dict | images
imagewidth (px) 128
"text": "A small well defined rounded lesion in right parietal lobe convexity. it shows mild peritumoral / perilesional edema with no mass effect. It shows mild peripheral enhancement. no central necrosis or cavitation. No compression on adjacent brain parenchyma or ventricular compression. No midline shift. \nFindings consistent with small low grade Glioma \n "
} | |
"text": "A large, heterogenous peripherally enhancing mass right parieto-temporal lobe. mass shows peripheral thick wall enhancement with central cystic necrosis. moderate peritumoral edema with mass effect. No compression on ventricles or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme.\n \n "
} | |
"text": "Multiple cystic ring enhancing masses left cerebral hemisphere. Lesions within left temporo-parietal lobe and left basal ganglia region. largest one within left temporo-parietal lobe. peritumoral moderate edema . mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. no midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal cystic glioma / or cystic metastasis or tuberculomas."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe within deep cerebral white matter . The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with mild adjacent mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A large, heterogenous, multiloculated predominantly cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. mass shows heterogenous peripheral irregular enhancement with central necrotic / cystic component. Marked peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect, compression on right lateral and third ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with aggressive high grade tumour / Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme. \n "
} | |
"text": "A small abnormal signal intensity area left frontal lobe. it shows mild subtle peripheral contrast enhancement. no perilesional edema. No mass effect. \nFindings consistent with low grade glioma"
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe within deep cerebral white matter . The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with mild adjacent mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A large heterogenous peripherally enhancing mass right posterior parieto-occipital lobe. peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of occipital horn of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. Mass shows heterogenous peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Cystic glioma . \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small irregular enhancing mass left posterior parietal lobe. it shows irregular peripheral nodular wall enhancement with central necrosis and mild peripheral edema. \nAnother small enhancing lesion in posterior parietal lobe, it shows homogenous enhancement with no central necrosis or peritumoral edema. No mass effect or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal primary tumour / Glioma / or metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A small well defined ring enhancing round to oval cystic mass left Parietal lobe . it shows uniform wall enhancement with central cystic necrosis. Mild peritumoral edema. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Glioma / cystic metastasis / or abscess. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left parietal lobe within deep cerebral white matter along falx region. The mass shows heterogenous wall enhancement with central cystic necrotic component. mild peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with cystic Glioma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A large mass in left posterior parietal lobe. The mass shows multiloculated internal cystic component . Mass shows Heterogeneous peripheral contrast enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, Compression of adjacent brain parenchyma, posterior occipital horn of left lateral ventricle . No midline shift or subfalcine herniation present. no internal hemorrhage present. \nFindings consistent with aggressive tumor, consistent with glioblastoma multiform."
} | |
"text": "A well defined, small oval shaped, peripherally ring enhancing mass lesion left posterior parietal lobe near cerebral convexity. it shows relatively smooth ring enhancement. mild perilesional edema. No mass effect . \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with low grade Glioma / Astrocytoma. "
} | |
"text": "A multiloculated cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular wall enhancement. peritumoral edema extending within adjacent right thalamus region, temporal lobe with mild mass effect. No compression on ventricles or midline shift. \nAnother small subcentimeter sized enhancing lesion left deep parietal lobe. no adjacent edema or mass effect. \nFindings consistent with multifocal cystic glioma / or cystic astrocytoma / or multifocal glioblastoma multiforme/ or metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass predominantly within left frontal lobe centred over corpus callosum. It shows heterogenous irregular ring enhancement with central necrosis. Extension across midline. Moderate peritumoral edema with compression of anterior horns of both lateral ventricles LT > RT side. compression of adjacent brain parenchyma and extension across midline, corpus callosum towards right side.\nFindings consistent with astrocytoma likely butterfly glioma."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass right parietal lobe within deep cerebral white matter . The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. moderate peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, compression of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass left frontal lobe along cerebral convexity. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular nodular wall enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci gyri and mild compression on anterior horn of left lateral ventricle. no midline shift.\nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left parieto-temporal lobe. it shows heterogenous contrast enhancement with small central cystic necrotic component. moderate peritumoral enhancement with peripheral irregular ring enhancement. mild peri tumoral edema. No significant mass effect, ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic glioma / or glioblastoma multiforme/ or cystic metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "A large mass in left parietal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, Compression of adjacent brain parenchyma, left lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A well defined, oval shaped, peripherally ring enhancing mass right temporo- parietal lobe. lesion shows central necrotic area. Peripheral ring enhancing wall shows nodular enhancement in its anterior aspect. Peri tumoral edema with mild mass effect, more along medial temporal lobe partially compressing midbrain medially. \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with aggressive Glioma. \nGlioblastoma multiforme (GBM). "
} | |
"text": "A large heterogenously enhancing mass right parietal lobe. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. Mass shows heterogenous peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Cystic glioma . \n \n "
} | |
"text": "Multiple small heterogenous, cystic lesions left posterior parietal lobe. it shows peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. Mild peritumoral edema with no significant mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with cystic Glioma / or cystic metastasis. \n "
} | |
"text": "A small rounded heterogenous cystic mass left parietal lobe within deep cerebral hemisphere. It shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with mild adjacent mass effect. Mild compression on adjacent occipital horn of left lateral ventricle. No midline shift. \nLikely differentials include cystic astrocytoma / or cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "Multiloculated cystic mass in left posterior parietal lobe. The mass shows central necrosis with peripheral ring enhancement. Moderate peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, mild compression of adjacent brain parenchyma, posterior occipital horn of left lateral ventricle . No midline shift or subfalcine herniation present. no internal hemorrhage present. \nFindings consistent with aggressive cystic mass , differentials include multiloculated cystic glioma / or astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme or cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left parieto-temporal lobe. it shows heterogenous contrast enhancement with small central cystic necrotic component. moderate peritumoral enhancement with peripheral irregular ring enhancement. mild peri tumoral edema. No significant mass effect, ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic glioma / or glioblastoma multiforme/ or cystic metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "Multiple heterogenous cystic ring enhancing masses right cerebral hemisphere. Larger on within deep parietal lobe, rest within parietal lobe, basal ganglia and thalamic region. the cystic masses show central necrosis with peripheral irregular enhancement. mild peritumoral edema. No significant mass effect, ventricular compression or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include multifocal cystic glioma or glioblastoma multiforme / or cystic metastasis or tuberculomas."
} | |
"text": "An irregular ring enhancing lesion left hemisphere , posterior parietal lobe involving splenium of corpus callosum. It is slightly extending across midline towards right. mass mild compressing left occipital horn. Mass shows irregular peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis, mild perilesional edema. \nFindings consistent with primary tumour like Astrocytoma / GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme, Butterfly Glioma. "
} | |
"text": "An irregular peripherally enhancing mass left posterior parietal lobe. it shows irregular wall enhancement with central necrotic component. moderate peritumoral edema and mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with high grade cystic Glioma / Astrocytoma or cystic Metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A large heterogenously enhancing mass right parietal lobe. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. Mass shows heterogenous peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. Small area of internal enhancement. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Cystic glioma . \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous peripherally enhancing mass left parietal lobe within deep cerebral white matter. mass shows peripheral ring enhancement with central cystic necrosis. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. No midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / or cystic Glioma.\n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small cortical bases abnormal signal intensity lesion right parietal lobe, having gyriform patten, it shows mild gyriform enhancement on post contrast images. No adjacent peritumoral edema, mass effect or ventricular compression. \nFindings consistent with low grade glioma / or DNET (dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour) astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "Two small well defined, rounded ring enhancing lesions left posterior parietal lobe. larger lesion left posterior periventricular and along parietal lobe convexity. lesions show irregular wall enhancement. central necrosis with few internal enhancement. perilesional edema with no significant mass effect. \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal Glioma / Astrocytoma. Other differentials include metastasis. less likely multifocal abscesses or tuberculomas. "
} | |
"text": "A small rounded heterogenous mass left superior parietal lobe within centrum semiovale region. It shows heterogenous enhancement with no central necrosis. No adjacent edema or mass effect. Few areas of peripheral gyriform abnormal signal intensity within medial cerebral convexity along falx region which shows no contrast enhancement. no midline shift present. \nLikely differentials include small astrocytoma / or metastasis / or gliomatosis cerebri."
} | |
"text": "Multiloculated heterogenous cystic mass right frontal lobe. The mass shows heterogenous ring enhancement with multiple central necrotic component. marked peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on right lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards left side and mild compression on left lateral ventricle.\nFindings consistent with glioblastoma multiforme / cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A cystic mass at the level of pineal gland. it shows central cystic area with peripheral irregular marginal enhancement. it is mildly causing compression on adjacent brain stem (mid brain). No ventricular compression or obstructive hydrocephalus. \nSmall abnormal signal intensity within right thalamus appearing low on T1, high on T2 and FLAIR sequence likely suggestive of small ischemic change. \nFindings consistent with Pineal gland mass , likely differential includes pineocytoma /or cystic pineal tumour/ or cystic metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "A large, heterogenous, multiloculated predominantly cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. mass shows heterogenous peripheral irregular enhancement with central necrotic / cystic component. Marked peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect, compression on right lateral and third ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with aggressive high grade tumour / Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme. \n "
} | |
"text": "Multiple small ring enhancing masses in left frontal and parietal lobe. it shows peripheral irregular this ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema causing mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include ring enhancing metastasis / or small abscesses / or cystic gliomas."
} | |
"text": "Two heterogenous, multiloculated predominantly cystic masses right parietal lobe. mass shows heterogenous peripheral irregular enhancement with central necrotic / cystic component. moderate peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect. No compression on ventricles or midline shift.\nFindings consistent with Cystic metastasis / cystic multifocal Gliomas. \n "
} | |
"text": "Large irregular peripherally enhancing mass left parieto-temporal lobe, more along anterior aspect. mass shows irregular wall enhancement with central necrotic component. moderate peritumoral edema and mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with high grade Glioma / Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) or Metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A small well-defined, rounded, peripherally ring enhancing lesion right temporal lobe. it shows disproportionate peritumoral edema in temporal & medial parietal lobe. No mass effect . \nNo compression on ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with low grade Glioma / Astrocytoma / or solitary metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "Multiple (at least four ), small, irregular peripherally enhancing mass lesions right frontal and parietal lobe region. the lesions show internal cystic necrotic component with peripheral wall enhancement. peritumoral edema and mass effect causing compression on anterior horn of right lateral ventricle. edema extending across corpus callosum. \nFindings consistent with multiple SOL / metastasis / multifocal gliomas or multiple abscesses. "
} | |
"text": "Large heterogenous cystic mass right posterior parieto-occipital lobe with marked peritumoral edema and adjacent mass effect compressing brain parenchyma. Mass shows peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with large cystic Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme or cystic metastasis. \n "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, compression of right lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift towards left side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "Multiple at least two heterogenous cystic ring enhancing masses left cerebral hemisphere. Larger on within left frontal lobe and left parietal lobe. the masses shows central necrosis with peripheral irregular nodular enhancement. moderate peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect. left frontal lobe mass shows edema across corpus callosum, compression on left lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift. \nLikely differentials include multifocal cystic glioma or glioblastoma multiforme / or cystic metastasis or tuberculomas."
} | |
"text": "A large peripherally enhancing mass right posterior parietal-occipital lobe. it shows uniform smooth peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis / fluid content. Marked peri tumoral edema with adjacent mild mass effect. Mild compression on occipital horn of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. No other enhancing lesion present in rest of brain parenchyma.\nFindings consistent with cystic Glioma / or cystic metastasis. \nOther differential includes abscess formation. "
} | |
"text": "Multiple (at least three ) irregular peripherally enhancing mass lesions left parietal and parieto-temporal lobe region. largest lesion left posterior parieto-occipital lobe. all mass lesions shows irregular peripheral wall enhancement with central necrosis. Peritumoral edema with mild adjacent mass effect, partially compressing left occipital horn left lateral ventricle. no midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multiple SOL / metastasis / multifocal gliomas."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left parieto-temporal lobe. it shows heterogenous contrast enhancement with small central cystic necrotic component. moderate peritumoral enhancement with peripheral irregular ring enhancement. mild peri tumoral edema. No significant mass effect, ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic glioma / or glioblastoma multiforme/ or cystic metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "heterogenous cystic mass right medial temporal lobe and adjacent parietal lobe. it shows heterogenous cystic contrast enhancement with peritumoral edema. Adjacent mass effect, partially compressing adjacent brain parenchyma and brain stem. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with aggressive Astrocytoma / or Glioblastoma Multiforme . \n "
} | |
"text": "A small abnormal signal intensity area left frontal lobe. it shows mild subtle peripheral contrast enhancement. no perilesional edema. No mass effect. \nFindings consistent with low grade glioma"
} | |
"text": "A large mass in left frontal lobe. The mass shows solid and cystic component with areas of hemorrhage in its anterior part. Mass shows Heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, Compression of adjacent brain parenchyma, anterior horn of left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive tumor with cystic and hemorrhagic component, mark mass effect, midline shift. consistent with glioblastoma multiform."
} | |
"text": "A small irregular enhancing mass left posterior parietal lobe. it shows irregular peripheral nodular wall enhancement with central necrosis and mild peripheral edema. \nAnother small enhancing lesion in posterior parietal lobe, it shows homogenous enhancement with no central necrosis or peritumoral edema. No mass effect or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal primary tumour / Glioma / or metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "Multiple, small, irregular lesions left parietal lobe. they show irregular wall enhancement with central necrosis. Peritumoral edema and mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include high grade Glioma / GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme / or Metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A Large irregular mass right parieto-temporal lobe. it shows multiloculated ring enhancing areas with central necrosis within it. marked peritumoral edema and mass effect. Compression on right lateral and third ventricle and mild left midline shift (contralateral subfalcine herniation). \nFindings consistent with high grade Glioma / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) \nLess likely Metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, compression of right lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift towards left side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass predominantly within left frontal lobe centred over corpus callosum. It shows heterogenous irregular ring enhancement with central necrosis. Extension across midline. Moderate peritumoral edema with compression of anterior horns of both lateral ventricles LT > RT side. compression of adjacent brain parenchyma and extension across midline, corpus callosum towards right side.\nFindings consistent with astrocytoma likely butterfly glioma."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left temporal lobe region. The mass shows heterogenous irregular wall enhancement with central cystic necrotic component. moderate peritumoral edema with mass effect. Mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. no contralateral midline shift . \nFindings consistent with cystic Astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A large mass in left parietal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick ring enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci and gyri, Compression of adjacent brain parenchyma, left lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A small well defined rounded lesion in right parietal lobe convexity. it shows mild peritumoral / perilesional edema with no mass effect. It shows mild peripheral enhancement. no central necrosis or cavitation. No compression on adjacent brain parenchyma or ventricular compression. No midline shift. \nFindings consistent with small low grade Glioma \n "
} | |
"text": "Multiple, at least three small, irregular wall enhancing lesions right temporo-parietal region. the lesions are lying closely together with irregular peripheral wall enhancement. perilesional edema with mild mass effect. Mild compression on right lateral ventricle and minimal contralateral midline shift. \nLikely differentials include aggressive Glioma / GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme / Metastasis. \nOther differential includes Multifocal abscesses or Tuberculomas. "
} | |
"text": "A well defined cystic mass right posterior parieto-occipital lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral thin wall enhancement, medial part of mass shows heterogenous mass enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of occipital horn of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift.\nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or cystic Glioma."
} | |
"text": "A small cystic ring enhancing mass right posterior parietal lobe. the lesion shows uniform ring enhancement with central necrosis. Peritumoral edema with mass effect. Mild adjacent mass effect with effacement of occipital horn of left lateral ventricle. \nLikely differentials include abscess, or tuberculoma or cystic glioma or cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "Multiple cystic ring enhancing masses left cerebral hemisphere. Lesions within left temporo-parietal lobe and left basal ganglia region. largest one within left temporo-parietal lobe. peritumoral moderate edema . mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. no midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal cystic glioma / or cystic metastasis or tuberculomas."
} | |
"text": "An irregular ring enhancing lesion left parietal lobe in perisylvian region towards convexity. it shows irregular wall enhancement. central necrosis with perilesional mass effect \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with primary tumour like Glioma / Astrocytoma. Other differentials include metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A cystic mass right thalamic and deep cerebral white matter occipital lobe. it shows central cystic necrotic component with peripheral irregular ring enhancement. mild peri tumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild compression of occipital horn of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme"
} | |
"text": "Two large multiple cystic masses right cerebral hemisphere, right Parietal lobe along periphery and within deep cerebral white matter of Parietal lobe along falx. Masses show peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis. Peritumoral edema with mild effacement of right lateral ventricle. No midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Multiple Cystic Gliomas / Glioblastoma Multiforme / or cystic Metastasis. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "Multiloculated heterogenous cystic mass right frontal lobe. The mass shows heterogenous ring enhancement with multiple central necrotic component. marked peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on right lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards left side and mild compression on left lateral ventricle.\nFindings consistent with glioblastoma multiforme / cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass predominantly within bifrontal lobe and corpus callosum. It shows heterogenous irregular ring enhancement with central necrosis. Marked peritumoral edema with compression of anterior horns of both lateral ventricles LT > RT side. compression of adjacent brain parenchyma and extension across midline, \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely butterfly glioma."
} | |
"text": "Large irregular peripherally enhancing mass right parietal lobe. mass shows irregular heterogenous peripheral enhancement with areas of central necrosis. Peritumoral edema and mass effect. Adjacent mass effect causing compression on right lateral and third ventricle, effacement of lateral margins of midbrain, contralateral midline shift towards left side (subfalcine herniation). Mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. \nFindings consistent with aggressive mass right parieto-temporal lobe likely Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). "
} | |
"text": "A small abnormal signal intensity area left frontal lobe. it shows mild subtle peripheral contrast enhancement. no perilesional edema. No mass effect. \nFindings consistent with low grade glioma"
} | |
"text": "A large, heterogenous, multiloculated predominantly cystic mass right parieto-temporal lobe. extension of same cystic mass within right basal ganglia region. mass showers heterogenous peripheral irregular enhancement with central necrotic component. Marked peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect, compression on right lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with aggressive high grade tumour / Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme. \n "
} | |
"text": "A small rounded heterogenous cystic mass left posterior parietal lobe within deep cerebral hemisphere. It shows a small central cystic component with heterogenous enhancement. mild peritumoral edema. No significant mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include cystic astrocytoma / or cystic metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A rounded ring enhancing mass lesion left posterior parieto-occipital lobe. peritumoral disproportionate edema with adjacent mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. Mass shows peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic glioma / or cystic metastasis. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small well defined ring enhancing round to oval cystic mass left Parietal lobe . it shows uniform wall enhancement with central cystic necrosis. Mild peritumoral edema. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Glioma / cystic metastasis / or abscess. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "Large irregular peripherally enhancing mass right parieto-temporal lobe. mass shows irregular thick wall enhancement with central necrotic component. marked peritumoral edema and mass effect. Adjacent mass effect, compression on right lateral ventricle and third ventricle, compression on brain stem with contralateral midline shift (subfalcine herniation). Mild effacement of left lateral ventricle. \nFindings consistent with aggressive mass right parieto-temporal lobe likely Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). "
} | |
"text": "A small ring enhancing mass in left parietal lobe in perisylvian region. it shows thin peripheral ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema causing mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include small abscess / or ring enhancing metastasis / or cystic glioma."
} | |
"text": "A multiloculated cystic mass right occipital lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular wall enhancement. peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild compression of adjacent brain parenchyma. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nAnother heterogenous enhancing mass right thalamic and adjacent deep cerebral white matter with mild adjacent mass effect. No midline shift present. \nFindings consistent with multifocal cystic glioma / or cystic astrocytoma / or multifocal glioblastoma multiforme/ or metastasis ."
} | |
"text": "Multiple, small, irregular lesions left parietal lobe. they show irregular wall enhancement with central necrosis. Peritumoral edema and mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. \nLikely differentials include high grade Glioma / GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme / or Metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous cystic mass left parietal lobe within deep cerebral white matter. The mass shows thin peripheral ring enhancement with central cystic necrotic component. moderate peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift . \nFindings consistent with cystic Astrocytoma / or cystic Glioma."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous multiloculated cystic mass right parietal lobe over convexity region. The mass peripheral irregular wall enhancement with central necrosis. peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift.\nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme or metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A large heterogenously enhancing mass right parietal lobe. mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. Mild effacement of right lateral ventricle. no midline shift. Mass shows heterogenous peripheral enhancement with central necrosis. Small area of internal enhancement. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Cystic glioma . \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small well defined ring enhancing round to oval cystic mass right thalamus and midbrain region. it shows uniform wall enhancement with central cystic necrosis. Mild peritumoral edema and mass effect, mild compression on adjacent third ventricle. No midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Glioma / cystic metastasis / or abscess. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left Parieto-temporal lobe region. The mass shows heterogenous irregular wall enhancement with central cystic necrotic component. marked peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with cystic Astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A small, rounded heterogenous, multiloculated cystic mass left posterior parieto-temporal region. mass shows heterogenous peripheral enhancement with central necrotic / cystic component. mild peritumoral edema. No mass effect. No compression on ventricle or midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with small low grade Glioma / or metastasis. \n "
} | |
"text": "A large peripherally enhancing mass left parietal lobe, extending from centrum semiovale till left periventricular region. it shows regular wall enhancement with central necrotic component. mass shows peripheral uniform wall enhancement with Peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. No compression on ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic Glioma / Astrocytoma \nOther differential includes Abscess. "
} | |
"text": "Large heterogenous cystic mass left frontal lobe along falx region. it extends along midline towards right side. mass shows heterogenous peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis. Marked peritumoral edema extending along midline and corpus callosum. Adjacent mass effect with compression on anterior horn of both ventricles LT > RT side. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with large Glioblastoma Multiforme / butterfly Glioma \n "
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous peripherally enhancing mass right posterior parieto-occipital lobe. mass shows heterogenous peripheral ring enhancement with central necrosis. Mass involving splenium of corpus callosum. Mild peritumoral edema with mild mass effect with mild anterior displacement of occipital horn of right lateral ventricle. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme / or cystic metastasis.\n \n "
} | |
"text": "An irregular ring enhancing lesion left parietal lobe in perisylvian region towards convexity. it shows irregular wall enhancement. central necrosis with perilesional mass effect \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with primary tumour like Glioma / Astrocytoma. Other differentials include metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A well defined, oval shaped, peripherally ring enhancing mass right temporo- parietal lobe. lesion shows central necrotic area. Peripheral ring enhancing wall shows nodular enhancement in its anterior aspect. Peri tumoral edema with mild mass effect, more along medial temporal lobe partially compressing midbrain medially. \nNo compression on lateral ventricles or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with aggressive Glioma. \nGlioblastoma multiforme (GBM). "
} | |
"text": "A large heterogenous cystic mass right parietal lobe along cerebral convexity. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral irregular thick walled ring enhancement. Marked peritumoral edema causing mass effect, effacement of cerebral sulci, gyri and basal ganglia region, compression of right lateral ventricle with mild contralateral midline shift towards left side. \nFindings consistent with aggressive astrocytoma likely glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A Large, heterogenous, multiloculated cystic mass right fronto-parietal-temporal region. the cystic component shows irregular peripheral wall enhancement with central areas of necrosis. Marked Peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on right lateral and third ventricle , contralateral midline shift with compression on mid brain. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with high grade Glioma / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) \n "
} | |
"text": "A small well defined ring enhancing round to oval cystic mass right thalamus and midbrain region. it shows uniform wall enhancement with central cystic necrosis. Mild peritumoral edema and mass effect, mild compression on adjacent third ventricle. No midline shift. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Glioma / cystic metastasis / or abscess. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small cortical bases abnormal signal intensity lesion right parietal lobe, having gyriform patten, it shows mild gyriform enhancement on post contrast images. No adjacent peritumoral edema, mass effect or ventricular compression. \nFindings consistent with low grade glioma / or DNET (dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour) astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A small heterogenous cystic mass right posterior parietal lobe. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral thin ring enhancement. marked disproportionate peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect. compression on right lateral ventricle and mild contralateral midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left Parieto-temporal lobe region. The mass shows heterogenous irregular wall enhancement with central cystic necrotic component. marked peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with cystic Astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme."
} | |
"text": "A large, heterogenous, multiloculated cystic mass left frontal lobe. it shows heterogenous peripheral irregular enhancement with central necrotic component. small area of central enhancement as well. Marked peritumoral edema with adjacent mass effect, edema extending in contralateral right frontal lobe compressing along corpus callosum. Adjacent compression on anterior horn of left lateral ventricle. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal with no other enhancing lesion. \nFindings consistent with aggressive high grade tumour / Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme. \n "
} | |
"text": "heterogenous peripherally enhancing masses (two large masses) left posterior parietal lobe. marked peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. effacement of left lateral ventricle. no midline shift. Mass shows heterogenous peripheral wall enhancement with central necrosis. \nRest of brain parenchyma appear normal. \nDifferentials include Cystic Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma Multiforme. \n \n "
} | |
"text": "A small irregular enhancing mass left posterior parietal lobe. it shows irregular peripheral nodular wall enhancement with central necrosis and mild peripheral edema. \nAnother small enhancing lesion in posterior parietal lobe, it shows homogenous enhancement with no central necrosis or peritumoral edema. No mass effect or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with multifocal primary tumour / Glioma / or metastasis. "
} | |
"text": "A small cystic mass left parietal lobe along convexity. The mass shows central cystic component with peripheral thin walled ring enhancement. mild peritumoral edema with no significant mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift. \nFindings consistent with cystic glioma / or ganglioglioma."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous multiloculated cystic mass right parietal lobe over convexity region. The mass peripheral irregular wall enhancement with central necrosis. peritumoral edema with mild mass effect. No ventricular compression or midline shift.\nFindings consistent with cystic astrocytoma / or glioblastoma multiforme or metastasis."
} | |
"text": "A heterogenous mass left frontal lobe. The mass shows heterogenous enhancement with few central necrotic component and large cystic posterior component. marked peritumoral edema with mass effect. Compression on anterior horn of left lateral ventricle with contralateral midline shift towards right side. \nFindings consistent with glioblastoma multiforme."
} |
Subsets and Splits