stringlengths 85
{'user_id': '76561198047208774', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047208774', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 11.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '397100', 'helpful': '0 of 14 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "To bloody confusing using videos to teach players...why not have one IN the game played it for a bit its ♥♥♥♥ for a F2P game i don't recommand this game for right now untill they get there arses of there seats and put a tutorial IN game."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 2.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Left 4 Dead 2 is the most funnest game I ever played! A little difficult, but that\'s what makes the game fun. But then it becomes the most crappiest game ever because THE COMMUNITY SUCKS! I played on a lot of servers and most of them contains a$$holes, know-it-alls, perverts, bossy and much more. I met a few people who were fun to play with. Notice the keyword "few". I met, like, one or three. That\'s it. The rest just really sucks. I\'ve been kicked from three/two serevers for making one or two mistakes. The community is basically saying "You have to be perfect at this game. Nobody wants newbies to play". Now I\'m too scared to play with other people because they\'re just a$$holes.I recommened this game because it\'s fun -in single player-, but I advise you to stay away from the servers. It\'s for your own good. (P.S i todally didn\'t steal one of my firends review >:3)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Garrys Mod is a awesome game i luv it so much that i've played it for a year and yes i know there are MORE people who play Garry's Mod more then me like 5-10 years be odd right? o_o But yea great game and good RP and other game types oh and FNAF (HINT its scary and came from scot)"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 11, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game ROCKS like hell it is awsome i like the trolls that do suff in the tf2 gaming :D but i hate the cheaters and hackers but still a fun game (p.s i hate scammers too BUT still a awsome game :D)'}]} |
{'user_id': 'whyiscustomurlathing', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/whyiscustomurlathing', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 13.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '275850', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': '>implying video games are fun'}]} |
{'user_id': 'FeatInk', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/FeatInk', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271590', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'must have if ur friends play it.if u have no friends then dont get it.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 11.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346110', 'helpful': '4 of 21 people (19%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'incredible game, dont listen to all the chumps complaining about DLC.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '7670', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'If you like games and/or have a large ♥♥♥♥♥ you must get this game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 21, 2014.', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Amazing game.Perfect for anyone bored of minecraft, i got about 50hrs solo out of it, another 60hrs on a friends server, another 50 or so after 1.2 patch came out. Keeps getting better and better, the sort of game you can come back to every few months and have another 30-40hrs of a completely new experience.EDIT: 1.2.4 came out = another 50hrs'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 25, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'woooo, still epic game.Definitely better a few years ago but with a bunch of friends you can still have plenty of fun.A must have!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 24, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8870', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Do not recommend.Very short, unfulfilling, predictable story.Despite only paying $27 for it, I still felt robbed of a larger sum of money.Just play the original Bioshock against on a harder difficulty or something.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 10, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '219890', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Freakin Crazy epic awesome adventurePerfect puzzle game you can keep coming back to!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 17, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 11, 2014.', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Got called a noob poo face by someone from denmark10/10 would do again'}]} |
{'user_id': 'bigprenis', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/bigprenis', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 25.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '437220', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': '0/1 combat is trash too laggy'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 12, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'BUy it'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 19, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '9/11 terrorism works'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 4, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '296470', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'If you love climbing with floppy WIENERZZZZ in your face... buy it.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198068086235', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068086235', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '49520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Borderlands 2 simplemente um jogo incrivel uma historia involvente e personagens unicos oque torna borderlands 2 um jogo unico e steampunk 9.9/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'dahaydos', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/dahaydos', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '243870', 'helpful': '9 of 9 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game! more fun that i have expectedCan play first and third person which is coolmechanics and movements are really smooth in this gameI have played this game since beta can it has improved and the devlopers have added alot of cool new things such as maps, weapons etc.Good job UBISOFT!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 16, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '222880', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game! Do not buy this if you do not enjoy FPS relisim and hardcore shooters. Very fun and enjoyable. Incredibly addictive!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '247910', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Needs mutiplayer'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 28, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '107410', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'GOOD ♥♥♥♥'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 14.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '244930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'great game for chills, once they add snowboards it will be ten times as lit! 10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221100', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game and very addictive. Get this if you have tons of spare time...'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 13, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'cool game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 9, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited March 1, 2014.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game for competitive gamers.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'matt20131', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/matt20131', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 9.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Buy it now!10/10- Matt'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198028357316', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028357316', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 9, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221100', 'helpful': '8 of 10 people (80%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Piece of Crap'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 16.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '367500', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This is a game I've intended to buy for years but had never done so due to all of the various issues the game was well known for. 95% of the issues have been fixed and the Game is truly fantastic for it"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 15.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Have played this game since before Hardmode, spent at least one hundred and fifty hours offline at that stage and loved it, Is definitely worth Your money, Thank you Dev's"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198090768760', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090768760', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'its a great game in my opinion also not saying any game is bad thats just wrong'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Mrawes0m3', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mrawes0m3', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Played it once or twice.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 25.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '391540', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 13, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Fun game.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'InsightXIVC', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/InsightXIVC', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '228380', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is just outright amazing. It has BEAST Graphics, Cars Crashing, Havoc and LOTS of Wreckage if you like all those this is the game for you. I totally recommend this game 9/10 for me. :D'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 16, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '200710', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really fun game to play especially with your friends around.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198054211660', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054211660', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '10/10 would play with trollers again'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 3, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '262410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good game, recomended if you want to know a bit about guns, It allows you to dissembke guns and assemble, it also allows you to work how it operates'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 11, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Yes I very much do recommend this game, Its a very addictive game and there is a variety of things to do on it such as (MvM,trading and simple gameplay against other and with other steam players).'}]} |
{'user_id': 'izumireina', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/izumireina', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 3, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is really cool and unique!i r8 it 11/10'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 11.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited May 11.', 'item_id': '1840', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's an amazing program. Has more resources and models in the internet. It's cool for renders and stuff. Very easy to learn if you have a lot of experience in 3D programs like Cinema 4D and Blender."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 5.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's a very good game, and itl has an amazing plot!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very good. I r8 8/8 m8.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Fetolino', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fetolino', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 8, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '227940', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'deveriam colocar mais opções para diminuir os graficos, achei o jogo em si legal '}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '301520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Cara esse jogo é fantástico, colocando mais mapas o jogo vai ficar muita mais legal, eu aconselho muito esse jogo.Construir e ir para a batalha com o que você fez é muito divertido, isso exerce muito a imaginação, serve pra qualquer idade.(Menos o chat dos BR isso sim que é coisa pra +18)'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198032373589', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032373589', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 9, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '235360', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'incredible'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '246420', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is Tower Defense perfection'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 22, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '91700', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'a really good shooter. endless side quests with a unique leveling system. not just another run and gun game. the atmosphere is like no other game i have played it really draws you in. earn money and develop your character the way you want.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Fiesta787', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fiesta787', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252950', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Ok, i know this game has already been reviewed a ♥♥♥♥ tonne, but imma do this anyways.This game is... just... you know? i have no idea how to describe it in one word, but i can describe it with a sentence as consolation.its hotwheels, that can jump. combined with soccer. and HOLY **** is it fun!I\'ve played this game majority with friends, and even in the darkest situations, even when we are getting hammered, it is STILL fun. although, there was a situation with matchmaking a few days ago, were it matched us against "Masters" and "Elite" level players. and my god are they goodmy point is, if you and your friends want a new, enjoyable game. i highly recommend Rocket League.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561197960425229', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960425229', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '226980', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Love these pinball games play on my Galaxy Tab all the time i just wish you could integrate the apps all into a single account so i can play all my Star Wars tables on all devices :)'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198057473311', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057473311', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ITS A GOOD GAME TO PLAY WHEN YOUR BOARD OUR OUT OF GAMES TO PLAY OR U CAN PLAY IT WHILE YOUR DOWNLOADING A GAME'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 11, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'you are so dumb mr.t'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198068825441', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068825441', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 31, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252490', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Players ruin this game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'LetsBeOn', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/LetsBeOn', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '295110', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Pretty fun, great to play cant find ♥♥♥♥ in places'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198061285334', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061285334', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '264200', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is possibly one of the best games I have played even though it is so simple. If you have $5, buy this game. It is one of the best invesments you will ever make.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 11, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242720', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': "THis game has way too many bugs that need fixing. Sometimes you can't even start a match. There are better MMO's out there than this."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '33230', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Game is very fun for most of the story line but gets very repetitive. The free running is very annoying sometimes but good game in general.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Takmid', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Takmid', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 31, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '222880', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "game is great haven't played it for awhile but i can say for an hour it has been fun. It has nice graphics and it's a very realistic arcade shooter. Great game!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '282660', 'helpful': '3 of 11 people (27%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great for league matchs and cup matches pretty simple to use 10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198075229095', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075229095', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 19, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '222880', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '11/10 Would Allahu Akbar again'}]} |
{'user_id': 'FiveCast', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/FiveCast', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 21.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '262830', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Meant to write a review of this ages ago, but steam didn\'t play ball and deleted it before I could post it. In short - AMAZING FUN GAME!!!Slightly longer - I have been playing this game casually for years, from the original days. Great concept, challenging and the randomness keeps it interesting. The only slight criticism I have, is that the only way to get the random powerups is to enter some obscure "cheat code", which i always felt was a massive part of the game originally. However outside of that, I cannot fault the gameplay. Nation red tried to copy this somewhat, but crimsonland is much better executed in my humble opinion.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198003855855', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003855855', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 31, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '250420', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is so much fun I love building and fighting.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220700', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'RPG Maker VX Ace is great for making Final Fantasy like games i have spent over 100 hours devolping a game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'OH_MY_GOSH', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/OH_MY_GOSH', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 16, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Crimefest day 1 wow. this game was one of my favorites now i am just disapointed'}]} |
{'user_id': 'modtech', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/modtech', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '389430', 'helpful': '3 of 4 people (75%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'I do not recommend this game to anybody Its very old and outdated it Jumps you into the game as a new player you get very confused raw mechanics are very dated'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited April 6, 2014.', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best game I have played on steam so far i highly recommend u guys try it out and see for yourself & its FTP (Free To Play :D) & I Highly Think u Should choose (Lycan) ...<3Valve'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 25.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '273350', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Yes'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '350080', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game worth playing I love shooting the $*#! out of people Uno?'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '243870', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'When ive loged out of the game it says Im still in the game its a ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t game I havnt even goten into it an Im thinking to my self it will be crap when I started it for the first time the servers were ♥♥♥♥ing down and I had to make a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Uplay ♥♥♥♥ account lets just hope I rethink this ♥♥♥♥'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '391460', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Couching makes you aim way bette awesome game to p|ay'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Fliqi', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fliqi', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 16, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'OK so basicallyyyyy im addicted 10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'adderz308', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/adderz308', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 10, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Top game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'BajanCanidian', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/BajanCanidian', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted October 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited September 26, 2015.', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "PROS:- Hats.- Free to play.- Strong community.- Graphics and caricatures.- Bunch of user-generated contents.- Lifetime support and updates confirmed (it is Valve.)CONS:- Hats (sick of them.)- Lack of tribute to id and Quake.- More players means inevitably more kids and toxic players, too (statistically speaking.)Final Remarks:I pre-ordered The Orange Box back in 2007 and I have watched from the start how Team Fortress 2 (TF2) evolved into something perpetual thingy and Valve's flagship of their both economically and experimentally successful multiplayer game (now of course DotA2 and CS:GO have risen to stand along and they all pretty much surpassed it.) Do you realize how monumental this game was (and seemingly still is) to gamers and even to Valve themselves? Steam Achievement and later drop system along with hats were first introduced for TF2. I remember when hat phenomenon was all over the place and everyone wanted Fancy Fedora so much.Here is one fun story about the game; A guy from SourceOP known as Drunken F00l got VAC-banned for making idling tool for TF2 and for cheating an event item known as Golden Wrench. Including him, people who used idling tool got their hats and items taken away meanwhile all other active TF2 players were awarded with Halo hats for not using the tool. But after sometime the ban on the SourceOP guy was lifted and he officially started working at Valve for his TF2 Backpack and something more. Well, that guy had talent and Valve definitely knew about it so they decided to hire him in spite of all violations of user agreements as a Steam user. It reminds me of the FBI hiring a genius financial fraudster and there is even a movie about it. So much drama over TF2, aye? You see, this game just has so many interesting stories to tell.When TF2 switched to F2P model, the community even got bigger and stronger than ever before and it is still growing even after many years have passed. All official updates and endless user-created contents enrich the game; more drops, more hats, more weapons, more maps, more Halloween and holiday events, more updates, more everything, and now skins just like in CS:GO; OMG VOLVO. And its market is being sustained on its own economy. Quite amazing. I personally no longer play this game anymore because I already played enough of it, but it is easily understandable why this game is still one of the most played games on Steam.. RECOMMENDED ."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I never thought I'd hear myself say this but...killing cops and stealing ♥♥♥♥ is so much fun! never thought I would like a game like this, but I do like to play the occasional fps (such as rainbow 6, or borderlands). Payday is very challenging and yet at the same time so rewarding; when I finally complete a mission I've been struggling with I feel EPIC. It's very addictive, and the only negative thing I have to say is that I wish there was something to spend all your money on in game, like with Payday 2. I also really like that this game has co-op, I play with my husband and we have a blast. I highly reccomend this game. "}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '394690', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Great game! but i can't play the game due The following component(s) are required to run this program: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 RuntimeBut i alr have the program what should i do know?"}]} |
{'user_id': 'Fluphy_', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fluphy_', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 15, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 5, 2014.', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '4 of 4 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'my review is helpful'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 26, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited September 14, 2015.', 'item_id': '265930', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this gaem ez gud i be play it long time an i mlg at it and i wood reck omend it cos i liek it so but it. by way it good gaem'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 15, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'an awesome game for people who like having fun.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 20, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited January 5.', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'emptied my wallet10/10 would spend money on virtual items again'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 13, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 26, 2014.', 'item_id': '49520', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'buy this game cos it is fun'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is makin me horny cos itz an mlg copy paste mlg full of mlg where mlg noscopers and quickscopers go on an adventure to r@pe all of the noob hardscopers who suck i mean swallow at the game10/10-IGNmy review is helpful'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 30, 2015.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "seems like a cool game. haven't played much of it though"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 27, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 11, 2014.', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'hav fun wasting your life'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198021135914', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021135914', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 5, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'definately worth it'}]} |
{'user_id': 'treemasterrace', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/treemasterrace', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 23.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211420', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'pini'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198162487321', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198162487321', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346110', 'helpful': '4 of 6 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I think that Ark is a great game and probably the best game i have ever played. I love dinosaurs, so i love this game. Bit hard on official servers but if you go on singleplayer or a 500x server then it gets quite fun. I have one request which would be to add that you can buy the soundtrack for Ark and Ark Fear Evolved. By the way, good work on Fear Evolved, its awesome!I highly recommend it to everyone who likes dinosaurs and survival games!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 7.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '274190', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I bought this game Australian... I came out American'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted February 13.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It was on a day like any other, two armies fought. Through fire and smoke and blood and hell, they fought. Until at last, I stood on top of what was once the Combine army.And then, as I looked up at the darkening sky with slaughter in my eyes and glory in my veins I saw the body of a dead Strider descending on top of me. As I felt the air being crushed out of my body and all the bones in my body breaking, I yelled about my victory before I sank into the darkness.10/10 Would be crushed by a dead Strider again :)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 10, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '418070', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This has amazing gameplay, amazing graphics, amazing physics and overall, an amazing game.Pros-PUGSCons-There is noneOne question though: How do I get trading cards without buying them?Request: I would like it if you could make an in-game market in which you can spend your pug points and where you can buy different pugs. Or cats. Or penguins.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'Anthonybasso', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Anthonybasso', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 14, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '204300', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'ARESOME ARESOME ARESOMENAUTS'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 24, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '206210', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is great i had a blast playing it 10/10 would play a again :3'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198081848896', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081848896', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 13.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is the most fun single/multiplayer game iv played it dosent require much skill it just one of those games that dosent need to be challenging its one of those games that is fun to play by your self and with other friends'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198124526584', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198124526584', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '219740', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Don't starve is an amazing game with so much to do. From the constant terror of death to lovable Wilson, this game makes even the greatest of survival experts to the challenge to find the ending and the mysteries behind maxwell. This game is great but should be played by people who want a survival challenge and those who wish to die many, many times."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 27, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Best game seen in years. So much fighting ,exploring and creating makes it the BEST GAME EVER'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198044471846', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044471846', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 17.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '359550', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great fun. More activity then Counter Strike Global offensive'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 15, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really good game 100/10 and its better then you >:)'}]} |
{'user_id': 'FORTHMINGUTH', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/FORTHMINGUTH', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "The survival game i have been long searching for. Dont be fooled by the games graphics, its the gameplay that really counts.Its great to play with friends and going a 'survival adventure! Although there are some bugs and the like, itll keep getting better and better and its even free! 9.5/10"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 19, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 12, 2014.', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'its the best, most awesome game. 9 classes to choose from and fantastic game play. Tons of random hats, guns and other useful and hilarious things.you have got to get this game!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'TruBru', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/TruBru', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 4.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '359550', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The biggest flaw this game has is the fact it is on Ubisoft servers.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 26, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '222900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'WASD to move, Q/E/R/F ARE YOUR SKILLS (F being ultimate), left/right click light/heavy attack and C to change between melee/ranged.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198007165405', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007165405', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '209730', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "I'm being serious right now. This is probably one of the most boring Diablo clones I've ever played. I couldn't bring myself to get very far. Do not recommend."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 12.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 12.', 'item_id': '384490', 'helpful': '2 of 6 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Unfortunately, the biggest flaw of this game is the one it touts in the opening paragraph; procedural dungeon delving. For those kiddies at home new to roguelikes, it means randomised within programmed constraints.Now, the enviornments look great (despite being skinned similar) when you\'re fighting your way through it, it feels cool. But the nature of procedural generation is that the clever placement of enemies is impossible in a game like this. I\'m going to resort to the "Dark Souls comparison" thing here, Dark Souls enemies are placed in a genius fashion; they make you take risks and assess your situation. This game just feels like someone had a big box of vikings, giant spiders and robots and went "WOOPS I dropped them all over my maze, eh, some adventurer will clean them up". You\'ll never feel like the enemies are using the environment against you, you\'ll never look at a group of enemies and think of a way to get past them. The way to get past them is always the same; run at them and mash attack til they die (Optional: Heal afterwards, but you are invincible anyway (more on that below!))Even in a game like Destiny, you\'re forced to think about what enemy you\'re fighting, and adjust your tactic. But in Necropolis the tactic for every type of enemy is exactly the same; hit a bunch, dodge to the side, or special attack in groups. There is both not enough enemy types and very little change in how you fight them. Even when there\'s vikings, wizards, robots, and skeletons all at once, all you do is hit them til they fall down. The only time they ever change is by health amount (to pretty ridiculous levels of grindy health) and minor reskins. Oh yeah, enemies also never ever block or stop you from attacking, SO GO NUTS.It also bugs me to no end that one of the only things you use currency, which is gems, for in this game is to level up (AKA, get more health), but by level 6 (of 9) you are already max level. So what do you spend the rest of your gems on? You don\'t. You can buy crafting recipes or potions and that\'s it. You will very soon have 8,000 gems in one playthrough that you literally can\'t do anything with.For a game with \'difficult\' on the tags, I expected this to take more than 3 tries playing solo (in my second try, the game just never gave me an armour drop \'just cuz\', so I lost). You have infinite healing items because you can just craft meat to eat, I had somewhere around 50 pieces of meat I could use to craft more healing at the end of the game. And for a game with \'rogue-like\' in the title, I expected there to be more randomized RPG elements. There are four tiers of items; the higher the tier, the better the item, no exceptions. The fact that there\'s so many armour types, but only 4 actual armour classes wastes the potential of all the different sets they hand out. Why not a passive for each armour set? Why, because of the obvious reason; you wouldn\'t be able to figure out what the passive does without reading the wiki because of the "I\'m a smartass" goofy text that makes almost every item wholly confusing. I get it; the weapons and armour have been kept intentionally simple so you don\'t sit reading inventory screens for years, but the lack of item variety also effects my willingness to replay it again.The most insulting part about calling it a roguelike is that you are practically invincible! You get a resurrection potion. Yes. A potion where you can keep going when you died. Oh I\'m sorry, did I say A potion, I meant the ability to craft infinite resurrection potions. Which, again, would be less of a big deal if you didn\'t have infinite crafting ingredients on you at all times because every enemy spews out craft confetti so you\'ll never be short on anything but inventory space.I sound a bit salty, because I am. I was really looking forward to this, it had a lot of potential. Do I ever think I\'ll play it again? No, probably not, unless all my buddies end up with it in a humble or something. For $30, you\'re half way to the 40 hour long Dark Souls 3, not to mention all the other roguelikes that you can get for half that price, which offer a lot more content. Sorry guys; it was a good attempt but fell short of what it could\'ve been.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'tyrone266', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/tyrone266', 'reviews': [{'funny': '3 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I've only played for a tiny bit, its pretty good."}]} |
{'user_id': 'Frankaloons', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Frankaloons', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted February 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 29.', 'item_id': '107410', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Arma 3 is a military simulation game. Let me tell you about it.First of all, some history.All of these titles lasted a few years, with continuing updates.Operation Flashpoint came out in 2001, and was a very good game for it's time.ARMA: Armed Assault was released in 2006, and was also a very good game.ARMA 2 was released in 2009, and was probably the best WW2 shooter out there, if not the best shooter, and is still being played today.Arma 3 was released in 2013. Now, this little game is seriously the next gen stuff. With amazing graphics and sounds, a new story-rich campaign, a futuristic setting and beautiful, lush terrain on huge maps is what made it stand out at the time.The game is set in the republic of Altis and Stratis, which are both small Greek islands, although they're MASSIVE for a game's map. There are three teams fighting for these islands, first of all are the locals, the AAF or Independents. They are the Altan Army Forces, and, because pressured by their local guerilla crisis, have made some European and American allies, NATO, or BLUFOR. Although, towards the end of the first episode of the campaign, there are 'entanglements' and the AAF decide to turn on NATO, and then CSAT, a a combination of Asian forces, teams with the AAF. Also, NATO is having a financial crisis. Oh, what fun.It has a few original gamemodes, which were released with the game originally, but so many more have come from the vast modding community.Altis Life, Wasteland, Invade and Annex and Breaking Point are just a few examples. I'll tell you a little bit about each.First of all, Altis Life. It's a very exadurated take on real life. With cops, medics and civilians. As a civilian, you can make your money in legal ways, like apple picking and mining with a liscence, although you can make it in illegal ways like drugs and turtle poaching. You can also go to a rebel town and buy some illegal gear and do more illegal things.As a cop, you'll have to stop all this illegal behaviour. Doing searches and inforcing the law, rebels will have to look out for these guys.And medics, if you're injured, can come and revive you. May sound simple, but it's actually a very dangerous job.Here's a very good Altis Life server: http://reignofterrorclan.enjin.com/With Wasteland, you have your three teams, BLUFOR, OPFOR and Independent.As BLUFOR or OPFOR, you have to work together with your team to kill the other team and the Independents, while getting money from missions or killing players to buy new things, like guns and veichles.As an independent, you're in a massive free for all against the other teams and all the other independents, unless you group up with some others.Here's a very good Wasteland server: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/play.ultimatewasteland.com:2302/With Breaking Point, it's a zombie game, so basically DayZ. DayZ started as an Arma 2 mod, which eventually became a standalone game. Now, however, it's also an Arma 3 mod. Scavenge for supplies, kill or befriend other players while watching out for zombies.Sign up to play here: http://www.thezombieinfection.com/Also, Invade and Annex is more of a slow paced military simulation. With classes, you can pick your role and fight against enemy AI for the islands. Using all of the game's original content and a little bit more, this gamemode is seriously some good fun if you're more of a strategic fighter.It is overall an ultra realistic game, with tons of veichles, models and weapons, even very realistic weather and day - night cycles, and there's a lot more stuff from the modding community. It has a really steep price at $60, but I picked it up on special, and even if I did buy it for the original price, it's worth it. Trust me, it's worth it.If my horrible explanation didn't help you, check out the Arma 3 Youtube channel. If it did help you, check it out anyway.https://www.youtube.com/user/Arma3officialThanks for reading my review and, if you decide to get the game, I hope to see you!Frank"}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 28, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Okay, so I\'m hearing you ask "Why should I buy Garry\'s Mod?" Well, you\'d find that a silly question too if you\'d been through the same experience some of us have been.And now, I just want to say, the reason I\'m writing this review is because it\'s one of my favourite games. My favourite, probably. But I also want you to know I could say "I recommend this game, it\'s awesome" and be done with it. But that\'s not what makes you want to buy a game.So, first off, a history lesson. Garry\'s Mod started off as a mod for Half Life 2. You play through standard Half Life 2, whilist spawning in whacky inventions to help you along the way. It\'s so much more than that now.It still runs off the same Half Life 2 game engine, like CS:S and TF2 do. I guess it would be classified an FPS sandbox game. But you can change that.You can spawn in classic Half Life 2 props, weapons, entities, npcs, spawn in other peoples creations, go into other people\'s worlds, try out some other classic gamemodes like Jailbreak, Trouble in Terrorist Town or DarkRP.There are also lots of things that aren\'t from the Half Life 2 game in sandbox. Tools. Weld, duplicate, face posing, weight and so many more.What\'s that you say? You want more? We can handle that too. This is where the game really shines. Addons. If you go onto the main menu, they\'ll be a tab called \'Addons\'. This is where you can keep all of other players, and you\'re own creations and mods. Modern Weapons, cars, nuclear missiles! Without addons, you would only have standard sandbox. All gamemodes, such as Melonbomber, TTT, HL2RP, Zombie Survival etc. couldn\'t exist without addons!Some textures and props you can\'t get through addons which is understandable for this kind of sandbox game. For CS:S props, you need CS:S. There\'s DOD, TF2, L4D, HL, DH, etc. Once you have these mounted, (main menu, click the game controller, and tick the boxes in the list) just go into your singleplayer sandbox, and there, in the main props list, will be the ragdolls, props etc. from the games.I reckon this pretty much concludes my very brief review of the game that is Garry\'s Mod. All the rest... that\'s for you to find out.Over \'n\' out,-Frank'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 15, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '270370', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Lambda Wars is a very good RTS.If you like real time stratergy games and like the Half Life universe (which I do), this is a mod for you.You can play as the rebels or the combine, which have very diferrent units and play styles.You have a huge array of Half Life themed maps, which are functional and beautiful.The game's graphics in general are really good. I love looking at them.It features very functional turrets (manned/unmanned), and a great cover system.It also features an array of game modes and a huge community for you to play with.I know that's not much to go on, but trust me, it's a great mod, and it's free!All it requires (I think) is that you own a source game (That worked for me, anyway).Frank"}, {'funny': '3 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 27, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '301970', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'buy it m8 its gudif u do not buy i will com to ur hose and kil u lolololi got me knife back mmmm tasty knifenonononononoonononono'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '275700', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "The Zeus DLC for Arma 3 is, in my opinion, better than any other DLC or mod.Basically, if you go into the Editor, and you place some things, setup a little scenario for a few guys to play, that's all well and good. Although, if you want to make a much more enjoyable experience for yourself and the players, or if you think the editor is too fiddly and hard to use, use Zeus.Zeus allows you to use the default editor, but in 3D, with easier to use placement and editing panels. Also, you can change things while players are in game. Brilliant.It's very hard to explain something so amazing in word form, so check out the video below to get a better grasp on Zeus.www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR_TN_XiZNEAlso, make sure you check out the official Arma 3 Channel.https://www.youtube.com/user/Arma3officialI hope my brief review has somewhat helped you, go enjoy it yourself!"}]} |
{'user_id': 'jach5270', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/jach5270', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 12, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8190', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Easily one of the most (if not THE most) fun open world games there is. the grapple hook + parachute movement system is so incredibly enjoyable to the point that once you've played just cause 2 for a while you will miss this level of free movement when playing other games. The game play is brilliant; everything in the game is designed for the simple purpose of fun. Hell, even the visuals are brilliant; the game is vibrant, colourful and bright. A solid 8.5/10, fun as hell, though does lack in places like story and voice acting."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 2, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '219150', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Hotline Miami is one of those games that's just damn near perfect.It doesn't look like much from the screen shots and videos, but playing it is a whole different story. The atmosphere is perfect, the gameplay is fast and exhilarating, the visuals suit the game better than you would think and the soundtrack is a masterpiece of its own.The whole game just plays so well and everything fits together. I'd highly recommend it. In fact Hotline Miami is my personal favourite indie game of the year, if not all time.PLAY IT!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 4, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Easily the most fun online of any game ive ever played, with campaign mode being either as casual as you want, or an extreme challenge. and versus mode adding a complete new level to the game that's far more fun than any other geneic FPS out there."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561197995338574', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995338574', 'reviews': [{'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted September 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'yer (buy game, much fun)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '374570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'A film made especially for the internet.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 14, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Im sure we all wanted to rob a bank with our friends at some point. :3'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 15, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '28050', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'What are you reading this for? BUY THE ♥♥♥♥ING GAME ALREADY!!!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 9, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Funny ♥♥♥♥ happens in this game/mod and is EPIC!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198094830975', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094830975', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 1.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥'}]} |
{'user_id': 'joshj23', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/joshj23', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted January 9.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '230410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Hell of a game, 10/10 apart from the occasional tilesets where you can get out of the map.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198066916378', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066916378', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 18, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '244850', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Best game I've ever brought on steam. EVER. and for such a great price (although slightly unoptomized) has tons of awesome features! Buy it now!!!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233250', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "Great game with a great concept, if was made by anybody else but uber. The game is terribly optimized and everything is streamed from there servers, and that's ok if you have a monster PC and live in a country with good internet speed (not Australia like myself) . If you have these requirements then buy away. The game is great, balanced fun to play, and amazing with the awesome destuctive units"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Yeah this game has its ups and downs, but the community will probs never die, proof that a game is not defined by age. Classes, Teams, Robots, Halloween, weapons, Pyro, to many spies, sentry nests, and of course, hats? Look that workshop love it, enjoy the game, it's free and probably better than some of the $60 games on steam! Everybody I present to you Valves Team Fortress 2."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 3, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '6060', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I've played this game alot on my PS2. It was practically my childhood. SO glad I got it on steam, becuase I now have endless replay ability with mods and maps and multiplayer. Thank god there is another one coming out soon. 9/10 Buy it it's totally worth it"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 27, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really great game giveing you the freedom to do anything! it can be a building game or a FPS. its really great !!!!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'idsoftwaresquake', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/idsoftwaresquake', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 9, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '13250', 'helpful': '26 of 31 people (84%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I can't understand why anyone wouldn't play this. Just amazing."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 30, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited November 30, 2013.', 'item_id': '253610', 'helpful': '8 of 9 people (89%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "A really fun game for people who want to go back to the old days and say that Modern Military Shooters are for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.This game is still in development and it may still have some issues. I had a problem with the game when i was going to the steam interface multiple times. but i think everything else runs great.but it's not hard to recommend this game, even in it's development stage.It's an amazing experience for anyone who belongs in the classic genre.Now, Do you know where we can get some health packs? Oh! There's one!"}, {'funny': '2 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted October 8, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 17.', 'item_id': '391540', 'helpful': '4 of 4 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Pros:have mercyTHERE'S FINALLY A GNU/LINUX VERSIONCons:no gnu/linux supportoriginal postYou can play Genocide to kill off 33% of the replay value forever. 10/10"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 2.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '17300', 'helpful': '5 of 10 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "pros:-Fun and challenging gameplay (i dunno see for yourself)-Looks godlike even to this day.-requires less ram than ps vita ports (Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: Shōjo-tachi no Shōmei requires 6GB of RAM for a game that doesn't look or feel very resource intensive. Infact, that game looks like it belongs on PS3 even for the PC version, and the PS3 has 256MB(!) of RAM. Even DOOM (the new one) had a reason to use 6GB+ of memory.)cons:-Limited activations.-Doesn't load on my computer (SteamOS, Windows 7, GTX 950, AMD A4-7300, 8GB RAM) for some odd reason.-No GNU/Linux version."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 14.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '310080', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'pros:birdie cutiegnu/linux supportpros:birdie cutiecutie birdie'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '360740', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Praise the lord for this very simplistic game not having microtransactions!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 26, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '1250', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I have played this for 16 hours and still enjoyed every single bit of this 6 Player co-op shooter.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198057781627', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057781627', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '382050', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "The game is OK with friends, story is mediocre and voice acting is sub-par, I wouldn't advise solo play as it get difficult to defeat enemies.So if you're thinking about buying the game, buy just ep 1 and test it for yourself/friends"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 18, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '290080', 'helpful': '1 of 4 people (25%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The game is good, but theres just too much grinding involved (terraforming simulator)'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198007208545', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007208545', 'reviews': [{'funny': '10 people found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted March 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '330210', 'helpful': '11 of 99 people (11%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'THIS GAME IS CRAP THERE IS LITTLE POINT TO DO ANYTHING IN IT ,ITS JUST A STUPID GAME ! iT WOULD BE SO NICE TO BUY A GAME THAT WASNT SO BUGGY ALL THE TIME'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198062924967', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062924967', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 25, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '64000', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is SO realistic, you have to manually get your guy out of the tank, pick up the barrel and pour it into the tank, just to REFUEL it. yeeeeeah....'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited January 26, 2014.', 'item_id': '4560', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '"Gunner. Point the turret towards the camera in the sky..." - A British tank commander, if you click on his tank too much.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'bradon745', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/bradon745', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'good game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'farmerbillson', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/farmerbillson', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted November 29, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '227680', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'StarForge is a game with big ambitions but offers little fun whatsoever. It is true that people buying star forge should consider the fact it is in alpha but that being said, the game itself is barely in a playable state. The world\'s are dull and lifeless, lacking any sort of explorability past the opening area despite the game advertising "procedural voxel terrain". The game is set on the premise of a survival game in which enemies come in waves. This sounds pretty standard in theory and seems like an easy basis for a game but StarForge manages to get it all wrong. The waves are slow and tedious, the enemies lack variety and any sort of intelligent A.I and the weapons are dreadful. I have never played a game with gun mechanics as bad as StarForge, they\'re just dreadful.The enemies have basic animations which don\'t show when it is actually in a state of death so you are often left shooting the enemy for prolonged periods of time as the fact is, the enemies animations don\'t show life even when it should be living. You control horrendously in StarForge. Moving, one of the simplest of tasks, is made hard by sluggish movement and bad mouse control. The saturation of motion blur is almost sickening and the lack of any choice to turn it off just makes it even worst. StarForge however does one thing interesting with the movement which is in the form of ragdoll-esque falling. It can provide some laughs as you fly into objects and spaz the hell out when falling but is anything but a good gameplay feature and more of a humerous addition. The games building is a clunky system which like most of the games systems works great in theory but fails to pratically work. The simple idea of cube-based building is ruined by the games approach to the building system as well as a lack of world modification which seems like something the game needed from the start. StarForge makes a lot of promises and doesn\'t deliver on any of them to the point where writing this review felt more like a winge as I could not think of one thing I liked about the game. One can only hope that in future updates the game gains some sort of solidity but the fact of the matter is that StarForge isn\'t playable by any stretch of the imagination and a lot of work will need to be put in to give it\'s buyers a reason to enjoy it.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'iConnor_', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/iConnor_', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 25.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '291550', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Vikings!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This is a wonderful F2P FPS, it has a wonderful texture and it is outragously enjoying.i have alot of fun playing this, and the i know the develepers can and will make the game alot better and more enjoyable in the future.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346110', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The things i like about this game, are its Open World, Theres freedom to create and destroy wondeful creations/bases, you can tame almost ALL dinos in the list of many. You can upgrade weapons, armour, building matrials, and there is an infinite ammount of fun and enjoyable gameplay. there is little to none that i hate about the game, and i would recommend this game to people who like, openworld, freebuild, tameable/rideable dinos, and dinos in general.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 14.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '236390', 'helpful': '0 of 2 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I love it <3 Its a war based game where i can fly planes :3'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 25.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '346900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Money Money MONEYYY!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '270880', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I Love it... And i Hope Others Will To. Its Very Much Like ETS2, But I Like ATS MUCH MUCH More. Mainly Because Of The Trucks. #Kenworth! <3'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198093394236', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093394236', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 27.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271590', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very fun game! The story mode is really good and online is a blast with your friends!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198091938654', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091938654', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 29.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '369200', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Jogo do anime que inspirou matrix!só joga'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 30.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '244930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'i need a skateboarding game like this'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 14, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '204360', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'co-op local muito bom recomendo'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 16, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'melhor fps do mundo !'}]} |
{'user_id': 'dankememesforsweatyteens', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/dankememesforsweatyteens', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '230050', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'EA Simulator 2K14'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198045421572', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045421572', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 23, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '200210', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'i hope that when u die,you will not lose your hard earned items'}]} |
{'user_id': 'mudswipe', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/mudswipe', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '34900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is ♥♥♥♥ but everyone should still play it'}]} |
{'user_id': 'dazahh', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/dazahh', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '208090', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game ♥♥♥♥♥ on team fortress 2. love the game modes and would definalty pay for this. very keen for ranked.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '388520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Not worth the downloadDoesnt even run'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '107410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'yeah good game mirin'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 12, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '209160', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'most people say this game is trash, but honeslty i love the game. Would defiantly buy over bf4'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198019669521', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019669521', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 10, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '8970', 'helpful': '1 of 7 people (14%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'This game should be used as a punishment to children!!!'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561197985634755', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197985634755', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 31, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '362890', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Incredible game but...How long does it take to release an update for one game? When you first made the black mesa mod, it ounly had the first half of the game, and about a year ago you released this, wich has nothing different in it(except multplayer) and you did make a promise to release a full mod, so how long is it going to take you to create the second half of a mod? but great game i would totally recommend this to every FPS fan(:'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198067938749', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067938749', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 8, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'gud'}]} |
{'user_id': 'maketeanotwar', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/maketeanotwar', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 6.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '384190', 'helpful': '1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "I'd probably only recommend it if it is on sale for most people. I really, really enjoyed this game and had a few moments where I was profoundly touched and moved by the experience. It can be completed in 3 hours if you really rush the story, which is mostly linear but each area is very beautiful and teeming with plants and aquatic life to explore. There's no dialogue and the story is vague/open to interpretation, which I feel makes it more of an indie title that a lot of people will feel is pretentious and style over substance. That being said, I personally feel this title is genuine and I loved all aspects of it. A very relaxing and gorgeous experience -- dim your lights, calm your mind and get lost beneath the waves."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '200710', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Bretty gud'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 18.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '275850', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'This game is and unfinished joke and the devs straight up lied to players. Sean has showed nothing but contempt for his playerbase. At the core, if this game spent another YEAR in development it might be finished -- but now they are saying paid DLC for bases and other features? DO NOT GET THIS GAME.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 5.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '403190', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Imagine you are trying to spin ten plates. Whilst riding a unicycle. And there's also random, unpredictable gusts of wind that threaten to throw your balance. That's basically what it's like to play Planetbase.10/10 would recommend. satisfying as ♥♥♥♥"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 29.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': "The worst community I've ever encountered, bar League of Legends, which of course takes the title for toxicity.If you enjoy playing competitively, then get ready to see some ♥♥♥♥."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 29.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '305620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Minimalistic visual theme but atmospheric as ♥♥♥♥. Very immersive survivalist elements that really prompt you to play smart and conversatively. Difficult, but a rewarding experience.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '264710', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "If you're a fan of hard sci-fi like I am, chances are you'll love Subnautica. The survival skills and crafting are almost fully realised, and the vehicles (The Cyclops -- a hulking submarine, and the Seamoth, a small one-man shuttle) are really fun to navigate the oceans with.Be warned though, there are some things in the water that are less than friendly -- and impossibly big. Don't go too deep unless you're ready for it!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 28.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '413150', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is an absolute treat and I wholeheartedly recommend it. ConcernedApe (the sole creator) has spent 10 hours a day -- every day -- for the last FOUR YEARS making this beautiful little game, and it is INCREDIBLE. Captivatingly wholesome, cosy and intricate, Stardew Valley offers a solid 50 hours of play with a plethora of fun activities and developed characters. I am absolutely in love with the valley and people of Pelican Town, and have never wanted to be a farmer so much in my entire life.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233290', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '6/10. I would grab this game on sale, as it is very short and a bit repetitive. However, had a really cool mood and atmosphere and was fun for the few hours of play it offered.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'LeBovin', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/LeBovin', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 26, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '230410', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'RNG Simulator 10/10 will continue to farm for one specific item for 1000+ hours'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211420', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'A giant opened a gate for me, what a nice guy13/10'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 17.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited July 17.', 'item_id': '359550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'waht a gret gam1st round, gets an ace... mmmmph.. got lucky2nd round, gets another ace.... okay... mlg league?3rd round, gets a quad... hacker.. clearly a hackerlets be honest this is a great game, and not having many hours I understand that someone would come to the conclusion that i\'d be hacking... okay I get it.. BUT HOLY NIPPLE OF ZEUS! not everyone is a hackerIt ruins the mood of the game when a salty opponent starts ♥♥♥♥ing with his ownteam because "clearly you\'re hacking m8, uninstall".In conclusion I F******* love this game, it has great balance, fun mix of explosiveand/or calm gameplay depending on how well the team works togeather.10/10btw pulse is number juan'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '388520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'honestly not a bad game, but because its cod people will make up any reason to say its bad...play it if you wantdont if you dont its that simplethis is beta people its not ment to be AMAZING!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 1, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252490', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I was doing great...built a house, had good items & equipmentthen a clan called Tarzan surrounded my house and started playing jungle musicthey then proceeded to blow up my walls while screaming and killed me with spearsthe last thing i heard was "i havent seen a ♥♥♥♥♥ in a long time"video games are great!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 3, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242760', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Firstly, this game graphically is stunning for an indie gameand i haven't played enough at this point to have a real stance in if this game is good or not but trust me when I say that this game so far for alpha is awesome. Clearly alot of work is yet to be done and everything they add will hopefully work with the game and make it more balanced than it is at this time. But so far i've been impressed with how good the AI is, how smooth the game runs and how smooth the animations are (theres even birds that fly onto your arm time to time) plus crafting and item collecting is simple, just watch out for the tribal patrols. If u've got the $15 and you enjoy survival with a touch of horror u will enjoy this awesome alphaps. personally I haven't encounted any bad AI but I have heard some people have been having trouble with em"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 16, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited February 25, 2015.', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Staged in a alternate universe where physics don't affect the humanoid creatures you play as... and you rob sh*t .... its cool"}]} |
{'user_id': 'FunkMeister1', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/FunkMeister1', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted June 22, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4000', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'BUY IT '}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 20.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited April 20.', 'item_id': '374320', 'helpful': '2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "My review will be negative until they fix all of the game's crippling performance issues.FROM software said that if you could play Scholar, then you could play DS3 just fine. My FPS in Scholar was constantly 60, yet in DS3, it drops down to less than 10, depending on where I'm looking!DS3 even auto calibrated my settings to high, indicating that I SHOULD be able to run the game effectively at those settings, yet the game still suffers terribly. Even when all of the settings are changed to LOW, the performance doesn't change! This means that there are serious problems originating from the developers, and that they must be fixed before you consider purchasing this game.Stay clear for now."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221910', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'The Stanley Parable is one of those rare, modern, alternative gems in the video gaming industry. For those of you who are sick of the typical first/third person shooter, or any action game in general, The Stanley Parable will have you laughing your ♥♥♥ off, as you explore the deep, intricate, narrator driven storyline that explores the mundane life of a measley office worker named Stanley on his grand quest to find out why all of his co-workers have suddenly, and mysteriously, disappeared.10/10, must play.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 31, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '233250', 'helpful': '1 of 4 people (25%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It\'s an alright game so far, but I must say, it is a bit "spammy", as in, the fights don\'t feel that tactical or strategic, and are more based on how many units you blob towards your opponent in a single attack.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 20, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271290', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': "Besides generally ok gameplay, the game's support system is woefully slow, as seen for an issue regarding a glitch that charged me twice as much to purchase a mech, and yet I haven't heard back from their team in over 2 days.When a game's store function is coded badly enough for it to randomly charge you double for things especially when what has been doubled is REAL monetary cost, and the support team can't even be arsed to get back to you, then you know you've got a poor game on your hands."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 29, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 19, 2013.', 'item_id': '231430', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "A very fun sequel to the first CoH. Visual effects and game mechanics are even more beautiful and nuanced than ever, serving to immerse you deep within ceaseless combat. I swear I actually feel cold during the blizzards... They're just so realistic! Definitely a must buy"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 28, 2012.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '4560', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Damn fine Strategy Game. Once you learn the basics, it's incredibly fun."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 22, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '620', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': '♥♥♥♥ing. awesome.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 22, 2011.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '6950', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'fun fun fun fun'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 12, 2010.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '13570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'awesome and stealthy'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198141880878', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141880878', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 7, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '301520', 'helpful': '1 of 6 people (17%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'Absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t every game is a ♥♥♥♥ing lose you can never win '}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198071928116', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071928116', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 19.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '394970', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Loved the alpha, and love it now'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198079327998', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079327998', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 2.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '265210', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'yes.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 30.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '202970', 'helpful': '1 of 9 people (11%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "If you want a good shooter, don't pick this game. It's not as good as it looks in the trailers. If you want a shooter game that is immersive, and worth getting, go get yourself a copy of Battlefield 4."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 10.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '302830', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome game! I recommend it to anyone who wants a good FPS!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 31.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '223710', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome horror game, 10/10'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198025199025', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025199025', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 26.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '265630', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "This game is wonderful. It's free, why are you even looking in the reviews? You are literally losing nothing by picking this up and trying it for yourself. I don't play it often, but every time I do I'm glad to have it in my library, and I always have a great time playing it. That's what I thought about it, but again, it's free. There is no reason at all whatsoever not to try it for yourself."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 25, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '72850', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'You should have gotten it while it was $5.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 1, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '236090', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "One of the best story driven games I've ever played. The combat is incredible and the gameplay is smooth, the cutscenes are nice (though a bit small) and the writing is pretty good. The item system is awesome, the abilities you get throughout the game are actually relavent all over the map, traveling is incredibly easy and.... BUY IT. IT WAS 3.00$ IN THE STORE FOR STEAM SUMMER SALE. WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY IT THEN. BUY IT NOW ANYWAY, BECAUSE IT'S AMAZING. IT'S CHARMING. IT'S FUN. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME IS AMAZING. I reccomend this game. gandalfjesusridingabreadasaurusrexridingamassivevelociraptorontopofamassivespacechickenturtle/10. buy it. now."}]} |
{'user_id': 'jb2481', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/jb2481', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 22, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good free game'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198034573935', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034573935', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 2, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '48800', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'This is a Joke. VSTEP made this as a "side project" and never has fully unleased the potential of this Simulator. Their 2006 release was quite good except it was missing a few bits. In 2008 they made the next sequel. Finnaly they finished patching it up and I hoped they would expand it a bit more but it was playable. Now we have this "ship simulator extremes" but it\'s extreme failiure. Why show Ship enthusiasts one thing and then when you get it, it\'s not as amazing as the screenshots. It\'s quite under-developed. Sure the enviroment like the water looks better-ish but the same simple an basic ship simulation is in place, there is no complexity in this simulator. Some boats are missing sounds still. Worste of all VSTEP are truly control-live of this simulator, we cannot add our own mods to it, it\'s VSTEP or no improvement. Back in 2008 we were able to produce more realistic horns and radio chatter as well as lights. There is soo much more VSTEP could of done here but they are refusing to. If you are a True ship enthusiast, this is a blow to the head.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '50130', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Amazing level of detail, story line and feel. It's extremely disssapointing that the developers on the Second release of Mafia did not think about letting us use the public transport system, include motor-cycles, re-introduce manual gear shift a selection of melee weapons. Altho I do recomend the second release overall."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted September 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '24670', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Trainz 12 has something other up to date train sim's don't. A wide range User made add-ons which are able to provide maximum train simulation experience so you are able to personalize the train sim, MP ability, powerfull editor. The user made addons are extremely advanced, detailed and the sounds are captured well. Some may feel dis-couraged with this train sim because not all add-ons have the same quality in textures and advanced features. Due to the extreme quality of the user made add-ons some are not free but are much cheaper than Railworks's Addons, they do not feel like you're in it for the money. The Full Cab drivng mode dose make provided a proper simulation experience as the dificulty is increased to real life. It's all down to the Content creators to put the time and effort into the routes, locomotives and rolling stock."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '220200', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "What a great Idea! I'm having too much fun experimenting with making a suitable Rocket and learning lots. Maybe Nasa would hire me, who knows. But this game will satisfy. I encourage NASA to pass on all their ideas to the Kerbal Space Program so far so good. Hey maybe in the future we could build UFO's, it's long overdue."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 21, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '33900', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Arma II dose not encourage war or violence, it is simply a military simulator where you can learn what is it like in the Military unlike COD or Battelefield. I enjoy every aspect of Arma and what it has to offer :)'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198072724653', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072724653', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 18, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'just test for the cheat than got VAC banned, thumbs up for this game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 13, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '289650', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': "Don't buy this game till it patched"}]} |
{'user_id': 'xKillerInstinct', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/xKillerInstinct', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 16, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'galvanicturtles', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/galvanicturtles', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 31, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good game/10'}]} |
{'user_id': 'JorazGamerGuy', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/JorazGamerGuy', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted February 21, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '259080', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Cheeky Skrubs Kept On Blowing Me Up...11/10 IGN'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '212800', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really Addictive Game And For It Being Free Is Fantastic! Good For Just A Little Bit Of Time To Waste :)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 1, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Love This Game!It Is The Best FPS Ever Created!9/10'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198089131001', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089131001', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '203140', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'freat game'}]} |
{'user_id': 'loominis', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/loominis', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '335240', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's awesome..But the Shamans are sometimes kinda crap, but other than that. It's fun to play."}]} |
{'user_id': 'tcase42', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/tcase42', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 15, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '301520', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game, Is Amazing, The satisfaction of killing someone with your own creation is just.... So magnificent, I would recommend this to anyone and everyone.... This is one of those games where you will get on at 6pm then next time you look at the clock its 3am.... I have had a few of those already.I rarely review games. So that in it self is should say enough.9.75/10(few bugs eg clipping through floor if rammed hard enough by teammates)'}]} |
{'user_id': 'gatorgolfing', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/gatorgolfing', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 12, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I like this game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 25, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252490', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': ' Dew Mountain: Rust is becoming pretty good.Elazdam: uhElazdam: Is that the one with the ♥♥♥♥♥?Dew Mountain: Yes haha'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 29, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304240', 'helpful': '2 of 4 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Resident evil 2 remake... Now.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '391540', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great soundtrack, great characters, great writing, great game. If you like games where choices actually matter, play this.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '271590', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'They need to make a mod where you can play as Guy Sebastian and you can sing "Like it like that"'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '319510', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very nice yes very nice'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 11, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is fully sick, the best hat simulator out there!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 23, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '10090', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Custom zombies is awesome on this!'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 23, 2013.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 15, 2015.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "kk they put rifles back to how they were thank you pls don't do what you did again valve"}]} |
{'user_id': 'Has2Ragretz', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/Has2Ragretz', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 10, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '208090', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great way to ♥♥♥♥ time'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198067352691', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067352691', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 4.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '207610', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Ok, first thing's first, if you are a fan of the tv series this is a must play game. So this game isn't actually bases on the tv series (so anyone can play!) and starts out in a police car. The art style in this game is fantastic, and the story is mainly driven by your choices, such as choosing where to go, and who to kill and save. Overall this is one of the best story led games I have ever played, and would highly recommend you play this game!"}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198060072424', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060072424', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted November 6, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '265630', 'helpful': '4 of 4 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'EXCELENTE GAME !'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted August 7, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': ':333333333333333333333333333333333333333'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 21, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '238960', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ muito bom'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted February 22, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '242720', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'um belo jogo pra que não tem habilidade e fica qui nem ♥♥♥♥ atirando sem para concertesa o 1 era melhor .'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198065466146', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065466146', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 31, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '323370', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's fun when you play with friends."}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 10, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '212500', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "A fun game you'll definitely enjoy if you play with friends!"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 18, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'GG.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'SGSChief', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/SGSChief', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 22.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '72850', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I think I have turn myself into Skyrim trash now. Thanks Bethesda!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'haonman', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/haonman', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted January 3.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '33230', 'helpful': '7 of 13 people (54%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': False, 'review': 'When you buy a ♥♥♥♥ing game, you should excpect to be able to play it. With AC2, you are usually unable to launch the game due to the ubisoft servers being unavaible. SO ANNOYING! DO NOT BUY ANY GAME MADE BY UBISOFT!'}]} |
{'user_id': 'HeavyfromHell', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/HeavyfromHell', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted October 15, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '440', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'It is a wonderful game, i really hope you buy it. With all the customization and hats and weapons you will have hours of fun and enjoyment.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted December 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '391540', 'helpful': '4 of 6 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is truly amazing. With its art design and characters you will be crying at the end of it all.'}]} |
{'user_id': 'MysticZemo', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/MysticZemo', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 5, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '10150', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'I have no memories and I must kill.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 29, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '221640', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "help i can't stop"}]} |
{'user_id': 'gfire555', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/gfire555', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 25, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '301520', 'helpful': '3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great fun'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 30, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '105600', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Love the new Update, adds a ton of more items.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198202329564', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198202329564', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 9.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Great game, amazing gameplay and everything.'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted March 9.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '218620', 'helpful': '0 of 4 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Awesome game'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 21.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '304930', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': "It's a good game, especially thanks to the developer with his constant updates and work that he has done for this game. Would recommend this game seeing as it's F2P."}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198050768829', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050768829', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 6, 2015.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited May 21.', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': '♥♥♥♥ THIS ♥♥♥♥ ASS ♥♥♥♥ING GAME'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198036861500', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036861500', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 25, 2013.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '550', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': ' The best shooter is now free to play get it.'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198088472271', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088472271', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 17.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '22370', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'O jogo é muito bom, as única coisa que me irritou até o momento é ele simplesmente não funcionar pra mim em tela cheia (eu tenho que jogar em modo janela senão o jogo trava).'}]} |
{'user_id': 'HiJason', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/HiJason', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted October 8, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 20, 2014.', 'item_id': '273110', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': False, 'review': "What the ♥♥♥♥ is this piece of ♥♥♥♥? Why would you even make this game and even include Zombies? holy ♥♥♥♥ing mother of god. I'm sorry but if you're playing this game you're all ♥♥♥♥ed in the ♥♥♥♥ing head. holy ♥♥♥♥ this game is just as ♥♥♥♥ as all their nexon games."}]} |
{'user_id': 'ghostlybug22', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/ghostlybug22', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 19, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited December 19, 2014.', 'item_id': '570', 'helpful': '2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Really Fun Game, If You Like Stratergy/Team Games Then This Game Is For You, You Have A Variety Of 50+ ''Heros'' To Play, Some Are Harder Than Others To Master Yet Other Have here Pick On Whats Easy And What Not, Its A Really Fun Game, A Match Goes On For Around 30 Mins To An Hour It Can Get Really Addictive And Its Really Fun. I Recommend It, If You Like Stratergy And Games Where The Best Skill Is Teamwork"}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 24, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'good game r8 11/9'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 23, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited June 2, 2014.', 'item_id': '8870', 'helpful': '1 of 1 people (100%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Good Game, i really recommend it, havent played much of it so far, still very good, alot of twist here and then, good story line,you should all give it a go'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted May 9, 2014.', 'last_edited': 'Last edited May 9, 2014.', 'item_id': '10150', 'helpful': '2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Hey, i just bught this game i its really good! i think all of you should give it ago, really fun free roam, gliding around the city is fun, you think your a superhero with so much power, the abilities,skills and weapons are really fun to use, once you get the hang of it, you will find it hard to stop :) i really recommend this game'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted August 27, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '205100', 'helpful': '1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Really good fps assassinationg , steampunk game i recommend it to all who played the assassins creed games , and anyone else, one thing in my game is that i can never find any health potions ._.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted July 22, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '252490', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'really good game, i like rust but legacy was better, shame no one plays it anymore'}, {'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted May 23, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '55230', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Very Very Good Comedy, Free Roam, Short Game... I Really Recommend GIving It A Shot'}]} |
{'user_id': 'GiBaPEzLife', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/GiBaPEzLife', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted June 2.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '230410', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'Buen juego ;)'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted January 29, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '730', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'muy bueno el cs:go :D'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198079080583', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079080583', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted March 11.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '437220', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this game is a fun game to play if you like short games and have a lot of cool as moments in it. the game can be improved but it is still one of the best games i have played.'}, {'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted December 23, 2015.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '72850', 'helpful': '0 of 1 people (0%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'This game is so much fun i still play it and it is 4 years old'}]} |
{'user_id': '76561198079227569', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079227569', 'reviews': [{'funny': '1 person found this review funny', 'posted': 'Posted July 20.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '273350', 'helpful': '3 of 5 people (60%) found this review helpful', 'recommend': True, 'review': "Was great in BETA and ALPHA, but now that IT IS FREE, I would give it a shot, it's FREE after all guys. Did you know it was FREE by the way?"}]} |
{'user_id': 'gillinator', 'user_url': 'http://steamcommunity.com/id/gillinator', 'reviews': [{'funny': '', 'posted': 'Posted April 17, 2014.', 'last_edited': '', 'item_id': '211820', 'helpful': 'No ratings yet', 'recommend': True, 'review': 'this is an awesome sandbox game even though it can make your pc lag!'}]} |
Subsets and Splits