int64 1
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1,269 | Curiously, though, mobile phone service is much stronger here than along many other stretches of the route, e.g. the Pennsylvania Wilds. | Qizig'i shuki, bu yerda mobil telefon xizmati, boshqa ko'p yo'nalishlarga qaraganda, masalan, Pensilvaniya Uayldzdan ko'ra ancha kuchliroq. |
1,270 | There were also toilets in ancient Egypt, Persia and China. In Roman civilization, toilets were sometimes part of public bath houses where men and women were together in mixed company. | Qadimgi Misr, Forslar davlati hamda Xitoyda ham hojatxonalar bor edi. Rim sivilizatsiyasida, hojatxonalar ba'zida ayollar hamda erkaklar aralash bo'lgan jamoat hammomlarining bir bo'lagi edi. |
1,271 | Nature-based tourism attracts people interested in visiting natural areas for the purpose of enjoying the scenery, including plant and animal wildlife. | Tabiatga asoslangan turizm tabiat, jumladan, o'simliklar hamda hayvonlarning yovvoyi hayotidan zavqlanish maqsadida tabiiy hududlarga tashrif buyurishga qiziquvchi kishilarni o'ziga jalb qiladi. |
1,272 | An example is visiting, photographing, and learning about organgatuangs in Borneo. | Misol, Borneoga tashrif buyurib orangatuanglarni suratga olish va ularni o'rganishdir. |
1,273 | Xinhua reported that government investigators recovered two 'black box' flight recorders on Wednesday. | Xinhua xabariga ko'ra, hukumat tergovchilari chorshanba kuni parvozning texnik tafsilotlarini yozib oluvchi ikkita "qora quti" moslamani tikladilar. |
1,274 | Looking decidedly rusty in the game against their southern sisters, South Africa however steadily improved as the tournament progressed. | O'yinda o'zlarining janublik opa-singil raqiblariga nisbatan zaif ko'ringan bo'lsa-da, Janubiy Afrika jamoasi turnir jarayonida barqarorlik bilan yaxshilanib bordi. |
1,275 | In contrast, animal foods (ants, termites, eggs) not only are easily digestible, but they provide high-quantity proteins that contain all the essential amino acids. | Bundan farqli o'laroq, mavjudot ozuqalar (chumolilar, termitlar, tuxumlar) nafaqat yengil hazm bo'ladi, balki ular muhim aminokislotalarning barchasini o'z ichiga olgan yuqori miqdordagi oqsillar bilan ham ta'minlaydi. |
1,276 | A doctor who worked at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will be charged with aggravated murder after her mother was found dead in the trunk of her car Wednesday, authorities in Ohio say. | Pensilvaniya shtati Pittsburg shahridagi bolalar shifoxonasida ishlagan shifokor chorshanba kuni onasi uning avtomobili yukxonasidan o'lik holda topilgandan keyin, og'irlashtiruvchi holatlarda qotillik sodir etishda ayblanmoqda, deb xabar beradi Ogayo shtati rasmiylari. |
1,277 | If you want some small though rich pastries, try what depending on region are called Berliner, Pfannkuchen or Krapfen. | Agar siz kichik, lekin sut, shakar va yogʻ qoʻshilagan pishiriqlarni xohlasangiz, hududga qarab Berliner, Pfannkuchen yoki Krapfen deb ataluvchi pishiriqni sinab ko'ring. |
1,278 | To understand the Templars one must understand the context that prompted the creation of the order. | Tampliyerlarni tushunish uchun ordenni yaratishga turtki bo'lgan muhitni tushunish zarur. |
1,279 | After a week of losses in the midterm election, Bush told an audience about the expansion of trade in Asia. | Oraliq saylovlardagi bir haftalik yo'qotishlardan keyin, Bush ommaga Osiyoda savdo-sotiqning kengayishi to'g'risida so'zlab berdi. |
1,280 | Plans for vaccines to be delivered to the historically most affected areas this year were delayed due to lack of funds and low prioritisation relative to other diseases. | Tarixiy jihatdan eng ko'p zararlangan hududlarga vaksinalar yetkazib berish bo'yicha rejalar bu yil mablag' yetishmasligi va boshqa kasalliklarga nisbatan ahamiyat past bo'lganligi sababli kechiktirildi. |
1,282 | Germany was a common enemy in World War 2, leading to cooperation between the USSR and USA. With the end of the war the clashes of system, process and culture led to the countries falling out. | Germaniya Ikkinchi jahon urushida SSSR bilan AQSH o'rtasidagi hamkorlikka sababchi bo'lgan umumiy dushman edi. Urush tugashi bilan tizim, taraqqiyot jarayoni hamda madaniyat to'qnashuvlari davlatlarni o'zaro nizoga boshladi. |
1,283 | This provides us with a lot of information and material to build simulation models which help us to understand processes in our mind. | Bu bizni ongimizdagi jarayonlarni tushunishga ko'maklashadigan simulyatsiya modellarini yaratish uchun ko'plab ma'lumotlar hamda materiallar bilan ta'minlaydi. |
1,284 | It is not something to be ashamed of: it is no different from the personal fears and dislikes of other things that very many people have. | Bu uyaladigan narsa emas: bu juda ko'p odamlarda bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa narsalarni yoqtirmaslik va shaxsiy qo'rquvlaridan bo'lak narsa emas. |
1,286 | An up-bow usually generates a softer sound, while a down-bow is stronger and more assertive. | Yuqori tor odatda yumshoqroq tovushni, pastki tor esa kuchliroq va shiddatliroq tovushni hosil qiladi. |
1,287 | There are also a few buses going north to Hebron, the traditional burial place of the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives. | Shimolga, Injilda keltirilgan payg'ambarlar Ibrohim, Is'hoq, Yoqub va ularning rafiqalari dafn qilingan an'anaviy joy — Xervonga boruvchi bir nechta avtobuslar ham bor. |
1,288 | Books and magazines dealing with wilderness survival are common, but publications dealing with war zones are few. | Sahroda omon qolishga oid kitob va jurnallar keng tarqalgan, biroq urush hududlariga oid nashrlar kam. |
1,289 | Sharks do exist, however they rarely attack humans. Most sharks are scared of humans and would swim away. | Akulalar mavjud, biroq ular kamdan-kam hollarda odamlarga hujum qiladi. Ko'pchilik akulalar odamlardan qo'rqadi va uzoqroqqa suzib ketishadi. |
1,290 | For news on tournaments and where to buy tickets for polo matches, check Asociacion Argentina de Polo. | Polo o'yinlari uchun chiptalarni qayerdan xarid qilish mumkinligi va turnirlar haqidagi yuzasidan yangiliklar uchun Argentina de Polo Assotsiatsiyasiga murojaat qiling. |
1,291 | The community irritation led to current efforts to draft a policy regarding sexual content for the site which hosts millions of openly-licensed media. | Jamiyat g'azablanishi millionlab ochiq litsenziyali media joylashtirilgan sayt uchun jinsiy kontentga oid siyosat loyihasini tayyorlash bo'yicha joriy harakatlarga olib keldi. |
1,292 | Every morning, people leave small country towns in cars to go their workplace and are passed by others whose work destination is the place they have just left. | Har kuni ertalab odamlar avtomobillarda kichik shaharlarni tashlab ishga ketishar ekan, ular hozirgina ketgan joyda ishxonalari bo'lgan odamlar bilan kesishadilar. |
1,293 | Parisians' abrupt exteriors will rapidly evaporate if you display some basic courtesies. | Agar siz bir oz iltifot qilsangiz, parijliklarning keskin tashqi qiyofasi biz zumda g'oyib bo'ladi. |
1,294 | Also the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that there was no Tsunami indication. | Shuningdek, Tinch okeani sunamidan ogohlantirish markazi sunami alomati yo'q ekanligini aytdi. |
1,295 | Research has found that females are two times more likely to have MS then males. | Tadqiqotda ayollarning MS darajasini olish ehtimoli ikki marta balandligi aniqlandi. |
1,297 | If you find yourself resetting the clock in your sleep, it can be placed on the other side of the room, forcing you to get out of bed to turn it off. | Agar siz uyqudaligingizda soatni o'chirib qo'yayotgan bo'lsangiz, uni xonaning boshqa burchagiga qo'yishingiz mumkin, bu holda uni o'chirish uchun o'rningizdan turishingizga to'g'ri keladi. |
1,298 | Travelling by plane can be a scary experience for people of all ages and backgrounds, particularly if they've not flown before or have experienced a traumatic event. | Samolyotda safar qilish barcha yoshdagi va kelib chiqishdagi kishilar uchun qo'rqinchli tajriba bo'lishi mumkin, ayniqsa, ular oldin parvoz qilmagan yoki ruhiy shikast qoldirgan hodisani boshdan kechirgan bo'lsa. |
1,299 | Women did the cooking in the yard; stores were just open counters looking into the street. Stone was used for building houses. | Ayollar hovlida taom tayyorlashardi; do'konlar shunchaki ko'chaga qaragan ochiq peshtaxtalar edi. Uylarni qurish uchun tosh ishlatilgan edi. |
1,300 | Why would an organization want to go through the time consuming process of establishing a learning organization? One goal for putting organizational learning concepts into practice is innovation. | Ta'lim tashkiloti nima sababdan tashkillashtirish uchun ko'p vaqt talab qiladigan jarayondan o'tishni xohlar ekan? Tashkiliy ta'lim konsepsiyalarini amaliyotga tatbiq etishning bitta maqsadi — innovatsiyadir. |
1,301 | His research showed that if a hormone was administered it would speed up the baby's foetal lung maturation. | Uning tadqiqoti shuni ko'rsatdiki, agar garmon yuborilsa, u homila o'pkasining yetilishini tezlashtiradi. |
1,302 | Written on the back of the Declaration of Independence were the words "Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776". The text appears on the bottom of the document, upside down. | Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasi orqasida "1776-yil 4-iyuldagi Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasining asl nusxasi" so'zlari yozilgan. Ushbu matnni hujjatning pastki qismida teskari tarzda ko'rish mumkin. |
1,304 | For over a thousand years the Christian religion had bound European states together despite differences in language and customs. I | Xristian dini til va urf-odatdagi farqlarga qaramasdan, Yevropa davlatlarini ming yillar davomida bir-biri bilan bog'lab kelgan. |
1,305 | Yet, Spanish is also widely used in public transport and other facilities. | Biroq ispan tili ham jamoat transporti va boshqa muassasalarda keng qo'llaniladi. |
1,306 | European influence and colonialism began in the 15th century, as Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama found the Cape Route from Europe to India. | Portugaliyalik sayyoh Vasko da Gama Yevropadan Hindistonga Keyp yo'lini topganligi sababli 15-asrda Yevropa ta'siri hamda mustamlakachilik siyosati boshlandi. |
1,308 | German pastries are quite good, and in Bavaria, are quite rich and varied, similar to those of their southern neighbor, Austria. | Nemis xamir ovqatlari ancha yaxshi va Bavariyada janubiy qo'shnisi Avstriyaga o'xshab ancha boy va turfa xil. |
1,309 | They include the Netherlands, with Anna Jochemsen finishing ninth in the women's standing class in the Super-G yesterday, and Finland with Katja Saarinen finishing tenth in the same event. | Gollandiya ham ularning orasida, kecha Anna Yoxumsen Super-G ayollar toifasi bo'yicha to'qqizinchi o'rinni egalladi, Finlandiya esa shu musobaqada Katya Saarinen bilan o'ninchi o'rinda yakunladi. |
1,310 | After all, the leader is ultimately responsible for the success and failure of the team. | Yakunda esa yetakchi jamoa muvaffaqiyati hamda muvaffaqiyatsizligi uchun mas'uldir. |
1,311 | Resembling a television remote, the controller uses two sensors placed near the user's television to triangulate its position in three-dimensional space. | Televizor pultiga o'xshab, boshqaruv pulti foydalanuvchi televizori yaqinida joylashgan ikkita sensordan uning uch o'lchamli bo'shliqdagi joylashuvini aniqlash uchun foydalanadi. |
1,312 | Feel free to pencil in your own marks, but remember the printed bowing marks are there for a musical reason, so they should usually be respected. | o'z belgilaringizni qalamda chizishdan tortinmang, biroq yodda tuting, bosma kamoncha belgilari musiqiy maqsadda yozilgan, shu sababli ular odatda e'tiborga olinishi kerak. |
1,313 | He arrived in the US with 4 cents to his name, a book of poetry, and a letter of recommendation from Charles Batchelor (his manager in his previous job) to Thomas Edison. | U AQSHga o'z nomidagi 4 sent, she'riy kitob va Charlz Batchelordan (oldingi ish joyidagi ish boshqaruvchisi) Tomas Edisonga tavsiyanoma bilan kelgandi. |
1,314 | As long as you stay in this zone, you can generally cross borders without going through passport control checkpoints again. | Siz mazkur hududda bo'lsangiz, odatda yana pasport nazorati punktlaridan o'tmasdan chegaralarni kesib o'ta olasiz. |
1,315 | Winter sports are most popular in the Northern regions, with Italians competing in international games and Olympic events. | Qishki sport turlari Shimoliy mintaqalarda, Olimpiya o'yinlari va xalqaro o'yinlarda musobaqalashadigan italyanlar orasida juda mashhurdir. |
1,316 | Some roads have been damaged, railway service interrupted in the affected areas, and the Noto Airport in Ishikawa prefecture remains closed. | Zararlangan hududlarda ayrim yo'llarga zarar yetgan, temir yo'l xizmati uzilib qolgan hamda Ishikava prefekturasida joylashgan Note aeroporti yopiqligicha qolmoqda. |
1,317 | Subsistence agriculture is a simple, often organic, system using saved seed native to the ecoregion combined with crop rotation or other relatively simple techniques to maximize yield. | Yordamchi qishloq xo'jaligi — almashlab ekish bilan birga ekologik hududda saqlanib qolgan urug'lardan foydalanish yoki boshqa nisbatan oson texnikalar yordamida hosilni ko'paytiruvchi sodda, ko'p hollarda organik tizimdir. |
1,318 | Prime Minister Stephen Harper has agreed to send the government's 'Clean Air Act' to an all-party committee for review, before its second reading, after Tuesday's 25 minute meeting with NDP leader Jack Layton at the PMO. | Bosh vazir Stiven Xarper hukumatning "Toza havo haqidagi qonuni"ni uning ikkinchi o'qilishidan avval seshanba kuni NDP yetakchisi Jek Leyton bilan PMOdagi 25 daqiqalik uchrashuvdan keyin barcha partiyalar qo'mitasiga ko'rib chiqish uchun jo'natishga rozilik bildirdi. |
1,319 | The Sphinx is set as the backdrop and the narrator of a long story. | Sfinks fon va uzun hikoya aytib beruvchi sifatida gavdalantiriladi. |
1,320 | South Shetland Islands, discovered in 1819, are claimed by several nations and have the most bases, with sixteen active in 2020. | 1819-yili kashf etilgan Janubiy Shetlend orollariga bir necha mamlakat da'vogarlik qiladi va u eng ko'p bazaga ega bo'lib, 2020-yilda ularning o'n oltitasi faol. |
1,321 | Apia was founded in the 1850s and has been the official capital of Samoa since 1959. | Apia shahriga 1850-yillarda asos solingan hamda 1959-yildan buyon Samoaning rasmiy poytaxti hisoblanadi. |
1,322 | Danius said, "Right now we are doing nothing. I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies. For now, that is certainly enough." | Danius "Biz hozirda hech nima qilmayapmiz. Men uning yaqin hamkoriga qo'ng'iroq qildim hamda elektron xatlar yubordim va do'stona javoblar oldim. Hozircha, shuning o'zi yetarli", dedi. |
1,323 | But the consumer market on laptop computer will be radically varied and changed after ASUS was awarded in the 2007 Taiwan Sustainable Award by Executive Yuan of the Republic of China. | Biroq ASUS 2007-yilgi "Tayvan barqarorlik mukofoti" taqdirlash marosimida Xitoy Respublikasi boshqaruvchisi Yuan tomonidan taqdirlanganidan keyin noutbuk kompyuterlari iste'molchilari bozori nihoyatda xilma-xil bo'ladi va o'zgaradi. |
1,324 | This gives them a wider range of small places to hide from predators. | Bu ularga yirtqichlardan yashinirish uchun kengroq ko'lamdagi kichik hududlarni taqdim etadi. |
1,325 | We call this process speciation, which just means the formation of new species. Speciation is an unavoidable consequence and a very important part of evolution. | Bu jarayonni tur hosil bo'lishi deb ataymiz, bu shunchaki yangi turlarning shakllanishini anglatadi. Tur hosil bo'lishi evolyutsiyaning muqarrar oqibati va juda ahamiyatli qismidir. |
1,326 | In 1989 he helped create The Simpsons with Brooks and Groening, and was responsible for hiring the show's first writing team. | 1989-yili u Brooks va Gryoning bilan birgalikda The Simpsons serialini yaratishga yordam berdi va u shouning birinchi yozuvchilar jamoasini yaratishga mas'ul edi. |
1,327 | Backpacking by ski: This activity is also called backcountry ski, ski touring or ski hiking. | Chang'i alpinizmi: Bu mashg'ulot ovloq yerlarda chang'ida uchish, chang'i safari yoki chang'i sayri deb ham ataladi. |
1,328 | He even suggests that such abilities in interpreting human behavior may be shared by animals such as domestic dogs. | U hattoki odam xulq-atrvorini talqin qilishdagi bunday qobiliyatlar uy itlari kabi hayvonlar tomonidan o'zlashtirilgan bo'lishi mumkin deb taxmin qilgan. |
1,329 | Siminoff said sales boosted after his 2013 appearance in a Shark Tank episode where the show panel declined funding the startup. | Siminoffning aytishicha, shou komissiyasi startapni moliyalashtirishni rad etganidan keyin 2013-yili "Shark Tank" epizodidagi ko'rinishidan so'ng savdo hajmi oshib ketgan. |
1,330 | Commons Administrator Adam Cuerden expressed his frustration over the deletions when he spoke to Wikinews last month. | Parlamentning quyi palatasi ma'muri Adam Kuerden o'tgan oyda Wikinews bilan suhbatida o'chirishlardan ranjiganini aytdi. |
1,331 | While project based learning should make learning easier and more interesting, scaffolding goes a step beyond. | Loyihaga asoslangan ta'lim o'rganishni osonroq va qiziqarli qilsa, ko'mak chegaralardan ham oshadi. |
1,332 | These relationships help in planning, design, and operations of roadway facilities. | Mazkur munosabatlar yo'l obyektlarini rejalashtirish, loyihalash hamda eksplutatsiya qilishga ko'maklashadi. |
1,333 | All these things and more highlight Ontario as what is considered quintessentially Canadian by outsiders. | Bularning barchasi va boshqalar Ontarioni xorijliklar tomonidan tipik kanadalik sifatida ko'rilishini urg'ulaydi. |
1,334 | This can be easily done by using a relatively quiet alarm clock to bring you to consciousness without fully waking you. | Sizni to'liq uyg'otmasdan xushingizga keltirish uchun birmuncha sokin bo'lgan budilnikdan foydalanib, buni osongina bajarish mumkin. |
1,335 | This type of manager has difficulty making unpopular decisions, performing disciplinary action, performance evaluations, assigning responsibility, and holding people accountable. | Bu turdagi boshqaruvchilar yoqimsiz qarorlar qabul qilish, intizomiy choralarni ko'rish, ish sifatini baholash, vazifa tayinlash hamda kishilarni javobgarlikka tortishda qiynalishadi. |
1,336 | Hamilton confirmed Howard University Hospital admitted the patient in stable condition. | Hamilton Xovard universiteti kasalxonasi barqaror holatdagi bemorni qabul qilganligini tasdiqladi. |
1,337 | France is the seventh country in the European Union to suffer this virus; following Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy. | Fransiya Avstriya, Germaniya, Sloveniya, Bolgariya, Gretsiya va Italiyadan so'ng, ushbu virsdan aziyat chekkan Yevropa Ittifoqidagi yettinchi mamlakatdir. |
1,338 | If the country you will be visiting becomes subject to a travel advisory, your travel health insurance or your trip cancellation insurance may be affected. | Agar siz tashrif buyurayotgan mamlakatda sayohatlarga oid ogohlantirishlar bo'lsa, bu sizning turistik tibbiy sug'urtangiz yoki sayohatni bekor qilinishingizga ta'sir qilishi mumkin. |
1,339 | The truck driver, who is aged 64, was not injured in the crash. | 64 yoshli yuk mashinasi haydovchisi halokatda jarohatlanmadi. |
1,340 | It was at this time that the transfer of the title of Fashion Capital from Constantinople to Paris was made. | Moda poytaxti unvonining Konstantinopoldan Parijga o'tishi aynan shu vaqtda yuz berdi. |
1,341 | They often have more autonomy than conventional team members as their teams may meet according to varying time zones which may not be understood by their local management. | Ularning jamoalari mahalliy boshqaruv tizimi tushunmasligi mumkin bo'lgan turli vaqt zonalariga ko'ra uchrashishi mumkinligi sababli ularda ko'pincha an'anaviy jamoalarga qaraganda ko'proq avtonomiya bo'ladi. |
1,342 | They are cooler than the surrounding surface in the day and warmer at night. they are cooler than the surrounding surface in the day and warmer at night t h e y | a r e | c o o l e r | t h a n | t h e | s u r r o u n d i n g | s u r f a c e | i n | t h e | d a y | a n d | w a r m e r | a t | n i g h t | 131520 FEMALE
1035 8573651690789519786.wav Comets may possibly have been a source of water delivery to the earth along with organic matter that can form proteins and support life. comets may possibly have been a source of water delivery to the earth along with organic matter that can form proteins and support life c o m e t s | m a y | p o s s i b l y | h a v e | b e e n | a | s o u r c e | o f | w a t e r | d e l i v e r y | t o | t h e | e a r t h | a l o n g | w i t h | o r g a n i c | m a t t e r | t h a t | c a n | f o r m | p r o t e i n s | a n d | s u p p o r t | l i f e | 144000 MALE
1175 5444351497862262560.wav Italy's national football, along with German national football team is the second most successful team in the world and were the FIFA World Cup champions in 2006. italy's national football along with german national football team is the second most successful team in the world and were the fifa world cup champions in 2006 i t a l y ' s | n a t i o n a l | f o o t b a l l | a l o n g | w i t h | g e r m a n | n a t i o n a l | f o o t b a l l | t e a m | i s | t h e | s e c o n d | m o s t | s u c c e s s f u l | t e a m | i n | t h e | w o r l d | a n d | w e r e | t h e | f i f a | w o r l d | c u p | c h a m p i o n s | i n | 2 0 0 6 | 195840 FEMALE
586 6694073681970422667.wav However, the first true telescopes were made in Europe in the late 16th century. however the first true telescopes were made in europe in the late 16th century h o w e v e r | t h e | f i r s t | t r u e | t e l e s c o p e s | w e r e | m a d e | i n | e u r o p e | i n | t h e | l a t e | 1 6 t h | c e n t u r y | 97920 MALE
16 10657690288189999248.wav Panama Papers" is an umbrella term for roughly ten million documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, leaked to the press in spring 2016. | Ular kunduzi atrofdagi yuzadan sovuqroq, tunda iliqroqdir. |
1,342 | They are cooler than the surrounding surface in the day and warmer at night. they are cooler than the surrounding surface in the day and warmer at night t h e y | a r e | c o o l e r | t h a n | t h e | s u r r o u n d i n g | s u r f a c e | i n | t h e | d a y | a n d | w a r m e r | a t | n i g h t | 83520 MALE
986 1179589707314604085.wav Most have involved people who work with poultry, but there is also some risk to birdwatchers. most have involved people who work with poultry but there is also some risk to birdwatchers m o s t | h a v e | i n v o l v e d | p e o p l e | w h o | w o r k | w i t h | p o u l t r y | b u t | t h e r e | i s | a l s o | s o m e | r i s k | t o | b i r d w a t c h e r s | 110400 MALE
940 5615995863953601630.wav Make sure you know what you can and cannot bring in and declare anything over the legal limits. make sure you know what you can and cannot bring in and declare anything over the legal limits m a k e | s u r e | y o u | k n o w | w h a t | y o u | c a n | a n d | c a n n o t | b r i n g | i n | a n d | d e c l a r e | a n y t h i n g | o v e r | t h e | l e g a l | l i m i t s | 132480 FEMALE
1463 8943036589905798133.wav A binary number can have only one of two values, i.e. 0 or 1, and these numbers are referred to as binary digits - or bits, to use computer jargon. a binary number can have only one of two values i.e. 0 or 1 and these numbers are referred to as binary digits or bits to use computer jargon a | b i n a r y | n u m b e r | c a n | h a v e | o n l y | o n e | o f | t w o | v a l u e s | i . e . | 0 | o r | 1 | a n d | t h e s e | n u m b e r s | a r e | r e f e r r e d | t o | a s | b i n a r y | d i g i t s | o r | b i t s | t o | u s e | c o m p u t e r | j a r g o n | 182400 MALE
679 4562905313991530021.wav Each country also has unique laws requiring what emergency items need to be in the car. each country also has unique laws requiring what emergency items need to be in the car e a c h | c o u n t r y | a l s o | h a s | u n i q u e | l a w s | r e q u i r i n g | w h a t | e m e r g e n c y | i t e m s | n e e d | t o | b e | i n | t h e | c a r | 115200 FEMALE
579 4957914118003281601.wav Cells are so basic and critical to the study of life, in fact, that they are often referred to as the building blocks of life". | Ular kunduzi atrofdagi yuzadan sovuqroq, tunda iliqroqdir. |
1,343 | Moreover, failure to do so has serious consequences: growth depression, malnutrition, and ultimately death. | Bundan tashqari bunday qila olmaslik quyidagi jiddiy oqibatlarga: depressiyaning ortishi, ozuqaviy moddalar yetishmasligi va nihoyat o'limga olib keladi. |
1,344 | Lions, cheetahs and leopards are sometimes shy and you will see them better with binoculars. | Sherlar, gepardlar va leopardlar ba'zan tortinchoq bo'ladi va siz ularni durbin orqali yaxshiroq ko'rasiz. |
1,345 | Though each country was 'Scandinavian', there were many differences between the people, kings, customs and history of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. | Garchi bu mamlakatlarning barchasi "Skandinaviya mamlakati" bo'lsada, Daniya, Shvetsiya, Norvegiya va Islandiya odamlari, shohlari, odatlar va tarixida ko'pgina farqlar mavjud edi. |
1,347 | Sort of like rolling a heavy cart up a hill. Splitting the nucleus up again then releases some of that energy. | Xuddi og'ir aravani tepalikka sudrab chiqishga o'xshaydi. Yadro bo'linishi bilan yana o'sha energiyaning bir qismi ajralib chiqadi. |
1,348 | Boating is a national pastime in Finland, with a boat to every seven or eight people. | Qayiqda suzish — Finlandiyada milliy ko'ngilochar mashg'ulotdir, har yetti yoki sakkiz kishiga bitta qayiq to'g'ri keladi. |
1,349 | Efforts to search for the crash site are being met by bad weather and harsh terrain. | Halokat sodir bo'lgan joyni qidirish harakatlari yomon ob-havo hamda qattiq yer sharoitlariga duch kelmoqda. |
1,350 | The definition has geographic variations, where the age limit might be shorter in places such as North America than in Europe. | Ta'rif yosh chegarasi Yevropadagidan pastroq bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan joylarda, masalan, Shimoliy Amerikada geografik farqlarga ega. |
1,351 | Both cyanuric acid and melamine were found in urine samples from pets that died after consuming contaminated pet food. | Ifloslangan uy hayvonlari ozuqasini iste'mol qilgandan so'ng vafot etgan uy hayvonlarining siydik namunalarida ham siyanurik kislota, ham melamin aniqlangan. |
1,352 | For some, understanding something about how aircraft work and what happens during a flight may help to overcome a fear which is based on the unknown or on not being in control. | Ba'zilar uchun samolyotning qanday ishlashi va uchish vaqtida nimalar bo'lishi haqida ayrim narsalarni tushinish noma'lum nazorat ostida bo'lish yoki bo'lmaslikdan kelib chiquvchi qo'rquvni yengishga yordam beradi. |
1,353 | No extra transport is being put on and overground trains will not stop at Wembley, and car parking and park-and-ride facilities are unavailable at the ground. | Qo'shimcha transport qo'yilmayapti va yerusti poyezdlari Uembli stansiyasida to'xtamaydi, avtomobillar parkovkasi va to'xtab turish joylari mavjud emas. |
1,354 | İzmir is the third largest city in Turkey with a population of around 3.7 million, the second biggest port after Istanbul, and a very good transport hub. | Izmir 3,7 millionga yaqin aholisi bilan Turkiyadagi uchinchi eng katta shahar, Istambuldan keyingi ikkinchi eng katta port va juda yaxshi transport markazi hisoblanadi. |
1,355 | Infectious diseases themselves, or dangerous animals that can injure or kill people by force, do not usually qualify as pests. | Yuqumli kasalliklarning o'zi yoxud kuch bilan insonlarni jarohatlashi yoxud halok qilishi mumkin bo'lgan xavfli hayvonlar odatda zararkunandalar toifasiga kiritilmaydi. |
1,356 | A person working in a garage near where the accident occurred said: "There were children waiting to cross the road and they were all screaming and crying." | Ko'ngilsiz hodisa yuz bergan joy yaqinidagi garajda ishlayotgan kishi: "U yerda yo'lni kesib o'tmoqchi bo'layotgan bolalar bor edi va ularning barchasi qichqirib yig'layotgandi" deb aytdi. |
1,357 | Pre-modern observatories are usually obsolete today, and remain as museums, or sites of education. | Hozirga qadar saqlangan rasadxonalardan odatda bugungi kunda foydalanilmaydi va muzeylar yoxud ta'lim maskanlari sifatida saqlanib qolmoqda. |
1,358 | One antibody cocktail, ZMapp, initially showed promise in the field, but formal studies indicated it had less benefit than sought in preventing death. | Antitanacha kokteyl ZMapp preparati dastlab bu sohada samaradorlik va'da qilgandi, biroq rasmiy tadqiqotlar uning o'limning oldini olish bo'yicha izlanishlarga qaraganda kamroq foyda keltirishini ko'rsatdi. |
1,359 | Minor cultures often vanish without leaving relevant historic evidence and fail to be recognized as proper civilizations. | Kichik madaniyatlar ko'p hollarda o'zidan tegishli tarixiy dalillar qoldirmay yo'q bo'lib ketadi va haqiqiy sivilizatsiya sifatida tan olinmaydi. |
1,360 | It is nearly impossible to exchange Falklands currency outside of the islands, so exchange money prior to leaving the islands. | Orollardan tashqarida Folklend valyutasini almashtirish deyarli imkonsiz, shu sababli pulni orollarni tark etishdan avval almashtirib oling. |
1,361 | It can be pulled into thin wire, which can be twisted and plaited. It can be hammered or rolled into sheets. | Uni burash va o'rish mumkin bo'lgan ingichka sim qilib tortsa bo'ladi. Uni bolg'a bilan urish yoki varaqlarga aylantirish mumkin. |
1,362 | Ocelots like to eat small animals. They will catch monkeys, snakes, rodents and birds if they can. Almost all of the animals that the ocelot hunts are far smaller than it is. | Otselotlar kichik hayvonlarni yeyishni yaxshi ko'radi. Agar imkoni bo'lsa, ular maymunlar, ilonlar, kemiruvchilar va qushlarni tutishadi. Otselot ovlaydigan hayvonlarning deyarli barchasi o'ziga qaraganda ancha kichik. |
1,363 | Rare fauna such as the European brown bear, wolf, eagle, owl, lynx, wild cat and capercaillie can be found there, along with many more common species | Bu yerdan ko'pgina keng tarqalgan turlar bilan qatorda qo'ng'ir ayiq, bo'ri, burgut, boyo'g'li, silovsin, yovvoyi mushuk va karqur kabi Yevropaning noyon faunasini topish mumkin. |
1,364 | The great majority of Hong Kong Island's urban development is densely packed on reclaimed land along the northern shore. | Gonkong orolidagi shaharsozlik taraqqiyotining katta qismi shimoliy sohil bo'ylab o'zlashtirilgan yerlarda zich joylashgan. |
1,365 | For instance, they didn't have corn, nor tomatoes, nor potatoes, nor cocoa, and no ancient Roman ever tasted a turkey. | Masalan, ular hech qachon makkajo'xori, pomidor, kartoshka, kakao yeb ko'rmagan va qadimgi rimliklarning birortasi ham kurkani tatib ko'rmagan. |
1,366 | Smaller tournaments and matches can also be seen here at other times of the year. | Yilning boshqa vaqtlarida bu yerda kichikroq musobaqalar va matchlarni ham ko'rish mumkin. |
1,367 | Singapore is generally an extremely safe place to be and very easy to navigate, and you can buy almost anything after arriving. | Singapur odatda nihoyatda xavfsiz joy hamda sayohat qilish uchun juda oson va kelganingizdan keyin deyarli hamma narsani xarid qilishingiz mumkin. |
1,368 | If they sent things by air freight, on some routes it may have taken days to get through unloading and customs. | Agar yuklarni havo transporti orqali yuborgan bo'lsalar, ayrim yo'nalishlarda yukni tushirish va bojxona jarayoni uchun bir necha kun vaqt talab qilinishi mumkin. |
1,370 | Chambers, an agnostic, argues that his lawsuit is "frivolous" and "anybody can sue anybody." | Agnostik Chembers uning da'vosi "mulohazasiz" va "har kim istalgan kishini sudga berishi mumkin", — deya ta'kidlaydi. |
1,371 | A moderate earthquake shook western Montana at 10:08 p.m. on Monday. | Dushanba kuni tungi soat 10:08 da g'arbiy Montanada o'rtacha silkinishdagi zilzila sodir bo'ldi. |
1,372 | Its status declined during the twelfth century mainly due to the fact that Crusaders had returned bearing gifts such as silks and spices that were valued more than what Byzantine markets offered. | Uning maqomi o'n ikkinchi asrda asosan salbchilar shoyi va ziravorlar kabi Vizantiya bozori taklif etadiganlaridan ko'ra ko'proq sovg'alar ko'targan holda qaytib kelganlari tufayli pasayib ketdi. |
1,373 | Turkey would also take over guarding captured ISIS fighters which, the statement said, European nations have refused to repatriate. | Bayonotda qayd etilishicha, Turkiya, shunigdek, Yevropa davlatlari yurtiga qaytarishdan bosh tortgan ISHID jangarilarini qo'riqlashni o'z zimmasiga oladi. |
1,374 | In 1994, this conflict led to the creation of the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic in eastern Moldova, which has its own government and currency but is not recognised by any UN member country. | Bu ziddiyat 1994-yilda Moldovaning sharqida o'z hukumati va valyutasiga ega bo'lgan, biroq BMTga a'zo mamlakatlarning hech biri tomonidan tan olinmagan Pridnestrovye Respublikasining yaratilishiga olib keldi. |
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