1 value
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Weather Notificaton
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Evernote Create a note
Archive Facebook statuses to Evernote, with each status its own note
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Pages New status message on page THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Flickr New public favorite THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Faves to dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current condition changes to THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Tweet qu'il commence faire soleil avec la temprature actuelle.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Hive Active Light™ Turn off light for a specific duration
Access your light switch even when you are not at home. This DO Applet lets you turn off a specific Hive Active Light.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Foursquare Any new check-in THEN Dropbox Append to a text file
Log checkins in text file
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Price drops below THEN Email Send me an email
Buy when hit the price before summer 2015
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Post a new photo by Instagram to Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Harvest Timer started THEN Harvest Create task in project
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From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN Email Send me an email
Recevez un e-mail lorsqu'une nouvelle vido YouTube est mise en ligne sur la chane Thermor France.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Every day at 7:30am send today's weather report to your #android
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New channel membership THEN Notifications Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
This Applet monitors for when you receive a new Channel Membership for your YouTube channel and will send you a rich mobile notification about your latest member.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Posting Instagram images to Twitter with Instagram's link
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN GO Play the text to speech
This Applet will play a brief message when tomorrow's forecast calls for rain and includes the expected high and low temperature in Celsius.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF ComEd Change in Average Price THEN WeMo Smart Plug Turn on
Whenever the price comes back down below my threshold, turn on the appliance connected to my WeMo Smart Plug.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF SMS Send IFTTT an SMS tagged THEN VoIP Calls Call my device
This applet uses SMS service. You will send an SMS to the IFTTT server with the tag '#lost' and then a VoIP call will come to your phone or tab that is lost.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN EasyFTP Upload File
Back up your Instagram photos automatically to a FTP / SFTP Server.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF SoundCloud New public like THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
SoundCloud fav to Dropbox folder - MP3 download if available // #soundcloud #download #dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Android Device Mute ringtone
Please change the time for your needs
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket Any new item THEN Bitly Add a bitlink
if item added then public bitmark
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Nest Thermostat Nest set to Home THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Set to Home and get a notification via Android
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN AiDot Change color temperature
You can change your Aidot light color temperature by using button widget
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Photos Any new photo THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Save my iOS photos to Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Feedly New article from category THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Save Feedly Post Titles to Google Drive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WordPress Any new post THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
New Posts Added
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Email Send IFTTT an email tagged THEN WeMo Smart Plug Turn on
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every year on THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Make your own anniversary date
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Myfox HomeControl System detects a household risk THEN Android SMS Send an SMS
MyFox SMS household risk
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Save your Instagram photos to Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New Applet published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we plan to publish new Applets that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New favorite item THEN Evernote Create a note
wepli ( http://wepli.net/ ) IFTTT
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
Wake up Call
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Post your Instagram pictures as native Twitter pictures
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Get notified when David Squires posts something new
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN iOS Photos Add photo to album
Insta camera roll
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Sunset THEN Hive Active Light™ Turn on light for a specific duration
This Applet makes sure your Hive Active Light automatically turns on when the sun sets.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New Applet published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we plan to publish new Applets that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF SoundCloud New public track by anyone you follow THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Soundcloud Notification System
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current temperature rises above THEN Smart Life Turn off
The applet turns a Smart Life plug off when the temperatures rise above single digit temperatures.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Philips Hue Blink lights
Blink your Hue lights every day when it's time for your medication.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Free iTunes downloads alert me via IF notification #iTunes no#free
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram New photo by you with specific hashtag THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Choose a #hashtag and use it each time you'd like to share your Instagram post to Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Every week day at 9:00 AM send me a text reminder to DO WORK
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Foursquare Any new check-in THEN Dozens Save
Save 1 every time you check-in on Foursquare
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Android Device Mute ringtone
Mute ringtone and no vibrate workweek
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Say a specific phrase THEN Hopscotch Social Media Management Create a new published post
Say 'Alexa trigger say good morning to my followers' to publish a 'Good morning!' post to your social media.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New item tagged THEN Instapaper Save item
Pocket Tag > Instapaper Folder
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Fox News Trending news from section THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This applet fires when trending news from a section
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Google Drive Upload file from URL
#Instagram to #GoogleDrive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WeMo Motion Any new motion THEN WeMo Light Switch Turn on
Switch On the light when Motion
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Telegram New message with key phrase in a group THEN Telegram Send message
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Facebook Pages Upload a photo from URL
New Instagram photo upload a new Photo on Facebook Page Album
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every hour at THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Just Say Yes
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Smart Life Turn off
Applet to turn off smart device at night.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF eWeLink Smart Home Temperature goes above or below THEN Email Send me an email
When the current temperature on TH devices goes above or below a preset degree, send me an email.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Photos Any new photo THEN Email Send me an email
Email me my new iPhone photos
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN WordPress Create a post
RSS to WordPress.com
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every hour at THEN iOS Photos Add photo to album
Obnoxious iOS Photos Recipe
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New favorite item THEN Buffer Add to Buffer
Add this to automatically Buffer a story your favorited in Pocket
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Square Any new payment THEN Slack Post to channel
Square payment info
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Your profile changes THEN Philips Hue Change color from image
Use Hue Bulbs To Become Alerted To A New FB Profile Picture, By Blinking The Lights And Changing THe Colour
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Google Drive Upload file from URL
#Facebook tagged photos to #GoogleDrive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF SmartThings Brightness drops below THEN Smart Life Turn on
Turns on lombex light when illumination in living room is less than 11 lux
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Delicious Any new public bookmark THEN Unforgettable Me Upload to Unforgettable Me
Record to Unforgettable Me any new Delicious link
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF nemy Electricity price changes THEN Philips Hue Change color
Always know if it's a good time to use electricity by glancing over to your Phillips Hue. Colours range from blue (free or negative electricity price), green, yellow, orange, red, and purple (electricity price spike). For more info, head to nemy.io/ifttt.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Contacts Any new contact THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
My first IFTTT recipe
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF NewsBlur New saved story THEN Buffer Add to Buffer
Save a story on NewsBlur Add to Buffer
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Item added to your Shopping List THEN Evernote Create a note
Adds a note to evernote from shopping list
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New Applet published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we plan to publish new Applets that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
enter feed
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
New video upload share on Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Slack Post to channel
Don't forget to water your plants to slack channel
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Assistant Say a simple phrase THEN Wyze Disable motion detection
Turn off motion detection on all your Wyze Cams when you get up in the morning by using voice commands
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN LightwaveRF Power Lock device
At a pre-selected time, lock a LightwaveRF Socket to prevent manual operation.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
Post your YouTube uploads to a Facebook Page
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WeMo Light Switch Long press THEN WeMo Light Switch Toggle on/off
I use two instances of this recipe. When I walk in or out the front door, I can longpress the Front Entryway light switch to toggle the Kitchen Light, turning it on as I come home or off if it happens to be on. I also have the Kitchen Light Switch set to toggle the Front Door Light.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF abode Alarm activated THEN My Leviton Toggle a Leviton Device
If Abode goes into alarm then turn on My Leviton device n room specified by user
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Email Send me an email
What did you do this week?
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN Delicious Add a public bookmark
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Phone Call (US only) Leave IFTTT any voicemail THEN Box Append to a text file
Share your verbal ideas/secrets via every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number and append the message to a Box text file!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar New event added THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
Call me when a new event is added to my calendar
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android Phone Call Any outgoing phone call ends THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
my call lof
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Google Sheet Line
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Space Astronaut enters space THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This is based on https://ifttt.com/recipes/193915-did-an-astronaut-enter-space-find-out-by-ios-notification
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Spotify New track added to a playlist THEN Telegram Send message
Send songs saved to a playlist, specified by you, to a Telegram chat of your choice.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Evernote Create a note
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF GitHub New pull request for a specific repository THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Send an IF notification when a Pull Request is opened on a specific repo.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
If tomorrow's forecast calls for rain, send out an IF notification.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Say a specific phrase THEN VoIP Calls Call my device
Tell Alexa to call your missing phone!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Contacts Any new contact THEN Dropbox Append to a text file
IFTTT iOS App needed. Append new iOS Contacts to Dropbox Text File
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Posts a link to latest Instagram upload on Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New liked video THEN Dropbox Create a text file
If new Youtube liked video, then create a text file in Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Assistant Say a simple phrase THEN Wemo Dimmer Change brightness
Saying 'Turn On Movie Mode' will Start the a Harmony Activity and dim the Wemo Dimmer.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Fiverr New gig ordered THEN Trello Create a card
When you order a new gig on Fiverr it will be automatically posted into a Trello Board to help you manage your schedule.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.