stringlengths 4
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int64 1
- The bowls came first and have to be dislodged\n\n- The bowl organizers control larges amounts of money. | 25 |
I didn't see that Gibson had a particular name for their version but they definitely have guitars sporting that same shape. | 23 |
I have a Trek 1000 and absolutely love it. | 12 |
I understand what you are going through.. | 8 |
She began as a basketball All-American, then won two track and field golds at the 1932 Olympics. | 23 |
\n\nThe main differences are 1) velocity -- light moves at about 1 foot per nanosecond while sound moves around 1 foot per 1/1000 second, and 2) that sound moving though a medium diffuses quite rapidly. | 52 |
sanfranciscoart.edu/ | 7 |
There are solid state (ruby, Nd:YAG), gas (nitrogen, helium-neon) and semiconductor (gallium-arsenide) lasers that come in a variety of wavelengths (colors) to choose from, again, depending on what you want to do with it. | 59 |
Another possible explanation would be a biological origin for the gas, potentially from colonies of microscopic organisms in the soil. | 22 |
Whenever you can trade 2 good players for 1 superstar player, it is a steal! | 19 |
everyone has different schedules, and each one is independent to one another depending on their own individual health. | 20 |
or can you thunder with a voice like His? | 10 |
When more answers are useful, it increases the usefulness of the service, which in turn "incentivizes" people to answer questions. | 28 |
\n\nBritney's was 48 hours, while Mrs. Gabor's was just a day. | 21 |
ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/alerts/optoutalrt. | 16 |
\n\nTurkey's "Americanness" was established by Benjamin Franklin, who had advocated for the turkey, not the bald eagle, becoming the national bird. | 31 |
userplane.com/apps/videoRecorder. | 7 |
Use the CONCATENATE function, with one of the arguments being ", "\n\nThe formula you end up with should look something like this:\n=CONCATENATE(D3,", ",D5) | 42 |
The finale of "M*A*S*H":\n\n'"Dallas," by the way, delivered an amazing 53.3 rating and 76 share with its "Who Shot JR?" | 39 |
Make an effort to strike up casual conversation, and talk about things that are in the moment. | 19 |
If you want something a little bigger, they suggest the Dell Ultrasharp 2005FPW 20.1" LCD. | 27 |
You can get plain red felt for $4.99, or a variety of more elaborate ones for a lot more. | 24 |
Los Angeles does have a public transit system, including the Metro Red Line and other light rail. | 19 |
I just didn't state it as eloquently. | 11 |
Here are my favorite mountain bike trails in the Bay Area:\n\n-Upper Stevens Creek which hooks up to the Montbello Preserve in the Cupertino/Saratoga Foothills\n-St. Joseph's Hill in Los Gatos\n-Fort Ord / Laguana Seca near Montery\n-Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz\n-Nisene Marks in Santa Cruz\n-Fremont Older in Cupertino/Saratoga | 84 |
\n\nShouldn't be a difference for medical or mechanical rankings. | 14 |
it's probably not a bad idea to stock up on the following: flashlight, battery powered radio (and batteries), non-perishable food (i.e. canned food and juices), non-electric can opener, bottled water, medications (both non-prescription and prescription if taking any regularly), first aid kit, paper plates, cups, and plastic utensils, toothbrushes, toothpaste, comb, brush, contact lens supplies, and feminine hygiene supplies, plastic garbage bags and ties, change of clothes and shoes, and an extra pair of prescription glasses if needed. | 115 |
Some cataclysmic change affecting the whole planet, if it doesn't kill the species completely, will certainly speed up the evolutionary process when you compare the human race a few generations either side of said event. | 42 |
\n\n"Renard, Renart Nom de personne d'origine germanique, Raginhard (ragin = conseil + hard = dur). | 32 |
\n\nThe last two parties really really impressed me, but I enjoyed the second one much more because my date and I shared a great enthusiasm for the party and dancing. | 34 |
The channels you want are: Fox Soccer channel (Premiership, bundesliga and Italian Serie A) Setanta (Chelsea TV and Champions League) Gol (SPanish and Latam Soccer) These are all available via Directv If you want to go to a pub the best is Mad dog in the fog in San Francisco, Fibbar Magees in Sunnyvale is good for lunch time champions league games. | 83 |
First load the add-in:\nTools > Add-Ins > Analysis Tool Pack\nthen find it:\nTools > Data Analysis & Choose Regression\nIf you need any more help mail me. | 39 |
\n\nIf you're trying to save money on a monthly basis, renting is usually cheaper, unless a) you might rent out one or more rooms, thus off-setting your out-of-pocket monthly expenses, or b) you can afford to put down a large down-payment. | 55 |
I recently backed up and restored a bunch of files using Roxio's Backup MyPC Deluxe, which was bundled with my copy of Easy Media Creator 7.5. | 34 |
I think there is a lag in new home sales and the closings in October really were under contract in Aug and September, thus November numbers should be down dramatically even after seasonal adjustment. | 37 |
In order to switch to a double compact, you need to replace a fair number of components, including the bottom bracket, cranks, rear derailleur (optional but highly recommended), front derailleur and possibly your left shifter. | 46 |
My vote's with Ayrton, he had a razor sharp focus that I haven't seen since, and F1 in the early 1990's was much more competitive than it is today. | 40 |
Yes, it is all taken care of by the gods in trivial knowledge panthenon of the discworld called Topaxi, God of certain mushrooms, and also of great ideas that you forgot to write down and will never remember again, and of people who tell other people the "dog" is "god" spelled backwards and think this is in some way revelatory (a little red god) | 80 |
well Black Woman (lovely):\nit`s because i get from Palenque the gallery`s web mail about Anatanael's, A.K.A El Tanò, information, i send to you there so you can do the rest, well "woman" get yourself to work. | 57 |
Atomic beta, for waxed skis, i dont care about unwaxed skis, atomic has good engineering behind their products\n\nand they also make downhills | 34 |
those other two are, in that the babies lungs are filled with embryonic fluid, but he isnt 'breathing' as we would thing of it. | 31 |
Right Click on "My Computer" and click "Manage" and go to the "Device Manager"\nthen from the menus choose "View--->Show Hidden Devices"\n\nu should notice a disable device called API something or something like that\n\nRight Click and "Enable" it\n\nClose the window and u should be ok | 68 |
If that still doesn't work, try connecting the wireless adapter to a laptop in the same location as your TiVo to make sure you actually have a signal. | 32 |
It makes them get a higher grade than they deserve and if the test is graded on a curve, your A- work can wind up being counted as a B+. | 33 |
\n\nBut again, I know some Universities that handle repairs in house as well, even giving out loaners while the repair happens, so it's worth it to find out what your school offers. | 40 |
(deepest oceans and seas)\ndot\n#1 Pacific Ocean (35,837 ft) (10,924 meters)\n#2 Atlantic Ocean (30,246 ft) (9,219 meters)\n#3 Indian Ocean (24,460 ft) (7,455 meters)\n#4 Caribbean Sea (22,788 ft) (6,946 meters)\n#5 Arctic Ocean (18,456 ft) (5,625 meters)\n#6 South China Sea (16,456 ft) (5,016 meters)\n#7 Bering Sea (15,659 ft) (4,773 meters)\n#8 Mediterranean Sea (15,197 ft) (4,632 meters)\n#9 Gulf of Mexico (12,425 ft) (3,787 meters)\n#10 Japan Sea (12,276 ft) (3,742 meters) | 182 |
Nevertheless, because the Marine Corps was part of the naval establishment, it had responsibility also for furnishing men to parts of the Navy assigned to the European and Mediterranean theaters and to the operations conducted there. | 40 |
I would suggest conducting a search in your area for "technical temp agencies" or contacting a local employment recruiter to ask about technical temp agencies in your locale. | 31 |
I would say its definately the interfacing, the competition to get points, the "levels", and the fact that someone may just tell you YOU ARE RIGHT! | 33 |
\n\nLaying on your back you can pull your knee to your chest, and then extend it, locking your knee holding the leg just over the ground.. | 32 |
\n\nI think it's entirely possible (seeing as how true to the book the previous two movies were as far as the characters go) that Psylocke would start out bad, and yet come into Xavier's fold. | 45 |
you might want to take a look on ebay to look for a real diamond ring or maybe a pawn shop will do it instead of a fancy jewerly store... | 33 |
Genetic defects can occur randomly, but the mother getting sick or having an unhealthly lifestyle during pregnacy could also cause birth defects like deafness. | 31 |
Or you haven't been listening to her needs and haven't changed your behavior and she might feel you'd be better off finding someone who likes what you like and allowing her to move on and be happy too. | 42 |
cmd=p/xcl/rec/sc-intro-outside)\n\nFinally, for a "low-cost" shopping cart that includes the full source code, try AspDotNetStorefront (http://www. | 41 |
\n\nYou could also email him saying that You did not mean exactly what went wrong, but yet making him understand that you are equal to all employess. | 32 |
no, it would be a terrible idea, even though the euro is doing good despite the fact that some of the nations that joined had poor economies, the majority of the economies that joined were well standing by themselves. | 43 |
If you include that this deception is propogated between two or more people, you've got a pretty good definition of conspiracy, as it is, it's most like a definition of fraud. | 39 |
And the Constitution forbids the making of any laws for OR against religion, which is pretty much the same thing as saying "all persons have freedom to worship as they please, and it's our job to make sure they keep that as a right." | 50 |
\n\nWhen separating, you say "Ilal liqoq ma us salamah" (Ee-lul-lee-qoc ma us sah-lah-muh). | 36 |
Some guys never figure out what they really want & others think that the sole aim in life is to have someone that will sleep with them on a regular basis. | 32 |
html (go to the bottom of the page for the contact info) - since they have the papers, they should be able to locate names of staff members, participants, etc. | 36 |
The best thing would be to pay as much off as you can every month (always pay more than the minimum) until you have little enough debt to get a loan. | 34 |
PS : Post Scriptum (after writing in Latin)\n\nCC : Carbon Copy\n\nBCC : Blind Carbon Copy\n\nThis "Carbon" originally comes from this "era" when we where using carbons on typewriters :-) | 49 |
The short answer to your question is that planets can exist in stable (though irregular) orbits around binary stars depending on the curvature of space in its orbit. | 31 |
My resolution, like it has been every year since I was thirteen (7 or 8 years ago)is to find a girl who likes me the way I am, is interesting, pretty, and who I can deeply trust and care about. | 49 |
\n\nThe Natural Resources Defense Council said their tests show mold spores at "extraordinarily high" levels which could easily trigger serious allergic or asthmatic reactions. | 34 |
Sounds like moles, go to the hardware store and get more traps, It is like a gian pouse trap you put it in their hole it catches and kills them. | 35 |
While the balding gene can be inherited from either parent, look at the men on his mother's side of the family to determine the future of his hairline. | 33 |
Because the MLB didn't want to suspend its season to let the professional players go to the olympics, in a manner similar to what the NHL does for the winter olympics. | 38 |
this may not be the song you were thinking of, but there is a song called "there's a santa who looks a lot like elvis," which is sung to the tune of "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas" and speaks of a santa at k-mart with blue suede shoes, and it is on the album "more twisted christmas" by bob rivers. | 77 |
\n\nAlso, be a "safe surfer"--don't visit websites of questionable reputation, and don't open every attachment your friends send you, as it may have been a virus that sent it in the first place! | 45 |
The current women’s record is 4:12.56 by Svetlana Masterkova of Russia, set on August 14, 1996 | 31 |
\n\nFor the Voice calls (FREE, PC to PC), the computger on each side needs microphone ability (built in to many newer laptops, or can be done with attaching a microphone). | 39 |
Sure you just need to complete a free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) This all you need to apply for fedral & state student grants. | 32 |
EcommerceStyle.com \nThen go over the tab "Marketing Tools" \nThen click on "Fax Thru Email"\n\nThat will take you step by step... | 36 |
The band is actually The Wallflowers, they are still together and have released a few ablums, most recently Rebel, Sweetheart released earlier this year. | 31 |
The custom of placing stones on a grave or gravestone may hearken back to the biblical custom of erecting a pile of stones over a grave as a marker. | 33 |
derivative of 5(sec(x)^2) with respect to sec(x) = 10(sec(x))\n\nderivative of 5(sec(x)^2) with respect to x = 10 * derivative of sec(x) with respect to x | 52 |
\n\nIt is possible for any of these to happen, and with some variance, but once again, it all boils down to the types of people involved. | 32 |
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, conquered the region in the 300s bc, but Macedonian control collapsed with Alexander’s death in 323. | 31 |
\n\nIf she feels the relationship is special and you don't then you have to ask yourself:\n\nDo I care about her or am I just interested in my own selfish pleasure? | 38 |
\n \n sSQLstring = Replace$(sSQLstring, "SOMETHING_I_AM_LOOKING_FOR", "REPLACEMENT_TEXT") ' replace the text\n qrydef. | 38 |
Suck halls, don't speak if you can, have ice cream, hot chocolate (though, not too hot), soup (not too hot), and anything liquidy or creamy. | 37 |
The above poster should have included this source, being that they quoted the site verbatim (see below) A search for those terms on that site will provide plenty of info. | 35 |
The flow of money is the building block of an economy, and people will keep money flowing fairly well on their own as long as there is a basic infrastructure, such as a set market place and day/time. | 42 |
I've had luck with Pauker, a Java program where you type in the vocabulary and definitions, then it tracks your progress, repeating terms you've missed... | 33 |
The difference between the two is that cable generally provides faster bandwith (download/upload speed), but is less secure than DSL, which provides each user with a unique IP (Internet Protocol)address. | 39 |
If you're awake, you expend the minor effort to keep it up--just the same way you don't fall down in a limp mass when you're awake, but would if suddenly shoved out of bed in your sleep. | 45 |
Lets see------"Trading you in for a new model" "I just need some space" "My dogs don't like you" just to name a few lol Sorry but some are just so lame--not the lines but the guys who said it. | 51 |
Usually the composition f natural gas is as follows:\nComponent Typical Analysis(mole %) Range(mole %)\nMethane 94.9 87.0 - 96.0\nEthane 2.5 1.8 - 5.1\nPropane 0.2 0.1 - 1.5 \niso - Butane 0.03 0.01 - 0.3\nnormal - Butane 0.03 0.01 - 0.3\niso - Pentane 0.01 trace - 0.14\nnormal - Pentane 0.01 trace - 0.04\nHexanes plus 0.01 trace - 0.06\nNitrogen 1.6 1.3 - 5.6\nCarbon Dioxide 0.7 0.1 - 1.0\nOxygen 0.02 0.01 - 0.1\nHydrogen trace trace - 0.02\n \nSpecific Gravity 0.585 0.57 - 0.62\nGHV(MJ/m3), dry* 37.8 36.0 - 40.2 | 254 |
2 Asperin 45 minutes before the test helped to relax my metabalism a little bit (make sure you don't have an aspirin allergy of course!) | 34 |
\n\nNow you will see a few permissions listed, you can set specific permissions on the file so it can only be read and not deleted or written to etc. | 33 |
If you are calling someone in Buenos Aires and are calling from the US, it would be 011-5411- and then an 8 digit number, most likely beginning with a 4 or a 5. | 44 |
i can suggest that you focus on other things, instead of constantly thinking of him in class why not focus more on your studies, enroll in music or art classes. | 33 |
(I know, I started that way several years ago.) I do recommend that any of those new to the industry consider your best areas of service before launching and specialize from the start. | 36 |
Yes, all a person has to do is repent (meaning turn away from sin/old lifestyle) and believe, even if they have been evil all of their life. | 34 |
Smaller PC vendors, such as Falcon-Northwest, VoodooPC, Monarch, and ABS are much better about being responsive to customers after the sale than Dell was here. | 37 |
Christ's teachings came directly from him (Gospels)aswell as other people like Paul (Whom Jesus spoke to after he went to take his place at the right hand side of God. | 39 |
Namely: 209 213 310 323 408 415 510 530 559 562 619 626 650 661 707 714 760 805 818 831 858 909 916 925 949 951 \n\nIf your friend lives in, say, Chinatown, Los Angeles, her Area Code would likely be 213 (Chinatown, San Francisco would be 415). | 92 |
Subsets and Splits