1 value
IF Android SMS New SMS received matches search THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
If sms received contains keyword, increase volume to 100%
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New Applet published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we plan to publish new Applets that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New Applet published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we plan to publish new Applets that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Todoist New completed task THEN Dropbox Create a text file
Todoist Completed taskes to Day One. This recipe is designed for use with GiftttDy. http://giftttdy.gadgetcoma.com to learn more.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Price rises above THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
this trigger fires when the stock rises above $15
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
Rain Alert
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WeMo Light Switch Switched on THEN WeMo Light Switch Turn off
Turn a device off after it's been on for ___ minutes today
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Airthings CO2 level above threshold THEN Nest Thermostat Turn on fan for 15 minutes
If your CO2 levels go over a user defined threshold it will turn on your HVAC system fan for the amount of time you specify in your Nest fan timer setting (default is 15 minutes). NOTE: Works only if you have a fan option and Nest is set to Home.Your Airthings product needs to be always online through an Airthings Hub or WiFi (View series)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF The New York Times New popular article in section THEN Das Keyboard Q Create a Signal for Q Device (one zone)
Every time a new popular article is published on The New York Times, a Signal will be sent to your Das Keyboard.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Location You exit an area THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Wifi off
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Today's exchange rate report THEN Email Send me an email
Email USD to MXN rate
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New item archived THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Item saved in Pocket is output to PDF and saved in Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Telegram Send message
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Say a specific phrase THEN SpotCam Turn On Alert
Use Alexa to turn on SpotCam alert
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Home Connect Roxxter Roxxter started THEN Google Calendar Quick add event
Cleaning tasks from the Roxxter are syncronized into the Google calendar
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Smart Life Activate Scene
This applet will activate the specified scene when you press the button widget.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New favorite item THEN Evernote Create a note
Send Starred Items in Pocket to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN WeMo Smart Plug Turn on
Bathroom heater on
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Pages New status message on page THEN Flickr Upload public photo from URL
fb to flick
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android Battery Battery drops below 15% THEN Adafruit Send data to Adafruit IO
This is useful to track when and how often you let your battery run low on your android phone. The value sent to the feed is your battery percentage.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar Any event starts THEN Slack Post to channel
Whenever a Google Calendar event begins, a Slack Message will be sent out to a specific channel.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Musaic Mute
Mutes all your Musaic players
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Price drops below THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Put in the ticker you want to track and the minimum price to watch for if the price drops below that price, you'll get an email and a notification. Sell! Or buy?!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Airtable New record created THEN Telegram Send message
Trigger a Telegram message when a new Airtable entry is created
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Feedly New article saved for later THEN Gmail Send an email
Feedly to Gmail
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Fiverr New order received THEN Android SMS Send an SMS
Get a text message on your mobile when your receive a new order on fiverr
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Evernote Create image note from URL
Tagged photos to Evernote #lifestream
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar New event added THEN Chatwork Post a message
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android Phone Call Incoming phone call from a specific number missed THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
Make sure you always get that call from someone important... like your wife in the last weeks of pregnancy. If your phone is muted this recipe sets vol to 100% on android
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New follower THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Thank you so much for the follow!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current condition changes to THEN Smart Life Activate Scene
Automatically play a Smart Life scene whenever the current weather changes. Choose to be alerted about the weather changing to rain, snow, cloudy or clear then pick a Smart Life scene and you're all set.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Say a specific phrase THEN Android Device Play a specific song
I made this silly recipe while showing a friend how IFTTT works.I added extra stuff using Tasker so that my phone connects to my BT stereo in my bedroom first and then starts playing 'Let's get it on' The action phrase has no meaning, just showing how any word(s) could be used.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Fix for IG/Twitter changes: Instagram picture to Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Space Astronaut enters space THEN LIFX Blink lights
Into the deep!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Photos Any new photo THEN Evernote Create image note from URL
Backup photos to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
tweet my new facebook status including all the links
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Nest Protect Carbon monoxide emergency THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
If your Nest Protect detects a carbon monoxide emergency then get an IF Notification
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Blink Arm system
The widget created by Blink cuts off the title. This one is simply titled Arm.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by a specific user THEN Email Send me an email
Sends an email when @canadaquakes makes a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iRobot Robot Started THEN SmartThings Switch on
This applet enables the SmartThings device of your choice to turn on when your robot has started cleaning.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New follower THEN Twitter Post a tweet
A wonderfull follow!!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN Facebook Pages Create a status message
IF Tweet, THEN Facebook Pages post.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Giphy New trending GIF THEN GO Play the text to speech
{+91}-8306951337 online love problem solution IN Parbhani
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
My pictures from Instagram get placed in a Dropbox folder
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WordPress Any new post THEN Inoreader Save any web page
IFTTT Wordpress Syndication Network: Wordpress to Inoreader
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Spotify New track added to a playlist THEN Spotify Add track to a playlist
If a song added to a playlist, add it to another list
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Location You enter an area THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
This recipe allows both the ringer and notification volumes to be set to 0% if you have the setting 'Use ringtone volume for notifications' enabled. So this essentially 'mutes' both. This is much better than just muting the ringtone which doesn't mute the notifications.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Wyze Motion is detected THEN eWeLink Smart Home Turn 1-Channel Switch on or off
When Wyze detects motion, turn on/off an eWeLink Support 1-channel switch/plug.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
UK Weather Today
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current condition changes to THEN Android SMS Send an SMS
This will send you a text if it starts to snow. Never be caught off guard again!Published in Celsius.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Harmony Start activity
Start the specified Harmony Activity at a given time during certain days of the week.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Contacts Any new contact THEN Email Send me an email
Email me new iOS contact
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's weather report THEN Gmail Send an email
Weather Tomorrow to Email
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Misfit Sleep duration below THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
journal automatique sommeil misfit shine
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every year on THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Happy Chinese New Year 2013!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Twitter Post a tweet
first IFTTT
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar Any event starts THEN Evernote Create a note
Google Calendar to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Pages New status message on page THEN Bitly Add a bitlink
Fb Page to Bitly
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android SMS Any new SMS received THEN Dropbox Create a text file
When a new message arrives it is automatically saved to Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Home Connect Dishwasher Cycle is complete THEN Philips Hue Change color
Your Philips Hue lights will change color to green and you will receive a notification, when dishwasher cycle is complete.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF ThingaOS When FetchIt Button is Pressed THEN SmartThings Switch off
When fetchit button is pressed switch off smartThings
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android Device Disconnects from a specific WiFi network THEN Wyze Enable motion detection
Wyze Enable Motion on Wifi Disconnect and Turn Notifications On.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Slack Post to channel
Every day at HH:MM send xkcd url to slack channel of your choosing.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you with hashtag THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Tweets with any chosen #hashtag will be saved as a new row within Google Drive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Trello Create a card
trello project updates
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet from search THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Collects data from twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current temperature drops below THEN Honeywell Single-zone Thermostat Disable a quick action
Disables any quick actions such as 'heating off' if the current outside temperature of your area drops below a certain point. It uses weather data from Yahoo! Weather. Beware of other quick actions (away, economy) which may also be affected.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Philips Hue Turn off lights
Turn off 1 or ALL your Philips hue lights
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Particle Monitor a variable THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
Unmute my phone in morning
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
If I am tagged in a photo, send it to my Dropbox account
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Weebly Publish blog post
Main Site RSS To Weebly
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
#negcio Online
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Save my tweets to a Google Spreadsheet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Pocket Save for later
Save Gizmodo RSS feed to Pocket
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN LIFX Turn lights on
Weekday alarm for LIFX
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Save your tweets to a spreadsheet!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
customize this to work for you. Pick 2 uninterrupted hours every day that you can focus on your future! Build your business... develop your ideas!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current condition changes to THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
If it's going to rain, ITS GUNNA RAIN
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Photos New screenshot THEN iOS Photos Add photo to album
Save screenshots in a separate lbum
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current temperature rises above THEN Philips Hue Change color
High weather underground temps turn hue lights orange
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Coinbase Cryptocurrency bought THEN (more:trees) Plant tree for self
Plant a tree every time you buy Cryptocurrency, with Coinbase and (more:trees)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Price at close THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Daily Walmart Stock Update
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Diigo Add a public bookmark
New feed items post status post public bookmark to Diigo
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Toodledo Add a task
If New Item from RSS Feed then Create Task in Toodledo Folder
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Pages New status message on page THEN Bitly Add a bitlink
IFTTT FBPage Syndication Network: FBPage to Bitly
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Spotify New saved track THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Spotify to drive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Contacts Any new contact THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
contacts to google
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Contacts Any new contact THEN Google Calendar Quick add event
Whenever I add a new contact, mark it in my Calendar
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
Add days of week and specific times to turn your ringer back on. Use with Mute at specific times.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Square New payment over a specific amount THEN woopla phone calls Call me and play text
This Applet calls you every time you receive a payment over a specific amount to your Square Merchant account.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Assistant Say a phrase with a text ingredient THEN iOS Reminders Add reminder to list
With this applet Google Assistant will save your shopping list items to your iOS Shopping List from reminders, the same place where Siri does it, so you can use a single shopping list with both assistants.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF reddit New post from search THEN Pocket Save for later
Save /r/Futurology's Tech & Science Summary of the Week to Pocket
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Spotify New track added to a playlist THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Spotify #NowPlaying TwitterSpotifyURL https://ift.tt/35zYeym
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Temperature in Celsius
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Philips Hue Blink lights
This is a fun way to show off what the Hue lights can do - there's all sorts of ways to use this Applet, but our favorite is signaling to the family that it's dinner-time or almost time for bed.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.