And one of the girls pull me and asks me if I like him and I said yeah and she goes “if you like him you can have him because my friend is only here for one night...(gets pulled). And there I was in a packed nightclub all on my own. Trying not to cry about the fact I got ditched by my date for the night. So I leave the club go home on the train with the worst feeling ever, more insecure than I’ve ever been. **tl;dr : one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in my life (sorry for being dramatic)**
My sister is a shift worker - works around the clock at ridiculous times. I asked her (before I moved in) if she could sometimes pick me up from work if I worked late and if she could help me with my driving - she said yes. I've now asked a her a few times if we could drive somewhere she has said: "no", "just because", and "I'm sick and tired". She's lazy and selfish. I've asked her once if she could pick me up from work (as my dad was unavailable) knowing for a fact she's not working and I get a response saying "I'll pick you up at the bus stop down the road" - which doesn't help me at all.
Hi guys, I know not everyone believes in esoteric -- the soul, spirit and all that 'shit' but! I've had a remote session last week and I feel like I'm starting to be whole little by little. I recommend you guys read up on this, take it with a grain of salt but never dismiss it right away! My traumas now seem to have died down a bit and do not easily control my emotions and thinking. Let me know if anyone here has tried it!
To help spread the word, I'm also running a competition on social media — prizes: 💸 3 x £50 Amazon vouchers! My instagram is: @thewellnesssocietyorg My twitter is: @thewellnesssoc It's currently #1 on Amazon's self-help and counselling genre top free books list. I'd love to hear your feedback. Please get in touch!
One second I’m thinking, things are just fine. The next I’m thinking, I’m awful for prolonging this, just do it. It’s exhausting. I know I need a bit of a break for some me time at the very least, but beyond that I can’t tell what’s real and what anxiety. What do I do?
I told her what if her other son doesn't want him to live with him? the reality is no matter how bad or how old he is, he is still her son and she cant shake off that biological attachment she has towards him and not worry about him. This is where the problem becomes for me. I have an online friend of 5 years and she offered to me that I can stay with her for 3 month for free and during that time I can find a job to help pay rent. that's what thinking of doing.
When we had our first fight I did EVERYTHING I could to gain her back in my life. I quit smoking cigarettes because she went on a "I hate all drugs and anything smokable" rant. I tried to be more mindful and kind because she said I was the opposite. I tried to change because I wanted my best friend back. 4 months later she let me back in and I was so fucking happy.
I would appreciate any insight from other ppl with ptsd and flashbacks. My husband had several things happen to him when he was a teenager and occasionally when things get very bad for him he has very bad flashbacks complete with regression to the time when the trauma happened. It is heartbreaking to see, and obviously he does not recognize me and does not understand why we live together and why he’s not living at his parents house Does anyone have experience with this kind of flashbacks? And what kind of things would be most helpful for your partner to do to help you back up to the present?
day. It is getting on my nerves that she thinks that I am still the 12 year old boy who doesn't know about life. I got trouble to fall asleep since some time and if she is here I wake up between 6-8am after I fall asleep at 2-3am because of noise she make in bath or kitchen. One time she came here without telling me and I had to cancel my plans with my girlfriend which made both of us really angry. She even interfere how I painted my room after 10+ years looking like shit even if she doesn't live here anymore.
I wonder about that night. Did you ever get past that night? Did you have other nights like that? Did anyone ever ask if you were okay? Do you forgive me?
You've all been very kind and incredibly generous, and my mom and I are looking into all of the suggestions and recommendations that were provided below. We're extremely grateful for everything you've done for us. It's wonderful to know there are such caring, considerate, and giving people out there who are willing to help people like us. You've warmed our hearts with your selflessness. Thank you so much!
Which forced me to acknowledge that I haven’t been performing to my own expectations. Enter the anxiety attack. Sobbing, shaking, fidgeting, and rambling. To top it all off, I threw away my xanex thinking that I didn’t need the safety net. I thought I was done with all this...reality proved otherwise.
It’s becoming cyclical for me, where I “retreat” and revise and then feel like I need to retrigger myself to avoid slipping back into denial that it happened the way it happened. I can’t live like this. I don’t want to live a lie but sometimes the lie is what keeps me functioning. My therapist is away for a month and this means I have no one to push me to deal with this thing. I don’t know what to do.
I might be homeless soon, I have about 500 dollars in my bank account and I NEED to get out of Massachusetts. I am going to be a college drop-out in my 3rd year due to family reason instead of academics. After a lot of research, I am contemplating between Wichita, Kansas and Columbus, Ohio. I really just want a minimum wage job so I can have a bed and private bathroom. Afterward I can get my life together and start taking programming jobs again.
After that I ran to Mexico, just across the border to heal. I needed my daughter to get better to press charges. I didn’t want to risk him walking away free because my daughter wouldn’t talk. She was physically and emotionally hurt. For years without sleep, several visits to the ER because of panick attacks, plus terrible head aches caused by a cyst in the back left side of her brain.
The past few months especially have been hard on me. I think about her often, not even necessarily in a sexual manner, but I miss her. Even more so, the fantasies have started up again. I have vivid, detailed dreams about her sexually, and they upset me throughout the day, and I don't know what to think. Any advice?
We've been through so much. This is easily the toughest break up I've ever had; my other relationships were very easy to get over. **TL;DR** I broke up with my bf who had anger issues, financial issues, drug and alcohol issues, depression and anxiety, and unresolved feelings from a gf that died in a car crash 1 year before he met me. But his good qualities where he was considerate, loyal, caring, honest, gentlemanly and supportive is what makes me miss him. Especially his good-bye text.
I have mustered up the courage to be a bit more uh public I guess with my problems. If you have questions feel free to ask. Also thank you for reading this post in general! I hope you have an excellent day! (Also why is every letter capitalized in the posts are the mods Jaden Smith?)
I mean what are you suppose to do when your son is 5 and his older brother who is 16 is picking on him. He was too big for them to punish. So I endured it , some days I hate my whole family for never saying anything. They just were okay with me being scared of my brother constantly. Fast forward to me being 18 living with my other brother.
He also said that Brian's mother made comments like she hopes she gets hit by a bus and she's so depressed because I'm doing this to her. (No mention has ever been made by them how much our daughter is having to miss out on by having this medical issue let alone what their own son is being put through from their lack of respect.) The other problem is, I genuinely believe Brian's father wants a relationship with our daughter. The fact that we're withholding her from their toxic behavior right now might be a turning point for him to grow a pair in his own marriage. I'm not holding my breath, but I have a little bit of hope.
I feel like I am just being written off because of my diagnosis before anyone even tries to look into it and see if anything else might be at play. I'd just as soon not say anything about my PTSD to be taken seriously, but it appears in my medical records. Or when I list my medications as required, Drs usually ask me what the meds are treating and it comes up then. Has anyone else had this experience? What has worked for you to be taken seriously?
BACKGROUND: I didn't know much about PTSD when we started dating. I had to learn from the bottom up, and definitely sometimes the hard way. It is a struggle having PTSD, as well as loving someone with it. I'm posting some journal entries I wrote during the first few months we've been together. Hopefully anyone that reads it can relate, feel less alone, maybe less frustrated, maybe more patient for their loved one?
I can't stop the ruminating thoughts about the whole process. I also can't stop the what if's or I should have done more. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. It sometimes makes me physically sick. Do you have any tips to help alleviate the pain and stop the thoughts?
I'm trying to figure out what I learned that is good from it. but all I can think of is that I learned no one can be trusted including myself, people are inconsistent and unstable, people don't know themselves, if love exists then it doesn't mean much, and even if you truly believe that someone else cares about you and wants you in their life to the point where you finally don't question it, they can cut you off and start treating you like you're worthless without a moment's notice. the more I process what happened the more I realize there is truly no hope for me finding the kind of relationship I hope for, and there is really nothing else worth living for besides that. so, fun stuff. right?
But upon second look, it can become apparent. It is hard to convey people's attitudes in a reddit post, but you can tell from people's vibes if they're being nice (and yes, that happened a lot) vs. if they have ulterior motives. So, maybe not the best reddit post, but don't think you can judge what happened based only on a cursory impression from the post. Besides the larger point is that the prejudice is rampant, whether or not you like my example. That's the larger point.
I have to be a bit vague to post this as the person responsible knows my username and I don't want to give them the pleasure of knowing what they've done to me. ​ Many years ago I was homeless. I've written extensively about that here and on other sites like Quora. In the 18 years since I came off the streets I've turned my life around, owned and ran 2 businesses and spent my free time helping other homeless people either get off the streets or access services they are entitled to.
  A lot of you reading this are still serving either in the military or first responder, corrections or medical … the ability to stand up and say, “I need to take some time out to handle my PTSD”. In fact it is a guaranteed way to find yourself in JPSU or desk duty til they can boot you out the door. You CAN NOT start EMDR or CBT without telling your employer, your family and your support network what you are about to go through.  
But three days ago they put his dad on the morphine drip. He is watching his dad die in the same slow manner he watched my mom. The hospice nurses (oddly the same ones who saw my mom out) have turned his oxygen up to 5 and understandably my dad doesn't want to leave his side. So here we are I'm about to call my job for the second day and beg for a ride or not to get fired. My husbands parents are sort of helping him but still leaving it up in the air everyday before he is supposed to be at work.
He says she is a great girl, caring for him and he thinks she loves him. He, however, felt mostly intense passion and says he misses the spiritual connection. I think its still too soon for him to know after a few days, as the group of friends returned home and he is some more time on the road. He said even if he does not know what will happen, he must explore the passion with the new girl and he is happy that it happened. He said he feels a bit guilty cause its mostly passion he feels and the girl seems to be really into him.
I get peace of mind, moments of clarity and complete happiness for like 1 minute a few times a day, I feel like I can conquer the world, then my head gets heavy and foggy again and I start thinking hard about everything. My head gets heavier and my mind goes off more when I’m alone and not doing anything. Watching TV and YouTube helps. Then after I’m done with TV/YouTube, I can feel my mind getting heavy and full again. If you have read this far, THANK YOU.
At least 20 Ritalin 30mg maybe more (I've learned how to take many at once over the years of daily medication). I don't remember everything but i tried to lie to him and he had to drag me to the bathroom and tried to make me throw up. After a bit i realized what i was doing and tried myself. It didn't work. The scary thing is that when he went to call the ambulance and i thought i just might die i repeated to myself "It's finally over".
I just told them I had too much anxiety and breaking up with my boyfriend made me really depressed. And that I didn't know what I'm going to do, maybe I'll find a job. So now I just stay home and go on my computer all day. I leave the house maybe twice a week. I have constant feelings about being useless and that I'd be better off dead.
I told her I wanted to stay because I was told I was one of the best in the club, and for a while I was in the England squad. She convinced me “they probably say this to everyone to make them stay” and I believed her. I wasn’t allowed to wash, style my hair, shave or choose my own clothes. If I did any of these things a landslide of arguments would arise. “Who are you trying to impress?
I am called back as a few secondary characters in a play with plenty leads and these character have one line each and sometimes no lines at all so I’m basically ensemble again. To top that off I got called back as the same four characters that like 13 girls are going to compete for and one of them is a new girl in school that this was her first audition. I’m a bit jealous and I know I shouldn’t be but I’m not jealous that the new girl got in, it’s a mix of jealousy and disappointment and dissatisfaction in myself. Plus these two guys that I might have a slight crush on are called back for main characters that kiss the leads in the play so I’m a bit mad about that too. Sorry for ranting so much and I might sound like a bitch but I just need some place to rant and this felt like the best place for it since I’m so stressed and mad at myself about this.
I get so stressed at work. I feel like women get all the preferential treatment. Also, the few women who are in charge just spend their time micro\-managing the men while letting the other females just slide by doing minimal work. I don't get it. It causes me huge stress because I feel like im living in an unfair world and I don't know what to do about it.
I went on a holiday with my best friend [26M] and husband [26M]. My husband and I have been together for ten years (married for six). My best friend and I have known each other for three years, and spend a huge amount of time chatting with each other on the internet. I love him to death, and he makes me insanely happy. My friend lives decently far away, so we don't see each other often.
Posting on a throwaway. As a paramedic student I was working in a Detroit ER, and an 8 year old girl came in. Her babysitter (15 years old) couldn't find her (for 10 minutes) and ultimately found her face down in a swimming pool. The local fire dept. responded, initiated care and transported to the facility I was working at.
And I’ve come unglued over absolutely nothing in the past, but I will seize upon something in these moments, anything, and the vein of anxiety erupts like a volcano and I can’t breathe I’m shaking I’m numb. And he is there just reminding me, gently... this isn’t happening right now. This is your past, this isn’t our present. I’ve never lied to you. I’ve always kept my promises to you.
The father has one of the most notable family lawyers in Illinois working his case. Justine cannot afford a lawyer. She has followed through with her treatment for PPD and has had psychiatric evaluations and physical home visits to prove she can provide a safe and loving home for her child. For over a year Justine has been fighting merely for the right to even see her child. She's been issued Skype visits.
~~1. Money card~~ (Work has a paycard option!) 2. Phone plan. 3.
I’ve been in an abusive relationship for 3 years now. My family had stopped talking to me, and live states away when my boyfriend and I got together. The first time I noticed abuse was when he wanted to repeatedly have sex till I was sore, and would get angry if I refused. It was subtle at first but it scared me. As time went on I would here everyday how I was too skinny, I need to gain some weight.. it got to the point to where I would ask questions about why I wasn’t good enough and was depressed ... he would throw a speaker in a room along with me and put stuff in front of the door to where I couldn’t get out.
Over the past 6 years I've settled into a career that I'm really good at. Unfortunately I've had a slew of bosses that I had trouble dealing with. One of my biggest issues is that I'm prone to making small mistakes. They're not catastrophic, but they happen more often than I'd like. I've had supervisors that get really annoyed over these small mistakes, and they make me feel like my job is on the line.
All the research are being conducted by Harvard affiliates and cover a huge variety of fields in the social sciences! It's a cool way to help out with research and learn something along the way. Our newest one is on estimation, using images of dogs :) check it out: <url> See other experiments on the website for more surveys that could be relevant to you! Really appreciate it :)
Eventually he did it less. He would also make direct eye contact with me when he was seducing my mother, which filled me with so much rage. This happened throughout my adolescence. He acted hurt or offended because I always had my guard up around him. After I moved out to go to college, he let me know I wasn’t welcome to stay at their house anymore because I “treated them like shit”.
After college for about 2 years, I focused on my career and wasn't totally putting myself out there. Now, for the last year, I've actively put myself in the dating pool. It never seemed appealing to hang around in clubs or bars to hopefully pick someone up, so I've mostly stuck to online dating. I was mostly pretty casually looking, and would go on there when the mood struck me or I was speaking to someone I saw potential with. Over the course of the last about 2.5 months, I've been on 3 dates.
Like sleep would never be a simple thing for me. So recently, I accidentally fell asleep at 8pm and I found myself awake around 4am. I immediately felt like I had screwed myself. My instinct was to try to go back to sleep but I decided, for whatever reason, not to. What I discovered was amazing.
Don’t take this lightly. Acid isn’t for all, and I didn’t take it for a fucking therapy session—but, here I am sat down in front of paper and pastels on a wood floor, not thinking about whatever happened to me however long ago. I am more than my pain and I deserve that. LSD has helped me realize this. Don’t just take this willy nilly, it takes a lot of mental preparation.
He said that I should have ptsd because the reason I was wrestling my dad for the gun is because Im a sick bastard who wanted to kill him and the rest of my family. I don't know why I made this post. I don't know if I even really got out what I wanted to say. I just feel so alone. Its been almost a year since that day but even today , my family some how twisted my actions into thinking im some sort of failed murderer
My mom [54F] has catered to his every need since marriage, and although she complains about it constantly, she still goes along with it. Although he uses his anger to attempt to show others "he's the boss" and can order them around, I believe he's a weak coward inside who loses all control when he becomes afraid or upset (I'll provide examples below). There are some events concerning him that have occurred throughout my life that have caused me to come to resent him (and my mom too sort of): From as far back as I can remember, to this day (although it's much less now), my parents have had screaming matches. My dad's face turning red and spit flying, as he yells and often curses at the top of his lungs to my mom, and her crying and screaming back.
We met and it went really well - he's a super sweet, smart, and thoughtful kid (just like his dad). It turns out that the kid has (VERY recently - after I met his dad) been dealing with some mental health issues - he texted a friend that he was suicidal, and his parents have been scrambling to get him help because they are not sure if he has depression or something else. He's since started therapy and seems to be doing ok but obviously they are very concerned. I listened and was very supportive when he told me (I've dealt with my fair share of mentally ill family members) and I could tell he really appreciated it. We talked about it a few more times after that day.
She already knows the password to my laptop, email, bank account, and phone PIN. I didn't really want to tell her any of those, but I could not think of a reason why not to. When I got a new phone, she set up my new PIN and got a bit upset when I changed it. She said if I had nothing to hide, then she should know my passwords. I don't have anything to hide, so I told her.
In prison, I was housed with two other person, we already had planned to take over the leadership of the gang that had control of our wing. We were making weapon, I got into a fight with one of the guy. I knew I was getting out soon, but I couldn't tell people, so I acted as if I was there until my court date. I was the guy who kept watch for the guard while my cellmate created a weapon out of his bed sheet ( strangulation ). I had won protection from them by giving them drugs.
Hey Reddit PTSD - I am an independent documentary filmmaker working on a series of shorts in Amsterdam about emotional memory disorders, including PTSD. I heard about your subreddit from my brother. It's really cool that you've built a community of support here. I'm posting here because I'm looking for people in and around Amsterdam - or people who might want an excuse to visit Amsterdam! - who have PTSD, and would be willing to participate in this documentary project.
"I understand as a woman why you are doing this. But as a mother, I am begging you not to press charges. It will ruin his life. Please, let us take care of him. We'll set him straight.
I spent six years in a very abusive relationship. We had a child together. After she was born, I made my way out. I ended up fleeing several houses and apartments trying to stay away from him. There’s been a long history.
You have mental noise: These are thoughts that arise spontaneously and we have no control over. For some people these are very negative. Behind this mental noise we have the observer however, this is you. When you are engaged in a activity that creates flow, your mental noise is reduced, and the observer has complete control. Engaging in mediation allows us to get in contact with this observer, separating us from our mental noise.
I don't have any point, I'm just overwhelmed and want to give up. No one's going to read this long of a post anyway. I don't want to tell my therapist, I don't want to go to therapy. It feels artificial and contrived and uneven. When I google all this shit the internet is like "That's the ptsd talking."
I'm not the kind of guy who likes to ask for help with things like this, especially when it feels like there are so many people with worse problems, but after three years of trying to save up on a disabled person's income with nothing but failure (as soon as I have a little saved, something else comes up), and at the encouragement of my online acquaintances, I have decided to try setting up a gofundme account in order to get dentures: <url> I feel like I have tried every government assistance program and charity in the US, but as a 35 year old male, there is no help for me. I'm not young enough for assistance, I'm not old enough for assistance, and I am not a female with kids, so there is just no help available. As proof here is the thread I made three years ago. I wasn't asking for anything then, just showing off the teeth I had pulled: <url>
I have been dating my girlfriend for around 1.5 years now. We moved in together 3 months ago. I paid for the renovation costs, new furniture, and countless other items to get us started, totalling somewhere near $4000. She gave me about $200 to help with these costs during the initial move-in. Our rent is only $240 a month (no lease), so it's more than feasible for her to pay it, but she isn't great at managing money.
It's been a while so I thought those feelings were long gone. At one point, I asked if Lily would come talk to me in my room, which she agreed to. In there, we made out. I don't remember a ton, but I do remember pulling away and immediately telling Lily "oh my god, I can't believe I just did this." Like a drunk idiot, I called my boyfriend.
<url> is looking for men and women 35-65 years of age in Chicago, to participate in a 2 hour, focus group market research study. Qualified individuals will receive $250 (Prepaid Visa Card) after they have completed the study. Link: <url> Job #: 2631NRC17 Location: Chicago IL
I know every time I have panic attacks to remind myself it's just in my head, but it sucks when little things just make you feel like shit! Does anyone else get triggered by stupid things like this? ? I'm even just pissed at myself for now feeling mad at my mom, like don't you know not to tell someone with health anxiety that "they don't look right"?? Ugh!
I met Zach and James. We were roughly the same age. James was a top-notcher, consistent honour student ever since 1st grade, and had a younger sister who was in 2nd grade at the time. However, Zach wasn't that smart, he was average, yet very decent and very cool. Fast forward to our first quarter test, after finishing all my exams during the day, James asked me, out of the blue, "Saan mo mas gusto?
Plus she sent him pictures of her ultrasound. Now I'm just heart-broken because I was head over heels for this guy and I'm also disgusted by what he did to this girl. I don't know how to confront him about this or how to handle this situation properly. I am going to break up with him, but what do I do after I end it? Do I tell his fiancee?
My problem is most of these articles mention getting your friend professional help, but he's already seeing a psych and therapist. The other thing frequently suggested is to gently nudge them to do things. This is a problem currently though because of the physical distance between us and their lack of a phone currently. Has anyone else gone through or is experiencing something similar? I could really use some advice 😟
I am on a paid assassin’s hit-list. That’s it, I need to reformat all my hard drives. “Fuck it, I’ll just microwave those fuckers and then give myself the decency to have a painless death.” “Ok ok, deep breaths. We learned this in therapy.
$400 would suffice but $500 will drastically help boost my income for 4/4. Time frame for repayment listed includes $100 tip and is at-worst scenario. In other words loan may be repaid sooner. Thank you for your consideration. Sean
I began to see a therapist and started taking some medication for my mood. I was really trying to improve myself. The first medication I tried, I now believe, made things like social anxiety worse. I recently found a medication (Zoloft) that has changed my life. I had been exercising, going out of my way to connect with old friends who I like in an effort to curb the isolation etc.
Anytime I have a scheduled transaction towards my checking account, my wages are immediately garnished. However, last night was the real wake up call. After work, I came home drunk and let my stress get the best of me. I ended up getting in a fight with my gf about money, finances and utilities. Not wanting to face the pathetic reality that I have "sugar momma" for a girlfriend, I packed everything I own in my vehicle, parked it less than a mile away (incase I may have forgotten anything) and slept in it until the battery died.
A few weeks ago I found some notes of hers open at our computer. She had written questions to ask for a psychic reading or some such(she's into that stuff). One of them was, "is this guy worth pursuing?" "This guy" refers to an online friend from out of state she had been having extensive conversations with, which we had talked about not long before, and of course she labeled him as "just a friend", albeit him growing more and more fascinated with her. I offered an open relationship, partly because I had entertained the idea before, but mostly to de-escalate what could be a relationship ending event.
8) I am not a resident of Nevada or any other state. I have been out of the country for almost 20 years. 11) How can I apply for food from the food bank? I think I will be camping about 60-70 km from the city. I have no problem carrying the food.
It is intimately tied up in mine. She has a couple of friends but really doesn’t see them often, as previously stated she doesn’t have her own goals.. it just feels like she lives whichever life I live. She doesn’t do things on her own. She doesn’t have any sports teams she plays on.. no clubs.. doesn’t go out with her friends (well, very rarely). The more I think about this, the more troubled I become.
(I travel between NJ to NYC often, and $2.75 each way is pretty expensive. NJ and NYC both have Disabled rates for public transport, but the PATH which travels in-between, does not. It's total bullshit.) A free place to live in NYC? A bold plea, I realize.
I currently have nowhere to live. My "friends" have made excuses as to why they cant help me out. This sucks. It's times like this where the world seems like an incredibly dark place and the best way to escape the pain is to leave it. IDK.
I just feel like the street life has fucked my head up. There's so much I don't even know how to talk about anymore, I just hold that shit. Only person I can really chat with is a pal I know at the bar. He has PTSD and shit from the military bad, hard up alcoholic nowadays after killing people.. We talk once every few weeks and we are open and it's cool. But normal people?
My boyfriend constantly states that we are no longer in a relationship and I need to be constantly working towards showing him that he will want to be with me again. I do 90% of the cooking and cleaning in the house. I try my best to make sure his needs are met, even if it means that my needs fall short almost always. It seems like any "everyday" argument we have about something always turns into me being a piece of shit because of what I did to him. He tells me that I made him this way and I need to deal with it until he moves past it, which I understand and agree with.
This has caused quite a few disagreements, as we often compromise for a "quickie" at some later time. I hate to admit it, but I can sense that we have both been feeling this incompatibility grow more and more apparent as our relationship has gone on, and both of our gained weight is not helping with our situation. I love her dearly, and want to make this work, but I'm also worried that I shouldn't have gone this far into a relationship without a frame of reference for what I would want in one. She is my first girlfriend, but I'm afraid to throw away a relationship that's caused me to love someone so dearly. I've been cautious up to this point, but it does appear as though we have begun to get financially "entangled".
Her name was Chinook. I wasn't there. Edit--the vet suspected she had a bad heart. We had to move to find work, back in our home province of Ontario. I'm working (moved suddenly because I had an interview at a job I knew I would get), and he's already done an interview, despite not being here for more than a few days.
I take solo back packing trips and my friends really see me as someone fearless and free-spirited. It makes opening up about my mental health issues kinda difficult because they can't "see" me acting this way. I have a lot of anxiety and depression issues around my romantic relationships. I also have depersonalization issues, and want to be alone more often then not. I think the fact that I can be so outgoing and positive most of the time, my friends don't realize that I struggle quite a bit some days.
Are there any recommendations I should bring up with my doctor? I know going to reddit for medication advice is generally not a good idea, however the psychiatrists and other doctor's I've seen do not seem to have much greater advice. Weight gain is a primary concern as I have a heart condition where weight cannot be increased. Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro, Cipralex)
Havnt had one in years. After it was done i couldnt stop thinking about what if it was actually a brain tumor. What if im going to die a slow and painful death? In reality migraines plague my mothers side of the family, both her and my brother get them here and there. But anxiety doesn't listen to logic.
I haven't posted here yet, but as everyone here has probably experienced, PTSD is one of the most isolating conditions. Even as an adult surrounded by other adults at school, I feel so isolated. It's really disappointing that other students in my class can't seem to grasp the concept of PTSD in people who aren't veterans. There is a fundamental lack of understanding that has resulted in further alienation. For some reason, dissociations in sufferers who are not former military is unacceptable.
Earlier that day I was talking to a customer, a male who later asked for my number. I was very flattered as this man was absolutely gorgeous and had muscles that must have been sculpted by Kratos himself, but alas, I wasn’t able to give it as it was company policy. Little did I know that Pedo had been watching me from behind a clothing rack, and soon pulled me aside in front of all my coworkers in my retail section and spoke so sternly to me, he said “this is why your life is so messed up, this is why everyone here thinks you’re so easy.” And he stormed away from me. He later radioed to me telling me to sell the cards, and after I got to 15 cards to re fold everything in the women’s section. He later texted me telling me he expected me to be at the movies that night, as to not let down the team.
Stealing the idea of the person who posted earlier, I have 3 $50 trials from HomeChef, another food delivery service. Same thing as the other ones pretty much, you'll get 3 meals for 2 people. Also same as the other one, you'll have to enter your credit card info, but that's no commitment, so cancel your membership after you get your first box. Reply here and I'll PM you. All I'll ask for in the PM is your email address!
She's a real healer. She's beautiful in so many ways 🐰🥕 but it's just insane. I won't lie, she is the most expensive medication that I've ever had as she's already cost £2,000 ($2,654.510) (when I say medication, I mean that she's a therapy rabbit) but I do love her to bits. I'm actually thinking of getting another pet soon. My mum has said "yes" but she won't allow me to have another big animal as she has to sometimes help me with Alaska because believe it or not bunnies can sometimes be a handful.
How about that? No this isn't just some edgy teen, oh I hate my dad, I have every reason to hate him, for what he has done, and continues to purposely do to me and my family. For nearly killing me, for scarring us all to the point I can't even meet a nice person, or have any friends, and not wonder whether they do or don't treat their family like a lump of sh**. Nobody needs, nor should they ever have to live the life I have been forced to live. Nobody should have to call the police because they don't feel safe within their own home.
I have an answer for you. it is because he made you a part of his game. see, sociopaths will do anything and everything to manipulate others to make themselves happy. to feel liked, loved. mostly, they feed off of other people.
I don't have the ability to cope with it anymore. I'm trying, but a lot of things are triggering me, and I'm shutting down at work, just finding the place I feel safest, and staying there for an hour or two until I feel like I can do something again. I'm tired of watching my back, tired of traveling to places I don't feel safe, tired of reliving that moment, tired of being triggered, tired of the stress, tired of anxiety and knots in my stomach, tired of irrational thought when triggered, tired of irrational paranoia. I'm exhausted and need a break, but know it won't be enough until I journey the long road through therapy. I'm not suicidal at all, just wishing this pain and misery would end, to have my life back again.
Hi everyone! My girlfriend has loved doing color guard all of her life and has always wanted to march in a professional Drum Corps. She has a final audition in San Antonio, Texas in April but does not have the cash to fly there (she is in Ohio). I am going to be giving her a big contribution as a valentine's day present, but it would mean a lot if more people than just me helped her out. If anyone can throw in some money (even $1 or less), it would mean the world to her and to me.
I refuse to carry both of us anymore and I'm also tired of the drama between us as well. So, part of me hopes he doesn't pay the rent and that'll give me my push to really move on. Anyway, I'm ok with going to a shelter, but I worry about my laptop. I remember when I was living in a shelter when I was a kid, they didn't allow you to have certain items. I don't want to part with my laptop for them to keep it safe and it gets "lost".
My boyfriend is really understanding about everything, but he wants me to eventually come clean to my mother because he thinks that it's unhealthy for me to have to keep this from my mom. PLus he knows how bad I'm freaking out about it. My brother and my dad know but they can't tell my mom and they aren't much help in this situation, since my mother runs the house. For Christmas, my boyfriend bought me a hat, several CDs, and concert tickets. Irrelevant right?
But I'm not physically attracted to him. Normally personality does a lot for me. I've met guys who I didn't feel attracted to and then started to really like because of their personalities (and vice versa). I go through days where I skype this guy and like the idea of him and feel like I can be physically attracted to him, but there are other days I don't feel anything physically. We are very long distance at the moment, so we've haven't had any face to face in person time for the past month (he's moving in 5 months).
And it makes me more anxious which causes me to slip up *more*. It's getting WORSE though. I thought I could hold it down, this has been an ongoing issue for about a year or so and it has never been this bad but lately it's getting to the point where I can't even talk to my own MOTHER without freaking out over this shit. She came back in town from a very long half year vacation recently and I had to go to dinner with her because that's what you're obligated to do and I had to sit there and try and make small talk with my brother the whole damn night looking anxious as fuck... I know they noticed.
If you withhold financial information from this type of abuser, they will get it out of you somehow. Trust me. It isn't pretty. I withheld my credit card numbers for a year, and I paid every day for it. Anyway, I'm totally ranting at this point, but it was seriously amazing to find one person in this entire world who actually confirmed that what I experienced in trying to access help was real.
It sent me into a full-blown crisis by breaking open the “no one believes me and I’m worthless” wound. I had to up my level of care, now I’m in IOP 5 days a week, 3+ hours a day. It’s given me just enough relief to return to weekly EMDR. I had my first session in this round, last week. It was the most physically symptomatic I’ve ever been in-session.
It was no longer just about the life and love we were building together. It was no longer about us, it was about me and trying to fill this hole within myself. If she would just want me, make me feel wanted, I could baptize myself in it and finally let go of all this guilt and self-hatred. This male shame. It’s complicated.
I think it’s possible that these feelings are coming from the fact that he has said he loves me while drunk but can’t say it sober. I haven’t brought his up to him, but it makes me feel like he can’t say it because of his ex. Which I understand, but it also makes me sad that he’s not excited to be in love with me. I think part of me also feels like a second choice, or like I’m being compared to her. It’s eapecially awful when I think about how ready I would have been to to go back to my ex when I was still heartbroken.
This question is not meant to be disrespectful in any way, shape, or form to people who 1) are actually diagnosed autistic, or 2) are in no way autistic, but just suffer from severe social anxieties. This is just about my experience and people who may relate. So, throughout my life, I sometimes struggled with the feeling that there is something "different" about myself. A lot of the time I've convinced myself it was just because of low self-esteem, paranoia, or a desire to have some type of diagnosis that would help "solve" or explain my awkwardness or social issues. People warn me not to jump to conclusions and it's easy to self-diagnose online in this day and age.
He's been violent pretty much since 6months in. Nothing too horrendous at first just a slap or a punch or he'd spit in my face during an argument or grab me. I reasoned I could deal with that because he was always so remorseful and depressed afterwards. A year in we split up because he stole my car keys out of the ignition, got in the car and threatened to kill me rip out my hair and nails etc. I went to the police and they issued him with a domestic violence order.
He denied it and ever since then I think everyone is out to get me and that nothing ever happened and I'm just insane. I always doubt myself and it's hard to hang out with anyone because I think they all have some agenda toward me. I know logically nothing happened but when I get home I have to always check my body for bruises or anything suspicious. Then I feel shameful and want to self harm/die when I realize I'm accusing someone innocent of something so terrible and then my mind tells me nothing ever happened and I'm just nuts. It doesn't help that my family doesn't understand me and minimalizes all of my problems.