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RixVox-v2: A Swedish parliamentary speech dataset

RixVox-v2 is a parliamentary speech dataset spanning nearly 23000 hours of speech. The dataset was built by matching and force aligning speeches in parliamentary protocols to media recordings of debates. Each observation contains metadata about the speaker's name, gender, district, role, party affiliation, and the date the speech was given. We include identifiers for protocols, speeches and speakers that allow linking observations in our dataset to further metadata in SWERIK and the Riksdag's open data.

Variable Description
text Text from parliamentary protocols which have been force aligned with audio. Protocols from 1966-2002 sourced from SWERIK. Speeches from 2000-2024 sourced from the Riksdag's open data.
audio 16 kHz, mono audio segments, up to 30 seconds in duration.
name Speaker name.
party Party membership(s) of the speaker over their career.
gender Gender.
role Role(s) or position(s) the speaker has had over their career.
district The district(s) the person has represented over their career (available only if person has been a member of parliament).
year The year the speech was given according to parliamentary protocol metadata.
dates Date(s) when speech was possibly given according to parsed protocol metadata. A source protocol document can contain several debates spanning multiples dates.
date_approx Earliest possible date speech could have been given according to dates. Included to simplify date based filtering.
start Start time of this audio segment in the debate's audio file (seconds). See audio_file for source media filename.
end End time of this audio segment in debate audio file (seconds)
duration Duration of audio segment in seconds.
audio_file Filename of the source media file in the Riksdag's media archive.
text_normalized Normalized version of original protocol text used for calculating eval metrics (lowercased, alphanumeric, converted numbers to spelled out letters, no punctuation).
text_timestamps Text with timestamps inserted at sentence boundaries. Enables training Whisper with ability to output timestamps.
text_previous Text of the previous audio segment. Enables training Whisper with previous context as prompt.
wav2vec_transcription Audio transcribed by wav2vec2.
whisper_transcription Audio transcribed by Whisper-large-v3.
bleu_whisper BLEU score between text_normalized and normalized whisper_transcription.
bleu_wav2vec BLEU score between text_normalized and normalized wav2vec_transcription.
wer_whisper WER between text_normalized and normalized whisper_transcription.
wer_wav2vec WER between text_normalized and normalized wav2vec_transcription.
cer_whisper_first CER of 10 first characters of text_normalized and normalized whisper_transcription.
cer_wav2vec_first CER of 10 first characters of text_normalized and normalized wav2vec_transcription.
cer_whisper_last CER of 10 last characters of text_normalized and normalized whisper_transcription.
cer_wav2vec_last CER of 10 last characters of text_normalized and normalized wav2vec_transcription.
is_silence Whether the segment contains no text and no detected speech by wav2vec
lang_prob_sv Probability of spoken language being Swedish per the utput of whisper-large-v3's language detection.
shard Shard number. Corresponds to the shard numbering used in the naming of the uploaded parquet files.
speaker_id id of the speaker/person in SWERIK or in the Riksdag's systems. SWERIK ids start with i-.
riksdagen_id id of the person in the Riksdag's own system (if available).
protocol_id id of protocol/debate in SWERIK or the Riksdag's open data. ids from SWERIK start with prot-.
speech_id id of speech in SWERIK or the Riksdag's open data. ids from SWERIK start with i-