stringlengths 85
{'user_id': '76561197970982479', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970982479', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 5, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Simple yet with great replayability. In my opinion does "zombie" hordes and team work better than left 4 dead plus has a global leveling system. Alot of down to earth "zombie" splattering fun for the whole family. Amazed this sort of FPS is so rare.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 15, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '22200', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's unique and worth a playthrough."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 21, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '43110', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great atmosphere. The gunplay can be a bit chunky at times but at the end of the day this game is definitely worth it and I hope they do a sequel...so buy the game so I get a sequel!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'js41637', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/js41637', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 24, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '251610', 'helpful': '15 of 20 people (75%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I know what you think when you see this title "Barbie Dreamhouse Party" but do not be intimidated by it\'s title, this is easily one of my GOTYs. You don\'t get any of that cliche game mechanics that all the latest games have, this is simply good core gameplay. Yes, you can\'t 360 noscope your friends, but what you can do is show them up with your bad ♥♥♥ dance moves and put them to shame as you show them what true fashion and color combinations are.I know this game says for kids but, this is easily for any age range and any age will have a blast playing this.8/8'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 8, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '227300', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "For a simple (it's actually not all that simple but it can be!) truck driving Simulator, it is quite a fun and relaxing game. Playing on simple (or easy?) its just the basic WASD keys for driving but (if you want) the game can be much harder and realistic with having to manually change gears, much harder turning, etc. And reversing in this game is a ♥♥♥♥♥, as I imagine it would be with an actual truck. Luckily, you don't have to reverse park it but you get extra points if you do cause it is bloody hard. But this is suprisingly a nice truck driving game and I had a bit of fun with it."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 29, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '239030', 'helpful': '1 of 4 people (25%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very fun little game to play when your bored or as a time passer. Very gud. Do Recommend. pls buy'}]} |
{'user_id': 'evcentric', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/evcentric', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 3.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '248820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "A suitably punishing roguelike platformer. Winning feels good. Progressive unlocks mean a good slog ending in failure doesn't feel like a waste."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 4, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 5, 2015.', 'item_id': '370360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '"Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that?"'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 3, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '237930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Elegant integration of gameplay, story, world development and aesthetic.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '263360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Random drops and random quests, with stat points. Animation style reminiscent of the era before the Voodoo card.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '107200', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Fun balance of tactics and strategy. Potential for very rewarding battles on smaller maps. Can become a bit of a grind on larger maps (>200 stars).'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224500', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Fun world builder, with plenty of option of how you want challenge served to you. Gnome pathing sometimes frustrating if you expand very very quickly.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'doctr', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/doctr', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 14, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '250320', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game... is so fun. The fight sequences have been improved from walking dead. It also includes more of a Sam and Max puzzle solving (some of it in the first episode) and walking dead. The game also gets even more better if you have read the Fables comic books, which are without a doubt, very good. The music is also superb and fit the scenarios very well.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 28, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '20920', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Really Really Really Great Game, very good story, im in chapter 1 atm and i think its great. You get a really early link with characters. No need to play the first game, its nicely wrapped up for you in a five minute video. FYI beware of the sex scenes :P, nudity does happen in the game and it shows you actually having sex, so try not to play with your parents around if your near a point in the story. Also you will need a good rig/comp to play on high. Don't even try running the game on Ultra unless you have mulitiple GPU's (Graphics card) and ram and a good processor. All in all good game :D"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 2, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '204100', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Just buy it already. Great Story, Great Multiplayer and good fan service. Just awesome game. Just using shootdodge and bullet time makes you feel like a badass. Also, its better if you get the max payne story recapped or replay the first two but its not necessary.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 29, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224600', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It was a great game from what I played, right now I need to find the actual download.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 22, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '207610', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "The ending to this game is.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.... Just buy it, you'll be invested, im automatically preordering season two of the walking dead game."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 23, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '108710', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Alan wake is a really good game, the light effects are pretty awesome and this game is so good, it paid back remedy their promotion and conversion fees in the first two days on steam. Its awesome :D. Remedy can still make video games, even if its not Max Payne. It is also very character driven.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'maplemage', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/maplemage', 'reviews': [{'funny': '3 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted April 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211420', 'helpful': '35 of 43 people (81%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Git gud'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 23, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211820', 'helpful': '12 of 16 people (75%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's like Terraria, you play for 9 hours straight, get endgame armour then stop playing until the next update."}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted March 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '5 of 5 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Hold shift to win, Hold CTRL to lose.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 11, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '204300', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "OH YES, THIS GAME IS THE BEST, THEY ADD STUFF LIKE NEW CHARACTERS, AND LIKE A NEW MAP ONCE A YEAR, IT'S SO AWESOME, OH YES, IT'S SO AWESOMENAUTS, YES, YES, I'M GOOD AT THIS, YES, YES, GOOD, I'M GOOD, YES, GOOD, YOU ARE BAD, IM GOOD, YES, TOO GOOD, YES, IM NOT BAD, YES, GOOD."}]} |
{'user_id': 'Wackky', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Wackky', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '249130', 'helpful': '7 of 8 people (88%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is Marvellous.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 24, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 25, 2013.', 'item_id': '207610', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It reminds me of that TV Show called "The Walking Dead".'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted October 21, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 25, 2013.', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is fantastic if you are looking to DEADicate some time to it.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 20, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 22, 2014.', 'item_id': '65800', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'If you like defending dungeons then I suppose this game would suit your needs.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 9, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 25, 2013.', 'item_id': '220', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "You don't have to get this game. It's not like it's the greatest FPS of all time or anything. But have a think about it."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198079601835', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079601835', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ZIKA DO BAILE'}]} |
{'user_id': 'MeaTCompany', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/MeaTCompany', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 24.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'BEST GAME IN THE BLOODY WORLD'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198089393905', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089393905', 'reviews': [{'funny': '5 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted February 1, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '72850', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Killed the Emperor, nobody cared and got away with it. Accidentally killed a chicken and everybody decided to gang up on me. 10/10'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted June 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 would eat your money for hats and keys'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198156664158', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198156664158', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 16.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252950', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'love it'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198077246154', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077246154', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 11.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'mt bom'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 25, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 30, 2015.', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'É muito bom'}]} |
{'user_id': 'WeiEDKrSat', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/WeiEDKrSat', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 25, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'es la rajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'}]} |
{'user_id': 'thequeenpanda', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/thequeenpanda', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 23, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '42910', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'MAGICKA *SNORT* *SNORT*'}]} |
{'user_id': 'death-hunter', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/death-hunter', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 5, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '232090', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Amazing, Non-stop action of blowing stuff to bits, Decapitation and shooting everything you see. With a combination of action, thriller and emmersive gameplay, as well as enviromental challanges (Jump physics). This game will really put your eyes to the test, can you see the enemys before they see you? Cause their are so many!This is the second level of the killing floor, I quote bill LF4D "Son we just crossed the street" But in reality they only moved up an elevator level on genes. What has yet to come as the game is slowly realsed with thrilling and horryfing creations, But who really cares, Let\'s just blow it up, I invite you to get on the GODAMN KILLING FLOOR, LET\'S SHOOT ♥♥♥♥♥ES AND GET PAID! RAHHHHHHHHHHH!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Amazing, Non-stop action of blowing stuff to bits, Decapitation and shooting everything you see. With a combination of action, thriller and emmersive gameplay, as well as enviromental challanges (Jump physics). This game will really put your eyes to the test, can you see the enemys before they see you? Cause their are so many!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Amazaing great, Creative and build All I'm going to say."}]} |
{'user_id': 'DJKamBer', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/DJKamBer', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'At first, it looked to me that..."Wow, just another plain game... Minecraft Style I guess..."However, after playing it for almost 2 hours, I\'ve realised that this game...Is nothing like Minecraft in terms on gaming content/adventure.If you\'ve ever wished to get DayZ and want to get a first-hand experience of it, this game will be a great start!I do recommend that you guys play with a friend, and not Single Player (Just yet...)My feeling about this game is that it will become a game that requires intense TeamWork, Co-ordination and communication (Recommend: Use Voice Chat in Steam for the meantime).So for those who feel this game isn\'t worth playing because it looks boring, please think twice...I would have regretted my choice if I didn\'t choose to play this game for a while.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 27, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Awesome graphics, texture. Reqiures HARDCORE teamwork and Co-Ordination, but all good fun! Go get it now. You won't regret it!"}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 20, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '2 of 6 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Upside to PAYDAY 2:+ Updates are released every few weeks or maximum 1 month (Some are free, which is a good thing)+ Gets you feeling acomplished by getting free items after every mission+ Able to retry missions that are of different difficulties (Adds challenge to your gameplay)+ Side Jobs (Everyday and every week) to complete, which gives you free items that you would like to haveDownside to PAYDAY 2:- Game sustainability is low (It's a repetitive gameplay; you will get bored after playing it too often)- You must pay for DLCs that may be more fun than the free ones- Lots of things to take note and get used to (Perks, modifying weapons/masks/comestics, etc)Overall rating: 8.5/10"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 4, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224260', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome game! It\'s like L4D2 and Killing Floor, but much more realistic! This game REALLY needs hardcore teamwork, to win Objective Mode and Survival Mode, but other than that, it\'s really fun and "Horrific!"'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 12, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Compared to Left 4 Dead 2, this game REALLY gives you the creeps and the adrenaline rush to kill the Patrioch. +1 for this gameAlthough it does need some major improvements to how they put in the designs (Not the zombies, the HUDs).Other than that, GREAT game!Thrilling!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 19, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "You won't regret playing it!"}]} |
{'user_id': 'Rainbow-Dashie', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Rainbow-Dashie', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 19, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good Game It Was Very Fun!!!!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '49520', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'What a Awsome game!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198043472122', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043472122', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '33440', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "This Game Doesn't Work"}]} |
{'user_id': 'MarbleShrine', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/MarbleShrine', 'reviews': [{'funny': '17 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted February 17, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220200', 'helpful': '28 of 31 people (90%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I'm going to keep this somewhat short and sweetAt the time of writing, Kerbal space program is in beta and there is talk of how soon it will be until it emerges from beta. But since its release in July 2011, it grown to become an outstanding example of Enthusiasm, Humor, and Profound triamph in a game. No matter whether your accomplishing great feats of exploration and scientific achievement......Or maybe you watched your beloved ship erupt into flames and debris becuase of a fatally unseen flaw. There is always something spectacular to be seen (Like your blown-up ship) or something to have a laugh at (Again like your blown-up ship)My recommendation?Buy this game, do something great, do something ridiculous, mod it, find something else just as great and just as crazy to do. My little tip is that i get emotionally attatched to some of my kerbals (Especially Jebediah). There's so much fun to be had and tenderness to experience. There's no reason not to buy this game and experience it. So do it!!!"}]} |
{'user_id': 'PPanther', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/PPanther', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 28, 2014.', 'item_id': '211820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I've always liked games like Terraria with the 2 dimensional survival and exploration aspect and Starbound does all these well and MORE!Lets start with its soundtrack: To sum it up in one paragraph would do it injustice. This games soundtrack is fully orchestral and imersive. The music just fits perfectly where-ever you are in game. Whether you are spelunking or just flying through the vast expanse of space it fits perfectly and leaves you in awe.Ok onto the graphics: The look and feel of this game bring the vast worlds to life with the many colors and alien dirts, trees and the mixture of monsters. The backgrounds of the planets match up the the foregrounds well and give the 2d aspect that 3d feel.Now the gameplay: Starbound has a nice rich layer of gameplay revolving around survival. In the latest unstable build updates they have introduced a very needed layer of missions and npc quests which fullfil the gaps of just flying from planet to planet and give purpose.Starbounds worlds have a wide variety of random aspects to them.First off the flora: Flora of planets consists of 2-3 main aspects. The Trees, the small bushes and medium bushes. Each planet has a vast difference to the next in their flora with trees coming in 2-3 different types from metallic trees to plain out alien tentacles.Now onto the fauna: Each planet has 3 or more ground based animals which increase in strength further beneath the planets surface. Starbound has a feature where animals are customized via their limbs and body. There are many arms, legs, feet and bodies all just jumbled to together from monster to monster making cute monsters and just plain out terrifying ones. There are also around 2 bird species per planet. Using the same general system.I personally suggest this game because of its deep and fluid experience and its wide modding community.8-9/10 for an early access and its only going to get better!"}]} |
{'user_id': 'devvonst', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/devvonst', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 12, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '6 of 9 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best first person shooter'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218740', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Well, need a multiplayer option'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 31, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'AWESOME'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Fr0stedLine', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fr0stedLine', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Hermoso juego que nunca olvidare <3'}]} |
{'user_id': 'starkillershadow553', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/starkillershadow553', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 4, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '238090', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "One of the best sequals i have every seen, rebellion dose a great job of refining and improving. the X-ray mechanic is vastly improved.One thing in particular i dont like is the new leveling system and having to unlock weapons, but then again it gives the game massive replayabily through the open-ended levels making you want to go back for more and get those weapons, but personal opinion i like V2's weapon unlock system.great game worth every dollor, 9/10"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 23.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242130', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "If you're looking for a no frills, Arcade/Simulator Style Dog fighting game you have come to the right place."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '277430', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'For $5 this game is worth your time.Pretty easy to pick up and play with simple controls and fun gameplay. dont be worried that the game will be runied by microtranactions cause they dont really change the game at all.Graphics have a really nice feel the them and sound is really good.Hopfully this game will pave the path for future halo games to come to PC.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198058373434', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058373434', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 8, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8870', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '1. Elizabeth2. Elizabeth3. Elizabeth4. Plot5. Elizabeth10/10 wuld play again'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198048353577', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048353577', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '368230', 'helpful': '3 of 5 people (60%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥ me where to start..-Made Mad Base-Got Red Moon and butt ♥♥♥♥ed11/10 would be butt ♥♥♥♥ed again..christ.Loving this game so far..'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 16.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Top Quality. Star Wars RP is the bomb.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 20, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '33930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game Really fun to play with friends BEAST GAME'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198066046412', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066046412', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 28, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '359320', 'helpful': '4 of 5 people (80%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': '♥♥♥♥♥ charged me 80 now its 15 dollars, got boring after about 5 hours.'}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 19, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '219640', 'helpful': '1 of 5 people (20%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Chivalry Deadliest Warrior = Best game, needs more players though'}]} |
{'user_id': 'tru_mu_', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/tru_mu_', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 15, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '287980', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'a fun game that gets ridiculously hard on harder difficulties, suits any music you choose to play or just the in game music.ive played most of my hours in this game when my net drops out (hence the hours) and have been playing since it was in beta. not sold on the daily challenge but the new station is an interesting consept. overall... love the game, 8.5/10, would reccomend to fast thinkers.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198070565427', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070565427', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 31.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ผมว่าคุ้มที่สุดเเห่งเกมที่ผมเล่นมาผมน่าจะเจอเกมนี้นานเเล้วชือไปเล่นไม่ผิดหวังเชือท่าอยากเล่นทำตามครับ 5 วิธีในการเก็บเงินเติมsteamเพือชือpayday 25การชือpayday2 เเล้วคุ้มอย่างไง?1.เก็บเงินวันละบาท :จนครบ500บาทครับ2.ข้อนี้สำหรับเพือนรักเรา : ให้เพือนชือให้ครับ3.อ่านหนังสือ:บางคนถามว่าเกี่ยวอะไรถูกเกียวอะไรที่ผมจะบอกคืออารหนังสือสอบให้ได้เกรดที่พ่อเเม่ภูมิใจเเล้วเราค่อยขอเติม4.เเอบเติม:ผมไม่เเนะนำข้อนี้นะ5.ข้อนี้สำหรับคนทำงาน:งายมากทำงารเเล้วชือบัตรทรูมันนี่ต่อไปนี้ผมจะพูดถึง 5การชือpayday2 เเล้วคุ้มอย่างไง?1.โคตรคุ้มคือเรายิงกับตำรวจนี้เอาง่ายๆนะด่านธนาคารส่งตำรวจมาตายกี่คนวะ2.การเเต่งปืนเกมไหนมีเกมเเต่งปืนเเบบนี้มั่งบอกที3.หน้ากากสุดเท่กับเสือเกราะคู่ใจมีไหมเกมอืนเหมือนไหม4.สกิวมี4สกิวคุนอยากเล่นสกิวไหนตามสบาย5.lvใช่lvเเม่งมีจนxxvเลยกันทีเดี๋ยวอีกอย่างอัพเดทเกมทุกเดือนวันนี้ขอตัวลาไปก่อนสวัสดีคับ'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '208090', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'well dont'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted October 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242700', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'เพือนๆครับท่าชือเกมนี้้ได้ใครชือจะไม่เสียใจเพราะมีหลายโมดจนจำไม่ได้ไห้คะเเนน100/100จนผมต้องขอบคุนคนที่ทำท่าชื้อไม่ได้อย่าเสียใจเพราะเขามีให้โหลดในโทรคัพด้วย'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 27, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'w,'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 28, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224260', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ก็สนุกเเต่เจ่าของเกมครับชวยเอาไอพวกที่ชอบด่าได้ไหม'}]} |
{'user_id': 'SavageEeEe', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/SavageEeEe', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221100', 'helpful': '0 of 8 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great Game, Love it, Best game ever.............Even tho i droped dead on a server with only me on it, when i had an SVD,M4 with 100 rounds each.This game is still great <3 you DayZ'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198076909484', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076909484', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 18, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'GOD GAME'}]} |
{'user_id': 'KanadeTheNeko', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/KanadeTheNeko', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '331470', 'helpful': '27 of 41 people (66%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Love it. Love it. And since I can read cyrillic script, I can play it in Rusian or English. Love it.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 29, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '8 of 10 people (80%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "One does not simply not buy Garry's Mod. I recommend you do buy it if you don't have it."}]} |
{'user_id': 'Leaf_Light_Moscow', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Leaf_Light_Moscow', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 9.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '323370', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Just amazing'}]} |
{'user_id': 'GoAwayZach', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/GoAwayZach', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 29, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very very fun. 2.2.5 is nice and fun and the beta for 3.0 is very enjoyable with constant updates and lots of content per update. GG'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198054540475', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054540475', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 13, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '12210', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game Is great.Its charmingits imersiveits funAnd it works every time for me. I have no idea what others are complaining about.Anyways.In my opinion i like it even slightly better than Gta 5 which i own.it has such a good story and ypu can dictate the story on several occasions like choosing to kill or not kill somebody which affects you later on positively or negativly or choosing weather to accept an offer or not.The combat is imersive. as you harm an enemy their preformance goes down and you cand shoot them a mlion times in the hand to kill them. This is still up for a little improvementsMods can be very fun and after finishing the story i reccomend installing one after finnishing the story.However you should install an ENB asap because it greatly enhances the graphics.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 26, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '265210', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'In an alternate universe when Ronald Mcdonald was not sucsessful.19/21'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 4, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '48700', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I Have Played 60 hours of this brilliant different type of strategy game and i haven't had enough. The game is still very long so watch out."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198085547365', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085547365', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 16.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '238460', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Grab a friend and Hammer through the most heart-warming/horrible story you will ever experience.10/10 IGN'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 16.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '34900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's like Skyrim but with guns :D :D :D10/10"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198061252210', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061252210', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'i really do recommend anyone who has played any cs or cod like games to give this game a go. it may not be like cod but it is still as much fun maybe even better #keepitreal'}]} |
{'user_id': 'OfficialShroomsy', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialShroomsy', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 6, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '113200', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Any gamer lovers of stragery and other indie games would love this game and Ireconmend it to you'}]} |
{'user_id': 'boydeer', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/boydeer', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 12, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '4 of 4 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'สนุกมากเลยคับ'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '383080', 'helpful': '4 of 7 people (57%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'เกมเเดกเงินดีๆนี้เอง'}]} |
{'user_id': 'VVillis', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/VVillis', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '213670', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'My character is a Jew named ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that is wearing a KKK costume.10/10, IGN'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198083226897', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083226897', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This is a really good game, because you can explore, fight and mine. On this crazy adventure packed game, there's endless possiblilities."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198075277292', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075277292', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited April 4.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '-Sees player-Tries shoot at the head-Fails-Dies-Vote kick player-Rage quitsalloha snackbar'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 11, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 23.', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "1K mmr players be like:Phantom Assasin has disconected.Phantom Assasin has 5 mins left to reconnect.Silencer: Wait please!Pudge: NoPudge: F9 team please2K mmr players be like:It's just they're having a normal game. Yea that's it for 2K mmr lol3K mmr players be like:Techies: Ez script, Ez winAxe: ♥♥♥♥ you noob, you can't take win ♥♥♥♥♥Techies: We're actually winning, don't end this5 mins ago...Axe: EZ COMEBACK NOOB TECHIES LOLOL NOOBIEEETechies has disconnected from the game#fromyoutubevideo4K mmr players be like:Queen of Pain: 2 tangos plsTiny: need 2 tangos anyone?Sniper: yo guys im gonna die instanly can I have MANGOOO5K mmr players be like:(All): GGWP6K mmr players be like:Some random guy: yay me in leaderboard7K mmr players be like:Dota 2 fan player: I'M IN ROAD TO 8K MMR8K mmr players be like:Bloodseeker: Omg it's real miracle pls add me i'm ur fan9K mmr players be like:(Unkown)"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198028895010', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028895010', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 22, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '231180', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This is Nothing Like PhotoShop or Sai, Becuase it's More. The tools you used Use more real life effects then just a purfect line it's get Messy but it's amazing if you want that True real life look. i only been useing this for 10 hours and Already loveing it even with the Easter egg that show up every once in a while."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 27, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I just can't stop playing it that good <:"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198170198366', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170198366', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 18.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271290', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best mech game I have ever played'}]} |
{'user_id': 'diego9031', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/diego9031', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 30.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Vale a pena a pagar 20 R$ nesse jogo porque: Tem um multi-player muito bom Qualquer coisa que você imagine tem Tem infinitos modos de jogo '}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '317360', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': ' Tem Slow-Motion Tem tiro Precisa de mais personagens É de graçaNota 10/10 '}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 5, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '223710', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '-NO-NO-NO10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 4, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '299360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '-Jogabilidade ótima;-Tiro pra c@$#&*#;-Pessoas noobs (é so aprender a jogar)Minha nota10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 3, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited October 4, 2015.', 'item_id': '322330', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '-Tem o mod do Daniel Orivaldo da Silva;-Mundo aberto;-Tem coisas legais para se fazer;-É multi-player;-Vicia muito fácil;Minha nota10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 13, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Jogo ♥♥♥♥.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '12100', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Nao funciona com controle'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '204360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Thisgame is so cool'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 14, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 1, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224260', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is very cool!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'jarrodtrim', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrodtrim', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 11, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game. LOVE IT!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198078738103', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078738103', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Its good and its not like the other bad games out there on steam. But you need to give this game a shot since its not what it seems... However i dont think its a pick up and play since theres going to be challanges in your game. But give it a go and you'll enjoy it for sure ~shazzy XD"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198067936203', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067936203', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really good definately Recommend getting this game, Super Addictive 10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198079770573', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079770573', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1840', 'helpful': '3 of 6 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'es muy increible OwO'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198087586464', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087586464', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 27, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'best game ive played in my life'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Derp-e', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Derp-e', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 27, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 27, 2015.', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This game has an excellent style of fighting with high amounts of diferent weapons to use from. With the help of the hl2 engine, the graphics, models of weapons and characters, this deserves one of the best shooters game of all time. As well as this, map-making is avaliable to all people who are willing to do it, same with plugins for custom servers, Source Film Maker and many more things. This is overall a stunning game that I have played for a while and deserves a yes. GG Valve.Some things that may put it down, however, would be the fact that some recent updates are very similar in terms of style. For example, the Gun Mettle update brought in contracts, new maps, etc. The halloween update brought in the same thing, but just different missions.People who play other shooter games, that are like COD, Battlefield, etc. One thing i would have to say to those people would be, don't shout at the medic to run to you and specifically YOU because apparantely YOU are the one carrying the team with your gibus and goggles and your natascha, family business and your eviction notice. Pub doesnt work like that, sunshine.As well as this, don't be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to the new kid or some ♥♥♥♥ just because you got screwed over when you were new. At some point this new kid will have a better inventory, (yes i know just because having an expensive inventory doesnt make you a better player) better items, and a better fighting style. TF2 doesnt need those kinds of ♥♥♥♥♥ on their servers.Either way, although there are some parts of the years to come that will be lazy, there will be better things introduced. Frankly, i want some new weapons, they've been just introducing reskins. Example, Batsaber.Yes."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198070194565', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070194565', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233250', 'helpful': '0 of 11 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'на каком компе пойдёт эта игра ана лагает '}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 7.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '449140', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'отличная игра скажу вам и расскажу о ней в плюсах и минусах плюсы+щикарная графикастрой всё что захочешь (например рокет лаунчер который как миниган)боты естьминусы- нельзя больше 6 игроков надеюсь добавят больше игроков не 3 на 3 а 4 на 4 и тд тпмоя оценка 9/10 (будет 10/10 когда сделают побольше игроков)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 7.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '368730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ребята ищю игроков которые со мной будут играть в эту игру'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 4.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '246280', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'отличная игра советую всем только жалко что тут донат есть'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 30.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '427270', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'все кто не советуют эту игру они либо не фонаты доты 2 либо ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ы я лично обожаю эту игру были 2 части появилась копия доты ну 2 режима 1 режим наш всеми любимый дефенд и 2 НОВЫЙ режим доты только с ловушками мне очень понравилось! она пока ещё в бете НО ВЫ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДОЛЖНЫ ПОИГРАТЬ пусть и донат есть НО ЭТА ИГРА ЩИКАРНА ! ну и теперь приступаем к плюсам и минусам !! плюсы+отличная графика 2 режима много вещей (от беты такое не ожиддано) минусы-мало игроков4 плюса и 1 минус надеюсь вы скачаете эту игру и добавите меня в друзья будем в месте оборонятся или в режим доты 2 пойдём :)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '397100', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'игра хороша но единственный минус КАК ЭТО ВСЁ ПОСТРОИТЬ??! да да это и есть минус я не понимаю НЕ КАПЕЛЬКИ как построить меха так и летаю на самом первом выдающемся кубике надеюсь в эту игру добавят workshop ибо СТРОИТЬ ЭТО УНРИАЛ надеюсь всё таки будет воркшоп и гейб или ещё ктото там договорится с японцами и сделают workshop ибо у меня на нет получается ну я ни капельки не понял как построить меха или ещё когото чтобы он смог двигаться бегать прыгать летать (хотя я знаю как заставить летать) моя оценка 8/10 будет 10/10 если добавят workshop'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 9, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '248570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ну прикольная игра но 1 минус сложно делать приёмы еслиб можно было создавать приёмы и в инвенте снарядить чтобы просто бить этим приёмом'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Rivtex', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Rivtex', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '298630', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Its so bosss'}]} |
{'user_id': 'UTNerd24', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/UTNerd24', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '244210', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This game has TRUE potential to be something of legends.Even though this game isint completed yet, It's current state has amazing things to offer.It wont be too long before we go from Drag racing BMW's to Racing a Bugatti Veyron SS around the Nurburgring...But well have to wait and see.Highly reccomend this game! Give it a go!"}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 2, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Can't wait for this game to come out of Early Access"}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted June 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '376920', 'helpful': '13 of 27 people (48%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Remember those Flash Games you would play at school when the Teacher wasen't Looking? This is pretty much like that. And as you'd expect, its just as good. Simple, Addictive and plenty of fun. My only real complaint would be that there isint a leaderboard. But not a big deal.7.5/10Nothing amazing, just straightforward and addictive, like most games should be."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '257750', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Because of the ability to kill your friends in multiplayer, I declare this the Mario Party of Platformers.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221910', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I can only sum this game up in one word:WHAT!?'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 15, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '2280', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Even Today, DOOM and it's sequals manage to be some of the greatest FPS in history. It revolitionized the Industry and if it werent for DOOM, Shooters would be nothing like they are today.Happy 20th Birthday!"}]} |
{'user_id': 'sandwiches1', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/sandwiches1', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '417860', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Emily is a thot'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198138053270', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198138053270', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'great game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'lucaswerg', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/lucaswerg', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 11, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "best game I've played in a long time i reccomend this game to any one, its worth the $ 30"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '222880', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'bum'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Life-Of-Blu', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Life-Of-Blu', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 13, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '377160', 'helpful': '1 of 5 people (20%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The best game money can Buy 10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 15, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great Game, So Many Different nooks and cranies in this game all waiting to be explored 10/10I would recommend this to anybody, Just give it a try and be amazed'}]} |
{'user_id': 'CaptianAutismo', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/CaptianAutismo', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 17, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252490', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'One, two, raiders coming for you.C4, better lock your doorFive, six, find wood to fix.Seven, eight, die frozen late.Nine, ten, Never sleep again....10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198075895633', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075895633', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 26, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'YOU CANT GET SICK OF IT JUST GET BETTER AND BETTER THEN GET UNUSUALS HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU'}]} |
{'user_id': 'TheDropix101', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheDropix101', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 11.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242920', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This game is very good, i'd recommend it to just about anybody I know, although something bad I found out about it on my first day is that Banished is a life eater, all aside I love this game,"}]} |
{'user_id': 'kube134', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/kube134', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 28, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '251990', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's good to be a magical queen... if you survive to reach the coronation."}]} |
{'user_id': 'iamthekingofbrowntown', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/iamthekingofbrowntown', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '344760', 'helpful': '3 of 4 people (75%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Spent 3 days making a base. Man teleported in my base, spawned in steel armour and sword, killed us, broke everything'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 13, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252950', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 would fap again'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted April 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '236430', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'THE SUN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, DO YOU PRAISE IT?PRAISE THE SUN!PRAISE THE SUN!PRAISE THE SUN!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '399730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The new music made me ♥♥♥♥ with excitement and the new everything made me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 11/10 would fap again'}]} |
{'user_id': 'MainScout', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/MainScout', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 26.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '2nd of my most favourite game in my life'}]} |
{'user_id': 'gdxsd', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/gdxsd', 'reviews': []} |
{'user_id': 'yookobz', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/yookobz', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 19, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '377160', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 would get kamikazied by a super mutant any day'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 25, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited March 2, 2014.', 'item_id': '219150', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This was a great game, i cant wait for 2-Adrenalin Rushes-Fast Paced Akshon-Has a deeper meaning within all the violence.So nice'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Posiblydead', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Posiblydead', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 11, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 24, 2014.', 'item_id': '277430', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is a really fun game if you enjoyed the other halos you will enjoy this one. Just a side note it is a top down twinstick shooter.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '239820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "THIS GAME IS AWESOME i have been playing it for 3 hours now (according to steam but feels a lot longer than that) and it is really cool i made a bunch of games on it that recieved great reviews and made a bunch of engines in short it is a game u could spend hours on granted it doesn't have a lot of things on there but who cares its fun to play and u shoudl buy it especially since it is 10 dollars on steam"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 24, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 26, 2013.', 'item_id': '17410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'summary: free running, vibrant colours and an fps platformer'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Mossy_Gaming', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mossy_Gaming', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is amazing to play! Very interesting in many aspects and enjoyable. Just hope there is more updates!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198102421718', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102421718', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '270550', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'If Zeus and Chuck Norris had a love child, it would be this game. It punches sharks in the face for breakfast.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 3, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '274940', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Once all the twelvies aren't playing, and you're up against people who know what they're doing, it's a great game. When all slots are filled it's highly balanced. It's controls are responsive and nothing beats sniping a shark while hanging upside down in the corner with a harpoon.The only problem is the AI. In a game where majority of the gameplay is based off line of sight, and moving without being seen, an AI really destroys it. They can always see you, and never miss as a shark or a diver. They ruin any game almost instantly, but besides that, it's worth buying it when it's on sale.Not entirely sure if it's worth paying full price however, as that's around $80 for you and 3 other friends. And it isn't completely worth paying full price for it."}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted June 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '333930', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'With the golden rule "Don\'t be a ♥♥♥♥", how could you go wrong?'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198087407319', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087407319', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Otimo game'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198056741844', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056741844', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'คุ้มกับที่ซื้อมามันส์มากครับ'}]} |
{'user_id': 'sad-commie', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/sad-commie', 'reviews': [{'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 31.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '294100', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game killed my social life and the mods hauled it to the granite crematorium.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '212070', 'helpful': '3 of 5 people (60%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I's freaking rad and the ingame graphics are wonderful. Not great latency for Aussie players though, even on the closest servers."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 13, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '264140', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Simple, endlessly replayable, catchy music, this has all the hallmarks of a classic.A few bugs, but it's frequently updated so they're quickly caught.9/10 stars."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198030567998', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030567998', 'reviews': [{'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted November 11, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '332800', 'helpful': '194 of 282 people (69%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 would take kids here for birthday'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '319630', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Well for starters, when I write reviews they are usually just for the lols. This is not the case. This game is genuinely a masterpiece and i have never played a game that made me feel so many emotions that range all over the spectrum, i mean hell I thought The Last of Us was emotional as hell. one minute its happy then desparation then wanting to cry like a baby (points in the game specifically made me question my manhood due to how much i was trying to not break down like a baby) this game honestly does show alot of great points that are true in real life as well, like value those close to you and despite this being the internet and it not being known to be shown but, showing compassion and taking the time to give a helping hand could possibly save someones life. It is funny that a troll on tf2 would find such a great love and change of perspective from a game, call me names call me what ever the hell you like. I never thought i would go deep about a game but simply put this game, while it may not be for everyone, is a really great game and i honestly say it is worth more that just 20 dollars. 100/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 5, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '6020', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 lets you cut people into sushi if the proper cheat is enabled'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '55230', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 has Sasha Grey, so fun for whole family.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 23, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '32430', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Seriously, this is one of the best starwars games there is! critics were stupid how they rated it, well concidering how it is the most sold starwars game, i highly recommend it to any other starwars geeks out there like i am.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198010674657', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010674657', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '377160', 'helpful': '3 of 4 people (75%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Where do I begin...I trusted you Bethesda. From all the time I spent with FO3... I never could have imagined this garbage is what you\'d spew up from the depths of whatever \'creative\' hell it came from. I thought you would learn from what Obsidian did with New Vegas, more depth - more REALISM.The map is smaller than Skyrim, Todd. Not in length, or width, but in the sense that the little things are missing. The special touch and charm that is just on the cusp of every corner you\'d turn in the previous fallout titles is missing... The environment feels hollow, too vibrant, too smooth. It\'s not the same Fallout theme I grew to crave and felt wonder at. You traded something original, something special, from those wonky shooter mechanics to the skill bar and karma system, for what? better FPS mechanics and a more \'console-friendly\' interaction system? I would suggest that all digital copies are wiped and the physical copies piled into a garbage dump like Atari did when E.T. the Extra Terrestrial failed... but I digress...This game should serve as a warning to those who find themselves with an IP as significant as the Fallout Universe. It\'s like they say - "IF IT AIN\'T BROKE, DON\'T FIX IT!" Do yourself a favour and buy Fallout: New Vegas, instead of this $80 squirming feeling of regret and hopelessness.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 15.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I spent way too much time on this game early on in highschool, may or may not have led to me dropping math as a subject. Besides that, this game doesn't feel the same as it did 5 years ago. In my personal opinion the new content scheme they've borrowed from one of their other games, CS:GO, shows a stark indication of how much damage the newer updates have wreaked on the TF2 community. The new guns/skins look awful, it's a transplant from CS gone wrong. It's a lot more toxic, and competitive in TF2 now, F2P destroyed the quality of an already degrading player base. Idle and achievement servers fill up the server list completely. TF2, we had a good run... but now it's time for this grizzled mercenary to hang up his hats."}]} |
{'user_id': 'Coldaniel', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Coldaniel', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '35450', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great Game Loved Every minute playing'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 21, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'EXECELLENT GAME GIVE 10/10 NEVER STOP PLAYING IT:-)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 13, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '236390', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great Game been playing for nearly 2 years and enjoying every minute of it Keep it up!10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'therealmorty', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/therealmorty', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 20, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '351570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I liked it, the zombies were pretty bad though.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 7, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '212680', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Got angry at it. 11/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Berserklejerker', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Berserklejerker', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 10, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '391540', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Is Bretty Gud, Date a skeleton who loves spaghetti. Tennouttatenn'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198061730629', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061730629', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It was well made and worth buying if you get left 4 dead 1 and 2 you will get 2 hats on tf2'}]} |
{'user_id': 'YoHuNz', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/YoHuNz', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ไม่ค่อยเล่นเลย 555+'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'fsdgfdsgsdfgfd'}]} |
{'user_id': 'possessioniskey', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/possessioniskey', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 11, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '72850', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best game I have ever played and a thousand times even better when you download mods'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "3 years I've played this game and although that doesn't seem as much as a lot of people due to the fact that this game is one of the oldest on Steam people questioned me why I played it and some even made fun of me for it. The TF2 community might be at the lowest yet with the new Tough Break update but still even if the biggest people in TF2 such as Jerma985 and Star_ are sick of it I am not it just shows how much this game has dragged me back to it even if I rejected to,eventually I would return and play because I know I want to most my friends that I played TF2 with I barely even see play it but I don't care this game is one of the most special games I've ever played and it was one of the very first games that I've actually stuck around on others I got bored of after getting sick and tired of their repetitive style but still for some reason this game is the only one where I won't stop even if I want to.I'll get to the point of it now I absolutely LOVE and I mean LOVE this game no matter what people tell me about how it isn't as competetive as CS:GO or it is stupid because of how they're always hats on people's heads this game is different from your normal FPS games you actually have to work as a team well to win the game not just run around and shoot people its classes are all balanced and don't handle like COD,Battlefield or CS:GO which shows how different it is so why not give it a try if I and many can enjoy it shows no reason why you can't go download TF2 now and I mean NOW Mr."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '113400', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I do hate the fact that I lagged a ton in this game really a shame but other than that this game is GTA online for free and less people and also you can play as cops and....... Well I'm gonna shut up now"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198093112529', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093112529', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'po cem palavras XD'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198060447950', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060447950', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '200510', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is interesting I think more people should try this'}]} |
{'user_id': 'whiteofwolfing', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiteofwolfing', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game, would recommend'}]} |
{'user_id': 'sergarino', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/sergarino', 'reviews': [{'funny': '524 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '383080', 'helpful': '424 of 470 people (90%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "After a couple hours, I have come to the conclusion that's it alright."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198081962345', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081962345', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 26.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '200210', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'PAU NO SEU CU :3'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'cara nas imagens esse jogo da pouco de medo mais se vc comprarem vc nun vão te medo é munto ♥♥♥♥'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198094224872', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094224872', 'reviews': []} |
{'user_id': '76561198073210139', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073210139', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 18.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304050', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'THIS GAME IS LIKE A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ VERSION OF MINECRAFT PLUS SUMTHING ELSE WASTED MY TIME MY ENERGY MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AND EVERYTHING. 11/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Nozomikat', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nozomikat', 'reviews': [{'funny': '4 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '265610', 'helpful': '28 of 41 people (68%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "My childhood game has finally gotten onto steam...AND IT'S WORTH IT!"}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '264200', 'helpful': '4 of 4 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Who knew that the man on the mens toliet bathroom door was overpowered.'}, {'funny': '3 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '417860', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The game that made me scream at the protaginist to just get the damn girl. Also I CAN TYPE SUPER FAST IN THIS GAME.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted April 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '333600', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best neko simulator ever made. They seriously need to make a Vol. 2. AND THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE NEKO GAMES'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 30, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '213670', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "After playing this again, and again, and again i can finally decide that i should make a review for this. This game is amazing especially if you're a south park fan. This game is a RPG styled game, kinda like Mario and Luigi back in time, you can pick a class to choose between: Fighter, Mage, Thief and Jew. For me personally i liked the Fighter the best, his skills were my favourites. This game is worth the money, although it is short if you rush it (Which i didn't) this game will be worth you're time. Have fun!"}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 4, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '91310', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Amazing, Just purely amazing. I loved this game, the sad thing is that it only took me 2 days to finish it. Since i did get the DLC things i played as the criminal, his story was pretty sad. Anyways, this game is just amazing. You should tottaly get this! 10/10'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 19.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '437220', 'helpful': '7 of 13 people (54%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Very harsh to new players. Combat system is strange but is still sort of playable in a way...Fighting against players who have way more experience against someone with low hours is really the worst.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 4, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '210770', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "well, it's a 5/10 for me, i mean it's a great game with wonderful graphics but...you can't even see yourself reload! that's just stupid! and the god dam assualt rifle is useless as crap. Although i did enjoy it a little. I would say you should buy this game if you don't like seeing yourself reload and you like games where you can shoot, build and survive."}]} |
{'user_id': 'xfluttersx', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/xfluttersx', 'reviews': [{'funny': '12 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted November 10, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '351640', 'helpful': '97 of 102 people (95%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This is a moving and great game..I don't usally play RPG games at all, but this game.. was a exceptionGood:The Story is rich and full of meaning, your always finding out more things about the characters and backstory throughout the gameIt's easy to learnit may only have 4-5 MAIN levels but they are VERY VERY! well done and good hidden secrets.For a small RPG game, it has aout 5-6 hrs of gametime and i didnt even collect all the sercets!I'm not gonna ruin the game but the endings..actually made me cry alot.. they ARE movingThe Art in this game for the endings and other parts are high detail and truely amazing.A Ton more!Cons:I only have one.. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONEOverall 10/10 on the Wolf ScaleIt is rather sweet and careful constructed story and this game really deserves alot of praise.I will be playing this game again.. I can't get enough of it!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 14.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '202530', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "This has got to be worse than sonic 06'!I played many of the Sonic games as a kid, staying up late nights on my Sega MegaDrive playing Sonic 1-3 and sonic and knuckles ect ect. This is a poor excuse of a gamePros:1. It runs well2. thats about all..Cons:1. Sure the surrounding area's may seem nice, Sonic looks like an unfinished unity model2. The Controls feel too heavy and he drops like a stone when u jump..nothing like how it used to be3. the stages are just.. It doesnt bring any charm back to what the stages were in sonic 1..4. the controls are ♥♥♥♥5. I wasted money on this..Overall..This game is a 2/10.. please dont buy it..Instead.. go buy sonic 1-3 for the sega megadrive on steam...SOOO MUCH BETTER"}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 27, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome game EVER! :D'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '3 of 6 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome gameGood way to waste money u have earned on the steam market one stranges and hats.A fast paced short shooter which is very well placed, each character has its own style and when played with it can be enjoyable for everyone. There are tons of mods and things you can do to change this game at your will :)Loads of Custom maps like ScreamFortress, Slender, Surf maps and Mario Party style even.There are loads of game mods, MVM, CTF, Defend and others :)Best game on steam <310/10 '}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 27, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '47870', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I"ve always been a fan of Police car chases..Now theres a game which allows u to be in the drivers Seat!This is such an awesome gameThe graphics are really good making it feel more alive and more realThe gameplay is great.The only let down in this game which is what i love in most of the need for speeds (PS2 seris included) is that you can\'t free-roam!But on the flutters rating board it is 9/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 25, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '383080', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10Would click hot girls again and hear them moan(Also put a macro on an extra button on your mouse and just toggle it off and on..for fast clicking)lel..also useful for upgrading..'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 27, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '410', 'helpful': '0 of 3 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really good game for starters of portal and LOADS of fun!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198056290589', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056290589', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 16, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'BEST GAME EVAR'}]} |
{'user_id': 'ii_voltage_ii', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/ii_voltage_ii', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 29, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 26.', 'item_id': '253710', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "Is this game actually Free to Play ? I don't think so. You can only hunt ONE animal in the game. The rest you have to buy... with REAL MONEY. How can this one is free to play? DON'T play this game, it doesn't even worth your time. Hell, you have to pay to play multiplayer!That being said, ♥♥♥♥ this game and the devs."}, {'funny': '3 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted April 11, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '339280', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Friend introduced the game.Not really interested in MOBA games.Checked the game on steam.Looked at the reviews.Decided to check it out.Downloaded the game.Started the game.Finished tutorial.Decided to play a match.I won.Decided to play another match.I lost.Still wants to play.I won.Keeps playing forever.My god I can't stop.Please, someone... help.Still playing.Plz....*Power outage*Thank god I'm free!!*Power comes back*Mother f...11/10 Best drug evah."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271290', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is a fantastic game... If you like mechs and stuff... :D'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 16, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited April 12, 2015.', 'item_id': '203290', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Downloaded the game.Joined a server.GRENADE!! GRENADE!!Grenade/10 Best Grenade Simulator'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198097762318', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097762318', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted November 11, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Play tf2 or I'll come for u when ur sleeping Mwahahaha"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 26, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233150', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is german and it is so awsome'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Hirukaz', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hirukaz', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 17, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Beware, When playing this game you will see dead people :3'}]} |
{'user_id': 'StelerForYou', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/StelerForYou', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 17, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "10/10 IGN. Actually such an addictive game, really entertaining and extremely competitive at times!I'd recommend it to you cause its so good thats really it."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 29, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'At First, I thought that this game would have just been another plain old Terraria type game, But when i started getting the hang of it, it just clicked for me... I Instantly loved the game with all the Beautiful types of planets there are, Species, Items and so much more. This game is definitly deserving an instant Buy Even in its Early Build! But i know for sure that as this game progresses with newer builds and Versions, I know for sure that it will be well worth money spent :DIf you have spent your time to read this Review, then Thank You and i truly Recommend that you Buy this game cause its Soo Addictive and Exciting :D'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198183396245', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198183396245', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is highly thought out, the way the community is always workshopping new ideas for the game, the thrill of owning an unusualor australium and cosmetics is amazing, the team is nice, admins and server players are always good to meet =) Personal rating- 9/10, great game :)'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Xx-Woods', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Xx-Woods', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346330', 'helpful': '2 of 7 people (29%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Os zumbis são rápidos e fortes, os humanos são lerdos e fracos, você morre em questão de segundos quando for carregar a arma...'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '224260', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Muito bem feito, gráficos bons, ambient sound e narração do personagem de quantas balas e etc, está bem feito, recomendo.10/10 - Um dos melhores free zombie survival.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 16, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '317360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Muito ♥♥♥♥, legal de jogar pois você acaba com sua raiva.Eu me diverti muito com meus amigos nessa desgraça ai hehe'.10/10."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '295550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Muito legal até , e bem um RPG massa...'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 21, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '250180', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥ demais , podia ter as continuações dele..... o X e o 1 ao 9...'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '227940', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I can't play =c... its soo bugged..."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '17520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very good....but is a little bugged...'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '113420', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Muito legal !'}]} |
{'user_id': 'kevinator23', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/kevinator23', 'reviews': [{'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '320760', 'helpful': '4 of 6 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Animu Waifus.Oh wait. There are three of them!Let's talk about Japan, their food, idols and ANIME!!Overall, it is a enjoyable game with it's share of a stupid character. (i.e. you. He's a freaking dumbass)What is my life right now"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8850', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is a beautiful game that shows a new storyline, the same location and a new combat style that changes the pace from the first game. Visually this game is beautiful, and exploring Rapture again was encredibly enjoyable. Being an actual Big Daddy makes you feel more badass, unlike in the first game, which just makes you feel like a person with a Big Daddy Suit This is a very underrated game that has a dense storyline, beautiful setting and a new way of approaching combat.I recommend this game with the whole of my heart and everyone who buys this game will enjoy it.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 24, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233720', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This Game is laggy for my computer because mine kinda sucks but this game is incredibly hard and challenges your hand-eye co-ordination with a single key for a finger and also needs your mouse, but this game is more for mucking around so this game is incredibly enjoyable and funny. i recommend this to anyone who has a great computer and is incredibly bored.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited March 8.', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'PayDay 2 on the difficulty scale -Normal - "lolwut"Hard - "Ain\'t even hard"Very Hard "Dude, do you even cloak?"Overkill - "When you walk outside and there\'s like 100 tasers"Death Wish - "It\'s harder than Anal"'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 27, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 24, 2015.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It\'s a great TDM style game.Motto of the game - git gud skrub.not Call of Duty 10000/1010/10 IGN "Would Play again"'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 25, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '219740', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Better than MineCraft'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 24, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220240', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Far Cry 3 is an extrodinary game, but there are some bugs with the Sniper Rifle and Recurve Bow Scopes, with the Crosshair invisible, which in my case I cannot fix, which is incredibly annoying but you will eventually get used to putting the enemy on the middle of the screen, but the gameplay in general is great with an open world experience, where you can explore and do whatever you want, so it is very enjoyable. In conclusion, this game is very enjoyable to people who like open world environments, with massive amounts of firearms and stealth.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 20, 2012.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited April 24, 2014.', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is an enjoyable game at first with a variety of different and creative weapons this can make you buffed or less buff, it WILL get repetetive after a while and it becomes incredibly boring but like Left 4 Dead 2 playing the game with breaks will make it more enjoyable.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198090715178', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090715178', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 28, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Nice serious nice game ,'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Muito bom , recomendo a todos, jogo muito bom com grafico simples cuidado muito viciante :3 (ADORO JOGOS VICIANTES) *-*'}]} |
{'user_id': 'CatsWhale', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/CatsWhale', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '333950', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'the structural integrity says it all if you like destroying and buliding things knowing that it can crumble into hundreds of pieces Please do buy it so the team can make future games like this. Well Done guys!!!!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '388520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I was playing this game on high graphics (optimal graphics) and as i was playing i noticed down in the bottom left corner it said that my laptop was killing itself and i was like oh no s i clicked it and i said TACTICAL NUKE INBOUND!!! an i began o notice pixels tearing and exploding and my camera on the game turned towards the mountains in the distance and i aw 3 tsar bombs explode and y computer started smoking and it said WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!! about 85,000,000 times ad my computer blew up sort of like a nuclear bomb so thanks activison. :)Jut joking you guys did a very good job with this game people say ♥♥♥♥ about this game but its only in its very first stages and not many games can be as good as this. Thanks for the excellent BETA!!!!!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 23, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '107410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Arma 3 Was An Outstanding Continuation From its previous game Arma 2, the things i love about this game is the sheer liberty to do what ever you want with limitless possibilities like flying a helicopter in races death Matches tank wars sniping driving and even content creation, how could it get any better,Cons: listen the game is absolutely amazing in perspective but there is a little bit of a let down, if you dont know already the amount of vehicles and weapons immensely decreased since arma 2, Where is our hind f35 or even and f18 or at least a black hawk. So there you are that was my opinion on the game Arma 3 Yours Sincerely, BLAZE 420XX'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '206210', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Yep thats it'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198073784601', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073784601', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221100', 'helpful': '3 of 6 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'love the game, just needs to work more on bug fixes!'}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 8.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '299740', 'helpful': '0 of 18 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'this game is a waste dont buy......'}]} |
{'user_id': 'mimimomoma', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/mimimomoma', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Tried this game once, its alright.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198102410011', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102410011', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'abc'}]} |
Subsets and Splits