DOS Seal 美国决定重新与联合国人权理事会接触  2021年2月8日 美国东部标准时间上午07:12 安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿 拜登政府已经使美国重新致力于以民主、人权和平等为中心的外交政策有效利用多边工具是该愿景的重要构成。就此,总统已经指示美国国务院立即并有力地重新与人权理事会进行接触。 我们认识到人权理事会是一个有缺陷的机制,需要对其议程、成员以及关注重点进行改革,包括其对以色列不成比例的关注。然而,我们在2018年6月退出该机构的做法并不能鼓励有意义的变革,反而导致了美国领导力的真空,而具有威权议程的国家利用了这一真空。 若运作良好,则人权理事会可以将人权记录最糟的国家至于聚光灯下,并成为那些与不公正和暴政作斗争的人的重要论坛。人权理事会可以帮助在全球促进基本自由,包括表达、结社、集会和宗教信仰自由,以及妇女、女孩、男女同性恋者、双性恋者、跨性别者、酷儿及间性人群体及其他边缘社群的基本权利。为着手应对人权理事会的缺陷并确保其履行使命,美国必须有一席之地,充分发挥我们的外交领导力的影响。 眼下,美国将以观察员的身份参与人权理事会,这将使我们有机会在人权理事会上发言,参与谈判,并与其他方结成伙伴引入决议。我们认为,改进人权理事会的最佳途径就是以有原则的方式与理事会及其成员进行接触。我们坚信, 当美国协同我们的盟友和朋友一起有建设性地参与人权理事会时,积极的变化就是可以实现的。
U.S. Decision to Reengage with the UN Human Rights Council Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State The Biden administration has recommitted the United States to a foreign policy centered on democracy, human rights, and equality. Effective use of multilateral tools is an important element of that vision, and in that regard the President has instructed the Department of State to reengage immediately and robustly with the UN Human Rights Council. We recognize that the Human Rights Council is a flawed body, in need of reform to its agenda, membership, and focus, including its disproportionate focus on Israel. However, our withdrawal in June 2018 did nothing to encourage meaningful change, but instead created a vacuum of U.S. leadership, which countries with authoritarian agendas have used to their advantage. When it works well, the Human Rights Council shines a spotlight on countries with the worst human rights records and can serve as an important forum for those fighting injustice and tyranny. The Council can help to promote fundamental freedoms around the globe, including freedoms of expression, association and assembly, and religion or belief as well as the fundamental rights of women, girls, LGBTQI+ persons, and other marginalized communities. To address the Council’s deficiencies and ensure it lives up to its mandate, the United States must be at the table using the full weight of our diplomatic leadership. In the immediate term, the United States will engage with the Council as an observer, and in that capacity will have the opportunity to speak in the Council, participate in negotiations, and partner with others to introduce resolutions. It is our view that the best way to improve the Council is to engage with it and its members in a principled fashion. We strongly believe that when the United States engages constructively with the Council, in concert with our allies and friends, positive change is within reach.
1784年2月,世界上最年轻的国家之一向地球上最古老的人类文明之一派出了一艘商船。就此掀开了美中人民交往的篇章。随着我们向21世纪迈进,美中之间的相互依存日益加深,铸就了世界上最为重要的双边关系之一。 19世纪时,这些“快帆船”曾在美国对华贸易中扮演着重要角色。(图片来源:LOC) 美国商人来华寻求商机 瓷器、茶叶和丝绸 几乎在整个17、18世纪,中国的贸易产品被欧洲和北美的富有阶层视为奢侈的象征。然而,远渡太平洋危险重重,在中国开展贸易也几乎不可能,因为当时的清朝统治者根本没有打算对外国敞开门户。正如一位清朝皇帝就曾明确表示:“天朝物产丰盈,无所不有,远不籍外夷货物以通有无。” 不过到了18世纪后半叶,英国的“对华贸易”已经发展得相当成熟,成为大英帝国重商主义体系不可或缺的部分。北美殖民者如果想要获得中国产品,则只能通过英国东印度公司的货船做一些转手贩运的生意。值得一提的是,北美殖民地人民通过“波士顿倾茶事件”表达了对英国政治控制的不满。事件中被倾倒的是中国茶叶。随着脱离英国统治的斗争取得胜利,这些新近独立的美国人突然意识到,他们以往从英国商人那里获得中国产品的途径被切断了。1782年11月,美、英双方签署了初步的和平条约。到了1783年3月,美国商人们已经开始准备向中国派出第一个贸易团。 “中国皇后”号 1783年,“中国皇后”号在波士顿完工,贸易团由几名美国富商资助,其中包括被称为“美国独立革命资助商”的罗伯特·莫里斯。出资人们将产自宾夕法尼亚州西部和弗吉尼亚州的约30吨人参——这是当时能引起中国人兴趣的产品——装满船舱。此外,还带了价值18000美元的银币。 莫里斯等人特地雇请亨利·诺克斯将军的前副官山茂召少校担任这支贸易商队的商务总管,也就是“大班”,约翰·格林担任船长。,船主特地在写给格林船长的正式命令中表示:“我们诚挚地建议您,无论是在航行中还是在到达目的地后,都请您向所有与之打交道的人表达善意,并和他们建立友谊。您非常可能是在那遥远地方第一个展示美国国旗的人。务必请您维护自身的荣誉,因为您在一举一动和交易行为中表现出来的正直和善良,将使您获得尊敬;与此同时,也要万分小心不要受骗。” 另外,山茂召和格林还携带了一份《独立宣言》和几份“同欧洲列强签订的条约”副本,这也许是为了证明美国这个国家确实存在。“在需要的时候您可以出示这些文件;不要对他人傲慢无礼;假如有人对您傲慢无礼的话,请顾及个人荣誉,以及您所代表的国家的荣誉,因为您肩负着国家的使命。”资助方还为商队准备了一份美国国会开具的“航海通行证”——如果清政府需要这些公文,可以以备万一。 1784年8月28日,经过1.8万英里的漫长航行,“中国皇后”号终于沿珠江抵达广州,美国正式开始了对华贸易。 山茂召和格林在到达后发现,外国人被限制居住在广州城内一个面积不大、狭窄局促的地带,而且每年只能停留较短的时间。一年中的大部分时候,他们只得在当时的葡萄牙殖民地澳门居住。山茂召曾在自己的日记中这样写道:“那些在这里居住了十二年的欧洲人,至今能够看到的地方并不比他们初来广州第一个月时看到的多。”当时,外国商人仅能与少数中国人开办的贸易公司接触,这些贸易公司被称为“行”,他们负责安排外国商人的住宿,还负责(监督)与自己有贸易往来的外国人(在中国)的行为。每个商行都持有清政府颁发的临时执照允许他们与外国人进行交易,并向海关监督报告。美国人成为行商之中佼佼者之一的潘启官(译者注:即同文行行商潘振成)的客户。 尽管在中国所见有限,这些见闻还是给山茂召留下了深刻的印象。他写到:“在我们对这个帝国的所有了解中,可以确信的是,它历史悠久——显著证明了其政府的智慧,而且这种智慧依然让世界为之钦佩。”山茂召还十分欣赏与自己合作的中国行商,将他们形容为“有才干、严谨的会计人员,守时。” 贸易团成功完成了使命。1784年12月28日,“中国皇后”号返航“花旗”,这是当时中国人给美国起的名字。返航当天,中国人燃放爆竹“向神明昭示商船即将启航”,以此祝福美国商人一路顺风。1785年5月11日,满载着中国茶叶、丝绸,以及“精美的成套瓷制茶具”和火药的“中国皇后”号回到了纽约。 美国政府对于这次航行的成功感到满意。当时的外交部部长约翰·杰伊曾写到,国会对于建立与中国的直接贸易“异常满意”。山茂召被“国会奖给广州领事任命”,1786年,在返回中国途中,他成为美国驻中国第一个外交代表。 尽管“中国皇后”号的首航带回了25%的利润,美国商人后来却长期苦于对华贸易品的问题。中国人想得到白银,这是当时清政府货币体系的基础,然而美国商人所能提供的这种贵金属却十分有限。虽然他们从美国西北部和阿巴拉契亚山区获得的兽皮和人参在中国也有一定市场,然而这些货物的价值不足以抵消美国所需的中国茶叶以及其它产品的价值。 虽然美国商人在中国的对外贸易中仅扮演了小角色,但是一些美国商人从中确实获得了丰厚的收益。在远东地区仅仅5到10年之后,他们一般都能带回超过10万美元的财富,这些钱足够他们舒服地享受退休生活了。美国公司大多属于家族式企业,其中的代表人物包括约翰·库欣、约翰·默里兄弟、罗伯特·本尼特·福布斯,以及小沃伦·德拉诺,最后这位也是后来的总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福的祖父。 做对华贸易的美国商人通过他们收藏的中国画和工艺品在增进美国对中国的了解中起了重要作用。例如,费城商人内森·邓恩曾在中国经商12年,凭借中国同行的帮助,他陆续收藏了约1200件中国艺术品,涵盖绘画、陶器、铜器,家具、植物标本以及日常用品。回到费城后,内森·邓恩于1839年在“中国博物馆”中展览了这些收藏。为了给参观者一个感受中国式生活的窗口,邓恩将整个展厅隔成数个房间,把收藏品陈列在复制的中式场景中,并配以中国人的塑像。截至1841年闭幕,共有超过10万人参观了这个展览。随后,展览在英国伦敦继续举行。像邓恩等人的展览,激发了美国人收藏——甚至研究——中国艺术的兴趣,这种兴趣在19世纪末、20世纪初达到了顶峰。  一些美国商人与财力雄厚的中国行商保持着密切的往来。例如,广州行商伍浩官(译者注:即伍秉鉴)的身家高达5000万美元,他希望在美国做一些投资,因此向福布斯兄弟请求协助。福布斯兄弟通过自己在最重要的美国商行——旗昌洋行(Russell & Co. )的职务帮助伍浩官管理投资。之后的数十年里,伍浩官和他的后代每年都能分红4万美元。 1879年美国前总统尤利西斯·S·格兰特与清朝外交大臣李鸿章合影 (照片来源:Corbis) 19世纪后期的外交活动 在1784年“中国皇后”号首航中国之后的60年里,美国派往清朝的外交官员仅限于领事级。1843年,时任美国国务卿的丹尼尔·韦伯斯特派遣加雷布·顾盛作为特命全权公使前往中国谈判,希望签订一个美在华贸易与外交权利的条约。1844年7月3日,顾盛和清朝政府官员耆英签订了《望厦条约》,标志着美国与中国正式建立了官方关系。顾盛的继任者是义华业(Alexander Everett),他于1845年奉命出任美国驻华专使,但美国参议院却始终没有通过对他担任特命全权公使的任命。义华业在抵达中国后不到一年,便死在了任上。 美国外交使团影响不大,部分原因是其驻华官员的任期都比较短,他们在任期内行使的职责也有限。在1844年到1900年间任命的17位外交官中,大部分人的任期都不到两年,其中两人——义华业和艾嘉敏——更是因病死在了任内。当时所有美国外交官在华只能就事论事的行使职责,因为在整个19世纪美国政府尚没有正式的针对中国的外交政策。 首位深入中国内陆地区的美国专使是马沙利。1853年,他从上海出发,行进30英里到昆山。马沙利深信,继续发展美中外交关系“可能有助于消除阻碍美中双方密切友好往来的偏见。” 蒲安臣于1862年成为第一个常驻北京的美国代表,在促进中国的国际关系上扮演了更为积极的角色。蒲安臣迅速结识了一批清政府的主要改革派官员,其中就包括咸丰皇帝的弟弟,设立了中国第一个外务部的恭亲王奕。1867年,清朝政府决定派遣一个外交使团出访诸国,以重新谈判与各国签订的条约,但却缺少一位具有足够经验的高级别官员担任领队。清朝政府将目光落在了蒲安臣的身上。经过华盛顿方面的许可,蒲安臣辞去驻华公使一职,成为清朝使节。他率领一个小型清朝使团访问了西方几个重要国家的首都,其中就包括美国首都华盛顿。蒲安臣宣称,此行具有跨时代的历史意义:“(这)意味着通商;意味着和平;意味着将她(指中国)的利益与全人类结合在了一起。四亿中国人兄弟般的感情开始从华盛顿的土地上流淌到那些老牌西方国家。而且,这种感情将永远流淌。” 此次出访的成果就是蒲安臣与时任美国国务卿的威廉·H·苏厄德共同签订的《蒲安臣条约》,该条约扩展了中美两国的往来领域。条约规定,两国人民享有在彼此国家游历、居住的互惠权,并可入对方官学;中国领事在美国口岸享有完全的外交权利;鼓励华工移民美国;美国政府支持中国的领土主权。该条约的内容令清廷的部分官员感到意外,特别是有关鼓励移民的条款,已大大超出了清政府最初所同意的。尽管如此,双方还是在1868年签订了《蒲安臣条约》,次年条约获得了两国政府的批准。 《蒲安臣条约》批准几年后,清朝在华盛顿设立了公使馆。陈兰彬,这位曾在美国居住数年、督导中国赴美留学生的官员,被任命为公使。尽管接受了这一职位,但陈兰彬并未立即启程赴华盛顿就职,而是在中国继续呆了一段时间。在他未到任的这段时间里,已加入美国国籍的容闳一直代为履行公使之职。容闳的首批任务之一,就是为中国外交官员寻找住处。他最终租到一处宏伟庄严的维多利亚时代的宅邸,名为斯图尔特堡(Stewart Castle)。这座寓所距离杜邦环岛附近的其他外国公使馆比较近。陈兰彬则于1878年正式到任,标志着美中两国正式建立起全面的双边外交关系。 美国作家赛珍珠之像,以及她写的有关中国生活的代表作《大地》一页手稿(照片来源:美联社) 早期教育交流与认识中国 早期的教育工作成为美中合作最有成效的舞台之一。20世纪头十年中,外国传教士在中国开办了几十所学校和学院,合在一起每年可接收全国10%-20%的中学生。这些办学机构注重教授英语、哲学、宗教和自然科学,也十分注重体育运动。 雅礼协会(Yale-China Association)的前身便是成立于1901年的耶鲁海外宣教团。该组织成立的原因之一是为了纪念在义和团运动期间去世的耶鲁毕业生、传教士斐德金(Horace Tracy Pitkin)。雅礼协会几乎从创立之初就将工作重心从传播基督教义转向了教育和医疗领域。由该协会筹建了多所中国最重要的院校,其中包括在长沙建立的几所学校和北京的燕京大学,后者整合了当时的三所学院,并聘用中外教授任课。从这些学校走出的毕业生,相互之间一直保持着密切联系。1952年,中国的王牌大学北京大学搬迁到了燕京大学的原校址。 另一所由雅礼协会创办的学校——湘雅医学专门学校,护士学校和医院——成为闻名遐迩的中国教授西方医学的一流学校。 此外,美国人还开展了很多长期的教育项目,其中很多都是与中方伙伴合办的。包括:成立于1908年的欧柏林山西协会在山西太谷农村地区组建的工农学校,该协会为纪念义和团运动中被杀害的欧柏林学院毕业生和中国基督教徒而成立;办学规模更大的北京协和医学院(PUMC),洛克菲勒基金会创立的一所顶级医学机构,基于约翰·霍普金斯大学的模式组建——一所涵盖教学、研究和实习的大学。这所1915年建立、1921年开放的北京协和医学院,将培训中国医学界一流医护人员作为办学目标。学校建筑充满中式风格,表达了创建者希望中国师生能够将协和医学院视为本国的学校,而不是简单的舶来品。最初的时候,协和医学院重点培养医学精英,但长期来看,杨忠睿(音译)和陈志谦(音译)等毕业生则通过培训接生员和乡村医生的方式,逐渐改变了中国城乡的医疗状况。 认识中国 在中国长大的美国人 在美中关系不断改善的过程中,在华传教士的后代们时常发挥着独特的作用。他们其中的一些人成为了作家和教育家,将鲜活的中国形象呈现到广大的美国人民眼前。诺贝尔文学奖奖获得者赛珍珠等作家的作品,成为外界了解中国人生活与中国文化的一扇窗户。新闻界人士亨利·卢斯创办了多本知名杂志,例如《时代》周刊和《生活》周刊。在中国抗击日本侵略者的过程中,他的这些杂志曾在支援中国的宣传中发挥了重要作用。 还有一些传教士的后代则凭借他们的中国背景进入外交领域,为扩展美中双边关系发挥了重要作用。司徒雷登曾是1949年新中国成立之前美国派驻北京的最后一任大使。职业外交官谢伟思则在国共内战时期力主美国应当保持中立,并主张承认成立后的中华人民共和国。美中实现双边关系正常化以后,恒慕义和李洁明都曾出任驻华大使。可以说,那些传教士留给后世的,远远超过他们在鼎盛时期的活动本身。 20世纪20年代,一些来到中国的美国人利用他们获得的第一手信息,积极为中国进行宣传。例如,1928年,正在进行环球旅行的埃德加·斯诺到达中国。斯诺在上海找到了一份记者的工作,在中国一呆就是13年。在这期间,斯诺逐渐成为报道中国的最著名记者之一。1936年,他来到偏远的延安,成为见到中国共产党领导人毛泽东和周恩来的第一个美国人。1931年,另一位抱着寻求冒险经历来到中国上海的美国人海伦·福斯特(后来成为海伦·福斯特·斯诺),成为美国驻上海领馆的工作人员,并为美国报纸撰写报告文章。在之后的十年中,她利用自己享有的治外法权,成为研究、撰写中国的外国人士。她所倡导的民族主义,在帮助中国恢复主权的努力中起到引导性作用。1937年,海伦·福斯特还亲自拜访共产党领导人。斯诺夫妇与许多的美国记者、学者一道,深深影响着当时美国人对中国的看法。  中国研究 20世纪30年代,美国的中国研究开始起步。30世纪早期,一位名叫费正清(John King Fairbank)的青年历史学家来到中国,并花了五年时间学习中文、收集资料,拜中国的历史、考古和文学学者为师。他的这些老师之中,有很多人都曾前往美国留学。1936年,费正清回到美国哈佛大学任教,其职业生涯几乎都致力于创建和发展中国历史研究及改善两国关系。几乎在与费正清同一时代,一位名叫劳伦斯·希克曼的学者也来到中国,为堪萨斯的纳尔逊-阿特金斯艺术博物馆收集中国艺术品。他在中国获得的知识,成为了之后美国人研究中国艺术史的基础。 这是具有标志性意义的二战照片之一,在这张照片中,一名年轻的中国士兵守卫在一排属于美国空军驻华特遣队的第23战斗机大队的柯蒂斯P-40K战斗机前。 战事的发展把美中两国更为密切地联系在了一起。第二次中日战争(1937–45,即抗日战争)爆发后不久,美国明显加强了对中国的支持力度。1937年夏,日本全面发动侵华战争,美国国内的流行民意压倒性地转为支持中国一方。在接下的几年中,美国政府先后通过提供购买信贷和《租借法案》延长对南京国民政府的援助。与此同时,美国还不断加大对日本施压,并在日本扩大其在东南亚地区的军事攻势之后,彻底对其实施了禁运。 一些美国公民也为中国人民的抗战做出了重大贡献。1937年末,日军对南京城实施了暴行。在此期间,一名德国商人成立了“南京安全区国际委员会”,保护了20万中国人免遭日军迫害。几位美国教师、传教士或医生——包括刘易斯·史迈斯、贝茨、威廉敏娜(明尼)·沃特林、罗伯特·威尔逊和乔治·费奇——都是该委员会的主要成员。除了以外国人的身份为沦陷区提供食品、医疗救助和人身保护之外,他们还通过文字、照片等方式公开揭露日军在南京的暴行,争取国际社会对中国的支持,可惜收效不大。 抗战时期,这些美国人为中国老百姓提供庇护,另一些美国人则制定计划,帮助中国抗战。1938年,海伦·福斯特·斯诺和埃德加·斯诺等外国友人设想在偏远地区建立相对简易的小型工业合作社(简称“工合社”)的模式,为前线生产奇缺的军需物资。南京国民政府立即接受了这个计划并为其提供了启动资金。不久之后,共产党领导人也对这个模式表示支持。工合运动的组织者们又通过在美国和其他一些地区筹集私人捐款获得了更多资金,分拨给各地的工合社。从“工合社”的建立、推广到运营的全过程里,中国公民做出了大量贡献,而“工合社”也从物质和精神双方面大大鼓舞了抗战士气。这个项目的中文简称“Gung Ho”(工合)也成为了一个新的英语词汇,表示“通力合作、努力工作”之意。  美国为抗战提供支持 除此之外,美国还通过直接参战来支持中国人民的抗战运动。1937年,退休的美国空军飞行员陈纳德启程前往中国,担任蒋介石的军事顾问。不久后,陈纳德同中方政府官员一道开始游说美国政府,希望获取美方的军事供给和抗战支持。1940年,陈纳德的努力终于取得了成效。美国总统罗斯福不仅向中方提供了100架战斗机作为支援,还准许陈纳德从美军各个级别的军人中招募飞行员,赴华执行飞行任务并培训中国飞行员。 这支“美国志愿援华大队”有个更为人所熟知的名称“飞虎队”。1941年末,志愿队开始正式投入战斗。在日本战机数量大大多于志愿队战机数量的情况下,“飞虎队”取得了巨大的胜利。在1942年之前,这支驻扎在云南省的作战队伍帮助确保滇缅公路畅通无阻,战略物资被源源不断地从这条公路运往中国。不仅如此,“飞虎队”队员还是有效地担当了美国使者的角色,他们在抗击日本人的过程中赢得了许多中国人的尊敬。例如,抗战结束后不久,云南中部一个名叫祥云的小镇为在当地牺牲的“飞虎队”成员罗伯特·穆尼中尉修建了一座纪念碑。穆尼在与一支日本战机小分队作战时身受重伤,他一直坚持将飞机开出小镇范围以外,最后因坠机而牺牲。尽管他的纪念碑曾于文革期间(1966-76年)遭到毁损,但20世纪90年代初又得以重建。 1941年,日军轰炸珍珠港,美中军事合作也达到顶峰。美国不再限制对华实施援助,立即加入同盟国一方参与对共同敌人的作战。罗斯福总统命令曾多次赴华执行任务的约瑟夫·史迪威将军前往当时中国的“战时首都”重庆,担任中国政府的军事顾问和美军驻中国战区的总司令。为支持中国抗击日本侵略者,罗斯福还尽可能地为中国提供援助,并晋升陈纳德为少将司令,将他率领的“飞虎队”编为美国派遣到中国的正规军。罗斯福还象征性地将中国列入二战的四大同盟国之一和在亚洲对日作战的“ABCD”(美、英、中、德)四强。除此之外,1943年,美国废除《排华法案》、与英国共同结束在华治外法权,并承认日本战败后中国可以收回对台湾、满洲里的主权。中国的军事抵抗加上美方提供的援助和人员培训,成功地将日军牵制在了中国战场长达数年。与此同时,美国则通过海空对战争施压。 1944年,重庆的紧张局势一触即发。国民党军队混乱不堪,所到之处老百姓皆对其怨声载道。国民政府内部分崩离析,受到包括史迪威将军在内的多方尖锐批评。罗斯福曾试图说服蒋介石让史迪威将军担任在华军队总指挥,但遭到蒋介石的激烈反对。最终,这一矛盾导致史迪威被罗斯福召回美国,取而代之的是魏德迈将军。尽管在这一事件上罗斯福向蒋介石做出了妥协,但美国方面已经决定要发展同共产党的关系了。 1944年夏,美国派遣一个小型观察组“迪克西使团”赴延安考察,领队是外交官约翰·S·瑟维斯。观察组通过几个月的考察,对共产党领导层和军队的纪律严明、组织有序留下了良好的印象,并几次递交报告,建议美国政府向共产党提供直接援助。然而,对于此次派遣观察组的行动,蒋介石表示强烈反对。魏德迈和新的驻华大使帕特里克·赫尔利则顺从蒋介石的意思,并最终放弃该计划。 二战即将结束之际,中美之间的关系又有所转暖。在这场战争期间,两国人民可以列举出无数双方共同作战的例子,因为在如此漫长的战争年代,美国一直都是中国最坚定的国际同盟。也许最为重要的是,美中两国人民在战争终结时对彼此的看法,远比刚开始时积极地多。正如至今仍伫立在云南的一座美军飞行员的纪念碑,那些看法得以久存于两国人民心中,甚至长过接下来数十年里双方之间曾出现的激烈矛盾。 1979年,吉米·卡特总统和中国高级领导人邓小平在华盛顿 (照片来源:美联社) 渐进开放  美中关系逐渐解冻和尼克松的“对华开放” 20世纪50年代末到60年代初,美国国会出现一些势单力薄的呼声,要求重新评估美国对华政策。1959年5月,加州参议员克莱尔·恩格尔呼吁美国政府对华采取更为温和的手段。参议员外交关系委员会也开始要求专家学者制定新的计划,以替代美国当时的政策。1965年12月,美国国务院修改了《对华旅游禁令》,第一次谨慎地释放出对华态度有所松动的信号。 直到1969年理查德·尼克松上台后,美国和中国才开始果断地朝着实现双边关系正常化的方向不断努力。尼克松总统从掌权之初就开始秘密释放愿意改善对华关系、与北京方面进行对话的信号。为此,他特意选择法国和巴基斯坦领导人作为与中国的沟通媒介。1971年2月,尼克松第一次公使用“中华人民共和国”这个称谓;3月,美国国务院解除了持美国护照前往中国旅游的所有限制。 “乒乓外交” 1971年春,美国乒乓球协会代表队赴日本参加一项国际乒乓赛事。美国队队员格伦·科恩先是错过了队车,最后竟误上了中国队的车子。当时,中国乒乓球队主力球员之一的庄则栋送给科恩一块绣着杭州秀美群山的织锦。科恩则在几天后回赠了他一件运动衫,上面印有代表和平的红白蓝英文字母。1971年4月6日,中方邀请美国乒乓球队访华的消息令美方倍感吃惊。接下来,美方做出了更多缓和双边关系的政策调整。4月14日,美国宣布允许通过法国将装有美制发动机的车辆运往中国,标志着美国对华实施多年的贸易禁运出现松动。4月,中国总理周恩来对1970年12月份尼克松总统命人捎来的消息进行了答复,从而为更为密集的双边磋商铺平了道路。 这一系列经由秘密渠道进行的外交接触在1971年7月达到高潮,美国国家安全顾问亨利·基辛格在这个时候访问了北京。基辛格此行为尼克松总统实现对中国的历史性访华进行了铺垫,尼克松对此则评价为“改变世界的一个星期”。尼克松和毛泽东共同批准的《上海公报》不仅是一份单纯的行动计划,还涉及诸多宽泛原则,并就双方重启建立外交关系的程序达成了协议。1973年,美中驻对方国家联络处正式成立。 双方经过漫长的多次谈判,终于在1979年1月1日批准实现双边关系正常化。当时的美国总统是吉米·卡特。根据双方协议,美国承认中华人民共和国是中国的唯一合法政府,“承认只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分,”并表示仍会与台湾人民保持文化、经济和其他非官方往来。1979年2月,邓小平成为正式访美的第一位中华人民共和国领导人。 然而,美中关系实现正常化并非意味着双方所有争端的解决;更确切地说,随着双方关系的正常化,在面对争议时,两国放弃了从前那种充满敌意的单方面发表声明的形式,转而注重通过外交手段解决问题。实际上,这些外交渠道不仅推动美中关系不断向前发展,还引导着两国不断发现双方所拥有的共同利益。 1979年,美国商务部长朱厄妮塔·克雷普斯在广交会上签署协议 (照片来源:美联社) 中华人民共和国与美国第一家大型企业的初次接触,甚至比尼克松总统访问北京还要早。1972年1月,为准备接待尼克松访华,中方人员与美国RCA公司取得联系,请求他们协助建造卫星通讯地面站。美方企业迅速意识到,这是美中贸易潜在的巨大商机。1973年,美中贸易全国委员会正式成立。 尽管美中已经建立了正式外交关系,也意识到其中蕴含的巨大经济潜力,但美国商人们对于如何切实重建双边贸易关系依然感到茫然。因为在那时,想参加两年一届的广交会还只能凭邀请函。1972年春,2.1万名来自世界各地的经销商——包括20名美国人——汇聚广州。在最初几年,美国销往中国的货物超过了他们从中国购买的产品,因为当时中国的出口产品极少。然而到了1975年9月,这种状态发生了改变。为了更好地了解美国人可能购买哪些产品,中国的一家外贸企业派团赴美进行考察。 随着美中贸易额从1972年的500万美元猛增到1978年的1.42亿美元,两国普通民众之间也有了越来越多的交往。20世纪70年代中期,共有大约400个中国人赴美接受技术培训,而在中国也出现了一些定居的美国人。例如在1974年到1978年间,普尔曼·凯洛格在中国建立了8家氨肥加工厂,这些工厂中的美国工人达到140个。 中国这一时期事实上的领导人邓小平所倡导的改革开放过程是推动贸易发展的唯一最重要的因素。根据规划,邓小平和其他几位改革的推行者十分注重学习西方技术,用于实现中国国防和工业的现代化,增强中国的商品制造能力。在众多美中双方合作项目中,最首要的就是派遣中国医生、科学家赴美深造,接受培训,并邀请美国工程师赴华担任技术顾问。 为鼓励外资进入中国,中国政府还批准建立了多处经济特区、允许成立合资企业。这些经济特区加上中国沿海地区众多实行类似政策的城市,在一定意义上就像20世纪20、30年代允许外国企业在华设厂、雇用中国工人的条约口岸。 这些中资占主要部分的合资企业,成为所有在华开办业务的国外企业的标准模式。无论是在经济特区还是其他地区,均是如此。在这些合资企业中,外方负责提供资金、技术和出口,而中方则负责办理所有法律手续,为在华办厂、雇用工人提供后勤。与19世纪时的“广州贸易制度”相类似,这些新时代的合资公司也由政府官员主管,他们也要对外商合作伙伴的行为负责。 由于双边贸易往来曾出现长达40年的中断,两国的商界纷纷加快动作,弥补失去的时间。与20世纪早期的情况有所不同,美国企业这次在中国建立的合资公司数量远远超过上次。无论是可口可乐、通用汽车这样的商界巨人,还是成百上千的小型企业,甚至是那些私人企业家,无不希望在中国找到自己的用武之地。截至1986年,超过300家美国企业与中方建立贸易往来,合同总额超过25亿美元。除此之外,更有数不胜数的美国企业曾做过类似尝试。 最惠国待遇与世贸组织 尽管美中双边贸易规模在20世纪80-90年代期间实现了迅猛增长,但两国之间的商业往来却并非从此一帆风顺。美国国会每年一次的中国最惠国待遇废留之争,就是双边贸易关系的一个主要刺激因素。1979年,吉米·卡特总统首次支持延长对华最惠国待遇。但之后最惠国待遇问题依然是双边关系中的难题。直到20世纪90年代中期,比尔·克林顿总统宣布永久性放弃对中国实行的“人权与经济挂钩政策”。对中国而言,90年代在经贸领域的最重要事件就是成功加入世界贸易组织。这不仅为中国带来了巨大的贸易机会,也标志着中国终于被全球最大的贸易组织吸纳为成员。自1986年申请加入世贸组织以来,中国曾数次遭到阻挠。但经过不懈努力,中国终于满足了入世所需的条件。中国政府不仅降低了一半多的关税,还逐渐增强了人民币的流动性。1999年底,美国最终放弃了对中国入世的反对。2000年5月,美国国会通过了给予中国永久正常贸易关系地位(PNTR——即原先的最惠国待遇)的议案,中国也在第二年正式加入了世贸组织。 王薇薇(照片来源:美联社) 20世纪后五十年里,移民美国的中国人数量迅速攀升。二战后,美籍华裔人士在学术研究方面做出了重要的贡献。例如很多研究中国问题的权威学者本身就是美籍华人,汉语研究领域涌现的成果在很大程度上也归功于那些华人教师。在科学界,华裔科学家的影响则更为深远。从1957年的李政道、杨振宇,到1998年的崔琦,总共有六名美籍华裔科学家获得过诺贝尔物理奖或化学奖。以这几位获奖者为代表的很多华裔学者都对中国的科研发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。他们不仅积极地与中国国内科学家进行合作,有几位还在内地、香港和台湾的大学中任职。  华裔政治家 在美国政坛的最高层,也活跃着几位美籍华人的身影。1959年,邝友良成为了第一位华裔——实际上也是第一位亚裔——国会参议员,他代表的选区是夏威夷。1964年,身为共和党人的邝友良甚至尝试争取共和党提名参加美国总统竞选。另一位美籍华人吴振伟,则凭借自己在俄勒冈州第一国会选区赢得的席位,成为了首位进入美国众议院的华裔。2001年,女政治家赵小兰成为了第一位进入美国政府内阁的华裔,乔治·W·布什总统任命她为劳工部部长。 骆家辉于1997年成为美国历史上首位华裔州长,他的就职典礼在华盛顿州隆重举行。骆家辉的人生轨迹属于一部典型的移民奋斗史。他的祖父于19世纪来到美国,靠当佣人来维持生计。他的父亲曾参加过第二次世界大战,退伍后经营一家杂货铺。在担任州长期间,骆家辉这样描述从家人那里获得的经验:“我的祖父在差不多一百年前来到美国,他曾经是一名佣人。如今,我当上了华盛顿州的州长,距离我祖父工作过的地方仅一英里之遥。我的家庭用了一百年才走完了这一英里的路程——这是只有在美国才能发生的奇迹。” 骆家辉后来继续在欧巴马执政期间担任美国商务部长和美国驻华大使。  华人对美国经济的贡献 华人移民为美国的经济和科技发展也做出了很多重要贡献。例如,一名叫做王安的中国青年于1945年从中国上海来到美国,在哈佛大学攻读自己的博士学位。在那里,他有幸参与了世界上第一台电子计算机的研发工作,并发明了最早形态的核心存储器之一。1951年6月,王博士建立了自己的科学实验室,继续埋头于计算机技术研究。到了20世纪70年代中期,他与同班同学在美国共同创立的公司已经成为个人电脑设计与销售领域的佼佼者。王安在开发电脑硬件方面的努力成果为后来人起到了铺垫的作用。20世纪90年代,一名在台湾出生、就读于美国斯坦福大学的工程系研究生杨致远,与一位同学共同开发了万维网在线指南。由于他们提供的这项服务受到了令人难以置信的欢迎,因此二人又重新设计了在线指南,第一家网络搜索引擎雅虎就此诞生了。1995年4月,这对合作伙伴又成立了与搜索引擎同名的公司。正是这家公司引领了20世纪最后几年兴起的网络风潮,推动互联网成为全球通信的主要媒介。 华裔文艺界名人 时至今日,在美国文化与社会的各个领域都活跃着被人们所熟知的华裔明星,这些人有些是在出生后来到美国的,也有些人就是在美国本土出生的。例如,著名华裔作家张纯如和汤婷婷无论是在原创小说领域还是在知识性读物领域都有各自的畅销著作。华裔作家谭恩美的小说《喜福会》曾连续八周登上《纽约时报》最佳畅销书排行榜。后来,这部小说还被翻拍为成功的动作影片。此外,谭恩美还写过一部极其畅销的儿童系列卡通《傻瓜:一只中国暹罗猫》。 华裔电视女主播陈晓怡和宗毓华早已被美国千家万户所熟知,同时在美国家喻户晓的华裔电视人还有烹饪节目的主持人甄文达,他已经出版了超过24本食谱。著名华裔建筑师贝聿铭,正是他设计了坐落于华盛顿特区的美国国家美术馆东馆。此外,位于俄亥俄克利夫兰市的摇滚名人纪念堂也出自他的手笔。美籍华人在时尚界也不乏杰出代表,例如谭燕玉和王薇薇就是其中的先锋人物。不过,要说真正使美籍华人在美国社会大放异彩的还是那些来自体育界的明星,他们包括世界男子网球冠军张德培、1996年奥运会体操项目团体冠军获得者周婉仪和花样滑冰世界冠军关颖珊。此外不得不提到的人物还有NBA有史以来第一个外籍选秀状元——姚明。
In February 1784, one of the world’s newest countries sent a trading ship to one of the Earth’s oldest civilizations. Thus began the story of the relationship between the peoples of the United States and China.  As we progress into the 21st century, the United States and China are deeply intertwined, forging one of the most consequential relationships in the world. U.S. Merchants Look to China Porcelain, Tea, and Silk For most of the 17th and 18th centuries, Chinese trade goods symbolized luxury for wealthy Europeans and their American counterparts. However, the arduous Pacific crossing was filled with danger, and trading in China seemed almost impossibly difficult because the Qing Empire had no desire to open its doors to foreigners. As one Emperor proclaimed, China “needed nothing from the outside world.” By the latter half of the 18th century, the “China trade” was well-established and was an integral part of the British mercantile system. American colonists could only obtain Chinese goods carried by the ships of the British East India Company and, in one notable incident, expressed their displeasure with British political control by dumping Chinese tea into Boston Harbor. After prevailing in their revolutionary struggle, these newly independent Americans found themselves cut off from British trade and Chinese trade goods. The preliminary peace treaty with England was signed in November 1782, and by March 1783, American merchants were already beginning to plan a U.S. trade mission to China. The Empress of China A new ship was built in 1783 in Boston, the Empress of China, and the mission was financed by several wealthy American merchants, including Robert Morris, who was known as the “Financier of the Revolution.” The investors filled the ship with the one thing that the Chinese wanted—ginseng. In all, about 30 tons of ginseng from western Pennsylvania and Virginia made up the bulk of the trading cargo, along with $18,000 in silver coin. Major Samuel Shaw, former aide-de-camp to General Henry Knox, was chosen to take chief responsibility for the trading mission as the “supercargo” or business manager, and John Green was chosen as captain. The owners were aware of the importance of the mission and wrote formal instructions to Captain Green: “It is earnestly recommended to you as well on board as on Shore to cultivate the good will & friendship of all those with whom you may have dealing or Connections. You will probably be the first who shall display the American Flag in those distant Regions, and a regard to your own personal honor will induce You to render it respectable by integrity and benevolence in all your Conduct and dealings; taking the proper precautions at the same time not to be yourself imposed on.” Shaw and Green also carried a copy of the Declaration of Independence and copies of “several treaties made with different European powers,” presumably to prove that the United States really did exist. “You will show these things as occasion may require and avoiding all Insult to others you will consult your own Honor and that of the Country whose Commission you bear; if any are Offered to you.” The owners also provided a “sea letter” from the U.S. Congress—just in case the Chinese required such formality. After a journey of 18,000 miles, the Empress of China sailed up the Pearl River and into Guangzhou (Canton) on August 28, 1784, and the United States formally entered the China trade. Upon their arrival, Shaw and Green found that foreigners were confined to a tiny, claustrophobic district within Guangzhou, where they were allowed to reside for only short times during the year. Most of the time, they lived in the Portuguese colony of Macao. As Samuel Shaw wrote in his diary, “Europeans, after a dozen years’ residence, have not seen more than what the first month presented to view.” Contact was restricted to a small group of Chinese firms, or hong, which were responsible for the housing and behavior of the foreigners with whom they traded. Each hong merchant received a special, temporary imperial license to interact with foreigners and reported to the Chief of Customs. The Americans became the clients of Puankehequa, one of the ablest of the hong merchants. Samuel Shaw was impressed with the little he was able to see of China and wrote: “All we know with certainty respecting the empire of China is, that it has long existed—a striking evidence of the wisdom of its government, and still continues the admiration of the world.” Shaw also admired his hong partners, describing them as “intelligent, exact accountants, punctual to their engagements.” The trading mission was a success, and on December 28, 1784, the Empress of China set sail for Hwa-Ke (“Flowery Flag”), the name the Chinese had given to the United States. The Chinese lit firecrackers to “awaken the gods to the vessel’s departure” and give them good sailing. The ship arrived back in New York on May 11, 1785, filled with tea, silks, “fine tea table china in sets,” and gunpowder. The Government of the United States was pleased by the success of the voyage. Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay wrote of the “peculiar satisfaction” of the Congress upon the establishment of direct trade. Samuel Shaw was “honored by Congress with their commission of Consul at Canton,” and became the first American diplomatic representative to China, returning to China in 1786. While the first voyage of the Empress of China returned a 25 percent profit, later merchants always wrestled with the difficulty of trade goods for China. The Chinese wanted silver, which was the basis of their monetary system, but U.S. merchants had only limited supplies of the precious metal. They found a market for the animal skins and ginseng root from the Northwest Territories and Appalachia, but the value of these did not equal that of the demand for tea and other Chinese goods in the United States. Although U.S. merchants played only a small role in China’s foreign trade, some American traders did acquire substantial wealth. After only 5 or 10 years in the Far East, they generally returned with well over $100,000, more than enough to retire in comfort. U.S. companies were generally family-run affairs, led by men such as John Cushing, brothers John Murray and Robert Bennet Forbes, and Warren Delano, Jr., the grandfather of future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. China traders played a key role in expanding American awareness of China through their collections of art and artifacts. For example, during his 12 years in China—and with the help of his Chinese counterparts—Philadelphia merchant Nathan Dunn assembled a collection of 1,200 items, ranging from paintings, ceramics, and bronzes, to furniture, botanical specimens, and items for daily use. After he returned to his native city, in 1839 he displayed the collection in a “Chinese Museum.” Dunn intended to give visitors a window on Chinese life by dividing the exhibit hall into rooms and cases that displayed objects in replicas of their original settings, complete with statues of Chinese people. More than 100,000 people passed through the exhibit before it closed in 1841 and was moved to London. Exhibits such as Dunn’s sparked an interest in collecting—and even studying—Chinese art, which later flourished at the turn of the century. Some of the China traders developed close ties with the hong merchants, who themselves were tremendously wealthy. For example, when one hong merchant, Howqua, wanted to invest some of his $50 million fortune in the United States, he turned to the Forbes brothers. They managed his investments through their positions with a leading U.S. firm, Russell & Co., and paid dividends of $40,000 a year to Howqua and his descendents for decades. Later 19th Century Diplomacy For the first 60 years after the 1784 voyage of the Empress of China, U.S. diplomatic representation was confined to the consular level. [Note: this passage taken from intro paragraph] In 1843, Secretary of State Daniel Webster dispatched Caleb Cushing as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to negotiate a treaty for trading and diplomatic rights with the Qing Dynasty. On July 3, 1844, Cushing and the Qing Dynasty official Qiying signed the Treaty of Wangxia, which marked the beginning of official relations between the United States and China. Cushing’s successor, Alexander Everett, was appointed Commissioner in 1845, but the Senate failed to confirm him as Envoy and Minister. He died at post less than one year after his arrival. American diplomacy’s low profile was in part the result of the short careers and limited scope of action of the U.S. officials who served in China. Of the 17 ministers posted there between 1844 and 1900, most had a tenure of less than two years, and two—Everett and Benjamin Avery—died of disease while at post. All of them acted on an ad hoc basis, since the U.S. Government had no formal policy towards China throughout the 19th century. The first American Commissioner to visit the interior of China was Humphrey Marshall, who traveled 30 miles inland from Shanghai to Kwoonsan in 1853. Marshall believed that continued diplomatic contact between the two sides “might serve to efface prejudices … that retarded the intimate friendly intercourse which ought to exist between the United States and China.” Minister Anson Burlingame, who in 1862 became the first U.S. representative to reside in Beijing, took a more active role in China’s international relations. Burlingame quickly acquainted himself with leading reformers in the Chinese Government, including the influential Prince Gong, the brother of Emperor Xianfeng, who established China’s first Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1867, when Chinese officials decided to send a diplomatic mission overseas to renegotiate China’s treaties, they lacked a high-ranking official with sufficient experience to lead the expedition. The Chinese turned to Burlingame who, with permission from Washington, resigned his ministerial post and entered the service of the Qing Empire. He then led a small group of Chinese to the capitals of the West, including Washington, D.C., an event that Burlingame billed as having epic historical significance: “[It] means commerce; it means peace; it means a unification of her own interests with the whole human race … The fraternal feeling of four hundred millions of people has commenced to flow through the land of Washington to the elder nations of the West, and it will flow on forever.” The resulting treaty, the Burlingame Treaty, signed by Burlingame and U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward, expanded contact between Chinese and Americans. It ensured the reciprocal rights of travel, residence, and study; it provided Chinese consuls with full diplomatic rights in U.S. ports; it encouraged Chinese laborers to immigrate to the United States; and it offered official U.S. support for Chinese territorial sovereignty. The two sides signed the treaty in 1868 and ratified it the following year. Several years after ratifying the Burlingame Treaty, the Qing court established a legation in Washington, D.C. Chen Lanbin, who had already spent several years in the United States leading a group of students, was appointed to head the legation. Although he accepted the post, Chen remained in China for a time and did not proceed immediately to Washington. Until his arrival, Yung Wing, a naturalized U.S. citizen, served as temporary minister. One of Yung’s first tasks was finding a home for China’s diplomats. He obtained a lease on a stately Victorian mansion known as the Stewart Castle, located near other foreign legations in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. Chen’s arrival in 1878 marked the beginning of full bilateral diplomatic relations between the two countries. Early Educational Contacts and Learning about China Educational endeavors early on became one of the most fruitful arenas for U.S.-China collaboration. In the first decades of the 20th century, dozens of schools and colleges were established in China, altogether teaching between 10 and 20 percent of China’s post-secondary students in any given year. These institutions emphasized instruction in English, philosophy, religion, and the sciences, and also stressed physical education and athletics. The Yale-China Association originally was established in 1901 as the Yale Foreign Missionary Society, in part to honor a Yale graduate, Horace Tracy Pitkin, who had died during the Boxer Uprising. Almost immediately after its founding, the Association shifted its focus from missionary activity to education and medical enterprises. The Association founded several of the most important institutions in China, including sites in Changsha, as well as Yenching University in Beijing, which integrated three existing colleges and had a mixed faculty of Chinese and foreign professors. Graduates of these schools maintained close ties to each other throughout their lives, and, in 1952, China’s flagship institution, Beijing University, took over Yenching University’s former campus. One of Yale-China’s other ventures, the Hsing-Ya Medical College, Nursing School, and Hospital, became renowned as a the top source for training in Western medical procedures in China. Americans also launched a number of other educational initiatives, many of them in conjunction with Chinese partners. These ranged from the agricultural and industrial school in rural Taigu, Shanxi Province, to the much larger Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). The Rockefeller Foundation funded PUMC as a flagship medical institution, based on the model of The Johns Hopkins University—a single institution that combined teaching, research, and practice. Founded in 1915 and opened in 1921, the goal of PUMC was to train doctors and nurses as the core of China’s medical profession. PUMC initially focused on creating an elite group of professionals, but in the long run graduates such as Yang Zhongrui and Chen Zhiqian transformed medical practice in urban and rural China by training midwives and village doctors. Americans Raised in China The children of missionaries often used their unique experiences to foster improved U.S.-China relations. Some harnessed their talents as writers and educators to bring a more vibrant image of China to a wide audience of American citizens. Authors, including Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck, wrote novels that served as a window into Chinese life and culture. Journalist Henry Luce launched high profile magazines, such as Time and Life, which helped to rally support in the United States for China’s fight against Japan. Other missionary children used their background in China to help shape the broader U.S.-China relationship by joining the diplomatic service. John Leighton Stuart served as the last U.S. Ambassador to Beijing prior to 1949, and career diplomat John S. Service argued in favor of U.S. neutrality in China’s civil war and recognition of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) when it was established. Arthur Hummel, Jr. and James Lilley both became Ambassadors to China after normalization. The legacy of the missionaries far outlived the heyday of their activity. By the 1920s, some Americans traveling to China used their first-hand knowledge to advocate on China’s behalf. Edgar Snow, for example, came to China in 1928 while on a journey around the world. After landing a position as a journalist in Shanghai, he remained in the country for the next 13 years, developing a reputation as one of the best reporters on events in China. In 1936, he became the first American to meet with Communist leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai at their remote mountain camp of Yan’an. In search of adventure, Helen Foster (later Helen Foster Snow) traveled to Shanghai in 1931 to work at the U.S. consulate and file reports for U.S. newspapers. Over the next decade, she took full advantage of her extraterritorial privileges as a foreigner to study and write about China, promote nationalistic causes that could lead to the restoration of Chinese sovereignty, and make her own journey to visit the Communists in 1937. Together with a number of other journalists and scholars, the Snows formed the core of a group that exerted a tremendous influence on U.S. perceptions of China. Chinese Studies The study of China in the United States also took off during the 1930s. In the early 1930s, a young historian named John King Fairbank arrived in China, and spent five years studying Chinese, gathering materials, and learning from Chinese academics steeped in their own history, archaeology, and literature, many of whom had studied in the United States. After returning to teach at Harvard University in 1936, Fairbank spent most of his career creating and developing the field of Chinese history and working to improve relations between the two nations. At roughly the same time, a scholar named Laurence Sickman traveled to China to acquire art for the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. The knowledge he developed in China would serve as the basis for the study of Chinese art history in the United States. Military developments drew Americans and Chinese closer together. United States support for China increased dramatically soon after the outbreak of the second Sino-Japanese War (1937–45). After Japan launched an all-out offensive in China in the summer of 1937, American popular opinion shifted overwhelmingly in China’s favor. Over the next few years, the U.S. Government extended aid to the Nationalist Government, first through credits for purchases and then through the Lend-Lease program. At the same time, it increased pressure on Japan, ultimately enacting an embargo after Japan expanded its military offensive into Southeast Asia. Individual Americans also made important contributions to the Chinese war effort. When the Japanese Army rampaged through Nanjing in late 1937, a German businessman formed the International Committee for the Nanjing Safety Zone to protect 200,000 Chinese citizens from the Japanese invaders. A group of American teachers, missionaries, and doctors—including Lewis Smythe, Miner Searle Bates, Wilhelmina “Minnie” Vautrin, Robert Wilson, and George Fitch—were crucial to this effort. In addition to providing food, medical care, and the protection afforded by their status as non-Chinese, they tried, with limited success, to raise international support for China by publicizing accounts and pictures of the Japanese assault on Nanjing. While these Americans protected Chinese from the war, others launched a plan to help China fight it. In 1938, Helen Foster Snow, Edgar Snow, and a small group of other foreigners came up with a model for small Industrial Cooperatives (Indusco) that could be established with relative ease in remote areas, in order to produce supplies of crucial materials for the war effort. The Nationalist Government picked up on the plan immediately and provided initial funding for the project, and soon Communist leaders also adopted the idea. The organizers drew upon private donations from the United States and elsewhere to raise more funds, which were then funneled to individual cooperatives. Its spirit of cooperation and hard work even introduced a new term to the English language, “gung ho,” which was the Chinese name for the project. American Combat Support American aid also appeared in the form of direct combat involvement. Claire Lee Chennault, a retired Army Air Corps pilot, went to China in 1937 and became one of Jiang Jieshi’s military advisers. Together with Chinese officials, he soon began lobbying the U.S. Government for military supplies and support for the Nationalists’ resistance. In 1940, he finally achieved his goal when President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave 100 fighter planes to China and allowed Chennault to recruit pilots from among the U.S. military ranks to fly the planes and train Chinese pilots. The American Volunteer Group, more popularly known as the Flying Tigers, began operations in late 1941, and had dramatic success against the more numerous Japanese planes. Based in Yunnan Province, they helped to keep the Burma Road open until 1942, so that supplies could continue to come in overland. The Flying Tigers also served as effective ambassadors for the United States, drawing the admiration of many Chinese for their aid in the fight against Japan. For example, soon after the war ended, the village of Xiangyun, in central Yunnan, erected a memorial honoring Lieutenant Robert Mooney, a pilot, who had been fatally wounded while driving off a squadron of Japanese planes, before crash landing just outside of town. Later destroyed during China’s Cultural Revolution (1966–76), the monument was rebuilt in the early 1990s. Collaboration between the United States and China reached its zenith after Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. The United States no longer had to limit its assistance to China and immediately engaged in a formal alliance to fight the common enemy. President Roosevelt sent General Joseph Stilwell, who had completed several tours of duty in China after World War I, to the wartime capital of Chongqing (Chungking) to serve as a military adviser to the Chinese Government and as the leader of United States forces in the region. Roosevelt funneled as much aid as possible to China to support the anti-Japanese resistance. Chennault was promoted to the rank of General, and the Flying Tigers were reorganized as part of the formal U.S. forces in China. Roosevelt also took the symbolic step of making China one of the Big Four allied powers of World War II and one of the ABCD powers (American, British, Chinese, Dutch) fighting Japan in Asia. In addition, in 1943, the United States abolished its exclusionary immigration laws and joined with Britain in ending extraterritoriality, and in recognizing China’s future sovereignty over Taiwan and Manchuria once Japan was defeated. The combination of U.S. supplies and training and Chinese military forces proved effective in keeping Japan tied down in China for years, while the United States pressed the battle by air and sea. Tensions in Chongqing peaked in 1944. The Nationalist forces were in disarray and were often bitterly resented by the local populace wherever they went. The Government was internally divided, with sharp criticism coming from many quarters, including General Stilwell. Roosevelt tried to convince Jiang to put Stilwell in charge of all Chinese forces, but this provoked a bitter reaction, which ultimately led to Stilwell’s recall and his replacement by General Albert Wedemeyer. Although Roosevelt bowed to Jiang’s wishes in this case, the United States had already decided to explore relations with the Communists. In the summer of 1944, the United States sent a small group of observers, “the Dixie Mission,” under the leadership of diplomat John S. Service, to Yan’an. Over several months, this group became favorably impressed with the discipline and organization of the Communist leadership and forces, and drew up several proposals for providing direct aid to the Communists. Jiang vehemently opposed such actions. Wedemeyer and Patrick Hurley, the new U.S. Ambassador, obliged Jiang and abandoned the plans. Relations between China and the United States improved during the waning stages of World War II. Americans and Chinese could point to numerous examples of joint action in the course of waging the war, because the United States had been China’s strongest international ally throughout the long conflict. Perhaps most important, the American and Chinese people came out of the war with better opinions of each other than they had at the start. Like the monument to a lone American pilot that still stands in rural Yunnan Province, these opinions would outlast the bitter disputes of the next few decades. A Gradual Thaw and Nixon’s “Opening to China” During the late1950s and early 1960s, a few isolated voices began to call for a reassessment of U.S. policy toward China. In May 1959, California Senator Clair Engle called for a more conciliatory approach to the People’s Republic of China, while the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked scholars to formulate alternative approaches to current U.S. policy. In December 1965, the Department of State’s modification of its China travel ban signaled the first, very small thaw in attitudes toward China. However, only after Richard M. Nixon took office in 1969 did the United States and the PRC start decisively down the path towards formal relations. From the start of his administration, President Nixon privately signaled his willingness to change American policy toward China and begin a dialogue with Beijing. To do so, he enlisted the leaders of both France and Pakistan as intermediaries. In February 1971, Nixon referred to China as the People’s Republic of China for the first time, and in March the Department of State removed all restrictions on the use of U.S. passports for travel to China. Ping Pong Diplomacy In the spring of 1971, the United States Table Tennis Association team was one of a number of competitors participating at an international competition in Japan. An American player named Glenn Cowan missed the team bus and ended up riding on the PRC team bus. One of China’s top players, Zhuang Zedong, gave Cowan a silkscreen of the Hangzhou Mountains. A few days later Cowan presented Zhuang with a T-shirt with a red, white, and blue peace symbol. On April 6, 1971, the Chinese asked their startled American counterparts to visit China. More policy changes followed. On April 14, the United States allowed France to ship vehicles with American-made engines to China, breaking the long-time trade embargo. In April, Premier Zhou En-lai replied to a December 1970 message from President Nixon, paving the way for more intense bilateral exchanges. Diplomatic backchannel communications culminated in National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger’s secret visit to Beijing in July 1971. Kissinger prepared the way for President Nixon’s historic trip to China in February 1972, dubbed by Nixon as “the week that changed the world.” Nixon and Mao agreed on the Shanghai Communiqué, a statement of broad principles rather than a plan for action, and an agreement to begin the process of reestablishing diplomatic ties. In 1973, both governments set up Liaison Offices in the other’s capital. After a prolonged series of talks, the two sides agreed to normalize relations on January 1, 1979, during the administration of President Jimmy Carter. Under the terms of this agreement, the United States recognized the PRC as the sole legal government of China, “acknowledged the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China,” and stated that it would maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. In February 1979, Deng Xiaopeng became the first leader of the PRC to make an official visit to the United States. Normalization did not mean the end of all disputes; rather, it brought with it a new emphasis on using diplomacy to deal with those disagreements that had previously been handled with generally antagonistic unilateral statements. In fact, these diplomatic channels both kept U.S.-China relations moving forward, and guided the two nations towards areas of growing common interest. The first contact between the PRC and a major American corporation took place even before President Nixon’s visit to Beijing. In January 1972, the Chinese contacted RCA to install a satellite communication earth station in preparation for the visit. Americans quickly realized the potential of U.S.-China trade, and the National Council for U.S.-China Trade was established in Washington in 1973. Even though diplomatic contact had been restored and the potential for profit was huge, American businessmen had little idea how to actually restart trade relations, since admission to the twice yearly Canton Trade Fair was by invitation only. In the spring of 1972, 21,000 international business people—including 20 from the United States— converged on Canton. During the early years, the Americans sold more goods to China than they bought, since China produced few export products. However, that began to change in September 1975, when a delegation from one of China’s foreign trade corporations visited the United States to get a better idea of the kind of products that Americans would buy. As trade grew from $5 million in 1972 to $142 million in 1978, individual Chinese and Americans began to come in contact with each other. During the mid-1970s, about 400 Chinese came to the United States for technical training, and some Americans also were living in China. From 1974 to 1978, for example, Pullman- Kellogg installed eight ammonia fertilizer plants in China, with 140 American workers on-site. The process of reform and opening initiated by Deng Xiaoping, the de facto leader of China at that time, was the single most important factor in pushing trade to the forefront. In their plans, Deng and other reformers emphasized the acquisition of Western technology to modernize China’s defense and its industrial, and consumer production capabilities. As China developed exchange programs with the United States, it placed the highest priority on such activities as sending Chinese doctors and scientists to the United States for study and training and bringing U.S. engineers to China as advisers. To promote trade and foreign investment in the PRC, the Chinese established Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and joint ventures. These SEZs, and a larger number of open coastal cities with similar rules, in some way resembled the treaty ports of the 1920s and 1930s, where foreign-owned factories employed Chinese workers. The joint venture, with majority Chinese interest, became the standard model for any foreign company wishing to set up production in China, in the SEZs or elsewhere. The foreign side of the joint venture provided the capital, technology, and export distribution, while the Chinese side made all of the legal and logistical arrangements necessary to open and staff the factories. As in the 19th century Canton system, the new Chinese companies were often run by government officials who took responsibility for their foreign partners. After a 40-year hiatus in commercial relations, the two sides hurried to make up for lost time. American companies rushed to create joint ventures in far greater numbers than had gone to China in the early 20th century. Giants such as Coca-Cola and General Motors, hundreds of small companies, and even individual entrepreneurs, all wanted to establish a foothold in China. By 1986, more than 300 U.S. companies had signed contracts in China, valued at more than $2.5 billion, and countless others had made the attempt. MFN and the WTO Although bilateral trade expanded dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, commercial relations did not always run smoothly. A major irritant was Congress’s annual debate on renewal of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status for China. First extended by President Jimmy Carter in 1979, difficulties continued until President Bill Clinton embarked on a policy of engagement in the mid-1990s. For China, the most significant trade issue in the 1990s was gaining admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Admission held numerous economic advantages, along with the symbolic value of being included in the world’s largest trading organization. China received Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR—previously MFN status) from the U.S. Congress in May 2000, and entered the WTO the following year. During the second half of the 20th century, the number of Chinese immigrants to the United States grew rapidly. Chinese-Americans made important contributions to academics and research after World War II. Many of the scholars who became prominent in the field of China studies were themselves from China, and advances in Chinese language study were to a large degree dependent upon native speakers who became teachers. In the sciences, the effect was quite dramatic. Six Chinese who worked in the United States received Nobel Prizes in either physics or chemistry, from T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang in 1957 to Daniel C. Tsui in 1998. These award winners, and many others, also contributed to the development of scientific studies in China, both through developing ties to scientists in China and, in some cases, through taking positions at educational institutions in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Chinese-American Politicians Several Chinese-Americans entered into U.S. national politics at the highest levels. In 1959, Hiram Leong Fong became the first Chinese-American—in fact, the first Asian-American—to serve in the U.S. Congress, when he was elected as a Senator from Hawaii. In 1964, Fong also sought the Republican nomination for President. David Wu became the first Chinese-American to serve in the House of Representatives, when he won the seat for the First Congressional District of Oregon. In 2001, Elaine Chao became the first Chinese- American to hold a cabinet level post in the U.S. Government, when President George W. Bush appointed her as Secretary of Labor. Gary Locke became the first Chinese-American Governor in U.S. history in 1997, when he was inaugurated in the State of Washington. Locke’s story was a typical immigrant story. His grandfather had arrived during the 19th century and worked as a servant. His father, a World War II veteran, owned a small grocery store. While serving as governor, Locke said of his family’s experience: “My grandfather came to this country from China nearly a century ago and worked as a servant. Now, I serve as governor just one mile from where my grandfather worked. It took our family a hundred years to travel that mile—it was a voyage we could only make in America.” Gary Locke went on to serve as the United States Secretary of Commerce and as the United States Ambassador to China, both in the Obama Administration. Economic Contributions Chinese immigrants have also made significant contributions to the U.S. economy and to technological advances. For example, An Wang, a young electrical engineer, came from Shanghai in 1945 to work on a doctoral degree at Harvard University, where he became involved in research on some of the first electronic computers and developed one of the earliest types of core memory. In June 1951, Dr. Wang founded Wang Laboratories, where he continued research on computer technologies. By the mid-1970s, the company he formed with a classmate from China had become a pioneer in designing and selling personal computers. Building upon Wang’s efforts in developing computer hardware, in the 1990s a Taiwan-born engineering graduate student at Stanford University named Jerry Yang joined with a classmate to develop an online directory to the growing World Wide Web. When their service proved to be incredibly popular, the two redesigned their guide into one of the first Internet search engines, called it Yahoo!, and founded their company of the same name in April 1995. This company led the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, and the massive expansion of the Internet as a primary medium for global communication. Jerry Yang then used Yahoo! to help spread Internet usage in China, making him part of a growing group of Chinese Americans who have promoted trans-Pacific commercial ties. Chinese-American Cultural Icons Today, Chinese-Americans are familiar faces in all aspects of American culture and society, whether they were born in China or the United States. Authors such as Iris Chang and Maxine Hong Kingston are well-known for both fiction and non-fiction works. Amy Tan’s book, The Joy Luck Club, spent eight months on the New York Times best-seller list and became a successful motion picture. Tan also wrote Sagwa: The Chinese Siamese Cat, which became a highly successful children’s cartoon. Television anchorwomen Julie Chen and Connie Chung are known to millions of viewers, while television chef Martin Yan also has written more than two dozen cookbooks. Noted architect I.M. Pei designed the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., as well as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Chinese-Americans are well represented in the fashion industry by Vivienne Tam and Vera Wang. But it is in the field of sports that Chinese-Americans have emerged in force, with world champion tennis player Michael Chang, gold medal Olympic gymnast (1996) Amy Chow, world champion figure skater Michelle Kwan, and the National Basketball Association’s first international number one draft pick, Yao Ming.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 供立即发布 会后汇报 2021年2月5日 布林肯国务卿与中华人民共和国杨洁篪主任通话 以下来自发言人内德·普赖斯: 国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯今日与中华人民共和国(PRC)中央外事委员会办公室主任杨洁篪通话,并向他传达农历新年的最佳祝愿。布林肯国务卿强调美国将持续为人权及民主价值挺身而出—-包括在新疆、西藏和香港,并向中国施压,要求其与国际社会一道谴责缅甸的军事政变。国务卿重申美国将与盟友和伙伴一道,捍卫我们共同的价值观和利益,向PRC威胁印太稳定—- 包括在台湾海峡的行为,以及其削弱以规则为基础的国际体系的行为问责。
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release READOUT Secretary Blinken’s Call with PRC Director Yang The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with People’s Republic of China (PRC) Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and extended his best wishes for the Lunar New Year. Secretary Blinken stressed the United States will continue to stand up for human rights and democratic values, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and pressed China to join the international community in condemning the military coup in Burma. The Secretary reaffirmed that the United States will work together with its allies and partners in defense of our shared values and interests to hold the PRC accountable for its efforts to threaten stability in the Indo-Pacific, including across the Taiwan Strait, and its undermining of the rules-based international system. # # #
2020年12月16日 美国东部标准时间 下午03:40  发言人办公室 12月15日,美国国务院与史汀生中心(Stimson Center)和地球之眼(Eyes on Earth)协同启动了“湄公大坝监测”项目。 “湄公大坝监测”这一新项目是朝着更好了解湄公河流域水文状况迈出的重大一步。在无法进行测量时,各国无法进行有效的管控。太久以来,湄公河流域的人们缺乏对流域水资源的透明统计。“湄公大坝监测”利用开源的遥感、卫星影像和地理信息系统(GIS)分析,对湄公河流域的气象状况、预计水流量以及水库运作情况提供实施播报。 这一面向公众开放的工具将大幅增加这一流域可获得的水文数据,将信息交到那些最需要它们的人们手中。这些人需要这些信息来做出关系生计和地区安全的知情决定。美国长久以来支持湄公河流域社区对提高水文数据可及性的呼声。美国将继续作为湄公河委员会、国家政府以及地方政府的伙伴,增强他们获得并使用能拿到的最完善的数据的能力,以支持基于先进科学的决策。 通过湄公河‒美国伙伴关系,美国国务院继续加强水安全。“湄公大坝监测”项目为最佳做法交流提供便利,促进发展伙伴协调,并通过以可持续的方式管理和分享的水资源促进湄公河流域政府和当地社区的繁荣,进而为现有的湄公河水文数据倡议计划下的行动做出贡献。 关于“湄公大坝监测”项目的更多信息请见:www.MekongWater.org。 媒体问询请联系 [email protected]
12/16/2020 03:40 PM EST Office of the Spokesperson On December 15, the U.S. Department of State launched the Mekong Dam Monitor in collaboration with the Stimson Center and Eyes on Earth . The new Mekong Dam Monitor is a significant step toward improving understanding of the water conditions in the Mekong River Basin.  Countries cannot effectively manage what they cannot measure, and for too long the people of the Mekong have lacked a transparent accounting of the basin’s water resources.  The Mekong Dam Monitor uses open-source remote sensing, satellite imagery, and Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis to provide real time reporting of climate conditions, estimated river flows, and reservoir operation conditions in the Mekong. This publicly available tool will significantly expand the water data available in the region, putting information into the hands of the people who need it the most so they can make informed decisions impacting livelihoods and regional security.  The United States has long supported calls from communities in the Mekong for expanded water data availability.  The U.S. will continue to partner with the Mekong River Commission , national governments, and local authorities to strengthen their capacity to access and use the best available data in support of advanced science-based decision making. Through the Mekong-U.S. Partnership , the Department continues to improve water security.  The Mekong Dam Monitor contributes to existing initiatives under the Mekong Water Data Initiative  by facilitating the exchange of best practices, promoting development partner coordination, and strengthening Mekong governments and local communities’ prosperity through sustainably managed and shared water resources. For more information about the Mekong Dam Monitor, please visit www.MekongWater.org . For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].
DOS Seal Featured Image 新闻声明 国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 华盛顿DC 2019年5月5日 我代表美国国务部,向国内外的穆斯林群体致以最美好的祝愿,祝莱麦丹斋月(Ramadan)吉庆。 对于许多穆斯林而言,本月是关注精神复兴、善良坚韧、对不太幸运的人心怀同情以及让整个多元社区充满和谐的时刻。在美国,许多清真寺和家庭欢迎不同信仰的朋友和邻居团结在我们共同的平等、慈善和慷慨助人的美国价值观之下。 上个月,三种亚伯拉罕宗教的敬拜场所都发生了袭击,而在世界各地,自由信仰宗教的能力面临严重挑战。政府和公民能够战胜鼓动袭击者的仇恨的最佳方式是一起努力为所有人推进宗教自由。莱麦丹斋月是对不同信仰和背景的人们的一种提醒,提醒人们关于共享同情、尊重和彼此支持的重要性。通过开斋和分享一餐的日常行为,莱麦丹斋月重振社区纽带并强调社区服务。本着这种精神,我们仔细思考我们对于彼此的共同责任,不论信仰为何,并努力成为最好的自己。 在世界各地,我们的很多使馆和领馆举办开斋招待会,这展示出我国外交的核心实力,并加强了我们致力于宗教自由、包容和尊重宗教少数群体以及和平伙伴关系的决心。 在神圣的莱麦丹斋月开始之际,我祝愿所有穆斯林都有一个非常愉快的吉庆斋月(Ramadan Kareem)
Press Statement Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Washington, DC May 5, 2019 On behalf of the U.S. Department of State, I extend best wishes to Muslim communities at home and abroad for a blessed Ramadan. For many Muslims, this month is an occasion to focus on spiritual rejuvenation, kindness and resilience, compassion for those less fortunate, and harmony across diverse communities. In the United States, many mosques and homes welcome friends and neighbors of different faiths to unite under our common American values of equality, charity, and generosity. In the last month, there have been attacks on places of worship of all three Abrahamic faiths, and across the world there are serious challenges to the ability to freely practice one’s faith. Governments and citizens can best overcome the hate that motivates these attackers by working together to advance religious freedom for all. Ramadan serves as a reminder to people of all faiths and backgrounds of the importance of shared compassion, respect, and support for one another. Through the daily act of breaking fast and sharing a meal, Ramadan revitalizes community bonds and emphasizes community service. In this spirit, we reflect upon our mutual responsibilities for one another, regardless of faith, and strive to be our best selves. Across the world, many of our embassies and consulates host iftar receptions, which demonstrate the core strengths of our diplomacy and fortify our commitment to religious freedom, inclusion of and respect for religious minority communities, and partnerships for peace. As the holy month of Ramadan begins, I wish all Muslims a joyful Ramadan Kareem.
白宫 华盛顿特区 2022年4月8日 自从本届政府上任以来,美国把向乌克兰提供关键军事能力定为最大优先,以便使它能够抵御俄罗斯的侵略。全世界现在见证了那些武器的效力,勇敢的乌克兰军队用它们击退了俄罗斯对基辅的进攻,保持着乌克兰的空中对抗力,并且对俄罗斯军队给予了严厉打击。 除美国生产的武器外,我们还协助从全球盟国和伙伴那里调用军事能力。我感谢斯洛伐克政府向乌克兰提供S-300防空系统,这是泽连斯基总统在我们的谈话中亲自提出的要求。为使这项调用成为可能并继续保证斯洛伐克的安全,美国将把一套爱国者导弹系统调整到斯洛伐克。 现在绝不是可以释然的时候。俄罗斯军队或许未能达到占领基辅的目的,但它在继续对乌克兰人民施以可怕的残酷暴行。随着俄罗斯军队在调整其下一阶段的战争部署,我已指示本政府继续竭尽全力确定并向乌克兰军队提供它保卫国家所需要的先进武器能力。   欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/04/08/statement-from-the-president-on-delivery-of-air-defense-systems-to-ukraine/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
APRIL 08, 2022 Since the outset of my administration, the United States has placed the highest priority on delivering critical military capabilities to Ukraine so it can defend itself against Russian aggression. The entire world has now witnessed the effectiveness of those weapons, as courageous Ukrainian forces have used them to repel the Russian attack on Kyiv, keep the skies of Ukraine contested, and deliver severe blows to the Russian military. In addition to U.S.-produced weapons, we have also worked to facilitate the transfer of capabilities from our Allies and partners around the world. I want to thank the Slovakian government for providing an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine, something President Zelenskyy has personally raised with me in our conversations. To enable this transfer and ensure the continued security of Slovakia, the United States will reposition a U.S. Patriot missile system to Slovakia. Now is no time for complacency. The Russian military may have failed in its objective of capturing Kyiv, but it continues to inflict horrific acts of brutality on the Ukrainian people. As the Russian military repositions for the next phase of this war, I have directed my Administration to continue to spare no effort to identify and provide to the Ukrainian military the advanced weapons capabilities it needs to defend its country. ###
白宫 华盛顿特区 2022年5月8日   拜登总统和七国集团领导人同泽连斯基总统会晤,继续我们支持乌克兰的各项努力,并加强我们前所未有的制裁措施和出口管制   今天,拜登总统和七国集团领导人同乌克兰总统泽连斯基会晤,以增强我们的共同承诺,加强乌克兰在战场上和谈判桌前的实力。 我们前所未有的制裁措施已给俄罗斯经济造成了巨大损失,而且我们的出口管制已堵住了俄罗斯为维持其军事野心所需的获取关键性技术和供应链的渠道。据估计,普京发动的战争将抹杀俄罗斯过去15年所取得的经济成果。在我们的出口管制之下,俄罗斯要补充其军事武器和设备困难重重。俄罗斯的两大坦克制造厂——乌拉尔车辆集团(Uralvagonzavod Corporation)和车里雅宾斯克拖拉机厂(Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant)——已由于缺少外国零部件而停产。近1000家私营部门的公司已离开俄罗斯,而且有报告显示,20多万名俄罗斯人,其中很多人掌握高技能,已逃离该国。所有这些代价都将随着时间的推移而加重及加剧。 普京最初的军事目的是要统治乌克兰,但他失败了,而他却成功地让俄罗斯被全世界抛弃。今天,美国、欧盟和七国集团承诺加重这些代价,以符合每个伙伴各自的法定权力和程序的方式齐心协力地进一步采取措施。 制裁俄罗斯国内支持普京的战争的由国家控制的媒体。美国将制裁俄罗斯的三家直接或间接地由国家控制的收视率最高的电视台——俄罗斯第一频道股份公司(Joint Stock Company Channel One Russia)、俄罗斯第一频道电视台(Television Station Russia-1)以及NTV广播公司股份公司(Joint Stock Company NTV Broadcasting Company)。所有三家电视台都属于接受外国收入最多的机构,并将其反馈回俄罗斯的国家收入中。 禁止帮助为普京的战争提供资金并协助逃避制裁的各项服务。美国将禁止任何美国人员向俄罗斯联邦的任何人员提供会计、信托和公司组建以及管理咨询服务。这些服务对于俄罗斯公司及权贵积累财富至关重要,从而为普京的战争机器创造收入,并试图隐藏这些财富及逃避制裁。这一行动建立在此前限制同俄罗斯经济中的航空航天、海洋运输、电子产品、技术、防卫以及相关物料部门有关的商品出口的禁令的基础之上。 切断进口俄罗斯石油并减轻对俄罗斯能源的依赖。美国已经禁止进口俄罗斯的石油、天然气和煤炭。今天,整个七国集团都承诺逐步停止或禁止进口俄罗斯石油。这将沉重打击普京的经济大动脉,并剥夺他为他的这场战争提供资金所需的收入。七国集团还承诺共同努力,确保稳定的全球能源供给,同时加速我们减轻对化石燃料的依赖性的努力。 进一步施加出口管制和制裁,以削弱俄罗斯的战争行径。美国将发布一项新的条例,进一步对俄罗斯的工业部门施加限制,其中包括范围广泛的投入和产品,包括木制品、工业引擎、锅炉、马达、风扇和通风设备、推土机以及其他很多有工业和商业用途的物项。这些新的管制措施进一步限制俄罗斯获得可以支持其军事能力的产品和收入。美国还制裁了Promtekhnologiya责任有限公司(Limited Liability Company Promtekhnologiya),该公司制造的步枪及其他武器都被用于在乌克兰的军事行动;七家拥有或运营69艘船只的航运公司;以及一家海洋拖船公司。核能管理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)还将中止用于向俄罗斯出口原材料、特别核材料、副产品材料和氘的一般许可证。 对俄罗斯权贵及其家庭成员实施制裁,并对破坏乌克兰的主权、领土完整或政治独立的俄罗斯和白俄罗斯官员实施签证限制。美国对俄罗斯和白俄罗斯官员实施了大约2600项签证限制,以应对他们正在破坏乌克兰的主权、领土完整或政治独立的行径。此外,美国还发布了一项新的签证限制政策,适用于俄罗斯联邦军事官员以及俄罗斯支持或俄罗斯设置的所谓当局,它们据信参与了在乌克兰践踏人权、违反国际人道主义法规或公共腐败的行径。美国还制裁了俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)的八名高管,该银行是俄罗斯最大的金融机构,对于俄罗斯经济具有独一无二的重要作用,持有俄罗斯银行部门总资产的大约三分之一;俄罗斯天然气工业银行(Gazprombank)的27名高管,俄气银行是一家为俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)的业务提供便利的重要的俄罗斯银行,该公司是世界上最大的天然气出口商之一;以及莫斯科工业银行(Moscow Industrial Bank)及其 10 家子公司。   欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/08/fact-sheet-united-states-and-g7-partners-impose-severe-costs-for-putins-war-against-ukraine/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
MAY 08, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES President Biden and G7 Leaders Meet with President Zelenskyy to Continue our Efforts to Support Ukraine and Build on our Unprecedented Sanctions and Export Controls Today, President Biden and G7 Leaders met with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to reinforce our shared commitment to strengthen Ukraine’s position on the battlefield and at the negotiating table. Our unprecedented sanctions are already exacting an immense toll on Russia’s economy and our export controls have strangled Russia’s access to critical technology and the supply chains it needs to sustain its military ambitions. Putin’s war is projected to wipe out the last 15 years of economic gains in Russia. As a result of our export controls, Russia is struggling to replenish its military weapons and equipment. Russia’s two major tank plants – Uralvagonzavod Corporation and Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant – have halted work due to lack of foreign components. Almost 1,000 private sector companies have left Russia, and reports indicate that more than 200,000 Russians, many of whom are highly skilled, have fled the country. All of these costs will compound and intensify over time. Putin has failed in his initial military objective to dominate Ukraine – but he has succeeded in making Russia a global pariah. Today, the United States, the European Union and G7 committed to ratchet up these costs by collectively taking further measures, consistent with each partner’s respective legal authorities and processes. Targeting State-Controlled Media Within Russia That Bolster Putin’s War. The United States will sanction three of Russia’s most highly-viewed directly or indirectly state-controlled television stations in Russia – Joint Stock Company Channel One Russia, Television Station Russia-1, and Joint Stock Company NTV Broadcasting Company. All three stations have been among the largest recipients of foreign revenue, which feeds back to the Russian State’s revenue. Banning Services that Help Finance Putin’s War and Aid Sanctions Evasion. The United States will prohibit U.S. persons from providing accounting, trust and corporate formation, and management consulting services to any person in the Russian Federation. These services are key to Russian companies and elites building wealth, thereby generating revenue for Putin’s war machine, and to trying to hide that wealth and evade sanctions. This action builds on previous prohibitions to restrict the export of goods related to aerospace, marine, electronics, technology, and defense and related materiel sectors of the Russian economy. Cutting off Imports of Russian Oil and Reducing Dependence on Russian Energy. The United States has already banned the import of Russian oil, gas, and coal. Today, the entire G7 committed to phasing out or banning the import of Russian oil. This will hit hard at the main artery of Putin’s economy and deny him the revenue he needs to fund his war. The G7 also committed to work together to ensure stable global energy supplies, while accelerating our efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Impose further export controls and sanctions to degrade Russia’s war efforts.  The United States will issue a new rule that imposes additional restrictions on Russia’s industrial sector, including a broad range of inputs and products including wood products, industrial engines, boilers, motors, fans, and ventilation equipment, bulldozers, and many other items with industrial and commercial applications. These new controls will further limit Russia’s access to items and revenue that could support its military capabilities. The United States also sanctioned Limited Liability Company Promtekhnologiya, which produces rifles and other weapons that have been used in military operations in Ukraine; seven shipping companies, which own or operate 69 vessels; and one marine towing company. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will also suspend general licenses for exports of source material, special nuclear material, byproduct material, and deuterium to Russia. Impose Sanctions on Russian Elites and their Family Members and Visa Restrictions on Russian and Belarusian Officials Undermining the Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, or Political Independence of Ukraine. The United States imposed approximately 2,600 visa restrictions on Russian and Belarusian officials in response to their ongoing efforts to undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity, or political independence of Ukraine. Additionally, the United States issued a new visa restriction policy that applies to Russian Federation military officials and Russia-backed or Russia-installed purported authorities who are believed to have been involved in human rights abuses, violations of international humanitarian law, or public corruption in Ukraine. The United States also sanctioned eight executives from Sberbank– the largest financial institution in Russia and uniquely important to the Russian economy, holding about a third of all bank assets in Russia; twenty-seven executives from Gazprombank – a prominent Russian bank facilitating business by Russia’s Gazprom, one of the largest natural gas exporters in the world; and Moscow Industrial Bank and its ten subsidiaries. ###
Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul Momen 蓬佩奥国务卿与孟加拉国外长A·K·阿卜杜勒·莫门举行会晤 2019年4月8日美国东部夏令时间下午02:51 简报 发言人办公室 华盛顿DC 2019年4月8日 以下来自发言人摩根·奥特葛斯: 迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿今天在华盛顿与孟加拉国外长A·K·阿卜杜勒·莫门举行会晤。他们探讨了我们不断增多的经济、安全和反恐合作。国务卿赞扬孟加拉国慷慨地继续收容来自缅甸的一百万罗兴亚难民,并强调了我们将如何与国际社会合作,来增加对难民和收容社区的支持,同时着手解决在缅甸的根本原因和状况。国务卿强调,解决罗兴亚难民危机的责任在于缅甸,缅甸必须创造自愿遣返的必要条件。国务卿强调,在孟加拉国继续作为印太地区的一位关键伙伴而崛起的过程中,推进良好治理、透明度以及民主价值观的重要性。
Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul Momen 04/08/2019 02:51 PM EDT Readout Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 8, 2019 ________________________________________ The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:‎ Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today in Washington with Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul Momen. They discussed our increasing economic, security, and counterterrorism cooperation. The Secretary lauded Bangladesh’s generosity in continuing to host one million Rohingya refugees from Burma, and emphasized how we will work with the international community to increase support for the refugees and host communities, while addressing root causes and conditions in Burma. The Secretary underscored that responsibility for resolution of the Rohingya refugee crisis rests with Burma, which must create the necessary conditions for voluntary repatriation. The Secretary emphasized the importance of advancing good governance, transparency, and democratic values, as Bangladesh continues its emergence as a key partner in the Indo-Pacific.
会后汇报 发言人办公室 2021年10月31日 以下是发言人内德·普赖斯的声明: 今天,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯在罗马会晤了中华人民共和国国务委员兼外交部长王毅。布林肯国务卿强调了保持开放的沟通渠道以负责任地管理美国和中华人民共和国之间竞争的重要性。国务卿肯定了我们利益相交的领域和我们可以共同努力的领域,包括朝鲜、缅甸、伊朗、阿富汗和气候危机。他还就中华人民共和国的一系列行动提出关切,这些行动破坏了基于规则的国际秩序,违背了我们及我们的盟友和伙伴的价值观和利益,包括与人权、新疆、西藏、香港、东中国海和南中国海以及台湾有关的行动。
READOUT OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON OCTOBER 31, 2021 The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi today in Rome. Secretary Blinken underscored the importance of maintaining open lines of communication to responsibly manage the competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Secretary affirmed the areas where our interests intersect and where we can work together, including the DPRK, Burma, Iran, Afghanistan, and the climate crisis.  He also raised concerns about a range of PRC actions that that undermine the international rules-based order and that run counter to our values and interests and those of our allies and partners, including actions related to human rights, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, the East and South China Seas, and Taiwan.
2022年7月20日,华盛顿DC,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯与商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多在美国国务院共同主持了一场线上的供应链部长级论坛。[国务院图片,Ron Przysucha拍摄]美国国务院 发言人办公室 2022年7月20日   美利坚合众国以及17个伙伴经济体的政府在供应链部长级论坛(Supply Chain Ministerial Forum)期间发布的声明全文如下: 全文开始: 流行病疫情、战争和冲突、极端气候影响以及自然灾害所引发的对全球供应链的冲击凸显了进一步增强供应链、努力减少并制止短期中断,以及建设长期复原力的迫切需要。这是一个我们准备坚决地、共同地予以应对的全球性挑战。 澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、刚果民主共和国、欧盟、法国、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、墨西哥、荷兰、大韩民国、新加坡、西班牙、英国和美国(以下称“参与方”)在参与2022年供应链部长级论坛之后,准备共同努力应对危机,力争缓解短期的运输、物流和供应链的中断及瓶颈问题,以及导致我们的供应链脆弱,并给消费者、大大小小的商企、劳动者和家庭造成连带影响的长期复原力方面的挑战。为确保这项努力发挥效力并达及那些需求最迫切的人,我们计划同商企、劳动者、学术界、劳工和公民社会合作展开这项工作,其中包括妇女以及来自地方和其他社区的代表,与参与方的国内法律和国际义务,以及不同的政府层级保持一致。 基于国际伙伴关系建设集体的、具有长期复原力的供应链对于这项努力的成功至关重要。为了实现这个目标,我们力争遵循这些全球供应链原则: 透明度:我们计划提倡透明度,同私营部门、公民社会、不同的政府层级和其他有关的利益相关方磋商,以符合参与方的国内法律和国际义务的方式,来增强供应链的复原力。与参与方的国内法律和国际义务相符的公民社会磋商是透明度的一个重要部分。我们计划就潜在的、新出现的以及系统性的供应挑战推动信息分享,并尽可能地推动共同方针和早期预警系统。我们计划以符合参与方的国内法律和国际义务的方式进行这种合作,并极其审慎地保护非公开信息,其中包括保护至关重要的安全利益所必需的信息。 多元化:我们致力于促进多元化,并提高全球能力,使重点行业在材料与输入、半成品和成品方面具有多重、可靠和可持续的来源,同时具备物流基础设施能力,提高供应链的韧性,使我们的经济体较不易受到干扰和冲击。我们准备探索机会,促进对重点行业供应链的公共和私人投资,并鼓励建立合作关系和联合投资,以建立和发展对环境和社会负责任的材料和输入来源渠道。 我们致力于促进中小企业对重点供应链的参与。我们致力于促进微型、小型和中型规模公司对数字技术的使用。为推进公平和包容原则,我们致力于并力争确保在我们所有经济体内,以符合参与方的国内法律和国际义务的方式,使投资深入到范围广大的社区。 可预见性对健强的供应链十分重要,我们将致力于共同努力,在我们的经济关系中提倡可预见性、开放性、公平性和非歧视性,它们均对我们的供应链产生影响。我们将致力于强化和培养基于规则的长期经济合作关系和供应链关系。 安全:为促进供应链的安全,我们要深化我们的磋商,以识别和解决与供应依赖性有关的风险和关键基础设施中潜在的薄弱环节。我们要共同努力解决我们共同的薄弱环节,并为加强供应链的安全而消除腐败。我们鼓励参与方按照国内法律,与业界、劳工和公民社会以及其他有关的利益相关方建立合作关系,从而更好地理解和管理供应链面临的安全风险。 可持续性:我们要在全球所有供应链中鼓励可持续性和负责任的商业行为以及在我们加入的相关多边环境协议中所设立的目标,包括《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)和《巴黎协议》(Paris Agreement)。我们鼓励采用负责任的商业做法,并且认识到,基于我们各国批准的国际劳工公约,在整个价值链中履行我们各自的义务所具有的重要性,以便确保在启动新来源或供应链其他选择时,不对维护人权的现行承诺打折扣。这包括我们准备一道合作,在全球供应链中取缔使用强迫劳动。我们致力于促进增加使用再生材料和产品元件。我们也致力于按照参与方国内的法律和国际义务,促进和支持以公平和可持续的方式从事产品生产和贸易,包括通过循环经济、生物经济以及其他形式,从而促进对抗气候变化、生物多样性损失和污染,并推动联合国的可持续发展目标(UN Sustainable Development Goals)。   我们欢迎所有经济体并邀请所有行业、商企、妇女、劳动者、各级政府官员和劳工与公民社会负责人以及其他利益相关方来与我们一道,在这些原则的指引下,发展健强的供应链。我们认识到解决全球供应链下一次危机的关键是要首先防止危机的发生。 全文完   欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/supply-chain-ministerial-joint-statement/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
MEDIA NOTE OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON JULY 20, 2022 The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and the 17 partner economies on the occasion of the Supply Chain Ministerial Forum. Begin text: The shocks to global supply chains from pandemics, wars and conflicts, extreme climate impacts, and natural disasters have put in stark relief the urgent need to further strengthen supply chains, to work to reduce and end near-term disruptions, and to build long-term resilience.  This is a global challenge we intend to approach resolutely and cooperatively. Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States (hereinafter the “Participants”), following engagement at the 2022 Supply Chain Ministerial Forum, intend to work together on crisis response in an effort to alleviate near-term transportation, logistics, and supply chain disruptions and bottlenecks as well as the long-term resilience challenges that make our supply chains vulnerable and cause spillover effects for consumers, large and small businesses, workers, and families.  To ensure this effort is effective and reaches those most in need, we intend to engage on this work with businesses, workers, academia, labor and civil society, including women, representatives from local and other communities, consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations, and different levels of government. Building collective, long-term resilient supply chains based on international partnerships is critical to the success of this effort.  To achieve this, we aim to follow these global supply chain principles: Transparency:  We intend to promote transparency in consultation with the private sector, civil society, different levels of government, and other relevant stakeholders, consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations, in order to strengthen the resilience of supply chains.  Civil society consultations, consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations, are an important part of transparency.  We intend to advance information sharing, and to the extent possible common approaches and early warning systems, about potential, emerging, and systematic supply challenges.  We intend to undertake this cooperation consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations and with utmost care to protect non-public information, including information necessary for the protection of essential security interests. Diversification:  We aim to promote diversification and increase global capacities for multiple, reliable, and sustainable sources of materials and inputs, intermediate goods, and finished goods in priority sectors, along with logistics infrastructure capacities, increasing resilience of supply chains to make our economies less vulnerable to disruptions and shocks.  We intend to explore opportunities to promote public and private investment into supply chains in priority sectors and to encourage partnerships and co-investment for access to and development of environmentally and socially responsibly sourced materials and inputs. We aim to promote the involvement of small and medium sized businesses in priority supply chains.  We aim to promote the adoption of digital technologies by micro-, small, and medium sized companies. To advance the principles of equity and inclusion, we aim and strive to ensure investments are made into a broad range of communities, consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations, throughout our economies. Predictability is important to resilient supply chains, and we will aim to work together to promote predictability, openness, fairness, and nondiscrimination in our economic relations as they impact our supply chains.  We will aim to reinforce and foster our longstanding, rules-based economic partnerships and supply chain relationships. Security:  To promote supply chain security, we intend to deepen our consultations to identify and address risks arising from supply dependencies and potential vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure.  We intend to work together to address our mutual vulnerabilities and work to eliminate corruption in support of supply chain security.  We encourage Participants to undertake this cooperation in partnership with industry, labor and civil society, and other relevant stakeholders, pursuant to domestic laws, to better understand and manage security risks to supply chains. Sustainability:  We intend to encourage global sustainability and responsible business conduct across supply chains, as well as objectives set out in relevant multilateral environmental agreements to which we are parties, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.  We encourage the adoption of responsible business practices and recognize the importance of implementing our respective obligations under international labor conventions ratified by respective countries along the entire value chain to ensure that opening up new sourcing or supply chain options does not shortcut existing commitments to uphold human rights.  This includes our intent to cooperate to eradicate the use of forced labor in global supply chains.  We aim to foster the increased use of recycled materials and product components.  We also aim to foster and support the fair and sustainable manufacturing and trade of products, consistent with Participants’ domestic laws and international obligations, including through circular economy, the bioeconomy, and other approaches, that advance the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and which advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome all economies and invite all industries, businesses, women, workers, officials from different levels of government, labor and civil society, and other stakeholders to join us in pursuit of resilient supply chains, guided by these principles.  We acknowledge the key to resolving the next global supply chain crisis is to prevent it from happening in the first place.
U.S. Diplomatic Leadership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security 美国为支持妇女、和平与安全发挥外交主导作用 For decades, American diplomats have supported women as leaders in efforts to prevent conflict, counter terrorism and violent extremism, and promote security around the world.  In 2017, the United States became the first government in the world to enact comprehensive legislation on the role of women in peace and security, which the Department of State is committed to fully operationalizing through its Plan to Implement the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security. 数十年来,美国外交人员一贯支持妇女在防止冲突,抗击恐怖主义和暴力极端主义,以及促进世界各地安全的努力中发挥领导作用。2017年,美国就妇女在和平与安全事务中发挥的作用颁布综合性立法,成为第一个制定相关法律的政府。国务院承诺通过《美国有关妇女、和平与安全战略的执行计划》(Plan to Implement the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security)全面实施这项立法。
FACT SHEET June 11, 2020 U.S. Diplomatic Leadership in Support of Women, Peace, and Security For decades, American diplomats have supported women as leaders in efforts to prevent conflict, counter terrorism and violent extremism, and promote security around the world.  In 2017, the United States became the first government in the world to enact comprehensive legislation on the role of women in peace and security, which the Department of State is committed to fully operationalizing through its Plan to Implement the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security.  The Department of State’s efforts include a range of initiatives: Advancing Women’s Leadership in Peace and Security  · The Department is supporting women’s leadership in countering terrorism and violent extremism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, and the Philippines as well as regional efforts in East and West Africa, South Asia, and the Western Balkans.  These programs focus on building women’s capacity to lead change in their communities, such as by enabling women leaders in police and civil society to engage local authorities on countering violent extremism (CVE) policy and local communities to identify, and act upon, early warning signs of terrorist radicalization to violence.  These and other programs also are building the capacity of women police officers to investigate and respond to terrorism. · A growing number of women are participating in Women, Peace, and Security-focused projects through the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP).  Since 2017, more than 1,800 women have participated in projects focused on related themes.  These participants gain skills allowing them to focus on a variety of issues including political participation, addressing gender-based violence (GBV), advancing leadership in human rights, and advocacy in the justice system.  Of these, 248 women participated in a special Women Leaders Promoting Peace and Security IVLP initiative. · The Department is enhancing women’s meaningful participation in political processes, peace efforts, and peace operations by strengthening UN Security Council peacekeeping mission mandates and advocating for gender analysis in mission reporting.  In addition, our investment in training for women is increasing deployments of women peacekeepers through the International Police Peacekeeping Operations Support (IPPOS) program and the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI).  In the last two years alone, GPOI partners have increased the number of military women deployed by 17 percent and currently account for 78 percent of military women deployed in UN peace operations.  Also, since 2017, IPPOS has delivered 13 command-level courses with increased focus on the important impact women police officers can bring to the mission area.  In an effort to reduce barriers to participation in UN missions, the command course also focuses on how to effectively manage and lead mixed gender formed police units. Promoting the Safety, Human Rights, and Dignity of Women and Girls · By supporting women and girls’ safety, security, and access to justice, the Department is helping survivors recover and preventing occurrences of abuse.  The Department is funding the development of a publicly available set of Women, Peace, and Security indicators that can be integrated in early warning systems globally to enhance their predictive capacities.  Since 2017, the Department’s Voices Against Violence Initiative has provided emergency assistance to more than 1,000 survivors of extreme forms of GBV. · Through the Safe from the Start initiative, our investments are improving humanitarian systems with programming on preparedness, training and mentorship for GBV first responders, and incorporating GBV risk reduction and safety mechanisms.  This Initiative has built institutional response for strengthened and swifter action on addressing GBV from the onset of humanitarian emergencies. · The Department supports the United States’ historic legacy of promoting transitional justice and accountability for sexual violence in conflict.  We have invested in human rights documentation for abuses in countries such as Burma, The Gambia, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria and mobilized international support for national transitional justice and specialized criminal justice mechanisms, such as the African Union (AU) Hybrid Court for South Sudan, the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic, and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.  We continue to support domestic efforts that address the needs of victims of sexual violence in Colombia, Guatemala, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Improving Effectiveness by Enhancing our Internal Capabilities · The Department is reviewing its training materials in areas such as: conflict prevention, mitigation, and resolution; protecting civilians from violence, exploitation, and trafficking in persons; and international human rights law and international humanitarian law.  We are revising them, where appropriate, to include a greater focus on women, peace, and security including efforts toward ensuring meaningful participation by women. · The Instability Monitoring and Analysis Platform, launched in 2019, includes real-time data on violence against women and girls.  Although this form of violence remains underreported, systematically including available information in analysis ensures policymakers are informed on how conflict affects women and girls. · As the lead federal agency for U.S. stabilization efforts, the Department is integrating the needs and perspectives of women in stabilization analysis, planning, and implementation by addressing women’s safety, empowerment, and meaningful participation across efforts to stabilize conflict-affected countries. Expanding Global Collaboration and Partnerships · In the United States’ first-ever bilateral partnership on Women, Peace, and Security, the Department is supporting the Government of Colombia to develop a National Action Plan on WPS and foster deeper collaboration with civil society.  In addition, the Department also provides support to the Kroc Institute to help real-time monitoring of Colombia’s peace accord, including provisions on women’s empowerment and political participation. · The Department is promoting efforts to prioritize women’s meaningful participation in decision-making in peace processes, security institutions and recovery efforts in the Middle East by co-convening with the Government of Poland a Working Group on Human Rights that focused on Women, Peace, and Security themes as part of the Warsaw Process on Security in the Middle East.  More than 50 countries attended the first high-level working group meeting hosted in Washington, D.C. in 2019.  The two-day event featured women human rights defenders from Syria and Yemen as well as panelists and senior officials from the United States and partners highlighting the importance of promoting greater women’s involvement in all aspects of the conflict continuum, economic empowerment and security initiatives in the Middle East. · Through multilateral engagement, the Department is marshaling action and cooperation on Women, Peace, and Security among governments.  By promoting the adoption of national Women, Peace, and Security policies, we have highlighted best practices and called for greater action at multilateral bodies, including the Global Focal Points Network on Women, Peace, and Security, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), UN bodies, and the Warsaw Process on Security in the Middle East.
2023年4月22日 美国东部夏令时 上午9:14    国务卿   在地球日53周年之际,这一天提醒我们要继续专注于应对我们的地球所面临的威胁,同时也要清点所取得的进展。美国对我们的地球的健康进行了前所未有的投资,领导全球保护环境和应对气候危机的努力。   我们重申了确定解决方案的重要性,以应对我们的地球今天所面临的重重挑战,从气候危机到全球水不安全问题。   在着手解决世界各地生物多样性丧失和水不安全方面,我们也取得了长足进步。在3月的联合国水事会议上,我们与我们的伙伴和盟友一起,着手应对水事方面至关重要的挑战。我们在会上宣布了超过490亿美元的国内和全球行动,确保具有气候适应性的水和卫生基础设施仍然是国内和世界各地的优先事项。在海外,我们的使团也发挥着领导作用,通过在我们的使领馆采用新技术来实现更高的能源效率和空气质量数据的透明度。   自53年前的第一个地球日以来,全球数以亿计的人已经动员起来,倡导更好地保护我们的地球。在地球日之际,我们认识到,仅仅希望我们的子孙后代有一个更光明的未来是不够的。我们必须继续采取大胆的行动,为所有人推动建设一个更健康的地球。
PRESS STATEMENT THE SECRETARY OF STATE APRIL 22, 2023   On the 53rd anniversary of Earth Day, we are reminded to maintain our focus on responding to the threats to our planet while also taking stock of progress made.  The United States has made unprecedented investments in the health of our planet, leading global efforts to protect the environment and tackle the climate crisis. We have reaffirmed the importance of identifying solutions to the myriad challenges facing our planet today, from the climate crisis to global water insecurity. We have also made strides in addressing biodiversity loss and water insecurity around the world. We joined our partners and allies to address critical water challenges at the UN Water Conference in March, where we announced more than $49 billion in domestic and global action, ensuring that climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure remain a priority at home and around the world.  Overseas, our missions are also leading by employing new technology at our Embassies and Consulates to achieve better energy efficiency and transparency for air quality data. Since the first Earth Day 53 years ago, hundreds of millions of people across the globe have mobilized to advocate for better protection of our planet.  On Earth Day, we recognize it is not enough to simply hope for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.  We must continue to take bold action to foster a healthier planet for all. We have reaffirmed the importance of identifying solutions to the myriad challenges facing our planet today, from the climate crisis to global water insecurity. We have also made strides in addressing biodiversity loss and water insecurity around the world. We joined our partners and allies to address critical water challenges at the UN Water Conference in March, where we announced more than $49 billion in domestic and global action, ensuring that climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure remain a priority at home and around the world.  Overseas, our missions are also leading by employing new technology at our Embassies and Consulates to achieve better energy efficiency and transparency for air quality data. Since the first Earth Day 53 years ago, hundreds of millions of people across the globe have mobilized to advocate for better protection of our planet.  On Earth Day, we recognize it is not enough to simply hope for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.  We must continue to take bold action to foster a healthier planet for all. We have also made strides in addressing biodiversity loss and water insecurity around the world. We joined our partners and allies to address critical water challenges at the UN Water Conference in March, where we announced more than $49 billion in domestic and global action, ensuring that climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure remain a priority at home and around the world.  Overseas, our missions are also leading by employing new technology at our Embassies and Consulates to achieve better energy efficiency and transparency for air quality data. Since the first Earth Day 53 years ago, hundreds of millions of people across the globe have mobilized to advocate for better protection of our planet.  On Earth Day, we recognize it is not enough to simply hope for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.  We must continue to take bold action to foster a healthier planet for all. Since the first Earth Day 53 years ago, hundreds of millions of people across the globe have mobilized to advocate for better protection of our planet.  On Earth Day, we recognize it is not enough to simply hope for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.  We must continue to take bold action to foster a healthier planet for all.
美国普遍定期审议获得最终通过 媒体声明 安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿 2021年3月17日 点击查看英文版全文声明: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/final-adoption-of-the-u-s-universal-periodic-review/
Final Adoption of the U.S. Universal Periodic Review PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE Today, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the report of the third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for the United States.  All UN member states participate in the UPR process, which is designed to ensure that every nation is subject to scrutiny of its human rights record. When President Biden made clear his intent to reengage with the world, he did so with confidence in our diplomatic capacity, the strength of our partnerships and alliances, and the power of our example.  That example remains among our greatest strengths, and it is our charge to make it even stronger in the years ahead. Last month, I spoke directly to the members of the Human Rights Council to announce the intent of the United States to return to that body and seek election to its membership.  In those comments, I underscored our longstanding commitment to defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding human rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity. But leadership on human rights goes far beyond merely reminding other countries of their obligations and commitments, pointing out failures, and registering our displeasure.  It involves leading by example, acknowledging our shortcomings, and striving to live up to our highest ideals and principles.  In completing its Periodic Review, the United States demonstrates its commitment to openness, transparency, and self-reflection, and a return to leadership with confidence, respect, and humility.
白宫 华盛顿特区 2022年1月14日 2022年宗教自由日 美利坚合众国总统公告 自我国建国初期以来,来自世界各地的勇敢的人们来到美国寻求宗教自由,甘冒一切风险以逃离他们因自己的信仰而遭受的压制、迫害和歧视。我们的建国先贤将宗教自由原则铭刻在我国宪法第一修正案(First Amendment)之中,将其确立为我们作为一个国家的基石。今天,美国仍然是一个宗教多元化的国家——一片由各种信仰和信念体系的惯例和极大的融合以独特方式予以增强的土地。值此宗教自由日(Religious Freedom Day),我们重申对于保护及增进我们的美国特性的这一关键方面的承诺,以及在我国各地和世界各地保护所有信仰和没有信仰的人们的自由。 我国最强大的实力现在而且一直都在于我们的多元化,其中包括在我国各地得到践行的多种信仰和信念。本届政府致力于增强联邦雇员队伍,通过增进包括以宗教为基础的多样性、公平性、包容性和无障碍性,确保他们全面展现出我国人民的广泛性。因此,我重新设立了白宫信仰与社区伙伴关系办公室(White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships),通过与宗教和世俗组织结成伙伴来为需要帮助的人们服务。这些公私伙伴关系体现了美国的宗教自由体制并且行之有效——不论是共同努力为人们接种COVID-19疫苗,还是为儿童提供有营养的餐食,亦或是欢迎难民在美国重新安置。 每个人在参加宗教仪式、上学以及参加社区中心的活动,或戴着自己的信仰标志走在路上时都应当感到安全。为了帮助确保人人都能没有恐惧地践行他们的信仰,本届政府已实施为国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)的“非营利安全拨款计划”(Nonprofit Security Grant Program)增拨资金,该计划为受到威胁的非营利组织提供资金——其中包括敬拜场所以及其他宗教所属实体——以改善它们的安全和保障。我还签署了《打击COVID-19仇恨犯罪法》(COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act),其中包括《贾巴拉-海耶反仇视法》(Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act),以提供我们知道能够有效地制止及起诉仇恨犯罪的工具。我们必须不断申明仇恨在美国没有安全藏匿所。在这个很多人因其信仰和信念而遭受令人发指的迫害的时候,本届政府继续坚定地努力在全球引领并促进包括宗教自由在内的各项人权。 与许许多多美国人一样,信仰在我的生活中一直是希望的灯塔以及远大目标的召唤,而且我相信保护宗教自由现在和以往任何时候同样重要。我们必须继续努力以确保所有信仰——或没有信仰——的人们都得到社会全面参与者的对待,并享有平等的权利和尊严。只有帮助所有人都享有自由,我们才能全面实现我们希望自己所拥有的自由。值此宗教自由日,让我们重新致力于这些根本原则。 为此,我,约瑟夫·R·拜登(JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.),美利坚合众国总统,根据美利坚合众国宪法和法律赋予我的权力,特此宣告2022年1月16日为宗教自由日。 我谨于公元二千零二十二年,即美利坚合众国独立二百四十六年之一月十四日在此签名为证。 约瑟夫·R·拜登
A Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2022 JANUARY 14, 2022•PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS From the earliest days of our Nation, courageous people from every part of the world have come to the United States in search of religious liberty, risking everything to flee oppression, persecution, and discrimination because of their beliefs.  Our Founders enshrined the principle of religious freedom in the First Amendment to our Constitution, establishing it as a cornerstone of who we are as a Nation.  Today, America remains a religiously diverse Nation — a land uniquely strengthened by the routine and extraordinary commingling of faiths and belief systems.  On Religious Freedom Day, we recommit ourselves to the protection and advancement of this vital aspect of our American character — and to protecting the freedom of people of all faiths and none, both across our Nation and around the world. Our country’s greatest strength is and always has been our diversity, including the multitude of faiths and beliefs practiced across our Nation.  My Administration is committed to strengthening the Federal workforce by ensuring that it resembles the full breadth of our people by promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, including on the basis of religion.  That is why I reestablished the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to serve people in need by partnering with both religious and secular organizations.  These public-private partnerships embody the American system of religious freedom and are effective — whether by working together to get people vaccinated against COVID-19, providing nutritious meals to children, or welcoming and resettling refugees to the United States. Everyone should feel safe when attending a religious service, school, a community center event, or while walking down the street wearing the symbols of their faith.  To help ensure that everyone can practice their faith without fear, my Administration has implemented increased funding for the Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which makes funding available to threatened nonprofits — including houses of worship and other religious affiliated entities — to improve their safety and security.  I also signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which included the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act to provide tools that we know are effective in preventing and prosecuting hate crimes.  We must constantly affirm that hate has no safe harbor in America.  My Administration remains steadfast in our efforts to lead and advance human rights including the freedom of religion around the globe at a time when many people are subject to horrifying persecution for their faith and beliefs. In my life, faith has always been a beacon of hope and a calling to purpose, as it is for so many Americans, and I believe that protecting religious freedom is as important now as it has ever been.  We must continue our work to ensure that people of all faiths — or none — are treated as full participants in society, equal in rights and dignity.  We can only fully realize the freedom we wish for ourselves by helping to ensure liberty for all.  On Religious Freedom Day, let us rededicate ourselves to these fundamental principles. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 16, 2022, as Religious Freedom Day. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.                              JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.
40 Years of Diplomatic Relations Logo 美国商务部宣布将华为技术有限公司加入实体名单 华盛顿—今天美国商务部工业与安全局(BIS)宣布它将把华为技术有限公司及其关联方加入该局的实体名单。本行动起因于商务部可获得的信息,这些信息为得出华为从事与美国国家安全或外交政策利益相对立的活动这一结论提供合理依据。这些信息包括司法部对华为的公开替代起诉中所指控的活动,包括涉嫌违反《国际紧急状态经济权力法》(IEEPA)、通过向伊朗提供被禁止的金融服务而违反IEEPA的阴谋行动以及在针对这些涉嫌违反美国制裁的调查上妨碍司法。 向该实体名单上的某一公司或个人出售或转让美国技术需要BIS发放的许可,如果该出售或转让会伤害美国的国家安全或外交政策利益,许可可能会被拒绝。名单于联邦公报上公布之时即生效。 “在美国总统的支持下,商务部工业与安全局的本次行动将华为——一家是世界上最大的通讯设备生产商的中国企业——列入实体名单之中。这将防止美国技术被外国实体以可能损害美国国家安全或外交政策利益的方式加以使用。” 商务部长威尔伯∙罗斯表示。“特朗普总统已指示商务部在其对国家安全活动的保护中保持警惕。自本届行政当局成立以来,商务部已将190名个人或组织加入实体名单,并根据1962年《贸易法》第232条款针对进口对国家安全的影响进行了五次调查。” 对实体清单的添加由最终用户审查委员会决定,该委员会由商务部、国防部、国务部和能源部的官员组成。根据《出口管理条例》第744.11(b)条,个人或组织——有合理理由相信他们涉及、曾涉及或有重大风险将涉及与美国国家安全或外交政策利益相对立的活动——以及代表此类人员行事的个人或组织可被加入实体名单。 工业与安全局的使命是通过确保一个有效的出口管制与条约遵守体系以及促进美国持续的战略技术领导力来推进美国的国家安全与外交政策目标。BIS致力于防止来自美国之物支持大规模毁灭性武器(WMD)项目、恐怖主义或破坏稳定的军事现代化计划。
Department of Commerce Announces the Addition of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. to the Entity List WASHINGTON – Today, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it will be adding Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and its affiliates to the Bureau’s Entity List. This action stems from information available to the Department that provides a reasonable basis to conclude that Huawei is engaged in activities that are contrary to U.S. national security or foreign policy interest. This information includes the activities alleged in the Department of Justice’s public superseding indictment of Huawei, including alleged violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), conspiracy to violate IEEPA by providing prohibited financial services to Iran, and obstruction of justice in connection with the investigation of those alleged violations of U.S. sanctions. The sale or transfer of American technology to a company or person on the Entity List requires a license issued by BIS, and a license may be denied if the sale or transfer would harm U.S. national security or foreign policy interests. The listing will be effective when published in the Federal Register. “This action by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, with the support of the President of the United States, places Huawei, a Chinese owned company that is the largest telecommunications equipment producer in the world, on the Entity List. This will prevent American technology from being used by foreign owned entities in ways that potentially undermine U.S. national security or foreign policy interests,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “President Trump has directed the Commerce Department to be vigilant in its protection of national security activities. Since the beginning of the Administration, the Department has added 190 persons or organizations to the Entity List, as well as instituted five investigations of the effect of imports on national security under Section 232 of the Trade Act of 1962.” Additions to the Entity List are decided by the End-User Review Committee which is comprised of officials from the Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, State Department, and Department of Energy. Under § 744.11(b) of the Export Administration Regulations, persons or organizations for whom there is reasonable cause to believe that they are involved, were involved, or pose a significant risk of becoming involved in activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, and those acting on behalf of such persons, may be added to the Entity List. The Bureau of Industry and Security’s mission is to advance U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership. BIS is committed to preventing U.S.-origin items from supporting Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) projects, terrorism, or destabilizing military modernization programs.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2020年3月31日 简报 美国为国际组织抗击冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)发挥的作用 “你在任何时候看到联合国人道主义和救援机构为世界各地抗击COVID-19提供高质量、有效的援助之时,都可以感受到美国人民和共同拥有我们人道主义价值观的人们发挥的乐于助人的精神。我们是联合国儿童基金(UN Children’s Fund)和世界粮食计划署(World Food Program)等组织无可比拟的最大的捐助方,因为我们相信应该采取有效的多边主义方式,集中力量帮助有需要的方面,而不是为了获得政治上的得分。这才是真正的全球领导作用。” ——国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(Michael R. Pompeo),2020年3月27日 美国绝对是通过联合国(United Nations)和数十个国际组织为应对危机和人道主义行动提供援助最慷慨和最可靠的捐助方。美国的援助,不论是资金还是物资、也不论是专长还是技术,都是抗击COVID-19的努力不可缺少的方面。例如: 美国为世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)提供支持 美国为联合国儿童基金提供支持 美国支持联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHCR)的工作 美国对世界粮食计划署的支持
FACT SHEET March 31, 2020 The U.S. Role in International Organizations’ Response to COVID-19 “Whenever you see high quality, effective COVID-19 aid being delivered around the world by UN humanitarian and relief agencies, what you are seeing is the generosity of the American people and those who share our humanitarian values.  We are by far the largest contributors to organizations like the UN Children’s Fund and the World Food Program because we believe in effective multilateralism that is focused on helping those in need, not scoring political points. This is what true global leadership looks like.” — Secretary Michael R. Pompeo, March 27, 2020 The United States is by far the most generous and reliable contributor to crisis response and humanitarian action through the United Nations and dozens of international organizations. U.S. assistance, monetary and in-kind contributions, expertise and technology, are indispensable to the effort to combat COVID-19.  Examples include: U.S. Support to the World Health Organization (WHO) U.S. Support to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) U.S. Support to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) U.S. Support to the World Food Program (WFP)
鉴于首次在中国武汉发现的新型冠状病毒,请勿前往中国旅行。1月30日,世界卫生组织已认定这次迅速蔓延的疫情构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。旅行者应做好准备,在几乎没有或没有提前通知的情况下,会实施旅行限制。商业航空公司已经减少或暂停了往返中国的航线。 那些目前在中国的美国人应该考虑使用商业交通方式离开。鉴于这种新型冠状病毒,美国国务院已要求所有非必要的美国政府工作人员推迟前往中国。 为了遏制这种新型冠状病毒,中国当局已暂停了武汉周边地区的航空、公路和铁路旅行,并限制了全国范围的旅行和其他活动。美国国务院于2020年1月23日命令所有非应急美国人员及其家属离开武汉。美国政府向湖北省的美国公民提供紧急服务的能力有限。 美国疾病控制与预防中心已经针对中国各地发出了旅行安全警告。
Do not travel to China due to novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. On January 30, the World Health Organization has determined the rapidly spreading outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice.Commercial carriers have reduced or suspended routes to and from China. Those currently in China should consider departing using commercial means. The Department of State has requested that all non-essential U.S. government personnel defer travel to China in light of the novel coronavirus.  In an effort to contain the novel coronavirus, the Chinese authorities have suspended air, road, and rail travel in the area around Wuhan and placed restrictions on travel and other activities throughout the country. On January 23, 2020, the Department of State ordered the departure of all non-emergency U.S. personnel and their family members from Wuhan. The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Hubei province. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Warning for all of China.
白宫 华盛顿特区 2022年6月28日 今天拜登总统与七国集团(G7)领导人会晤,以加强我们对经济问题、网络空间和量子以及其他21世纪挑战的合作,包括中国对我们的劳工、公司和国家安全构成的挑战。七国集团代表着超过50%的全球经济,它表明,它是由志同道合的民主国家共同解决问题的今天世界上最强有力的机制之一。 承诺以统一方针对抗中国不公正的经济操作:七国集团将以集体的、前所未有的公开语言指出中华人民共和国不透明、扭曲市场的行业指令所造成的伤害。七国集团将致力于共同制定一项协调方针,排除中华人民共和国的非市场政策及做法,为企业和工人确保公平的竞争环境。 提高供应链韧性:七国集团将交流认识和最佳做法,在供应链遇到冲击前识别、监视和最大程度地减少薄弱环节和物流瓶颈,同时针对有损全球安全和稳定的长期风险作出协调。七国集团将承诺加紧发展负责任的、可持续的和透明的关键矿物供应链,并制定一项涵盖加工、精炼和回收的前瞻战略。 开展网络和量子技术合作:七国集团将作出承诺,强化和提升我们的网络合作;与密切的伙伴共同努力,实现问责并加强网络空间的稳定与安全。七国集团还将承诺对采用抗量子密码技术开展新的合作,以实现信息通信技术系统之间的安全互操作能力并促进数字经济发展。 促进贸易和技术委员会的民主和市场导向贸易标准:七国集团将作出一项针对技术、贸易和创新标准的承诺,它体现七国集团伙伴在与中国竞争时的价值观。通过一些论坛,如美国–欧盟贸易和技术委员会(U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council),我们将向世界显示,以民主和市场导向的方式对待贸易、技术和创新能够如何为我们的公民改善生活并且成为走向更大繁荣的力量。 改进多边框架以利债务重组:七国集团将强调它对成功落实 “二十国集团缓债倡议后续债务处理共同框架”(G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the Debt Service Suspension Initiative)的承诺。七国集团将敦促所有债权方,包括非巴黎俱乐部国家——例如中国——以及私人债权方,根据请求为所需债务处理作出建设性贡献。七国集团也将重申致力于在所有债务方和债权方之间提倡透明,增强债务可持续性。 致力于阻止强迫劳动和维护人权:七国集团将谴责全球发生的各种侵犯人权情况,包括与俄罗斯进一步侵犯乌克兰相关的践踏、中华人民共和国在新疆和西藏的压制、缅甸的军事政变以及伊朗正在对自由的压制。七国集团还将致力于加快在阻止强迫劳动方面的进展,目标是在全球供应链中消除一切形式的强迫劳动,包括国家支持的强迫劳动,例如在新疆。七国集团承诺采取进一步措施加强合作,包括通过提高透明度和发布商务风险公告,并针对全球的强迫劳动问题采取其他举措。一个重要的对抗在中华人民共和国境内的强迫劳动的行动实例是美国正在实施的《防止强迫维吾尔人劳动法》(Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act),该法由拜登总统在2021年12月签署生效。 重申民主复原力的重要性:七国集团领导人——连同阿根廷、印度、印度尼西亚、塞内加尔和南非等国领导人——发表了《民主复原力》(Democratic Resilience)声明  ,明确了在我们民主国家中和在世界各地加强对专制威胁的抵御能力的重要性。这项声明将声张七国集团国家共同的民主价值;谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰是对民主的攻击;肯定公民社会和独立媒体的重要作用;并阐明七国集团成员将如何加强行动,应对与非法融资和腐败、外国恶意影响以及跨国压制相关的日益增长的外来威胁。    欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/06/28/fact-sheet-the-united-states-continues-to-strengthen-cooperation-with-g7-on-21st-century-challenges-including-those-posed-by-the-peoples-republic-of-china-prc/   本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
FACT SHEET: The United States Continues to Strengthen Cooperation with G7 on 21st Century Challenges, including those Posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) JUNE 28, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES Today President Biden met with G7 leaders to strengthen our cooperation on economic issues, cyberspace and quantum, and other 21st century challenges, including those posed by China to our workers, companies, and national security. The G7, representing over 50% of the world economy, is demonstrating that it is among the most potent institutions in the world today, with like-minded democracies solving problems. Committing to a unified approach to confront China’s unfair economic practices:  The G7 will release collective, unprecedented language acknowledging the harms caused by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) non-transparent, market-distorting industrial directives. They will commit to working together to develop a coordinated approach to remedy the PRC’s non-market policies and practices to ensure a level playing field for businesses and workers. Elevating supply chain resilience: The G7 will share insights and best practices to identify, monitor, and minimize vulnerabilities and logistic bottlenecks in advance of supply chain shocks, as well as coordinate on long-term risk that undermine global security and stability. The G7 will make a commitment to intensify development of responsible, sustainable, and transparent critical minerals supply chains and establish a forward strategy that takes into account processing, refining and recycling. Cooperating on Cyber and Quantum Technology: The G7 will make a commitment to intensify and elevate our cyber cooperation; working with our close partners to achieveaccountability and increasing stability and security in cyberspace. The G7 will also commit to new cooperation to deploy quantum resistant cryptography with the goal of ensuring secure interoperability between ICT systems and fostering growth in the digital economy. Advancing Trade and Technology Council standards for democratic, market-oriented approaches to trade: The G7 will include a commitment to standards in technology, trade and innovation that represent our values as G7 partners compete with China. Through fora, such as the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council, we will demonstrate to the world how democratic and market-oriented approaches to trade, technology, and innovation can improve the lives of our citizens and be a force for greater prosperity. Improving the multilateral framework for debt restructuring: The G7 will underscore its commitment to successfully implementing the G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the Debt Service Suspension Initiative. The G7 will urge all relevant creditors, including non-Paris Club countries – such as China – and private creditors, to contribute constructively to the necessary debt treatments as requested. The G7 will also reaffirm its commitment to promoting transparency across all debtors and creditors for improved debt sustainability. Committing to tackle forced labor and upholding human rights:  The G7 will condemn a range of human rights abuses occurring globally, including abuses linked to Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine, the PRC’s repression in Xinjiang and Tibet,the military coup in Burma, and ongoing suppression of freedom in Iran.  The G7 will also commitd to accelerate progress to tackle forced labor, with the goal of removing all forms of forced labor from global supply chains, including state-sponsored forced labor, such as in Xinjiang. G7 countries committed to take further measures to strengthen cooperation, including through increased transparency and business risk advisories, and other measures to address forced labor globally.As one important example of action to combat forced labor in the PRC, the United States is implementing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which President Biden signed into law in December 2021. Reaffirming the Importance of Democratic Resilience:  The G7 Leaders – along with the leaders of Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal, and South Africa – released a statement on Democratic Resilience, affirming the importance of strengthening resilience to authoritarian threats within our own democracies and around the world. This Statement will amplify the shared democratic values across G7 countries; condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an attack on democracy; affirm the importance of civil society and independent media; and outline how G7 members will strengthen actions in response to rising foreign threats related to illicit finance and corruption, foreign malign influence, and transnational repression. ###
白宫 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 2021年6月24日 最近,世界主要民主政体在英国康沃尔(Cornwall)举行7国集团峰会(G7 Summit)期间一致表示反对强迫劳动,包括新疆的强迫劳动,并承诺保障全球供应链不存在使用强迫劳动的情况。美国正在将有关承诺转化为行动。拜登–哈里斯(Biden-Harris)政府正在采取更多的步骤,要求参与实施强迫劳动的有关方面承担责任,确保我们继续通过国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)美国海关和边境保护局(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)、商务部(Department of Commerce)和劳工部(Department of Labor)采取行动,从我们的供应链中剔除使用强迫劳动制造的产品。 这些行动表明我们要求中华人民共和国为采取残酷和不人道的强迫劳动行为承担更大代价的承诺,促使北京遵守有规可循的国际秩序,奉行公平贸易的规则。美国相信,新疆采取受到国家支持的强迫劳动侵犯了人类尊严,同时也是中华人民共和国不公平经济行为的表现。中华人民共和国在新疆使用强迫劳是其系统性践踏维吾尔人及其他少数民族和宗教权利的组成部分。要求制止这些侵权行为仍然是拜登–哈里斯政府的一项重要事务。系统性的侵权行为不仅仅表现为强迫劳动,还包括性暴力和大规模强迫拘押。同时中华人民共和国继续在新疆从事种族灭绝活动和危害人类的罪行。 中华人民共和国采取强迫劳动的行为违背了我国的整体价值观,使美国消费者受到不道德行为的危害。另外,这些行为还允许公司通过剥削工人和人为压低工资的手段取得压倒竞争对手的优势,使美国工商业和工人在不公平的条件下进行竞争。美国绝不允许我们的供应链上存在强迫劳动的行为,并要求继续为美国工人和工商业捍卫我们的价值观。其中包括一如既往支持在国内发展不存在强迫劳动的透明和多样性清洁能源供应链——并支持拜登总统承诺的具有胆略的气候行动、国内太阳能工业及这个重要工业部门创造的工作机会。 美国海关和边境保护局发布暂扣令(Withhold Release Order):海关和边境保护局已对位于新疆的合盛硅业股份有限公司(Hoshine Silicon Industry Co., Ltd.)及其附属企业生产的硅基产品发布暂扣令。此暂扣令的依据是合理地指出合盛公司使用强迫劳动制造硅基产品的信息。为此,美国所有入境口岸的人员已接受指令,立即开始扣押含有合盛公司生产的硅基产品或来自这些硅基产品或使用这些硅基产品生产的材料和商品的货运。海关和边境保护局负责调查美国供应链中涉案的强迫劳动行为,并将继续调查新疆等地多晶硅工业和其他工业的涉案行为。 2021年财政年度,海关和边境保护局通过对强迫劳动问题进行的调查已发布6项暂扣令,其中一项涉及新疆地区的棉花和番茄产品,一项涉及原产新疆生产建设兵团的棉花产品,另一项涉及大连远洋渔业金枪鱼钓有限公司(Dalian Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd.)。涉及大连的暂扣令表明,美国还为反对中华人民共和国在新疆以外地区使用强迫劳动的行为采取行动——包括海产行业。目前,有效的49项暂扣令中有35项涉及来自中华人民共和国的商品,11项涉及来自新疆强迫劳动生产的商品。 商务部增订实体清单(Entity List):商务部工业和安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security)增订的实体清单已列入中华人民共和国的5个实体:合盛硅业(鄯善);新疆大全新能源(Xinjiang Daqo New Energy);新疆东方希望有色金属(Xinjiang East Hope Nonferrous Metals);新疆协鑫新能源材料科技(Xinjiang GCL New Energy Material Technology)和新疆生产建设兵团——因参与在新疆实行、接受或使用强迫劳动,助长践踏新疆维吾尔人和其他少数群体人权的行为。继以往中华人民共和国48个实体因与新疆践踏人权行为有联系被列入实体清单后,这项行动按出口管制条例(Export Administration Regulations)对这类实体作为交易一方(如终端用户、购买方、中间商或最终收货方)从事的商品、软件和技术的出口、再出口或境内转让实施限制。 劳工部增订“童工或强迫劳动产品清单”(List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor)”  :劳工部已发布联邦记事公告(Federal Register Notice),增订“童工或强迫劳动产品清单”,列入中华人民共和国使用强迫劳动生产的多晶硅。劳工部对违反国际标准使用童工或强迫劳动生产的产品,每2年公布一次增订清单。这次增订的清单第一次在2年周期以外列入一项产品,强调表明对持续践踏新疆维吾尔人和其他少数群体人权的行为之严重性做出的强烈反应。该报告目前包括来自中华人民共和国与新疆强迫劳动有联系或由转移至中华人民共和国其他地区的维吾尔人生产的其他产品,包括棉花、服装、鞋类、电子用品、手套、护发品、纺织品、棉纱/毛线和番茄产品。  欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/24/fact-sheet-new-u-s-government-actions-on-forced-labor-in-xinjiang/
FACT SHEET: New U.S. Government Actions on Forced Labor in Xinjiang JUNE 24, 2021 At the recent G7 Summit in Cornwall, United Kingdom, the world’s leading democracies stood united against forced labor, including in Xinjiang, and committed to ensure global supply chains are free from the use of forced labor. The United States is translating these commitments into action. The Biden-Harris administration is taking additional steps to hold those who engage in forced labor accountable and ensure that we continue to remove goods made with forced labor from our supply chains through actions by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Labor. These actions demonstrate our commitment to imposing additional costs on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for engaging in cruel and inhumane forced labor practices and ensuring that Beijing plays by the rules of fair trade as part of the rules-based international order. The United States believes that state-sponsored forced labor in Xinjiang is both an affront to human dignity and an example of the PRC’s unfair economic practices. The PRC’s use of forced labor in Xinjiang is an integral part of its systematic abuses against the Uyghur population and other ethnic and religious minority groups, and addressing these abuses will remain a high priority for the Biden-Harris administration. The systematic abuses go beyond forced labor to include sexual violence and large-scale forced detentions, and the PRC continues to commit genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. The PRC’s forced labor practices run counter to our values as a nation and expose American consumers to unethical practices. They also leave American businesses and workers to compete on an uneven playing field by allowing firms to gain advantage over their competitors by exploiting workers and artificially suppressing wages. The United States will not tolerate forced labor in our supply chains and will continue to stand up for our values and for U.S. workers and businesses. This includes maintaining support for the development of transparent and diverse clean energy supply chains at home free of forced labor — and supporting President Biden’s commitment to bold climate action, the domestic solar industry, and the jobs this vital industry creates. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Issues Withhold Release Order (WRO): CBP has issued a WRO on silica-based products made by Hoshine Silicon Industry Co., Ltd., a company located in Xinjiang, and its subsidiaries. This WRO is based on information reasonably indicating that Hoshine used forced labor to manufacture silica-based products. As a result, personnel at all U.S. ports of entry have been instructed to immediately begin detaining shipments that contain silica-based products made by Hoshine or materials and goods derived from or produced using those silica-based products. CBP investigates allegations of forced labor in U.S. supply chains and will continue investigating allegations in the polysilicon industry and other industries in Xinjiang and elsewhere. CBP’s forced labor investigations have produced six Withhold Release Orders in Fiscal Year 2021, including one on cotton and tomato products from the Xinjiang region, another on cotton products originating from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), and one on the Dalian Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd. As demonstrated by the Dalian WRO, the United States is also taking action to combat the PRC’s use of forced labor beyond Xinjiang – including in the seafood industry. Currently, 35 of 49 active WROs are on goods from the PRC, and 11 WROs are on goods made by forced labor from Xinjiang. Department of Commerce Updates its Entity List: The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security added to the Entity List five PRC entities: Hoshine Silicon Industry (Shanshan); Xinjiang Daqo New Energy; Xinjiang East Hope Nonferrous Metals; Xinjiang GCL New Energy Material Technology, and XPCC— for participating in the practice of, accepting, or utilizing forced labor in Xinjiang and contributing to human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other minority groups in Xinjiang. This action, which follows the 48 PRC entities previously added to the Entity List for their connections to human rights abuses in Xinjiang, restricts the export, reexport, or in-country transfer of commodities, software, and technology subject to the Export Administration Regulations where such entities are a party to the transactions (e.g., end-user, purchaser, intermediate or ultimate consignee). Department of Labor Updates the “List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor”: The Department of Labor has published a Federal Register Notice updating its “List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor,” to include polysilicon produced with forced labor in the PRC. Every two years, the Department of Labor publishes an updated list of goods produced by child labor or forced labor in violation of international standards. This update is the first time a good has been added outside of that two-year cycle, highlighting its strong response to the severity of the ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other minority groups in Xinjiang. The report currently includes other products from the PRC that have links to forced labor in Xinjiang or by Uyghur workers transferred to other parts of the PRC, including cotton, garments, footwear, electronics, gloves, hair products, textiles, thread/yarn, and tomato products. ###
May, 2023 Warehouse Auction Ad (PPT, 591KB)
May, 2023 Warehouse Auction Ad (PPT, 591KB)
西联汇款是最快最有效的国际汇款方式,包括汇往地中国。 西联汇款:您的家人或朋友从海外汇款最快的方式是通过西联汇款。西联汇款与中国速递服务公司合作经营。汇款信息通过公司的国际电脑网络完成,收款人可在汇出完成后几分钟内提取资金。资金可由本人提取,或根据汇款人提供的地址速递至收款人。取款时,需携带带照片的身份证件。目前为止,西联汇款只能汇出美元或人民币。其服务收取0.5%的服务费。西联汇款在中国有数百家网点,请点击这里访问其网站,寻找您附近的网点。 海外公民服务信托:美国国务部可协助在美家属向处于紧急经济状况下的美国公民汇款,该项服务耗时较长。身在海外经济困难的美国公民应就近联络美国大使馆或领事馆,咨询资格要求及其他细节。美国国务部将开立一个信托帐号用于海外转账,并收取每个财政年(10月1日-9月30日)30美金的手续费。第一次汇款时,请在您计划给收款人汇入的总金额上,务必多汇入30美金用于支付国务部的手续费。 如果没人能给我汇款怎么办? 在某些情况下,美国大使馆或领事馆可帮助经济困难的美国公民回国。但申请人必须符合严格要求,才能申请贷款。该公民在偿清贷款前,将不被允许再度离开美国。此项援助无法用于支付已发生的债务。 注意:大使馆和领事馆无法进行支票提现。请点击此处获取向经济困难的海外美国公民汇款的具体信息。
Please note: The Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by the local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such information. Western Union:  Western Union operates in China in partnership with the China Courier Service Corp. The money transfer information is sent through the company’s international computer network and the recipient can collect the funds a few minutes after the transaction is complete.  Funds can be picked up in person, or delivered by courier to the recipient at the address provided by the sender. Photo identification is required to collect the funds.  As of now, only U.S. dollars or Chinese Renminbi Yuan can by transferred through this service. Western Union charges a 0.5% service fee. They have hundreds of locations in China, please see their website for specific locations. OCS Trust: The U.S. Department of State can assist relatives in the U.S. who wish to send money in an emergency, although this option is slower.  The destitute U.S. citizen who is abroad should contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to inquire about eligibility requirements and additional details. The U.S. Department of State charges a $30 processing fee once per fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) to set up an account and transfer funds overseas. When sending money for the first time, please be sure to add the State Department’s $30 fee to the amount you intend to send the recipient. What if no one can send me money? In certain cases, the U.S. Embassy may be able to help a destitute American return home. However, applicants must meet strict criteria in order to qualify for a loan, and will not be permitted to leave the U.S. again until they repay the full amount of their loan. Assistance will not be provided to pay existing debts. Note: The Embassy and Consulates cannot cash checks.  For detailed information on sending money to destitute U.S. citizens overseas, please click here. Additional Resources: Sending Money Overseas
白宫 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 2021年9月21日   拜登总统在第76届联合国大会上的讲话   联合国总部 纽约州纽约市   美东夏令时间上午10 时零1分   总统:主席先生、秘书长先生、各位代表以及所有献身于本机构的崇高使命的人士:我荣幸地作为美国总统首次对你们发表讲话。 我们今年集会之际,正值一个深重的痛苦与巨大的机遇交织的时刻。这场惨重的——这场惨重的疫情已给我们造成如此重大的损失,它仍在全世界各地夺去生命并对我们的生存产生巨大影响。 我们在哀悼逝去的450多万人——他们来自各个国家和各种背景。每个人的去世都令人心碎。但我们共同的悲伤深刻地提醒我们,我们的共同未来将有赖于我们认识到我们共同的人性并共同采取行动的能力。 女士们、先生们,这是一个我们在对于我们的世界必将具有决定意义的10年的开端所面临的明确、迫切的抉择——这个10年将会,毫不夸张地说,决定我们的未来。 作为一个全球社区,我们受到迫在眉睫的种种危机的挑战,其中也存在着巨大的机会,如果——如果——我们能够拿出意愿并决心抓住这些机会。 我们是否将共同努力在各个地方拯救生命并战胜COVID-19疫情,而且采取必要步骤,做好准备应对下一场疫情?因为下一场疫情将会出现。还是我们在更致命、更危险的变异病毒传播之时未能利用现有的各种工具? 我们是否将应对构成挑战的气候的威胁——我们都已经感受到这种构成挑战的气候在我们世界的每个地方造成极端天气?还是我们将遭受日益严重的旱灾和水灾、更剧烈的火灾和飓风、更长久的热浪和不断上升的海平面的毫不留情的推进? 我们是否将重申并捍卫70多年前致力于共同事业的国家在组建这个机构时所遵循的人类尊严和人权? 我们是否将在寻求打造新兴技术并遏制新威胁之时应用并增强包括联合国宪章(UN Charter)和《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)在内的国际体系的核心原则?还是我们将听任这些——那些普世原则在谋求赤裸裸的政治权力的过程中遭到践踏和歪曲? 在我看来,我们此时此刻如何回答这些问题——我们是否选择为我们共同的未来而奋斗——将对子孙后代产生影响。 简而言之,在我看来,我们正处在历史的一个转折点。我今天在这里要告诉你们,美国计划如何同合作伙伴和盟友共同努力回答这些问题,以及我们这届新政府对帮助引领世界走向一个对所有人民而言都更和平、更繁荣的世界的承诺。 我们不能再继续打过去的战争,而是要将我们的目光集中在将我们的资源全部投入于对我们的共同未来具有关键意义的种种挑战:结束这场疫情;应对气候危机;管理全球力量态势的变化;在贸易、网络和新兴技术等关键问题上塑造世界规则;以及应对今天存在的恐怖主义威胁。 我们已经结束了为期20年的在阿富汗的冲突。而且在我们结束这个无情的战争阶段时,我们正在开启一个新时代:展开持续不断的外交;利用我们发展援助的力量投入于托举全世界人民的新方式;振兴并捍卫民主;证明不论我们将要面临的问题多么具有挑战性或复杂性,民有、民治、民享的政府仍然是造福于我们所有人民的最佳途径。 当美国将我们的注意力转向全世界的优先重点和各个地区时,例如印太地区(Indo-Pacific),它们在今天和明天都有最重大的影响,我们将同我们的盟友和合作伙伴共同努力,而且要通过在像联合国这样的多边机制中的合作,以扩大我们的集体实力并加快我们在应对这些全球性挑战上的进展。 这是21世纪的一个根本事实,在我们各自国家内以及作为一个全球社区,我们各自的成功与其他人的成功紧密相连。 为了造福于我们本国人民,我们必须同全世界深切接触。 为了确保我们各自的未来,我们必须同其他合作伙伴——我们的合作伙伴共同努力向一个共同的未来迈进。 我们的安全、我们的繁荣以及我们的切身自由紧密相连,在我看来,比以往任何时候都更是如此。因此,我相信我们必须比以往任何时候都更加齐心协力。 在过去的8个月里,我将重建我们的联盟以及重振我们的伙伴关系作为首要重点,并认识到它们对于美国持久的安全和繁荣至关重要并处于核心地位。 我们重申了我们对北约(NATO)的神圣的第5条款(Article 5)承诺。我们正在同我们的盟友为一项新的战略理念而努力,这将帮助我们的联盟更好地应对今天和明天不断演变的威胁。 我们恢复了我们同欧洲联盟(European Union)的接触,这是一个着手解决我们今日世界所面临的所有重大问题时的根本的合作伙伴。 我们提升了澳大利亚、印度、日本和美国的四方(Quad)伙伴关系,以应对从健康安全到气候到新兴技术方面的种种挑战。 我们正在同地区机制接触——从东盟(ASEAN)到非洲联盟(African Union)到美洲国家组织(Organization of American States)——侧重于人民对增进健康及更好经济成果的迫切需求。 我们在国际论坛中回到了桌前,特别是在联合国,以便将注意力集中在共同的挑战上并就此激励全球性行动。 我们重新同世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)接触,并同COVID-19新冠疫苗全球获取机制(COVAX)展开密切的伙伴合作,以便在全世界发送拯救生命的疫苗。 我们重新加入了《巴黎气候协议》(Paris Climate Agreement),而且我们正在参选于明年在联合国人权理事会(Human Rights Council)重新获得席位。 在美国寻求团结全世界采取行动时,我们将不仅仅以我们的力量为榜样来引领,而是,上帝保佑,以我们的榜样为力量。 毋庸置疑:美国将继续保卫我们自己、我们的盟友以及我们的利益不受攻击,包括不遭受恐怖主义威胁,而且我们准备在任何必要情况下使用武力,但——用来保卫我们至关重要的美国国家利益,包括针对持续存在的、迫在眉睫的威胁。 但这一使命必须明确而且可以完成,在有了美国人民的知情同意,以及尽可能地同我们的盟友建立伙伴关系的情况下进行。 美国的军事力量必须成为我们最后采取的手段,而不是我们首先采取的手段,而且它不应被用来解决我们在全世界看到的每一个问题。 的确,今天,我们的很多最重大的关切,都不能通过使用武力来解决,甚至不能以此来应对。炸弹和子弹不能防范COVID-19疫情或是它今后的变异病毒。 为了抗击这场疫情,我们需要一种科学和政治意愿的集体行动。我们必须现在就采取行动尽可能快地注射疫苗,并扩大获取氧气、检测和治疗的途径,以便在全世界拯救生命。 而且在将来,我们应当建立一个新机制,建立在我们现有的发展援助的基础之上为全球健康安全提供融资,以及全球健康——全球健康威胁理事会,拥有我们监测并识别新出现的疫情所需的工具,以使我们能够立即采取行动。 美国已经为全球COVID疫情应对行动提供了超过150亿美元。我们已向其他国家发送了超过1.6亿剂COVID-19疫苗。这包括1.3亿剂来自我们本国供给的疫苗以及我们购买并通过COVID-19新冠疫苗全球获取机制捐赠的5亿剂辉瑞疫苗的第一部分。 运载着来自美国的疫苗的飞机已在100个国家着陆,正如一位美国护士对我说的,给世界各地的人民带去小小的“一剂希望”。“一剂希望”,直接来自于美国人民——而且,重要的是,没有任何附加条件。 而且明天,在美国主持的全球——COVID-19峰会上,我将宣布更多的承诺,我们在寻求推动抗击COVID-19疫情的努力,并让我们自己负起责任就三项关键挑战实现具体目标:在当下拯救生命、在全世界接种疫苗,并更好地恢复重建。 今年,不分国界的气候危机还带来了大范围的死亡和破坏。我们在世界各地所看到的极端天气事件——你们大家都知道而且都能感受到——秘书长恰如其分地称其为“对人类发出的红色警报”。而且科学家和专家们都在告诉我们,我们正在迅速接近一个名副其实的“不可逆转的节点”。 为使我们有望实现将全球升温幅度限制在1.5摄氏度的关键目标,每个国家都应当在我们于格拉斯哥(Glasgow)举行第26届联合国气候变化大会(COP26)时将他们尽可能最远大的雄心带到桌前,而且随后必须不断逐步提升我们的集体雄心。 4 月,我宣布了美国根据《巴黎协议》制定的雄心勃勃的新目标,即到 2030 年将美国的温室气体排放量在 2005 年的水平上减少 50-52%,同时我们将为在 2050 年建成净零排放的清洁能源经济而努力。 本届美国政府正在与国会密切合作,对绿色基础设施和电动汽车作出关键投资,这将有助于我们为实现国内的气候目标取得应有的进展。 最有意义的是:这些雄心勃勃的投资不仅仅是良好的气候政策,也是我们每个国家投资于自己以及我们的未来的机会。这是一个巨大的机会,它将为我们每个国家的劳动者创造高薪工作,刺激长期经济增长,从而改善各国人民的生活质量。 我们也必须支持受灾最严重、资源最少的国家和人民,帮助他们完成转型。 4 月,我宣布美国将把我们政府部门为国际社会提供的资金增加一倍,以帮助发展中国家应对气候危机。今天,我自豪地宣布,我们将与国会合作,把这个数字再翻一番,包括为转型提供支持。 这将使美国政府在为应对气候变化提供资金方面处于领先地位,加上我们的额外支持以及来自私营部门和捐助者的更多支持,我们将能够实现调动 1000 亿美元支持发展中国家的目标。 在我们应对这些危机的同时,我们也迎来了一个充满可能性的新技术时代,有望改变人类生存的各个方面。我们每一个国家都需要做出选择:是把这些技术用于增强人民的权能还是把它们用于进一步压制人民。 随着新技术的不断发展,我们将与我们的民主伙伴合作,确保新技术的进步——从生物技术到量子计算、从5G到人工智能——用于为人民创造更好的生活、解决问题和促进人类自由——而不是用于压制不同政见或少数族群。 美国打算在研究和创新方面大量投资,与处于各个经济发展阶段的国家合作,开发新工具和新技术,以帮助我们应对 21 世纪第二个25年以及此后的挑战。 我们正在加强我们的关键基础设施,以抵御网络攻击,破坏勒索软件网络,并努力制定与网络空间相关的用于所有国家的明确道路规则。 对威胁我们的人民、我们的盟友或我们的利益的网络攻击,我们保留作出果断回应的权利。 我们将寻求全球贸易和经济增长的新规则,使之创造公平的竞争环境,这样就不会人为地偏袒任何一个国家而牺牲其他国家的利益,从而使每个国家都享有公平竞争的权利和机会。 我们将努力确保基本劳工权利、环境保护机制和知识产权得到保护,全球化广泛造福于我们所有社会。 我们将继续维护长期存在的规则和规范。数十年来,这些规则和规范为国际交往提供了保护框架,对世界各国的发展至关重要,其中的基本承诺包括自由航行、遵守国际法和条约、支持军备控制措施以降低风险和提高透明度。 我们的方针牢牢植根于并完全符合联合国的使命和我们在起草《联合国宪章》时一致同意的价值观。这些是所有成员国做出的承诺,我们都必须遵守。 当我们努力应对所有这些紧迫的挑战时——无论是长期存在的还是新出现的挑战——我们也必须妥善处理我们之间的关系。 我认为,世界上所有大国都有义务审慎管理其国际关系,以避免将负责任的竞争转化为冲突。 美国将竞争,将有力地竞争,并凭借我们的价值观和实力领先。 我们将为我们的盟友挺身而出,反对强国通过强占领土、经济胁迫、技术剥削或散布谣言等方式压制弱国的企图。 但我们不是在寻求——我再次强调——我们不是在寻求一场新的冷战,也不是在寻求一个分裂成僵化阵营的世界。 美国随时准备与愿意通过和平解决方案应对共同挑战的任何国家合作——即使我们在其他领域中存在激烈的分歧。因为如果我们不齐心协力应对新冠病毒和气候变化等紧迫威胁或核扩散等持久威胁,我们将共同承受失败的后果。 美国仍然致力于阻止伊朗获得核武器。我们正在与 “五常加一”国家合作,与伊朗进行外交接触,寻求重返《联合全面行动计划》(JCPOA)。如果伊朗也这样做,我们准备恢复全面履约。 同样,我们寻求通过认真和持续的外交努力实现朝鲜半岛的全面去核化。 我们寻求在一项具有切实承诺的可实现计划方面取得具体进展,以加强朝鲜半岛和该地区的稳定,并改善朝鲜民主主义人民共和国人民的生活。 我们还必须对恐怖主义对我们所有国家构成的威胁保持警惕——无论它是来自遥远的地区还是来自我们的后院。 我们知道恐怖主义的刺痛——恐怖主义的刺痛——是真实的,我们几乎都曾经历过。 上个月,在喀布尔机场令人发指的恐怖袭击中,我们失去了 13 名美国英雄和近 200 名无辜的阿富汗平民。 对美国发动恐怖主义攻击的人仍将领教美国这个坚决的敌手。 但是,今天的世界已经不再是 2001 年的那个世界,今天的美国也不再是 20 年前遭受“9.11”袭击时的那个国家。 今天,我们更有能力发现和预防恐怖主义威胁,而且我们在击退和应对这些威胁方面也变得更加坚韧。 我们知道如何通过建立有效的伙伴关系来摧毁恐怖主义网络,具体做法包括:有针对性地打击恐怖主义融资和支持系统、展开反宣传、阻止恐怖分子的流动、挫败即将发生的袭击。 我们将利用一切可以利用的手段应对今天和未来的恐怖主义威胁,包括与当地伙伴合作,这样我们就不必过度依赖大规模的军事部署。 我们有效地加强安全和减少暴力的最重要的途径之一,是努力改善全球各地那些目睹政府不是在为他们的需要服务的人民的生活。 加剧不平等和掠夺国家资源的腐败行为跨越国界,为人类带来灾难。这是我们在 21 世纪面临的实实在在的国家安全威胁。 在世界各地,我们日益看到公民表达他们的不满,原因是富人和有关系的人越来越富有,他们收受贿赂,凌驾于法律之上,而绝大多数人却在为找工作、养家糊口、经营小企业、或让孩子上学而挣扎。 在每一个地区,人们纷纷走上街头,要求政府满足他们的基本需求,为每个人提供公平的机会,保护上帝赋予他们的权利。 在这些跨越语言和大陆的诉求中,我们听到了一个共同的呼声:呼唤尊严——人的基本尊严。作为领导者,我们有责任回应这一呼声,而不是以压制手段使之沉默。 美国承诺使用我们的资源和我们的国际平台来支持这些声音,倾听这些声音,与发出这些声音的人们合作,找到应对方法,在世界各地提升人类尊严。 例如,发展中国家对基础设施的需求巨大,但质量低劣、助长腐败或加剧环境退化的基础设施最终只会给各国带来更大的挑战。 然而,如果以正确的方式对满足国家需求的项目进行透明、可持续的投资,并允许当地工人参与维护高劳工和环境标准,基础设施就能够为中低收入国家的增长和繁荣提供坚实的基础。 这就是“重建更美好世界”背后的理念。 我们的目标是与私营部门和我们的七国集团合作伙伴一起,动员数千亿美元的基础设施投资。 我们还将继续作为世界上最大的人道主义援助捐助国,为千百万处于困境中的人们提供食物、水、住所、紧急医疗服务和其他至关重要的、拯救生命的援助。 当地震来袭、台风肆虐或世界任何地方发生灾难时,美国都会挺身而出。我们随时准备提供帮助。 就在去年,全球有近三分之一的人口无法获得足够的食物,为此,美国作出承诺,动员我们的合作伙伴共同努力,解决迫在眉睫的营养不良问题,并确保我们能够以可持续的方式在未来许多年里使世界上所有的人不再为饥馑所苦。 为实现这一目标,美国承诺提供 100 亿美元,以消除饥饿,并投资于国内外的食品保障系统。 自 2000 年以来,美国政府已出资 1400 多亿美元,用于促进健康和加强医疗保健系统,我们将继续发挥领导作用,推动这些至关重要的投资,让人们的生活每天都有改善,为他们减轻一分压力。 在我们努力改善人们的生活之时,我们树立新的目标,努力结束在世界各地造成巨大痛苦和伤害的冲突。 我们必须加倍外交努力,致力于政治谈判,而不是暴力,把外交作为管理世界各地紧张局势的首选工具。 我们必须为中东所有人民寻求一个更加和平与安全的未来。 美国对以色列安全的承诺毋庸置疑。我们坚定地支持一个独立的犹太国。 但是,我仍然认为,两国解决方案是确保以色列作为一个犹太人的民主国家与一个有生命力的、享有主权的、民主的巴勒斯坦国和平共处的最佳途径。 此刻,我们距离这一目标还有很长的路,但我们在任何时候都不能放弃取得进展的可能性。 我们不能放弃解决愈演愈烈的内战冲突,包括在埃塞俄比亚和也门,那里的战争——交战各方之间的战斗正在导致饥荒、可怕的暴力、践踏百姓人权,包括丧尽天良­地把强奸作为一种战争武器。 我们将继续与国际社会共同努力,推动和平,结束这一苦难。 美国在展开全面外交努力的同时,将积极倡导我们国家和我国人民最核心的民主价值观:自由,平等,机会,以及对普世人权的信念。 它印在我们国家的基因里。而且,非常重要的是,它印在这个机构——联合国——的基因里。我们有时忘记了这点。 让我引用《世界人权宣言》的开篇话语: “人类家庭所有成员平等的和不移的权利,乃是世界自由、正义与和平的基础”。 联合国的创始精神是将个人的权利置于我们体系的中心,它的明确与愿景不容无视或误解。 美国将尽自己的努力,但是,如果我们所有的国家都为响应全部使命的召唤而努力,我们将取得更大的成功,产生更大的影响。 正因为如此,100多个国家合力发表一项共同声明,安理会通过了决议,阐明我们接下来将如何为阿富汗人民提供支持,并表明我们期待塔利班尊重普世人权。 我们所有人必须积极支持妇女——妇女和女童的权利,充分运用她们的才智,为经济、政治和社会贡献力量,在从中美洲到中东、非洲、阿富汗的无论任何地方,不受暴力或恫吓地追求她们的梦想。 我们所有人必须在发生针对种族、民族和宗教少数群体的攻击和压制时——无论是发生在新疆,还是埃塞俄比亚北部,或是世界任何地方,予以揭露和谴责。 我们所有人必须捍卫男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者、酷儿、间性人(LGBTQI)的权利,使他们能够没有恐惧地公开生活与相爱,无论是在车臣(Chechnya)、喀麦隆或任何地方。 在我们引导我们的——引导我们的国家走向这个转折点并迎接今天的急速、交叉挑战的同时,让我明确一点:我对我们希望什么样的世界并非感到不可知。 未来将属于拥护而不是践踏人类尊严的人。 未来将属于释放而不是扼杀人民潜力的人。 未来将属于让人民能够自由呼吸而不是力图以铁掌窒息他们的人。 专制主义——世界上的专制主义也许想宣告民主时代结束,但是他们错了。 事实是:民主世界无所不在。它的活力展现在反贪腐的活动人士那里,在维权人士那里,在新闻工作者那里,在白俄罗斯、缅甸、叙利亚、古巴、委内瑞拉以及其他一切地方位于这场斗争第一线的和平示威者那里。 它的活力展现在抵抗暴力和压迫,把大屠杀独裁者赶下台并且为捍卫民主进步而每天奋斗不止的勇敢的苏丹妇女那里。 它的活力展现在帮助民主势力赢得压倒性胜利、从而为打击贪腐、建设更加共融的经济授权的骄傲的摩尔多瓦人那里。 它的活力展现在第一次运用投票权的力量,以创纪录的投票人数,痛斥腐败并为自己的国家规划崭新道路的赞比亚年轻人那里。 虽然没有任何民主制度是完美的,包括美国在内——美国将继续为实现自己的最高理想而奋斗,以愈合分裂,并且将严正对待暴力和暴乱——但是,民主制度仍然是我们拥有的能够释放人类全部潜力的最佳手段。 各位元首同仁,这是我们必须证明我们能不愧与前辈齐名的时刻,是他们的远见和价值观以及对我们共同未来的坚定信念缔造了联合国,打破了战争与毁灭的循坏,为70多年的相对和平与全球繁荣发展奠定了基础。 如今,我们必须再来共同确定,把我们连接在一起的内在的人性比任何外表的分裂或分歧都强大得多。 我们必须选择做比我们自认为的单独能力大得多的努力,从而让我们完成必须共同完成的成就:结束这场疫情,并确保作好应对下次疫情的准备;制止极度气候变化,并增强我们抵御已经开始看到的种种影响的能力;确保在未来让技术成为解决人类难题和加强人的能力的重要工具,而不是成为更大纠纷和压制的来源。 这些挑战是我们——将决定我们的子孙会有一个什么样的世界,他们将继承的是什么。我们只有面向未来才能战胜这些挑战。 我今天站在这里,这是20年来美国第一次没有在作战。我们翻过了一个篇章。 我们国家举世无双的一切实力、能源、承诺、意志和资源现在将完完全全被集中在我们的未来,而不是过去。 我知道这样一点:向前看,我们将发挥带头作用。我们将在所有当代最大的挑战中发挥带头作用——从冠状病毒到气候、和平与安全、人的尊严与人权。但我们不会孤军奋战。 我们将与我们的盟友和伙伴一起带头,并与和我们具有同样信念的所有各方合作——这个信念就是,我们有内在的能力迎接挑战,并建设一个托举起所有人和使地球受到保护的未来。 然而,这一切并非必然,而是一种选择。我可以告诉各位美国的立场:我们将选择建设更好的未来。我们——你们和我——我们有意愿和能力让未来更美好。 女士们,先生们,我们不能再浪费更多时间。让我们开始努力。让我们现在就来建设更美好的未来。 我们能够做到。它是我们的力量和能力所及。 感谢各位,愿主保佑你们所有人。 美东夏令时间10时34分 欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/09/21/remarks-by-president-biden-before-the-76th-session-of-the-united-nations-general-assembly/
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10:01 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, my fellow delegates, to all those who dedicate themselves to this noble mission of this institution: It’s my honor to speak to you for the first time as President of the United States. We meet this year in a moment of — intermingled with great pain and extraordinary possibility.  We’ve lost so much to this devastating — this devastating pandemic that continues to claim lives around the world and impact so much on our existence. We’re mourning more than 4.5 million people — people of every nation from every background.  Each death is an individual heartbreak.  But our shared grief is a poignant reminder that our collective future will hinge on our ability to recognize our common humanity and to act together. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the clear and urgent choice that we face here at the dawning of what must be a decisive decade for our world — a decade that will quite literally determine our futures. As a global community, we’re challenged by urgent and looming crises wherein lie enormous opportunities if — if — we can summon the will and resolve to seize these opportunities. Will we work together to save lives, defeat COVID-19 everywhere, and take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic?  For there will be another one.  Or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal as the more virulent and dangerous variants take hold? Will we meet the threat of challenging climate — the challenging climate we’re all feeling already ravaging every part of our world with extreme weather?  Or will we suffer the merciless march of ever-worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, longer heatwaves and rising seas? Will we affirm and uphold the human dignity and human rights under which nations in common cause, more than seven decades ago, formed this institution? Will we apply and strengthen the core tenets of inter- — of the international system, including the U.N. Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as we seek to shape the emergence of new technologies and deter new threats?  Or will we allow these universal — those universal principles to be trampled and twisted in the pursuit of naked political power? In my view, how we answer these questions in this moment — whether we choose to fight for our shared future or not — will reverberate for generations yet to come. Simply put: We stand, in my view, at an inflection point in history.  And I’m here today to share with you how the United States intends to work with partners and allies to answer these questions and the commitment of my new administration to help lead the world toward a more peaceful, prosperous future for all people. Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: ending this pandemic; addressing the climate crisis; managing the shifts in global power dynamics; shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber, and emerging technologies; and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today. We’ve ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan.  And as we close this period of relentless war, we’re opening a new era of relentless diplomacy; of using the power of our development aid to invest in new ways of lifting people up around the world; of renewing and defending democracy; of proving that no matter how challenging or how complex the problems we’re going to face, government by and for the people is still the best way to deliver for all of our people. And as the United States turns our focus to the priorities and the regions of the world, like the Indo-Pacific, that are most consequential today and tomorrow, we’ll do so with our allies and partners, through cooperation at multilateral institutions like the United Nations, to amplify our collective strength and speed, our progress toward dealing with these global challenges. There’s a fundamental truth of the 21st century within each of our own countries and as a global community that our own success is bound up with others succeeding as well. To deliver for our own people, we must also engage deeply with the rest of the world. To ensure that our own future, we must work together with other partners — our partners — toward a shared future. Our security, our prosperity, and our very freedoms are interconnected, in my view, as never before.  And so, I believe we must work together as never before. Over the last eight months, I have prioritized rebuilding our alliances, revitalizing our partnerships, and recognizing they’re essential and central to America’s enduring security and prosperity. We have reaffirmed our sacred NATO Alliance to Article 5 commitment.  We’re working with our Allies toward a new strategic concept that will help our Alliance better take on evolving threats of today and tomorrow. We renewed our engagement with the European Union, a fundamental partner in tackling the full range of significant issues facing our world today. We elevated the Quad partnership among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States to take on challenges ranging from health security to climate to emerging technologies. We’re engaging with regional institutions — from ASEAN to the African Union to the Organization of American States — to focus on people’s urgent needs for better health and better economic outcomes. We’re back at the table in international forums, especially the United Nations, to focus attention and to spur global action on shared challenges. We are reengaged at the World Health Organization and working in close partnership with COVAX to deliver lifesaving vaccines around the world. We rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, and we’re running to retake a seat on the Human Rights Council next year at the U.N. And as the United States seeks to rally the world to action, we will lead not just with the example of our power but, God willing, with the power of our example. Make no mistake: The United States will continue to defend ourselves, our Allies, and our interests against attack, including terrorist threats, as we prepare to use force if any is necessary, but — to defend our vital U.S. national interests, including against ongoing and imminent threats. But the mission must be clear and achievable, undertaken with the informed consent of the American people and, whenever possible, in partnership with our Allies. U.S. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first, and it should not be used as an answer to every problem we see around the world. Indeed, today, many of our greatest concerns cannot be solved or even addressed through the force of arms.  Bombs and bullets cannot defend against COVID-19 or its future variants. To fight this pandemic, we need a collective act of science and political will.  We need to act now to get shots in arms as fast as possible and to expand access to oxygen, tests, treatments to save lives around the world. And for the future, we need to create a new mechanism to finance global health security that builds on our existing development assistance, and Global Health Thr- — and a Global Health Threat Counc- — Council that is armed with the tools we need to monitor and identify emerging pandemics so that we can take immediate action. Already, the United States has put more than $15 billion toward global COVID respon- — the global COVID response.  We’ve shipped more than 160 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to other countries.  This includes 130 million doses from our own supply and the first tranches of the half a billion doses of Pfizer vaccine we purchased to donate through COVAX. Planes carrying vaccines from the United States have already landed in 100 countries, bringing people all over the world a little “dose of hope,” as one American nurse termed it to me.  A “dose of hope,” direct from the American people — and, importantly, no strings attached. And tomorrow, at the U.S.-hosted Global 19 — COVID-19 Summit, I’ll be announcing additional commitments as we seek to advance the fight against COVID-19 and hold ourselves accountable around specific targets on three key challenges: saving lives now, vaccinating the world, and building back better. This year has also brought widespread death and devastation from the borderless climate crisis.  The extreme weather events that we have seen in every part of the world — and you all know it and feel it — represent what the Secretary-General has rightly called “code red for humanity.”  And the scientists and experts are telling us that we’re fast approaching a “point of no return,” in the literal sense. To keep within our reach the vital goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, every nation needs to bring their highest-possible ambitions to the table when we meet in Glasgow for COP26 and then to have to keep raising our collective ambition over time. In April, I announced the United States’ ambitious new goal under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the United States by 50 to 52 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, as we work toward achieving a clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050. And my administration is working closely with our Congress to make the critical investments in green infrastructure and electric vehicles that will help us lock in progress at home toward our climate goals. And the best part is: Making these ambitious investments isn’t just good climate policy, it’s a chance for each of our countries to invest in ourselves and our own future.  It’s an enormous opportunity to create good-paying jobs for workers in each of our countries and to spur long-term economic growth that will improve the quality of life for all of our people. We also have to support the countries and people that will be hit hardest and that have the fewest resources to help them adapt. In April, I announced the United States will double our public international financing to help developing nations tackle the climate crisis.  And today, I’m proud to announce that we’ll work with the Congress to double that number again, including for adaptation efforts. This will make the United States a leader in public climate finance.  And with our added support, together with increased private capital and other — from other donors, we’ll be able to meet the goal of mobilizing $100 billion to support climate action in developing nations. As we deal with these crises, we’re also encountering a new era — an era of new technologies and possibilities that have the potential to release and reshape every aspect of human existence.  And it’s up to all of us to determine whether these technologies are a force to empower people or to deepen repression. As new technologies continue to evolve, we’ll work together with our democratic partners to ensure that new advances in areas from biotechnology, to quantum computing, 5G, artificial intelligence, and more are used to lift people up, to solve problems, and advance human freedom — not to suppress dissent or target minority communities. And the United States intends to make a profound investment in research and innovation, working with countries at all stages of economic development to develop new tools and technologies to help us tackle the challenges of this second quarter of the 21st century and beyond. We’re hardening our critical infrastructure against cyberattacks, disrupting ransomware networks, and working to establish clear rules of the road for all nations as it relates to cyberspace. We reserve the right to respond decisively to cyberattacks that threaten our people, our allies, or our interests. We will pursue new rules of global trade and economic growth that strive to level the playing field so that it’s not artificially tipped in favor of any one country at the expense of others and every nation has a right and the opportunity to compete fairly. We will strive to ensure that basic labor rights, environmental safeguards, and intellectual property are protected and that the benefits of globalization are shared broadly throughout all our societies. We’ll continue to uphold the longstanding rules and norms that have formed the guardrails of international engagement for decades that have been essential to the development of nations around the world — bedrock commitments like freedom of navigation, adherence to international laws and treaties, support for arms control measures that reduce the res- — the risk and enhance transparency. Our approach is firmly grounded and fully consistent with the United Nations’ mission and the values we’ve agreed to when we drafted this Charter.  These are commitments we all made and that we’re all bound to uphold. And as we strive to deal with these urgent challenges, whether they’re longstanding or newly emerging, we must also deal with one another. All the major powers of the world have a duty, in my view, to carefully manage their relationships so they do not tip from responsible competition to conflict. The United States will compete, and will compete vigorously, and lead with our values and our strength. We’ll stand up for our allies and our friends and oppose attempts by stronger countries to dominate weaker ones, whether through changes to territory by force, economic coercion, technological exploitation, or disinformation. But we’re not seeking — I’ll say it again — we are not seeking a new Cold War or a world divided into rigid blocs. The United States is ready to work with any nation that steps up and pursues peaceful resolution to shared challenges, even if we have intense disagreements in other areas — because we’ll all suffer the consequences of our failure if we do not come together to address the urgent threats like COVID-19 and climate change or enduring threats like nuclear proliferation. The United States remains committed to preventing Ira- — to preventing Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon.  We are working with the P5+1 to engage Iran diplomatically and seek a return to the JCPOA.  We’re prepared to return to full compliance if Iran does the same. Similarly, we seek serious and sustained diplomacy to pursue the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We seek concrete progress toward an available plan with tangible commitments that would increase stability on the Peninsula and in the region, as well as improve the lives of the people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. We must also remain vigilant to the threat of terr- — that terrorism poses to all our nations, whether emanating from distant regions of the world or in our own backyards. We know the bitter string [sic] of terrorism — the bitter sting of terrorism is — is real, and we’ve almost all experienced it. Last month, we lost 13 American heroes and almost 200 innocent Afghan civilians in the heinous terrorist attack at the Kabul airport. Those who commit acts of terrorism against us will continue to find a determined enemy in the United States. The world today is not the world of 2001, though, and the United States is not the same country we were when we were attacked on 9/11, 20 years ago. Today, we’re better equipped to detect and prevent terrorist threats, and we are more resilient in our ability to repel them and to respond. We know how to build effective partnerships to dismantle terrorist networks by targeting their financing and support systems, countering their propaganda, preventing their travel, as well as disrupting imminent attacks. We’ll meet terrorist threats that arise today and in the future with a full range of tools available to us, including working in cooperation with local partners so that we need not be so reliant on large-scale military deployments. One of the most important ways we can effectively enhance security and reduce violence is by seeking to improve the lives of the people all over the world who see that their governments are not serving their needs. Corruption fuels inequality, siphons off a nation’s resources, spreads across borders, and generates human suffering.  It is nothing less than a national security threat in the 21st century. Around the world, we’re increasingly seeing citizens demonstrate their discontent seeing the wealthy and well-connected grow richer and richer, taking payoffs and bribes, operating above the law while the vast majority of the people struggle to find a job or put food on the table or to get their business off the ground or simply send their children to school. People have taken to the streets in every region to demand that their governments address peoples’ basic needs, give everyone a fair shot to succeed, and protect their God-given rights. And in that chorus of voices across languages and continents, we hear a common cry: a cry for dignity — simple dignity.  As leaders, it is our duty to answer that call, not to silence it. The United States is committing to use — committed to using our resources and our international platform to support these voices, listen to them, partner with them to find ways to respond that advance human dignity around the world. For example, there is an enormous need for infrastructure in developing countries, but infrastructure that is low-quality or that feeds corruption or exacerbates environmental degradation may only end up contributing to greater challenges for countries over time. Done the right way, however, with transparent, sustainable investment in projects that respond to the country’s needs and engage their local workers to maintain high labor and environmental standards, infrastructure can be a strong foundation that allows societies in low- and middle-income countries to grow and to prosper. That’s the idea behind the Build Back Better World. And together with the private sector and our G7 partners, we aim to mobilize hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure investment. We also — we’ll also continue to be the world’s largest contributor to humanitarian assistance, bringing food, water, shelter, emergency healthcare, and other vital, lifesaving aid to millions of people in need. When the earthquake strikes, a typhoon rages, or a disaster anywhere in the world, the United States shows up.  We’ll be ready to help. And at a time when nearly one in three people globally do not have access to adequate food — adequate food, just last year — the United States is committing to rallying our partners to address immediate malnutrition and to ensure that we can sustainably feed the world for decades to come. To that end, the United States is making a $10 billion commitment to end hunger and invest in food systems at home and abroad. Since 2000, the United States government has provided more than $140 billion to advance health and strengthen health systems, and we will continue our leadership to drive these vital investments to make peoples’ lives better every single day.  Just give them a little breathing room. And as we strive to make lives better, we must work with renewed purpose to end the conflicts that are driving so much pain and hurt around the world. We must redouble our diplomacy and commit to political negotiations, not violence, as the tool of first resort to manage tensions around the world. We must seek a future of greater peace and security for all the people of the Middle East. The commitment of the United States to Israel’s security is without question.  And a support — our support for an independent, Jewish state is unequivocal. But I continue to believe that a two-state solution is the best way to ensure Israel — Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state living in peace alongside a viable, sovereign, and democratic Palestinian state. We’re a long way from that goal at this moment, but we must never allow ourselves to give up on the possibility of progress. We cannot give up on solving raging civil conflicts, including in Ethiopia and Yemen, where fighting between war- –warring parties is driving famine, horrori- — horrific violence, human rights violations against civilians, including the unconscionable use of rape as a weapon of war. We will continue to work with the international community to press for peace and bring an end to this suffering. As we pursue diplomacy across the board, the United States will champion the democratic values that go to the very heart of who we are as a nation and a people: freedom, equality, opportunity, and a belief in the universal rights of all people. It’s stamped into our DNA as a nation.  And critically, it’s stamped into the DNA of this institution — the United States [Nations].  We sometimes forget. I quote the opening words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, quote: “The equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.” The founding ethos of the United Nations places the rights of individuals at the center of our system, and that clarity and vision must not be ignored or misinterpreted. The United States will do our part, but we will be more successful and more impactful if all of our nations are working toward the full mission to which we are called. That’s why more than 100 nations united agai- — around a shared statement and the Security Council adopted a resolution outlining how we’ll support the people of Afghanistan moving forward, laying out the expectations to which we will hold the Taliban when it comes to respecting universal human rights. We all must advocate for women — the rights of women and girls to use their full talents to contribute economically, politically, and socially and pursue their dreams free of violence and intimidation — from Central America to the Middle East, to Africa, to Afghanistan — wherever it appears in the world. We all must call out and condemn the targeting and oppression of racial, ethnic, and religious minorities when it occurs in — whether it occurs in Xinjiang or northern Ethiopia or anywhere in the world. We all must defend the rights of LGBTQI individuals so they can live and love openly without fear, whether it’s Chechnya or Cameroon or anywhere. As we steer our — steer our nations toward this inflection point and work to meet today’s fast-moving, cross-cutting challenges, let me be clear: I am not agnostic about the future we want for the world. The future will belong to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it. The future will belong to those who unleash the potential of their people, not those who stifle it. The future will belong to those who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek to suffocate their people with an iron hand. Authoritarianism — the authoritarianism of the world may seek to proclaim the end of the age of democracy, but they’re wrong. The truth is: The democratic world is everywhere.  It lives in the anti-corruption activists, the human rights defenders, the journalists, the peace protestors on the frontlines of this struggle in Belarus, Burma, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, and everywhere in between. It lives in the brave women of Sudan who withstood violence and oppression to push a genocidal dictator from power and who keep working every day to defend their democratic progress. It lives in the proud Moldovans who helped deliver a landslide victory for the forces of democracy, with a mandate to fight graft, to build a more inclusive economy. It lives in the young people of Zambia who harnessed the power of their vote for the first time, turning out in record numbers to denounce corruption and chart a new path for their country. And while no democracy is perfect, including the United States — who will continue to struggle to live up to the highest ideals to heal our divisions, and we face down violence and insurrection — democracy remains the best tool we have to unleash our full human potential. My fellow leaders, this is a moment where we must prove ourselves the equals of those who have come before us, who with vision and values and determined faith in our collective future built our United Nations, broke the cycle of war and destruction, and laid the foundations for more than seven decades of relative peace and growing global prosperity. Now we must again come together to affirm the inherent humanity that unites us is much greater than any outward divisions or disagreements. We must choose to do more than we think we can do alone so that we accomplish what we must, together: ending this pandemic and making sure we’re better prepared for the next one; staving off climactic climate change and increasing our resilience to the impacts we already are seeing; ensuring a future where technologies are a vital tool to solving human challenges and empowering human potential, not a source of greater strife and repression. These are the challenges that we — will determine what the world looks like for our children and our grandchildren, and what they’ll inherit.  We can only meet them by looking to the future. I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years, with the United States not at war.  We’ve turned the page. All the unmatched strength, energy, commitment, will, and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what’s ahead of us, not what was behind. I know this: As we look ahead, we will lead.  We will lead on all the greatest challenges of our time — from COVID to climate, peace and security, human dignity and human rights.  But we will not go it alone. We will lead together with our Allies and partners and in cooperation with all those who believe, as we do, that this is within our power to meet these challenges, to build a future that lifts all of our people and preserves this planet. But none of this is inevitable; it’s a choice.  And I can tell you where America stands: We will choose to build a better future.  We — you and I –- we have the will and capacity to make it better. Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot afford to waste any more time.  Let’s get to work.  Let’s make our better future now. We can do this.  It’s within our power and capacity. Thank you, and God bless you all. 10:34 A.M. EDT
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿特区 2023年2月18日 安东尼·布林肯国务卿与中国共产党中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅举行会谈 以下是美国国务院发言人內德·普萊斯发布的信息: 2023 年 2 月 18 日,安东尼·布林肯国务卿与中国国务委员兼中共中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅在慕尼黑安全会议期间单独举行了会谈。 国务卿直接谈到中国高空探测气球进入美国领空一事,指出这种侵犯美国主权和违反国际法的行为是不可接受的,并强调绝不能再发生这种不负责任的行为。国务卿明确表示,美国不会容忍任何侵犯我们的主权的行为,而中国的高空探测气球计划已经暴露在世界面前,这些气球曾经侵入五大洲 40 多个国家的领空。 关于俄罗斯对乌克兰的残酷战争,国务卿警告说,如果中国向俄罗斯提供物质支持或协助系统性规避制裁行为,将会产生影响和后果。国务卿谴责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国今天进行的洲际弹道导弹试验是平壤破坏稳定的又一行为,并强调负责任的大国应对此类重大国际挑战作出回应。国务卿重申,美国长期以来奉行的一个中国政策没有改变,并强调了维护台湾海峡和平与稳定的重要性。 国务卿重申了拜登总统的声明,即美国将参与国际竞争并将坚定不移地捍卫我们的价值观和利益,但我们不想与中国发生冲突,也不想寻求新的冷战。国务卿强调了始终保持外交对话和畅通的沟通渠道的重要性。 欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/secretary-blinkens-meeting-with-peoples-republic-of-china-prc-director-of-the-ccp-central-foreign-affairs-office-wang-yi/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and PRC State Councilor and Director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs Office Wang Yi met on the margins of the Munich Security Conference on February 18, 2023. The Secretary directly spoke to the unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law by the PRC high-altitude surveillance balloon in U.S. territorial airspace, underscoring that this irresponsible act must never again occur. The Secretary made clear the United States will not stand for any violation of our sovereignty, and that the PRC’s high altitude surveillance balloon program — which has intruded into the air space of over 40 countries across 5 continents —has been exposed to the world. On Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine, the Secretary warned about the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia or assistance with systemic sanctions evasion. The Secretary condemned today’s ICBM test by the DPRK as the latest destabilizing act carried out by Pyongyang, and emphasized the need for responsible powers to respond to such significant international challenges. The Secretary reaffirmed there had been no change to the longstanding U.S. one China policy, and he underscored the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The Secretary reiterated President Biden’s statements that the United States will compete and will unapologetically stand up for our values and interests, but that we do not want conflict with the PRC and are not looking for a new Cold War.  The Secretary underscored the importance of maintaining diplomatic dialogue and open lines of communication at all times.
2021年4月 “在日常冲突和危机风暴的背后,在剧烈对抗和喧嚣政治争斗的背后,是诗人、艺术家和音乐家数世纪以来从未停歇的默默努力,他们在人民间架起体验之桥,展现世间共通的情感、欲望和绝望,提醒世人,团结比分裂拥有更强大的力量。”—— 美国总统约翰·肯尼迪 美国驻华大使馆自豪地宣布启动“艺术为人民”公共艺术展,展出来自美国的街头艺术。“艺术为人民”是首次对美国驻华大使馆建筑外墙进行装饰的展览。这次展览凸显表达自由的普世价值,以及我们对直接与中国公众进行交往的持续承诺。 安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)国务卿表示:“我们想要一种为直接、坦诚并且强健有力的公众交往提供空间的美中关系。‘艺术为人民’代表着美国社会的多样性,也体现了我们对与中国人民进行真正交流的深切承诺。” 美国城市拥有数不胜数的街头艺术范例,既有委托创作的作品,也有自发创作的作品。它们都同属一个丰富的公共艺术传统,这一传统证明艺术不仅仅属于私人博物馆或画廊。艺术为人民享有,由人民创作,它从最根本上代表着公众的表达。 街头艺术的目标并不总是为了美;有时艺术是为了激发人们的思考或唤起公众的反应。有时艺术作品受欢迎,有时有争议。重点是提高人们对影响社区的重要问题的意识,比如移民、警务改革或吸毒成瘾等。 在展示23个街头艺术代表作时,我们不为任何特定信息背书。展出的艺术家和他们的作品包括移民和前往美国的访客的声音,代表全国各地社群广泛的政治见解和社会评论。我们很自豪能为美国艺术和文化的这一充满活力的重要部分创造一个窗口。 傅德恩(Robert W. Forden)临时代办表示“‘艺术为人民’弘扬表达自由。我们相信,在公共辩论的嘈杂声中,美国社会将变得更强大、更有活力。” 户外展出计划将持续六个月,还将在使馆的微博和微信账号上在线分享。 关于“艺术为人民”公共艺术展的更多信息,请访问:https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/art-for-the-people-zh/
April 2021 “Behind the storm of daily conflict and crisis, the dramatic confrontations, the tumult of political struggle, the poet, the artist, the musician, continues the quiet work of centuries, building bridges of experience between peoples, reminding man of the universality of his feelings and desires and despairs, and reminding him that the forces that unite are deeper than those that divide.” -U.S. President John F. Kennedy  The U.S. Embassy in Beijing proudly announces the launch of Art for the People, a public art exhibit showcasing street art from the United States.  The Art for the People exhibition is the first of its kind to decorate the exterior walls of the Embassy compound.  This effort highlights the universal value of freedom of expression, as well as our ongoing commitment to direct engagement with the Chinese public. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “We want a U.S.-China relationship that includes space for direct, honest, and robust public engagement.  Art for the People represents the diversity of American society. It also embodies our deep commitment to genuine exchange with the Chinese people.” American cities are home to countless examples of street art–some commissioned and some created organically.  All are part of a rich tradition of public art that proves art does not belong only in private museums or galleries.  Art is for the people, by the people, and represents public expression at its most fundamental. The goal of street art is not always beauty; sometimes the art seeks to inspire reflection or spark public reaction.  Sometimes it is popular, sometimes it is controversial.  The point is to raise awareness of important issues that affect communities, such as immigration, police reform, or drug addiction. In showcasing 23 examples of street art we do not endorse any particular message.  The artists and works on display include the voices of immigrants and visitors to the United States and represent a range of political views and social commentary from communities across the country.  We are proud to create a window into this vibrant and critical part of American arts and culture. Chargé d’Affaires Robert Forden: “Art for the People celebrates freedom of expression.  We believe that out of the cacophony of public debate American society emerges stronger and more dynamic.” The outdoor exhibit is scheduled to remain on display for six months and will also be shared virtually on the Embassy’s Weibo and WeChat accounts. For more information about the “Art for the People” public exhibit, please visit: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/art-for-the-people/
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2020年4月22日 国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明 美国与东盟合作抗击COVID-19,建设长期的适应能力,支持经济复苏 在我们抗击COVID-19冠状病毒疫情和规划紧急复苏之际,东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)成员始终是永恒的战略伙伴。为了战胜这场疫情,恢复共同为该地区建设光明未来的事业,我们决心继续与东盟合作。 我们感谢东盟伙伴给予的重要支持,促进了继续为美国运送重要医疗物资的工作以及为我们撤侨航班提供的支持。例如,越南为向美国运送220万套个人防护服加快了各包机航班的通关手续。今后几个星期我们预期还会运送更多的个人防护用品。此外,自4月初以来,马来西亚为加速运送总重130多万公斤供美国医护人员使用的手套提供了便利。柬埔寨曾协助威士特丹号(Westerdam)游轮上的美方人员安全回国。 美国继续向东盟各国提供慷慨的支援,帮助这些国家抗击COVID-19疫情。我们要求所有的国家以全面透明的方式分享信息。保持透明可以挽救生命;压制手段会导致危险。在这次会议期间,我很高兴宣布未来美国-东盟卫生倡议(U.S.-ASEAN Health Futures),通过研究、公共卫生事业和训练下一代东盟医疗人员,提高我们为卫生安全进行的努力。在过去20年为东盟各地提供35亿美元公共卫生援助的基础上,目前美国已划拨3,530多万美元的紧急卫生资金,用于帮助东盟国家抗击疫情。 我们还要求有关当局采取适当措施,促进为印度-太平洋(Indo-Pacific)地区最弱势的群体运送人道主义援助和服务的工作,其中包括缅甸境内因发生暴力流离失所的民众。我们呼吁所有各方与联合国(United Nations)及各人道主义组织共同努力,为罗兴亚人(Rohingya)和其他流离失所的民众尽一份力。 美国坚决要求采用一切可以使用的方式,最大限度地减少疫情对经济和社会造成的破坏并恢复全球增长。2019年我们与东盟各国的双向商品贸易达2,494亿美元,直接外来投资为2,730亿美元,为开始这方面的工作打下了牢固的基础。发展金融公司(Development Finance Corporation)正在为该地区各地的基础设施工程投资。美国国际发展署(USAID)支持的东盟单一窗口(ASEAN Single Window)倡议正在促进东盟各地非接触式贸易更大和进一步的发展。美国-东盟实习项目(U.S.-ASEAN Internship Program)继续扩大我们在该地区众多最大的公司提供的名额。美国-东盟智能城市伙伴关系(U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership)促进了美国民营部门在智能城市解决方案和数字经济的参与。我们通过在柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝人民民主共和国、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国和越南等东盟成员国实施的美国国际发展署双边项目,仍然坚持我们对经济技术援助和人力发展领域的长期投资。 考虑到出售非法野生生物的鲜活市场与人畜共患疾病之间的紧密联系,美国已要求中华人民共和国永久性关闭鲜活市场和所有非法出售野生生物的市场。我要求东盟所有的政府也采取同样的行动。 我们在抗击疫情的同时,必须牢记对我们共同的安全构成的长期威胁尚未消失,实际上反而更为突出。北京已采取转移目标的方式,例如中国发布新的公告单方面宣布南中国海(South China Sea)有争议的岛屿和海域为行政区,另在本月初撞沉了一艘越南渔船,并且在永暑礁(Fiery Cross)和渚碧礁(Subi Reef)建立“研究站”等。中华人民共和国继续在斯普拉特利群島(Spratly Islands)周围部署海上民兵,而且中华人民共和国最近又出动一支舰队,其中有一艘能源调查船,唯一的目的在于恐吓其他声索方远离近海碳氫化合物的开发。必须强调的是,中国共产党正利用全世界集中应对COVID-19危机的机会,继续采取挑衅性行为。中国共产党正通过军事压力胁迫南中国海地区的邻国,甚至到了撞沉一艘越南渔船的地步。美国强烈反对中国的恐吓行为。我们希望其他国家也能要求他们对此承担责任。 有一份科学报告表明北京在湄公河(Mekong)上游水坝进行的操作已单方面改变了河水的流量。我们对此表示关注。这份报告发现,多年来这类操作极大地剥夺了湄公河沿岸国家的用水,在最近到来的干旱季节对依靠河水获得食物、能源和交通的6,000万人造成了灾难性的后果。 美国和东盟亿万人民相互联系的事例令人振奋并发挥了积极的作用。我们以前曾共同面临各种挑战。我们同心协力使我们的人民更安全、更繁荣。我们承诺,在我们经过考验的和真正的原则基础上——东盟中心性、开放、透明、以法治为基础的框架、良好治理和尊重主权,再接再厉共筑未来。
The United States and ASEAN are Partnering to Defeat COVID-19, Build Long-Term Resilience, and Support Economic Recovery 04/22/2020 11:31 PM EDT Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are enduring strategic partners as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and plan for economic recovery. We commit to continue our collaboration with ASEAN to beat this pandemic and get back to the business of building a bright future for the region together. We thank our ASEAN partners for their valuable support in promoting the continued flow of vital medical supplies into the United States, as well as their support for our repatriation flights. For example, Vietnam expedited clearances for charter flights to deliver 2.2 million personal protective suits to the United States, and we expect more shipments of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the coming weeks. Additionally, since the beginning of April, Malaysia facilitated the speedy delivery of over 1.3 million kilograms of gloves for U.S. health care workers. Cambodia helped Americans safely return home from the Westerdam cruise ship. The United States continues to provide generous support to ASEAN nations to assist them to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We urge all countries to embrace full and transparent information sharing. Transparency saves lives; suppression puts them at risk. During this meeting, I was pleased to announce the U.S.-ASEAN Health Futures initiative to enhance our efforts in health security through research, public health, and training the next generation of ASEAN health professionals. To date, the United States has released more than $35.3 million in emergency health funding to help ASEAN countries fight the virus, building on the $3.5 billion in public health assistance provided across ASEAN over the last twenty years. We also urge authorities to take appropriate measures to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and services to the most vulnerable populations across the Indo-Pacific—including those displaced by violence inside Myanmar. We call for all to work with the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to make that happen for Rohingya and other displaced persons. The United States is committed to using all available tools to minimize the economic and social damage from the pandemic and restore global growth. We start from a strong foundation with $294 billion in two-way goods trade in 2019 and $273 billion of U.S. Foreign Direct Investment across ASEAN countries. The Development Finance Corporation is investing in infrastructure projects across the region. The USAID-supported ASEAN Single Window is facilitating greater and greater contactless trade throughout ASEAN. The U.S.-ASEAN Internship Program continues to expand with openings at many of our biggest companies in the region. The U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership promotes U.S. private sector engagement in smart city solutions and the digital economy. We remain committed to sustaining our long-term investments in economic technical assistance and human capacity development through our bilateral USAID programs in the ASEAN member states of Cambodia, Indonesia, LAO PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Given the strong link between illegal wildlife sold in wet markets and zoonotic diseases, the United States has called on the People’s Republic of China to permanently close its wildlife wet markets and all markets that sell illegal wildlife. I call on all ASEAN governments to do the same. Even as we fight the outbreak, we must remember that the long-term threats to our shared security have not disappeared. In fact, they’ve become more prominent. Beijing has moved to take advantage of the distraction, from China’s new unilateral announcement of administrative districts over disputed islands and maritime areas in the South China Sea, its sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel earlier this month, and its “research stations” on Fiery Cross Reef and Subi Reef. The PRC continues to deploy maritime militia around the Spratly Islands and most recently, the PRC has dispatched a flotilla that included an energy survey vessel for the sole purpose of intimidating other claimants from engaging in offshore hydrocarbon development. It is important to highlight how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is exploiting the world’s focus on the COVID-19 crisis by continuing its provocative behavior. The CCP is exerting military pressure and coercing its neighbors in the SCS, even going so far as to sink a Vietnamese fishing vessel. The U.S. strongly opposes China’s bullying and we hope other nations will hold them to account too. We expressed concerns over a scientific report showing that Beijing’s upstream dam operations have unilaterally altered flows of the Mekong. The report found that such operations significantly deprived the Mekong countries of water for years, with catastrophic results during the most recent dry season for the 60 million people who depend on the river for food, energy, and transportation. The story of the ties between the billion people of America and ASEAN is an inspiring, positive one. We have faced shared challenges before. Together, we’ve made our people safer and more prosperous. We commit to continue to build for the future based upon the tried and true principles that we share – ASEAN centrality, openness, transparency, a rules-based framework, good governance, and respect for sovereignty.
供立即发布 2020年6月24日 声明来自: 食品药物监管局局长 – 食品药物监管局(FDA) 斯蒂芬·M·哈恩医生 今天,美国农业部部长桑尼·珀杜和食品药物监管局局长斯蒂芬·哈恩医生发布了以下与COVID-19相关的食品出口限制联合声明: “美国理解国内和世界各地消费者想要知道制造商、加工商和监管者正在采取所有必要预防措施以重点确保食品安全的关切,尤其在这段具有挑战的时期当中。但是,一些国家与COVID-19传播相关的全球食品限制出口做法并不符合已知的传播科学。” “没有证据显示人类可通过食物或食物包装感染COVID-19。由我局监管的美国食品安全体系在确保我们的食品安全,包括出口的产品上是全球的领导者。” 背景: 美国疾病控制及预防中心(CDC)连同美国职业安全及卫生局(OSHA),对生产设施,包括食物设施,发布了指导,尤其针对控制工作人员之间COVID-19的传播。但来自CDC和OSHA的COVID-19指南并非,也有别于所有美国设施必须遵守以确保食品安全的食品安全规定。 FDA是属于美国卫生及公共服务部的部门,通过确保人类及动物用药、疫苗和其他人类使用的生物产品和医疗器械的安全、有效性和安全保障,以维护公共健康卫生。该局也负责我国食品供给、化妆品、膳食补充剂、具电子辐射产品的一般安全和安全保障,并负责监管烟草产品。
For Immediate Release: June 24, 2020 Statement From: Commissioner of Food and Drugs – Food and Drug Administration Stephen M. Hahn M.D. Today, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn, M.D., issued the following statement regarding food export restrictions pertaining to COVID-19: “The United States understands the concerns of consumers here domestically and around the world who want to know that producers, processors and regulators are taking every necessary precaution to prioritize food safety especially during these challenging times. However, efforts by some countries to restrict global food exports related to COVID-19 transmission are not consistent with the known science of transmission.” “There is no evidence that people can contract COVID-19 from food or from food packaging. The U.S. food safety system, overseen by our agencies, is the global leader in ensuring the safety of our food products, including product for export.” Background: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in conjunction with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), has issued guidance for manufacturing facilities, including food facilities, specific to controlling the spread of COVID-19 between workers. But the COVID-19 guidelines from CDC and OSHA are separate and distinct from the food safety requirements that all U.S. facilities must follow to ensure food safety. The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.
提倡基本自由权和美国的价值观是美国驻华使团工作的一项重中之重。美国价值观的中心是对多元和平等的尊重。在美国,我们相信我们国家的优势来自于多元的人口,以及我们对人人机会平等的承诺。因此,我们坚决反对任何形式的种族主义。  美利坚合众国是世界历史上最大,且族裔、种族和宗教最多元的国家之一。兼容、多元和人人平等是我们社会和法律制度的基础。今天,在我国的每一个州内,各个族裔、种族和信仰的美国人都在无私地奉献,在我们国家最亟需的时候相互帮助。  今年五月的亚太裔传统月即将开始,我们想要庆祝亚裔美国人及太平洋岛屿人的文化、传统和历史,以及他们对美国的贡献。
Promoting fundamental freedoms and American values is one of our key priorities at the U.S. Mission to China.  Central to American values is a respect for diversity and equality.   In the United States, we believe our strength as a Nation comes from the diversity of our population and our commitment to equal opportunity for all – and, as such, we unequivocally reject racism in any form.  The United States of America is one of the largest and most ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse countries in the history of the world.  Inclusion, diversity, and equality for all are the underpinnings of our society and legal system.  Today, in every state in our Nation, Americans of every ethnicity, race, and faith are selflessly stepping up to help one another in our country’s most serious time of need.  As we begin Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month this May we want to celebrate the culture, traditions, and history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and their contributions to the United States.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿特区 2020年11月2日  国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO) 美国强烈谴责香港逮捕八名泛民主派政治人士,其中包括五名现任立法会议员。在有关事件过后六个月以后逮捕这些立法会议员明显是为政治目的滥用执法。香港政府对民主派代表的骚扰和恫吓以及压制不同声音的企图是它继续在与专制的中国共产党同谋的鲜明实例。中国共产党在力图打破所承诺的香港自治和取消尊重人权。我们呼吁北京和香港政府尊重香港人民享有的通过他们选举的代表表达不满的权利。美国与香港人民站在一起。
11/02/2020 10:29 AM EST Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State The United States strongly condemns the arrests of eight pan-democratic politicians in Hong Kong, including five sitting members of the Legislative Council. The arrest of these lawmakers six months after the incident in question is a clear abuse of law enforcement for political purposes. The Hong Kong government’s harassment and intimidation of pro-democracy representatives and attempts to stifle dissent are stark examples of its ongoing complicity with the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party, which seeks to dismantle the promised autonomy of Hong Kong and eviscerate respect for human rights. We call on Beijing and the Hong Kong government to respect the right of the Hong Kong people to air their grievances through their elected representatives. The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong.
2020年5月11日 国务院为保护世界各地的野生生物承担了重要的任务。为了执行这项使命,国务卿(或国务卿的代表)每年向国会(Congress)提出认证书,核准各产虾国家和经济体的政府和当局已为减少拖网捕虾导致海龟被误捕的情况建立有关项目。这项认证对各国向美国出口海虾的能力产生了影响。 今年,国务院暂停对中华人民共和国采用可能对海龟不利的拖网捕虾法进行的认证。国务院还暂停对委内瑞拉的认证,因为前马杜罗(Maduro)政权不允许美国技术团队入境评估委内瑞拉捕捞海虾的作业。 2020年,负责经济增长、能源和环境事务的副国务卿完成对37个国家和香港的认证,核准12个渔场为在海虾商业捕捞过程中保护海龟采取了适当的措施。每年的认证工作都以国务院和美国海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)国家海洋捕捞服务处(National Marine Fisheries Service)的代表赴海外验证为依据之一。根据公法(Public Law)101-161条(609款),认证获得通过则允许美国进口捕捞的野生海虾。 根据濒危物种法(Endangered Species Act),全世界7个种类的海龟中有6种被列为濒危或受到威胁的物种。执行第609款为各类海龟物种提供了巨大的保护。目前美国政府为其他国家提供技术和能力建设的援助,帮助这些国家保护和恢复各自的海龟物种并完成根据609款的认证工作。海龟逃逸装置(Turtle Excluder Devices)如得到妥善的设计、制造、安装、使用和维护,可使97%的海龟逃逸海虾捕捞网,同时不至于造成海虾捕捞量的明显损失。美国政府鼓励其他国家颁布类似的立法,避免因供应捕捞的海虾对海龟造成伤害。 有关国会认证书(Certification to Congress)的详情见 2020年4月30日出版的联邦纪事公告(Federal Register Notice)85 FR 24074。有关美国政府保护海龟工作的详情见国务院海洋保护办公室(Office of Marine Conservation)、国家海洋和大气管理局及渔业和野生生物服务局(Fish and Wildlife Service)的网站。
05/11/2020 04:13 PM EDT Office of the Spokesperson The Department of State plays an important role in protecting wildlife all over the world. As part of that mission, each year the Secretary of State (or the Secretary’s delegate) certifies to Congress that governments and authorities of shrimp-harvesting nations and economies have programs to reduce the incidental taking of sea turtles in shrimp trawl fisheries. This decision impacts the ability of countries to export shrimp to U.S. consumers. This year, the Department suspended the certification of the People’s Republic of China for using shrimp trawl fishing methods that may adversely affect sea turtles. The Department also suspended the certification of Venezuela because the former Maduro regime would not permit the U.S. technical team into the country to assess Venezuela’s shrimp harvesting practices. For 2020, the Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment certified 37 nations and Hong Kong and granted determinations for 12 fisheries as having adequate measures in place to protect sea turtles during the course of commercial shrimp fishing. Annual certifications are based in part on overseas verification visits by State Department and NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service representatives. Certification allows for the importation of wild-caught shrimp into the United States pursuant to Section 609 of Public Law 101-162 (“Section 609”). Six of the world’s seven species of marine turtles are listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Implementation of Section 609 provides considerable benefits to sea turtle species. The U.S. government currently provides technology and capacity-building assistance to other nations to help them protect and revitalize their sea turtle species and to help them certify under Section 609. When properly designed, built, installed, used, and maintained, Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) allow 97 percent of sea turtles to escape the shrimp net without appreciable loss of shrimp. The U.S. government encourages similar legislation in other countries to prevent the importation of shrimp harvested in a manner harmful to sea turtles. For more information on the Certification to Congress, please see the Federal Register Notice published on April 30, 2020, at 85 FR 24074. For more information on U.S. government sea turtle conservation efforts, please visit the websites of the State Department’s Office of Marine Conservation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Fish and Wildlife Service.
美国制裁俄罗斯石油贸易公司(Rosneft Trading S.A.)以保护委内瑞拉的自然资源 2020年2月18日美国东部标准时间上午10:48 国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 2月18日,美国采取了行动,因Rosneft Trading S.A.——一家在瑞士成立、由俄罗斯所有的石油经纪公司——在委内瑞拉的石油行业进行运营而对其进行制裁,以此制止前马杜罗政权对委内瑞拉资产的窃取及其对民主的继续篡夺。此外,Rosneft Trading董事会主席兼总裁迪迪埃·卡西米罗(Didier Casimiro)——此人还兼任Rosneft负责炼油、石化、商业和物流事务的副总裁——因其为Rosneft Trading或代表该公司行事或声称行事而被列为制裁对象。 作为销售和运输委内瑞拉原油的全球交易的主要经纪公司,Rosneft Trading为独裁的马杜罗提供了支撑,助长了他对委内瑞拉人民的打压。马杜罗通过滥用国家权力和欢迎来自俄罗斯以及古巴、伊朗和中国的恶性支持,摧毁了委内瑞拉的制度、经济和基础设施,而他自己和他的亲信却中饱私囊。 在临时总统胡安·瓜伊多与他的国际伙伴联盟朝着让委内瑞拉人民有更好的未来而一起努力之时,马杜罗正愈发孤立和依赖一小群同盟政权的援助,这些政权掠夺委内瑞拉的资源,而马杜罗则继续打压委内瑞拉人。委内瑞拉人民已经勇敢地发出反对马杜罗和他的腐败附庸者的声音,并继续要求自由和对法治的遵守。美国决心与他们站在一起,直到民主和繁荣在委内瑞拉得以恢复。
02/18/2020 10:48 AM EST Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State On February 18, the United States took action to halt the former Maduro regime’s theft of Venezuela’s assets and continued usurpation of democracy by sanctioning Rosneft Trading S.A., a Swiss-incorporated, Russian-owned oil brokerage firm, for operating in Venezuela’s oil sector.  Additionally, Rosneft Trading board chair and president Didier Casimiro, who also serves as Rosneft’s Vice President for Refining, Petrochemical, Commerce and Logistics, was designated for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of Rosneft Trading. As the primary broker of global deals for the sale and transport of Venezuela’s crude oil, Rosneft Trading has propped up the dictatorial Maduro, enabling his repression of the Venezuelan people.  Maduro has destroyed Venezuela’s institutions, economy, and infrastructure, while enriching himself and his cronies, through his abuse of state power and his welcoming of malign support from Russia, as well as from Cuba, Iran, and China. While interim President Juan Guaido works with his coalition of international partners toward a better future for the people of Venezuela, Maduro is increasingly isolated and reliant upon the assistance of a small group of allied regimes that plunder Venezuela’s resources while he continues to repress Venezuelans.  The people of Venezuela have spoken out courageously against Maduro and his corrupt associates and continue to demand freedom and adherence to the rule of law. The United States is committed to standing with them until democracy and prosperity is restored in Venezuela.
2022年3月16日 声明和发布 国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文今天与俄罗斯安全会议秘书尼古拉·帕特鲁舍夫将军进行通话,重申美国坚定且明确反对俄罗斯对乌克兰无端和无理的入侵。沙利文先生清楚说明美国的承诺,会继续要俄罗斯付出代价,会支持捍卫乌克兰主权和领土完整,以及强化北约东翼,与我们盟友和伙伴继续全面协调。沙利文先生告知帕特鲁舍夫将军,如果俄罗斯对外交解决是认真的,那么莫斯科应停止对乌克兰城市和乡镇的攻击。沙利文先生也向帕特鲁舍夫将军提出警告,任何俄罗斯可能在乌克兰使用化学或生物武器的决定,会面临的后果和可能影响。
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Emily Horne on National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Call with Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council MARCH 16, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke today with General Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, to reiterate the United States’ firm and clear opposition to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. Mr. Sullivan clearly laid out the United States’ commitment to continue imposing costs on Russia, to support the defense of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank, in continued full coordination with our Allies and partners. Mr. Sullivan told General Patrushev that if Russia is serious about diplomacy then Moscow should stop attacking Ukrainian cities and towns. Mr. Sullivan also warned General Patrushev about the consequences and implications of any possible Russian decision to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. ###
美国财政部 公共事务办公室 2023年7月8日   北京——今天,美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦在北京与气候融资领导人举行了圆桌讨论。她在会议上强调了应对像气候变化等威胁我们所有人的长期全球性挑战的重要性。耶伦部长强调,作为世界上最大的两个经济体,共同应对这些挑战符合我们的利益,也是世界对我们的期望。耶伦部长回顾了在巴黎举行的新全球融资契约峰会(Summit for a New Global Financing Pact),她很高兴能与包括李强总理在内的世界各国领导人一起参加峰会。耶伦部长强调,该峰会是我们2023年议程中的一个重要政治时刻,以推进应对包括气候在内的全球挑战的行动。最后,耶伦部长表示,鉴于正在变化的气候影响到所有国家,其中最脆弱的国家面临的负面影响最大,她今天非常有兴趣听取各位专家介绍他们的工作,特别是他们对我们如何在气候变化和气候融资方面更好地合作的看法。   欲查看原稿内容: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1599  本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
BEIJING – Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen held a roundtable discussion with climate finance leaders in Beijing. During the roundtable, she stressed the importance of tackling longstanding global challenges like climate change that threaten us all. Secretary Yellen underscored that as the two largest economies in the world, it is in our interest to work together on these challenges, and it is something the world expects of us. Secretary Yellen called back to the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris where she was pleased to join leaders from around the world, including Premier Li Qiang. Secretary Yellen highlighted that the Summit was an important political moment in our 2023 agenda to advance action on global challenges, including climate. Finally, Secretary Yellen expressed keen interest in hearing from the experts about their work today and views they have on how we can better cooperate on climate change and climate finance specifically, given that the changing climate affects all countries, with the most vulnerable facing the most negative impacts. https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1599
“共产主义中国和自由世界的未来” 2020年7月23日  迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿 (Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State) 理查德·尼克松总统图书馆暨博物馆(Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum) 加利福尼亚州约巴林达 (Yorba Linda, California) 谢谢诸位。谢谢大家。州长,谢谢你非常、非常热情的介绍。说得对:当你走进那所体育馆,说到“蓬佩奥”这个名字,就会引起一阵喁喁低语。我有个兄弟,名叫马克,很优秀——名符其实的优秀篮球选手。 是不是应该再一次为蓝鹰仪仗队(Blue Eagles Honor Guard)和空军下士凯拉·海史密斯( Kayla Highsmith)鼓掌,她国歌唱得这么动听?(掌声) 劳里(Laurie)牧师,也谢谢你发表了如此感人的祈祷词。谢谢休·休伊特(Hugh Hewitt)和尼克松基金会(Nixon Foundation)邀请我在这个重要的美国机构发表讲话。很高兴能够听一位空军人员演唱,由一位海军陆战队(Marine)队员做介绍,然后他们让一名陆军(Army)大兵站在海军(Navy)水兵的住宅前。(笑声)一切都很完美。 来到约巴林达感到很荣幸。尼克松的父亲建造了这所房子,他就在这里出生和长大。 感谢尼克松中心(Nixon Center)全体董事和工作人员使今天成为可能——在这些时候很不容易——感谢今天为我和我的团队做出的安排。 我们有幸见到一些十分不寻常的人物在座,其中有克里斯(Chris),我已经认识了——克里斯·尼克松(Chris Nixon)。我还感谢特利西娅·尼克松(Tricia Nixon)和朱莉·尼克松·艾森豪威尔(Julie Nixon Eisenhower)对这次访问的支持。 我还感谢几位勇敢的中国持不同政见者今天出席我们在这里举行的活动,他们不远万里来到现场。 对于其他所有尊敬的来宾——(掌声)——对于其他所有尊敬的来宾,感谢诸位亲莅现场。有些人得到帐篷下的位置,一定有更多的付出。 对于观看现场转播的观众,谢谢你们的观看。 最后,州长谈到我在本地的圣安娜(Santa Ana)出生,离这里不太远。今天我姐姐和她丈夫也在座。感谢你们都来到现场。我可以肯定,你们从来也想不到我会站在这里。 我今天的讲话是有关中国的系列讲话的第四部分。我已经请国家安全事务助理(National Security Advisor O’Brien)罗伯特·奥布赖恩(Robert O’Brien)、联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯·雷(Chris Wray)和司法部长(Attorney General)巴尔(Barr)与我一起发表这个系列讲话。 我们有一个十分明确的目的,一项确切的使命,即阐明美国与中国关系各个不同的则面,数十年来相互关系中积累的巨大不平衡,以及中国共产党的霸权图谋。 我们的目标是明确指出特朗普总统(President Trump)的中国政策要求解决的问题,即对美国人民构成的种种威胁已经显而易见,以及我们为保障这些已经确立的自由制定的战略。 奥布赖恩大使谈的是意识形态。联邦调查局局长雷谈的是间谍问题。司法部长巴尔谈的是经济。我今天的任务是为美国人民提供综合性的阐述,详细谈谈中国构成的威胁对我们的经济、我们的自由,确切地说对世界各地自由民主政体的未来意味着什么。 明年距基辛格(Kissinger)博士秘密访华恰好半个世纪。距2022年尼克松总统访华50周年也并不太远。 当年的世界迥然不同。 我们曾设想与中国接触可以为今后带来有望实现相互尊重与合作的光明前景。 但是今天——今天我们坐在这里都需要戴口罩,眼看着疫情的人数统计节节上升,都是因为中国共产党未履行对全世界的诺言。我们每天早上都可以看到有关香港和新疆镇压事件的头条新闻。 我们看到披露中国贸易劣迹的数据触目惊心,导致美国丧失工作机会,使全美国各地的经济受到沉重打击,其中也包括南加利福尼亚州。我们看到中国军队日渐坐大,确实也更具有威胁性。 从加利福尼亚州这里,到我的家乡堪萨斯州(Kansa)及其他各地,美国人民心中萦绕的种种问题也在我头脑中回响: 经过与中国50年的接触,美国人民有哪些可以展示的成效? 我们的领导人设想中国向自由和民主演变的理论是否得到证实? 难道这就是中国界定的“双赢”局面? 毋庸置疑,作为核心问题,身为国务卿需要考虑,美国是否安全无虞?我们是否有更大的可能为我们自己缔造和平,为我们今后的世世代代缔造和平? 为此,我们不得不承认一个严酷的事实。我们如果希望有一个自由的21世纪,而不是习近平梦想的中国世纪,我们必须承认一个今后多年,甚至数十年应为我们提供指导的严酷事实:与中国盲目接触的陈旧模式完全不能奏效。我们决不能继续走这条路。我们决不能重蹈覆辙。 特朗普总统已十分明确地指出,我们须要有一个保护美国经济,而且切实保护我们生活方式的战略。自由世界必须战胜新的暴政。 如此看来,我有些迫不及待想放弃尼克松总统遗留的思想,但是我首先需要明确一点,当时他做了他认为对美国人民最有利的事情,而且他也有可能完全是正确的。 他是中国问题的优秀学者,是冷战(Cold War)时期的勇猛斗士,同时对中国人民心怀高度崇敬,我认为我们大家也有同样的心情。 他无愧于创立的巨大功绩,因为他使人们认识到中国十分重要,不可忽视,甚至在这个国家因自行制造的共产主义暴行而被削弱的时期也是如此。 1967年,尼克松在外交事务(Foreign Affairs)杂志发表了一篇十分著名的文章,阐明了他未来的战略。以下是他的表述: 他写道,“长期而言,我们完全无法承受将中国永远置身于国际大家庭之外的情况……只有中国发生变革,全世界才能安全。为此,我们的目标是——在我们能力所及的范围内,我们必须对事态施加影响。我们的目标应该是促成变革。” 我认为整篇文章的关键词是:“促成变革”。 所以,尼克松总统通过对北京具有历史意义的访问,启动了我们的接触战略。他义不容辞地要求增进世界的自由与安全。他希望中国共产党也能投桃报李给予响应。 随着时间的推移,美国决策人员越来越强烈地认为,中国实现更大的繁荣,就会实行开放,国内就会更自由,同时对海外构成的威胁确实也会减轻,更能够友好相处。我相信,这一切看上去都势在必行。 但是笃信必然的时代已经结束。我们一味追求的接触并没有按尼克松总统的希望促成中国内部的变革。 实际情况是,我们的政策——以及其他自由国家的政策——救活了中国破败的经济,结果却发现北京对国际社会伸出的援助之手反咬一口。 我们向中国公民敞开胸怀,结果却发现中国共产党趁机利用我们自由和开放的社会。中国派宣传人员进入我们的各种记者会、我们的各类研究中心、我们各地的高中、我们的各类学院,甚至参加家长教师协会的会议。 我们使我们台湾的朋友被边缘化。台湾后来实现了繁荣,成为蓬勃发展的民主政体。 我们给予中国共产党及其政权以特别的经济待遇,结果却发现中国共产党坚持要求对其侵犯人权的行为保持沉默,作为允许西方公司进入中国的条件。 奥布赖恩大使前两天举了几个例子:万豪酒店(Marriott) 、美国航空(American)、 达美航空(Delta)、联合航空(United Airlines)等公司都把台湾的名称从它们的网页上取消,为的是不触怒北京。 在好莱坞(Hollywood),离这里不远——美国创作自由的中心,自定的社会正义评判者——对哪怕是涉及最轻微的不利中国的内容都实行自我审查。 商家对中共的这种默许也发生在世界各地。 这种商家忠诚的功效如何?这种恭维得到回报了吗?我要引述司法部长巴尔讲话中的一句话。他在上周的讲话中说,“中国统治者最终的野心不是与美国进行贸易,而是掠劫美国。” 中国偷取我们宝贵的知识产权和贸易机密,使全美丧失千百万份工作。 它吸走了美国的供应链,然后将奴工制作的小产品添加进来。 它使世界重要航道对国际商务的安全性降低。 尼克松总统曾说,他担心,他将世界向中共敞开会造出一个把创造者毁灭的怪物“弗兰肯斯泰因”(“Frankenstein”),而现在我们面对这种情况。 那么,有诚意的人可以辩论,为什么一些自由国家会允许这些糟糕的情况这么多年一直发生。也许是我们对中国的共产主义毒株太天真,也许是我们在冷战胜利后的必胜信念,也许是怯懦的资本主义,也许是受北京“和平崛起”之说的蒙蔽。 不管什么原因——不管什么原因,今天中国正在国内加剧专制,并在其他所有地方更咄咄逼人地与自由为敌。 特朗普总统说:够了。 我认为两党不会有很多人不同意我们今天阐述的事实。但即使现在,有些人仍坚持我们应该为了对话而保持对话模式。 明确一点,我们将继续对谈。但是这些日子的对谈是不一样的。就在几周前我到檀香山(Honolulu)与杨洁篪举行了会晤。 还是老一套——说得很多,但完全没有提出要改变任何行为。 杨的承诺,如同他以前许多中国共产党的承诺一样,是空洞的。他期待的是,我推测,我会对他们的要求让步,因为坦率说,这是太多届前任政府的做法。我没有,特朗普总统也不会。 正如奥布赖恩大使做的很好的解释,我们必须牢记中国共产党政权是一个马克思主义-列宁主义政权。总书记习近平是彻底失败的极权主义意识形态的真实信仰者。 是这种意识形态,是这种意识形态形成了他几十年来的愿望,要中国共产主义在全球称霸。美国不能再无视我们两国间的根本政治和意识形态差异,就像中国共产党从未无视它们一样。 我在众议院情报委员会(House Intelligence Committee)的经历,而后担任中央情报局局长(Central Intelligence Agency),以及现在两年多来担任美国国务卿,让我得到这样一个关键认识: 唯一方式——让共产主义中国真正改变的唯一方式是,不要基于中国领导人所言而是基于他们的所为而采取行动。你们将看到与这一结论相应的美国政策。里根(Reagan)总统说,他与苏联打交道是基于“信任但核实”。在对待中国共产党的问题上,我说我们必须不信任并核实。(掌声) 我们,世界热爱自由的国家,必须促成中国的变革,就像尼克松总统所希望的那样。我们必须以更有创意和更坚定的方式促成中国的变革,因为北京的行动威胁我们的人民和我们的繁荣。 我们必须从改变我们的人民和我们的伙伴对中国共产党的看法做起。我们必须说出事实。我们不能将中国作为像任何其他国家一样的正常国家对待。 我们知道与中国进行贸易与和一个正常守法的国家进行贸易不同。北京威胁国际协议——把国际建议当作——把协议当作建议,当作主宰全球的通道。 但是,通过坚持公平条件,正像我们的贸易代表在达成我们第一阶段贸易协议时所做的,我们能够迫使中国必须考虑它盗窃知识产权和它损害美国劳工的政策的后果。 我们也知道,与中国共产党支持的公司做生意与,比方说,一家加拿大公司做生意不一样。这些公司不对独立的董事会负责,其中许多公司得到国家的资助,因此不需要追求盈利。 华为是一个好例子。我们不再假装华为是一个清白的电信通讯公司,只是来这里保证让你能够与朋友对谈。我们实事求是地称呼它——一个真正的国家安全威胁——并且已经采取相应行动。 我们也知道,如果我们的公司在中国投资,他们可能有意或无意地为共产党严重践踏人权提供支持。 因此,我们的财政部和商务部已经对侵害和践踏世界各地人的最基本权利的中国领导人和实体实施了制裁,并将它们列入黑名单。数个机构已为制定一项商务警告作出共同努力,以确保让我们的首席执行长们知道他们的供应链在中国国内的行为方式。 我们还知道,我们还知道,并非所有中国学生和雇员都是为来这里赚点钱和获取一些知识的普通学生和雇员。他们当中有太多人来这里是为了偷窃我们的知识产权并将其带回他们的国家。 司法部和其他机构已经在积极追踪惩罚这些犯罪。 我们知道人民解放军也不是一支正常的军队。它的目的是维护中国共产党上层的绝对统治和扩大中国帝国,而不是保护中国人民。 因此,我们的国防部已加大努力,在整个东中国海和南中国海(East and South China Seas)以及台湾海峡(Taiwan Strait)展开自由航行行动。我们成立了太空军(Space Force),在这个最后的前沿帮助遏制中国的挑衅。 因此,坦率说,我们在国务院已经制定出一套新的对应中国的政策,推动特朗普总统的公平和对等的目标,修正几十年来形成的不平衡。 就在本周,我们宣布关闭中国在休斯顿(Houston)的领事馆,因为那里是间谍和盗窃知识产权活动的一个集合点。(掌声) 我们在两周前扭转了八年来在南中国海国际法问题上一再忍让的做法。 我们要求中国使其核能力符合我们时代的战略现实。 国务院——在世界各地各级——都在与中国的对口官员接触,要求做到公平和对等。 但是,我们的方式不能只是围绕变得更强硬。那样不可能达到我们所要的结果。我们还必须与中国人民接触和赋予他们能力——他们是充满活力、热爱自由的人民,与中国共产党完全不同。 这要始于面对面的外交(掌声)。我在一切所到之处都见到才华优秀和勤奋的男女中国人。 我会晤过逃离新疆集中营的维吾尔族人和少数民族哈萨克人。我与从陈主教(Cardinal Zen)到黎智英(Jimmy Lai)的香港民主领袖谈过话。两天前在伦敦,我与香港自由斗士罗冠聪(Nathan Law)见了面。 上个月在我的办公室,我听到了天安门广场幸存者的经历。他们当中有一位今天在座。 王丹是当时一位关键的学生,他从未停止为中国人民的自由而斗争。王先生,能否请你站起来让我们认识你?(掌声) 今天和我们在一起的还有中国民主运动之父魏京生。他因自己的主张而在中国劳改营度过了几十年。魏先生,能否请你站起来?(掌声) 我在冷战期间长大并曾在陆军服役。如果说我学到了一点的话,那就是共产主义者几乎总是说谎。他们所说的最大的谎言就是认为他们是在为受到监控、迫害、不敢大声直言的14亿人民说话。 恰恰相反的是,中国共产党对中国人民的诚实意见的惧怕超出了它对任何一个对头的惧怕,除了担心他们自己丧失对权力的控制,他们有原因——别无其他原因。 试想一下,如果我们当初能听到武汉医生们的话,而且他们能获准对新出现的新型病毒疫情爆发一事发出警报,那么整个世界会好多少——更不用说中国国内的人民了。 在数十年来太长的时间里,我们的领导人对于勇敢的中国异议人士向我们发出的有关我们所面对的这一政权的本质的警告无动于衷或轻描淡写。 我们不能再无视于此了。他们像其他任何人一样地清楚,我们绝不能再回到维持现状的局面。 但改变中国共产党的行为方式不应仅仅是中国人民的使命。自由国家也必须努力捍卫自由。这远非轻而易举之事。 但我坚信我们做得到。我有信心,因为我们曾经这样做过。我们知道这会如何发展。 我有信心,因为中国共产党正在重复某些苏联犯过的错误——疏远潜在的盟友,破坏国内及国外的信任,拒绝实行产权和可预知的法治。  我有信心。我有信心是因为我看到其他国家的觉醒,像我们在美国这里一样知道我们不能回到过去。我听到过这种声音,从布鲁塞尔(Brussels)到悉尼(Sydney),再到河内(Hanoi)。 而且最重要的是,我坚信我们能够捍卫自由,因为自由本身所具有的美好的感召力。 请看香港民众在中国共产党收紧对这座骄傲的城市的控制时高声要求移民海外。他们曾挥舞着美国国旗。 是的,的确存在不同之处。与苏联不同的是,中国已经深深地融入全球经济中。但北京对我们的依赖超出了我们对他们的依赖。(掌声) 我拒绝接受认为我们生活在一个必然如此的时代的说法,以及某些陷阱是预先注定的,还有中国共产党的至上地位就是未来。我们的做法并非因美国正在衰落而注定要失败。正如我今年早些时候在慕尼黑所言,自由世界仍在取得胜利。我们只需要相信这一点,知道这一点,并为此感到自豪。世界各地的人们仍然希望来到开放的社会。他们来这里学习,他们来这里工作,他们来这里为他们的家人打造生活。而他们并不急于到中国定居。 现在是时候了。今天很高兴来到这里。时机正好。现在是自由国家采取行动的时候了。并非每个国家都将以同样的方式应对中国,他们也不应如此。每个国家都必须自己得出如何保护自己的主权、如何保护自己的经济繁荣,以及如何保护其理念不遭中国共产党的触角裹挟的结论。 但我敦促每一个国家的每一位领导人都开始做美国已经在做的——就是坚持要求中国共产党做到对等、透明和负责。他们是一伙远非同质化的统治者。 这些简明有力的标准将会产生极大的成果。我们听任中国共产党来制定接触规则已为时太久了,但不再会是这样。自由国家必须确定基调。我们必须基于同样的原则运作。 我们必须划定不会被中共的讨价还价或他们的花言巧语所侵蚀的共同界线。事实上,这正是美国最近所做的,我们彻底地拒绝接受中国在南中国海的非法索求,而且我们还敦促有关国家成为洁净国家(Clean Countries),以使他们的公民的私人信息不会落入中国共产党的手中。我们是通过设定标准来做到的。 是的,这是难以做到的。这对于一些小国而言是难以做到的。他们害怕遭到逐一封杀。有些国家正是出于这个原因而根本就没有能力,没有勇气在此时此刻同我们站在一起。 的确,我们的一个北约(NATO)盟国在香港问题上没有以其应有的方式挺身而出,因为他们害怕北京会限制他们进入中国市场。这种怯懦将导致历史性失败,而我们不能重蹈覆辙。 我们不能再犯过去这些年的错误。中国构成的挑战要求民主国家——欧洲、非洲、南美洲、特别是印度-太平洋(Indo-Pacific)地区的民主国家——付出努力和精力。 如果我们现在不采取行动,中国共产党最终将侵蚀我们的自由,并颠覆我们各国社会辛苦努力地建立起来的基于规则的秩序。如果我们现在屈膝退让,我们的子孙后代就可能受制于中国共产党,而他们的行为对当今自由世界构成了首要挑战。 习总书记并非注定能永久地在中国内外施行暴政,除非我们允许这种情况发生。 而这无关于遏制。不要听信于此。这关系到我们过去从来没有面对过的一种错综复杂的新挑战。苏联当时与自由世界隔绝。但共产党中国已在我们的国境之内。 因此,我们不能单独面对这一挑战。联合国(United Nations)、北约、7国(G7)集团国家、20国(G20)集团,以及我们联合使用经济、外交和军事力量,肯定足以应对这一挑战,如果我们明确地加以调动并拿出巨大勇气的话。 也许现在是时候了,应当结成一个志同道合的国家的新联盟,一个新的民主国家的同盟。 我们拥有这些工具。我知道我们能够做到。而现在我们需要的是意愿。我要引用圣经经文,难道“我们的心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了?” 如果自由世界不去改变——不去改变,共产主义中国肯定将会改变我们。不能仅仅因为过去的做法安逸或便利就重蹈覆辙。 保护我们的自由不受中国共产党的危害是我们这个时代的使命,而美国正处于引领这一使命的最佳地位,因为我们的建国原则给予了我们这样的机会。 正如我上周在费城(Philadelphia)站在、注视着独立纪念馆(Independence Hall)时所阐明的,我们的国家建立在人人享有特定的不可剥夺的权利的基础之上。 保障这些权利是我们的政府的职责。这是一个简明而有力的事实。它已使我们成为全世界人民的一座自由的灯塔,其中包括中国国内的人民。 理查德·尼克松于1967年所写的话的确是正确的:“只有中国发生变革,全世界才能安全。”现在要靠我们来听从他的话语了。 今天,危险显而易见。 而且今天,觉醒正在发生。 今天,自由世界必须回应。 我们绝不能走回头路。 愿上帝保佑你们每一个人。 愿上帝保佑中国人民。 愿上帝保佑美利坚合众国人民。 谢谢大家。 阅读更多:https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/communist-china-and-the-free-worlds-future/
SPEECH MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA THE RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM JULY 23, 2020 GOVERNOR WILSON: Well, thank you very much, Chris. Most generous. I’m not sure your grandfather would have recognized me. I have the great pleasure – in addition to welcoming all of you to the Nixon birthplace and library, I have the great pleasure of introducing to you an extraordinary American who is here at an extraordinary time. But the fun of it is in introducing our honored guest, I also am welcoming him not just to the Nixon Library, but I’m welcoming him back home to Orange County. (Applause.) That’s right. Mike Pompeo was born in Orange. (Applause.) He attended Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley, where he was an outstanding student and athlete. In fact, I have it on good authority that among the fans of glory days of Lobo basketball, a reverent hush descends upon the crowd whenever the name “Pompeo” is mentioned. (Laughter.) The Secretary was first in his class at West Point. He won the award as the most distinguished cadet. He won another award for the highest achievement in engineering management. He spent his active duty years, his Army years, in West Germany, and as he put it, patrolling the Iron Curtain before the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1988 – excuse me – retiring with a rank of captain, he went on to Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Law Review. In 1988, he returned to his mother’s home state of Kansas and began a stunningly successful business career. He was elected to the House of Representatives from Kansas in 2011, where he soon gained great respect for a reputation as one of the most diligent and astute members of the House Arms – excuse me, the House Intelligence Committee. In 2017, President Trump nominated him to be the director of Central Intelligence. And in 2018, he was confirmed as our 70th Secretary of State. You have to admit, that’s quite an impressive resume. So it’s sad there’s only one thing missing, prevents it from being perfect. If only Mike had been a Marine. (Laughter.) Don’t worry, he’ll get even. Mike Pompeo is a man devoted to his family. He is a man of faith, of the greatest patriotism and the highest principle. One of his most important initiatives at the State Department has been the creation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights where academicians, philosophers, and ethicists advise him on human rights grounded in America’s founding principles and the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Rights. He is here today for a very special reason. The epitaph on President Nixon’s gravestone is a sentence from his first inaugural address. It says, quote, “The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.” Richard Nixon received that title. He won that honor not only because he was acknowledged even by his critics to be a brilliant foreign policy strategist, but it was far more because he earned it. He learned as congressman, senator, president, and every day thereafter as a private citizen ambassador that peace is not achieved by signing documents and declaring the job done. To the contrary, he knew that peace is always a work in progress. He knew that peace must be fought for and won anew in every generation. It was President Nixon’s vision, determination, and courage that opened China to America and to the Western world. As president and for the rest of his life, Richard Nixon worked to build a relationship with China based upon mutual benefits and obligations that respected America’s bedrock national interests. Today, we in America are obliged to assess whether or not President Nixon’s labors and his hopes for such a relationship have been met or whether they are being undermined. That is why it is of such great significance that our honored guest, Secretary Pompeo, has chosen the Nixon Library from which to deliver a major China policy statement. It will, I promise you, be a statement of complete clarity delivered with force and with belief because it is of critical importance. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome to this podium and to this audience our honored guest, the Secretary of State of the United States of America, the honorable and really quite remarkable – honorable Michael R. Pompeo. (Applause.) SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, Governor, for that very, very generous introduction. It is true: When you walk in that gym and you say the name “Pompeo,” there is a whisper. I had a brother, Mark, who was really good – a really good basketball player. And how about another round of applause for the Blue Eagles Honor Guard and Senior Airman Kayla Highsmith, and her wonderful rendition of the national anthem? (Applause.) Thank you, too, to Pastor Laurie for that moving prayer, and I want to thank Hugh Hewitt and the Nixon Foundation for your invitation to speak at this important American institution. It was great to be sung to by an Air Force person, introduced by a Marine, and they let the Army guy in in front of the Navy guy’s house. (Laughter.) It’s all good. It’s an honor to be here in Yorba Linda, where Nixon’s father built the house in which he was born and raised. To all the Nixon Center board and staff who made today possible – it’s difficult in these times – thanks for making this day possible for me and for my team. We are blessed to have some incredibly special people in the audience, including Chris, who I’ve gotten to know – Chris Nixon. I also want to thank Tricia Nixon and Julie Nixon Eisenhower for their support of this visit as well. I want to recognize several courageous Chinese dissidents who have joined us here today and made a long trip. And to all the other distinguished guests – (applause) – to all the other distinguished guests, thank you for being here. For those of you who got under the tent, you must have paid extra. And those of you watching live, thank you for tuning in. And finally, as the governor mentioned, I was born here in Santa Ana, not very far from here. I’ve got my sister and her husband in the audience today. Thank you all for coming out. I bet you never thought that I’d be standing up here. My remarks today are the fourth set of remarks in a series of China speeches that I asked National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, FBI Director Chris Wray, and the Attorney General Barr to deliver alongside me. We had a very clear purpose, a real mission. It was to explain the different facets of America’s relationship with China, the massive imbalances in that relationship that have built up over decades, and the Chinese Communist Party’s designs for hegemony. Our goal was to make clear that the threats to Americans that President Trump’s China policy aims to address are clear and our strategy for securing those freedoms established. Ambassador O’Brien spoke about ideology. FBI Director Wray talked about espionage. Attorney General Barr spoke about economics. And now my goal today is to put it all together for the American people and detail what the China threat means for our economy, for our liberty, and indeed for the future of free democracies around the world. Next year marks half a century since Dr. Kissinger’s secret mission to China, and the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s trip isn’t too far away in 2022. The world was much different then. We imagined engagement with China would produce a future with bright promise of comity and cooperation. But today – today we’re all still wearing masks and watching the pandemic’s body count rise because the CCP failed in its promises to the world. We’re reading every morning new headlines of repression in Hong Kong and in Xinjiang. We’re seeing staggering statistics of Chinese trade abuses that cost American jobs and strike enormous blows to the economies all across America, including here in southern California. And we’re watching a Chinese military that grows stronger and stronger, and indeed more menacing. I’ll echo the questions ringing in the hearts and minds of Americans from here in California to my home state of Kansas and beyond: What do the American people have to show now 50 years on from engagement with China? Did the theories of our leaders that proposed a Chinese evolution towards freedom and democracy prove to be true? Is this China’s definition of a win-win situation? And indeed, centrally, from the Secretary of State’s perspective, is America safer? Do we have a greater likelihood of peace for ourselves and peace for the generations which will follow us? Look, we have to admit a hard truth. We must admit a hard truth that should guide us in the years and decades to come, that if we want to have a free 21st century, and not the Chinese century of which Xi Jinping dreams, the old paradigm of blind engagement with China simply won’t get it done. We must not continue it and we must not return to it. As President Trump has made very clear, we need a strategy that protects the American economy, and indeed our way of life. The free world must triumph over this new tyranny. Now, before I seem too eager to tear down President Nixon’s legacy, I want to be clear that he did what he believed was best for the American people at the time, and he may well have been right. He was a brilliant student of China, a fierce cold warrior, and a tremendous admirer of the Chinese people, just as I think we all are. He deserves enormous credit for realizing that China was too important to be ignored, even when the nation was weakened because of its own self-inflicted communist brutality. In 1967, in a very famous Foreign Affairs article, Nixon explained his future strategy. Here’s what he said: He said, “Taking the long view, we simply cannot afford to leave China forever outside of the family of nations…The world cannot be safe until China changes. Thus, our aim – to the extent we can, we must influence events. Our goal should be to induce change.” And I think that’s the key phrase from the entire article: “to induce change.” So, with that historic trip to Beijing, President Nixon kicked off our engagement strategy. He nobly sought a freer and safer world, and he hoped that the Chinese Communist Party would return that commitment. As time went on, American policymakers increasingly presumed that as China became more prosperous, it would open up, it would become freer at home, and indeed present less of a threat abroad, it’d be friendlier. It all seemed, I am sure, so inevitable. But that age of inevitability is over. The kind of engagement we have been pursuing has not brought the kind of change inside of China that President Nixon had hoped to induce. The truth is that our policies – and those of other free nations – resurrected China’s failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that were feeding it. We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society. China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high-schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA meetings. We marginalized our friends in Taiwan, which later blossomed into a vigorous democracy. We gave the Chinese Communist Party and the regime itself special economic treatment, only to see the CCP insist on silence over its human rights abuses as the price of admission for Western companies entering China. Ambassador O’Brien ticked off a few examples just the other day: Marriott, American Airlines, Delta, United all removed references to Taiwan from their corporate websites, so as not to anger Beijing. In Hollywood, not too far from here – the epicenter of American creative freedom, and self-appointed arbiters of social justice – self-censors even the most mildly unfavorable reference to China. This corporate acquiescence to the CCP happens all over the world, too. And how has this corporate fealty worked? Is its flattery rewarded? I’ll give you a quote from the speech that General Barr gave, Attorney General Barr. In a speech last week, he said that “The ultimate ambition of China’s rulers isn’t to trade with the United States. It is to raid the United States.” China ripped off our prized intellectual property and trade secrets, causing millions of jobs[1] all across America. It sucked supply chains away from America, and then added a widget made of slave labor. It made the world’s key waterways less safe for international commerce. President Nixon once said he feared he had created a “Frankenstein” by opening the world to the CCP, and here we are. Now, people of good faith can debate why free nations allowed these bad things to happen for all these years. Perhaps we were naive about China’s virulent strain of communism, or triumphalist after our victory in the Cold War, or cravenly capitalist, or hoodwinked by Beijing’s talk of a “peaceful rise.” Whatever the reason – whatever the reason, today China is increasingly authoritarian at home, and more aggressive in its hostility to freedom everywhere else. And President Trump has said: enough. I don’t think many people on either side of the aisle dispute the facts that I have laid out today. But even now, some are insisting that we preserve the model of dialogue for dialogue’s sake. Now, to be clear, we’ll keep on talking. But the conversations are different these days. I traveled to Honolulu now just a few weeks back to meet with Yang Jiechi. It was the same old story – plenty of words, but literally no offer to change any of the behaviors. Yang’s promises, like so many the CCP made before him, were empty. His expectations, I surmise, were that I’d cave to their demands, because frankly this is what too many prior administrations have done. I didn’t, and President Trump will not either. As Ambassador O’Brien explained so well, we have to keep in mind that the CCP regime is a Marxist-Leninist regime. General Secretary Xi Jinping is a true believer in a bankrupt totalitarian ideology. It’s this ideology, it’s this ideology that informs his decades-long desire for global hegemony of Chinese communism. America can no longer ignore the fundamental political and ideological differences between our countries, just as the CCP has never ignored them. My experience in the House Intelligence Committee, and then as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and my now two-plus years as America’s Secretary of State have led me to this central understanding: That the only way – the only way to truly change communist China is to act not on the basis of what Chinese leaders say, but how they behave. And you can see American policy responding to this conclusion. President Reagan said that he dealt with the Soviet Union on the basis of “trust but verify.” When it comes to the CCP, I say we must distrust and verify. (Applause.) We, the freedom-loving nations of the world, must induce China to change, just as President Nixon wanted. We must induce China to change in more creative and assertive ways, because Beijing’s actions threaten our people and our prosperity. We must start by changing how our people and our partners perceive the Chinese Communist Party. We have to tell the truth. We can’t treat this incarnation of China as a normal country, just like any other. We know that trading with China is not like trading with a normal, law-abiding nation. Beijing threatens international agreements as – treats international suggestions as – or agreements as suggestions, as conduits for global dominance. But by insisting on fair terms, as our trade representative did when he secured our phase one trade deal, we can force China to reckon with its intellectual property theft and policies that harmed American workers. We know too that doing business with a CCP-backed company is not the same as doing business with, say, a Canadian company. They don’t answer to independent boards, and many of them are state-sponsored and so have no need to pursue profits. A good example is Huawei. We stopped pretending Huawei is an innocent telecommunications company that’s just showing up to make sure you can talk to your friends. We’ve called it what it is – a true national security threat – and we’ve taken action accordingly. We know too that if our companies invest in China, they may wittingly or unwittingly support the Communist Party’s gross human rights violations. Our Departments of Treasury and Commerce have thus sanctioned and blacklisted Chinese leaders and entities that are harming and abusing the most basic rights for people all across the world. Several agencies have worked together on a business advisory to make certain our CEOs are informed of how their supply chains are behaving inside of China. We know too, we know too that not all Chinese students and employees are just normal students and workers that are coming here to make a little bit of money and to garner themselves some knowledge. Too many of them come here to steal our intellectual property and to take this back to their country. The Department of Justice and other agencies have vigorously pursued punishment for these crimes. We know that the People’s Liberation Army is not a normal army, too. Its purpose is to uphold the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party elites and expand a Chinese empire, not to protect the Chinese people. And so our Department of Defense has ramped up its efforts, freedom of navigation operations out and throughout the East and South China Seas, and in the Taiwan Strait as well. And we’ve created a Space Force to help deter China from aggression on that final frontier. And so too, frankly, we’ve built out a new set of policies at the State Department dealing with China, pushing President Trump’s goals for fairness and reciprocity, to rewrite the imbalances that have grown over decades. Just this week, we announced the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston because it was a hub of spying and intellectual property theft. (Applause.) We reversed, two weeks ago, eight years of cheek-turning with respect to international law in the South China Sea. We’ve called on China to conform its nuclear capabilities to the strategic realities of our time. And the State Department – at every level, all across the world – has engaged with our Chinese counterparts simply to demand fairness and reciprocity. But our approach can’t just be about getting tough. That’s unlikely to achieve the outcome that we desire. We must also engage and empower the Chinese people – a dynamic, freedom-loving people who are completely distinct from the Chinese Communist Party. That begins with in-person diplomacy. (Applause.) I’ve met Chinese men and women of great talent and diligence wherever I go. I’ve met with Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs who escaped Xinjiang’s concentration camps. I’ve talked with Hong Kong’s democracy leaders, from Cardinal Zen to Jimmy Lai. Two days ago in London, I met with Hong Kong freedom fighter Nathan Law. And last month in my office, I heard the stories of Tiananmen Square survivors. One of them is here today. Wang Dan was a key student who has never stopped fighting for freedom for the Chinese people. Mr. Wang, will you please stand so that we may recognize you? (Applause.) Also with us today is the father of the Chinese democracy movement, Wei Jingsheng. He spent decades in Chinese labor camps for his advocacy. Mr. Wei, will you please stand? (Applause.) I grew up and served my time in the Army during the Cold War. And if there is one thing I learned, communists almost always lie. The biggest lie that they tell is to think that they speak for 1.4 billion people who are surveilled, oppressed, and scared to speak out. Quite the contrary. The CCP fears the Chinese people’s honest opinions more than any foe, and save for losing their own grip on power, they have reason – no reason to. Just think how much better off the world would be – not to mention the people inside of China – if we had been able to hear from the doctors in Wuhan and they’d been allowed to raise the alarm about the outbreak of a new and novel virus. For too many decades, our leaders have ignored, downplayed the words of brave Chinese dissidents who warned us about the nature of the regime we’re facing. And we can’t ignore it any longer. They know as well as anyone that we can never go back to the status quo. But changing the CCP’s behavior cannot be the mission of the Chinese people alone. Free nations have to work to defend freedom. It’s the furthest thing from easy. But I have faith we can do it. I have faith because we’ve done it before. We know how this goes. I have faith because the CCP is repeating some of the same mistakes that the Soviet Union made – alienating potential allies, breaking trust at home and abroad, rejecting property rights and predictable rule of law. I have faith. I have faith because of the awakening I see among other nations that know we can’t go back to the past in the same way that we do here in America. I’ve heard this from Brussels, to Sydney, to Hanoi. And most of all, I have faith we can defend freedom because of the sweet appeal of freedom itself. Look at the Hong Kongers clamoring to emigrate abroad as the CCP tightens its grip on that proud city. They wave American flags. It’s true, there are differences. Unlike the Soviet Union, China is deeply integrated into the global economy. But Beijing is more dependent on us than we are on them. (Applause.) Look, I reject the notion that we’re living in an age of inevitability, that some trap is pre-ordained, that CCP supremacy is the future. Our approach isn’t destined to fail because America is in decline. As I said in Munich earlier this year, the free world is still winning. We just need to believe it and know it and be proud of it. People from all over the world still want to come to open societies. They come here to study, they come here to work, they come here to build a life for their families. They’re not desperate to settle in China. It’s time. It’s great to be here today. The timing is perfect. It’s time for free nations to act. Not every nation will approach China in the same way, nor should they. Every nation will have to come to its own understanding of how to protect its own sovereignty, how to protect its own economic prosperity, and how to protect its ideals from the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party. But I call on every leader of every nation to start by doing what America has done – to simply insist on reciprocity, to insist on transparency and accountability from the Chinese Communist Party. It’s a cadre of rulers that are far from homogeneous. And these simple and powerful standards will achieve a great deal. For too long we let the CCP set the terms of engagement, but no longer. Free nations must set the tone. We must operate on the same principles. We have to draw common lines in the sand that cannot be washed away by the CCP’s bargains or their blandishments. Indeed, this is what the United States did recently when we rejected China’s unlawful claims in the South China Sea once and for all, as we have urged countries to become Clean Countries so that their citizens’ private information doesn’t end up in the hand of the Chinese Communist Party. We did it by setting standards. Now, it’s true, it’s difficult. It’s difficult for some small countries. They fear being picked off. Some of them for that reason simply don’t have the ability, the courage to stand with us for the moment. Indeed, we have a NATO ally of ours that hasn’t stood up in the way that it needs to with respect to Hong Kong because they fear Beijing will restrict access to China’s market. This is the kind of timidity that will lead to historic failure, and we can’t repeat it. We cannot repeat the mistakes of these past years. The challenge of China demands exertion, energy from democracies – those in Europe, those in Africa, those in South America, and especially those in the Indo-Pacific region. And if we don’t act now, ultimately the CCP will erode our freedoms and subvert the rules-based order that our societies have worked so hard to build. If we bend the knee now, our children’s children may be at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party, whose actions are the primary challenge today in the free world. General Secretary Xi is not destined to tyrannize inside and outside of China forever, unless we allow it. Now, this isn’t about containment. Don’t buy that. It’s about a complex new challenge that we’ve never faced before. The USSR was closed off from the free world. Communist China is already within our borders. So we can’t face this challenge alone. The United Nations, NATO, the G7 countries, the G20, our combined economic, diplomatic, and military power is surely enough to meet this challenge if we direct it clearly and with great courage. Maybe it’s time for a new grouping of like-minded nations, a new alliance of democracies. We have the tools. I know we can do it. Now we need the will. To quote scripture, I ask is “our spirit willing but our flesh weak?” If the free world doesn’t change – doesn’t change, communist China will surely change us. There can’t be a return to the past practices because they’re comfortable or because they’re convenient. Securing our freedoms from the Chinese Communist Party is the mission of our time, and America is perfectly positioned to lead it because our founding principles give us that opportunity. As I explained in Philadelphia last week, standing, staring at Independence Hall, our nation was founded on the premise that all human beings possess certain rights that are unalienable. And it’s our government’s job to secure those rights. It is a simple and powerful truth. It’s made us a beacon of freedom for people all around the world, including people inside of China. Indeed, Richard Nixon was right when he wrote in 1967 that “the world cannot be safe until China changes.” Now it’s up to us to heed his words. Today the danger is clear. And today the awakening is happening. Today the free world must respond. We can never go back to the past. May God bless each of you. May God bless the Chinese people. And may God bless the people of the United States of America. Thank you all. (Applause.) MR HEWITT: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Please be seated. I’m Hugh Hewitt, the president of the library, and Secretary Pompeo graciously invited some questions as I was listening. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Secretary, at the Nixon Library. My first question has to do with the context of the president’s visit in 1972. You mentioned the Soviet Union was isolated, but it was dangerous. He went to the People’s Republic of China in 1972 to try and ally and combine interests with them against the Soviet Union; it was successful. Does Russia present an opportunity now to the United States to coax them into the battle to be relentlessly candid about the Chinese Communist Party? SECRETARY POMPEO: So I do think there’s that opportunity. That opportunity is born of the relationship, the natural relationship between Russia and China, and we can do something as well. There are places where we need to work with Russia. Today – or tomorrow, I guess it is, our teams will be on the ground with the Russians working on a strategic dialogue to hopefully create the next generation of arms control agreements like Reagan did. It’s in our interest, it’s in Russia’s interest. We’ve asked the Chinese to participate. They’ve declined to date. We hope they’ll change their mind. It’s these kind of things – these proliferation issues, these big strategic challenges – that if we work alongside Russia, I’m convinced we can make the world safer. And so there – I think there is a place for us to work with the Russians to achieve a more likely outcome of peace not only for the United States but for the world. MR HEWITT: President Nixon also put quite a lot of store in personal relationships over many years with individuals. That can lead wrong. President Bush famously misjudged Vladimir Putin and said so afterwards. You have met President Xi often. Is the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party someone with whom we can deal on a transparent and reliable basis, in your opinion, based on your personal diplomacy with him? SECRETARY POMPEO: So the meetings that I’ve had and the meeting that the President – we’ve had – they’ve been good, frank conversations. He is the most powerful leader of China since Mao. He has also in many ways deinstitutionalized the Chinese Communist Party, thus giving him even more capacity and more power. But Hugh, I think the way to think about it is how I spoke about this today: It’s about actions. And so how one evaluates one’s counterparts sitting across the table from them – it’s important to think about how you can find common understandings and make progress. But in the end, it’s not about what someone says or the agreement that they sign, but are they prepared to lead, to do the things that they committed to? Are they prepared to fulfill their promises? And we’ve watched – we’ve watched this China walk away from their promises to the world on Hong Kong, we watched their – General Secretary Xi promised President Obama in the Rose Garden in 2015 that he wouldn’t militarize the South China Sea. And Google the South China Sea and arms; you’ll see another promise broken. So in the end, from my perspective, it’s much more important to watch how leaders behave and how they lead than what it is you think when you have a chance to talk to them on the phone or meet them in person. MR HEWITT: Mr. Secretary, you said this is not containment. I heard that very clearly. I have read the three previous speeches by Ambassador O’Brien, Director Wray, Attorney General Barr, and now listened to you very closely. It isn’t containment, but it is a fairly comprehensive, multidimensional, relentlessly objective candor. Is that dangerous in a world that’s not used to speaking clearly about delicate subjects? SECRETARY POMPEO: My experience, and I think President Trump’s experience too in his life as a businessman, is the best policy is always true candor, identifying the places that you have a redline, identifying places that you have a real interest, making clear if there’s places where you don’t, and there’s things that you can work on alongside each other. I think the real danger comes from misunderstandings and miscommunication and the failure to be honest about the things that matter to you, because others will move into that space and then conflict arises. I think the world is a heck of a lot safer when you have leaders who are prepared to be honest about the things that matter and prepared to talk about the things their nation is prepared to do to secure those interests. And you can reduce risk by these conversations so long as you’re honest about it. So I – no, I don’t think it’s dangerous. I think it’s just the opposite of that. MR HEWITT: You also said – and I’m sure the speech will be known as the “distrust but verify” speech – when you distrust but verify, that still premises verification is possible. It is still possible to do agreements and to verify them; correct? SECRETARY POMPEO: It is, yeah, you can still do it. Each nation’s got to be prepared for a certain amount of intrusiveness connected to that. And it is not in the nature of communist regimes to allow transparency inside of their country. And so it’s been done before. We’ve had – we had arms control agreements with the Soviet Union that we got verification that was sufficient to ensure that we protected American interests. I believe we can do it again. I hope that we can do this on these – I mean, the Chinese Communist Party has several hundred nuclear warheads. This is a serious global power. And to the extent we can find common ground, a common set of understandings to reduce risk that there’s ever a really bad day for the world, we ought to do it, and it’s going to require agreement and verification. MR HEWITT: Ambassador Richard Haass, who is now chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, said very recently – it may have been yesterday, it might have been this morning; I saw it this morning preparing – quote, “Secretary Pompeo doesn’t speak of China but of the Chinese Communist Party as if there were a China apart from the party. This is meant to antagonize and make diplomacy impossible. Quite a stance for America’s chief diplomat to take unless his goal is to ensure diplomacy fails.” Is that your goal? SECRETARY POMPEO: (Laughter.) Ah, goodness. Hard to begin. Here’s where I’ll begin: It’s a bit patronizing to the people of China to make such an assertion that they are not free-thinking beings, that they’re not rational people who were given – I mean, they too were made in the image of God, right. They have all the capacity that anybody in the world does. So to somehow think that we ought to ignore the voices of the people of China seems to me the wrong approach. It is true the Chinese Communist Party is a one-party rule. And so we will deal with the Chinese Communist Party as the head of state for China, and we need to, and we need to engage in dialogue. But it seems to me we would dishonor ourselves and the people of China if we ignored them. MR HEWITT: Now, Ambassador O’Brien, whose speech you referenced, put heavy emphasis on the ideology of Marxist-Leninism. It was almost quaint to hear that conversation again; it’s gone from our vocabulary. Does the American people, and especially American media, need to reacquaint itself with what Marxist-Leninists believe, because the CCP genuinely does believe it? SECRETARY POMPEO: I always get in trouble, Hugh, when I comment on the media. So I’ll say this much: For those of us who have lived and seen and observed, there are other Marxist-Leninist nations today as well – and have seen – they believe – they have an understanding, a central understanding of how people interact and how societies ought to interact. And it is certainly the case today that the leadership in China believes that. We should acknowledge that, and we should make sure that we don’t for a moment think that they don’t believe it. It’s what Ambassador O’Brien’s speech was about. It was the fact – it was acknowledging that they believe it and recognizing that we have to respond in a way that reflects our understanding of the way they view the world. MR HEWITT: Let’s not talk about the American media. I want to talk about the Chinese media for a moment. They are aggressive, to say the least, and right now they are aggressively defending, for example, TikTok. A small question within a large question: Is TikTok capable of being weaponized? Is that an example of what’s going on? And generally, Chinese media has become far more aggressive than I’ve seen in 30 years since I was at the library the first time of watching it. Is that something you’ve noticed as well? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes, they’re very aggressive. Two pieces to this, one you hit upon. One is I’ll describe as their technology medium. Without singling out any particular business, our view of these companies is we’re neither for or against the company; we’re about making sure that we protect the information that belongs to each of you – your health records, your face if it’s a facial recognition software, your address. All the things that you care that you want to make sure the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t have, we have a responsibility to make sure that the systems that you’re using don’t give them access to that. And so whether it’s the efforts we’ve made against Huawei or the work that we’re doing on other software firms, the American task is to protect the American people and their information. The second piece of this has to do with their – what I’ll call the state-sponsored media of China and their disinformation. You should know – and this is where I am concerned about the American media, too – these are state-sponsored media organizations that take their messaging from the Chinese Communist Party each day. When American institutions pick up those storylines and carry them forward, they are, in fact, propagating Chinese propaganda, and we all ought to be wise to that. There was an editorial in The New York Times yesterday by someone who had a clear view that was antithetical to the American way of life. The New York Times ran it straight-up without comment, forwarding – although albeit in the opinion section, but propagating Chinese propaganda. That is certainly not instructive when they’re telling senators from Arkansas they can’t simply talk about America and American freedom in that same media outlet. MR HEWITT: You mentioned that a lot of corporate America – and you mentioned specifically Hollywood – have got deep intertwinement with the Chinese economy. So I don’t want to talk about soft power; I want to talk about soft appeasement. One of my favorite sports figures, LeBron James, falls silent when China comes up. In the new Top Gun movie, the Taiwan and Japanese patches are taken off Maverick’s jacket. They’re not going to be in Top Gun 2; they were in Top Gun 1. What do you say not to those individuals, but to everyone who has an American spotlight about their responsibility to be candid about the People’s Republic of China? SECRETARY POMPEO: Here’s our ask: Our ask is if you claim that you care about human rights or social justice or these things, if you make that part of your corporate theology, then you ought to be consistent. And you can’t be consistent if you’re operating there in China without talking about and acknowledging what the Chinese Communist Party is doing in certain parts of their country – the oppression that’s taking place. Look, every business leader has got to make decisions for themselves. They’ve got to be able to live with the decisions that they make. You highlighted a few. I’d simply ask this: If you run an entity and the United States Government were to tell you you couldn’t do something, put a particular symbol in your movie or put a particular name on your menu – if we were to tell you that, you’d say nope, that’s not appropriate, and it, of course, would not be appropriate. It seems to me that if you permit the Chinese Communist Party to limit you in that way, it’s got to be difficult for you to go home at night. MR HEWITT: Two more questions, Mr. Secretary. (Applause.) Because it is hot and it is warm, and everyone out here has been in the sun for a while. You’re a West Point graduate, and as Governor Wilson noted, number one, so this might be tough for you. But we are an, like Athens was, a naval power. America is a naval power. And as like Sparta is, China is a land power. Do we not have to change how we approach defense spending to put more emphasis on our naval resources than on our Army resources? SECRETARY POMPEO: Oh, that’s tough for an Army guy to say. (Laughter.) MR HEWITT: I know. SECRETARY POMPEO: You’re killing me. Look, I’ll leave to Secretary Esper the details of this, but I can – here’s what I can say. When President Trump set out our National Security Strategy early on in the administration, for the first time we identified China in a way that was fundamentally different than we had done – this isn’t partisan – for decades. That was important because that was a signal to all of us, whether it’s the State Department or the Defense Department, that we needed to reoriented our – reorient our assets. And so yes, you’ve seen the Department of Defense begin to do that. These are big things to turn. These budgets are multiyear. It takes a while. But if you look at how Secretary Esper and President Trump are positioning our military capabilities – not just the tactical, operational, and strategic capabilities, but our cyber capabilities, our space capabilities – if you look at how we’re thinking about this and spending resources in year two, three, four, and five, I think you’ll see that our focus has shifted pretty dramatically. It’s not to say that our efforts to protect America from terrorism are behind us. We still have work to do there. But I think this great power challenge that presents itself is something that we have recognized and we begin to make sure that we allocate your money – our taxpayer resources that we have – to the appropriate ends to achieve American security. MR HEWITT: My last question has to do with a former secretary of state who was also an Army man, George Marshall. He gave a speech in 1947 at your alma mater, Harvard, in which he called on all the nations of the world to recognize that the world was in crisis and to choose a side. And he assured them in that famous address that if you chose the American side in (inaudible) Europe, you could count on America. So as you make the appeal you did today, not just to Europe, where it’s relatively easy to be outspoken, though Norway has found it not to be outspoken, but to Taiwan and Japan and Vietnam and all of the – Australia, all of the nations of that region – can they rely on America in the way that people opposing the Soviet Union could rely on George Marshall’s assurance in 1947? SECRETARY POMPEO: Undoubtedly, undoubtedly, Hugh. The only thing I’ll say is when – this language of “pick a side” does make sense to me, but I think about picking a side differently than picking America or picking China. I think the sides, the division – the shirts and skins, if you will – is between freedom and tyranny. I think that’s the decision that we’re asking each of these nations to make. (Applause.) And here’s the good news of this. The good news is it does take American leadership often in these cases. To your point, they need to know that America will be there for them. I’ve seen the tide turn. In just – in just these three and half years of our administration, I’ve watched other nations have less timidity, become more prepared to stand up for their freedoms and for the freedoms of their people. We don’t ask them to do this for America. We ask them to do it for their country and for their nation – the freedom and the independence and to protect the rights of their people. And when we do that and we tell them that America will be there, I am very confident in the end that this is a world that with the hard work applied will become one that is governed by a rules-based order, and the freedom of the American people will be secured. MR HEWITT: Mr. Secretary, thank you for joining us here today. SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. MR HEWITT: Please join me in thanking the Secretary. (Applause.) SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you all. [1] job losses
媒体声明 安东尼·布林肯国务卿 2023年9月11日   2001年9月11日,恐怖分子在我国历史上针对我们国土最严重的袭击中造成近3000人死亡、6000多人受伤。今天,我们缅怀和铭记那些时刻,并与纽约市、弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿和宾夕法尼亚州尚克斯维尔遇难者的家人与朋友站在一起。   美国国务院的员工永远不会忘记那个悲惨的日子、被夺走的许多生命,以及冲进危险中拯救他们的现场急救员。我们还缅怀 2012年这一天在利比亚班加西遇害的同事们。他们的无畏与牺牲继续激励着国务院和我们的国家。   对9/11遇难者的记忆提醒我们,为什么我们必须继续打击那些实施恐怖主义行为的人。自那以来,我们一直与世界各地的伙伴并肩努力,终结恐怖主义祸害,并确保恐怖分子承担其罪责。美国将继续保卫我们的国土、我们的人民及我们的盟友。   https://www.state.gov/22nd-anniversary-of-the-september-11-2001-attacks/
PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE SEPTEMBER 11, 2023   On September 11, 2001, terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others in the worst attack against the homeland in our nation’s history. Today we honor their memories and stand with the families and friends of those who perished in New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The men and women of the U.S. Department of State will never forget that tragic day, the many lives lost, and the first responders who rushed into danger to save them. We also remember our colleagues who were killed on this day in 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. Their bravery and sacrifice continue to be an inspiration for this Department and our nation. The memory of those who perished on 9/11 reminds us of why we must continue to fight against those who commit acts of terrorism. In the years since, we have stood side by side with partners from around the world to end the scourge of terrorism and ensure terrorists are held accountable for their crimes. The United States will continue to defend our homeland, our people, and our allies.
我们在4月26日庆祝世界知识产权日,这个一年一度的节日颂扬创新者和创造者,以及知识产权给我们的经济、社会和日常生活带来的益处。今年的主题是”知识产权和小企业:把创意推向市场”,该主题也时值在中国、美国以及世界各地,人们正依赖着中小企业来帮助应对疫情并恢复经济。这些中小企业反过来也要依赖知识产权和本地知识产权体系来培养顾客忠诚度并保护他们的创新。 疫情之前,全球所有企业中超过90%是中小企业,他们提供了大约三分之二的工作岗位。正因如此,这些小企业在全球经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用,所以他们在未来的数月和数年间对经济复苏十分关键。知识产权对许多小企业至关重要,不管他们是用商标将自己的品牌与竞争者区分开来,还是用专利保护突破性的创新——这些创新往往在更大的企业看来太前沿或太有风险,抑或是用版权确保自己的创意表达在充斥着数字山寨品的市场中保有价值。世界各地的政府既认识到中小企业的价值,也认识到知识产权体系对这些公司的重要性,并且量身定制知识产权法律或政策来支持较小的市场参与者。 中国和美国都实施了一些政策来帮助中小企业注册并实施其知识产权。例如,美国专利商标局(USPTO)将”小型”和”微型”实体为获得专利而需支付的某些费用分别降低了50%和75%。USPTO还定期为小企业提供培训和有针对性的外展服务,并推出了一个在线门户网站,提供资源让发明者和创业者了解他们可以获得哪些知识产权,以及如何保护知识产权和进行知识产权授权。中国同样也实施了一些政策,以在这个竞争激烈而富有挑战的市场为中国小企业提供支持,包括为小型实体降费,以及支持中小企业知识产权授权和商业化的项目。 我们可以,也应该做得更多。说到底,全球知识产权体系透明度和可预见性的提高有助于中小企业更高效地利用其知识产权。针对中小企业的特定支持机制既应透明又应以市场为基础,从而确保公平竞争。中国和美国的知识产权保护和执法机制都应为中小企业提供对其成功至关重要的透明度、公正性和可预见性。这一点非常关键。鉴于这些小企业将发挥至关重要的作用,驱动世界从疫情中复苏,我们必须从今天做起——没有一刻可浪费。
On April 26, we recognize World IP Day, an annual celebration of innovators and creators, and the benefits that intellectual property (IP) rights bring to our economies, our societies, and our daily lives. This year’s theme is Intellectual property and small businesses: Taking big ideas to market, and comes at a time when small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are being relied upon in China, in the United States, and around the world to assist with the pandemic as well as the economic recovery. These SMEs in turn rely upon IP rights and local IP systems to build customer loyalty and protect their innovations. Prior to the pandemic, SMEs made up over 90% of all enterprises globally, and were responsible for approximately two-thirds of all employment. As such, these small businesses play an outsized role in the global economy – and are thus critical to economic recovery in the months and years ahead. IP rights are of vital importance to many small businesses, whether they use trademarks to distinguish their brands from competitors, or patents to protect ground-breaking innovations often deemed too cutting-edge or risky for larger corporations, or copyrights to secure value for their creative expressions in markets flooded by digital copycats. Governments around the world recognize both the value of SMEs as well as the importance of the IP system to these companies, and have tailored IP laws or policies to support smaller players. Both China and the United States have implemented policies to help SMEs register and exercise their IP rights. For example, the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) reduces certain fees for obtaining patents for “small” and “micro” entities by 50% and 75%, respectively. USPTO also regularly provides training and targeted outreach to small businesses, and launched an online portal with resources for inventors and entrepreneurs to learn about the IP rights available to them, as well as how to protect and license IP. China, too, has enacted policies to support smaller Chinese enterprises in this highly competitive and challenging market, including reduced fees for smaller entities, as well as programs that support SMEs to license and commercialize IP. We can and should do more. Ultimately, greater transparency and predictability in global IP systems would help SMEs leverage their IP more efficiently. SME-specific support mechanisms should be both transparent and market-based to ensure fair competition. It is critical that the IP protection and enforcement mechanisms of both China and the United States provide SMEs with the transparency, impartiality, and predictability critical to their success. Given the critical role these small firms will play in driving the world’s recovery from the pandemic, we must begin today – there’s not a moment to waste.
DOS Seal Featured Image 助理国务卿罗伊斯在EdUSA论坛上的讲话 2019年7月30日 负责教育和文化事务的助理国务卿 玛丽·罗伊斯 EducationUSA论坛,华盛顿DC 2019年7月30日星期二下午12:15 讲稿 美国欢迎中国学生 美国欢迎国际学生。我们希望未来的学生和他们的家人把美国视为一个热情友好的求学之地。我们珍视在我们的校园、我们的社区和我们国家的中国学生。 我今天要特别讲一讲中国学生,因为他们在海外学生中占了很大比例。同时我也要对人们关于美国政府对中国学生和学者所持立场的误解做出澄清。 特朗普总统最近清楚地表示:“我们想要中国学生来我们优秀的学校就读,我们优秀的大学。他们一直是很棒的学生和巨大的财富。” 用总统的话讲,“我们想要把这些[学生]留在这里。”我知道在最近几十年,你们和你们的同事做了许多工作来接待和欢迎中国学生。谢谢你们所有的努力。 目前有超过100万名国际学生(1,094,792)在美国就读。在美国求学的中国学生的数量在过去十年翻了两番,去年达到36万余人的新高,比位列其后的7个国家的总和还要多。 美国继续招收符合资格的中国学生到美国的学院和大学就读。和你可能从中国政府那里听到的相反,过去四年中,中国学生被拒签的人数每一年都在下降。这表明对中国学生来说,接受美国高等教育对变得越来越容易了。 国务部的EducationUSA团队在中国高度参与,接触中国的学生和父母,帮助他们找到合适的美国高校,让他们为这里的学习和生活做好准备。 中国学生仅在2018年一年就为美国经济贡献了150亿美元,使得国际教育成为我们国家最大的出口产品之一。从外交关系的角度来看,培养的友谊、共享的价值观以及建立的人际网络甚至比这些中国学生的经济贡献还要重要。我知道在座的每一个人都致力于这一目标。 作为一名曾经的大学教育工作者和交流项目的参与者,我和你们一样,了解国际学生在课堂内外皆可获得的那种带来转变的体验。通过他们的学习、课外活动和社区参与,我们希望中国学生在美国期间能有这种体验,并为我们的社区做出有价值的贡献。 不管他们选择在学术机构、科学实验室、商业社区还是在外交岗位工作,美国大学的中国校友是美中关系的基础——并且他们在未来也会继续如此。 当中国的领导者通过在这里学习获得对美国的深入体验时,美国和整个世界都从中受益。 我们旨在为中国学生提供热情友好的环境 今天我想在这里再次感谢美国高校的500名领导者。为中国学生——以及所有国际学生——提供高质量和安全的教育环境,让他们与美国人一道生活和学习,在这方面,你们的努力不可或缺。 通过在课堂内外都支持和帮助中国学生进行互动,我们帮助他们了解美国文化和美国价值观。我们希望他们能培养友谊并使其发展成终身的个人和职业网络。 美国学生同样从中国学生身上学到东西。美国人获得对于中国文化的重要而深入的理解,并学着去理解看待世界的新视角。他们获得知识、技能和感悟,这些都为雇主所重视,也让他们未来的学习和职业生涯受益。 美国高校必须更好地确保中国学生充分从在美学习中受益 美国有4700所大学和学院,以及全球最优秀的高等教育系统。有机会来美国学习是极为有幸的改变人生的事。然而遗憾的是,有太多中国学生没能充分从在美国的这段时间中受益。 仅仅吸引这些学生来美国是不够的。我们必须确保国际学生——尤其是那些来自中国的学生——充分融入和体验我们的社区。正如大家知道的,在中国学生人数众多的诸多美国高校,中国学生太容易自行扎堆,进而错失与他们的美国同学及其他国际学生同吃同生活同学习的机会。 我们知道很多高校在努力帮助想要与美国同学交朋友的中国学生。但许多中国学生还是觉得和美国同学交朋友有困难,这也容易导致他们感到孤立、孤单和脆弱。一些学校努力正确保国际学生在获得一流的美国教育的同时不会错失开拓眼界并充分从在美国生活中受益的机会,我们为这些学校鼓掌。 中国学生身处一个政治宣传的气泡中 尽管身在美国,但许多中国学生仍然牢牢地和中国绑定。社交媒体在其中发挥了强效的作用。 近期一项研究表明,超过90%的中国受访者(目前正在美国一所大学就读的约1000名中国学生)表示将微信作为他们首要的线上联系方式。微信是中国主要的社交媒体平台,受到政府的严密监控。 约84%的受访者表示仅仅依赖中国的网站获取有关美国的新闻。许多非中国的消息和社交媒体应用程序在中国遭禁用,因此中国学生必须用微信等应用程序才能与家乡的朋友和家人交流。 我们知道,中国共产党正积极力图让包括海外留学生在内的中国公民看到对美国失实的描述。中国学生从国家控制的媒体接收到铺天盖地的内容,这些内容由共产党策划,夸大在美国生活和学习的危险。 通过中国的社交媒体,中国学生继续以这种扭曲的视角来看待美国。这种源源不断的错误信息打造出一个恐惧的气泡,阻碍中国学生在美国期间与美国同学充分交往。 请允许我描述一下置身这样的一个气泡里是什么样的: 基于这种持续的消极、错误的说法,并且由于许多中国学生可能不愿与他们的美国同学进行深入互动,所以毫不意外,在近期一项研究中,只有16%的受访者表示来到美国之后他们对美国的看法有所改观。 大约42%的受访者表示实际上他们的对美国的看法变得更糟了。虽然这项研究访问的学生人数有限,但它针对部分在美中国学生的经历和态度提出了深刻的见解。 与中国不同,美国不对外国节目进行审查。中国学生可以直接收看中国由国家运营的电视节目。但是将中国中央电视台或其他国家电视台作为获取娱乐和政治新闻的唯一或主要来源是有后果的。 例如,一部名为《带着爸爸去留学》的热播中国电视剧刻画了一位和在美国留学的儿子一起生活的中国父亲,并将美国描绘成一个不适合居住和学习的危险的地方。 现实情况是,美国的大学和学院把学生安全作为头等大事来重视,对美国学生和国际学生都是如此,而且美国校园对于国际学生来说是安全、友好的环境。 尽管如此,鉴于这些负面故事的警示,如果中国学生带着先入为主的消极观念来到美国,那也并不令人意外。 即使是到美国之后,源源不断的中国政治宣传可能仍会继续塑造他们对我们国家的看法——即便他们生活在加利福尼亚、堪萨斯、内布拉斯加、纽约、德克萨斯或是其他地方——除非他们能够亲身充分体验美国的实际情况。 我们必须共同努力,确保中国学生在我们的校园和我们的社区中能有充满活力和全面充分的体验,并尽可能广泛地接触我们的社会和我们的人民。 美国有着多元的媒体,以及众多新闻和媒体资源。感谢今天来到这里的新闻界人士。我们希望中国学生体验我们充满活力的媒体和资讯文化,并获得工具来亲自辨别可以从何处找到可靠的信息来源。 美国的高等教育体验就是要获得批判性思考的技能、拥有表达自由,以及培养独立思考。这些是我们希望国际学生身处美国时能够汲取的价值观和技能。 美国重视学术自由。美国大学校园是学生辩论思想、挑战观点和寻求对世界的新认知的场所。美国高等教育在保护言论自由和开放性探究方面有着悠久的传统。公开辩论是我们的教育体系最重要的根基——也是美国人的生活方式。 在社交媒体之外,与这里的中国外交使团互动的中国学生学者联合会可以对我们校园中的中国学生产生不当影响并施加压力。他们正在扼杀言论并限制个人表达的机会。人们也对孔子学院的角色表示了关切。 在美国的学生必须能够自由地表达他们的观点,不觉得有压力要去审查自己的言论或避免参加美国校园中的其他正当活动。 有可靠的报道称,中国政府官员向中国学生施加压力让他们代表中国政府监控其他学生并相互打小报告。我们自己已经亲耳听说过很多这样的故事了。 我们需要确保在我们校园中的学生被鼓励发声,即使在意见不一致的情况下也要尊重他人的观点。另一件众所周知的事情是,中国官员向中国学生施加压力并支付费用让他们参加共产党赞助的政治抗议活动和反抗议活动。我们能够而且将会有力反击中国政府在美国校园限制言论自由的努力。 此外,我们必须设法确保中国学生和交换学者不受到自己政府的压力去从事超出正当学术追求范围的活动。 我们在情报界和执法界的伙伴已经识别出日益增多的案例,在这些案例中外国情报机构吸收了学者、研究人员和其他个人在美国停留期间代表外国政府开展活动。 美国将竭尽全力保护所有学生——尤其是中国学生——不受专制政府的控制。对哪怕一名在美国的中国学生或学者进行胁迫都是不可接受的,中国安全部门没有理由让本国公民获得的美国签证面临风险。 我们严肃对待在学术界和商界中的间谍威胁。已有签证和法律程序来面对这一问题。同时,我们不会容忍知识产权盗窃。 但我要说清楚:这只占更大人群中非常小的百分比。在2019年,只有万分之一个百分点——0.0001%的中国学生签证申请人因这些原因被拒绝。 按照已确立的学术研究伦理指导方针行事的学生和研究人员无需担心。然而,那些不遵守规则的人——无论他们来自哪个国家——都应该预料到后果。 我知道你们和我们有着共同的目标:让在美国的教育经历成为所有国际学生的一段积极的、带来转变的体验,让他们了解和理解美国的价值观。我们知道你们在你们的校园和国际项目中有支持学术自由的有力传统和记录。 人权观察组织已经在这些最佳做法的基础上做出努力,制定了一个可在美国和国外应用的12点行为准则,以确保言论自由、表达自由和学术诚信。当国际学生获准毫无阻碍地参与合法的学术活动并完全沉浸在校园生活时,我们都会受益。 美国高等教育必须促进中国留学生融入校园生活 你们中许多人在欢迎国际学生和帮他们融入方面拥有丰富的专业知识。这是美国校园里学习最具吸引力的特色之一。 今天,我要求你们所有人加倍努力。不仅要欢迎中国学生来到你们的校园,还要确保他们有各种机会充分体验美国课堂、我们的文化和社区。 以下是我们观察到的一些最佳做法: 国际教育应该是一种带来转变的体验——它应该使人们敞开胸怀了解新的文化和新的想法。 我们无法改变中国学生在来美国之前关于美国听到些什么、想些什么。但我们可以确保,一旦他们到这里,我们会: 今天对中国学生投入将有助于未来的美中关系 许多中国学生对中国、美国和世界的现实的理解可能会受到从他们的政府那里接收的不准确信息的影响。你们身处帮助解决这一关键问题的前沿。 美国必须用事实来对抗政治宣传、不实信息和虚假说辞。但这不是我们在政府可以独立完成的事情。我们需要一起做这件事。 中国学生来到美国,从我们世界一流的高校获益,增强他们的批判性思考,了解美国,并结识美国人民。我们希望他们在这些努力中取得成功,并更好地了解我们的民主、法治和自由制度。 我们今天培养的人民间的联系将塑造我们两国未来的关系。 谢谢。
Assistant Secretary Royce Remarks at the EdUSA Forum July 30, 2019 Marie Royce Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs EducationUSA Forum, Washington, DC Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 12:15 p.m. Remarks as prepared The United States Welcomes Chinese Students International students are welcome in the United States. We want future students and their families to see the United States as a welcoming destination to earn their degrees. We value the presence of students from China on our campuses, in our communities, and in our country. I’ll focus my remarks today on Chinese students in particular, because they make up a large proportion of students from abroad. Also to clarify misperceptions people have on the U.S. government’s stance on students and scholars from China. President Trump recently made clear, “We want to have Chinese students come and use our great schools, our great universities. They have been great students and tremendous assets.” In the President’s words, “We want to keep these [students] here.” I know you and your colleagues have done so much to host and welcome Chinese students in recent decades. Thank you for all of your efforts. More than one million international students (1,094,792) currently study in the United States. The number of Chinese students studying in America has quadrupled in the past decade, to a new high of over 360,000 last year, more than the next seven countries combined. The United States continues to admit qualified Chinese students for study at U.S. colleges and universities. Contrary to what you might have heard from the Government of China, the number of Chinese student visa applications refused has declined each of the last four years. This demonstrates that U.S. higher education is increasingly accessible to Chinese students. The Department of State’s EducationUSA team is highly engaged in China, reaching out to Chinese students and parents, helping them find the right U.S. institution, and preparing them for study and life here. Chinese students contributed 15 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in 2018 alone, making international education one of our country’s top exports. From a foreign relations standpoint, the friendships that are formed, the values shared, and the networks created, are even more important than the economic contributions of these Chinese students. I know everyone in this room is committed to this goal. As a former university educator and exchange participant, I, like you, understand the transformative experience that international students can have both in and out of the classroom. Through their studies, extra-curricular activities and community engagement, we want Chinese students to have that experience and make valuable contributions to our communities while they are here. Chinese alumni of American universities, whether they choose to work in academic institutions, scientific labs, business communities, or diplomatic postings, are the foundation of U.S.-China relations – and they will continue to be in the future. When Chinese leaders have in-depth experience of the United States through study here, it benefits the United States and the world at large. We Aim to Provide a Welcoming Environment for Chinese Students I again want to thank the 500 leaders of U.S. higher education institutions here today. Your efforts are essential to provide a high quality and safe educational environment for Chinese students — and all international students — to live and study alongside Americans. By supporting and facilitating Chinese students’ interactions, both in and out of the classroom, we help them understand American culture and American values. We want them to form friendships that develop into lifelong personal and professional networks. U.S. students similarly learn from their Chinese counterparts. Americans gain important insights into Chinese culture and learn to appreciate new perspectives on the world. They acquire knowledge, skills, and understanding that are valued by employers and that benefit their future studies and careers. U.S. Institutions Must do Better in Ensuring Chinese Students Fully Benefit from Their Studies in the United States The United States has the finest higher education system in the world with 4,700 universities and colleges. The opportunity to study here is an enormous privilege that is life-changing. Unfortunately, however, too many Chinese students do not receive the full benefit of their time in the United States. It is not enough just to attract these students to the United States. We must ensure international students – particularly those from China – fully integrate and experience our communities. As you know, at many U.S. institutions with significant numbers of Chinese students, it is all too easy for Chinese students to cluster together – missing the chance to live, study, and eat alongside their American and international peers. We know that many institutions are working hard to help Chinese students who want to make friends with American peers. But many still find it difficult to do so, potentially leaving them feeling isolated, alone, and vulnerable. We applaud those schools who are making sure that international students getting a top-notch U.S. education don’t miss out on the opportunity to broaden their horizons and make the most of living in the United States. Chinese Students Live in a Propaganda Bubble While physically residing in the United States, many Chinese students remain strongly anchored in China. Social media plays a powerful role in this. In a recent study, more than 90 percent of Chinese respondents (approximately 1,000 Chinese students currently studying at a university in the United States) reported using WeChat as their primary means of connecting online. WeChat is the main social media platform in China under strict government monitoring. Approximately 84 percent of the respondents reported relying solely on Chinese websites for news about the United States. Many non-Chinese messaging and social media apps are banned in China, so Chinese students must use apps like We Chat to communicate with friends and family at home. We know the Chinese Communist Party is actively working to provide an inaccurate picture of the United States to Chinese citizens, including overseas students. The state-controlled Chinese media inundates Chinese students with Communist Party-curated content that exaggerates the dangers of living and studying in the United States. Through Chinese social media, Chinese students continue to view the United States through this distorted lens. This constant flow of misinformation creates a bubble of fear that discourages Chinese students from fully engaging with American peers while here in the United States. Allow me to illustrate what it is like within one of these bubbles: Based on this constant negative and false narrative, and because many Chinese students might be reluctant to have deep interactions with their American peers, it is no surprise that only 16 percent of respondents in a recent study indicated their perception of the United States had improved since coming here. Approximately 42 percent of the respondents indicated actually having a worse perception. While this study is of a limited pool of students, it provides insight into the experiences and attitudes of some Chinese students in the United States. Unlike China, there is no censorship of foreign broadcasts in the United States. Chinese students can directly access Chinese state-run television programming. But accessing CCTV or other state television as a sole or primary source of entertainment and political news has consequences. For example, a popular Chinese television series called “Over the Sea I Come to You” depicts a Chinese father living with his son who is studying in America, and portrays the United States as a dangerous place to live and study. The reality is, U.S. colleges and universities value student safety as the top priority for both domestic and international students, and U.S. campuses are safe, welcoming environments for international students. Despite the facts, given the drumbeat of these negative stories, it should be no surprise if Chinese students arrive in the United States with negative preconceived notions. Even after arriving here, the constant stream of Chinese propaganda might continue to shape their perceptions of our country – even though they are living in California, Kansas, Nebraska, New York, Texas, or elsewhere — unless they are able to fully experience the reality of the United States firsthand. We must collectively work to ensure Chinese students have dynamic and full experiences on our campuses and in our communities, with the broadest possible exposure to our society and our people. The United States is home to a pluralistic press, with a multitude of news and media sources. Thank you to the members of the press here with us today. We want Chinese students to experience our vibrant media and information culture and to gain the tools to discern for themselves where to find reliable sources of information. A U.S. higher education experience is all about gaining critical thinking skills, having freedom of expression, and developing independent thought. Those are the values and skills we want international students to absorb while they are here. Ensuring Freedom of Speech & Expression for all Students The United States prizes academic freedom. U.S. college campuses are places for students to debate ideas, challenge viewpoints, and seek new understanding of the world. American higher education has a long tradition of protecting free speech and open inquiry. Open debate is the very foundation of our education system – and the American way of life. Beyond social media, Chinese Students & Scholars Associations, which interact with Chinese diplomatic missions here, can have undue influence and exert pressure on Chinese students on our campuses. They are stifling speech and limiting opportunities for personal expression. Concerns have also been expressed about the role of Confucius Institutes. Students in the United States must be free to express their views, without feeling pressured to censor their speech or avoid taking part in other legitimate activities on U.S. campuses. There are credible reports of Chinese government officials pressuring Chinese students to monitor other students and report on one another on behalf of the Chinese government. We have heard many of these stories ourselves first hand. We need to ensure students on our campuses are encouraged to speak up, as well as respect the views of others even if they do not agree. Chinese officials are also known to pressure and pay Chinese students to participate in Communist Party-sponsored political protests and counter-protests. We can and will push back hard against the Chinese government’s efforts to chill free speech on American campuses. In addition, we must seek to ensure Chinese students and exchange scholars are not pressured by their own government to engage in activities beyond the scope of legitimate academic pursuits. Our partners in the intelligence and law enforcement communities have identified an increasing number of instances in which foreign intelligence services have co-opted individual academics, researchers, and others to conduct activities on behalf of foreign governments during their stay in the United States. The United States will do everything in our power to protect all students, especially Chinese students, from authoritarian government control. Coercion of even a single Chinese student or scholar in the United States is unacceptable, and there is no excuse for the Chinese security apparatus to put at risk the U.S. visas granted to its own citizens. We take the threat of espionage in academia and the business community seriously. There are visa and legal procedures in place to confront the issue. Also, we will not tolerate the theft of intellectual property. But let me be clear: this is a very small percentage of the greater population. In 2019, only one ten thousandth of a percent – .0001 percent of student visa applicants from China have been refused on these grounds. Students and researchers who act within established ethical guidelines of academic research have nothing to worry about. Those who do not follow the rules, however, regardless of national origin, should expect consequences. I know you share our goal of making educational experiences in the United States a positive and transformative experience for all international students, allowing them to learn about and understand American values. We know you have a strong tradition and track record of supporting academic freedom on your campuses and in your international programs. Human Rights Watch has attempted to build on these best practices and produced a 12-point code of conduct that can be used in the United States and abroad to ensure freedom of speech, expression, and academic integrity. When international students are allowed to engage, unimpeded, in legitimate academic activities and fully immerse themselves in campus life, we all benefit. U.S. Higher Education Must Contribute to Integrating Chinese Students on Campus Many of you have significant expertise in welcoming and integrating international students. It’s one of the great attractions of study on a campus in the United States. Today, I ask all of you to double down on your efforts. To not only welcome Chinese students to your campuses, but to ensure they have every opportunity to fully experience the American classroom, our culture, and our communities. Here are a few best practices we have observed: An international education should be a transformative experience – it should open one’s mind to new cultures and new ideas. We cannot change what Chinese students hear and think about the United States before they arrive. But we can ensure that, once they get here, we: Investing in Chinese Students Today will Contribute to Future U.S.-China Relations Many Chinese students’ understanding of the reality of China, the United States, and the world may be shaped by inaccurate messages they are receiving from their government. You are on the frontlines to help address this critical issue. The United States must confront propaganda, misinformation, and false narratives with facts. But this is not something we in the government can do on our own. We need to do this together. Chinese students come to the United States to benefit from our world-class educational institutions, to strengthen their critical thinking, to see the United States and get to know the American people. We want them to succeed in these endeavors, and to gain a better understanding of our system of democracy, rule of law, and liberty. The people-to-people connections we foster today will shape the future relationship of our two countries. Thank you.
什么是2019新型冠状病毒(2019 Novel Coronavirus)? 2019新型冠状病毒是一种导致人的呼吸系统疾病的新型病毒,具有人际传播力。它是在对中国武汉爆发的病情的调查中首次被发现。 我会感染2019新型冠状病毒吗? 2019新型冠状病毒正在中国人口中流行,在中国以外一些国家有过密切接触的人当中也有少量传播。目前,在中国国内的人或曾在中国旅行的人最有可能被感染。感染风险取决于接触。与已被感染的人密切接触会带来最大的受传染风险,如医疗卫生工作者和与2019新型冠状病毒患者密切接触的人 。疾病控制与预防中心在继续密切监视局面。 可通过疾病控制与预防中心以下网页了解2019新型冠状病毒病例当前分布地点: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/locations-confirmed-cases.html. 2019新型冠状病毒如何传播? 这种病毒很可能最初源于动物,但是看来现在在人与人之间传播。需要指出的是,这种人际传播有可能是持续性的。有些病毒的传染性很强(如麻疹),而有些病毒不太强。目前尚不清楚这种病毒的人际传播强度或持续性。可从以下链接了解目前已知的有关这种新型冠状病毒传播的信息: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/transmission.html. 2019新型冠状病毒有哪些症状? 据报告,2019新型冠状病毒受感染者有轻重不同程度的以下呼吸系统症状: 这种病毒造成哪些严重并发症? 许多病人患双肺炎。 我应如何自我预防? 预防受感染的最好方法是避免接触病毒。 一些简单的日常防范措施可以帮助防止呼吸系统疾病病毒的传播。它们包括 如果你患病,应避免传染他人。做法是 如果我最近去过中国并染病应该怎么办? 如果你在最近14天内去过中国,并出现发烧、咳嗽或呼吸困难,你需要得到医疗。预先打电话给你的医生办公室,告知你的旅行史和症状。他们将告诉你如何获得诊治而不会传播给其他人。你患病后要避免与他人接触,不要出门,推迟旅行计划,以减少将病传给他人的可能。 有防疫针药吗? 对2019新型冠状病毒目前没有防疫手段。防止感染的最佳方式是避免接触这种病毒。 有治疗办法吗? 对2019新型冠状病毒没有特效治疗办法。感染2019新型冠状病毒的人可以通过医疗手段帮助减轻症状。 了解更多:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
What is COVID-19? The COVID-19 is a new virus that causes respiratory illness in people and can spread from person to person. This virus was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China. Can I get COVID-19? The COVID-19 is spreading from person to person in China and limited spread among close contacts has been detected in some countries outside China. Right now, the greatest risk of infection is for people in China or people who have traveled to China. Risk of infection is dependent on exposure. Close contacts of people who are infected are at greater risk of exposure, for example health care workers and close contacts of people who are infected with 2019-nCoV. CDC continues to closely monitor the situation. The current locations of cases of infection with COVID-19 is available on CDC’s webpage at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/locations-confirmed-cases.html. How does COVID-19 spread? This virus probably originally emerged from an animal source but now seems to be spreading from person to person. It’s important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on a continuum. Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so. At this time, it’s unclear how easily or sustainably this virus is spreading between people. Learn what is known about the spread of newly emerged coronaviruses at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/transmission.html. What are the symptoms of COVID-19? Patients with COVID-19 have reportedly had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of: What are severe complications from this virus? Many patients have pneumonia in both lungs. How can I help protect myself? The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. There are simple everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. These include If you are sick, to keep from spreading respiratory illness to others, you should What should I do if I recently traveled to China and got sick? If you were in China within the past 14 days and feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should get medical care. Call the office of your health care provider before you go and tell them about your travel and your symptoms. They will give you instructions on how to get care without exposing other people to your illness. While sick, avoid contact with people, don’t go out and delay any travel to reduce the possibility of spreading illness to others. Is there a vaccine? There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Is there a treatment? There is no specific antiviral treatment for COVID-19. People with COVID-19 can seek medical care to help relieve symptoms.
2020年12月17日 美国东部标准时间 下午 02:44  发言人办公室 以下内容来自首席副发言人凯尔·布朗(Cale Brown): 迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿今日与澳大利亚外交部长玛丽斯·佩恩(Marise Payne)通话。在通话中,蓬佩奥国务卿与佩恩外长再次确认了美澳同盟的力量。这一同盟基于民主、人权和法治的共同价值观,共同的战略利益,以及我们持久的“兄弟之谊”。国务卿与外长还讨论了以下内容与日俱增的重要性:“四方会谈”共同努力来推进一个自由开放和包容的印度-太平洋地区,以及我们持续进行协调以抵制中华人民共和国对我们经济愈发严重的威胁。
12/17/2020 02:44 PM EST Office of the Spokesperson The following is attributable to Principal Deputy Spokesperson Cale Brown: Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo spoke today with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne. During the call, Secretary Pompeo and the Foreign Minister Payne reaffirmed the strength of the U.S.-Australia Alliance, which is based on shared values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, common strategic interests, and our enduring “mateship.” The Secretary and the Foreign Minister also discussed the growing importance of the Quad’s collective efforts to advance a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region, and our ongoing coordination to counter the escalating threats from the PRC to our economies.
2020年12月16日 美国东部标准时间 下午 04:48   国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 石油和石化产品是伊朗政权主要的收入来源。该政权将这些收入用于压迫伊朗人民并推进该政权对外的邪恶议程。 ****** ……美国财政部现根据第13846号行政令对四家实体进行制裁,理由是这些实体为此前已被美国制裁的众祥石化有限公司(Triliance Petrochemical Co. Ltd)提供实质援助或支持。这四家实体为:总部在中国的东海国际船舶管理有限公司和东南石化有限公司,以及总部在阿联酋的阿尔法科技交易公司(Alpha Tech Trading FZE)和石油联盟交易公司(Petroliance Trading FZE)。 作为美国极限施压行动的直接结果,伊朗为明年拟定的军事和“安全”预算大幅下降了24%。最新的制裁削弱了该政权针对伊朗人民施加人权侵犯的能力。我们重申只有伊朗政权行为发生根本性改变,才能带来一条解除制裁的路径。 了解关于今天行动的更多信息,参见美国财政部的新闻稿。
12/16/2020 04:48 PM EST Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State Petroleum and petrochemicals are major sources of revenue for the Iranian regime, revenue it employs to oppress the Iranian people and to advance its malign foreign agenda. Today, the Department of State is imposing sanctions on Vietnam Gas and Chemicals Transportation Corporation, a vessel manager, pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13846, for knowingly engaging, on or after November 5, 2018, in a significant transaction for the transport of petroleum products from Iran.  The Department of State is also imposing sanctions pursuant to E.O. 13846 on the company’s Managing Director, Vo Ngoc Phung, for serving as a principal executive officer of the company. Concurrently, the Department of the Treasury is imposing sanctions on four entities pursuant to E.O 13846, for providing material assistance or support to Triliance Petrochemical Co. Ltd., a U.S. designated entity.  They are China-based Donghai International Ship Management Limited and Petrochem South East Limited, as well as UAE-based Alpha Tech Trading FZE and Petroliance Trading FZE. As a direct result of the U.S. maximum pressure campaign, Iran’s military and “security” budget proposal for next year has decreased by a massive 24 percent.  These latest sanctions degrade the regime’s ability to inflict human rights abuses on the Iranian people.  We reiterate that only a fundamental change in the Iranian regime’s behavior can provide a path towards sanctions relief. For more information about today’s action, please see the Department of the Treasury’s press release .
2020年7月10日 06:52 PM 东部夏令时间 迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥,国务卿 美国恭贺新加坡人民于7月10日举行新加坡第13届大选,并祝贺新加坡总理李显龙和人民行动党在大选里的胜利。 美国和新加坡于1966年建交以来,我们享受了超过50年的珍贵伙伴关系。我们的友谊深植于我们共同的价值观以及对印太地区的和平及安全的共同愿望。我们期待与新加坡新的民选政府合作,加强我们的经济及安全合作。我有信心,我们的伙伴关系将继续茁壮。
07/10/2020 06:52 PM EDT Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State The United States congratulates the people of Singapore on the country’s 13th general election on July 10 and congratulates Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong and the People’s Action Party on their victory. The United States and Singapore have enjoyed more than 50 years of valuable partnership since we established diplomatic relations in 1966. Our friendship is deeply rooted in our shared values and a common desire for peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region. We look forward to working with the newly elected government of Singapore to strengthen our economic and security cooperation. I am confident that our partnership will continue to flourish.
The United States Trade Representative Logo 美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the United States Trade) 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2019年8月13日 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区—今天,美国贸易代表(United States Trade Representative)宣布对来自中国的约3,000亿美元进口加征10%关税一事的下一步措施。 2019年5月17日,美国贸易代表公布了对来自中国的进口可能加征10%关税的税目清单。特朗普总统(President Trump)于8月1日宣布,新征收的关税将于9月1日生效。 考虑到健康、安全、国家安全等方面的因素,关税清单删除了某些类别的产品,不对这些产品加征10%的关税。 此外,经美国贸易代表通过征求公众意见和听证程序,现决定对某些产品加征的关税推迟至12月15日。例如,这个类别的产品有手机、手提电脑、视频游戏机、某些种类的玩具、电脑屏幕及某些鞋类制品和服装。 今天美国贸易代表将在其网站上公布更多的细节和受本公告影响的税目清单,同时尽快在《联邦公报》(Federal Register)刊出。
Washington, DC – The United States Trade Representative (USTR) today announced the next steps in the process of imposing an additional tariff of 10 percent on approximately $300 billion of Chinese imports. On May 17, 2019, USTR published a list of products imported from China that would be potentially subject to an additional 10 percent tariff.  This new tariff will go into effect on September 1 as announced by President Trump on August 1. Certain products are being removed from the tariff list based on health, safety, national security and other factors and will not face additional tariffs of 10 percent. Further, as part of USTR’s public comment and hearing process, it was determined that the tariff should be delayed to December 15 for certain articles.  Products in this group include, for example, cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, certain toys, computer monitors, and certain items of footwear and clothing. USTR intends to conduct an exclusion process for products subject to the additional tariff. The USTR will publish on its website today, and in the Federal Register as soon as possible, additional details and lists of the tariff lines affected by this announcement.
Whitehouse Image 特朗普总统在记者会上的讲话 (REMARKS BY PRESIDENT TRUMP IN PRESS CONFERENCE) 大阪帝国饭店(Imperial Hotel Osaka) 日本大阪 日本标准时间下午3:51 *             *             *             * 那么至此,我要说这些会晤进行得非常好。我想大多数人感兴趣的是与中国的会晤。我们举行了非常好的会晤。习主席。自我任总统起我们就相识了。你们许多人一年前出席了在中国的活动,当时——那是我前所未见的。非常漂亮。我们谈到了它;我们昨天共进晚餐。习主席和我们的几个人。那真是不可思议的,在北京。为我们所有人铺了红地毯——为这个国家,为我们国家。 我们举行了非常好的会晤,我们将继续谈判。我作出承诺,至少在目前,我们将不会取消对中国的关税。我们将不再增加另一大笔——我想我们仍有3500亿美元,可予以征税,可增加关税。我们将不那样做。我们将与中国从上次停顿的地方开始努力,看看我们是否能够达成协议。 中国将开始——他们将与我们磋商,他们将开始花销,甚至在谈判期间,用到我们农民那里,我们了不起的中西部农民。我将他们称为“伟大的爱国者”,因为他们就是。他们是爱国者。中国将购买巨大量的食品和农产品,他们将很快开始,几乎立即开始。我们将给他们列出一系列我们希望他们购买的东西。 *             *             *             * 关于中国,基本来说,我们今天同意,我们将继续谈判——我在一段时间以前停止了这个谈判——我们将继续谈判。我们同意,我将不对3250亿美元施加关税,而如果我愿意我是能够施加的……。 *             *             *             * ……[我们]的确讨论了其他一些事情。我们提到了华为。我说,“我们需要把它留到最最后。我们需要拭目以待。” 但是,我将允许的事情之一——很多人感到惊讶——是,我们送去,我们出售给华为大量产品,它们被用在他们制造的各种东西中。我说这可以,我们将继续出售那种产品。这些是美国公司,约翰(John),在制造产品。顺便说一句,那是很复杂的。科学性很高。 在有些情况下,我们是制作者,我们是唯一的制作者。我们是拥有这一技术的唯一地方。我们硅谷(Silicon Valley)的成就其实非常了不起。没有人能与它竞争。我已经同意——相当轻松地——我已经同意允许他们继续出售产品,所以美国公司将继续。他们曾遇到问题。这些公司对他们不能出售不是很高兴,因为无论有可能跟华为发生什么,与他们是无关的。所以我确实那样做了。 我们谈到了教育和学生。有人说中国学生更难进来。这是一个如果——如果有人那样认为的话,我并不那样认为。我们愿意让中国学生来使用我们优异的学校,我们优异的大学。他们是优异的学生和巨大财富。但是我们确实讨论了这点。它被作为一个话题提出来,我说,它将与其他任何人一样,与其他任何国家一样。 我们实际上正在走向这样一点,要知道,我们正在审视,如果你从大学毕业,因为我们优秀的公司——我们谈到硅谷和其他地方——我们在这方面有问题——在我们国家,你从国家最优秀的学校以全班第一名的成绩毕业,而他们说你必须离开;我们不能留下他们。我们将制定——我们将把它称作“聪慧人的豁免”(”smart person’s waiver”)。但是我们的规定要让他们不仅留下,而且也许还可以得到绿卡。我们希望将这些人留下来……。 *             *             *             * ……但是我们在维持关税,他们将购买农产品。……。 这不意味着将达成协议,但是他们想达成协议。我可以告诉诸位这点。如果我们能够达成协议,那将是非常历史性的事件。要知道,我们从来没有真正和中国达成协议。我们有——我们有的是巨大赤字。大量资金投到中国——一年5000亿美元。我的意思是,要知道,不只是盈余和赤字。我所说的真正的现金。这本来是在过去数年来我们各位总统时期绝对不应允许发生的。
REMARKS BY PRESIDENT TRUMP IN PRESS CONFERENCE Imperial Hotel Osaka Osaka, Japan 3:51 P.M. JST So, with that, I just want to say that these meetings have been great.  The one that I guess most people are interested in is China.  We had a great meeting.  President Xi.  And we’ve known each for as long as I’m President.  And many of you were at the event in China a year ago, when — I’ve never seen anything like it.   The — it was beautiful.  We talked about it; we dinner last night, President Xi and a number of us.  And it was something really incredible, in Beijing.  The red carpet was rolled out for all of us — for this country, for our country. And we had a great meeting, and we will be continuing to negotiate.  And I promised that, for at least the time being, we’re not going to be lifting tariffs on China.  We won’t be adding an additional tremendous amount of — we have, I guess, $350 billion left, which could be taxed or it could be tariffed.  And we’re not doing that.  We’re going to work with China on where we left off, to see if we can make a deal. China is going to start — they’re going to be consulting with us, and they’re going to start spending money, even during the negotiation, to our farmers, our great farmers in the Midwest.  I call them the “great patriots” because that’s what they are.  They’re patriots.  And China is going to be buying a tremendous amount of food and agricultural product, and they’re going to start that very soon, almost immediately.  We’re going to give them lists of things that we’d like them to buy. … With respect to China, basically we agreed today that we were going to continue the negotiation — which I ended a while back — and we’re going to continue the negotiation.  We agreed that I would not be putting tariffs on the $325 billion that I would have the ability to put on if I wanted… We did discuss numerous other things.  We mentioned Huawei.  I said, “We’ll have to save that until the very end.  We’ll have to see.” One of the things I will allow, however, is — a lot of people are surprised — we send and we sell to Huawei a tremendous amount of product that goes into the various things that they make.  And I said that that’s okay, that we will keep selling that product.  These are American companies, John, that make product.  And that’s very complex, by the way.  Highly scientific. And in some cases, we’re the ones that do it and we’re the only ones that do it.  We’re the only ones with the technology.  What we’ve done in Silicon Valley is incredible actually.  And nobody has been able to compete with it.  And I’ve agreed — and pretty easily — I’ve agreed to allow them to continue to sell that product so American companies will continue.  And they were having a problem.  The companies were not exactly happy that they couldn’t sell because they had nothing to do with whatever was potentially happening with respect to Huawei.  So I did do that. We talked about education and students.  Somebody was saying it was harder for a Chinese students to come in.  And that’s something that if it were — if somebody viewed it that way, I don’t.  We want to have Chinese students come and use our great schools, our great universities.  They’ve been great students and tremendous assets.  But we did discuss it.  It was brought up as a point, and I said that will be just like anybody else, just like any other nation. And we’re actually going to a point where, you know, we’re looking that if you graduate from a college, because our great companies — we talk about Silicon Valley and other places — we have a problem in this — in our country that you graduate number one in your class from the best school in the country, and they say you have to leave; we can’t keep them.  And we’re going to make it — we’re going to call it the “smart person’s waiver.”  But we’re going to make it so that they can not only stay but maybe they have access to green cards.  We want to keep these people here. … But we’re holding on tariffs and they’re going to buy farm product.  … This doesn’t mean there’s going to be a deal, but they would like to make a deal.  I can tell you that.  And if we could make a deal, it would be a very historic event.  You know, we’ve never really had a deal with China.  We have — we’ve had tremendous deficits.  Tremendous amounts of money was put into China — $500 billion a year.  And I mean, you know, not just surplus and deficit.  I’m talking about real, hard cash.  And it should have never, ever been allowed to have happened for all of our Presidents over the last number of years.
Pakistani Christians hold a candle light vigil for the for the victims of bomb explosions in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka, in Peshawar, Pakistan, Sunday, April 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)   媒体声明 国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 华盛顿DC 2019年4月21日 美国以最强烈措辞谴责复活节上午发生在斯里兰卡的恐怖袭击。针对在敬拜场所聚会或享受假日大餐的无辜人民的袭击,是对我们珍视的普世价值和自由的侮辱,再次展示出激进恐怖分子的残暴本质,他们唯一的目的是威胁和平与安全。 美国向被杀害者的家人和朋友致以最深切的慰唁,并祝愿所有受伤人员迅速康复。虽然这场袭击的很多细节仍在披露中,我们可以确认被杀害者中有数位美国公民。美国大使馆正在不懈地努力向受这场袭击影响的美国公民和他们的家人提供一切可能的援助。 这些卑劣的袭击清楚地提醒了为什么美国继续坚决地打击恐怖主义。在斯里兰卡政府和人民对抗暴力极端主义时,我们与他们站在一起,并在他们努力将行凶者绳之以法时提供了我们的帮助。
Press Statement Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Washington, DC April 21, 2019 The United States condemns in the strongest terms the terror attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter morning. Attacks on innocent people gathering in a place of worship or enjoying a holiday meal are affronts to the universal values and freedoms that we hold dear, and demonstrate yet again the brutal nature of radical terrorists whose sole aim is to threaten peace and security. The United States offers our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed and wishes a quick recovery to all who were injured. While many details of the attacks are still emerging, we can confirm that several U.S. citizens were among those killed. The U.S. Embassy is working tirelessly to provide all possible assistance to the American citizens affected by the attacks and their families. These vile attacks are a stark reminder of why the United States remains resolved in our fight to defeat terrorism. We stand with the Sri Lankan government and people as they confront violent extremism and have offered our assistance as they work to bring the perpetrators to justice.
美利坚合众国总统 公告 为了获得美国的敏感技术和知识产权,中华人民共和国利用大量资源广泛从事有关活动,目的之一在于加强本国军队,即中国人民解放军的现代化及其军力。中华人民共和国为本国军事现代化获取美国的敏感技术和知识产权,对我们国家长期的经济命脉和美国人民的安全保障构成了威胁。 中华人民共和国当局利用某些中国学生充当非传统的知识产权搜集人员从事有关活动,其中大多数是研究生和博士后研究人员。为此,来自中华人民共和国从事本科以上学习或研究的学生或研究人员与中国人民解放军发生联系或已经有所联系,有很大的可能受到中华人民共和国当局的利用或拉拢,有理由需要特别加以注意。鉴于以上情况,我认定中华人民共和国某些国民持F或J签证入境美国,在美国从事学习或研究,会对美国的利益造成伤害。 为此,我唐纳德·特朗普(DONALD J. TRUMP),作为美国总统,根据美利坚合众国宪法(Constitution)赋予我的权利,包括《移民和国籍法》(Immigration and Nationality Act)212(f) 和215(a)款,美国法典第8篇1182(f) 和1185(a)款,及美国法典第3篇301认定,除本公告第二部分涉及的人员外,本公告第一部分所述之非移民人员无限制入境美国会对美国的利益造成伤害。这类人员的入境应有某种约束、限制和例外。为此我宣布以下诸项: 第一部分。暂停和限制入境。除从事本科学习的学生外,中华人民共和国任何国民作为来美国从事学习或研究的非移民持F或J签证入境美国并接受中华人民共和国任何执行或支持中华人民共和国“军民融合战略”的实体资助,或目前在这类实体被雇用,从事学习或研究,或作为其代表,或已经被雇用,从事学习或研究,或作为其代表,以本公告第二部分为参照须被暂停和受到限制。为本公告之目的,“军民融合战略”一词指中华人民共和国为获取和转移外国技术,特别是关键性和新型技术,以此纳入并提高中华人民共和国军事实力而采取或通过指令实施的行动。 第二部分。暂停和限制入境的适用范围。 (a) 本公告第一部分之规定不适用于: (i) 任何美国合法永久居民; (ii) 配偶为美国公民或合法永久居民的任何外国  人; (iii) 任何作为美国武装部队(United States Armed Forces)成员的外国人及任何作为美国武装部队成员的配偶或子女的外国人; (iv) 任何符合联合国总部协定(United Nations Headquarters Agreement)第11条从事旅行或根据美国按适用的国际协议承担的义务允许入境美国的外国人; (v) 由国务卿和国土安全部(Homeland Security)部长与相关行政部门和机构咨商认定,任何在涉及相关信息但并不有助于中华人民共和国军民融合战略的领域从事学习或研究的外国人; (vi) 由国务卿、国土安全部长或各自指定的人员依据司法部长(Attorney General)或其指定人员的建议认定其入境有利于进一步促进美国重要执法目标的任何外国人;或 (vii) 由国务卿、国土安全部长或各自指定的人员认定其入境符合美国国家利益的任何外国人。 (b) 本公告所述之任何内容不应解释为可限制个人寻求庇护、难民地位、停止递解的能力或为执行《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》(Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)按美国法律提供的保护。 第三部分。实施和执行。 (a) 本公告第一和第二部分所述之人员须由国务卿或国务卿指定的人员根据国务卿可确立的标准和程序自行全权酌定。对于本公告分条款2(a)(v), 2(a)(vi)和 2(a)(vii),国务卿须依据各分条款项下司法部长和国土安全部长提供的进一步认定和建议对外国人进行酌定。 (b) 国务卿须根据国务卿与国土安全部长咨商后自行确立的相关程序执行本公告中与各类签证相关的条款。国土安全部长须根据与国务卿咨商后自行确立的程序执行本公告中与外国人入境相关的条款。 (c) 凡通过欺诈、故意谎报重大事实或非法入境逃避本公告实施的外国人,均应作为重点对象由国土安全部递解出境。 第四部分。终止。本公告在总统予以解除前始终有效。国务卿在与国土安全部长咨商后可在任何时候建议总统继续、修订或终止本公告。 第五部分。生效日。 本公告于东部夏令时间2020年6月1日下午12时生效。 第六部分。附则。 (a) 国务卿须根据国务卿的自行酌定,考虑目前在美国持F 或J签证的中华人民共和国国民如符合本公告第一部分所述之标准,是否应根据《移民和国籍法》221(i)款,美国法典第8篇1201(i)款的规定撤销他们的签证。 (b) 在本公告生效60天内,国务卿和国土安全部长须与各相关机构首长咨商,对非移民和移民项目进行复议,同时通过总统国家安全事务助理(Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs)就可降低中华人民共和国获得美国敏感技术和知识产权行为构成的危险需要总统采取行动的其他任何措施向总统提出建议。 (c) 国务卿和国土安全部长须在各自权限范围内,协同各相关机构首长为进一步降低中华人民共和国获得美国敏感技术和知识产权行为构成的危险采取行动。国务卿和国土安全部长须在本公告生效60天内通过总统国家安全事务助理向总统报告任何这类行动的规划和实施事宜。 (d) 国务卿和国土安全部长须考虑在适当的情况下就执行《移民和国籍法》212(a)(3)(D) 款,美国法典第8篇1182(a)(3)(D)有关不予受理事宜的条款发布更新条例和指南。 第七部分。总则。 (a) 本公告任何部分都不应被解释为削弱以下方面或使之受到其他影响: (i) 法律授予某一行政部门或机构,或者其主管的权力;或者 (ii) 管理和预算办公室(Office of Management and Budget)主任与预算、 行政或立法提案相关的职能。 (b) 本公告须遵照适用的法律付诸实施,并取决于拨款情况。 (c) 本公告不代表也不构成任何一方可与美国、其各部、机构或实体、其官员、雇员或代理人或其他任何人对立的实质性或程序性的可由法律或平衡法实施的权利或福利。 为此,我谨于公元二千零二十年,即美利坚合众国独立二百四十四年之五月二十九日在此签名为证。 唐纳德·特朗普(DONALD J. TRUMP)
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is engaged in a wide‑ranging and heavily resourced campaign to acquire sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property, in part to bolster the modernization and capability of its military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).  The PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property to modernize its military is a threat to our Nation’s long-term economic vitality and the safety and security of the American people. The PRC authorities use some Chinese students, mostly post‑graduate students and post-doctorate researchers, to operate as non-traditional collectors of intellectual property.  Thus, students or researchers from the PRC studying or researching beyond the undergraduate level who are or have been associated with the PLA are at high risk of being exploited or co-opted by the PRC authorities and provide particular cause for concern.  In light of the above, I have determined that the entry of certain nationals of the PRC seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an F or J visa to study or conduct research in the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find that the unrestricted entry into the United States as nonimmigrants of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation would, except as provided for in section 2 of this proclamation, be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and that their entry should be subject to certain restrictions, limitations, and exceptions.  I therefore hereby proclaim the following: Section 1.  Suspension and Limitation on Entry.  The entry into the United States as a nonimmigrant of any national of the PRC seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an F or J visa to study or conduct research in the United States, except for a student seeking to pursue undergraduate study, and who either receives funding from or who currently is employed by, studies at, or conducts research at or on behalf of, or has been employed by, studied at, or conducted research at or on behalf of, an entity in the PRC that implements or supports the PRC’s “military-civil fusion strategy” is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.  For the purposes of this proclamation, the term “military-civil fusion strategy” means actions by or at the behest of the PRC to acquire and divert foreign technologies, specifically critical and emerging technologies, to incorporate into and advance the PRC’s military capabilities. Sec. 2.  Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry. (a)  Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to: (i)    any lawful permanent resident of the United States; (ii)   any alien who is the spouse of a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident; (iii)  any alien who is a member of the United States Armed Forces and any alien who is a spouse or child of a member of the United States Armed Forces; (iv)   any alien whose travel falls within the scope of section 11 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement or who would otherwise be allowed entry into the United States pursuant to United States obligations under applicable international agreements; (v)    any alien who is studying or conducting research in a field involving information that would not contribute to the PRC’s military‑civil fusion strategy, as determined by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies); (vi)   any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees, based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee; or (vii)  any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees. (b)  Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to limit the ability of an individual to seek asylum, refugee status, withholding of removal, or protection under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, consistent with the laws of the United States. Sec. 3.  Implementation and Enforcement.  (a)  Persons covered by sections 1 or 2 of this proclamation shall be identified by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of State’s designee, in his or her sole discretion, pursuant to such standards and procedures as the Secretary of State may establish.  For purposes of subsections 2(a)(v), 2(a)(vi), and 2(a)(vii) of this proclamation, the Secretary of State shall provide for identifications of aliens based on the further determinations and recommendations provided for in those subsections by the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security. (b)  The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation as it applies to visas pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish in the Secretary of State’s discretion.  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall implement this proclamation as it applies to the entry of aliens pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may establish in the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretion. (c)  An alien who circumvents the application of this proclamation through fraud, willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or illegal entry shall be a priority for removal by the Department of Homeland Security. Sec. 4.  Termination.  This proclamation shall remain in effect until terminated by the President.  The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may at any time recommend that the President continue, modify, or terminate this proclamation. Sec. 5.  Effective Date.  This proclamation is effective at 12:00 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2020. Sec. 6.  Additional Measures.  (a)  The Secretary of State shall consider, in the Secretary’s discretion, whether nationals of the PRC currently in the United States pursuant to F or J visas and who otherwise meet the criteria described in section 1 of this proclamation should have their visas revoked pursuant to section 221(i) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1201(i). (b)  Within 60 days of the effective date of this proclamation, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies, shall review nonimmigrant and immigrant programs and shall recommend to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, any other measures requiring Presidential action that would mitigate the risk posed by the PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property. (c)  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, within the scope of their respective authorities and in coordination with the heads of appropriate agencies, take action to further mitigate the risk posed by the PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property.  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall report to the President, within 60 days of the effective date of this proclamation, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, any such planned and executed actions. (d)  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall consider issuing updated regulations and guidance, as appropriate, implementing the inadmissibility provisions in section 212(a)(3)(D) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(D). Sec. 7.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or (ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. (b)  This proclamation shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. (c)  This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth. DONALD J. TRUMP
发言人摩根·奥特葛斯新闻声明 2019年11月11日,华盛顿DC 美国正在关注香港局势并予以严重关切。我们谴责所有各方的暴力,向暴力受害者表达同情,无论其政治倾向, 同时呼吁各方—警方和抗议者—保持克制。我们重申特朗普总统以人道方案解决抗议问题的呼吁。香港社会内部两极分化加剧,凸显了政府、抗议者,及广大市民之间开展真诚而有广泛基础的对话的必要性。美国敦促香港政府在与香港公众开展对话的基础上进一步努力,开始着手处理驱动抗议的深层关切。我们也敦促示抗议对话的努力做出回应。 美国相信香港自治、坚守法治,并致力于保护公民自由,是保持其在美国法律下的特殊地位的关键,也是 “一国两制”的成功以及香港未来稳定与繁荣的关键。我们敦促北京遵守其在《中英联合声明》中做出的承诺,包括承诺香港将“享有高度自治权”,以及香港人民将享有人权以及言论与和平集会自由—这些是我们与香港共有的核心价值观。
Press Statement Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus November 11, 2019, Washington, DC The United States is watching the situation in Hong Kong with grave concern.  ‎We condemn violence on all sides, extend our sympathies to victims of violence regardless of their political inclinations, and call for all parties— police and protestors— to exercise restraint.‎  We repeat President Trump’s call for a humane resolution to the protests. The increased polarization within Hong Kong society underscores the need for a broad-based and sincere dialogue between the government, protestors, and citizenry writ large.  The United States urges the Hong Kong government to build on its dialogue with the Hong Kong public and begin efforts to address the underlying concerns driving the protests.  We also urge the protestors to respond to efforts at dialogue. The United States believes that Hong Kong’s autonomy, its adherence to the rule of law, and its commitment to protecting civil liberties are key to preserving its special status under U.S. law, as well as to the success of “One Country, Two Systems” and Hong Kong’s future stability and prosperity.  We urge Beijing to honor the commitments it made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, including commitments that Hong Kong will “enjoy a high degree of autonomy” and that the people of Hong Kong will enjoy human rights the freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly— core values that we share with Hong Kong.
文化艺术 美国艺术的发展 – 音乐,舞蹈,建筑,视觉艺术和文学 -具有这样的特点:在欧洲的成熟与本土的独创性两大灵感的来源之间互相碰撞。 通常,最优秀的美国艺术家们都有办法同时驾驭两个来源。 经济 美国进入21世纪,经济空前强大,采取的多项措施也更为成功。美国的人口不足世界人口的5%,其经济产出却占全球25%以上。20世纪90年代,美国经济经历了历时最长的持续扩张。计算机、电信和生物科学领域的技术革新浪潮正在深刻地影响美国人的工作和生活方式。 教育 USA EDUCATION 美国没有全国性学校体制,并且除军事院校外,学校也不由联邦政府来管理。 地理与旅行 美国人常说他们的国家是由几个大的地区组成的。这些地区其实属于文化区域,而不是行政单元。这是由历史和地理条件形成的,是由一个地区各部分共有的经济、文学和社会习俗塑造而成。 政府概况 美国是一个拥有50个州的联邦制国家,联邦政府所在地为哥伦比亚特区。《宪法》确立了国家政府的结构,规定了其权力和活动范围,并且划定了国家政府和各州政府之间的关系。在国家政府和州(地方)政府之间实行分权。州内建县、镇、市和乡各级,各级均设有选任政府。 历史 第一批到达北美的欧洲人是冰岛维京人,他们于1000年左右在莱夫·埃里克松的率领下抵达。他们的足迹可以在加拿大的纽芬兰省寻到,但维京人没有建立一个永久据点,并很快失去了与新大陆的联系。 媒体 根据最近的一项研究,一般美国人每天花约8小时使用印刷和电子媒体 — 在家里,在办公室和乘坐汽车时。 这个总数包括四小时看电视,三小时听收音机,半小时听录制的音乐,另外半小时看报纸。 社会 美国人有不同的肤色和民族。美国人信奉不同的宗教,有许多不同的生活方式。在地理区域之间,农村与城市之间以及社会阶层之间存在着重要差异。此外,来自世界各地的数百万移民为美国带来了自己的文化和价值,给美国生活增添了更多的多样性与特色。虽然美国人并不总是彼此同意,但他们被一个非常特别的东西联合在一起,那就是200多年前最初在美国宪法中所描述的价值观和理想。 体育 体育在美国的经济和文化中占据相当大的部分。在美国,愿意参加几乎任何体育运动的人随处可见。棒球、美式橄榄球(American football)、篮球和曲棍球可以说是美国最流行的运动。足球(football)(在美国称“英式足球(soccer)”)在美国的中学和高校中十分受欢迎,作为职业运动则仍在兴起中。七人制橄榄球(rugby)和板球也是的流行校内运动。 美利坚合众国是一个多民族、多元化的国家,有着繁荣的经济、民主的政府和机制,以及充满活力的文化。 美国人来自各个不同的肤色和祖籍。 美国人信仰的宗教各不相同,生生活方式也各不相同。不同的地理区域之间、农村和城市之间,以及社会阶层之间存在着显著差异。 此外,数百万移民从世界各地来到美国,带来各自的文化和价值观,使美国的生活更加丰富多元。虽然美国人彼此并不总是看法一致,但是他们由一个非比寻常的纽带联合在一起,那就是200多年前最初由美国宪法提出的价值观和理想。 为纪念美国黑人为美国文化和政治生活所做的贡献,美国著名学者和史学家卡特·伍德森 (Carter G. Woodson) 于1926年创立黑人历史周。伍德森选择2月份的第二个星期为黑人历史周以纪念林肯总统(Abraham Lincoln)和废奴主义者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)的诞辰日。1976年,美国庆祝建国200周年,黑人历史周也随之扩大为黑人历史月。 三月,世界庆祝国际妇女节,美国同时庆祝妇女历史月。 美国1909年首次庆祝妇女节。1911年第一届国际妇女节期间,超过100万人参加了在奥地利、丹麦、德国和瑞士举行的活动。 如今,有些国家将妇女节定为国家节日,以纪念妇女取得的成就,同时凸显她们在工作和生活中依然面临的种种障碍。 全国妇女历史月起源于加利福尼亚州索诺玛县(Sonoma County)。1978年,妇女地位委员会启动了妇女历史周。 两年后,吉米∙卡特总统请美国人在国际妇女节之际庆祝妇女取得的历史性成就。1981年,国会设立了首个全国妇女历史周,并于1987年将其延长为历史月。   4月22日地球日是美国一年一度的环境纪念日,纪念环境日之际,美国人也评估仍需如何努力来保护我们这个星球的自然恩赐。虽然有数家非政府组织追踪当地学校和公园为纪念这一天而举办的数以千计的活动,但地球日并没有一个核心主办方。地球日确认,环境意识属于国家良知,而保护环境这一曾经只属于少数环保主义者的理念已经进入美国的主流思想。 地球日宣言 四十多年前,来自各行各业的美国人集结起来应对一项共同挑战。污染损害了我们的健康和生计−从在污染的河流中游泳的儿童到暴露于危险化学品的工人,到生活在雾霾中的城市居民。首个地球日对每位公民、每个家庭和每个公职人员都发出了行动的号召。环保运动得以发声,环境保护署因此而建立,同时也地球日也推动了我们的国家就清洁空气和水制定标志性的法律。今年地球日,让我们谨记,当美国人为同一个目的团结起来时,我们可以克服任何障碍。 地球日的历史 …1970年4月22日第一个地球日是民主历史上最重要的事件之一… 2000万人表达了他们的支持…它永远地改变了美国的政治和公共政策。《美国遗产杂志》,1993年10月 地球日创立者 1969年,美国威斯康辛州参议员盖洛德∙纳尔逊(Gaylord Nelson)提出了一个他那个时代最有力量的想法:地球日。受为抗议越南战争活动的启发,地球日一经创立即获成功,第一年(1970年)便吸引了2000万参与者。 何为地球日? 4月22日地球日是美国一年一度的环境纪念日,纪念环境日之际,美国人也评估仍需如何努力来保护我们这个星球的自然恩赐。虽然有数家非政府组织追踪当地学校和公园为纪念这一天而举办的数以千计的活动,但地球日并没有一个核心主办方。地球日确认,环境意识属于国家良知,而保护环境这一曾经只属于少数环保主义者的理念已经进入美国的主流思想。 五月是亚太裔传统月−为亚洲人和太平洋岛民设立的纪念活动。亚太地区涵盖广泛,包括全部亚洲大陆;美拉尼西亚太平洋群岛(新几内亚、新喀里多尼亚、瓦努阿图、斐济和所罗门群岛);密克罗尼西亚群岛(马里亚纳群岛、关岛、复活岛、帕劳、马绍尔群岛、 基里巴斯,瑙鲁和密克罗尼西亚联邦),以及波利尼西亚群岛(新西兰、夏威夷群岛、罗图马、中途岛、萨摩亚、美属萨摩亚、汤加、图瓦卢、库克群岛、法属波利尼西亚和复活节岛)。 与多数纪念月一样,亚太裔传统月源于一份国会议案。1977年6月,共和党纽约州众议员弗兰克·霍顿(Frank Horton)和加利福尼亚州众议员诺曼·米尼塔(Norman Y. Mineta)提出了一份议案,提请总统宣布5月的前十天为亚太遗产周。此后的一个月中,参议员丹尼尔·井上(Daniel Inouye)和斯帕克·松永(Spark Matsunaga)在参议院也提出了类似议案。两份议案在两院分别获得通过。1978年10月5日,吉米·卡特总统签署了一份联合决议,设立了亚太裔纪年周。十二年后,乔治∙ H∙ W∙布什总统签署决定,将纪念周延长为纪念月。1992年,5月作为亚太裔美国传统月正式写入法律。 选择五月为亚太裔传统月是为了纪念1843年5月7日第一位日本人移居美国,以及1869年5月10日太平洋铁路(Transcontinental Railroad)完工。铺筑这条铁路的工人大多为中国移民。 雾谷飞鸿是美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)的中文博客。“雾谷”是指美国国务院所在地Foggy Bottom,“飞鸿”取意“鸿雁传书”的典故,表达了从中国来到美国生活并工作了多年的博客作者向远方的中国朋友传递信息、相互交流的愿望。雾谷飞鸿从多个侧面详实、深入地介绍美国社会,鼓励读者参与对话,并希望成为一个提供有益信息的可靠来源。
The United States of America is a multi-ethnic, pluralistic country with a thriving economy, democratic government and institutions, and a dynamic culture.  Americans come in all different colors and nationalities. Americans practice different religions, and live many different lifestyles. Important differences exist between geographical regions, between rural and urban areas, and between social classes. In addition, the presence of millions of immigrants who came to the United States from all corners of the world with their own culture and values adds even more variety and flavor to American life. Although Americans do not always agree with each other, they are united by a very special thing: the values and ideals that were originally described in the U.S. Constitution over 200 years ago. To celebrate and commemorate the contributions to the United States made by people of African descent, American educator and historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week. The Black History Week was first celebrated in February 12, 1926. The second week of February was chosen for this celebration because it marked the birthdays of two people who had greatly impacted Black Americans’ lives: Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In March, the world observes International Women’s Day, and, in the United States, Women’s History Month. Women’s Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1909. In 1911, more than 1 million people attended events in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland during the first International Women’s Day. Now, it is national holiday in a few countries to commemorate the achievements women have made and to highlight the varieties of obstacles they still confront in work and life. The origins of National Women’s History Month can be traced to Sonoma County, California, where in 1978 the Commission on the Status of Women initiated Women’s History Week. Two years later, President Jimmy Carter asked Americans to celebrate women’s historic accomplishments in conjunction with International Women’s Day. Congress established the first National Women’s History Week in 1981 and expanded it to a month in 1987. Useful Links Women of Influence Earth Day, April 22, is the annual U.S. celebration of the environment and a time for Americans to assess the work still needed to protect the natural gifts of our planet. Earth Day has no central organizing force behind it, though several nongovernmental organizations work to keep track of the thousands of local events in schools and parks that mark the day. It affirms that environmental awareness is part of the country’s consciousness and that the idea of protecting the environment — once the province of a few conservationists — has moved from the extreme to the mainstream of American thought. Proclamation on Earth Day Over four decades ago, Americans from all walks of life came together to tackle a shared challenge. Pollution damaged our health and livelihoods — from children swimming in contaminated streams to workers exposed to dangerous chemicals to city residents living under a thick haze of smog. The first Earth Day was a call to action for every citizen, every family, and every public official. It gave voice to the conservation movement, led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, and pushed our Nation to adopt landmark laws on clean air and water. This Earth Day, we remember that when Americans unite in common purpose, we can overcome any obstacle. The History of Earth Day …April 22, 1970, Earth Day was held, one of the most remarkable happenings in the history of democracy… 20 million people demonstrated their support… American politics and public policy would never be the same again. American Heritage Magazine, October 1993 Founder of Earth Day In 1969, as a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson came up with one of the most powerful ideas of his time: Earth Day. Inspired by the teach-ins formed to protest the Vietnam War, Earth Day was an instant success, drawing 20 million participants the first year (1970). What is Earth Day? Earth Day, April 22, is the annual U.S. celebration of the environment and a time for Americans to assess the work still needed to protect the natural gifts of our planet. Earth Day has no central organizing force behind it, though several nongovernmental organizations work to keep track of the thousands of local events in schools and parks that mark the day. It affirms that environmental awareness is part of the country’s consciousness and that the idea of protecting the environment — once the province of a few conservationists — has moved from the extreme to the mainstream of American thought. May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. A rather broad term, Asian-Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island). Like most commemorative months, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month originated in a congressional bill. In June 1977, Reps. Frank Horton of New York and Norman Y. Mineta of California introduced a House resolution that called upon the president to proclaim the first ten days of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week. The following month, senators Daniel Inouye and Spark Matsunaga introduced a similar bill in the Senate. Both were passed. On October 5, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a Joint Resolution designating the annual celebration. Twelve years later, President George H.W. Bush signed an extension making the week-long celebration into a month-long celebration. In 1992, the official designation of May as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month was signed into law. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. Wild Geese from Foggy Bottom is the Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs’s (IIP) Chinese blog. “Wu Gu” refers to the location of the U.S. Department of State; “Fei Hong” derives from an ancient Chinese idiom—sending letters home on the backs of flying wild geese.  It expresses the desire of the bloggers, who came from China and have been living and working in the U.S. for many years, to relay information and to communicate with distant friends in China.  Wild Geese from Foggy Bottom conveys detailed, in-depth information about different aspects of the American society, encourages readers to participate in the conversation, and intends to serve as a credible resource of useful information.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿特区 2022年9月8日 向乌克兰及其邻国增加提供28亿美元美国军事援助 安东尼·布林肯国务卿的声明 自普京总统二月份入侵乌克兰以来,已经过去7个月了,这场战争的惨重后果还在继续加重。数以千计的平民伤亡,1300万乌克兰民众被迫流离失所,历史名城被炸成瓦砾,有关令人发指的暴行的报告不断传来,核电站处于风险,粮食短缺,全世界粮食价格飙升。乌克兰杰出的保卫者们继续在前线为他们国家的自由而英勇奋战,而且拜登总统已经阐明我们将一直持续支持乌克兰人民。我今天在基辅向泽连斯基总统和他的团队重申了这一点,基辅现在是而且将永远是一个拥有主权和独立的乌克兰的首都。 我还告诉泽连斯基总统,我根据总统委托授权自2021年9月以来第20次为乌克兰提供美国武器和装备。这笔6.75亿美元的调拨物资包括来自美国国防部库存的更多的武器、弹药和装备——乌克兰军队一直在使用这些装备极有效力地保卫自己的国家。 此外,我们今天还告知国会根据《外国军事融资》(Foreign Military Financing)新增22亿美元长期投资的意向,以增强乌克兰及其18个邻国的安全;其中包括我们的很多北约盟国,以及面临俄罗斯进一步入侵的风险的其他地区安全伙伴。 这几项宣布将使美国自本届政府就职以来对乌克兰的军事援助总计达到约152亿美元。 美国正在同来自50多个国家的盟友及合作伙伴为支持乌克兰的防卫提供安全援助。我们正在审慎地为在战场上发挥最大作用提供所需的各项能力。 我们同乌克兰团结在一起。   欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/2-8-billion-in-additional-u-s-military-assistance-for-ukraine-and-its-neighbors/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 It has been seven months since President Putin’s February invasion of Ukraine, and the war’s terrible toll continues to mount. Thousands of civilians killed or wounded, 13 million Ukrainian civilians forced to flee their homes, historic cities pounded to rubble, horrifying reports of ongoing atrocities, nuclear power stations put at risk, food shortages, skyrocketing food prices around the world. Ukraine’s extraordinary front-line defenders continue to courageously fight for their country’s freedom, and President Biden has been clear we will support the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes. I reiterated this message to President Zelenskyy and his team today in Kyiv, which remains ̶ and will remain ̶ the capital of a sovereign, independent Ukraine. I also informed President Zelenskyy that, pursuant to a delegation of authority from the President, I am authorizing our twentieth drawdown since September 2021 of U.S. arms and equipment for Ukraine. This $675 million drawdown includes additional arms, munitions, and equipment from U.S. Department of Defense inventories ̶ equipment that Ukraine’s forces have used so effectively for their country’s defense. In addition, we are also notifying Congress today of our intent to make a further $2.2 billion available in long-term investments under Foreign Military Financing to bolster the security of Ukraine and 17 of its neighbors; including many of our NATO Allies, as well as other regional security partners potentially at risk of future Russian aggression. These announcements will bring the total U.S. military assistance for Ukraine to approximately $15.2 billion since the beginning of this Administration. The United States is providing security assistance alongside our allies and partners from more than 50 countries to support Ukraine’s defense. The capabilities we are delivering are carefully calibrated to make the most difference on the battlefield. We stand United with Ukraine.
Secretary Pompeo Speaking 国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥:“北极是这样一片空间:应该有航行自由;应该没有剑拔弩张的态势;应该有安全;应该有法治;关于那些正在发生的事,应该有透明度。我们认为如果这些得以实现,如果我们可以打造像这样的一个北极体系,那么世界上的良善国家,像冰岛这样的国家,世界上的民主国家将会成功,而那些怀有恶意的国家,那些出于以下原因来到北极的国家:为了霸权、为了控制、为了扩大自己的经济影响力不惜以其他国家的利益为代价,而非创造双赢的局面,我们认为他们将会满盘皆输。” 国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥被问及各国要如何与中国共事时表示: “一个国家保护自己的第一种方式就是自己掌握关于风险的知识,所以在我们过去一年半所做的事当中,有一件事就是去到我们在世界各地的朋友那里,为他们识别关于与其他一些国家交往所带来的风险的基本事实。我们认为,当他们看到这一点时,他们将准备好与我们一道参与,投入自身资源来保护自己,不仅是从安全角度,而且重要的是,也是从经济角度。中国已经采取的一些做法只会被视为掠夺性的经济行为,这极大地损害了那些允许他们这样做的国家。所以我们想要走出去并分享这一理解,然后我相信我们将建立允许自由和民主蓬勃发展的制度和关系。在那些中国人只是为了竞争而出现的地方,我们认为这是非常合理的。它不是一个遏制战略,而是说要睁大双眼,并确保各国与中国正在达成的交易实际上有利于参与其中的国家。
Interview QUESTION: So welcome, Mr. Pompeo. SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you, very much. Thanks for having me on your show. QUESTION: So the scope of your visit to Hungary, Poland, Slovakia on this European tour was pretty clear, but why is Reykjavik your last stop? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, this is a place where America needs to continue to engage the important relationship we have, and you see it with American tourists coming here. So there’s a deep economic relationship. We have had a historic, important security relationship as well. The geostrategic importance of the place at which the island sits escapes no one, including some of America’s adversaries and the adversaries, I think, of European countries as well, and so I wanted to get here to see our American friends here and talk to them about ways we can further the cooperation between our two countries. QUESTION: So maybe to simplify, you’re afraid that we’ve made new friends in your absence maybe. SECRETARY POMPEO: If America is not engaged, if we pull back, folks will fill the vacuum, and the Russians and the Chinese see that and use every opportunity they can, and we think that presents risk to freedom-loving nations like Iceland and freedom-loving nations like America. And so if we work together and America is on the scene, we think we’ll make lives for each of our two countries much, much better. QUESTION: So I want to stick to the Arctic for a bit because, like you said, the Chinese have put forward their policy; they call it a Silk Road. They’ve been working here in diplomacy for decades. And we have Russian submarines in our waters that we don’t know what are doing. They have eyes set on the Arctic. Where have you been? Where is the U.S. policy on the Arctic? What’s the plan? SECRETARY POMPEO: So this administration – yeah. It’s a fantastic question. It’s why I’m here. This administration has developed a plan. We have a theory. You can read it in our National Security Strategy. It is laid out very clearly. We believe that this is a space – the Arctic is a space where there should be freedom of navigation; there should be low tension; there should be security; there should be rule of law; there should be transparency about what’s taking place. We think if those things happen, that good countries of the world, countries like Iceland, the democracies of the world will be successful, and those who have malign intent, those who are coming to the Arctic for reasons that are about domination or about control or about extending their economic influence at the expense of others rather than creating win-win situations, we think they will be the net losers if we can build out an Arctic system that looks like that. Iceland has been at the forefront of it, and we very much want to make sure we’re partnered and engaged. QUESTION: This is a very beautiful vision, but how are you going to make sure that’s what’s going to happen? I mean, you could read between – not even between the lines – it was quite straightforward that you’re afraid that Iceland is going to be a bridgehead of China — SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. QUESTION: — that have been in the Arctic. How are you going to ensure this vision comes true? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. So it’s not just Iceland. China has these ambitions elsewhere, as far – places as far away as Africa and places like Asia as well, in what I could call the Chinese near-abroad. We think we – collectively, we think the West has a better model for the world, and so how will we do this? First, it’s a series of conversations. It’s to make sure that we all share the same set of facts about the risks. The first way one protects themselves is they arm themselves with knowledge about risk, and so one of the things that we have done this last year and a half is go out to our friends around the world and identify for them basic facts about the risk that engagement with some of these other countries presents. And we think when they see that, they’ll be prepared to engage along with us, invest their own resources in protecting themselves, not only from a security perspective, but importantly, from an economic perspective as well. Some of the practices that China has engaged in can only be deemed predatory economic practices, which are much to the detriment of the nations that allow them to do that. So we want to get out and share that understanding, and then I’m confident we will build institutions and relationships that allow freedom and democracy to flourish. And where the Chinese show up simply to compete, we think this is very reasonable. It’s not a containment strategy but one that says eyes wide open and make sure that the deals that countries are entering into with China actually benefit the countries that engage in them. QUESTION: Now, because our time is limited, I’m going to move southwards from the Arctic to the Middle East, the region which has been in a critical situation for too many years. Now, there is a thing that I don’t get. President Trump declared victory over the Islamic State in Syria in December in a tweet – the only reason for us being there – and then John Bolton comes and says no, no, no, we’re not pulling out, we’re not deserting our allies and there is a lot of Daesh still to fight, and then you say, well, we’re going to pull out but we’re still going to get rid of every Iranian boot in Syria, I think you said — SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. QUESTION: — and we’re going to protect our allies, the Kurds. How are you going to have it both ways? With, like, magic and mind power? I mean, how do you do it if you’re not there? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. I actually think we all three said the exact same thing. The mission set hasn’t changed remotely. The caliphate that was in Syria – you remember the people in cages; you remember the beheadings; you remember that they controlled a massive amount of territory. That’s gone. It’s gone in part because of good work by the United States but also good work by our allies and good work by the local forces in Syria as well, and in Iraq. This was really good work. As that’s advanced, as the caliphate has been taken down, the mission doesn’t end. We fight ISIS on multiple continents today, but our tactics will change, and they’ll continue to change, and we will adapt just as ISIS adapts. We get the threat from radical Islamic terrorism. President Trump understands this intently. We’re determined to fight them where we find them and to reduce the risk to not only the United States but to our allies. But it’s not the case that we have to have 2,000 or 4,000 or 14,000 soldiers in each of these places. We can use locals to help us – it’s in their back yard – and we can use other means by which to push back against this, not the least of which is fighting back against the ideology which delivers it. QUESTION: But you can understand the worries that this has created in the region. I mean — SECRETARY POMPEO: Actually I don’t. Actually I don’t don’t, to be honest with you. I don’t understand. QUESTION: I mean, honestly and clearly, what does it mean for the allies of the United States in Syria, such as the Kurds? I mean, they obviously were very worried when this declaration came out. SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, they were even more worried before we were there. QUESTION: Sure. I mean — SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. And – right. QUESTION: — and as you said, President Erdogan – why should he give them any mercy south of the border in Syria when it’s not even the case in his own country? SECRETARY POMPEO: Because we’ve made clear that there’ll be a real price if he doesn’t. President Trump made very clear his expectations with respect to how Turkey would treat those to his south inside of Syria. He said that there will be a real cost associated with behavior in that way, and we are fully engaged diplomatically to deliver an outcome which protects the folks that are in Syria as well as ensures that those people in Syria aren’t attacking Turkey as well. We think they are each entitled to their own security and we’re confident we can deliver that. QUESTION: Now, I know you’re very focused on Iran as well, and the European countries have chosen to stick to negotiations and diplomatic relations, so the European foreign minister didn’t show up to the conference in Poland on Iran. Why do you think – why is it your belief that the maximum pressure strategy will change a thing in the regime in Iran? SECRETARY POMPEO: So three things. We’re not focused on Iran; we’re focused on security. It turns out the biggest risk to security in the Middle East is the Islamic Republic of Iran, and so that’s the place one has to go to tackle the problem. It was a fascinating – we had 60 countries. I regret that Ms. Mogherini didn’t attend. I think it’s unfortunate for the EU that she chose not to come. It saddens me because we had over 60 countries there, and we had an historic visit; we had Arab countries and we had the prime minister of Israel in the same room, talking about a common threat. We didn’t coach them. We didn’t train them. They showed up and each made clear that the biggest threat to the stability and the safety of their own people is the Islamic Republic of Iran. You know the history. The Arabs and the Israelis have a long history. It has not been sitting in a room together, talking about how to push back on a threat to protect their own people. It was historic. It was important. We think it’s going to lead to great things in the months and years ahead. And the United States is determined. The pressure campaign is aimed at a singular thing: it is to deny wealth to Qasem Soleimani and to Rouhani and Zarif so that they can commit terror. They’re the world’s largest state sponsor of terror – so that they don’t have the wealth and resources to commit terror acts all around the world, including their assassination campaign in the heart of Europe. QUESTION: Now, I can’t have the Secretary of State in front of me today without asking, even though I know that the building of the wall is not in your ministry, but falls under the department of home security, and I know that you support it, but do you think it’s justified to declare an emergency to get the money for it? SECRETARY POMPEO: Absolutely. QUESTION: That’s a clear answer. Is it round-up? MR PALLADINO: We’re done. We’ve got to wrap it up. (Break.) QUESTION: That’s the thing. You’ve been Secretary of State for a year. If everything goes to plan, you have two more years. We live in interesting times, to put it mildly. What are your priorities? Like what do you want to have achieved in two years’ time? You don’t change the world, but where do you want to be in two years’ time? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, so three things. One, I lead a big organization, the United States Department of State. I want to make sure that team is ready and capable of delivering American diplomacy in every corner of the world in a professional way long after I’m gone, so I spend a lot of time building out the team and working to make the State Department effective and great partners for countries like Iceland. Second, President Trump is very focused on the issue of nuclear proliferation and the risk that nuclear weapons pose to the world. In a couple weeks he will travel – I’ll go along with him – to Hanoi, where he will again meet with Chairman Kim Jong-un, and I hope we can make a material decrease in the risk that his – that Kim Jong-un’s nuclear weapons pose to the world. The final thing is we want to make sure that international institutions are fit to function. Many of these – NATO, the IMF – lots of international institutions were built decades ago, and President Trump is committed to making sure we ask the question, do they still work? Where they do, United States is incredibly supportive; where they don’t, we want to fix them. We want to make sure that the set of rules was in place, that the goals that those institutions were created for, the problems they were intended to solve are actually the problems that they’re working on effectively. And if we can do that, if I can be a small part of helping that take place, I’ll think – I’ll have considered my time as the Secretary of State a success. QUESTION: Thank you very much for being with us. SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you very much, ma’am.
President Donald J. Trump is putting religious freedom on center stage at the United Nations. 白宫 新闻秘书办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2019年9月23日 特朗普总统坚定地捍卫美国和世界各地的宗教自由   “我们每一个人都有权遵从我们良知的呼唤和我们宗教信念的要求。”—— 总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald J. Trump) 促进世界各地的宗教自由:唐纳德·特朗普总统在联合国(United Nation)高度强调宗教自由 捍卫国内的宗教自由:特朗普总统按照权利法案(Bill of Rights)确立的原则,以支持美国每一个人基本的宗教自由权为优先事务。 抗击全球性危机:特朗普政府促进宗教自由的努力对于抗击全球各地日益增长的暴力具有关键意义。
ADVANCING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AROUND THE WORLD: President Donald J. Trump is putting religious freedom on center stage at the United Nations. SAFEGUARDING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AT HOME: President Trump has made it a priority to support every American’s fundamental right to religious freedom enshrined in the Bill of Rights. COMBATING A GLOBAL CRISIS: The Trump Administration’s efforts to advance religious freedom are vital to combating rising levels of violence around the globe.
DOS Seal   国务卿安东尼·布林肯在联合国安理会COVID-19冠状病毒疾病和获取疫苗问题简报会上的发言 国务卿安东尼·布林肯( Antony J. Blinken) 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2021年2月17日  外交大臣拉布:谢谢杰兰迪(Jerandi)先生阁下发表的讲话。现在我邀请美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯先生阁下讲话。先生,请。 国务卿布林肯:多谢你,多米尼克(Dominic)。今天很高兴与诸位见面。感谢我来自突尼斯的同事发表篇幅相当长的讲话。十分感谢秘书长古特雷斯(Guterres)为应对这场全球挑战发挥的领导作用。 拉布先生,特别感谢你邀请我们到会讨论人们获取疫苗面临的障碍,包括受冲突影响的地区。众所周知,我们都感到,这场疫情对如此众多的家庭和社区造成了极其严重的影响。作为人类的一员,最重要的是我们与他们心心相印。 由于全球进行的不懈努力——科学家、医生、医务人员——几种安全有效的疫苗、治疗方法和诊断方式已得到开发,取得了惊人的成就。通过民营部门和政府的合作,全球制造安全有效COVID-19疫苗的能力正逐步扩大,但是仍不足以解决全球的需求。 美国将与我们全球各地的伙伴共同扩大制造和发放能力,促进为人们获取疫苗的工作,其中包括边缘化人口。 我们还计划进行以下努力,为结束这场疫情做出贡献。你们有些人已经看到,拜登(Biden)总统的第一份国家安全备忘录(National Security Memorandum)明确指出,美国将再次承担全球卫生领导者的工作。美国认为,多边主义、联合国(United Nations)、世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)都至关重要,不仅作为有效的国际性COVID-19卫生和人道主义响应,而且也是为了建设未来更健全的全球卫生能力和安全。我们当前面临COVID-19的挑战;我们还面临更长期但同样重大的挑战,必须为今后建立最强大的全球卫生结构。 在刚果民主共和国和几内亚爆发另一场埃博拉(Ebola)疫情的消息传来之际,显然已没有任何时间可以浪费。 我们必须具备高屋建瓴的眼光。我们必须战胜COVID-19,同时防止今后的疫情。为达到这个目的,我们将与全球各地的伙伴共同努力,加强和改革世界卫生组织;支持全球卫生安全议程(Global Health Security Agenda);为应对生物威胁建设可持续的防范能力;创建预警系统,使我们能够通过检测、追踪和挽救生命需要的个人防护设备,更迅速地做出反应。 我们要求为实现卫生安全积极创建期待已久的可持续金融机制的工作,从而使全世界为今后的大流行做好比这场疫情期间更充分的准备。 我们正与世界卫生组织、COVID-19疫苗全球获取机制(COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility)和获取COVID-19工具加速计划(Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator)共同努力。最近我们提高了我们的参与程度,从观察员提升到参加获取COVID-19工具促进委员会(ACT Facilitation Council)的工作。 我们准备通过全球疫苗免疫联盟(Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance)为COVID-19疫苗全球获取机制提供重要的财政支援。我们还将努力加强其他涉及全球应对COVID-19 的多边计划,例如流行病防范创新联盟(Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations)和抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾全球基金(Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria)等。 上述承诺以长期的传统为基础。过去20年来,美国已为全球卫生援助提供了1,400亿美元的款项。目前我们是国际应对COVID-19行动最大的单一资助方。 今天,我很高兴地确认,到本月底,美国愿向世界卫生组织支付超过2亿美元的评定分摊款和现期款,为我们作为世界卫生组织成员履行我们的财政义务迈出重要的一步。这体现了我们在努力为未来改革世界卫生组织的同时,保证世界卫生组织获得领导全球应对疫情所需要的支持。 每个国家都应当尽自己的一份力并为应对COVID-19做出贡献。我们已经宣布提供超过16亿美元,作为紧急的经济、卫生和人道主义援助,努力帮助各国政府、国际组织和非政府组织减轻COVID-19在全世界造成的直接及间接影响。而且这是在2020至2023财政年度承诺提供11.6亿美元以支持全球疫苗免疫联盟更广泛的疫苗接种努力之外的。 当我们向前推进时,看一看这场疫情给谁造成了最严重的损害是至关重要的。秘书长已呼吁我们将妇女和女童置于COVID-19应对及恢复努力的核心。我们大家都看到的数据已显示出性别平等出现了重大倒退,其中包括当各个家庭在疫情期间被局限在有限空间内而飙升的基于性别的暴力行径。 我们应当继续落实第1325号安理会决议(Security Council Resolution 1325),并加倍努力实施第2475号安理会决议(Council Resolution 2475)。我们必须支持秘书长有关性别、残障人士以及其他弱势的、被边缘化的群体的各项COVID-19政策简报。这些群体必须在所有层级作为决策者被包括在内,遵循“任何关于我们的事情都不能没有我们参与”的原则。 而且各国都必须为捍卫他们的人权义务而负责。任何国家都不应当被允许以COVID-19为借口来侵犯人权或基本自由。我们还呼吁所有国家都来抗击有关疫苗的不实信息。如果我们不这么做,就将严重地危及我们的使命。 即使在我们扩展获得安全有效的疫苗的途径之时,我们也知道COVID-19疫情有可能在未来几年爆发。正在进行的有关这场大流行病的源起的专家调查——以及将要发布的报告——必须是独立的,其结论必须基于科学和事实,并且不遭受干预。 为了更好地了解这场大流行病并为下一次疫情做好准备,所有国家都必须公开自任何一次爆发最初期的所有数据。在向前推进的过程中,所有国家都应当参与一个透明的、有力的进程,以防止并应对医卫紧急状况,让全世界尽可能多地尽快了解情况。透明度、信息分享以及准许国际专家进入——这些都必须成为我们应对一次名副其实的全球性挑战的共同方针的特点。 第2532号决议(Resolution 2532)的文字现在正如它在2020年7月得到采纳时同样攸关。被战争、暴力以及恶劣的医卫基础设施所削弱的受冲突影响的国家仍然非常易于受到可以通过疫苗接种来预防的大流行病及其他疾病的危害。这场大流行病已经导致本已严重的人道主义和政治危机进一步恶化,引发了程度空前的需求。 在暴力和冲突中组织并进行大规模接种疫苗的工作,我们知道将是极其困难的。但我们必须这么做,以制止人道主义危机进一步恶化,并阻止这场疫情的间接影响加剧脆弱的政治局势。 正如拜登总统(President Biden)所阐明的,美国将作为一个合作伙伴来努力应对全球性挑战。这场大流行病就是这些挑战之一。而且它给予了我们一个机会,不仅要度过目前这场危机,而且要更有准备、更坚韧地面对未来。 谢谢你们,能同你们所有人合作应对这个影响到我们大家的挑战,我对此表示感谢。
Secretary Antony J. Blinken Remarks to the UN Security Council Briefing on COVID-19 and Vaccine Access REMARKS ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE WASHINGTON, DC FOREIGN SECRETARY RAAB:  Thank you, Your Excellency Mr. Jerandi, for your contribution.  And I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State for the United States.  Over to you, sir. SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Dominic, thank you very much, and it’s very good to be with all of you today.  I thank my colleague from Tunisia for his very strong remarks, and I very much thank Secretary-General Guterres for his leadership on what is truly a global challenge. Mr. Raab, thank you for bringing us together in particular to look at barriers to vaccine access, including in areas that are affected by conflict.  We all know, we all feel that this pandemic has taken a terrible toll on so many families and communities.  And first and foremost, as human beings our hearts go out to all of them. Thanks to tireless global efforts – scientists, of doctors, health professionals – several safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics have been developed, and these are remarkable achievements.  Thanks to collaboration between the private sector and governments, global manufacturing capacity for safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is expanding – but not fast enough to address the global need. The United States will work with our partners across the globe to expand manufacturing and distribution capacity and to increase access, including to marginalized populations. Here’s how else we plan to contribute to ending this pandemic.  As some of you will have seen, President Biden’s first National Security Memorandum made clear that the United States will once again serve as a global health leader.  The United States believes that multilateralism, the United Nations, the World Health Organization are essential – not just as an effective international COVID-19 health and humanitarian response, but also building stronger global health capacity and security for the future.  We have the immediate challenge of COVID-19; we have a longer challenge, but equally vital, in establishing the strongest possible global health structure going forward. With the news of another Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Guinea, there is clearly no time to waste. And our vision has to be bold.  We must defeat COVID-19 and prevent future pandemics.  To that end, we’ll work with partners around the globe to strengthen and reform the WHO; to support the Global Health Security Agenda; to build sustainable preparedness for biological threats; to create a warning system that will allow us to respond more rapidly with testing, with tracing, with PPE needed to save lives. We seek to advance the creation of a long-overdue sustainable financing mechanism for health security, so we can leave the world more prepared for future outbreaks than it was for this pandemic. We’re working with the WHO, the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility, and the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator.  And we recently elevated our participation from observer to participant on the ACT Facilitation Council. We plan to provide significant financial support to COVAX through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.  And we’ll work to strengthen other multilateral initiatives involved in the global COVID-19 response – for example, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. These commitments build on a long tradition.  Over the past two decades, the United States has provided more than $140 billion in global health assistance.  We’re now the single largest contributor to the international response to COVID-19. Today, I’m pleased to confirm that by the end of the month the United States intends to pay over 200 million in assessed and current obligations to the WHO.  This is a key step forward in fulfilling our financial obligations as a WHO member.  And it reflects our renewed commitment to ensuring the WHO has the support it needs to lead the global response to the pandemic, even as we work to reform it for the future. Every country needs to do its part and contribute to the COVID-19 response.  We’ve already announced more than $1.6 billion in emergency economic, health, and humanitarian aid to try to help governments, international organizations, and NGOs mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and its secondary impacts worldwide.  And that’s in addition to a commitment of $1.16 billion over fiscal years 2020 through 2023 to support Gavi’s broader immunization efforts. As we move forward, it’s critical to look at who the pandemic has hurt the most.  The secretary-general has called for us to put women and girls at the center of the COVID-19 response and recovery.  The data we’ve all seen has shown a profound backsliding in gender equality, including spikes in gender-based violence as families are confined to close quarters during the pandemic. We need to continue implementing Security Council Resolution 1325 and redouble our efforts to implement Council Resolution 2475.  We must support the secretary-general’s various COVID-19 policy briefs on gender, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable and marginalized groups.  These groups must be included as decision-makers at all levels, following the principle of “nothing about us without us.” And countries must be held accountable for upholding their human rights obligations.  No country should be allowed to use COVID-19 as an excuse to violate human rights or fundamental freedoms.  We also call for all countries to combat misinformation on vaccines.  If we don’t, we seriously jeopardize our mission. Even as we expand access to safe and effective vaccines, we know that COVID-19 outbreaks are likely to occur in the years to come.  The ongoing expert investigation about the origins of this pandemic – and the report that will be issued – must be independent, with findings based on science and facts and free from interference. To better understand this pandemic and prepare for the next one, all countries must make available all data from the earliest days of any outbreak.  And going forward, all countries should participate in a transparent and robust process for preventing and responding to health emergencies, so the world learns as much as possible as soon as possible.  Transparency, information sharing, access for international experts – these must be the hallmarks of our common approach to what is truly a global challenge. The language in Resolution 2532 remains as relevant now as when it was adopted in July of 2020.  Conflict-affected countries weakened by war, violence, and poor health infrastructure remain highly vulnerable to pandemics and other illnesses that can be prevented by immunizations.  And this pandemic has worsened already dire humanitarian and political crises, contributing to unprecedented levels of need. Organizing and implementing mass vaccination campaigns amid violence and conflict we know will be immensely difficult.  But we have to do it, to prevent humanitarian crises from getting worse and to stop the pandemic’s secondary impacts from degrading fragile political situations. As President Biden has made clear, the United States will work as a partner to address global challenges.  This pandemic is one of those challenges.  And it gives us an opportunity, not only to get through the current crisis, but also to become more prepared and more resilient for the future. Thank you, and I’m grateful to be able to work with all of you on the challenge that affects all of us.
新闻秘书珍·莎琪关于拜登总统与G7首脑举行会晤的声明 2022年2月24日 总统与七国集团(G7)领导人重申对普京总统向乌克兰发动无端无理攻击做出迅速回应的决心,同时表达了将与乌克兰人民团结一心。在数月来的协调的基础之上,G7领导人一致同意推进毁灭性一揽子制裁及他经济措施以对俄罗斯进行追责。G7构成了世界主要的民主政体,占世界经济总量的50%。G7将要共同使俄罗斯付出的代价将是前所未有的。鉴于普京做出的选择,俄罗斯现将即刻面临沉重的经济压力以及被全球金融系统、全球贸易和前沿技术孤立的高昂代价。G7领导人还一致同意加强现有举措,控制俄罗斯的行动带来的任何外溢影响,同时保障全球能源市场稳定。拜登总统向德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨表达了感谢,感谢他在此关键时刻将G7所有领导人召集起来。
Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on President Biden’s Meeting with G7 Leaders FEBRUARY 24, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES The President and G7 Leaders reaffirmed their resolve to respond swiftly to President Putin’s unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine and expressed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The Leaders built on their months-long coordination and agreed to move forward on devastating packages of sanctions and other economic measures to hold Russia to account. The G7 makes up the world’s leading democracies and 50% of the world’s economy—and the costs the G7 will impose together on Russia will be unprecedented. As a result of Putin’s choices, Russia will now face immediate and intense pressure on its economy and massive costs from its isolation from the global financial system, global trade, and cutting-edge technology. The Leaders also agreed to intensify ongoing efforts to mitigate any spillover effects from Russia’s actions and to secure stability in global energy markets. President Biden conveyed his thanks to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for bringing all the Leaders together in this critical moment. ###
终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日 媒体声明 美国国务院发言人内德·普赖斯 2021年11月2日 自由、独立的媒体让领导者承担责任,保护公民的权利,并确保我们的民众充分了解情况。在太多国家,新闻工作者因其报道而面临暴力或监禁的威胁。美国谴责针对记者和媒体工作者的威胁、骚扰和暴力行为。这些威胁越来越多地来自那些将手伸到其国界之外的政府,包括通过滥用数字监控工具追踪新闻工作者的通讯和行踪,以限制新闻工作者报道政府腐败或压迫的能力。新闻界的任何成员都不应因其所做工作而受到威胁、骚扰、人身攻击或逮捕。 我们赞同拜登总统的声明,该声明赞扬了诺贝尔委员会对菲律宾记者玛丽亚·雷萨和俄罗斯记者德米特里·穆拉托夫的表彰。我们对准确、基于事实的报道、公开的公共对话和问责制的需求从未如此强烈。现在,我们比以往任何时候都更加必须反对在世界各地使用人身攻击、网络骚扰、恐吓诉讼和监管压力来噤声媒体这一日渐增多的现象。 在终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日,我们重申我们的决心,倡导媒体开放、不受不公正限制,并对那些攻击新闻自由的人追究责任。我们也缅怀那些在工作中被杀害的记者和其他媒体工作者。美国国务院致力于在国内外推进新闻自由,我们敦促其他政府对那些针对新闻工作者进行骚扰、威胁和使用暴力的人追究责任。
The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists NED PRICE, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON NOVEMBER 2, 2021 A free and independent press holds leaders accountable, protects the rights of citizens, and ensures our communities are well informed. In too many countries, journalists face the threat of violence or imprisonment for their reporting. The United States condemns threats, harassment, and violence targeting journalists and media workers.  Increasingly, these threats come from governments reaching beyond their borders, including through misuse of digital surveillance tools that track journalists’ communications and whereabouts, to constrain the ability of journalists to report on government corruption or repression. No members of the press should be threatened, harassed, physically attacked, or arrested for doing their job. We echo President Biden’s statement applauding the Nobel Committee for honoring journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia. Our need for accurate, fact-based reporting, open public conversation, and accountability has never been greater. Now, more than ever, we must stand against the increasing use of physical attacks, online harassment, intimidation lawsuits and regulatory pressures being used to silence media around the world. On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, we renew our resolve to advocate for an open press free from unjust restrictions, and to hold to account those who attack press freedom. We also remember those journalists and other media professionals who were killed in the line of duty. The Department is committed to advancing press freedom at home and abroad, and we urge other governments to hold accountable those who target journalists with harassment, intimidation, and violence.
The White House Logo 2019年2月28日 “在2019年2月27日到28日,美国总统唐纳德·J·特朗普与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国务委员会委员长金正恩在越南河内进行了非常良好且富有建设性的会晤。两位领导人讨论了各种不同的方式,来推进无核化以及由经济驱动的概念。这次没有达成协议,但是他们各自的团队期待在未来见面。”
February 28, 2019 “President Donald J. Trump of the United States and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had very good and constructive meetings in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 27-28, 2019. The two leaders discussed various ways to advance denuclearization and economic driven concepts. No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future.”
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2020年 10月 29日 国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明 关于通过国家安全法逮捕和拘押从事民主活动的香港学生 美国强烈谴责对三名从事民主活动的学生实施的逮捕和拘押,并要求香港当局立即释放仍然被拘押的人员。受北京控制的香港政府继续压制不同意见,钳制公共舆论,并利用执法行动达到政治目的。 中华人民共和国已经违反了根据1984年《中英联合声明》(Sino-British Joint Declaratio)应承担的国际义务,同时中国共产党及其香港代理人剥夺了得到承诺的香港自治,毁弃了香港对人权的尊重,包括和平集会和自由表达的权利。美国与香港人民站在一起。
STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO October 29, 2020 Arrest and Detention of Student Democracy Activists in Hong Kong Under the National Security Law The United States strongly condemns the arrest and detention of three student democracy activists and calls on Hong Kong authorities to release those that remain detained immediately. The Beijing-controlled Hong Kong government continues to stifle dissent, repress public opinion, and use law enforcement for political purposes. The People’s Republic of China has violated its international obligations under the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, while the Chinese Communist Party and its Hong Kong proxies crush the promised autonomy of Hong Kong, and eviscerate Hong Kong’s respect for human rights, including the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong.
2020年12月8日 作为美国国务院于一天前传达给中华人民共和国驻华盛顿大使馆的信息的后续,傅德恩代办于12月8日与中国外交部副部长郑泽光会面,表达美国对于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》的高度关切。 傅德恩代办注意到北京屡次使用该法以压制香港的表达和集会自由,逮捕那些对北京高压政策以和平方式提出关切的香港居民。他提出美国的新政策,对中国人大常委会(NPCSC)与制定、通过或实施该法有关的14名副委员长进行制裁。
December 8, 2020 Beijing- As a follow-up to information that was delivered by the Department of State to the PRC Embassy in Washington a day earlier,  Chargé d’Affaires Robert Forden met with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang on December 8 to express the United States’ deep concerns over the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Chargé d’Affaires Forden noted that Beijing has used the law repeatedly to suppress freedom of expression and assembly in Hong Kong and to arrest Hong Kong residents who have raised peacefully their concerns over Beijing’s oppressive policies.  He outlined the new U.S. policy designating 14 Vice-Chairpersons of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) in connection with developing, adopting, or implementing the law.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2020年8 月13 日 国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明 认定孔子学院美国中心为中华人民共和国驻外使团   特朗普政府(Trump Administration)已将寻求中华人民共和国提供公平和对等的待遇列为一项重要事务。四十多年来,北京可通过自由和开放的渠道进入美国社会,与此同时却拒绝在中国的美国人和其他外国人得到同样的待遇。此外,中华人民共和国还利用美国的开放性,在美国大规模开展经费充足的宣传活动和制造影响的行动。 今天,国务院认定孔子学院美国中心(Confucius Institute U.S. Center)为中华人民共和国驻外使团,以正其名求其实:在美国各校园和12年制学校推广北京全球宣传和恶劣影响的实体。孔子学院由中华人民共和国提供经费,是中国共产党全球影响和宣传机器的组成部分。 上述行动的目的很简单:确保美国的教育工作者和学校管理人员在知情的情况下做出选择,考虑是否允许这些中国共产党支持的项目继续实施,如若如此可采取什么方式。美国和世界各地的大学正纷纷对孔子学院的课程及北京在各自教育体系中制造影响的广度进行审议。美国希望保障美国各校学生在不受中国共产党及其代理人操纵的情况下有机会学习中国语言和文化课程。
PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE AUGUST 13, 2020 The Trump Administration has made it a priority to seek fair and reciprocal treatment from the People’s Republic of China. For more than four decades, Beijing has enjoyed free and open access to U.S. society, while denying that same access to Americans and other foreigners in China.  Furthermore, the PRC has taken advantage of America’s openness to undertake large scale and well-funded propaganda efforts and influence operations in this country. Today, the Department of State designated the Confucius Institute U.S. Center as a foreign mission of the PRC, recognizing CIUS for what it is:  an entity advancing Beijing’s global propaganda and malign influence campaign on U.S. campuses and K-12 classrooms.  Confucius Institutes are funded by the PRC and part of the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence and propaganda apparatus. The goal of these actions is simple: to ensure that American educators and school administrators can make informed choices about whether these CCP-backed programs should be allowed to continue, and if so, in what fashion. Universities around the country and around the world are examining the Confucius Institutes’ curriculum and the scope of Beijing’s influence in their education systems.  The United States wants to ensure that students on U.S. campuses have access to Chinese language and cultural offerings free from the manipulation of the Chinese Communist Party and its proxies.
2022年3月29日 东部夏令时间 晚上6:49 温迪·谢尔曼,常务副国务卿 非常感谢,谢谢你今天给我这次机会,非常感谢,主席女士。我觉得我必须要说四个要点。 首先,我要明确表示,乌克兰人民正在遭受的这场冲突不是俄罗斯联邦与西方的对抗。一百四十个国家,就在上周,表示支持结束这场冲突并需要结束这场人道主义危机。一百四十一个国家支持在联合国大会的最初决议,表示俄罗斯发动的这场入侵应当停止。 所以,恕我直言,大使先生,这不是关于俄罗斯与西方的对抗。这是关于支持《联合国宪章》与主权、领土完整的原则以及所有国家——所有国家——选择其政治方向和外交政策的权利。 其次,我本人与俄罗斯对口官员曾直接接触,以找到一条和平的前行方式应对俄罗斯联邦的关切。我坐在俄罗斯对口官员的对面,提出了应对这些关切的很多选项。我们和北约都提供了一份文件,其中有非常具体的方式,我们可以通过这些方式对等和相互地应对安全关切。普京总统选择了入侵,而不是外交。 第三,恕我直言,大使先生,作为一名犹太裔美国人,我不得不说这与乌克兰的纳粹无关。上周,美国前国务卿、前常驻安理会代表、我最珍视的私人朋友之一马德琳·奥尔布赖特去世。她喜欢在这里代表美国。她会对今天俄罗斯联邦的言论感到愤怒。  后来,她得知,因为家人是犹太人,父母为了保护她免受纳粹的迫害而将她作为天主教徒抚养长大。她得知自己的祖父母辈中有三人在集中营中死于纳粹之手。她知道乌克兰的犹太裔总统肯定不是纳粹。被屠杀和正在挨饿、没有食物和药品的乌克兰公民,以及今天这场人道主义对话的主题,不是也从来不是纳粹。  最后,今天的对话是关于乌克兰平民的人道主义需求和世界各地人民的人道主义需求,正如戴维•比斯利雄辩地指出的那样,“他们从给饥饿的儿童提供食物,到给快饿死了的儿童提供食物”。正如他所说,这是关于“从粮仓变成排队领救济”。 当然,我们都必须尽我们所能来制止战争。但这里有一个简单的选择。这是普京总统今天在伊斯坦布尔可以做出的选择,那就是停止战争。因此,让我们所有人,全世界140多个国家的人,继续与乌克兰站在一起。 谢谢。
Remarks by Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Response to Russia at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Humanitarian Impact of Russia’s War Against Ukraine REMARKS WENDY R. SHERMAN, DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE MARCH 29, 2022 Thank you very much and thank you for giving me this opportunity today. Much appreciated, Madam President. I feel that I must make four critical points. First, I want to be clear that the conflict that is being suffered by the Ukrainian people is not about the Russian Federation versus the West. One hundred and forty countries, just last week, spoke in support of ending this conflict and the need to end this humanitarian crisis. A hundred and forty-one countries supported the initial resolution in the UN General Assembly, to say that this invasion by Russia should stop. So, with all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, this is not about Russia versus the West. This is about the support of the UN Charter and the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right of all countries – all countries – to choose their political orientation and their foreign policy. Second, I myself was engaged directly with Russian counterparts to find a peaceful way forward to meet the concerns of the Russian Federation. I sat opposite Russian counterparts and put on the table many options to address the concerns. We provided, as does NATO, a paper of very specific ways in which we could address, reciprocally and mutually, security concerns. President Putin chose an invasion, not diplomacy. Third, with all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, as a Jewish American, I cannot help but say this is not about Nazis in Ukraine. Last week, former U.S. Secretary of State, and former Permanent Representative to this Council, and one of my most cherished personal friends, Madeleine Albright died. She loved representing the United States here. She would have been outraged by the words of the Russian Federation today. Later in her life, she learned that her parents raised her as Catholic to protect her from the Nazis because her family was Jewish. She learned that three of her grandparents died at the hands of the Nazis, while in concentration camps. She knew that the Jewish President of Ukraine was certainly not a Nazi. And that the citizens of Ukraine being slaughtered and starving, and without food and medicine, and the subject of this humanitarian dialogue today, are not and never were Nazis. And finally, this dialogue today is about the humanitarian needs of Ukrainian civilians and humanitarian needs of people around the world, who as David Beasley said so eloquently, “feeding hungry children, to feeding starving children.” It’s about, as he said, “going from a breadbasket to a breadline.” We must all do whatever we can, of course, to stop war. But there is an easy choice here. And it is a choice that can be made today in Istanbul, by President Putin, and that is to stop the war. So let us all, over 140 countries around the world, continue to stand with Ukraine. Thank you.
即时发布 白宫 2022 年 5 月 12 日 拜登总统将欢迎东南亚国家联盟(东盟)领导人出席首次在华盛顿特区和白宫举行的具有历史意义的美国-东盟特别峰会,以重申美国对东南亚的持久承诺,并强调美国-东盟合作在确保安全、繁荣和尊重人权方面的重要性。   多年以来,美国不断深化与东南亚各国的伙伴关系。自 2002 年以来,美国在发展、经济、卫生和安全方面向东南亚盟国和合作伙伴提供了超过 121 亿美元的援助;在同一时期,美国提供了超过 14 亿美元的人道主义援助,包括挽救生命的救灾援助、紧急粮食援助以及对东南亚各地难民的帮助。基于我们对这一重要地区的长期承诺,拜登-哈里斯政府在2023 财年预算申请中包括了为东盟伙伴提供的超过八亿美元的双边援助,以及超过 2500 万美元的资金用于深化与东盟的关系,并增强东盟应对地区紧迫挑战的能力。   美国和东南亚也受益于我们广泛的商业和贸易关系。东盟是全球第四大市场,美国是东盟最大的外商直接投资来源,2020年的双边贸易额超过3600亿美元。   归根结底,美国与东盟的关系建立在我们 10 亿人民所共有的特殊友谊的基础上。在东盟国家 83 个美国资料中心 (American Spaces) 开展的 7000 个项目、东南亚青年领袖计划 (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative) 的 15万5千名结业学员、以及自 2010 年以来向东南亚地区旅客签发近 600 万份美国签证(包括学生签证)所带来的联系都是我们致力于不断深化人民与人民的纽带关系的见证。   在 2021 年 10 月举行的美国-东盟年度峰会上,拜登总统为美国-东盟关系宣布了一项高达 1.02 亿美元的前所未有的投资,大力扩展我们在卫生、气候、科学与创新、贸易、教育等领域的合作。今天,在“美国印太战略”(Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States)和“东盟印太展望计划”(ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific) 相辅相成的目标指导下,美国和东盟将开启一个新的伙伴关系时代。本着这一精神,拜登总统即将宣布总额超过 1.5 亿美元的多项行动计划,我们预计这将带动数十亿美元的民间投资,进而深化美国与东盟的关系,加强东盟的中心地位,并扩大我们实现共同目标的共同能力。   加速气候行动、可持续发展和共融性繁荣   为支持“美国-东盟气候未来计划”(U.S.-ASEAN Climate Futures)和“美国-东盟经济未来计划”(U.S.-ASEAN Economic Futures),美国和东盟将提高我们共同的远大气候目标,同时共同努力支持实施“2025东盟互联互通总体规划” (Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025)。我们将以可持续的方式来帮助满足该地区巨大的基础设施需求,从而加速清洁能源转型,帮助该地区在本世纪中叶实现净零排放,并推动建立在广泛基础上的共同繁荣。                           为扩大教育机会提供支持   美国-东盟关系的力量植根于我们之间 10 亿人民所共享的友谊。美国每年提供超过 7000 万美元的资金用于支持教育和文化交流,以增进了解、加强合作并建立长期友谊,从而增强我们社区的长期实力和韧性。                   扩大海事合作   美国坚决支持“东盟印太海洋支柱展望”的实施。今天,我们宣布斥资  6000 万美元,用于新的区域海事计划,这些计划的大部分将主要由美国海岸警卫队 (USCG) 牵头执行。               促进全球健康和健康保障   为支持“美国-东盟健康未来计划”,美国和东盟正在迅速采取行动,抗击新冠肺炎疫情,加强卫生系统和促进健康保障。通过国务院和美国国际开发署,美国已自豪地提供了超过两亿美元的新冠肺炎疫情援助,并向东南亚捐赠了超过 1.15 亿剂安全有效的新冠肺炎疫苗,并且还在继续提供更多。               欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/12/fact-sheet-u-s-asean-special-summit-in-washington-dc/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
President Biden will welcome the leaders of the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) for a historic U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit, held for the first time in Washington D.C. and at the White House, to re-affirm the United States’ enduring commitment to Southeast Asia and underscore the importance of U.S.-ASEAN cooperation in ensuring security, prosperity, and respect for human rights. Over many years, the United States has steadily deepened our partnership with Southeast Asia. The United States has provided over $12.1 billion in development, economic, health, and security assistance to Southeast Asian allies and partners since 2002 and over that same period of time, the United States has provided over $1.4 billion in humanitarian assistance, including life-saving disaster assistance, emergency food aid, and support to refugees throughout Southeast Asia. Building on our long-standing commitment to this critical region, the Biden-Harris Administration’s FY 2023 Budget Request included over $800 million in bilateral assistance for ASEAN partners and over $25 million to deepen relations with ASEAN and enhance ASEAN’s capacity to tackle pressing regional challenges. The United States and Southeast Asia also benefit from our far-reaching commercial and trade ties. ASEAN represents the world’s fourth largest market and the United States is ASEAN’s largest source of foreign direct investment, while our two-way trade amounted to over $360 billion in 2020. U.S.-ASEAN relations are ultimately anchored in the special friendship shared by our combined one billion people. Our ongoing commitment to deepening people-to-people ties is marked by 7000 programs at 83 American Spaces in ASEAN countries, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative’s 155,000 alumni, and the connections forged through nearly 6 million U.S. visas, including student visas, granted to Southeast Asian travelers since 2010. At the annual U.S.-ASEAN Summit in October 2021, President Biden announced an unprecedented investment of up to $102 million in U.S.-ASEAN relations, significantly expanding our cooperation on health, climate, science and innovation, trade facilitation, education, and more. Today, the United States and ASEAN will inaugurate a new era of partnership, guided by the complementary objectives of the Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. In that spirit, President Biden is announcing over $150 million in initiatives which we expect will mobilize billions more in private financing that will deepen U.S.-ASEAN relations, strengthen ASEAN centrality, and expand our common capacity to achieve our shared objectives. ACCELERATING CLIMATE ACTION, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, AND INCLUSIVE PROSPERITY In support of U.S.-ASEAN Climate Futures and U.S.-ASEAN Economic Futures, the United States and ASEAN will raise our collective climate ambition while working together to support implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.  We will help meet the region’s enormous infrastructure needs in a sustainable manner that accelerates the clean energy transition, helps the region to achieve a path to net zero emissions by mid-century, and drives inclusive, broad-based prosperity. SUPPORTING ACCESS TO EDUCATION  The strength of U.S.-ASEAN relations is anchored in the friendship shared by our combined one billion people. Each year the United States provides more than $70 million to support educational and cultural exchanges that foster greater understanding, enhance cooperation, and create lifelong friendships that increase the strength and resilience of our communities over the long term. EXPANDING MARITIME COOPERATION The United States is committed to supporting implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific’s Maritime Pillar. Today we are announcing $60 million in new regional maritime initiatives, most of which will be led by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). PROMOTING GLOBAL HEALTH AND HEALTH SECURITY  In support of U.S.-ASEAN Health Futures, the United States and ASEAN are taking swift action to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthen health systems, and promote health security. The United States is proud to have provided over $200 million in COVID-19 assistance through the Department of State and USAID and donated over 115 million doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in Southeast Asia, with more on the way. ###
美国对从事支持伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司有关活动的中国和香港人实施制裁 美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿特区 2020年10月19日 迈克尔·蓬佩奥国务卿声明 国际社会长久以来认识到,伊朗政权利用伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司(Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, [简称IRISL,伊朗国航])运输用于伊朗弹道导弹和军事项目的扩散敏感物品。联合国安理会第1929号决议(UN Security Council Resolution 1929)的条款规定,在同伊朗国航和其拥有或控制的实体进行商务往来时,在某些情况下必须保持警惕。由于联合国制裁的快速实施,这项规定现已生效。 今天,美国根据《伊朗自由和反扩散法》第1244条(Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act Section 1244),对行为与伊朗国航及其子公司哈菲兹船务有限公司(Hafez Darya Arya Shipping Company [HDASCO])有关联的六个实体和两名个人实施制裁。 2020年6月8日,鉴于伊朗国航和伊朗国航在上海的子公司E-Sail航运有限公司(E-Sail Shipping Company Ltd.)从事与核扩散有关的行为,国务院根据第13382号行政令(Executive Order 13382)将其列入名单。国务院也发出警告,任何继续与伊朗国航或E-Sail进行商务往来的利益相关方都可能受到制裁。 自2020年6月将伊朗国航和E-Sail定性以来,仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司(Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.)和仁达航运有限公司(Reach Shipping Lines)在中国港口为伊朗国航船只安排泊位。仁达航运有限公司在知情的情况下向伊朗国航子公司哈菲兹船务有限公司出售、提供或转让了四艘大型集装箱船。 根据《伊朗自由和反扩散法》第1244(d)(1)(A)条款,仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司、仁达航运有限公司、贯中通运有限公司(Delight Shipping Co., Ltd.)、凝心货运有限公司(Gracious Shipping Co. Ltd.)、 Noble Shipping Co. Ltd.以及 Supreme Shipping Co. Ltd. 因在知情的情况下向伊朗出售、提供或转让与伊朗航运业有关的重要货物或服务而被列入制裁名单。根据《伊朗制裁法》第6(a)(11)条款(Iran Sanctions Act Section 6(a)(11)),仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司执行长陈国平(Chen Guoping音译,Eric Chen)和总裁何羿(音译He Yi,Daniel Y. He)也在此次行动中受到制裁。贯中通运有限公司(Delight Shipping Co., Ltd.)、凝心货运有限公司(Gracious Shipping Co. Ltd.)、 Noble Shipping Co. Ltd.以及 Supreme Shipping Co. Ltd. 在知情情况下,各向伊朗出售、提供或转让一艘大型集装箱船,用途与伊朗航运业相关。 除上述活动以外,自2020年6月伊朗航运和E-Sail被根据第13382号行政令定性以来,仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司及其子公司仁达航运有限公司向伊朗航运、E-Sail和哈菲兹船务有限公司提供服务,帮助这些伊朗航运实体逃避美国制裁的后果。例如,在此期间,仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司还为伊朗航运及其子公司采取了一些行动和提供了某些服务,专门旨在保护中国实体不遭美国制裁;同样,仁达航运有限公司也参与了一些活动、服务和向伊朗航运及其子公司提供物资,目的是对中国政府、业界以及海事利益相关方隐瞒伊朗航运及其子公司的活动。此外,仁达控股集团(上海)有限公司还替伊朗航运及其子公司掩盖这些伊朗实体在中华人民共和国的活动,包括向中国公司谎报伊朗航运及其子公司在运输中的角色,以及伪造文件和采取其他欺骗性做法,以使中国政府、业界和海事利益相关方无法知道伊朗航运及其子公司在中华人民共和国的活动。 今天,我们再次警告世界各地的利益相关方:如果与伊朗航运做生意,你面临受美国制裁的风险。
The United States Imposes Sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong Persons for Activities Related to Supporting the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines 10/19/2020 03:02 PM EDT Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State The international community has long recognized that the Iranian regime uses the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) to transport proliferation-sensitive items intended for Iran’s ballistic missile and military programs.  A provision of UN Security Council Resolution 1929 mandates vigilance when doing business with IRISL and entities owned or controlled by IRISL under certain circumstances.  This provision is now in effect due to the snapback of UN sanctions. Today, the United States is sanctioning six entities and two individuals for conduct related to IRISL and its subsidiary, Hafez Darya Arya Shipping Company (HDASCO), pursuant to the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act Section 1244 (IFCA 1244). On June 8, 2020, the State Department designated IRISL and IRISL’s Shanghai-based subsidiary, E-Sail Shipping Company Ltd., pursuant to Executive Order 13382 for their proliferation-related conduct.  The State Department warned that any stakeholder who continued doing business with IRISL or E-Sail was at risk of sanctions. Since the June 2020 designation of IRISL and E-Sail, Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and Reach Shipping Lines arranged for port berths for IRISL vessels at Chinese ports.  Reach Shipping Lines knowingly sold, supplied, or transferred four large container vessels to IRISL’s subsidiary, HDASCO. Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd.; Reach Shipping Lines; Delight Shipping Co., Ltd.; Gracious Shipping Co. Ltd.; Noble Shipping Co. Ltd.; and Supreme Shipping Co. Ltd. are being designated pursuant to IFCA Section 1244(d)(1)(A) for having knowingly sold, supplied, or transferred to Iran significant goods or services used in connection with the shipping sector of Iran.  Eric Chen (Chen Guoping), Chief Executive Officer of Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd., and Daniel Y. He (He Yi), President of Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd., are also being sanctioned pursuant to Iran Sanctions Act Section 6(a)(11) as a part of this action. Delight Shipping Co., Ltd.; Gracious Shipping Co. Ltd.; Noble Shipping Co. Ltd.; and Supreme Shipping Co. Ltd. each knowingly sold, supplied, or transferred a large container vessel to Iran to be used in connection with the shipping sector of Iran. In addition to the foregoing activities, since the June 2020 designation of IRISL and E-Sail pursuant to E.O.13382, Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd. and its subsidiary, Reach Shipping Lines, have provided services to IRISL, E-Sail, and HDASCO to help these Iranian shipping entities evade the consequences of U.S. sanctions.  For instance, during this time, Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd. has also taken actions and performed certain services for IRISL and its subsidiaries specifically designed to shield Chinese entities from U.S. sanctions; likewise, Reach Shipping Lines has been involved in activities, services, and the provision of goods to IRISL and its subsidiaries intended to conceal IRISL and it subsidiaries’ activities from Chinese government, industry, and maritime stakeholders.  Additionally, Reach Holding Group (Shanghai) Company Ltd. has also worked on behalf of IRISL and its subsidiaries to conceal these Iranian entities activities in the PRC including by lying to Chinese companies about the roles of IRISL and its subsidiaries in shipments and by falsifying documents and engaging in other deceptive practices so that Chinese government, industry, and maritime stakeholders would not know about IRISL and its subsidiaries activities in the PRC. Today, we reiterate a warning to stakeholders worldwide:  If you do business with IRISL, you risk U.S. sanctions.
President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Conference 第一夫人和我非常荣幸地回到这个非常美丽的国家,成为日本在天皇陛下登基后的第一位国宾。我们代表美国,感谢日本皇室的盛情邀请和热烈欢迎。 日本历史悠久的习俗和精致的文化使我们深深感到钦佩。 我要感谢日本全体人民本周欢迎我们并与我们分享你们挚爱的文化遗产。真是令人难以置信的遗产。 这次访问也是安倍首相和我加强我们之间亲密友谊和两国友谊的机会。美国和日本之间的联盟是该地区及全世界稳定与繁荣的基石。 首相和我继续我们的密切磋商以寻求韩朝半岛的和平与安全。我们的方式的核心是通过力量实现和平。这的确是强有力的联盟。美日联盟坚定而牢固。我们想要和平,我们想要稳定。我们继续希望金委员长抓住通过去核化而改变他的国家的机会。那是一个有着巨大经济和其他潜力的国家。 我们两国还在很多其他至关重要的安全议题上合作。 美国和日本紧密的安全关系基于共同的价值观。我们的武装军队在世界各地共同训练并服役。明天,我会访问和日本自卫队肩并肩地驻扎在日本这里的美国军队。我代表所有美国人,想感谢日本人民对我们服役人员和军人家属的亲切接待。美国和日本还在努力提升我们基于公平和对等原则的经济关系。
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Prime Minister Abe, the First Lady and I are profoundly honored to return to this very beautiful nation as Japan’s first state guests following the enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor.  On behalf of the United States, we want to thank the Imperial Family for this gracious invitation and warm welcome.  It was really wonderful. Japan’s time-honored customs and exquisite culture fill us with a deep sense of admiration.  I want to thank all of the people of Japan for welcoming us to this week and sharing your beloved heritage.  It is truly an incredible heritage. *** This visit has also been a chance for Prime Minister Abe and me to strengthen our close friendship and the friendship between our two nations.  The alliance between the United States and Japan is a cornerstone of stability and prosperity in the region and all around the world. The Prime Minister and I continue our close consultation in pursuit of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.  The essence of our approach is peace through strength.  And this is a strong alliance indeed.  The U.S.-Japan alliance is steadfast and ironclad.  We want peace and we want stability.  We continue to hope that Chairman Kim seizes the opportunity to transform his country through denuclearization.  It is a country with tremendous economic and other potential. *** Our nations are also cooperating on a number of other vital security issues. *** America and Japan’s close security ties are grounded in shared values.  Our armed forces train and serve together all around the world.  Tomorrow, I will visit American troops stationed alongside the Japanese Self-Defense Forces right here in Japan. On behalf of all Americans, I want to thank the Japanese people for graciously hosting our service members and military families. The United States and Japan are also working to improve our economic relationship based on the principles of fairness and reciprocity.
特朗普总统和白宫冠状病毒特别工作组今天宣布了更多措施,作为全政府持续举措的一部分,应对全球大流行疫情:   观看特朗普总统今天简报的完整视频
President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force announced additional actions today as part of the ongoing, government-wide response to the global pandemic   Watch today’s full briefing with President Trump.
U.S. Department of State Seal 布林肯国务卿的“四方会谈”外长通话 通报 发言人办公室 2021年2月18日 以下来自发言人内德·普赖斯(Ned Price): 国务卿安东尼·布林肯今天与澳大利亚外交部长玛丽斯·佩恩、印度外交部长苏杰生博士和日本外务大臣茂木敏充进行了通话。外长们讨论了在COVID-19应对与恢复以及气候变化上的四方(“四方会谈”)合作,并承诺共同努力应对这些全球挑战。外长们还讨论了抵制虚假信息、反恐、海上安全、恢复缅甸民主选举政府的迫切需要,以及在更广泛地区增强民主复原力这一优先事项。与会者再次确认了对东盟中心地位的共同支持。他们重申了以下承诺:至少每年举行一次“四方会谈”部长级会议,并定期举行高级别和工作级会议,以加强在推进一个自由开放的印度-太平洋地区上的合作,包括支持航行自由和领土完整。
Secretary Blinken’s Call with Quad Ministers READOUT OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar, and Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi.  The Ministers discussed Quadrilateral (“Quad”) cooperation on COVID-19 response and recovery and climate change and committed to working together to address these global challenges.  The Ministers also discussed countering disinformation, counterterrorism, maritime security, the urgent need to restore the democratically elected government in Burma, and the priority of strengthening democratic resilience in the broader region.  The participants reaffirmed their mutual support for ASEAN centrality.  They reiterated their commitment to the Quad meeting at least annually at the Ministerial level and on a regular basis at senior and working levels to strengthen cooperation on advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region, including support for freedom of navigation and territorial integrity.
STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO The United States Protects National Security and Integrity of 5G Networks   美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.) 2020年5月15日   国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)发表声明 美国保护国家安全和5G网络的完整性 今天,美国政府为保护美国的国家安全和5G网络的完整性采取又一项措施,扩大商务部(Commerce Department)外国直接产品规则的监管范围,目的在于制约华为逃避美国法律的行为。我们决不容忍中国共产党采取侵犯我国公民隐私或全世界下一代网络完整性的行为。 华为是不可信赖的承包方,是听从中国共产党指令的工具。司法部(Department of Justice)已指出,华为盗窃美国技术并帮助伊朗逃避制裁。商务部于2019年将华为列入“实体清单”(Entity List)。一年多来,国务院参与有关工作,与世界各地的盟国和伙伴分享我们了解的有关华为和其他不可信赖的承包方的情况。 今天扩大有关规则的监管范围,有助于防止华为破坏美国的出口管制,弥补了曾使该公司利用美国技术威胁我国国家安全的漏洞。这项措施还对利用美国技术或软件为华为设计和生产半导体的国家实施美国的出口管制。现在,意图向华为出售采用美国技术生产的某些货品的各公司都需要获得美国的许可。 美国将继续限制向华为及其被列入‘实体清单”的下属企业出口美国大多数产品,因为其从事的活动对美国国家安全和国际稳定构成了威胁。
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release  STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO May 15, 2020 The United States Protects National Security and Integrity of 5G Networks The U.S. government today took another step to protect U.S. national security and the integrity of 5G networks by expanding the Commerce Department’s foreign direct product rule to restrict Huawei from circumventing U.S. law. We will not tolerate efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the privacy of our citizens or the integrity of next-generation networks worldwide. Huawei is an untrustworthy vendor and a tool of the Chinese Communist Party, beholden to its orders. The Department of Justice has indicted Huawei for stealing U.S. technology and helping Iran evade sanctions, and the Department of Commerce placed Huawei on the Entity List in 2019.  The Department of State has engaged for more than a year to share what we know about Huawei and other untrustworthy vendors with allies and partners around the world. Today’s expanded rule helps prevent Huawei from undermining U.S. export controls, closing a loophole that has allowed the company to exploit U.S. technology and threaten our national security. It also imposes U.S. export control restrictions on countries that use U.S. technology or software to design and produce semiconductors for Huawei. Companies wishing to sell certain items to Huawei produced with U.S. technology must now obtain a license from the United States. The United States will continue to restrict most U.S. exports to Huawei and its affiliates on the Entity List for activities that threaten U.S. national security and international stability.
美国国务院 全球接触中心 华盛顿特区 2022年5月2日 中华人民共和国(PRC)政府官员和政府及政党媒体以及中国共产党(CCP)时时不断地宣扬克里姆林宫的宣传言论、阴谋论和虚假信息。这种做法把普京总统对乌克兰的无理和无端的战争合理化,同时破坏对美国和其他国家、民主机构以及独立媒体的信任。中华人民共和国和中国共产党的媒体和中华人民共和国的“战狼”外交官员运用在本国国内禁止使用的社交媒体平台,以多种语言向世界各地区传播克里姆林宫所偏向的论点。与此同时,在中华人民共和国国内,中国共产党和国家支持的实体查禁有关俄罗斯在乌克兰的暴行的可信报道,同时将普京选择的这场残酷战争归咎于北约和美国。中华人民共和国官员的“亲俄罗斯中立”回避公开支持或谴责俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略和在乌克兰的行径,并且不断坚称北京是中立的利益相关者,尊重“所有国家的主权和领土完整”。然而,中华人民共和国和中国共产党媒体和官员对莫斯科言论给予的不加批评的进一步宣扬说明,北京支持俄罗斯。 中华人民共和国影响有关乌克兰的公共舆论的几种工具: 中华人民共和国支持俄罗斯的否定论并将责任转嫁于西方的时间表: 2022年2月——中华人共和国对俄罗斯发动侵略的准备以及最初制造的借口的支持:就在俄罗斯于2022年2月24日对乌克兰发动全面侵略之前,中华人民共和国和中国共产党的媒体和官员声称美国和其他方面有关俄罗斯即将发动侵略的报道是一场失败的“虚假信息”行动以及“信息恐怖主义”——附和了俄罗斯联邦外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)和俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃(Maria Zakharova)之前的说辞。中华人民共和国和中国共产党的媒体和官员自此以后很明显地拒绝将俄罗斯无端地进一步侵略乌克兰称为一场“战争”,而是将其称为一场“危机”,或使用克里姆林宫的官方说法“特别军事行动”,同时将“侵略”一词主要用于试图将公愤转嫁于西方、北约和美国的“那又怎么说”论调之中。 2022年3月——极力放大克里姆林宫有关美国在乌克兰资助生物实验室的说法:3月8日,中华人民共和国外交部发言人赵立坚开始宣扬已遭到驳斥的俄罗斯的虚假信息,声称美国在乌克兰资助了生物武器实验室,包括直接宣传由经常为受到美国制裁的亲克里姆林宫的《南部前线》(South Front)和《新闻前线》(News Front)供稿的迪利亚娜·盖坦吉耶娃(Dilyana Gaytandzhieva)散布的虚假信息。这些编造出来的指控借助于俄罗斯和中华人民共和国在这之前多年来趁机散布的宣传言论。据全球接触中心(GEC)的一个研究伙伴说,中华人民共和国宣扬有关在乌克兰的美国生物武器实验室的虚假信息最终成为中华人民共和国自2018年以来最大的虚假信息行动之一,针对全世界多种语言以及多个地区的受众进行宣传。 2022年4月——否认克里姆林宫对在布查的残暴罪行负有责任:在乌克兰指责俄罗斯在基辅附近的布查(Bucha)对平民犯有战争罪以后,中华人民共和国当局在国内压制对这一话题的讨论,官员呼呼展开调查,但不指出有证据反驳俄罗斯的否定论。4月3日,俄罗斯外交部和国防部声称,“来自布查的镜头画面[是]……[基辅]政权策划的挑衅”。在俄罗斯声明发布几天后,中华人民共和国国家和政党支持的媒体对俄罗斯有关美国和乌克兰编造暴行证据的阴谋论进行宣扬,而中华人民共和国官员同时呼吁“各方”停止“政治化”和“无端指责”。 2022年4月——在对克拉马托斯克的导弹攻击事件上为克里姆林宫回避责任:中华人民共和国官员和国家媒体回避报道能够表明俄罗斯对攻击平民目标负有责任的真实情况,而4月8日,“圆点”(Tochka-U)弹道导弹击中乌克兰克拉马托斯克(Kramatorsk)的主要火车站,造成包括五名儿童在内的50人死亡和数百人受伤。俄罗斯外交部否认对攻击负有责任,声称据知只有乌克兰使用这种导弹,尽管有证据显示俄罗斯过去部署了这些武器。同布查的情况一样,中华人民共和国官员对克拉马托斯克遭受攻击的反应是,呼呼开展全面调查和“各方”避免“政治化”和“无端指责”。中华人民共和国的媒体和驻日本大阪总领事薛剑甚至还转发俄罗斯所声称的乌克兰对攻击其自身在克拉马托斯克的平民负有责任的阴谋论。 有关中华人民共和国和中国共产党宣扬克里姆林宫虚假信息的更多情况,可参见《纽约时报》(New York Times)、《大西洋》(The Atlantic)杂志、《外交家》(The Diplomat)杂志、BBC英国广播公司、保障民主联盟(Alliance for Securing Democracy)和民主实验室(DoubleThink Lab)。   欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.state.gov/disarming-disinformation/prc-efforts-to-amplify-the-kremlins-voice-on-ukraine/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
The Global Engagement Center U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. May 2, 2022 Government officials and state and party media from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) routinely amplify Kremlin propaganda, conspiracy theories, and disinformation. This amplification rationalizes President Putin’s unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine while undermining trust in the United States and other countries, democratic institutions, and independent media. Using social media platforms banned within the PRC, PRC and CCP media and PRC “wolf warrior” diplomats convey biased Kremlin talking points to audiences in multiple languages and regions across the world. Meanwhile, within the PRC, CCP and state-backed entities censor credible reporting on Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine while blaming NATO and the United States for Putin’s brutal war of choice. The “pro-Russia neutrality” of PRC officials avoids explicit public endorsement or condemnation of Russia’s invasion of and conduct in Ukraine, and continues to insist Beijing is a neutral stakeholder that respects the “sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.” However, PRC and CCP media and officials’ further uncritical amplification of Moscow’s messaging demonstrates Beijing’s support for Russia. PRC TOOLBOX TO INFLUENCE PUBLIC OPINION ON UKRAINE: TIMELINE OF PRC SUPPORT FOR RUSSIAN DENIALISM & BLAME-SHIFTING ONTO THE WEST: FEBRUARY 2022 – PRC SUPPORT IN THE LEAD UP TO AND INITIAL FRAMING OF RUSSIA’S INVASION: Just prior to Russia’s February 24, 2022, full-scale invasion of Ukraine, PRC and CCP media and officials labeled U.S. and other reports of Russia’s imminent invasion a failed “disinformation” campaign and “information terrorism”– echoing Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s earlier statements. PRC and CCP media and officials have since conspicuously refused to call Russia’s unprovoked further invasion of Ukraine a “war,” instead calling it a “crisis” or using the Kremlin’s official term “special military operation,” while primarily using the word “invasion” in “whataboutism” rhetoric aimed at redirecting outrage at the West, NATO, and the United States. MARCH 2022 – HEAVY AMPLIFICATION OF KREMLIN MESSAGING REGARDING U.S.-SPONSORED BIOLABS IN UKRAINE: On March 8, PRC MFA Spokesperson Zhao Lijian began amplifying Russia’s debunked disinformation alleging the United States sponsored biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine, including direct amplification of disinformation pushed by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a frequent contributor to U.S.-sanctioned pro-Kremlin outlets South Front and News Front. These fabricated accusations build on years of previous opportunistic messaging both by Russia and the PRC. According to a GEC research partner, PRC amplification of disinformation surrounding U.S. bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine ultimately became one of the PRC’s largest disinformation campaigns since 2018, with messaging targeting audiences in multiple languages and regions around the world. APRIL 2022 – DENYING KREMLIN RESPONSIBILITY FOR ATROCITIES IN BUCHA: After Ukraine accused Russia of war crimes against civilians in Bucha, near Kyiv, PRC authorities suppressed discussion of the topic within the PRC and officials called for an investigation without acknowledging evidence that discredits Russia’s denialism. On April 3, Russia’s MFA and MoD claimed the “footage from Bucha [is]… a staged provocation by the [Kyiv] regime.” In the days following Russia’s statement, PRC state and party-backed media amplified Russia’s conspiracies that the United States and Ukraine may have fabricated evidence of the atrocities, even as PRC officials called for “all sides” to refrain from “politicization” and “unfounded accusations.” APRIL 2022– DEFLECTING BLAME FROM KREMLIN FOR KRAMATORSK BOMBING: PRC officials and state media avoided reporting facts that would indicate Russia’s responsibility for attacks against civilian targets even when, on April 8, a Tochka-U ballistic missile struck the main railway station in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, killing more than 50 people, including five children, and injuring hundreds. The Russian MFA denied responsibility for the strike, saying only Ukraine was known to use the missile in question, despite evidence that Russia has previously deployed these weapons. As with Bucha, PRC officials responded to the Kramatorsk bombing by calling for a full investigation and for “all sides” to refrain from “politicization” and “unfounded accusations.” PRC media and Consul General in Osaka, Japan, Xue Jian, went so far as to repost the Russian conspiracy theory that Ukraine is responsible for bombing its own civilians in Kramatorsk. For additional information about PRC and CCP efforts to amplify the Kremlin’s disinformation, you can visit: New York Times, The Atlantic, The Diplomat, the BBC, the Alliance for Securing Democracy, and DoubleThink Lab.
简报 2022年6月13日 国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文今天与中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪在卢森堡举行了会晤。本次会晤是对双方5月18日通话的跟进。双方就一些地区和全球安全议题及美中关系中的关键议题进行了坦率、具体而有成效的讨论。沙利文先生强调了保持沟通畅通以管控两国间竞争的重要性。
JUNE 13, 2022•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met today with Chinese Communist Party Politburo Member and Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission Yang Jiechi in Luxembourg. This meeting, which followed their May 18 phone call, included candid, substantive, and productive discussion of a number of regional and global security issues, as well as key issues in U.S.-China relations. Mr. Sullivan underscored the importance of maintaining open lines of communication to manage competition between our two countries. ###
40 Years of Diplomatic Relations Logo 讲话 迈克尔∙R∙蓬佩奥 国务卿 菲律宾外交部,马尼拉 2019年3月1日 作为一个岛国,菲律宾依靠自由和畅通无阻的海洋通道。中国在南中国海的岛屿建设和军事活动威胁到你们的主权、安全以及由此而威胁到经济生计,并且同样也威胁到美国的这些。由于南中国海是太平洋的一部分,任何对于菲律宾在南中国海的部队、飞机、或公共船只的武装攻击都将触发我们《美菲共同防御条约》第4条规定的共同防御义务。 我也向杜特尔特总统和外交部长洛钦转达了在河内举行的会谈的细节。我们赞赏菲律宾对于我们最大施压行动和持续外交的坚定支持。 经济上,菲律宾人可以相信美国仍然是帮助他们实现他们国家梦想的亲密朋友。2017年11月,特朗普总统宣布了美国致力于自由和开放的印度-太平洋地区。我在去年7月就该地区的美国经济愿景发表讲话时强化了这一承诺。这种参与重要的是:美国所到之处,我们寻求伙伴关系,而不是控制。 能源无疑是美国渴望在该地区建立新合作的一个领域。未来几年,亚洲的能源需求将飙升,美国公司做好准备在该地区投资数十亿美元。他们是提供可靠、安全且价格可承受的能源供应的最佳伙伴。 同样,美国公司是基础设施、发展和数字经济等优先领域的最佳伙伴,因为它们以最高的透明度和遵守法治的方式运作。而中国的国有企业或国家支持企业并非如此。 最后,我同我的对口官员们提出保护所有菲律宾人的权利和自由的重要性,包括言论自由、新闻自由和法律规定的正当程序。
Remarks Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Department of Foreign Affairs Manila, Philippines March 1, 2019 As an island nation, the Philippines depends on free and unobstructed access to the seas. China’s island-building and military activities in the South China Sea threaten your sovereignty, security, and therefore economic livelihood, as well as that of the United States. As the South China Sea is part of the Pacific, any armed attack on Philippine forces, aircraft, or public vessels in the South China Sea will trigger mutual defense obligations under Article 4 of our Mutual Defense Treaty. I also relayed to President Duterte and Foreign Secretary Locsin details of the talks held in Hanoi. We appreciate the Philippines’ firm support for our maximum pressure campaign and for continued diplomacy. Economically, Filipinos can have confidence that America will remain a close friend in helping them to achieve their national dreams. In November of 2017, President Trump announced America’s commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. I reinforced that commitment with a speech on America’s economic vision for the region last July. The big thing of that engagement is this: Where America goes, we seek partnership, not domination. Energy is certainly one area in which the United States is eager to build new cooperation in the region as well. Demand for energy in Asia is going to skyrocket in the coming years, and American companies are poised to invest billions in the region. They’re the best partners to deliver reliable, secure, and affordable supplies of energy. Similarly, American companies are best partners in the priority areas of infrastructure, development, and the digital economy, because they operate with the highest standards of transparency and adherence to the rule of law. The same cannot be said for Chinese state-run or state-backed enterprises. And finally, I raised with my counterparts the importance of protecting the rights and liberties of all Filipinos, including free speech, a free press, and due process under the law.
发布日期: 2020年3月11日 (华盛顿)今天,唐纳德·J·特朗普总统签署了一份总统公告,暂停大多数曾于计划抵美前14天内的任何时间前往某些欧洲国家的外国公民入境。 这些国家,即申根地区,包括:奥地利、比利时、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、意大利、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰,挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典和瑞士。该限制不适用于合法永久居民,(一般情况下)美国公民的直系亲属,及公告中明确的其他个人。  美国国土安全部代理部长查德·F·沃尔夫声明: 保护美国人的生命安全免受威胁是美国总统最重要的职责。特朗普总统禁止曾前往受影响地区的外国公民入境的做法将保护美国人的安全并拯救美国人的生命。  我赞赏总统做出了这个艰难但必要的决定。虽然这些新的旅行限制会对一些旅行者造成干扰,但仍有必要采取这样的果断行动,防止美国公众进一步接触这种可能致命的冠状病毒。  “今年1月和2月,本政府对曾在中国和伊朗呆过的个人发出了类似的旅行限制。事实证明,这一行动有效地减缓了病毒向美国的传播,而与此同时,公共卫生官员也做好了准备。在未来48小时内,出于公共卫生的考虑,我打算发布一份补充限制通知,要求曾去过申根地区的美国乘客通过特定机场抵达。在这些机场,美国政府实施了强化筛查程序。” 公告——构成2019年新型冠状病毒传播风险的来自新增国家名单中的移民和非移民暂停入境| WhiteHouse.gov
Release Date:  March 11, 2020 (WASHINGTON) Today President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Proclamation, which suspends the entry of most foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival to the United States. These countries, known as the Schengen Area, include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. This does not apply to legal permanent residents, (generally) immediate family members of U.S. citizens, and other individuals who are identified in the proclamation.   Statement from DHS Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf: “Protecting the American people from threats to their safety is the most important job of the President of the United States. The actions President Trump is taking to deny entry to foreign nationals who have been in affected areas will keep Americans safe and save American lives. I applaud the president for making this tough but necessary decision. While these new travel restrictions will be disruptive to some travelers, this decisive action is needed to protect the American public from further exposure to the potentially deadly coronavirus.  “In January and February, the Administration issued similar travel restrictions on individuals who had been in China and Iran. That action proved to be effective in slowing the spread of the virus to the U.S., while public health officials prepared. In the next 48 hours, in the interest of public health, I intend to issue a supplemental Notice of Arrivals Restriction requiring U.S. passengers that have been in the Schengen Area to travel through select airports where the U.S. Government has implemented enhanced screening procedures.”  Proclamation—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus | WhiteHouse.gov
新闻声明 2023 年 2 月 21 日下午 06:25(美国东部标准时间) 安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿   我向所有庆祝藏历新年洛萨节的人们致以最美好的祝愿。值此水兔年的第一天,我们庆祝世界各地藏人的毅力、同情心和力量,其中包括旅居美国的2.6万多名藏人。美国重申我们致力于支持保护藏人独特的文化、语言和宗教遗产的决心,包括不受干涉地选择和崇敬他们宗教领袖的权利。  我祝愿我们的藏人朋友,以及喜马拉雅地区所有庆祝洛萨节的人们,在新的一年里和平、兴盛。新年吉祥如意。洛萨扎西德勒,新年快乐!
PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE FEBRUARY 21, 2023 I extend my warmest wishes to all those celebrating Losar, the Tibetan New Year.  On this first day of the Year of the Water Hare, we celebrate the perseverance, compassion, and strength of Tibetans across the globe, including the over 26,000 members of the Tibetan diaspora in the United States.  The United States reaffirms our commitment to supporting the preservation of Tibetans’ distinct cultural, linguistic, and religious heritage, including through the ability to select and venerate their religious leaders without interference. I wish our Tibetan friends, and all others across the Himalayan region celebrating Losar, peace and prosperity in the new year.  Losar Tashi Delek and Happy New Year to all who are celebrating.
新闻声明  迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿  2020年11月27日  2020年11月25日星期三,美国根据《伊朗、朝鲜和叙利亚不扩散法》(INKSNA)制裁了位于中华人民共和国(PRC)和俄罗斯的四个实体,原因是它们支持伊朗的导弹计划。我们对中华人民共和国的成都贝斯特新材料有限公司和淄博艾利默贸易有限公司实施制裁,以及对俄罗斯的尼尔科集团(Nilco Group,又称Nil Fam Khazar公司和Santers控股公司)和埃勒孔股份(Joint Stock Company Elecon)实施制裁,原因是它们向伊朗的导弹项目转让敏感技术和物项。这些措施是我们回应伊朗恶意活动的一部分。  这些决定突出显示,所有国家都需要继续对伊朗推进其导弹计划的努力保持警惕。我们将继续努力阻止伊朗的导弹开发工作,并通过我们的制裁权力机构引起对为伊朗提供导弹相关材料和技术外国供应商的注意,例如中华人民共和国和俄罗斯的这些实体。周三实施的制裁包括针对美国政府采购、美国政府援助和出口的限制,有效期为两年。  对这些外国实体实施制裁符合我们用一切可用措施防止伊朗发展导弹能力的努力。
PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE NOVEMBER 27, 2020 On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, the United States sanctioned four entities located in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Russia for supporting Iran’s missile program, under the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act (INKSNA). We imposed sanctions against Chengdu Best New Materials Co., Ltd. and Zibo Elim Trade Co., Ltd. in the PRC and against Nilco Group, which is also known as Nil Fam Khazar Company and Santers Holding, and Joint Stock Company Elecon in Russia for transferring sensitive technology and items to Iran’s missile program. These measures are part of our response to Iran’s malign activities. These determinations underscore the continuing need for all countries to remain vigilant to efforts by Iran to advance its missile program. We will continue to work to impede Iran’s missile development efforts and use our sanctions authorities to spotlight the foreign suppliers, such as these entities in the PRC and Russia, that provide missile-related materials and technology to Iran. The sanctions imposed Wednesday include restrictions on U.S. government procurement, U.S. government assistance, and exports, and will be in effect for two years. The imposition of sanctions against these foreign entities is consistent with our efforts to use all available measures to prevent Iran from advancing its missile capabilities.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 2021年7月19日 美国和世界各国要求对中华人民共和国在网络空间采取的不负责任、破坏性和破坏稳定的行为追究责任。这类行为对我们的经济和国家安全构成了重大威胁。中华人民共和国国家安全部培植由犯罪的合同黑客建立的生态系统,为自身牟利从事国家支持的活动和网络犯罪活动。此外,美国政府与我们的盟国和伙伴一起,正式确认隶属国家安全部的网络行动人员利用微软交换服务组件Microsoft Exchange Server的漏洞进行大规模网络间谍活动,肆无忌惮地侵入成千上万的电脑和网络,其中大多数属于民营部门的受害者。根据今天司法部(Department of Justice)对国家安全部3名官员和一名下属合同黑客提出的指控,美国将责成中华人民共和国恶意网络行动人员在网络空间不负责任的行为承担后果。 除了中华人民共和国关于不参与为商业目的从事网络盗窃知识产权活动的承诺外,国际社会已就什么是网络空间负责任的行为明确提出期待的要求和指导准则。负责任的国家不会肆无忌惮地破坏全球网络安全,也不会有意庇护网络罪犯——更不会提供支持或与之沆瀣一气。这些合同黑客使各地政府和工商业为被盗窃的知识产权,支付赎金和减轻网络安全的危害付出数十亿美元的代价,而国家安全部却将他们列为支薪人员。 美国正与我们的伙伴和盟国齐心协力促进网络空间负责任的国家行为,抗击网络犯罪活动,反对数字专制主义。我们还支持各国为保护本国数字网络建设自身的能力,调查和惩办恶意网络行动人员,并参与网络政策的国际对话。上述努力将促进全球网络空间的安全和稳定。美国国务院坚持推进这项议题。我们呼吁所有希望提高网络空间稳定的国家与我们一起进行这些努力。 欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.state.gov/responding-to-the-prcs-destabilizing-and-irresponsible-behavior-in-cyberspace/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
Responding to the PRC’s Destabilizing and Irresponsible Behavior in Cyberspace PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE JULY 19, 2021 The United States and countries around the world are holding the People’s Republic of China (PRC) accountable for its pattern of irresponsible, disruptive, and destabilizing behavior in cyberspace, which poses a major threat to our economic and national security.  The PRC’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) has fostered an ecosystem of criminal contract hackers who carry out both state-sponsored activities and cybercrime for their own financial gain.  In addition, the United States government, alongside our allies and partners, has formally confirmed that cyber actors affiliated with the MSS exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server in a massive cyber espionage operation that indiscriminately compromised thousands of computers and networks, mostly belonging to private sector victims.  As evidenced by the indictment of three MSS officers and one of their contract hackers unsealed by the Department of Justice today, the United States will impose consequences on PRC malicious cyber actors for their irresponsible behavior in cyberspace. Apart from the PRC’s direct commitments not to engage in cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property for commercial gain, the international community has laid out clear expectations and guidelines for what constitutes responsible behavior in cyberspace.  Responsible states do not indiscriminately compromise global network security nor knowingly harbor cyber criminals – let alone sponsor or collaborate with them.  These contract hackers cost governments and businesses billions of dollars in stolen intellectual property, ransom payments, and cybersecurity mitigation efforts, all while the MSS had them on its payroll. The United States is working with our partners and allies to promote responsible state behavior in cyberspace, counter cybercrime, and oppose digital authoritarianism.  We are also providing support to countries that are committed to building their capacity to protect their digital networks, investigate and impose consequences on malicious cyber actors, and participate in international conversations on cyber policy. These efforts will enhance global security and stability in cyberspace. The State Department is committed to driving this agenda forward, and we call upon all states that wish to see greater stability in cyberspace to join us in these efforts.
白宫 华盛顿特区 2021年11月2日 拜登总统在“森林和土地使用行动”活动上的讲话 苏格兰会展中心(Scottish Event Campus) 苏格兰格拉斯哥(Glasgow) 格林尼治标准时间上午10时   总统:各位早上好。荣幸与大家相聚。我的伙伴领导人,我荣幸代表美国出席这个重要的讨论。 保护森林和其他重要的生态系统是让我们能够实现气候目标和我们共同具有的其他许多关键目标的不可缺少的一环,它们包括:保证水的清洁,维护生物多样性,支持乡村和原住民社区,以及减少疾病传播。 我们的森林也是大自然的碳捕捉机制,能够将二氧化碳循环到大气层外。我想向今天在座的刚果[民主]共和国总统和加蓬总统致意,他们对保护他们国家的森林作出了很大承诺。 如果我们大家共同努力,确保这些宝贵的资源在非洲和世界各地受到保护,森林有可能把全球的二氧化碳减少三分之一以上——三分之一以上。 因此,我们需要以对待经济脱碳一样的严肃态度对待这个问题。这是美国正在做的。 迄今,我们已经超越了2020年伯恩挑战(2020 Bonn Challenge)的目标,有2000多万公顷的森林土地正在得到恢复。 我在上任的第一周颁布行政命令,确立了到2030年至少对30%的所有美国土地和水域给予保护的目标。 我们实施了对全球面积最大的完存温带雨林——阿拉斯加的通加斯森林(Tongass Forest in Alaska)的保护。 今天,我将宣布一项新的保护全球森林计划,它将运用美国政府的各种手段——外交、金融和政策——制止森林消失,恢复我们重要的碳汇能力,改进土地管理。 通过这个计划,美国将帮助世界达到我们共同的目标,制止自然森林的消失和在2030年以前至少再使2亿公顷森林和其他生态系统得到恢复。 这是第一个此类计划,它采用全政府投入方式,就我国而言,将通过与国会协作,在到2030年的这些年里拿出多达90亿美元资金,保护和恢复我们的森林,并通过我们的合作伙伴调动亿万更多资金。 作为这一计划的内容之一,我们将努力确保让市场认识到自然碳汇的切实经济价值,动员政府、土地所有者和利益相关者将保护森林置于首要位置。 我们将使私人行业的投资流动与我们的气候——环保目标相吻合,包括减少造成砍伐森林的因素,创造可持续的供应链,发展更可持续的商品来源。 在进行每一步时,我们都将与受森林砍伐影响最大的人和在可持续土地管理方面最有经验的人建立合作——包括地方社区,原住民群体,地方政府,公民社会——以确保我们的方法有效,而且注重易受影响人口的需要。 保护森立和其他生态环境,能够并且应该是我们大家都有的净零排放战略的一部分,为实现我们的雄心气候目标发挥重要作用。 美国将以我们在国内的榜样做表率,并且支持其他有森林的国家和发展中国家制定和采取有气魄的行动,保护和恢复这些碳汇功能。 我相信我们能够做到。我们唯一需要的是拿出意志,做我们知道应该做的,我们知道需要做的和我们知道我们力所能及的。 那么,听起来简单,我认为就是这么简单。让我们开始工作。我们能够做到。 谢谢各位。(掌声) 格林尼治时间上午10时04分 欲查看原稿内容:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/11/02/remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-action-on-forests-and-land-use-event/
Remarks by President Biden at the “Action on Forests and Land-Use” Event NOVEMBER 02, 2021•SPEECHES AND REMARKS Scottish Event Campus Glasgow, Scotland 10:00 A.M. GMT THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning, everyone.  It’s an honor to be with you.  My fellow leaders, I’m honored to represent the United States in this important discussion. Conserving our forests and other critical ecosystems is indispensable — an indispensable piece of keeping our climate goals within reach as well as many other key priorities that we have together: ensuring clean water, maintaining biodiversity, supporting rural and Indigenous communities, and reducing the risk of the spread of disease. Our forests are also nature’s carbon capture, cycling CO2 out of our atmosphere.  And I want to recognize the presidents of the [Democratic] Republic of the Congo and Gabon, who are here today, for their considerable commitment to conserve — to conserve their forests. If we all work together to make sure these precious resources are conserved in Africa and around the world, forests have the potential to reduce — reduce carbon globally by more than one third — by more than one third. So, we need to approach this issue with the same seriousness of purpose as decarbonizing our economies.  That’s what we’re doing in the United States. We’ve already exceeded the 2020 Bonn Challenge goal of more than 20 million hectares of forest land under restoration thus far. During my first week in office, I issued an executive order that set the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of all U.S. lands and waters by the year 2030. We have put a — in place protections for the Tongass Forest in Alaska, the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest. And today, I’m announcing a new plan to conserve global forests, which will bring together a full range of U.S. government tools — diplomatic, financial, and policy — to halt forest loss, restore our critical carbon sinks, and improve land management. Through this plan, the United States will help the world deliver on our shared goal of halting natural forest loss and restoring at least an additional 200 million hectares of forests and other ecosystems by the year 2030. This is a plan that is the first of its kind, taking a whole-of-government approach and working, in our case, with Congress to deploy up to $9 billion in U.S. funding through 2030 to conserve and restore our forests and mobilize billions more from our partners. As part of this, we’re going to work to ensure markets recognize the true economic value of natural carbon sinks and motivate governments, land owners, and stakeholders to prioritize conservation. We’ll work to align the private sector investment flows in our climate conserv- — and conservation goals, including reducing the drivers of deforestation, creating sustainable supply chains, pursuing more sustainable commodity sourcing. At every step, we’ll work in partnership with the people most impacted by deforestation and most experienced in sustainable land management — local communities, Indigenous peoples, local governments, civil societies — to make sure our approaches are effective and focused on the needs of vulnerable populations. Preserving forests and other ecosystems can and should play an important role in meeting our ambitious climate goals as part of the net-zero emissions strategy we all have. And the United States is going to lead by our example at home and support other forested nations and developing countries in setting and achieving ambitious action to conserve and restore these carbon sinks. I’m confident we can do this.  All we need to do is summon the will to do what we know is right and we know is necessary and we know is within our capacity. So, as simple as it sounds, I think it is this simple.  Let’s get to work.  We can do this.  And it will have a generational impact. Thank you.  (Applause.) 10:04 A.M. GMT
2020年5月6日 美国东部夏令时间上午10:46   迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿  当我们一起努力在国内抗击冠状病毒之时,美国一如继往地在我们的全球伙伴有需要的时候与他们站在一起。一个更加健康的世界意味着一个更加健康的美国。半个多世纪以来,美国一直是全球卫生健康安全以及人道主义援助的最大出资方,在世界各地拯救生命。美国领导了抗击埃博拉、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病、疟疾以及其他传染性疾病的努力,也领导了全球各地的人道主义响应,包括对当前在委内瑞拉和叙利亚的危机做出的响应。 今天,美国继续展现应对COVID-19大流行的全球领导力,追加1.28亿美元的全球卫生健康和人道主义援助。 算上这笔追加的款项,我们迄今为止向120多个国家提供的拯救生命的卫生健康、人道主义以及经济援助总额超过9亿美元。 今天宣布的资金包括1亿美元的全球卫生健康资金,用于为病毒的预防、发现和控制提供支持。今天宣布的其余2800万美元也将帮助预防COVID-19在易感的难民和移民中传播,其中包括通过提供人道主义援助的方式。 即使是在大后方与这一病毒作斗争时,美国人民仍然是世界上最伟大的人道主义者。除政府援助外,美国私营企业、非营利组织、慈善机构和个人共提供了近40亿美元的捐赠和援助。美国人总共为全球应对COVID-19提供了近65亿美元的政府和非政府援助及捐赠,占全球援助及捐赠总额的近60%。美国继续欢迎来自世界上各捐赠方的高质量、透明、无附加条件的捐助,来帮助抗击这一大流行病。
05/06/2020 10:46 AM EDT Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State As we work together to defeat the coronavirus at home, the United States stands with our global partners in their time of need, as we always have. A healthier world means a healthier United States. For more than a half century, the United States has been the largest contributor to global health security and humanitarian assistance, saving lives all over the planet. The United States led the fight against Ebola, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other infectious diseases, as well as humanitarian responses around the globe, including the current crises in Venezuela and Syria. Today, the United States continues to demonstrate global leadership in response to the COVID -19 pandemic, with an additional $128 million in global health and humanitarian assistance. This enhanced commitment brings our total to more than $900 million in life-saving global health, humanitarian, and economic assistance to more than 120 countries to-date. The funding announced today includes $100 million in global health funding to support virus prevention, detection, and control. The remaining $28 million announced today will also help prevent the spread of COVID-19 among vulnerable refugees and migrants, including through the provision of humanitarian assistance. Even while battling the virus on the homefront, the American people remain the world’s greatest humanitarians. Together, private American businesses, nonprofits, charities, and individuals have provided nearly $4 billion in donations and assistance, in addition to government aid. All together, Americans have provided nearly $6.5 billion in government and non-government assistance and donations to the global COVID-19 response, accounting for nearly 60% of global totals. The United States continues to welcome high-quality, transparent, no-strings-attached contributions from every donor in the world to help fight this pandemic.
Kimberly Breier, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, speaks at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday, April 17, 2019. The Trump administration announced that it’s allowing lawsuits against foreign companies operating in properties seized from Americans in Cuba, a major policy shift that has angered European and other allies.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) 演讲:在2019年康科迪亚美洲峰会上关于“在美洲的一个新时代”的讲话 助理国务卿金伯利·布赖尔: 我相信中国是这一半球的重大战略问题。考虑到美国的重大利益,本届美国行政当局已经更仔细地审视了中国在美洲的参与情况。中国是,而且将继续是美国和其他许多国家的重要贸易和投资伙伴。我们欢迎与中国的公平竞争;但中国公司必须在公平的赛场上运作,采取遵守规则以及尊重环境和劳工标准的方式。 然而,中国太过经常地偏离了国际最佳做法;当它这样做时,其不透明的方法助长了腐败并侵蚀了良好的治理。我相信该地区现在正在认识到中国的运作方式与该地区的体制不相容。在西半球,所有国家都期望——并且应该要求——基础设施发展项目具有透明的采购流程,维护环境和社会保障,并根据国际金融机构的标准促进包容性增长。把这件事情做对对我们来说利害攸关,因为对该地区的投资——来自中国或其他国家——将对我们的公民产生代际影响。
Remarks on “A New Era in the Americas” at the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit Assistant Secretary Kimberly Breier: I believe China is the big strategic question for the hemisphere. The U.S. Administration has taken a closer look at China’s engagement in the Americas given significant U.S. interest. China is and will remain a significant trade and investment partner for the United States and for many other countries. We welcome fair competition with China; but Chinese companies must operate on a level playing field, in ways where they play by the rules, and respect environmental and labor standards. However, far too often China has departed from international best practices; and when it does, its opaque methods have enabled corruption and eroded good governance. I believe the region is now recognizing that the way China operates is not compatible with the system in the region. In the Western Hemisphere, all countries expect – and should demand – that infrastructure development projects feature a transparent procurement process, uphold environmental and social safeguards, and foster inclusive growth in line with the standards of international financial institutions. We all have much at stake at getting this right, as investment in the region – by China or other countries – will have a generational impact on our citizens.
拜登总统邀请40位世界领袖参与领导人气候峰会 2021年3月26日•声明与新闻稿 今天,拜登总统邀请40位世界领袖参与他即将于4月22日和23日召开的领导人气候峰会。这场线上的领导人峰会将现场直播,供公众观看。 拜登总统上任第一天就采取行动,宣布美国重回《巴黎协定》。数日后于1月27日,他宣布将很快召集领导人的峰会,激励主要经济体奋起对抗气候危机的努力。 领导人气候峰会将凸显更强有力的气候行动的迫切性—以及经济利益。这场峰会将是迎向今年11月在格拉斯哥(Glasgow)举行联合国气候变化第26次缔约方大会(COP26)的一个关键里程碑。 近年来,科学家们强调为了避免气候变化造成的最坏影响,必须将全球升温幅度控制在1.5摄氏度的需要。领导人峰会与COP26的一个主要目的皆在于催化努力工作,以便实现摄氏1.5度的目标。本峰会也将凸显加强的气候雄心将如何创造高薪工作岗位、推促创新技术,并帮助脆弱国家适应气变影响的实例。 美国将在峰会上宣布具有雄心的2030年减排目标,作为其在《巴黎协定》中新的国家自主减排贡献。拜登总统在邀请中敦促领导们利用峰会这个机会,也各自提出其国家将如何对更有力的气候雄心做出贡献。 此峰会将重新召开由美国主导的能源与气候主要经济体论坛,让占全球排放和全球GDP的约8成的17个国家齐聚一堂。总统也邀请了其他展现强劲气候领导力、特别容易受气候影响的,或正在朝净零排放经济开创创新道路的国家的元首。少数商界和公民社会领袖也将参加此峰会。 峰会的主题将包括: 峰会议程、其他与会者、媒体采访规定和公众观看的进一步细节将于未来几周内提供。 总统已邀请下列领导参与本峰会:
President Biden Invites 40 World Leaders to Leaders Summit on Climate • STATEMENTS AND RELEASES Today, President Biden invited 40 world leaders to the Leaders Summit on Climate he will host on April 22 and 23.  The virtual Leaders Summit will be live streamed for public viewing. President Biden took action his first day in office to return the United States to the Paris Agreement.  Days later, on January 27, he announced that he would soon convene a leaders summit to galvanize efforts by the major economies to tackle the climate crisis. The Leaders Summit on Climate will underscore the urgency – and the economic benefits – of stronger climate action.  It will be a key milestone on the road to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this November in Glasgow. In recent years, scientists have underscored the need to limit planetary warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in order to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.  A key goal of both the Leaders Summit and COP26 will be to catalyze efforts that keep that 1.5-degree goal within reach.  The Summit will also highlight examples of how enhanced climate ambition will create good paying jobs, advance innovative technologies, and help vulnerable countries adapt to climate impacts. By the time of the Summit, the United States will announce an ambitious 2030 emissions target as its new Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement.  In his invitation, the President urged leaders to use the Summit as an opportunity to outline how their countries also will contribute to stronger climate ambition. The Summit will reconvene the U.S.-led Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, which brings together 17 countries responsible for approximately 80 percent of global emissions and global GDP.  The President also invited the heads of other countries that are demonstrating strong climate leadership, are especially vulnerable to climate impacts, or are charting innovative pathways to a net-zero economy.  A small number of business and civil society leaders will also participate in the Summit. Key themes of the Summit will include: Further details on the Summit agenda, additional participants, media access, and public viewing will be provided in the coming weeks. The President invited the following leaders to participate in the Summit:
媒体简报 发言人办公室 2020年10月16日 美国和其他国家政府的资深官员、全球产业高管以及来自美国和印度-太平洋地区工商界的其他伙伴将在美国时间10月27日和28日晚上(印度-太平洋地区10月28日和29日上午)在线共聚一堂,参加2020年印度-太平洋工商论坛。 2020年印度-太平洋工商论坛将促进美国及其在整个印度-太平洋地区的伙伴的贸易、投资和经济合作。今年论坛的主题是能源和基础设施、数字经济、市场联通、卫生和从COVID-19大流行中恢复经济以及美国-印太伙伴关系和商业机会。 这场活动由东南亚国家联盟(东盟)现任主席国越南共同主办。 本次在线活动免费注册,目前对感兴趣的公众开放,点击这里注册。 2020年印度-太平洋工商论坛可供媒体公开使用,感兴趣的媒体人员可以在这里注册。 今年的印度-太平洋工商论坛建立在2019年印度-太平洋工商论坛成功的基础上,去年的活动在曼谷线下召开。去年的活动汇集了来自30个国家的超过1000名参会人员,展示了支持市场竞争、增加工作机会和高标准基础设施建设的具有重大影响的私营部门投资和政府的努力,比如蓝点网络(Blue Dot Network)、亚洲增进发展和增长(EDGE)、基础设施交易及援助网络(ITAN),以促进印度-太平洋地区更大的繁荣。 查看2020年印度-太平洋工商论坛的基本信息:https://www.indopacificbusinessforum.com/。
MEDIA NOTE OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON OCTOBER 16, 2020 Senior U.S. and international government officials, global industry executives, and other partners from the United States and the Indo-Pacific business community will gather virtually on the evenings of October 27 and 28 in the United States (the mornings of October 28 and 29 in the Indo-Pacific region) for the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF). The 2020 IPBF will promote trade, investment, and economic cooperation between the United States and its partners throughout the Indo-Pacific.  The themes for this year’s Forum are energy and infrastructure, the digital economy, market connectivity, health and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and U.S.-Indo-Pacific partnerships and commercial opportunities. The event is co-hosted with Vietnam, the current Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Chair. Registration for this virtual event is free and is currently open to interested members of the public here. The 2020 IPBF will be on-the-record and interested members of the media can register here. This year’s IPBF builds on the success of the 2019 Indo-Pacific Business Forum, held in-person in Bangkok one year ago.  Last year’s event featured more than 1,000 participants from 30 countries and showcased high-impact private sector investment and government efforts to support market competition, job growth, and high-standard infrastructure development, such as the Blue Dot Network, Asia Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (EDGE), and the Infrastructure Transaction and Assistance Network (ITAN), for greater prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. Find general information on the 2020 IPBF at https://www.indopacificbusinessforum.com/.
布林肯国务卿与中华人民共和国国务委员兼外交部长王毅通话 会后汇报 发言人办公室 2022年1月26日   以下内容来自美国国务院发言人内德·普赖斯   今日,安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿与中华人民共和国国务委员兼外交部长王毅进行了通话。布林肯国务卿强调了俄罗斯针对乌克兰的进一步进犯会带来的全球安全和经济风险,并表达了缓解紧张局势以及通过外交努力向前迈进是负责任做法的立场。国务卿与王毅委员还就如何在拜登总统与习主席2021年11月15日的视频会晤之后一起推进工作交换了意见,包括关于管控战略风险、卫生健康安全和气候变化。
Secretary Blinken’s Call with PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang READOUT OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON JANUARY 26, 2022 The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.  Secretary Blinken underscored the global security and economic risks posed by further Russian aggression against Ukraine and conveyed that de-escalation and diplomacy are the responsible way forward.  The Secretary and Councilor Wang also exchanged views on how to advance work together following President Biden’s virtual meeting with President Xi on November 15, 2021, including on managing strategic risk, health security, and climate change.
Interview With Norah O’Donnell of CBS This Morning 摘译:国务卿讲话:接受“CBS今晨”节目的Norah O’Donnell的采访 2019年4月5日美国东部夏令时间上午10:22 采访 迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 国务卿 纽约城 2019年4月5日 …… 问题:我们正在如何反击中国的威胁?因为你曾把它描述成一种来自中国人的对我们民主的威胁。 蓬佩奥国务卿:它非常是。他们非常想要破坏我们的西方价值观、法治、透明。对所有那些我们最为珍视的东西,中国有一套不同的价值观。你看,他们是重要的贸易伙伴。我们有——在堪萨斯,我们卖了很多产品到中国。我们想要这样;特朗普总统也想要这样。但是我们不得不以某种方式来改变这段关系,让它是公平的、让它是对等的、让他们没有在偷我们的东西,并且反击他们,不管这威胁是在南中国海,是针对我们的知识财产,还是他们的间谍活动在美国国内这里带来的威胁。 …… 问题:我想现在谈一谈北朝鲜,因为你一直大量地参与其中。你见金正恩,这位领导人,的次数差不多比其他任何人都多。特朗普总统与北朝鲜领导人的第二次峰会没能产生一份协议来公布他们的核武器并去核化。会有与北朝鲜的第三次峰会吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:我有信心将会有。 问题:什么时候? 蓬佩奥国务卿:我不知道。 问题:很快? 蓬佩奥国务卿:我希望如此。你看,我们离开河内时对彼此、对双方持有的立场有了更深入的了解。两位领导人能够就此取得了进展。我们没有走得像全世界要求的那样远。这些是现在施加于北朝鲜的全球制裁。 问题:你失望吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:它是一次磋商,而且我们一直知道这需要一段时间,所以我不觉得我失望。你总是希望你会更快、更好地取得进展。在你进行的每次互动中你都知晓这一点。我们是坚决的;我确信北朝鲜人也是坚决的。金委员长向我承诺过了,他向特朗普总统承诺过了他会去核化。现在我的团队的使命就是确保这一点能发生。 问题:因此,下周真的要再次来到紧要关头了,因为韩国总统文在寅将来到白宫与特朗普总统和您会面。您是否同意稍许放松经济制裁以继续与北朝鲜人进行这些谈判的势头呢? 蓬佩奥国务卿:特朗普总统一直不曾模棱两可。我们这届政府的政策非常明确:在实现我们几乎两年前制定的最终目标之前,不会取消经济制裁、联合国安理会制裁。 问题:所以我的理解是,韩国人真的在推动美国尝试放开一些经济制裁——开城工业园区,在北朝鲜重新开放旅游业——他们希望继续这样做。您是说美国会说,不,我们不会那样做吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:我和我的韩国对口官员谈了很多。她对于他们国家来讲是一位令人愉快、能干的部长。他们是北朝鲜人的邻居。许多韩国人在那都有家人。我了解那种感情,但他们一直是很好的伙伴,我们一起密切合作以强制执行这些制裁。我们赞赏他们正在做的事情。 问题:只是为了说明为什么我问这个问题的背景,是因为我的理解是韩国人正在推动这么做,因为外交渠道已经变僵了。外交渠道变僵了吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:没有。 问题:还敞开着吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:是的。 问题:与北朝鲜人吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:是的。 问题:美国和北朝鲜之间? 蓬佩奥国务卿:是的。 问题:韩朝之间? 蓬佩奥国务卿:是的。 问题:那些外交——好吧。 蓬佩奥国务卿:是的,我们在河内之后就如何向前发展进行了对话。 问题:再提一次,下一周 4月11日,即韩国总统将与特朗普总统会晤的那一天的重要性,这是北朝鲜的一个重要的日子—— 蓬佩奥国务卿:嗯哼。 问题:—就我所知,金正恩将在那里发表重要讲话。对这次演讲您关注什么吗? 我们期待下周北朝鲜出现某种意外情况吗? 蓬佩奥国务卿:这是一个重要的日子。这是北朝鲜领导人向他的人民讲话的一年一度的活动。我们会密切关注他所说的话。我认为不会有什么重大意外,但我确实希望他能分享他的情感,他这样的情感:我们——我相信,作为北朝鲜的领导者,我相信正确的事是与美国交往,使我们的国家无核化,是我们将为北朝鲜人民创造一个更光明的未来。我们希望这将是他与他的人民讲的内容,我们将十分密切地关注。
04/05/2019 10:22 AM EDT Interview Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State New York City April 5, 2019 … QUESTION: How are we fighting back against that Chinese threat? Because you’ve described it as a threat to our democracy from the Chinese. SECRETARY POMPEO: It very much is. They very much want to undermine our Western values, the rule of law, transparency. All the things that we hold most dear, China has a different value set. Look, they’re an important trading partner. We have – in Kansas, we sold a lot of products into China. We want that; President Trump wants that too. But we have to change the relationship in a way that it is fair, that it’s reciprocal, that they’re not stealing our stuff, and push back against them, whether the threat is in the South China Sea, the threat is to our intellectual property, or the threat is of their espionage here inside the United States. … QUESTION: I want to turn now to North Korea because you have been heavily involved in this. You’ve met more with Kim Jong-un, the leader, than just about anybody else. President Trump’s second summit with the North Korean leader failed to produce an agreement to declare and denuclearize their nuclear weapons. Will there be a third summit with North Korea? SECRETARY POMPEO: I’m confident there will be. QUESTION: When? SECRETARY POMPEO: I don’t know. QUESTION: Soon? SECRETARY POMPEO: I hope so. Look, we came out of Hanoi with a deeper understanding of each other, the positions that the two sides had. The two leaders were able to make progress in that respect. We didn’t get as far as the world is demanding. These are global sanctions that are on North Korea today. QUESTION: Are you disappointed? SECRETARY POMPEO: It’s a negotiation, and we’ve always known this was going to take a while, so I don’t know that I was disappointed. You always hope you’ll make progress faster, better. You know that in every interaction you have. We’re determined; I’m convinced the North Koreans are determined as well. Chairman Kim has promised me, he’s promised President Trump he will denuclearize. Now it’s the mission of my team to make sure that that happens. QUESTION: And so this is really going to come to a head next week, again, because the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, is coming to the White House to meet with President Trump and you. Will you agree to some easing of economic sanctions to continue the momentum on these talks with the North Koreans? SECRETARY POMPEO: President Trump has been unambiguous. Our administration’s policy is incredibly clear: Economic sanctions, United Nations Security Council sanctions, will not be lifted until we achieve the ultimate objective that we set out now almost two years ago. QUESTION: So it’s my understanding that the South Koreans are really pushing the U.S. to try and open some of these economic sanctions – the Kaesong manufacturing park, the reopening of tourism in North Korea – they want to continue this. You’re saying the U.S. is going to say, no, we’re not going there? SECRETARY POMPEO: I talk to my South Korean counterpart a lot. She’s a delightful, capable minister for their country. They’re neighbors with the North Koreans. Many North – South Koreans have family members there. I understand the sentiment, but they’ve been great partners, and we have worked closely together to enforce these sanctions. We appreciate what they’re doing. QUESTION: And just to give the context of why I’m asking that question is because it’s my understanding the South Koreans are pushing for that because the diplomatic channels have gone cold. Have the diplomatic channels gone cold? SECRETARY POMPEO: Nope. QUESTION: They’re still open? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes. QUESTION: With the North Koreans? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes. QUESTION: Between the U.S. and the North? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes. QUESTION: And the South and the North? SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes. QUESTION: Those diplomatic – okay. SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes, we have had conversations after Hanoi about how to move forward. QUESTION: And again, the significance of next week, April 11th, the day that the South Korean president will meet with President Trump, it’s a big day in North Korea — SECRETARY POMPEO: Mm-hmm. QUESTION: — is my understanding, that Kim Jong-un is going to give a big speech there. What are you watching from in that speech? Are we expecting some sort of surprise out of North Korea next week? SECRETARY POMPEO: It is a big day. It’s something that’s an annual event where the leader of North Korea speaks to his people. We’ll watch very closely what he says. I don’t expect there’ll be great surprise, but I do hope that he will share his sentiment, his sentiment that says: We – I believe, as the leader of North Korea, I believe the right thing to do is for us to engage with the United States to denuclearize our country, and that we’ll have a brighter future for the North Korean people.  We hope that’s what he’ll talk about with his people, and we’ll be watching it very closely.
邀请规则——为庆祝美中关系40周年在美国大使官邸举办的网友招待会   竞赛主办方[1] 邀请参加招待会。  竞赛目标描述: 这次社交媒体大赛将邀请40位网友于2019年4月下旬参加在北京美国驻华大使官邸举办的招待会。比赛获胜者将由美国驻华使馆选出。(要了解谁有资格参加比赛,请见下面的“资格”部分。) 平台 本抽奖活动通过新浪微博举行。新浪微博不是本竞赛行政管理工作的合作伙伴。提醒参赛者注意,参赛并将内容上传到新浪微博就意味着他们需遵循新浪微博以及其中包括的与新浪微博的任何协议。 如何参赛 参赛者必须在4月14日(北京时间)晚上11:59之前在微博上使用两个标签#美中40年# #来大使家做客#发表自己撰写的帖子,并@朋友们,才有资格参加比赛。在帖子中,他们还必须分享一段关于美国的回忆,举一个他们最喜欢的、与美国有关联的例子,他们想要去旅行的美国目的地或与美国相关的其他内容。这些内容可以包括:最喜欢的美国电影或书籍、美国想去的地方、美国人对中国的访问、留学的故事、美国教师、合作的例子等等。 参加竞赛即被视为接受正式参赛规则。 活动竞赛4月2日上午8点开始。参赛者可于4月2日上午8点(北京时间)到 4月14日午夜11:59分(北京时间)参加。获奖者将由美国驻华使馆在4月15-4月19日之间决定。 内容要求 参赛资格  获胜者的选拔 将从发布原创帖子参加活动的人当中选出40位获胜者,每位获胜者可以携带1位同伴。获胜者将通过微博私信或电子邮件得到通知。若竞赛主办方无法与可能的获胜者取得联系,其获胜资格会被取消,并且可从剩下全部有资格的答案提交者中选出替补获胜者。 该招待会将在北京举行。美国大使馆不负责获奖者来往于北京和其实际居所之间的交通及食宿费用。 奖品 责任和权利 [1] 在整个竞赛规则中,“主办方”一词根据适当情况用来代表“单个”或“多个”主办方。
Official Written Invitation Rules – Netizen Reception in honor of 40th Anniversary of U.S. China Relations hosted at U.S. Ambassador’s Residence Contest Sponsors[1] Invitation to reception event. Description of the Contest This social media contest will invite 40 netizens to attend a reception which will take place in late April at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Beijing.  The contest winners will be selected by Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Beijing.  (See the “Eligibility” section below to find out who is eligible to be a contestant.) Platform(s) This contest is administered through Sina Weibo.  Sina Weibo is not a partner in the administration of the contest.   Contestants are reminded that by participating in the contest and uploading content to Sina Weibo, they are bound by Sina Weibo’s Terms of Service and any agreements with Sina Weibo contained therein. How to Enter Participants must post their own Weibo post by using two hashtags #美中四十年#  #来大使家做客# and tag their friends on Weibo before 11:59 pm, April 14 (Beijing time) to be eligible to enter the contest.  In the post they must also share a memory of the United States, an example of their favorite U.S. linked item, location they would like to travel in the U.S. or other connection with America.  These examples could include:  favorite American movie or book, location to visit in the United States, American visit to China, study abroad story, American teacher, example of cooperation, and similar. Participation in this contest is deemed as acceptance of these Official Contest Rules. The contest commences on April 2, 2019.  Posts may be submitted from 11:00 am, April 2 to 11:59 pm, April 14.  The winners will be selected by U.S. Embassy Beijing between April 15-19, 2019. Content Requirements Eligibility Selection of Winners Forty winners will be chosen from those who post original posts.  Each winner can bring one companion.  Winners will be contacted via private message or email message.  The inability of Contest Sponsors to contact a potential winner may result in disqualification and/or selection of an alternate winner from among all remaining eligible submissions. The reception will take place at the Ambassador’s residence in Beijing.  The U.S. Embassy will not cover accommodation and transportation costs from the place where the winner lives to Beijing. Prize(s) Liability and Rights [1] Throughout the contest rules, the term “sponsors” is used to represent either single or multiple sponsors, where applicable.
国务卿讲话:政府庆祝《人口贩运受害者保护法》获重新授权 2019年1月10日 美国东部标准时间下午12:13 媒体声明 国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥 华盛顿DC 2019年1月10日 周二,总统签署了四项法案中的最后一项,使之成为法律。这四项法案共同重新授权并重申了2000年《人口贩运受害者保护法》(TVPA)原法案中突破性的保护措施,巩固了美国在全球打击一切形式的人口贩运的工作基础。 自2000年以来,TVPA一直是联邦全面打击贩运工作的基石,它体现了两党以及立法-行政合作打击人口贩运。国务部发挥主导作用,执行此项立法,并在国内外推进这一国家安全优先事项,即打击包括债务奴役、家庭奴役以及非法招募和使用儿童兵在内的一切形式的性贩运和劳动力贩运。 经过此次重新授权,联邦机构有充分条件改善和扩大它们的工作。对于国务部而言,这包括敦促其他政府采取更多措施来确认受害者并为他们提供创伤知情护理——无论受害者是否是公民,以及采用以受害者为中心的方式起诉作恶者。我们还将继续与其他政府、非政府组织、企业、幸存者和信仰团体合作,吸取经验教训并贯彻已知可行的策略,阻止人口贩子、关爱幸存者以及从源头上防止罪行发生。现代奴隶制在世界上根本没有立足之地。
01/10/2019 12:13 PM EST Press Statement Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Washington, DC January 10, 2019   On Tuesday, the President signed into law the last of four bills that together reauthorize and reaffirm the ground-breaking protections of the original Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 and fortify the foundation of United States’ global efforts to combat all forms of human trafficking. Since 2000, the TVPA has served as the cornerstone of comprehensive federal anti-trafficking efforts, and it has exemplified bi-partisan and legislative-executive cooperation to combat trafficking in persons. The Department plays a leading role in implementing this legislation and in advancing the national security priority at home and abroad of fighting all forms of sex and labor trafficking, including debt bondage, domestic servitude, and the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. With this reauthorization, federal agencies are well-poised to both improve and expand their work. For the Department of State, this includes pressing other governments to do more to identify and provide trauma-informed care to victims – both citizens and non-citizens alike – and to prosecute the perpetrators using a victim-centered approach. We will also continue to partner with other governments, NGOs, businesses, survivors, and faith communities to build on lessons learned and implement proven strategies that stop traffickers, care for survivors, and prevent the crime from happening in the first place. Modern slavery simply has no place in the world.
白宫 华盛顿特区 2023年5月3日   新闻工作无罪——它是自由社会的根基。今天,在我们纪念世界新闻自由日(World Press Freedom Day)30周年之际,我们向所有勇敢地寻求事实真相的新闻工作者、新闻记者和媒体工作者致敬。而且我们再次承诺,要追究所有那些试图压制对于透明和值得信赖的政府治理至关重要的声音的人的责任。   正如美国宪法第一修正案(First Amendment)庄严阐明的,国会不得制定任何“剥夺言论自由或新闻出版自由”的法律。这是因为新闻自由是民主的一个支柱。它使我们的政府和我们的社会能够进行自我批评和自我纠正。它能进行教育、启迪、曝光和揭示。它是事实真相的守护者。 任何新闻记者——无论美国人与否——都不应在寻求事实真相时承担危及生命和生计的风险。今天,我想到埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich)和奥斯汀·泰斯(Austin Tice),心情沉重。任何家庭都不应承受我所目睹的他们的家人所承受的痛苦。但在全世界太多的地方,独裁统治者和他们的帮凶继续压制自由和独立的媒体——通过审查、报复、威胁、诉讼、骚扰、虚假信息、拘押和人身攻击等手段。 世界各地勇敢的新闻记者一次又一次地显示出他们不会被噤声或吓倒。美国看到了他们并与他们站在一起。这就是为什么我们正在提供比以往更多的资源来支持新闻记者的数字和人身安全培训——因为任何一名记者都不应因为他们所从事的工作而担心自己的生命安全。我们还与世界各地的合作伙伴共同努力启动一个新的基金,专门为新闻记者提供辩护律师。而且我们正在为促进信息完整性和韧力倡议(Promoting Information Integrity and Resilience Initiative)提供资金,这将有助于支持自由和独立的媒体,加强全球信息完整性,并帮助新闻记者尽可能安全地从事他们的工作。 今天——以及每一天——我们都必须与世界各地的新闻记者站在一起。我们都必须大声反对那些想压制他们的声音的人。我们都必须继续支持对我们的民主以及世界各地的民主体至关重要的新闻自由。   欲查看原稿内容: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/03/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-occasion-of-world-press-freedom-day-2023/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
MAY 03, 2023 Journalism is not a crime—it is fundamental to a free society. Today, as we mark the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, we honor all the journalists, reporters, and media workers who bravely pursue the truth. And, we renew our pledge to hold to account all those that seek to silence these voices essential to transparent and trustworthy governance. As enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution, Congress shall pass no law “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” That’s because a free press is a pillar of democracy. It allows our government and our society to be self-critical and self-correcting. It educates, illuminates, exposes, and uncovers. It serves as a guardian of truth. No journalist – American or not – should have to risk their lives and livelihoods in pursuit of that truth. Evan Gershkovich and Austin Tice weigh heavy on my mind today. No family should have to endure the pain I’ve seen their families bear. But in far too many places around the world, autocrats and their enablers continue to repress a free and independent media—through censorship, retribution, threats, lawsuits, harassment, disinformation, detention, and physical attacks. Courageous journalists around the world have shown time and again that they will not be silenced or intimidated. The United States sees them and stands with them. That’s why we’re providing more resources than ever to support digital and physical security training for journalists—because no reporter should fear for his or her life because of the work they do. We’re also working with partners around the world to launch a new fund dedicated to providing defense counsel to journalists. And we are providing funding to the Promoting Information Integrity and Resilience Initiative, which will help support a free and independent media, strengthen global information integrity, and help journalists do their jobs as safely as possible. Today—and every day—we must all stand with journalists around the world.  We must all speak out against those who wish to silence them. And we must all continue to support a free press that is essential to our democracy and democracies everywhere ###
DOS Seal 罗兴亚种族清洗两年后美国继续强烈要求采取行动 两年前,缅甸安全部队对数十万手无寸铁的男人、女人和儿童进行了残忍的攻击,这是对武装分子攻击若开邦北部安全哨所做出的极其不相称的回应。缅甸军方针对罗兴亚村民骇人听闻的暴行导致超过74万罗兴亚人大批逃往孟加拉国,其行径构成种族清洗。 过去70年间,在缅甸,军队侵犯缅甸人民人权的行径并不仅仅发生在若开邦。缺乏对军队的问责和文职监管意味着军队的侵权行径在若开邦以及克钦邦和掸邦还有缅甸的其他地方持续至今。我们呼吁有关各方尊重人权、允许人道主义援助不受阻碍的进入并进行政治对话以实现和平。 我们赞赏孟加拉国政府一直慷慨地收容这些难民。美国是应对罗兴亚危机的人道主义援助的主要贡献者,自2017年8月暴力爆发以来提供了约5.42亿美元。我们继续呼吁其他人加入我们,为该人道主义应对措施作出贡献。 我们的心与这些虐待行为的受害者以及被迫在孟加拉国避难的100多万难民同在。正义和问责制对于缅甸建立强有力、和平、安全和繁荣的民主的努力至关重要。我们继续呼吁其他国家支持推动司法和提供自愿返回条件的各项努力。 8月距离科菲·安南领导的若开邦咨询委员会的报告和建议的发布也已经有两年,其中许多内容涉及到对罗兴亚人的体制性歧视,这种歧视一直持续到今天。我们继续鼓励缅甸政府执行咨询委员会的建议,这些建议为缅甸和若开邦全体人民以及所有逃离者提供了向前的最佳途径。我们继续与国际组织合作,鼓励缅甸创造条件,使难民能够自愿、安全、有尊严和可持续地返回原籍地或自己选择的其他地方。
Two years ago, Burma’s security forces engaged in a brutal attack against hundreds of thousands of unarmed men, women, and children in a grossly disproportionate response to attacks by militants on security posts in northern Rakhine State. The Burmese military’s horrific atrocities against Rohingya villagers caused an exodus of more than 740,000 Rohingya to Bangladesh in actions that constituted ethnic cleansing. Rakhine State is not the only place in Burma where the military has committed violations of human rights against the Burmese people over the past seventy years. The lack of accountability and civilian oversight of the military means that military abuses continue today in Rakhine State, as well as Kachin and Shan States and elsewhere in Burma. We call upon all those involved to respect human rights, allow unhindered humanitarian access, and engage in political dialogue to pursue peace. We appreciate the Government of Bangladesh’s ongoing generosity in hosting these refugees. The United States is the leading contributor of humanitarian assistance in response to the Rohingya crisis, providing nearly $542 million since the outbreak of violence in August 2017. We continue to call on others to join us in contributing to this humanitarian response. Our thoughts are with the victims of these abuses and the more than one million refugees who have been forced to find refuge in Bangladesh. Justice and accountability are essential for Burma’s efforts to build a strong, peaceful, secure, and prosperous democracy. We continue to call on others to support efforts to promote justice and facilitate conditions for voluntary return. As August also marks the two years since the release of the Kofi Annan-led Advisory Commission on Rakhine State’s report and recommendations, many of which concern the institutional discrimination against Rohingya that continues to this day. We continue to encourage the Burmese government to implement the Advisory Commission’s recommendations, which offer the best path forward for Burma and all the people of Rakhine State, as well as all those who fled. We continue to work with international organizations to encourage Burma to create the conditions that would allow for the voluntary, safe, dignified, and sustainable return of refugees to their places of origin or other places of their choosing.
地点:中华人民共和国 事件:首次在中国武汉发现的冠状病毒(COVID-19)正处于持续暴发阶段。 中华人民共和国政府已经实施了更严格的筛查和隔离措施,以减少COVID-19的传播。旅行者应做好准备,旅行限制有可能会在几乎没有或没有提前通知的情况下生效。 国家/地方政府的措施:从即时起,北京市、上海市、广东省和四川省将要求近期曾前往“疫情严重”国家(包括韩国、日本、伊朗和意大利)的人在中国的设施中进行14天隔离,严格限制、或不允许旅行者在14天观察期内离开隔离区。 可采取的行动:  协助信息:
Location:  People’s Republic of China Event:  There is an ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) first identified in Wuhan, China. The government of PRC has implemented enhanced screening and quarantine measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice. State / local government actions:  Effective immediately, cities including Beijing and Shanghai, as well as Guangdong and Sichuan Provinces will require people who have recently visited countries with “severe outbreaks” (including South Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy) to be quarantined for 14 days in a Chinese facility, greatly restricting or eliminating the passengers ability to leave quarantine during the 14-day observation period. Actions to Take: Assistance:
供即刻发布 2023年8月29日,星期二 公共事务办公室 [email protected]   今天,美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多与中华人民共和国文化和旅游部部长胡和平举行会晤。会谈中,雷蒙多部长强调了人文交流对更广泛的美中双边关系的重要性。雷蒙多部长还谈到美国商务部与中国文化和旅游部为恢复美国作为中国团队旅游批准目的地所做的积极努力。此举将创造就业机会,促进两国经济增长,并增进两国人民和两国文化之间的了解。   会谈中,雷蒙多部长和胡部长同意于2024年上半年在中国举办第十四届中美旅游高层对话,旨在进一步重振和发展两国之间的旅游合作。 https://www.commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2023/08/readout-secretary-raimondos-meeting-minister-culture-and-tourism
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, August 29, 2023 Office of Public Affairs [email protected]   Today U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo met with Minister of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China Hu Heping. During the meeting, Secretary Raimondo underscored the importance of people-to-people exchange to the broader U.S.-China bilateral relationship. Secretary Raimondo also noted the positive efforts made by the Department of Commerce and Ministry of Culture and Tourism to restore the United States as an approved destination for Chinese group travel, which will create jobs and grow the economies of both countries, and foster better understanding between the people and cultures of the two nations.    In the meeting, Secretary Raimondo and Minister Hu agreed to hold the 14th China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit in China in the first half of 2024, aiming to further revive and develop tourism cooperation between the two countries.
克里姆林宫关于乌克兰东部的决定 美国东部标准时间2022年02月21日 下午04:54  安东尼·J·布林肯国务卿 我们强烈谴责普京总统承认所谓的“顿涅茨克人民共和国”和“卢甘斯克人民共和国”“独立”。正如我们在俄罗斯国家杜马初提此事时所说:这一决定全盘推翻了俄罗斯在明斯克协议下的承诺,直接违背了俄罗斯所称对外交途径的承诺,并且明显是对乌克兰主权和领土完整的侵犯。 各国有义务拒绝承认一个通过威胁或使用武力建立的“国家”,也有义务拒绝干扰他国的边境。俄罗斯的决定再次例证了普京总统公然无视国际法和和国际准则。 拜登总统将签署行政命令,禁止美国人与乌克兰所谓的“顿涅茨克人民共和国”和“卢甘斯克人民共和国”地区开展一切新的投资、贸易和融资往来。我们将继续与乌克兰以及我们的盟友和伙伴进行协调,采取恰当行动应对俄罗斯无端且不可接受的行动。总统行政命令旨在阻止俄罗斯通过其悍然违反国际法之举获利。该行政命令并非针对乌克兰人民或政府,并将允许上述地区的人道主义和其他相关活动继续开展。 我们坚定不移地支持乌克兰主权和领土完整,坚定不移地支持乌克兰政府和人民。我们与我们的乌克兰伙伴一起强烈谴责普京总统宣布的决定。
Kremlin Decision on Eastern Ukraine PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE FEBRUARY 21, 2022 We strongly condemn President Putin’s decision to recognize the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics” as “independent.”  As we said when the Duma first made its request: this decision represents a complete rejection of Russia’s commitments under the Minsk agreements, directly contradicts Russia’s claimed commitment to diplomacy, and is a clear attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. States have an obligation not to recognize a new “state” created through the threat or use of force, as well as an obligation not to disrupt another state’s borders.  Russia’s decision is yet another example of President Putin’s flagrant disrespect for international law and norms. President Biden will sign an Executive Order that will prohibit all new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics” regions of Ukraine. We will continue to coordinate with Ukraine and our Allies and partners to take appropriate steps in response to this unprovoked and unacceptable action by Russia. The E.O. is designed to prevent Russia from profiting off of this blatant violation of international law. It is not directed at the people of Ukraine or the Ukrainian government and will allow humanitarian and other related activity to continue in these regions. Our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as for the government and people of Ukraine is unwavering.  We stand with our Ukrainian partners in strongly condemning President Putin’s announcement.
美国国务院发言人内德·普赖斯 2022年4月25日 今天是第十一世班禅喇嘛根敦确吉尼玛的33岁生日,他于1995年5月17日在年仅六岁时遭中华人民共和国当局绑架,至今下落不明。班禅喇嘛是藏传佛教中第二受尊敬的人物。中华人民共和国继续拒绝让藏人社区成员接触由达赖喇嘛指定的班禅喇嘛。相反,他们继续推动一位由国家选定的代理人。 我们敦促中华人民共和国当局立即对根敦确吉尼玛的去向及是否安好作出解释,并按照中华人民共和国作出的国际承诺允许根敦确吉尼玛全面行使其人权和基本自由。美国支持藏人的宗教自由及其独一无二的宗教、文化和语言身份认同,包括藏人在不受政府干预的情况下按照自己的信仰选出、培养和敬拜如达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛这样藏人自己的领袖的权利。
PRESS STATEMENT NED PRICE, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON APRIL 25, 2022 Today marks the 33rd birthday of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama, who remains missing since PRC authorities abducted him as a six-year-old child on May 17, 1995.  The PRC continues to deny members of the Tibetan community access to the Dalai Lama-designated Panchen Lama, the second most revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism, and instead continues to promote a state-selected proxy. We urge PRC authorities to account for Gedhun Choekyi Nyima’s whereabouts and well-being immediately and to allow him to fully exercise his human rights and fundamental freedoms, in line with the PRC’s international commitments.  The United States supports Tibetans’ religious freedom and their unique religious, cultural, and linguistic identity, including Tibetans’ right to select, educate, and venerate their own leaders, like the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, according to their own beliefs and without government interference.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 即时发布 2021 年 12 月 16 日 安东尼·布林肯国务卿关于发布 《2020 年各国反恐怖主义报告》的讲话 国务院发布了《2020 年各国反恐怖主义报告》(CRT),该报告详细介绍了去年的反恐环境,履行了一项重要的国会要求。每年,CRT 都会就反恐斗争中的重要问题发表看法,并在我们寻求在全球范围内建立反恐能力和复原力的过程中帮助美国就政策、项目和资源分配做出明智的决定。 面临不断变化的威胁,CRT 概述了我们组织国际反恐努力的工作。2020 年报告重点介绍了多项成就,包括:我们努力扩大击败 ISIS 全球联盟的工作范围以关注新的地区、首次把基于种族或民族的暴力极端主义(REMVE)组织指定为恐怖主义组织、以及日益增多的国家把整个真主党视为恐怖组织。 CRT 还对我们面临的挑战进行了坦率的评估。该报告的统计信息附件显示,与 2019 年相比,2020 年恐怖袭击的次数和这些袭击造成的总死亡人数都增加了 10% 以上。在某种程度上,这些数字反映了 ISIS 分支机构和网络以及基地组织附属机构的蔓延,特别是在非洲。这份报告增加了一个新部分,专门阐述日益增加的来自 REMVE 团体的威胁,包括那些宣扬白人种族优越性的团体构成的威胁。 随着美国调整其反恐策略以适应不断变化的威胁,CRT 继续为评估全球恐怖主义格局提供了宝贵的信息。 我要感谢华盛顿和世界各地的国务院工作人员,他们为撰写《2020 年各国反恐怖主义报告》做出了贡献,并为保护美国人民免受恐怖主义威胁而不懈努力。 欲查阅《2020 年各国反恐怖主义报告》(英文):https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-2020/   欲查看原稿内容:https://www.state.gov/on-the-release-of-the-2020-country-reports-on-terrorism/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
On the Release of the 2020 Country Reports on Terrorism PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE DECEMBER 16, 2021 The Department of State has issued the 2020 Country Reports on Terrorism (CRT), which provides a detailed look at the counterterrorism environment last year, fulfilling an important Congressional mandate.  Each year, the CRT provides insight on important issues in the fight against terrorism and helps the United States make informed decisions about policies, programs, and resource allocations as we seek to build counterterrorism capacity and resilience around the globe. Amid a constantly changing threat landscape, the CRT provides an overview of how we are marshalling international efforts to counter terrorism.  Among the many accomplishments highlighted in the 2020 report are our efforts to expand the focus of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS to address new regions of concern, the first terrorist designation of a Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist (REMVE) group, and the growing number of countries that have recognized the whole of Hizballah as a terrorist organization. The CRT also offers a frank assessment of the challenges we face.  The report’s Annex of Statistical Information shows that both the number of terrorist attacks and the overall number of fatalities resulting from those attacks increased by more than 10 percent in 2020 compared with 2019.  These figures reflect, in part, the spread of ISIS branches and networks and al-Qa’ida affiliates, particularly in Africa.  The rising threat from REMVE groups, including those promoting the superiority of the white race, is addressed in a new section of the report for the first time. As the United States adapts its counterterrorism approach to keep pace with evolving threats, the CRT continues to serve as a valuable resource in assessing the global terrorism landscape. My thanks to the State Department employees in Washington and around the world who contributed to the 2020 Country Reports on Terrorism and work tirelessly to protect Americans from terrorist threats. The 2020 Country Reports on Terrorism are available here: https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-2020/
2021年11月15日(星期一)华盛顿,乔·拜登总统在白宫罗斯福室与中国主席习近平举行视频会晤。出席会晤的还有财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(右)以及国务卿安东尼·布林肯。(美联社图片/Susan Walsh) 拜登总统与中华人民共和国的习近平主席视频会晤纪要 2021年11月16日 11月15日,约瑟夫·R·拜登总统与中华人民共和国的习近平主席进行了视频会晤。两位元首讨论了我们两国之间关系复杂的本质,以及负责任地管控竞争的重要性。正如以前的讨论一样,两位元首谈到了我们利益一致的领域,以及我们的利益、价值观和视角相异的领域。拜登总统欢迎有机会就我们在一系列议题上的意图和优先事项与习主席进行坦诚而直接的对话。 拜登总统强调,美国将继续维护其利益和价值观,并且同我们的盟友和伙伴一起,确保21世纪的规则能够促进一个自由、开放、公平的国际体系。他强调了他对在国内进行影响深远的投资予以优先考量,同时,我们与外国盟友和伙伴保持一致,以应对我们这个时代的挑战。 拜登总统就中华人民共和国在新疆、西藏和香港,以及在更广泛的人权方面的做法提出了关切。他明确表示,需要保护美国工人和产业免受中华人民共和国不公平的贸易和经济做法的影响。他还讨论了一个自由和开放的印太地区的重要性,并表达了美国履行我们在该地区的承诺的持续决心。拜登总统重申了航行自由和飞越安全对该地区繁荣的重要性。关于台湾,拜登总统强调,美国仍然致力于《台湾关系法》、三个联合公报和六项保证指导下的 “一个中国 “政策,并强调美国强烈反对改变现状或破坏台湾海峡和平与稳定的单边行为。   拜登总统还强调了管控战略风险的重要性。他指出,需要有常识性的护栏,以确保竞争不致转变成冲突,并保持沟通渠道开放。他提出了双方利益相交的具体跨国挑战,如卫生安全。两位元首特别讨论了气候危机关乎世界存续的本质以及美国和中华人民共和国发挥的重要作用。他们还讨论了采取措施着手解决全球能源供应的重要性。两位元首还就关键的区域挑战交换了意见,包括朝鲜、阿富汗和伊朗。最后,他们讨论了双方如何就一些领域继续进行讨论。拜登总统强调了实质性的具体对话的重要性。
NOVEMBER 16, 2021•STATEMENTS AND RELEASES   President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met virtually on November 15 with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The two leaders discussed the complex nature of relations between our two countries and the importance of managing competition responsibly. As in previous discussions, the two leaders covered areas where our interests align, and areas where our interests, values, and perspectives diverge. President Biden welcomed the opportunity to speak candidly and straightforwardly to President Xi about our intentions and priorities across a range of issues. President Biden underscored that the United States will continue to stand up for its interests and values and, together with our allies and partners, ensure the rules of the road for the 21st century advance an international system that is free, open, and fair. He emphasized the priority he places on far-reaching investments at home while we align with allies and partners abroad to take on the challenges of our time. President Biden raised concerns about the PRC’s practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, as well as human rights more broadly. He was clear about the need to protect American workers and industries from the PRC’s unfair trade and economic practices. He also discussed the importance of a free and open Indo-Pacific, and communicated the continued determination of the United States to uphold our commitments in the region. President Biden reiterated the importance of freedom of navigation and safe overflight to the region’s prosperity. On Taiwan, President Biden underscored that the United States remains committed to the “one China” policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances, and that the United States strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. President Biden also underscored the importance of managing strategic risks. He noted the need for common-sense guardrails to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict and to keep lines of communication open. He raised specific transnational challenges where our interests intersect, such as health security. In particular, the two leaders discussed the existential nature of the climate crisis to the world and the important role that the United States and the PRC play. They also discussed the importance of taking measures to address global energy supplies. The two leaders also exchanged views on key regional challenges, including DPRK, Afghanistan, and Iran. Finally, they discussed ways for the two sides to continue discussions on a number of areas, with President Biden underscoring the importance of substantive and concrete conversations. ###
2021年9月23日 联合国总部 纽约州纽约市   布林肯国务卿:非常感谢你,爱尔兰总理(Taoiseach)。古特雷斯秘书长(Secretary-General Guterres),感谢你的出席,感谢你在气候问题上的领导作用。总理先生,非常感谢你召集今天的讨论,在安理会(Security Council)议程上将气候与安全联系起来。还要感谢你,和我们来自尼日尔的同仁一起从事爱尔兰和尼日尔正在气候与安全非正式专家小组(Informal Expert Group on Climate and Security)展开的重要工作。我还要称赞埃尔曼(Elman)女士非常有力的证词。我们很感激今天能听到。 从第一天开始,拜登总统就将解决气候危机作为本届政府的一项首要重点,包括指示我——以及我们每一位外交人员——确保它是美国对外政策的一个核心要素。我们正在考量我们所进行的每一次双边及多边接触——我们所做出的每一项政策决定——将如何影响我们让世界走上一条更安全、更可持续的道路的目标。 这不仅是因为气候变化给我们的绚丽星球造成的惨重的——在某些情况下不可逆转的——影响。这也是因为对于我们生活的几乎每个方面的连带效应,从农业到基础设施,从公共健康到粮食安全。我们已经听到有关其中一些问题的描述。 本月早些时候,就在我们今天集会的纽约市,飓风艾达(Hurricane Ida)的余威所引发的严重风暴造成数十人死亡,其中包括一名两岁的小男孩,并造成了数百亿美元的损失。中央公园(Central Park)在一个小时内的降雨量超过了3英寸,打破了短短几周前才创下的纪录。 环顾我们任何一个国家,你们都能看到类似的破纪录的极端天气事件。气候危机不是即将到来,而是已经来临。 它的影响正在显现出清晰的模式。其后果不成比例地影响着脆弱的、低收入人口。而且,在已经深受冲突、严重暴力和不稳定的地区,它们使状况更加恶化,人们的苦难进一步加深。 这些不断加剧的影响——还有上周发布的综合报告以及上个月发布的政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的全面报告——凸显了大幅削减我们的排放量以及针对将到来的不可避免的变化建设我们的抗御力的迫切需求。 这样做的方式之一是帮助其他人尽他们的一份力。4月份,拜登总统宣布美国将把我们对受气候危机影响最严重的发展中国家的公共国际融资翻倍。本周早些时候,就在联合国,他宣布我们将同美国国会一起努力把这个数字再翻一倍。我们敦促其他政府也进一步做出这些投资——特别是那些像美国一样的最大排放国家。 安理会也具有非常重要的作用——我想简要地提到三个方面。 首先,我们必须停止对于气候危机是否属于安理会范畴的争论,而是要问安理会能够如何运用它独特的力量来应对气候给和平安全带来的不良影响。上述争论早已应该停止。 环视今天几乎所有地方见到的对国际和平与安全的威胁——你会发现气候变化正在造成更多的不太平,更多的不安全,给我们的应对努力带来更大的挑战。这种情况出现在叙利亚、马里、也门、南苏丹、埃塞俄比亚,以及其他许多陷入冲突纠纷的地方。通过一致表明这个问题属于安理会,我们将向国际社会发出一个明确信息,即气候变化对我们的共同安全产生严重影响。 第二,联合国在实地使命中,应该一致把气候变化的效应纳入其计划和实施工作中,就像我们对联合国伊拉克援助团(UN Assistance Missions for Iraq)、联合国马里多层面综合稳定团(UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali),以及联合国西非和萨赫勒办事处(UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel)等使命作出授权一样。这样做将推进使命的工作;它将促进稳定;它将建设抗御能力。 第三,联合国系统应该进一步把与气候有关的分析纳入调解冲突和预防冲突的努力中,尤其是在脆弱的国家和冲突活跃的地区。联合国政治和建设和平事务部(UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs)2020年首次将气候安全纳入战略计划的决定以及气候安全机制(Climate Security Mechanism),都正是有非常积极意义的例子。 对任何对这些举措的功效持怀疑态度的人,我鼓励你们只需去问问联合国部队的指挥官,特使,谈判人员,从事和平建设的人,以及其他在实地每天工作中都要对付气候影响地人。他们渴望有更多这样的手段。 我今天集中谈的是气候危机带来的威胁。但是,让我在结束前说,如果仅从这一个角度看待它会是一个错误。 我们一致认为,为预防灾难性的后果,所有国家都必须采取立即的和大胆的行动,建设抗御能力,针对不可避免的影响作出调整,迅速朝净零排放的世界前进。这是我们对即将在几个星期后召开联合国气候变化大会(COP26)的共同责任。如果我们要使将地球升温幅度限于1.5摄氏度的目标得到实现,每一个国家都需要把自己尽可能最远大的雄心带到桌前。 但是,这些努力——以及它们需要我们大家给予的投资——也展现出前所有未的机会,可以让更多人用上支付得起的清洁能源;建造绿色基础设施;创造高薪工作——所有这些都可以刺激长期经济发展,扭转我们国内和国与国之间不断加大的不平等,给全球各地人的生活带来改善。 因此,虽然我们对威胁有清醒的认识,但是,让我们不要忽视这种一代才出现一次的全球机会。让驱动我们的不仅是对气候危机可能产生——而且已经产生——的各种破坏的恐惧,而且是对通过作出回应,实际上可以用各种方式给现在和未来创造更美好生活的憧憬。 非常感谢各位。 # # #
REMARKS ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE UN HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thank you very much, Taoiseach.  Secretary-General Guterres, thank you for your presence, thank you for your leadership on climate.  And Taoiseach, thank you so much for convening today’s discussion, for putting the connection between climate and security on the Security Council’s agenda.  And thank you as well, together with our colleagues from Niger, for the important work that Ireland and Niger are doing with the Informal Expert Group on Climate and Security.  I also want to applaud Ms. Elman’s very powerful testimony.  We’re grateful to have it today. From day one, President Biden has made addressing the climate crisis a top priority of our administration, including by directing me – and every one of our diplomats – to ensure it’s a core element of U.S. foreign policy.  We’re taking into account how every bilateral and multilateral engagement we have – every policy decision we make – will impact our goal of putting the world on a safer, more sustainable path. That’s not only because of the devastating – and in some instances, irreversible – implications of climate change for our majestic planet.  It’s also because of the cascading effects on virtually every aspect of our lives, from agriculture to infrastructure, from public health to food security.  And we’ve heard some of those described already. Right here in New York City where we’re gathered today, earlier this month, a punishing storm caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida killed dozens of people, including a two-year-old boy, and inflicted tens of billions of dollars in damage.  More than three inches of rain fell in Central Park in a single hour, breaking a record set only a few weeks earlier. Look at any one of our countries, you will see record-breaking extreme weather events like this.  The climate crisis isn’t coming.  It’s already here. And clear patterns are emerging in its impact.  The consequences are falling disproportionately on vulnerable and low-income populations.  And they’re worsening conditions and human suffering in places already afflicted by conflict, high levels of violence, instability. These mounting impacts – together with the synthesis report released last week and the comprehensive report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released last month – underscore the urgent need to dramatically cut our emissions and build our resilience for the inevitable changes to come. One way to do that is by helping others to do their part.  Back in April, President Biden announced that the United States would double our public international financing for developing countries most impacted by the climate crisis.  Earlier this week, here at the United Nations, he announced that we will work with the U.S. Congress to double that number again.  We urge other governments to step up in making these investments – particularly those, like the United States, that are the biggest emitters. The Security Council also has a vital role to play – in three ways that I’d like to briefly suggest. First, we have to stop debating whether the climate crisis belongs in the Security Council and instead ask how the Council can leverage its unique powers to tackle the negative impacts of climate on peace and security.  That’s an argument that should have been settled a long time ago. Look at almost every place where you see threats to international peace and security today – and you’ll find that climate change is making things less peaceful, less secure, and rendering our response even more challenging.  That’s the story of Syria, Mali, Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, many other places beset by strife.  By agreeing that the issue belongs here in the Security Council, we’ll also send a clear message to the international community of the serious implications that climate change has for our collective security. Second, UN field missions should consistently incorporate the effects of climate change into their planning and implementation, as was done in the mandates for the UN Assistance Missions for Iraq, the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, and the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel, among others.  Doing that will advance mission activities; it will foster stability; it will build resilience. Third, the UN system should further integrate climate-related analysis into its conflict mediation and conflict prevention efforts, particularly in fragile states and areas of active conflict.  The UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs decision to include climate security in its Strategic Plan for the first time in 2020 and the Climate Security Mechanism are very positive examples of just this. To any who doubt the merits of these steps, I’d just encourage you to just ask some of the UN force commanders, the special envoys, the negotiators, the peacebuilders, others who are out there grappling with the impacts of climate in their everyday efforts.  They are hungry for more tools like these. I’ve focused today on the threats posed by the climate crisis.  But let me just say in closing, it would be a mistake to view this only through that lens. We agree that to prevent cataclysmic consequences, all our nations must take immediate, bold actions to build resilience, to adapt to the unavoidable impacts, and move swiftly to a net-zero world.  That is our shared charge for COP26, which is now only weeks away.  And if we’re to keep within reach the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, every nation will need to bring their highest possible ambitions to the table. But these efforts – and the investments they will require from all of us – also present an unprecedented opportunity to expand access to affordable, clean energy; to build green infrastructure; to create good-paying jobs – all of which could be the spur to long-term economic growth, reverse growing inequities within and between our nations, improve the lives of people around the world. So even as we are clear-eyed about the threat, let’s not lose sight of this once-in-a-generation global opportunity.  Let’s be driven not only by the fear of all the damage the climate crisis can inflict – and already has inflicted – but also by the imagination of all the ways our response can actually make people’s lives better, now and into the future. Thank you very much.
2020年9月9日 美国东部夏令时间 下午07:08 发言人办公室 以下来自发言人摩根·奥特葛斯: 今天上午,国务卿迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥与来自17个国家的对口官员一起参加了第十届东亚峰会外长会议。蓬佩奥国务卿强调了美国支持开放、包容、透明的原则和尊重国际法。这些原则在我们整个印度-太平洋地区的愿景、东盟对这一地区的展望以及很多其他东亚峰会成员国的愿景中都得到了认同。 国务卿赞扬了东盟在应对COVID19大流行病方面的团结和透明度,并概述了美国为利用所有的可用资源开发安全、有效、可负担和可广泛获得的疫苗和治疗方法以抗击该病毒所作的努力。国务卿还强调了美国政府和私营部门与东盟国家结成伙伴关系促进经济复苏的承诺。 蓬佩奥国务卿与一些东盟国家和很多其他伙伴一道,对中华人民共和国在南中国海上咄咄逼人的行动表示关切。他重申,美国根据2016年仲裁庭的裁决,认为北京在南中国海的扩张性海事主张是非法的。蓬佩奥国务卿还与若干国家一起,对在香港实施全面的国家安全法、逮捕民主派学生、选举延迟一年及取消民主派选举候选人的资格等问题表示关切。 蓬佩奥国务卿与其他部长们一道呼吁在若开邦停止暴力及通过谈判解决不断升级的暴力事件,并要求朝鲜按照联合国安全理事会决议的要求,放弃其大规模毁灭性武器和弹道导弹计划。
READOUT OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus: Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo joined counterparts from 17 countries for the 10th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting this morning.  Secretary Pompeo highlighted U.S. support for principles of openness, inclusiveness, transparency, and respect for international law.  These principles are shared across our Indo-Pacific vision, ASEAN’s Outlook on the Indo Pacific, and the visions of many other EAS member states. The Secretary praised ASEAN unity and transparency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and outlined U.S. efforts to leverage all available resources to develop safe, effective, affordable, and widely available vaccines and therapeutics to fight against the virus.  He also underscored the U.S. commitment—both government and private sector—to partnering with ASEAN countries in economic recovery efforts. Secretary Pompeo joined several ASEAN countries and many other partners in raising concerns over the PRC’s aggressive actions in the South China Sea.  He reiterated that the United States, in line with the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal Award, regards Beijing’s expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea as unlawful.  Secretary Pompeo also joined several countries in raising concerns over the imposition of sweeping national security legislation on Hong Kong, the arrests of pro-democracy students, the year-long postponement of elections, and disqualification of pro-democracy electoral candidates. Secretary Pompeo, along with other ministers, called for a cessation of violence and a negotiated solution to escalating violence in Rakhine State, and for the DPRK to abandon its WMD and ballistic missile programs, as required by UN Security Council resolutions.
媒体声明 美国国务院发言人摩根•奥特葛斯 2020年2月15日  上周,在联邦和地方政府与私人组织和公司的共同努力下,新型冠状病毒爆发期间有17.8吨个人防护装备和医疗物资得以交付,八百余人得以从中国武汉撤离。  一些组织、公司和私人实体捐赠了救命的援助和物资。世界健康基金会(Project HOPE)收到并发放了由善普施(Samaritan’s Purse)、波音、耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)及山间医疗保健公司(Intermountain Healthcare) 提供的101货架个人防护装备和医疗物资。Kenneth Griffin先生慷慨捐款,支持美国国务院就应对新型冠状病毒爆发所做的努力。由于凤凰航空集团(Phoenix Air Group, Inc)和卡利塔航空(Kalitta Air LLC)员工的敬业奉献,撤离及物资交付任务得以安全完成。  美国国务院依然致力于与各组织和公司合作,应对这一致命病毒并促进世界各地美国公民的福祉。
PRESS STATEMENT MORGAN ORTAGUS, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON FEBRUARY 15, 2020  Last week, thanks to a joint effort of federal and local authorities and private organizations and companies, 17.8 tons of personal protection equipment and medical supplies were delivered, and more than 800 people were evacuated from Wuhan, China, amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.  A number of organizations, companies, and private entities donated life-saving aid and supplies. Project HOPE received and distributed 101 pallets of personal protection equipment and medical supplies provided by Samaritan’s Purse, Boeing, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Intermountain Healthcare. Mr. Kenneth Griffin made a generous monetary donation to support the Department’s efforts in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. The evacuation and delivery missions were safely completed thanks to the professional dedication of the staff of Phoenix Air Group, Inc. and Kalitta Air LLC.  The Department remains committed to partnering with organizations and companies to tackle this deadly virus and promote the welfare of U.S. citizens all around the world.
U.S. Consular Officer Danette Sullivan Speaking 来自《上海学生英文报》的27名学生记者来到了上海美国中心,与美国领事官员苏丹丽会面。在苏丹丽的简短介绍后,学生们对她开始了一次深入访谈,了解了美国非移民签证的相关知识。苏丹丽介绍了签证的不同类别、为不同类别的签证提交的相应材料、包括学生签证以及申请人在签证面试时应该准备点什么。她回答了学生们关于签证申请的问题,并就如何准备文件和面试提出了建议。
A total of 27 student youth reporters from Shanghai Student Post visited Shanghai American Center to meet with U.S. Consular Officer Danette Sullivan.  After a brief presentation by Sullivan, the students conducted a group an in-depth interview with her on U.S. non-immigrant visas.  Sullivan introduced the categories of visas that people often apply for, the materials they should submit for different categories of visas, including student visas, and what applicants should expect at visa interviews.  She answered students’ questions on visa applications and gave advice on how to prepare documents and for the interview.
2020年3月10日华盛顿——美国农业部长桑尼·珀杜(Sonny Perdue)今天宣布,中国继续就实施《美中第一阶段经贸协议》(U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement)取得进展,并进一步采取数项行动,兑现它与农业相关的承诺。这项协议于2020年2月14日生效,今天宣布的行动是对2月25日宣布的举措的增添。最新行动包括: 此外,中国新的排除关税程序于3月2日生效,进口商现在可申请免除报复性关税(“排除关税程序公告”[Tariff Exclusion Process Announcement])。美国农业部公布了中国有关参与最新一轮排除程序的指导说明的译文和分析(“美国农业部关于中国新一轮关税排除的报告”[USDA Report on China’s New Round of Tariff Exclusions])。2月28日,中国宣布对美国硬木产品的新的关税排除;这些排除是根据先前的排除程序(“美国农业部关于对美国硬木产品的关税排除报告” [USDA Report on Tariff Exclusions for U.S. Hardwood Products])宣布。美国农业部将继续密切注视中国对协议的实施。 珀杜部长说,“这些实施举措是有希望的步骤,显示中国正在采取措施兑现他们的采购承诺”。“在特朗普总统的领导下,这项协议将为整个经济带来积极收益,对我们的农业尤其如此。我们期待中国在今后岁月里继续实现他们的承诺”。
WASHINGTON, March 10, 2020 – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced today that China has continued its progress in implementing the U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement and has taken several additional actions to realize its agriculture-related commitments. The agreement entered into force on February 14, 2020, and the actions announced today build upon the measures announced on February 25. The most recent actions include: In addition, China’s new tariff exclusion process went into effect on March 2 and importers can now apply for exclusions from retaliatory tariffs (Tariff Exclusion Process Announcement). USDA has published a translation and analysis of China’s guidance for participating in this latest round of exclusions (USDA Report on China’s New Round of Tariff Exclusions). On February 28, China announced new exclusions of U.S. hardwood products; these exclusions were issued under the previous exclusion process (USDA Report on Tariff Exclusions for U.S. Hardwood Products). USDA will continue to closely monitor China’s implementation of the agreement. “These implementation measures are promising steps showing that China is taking steps to fulfill their purchase commitments,” Secretary Perdue said. “Under President Trump’s leadership, this agreement will produce positive gains for the entire economy, especially our agriculture sector. We look forward to China continuing to achieve their commitments in future months.”
 中国市场上可买到加州鳄梨 来自加州的鳄梨是一种美味又营养的东西,可以添加到吐司、沙拉和其他菜肴中。让我们听听布兰斯塔德大使的更多介绍吧!
 California avocados are available in China! Avocados from California are a delicious and nutritious thing to add to toast, salad, and other dishes. Let’s hear more from Ambassador Branstad!
人权捍卫者郭飞雄妻子张青过世   新闻稿 国务院发言人内德·普赖斯 2022年1月14日   我们对人权活动人士和捍卫者郭飞雄(又名杨茂东)妻子张青的过世表示哀悼。中华人民共和国(PRC)当局因郭飞雄为中国人民进行和平发声,多年来对他进行虐待、监禁、不断骚扰和监控,并禁止其出国。郭飞雄在2021年1月试图从上海搭机前往美国时被拘禁,目前禁止与外界接触。我们呼吁PRC立即给予郭飞雄人道援助,允许他前往美国与孩子团聚,悼念妻子的过世。   如同我们和其他国家一直以来所做的,我们敦促PRC履行对人权所做出的国际承诺,并停止利用任意拘禁和含政治动机的出境禁令。PRC必须停止惩罚人民,只因为他们行使人权和根本自由。
We offer our condolences following the passing of Zhang Qing, wife of Chinese human rights activist and defender Guo Feixiong (also known as Yang Maodong). The People’s Republic of China (PRC) authorities have subjected Guo to years of mistreatment, imprisonment, routine harassment and surveillance, and denied foreign travel for his peaceful advocacy on behalf of the Chinese people. Guo was detained in January 2021 when he attempted to board a plane from Shanghai to the United States and is currently being held incommunicado. We call on the PRC to immediately grant Guo humanitarian relief and allow his travel to the United States to be reunited with his children and grieve the passing of his wife. As we and other countries have consistently done, we urge the PRC to live up to its international commitments on human rights and end its use of arbitrary detentions and politically motivated exit bans. The PRC must stop punishing individuals for exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
美国国务院 发言人办公室 华盛顿特区 2023年3月31日   中华人民共和国继续削弱香港的司法独立和法治。过去一年来,中华人民共和国和香港当局进一步将异议定为犯罪,损害香港人民的人权和基本自由,瓦解受到承诺的香港自治。今天发布的《香港政策法报告》(Hong Kong Policy Act)记录了中华人民共和国和香港当局正在对公民社会、媒体和异议声音进行的持续镇压。   香港政府一直坚持实施国家安全法,并运用煽动叛乱法扼杀被视为是批评者的人的声音——据报告,有1200多人因他们的政治信念被拘留,其中许多人仍在审前拘押中。   我们敦促中华人民共和国当局恢复香港人受到保护的权利和自由,释放被不公正拘留或监禁的人,并在香港尊重法治和人权。   欲查看原稿内容: https://www.state.gov/hong-kongs-declining-rule-of-law/ 本译文仅供参考,只有英文原稿才可以被视为权威资料来源。
PRESS STATEMENT ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE MARCH 31, 2023 The People’s Republic of China (PRC) continues to erode Hong Kong’s judicial independence and the rule of law. This past year, PRC and Hong Kong authorities have further criminalized dissent, undermining the human rights and fundamental freedoms of people in Hong Kong and dismantling the city’s promised autonomy. The Hong Kong Policy Act report, released today, catalogs the facts of PRC and Hong Kong authorities’ ongoing crackdown on civil society, media, and dissenting voices. The Hong Kong government has persisted in its enforcement of the National Security Law and wielded a sedition law to silence perceived critics – with more than 1,200 people reportedly detained for their political beliefs, many of whom remain in pre-trial detention. We urge PRC authorities to restore Hong Kongers their protected rights and freedoms, release those unjustly detained or imprisoned, and respect the rule of law and human rights in Hong Kong.
2023年4月13日 美国东部夏令时 下午05:36 首席副发言人韦丹·帕特尔 今天,中华人民共和国江门市中级法院驳回了被不当拘押的美国国民马克·斯威丹的上诉,并维持了对他的死刑判决,缓期两年执行。我们对这一决定感到失望,并将继续敦促立即将其释放并让其返回美国。美国官员已反复向中华人民共和国高级官员表达了他们对斯威丹先生的待遇、医疗护理及其无法及时收发邮件的关切。拜登总统和布林肯国务卿继续亲自关注马克·斯威丹和其他在世界各地被不当拘押或被扣为人质的美国国民的获释问题。
PRESS STATEMENT VEDANT PATEL, PRINCIPAL DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON APRIL 13, 2023 Today the People’s Republic of China’s Jiangmen Intermediate Court denied wrongfully detained U.S. national Mark Swidan’s appeal, and upheld his death penalty with a two-year suspended death sentence.   We are disappointed by this decision and will continue to press for his immediate release and return to the United States.  U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed their concerns to senior PRC officials about Mr. Swidan’s treatment, medical care, and his inability to send or receive mail in a timely manner. President Biden and Secretary Blinken continue to remain personally focused on the release of Mark Swidan and other U.S. nationals wrongfully detained or held hostage across the world.
DOS Seal 发起由加拿大起草的《反对在国家关系中使用任意拘留手段的宣言》 2021年2月15日 美国东部标准时间 下午 12:07  国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯 我很荣幸参与发起这一重要的倡议,在今天与国际社会站在一起反对在国家关系中使用任意拘留手段。我祝贺加拿大发挥的领导作用,尤其是获得了如此多国家的支持。 国际人权公约禁止任意拘留。为了试图在国家关系中获得影响力而运用任意拘留时——正如太多国家所做的那样,任意拘留便是一种令人发指的侵犯所涉及个体人权的行径,并且是对国际外交准则的冒犯。支持本宣言的广大政府联盟发出明确讯息:历史仍然在人权和法治一边,而不是犬儒式地将法律当作政治工具加以使用。人类不是讨价还价的筹码。美国全心全意支持本宣言,并呼吁所有看法一致的国家共同努力,向从事此类拘留活动的国家施压,以终止这种做法, 释放那些在此类情况下被拘留的人,尊重法治和人权。
Launch of the Canadian-drafted “Declaration Against the Use of Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State Relations Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State I am honored to participate in the launch of this important initiative and to stand today with the international community against the use of arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations. I congratulate Canada on having led the way, especially for obtaining the endorsement of so many countries. Arbitrary detentions are prohibited under international human rights conventions. When they are used, as too many nations do, to try to obtain leverage in state-to-state relations, they are a heinous act against the human rights of the individuals in question, and are an affront to international diplomatic norms. The broad coalition of governments endorsing this declaration sends a clear message that history remains on the side of human rights and the rule of law – not the cynical use of law as a political tool. Human beings are not bargaining chips. The United States wholeheartedly endorses this declaration and calls on all like-minded countries to work together to pressure the nations that engage in such detentions to put an end to this practice, to release those detained under such conditions, and to respect the rule of law and human rights.
从中华人民共和国(包括香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区)进入美国的航空旅客需要进行 COVID-19 新冠病毒检测。 从美国东部时间 1 月 5 日 凌晨12:01 开始,美国疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 将要求从中华人民共和国(PRC)(包括香港和澳门特别行政区)飞往美国的两岁及以上旅客,在登机前向航空公司出示两日内新冠病毒阴性检测证明或者90天内新冠康复证明。此要求也将适用于从中国(包括香港特别行政区或澳门特别行政区)出发,通过第三国过境的旅客,以及通过美国转机前往其他目的地的旅客。 这些要求适用于所有航空旅客,无论其疫苗接种状况或国籍如何。 关注美国驻华使团和美国驻香港和澳门总领事馆的网站以及 CDC 旅行健康信息页面 ,了解最新的 COVID 19-旅行指南。 如果您在过去 10 天内没有去过中国,包括香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,则无需出示新冠病毒阴性检测结果或新冠康复证明文件。 CDC 要求非公民非移民旅客前往美国的疫苗接种证明的命令仍然有效。 如需更多信息,请参阅 CDC 网站关于航空旅客 COVID-19 疫苗接种证明要求。 请参阅 CDC 网站了解更多信息。 CDC指南 CDC 建议您在国际旅行前接种最新的 COVID-19 疫苗。 在旅行之前、期间和之后遵循 CDC 的所有建议。
COVID-19 Testing Required for Air Travelers Entering the United States from the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR. Effective January 5 at 12:01 Eastern Time, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will require a negative COVID-19 test result, taken within two days of departure, or proof of recovery from the virus within the last 90 days, for all travelers, age two years and older, to the United States on flights originating from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including the Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of Hong Kong and Macau. This requirement will also apply to persons traveling from the PRC, including Hong Kong SAR or Macau SAR, via third country transit and to passengers connecting through the United States onward to further destinations. These requirements apply to all air passengers regardless of vaccination status or nationality. Monitor the websites for the U.S. Mission in China and U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau and the CDC’s Travel Health Information page for the latest COVID 19- travel guidance. If you have not been present in the PRC, including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, in the preceding 10 days, you are not required to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19. CDC’s order requiring proof of vaccination for non-citizen nonimmigrants to travel to the United States is still in effect.  For more information see Requirement for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for Air Passengers on CDC’s website. Please see the CDC website for further information.  CDC Guidance The CDC recommends that you are up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccines before international travel. Follow all CDC recommendations before, during, and after travel.
密歇根州大急流城 2020年7月16日星期四 查看英文完整版:https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/attorney-general-william-p-barr-delivers-remarks-china-policy-gerald-r-ford-presidential/
Attorney General William P. Barr Delivers Remarks on China Policy at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Remarks as Prepared for Delivery Thank you, Andrew for that very kind introduction and for the excellent work that you and your team have done in protecting the people of the Western District of Michigan.  I would like to thank the leadership and staff of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum — especially Director Elaine Didier — for hosting today’s event.  I’d also like to offer a special thanks to the Ford Presidential Foundation and Executive Director Joe Calvaruso.  Even under normal circumstances, hosting an event can be a challenge, but these days, I know it is especially challenging.  Thank you for accommodating us.  I am also grateful to you, the audience, for honoring me with your presence today. It is a privilege to be here to speak about what may prove to be the most important issue for our nation and the world in the twenty-first century — that is, the United States’ response to the global ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party.  The CCP rules with an iron fist over one of the great ancient civilizations of the world.  It seeks to leverage the immense power, productivity, and ingenuity of the Chinese people to overthrow the rules-based international system and to make the world safe for dictatorship.  How the United States responds to this challenge will have historic implications and will determine whether the United States and its liberal democratic allies will continue to shape their own destiny or whether the CCP and its autocratic tributaries will control the future. Several weeks ago, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien spoke about the CCP’s ideology and global ambitions.  He declared, and I agree, that “[t]he days of American passivity and naivety regarding the People’s Republic of China are over.”[1]  Last week, FBI Director Chris Wray described how the CCP pursues its ambitions through nefarious and even illegal conduct, including industrial espionage, theft, extortion, cyberattacks, and malign influence activities.[2]  In the coming days, you will hear from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will sum up what is at stake for the United States and the free world.  I hope these speeches will inspire the American people to reevaluate their relationship with China, so long as it continues to be ruled by the Communist Party. It is fitting that we are here today at the Ford Presidential Museum.  Gerald Ford served at the highest echelons of our government at the dawn of America’s reengagement with the People’s Republic of China, which began with President Nixon’s historic visit in 1972.  Three years later, in 1975, President Ford visited China for a summit with PRC leaders, including Mao Zedong. At the time, it was unthinkable that China would emerge after the Cold War as a near-peer competitor of the United States.  Yet even then, there were signs of China’s immense latent power.  In the joint report of their visit to China in 1972, House Majority Leader Hale Boggs and then-Minority Leader Ford wrote:  “If she manages to achieve as she aspires, China in the next half century can emerge a self-sufficient power of a billion people …. This last impression—of the reality of China’s colossal potential—is perhaps the most vivid of our journey.  As our small party traveled through that boundless land, this sense of a giant stirring, a dragon waking, gave us much to ponder.”[3]  It is now nearly fifty years later, and the prescient ponderings of these two congressmen have come to pass. Deng Xiaoping, whose economic reforms launched China’s remarkable rise, had a famous motto: “hide your strength and bide your time.”[4]  That is precisely what China has done.  China’s economy has quietly grown from about 2 percent of the world’s GDP in 1980 to nearly 20 percent today.  By some estimates, based on purchasing power parity, the Chinese economy is already larger than ours.  The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, who has centralized power to a degree not seen since the dictatorship of Mao Zedong, now speaks openly of China moving “closer to center stage,” “building a socialism that is superior to capitalism,” and replacing the American Dream with the “Chinese solution.”[5]  China is no longer hiding its strength, nor biding its time.  From the perspective of its communist rulers, China’s time has arrived. The People’s Republic of China is now engaged in an economic blitzkrieg—an aggressive, orchestrated, whole-of-government (indeed, whole-of-society) campaign to seize the commanding heights of the global economy and to surpass the United States as the world’s preeminent superpower.  A centerpiece of this effort is the Communist Party’s “Made in China 2025” initiative, a plan for PRC domination of high-tech industries like robotics, advanced information technology, aviation, and electric vehicles.  Backed by hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies, this initiative poses a real threat to U.S. technological leadership.  Despite World Trade Organization rules prohibiting quotas for domestic output, “Made in China 2025” sets targets for domestic market share (sometimes as high as 70 percent) in core components and basic materials for industries such as robotics and telecommunications.  It is clear that the PRC seeks not merely to join the ranks of other advanced industrial economies, but to replace them altogether. “Made in China 2025” is the latest iteration of the PRC’s state-led, mercantilist economic model.  For American companies in the global marketplace, free and fair competition with China has long been a fantasy.  To tilt the playing field to its advantage, China’s communist government has perfected a wide array of predatory and often unlawful tactics: currency manipulation, tariffs, quotas, state-led strategic investment and acquisitions, theft and forced transfer of intellectual property, state subsidies, dumping, cyberattacks, and espionage.  About 80% of all federal economic espionage prosecutions have alleged conduct that would benefit the Chinese state, and about 60% of all trade secret theft cases have had a nexus to China. The PRC also seeks to dominate key trade routes and infrastructure in Eurasia, Africa, and the Pacific.  In the South China Sea, for example, through which about one-third of the world’s maritime trade passes, the PRC has asserted expansive and historically dubious claims to nearly the entire waterway, flouted the rulings of international courts, built artificial islands and placed military outposts on them, and harassed its neighbors’ ships and fishing boats. Another ambitious project to spread its power and influence is the PRC’s “Belt and Road” infrastructure initiative.  Although billed as “foreign aid,” in fact these investments appear designed to serve the PRC’s strategic interests and domestic economic needs.  For example, the PRC has been criticized for loading poor countries up with debt, refusing to renegotiate terms, and then taking control of the infrastructure itself, as it did with the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota in 2017.  This is little more than a form of modern-day colonialism. Just as consequential, however, are the PRC’s plans to dominate the world’s digital infrastructure through its “Digital Silk Road” initiative.  I have previously spoken at length about the grave risks of allowing the world’s most powerful dictatorship to build the next generation of global telecommunications networks, known as 5G.  Perhaps less widely known are the PRC’s efforts to surpass the United States in other cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence.  Through innovations such as machine learning and big data, artificial intelligence allows machines to mimic human functions, such as recognizing faces, interpreting spoken words, driving vehicles, and playing games of skill such as chess or the even more complex Chinese strategy game Go.  AI long ago outmatched the world’s chess grandmasters.  But the PRC’s interest in AI accelerated in 2016, when AlphaGo, a program developed by a subsidiary of Google, beat the world champion Go player at a match in South Korea.  The following year, Beijing unveiled its “Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Plan,” a blueprint for leading the world in AI by 2030.  Whichever nation emerges as the global leader in AI will be best positioned to unlock not only its considerable economic potential, but a range of military applications, such as the use of computer vision to gather intelligence. The PRC’s drive for technological supremacy is complemented by its plan to monopolize rare earth materials, which play a vital role in industries such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles, medical devices, and military hardware.  According to the Congressional Research Service, from the 1960s to the 1980s, the United States led the world in rare earth production.[6]  “Since then, production has shifted almost entirely to China,” in large part due to lower labor costs and lighter environmental regulation.[7] The United States is now dangerously dependent on the PRC for these materials.  Overall, China is America’s top supplier, accounting for about 80 percent of our imports.  The risks of dependence are real.  In 2010, for example, Beijing cut exports of rare earth materials to Japan after an incident involving disputed islands in the East China Sea.  The PRC could do the same to us. As China’s progress in these critical sectors illustrates, the PRC’s predatory economic policies are succeeding.  For a hundred years, America was the world’s largest manufacturer — allowing us to serve as the world’s “arsenal of democracy.”  China overtook the United States in manufacturing output in 2010.  The PRC is now the world’s “arsenal of dictatorship.” How did China accomplish all this?  No one should underestimate the ingenuity and industry of the Chinese people.  At the same time, no one should doubt that America made China’s meteoric rise possible.  China has reaped enormous benefits from the free flow of American aid and trade.  In 1980, Congress granted the PRC most-favored-nation trading status.  In the 1990s, American companies strongly supported the PRC’s accession to the World Trade Organization and the permanent normalization of trade relations.  Today, U.S.-China trade totals about $700 billion. Last year, Newsweek ran a cover story titled “How America’s Biggest Companies Made China Great Again.”[8]  The article details how China’s communist leaders lured American business with the promise of market access, and then, having profited from American investment and know-how, turned increasingly hostile.  The PRC used tariffs and quotas to pressure American companies to give up their technology and form joint ventures with Chinese companies.  Regulators then discriminated against American firms, using tactics like holding up permits.  Yet few companies, even Fortune 500 giants, have been willing to bring a formal trade complaint for fear of angering Beijing. Just as American companies have become dependent on the Chinese market, the United States as a whole now relies on the PRC for many vital goods and services.  The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a spotlight on that dependency.  For example, China is the world’s largest producer of certain protective equipment, such as face masks and medical gowns.  In March, as the pandemic spread around the world, the PRC hoarded the masks for itself, blocking producers — including American companies — from exporting them to countries in need.  It then attempted to exploit the shortage for propaganda purposes, shipping limited quantities of often defective equipment and requiring foreign leaders to publicly thank Beijing. China’s dominance of the world market for medical goods goes beyond masks and gowns.  It has become the United States’ largest supplier of medical devices, while at the same time discriminating against American medical companies in China.  China’s government has targeted foreign firms for greater regulatory scrutiny, instructed Chinese hospitals to buy products made in China, and pressured American firms to build factories in China, where their intellectual property is more vulnerable to theft.  As one expert has observed, American medical device manufacturers are effectively “creating their own competitors.”[9] America also depends on Chinese supply chains in other vital sectors, especially pharmaceuticals.  America remains the global leader in drug discovery, but China is now the world’s largest producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients, known as “APIs.”  As one Defense Health Agency official noted, “[s]hould China decide to limit or restrict the delivery of APIs to the [United States],” it “could result in severe shortages of pharmaceuticals for both domestic and military uses.”[10] To achieve dominance in pharmaceuticals, China’s rulers went to the same playbook they used to gut other American industries.  In 2008, the PRC designated pharmaceutical production as a “high-value-added-industry” and boosted Chinese companies with subsidies and export tax rebates.[11]  Meanwhile, the PRC has systematically preyed on American companies.  American firms face well-known obstacles in China’s health market, including drug approval delays, unfair pricing limitations, IP theft, and counterfeiting. Chinese nationals working as employees at pharma companies have been caught stealing trade secrets both in America and in China.  And the CCP has long engaged in cyber-espionage and hacking of U.S. academic medical centers and healthcare companies. In fact, PRC-linked hackers have targeted American universities and firms in a bid to steal IP related to coronavirus treatments and vaccines, sometimes disrupting the work of our researchers.  Having been caught covering up the coronavirus outbreak, Beijing is desperate for a public relations coup, and may hope that it will be able to claim credit for any medical breakthroughs. As all of these examples should make clear, the ultimate ambition of China’s rulers isn’t to trade with the United States.  It is to raid the United States.  If you are an American business leader, appeasing the PRC may bring short-term rewards.  But in the end, the PRC’s goal is to replace you.  As a U.S. Chamber of Commerce report put it, “[t]he belief by foreign companies that large financial investments, the sharing of expertise and significant technology transfers would lead to an ever opening China market is being replaced by boardroom banter that win-win in China means China wins twice.”[12] Although Americans hoped that trade and investment would liberalize China’s political system, the fundamental character of the regime has never changed.  As its ruthless crackdown of Hong Kong demonstrates once again, China is no closer to democracy today than it was in 1989 when tanks confronted pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square.  It remains an authoritarian, one-party state in which the Communist Party wields absolute power, unchecked by popular elections, the rule of law, or an independent judiciary.  The CCP surveils its own people and assigns them social credit scores, employs an army of government censors, tortures dissidents, and persecutes religious and ethnic minorities, including a million Uighurs detained in indoctrination and labor camps. If what happened in China stayed in China, that would all be bad enough.  But instead of America changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America.  As this Administration’s China Strategy recognizes, “the CCP’s campaign to compel ideological conformity does not stop at China’s borders.”[13]  Rather, the CCP seeks to extend its influence around the world, including on American soil. All too often, for the sake of short-term profits, American companies have succumbed to that influence—even at the expense of freedom and openness in the United States.  Sadly, examples of American business bowing to Beijing are legion. Take Hollywood.  Hollywood actors, producers, and directors pride themselves on celebrating freedom and the human spirit.  And every year at the Academy Awards, Americans are lectured about how this country falls short of Hollywood’s ideals of social justice.  But Hollywood now regularly censors its own movies to appease the Chinese Communist Party, the world’s most powerful violator of human rights.  This censorship infects not only versions of movies that are released in China, but also many that are shown in American theaters to American audiences. For example, the hit movie World War Z depicts a zombie apocalypse caused by a virus.  The original version of the film reportedly contained a scene with characters speculating that the virus may have originated in China.  (In the novel, Patient Zero is a boy from Chongqing.)  But the studio, Paramount Pictures, reportedly told producers to delete the reference to China in the hope of landing a Chinese distribution deal.  The deal never materialized. In the Marvel Studios blockbuster Dr. Strange, filmmakers changed the nationality of a major character known as the “Ancient One,” a Tibetan monk in the comic books, from Tibetan to Celtic.  When challenged about this, a screenwriter explained that “if you acknowledge that Tibet is a place and that he’s Tibetan, you risk alienating one billion people.”[14]  Or, he continued, the Chinese government might say “[w]e’re not going to show your movie because you decided to get political.”[15] These are just two examples of the many Hollywood films that have been altered, one way or another, to conform to CCP propaganda.  National Security Advisor O’Brien offered even more examples in his remarks.  But many more scripts likely never see the light of day, because writers and producers know not to even test the limits.  Chinese government censors don’t need to say a word, because Hollywood is doing their work for them.  This is a massive propaganda coup for the Chinese Communist Party. The story of the film industry’s submission to the CCP is a familiar one.  In the past two decades, China has emerged as the world’s largest box office.  The CCP has long tightly controlled access to that lucrative market—both through quotas on American films, imposed in violation of China’s WTO obligations, and a strict censorship regime.  Increasingly, Hollywood also relies on Chinese money for financing.  In 2018, films with Chinese investors accounted for 20 percent of U.S. box-office ticket sales, compared to only 3.8 percent five years earlier. But in the long run, as with other American industries, the PRC may be less interested in cooperating with Hollywood than co-opting Hollywood—and eventually replacing it with its own homegrown productions.  To accomplish this, the CCP has been following its usual modus operandi.  By imposing a quota on American films, the CCP pressures Hollywood studios to form joint ventures with Chinese companies, who then gain access to U.S. technology and know-how.  As one Chinese film executive recently put it, “[e]verything we learned, we learned from Hollywood.”[16]  Notably, in 2019, eight of the 10 top-grossing films in China were produced in China. Hollywood is far from alone in kowtowing to the PRC.  America’s big tech companies have also allowed themselves to become pawns of Chinese influence. In the year 2000, when the United States normalized trade relations with China, President Clinton hailed the new century as one in which “liberty will be spread by cell phone and cable modem.”[17]  Instead, over the course of the next decade, American companies such as Cisco helped the Communist Party build the Great Firewall of China—the world’s most sophisticated system for Internet surveillance and censorship. Over the years, corporations such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Apple have shown themselves all too willing to collaborate with the CCP.  For example, Apple recently removed the news app Quartz from its app store in China, after the Chinese government complained about coverage of the Hong Kong democracy protests.  Apple also removed apps for virtual private networks, which had allowed users to circumvent the Great Firewall, and eliminated pro-democracy songs from its Chinese music store.  Meanwhile, the company announced that it would be transferring some of its iCloud data to servers in China, despite concerns that the move would give the CCP easier access to e-mails, text messages, and other user information stored in the cloud. The CCP has long used public threats of retaliation and barred market access to exert influence.  More recently, however, the CCP has also stepped up behind-the-scenes efforts to cultivate and coerce American business executives to further its political objectives — efforts that are all the more pernicious because they are largely hidden from public view. As China’s government loses credibility around the world, the Department of Justice has seen more and more PRC officials and their proxies reaching out to corporate leaders and inveighing them to favor policies and actions favored by the Chinese Communist Party.  Their objective varies, but their pitch is generally the same: the businessperson has economic interests in China, and there is a suggestion that things will go better (or worse) for them depending on their response to the PRC’s request.  Privately pressuring or courting American corporate leaders to promote policies (or politicians) presents a significant threat, because hiding behind American voices allows the Chinese government to elevate its influence and put a “friendly face” on pro-regime policies.  The legislator or policymaker who hears from a fellow American is properly more sympathetic to that constituent than to a foreigner.  And by masking its participation in our political process, the PRC avoids accountability for its influence efforts and the public outcry that might result, if its lobbying were exposed. America’s corporate leaders might not think of themselves as lobbyists.  You might think, for example, that cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship is just part of the “guanxi” — or system of influential social networks—necessary to do business with the PRC.  But you should be alert to how you might be used, and how your efforts on behalf of a foreign company or government could implicate the Foreign Agents Registration Act.  FARA does not prohibit any speech or conduct.  But it does require those who are acting as the “agents” of foreign principals to publicly disclose that relationship and their political or other similar activities by registering with the Justice Department, allowing the audience to take into account the origin of the speech when evaluating its credibility.[18] These requirements are designed not to stifle your rights to free expression, which are protected by the First Amendment, but rather to ensure that the American public and their legislators can discern what or who is the true source of speech on matters of public concern. By focusing on American business leaders, of course, I don’t mean to suggest that they are the only targets of Chinese influence operations.  The Chinese Communist Party also seeks to infiltrate, censor, or co-opt American academic and research institutions.  For example, dozens of American universities host Chinese government-funded “Confucius Institutes,” which have been accused of pressuring host universities to silence discussion or cancel events on topics considered controversial by Beijing.  Universities must stand up for each other; refuse to let the CCP dictate research efforts or suppress diverse voices; support colleagues and students who wish to speak their minds; and consider whether any sacrifice of academic integrity or freedom is worth the price of appeasing the CCP’s demands. In a globalized world, American corporations and universities alike may view themselves as global citizens, rather than American institutions.  But they should remember that what allowed them to succeed in the first place was the American free enterprise system, the rule of law, and the security afforded by America’s economic, technological, and military strength. Globalization does not always point in the direction of greater freedom.  A world marching to the beat of Communist China’s drums will not be a hospitable one for institutions that depend on free markets, free trade, or the free exchange of ideas. There was a time American companies understood that.  They saw themselves as American and proudly defended American values. In World War II, for example, the iconic American company, Disney, made dozens of public information films for the government, including training videos to educate American sailors on navigation tactics.  During the war, over 90 percent of Disney employees were devoted to the production of training and public information films.  To boost the morale of America’s troops, Disney also designed insignia that appeared on planes, trucks, flight jackets, and other military equipment used by American and Allied forces. I suspect Walt Disney would be disheartened to see how the company he founded deals with the foreign dictatorships of our day.  When Disney produced Kundun, the 1997 film about the PRC’s oppression of the Dalai Lama, the CCP objected to the project and pressured Disney to abandon it.  Ultimately, Disney decided that it couldn’t let a foreign power dictate whether it would distribute a movie in the United States. But that moment of courage wouldn’t last long.  After the CCP banned all Disney films in China, the company lobbied hard to regain access.  The CEO apologized for Kundun, calling it a “stupid mistake.”[19]  Disney then began courting the PRC to open a $5.5 billion theme park in Shanghai.  As part of that deal, Disney agreed to give Chinese government officials a role in management.  Of the park’s 11,000 full-time employees, 300 are active members of the Communist Party.  They reportedly display hammer-and-sickle insignia at their desks and attend Party lectures during business hours. Like other American companies, Disney may eventually learn the hard way the cost of compromising its principles.  Soon after Disney opened its park in Shanghai, a Chinese-owned theme park popped up a couple hundred miles away featuring characters that, according to news reports, looked suspiciously like Snow White and other Disney trademarks. American companies must understand the stakes.  The Chinese Communist Party thinks in terms of decades and centuries, while we tend to focus on the next quarterly earnings report.  But if Disney and other American corporations continue to bow to Beijing, they risk undermining both their own future competitiveness and prosperity, as well as the classical liberal order that has allowed them to thrive. During the Cold War, Lewis Powell — later Justice Powell — sent an important memorandum to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  He noted that the free enterprise system was under unprecedented attack, and urged American companies to do more to preserve it.  “[T]he time has come,” he said, “indeed, it is long overdue—for the wisdom, ingenuity and resources of American business to be marshaled against those who would destroy it.”[20] So too today.  The American people are more attuned than ever to the threat that the Chinese Communist Party poses not only to our way of life, but to our very lives and livelihoods.  And they will increasingly call out corporate appeasement. If individual companies are afraid to make a stand, there is strength in numbers.  As Justice Powell wrote: “Strength lies in organization, in careful long-range planning and implementation, in consistency of action over an indefinite period of years, in the scale of financing available only through joint effort, and in the political power available only through united action and national organizations.”[21]  Despite years of acquiescence to communist authorities in China, American tech companies may finally be finding their courage through collective action.  Following the recent imposition of the PRC’s draconian national security law in Hong Kong, many big tech companies, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Zoom, and LinkedIn, reportedly announced that they would temporarily suspend compliance with governmental requests for user data.  True to form, communist officials have threatened imprisonment for noncompliant company employees.  We will see if these companies hold firm.  I hope they do.  If they stand together, they will provide a worthy example for other American companies in resisting the Chinese Communist Party’s corrupt and dictatorial rule. The CCP has launched an orchestrated campaign, across all of its many tentacles in Chinese government and society, to exploit the openness of our institutions in order to destroy them.  To secure a world of freedom and prosperity for our children and grandchildren, the free world will need its own version of the whole-of-society approach, in which the public and private sectors maintain their essential separation but work together collaboratively to resist domination and to win the contest for the commanding heights of the global economy.  America has done that before.  If we rekindle our love and devotion for our country and each other, I am confident that we—the American people, American government, and American business together—can do it again.  Our freedom depends on it. [1] Robert C. O’Brien, National Security Advisor, “The Chinese Communist Party’s Ideology and Global Ambitions,” June 24, 2020, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/chinese-communist-partys-ideology-global-ambitions. [2] Christopher A. Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, “The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States,” July 7, 2020, https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/the-threat-posed-by-the-chinese-government-and-the-chinese-communist-party-to-the-economic-and-national-security-of-the-united-states. [3] Hale Boggs & Gerald R. Ford, “Impressions of the New China,” H.R. Doc. No. 92-337, at 3 (1972), https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0358/035800376.pdf. [4] Evan Osnos, “Making China Great Again,” January 1, 2018, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/01/08/making-china-great-again. [5] Id.; Department of Justice, “Attorney General William P. Barr Delivers the Keynote Address at the Department of Justice’s China Initiative Conference,” February 6, 2020, https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-william-p-barr-delivers-keynote-address-department-justices-china. [6] Valerie Bailey Grasso, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” at 1 (2013), https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/R41744.pdf. [7] Id. [8] Bill Powell, “How America’s Biggest Companies Made China Great Again,” June 24, 2019, https://www.newsweek.com/how-americas-biggest-companies-made-china-great-again-1445325. [9] Rosemary Gibson et al., “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine,” at 124 (2018). [10] Hearing Exploring the Growing U.S. Reliance on China’s Biotech and Pharmaceutical Products Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Comm., 116 Cong., at 25 (2019) (written testimony of Christopher Priest, Principal Deputy, Deputy Assistant Director, Healthcare Operations Defense Health Agency), https://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/2019-10/July%2031,%202019%20Hearing%20Transcript.pdf. [11] U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Comm., “2019 Report to Congress,” 116 Cong., at 253 (2019), https://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/2019-11/2019%20Annual%20Report%20to%20Congress.pdf. [12] James McGregor, “China’s Drive for ‘Indigenous Innovation’—A Web of Industrial Policies,” at 6 (2010), https://www.uschamber.com/sites/default/files/documents/files/100728chinareport_0_0.pdf. [13] White House, “United States Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China,” at 5 (2020), https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/U.S.-Strategic-Approach-to-The-Peoples-Republic-of-China-Report-5.24v1.pdf. [14] Edward Wong, “‘Doctor Strange’ Writer Explains Casting of Tilda Swinton as Tibetan,” April 26, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/27/world/asia/china-doctor-strange-tibet.html. [15] Id. [16] Sean O’Connor & Nicholas Armstrong, Esq., “Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China: How China’s Censorship and Influence Affect Films Worldwide,” at 6 (2015), https://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/Research/Directed%20by%20Hollywood%20Edited%20by%20China.pdf. [17] James Griffiths, “The Great Firewall of China: How to Build and Control an Alternative Version of the Internet,” at 42 (2019). [18] Department of Justice, “The Scope of Agency Under FARA,” May 2020, https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/page/file/1279836/download. [19] David Barboza & Brooks Barnes, “How China Won the Keys to Disney’s Magic Kingdom,” June 14, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/business/international/china-disney.html. [20] Lewis F. Powell, Jr., “Attack on American Free Enterprise System,” at 9 (August 23, 1971), https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/assets/usa-courts-secrecy-lobbyist/powell-memo.pdf. [21] Id. at 11.
U.S. Department of State Seal 2019年美印“2+2”部长级对话的要点 2019年12月18日美国东部标准时间下午09:01 发言人办公室 迈克尔·R·蓬佩奥国务卿和国防部长马克·T·埃斯珀今天在华盛顿DC国务院共同接待了印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格和外交部长苏杰生博士参加第二次美印“2+2”部长级对话。双方重申了美国和印度之间不断增进的战略伙伴关系,其基础是民主价值观、共同的战略目标、强有力的人民间的联系以及对其公民实现繁荣的共同承诺。 在会谈中,蓬佩奥国务卿和他的对等官员重申了他们致力于共同努力以支持一个自由、开放和包容的印太地区的决心。双方同意加深合作应对区域和全球威胁,打击恐怖主义,协调救灾工作,培训维和人员,促进透明和可持续的基础设施以及海上安全。双方代表团还欢迎进一步加强人民间联系的新倡议,包括面向议员和年轻创新者的新交流项目,加强司法合作,扩大大学研究伙伴关系以及一项新的双边《科学与技术协定》。展望未来,双方承诺在水管理、海洋和太空领域进行新的合作。 国务卿和他的对等官员还讨论了扩大他们的21世纪防务伙伴关系的方式。他们欢迎通过以下方式得以实现的美印两军之间前所未有的合作程度:如首度三军联合军演“老虎凯旋”之类的强化军演、更多信息分享、扩大防务贸易、配置联络军官以及防务促进协议,包括近期达成的促进我们双方私营领域防务合作的协议。紧密的美印防务伙伴关系在12月17日辛格部长访问维吉尼亚州诺福克市时得到了全面展示,期间他在诺福克海军基地和欧西安纳海军航空基地参观了航空母舰并观看了战斗机演示。 辛格部长和苏杰生部长向美方发出邀请,参加下一次在印度主办的 “2+2”部长级对话。双方都期待下次会谈,并同意就已在进行中的一系列活动和倡议继续密切合作。
Highlights of 2019 U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue 12/18/2019 09:01 PM EST Office of the Spokesperson Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper today co-hosted Indian Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh and Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar for the second U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the Department of State in Washington, D.C.  The two sides reaffirmed the growing strategic partnership between the United States and India, which is grounded in democratic values, shared strategic objectives, strong people-to-people ties, and a common commitment to the prosperity of their citizens. During the meeting, Secretary Pompeo and his counterparts reaffirmed their commitment to work together in support of a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region.  The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation to address regional and global threats, combat terrorism, coordinate on disaster relief, train peacekeepers, promote transparent and sustainable infrastructure, and advance maritime security.  Both delegations also welcomed new initiatives to further strengthen people-to-people ties, including new exchange programs for Parliamentarians and young innovators, increased judicial cooperation, the expansion of university research partnerships, and a new bilateral Science and Technology Agreement.  Looking to the future, the two sides pledged new cooperative efforts in the areas of water management, oceans, and space. The Secretary and his counterparts also discussed ways to expand their 21st century defense partnership.  They welcomed the unprecedented levels of cooperation between the U.S. and Indian militaries, made possible through enhanced exercises such as the first-ever tri-service TIGER TRIUMPH exercise, greater information sharing, expanded defense trade, placement of liaison officers, and defense enabling agreements, including a recently concluded agreement to promote defense collaboration between our private sectors.  The close U.S.-India defense partnership was on full display during Minister Singh’s visit to Norfolk, VA, on December 17, during which he participated in an aircraft carrier tour and fighter aircraft demonstration at Naval Station Norfolk and Naval Air Station Oceana. Ministers Singh and Jaishankar extended an invitation to the U.S. side to host the next 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in India.  Both sides looked forward to the next meeting and agreed to continue close cooperation on the range of activities and initiatives already underway.