One of the core components of modern spoken dialogue systems is the belief tracker, which estimates the user's goal at every step of the dialogue. However, most current approaches have difficulty scaling to larger, more complex dialogue domains. This is due to their dependency on either: a) Spoken Language Understanding models that require large amounts of annotated training data; or b) hand-crafted lexicons for capturing some of the linguistic variation in users' language. We propose a novel Neural Belief Tracking (NBT) framework which overcomes these problems by building on recent advances in representation learning. NBT models reason over pre-trained word vectors, learning to compose them into distributed representations of user utterances and dialogue context. Our evaluation on two datasets shows that this approach surpasses past limitations, matching the performance of state-of-the-art models which rely on hand-crafted semantic lexicons and outperforming them when such lexicons are not provided.
[ "Dialogue State Tracking", "Representation Learning", "Spoken Dialogue Systems", "Spoken Language Understanding" ]
[ "Wizard-of-Oz", "Second dialogue state tracking challenge" ]
[ "Joint", "Price", "Area", "Food", "Request" ]
Neural Belief Tracker: Data-Driven Dialogue State Tracking
Fine-Grained Visual Classification (FGVC) is an important computer vision problem that involves small diversity within the different classes, and often requires expert annotators to collect data. Utilizing this notion of small visual diversity, we revisit Maximum-Entropy learning in the context of fine-grained classification, and provide a training routine that maximizes the entropy of the output probability distribution for training convolutional neural networks on FGVC tasks. We provide a theoretical as well as empirical justification of our approach, and achieve state-of-the-art performance across a variety of classification tasks in FGVC, that can potentially be extended to any fine-tuning task. Our method is robust to different hyperparameter values, amount of training data and amount of training label noise and can hence be a valuable tool in many similar problems.
[ "Fine-Grained Image Classification" ]
[ "NABirds" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Maximum-Entropy Fine Grained Classification
Coherence plays a critical role in producing a high-quality summary from a document. In recent years, neural extractive summarization is becoming increasingly attractive. However, most of them ignore the coherence of summaries when extracting sentences. As an effort towards extracting coherent summaries, we propose a neural coherence model to capture the cross-sentence semantic and syntactic coherence patterns. The proposed neural coherence model obviates the need for feature engineering and can be trained in an end-to-end fashion using unlabeled data. Empirical results show that the proposed neural coherence model can efficiently capture the cross-sentence coherence patterns. Using the combined output of the neural coherence model and ROUGE package as the reward, we design a reinforcement learning method to train a proposed neural extractive summarizer which is named Reinforced Neural Extractive Summarization (RNES) model. The RNES model learns to optimize coherence and informative importance of the summary simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed RNES outperforms existing baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance in term of ROUGE on CNN/Daily Mail dataset. The qualitative evaluation indicates that summaries produced by RNES are more coherent and readable.
[ "Feature Engineering", "Text Summarization" ]
[ "CNN / Daily Mail (Anonymized)" ]
[ "ROUGE-L", "ROUGE-1", "ROUGE-2" ]
Learning to Extract Coherent Summary via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Conversational emotion recognition (CER) has attracted increasing interests in the natural language processing (NLP) community. Different from the vanilla emotion recognition, effective speaker-sensitive utterance representation is one major challenge for CER. In this paper, we exploit speaker identification (SI) as an auxiliary task to enhance the utterance representation in conversations. By this method, we can learn better speaker-aware contextual representations from the additional SI corpus. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed architecture is highly effective for CER, obtaining new state-of-the-art results on two datasets.
[ "Emotion Recognition in Conversation", "Multi-Task Learning", "Speaker Identification" ]
[ "MELD", "EmoryNLP" ]
[ "Weighted Macro-F1" ]
Multi-Task Learning with Auxiliary Speaker Identification for Conversational Emotion Recognition
Coreference resolution systems are typically trained with heuristic loss functions that require careful tuning. In this paper we instead apply reinforcement learning to directly optimize a neural mention-ranking model for coreference evaluation metrics. We experiment with two approaches: the REINFORCE policy gradient algorithm and a reward-rescaled max-margin objective. We find the latter to be more effective, resulting in significant improvements over the current state-of-the-art on the English and Chinese portions of the CoNLL 2012 Shared Task.
[ "Coreference Resolution" ]
[ "OntoNotes" ]
[ "F1" ]
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mention-Ranking Coreference Models
Semantic parses are directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), so semantic parsing should be modeled as graph prediction. But predicting graphs presents difficult technical challenges, so it is simpler and more common to predict the linearized graphs found in semantic parsing datasets using well-understood sequence models. The cost of this simplicity is that the predicted strings may not be well-formed graphs. We present recurrent neural network DAG grammars, a graph-aware sequence model that ensures only well-formed graphs while sidestepping many difficulties in graph prediction. We test our model on the Parallel Meaning Bank---a multilingual semantic graphbank. Our approach yields competitive results in English and establishes the first results for German, Italian and Dutch.
[ "DRS Parsing", "Semantic Parsing" ]
[ "PMB-2.2.0" ]
[ "F1" ]
Semantic Graph Parsing with Recurrent Neural Network DAG Grammars
Fine-Grained Visual Classification (FGVC) datasets contain small sample sizes, along with significant intra-class variation and inter-class similarity. While prior work has addressed intra-class variation using localization and segmentation techniques, inter-class similarity may also affect feature learning and reduce classification performance. In this work, we address this problem using a novel optimization procedure for the end-to-end neural network training on FGVC tasks. Our procedure, called Pairwise Confusion (PC) reduces overfitting by intentionally {introducing confusion} in the activations. With PC regularization, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on six of the most widely-used FGVC datasets and demonstrate improved localization ability. {PC} is easy to implement, does not need excessive hyperparameter tuning during training, and does not add significant overhead during test time.
[ "Fine-Grained Image Classification" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "Oxford 102 Flowers", "CUB-200-2011", "Stanford Dogs", "Stanford Cars", "NABirds" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
We present our submission to the IWCS 2019 shared task on semantic parsing, a transition-based parser that uses explicit word-meaning pairings, but no explicit representation of syntax. Parsing decisions are made based on vector representations of parser states, encoded via stack-LSTMs (Ballesteros et al., 2017), as well as some heuristic rules. Our system reaches 70.88{\%} f-score in the competition.
[ "DRS Parsing", "Semantic Parsing" ]
[ "PMB-2.2.0" ]
[ "F1" ]
Transition-based DRS Parsing Using Stack-LSTMs
We aim to divide the problem space of fine-grained recognition into some specific regions. To achieve this, we develop a unified framework based on a mixture of experts. Due to limited data available for the fine-grained recognition problem, it is not feasible to learn diverse experts by using a data division strategy. To tackle the problem, we promote diversity among experts by combing an expert gradually-enhanced learning strategy and a Kullback-Leibler divergence based constraint. The strategy learns new experts on the dataset with the prior knowledge from former experts and adds them to the model sequentially, while the introduced constraint forces the experts to produce diverse prediction distribution. These drive the experts to learn the task from different aspects, making them specialized in different subspace problems. Experiments show that the resulting model improves the classification performance and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on several fine-grained benchmark datasets.
[ "Fine-Grained Image Classification" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "Stanford Cars", "NABirds" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Learning a Mixture of Granularity-Specific Experts for Fine-Grained Categorization
The main requisite for fine-grained recognition task is to focus on subtle discriminative details that make the subordinate classes different from each other. We note that existing methods implicitly address this requirement and leave it to a data-driven pipeline to figure out what makes a subordinate class different from the others. This results in two major limitations: First, the network focuses on the most obvious distinctions between classes and overlooks more subtle inter-class variations. Second, the chance of misclassifying a given sample in any of the negative classes is considered equal, while in fact, confusions generally occur among only the most similar classes. Here, we propose to explicitly force the network to find the subtle differences among closely related classes. In this pursuit, we introduce two key novelties that can be easily plugged into existing end-to-end deep learning pipelines. On one hand, we introduce diversification block which masks the most salient features for an input to force the network to use more subtle cues for its correct classification. Concurrently, we introduce a gradient-boosting loss function that focuses only on the confusing classes for each sample and therefore moves swiftly along the direction on the loss surface that seeks to resolve these ambiguities. The synergy between these two blocks helps the network to learn more effective feature representations. Comprehensive experiments are performed on five challenging datasets. Our approach outperforms existing methods using similar experimental setting on all five datasets.
[ "Fine-Grained Image Classification" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "Stanford Dogs", "Stanford Cars", "FGVC Aircraft" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Fine-grained Recognition: Accounting for Subtle Differences between Similar Classes
Supervised relation extraction methods based on deep neural network play an important role in the recent information extraction field. However, at present, their performance still fails to reach a good level due to the existence of complicated relations. On the other hand, recently proposed pre-trained language models (PLMs) have achieved great success in multiple tasks of natural language processing through fine-tuning when combined with the model of downstream tasks. However, original standard tasks of PLM do not include the relation extraction task yet. We believe that PLMs can also be used to solve the relation extraction problem, but it is necessary to establish a specially designed downstream task model or even loss function for dealing with complicated relations. In this paper, a new network architecture with a special loss function is designed to serve as a downstream model of PLMs for supervised relation extraction. Experiments have shown that our method significantly exceeded the current optimal baseline models across multiple public datasets of relation extraction.
[ "Language Modelling", "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "SemEval-2010 Task 8" ]
[ "F1" ]
Downstream Model Design of Pre-trained Language Model for Relation Extraction Task
Enabling effective and efficient machine learning (ML) over large-scale graph data (e.g., graphs with billions of edges) can have a huge impact on both industrial and scientific applications. However, community efforts to advance large-scale graph ML have been severely limited by the lack of a suitable public benchmark. For KDD Cup 2021, we present OGB Large-Scale Challenge (OGB-LSC), a collection of three real-world datasets for advancing the state-of-the-art in large-scale graph ML. OGB-LSC provides graph datasets that are orders of magnitude larger than existing ones and covers three core graph learning tasks -- link prediction, graph regression, and node classification. Furthermore, OGB-LSC provides dedicated baseline experiments, scaling up expressive graph ML models to the massive datasets. We show that the expressive models significantly outperform simple scalable baselines, indicating an opportunity for dedicated efforts to further improve graph ML at scale. Our datasets and baseline code are released and maintained as part of our OGB initiative (Hu et al., 2020). We hope OGB-LSC at KDD Cup 2021 can empower the community to discover innovative solutions for large-scale graph ML.
[ "Graph Learning", "Graph Regression", "Link Prediction", "Node Classification", "Regression" ]
[ "MAG240M-LSC", "WikiKG90M-LSC", "PCQM4M-LSC" ]
[ "Validation MAE", "Test Accuracy", "Test MAE", "Test MRR", "Validation MRR", "Validation Accuracy" ]
OGB-LSC: A Large-Scale Challenge for Machine Learning on Graphs
Single-view depth estimation using CNNs trained from unlabelled videos has shown significant promise. However, the excellent results have mostly been obtained in street-scene driving scenarios, and such methods often fail in other settings, particularly indoor videos taken by handheld devices, in which case the ego-motion is often degenerate, i.e., the rotation dominates the translation. In this work, we establish that the degenerate camera motions exhibited in handheld settings are a critical obstacle for unsupervised depth learning. A main contribution of our work is fundamental analysis which shows that the rotation behaves as noise during training, as opposed to the translation (baseline) which provides supervision signals. To capitalise on our findings, we propose a novel data pre-processing method for effective training, i.e., we search for image pairs with modest translation and remove their rotation via the proposed weak image rectification. With our pre-processing, existing unsupervised models can be trained well in challenging scenarios (e.g., NYUv2 dataset), and the results outperform the unsupervised SOTA by a large margin (0.147 vs. 0.189 in the AbsRel error).
[ "Depth Estimation", "Monocular Depth Estimation", "Rectification", "Self-Supervised Learning" ]
[ "NYU-Depth V2" ]
[ "RMSE" ]
Unsupervised Depth Learning in Challenging Indoor Video: Weak Rectification to Rescue
This paper presents two variations of architecture referred to as RANet and BIRANet. The proposed architecture aims to use radar signal data along with RGB camera images to form a robust detection network that works efficiently, even in variable lighting and weather conditions such as rain, dust, fog, and others. First, radar information is fused in the feature extractor network. Second, radar points are used to generate guided anchors. Third, a method is proposed to improve region proposal network targets. BIRANet yields 72.3/75.3% average AP/AR on the NuScenes dataset, which is better than the performance of our base network Faster-RCNN with Feature pyramid network(FFPN). RANet gives 69.6/71.9% average AP/AR on the same dataset, which is reasonably acceptable performance. Also, both BIRANet and RANet are evaluated to be robust towards the noise.
[ "2D Object Detection", "Autonomous Vehicles", "Object Detection", "Region Proposal", "Robust Object Detection", "Sensor Fusion" ]
[ "nuScenes" ]
[ "AR(m)", "AP(m)", "AR(s)", "MAP", "AP(s)", "AP75", "AP85", "AR(l)", "AP50", "AP(l)", "AR" ]
Radar+RGB Attentive Fusion for Robust Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
In this paper, we are concerned with the detection of a particular type of objects with extreme aspect ratios, namely slender objects. In real-world scenarios as well as widely-used datasets (such as COCO), slender objects are actually very common. However, this type of object has been largely overlooked by previous object detection algorithms. Upon our investigation, for a classical object detection method, a drastic drop of 18.9% mAP on COCO is observed, if solely evaluated on slender objects. Therefore, We systematically study the problem of slender object detection in this work. Accordingly, an analytical framework with carefully designed benchmark and evaluation protocols is established, in which different algorithms and modules can be inspected and compared. Our key findings include: 1) the essential role of anchors in label assignment; 2) the descriptive capability of the 2-point representation; 3) the crucial strategies for improving the detection of slender objects and regular objects. Our work identifies and extends the insights of existing methods that are previously underexploited. Furthermore, we propose a feature adaption strategy that achieves clear and consistent improvements over current representative object detection methods. In particular, a natural and effective extension of the center prior, which leads to a significant improvement on slender objects, is devised. We believe this work opens up new opportunities and calibrates ablation standards for future research in the field of object detection.
[ "Object Detection" ]
[ "COCO+" ]
[ "mAR (COCO+ XS)" ]
Slender Object Detection: Diagnoses and Improvements
The goal of few-shot learning is to classify unseen categories with few labeled samples. Recently, the low-level information metric-learning based methods have achieved satisfying performance, since local representations (LRs) are more consistent between seen and unseen classes. However, most of these methods deal with each category in the support set independently, which is not sufficient to measure the relation between features, especially in a certain task. Moreover, the low-level information-based metric learning method suffers when dominant objects of different scales exist in a complex background. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel Multi-scale Adaptive Task Attention Network (MATANet) for few-shot learning. Specifically, we first use a multi-scale feature generator to generate multiple features at different scales. Then, an adaptive task attention module is proposed to select the most important LRs among the entire task. Afterwards, a similarity-to-class module and a fusion layer are utilized to calculate a joint multi-scale similarity between the query image and the support set. Extensive experiments on popular benchmarks clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed MATANet compared with state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Few-Shot Image Classification", "Few-Shot Learning", "Metric Learning" ]
[ "Stanford Dogs 5-way (5-shot)", "CUB-200-2011 5-way (5-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (1-shot)", "Stanford Cars 5-way (1-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (5-shot)", "CUB-200-2011 5-way (1-shot)", "Stanford Cars 5-way (5-shot)", "Stanford Dogs 5-way (1-shot)" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Multi-scale Adaptive Task Attention Network for Few-Shot Learning
In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for the task of entity-relation extraction. We cast the task as a multi-turn question answering problem, i.e., the extraction of entities and relations is transformed to the task of identifying answer spans from the context. This multi-turn QA formalization comes with several key advantages: firstly, the question query encodes important information for the entity/relation class we want to identify; secondly, QA provides a natural way of jointly modeling entity and relation; and thirdly, it allows us to exploit the well developed machine reading comprehension (MRC) models. Experiments on the ACE and the CoNLL04 corpora demonstrate that the proposed paradigm significantly outperforms previous best models. We are able to obtain the state-of-the-art results on all of the ACE04, ACE05 and CoNLL04 datasets, increasing the SOTA results on the three datasets to 49.4 (+1.0), 60.2 (+0.6) and 68.9 (+2.1), respectively. Additionally, we construct a newly developed dataset RESUME in Chinese, which requires multi-step reasoning to construct entity dependencies, as opposed to the single-step dependency extraction in the triplet exaction in previous datasets. The proposed multi-turn QA model also achieves the best performance on the RESUME dataset.
[ "Machine Reading Comprehension", "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension", "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "CoNLL04", "ACE 2005", "ACE 2004" ]
[ "Sentence Encoder", "NER Micro F1", "RE+ Micro F1" ]
Entity-Relation Extraction as Multi-Turn Question Answering
We propose a self-supervised spatiotemporal learning technique which leverages the chronological order of videos. Our method can learn the spatiotemporal representation of the video by predicting the order of shuffled clips from the video. The category of the video is not required, which gives our technique the potential to take advantage of infinite unannotated videos. There exist related works which use frames, while compared to frames, clips are more consistent with the video dynamics. Clips can help to reduce the uncertainty of orders and are more appropriate to learn a video representation. The 3D convolutional neural networks are utilized to extract features for clips, and these features are processed to predict the actual order. The learned representations are evaluated via nearest neighbor retrieval experiments. We also use the learned networks as the pre-trained models and finetune them on the action recognition task. Three types of 3D convolutional neural networks are tested in experiments, and we gain large improvements compared to existing self-supervised methods.
[ "Action Recognition", "Self-Supervised Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB51" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "Pre-Training Dataset", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Self-Supervised Spatiotemporal Learning via Video Clip Order Prediction
We contribute HAA500, a manually annotated human-centric atomic action dataset for action recognition on 500 classes with over 591k labeled frames. Unlike existing atomic action datasets, where coarse-grained atomic actions were labeled with action-verbs, e.g., "Throw", HAA500 contains fine-grained atomic actions where only consistent actions fall under the same label, e.g., "Baseball Pitching" vs "Free Throw in Basketball", to minimize ambiguities in action classification. HAA500 has been carefully curated to capture the movement of human figures with less spatio-temporal label noises to greatly enhance the training of deep neural networks. The advantages of HAA500 include: 1) human-centric actions with a high average of 69.7% detectable joints for the relevant human poses; 2) each video captures the essential elements of an atomic action without irrelevant frames; 3) fine-grained atomic action classes. Our extensive experiments validate the benefits of human-centric and atomic characteristics of HAA, which enables the trained model to improve prediction by attending to atomic human poses. We detail the HAA500 dataset statistics and collection methodology, and compare quantitatively with existing action recognition datasets.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Classification ", "Action Recognition" ]
[ "HAA500" ]
[ "Top-1 (%)" ]
HAA500: Human-Centric Atomic Action Dataset with Curated Videos
The paper presents a novel method of finding a fragment in a long temporal sequence similar to the set of shorter sequences. We are the first to propose an algorithm for such a search that does not rely on computing the average sequence from query examples. Instead, we use query examples as is, utilizing all of them simultaneously. The introduced method based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) technique is suited explicitly for few-shot query-by-example retrieval tasks. We evaluate it on two different few-shot problems from the field of Natural Language Processing. The results show it either outperforms baselines and previous approaches or achieves comparable results when a low number of examples is available.
[ "Semantic Retrieval" ]
[ "Contract Discovery" ]
[ "Soft-F1" ]
Dynamic Boundary Time Warping for Sub-sequence Matching with Few Examples
Clauses and sentences rarely stand on their own in an actual discourse; rather, the relationship between them carries important information that allows the discourse to express a meaning as a whole beyond the sum of its individual parts. Rhetorical analysis seeks to uncover this coherence structure. In this article, we present CODRA— a COmplete probabilistic Discriminative framework for performing Rhetorical Analysis in accordance with Rhetorical Structure Theory, which posits a tree representation of a discourse. CODRA comprises a discourse segmenter and a discourse parser. First, the discourse segmenter, which is based on a binary classifier, identifies the elementary discourse units in a given text. Then the discourse parser builds a discourse tree by applying an optimal parsing algorithm to probabilities inferred from two Conditional Random Fields: one for intra-sentential parsing and the other for multi-sentential parsing. We present two approaches to combine these two stages of parsing effectively. By conducting a series of empirical evaluations over two different data sets, we demonstrate that CODRA significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art, often by a wide margin. We also show that a reranking of the k-best parse hypotheses generated by CODRA can potentially improve the accuracy even further
[ "Discourse Parsing" ]
[ "RST-DT" ]
[ "RST-Parseval (Relation)", "RST-Parseval (Span)", "RST-Parseval (Nuclearity)" ]
Two-stage Discourse Parser with a Sliding Window
Discourse parsing is an integral part of understanding information flow and argumentative structure in documents. Most previous research has focused on inducing and evaluating models from the English RST Discourse Treebank. However, discourse treebanks for other languages exist, including Spanish, German, Basque, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese. The treebanks share the same underlying linguistic theory, but differ slightly in the way documents are annotated. In this paper, we present (a) a new discourse parser which is simpler, yet competitive (significantly better on 2/3 metrics) to state of the art for English, (b) a harmonization of discourse treebanks across languages, enabling us to present (c) what to the best of our knowledge are the first experiments on cross-lingual discourse parsing.
[ "Discourse Parsing" ]
[ "RST-DT" ]
[ "RST-Parseval (Relation)", "RST-Parseval (Nuclearity)", "RST-Parseval (Span)", "RST-Parseval (Full)" ]
Cross-lingual RST Discourse Parsing
Current state-of-the-art approaches to skeleton-based action recognition are mostly based on recurrent neural networks (RNN). In this paper, we propose a novel convolutional neural networks (CNN) based framework for both action classification and detection. Raw skeleton coordinates as well as skeleton motion are fed directly into CNN for label prediction. A novel skeleton transformer module is designed to rearrange and select important skeleton joints automatically. With a simple 7-layer network, we obtain 89.3% accuracy on validation set of the NTU RGB+D dataset. For action detection in untrimmed videos, we develop a window proposal network to extract temporal segment proposals, which are further classified within the same network. On the recent PKU-MMD dataset, we achieve 93.7% mAP, surpassing the baseline by a large margin.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Classification ", "Action Detection", "Action Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D", "PKU-MMD" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)", "[email protected] (CV)", "[email protected] (CS)" ]
Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
We present an efficient method for the semi-supervised video object segmentation. Our method achieves accuracy competitive with state-of-the-art methods while running in a fraction of time compared to others. To this end, we propose a deep Siamese encoder-decoder network that is designed to take advantage of mask propagation and object detection while avoiding the weaknesses of both approaches. Our network, learned through a two-stage training process that exploits both synthetic and real data, works robustly without any online learning or post-processing. We validate our method on four benchmark sets that cover single and multiple object segmentation. On all the benchmark sets, our method shows comparable accuracy while having the order of magnitude faster runtime. We also provide extensive ablation and add-on studies to analyze and evaluate our framework.
[ "Object Detection", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation", "Visual Object Tracking" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)", "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Fast Video Object Segmentation by Reference-Guided Mask Propagation
For the segmentation of moving objects in videos, the analysis of long-term point trajectories has been very popular recently. In this paper, we formulate the segmentation of a video sequence based on point trajectories as a minimum cost multicut problem. Unlike the commonly used spectral clustering formulation, the minimum cost multicut formulation gives natural rise to optimize not only for a cluster assignment but also for the number of clusters while allowing for varying cluster sizes. In this setup, we provide a method to create a long-term point trajectory graph with attractive and repulsive binary terms and outperform state-of-the-art methods based on spectral clustering on the FBMS-59 dataset and on the motion subtask of the VSB100 dataset.
[ "Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Motion Trajectory Segmentation via Minimum Cost Multicuts
In this paper, we present a fast and strong neural approach for general purpose text matching applications. We explore what is sufficient to build a fast and well-performed text matching model and propose to keep three key features available for inter-sequence alignment: original point-wise features, previous aligned features, and contextual features while simplifying all the remaining components. We conduct experiments on four well-studied benchmark datasets across tasks of natural language inference, paraphrase identification and answer selection. The performance of our model is on par with the state-of-the-art on all datasets with much fewer parameters and the inference speed is at least 6 times faster compared with similarly performed ones.
[ "Answer Selection", "Natural Language Inference", "Paraphrase Identification", "Question Answering", "Text Matching" ]
[ "SciTail", "SNLI", "Quora Question Pairs", "WikiQA" ]
[ "% Test Accuracy", "MAP", "Parameters", "MRR", "Accuracy", "% Train Accuracy" ]
Simple and Effective Text Matching with Richer Alignment Features
In this paper, we describe two systems we developed for the three tracks we have participated in the BEA-2019 GEC Shared Task. We investigate competitive classification models with bi-directional recurrent neural networks (Bi-RNN) and neural machine translation (NMT) models. For different tracks, we use ensemble systems to selectively combine the NMT models, the classification models, and some rules, and demonstrate that an ensemble solution can effectively improve GEC performance over single systems. Our GEC systems ranked the first in the Unrestricted Track, and the third in both the Restricted Track and the Low Resource Track.
[ "Grammatical Error Correction", "Machine Translation" ]
[ "BEA-2019 (test)" ]
[ "F0.5" ]
The LAIX Systems in the BEA-2019 GEC Shared Task
We introduce Interpolation Consistency Training (ICT), a simple and computation efficient algorithm for training Deep Neural Networks in the semi-supervised learning paradigm. ICT encourages the prediction at an interpolation of unlabeled points to be consistent with the interpolation of the predictions at those points. In classification problems, ICT moves the decision boundary to low-density regions of the data distribution. Our experiments show that ICT achieves state-of-the-art performance when applied to standard neural network architectures on the CIFAR-10 and SVHN benchmark datasets. Our theoretical analysis shows that ICT corresponds to a certain type of data-adaptive regularization with unlabeled points which reduces overfitting to labeled points under high confidence values.
[ "Semi-Supervised Image Classification" ]
[ "CIFAR-10, 2000 Labels", "CIFAR-10, 4000 Labels", "SVHN, 1000 labels", "CIFAR-10, 1000 Labels" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Interpolation Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Learning
This paper proposes a new neural architecture for collaborative ranking with implicit feedback. Our model, LRML (\textit{Latent Relational Metric Learning}) is a novel metric learning approach for recommendation. More specifically, instead of simple push-pull mechanisms between user and item pairs, we propose to learn latent relations that describe each user item interaction. This helps to alleviate the potential geometric inflexibility of existing metric learing approaches. This enables not only better performance but also a greater extent of modeling capability, allowing our model to scale to a larger number of interactions. In order to do so, we employ a augmented memory module and learn to attend over these memory blocks to construct latent relations. The memory-based attention module is controlled by the user-item interaction, making the learned relation vector specific to each user-item pair. Hence, this can be interpreted as learning an exclusive and optimal relational translation for each user-item interaction. The proposed architecture demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance across multiple recommendation benchmarks. LRML outperforms other metric learning models by $6\%-7.5\%$ in terms of Hits@10 and nDCG@10 on large datasets such as Netflix and MovieLens20M. Moreover, qualitative studies also demonstrate evidence that our proposed model is able to infer and encode explicit sentiment, temporal and attribute information despite being only trained on implicit feedback. As such, this ascertains the ability of LRML to uncover hidden relational structure within implicit datasets.
[ "Collaborative Ranking", "Metric Learning", "Recommendation Systems" ]
[ "MovieLens 1M", "MovieLens 20M", "Netflix" ]
[ "nDCG@10", "HR@10" ]
Latent Relational Metric Learning via Memory-based Attention for Collaborative Ranking
Interest in emotion recognition in conversations (ERC) has been increasing in various fields, because it can be used to analyze user behaviors and detect fake news. Many recent ERC methods use graph-based neural networks to take the relationships between the utterances of the speakers into account. In particular, the state-of-the-art method considers self- and inter-speaker dependencies in conversations by using relational graph attention networks (RGAT). However, graph-based neural networks do not take sequential information into account. In this paper, we propose relational position encodings that provide RGAT with sequential information reflecting the relational graph structure. Accordingly, our RGAT model can capture both the speaker dependency and the sequential information. Experiments on four ERC datasets show that our model is beneficial to recognizing emotions expressed in conversations. In addition, our approach empirically outperforms the state-of-the-art on all of the benchmark datasets.
[ "Emotion Recognition", "Emotion Recognition in Conversation" ]
[ "IEMOCAP", "MELD", "EmoryNLP", "DailyDialog" ]
[ "Weighted Macro-F1", "F1", "Micro-F1" ]
Relation-aware Graph Attention Networks with Relational Position Encodings for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
We consider the task of 3D joints location and orientation prediction from a monocular video with the skinned multi-person linear (SMPL) model. We first infer 2D joints locations with an off-the-shelf pose estimation algorithm. We use the SPIN algorithm and estimate initial predictions of body pose, shape and camera parameters from a deep regression neural network. We then adhere to the SMPLify algorithm which receives those initial parameters, and optimizes them so that inferred 3D joints from the SMPL model would fit the 2D joints locations. This algorithm involves a projection step of 3D joints to the 2D image plane. The conventional approach is to follow weak perspective assumptions which use ad-hoc focal length. Through experimentation on the 3D Poses in the Wild (3DPW) dataset, we show that using full perspective projection, with the correct camera center and an approximated focal length, provides favorable results. Our algorithm has resulted in a winning entry for the 3DPW Challenge, reaching first place in joints orientation accuracy.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation", "Regression" ]
[ "3D Poses in the Wild Challenge" ]
[ "MPJPE", "MPJAE" ]
Beyond Weak Perspective for Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation
Contrastive learning has nearly closed the gap between supervised and self-supervised learning of image representations. Existing extensions of contrastive learning to the domain of video data however do not explicitly attempt to represent the internal distinctiveness across the temporal dimension of video clips. We develop a new temporal contrastive learning framework consisting of two novel losses to improve upon existing contrastive self-supervised video representation learning methods. The first loss adds the task of discriminating between non-overlapping clips from the same video, whereas the second loss aims to discriminate between timesteps of the feature map of an input clip in order to increase the temporal diversity of the features. Temporal contrastive learning achieves significant improvement over the state-of-the-art results in downstream video understanding tasks such as action recognition, limited-label action classification, and nearest-neighbor video retrieval on video datasets across multiple 3D CNN architectures. With the commonly used 3D-ResNet-18 architecture, we achieve 82.4% (+5.1% increase over the previous best) top-1 accuracy on UCF101 and 52.9% (+5.4% increase) on HMDB51 action classification, and 56.2% (+11.7% increase) Top-1 Recall on UCF101 nearest neighbor video retrieval.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Classification ", "Action Recognition", "Representation Learning", "Self-Supervised Action Recognition", "Self-Supervised Learning", "Self-supervised Video Retrieval", "Video Retrieval", "Video Understanding" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB51" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "Pre-Training Dataset", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
TCLR: Temporal Contrastive Learning for Video Representation
We capitalize on large amounts of unlabeled video in order to learn a model of scene dynamics for both video recognition tasks (e.g. action classification) and video generation tasks (e.g. future prediction). We propose a generative adversarial network for video with a spatio-temporal convolutional architecture that untangles the scene's foreground from the background. Experiments suggest this model can generate tiny videos up to a second at full frame rate better than simple baselines, and we show its utility at predicting plausible futures of static images. Moreover, experiments and visualizations show the model internally learns useful features for recognizing actions with minimal supervision, suggesting scene dynamics are a promising signal for representation learning. We believe generative video models can impact many applications in video understanding and simulation.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Classification ", "Future prediction", "Representation Learning", "Self-Supervised Action Recognition", "Video Generation", "Video Recognition", "Video Understanding" ]
[ "UCF-101 16 frames, 64x64, Unconditional", "UCF101", "UCF-101 16 frames, Unconditional, Single GPU" ]
[ "Inception Score", "3-fold Accuracy", "Pre-Training Dataset" ]
Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics
Unseen Action Recognition (UAR) aims to recognise novel action categories without training examples. While previous methods focus on inner-dataset seen/unseen splits, this paper proposes a pipeline using a large-scale training source to achieve a Universal Representation (UR) that can generalise to a more realistic Cross-Dataset UAR (CD-UAR) scenario. We first address UAR as a Generalised Multiple-Instance Learning (GMIL) problem and discover 'building-blocks' from the large-scale ActivityNet dataset using distribution kernels. Essential visual and semantic components are preserved in a shared space to achieve the UR that can efficiently generalise to new datasets. Predicted UR exemplars can be improved by a simple semantic adaptation, and then an unseen action can be directly recognised using UR during the test. Without further training, extensive experiments manifest significant improvements over the UCF101 and HMDB51 benchmarks.
[ "Action Recognition", "Multiple Instance Learning", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB-51", "ActivityNet" ]
[ "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "mAP", "3-fold Accuracy" ]
Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition
Text recognition has attracted considerable research interests because of its various applications. The cutting-edge text recognition methods are based on attention mechanisms. However, most of attention methods usually suffer from serious alignment problem due to its recurrency alignment operation, where the alignment relies on historical decoding results. To remedy this issue, we propose a decoupled attention network (DAN), which decouples the alignment operation from using historical decoding results. DAN is an effective, flexible and robust end-to-end text recognizer, which consists of three components: 1) a feature encoder that extracts visual features from the input image; 2) a convolutional alignment module that performs the alignment operation based on visual features from the encoder; and 3) a decoupled text decoder that makes final prediction by jointly using the feature map and attention maps. Experimental results show that DAN achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple text recognition tasks, including offline handwritten text recognition and regular/irregular scene text recognition.
[ "Scene Text", "Scene Text Recognition" ]
[ "ICDAR2013", "ICDAR2015", "ICDAR 2003", "SVT" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Decoupled Attention Network for Text Recognition
We seek to understand the arrow of time in videos -- what makes videos look like they are playing forwards or backwards? Can we visualize the cues? Can the arrow of time be a supervisory signal useful for activity analysis? To this end, we build three large-scale video datasets and apply a learning-based approach to these tasks. To learn the arrow of time efficiently and reliably, we design a ConvNet suitable for extended temporal footprints and for class activation visualization, and study the effect of artificial cues, such as cinematographic conventions, on learning. Our trained model achieves state-of-the-art performance on large-scale real-world video datasets. Through cluster analysis and localization of important regions for the prediction, we examine learned visual cues that are consistent among many samples and show when and where they occur. Lastly, we use the trained ConvNet for two applications: self-supervision for action recognition, and video forensics -- determining whether Hollywood film clips have been deliberately reversed in time, often used as special effects.
[ "Action Recognition", "Self-Supervised Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization", "Video Forensics" ]
[ "UCF101" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "Pre-Training Dataset" ]
Learning and Using the Arrow of Time
Most state-of-the-art semi-supervised video object segmentation methods rely on a pixel-accurate mask of a target object provided for the first frame of a video. However, obtaining a detailed segmentation mask is expensive and time-consuming. In this work we explore an alternative way of identifying a target object, namely by employing language referring expressions. Besides being a more practical and natural way of pointing out a target object, using language specifications can help to avoid drift as well as make the system more robust to complex dynamics and appearance variations. Leveraging recent advances of language grounding models designed for images, we propose an approach to extend them to video data, ensuring temporally coherent predictions. To evaluate our method we augment the popular video object segmentation benchmarks, DAVIS'16 and DAVIS'17 with language descriptions of target objects. We show that our language-supervised approach performs on par with the methods which have access to a pixel-level mask of the target object on DAVIS'16 and is competitive to methods using scribbles on the challenging DAVIS'17 dataset.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2016", "DAVIS-2017" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "mIoU", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Video Object Segmentation with Language Referring Expressions
Text-level discourse parsing remains a challenge. The current state-of-the-art overall accuracy in relation assignment is 55.73%, achieved by Joty et al. (2013). However, their model has a high order of time complexity, and thus cannot be applied in practice. In this work, we develop a much faster model whose time complexity is linear in the number of sentences. Our model adopts a greedy bottom-up approach, with two linear-chain CRFs applied in cascade as local classifiers. To enhance the accuracy of the pipeline, we add additional constraints in the Viterbi decoding of the first CRF. In addition to efficiency, our parser also significantly outperforms the state of the art. Moreover, our novel approach of post-editing, which modifies a fully-built tree by considering information from constituents on upper levels, can further improve the accuracy.
[ "Discourse Parsing" ]
[ "RST-DT" ]
[ "RST-Parseval (Relation)", "RST-Parseval (Span)", "RST-Parseval (Nuclearity)" ]
A Linear-Time Bottom-Up Discourse Parser with Constraints and Post-Editing
The common approach to 3D human pose estimation is predicting the body joint coordinates relative to the hip. This works well for a single person but is insufficient in the case of multiple interacting people. Methods predicting absolute coordinates first estimate a root-relative pose then calculate the translation via a secondary optimization task. We propose a neural network that predicts joints in a camera centered coordinate system instead of a root-relative one. Unlike previous methods, our network works in a single step without any post-processing. Our network beats previous methods on the MuPoTS-3D dataset and achieves state-of-the-art results.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Depth Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "MuPoTS-3D" ]
[ "MPJPE" ]
Absolute Human Pose Estimation with Depth Prediction Network
In this paper, we propose a deep neural network architecture for object recognition based on recurrent neural networks. The proposed network, called ReNet, replaces the ubiquitous convolution+pooling layer of the deep convolutional neural network with four recurrent neural networks that sweep horizontally and vertically in both directions across the image. We evaluate the proposed ReNet on three widely-used benchmark datasets; MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN. The result suggests that ReNet is a viable alternative to the deep convolutional neural network, and that further investigation is needed.
[ "Image Classification", "Object Recognition" ]
[ "SVHN", "MNIST", "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Percentage error", "Percentage correct" ]
ReNet: A Recurrent Neural Network Based Alternative to Convolutional Networks
Face recognition has evolved as a prominent biometric authentication modality. However, vulnerability to presentation attacks curtails its reliable deployment. Automatic detection of presentation attacks is essential for secure use of face recognition technology in unattended scenarios. In this work, we introduce a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based framework for presentation attack detection, with deep pixel-wise supervision. The framework uses only frame level information making it suitable for deployment in smart devices with minimal computational and time overhead. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in public datasets for both intra as well as cross-dataset experiments. The proposed approach achieves an HTER of 0% in Replay Mobile dataset and an ACER of 0.42% in Protocol-1 of OULU dataset outperforming state of the art methods.
[ "Face Anti-Spoofing", "Face Presentation Attack Detection", "Face Recognition" ]
[ "Replay Mobile" ]
[ "HTER" ]
Deep Pixel-wise Binary Supervision for Face Presentation Attack Detection
Majority of the text modelling techniques yield only point-estimates of document embeddings and lack in capturing the uncertainty of the estimates. These uncertainties give a notion of how well the embeddings represent a document. We present Bayesian subspace multinomial model (Bayesian SMM), a generative log-linear model that learns to represent documents in the form of Gaussian distributions, thereby encoding the uncertainty in its co-variance. Additionally, in the proposed Bayesian SMM, we address a commonly encountered problem of intractability that appears during variational inference in mixed-logit models. We also present a generative Gaussian linear classifier for topic identification that exploits the uncertainty in document embeddings. Our intrinsic evaluation using perplexity measure shows that the proposed Bayesian SMM fits the data better as compared to the state-of-the-art neural variational document model on Fisher speech and 20Newsgroups text corpora. Our topic identification experiments show that the proposed systems are robust to over-fitting on unseen test data. The topic ID results show that the proposed model is outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised topic models and achieve comparable results to the state-of-the-art fully supervised discriminative models.
[ "Topic Models", "Variational Inference" ]
[ "20 Newsgroups" ]
[ "Test perplexity" ]
Learning document embeddings along with their uncertainties
It has been widely proven that modelling long-range dependencies in fully convolutional networks (FCNs) via global aggregation modules is critical for complex scene understanding tasks such as semantic segmentation and object detection. However, global aggregation is often dominated by features of large patterns and tends to oversmooth regions that contain small patterns (e.g., boundaries and small objects). To resolve this problem, we propose to first use \emph{Global Aggregation} and then \emph{Local Distribution}, which is called GALD, where long-range dependencies are more confidently used inside large pattern regions and vice versa. The size of each pattern at each position is estimated in the network as a per-channel mask map. GALD is end-to-end trainable and can be easily plugged into existing FCNs with various global aggregation modules for a wide range of vision tasks, and consistently improves the performance of state-of-the-art object detection and instance segmentation approaches. In particular, GALD used in semantic segmentation achieves new state-of-the-art performance on Cityscapes test set with mIoU 83.3\%. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/lxtGH/GALD-Net}
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Object Detection", "Scene Understanding", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2007", "Cityscapes test" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "Mean IoU (class)" ]
Global Aggregation then Local Distribution in Fully Convolutional Networks
Recently, Frankle & Carbin (2019) demonstrated that randomly-initialized dense networks contain subnetworks that once found can be trained to reach test accuracy comparable to the trained dense network. However, finding these high performing trainable subnetworks is expensive, requiring iterative process of training and pruning weights. In this paper, we propose (and prove) a stronger Multi-Prize Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: A sufficiently over-parameterized neural network with random weights contains several subnetworks (winning tickets) that (a) have comparable accuracy to a dense target network with learned weights (prize 1), (b) do not require any further training to achieve prize 1 (prize 2), and (c) is robust to extreme forms of quantization (i.e., binary weights and/or activation) (prize 3). This provides a new paradigm for learning compact yet highly accurate binary neural networks simply by pruning and quantizing randomly weighted full precision neural networks. We also propose an algorithm for finding multi-prize tickets (MPTs) and test it by performing a series of experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Empirical results indicate that as models grow deeper and wider, multi-prize tickets start to reach similar (and sometimes even higher) test accuracy compared to their significantly larger and full-precision counterparts that have been weight-trained. Without ever updating the weight values, our MPTs-1/32 not only set new binary weight network state-of-the-art (SOTA) Top-1 accuracy -- 94.8% on CIFAR-10 and 74.03% on ImageNet -- but also outperform their full-precision counterparts by 1.78% and 0.76%, respectively. Further, our MPT-1/1 achieves SOTA Top-1 accuracy (91.9%) for binary neural networks on CIFAR-10. Code and pre-trained models are available at: https://github.com/chrundle/biprop.
[ "Quantization" ]
[ "ImageNet" ]
[ "Top-1" ]
Multi-Prize Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Accurate Binary Neural Networks by Pruning A Randomly Weighted Network
While building a text-to-speech system for the Arabic language, we found that the system synthesized speeches with many pronunciation errors. The primary source of these errors is the lack of diacritics in modern standard Arabic writing. These diacritics are small strokes that appear above or below each letter to provide pronunciation and grammatical information. We propose three deep learning models to recover Arabic text diacritics based on our work in a text-to-speech synthesis system using deep learning. The first model is a baseline model used to test how a simple deep learning model performs on the corpora. The second model is based on an encoder-decoder architecture, which resembles our text-to-speech synthesis model with many modifications to suit this problem. The last model is based on the encoder part of the text-to-speech model, which achieves state-of-the-art performances in both word error rate and diacritic error rate metrics. These models will benefit a wide range of natural language processing applications such as text-to-speech, part-of-speech tagging, and machine translation.
[ "Arabic Text Diacritization", "Machine Translation", "Part-Of-Speech Tagging", "Speech Synthesis", "Text-To-Speech Synthesis" ]
[ "Tashkeela" ]
[ "Diacritic Error Rate", "Word Error Rate (WER)" ]
Effective Deep Learning Models for Automatic Diacritization of Arabic Text
Visual Question Answering (VQA) models have struggled with counting objects in natural images so far. We identify a fundamental problem due to soft attention in these models as a cause. To circumvent this problem, we propose a neural network component that allows robust counting from object proposals. Experiments on a toy task show the effectiveness of this component and we obtain state-of-the-art accuracy on the number category of the VQA v2 dataset without negatively affecting other categories, even outperforming ensemble models with our single model. On a difficult balanced pair metric, the component gives a substantial improvement in counting over a strong baseline by 6.6%.
[ "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "VQA v2 test-std", "VQA v2 test-dev" ]
[ "overall", "Accuracy" ]
Learning to Count Objects in Natural Images for Visual Question Answering
Video object segmentation is challenging due to fast moving objects, deforming shapes, and cluttered backgrounds. Optical flow can be used to propagate an object segmentation over time but, unfortunately, flow is often inaccurate, particularly around object boundaries. Such boundaries are precisely where we want our segmentation to be accurate. To obtain accurate segmentation across time, we propose an efficient algorithm that considers video segmentation and optical flow estimation simultaneously. For video segmentation, we formulate a principled, multi-scale, spatio-temporal objective function that uses optical flow to propagate information between frames. For optical flow estimation, particularly at object boundaries, we compute the flow independently in the segmented regions and recompose the results. We call the process object flow and demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly optimizing optical flow and video segmentation using an iterative scheme. Experiments on the SegTrack v2 and Youtube-Objects datasets show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the other state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Optical Flow Estimation", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2016", "YouTube" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "mIoU", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Video Segmentation via Object Flow
We suggest a new idea of Editorial Network - a mixed extractive-abstractive summarization approach, which is applied as a post-processing step over a given sequence of extracted sentences. Our network tries to imitate the decision process of a human editor during summarization. Within such a process, each extracted sentence may be either kept untouched, rephrased or completely rejected. We further suggest an effective way for training the "editor" based on a novel soft-labeling approach. Using the CNN/DailyMail dataset we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to state-of-the-art extractive-only or abstractive-only baseline methods.
[ "Abstractive Text Summarization", "Document Summarization" ]
[ "CNN / Daily Mail" ]
[ "ROUGE-L", "ROUGE-1", "ROUGE-2" ]
An Editorial Network for Enhanced Document Summarization
Video Object Segmentation, and video processing in general, has been historically dominated by methods that rely on the temporal consistency and redundancy in consecutive video frames. When the temporal smoothness is suddenly broken, such as when an object is occluded, or some frames are missing in a sequence, the result of these methods can deteriorate significantly or they may not even produce any result at all. This paper explores the orthogonal approach of processing each frame independently, i.e disregarding the temporal information. In particular, it tackles the task of semi-supervised video object segmentation: the separation of an object from the background in a video, given its mask in the first frame. We present Semantic One-Shot Video Object Segmentation (OSVOS-S), based on a fully-convolutional neural network architecture that is able to successively transfer generic semantic information, learned on ImageNet, to the task of foreground segmentation, and finally to learning the appearance of a single annotated object of the test sequence (hence one shot). We show that instance level semantic information, when combined effectively, can dramatically improve the results of our previous method, OSVOS. We perform experiments on two recent video segmentation databases, which show that OSVOS-S is both the fastest and most accurate method in the state of the art.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)", "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Video Object Segmentation Without Temporal Information
This paper tackles the problem of video object segmentation, given some user annotation which indicates the object of interest. The problem is formulated as pixel-wise retrieval in a learned embedding space: we embed pixels of the same object instance into the vicinity of each other, using a fully convolutional network trained by a modified triplet loss as the embedding model. Then the annotated pixels are set as reference and the rest of the pixels are classified using a nearest-neighbor approach. The proposed method supports different kinds of user input such as segmentation mask in the first frame (semi-supervised scenario), or a sparse set of clicked points (interactive scenario). In the semi-supervised scenario, we achieve results competitive with the state of the art but at a fraction of computation cost (275 milliseconds per frame). In the interactive scenario where the user is able to refine their input iteratively, the proposed method provides instant response to each input, and reaches comparable quality to competing methods with much less interaction.
[ "Metric Learning", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation", "Visual Object Tracking" ]
[ "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Blazingly Fast Video Object Segmentation with Pixel-Wise Metric Learning
We propose a novel video object segmentation algorithm based on pixel-level matching using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Our network aims to distinguish the target area from the background on the basis of the pixel-level similarity between two object units. The proposed network represents a target object using features from different depth layers in order to take advantage of both the spatial details and the category-level semantic information. Furthermore, we propose a feature compression technique that drastically reduces the memory requirements while maintaining the capability of feature representation. Two-stage training (pre-training and fine-tuning) allows our network to handle any target object regardless of its category (even if the object's type does not belong to the pre-training data) or of variations in its appearance through a video sequence. Experiments on large datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model - against related methods - in terms of accuracy, speed, and stability. Finally, we introduce the transferability of our network to different domains, such as the infrared data domain.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation", "Visual Object Tracking" ]
[ "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Pixel-Level Matching for Video Object Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks
We present a novel approach to video segmentation using multiple object proposals. The problem is formulated as a minimization of a novel energy function defined over a fully connected graph of object proposals. Our model combines appearance with long-range point tracks, which is key to ensure robustness with respect to fast motion and occlusions over longer video sequences. As opposed to previous approaches based on object proposals, we do not seek the best per-frame object hypotheses to perform the segmentation. Instead, we combine multiple, potentially imperfect proposals to improve overall segmentation accuracy and ensure robustness to outliers. Overall, the basic algorithm consists of three steps. First, we generate a very large number of object proposals for each video frame using existing techniques. Next, we perform an SVM-based pruning step to retain only high quality proposals with sufficiently discriminative power. Finally, we determine the fore- and background classification by solving for the maximum a posteriori of a fully connected conditional random field, defined using our novel energy function. Experimental results on a well established dataset demonstrate that our method compares favorably to several recent state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Fully Connected Object Proposals for Video Segmentation
We propose a novel method for combining synthetic and real images when training networks to determine geometric information from a single image. We suggest a method for mapping both image types into a single, shared domain. This is connected to a primary network for end-to-end training. Ideally, this results in images from two domains that present shared information to the primary network. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements over the state-of-the-art in two important domains, surface normal estimation of human faces and monocular depth estimation for outdoor scenes, both in an unsupervised setting.
[ "Depth Estimation", "Monocular Depth Estimation", "Surface Normals Estimation", "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" ]
[ "Make3D", "KITTI Eigen split" ]
[ "RMSE log", "Delta < 1.25^2", "Sq Rel", "Delta < 1.25^3", "Abs Rel", "RMSE", "absolute relative error", "Delta < 1.25" ]
SharinGAN: Combining Synthetic and Real Data for Unsupervised Geometry Estimation
This paper addresses the problem of video object segmentation, where the initial object mask is given in the first frame of an input video. We propose a novel spatio-temporal Markov Random Field (MRF) model defined over pixels to handle this problem. Unlike conventional MRF models, the spatial dependencies among pixels in our model are encoded by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Specifically, for a given object, the probability of a labeling to a set of spatially neighboring pixels can be predicted by a CNN trained for this specific object. As a result, higher-order, richer dependencies among pixels in the set can be implicitly modeled by the CNN. With temporal dependencies established by optical flow, the resulting MRF model combines both spatial and temporal cues for tackling video object segmentation. However, performing inference in the MRF model is very difficult due to the very high-order dependencies. To this end, we propose a novel CNN-embedded algorithm to perform approximate inference in the MRF. This algorithm proceeds by alternating between a temporal fusion step and a feed-forward CNN step. When initialized with an appearance-based one-shot segmentation CNN, our model outperforms the winning entries of the DAVIS 2017 Challenge, without resorting to model ensembling or any dedicated detectors.
[ "One-Shot Segmentation", "Optical Flow Estimation", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)", "DAVIS 2016", "YouTube" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "mIoU", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
CNN in MRF: Video Object Segmentation via Inference in A CNN-Based Higher-Order Spatio-Temporal MRF
Question classification is the task of predicting the entity type of the answering sentence for a given question in natural language. It plays an important role in finding or constructing accurate answers and therefore helps to improve quality of automated question answering systems. Different lexical, syntactical and semantic features was extracted automatically from a question to serve the classification in previous studies. However, combining all those features doesn’t always give the best results for all types of questions. Different from previous studies, this paper focuses on the problem of how to extract and select efficient features adapting to each different types of question. We first propose a method of using a feature selection algorithm to determine appropriate features corresponding to different question types. Secondly, we design a new type of features, which is based on question patterns. We tested our proposed approach on the benchmark dataset TREC and using Support Vector Machines (SVM) for the classification algorithm. The experiment shows obtained results with the accuracies of 95.2% and 91.6% for coarse grain and fine grain data sets respectively, which are much better in comparison with the previous studies.
[ "Feature Selection", "Question Answering", "Text Classification" ]
[ "TREC-50" ]
[ "Error" ]
Improving Question Classification by Feature Extraction and Selection
The uptake of deep learning in natural language generation (NLG) led to the release of both small and relatively large parallel corpora for training neural models. The existing data-to-text datasets are, however, aimed at task-oriented dialogue systems, and often thus limited in diversity and versatility. They are typically crowdsourced, with much of the noise left in them. Moreover, current neural NLG models do not take full advantage of large training data, and due to their strong generalizing properties produce sentences that look template-like regardless. We therefore present a new corpus of 7K samples, which (1) is clean despite being crowdsourced, (2) has utterances of 9 generalizable and conversational dialogue act types, making it more suitable for open-domain dialogue systems, and (3) explores the domain of video games, which is new to dialogue systems despite having excellent potential for supporting rich conversations.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems", "Text Generation" ]
[ "ViGGO" ]
[ "BLEU" ]
ViGGO: A Video Game Corpus for Data-To-Text Generation in Open-Domain Conversation
JPEG is one of the most commonly used standards among lossy image compression methods. However, JPEG compression inevitably introduces various kinds of artifacts, especially at high compression rates, which could greatly affect the Quality of Experience (QoE). Recently, convolutional neural network (CNN) based methods have shown excellent performance for removing the JPEG artifacts. Lots of efforts have been made to deepen the CNNs and extract deeper features, while relatively few works pay attention to the receptive field of the network. In this paper, we illustrate that the quality of output images can be significantly improved by enlarging the receptive fields in many cases. One step further, we propose a Dual-domain Multi-scale CNN (DMCNN) to take full advantage of redundancies on both the pixel and DCT domains. Experiments show that DMCNN sets a new state-of-the-art for the task of JPEG artifact removal.
[ "Image Compression", "JPEG Artifact Correction", "JPEG Artifact Removal" ]
[ "ICB (Quality 10 Color)", "ICB (Quality 20 Color)", "ICB (Quality 20 Grayscale)", "ICB (Quality 10 Grayscale)" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR", "PSNR-B" ]
DMCNN: Dual-Domain Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Removal
Semi-supervised learning has been an effective paradigm for leveraging unlabeled data to reduce the reliance on labeled data. We propose CoMatch, a new semi-supervised learning method that unifies dominant approaches and addresses their limitations. CoMatch jointly learns two representations of the training data, their class probabilities and low-dimensional embeddings. The two representations interact with each other to jointly evolve. The embeddings impose a smoothness constraint on the class probabilities to improve the pseudo-labels, whereas the pseudo-labels regularize the structure of the embeddings through graph-based contrastive learning. CoMatch achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets. It achieves substantial accuracy improvements on the label-scarce CIFAR-10 and STL-10. On ImageNet with 1% labels, CoMatch achieves a top-1 accuracy of 66.0%, outperforming FixMatch by 12.6%. Furthermore, CoMatch achieves better representation learning performance on downstream tasks, outperforming both supervised learning and self-supervised learning. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/salesforce/CoMatch.
[ "Representation Learning", "Self-Supervised Learning", "Semi-Supervised Image Classification" ]
[ "CIFAR-10, 40 Labels", "ImageNet - 10% labeled data", "CIFAR-10, 80 Labels", "CIFAR-10, 20 Labels", "STL-10, 1000 Labels", "ImageNet - 1% labeled data" ]
[ "Percentage error", "Top 5 Accuracy", "Top 1 Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
CoMatch: Semi-supervised Learning with Contrastive Graph Regularization
Gaze behavior is an important non-verbal cue in social signal processing and human-computer interaction. In this paper, we tackle the problem of person- and head pose-independent 3D gaze estimation from remote cameras, using a multi-modal recurrent convolutional neural network (CNN). We propose to combine face, eyes region, and face landmarks as individual streams in a CNN to estimate gaze in still images. Then, we exploit the dynamic nature of gaze by feeding the learned features of all the frames in a sequence to a many-to-one recurrent module that predicts the 3D gaze vector of the last frame. Our multi-modal static solution is evaluated on a wide range of head poses and gaze directions, achieving a significant improvement of 14.6% over the state of the art on EYEDIAP dataset, further improved by 4% when the temporal modality is included.
[ "Gaze Estimation" ]
[ "EYEDIAP (floating target)", "EYEDIAP (screen target)" ]
[ "Angular Error" ]
Recurrent CNN for 3D Gaze Estimation using Appearance and Shape Cues
Several end-to-end deep learning approaches have been recently presented which extract either audio or visual features from the input images or audio signals and perform speech recognition. However, research on end-to-end audiovisual models is very limited. In this work, we present an end-to-end audiovisual model based on residual networks and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRUs). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first audiovisual fusion model which simultaneously learns to extract features directly from the image pixels and audio waveforms and performs within-context word recognition on a large publicly available dataset (LRW). The model consists of two streams, one for each modality, which extract features directly from mouth regions and raw waveforms. The temporal dynamics in each stream/modality are modeled by a 2-layer BGRU and the fusion of multiple streams/modalities takes place via another 2-layer BGRU. A slight improvement in the classification rate over an end-to-end audio-only and MFCC-based model is reported in clean audio conditions and low levels of noise. In presence of high levels of noise, the end-to-end audiovisual model significantly outperforms both audio-only models.
[ "Lipreading", "Speech Recognition" ]
[ "Lip Reading in the Wild" ]
[ "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
End-to-end Audiovisual Speech Recognition
A residual-networks family with hundreds or even thousands of layers dominates major image recognition tasks, but building a network by simply stacking residual blocks inevitably limits its optimization ability. This paper proposes a novel residual-network architecture, Residual networks of Residual networks (RoR), to dig the optimization ability of residual networks. RoR substitutes optimizing residual mapping of residual mapping for optimizing original residual mapping. In particular, RoR adds level-wise shortcut connections upon original residual networks to promote the learning capability of residual networks. More importantly, RoR can be applied to various kinds of residual networks (ResNets, Pre-ResNets and WRN) and significantly boost their performance. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of RoR, where it achieves the best performance in all residual-network-like structures. Our RoR-3-WRN58-4+SD models achieve new state-of-the-art results on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN, with test errors 3.77%, 19.73% and 1.59%, respectively. RoR-3 models also achieve state-of-the-art results compared to ResNets on ImageNet data set.
[ "Image Classification" ]
[ "SVHN" ]
[ "Percentage error" ]
Residual Networks of Residual Networks: Multilevel Residual Networks
For many applications of question answering (QA), being able to explain why a given model chose an answer is critical. However, the lack of labeled data for answer justifications makes learning this difficult and expensive. Here we propose an approach that uses answer ranking as distant supervision for learning how to select informative justifications, where justifications serve as inferential connections between the question and the correct answer while often containing little lexical overlap with either. We propose a neural network architecture for QA that reranks answer justifications as an intermediate (and human-interpretable) step in answer selection. Our approach is informed by a set of features designed to combine both learned representations and explicit features to capture the connection between questions, answers, and answer justifications. We show that with this end-to-end approach we are able to significantly improve upon a strong IR baseline in both justification ranking (+9{\%} rated highly relevant) and answer selection (+6{\%} P@1).
[ "Answer Selection", "Interpretable Machine Learning", "Question Answering" ]
[ "AI2 Kaggle Dataset" ]
[ "P@1" ]
Tell Me Why: Using Question Answering as Distant Supervision for Answer Justification
In recent years many deep neural networks have been proposed to solve Reading Comprehension (RC) tasks. Most of these models suffer from reasoning over long documents and do not trivially generalize to cases where the answer is not present as a span in a given document. We present a novel neural-based architecture that is capable of extracting relevant regions based on a given question-document pair and generating a well-formed answer. To show the effectiveness of our architecture, we conducted several experiments on the recently proposed and challenging RC dataset {`}NarrativeQA{'}. The proposed architecture outperforms state-of-the-art results by 12.62{\%} (ROUGE-L) relative improvement.
[ "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension" ]
[ "NarrativeQA" ]
[ "Rouge-L", "BLEU-4", "METEOR", "BLEU-1" ]
Cut to the Chase: A Context Zoom-in Network for Reading Comprehension
An effective method to generate a large number of parallel sentences for training improved neural machine translation (NMT) systems is the use of the back-translations of the target-side monolingual data. The standard back-translation method has been shown to be unable to efficiently utilize the available huge amount of existing monolingual data because of the inability of translation models to differentiate between the authentic and synthetic parallel data during training. Tagging, or using gates, has been used to enable translation models to distinguish between synthetic and authentic data, improving standard back-translation and also enabling the use of iterative back-translation on language pairs that underperformed using standard back-translation. In this work, we approach back-translation as a domain adaptation problem, eliminating the need for explicit tagging. In the approach -- \emph{tag-less back-translation} -- the synthetic and authentic parallel data are treated as out-of-domain and in-domain data respectively and, through pre-training and fine-tuning, the translation model is shown to be able to learn more efficiently from them during training. Experimental results have shown that the approach outperforms the standard and tagged back-translation approaches on low resource English-Vietnamese and English-German neural machine translation.
[ "Domain Adaptation", "Machine Translation" ]
[ "IWSLT2014 German-English" ]
[ "BLEU score" ]
Tag-less Back-Translation
The relational facts in sentences are often complicated. Different relational triplets may have overlaps in a sentence. We divided the sentences into three types according to triplet overlap degree, including Normal, EntityPairOverlap and SingleEntiyOverlap. Existing methods mainly focus on Normal class and fail to extract relational triplets precisely. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end model based on sequence-to-sequence learning with copy mechanism, which can jointly extract relational facts from sentences of any of these classes. We adopt two different strategies in decoding process: employing only one united decoder or applying multiple separated decoders. We test our models in two public datasets and our model outperform the baseline method significantly.
[ "Feature Engineering", "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "NYT", "WebNLG" ]
[ "F1" ]
Extracting Relational Facts by an End-to-End Neural Model with Copy Mechanism
Syntax has been a useful source of information for statistical RST discourse parsing. Under the neural setting, a common approach integrates syntax by a recursive neural network (RNN), requiring discrete output trees produced by a supervised syntax parser. In this paper, we propose an implicit syntax feature extraction approach, using hidden-layer vectors extracted from a neural syntax parser. In addition, we propose a simple transition-based model as the baseline, further enhancing it with dynamic oracle. Experiments on the standard dataset show that our baseline model with dynamic oracle is highly competitive. When implicit syntax features are integrated, we are able to obtain further improvements, better than using explicit Tree-RNN.
[ "Discourse Parsing", "Word Embeddings" ]
[ "RST-DT" ]
[ "RST-Parseval (Relation)", "RST-Parseval (Nuclearity)", "RST-Parseval (Span)", "RST-Parseval (Full)" ]
Transition-based Neural RST Parsing with Implicit Syntax Features
Models trained in the context of continual learning (CL) should be able to learn from a stream of data over an undefined period of time. The main challenges herein are: 1) maintaining old knowledge while simultaneously benefiting from it when learning new tasks, and 2) guaranteeing model scalability with a growing amount of data to learn from. In order to tackle these challenges, we introduce Dynamic Generative Memory (DGM) - a synaptic plasticity driven framework for continual learning. DGM relies on conditional generative adversarial networks with learnable connection plasticity realized with neural masking. Specifically, we evaluate two variants of neural masking: applied to (i) layer activations and (ii) to connection weights directly. Furthermore, we propose a dynamic network expansion mechanism that ensures sufficient model capacity to accommodate for continually incoming tasks. The amount of added capacity is determined dynamically from the learned binary mask. We evaluate DGM in the continual class-incremental setup on visual classification tasks.
[ "Continual Learning" ]
[ "ImageNet-50 (5 tasks) " ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Learning to Remember: A Synaptic Plasticity Driven Framework for Continual Learning
Many localized languages struggle to reap the benefits of recent advancements in character recognition systems due to the lack of substantial amount of labeled training data. This is due to the difficulty in generating large amounts of labeled data for such languages and inability of deep learning techniques to properly learn from small number of training samples. We solve this problem by introducing a technique of generating new training samples from the existing samples, with realistic augmentations which reflect actual variations that are present in human hand writing, by adding random controlled noise to their corresponding instantiation parameters. Our results with a mere 200 training samples per class surpass existing character recognition results in the EMNIST-letter dataset while achieving the existing results in the three datasets: EMNIST-balanced, EMNIST-digits, and MNIST. We also develop a strategy to effectively use a combination of loss functions to improve reconstructions. Our system is useful in character recognition for localized languages that lack much labeled training data and even in other related more general contexts such as object recognition.
[ "Few-Shot Image Classification", "Image Classification", "Image Generation" ]
[ "MNIST", "EMNIST-Letters", "Fashion-MNIST" ]
[ "Percentage error", "Accuracy" ]
TextCaps : Handwritten Character Recognition with Very Small Datasets
Multi-person pose estimation is a challenging problem. Existing methods are mostly two-stage based--one stage for proposal generation and the other for allocating poses to corresponding persons. However, such two-stage methods generally suffer low efficiency. In this work, we present the first single-stage model, Single-stage multi-person Pose Machine (SPM), to simplify the pipeline and lift the efficiency for multi-person pose estimation. To achieve this, we propose a novel Structured Pose Representation (SPR) that unifies person instance and body joint position representations. Based on SPR, we develop the SPM model that can directly predict structured poses for multiple persons in a single stage, and thus offer a more compact pipeline and attractive efficiency advantage over two-stage methods. In particular, SPR introduces the root joints to indicate different person instances and human body joint positions are encoded into their displacements w.r.t. the roots. To better predict long-range displacements for some joints, SPR is further extended to hierarchical representations. Based on SPR, SPM can efficiently perform multi-person poses estimation by simultaneously predicting root joints (location of instances) and body joint displacements via CNNs. Moreover, to demonstrate the generality of SPM, we also apply it to multi-person 3D pose estimation. Comprehensive experiments on benchmarks MPII, extended PASCAL-Person-Part, MSCOCO and CMU Panoptic clearly demonstrate the state-of-the-art efficiency of SPM for multi-person 2D/3D pose estimation, together with outstanding accuracy.
[ "3D Pose Estimation", "Keypoint Detection", "Multi-Person Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "MPII Multi-Person", "COCO test-dev" ]
[ "APM", "AP75", "AP", "APL", "[email protected]", "AP50" ]
Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
Fine-grained image categorization is challenging due to the subtle inter-class differences.We posit that exploiting the rich relationships between channels can help capture such differences since different channels correspond to different semantics. In this paper, we propose a channel interaction network (CIN), which models the channel-wise interplay both within an image and across images. For a single image, a self-channel interaction (SCI) module is proposed to explore channel-wise correlation within the image. This allows the model to learn the complementary features from the correlated channels, yielding stronger fine-grained features. Furthermore, given an image pair, we introduce a contrastive channel interaction (CCI) module to model the cross-sample channel interaction with a metric learning framework, allowing the CIN to distinguish the subtle visual differences between images. Our model can be trained efficiently in an end-to-end fashion without the need of multi-stage training and testing. Finally, comprehensive experiments are conducted on three publicly available benchmarks, where the proposed method consistently outperforms the state-of-theart approaches, such as DFL-CNN (Wang, Morariu, and Davis 2018) and NTS (Yang et al. 2018).
[ "Image Categorization", "Metric Learning" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "Stanford Cars", "FGVC Aircraft" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Channel Interaction Networks for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
In this work, we present a novel data-driven method for robust 6DoF object pose estimation from a single RGBD image. Unlike previous methods that directly regressing pose parameters, we tackle this challenging task with a keypoint-based approach. Specifically, we propose a deep Hough voting network to detect 3D keypoints of objects and then estimate the 6D pose parameters within a least-squares fitting manner. Our method is a natural extension of 2D-keypoint approaches that successfully work on RGB based 6DoF estimation. It allows us to fully utilize the geometric constraint of rigid objects with the extra depth information and is easy for a network to learn and optimize. Extensive experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of 3D-keypoint detection in the 6D pose estimation task. Experimental results also show our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by large margins on several benchmarks. Code and video are available at https://github.com/ethnhe/PVN3D.git.
[ "6D Pose Estimation", "6D Pose Estimation using RGBD", "Keypoint Detection", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "LineMOD", "YCB-Video" ]
[ "Mean ADD", "ADDS AUC", "Accuracy (ADD)", "Mean ADD-S" ]
PVN3D: A Deep Point-wise 3D Keypoints Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation
The Word Mover's Distance (WMD) proposed by Kusner et al. is a distance between documents that takes advantage of semantic relations among words that are captured by their embeddings. This distance proved to be quite effective, obtaining state-of-art error rates for classification tasks, but is also impracticable for large collections/documents due to its computational complexity. For circumventing this problem, variants of WMD have been proposed. Among them, Relaxed Word Mover's Distance (RWMD) is one of the most successful due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and also because of its fast implementations. Relying on assumptions that are supported by empirical properties of the distances between embeddings, we propose an approach to speed up both WMD and RWMD. Experiments over 10 datasets suggest that our approach leads to a significant speed-up in document classification tasks while maintaining the same error rates.
[ "Document Classification" ]
[ "BBCSport", "Amazon", "Reuters-21578", "20NEWS", "Classic", "Recipe", "Twitter", "Ohsumed" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Speeding up Word Mover's Distance and its variants via properties of distances between embeddings
Deep 3D CNNs for video action recognition are designed to learn powerful representations in the joint spatio-temporal feature space. In practice however, because of the large number of parameters and computations involved, they may under-perform in the lack of sufficiently large datasets for training them at scale. In this paper we introduce spatial gating in spatial-temporal decomposition of 3D kernels. We implement this concept with Gate-Shift Module (GSM). GSM is lightweight and turns a 2D-CNN into a highly efficient spatio-temporal feature extractor. With GSM plugged in, a 2D-CNN learns to adaptively route features through time and combine them, at almost no additional parameters and computational overhead. We perform an extensive evaluation of the proposed module to study its effectiveness in video action recognition, achieving state-of-the-art results on Something Something-V1 and Diving48 datasets, and obtaining competitive results on EPIC-Kitchens with far less model complexity.
[ "Action Recognition" ]
[ "Something-Something V1" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy" ]
Gate-Shift Networks for Video Action Recognition
Recent work pre-training Transformers with self-supervised objectives on large text corpora has shown great success when fine-tuned on downstream NLP tasks including text summarization. However, pre-training objectives tailored for abstractive text summarization have not been explored. Furthermore there is a lack of systematic evaluation across diverse domains. In this work, we propose pre-training large Transformer-based encoder-decoder models on massive text corpora with a new self-supervised objective. In PEGASUS, important sentences are removed/masked from an input document and are generated together as one output sequence from the remaining sentences, similar to an extractive summary. We evaluated our best PEGASUS model on 12 downstream summarization tasks spanning news, science, stories, instructions, emails, patents, and legislative bills. Experiments demonstrate it achieves state-of-the-art performance on all 12 downstream datasets measured by ROUGE scores. Our model also shows surprising performance on low-resource summarization, surpassing previous state-of-the-art results on 6 datasets with only 1000 examples. Finally we validated our results using human evaluation and show that our model summaries achieve human performance on multiple datasets.
[ "Abstractive Text Summarization", "Text Summarization" ]
[ "arXiv", "CNN / Daily Mail", "GigaWord", "X-Sum", "Pubmed" ]
[ "ROUGE-L", "ROUGE-3", "ROUGE-1", "ROUGE-2" ]
PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization
Current pre-training works in natural language generation pay little attention to the problem of exposure bias on downstream tasks. To address this issue, we propose an enhanced multi-flow sequence to sequence pre-training and fine-tuning framework named ERNIE-GEN, which bridges the discrepancy between training and inference with an infilling generation mechanism and a noise-aware generation method. To make generation closer to human writing patterns, this framework introduces a span-by-span generation flow that trains the model to predict semantically-complete spans consecutively rather than predicting word by word. Unlike existing pre-training methods, ERNIE-GEN incorporates multi-granularity target sampling to construct pre-training data, which enhances the correlation between encoder and decoder. Experimental results demonstrate that ERNIE-GEN achieves state-of-the-art results with a much smaller amount of pre-training data and parameters on a range of language generation tasks, including abstractive summarization (Gigaword and CNN/DailyMail), question generation (SQuAD), dialogue generation (Persona-Chat) and generative question answering (CoQA).
[ "Abstractive Text Summarization", "Dialogue Generation", "Generative Question Answering", "Question Generation", "Text Generation", "Text Summarization" ]
[ "CNN / Daily Mail", "GigaWord", "SQuAD1.1", "CoQA", "GigaWord-10k" ]
[ "ROUGE-1", "F1-Score", "ROUGE-2", "ROUGE-L", "BLEU-4" ]
ERNIE-GEN: An Enhanced Multi-Flow Pre-training and Fine-tuning Framework for Natural Language Generation
In real-world crowd counting applications, the crowd densities vary greatly in spatial and temporal domains. A detection based counting method will estimate crowds accurately in low density scenes, while its reliability in congested areas is downgraded. A regression based approach, on the other hand, captures the general density information in crowded regions. Without knowing the location of each person, it tends to overestimate the count in low density areas. Thus, exclusively using either one of them is not sufficient to handle all kinds of scenes with varying densities. To address this issue, a novel end-to-end crowd counting framework, named DecideNet (DEteCtIon and Density Estimation Network) is proposed. It can adaptively decide the appropriate counting mode for different locations on the image based on its real density conditions. DecideNet starts with estimating the crowd density by generating detection and regression based density maps separately. To capture inevitable variation in densities, it incorporates an attention module, meant to adaptively assess the reliability of the two types of estimations. The final crowd counts are obtained with the guidance of the attention module to adopt suitable estimations from the two kinds of density maps. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on three challenging crowd counting datasets.
[ "Crowd Counting", "Density Estimation", "Regression" ]
[ "WorldExpo’10" ]
[ "Average MAE" ]
DecideNet: Counting Varying Density Crowds Through Attention Guided Detection and Density Estimation
One of the key components for video deblurring is how to exploit neighboring frames. Recent state-of-the-art methods either used aligned adjacent frames to the center frame or propagated the information on past frames to the current frame recurrently. Here we propose multi-blur-to-deblur (MB2D), a novel concept to exploit neighboring frames for efficient video deblurring. Firstly, inspired by unsharp masking, we argue that using more blurred images with long exposures as additional inputs significantly improves performance. Secondly, we propose multi-blurring recurrent neural network (MBRNN) that can synthesize more blurred images from neighboring frames, yielding substantially improved performance with existing video deblurring methods. Lastly, we propose multi-scale deblurring with connecting recurrent feature map from MBRNN (MSDR) to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the popular GoPro and Su datasets in fast and memory efficient ways.
[ "Deblurring" ]
[ "GoPro", "DVD " ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Blur More To Deblur Better: Multi-Blur2Deblur For Efficient Video Deblurring
Reaching the performance of fully supervised learning with unlabeled data and only labeling one sample per class might be ideal for deep learning applications. We demonstrate for the first time the potential for building one-shot semi-supervised (BOSS) learning on Cifar-10 and SVHN up to attain test accuracies that are comparable to fully supervised learning. Our method combines class prototype refining, class balancing, and self-training. A good prototype choice is essential and we propose a technique for obtaining iconic examples. In addition, we demonstrate that class balancing methods substantially improve accuracy results in semi-supervised learning to levels that allow self-training to reach the level of fully supervised learning performance. Rigorous empirical evaluations provide evidence that labeling large datasets is not necessary for training deep neural networks. We made our code available at https://github.com/lnsmith54/BOSS to facilitate replication and for use with future real-world applications.
[ "Semi-Supervised Image Classification" ]
[ "cifar-10, 10 Labels" ]
[ "Accuracy (Test)" ]
Building One-Shot Semi-supervised (BOSS) Learning up to Fully Supervised Performance
Recovering sharp video sequence from a motion-blurred image is highly ill-posed due to the significant loss of motion information in the blurring process. For event-based cameras, however, fast motion can be captured as events at high time rate, raising new opportunities to exploring effective solutions. In this paper, we start from a sequential formulation of event-based motion deblurring, then show how its optimization can be unfolded with a novel end-to-end deep architecture. The proposed architecture is a convolutional recurrent neural network that integrates visual and temporal knowledge of both global and local scales in principled manner. To further improve the reconstruction, we propose a differentiable directional event filtering module to effectively extract rich boundary prior from the stream of events. We conduct extensive experiments on the synthetic GoPro dataset and a large newly introduced dataset captured by a DAVIS240C camera. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality, and generalizes better to handling real-world motion blur.
[ "Deblurring" ]
[ "GoPro" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Learning Event-Based Motion Deblurring
Natural language generation lies at the core of generative dialogue systems and conversational agents. We describe an ensemble neural language generator, and present several novel methods for data representation and augmentation that yield improved results in our model. We test the model on three datasets in the restaurant, TV and laptop domains, and report both objective and subjective evaluations of our best model. Using a range of automatic metrics, as well as human evaluators, we show that our approach achieves better results than state-of-the-art models on the same datasets.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Text Generation" ]
[ "E2E NLG Challenge" ]
A Deep Ensemble Model with Slot Alignment for Sequence-to-Sequence Natural Language Generation
Ever since the successful application of sequence to sequence learning for neural machine translation systems (Sutskever et al., 2014), interest has surged in its applicability towards language generation in other problem domains. In the area of natural language generation (NLG), there has been a great deal of interest in end-to-end (E2E) neural models that learn and generate natural language sentence realizations in one step. In this paper, we present TNT-NLG System 1, our first system submission to the E2E NLG Challenge, where we generate natural language (NL) realizations from meaning representations (MRs) in the restaurant domain by massively expanding the training dataset. We develop two models for this system, based on Dusek et al.’s (2016a) open source baseline model and context-aware neural language generator. Starting with the MR and NL pairs from the E2E generation challenge dataset, we explode the size of the training set using PERSONAGE (Mairesse and Walker, 2010), a statistical generator able to produce varied realizations from MRs, and use our expanded data as contextual input into our models. We present evaluation results using automated and human evaluation metrics, and describe directions for future work.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Machine Translation", "Text Generation" ]
[ "E2E NLG Challenge" ]
[ "NIST", "METEOR", "CIDEr", "ROUGE-L", "BLEU" ]
TNT-NLG, System 1: Using a statistical NLG to massively augment crowd-sourced data for neural generation
Benefiting from deep learning research and large-scale datasets, saliency prediction has achieved significant success in the past decade. However, it still remains challenging to predict saliency maps on images in new domains that lack sufficient data for data-hungry models. To solve this problem, we propose a few-shot transfer learning paradigm for saliency prediction, which enables efficient transfer of knowledge learned from the existing large-scale saliency datasets to a target domain with limited labeled examples. Specifically, very few target domain examples are used as the reference to train a model with a source domain dataset such that the training process can converge to a local minimum in favor of the target domain. Then, the learned model is further fine-tuned with the reference. The proposed framework is gradient-based and model-agnostic. We conduct comprehensive experiments and ablation study on various source domain and target domain pairs. The results show that the proposed framework achieves a significant performance improvement. The code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/luoyan407/n-reference}.
[ "Few-Shot Transfer Learning for Saliency Prediction", "Saliency Prediction", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "SALICON->WebpageSaliency - 1-shot", "SALICON->WebpageSaliency - EUB", "SALICON->WebpageSaliency - 10-shot ", "SALICON->WebpageSaliency - 5-shot " ]
[ "NSS", "CC", "AUC" ]
$n$-Reference Transfer Learning for Saliency Prediction
Mining a set of meaningful topics organized into a hierarchy is intuitively appealing since topic correlations are ubiquitous in massive text corpora. To account for potential hierarchical topic structures, hierarchical topic models generalize flat topic models by incorporating latent topic hierarchies into their generative modeling process. However, due to their purely unsupervised nature, the learned topic hierarchy often deviates from users' particular needs or interests. To guide the hierarchical topic discovery process with minimal user supervision, we propose a new task, Hierarchical Topic Mining, which takes a category tree described by category names only, and aims to mine a set of representative terms for each category from a text corpus to help a user comprehend his/her interested topics. We develop a novel joint tree and text embedding method along with a principled optimization procedure that allows simultaneous modeling of the category tree structure and the corpus generative process in the spherical space for effective category-representative term discovery. Our comprehensive experiments show that our model, named JoSH, mines a high-quality set of hierarchical topics with high efficiency and benefits weakly-supervised hierarchical text classification tasks.
[ "Text Classification", "Topic Models" ]
[ "arXiv", "NYT" ]
[ "Topic coherence@5", "MACC" ]
Hierarchical Topic Mining via Joint Spherical Tree and Text Embedding
This paper contributes a new high quality dataset for person re-identification, named "Market-1501". Generally, current datasets: 1) are limited in scale; 2) consist of hand-drawn bboxes, which are unavailable under realistic settings; 3) have only one ground truth and one query image for each identity (close environment). To tackle these problems, the proposed Market-1501 dataset is featured in three aspects. First, it contains over 32,000 annotated bboxes, plus a distractor set of over 500K images, making it the largest person re-id dataset to date. Second, images in Market-1501 dataset are produced using the Deformable Part Model (DPM) as pedestrian detector. Third, our dataset is collected in an open system, where each identity has multiple images under each camera. As a minor contribution, inspired by recent advances in large-scale image search, this paper proposes an unsupervised Bag-of-Words descriptor. We view person re-identification as a special task of image search. In experiment, we show that the proposed descriptor yields competitive accuracy on VIPeR, CUHK03, and Market-1501 datasets, and is scalable on the large-scale 500k dataset.
[ "Image Retrieval", "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "DukeMTMC-reID", "Market-1501" ]
[ "Rank-1", "MAP" ]
Scalable Person Re-Identification: A Benchmark
Temporal information extraction is a challenging task. Here we describe Chrono, a hybrid rule-based and machine learning system that identifies temporal expressions in text and normalizes them into the SCATE schema. After minor parsing logic adjustments, Chrono has emerged as the top performing system for SemEval 2018 Task 6: Parsing Time Normalizations.
[ "Temporal Information Extraction", "Timex normalization" ]
[ "PNT" ]
[ "F1-Score" ]
Chrono at SemEval-2018 Task 6: A System for Normalizing Temporal Expressions
Research on human action classification has made significant progresses in the past few years. Most deep learning methods focus on improving performance by adding more network components. We propose, however, to better utilize auxiliary mechanisms, including hierarchical classification, network pruning, and skeleton-based preprocessing, to boost the model robustness and performance. We test the effectiveness of our method on four commonly used testing datasets: NTU RGB+D 60, NTU RGB+D 120, Northwestern-UCLA Multiview Action 3D, and UTD Multimodal Human Action Dataset. Our experiments show that our method can achieve either comparable or better performance on all four datasets. In particular, our method sets up a new baseline for NTU 120, the largest dataset among the four. We also analyze our method with extensive comparisons and ablation studies.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Classification ", "Action Recognition", "Network Pruning", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D", "N-UCLA", "NTU RGB+D 120" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (Cross-Subject)", "Accuracy (CV)", "Accuracy (Cross-Setup)", "Accuracy" ]
Hierarchical Action Classification with Network Pruning
Learning graph representations via low-dimensional embeddings that preserve relevant network properties is an important class of problems in machine learning. We here present a novel method to embed directed acyclic graphs. Following prior work, we first advocate for using hyperbolic spaces which provably model tree-like structures better than Euclidean geometry. Second, we view hierarchical relations as partial orders defined using a family of nested geodesically convex cones. We prove that these entailment cones admit an optimal shape with a closed form expression both in the Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces, and they canonically define the embedding learning process. Experiments show significant improvements of our method over strong recent baselines both in terms of representational capacity and generalization.
[ "Graph Embedding", "Hypernym Discovery", "Link Prediction", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "WordNet" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Hyperbolic Entailment Cones for Learning Hierarchical Embeddings
Temporal expressions are words or phrases that describe a point, duration or recurrence in time. Automatically annotating these expressions is a research goal of increasing interest. Recognising them can be achieved with minimally supervised machine learning, but interpreting them accurately (normalisation) is a complex task requiring human knowledge. In this paper, we present TIMEN, a community-driven tool for temporal expression normalisation. TIMEN is derived from current best approaches and is an independent tool, enabling easy integration in existing systems. We argue that temporal expression normalisation can only be effectively performed with a large knowledge base and set of rules. Our solution is a framework and system with which to capture this knowledge for different languages. Using both existing and newly-annotated data, we present results showing competitive performance and invite the IE community to contribute to a knowledge base in order to solve the temporal expression normalisation problem.
[ "Information Retrieval", "Knowledge Base Population", "Question Answering", "Timex normalization" ]
[ "TimeBank" ]
[ "F1-Score" ]
TIMEN: An Open Temporal Expression Normalisation Resource
Skeleton-based human action recognition has recently drawn increasing attentions with the availability of large-scale skeleton datasets. The most crucial factors for this task lie in two aspects: the intra-frame representation for joint co-occurrences and the inter-frame representation for skeletons' temporal evolutions. In this paper we propose an end-to-end convolutional co-occurrence feature learning framework. The co-occurrence features are learned with a hierarchical methodology, in which different levels of contextual information are aggregated gradually. Firstly point-level information of each joint is encoded independently. Then they are assembled into semantic representation in both spatial and temporal domains. Specifically, we introduce a global spatial aggregation scheme, which is able to learn superior joint co-occurrence features over local aggregation. Besides, raw skeleton coordinates as well as their temporal difference are integrated with a two-stream paradigm. Experiments show that our approach consistently outperforms other state-of-the-arts on action recognition and detection benchmarks like NTU RGB+D, SBU Kinect Interaction and PKU-MMD.
[ "Action Recognition", "RF-based Pose Estimation", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ " RF-MMD", "NTU RGB+D", "PKU-MMD" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "mAP (@0.1, Visible)", "[email protected] (CV)", "Accuracy (CV)", "mAP (@0.1, Through-wall)", "[email protected] (CS)" ]
Co-occurrence Feature Learning from Skeleton Data for Action Recognition and Detection with Hierarchical Aggregation
The continually increasing number of documents produced each year necessitates ever improving information processing methods for searching, retrieving, and organizing text. Central to these information processing methods is document classification, which has become an important application for supervised learning. Recently the performance of these traditional classifiers has degraded as the number of documents has increased. This is because along with this growth in the number of documents has come an increase in the number of categories. This paper approaches this problem differently from current document classification methods that view the problem as multi-class classification. Instead we perform hierarchical classification using an approach we call Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text classification (HDLTex). HDLTex employs stacks of deep learning architectures to provide specialized understanding at each level of the document hierarchy.
[ "Document Classification", "Multi-class Classification", "Text Classification" ]
[ "WOS-5736", "WOS-11967", "WOS-46985" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
HDLTex: Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text Classification
A large number of mainstream applications, like temporal search, event detection, and trend identification, assume knowledge of the timestamp of every document in a given textual collection. In many cases, however, the required timestamps are either unavailable or ambiguous. A characteristic instance of this problem emerges in the context of large repositories of old digitized documents. For such documents, the timestamp may be corrupted during the digitization process, or may simply be unavailable. In this paper, we study the task of approximating the timestamp of a document, so-called document dating. We propose a contentbased method and use recent advances in the domain of term burstiness, which allow it to overcome the drawbacks of previous document dating methods, e.g. the fix time partition strategy. We use an extensive experimental evaluation on different datasets to validate the efficacy and advantages of our methodology, showing that our method outperforms the state of the art methods on document dating.
[ "Document Dating" ]
[ "APW", "NYT" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
A Burstiness-aware Approach for Document Dating
Hyperspectral images (HSIs) provide rich spectral-spatial information with stacked hundreds of contiguous narrowbands. Due to the existence of noise and band correlation, the selection of informative spectral-spatial kernel features poses a challenge. This is often addressed by using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with receptive field (RF) having fixed sizes. However, these solutions cannot enable neurons to effectively adjust RF sizes and cross-channel dependencies when forward and backward propagations are used to optimize the network. In this article, we present an attention-based adaptive spectral-spatial kernel improved residual network (A²S²K-ResNet) with spectral attention to capture discriminative spectral-spatial features for HSI classification in an end-to-end training fashion. In particular, the proposed network learns selective 3-D convolutional kernels to jointly extract spectral-spatial features using improved 3-D ResBlocks and adopts an efficient feature recalibration (EFR) mechanism to boost the classification performance. Extensive experiments are performed on three well-known hyperspectral data sets, i.e., IP, KSC, and UP, and the proposed A²S²K-ResNet can provide better classification results in terms of overall accuracy (OA), average accuracy (AA), and Kappa compared with the existing methods investigated. The source code will be made available at https://github.com/suvojit-0x55aa/A2S2K-ResNet.
[ "Hyperspectral Image Classification", "Image Classification" ]
[ "Indian Pines", "Kennedy Space Center", "Pavia University" ]
[ "Overall Accuracy" ]
Attention-Based Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Kernel ResNet for Hyperspectral Image Classification
The recent explosive interest on transformers has suggested their potential to become powerful "universal" models for computer vision tasks, such as classification, detection, and segmentation. However, how further transformers can go - are they ready to take some more notoriously difficult vision tasks, e.g., generative adversarial networks (GANs)? Driven by that curiosity, we conduct the first pilot study in building a GAN \textbf{completely free of convolutions}, using only pure transformer-based architectures. Our vanilla GAN architecture, dubbed \textbf{TransGAN}, consists of a memory-friendly transformer-based generator that progressively increases feature resolution while decreasing embedding dimension, and a patch-level discriminator that is also transformer-based. We then demonstrate TransGAN to notably benefit from data augmentations (more than standard GANs), a multi-task co-training strategy for the generator, and a locally initialized self-attention that emphasizes the neighborhood smoothness of natural images. Equipped with those findings, TransGAN can effectively scale up with bigger models and high-resolution image datasets. Specifically, our best architecture achieves highly competitive performance compared to current state-of-the-art GANs based on convolutional backbones. Specifically, TransGAN sets \textbf{new state-of-the-art} IS score of 10.10 and FID score of 25.32 on STL-10. It also reaches competitive 8.64 IS score and 11.89 FID score on Cifar-10, and 12.23 FID score on CelebA $64\times64$, respectively. We also conclude with a discussion of the current limitations and future potential of TransGAN. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/VITA-Group/TransGAN}.
[ "Image Generation" ]
[ "STL-10", "CelebA 64x64", "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Inception score", "FID" ]
TransGAN: Two Transformers Can Make One Strong GAN
We present a deep learning method for the interactive video object segmentation. Our method is built upon two core operations, interaction and propagation, and each operation is conducted by Convolutional Neural Networks. The two networks are connected both internally and externally so that the networks are trained jointly and interact with each other to solve the complex video object segmentation problem. We propose a new multi-round training scheme for the interactive video object segmentation so that the networks can learn how to understand the user's intention and update incorrect estimations during the training. At the testing time, our method produces high-quality results and also runs fast enough to work with users interactively. We evaluated the proposed method quantitatively on the interactive track benchmark at the DAVIS Challenge 2018. We outperformed other competing methods by a significant margin in both the speed and the accuracy. We also demonstrated that our method works well with real user interactions.
[ "Interactive Video Object Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017" ]
[ "AUC-J", "J@60s" ]
Fast User-Guided Video Object Segmentation by Interaction-and-Propagation Networks
Multi-label image and video classification are fundamental yet challenging tasks in computer vision. The main challenges lie in capturing spatial or temporal dependencies between labels and discovering the locations of discriminative features for each class. In order to overcome these challenges, we propose to use cross-modality attention with semantic graph embedding for multi label classification. Based on the constructed label graph, we propose an adjacency-based similarity graph embedding method to learn semantic label embeddings, which explicitly exploit label relationships. Then our novel cross-modality attention maps are generated with the guidance of learned label embeddings. Experiments on two multi-label image classification datasets (MS-COCO and NUS-WIDE) show our method outperforms other existing state-of-the-arts. In addition, we validate our method on a large multi-label video classification dataset (YouTube-8M Segments) and the evaluation results demonstrate the generalization capability of our method.
[ "Graph Embedding", "Image Classification", "Multi-Label Classification", "Video Classification" ]
[ "mAP", "MAP" ]
Cross-Modality Attention with Semantic Graph Embedding for Multi-Label Classification
We introduce dense relational captioning, a novel image captioning task which aims to generate multiple captions with respect to relational information between objects in a visual scene. Relational captioning provides explicit descriptions of each relationship between object combinations. This framework is advantageous in both diversity and amount of information, leading to a comprehensive image understanding based on relationships, e.g., relational proposal generation. For relational understanding between objects, the part-of-speech (POS, i.e., subject-object-predicate categories) can be a valuable prior information to guide the causal sequence of words in a caption. We enforce our framework to not only learn to generate captions but also predict the POS of each word. To this end, we propose the multi-task triple-stream network (MTTSNet) which consists of three recurrent units responsible for each POS which is trained by jointly predicting the correct captions and POS for each word. In addition, we found that the performance of MTTSNet can be improved by modulating the object embeddings with an explicit relational module. We demonstrate that our proposed model can generate more diverse and richer captions, via extensive experimental analysis on large scale datasets and several metrics. We additionally extend analysis to an ablation study, applications on holistic image captioning, scene graph generation, and retrieval tasks.
[ "Graph Generation", "Image Captioning", "Relational Captioning", "Scene Graph Generation" ]
[ "relational captioning dataset" ]
[ "Image-Level Recall" ]
Dense Relational Image Captioning via Multi-task Triple-Stream Networks
Nowadays, neural networks play an important role in the task of relation classification. By designing different neural architectures, researchers have improved the performance to a large extent in comparison with traditional methods. However, existing neural networks for relation classification are usually of shallow architectures (e.g., one-layer convolutional neural networks or recurrent networks). They may fail to explore the potential representation space in different abstraction levels. In this paper, we propose deep recurrent neural networks (DRNNs) for relation classification to tackle this challenge. Further, we propose a data augmentation method by leveraging the directionality of relations. We evaluated our DRNNs on the SemEval-2010 Task~8, and achieve an F1-score of 86.1%, outperforming previous state-of-the-art recorded results.
[ "Data Augmentation", "Relation Classification" ]
[ "SemEval 2010 Task 8" ]
[ "F1" ]
Improved Relation Classification by Deep Recurrent Neural Networks with Data Augmentation
The dominant neural architectures in question answer retrieval are based on recurrent or convolutional encoders configured with complex word matching layers. Given that recent architectural innovations are mostly new word interaction layers or attention-based matching mechanisms, it seems to be a well-established fact that these components are mandatory for good performance. Unfortunately, the memory and computation cost incurred by these complex mechanisms are undesirable for practical applications. As such, this paper tackles the question of whether it is possible to achieve competitive performance with simple neural architectures. We propose a simple but novel deep learning architecture for fast and efficient question-answer ranking and retrieval. More specifically, our proposed model, \textsc{HyperQA}, is a parameter efficient neural network that outperforms other parameter intensive models such as Attentive Pooling BiLSTMs and Multi-Perspective CNNs on multiple QA benchmarks. The novelty behind \textsc{HyperQA} is a pairwise ranking objective that models the relationship between question and answer embeddings in Hyperbolic space instead of Euclidean space. This empowers our model with a self-organizing ability and enables automatic discovery of latent hierarchies while learning embeddings of questions and answers. Our model requires no feature engineering, no similarity matrix matching, no complicated attention mechanisms nor over-parameterized layers and yet outperforms and remains competitive to many models that have these functionalities on multiple benchmarks.
[ "Feature Engineering", "Question Answering", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "TrecQA", "YahooCQA", "SemEvalCQA", "WikiQA" ]
[ "P@1", "MRR", "MAP" ]
Hyperbolic Representation Learning for Fast and Efficient Neural Question Answering
When considering person re-identification (re-ID) as a retrieval process, re-ranking is a critical step to improve its accuracy. Yet in the re-ID community, limited effort has been devoted to re-ranking, especially those fully automatic, unsupervised solutions. In this paper, we propose a k-reciprocal encoding method to re-rank the re-ID results. Our hypothesis is that if a gallery image is similar to the probe in the k-reciprocal nearest neighbors, it is more likely to be a true match. Specifically, given an image, a k-reciprocal feature is calculated by encoding its k-reciprocal nearest neighbors into a single vector, which is used for re-ranking under the Jaccard distance. The final distance is computed as the combination of the original distance and the Jaccard distance. Our re-ranking method does not require any human interaction or any labeled data, so it is applicable to large-scale datasets. Experiments on the large-scale Market-1501, CUHK03, MARS, and PRW datasets confirm the effectiveness of our method.
[ "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "CUHK03 detected", "Market-1501", "CUHK03 labeled", "CUHK03" ]
[ "Rank-1", "MAP" ]
Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding
Matching pedestrians across multiple camera views, known as human re-identification, is a challenging research problem that has numerous applications in visual surveillance. With the resurgence of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), several end-to-end deep Siamese CNN architectures have been proposed for human re-identification with the objective of projecting the images of similar pairs (i.e. same identity) to be closer to each other and those of dissimilar pairs to be distant from each other. However, current networks extract fixed representations for each image regardless of other images which are paired with it and the comparison with other images is done only at the final level. In this setting, the network is at risk of failing to extract finer local patterns that may be essential to distinguish positive pairs from hard negative pairs. In this paper, we propose a gating function to selectively emphasize such fine common local patterns by comparing the mid-level features across pairs of images. This produces flexible representations for the same image according to the images they are paired with. We conduct experiments on the CUHK03, Market-1501 and VIPeR datasets and demonstrate improved performance compared to a baseline Siamese CNN architecture.
[ "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "Market-1501" ]
[ "Rank-1", "MAP" ]
Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification