stringlengths 17
| question
stringlengths 6
| question_chinese
stringlengths 6
| chain
stringlengths 18
| result
stringlengths 1
| result_float
float64 -1,000
| equation
stringlengths 3
ape210k__00113067 | Both Dumb and Dumb have a lot of candies. At the beginning, the amount of Dumb's candy is (2/5) of the total of the two. After they each eat 30 pieces of candy, the amount of Dumb's candy becomes ( 4/11), how many pieces of candy do they have now? | 阿呆、阿瓜两人都有很多糖,开始时阿呆的数量是两人总数的(2/5),在两人各吃了30块糖之后,阿呆糖的数量变成了两人总数的(4/11),那么他们现在一共有多少块糖. | <gadget id="calculator">4 / 11</gadget>
<output>4/11 = around 0.363636</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(4/11) * 30 * 2</gadget>
<output>240/11 = around 21.818182</output>
<gadget id="calculator">30 - (240/11)</gadget>
<output>90/11 = around 8.181818</output>
<gadget id="calculator">2 / 5</gadget>
<output>2/5 = around 0.4</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(2/5) - (4/11)</gadget>
<output>2/55 = around 0.036364</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(90/11) / (2/55)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">30 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">225 - 60</gadget>
<result>165</result> | 165 | 165 | x=(30-4/11*30*2)/(2/5-4/11)-30*2 |
ape210k__00646979 | Five pencil cases cost 50 yuan, and the teacher has 150 yuan. How many pencil cases can you buy? | 5个铅笔盒50元,老师有150元,可以买几个这样的铅笔盒? | <gadget id="calculator">50 / 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">150 / 10</gadget>
<result>15</result> | 15 | 15 | x=150/(50/5) |
ape210k__00050520 | From 6:45 to 7:15, how many degrees does the minute hand on the clock face rotate clockwise? | 从6:45到7:15,钟面上的分针顺时针旋转了多少度. | <gadget id="calculator">360 / 12</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">30 * 6</gadget>
<result>180</result> | 180 | 180 | x=(360/12)*6 |
ape210k__01211757 | A corridor with a length of 14 meters and a width of 6 meters is to be paved with square bricks with an area of 4 square decimeters on the ground, how many such square bricks are needed. | 一条长14米、宽6米的走廊,要在地面上铺上面积是4平方分米的方砖,需要多少块这样的方砖. | <gadget id="calculator">14 * 10</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">6 * 10</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">60 / 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">140 * 15</gadget>
<result>2_100</result> | 2_100 | 2,100 | x=(14*10)*(6*10)/4 |
ape210k__00690611 | The result of 3x=15 is x=how much | 3x=15的结果是x=多少 | <gadget id="calculator">15 / 3</gadget>
<result>5</result> | 5 | 5 | x=15/3 |
ape210k__00285487 | A factory used to manufacture 1,600 machine parts, which is 20% less than it is now. How many parts are manufactured every day now? | 一个工厂原来制造机器零件1600个,比现在少20%,现在每天制造多少个零件? | <gadget id="calculator">20 / 100</gadget>
<output>1/5 = around 0.2</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/5)</gadget>
<output>4/5 = around 0.8</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1_600 / (4/5)</gadget>
<result>2_000</result> | 2_000 | 2,000 | x=1600/(1-20%) |
ape210k__00100966 | Students from five classes in grade six planted 100 trees in total. It is known that the number of trees planted in each class is different, and the ranking from the most to the least is exactly the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth classes. It is also known that the number of trees planted in the first class is the sum of the number of trees planted in the second and third classes, and the number of trees planted in the second class is the sum of the number of trees planted in the fourth and fifth classes, so how many trees can be planted at most in the third class? | 六年级五个班的同学共植树100棵.已知每个班植树的棵数都不相同,且按数量从多到少的排名恰好是一、二、三、四、五班.又知一班植的棵数是二、三班植的棵数之和,二班植的棵数是四、五班植的棵数之和,那么三班最多植树多少棵? | <gadget id="calculator">22 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">100 - 66</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">34 / 2</gadget>
<result>17</result> | 17 | 17 | x=(100-22*3)/2 |
ape210k__00659397 | There are 10 math competitions. 8 points for each correct answer, and 5 points deducted for each wrong answer. Xiaoxiu scored 41 points. How many questions did she get right? | 数学竞赛共10道.每做对道得8分,做错一道倒扣5分,小秀得了41分,她做对了几道题? | <gadget id="calculator">10 * 8</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">80 - 41</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">8 + 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">39 / 13</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">10 - 3</gadget>
<result>7</result> | 7 | 7 | x=10-(10*8-41)/(8+5) |
ape210k__00599177 | There are 695 students in Qianjin Primary School this year, an increase of (1/4) compared with last year. How many students were there last year? | 前进小学今年有学生695人,比去年增加了(1/4),去年有学生多少人? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 4</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 + (1/4)</gadget>
<output>5/4 = around 1.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">695 / (5/4)</gadget>
<result>556</result> | 556 | 556 | x=695/(1+(1/4)) |
ape210k__00395903 | A factory produced a batch of tents to support Yushu earthquake relief. On the first day, 1/4 of the total was produced, and on the second day, 30% of the total was produced. A total of 880 tents were produced in two days. How many tents are there in this batch? | 某厂为支援玉树抗震救灾赶制一批帐蓬,第一天生产了总数的(1/4),第二天生产了总数的30%,两天共生产了880顶.这批帐蓬有多少顶? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 4</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">30 / 100</gadget>
<output>3/10 = around 0.3</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(1/4) + (3/10)</gadget>
<output>11/20 = around 0.55</output>
<gadget id="calculator">880 / (11/20)</gadget>
<result>1_600</result> | 1_600 | 1,600 | x=880/((1/4)+30%) |
ape210k__01100511 | The school planted trees to green the campus. 190 trees survived and 10 died. What is the survival rate? | 学校栽树绿化校园,成活了190棵,死了10棵,成活率是多少 | <gadget id="calculator">190 + 10</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">190 / 200</gadget>
<output>19/20 = around 0.95</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">(19/20) * 1</gadget>
<output>19/20 = around 0.95</output>
<result>19/20 = around 0.95</result> | 19/20 | 0.95 | x=190/(190+10)*100% |
ape210k__00914953 | A person only remembers that his friend's phone number is 852309**, and he also remembers that the numbers are not repeated. If he wants to call his friend, how many times can he dial at most? | 某人只记得友人的电话号码是852309**,还记得各数字不重复,要拨通友人的电话,这个人最多拨多少次. | <gadget id="calculator">4 * 3</gadget>
<result>12</result> | 12 | 12 | x=4*3 |
ape210k__00584626 | The two sides of a triangle are 17 cm and 26 cm respectively, what is the longest cm of the third side? (rounded centimeters) | 一个三角形的两条边分别是17厘米和26厘米,第三条边最长是多少厘米?(取整厘米) | <gadget id="calculator">26 + 17</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">43 - 1</gadget>
<result>42</result> | 42 | 42 | x=(26+17)-1 |
ape210k__00434034 | If the order of operations of 25+60/5 is changed to add first and then divide, what should the formula be changed to? | 如果把25+60/5的运算顺序改成先算加法,再算除法,那么算式应改成多少. | <gadget id="calculator">25 + 60</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">85 / 5</gadget>
<result>17</result> | 17 | 17 | x=(25+60)/5 |
ape210k__01210213 | A football is 25% more expensive than a volleyball. It costs 48 yuan to buy a volleyball, how much does it cost to buy a football? | 一个足球比一个排球贵25%.买一个排球要48元,买一个足球要多少钱? | <gadget id="calculator">25 / 100</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 + (1/4)</gadget>
<output>5/4 = around 1.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">48 * (5/4)</gadget>
<result>60</result> | 60 | 60 | x=48*(1+25%) |
ape210k__00764419 | Xiao Ming went swimming on weekends and swam 3 round trips, a total of 300 meters. What is the length of this swimming pool? | 小明周末游泳,游了3个来回,共游300米,这个游泳池的长是多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">3 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">300 / 6</gadget>
<result>50</result> | 50 | 50 | x=300/(3*2) |
ape210k__00353456 | The "New Year's Day" shopping mall held promotional activities. Xiaohu bought a repeater for 350 yuan, which was 50 yuan cheaper than before. How much did the price of the repeater drop by? | "元旦"商场搞促销活动,小虎花350元买了一台复读机,比原来便宜了50元,复读机的价格降了百分之几? | <gadget id="calculator">350 + 50</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">50 / 400</gadget>
<output>1/8 = around 0.125</output>
<result>1/8 = around 0.125</result> | 1/8 | 0.125 | x=50/(350+50) |
ape210k__00544907 | The length of the part is 6 mm measured on a part drawing with a scale of 5:1. What is the actual length of the part? | 在一张比例尺为5:1的零件图纸上量得零件长6mm,该零件实际长度为多少. | <gadget id="calculator">5 / 1</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">6 / 5</gadget>
<output>6/5 = around 1.2</output>
<result>6/5 = around 1.2</result> | 6/5 | 1.2 | x=6/(5/1) |
ape210k__00076382 | A key opens a lock. Now there are 5 locks and corresponding 5 keys, but they are all messed up. How many times can you try to assign keys to all the locks? | 一把钥匙开一把锁.现在有5把锁和相应的5把钥匙,但是全都放乱了,最多试多少次,可以给锁全部配好钥匙. | <gadget id="calculator">4 + 3 + 2 + 1</gadget>
<result>10</result> | 10 | 10 | x=4+3+2+1 |
ape210k__00099892 | Five people A, B, C, D, and E take an exam with a full score of 100. A gets 94 points, B is the first, C is the average of A and D, and D is the average of the five. , E is 2 points more than C, and is the second place, how many points does B get? | A、B、C、D、E五人在一次满分为100分的考试中,A得94分,B是第一名,C得分是A与D的平均分,D得分是五人的平均分,E比C多2分,是第二名,则B得了多少分? | <gadget id="calculator">5 * 96</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">94 + 96</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">190 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">95 + 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">94 + 95 + 96 + 97</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">480 - 382</gadget>
<result>98</result> | 98 | 98 | x=5*96-(94+((94+96)/2)+96+(((94+96)/2)+2)) |
ape210k__00525544 | There are 210 graduates from Guangming Primary School, 1/15 of whom are admitted to key middle schools, and the rest are promoted to ordinary middle schools. How many people are admitted to ordinary middle schools? | 光明小学有毕业生210人,考入重点中学的占(1/15),其余升入普通中学,升入普通中学的有多少人? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 15</gadget>
<output>1/15 = around 0.066667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/15)</gadget>
<output>14/15 = around 0.933333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">210 * (14/15)</gadget>
<result>196</result> | 196 | 196 | x=210*(1-(1/15)) |
ape210k__00233408 | There are two barrels of oil, A and B, and the oil in barrel A is 174 kg more than that in barrel B. If 4 kg are taken from each of the two barrels, then (1/3) of oil in barrel A is equal to (1/2) of oil in barrel B. What is the total weight of the two barrels of oil in kilograms? | 有甲、乙两桶油,甲桶油比乙桶油多174千克,如果从两桶中各取出4千克,则甲桶油的(1/3)等于乙桶油的(1/2).原来两桶油共重多少千克. | <gadget id="calculator">3 / 1</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">174 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">4 - 174</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">522 + (-170)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">522 + 4 + 352</gadget>
<result>878</result> | 878 | 878 | x=174*(3/1)+4+(174*(3/1)+4-174) |
ape210k__00219006 | A number, when divided by 3, the remainder is 1, when divided by 4, the remainder is 2, when divided by 5, the remainder is 3, when divided by 6, the remainder is 4, do you think there is such a number? If so, please find the smallest one. | 一个数,除以3余1,除以4余2,除以5余3,除以6余4,你说有这样的数吗?若有,请找出最小的那一个. | <gadget id="calculator">2 * 2 * 3 * 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">60 - 2</gadget>
<result>58</result> | 58 | 58 | x=(2*2*3*5)-2 |
ape210k__00235281 | A toy is now priced at 18 yuan, which is 10% lower than the original price. How much is the reduction? | 一种玩具现在售价18元,比原来降低了10%,降低了多少元. | <gadget id="calculator">10 / 100</gadget>
<output>1/10 = around 0.1</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/10)</gadget>
<output>9/10 = around 0.9</output>
<gadget id="calculator">18 / (9/10)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">20 - 18</gadget>
<result>2</result> | 2 | 2 | x=18/(1-10%)-18 |
ape210k__00106764 | The scale of a drawing is 20:1, which means how many times the distance on the drawing is the actual distance | 一幅图纸的比例尺是20:1,表示图上距离是实际的多少倍 | <gadget id="calculator">20 / 1</gadget>
<result>20</result> | 20 | 20 | x=20/1 |
ape210k__00085878 | A project is completed in 30 days by the cooperation of teams A and B. If the two teams cooperate for 12 days, what fraction of the project is left? | 一项工程,甲、乙两队合作30天完成,若两队合作12天后,还剩下这项工程的几分之几? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 30</gadget>
<output>1/30 = around 0.033333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(1/30) * 12</gadget>
<output>2/5 = around 0.4</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (2/5)</gadget>
<output>3/5 = around 0.6</output>
<result>3/5 = around 0.6</result> | 3/5 | 0.6 | x=1-(1/30)*12 |
ape210k__01146101 | 6666*8888/(4444*3333) | 6666*8888/(4444*3333) | <gadget id="calculator">4_444 * 3_333</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">8_888 / 14_811_852</gadget>
<output>2/3_333 = around 0.0006</output>
<gadget id="calculator">6_666 * (2/3_333)</gadget>
<result>4</result> | 4 | 4 | x=6666*8888/(4444*3333) |
ape210k__01079343 | water dispenser costs 428 yuan, and an induction cooker costs 587 yuan. How much does it cost to buy these two appliances? | 一台饮水机售价428元,一台电磁炉售价587元,买这两台电器要多少钱? | <gadget id="calculator">428 + 587</gadget>
<result>1_015</result> | 1_015 | 1,015 | x=428+587 |
ape210k__00135889 | Xiaohong is taller than Xiaoli (1/9), Xiaoli is 135cm tall, how tall is Xiaohong in cm? | 小红的身高比小丽高(1/9),小丽身高135cm,小红身高多少cm? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 9</gadget>
<output>1/9 = around 0.111111</output>
<gadget id="calculator">135 * (1/9)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">135 + 15</gadget>
<result>150</result> | 150 | 150 | x=135+135*(1/9) |
ape210k__00429314 | On a map with a scale of 1:55, the area of a rectangular grass is 20 square centimeters. What is the actual area of this rectangular grass in square meters? | 在一幅比例尺为1:55的地图上,一块长方形草地的面积是20平方厘米,这块长方形草地的实际面积是多少平方米. | <result>6.05</result> | 6.05 | 6.05 | x=6.05 |
ape210k__01055205 | Cut a 10-meter-long wire into 5 sections on average, how many meters is each section? | 把10米长的电线平均剪成5段,每段长多少米. | <gadget id="calculator">10 / 5</gadget>
<result>2</result> | 2 | 2 | x=10/5 |
ape210k__00322337 | A bottle of juice that my mother bought has 2 liters. After pouring this bottle of juice into 6 identical cups, there is still 0.8 liters left. How many of these glasses can be filled with the remaining juice? | 妈妈买的一瓶果汁有2升.把这瓶果汁倒满6个相同的杯子后,还剩下0.8升.剩下的果汁还能倒满几个这样的杯子? | <gadget id="calculator">2 - 0.8</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">1.2 / 6</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">0.8 / 0.2</gadget>
<result>4</result> | 4 | 4 | x=0.8/((2-0.8)/6) |
ape210k__00275460 | Xiao Wang's mother deposited 5,000 yuan in the bank on November 2, with a fixed term of two years. If the annual interest rate is calculated at 2.5%, how much interest should be paid when it matures. | 小王妈11月2日存入银行5000元,定期二年,如果年利率按2.5%计算,到期时应得利息多少元. | <gadget id="calculator">2.5 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5_000 * 0.025 * 2</gadget>
<result>250</result> | 250 | 250 | x=5000*2.5%*2 |
ape210k__00125228 | Subtract 70 continuously from 350, how many times you subtract to get 0. | 350连续减去70,减多少次得0. | <gadget id="calculator">350 / 70</gadget>
<result>5</result> | 5 | 5 | x=350/70 |
ape210k__00746185 | An iron wire can exactly form a square with a side length of 4.71m. If this iron wire forms a circle, what is the area of the circle in m**2? | 一根铁丝恰好可以围成一个边长是4.71m的正方形,如果用这根铁丝围成一个圆,这个圆的面积是多少m**2? | <gadget id="calculator">4.71 * 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">18.84 / 3.14 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 9</gadget>
<result>28.26</result> | 28.26 | 28.26 | x=3.14*((4.71*4)/3.14/2)**2 |
ape210k__01219631 | Li Xiaohong typed a manuscript. She typed 12 pages in the morning and 1/4 more in the afternoon than in the morning. How many pages were typed in the morning and afternoon? | 李小红打一份稿件,上午打了12页,下午比上午多打(1/4),上、下午一共打了多少页? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 4</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 + (1/4)</gadget>
<output>5/4 = around 1.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">12 * (5/4)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">15 + 12</gadget>
<result>27</result> | 27 | 27 | x=12*(1+(1/4))+12 |
ape210k__00191589 | strange plant has been cultivated in the laboratory. It grows very rapidly, and every day it will grow to three times the mass of yesterday, which is more than 4 kg. After cultivating for 3 days, the mass of the plant reaches 133 kilograms. How many kilograms does this plant originally weigh? | 实验室中培养了一种奇特的植物,它生长得非常迅速,每天都会生长到昨天的质量的3倍还多4千克.培养了3天后,植物的质量达到133千克,这株植物原来有多少千克. | <gadget id="calculator">3 * 3 * 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 * 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">133 - 36 - 12 - 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 * 3 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">81 / 27</gadget>
<result>3</result> | 3 | 3 | x=(133-3*3*4-3*4-4)/(3*3*3) |
ape210k__00163787 | How many 0s are there in the product of 801*5? | 801*5的积中间有多少个0. | <result>2</result> | 2 | 2 | x=2 |
ape210k__01035941 | 600 yuan is deposited in the bank for 3 months, and the monthly interest rate is 1.85%. How much can the total principal and interest be withdrawn at maturity? | 600元钱存入银行3个月,月利率为1.85%,到期能取出本息合计共多少元. | <gadget id="calculator">1.85 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">600 * 0.0185 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">600 + 33.3</gadget>
<result>633.3</result> | 633.3 | 633.3 | x=600+600*1.85%*3 |
ape210k__00626625 | After ice turns into water, its volume decreases (1/12). The volume of a piece of ice is 36 cubic decimeters. What is the volume after turning into water? | 冰化成水后体积减少(1/12),一块冰的体积是36立方分米,化成水后的体积是多少立方分米? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 12</gadget>
<output>1/12 = around 0.083333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/12)</gadget>
<output>11/12 = around 0.916667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">36 * (11/12)</gadget>
<result>33</result> | 33 | 33 | x=36*(1-(1/12)) |
ape210k__00236124 | If a piece of white paper is cut into a square with a side length of 4 cm, exactly 20 pieces will be cut. If the area to be cut is a right triangle of 4 square centimeters, how many pieces can be cut. | 一张白纸,若裁成边长是4厘米的正方形,正好裁20块.若裁面积是4平方厘米的直角三角形,可裁多少块. | <gadget id="calculator">4 * 20</gadget>
<result>80</result> | 80 | 80 | x=4*20 |
ape210k__00037461 | Yongxin Primary School paves a 1.5-meter-wide circular cement pavement around a circular flower pond with a diameter of 12 meters. How many square meters is the cement pavement? | 永新小学在直径为12米的圆形花池周围铺一条1.5米宽的环形水泥路面,水泥路面的面积是多少平方米? | <gadget id="calculator">12 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">6 + 1.5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">7.5 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">6 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">56.25 - 36</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 20.25</gadget>
<result>63.585</result> | 63.585 | 63.585 | x=3.14*(((12/2)+1.5)**2-(12/2)**2) |
ape210k__00913949 | There are 10 two kinds of balls of the same size, shape and different colors in the pocket. If the probability of touching the two kinds of balls is the same, please design how much. | 口袋中有大小、形状相同,颜色不同的两种球10个,若要摸到两种球的可能性一样大,请你设计方案多少. | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 2</gadget>
<output>1/2 = around 0.5</output>
<gadget id="calculator">10 * (1/2)</gadget>
<result>5</result> | 5 | 5 | x=10*(1/2) |
ape210k__01146959 | There are 624 badmintons, every 6 boxes are packed in a box, and every 8 boxes are packed in a box, how many boxes can be packed? | 有624个羽毛球,每6个装一盒,每8盒装一箱,可以装几箱? | <gadget id="calculator">6 * 8</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">624 / 48</gadget>
<result>13</result> | 13 | 13 | x=624/(6*8) |
ape210k__00317377 | Today, 56 sets of postcards are sold, each with 12 pieces, and the price is 18 yuan. How much did you sell for? | 今天卖出56套明信片,每套12张,售价18元.一共卖了多少钱? | <gadget id="calculator">18 * 56</gadget>
<result>1_008</result> | 1_008 | 1,008 | x=18*56 |
ape210k__00341812 | 1, 4, 9, 16, how much, 36... | 1,4,9,16,多少,36… | <gadget id="calculator">5 * 5</gadget>
<result>25</result> | 25 | 25 | x=5*5 |
ape210k__00275436 | Xiao Li deposits 5,000 yuan in the bank for half a year, with a monthly interest rate of 0.24%. How much money can be withdrawn from the bank at maturity. | 小李存入银行5000元钱,定期半年,月利率是0.24%.到期时可从银行取走多少元. | <gadget id="calculator">0.24 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5_000 * 0.0024 * 6</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5_000 + 72</gadget>
<result>5_072</result> | 5_072 | 5,072 | x=5000+5000*0.24%*6 |
ape210k__00202891 | What is the number greater than 400 in the following formula | 下列算式中得数大于400的是多少 | <gadget id="calculator">359 + 167</gadget>
<result>526</result> | 526 | 526 | x=359+167 |
ape210k__00430164 | To measure the volume of an irregular rock specimen, the students of the experimental elementary school first poured 1 liter of water into a cuboid water tank, and measured the water surface to be 8 cm high. Please use what you have learned to calculate the volume of rock specimens? | 要测量一块不规则岩石标本的体积,实验小学的同学先将1升水注入一个长方体水箱,测得水面高8厘米,然后将岩石标本完全浸没在水中,这时水面高9.6厘米.请你利用已学知识计算岩石标本的体积? | <gadget id="calculator">8 / 10</gadget>
<output>4/5 = around 0.8</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 / (4/5)</gadget>
<output>5/4 = around 1.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">9.6 / 10</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">0.96 - (4/5)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">(5/4) * 0.16</gadget>
<result>0.2</result> | 0.2 | 0.2 | x=1/(8/10)*(9.6/10-(8/10)) |
ape210k__00129353 | A batch of fruit weighs 3.6 tons, and it is allocated to stores A, B, and C in a ratio of 1:3:5. Store B gets ((())/(())) of this batch of fruits, and how much does C get? Ton. | 一批水果重3.6吨,按1:3:5的比例分配给甲、乙、丙三个商店,乙商店分得这批水果的((())/(())),丙分得多少吨. | <gadget id="calculator">1 + 3 + 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5 / 9</gadget>
<output>5/9 = around 0.555556</output>
<gadget id="calculator">3.6 * (5/9)</gadget>
<result>2</result> | 2 | 2 | x=3.6*(5/(1+3+5)) |
ape210k__00273356 | Two buckets of water have the same number of liters. If 25 liters are poured out of the first bucket and 75 liters are poured out of the second bucket, then the remaining water in the first bucket is three times the water left in the second bucket. Two buckets How many liters of water did each have? | 两桶水的升数一样多,如果从第一桶倒出25升,第二桶倒出75升,那么第一桶剩下的水是第二桶剩下的水的3倍,两桶原来各有水多少升? | <gadget id="calculator">75 - 25</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 - 1</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">50 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">25 + 75</gadget>
<result>100</result> | 100 | 100 | x=(75-25)/(3-1)+75 |
ape210k__00554415 | When calculating 21*□23, to make the product have five digits, what is the minimum number to fill in | 计算21*□23时,要使积是五位数,里最小填多少 | <result>5</result> | 5 | 5 | x=5 |
ape210k__01139737 | The area of a rectangular tabletop is 1m**2, and the side length of a square tabletop is (9/10)m. How many square meters is the area of the rectangular tabletop larger than the area of the square tabletop? | 一个长方形桌面的面积是1m**2,一个正方形桌面的边长是(9/10)m,长方形桌面的面积比正方形桌面的面积多多少平方米? | <gadget id="calculator">9 / 10</gadget>
<output>9/10 = around 0.9</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(9/10) * (9/10)</gadget>
<output>81/100 = around 0.81</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (81/100)</gadget>
<output>19/100 = around 0.19</output>
<result>19/100 = around 0.19</result> | 19/100 | 0.19 | x=1-(9/10)*(9/10) |
ape210k__00947127 | A road is built, 900 meters are built on the first day, and the remaining length is 300 meters less than the total length (3/4), what is the total length of this road in meters? | 修一条公路,第一天修了900米,剩下的长度比全长的(3/4)少300米,这条公路的全长是多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">900 - 300</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 / 4</gadget>
<output>3/4 = around 0.75</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (3/4)</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">600 / (1/4)</gadget>
<result>2_400</result> | 2_400 | 2,400 | x=(900-300)/(1-(3/4)) |
ape210k__00628779 | The store bought (3/4) kilograms of chestnuts, sold (1/4) on the opening day, and left ((())/(())). | 商店购进(3/4)千克栗子,开业那天卖去了(1/4),还剩((())/(())). | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 4</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/4)</gadget>
<output>3/4 = around 0.75</output>
<result>3/4 = around 0.75</result> | 3/4 | 0.75 | x=1-(1/4) |
ape210k__00203146 | It is 9:00 a.m. when a train enters the bridge. The train is 300 meters long and travels 900 meters per minute. When it passes the bridge, it is just 3 minutes after 9:00 a.m. How many meters is the bridge? | 一列火车上桥时是上午9时整,火车长300米,每分钟行900米,通过大桥时是9时刚过3分,这座桥有多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">3 * 900</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">2_700 - 300</gadget>
<result>2_400</result> | 2_400 | 2,400 | x=3*900-300 |
ape210k__00184894 | What is the simple algorithm of A+398? | A+398的简便算法是A+多少 | <gadget id="calculator">400 - 2</gadget>
<result>398</result> | 398 | 398 | x=400-2 |
ape210k__00117274 | Use a piece of steel with a length of 1 meter to make a part. It takes (3/20) meters of steel to make a part. If you make 5 such parts, how many meters are left in this piece of steel? | 用一段长1米的钢材做零件,做一个零件需钢材(3/20)米,做了5个这样的零件,这段钢材还剩多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">3 / 20</gadget>
<output>3/20 = around 0.15</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(3/20) * 5</gadget>
<output>3/4 = around 0.75</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (3/4)</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<result>1/4 = around 0.25</result> | 1/4 | 0.25 | x=1-(3/20)*5 |
ape210k__00596920 | Calculation by simple method: 8.01-(1.1-0.68-0.32). | 简便方法计算:8.01-(1.1-0.68-0.32). | <gadget id="calculator">1.1 - 0.68 - 0.32</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">8.01 - 0.1</gadget>
<result>7.91</result> | 7.91 | 7.91 | x=8.01-(1.1-0.68-0.32) |
ape210k__00275770 | Dad deposits 1,000 yuan in the bank for one year on a regular basis, with an annual interest rate of 3.25%. After the maturity date, how much interest will he deserve (interest tax is exempted). | 爸爸将1000元存入银行,定期一年,年利率是3.25%,到期后,他应得的利息多少元(免征利息税). | <gadget id="calculator">3.25 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">1_000 * 0.0325 * 1</gadget>
<result>32.5</result> | 32.5 | 32.5 | x=1000*3.25%*1 |
ape210k__00394096 | A square iron sheet with a side length of 20 cm, cut off the largest circle to make the bottom of the barrel, what is the utilization rate of this iron sheet? | 一个边长是20厘米的正方形铁片,剪去一个最大的圆做桶底,求这张铁片的利用率? | <gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">20 * 20</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">314 / 400</gadget>
<output>157/200 = around 0.785</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">(157/200) * 1</gadget>
<output>157/200 = around 0.785</output>
<result>157/200 = around 0.785</result> | 157/200 | 0.785 | x=(3.14*100)/(20*20)*100% |
ape210k__00178461 | The sum of the numerator and denominator of a simplest fraction is 23. After the numerator is increased by 5, the sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplest fraction obtained is 4. What is the original classification? | 一个最简分数的分子与分母的和是23,分子增加5后,得到的最简分数的分子与分母的和是4,原来的分类是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">23 + 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">28 / 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">7 - 5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">7 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">2 / 21</gadget>
<output>2/21 = around 0.095238</output>
<result>2/21 = around 0.095238</result> | 2/21 | 0.095238 | x=((((23+5)/4)-5)/(((23+5)/4)*3)) |
ape210k__00716215 | What is the area of a square whose perimeter is 16 cm? | 周长是16cm的正方形,它的面积是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">16 / 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">4 * 4</gadget>
<result>16</result> | 16 | 16 | x=(16/4)*(16/4) |
ape210k__00478356 | A trapezoidal mountain, the upper base is 40 meters long, the lower base is 20 meters longer than the upper base, and the height is half of the upper base. How many hectares is this land? | 一块梯形山地,上底长40米,下底比上底长20米,高是上底的一半.这块地有多少公顷? | <gadget id="calculator">40 + 20 + 40</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">40 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">20 / 2 / 10_000</gadget>
<output>1/1_000 = around 0.001</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 * (1/1_000)</gadget>
<output>1/10 = around 0.1</output>
<result>1/10 = around 0.1</result> | 1/10 | 0.1 | x=(40+20+40)*(40/2)/2/10000 |
ape210k__00100063 | A rope is folded in half three times and measured to be 15 cm. How many centimeters was this rope originally? | 一根绳子对折3次后量得是15厘米.这根绳子原来长多少厘米? | <gadget id="calculator">2 * 2 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">15 * 8</gadget>
<result>120</result> | 120 | 120 | x=15*(2*2*2) |
ape210k__01158505 | A parallelogram dish has a base of 48 meters and a height of 25 meters. If 15 green vegetables are planted per square meter, how many green vegetables can be planted in this vegetable field? | 一块平行四边形菜地底是48米,高是25米.如果每平方米种青菜15棵,那么这块菜地共可种青菜多少棵? | <gadget id="calculator">48 * 25 * 15</gadget>
<result>18_000</result> | 18_000 | 18,000 | x=48*25*15 |
ape210k__01056861 | Two trains depart from A and B at the same time. Train A travels 98 kilometers per hour, and train B travels 102 kilometers per hour. After 8 hours, the two trains meet. How long is the railway between A and B? | 两列火车从甲乙两地同时相向出发,甲车每小时行98千米,乙车每小时行102千米,经过8小时两车相遇.甲乙两地之间的铁路长多少千米? | <gadget id="calculator">98 + 102</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">200 * 8</gadget>
<result>1_600</result> | 1_600 | 1,600 | x=(98+102)*8 |
ape210k__00602820 | If the volume of a cylinder is 251.2 cubic decimeters and the radius of the base is 4 decimeters, what is the height of the cylinder in centimeters? | 一个圆柱的体积是251.2立方分米,底面半径是4分米,则圆柱的高是多少厘米. | <gadget id="calculator">4 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 16</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">251.2 / 50.24</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5 * 10</gadget>
<result>50</result> | 50 | 50 | x=251.2/(3.14*4**2)*10 |
ape210k__00392762 | The divisor is 19, the quotient is 24, the remainder is 7, what is the dividend. | 除数是19,商是24,余数是7,被除数是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">24 * 19</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">456 + 7</gadget>
<result>463</result> | 463 | 463 | x=24*19+7 |
ape210k__00029419 | piece of rectangular paper with a length of 25 cm and a width of 20 cm, cut out the largest circle on this paper, what is the remaining area after the circle is cut out? | 一张长方形的纸,长25厘米,宽20厘米,在这张纸上剪一个最大的圆,圆剪下后,剩下的面积是多少? | <gadget id="calculator">25 * 20</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">20 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">10 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">500 - 314</gadget>
<result>186</result> | 186 | 186 | x=25*20-(3.14*(20/2)**2) |
ape210k__01083589 | The road repair team built a section of 60-meter-long road. In the first 3 days, 24 meters have been repaired, and the rest will be completed in 4 days. How many meters will be repaired on average every day? | 修路队修一段长60米的公路,前3天已修了24米,剩下的要4天修完,平均每天要修多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">60 - 24</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">36 / 4</gadget>
<result>9</result> | 9 | 9 | x=(60-24)/4 |
ape210k__01224051 | A passenger ship and a cargo ship set off from two wharves A and B at the same time. When the passenger ship travels the whole distance (3/7), the cargo ship travels 36 kilometers. When the passenger ship arrives at B dock, the cargo ship travels the whole distance ( 7/10). How many kilometers are there between the two piers A and B? | 一艘客轮和一艘货轮从甲乙两个码头同时相对开出,当客轮行了全程的(3/7)时,货轮行了36千米,当客轮到达乙码头时,货轮行了全程的(7/10).甲乙两个码头相距多少千米? | <gadget id="calculator">3 / 7</gadget>
<output>3/7 = around 0.428571</output>
<gadget id="calculator">7 / 10</gadget>
<output>7/10 = around 0.7</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(3/7) * (7/10)</gadget>
<output>3/10 = around 0.3</output>
<gadget id="calculator">36 / (3/10)</gadget>
<result>120</result> | 120 | 120 | x=36/((3/7)*(7/10)) |
ape210k__00848607 | Master Wang's apprentice processes parts in the workshop, 67 parts are processed every day, and he has a day off in December. How many parts did he process in total in December? | 王师傅的徒弟在车间加工零件,每天加工67个零件,12月份休息了一天,他十二月份共加工零件多少个? | <gadget id="calculator">31 - 1</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">67 * 30</gadget>
<result>2_010</result> | 2_010 | 2,010 | x=67*(31-1) |
ape210k__00578565 | In △ABC, the relationship between the three interior angles is: 2∠A+2∠B=∠C, what is the degree of ∠C? | 在△ABC中,三个内角关系为:2∠A+2∠B=∠C,请问∠C的度数是多少? | <result>120</result> | 120 | 120 | x=120 |
ape210k__00237227 | A and B travel from A to B. A starts 30 minutes earlier than B and arrives 30 minutes later. A travels 3.5 kilometers per hour and B travels 4 kilometers per hour. What is the distance between A and B? km? | 甲、乙两人由A地到B地,甲比乙早出发30分钟,晚到30分钟,甲每小时走3.5千米,乙每小时走4千米,求A、B两地距离是多少千米? | <gadget id="calculator">4 - 3.5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">4 / 0.5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">8 * 3.5</gadget>
<result>28</result> | 28 | 28 | x=4/(4-3.5)*3.5 |
ape210k__00399457 | One job can be done by A in 10 hours and by B in 15 hours. How many hours will it take (1/2) for A and B to do this job together? | 一件工作,甲独做要10小时完成,乙独做要15小时完成.甲、乙合做这件工作的(1/2)需要用多少小时. | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 2</gadget>
<output>1/2 = around 0.5</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 / 10</gadget>
<output>1/10 = around 0.1</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 / 15</gadget>
<output>1/15 = around 0.066667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(1/10) + (1/15)</gadget>
<output>1/6 = around 0.166667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(1/2) / (1/6)</gadget>
<result>3</result> | 3 | 3 | x=(1/2)/((1/10)+(1/15)) |
ape210k__00428572 | Each pen is 8.5 yuan, and each ballpoint pen is 1.5 yuan. Wang Li bought 4 fountain pens and 2 ballpoint pens. How much did she spend in total? | 每只钢笔8.5元,每只圆珠笔1.5元,王丽买4支钢笔和2支圆珠笔,一共花了多少元? | <gadget id="calculator">8.5 * 4</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">1.5 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">34 + 3</gadget>
<result>37</result> | 37 | 37 | x=8.5*4+1.5*2 |
ape210k__00207133 | There are 25 grams of sugar in 100 grams of sugar water, which is a fraction of sugar water. How many | 100克糖水中有25克糖,糖是糖水的几分之几.多少 | <gadget id="calculator">25 / 100</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<result>1/4 = around 0.25</result> | 1/4 | 0.25 | x=25/100 |
ape210k__00908467 | There are 360 peach trees in the orchard, one peach tree is one pear tree (1/2), one apple tree is one pear tree (2/3), how many apple trees are there? | 果园里有桃树360棵,桃树的棵树是梨树棵树的(1/2),苹果树的棵树是梨树的(2/3),苹果树有多少棵? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 2</gadget>
<output>1/2 = around 0.5</output>
<gadget id="calculator">360 / (1/2)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">2 / 3</gadget>
<output>2/3 = around 0.666667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">720 * (2/3)</gadget>
<result>480</result> | 480 | 480 | x=360/(1/2)*(2/3) |
ape210k__00455410 | Grandma Wang's household electricity this month is 80 kWh, and the electricity bill is 46.4 yuan on May. How much is electricity per kilowatt-hour? (solution by equation) | 这个月王奶奶家用电量是80千瓦时,5交电费46.4元.每千瓦时电费多少元?(用方程解) | <gadget id="calculator">46.4 / 80</gadget>
<result>0.58</result> | 0.58 | 0.58 | x=46.4/80 |
ape210k__00543940 | What is the reciprocal of the sum of 4 (4/5)? | 4个(4/5)的和的倒数是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">5 / 16</gadget>
<output>5/16 = around 0.3125</output>
<result>5/16 = around 0.3125</result> | 5/16 | 0.3125 | x=(5/16) |
ape210k__00535139 | The railway between A and B is 1098 kilometers long. A train departs from A to B at 10:00 p.m. on February 29, 2000, and arrives at 7:00 a.m. on March 1, 2000. How many kilometers does the train travel per hour? ? | 甲乙两城铁路长1098千米,一列火车于2000年2月29日晚上10时从甲城开往乙城,在2000年3月1日上午7时到达,这列火车每小时行多少千米? | <gadget id="calculator">2 + 7</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">1_098 / 9</gadget>
<result>122</result> | 122 | 122 | x=1098/(2+7) |
ape210k__00229939 | In a workshop of Guanghua Machinery Factory, 15 people were originally planned to make 900 parts in 3 days. After the production started, another batch of tasks were added. With the same work efficiency, it would take 10 people to complete in 8 days. How many parts were added? | 光华机械厂一个车间,原计划15人3天做900个零件,生产开始后,又增加一批任务,在工作效率相同下,要10个人8天完成,问增加了几个零件? | <gadget id="calculator">900 / 15 / 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">20 * 10 * 8</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">1_600 - 900</gadget>
<result>700</result> | 700 | 700 | x=((900/15/3)*10*8)-900 |
ape210k__00338307 | Feiyun Yalin Farm plans to plant 1,800 fruit trees. 100 trees were planted first, and 10 of them did not survive. What is the survival rate of saplings during trial planting? | 飞云雅琳农园,计划种植1800棵果树.先试种了100棵,其中没有成活的有10棵.试种时树苗的成活率是多少? | <gadget id="calculator">100 - 10</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">90 / 100</gadget>
<output>9/10 = around 0.9</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 / 100</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">(9/10) * 1</gadget>
<output>9/10 = around 0.9</output>
<result>9/10 = around 0.9</result> | 9/10 | 0.9 | x=((100-10)/100)*100% |
ape210k__00472508 | The base of the parallelogram is 0.7m and the height is 0.6m. What is the area of the triangle with the same base and height? | 平行四边形的底是0.7m,高0.6m,与它等底等高的三角形面积是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">0.6 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">0.7 * 0.3</gadget>
<result>0.21</result> | 0.21 | 0.21 | x=0.7*0.6/2 |
ape210k__00058205 | Students line up to do exercises, form 4 teams with 9 people in each team, if they line up in 6 teams, how many people are in each team. | 同学们排队做操,排成4队,每队9人,如果排成6队,每队多少人. | <gadget id="calculator">4 / 6</gadget>
<output>2/3 = around 0.666667</output>
<gadget id="calculator">9 * (2/3)</gadget>
<result>6</result> | 6 | 6 | x=9*4/6 |
ape210k__00548829 | The area of a right triangle is 15 square meters, the length of one right angled side is 6 meters, and the length of the other right angled side is how many meters. | 直角三角形面积是15平方米,一条直角边长6米,另一条直角边长多少米. | <gadget id="calculator">2 / 6</gadget>
<output>1/3 = around 0.333333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">15 * (1/3)</gadget>
<result>5</result> | 5 | 5 | x=15*2/6 |
ape210k__00264431 | To complete a communication line, it is planned to erect 80 meters per day and complete in 25 days. Now if 100 meters are erected every day, how many days can it be completed in advance? | 要完成一条通讯线路,计划每天架设80米,25天完成.现如果每天架设100米,可以提前几天完成? | <gadget id="calculator">24 - 20</gadget>
<result>4</result> | 4 | 4 | x=24-20 |
ape210k__00223733 | Cut a piece of rectangular iron sheet 42 cm wide and 90 cm long into small square iron sheets with side length equal to the number of whole centimeters and equal area (no surplus), at least how many pieces of iron sheet can be cut into? | 把一块42厘米宽,90厘米长的长方形铁片,剪成边长为整厘米数,且面积相等的小正方形铁片(不能有剩余),至少可以剪成多少块铁皮? | <gadget id="calculator">90 / 6</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">42 / 6</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">15 * 7</gadget>
<result>105</result> | 105 | 105 | x=(90/6)*(42/6) |
ape210k__01121137 | A cuboid metal water tank without a cover has a length of 6dm, a width of 5dm, and a height of 4dm. At least how many square decimeters of iron sheets are needed to make this water tank. | 一个无盖的长方体铁皮水箱,长6dm,宽5dm,高4dm.做这个水箱至少要用多少平方分米的铁皮. | <gadget id="calculator">5 * 6</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">4 * 6 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">5 * 4 * 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">30 + 48 + 40</gadget>
<result>118</result> | 118 | 118 | x=5*6+4*6*2+5*4*2 |
ape210k__00406864 | If 100 yuan is increased by (1/10) and then decreased by (1/10) yuan, what is the result? | 100元增加它的(1/10),再减少(1/10)元,结果是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 10</gadget>
<output>1/10 = around 0.1</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 * (1/10)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">10 - (1/10)</gadget>
<output>99/10 = around 9.9</output>
<gadget id="calculator">100 + (99/10)</gadget>
<output>1_099/10 = around 109.9</output>
<result>1_099/10 = around 109.9</result> | 1_099/10 | 109.9 | x=100+100*(1/10)-(1/10) |
ape210k__00203978 | Mother went to the store to buy a hat and used half of the money she brought, and bought a pair of gloves and used half of the remaining money, leaving 4 yuan in the end. How much money does mother have with her? | 妈妈到商店买一顶帽子用去所带钱的一半,买一双手套又用去余下的钱的一半,最后还剩下4元.妈妈身上带了多少元钱? | <gadget id="calculator">4 * 2 * 2</gadget>
<result>16</result> | 16 | 16 | x=4*2*2 |
ape210k__00018937 | There are two warehouses A and B. Warehouse A stores 40 tons of rice. If (1/3) of the rice is shipped from warehouse B to warehouse A, then the amount of rice in warehouses A and B is the same. How many tons of rice does Warehouse B have? | 有甲、乙两个仓库,甲仓库存大米40吨,如果从乙仓库中运出(1/3)的大米到甲仓库,那么甲、乙两个仓库中大米一样多.乙仓库有大米多少吨? | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 3</gadget>
<output>1/3 = around 0.333333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/3) - (1/3)</gadget>
<output>1/3 = around 0.333333</output>
<gadget id="calculator">40 / (1/3)</gadget>
<result>120</result> | 120 | 120 | x=40/(1-(1/3)-(1/3)) |
ape210k__00409725 | After using (1/7) of a rope, there is still (4/7) meters left, how much of this rope is left | 一根绳子用去(1/7)后,还剩下(4/7)米,还剩下这根绳子的多少 | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 7</gadget>
<output>1/7 = around 0.142857</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/7)</gadget>
<output>6/7 = around 0.857143</output>
<result>6/7 = around 0.857143</result> | 6/7 | 0.857143 | x=1-(1/7) |
ape210k__00671893 | The quality supervision department inspected a batch of products. In the morning, 300 pieces were tested, and 15 pieces were unqualified. In the afternoon, 200 pieces were tested. The pass rate in the afternoon was 98%. What is the pass rate of this batch of products? | 质监部门在一批产品检测,上午检测了300件,有15件不合格,下午检测了200件,下午的合格率是98%,这批产品的合格率是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">300 - 15</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">98 / 100</gadget>
<output>49/50 = around 0.98</output>
<gadget id="calculator">200 * (49/50)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">285 + 196</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">300 + 200</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">481 / 500</gadget>
<output>481/500 = around 0.962</output>
<result>481/500 = around 0.962</result> | 481/500 | 0.962 | x=((300-15)+(200*98%))/(300+200) |
ape210k__01029703 | The engineering team repaired a road, and repaired 563 meters in the first week, 98 meters more than the second week. How many meters were repaired in the past two weeks? | 工程队修一条公路,第一周修了563米,比第二周多修了98米,这两周一共修多少米? | <gadget id="calculator">563 - 98</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">465 + 563</gadget>
<result>1_028</result> | 1_028 | 1,028 | x=563-98+563 |
ape210k__00539528 | A car drives from place A to place B. It travels 42 kilometers per hour in the first 3 hours, and the remaining 165 kilometers takes 4 hours and 30 minutes to complete. On average, how many kilometers per hour does the car travel from A to B? | 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,前3小时每小时行42千米,余下的165千米共用4小时30分走完.这辆汽车从甲地到乙地平均每小时走多少千米? | <gadget id="calculator">42 * 3</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">126 + 165</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3 + 4.5</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">291 / 7.5</gadget>
<result>38.8</result> | 38.8 | 38.8 | x=(42*3+165)/(3+4.5) |
ape210k__00037989 | Process a cuboid wood whose length, width, and height are 10 cm, 6 cm, and 4 cm respectively into a largest cylinder. What is the area occupied by this cylinder? | 把一个长、宽、高分别为10厘米、6厘米、4厘米的长方体木料加工成一个最大的圆柱体,这个圆柱体的占地面积是多少. | <gadget id="calculator">4 / 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">2 ** 2</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">3.14 * 4</gadget>
<result>12.56</result> | 12.56 | 12.56 | x=3.14*((4/2))**2 |
ape210k__00358733 | A snail climbs up from the bottom of the well, climbs up to (1/2) the depth of the well during the day, and retreats to climb part (1/2) when resting at night. According to this calculation, how many days does it take for the snail to climb to the edge of the well. | 一只蜗牛从井底向上爬,白天爬上井深的(1/2),晚上休息时又退下爬上部分的(1/2).照这样计算,蜗牛多少天才能爬到井沿上去. | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 2</gadget>
<output>1/2 = around 0.5</output>
<gadget id="calculator">(1/2) * (1/2)</gadget>
<output>1/4 = around 0.25</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 / (1/4)</gadget>
<gadget id="calculator">4 - 1</gadget>
<result>3</result> | 3 | 3 | x=1/((1/2)*(1/2))-1 |
ape210k__00963791 | A bag of rice, after eating (1/5) of it, there is still ((())/(())) of this bag of rice. | 一袋大米,吃了它的(1/5),还剩下这袋大米的((())/(())). | <gadget id="calculator">1 / 5</gadget>
<output>1/5 = around 0.2</output>
<gadget id="calculator">1 - (1/5)</gadget>
<output>4/5 = around 0.8</output>
<result>4/5 = around 0.8</result> | 4/5 | 0.8 | x=1-(1/5) |
Subsets and Splits