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Generate a negative review for a place. | It was a night where the BF and I talked of Scandia and wanted to mini golf and decided to give this a shot. I like that everything is glow in the dark, but it was kinda meh. Small and it was crowded with kids and we had a big group in front of us and impatient jackasses behind us who don't play right- we actually take our proper turns and keep score so we jumped ahead and came back to holes when they were empty. Kinda think that will be a one time visit. Instead of building a second location (on Lake Mead Blvd by Whole Foods), they would've done good with an expansion. The small course made it not worth the price and definitely not worth coming back. We can't wait to go to Scandia in Cali again. WHY THE HELL did they ever close the one here in the first place??!!!! REBUILD REBUILD!!!! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,838 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | Det var en kveld da BF og jeg snakket om Scandia og ville minigolf og bestemte oss for å gi dette en sjanse. Jeg liker at alt er glødet i mørket, men det var litt meh. Og det var fullt av barn, og vi hadde en stor gruppe foran oss og utålmodige idioter bak oss som ikke spiller riktig- vi tar faktisk våre riktige svinger og fortsetter å score så vi hoppet foran og kom tilbake til hull når de var tomme. Det blir nok bare ett besøk. I stedet for å bygge en andre lokalitet (på Meadsjøen Blvd by Whole Foods) ville de ha gjort det bra med en utvidelse. Den lille kursen gjorde at den ikke var verd prisen og avgjort ikke var verd å komme tilbake med. Vi kan ikke vente med å dra til Scandia i Cali igjen. HVORFOR i det hele tatt de noen gang stengte den ene her?!!!!!! REBILBEDRE IBJED!!!!!!!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( | It was one night when the BF and I talked about Scandia and wanted to have a mini golf and decided to give this a chance. I like it all glowing in the dark, but it was a little meh. And it was full of kids, and we had a big group ahead of us and impatient idiots behind us who don't play right-- we actually take our right turns and keep score so we jumped in front and came back to holes when they were empty. I'm sure it'll only be one visit. Instead of building a second location (on Lake Blvd by Whole Foods), they would have done well with an expansion. The small course did not make it worth the price and certainly was not worth returning. We can't wait to go back to Scandia, Cali. WHY did they ever close the one here?!!!!! REVIEW IBJED!!!!!!! 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Tacos were good and simple. They were small and cheap, you'll want to order a few. Horchata was good and homemade. Beans were plain. Certainly not the best I've tried but I would come back.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,839 | Taco var gode og enkle. De var små og billige, du bør bestille noen få. Horchata var god og hjemmevant. Bønner var slette. Ikke det beste jeg har prøvd, men jeg ville kommet tilbake. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Taco was good and simple. They were small and cheap, you should order a few. Horchata was good and home-crazed. Beans were plain. Not the best I've ever tried, but I'd come back. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What the eff Home Depot! I've been 3 times now and each time nobody has any idea what's going on there! Well, nobody until I reach the 3rd associate who's able to guide me right where I need to be. But by then I've made my way through the entire store looking for a product that's generally right where my journey began. If you're looking for humidifier filters or a pumice stone to make your toilet bowl shine... you're screwed. Wait no, here's the deal. Humidifiers are up front near the exit, filters are located in the same aisle. Pumice, your guess is as good as mine. I've found them in the cleaning aisle and the hardware aisle. Last time I threw in the towel after 20 minutes of searching (just keep them in the same place) and bought a grill stone which I'm told works the same.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,840 | For en herlig Hjemmedepot! Jeg har vært tre ganger nå og hver gang ingen aner hva som foregår der! Vel, ingen før jeg når den tredje personen som kan lede meg rett dit jeg trenger å være. Men da har jeg kommet meg gjennom hele butikken for å lete etter et produkt som generelt er akkurat der min reise begynte. Hvis du leter etter filtre eller en pimpstein for å få toalettskålen til å skinne, er du ferdig. Vent, nei, her er avtalen. Fuktørene står foran ved utgangen, filtrene er plassert i samme midtgang. - Du er nok like god som min. Jeg har funnet dem i vaskekarmene og i jernkaret. Sist kastet jeg inn håndkleet etter 20 minutters leting (bare hold dem på samme sted) og kjøpte en grillstein som jeg får høre fungerer det samme. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | What a wonderful Home depot! I've been three times now and every time nobody knows what's going on in there! Well, no one until I reach the third person who can lead me right where I need to be. But then I have made my way through the entire store to search for a product that is generally exactly where my journey began. If you're looking for filters or a pumice stone to make the toilet bowl shine, you're done. Wait, no, here's the deal. The humbs are at the front of the exit, the filters are in the same aisle. - I bet you're as good as mine. I found them in the wash basins and in the iron tub. Last time I threw in the towel after 20 minutes of searching (just keep them in the same place) and bought a grilled rock that I hear works the same way. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Very good store, in my book. :) I have enjoyed the exception range of authors they have come into speak. I think they do a great job for keeping an exceptional selection and prices. It is in the same center as Trader Joe's it is a good two stop shop. I recommend stopping in with a few hours to browse or check out the website to meet an author. could be a great cheap date :)
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,841 | Veldig bra butikk, i min bok. :) Jeg har nøt godt av unntaket fra de de er kommet i tale. Jeg synes de gjør en god jobb for å holde et unntaksvalg og priser. Den ligger i samme sentrum som Trader Joe's den er en god to-butikk. Jeg anbefaler å komme inn med noen timer for å lete eller sjekke ut nettstedet for å møte en forfatter. kan være en stor billig dato :) Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Very good store, in my book. :) I have benefited from the exception of those whom they have spoken. I think they're doing a good job to make an exception and an award. It's the same downtown as Trader Joe's, it's a good two-store. I recommend that you come in a few hours to search or check out the website to meet a writer. can be a large cheap date :) Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a negative yelp review. | Two 1/2 stars, not 3 stars because overpriced is not A-OK in my book. I can't believe the amount of 5 star reviews from non-customers. Hey, at least I actually shopped there as a paying customer first and reviewed second - which I thought was the rule? The groundwork: -Whole Foods is a full fledged SUPERMARKET (not an amusement park), IMO the shopping (that word again) experience should be compared to Fresh Market, HT, Publix, Milam's etc - not to D&D, which is after all a luxury gourmet shop. - Overpriced means selling the same or similar item at sensibly higher prices than the competition, it does not mean selling expensive items. Pro: As expected they offered some little bargains to get people in a shopping mood. I picked up assorted fresh figs ($2/lb) fragrant tomatoes ($3/lb) , one pound of very tasty Irish Cheddar ($10/lb) a wedge of Fourme d'Ambert (French bleu) $16/lb, Swiss Gruyere($14/lb) , uncured, natural salami ($13/lb). A bottle of Macon Village for $12 and one of Montelpuciano for $10 which I haven't tasted it and the highlight of the trip : hand made organic Ciabatta bread ($3.25) . Hands down that's the best bread that I've tasted in Charlotte and the only one which tasted and felt like authentic Italian bread -I'm not crazy about HT or Fresh Food breads. Altogether I spent $70 on those treats. Cheese prices are decent for the quality and the offerings are fresh for now. Oh and the croissants look perfect. Thumbs up for the bakery and the excellent cheese selection. The produce section seems to be good but it's too early to tell, I read a lot about local produce but I got the impression much was brought in from California and other places. Con: Price wise the rest of the store is a mine field. Previously frozen Ahi Tuna ($25/lb) Sea bass ($30/lb) etc. A lot of the prices displayed seem OK until I realized that was for just 5 oz servings. Even the packages of frozen fish were priced high, still frozen Atlantic salmon for $12/lb? The rib eye was on special for $13/lb instead of the usual $17, I didn't check out the meat section to tell the truth. The wine section does not offer a lot of the better bargains that are available around town. The featured bargain wine was undrinkable, I practically spat it out. Like in their Miami stores the bargain wines are mostly dubious brands. They do have a very drinkable Granache del Fuego from Spain for $9 but most brands are at full list and beyond. The Mark West Pinot Noir which typically retails everywhere at $10-12 was a full $16. I've never seen that. Oyster Bay Chardonnay from NZ is $17 again top dollar, Catena's Malbec was $24, I've never seen that particular wine retail for more than $18. You really have to know your wine to avoid getting ripped here. A quart of fresh squeezed OJ was $8 , it's $5-6 at the competition. An 8 oz bottle of watermelon juice is $5 ??? A pizza to cook home was $11 (Trader Joe's sells a very good one for 4$) although they'll cook for you a decent looking large cheese pizza for the same price. The buffet looked OK, there was an abundance of pulled pork to entice the locals, not my thing. Hopefully unlike at their So Miami store they'll keep cooked foods fresh at this location. [Edit] Where's the update button gone? the "all natural" salami was just awful, in the future I'll stick with known brands like Daniele or Cisterio. The Montelpuciano was boring. How and when do I get my "not overpriced" $17 pound of salmon for free? | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,842 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | 2 1/2 stjerner, ikke 3 stjerner fordi overprisede ikke er A-OK i min bok. Jeg kan ikke tro at det er fem stjerneomganger fra ikke-kunder. Hei, i det minste jeg faktisk shoppet der som en betalende kunde først og så andre- som jeg trodde var regelen? Grunnlaget: -Whole Foods er et fullverdig SUPERMARKET (ikke en fornøyelsespark), IMO bør shoppingopplevelsen (det ordet igjen) sammenlignes med Ferskmarked, HT, Publix, Milam's etc - ikke med D&D, som etter alt er en luksusgourmetbutikk. —overprist betyr å selge samme eller lignende post til ubetydelig høyere priser enn konkurransen, men ikke å selge varer. Pro: Som forventet tilbød de noen små godbiter for å få folk til å handle. Jeg har plukket opp velsorterte ferske fikener ($2/lb) dufttomater ($3/lb) , ett pund svært velsmakende irske Cheddar ($10/l) en kile Fourme d'Ambert (fransk bleu) $1 dollar [1 kroner], sveitsiske Gruyere ($14/lb) , uredd, naturlig salami ($13/l). En flaske Macon Village for 12 dollar og en av Montelpuciano for 10 dollar som jeg ikke har smakt på og høydepunktet på reisen : håndlagd økologisk Ciabatta brød ($3.25) . Ned med hendene som er det beste brødet jeg har smakt i Charlotte, og det eneste som smakte og følte som et brød i brød med et brød som jeg ikke er gal etter HT eller brød med. Jeg brukte $70 på de godbitene. Prisene på ost er bra for kvaliteten, og offergavene er ferske for øyeblikket. Og de ser perfekte ut. Opptrykk til bakeriet og det flotte osteutvalget. Det ser ut til å være bra, men det er for tidlig å si, jeg leste mye om lokalprodukt men jeg fikk inntrykk av at mye ble hentet inn fra California og andre steder. Kon: Price vice Resten av butikken er et minefelt. Tidligere frosen Ahi Tuna (cirka 25 kroner) Sjøbass (cirka 300 kroner) etc. Mange av de prisene som blir vist, ser ut til å stemme helt til jeg skjønte at det bare var for fem oz porsjoner. Til og med pakkene med frossen fisk var prishøye, men fremdeles fryst, atlanterhavslaks for 11 dollar? Ribben var på tilbud for $1  i stedet for de vanlige $ 17, jeg sjekket ikke ut kjøttseksjonen for å si sannheten. Vinseksjonen tilbyr ikke mye av de bedre kjøpsavtaler som er tilgjengelige rundt om i byen. Den eksklusive vargvinen var udrikkelig, jeg var så godt som tom for den. Som i sine forretninger i Miami er varevinene mest tvilsomme. De har en svært drikkbar Granache del Fuego fra Spania for $9 men de fleste merkene er på full liste og utover. Mark West Pinot Noir som i detaljsalg overalt til 10-12 var en full $1 . Det har jeg aldri sett før. Oct Bay Chardonnay fra NZ er 17 dollar igjen på topp, Catena's Malbec var 24 dollar, jeg har aldri sett den vinbutikken for mer enn 18 dollar. Du må virkelig kjenne din vin for å unngå å bli her. En liter ferskpresset OJ var 8-8 , det er 5-6 på konkurransen. En flaske vannmelonjuice på 8 oz er 5 dollar? ?? En pizza til å koke hjemme var 11 dollar (Trader Joe's selger en veldig god en for 4$) selv om de vil lage mat til deg en skikkelig stor ostepizza for samme pris. Det så bra ut. Det var rikelig med svinekjøtt for å lokke lokalbefolkningen, ikke min greie. I motsetning til i So Miami-butikken sin vil de ha matkokte mat ferske her. [Rediger] Hvor er oppdateringsknappen borte? <unk>all naturlig<unk> salami var bare forferdelig, i fremtiden vil jeg holde meg til kjente merker som Daniele eller Cisterio. Den Montelpuciano var kjedelig. Hvordan og når får jeg min <unk>ikke overpriste <unk> 17 pund laks gratis? | 2 1/2 stars, not 3 stars because overpriced is not A-OK in my book. I can't believe there are five stargazers coming from non-customers. Hey, at least I actually shopped there as a paying customer first and then second-- which I thought was the rule? The basis: -Whole Foods is a full - scale SUPERMARKET (not an amusement park), the IMO should be compared to the shopping experience (again that word) to the Fresh Market, HT, Publix, Milam's etc - not with D'D, which is a luxury gourmet store. - overpriced means to sell the same or similar item at insignificant prices higher than competition, but not to sell goods. Pro: As expected, they offered a few small treats to get people to shop. I've picked up well-sorted fresh figs ($2/lb) scented tomatoes ($3/lb) , one pound very tasty Irish Cheddar ($10/l) a wedge Fourme d'Ambert (French bleu) $1 dollars, Swiss Gruyer ($14/lb) , unafraid, natural salami ($13/l). A bottle of Macon Village for $12 and one of Montelpuciano for $10 that I haven't tasted and the highlight of my journey: handmade organic Ciabatta bread ($3.25). Put down your hands that are the best bread I've ever tasted in Charlotte, and the only thing that tasted and felt like a loaf of bread with which I'm not crazy about HT or bread. I spent $70 on those treats. The price of cheese is good for quality, and the offerings are fresh at the moment. And they look perfect. Repression for the bakery and the great cheese committee. It seems to be good, but it's too early to say, I read a lot about the local product but I got the impression that a lot was brought in from California and other places. The price vice the rest of the store is a minefield. Former frozen Ahi Tuna (about $1, U.S.) Sea bass (about $3, U.S.) etc. Many of the prices shown seem to match until I realized that it was only for five oz portions. Even the frozen fish packages were prized, but still frozen, Atlantic salmon for $11? The ribs were on offer for $1nbsp instead of the usual $17 I didn't check out the meat section to tell the truth. The wine section does not offer much of the better purchase contracts available around the city. The exclusive was undrinkable, I was as good as out of it. As in his business in Miami, the wine in the commodity is the most questionable. They have a very palatable Granache del Fuego from Spain for $9 but most of the marks are on a full list and outwards. Mark West Pinot Noir, who in retail sale everywhere until 10-12 was a full $1. I've never seen that before. Oct Bay Chardonnay from NZ is $17 left on top, Catena's Malbec was $24, I've never seen that wine store for more than $18. You really need to know your wine to avoid staying here. One liter of fresh press O.J. was 8-8, there's 5-6 in the competition. A bottle of watermelon juice for 8 oz is $5? - Yeah. A pizza to cook at home was $11 (Trader Joe's selling a very good one for $4) even if they want to cook for you a really big cheese pizza for the same price. There was plenty of pork to lure the locals, not my thing. Unlike their So Miami store, they want some fresh food here. [Edit] Where's the update button gone? All naturals were just terrible, in the future I'd like to stick to familiar marks like Daniele or Cisterio. The Montelpuciano was boring. How and when do I get my <unk> not overpriced <unk> 17 pounds of salmon for free? |
What would be an example of an negative review? | We got free tickets tonight to see Barry Manilow through a seat filler web site. Neither of us are huge Manilow fan, but I was looking forward to the concert. It didn't start out too great. I was thirsty so I bought a water which was $4 for a small 8 oz. bottle. Hardly a great deal but I can't complain too much as that was the sum total I paid for our night out at the concert. When the concert started my wife and I just kind of looked at each other and grinned/shook our heads. We weren't sure what we'd gotten ourselves into, but the first song or two were NOT good. I told my wife it would/should get better. Fortunately it did. The songs got better and more familiar as the night progressed. As Christmas is approaching he also threw in several holiday songs. The singing was interspersed with audio and video of his younger years. My favorite part was when he played a record his grandpa recorded of him when he was four. He had quite a voice back then. Now his voice is showing sings of his age and at times sounds more like he's talking than singing. His body is also showing signs of aging, as he gingerly moved about the stage. Overall, we had a good time. However, I don't think I'd pay to see the show. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,843 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Vi fikk gratisbilletter i kveld for å se Barry Manilow gjennom en setefyll nettside. Ingen av oss er en stor manilowfan, men jeg gledet meg til konserten. Det startet ikke for stort. Jeg var tørst så jeg kjøpte et vann som var fire dollar for en liten åtte oz. Flaske. Knapt en hel del men jeg kan ikke klage for mye ettersom det var summen jeg betalte for kvelden vår ute på konserten. Da konserten startet så min kone og jeg bare liksom så på hverandre og smilte/spekk hodene våre. Vi var ikke sikre på hva vi hadde rotet oss inn i, men den første sangen eller to var ikke god. Jeg sa til min kone at det ville bli bedre. Og det gjorde det. Sangene ble bedre og bedre kjent etter hvert som det gikk framover med natten. Idet julen nærmer seg, kastet han også inn flere julesanger. Sangen var intersperert med lyd og video fra hans yngre år. Min favorittrolle var da han spilte en plate bestefaren hans spilte inn da han var fire. Han hadde litt av en stemme da. Nå viser stemmen hans at han synger på hans alder og til tider høres mer ut som om han snakker enn synger. Hans kropp viser også tegn på aldring, da han i ingefær beveget seg om scenen. Vi hadde det gøy. Men jeg tror ikke jeg ville betalt for å se showet. | We got free tickets tonight to see Barry Manilow through a filling-up website. None of us is a big manilow fan, but I was looking forward to the concert. It didn't start too much. I was thirsty, so I bought a water that was $4 for a small eight oz. Bottle. Hardly a lot, but I can't complain too much because that was the amount I paid for our night out at the concert. When the concert started, my wife and I just sort of looked at each other and smiled and shimmered our heads. We were not sure what we had gotten ourselves into, but the first song or two was not good. I told my wife it would get better. And it did. As the night progressed, the songs became better and better known. As Christmas approaches, he also threw in more carols. The song was interspersed with sound and video from his younger years. My favorite part was when he played a record his grandfather recorded when he was four. He had quite a voice then. Now his voice shows that he sings at his age and at times sounds more as if he were speaking than singing. His body also shows signs of aging as he moved around the stage in ginger. We had fun. But I don't think I'd pay to see the show. |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
Just moved out here from San Francisco. I thought prices for alterations were expensive there but its way more here. I did not agree with prepaying for a hem job and the lady promptly snapped at me saying a lady early in the day made a $300 prepayment with no issues. Hmm thanks for belittling me. Nonetheless I won't be going back here. Only reason I dropped off a pair of pants is because of time constraints.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,844 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg flyttet nettopp hit fra San Francisco. Jeg trodde prisene på endringer var dyre der, men dens vei mer her. Jeg var ikke enig i at jeg måtte betale for en hemmajobb, og damen sa til meg at en dame tidlig på dagen gjorde en forskuddsbetaling på 300 dollar uten problemer. Takk for at du har nedverdiget meg. Jeg drar ikke tilbake hit. Det eneste jeg mistet av et par bukser er på grunn av tidsbegrensninger. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? I just moved here from San Francisco. I thought the prices of change were expensive there, but its path was more here. I did not agree that I had to pay for a hemma job, and the lady told me that early in the day a lady made an advance payment of $300 without problems. Thank you for demeaning me. I'm not going back here. The only thing I lost from a pair of pants is because of time limits. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a negative review for a place. | The food is just ok and sooooo over priced. The shake is good but again way too expensive for what you get. I don't think this place will be in business for long because they are just too pricey for what you get! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,845 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | Maten er bare ok og så oo oo over pris. Risken er god men igjen altfor kostbar for det du får. Jeg tror ikke dette stedet kommer til å være i virksomhet lenge fordi de er bare for prisfulle for hva du får! | The food's just okay and then oo oo over the price. The risk is good but again too expensive for what you get. I don't think this place is going to be in business long because they're just too pricey for what you get! |
its was too soggy this time. but the main issue was the waitress who seemed most interested in talking to hostess station. i had to walk over to her at that station to order dessert. no where to be seen come the check. nice space but maybe getting complacent with its own success.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,846 | dens var for bløt denne gangen. Men det viktigste var den servitrisen som virket mest interessert i å snakke med vertinnestasjonen. Jeg måtte gå bort til henne på stasjonen for å bestille dessert. Sjekken viser ikke hvor den skal ses. fin plass men kanskje å bli selvtilfreds med sin egen suksess. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Its slip.. pizza was too soft this time. But most importantly, the waitress who seemed most interested in talking to the hostess station. I had to walk up to her at the station to order dessert. The check doesn't show where to look. It's a nice place, but maybe being complacent with your own success. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a positive review for a place. | I come here all the time. Food is hot and delicious. The server, Sue, is amazing. She has been here for years and she is the reason we keep coming back. Love Love Love the calzones. Love the Penne Broccoli, and the RIBS are to die for. You want to try the Egg Plant Parm yourself and not base your opinion on what some idiot writes in these reviews, because it is beyond flavorful and delicious. Next time your out, stop by, and tell Sue we said hello.... Your going to love it...... | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,847 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Jeg kommer hit hele tiden. Maten er varm og deilig. Serveren, Sue, er forbløffende. Hun har vært her i årevis, og hun er grunnen til at vi stadig kommer tilbake. Elsk kjærligheten, elske calzonene. Elsk pennebrokkolien, og RIBS'ene skal dø for. Du ønsker å prøve eggplanten Parm deg selv og ikke basere din mening på det en idiot skriver i disse omtalene, fordi det er hinsides smak og smak. Neste gang du kommer ut, kan du komme innom og hilse Sue fra oss.... Din kommer til å elske den...... | I come here all the time. The food is warm and delicious. The server, Sue, is amazing. She's been here for years, and she's the reason we keep coming back. Love love, love the calzones. Love the pen-broccoli, and the RIBS will die for. You want to try the egg plant Parm yourself and not base your opinion on what some idiot writes in these reviews, because it's beyond taste and taste. Next time you come out, you can come by and say hi to Sue for us... Yours is gonna love that... |
For the price, I think eating at a buffet would've been a better choice. The quality of food was decent and not bad. My family and I came here for breakfast, and by the time we were finished, I was content. Probably would've been more entertaining to eat here in the evening, but oh well.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,848 | For prisen, tror jeg å spise i en buffet ville ha vært et bedre valg. Kvaliteten på maten var anstendig og ikke dårlig. Familien min og jeg kom hit til frokost, og da vi var ferdige, var jeg fornøyd. Det hadde nok vært mer underholdende å spise her om kvelden, men godt og vel. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | For the price, I think eating in a buffet would have been a better choice. The quality of the food was decent and not bad. My family and I came here for breakfast, and when we were done, I was happy. It would be more entertaining to eat the other night, but good and good. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
This restaurant says they don't take reservations, but will still take your name and number. (isn't that a reservation) anyway it took 1 1/2 hours until we got seated. Seriously, it was ridiculous and totally not worth it. The vegetarian in the group got the same amount of vegetables as everyone else, the lobster was totally over-cooked and the soup was weak and the salad tiny. Find another restaurant to take your friends. I was so embarrassed that I had suggested this place and would never recommend it to anyone.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,849 | Denne restauranten sier at de ikke tar forbehold, men vil fortsatt ta ditt navn og nummer. (er ikke det et forbehold) Uansett tok det en en en time til vi kom på plass. Det var latterlig og helt u verdt det. Den vegetariske i gruppen fikk like mye grønnsaker som alle andre, hummeren var helt overkokt og suppen var svak og salaten liten. Finn en annen restaurant å ta med deg vennene dine på. Jeg var så flau over at jeg hadde foreslått dette stedet og aldri ville anbefale det til noen. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | This restaurant says they don't take reservations, but they still want to take your name and number. In any case, it took an hour to get settled. It was ridiculous and totally unworth it. The vegetarian group received as much vegetables as everyone else, the lobster was overcooked, and the soup was weak and the salad small. Find another restaurant to take your friends to. I was so embarrassed that I had suggested this place and would never recommend it to anyone. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Unremarkable, deserted. Not bad but no reason to go back either.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,850 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? -Umerkelig, ja. Ikke dårlig, men ingen grunn til å dra tilbake heller. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? - Insane, yes. Not bad, but no reason to go back either. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Not a good meal. Meatballs and chickpea crepes were too salty. Eggplant and spinach was an unappetizing greasy pile of slime and tasted oily. The meatballs were accompanied by truly tasteless tomato sauce. The pasta was nothing special. Crispy Brussels sprouts were anything but..undercooked and chewy. And three slices of bread was brought to the table with just enough olive oil for two slices.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,851 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Ikke et godt måltid. Kjøttboller og kikert var for salte. Aubergin og spinat var en usmakelig, velsmakende, velsmakende, velsmakende haug med slim og olje. Kjøttbollene ble ledsaget av virkelig smakløs saus. Pastaen var ikke noe spesielt. Krysk spirer var alt annet enn kokt og stekt. Og tre brødskiver ble brakt til bordet med akkurat nok olivenolje til to skiver. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? Not a good meal. Meatballs and chickpeas were too salty. Aubergin and spinach were a distasteful, tasty, tasty heap of slime and oil. Meatballs were accompanied by really tasteless sauce. The pasta was nothing special. Creep sprouts were anything but cooked and cooked. And three sandwiches were brought to the table with just enough olive oil for two slices. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Wow what a rip off. We get in on a late flight and of coarse our room is not ready so they put us in another for the night. No big problem right? Well this other room they put us in had a broken sink in the bathroom. Since we had just arrived we just threw bags in the room and went down stairs for food, drinks, and to gamble so I never even glanced into the bathroom. Anyway a few short hours of drink and play we return up to the room. This is when I notice the broken sink and immediately report it to the hotel. They say no problem at all and not to worry about it. Well time for check out they want to charge me for their broke stuff when I had nothing to do with it? I call that BS and stealing. Watch out braise these Vegas leaches are out for you an do not care about it at all. What terrible service.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,852 | For en avsnut. Vi kommer inn på en sen flytur og av grove er rommet vårt ikke klart så de setter oss i en annen for natten. Ikke noe stort problem, hva? Vel, det andre rommet de plasserte oss i, hadde en ødelagt vask på badet. Siden vi nettopp hadde kommet, kastet vi bare poser i rommet og gikk ned trapper for å få oss mat, drikke og for å spille, så jeg så aldri engang på badet. Noen få timer med drikke og lek, så går vi tilbake til rommet. Dette er når jeg legger merke til den ødelagte vasken og straks melder det til hotellet. De sier ikke noe problem i det hele tatt, og de bryr seg ikke om det. På tide å sjekke ut at de vil ta betalt for de blakke greiene sine når jeg ikke hadde noe med det å gjøre? Jeg kaller det å lure og stjele. Pass på at braise disse Vegas leaches er ute etter deg en ikke bryr seg om det i det hele tatt. For en forferdelig tjeneste. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | What a parsnip. We get into a late flight and of roughness our room is not ready so they put us in another one for the night. Not a big problem, is it? Well, the other room they put us in had a broken wash in the bathroom. Since we had just arrived, all we did was throw bags in the room and go down stairs to get food, drink and play, so I never even looked in the bathroom. A few hours of drinking and playing and then we'll go back to the room. This is when I notice the broken sink and immediately report it to the hotel. They say no problem at all, and they don’t care. Time to check out that they're gonna charge for their broke shit when I had nothing to do with it? I call it cheating and stealing. Make sure that braises these Vegas leaches are after you one doesn't care about that at all. What a terrible service. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
After having a field trip with the twins in the Glendale area, we decided to check this place out since I saw the segment on Triple D. The server was really nice. I explained to him that I needed a cheese pizza for the twins, he offered a Margherita, I told him no basil. If my little boy sees any green on his food he will not eat it. Yes, it is a new phase, which shall pass. We had the Salvatore. The crust was delicious, perfect amount of chewiness and crispiness. The prosciutto was great. The twins ate most of their cheese pizza, which is a bonus it did not end up on the floor. If we are in Glendale, we will stop by again.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,853 | Etter å ha vært sammen med tvillingene i Glendale-området bestemte vi oss for å sjekke dette stedet siden jeg så segmentet på Trippel D. Serveren var veldig fin. Jeg forklarte ham at jeg trengte en ostepizza til tvillingene, og at han tilbød en Margherita, og jeg sa at jeg ikke hadde noe baht. Hvis gutten min ser noe grønt på maten sin, spiser han det ikke. Ja, det er en ny fase, som skal gå. Vi hadde takseringen. Jordskorpen var deilig, perfekt mengde tygge- og skrumplever. Prosciuttoen var stor. Tvillingene spiste det meste av ostepizzaen sin, som er en bonus den ikke endte opp på gulvet. Hvis vi er i Glendale, kommer vi innom igjen. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | After being with the twins in the Glendale area, we decided to check this place out since I saw the segment on Triple D. The server was very nice. I explained to him that I needed a cheese pizza for the twins and that he offered a Marguerite, and I told him I had no baht. If my boy sees anything green on his food, he won't eat it. Yeah, it's a new phase, going. We had the appraisal. The crust of the earth was delicious, perfect amount of chewing and cirrhosis. The prosciutto was big. The twins ate most of their cheese pizza, which is a bonus it didn't end up on the floor. If we're in Glendale, we'll come by again. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a negative yelp review. | I am going to preface this review by saying that I am pretty sure my experience was atypical. My parents live in the area and eat here all the time and have had none of the same problems. This is the worst service I have had at a restaurant in recent memory. The food was fine (what of it they had) but the service was absolutely mind-blowingly bad. First of all, our server didn't write anything down. I HATE it when servers do this, especially at small restaurants. We asked if the Arizona Cheesesteak had bell peppers - the server took the menu out of my boyfriend's hand, perused it, and continued to take my order. I gave my order - tuna sandwich with sweet potato fries. The server nodded and continued to look through the menu. After a few more seconds he asked us to repeat our order and then said "Oh sorry we're out of sweet potatoes". Okay, whatever, just chips then. During the rest of our wait for our food we couldn't help but overhear the table behind us, who was having a really hard time with their meals. Their pancakes were cold and had to be sent back and they had no silverware. Their eggs weren't cooked properly and they were just in general pretty unhappy. Our server came to check on us during the wait for no apparent reason, saying "I'll go check on your food". Instead of doing that he proceeded to hang out behind the bar and chat with some other servers, very visibly NOT checking on our food. A few minutes later a different server emerged from the kitchen with our food. My sandwich was fine - was supposed to come with a pickle and a cookie. I asked another (now third) server about the pickle and was informed that they were out. I didn't even bother asking about the cookie - I got the distinct impression that I was bothering everyone and seriously impinging on the staff's ability to chat behind the bar. As we were finishing up our waiter returned and said "So I guess your food wasn't good?". My boyfriend and I looked at each other and said "No, it was fine. I think that was the other table behind us." The server then proceeded to sigh visibly and say "Oh good, it wasn't my table." "Oh good, it wasn't my table." "Oh good, it wasn't my table." "Oh good, it wasn't my table." My boyfriend and I stared at each other in shock for a few minutes before paying and leaving. What. The. Hell. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,854 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg skal gå i forordet til denne anmeldelsen ved å si at jeg er ganske sikker på at min erfaring var atypisk. Foreldrene mine bor i området og spiser her hele tiden, og de har ikke hatt noen av de samme problemene. Dette er den verste servicen jeg har hatt på en restaurant i ettertiden. Maten var fin (hva av det de hadde) men gudstjenesten var absolutt sinn-sprengende dårlig. For det første skrev ikke tjeneren vår ned noe. INTERER det når tjenere gjør dette, særlig på små restauranter. Vi spurte om ostesteaken i Arizona hadde paprika, serveren tok menyen ut av hånden til kjæresten min, undersøkte den og fortsatte å ta min bestilling. Jeg ga meg min tunfisksmørbrød med pommes frites. Tjeneren nikket og fortsatte å se gjennom menyen. Etter noen sekunder til ba han oss gjenta vår rekkefølge og sa så<unk>Å, beklager at vi er tomme for søtpoteter<unk> Ok, hva som helst, bare chips, da. Mens vi venter på maten, kan vi ikke unngå å overhøre bordet bak oss, som hadde det veldig vanskelig med måltidene sine. Deres pannekaker var kalde og måtte sendes tilbake og de hadde ikke sølvtøy. Eggene deres var ikke ferdig tilberedt og de var bare ganske ulykkelige. Vår tjener kom for å se til oss under ventetiden etter ingen grunn, sier: \"Jeg skal sjekke maten din. I stedet for å gjøre det, hang han bak baren og pratet med andre servere og så ser han på maten vår. Noen få minutter senere kom det en annen server fra kjøkkenet med maten vår. Smørbrødet mitt var fint. Skulle komme med et sylteagurk og en kjeks. Jeg spurte en annen (ny tredje) server om sylteet og fikk beskjed om at de var ute. Jeg gidder ikke engang å spørre om kjeksen - jeg fikk det tydelige inntrykket av at jeg plaget alle og på alvor impliserer på personalets evne til å chatte bak baren. Da vi var på vei til kelneren, kom kelneren tilbake og sa: \"Så jeg antar at maten din ikke var god<unk>. Kjæresten min og jeg så på hverandre og sa: \"Nei, det gikk bra. Jeg tror det var det andre bordet bak oss. Tjeneren fortsatte deretter å sukke synlig og si «Oh god, det var ikke mitt bord<unk> <unk>Godt, det var ikke mitt bord<unk> <unk>Godt, det var ikke mitt bord<unk> <unk>Godt, det var ikke mitt bord<unk> Kjæresten min og jeg stirret på hverandre i sjokk i noen minutter før vi skulle betale og dra. Hva? Den. . . . . | I'm going to go into the preface of this review by saying that I'm pretty sure my experience was atypical. My parents live in the area and eat here all the time, and they haven’t had any of the same problems. This is the worst service I've ever had in a restaurant in my post. The food was fine (what they had) but the service was absolutely mind-blowing bad. First, our servant did not write anything down. DOES it involve servants doing this, especially in small restaurants? We asked if the cheese steak in Arizona had peppers, the server took the menu out of my boyfriend’s hand, examined it, and continued to take my order. I gave myself my tuna sandwich with fries. The servant nodded and kept looking through the menu. After a few seconds he asked us to repeat our order and then said, "Oh, I'm sorry we're out of sweet potatoes." Okay, whatever, just chips, then. As we wait for food, we cannot help but overhear the table behind us, which was very difficult with its meals. Their pancakes were cold and had to be sent back and they had no silverware. Their eggs weren't cooked and they were just pretty unhappy. Our servant came to check on us during the waiting for no reason, and he says, "I'll check your food. Instead of doing that, he was hanging behind the bar, talking to other servers, and then he looks at our food. A few minutes later, another server arrived from the kitchen with our food. My sandwich was nice, I was gonna bring you a pickle and a cracker. I asked another (new third) server about the pickle and was told that they were out. I don't even want to ask you about the cookie. I got the clear impression that I was bothering everyone and seriously implicating the staff's ability to chat behind the bar. When we were on our way to see the waiter, the waiter came back and said, "So I guess your food wasn't good." My boyfriend and I looked at each other and said, "No, it was fine. I think it was the other table behind us. The servant then continued to sigh visibly and say, “Oh good, it was not my table<unk> Good, it wasn't my table. Good, it wasn't my table. Good, it wasn't my table. My boyfriend and I stared at each other in shock for a few minutes before we were going to pay and leave. What? That one. . . |
I first started frequenting this place back in 2002 when it was still located in Belmont Village. I only ever went to this place for their sandwiches, which they have become famous for in the KW area. Whenever asked about my favourite sandwich I would always refer to the variety of toppings that I could select from at this place. I was first introduced to artichoke caponata at Vincenzo's as a sandwich topping, and very quickly the artichoke caponata spread that they make so well has become a favourite spread not only for sandwiches but also for crackers or on top of slices of baguette. There is no other art-cap, as many refer to it, like Vincenzo's. For me, they also made pesto-mayo a sandwich "must-have". What a simple topping, but also what a flavourful combination. I've tried to replicate at home, but I just haven't gotten the proper consistency. To add a kick of spice to their sandwiches they also offer the Bomb. The bomb is a nice and spicy taponade that they serve as a sandwich spread. While I am not also up for the spice, when I am, this sure does the trick. Be careful though, its really spicy! When it comes to actual toppings, they have your typical sandwich toppings like lettuce, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, black olives, onions, pickles, hot peppers, and bruschetta, but to set themselves apart from many other sandwich places around town they offer fancier toppings (at an additional cost of 25 cents) which include but are not limited to, artichokes, sundried tomatoes, and roasted eggplant. When it comes to meats and cheeses, if you want it, they've got it. They provide a list of meats and cheeses to choose from, but they also have an expansive selections of meats and cheeses not on their board, that if you see at the deli counter you can request on your sandwich. While their sandwiches have gone up in price, they still sit around the $5 mark and are well worth the money! This place does not only offer sandwiches though. They have a hot food counter, a salad bar, a desserts and pastries counter, as well as a sushi bar. The sushi is made in house and is not bad. This place is also a grocery store, which offers a wide variety of products that you will not find at your local supermarket. While the prices on some of grocery items are more than a local supermarket would offer, the quality you are receiving is reflected in the price. They have some fantastic fresh pasta which comes frozen and you order by the gram. They also have some fantastic breads to choose from in their bakery section. On your way out, if you are leaving through the back (where there is seating to eat your food) they also have a gelato counter and little cafe. They make great coffee here. There is nothing bad I can say about this place. Whenever I am in Waterloo I make it a must to stop here and either grab a quick sandwich or some other food selection. Beware, I am not the only one who likes this place, and it has become quite the hot spot in Waterloo, so make sure you give yourself some time when you go!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,855 | Jeg begynte å frekventere dette stedet i 2002 da det fortsatt lå i Belmont Village. Jeg har bare vært på dette stedet for smørbrødene sine, som de er blitt kjent for i KW-området. Når jeg ble spurt om mitt favorittsmørbrød, ville jeg alltid vise til den variasjonen av drikke som jeg kunne velge mellom på dette stedet. Jeg ble først introdusert for artisjokk caponata på Vincenzo's som en sandwich topping, og veldig raskt artisjokk caponata spredt som de gjør så bra er blitt en favoritt spredning ikke bare for smørbrød, men også for kjeks eller oppå skiver av baguette. Det finnes ingen andre kunst-cap, da mange omtaler den, som Vincen. For meg har de også laget en sandwich til pesto-mayo. Hva en enkel topping, men også hva en smakfull kombinasjon. Jeg har prøvd å replikere hjemme, men jeg har bare ikke fått riktig konsistens. For å legge et kick av krydder til smørbrødene sine tilbyr de også Bomben. Bomben er en fin og krydret taponade som de tjener som en smørestein. Selv om jeg ikke også er moden for krydderet, når jeg er det, så er det dette som er løsningen. Men vær forsiktig, den er virkelig sterk! Når det gjelder drikke som skal drikkes, har de de typiske sandwichrettene som salat, tomat, agurk, agurk, grønn pepper, svarte oliven, løk, sylteagurker, hetepapper og brunspetta, men for å skille seg ut fra mange andre sandwicher rundt om i byen tilbyr de fanciertripping (med en tilleggskostnad på 25 cent) som omfatter, men som ikke er begrenset til, artisjokker, solte tomater og stekt aubergine. Når det gjelder kjøtt og ost, hvis du vil ha det, så har de det. De inneholder en liste over kjøtt og ost å velge mellom, men de har også et omfattende utvalg av kjøtt og ost som ikke er om bord, og som du kan be om på smørbrødet hvis du ser på delikatordisken. Mens smørbrødene deres har steget i pris, sitter de fortsatt rundt 5-dollarsmerket og er vel verdt pengene! Dette stedet tilbyr ikke bare oss. De har en varm matdisk, en salatbar, en desserter og kakedisk, samt en sushibar. Sushien er laget i hus og er ikke dårlig. Dette stedet er også en dagligvarebutikk, som tilbyr en lang rekke produkter som du ikke vil finne på ditt lokale supermarked. Selv om prisene på noen av dagligvarevarene er mer enn et lokalt supermarked ville ha tilbudt, gjenspeiler prisen den kvaliteten du får. De har en nybakt pasta, som er frossen, og du bestiller etter grammet. De har også en del brødskåler å velge mellom i sin bakeriseksjon. På vei ut har de også en geléseller og en liten kafé. De lager god kaffe her. Det er ikke noe ille jeg kan si om dette stedet. Når jeg er ved vannloo, må jeg stoppe her og enten ta et smørbrød eller et annet matutvalg. Jeg er ikke den eneste som liker dette stedet, og det er blitt litt av et varmested i Waterloo, så pass på at du tar deg litt tid når du drar! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I started frequenting this place in 2002 when it was still in Belmont Village. I've only been to this place for their sandwiches, for which they've become known in the KW area. When I was asked about my favorite sandwich, I always wanted to show the variety of drinks that I could choose from in this place. I was first introduced to artichoke caponata at Vincenzo's like a sandwich topping, and very fast artichoke caponata spread as they do so well has become a favorite spread not only for sandwiches but also for biscuits or on top of slices of baguette. There's no other art cap, when many refer to it as Vincen. They also made me a sandwich for pesto-mayo. What a simple summit, but also what a tasty combination. I've been trying to replicate at home, but I just haven't got the right consistency. To add a rush of spices to their sandwiches, they also offer the Bomb. The bomb is a fine and spicy taponade that they serve as a grease rock. Although I am not also ripe for the spice, when I am, this is the solution. But be careful, it's really strong! In the case of drinks to be consumed, they have the typical sandwich dishes such as lettuce, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, black olives, onions, pickles, hot peppers and brown spatula, but to distinguish themselves from many other sandwiches around the city, they offer fancier strippers (with an additional 25 cents cost) that include, but are not limited to, artichokes, sund tomatoes and fried eggplant. When it comes to meat and cheese, if you want it, they have it. Whether or not to take or not or not to take or choose between the drinks and the rules to choose between the drinks and the rules to choose. The rules to be set are not set and the rules to be set if the drinks are not set and the rules to be set are not set by the rules to be set and the rules to be set if the rules to be set in the Whether or not to be set and the rules to be set if the drinks are not to be set or not to be set if the set of the rules to be set if the set of the rules or rules to be set if the rules are to be set or not to be set or not to be set or not to be set or not. Whether or not to be the Whether the Whether or not to be or not to be or not the set or not to be the Whether the Whether the Whether or not to be or not to be or not the set or not the Whether or not to be or not the set or not the Whether or not the Whether or not to be or not. or not. to be the Whether the Whether the Whether or or not the Whether or or not the Whether or or not the Whether or or not to be or or not the Whether or or not the Whether or or not to be or or not. to be or or or not. or or not or or not the Whether or or not. or or not the Whether or or or or or or or not the Whether or or or or or not the Whether the or or or not may or not may or or or not. or or not or or not may or not may or not may or not may or not. or or not. or not. or not may or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or not may or not may or not may or not may or or or or or not may or or or or or or or or or or or or not may or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or not may or not may or or not may or not may or not may or not. whether the or not. or or or or or or or or or or or or not. or not. or or or or not. or not. or not. or not. or not. or not. or or not. or not. or or not. or not. or not. or or or or or or not. or or not. or not. or or or or or or not. or or or or not. or not. or or or or or or or or or or or or or not. or not. or or or not. or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or not. or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or not or not or not or not or not or not. whether the whether or not. or not or not or not. or not or not. or not or not. or not. or not. or not. or not or not or not or not or not or not. or not or not or not. or not. or not or not or not. or not. or not. or not. whether the whether the whether the whether the whether the whether the whether the or not. or not. or not. or not or not or not or not. or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not. or not or not. whether the or not or not or not the or not. or not or not or not or not. or not. or not. or not. or not or not. or not. or not or not. or not or not or not. or not or not or not or not or not. or not. or not or not. or not. or or or or or or not or not. or not. or or or or or or or or or or or not or not or not. or not. or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or or not or not or not or not or not or not or not or or not or not or not or not or not. or not or not or not or not or not or not or not. or not. or not. or not. or not. or not. or not or not or not or or or or not or not or not. or or or or or or or or or or or or or not. or not. or not. or not While their sandwiches have risen in price, they still sit around the $5 mark and are well worth the money! This place isn't just offering us. They have a hot food counter, a salad bar, a dessert and cake counter, and a sushi bar. The sushi is made in houses and not bad. This place is also a grocery store, which offers a wide variety of products that you will not find at your local supermarket. Although the prices of some of the groceries are more than a local supermarket would offer, the price reflects the quality you receive. They have a freshly baked frozen pasta, and you order by the gram. They also have a number of bread dishes to choose from in their bakery section. On their way out, they also have a Jell-O counter and a little diner. They make good coffee here. There's nothing bad I can say about this place. When I'm at the waterloo, I have to stop here and either grab a sandwich or some other food committee. I'm not the only one who likes this place, and it's become quite a hot place in Waterloo, so make sure you take some time when you leave! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
I have ordered a couple things off the menu that were okay, but the only thing i go here for is the tofu soup. I really think they have the best tofu soup and at a reasonble price. They have pretty good side dishes and great iced barley tea. All that combined with my tofu soup...i am one happy camper.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,856 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg har bestilt et par ting fra menyen som var ok, men det eneste jeg går her for er tofusuken. Jeg tror de har den beste tofu-suppen og til en rimelig pris. De har ganske gode biretter og iskaffe. Alt det i kombinasjon med min tofusuppe... er en glad bobil. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? I've ordered a few things from the menu that were okay, but the only thing I go here for is the tofu week. I think they have the best tofu soup and at a reasonable price. They have pretty good side dishes and iced coffee. All that in combination with my tofu soup... is a happy RV. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an negative review? | I was there. I saw it all happen. It was awful. Of course Jason failed to mentioned that the location is prime as you will walk by the food court on the way out...hello Fat Burger. I may have been even more disappoint then Jason at the meal, as my friend and I use to frequent this joint a lot. The server did apologize profusely and explained that the main chef was on vacation and the second server was out sick. Still when you order the oyster roast, spicy, and it comes with four measly oysters and tastes like pink cream, no amount of excuses can appease. I probably will go back just because it's our local casino and we catch the movies there...but I won't recommend it. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,857 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Jeg var der. Jeg så det hele skje. Det var forferdelig. Jason unnlot selvsagt å nevne at stedet er tidlig, siden du vil gå forbi matretten på vei ut... Jeg kan ha blitt enda mer skuffet da Jason ved måltidet, som min venn og jeg bruker til å komme ofte på dette stedet. Serveren ba om en kraftig unnskyldning og forklarte at hovedkokken var på ferie, og at den andre serveren var syk. Når du fremdeles bestiller stekstek, krydder, og det kommer med fire milde østers og smaker som rosa krem, kan ingen unnskyldninger bli til. Jeg kommer nok til å gå tilbake bare fordi det er vårt lokale kasino og vi tar kino der... men jeg vil ikke anbefale det. | I was there. I saw it all happen. It was awful. Of course, Jason neglected to mention that the place is early, since you'll be walking past the food court on your way out... I may have been even more disappointed when Jason at the meal, whom my friend and I use to visit this place frequently. The server asked for a powerful excuse and explained that the main chef was on vacation and that the other server was ill. When you still order stextek, spices, and four mild oysters and taste like pink cream, no excuses can come into existence. I think I'm going to go back just because it's our local casino and we're going to take a movie there... but I'm not going to recommend it. |
Just an update - do not go there - snotty and un informed staff - not the case a couple years ago but WTF - avoid at all costs
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,858 | Bare en oppdatering - ikke gå dit - snert og uinformert stab - ikke saken for et par år siden men WTF - unngå for enhver pris Er denne gjennomgangen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Just an update--don't go there--snart and uninformed staff--not the case a couple of years ago but WTF--avoid at all costs--is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Came here early a.m. on a Monday morning while spending some time in Vegas. The girls here were a lot hotter than at other clubs in Vegas I've been to but they were way lazier. I didn't see anyone really dancing or climbing the pole or anything. They were just kind of walking around in lingerie on the stage. Could have been the time we were there but still, I want to see a show! I probably wouldn't go there again.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,859 | Kom tidlig på morgenen mandag morgen og tilbringer litt tid i Vegas. Jentene her var mye varmere enn på andre klubber i Vegas jeg har vært på, men de var mye mer lat. Jeg så ingen som danset eller klatret på polen eller noe. De gikk rundt i undertøy på scenen. Det kan ha vært da vi var der, men likevel, jeg vil se et show! Jeg ville nok ikke dra dit igjen. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Come early in the morning Monday morning and spend some time in Vegas. The girls here were way warmer than any other club in Vegas I've been to, but they were a lot more lazy. I didn't see anybody dancing or climbing the pole or anything. They were walking around in their underwear on stage. It may have been when we were there, but still, I want to see a show! I don't think I wanted to go there again. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
12 Year old Scottish Whiskey for \u00a33 on the Royal Mile , a great cruising patio out front, and super nice bar help that enjoys chatting about the various blends available. I'll be back to try the 18 year old whiskeys next time around...
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,860 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Den tolv år gamle skotske Whiskey på Royal Mile for ou00a33 på Royal Mile , en flott persant ute utenfor, og super fin barhjelp som liker å snakke om de forskjellige blandingene som er tilgjengelige. Jeg kommer tilbake for å prøve 18-år gamle whisky neste gang rundt... | How can the words of this article be described? 12-year-old Scottish Whiskey at the Royal Mile for Ou00a33 at the Royal Mile, a great persant outside, and super fine barmaid who likes to talk about the various mixtures available. I'll be back to try 18-year-old whiskey next time around... | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
My wife and I use Yelp often and the four star reviews never let us down. We were excited to try this new Italian place which had four stars, but we left hungry and disappointed. The bread was nothing special. The water tasted terrible. Portion size was ridiculously small. Nothing about this restaurant supports its high prices. My wife wants to substitute veggies for pasta and they charged $5 dollars to accommodate the request. The veggies were saturated in oil and over cooked. Another thing that I wish I checked in the beginning of the meal was the bathroom. Had I checked before I would had left and not subjected ourselves to this poor experience. Dust and trash everywhere and the stench was awful. Do yourself a favor and go elsewhere. My wife and I dine out often and know our stuff. This place was a huge letdown.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,861 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Min kone og jeg bruker Yelp ofte, og de fire stjernesedlene svikter oss aldri. Vi var spent på å prøve en ny italiensk plass med fire stjerner, men vi lot det være sultent og skuffet. Brødet var ikke noe spesielt. Vannet smakte forferdelig. Portionstørrelsen var ytterst liten. Ikke noe ved denne restauranten støtter de høye prisene. Min kone vil erstatte grønnsaker med pasta og de vil betale $ 5 dollar for å imøtekomme anmodningen. Voksen var mettet i olje og over kokt. En annen ting jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde sjekket i begynnelsen av måltidet, var badet. Hadde jeg sjekket før jeg hadde dratt uten å underkaste meg denne dårlige opplevelsen. Støv og søppel overalt og stanken var forferdelig. Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og gå et annet sted. Min kone og jeg spiser ofte og kjenner våre ting. Dette stedet var en stor skuffelse. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? My wife and I use Yelp a lot, and the four Stars never let us down. We were anxious to try a new Italian place with four stars, but we left it hungry and disappointed. The bread was nothing special. The water tasted terrible. Portion size was extremely small. Nothing about this restaurant supports the high prices. My wife will replace vegetables with pasta and they will pay $5 to meet the request. The wax was saturated with oil and overcooked. Another thing I wish I had checked at the beginning of the meal was the bath. Had I checked before I left without subjecting myself to this bad experience. Dust and garbage everywhere and the stench was terrible. Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. My wife and I eat often and know our things. This place was a big disappointment. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
The food is delicious here, but the experience always varies. Whenever I get a good waitress, the experience is excellent along with the food. The problem is that having a good waitress isn't something I can count on. The most recent experience I had was with a waitress named Courtney. She was very direct and wasn't pleasant at all. I ordered a soup with the edges of the bowl near the soup being dirty. I gave the soup back and she didn't apologize. Then she returns with a a new soup but in a much smaller bowl (it was still a little dirty). It was disappointing. The rest of my lunch was very uncomfortable and unenjoyable afterwards. I'm tired of coming here and having bad experiences like this. I will not be coming anymore because I can easily go to other restaurants and get the full package of excellent service and great food ALL the time. This service is too inconsistent. California Pizza Kitchen really needs to reconsider who they hire for these jobs because it degrades the experience and enjoyment of a well-known restaurant that should be held to high standards.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,862 | Maten er deilig her, men opplevelsen varierer alltid. Når jeg får en god servitør, er opplevelsen utmerket sammen med maten. Problemet er at det å ha en god servitør ikke er noe jeg kan stole på. Den nyeste opplevelsen jeg hadde, var med en servitrise som het Courtney. Hun var veldig direkte og ikke hyggelig i det hele tatt. Jeg bestilte en suppe med skålkanter nær suppen som er skitten. Jeg ga tilbake suppen, og hun ba ikke om unnskyldning. Deretter kommer hun tilbake med en ny suppe, men i en mye mindre bolle (den var fortsatt litt skitten). Det var skuffende. Resten av lunsjen min var veldig ubehagelig og ubehagelig etterpå. Jeg er lei av å komme hit og ha slike dårlige opplevelser. Jeg kommer ikke lenger, for jeg kan lett gå på andre restauranter og få hele pakken med fremragende service og god mat hver eneste gang. Denne tjenesten er for inkonsekvent. Det er viktig å revurdere hvem de ansetter for disse jobbene, for det svekker erfaringen og gleden ved en velkjent restaurant som bør holdes høyt. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | The food is delicious here, but the experience always varies. When I get a good waitress, the experience is excellent with the food. The problem is, having a good waitress isn't something I can trust. My most recent experience was with a waitress named Courtney. She was very direct and not nice at all. I ordered a soup with bowl edges near the soup that's dirty. I gave back the soup, and she didn't apologize. Then she comes back with a new soup, but in a much smaller bowl (it was still a little dirty). That's disappointing. The rest of my lunch was very uncomfortable and uncomfortable afterwards. I'm tired of coming here and having such bad experiences. I can’t go any further because I can easily go to other restaurants and get the whole package of excellent service and food every time. This service is too inconsistent. It is important to rethink whom they employ for these jobs, for it diminishes the experience and pleasure of a well - known restaurant that should be held high. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
DON'T SUBSCRIBE!! When you cancel, they will keep calling and calling and CALLING!! I don't want your paper anymore; hence the cancellation. Stop calling me!!!!!!!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,863 | Ikke ENSESKRIBE!!! Når du avlyser, vil de fortsette å ringe og ringe og ringe! Jeg vil ikke ha papiret ditt lenger, derfor kanselleringen. Slutt å kalle på meg!!!!!!!!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Not ENSKRIBE!! When you cancel, they'll keep calling and calling! I don't want your paper anymore, that's why I'm cancelling. Stop calling me!!!!!! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a negative yelp review. | Been coming to C Fu a couple times a year for years.... We have our traditional Christmas Dim sum every year..and for the last couple years it has been losing its once wonderful food and service qualities. This Xmas we were dissapointed enough that we wont be back! 80% of the food we were served was not even lukewarm. We tried to request fresh hot items but we were only successful in a few items. I even spoke with the we usually do, to say hello ....this time we told him of our concerns and dissapointed and he didnt seem too concerned. We also notices several items have shrunken in size.... We have found a couple Dim Sum restaurants that have high reviews and that is what we will try next. Cold food is Unacceptable and owners lack of concern is a concern.... I noticed the lack of customers...maybe that is why the food was cold....I realize it is dim sum and cant stay hot...however it has always been at least warm...and you used to always be able to request fresh hot items, without them using the microwave to warm the food up... Note to Owner:..... With the economy the way it is you are really gonna have to step up and start serving a better quality that you could be proud of! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,864 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Vi har kommet til C Fu et par ganger i året i år.. vi har vår tradisjonelle juledimsum hvert år... og de siste par årene har den mistet sine en gang fantastiske mat og servicekvaliteter. Denne X-en vi ble disotert nok til at vi ikke vil være tilbake! 80 prosent av den maten vi ble servert, var ikke engang lunken. Vi prøvde å få inn nye varer, men vi hadde bare noen få varer. Jeg snakket til og med med eieren, slik vi pleier å gjøre, for å si hei denne gangen vi fortalte ham om våre bekymringer og desarmert og han virket ikke så bekymret. Vi legger også merke til at flere ting har krympet i størrelse ... Vi har funnet et par reklamerestauranter som har høye karakterer, og det er det vi skal prøve neste gang. Kald mat er uakseptabelt, og eiere som ikke er bekymret, er bekymret.... Jeg la merke til mangelen på kunder...kanskje det var derfor maten var kald. ...Jeg vet det er dim sum og kan ikke holde seg varm det har alltid vært minst varmt ... og du pleide å kunne be om ferske varme varer, uten at de bruker mikrobølgeovnen til å varme opp maten... Legg merke til at når økonomien er slik den er, må du virkelig begynne å forbedre kvaliteten du kunne vært stolt av! | We've come to C Fu a couple of times a year... we have our traditional Christmas Dimsum every year... and over the last couple of years, it's lost its once-beautiful food and service qualities. This X we were dissowed enough to not be back! 80 percent of the food we were served was not even lukewarm. We tried to bring in new goods, but we had only a few items. I even talked to the owner, as we do, to say hello this time when we told him about our concerns and disarmed and he didn't seem so worried. We also notice that several things have shrunk in size... we've found a couple of advertising restaurants that have high grades, and that's what we're gonna try next. Cold food is unacceptable, and owners who are not concerned are concerned.... I noticed the lack of customers... maybe that's why the food was cold....I know it's dim sum and can't stay warm... but it's always been the least hot... and you used to be able to ask for fresh hot goods, without using the microwave to warm up the food... Note that when the economy is the way it is, you must really begin to improve the quality you could be proud of! |
Write a negative yelp review. | Rude and Nasty! I was so happy to try this place out considering we don't have a lot of little spots like this in the Surprise area. First of all, whomever is the old lady with the curly hair behind the counter is RUDE as heck! She screams at the workers and was very rude to me. Also, please tell me where they put chili on a breakfast burrito. I was so upset that I had to return the burrito, because thats not normal to put that on there. Salsa, yes...but chili, NO!!!!! My burrito was fixed after the "old lady with the curly hair" snapped at me like I worked there and it was obvious on the ingredients or something. This place is not worth it and they need to fix their customer service attitude or it will continue to stay EMPTY! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,865 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Ta det med ro og nag! Jeg var så glad for å prøve dette stedet, siden vi ikke har så mange små flekker som dette i overaskelsesområdet. For det første: Den som er den gamle damen med krøllete hår bak disken, er RADE som pokker! Hun skriker til arbeiderne og var svært uhøflig mot meg. Vær så snill å si meg hvor de setter chili på en frokost burrito. Jeg ble så opprørt at jeg måtte levere tilbake burritoen, for det er ikke normalt å legge den der. Salsa, ja ja ... men chili, NO!!!!!!!!! Burritoen min ble fikset etter den gamle damen med krøllete hår, knipset til meg som om jeg jobbet der, og det var tydelig på ingrediensene eller noe. Dette stedet er ikke verdt det, og de må fikse sin kundeservice holdning eller det vil fortsette å forbli EMPTY! | Take it easy. Take it easy. I was so happy to try this place, since we don't have as many little spots as this in the overhead area. First of all, whoever's the old lady with the curly hair behind the counter is the RADE as hell! She screamed at the workers and was very rude to me. Please tell me where they put chili in a breakfast burrito. I was so upset that I had to return the burrito because it's not normal to put it there. Salsa, yes... but chili, NO!!!!!!!!!! My burrito was fixed after that old lady with curly hair, snapped at me like I was working there, and it was clearly on the ingredients or something. This place isn't worth it, and they have to fix their customer service position or it will continue to remain EMPTY! |
What would be an example of an positive review? | I gave D'lish a second chance and the service was much better this time! The guys who work here are funny, friendly, and make you feel welcome. I like that they use all natural ingredients in everything they make here and I think that's why the food tastes so great. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,866 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Jeg ga D'lish en ny sjanse og tjenesten var mye bedre denne gangen! De som jobber her er morsomme, vennlige og får deg til å føle deg velkommen. Jeg liker at de bruker alle naturlige ingredienser i alt de lager her, og jeg tror det er derfor maten smaker så godt. | I gave D'lish a second chance and the favor was much better this time! The people who work here are fun, friendly, and make you feel welcome. I like that they use all natural ingredients in everything they make here, and I think that's why the food tastes so good. |
Made lunch reservations while in Vegas! I was super excited to try Buddy's restaurant! The place was casual, not very busy and our table wasn't ready. Ok fine. We were seated and it took us 15 minutes before anyone came to us. Mind you it wasn't very busy. Finally, waitress came over and filled our glasses with water and took our order. We got our appetizer which was like breaded mozzarella, still no beverages. :/ we had to ask the bus boy for our drinks. I ordered lemon piccata, dh ordered chicken Parmesan. It was all decent, but the terribly slow service really ruined the whole experience. With so many better options I won't be returning.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,867 | I lunsjreservater i Vegas! Jeg var så spent på å prøve Buddys restaurant! Stedet var tilfeldig, ikke så travelt og bordet vårt var ikke klart. Ikke. Vi satt, og det tok oss 15 minutter før noen kom til oss. Men det var ikke så opptatt. Til slutt kom servitrisen bort og fylte glassene våre med vann og tok imot bestillingen. Vi fikk vår forrett som var som brøds mozzalla, fortsatt ingen drikkevarer. :/ vi måtte spørre busgutten om våre drinker. Jeg bestilte sitron piccata, dh crise parmesan. Det hele var anstendig, men den forferdelige langsomme tjenesten ødela virkelig hele opplevelsen. Med så mange bedre alternativer, kommer jeg ikke tilbake. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | On lunch reservations in Vegas! I was so excited to try Buddy's restaurant! The place was random, not so busy, and our table wasn't ready. Don't. We were sitting, and it took us 15 minutes before someone came to us. But it wasn't that busy. Finally, the waitress came over and filled our glasses with water and accepted the order. We got our appetizer that was like bread mozzella, still no drinks. We had to ask the busboy for our drinks. I ordered lemon piccata, dh crisp parmesan. It was all decent, but the terribly slow service really ruined the whole experience. With so many better options, I'm not coming back. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Overrated. I got one of the "supreme" hotdogs or whatever which was a dollar more ($9.50ish). It sounded good, brat cooked in beer, covered with saurkraut and bacon. The brat was as big as a pointer finger and the pretzel bun was slightly larger than a dinner roll. So picture pig in blanket with much larger roll and a pig that's just a little bigger. Not proportional, and kind of messy - people get this off a truck and are able to eat it without a fork and knife?? The pita bread with pimento cheese was actually very good, however, the bread was SO greasy. We were thinking we should go back for this and beer, but realized its probably not a great idea. Maybe the dogs off the truck are a little bigger? It would definitely have to be several dollars cheaper for this to work.. The beer selection was pretty good though and value priced.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,868 | Overvurdert. Jeg fikk en av de \"supreme<unk> hotdogs eller hva det nå var som var en dollar mer (50 dollar). Det hørtes bra ut, brat kokt i øl, dekket med saurkraut og bacon. Bratten var stor som en pekefinger og preikebollen var litt større enn en middagsrull. Så avbilde grisen i teppe med mye større rull og en gris som bare er litt større. Ikke proporsjonal, og slags rotete folk får dette av en lastebil og klarer å spise det uten gaffel og kniv? Pitabrødet med pimentost var egentlig meget godt, brødet var imidlertid SO-grusomt. Vi tenkte vi skulle gå tilbake etter dette og øl, men innså at det sannsynligvis ikke var en god idé. Kanskje hundene på lastebilen er litt større? Det må definitivt være flere dollar billigere for at dette skal fungere. Øl-utvalget var ganske godt om enn og verdipriset. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Overrated. I got one of those "supreme<unk> hotdogs or whatever it was that was a dollar more (50 dollars). It sounded good, hot cooked in beer, covered with sauerkraut and bacon. The steeple was as big as an index finger and the preicing bowl was slightly larger than a dinner roll. So picture the pig in a carpet with a much larger roll and a pig that is only slightly larger. Not proportionally, and kind of messy people get this from a truck and manage to eat it without a fork and a knife? The pita bread with piment cheese was actually very good, however, the bread was SO-so-so. We thought we'd go back for this and beer, but we realized it probably wasn't a good idea. Maybe the dogs on the truck are a little bigger. There's definitely gonna have to be more dollars cheaper for this to work. Beer selection was pretty good if and priced. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
Over hyped! Picked this place for dinner with some friends because of the great reviews on here but I felt like I was tricked. The complimentary trio of duck fat fries were okay, the middle one actually had a weird after taste that I didn't like. The complimentary potato foccacia bread was stale, I was only able to manage a small bite out of it. So for starters, the two complimentary items failed in my book. Then came the main course. One of my friends and I shared the lamb which our waiter had recommended. They split it up onto two plates for us which was nice and actually, the lamb was pretty good. I'm not sure if it was really good or if it was just the best out of what I tried that night. I definitely had better lamb before though but this one was not bad. I ordered it medium rare and it came out just right. The mac-n-cheese that our waiter said was "amazing" was far from it. It was alright, tastes like mac-n-cheese I could make from a box. What I really didn't like was the broccoli in it. The broccoli flavor overpowered the mac-n-cheese in my opinion. Definitely not "amazing". Two of my friends ordered steak and one ordered the smoked salmon. She said it was alright but couldn't finish it because it wasn't that good. She was actually sick the next morning. This restaurant was definitely not the experience I was expecting based on the other reviews. The service was slow and the food was nothing special. If I'm going to pay that much for dinner I expect everything to taste good if not great. Definitely pass and go to Craftsteak instead.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,869 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Overveldet! Jeg kjøpte dette stedet til middag med noen venner på grunn av de store kritikkene her, men jeg følte meg lurt. Den gratis trioen med pommes frites var ok, den midterste hadde faktisk en rar smak etter smak som jeg ikke likte. Jeg var bare i stand til å klare en liten bit av det. Så de to rosende postene ble ikke med i boken min. Så kom hovedretten. En av vennene mine og jeg delte det lam som kelneren vår hadde anbefalt. De delte den opp på to plater for oss, som var fint og faktisk, lammet var ganske bra. Jeg er ikke sikker på om det var virkelig bra eller om det var det beste ut av hva jeg prøvde den natten. Jeg hadde bedre lam før, men denne var ikke dårlig. Jeg bestilte den ganske sjelden og den kom helt riktig ut. Det er intet annet enn makak av det som kelneren vår sa var. Det var langt fra det! Det smakte litt som ma-n-cheese jeg kunne lage av en eske. Det jeg ikke likte, var brokkolien i den. Den sterke smaken overmannet den mac-n-cheese etter min mening. ikke<unk>jager_ To av vennene mine bestilte biff, og en bestilte laksen. Hun sa det var greit, men klarte det ikke fordi det ikke var så bra. Hun var syk neste morgen. Denne restauranten var definitivt ikke den erfaringen jeg hadde ventet meg, basert på de andre kritikkene. Tjenesten var langsom og maten var ikke noe spesiell. Hvis jeg skal betale så mye for middag forventer jeg at alt smaker godt om ikke stort. Passer og går til Craftsteak i stedet. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? Overwhelmed! I bought this place for dinner with some friends because of the big reviews here, but I felt cheated. The free trio with fries was okay, the middle one actually had a strange taste in taste that I didn't like. I was only able to do a little bit of it. So the two complimentary items did not appear in my book. Then came the main course. One of my friends and I shared the lamb that our waiter had recommended. They divided it up on two plates for us, which was nice and actually, the lamb was quite good. I'm not sure if it was really good or if it was the best of what I tried that night. I used to have better lambs, but this one wasn't bad. I ordered it quite rarely and it came out just right. There's nothing but the mack of what our waiter said was. It tasted a little like ma-n-cheese I could make out of a box. What I didn't like was the broccoli in it. That strong taste overpowered that mac-n-cheese in my opinion. not<unk>jabber_ Two of my friends ordered the steak and one ordered the salmon. She said it was okay, but she couldn't because it wasn't so good. She was sick the next morning. This restaurant was definitely not the experience I expected, based on the other criticisms. The ministry was slow and the food was nothing special. If I'm gonna pay that much for dinner, I expect everything to taste good if not much. Passes and goes to Craftsteak instead. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a positive review for a place. | Ordered delivery and it got here really fast. Within 15-20 minutes. Got the pork fried rice and it was pretty good. Generous portions and reasonable prices. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,870 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Bestilt levering og den kom seg hit fort. - I løpet av 15-20 minutter. Jeg fikk stekt ris og den var ganske god. Generøse porsjoner og rimelige priser. | Ordered delivery and it got here fast. - In 15 to 20 minutes. I got fried rice and it was pretty good. Generous portions and reasonable prices. |
Write a negative yelp review. | We got to the restaurant around 8 pm and hostess took us to our table. No one came to the table to take our order or give us water for 20 minutes. We actually had to go back and ask the hostess to get us a server. Once we order our food it took another 45 minutes to get out food. We ordered pad see u and some flounder dish that was listed as their specialty. Food was below average. Once we were done eating, we had to wait 10 more minutes to get our check and after we got the check we waited another 10 minutes to see if they will come pick up our card and process the payment. We finally gave up and went to the front of the restaurant and gave it the hostess. Terrible experience. I will not be returning to this place. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,871 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Vi kom til restauranten rundt kl. 20.00, og vertinnen tok oss med til bordet vårt. Ingen kom til bordet for å ta imot vår ordre eller gi oss vann i 20 minutter. Vi måtte faktisk dra tilbake og spørre vertsinnen om å skaffe oss en server. Når vi har bestilt mat, tok det ytterligere 45 minutter å få ut mat. Vi bestilte pad se u og noen flyndreskåler som var oppført som deres spesialitet. Maten var under gjennomsnittet. Når vi var ferdig med å spise, måtte vi vente 10 minutter til for å få sjekken vår og etter vi fikk sjekken ventet vi ytterligere 10 minutter for å se om de ville komme og hente kortet vårt og behandle betalingen. Til slutt ga vi opp og gikk foran på restauranten og gav den til vertinnen. - Det er den verste erfaring. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake til dette stedet. | We arrived at the restaurant around 8:00 p.m., and the hostess took us to our table. No one came to the table to take our orders or give us water for 20 minutes. In fact, we had to go back and ask the hostess to get us a server. After ordering food, it took another 45 minutes to get food out. We ordered pad look u and some flounder bowls listed as their specialty. Food was below average. When we finished eating, we had to wait 10 more minutes to get our check and after receiving the check, we waited another 10 minutes to see if they would come and pick up our card and process the payment. Finally, we gave up and went to the front of the restaurant and gave it to the landlady. - It's the worst experience. I'm not coming back to this place. |
What would be an example of an positive review? | I scored relatively inexpensive (for Vegas) second row seats and couldn't believe my ears and eyes. STUNNING. Instead of a stage of generic grinning idiot dancers, each dancer had their distinct look and feel and skills. While Frank croons, you'll swoon at the talent before your eyes. You don't need to know anything about dance. I don't follow Twyla Tharp in the least. Being some sort of fan of Sinatra, on the other hand, is probably recommended... or you'll be dozing off fast. This show is the classiest act in Vegas -- NO CONTEST -- and should be THE reason for your visit. It blew PHANTOM and CHER out of the water. Did I mention the live big band? Worth the ticket price alone? SDWM should become a signature Vegas show and never leave the Wynn. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,872 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Jeg fikk relativt billige (for Vegas) andreplasser og kunne ikke tro mine egne øyne og ører. FUNN. I stedet for å være et stadium av generiske grinende idiotdansere, hadde hver danser sitt distinkte utseende og utseende og ferdigheter. Mens du er Frank Croons, vil du svi av talentet foran øynene dine. Du trenger ikke å vite noe om dans. Jeg følger ikke Twyla Tharp i det minste. Å være en slags fan av Sinatra, på den annen side, er sannsynligvis anbefalt... eller du vil bli døsking av fort. Showet er det beste nummeret i Vegas -- NO CONTEST -- og bør være grunnen til besøket ditt. Det blåste PANTOM og CHER opp av vannet. Nevnte jeg live-storbandet? Er billettprisen verdt billetten alene? SWM bør bli et signatur Vegas show og aldri forlate Wynn. | I got relatively cheap (for Vegas) second place and could not believe my eyes and ears. FOUND. Instead of being a stage of generic grouchy idiot dancers, each dancer had his distinctive appearance and appearance and skill. While you're Frank Croons, you'll burn the talent in front of your eyes. You don't need to know anything about dancing. At least I'm not following Twyla Tharp. Being a fan of Sinatra, on the other hand, is probably recommended... or you'll be dozing off quickly. The show is the best number in Vegas -- NO CONTEST -- and should be the reason for your visit. PANTOM and CHER blew out of the water. Did I mention the live band? Is the ticket worth the ticket alone? SWM should become a signature Vegas show and never leave Wynn. |
So I been away from reviewing for awhile but I felt I just had to write about this. Recently we went to Satara to try it out and left unhappy. We started off with the Mussels on the appetizer menu and although seasoned well, the Mussels were musky and a bit slimy. My girl ordered the Tao Hoo Tod and we quite enjoyed it, the Tofu had good texture and over all well put together. Right after we finished the appetizer,s a some-what tall skinny man with a let's say "interesting" suit comes over to talk to us and just came across very odd. He started coaching us on wine although we asked no questions. We read up on wine and some of the things he stated were just not very accurate. We were polite about the interaction but it seems like he wouldn't leave and proceeded to tell us about things he has done that quite frankly had nothing to do with my dinner. Finally this guy which introduced himself as the owner finally left my table. Our server was a very pleasant guy and apologized for the owner and said " yea, I guess you met John" and we shared a giggle. The next dishes up were Yaam woon seen salad, Tom gai (soup), Gaeng galee curry, Pattaya and this seems like allot to get to the table all at once and it is. I am no restaurant pro but what ever happend to coursing meals? The Yaam woon salad was was enjoyable and the Prawns were cooked well along with the sauce it was a good dish. The Tom Gai soup lacked balance and seemed like mostly coconut and lemongrass which if this has ever happened to you it is not pleasant. The Curry although tasty it lacked potatoes and carrots like I have seen in every Thai restaurant. It seems like it was mostly curry and not allot of the other things.. If that makes any sense. By the time we got to Pattaya it was cold and the mushrooms were rubbery maybe due to the amount of time they were on the table but I think not, everything came out all at once and it just sat there. The guy with the suit (owner) came over and asked us what were are dislikes and when we told him he tried to lecture us on Thai food like if we new nothing about the food and made us feel like it was our fault that we did not love the food. I have ate Thai food many of times and besides that it should be about the guest not an imposed idea. I most likey would never come back as -The prices were very high compared to every Thai restaurant in the valley when the food was par to sub par -There are many other places that serve better authentic Thai cuisine in the valley and near by (Line Thai restaurant) - places that value there customer and make them feel welcomed not out of place because we don't stroke some ones ego. This is why I love Yelp because it gives the customer a voice that would other wise go unheard...
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,873 | Så jeg har vært borte fra å gjennomgå en stund, men jeg følte at jeg bare måtte skrive om dette. Vi dro nylig til Satara for å prøve det ut og være ulykkelige. Vi begynte med muslingene på forrettsmenyen og selv om det krydret godt, var muslingene most og litt slimete. Jenta mi bestilte \"Sjook Hoot Tod\" og vi likte det. Tofuen hadde god tekstur og alt godt til sammen. Rett etter at vi er ferdige med forretten, er en litt høy mager mann med en la oss si<unk> interessant<unk> dress kommer over for å snakke med oss og bare kom over veldig merkelig. Han begynte å lære oss vin uten å stille spørsmål. Vi leste opp på vin, og noen av de ting han sa, var rett og slett ikke helt nøyaktige. Vi var høflige mot interaksjonen, men det virker som om han ikke ville dra og fortalte oss om ting han har gjort som ærlig talt ikke hadde noe med middagen min å gjøre. Endelig denne fyren som presenterte seg som eier forlot endelig mitt bord. Serveren vår var en veldig hyggelig fyr og ba om unnskyldning for eieren og sa - Ja, jeg antar du møtte John - og vi delte et knis. De neste rettene opp var Yaam woon saresalat, Tom gai (suppe), Gaeng galee carry, Pattaya og dette virker som allot å komme til bordet alt på en gang og det er det. Jeg er ingen restaurant pro, men hva har skjedd med å more meg med måltider? Yaam woon-salaten var hyggelig og rekene var kokt godt sammen med sausen det var en god rett. Tom Gai-suppen var i balanse og virket som bare kokos og sitrongress. Hvis dette har skjedd med deg, er det ikke hyggelig. Curryen, selv om den er velsmakende med potet og gulrøtter som jeg har sett på alle thai-restauranter. Det virker som om det mest var karri og ikke allot av de andre tingene. Hvis det gir noen mening. Da vi kom til Pattaya var det kaldt og soppene var gummiete kanskje på grunn av tiden de lå på bordet men jeg tror ikke, alt kom ut alt på en gang og det bare satt der. Typen med drakten (eieren) kom bort og spurte oss hva som var mislikt og da vi fortalte ham at han prøvde å belære oss om thai-mat som om vi nyt ingenting om maten og fikk oss til å føle at det var vår feil at vi ikke elsket maten. Jeg har spist thaimat mange ganger og dessuten at det burde handle om gjesten ikke en ide. Jeg liker mest best å aldri komme tilbake som - prisene var svært høye sammenlignet med alle thai-restauranter i dalen når maten var par to sub par - det er mange andre steder som tjener bedre autentisk thai-mat i dalen og nær ved (linjerestaurant) - steder som verdien der kunde og får dem til å føle seg ønsket ikke uplassert fordi vi ikke stryker noen enere ego. Dette er grunnen til at jeg elsker Yelp fordi det gir kunden en stemme som andre kloke ville gå uhørt... er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | So I've been away from going through it for a while, but I just felt like I had to write about this. We just went to Satara to try it out and be unhappy. We started with the mussels on the appetizer menu, and although it was spicy well, the mussels were mashed and a little slimy. My girl ordered "Shook Hoot Tod\" and we liked it, and the tofu had a good texture and everything good together. Right after we finish the appetizer, a slightly tall skinny man with a say, interesting<unk> suit comes over to talk to us and just got over very strange. He started teaching us wine without asking questions. We read up on wine, and some of the things he said were simply not accurate. We were polite to the interaction, but it seems he didn't want to go and tell us about things he's done that, frankly, had nothing to do with my dinner. Finally, this guy who introduced himself as the owner finally left my table. Our server was a very nice guy and apologized for the owner and said-- yeah, I guess you met John-- and we shared a giggle. The next dishes up were Yaam waon sare salad, Tom gai (soup), Gaeng gale carry, Pattaya and this seems allot to come to the table all at once and that's that. I'm no restaurant pro, but what happened to enjoying meals? The Yaam wooon salad was nice and the shrimps were cooked well with the sauce it was a good dish. The Tom Gai soup was balanced and seemed like nothing but coconut and lemon grass. The Curry, although it's tasty with potatoes and carrots that I've seen in every Thai restaurant. It seems it was mostly curry and not allot of the other things. If it makes any sense. When we got to Pattaya it was cold and the mushrooms were rubbery maybe because of the time they were on the table but I don't think it all came out at once and it just sat there. The guy in the suit (owner) came over and asked us what was not so good and when we told him that he was trying to lecture us on Thai food as if we were enjoying nothing about the food and made us feel that it was our fault that we didn't love the food. I've eaten Thai food many times, and besides, it should be about the guest not having an idea. I prefer never to come back as -- the prices were very high compared to all Thai restaurants in the valley when the food was pair two sub pairs -- there are many other places that make better authentic Thai food in the valley and near (line restaurant)-- places that value where they customer and make them feel wanted not to be unplaced because we don't stroke any more ego. This is why I love Yelp because it gives the customer a voice that other wise people would go unheard of... is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Great reverse happy hour spot. It was a little warm outside but we opted to dine on the patio since it was a bit busy inside. There was only one other table outside so it was nice. We were going to have a glass of wine each, but the waiter persuaded to get a bottle since it was half off - plus he said we could take it home if we didn't finish it. Sold! The waiter was great. He was fun to chat with, wasn't overbearing, but always there for refill our waters and make sure everything was good. It took a little while for the food to come out, but we were enjoying the weather and our bottle of wine. We ordered hummus nachos & bruschetta to start. For our entrees, we ordered the quinoa bowl and roasted corn bowl. Everything was really good so it made the wait worth while.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,874 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? - Det er et stort sted. Det var litt varmt ute, men vi valgte å spise på terrassen siden det var litt opptatt inne. Det var bare ett bord utenfor, så det var fint. Vi skulle ha et glass vin hver, men servitøren overtalte til å få en flaske siden det var halv off - pluss han sa vi kunne ta det med hjem hvis vi ikke fullførte det. -Billig! Servitøren var flott. Han var morsom å prate med, var ikke overbærende, men alltid der for å fylle vannet vårt og sørge for at alt var bra. Det tok litt tid før maten kom ut, men vi nøt godt av været og vinflaska vår. Vi bestilte hummus nachos & bruschetta til å starte. Vi bestilte quinoabollen og ristet maisbollen til våre matretter. Alt var virkelig bra, så det gjorde ventetiden verdt å vente på. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? - It's a big place. It was a little hot outside, but we chose to eat on the terrace since it was a little busy inside. There was only one table outside, so it was nice. We were gonna have a glass of wine each, but the waiter talked to the waiter about getting a bottle because it was half off-- plus he said we could bring it home if we didn't finish it. - Cheap! The waitress was great. He was fun to talk to, wasn't indulgent, but always there to fill our water and make sure everything was okay. It took some time for the food to come out, but we enjoyed the weather and our bottle of wine. We ordered hummus nachos & gristlett to start. We ordered the quinoa bowl and roasted the cornball for our meals. Everything was really good, so it made the waiting worth waiting for. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
We arrived earlier than required. They took us back right away. They treated my son with respect and as an adult. The entire staff was courteous and professional. They are able to accommodate our scheduling preferences without issue.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,875 | Vi kom tidligere enn nødvendig. De tok oss tilbake med en gang. De behandlet sønnen min med respekt og som voksne. Hele personalet var høflige og profesjonelle. De er i stand til å ta hensyn til vår timeplanvalg uten å ta hensyn til det. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | We got here sooner than we had to. They took us back right away. They treated my son with respect and as adults. The entire staff were polite and professional. They are able to make allowances for our schedule choice without regard for it. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Food taste just like any other location. But what is different about this one is the horrible service. I have only been there twice and both times I have got probably some of the worst service I have ever experienced. Taking 15minutes for a bean burrito? Then on top of that someone who storms off when you ask him for hot sauce then basically throws it at you when he finally gets it to you. Definitely the last time I'd ever go to this particular one. Wish I could do more than write a review but doesn't look like anyone's had any luck.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,876 | Maten smaker som alle andre steder. Men det som er annerledes med denne, er den forferdelige tjenesten. Jeg har bare vært der to ganger og har begge ganger fått en del av den verste tjenesten jeg noen gang har opplevd. Tar du 15 minutter for en bønneburrito? Og i tillegg til at en som ikke får lyst når du ber ham om sterk saus, kaster den på deg når han endelig får den til deg. Siste gang jeg går til denne. Jeg skulle gjerne gjort mer enn å skrive en omtale, men det ser ikke ut til at noen har hatt hellet med seg. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | The food tastes just like anywhere else. But what is different about this is the terrible service. I have only been there twice and have both received part of the worst service I have ever had. Do you take 15 minutes for a bean burrito? And besides someone who doesn't want to when you ask him for hot sauce, he throws it at you when he finally gets it to you. Last time I go to this one. I'd like to do more than write a review, but it doesn't look like anyone's had any luck. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Just ok...poor fries, onion rings too breaded and burger was average at best... Head to In n Out , you'll be better off and have an extra $80 in ur wallet ... Seriously $101 for 3 burgers!!! Shake was excellent ...
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,877 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Bare en kopp pommes frites, løkringer for brød og burger var i beste fall gjennomsnittlig, og du vil få det bedre og ha 80 dollar ekstra i lommeboka. 161 dollar for 3 burger!!!!! GJORD var utmerket ... VAL: - negativ - positiv | How can the words of this article be described? Just a cup of fries, onion rings for bread and burgers was at best average, and you'll get better and have $80 extra in your wallet. 161 dollars for 3 burgers!!!!! GYORD was excellent... VAL: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Is the following review positive or negative?
I am totally in love with Mandalay Bay. I went for the first time this past week for 4 days and 3 nights. The decor was sweet in the standard room and hallway with beige colors, and the bathroom was nice with both a stand-up shower and a soak-in tub. I heard it was a good hotel but I did not want to expect too much. I was blown away! For one, the slots were good to me on several occasions, as I played them every night. I put in $5 into a quarter machine and hit $400, the most epic win for me of all time thus far. To that end, MB will ALWAYS be dear to my heart. They also had a table game promo for buy-in $20 and get $30 in casino chips so that was fun. I played blackjack switch. It's absolutely beautiful on the inside and out even more than any hotel I have seen in my past 3 trips to Vegas. It's bright and spacious with a South beach theme all throughout. Great for photo ops! The vibe is amazing and everyone at the table genuinely smiled and laughed while teaching me the difference between regular blackjack and blackjack switch. Great times. We saw the Lion King here and it was just as ridiculously amazing here as it was when I saw it on Broadway in NY and London! It was full-length too unlike some broadway shows on the strip. I did not get to see all the wonderfully beautiful (in pics) restaurants nor did I get a chance to see Mandalay place (but my friend loved it) BUT I did see the POOL! In the words of my friend AMAZ-TASTIC! Yes, I would love to make Mandalay my Vegas home.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,878 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg er helt forelsket i Mandal Bay. Jeg gikk for første gang denne siste uka i 4 dager og 3 netter. Dekoren var søt i standardrommet og gangen med beige farger, og badet var fint med både stand-up-dusj og badekar. Jeg hørte at det var et godt hotell, men jeg ville ikke vente for mye. Jeg ble blåst bort! For det første var spilleplassene gode mot meg ved flere anledninger, mens jeg spilte dem hver kveld. Jeg putter i $ 5 i en kvart maskin og betaler $ 400, den mest episke seier for meg gjennom tidene hittil. MB vil derfor alltid være mitt hjerte kjært. De hadde også en bordspillpromo for å kjøpe inn 20 dollar og få 30 dollar i chips så det var gøy. Jeg spilte blackjack switch. Det er vakkert på innsiden og utsiden enda mer enn noe annet hotell jeg har sett i mine 3 tidligere turer til Vegas. Det er lyst og lyst og lyst med sydlig stranddrakt i hele Flott for foto-ops! Viben er fantastisk og alle ved bordet smilte og lo og lo mens de lærte meg forskjellen mellom vanlig blackjack og blackjack. . . . . Vi så Løvenes Konge her, og det var like utrolig som da jeg så den på Broadway i New York og London! Den var alt for langt for ulikt enkelte bredfilm-show på stripen. Jeg fikk ikke sett alle de vidunderlige vakre (i bilder) restaurantene, og fikk heller ikke sett Mandalay stedet (men min venn elsket det) MEN jeg så POL! I ord av min venn AMAZ-TASTISTI! Ja, jeg vil gjerne gjøre entreen til mitt hjem i Vegas. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm totally in love with Mandal Bay. I went for the first time this last week for four days and three nights. The decor was cute in the standard room and the beige-colored hallway, and the bathroom was fine with both stand-up shower and bathtub. I heard it was a good hotel, but I didn't want to wait too much. I got blown away! For one thing, the gambling spots were good to me on several occasions, while I played them every night. I put $5 into a quarter of a machine and I pay $400, the most epic win for me in the past. Therefore, MB will always be dear to my heart. They also had a table game theme to buy $20 and get $30 in chips to make it fun. I played blackjack switch. It's beautiful inside and outside even more than any other hotel I've seen in my three previous trips to Vegas. There is light and light and light in a southerly beach dress throughout That's great for photo-ops! The vibe is amazing and everyone at the table smiled and laughed and laughed as they taught me the difference between regular blackjack and blackjack. . . We saw the Lion King here, and it was as incredible as when I saw it on Broadway in New York and London! It was way too far for a single wide-film show on the strip. I could not see all the beautiful (in pictures) restaurants, nor could I see the Mandalay place (but my friend loved it) BUT I saw POI! In the words of my friend AMAZ-STATE! Yeah, I'd like to make the entrance my home in Vegas. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Waited ten minutes for drink order to be taken. Then were told we had to wait because the kitchen was backed up. Then had to wait another 20 mins for check. Food was okay.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,879 | Ventet ti minutter på å bli tatt. Da fikk vi beskjed at vi måtte vente fordi kjøkkenet var under oppbakking. Deretter måtte man vente ytterligere 20 min for sjekk. Maten var ok. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Waited ten minutes to get caught. Then we were told to wait because the kitchen was being backed up. Then another 20 minutes had to be expected for a check. The food was fine. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Food was soo good. The hot dog "snapped" when bitten into. Te burger was juicy and the onion rings were crispy.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,880 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Maten var så god. Pølsen<unk>snappet<unk> når den ble bitt inn i. Te burge var saftig og løkringene var sprø. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? The food was so good. The sausage, when it was bitten, snapped. Te burge was juicy and the onion rings were crazy. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
This is a great Urban Outfitters because the people are not jerks or snobs. I know because I use to work here. I tried to Berkeley store but it was NOTHING compared to one in Tempe. There are two floors, great sales, and the coolest people. Their basics are comfy as heck. It's been years and I still wear my Sparkle tanktops and Havaianas flip flops. The only bad thing about the store are the drunk college people coming in at 9PM.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,881 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Dette er en stor Urban Outfitters fordi folket ikke er idioter eller snobber. Jeg vet det fordi jeg jobber her. Jeg prøvde å få tak i en butikk, men den var IKKE i forhold til en i Tempe. Det er to etasjer, store salgstall og de kuleste menneskene. De grunnleggende grunntrekkene er behagelige som hakk. Det er mange år siden, og jeg har fortsatt på meg minglinsende tanktopper og Havaianas saltoer. Det eneste som er ille med butikken, er de fulle collegefolkene som kommer inn på 9PM. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? This is a great Urban Outfitters because the people are not idiots or snobs. I know because I work here. I tried to get hold of a store, but it was NOT in comparison to one in Tempe. It's two stories, big sales, and the coolest people. The basic features are pleasant as a peck. That was years ago, and I still have on my shiny tank tops and Havaiana’s flips. The only thing that's bad about the store is the drunk college guys who get into the 9PM. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Only slightly better than average food (for the price range). Excellent service. Horrendously unacceptable atmosphere. Dined here after 9pm. Looking forward to the first tolerable outdoor temps this summer, sat outside on the patio which we were told was non-smoking. Patio was quiet and peaceful--we were the only table seated out there until several people came out, sat a few tables over from us and started smoking. Disappointed, we immediately got up and went inside. Asked the waiter about the smoking and he moved our food and drinks inside rather than ask the smokers to smoke elsewhere. Sitting inside was no better. The group at the small bar was very loud and vulgar. Even a restaurant employee was literally screaming inside the dining room. When we got the check the waiter explained that he took two drinks off the check because the smokers were actually restaurant employees on a smoke break. WTF?! He would have been better off not telling us that the smokers were employees. If he didn't tell us we might have considered coming back. Knowing that the manager allowed employees to smoke on the patio while paying guests were dining out there only motivates me to write a review, not return and spend more of my hard-earned money. No amount of great service or decent food can make up for a 100% unacceptable, avoidable and miserable restaurant atmosphere. Zero effort was made to show even the most minimal consideration for that fact that paying guests were dining in the restaurant. What kind of restaurant owner or manager allows the staff to create such a miserable dining experience for customers?
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,882 | Bare litt bedre enn vanlig mat (for prisens skyld). GJENNOMservice. Forferdelig uakseptabel atmosfære. Døpt her etter kl. 21. Ser frem til de første tolerable frilufts-tempsene i sommer, satt utenfor på den terrassen som vi ble fortalt var ikke-røyking. Pattio var stille og fredelig - vi var det eneste bordet som satt der ute til flere folk kom ut, satt noen bord borte fra oss og begynte å røyke. Skuffet reiste vi oss straks opp og gikk inn. Han spurte kelneren om røykingen, og han tok med seg mat og drikke i stedet for å be røykerne om å røyke andre steder. Det var ikke noe bedre å sitte inne. Gruppen på den lille baren var veldig høyrøstet og vulgær. Til og med en restaurantarbeider var bokstavelig talt skrikende inne i spisestuen. Da vi fikk sjekken, forklarte servitøren at han tok to drinker av sjekken fordi røykerne faktisk var restaurantansatte på en røykepause. Væpner?! Det ville ha vært bedre for ham om han ikke hadde sagt at røykerne var ansatte. Hvis han ikke fortalte oss at vi kanskje har vurdert å komme tilbake. Det at sjefen lot ansatte røyke mens gjester som betalte gjester var på ute, motiverer meg bare til å skrive en omtale, ikke returnere og bruke mer av mine hardt tjente penger. Det finnes ingen god service eller anstendig mat som kan veie opp for en absolutt uakseptabel, unngåelig og dårlig atmosfære på restaurant. Det ble gjort null forsøk på å vise selv det mest minimale hensyn til det faktum at betalende gjester spiste middag i restauranten. Hva slags restauranteier eller restaurantsjef kan få personalet til å skape en slik susende spiseglede for kunder? Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Just a little better than regular food (for the price). IMPAT. Terriblely unacceptable atmosphere. Baptized here after 9:00. Looking forward to the first tolerable open-air temps this summer, sitting outside on the terrace that we were told was non-smoking. Pattio was quiet and peaceful--we were the only table sitting out there until several people came out, sat some tables away from us and started smoking. Disappointed, we immediately stood up and went in. He asked the waiter about the smoking, and he took food and drink instead of asking smokers to smoke elsewhere. It was no better to be in prison. The group at the little bar was very loud and vulgar. Even a restaurant worker was literally screaming inside the dining room. When we got the check, the waiter explained that he had two drinks of the check because the smokers were actually restaurant employees on a smoking break. Squire?! It would have been better for him if he hadn't told him the smokers were employees. Unless he told us that we might have considered coming back. The boss letting employees smoke while guests paying guests were on the outside only motivates me to write a review, not return, and spend more of my hard - earned money. There is no good service or decent food that can make up for an absolutely unacceptable, avoidable, and bad atmosphere at a restaurant. No effort was made to show even the most minimal consideration for the fact that paying guests ate dinner in the restaurant. What kind of restaurant owner or restaurant manager could have staff create such a humming appetite for customers? Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
The first thing I thought when I arrived at this hotel (besides it being far back from the strip) was that the hotel and my room looked nice. That's about all I liked. There are no amenities at this hotel. No robes, blankets, extra pillows, sheets on the pull out, etc. There was a sad tiny box in the bathroom sink that had three q-tips and cotton swabs. That being said, because you had to call housekeeping for everything, you had to do a lot of tipping. If you didn't want to tip for something that should already be in your room, then the staff would just stand awkwardly in your room until you did tip. The bell service guy wanted a tip so badly that he told me three times that I wouldn't see him when I picked up my bags so am I sure I'm not forgetting anything. Maybe I'm wrong, but I usually just tip the once when I retrieve my bags. The front desk was nice when I checked in, but MIA when I needed anything else. Would never answer the phone. My TV didn't work. They have a tram that goes from the Monte Carlo to the Bellagio, which makes it kind of convenient to get to your hotel from the strip. However it does close and then it's a two mile hike back to your hotel from Las Vegas Blvd. I would say save your money and stay at any other hotel that is the same price for the room. You will end up spending more here with all the panhandlers (I mean staff) that you will have to tip.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,883 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Det første jeg tenkte da jeg kom til dette hotellet (utenom at det var langt tilbake fra strimmelen) var at hotellet og rommet mitt så fint ut. Det handler om alt jeg likte. Det er ingen bekvemmeligheter på dette hotellet. Ingen kapper, tepper, ekstra puter, ark på trekket ut osv. Det lå en trist liten boks i badekaret som hadde tre q-tips og bomullsdott. Når det er sagt, fordi du måtte ringe hushjelp for alt, måtte du gi mye tips. Hvis du ikke ville tipse om noe som allerede burde være på rommet ditt, så ville personalet bare stå pinlig på rommet ditt inntil du hadde tipset. Bell servicefyren ville så gjerne ha et tips at han sa tre ganger at jeg ikke ville se ham når jeg hentet bagene mine, så er jeg sikker på at jeg ikke har glemt noe. Kanskje jeg tar feil, men jeg pleier vanligvis bare tipse en gang når jeg henter veskene mine. Det var fint da jeg sjekket inn, men MIA da jeg trengte noe annet. Ville aldri ta telefonen. TV-en min fungerte ikke. De har en trikke som går fra Monte Carlo til Bellagio, noe som gjør det litt beleilig å komme til hotellet ditt fra stripa. Men det nærmer seg, og så er det en to kilometers fottur tilbake til hotellet ditt fra Las Vegas. Jeg vil si spar penger og bo på et annet hotell som er samme pris for rommet. Det vil ende med at du bruker mer her med alle de håndlangerne (jeg mener stab) som du må tipse. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? The first thing I thought when I came to this hotel (except that it was far back from the strip) was that my hotel and room looked fine. It's about everything I liked. There are no conveniences in this hotel. No capes, blankets, extra pillows, sheets on the draw out, etc. There was a sad little box in the bathtub that had three q-tips and cotton ball. That being said, because you had to call a maid for everything, you had to give a lot of tips. If you didn't want to tip off something that should already be in your room, the staff would just be embarrassed in your room until you had the tip. The Bell service guy wanted a tip so badly that he said three times that I didn't want to see him when I picked up my bags, I'm sure I haven't forgotten anything. Maybe I'm wrong, but I usually only tip once when I get my bags. It was nice when I checked in, but the MIA when I needed something else. I never wanted to pick up the phone. My TV didn't work. They have a tram that goes from Monte Carlo to Bellagio, which makes it a little convenient to come to your hotel from the strip. But it's getting closer, and then there's a two-mile hike back to your hotel from Las Vegas. I'd say save some money and stay in another hotel that's the same price for the room. You'll end up spending more here with all the henchmen (I mean staff) you'll have to tip. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a negative yelp review. | I thought our stay was good until you locked us out of our room 2141 and lost our reservation. Now someone more important needs our room they told us, and you still can't find our reservation. After my wife cried, they kept us in the room. They had put a walk up rate on our card since they lost the reservation. This despite showing them the travel agent voucher prepaid for our 3 day stay. They did reverse the charges and we should have our money back in a few days. Even though they finally fixed it, getting locked out of our room when I was sick, with my stuff in the room, and being told more important people needed our room, will always stick with me. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,884 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg trodde oppholdet vårt var bra til du låste oss ut av rommet vårt 2141 og mistet reservatet. Nå noen viktigere behov vårt rom de fortalte oss, og du kan fortsatt ikke finne reservatet vårt. Etter at min kone hadde grått, holdt de oss på rommet. De hadde satt opp en oppgangsrate på kortet vårt siden de mistet reservatet. Dette til tross for at reisebyrået, som koster oss det vi har tre dager på oss. De reverserte kostnadene og vi burde ha pengene våre tilbake om noen få dager. Selv om de endelig ordnet det, og ble låst ut av rommet vårt når jeg var syk, med tingene mine i rommet, og blir fortalt viktigere mennesker trengte rommet vårt, vil alltid holde seg til meg. | I thought our stay was good until you locked us out of our room 2141 and lost the reservation. Now some more important needs our room they told us, and you still can't find our reservation. After my wife cried, they kept us in their room. They had set up an upsurge rate on our card since they lost the reservation. This despite the fact that the travel agency, which costs us what we have three days. They reversed the cost and we should have our money back in a few days. Although they finally took care of it, and were locked out of our room when I was sick, with my things in the room, and being told more important people needed our room, will always stick to me. |
Write a negative yelp review. | Food was good, but we were there at nine in the morning and there were only two other tables and we waited forever just for coffee and water. The waitresses were in the back and were nice, but just not attentive. Several people complained | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,885 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Maten var god, men vi var der klokken ni om morgenen og det var bare to andre bord og vi ventet alltid bare på kaffe og vann. Servitørene var bak og var hyggelige, men bare ikke oppmerksomme. La det vare folk kunne klage | The food was good, but we were there at nine o’clock in the morning and there were only two other tables and we were always waiting for coffee and water. The waiters were behind and were nice, but just not paying attention. Let the people complain |
I came into town for a show and was excited to try a gluten free friendly restaurant. I could have not been more disappointed. Since I notice most reviews of this place are very positive and extremely long I'll try to be direct and to the point. Service was incredibly slow. We waited a long time for food and to pay our bill. I noticed everyone waiting a long time for their food and when stuff came out it was in odd bursts. Atmosphere was some what pretentious and for the food I ate not at all warranted. Food was uninteresting and mediocre. I ordered the grass fed burger medium rare on a gluten free bun. The burger was preformed and nowhere near medium rare. They way this place markets itself I was expecting something fresh and well prepared. Instead I got something I'm pretty sure had been frozen in the shape in which it was cooked and brought to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole meal was cooked in a microwave. The bun was gluten free bread which is okay someplace that doesn't use the word bun on their menu. My friend's pizza we also compared to frozen pizza cooked in a microwave. I love food and have eaten at amazing gluten free and other health conscious restaurants in many cities so I think I can be a good judge. This place failed for me in every possible way except in cleanliness. But if you told me they were cooking frozen food in a microwave in the apartment next door and then bringing it over, I wouldn't be the least surprised.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,886 | Jeg kom til byen for et show og var spent på å prøve en glutenfri restaurant. Jeg kunne ikke ha vært mer skuffet. Siden jeg legger merke til at de fleste omtalene av denne plassen er veldig positive og ekstremt lange vil jeg prøve å være direkte og til poenget. Tjenesten var utrolig treg. Vi har ventet lenge på mat og på å betale regningen. Jeg la merke til at alle ventet lenge på maten sin, og da det kom ut ting, var det bare tull. Atmosfæren var noe av det pretensiøse, og for den maten jeg spiste, var jeg overhodet ikke berettiget til å spise. Maten var uinteressant og middelmådig. Jeg bestilte burgere med burgere på glutenfritt brød. Burgeren var preforma og ikke i nærheten av middels sjelden. De er måten dette markedet selv jeg forventet meg noe nytt og godt forberedt. I stedet fikk jeg noe jeg er ganske sikker på hadde vært frosset i formen den var kokt i og brakt til meg. Det ville ikke overraske meg om hele måltidet var kokt i en mikrobølgeovn. Bukken var glutenfribrød som er greit et sted som ikke bruker ordet bunad på menyen sin. Min venns pizza vi også sammenlignet med frossen pizza kokt i en mikrobølgeovn. Jeg er glad i mat og har spist på overraskende glutenfrie og andre helsebevisste restauranter i mange byer, så jeg tror jeg kan være en god dommer. Dette stedet sviktet meg på alle mulige måter, bortsett fra i renslighet. Men hvis du fortalte meg at de kokte frossen mat i en mikrobølgeovn i naboleiligheten og så kom hit med det, ville jeg ikke vært den minst overrasket. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I came to town for a show and was anxious to try a gluten - free restaurant. I couldn't have been more disappointed. Since I notice that most of the references to this place are very positive and extremely long I'll try to be direct and to the point. The service was extremely slow. We've been waiting a long time for food and to pay the bill. I noticed that everyone waited a long time for their food, and when things came out, it was all bullshit. The atmosphere was pretentious, and for the food I ate, I was not entitled to eat at all. The food was uninteresting and mediocre. I ordered burgers with burgers on gluten-free bread. The burger was preformal and not near to average rare. They're the way this market even I expected something new and well prepared. Instead, I got something I'm pretty sure had been frozen in the form in which it was cooked and brought to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole meal was cooked in a microwave oven. The bow was gluten-free bread, which is fine in a place that doesn't use the word "bud" on its menu. My friend's pizza we also compared to frozen pizza cooked in a microwave. I love food and have eaten at surprisingly gluten - free and other health - conscious restaurants in many cities, so I think I can be a good judge. This place failed me in every way possible, except in cleanliness. But if you told me that they were cooking frozen food in a microwave oven in the apartment next door and brought it here, I wouldn't be the least surprised. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
I had the buffet for lunch on a weekday for 10. - Opened 20min before opening, 11am, so food was very fresh! - I favored the coconut chicken, wonton and hot and sour soup, egg foo young, and potstickers. - sushi was okay, better than wicked spoon. lol. - for desserts, the sesame balls and fried donut were good. - Fast service. whenever the water was low, they filled it up quickly. - Not the best chinese food, but great price for what it's worth. ^____^~ ^___^!
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,887 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg hadde buffeten til lunsj på en ukedag i titiden. -Åpnet 20 min før åpning, 11.00, så maten var veldig fersk! - Jeg foretrekker kokos kylling, wonton og varm og sursuppe, eggefoo-ung og potkeppers. - Sushi var bedre enn sjøskje. lol. - til desserter, sesamballer og stekt smultring var bra. - Fasttjeneste. og når vannet var fullt, fylte de det opp med letthet. - Ikke den beste maten, men prisen for hva den er verdt. ^__ ^ i ^ ^ ^ «__________ ^». VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? I had my buffet for lunch on a weekday around ten o'clock. - Opened 20 minutes before opening, 11:00, so the food was very fresh! - I prefer coconut chicken, wonton and hot and sour soup, eggnog and potpants. - Sushi was better than a sea spoon. Ill. - for desserts, sesamballes, and fried doughnuts were good. - A tenure. And when the water was full, they filled it with ease. - Not the best food, but the price of what it's worth. ^__^ i ^ ^ '_____________ ^'. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
I'd met Chris while we were neighbors at Artisan Village. He always had a reputation of being an all-round good guy and a skilled real estate broker. Because of this, when it came time to sell my condo, I gave RooPho my business. Chris lived up to his reputation and took care of all details of my transaction capably and always delivered sound advice when I needed it. His knowledge of central Phoenix real estate is unparalleled and I would not hesitate to recommend RooPho for your real estate needs.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,888 | Jeg traff Chris mens vi var naboer på kunstisan Village. Han hadde alltid et rykte på seg for å være en allround-nådemann og en eiendomsmegler. På grunn av dette, da det var på tide å selge leiligheten min, ga jeg RooPho min business. Chris tok seg av ryktet sitt og tok seg av alle detaljene i transaksjonen min. Han ga alltid gode råd når jeg trengte det. Hans kjennskap til Phoenix' eiendommer er uten sidestykke, og jeg vil ikke nøle med å anbefale RooPho for dine eiendomsbehov. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I met Chris while we were neighbors at the Artisan Village. He always had a reputation for being an all-round gentleman and a real estate agent. Because of this, when it was time to sell my apartment, I gave RooPho my business. Chris took care of his reputation and took care of all the details of my transaction, always giving good advice when I needed it. His knowledge of Phoenix's properties is unprecedented, and I will not hesitate to recommend RooPho for your property needs. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
If you need help... good luck. If you haven't a clue, get back in your car and drive to an Ace Hardware. This place is just like Home Depot, great if you know what you want, but if you need to learn or get help, expect a very long wait and inconsistent service. To top it all off, they always have so few cashiers when the lines are longer, but they have plenty of people standing around. Very inadequate service. Good note - Hmmm,convenient, easy to park at,
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,889 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Hvis du trenger hjelp, lykke til. Hvis du ikke har en ledetråd, sett deg i bilen og kjør til en Ace Hardware. Dette stedet er akkurat som Home Depot, flott hvis du vet hva du vil, men hvis du trenger å lære eller få hjelp, forventer du en veldig lang ventetid og invalid tjeneste. Til å overgå det hele har de alltid så få kassadamer når linjene er lengre, men de har mange folk som står rundt. Svært utilstrekkelig service. God note - hmm, beleilig, lett å parkere ved, VALG: - negativ - positiv | How can the words of this article be described? If you need help, good luck. If you don't have a lead, get in the car and drive to an Ace Hardware. This place is just like Home Depot, great if you know what you want, but if you need to learn or get help, you expect a very long wait and invalid service. To top it all, they always have so few cashiers when the lines are longer, but they have a lot of people standing around. Very inadequate service. Good note - hmm, convenient, easy to park at, CHOICE: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Great food. Great brew.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,890 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Stor mat. Storbrygge. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? Big food. Big brew. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Generate a positive review for a place. | So my husband brought me here tonight to make me feel better and IT WORKED! I love this place, first time. I got the Apple pie a la mode! Delicious! Oh! It was in a waffle cup that was out if this world delicious! I will be going back! If you haven't been, you're missing out! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,891 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Så mannen min tok meg med hit i kveld for å få meg til å føle meg bedre og JENGER! Jeg elsker dette stedet første gang. Jeg fikk Apple paien a la pade! Underfull! Å, nei! Det var i en kopp som var ute om denne verdensbegeren! Jeg skal tilbake! Hvis du ikke har vært det, så er det du som mangler! | So my husband brought me here tonight to make me feel better and JONGER! I love this place the first time. I got the Apple pie a pad! Wonderful! Oh, no! It was in a cup that was out there about this cup of the world! I'm going back! If you haven't, you're the one who's missing! |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
I shared a few bites off a friend's breakfast plate and was happy I didn't order a meal. The waffle was dry and tasteless and the scrambled eggs tasted like they were powdered. The place was bizarre and looked like a neon park meets game show set. Our server was rude and didn't seem to want to be bothered-she literally snatched the menu out of my hand since I wasn't going to order a meal myself. The only thing I somewhat enjoyed here were the tall cups for coffee and that the sugar in the dispenser was multi-colored. Have a meal elsewhere. Not worth it for cruddy food and even worse service.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,892 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg delte noen bit fra en venns frokosttallerken og var glad jeg ikke bestilte et måltid. Vaffelen var tørr og smakløs og eggerøre smakte som om de var pulverisert. Stedet var bisarr og lignet et lystpark kjenningsspillshow sett. Tjeneren vår var uhøflig og ville ikke bli plagsom- hun snappet bokstavelig talt menyen ut av hånden min siden jeg ikke kom til å bestille et måltid selv. Det eneste jeg likte godt her var de høye koppene til kaffe og at sukkeret i dispenseren var mangefarget. Ha et måltid andre steder. Det er ikke verdt det for krydret mat og enda verre service. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? I shared a few pieces from a friend’s breakfast plate and was glad I did not order a meal. The waffle was dry and tasteless, and scrambled eggs tasted as if powdered. The place was bizarre, and it looked like a pleasure-park play show set. Our servant was rude and didn't want to be annoying- she literally snatched the menu out of my hand because I wasn't going to order a meal myself. The only thing I liked about this place was the tall cups of coffee and the sugar in the dispenser was multicolored. Have a meal elsewhere. It's not worth it for spicy food and even worse service. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a negative review for a place. | The two times I have stopped by have been rushed, which isn't unusual in an airport if you've got a flight to catch. Both times I sat at the bar hoping for fast service, but in each instance I was forgotten for about five minutes after receiving a menu :( The servers behind the bar when I was there (I recognize that there is a lot of rotation in an airport establishment) didn't do a very good job of scanning over their patrons to make sure everyone was taken care of. There seemed to be a tunnel vision thing going on, not much multi-tasking. Obviously it's a tough job to keep up with such a high customer turnover rate, but I've visited busier upscale airport restaurants here at PHX that do a great job and set the bar high. I'll update my review the next time I stop by hoping for a different experience. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,893 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | De to gangene jeg har vært innom har vært i lang tid, noe som ikke er uvanlig i en flyplass hvis du har et fly å ta. Begge gangene satt jeg i baren i håp om hurtigtjeneste, men i hvert tilfelle ble jeg glemt i ca. fem minutter etter å ha fått en meny :(Tjenerne bak baren da jeg var der (jeg kjenner igjen at det er mye rotasjon i en flyplass virksomhet) gjorde ikke en veldig god jobb med å skanne over sine beskyttere for å sørge for at alle ble tatt vare på. Det så ut til å være en tunnelsyn-greie som foregikk, ikke mye fler-arbeid. Det er vanskelig å holde tritt med en så høy kundeomsetningsrate, men jeg har besøkt travlere flyplasser her på PHX som gjør en god jobb og setter bar-høyden høyt. Jeg skal oppdatere min omtale neste gang jeg stopper ved å håpe på en annen opplevelse. | The two times I've been over here for a long time, which is not unusual in an airport if you have a plane to catch. Both times I sat in the bar hoping for speed duty, but in each case I was forgotten for about five minutes after receiving a menu: (The servants behind the bar when I was there (I recognize that there is a lot of rotation in an airport business) did not do a very good job scanning over their protectors to make sure that everyone was taken care of. There seemed to be a tunnel vision thing going on, not much more work. It's hard to keep up with such a high customer turnover rate, but I've been visiting busier airports here at PHX doing a good job and setting up bar-altitude. I'll update my review next time I stop by hoping for another experience. |
What would be an example of an positive review? | By far the best car wash I have ever gotten. I will not go anywhere else again. And the service is amazing :) | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,894 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Den beste bilvasken jeg noensinne har fått. Jeg vil ikke gå noe annet sted igjen. Og gudstjenesten er forbausende :)) | Best car wash I ever had. I don't want to go anywhere else again. And the service is amazing:) |
Un tr\u00e8s bon endroit pour y prendre un verre dans le quartier. Il manque de places assises \u00e0 l'occasion, n'arrivez pas trop tard... surtout si vous \u00eates un groupe. Bonne s\u00e9lection de bi\u00e8res, les prix sont corrects aussi. Les drinks et les scotchs sont plus dispendieux. Le staff conna\u00eet bien ses produits. \u00c7a fait du bien d'avoir une bonne microbrasserie dans ce coin!
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,895 | Un tr<unk>u00e8s bon endroit pour y prendre un vere dns le liter. Il manque de place assises <unk>u00e0 l'occasion, n'arrivez pas trop tard ... surtout si vous ou00eates un groupe. Bonne s<unk>u00e9lection de bi<unk>u00e8res, les prix sont rettar aussi. Jeg ber og ber deg om å be om en liten sont pluss despendence. Le staff conna u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-et bien ses produits. <unk>u00c7a fait du bien d'avoir une bone mikrobrasserie dans ce-mynt! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Un tr<unk>u00e8s bon endroit pour y prendre un be n' le liters. Il manque de place assises <unk>u00e0 l'occcasion, n'arrivez pas trop tard... acidout si vous ouceates un groupe. Bonne s<unk>u00e9section de bi<unk>u00e8res, les prix sont correct aussi. I'm asking you to ask for a small sonnet plus dispersion. Le staff conna u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-et been sees produits. "U00c7a fait du bien d'avoir une bone microbrass series dance ce-mint!" Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
This place is a must whenever you want a cheap and delicious cure to your hangover! Or if you just want to satiate your hunger! There is always a line here! But it is well worth the wait! Toulouse includes cheese, sausage, and mushrooms enfolded inside thin, waif-like crepe skin. It is topped with red sauce. This tastes like a light lasagna. But way better! Fruits de Mer- a seafood crepe topped with bechamel sauce! I actually prefer this one over my Toulouse! They are not cheap with their seafood! every bite is guaranteed a piece of shrimp or scallop! Right across from this little stand is a bar, go ahead and order a Paris souvenir drink while you're waiting. Or you can even grab a delicacy from a bakery since there are little "French" bakeries lined up along the walkway La Creperie is located at.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,896 | Dette stedet er en stor takk når du vil ha en billig og deilig kur til din fyllesyke! Eller hvis du bare ønsker å mette sulten! Det er alltid en linje her! Men det er vel verdt å vente på! I Toulouse finnes blant annet ost, pølse og sopp som er omsluttet av tynt, waif-lignende crepe-skinn. Den er toppet med rød saus. Dette smaker som en lett lasagna. Men bedre! Fruits de Mer- en sjømat crepe toppet med bechamelsaus! Jeg foretrekker denne framfor min ov! De er ikke billige med sjømaten sin! Hver bit er garantert en bit av en reke eller en bit av en bit! Rett overfor denne lille tribunen er en bar, bare bestill en suvenir mens du venter. Eller du kan til og med ta en delikatesse fra et bakeri siden det er lite fransk<unk> bakerier oppstilt langs gangveien La Creperie ligger ved. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | This place is a big thank-you when you want a cheap and delicious cure for your hangover! Or if you just want to feed your appetite! There's always a line here! But it is worth waiting for! Among other things, Toulouse includes cheese, sausage and mushrooms surrounded by thin, waif-like crepe skin. It's topped with red sauce. This tastes like a light lasagna. But better! Fruits de Mer- a seafood crepe topped with bechamel sauce! I prefer this to my ov! They're not cheap with their seafood! Every piece is guaranteed a piece of a shrimp or a piece of a piece! Right across from this little stands is a bar, just order a souvenir while you wait. Or you can even take a delicacy from a bakery because there is little French<unk> bakeries lined up along the walkway La Creperie is on. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
The staff are incredibly rude, from the check in to the parking guards. The AC is so loud you can't sleep at night (it also gives you sore throat in the morning) and the couch sucks. The guards like to pull you aside in the hallways to scrutinize your hotel id (every guest is required to carry one with them at all times). On top of all this, our door lock broke and we had to be moved to a different room with all our things in the middle of the night. This hotel is very strict about extra guests (they will be charged an extra $10/night and be given their own ID) - be prepared for this if you are bringing along any joyriders. The parking lot is often blocked off by guards checking id and parking passes. I feel like one star is too high of a rating for this place, so do yourself a favor and skip it. You'd have a more pleasant experience staying in a cardboard box under a bridge.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,897 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Staben er utrolig frekk, fra sjekken inn til parkeringsvaktene. AC-en er så høy at man ikke får sove om natten (den gir også sår hals om morgenen) og sofaen suger. Vaktene liker å dra deg til side i gangene for å granske hotellplassen din (hver gjest må alltid ha med seg en av dem). På toppen av alt dette gikk vår dørlås i stykker og vi måtte flyttes til et annet rom med alle tingene våre midt på natten. Dette hotellet er svært nøye med ekstragjester (de vil bli belastet en ekstra 10 kroner/natt og få egen ID) - vær forberedt på dette hvis du tar med deg noen gledesryttere. Parkeringsplassen er ofte avsperret av vakter som sjekker ID- og parkeringsoverganger. Jeg føler at én stjerne er for høy for dette stedet, så gjør deg en tjeneste og hopp over det. Du ville hatt en hyggeligere opplevelse å bo i en pappeske under en bro. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? The staff is incredibly rude, from the check into the parking attendants. The AC is so high you can't sleep at night (it also gives sore throats in the morning) and the couch sucks. The guards like to pull you aside in the hallways to examine your hotel place (every guest must always carry one of them). On top of all of this, our door locks broke and we had to move to another room with all our things in the middle of the night. This hotel is very particular about extra guests (they will be charged an extra $10 per night and have their own IDs) - be prepared for this if you take some joy riders with you. The parking lot is often sealed off by guards checking IDs and parking crossings. I feel like one star is too high for this place, so do yourself a favor and skip it. You'd have a nicer experience living in a cardboard box under a bridge. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a positive review for a place. | Trying this place for the first time before I head into work... The Buffalo SmashChicken with Fried Pickles on the side. And of course a Kilt Lifter in a frozen MUG. Please Thank You. The little wire trays my meal come in reminds me of a cleaner version of the way Corban's serves their burgers (minus the reused white napkin - I don't know about you but it is odd to me) They have a sad little tip jar by the register that has tennis in it. The wait staff is cute. So tip the boys... | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,898 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Å ta dette stedet for første gang før jeg skal på jobb... Buffalo Smash Chicken med stekte pickles på siden. Og selvfølgelig en Kiltløfter i en frossen MUG. Takk skal du ha. Den lille wiren bretter mitt måltid kommer inn minner meg om en renere versjon av måten Corbans serverer sine burger (minus den gjenbrukte hvite servietten - jeg vet ikke om deg men det er rart for meg) De har en trist liten tipskrukke ved kassa som har tennis i seg. Ventestaven er søt. Så, guttene... | Taking this place for the first time before I go to work... Buffalo Smash Chicken with fried pickles on its side. And, of course, a Kiltlifter in a frozen MUG. Thank you. The little wire folds my meal coming in reminds me of a cleaner version of the way the Corbans serve their burgers (minus the reusable white napkin--I don't know about you but it's strange for me) they have a sad little tip jar at the cash register that has tennis in it. The wait staff is cute. So, the boys... |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Aggressive cabbie lured me into an Orange cab at CMI. Sat for 15 mins waiting for someone else while other cabs zoomed away. Of course I was dropped off second and much delayed. FAIL
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,899 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Aggressive cabibie kjørte meg inn i en Orange Caz på CMI. Satt i 15 minutter og ventet på noen andre mens andre førerhus zoomet bort. Selvfølgelig ble jeg utsatt for andre og store forsinkelser. FEIL OPGANG: - negativ - positiv | How can the words of this article be described? Aggressive cabibie drove me into an Orange Caz on the CMI. Sat 15 minutes waiting for someone else while other cabs zoomed away. Of course, I was subjected to other and great delays. FAILURE: negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Let me start by saying that I love frozen drinks. I'm usually not too picky about them as long as they are well balanced. I have to say this place probably has the worst frozen drinks that I have ever come across. In my life. Sugar + chemicals + food coloring + alcohol = drinks at Wet Willies. :( Bummer. There is redemption though! The space is great and our server was wonderful. The patio is ideal for listening to outdoor music and enjoying the summer weather.
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,900 | La meg begynne med å si at jeg elsker frossendrikker. Jeg er vanligvis ikke så kresen med dem så lenge de er velbalanserte. Jeg må si at dette stedet sannsynligvis har de verste frosne drinkene jeg noensinne har kommet over. I mitt liv. + kjemikalier + fargestoffer + alkohol = alkohol (druker) i Weat Willies. : :( Bække. Der er frelsen! Plassen er stor, og tjeneren vår var vidunderlig. Plasten er ideelt for å lytte til friluftsmusikk og nyte sommerværet. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Let me start by saying I love frozen drinks. I'm usually not so picky about them as long as they're well-balanced. I have to say, this place probably has the worst frozen drinks I've ever come across. In my life. + chemicals + colouring matter + alcohol = alcohol (drunks) of Weat Willies. :(Bake. There's salvation! The place is large, and our servant was wonderful. The plastic is ideal for listening to outdoor music and enjoying the summer weather. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Really enjoyed going here after my boyfriend recommended that we go there. Super friendly staff, delicious and cheap food. Everything we tried was amazing. You gotta try it out if for nothing else- its got a great name!!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,901 | Jeg likte å dra hit etter at kjæresten min anbefalte at vi skulle dra dit. Supervennlig personale, god smak og billig mat. Alt vi prøvde var fantastisk. Du må prøve det ut hvis for ingenting annet - det har et flott navn!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I liked coming here after my boyfriend recommended that we go there. Super-friendly staff, good taste, cheap food. Everything we tried was amazing. You have to try it out if for nothing else - it has a great name! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
I'm not a fan of AYCE sushi. Why you ask? I love sushi, but I can't eat a lot of it, even if I wanted to. Usually I order 2 rolls and that gets me pretty full. Anyway, I have said this before and will say it again. My favorite sushi restaurant is Sen of Japan. Haven't found anything better. However, I do like Sushi Koma. If I had to do AYCE, I wouldn't mind coming here. Service is usually pretty good. Other than the time we went on Christmas Day, the servers are friendly and attentive. I have never seen the guys working the sushi bar talking to customers, but who knows if they even speak English very well. That would explain why we always have to order through our server and not directly with them? Even when you are sitting right in front of them? Christmas Day here was horrible. It was crowded and service was pretty slow, although it did look like they had enough staff working. Maybe they were just not used to a full house? They forgot about our order because everyone else was getting their sushi except for us. Even those that were seated after us. I think we waited over 30 minutes to get our first round of sushi. While we were patiently waiting, one of the servers noticed us and asked if we had already ordered. We told her "yes, a long time ago." She went to the kitchen to let someone know. Finally, we got our food a while later. As I mentioned, I can rarely eat more than 2 rolls (unless I didn't eat all day), but everything I tried so far has been good. My favorite is the SC7 roll: shrimp, cream cheese and avocado with spicy crab on top. The gyoza was also tasty and didn't seem like the frozen kind. I have ordered take out from here as well, and I must say that they pack everything very nicely in those to-go containers! Overall not bad for AYCE sushi and the prices are reasonable. Located next to AABS Dental.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,902 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg er ikke så glad i AJCE-sushi. Hvorfor spør du? Jeg elsker sushi, men jeg kan ikke spise mye av det, selv om jeg ville. Jeg bestiller to ruller, og det blir meg ganske full. Jeg har sagt dette før og vil si det igjen. Min favorittsushirestaurant er Sen fra Japan. Har ikke funnet noe bedre. Men jeg liker Sushi Komma. Hvis jeg måtte gjøre det, ville jeg ikke hatt noe imot å komme hit. Tjenesten er vanligvis ganske bra. Bortsett fra når vi gikk på første juledag, er serverne vennlige og oppmerksomme. Jeg har aldri sett folk som jobber på sushibaren snakke med kunder, men hvem vet om de snakker engelsk godt? Det forklarer hvorfor vi alltid må gå gjennom serveren vår og ikke direkte med dem? Selv når du sitter rett foran dem? Juledagen her var forferdelig. Det var trangt og servicen var ganske treg, selv om det så ut som de hadde nok folk i arbeid. Kanskje de bare ikke var vant til fulle hus? De glemte rekkefølgen vår fordi alle andre fikk sushien sin, bortsett fra oss. Selv de som satt etter oss. Jeg tror vi ventet over 30 minutter for å få vår første runde med sushi. Mens vi ventet, la en av serverne merke til oss og spurte om vi allerede hadde bestilt. Vi sa til henne: «Nei, for lengst har Vi<unk> Hun gikk på kjøkkenet for å si fra til noen. Endelig fikk vi mat en stund senere. Som nevnt kan jeg en sjelden gang spise mer enn 2 ruller (med mindre jeg ikke spiste hele dagen), men alt jeg prøvde så langt har vært bra. Min favoritt er SC7 roll: reke, fløteost og avokado med krybbekrabbe på toppen. Gyozaen var også velsmakende og virket ikke som den frosne sorten. Jeg har også bedt om å dra herfra også, og jeg må si at de pakker alt pent i de to-go-containerne! Ikke dårlig for yCE-sushi, og prisene er rimelige. Den ligger ved siden av AABS Dental. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? I don't really like AJCE sushi. Why do you ask? I love sushi, but I can't eat much of it, even if I wanted to. I order two rolls, and it gets me pretty drunk. I've told you this before and I want to say it again. My favorite sushi restaurant is Sen from Japan. I've found nothing better. But I like Sushi Komma. If I had to do it, I wouldn't mind coming here. The ministry is usually quite good. Except for when we left on Christmas Day, the servers are friendly and attentive. I've never seen people who work at the sushi bar talk to customers, but who knows if they speak English well? That explains why we always have to go through our server and not directly with them? Even when you're sitting right in front of them? Christmas Day here was terrible. It was tight and the service was pretty slow, even though it looked like they had enough people working. Maybe they just weren't used to full houses. They forgot our order because everyone else got their sushi except us. Even the ones who were after us. I think we waited over 30 minutes to get our first round of sushi. While we were waiting, one of the servers noticed us and asked if we had already ordered. We said to her, "No, we have long before. She went to the kitchen to tell someone. Finally, we were fed some time later. As mentioned earlier, I can rarely eat more than 2 rolls (unless I didn’t eat all day), but everything I tried so far has been good. My favorite is SC7 roll: shrimp, cream cheese and avocados with crib crabs on top. The Gyoza was also tasty and did not appear to be the frozen variety. I've also asked to leave here, and I have to tell you, they're packing everything neatly in those two-go containers! Not bad for yCE-sushi, and prices are reasonable. It's next to AABS Dental. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | Absolutely love this place, although it is known for its sushi, I don't eat sushi, but I love there other dishes... One of my favorites is their teriyaki chicken with brown rice or their veggie fried rice with a spring roll. Quick great service and great fresh food. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,903 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Selv om det er kjent for sushi, spiser jeg ikke sushi, men jeg elsker andre retter, en av favorittene mine er deres pikkikylling med brun ris eller deres veskete frites med vårrull. . . . stor tjeneste og stor ferskvare. | Even though it's known for sushi, I don't eat sushi, but I love other dishes, one of my favorites is their brown rice chicken, or their egg rolls. . . . . . big favor and big fresh goods. |
Four stars? Do people in LV have a clue what quality sushi is? First off the service was terrible, they put sriracha on everything, the sashimi is butchered to hell, the oysters were absolutely inedible, as was most of the excuse of food that was put in front of me. There's much better AYCE sushi places in Vegas, avoid this one like the plague!
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,904 | Fire stjerner? Vet folk i LV hva kvalitetssushi er? Først av gudstjenesten var forferdelig, de satte srrilla på alt, sassimien er slaktet til helvete, østersene var helt uspiselige, som var det meste av unnskyldningen for mat som ble satt foran meg. Det er mye bedre steder i Vegas enn der det er bedre YCE-sushi i Vegas, unngå dette som pesten! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Four stars? Do people in LV know what quality sushi is? First of the service was terrible, they put srrilla on everything, the Sassimi is slaughtered to hell, the oysters were completely inedible, which was most of the excuse for food put in front of me. There's a lot better places in Vegas than where there's better YCE sushi in Vegas, avoiding this like the plague! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
So darn good and seriously the best meatball I have ever had! Get one or two with your entree. They are delicious and stuffed with mozzarella. Not only was the food A+, but the service was stellar. Our server, Ryan did an amazing job of recommending food as well as pairing drinks with our choices. It was clear he was a foodie and gave us some other great recommendations of places to go around town. Thanks Ryan and Sienna! We'll be back!
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,905 | Så godt og godt og seriøst det beste kjøttkjøttet jeg noen gang har smakt! Ta en eller to sammen med deres nød! De er deilige og fylt med mozzarella. Ikke bare var maten A+, men tjenesten var sterlistisk. Serveren vår, Ryan, gjorde en fantastisk jobb med å anbefale mat og også pare seg med å ta noen drinker med valgene våre. Det var tydelig at han var en matvare og gav oss noen andre store anbefalinger av steder å dra til. Takk, Ryan og Benna! Vi kommer tilbake! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | So good and good and serious, the best meat I've ever tasted! Take one or two, along with your distress! They're delicious and filled with mozzarella. Not only was the food A+, but the service was sternist. Our server, Ryan, did a fantastic job recommending food and also mating with our choices. Clearly, he was a food and gave us some other great recommendations of places to go. Thank you, Ryan and Benna! We'll be back! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
I love their thin crust pizza. I order the same damn thing everytime. The food is good but it's not consistant. I ask for thin crust, med pep pizza cut in square. Everytime the crust is a different consistancy. I don't know what to tell them to keep it the same. The pizza is still good, I just wish it would be a bit more consistant.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,906 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg elsker den tynne skorpen deres. Jeg bestiller den samme dritten hver gang. Maten er god men ikke konstant. Jeg ber om tynn skorpe, med peppizza skåret i firkant. Hver gang skorpen er et annet vesen. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal be dem om å holde det samme. Pizzaen er fortsatt god. Skulle ønske den var litt mer ensformig. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? I love their thin crust. I order the same shit every time. The food is good but not constant. I'm asking for thin crust, with pep pizza cut into square. Every time the crust is a different being. I don't know what to tell them to keep the same. The pizza's still good, and I wish it was a little bit more monotonous. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an negative review? | Went here for Valentine's day a couple years ago with the BF and it was just okay. Paid a pretty penny for some not-so-awesome food, including a completely raw rib-eye that came to the table despite the clear "medium-rare" order specification. The thing was not browned AT ALL and actually had blood pooled atop the steak. A little weird that it managed to leave the kitchen, especially since this was NOT the request. Is this place really a steakhouse? I had roasted duck atop a bed of homemade pappardelle tossed in braising liquid. It was heavy, monochromatic and oversalted. Gross. Service was inattentive. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,907 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Jeg var her på valentinsdagen for et par år siden med BF, og det var helt greit. Betalte ganske mye for noe ikke-så-så-awesome mat, inkludert et helt rå-ribøye som kom til tabellen til tross for den klare<unk>middels<unk>rekke<unk> ordenspesifikasjonen. Den var ikke brunet ALLT og faktisk hadde blod samlet seg oppå biffen. Litt rart at den rakk å forlate kjøkkenet, særlig siden dette var NOT forespørselen. Er dette stedet virkelig en biffhus? Jeg hadde stekt et and som lå oppå en seng av hjemmesydd pappardelle kastet i braisende væske. Den var tung, monokromatisk og oversaltet. .. Tjenesten var uoppmerksom. | I was here on Valentine's Day a couple of years ago with BF, and that was fine. Paid quite a bit for some non-so-awesome food, including a whole raw-riffin that came to the table despite the clear<unk> medium<unk> series of the order specifications. It wasn't brown all right and actually had blood gathered on top of the steak. It's a little weird that it got out of the kitchen, especially since this was the NOT request. Is this place really a steakhouse? I had fried a duck lying on top of a bed of homemade paternals thrown into bracing liquid. It was heavy, monochromatic, and oversalted. .. The ministry was inattentive. |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
I was pretty hesitant about giving this place a shot seeing that almost all the reviews were negative however, I like to keep an open mind so a group of my friends and I all went in hopes that we would be able to prove the negativity wrong. Unfortunately, the Meatball Spot was everything the reviewers that left the poor reviews described. When we arrived, my fiance and I put our name down for the table and was told it was going to be a 45 minute wait which was fine by us since the rest of our party were still on their way and we expected a long wait seeing it was a busy Friday night. The thing I liked was rather than giving you a little vibrating coaster to alert you the table is ready, they take your number and call you so you can wander Townsquare and shop while you wait. Eventually we were seated and were greeted by a less than enthused waitress. She took our drink orders and after we browsed over our options, we ordered. I got myself the strawberry spinach salad, my fiance ordered a half a tray of pizza (which was HUGE), and the rest of our friends got meatballs/meatball sandwiches. About 30-40 minutes later, the pizza came out. Surprised at how big it was, my fiance insisted our friends to help themselves but we were all taken aback at how greasy it was. There was literally a pool of grease that collected in the very middle of the pizza. Honestly, Little Caesars makes better pizza than what Meatball Spot made. About 20 minutes later the waitress's assistant came over to check on us and asked if we were missing anything. Uh, YEAH, just about the rest of the table's orders! She scurried to the back to "check on our orders" but after another 15 minutes of waiting, our original waitress came back and asked if we ordered other items. My friend, who is super polite, nicely explained that we all ordered food and the only thing that came out was the pizza. The waitress ran back and came over after another 10 minutes to apologize saying that they were still making our food AKA she probably never put in the order and just inputted it right then and there. Of course, after waiting yet again, the rest of the food comes out all together. The salad I ordered was alright. It was saltier than it should have been seeing it was a strawberry and spinach salad with strawberry vinegarette. The meatballs were also extremely salty. I do have to say though, the mac n cheese they have is pretty amazing. Other than that, the rest of the food sucked. All in all, the service is crap, the food is crap, but the food is cheap. Clearly you get what you pay for.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,908 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg var ganske nølende med å gi dette stedet en sjanse siden nesten alle anmeldelsene var negative men jeg liker å ha et åpent sinn så en gruppe av mine venner og jeg alle gikk i håp om at vi kunne bevise negativ feil. Beklageligvis var Kjøttbolleflekken alt det anmelderne som etterlot de dårlige omtalene. Da vi kom frem, satte forloveden min og jeg vårt navn ned for bordet og fikk beskjed om at det kom til å bli en 45 minutters ventetid som var fint av oss siden resten av partiet vårt fortsatt var på vei og vi forventet en lang ventetid siden det var en travel fredag kveld. Det jeg likte, var heller enn å gi deg en liten kystkyster for å varsle deg at bordet er klart, de tar nummeret ditt og ringer deg så du kan gå gjennom Townsquare og handle mens du venter. Vi satt om bord og ble møtt av en mindre enn begeistret servitrise. Hun tok våre drinker, og etter at vi hadde rotet over våre muligheter, bestilte vi. Jeg kjøpte jordbærspinatsalat, forloveden min bestilte et halvt brett pizza (som het HUGE), og resten av vennene våre fikk kjøttboller/kjøttbollesmørbrød. Omtrent 30,40 minutter senere kom pizzaen ut. Min forlovede overrasket over hvor stor den var, og insisterte vennene våre på å hjelpe seg selv, men vi ble alle overrasket over hvor fettete det var. Det var bokstavelig talt en haug med fett som samlet seg midt i pizzaen. Ærlig talt, Little Caesars lager bedre pizza enn det Meatball Spot har laget. 20 minutter senere kom servitrisens assistent bort for å se til oss og spurte om vi manglet noe. Ja, omtrent resten av bordordrene! Hun kom tilbake for å sjekke våre bestillinger, men etter et kvarters ventetid kom servitrisen vår tilbake og spurte om vi hadde bestilt andre ting. Min venn, som er overhyste, forklarte at vi alle bestilte mat og det eneste som kom ut var pizzaen. Servitrisen løp tilbake og kom bort etter ti minutter for å be om unnskyldning for å si at de fremdeles laget maten vår AKA hun sikkert aldri la i bestillingen og bare puttet den rett der og da. Men etter å ha ventet enda en gang, kommer naturligvis resten av maten ut alle sammen. Salaten jeg bestilte var i orden. Den var saltere enn den skulle ha vært å se det var en jordbær- og spinatsalat med jordbær med eddik. Kjøttbollene var også ekstremt salte. Jeg må si at den maka n osten de har, er ganske fantastisk. Bortsett fra det, resten av maten suges. Alt i alt, tjenesten er dritt, maten er dritt, men maten er billig. Det er tydelig at du får det du betaler for. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? I was rather hesitant about giving this place a chance because almost all the reviews were negative but I like to keep an open mind so a group of my friends and I all went in the hope that we could prove negative mistakes. Unfortunately, the Meatball Spot was all the reviewers who left the bad reviews. When we arrived, my fiancée and I put our name down for the table and were told that there would be a 45 - minute wait that was fine with us since the rest of our party was still on the way and we expected a long wait since it was a busy Friday night. What I liked was rather than give you a small coaster to warn you that the table is ready, they take your number and call you so you can go through Townsquare and shop while you wait. We sat on board and were met by a less than enthusiastic waitress. She had our drinks, and after we messed up our options, we ordered. I bought strawberry spinach salad, my fiancé ordered half a tray of pizza (called HUGE), and the rest of our friends got meatballs/meatball sandwiches. About 30.40 minutes later, the pizza came out. My fiancée surprised at its size and insisted on our friends helping herself, but we were all surprised at how greasy it was. It was literally a bunch of grease that gathered in the middle of the pizza. Honestly, Little Caesars make better pizza than Meatball Spot ever made. 20 minutes later, the waitress's assistant came over to check on us and asked if we were missing anything. Yes, about the rest of the table orders! She came back to check on our orders, but after 15 minutes of waiting, our waitress came back and asked if we had ordered other things. My friend, who's the overhospital, explained that we all ordered food and the only thing that came out was the pizza. 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The salad I ordered was all right. It was saltier than it should have been to see it was a strawberry and spinach salad with strawberries with vinegar. The meatballs were also extremely salty. I must say, the makàn cheese they have is pretty amazing. Other than that, the rest of the food is sucked. All in all, the service is crap, the food is crap, but the food is cheap. It's obvious you're getting what you're paying for. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
I have been a Togos fan for many years and when they disappeared from the valley I was very disappointed. So when I found they were opening around the corner from my house you could well image my delight. When we first walked into the new one I was a little worried because I remember the decor of my previous visits to the old shops being much more lunch counter and this one was more like the run of the mill fast food style. I recalled one of my favorite sandwiches was a cucumber and avocado but did not snow it on the menu but when I asked they said I could order off menu. The sandwich was good - a lot less ingredients than they used to serve but it was still delicious.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,909 | Jeg har vært Togos-fan i mange år, og da de forsvant ut av dalen, var jeg veldig skuffet. Så da jeg fant at de var åpning rundt hjørnet fra huset mitt, kunne du godt forestille deg min glede. Da vi først kom inn i den nye, var jeg litt bekymret, for jeg husker at innredningen i mine tidligere besøk i de gamle butikkene var mye mer lunsjdisk og denne var mer som løpingen av møllen fast food style. En av favorittsmørbrødene mine var agurk og avocado, men jeg snødde den ikke på menyen, men da jeg spurte om de sa at jeg kunne bestille av menyen. Smørebrødet var god - mye mindre ingredienser enn de pleide å servere men det var fortsatt deilig. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I've been a Togos fan for many years, and when they disappeared out of the valley, I was very disappointed. So when I found them opening around the corner from my house, you could well imagine my joy. When we first got into the new one, I was a little worried, because I remember that the furnishings of my previous visits to the old shops were much more lunch counter and this was more like running the mill fast food style. One of my favorite sandwiches was cucumber and avocado, but I didn’t snow it on the menu, but when I asked them if I could order it off the menu. The sandwich was good - much smaller ingredients than they used to serve, but it was still delicious. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Worse service in Las Vegas!! My husband, daughter and I showed up at 1:00 am on our way home. We were greeted by a a Chinese restaurant. The other 5 Asians that work there were setting at a table by the kitchen. I am not exaggerating when I say they STARED at us the entire time. It was uncomfortable to say the least. We were all very nicely dressed and polite. We ordered three appetizers and three drinks. The spring rolls were brought out to us burned. I asked them to please bring us some that was not burned. The waiter was not rude but when he came back he said the kitchen would not remake them and he would take them off of the bill. The staring continued! The food was good that wasn't burned which is the only good thing I can say. The appearance of the restaurant is questionable and the dead fish in the dirty tanks at the entrance should have made us turn around and leave! After we left we found out the from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am you get 20% off of your bill.....guess what.....we didn't receive that either! This was the most uncomfortable eating experience I have ever had. I don't understand the staring for the entire 45 minutes we were there! We will never go back to this place!
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,910 | Tjenesten i Las Vegas! Mannen min, datteren min og jeg kom klokken ett på vei hjem. Vi ble møtt av en meksikansk... på en kinesisk restaurant. De andre 5 asiater som arbeidet der, hadde dekke ved et bord ved kjøkkenet. Jeg overdriver ikke når jeg sier at de er på oss hele tiden. Det var ubehagelig å si det minste. Vi var alle pent kledd og høflige. Vi bestilte tre småretter og tre drinker. Vårrullene ble hentet ut til oss som var brent. Jeg ba dem om å gi oss noen som ikke ble brent. Servitøren var ikke frekk, men da han kom tilbake sa han at kjøkkenet ikke ville nyinnspilling dem og han ville ta dem av regningen. Stirringen fortsatte! Maten var god som ikke ble brent. Det er det eneste gode jeg kan si. Restaurantens utseende er tvilsom og den døde fisken i skittenomlene ved inngangen skulle ha fått oss til å snu og dra! Etter at vi dro fant vi ut at fra kl. 22.00 - 14.00 er det at du får 20% fra regningen din... -...tror hva vi ikke fikk det heller! Dette var den mest ubehagelige spiseopplevelsen jeg noen gang har hatt. Jeg forstår ikke blikket for hele de 45 minuttene vi var der! Vi kommer aldri tilbake til dette stedet! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | The Las Vegas Service! My husband, daughter, and I arrived at one o’clock on our way home. We were met by a Mexican... at a Chinese restaurant. The other 5 Asians who worked there had a table covered by the kitchen. I don't exaggerate when I say they're on us all the time. It was unpleasant to say the least. We were all neatly dressed and polite. We ordered three snacks and three drinks. The egg rolls were brought out to us burned. I asked them to give us someone who wasn't burned. The waiter was not rude, but when he returned, he said that the kitchen would not remake them and he would take them off the bill. The staring continued! The food was good that wasn't burned, that's the only good I can say. The restaurant’s appearance is questionable and the dead fish in the pits at the entrance should have turned us around and left! After we left, we found out that from 10:00, 2:00 p.m., you get 20% off your bill, you think what we didn't get either! This was the most unpleasant eating experience I have ever had. I don't understand the look for the whole 45 minutes we were there! We're never coming back to this place! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Keith Nettles, owner and son of the founder of Nettles Air Conditioning was an outstanding service provider and trusted expert when we decided to replace our air conditioning unit. We received three bids in total, and while Keith remained extremely competitive in price, he won the job due to his sincerity, his expertise and knowledge and wanting to put in the best equipment for our needs and budget. If you need repair or replacement of an air conditioning unit, I would not hesitate to recommend Keith & Nettles Air Conditioning. In Arizona, where A/C is just as important as food and water, you want someone you can trust and someone who will get the job done right. Keith is your man!
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,911 | Keith Ness, eier og sønn av Nettles Air Conditioning var en tjenesteleverandør og betrodd ekspert da vi bestemte oss for å erstatte klimaanlegget vårt. Vi fikk tre bud totalt, og selv om Keith var svært prisvillig, vant han jobben på grunn av sin gode natur, sin ekspertise og kunnskap og sitt ønske om å legge inn det beste utstyret for våre behov og budsjetter. Hvis du trenger reparasjon eller utskifting av en klimaanleggsenhet, vil jeg ikke nøle med å anbefale snttles klimaanlegg. I Arizona, hvor A/C er like viktig som mat og vann, vil man ha noen man kan stole på og noen som vil få jobben gjort riktig. Det er din mann! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Keith Ness, owner and son of Nettles Air Conditioning, was a service provider and trusted expert when we decided to replace our air-conditioning system. We received three offers in total, and although Keith was very price - loving, he won the job because of his good nature, expertise, knowledge, and desire to put in the best equipment for our needs and budgets. If you need repair or replacement of an air-conditioning unit, I will not hesitate to recommend snttles air-conditioning. In Arizona, where A/C is as important as food and water, you want someone you can trust and someone who will get the job done right. It's your husband! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
We went here the other night, despite the 3 star yelp rating- hoping for the best. Yick. The AYCE was reasonably priced- I'll give them that but- the quality of the fish was horrible. I felt like I was eating sushi from Albertsons. The miso soup had like, pureed snippets of seaweed and teensy bits of tofu. The spicy tuna was DEFINITELY prepared in advance and had very little tuna in it. The rolls themselves had very, very small filling and lots of too sweet rice. I think I am equally disappointed because its SO close to my home...I'm on the hunt for a great local sushi hunt continues. That will teach me for going against Yelp recommendations!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,912 | Vi var her forleden kveld, tross stjerne-jelp-seieren i håp om det beste. Yickick. Det var rimelig dyrt for ACE-selskapet, men kvaliteten på fisken var forferdelig. Jeg følte at jeg spiste sushi fra Albertsons. Missuppen hadde liksom, rene snipper av tang og bittesmå biter av tofu. Den krydrete makrellstørjen ble DEFINITELL tilberedt på forhånd og hadde svært lite makrellstørje i. Det var svært små fyllinger og masse for mye søt ris. Jeg er nok like skuffet over at jeg er så nær hjemmet mitt at jeg er på jakt etter en stor lokal sushi, og min jakt fortsetter. Det vil lære meg å kjempe mot Yelps anbefaling! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | We were here the other night, despite the star-jerk victory, hoping for the best. Yickick. It was pretty expensive for the ACE company, but the quality of the fish was terrible. I felt like I was eating sushi from Albertson's. The missile had like, like, clean, plier collars and tiny bits of tofu. The spicy bluefin was prepared beforehand and had very little tuna in it. There were very small fillings and too much sweet rice. I guess I'm just as disappointed that I'm so close to home that I'm looking for a big local sushi, and my hunt continues. It'll teach me to fight Yelp's recommendation! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
We were running a relay race that had us in this part of town while waiting for one of our runners. Found this place on a Yelp, it's awesome! We enjoyed it so much we went back the next day. Both times Tom was our waiter, he's very friendly and enjoyable. The hash browns are the best I've had. If you are going to spend calories on eating hash browns, theses are the ones to eat! Golden and perfectly crispy. Tasty pancakes too that are perfect texture.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,913 | Vi kjørte et stafettløp som hadde oss i denne delen av byen mens vi ventet på en av våre løpere. Fant dette stedet på en Yelp, det er fantastisk! Vi likte den så godt at vi drog tilbake dagen etter. Begge gangene Tom var kelneren vår, er han veldig vennlig og trivelig. Hasjbrunene er de beste jeg har hatt. Hvis du skal bruke mange kalorier på å spise hasjbrunner, er det disse du spiser! Gyldenrød og helt sprø. Smakfulle pannekaker også som er perfekte. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | We ran a relay race that had us in this part of town waiting for one of our runners. Found this place on a Yelp, that's fantastic! We enjoyed it so much that we returned the next day. Both times Tom was our waiter, he's very friendly and nice. The hazhrunes are the best I've ever had. If you are going to spend a lot of calories eating hash browns, these are the ones you eat! Golden and crazy. Tasty pancakes, too, which are perfect. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
I find myself gravitating to Panera when I need a breakfast on the go and usually find the free wireless keeps me there for a little while. Great bread products, including bagels and pastries as well as whole loaves, Panera also makes delicious soups and salads. I particularly enjoy both the cinnamon loaf and the sourdough for making French toast at home. The menu can certainly be confusing with one section near the breads that also has all the pastries. The other section has all the "meal" options with clearly labeled prices, but if you're not familiar with it, it is very easy to be overwhelmed. The staff are helpful with suggestions if you're not sure what you want and patient if you need to make a decision. Once ordered, the food is prepared and ready for pick up within minutes, even during the lunch rush. On the negative side, it is a little on the spendy side for such casual eating. A cup of coffee, a bagel ("premium" bagels are another 25 cents) and a small tub of cream cheese is $4.09. The "special" pick two with a drink will run you close to $10, which is two of either a sandwich salad or soup. Don't get me wrong, it's delicious and very fresh, but for the setting, it seems a little bit on the high side of the price spectrum. Like all of them, this Panera is very clean and the staff circulates regularly to clean up abandoned dishes on the tables (you're expected to bus your own) and refill the four coffee urns (bold, regular, decaf and hazelnut). The coffee and soda fountain has free refills and there have been a few days where I've just bought the one cup in the morning and then watched the breakfast crowd phase into lunch and then dinner, and never been hassled. Panera is quite the hangout. I usually see people picking the location for casual meetings (does the phrase "showing the plan" mean anything to you?) and get togethers. Lots of people with laptops, there are electrical outlets near about half of the tables. The wi-fi is pretty stable (though I've occasionally had problems) and easy to connect. I see 7 or 8 other people with laptops and the connection is surprisingly fast.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,914 | Jeg begynner å gravitere til Panera når jeg trenger en frokost på turen og vanligvis finner den gratis trådløse holder meg der en liten stund. Panera lager også deilige supper og salater. Jeg liker spesielt godt både kanelbrødet og det sure brødet når jeg skal lage arme riddere hjemme. Menyen kan helt sikkert sammenlignes med én del i nærheten av brødene som også har alle bakverkene. Andre del har alle<unk>metal<unk>-alternativene med klart merkede priser, men er man ikke kjent med det, er det veldig lett å bli overmannet. Personalet er behjelpelig med forslag om man ikke er sikker på hva man ønsker og pasienten dersom man må ta en avgjørelse. Når maten er bestilt, blir den tilberedt og klar til opphenting i løpet av minutter, selv i lunsjpausen. På den negative siden er den litt på den slitne siden for slik tilfeldig spising. En kopp kaffe, en bagel (<unk>premium<unk> bagels er ytterligere 25 cent) og en liten kar med fløteost koster 40 kroner. Hvis du velger deg to og to sammen med en drink, vil det føre til at du kommer nærmere 10 dollar, som enten er to av en sandwich eller en suppe. Ikke misforstå mig feil, det er deilig og meget friskt, men for settingen virker det litt på høysiden av prisspekteret. Som alle av dem, er denne Panera veldig ren og personalet sirkulerer jevnlig for å rydde opp i oppladede oppvasker på bordene (du er forventet å busse din egen) og påfyll av de fire kaffene (bold, vanlig, koffeinfri og hasselnøtt). Kaffe- og brusfontenen har gratis påfyll og det har vært noen dager hvor jeg nettopp har kjøpt den ene koppen om morgenen og så på frokost publikumsfasen i lunsj og så middag, og aldri blitt plaget. Panera er litt av en gjeng. Vanligvis ser jeg folk som velger sted for møtedeltagelse (utgår frasen, som viser planen, betyr det noe for deg?) og komme sammen. Mange med laptoper, det er strømuttak nær halvparten av tabellene. wi-fi-en er ganske stabil (skjønt jeg tidvis har hatt problemer) og lett å koble til. Jeg ser 7 eller 8 andre personer med bærbare datamaskiner og forbindelsen er overraskende rask. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I start to dig for Panera when I need a breakfast on the trip and usually find the free wireless one staying there for a little while. Panera also makes delicious soups and salads. I especially like both the cinnamon bread and the sour bread when making French toast at home. The menu can surely be compared to one piece near the loaves that also has all the pastries. The second section has all the<unk>metal<unk> options with clearly marked prices, but if you're not familiar with it, it's very easy to get overrun. The staff is helpful in making suggestions if you are not sure what you want and the patient if you have to make a decision. Once ordered, the food is prepared and ready for pickup within minutes, even at lunchtime. On the negative side, it's a little on the tired side of such random eating. A cup of coffee, a bagel (<unk>premium<unk> bagels is an additional 25 cents) and a small lad with cream cheese costs $4. Choosing two and two with a drink will bring you closer to $10, which is either two of a sandwich or a soup. Don't get me wrong, it's nice and very fresh, but for the setting it seems a little on the high side of the price specter. Like all of them, this Panera is very clean and the staff regularly circulates to clean up recharged dishes on the tables (you are expected to bus your own) and refill the four coffees (bold, common, decaf and hazelnut). The coffee and soda fountain has a free refill and it's been a few days where I've just bought one cup in the morning and watched the breakfast audience phase at lunch and then dinner, and never been bothered. Panera's a hell of a gang. I usually see people who pick a place for meeting attendance (expecting the phrase, showing the plan, does that mean anything to you?) and get together. Lots of laptops, there's power outages close to half the tables. The wi-fi is quite stable (though I've had problems sometimes) and easily connected. I see 7 or 8 other people with laptops and the connection is surprisingly fast. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
What first drew me into this gym was the price thinking "It's either too good to be true or the gym's quality is the reason why it's cheap". I went to check the place out and I got to take a look around. It literally took me 5 minutes to decide I wanted to join this gym and 4 months later, I still have no regrets. I'm not picky so the very few worn down equipment didn't lose me as long as its still does its job efficiently. What I love about this gym is the atmosphere. Mostly everyone in this gym is extremely friendly especially the employees. It's truly a humbling place to workout at because everyone there is very considerate of people working out around them. There's rarely anyone who thinks they're so much better than the other. And I believe that this type of atmosphere came from the great employees that work there. Not every gym out there has all their equipment perfectly running 24/7. Of course stuff happens and equipment breaks down from time to time. But Golds has an abundant amount of other equipment to adjust to for your workouts and they constantly try to find ways to make our visits convenient. What does bring me down a bit is when female custodians clean the men's locker room, making me wait forever to get in. But at least they're really nice about it haha
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,915 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Det som først trakk meg inn i dette gymsenteret var pristenkningen<unk> det er enten for godt til å være sant eller gymmens kvalitet er grunnen til at det er billig<unk> Jeg sjekket stedet og fikk se meg litt rundt. Det tok meg 5 minutter å bestemme meg for at jeg ville bli med på dette treningssenteret og 4 måneder senere har jeg fortsatt ingen anger. Jeg er ikke kresen, så de få nedslitte utstyret mistet meg ikke så lenge det fortsatt gjør jobben sin effektivt. Det jeg elsker ved dette treningssenteret, er atmosfæren. De fleste her er svært vennlige, særlig de ansatte. Det er virkelig et ydmykende sted å trene på fordi alle der er omtenksomme til folk som jobber rundt dem. Det er sjelden noen som tror de er så mye bedre enn de andre. Og jeg tror at denne typen atmosfære kom fra de store ansatte som jobber der. Ikke alle helsesentre har alt utstyret sitt i gang 24/7. Selvfølgelig skjer ting og utstyr brytes ned fra tid til annen. Men Golds har mye annet utstyr å ta seg til når du trener, og de prøver stadig å finne måter å gjøre våre besøk beleilige på. Det som får meg ned litt, er når kvinnelige vaktmestere vasker herregarderoben og får meg til å vente for alltid for å komme inn. Men de er i alle fall veldig snille med det haha OPSJONS: - negativ - positiv | How can the words of this article be described? The first thing that dragged me into this gym was the thought of the price, it's either too good to be true or the quality of the gym is the reason it's cheap. I checked the place out and got a look around. It took me five minutes to decide that I wanted to join this gym and four months later I still have no regrets. I'm not picky, so the few worn out equipment didn't lose me as long as it still does its job efficiently. What I love about this gym is the atmosphere. Most of the people here are very friendly, especially the employees. It's really a humiliating place to train because everyone there is thoughtful for people who work around them. Rarely do some people think they're so much better than the others. And I think this kind of atmosphere came from the big employees who work there. Not all health centers have their equipment running 24/7. Of course, things and equipment are sometimes broken down. But Golds has a lot of other equipment to do when you're training, and they're still trying to find ways to make our visits convenient. What brings me down a little bit is when female janitors wash the men's locker room and make me wait forever to get in. But at least they're very kind to it ha-OVS: negative--positive. | Fra eller | From or |
Great romantic well lit environment. Food was good service was amazing. Their staff is definitely top notch. Looking for a great restaurant with a small group of ppl I would definitely send u there.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,916 | Det er et godt og godt miljø. Matvar god service var fantastisk. Personalet deres er på topp. På utkikk etter en stor restaurant med en liten gruppe ppl Jeg ville definitivt sende ude dit. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | It's a good environment. Food good service was fantastic. Your staff is on top. Looking for a big restaurant with a small group of ppl I'd definitely send ude there. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
I started going to Khrystyne Kiserow (room16) about 1 year ago and she did my hair 3 times total. The first 2 times she did my hair was good. I wanted change so we went drastic in color. Although she took quite a while, I was happy. The second time was fine as well, still a bit long, but no problem. This last and final time I told her that I wanted it jet black with a partial head of red highlights. When she finished after 4.5 hours I noticed that I didn't see Red hardly at all. She said not to worry that it would start showing. I washed my hair several times, n after 2 weeks there was no red except for my bangs, n the top of my scalp.. I have never complained to her, but I had to say something. I told her about no red except in my bangs, n on my scalp. Her response wasn't at all what I thought it would be. First, she should of apologized, and ask me what can be done to make it look better since I did spend almost $200, but she became very defensive. I told her I wanted to get along but would just like to get it fixed. I sent her picture to see what I was talking about. She said that shd would fix it but I have to pay for product. I asked when was the soonest I could get it fixed, n she said 2 weeks! Crazy, so I said fine, I made that appointment. We scheduled for 1pm. Then she called back and asked if I could do 10am, and I said I couldn't so we stayed at 1pm. Finally, the day I was suppose to come to the salon, she texted me at 9am, and said that she just got out of the emergency room n couldn't do it! I then followed up with her to see when she was going to finish it n she hasn't returned any texts or calls!! Very unprofessional, and I could not believe she would do that. I have never had a customer experience like that again. Very dissapointed...
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,917 | Jeg begynte å gå på Krystyne Kiserow (roman) for omtrent 1 år siden og hun gjorde håret mitt 3 ganger totalt. De første to gangene hun gjorde håret mitt var bra. Jeg ville ha forandring, så vi gikk drastisk i farger. Selv om hun tok en god stund, var jeg lykkelig. Andre gang gikk bra også, fortsatt litt lang, men uten problem. Denne siste og siste gangen sa jeg til henne at jeg ville ha den svart med et delvis hode med røde høydepunkter. Da hun var ferdig etter 4,5 timer så jeg at jeg ikke så Red i det hele tatt. Hun sa at hun ikke skulle bekymre seg for at det skulle begynne å vise. Jeg vasket håret flere ganger, n etter 2 uker var det ikke rødt bortsett fra panneluggene mine, n toppen av hodebunnen min. Jeg har aldri klaget til henne, men jeg måtte si noe. Jeg sa at hun ikke hadde noe rødt, bortsett fra i panneluggene mine, n på hodet mitt. Svaret hennes var slett ikke det jeg trodde det ville være. Først burde hun be om unnskyldning og spørre meg hva som kan gjøres for å få det til å se bedre ut, siden jeg brukte nesten 200 dollar, men hun ble veldig defensiv. Jeg sa til henne at jeg ville komme overens, men jeg ville bare fikse det. Jeg sendte bildet av henne for å se hva jeg snakket om. Hun sa at jeg skulle fikse det, men jeg må betale for varen. Jeg spurte når det var det nærmeste jeg kunne få det fikset, n hun sa 2 uker! Sprøtt, så jeg sa ja, det var jeg som avtalte det. Vi skal kl. 13.00. Så ringte hun tilbake og spurte om jeg kunne gjøre 10am, og jeg sa at jeg ikke kunne så vi ble kl. 13.00. Endelig, den dagen jeg skulde komme til salongen, sendte hun tekstmelding til meg klokken 9 om morgenen, og sa at hun nettopp kom ut av legevakten n kunne ikke gjøre det! Så fulgte jeg opp med henne for å se når hun skulle fullføre det uten at hun har svart noen meldinger eller telefoner! Veldig uprofesjonelt, og jeg kunne ikke tro at hun ville gjøre det. Jeg har aldri hatt en slik kundeopplevelse igjen. Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I started going to Krystie Kissow about a year ago and she made my hair three times total. The first two times she did my hair was good. I wanted a change, so we took drastic colors. Even though she took a long time, I was happy. The second time went well, too, still a little long, but no problem. This last and last time I told her that I wanted it black with a partial head with red highlights. When she was done after four and a half hours, I saw that I didn't see Red at all. She told her not to worry about it showing. I washed my hair several times, n after 2 weeks it wasn't red except for my bangs, n to the top of my scalp. I never complained to her, but I had to say something. I told her she had nothing red, except in my bangs, on my head. Her answer was not at all what I thought it would be. First, she should apologize and ask me what can be done to make it look better, since I spent almost $200, but she became very defensive. I told her I'd get along, but I just wanted to fix it. I sent her picture to see what I was talking about. She told me to fix it, but I have to pay for the product. I asked her when it was the closest I could get it fixed, when she said 2 weeks! Crazy, so I said yes. I'm the one who set it up. We're going at 1:00. Then she called me back and asked me to do 10am, and I said I couldn't make it to 1:00. At last, on the day that I was to come to the drawing room, she texted me at 9 a.m., saying that she was just coming out of the emergency room. Then I followed her up to see when she would finish it without answering any messages or phone calls! Very unprofessional, and I couldn't believe she would do it. I've never had a customer experience like this again. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
This is the best thin crust pizza i've had in a long time. I'm always skeptical going into a place for a pizza but this place rocked. The crust was cooked perfectly. A big plus is that they are around the corner and there is plenty of parking.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,918 | Dette er den beste pizzaen jeg har smakt på lenge. Jeg er alltid skeptisk til å gå inn på et sted for en pizza, men dette stedet var kult. Jordskorpen var perfekt kokt. Et stort pluss er at de er rundt hjørnet og det er massevis av parkering. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | This is the best pizza I've had in a long time. I'm always skeptical about going into a place for a pizza, but this place was cool. The crust of the earth was perfectly cooked. A big plus is that they're around the corner and there's lots of parking. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | If god was to open the heavens and deliver us a fast food joint right in the heart of the city then this place is it .. let me reiterate if your on yelp and your looking for a place to fill your gullet with the best tasting fast food ever then this place it is .. again 1 more time STOP SEARCHING AND EAT HERE. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,919 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Hvis Gud skulle åpne himmelen og gi oss en fast føde rett i hjertet av byen så er dette stedet det .. la meg gjenta hvis din on yelp og du leter etter et sted å fylle din kant med den beste smaking fast food noensinne .. la meg gjenta hvis din på yelp og du leter etter et sted å fylle din kant med beste smaking fast food noensinne ...... igjen en mer gang STOP SEARCHING OG EAT HER. | If God were to open the sky and give us a solid food right in the heart of the city, then this place is that..let me repeat if your on yelp and you are looking for a place to fill your edge with the best taste fast food ever. Let me repeat if yours on yelp and you are looking for a place to fill your edge with the best taste fast food ever... once again STOP SEARCHING AND EAT HER. |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
Gisteravond na de overweldigende reviews op Yelp hier gegeten. Goed, maar geen 5*. Lief wilde per se een Pekingeend en ik wilde absoluut niet nogmaals bij Pearl eten. Eerder een zeer teleurstellende ervaring gehad. Maar dat is voor een andere review. Lief had zogezegd de Pekingeend, ik de beef with asperagus and black pepper. Vooraf - weer ingestonken - pot stickers en fried shrimp. Zeg maar iets met ogen en maag. Way to much. Dat moeten we echt niet meer doen. Waarom geen 5 sterren? Eten was goed, uitstekend zelf, maar de service miste een beetje. Het was een drukke doordeweekse avond en mijn lief had eigenlijk de hele eend op tafel verwacht. Maar in plaats daarvan kwam er zonder overleg eerst de buns met het vel en pas na 15 minuten de rest van de eend. Minpuntje. Duurde te lang. Verder uitstekend, en zeer betaalbaar. Was aangenaam verrast. Heb voor het eerst een doggy bag gevraagd. Zojuist de potstickers opgewarmd en ook dan nog steeds heerlijk.....Als je in Vegas bent: doen. KJ's Kitchen wordt zeker toegevoegd aan onze standaard to-do-list. Naast The Omelet House (Charleston), The Naked Fish, Hakkasan en Il Fornaio.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,920 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Gisteravond na de overveide omtale op Yelp hier gegeten. Goed, maar geen 5*. Længdespæln per see een Pekingeinden en ik gælen absolut nit nogmaals bij Pearl eten. Eerder een zeer teleurstelling ervaring gehad. Maar dat er voor een andere review. Lief hadde zogezegd de Pekingeend, ik de beef med asperagus og svart pepper. Vooraf - werner wercontonken - potteklistress en friterte reke. Seg maar iets met igen en maag. Sånn som mye. Tipp-Moeten, vi tar techt niet meer doen. - Er det en fjellgeen 5 Sterren? Eten var goed, uitstekend zelf, maar de service mise een beetje. Het var een drukke dørdeukse avond en mj beif hadde eigenlijk de hele eend op taffel verwacht. Maar i plaats daarvan kwam er zonder overleg enerst de buns met het vel en pas na 15 minitn de hvile van de eend. Minppunkt. Duurde te lang. Verder uitsgrund, en zeer betaalbaar. - Det var en anangnam verast. Hektor het erst eerst een dogg veske gevraagd. Zojuist de potstickers upgewarmd en och ook nog stees heerlijk .....Als je i Vegas bøyd: doen. KJ's kjøkken ordt zeker toegeveegd aan onze standaard to-do-list. Naast The Omelet House (Kjernehuset), Den nakne fisken, Hakkasan en Il Fornaio. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? Gisteravond now they considered discussing up Yelp hier geget. Goed, ma'am. A Pekingeinden is an absolut nit nogmaals bij Pearl ether. So it's a zero teleurs counting warning gehad. But that's a different review. Lief had zogezegd de Pekingeend, ik de beef with asperagus and black pepper. Vooraf - werner wercontonken - pot bristles a fried shrimp. It's a maar mete, even a maag. Like a lot of things. TIP-Moet, we'll take the techt nine meer toilet. - Is that a 5 Sterren mountainge? Ethene was goed, uitstekend zelf, must be servicing a beetje. He was a droopy door hawk avond a mj beif had the whole thing up the taffle verwacht. Maar in Plaats daarvan kwam is zonder more than than the best de bons met was a pas na 15 minith they rest before the eend. Mink point. Duurde tea long. Worth uitsgraund, a zeer beta-albaar. - It was an anangnam verst. The Hector's name is an extra bag of gevraagd. Zojuist de potstickers upgewarmd en ook nog steps heerlijk....Als i Vegas bent: the toilet. KJ's kitchen word zeker toegeveegd an onze standard to-do-list. Naast The Omega House, the Naked Fish, Hakkasan en Il Fornaio. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Met Dr. Chad Stewart after a fall. While he didn't UHC at the time, there was a very reasonable pay plan that worked well within my budget. Massage chairs, TENS unit, roller table, 15 min massage and adjustment are all included in the visit price. The only thing that would make it better if I could have a full hour massage!
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,921 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? m.m. Dr. Chad Stewart etter fall. Selv om han ikke hadde UHC på den tiden, var det en svært rimelig lønnsplan som fungerte godt innenfor budsjettet mitt. Massestoler, TERS-enheter, rullebord, 15 minutters massasje og justering er alle inkludert i besøksprisen. Det eneste som ville gjøre det bedre om jeg kunne få en hel times massasje! VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Dr. Chad Stewart after a fall. Although he did not have UHC at the time, a very reasonable wage plan worked well within my budget. Mass chairs, TERS units, rolling tables, 15 minutes massage and adjustment are all included in the visitor price. The only thing that would make it better if I could get a full hour massage! VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
I was looking for unique bath products and read about Sweet Bubble in the Summerlin Area View. I went to the Boca Park location and couldn't find it, so I called the shop. The woman who answered the phone was friendly and helpful, she told me their shop was across from Kona Grill. Luckily, I was able to get a spot right in front, but I could see where parking would be difficult here. They have 30 minute spaces in the front of the shop, however, I'm uncertain how frequently it is monitored. I walked in the store and was greeted immediately by the woman I spoke to on the phone. She didn't explain any of the products to me, other than how they were made, which was fine with me since I was in a bit of a hurry. I purchased a six pack of cupcakes, 6 bath bombes, and a box of 4 macarons for my master bath. I'll definitely go back when I have more time to explore their products. More expensive than most bath products, however, they smell and look wonderful. Can't wait to use them!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,922 | Jeg lette etter unike badeprodukter og leste om « Sweet Buse » i « Summerlin Area View ». Jeg dro til Boca Park og fant den ikke, så jeg ringte butikken. Kvinnen som tok telefonen, var vennlig og hjelpsom, og hun fortalte meg at butikken deres lå rett overfor Kona Grill. Heldigvis fikk jeg en plass foran, men jeg kunne se hvor det ville være vanskelig å parkere her. De har 30 minutters mellomrom foran på verkstedet, men jeg er usikker på hvor ofte det er overvåket. Jeg gikk inn i butikken og ble møtt med en gang av den kvinnen jeg snakket med på telefonen. Hun forklarte ikke noen av produktene for meg, annet enn hvordan de ble laget, noe som var greit for meg siden jeg hadde det litt travelt. Jeg kjøpte seks muffins, 6 badebomber og en eske med 4 araroner til badet mitt. Jeg skal definitivt gå tilbake når jeg har mer tid til å utforske produktene deres. Men de er dyrere enn de fleste badeprodukter, men de lukter og ser fantastiske ut. Kan ikke vente med å bruke dem! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I looked for unique bath products and read about the Sweet Booge in Summerlin Area View. I went to Boca Park and couldn't find it, so I called the store. The woman who answered the phone was kind and helpful, and she told me that their store was opposite Kona Grill. Fortunately, I got a seat in front, but I could see where it would be difficult to park here. They have 30 minutes gaps in the front of the workshop, but I'm not sure how often it's monitored. I went into the store and was met immediately by the woman I was talking to on the phone. She did not explain any of the products to me, other than how they were made, which was fine with me because I was in a hurry. I bought six cupcakes, six bath bombs, and a box of 4 aranones for my bathroom. I'll definitely go back when I have more time to explore your products. But they are more expensive than most bath products, but they smell and look fantastic. Can't wait to use them! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Our regular Chinese place was closed for the weekend, so my boyfriend, room mate and I tried Flamingo Fallace.. Literally wish I went to sleep for the night instead. First I specifically ordered cream cheese crab puffs and when I noticed I received just regular fried wontons I became annoyed. And after I tried my orange chicken I was less than happy. My boyfriend's chicken fried rice tasted as if it had been sitting for hours.. Definitely not fresh, or remotely close. My roommates sesame chicken tasted & looked the same, awful. When I brought the food back 3 asian women were waiting to confront me, heated more than I was. I started to explain that the food was terrible and i'd like a full refund. One woman became defensive and interrupted me before I could even tell her what was wrong. She would not listen to me because i "didn't even try the rice" as if the old fried rice was about to change my mind on a $45 order of shit. I was appalled with how this woman talked to me and how she tried to make ME feel bad because I didn't like the food. Even after only eating 1/5 of my orange chicken I was sick through out the night and the next morning with diarrhea and nausea. Sorry if it's too much info but I thought I'd be honest and save you the pain and suffering of eating this terrible food. Do yourself a favor and try somewhere else. Noodles & Rice is way cheaper and a million times better. YOU ARE WELCOME!
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,923 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Det vanlige kinesiske stedet vårt var stengt i helgen, så kjæresten min, romkameraten min og jeg prøvde oss på Flamingo Fallace. Jeg skulle ønske jeg sovnet for natten i stedet. Først bestilte jeg fløteostekraps, og da jeg la merke til at jeg fikk vanlige wontoner, ble jeg irritert. Og etter at jeg prøvde kyllingen min, var jeg mindre lykkelig. Min kjærestes kyllingris smakte som om den hadde sittet i timevis, i hvert fall ikke fersk eller nær. Romkameratene mine sasam, kylling smakte og så like ut, forferdelig. Da jeg kom med maten tilbake, ventet 3 asiatkvinner på å konfrontere meg, opphisset mer enn jeg var. Jeg begynte å forklare at maten var forferdelig og jeg vil ha tilbakebetaling. En kvinne kom i en forsvarsposisjon og avbrøt meg før jeg i det hele tatt kunne fortelle henne hva som var i veien. Hun ville ikke høre på meg fordi jeg ikke engang prøvde risen, som om den gamle risen skulle få meg til å ombestemme meg på en drittordning verdt 45 dollar. Jeg var forferdet over hvordan denne kvinnen snakket til meg, og hvordan hun prøvde å få meg til å føle meg dårlig fordi jeg ikke likte maten. Selv etter at jeg hadde spist 1/5 av min appelsinkylling, var jeg ute om kvelden og neste morgen med diaré og kvalme. Beklager om det er for mye info men jeg tenkte jeg ville være ærlig og spare deg smerten og lidelsen av å spise denne forferdelige maten. Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og prøv et annet sted. Nudler & Rice er så billigere og en million ganger bedre. DERE ER VELKOMMEN! VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? Our usual Chinese place was closed this weekend, so my boyfriend, my roommate, and I went to Flamingo Fallace. I wish I'd fallen asleep for the night instead. First, I ordered cream cheeseraps, and when I noticed that I had regular wontons, I became irritated. And after I tried my chicken, I was less happy. My girlfriend's chicken rice tasted like it'd been sitting for hours, at least not fresh or close. My roommates were sasam, chicken tasted and looked the same, terrible. When I brought the food back, 3 Asian women waited to confront me, aroused more than I was. I started explaining that the food was terrible and I want a refund. A woman became defensive and interrupted me before I could even tell her what was wrong. She wouldn't listen to me because I didn't even try the rice, like that old rice was gonna change my mind on a $45-dollar-shit scheme. I was horrified at how this woman spoke to me and how she tried to make me feel bad because I didn’t like the food. Even after eating 1/5 of my orange chicken, I was out at night and the next morning with diarrhea and nausea. I'm sorry if it's too much information but I thought I'd be honest and spare you the pain and suffering of eating this terrible food. Do yourself a favor and try somewhere else. Noodles & Rice are so cheaper and a million times better. You're the best! VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Fast and great service. My husband and I came here by the suggestion of our family in Vegas, I read the reviews and Yelp, and I was not disappointed. First of, it's a small, cozy venue. Greeted really nicely. Reasonably priced. We could not decide on the flavors of pancakes so we had 3 short stacks: banana cream pie, red velvet, and bacon pancakes. Plus we had a side order of the Portuguese sausage. Everything was delicious. My husband loves the red velvet. It was not super sweet, just perfect favors. Enjoy!!
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,924 | Rask og stor tjeneste. Mannen min og jeg kom hit av forslag fra vår familie i Vegas, jeg leste anmelderne og Yelp, og jeg var ikke skuffet. For det første er det et lite, koselig sted. Graset ganske pent. - Det er rimelig priset. Vi kunne ikke bestemme oss for smaken på pannekaker, så vi hadde 3 korte stabeler: bananpai, rød fløyel og baconpannekaker. Pluss at vi hadde en siderekkefølge av den portugisiske pølsen. Alt var deilig. Mannen min elsker den røde fargen. Det var ikke supersøt, bare perfekt. Det er det som er så spennende! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Quick and big favor. My husband and I came here on suggestions from our family in Vegas, I read the reviewers and Yelp, and I wasn't disappointed. First of all, it's a nice little place. Grassed pretty good. - It's a fair price. We couldn’t decide on the flavor of pancakes, so we had three short stacks: banana pie, red velvet, and bacon pancakes. Plus, we had a side order of the Portuguese sausage. Everything was delicious. My husband loves the red color. It wasn't super cute, just perfect. That's what's so exciting! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
My husband & I were on our way to visit AZ this past Summer from northern CA. Our 2000 Ford broke down in the desert 50 miles outside Phoenix. Triple A towtruck came and the driver guessed it was our alternator. We were staying in Chandler and Triple A advised Gruelich garage. It was about $450 for the repair (new alternator) and we were grateful to have it done that same day. The reason I can only give 2 stars is due to the fact they tried to "upsell" us and say that our brake pads were 90% worn. We declined the additional repair and had our regular mechanic back home inspect the brakes. He removed the 4 tires and had us come look at the brake pads that were fine.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,925 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Min mann og jeg var på vei for å besøke AZ denne sommeren fra den nordlige CA. 2000 Ford brøt sammen i ørkenen 50 km utenfor Phoenix. En sleptruck kom, og sjåføren gjettet at det var vår dynamo. Vi bodde i Triple A i Gruelich garasje. Det var omtrent 450 kroner til reparasjonen (ny dynamo) og vi var takknemlige for at den ble utført samme dag. Grunnen til at jeg bare kan gi 2 stjerner skyldes at de prøvde å<unk>oppselle<unk> oss og si at bremseklossene våre var i minus. Vi avsto reparasjonen og hadde vår faste mekaniker hjemme og sjekket bremsene. Han fjernet de 4 dekkene og skulle vi se på bremseklossene som var bra. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? My husband and I were on our way to visit AZ this summer from northern CA. 2000 Ford collapsed in the desert 30 miles outside of Phoenix. A tow trucker came by, and the driver guessed it was our dynamo. We lived in Triple A in Gruelich's garage. There was about $45 for the repair (new dynamo) and we were grateful that it was done on the same day. The reason I can only give 2 stars is because they tried to pull the brakes on us and say our brake blocks were negative. We declined the repair and had our regular mechanic at home and checked the brakes. He removed the four tires and we were to look at the good brake blocks. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
We recently used Bruce Brown Catering for a small family event in our home over the 4th of July Weekend. Upon entering our home we were blown away by the transformation of our living & kitchen into this beautiful party set up. (Highly recommend the fruit & cheese extravaganza). Bruce & his staff (especially Susan) were absolutely the best! Whatever my requests were they were on top of it and made it all seem so easy :) There was never a dish left sitting empty or a glass for that matter! They were very attentive without being noticed. They just blended right into our crowd. The food was great and the service was incredible! Our party went on later than we needed their services and they swooped everything up (unnoticed to my guests) and packed all leftovers into my refrigerator and silently snuck out of the door! I would use Bruce Brown again & again! Thank you for helping us make this special event magical!!
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,926 | Vi har nylig brukt Bruce Brown Catering til et lite familiearrangement i vårt hjem i løpet av den 4. juli. Da vi kom hjem til oss, ble vi blåst bort av at vårt levende & kjøkken ble forvandlet til denne vakre festen som ble opprettet. (Høyst anbefale frukten & osten ekstravagante). Bruce & staben hans (særs Susan) var absolutt den beste! Uansett hva jeg ønsket meg, var de oppå den og fikk det hele til å virke så lett:) Det var aldri et eneste fat som stod tomt igjen, eller et glass for den saks skyld! De var svært oppmerksomme uten å bli lagt merke til. De bare glir rett inn i mengden. Maten var stor og gudstjenesten utrolig! Festen vår fortsatte senere enn vi trengte deres tjenester og de snappet opp alt (uten at gjestene mine hørte det) og pakket alle rester i kjøleskapet mitt og snek seg ut av døren! Jeg ville bruke Bruce Brown igjen & igjen! Takk for at dere hjalp oss med å gjøre denne spesielle begivenheten til et magisk mirakel!!!! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | We have recently used Bruce Brown Catering for a small family event in our home during July 4. When we arrived at our home, we were blown away by the transformation of our living & kitchen into this beautiful festival that was established. (Highly recommend the fruit & cheese extravagance). Bruce’s staff (Susan, in particular) was certainly the best! No matter what I wanted, they were on top of it and made it all seem so easy:) There was never a plate left empty, or a glass for that matter! They were very attentive without being noticed. They just slide right into the crowd. The food was great and the service was amazing! Our party continued later than we needed their services and they intercepted everything (without my guests hearing it) and packed all the leftovers in my refrigerator and snuck out the door! I wanted to use Bruce Brown again! Thank you for helping us make this special event a magical miracle!!!! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
They delivered late which was great as an alternative to Sushi Express but the texture of their sushi was a little off. To mushy to be able to taste the different parts of the roll. Not bad for delivery at 11pm but certainly not as good as my go to, sushi express.
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,927 | De leverte sent som var stort som et alternativ til Sushi Express men teksturen på sushien deres var litt av. For å bli ettertraktet for å kunne smake på de ulike delene av rullen. Ikke dårlig for levering klokken 23.00, men ikke så bra som min tur til, sushi. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | They delivered late, which was big as an alternative to Sushi Express, but the texture on their sushi was a little off. To be sought after to taste the different parts of the scroll. Not bad for delivery at 11:00, but not as good as my turn, sushi. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a negative review for a place. | Very average. The big eye app was not fresh. The Kobe beef carpaccio was flavorless and seemed like it might have been seared. I left it at that before diving into a very overpriced steak | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,928 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | I snitt. Den store øyeappen var ikke frisk. Kodebiff-carpaccioen var smakløs og så ut som den kan ha blitt svidd. Jeg lot den stå på den før jeg stupte inn i en veldig overprist biff | On average. The big eye app wasn't well. The beef carpaccio was tasteless and looked like it might have been burned. I left it on it before I dived into a very overpriced steak. |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
"It looks like a methadone clinic in there." This was my friend's assessment of The Western as we ran west on Fremont away from the facility and towards the warm, welcoming lights of Fremont East. I've never been to a methadone clinic, but I've watched enough Intervention to know when someone has had their life fill of drug and alcohol abuse. Those folks are the majority client base of The Western. Here's what you need to know about The Western. 1. It's closing. Soon. Get a whiff of the floors that smell like they were sprayed with Marlboro-edition Febreze while you can people. 2. The drinks are cheap. I got a 70/30 ratio Maker's and Coke for $1 and had I the liver of a first semester college freshman, this drink would've sustained me for a night and left me with a very ugly hangover. Yes, the drinks come in smaller than average glasses, but when the drink is all liquor, what does it matter? You get way more than you pay for and I think it's only because they were trying to clean out the bar. 3. The people watching is free and at your own risk. In the roughly 120 minutes I spent at The Western (twice in one night...yes, we left and then CAME BACK), I saw three pimps-one with Coolio braids and a stunning lavender duster and matching pants, a homeless man karaoke-ing to "Wind Beneath My Wings" (Better Middler....LOOK OUT), many homeless and/or mentally ill people self-medicating at the bar with cheap alcohol and lots of booze induced bump and grinding. Lots of midriffs that shouldn't have been visible. Lots of teeth missing from gums. Lots and lots and lots to look at. It was sensory overload at its best. Do not make eye contact. Do not stare. Pretty similar to being in a hostage situation but with cheap drinks. 4. It is two blocks east of 7th on Fremont. For those of you who frequent Fremont East, you know that 7th is the cut off. You don't walk past 7th, you don't LOOK past 7th. The most interaction you have with 7th is street parking and even then once you hit Fremont, you just run until you get to 6th. The Western does not even meet the minimum for dive bar status, and I wouldn't recommend you go out of your way to pay homage to this dying institution. However, if you're already on Fremont and happen to be invited to "check it out," I'd go for the raw entertainment value. And value drinks. I'm serious you guys 70/30 mixed cocktails. Possibly 80/20.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,929 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Det ser ut som en klinikk der inne. Dette var min venns vurdering av The Western da vi løp vestover på Fremont borte fra anlegget og mot de varme, velkomstlysene i Fremont East. Jeg har aldri vært på en klinikk, men jeg har sett nok Intervention til å vite når noen har hatt sin livsnødvendighet av narkotika og alkoholmisbruk. Det er de som er majoriteten av den vestlige verdens klientbase. Her er hva du må vite om The Western. 1 . Det er snart slutt. Snart. Få et glimt av gulvene som lukter som om de ble sprayet med Marlborre-edition febrize mens du kan folk. 2 . Det er billig å drikke. Jeg fikk 70/30-forhold for $1 og hadde jeg leveren til første semester førsteårsstudent, ville denne drinken holdt meg i en natt og gitt meg en veldig stygg bakrus. Ja, drikkene kommer i mindre enn vanlige glass, men når drikken bare er brennevin, hva spiller det egentlig noen rolle? Du får mye mer enn du betaler for og jeg tror det er bare fordi de prøvde å rydde ut av baren. 3 . Folk som ser på er fri og på eget ansvar. I løpet av de omtrent 120 minuttene jeg tilbrakte på The Western (to ganger om en natt ...ja, vi dro og deretter CAME BAK), så jeg tre halker-en med Coolio-fletter og en bedøvende lavendelstøver og matchende bukser, en hjemløs mann karaoke-ing til<unk>Wind Under My Wings<unk> (Better Middler....LOOK UUT), mange hjemløse og/eller mentalt syke mennesker som selvmedisinerererer på baren med billig alkohol og mye alkohol og alkohol, og mye alkohol som er i veien og smultring. Masse midtriff som ikke skulle vært synlig. Mange tenner mangler i tannkjøtt. Det er masse og masse å se på. Den var overbelastet på sitt beste. Ikke ta øyekontakt. Ikke stirr. Omtrent som å være i en gisselsituasjon, men med drinker. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller Den ligger to kvartaler øst for 7. gate på Fremont. For de av dere som er på Fremont East, vet dere at 7th er avskåret. Du går ikke forbi 7., du tar ikke over 7. Det mest interaksjon man har med 7. er gateparkering og selv da når man treffer Fremont, løper man bare til man kommer til 6. De vestlige klarer ikke engang minstegrensen for status som dykkebar, og jeg vil ikke anbefale deg å gjøre noe for å hylle denne institusjonen. Men hvis du allerede er på Fremont og tilfeldigvis er invitert til å sjekke det ut, - ville jeg gått for rå underholdningsverdi. Og verdiinnslag. Jeg mener det, dere kan ta 70/30 blandingscocktails. Muligens 80/20. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? It looks like a clinic in there. This was my friend's assessment of The Western when we ran west on Fremont away from the compound and toward the hot, welcome lights of Fremont East. I've never been to a clinic, but I've seen enough Intervention to know when someone's had their life needs from drugs and alcohol abuse. These are the majority of Western client base. Here's what you need to know about The Western. One. It's almost over. Soon. Get a glimpse of the floors that smell like they were sprayed with Marlborre-edition February while you know how to do people. Two. Drink is cheap. I got 70/30 ratios for $1 and if I had the liver for my first semester freshman, this drink would have held me for one night and given me a very ugly hangover. Yes, the drinks come in less than ordinary glasses, but when the drink is just liquor, what does it really matter? You get a lot more than you pay for and I think it's only because they tried to clean out the bar. Three. People watching are free and at their own risk. In the approximately 120 minutes I spent in the Western area, Lots of mid-iffs that shouldn't have been visible. Many teeth are missing in the gums. There's plenty to look at. It was overloaded at its best. Don't make eye contact. Don't stare. It's like being in a hostage situation, but with drinks. la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la It's two blocks east of 7th Street on Fremont. For those of you who are on Fremont East, you know 7th is cut off. You're not going past 7. You're not going to take over 7. The most interaction you have with the 7th is street parking, and even then when you meet Fremont, you just run until you get to 6. The Westerns can't even handle the minimum status of diving bar, and I wouldn't recommend you do anything to pay homage to this institution. But if you're already at Fremont and you happen to be invited to check it out, I'd go for the raw entertainment value. And some valuables. I mean, you can do 70/30 cocktails. Possibly 80/20. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
5 stars for the very friendly and accommodating staff. Always smiles and excellent service from them every time I go in. Oh and the dogs are pretty awesome too. Really liked the Angry Kimchi fries the first time I ordered them but was too oily the next couple times around.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,930 | 5 stjerner for den meget vennlige og imøtekommende stab. Alltid smil og god service fra dem hver gang jeg går inn. Å og hundene er også ganske ålreit. Jeg likte Angry Kimchi pommes frites første gang jeg bestilte dem, men var for oljete de neste par gangene. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Five stars for the very friendly and accommodating staff. Always smile and good service from them every time I go in. Oh, and the dogs are pretty cool too. I liked Angry Kimchi fries the first time I ordered them, but I was too oily the next couple of times. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Imagine taking a stack of sliced salami, maybe 15 slices thick and taking a nice bite out of it. That is the equivalent of eating a burger from this Kmart brand nostalgia restaurant. The fake old-timey roadhouse decor is a reflection of the fake food: looks nice on the outside, but tastes like rubber. Their burgers are too salty, like compacted hockey pucks -they taste more like a slice of bologna, than supple, crispy seared beef.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,931 | Tenk deg å ta en bunke salamami, kanskje 15 skiver tykk og ta en bit av den. Det er det samme som å spise en burger fra denne Kmart-merket nostalgirestauranten. Det falske, gammeldagse veikrodekoret er en refleksjon av den falske maten: ser fint ut på utsiden, men smaker som gummi. Burgerne er for salte, som sammenslåtte hockeypupper. De smaker mer som en skive bologna enn som smuldret, sprø, rått kjøtt. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Imagine taking a stack of salamami, maybe 15 slices thick and biting it. It's the same as eating a burger from this Kmart-labelled nostalgia restaurant. The false, old - fashioned roadside choir is a reflection of the fake food: it looks fine on the outside but tastes like rubber. The burgers are too salty, like rolled hockey tits, they taste more like a slice of bologna than crumbled, crisp, raw meat. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Never any meat on the sandwich, and the employees overcharge without explanation. Ive been to other subway stores that are not that bad but this one takes the cake. Will not be going back. It's hilarious to watch the employee count the amount of slices of meat they put on your sandwich and if you ask for extra they put two more slices on and charge you two more dollars. RIP OFF!
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,932 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Aldri noe kjøtt på smørbrødet, og de ansatte overopptar uten forklaring. Jeg har vært i andre T-banestasjoner som ikke er så ille, men denne tar kaka. Kommer ikke til å dra tilbake. Det er morsomt å se de ansatte telle hvor mye kjøttskiver de har på smørbrødet ditt og hvis du ber om ekstra, setter de to skiver til på og tar to dollar til. RIKRIKE! VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? No meat on the sandwich, and the employees take over without explanation. I've been to other subway stations that aren't so bad, but this one takes the cake. I'm not going back. It's fun to see the employees count how much meat they have on your sandwich and if you ask for extra, put the two slices on and charge two more dollars. EMPIRE! VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a positive yelp review. | Great coffee! The outdoor seating and coffee was a perfect way to end a Arizona vacation. It was crowded on the Sunday afternoon we went, but there is plenty of seating and a variety of rooms and couches to sit on. The food looked good too. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,933 | Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a positive yelp review. | Flott kaffe! Seteplassene og kaffen var en perfekt måte å avslutte ferien i Arizona på. Det var fullt søndag ettermiddag vi dro, men det er mye sitteplass og en rekke rom og sofaer å sitte på. Maten så også bra ut. | Great coffee! Seats and coffee were a perfect way to end their vacation in Arizona. It was full on Sunday afternoon, but there are plenty of seats and a lot of rooms and couches to sit on. The food looked good too. |
My husband and I built a house with Richmond and were very disappointed with the craftsmanship. We had numerous issues with the house during construction that were just patched up and never actually fixed. Since we moved in we have been ignored by the staff when bringing up issues or just asking questions. They are supposed to repair problems for the first year and we have only lived here 3 months. We live next door to the model homes in our community and when we went into the office to ask if they could please trim the trees that were growing over into our yard they seemed "put out" when I came home from work the next day the tree in the backyard was trimmed but they left all the branches in my yard, complete disrespect an very unprofessional. I will never Do business with them again I also do not recommend using their title agency our loan officer told us that she didn't have time to answer our questions about the loan...ummm..isn't that your job? She was also incredibly rude every time we spoke
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,934 | Min mann og jeg bygde et hus med Richmond og ble svært skuffet over håndverket. Vi hadde mange problemer med huset under byggingen som bare var lappet sammen og aldri egentlig fikset. Siden vi flyttet inn, er vi blitt ignorert av de ansatte når de tar opp spørsmål eller bare stiller spørsmål. De skal reparere problemer det første året, og vi har bare bodd her i 3 måneder. Vi bor ved siden av modellboligene i vårt nærmiljø og når vi gikk inn på kontoret for å spørre om de kunne være så snill å trimme trærne som vokste over inn i hagen vår de syntes<unk>utlagt<unk> da jeg kom hjem fra jobb neste dag treet i bakgården var trimmet men de forlot alle grenene i hagen min, fullstendig respektløst en veldig uprofesjon. Jeg vil aldri gjøre forretninger med dem igjen Jeg anbefaler heller ikke å bruke deres tittelbyrå låneansvarlige fortalte oss at hun ikke hadde tid til å svare på våre spørsmål om lånet ...ummm. er ikke det din jobb? Hun var også utrolig frekk hver gang vi snakket sammen Hvordan ville denne anmeldelsen bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive | My husband and I built a house with Richmond and were very disappointed in the craft. We had a lot of problems with the house during the construction that was just patched up and never really fixed. Since we moved in, we have been ignored by our employees when they raise questions or just ask questions. They're fixing problems for the first year, and we've only lived here for three months. We live next to the model homes in our community and when we went into the office to ask if they could kindly trim the trees that grew into our garden they thought<unk> was displayed when I came home from work the next day the tree in the backyard was trimmed but they left all the branches of my garden, completely disrespectfully a very unprofessional one. I will never do business with them again either. I do not recommend using your title agency loan officers told us that she did not have time to answer our questions about the loan. ...umm. Isn't that your job? She was also incredibly rude every time we spoke how would this review be described for feelings? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Yum! Gave it a try for lunch and I am glad I did! The server, Mykkhul, was an awesome guy. I gave it 5 stars because of him, and we will be back to try other things on the menu!
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,935 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Yum! Prøvde å få lunsj, og jeg er glad for at jeg gjorde det! Tjeneren, Mykkhul, var en ærefryktinngytende fyr. Jeg ga den 5 stjerner på grunn av ham, og vi kommer tilbake for å prøve andre ting på menyen! VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Yum! I tried to get lunch, and I'm glad I did! The servant, Mykkhul, was an awe - inspiring fellow. I gave it five stars because of him, and we're coming back to try other things on the menu! VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Didn't even get to go into the place because we were not allowed in because we were wearing tank tops. The lady followed it up by letting us know that they sell T-shirts for $15. $55 for a buffet? No thanks. It was 115 degrees outside and I was not going to wear a shirt!! Thanks but no thanks Wynn. You let myself and my friends down.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,936 | Vi fikk ikke engang gå inn fordi vi ikke fikk komme inn fordi vi hadde på oss topper. Damen fulgte det opp ved å la oss vite at de selger T-skjorter for 15 dollar. En dollar for en buff? Nei takk. Det var 115 grader utenfor, og jeg ville ikke gå med skjorte! Takk, men nei takk. Du sviktet meg selv og mine venner. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | We couldn't even go in because we couldn't get in because we were wearing tops. The lady followed it up by letting us know they're selling $15 T-shirts. A dollar for a buffet? No, thank you. It was 115 degrees outside, and I didn't want to wear a shirt! Thank you, but no, thank you. You betrayed me and my friends. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
First, this review is for DINNER. THE MENU has a good selection of Indian fare. The mixed tandoori grill and two mixed feasts represent a good mix of Indian dishes for those new to Indian food. THE FOOD was excellent. I am no expert of Indian food, but everyone raved about it. My tamarind shrimp was definitely spicy, but not excessively so. The mixed tandoori grill was excellent for those who do not like spicy food. THE PRESENTATION was good, especially for the mixed feasts and the grill. instead of just slopping the various dishes on the plate, each one is in a nice stainless container. THE SERVICE was excellent, even though we had a large party. We had several people who had never eaten Indian food and the waiter took the time to explain the various dishes, how to eat them and various nuances of Indian food. RECOMMEND
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,771,937 | Denne gjennomgangen er først og fremst for DINNER. MÅNU har et godt utvalg av indianerfart. Blandingstandoorigrillen og to blandingsmåltidene utgjør en god blanding av indianerretter for de som er nygifte med indisk mat. MATEN var utmerket. Jeg er ingen ekspert på indisk mat, men alle er helt vill etter den. Tamarindreken min var definitivt sterk, men ikke overdrevent. Blandingstandoorigrillen var utmerket for de som ikke liker krydret mat. PRESENTASJONEN var god, spesielt når det gjaldt blandingsfestene og grillingen. i stedet for bare å ta oppvaskene på tallerkenen, er hver av dem i en god beholder. TJENESTETJEN var utmerket, selv om vi hadde et stort parti. Vi hadde flere folk som aldri hadde spist indisk mat og kelneren tok seg tid til å forklare de forskjellige rettene, hvordan de skulle spise dem og forskjellige nyanser av indisk mat. ANBEFA Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive | This review is primarily for DINNER. MONNU has a great range of Indian speeds. The blender baroorigrill and two blending meals provide a fine mixture of Indian dishes for newlyweds with Indian food. THE MATHE was excellent. I'm not an expert on Indian food, but everybody's crazy about it. My Tamarine was definitely strong, but not excessive. The mixed-standoorigrill was excellent for those who dislike spicy food. PRESENTATION was good, especially in the blending parties and barbecues. rather than just do the dishes on the plate, each one is in a good container. THE service was excellent, even though we had a large party. We had several people who had never eaten Indian food and the waiter took time to explain the different dishes, how to eat them, and various shades of Indian food. RECOMMEND How will this chart be described for feelings? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Subsets and Splits