demonstrate empirically that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance in dynamic scene deblurring not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively.
[ "Deblurring" ]
[ "RealBlur-J (trained on GoPro)", "GoPro", "RealBlur-R (trained on GoPro)", "HIDE (trained on GOPRO)" ]
[ "SSIM", "SSIM (sRGB)", "PSNR", "PSNR (sRGB)" ]
Deep Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
LiDAR-based 3D object detection is an important task for autonomous driving and current approaches suffer from sparse and partial point clouds of distant and occluded objects. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage approach, namely PC-RGNN, dealing with such challenges by two specific solutions. On the one hand, we introduce a point cloud completion module to recover high-quality proposals of dense points and entire views with original structures preserved. On the other hand, a graph neural network module is designed, which comprehensively captures relations among points through a local-global attention mechanism as well as multi-scale graph based context aggregation, substantially strengthening encoded features. Extensive experiments on the KITTI benchmark show that the proposed approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art baselines by remarkable margins, highlighting its effectiveness.
[ "3D Object Detection", "Autonomous Driving", "Object Detection", "Point Cloud Completion" ]
[ "KITTI Cars Hard", "KITTI Cars Moderate", "KITTI Cars Moderate val", "KITTI Cars Hard val", "KITTI Cars Easy val", "KITTI Cars Easy" ]
[ "AP" ]
PC-RGNN: Point Cloud Completion and Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
Low-dimensional embeddings of nodes in large graphs have proved extremely useful in a variety of prediction tasks, from content recommendation to identifying protein functions. However, most existing approaches require that all nodes in the graph are present during training of the embeddings; these previous approaches are inherently transductive and do not naturally generalize to unseen nodes. Here we present GraphSAGE, a general, inductive framework that leverages node feature information (e.g., text attributes) to efficiently generate node embeddings for previously unseen data. Instead of training individual embeddings for each node, we learn a function that generates embeddings by sampling and aggregating features from a node's local neighborhood. Our algorithm outperforms strong baselines on three inductive node-classification benchmarks: we classify the category of unseen nodes in evolving information graphs based on citation and Reddit post data, and we show that our algorithm generalizes to completely unseen graphs using a multi-graph dataset of protein-protein interactions.
[ "Graph Classification", "Graph Regression", "Link Prediction", "Node Classification", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "PPI", "Reddit", "CIFAR10 100k", "Cora (0.5%)", "CiteSeer with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "Citeseer Full-supervised", "PubMed with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "PubMed (0.1%)", "ZINC-500k", "Cora (3%)", "Brazil Air-Traffic", "Europe Air-Traffic", "CiteSeer (0.5%)", "PubMed (0.03%)", "PubMed (0.05%)", "Pubmed Full-supervised", "Wiki-Vote", "PATTERN 100k", "CiteSeer (1%)", "Cora with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "Flickr", "Facebook", "USA Air-Traffic", "Cora Full-supervised", "Cora (1%)" ]
[ "MAE", "Accuracy (%)", "F1", "Accuracy" ]
Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs
Traditional convolutional neural networks (CNN) are stationary and feedforward. They neither change their parameters during evaluation nor use feedback from higher to lower layers. Real brains, however, do. So does our Deep Attention Selective Network (dasNet) architecture. DasNets feedback structure can dynamically alter its convolutional filter sensitivities during classification. It harnesses the power of sequential processing to improve classification performance, by allowing the network to iteratively focus its internal attention on some of its convolutional filters. Feedback is trained through direct policy search in a huge million-dimensional parameter space, through scalable natural evolution strategies (SNES). On the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets, dasNet outperforms the previous state-of-the-art model.
[ "Deep Attention" ]
[ "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Percentage correct" ]
Deep Networks with Internal Selective Attention through Feedback Connections
Most existing methods determine relation types only after all the entities have been recognized, thus the interaction between relation types and entity mentions is not fully modeled. This paper presents a novel paradigm to deal with relation extraction by regarding the related entities as the arguments of a relation. We apply a hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) framework in this paradigm to enhance the interaction between entity mentions and relation types. The whole extraction process is decomposed into a hierarchy of two-level RL policies for relation detection and entity extraction respectively, so that it is more feasible and natural to deal with overlapping relations. Our model was evaluated on public datasets collected via distant supervision, and results show that it gains better performance than existing methods and is more powerful for extracting overlapping relations.
[ "Entity Extraction using GAN", "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning", "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "NYT24", "NYT29" ]
[ "F1" ]
A Hierarchical Framework for Relation Extraction with Reinforcement Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are state-of-the-art models for document image classification tasks. However, many of these approaches rely on parameters and architectures designed for classifying natural images, which differ from document images. We question whether this is appropriate and conduct a large empirical study to find what aspects of CNNs most affect performance on document images. Among other results, we exceed the state-of-the-art on the RVL-CDIP dataset by using shear transform data augmentation and an architecture designed for a larger input image. Additionally, we analyze the learned features and find evidence that CNNs trained on RVL-CDIP learn region-specific layout features.
[ "Data Augmentation", "Document Image Classification", "Image Classification" ]
[ "RVL-CDIP" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification
Learning to represent videos is a very challenging task both algorithmically and computationally. Standard video CNN architectures have been designed by directly extending architectures devised for image understanding to include the time dimension, using modules such as 3D convolutions, or by using two-stream design to capture both appearance and motion in videos. We interpret a video CNN as a collection of multi-stream convolutional blocks connected to each other, and propose the approach of automatically finding neural architectures with better connectivity and spatio-temporal interactions for video understanding. This is done by evolving a population of overly-connected architectures guided by connection weight learning. Architectures combining representations that abstract different input types (i.e., RGB and optical flow) at multiple temporal resolutions are searched for, allowing different types or sources of information to interact with each other. Our method, referred to as AssembleNet, outperforms prior approaches on public video datasets, in some cases by a great margin. We obtain 58.6% mAP on Charades and 34.27% accuracy on Moments-in-Time.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Multimodal Activity Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation", "Video Classification", "Video Understanding" ]
[ "Charades", "Moments in Time Dataset", "Moments in Time" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy", "MAP", "Top-5 (%)", "Top-1 (%)", "Top 5 Accuracy" ]
AssembleNet: Searching for Multi-Stream Neural Connectivity in Video Architectures
Most state-of-the-art methods for action recognition rely on a two-stream architecture that processes appearance and motion independently. In this paper, we claim that considering them jointly offers rich information for action recognition. We introduce a novel representation that gracefully encodes the movement of some semantic keypoints. We use the human joints as these keypoints and term our Pose moTion representation PoTion. Specifically, we first run a state-of-the-art human pose estimator and extract heatmaps for the human joints in each frame. We obtain our PoTion representation by temporally aggregating these probability maps. This is achieved by colorizing each of them depending on the relative time of the frames in the video clip and summing them. This fixed-size representation for an entire video clip is suitable to classify actions using a shallow convolutional neural network. Our experimental evaluation shows that PoTion outperforms other state-of-the-art pose representations. Furthermore, it is complementary to standard appearance and motion streams. When combining PoTion with the recent two-stream I3D approach [5], we obtain state-of-the-art performance on the JHMDB, HMDB and UCF101 datasets.
[ "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101", "JHMDB (2D poses only)", "J-HMDB", "Charades" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "MAP", "Accuracy (pose)", "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "No. parameters", "Accuracy (RGB+pose)" ]
PoTion: Pose MoTion Representation for Action Recognition
How do humans recognize the action "opening a book" ? We argue that there are two important cues: modeling temporal shape dynamics and modeling functional relationships between humans and objects. In this paper, we propose to represent videos as space-time region graphs which capture these two important cues. Our graph nodes are defined by the object region proposals from different frames in a long range video. These nodes are connected by two types of relations: (i) similarity relations capturing the long range dependencies between correlated objects and (ii) spatial-temporal relations capturing the interactions between nearby objects. We perform reasoning on this graph representation via Graph Convolutional Networks. We achieve state-of-the-art results on both Charades and Something-Something datasets. Especially for Charades, we obtain a huge 4.4% gain when our model is applied in complex environments.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition" ]
[ "Something-Something V1", "Charades" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy", "MAP" ]
Videos as Space-Time Region Graphs
Rain streaks can severely degrade the visibility, which causes many current computer vision algorithms fail to work. So it is necessary to remove the rain from images. We propose a novel deep network architecture based on deep convolutional and recurrent neural networks for single image deraining. As contextual information is very important for rain removal, we first adopt the dilated convolutional neural network to acquire large receptive field. To better fit the rain removal task, we also modify the network. In heavy rain, rain streaks have various directions and shapes, which can be regarded as the accumulation of multiple rain streak layers. We assign different alpha-values to various rain streak layers according to the intensity and transparency by incorporating the squeeze-and-excitation block. Since rain streak layers overlap with each other, it is not easy to remove the rain in one stage. So we further decompose the rain removal into multiple stages. Recurrent neural network is incorporated to preserve the useful information in previous stages and benefit the rain removal in later stages. We conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches under all evaluation metrics. Codes and supplementary material are available at our project webpage: https://xialipku.github.io/RESCAN .
[ "Rain Removal", "Single Image Deraining" ]
[ "Test2800", "Rain100H", "Test100", "Test1200", "Rain100L" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
Image generation has been successfully cast as an autoregressive sequence generation or transformation problem. Recent work has shown that self-attention is an effective way of modeling textual sequences. In this work, we generalize a recently proposed model architecture based on self-attention, the Transformer, to a sequence modeling formulation of image generation with a tractable likelihood. By restricting the self-attention mechanism to attend to local neighborhoods we significantly increase the size of images the model can process in practice, despite maintaining significantly larger receptive fields per layer than typical convolutional neural networks. While conceptually simple, our generative models significantly outperform the current state of the art in image generation on ImageNet, improving the best published negative log-likelihood on ImageNet from 3.83 to 3.77. We also present results on image super-resolution with a large magnification ratio, applying an encoder-decoder configuration of our architecture. In a human evaluation study, we find that images generated by our super-resolution model fool human observers three times more often than the previous state of the art.
[ "Image Generation", "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "ImageNet 32x32", "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "bits/dimension", "bpd" ]
Image Transformer
Modeling the distribution of natural images is challenging, partly because of strong statistical dependencies which can extend over hundreds of pixels. Recurrent neural networks have been successful in capturing long-range dependencies in a number of problems but only recently have found their way into generative image models. We here introduce a recurrent image model based on multi-dimensional long short-term memory units which are particularly suited for image modeling due to their spatial structure. Our model scales to images of arbitrary size and its likelihood is computationally tractable. We find that it outperforms the state of the art in quantitative comparisons on several image datasets and produces promising results when used for texture synthesis and inpainting.
[ "Image Generation", "Texture Synthesis" ]
[ "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "bits/dimension" ]
Generative Image Modeling Using Spatial LSTMs
Transfer learning is a widely used method to build high performing computer vision models. In this paper, we study the efficacy of transfer learning by examining how the choice of data impacts performance. We find that more pre-training data does not always help, and transfer performance depends on a judicious choice of pre-training data. These findings are important given the continued increase in dataset sizes. We further propose domain adaptive transfer learning, a simple and effective pre-training method using importance weights computed based on the target dataset. Our method to compute importance weights follow from ideas in domain adaptation, and we show a novel application to transfer learning. Our methods achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple fine-grained classification datasets and are well-suited for use in practice.
[ "Domain Adaptation", "Fine-Grained Image Classification", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "Stanford Cars" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Domain Adaptive Transfer Learning with Specialist Models
Two optical flow estimation problems are addressed: i) occlusion estimation and handling, and ii) estimation from image sequences longer than two frames. The proposed ContinualFlow method estimates occlusions before flow, avoiding the use of flow corrupted by occlusions for their estimation. We show that providing occlusion masks as an additional input to flow estimation improves the standard performance metric by more than 25\% on both KITTI and Sintel. As a second contribution, a novel method for incorporating information from past frames into flow estimation is introduced. The previous frame flow serves as an input to occlusion estimation and as a prior in occluded regions, i.e. those without visual correspondences. By continually using the previous frame flow, ContinualFlow performance improves further by 18\% on KITTI and 7\% on Sintel, achieving top performance on KITTI and Sintel.
[ "Occlusion Estimation", "Optical Flow Estimation" ]
[ "Sintel-final" ]
[ "Average End-Point Error" ]
Continual Occlusions and Optical Flow Estimation
Language Identification (LI) is an important first step in several speech processing systems. With a growing number of voice-based assistants, speech LI has emerged as a widely researched field. To approach the problem of identifying languages, we can either adopt an implicit approach where only the speech for a language is present or an explicit one where text is available with its corresponding transcript. This paper focuses on an implicit approach due to the absence of transcriptive data. This paper benchmarks existing models and proposes a new attention based model for language identification which uses log-Mel spectrogram images as input. We also present the effectiveness of raw waveforms as features to neural network models for LI tasks. For training and evaluation of models, we classified six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Italian) with an accuracy of 95.4% and four languages (English, French, German, Spanish) with an accuracy of 96.3% obtained from the VoxForge dataset. This approach can further be scaled to incorporate more languages.
[ "Language Identification", "Spoken language identification" ]
[ "VoxForge European", "VoxForge Commonwealth" ]
[ "Accuracy (%)" ]
Spoken Language Identification using ConvNets
Model-based optimization methods and discriminative learning methods have been the two dominant strategies for solving various inverse problems in low-level vision. Typically, those two kinds of methods have their respective merits and drawbacks, e.g., model-based optimization methods are flexible for handling different inverse problems but are usually time-consuming with sophisticated priors for the purpose of good performance; in the meanwhile, discriminative learning methods have fast testing speed but their application range is greatly restricted by the specialized task. Recent works have revealed that, with the aid of variable splitting techniques, denoiser prior can be plugged in as a modular part of model-based optimization methods to solve other inverse problems (e.g., deblurring). Such an integration induces considerable advantage when the denoiser is obtained via discriminative learning. However, the study of integration with fast discriminative denoiser prior is still lacking. To this end, this paper aims to train a set of fast and effective CNN (convolutional neural network) denoisers and integrate them into model-based optimization method to solve other inverse problems. Experimental results demonstrate that the learned set of denoisers not only achieve promising Gaussian denoising results but also can be used as prior to deliver good performance for various low-level vision applications.
[ "Color Image Denoising", "Deblurring", "Denoising", "Image Denoising", "Image Restoration" ]
[ "Set5 - 3x upscaling", "Set14 - 2x upscaling", "Set14 - 4x upscaling", "CBSD68 sigma50", "BSD68 sigma15", "BSD68 sigma50", "Set14 - 3x upscaling", "BSD68 sigma35", "Set5 - 4x upscaling", "BSD68 sigma25", "BSD68 sigma5", "Set5 - 2x upscaling" ]
[ "PSNR" ]
Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration
This paper investigates the use of automatically collected web audio data for the task of spoken language recognition. We generate semi-random search phrases from language-specific Wikipedia data that are then used to retrieve videos from YouTube for 107 languages. Speech activity detection and speaker diarization are used to extract segments from the videos that contain speech. Post-filtering is used to remove segments from the database that are likely not in the given language, increasing the proportion of correctly labeled segments to 98%, based on crowd-sourced verification. The size of the resulting training set (VoxLingua107) is 6628 hours (62 hours per language on the average) and it is accompanied by an evaluation set of 1609 verified utterances. We use the data to build language recognition models for several spoken language identification tasks. Experiments show that using the automatically retrieved training data gives competitive results to using hand-labeled proprietary datasets. The dataset is publicly available.
[ "Action Detection", "Activity Detection", "Language Identification", "Speaker Diarization", "Spoken language identification" ]
[ "LRE07", "VOXLINGUA107", "KALAKA-3" ]
[ "PO", "3 sec", "0..5sec", "Average", "30 sec", "5..20sec", "PC", "EC", "10 sec", "EO" ]
The fully connected layers of a deep convolutional neural network typically contain over 90% of the network parameters, and consume the majority of the memory required to store the network parameters. Reducing the number of parameters while preserving essentially the same predictive performance is critically important for operating deep neural networks in memory constrained environments such as GPUs or embedded devices. In this paper we show how kernel methods, in particular a single Fastfood layer, can be used to replace all fully connected layers in a deep convolutional neural network. This novel Fastfood layer is also end-to-end trainable in conjunction with convolutional layers, allowing us to combine them into a new architecture, named deep fried convolutional networks, which substantially reduces the memory footprint of convolutional networks trained on MNIST and ImageNet with no drop in predictive performance.
[ "Image Classification" ]
[ "MNIST" ]
[ "Percentage error" ]
Deep Fried Convnets
We present a generative model for the unsupervised learning of dependency structures. We also describe the multiplicative combination of this dependency model with a model of linear constituency. The product model outperforms both components on their respective evaluation metrics, giving the best published figures for unsupervised dependency parsing and unsupervised constituency parsing. We also demonstrate that the combined model works and is robust cross-linguistically, being able to exploit either attachment or distributional regularities that are salient in the data.
[ "Constituency Parsing", "Dependency Parsing", "Unsupervised Dependency Parsing" ]
[ "Penn Treebank" ]
[ "UAS" ]
Corpus-Based Induction of Syntactic Structure: Models of Dependency and Constituency
We present Deep Graph Infomax (DGI), a general approach for learning node representations within graph-structured data in an unsupervised manner. DGI relies on maximizing mutual information between patch representations and corresponding high-level summaries of graphs---both derived using established graph convolutional network architectures. The learnt patch representations summarize subgraphs centered around nodes of interest, and can thus be reused for downstream node-wise learning tasks. In contrast to most prior approaches to unsupervised learning with GCNs, DGI does not rely on random walk objectives, and is readily applicable to both transductive and inductive learning setups. We demonstrate competitive performance on a variety of node classification benchmarks, which at times even exceeds the performance of supervised learning.
[ "Node Classification" ]
[ "Cora", "Pubmed", "Citeseer" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Deep Graph Infomax