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Willy - I having an electrician come out to install a new thermostat at your house.
He can do it sometime today or tomorrow.
I gave the electrician your work and home phone numbers so he will be calling you to see when he can go out.
We think the thermostat you got is a lemon.
We are just going to have a new one installed and see if it solves your problems.
| Fixing Your Thermostat |
Jason, The following reductions will be deducted from Peoples daily SIQ purchase of 125,000 MMBtu/day.
For the 19th, our Transportation Services area reports that Peoples was cut by 1,158 MMBtu (780 @ TTP and 378 @ Border Will County to ANR Contract 104684).
Here is a revised breakdown of the 19th: PGL Baseload 103,081 PGL SIQ 123,842 (125,000 minus 1,158) PGL DIQ 0 Revised Total Purchase 226,923 Peoples @ North Shore (10,050) Revised Will County ( 39,622) Upstream Volume 177,251 Sell Back to Enron (50,000) @ Gas Daily minus $.01 Enron @ TTP Net 127,251 For the 20th, Peoples was cut by 2,025 MMBtu (1,272 @ TTP and 753 @ Border Will County to ANR Contract 104684).
The 20th should now look like the following: PGL Baseload 103,081 PGL SIQ 122,975 (125,000 minus 2,025) PGL DIQ 0 Revised Total Purchase 226,056 Peoples @ North Shore (10,050) Revised Will County ( 39,247) Upstream Volume 176,759 Sell Back to Enron (50,000) @ Gas Daily minus $.01 Enron @ TTP Net 126,759 For the 21st, Peoples was cut by 96 MMBtu (62 @ TTP and 34 @ Border Will County to ANR Contract 104684).
The 21st should now look like the following: PGL Baseload 103,081 PGL SIQ 124,904 (125,000 minus 96) PGL DIQ 0 Revised Total Purchase 227,985 Peoples @ North Shore (10,050) Revised Will County ( 39,966) Upstream Volume 177,969 Sell Back to Enron (50,000) @ Gas Daily minus $.01 Enron @ TTP Net 127,969 Call me if you have questions.
| Final cuts regarding gas days May 19th thru May 21st |
Effective Friday the 13th of April, I will no longer be employed by Larry R. Cook & Associates, PC.
I know, I know, the end of an era, you thought you felt the earth slowly grinding to a halt, etc.
I just had to realize I was just a legend in my own mind.
I'm moving to the big leagues - I'll be the 35ish employee at MGL Consulting - the firm provides comprehensive registration and compliance services to broker/dealers, investment advisors and insurance companies.
I'm coming on board to manage the growth of the company through financial forecasting, modeling and planning as well as being billable in a role of support for our associate securities attorneys in litigated matters involving securities - both for and against brokers.
MGL is around the corner from Hewitt Associates in The Woodlands - so the Suz and I will probably carpool (or walk) to work!
Although it has been a difficult decision to sever my career from Larry, the opportunity at hand versus the current utility was too great.
We will remain the best of friends, and as such, will have ready access to one another as this transition occurs.
For those of you fortunate enough to be clients....I will no longer be able to serve you in a manner consistent with what you should expect as I will not be immersed in the day to day operations of the retail financial world and the information that comes with that.
However, for those of you not aware, Larry has always reviewed and been aware of all our accounts.
Therefore, you can expect him to continue to monitor and advise you on your portfolio and planning for years to come.
You do have options: 1) do nothing and everything continues as is 2) move your account to another broker 3) change your account to no broker or to another broker of record.
With any of these options we'll be more than happy to accommodate.
Larry is available if you'd like to meet and/or visit with him at any time.
Larry and I will continue to work together on clients that I'm involved with for as long as necessary (i.e.
if you still want to place trades through me or contact me to resolve a move or initiate a rollover, etc., that's more than great!)
| news |
Jason, Peoples will continue to sell back 50,000 for the last two days of May @ Gas Daily minus $.01.
I'm sending you this E-mail to confirm our intentions.
| Sell Back for gas day May 30th |
Jason, it's me, Jay Elms.
You know, Amanda's husband.
What's going on?
I understand you and Ferg are only playing about 72 holes of golf per week.
Down from the normal 96.
I'm up to about 18 holes every 6 months.
I'll dominate both of you when we play again.
Ya'll need to come visit us in Austin.
Hey, I've got a buddy I worked with that also got laid off.. he was in corporate communications for us.
Can you get the name of someone in Enron's Corp. communications dept.?
He is interested in Enron and I told him you were the president of the company and could basically hand him a job if he wanted it..
If you can get a name, that would be fine.. if not, no problem.
| ...hmmmm... |
The Howdy Club, Houston A&M Club and Reveille Club are sponsoring AGGIE NIGHT AT ENRON FIELD It's the Astros vs. the Rangers on Friday, June 15, 2001, starting at 7:05 pm.
Tickets in the Mezzanine are $12.
The attached flyer provides additional details.
If you would like to order tickets with Enron , please fill out the attached spreadsheet and email it back to Heather Johnson(x53240).
Be sure to drop off your check at EB1833C.
Information and checks are due by 2 pm Monday, June 4 to receive your tickets through the mail.
Come join other Aggies@Enron at Irma's Southwest Grill 1314 Texas at Austin before the game on June 15.
| Aggie Night at Enron Field-June 15 |
Just wanted to let you know that my email address has changed.
The new address is "[email protected]".
This new address is now working.
My old address will continue to work until June 30th.
If you have any questions please let me know.
| email address change |
Jason, Irene Isais of our Transportation Services department notified me that Enron North America was cut 1 MMBtu per day from March 13th through March 15th.
The 1 dekatherm cut occurred on Trunkline.
Peoples will reduce the baseload FOM priced quantity on the 13th and 15th by 1 MMBtu.
It will cut the DIQ amount of 21,973 by 1 dekatherm on gas day March 14th.
The FOM price was greater than Gas Daily on the 13th and 15th while Gas Daily was the higher price on the 14th.
| 1 MMBtu/per day cut to Peoples from March 13th through March 15th . |
Region: Europe Status: Resolved Summary: Outlook - script problem Your IT support case number HD0000000463189 has now been closed by dhayes (Daniel Hayes).
In order to improve the quality of support we provide, we would like to know if you were satisfied with the service you received on this call.
Please select a grade from the list below which best describes the service you received: 1 = Excellent 2 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 4 = Poor 5 = Very Poor and reply with any additional comments you think might be relevant.
Thank you for your co-operation.
| How did IT Support perform on call number HD0000000463189 ? |
It's that time again.
If you are up for playing 42 this Thursday (6/7), please let me know.
We'll kick things off around 8:00 PM.
So far, I have verbal commitments from Jason, Von, and Mike.
I was hoping to get two tables going and try to play a round robin tourney.
So, Todd (it's been a couple of weeks), Scott (you said that you wanted to play), Hatch (you had fun last time, right?
), and Ferg (you don't want to miss the fun, do you?)
reply to this e-mail and let me know you can make it.
See ya, - Bub
| 42 on Thursday |
Reminder The Enron Oral History Project Continues... "Using History to Help Enron Become the World's Leading Company" How can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory change and corporate culture help Enron achieve its vision?
Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Thursday, June 7 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EB 5C2 To Make a Reservation, Call 3-1941 and Select Option 1 Lunch will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Please inform us ahead of time if you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting.
Call 3-9390.
| Reminder |
To all, Well, if you didn't already know...we didn't make it to Texas!
We were suppose to fly out of Frankfurt, Germany on Tuesday, June 5th but Jason got sick.
Sunday late afternoon, Jason said his mouth hurt and we had our neighbor who is a doctor look at his throat.
It was a little red but nothing serious (at that point).
Nolan and I had had sore throats over the last two weeks that lasted a few days so I figured Jason would be recovered by the time we arrived in Houston.
Then, I stayed up until 5am Sunday night/Monday morning doing laundry and packing.
Monday, Jason and Nolan went to school and all seemed well while I ran around doing last minute errands.
That evening, Wayne drove us to Wuerzburg so that we would only be 1 1/2 hours from the airport in Frankfurt rather than 3 1/2 hours.
The boys both seemed fine and played outside for an hour or so when we arrived.
We were staying with friends.
During baths, Wayne noticed a rash on Jason but didn't think anything of it.
But, as we were putting him in bed, Jason seemed hot.
We took his temp (over 102) and gave him motrin.
Then, since the main military hospital is in Wuerzburg, we decided to take him in to get him started on some medicine if needed.
Before he left, we looked in his throat--this time his tonsils were almost
| Texas |
Dear jason, Over the course of the season we have tried to provide you with the latest in-depth Rockets information and promotional offers via our e-mail newsletter, e-blastoff.
In an effort to continue to provide you with the most useful information, we'd like to ask for your feedback on the following questions.
To answer the questions, just hit your "reply" button and type your response underneath each question.
When you have answered all questions, click on the "send" button.
Thank you, in advance, for your time and comments.
| We Would Like to Hear From You! |
Critical Migration Information: Please note your migration date did NOT appear in your previous e-mail.
Please reprocess your information on your migration date: April 18th.
We apologize for any incovenience this may have caused.
Your scheduled Outlook Migration Date is THE EVENING OF : April 18th 2.
You need to press the "Save My Data" button (only once) to send us your pre-migration information.
You must be connected to the network before you press the button.
If a POP-UP BOX appears, prompting you to "ABORT, CANCEL OR TRUST SIGNER" please select TRUST SIGNER.
Any information you Add to your Personal Address Book, Journal or calendar after you click on the button will need to be manually re-added into Outlook after you have been migrated.
Clicking this button does not complete your migration to Outlook.
Your migration will be completed the evening of your migration date.
Failure to click on the button will result in your data not being imported to Outlook.
If you encounter any errors please contact the resolution center @ 713-853-1411
To: Rybarski, Amanda; Moore, Kevin G.; Hogan, Irena D.; Bates, Kimberly; Villarreal, Alexandra; Presas, Jessica; Young, Becky; Vuittonet, Laura; Quezada, Daniel Cc: Hardy, Kimberly; Panos, Jason; Hernandez, Jesus A Subject: Please forward to your groups There is only 1 week left before moving into the new building.
There are two shredco containers located at EB3206E and in the freight elevator for documents that need shredding.
Also there will be a couple of large trash containers located on the 32nd floor today 11/2/01 and next Friday 11/9/01.
Please start the cleanup process.
Remember: 1.
You can only move 6 boxes per person plus equipment 2.
Take home all IPAQ'S, Blackberry's, Palm Pilots and Laptops Friday 11/9/01 so that nothing is misplaced 3.
If you have a cellular phone charger on your desk....don't forget to pack 4.
Clean out all Voicemails by 5:00 PM on Friday 11/9/01 5.
The new Enron Building will be closed to all until 5:00 AM on Monday Morning.
If you try to come up here, you will not be allowed in the building.
Please give your User ID and Password to your assistant so she/he can make sure that everything is up and running for you on Monday morning.
If you have a headset, please pack it.
They will not be installed until Monday morning.
Since there are no amtels moving, please be sure you have MSN messenger installed in your computer because this is what your assistant will use to give you your messages.
If you do not have it, your assistant can help you install it.
Please label your PC, Boxes (on the ends), and cradles, scanners, etc.
You will have a new mouse and keyboard in the new building and your monitors will have speakers on them so you don't have If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know.
| Move Information |
Here are my notes from today's call.
As with Monday, I've focused on getting them out as quickly as possible rather than taking extra time to re-organize them by subject.
Enron's business has been grouped into three buckets: Core, Non-core, and Under Review.
Core: Wholesale energy business in North America and Europe, retail energy, pipelines Non-core: Broadband, water, and international assets (i.e.
Enron has approx.
$8Bn in investments in these assets, and they have produced 'dismal' returns.
Enron will be exiting these businesses and will attempt to wind them up in an orderly fashion.
An aggressive divestiture program has been set in motion for these assets.
Under Review: EGM, EIM.
These businesses are being closely examined to determine whether they have a reasonable chance of long-term viability.
Required resource levels are being carefully studied.
Following review, Enron will move the different portions of these businesses to core or non-core as the analysis dictates.
Approximately $800MM of asset sales are under contract and expected to close in the fourth quarter.
These include a gas LDC in Brazil, EcoElectrica, and our Indian E&P assets.
Enron is in active pursuit of an additional private equity infusion of $500MM-1Bn.
Given the current environment, raising equity in the public markets would be 'inefficient', McMahon says.
Short-term liquidity is provided by the $3Bn of credit drawn upon a few weeks ago, the $1Bn of new debt, and the $1.5Bn equity infusion from Dynegy.
Longer-term, the proceeds from the sale of PGE will provide liquidity.
Asset sales over the next year will be used to pay down debt.
McMahon described the major off-balance-sheet vehicles: Marlin was set up to hold Azurix assets.
It was initially capitalized with $950MM of 144a debt and $125MM of equity (raised from Enron and institutional investors).
The debt is supported by the equity and by Azurix' assets.
Enron is obligated to cover any deficit at the time the debt becomes due on 3/17/03 (the 'Enron topup' obligation).
The 3/17/03 date is accelerated in the event that Enron is rated below-investment-grade by any one of the three major agencies.
The primary asset of Marlin is Wessex Water.
As long as Wessex is worth at least $2.6Bn, there will be no Enron topup required.
If we take a 25% haircut to present book value, Enron will have to provide $650MM in consideration upon retirement of the debt.
This $650MM would hit Enron cash, income, and equity balances.
Osprey contains energy-related assets and 'other assets'.
It was initially capitalized with $2.4Bn of 144a debt and $220MM in equity (ENE and institutionals).
As with Marlin, the entity is an asset-backed structure with an Enron topup guarantee.
The debt is supported by a) the assets; b) $1Bn of convertible preferred ENE (convertible into 50MM shares of ENE common); and c) additional ENE common as needed for topup.
Assuming the same 25% hypothetical haircut to current book value, Enron would have to deliver approx.
$600MM of topup funds--which would hit ENE cash, income, and equity.
The debt must be retired by 9/17/02, with the same cut-to-junk early trigger provision as Marlin.
| Highlights from ENE Analyst Conference Call 11/14 |
Hi Jason, First of all, just want to wish you Joanna a happy thanksgiving.
We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.
Susan and I are leaving tonight visit her dad.
I'm going up to Wisconsin to visit Mimi in two weeks.
She still sound very tired.
| Happy Thanksgiving |
Great News, Guys!
Ron gave us his floor seats for the Phoenix game on Wednesday, December 26 (7:30 PM).
Please let me know if you can make the game.
See ya, - Bub
| Rockets Game |
Gals, Hey guys!
I am feeling a little happier today...we had sunshine yesterday!
And I took full advantage of it.
I took the boys out to the playground in the backyard at 1100 and didn't come in until 5pm!
I even grilled hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch for 8 kids and 5 moms!
We had one big picnic.
Our location with the neighborhood playground in our backyard is perfect--I
| Tuesday |
24 April 2001 Hey dude, what's going on?
I'm glad we got a chance to chat the other day even if it was brief.
The Navy has really gotten even with me ever since I got married.
Those years during flight school where I had a bunch of time to goof off were awesome, but unfortunately over.
I guess they wait until a pilot has all of his qualifications and then they definitely get their money out of him.
It only makes sense.
I can't believe I'm finally on my deployment.
This has been a cloud hanging over my head for some time now.
I guess I'll be back soon enough.
We are in transit steaming out to the far east and just passed the Yucatan Peninsula, Cuba, and Jamaica.
Unfortunately, we did not get to stop in any of those places.
These e-mails could potentially be monitored because they are sent via satellite so I am unable to tell you where we are or where we are going, only where we've been.
I'll keep you posted.
The conditions on this ship are not too bad.
I've got a nice stateroom and everything I need for a cruise....
Except the ability to get off when I want to and see my wife.
I have not been flying too much lately, I've been standing a lot of watch though.
I guess they are letting the newer guys get some experience.
When you're in the middle of the ocean standing watch at 3 am and its so dark that you can't see anything (not that you can see anything but water anyway) it's a pretty calming feeling.
You can see so many stars its unbelievable.
There are no city lights to drown them out and its spectacular.
We have hit some rough seas and landing on the ship has been challenging, but good practice.
I've been pretty busy because I just took over a new division.
I've got 60 young guys that are extremely hard workers but sometimes don't always use the best judgment.
I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories when I get back.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hey and give you the scoop on me.
I hope to be a little bit better about keeping in touch out here.
Please say hello to everyone for me and could you please send me Hatcher's e-mail address.
Also, if you could do me a favor and say hey to Cassey every once in a while, she's pretty lonely.
Until next time, Adios!!
| what's up |
Kriendler and Willy - Would you guys be willing to have your installations done for the Remote Energy Management Pilot done next week.
You would be 2 out of the 10 first test homes.
I would be coming by with the installers and possibly some media people.
You can get the royal treatment.
If so, I need to get some information: 1) What is your address.
2) What is your home phone number?
3) What is your office phone?
4) Do you have dial-up internet connection or broadband?
5) If you have broadband, is it cable or DSL?
6) If you have broadband, who is your provider?
| Test Homes for Technology Pilot |
Critical Migration Information: 1.
Your scheduled Outlook Migration Date is THE EVENING OF : 2.
You need to press the "Save My Data" button (only once) to send us your pre-migration information.
You must be connected to the network before you press the button.
If a POP-UP BOX appears, prompting you to "ABORT, CANCEL OR TRUST SIGNER" please select TRUST SIGNER.
Any information you Add to your Personal Address Book, Journal or calendar after you click on the button will need to be manually re-added into Outlook after you have been migrated.
Clicking this button does not complete your migration to Outlook.
Your migration will be completed the evening of your migration date.
Failure to click on the button will result in your data not being imported to Outlook.
If you encounter any errors please contact the resolution center @ 713-853-1411
We will be releasing new version of the Stack Manager and the EnronOnline website tonight .
The following are the changes 1.
Changes to Stack Manager: 1.1 Changes to toolbar icons: To facilitate further development of the system, it has been found necessary to change the toolbar icons at the top of the Stack Manager.
The attached file shows the old icon and its new replacement.
Next to each image below is the description of the function that is executed as well as the short cut key that is mapped to the same function: 1.2 New Functionality - Auto Suspend The Auto Suspend function allows traders to set an absolute price change from a price level at which you would like the system to automatically suspend a specific product.
This function is useful if your products use automatic price resets.
To activate this feature: 1.
Select a product and click on Product Properties 2.
Check the Enable box 3.
Enter the Price Check and Suspend at +/- values 4.
Click Update Example: a trader Enables Auto Suspend and selects a $35.00 Price Check and a suspension level of +/- $5.00: The system will suspend the product when the mid price is above $40.00 or below $30.00 You will need to enter a new Price Check or disable the Auto Suspend function to reactivate this Product if the Auto Suspend is triggered.
Please note the system checks for any products that need to be suspended once a minute.
Changes to EnronOnline Website (These changes will be rolled out in phases over the next week and will be available to all customers only by Friday 5/4/01) The following enhancements have been made to the EnronOnline Website: 2.1 Today's Transactions Float Window: In order to float the window, right click on the Today's Transactions section, click on the Float Window option.
Sort Ordering: Click on the column heading to change the sort order.
Linked Transactions: You can display the linked Transactions in an expanded or collapsed view.
To do so, right click in the Transaction display area and select full Expand or Full Collapse.
2.2 Submission Box The submission box has been modified in order to show a space between each set of "zeros" for the volume the customer wants to sell/buy.
Jason, In case you did'nt get my voice mail @ 2:40 on Monday April 30th, Peoples will continue to sell back 50,000 for gas day May 2nd.
Sell back price is Gas Daily minus $.01.
Thanks, Jer
| Sell Back for Gas Day 5-02-01 |
Jason, Cora and Irene told me the Enron delivery to Peoples Gas for gas day May 1st will be cut by 21 MMBtu.
Peoples will reduce the SIQ purchase of 125,000 by 21 leaving an SIQ amount of 124,979.
Apparently, the reduction is due to confirmation problems on Northern Border.
| May 1st cut for Peoples Gas |
Current Notes User: To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook, it is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date of migration.
Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the following survey.
When you finish, simply click on the 'Reply' button then hit 'Send' Your survey will automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox.
Thank you.
Hello Everyone !
I'll be taking the afternoon off in an attempt to rid myself of the flu symptoms I'm experiencing.
Page me @ (312) 682-2988 if you need to contact me.
Thanks, Jer
| My availability |
This one is pretty good!
Hope everyone is doing well!
This is unbelievable!
Read the story first.....then look at the picture.
Rodger Degagne a former employee with AECL in Chalk River may be embarking on a new career as Feline breeder.
Relaxing in his spacious home on the shores of the Ottawa River, Mr. Degagne recalls how 15 years ago he befriended two stray young cats on the old AECL research facility at Chalk River.
The kittens had appeared in late summer and apparently had gotten under a security fence around the old labs abandoned since the late 50s.
With the help of his tuna sandwich, Mr. Degagne was able to coax the kitties close enough so that he could pick them up.
A self-described animal lover, he did not want to place the kittens in the local Humane Society.
In this largely rural area, cats of all stripes and age largely go unwanted and are humanely disposed of after a few days.
Later that evening, his wife Louise and their two children, Nicole and Kelly came to a family decision to keep the kittens which they named Lost and Found.
Lost turned out to be female and Found a male.
When nature finally took its course, a litter of kittens was born six years later.
One of the litter was a big white female with a unique black markings on her side and tail.
Something about the kitten captured the hearts of the family and while her siblings eventually found homes elsewhere.
Snowball stayed with the Degagnes.
While Lost and Found are no longer with us, their progeny live on.
In her nine years Snowball's size has seemed to snowball.
Put simply, Snowball is no ordinary cat; she measures 69 inches from nose to tail and weighs in at 87 lbs.
"She started out a big kitty and she just seemed to keep growing.
She always meowed for more food, and would climb up on the counter to eat food which I forgot to cover.
Chicken is her favorite.
Once I left a cooked chicken on the table that I was going to use for a boat picnic; an hour later, the chicken was gone," Louise said.
"We knew that Snowball wasn't your average cat when the neighbors' German Shepherd ran yelping away from his first encounter with her.
She just isn't afraid of any animals.
After we found a half-eaten raccoon out by the garage, we decided that maybe Snowball should be kept fenced in.
We soon discovered that while we can keep Snowball in the yard, we couldn't keep raccoons from Snowball.
"At least it kept the food bills down," Rodger laughed.
"Like all female cats, she is very territorial, but with us she is just a big ol' kitten," he said.
So what does an 87-lb.
cat eat?
"Snowball goes through about three lbs.
of cat food a day, along with cooked chicken , supplemented with deer and moose that Rodger hunts in the fall.
She likes pike a lot, so I don't throw them back anymore."
Snowball often accompanies Rodger fishing on the Ottawa, eagerly peering over the side of the boat as soon as his line goes tight.
So to what do the Degagnes attribute Snowball's size?
Rodger says, "Well, the vet thinks it could be her thyroid, but she isn't fat; she's just a real big cat.
I think maybe her parents got into something at Chalk River that they shouldn't have."
- snowball.jpg *******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer******************* Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message.
If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone.
In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email.
Please advise immediately if you or your employer does not consent to Internet email for messages of this kind.
Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of my firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.
| Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty |
OUTLOOK EMAIL NOTIFICATION Your Date of Migration is: April 18th YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO SEND E-MAIL unless you take the following action: Please go through your Notes email and clean out as many old/un-needed email items as possible BEFORE your date of migration.
After you are migrated to Outlook you will only be allocated 100MB of total Mailbox space.
If more than this amount of data is migrated to Outlook YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEND E-MAIL until it is below the 100MB limit.
Cleaning up your Notes email now will prevent this from happening to YOU.
Enron's messaging platform is migrating from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook 2000 worldwide.
You will be accessing Outlook for all of your email functions.
Many factors contributed to the decision to migrate from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange/Outlook.
The most prominent factors were: ?
Significant advantages to moving to a product that is more integrated with current Enron apps (Windows 2000, Office and Internet Explorer) ?
More efficient Shared PC and Roaming User features ?
Improved support and integration for Palm/CE devices ?
Instant Messaging capabilities WHAT IS BEING MIGRATED TO OUTLOOK 2000?
Email Messages.
From the date of your scheduled migration, the last (30) thirty days of your Email will be converted for use in Outlook.
All your folders in Notes you use to store email messages in.
To Do Items ?
Journal Items ?
Calendar Entries dating from (1) one year in the past to (10) ten years in the future will be converted.
Address Books, but NOT your Distribution Lists that you created.
You will need to re-create these in Outlook.
Thank you,
| 1-URGENT - Outlook Email Notification (new) |
Thank you for joining NewPowerTM - a new kind of power company!
We are committed to offering you competitive prices on electricity.
Your upgrade is almost complete.
You will soon be receiving a NewPower Welcome Kit regarding your enrollment.
That information will be sent to the mailing address that you supplied when you enrolled via our website.
In the next few weeks we will be busy working with your local utility to complete your enrollment.
Remember, as part of the sign up process you have the right to cancel NewPower electric service without penalty within three business days of your receipt of the terms and conditions.
To contact us with questions or to cancel, please see the information listed below.
NewPower delivers many other benefits as well.
You'll also receive special ongoing offers on Smart Home Solutions that can help bring technological innovation, security and additional savings to your household.
So New Power can help brighten your life in several ways - not just today, but in the months to come.
And that can be pretty powerful.
In the meantime, you'll find the Terms & Conditions of being a NewPower customer with your Welcome Kit.
If you would like to learn more, check out the Questions section at our web site (America Online Keyword: NewPower) or call us at 1-800-NEWPOWER between 7 am and 9 pm Eastern Time.
Once again, thank you for joining NewPower, we look forward to serving you in the future.
| Welcome to NewPower!!! |
With ECS (Enron Center South) rapidly approaching completion, Enron is forced to change the numbering scheme on the existing Stentofon system.
To increase our capacity to support this expansion, we must increase the number of valid Stentofon address numbers.
Enron currently uses 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 900 series numbers for the addresses.
In order to add more addresses to the system, Enron will be converting the dial plan from a three digit dialing system to a four digit dialing scheme on the Stentofon system.
This conversion is scheduled to occur on the weekend of May 18th.
In efforts to minimize confusion, we will convert all Stentofon addresses in EB1 to a 4000 series number.
If your Stento number was 364, then your new number will be 4364.)
We will also change all speed dials to reflect the new dialing scheme.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
| Forward: Broadcast Message - Trading Floor Stentofons |
Pam Anderson from Intercontinental Exchange will be giving an ICE presentation on Tuesday, May 22 in EB 32C2 at 3:00 pm .
Please let me know if you plan on attending.
| ICE Presentation |
We had some problems with Netscape on Saturday.
The El Paso scrape was down from 5AM through the end of my night shift.
Dave Steiner was notified early in the afternoon and I was told it was a problem in Houston.
The problem should be solved by Sunday.
Problem it caused: I was not able to download HA finals from the ISO and finals were not created.
| Problems on Saturday |
Steve at EPE has agreed to a leading deal with SPS where SPS/PSCO will supply 100 mw at PV real time to EPE.
El Paso already has tags out there showing EPE as the source for SPS sales.
SPS/PSCO will supply the energy to El Paso at PV and El Paso should show it going to their system.
Steve was supposed to let the dispatchers know all the details.
Greetings, Attached please find the OMAR-Online Market Simulation Plan and updated automation specifications.
A revision history is included at the beginning of each automation specification, including a description of the changes.
The Market Simulation will be conducted from February 11 through 15, 2002.
The OMAR-Online application enhances features currently provided through the MDAS-Online application.
You may contact me at (916) 351-2330 or at [email protected] should you have any questions.
<<OMAR Online Mkt Sim Mkt Part Instructions.doc>> <<OMAROnlineSubmitAutomationSpecificationv1_1.pdf>>
| Important Market Information regarding the OMAR-Online Market Simulation |
Group, There is a new binder for EPE hourly deals for 2002.
The deal sheets MUST be kept in this binder.
We are currently missing the deal sheet for 12/30/01 to 01/01/02.
Please be on the lookout for this sheet or sheets.
Those who were on shift for that period will need to coordinate what deals were done and will need to reconstruct a sheet.
These sheets are currently a main source of information on EPE for settlements.
The deal sheets should be clear, concise, and should have information such as energy type, delivery point, who you spoke with and at what time.
I will be sending another email regarding EPE procedure and model updates for 2002.
| EPE Hourly Deals 2002 |
Group, Enron is attempting to reconcile the daily activities of each counterparty with us.
This includes when each counterparty cut us, and schedules that were moved.
To facilitate these efforts please put all cuts and scheduling sheets in the accordion file on the RT overflow desk (where Kate used to sit).
Also, stay tuned for new information on EPE.
Apparently the information communicated by Tony was not completely correct.
| Tracking Cuts |
Craig and Bill: Please note that for Wednesday 01/02/02, Import ID ENRJ_CISO_8000 is wrong.
The On-peak needs to be a 35mw and the off-peak needs to be a 45mw.
You will want to change the load zones in SP15 to make us flat in position manager.
| Imports for 01/02/02 @ Mead |
To the West Desk et al: The FERC's west-wide price cap has been raised to at least $108/MWh beginning today through 30 April 02.
Please see the order excerpt below.
Although market prices are well below both the old and new cap, the new cap will give the markets more breathing room if there is an unexpected cold snap and/or supply disruption.
I am happy to report that the one of Enron's advocacy messages made it into the order: any change to the cap must be applied West-wide.
PNW parties and Duke were willing to settle with region-specific caps but FERC rejected that concept in favor of a single, West-wide value.
Alan Comnes Relevant Passage: "Effective on the trading day following the date of this order, through April 30, 2002, we will suspend the methodology used to calculate the current mitigated price and substitute the following West-wide winter season methodology.
As a starting point, the mitigated price will be set at $108/MWh.
This is the actual mitigated price set using the current methodology during the last reserve deficiency on May 31, 2001, based on a gas index of $6.641/MMBtu, a generating unit with a heat rate of approximately 15,360 Btu/MWh and $6.00 for the O&M adder.
The new interim mitigated price will supersede the existing mitigated price (approximately $92/MWh), which was set at eighty-five percent of the originally calculated $108/MWh mitigated price for application during non-reserve deficiency hours.
We find this adjustment necessary to set the price for the winter period and to track changes in the gas indices.
The winter formula will maintain the current heat rate and O&M adder.
The one variable in the formula will be tied to the current average of the mid-point for the monthly bid-week index prices reported for SoCal Gas (large packages), Malin and PG&E city-gate.
Under the winter season formula, the mitigated price will be recalculated when the average gas price rises by a minimum factor of 10 percent (e.g., to $7.305/MMBtu) effective for the following trading day.
The formula will also track subsequent cumulative changes of at least 10 percent (including reductions of 10 percent, but not less than a floor of $108/Mwh).
Effective on May 1, 2002, the summer methodology will be reinstated along with the current mitigated price of approximately $92/Mwh for non-emergency periods."
| Details on the West-wide Price cap: now $108/MWh through April 30, 2002. |
Bill,=20 I had quite a bad conversation with Kirk at LADWP yesterday.
Geir supposed= ly purchased only spinning reserves from LA however, when I called to verif= y this Kirk at LA said that Geir bought power from him at $50 on top of the= reserves.
When I called Geir he said he didnt.
Therefore I called back K= irk at LA and told him that Geir said he didnt purchase power from him and = that we would just pull the tapes in the morning to solve the dispute.
Kir= k then proceeded to go on a three minute tirade about how he "isnt even sup= posed to deal with Enron" and was doing us a big favor because he doesnt wa= nt to deal with us anyway.
He completely erupted on me and was absoulutely= unprofessional and cursed at me several times during the entire conversa= tion.
I kept trying to calm him down however, he just continued to rant.= Anyway we will probably need to pull tapes for Giers conversations with = LA.
I would imagine from about 16:00 thru my conversation with Kirk at 18:0= 5.
Please let the guys know that when dealing with LADWP to be absoulutely= clear, to state exactly what they are purchasing, be specific when stating= time zones etc, as it appears that any dispute these guys will just procee= d to completely melt down on us which in the end just causes problems for E= PE.
Bill: Just wanted you to know that EPE lost one of the Turbines hour ending 18 @ about 17:30 or so...I tried to buy power from everyone but to almost no avail (exept 50mw @ 53.00 integrated to a 13mw 3/4 past the hour)...Furthermore, I cut IID to a 100mw from a 120mw which integrated to a 115mw (being as I kept the first 100 whole), For HE 19 I was forced to cut one of a 25mw purchase from PNM @ $32.00 to a 13mw because our imports were over capacity.
I also bought back 50mw from IID for HE 20 @ $40.00.
Please see the note for more details or the model and ask me with any questions Bert
| EPE for 12/09/01 |
To: All Enron Employees Transferring to UBS Warburg Energy (or its affiliates) Under the terms of the various agreements among certain Enron entities and UBS AG, certain Enron data and documents may be provided to UBS.
To ensure compliance with those agreements, Enron's document retention policy, as well as directives of various investigative agencies, the attached protocol regarding the process for migration of any information or data to UBS has been developed.
Please review the protocol carefully.
Then, complete the attached Certification and return it, with attachments, to Linda Guinn at EB 3829a no later than February 11, 2002.
Questions about this matter may be directed to Michelle Cash at (713) 853-6401 or Francisco Pinto-Leite at (713) 345-7942 .
Protocol Document and Data Copy Instructions Certification Document Thank you for your assistance in making the transition to UBS a success.
| Data Migration Protocol |
This message is only relevant for those going to UBS.
When exporting your EMAIL messages listed in the instructions or via the Outlook Export utility, attachments WILL NOT BE SAVED!
There will be a better solution to exporting your Email messages and all your attachments emailed later today.
Thank you,
Bill, Everything went smooth last night and this morning with El Paso and the ramps.
Due to the migration I am unable to send the EPE model to Kathy (file for Feb. did not pull into the M: drive).
I was also unable to get into CAPS (Trading cluster is not reconfigured).
I saved the model through my shift and now that I have logged off I am unable to log back on under my name.
I updated Geir's login last night (upon his request) and have limited access through his login.
Holden is aware of these problems.
Craig Dean
| Migration |
Craig - Our records indicate that you have not taken your pre-employment drug test for UBS.
Can you please do so ASAP, or if you have already completed, can you please let me know the date that you went so that we can update our records.
| Drug Test for UBS |
HA market HE's 0700-1100 GMM's and TMM's have been re-published.
You may now view the GMM's and TMM's for the HA market, 2/5/02, HE's 0700-1100.
Sent by Market Operations, inquiries please call the Hour Ahead Desk.
| HA market HE's 0700-1100 GMM's and TMM's re-published |
MARKET NOTICE February 4, 2002 The California Independent System Operator (ISO) is announcing the Aggregated Distributed Generation Pilot Project (ADGPP).
The participation of Generating Units in the ISO's markets is currently limited to units with a rated capacity of 1 MW or greater.
The ADGPP is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of allowing physically separated small units (less than 1 MW) to be aggregated as a means of reducing barriers to entry into the ISO markets.
ADGPP is currently intended to operate as follows: * Generation units with a rated capacity of less than 1 MW may participate * Generators will be aggregated through an Aggregated Distributed Unit (ADU), which will have an aggregated or total rated capacity greater than or equal to 1 MW but no more than 10 MW * The total capacity for all units participating in this Pilot Project is limited to 50 MWs * ADUs must contain generators that are in the same Demand Zone which are not on opposite sides of constrained transmission elements * Each ADU must be scheduled in the ISO Energy or Supplemental Energy Market * Near real-time operational data will be required from ADU * Prospective participants can propose unique methods and processes for delivering the near real time operational data * Generators will be considered SC Metered Entities, therefore they must have Local Regulatory Authority approved interval metering * Settlement will occur through submitting aggregated Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD) by the SC representing the ADU As noted above, units participating in the ADGPP will be allowed to participate in the ISO Energy and Supplemental Energy Markets only and will not be allowed to participate in the ISO's Ancillary Services markets.
The increased participation in the ISO Energy and Supplemental Energy markets will provide greater market depth and will increase competition by expanding the pool of generation available within the ISO Control Area.
The ADGPP is intended only to accommodate units less than 1 MW and is not intended to facilitate "portfolio bidding" from Generating Units 1 MW or larger.
The ADGPP is also intended to improve the ISO's visibility of generating resources within the ISO Control Area by demonstrating the functionality of various basic-level operational data reporting processes which may be proposed by the prospective participants.
These operational data reporting processes should demonstrate the capability of delivering operational data for the ADU to the ISO near real time and be economical from the small Generator perspective.
The uniqueness of the operational data reporting processes proposed will be one factor in selection of participants in the program.
Thus, the project will also ensure that the participation of these resources in the ISO's markets will occur without compromising system reliability.
| Aggregated Distributed Generation Pilot Project (ADGPP) Announcement |
We have two positions open for Trading Assistants with UBSW Energy.
One will work for Jeff Richter and Chris Mallory on the Cash Trading desk and one will work for me and Mike Swerzbin on the Term Trading desk.
In short, the Trading Assistant helps the traders run EOL markets, provides analytical support, prepares daily market summaries, reviews trade press for pertinent information, performs checkouts with brokers and counterparties, assists in pricing new deals.
Please send an e-mail to Amy Fitzpatrick by noon on Tuesday expressing your interest.
This position is open to both Enron and UBSW employees.
Tim Belden
| Assistant Trader Position Open |
Attached for your review are the finalized versions of the ISO Statement Files Specification (v14.0), ISO Charge Matrix (v14.0 ) and overview documents describing the key changes.
Draft versions of the same documents were distributed in January for your review and comments.
Version 14.0 is created due to changes in two settlement areas: * The existing Market Operations Charge (CT 523) will be replaced by the new Ancillary Services and Real Time Energy Operations Charge (CT 524).
* To facilitate automatic processing of Manual Line Item entries by the SCs, ISO will impose more rigorous validations upon these entries when they are created in the ISO Settlement System.
The above changes are scheduled to take effect on trade date 1/1/2002.
The additional changes in the finalized versions are mostly minor corrections and clarifications.
ISO has also added two new Manual Charge Types (CTs 691 and 692) in the Charge Matrix: CT 691 - Emissions Cost Payment; and CT 692 - Start-Up Cost Payment.
These Charge Types were created as a result of the FERC's Order (dated
| CAISO Notification - Finalized ISO Charge Matrix and Statement Files Specification (version 14.0) |
Dear Green Roomers, Registration for the spring season, which starts in April, is just around the corner, and we need to submit money to GPSD.
The cost of the ten-game is $50 per player.
Some of you have already paid $25 or so to Jon for the winter season, which unfortunately did not come to pass.
If I'm not mistaken, the following people have already paid: Jon Gail, Jon Bloomfield, Bill Williams, Jay Flint, Jake Fox, Rick Rezinas, Scott Gates, Scott H (the keeper) , Tristan Brunin, Frank Ma, and Declan.
These people need to pay and additional $25.
$50 for everyone else.
Please give me an email in the next week or two if you plan on playing, and send checks or money to the address below.
Additionally, you are encouraged to recruit solid skill players for the team.
Especially at the beginning of the season, more players is better, and fresh blood is always a way to build the team.
See you all soon, Adam Van Loon
| Spring Season |
If you're receiving this email its because we're still waiting on a response from you.
Please reply to this message ASAP.
See below for details.
Thanks, Dan We are in the process of confirming that all traders are set up correctly and ready to trade when the system goes live.
We need to make sure that your Stack Managers are accessing the correct database.
In order to do this, we need to know how you access Stack Manager: 1) Through Terminal Server (the one that opens up a desktop within a desktop and it actually appears that you have two Start buttons).
or 2) By opening the Stack Manager directly from your "native" desktop (stand alone computer).
Please reply to this message with either a corresponding "1" or a "2" in the subject field.
If you're not sure which one you have, please contact myself x39673, Teresa Mandola x39807 or Jennifer McQuade x53614 and we'll come by your desk to help you.
Thank you,
| Waiting on your reply -Stack Users |
Chris and I would like to take this opportunity to update everyone on what = has been happening on the floor(s) during the last couple of weeks and what= is likely to transpire in the weeks to come.
I'd like to begin by apologi= zing for the lack of broad e-mail communications or floor meetings over the= last couple of weeks.
These have been very hard times and I know that peo= ple have wanted information.
It has taken us nearly a week to sort through= who will be part of the UBS Warburg team and who continue with Enron.
=20 In this e-mail I will explain: (1) who will be going to UBS Warburg, (2) wh= o do the people working for Enron work for and what are they expected to do= , (3) how will the physical separation between Enron and UBS Warburg happen= , and (4) when will the sale of Netco to UBS Warburg be completed.
In addi= tion to Chris Calger and me, the following Portland-based employees have ac= cepted positions with UBS Warburg: Last Name=09First Name=09Last Name=09First Name=09 Amador=09Susan=09Oh=09John=09 Anderson=09John=09Platter=09M=09 Bulbes=09Victor=09Postlethwaite=09John=09 Chang=09Fang-Tzu=09Richter=09Jeffrey=09 Chatterton=09Jill=09Robinson=09Donald=09 Crandall=09Sean=09Salisbury=09Holden=09 Cutsforth=09Diane=09Scholtes=09Diana=09 Dasovich=09Jeff=09Semperger=09Cara=09 Davidson=09Debra=09Sheidun=09Donna=09 Dean=09Craig=09Shields=09Jeffrey=09 Dunton=09Heather=09Slinger=09Ryan=09 Etringer=09Michael=09Solberg=09Geir=09 Gilbert=09Michael "Scotty"=09Steiner=09David=09 Gustafson=09Mollie=09Stokley=09Marlin "Chris"=09 Hall=09Stephen=09Swain=09Stephen=09 Heizenrader=09Timothy=09Swerzbin=09Michael=09 Kandaswamy=09Balachandar=09Thomas=09Jacob=09 Lackey=09Christopher=09Thome=09Stephen=09 Lee=09Eugene=09Van Houten=09Maria=09 Mallory=09Patrick "Chris"=09Villeggiante=09Theresa=09 McDonald=09Michael=09Wente=09Laura=09 Meyer=09James=09Williams=09William J=09 Meyers=09Albert=09Woodland=09Andrea=09 Mier=09Michael=09Yoder=09Christian=09 Nelson=09Kourtney=09=09=09 While there are a few people who are still making up their minds, the rest = of the people in our office will be working for the Enron estate.
It is no= t entirely clear to me right now what the management team for west power lo= oks like for the Enron estate now.
As I understand it, there are two prima= ry initiatives on the estate side that people in Portland may be a part of.= The first is the disposition of our development projects that are already= well under way.
Dave Parquet in San Francisco has been leading this effor= t together with the Portland asset development team.
This effort has been = ongoing since December.
The second is the disposition of our west power co= mmodity positions.
Jim Fallon is in charge of this for the entire company.= People working on this for Jim include Don Miller, Paul Racicot, Brad Ric= hter, Ed Baughman among others.
I have placed a call to Jim and to Paul to= get advice on how people in Portland should proceed.
I would recommend ta= lking to Ed, Brad, Paul, or Don to get direction.
I have placed a call to = several of these people to get direction and am waiting for a response.
I = am hopeful that they will designate a lead person in Portland to coordinate= the power procurement and delivery efforts.
As most of you know, the physical separation between UBS Warburg and Enron = has already begun.
People who will continue to work for Enron will be loca= ted on the 4th Floor, while UBS Warburg will occoupy the 3rd Floor.
We hop= e to make the moves to the 4th Floor by the end of this week.
Moves within= the 3rd Floor will take place the following week.
The UBS Warburg transaction is subject to one last pro forma regulatory hur= dle.
While I don't have an exact date, I am told that it will likely be on= or about February 6th.
Finally, I want to once again thank everyone for their help and cooperation= over the last few weeks.
These have been really horrible times as the Enr= on story continues to unfold in the news at the same time that people are f= inding out about their future with Enron and UBS.
I know that this hasn't = been easy for anyone.
I am deeply saddened overseeing the breakup of the a= wesome team that we have put together.
Whether you are going to UBS, remai= ning with Enron, or leaving the company, I wish everyone who worked on this= team the best in their future endeavors.
It has been a distinct honor to = work with each and every one of you.
| Office Update |
Records indicate that there are a significant number of employees who have yet to have a drug test.
Here are the details of the locations in Houston, Portland and other locations.
Please attend one as soon as possible to avoid delays in your your onboarding and payroll processing.
| Urgent - Drugs Test Reminder |
Bill, As per our conversation today, I am sending you an outline of what we intend to be doing in Ercot and in particular on the real-time desk.
For 2002 Ercot is split into 4 zones with TCRs between 3 of the zones.
The zones are fairly diverse from a supply/demand perspective.
Ercot has an average load of 38,000 MW, a peak of 57,000 MW with a breakdown of 30% industrial, 30% commercial and 40% residential.
There are already several successful aggregators that are looking to pass on their wholesale risk to a credit-worthy QSE (Qualified Scheduling Entity).
Our expectation is that we will be a fully qualified QSE by mid-March with the APX covering us up to that point.
Our initial on-line products will include a bal day and next day financial product.
(There is no day ahead settlement in this market).
There are more than 10 industrial loads with greater than 150 MW concentrated at single meters offering good opportunities for real-time optimization.
Our intent is to secure one of these within the next 2 months.
I have included some price history to show the hourly volatility and a business plan to show the scope of the opportunity.
In addition, we have very solid analytics that use power flow simulations to map out expected outcomes in the real-time market.
The initial job opportunity will involve an analysis of the real-time market as it stands today with a view to trading around our information.
This will also drive which specific assets we approach to manage.
As we are loosely combining our Texas gas and Ercot power desks our information flow will be superior and I believe we will have all the tools needed for a successful real-time operation.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
| ERCOT opportunities |
After the Day ahead market ran, the Mirage branch group TTC in both directions was changed from 70 MW to 0 MW for HE's 0700 through 2400 for operating day 1/30/02.
The reason(s) for the change is: transfer trip forced out of service to Devers-Capwind.
The first applicable Hour Ahead market to run with these values is HE 1200.
The ISO will update you of any changes in line rating status.
Sent by Market Operations, inquiries please call the Hour Ahead Desk.
The system conditions described in this communication are dynamic and subject to change.
While the ISO has attempted to reflect the most current, accurate information available in preparing this notice, system conditions may change suddenly with little or no notice.
| Mirage de-rate |
Bill: Please note the following due to the past two days schedules have been wrong in the EPE Schedules in Excel: Tag number 6181 has been cancelled (50mw to the CISO).
Lending is wrong in the EPE schedules (it is 75mw from PSCO instead of 50mw).
SPS is wrong for HE 08 (it is 130mw instead of 100mw).
I thought you might like to since this is the only income we have currently for real-time and a major screw-up could hurt our relationship.
| EPE Schedules for the past two days |
When importing DA finals I received a "Can't find Netscape Navigator" error.
Therefore, there were no DA or HA finals created for 1/27 or the 1/28.
Dave Steiner was notified... JohnAnderson
| Problems on Saturday/Sunday |
I just heard from Chris Lue, UBS HR, regarding the UBS New Hire paperwork.
All New Hire paperwork must be completed before 3:00 PM TODAY, Friday, 1/25/02 or UBS will be unable to process your payroll.
These forms were distributed during the HR Benefit meetings held yesterday.
If you were unable to attend these meetings and are unsure about what forms need to be completed, please see either Grace or I ASAP.
| UBS Paperwork - ACTION REQ'D |
Hey Jason!
Just wanted to say "hi" today.
Hope you can come up some other time this summer.
I left you a message on your voice mail.
I'm sending you some photos of Mikayl and the Mother's Day flower arrangement.
I'm hoping Grandma and Grandpa will be able to come to Dad's retirement luncheon.
Dad's secretary asked for gift ideas and Dad wants no gifts so I told her the office could chip in for a Harley for him.
That went over like a lead balloon.
Sandy Fleet is coming next week for 8 days.
We are going to have such a blast!
Dad is grateful that he doesn't have to attend my 30th class reunion.
Sandy and I will go .
We're shopping in Galena on Sat.
Did I tell you that we put a wood floor in the dining room?
It looks beautiful!
Next, we are planning to add a bottom layer to the deck in the form of a stone "floor".
Dad may work on it when we're in Savanna but I suspect if the weather is nice, he will be riding his motorcycle.
Now if I can emphasize the importance of a helmet to a safety expert.
(There's a little sarcasm in that footnote.)
Have you been shopping for furniture yet?
Gotta go---my typing is getting atrocious!
My typing teacher always liked
| Whazzup! |
Expand your business!
Make it easy for your customers to pay using Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Debit Card and Checks via Phone/Fax/Internet.
Through a business Merchant Account!
By providing multiple methods of acceptable payment you automatically help ensure that it will be easier for them to pay you and build up trust.
People DON'T want to send cash or checks via mail, because it is dangerous and gives them absolutely no guarantees whatsoever.
So make it easier for your customers and setup a Merchant Account for your business.
There are NO setup fees, and the monthly costs are very low.
To obtain more information, please reply to this email with your name, phone number with area code, and a good time to call.
You will be contacted within 10 business days by one of our staff.
Thank you for your time.
| Expand Your Business [10bhnn] |
Have tax problems?
Do you owe the IRS money?
If your debt is $10,000 US or more, we can help!
Our licensed agents can help you with both past and present tax debt.
We have direct contacts with the IRS, so once your application is processed we can help you immediately without further delay.
Also, as our client we can offer you other services and help with other problems such as: - Tax Preparation - Audits - Seizures - Bank Levies - Asset Protection - Audit Reconsideration - Trust Fund Penalty Defense - Penalty Appeals - Penalty Abatement - Wage Garnishments .. and more!
To receive FREE information on tax help, please fill out the form below and return it to us.
There are no obligations, and supplied information is kept strictly confidential.
Please note that this offer only applies to US citizens.
Application processing may take up to 10 business days.
********** Full Name: State: Phone Number: Time to Call: Estimated Tax Debt Size: ********** Thank you for your time.
| Have tax problems? [qobab] |
Hey all, TSOD went live today with a new look.
I needed to simplify.
I thought I would share.
I hope you like it. Beth
| The Study of Design - new look |
Dear Jason Wolfe, It has been a while since we spoke about your driving needs.
Our inventory has changed since then and I realize your needs may have changed as well.
We can still have the vehicle you originally were interested in within 24 hours and we also have some that are similar with similar equipment, only less expensive.
Toyota has special financing rates available on Corollas, Tundras, 4Runners and 2001 Siennas.
We have great deals on 2002 Camrys.
If youd like to revisit our inventory, please click here I look forward to hearing from you soon.
| Internet Sale |
A man walks out of a bar, stumbling back and forth with a key in his hand.
A cop on the beat sees him and approaches.
"Can I help you sir?"
"Yesssh!Ssssshomebody ssshtole my car!"
the man replies.
The cop asks, "Where was the car the last time you saw it?"
"It wassssat the end of thissshkey!"
the man replies.About that time the Officer looks down to see that the man's weineris hanging out of his fly for all theworld to see.
He asks the man, "Sir, are you aware that you are exposing yourself?"
Momentarily confused, the drunk looks down woefully at his crotch, and, without missing a beat, blurtsout "SON-OF-A-BITCH...
| pretty funny... |
Your packages for the Enron Center Garage are ready for pick-up at EB305, please make sure that you bring your current parking card with you at the time of pick-up, we will exchange your access card for a transponder.
( We will fax a memo to the Garage, so that you will be able to get out of the garage at the end of the day).
Thank you,
| Enron Center Garage |
Jason, Attached is the list of points with location information.
Also, in response to your other questions, Florida River is BP's gas processing plant in La Plata County, CO. Elmore is a power generation plant (Idaho Power) and Southend balancing is a logical point for NWP use.
Let me know if you need additional information.
| NWP Points Information |
The original plan was to try and meet this week but the response has been light.
From the few that did respond (which I thank for the feedback) the consensus was to try and meet on Thursday but no location was picked.
I will unfortunately be out of town this Thursday and Friday on business.
If you guys still want to get together use the Reply to All and set up a time and place.
It has been a long time since most of us have tossed back a few brewskies together so don't let my absents stop you (as if it really would).
I think my ego can take it, may be not my id but my ego can.
Bruce P.S.
I had asked Rex to send out a notice but I did not receive a copy so I don't know if he had done so.
If you did Rex thanks, if you didn't....we need to talk about your memory loss.
| B-Team postponed? |
As a follow-up to the Enron Net Works All Employee meeting on October 5, we are pleased to announce a number of organizational changes.
Beth Perlman, currently CIO for EA Systems, will work closely with Mark Pickering on a number of key projects for Enron Net Works.
Additionally, Beth plans to explore various commercial opportunities within Enron.
Replacing Beth in her current role will be Steve Hotte, currently CIO for EGS.
Anthony Dayao will continue as CIO for EES Systems.
In addition to his current responsibilities, Anthony will assume responsibility for creating a combined Wholesale/Retail Power Trading and Risk Management system.
Jeff Johnson will move into the new role of CIO for EGM/EIM Systems.
John Paskin will transfer to the Houston office from London to take up the new role of CIO for Corporate Systems.
His group will include the ISC, Enterprise Portal, Intranet Solutions, CRM strategy, Treasury Systems, Development Support and will matrix into HR IT Systems.
Continuing in their current positions are Inja Chun, CIO for EBS Systems; Paul Freeman, CIO for Enron Europe; Jay Webb, CIO for eCommerce, which now includes Commodity Logic Systems; and Jenny Rub, CIO for Infrastructure.
All of the above positions report into to Mark Pickering in the Office of the Chairman for Enron Net Works.
Transitions into their new positions will begin within the next two weeks and should be complete by the end of the year.
We are currently interviewing individuals to serve as CIO for EGS, as well as an individual to serve as head of our Enterprise Framework group.
We will keep you posted on the progress of these searches.
Please join us in congratulating all of these individuals on their new responsibilities.
| Organizational Announcement |
Dear Mr. Wolfe, Thank you for supporting Houston Grand Opera and purchasing tickets to Tannh?user.
You may wish to keep this email or a printout of it as a receipt.
BuyerID: 510265 Confirm Date: 10/21/2001 Confirm Time: 06:58:50pm Total: $81.50 ***** Ticket Information ***** Opera: Tannh?user
| Houston Grand Opera - Online Purchase Receipt |
Hey Jason, What have you been up to?
We haven't heard from you in quite awhile.
I took some pictures of Mikayl on his birthday, so I'll have Dad scan them for me.
One of the babysitter's kids has strep throat so we hope Mikayl doesn't get it.
He has a cold now.
Jill stopped by here on her way to the sitter's so I saw Mikayl for a minute.
He was his cheerful self depite the cold.
Wesclin started their football program this year, they're having a parade and bonfire for homecoming for the first time.
We may go to town to watch the parade.
Better go and feed your fat feline sister and the tiny one.
Love, Mom
| hi Jason |
Hi Jason, Tried to call you, but could't get through at 503.464.8637.
Is that the right number?
Here's some suggestions on how to access the data you want: POINTS LIST: My point list is pretty out of date.
If you have access to NW Passage, you can get to a current list by logging in, go to "EBB", then "Point Capacity", then hit refresh.
If you want to look at the capacity of a specific point, highlight the point and hit "Point Capacity".
SCHEDULED POINT VOLUMES: You can look at scheduled volumes at all points, including the "zones" that we were talking about, via the scheduling screen.
You must be logged into NW Passage.
Go to the "Noms" Section, then the "Scheduling" window.
Click on the "Meter" radio button at the upper left and fill in the desired date or date range.
Hit "Refresh" and the point volumes should pop up and look similar to the view scheduling screen.
You have the option to save this information into a spreadsheet as well as look at volumes for a range of dates.
This should give you the same data as the unutilized capacity report with the addition of the other "zone" and throughput volumes.
It looks like a pretty comprehensive list of active points as well.
The scheduling screen is pretty powerful and has a lot of other features as well... you might play around with it or call me to find out what else it can do.
Please call me if you have any questions.
| Northwest Pipeline Scheduled Volumes and Point Catalog |
Please see the attached chart outlining our Confirmation process.
This is the same process that Barry Tycholiz implemented for Origination.
I think it is a great way to verify our booking process.
Please use the trading books that Anne Bike passed out yesterday.
| Trading Confirmation Process |
Jason, Maybe this will clear things up a little: The monthly data (files ending w/ US) contain monthly data submitted by those respondents required to file monthly survey responses, and ESTIMATES for those other respondents required only to submit one annual survey response.
The data for those files, therefore, also include - for each State - a record for utility ID = "99999" and plant code = "9999" containing data values which represent the arithmetic differences between the "estimated" State totals and the sum of the net generation, consumption, and ending stocks data reported by the respondents to the Form EIA-759.
The 2001 file will be a "year-to-date" file and is in this Monthly format until the data for the final month is finalized.
The other files (Annual Data, files ending w/ YR) contain monthly data submitted by those respondents required to file monthly survey responses, and annual data for those other respondents required to only submit one annual survey response.
No estimation procedures are involved.
This only applies to the 759 (Utility) forms.
If you notice, there are only YR files for F759 forms.
Also, keep in mind that for the 900 Forms before year 2001, the values are in Kwh and not Mwh.
To convert Kwh to MW, divide by 24 hours, 31 days, and 1000...not that you care about generation anyways, but just in case... Got it?
Hope this helps.
If you need anything else, call this baller up here.
Have fun in Portland, J
| F759 and 900 data |
Dear Citibank Bill Manager customer, As of October 24, the Subscriber Agreement that you entered into when you enrolled in Citibank Bill Manager is being assigned by PAYTRU$T, Inc. to Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.
Paytrust will continue to administer the service on behalf of Citibank.
This administrative change requires no action on your part and is being made to enable Citibank to service all of your accounts with the same team of representatives, including your Citibank Bill Manager account and Citi(R) Card.
Your membership is important to us and we are confident that this change will result in better and more consistent service for you.
An additional change to the Subscriber Agreement provides that either you or we can require that any controversy or dispute be resolved by binding arbitration.
Arbitration replaces the right to go to court, including the right to a jury and the right to participate in a class action or similar proceeding.
| Change to Subscriber Agreement |
Thank you for your recent order.
W02068800000 Currently the product(s) listed below are on backorder.
We will ship the product within two weeks.
This is a summary of your backorder: QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION $ AMOUNT **************************************************************************************** 1 01-85318K 01 COMING SOON Galactic 59.95 Battlegrounds Game and Guide You may check the status of your order by visiting the order site.
To view the status of your order: - Enter your last name and password - Click the "Order Status" button at the bottom of the page - Click on your order number - At the order details page you will see the status by line item If you have any questions regarding your order, please send an e-mail to [email protected] Regards,
| Backorder Status |
Though many of you already know, today is my last day here at Enron.
I am leaving to pursue my culinary interests full time and have accepted a baking/pastry apprenticeship with the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah for the winter season.
I am happy to have spent the past 3 years working with such a fun and intelligent group of people.
I sincerely wish all of you the best in your future endeavors.
Please don't hesitate to look me up if you are in the Park City area, vacation planning, or considering some radical career change like this...ha.
It would be great to see old friends up there.
Forwarding info is below:
| Park City Bound |
Dear Jason Wolfe, The electronic funds transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account for the amount of $44.00 has been completed.
The funds are now reflected in your PayPal account balance.
Thank you for using PayPal,
| Bank Account Transfer Complete |
We are in need of the following information: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Phone: Please update this information by going through eHRonline or email me with the information.
Your cooperation is appreciated !
| Important Information Needed!!!!!!!!! |
Dear Jason Wolfe, The electronic funds transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account for the amount of $66.85 has been completed.
The funds are now reflected in your PayPal account balance.
Thank you for using PayPal,
| Bank Account Transfer Complete |
I have gotten a decent response on a B Team get together with the exception of Rex, who did not respond.
(talk to me big boy)....the dates suggested for your approval are either October 25 or 26th to meet.
Location and time will be forthcoming and as usual any suggestions are always appreciated.
| B Team Update |
The test that we are scheduling for tomorrow Tuesday May 22, 2001 is against Sybase Stage.
This test is intended to give us a reference for performance metrics comparisons between the current Sybase system and the new MS SQL system.
If you have more questions feel free to ask.
Georgia Ward ENW - Development Support - QA (713)853-9974
| Performance Testing Clarification |
Alright, which one of you sent the "Just a Tip" thing?
I haven't opened it yet.
Is it ok to open at work?
I'm serious.
This is a small place, and I just started, and they're pretty straight laced around here.
If I open something bad and get fired I wouldn't be too happy.
| tip |
Thank you for your order.
We appreciate your business.
Your order number is: W02068800000; please make note of it.
If you have further inquiries regarding your order, you will need to reference this order number.
We offer you three easy ways to check the status of your order:
| LucasArts Company Store Order |
Please use the following address to contact us.
Cathy: [email protected] and Larry: [email protected] Please change your addressbooks, we'd hate to miss an email from you.
Larry & Cathy
| New Email address for us |
Dear Carpoint Customer, Thank you for using MSN Carpoint.
We look forward to assisting you with your purchase.
This e-mail is to confirm receipt of your recent Carpoint Purchase or Test Drive Inquiry for a 2002 Ford Thunderbird.
Your Inquiry number is 1539983.
Within the next 24 hours (may exclude weekends) you can expect a contact from the following dealership: Central Ford 4410 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77027 To help ensure that your buying experience is a pleasant one, in two days (excluding weekends) we will be sending you an email to verify that Brooks Chevrolet has attempted to contact you.
Please respond by using the link that will be provided in the email.
If you have any questions about your purchase or test drive inquiry, don't hesitate to contact the dealer at the above phone number or email address.
Thanks again for using MSN Carpoint.
| Carpoint Inquiry: 1539983 |
I realize that the timing of the Enron Net Works All Employee Meeting last Friday made it difficult for the Gas Logistics Team to attend.
For future all-employee events within ENW, we will try to schedule times that work best for all employees.
I didn't want you to be left out in this case, so I have worked with Bob Superty to set up another meeting for the Logistics team so that we can share with you the information that was covered last Friday.
I hope that you will be able to join me for this second meeting.
We have two videos that were made for the all-employee meeting that I think you will enjoy seeing.
We will also review the slides that were used in the discussions and have time for questions and answers.
ENW All-Logistics Meeting Friday, October 12 2:00 to 3:00 PM ECN 5 C-2
| October 12 ENW Meeting |
We will meet for thirty minutes before our 3:30 fundies meeting.
EOL market making - Lavo has asked us to increase basis liquidity.
Janie has mentioned general theme of market, "why trade on EOL 5000/d and risk moving the market".
We are becoming market framers.
I think Frank Ermis is a pioneer.
Deal confirmations - Anne Bike misbooked a deal for me from March, cost $3.5 million.
How do we deal with this issue of confirmations missing deals.
Vacation and work hours - Discuss vacation schedules for the rest of the year.
We need to do a good job of coordinating when we are out.
| Meeting today at 3:00 |
Jason Wolfe, At this time we are taking deposits on the all new 2002 Thunderbirds.
I have several incoming in the next few weeks.
Also I have a sold unit on the premises right now, if you want to stop by and take a look it will be here a for a couple of more hours.
If you have any further questions or would like to set up a time to come in, please feel free to give me a call at 713-960-9800 or email me back.
Looking forward to hearing from you and Central Ford thanks you for the chance to earn your business.
Christopher Hayes Internet Manager
| Taking deposits |
All, I would be grateful if you could please confrim your rotation data by return (this is to ensure or HR systems reflect your current rotation).
Pls confirm by end of day today.
Current Rotation: Supervisor Name: Thanks, Karen.
| Current Rotation info |
All, This email is directed to my peeps at Enform who may be interested in a night at the Alley, to see the "international comedy sensation" - "Art!!!"
(exclamation points added by me for necessary emphasis) Corporate design tyrants like Beth, who just need to relax - it's the perfect thing!
Tyrants-up-and-coming and current princess-wanna-be's: Ashley, it's meets your faux-high-society sensibilities to a T!
Posing celebrity-satellites: Matt - it beats hanging out at the Starbucks, but requires pants!
Invite your friends and foes alike!
Oct 12 tickets are still available, section A, for about $45 a piece.
Get back at me, playas, they're going fast.
Drinks and the theatre, how do you beat that?
| a little get the theatre |
Come learn about the Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University!
This is your opportunity to meet to meet with individuals from the Jones Office of Admissions, as well as with current students and alumni.
As you know, we have a new book runner for the west.
I have asked Kam Keiser to go ahead and set up two new books for you guys.
Matt's book will be IM WC Socal, and Jason's will be IM WC Nocal.
These books will be ready for when we move into the new building.
I will transfer any positions that I have to you guys at gas daily mid.
You will make the markets for your own books.
We will address having you guys take the gas dailies in the near future.
| new books |
This E-Mail is directed toward current users of Adhoc VaR (Value-at-Risk) within the RisktRAC application.
The purpose of this E-Mail is to notify users that the Adhoc VaR function within RisktRAC will be discontinued shortly and replaced with the Adhoc VaR function on the RAC website.
This is part of the continued migration from RisktRAC to the web-based version.
Adhoc VaR will cease to function within RisktRAC on June 30.
You may begin using Adhoc VaR immediately on the website and becoming familiar with it if you are not already doing so.
A PowerPoint is attached which demonstrates how to access the RAC website and how to use Adhoc VaR within the website.
Some users may be set up for RisktRAC but not for the RAC website.
If you are a current user of RisktRAC and are unable to access the RAC website, please contact me with the following information: 1) Your name 2) Your network login name (but not your password) 3) The commodities you have responsibility for Thanks,
| Adhoc VaR in RisktRAC and on RAC Website |
Your new cash books are being set up ASAP.
They tell me they will be ready no later than tomorrow.
Once those are set-up, Stephanie Sever will email you your new EOL id's.
| new books |
Jason, Your ENA-IM-WC-NOCAL Book has been set up for US financial and physical Gas, your financial gas trades will flip to ENA-FT-WC-NOCAL.
User ID: ADM23542 Password: WELCOME!
Please feel free to call me with any questions,
| EnronOnline Book ID |
All, We are scheduling Interviews for new candidates to the Trading Track, next Wedesday 30th May.
I am looking for volunteers to particpate in this event.
Agenda: Tuesday: 29th: Dinner with five external candidates Tuesday night.
Wednesday 30th: 11.00 - 12.30 Office tour - Trading Floor/Gas Control Room - five external candidates 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch with all 15 candidates (comination of internal and external).
I need 3 of you to attend dinner on the 29th, 2 of your to faciliate the office tour and give insight to the operations and would like for all of you to attend the lunch.
Pls advise on both at your earliest conveneince.
Rgds, Karen.
| Trading Track Interviews |
Jay, Is this the company that wants to buy Enron??
Description: Dynergy, Inc Illinova is the holding company for Illinois Power and Illinova Generating.
Illinois Power contributes more than 70% of Illinovas sales -- generating
| Still at work?? |
Hello fellows!
I realize this is late notice, but I figure you guys don't have very thrilling lives, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Tara and I will be in H-town this coming weekend for a friend's wedding.
I'm in the wedding party, so I won't have much free time, but I just realized that we get in Thursday night at 7:30, so that leaves a window of opportunity for drinks or a late dinner or something that night.
Our flight gets in to Intercontinental at 7:30 and we have a car rented, so I figure we could be ready for action by 8:30.
Let me know what you all think.
Am I forgetting anybody that I like who's left in Houston?
If so, invite them.
Significant others are encouraged to join.
Actually, in every case here, they are more welcome than you, I just don't have their e-mails.
(Clay, this doesn't apply to you.
You are the focal point of my visit.
Oh, and by the way, thanks for letting us stay with you while we're there.)
But seriously all, Tara and I would love to get together with everybody.
Hope it works out.
| Wanger time. |
I checked on the status of this today...
Mine shipped on the 9th of November...
However, its not trackable...
I'm thinking it might have made it to my house today?
That, or its lost.
Did you get yours yet?
| Battleground Galactica |
hey everyone, just so you know, as of friday this week i am moving from the job here at exxonmobil to another contract here in town.
they tell me this is a good thing.
so, you can email me at: [email protected] and call me at: cell, 7135048365 home, 7136623789 and, for the record, i will be out of the country next week, in sunny trinidad and tobago... yep, i've got a tough life.
be careful out there everybody!
| ins and outs |
Subsets and Splits