Merchandise imports and exports by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly
Title: Merchandise imports and exports by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly Date range: 1971-01-01 to 2012-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Other energy products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual
Title: Merchandise imports and exports by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual Date range: 1971-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Other energy products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, monthly (1997)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, monthly (1997) Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2007-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly (1997)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly (1997) Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2007-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual (1997)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual (1997) Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2006-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, monthly (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, monthly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Import and export major commodity groups Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Import and export major commodity groups: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 71, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 73, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 74, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 75, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 76, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 77, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 78, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 79, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 80, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 83, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 84, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 85, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 86, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 87, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 88, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 89, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 90, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 91, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 92, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 93, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 94, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 95, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 96, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 97, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 100, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 101, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 102, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 103, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 104, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 105, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 106, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 107, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 108, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 109, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 110, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 111, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 112, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 113, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 114, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 115, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 116, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 117, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 118, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 119, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 120, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 121, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 122, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 123, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 134, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 135, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 136, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 137, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, quarterly (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, quarterly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Import and export major commodity groups Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Import and export major commodity groups: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 71, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 73, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 74, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 75, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 76, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 77, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 78, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 79, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 80, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 83, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 84, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 85, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 86, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 87, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 88, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 89, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 90, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 91, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 92, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 93, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 94, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 95, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 96, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 97, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 100, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 101, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 102, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 103, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 104, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 105, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 106, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 107, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 108, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 109, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 110, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 111, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 112, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 113, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 114, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 115, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 116, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 117, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 118, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 119, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 120, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 121, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 122, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 123, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 134, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 135, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 136, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 137, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, annual (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports balance of payments and customs-based price and volume indexes for all countries, annual (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index, Weighting, Import and export major commodity groups Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Import and export major commodity groups: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 71, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 73, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 74, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 75, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 76, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 77, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 78, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 79, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 80, Parent: 71, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 83, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 84, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 85, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 86, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 87, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 88, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 89, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 90, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 91, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 92, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 93, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 94, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 95, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 96, Parent: 81, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 97, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 100, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 101, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 102, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 103, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 104, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 105, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 106, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 107, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 108, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 109, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 110, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 111, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 112, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 113, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 114, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 115, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 116, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 117, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 118, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 119, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 120, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 121, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 122, Parent: 97, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 123, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 134, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 135, Parent: 123, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 136, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 6 Special transactions, trade ID: 137, Parent: 69, Name: Exports, Section 7 Other balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, monthly (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, monthly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading area, Weighting, Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trading area: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 70, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 72, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 73, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 74, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 75, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 76, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 77, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 85, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 86, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 87, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 88, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 89, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 90, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 92, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 93, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 94, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 95, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 96, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 97, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 98, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 99, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 100, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 101, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 102, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 103, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 104, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 105, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 106, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 108, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 109, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 110, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 111, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 112, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 113, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 114, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 115, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 116, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 117, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 118, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 119, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 120, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 121, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 122, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 123, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 124, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 125, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 126, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 127, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 128, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 129, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 130, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 131, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 132, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 136, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 137, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 138, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 139, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 140, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 141, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 142, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 143, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 144, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 154, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 155, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified
Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, quarterly (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, quarterly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading area, Weighting, Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trading area: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 70, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 72, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 73, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 74, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 75, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 76, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 77, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 85, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 86, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 87, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 88, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 89, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 90, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 92, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 93, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 94, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 95, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 96, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 97, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 98, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 99, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 100, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 101, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 102, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 103, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 104, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 105, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 106, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 108, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 109, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 110, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 111, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 112, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 113, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 114, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 115, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 116, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 117, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 118, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 119, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 120, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 121, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 122, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 123, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 124, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 125, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 126, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 127, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 128, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 129, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 130, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 131, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 132, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 136, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 137, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 138, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 139, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 140, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 141, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 142, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 143, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 144, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 154, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 155, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified
Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, annual (2002)
Title: Merchandise imports and exports customs-based price indexes, Canada and United States trade, and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) price indexes for all countries and United States, annual (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading area, Weighting, Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trading area: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Import and export major groups and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.1 Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.2 Fish and marine animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.3 Fresh fruits and berries ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.4 Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.5 Fresh vegetables ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.6 Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.7 Cocoa, coffee, tea and other food preparations ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.8 Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.9 Corn (maize) shelled ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.10 Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.11 Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.12 Fodder and feed, except unmilled cereals ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.13 Beverages ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Imports, Major group 2.14 Tobacco ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.1 Metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.2 Coal and other related products ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.3 Crude petroleum ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.4 Crude animal products ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.5 Crude vegetable products ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.6 Crude wood products ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.7 Cotton ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.8 Wool and man-made fibres ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Major group 3.9 Crude non-metallic minerals ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.1 Wood fabricated materials ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.2 Textile fabricated materials ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.3 Organic chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.4 Plastic materials ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.5 Other chemicals and related products ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.6 Petroleum and coal products ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.7 Steel bars, rods, plates and sheets ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.8 Other iron and steel products ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.9 Precious metals, including alloys ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.10 Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.11 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.12 Rubber fabricated materials ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.13 Oils and fats, animal and vegetable ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.14 Non-metallic minerals ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Imports, Major group 4.15 Other fabricated materials ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.1 Engines, turbines, electric generators and motors ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.2 Drilling and mining machinery ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.3 Excavating machinery ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.4 Metal working machinery ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.5 Other industrial machinery ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.6 Agricultural machinery including tractors ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.7 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.8 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.9 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.10 Television and radio sets and phonographs ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.11 Other communication and related equipment ID: 56, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.12 Office machines and equipment ID: 57, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.13 Other equipment and tools ID: 58, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.14 Aircraft, engines assemblies and parts ID: 59, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.15 Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 60, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.16 Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 61, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.17 Footwear ID: 62, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.18 Printed matter ID: 63, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.19 Watches, sporting goods and toys ID: 64, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.20 House furnishings, utensils and other household goods ID: 65, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.21 Photographic goods ID: 66, Parent: 44, Name: Imports, Major group 5.22 Miscellaneous end products, inedible ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 70, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 72, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 73, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 74, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 75, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 76, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 77, Parent: 67, Name: Imports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 1 Live animals ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 2 Food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.1 Fish, fresh, frozen, preserved and canned ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.2 Barley ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.3 Wheat ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.4 Wheat flour ID: 85, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.5 Other cereals unmilled ID: 86, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.6 Other cereal preparations ID: 87, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.7 Meat and meat preparations ID: 88, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.8 Alcoholic beverages ID: 89, Parent: 80, Name: Exports, Major group 2.9 Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 90, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 3 Crude materials, inedible ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.1 Rapeseed ID: 92, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.2 Other crude vegetable products ID: 93, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.3 Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 94, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.4 Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 95, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.5 Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 96, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.6 Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 97, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.7 Other ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 98, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.8 Crude petroleum ID: 99, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.9 Natural gas ID: 100, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.10 Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 101, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.11 Asbestos unmanufactured ID: 102, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.12 Other crude animal products ID: 103, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.13 Other crude wood products ID: 104, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.14 Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 105, Parent: 90, Name: Exports, Major group 3.15 Other crude materials inedible ID: 106, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 4 Fabricated materials, inedible ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.1 Lumber ID: 108, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.2 Other wood fabricated materials ID: 109, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.3 Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 110, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.4 Newsprint paper ID: 111, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.5 Other paper and paperboard ID: 112, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.6 Inorganic chemicals ID: 113, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.7 Organic chemicals ID: 114, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.8 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 115, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.9 Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 116, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.10 Other chemical products ID: 117, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.11 Petroleum and coal products ID: 118, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.12 Primary iron and steel ID: 119, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.13 Steel bars, rods, plates, sheets ID: 120, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.14 Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 121, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.15 Aluminum, including alloys ID: 122, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.16 Copper and alloys ID: 123, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.17 Nickel and alloys ID: 124, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.18 Precious metals and alloys ID: 125, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.19 Zinc and alloys ID: 126, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.20 Other non ferrous metals and alloys ID: 127, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.21 Metal fabricated basic products ID: 128, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.22 Electricity ID: 129, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.23 Textile fabricated materials ID: 130, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.24 Non metallic mineral basic products ID: 131, Parent: 106, Name: Exports, Major group 4.25 Other fabricated materials ID: 132, Parent: 78, Name: Exports, Section 5 End products, inedible ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.1 Industrial machinery ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.2 Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.3 Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 136, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.4 Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 137, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.5 Motor vehicle parts including motor vehicle engines and engine parts ID: 138, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.6 Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 139, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.7 Aircraft, aircraft engines and parts ID: 140, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.8 Other transportation equipment ID: 141, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.9 Office machines and equipment ID: 142, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.10 Other equipment and tools ID: 143, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.11 Other consumer goods ID: 144, Parent: 132, Name: Exports, Major group 5.12 Other end products, inedible ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total, Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC) ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 0 Food and live animals ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 2 Crude materials, except fuels, inedible ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils and fats ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 5 Chemicals ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 6 Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment ID: 154, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 155, Parent: 145, Name: Exports, SITC 9 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, monthly (2002)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, monthly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly (2002)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, quarterly (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2012-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Seasonal adjustment, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual (2002)
Title: Merchandise import and export price and volume indexes by sector and sub-sector, customs and balance of payments basis, for all countries, annual (2002) Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Basis, Index type, Weighting, Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs basis ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments basis Index type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted Merchandise import and export sectors and sub-sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.1 Fruits and vegetables ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 2.2 Coal and other related products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metals and metal ores ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals and plastics ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 4.3 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.3 Office machines and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 5.4 Other machinery and equipment ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.1 Apparel and footwear ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Imports, Sub-sector 7.2 Miscellaneous consumer goods ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.1 Wheat ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 1.2 Other agricultural and fishing products ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.1 Crude petroleum ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.2 Natural gas ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 2.3 Other energy products ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.1 Lumber and sawmill products ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.2 Wood pulp and other wood products ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 3.3 Newsprint and other paper and paperboard ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.1 Metal ores ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.2 Chemicals, plastics and fertilizers ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.3 Metals and alloys ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 4.4 Other industrial goods and materials ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.1 Industrial and agricultural machinery ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.2 Aircraft and other transportation equipment ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 5.3 Other machinery and equipment ID: 48, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.1 Passenger autos and chassis ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.2 Trucks and other motor vehicles ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Exports, Sub-sector 6.3 Motor vehicle parts ID: 52, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 54, Parent: 27, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports by sector, balance of payments basis, for all countries, seasonally adjusted, Fisher formula, monthly
Title: Merchandise imports and exports by sector, balance of payments basis, for all countries, seasonally adjusted, Fisher formula, monthly Date range: 1981-01-01 to 2012-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Merchandise import and export sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Merchandise import and export sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 19, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 20, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports by sector, balance of payments basis, for all countries, seasonally adjusted, Fisher formula, quarterly
Title: Merchandise imports and exports by sector, balance of payments basis, for all countries, seasonally adjusted, Fisher formula, quarterly Date range: 1981-01-01 to 2012-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Merchandise import and export sectors Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis), International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Merchandise import and export sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports, total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Imports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Exports, total of all merchandise ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 1 Agricultural and fishing products ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 2 Energy products ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 3 Forestry products ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 4 Industrial goods and materials ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 5 Machinery and equipment ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 6 Automotive products ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 7 Other consumer goods ID: 19, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 8 Special transactions trade ID: 20, Parent: 11, Name: Exports, Sector 9 Unallocated balance of payments adjustments
Merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and principal trading areas
Title: Merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and principal trading areas Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2014-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Principal trading areas Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Principal trading areas: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States, including Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: European Union excluding the United Kingdom ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other organization for economic co-operation and development countries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Other countries
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and number of partner countries Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 partner countries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 3 to 5 partner countries ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 6 to 9 partner countries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 partner countries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 partner countries ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 20 or more partner countries
United States merchandise trade
Title: United States merchandise trade Date range: 1948-01-01 to 1993-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Seasonal adjustment, Type of trade Subject: International trade Survey: United States Statistics Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Type of trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Merchandise exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Merchandise imports ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Merchandise balance
Exports, by summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations, by destination, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Exports, by summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations, by destination, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1963-01-01 to 2004-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Destination, Summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Destination: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: European Union 1995 ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries (excluding the European Union 1995, United States of America and Japan) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Other countries (excluding the European Union 1995, other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, United States of America and Japan) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other America (excluding United States of America) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Norway ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: South Africa ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: India ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: China ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Argentina ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Peru ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Venezuela ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Cuba ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: United States of America ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Russia Summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total exports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total re-exports ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total domestic exports ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Total live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Total food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Meat and meat preparations ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Meat, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Other meat and meat preparations ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Fish, fresh or frozen ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Fish, whole, dressed, fresh or frozen ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Fish, fillets and blocks fresh or frozen ID: 12, Parent: 5, Name: Shellfish, preserved fish ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Fish, preserved, except canned ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Fish, canned ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Other fishery foods and feeds ID: 16, Parent: 5, Name: Wheat ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Wheat flour ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Other cereals and preparations ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Barley ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Other cereals, unmilled ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Other cereals, milled ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Cereal preparations ID: 23, Parent: 5, Name: Other foods ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Fruits and fruit preparations ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Other foods and materials for foods ID: 28, Parent: 5, Name: Fodder and feed ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Oil seed, cake and meal ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Other feeds of vegetable origin ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Other fodder and feeds ID: 32, Parent: 5, Name: Whisky ID: 33, Parent: 5, Name: Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Other beverages ID: 36, Parent: 33, Name: Tobacco ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Total crude materials, inedible ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Hides, skins and furs ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Raw hides and skins ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Fur skins, undressed ID: 41, Parent: 37, Name: Oil seeds ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Flaxseed ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Rapeseed ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Other oil seeds, oil nuts, oil kernels ID: 45, Parent: 37, Name: Crude wood materials ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Pulpwood ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Pulpwood chips ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Other crude wood products ID: 49, Parent: 37, Name: Iron ores concentrates and scrap ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Scrap iron and steel ID: 52, Parent: 37, Name: Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 53, Parent: 37, Name: Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 54, Parent: 37, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 55, Parent: 37, Name: Other non-ferrous ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Aluminum ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Lead in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Precious metal in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Other metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 61, Parent: 37, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 62, Parent: 37, Name: Natural gas ID: 63, Parent: 37, Name: Asbestos, unmanufactured ID: 64, Parent: 37, Name: Other non-metallic minerals ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Coal and other crude bituminous substances ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Sulphur ID: 67, Parent: 64, Name: Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 68, Parent: 37, Name: Other crude materials inedible ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Other crude animal products ID: 70, Parent: 68, Name: Seeds for sowing ID: 71, Parent: 68, Name: Other crude vegetable products ID: 72, Parent: 68, Name: Textile and related fibres ID: 73, Parent: 68, Name: Other waste and scrap materials ID: 74, Parent: 3, Name: Total fabricated materials, inedible ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Lumber, softwood ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Lumber, hardwood ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Veneer and plywood ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Veneer ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Plywood ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Newsprint paper ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Other paper and board ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Other paper for printing ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: Paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 83, Name: Other paper ID: 87, Parent: 74, Name: Textile fabricated materials ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Yarn, thread, cordage, twine and rope ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Cotton broad woven fabrics ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Other broad woven fabrics ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Other textile fabricated materials ID: 92, Parent: 74, Name: Chemicals ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Chemical elements ID: 94, Parent: 92, Name: Other inorganic chemicals ID: 95, Parent: 92, Name: Organic chemicals ID: 96, Parent: 74, Name: Fertilizers and fertilizer material ID: 97, Parent: 74, Name: Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Synthetic rubber and plastics materials ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Plastics basic shapes and forms ID: 100, Parent: 74, Name: Primary iron and steel ID: 101, Parent: 74, Name: Plate, sheet and strip, steel ID: 102, Parent: 74, Name: Other iron and steel ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Ferro-alloys ID: 104, Parent: 102, Name: Castings and forging steel ID: 105, Parent: 102, Name: Bars and rods, steel ID: 106, Parent: 102, Name: Railway track material ID: 107, Parent: 102, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 108, Parent: 74, Name: Aluminum, including alloys ID: 109, Parent: 74, Name: Copper and alloys ID: 110, Parent: 74, Name: Nickel and alloys ID: 111, Parent: 74, Name: Zinc, including alloys ID: 112, Parent: 74, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Lead, including alloys ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Precious metals, including alloys ID: 115, Parent: 112, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 116, Parent: 74, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Leather and leather fabricated materials ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Shingles and shakes ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Other sawmill products ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Other wood fabricated materials ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Oil, fats, waxes, extracts, derivatives ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Other chemical products ID: 123, Parent: 116, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 124, Parent: 116, Name: Metal fabricated basic products ID: 125, Parent: 116, Name: Abrasive basic products ID: 126, Parent: 116, Name: Other non-metal mineral basic products ID: 127, Parent: 116, Name: Electricity ID: 128, Parent: 116, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 129, Parent: 3, Name: Total end products, inedible ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: Total machinery ID: 131, Parent: 130, Name: General purpose machinery ID: 132, Parent: 131, Name: Engines and turbines, general purpose ID: 133, Parent: 131, Name: Electric generators and motors ID: 134, Parent: 131, Name: Other general purpose industrial machinery ID: 135, Parent: 130, Name: Materials handling machinery and equipment ID: 136, Parent: 130, Name: Drilling, excavating, mining machinery ID: 137, Parent: 130, Name: Agricultural machinery, including tractors ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Soil preparation, seeding, fertilizing machinery ID: 139, Parent: 137, Name: Combine reaper-threshers and parts ID: 140, Parent: 137, Name: Other haying and harvesting machinery ID: 141, Parent: 137, Name: Other agricultural machinery and equipment ID: 142, Parent: 137, Name: Tractors ID: 143, Parent: 130, Name: Other machinery (residual) ID: 144, Parent: 143, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 145, Parent: 143, Name: Woodworking machinery and equipment ID: 146, Parent: 143, Name: Construction machinery and equipment ID: 147, Parent: 143, Name: Plastic industry machinery and equipment ID: 148, Parent: 143, Name: Pulp and paper industries machinery ID: 149, Parent: 143, Name: Other special industry machinery ID: 150, Parent: 129, Name: Total transportation and communication ID: 151, Parent: 150, Name: Total motor vehicles and parts ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Road motor vehicles ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 154, Parent: 152, Name: Trucks, trucks tractors and chassis ID: 155, Parent: 152, Name: Other motor vehicles ID: 156, Parent: 151, Name: Motor vehicle engines and parts ID: 157, Parent: 151, Name: Motor vehicles parts, except engines ID: 158, Parent: 150, Name: Aircraft complete with engines ID: 159, Parent: 150, Name: Aircraft engines and parts ID: 160, Parent: 159, Name: Aircraft engines and engine parts ID: 161, Parent: 159, Name: Aircraft parts, except engines ID: 162, Parent: 150, Name: Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 163, Parent: 162, Name: Television, radio sets, and phonographs ID: 164, Parent: 162, Name: Other telecommunication and related equipment ID: 165, Parent: 150, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 166, Parent: 165, Name: Railway and street railway rolling stock ID: 167, Parent: 165, Name: Ships, boats and parts ID: 168, Parent: 165, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 169, Parent: 129, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 170, Parent: 169, Name: Heating and refrigeration equipment ID: 171, Parent: 169, Name: Cooking equipment for food ID: 172, Parent: 169, Name: Electrical lighting and distribution equipment ID: 173, Parent: 169, Name: Navigation equipment and parts ID: 174, Parent: 169, Name: Other measuring or controlling medical and optical equipment ID: 175, Parent: 169, Name: Hand tools and miscellaneous cutlery ID: 176, Parent: 169, Name: Office machines and equipment ID: 177, Parent: 169, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 178, Parent: 129, Name: Personal and household goods ID: 179, Parent: 178, Name: Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 180, Parent: 178, Name: Footwear ID: 181, Parent: 178, Name: Toys, games, sporting and recreation equipment ID: 182, Parent: 178, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 183, Parent: 129, Name: Miscellaneous end products ID: 184, Parent: 183, Name: Medicinal and pharmaceutical products ID: 185, Parent: 183, Name: Medical, ophthalmic, orthopaedic supplies ID: 186, Parent: 183, Name: Printed matter ID: 187, Parent: 183, Name: Photographic goods ID: 188, Parent: 183, Name: Firearms, ammunition and ordnance ID: 189, Parent: 183, Name: Containers and closures ID: 190, Parent: 183, Name: Prefabricated buildings and structures ID: 191, Parent: 183, Name: Other end products ID: 192, Parent: 3, Name: Total special transactions, trade
Imports, by summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations, by countries or areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Imports, by summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations, by countries or areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1980-01-01 to 2004-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Country or area of origin, Summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Country or area of origin: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: European Union 1995 ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries (excluding the European Union 1995, United States of America and Japan) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Other countries (excluding the European Union 1995,other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, United States of America and Japan) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other America (excluding United States of America) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Norway ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Sweden ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Switzerland ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Iran ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Nigeria ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: South Africa ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Taiwan ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Venezuela ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: United States of America Summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total imports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total live animals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Meat and meat preparations ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Meat, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Other meat and meat preparations ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruits and berries ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Bananas and plantains, fresh ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Grapes, fresh ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Oranges, mandarins, tangerines, fresh ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Other fresh fruits and berries ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Fruits, dried or dehydrated ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Orange juice and concentrates ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Other fruit juices and concentrates ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Fruits and products, canned ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Other fruits and fruit preparations ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Tomatoes, fresh ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Other fresh vegetables ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: Raw sugar ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Coffee, cocoa and tea ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Cocoa and chocolate ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Coffee ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Tea ID: 27, Parent: 3, Name: Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Fish and marine animals ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Corn (maize), shelled ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Nuts, except oil nuts ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Refined sugar, molasses and syrups ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Sugar preparations and confectionery ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Other foods and materials for foods ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Oil seed cake and meal ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Other fodder and feed ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Distilled alcoholic beverages ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Other beverages ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Tobacco ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Total crude materials, inedible ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Oil seeds ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Soya beans ID: 44, Parent: 42, Name: Other oil seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Cotton ID: 46, Parent: 41, Name: Wool and man-made fibers ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Wool and fine animal hair ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Man-made fibres ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Other textile fibres ID: 50, Parent: 41, Name: Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Scrap iron and steel ID: 53, Parent: 41, Name: Aluminum ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 54, Parent: 41, Name: Coal ID: 55, Parent: 41, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 56, Parent: 41, Name: Other crude materials, inedible ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Fur skins, undressed ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Other crude animal products ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Rubber and allied gums, natural ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Other crude vegetable products ID: 61, Parent: 56, Name: Crude wood materials ID: 62, Parent: 56, Name: Other metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 63, Parent: 56, Name: Other crude bituminous substances ID: 64, Parent: 56, Name: Abrasives, natural ID: 65, Parent: 56, Name: Phosphate rock ID: 66, Parent: 56, Name: Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 67, Parent: 56, Name: Other waste and scrap materials ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Total fabricated materials, inedible ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Paper and paperboard ID: 70, Parent: 68, Name: Yarn, thread and cordage ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Cotton yarn and thread ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Man-made fibre yarn and thread ID: 73, Parent: 70, Name: Other yarn and thread ID: 74, Parent: 70, Name: Cordage, twine and rope ID: 75, Parent: 68, Name: Broad woven fabrics, cotton ID: 76, Parent: 68, Name: Broad woven fabrics excluding cotton ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Broad woven fabrics, wool and hair ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Broad woven fabrics, man-made ID: 79, Parent: 76, Name: Broad woven fabrics, mixed fibres ID: 80, Parent: 76, Name: Other broad woven fabrics ID: 81, Parent: 68, Name: Other textile materials ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Coated or impregnated fabrics ID: 83, Parent: 81, Name: Other textile fabricated materials ID: 84, Parent: 68, Name: Inorganic chemicals ID: 85, Parent: 68, Name: Organic chemicals ID: 86, Parent: 68, Name: Plastics and synthetic rubber ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Synthetic and reclaimed rubber ID: 88, Parent: 86, Name: Plastics materials, not shaped ID: 89, Parent: 86, Name: Plastic film and sheet ID: 90, Parent: 86, Name: Other plastics basic shapes and forms ID: 91, Parent: 68, Name: Fuel oil ID: 92, Parent: 68, Name: Petroleum and coal products excluding fuel oil ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Lubricating oils and greases ID: 94, Parent: 92, Name: Coke of petroleum and coal ID: 95, Parent: 92, Name: Other petroleum and coal products ID: 96, Parent: 68, Name: Plate, sheet and strip steel ID: 97, Parent: 68, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Bars and rods, steel ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Structural shapes, steel and sheet piling ID: 100, Parent: 97, Name: Pipes and tubes, iron and steel ID: 101, Parent: 97, Name: Wire and wire rope, iron and steel ID: 102, Parent: 97, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 103, Parent: 68, Name: Non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Aluminum, including alloys ID: 105, Parent: 103, Name: Copper and alloys ID: 106, Parent: 103, Name: Nickel and alloys ID: 107, Parent: 103, Name: Precious metals, including alloys ID: 108, Parent: 103, Name: Tin, including alloys ID: 109, Parent: 103, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 110, Parent: 68, Name: Metal fabricated basic products ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Bolts, nuts and screws ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Other basic hardware ID: 113, Parent: 110, Name: Chain ID: 114, Parent: 110, Name: Valves ID: 115, Parent: 110, Name: Pipe fittings ID: 116, Parent: 110, Name: Other metal fabricated basic products ID: 117, Parent: 68, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Leather and leather fabricated materials ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Rubber fabricated materials ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Lumber ID: 121, Parent: 117, Name: Veneer ID: 122, Parent: 117, Name: Plywood and wood building boards ID: 123, Parent: 117, Name: Other wood fabricated materials ID: 124, Parent: 117, Name: Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 125, Parent: 117, Name: Vegetable oils and fats, except essential oils ID: 126, Parent: 117, Name: Other oils, fats, waxes, extracts and derivatives ID: 127, Parent: 117, Name: Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 128, Parent: 117, Name: Dyestuffs, except dyeing extracts ID: 129, Parent: 117, Name: Pigments, lakes and toners ID: 130, Parent: 117, Name: Paints and related products ID: 131, Parent: 117, Name: Other chemical products ID: 132, Parent: 117, Name: Clay bricks, clay tiles and refractories ID: 133, Parent: 117, Name: Sheet and plate glass ID: 134, Parent: 117, Name: Other glass basic products ID: 135, Parent: 117, Name: Abrasive basic products ID: 136, Parent: 117, Name: Natural and synthetic gem stones ID: 137, Parent: 117, Name: Other non-metallic mineral basic products ID: 138, Parent: 117, Name: Electricity ID: 139, Parent: 117, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Total end products, inedible ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Total machinery ID: 142, Parent: 141, Name: General purpose industrial machinery ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Engines and turbines, diesel, general purpose ID: 144, Parent: 142, Name: Engines and turbines, general purpose, not elsewhere specified ID: 145, Parent: 142, Name: Electric generators and motors ID: 146, Parent: 142, Name: Compressors, blowers and vacuum pumps ID: 147, Parent: 142, Name: Pumps, except oil well pumps ID: 148, Parent: 142, Name: Packaging machinery ID: 149, Parent: 142, Name: Other general purpose industrial machinery ID: 150, Parent: 141, Name: Material handling machinery ID: 151, Parent: 150, Name: Conveyors and conveying systems ID: 152, Parent: 150, Name: Elevators and escalators ID: 153, Parent: 150, Name: Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers and stackers ID: 154, Parent: 150, Name: Hoisting machinery ID: 155, Parent: 150, Name: Other materials handling equipment ID: 156, Parent: 141, Name: Drilling, excavating and mining machinery ID: 157, Parent: 156, Name: Drilling machinery and drill bits ID: 158, Parent: 156, Name: Power shovels ID: 159, Parent: 156, Name: Bulldozing and similar equipment ID: 160, Parent: 156, Name: Front end loaders ID: 161, Parent: 156, Name: Other excavating machinery ID: 162, Parent: 156, Name: Mining, oil and gas machinery ID: 163, Parent: 141, Name: Machine tools, metalworking ID: 164, Parent: 141, Name: Other metalworking machinery and equipment ID: 165, Parent: 164, Name: Welding apparatus and equipment ID: 166, Parent: 164, Name: Rolling mill machinery ID: 167, Parent: 164, Name: Other metalworking machinery ID: 168, Parent: 141, Name: Textile industries machinery ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Spinning, weaving and knitting machinery ID: 170, Parent: 168, Name: Other textile industries machinery ID: 171, Parent: 141, Name: Mechanical power transmission equipment ID: 172, Parent: 171, Name: Bearings ID: 173, Parent: 171, Name: Other mechanical power transmission equipment ID: 174, Parent: 141, Name: Agricultural machinery ID: 175, Parent: 174, Name: Soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing machines ID: 176, Parent: 174, Name: Combine reaper-threshers ID: 177, Parent: 174, Name: Other haying and harvesting machinery ID: 178, Parent: 174, Name: Other agricultural machinery and equipment ID: 179, Parent: 141, Name: Tractors ID: 180, Parent: 179, Name: Wheel tractors, new ID: 181, Parent: 179, Name: Track-laying tractors and used tractors ID: 182, Parent: 141, Name: Tractor engines and tractor parts ID: 183, Parent: 141, Name: Special industry machinery ID: 184, Parent: 183, Name: Construction and maintenance machinery ID: 185, Parent: 183, Name: Pulp and paper industries machinery ID: 186, Parent: 183, Name: Printing presses ID: 187, Parent: 183, Name: Other printing machinery and equipment ID: 188, Parent: 183, Name: Food, beverages and tobacco industry machinery ID: 189, Parent: 183, Name: Plastics and chemical industry machinery ID: 190, Parent: 183, Name: Other special industry machinery ID: 191, Parent: 140, Name: Total transportation and communications equipment ID: 192, Parent: 191, Name: Total motor vehicles and parts ID: 193, Parent: 192, Name: Road motor vehicles ID: 194, Parent: 193, Name: Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 195, Parent: 194, Name: Other passenger autos and chassis ID: 196, Parent: 193, Name: Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 197, Parent: 193, Name: Other motor vehicles ID: 198, Parent: 192, Name: Motor vehicle engines and parts ID: 199, Parent: 198, Name: Motor vehicle engines ID: 200, Parent: 198, Name: Motor vehicle engine parts ID: 201, Parent: 192, Name: Motor vehicle parts except engines ID: 202, Parent: 191, Name: Aircraft and parts ID: 203, Parent: 202, Name: Aircraft, complete with engines ID: 204, Parent: 202, Name: Aircraft engines and parts ID: 205, Parent: 202, Name: Aircraft parts, except engines ID: 206, Parent: 191, Name: Communication and related equipment ID: 207, Parent: 206, Name: Telephone and telegraph equipment ID: 208, Parent: 206, Name: Television, radio sets and phonographs ID: 209, Parent: 206, Name: Electronic tubes and semi-conductors ID: 210, Parent: 206, Name: Other telecommunication and related equipment ID: 211, Parent: 191, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 212, Parent: 211, Name: Railway and street railway rolling stock ID: 213, Parent: 211, Name: Marine engines and parts ID: 214, Parent: 211, Name: Ships, boats and parts, except engines ID: 215, Parent: 211, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 216, Parent: 140, Name: Total other equipment and tools ID: 217, Parent: 216, Name: Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment ID: 218, Parent: 216, Name: Electric light and distribution equipment ID: 219, Parent: 218, Name: Electric lighting fixtures and portable lamps ID: 220, Parent: 218, Name: Switchgear and protective equipment ID: 221, Parent: 218, Name: Industrial control equipment ID: 222, Parent: 218, Name: Other electric lighting distribution equipment ID: 223, Parent: 218, Name: Auxiliary electric equipment for engines ID: 224, Parent: 216, Name: Measuring, controlling and scientific equipment, tools ID: 225, Parent: 224, Name: Electrical property measuring instruments ID: 226, Parent: 224, Name: Other measuring, laboratory equipment etc. ID: 227, Parent: 224, Name: Miscellaneous measuring, controlling instruments ID: 228, Parent: 224, Name: Medical and related equipment ID: 229, Parent: 224, Name: Navigation equipment ID: 230, Parent: 216, Name: Office machines and equipment ID: 231, Parent: 230, Name: Electronic computers ID: 232, Parent: 230, Name: Other office machines and equipment ID: 233, Parent: 216, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 234, Parent: 233, Name: Safety and sanitation equipment ID: 235, Parent: 233, Name: Service industry equipment ID: 236, Parent: 233, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 237, Parent: 233, Name: Hand tools and cutlery ID: 238, Parent: 233, Name: Miscellaneous equipment and tools ID: 239, Parent: 140, Name: Total personal and household goods ID: 240, Parent: 239, Name: Apparel and accessories ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Outerwear, except knitted ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Outerwear, knitted ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: Other apparel and apparel accessories ID: 244, Parent: 240, Name: Footwear ID: 245, Parent: 239, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 246, Parent: 245, Name: Watches, clocks, jewellery and silverware ID: 247, Parent: 245, Name: Sporting and recreation equipment ID: 248, Parent: 245, Name: Games, toys and children's vehicles ID: 249, Parent: 245, Name: House furnishings ID: 250, Parent: 245, Name: Kitchen utensils, cutlery and tableware ID: 251, Parent: 245, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 252, Parent: 140, Name: Total miscellaneous end products ID: 253, Parent: 252, Name: Books and pamphlets ID: 254, Parent: 252, Name: Other printed materials ID: 255, Parent: 254, Name: Newspapers, magazines and periodicals ID: 256, Parent: 254, Name: Other printed matter ID: 257, Parent: 252, Name: Photographic goods ID: 258, Parent: 257, Name: Unexposed photo film and plates ID: 259, Parent: 257, Name: Other photographic goods ID: 260, Parent: 252, Name: Other miscellaneous end products ID: 261, Parent: 260, Name: Medicinal and pharmaceutical products in dosage ID: 262, Parent: 260, Name: Medical, ophthalmic, orthopaedic supplies ID: 263, Parent: 260, Name: Stationer's and office supplies ID: 264, Parent: 260, Name: Containers and closures ID: 265, Parent: 260, Name: Other end products, inedible ID: 266, Parent: 1, Name: Total special transactions, trade
Selected commodity imports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Selected commodity imports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1946-01-01 to 1985-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of commodity Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports of aluminum bauxite ore ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Window glass not over 34 ounces per square foot ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Natural rubber ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: New passenger cars, less re-exports ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Refrigerators and freezers, household type ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Domestic washing machines ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Radio receiving sets ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Television receiving sets ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Salt and brine ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Raw cotton ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Total new passenger cars
Selected commodity exports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Selected commodity exports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1946-01-01 to 1985-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of commodity Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Coal and coke ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Copper, total metal content ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Refined copper ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Nickel ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Lead, total metal content ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Refined lead ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Zinc, total metal content ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Refined zinc ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Silver ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Sawn lumber ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Wood pulp ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: New passenger cars ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Refrigerators and freezers, household type ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Domestic washing machines ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Asbestos ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Beef and veal, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Bacon, ham and shoulders ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Canned meats ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Cheese ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Skim milk powder ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Poultry ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Eggs in the shell ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total fish ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Fish exported to the United States ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Fish exported to countries other than the United States ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Salmon ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Lobster ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Molybdenum
Commodity imports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Commodity imports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1968-01-01 to 1998-12-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of commodity Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Natural rubber ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Synthetic and reclaimed rubber ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Raw cotton ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Aluminum bauxite ore ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Salt and brine ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: New passenger cars ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Television receiving sets ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Radio receiving sets ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Refrigerators and freezers, household type ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Domestic washing machines
Commodity exports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Commodity exports, by volume, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1968-01-01 to 1998-12-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of commodity Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Beef and veal, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Poultry ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Bacon, ham and shoulders ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Canned meats ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total fish ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Fish exported to the United States ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Fish exported to countries other than the United States ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Salmon ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Lobster ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Cheese ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Skim milk powder ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Eggs in the shell ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Copper, total metal content ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Refined copper ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Lead, total metal content ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Refined lead ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Nickel ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Silver ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Zinc, total metal content ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Molybdenum in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Refined zinc ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Coal ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Asbestos ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Sawn lumber ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Wood pulp ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Domestic exports of new passenger cars ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Re-exports of new passenger cars ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Refrigerators and freezers, household type ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Domestic washing machines
Customs-based price and volume indexes for total merchandise imports and exports, not seasonally adjusted
Title: Customs-based price and volume indexes for total merchandise imports and exports, not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1946-01-01 to 1975-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of index, Index base period, Imports/exports Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Index of prices ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Index of physical volume Index base period: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 1948=100 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 1968=100 Imports/exports: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports
Merchandise imports from individual countries and areas, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Merchandise imports from individual countries and areas, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1946-01-01 to 1987-12-01 Dimensions: Geography, Country or area of origin Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Country or area of origin: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, merchandise imports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Western Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: European Economic Community (1986) (E.E.C.) ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (pre-1973) (E.E.C.) ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Belgium and Luxembourg ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: France ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Germany West ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Italy ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Netherlands ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1973) (E.E.C.) ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: United Kingdom ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Ireland ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Denmark ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Greece (new member, 1981) ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1986) (E.E.C.) ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Portugal ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Spain ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Other Western Europe ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Gibraltar ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Malta ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Finland ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Greece ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Iceland ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Norway ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Portugal ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Spain ID: 28, Parent: 18, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 18, Name: Switzerland ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Eastern Europe ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Albania ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Bulgaria ID: 33, Parent: 30, Name: Czechoslovakia ID: 34, Parent: 30, Name: Germany East ID: 35, Parent: 30, Name: Hungary ID: 36, Parent: 30, Name: Poland ID: 37, Parent: 30, Name: Romania ID: 38, Parent: 30, Name: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) ID: 39, Parent: 30, Name: Yugoslavia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Bahrain ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Cyprus ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Qatar ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Ethiopia ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Iran, Islamic Republic ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Iraq ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Israel ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Jordan ID: 50, Parent: 40, Name: Kuwait ID: 51, Parent: 40, Name: Lebanon ID: 52, Parent: 40, Name: Libyan Arab Jamahirya ID: 53, Parent: 40, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 54, Parent: 40, Name: Somalia ID: 55, Parent: 40, Name: Yemen, Democratic ID: 56, Parent: 40, Name: Sudan ID: 57, Parent: 40, Name: Syrian Arab Republic ID: 58, Parent: 40, Name: Turkey ID: 59, Parent: 40, Name: Egypt ID: 60, Parent: 40, Name: Oman (Muscat) ID: 61, Parent: 40, Name: Yemen ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Other Africa ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Gambia ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Ghana ID: 65, Parent: 62, Name: Kenya ID: 66, Parent: 62, Name: Malawi ID: 67, Parent: 62, Name: Mauritius and Dependencies ID: 68, Parent: 62, Name: Nigeria ID: 69, Parent: 62, Name: South Africa ID: 70, Parent: 62, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 71, Parent: 62, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 72, Parent: 62, Name: Tanzania, United Republic ID: 73, Parent: 62, Name: Uganda ID: 74, Parent: 62, Name: Zambia ID: 75, Parent: 62, Name: Commonwealth Africa, not elsewhere specified ID: 76, Parent: 62, Name: Algeria ID: 77, Parent: 62, Name: Angola ID: 78, Parent: 62, Name: Cameroon, United Republic ID: 79, Parent: 62, Name: Zaire ID: 80, Parent: 62, Name: Benin ID: 81, Parent: 62, Name: French Africa, not elsewhere specified ID: 82, Parent: 62, Name: Gabon ID: 83, Parent: 62, Name: Guinea ID: 84, Parent: 62, Name: Côte-d'Ivoire ID: 85, Parent: 62, Name: Liberia ID: 86, Parent: 62, Name: Madagascar ID: 87, Parent: 62, Name: Mauritania ID: 88, Parent: 62, Name: Morocco ID: 89, Parent: 62, Name: Mozambique ID: 90, Parent: 62, Name: Portuguese Africa, not elsewhere specified ID: 91, Parent: 62, Name: Senegal ID: 92, Parent: 62, Name: Spanish Africa ID: 93, Parent: 62, Name: Togo ID: 94, Parent: 62, Name: Tunisia ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: Other Asia ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Bangladesh ID: 97, Parent: 95, Name: Sri-Lanka ID: 98, Parent: 95, Name: Hong Kong ID: 99, Parent: 95, Name: India ID: 100, Parent: 95, Name: Malaysia ID: 101, Parent: 95, Name: Pakistan ID: 102, Parent: 95, Name: Singapore ID: 103, Parent: 95, Name: Afghanistan ID: 104, Parent: 95, Name: Burma ID: 105, Parent: 95, Name: Kampuchea/Laos ID: 106, Parent: 95, Name: China, People's Republic ID: 107, Parent: 95, Name: Indonesia ID: 108, Parent: 95, Name: Japan ID: 109, Parent: 95, Name: Korea, North ID: 110, Parent: 95, Name: Korea, South ID: 111, Parent: 95, Name: Philippines ID: 112, Parent: 95, Name: Macau ID: 113, Parent: 95, Name: Taiwan ID: 114, Parent: 95, Name: Thailand ID: 115, Parent: 95, Name: Vietnam ID: 116, Parent: 95, Name: Nepal ID: 117, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Australia ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Fiji ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: New Zealand ID: 121, Parent: 117, Name: British Oceania, not elsewhere classified ID: 122, Parent: 117, Name: French Oceania ID: 123, Parent: 117, Name: United States Oceania ID: 124, Parent: 117, Name: Papua, New Guinea ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: South America ID: 126, Parent: 125, Name: Guyana ID: 127, Parent: 125, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 128, Parent: 125, Name: Argentina ID: 129, Parent: 125, Name: Bolivia ID: 130, Parent: 125, Name: Brazil ID: 131, Parent: 125, Name: Chile ID: 132, Parent: 125, Name: Colombia ID: 133, Parent: 125, Name: Ecuador ID: 134, Parent: 125, Name: French Guyana ID: 135, Parent: 125, Name: Paraguay ID: 136, Parent: 125, Name: Peru ID: 137, Parent: 125, Name: Surinam ID: 138, Parent: 125, Name: Uruguay ID: 139, Parent: 125, Name: Venezuela ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Central America and Antilles ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Bahamas ID: 142, Parent: 140, Name: Bermuda ID: 143, Parent: 140, Name: Belize ID: 144, Parent: 140, Name: Barbados ID: 145, Parent: 140, Name: Jamaica ID: 146, Parent: 140, Name: Leeward and Windward Islands ID: 147, Parent: 140, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 148, Parent: 140, Name: Costa Rica ID: 149, Parent: 140, Name: Cuba ID: 150, Parent: 140, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 151, Parent: 140, Name: El Salvador ID: 152, Parent: 140, Name: French West Indies ID: 153, Parent: 140, Name: Guatemala ID: 154, Parent: 140, Name: Haiti ID: 155, Parent: 140, Name: Honduras ID: 156, Parent: 140, Name: Mexico ID: 157, Parent: 140, Name: Netherland Antilles ID: 158, Parent: 140, Name: Nicaragua ID: 159, Parent: 140, Name: Panama ID: 160, Parent: 140, Name: Puerto Rico ID: 161, Parent: 140, Name: United States Virgin Islands ID: 162, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 163, Parent: 162, Name: Greenland ID: 164, Parent: 162, Name: St. Pierre and Miquelon ID: 165, Parent: 162, Name: United States
Imports, by summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations, by selected countries or areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Imports, by summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations, by selected countries or areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1963-01-01 to 1987-12-01 Dimensions: Geography, Country or areas of origin, Summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Country or areas of origin: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: European Economic Community (1986) (E.E.C.) ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries (excluding European Economic Community (86) (E.E.C.), United States and Japan) ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Other America (excluding United States) ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Other countries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Iran ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Venezuela ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: United States Summary import groups (SIG) and other aggregations: ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Total imports ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Total live animals ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Total food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Meat and meat preparations ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Meat, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Other meat and meat preparations ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Fresh fruits and berries ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Bananas and plantains, fresh ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Grapes, fresh ID: 36, Parent: 33, Name: Oranges, mandarins, tangerines, fresh ID: 37, Parent: 33, Name: Other fresh fruits and berries ID: 38, Parent: 29, Name: Dried fruits, fruits and fruit preparations ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Fruits, dried or dehydrated ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Orange juice and concentrates ID: 41, Parent: 38, Name: Other fruit juices and concentrates ID: 42, Parent: 38, Name: Fruits and products, canned ID: 43, Parent: 38, Name: Other fruits and fruit preparations ID: 44, Parent: 29, Name: Vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Tomatoes, fresh ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Other fresh vegetables ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Other vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 48, Parent: 29, Name: Raw sugar ID: 49, Parent: 29, Name: Coffee, cocoa and tea ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Cocoa and chocolate ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Coffee ID: 52, Parent: 49, Name: Tea ID: 53, Parent: 29, Name: Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Fish and marine animals ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 56, Parent: 53, Name: Indian corn, shelled ID: 57, Parent: 53, Name: Other cereals and cereal preparations ID: 58, Parent: 53, Name: Nuts, except oil nuts ID: 59, Parent: 53, Name: Refined sugar, molasses and syrups ID: 60, Parent: 53, Name: Sugar preparations and confectionery ID: 61, Parent: 53, Name: Other foods and materials for foods ID: 62, Parent: 53, Name: Oil seed cake and meal ID: 63, Parent: 53, Name: Other fodder and feed ID: 64, Parent: 53, Name: Distilled alcoholic beverages ID: 65, Parent: 53, Name: Other beverages ID: 66, Parent: 53, Name: Tobacco ID: 67, Parent: 27, Name: Total crude materials, inedible ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Oil seeds ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Soya beans ID: 70, Parent: 68, Name: Other oil seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Cotton ID: 72, Parent: 67, Name: Wool and man-made fibres ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Wool and fine animal hair ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Man-made fibres ID: 75, Parent: 72, Name: Wool and man-made fibres ID: 76, Parent: 67, Name: Iron ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Scrap iron and steel ID: 79, Parent: 67, Name: Aluminum ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 80, Parent: 67, Name: Coal ID: 81, Parent: 67, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 82, Parent: 67, Name: Other crude materials, inedible ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Fur skins, undressed ID: 84, Parent: 82, Name: Other crude animal products ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Rubber and allied gums, natural ID: 86, Parent: 82, Name: Other crude vegetable products ID: 87, Parent: 82, Name: Crude wood materials ID: 88, Parent: 82, Name: Other metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 89, Parent: 82, Name: Other crude bituminous substances ID: 90, Parent: 82, Name: Abrasives, natural ID: 91, Parent: 82, Name: Phosphate rock ID: 92, Parent: 82, Name: Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 93, Parent: 82, Name: Other waste and scrap materials ID: 94, Parent: 27, Name: Total fabricated materials, inedible ID: 95, Parent: 94, Name: Paper and paperboard ID: 96, Parent: 94, Name: Yarn, thread and cordage ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Cotton yarn and thread ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Man-made fibre yarn and thread ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Other yarn and thread ID: 100, Parent: 96, Name: Cordage, twine and rope ID: 101, Parent: 94, Name: Broad woven fabrics, cotton ID: 102, Parent: 94, Name: Broad woven fabrics excluding cotton ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Broad woven fabrics, wool and hair ID: 104, Parent: 102, Name: Broad woven fabrics, man-made ID: 105, Parent: 102, Name: Broad woven fabrics, mixed fibres ID: 106, Parent: 102, Name: Other broad woven fabrics ID: 107, Parent: 94, Name: Other textile materials ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Coated or impregnated fabrics ID: 109, Parent: 107, Name: Other textile fabricated materials ID: 110, Parent: 94, Name: Inorganic chemicals ID: 111, Parent: 94, Name: Organic chemicals ID: 112, Parent: 94, Name: Plastics and synthetic rubber ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Synthetic and reclaimed rubber ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Plastics materials, not shaped ID: 115, Parent: 112, Name: Plastic film and sheet ID: 116, Parent: 112, Name: Other plastics basic shapes and forms ID: 117, Parent: 94, Name: Fuel oil ID: 118, Parent: 94, Name: Petroleum and coal products excluding fuel oil ID: 119, Parent: 118, Name: Lubricating oils and greases ID: 120, Parent: 118, Name: Coke of petroleum and coal ID: 121, Parent: 118, Name: Other petroleum and coal products ID: 122, Parent: 94, Name: Plate, sheet and strip steel ID: 123, Parent: 94, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Bars and rods, steel ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Structural shapes, steel and sheet piling ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Pipes and tubes, iron and steel ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Wire and wire rope, iron and steel ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 129, Parent: 94, Name: Non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: Aluminum, including alloys ID: 131, Parent: 129, Name: Copper and alloys ID: 132, Parent: 129, Name: Nickel and alloys ID: 133, Parent: 129, Name: Precious metals, including alloys ID: 134, Parent: 129, Name: Tin, including alloys ID: 135, Parent: 129, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 136, Parent: 94, Name: Metal fabricated basic products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Bolts, nuts and screws ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Other basic hardware ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Chain ID: 140, Parent: 136, Name: Valves ID: 141, Parent: 136, Name: Pipe fittings ID: 142, Parent: 136, Name: Other metal fabricated basic products ID: 143, Parent: 94, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 144, Parent: 143, Name: Leather and leather fabricated materials ID: 145, Parent: 143, Name: Rubber fabricated materials ID: 146, Parent: 143, Name: Lumber ID: 147, Parent: 143, Name: Veneer ID: 148, Parent: 143, Name: Plywood and wood building boards ID: 149, Parent: 143, Name: Other wood fabricated materials ID: 150, Parent: 143, Name: Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 151, Parent: 143, Name: Vegetable oils and fats, except essential oils ID: 152, Parent: 143, Name: Other oils, fats, waxes, extracts and derivatives ID: 153, Parent: 143, Name: Fertilizers and fertilizer materials ID: 154, Parent: 143, Name: Dyestuffs, except dyeing extracts ID: 155, Parent: 143, Name: Pigments, lakes and toners ID: 156, Parent: 143, Name: Paints and related products ID: 157, Parent: 143, Name: Other chemical products ID: 158, Parent: 143, Name: Clay bricks, clay tiles and refractories ID: 159, Parent: 143, Name: Sheet and plate glass ID: 160, Parent: 143, Name: Other glass basic products ID: 161, Parent: 143, Name: Abrasive basic products ID: 162, Parent: 143, Name: Natural and synthetic gem stones ID: 163, Parent: 143, Name: Other non-metallic mineral basic products ID: 164, Parent: 143, Name: Electricity ID: 165, Parent: 143, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 166, Parent: 27, Name: Total end products, inedible ID: 167, Parent: 166, Name: Total machinery ID: 168, Parent: 167, Name: General purpose industrial machinery ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Engines and turbines, diesel, general purpose ID: 170, Parent: 168, Name: Engines and turbines, general purpose, not elsewhere specified ID: 171, Parent: 168, Name: Electric generators and motors ID: 172, Parent: 168, Name: Compressors, blowers and vacuum pumps ID: 173, Parent: 168, Name: Pumps, except oil well pumps ID: 174, Parent: 168, Name: Packaging machinery ID: 175, Parent: 168, Name: Other general purpose industrial machinery ID: 176, Parent: 167, Name: Material handling machinery ID: 177, Parent: 176, Name: Conveyors and conveying systems ID: 178, Parent: 176, Name: Elevators and escalators ID: 179, Parent: 176, Name: Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers and stackers ID: 180, Parent: 176, Name: Hoisting machinery ID: 181, Parent: 176, Name: Other materials handling equipment ID: 182, Parent: 167, Name: Drilling, excavating and mining machinery ID: 183, Parent: 182, Name: Drilling machinery and drill bits ID: 184, Parent: 182, Name: Power shovels ID: 185, Parent: 182, Name: Bulldozing and similar equipment ID: 186, Parent: 182, Name: Front end loaders ID: 187, Parent: 182, Name: Other excavating machinery ID: 188, Parent: 182, Name: Mining, oil and gas machinery ID: 189, Parent: 167, Name: Machine tools, metalworking ID: 190, Parent: 167, Name: Other metalworking machinery and equipment ID: 191, Parent: 190, Name: Welding apparatus and equipment ID: 192, Parent: 190, Name: Rolling mill machinery ID: 193, Parent: 190, Name: Other metalworking machinery ID: 194, Parent: 167, Name: Textile industries machinery ID: 195, Parent: 194, Name: Spinning, weaving and knitting machinery ID: 196, Parent: 194, Name: Other textile industries machinery ID: 197, Parent: 167, Name: Mechanical power transmission equipment ID: 198, Parent: 197, Name: Bearings ID: 199, Parent: 197, Name: Other mechanical power transmission equipment ID: 200, Parent: 167, Name: Farm machinery ID: 201, Parent: 200, Name: Soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing machines ID: 202, Parent: 200, Name: Combine reaper, threshers ID: 203, Parent: 200, Name: Other haying and harvesting machinery ID: 204, Parent: 200, Name: Other agricultural machinery and equipment ID: 205, Parent: 167, Name: Tractors ID: 206, Parent: 205, Name: Wheel tractors, new ID: 207, Parent: 205, Name: Track-laying tractors and used tractors ID: 208, Parent: 167, Name: Tractor engines and tractor parts ID: 209, Parent: 167, Name: Special industry machinery ID: 210, Parent: 209, Name: Construction and maintenance machinery ID: 211, Parent: 209, Name: Pulp and paper industries machinery ID: 212, Parent: 209, Name: Printing presses ID: 213, Parent: 209, Name: Other printing machinery and equipment ID: 214, Parent: 209, Name: Food, beverages and tobacco industry machinery ID: 215, Parent: 209, Name: Plastics and chemical industry machinery ID: 216, Parent: 209, Name: Other special industry machinery ID: 217, Parent: 166, Name: Total transportation and communication equipment ID: 218, Parent: 217, Name: Total motor vehicles and parts ID: 219, Parent: 218, Name: Road motor vehicles ID: 220, Parent: 219, Name: Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 221, Parent: 220, Name: Other passenger autos and chassis ID: 222, Parent: 220, Name: Sedans, new ID: 223, Parent: 219, Name: Trucks, truck tractors and chassis ID: 224, Parent: 219, Name: Other motor vehicles ID: 225, Parent: 218, Name: Motor vehicle engines and parts ID: 226, Parent: 225, Name: Motor vehicle engines ID: 227, Parent: 225, Name: Motor vehicle engine parts ID: 228, Parent: 218, Name: Motor vehicle parts except engines ID: 229, Parent: 217, Name: Aircraft and parts ID: 230, Parent: 229, Name: Aircraft, complete with engines ID: 231, Parent: 229, Name: Aircraft engines and parts ID: 232, Parent: 229, Name: Aircraft parts, except engines ID: 233, Parent: 217, Name: Communication and related equipment ID: 234, Parent: 233, Name: Telephone and telegraph equipment ID: 235, Parent: 233, Name: Television, radio sets and phonographs ID: 236, Parent: 233, Name: Electronic tubes and semi-conductors ID: 237, Parent: 233, Name: Other telecommunication and related equipment ID: 238, Parent: 217, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 239, Parent: 238, Name: Railway and street railway rolling stock ID: 240, Parent: 238, Name: Marine engines and parts ID: 241, Parent: 238, Name: Ships, boats and parts, except engines ID: 242, Parent: 238, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 243, Parent: 166, Name: Total other equipment and tools ID: 244, Parent: 243, Name: Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment ID: 245, Parent: 243, Name: Electric light and distribution equipment ID: 246, Parent: 245, Name: Electric lighting fixtures and portable lamps ID: 247, Parent: 245, Name: Switchgear and protective equipment ID: 248, Parent: 245, Name: Industrial control equipment ID: 249, Parent: 245, Name: Other electric lighting distribution equipment ID: 250, Parent: 245, Name: Auxiliary electric equipment for engines ID: 251, Parent: 243, Name: Measuring, controlling and scientific equipment, tools ID: 252, Parent: 251, Name: Electrical property measuring instruments ID: 253, Parent: 251, Name: Other measuring, laboratory equipment ID: 254, Parent: 251, Name: Miscellaneous measuring, controlling instruments ID: 255, Parent: 251, Name: Medical and related equipment ID: 256, Parent: 251, Name: Navigation equipment ID: 257, Parent: 243, Name: Office machines and equipment ID: 258, Parent: 257, Name: Electronic computers ID: 259, Parent: 257, Name: Other office machines and equipment ID: 260, Parent: 243, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 261, Parent: 260, Name: Safety and sanitation equipment ID: 262, Parent: 260, Name: Service industry equipment ID: 263, Parent: 260, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 264, Parent: 260, Name: Hand tools and cutlery ID: 265, Parent: 260, Name: Miscellaneous equipment and tools ID: 266, Parent: 166, Name: Total personal and household goods ID: 267, Parent: 266, Name: Apparel and accessories ID: 268, Parent: 267, Name: Outerwear, except knitted ID: 269, Parent: 267, Name: Outerwear, knitted ID: 270, Parent: 267, Name: Other apparel and apparel accessories ID: 271, Parent: 267, Name: Footwear ID: 272, Parent: 266, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 273, Parent: 272, Name: Watches, clocks, jewellery and silverware ID: 274, Parent: 272, Name: Sporting and recreation equipment ID: 275, Parent: 272, Name: Games, toys and children's vehicles ID: 276, Parent: 272, Name: House furnishings ID: 277, Parent: 272, Name: Kitchen utensils, cutlery and tableware ID: 278, Parent: 272, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 279, Parent: 166, Name: Total miscellaneous end products ID: 280, Parent: 279, Name: Books and pamphlets ID: 281, Parent: 279, Name: Other printed materials ID: 282, Parent: 281, Name: Newspapers, magazines and periodicals ID: 283, Parent: 281, Name: Other printed matter ID: 284, Parent: 279, Name: Photographic goods ID: 285, Parent: 284, Name: Unexposed photo film and plates ID: 286, Parent: 284, Name: Other photographic goods ID: 287, Parent: 279, Name: Other miscellaneous end products ID: 288, Parent: 287, Name: Medicinal and pharmaceutical products in dosage ID: 289, Parent: 287, Name: Medical, ophthalmic, orthopaedic supplies ID: 290, Parent: 287, Name: Stationer's and office supplies ID: 291, Parent: 287, Name: Containers and closures ID: 292, Parent: 287, Name: Other end products, inedible ID: 293, Parent: 27, Name: Total special transactions-trade
Exports, by summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) and Puerto Rico, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Exports, by summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) and Puerto Rico, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1968-01-01 to 1992-12-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading area, Summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trading area: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Puerto Rico Summary export groups (SEG) and other aggregations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total exports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total re-exports ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total domestic exports ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Total live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Total food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Meat and meat preparations ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Meat, fresh, chilled or frozen ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Other meat and meat preparations ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Fish, fresh or frozen ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Fish, whole, dressed, fresh or frozen ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Fish, fillets and blocks fresh or frozen ID: 12, Parent: 5, Name: Shellfish, preserved fish ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Fish, preserved, except canned ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Fish, canned ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Other fishery foods and feeds ID: 16, Parent: 5, Name: Wheat ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Wheat flour ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Other cereals and preparations ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Barley ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Other cereals, unmilled ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Other cereals, milled ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Cereal preparations ID: 23, Parent: 5, Name: Other foods ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Fruits and fruit preparations ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Vegetables and vegetable preparations ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Sugar and sugar preparations ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Other foods and materials for foods ID: 28, Parent: 5, Name: Fodder and feed ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Other feeds of vegetable origin ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Other fodder and feeds ID: 31, Parent: 5, Name: Whisky ID: 32, Parent: 5, Name: Other food, feed, beverages and tobacco ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Dairy produce, eggs and honey ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Other beverages ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Tobacco ID: 36, Parent: 3, Name: Total crude materials, inedible ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Hides, skins and furs ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Raw hides and skins ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Fur skins, undressed ID: 40, Parent: 36, Name: Oil seeds ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Flaxseed ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Rapeseed ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Other oil seeds, oil nuts, oil kernels ID: 44, Parent: 36, Name: Crude wood materials ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Other crude wood products ID: 46, Parent: 36, Name: Iron ores concentrates and scrap ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Scrap iron and steel ID: 49, Parent: 36, Name: Copper in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 50, Parent: 36, Name: Nickel in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 51, Parent: 36, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 52, Parent: 36, Name: Other non-ferrous ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Aluminum ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Lead in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 55, Parent: 52, Name: Precious metal in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Zinc in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 57, Parent: 52, Name: Other metals in ores, concentrates and scrap ID: 58, Parent: 36, Name: Asbestos, unmanufactured ID: 59, Parent: 36, Name: Other non-metallic minerals ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Coal and other crude bitumin substances ID: 61, Parent: 59, Name: Sulphur ID: 62, Parent: 59, Name: Other crude non-metallic minerals ID: 63, Parent: 36, Name: Other crude materials, inedible ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Other crude animal products ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Seeds for sowing ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Other crude vegetable products ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Textile and related fibres ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Other waste and scrap materials ID: 69, Parent: 3, Name: Total fabricated materials, inedible ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Lumber ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Lumber, softwood ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Lumber, hardwood ID: 73, Parent: 69, Name: Veneer and plywood ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Veneer ID: 75, Parent: 73, Name: Plywood ID: 76, Parent: 69, Name: Wood pulp and similar pulp ID: 77, Parent: 69, Name: Newsprint paper ID: 78, Parent: 69, Name: Other paper and board ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Other paper for printing ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Paperboard ID: 81, Parent: 78, Name: Other paper ID: 82, Parent: 69, Name: Textile fabricated materials ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Yarn, thread, cordage, twine and rope ID: 84, Parent: 82, Name: Cotton broad woven fabrics ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Other broad woven fabrics ID: 86, Parent: 82, Name: Other textile fabricated materials ID: 87, Parent: 69, Name: Chemicals ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Chemical elements ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Other inorganic chemicals ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Organic chemicals ID: 91, Parent: 69, Name: Fertilizers and fertilizer material ID: 92, Parent: 69, Name: Synthetic rubber and plastics ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Synthetic rubber and plastics materials ID: 94, Parent: 92, Name: Plastics basic shapes and forms ID: 95, Parent: 69, Name: Primary iron and steel ID: 96, Parent: 69, Name: Plate, sheet and strip, steel ID: 97, Parent: 69, Name: Other iron and steel ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Ferro-alloys ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Castings and forging steel ID: 100, Parent: 97, Name: Bars and rods, steel ID: 101, Parent: 97, Name: Railway track material ID: 102, Parent: 97, Name: Other iron and steel and alloys ID: 103, Parent: 69, Name: Aluminum, including alloys ID: 104, Parent: 69, Name: Copper and alloys ID: 105, Parent: 69, Name: Nickel and alloys ID: 106, Parent: 69, Name: Zinc, including alloys ID: 107, Parent: 69, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Lead, including alloys ID: 109, Parent: 107, Name: Precious metals, including alloys ID: 110, Parent: 107, Name: Other non-ferrous metals and alloys ID: 111, Parent: 69, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 112, Parent: 111, Name: Leather and leather fabricated materials ID: 113, Parent: 111, Name: Shingles and shakes ID: 114, Parent: 111, Name: Other sawmill products ID: 115, Parent: 111, Name: Other wood fabricated materials ID: 116, Parent: 111, Name: Oil, fats, waxes, extracts, derivatives ID: 117, Parent: 111, Name: Other chemical products ID: 118, Parent: 111, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 119, Parent: 111, Name: Metal fabricated basic products ID: 120, Parent: 111, Name: Abrasive basic products ID: 121, Parent: 111, Name: Other non-metal mineral basic products ID: 122, Parent: 111, Name: Other fabricated materials, inedible ID: 123, Parent: 3, Name: Total end products, inedible ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Total machinery ID: 125, Parent: 124, Name: General purpose machinery ID: 126, Parent: 125, Name: Engines and turbines, general purpose ID: 127, Parent: 125, Name: Electric generators and motors ID: 128, Parent: 125, Name: Other general purpose industrial machinery ID: 129, Parent: 124, Name: Materials handling machinery and equipment ID: 130, Parent: 124, Name: Drilling, excavating, mining machinery ID: 131, Parent: 124, Name: Agriculture machinery, including tractors ID: 132, Parent: 131, Name: Soil preparation, seeding, fertilizing machinery ID: 133, Parent: 131, Name: Combine reaper-threshers and parts ID: 134, Parent: 131, Name: Other haying and harvesting machinery ID: 135, Parent: 131, Name: Other agricultural machinery and equipment ID: 136, Parent: 131, Name: Tractors ID: 137, Parent: 124, Name: Other machinery (residual) ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 139, Parent: 137, Name: Woodworking machinery and equipment ID: 140, Parent: 137, Name: Construction machinery and equipment ID: 141, Parent: 137, Name: Plastic industry machinery and equipment ID: 142, Parent: 137, Name: Pulp and paper industries machinery ID: 143, Parent: 137, Name: Other special industry machinery ID: 144, Parent: 123, Name: Total transportation and communication ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Total motor vehicles and parts ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Road motor vehicles ID: 147, Parent: 146, Name: Passenger automobiles and chassis ID: 148, Parent: 146, Name: Trucks, trucks tractors and chassis ID: 149, Parent: 146, Name: Other motor vehicles ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Motor vehicle engines and parts ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Motor vehicles parts, except engines ID: 152, Parent: 144, Name: Aircraft engines and parts ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Aircraft engines and engine parts ID: 154, Parent: 152, Name: Aircraft parts, except engines ID: 155, Parent: 144, Name: Television, telecommunications and related equipment ID: 156, Parent: 155, Name: Television, radio sets, and phonographs ID: 157, Parent: 155, Name: Other telecommunication and related equipment ID: 158, Parent: 144, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Railway and street railway rolling stock ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: Ships, boats and parts ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 162, Parent: 123, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 163, Parent: 162, Name: Heating and refrigeration equipment ID: 164, Parent: 162, Name: Cooking equipment for food ID: 165, Parent: 162, Name: Electrical lighting and distribution equipment ID: 166, Parent: 162, Name: Navigation equipment and parts ID: 167, Parent: 162, Name: Other measuring, control, laboratory, medical and optical equipment ID: 168, Parent: 162, Name: Hand tools and miscellaneous cutlery ID: 169, Parent: 162, Name: Office machines and equipment ID: 170, Parent: 162, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 171, Parent: 123, Name: Personal and household goods ID: 172, Parent: 171, Name: Apparel and apparel accessories ID: 173, Parent: 171, Name: Footwear ID: 174, Parent: 171, Name: Toys, games, sporting and recreation equipment ID: 175, Parent: 171, Name: Other personal and household goods ID: 176, Parent: 123, Name: Miscellaneous end products ID: 177, Parent: 176, Name: Medicinal and pharmaceutical products ID: 178, Parent: 176, Name: Medical, ophthalmic, orthopedic supplies ID: 179, Parent: 176, Name: Printed matter ID: 180, Parent: 176, Name: Photographic goods ID: 181, Parent: 176, Name: Firearms, ammunition and ordnance ID: 182, Parent: 176, Name: Containers and closures ID: 183, Parent: 176, Name: Prefabricated buildings and structures ID: 184, Parent: 176, Name: Other end products ID: 185, Parent: 3, Name: Total special transactions, trade
Total exports and domestic exports to individual countries, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Total exports and domestic exports to individual countries, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2004-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of export, Destination Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of export: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Domestic exports Destination: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Western Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: European Union (1995) ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (pre-1973) ID: 245, Parent: 4, Name: Belgium and Luxembourg ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: France ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Germany ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Italy ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Netherlands ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Belgium ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Luxembourg ID: 255, Parent: 4, Name: Andorra ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1973) ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: United Kingdom ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Ireland, Republic of (EIRE) ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Denmark ID: 256, Parent: 11, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Greece (new member, 1981) ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1986) ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Portugal ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Spain ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: European Union (new members, 1995) ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Austria ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Finland ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Sweden ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Other Western Europe ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Gibraltar ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Malta ID: 248, Parent: 23, Name: Austria ID: 247, Parent: 23, Name: Finland ID: 246, Parent: 23, Name: Greece ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Iceland ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Norway ID: 251, Parent: 23, Name: Portugal ID: 250, Parent: 23, Name: Spain ID: 249, Parent: 23, Name: Sweden ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Switzerland ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Eastern Europe ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Albania ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Bulgaria ID: 252, Parent: 29, Name: Former Czechoslovakia ID: 253, Parent: 29, Name: Germany East ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Hungary ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Poland ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Romania ID: 254, Parent: 29, Name: Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Yugoslavia ID: 36, Parent: 29, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 29, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 29, Name: Belarus ID: 39, Parent: 29, Name: Estonia ID: 40, Parent: 29, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 29, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 42, Parent: 29, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 43, Parent: 29, Name: Latvia ID: 44, Parent: 29, Name: Lithuania ID: 45, Parent: 29, Name: Moldova, Republic of ID: 46, Parent: 29, Name: Russian Federation ID: 47, Parent: 29, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 29, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 29, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 29, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 29, Name: Czech Republic ID: 52, Parent: 29, Name: Slovakia ID: 53, Parent: 29, Name: Croatia ID: 54, Parent: 29, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 55, Parent: 29, Name: Slovenia ID: 56, Parent: 29, Name: Macedonia ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Bahrain ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Cyprus ID: 60, Parent: 57, Name: Qatar ID: 61, Parent: 57, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 62, Parent: 57, Name: Ethiopia ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Iran ID: 64, Parent: 57, Name: Iraq ID: 65, Parent: 57, Name: Israel ID: 66, Parent: 57, Name: Jordan ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Kuwait ID: 68, Parent: 57, Name: Lebanon ID: 69, Parent: 57, Name: Libya ID: 70, Parent: 57, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 71, Parent: 57, Name: Somalia ID: 72, Parent: 57, Name: Yemen, Democratic ID: 73, Parent: 57, Name: Sudan ID: 74, Parent: 57, Name: Syria ID: 75, Parent: 57, Name: Turkey ID: 76, Parent: 57, Name: Egypt ID: 77, Parent: 57, Name: Oman ID: 78, Parent: 57, Name: Yemen ID: 257, Parent: 57, Name: Eritrea ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: Other Africa ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Gambia ID: 81, Parent: 79, Name: Ghana ID: 82, Parent: 79, Name: Kenya ID: 83, Parent: 79, Name: Malawi ID: 84, Parent: 79, Name: Mauritius ID: 85, Parent: 79, Name: Nigeria ID: 86, Parent: 79, Name: South Africa ID: 87, Parent: 79, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 88, Parent: 79, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 89, Parent: 79, Name: Tanzania, United Republic of ID: 90, Parent: 79, Name: Uganda ID: 91, Parent: 79, Name: Zambia ID: 92, Parent: 79, Name: Commonwealth Africa, not elsewhere specified ID: 93, Parent: 79, Name: Algeria ID: 94, Parent: 79, Name: Angola ID: 95, Parent: 79, Name: Cameroon ID: 96, Parent: 79, Name: Congo, The Democratic Republic of the ID: 97, Parent: 79, Name: Benin ID: 98, Parent: 79, Name: Antarctica ID: 99, Parent: 79, Name: Gabon ID: 100, Parent: 79, Name: Guinea ID: 101, Parent: 79, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 102, Parent: 79, Name: Liberia ID: 103, Parent: 79, Name: Madagascar ID: 104, Parent: 79, Name: Mauritania ID: 105, Parent: 79, Name: Morocco ID: 106, Parent: 79, Name: Mozambique ID: 107, Parent: 79, Name: Portuguese Africa, not elsewhere specified ID: 108, Parent: 79, Name: Senegal ID: 109, Parent: 79, Name: Spanish Africa ID: 110, Parent: 79, Name: Togo ID: 111, Parent: 79, Name: Tunisia ID: 112, Parent: 79, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 113, Parent: 79, Name: Namibia ID: 114, Parent: 79, Name: Botswana ID: 115, Parent: 79, Name: Lesotho ID: 116, Parent: 79, Name: Swaziland ID: 117, Parent: 79, Name: Saint Helena ID: 118, Parent: 79, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 119, Parent: 79, Name: Seychelles ID: 120, Parent: 79, Name: Burundi ID: 121, Parent: 79, Name: Central African Republic ID: 122, Parent: 79, Name: Chad ID: 123, Parent: 79, Name: Congo ID: 124, Parent: 79, Name: Mali ID: 125, Parent: 79, Name: Niger ID: 126, Parent: 79, Name: Rwanda ID: 127, Parent: 79, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 128, Parent: 79, Name: Réunion ID: 129, Parent: 79, Name: Djibouti ID: 130, Parent: 79, Name: Comoros ID: 131, Parent: 79, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 132, Parent: 79, Name: Guinea-Bissau ID: 133, Parent: 79, Name: Cape Verde ID: 134, Parent: 79, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 135, Parent: 79, Name: Western Sahara ID: 136, Parent: 79, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Other Asia ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Bangladesh ID: 139, Parent: 137, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 140, Parent: 137, Name: Hong Kong ID: 141, Parent: 137, Name: India ID: 142, Parent: 137, Name: Malaysia ID: 143, Parent: 137, Name: Pakistan ID: 144, Parent: 137, Name: Singapore ID: 145, Parent: 137, Name: Afghanistan ID: 146, Parent: 137, Name: Myanmar ID: 147, Parent: 137, Name: Kampuchea/Laos ID: 148, Parent: 137, Name: China ID: 149, Parent: 137, Name: Indonesia ID: 150, Parent: 137, Name: Japan ID: 151, Parent: 137, Name: Korea, North ID: 152, Parent: 137, Name: Korea, South ID: 153, Parent: 137, Name: Philippines ID: 154, Parent: 137, Name: Macau ID: 155, Parent: 137, Name: Taiwan ID: 156, Parent: 137, Name: Thailand ID: 157, Parent: 137, Name: Viet Nam ID: 158, Parent: 137, Name: Nepal ID: 159, Parent: 137, Name: Bhutan ID: 160, Parent: 137, Name: Cambodia ID: 161, Parent: 137, Name: Laos ID: 162, Parent: 137, Name: Maldives ID: 163, Parent: 137, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 258, Parent: 137, Name: Mongolia ID: 259, Parent: 137, Name: Timor-Leste ID: 164, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania ID: 165, Parent: 164, Name: Australia ID: 166, Parent: 164, Name: Fiji ID: 167, Parent: 164, Name: New Zealand ID: 168, Parent: 164, Name: British Oceania, not elsewhere specified ID: 169, Parent: 164, Name: French Polynesia ID: 170, Parent: 164, Name: United States Oceania ID: 171, Parent: 164, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 172, Parent: 164, Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands ID: 173, Parent: 164, Name: Nauru ID: 174, Parent: 164, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 175, Parent: 164, Name: Tokelau ID: 176, Parent: 164, Name: Niue ID: 177, Parent: 164, Name: Cook Islands ID: 178, Parent: 164, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 179, Parent: 164, Name: Kiribati ID: 180, Parent: 164, Name: Pitcairn ID: 181, Parent: 164, Name: Tonga ID: 182, Parent: 164, Name: Samoa ID: 183, Parent: 164, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 184, Parent: 164, Name: Vanuatu ID: 185, Parent: 164, Name: New Caledonia ID: 187, Parent: 164, Name: Guam ID: 188, Parent: 164, Name: American Samoa ID: 189, Parent: 164, Name: United States minor outlying Islands ID: 260, Parent: 164, Name: Christmas Island ID: 261, Parent: 164, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: South America ID: 191, Parent: 190, Name: Guyana ID: 192, Parent: 190, Name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ID: 193, Parent: 190, Name: Argentina ID: 194, Parent: 190, Name: Bolivia ID: 195, Parent: 190, Name: Brazil ID: 196, Parent: 190, Name: Chile ID: 197, Parent: 190, Name: Colombia ID: 198, Parent: 190, Name: Ecuador ID: 199, Parent: 190, Name: French Guiana ID: 200, Parent: 190, Name: Paraguay ID: 201, Parent: 190, Name: Peru ID: 202, Parent: 190, Name: Suriname ID: 203, Parent: 190, Name: Uruguay ID: 204, Parent: 190, Name: Venezuela ID: 205, Parent: 1, Name: Central America and Antilles ID: 206, Parent: 205, Name: Bahamas ID: 207, Parent: 205, Name: Bermuda ID: 208, Parent: 205, Name: Belize ID: 209, Parent: 205, Name: Barbados ID: 210, Parent: 205, Name: Jamaica ID: 211, Parent: 205, Name: Leeward and Windward Islands ID: 212, Parent: 205, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 213, Parent: 205, Name: Costa Rica ID: 214, Parent: 205, Name: Cuba ID: 215, Parent: 205, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 216, Parent: 205, Name: El Salvador ID: 217, Parent: 205, Name: French West Indies ID: 218, Parent: 205, Name: Guatemala ID: 219, Parent: 205, Name: Haiti ID: 220, Parent: 205, Name: Honduras ID: 221, Parent: 205, Name: Mexico ID: 222, Parent: 205, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 223, Parent: 205, Name: Nicaragua ID: 224, Parent: 205, Name: Panama ID: 225, Parent: 205, Name: Puerto Rico ID: 226, Parent: 205, Name: Virgin Islands, United States ID: 227, Parent: 205, Name: Virgin Islands, British ID: 228, Parent: 205, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 229, Parent: 205, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 230, Parent: 205, Name: Montserrat ID: 231, Parent: 205, Name: Anguilla ID: 232, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 233, Parent: 205, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 234, Parent: 205, Name: Dominica ID: 235, Parent: 205, Name: Grenada ID: 236, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 237, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 238, Parent: 205, Name: Guadeloupe ID: 239, Parent: 205, Name: Martinique ID: 262, Parent: 205, Name: Aruba ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: United States ID: 244, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
Merchandise imports from individual countries and areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted
Title: Merchandise imports from individual countries and areas of origin, customs basis not seasonally adjusted Date range: 1980-01-01 to 2004-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Country or area of origin Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Country or area of origin: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Western Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: European Union (1995) ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (pre-1973) ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: France ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Germany ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Italy ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Netherlands ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Belgium ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Luxembourg ID: 246, Parent: 4, Name: Andorra ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1973) ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: United Kingdom ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Ireland, Republic of (EIRE) ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Denmark ID: 247, Parent: 11, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Greece (new member, 1981) ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic Community (new members, 1986) ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Portugal ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Spain ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: European Union (new members, 1995) ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Austria ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Finland ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Sweden ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Other Western Europe ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Gibraltar ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Malta ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Austria ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Iceland ID: 29, Parent: 23, Name: Norway ID: 30, Parent: 23, Name: Sweden ID: 31, Parent: 23, Name: Switzerland ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Eastern Europe ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Albania ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Bulgaria ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Former Czechoslovakia ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Germany East ID: 37, Parent: 32, Name: Hungary ID: 38, Parent: 32, Name: Poland ID: 39, Parent: 32, Name: Romania ID: 40, Parent: 32, Name: Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ID: 41, Parent: 32, Name: Former Yugoslavia ID: 42, Parent: 32, Name: Armenia ID: 43, Parent: 32, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 44, Parent: 32, Name: Belarus ID: 45, Parent: 32, Name: Estonia ID: 46, Parent: 32, Name: Georgia ID: 47, Parent: 32, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 48, Parent: 32, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 49, Parent: 32, Name: Latvia ID: 50, Parent: 32, Name: Lithuania ID: 51, Parent: 32, Name: Moldova, Republic of ID: 52, Parent: 32, Name: Russian Federation ID: 53, Parent: 32, Name: Tajikistan ID: 54, Parent: 32, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 55, Parent: 32, Name: Ukraine ID: 56, Parent: 32, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 57, Parent: 32, Name: Czech Republic ID: 58, Parent: 32, Name: Slovakia ID: 59, Parent: 32, Name: Croatia ID: 60, Parent: 32, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 61, Parent: 32, Name: Slovenia ID: 62, Parent: 32, Name: Macedonia ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Bahrain ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Cyprus ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Qatar ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Ethiopia ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Iran ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Iraq ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Israel ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Jordan ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Kuwait ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Lebanon ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Libya ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Somalia ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Yemen, Democratic ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Sudan ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Syria ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Turkey ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: Egypt ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Oman ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Yemen ID: 248, Parent: 63, Name: Eritrea ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: Other Africa ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Gambia ID: 87, Parent: 85, Name: Ghana ID: 88, Parent: 85, Name: Kenya ID: 89, Parent: 85, Name: Malawi ID: 90, Parent: 85, Name: Mauritius ID: 91, Parent: 85, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 85, Name: South Africa ID: 93, Parent: 85, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 94, Parent: 85, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 85, Name: Tanzania, United Republic of ID: 96, Parent: 85, Name: Uganda ID: 97, Parent: 85, Name: Zambia ID: 98, Parent: 85, Name: Algeria ID: 99, Parent: 85, Name: Angola ID: 100, Parent: 85, Name: Cameroon ID: 101, Parent: 85, Name: Congo, The Democratic Republic of the ID: 102, Parent: 85, Name: Benin ID: 103, Parent: 85, Name: Antarctica ID: 104, Parent: 85, Name: Gabon ID: 105, Parent: 85, Name: Guinea ID: 106, Parent: 85, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 107, Parent: 85, Name: Liberia ID: 108, Parent: 85, Name: Madagascar ID: 109, Parent: 85, Name: Mauritania ID: 110, Parent: 85, Name: Morocco ID: 111, Parent: 85, Name: Mozambique ID: 112, Parent: 85, Name: Senegal ID: 113, Parent: 85, Name: Togo ID: 114, Parent: 85, Name: Tunisia ID: 115, Parent: 85, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 116, Parent: 85, Name: Namibia ID: 117, Parent: 85, Name: Botswana ID: 118, Parent: 85, Name: Lesotho ID: 119, Parent: 85, Name: Swaziland ID: 120, Parent: 85, Name: Saint Helena ID: 121, Parent: 85, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 122, Parent: 85, Name: Seychelles ID: 123, Parent: 85, Name: Burundi ID: 124, Parent: 85, Name: Central African Republic ID: 125, Parent: 85, Name: Chad ID: 126, Parent: 85, Name: Congo ID: 127, Parent: 85, Name: Mali ID: 128, Parent: 85, Name: Niger ID: 129, Parent: 85, Name: Rwanda ID: 130, Parent: 85, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 131, Parent: 85, Name: Réunion ID: 132, Parent: 85, Name: Djibouti ID: 133, Parent: 85, Name: Comoros ID: 134, Parent: 85, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 135, Parent: 85, Name: Guinea-Bissau ID: 136, Parent: 85, Name: Cape Verde ID: 137, Parent: 85, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 138, Parent: 85, Name: Western Sahara ID: 139, Parent: 85, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Other Asia ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Bangladesh ID: 142, Parent: 140, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 143, Parent: 140, Name: Hong Kong ID: 144, Parent: 140, Name: India ID: 145, Parent: 140, Name: Malaysia ID: 146, Parent: 140, Name: Pakistan ID: 147, Parent: 140, Name: Singapore ID: 148, Parent: 140, Name: Afghanistan ID: 149, Parent: 140, Name: Myanmar ID: 150, Parent: 140, Name: China ID: 151, Parent: 140, Name: Indonesia ID: 152, Parent: 140, Name: Japan ID: 153, Parent: 140, Name: Korea, North ID: 154, Parent: 140, Name: Korea, South ID: 155, Parent: 140, Name: Philippines ID: 156, Parent: 140, Name: Macau ID: 157, Parent: 140, Name: Taiwan ID: 158, Parent: 140, Name: Thailand ID: 159, Parent: 140, Name: Viet Nam ID: 160, Parent: 140, Name: Nepal ID: 161, Parent: 140, Name: Bhutan ID: 162, Parent: 140, Name: Cambodia ID: 163, Parent: 140, Name: Laos ID: 164, Parent: 140, Name: Maldives ID: 165, Parent: 140, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 249, Parent: 140, Name: Mongolia ID: 250, Parent: 140, Name: Timor-Leste ID: 166, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania ID: 167, Parent: 166, Name: Australia ID: 168, Parent: 166, Name: Fiji ID: 169, Parent: 166, Name: New Zealand ID: 170, Parent: 166, Name: French Polynesia ID: 171, Parent: 166, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 172, Parent: 166, Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands ID: 173, Parent: 166, Name: Nauru ID: 174, Parent: 166, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 175, Parent: 166, Name: Tokelau ID: 176, Parent: 166, Name: Niue ID: 177, Parent: 166, Name: Cook Islands ID: 178, Parent: 166, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 179, Parent: 166, Name: Kiribati ID: 180, Parent: 166, Name: Pitcairn ID: 181, Parent: 166, Name: Tonga ID: 182, Parent: 166, Name: Western Samoa ID: 183, Parent: 166, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 184, Parent: 166, Name: Vanuatu ID: 185, Parent: 166, Name: New Caledonia ID: 187, Parent: 166, Name: Guam ID: 188, Parent: 166, Name: American Samoa ID: 189, Parent: 166, Name: United States minor outlying Islands ID: 251, Parent: 166, Name: Christmas Island ID: 252, Parent: 166, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: South America ID: 191, Parent: 190, Name: Guyana ID: 192, Parent: 190, Name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ID: 193, Parent: 190, Name: Argentina ID: 194, Parent: 190, Name: Bolivia ID: 195, Parent: 190, Name: Brazil ID: 196, Parent: 190, Name: Chile ID: 197, Parent: 190, Name: Colombia ID: 198, Parent: 190, Name: Ecuador ID: 199, Parent: 190, Name: French Guiana ID: 200, Parent: 190, Name: Paraguay ID: 201, Parent: 190, Name: Peru ID: 202, Parent: 190, Name: Suriname ID: 203, Parent: 190, Name: Uruguay ID: 204, Parent: 190, Name: Venezuela ID: 205, Parent: 1, Name: Central America and Antilles ID: 206, Parent: 205, Name: Bahamas ID: 207, Parent: 205, Name: Bermuda ID: 208, Parent: 205, Name: Belize ID: 209, Parent: 205, Name: Barbados ID: 210, Parent: 205, Name: Jamaica ID: 211, Parent: 205, Name: Leeward and Windward Islands ID: 212, Parent: 205, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 213, Parent: 205, Name: Costa Rica ID: 214, Parent: 205, Name: Cuba ID: 215, Parent: 205, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 216, Parent: 205, Name: El Salvador ID: 217, Parent: 205, Name: French West Indies ID: 218, Parent: 205, Name: Guatemala ID: 219, Parent: 205, Name: Haiti ID: 220, Parent: 205, Name: Honduras ID: 221, Parent: 205, Name: Mexico ID: 222, Parent: 205, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 223, Parent: 205, Name: Nicaragua ID: 224, Parent: 205, Name: Panama ID: 225, Parent: 205, Name: Puerto Rico ID: 226, Parent: 205, Name: Virgin Islands, United States ID: 227, Parent: 205, Name: Virgin Islands, British ID: 228, Parent: 205, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 229, Parent: 205, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 230, Parent: 205, Name: Montserrat ID: 231, Parent: 205, Name: Anguilla ID: 232, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 233, Parent: 205, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 234, Parent: 205, Name: Dominica ID: 235, Parent: 205, Name: Grenada ID: 236, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 237, Parent: 205, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 238, Parent: 205, Name: Guadeloupe ID: 239, Parent: 205, Name: Martinique ID: 253, Parent: 205, Name: Aruba ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: United States ID: 244, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas ID: 245, Parent: 240, Name: Canada
Interprovincial and international trade flows at producer prices [1992 - 1999]
Title: Interprovincial and international trade flows at producer prices [1992 - 1999] Date range: 1992-01-01 to 1999-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade flow detail, Goods and services Subject: International trade Survey: Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Government abroad Trade flow detail: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total supply and demand ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total demand ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total supply ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: To Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: To Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: To Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: To New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: To Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: To Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: To Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: To Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: To Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: To British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: To Yukon ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories (including Nunavut) ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: To Nunavut ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: To Government Abroad ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial exports ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial imports ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: International exports ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: International imports ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Re-export (Canada only) Goods and services: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Grains ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Other agricultural products ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Forestry products ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Fish, seafood and trapping products ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Mineral fuels ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Services incidental to mining ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Meat, fish and dairy products ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Fruits, vegetables and other food products, feeds ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Tobacco and tobacco products ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Leather, rubber and plastic products ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Textile products ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Hosiery, clothing and accessories ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Lumber and wood products ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Wood pulp, paper and paper products ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Printing and publishing ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Primary metal products ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Other metal products ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Machinery and equipment ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Motor vehicles, other transport equipment and parts ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Electrical, electronic and communications products ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and chemical products ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Other manufactured products ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Residential construction ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Non-residential construction ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Repair construction ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Transportation and storage ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Communications services ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Other utilities ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Wholesaling margins ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Retailing margins ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Gross imputed rent ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Other finance, insurance and real estate services ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Business and computer services ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Private education services ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Health and social services ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Accommodation services and meals ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Other services ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Transportation margins ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Operating, office, cafeteria and laboratory supplies ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Travel and entertainment, advertising and promotion ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Non-profit institutions serving households ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Government sector services ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Non-competing imports ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Unallocated imports and exports ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Sales of other government services ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Total goods ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Total services ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Total goods and services
Interprovincial and international trade flows at producer prices [1997 - 2008]
Title: Interprovincial and international trade flows at producer prices [1997 - 2008] Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade flow detail, Goods and services Subject: International trade Survey: Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Government abroad Trade flow detail: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total supply and total demand ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total domestic demand ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total domestic supply ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: To Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: To Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: To Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: To New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: To Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: To Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: To Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: To Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: To Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: To British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: To Yukon ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories (including Nunavut) ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: To Nunavut ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: To government abroad ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial exports ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial imports ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: International exports (including re-exports) ID: 24, Parent: 3, Name: Exports international ID: 25, Parent: 3, Name: Re-exports international ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: Imports international ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Re-export (Canada only) Goods and services: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total goods and services ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total goods ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total services ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Grains ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Other agricultural products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Fish, seafood and hunting and trapping products ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Mineral fuels ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Services incidental to mining ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Meat, fish and dairy products ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Fruits, vegetables and other food products and feeds ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Tobacco and tobacco products ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Leather, rubber and plastic products ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Textile products ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Hosiery, clothing and accessories ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Lumber and wood products ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Furniture, mattresses and lamps ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Wood pulp, paper and paper products ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Printing and publishing ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Primary metal products ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Machinery ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles, other transportation equipment and parts ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Electrical, electronic and communications products ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and chemical products ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Miscellaneous manufactured products ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Residential building construction ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residential construction ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Repair construction ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and storage ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Communications services ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Other utilities ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesaling margins ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Retailing margins and services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Gross imputed rent ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance and real estate services ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific, technical, computer, administrative, support, and related services ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Education tuition and other fees ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance services ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation services and meals ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Miscellaneous services ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation margins ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Spare parts, and maintenance, office, cafeteria and laboratory supplies ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Travel and entertainment, advertising and promotion ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Non-market services provided by non-profit institutions serving households ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Non-market government sector services ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Non-competing imports ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Unallocated imports and exports ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Sales of other government services ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Indirect taxes on products
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, monthly, inactive
Title: International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, monthly, inactive Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2018-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Index, Weighting, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fruits, nuts and vegetables ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Food and tobacco intermediate products ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Food and tobacco intermediate products ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Natural gas ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Natural gas liquids and related products ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 21, Parent: 13, Name: Electricity ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Electricity ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Other energy products ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 26, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 25, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Potash ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys, and basic and semi-finished ferrous metal products ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought, basic and semi-finished aluminum and aluminum-alloy products ID: 40, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 41, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 42, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought precious metals and precious metal alloys ID: 43, Parent: 37, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals ID: 44, Parent: 37, Name: Basic and semi-finished non-ferrous metal products (except aluminum) ID: 45, Parent: 36, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 47, Parent: 36, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 49, Parent: 36, Name: Recyclable waste and scrap ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Recyclable waste and scrap ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Dyes and pigments, petrochemicals ID: 55, Parent: 52, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Fertilizer, pesticide and other chemical products ID: 57, Parent: 51, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic resins ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products (except plastic resins) ID: 60, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Logs, pulpwood, and other forestry products ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 64, Parent: 61, Name: Pulp and paper stock ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Pulp and paper stock ID: 66, Parent: 61, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Lumber and other sawmill and millwork products ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Asphalt and asphalt products ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Other building materials and supplies ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Packaging materials and containers ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 75, Parent: 73, Name: Logging, mining and construction machinery and equipment ID: 76, Parent: 73, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 77, Parent: 73, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery ID: 78, Parent: 73, Name: Other industry-specific machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 79, Parent: 73, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 80, Parent: 73, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 81, Parent: 73, Name: Miscellaneous parts of machinery and equipment ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Computers and computer peripheral equipment ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Computers and computer peripheral equipment ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Communications and audio and video equipment ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Communications and audio and video equipment ID: 87, Parent: 82, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Electrical components ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 94, Parent: 91, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles ID: 95, Parent: 94, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles ID: 96, Parent: 91, Name: Tires, motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Tires ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Aircraft ID: 102, Parent: 100, Name: Aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 103, Parent: 99, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 105, Parent: 103, Name: Boats and other personal transportation equipment ID: 106, Parent: 103, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Meat products ID: 110, Parent: 108, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 111, Parent: 108, Name: Dairy products ID: 112, Parent: 108, Name: Bottled water, carbonated soft drinks, and other beverages, ice ID: 113, Parent: 108, Name: Fresh, frozen and canned fruit and vegetable juices, frozen fruit ID: 114, Parent: 108, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 115, Parent: 108, Name: Other food products ID: 116, Parent: 108, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 117, Parent: 108, Name: Tobacco products ID: 118, Parent: 108, Name: Animal feed ID: 119, Parent: 107, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 120, Parent: 119, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 121, Parent: 119, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, leather and dressed furs ID: 122, Parent: 119, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 123, Parent: 107, Name: Paper and published products ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Converted paper and paper products ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Published products and recorded and unrecorded media ID: 126, Parent: 107, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 127, Parent: 126, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 128, Parent: 107, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 129, Parent: 128, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 130, Parent: 107, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 131, Parent: 130, Name: Appliances ID: 132, Parent: 130, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 133, Parent: 130, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 136, Parent: 135, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 139, Parent: 138, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
Interprovincial and international trade flows, basic prices, summary level
Title: Interprovincial and international trade flows, basic prices, summary level Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2017-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade flow detail, Product Subject: International trade Survey: Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian territorial enclaves abroad Trade flow detail: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total supply and total demand ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total supply ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total demand ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: To Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: To Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: To Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: To New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: To Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: To Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: To Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: To Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: To Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: To British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: To Yukon ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: To Nunavut ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: To Canadian territorial enclaves abroad ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial exports ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial imports ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: International exports ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: International re-exports ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: International imports Product: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total products ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total goods ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total services ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Grains and other crop products ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Other farm products ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Forestry products and services ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Support services related to farming and forestry ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Mineral fuels ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and oil and gas support services ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas and mineral exploration ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Utilities ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Residential buildings ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Non-residential buildings (except mine buildings) ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Engineering works ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Repair construction services ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Food and non-alcoholic beverages ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: Textile products, clothing, and products of leather and similar materials ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Wood products ID: 24, Parent: 3, Name: Wood pulp, paper and paper products and paper stock ID: 25, Parent: 3, Name: Printed products and services ID: 26, Parent: 3, Name: Refined petroleum products (except petrochemicals) ID: 27, Parent: 3, Name: Chemical products ID: 28, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 29, Parent: 3, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 30, Parent: 3, Name: Primary metallic products ID: 31, Parent: 3, Name: Fabricated metallic products ID: 32, Parent: 3, Name: Industrial machinery ID: 33, Parent: 3, Name: Computers and electronic products ID: 34, Parent: 3, Name: Electrical equipment, appliances and components ID: 35, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 36, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle parts ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Furniture and related products ID: 38, Parent: 3, Name: Other manufactured products and custom work ID: 39, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins and commissions ID: 40, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins, sales of used goods and commissions ID: 41, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation and related services ID: 42, Parent: 3, Name: Information and cultural services ID: 43, Parent: 3, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 44, Parent: 3, Name: Telecommunications, broadcasting distribution and related services ID: 45, Parent: 3, Name: Depository credit intermediation ID: 46, Parent: 3, Name: Other finance and insurance ID: 47, Parent: 3, Name: Real estate, rental and leasing and rights to non-financial intangible assets ID: 48, Parent: 3, Name: Imputed rental of owner-occupied dwellings ID: 49, Parent: 3, Name: Professional services (except software and research and development) ID: 50, Parent: 3, Name: Software ID: 51, Parent: 3, Name: Research and development ID: 52, Parent: 3, Name: Administrative and support, head office, waste management and remediation services ID: 53, Parent: 3, Name: Education services ID: 54, Parent: 3, Name: Health and social assistance services ID: 55, Parent: 3, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation services ID: 56, Parent: 3, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 57, Parent: 3, Name: Other services ID: 58, Parent: 3, Name: Sales of other services by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 59, Parent: 3, Name: Sales of other government services ID: 60, Parent: 3, Name: Fictive materials ID: 61, Parent: 3, Name: Fictive services ID: 62, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation margins ID: 63, Parent: 3, Name: Services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 64, Parent: 3, Name: Education services provided by government sector ID: 65, Parent: 3, Name: Health services provided by government sector ID: 66, Parent: 3, Name: Other federal government services ID: 67, Parent: 3, Name: Other provincial and territorial government services ID: 68, Parent: 3, Name: Other municipal government services ID: 69, Parent: 3, Name: Other aboriginal government services ID: 70, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on products ID: 71, Parent: 3, Name: Subsidies on products ID: 72, Parent: 3, Name: Subsidies on production ID: 73, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on production ID: 74, Parent: 3, Name: Wages and salaries ID: 75, Parent: 3, Name: Employers' social contributions ID: 76, Parent: 3, Name: Gross mixed income ID: 77, Parent: 3, Name: Gross operating surplus
Historical (real-time) releases of merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), inactive
Title: Historical (real-time) releases of merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), inactive Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2018-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Release Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fruits, nuts and vegetables ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Food and tobacco intermediate products ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Food and tobacco intermediate products ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Natural gas ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Natural gas liquids and related products ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 21, Parent: 13, Name: Electricity ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Electricity ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Other energy products ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 26, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 25, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Potash ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys, and basic and semi-finished ferrous metal products ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought, basic and semi-finished aluminum and aluminum-alloy products ID: 40, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 41, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 42, Parent: 37, Name: Unwrought precious metals and precious metal alloys ID: 43, Parent: 37, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals ID: 44, Parent: 37, Name: Basic and semi-finished non-ferrous metal products (except aluminum) ID: 45, Parent: 36, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 47, Parent: 36, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 49, Parent: 36, Name: Recyclable waste and scrap ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Recyclable waste and scrap ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Dyes and pigments, petrochemicals ID: 55, Parent: 52, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Fertilizer, pesticide and other chemical products ID: 57, Parent: 51, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic resins ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products (except plastic resins) ID: 60, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Logs, pulpwood, and other forestry products ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 64, Parent: 61, Name: Pulp and paper stock ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Pulp and paper stock ID: 66, Parent: 61, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Lumber and other sawmill and millwork products ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Asphalt and asphalt products ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Other building materials and supplies ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Packaging materials and containers ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 75, Parent: 73, Name: Logging, mining and construction machinery and equipment ID: 76, Parent: 73, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 77, Parent: 73, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery ID: 78, Parent: 73, Name: Other industry-specific machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 79, Parent: 73, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 80, Parent: 73, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 81, Parent: 73, Name: Miscellaneous parts of machinery and equipment ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Computers and computer peripheral equipment ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Computers and computer peripheral equipment ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Communications and audio and video equipment ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Communications and audio and video equipment ID: 87, Parent: 82, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Electrical components ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 94, Parent: 91, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles ID: 95, Parent: 94, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles ID: 96, Parent: 91, Name: Tires, motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Tires ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Aircraft ID: 102, Parent: 100, Name: Aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 103, Parent: 99, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 105, Parent: 103, Name: Boats and other personal transportation equipment ID: 106, Parent: 103, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Meat products ID: 110, Parent: 108, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 111, Parent: 108, Name: Dairy products ID: 112, Parent: 108, Name: Bottled water, carbonated soft drinks, and other beverages, ice ID: 113, Parent: 108, Name: Fresh, frozen and canned fruit and vegetable juices, frozen fruit ID: 114, Parent: 108, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 115, Parent: 108, Name: Other food products ID: 116, Parent: 108, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 117, Parent: 108, Name: Tobacco products ID: 118, Parent: 108, Name: Animal feed ID: 119, Parent: 107, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 120, Parent: 119, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 121, Parent: 119, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, leather and dressed furs ID: 122, Parent: 119, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 123, Parent: 107, Name: Paper and published products ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Converted paper and paper products ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Published products and recorded and unrecorded media ID: 126, Parent: 107, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 127, Parent: 126, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 128, Parent: 107, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 129, Parent: 128, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 130, Parent: 107, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 131, Parent: 130, Name: Appliances ID: 132, Parent: 130, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 133, Parent: 130, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 136, Parent: 135, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 139, Parent: 138, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments Release: ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: November 02, 2018 ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: October 05, 2018 ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: September 05, 2018 ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: August 03, 2018 ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: July 06, 2018 ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: June 06, 2018 ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: May 03, 2018 ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: April 5, 2018 ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: March 7, 2018 ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: February 6, 2018 ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: January 5, 2018 ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: December 5, 2017 ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: November 3, 2017 ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: October 5, 2017 ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: September 6, 2017 ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: August 4, 2017 ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: July 6, 2017 ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: June 2, 2017 ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: May 4, 2017 ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: April 4, 2017 ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: March 7, 2017 ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: February 7, 2017 ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: January 6, 2017 ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: December 6, 2016 ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: November 4, 2016 ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: October 5, 2016 ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: September 2, 2016 ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: August 5, 2016 ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: July 6, 2016 ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: June 3, 2016 ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: May 4, 2016 ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: April 5, 2016 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: March 4, 2016 ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: February 5, 2016 ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: January 6, 2016 ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: December 4, 2015 ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: November 4, 2015 ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: October 6, 2015 ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: September 3, 2015 ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: August 5, 2015 ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: July 7, 2015 ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: June 3, 2015 ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: May 5, 2015 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: April 2, 2015 ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: March 6, 2015
Merchandise imports and exports, customs basis, for all countries, by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty trading partners
Title: Merchandise imports and exports, customs basis, for all countries, by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty trading partners Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2017-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Top sixty trading partners, Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC4) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Top sixty trading partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: China ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: South Korea ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: India ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Taiwan ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Switzerland ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Vietnam ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Spain ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Thailand ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Malaysia ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Peru ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Norway ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Indonesia ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Sweden ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Poland ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Turkey ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Ireland ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Chile ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Bangladesh ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Algeria ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Singapore ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Philippines ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Austria ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Argentina ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Nigeria ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Israel ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Colombia ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Russia ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Finland ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Pakistan ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Denmark ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Egypt ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: South Africa ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Cambodia ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Guatemala ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Portugal ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Cuba ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Malta ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Morocco ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Czech Republic ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Guyana ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Hungary ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Costa Rica ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Sri Lanka Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC4): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Food and beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Food and beverages, primary ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Food and beverages, primary, mainly for industry ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Food and beverages, primary, mainly for household consumption ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Food and beverages, processed ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Food and beverages, processed, mainly for industry ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Food and beverages, processed, mainly for household consumption ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, primary ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, processed ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Fuels and lubricants ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Fuels and lubricants, primary ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Fuels and lubricants, processed ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Fuels and lubricants, processed, other ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Capital goods (except transport equipment) ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Parts and accessories of capital goods (except transport equipment) ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Transport equipment, and parts and accessories thereof ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Passenger motor cars ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Transport equipment, other ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Transport equipment, other, industrial ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Transport equipment, other, non-industrial ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Parts and accessories of transport equipment ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Consumer goods not elsewhere specified ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, durable ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, semi-durable ID: 27, Parent: 24, Name: Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, non-durable ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Goods not elsewhere specified ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Intermediate goods ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Final goods ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Capital goods ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Consumption goods
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and number of partner countries Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 partner countries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 3 to 5 partner countries ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 6 to 9 partner countries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 partner countries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 partner countries ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 20 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of enterprise and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of enterprise and number of partner countries Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 partner countries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 3 to 5 partner countries ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 6 to 9 partner countries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 partner countries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 partner countries ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 20 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and concentration of exports
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and concentration of exports Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Concentration Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Concentration: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All exporting enterprises ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Top 10 exporting enterprises ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Top 20 exporting enterprises ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Top 50 exporting enterprises ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Top 100 exporting enterprises ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Top 500 exporting enterprises ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Top 1000 exporting enterprises
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and industry
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and industry Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of destination
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of destination Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Country of destination Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Country of destination: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Argentina ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Brazil ID: 115, Parent: 112, Name: Chile ID: 116, Parent: 112, Name: Venezuela ID: 117, Parent: 112, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 118, Parent: 112, Name: Anguilla ID: 119, Parent: 112, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 120, Parent: 112, Name: Aruba ID: 121, Parent: 112, Name: Barbados ID: 122, Parent: 112, Name: Bermuda ID: 123, Parent: 112, Name: Bolivia ID: 124, Parent: 112, Name: Bahamas ID: 125, Parent: 112, Name: Belize ID: 126, Parent: 112, Name: Colombia ID: 127, Parent: 112, Name: Costa Rica ID: 128, Parent: 112, Name: Cuba ID: 129, Parent: 112, Name: Dominica ID: 130, Parent: 112, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 131, Parent: 112, Name: Ecuador ID: 132, Parent: 112, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 133, Parent: 112, Name: Grenada ID: 134, Parent: 112, Name: Guatemala ID: 135, Parent: 112, Name: Guyana ID: 136, Parent: 112, Name: Honduras ID: 137, Parent: 112, Name: Haiti ID: 138, Parent: 112, Name: Jamaica ID: 139, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 140, Parent: 112, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 141, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 142, Parent: 112, Name: Montserrat ID: 143, Parent: 112, Name: Nicaragua ID: 144, Parent: 112, Name: Panama ID: 145, Parent: 112, Name: Peru ID: 146, Parent: 112, Name: Paraguay ID: 147, Parent: 112, Name: Suriname ID: 148, Parent: 112, Name: El Salvador ID: 149, Parent: 112, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 150, Parent: 112, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 151, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 152, Parent: 112, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 153, Parent: 112, Name: Uruguay ID: 154, Parent: 112, Name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 155, Parent: 112, Name: Curacao ID: 156, Parent: 112, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 244, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 157, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 158, Parent: 157, Name: Japan ID: 159, Parent: 157, Name: China ID: 160, Parent: 157, Name: India ID: 161, Parent: 157, Name: Indonesia ID: 162, Parent: 157, Name: South Korea ID: 163, Parent: 157, Name: Afghanistan ID: 164, Parent: 157, Name: Bangladesh ID: 165, Parent: 157, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 166, Parent: 157, Name: Bhutan ID: 167, Parent: 157, Name: Hong Kong ID: 168, Parent: 157, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 169, Parent: 157, Name: Cambodia ID: 170, Parent: 157, Name: North Korea ID: 171, Parent: 157, Name: Laos ID: 172, Parent: 157, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 173, Parent: 157, Name: Myanmar ID: 174, Parent: 157, Name: Mongolia ID: 175, Parent: 157, Name: Macao ID: 176, Parent: 157, Name: Maldives ID: 177, Parent: 157, Name: Malaysia ID: 178, Parent: 157, Name: Nepal ID: 179, Parent: 157, Name: Philippines ID: 180, Parent: 157, Name: Pakistan ID: 181, Parent: 157, Name: Singapore ID: 182, Parent: 157, Name: Thailand ID: 183, Parent: 157, Name: Timor Leste ID: 184, Parent: 157, Name: Taiwan ID: 186, Parent: 157, Name: Viet Nam ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Israel ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 190, Parent: 187, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 191, Parent: 187, Name: Bahrain ID: 192, Parent: 187, Name: Egypt ID: 193, Parent: 187, Name: Eritrea ID: 194, Parent: 187, Name: Ethiopia ID: 195, Parent: 187, Name: Iraq ID: 196, Parent: 187, Name: Iran ID: 197, Parent: 187, Name: Jordan ID: 198, Parent: 187, Name: Kuwait ID: 199, Parent: 187, Name: Lebanon ID: 200, Parent: 187, Name: Libya ID: 201, Parent: 187, Name: Oman ID: 202, Parent: 187, Name: Qatar ID: 203, Parent: 187, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 204, Parent: 187, Name: Sudan ID: 205, Parent: 187, Name: Somalia ID: 206, Parent: 187, Name: Syria ID: 207, Parent: 187, Name: Yemen ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Australia ID: 210, Parent: 208, Name: New Zealand ID: 211, Parent: 208, Name: Antarctica ID: 212, Parent: 208, Name: American Samoa ID: 213, Parent: 208, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 214, Parent: 208, Name: Cook Islands ID: 215, Parent: 208, Name: Christmas Island ID: 216, Parent: 208, Name: Fiji ID: 217, Parent: 208, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 218, Parent: 208, Name: Guam ID: 219, Parent: 208, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 220, Parent: 208, Name: Kiribati ID: 221, Parent: 208, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 222, Parent: 208, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 223, Parent: 208, Name: New Caledonia ID: 224, Parent: 208, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 225, Parent: 208, Name: Nauru ID: 226, Parent: 208, Name: Niue ID: 227, Parent: 208, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 228, Parent: 208, Name: French Polynesia ID: 229, Parent: 208, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 230, Parent: 208, Name: Pitcairn ID: 231, Parent: 208, Name: Palau ID: 232, Parent: 208, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 233, Parent: 208, Name: Tokelau ID: 234, Parent: 208, Name: Tonga ID: 235, Parent: 208, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 236, Parent: 208, Name: Vanuatu ID: 237, Parent: 208, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 238, Parent: 208, Name: Samoa ID: 239, Parent: 208, Name: Tuvalu ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and region type
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and region type Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Region type Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Region type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All regions ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Export to United States only ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Export to non-United States only ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Export to both United States and non-United States
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and export size
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by enterprise employment size and export size Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Size of exports Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Size of exports: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All export sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Less than $1 million ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $1 million to $24.9 million ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: $25 million to $99.9 million ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $100 million to $499.9 million ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $500 million to $999.9 million ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $1 billion or greater
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of establishment
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of establishment Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting establishments North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by Harmonized commodity description and coding system (HS) section, Canada, provinces and territories, United States, states
Title: Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by Harmonized commodity description and coding system (HS) section, Canada, provinces and territories, United States, states Date range: 1990-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, United States, Harmonized System (HS) Sections Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total exports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Domestic exports ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Re-exports ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total imports United States: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total United States ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Alaska ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Alabama ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Arkansas ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Arizona ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: California ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Colorado ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Connecticut ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: District of Columbia ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Delaware ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Florida ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Georgia ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Hawaii ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Iowa ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Idaho ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Illinois ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Indiana ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Kansas ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Kentucky ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Louisiana ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Massachusetts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Maryland ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Maine ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Michigan ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Minnesota ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Missouri ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Mississippi ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Montana ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: North Carolina ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: North Dakota ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Nebraska ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: New Hampshire ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: New Jersey ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: New Mexico ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Nevada ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: New York ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Ohio ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Oklahoma ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Oregon ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Pennsylvania ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Rhode Island ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: South Carolina ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: South Dakota ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Tennessee ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Texas ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Utah ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Virginia ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Vermont ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Washington, State ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Wisconsin ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: West Virginia ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Wyoming ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Other states Harmonized System (HS) Sections: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total Harmonized System (HS) sections ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: I - Live animals and animal products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: II - Vegetable products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: III - Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products, prepared edible fats, animal or vegetable waxes ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: IV - Prepared foodstuffs, beverages, spirits and vinegar, tobacco and manufactures tobacco substitutes ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: V - Mineral products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: VI - Products of the chemical or allied industries ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: VII - Plastics and articles thereof, rubber and articles thereof ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: VIII - Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof, saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags and similar containers, articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: IX - Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal, cork and articles of cork, manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials, basketware and wickerwork ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: X - Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material, recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: XI - Textiles and textile articles ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: XII - Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof, prepared feathers and articles made therewith, artificial flowers, articles of human hair ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: XIII - Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials, ceramic products, glass and glassware ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: XIV - Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof, imitation jewellery, coin ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: XV - Base metals and articles of base metal ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: XVI - Machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical equipment, parts thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: XVII - Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: XVIII - Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus, clocks and watches, musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: XIX - Arms and ammunition, parts and accessories thereof ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: XX - Miscellaneous manufactured articles ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: XXI - Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques
Value added in exports, by industry, provincial and territorial
Title: Value added in exports, by industry, provincial and territorial Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Country Code, Value added exports variable, Industry, Aggregation Subject: International trade Survey: Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian territorial enclaves abroad Country Code: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: All other countries Value added exports variable: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Re-exports ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Exports from inventories ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Value added ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Direct value added exports ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Value added in exports, within-province ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Value added in Canadian exports, within-province ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Value added exports ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Value added due to foreign demand ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Services value added embodied in exports ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Imports ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Imports of intermediate inputs ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Imports from the United States embodied in exports ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Imports embodied in exports ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Jobs ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Direct jobs embodied in exports ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Total jobs embodied in exports, within-province ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total jobs embodied in Canadian exports, within-province ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total jobs embodied in exports ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Jobs due to foreign demand Industry: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Crop and animal production ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Crop and animal production ID: 404, Parent: 2, Name: Crop and animal production (except cannabis) ID: 4, Parent: 404, Name: Crop production (except cannabis, greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production) ID: 5, Parent: 404, Name: Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production ID: 405, Parent: 404, Name: Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production (except cannabis) ID: 6, Parent: 404, Name: Animal production and aquaculture ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Animal production (except aquaculture) ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Aquaculture ID: 406, Parent: 404, Name: Cannabis production (licensed) ID: 407, Parent: 406, Name: Cannabis production (licensed) ID: 408, Parent: 404, Name: Cannabis production (unlicensed) ID: 409, Parent: 408, Name: Cannabis production (unlicensed) ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry and logging ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Forestry and logging ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Forestry and logging ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Fishing, hunting and trapping ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Fishing, hunting and trapping ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Fishing, hunting and trapping ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Support activities for agriculture and forestry ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Support activities for agriculture and forestry ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Support activities for crop and animal production ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Support activities for forestry ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Conventional oil and gas extraction ID: 410, Parent: 21, Name: Oil and gas extraction (except oil sands) ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Non-conventional oil extraction ID: 411, Parent: 21, Name: Oil sands extraction ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Coal mining ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Coal mining ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Metal ore mining ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Iron ore mining ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Gold and silver ore mining ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Other metal ore mining ID: 31, Parent: 19, Name: Non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Stone mining and quarrying ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Diamond mining ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying (except diamond and potash) ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: Potash mining ID: 37, Parent: 19, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Support activities for oil and gas extraction ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Support activities for mining ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Electric power generation, transmission and distribution ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Electric power generation, transmission and distribution ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Natural gas distribution, water, sewage and other systems ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Natural gas distribution ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Water, sewage and other systems ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Residential building construction ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Residential building construction ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Residential building construction ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residential building construction ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Non-residential building construction ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Non-residential building construction ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Engineering construction ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Transportation engineering construction ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Transportation engineering construction ID: 56, Parent: 53, Name: Oil and gas engineering construction ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Oil and gas engineering construction ID: 58, Parent: 53, Name: Electric power engineering construction ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Electric power engineering construction ID: 60, Parent: 53, Name: Communication engineering construction ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Communication engineering construction ID: 62, Parent: 53, Name: Other engineering construction ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Other engineering construction ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Repair construction ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Repair construction ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Repair construction ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Other activities of the construction industry ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Other activities of the construction industry ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Other activities of the construction industry ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Animal food manufacturing ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Animal food manufacturing ID: 73, Parent: 70, Name: Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing ID: 75, Parent: 70, Name: Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing ID: 77, Parent: 70, Name: Dairy product manufacturing ID: 78, Parent: 77, Name: Dairy product manufacturing ID: 79, Parent: 70, Name: Meat product manufacturing ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Meat product manufacturing ID: 81, Parent: 70, Name: Seafood product preparation and packaging ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Seafood product preparation and packaging ID: 83, Parent: 70, Name: Miscellaneous food manufacturing ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Grain and oilseed milling ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing ID: 86, Parent: 83, Name: Other food manufacturing ID: 87, Parent: 70, Name: Soft drink and ice manufacturing ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Soft drink and ice manufacturing ID: 89, Parent: 70, Name: Breweries ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Breweries ID: 91, Parent: 70, Name: Wineries and distilleries ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Wineries and distilleries ID: 93, Parent: 70, Name: Tobacco manufacturing ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: Tobacco manufacturing ID: 95, Parent: 70, Name: Textile and textile product mills ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Textile and textile product mills ID: 97, Parent: 70, Name: Clothing and leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Clothing and leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 99, Parent: 70, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Sawmills and wood preservation ID: 101, Parent: 99, Name: Veneer, plywood and engineered wood product manufacturing ID: 102, Parent: 99, Name: Other wood product manufacturing ID: 103, Parent: 70, Name: Pulp, paper and paperboard mills ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Pulp, paper and paperboard mills ID: 105, Parent: 70, Name: Converted paper product manufacturing ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Converted paper product manufacturing ID: 107, Parent: 70, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 109, Parent: 70, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Petroleum refineries ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing (except petroleum refineries) ID: 113, Parent: 70, Name: Basic chemical manufacturing ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Basic chemical manufacturing ID: 119, Parent: 70, Name: Miscellaneous chemical product manufacturing ID: 120, Parent: 119, Name: Resin, synthetic rubber and fibres, and paint manufacturing ID: 400, Parent: 120, Name: Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing ID: 401, Parent: 120, Name: Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing ID: 121, Parent: 119, Name: Soap, cleaning compound and toilet preparation manufacturing ID: 122, Parent: 119, Name: Other chemical product manufacturing ID: 115, Parent: 70, Name: Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing ID: 117, Parent: 70, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing ID: 123, Parent: 70, Name: Plastic product manufacturing ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Plastic product manufacturing ID: 125, Parent: 70, Name: Rubber product manufacturing ID: 126, Parent: 125, Name: Rubber product manufacturing ID: 127, Parent: 70, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (except cement and concrete products) ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (except cement and concrete products) ID: 129, Parent: 70, Name: Cement and concrete product manufacturing ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: Cement and concrete product manufacturing ID: 131, Parent: 70, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 132, Parent: 131, Name: Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing ID: 133, Parent: 131, Name: Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel ID: 134, Parent: 131, Name: Alumina and aluminum production and processing ID: 135, Parent: 131, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing ID: 136, Parent: 131, Name: Foundries ID: 137, Parent: 70, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Forging and stamping ID: 139, Parent: 137, Name: Cutlery, hand tools and other fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 140, Parent: 137, Name: Architectural and structural metals manufacturing ID: 141, Parent: 137, Name: Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing ID: 142, Parent: 137, Name: Hardware manufacturing ID: 143, Parent: 137, Name: Spring and wire product manufacturing ID: 144, Parent: 137, Name: Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing ID: 145, Parent: 137, Name: Coating, engraving, cold and heat treating and allied activities ID: 146, Parent: 70, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 147, Parent: 146, Name: Agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing ID: 148, Parent: 146, Name: Industrial, commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Industrial machinery manufacturing ID: 150, Parent: 148, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing ID: 151, Parent: 146, Name: Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing ID: 152, Parent: 146, Name: Metalworking machinery manufacturing ID: 153, Parent: 146, Name: Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing ID: 154, Parent: 146, Name: Other general-purpose machinery manufacturing ID: 155, Parent: 70, Name: Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing ID: 156, Parent: 155, Name: Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing ID: 157, Parent: 70, Name: Electronic product manufacturing ID: 158, Parent: 157, Name: Communications equipment manufacturing ID: 159, Parent: 157, Name: Other electronic product manufacturing ID: 160, Parent: 157, Name: Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing ID: 161, Parent: 70, Name: Electrical equipment and component manufacturing ID: 162, Parent: 161, Name: Electric lighting equipment manufacturing ID: 163, Parent: 161, Name: Electrical equipment manufacturing ID: 164, Parent: 161, Name: Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing ID: 165, Parent: 70, Name: Household appliance manufacturing ID: 166, Parent: 165, Name: Household appliance manufacturing ID: 167, Parent: 70, Name: Motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 168, Parent: 167, Name: Motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 170, Parent: 168, Name: Heavy-duty truck manufacturing ID: 171, Parent: 70, Name: Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing ID: 172, Parent: 171, Name: Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing ID: 173, Parent: 70, Name: Motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 174, Parent: 173, Name: Motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 175, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing ID: 176, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing ID: 177, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing ID: 178, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing ID: 179, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing ID: 180, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing ID: 181, Parent: 174, Name: Motor vehicle metal stamping ID: 182, Parent: 174, Name: Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 183, Parent: 70, Name: Aerospace product and parts manufacturing ID: 184, Parent: 183, Name: Aerospace product and parts manufacturing ID: 185, Parent: 70, Name: Railroad rolling stock manufacturing ID: 186, Parent: 185, Name: Railroad rolling stock manufacturing ID: 187, Parent: 70, Name: Ship and boat building ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Ship and boat building ID: 189, Parent: 70, Name: Other transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 190, Parent: 189, Name: Other transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 191, Parent: 70, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 192, Parent: 191, Name: Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing ID: 193, Parent: 191, Name: Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing ID: 194, Parent: 191, Name: Other furniture-related product manufacturing ID: 195, Parent: 70, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 196, Parent: 195, Name: Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing ID: 197, Parent: 195, Name: Other miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 198, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 199, Parent: 198, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 200, Parent: 199, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 201, Parent: 200, Name: Farm product merchant wholesalers ID: 202, Parent: 200, Name: Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers ID: 203, Parent: 200, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco merchant wholesalers ID: 204, Parent: 200, Name: Personal and household goods merchant wholesalers ID: 205, Parent: 200, Name: Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 206, Parent: 200, Name: Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 207, Parent: 200, Name: Machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 208, Parent: 200, Name: Miscellaneous merchant wholesalers ID: 209, Parent: 200, Name: Business-to-business electronic markets, and agents and brokers ID: 210, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 211, Parent: 210, Name: Retail trade ID: 412, Parent: 210, Name: Retail trade (except cannabis) ID: 212, Parent: 412, Name: Retail trade ID: 413, Parent: 412, Name: Retail trade (except cannabis) ID: 213, Parent: 413, Name: Motor vehicle and parts dealers ID: 214, Parent: 413, Name: Furniture and home furnishings stores ID: 215, Parent: 413, Name: Electronics and appliance stores ID: 216, Parent: 413, Name: Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers ID: 217, Parent: 413, Name: Food and beverage stores ID: 218, Parent: 413, Name: Health and personal care stores ID: 219, Parent: 413, Name: Gasoline stations ID: 220, Parent: 413, Name: Clothing and clothing accessories stores ID: 221, Parent: 413, Name: Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores ID: 222, Parent: 413, Name: General merchandise stores ID: 223, Parent: 413, Name: Miscellaneous store retailers ID: 414, Parent: 413, Name: Miscellaneous store retailers (except cannabis) ID: 224, Parent: 413, Name: Non-store retailers ID: 415, Parent: 412, Name: Cannabis stores (licensed) ID: 416, Parent: 415, Name: Cannabis stores (licensed) ID: 417, Parent: 412, Name: Cannabis stores (unlicensed) ID: 418, Parent: 417, Name: Cannabis stores (unlicensed) ID: 225, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 226, Parent: 225, Name: Air transportation ID: 227, Parent: 226, Name: Air transportation ID: 228, Parent: 225, Name: Rail transportation ID: 229, Parent: 228, Name: Rail transportation ID: 230, Parent: 225, Name: Water transportation ID: 231, Parent: 230, Name: Water transportation ID: 232, Parent: 225, Name: Truck transportation ID: 233, Parent: 232, Name: Truck transportation ID: 234, Parent: 225, Name: Transit, ground passenger and scenic and sightseeing transportation, taxi and limousine service and support activities for transportation ID: 235, Parent: 234, Name: Urban transit systems ID: 236, Parent: 234, Name: Other transit and ground passenger transportation and scenic and sightseeing transportation ID: 237, Parent: 234, Name: Taxi and limousine service ID: 238, Parent: 234, Name: Support activities for transportation ID: 239, Parent: 225, Name: Pipeline transportation ID: 240, Parent: 239, Name: Crude oil and other pipeline transportation ID: 241, Parent: 239, Name: Pipeline transportation of natural gas ID: 242, Parent: 225, Name: Postal service, couriers and messengers ID: 243, Parent: 242, Name: Postal service, couriers and messengers ID: 402, Parent: 243, Name: Postal service ID: 403, Parent: 243, Name: Couriers and messengers ID: 244, Parent: 225, Name: Warehousing and storage ID: 245, Parent: 244, Name: Warehousing and storage ID: 246, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 247, Parent: 246, Name: Motion picture and sound recording industries ID: 248, Parent: 247, Name: Motion picture and video industries (except exhibition) ID: 249, Parent: 247, Name: Motion picture and video exhibition ID: 250, Parent: 247, Name: Sound recording industries ID: 251, Parent: 246, Name: Radio and television broadcasting ID: 252, Parent: 251, Name: Radio and television broadcasting ID: 253, Parent: 246, Name: Publishing, pay/specialty services, telecommunications and other information services ID: 254, Parent: 253, Name: Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishers ID: 255, Parent: 254, Name: Newspaper publishers ID: 256, Parent: 254, Name: Periodical, book and directory publishers ID: 257, Parent: 253, Name: Software publishers ID: 258, Parent: 253, Name: Pay and specialty television, telecommunications and other information services ID: 259, Parent: 258, Name: Pay and specialty television ID: 260, Parent: 258, Name: Telecommunications ID: 261, Parent: 258, Name: Other information services ID: 262, Parent: 253, Name: Data processing, hosting, and related services ID: 263, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and holding companies ID: 264, Parent: 263, Name: Depository credit intermediation and monetary authorities ID: 265, Parent: 264, Name: Monetary authorities - central bank ID: 266, Parent: 264, Name: Banking and other depository credit intermediation ID: 267, Parent: 264, Name: Local credit unions ID: 268, Parent: 263, Name: Insurance carriers ID: 269, Parent: 268, Name: Insurance carriers ID: 270, Parent: 263, Name: Lessors of real estate ID: 271, Parent: 270, Name: Lessors of real estate ID: 272, Parent: 263, Name: Rental and leasing services and lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) ID: 273, Parent: 272, Name: Automotive equipment rental and leasing ID: 274, Parent: 272, Name: Rental and leasing services (except automotive equipment) and lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) ID: 275, Parent: 274, Name: Rental and leasing services (except automotive equipment) ID: 276, Parent: 274, Name: Lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) ID: 277, Parent: 263, Name: Other finance, insurance and real estate services and management of companies and enterprises ID: 278, Parent: 277, Name: Non-depository credit intermediation and activities related to credit intermediation ID: 279, Parent: 278, Name: Non-depository credit intermediation ID: 280, Parent: 278, Name: Activities related to credit intermediation ID: 281, Parent: 277, Name: Financial investment services, funds and other financial vehicles ID: 282, Parent: 277, Name: Agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities ID: 283, Parent: 277, Name: Offices of real estate agents and brokers and activities related to real estate ID: 284, Parent: 277, Name: Holding companies ID: 285, Parent: 1, Name: Owner occupied dwellings ID: 286, Parent: 285, Name: Owner-occupied dwellings ID: 287, Parent: 286, Name: Owner-occupied dwellings ID: 288, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 289, Parent: 288, Name: Legal, accounting and architectural, engineering and related services ID: 290, Parent: 289, Name: Legal, accounting and related services ID: 291, Parent: 290, Name: Legal services ID: 292, Parent: 290, Name: Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services ID: 293, Parent: 289, Name: Architectural, engineering and related services ID: 294, Parent: 288, Name: Computer systems design and other professional, scientific and technical services ID: 295, Parent: 294, Name: Other professional, scientific and technical services including scientific research and development ID: 296, Parent: 295, Name: Specialized design services ID: 297, Parent: 295, Name: Management, scientific and technical consulting services ID: 298, Parent: 295, Name: Scientific research and development services ID: 299, Parent: 295, Name: Other professional, scientific and technical services ID: 300, Parent: 294, Name: Computer systems design and related services ID: 301, Parent: 288, Name: Advertising, public relations, and related services ID: 302, Parent: 301, Name: Advertising, public relations, and related services ID: 303, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 304, Parent: 303, Name: Administrative and support services ID: 305, Parent: 304, Name: Other administrative and support services ID: 306, Parent: 305, Name: Office administrative services ID: 307, Parent: 305, Name: Facilities and other support services ID: 308, Parent: 305, Name: Employment services ID: 309, Parent: 305, Name: Business support services ID: 310, Parent: 304, Name: Travel arrangement and reservation services ID: 311, Parent: 304, Name: Investigation and security services ID: 312, Parent: 304, Name: Services to buildings and dwellings ID: 313, Parent: 303, Name: Waste management and remediation services ID: 314, Parent: 313, Name: Waste management and remediation services ID: 315, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 316, Parent: 315, Name: Educational services ID: 317, Parent: 316, Name: Educational services ID: 318, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 319, Parent: 318, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 320, Parent: 319, Name: Offices of physicians ID: 321, Parent: 319, Name: Offices of dentists ID: 322, Parent: 319, Name: Miscellaneous ambulatory health care services ID: 323, Parent: 319, Name: Nursing and residential care facilities ID: 324, Parent: 319, Name: Social assistance ID: 325, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 326, Parent: 325, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 327, Parent: 326, Name: Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, and heritage institutions ID: 328, Parent: 326, Name: Amusement and recreation industries ID: 329, Parent: 326, Name: Gambling industries ID: 330, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 331, Parent: 330, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 332, Parent: 331, Name: Traveller accommodation ID: 333, Parent: 331, Name: Recreational vehicle (RV) parks, recreational camps, and rooming and boarding houses ID: 334, Parent: 331, Name: Food services and drinking places ID: 335, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 336, Parent: 335, Name: Repair and maintenance ID: 337, Parent: 336, Name: Automotive repair and maintenance ID: 338, Parent: 336, Name: Repair and maintenance (except automotive) ID: 339, Parent: 335, Name: Personal services and private households ID: 340, Parent: 339, Name: Personal care services and other personal services ID: 341, Parent: 339, Name: Funeral services ID: 342, Parent: 339, Name: Dry cleaning and laundry services ID: 343, Parent: 339, Name: Private households ID: 344, Parent: 335, Name: Business, professional and other membership organizations ID: 345, Parent: 344, Name: Business, professional and other membership organizations ID: 346, Parent: 1, Name: Repair, maintenance and operating and office supplies ID: 347, Parent: 346, Name: Repair and maintenance ID: 348, Parent: 347, Name: Repair and maintenance ID: 349, Parent: 346, Name: Operating supplies ID: 350, Parent: 349, Name: Operating supplies ID: 351, Parent: 346, Name: Office supplies ID: 352, Parent: 351, Name: Office supplies ID: 353, Parent: 1, Name: Advertising, promotion, meals, entertainment, and travel ID: 354, Parent: 353, Name: Advertising, promotion, meals, entertainment, and travel ID: 355, Parent: 354, Name: Advertising, promotion, meals, entertainment, and travel ID: 356, Parent: 355, Name: Advertising, promotion, meals and entertainment ID: 357, Parent: 355, Name: Travel, meetings and conventions ID: 358, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation margins ID: 359, Parent: 358, Name: Transportation margins ID: 360, Parent: 359, Name: Transportation margins ID: 361, Parent: 1, Name: Non-profit institutions serving households ID: 362, Parent: 361, Name: Educational services ID: 363, Parent: 362, Name: Educational services ID: 364, Parent: 361, Name: Social assistance ID: 365, Parent: 364, Name: Social assistance ID: 366, Parent: 361, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 367, Parent: 366, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 368, Parent: 361, Name: Religious organizations ID: 369, Parent: 368, Name: Religious organizations ID: 370, Parent: 361, Name: Miscellaneous non-profit institutions serving households ID: 371, Parent: 370, Name: Miscellaneous non-profit institutions serving households ID: 372, Parent: 371, Name: Ambulatory health care services ID: 373, Parent: 371, Name: Grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations ID: 374, Parent: 371, Name: Other non-profit institutions serving households ID: 375, Parent: 1, Name: Government education services ID: 376, Parent: 375, Name: Educational services (except universities) ID: 377, Parent: 376, Name: Elementary and secondary schools ID: 378, Parent: 376, Name: Community colleges and C.E.G.E.P.s ID: 379, Parent: 376, Name: Other educational services ID: 380, Parent: 375, Name: Universities ID: 381, Parent: 380, Name: Universities ID: 382, Parent: 1, Name: Government health services ID: 383, Parent: 382, Name: Hospitals ID: 384, Parent: 383, Name: Hospitals ID: 385, Parent: 382, Name: Nursing and residential care facilities ID: 386, Parent: 385, Name: Nursing and residential care facilities ID: 387, Parent: 1, Name: Other federal government services ID: 388, Parent: 387, Name: Other federal government services ID: 389, Parent: 388, Name: Defence services ID: 390, Parent: 388, Name: Other federal government services (except defence) ID: 391, Parent: 1, Name: Other provincial and territorial government services ID: 392, Parent: 391, Name: Other provincial and territorial government services ID: 393, Parent: 392, Name: Other provincial and territorial government services ID: 394, Parent: 1, Name: Other municipal government services ID: 395, Parent: 394, Name: Other municipal government services ID: 396, Parent: 395, Name: Other municipal government services ID: 397, Parent: 1, Name: Other aboriginal government services ID: 398, Parent: 397, Name: Other aboriginal government services ID: 399, Parent: 398, Name: Other aboriginal government services Aggregation: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Summary level ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Link-1961 level ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Link-1997 level ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Detailed level
Interprovincial and international trade flows, basic prices, detail level
Title: Interprovincial and international trade flows, basic prices, detail level Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2017-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade flow detail, Product Subject: International trade Survey: Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian territorial enclaves abroad Trade flow detail: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total supply and total demand ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total supply ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total demand ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: To Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: To Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: To Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: To New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: To Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: To Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: To Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: To Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: To Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: To British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: To Yukon ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: To Northwest Territories ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: To Nunavut ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: To Canadian territorial enclaves abroad ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial exports ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Interprovincial imports ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: International exports ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: International re-exports ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: International imports Product: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total products ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total goods ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total services ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Oilseeds (except canola) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Grains (except wheat) ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh potatoes ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Fruits and tree nuts ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit and nuts ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Other miscellaneous crop products ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh vegetables (except potatoes) ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Imputed feed (animal feed produced for own consumption) ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Floriculture and nursery products (except cannabis), and sod ID: 531, Parent: 3, Name: Cannabis plants, seeds and flowering tops ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Cattle and calves ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Unprocessed milk ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Hogs ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Eggs in shell ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Poultry ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: Other live animals ID: 22, Parent: 3, Name: Raw furskins, and animal products n.e.c. ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Imputed fertilizer (fertilizer produced for own consumption) ID: 24, Parent: 3, Name: Logs and bolts ID: 25, Parent: 3, Name: Pulpwood ID: 26, Parent: 3, Name: Fuel wood ID: 27, Parent: 3, Name: Rough untreated poles, posts and piling ID: 28, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 29, Parent: 3, Name: Custom work services for forestry ID: 30, Parent: 3, Name: Support services for crop production ID: 31, Parent: 3, Name: Support services for animal production, hunting and fishing ID: 32, Parent: 3, Name: Support services for forestry ID: 33, Parent: 3, Name: Conventional and synthetic crude oil ID: 34, Parent: 3, Name: Conventional crude oil ID: 35, Parent: 3, Name: Synthetic crude oil ID: 36, Parent: 3, Name: Natural gas ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Natural gas liquids and related products ID: 38, Parent: 3, Name: Crude and diluted bitumen ID: 39, Parent: 3, Name: Coal ID: 40, Parent: 3, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 41, Parent: 3, Name: Gold and silver ores and concentrates ID: 42, Parent: 3, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 43, Parent: 3, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 44, Parent: 3, Name: Lead and zinc ores and concentrates ID: 45, Parent: 3, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 46, Parent: 3, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 47, Parent: 3, Name: Stone ID: 48, Parent: 3, Name: Sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 49, Parent: 3, Name: Uncut and industrial diamonds ID: 50, Parent: 3, Name: Potash ID: 51, Parent: 3, Name: Non-metallic minerals (except diamonds) ID: 52, Parent: 3, Name: Non-metallic minerals (except diamonds) ID: 53, Parent: 3, Name: Support services for oil and gas extraction (except exploration) ID: 54, Parent: 3, Name: Support services for mining and quarrying (except exploration) ID: 55, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas and mineral exploration ID: 56, Parent: 3, Name: Electricity ID: 57, Parent: 3, Name: Natural gas distribution ID: 58, Parent: 3, Name: Water delivered by water works and irrigation systems ID: 59, Parent: 3, Name: Sewage and dirty water disposal and cleaning services ID: 60, Parent: 3, Name: Steam and heated or cooled air or water ID: 61, Parent: 3, Name: Residential buildings ID: 62, Parent: 3, Name: Industrial buildings (except mine buildings) ID: 63, Parent: 3, Name: Office buildings ID: 64, Parent: 3, Name: Shopping centres, plazas, malls and stores ID: 65, Parent: 3, Name: Other commercial buildings ID: 66, Parent: 3, Name: Schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings ID: 67, Parent: 3, Name: Health care buildings, nursing homes and senior citizen homes ID: 68, Parent: 3, Name: Other institutional buildings ID: 69, Parent: 3, Name: Highways, roads, streets, bridges and tunnels ID: 70, Parent: 3, Name: Other land transportation civil engineering works ID: 71, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction sites and structures ID: 72, Parent: 3, Name: Other oil and gas engineering works ID: 73, Parent: 3, Name: Electric power engineering works ID: 74, Parent: 3, Name: Communications networks ID: 75, Parent: 3, Name: Marine engineering works ID: 76, Parent: 3, Name: Waterworks engineering works ID: 77, Parent: 3, Name: Sewage engineering works ID: 78, Parent: 3, Name: Mining engineering works ID: 79, Parent: 3, Name: Other civil engineering works ID: 80, Parent: 3, Name: Repair construction services ID: 81, Parent: 3, Name: Dog and cat food ID: 82, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal feed ID: 83, Parent: 3, Name: Flour and other grain mill products ID: 84, Parent: 3, Name: Flour and other grain mill products ID: 85, Parent: 3, Name: Margarine and cooking oils ID: 86, Parent: 3, Name: Breakfast cereal and other cereal products ID: 87, Parent: 3, Name: Grain and oilseed products, n.e.c. ID: 88, Parent: 3, Name: Grain and oilseed products, not elsewhere classified ID: 89, Parent: 3, Name: Sugar and sugar mill by-products ID: 90, Parent: 3, Name: Chocolate (except confectionery) ID: 91, Parent: 3, Name: Confectionery products ID: 92, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh, frozen and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 93, Parent: 3, Name: Preserved fruit and vegetables and frozen foods ID: 94, Parent: 3, Name: Processed fluid milk and milk products ID: 95, Parent: 3, Name: Cheese and cheese products ID: 96, Parent: 3, Name: Butter and dry and canned dairy products ID: 97, Parent: 3, Name: Ice cream, sherbet and similar frozen desserts ID: 98, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh and frozen beef and veal ID: 99, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh and frozen pork ID: 100, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh and frozen poultry of all types ID: 101, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh and frozen lamb and goat meat ID: 102, Parent: 3, Name: Processed meat products, other miscellaneous meats and animal by-products ID: 103, Parent: 3, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 104, Parent: 3, Name: Bread, rolls and flatbreads ID: 105, Parent: 3, Name: Cookies, crackers and baked sweet goods ID: 106, Parent: 3, Name: Flour mixes, dough and dry pasta ID: 107, Parent: 3, Name: Snack food products ID: 108, Parent: 3, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 109, Parent: 3, Name: Flavouring syrups, seasonings and dressings ID: 110, Parent: 3, Name: Other food products, n.e.c. ID: 111, Parent: 3, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water and ice ID: 112, Parent: 3, Name: Beer ID: 113, Parent: 3, Name: Wine and brandy ID: 114, Parent: 3, Name: Distilled liquor ID: 115, Parent: 3, Name: Stemmed, redried or reconstituted tobacco ID: 116, Parent: 3, Name: Cigarettes, cigars, chewing and smoking tobacco ID: 532, Parent: 3, Name: Cannabis products (except seeds, plants, and plant parts) ID: 117, Parent: 3, Name: Fibre, yarn and thread ID: 118, Parent: 3, Name: Fabrics ID: 119, Parent: 3, Name: Carpets, rugs and mats ID: 120, Parent: 3, Name: Other textile furnishings ID: 121, Parent: 3, Name: Textile products, n.e.c. ID: 122, Parent: 3, Name: Fabric weaving and finishing services ID: 123, Parent: 3, Name: Men's, women's, boys' and girls' clothing ID: 124, Parent: 3, Name: Infant clothing ID: 125, Parent: 3, Name: Clothing accessories ID: 126, Parent: 3, Name: Leather and dressed furs ID: 127, Parent: 3, Name: Footwear ID: 128, Parent: 3, Name: Suitcases, handbags and other leather and allied products ID: 129, Parent: 3, Name: Hardwood lumber ID: 130, Parent: 3, Name: Softwood lumber ID: 131, Parent: 3, Name: Wood chips ID: 132, Parent: 3, Name: Other sawmill products and treated wood products ID: 133, Parent: 3, Name: Veneer and plywood ID: 134, Parent: 3, Name: Wood trusses and engineered wood members ID: 135, Parent: 3, Name: Reconstituted wood products ID: 136, Parent: 3, Name: Wood windows and doors ID: 137, Parent: 3, Name: Other wood millwork products ID: 138, Parent: 3, Name: Wood containers and pallets ID: 139, Parent: 3, Name: Prefabricated wood and manufactured (mobile) buildings and components ID: 140, Parent: 3, Name: Wood products, n.e.c. ID: 141, Parent: 3, Name: Prefabricated wood buildings, components and other miscellaneous wood products ID: 142, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of wood and wood by-products ID: 143, Parent: 3, Name: Wood pulp ID: 144, Parent: 3, Name: Paper (except newsprint) ID: 145, Parent: 3, Name: Newsprint ID: 146, Parent: 3, Name: Paperboard ID: 147, Parent: 3, Name: Paperboard containers ID: 148, Parent: 3, Name: Paper office supplies ID: 149, Parent: 3, Name: Disposable diapers and feminine hygiene products ID: 150, Parent: 3, Name: Sanitary paper products ID: 151, Parent: 3, Name: Other converted paper products ID: 152, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of paper and paperboard ID: 153, Parent: 3, Name: Printed products ID: 154, Parent: 3, Name: Printing support services ID: 155, Parent: 3, Name: Contract printing services for publishers ID: 156, Parent: 3, Name: Motor gasoline ID: 157, Parent: 3, Name: Diesel and biodiesel fuels ID: 158, Parent: 3, Name: Light fuel oils ID: 159, Parent: 3, Name: Aviation fuel ID: 160, Parent: 3, Name: Heavy fuel oils ID: 161, Parent: 3, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 162, Parent: 3, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 163, Parent: 3, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 164, Parent: 3, Name: Coke and other coke oven products ID: 165, Parent: 3, Name: Other petroleum and coal products ID: 166, Parent: 3, Name: Solid fuel products, n.e.c. ID: 167, Parent: 3, Name: Petrochemicals ID: 168, Parent: 3, Name: Industrial gases ID: 169, Parent: 3, Name: Dyes and pigments ID: 170, Parent: 3, Name: Other basic inorganic chemicals ID: 171, Parent: 3, Name: Other basic inorganic chemicals and nuclear fuel ID: 172, Parent: 3, Name: Basic organic chemicals, n.e.c. ID: 173, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic resins ID: 174, Parent: 3, Name: Rubber and rubber compounds and mixtures ID: 175, Parent: 3, Name: Artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments ID: 176, Parent: 3, Name: Ammonia and chemical fertilizers ID: 177, Parent: 3, Name: Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals ID: 178, Parent: 3, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 179, Parent: 3, Name: Paints, coatings and adhesive products ID: 180, Parent: 3, Name: Soaps and cleaning compounds ID: 181, Parent: 3, Name: Perfumes and toiletries ID: 182, Parent: 3, Name: Chemical products, n.e.c. ID: 183, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic bags ID: 184, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic films and non-rigid sheets ID: 185, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 186, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic profile shapes ID: 187, Parent: 3, Name: Foam products (except for construction) ID: 188, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic bottles ID: 189, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle plastic parts ID: 190, Parent: 3, Name: Plastic products, n.e.c. ID: 191, Parent: 3, Name: Tires ID: 192, Parent: 3, Name: Rubber and plastic hoses and belts ID: 193, Parent: 3, Name: Rubber products, n.e.c. ID: 194, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 195, Parent: 3, Name: Cement ID: 196, Parent: 3, Name: Ready-mixed concrete ID: 197, Parent: 3, Name: Concrete products ID: 198, Parent: 3, Name: Clay and ceramic products and refractories ID: 199, Parent: 3, Name: Glass (including automotive), glass products and glass containers ID: 200, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 201, Parent: 3, Name: Lime and gypsum products ID: 202, Parent: 3, Name: Non-metallic mineral products, n.e.c. ID: 203, Parent: 3, Name: Iron and steel basic shapes and ferro-alloy products ID: 204, Parent: 3, Name: Iron and steel pipes and tubes (except castings) ID: 205, Parent: 3, Name: Cold-rolled iron or steel products ID: 206, Parent: 3, Name: Bauxite and aluminum oxide ID: 207, Parent: 3, Name: Unwrought aluminum including alloys ID: 208, Parent: 3, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and alloys ID: 209, Parent: 3, Name: Unwrought copper including alloys ID: 210, Parent: 3, Name: Unwrought nickel including alloys ID: 211, Parent: 3, Name: Unwrought precious metals including alloys ID: 212, Parent: 3, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals including alloys ID: 213, Parent: 3, Name: Gold, store of value ID: 214, Parent: 3, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and alloys (except aluminum) ID: 215, Parent: 3, Name: Ferrous metal castings ID: 216, Parent: 3, Name: Non-ferrous metal castings ID: 217, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of iron and steel ID: 218, Parent: 3, Name: Waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals ID: 219, Parent: 3, Name: Forged and stamped metal products ID: 220, Parent: 3, Name: Forged and stamped metal products ID: 221, Parent: 3, Name: Prefabricated metal buildings and other non-wood buildings, and components ID: 222, Parent: 3, Name: Fabricated steel plate and other fabricated structural metal ID: 223, Parent: 3, Name: Metal windows and doors ID: 224, Parent: 3, Name: Other ornamental and architectural metal products ID: 225, Parent: 3, Name: Other architectural metal products ID: 226, Parent: 3, Name: Light gauge metal containers, crowns and closures ID: 227, Parent: 3, Name: Boilers, tanks and heavy gauge metal containers ID: 228, Parent: 3, Name: Builders, motor vehicle and other hardware ID: 229, Parent: 3, Name: Springs and wire products ID: 230, Parent: 3, Name: Threaded metal fasteners and other turned metal products including automotive ID: 231, Parent: 3, Name: Coating, engraving, heat treating and similar metal processing services ID: 232, Parent: 3, Name: Hand tools, kitchen utensils and cutlery (except precious metal) ID: 233, Parent: 3, Name: Metal valves and pipe fittings ID: 234, Parent: 3, Name: Ball and roller bearings ID: 235, Parent: 3, Name: Guns, ammunition and other munitions ID: 236, Parent: 3, Name: Fabricated metal products, n.e.c. ID: 237, Parent: 3, Name: Fabricated metal products, not elsewhere classified ID: 238, Parent: 3, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 239, Parent: 3, Name: Logging, mining and construction machinery and equipment ID: 240, Parent: 3, Name: Other industry-specific machinery ID: 241, Parent: 3, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery ID: 242, Parent: 3, Name: Industrial and commercial fans, blowers and air purification equipment ID: 243, Parent: 3, Name: Heating and cooling equipment (except household refrigerators and freezers) ID: 244, Parent: 3, Name: Metalworking machinery and industrial moulds ID: 245, Parent: 3, Name: Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets (except aircraft turbines) ID: 246, Parent: 3, Name: Other engine and power transmission equipment ID: 247, Parent: 3, Name: Pumps and compressors (except fluid power) ID: 248, Parent: 3, Name: Material handling equipment ID: 249, Parent: 3, Name: Other miscellaneous general-purpose machinery ID: 250, Parent: 3, Name: Computers, computer peripherals and parts ID: 251, Parent: 3, Name: Parts of computers and computer peripheral (except printed circuit assemblies) ID: 252, Parent: 3, Name: Computers and computer peripheral equipment ID: 253, Parent: 3, Name: Telephone apparatus ID: 254, Parent: 3, Name: Other communications equipment ID: 255, Parent: 3, Name: Audio and video equipment and unrecorded media ID: 256, Parent: 3, Name: Navigational and guidance instruments ID: 257, Parent: 3, Name: Measuring, medical and controlling devices ID: 258, Parent: 3, Name: Medical devices ID: 259, Parent: 3, Name: Measuring, control and scientific instruments ID: 260, Parent: 3, Name: Unrecorded magnetic and optical recording media ID: 261, Parent: 3, Name: Printed and integrated circuits, semiconductors and printed circuit assemblies ID: 262, Parent: 3, Name: Other electronic components ID: 263, Parent: 3, Name: Electric light bulbs and tubes ID: 264, Parent: 3, Name: Lighting fixtures ID: 265, Parent: 3, Name: Small electric appliances ID: 266, Parent: 3, Name: Small electric appliances ID: 267, Parent: 3, Name: Major appliances ID: 268, Parent: 3, Name: Major appliances ID: 269, Parent: 3, Name: Power, distribution and other transformers ID: 270, Parent: 3, Name: Electric motors and generators ID: 271, Parent: 3, Name: Switchgear, switchboards, relays and industrial control apparatus ID: 272, Parent: 3, Name: Batteries and battery chargers ID: 273, Parent: 3, Name: Communication and electric wire and cable ID: 274, Parent: 3, Name: Wiring devices ID: 275, Parent: 3, Name: Other electrical equipment and components ID: 276, Parent: 3, Name: Passenger cars ID: 277, Parent: 3, Name: Light-duty trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) ID: 278, Parent: 3, Name: Medium and heavy-duty trucks ID: 279, Parent: 3, Name: Buses ID: 280, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle bodies and special purpose motor vehicles ID: 281, Parent: 3, Name: Freight and utility trailers ID: 282, Parent: 3, Name: Motor homes, travel trailers and camping trailers ID: 283, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts ID: 284, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment ID: 285, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle steering and suspension components ID: 286, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle brakes and brake systems ID: 287, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle transmission and drive train components ID: 288, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle interior trim, seats and seat parts ID: 289, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle metal stampings ID: 290, Parent: 3, Name: Other miscellaneous motor vehicle parts ID: 291, Parent: 3, Name: Aircraft ID: 292, Parent: 3, Name: Aircraft engines ID: 293, Parent: 3, Name: Aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 294, Parent: 3, Name: Locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 295, Parent: 3, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock ID: 296, Parent: 3, Name: Ships ID: 297, Parent: 3, Name: Boats and personal watercraft ID: 298, Parent: 3, Name: Other transportation equipment and related parts ID: 299, Parent: 3, Name: Wood cabinets and counter tops ID: 300, Parent: 3, Name: Household furniture ID: 301, Parent: 3, Name: Institutional and other furniture, n.e.c. ID: 302, Parent: 3, Name: Office furniture ID: 303, Parent: 3, Name: Office furniture ID: 304, Parent: 3, Name: Office and store fixtures ID: 305, Parent: 3, Name: Office and store fixtures ID: 306, Parent: 3, Name: Mattresses and foundations ID: 307, Parent: 3, Name: Blinds, shades, and curtain fixtures ID: 308, Parent: 3, Name: Medical, dental and personal safety supplies, instruments and equipment ID: 309, Parent: 3, Name: Jewellery and silverware ID: 310, Parent: 3, Name: Sporting and athletic goods ID: 311, Parent: 3, Name: Toys and games ID: 312, Parent: 3, Name: Office supplies (except paper) ID: 313, Parent: 3, Name: Signs ID: 314, Parent: 3, Name: Other miscellaneous manufactured products ID: 315, Parent: 3, Name: Custom manufacturing services (except printing, finishing of textiles and metals) ID: 316, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins ID: 317, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - farm products ID: 318, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - petroleum and petroleum products ID: 319, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - food, beverages and tobacco products ID: 320, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - personal and household goods ID: 321, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and accessories ID: 322, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - building materials and supplies ID: 323, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - machinery, equipment and supplies ID: 324, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale margins - miscellaneous products ID: 325, Parent: 3, Name: Wholesale trade commissions ID: 326, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins ID: 327, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - motor vehicles and parts ID: 328, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - furniture and home furnishings ID: 329, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - electronics and appliances ID: 330, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - building materials, garden equipment and supplies ID: 331, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - food and beverages ID: 332, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - health and personal care products ID: 333, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - automotive fuels ID: 334, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - clothing and clothing accessories ID: 335, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - sporting and leisure products ID: 336, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - miscellaneous products ID: 533, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - miscellaneous products (except cannabis) ID: 534, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - cannabis products (licensed) ID: 535, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - cannabis products (unlicensed) ID: 337, Parent: 3, Name: Retail margins - household fuels ID: 338, Parent: 3, Name: Used motor vehicles ID: 339, Parent: 3, Name: Other used consumer goods ID: 340, Parent: 3, Name: Retail trade commissions ID: 341, Parent: 3, Name: Air passenger transportation services ID: 342, Parent: 3, Name: Air freight transportation services ID: 343, Parent: 3, Name: Air specialty services ID: 344, Parent: 3, Name: Rail passenger transportation services ID: 345, Parent: 3, Name: Rail freight transportation services ID: 346, Parent: 3, Name: Water passenger transportation services ID: 347, Parent: 3, Name: Water freight transportation services ID: 348, Parent: 3, Name: Moving services ID: 349, Parent: 3, Name: General freight truck transportation services ID: 350, Parent: 3, Name: Road transportation services for general freight ID: 351, Parent: 3, Name: Specialized freight truck transportation services ID: 352, Parent: 3, Name: Road transportation services for specialized freight ID: 353, Parent: 3, Name: Urban transit services ID: 354, Parent: 3, Name: Interurban and rural bus passenger transportation services ID: 355, Parent: 3, Name: School bus services ID: 356, Parent: 3, Name: Other transit and passenger transportation services by road ID: 357, Parent: 3, Name: Scenic and sightseeing tour services ID: 358, Parent: 3, Name: Taxi and limousine services ID: 359, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation of natural gas by pipeline ID: 360, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation of crude oil and other commodities by pipeline ID: 361, Parent: 3, Name: Air transportation support services ID: 362, Parent: 3, Name: Aircraft maintenance and repair services ID: 363, Parent: 3, Name: Rail transportation support, maintenance and repair services ID: 364, Parent: 3, Name: Water transportation support, maintenance and repair services ID: 365, Parent: 3, Name: Road transportation support services ID: 366, Parent: 3, Name: Freight transportation arrangement and customs brokering services ID: 367, Parent: 3, Name: Other transportation support services ID: 368, Parent: 3, Name: Postal services ID: 369, Parent: 3, Name: Courier, parcel, and local messenger and delivery services ID: 370, Parent: 3, Name: Grain storage ID: 371, Parent: 3, Name: Warehousing and storage services (except grain storage) ID: 372, Parent: 3, Name: Newspapers ID: 373, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising space in printed newspapers ID: 374, Parent: 3, Name: Periodicals ID: 375, Parent: 3, Name: Books ID: 376, Parent: 3, Name: Other published products ID: 377, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising space in printed periodicals and in other printed publications ID: 378, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing fees to distribute or reproduce published products, print and electronic ID: 379, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing of rights for commercial use of literary works (except software) and artistic works ID: 380, Parent: 3, Name: General purpose software ID: 381, Parent: 3, Name: Recorded movies, television programs and videos ID: 382, Parent: 3, Name: Movie, television program and video production, post-production and editing services ID: 383, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing of rights for commercial use of dramatic works, and other copyrighted property n.e.c. ID: 384, Parent: 3, Name: Admissions to motion picture film exhibitions ID: 385, Parent: 3, Name: Recorded music and other sound recordings ID: 386, Parent: 3, Name: Audio recording services and copyright administration ID: 387, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing of rights for commercial use of musical works and sound recordings ID: 388, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising air time on radio ID: 389, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising air time on television ID: 390, Parent: 3, Name: Fees for the distribution of television and radio program channels (affiliation payments) ID: 391, Parent: 3, Name: Fixed telecommunications services (except Internet access) ID: 392, Parent: 3, Name: Mobile telecommunications services ID: 393, Parent: 3, Name: Broadcasting and online games distribution services ID: 394, Parent: 3, Name: Fixed Internet access services ID: 395, Parent: 3, Name: Data processing, hosting, and related services (except software as a service, on cloud) ID: 396, Parent: 3, Name: Subscriptions for online content ID: 397, Parent: 3, Name: Internet advertising ID: 398, Parent: 3, Name: Other information services ID: 399, Parent: 3, Name: Other information services ID: 400, Parent: 3, Name: Central banking services ID: 401, Parent: 3, Name: Local credit union services - explicit charges (fees) ID: 402, Parent: 3, Name: Banking and other depository credit intermediation services - explicit charges ID: 403, Parent: 3, Name: Non-depository credit intermediation services - explicit charges (fees) ID: 404, Parent: 3, Name: Other services related to credit intermediation ID: 405, Parent: 3, Name: Investment banking services ID: 406, Parent: 3, Name: Security brokerage and securities dealing services ID: 407, Parent: 3, Name: Portfolio management services ID: 408, Parent: 3, Name: Investment counselling services ID: 409, Parent: 3, Name: Holding company services and other financial investment and related activities ID: 410, Parent: 3, Name: Life insurance services ID: 411, Parent: 3, Name: Health and accident insurance services ID: 412, Parent: 3, Name: Vehicle insurance services ID: 413, Parent: 3, Name: Property insurance services ID: 414, Parent: 3, Name: Liability and other property and casualty insurance services ID: 415, Parent: 3, Name: Insurance brokerage and other services related to insurance ID: 416, Parent: 3, Name: Trusteed pension fund services ID: 417, Parent: 3, Name: Mutual funds (cost of service) and other similar services ID: 418, Parent: 3, Name: Deposit intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) ID: 419, Parent: 3, Name: Residential mortgage intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) ID: 420, Parent: 3, Name: Other loan intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) ID: 421, Parent: 3, Name: Rental of residential real estate ID: 422, Parent: 3, Name: Rental of non-residential real estate ID: 423, Parent: 3, Name: Imputed rental of owner-occupied dwellings ID: 424, Parent: 3, Name: Real estate brokerage and other services related to real estate ID: 425, Parent: 3, Name: Rental and operating leasing services of motor vehicles ID: 426, Parent: 3, Name: Computer equipment rental and leasing services ID: 427, Parent: 3, Name: Office machinery and equipment (except computer equipment) rental and leasing services ID: 428, Parent: 3, Name: Rental and operating leasing services of commercial and industrial machinery and equipment ID: 429, Parent: 3, Name: Rental and operating leasing services of other goods ID: 430, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing of rights for commercial use of non-financial intangible assets (except software and other copyright licensing) ID: 431, Parent: 3, Name: Legal services ID: 432, Parent: 3, Name: Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services ID: 433, Parent: 3, Name: Architectural, engineering and related services ID: 434, Parent: 3, Name: Specialized design services ID: 435, Parent: 3, Name: Custom software design and development services ID: 436, Parent: 3, Name: Own-account software design and development services ID: 437, Parent: 3, Name: Computer systems design and related services (except software development) ID: 438, Parent: 3, Name: Management, scientific and technical consulting services ID: 439, Parent: 3, Name: Research and development services ID: 440, Parent: 3, Name: Own-account research and development (except software development) ID: 441, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising, public relations, and related services ID: 442, Parent: 3, Name: Photographic services ID: 443, Parent: 3, Name: Veterinary services ID: 444, Parent: 3, Name: Other professional, scientific and technical services ID: 445, Parent: 3, Name: Holding company services (imputed) ID: 446, Parent: 3, Name: Head office services (imputed) ID: 447, Parent: 3, Name: Office administrative services ID: 448, Parent: 3, Name: Employment services ID: 449, Parent: 3, Name: Business support services ID: 450, Parent: 3, Name: Travel arrangement, reservation and planning services ID: 451, Parent: 3, Name: Investigation and security services ID: 452, Parent: 3, Name: Services to buildings and dwellings ID: 453, Parent: 3, Name: Facilities and other support services ID: 454, Parent: 3, Name: Waste management and remediation services ID: 455, Parent: 3, Name: Tuition and similar fees for elementary and secondary schools ID: 456, Parent: 3, Name: Tuition and similar fees for colleges and C.E.G.E.P.s ID: 457, Parent: 3, Name: Tuition and similar fees for universities ID: 458, Parent: 3, Name: Tuition and similar fees for trade, technical and professional training ID: 459, Parent: 3, Name: Other educational training and services ID: 460, Parent: 3, Name: Physician services ID: 461, Parent: 3, Name: Dental services ID: 462, Parent: 3, Name: Other health practitioner services ID: 463, Parent: 3, Name: Medical laboratory diagnostic and testing services ID: 464, Parent: 3, Name: Ambulance services ID: 465, Parent: 3, Name: Hospital services ID: 466, Parent: 3, Name: Nursing and residential care services ID: 467, Parent: 3, Name: Child day-care services ID: 468, Parent: 3, Name: Other ambulatory health care services and social assistance services ID: 469, Parent: 3, Name: Admissions to live sporting events ID: 470, Parent: 3, Name: Admissions to live performing arts performances ID: 471, Parent: 3, Name: Sport and performing arts event organization services ID: 472, Parent: 3, Name: Career management and representation services of public figures ID: 473, Parent: 3, Name: Contract production of live performing arts performances, live sporting events and copyrighted works ID: 474, Parent: 3, Name: Licensing of rights to use copyrighted works and media rights ID: 475, Parent: 3, Name: Technical artistic services ID: 476, Parent: 3, Name: Sporting event media rights ID: 477, Parent: 3, Name: Heritage institution services ID: 478, Parent: 3, Name: Amusement and recreational services ID: 479, Parent: 3, Name: Gambling (net wagers) ID: 480, Parent: 3, Name: Room or unit accommodation services for travellers ID: 481, Parent: 3, Name: Recreational vehicle park and recreational camp services ID: 482, Parent: 3, Name: Rooming and boarding services ID: 483, Parent: 3, Name: Prepared meals ID: 484, Parent: 3, Name: Alcoholic beverages for immediate consumption ID: 485, Parent: 3, Name: Motor vehicle repair and maintenance services ID: 486, Parent: 3, Name: Repair and maintenance services (except for buildings and transportation equipment) ID: 487, Parent: 3, Name: Funeral services ID: 488, Parent: 3, Name: Laundry, dry-cleaning and related services ID: 489, Parent: 3, Name: Hair care and aesthetic services ID: 490, Parent: 3, Name: Parking services ID: 491, Parent: 3, Name: Other personal and personal care services ID: 492, Parent: 3, Name: Other membership services ID: 493, Parent: 3, Name: Babysitting services ID: 494, Parent: 3, Name: Private household services (except babysitting) ID: 495, Parent: 3, Name: Sales of other services by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 496, Parent: 3, Name: Sales of other government services ID: 497, Parent: 3, Name: Repair and maintenance ID: 498, Parent: 3, Name: Operating supplies ID: 499, Parent: 3, Name: Office supplies ID: 500, Parent: 3, Name: Advertising, promotion, meals and entertainment ID: 501, Parent: 3, Name: Travel, meetings and conventions ID: 502, Parent: 3, Name: Transportation margins ID: 503, Parent: 3, Name: Educational services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 504, Parent: 3, Name: Ambulatory health care services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 505, Parent: 3, Name: Social assistance services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 506, Parent: 3, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 507, Parent: 3, Name: Religious services ID: 508, Parent: 3, Name: Grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organization services ID: 509, Parent: 3, Name: Labour organization membership services ID: 510, Parent: 3, Name: Political organization services ID: 511, Parent: 3, Name: Other services provided by Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households ID: 512, Parent: 3, Name: Elementary and secondary school services provided by governments ID: 513, Parent: 3, Name: Community college and C.E.G.E.P services provided by governments ID: 514, Parent: 3, Name: University services provided by governments ID: 515, Parent: 3, Name: Other educational services provided by governments ID: 516, Parent: 3, Name: Hospital services provided by governments ID: 517, Parent: 3, Name: Residential care facility services provided by governments ID: 518, Parent: 3, Name: Defence services ID: 519, Parent: 3, Name: Other federal government services ID: 520, Parent: 3, Name: Other provincial and territorial government services ID: 521, Parent: 3, Name: Other municipal government services ID: 522, Parent: 3, Name: Other aboriginal government services ID: 523, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on products ID: 524, Parent: 3, Name: Subsidies on products ID: 525, Parent: 3, Name: Subsidies on production ID: 526, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on production ID: 527, Parent: 3, Name: Wages and salaries ID: 528, Parent: 3, Name: Employers' social contributions ID: 529, Parent: 3, Name: Gross mixed income ID: 530, Parent: 3, Name: Gross operating surplus
Canadian domestic export concentration, Canada, provinces and territories, inactive
Title: Canadian domestic export concentration, Canada, provinces and territories, inactive Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Canadian export concentration, Statistics Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Canadian export concentration: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Product ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Destination market ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Province of production Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Concentration ratio ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Index
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by establishment employment size and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by establishment employment size and number of partner countries Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Establishment employment size, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting establishments Establishment employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All establishment employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 499 employees ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 500 or more employees Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by country of destination
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by country of destination Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Country of destination Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting establishments Country of destination: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Argentina ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Brazil ID: 115, Parent: 112, Name: Chile ID: 116, Parent: 112, Name: Venezuela ID: 117, Parent: 112, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 118, Parent: 112, Name: Anguilla ID: 119, Parent: 112, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 120, Parent: 112, Name: Aruba ID: 121, Parent: 112, Name: Barbados ID: 122, Parent: 112, Name: Bermuda ID: 123, Parent: 112, Name: Bolivia ID: 124, Parent: 112, Name: Bahamas ID: 125, Parent: 112, Name: Belize ID: 126, Parent: 112, Name: Colombia ID: 127, Parent: 112, Name: Costa Rica ID: 128, Parent: 112, Name: Cuba ID: 129, Parent: 112, Name: Dominica ID: 130, Parent: 112, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 131, Parent: 112, Name: Ecuador ID: 132, Parent: 112, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 133, Parent: 112, Name: Grenada ID: 134, Parent: 112, Name: Guatemala ID: 135, Parent: 112, Name: Guyana ID: 136, Parent: 112, Name: Honduras ID: 137, Parent: 112, Name: Haiti ID: 138, Parent: 112, Name: Jamaica ID: 139, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 140, Parent: 112, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 141, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 142, Parent: 112, Name: Montserrat ID: 143, Parent: 112, Name: Nicaragua ID: 144, Parent: 112, Name: Panama ID: 145, Parent: 112, Name: Peru ID: 146, Parent: 112, Name: Paraguay ID: 147, Parent: 112, Name: Suriname ID: 148, Parent: 112, Name: El Salvador ID: 149, Parent: 112, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 150, Parent: 112, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 151, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 152, Parent: 112, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 153, Parent: 112, Name: Uruguay ID: 154, Parent: 112, Name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 155, Parent: 112, Name: Curacao ID: 156, Parent: 112, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 243, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 112, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 157, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 158, Parent: 157, Name: Japan ID: 159, Parent: 157, Name: China ID: 160, Parent: 157, Name: India ID: 161, Parent: 157, Name: Indonesia ID: 162, Parent: 157, Name: South Korea ID: 163, Parent: 157, Name: Afghanistan ID: 164, Parent: 157, Name: Bangladesh ID: 165, Parent: 157, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 166, Parent: 157, Name: Bhutan ID: 167, Parent: 157, Name: Hong Kong ID: 168, Parent: 157, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 169, Parent: 157, Name: Cambodia ID: 170, Parent: 157, Name: North Korea ID: 171, Parent: 157, Name: Laos ID: 172, Parent: 157, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 173, Parent: 157, Name: Myanmar ID: 174, Parent: 157, Name: Mongolia ID: 175, Parent: 157, Name: Macao ID: 176, Parent: 157, Name: Maldives ID: 177, Parent: 157, Name: Malaysia ID: 178, Parent: 157, Name: Nepal ID: 179, Parent: 157, Name: Philippines ID: 180, Parent: 157, Name: Pakistan ID: 181, Parent: 157, Name: Singapore ID: 182, Parent: 157, Name: Thailand ID: 183, Parent: 157, Name: Timor Leste ID: 184, Parent: 157, Name: Taiwan ID: 185, Parent: 157, Name: Viet Nam ID: 186, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 187, Parent: 186, Name: Israel ID: 188, Parent: 186, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 189, Parent: 186, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 190, Parent: 186, Name: Bahrain ID: 191, Parent: 186, Name: Egypt ID: 192, Parent: 186, Name: Eritrea ID: 193, Parent: 186, Name: Ethiopia ID: 194, Parent: 186, Name: Iraq ID: 195, Parent: 186, Name: Iran ID: 196, Parent: 186, Name: Jordan ID: 197, Parent: 186, Name: Kuwait ID: 198, Parent: 186, Name: Lebanon ID: 199, Parent: 186, Name: Libya ID: 200, Parent: 186, Name: Oman ID: 201, Parent: 186, Name: Qatar ID: 202, Parent: 186, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 203, Parent: 186, Name: Sudan ID: 204, Parent: 186, Name: Somalia ID: 205, Parent: 186, Name: Syria ID: 206, Parent: 186, Name: Yemen ID: 207, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 208, Parent: 207, Name: Australia ID: 209, Parent: 207, Name: New Zealand ID: 210, Parent: 207, Name: Antarctica ID: 211, Parent: 207, Name: American Samoa ID: 212, Parent: 207, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 213, Parent: 207, Name: Cook Islands ID: 214, Parent: 207, Name: Christmas Island ID: 215, Parent: 207, Name: Fiji ID: 216, Parent: 207, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 217, Parent: 207, Name: Guam ID: 218, Parent: 207, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 219, Parent: 207, Name: Kiribati ID: 220, Parent: 207, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 221, Parent: 207, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 222, Parent: 207, Name: New Caledonia ID: 223, Parent: 207, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 224, Parent: 207, Name: Nauru ID: 225, Parent: 207, Name: Niue ID: 226, Parent: 207, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 227, Parent: 207, Name: French Polynesia ID: 228, Parent: 207, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 229, Parent: 207, Name: Pitcairn ID: 230, Parent: 207, Name: Palau ID: 231, Parent: 207, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 232, Parent: 207, Name: Tokelau ID: 233, Parent: 207, Name: Tonga ID: 234, Parent: 207, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 235, Parent: 207, Name: Vanuatu ID: 236, Parent: 207, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 237, Parent: 207, Name: Samoa ID: 238, Parent: 207, Name: Tuvalu ID: 239, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 240, Parent: 239, Name: Greenland ID: 241, Parent: 239, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 242, Parent: 239, Name: High Seas
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and number of partner countries Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 partner countries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 3 to 5 partner countries ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 6 to 9 partner countries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 partner countries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 partner countries ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 20 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and industry
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and industry Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and concentration of imports
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and concentration of imports Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Concentration Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Concentration: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All importing enterprises ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Top 10 importing enterprises ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Top 20 importing enterprises ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Top 50 importing enterprises ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Top 100 importing enterprises ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Top 500 importing enterprises ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Top 1000 importing enterprises
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of origin
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of origin Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Country Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Country: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Canada ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Argentina ID: 115, Parent: 113, Name: Brazil ID: 116, Parent: 113, Name: Chile ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Venezuela ID: 118, Parent: 113, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 119, Parent: 113, Name: Anguilla ID: 120, Parent: 113, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 121, Parent: 113, Name: Aruba ID: 122, Parent: 113, Name: Barbados ID: 123, Parent: 113, Name: Bermuda ID: 124, Parent: 113, Name: Bolivia ID: 125, Parent: 113, Name: Bahamas ID: 126, Parent: 113, Name: Belize ID: 127, Parent: 113, Name: Colombia ID: 128, Parent: 113, Name: Costa Rica ID: 129, Parent: 113, Name: Cuba ID: 130, Parent: 113, Name: Dominica ID: 131, Parent: 113, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 132, Parent: 113, Name: Ecuador ID: 133, Parent: 113, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 134, Parent: 113, Name: Grenada ID: 135, Parent: 113, Name: Guatemala ID: 136, Parent: 113, Name: Guyana ID: 137, Parent: 113, Name: Honduras ID: 138, Parent: 113, Name: Haiti ID: 139, Parent: 113, Name: Jamaica ID: 140, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 141, Parent: 113, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 142, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 143, Parent: 113, Name: Montserrat ID: 144, Parent: 113, Name: Nicaragua ID: 145, Parent: 113, Name: Panama ID: 146, Parent: 113, Name: Peru ID: 147, Parent: 113, Name: Paraguay ID: 148, Parent: 113, Name: Suriname ID: 149, Parent: 113, Name: El Salvador ID: 150, Parent: 113, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 151, Parent: 113, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 152, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 153, Parent: 113, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 154, Parent: 113, Name: Uruguay ID: 155, Parent: 113, Name: Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 156, Parent: 113, Name: Curacao ID: 157, Parent: 113, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 244, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Japan ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: China ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: India ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: Indonesia ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: South Korea ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Afghanistan ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Bangladesh ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Bhutan ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: Hong Kong ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Cambodia ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: North Korea ID: 172, Parent: 158, Name: Laos ID: 173, Parent: 158, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 174, Parent: 158, Name: Myanmar ID: 175, Parent: 158, Name: Mongolia ID: 176, Parent: 158, Name: Macao ID: 177, Parent: 158, Name: Maldives ID: 178, Parent: 158, Name: Malaysia ID: 179, Parent: 158, Name: Nepal ID: 180, Parent: 158, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 158, Name: Pakistan ID: 182, Parent: 158, Name: Singapore ID: 183, Parent: 158, Name: Thailand ID: 184, Parent: 158, Name: Timor Leste ID: 185, Parent: 158, Name: Taiwan ID: 186, Parent: 158, Name: Viet Nam ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Israel ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 190, Parent: 187, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 191, Parent: 187, Name: Bahrain ID: 192, Parent: 187, Name: Egypt ID: 193, Parent: 187, Name: Eritrea ID: 194, Parent: 187, Name: Ethiopia ID: 195, Parent: 187, Name: Iraq ID: 196, Parent: 187, Name: Iran ID: 197, Parent: 187, Name: Jordan ID: 198, Parent: 187, Name: Kuwait ID: 199, Parent: 187, Name: Lebanon ID: 200, Parent: 187, Name: Libya ID: 201, Parent: 187, Name: Oman ID: 202, Parent: 187, Name: Qatar ID: 203, Parent: 187, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 204, Parent: 187, Name: Sudan ID: 205, Parent: 187, Name: Somalia ID: 206, Parent: 187, Name: Syria ID: 207, Parent: 187, Name: Yemen ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Australia ID: 210, Parent: 208, Name: New Zealand ID: 211, Parent: 208, Name: Antarctica ID: 212, Parent: 208, Name: American Samoa ID: 213, Parent: 208, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 214, Parent: 208, Name: Cook Islands ID: 215, Parent: 208, Name: Christmas Island ID: 216, Parent: 208, Name: Fiji ID: 217, Parent: 208, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 218, Parent: 208, Name: Guam ID: 219, Parent: 208, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 220, Parent: 208, Name: Kiribati ID: 221, Parent: 208, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 222, Parent: 208, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 223, Parent: 208, Name: New Caledonia ID: 224, Parent: 208, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 225, Parent: 208, Name: Nauru ID: 226, Parent: 208, Name: Niue ID: 227, Parent: 208, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 228, Parent: 208, Name: French Polynesia ID: 229, Parent: 208, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 230, Parent: 208, Name: Pitcairn ID: 231, Parent: 208, Name: Palau ID: 232, Parent: 208, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 233, Parent: 208, Name: Tokelau ID: 234, Parent: 208, Name: Tonga ID: 235, Parent: 208, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 236, Parent: 208, Name: Vanuatu ID: 237, Parent: 208, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 238, Parent: 208, Name: Samoa ID: 239, Parent: 208, Name: Tuvalu ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of export
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and country of export Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Country Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Country: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Canada ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Argentina ID: 115, Parent: 113, Name: Brazil ID: 116, Parent: 113, Name: Chile ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Venezuela ID: 118, Parent: 113, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 119, Parent: 113, Name: Anguilla ID: 120, Parent: 113, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 121, Parent: 113, Name: Aruba ID: 122, Parent: 113, Name: Barbados ID: 123, Parent: 113, Name: Bermuda ID: 124, Parent: 113, Name: Bolivia ID: 125, Parent: 113, Name: Bahamas ID: 126, Parent: 113, Name: Belize ID: 127, Parent: 113, Name: Colombia ID: 128, Parent: 113, Name: Costa Rica ID: 129, Parent: 113, Name: Cuba ID: 130, Parent: 113, Name: Dominica ID: 131, Parent: 113, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 132, Parent: 113, Name: Ecuador ID: 133, Parent: 113, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 134, Parent: 113, Name: Grenada ID: 135, Parent: 113, Name: Guatemala ID: 136, Parent: 113, Name: Guyana ID: 137, Parent: 113, Name: Honduras ID: 138, Parent: 113, Name: Haiti ID: 139, Parent: 113, Name: Jamaica ID: 140, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 141, Parent: 113, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 142, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 143, Parent: 113, Name: Montserrat ID: 144, Parent: 113, Name: Nicaragua ID: 145, Parent: 113, Name: Panama ID: 146, Parent: 113, Name: Peru ID: 147, Parent: 113, Name: Paraguay ID: 148, Parent: 113, Name: Suriname ID: 149, Parent: 113, Name: El Salvador ID: 150, Parent: 113, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 151, Parent: 113, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 152, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 153, Parent: 113, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 154, Parent: 113, Name: Uruguay ID: 155, Parent: 113, Name: Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 156, Parent: 113, Name: Curacao ID: 157, Parent: 113, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 244, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Japan ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: China ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: India ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: Indonesia ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: South Korea ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Afghanistan ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Bangladesh ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Bhutan ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: Hong Kong ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Cambodia ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: North Korea ID: 172, Parent: 158, Name: Laos ID: 173, Parent: 158, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 174, Parent: 158, Name: Myanmar ID: 175, Parent: 158, Name: Mongolia ID: 176, Parent: 158, Name: Macao ID: 177, Parent: 158, Name: Maldives ID: 178, Parent: 158, Name: Malaysia ID: 179, Parent: 158, Name: Nepal ID: 180, Parent: 158, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 158, Name: Pakistan ID: 182, Parent: 158, Name: Singapore ID: 183, Parent: 158, Name: Thailand ID: 184, Parent: 158, Name: Timor Leste ID: 185, Parent: 158, Name: Taiwan ID: 186, Parent: 158, Name: Viet Nam ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Israel ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 190, Parent: 187, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 191, Parent: 187, Name: Bahrain ID: 192, Parent: 187, Name: Egypt ID: 193, Parent: 187, Name: Eritrea ID: 194, Parent: 187, Name: Ethiopia ID: 195, Parent: 187, Name: Iraq ID: 196, Parent: 187, Name: Iran ID: 197, Parent: 187, Name: Jordan ID: 198, Parent: 187, Name: Kuwait ID: 199, Parent: 187, Name: Lebanon ID: 200, Parent: 187, Name: Libya ID: 201, Parent: 187, Name: Oman ID: 202, Parent: 187, Name: Qatar ID: 203, Parent: 187, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 204, Parent: 187, Name: Sudan ID: 205, Parent: 187, Name: Somalia ID: 206, Parent: 187, Name: Syria ID: 207, Parent: 187, Name: Yemen ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Australia ID: 210, Parent: 208, Name: New Zealand ID: 211, Parent: 208, Name: Antarctica ID: 212, Parent: 208, Name: American Samoa ID: 213, Parent: 208, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 214, Parent: 208, Name: Cook Islands ID: 215, Parent: 208, Name: Christmas Island ID: 216, Parent: 208, Name: Fiji ID: 217, Parent: 208, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 218, Parent: 208, Name: Guam ID: 219, Parent: 208, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 220, Parent: 208, Name: Kiribati ID: 221, Parent: 208, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 222, Parent: 208, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 223, Parent: 208, Name: New Caledonia ID: 224, Parent: 208, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 225, Parent: 208, Name: Nauru ID: 226, Parent: 208, Name: Niue ID: 227, Parent: 208, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 228, Parent: 208, Name: French Polynesia ID: 229, Parent: 208, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 230, Parent: 208, Name: Pitcairn ID: 231, Parent: 208, Name: Palau ID: 232, Parent: 208, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 233, Parent: 208, Name: Tokelau ID: 234, Parent: 208, Name: Tonga ID: 235, Parent: 208, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 236, Parent: 208, Name: Vanuatu ID: 237, Parent: 208, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 238, Parent: 208, Name: Samoa ID: 239, Parent: 208, Name: Tuvalu ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and region type
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and region type Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Region type Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Region type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All regions ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Import from United States only ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Import from non-United States only ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Import from both United States and non-United States
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and import size
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by enterprise employment size and import size Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Enterprise employment size, Size of imports Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing enterprises Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: 0 or unreported employees ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 1 to 9 employees ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 10 to 49 employees ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 50 to 99 employees ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: 100 to 249 employees ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) Size of imports: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All import sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Less than $1 million ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $1 million to $24.9 million ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: $25 million to $99.9 million ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $100 million to $499.9 million ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $500 million to $999.9 million ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $1 billion or greater
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and related parties
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and related parties Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Related Party Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Textile mills ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Textile product mills ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 23, Parent: 9, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 24, Parent: 9, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: 9, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 30, Parent: 9, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration Related Party: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, related and unrelated parties ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Related party ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Unrelated party
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by establishment employment size and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by establishment employment size and number of partner countries Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Establishment employment size, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments Establishment employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All establishment employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 499 employees ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 500 or more employees Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by country of origin
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by country of origin Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Country Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments Country: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Canada ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Argentina ID: 115, Parent: 113, Name: Brazil ID: 116, Parent: 113, Name: Chile ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Venezuela ID: 118, Parent: 113, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 119, Parent: 113, Name: Anguilla ID: 120, Parent: 113, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 121, Parent: 113, Name: Aruba ID: 122, Parent: 113, Name: Barbados ID: 123, Parent: 113, Name: Bermuda ID: 124, Parent: 113, Name: Bolivia ID: 125, Parent: 113, Name: Bahamas ID: 126, Parent: 113, Name: Belize ID: 127, Parent: 113, Name: Colombia ID: 128, Parent: 113, Name: Costa Rica ID: 129, Parent: 113, Name: Cuba ID: 130, Parent: 113, Name: Dominica ID: 131, Parent: 113, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 132, Parent: 113, Name: Ecuador ID: 133, Parent: 113, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 134, Parent: 113, Name: Grenada ID: 135, Parent: 113, Name: Guatemala ID: 136, Parent: 113, Name: Guyana ID: 137, Parent: 113, Name: Honduras ID: 138, Parent: 113, Name: Haiti ID: 139, Parent: 113, Name: Jamaica ID: 140, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 141, Parent: 113, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 142, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 143, Parent: 113, Name: Montserrat ID: 144, Parent: 113, Name: Nicaragua ID: 145, Parent: 113, Name: Panama ID: 146, Parent: 113, Name: Peru ID: 147, Parent: 113, Name: Paraguay ID: 148, Parent: 113, Name: Suriname ID: 149, Parent: 113, Name: El Salvador ID: 150, Parent: 113, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 151, Parent: 113, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 152, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 153, Parent: 113, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 154, Parent: 113, Name: Uruguay ID: 155, Parent: 113, Name: Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 156, Parent: 113, Name: Curacao ID: 157, Parent: 113, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 244, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Japan ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: China ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: India ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: Indonesia ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: South Korea ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Afghanistan ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Bangladesh ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Bhutan ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: Hong Kong ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Cambodia ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: North Korea ID: 172, Parent: 158, Name: Laos ID: 173, Parent: 158, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 174, Parent: 158, Name: Myanmar ID: 175, Parent: 158, Name: Mongolia ID: 176, Parent: 158, Name: Macao ID: 177, Parent: 158, Name: Maldives ID: 178, Parent: 158, Name: Malaysia ID: 179, Parent: 158, Name: Nepal ID: 180, Parent: 158, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 158, Name: Pakistan ID: 182, Parent: 158, Name: Singapore ID: 183, Parent: 158, Name: Thailand ID: 184, Parent: 158, Name: Timor Leste ID: 185, Parent: 158, Name: Taiwan ID: 186, Parent: 158, Name: Viet Nam ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Israel ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 190, Parent: 187, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 191, Parent: 187, Name: Bahrain ID: 192, Parent: 187, Name: Egypt ID: 193, Parent: 187, Name: Eritrea ID: 194, Parent: 187, Name: Ethiopia ID: 195, Parent: 187, Name: Iraq ID: 196, Parent: 187, Name: Iran ID: 197, Parent: 187, Name: Jordan ID: 198, Parent: 187, Name: Kuwait ID: 199, Parent: 187, Name: Lebanon ID: 200, Parent: 187, Name: Libya ID: 201, Parent: 187, Name: Oman ID: 202, Parent: 187, Name: Qatar ID: 203, Parent: 187, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 204, Parent: 187, Name: Sudan ID: 205, Parent: 187, Name: Somalia ID: 206, Parent: 187, Name: Syria ID: 207, Parent: 187, Name: Yemen ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Australia ID: 210, Parent: 208, Name: New Zealand ID: 211, Parent: 208, Name: Antarctica ID: 212, Parent: 208, Name: American Samoa ID: 213, Parent: 208, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 214, Parent: 208, Name: Cook Islands ID: 215, Parent: 208, Name: Christmas Island ID: 216, Parent: 208, Name: Fiji ID: 217, Parent: 208, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 218, Parent: 208, Name: Guam ID: 219, Parent: 208, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 220, Parent: 208, Name: Kiribati ID: 221, Parent: 208, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 222, Parent: 208, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 223, Parent: 208, Name: New Caledonia ID: 224, Parent: 208, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 225, Parent: 208, Name: Nauru ID: 226, Parent: 208, Name: Niue ID: 227, Parent: 208, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 228, Parent: 208, Name: French Polynesia ID: 229, Parent: 208, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 230, Parent: 208, Name: Pitcairn ID: 231, Parent: 208, Name: Palau ID: 232, Parent: 208, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 233, Parent: 208, Name: Tokelau ID: 234, Parent: 208, Name: Tonga ID: 235, Parent: 208, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 236, Parent: 208, Name: Vanuatu ID: 237, Parent: 208, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 238, Parent: 208, Name: Samoa ID: 239, Parent: 208, Name: Tuvalu ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by country of export
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by country of export Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Country Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments Country: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Europe ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Belgium ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bulgaria ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Czech Republic ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Denmark ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Estonia ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Ireland ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Greece ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: France ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Italy ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Cyprus ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Latvia ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Lithuania ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Luxembourg ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hungary ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Malta ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Netherlands ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Austria ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Poland ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Portugal ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Romania ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Slovenia ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Slovakia ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Finland ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: United Kingdom ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Iceland ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Norway ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Russia ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Switzerland ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Turkey ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Albania ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Armenia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Bosnia Herzegovina ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Belarus ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Georgia ID: 41, Parent: 2, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 42, Parent: 2, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Montenegro ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Macedonia ID: 46, Parent: 2, Name: Serbia ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Tajikistan ID: 48, Parent: 2, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Ukraine ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Andorra ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Faeroe Islands ID: 53, Parent: 2, Name: Gibraltar ID: 54, Parent: 2, Name: Croatia ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Africa ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: South Africa ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Angola ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 59, Parent: 55, Name: Burundi ID: 60, Parent: 55, Name: Benin ID: 61, Parent: 55, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Botswana ID: 63, Parent: 55, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 55, Name: Central African Republic ID: 65, Parent: 55, Name: Congo ID: 66, Parent: 55, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 67, Parent: 55, Name: Cameroon ID: 68, Parent: 55, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 69, Parent: 55, Name: Djibouti ID: 70, Parent: 55, Name: Algeria ID: 71, Parent: 55, Name: Western Sahara ID: 72, Parent: 55, Name: Gabon ID: 73, Parent: 55, Name: Ghana ID: 74, Parent: 55, Name: Gambia ID: 75, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea ID: 76, Parent: 55, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 77, Parent: 55, Name: Guinea Bissau ID: 78, Parent: 55, Name: Kenya ID: 79, Parent: 55, Name: Comoros ID: 80, Parent: 55, Name: Liberia ID: 81, Parent: 55, Name: Lesotho ID: 82, Parent: 55, Name: Morocco ID: 83, Parent: 55, Name: Madagascar ID: 84, Parent: 55, Name: Mali ID: 85, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritania ID: 86, Parent: 55, Name: Mauritius ID: 87, Parent: 55, Name: Malawi ID: 88, Parent: 55, Name: Mozambique ID: 89, Parent: 55, Name: Namibia ID: 90, Parent: 55, Name: Niger ID: 91, Parent: 55, Name: Nigeria ID: 92, Parent: 55, Name: Rwanda ID: 93, Parent: 55, Name: Saint Helena ID: 94, Parent: 55, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 95, Parent: 55, Name: Senegal ID: 96, Parent: 55, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 97, Parent: 55, Name: Swaziland ID: 98, Parent: 55, Name: Chad ID: 99, Parent: 55, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 100, Parent: 55, Name: Togo ID: 101, Parent: 55, Name: Tunisia ID: 102, Parent: 55, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 103, Parent: 55, Name: Uganda ID: 104, Parent: 55, Name: Mayotte ID: 105, Parent: 55, Name: Zambia ID: 106, Parent: 55, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 107, Parent: 55, Name: Seychelles ID: 108, Parent: 55, Name: South Sudan ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: North America ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Canada ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: United States ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Mexico ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Central America, South America, and Caribbean ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Argentina ID: 115, Parent: 113, Name: Brazil ID: 116, Parent: 113, Name: Chile ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Venezuela ID: 118, Parent: 113, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 119, Parent: 113, Name: Anguilla ID: 120, Parent: 113, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 121, Parent: 113, Name: Aruba ID: 122, Parent: 113, Name: Barbados ID: 123, Parent: 113, Name: Bermuda ID: 124, Parent: 113, Name: Bolivia ID: 125, Parent: 113, Name: Bahamas ID: 126, Parent: 113, Name: Belize ID: 127, Parent: 113, Name: Colombia ID: 128, Parent: 113, Name: Costa Rica ID: 129, Parent: 113, Name: Cuba ID: 130, Parent: 113, Name: Dominica ID: 131, Parent: 113, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 132, Parent: 113, Name: Ecuador ID: 133, Parent: 113, Name: Falkland Islands ID: 134, Parent: 113, Name: Grenada ID: 135, Parent: 113, Name: Guatemala ID: 136, Parent: 113, Name: Guyana ID: 137, Parent: 113, Name: Honduras ID: 138, Parent: 113, Name: Haiti ID: 139, Parent: 113, Name: Jamaica ID: 140, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 141, Parent: 113, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 142, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 143, Parent: 113, Name: Montserrat ID: 144, Parent: 113, Name: Nicaragua ID: 145, Parent: 113, Name: Panama ID: 146, Parent: 113, Name: Peru ID: 147, Parent: 113, Name: Paraguay ID: 148, Parent: 113, Name: Suriname ID: 149, Parent: 113, Name: El Salvador ID: 150, Parent: 113, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 151, Parent: 113, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 152, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 153, Parent: 113, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 154, Parent: 113, Name: Uruguay ID: 155, Parent: 113, Name: Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 156, Parent: 113, Name: Curacao ID: 157, Parent: 113, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 244, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 245, Parent: 113, Name: Saint Martin (French part) ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Asia ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Japan ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: China ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: India ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: Indonesia ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: South Korea ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Afghanistan ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Bangladesh ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Bhutan ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: Hong Kong ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Cambodia ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: North Korea ID: 172, Parent: 158, Name: Laos ID: 173, Parent: 158, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 174, Parent: 158, Name: Myanmar ID: 175, Parent: 158, Name: Mongolia ID: 176, Parent: 158, Name: Macao ID: 177, Parent: 158, Name: Maldives ID: 178, Parent: 158, Name: Malaysia ID: 179, Parent: 158, Name: Nepal ID: 180, Parent: 158, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 158, Name: Pakistan ID: 182, Parent: 158, Name: Singapore ID: 183, Parent: 158, Name: Thailand ID: 184, Parent: 158, Name: Timor Leste ID: 185, Parent: 158, Name: Taiwan ID: 186, Parent: 158, Name: Viet Nam ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Middle East ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Israel ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 190, Parent: 187, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 191, Parent: 187, Name: Bahrain ID: 192, Parent: 187, Name: Egypt ID: 193, Parent: 187, Name: Eritrea ID: 194, Parent: 187, Name: Ethiopia ID: 195, Parent: 187, Name: Iraq ID: 196, Parent: 187, Name: Iran ID: 197, Parent: 187, Name: Jordan ID: 198, Parent: 187, Name: Kuwait ID: 199, Parent: 187, Name: Lebanon ID: 200, Parent: 187, Name: Libya ID: 201, Parent: 187, Name: Oman ID: 202, Parent: 187, Name: Qatar ID: 203, Parent: 187, Name: Occupied Palestinian Territory ID: 204, Parent: 187, Name: Sudan ID: 205, Parent: 187, Name: Somalia ID: 206, Parent: 187, Name: Syria ID: 207, Parent: 187, Name: Yemen ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Oceania and Antarctica ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Australia ID: 210, Parent: 208, Name: New Zealand ID: 211, Parent: 208, Name: Antarctica ID: 212, Parent: 208, Name: American Samoa ID: 213, Parent: 208, Name: Cocos Islands ID: 214, Parent: 208, Name: Cook Islands ID: 215, Parent: 208, Name: Christmas Island ID: 216, Parent: 208, Name: Fiji ID: 217, Parent: 208, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 218, Parent: 208, Name: Guam ID: 219, Parent: 208, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 220, Parent: 208, Name: Kiribati ID: 221, Parent: 208, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 222, Parent: 208, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 223, Parent: 208, Name: New Caledonia ID: 224, Parent: 208, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 225, Parent: 208, Name: Nauru ID: 226, Parent: 208, Name: Niue ID: 227, Parent: 208, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 228, Parent: 208, Name: French Polynesia ID: 229, Parent: 208, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 230, Parent: 208, Name: Pitcairn ID: 231, Parent: 208, Name: Palau ID: 232, Parent: 208, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 233, Parent: 208, Name: Tokelau ID: 234, Parent: 208, Name: Tonga ID: 235, Parent: 208, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 236, Parent: 208, Name: Vanuatu ID: 237, Parent: 208, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 238, Parent: 208, Name: Samoa ID: 239, Parent: 208, Name: Tuvalu ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: Unspecified ID: 241, Parent: 240, Name: Greenland ID: 242, Parent: 240, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 243, Parent: 240, Name: High Seas
International and inter-provincial trade of culture and sport products, by domain and sub-domain, provinces and territories
Title: International and inter-provincial trade of culture and sport products, by domain and sub-domain, provinces and territories Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Domain, Trading partner Subject: International trade Survey: Provincial and Territorial Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Outside Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports from ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports to Domain: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Culture total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Heritage and libraries ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Archives ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Libraries ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Culture heritage ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Natural heritage ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Live performance ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Performing arts ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Festivals and celebrations ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Visual and applied arts ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Original visual art ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Art reproductions ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Photography ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: Crafts ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Advertising ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Architecture ID: 17, Parent: 10, Name: Design ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Written and published works ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Books ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Periodicals ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Newspapers ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Other published works ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Collected information ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Multi sub-domain ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Audio-visual and interactive media ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Film and video ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Broadcasting ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Interactive media ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Music publishing ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Sound recording ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Education and training (culture) ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Governance, funding and professional support (culture) ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Multi domain ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Sport total ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Organized sport ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Informal sport ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Education and training (sport) ID: 39, Parent: 35, Name: Governance funding and professional support (sport) Trading partner: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: International ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Inter-provincial total ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador, trading partner ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island, trading partner ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia, trading partner ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick, trading partner ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Quebec, trading partner ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Ontario, trading partner ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Manitoba, trading partner ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Saskatchewan, trading partner ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Alberta, trading partner ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: British Columbia, trading partner ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Yukon, trading partner ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Northwest Territories, trading partner ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Nunavut, trading partner ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Outside Canada, trading partner
International trade of culture and sport products, by domain and sub-domain, and trading partner
Title: International trade of culture and sport products, by domain and sub-domain, and trading partner Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Domain, Trading partner Subject: International trade Survey: Provincial and Territorial Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports from ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports to Domain: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Culture total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Heritage and libraries ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Archives ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Libraries ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Culture heritage ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Natural heritage ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Live performance ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Performing arts ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Festivals and celebrations ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Visual and applied arts ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Original visual art ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Art reproductions ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Photography ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: Crafts ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Advertising ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Architecture ID: 17, Parent: 10, Name: Design ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Written and published works ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Books ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Periodicals ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Newspapers ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Other published works ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Collected information ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Multi sub-domain ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Audio-visual and interactive media ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Film and video ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Broadcasting ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Interactive media ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Music publishing ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Sound recording ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Education and training (culture) ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Governance, funding and professional support (culture) ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Multi domain ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Sport total ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Organized sport ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Informal sport ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Education and training (sport) ID: 39, Parent: 35, Name: Governance funding and professional support (sport) Trading partner: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All trading partners ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Francophone Africa ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Austria ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Caribbean Community (CARICOM) ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Central America ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: China ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Commonwealth Africa ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Czech Republic ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Denmark ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Egypt ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: European Union ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Finland ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: India ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Maghreb ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Mercosur ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Norway ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Poland ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Russia ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Singapore ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: South Africa ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: South Korea ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Spain ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Sweden ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Switzerland ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Taiwan ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: United States ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Unallocated
International merchandise trade by province, commodity, and Principal Trading Partners
Title: International merchandise trade by province, commodity, and Principal Trading Partners Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Principal trading partners Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Domestic export ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Re-export North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments Principal trading partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Iraq ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Other countries
Historical (real-time) releases of merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and North American Product Classification System (NAPCS)
Title: Historical (real-time) releases of merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Release Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footware and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments Release: ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: September 02, 2021 ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: August 05, 2021 ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: July 02, 2021 ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: June 08, 2021 ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: May 04, 2021 ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: April 07, 2021 ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: March 05, 2021 ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: February 05, 2021 ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: January 07, 2021 ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: December 04, 2020 ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: November 04, 2020 ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: October 06, 2020 ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: September 03, 2020 ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: August 05, 2020 ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: July 02, 2020 ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: June 04, 2020 ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: May 05, 2020 ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: April 02, 2020 ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: March 06, 2020 ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: February 05, 2020 ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: January 07, 2020 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: December 05, 2019 ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: November 05, 2019 ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: October 04, 2019 ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: September 04, 2019 ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: August 02, 2019 ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: July 03, 2019 ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: June 06, 2019 ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: May 09, 2019 ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: April 17, 2019 ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: March 27, 2019 ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: March 06, 2019 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: January 08, 2019 ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: December 06, 2018
International merchandise trade by commodity, monthly
Title: International merchandise trade by commodity, monthly Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade by commodity, quarterly
Title: International merchandise trade by commodity, quarterly Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, monthly
Title: International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, monthly Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, quarterly
Title: International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, quarterly Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, quarterly
Title: International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, quarterly Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Index, Weighting, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, annual
Title: International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, annual Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Index, Weighting, North American Product Classification (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted North American Product Classification (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
International merchandise trade for all countries and by Principal Trading Partners, quarterly
Title: International merchandise trade for all countries and by Principal Trading Partners, quarterly Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Principal trading partners Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis), Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Trade Balance Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Principal trading partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: European Union ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Germany ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Netherlands ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: France ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Italy ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Belgium ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Spain ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Iraq ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, monthly
Title: International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, monthly Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Basis, Seasonal adjustment, Index, Weighting, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: International Merchandise Trade Price Index Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Basis: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Customs ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Balance of payments Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Index: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Price index ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume index Weighting: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche current weighted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Laspeyres fixed weighted North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 152, Parent: 151, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 153, Parent: 152, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments
Canadian domestic export concentration
Title: Canadian domestic export concentration Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Partner countries, Canadian export concentration, Statistics Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Countries other than the United States Canadian export concentration: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Product ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Destination market ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Province of production Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Concentration ratio ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Index
Canadian international merchandise trade by country and by product section, customs-based, annual
Title: Canadian international merchandise trade by country and by product section, customs-based, annual Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading Partner, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Trade Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trading Partner: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Afghanistan ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Aland Islands ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Albania ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: American Samoa ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Andorra ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Angola ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Anguilla ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Antarctica ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Armenia ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Aruba ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Bahamas ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Bahrain ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Bangladesh ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Barbados ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Belarus ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Belize ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Benin ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Bermuda ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Bhutan ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Bolivia ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Botswana ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Bulgaria ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Burundi ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Cambodia ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Cameroon ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Central African Republic ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ceuta and Melilla ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Chad ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Christmas Island ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Colombia ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Comoros ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Congo ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Cook Islands ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: Costa Rica ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Croatia ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Cuba ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: Curaçao ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: Cyprus ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Czechia ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Denmark ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Djibouti ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Dominica ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: East Timor ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Ecuador ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: Egypt ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: El Salvador ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: Eritrea ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: Estonia ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: Ethiopia ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ID: 77, Parent: 1, Name: Faroe Islands ID: 78, Parent: 1, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: Fiji ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: Finland ID: 81, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: French Guiana ID: 83, Parent: 1, Name: French Polynesia ID: 84, Parent: 1, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: Gabon ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Gambia ID: 87, Parent: 1, Name: Georgia ID: 88, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 89, Parent: 1, Name: Ghana ID: 90, Parent: 1, Name: Gibraltar ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Greece ID: 92, Parent: 1, Name: Greenland ID: 93, Parent: 1, Name: Grenada ID: 94, Parent: 1, Name: Guadeloupe ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: Guam ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Guatemala ID: 97, Parent: 1, Name: Guernsey ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea-Bissau ID: 100, Parent: 1, Name: Guyana ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Haiti ID: 102, Parent: 1, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 103, Parent: 1, Name: High Seas ID: 104, Parent: 1, Name: Holy See (Vatican) ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Honduras ID: 106, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Hungary ID: 108, Parent: 1, Name: Iceland ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 110, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 111, Parent: 1, Name: Iran ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Iraq ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Ireland ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Isle of Man ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Israel ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 117, Parent: 1, Name: Jamaica ID: 118, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 119, Parent: 1, Name: Jersey ID: 120, Parent: 1, Name: Jordan ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 122, Parent: 1, Name: Kenya ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Kiribati ID: 124, Parent: 1, Name: Kosovo ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: Kuwait ID: 126, Parent: 1, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Laos ID: 128, Parent: 1, Name: Latvia ID: 129, Parent: 1, Name: Lebanon ID: 130, Parent: 1, Name: Lesotho ID: 131, Parent: 1, Name: Liberia ID: 132, Parent: 1, Name: Libya ID: 133, Parent: 1, Name: Liechtenstein ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Lithuania ID: 135, Parent: 1, Name: Luxembourg ID: 136, Parent: 1, Name: Macao ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Madagascar ID: 138, Parent: 1, Name: Malawi ID: 139, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Maldives ID: 141, Parent: 1, Name: Mali ID: 142, Parent: 1, Name: Malta ID: 143, Parent: 1, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 144, Parent: 1, Name: Martinique ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritania ID: 146, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritius ID: 147, Parent: 1, Name: Mayotte ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 149, Parent: 1, Name: Monaco ID: 150, Parent: 1, Name: Mongolia ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Montenegro ID: 152, Parent: 1, Name: Montserrat ID: 153, Parent: 1, Name: Morocco ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: Mozambique ID: 155, Parent: 1, Name: Myanmar ID: 156, Parent: 1, Name: Namibia ID: 157, Parent: 1, Name: Nauru ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Nepal ID: 159, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 160, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 161, Parent: 1, Name: New Caledonia ID: 162, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 163, Parent: 1, Name: Nicaragua ID: 164, Parent: 1, Name: Niger ID: 165, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 166, Parent: 1, Name: Niue ID: 167, Parent: 1, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: North Korea ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: North Macedonia ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 171, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Oman ID: 173, Parent: 1, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 174, Parent: 1, Name: Pakistan ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Palau ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Panama ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Paraguay ID: 179, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 180, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 1, Name: Pitcairn ID: 182, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 183, Parent: 1, Name: Portugal ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Puerto Rico ID: 185, Parent: 1, Name: Qatar ID: 186, Parent: 1, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Reunion ID: 188, Parent: 1, Name: Romania ID: 189, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Rwanda ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Helena ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 195, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 196, Parent: 1, Name: Samoa ID: 197, Parent: 1, Name: San Marino ID: 198, Parent: 1, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 199, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 200, Parent: 1, Name: Senegal ID: 201, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia ID: 202, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia and Montenegro ID: 203, Parent: 1, Name: Seychelles ID: 204, Parent: 1, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 205, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 206, Parent: 1, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 207, Parent: 1, Name: Slovakia ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Slovenia ID: 209, Parent: 1, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 210, Parent: 1, Name: Somalia ID: 211, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa ID: 212, Parent: 1, Name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ID: 213, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 214, Parent: 1, Name: South Sudan ID: 215, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 216, Parent: 1, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 217, Parent: 1, Name: State of Palestine ID: 218, Parent: 1, Name: Sudan ID: 219, Parent: 1, Name: Suriname ID: 220, Parent: 1, Name: Svalbard Island ID: 221, Parent: 1, Name: Eswatini ID: 222, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 223, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 224, Parent: 1, Name: Syria ID: 225, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 226, Parent: 1, Name: Tajikistan ID: 227, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 228, Parent: 1, Name: Timor-Leste ID: 229, Parent: 1, Name: Togo ID: 230, Parent: 1, Name: Tokelau ID: 231, Parent: 1, Name: Tonga ID: 232, Parent: 1, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 233, Parent: 1, Name: Tunisia ID: 234, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 235, Parent: 1, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 236, Parent: 1, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 237, Parent: 1, Name: Tuvalu ID: 238, Parent: 1, Name: Uganda ID: 239, Parent: 1, Name: Ukraine ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 241, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 242, Parent: 1, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 243, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 244, Parent: 1, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 245, Parent: 1, Name: Uruguay ID: 246, Parent: 1, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 247, Parent: 1, Name: Vanuatu ID: 248, Parent: 1, Name: Venezuela ID: 249, Parent: 1, Name: Viet Nam ID: 250, Parent: 1, Name: Virgin Islands, United States ID: 251, Parent: 1, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 252, Parent: 1, Name: Western Sahara ID: 253, Parent: 1, Name: Yemen ID: 254, Parent: 1, Name: Yugoslavia ID: 255, Parent: 1, Name: Zambia ID: 256, Parent: 1, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 257, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 258, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Martin (French part) North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All sections ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Export ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Import
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by census metropolitan area and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by census metropolitan area and number of partner countries Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Census metropolitan area (CMA) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: London, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Non-Census metropolitan area Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 or more partner countries
Canadian international merchandise trade by principal trading partner, and by product section and group, customs-based, annual
Title: Canadian international merchandise trade by principal trading partner, and by product section and group, customs-based, annual Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Principal trading partner, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Trade Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Principal trading partner: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: China ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: South Korea ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Spain ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Algeria ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Norway ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: India ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Switzerland ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Turkey ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Taiwan ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Peru ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Iraq ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Indonesia ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Singapore ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Russian Federation ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Other countries North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All sections ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Live animals ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Wheat ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Other crop products ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other animal products ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Animal feed ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Natural gas ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Coal ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Electricity ID: 19, Parent: 12, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 26, Parent: 20, Name: Potash ID: 27, Parent: 20, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 36, Parent: 29, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 37, Parent: 29, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 38, Parent: 29, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 39, Parent: 29, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 40, Parent: 29, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 41, Parent: 29, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 42, Parent: 29, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 48, Parent: 43, Name: Plastic resins ID: 49, Parent: 43, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 50, Parent: 43, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 51, Parent: 43, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 55, Parent: 52, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 57, Parent: 52, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 58, Parent: 52, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 59, Parent: 52, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 60, Parent: 52, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 61, Parent: 52, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 62, Parent: 52, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 63, Parent: 52, Name: Packaging materials ID: 64, Parent: 52, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 67, Parent: 65, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 68, Parent: 65, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 69, Parent: 65, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 70, Parent: 65, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 71, Parent: 65, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 72, Parent: 65, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 73, Parent: 65, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Electrical components ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Tires ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Aircraft ID: 87, Parent: 85, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 88, Parent: 85, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 89, Parent: 85, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 90, Parent: 85, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 93, Parent: 91, Name: Meat products ID: 94, Parent: 91, Name: Dairy products ID: 95, Parent: 91, Name: Other food products ID: 96, Parent: 91, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 97, Parent: 91, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 98, Parent: 91, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 99, Parent: 91, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 100, Parent: 91, Name: Tobacco products ID: 101, Parent: 91, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 102, Parent: 91, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 103, Parent: 91, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 104, Parent: 91, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 105, Parent: 91, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 106, Parent: 91, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 107, Parent: 91, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 108, Parent: 91, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 109, Parent: 91, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 110, Parent: 91, Name: Appliances ID: 111, Parent: 91, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Special transactions trade Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Export ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Import
Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by product sections, customs-based, annual
Title: Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by product sections, customs-based, annual Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trading Partner, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), Trade Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Trading Partner: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Afghanistan ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Aland Islands ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Albania ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: American Samoa ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Andorra ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Angola ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Anguilla ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Antarctica ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Armenia ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Aruba ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Bahamas ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Bahrain ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Bangladesh ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Barbados ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Belarus ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Belize ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Benin ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Bermuda ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Bhutan ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Bolivia ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Botswana ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Bulgaria ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Burundi ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Cambodia ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Cameroon ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Central African Republic ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ceuta and Melilla ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Chad ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Christmas Island ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Colombia ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Comoros ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Congo ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Cook Islands ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: Costa Rica ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Croatia ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Cuba ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: Curaçao ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: Cyprus ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Czechia ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Denmark ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Djibouti ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Dominica ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: East Timor ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Ecuador ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: Egypt ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: El Salvador ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: Eritrea ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: Estonia ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: Ethiopia ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ID: 77, Parent: 1, Name: Faroe Islands ID: 78, Parent: 1, Name: Federated States of Micronesia ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: Fiji ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: Finland ID: 81, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: French Guiana ID: 83, Parent: 1, Name: French Polynesia ID: 84, Parent: 1, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: Gabon ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Gambia ID: 87, Parent: 1, Name: Georgia ID: 88, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 89, Parent: 1, Name: Ghana ID: 90, Parent: 1, Name: Gibraltar ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Greece ID: 92, Parent: 1, Name: Greenland ID: 93, Parent: 1, Name: Grenada ID: 94, Parent: 1, Name: Guadeloupe ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: Guam ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Guatemala ID: 97, Parent: 1, Name: Guernsey ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea-Bissau ID: 100, Parent: 1, Name: Guyana ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Haiti ID: 102, Parent: 1, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 103, Parent: 1, Name: High Seas ID: 104, Parent: 1, Name: Holy See (Vatican) ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Honduras ID: 106, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Hungary ID: 108, Parent: 1, Name: Iceland ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 110, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 111, Parent: 1, Name: Iran ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Iraq ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Ireland ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Isle of Man ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Israel ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 117, Parent: 1, Name: Jamaica ID: 118, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 119, Parent: 1, Name: Jersey ID: 120, Parent: 1, Name: Jordan ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 122, Parent: 1, Name: Kenya ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Kiribati ID: 124, Parent: 1, Name: Kosovo ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: Kuwait ID: 126, Parent: 1, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Laos ID: 128, Parent: 1, Name: Latvia ID: 129, Parent: 1, Name: Lebanon ID: 130, Parent: 1, Name: Lesotho ID: 131, Parent: 1, Name: Liberia ID: 132, Parent: 1, Name: Libya ID: 133, Parent: 1, Name: Liechtenstein ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Lithuania ID: 135, Parent: 1, Name: Luxembourg ID: 136, Parent: 1, Name: Macao ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Madagascar ID: 138, Parent: 1, Name: Malawi ID: 139, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Maldives ID: 141, Parent: 1, Name: Mali ID: 142, Parent: 1, Name: Malta ID: 143, Parent: 1, Name: Marshall Islands ID: 144, Parent: 1, Name: Martinique ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritania ID: 146, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritius ID: 147, Parent: 1, Name: Mayotte ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 149, Parent: 1, Name: Monaco ID: 150, Parent: 1, Name: Mongolia ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Montenegro ID: 152, Parent: 1, Name: Montserrat ID: 153, Parent: 1, Name: Morocco ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: Mozambique ID: 155, Parent: 1, Name: Myanmar ID: 156, Parent: 1, Name: Namibia ID: 157, Parent: 1, Name: Nauru ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Nepal ID: 159, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 160, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 161, Parent: 1, Name: New Caledonia ID: 162, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 163, Parent: 1, Name: Nicaragua ID: 164, Parent: 1, Name: Niger ID: 165, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 166, Parent: 1, Name: Niue ID: 167, Parent: 1, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: North Korea ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: North Macedonia ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northern Mariana Islands ID: 171, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Oman ID: 173, Parent: 1, Name: Pacific Islands ID: 174, Parent: 1, Name: Pakistan ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Palau ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Panama ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Paraguay ID: 179, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 180, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 181, Parent: 1, Name: Pitcairn ID: 182, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 183, Parent: 1, Name: Portugal ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Puerto Rico ID: 185, Parent: 1, Name: Qatar ID: 186, Parent: 1, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Reunion ID: 188, Parent: 1, Name: Romania ID: 189, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Rwanda ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Helena ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 195, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 196, Parent: 1, Name: Samoa ID: 197, Parent: 1, Name: San Marino ID: 198, Parent: 1, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 199, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 200, Parent: 1, Name: Senegal ID: 201, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia ID: 202, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia and Montenegro ID: 203, Parent: 1, Name: Seychelles ID: 204, Parent: 1, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 205, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 206, Parent: 1, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 207, Parent: 1, Name: Slovakia ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Slovenia ID: 209, Parent: 1, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 210, Parent: 1, Name: Somalia ID: 211, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa ID: 212, Parent: 1, Name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ID: 213, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 214, Parent: 1, Name: South Sudan ID: 215, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 216, Parent: 1, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 217, Parent: 1, Name: State of Palestine ID: 218, Parent: 1, Name: Sudan ID: 219, Parent: 1, Name: Suriname ID: 220, Parent: 1, Name: Svalbard Island ID: 221, Parent: 1, Name: Eswatini ID: 222, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 223, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 224, Parent: 1, Name: Syria ID: 225, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 226, Parent: 1, Name: Tajikistan ID: 227, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 228, Parent: 1, Name: Timor-Leste ID: 229, Parent: 1, Name: Togo ID: 230, Parent: 1, Name: Tokelau ID: 231, Parent: 1, Name: Tonga ID: 232, Parent: 1, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 233, Parent: 1, Name: Tunisia ID: 234, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 235, Parent: 1, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 236, Parent: 1, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 237, Parent: 1, Name: Tuvalu ID: 238, Parent: 1, Name: Uganda ID: 239, Parent: 1, Name: Ukraine ID: 240, Parent: 1, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 241, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 242, Parent: 1, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 243, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 244, Parent: 1, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 245, Parent: 1, Name: Uruguay ID: 246, Parent: 1, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 247, Parent: 1, Name: Vanuatu ID: 248, Parent: 1, Name: Venezuela ID: 249, Parent: 1, Name: Viet Nam ID: 250, Parent: 1, Name: Virgin Islands, United States ID: 251, Parent: 1, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 252, Parent: 1, Name: Western Sahara ID: 253, Parent: 1, Name: Yemen ID: 254, Parent: 1, Name: Yugoslavia ID: 255, Parent: 1, Name: Zambia ID: 256, Parent: 1, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 257, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 258, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Martin (French part) North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All sections ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Export ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Import
Exports and imports of goods and services, quarterly, Canada, (NAPCS 2017)
Title: Exports and imports of goods and services, quarterly, Canada, (NAPCS 2017) Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Prices, Seasonal adjustment, Trade, Estimates Subject: International trade Survey: National Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Prices: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Chained (2012) dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Current prices ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Contributions to percent change Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted at annual rates ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total goods and services ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total goods ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Energy products ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Coal ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Electricity ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 29, Parent: 25, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Consumer goods ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Paper and published products ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 48, Parent: 43, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 49, Parent: 43, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Total services ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Travel services ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Transportation services ID: 57, Parent: 54, Name: Commercial services ID: 58, Parent: 54, Name: General governments services
Contributions to annual percent change in real exports and imports of goods and services, Canada, annual, (NAPCS 2017)
Title: Contributions to annual percent change in real exports and imports of goods and services, Canada, annual, (NAPCS 2017) Date range: 2013-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Estimates Subject: International trade Survey: National Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total goods and services ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total goods ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Energy products ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Coal ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Electricity ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 29, Parent: 25, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 40, Parent: 2, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 43, Parent: 2, Name: Consumer goods ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Paper and published products ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 48, Parent: 43, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 49, Parent: 43, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Other balance of payments adjustments ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Total services ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Travel services ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Transportation services ID: 57, Parent: 54, Name: Commercial services ID: 58, Parent: 54, Name: General governments services
Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries
Title: Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trading Partners, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Survey 5295 Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports Trading Partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Afghanistan ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Albania ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: American Samoa ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Andorra ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Angola ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Anguilla ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Antarctica ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Antigua and Barbuda ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Armenia ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Aruba ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Bahamas ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Bahrain ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Bangladesh ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Barbados ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Belarus ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Belize ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Benin ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Bermuda ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Bhutan ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Bolivia ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Bosnia and Herzegovina ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Botswana ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Bouvet Island ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: British Indian Ocean Territory ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: British Virgin Islands ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Bulgaria ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Burkina Faso ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Burundi ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Cabo Verde ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Cambodia ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Cameroon ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Central African Republic ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Chad ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Christmas Island ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Colombia ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Comoros ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Congo ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Cook Islands ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Costa Rica ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Côte d'Ivoire ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: Croatia ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Cuba ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Curaçao ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: Cyprus ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: Czech Republic ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Denmark ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Djibouti ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Dominica ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: East Timor ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Ecuador ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Egypt ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: El Salvador ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: Equatorial Guinea ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: Eritrea ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Estonia ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: Ethiopia ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: Faroe Islands ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: Fiji ID: 77, Parent: 1, Name: Finland ID: 78, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: French Polynesia ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: French Southern Territories ID: 81, Parent: 1, Name: Gabon ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: Gambia ID: 83, Parent: 1, Name: Georgia ID: 84, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: Ghana ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Gibraltar ID: 87, Parent: 1, Name: Greece ID: 88, Parent: 1, Name: Greenland ID: 89, Parent: 1, Name: Grenada ID: 90, Parent: 1, Name: Guatemala ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea ID: 92, Parent: 1, Name: Guam ID: 93, Parent: 1, Name: Guinea-Bissau ID: 94, Parent: 1, Name: Guyana ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: Haiti ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands ID: 97, Parent: 1, Name: High Seas ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: Honduras ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 100, Parent: 1, Name: Hungary ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Iceland ID: 102, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 103, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 104, Parent: 1, Name: Iran ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Iraq ID: 106, Parent: 1, Name: Ireland ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Israel ID: 108, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 109, Parent: 1, Name: Jamaica ID: 110, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 111, Parent: 1, Name: Jordan ID: 112, Parent: 1, Name: Kazakhstan ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Kenya ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Kiribati ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Kuwait ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Kyrgyzstan ID: 117, Parent: 1, Name: Laos ID: 118, Parent: 1, Name: Latvia ID: 119, Parent: 1, Name: Lebanon ID: 120, Parent: 1, Name: Lesotho ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Liberia ID: 122, Parent: 1, Name: Libya ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Lithuania ID: 124, Parent: 1, Name: Luxembourg ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: Macao ID: 126, Parent: 1, Name: Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Madagascar ID: 128, Parent: 1, Name: Malawi ID: 129, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 130, Parent: 1, Name: Maldives ID: 131, Parent: 1, Name: Mali ID: 132, Parent: 1, Name: Malta ID: 133, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritania ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritius ID: 135, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 136, Parent: 1, Name: Mongolia ID: 137, Parent: 1, Name: Montenegro ID: 138, Parent: 1, Name: Montserrat ID: 139, Parent: 1, Name: Morocco ID: 140, Parent: 1, Name: Mozambique ID: 141, Parent: 1, Name: Myanmar ID: 142, Parent: 1, Name: Namibia ID: 143, Parent: 1, Name: Nauru ID: 144, Parent: 1, Name: Nepal ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 146, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands Antilles ID: 147, Parent: 1, Name: New Caledonia ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 149, Parent: 1, Name: Nicaragua ID: 150, Parent: 1, Name: Niger ID: 151, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 152, Parent: 1, Name: Niue ID: 153, Parent: 1, Name: Norfolk Island ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: North Korea ID: 155, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 156, Parent: 1, Name: Oman ID: 157, Parent: 1, Name: Pakistan ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Panama ID: 159, Parent: 1, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 160, Parent: 1, Name: Paraguay ID: 161, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 162, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 163, Parent: 1, Name: Pitcairn ID: 164, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 165, Parent: 1, Name: Portugal ID: 166, Parent: 1, Name: Qatar ID: 167, Parent: 1, Name: Republic of Moldova ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Romania ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Rwanda ID: 171, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Helena ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Kitts and Nevis ID: 173, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Lucia ID: 174, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Samoa ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Sao Tome and Principe ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 179, Parent: 1, Name: Senegal ID: 180, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia ID: 181, Parent: 1, Name: Serbia and Montenegro ID: 182, Parent: 1, Name: Seychelles ID: 183, Parent: 1, Name: Sierra Leone ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 185, Parent: 1, Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ID: 186, Parent: 1, Name: Slovakia ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Slovenia ID: 188, Parent: 1, Name: Solomon Islands ID: 189, Parent: 1, Name: Somalia ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: South Sudan ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 195, Parent: 1, Name: Sudan ID: 196, Parent: 1, Name: Suriname ID: 197, Parent: 1, Name: Swaziland ID: 198, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 199, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 200, Parent: 1, Name: Syria ID: 201, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 202, Parent: 1, Name: Tajikistan ID: 203, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 204, Parent: 1, Name: Timor-Leste ID: 205, Parent: 1, Name: Togo ID: 206, Parent: 1, Name: Tonga ID: 207, Parent: 1, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 208, Parent: 1, Name: Tunisia ID: 209, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 210, Parent: 1, Name: Turkmenistan ID: 211, Parent: 1, Name: Turks and Caicos Islands ID: 212, Parent: 1, Name: Uganda ID: 213, Parent: 1, Name: Ukraine ID: 214, Parent: 1, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 215, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 216, Parent: 1, Name: United Republic of Tanzania ID: 217, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 218, Parent: 1, Name: United States Minor Outlying Islands ID: 219, Parent: 1, Name: Uruguay ID: 220, Parent: 1, Name: Uzbekistan ID: 221, Parent: 1, Name: Vanuatu ID: 222, Parent: 1, Name: Venezuela ID: 223, Parent: 1, Name: Viet Nam ID: 224, Parent: 1, Name: Wallis and Futuna ID: 225, Parent: 1, Name: Western Sahara ID: 226, Parent: 1, Name: Yemen ID: 227, Parent: 1, Name: Yugoslavia ID: 228, Parent: 1, Name: Zambia ID: 229, Parent: 1, Name: Zimbabwe ID: 230, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Barthélemy ID: 231, Parent: 1, Name: Saint Martin (French part) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Crop production ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Oilseed and grain farming ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Soybean farming ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Soybean farming ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Oilseed (except soybean) farming ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Oilseed (except soybean) farming ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Dry pea and bean farming ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Dry pea and bean farming ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: Wheat farming ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Wheat farming ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Corn farming ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Corn farming ID: 15, Parent: 4, Name: Rice farming ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Rice farming ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Other grain farming ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Other grain farming ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Vegetable and melon farming ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Vegetable and melon farming ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Potato farming ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Other vegetable (except potato) and melon farming ID: 23, Parent: 3, Name: Fruit and tree nut farming ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Orange groves ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Orange groves ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Citrus (except orange) groves ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Citrus (except orange) groves ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Non-citrus fruit and tree nut farming ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Non-citrus fruit and tree nut farming ID: 30, Parent: 3, Name: Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Food crops grown under cover ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Mushroom production ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Other food crops grown under cover ID: 34, Parent: 30, Name: Nursery and floriculture production ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Nursery and tree production ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Floriculture production ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop farming ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Tobacco farming ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Tobacco farming ID: 40, Parent: 37, Name: Cotton farming ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Cotton farming ID: 42, Parent: 37, Name: Sugar cane farming ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Sugar cane farming ID: 44, Parent: 37, Name: Hay farming ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Hay farming ID: 46, Parent: 37, Name: All other crop farming ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Fruit and vegetable combination farming ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Maple syrup and products production ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: All other miscellaneous crop farming ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Animal production and aquaculture ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Cattle ranching and farming ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots ID: 54, Parent: 51, Name: Dairy cattle and milk production ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Dairy cattle and milk production ID: 56, Parent: 50, Name: Hog and pig farming ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Hog and pig farming ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Hog and pig farming ID: 59, Parent: 50, Name: Poultry and egg production ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Chicken egg production ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Chicken egg production ID: 62, Parent: 59, Name: Broiler and other meat-type chicken production ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Broiler and other meat-type chicken production ID: 64, Parent: 59, Name: Turkey production ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Turkey production ID: 66, Parent: 59, Name: Poultry hatcheries ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Poultry hatcheries ID: 68, Parent: 59, Name: Other poultry production ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Combination poultry and egg production ID: 70, Parent: 68, Name: All other poultry production ID: 71, Parent: 50, Name: Sheep and goat farming ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Sheep farming ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Sheep farming ID: 74, Parent: 71, Name: Goat farming ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Goat farming ID: 76, Parent: 50, Name: Aquaculture ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Aquaculture ID: 78, Parent: 77, Name: Aquaculture ID: 79, Parent: 50, Name: Other animal production ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Apiculture ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Apiculture ID: 82, Parent: 79, Name: Horse and other equine production ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Horse and other equine production ID: 84, Parent: 79, Name: Fur-bearing animal and rabbit production ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Fur-bearing animal and rabbit production ID: 86, Parent: 79, Name: All other animal production ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Animal combination farming ID: 88, Parent: 86, Name: All other miscellaneous animal production ID: 89, Parent: 2, Name: Forestry and logging ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Timber tract operations ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Timber tract operations ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Timber tract operations ID: 93, Parent: 89, Name: Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products ID: 95, Parent: 94, Name: Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products ID: 96, Parent: 89, Name: Logging ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Logging ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Logging (except contract) ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Contract logging ID: 100, Parent: 2, Name: Fishing, hunting and trapping ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Fishing ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Fishing ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Salt water fishing ID: 104, Parent: 102, Name: Freshwater fishing ID: 105, Parent: 100, Name: Hunting and trapping ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Hunting and trapping ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Hunting and trapping ID: 108, Parent: 2, Name: Support activities for agriculture and forestry ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Support activities for crop production ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Support activities for crop production ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Support activities for crop production ID: 112, Parent: 108, Name: Support activities for animal production ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Support activities for animal production ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Support activities for animal production ID: 115, Parent: 108, Name: Support activities for forestry ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Support activities for forestry ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Support activities for forestry ID: 118, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 119, Parent: 118, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 120, Parent: 119, Name: Oil and gas extraction ID: 121, Parent: 120, Name: Oil and gas extraction (except oil sands) ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Oil and gas extraction (except oil sands) ID: 123, Parent: 120, Name: Oil sands extraction ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: In-situ oil sands extraction ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Mined oil sands extraction ID: 126, Parent: 118, Name: Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) ID: 127, Parent: 126, Name: Coal mining ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Coal mining ID: 129, Parent: 128, Name: Bituminous coal mining ID: 130, Parent: 128, Name: Subbituminous coal mining ID: 131, Parent: 128, Name: Lignite coal mining ID: 132, Parent: 126, Name: Metal ore mining ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Iron ore mining ID: 134, Parent: 133, Name: Iron ore mining ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Gold and silver ore mining ID: 136, Parent: 135, Name: Gold and silver ore mining ID: 137, Parent: 132, Name: Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining ID: 138, Parent: 137, Name: Lead-zinc ore mining ID: 139, Parent: 137, Name: Nickel-copper ore mining ID: 140, Parent: 137, Name: Copper-zinc ore mining ID: 141, Parent: 132, Name: Other metal ore mining ID: 142, Parent: 141, Name: Uranium ore mining ID: 143, Parent: 141, Name: All other metal ore mining ID: 144, Parent: 126, Name: Non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Stone mining and quarrying ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Granite mining and quarrying ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Limestone mining and quarrying ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Marble mining and quarrying ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Sandstone mining and quarrying ID: 150, Parent: 144, Name: Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying ID: 151, Parent: 150, Name: Sand and gravel mining and quarrying ID: 152, Parent: 150, Name: Shale, clay and refractory mineral mining and quarrying ID: 153, Parent: 144, Name: Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Diamond mining ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Salt mining ID: 156, Parent: 153, Name: Asbestos mining ID: 157, Parent: 153, Name: Gypsum mining ID: 158, Parent: 153, Name: Potash mining ID: 159, Parent: 153, Name: Peat extraction ID: 160, Parent: 153, Name: All other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying ID: 161, Parent: 118, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 162, Parent: 161, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 163, Parent: 162, Name: Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Oil and gas contract drilling ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Contract drilling (except oil and gas) ID: 166, Parent: 163, Name: Services to oil and gas extraction ID: 167, Parent: 163, Name: Other support activities for mining ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Utilities ID: 170, Parent: 169, Name: Electric power generation, transmission and distribution ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Electric power generation ID: 172, Parent: 171, Name: Hydro-electric power generation ID: 173, Parent: 171, Name: Fossil-fuel electric power generation ID: 174, Parent: 171, Name: Nuclear electric power generation ID: 175, Parent: 171, Name: Other electric power generation ID: 176, Parent: 170, Name: Electric power transmission, control and distribution ID: 177, Parent: 176, Name: Electric bulk power transmission and control ID: 178, Parent: 176, Name: Electric power distribution ID: 179, Parent: 169, Name: Natural gas distribution ID: 180, Parent: 179, Name: Natural gas distribution ID: 181, Parent: 180, Name: Natural gas distribution ID: 182, Parent: 169, Name: Water, sewage and other systems ID: 183, Parent: 182, Name: Water supply and irrigation systems ID: 184, Parent: 183, Name: Water supply and irrigation systems ID: 185, Parent: 182, Name: Sewage treatment facilities ID: 186, Parent: 185, Name: Sewage treatment facilities ID: 187, Parent: 182, Name: Steam and air-conditioning supply ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Steam and air-conditioning supply ID: 189, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 190, Parent: 189, Name: Food manufacturing ID: 191, Parent: 190, Name: Animal food manufacturing ID: 192, Parent: 191, Name: Animal food manufacturing ID: 193, Parent: 192, Name: Dog and cat food manufacturing ID: 194, Parent: 192, Name: Other animal food manufacturing ID: 195, Parent: 190, Name: Grain and oilseed milling ID: 196, Parent: 195, Name: Flour milling and malt manufacturing ID: 197, Parent: 196, Name: Flour milling ID: 198, Parent: 196, Name: Rice milling and malt manufacturing ID: 199, Parent: 195, Name: Starch and vegetable fat and oil manufacturing ID: 200, Parent: 199, Name: Wet corn milling ID: 201, Parent: 199, Name: Oilseed processing ID: 202, Parent: 199, Name: Fat and oil refining and blending ID: 203, Parent: 195, Name: Breakfast cereal manufacturing ID: 204, Parent: 203, Name: Breakfast cereal manufacturing ID: 205, Parent: 190, Name: Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing ID: 206, Parent: 205, Name: Sugar manufacturing ID: 207, Parent: 206, Name: Sugar manufacturing ID: 208, Parent: 205, Name: Non-chocolate confectionery manufacturing ID: 209, Parent: 208, Name: Non-chocolate confectionery manufacturing ID: 210, Parent: 205, Name: Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing ID: 211, Parent: 210, Name: Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing from cacao beans ID: 212, Parent: 210, Name: Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolate ID: 213, Parent: 190, Name: Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing ID: 214, Parent: 213, Name: Frozen food manufacturing ID: 215, Parent: 214, Name: Frozen food manufacturing ID: 216, Parent: 213, Name: Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying ID: 217, Parent: 216, Name: Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying ID: 218, Parent: 190, Name: Dairy product manufacturing ID: 219, Parent: 218, Name: Dairy product (except frozen) manufacturing ID: 220, Parent: 219, Name: Fluid milk manufacturing ID: 221, Parent: 219, Name: Butter, cheese, and dry and condensed dairy product manufacturing ID: 222, Parent: 218, Name: Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing ID: 223, Parent: 222, Name: Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing ID: 224, Parent: 190, Name: Meat product manufacturing ID: 225, Parent: 224, Name: Animal slaughtering and processing ID: 226, Parent: 225, Name: Animal (except poultry) slaughtering ID: 227, Parent: 225, Name: Rendering and meat processing from carcasses ID: 228, Parent: 225, Name: Poultry processing ID: 229, Parent: 190, Name: Seafood product preparation and packaging ID: 230, Parent: 229, Name: Seafood product preparation and packaging ID: 231, Parent: 230, Name: Seafood product preparation and packaging ID: 232, Parent: 190, Name: Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing ID: 233, Parent: 232, Name: Bread and bakery product manufacturing ID: 234, Parent: 233, Name: Retail bakeries ID: 235, Parent: 233, Name: Commercial bakeries and frozen bakery product manufacturing ID: 236, Parent: 232, Name: Cookie, cracker and pasta manufacturing ID: 237, Parent: 236, Name: Cookie and cracker manufacturing ID: 238, Parent: 236, Name: Flour mixes, dough, and pasta manufacturing from purchased flour ID: 239, Parent: 232, Name: Tortilla manufacturing ID: 240, Parent: 239, Name: Tortilla manufacturing ID: 241, Parent: 190, Name: Other food manufacturing ID: 242, Parent: 241, Name: Snack food manufacturing ID: 243, Parent: 242, Name: Roasted nut and peanut butter manufacturing ID: 244, Parent: 242, Name: Other snack food manufacturing ID: 245, Parent: 241, Name: Coffee and tea manufacturing ID: 246, Parent: 245, Name: Coffee and tea manufacturing ID: 247, Parent: 241, Name: Flavouring syrup and concentrate manufacturing ID: 248, Parent: 247, Name: Flavouring syrup and concentrate manufacturing ID: 249, Parent: 241, Name: Seasoning and dressing manufacturing ID: 250, Parent: 249, Name: Seasoning and dressing manufacturing ID: 251, Parent: 241, Name: All other food manufacturing ID: 252, Parent: 251, Name: All other food manufacturing ID: 253, Parent: 189, Name: Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing ID: 254, Parent: 253, Name: Beverage manufacturing ID: 255, Parent: 254, Name: Soft drink and ice manufacturing ID: 256, Parent: 255, Name: Soft drink and ice manufacturing ID: 257, Parent: 254, Name: Breweries ID: 258, Parent: 257, Name: Breweries ID: 259, Parent: 254, Name: Wineries ID: 260, Parent: 259, Name: Wineries ID: 261, Parent: 254, Name: Distilleries ID: 262, Parent: 261, Name: Distilleries ID: 263, Parent: 253, Name: Tobacco manufacturing ID: 264, Parent: 263, Name: Tobacco stemming and redrying ID: 265, Parent: 264, Name: Tobacco stemming and redrying ID: 266, Parent: 263, Name: Tobacco product manufacturing ID: 267, Parent: 266, Name: Tobacco product manufacturing ID: 268, Parent: 189, Name: Textile mills ID: 269, Parent: 268, Name: Fibre, yarn and thread mills ID: 270, Parent: 269, Name: Fibre, yarn and thread mills ID: 271, Parent: 270, Name: Fibre, yarn and thread mills ID: 272, Parent: 268, Name: Fabric mills ID: 273, Parent: 272, Name: Broad-woven fabric mills ID: 274, Parent: 273, Name: Broad-woven fabric mills ID: 275, Parent: 272, Name: Narrow fabric mills and Schiffli machine embroidery ID: 276, Parent: 275, Name: Narrow fabric mills and Schiffli machine embroidery ID: 277, Parent: 272, Name: Nonwoven fabric mills ID: 278, Parent: 277, Name: Nonwoven fabric mills ID: 279, Parent: 272, Name: Knit fabric mills ID: 280, Parent: 279, Name: Knit fabric mills ID: 281, Parent: 268, Name: Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating ID: 282, Parent: 281, Name: Textile and fabric finishing ID: 283, Parent: 282, Name: Textile and fabric finishing ID: 284, Parent: 281, Name: Fabric coating ID: 285, Parent: 284, Name: Fabric coating ID: 286, Parent: 189, Name: Textile product mills ID: 287, Parent: 286, Name: Textile furnishings mills ID: 288, Parent: 287, Name: Carpet and rug mills ID: 289, Parent: 288, Name: Carpet and rug mills ID: 290, Parent: 287, Name: Curtain and linen mills ID: 291, Parent: 290, Name: Curtain and linen mills ID: 292, Parent: 286, Name: Other textile product mills ID: 293, Parent: 292, Name: Textile bag and canvas mills ID: 294, Parent: 293, Name: Textile bag and canvas mills ID: 295, Parent: 292, Name: All other textile product mills ID: 296, Parent: 295, Name: All other textile product mills ID: 297, Parent: 189, Name: Clothing manufacturing ID: 298, Parent: 297, Name: Clothing knitting mills ID: 299, Parent: 298, Name: Hosiery and sock mills ID: 300, Parent: 299, Name: Hosiery and sock mills ID: 301, Parent: 298, Name: Other clothing knitting mills ID: 302, Parent: 301, Name: Other clothing knitting mills ID: 303, Parent: 297, Name: Cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 304, Parent: 303, Name: Cut and sew clothing contracting ID: 305, Parent: 304, Name: Cut and sew clothing contracting ID: 306, Parent: 303, Name: Men's and boys' cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 307, Parent: 306, Name: Men's and boys' cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 308, Parent: 303, Name: Women's, girls' and infants' cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 309, Parent: 308, Name: Infants' cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 310, Parent: 308, Name: Women's and girls' cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 311, Parent: 303, Name: Other cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 312, Parent: 311, Name: Fur and leather clothing manufacturing ID: 313, Parent: 311, Name: All other cut and sew clothing manufacturing ID: 314, Parent: 297, Name: Clothing accessories and other clothing manufacturing ID: 315, Parent: 314, Name: Clothing accessories and other clothing manufacturing ID: 316, Parent: 315, Name: Clothing accessories and other clothing manufacturing ID: 317, Parent: 189, Name: Leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 318, Parent: 317, Name: Leather and hide tanning and finishing ID: 319, Parent: 318, Name: Leather and hide tanning and finishing ID: 320, Parent: 319, Name: Leather and hide tanning and finishing ID: 321, Parent: 317, Name: Footwear manufacturing ID: 322, Parent: 321, Name: Footwear manufacturing ID: 323, Parent: 322, Name: Footwear manufacturing ID: 324, Parent: 317, Name: Other leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 325, Parent: 324, Name: Other leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 326, Parent: 325, Name: Other leather and allied product manufacturing ID: 327, Parent: 189, Name: Wood product manufacturing ID: 328, Parent: 327, Name: Sawmills and wood preservation ID: 329, Parent: 328, Name: Sawmills and wood preservation ID: 330, Parent: 329, Name: Sawmills (except shingle and shake mills) ID: 331, Parent: 329, Name: Shingle and shake mills ID: 332, Parent: 329, Name: Wood preservation ID: 333, Parent: 327, Name: Veneer, plywood and engineered wood product manufacturing ID: 334, Parent: 333, Name: Veneer, plywood and engineered wood product manufacturing ID: 335, Parent: 334, Name: Hardwood veneer and plywood mills ID: 336, Parent: 334, Name: Softwood veneer and plywood mills ID: 337, Parent: 334, Name: Structural wood product manufacturing ID: 338, Parent: 334, Name: Particle board and fibreboard mills ID: 339, Parent: 334, Name: Waferboard mills ID: 340, Parent: 327, Name: Other wood product manufacturing ID: 341, Parent: 340, Name: Millwork ID: 342, Parent: 341, Name: Wood window and door manufacturing ID: 343, Parent: 341, Name: Other millwork ID: 344, Parent: 340, Name: Wood container and pallet manufacturing ID: 345, Parent: 344, Name: Wood container and pallet manufacturing ID: 346, Parent: 340, Name: All other wood product manufacturing ID: 347, Parent: 346, Name: Manufactured (mobile) home manufacturing ID: 348, Parent: 346, Name: Prefabricated wood building manufacturing ID: 349, Parent: 346, Name: All other miscellaneous wood product manufacturing ID: 350, Parent: 189, Name: Paper manufacturing ID: 351, Parent: 350, Name: Pulp, paper and paperboard mills ID: 352, Parent: 351, Name: Pulp mills ID: 353, Parent: 352, Name: Mechanical pulp mills ID: 354, Parent: 352, Name: Chemical pulp mills ID: 355, Parent: 351, Name: Paper mills ID: 356, Parent: 355, Name: Paper (except newsprint) mills ID: 357, Parent: 355, Name: Newsprint mills ID: 358, Parent: 351, Name: Paperboard mills ID: 359, Parent: 358, Name: Paperboard mills ID: 360, Parent: 350, Name: Converted paper product manufacturing ID: 361, Parent: 360, Name: Paperboard container manufacturing ID: 362, Parent: 361, Name: Corrugated and solid fibre box manufacturing ID: 363, Parent: 361, Name: Folding paperboard box manufacturing ID: 364, Parent: 361, Name: Other paperboard container manufacturing ID: 365, Parent: 360, Name: Paper bag and coated and treated paper manufacturing ID: 366, Parent: 365, Name: Paper bag and coated and treated paper manufacturing ID: 367, Parent: 360, Name: Stationery product manufacturing ID: 368, Parent: 367, Name: Stationery product manufacturing ID: 369, Parent: 360, Name: Other converted paper product manufacturing ID: 370, Parent: 369, Name: Sanitary paper product manufacturing ID: 371, Parent: 369, Name: All other converted paper product manufacturing ID: 372, Parent: 189, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 373, Parent: 372, Name: Printing and related support activities ID: 374, Parent: 373, Name: Printing ID: 375, Parent: 374, Name: Commercial screen printing ID: 376, Parent: 374, Name: Quick printing ID: 377, Parent: 374, Name: Digital printing ID: 378, Parent: 374, Name: Manifold business forms printing ID: 379, Parent: 374, Name: Other printing ID: 380, Parent: 373, Name: Support activities for printing ID: 381, Parent: 380, Name: Support activities for printing ID: 382, Parent: 189, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 383, Parent: 382, Name: Petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 384, Parent: 383, Name: Petroleum refineries ID: 385, Parent: 384, Name: Petroleum refineries ID: 386, Parent: 383, Name: Asphalt paving, roofing and saturated materials manufacturing ID: 387, Parent: 386, Name: Asphalt paving mixture and block manufacturing ID: 388, Parent: 386, Name: Asphalt shingle and coating material manufacturing ID: 389, Parent: 383, Name: Other petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 390, Parent: 389, Name: Other petroleum and coal product manufacturing ID: 391, Parent: 189, Name: Chemical manufacturing ID: 392, Parent: 391, Name: Basic chemical manufacturing ID: 393, Parent: 392, Name: Petrochemical manufacturing ID: 394, Parent: 393, Name: Petrochemical manufacturing ID: 395, Parent: 392, Name: Industrial gas manufacturing ID: 396, Parent: 395, Name: Industrial gas manufacturing ID: 397, Parent: 392, Name: Synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing ID: 398, Parent: 397, Name: Synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing ID: 399, Parent: 392, Name: Other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing ID: 400, Parent: 399, Name: Alkali and chlorine manufacturing ID: 401, Parent: 399, Name: All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing ID: 402, Parent: 392, Name: Other basic organic chemical manufacturing ID: 403, Parent: 402, Name: Other basic organic chemical manufacturing ID: 404, Parent: 391, Name: Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing ID: 405, Parent: 404, Name: Resin and synthetic rubber manufacturing ID: 406, Parent: 405, Name: Resin and synthetic rubber manufacturing ID: 407, Parent: 404, Name: Artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing ID: 408, Parent: 407, Name: Artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing ID: 409, Parent: 391, Name: Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing ID: 410, Parent: 409, Name: Fertilizer manufacturing ID: 411, Parent: 410, Name: Chemical fertilizer (except potash) manufacturing ID: 412, Parent: 410, Name: Mixed fertilizer manufacturing ID: 413, Parent: 409, Name: Pesticide and other agricultural chemical manufacturing ID: 414, Parent: 413, Name: Pesticide and other agricultural chemical manufacturing ID: 415, Parent: 391, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing ID: 416, Parent: 415, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing ID: 417, Parent: 416, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing ID: 418, Parent: 391, Name: Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing ID: 419, Parent: 418, Name: Paint and coating manufacturing ID: 420, Parent: 419, Name: Paint and coating manufacturing ID: 421, Parent: 418, Name: Adhesive manufacturing ID: 422, Parent: 421, Name: Adhesive manufacturing ID: 423, Parent: 391, Name: Soap, cleaning compound and toilet preparation manufacturing ID: 424, Parent: 423, Name: Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing ID: 425, Parent: 424, Name: Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing ID: 426, Parent: 423, Name: Toilet preparation manufacturing ID: 427, Parent: 426, Name: Toilet preparation manufacturing ID: 428, Parent: 391, Name: Other chemical product manufacturing ID: 429, Parent: 428, Name: Printing ink manufacturing ID: 430, Parent: 429, Name: Printing ink manufacturing ID: 431, Parent: 428, Name: Explosives manufacturing ID: 432, Parent: 431, Name: Explosives manufacturing ID: 433, Parent: 428, Name: All other chemical product manufacturing ID: 434, Parent: 433, Name: Custom compounding of purchased resins ID: 435, Parent: 433, Name: All other miscellaneous chemical product manufacturing ID: 436, Parent: 189, Name: Plastics and rubber products manufacturing ID: 437, Parent: 436, Name: Plastic product manufacturing ID: 438, Parent: 437, Name: Plastic packaging materials and unlaminated film and sheet manufacturing ID: 439, Parent: 438, Name: Plastic bag and pouch manufacturing ID: 440, Parent: 438, Name: Plastic film and sheet manufacturing ID: 441, Parent: 437, Name: Plastic pipe, pipe fitting, and unlaminated profile shape manufacturing ID: 442, Parent: 441, Name: Unlaminated plastic profile shape manufacturing ID: 443, Parent: 441, Name: Plastic pipe and pipe fitting manufacturing ID: 444, Parent: 437, Name: Laminated plastic plate, sheet (except packaging), and shape manufacturing ID: 445, Parent: 444, Name: Laminated plastic plate, sheet (except packaging), and shape manufacturing ID: 446, Parent: 437, Name: Polystyrene foam product manufacturing ID: 447, Parent: 446, Name: Polystyrene foam product manufacturing ID: 448, Parent: 437, Name: Urethane and other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing ID: 449, Parent: 448, Name: Urethane and other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing ID: 450, Parent: 437, Name: Plastic bottle manufacturing ID: 451, Parent: 450, Name: Plastic bottle manufacturing ID: 452, Parent: 437, Name: Other plastic product manufacturing ID: 453, Parent: 452, Name: Plastic plumbing fixture manufacturing ID: 454, Parent: 452, Name: Motor vehicle plastic parts manufacturing ID: 455, Parent: 452, Name: Plastic window and door manufacturing ID: 456, Parent: 452, Name: All other plastic product manufacturing ID: 457, Parent: 436, Name: Rubber product manufacturing ID: 458, Parent: 457, Name: Tire manufacturing ID: 459, Parent: 458, Name: Tire manufacturing ID: 460, Parent: 457, Name: Rubber and plastic hose and belting manufacturing ID: 461, Parent: 460, Name: Rubber and plastic hose and belting manufacturing ID: 462, Parent: 457, Name: Other rubber product manufacturing ID: 463, Parent: 462, Name: Other rubber product manufacturing ID: 464, Parent: 189, Name: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 465, Parent: 464, Name: Clay product and refractory manufacturing ID: 466, Parent: 465, Name: Pottery, ceramics and plumbing fixture manufacturing ID: 467, Parent: 466, Name: Pottery, ceramics and plumbing fixture manufacturing ID: 468, Parent: 465, Name: Clay building material and refractory manufacturing ID: 469, Parent: 468, Name: Clay building material and refractory manufacturing ID: 470, Parent: 464, Name: Glass and glass product manufacturing ID: 471, Parent: 470, Name: Glass and glass product manufacturing ID: 472, Parent: 471, Name: Glass manufacturing ID: 473, Parent: 471, Name: Glass product manufacturing from purchased glass ID: 474, Parent: 464, Name: Cement and concrete product manufacturing ID: 475, Parent: 474, Name: Cement manufacturing ID: 476, Parent: 475, Name: Cement manufacturing ID: 477, Parent: 474, Name: Ready-mix concrete manufacturing ID: 478, Parent: 477, Name: Ready-mix concrete manufacturing ID: 479, Parent: 474, Name: Concrete pipe, brick and block manufacturing ID: 480, Parent: 479, Name: Concrete pipe, brick and block manufacturing ID: 481, Parent: 474, Name: Other concrete product manufacturing ID: 482, Parent: 481, Name: Other concrete product manufacturing ID: 483, Parent: 464, Name: Lime and gypsum product manufacturing ID: 484, Parent: 483, Name: Lime manufacturing ID: 485, Parent: 484, Name: Lime manufacturing ID: 486, Parent: 483, Name: Gypsum product manufacturing ID: 487, Parent: 486, Name: Gypsum product manufacturing ID: 488, Parent: 464, Name: Other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 489, Parent: 488, Name: Abrasive product manufacturing ID: 490, Parent: 489, Name: Abrasive product manufacturing ID: 491, Parent: 488, Name: All other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 492, Parent: 491, Name: All other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing ID: 493, Parent: 189, Name: Primary metal manufacturing ID: 494, Parent: 493, Name: Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing ID: 495, Parent: 494, Name: Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing ID: 496, Parent: 495, Name: Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing ID: 497, Parent: 493, Name: Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel ID: 498, Parent: 497, Name: Iron and steel pipes and tubes manufacturing from purchased steel ID: 499, Parent: 498, Name: Iron and steel pipes and tubes manufacturing from purchased steel ID: 500, Parent: 497, Name: Rolling and drawing of purchased steel ID: 501, Parent: 500, Name: Cold-rolled steel shape manufacturing ID: 502, Parent: 500, Name: Steel wire drawing ID: 503, Parent: 493, Name: Alumina and aluminum production and processing ID: 504, Parent: 503, Name: Alumina and aluminum production and processing ID: 505, Parent: 504, Name: Primary production of alumina and aluminum ID: 506, Parent: 504, Name: Aluminum rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying ID: 507, Parent: 493, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing ID: 508, Parent: 507, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining ID: 509, Parent: 508, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining ID: 510, Parent: 507, Name: Copper rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying ID: 511, Parent: 510, Name: Copper rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying ID: 512, Parent: 507, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying ID: 513, Parent: 512, Name: Non-ferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying ID: 514, Parent: 493, Name: Foundries ID: 515, Parent: 514, Name: Ferrous metal foundries ID: 516, Parent: 515, Name: Iron foundries ID: 517, Parent: 515, Name: Steel foundries ID: 518, Parent: 514, Name: Non-ferrous metal foundries ID: 519, Parent: 518, Name: Non-ferrous metal die-casting foundries ID: 520, Parent: 518, Name: Non-ferrous metal foundries (except die-casting) ID: 521, Parent: 189, Name: Fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 522, Parent: 521, Name: Forging and stamping ID: 523, Parent: 522, Name: Forging and stamping ID: 524, Parent: 523, Name: Forging ID: 525, Parent: 523, Name: Stamping ID: 526, Parent: 521, Name: Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing ID: 527, Parent: 526, Name: Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing ID: 528, Parent: 527, Name: Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing ID: 529, Parent: 521, Name: Architectural and structural metals manufacturing ID: 530, Parent: 529, Name: Plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing ID: 531, Parent: 530, Name: Prefabricated metal building and component manufacturing ID: 532, Parent: 530, Name: Concrete reinforcing bar manufacturing ID: 533, Parent: 530, Name: Other plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing ID: 534, Parent: 529, Name: Ornamental and architectural metal product manufacturing ID: 535, Parent: 534, Name: Metal window and door manufacturing ID: 536, Parent: 534, Name: Other ornamental and architectural metal product manufacturing ID: 537, Parent: 521, Name: Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing ID: 538, Parent: 537, Name: Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing ID: 539, Parent: 538, Name: Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing ID: 540, Parent: 537, Name: Metal tank (heavy gauge) manufacturing ID: 541, Parent: 540, Name: Metal tank (heavy gauge) manufacturing ID: 542, Parent: 537, Name: Metal can, box and other metal container (light gauge) manufacturing ID: 543, Parent: 542, Name: Metal can manufacturing ID: 544, Parent: 542, Name: Other metal container manufacturing ID: 545, Parent: 521, Name: Hardware manufacturing ID: 546, Parent: 545, Name: Hardware manufacturing ID: 547, Parent: 546, Name: Hardware manufacturing ID: 548, Parent: 521, Name: Spring and wire product manufacturing ID: 549, Parent: 548, Name: Spring and wire product manufacturing ID: 550, Parent: 549, Name: Spring (heavy gauge) manufacturing ID: 551, Parent: 549, Name: Other fabricated wire product manufacturing ID: 552, Parent: 521, Name: Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing ID: 553, Parent: 552, Name: Machine shops ID: 554, Parent: 553, Name: Machine shops ID: 555, Parent: 552, Name: Turned product and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing ID: 556, Parent: 555, Name: Turned product and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing ID: 557, Parent: 521, Name: Coating, engraving, cold and heat treating and allied activities ID: 558, Parent: 557, Name: Coating, engraving, cold and heat treating and allied activities ID: 559, Parent: 558, Name: Coating, engraving, cold and heat treating and allied activities ID: 560, Parent: 521, Name: Other fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 561, Parent: 560, Name: Metal valve manufacturing ID: 562, Parent: 561, Name: Metal valve manufacturing ID: 563, Parent: 560, Name: All other fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 564, Parent: 563, Name: Ball and roller bearing manufacturing ID: 565, Parent: 563, Name: All other miscellaneous fabricated metal product manufacturing ID: 566, Parent: 189, Name: Machinery manufacturing ID: 567, Parent: 566, Name: Agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing ID: 568, Parent: 567, Name: Agricultural implement manufacturing ID: 569, Parent: 568, Name: Agricultural implement manufacturing ID: 570, Parent: 567, Name: Construction machinery manufacturing ID: 571, Parent: 570, Name: Construction machinery manufacturing ID: 572, Parent: 567, Name: Mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing ID: 573, Parent: 572, Name: Mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing ID: 574, Parent: 566, Name: Industrial machinery manufacturing ID: 575, Parent: 574, Name: Industrial machinery manufacturing ID: 576, Parent: 575, Name: Sawmill and woodworking machinery manufacturing ID: 577, Parent: 575, Name: Rubber and plastics industry machinery manufacturing ID: 578, Parent: 575, Name: Paper industry machinery manufacturing ID: 579, Parent: 575, Name: All other industrial machinery manufacturing ID: 580, Parent: 566, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing ID: 581, Parent: 580, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing ID: 582, Parent: 581, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing ID: 583, Parent: 566, Name: Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing ID: 584, Parent: 583, Name: Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing ID: 585, Parent: 584, Name: Industrial and commercial fan and blower and air purification equipment manufacturing ID: 586, Parent: 584, Name: Heating equipment and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing ID: 587, Parent: 566, Name: Metalworking machinery manufacturing ID: 588, Parent: 587, Name: Metalworking machinery manufacturing ID: 589, Parent: 588, Name: Industrial mould manufacturing ID: 590, Parent: 588, Name: Other metalworking machinery manufacturing ID: 591, Parent: 566, Name: Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing ID: 592, Parent: 591, Name: Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing ID: 593, Parent: 592, Name: Turbine and turbine generator set unit manufacturing ID: 594, Parent: 592, Name: Other engine and power transmission equipment manufacturing ID: 595, Parent: 566, Name: Other general-purpose machinery manufacturing ID: 596, Parent: 595, Name: Pump and compressor manufacturing ID: 597, Parent: 596, Name: Pump and compressor manufacturing ID: 598, Parent: 595, Name: Material handling equipment manufacturing ID: 599, Parent: 598, Name: Material handling equipment manufacturing ID: 600, Parent: 595, Name: All other general-purpose machinery manufacturing ID: 601, Parent: 600, Name: All other general-purpose machinery manufacturing ID: 602, Parent: 189, Name: Computer and electronic product manufacturing ID: 603, Parent: 602, Name: Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing ID: 604, Parent: 603, Name: Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing ID: 605, Parent: 604, Name: Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing ID: 606, Parent: 602, Name: Communications equipment manufacturing ID: 607, Parent: 606, Name: Telephone apparatus manufacturing ID: 608, Parent: 607, Name: Telephone apparatus manufacturing ID: 609, Parent: 606, Name: Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment manufacturing ID: 610, Parent: 609, Name: Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment manufacturing ID: 611, Parent: 606, Name: Other communications equipment manufacturing ID: 612, Parent: 611, Name: Other communications equipment manufacturing ID: 613, Parent: 602, Name: Audio and video equipment manufacturing ID: 614, Parent: 613, Name: Audio and video equipment manufacturing ID: 615, Parent: 614, Name: Audio and video equipment manufacturing ID: 616, Parent: 602, Name: Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing ID: 617, Parent: 616, Name: Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing ID: 618, Parent: 617, Name: Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing ID: 619, Parent: 602, Name: Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments manufacturing ID: 620, Parent: 619, Name: Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments manufacturing ID: 621, Parent: 620, Name: Navigational and guidance instruments manufacturing ID: 622, Parent: 620, Name: Measuring, medical and controlling devices manufacturing ID: 623, Parent: 602, Name: Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media ID: 624, Parent: 623, Name: Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media ID: 625, Parent: 624, Name: Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media ID: 626, Parent: 189, Name: Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing ID: 627, Parent: 626, Name: Electric lighting equipment manufacturing ID: 628, Parent: 627, Name: Electric lamp bulb and parts manufacturing ID: 629, Parent: 628, Name: Electric lamp bulb and parts manufacturing ID: 630, Parent: 627, Name: Lighting fixture manufacturing ID: 631, Parent: 630, Name: Lighting fixture manufacturing ID: 632, Parent: 626, Name: Household appliance manufacturing ID: 633, Parent: 632, Name: Small electrical appliance manufacturing ID: 634, Parent: 633, Name: Small electrical appliance manufacturing ID: 635, Parent: 632, Name: Major appliance manufacturing ID: 636, Parent: 635, Name: Major kitchen appliance manufacturing ID: 637, Parent: 635, Name: Other major appliance manufacturing ID: 638, Parent: 626, Name: Electrical equipment manufacturing ID: 639, Parent: 638, Name: Electrical equipment manufacturing ID: 640, Parent: 639, Name: Power, distribution and specialty transformers manufacturing ID: 641, Parent: 639, Name: Motor and generator manufacturing ID: 642, Parent: 639, Name: Switchgear and switchboard, and relay and industrial control apparatus manufacturing ID: 643, Parent: 626, Name: Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing ID: 644, Parent: 643, Name: Battery manufacturing ID: 645, Parent: 644, Name: Battery manufacturing ID: 646, Parent: 643, Name: Communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing ID: 647, Parent: 646, Name: Communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing ID: 648, Parent: 643, Name: Wiring device manufacturing ID: 649, Parent: 648, Name: Wiring device manufacturing ID: 650, Parent: 643, Name: All other electrical equipment and component manufacturing ID: 651, Parent: 650, Name: All other electrical equipment and component manufacturing ID: 652, Parent: 189, Name: Transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 653, Parent: 652, Name: Motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 654, Parent: 653, Name: Automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 655, Parent: 654, Name: Automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturing ID: 656, Parent: 653, Name: Heavy-duty truck manufacturing ID: 657, Parent: 656, Name: Heavy-duty truck manufacturing ID: 658, Parent: 652, Name: Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing ID: 659, Parent: 658, Name: Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing ID: 660, Parent: 659, Name: Motor vehicle body manufacturing ID: 661, Parent: 659, Name: Truck trailer manufacturing ID: 662, Parent: 659, Name: Motor home, travel trailer and camper manufacturing ID: 663, Parent: 652, Name: Motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 664, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing ID: 665, Parent: 664, Name: Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing ID: 666, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing ID: 667, Parent: 666, Name: Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing ID: 668, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing ID: 669, Parent: 668, Name: Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing ID: 670, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing ID: 671, Parent: 670, Name: Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing ID: 672, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing ID: 673, Parent: 672, Name: Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing ID: 674, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing ID: 675, Parent: 674, Name: Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing ID: 676, Parent: 663, Name: Motor vehicle metal stamping ID: 677, Parent: 676, Name: Motor vehicle metal stamping ID: 678, Parent: 663, Name: Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 679, Parent: 678, Name: Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing ID: 680, Parent: 652, Name: Aerospace product and parts manufacturing ID: 681, Parent: 680, Name: Aerospace product and parts manufacturing ID: 682, Parent: 681, Name: Aerospace product and parts manufacturing ID: 683, Parent: 652, Name: Railroad rolling stock manufacturing ID: 684, Parent: 683, Name: Railroad rolling stock manufacturing ID: 685, Parent: 684, Name: Railroad rolling stock manufacturing ID: 686, Parent: 652, Name: Ship and boat building ID: 687, Parent: 686, Name: Ship and boat building ID: 688, Parent: 687, Name: Ship building and repairing ID: 689, Parent: 687, Name: Boat building ID: 690, Parent: 652, Name: Other transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 691, Parent: 690, Name: Other transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 692, Parent: 691, Name: Other transportation equipment manufacturing ID: 693, Parent: 189, Name: Furniture and related product manufacturing ID: 694, Parent: 693, Name: Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing ID: 695, Parent: 694, Name: Wood kitchen cabinet and counter top manufacturing ID: 696, Parent: 695, Name: Wood kitchen cabinet and counter top manufacturing ID: 697, Parent: 694, Name: Household and institutional furniture manufacturing ID: 698, Parent: 697, Name: Upholstered household furniture manufacturing ID: 699, Parent: 697, Name: Other wood household furniture manufacturing ID: 700, Parent: 697, Name: Household furniture (except wood and upholstered) manufacturing ID: 701, Parent: 697, Name: Institutional furniture manufacturing ID: 702, Parent: 693, Name: Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing ID: 703, Parent: 702, Name: Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing ID: 704, Parent: 703, Name: Wood office furniture, including custom architectural woodwork, manufacturing ID: 705, Parent: 703, Name: Office furniture (except wood) manufacturing ID: 706, Parent: 703, Name: Showcase, partition, shelving and locker manufacturing ID: 707, Parent: 693, Name: Other furniture-related product manufacturing ID: 708, Parent: 707, Name: Mattress manufacturing ID: 709, Parent: 708, Name: Mattress manufacturing ID: 710, Parent: 707, Name: Blind and shade manufacturing ID: 711, Parent: 710, Name: Blind and shade manufacturing ID: 712, Parent: 189, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 713, Parent: 712, Name: Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing ID: 714, Parent: 713, Name: Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing ID: 715, Parent: 714, Name: Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing ID: 716, Parent: 712, Name: Other miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 717, Parent: 716, Name: Jewellery and silverware manufacturing ID: 718, Parent: 717, Name: Jewellery and silverware manufacturing ID: 719, Parent: 716, Name: Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing ID: 720, Parent: 719, Name: Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing ID: 721, Parent: 716, Name: Doll, toy and game manufacturing ID: 722, Parent: 721, Name: Doll, toy and game manufacturing ID: 723, Parent: 716, Name: Office supplies (except paper) manufacturing ID: 724, Parent: 723, Name: Office supplies (except paper) manufacturing ID: 725, Parent: 716, Name: Sign manufacturing ID: 726, Parent: 725, Name: Sign manufacturing ID: 727, Parent: 716, Name: All other miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 728, Parent: 727, Name: All other miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 729, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale Trade ID: 730, Parent: 729, Name: Farm product merchant wholesalers ID: 731, Parent: 730, Name: Farm product merchant wholesalers ID: 732, Parent: 731, Name: Live animal merchant wholesalers ID: 733, Parent: 732, Name: Live animal merchant wholesalers ID: 734, Parent: 731, Name: Oilseed and grain merchant wholesalers ID: 735, Parent: 734, Name: Oilseed and grain merchant wholesalers ID: 736, Parent: 731, Name: Nursery stock and plant merchant wholesalers ID: 737, Parent: 736, Name: Nursery stock and plant merchant wholesalers ID: 738, Parent: 731, Name: Other farm product merchant wholesalers ID: 739, Parent: 738, Name: Other farm product merchant wholesalers ID: 740, Parent: 729, Name: Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers ID: 741, Parent: 740, Name: Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers ID: 742, Parent: 741, Name: Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers ID: 743, Parent: 742, Name: Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers ID: 744, Parent: 729, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco merchant wholesalers ID: 745, Parent: 744, Name: Food merchant wholesalers ID: 746, Parent: 745, Name: General-line food merchant wholesalers ID: 747, Parent: 746, Name: General-line food merchant wholesalers ID: 748, Parent: 745, Name: Dairy and milk products merchant wholesalers ID: 749, Parent: 748, Name: Dairy and milk products merchant wholesalers ID: 750, Parent: 745, Name: Poultry and egg merchant wholesalers ID: 751, Parent: 750, Name: Poultry and egg merchant wholesalers ID: 752, Parent: 745, Name: Fish and seafood product merchant wholesalers ID: 753, Parent: 752, Name: Fish and seafood product merchant wholesalers ID: 754, Parent: 745, Name: Fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers ID: 755, Parent: 754, Name: Fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers ID: 756, Parent: 745, Name: Red meat and meat product merchant wholesalers ID: 757, Parent: 756, Name: Red meat and meat product merchant wholesalers ID: 758, Parent: 745, Name: Other specialty-line food merchant wholesalers ID: 759, Parent: 758, Name: Other specialty-line food merchant wholesalers ID: 760, Parent: 744, Name: Beverage merchant wholesalers ID: 761, Parent: 760, Name: Non-alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers ID: 762, Parent: 761, Name: Non-alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers ID: 763, Parent: 760, Name: Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers ID: 764, Parent: 763, Name: Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers ID: 765, Parent: 744, Name: Cigarette and tobacco product merchant wholesalers ID: 766, Parent: 765, Name: Cigarette and tobacco product merchant wholesalers ID: 767, Parent: 766, Name: Cigarette and tobacco product merchant wholesalers ID: 768, Parent: 729, Name: Personal and household goods merchant wholesalers ID: 769, Parent: 768, Name: Textile, clothing and footwear merchant wholesalers ID: 770, Parent: 769, Name: Clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 771, Parent: 770, Name: Clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 772, Parent: 769, Name: Footwear merchant wholesalers ID: 773, Parent: 772, Name: Footwear merchant wholesalers ID: 774, Parent: 769, Name: Piece goods, notions and other dry goods merchant wholesalers ID: 775, Parent: 774, Name: Piece goods, notions and other dry goods merchant wholesalers ID: 776, Parent: 768, Name: Home entertainment equipment and household appliance merchant wholesalers ID: 777, Parent: 776, Name: Home entertainment equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 778, Parent: 777, Name: Home entertainment equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 779, Parent: 776, Name: Household appliance merchant wholesalers ID: 780, Parent: 779, Name: Household appliance merchant wholesalers ID: 781, Parent: 768, Name: Home furnishings merchant wholesalers ID: 782, Parent: 781, Name: China, glassware, crockery and pottery merchant wholesalers ID: 783, Parent: 782, Name: China, glassware, crockery and pottery merchant wholesalers ID: 784, Parent: 781, Name: Floor covering merchant wholesalers ID: 785, Parent: 784, Name: Floor covering merchant wholesalers ID: 786, Parent: 781, Name: Linen, drapery and other textile furnishings merchant wholesalers ID: 787, Parent: 786, Name: Linen, drapery and other textile furnishings merchant wholesalers ID: 788, Parent: 781, Name: Other home furnishings merchant wholesalers ID: 789, Parent: 788, Name: Other home furnishings merchant wholesalers ID: 790, Parent: 768, Name: Personal goods merchant wholesalers ID: 791, Parent: 790, Name: Jewellery and watch merchant wholesalers ID: 792, Parent: 791, Name: Jewellery and watch merchant wholesalers ID: 793, Parent: 790, Name: Book, periodical and newspaper merchant wholesalers ID: 794, Parent: 793, Name: Book, periodical and newspaper merchant wholesalers ID: 795, Parent: 790, Name: Photographic equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 796, Parent: 795, Name: Photographic equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 797, Parent: 790, Name: Sound recording merchant wholesalers ID: 798, Parent: 797, Name: Sound recording merchant wholesalers ID: 799, Parent: 790, Name: Video recording merchant wholesalers ID: 800, Parent: 799, Name: Video recording merchant wholesalers ID: 801, Parent: 790, Name: Toy and hobby goods merchant wholesalers ID: 802, Parent: 801, Name: Toy and hobby goods merchant wholesalers ID: 803, Parent: 790, Name: Amusement and sporting goods merchant wholesalers ID: 804, Parent: 803, Name: Amusement and sporting goods merchant wholesalers ID: 805, Parent: 768, Name: Pharmaceuticals, toiletries, cosmetics and sundries merchant wholesalers ID: 806, Parent: 805, Name: Pharmaceuticals and pharmacy supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 807, Parent: 806, Name: Pharmaceuticals and pharmacy supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 808, Parent: 805, Name: Toiletries, cosmetics and sundries merchant wholesalers ID: 809, Parent: 808, Name: Toiletries, cosmetics and sundries merchant wholesalers ID: 810, Parent: 729, Name: Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 811, Parent: 810, Name: Motor vehicle merchant wholesalers ID: 812, Parent: 811, Name: New and used automobile and light-duty truck merchant wholesalers ID: 813, Parent: 812, Name: New and used automobile and light-duty truck merchant wholesalers ID: 814, Parent: 811, Name: Truck, truck tractor and bus merchant wholesalers ID: 815, Parent: 814, Name: Truck, truck tractor and bus merchant wholesalers ID: 816, Parent: 811, Name: Recreational and other motor vehicles merchant wholesalers ID: 817, Parent: 816, Name: Recreational and other motor vehicles merchant wholesalers ID: 818, Parent: 810, Name: New motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 819, Parent: 818, Name: Tire merchant wholesalers ID: 820, Parent: 819, Name: Tire merchant wholesalers ID: 821, Parent: 818, Name: Other new motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 822, Parent: 821, Name: Other new motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 823, Parent: 810, Name: Used motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 824, Parent: 823, Name: Used motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 825, Parent: 824, Name: Used motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers ID: 826, Parent: 729, Name: Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 827, Parent: 826, Name: Electrical, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 828, Parent: 827, Name: Electrical wiring and construction supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 829, Parent: 828, Name: Electrical wiring and construction supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 830, Parent: 827, Name: Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 831, Parent: 830, Name: Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 832, Parent: 826, Name: Metal service centres ID: 833, Parent: 832, Name: Metal service centres ID: 834, Parent: 833, Name: Metal service centres ID: 835, Parent: 826, Name: Lumber, millwork, hardware and other building supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 836, Parent: 835, Name: General-line building supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 837, Parent: 836, Name: General-line building supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 838, Parent: 835, Name: Lumber, plywood and millwork merchant wholesalers ID: 839, Parent: 838, Name: Lumber, plywood and millwork merchant wholesalers ID: 840, Parent: 835, Name: Hardware merchant wholesalers ID: 841, Parent: 840, Name: Hardware merchant wholesalers ID: 842, Parent: 835, Name: Paint, glass and wallpaper merchant wholesalers ID: 843, Parent: 842, Name: Paint, glass and wallpaper merchant wholesalers ID: 844, Parent: 835, Name: Other specialty-line building supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 845, Parent: 844, Name: Other specialty-line building supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 846, Parent: 729, Name: Machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 847, Parent: 846, Name: Farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 848, Parent: 847, Name: Farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 849, Parent: 848, Name: Farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 850, Parent: 846, Name: Construction, forestry, mining, and industrial machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 851, Parent: 850, Name: Construction and forestry machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 852, Parent: 851, Name: Construction and forestry machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 853, Parent: 850, Name: Mining and oil and gas well machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 854, Parent: 853, Name: Mining and oil and gas well machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 855, Parent: 850, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 856, Parent: 855, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 857, Parent: 846, Name: Computer and communications equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 858, Parent: 857, Name: Computer, computer peripheral and pre-packaged software merchant wholesalers ID: 859, Parent: 858, Name: Computer, computer peripheral and pre-packaged software merchant wholesalers ID: 860, Parent: 857, Name: Electronic components, navigational and communications equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 861, Parent: 860, Name: Electronic components, navigational and communications equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 862, Parent: 846, Name: Other machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 863, Parent: 862, Name: Office and store machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 864, Parent: 863, Name: Office and store machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers ID: 865, Parent: 862, Name: Service establishment machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 866, Parent: 865, Name: Service establishment machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 867, Parent: 862, Name: Professional machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 868, Parent: 867, Name: Professional machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 869, Parent: 862, Name: All other machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 870, Parent: 869, Name: All other machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 871, Parent: 729, Name: Miscellaneous merchant wholesalers ID: 872, Parent: 871, Name: Recyclable material merchant wholesalers ID: 873, Parent: 872, Name: Recyclable metal merchant wholesalers ID: 874, Parent: 873, Name: Recyclable metal merchant wholesalers ID: 875, Parent: 872, Name: Recyclable paper and paperboard merchant wholesalers ID: 876, Parent: 875, Name: Recyclable paper and paperboard merchant wholesalers ID: 877, Parent: 872, Name: Other recyclable material merchant wholesalers ID: 878, Parent: 877, Name: Other recyclable material merchant wholesalers ID: 879, Parent: 871, Name: Paper, paper product and disposable plastic product merchant wholesalers ID: 880, Parent: 879, Name: Stationery and office supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 881, Parent: 880, Name: Stationery and office supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 882, Parent: 879, Name: Other paper and disposable plastic product merchant wholesalers ID: 883, Parent: 882, Name: Other paper and disposable plastic product merchant wholesalers ID: 884, Parent: 871, Name: Agricultural supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 885, Parent: 884, Name: Agricultural feed merchant wholesalers ID: 886, Parent: 885, Name: Agricultural feed merchant wholesalers ID: 887, Parent: 884, Name: Seed merchant wholesalers ID: 888, Parent: 887, Name: Seed merchant wholesalers ID: 889, Parent: 884, Name: Agricultural chemical and other farm supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 890, Parent: 889, Name: Agricultural chemical and other farm supplies merchant wholesalers ID: 891, Parent: 871, Name: Chemical (except agricultural) and allied product merchant wholesalers ID: 892, Parent: 891, Name: Chemical (except agricultural) and allied product merchant wholesalers ID: 893, Parent: 892, Name: Chemical (except agricultural) and allied product merchant wholesalers ID: 894, Parent: 871, Name: Other miscellaneous merchant wholesalers ID: 895, Parent: 894, Name: Log and wood chip merchant wholesalers ID: 896, Parent: 895, Name: Log and wood chip merchant wholesalers ID: 897, Parent: 894, Name: Mineral, ore and precious metal merchant wholesalers ID: 898, Parent: 897, Name: Mineral, ore and precious metal merchant wholesalers ID: 899, Parent: 894, Name: Second-hand goods (except machinery and automotive) merchant wholesalers ID: 900, Parent: 899, Name: Second-hand goods (except machinery and automotive) merchant wholesalers ID: 901, Parent: 894, Name: All other merchant wholesalers ID: 902, Parent: 901, Name: All other merchant wholesalers ID: 903, Parent: 729, Name: Business-to-business electronic markets, and agents and brokers ID: 904, Parent: 903, Name: Business-to-business electronic markets, and agents and brokers ID: 905, Parent: 904, Name: Business-to-business electronic markets ID: 906, Parent: 905, Name: Business-to-business electronic markets ID: 907, Parent: 904, Name: Wholesale trade agents and brokers ID: 908, Parent: 907, Name: Wholesale trade agents and brokers
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by census metropolitan area and number of partner countries
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by census metropolitan area and number of partner countries Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, Partner countries Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Census metropolitan area (CMA) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: London, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Non-Census metropolitan area Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting establishments Partner countries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All partner countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 1 partner country ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 2 or more partner countries
Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of establishment and census metropolitan area
Title: Trade in goods by exporter characteristics, by industry of establishment and census metropolitan area Date range: 2005-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Census metropolitan area (CMA) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: London, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Non-Census metropolitan area Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of exporting establishments North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and census metropolitan area
Title: Trade in goods by importer characteristics, by industry and census metropolitan area Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Estimates, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Census metropolitan area (CMA) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: London, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 2, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Non-Census metropolitan area Estimates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of importing establishments North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by free trade agreement and by commodity
Title: Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by free trade agreement and by commodity Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Free Trade Agreement, North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Import ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Export Free Trade Agreement: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, discussions ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Caribbean Community Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, in force from 1997/07 to present ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-China Free Trade Agreement, discussions ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2011/08 to present ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2002/11 to present ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2009/07 to present ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2014/10 to present ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, negotiations ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA), in force from 1997/01 to present ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, negotiations ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2012/10 to present ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA), in force from 2015/01 to present ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Morocco Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Pacific Alliance Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2013/04 to present ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement, in force from 2009/08 to present ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Philippines Free Trade Agreement, discussions ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, negotiations ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Thailand Free Trade Agreement, discussions ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Turkey Free Trade Agreement, discussions ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), superseded by NAFTA, in force from 1989/01 to 1993/12 ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA), in force from 2017/08 to present ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), in force from 2019/01 to present ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), in force from 2017/09 to present ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), superseded by CUSMA, in force from 1994/01 to 2020/06 ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), signed ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), in force from 2020/07 to present ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement, signed North American Product Classification System (NAPCS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all merchandise ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Farm, fishing and intermediate food products ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Farm and fishing products ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Live animals ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Wheat ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Canola (including rapeseed) ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other crop products ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Other animal products ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other fishery products ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Animal feed ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Intermediate food products ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Energy products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Crude oil and crude bitumen ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Crude oil and bitumen ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Natural gas liquids (including condensate) and related products ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Coal ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Coal ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nuclear fuel and other energy products ID: 24, Parent: 14, Name: Electricity ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Electricity ID: 26, Parent: 14, Name: Refined petroleum energy products ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Refined petroleum energy products (including liquid biofuels) ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Metal ores and concentrates ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Iron ores and concentrates ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Copper ores and concentrates ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Nickel ores and concentrates ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Radioactive ores and concentrates ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Other metal ores and concentrates ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Potash ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Stone, sand, gravel, clay, and refractory minerals ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Diamonds and other non-metallic minerals (except cut gemstones) ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Metal and non-metallic mineral products ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Intermediate metal products ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought iron, steel and ferro-alloys ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished iron and steel products ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought copper and copper alloys ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought nickel and nickel alloys ID: 46, Parent: 40, Name: Unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys ID: 47, Parent: 40, Name: Other unwrought non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys ID: 48, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of non-ferrous metals and non-ferrous metal alloys (except aluminum) ID: 49, Parent: 40, Name: Basic and semi-finished products of aluminum and aluminum alloys ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Fabricated metal products ID: 52, Parent: 39, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Non-metallic mineral products ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Waste and scrap of metal and glass ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of metal ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Waste and scrap of glass ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Basic chemicals and industrial chemical products ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Dyes and pigments, and petrochemicals ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Lubricants and other petroleum refinery products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Basic chemicals ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products ID: 63, Parent: 57, Name: Plastic and rubber products ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic resins ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber basic products not for packaging use (except plastic resins) ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Plastic and rubber finished products ID: 67, Parent: 57, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Waste and scrap of plastic and rubber ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry products and building and packaging materials ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Logs, pulpwood and other forestry products ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Building and packaging materials ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Lumber and other sawmill products ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Asphalt (except natural) and asphalt products ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Wood millwork, and wood products not elsewhere classified ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Paints, coatings, and adhesive products ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Plastic and foam building and construction materials ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Cement, lime and gypsum products ID: 81, Parent: 74, Name: Metal building and construction materials ID: 82, Parent: 74, Name: Prefabricated buildings and components ID: 83, Parent: 74, Name: Packaging materials ID: 84, Parent: 69, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 85, Parent: 84, Name: Waste and scrap of wood, wood by-products, paper and paperboard ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Industrial machinery, equipment and parts ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Logging, construction, mining, and oil and gas field machinery and equipment ID: 90, Parent: 87, Name: Metalworking machinery ID: 91, Parent: 87, Name: Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment ID: 92, Parent: 87, Name: Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified ID: 93, Parent: 87, Name: Heating, cooling and air purification equipment ID: 94, Parent: 87, Name: Other general-purpose machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified ID: 95, Parent: 87, Name: Parts of industrial machinery and equipment ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: Electronic and electrical equipment and parts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Computers and computer peripherals ID: 99, Parent: 96, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Communication, and audio and video equipment ID: 101, Parent: 96, Name: Other electronic and electrical machinery, equipment and parts ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Medical, measuring, and other electronic and electrical machinery and equipment ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Electronic and electrical parts ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: Electrical components ID: 105, Parent: 1, Name: Motor vehicles and parts ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Passenger cars and light trucks ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Medium and heavy trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles ID: 110, Parent: 105, Name: Tires; motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Tires ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Motor vehicle engines and motor vehicle parts ID: 113, Parent: 1, Name: Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Aircraft engines, aircraft parts and other aerospace equipment ID: 117, Parent: 113, Name: Other transportation equipment and parts ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Ships, locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Boats and other transportation equipment ID: 120, Parent: 117, Name: Parts of railway rolling stock and of other transportation equipment ID: 121, Parent: 1, Name: Consumer goods ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Prepared and packaged seafood products ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Meat products ID: 125, Parent: 122, Name: Dairy products ID: 126, Parent: 122, Name: Other food products ID: 127, Parent: 122, Name: Coffee and tea ID: 128, Parent: 122, Name: Frozen, fresh and canned fruit and vegetable juices ID: 129, Parent: 122, Name: Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, bottled water, and ice ID: 130, Parent: 122, Name: Alcoholic beverages ID: 131, Parent: 122, Name: Tobacco products ID: 132, Parent: 121, Name: Clothing, footwear and textile products ID: 133, Parent: 132, Name: Fabric, fibre and yarn, and leather and dressed furs ID: 134, Parent: 132, Name: Clothing, footwear and accessories ID: 135, Parent: 132, Name: Carpets, textile furnishings and other textile products ID: 136, Parent: 121, Name: Paper and published products ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Converted paper products (except for packaging) ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Published products and recorded media (except software) ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Software and software licensing ID: 140, Parent: 121, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 141, Parent: 140, Name: Pharmaceutical and medicinal products ID: 142, Parent: 121, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 143, Parent: 142, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 144, Parent: 121, Name: Cleaning products, appliances, and miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 145, Parent: 144, Name: Cleaning products and toiletries ID: 146, Parent: 144, Name: Appliances ID: 147, Parent: 144, Name: Miscellaneous goods and supplies ID: 148, Parent: 1, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 149, Parent: 148, Name: Special transactions trade ID: 150, Parent: 149, Name: Special transactions trade
International transactions in services, information and communication technology services by country and affiliation, annual
Title: International transactions in services, information and communication technology services by country and affiliation, annual Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trade partners, Affiliation, Category of information and communication technology (ICT) services Subject: International trade Survey: Canada's International Transactions in Services Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports (receipts) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports (payments) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Balances Trade partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: European Union countries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: All other countries Affiliation: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All transactions ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions with affiliated parties ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Transactions with non-affiliated parties Category of information and communication technology (ICT) services: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Potentially information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled services ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Information and communication technology (ICT) services ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Other potentially information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled services ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Not potentially information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled services
International transactions in services, commercial services by enterprise characteristics, enterprise employment size and industry, annual
Title: International transactions in services, commercial services by enterprise characteristics, enterprise employment size and industry, annual Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trade partners, Enterprise employment size, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: International trade Survey: Canada's International Transactions in Services Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports (receipts) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports (payments) Trade partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Rest of the world Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Unreported employees ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: 0 to 49 employees ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: 50 to 249 employees ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: 250 to 499 employees ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale trade ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Retail trade ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Information and cultural industries ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Finance and insurance ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate and rental and leasing ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Professional, scientific and technical services ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Management of companies and enterprises ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Educational services ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Health care and social assistance ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Arts, entertainment and recreation ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Accommodation and food services ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Other services (except public administration) ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration
International merchandise trade by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty trading partners
Title: International merchandise trade by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty trading partners Date range: 2017-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trading Partners, Classification by Broad Economic Categories Rev 5 (BEC5) Subject: International trade Survey: Survey 5314 Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports Trading Partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: South Korea ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Vietnam ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Ireland ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Bangladesh ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Finland ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Russia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Colombia ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Israel ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Denmark ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: United Arab Emirates ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Cambodia ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Egypt ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Dominican Republic ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Cuba ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Azerbaijan ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Czech Republic ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Pakistan ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Portugal ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Morocco ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Hungary ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: Slovakia ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Latvia ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: Botswana ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: Guatemala ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Romania Classification by Broad Economic Categories Rev 5 (BEC5): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total of all Broad Economic Categories Rev. 5 (BEC5) codes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, food, beverages, tobacco; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Mining, quarrying, refinery, fuels, chemicals, electricity, water, waste treatment; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 40, Parent: 34, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 43, Parent: 34, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Construction, wood, glass, stone, basic metals, housing, electrical appliances, furniture; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 56, Parent: 50, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 59, Parent: 50, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 62, Parent: 60, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 63, Parent: 59, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Textile, apparel, shoes; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 71, Parent: 69, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; S pecific ID: 72, Parent: 66, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 75, Parent: 66, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 79, Parent: 75, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 81, Parent: 79, Name: Transport equipment and services, travel, postal services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 87, Parent: 85, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 88, Parent: 82, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 89, Parent: 88, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 90, Parent: 88, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 91, Parent: 82, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 94, Parent: 92, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 95, Parent: 91, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 97, Parent: 95, Name: ICT, media, computers, business and financial services; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 101, Parent: 99, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 104, Parent: 98, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 105, Parent: 104, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 106, Parent: 104, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 107, Parent: 98, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 110, Parent: 108, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 111, Parent: 107, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 112, Parent: 111, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 113, Parent: 111, Name: Health, pharmaceuticals, education, cultural, sport; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Government, military and other; Goods ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Intermediate Consumption ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Primary ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed ID: 118, Parent: 117, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Generic ID: 119, Parent: 117, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Intermediate Consumption; Processed; Specific ID: 120, Parent: 114, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation ID: 121, Parent: 120, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Generic ID: 122, Parent: 120, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Specific ID: 123, Parent: 114, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary ID: 125, Parent: 124, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Non-durable ID: 126, Parent: 124, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Primary; Durable ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Non-durable ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Government, military and other; Goods; Final Consumption; Processed; Durable ID: 130, Parent: 1, Name: Total intermediate consumption ID: 131, Parent: 1, Name: Total generic intermediate consumption ID: 132, Parent: 1, Name: Total specific intermediate consumption ID: 133, Parent: 1, Name: Total gross fixed capital formation ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Total final consumption
International trade in services, monthly
Title: International trade in services, monthly Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trade partners, Service categories, Seasonal adjustment Subject: International trade Survey: Canada's International Transactions in Services Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports (receipts) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports (payments) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Balances Trade partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries Service categories: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total services ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Commercial services ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Travel services ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation services ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Government services Seasonal adjustment : ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Not seasonally adjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted
International transactions in commercial services, by selected countries and by category of services
Title: International transactions in commercial services, by selected countries and by category of services Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Trade partners, Categories of commercial services Subject: International trade Survey: Canada's International Transactions in Services Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports Trade partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Bahamas ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Barbados ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Bermuda ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Brunei Darussalam ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Bulgaria ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: China ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Colombia ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Costa Rica ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Croatia ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Cyprus ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Czechia ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Denmark ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Egypt ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: El Salvador ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Estonia ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Finland ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Greece ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Guatemala ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Hungary ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Iceland ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Indonesia ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Ireland, Republic of ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Israel ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Jamaica ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Korea, South ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Latvia ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Lithuania ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Luxembourg ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Malta ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Mauritius ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Nigeria ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Norway ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Pakistan ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Panama ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Papua New Guinea ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Portugal ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Romania ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: Russian Federation ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Slovakia ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Slovenia ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: South Africa, Republic of ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Sri Lanka ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: Turkey ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: Ukraine ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: Viet Nam Categories of commercial services: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Commercial services, total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Maintenance and repair services ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Telecommunications services ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Construction services ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Insurance services ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Financial services ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Computer and information services ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Charges for the use of intellectual property ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial commissions ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Equipment rentals ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Management services ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Advertising and related services ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Research and development ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Architectural, engineering, and other technical services ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Miscellaneous services to business ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Audio-visual services ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other personal, cultural and recreational services
Trade by exporter and importer characteristics: Services
Title: Trade by exporter and importer characteristics: Services Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trade, Services categories, Industries, Trade partners, Type of enterprise, Enterprise employment size, Modes of supply Subject: International trade Survey: Canada's International Transactions in Services, Activities of Foreign Majority-Owned Affiliates in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trade: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Exports (receipts) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Imports (payments) Services categories: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All services categories Industries: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries Trade partners: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All countries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Rest of the world Type of enterprise: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprises ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All multinational enterprises ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Foreign multinational enterprises ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States multinational enterprises ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other foreign multinational enterprises ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Canadian multinational enterprises ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: All other enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Unlinked transactions Enterprise employment size: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All enterprise employment sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Small and medium-sized enterprises (0 to 499 employees) ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Large enterprises (500 or more employees) ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Employment size unreported Modes of supply: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All modes of supply
Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 2.1) indicator profile, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (June 2003 boundaries) and peer groups
Title: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 2.1) indicator profile, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (June 2003 boundaries) and peer groups Date range: 2003-01-01 to 2003-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Health profile, Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component Frequency: Every 2 years Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: West Prince, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: East Prince, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Queens, Prince Edward Island ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Kings, Prince Edward Island ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Région de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 29, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 29, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 29, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 29, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 29, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 29, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 29, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 29, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 29, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 29, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 29, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: 29, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Southeastern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 48, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 48, Name: Simcoe York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 48, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 48, Name: Waterloo Region-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 48, Name: Hamilton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 48, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 48, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 48, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 48, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 48, Name: Grey Bruce Huron Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 48, Name: Northern Shores District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 48, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 64, Parent: 48, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: District of Algoma Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 65, Name: Brant County Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 65, Name: Durham Regional Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 65, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 65, Name: Grey Bruce Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 65, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 65, Name: Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 65, Name: Halton Regional Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 65, Name: City of Hamilton Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 65, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 65, Name: Huron County Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 65, Name: Chatham-Kent Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 65, Name: Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 65, Name: Lambton Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 65, Name: Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 65, Name: Middlesex-London Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 65, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 65, Name: Niagara Regional Area Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 65, Name: North Bay and District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 65, Name: Northwestern Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 65, Name: City of Ottawa Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 65, Name: Oxford County Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 65, Name: Peel Regional Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 65, Name: Perth District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 65, Name: Peterborough County-City Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 65, Name: Porcupine Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 65, Name: Renfrew County and District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 65, Name: Eastern Ontario Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 65, Name: Simcoe County District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 65, Name: Sudbury and District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 65, Name: Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 65, Name: Timiskaming Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 65, Name: Waterloo Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 65, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 65, Name: Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 65, Name: York Regional Health Unit, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 65, Name: City of Toronto Health Unit, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 103, Name: Brandon Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 103, Name: North Eastman Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 103, Name: South Eastman Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 103, Name: Interlake Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 103, Name: Central Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 103, Name: Assiniboine Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 103, Name: Parkland Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 103, Name: Norman Regional Health Authority, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 103, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Sun Country Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Five Hills Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Cypress Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Sunrise Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Saskatoon Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 116, Name: Heartland Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 116, Name: Kelsey Trail Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 116, Name: Prince Albert Parkland Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 116, Name: Prairie North Regional Health Authority, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 116, Name: Mamawetan/Keewatin/Athabasca, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 131, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 131, Name: Palliser Health Region, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 131, Name: Calgary Health Region, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 131, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 131, Name: East Central Health, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 131, Name: Capital Health, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 131, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 131, Name: Peace Country Health, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 131, Name: Northern Lights Health Region, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 142, Parent: 141, Name: East Kootenay Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 143, Parent: 141, Name: Kootenay-Boundary Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 144, Parent: 141, Name: Okanagan Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 145, Parent: 141, Name: Thompson/Cariboo Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 141, Name: Fraser East Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 141, Name: Fraser North Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 141, Name: Fraser South Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 141, Name: Richmond Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 141, Name: Vancouver Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 141, Name: North Shore/Coast Garibaldi Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 141, Name: South Vancouver Island Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 141, Name: Central Vancouver Island Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 141, Name: North Vancouver Island Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 141, Name: Northwest Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 141, Name: Northern Interior Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 141, Name: Northeast Health Service Delivery Area, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Yukon ID: 160, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 161, Parent: 160, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 162, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 163, Parent: 162, Name: Nunavut ID: 164, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group A ID: 165, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group B ID: 166, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group C ID: 167, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group D ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group E ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group F ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group G ID: 171, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group H ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Peer group I Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Health profile: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Very good or excellent self-rated health ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Overweight, body mass index 25.0 to 29.9 (18 years and over) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Obese, body mass index 30.0 or higher (18 years and over) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: With arthritis or rheumatism ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: With diabetes ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: With asthma ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: With high blood pressure ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Injuries within past 12 months ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: 1 or more two-week disability days ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Activity limitation ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Smoking initiation age (5 to 14 years) ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Current daily or occasional smoker ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Heavy drinking (5 or more drinks on one occasion, 12 or more times a year) ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Leisure-time physically active or moderately active ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Consume fruits and vegetables 5 or more times per day ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Life stress, quite a lot (18 years and over) ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Exposed to second-hand smoke at home ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Exposed to second-hand smoke in the past month, in vehicles and/or public places ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Influenza immunization, less than one year ago ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Received routine screening mammogram within last 2 years (50 to 69 years) ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Pap smear, within last 3 years (18 to 69 years) ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Contact with alternative health care providers in past 12 months ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Contact with medical doctors in past 12 months ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Contact with dental professionals in past 12 months Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, number of persons ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, number of persons ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Coefficient of variation for number of persons ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percent ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, percent ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, percent ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Coefficient of variation for percent
Mortality, by selected causes of death and sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, number
Title: Mortality, by selected causes of death and sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, number Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Selected causes of death (ICD-9), Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Death Database Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Carleton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: City of Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Selected causes of death (ICD-9): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all causes of death ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All malignant neoplasms (cancers) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Colorectal cancer ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lung cancer ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Female breast cancer ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Prostate cancer ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Circulatory diseases ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Ischaemic heart diseases ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: All other circulatory diseases ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Cerebrovascular diseases ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Respiratory diseases (excluding infectious and parasitic diseases) ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Pneumonia and influenza ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: All other respiratory diseases ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Unintentional injuries ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Suicides and self-inflicted injuries ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of deaths ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, number of deaths ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, number of deaths ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Mortality ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, mortality ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, mortality
Infant mortality, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions
Title: Infant mortality, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Birth Database, Vital Statistics - Death Database Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of infant deaths ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, number of infant deaths ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, number of infant deaths ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Infant mortality ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, infant mortality ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, infant mortality
Perinatal mortality, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions
Title: Perinatal mortality, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Birth Database, Vital Statistics - Death Database, Vital Statistics - Stillbirth Database Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of perinatal deaths ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, number of perinatal deaths ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, number of perinatal deaths ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Perinatal mortality ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, perinatal mortality ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, perinatal mortality
Potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death (ICD-9) and sex, population aged 0 to 74, Canada, provinces and territories
Title: Potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death (ICD-9) and sex, population aged 0 to 74, Canada, provinces and territories Date range: 1979-01-01 to 1999-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Selected causes of death (ICD-9), Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Death Database, Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Selected causes of death (ICD-9): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Colorectal cancer ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lung cancer ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Female breast cancer ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Prostate cancer ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Cerebrovascular diseases ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: All stroke ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Unintentional injuries ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Suicides Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of potential years of life lost ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Potential years of life lost, rate per 100,000 population
Potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death and sex, population aged 0 to 74, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions
Title: Potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death and sex, population aged 0 to 74, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Selected causes of death (ICD-9), Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Death Database, Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Selected causes of death (ICD-9): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all causes of death ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All malignant neoplasms (cancers) ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Circulatory diseases ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Respiratory diseases (excluding infectious and parasitic diseases) ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Unintentional injuries ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Suicides and self-inflicted injuries Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Potential years of life lost ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, potential years of life lost ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, potential years of life lost
Mortality, by selected causes of death and sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, rate
Title: Mortality, by selected causes of death and sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, rate Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Selected causes of death (ICD-9), Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Death Database Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Carleton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: City of Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Selected causes of death (ICD-9): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all causes of death ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All malignant neoplasms (cancers) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Colorectal cancer ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lung cancer ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Female breast cancer ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Prostate cancer ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Circulatory diseases ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Ischaemic heart diseases ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: All other circulatory diseases ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Cerebrovascular diseases ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Respiratory diseases (excluding infectious and parasitic diseases) ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Pneumonia and influenza ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: All other respiratory diseases ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Unintentional injuries ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Suicides and self-inflicted injuries ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Mortality ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, mortality ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, mortality
Life expectancy, abridged life table, at birth and at age 65, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions
Title: Life expectancy, abridged life table, at birth and at age 65, by sex, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Age group, Sex, Characteristics Subject: Health Survey: Vital Statistics - Birth Database, Vital Statistics - Death Database Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau District Health Council, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin District Health Council, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River District Health Council, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley District Health Council, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton District Health Council, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth District Health Council, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound District Health Council, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury District Health Council, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario District Health Council, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Carleton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: City of Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood/Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: At birth ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: At age 65 Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Life expectancy ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval, life expectancy ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval, life expectancy