1 value
IF Google Assistant Say a simple phrase THEN Wink: Shortcuts Activate shortcut
Simple phrase to Google assistant will set scenes in Wink and Nano
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF ProPublica The president signs a new bill into law THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Tweet new laws
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Pushover Send a Pushover notification
UptimeRobot feed
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet from search THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
taking the tweets from hastag
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram New photo by you with specific hashtag THEN Evernote Create a note
@ajol_llama Instagram to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook You are tagged in a photo THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Download Facebook photos
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Email Send IFTTT any email THEN WeMo Smart Plug Toggle on/off
Toggle WeMo Switch on Email
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Philips Hue Turn on lights
Turn on All lights weekday mornings
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Text post from Facebook to Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New favorite item THEN Dropbox Add file from URL
Saves any new favorite article from Pocket as a PDF and downloads to your Dropbox
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Uplink Remote The alarm panel has been armed THEN Philips Hue Turn off lights
Automatically turn off your lights at the same time when arming the system.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Today's price rises by percentage THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
tells me of stock increases day by day via notification
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Bernafon Connection is lost THEN Bernafon Play the text to speech
Un message vocal averti l'utilisateur de la perte de connexion d'un ou des appareils auditifs Zerena de Bernafon
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Say a specific phrase THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
Add phone number
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Facebook Pages Upload a photo from URL
Post Instagram Photos to Facebook Brand Page
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
Today's weather conditions Facebook Page Post.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Location You enter an area THEN Android Device Set ringtone volume
Reached home
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Feedly New article saved for later THEN Email Send me an email
Feedly's email
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Works With Cavius Alarm THEN Arlo Start recording
Make Arlo camera record video automatically when smoke, heat, burglary or water flood is detected. Does not make a video recording on entry delay (the time you have to disarm the burglar alarm before it triggers)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF ProPublica Congress is scheduled to vote on a bill THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Congress is voting
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Ask what's on your Shopping List THEN Gmail Send an email
Email me my shopping list.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you with hashtag THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
Tweets go to Fb Page w/ link
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar Event from search starts THEN Twitter Post a tweet
tweet from calendar
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket New favorite item THEN Evernote Create a link note
Linked pocket and evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF IFTTT New trigger or action published by service THEN Email Send me an email
As we improve our service on IFTTT, we aim to publish new triggers or actions that you won't want to miss out on. Stay tuned!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
A simple IF Notification
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF WordPress New post with tag or category THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's low drops below THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Frost warning text
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current condition changes to THEN iOS Reminders Add reminder to list
When it changes to rain,remind you to bring an umbrella
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Uplink Remote The alarm panel has been disarmed THEN SmartThings Switch on
Automatically turn on the lights whenever you disarm your alarm system.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Flickr Upload public photo from URL
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Smappee Power drops below THEN Smappee Turn on plug
Turn on the appliance(s) connected to the selected plug when the power drops below the specified threshold.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Misfit Flash button triple pressed THEN Gmail Send an email
An easy way to let your spouse, parent, or friends know that you're coming home. Most carriers have a way to send a text message to someone by emailing a specific email address, so you can use this recipe for that! Make sure you have IFTTT assigned to the #triplepress button command in the Misfit app. Need help? Check out http://bit.ly/iftttmisfitfaq
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Assistant Say a simple phrase THEN Nature Remo Turn off air conditioner
Simply say 'Turn off AC' to Google Home or Google Assistant to turn off your air conditioner using Nature Remo
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New liked tweet by you THEN Evernote Create a note
Twitter Favorites to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Instagram uploads image to Twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
IOS Weather Notification @730AM w/Current Condition, H/L, Humidity, Pollen, UvIndex
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Meross Turn off
Briefly turn off and then back on a connected Meross device at a predefined time every day.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN Weebly Publish blog post
Youtube to Weebly
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Zoom Phone New call in call log THEN TickTick Add a task
This Applet will create a callback task in TickTick when you miss a call.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Department of Defense News articles THEN Email Digest Add to weekly email digest
This Applet will gather up news that mentions the Navy from the Department of Defense and send it to you in a Friday email. Blue and gold forever!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day at THEN Philips Hue Turn off lights
This applet will allow you to set a time to have your Hue lights be turned off every day.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New liked video THEN WordPress Create a post
YT like to WP post
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet from search THEN Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet
Log Tweets
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF SurveyMonkey New survey response THEN Philips Hue Blink lights
This Recipe will blink your hue lights when you have a new response to the specified survey.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Slack Post to channel
Enter your carfds in
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Swidget Motion begins THEN Swidget Turn On
Use a Swidget Motion Sensor to automatically turn ON a Swidget Device when Motion is sensed.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Todoist New task created THEN Google Calendar Quick add event
Add's event to calendar when new task is made in Todoist
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This recipe will send you a reminder every day of the week to complete your 5 minute journal in Evernote.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new photo by you THEN Google Calendar Quick add event
Add instagram bofm365 photos to google calendar
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New liked tweet by you THEN Dropbox Append to a text file
Adds your liked tweets to a dropbox file
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Photos Any new photo THEN Evernote Create a note
iOS photo to Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
This applet allows you to post your new RSS feed items to Twitter with a link and image
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Particle Monitor a variable THEN Android SMS Send an SMS
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by a specific user THEN Slack Post to channel
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Raindrop.io Create a new bookmark
Rss To Raindrop
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa New song played THEN Spotify Add track to a playlist
Subject to availability of the song in Spotify.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New link post by you THEN Pocket Save for later
Share an Article to yourself via Facebook, post, saves link to Pocket!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Button widget Button press THEN Connexoon Asia & Oceania Launch a Connexoon scenario
Press a button widget on your smartphone home screen to launch a Connexoon scenario you chose. (This function can only be created through IFTTT mobile app)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF The New York Times New Critics' Pick movie review THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Be the first to spot next year's Oscar winners with this Recipe
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Date & Time Every day of the week at THEN Facebook Pages Upload a photo from URL
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Calendar New event added THEN OneNote Create a page
create a OneNote page from a Calendar entry
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Post the new inspirational video from GetInspired365 to twitter
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New link by you THEN Delicious Add a public bookmark
Save links you post at Twitter to delicious
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Instagram Any new video by you THEN Gmail Send an email
Send Instagram videos to Mobypicture.com
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Amazon Alexa Ask what's on your To Do List THEN Phone Call (US only) Call my phone
Just ask 'What's on my todo list' and Alexa will ring your phone helping you locate it.UPDATE: IFTTT Triggers introduced by Amazon recently and this might be a better recipe:https://ifttt.com/recipes/341784-alexa-trigger-find-my-phone
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Todoist New task created THEN Pushbullet Push a note
New task creates notification.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Location You enter an area THEN eWeLink Smart Home Turn 1-Channel Switch on or off
Swich on /off ewelunk 1 ch switch When entering an Area between 9 pm and 6 am - India
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Finance Price at close THEN LaMetric Update Indicator App
Display Apple stock price on LaMetric TIME
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Pocket Any new item THEN Evernote Create a note
Noted your findings
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Square Any new payment THEN Email Send me an email
new square sale to email
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Today's weather report THEN Email Send me an email
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook Pages New status message on page THEN Buffer Add to Buffer
Just post plain text message on facebook page it will automatically be posted on linkedin Page
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF GE Appliances Cooking Oven timer done THEN Android Device Play a specific song
When your cooker finishes, have a superstar grand entrance with your Android Phone and Philips Lights.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN NewsBlur Share a story
IFTTT-Twitter Syndication: Twitter to Newsblur
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN Gmail Send an email
Any native tweet from iPad Masters. PLZ RT!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Current temperature drops below THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Get an email alert when teletext drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Nest Protect Smoke alarm emergency THEN Powered by Viva Turn device on
Automatically turn on a light when the Nest Protect is triggered
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Trello Card added to board THEN Evernote Create a note
If card added to a Trello board, then Create a note in Evernote
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Filtrete™ Smart New Filtrete air filter installed THEN Slack Post to channel
Broadcasts to your chosen Slack channel whenever a new Filtrete Air Filter is installed or an existing filter is replaced using the Filtrete Smart app.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Facebook New status message by you THEN WordPress Create a post
Facebook to Blog
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Text Me if It's Going to Rain tomorrow
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF iOS Reminders Any new reminder THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
It notifies you from reminders to remind you
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android Photos Any new photo THEN Google Drive Upload file from URL
Backup my Android photos to Google Drive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Feedly New article saved for later THEN Email Send me an email
Save in Feedly, Send to Mail
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet
Talentsquare blog post directly on your Twitter account :)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New liked video THEN Buffer Add to Buffer
YT like to Buffer
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Android SMS Any new SMS received THEN Myfox HomeControl Play a scenario
If any new SMS received, then play a scenario (ask the Myfox box to make a bip)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Medium Post recommended by you THEN Facebook Pages Create a link post
Shares from Medium...
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New follower THEN Twitter Post a tweet
#Automatic #Thanks/#Welcome #Tweet to new #Followers #Follow you on #Twitter!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF RSS Feed New feed item THEN Twitter Post a tweet with image
Update the RSS feed to be whatever feed you want to share to Twitter and you're done!
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Trello Card assigned to me THEN Das Keyboard Q Create a Signal for Q Device (one zone)
Whenever a Trello card is assigned to you, your Das Keyboard will receive a new signal.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New public video uploaded by you THEN WordPress Create a post
IFTTT-WHEEL: Youtube to Wordpress
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Strava New activity by you THEN Google Drive Upload file from URL
New Strava ride To Google drive
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Arlo Motion detected THEN WeMo Smart Plug Turn on
Arlo Camera Triggers Wemo lights on after 22:00 - 6:00
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Google Assistant Say a simple phrase THEN Ambi Climate Provide Comfort Feedback
Tell Ambi Climate you're comfortable via Google Assistant. Choose any phrase you want to activate this applet.
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Weather Underground Tomorrow's forecast calls for THEN Notifications Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Tomorrow's condition
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Medium Post recommended by you THEN Facebook Pages Upload a photo from URL
Share Medium Recommendations to Facebook Page. (Photo from URL and Caption is Title + URL)
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF YouTube New liked video THEN Spotify Add track to a playlist
Hardstyle MAWK
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.
IF Twitter New tweet by you THEN Instapaper Save item
Twitter to Instapaper
From the description of a rule: identify the 'trigger', identify the 'action', write a IF 'trigger' THEN 'action' rule.