Dataset Viewer
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What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, red spotlight
basket, blue spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, ceiling light
tape, red spotlight
paper roll, blue spotlight
brush, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
whale, blue spotlight
cup, red spotlight
whale, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
yarn, white spotlight
whale, blue spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tomato, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
brush, white spotlight
basket, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
whale, red spotlight
basket, blue spotlight
paper roll, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
whale, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
paper roll, ceiling light
sticker, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, white spotlight
greenapple, red spotlight
greenapple, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
plant, blue spotlight
sticker, blue spotlight
greenapple, white spotlight
tape, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
greenapple, white spotlight
cup, blue spotlight
tape, white spotlight
whale, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
paper roll, red spotlight
plant, white spotlight
cup, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
dolphin, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
plant, red spotlight
paper roll, green spotlight
tape, white spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, red spotlight
greenapple, ceiling light
basket, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tomato, white spotlight
tape, ceiling light
yarn, green spotlight
brush, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
basket, green spotlight
dolphin, green spotlight
tomato, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, ceiling light
paper roll, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
yarn, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, blue spotlight
yarn, green spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
brush, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
dolphin, blue spotlight
yarn, ceiling light
whale, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
sticker, green spotlight
paper roll, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, green spotlight
basket, blue spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, red spotlight
greenapple, white spotlight
whale, green spotlight
plant, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, blue spotlight
hard disk, red spotlight
dolphin, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
dolphin, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
whale, blue spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
hard disk, white spotlight
yarn, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
sticker, green spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
whale, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
basket, white spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
greenapple, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
greenapple, red spotlight
tomato, ceiling light
greenapple, white spotlight
tape, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
sticker, white spotlight
cup, white spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
plant, red spotlight
brush, red spotlight
tomato, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
dolphin, white spotlight
basket, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, white spotlight
tape, ceiling light
whale, ceiling light
plant, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
whale, blue spotlight
paper roll, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
brush, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, blue spotlight
greenapple, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
cup, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
tape, white spotlight
greenapple, ceiling light
yarn, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, green spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
hard disk, blue spotlight
sticker, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
plant, ceiling light
basket, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
cup, white spotlight
sticker, blue spotlight
tape, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
dolphin, green spotlight
plant, red spotlight
basket, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
plant, green spotlight
whale, red spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
basket, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
whale, white spotlight
brush, green spotlight
paper roll, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, red spotlight
plant, ceiling light
dolphin, ceiling light
dolphin, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, ceiling light
sticker, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
basket, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, white spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
tomato, ceiling light
yarn, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, green spotlight
tape, green spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
plant, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, ceiling light
whale, white spotlight
paper roll, white spotlight
tape, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
sticker, green spotlight
tomato, red spotlight
sticker, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, red spotlight
brush, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
dolphin, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
paper roll, blue spotlight
tape, ceiling light
greenapple, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
dolphin, white spotlight
brush, white spotlight
cup, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, red spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
whale, ceiling light
tape, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, blue spotlight
yarn, ceiling light
whale, white spotlight
paper roll, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, green spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
dolphin, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
sticker, ceiling light
dolphin, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
dolphin, red spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
cup, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, white spotlight
hard disk, white spotlight
whale, blue spotlight
cup, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
brush, blue spotlight
whale, red spotlight
basket, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, white spotlight
tape, red spotlight
plant, ceiling light
brush, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
brush, red spotlight
basket, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, green spotlight
sticker, ceiling light
tape, green spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
plant, ceiling light
hard disk, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, green spotlight
paper roll, blue spotlight
tape, white spotlight
brush, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, green spotlight
whale, red spotlight
dolphin, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
tape, ceiling light
whale, red spotlight
brush, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
yarn, blue spotlight
tape, ceiling light
brush, red spotlight
sticker, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, white spotlight
tape, white spotlight
paper roll, red spotlight
yarn, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, white spotlight
sticker, red spotlight
plant, white spotlight
greenapple, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, red spotlight
cup, ceiling light
dolphin, blue spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
hard disk, red spotlight
cup, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, white spotlight
tape, white spotlight
sticker, blue spotlight
brush, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
brush, red spotlight
dolphin, blue spotlight
sticker, ceiling light
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
plant, ceiling light
paper roll, blue spotlight
tape, red spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, white spotlight
cup, ceiling light
whale, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
greenapple, white spotlight
greenapple, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
plant, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, white spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
brush, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, white spotlight
greenapple, white spotlight
yarn, red spotlight
tomato, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tomato, ceiling light
greenapple, red spotlight
hard disk, ceiling light
tape, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
tomato, ceiling light
paper roll, blue spotlight
tape, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
tomato, green spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, ceiling light
greenapple, blue spotlight
yarn, ceiling light
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, blue spotlight
basket, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
cup, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, ceiling light
plant, blue spotlight
sticker, red spotlight
sticker, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, red spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
plant, ceiling light
hard disk, white spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
greenapple, white spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
whale, green spotlight
tomato, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
basket, green spotlight
basket, ceiling light
tape, white spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
hard disk, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
sticker, red spotlight
yarn, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
brush, green spotlight
dolphin, red spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
greenapple, green spotlight
sticker, white spotlight
tape, ceiling light
greenapple, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
cup, red spotlight
tape, red spotlight
plant, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, green spotlight
tomato, red spotlight
tape, white spotlight
paper roll, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, green spotlight
tape, white spotlight
yarn, white spotlight
tomato, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
dolphin, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
plant, white spotlight
brush, red spotlight
hard disk, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tomato, blue spotlight
tape, red spotlight
whale, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
dolphin, blue spotlight
sticker, green spotlight
cup, green spotlight
tape, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, red spotlight
tape, ceiling light
tape, green spotlight
yarn, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
sticker, green spotlight
tape, red spotlight
yarn, green spotlight
greenapple, blue spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
tape, green spotlight
plant, red spotlight
whale, ceiling light
dolphin, green spotlight
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
cup, blue spotlight
greenapple, ceiling light
tomato, blue spotlight
tape, ceiling light
What object and lighting condition are shown in this image?
paper roll, ceiling light
hard disk, blue spotlight
sticker, red spotlight
tape, green spotlight
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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