Hello all, I'm a new submitter to this channel. I went here a few nights ago and honestly it's been helping me cope with my current situation by reading what others are going through. One of the things I noticed is that a lot of responses are brutally honest -- and I am here for just that while still accepting that I'm a hopeless romantic who sees the value in "If you really want it don't give up". Let's get started -
Some times it feels like my dreams will never go away. I have regular dreams about my ex. Usually a few dreams every week. Sometimes the dreams quiet down and some times they occur every night. He was abusive to the point where he tried to kill me while I was laying in bed one night, and he was very physically abuse every other day.
I can't even use the restroom because then I think about how if I were in the restroom when a shooter entered, the shooter could easily get me and the classrooms would be locked and I'd be locked out. I was late for one of my classes because I was afraid to leave my classroom. Does anyone else feel the same way? It's like I can't function normally anymore, school is such a scary place to be all of a sudden when it used to be a place I felt safe and comfortable, even though we had an open campus. Ugh.
EVENT 1: ​ My life was in a wretched state, and I concluded that I have to find god with absolute certainty. I immediately perceived a being of infinite bliss within my mind that was alien to me. I confessed my 'sins' to this entity and repented of my behaviour.
This is my first post here, and I wanted to contribute something that has helped me with dealing with my anxiety recently. Maybe it will help you, too. [Success and Failure Don't Change Who You <url> In short, a success or failure does not define who YOU are. You are still the same person that you were before you were faced with whatever adversity came your way, and win or lose, you are that same person in the end.
He gave me a pill to “stay awake,” claiming it was a caffeine pill. It didn’t seem to work. We started having sex, and right off the bat I could tell this was weird. He was completely quiet, wearing all of his clothes. He touched my labia (I have an innie vagina) and was like “What the fuck is this...”
He turns it on first thing in the morning and turns it on the moment he gets home from work at night to play until midnight or later. Any free moment he has is spent playing this game. I'm a stay at home mom so I really look forward to talking to him, he's usually the only adult I talk to face to face during the week. Plus I love talking with him and spending time with him anyways, that's why I married him! Back when this all started, I told him that I needed him to spend more time with his kids and I.
I’ve been reading through the raised by narcissists subreddit that some of you linked to, and a lot of it matches with my experience growing up. The situation may be more severe then I had originally thought. For now, I’m just going to keep saving up money for the future, taking precautions and doing things to protect my own mental health. I am seeing a therapist for my anxiety, and the next time I have a session I’m going to bring get up everything I talked about here and maybe get some help in dealing with it. Again, thanks to everyone who took time out of their day to give me advice when I was struggling, I really appreciate it.
I used to be kinda smart so I graduated high school with about a semester of college credits so i have that. I also used to be pretty tech savy and used to help my family with their computer/phone issues (nothing major though, virus removal, printer setup, etc). I was thinking about pursing an AS in BA at Broward College or a computer program at Sheridan Technical College such as these <url> Someone on this website once recommended i look into coding, but i have no idea where to start or how to make a career out of it. What do you think i should do? What do you think my first steps to turning my life around should be?
I'm fat, unattractive, unmotivated, and best of all six figures in student loan debt and not even graduated yet! I'll never be able to afford living on my own so there goes the last little bit of hope for dating, though relationships don't seem great to me anyway. I've fucked up my future lol. I have constant stomach pains and stiff pains everywhere from all the anxiety I feel on 24/7 basis. Also my health is declining as well, so that's fun.
Hi, just wondering if anyone can relate to this. Sorry I made this long. I tend to have little or no anxiety in social situations... when they are currently happening. It's *after* the event/conversation has passed that I began to analyze the things I said/did and the reactions of other people. I don't have this problem too badly with strangers or people I see regularly and am used to.
I will go homeless soon for reasons i can't stop, i roughly have 1000$ in cash and around 1000$ in possessions such as my PC, second PC, headphones etc etc etc. What should be the first thing i do aside from finding a job? I get the idea of going to a 24 Hr gym and renting a storage unit if i want to store belongings, aside from that is there anything you guys can recommend? &#x200B; edit: Thank you for all your help, it has given me an idea of what i have to do.
The list I will probably choose from right now is Santa Monica, Orange, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, or Long Beach. I've lived in the city for a bit before and I like the more inner-city of LA but I think I need a change so I'm looking for a more coastal area to find a minimum wage job, settle in, and potentially seek housing in eventually. Don't have much interest in SD, nor in going up north to San Fran. Hoping to get some input from you guys and it is very much appreciated.
I suffer from depression and anxiety, I didn't have the courage to tell him no.. Although he never hit me, I was never allowed my own bank card, I wasn't allowed my car keys... He yelled and cursed at not only myself but my young children too.. One day last week, he told my legally blind son to open his fucking eyes when he couldn't find his snow pants.... That did it for me, he was gone.
He seems hesitant to leave his friends and says he watches out for them. And he's not ready to quit drinking. Which is totally honest and fine. How can I be a help to him? As far as getting him some things he needs and any advice on what to say to him.
So I texted her a message saying “7:45” , I sent it with the quotations to let her know that she’s late and I’m starving. So F2 responds to me through her phone, by voice message. She gave me a very sassy attitude telling me to “remove the pipe from my ass and eat a snack”. I had already needed to eat a snack since they made me wait a half an hour, I don’t think that her response was warranted for what I said. I get what I said was a little petty but I don’t think I deserved that attitude.
I don't know how to mention this to my SO without seeming like Mulder. EDIT. Clearly what i need to do is just talk to her about it. I have a couple of examples in mind that will drive the point home. Mainly the first night i was introduced to everyone and a house warming we went to.
One of my flatmates has started distancing herself from me and I don't know what to do. I've never experienced this before as I've never really had a friendship this close with someone before. We used to see each other multiple times a day, when we were both in the flat we used to spend loads of time in each other's rooms just chilling and chatting. But recently she's been spending more time with other people rather than me. Before today I don't think I saw her for about a week which is crazy considering how close we were and that we live under the same roof.
So what I am asking is someone or somebody's to help me with the rest of the repair cost. The repair is 575 dollars, I have about 200 of that currently, I need to get this done soon before I am stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and spending unnecessary money on Ubers or Lyft. I'm willing to pay back monthly with acceptable interest until it's paid in full. I get paid bi-weekly at my full time job. Thanks in advance!
Rubbing with shoulders with people and socializing too frequently may also be source of stress as the soul and body needs to re-energize it frequently. This is similar to the phoenix rising from the ashes to become a stronger self- a dramatic example which, yet all too relevant. **Leave your Comfort Zone** The familiar can also be a cause of stress ass the more used to you is to familiarity the more stress any unknown element will give you. It’s best to change ones surroundings and indulge in new activities to push yourself to your limit.
First I'd like to say thank you for taking time to read and consider my post. Funds would go to gas, medications, rent, etc., currently we are a little short on rent. I am in the Seattle, Washington area. I have suffered from chronic migraines for about 15 years now. I have also suffered from Occipital Neuralgia (which is Trigeminal Neuralgia's ugly sibling) for some time and just diagnosed as of the last two years now.
I went to hang with friends for a movie night and it was wonderful. But damn, I felt really inferior. My friends are branching off and doing amazing things, and I feel I’m in the corner just trying to make it through the day, constantly dealing with chronic pain, low immunity, and PTSD. I’ve been doing a lot of therapy work around traumas I have experienced as a child, and that’s been good but also really hard. I’m just having a rough time tonight.
First things first, this may contain triggers for several different types of abuse. If this is no the right place for this post, by all means get rid of it, last thing I want to do is cause trouble for others. I'll refer to my wife as M Some background: My wife's parents immigrated from the Soviet Union in the 80s with her brother, wife was born in the early 90s. Obviously life followed a different set of rules in the USSR, and that's bound to be a difficult thing to adjust to.
I’m so concerned as we head into warmer months. I know I need to leave the area and that’s on my agenda, I just can’t do that before summer comes and goes. I am currently trying to come up with ways to manage my day to day life. Working from home, not venturing outside as much as possible. But even the ride from home to office is enough to send me into a spin for about an hour.
No we do not have sex everyday, yes we both work, no its not a problem of the change. I should have said "I'm usually successful 1 out of 4 times I attempt to initiate." I just want to make sure that I am still crossing my i's and dotting my t's on my end or if I should ask her if there's any improvements I could make. --- **tl;dr**: Do most relationships die down in the bedroom after a while?
I see him in person 1 - 3 times per week, almost always at restaurants. If it matters, we've never been to each others apartment. It is in his lease that he can't have guests over (???). I've invited him to mine but it hasn't worked out. I have some abandonment issues from friends pretending they like me but actually secretly disliking me, so I have anxiety that he doesn't actually like me.
Hi All, I’m a visitor to this sub. I’ve read the sub rules, but please let me know if i’m overstepping. This is YOUR sub. I’m a registered nurse (RN) and I’m interested in becoming a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner).
So I am okay at making short-term acquaintances, but can't seem to make friends beyond professional relationships, polite greetings, small-talk, etc. I'm sure it's because I have no practice at making friends and the history of relationships I have had feel laced with feelings of betrayal - so maybe I'm self-sabotaging a little bit. But gosh, I would like someone to talk to about day to day life, hopes, worries, goals, etc. Also, I have an eleven year old son for whom I would like to model some more healthy platonic relationships. I work in a field that requires little one-on-one contact, rely on walking/public transportation, and have a busy schedule with kids activities, work, community meetings, so those factors make it extra hard.
"Fuck you bitch, I can make your life hell and get you kicked out of here. I manage this place when the owner is not around" Needless to say that is all a lie from him, He is here from DSS/Social Services just like I am. What I am worried about is my safety and security. This guy is obviously mentally ill and a drug addict and alchie, and now I am really concerned that he will do something to me because I stood up to him and his nonsense bullshit.
I need help. I need sound advice on how I can overcome this situation. I need brutal honesty. Merci ! Please excuse my grammatical errors
I'd wake up in the middle of the night to him feeling my ass and masturbating. I was scared, and didn't know what to do so I just pretended not to notice. I can't even remember how long this must have went on, but soon enough I had decided to put my pillow on the other side of the mattress, because he'd touch me when I sleep on my side. I thought putting my pillow on the other side of the bed will help because as I fall asleep and turn on my left side my back will be towards the wall, and he won't be able to reach. I even remember him asking me the next day why I'd decided to move my pillow to the other side of the mattress.
He's not seeing a therapist or psych regularly, which we agreed that he needed to be doing if he was going off his meds. I'm just at this weird point with myself where I'm holding back this resentment and anger at him for not taking care of himself, even after I've explained to him how much it stresses me out and hurts me when he is not consistent with his self care and/or medication. Though things are as normal as they can be right now, I find myself getting angry when he asks me to promise to do specific things for him, like do my laundry (I'm a bit of a mess), because it just reminds me of how he wouldn't keep that promise yet he expects me to do things for him (even though they are rational requests I should take care of anyway). Well it still ended up being long, my apologies! What should I even do from here?
Sorry for the ramble, I would like to know if there is any way to contact them? I have my chemistry teachers phone number but I'm not sure if I should go for it. TL;DR too nervous to talk to school counsellor, only counsellor I know is a Chem teacher but it'll be weird to see him in classes. Parents ignorant about mental issues. Can contact Chem teacher but I'm weary.
Hey everyone, I’ve had quite the journey the last couple of years trying to get through a masters program in psychology to be a therapist and also dealing with health concerns. I came upon some research that led me to some conclusions that could possibly help some women who have gone through similar situations. So I was raped when I was 10 years old and gone through other various forms of trauma all throughout my childhood. I functioned pretty well until I got to my graduate program in clinical psychology. I had been in a stable relationship with a man who is supportive and loving so everything felt like it was going great.
I've been couchsurfing now for 75 days and life is getting harder at this time as money is sinking. Been getting into bad thought loops so I decided to write a blog that allows me to express my sadness through more "happy" words. I currently have two posts. [First one <url> was about how I ended up in this situation and describing overall how am I doing and the latest one is about last week and how mentally challenging it was to be sick as a homeless person. <url>
I started a new job last Tuesday, and I have had some pretty severe anxiety most days, especially my first day. (As probably to be expected) This is my second job, and unlike my first one I have ZERO customer interaction so my social anxiety hasn't been nearly as bad as it was with my previous job. Now tomorrow morning I start my second week, and I was feeling fine all day today, but it's time to sleep and I can't even lay down without freaking out. I'd hate to call in sick after only one week but I don't know if I can make it like this. I'm freaking out and it's stopping me from getting any sleep.
Here comes a little rant, because I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m done with it. I keep on having panic attacks and I can’t find the trigger. I’ve been crying for hours now, and yesterday and the day before as well. I’m seriously afraid that I will go nuts one day, I see no end nor a solution. I’m afraid I’ll end up in a mental hospital.
**tl;dr: My BF has a dirty house. Never cleans his private room or bathroom even if I've told him to. After 2yrs I'm fed up and grossed out. I don't know what to do anymore! **
Things are great in my life, work, personal relationships... and then I get a Friend Suggestion on Facebook, to see if I'd like to add someone from my past. My worst/abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago recently joined FB. I hadn't been able to block him as he most likely used a fake name. I stupidly visited his page. He's different.
I just couldn't cope, the abuse I already remembered was bad enough but this...this was just too much for me to deal with. 2 weeks ago I couldn't take it anymore and took a large overdose, which ended up with me being in hospital...I now have done a little damage to my heart and shall have to live with that...I should probably point out that I am under 7st and have had an eating disorder since I was 7...it was the only thing I could control...you see I had no safe place, I'd leave my abusive home and go to school...where I was the only ginger child...sure I don't need to point out how hard that was. This is going to stop quite abruptly now, for I don't really know what else to say right now.. Each and everyday is a constant struggle and I am tired of drs telling me to be strong and just get on with life...I am 26years old for 20years I have had to be strong and "survive" well I'm tired of surviving...that doesn't mean I want to die but I do want it all to stop, I want to <url> to be happy and trust people, to realise what love is, I mean I have an amazing partner who loves me dearly but I question him every damn day...you see he doesn't hurt me and love...well as my Dad taught me...love is to hurt and lie....but that isn't love at all is it? !
In class, im always on edge, i cant focus on one thing for too long and i constantly scan my environment and I think they think im looking at them which im not. this also made it more awkward to talk to them. I been there for a month but im still very nervous around my peers and teachers. I know my teacher and the tutor there get nervous/uncomfortable around me, lately they haven't been talking to me much or coming up to me especially the tutor to ask if I need help which they did before, my anxiety has gotten worse and I probably look more visibly uncomfortable than ever so that why they have barely asked if I needed help or said much to me ha! yet seem more at ease with other people.
Sunday (the 5th) she went outside to drink her margarita, and our 4 year old followed her (she'd been ignoring us all day). I went to help my 5 year old when she called me into the bathroom. A few minutes later, I head up to check on them, and I'm attacked with the accusation that I've locked them out of the house, that i"m crazy, how could I do this? Etc. The front door sticks, for what it's worth.
Brief background in bullet points or I will go all weird again if I go into detail. -drug taking parents. - mum was disabled in a wheelchair at times, in and out of hospital all the years I was growing up. - Dad commited suicide when I was 6. - Mum relied heavily on drugs and booze.
I don't have anyone to borrow money from. I need help coming up with ways to create additional income asap. Love to all you out there going through a similar struggle. We got this! !
iIfelt forced to quit that job because being homeless in oakland sucks alot. Advice: dont be too proud to accept help from people who care. Lots of folks have been through tough shit and can understand. 2. Leave when you get homeless.
When first diagnosed I was put on a daily prozac. 3 years later, I've managed to wean myself off and just use my klonopin only for the worst attacks. That actually seemed to work well and I've been off the prozac for about a year and even got off Facebook 3 months ago because it was becoming a point of unneeded drama, but I'm suddenly getting the depression symptoms again. I've walled myself off from most people and have become less communicative with my husband. I don't like going to our neighbors house because I have a paranoia that 2 of them don't like me.
In the meantime this girl texted asking what time he'd be there, but he didn't reply. Following day when she asked why he didn't reply/show, instead of sharing that he was saw me, he made up a story how he got stuck driving someone to the airport then followed with "I wanted to see you more than anything." At this point I royally freaked out and he said the reason he made up the story about driving to the airport was because now that it looked like he committed to attending, it'd be easier to come up with some urgent non negotiable reason why he couldn't make it (rather than look like a jerk that ditched last minute for something else that popped up without giving any notice). Again understandable. I do buy the story because when the girl called, she told me nothing was going on beyond friendship and that they hadn't talked in forever, she said she herself was busy with a new relationship which why is they hadn't talked beyond simple texts here and there, which would explain why she didn't know he was dating me just until that moment.
I got upset and called the dogs in and closed the door. When he came in he avoided me at first and when I confronted him about lying and sneaking around he defended it by saying it's my fault that I'm not okay with it. I've never been okay with it and i feel like I've been lead on throughout this entire relationship. The fact that he would prioritizing getting high over comforting me really hurts my feelings. I'm tired of feeling like a plant is more important then me.
It is the winter and Tyler and I have been going out ice fishing a lot, it’s nice because I get to spend time with him and it’s something we both like to do. Well, once Zack found out, he tells Tyler all the time how they should go, etc. Well, Tyler fills up his truck (it is never under $120), fills up the four-wheeler ($60), and Zack walks over to our house with nothing but a helmet. He has absolutely no ice fishing gear, but knows Tyler does and, again, uses Tyler under the guise of “friendship” so he can go. AKA, I don’t get to go anymore.
But the second time I was getting off the bus, and as I turned to walk up my street, I noticed him driving up beside me and commencing the same pattern. Black tinted windows, license plate obscurer, but looked out-of-state. Made a police report the first time, just went straight to the precinct the second time. I was speaking with a victim advocate when two officers took an interest in the case, and began explaining intimidation stalking to me. They asked if I had any abusive relationships.
I originally posted this in a relationship advice subreddit... but I figured here would be a more helpful and sympathetic audience. (CW: this post might be triggering to others who have experienced domestic violence.) I’ve been with my current partner (we’ll call him James) for about a year and a half now. And our relationship is great. We were friends for almost a year before we started dating.
Help me network, help me find a room, please! ISO a room for rent as soon as possible. Looking for a roommate-type situation, a room in someone's house, etc. Not looking for full houses or units. I need as soon as possible--I'm dealing with an emergency situation and am losing my housing on Friday, August 11th.
I have been an avid Redditor for 4 years but unfortunately don't have the 1000+ karma needed to post on r/Borrow. I would pay $1200 ($1000 + $200 interest) in return by August 24 or earlier. Although I will (hopefully) receiving my stipend by the 6th, I know for a fact I will be receiving my scholarships for fall semester/my first paycheck from my job at home on or before the 24th, so this is just an added safety net in case the stipend takes extra time to process. I'm willing to provide any lender with the relevant personal information in a private message, and will keep in contact as much as necessary until the money is paid back (PayPal woud be best, but I'm open to other options as long as they are available in this country). Thanks for reading!
On his 21st birthday, he consumed way too much alcohol to celebrate, and I regrettably saw an entire different side of him. I noticed that he had crazy eyes, and he was being very aggressive in speech. He seemed very off to me, and demanded to know why I didn't want to sleep in his bed that night. When I made up the excuse that I had to be up for something early in the morning, he demanded to know what was wrong with our relationship. I kept calmly assuring him that we were fine, and that I just needed rest that night.
I cried for hours and at one point, something came over me and just slammed my head into my bathroom door. Sadly, since I'm in a dorm, it's a shitty hallow core door and it broke bad and now there is a hole that I have to figure out how to fix. It's a $100 fine if I can't figure out what to do with it so that's just compounding on the already existing stress. I have $3 to my name right now, I luckily get paid Friday so I will be able to pay for my car, but I'm still left with only $100 for 2 weeks and I have to figure out how to pay for my textbook for my night class. It's a mess and I don't know what to do right now.
How do I figure out what is putting these guys off? Any advice is appreciated! TL;DR: Have been on 3 first dates over the last few months, and each I thought went well or above and beyond well, but each of them haven't wanted to go on a second date with me. What am I doing wrong? How do I figure out what I'm doing wrong?
He has even made a comment to my bf about me being overweight. Being overweight has basically taken over my relationship, my mind, and my life. This year, I am making it a priority to lose the weight, especially since I have nothing else occupying my mind like cancer. My confidence level right now is 0 and I feel so fucking ugly and fat. If I just got in shape, I know that I would be close to a 10.
He had the sweetest voice and only the kindest heart. I had started talking to him for a month or so, by then we had gotten to know one another well. He had told me a little about his past as I slowly opened up about mine, sometimes I wouldn't even talk but I'd still sit in his office and he'd make every gesture. Sometimes we wouldn't even talk about my problems but other things in life and what we were into. It was hardly ever about school, it was like I had a friend that developed into a crush real quick.
When she was an infant, she would play with her when she was told to leave her alone. She would do things she wasn't supposed to. She often acted like Grace was her child. It didn't help that Anna is mature looking at 5'8", and was often asked if Grace was her baby. Around when Grace was 18 months, I got asked less and less to watch her, and Anna was doing it.
From the moment I wake up and until I go to sleep I don't feel safe. When I'm around other people I feel even even more anxious/fearful. I know nothing bad is going to happen to me, but I still feel this way. I don't really have any friends, and these intense chronic feelings makes it seem impossible to make a real connection with anyone. That's what I need the most is some sort of real connection with another human being.
I feel like at this point, I'm the only one putting effort into our relationship. I've suggested taking time to ourselves so that he could think things through, taking a break, talking about it, meeting up (we really only can see each other on the weekends due to classes), etc. Still, the short responses. He's started to not respond to me; we talk through an app that shows when the other has read the message. I know his class schedule, so I know when we can answer back (he checks his phone often).
Hi, I cannot think clearly today. I know I have to take care of myself, but its always been an issue. I do not shower, the last one was two months ago. I sleep in my clothes and wear them the next day. I do not was my hands, or face.
Sorry in advance for what I'm getting off me chest. This man sexually, physically, and emotionally abused me for a year. He even tried to marry me at 16 so he could trap me in his perverted hell. After four months of completely breaking free of this sick, twisted human being he had the gall to contact one of my friends to try to get a vinyl back. He treated me like a dog.
2. I have health insurance, and I know my insurance website has resources for finding a doctor, but what factors should l look at when going to choose my doctor? I've never done this before, but I think it will definitely help. Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you.
Telling me I wasn't pretty enough, my boobs weren't large enough, I wasn't thin enough, I wasn't a good girlfriend to him, I wasn't making him happy. He told me he didn't feel loved unless I was having sex with him, and only then did he feel happy. He would threaten constantly to leave, and oftentimes did as a power grab when I got "out of hand", and then would make me beg for him back. I felt so unsure of myself. I wasn't enough, and that's why he was leaving.
I was able to get my old office job back and that comes with okay pay and good benefits I start November 1st . Just trying to take steps to make sure we’re okay before we get too behind and stuck on the streets . Anything is appreciated all I have 11$ to my name until Friday . Pm me you would like to help . I am starting a gofund me sometime this week to help us if anyone is interested in that I will keep you updated
I try to take all opinions with a grain of salt, but "incel" isn't really an isolated trend, and there are more cases that it's part of the way our modern male/female gender system works. Also, I don't understand this, but questioning this stuff doesn't mean I hate all women. It doesn't even imply that. But doesn't everyone have a right to vent frustration? I want to talk more and give you more details.
Friends, pets, family if you have that kind of support, community resources, whatever it takes, don't be afraid to ask. Above all, don't quit. You deserve better, you deserve to survive, you deserve help and you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. About three days ago, my friend thought of adding my Go Fund Me campaign to Reddit and so she very generously put it in the Go Fund Me subreddit. I can't thank her enough, she is beyond awesome.
Don't get me wrong, I know that this drug causes problems with cognition, but I wonder it helps with the cognition symptoms of my anxiety disorder. I quit my antidepressant and my Pregabalin a few weeks ago. I did OK during that time, besides that I have the feeling, that my anxiety worsend (not my depression) and with that my cognition. I have now the plan to focus more on the anxiety with the meds. I also think that Pregabalin is a quiet good drug for that, but I was questioning how it will affect my cognition (because I startet studying) and want to hear your experiences guys.
This is mostly a reminder to myself to use the pill box I purchased awhile ago rather than just taking pills straight from the bottle. I just felt like I needed to get this out there somewhere, somehow. UPDATE 02/02/17: If you're like me, you obsessively search forums like this one, so I thought I'd post what happened since then. It took me awhile to find a psychiatrist that was accepting patients, but I finally saw one yesterday. In regards to the strange symptoms I had as a result of taking the 2nd pill by accident, she said that "since 20mg is already the max dose of Lexapro, taking 40mg could produce psychotic symptoms."
It was all so wrong of me. It started happening when we went to my father's bday weekend and a family member groped me and I remembered that he also did stuff like that. A lot of em did. My partner was sad and fell asleep after I told them. I couldn't sleep.
Today I have $4. And no gas. I have to pick my son up from school in half an hour. My wife and my phones are due tomorrow. And we have cricket so if its not paid.
Sometimes it goes into an actual panic attack, but not too often. My husband has recently banned me from going anywhere alone unless absolutely necessary (like to work). Is this something a service dog would be helpful for? Or does it have to be a lot worse than that? Sorry if it's a weird question, it's just something I've been thinking about.
I feel so overwhelmed, I am excited as hell, and twice as much anxious. Any one else experience this before a big dream job or something?? How did you, if you did , beat out anxiety? ? luckily I haven't had a panic attack because I know how to keep myself at bay... but I am on the edge of my seat 24/7...
I am a very strange person in more ways than one. Everything I have written here is top secret classified information, do not disclose it to anyone outside this subreddit, you are all sworn to secrecy. Yes I know Reddit posts are viewable by the public, in retrospect maybe I should not post this because of privacy concerns. Too bad, I am going to do it anyway because I feel like it. Good night and good luck.
Old Man Gotama told his followers 2,500 years ago that those who are hurt are *burning* with self-pity, terror or revenge. Fast forward to about 75 years ago: Old men in universities told *their* followers that everything we do is the result of what we think and feel. By 1965 or so, Albert Ellis was using his grasp of that to dismantle the *thoughts* that kept us imprisoned in... self-pity, terror and revenge. A whole new way of psychotherapy came into being. It was called "cognitivism."
We talk about it a lot and we're on the same page on most of things. This just isn't what I've come to discuss, so if it's not intimacy-related, you needn't (and I discourage you to) advise on that. :) Don't worry, we do not take the difference lightly. --- **tl;dr**: Sexually unexperienced longing for sex with long time partner, probably years away from it because he wants to wait till marriage.
I've been renting since university and I'm getting sick of seeing the same amount of money I'd pay towards a mortgage go into the pocket of someone else. I have a junior role in the company, it's going somewhere (I hope) but not fast. I find financially I'm staying basically cash-neutral and my quality of life isn't brilliant. I'm not managing to save anything. I've been thinking that I should get a house with the money I inherited.
I’m trying to tell myself it’s like being beat up on the street by a stranger - it’s only once, but it still happened and it’s traumatic. 2) Related to the above. It WASN’T a stranger. It was someone I loved and trusted and I can’t believe he could have done this. He never treated me right, not truly (except maybe in the very beginning), but I never even saw this as a possibility.
Did I mention my parents are religious? I don't know if this is normal for religious people to treat. Whenever I tell them I'm terrified of being homeless they tell me I'm a "acting like a baby" and "get over it" my parents parents did not treat them this way. They're basically mad because they(I guess 30 or 40 years ago were different when they were my age? Because they said they both lived on their own at 17 and that they find it creepy I'm 16+ and they find it creepy being around me).
He says he doesn’t want to go to therapy (I know that’s the usual suggestion) Are there things we can do to work through this slump? Is it better to make him go out a little each day or is that too much? I don’t want to make it worse. Thanks for the help Tl;dr: how can I help my uninterested boyfriend.
You may also learn some less widely known information about the high energy content of some of the things you consume, which can help you make decisions about your overall diet. In addition, you can also choose to receive a summary report of the research findings. To read more and complete the survey, please click on the link: <url> Thank you! Roni Botterill
They will get fed lunch at school, so we mainly need help with breakfast and dinner - we're also dreadfully close to the point of no TP. Ugh. <url> Thank you for your consideration. If you have any ideas of products to add to this list - please feel free to let me know.
I developed and was diagnosed with PTSD 5 months later. I was having trouble sleeping (still kind of do), hypervigilant, moody and suicidal at times. I never thought I would make it through...but looking back,I used every single coping skill possible to survive, even if that meant calling crisis every day. I'm not perfect today but I really see the light at the end of the tunnel. I look forward to my future.
We’re still behind on bills, but we will catch up now we’re finally in cheaper accommodation. I’ve tried everything I can to earn some form of income, but unfortunately I’ve not been able to land a part time job, and I’ve been deemed ineligible for any welfare or study assistance. We have one last major hurdle. My tuition fees for my final semester are overdue, but I’ve been given an extension until the 24th of August and unfortunately we’re still short and running out of time. As a last resort I’ve set up a GoFundMe.
Use open-ended questions to avoid making the other person defensive. If you want to avoid argumentative responses, it is best to ask questions that invite them to speak honestly. *How:* This questioning style lets them know you want to be able to figure out some facts in order to reach a solution. **(5)** **Consciously Lower Your Voice**
She gives me something weaker that I know will NOT work. I've been on so many meds, I feel like I'm at the point where I know what will work and what won't and she might as well written me a script for a sugar pill. This is what she decides to do after I tell her how anxious I am, how a heavy duty benzo isn't working and how I'm near the brink of ending my life due to fear and anxiety and have no options left. Do I blame her for being cautious? No.
I don't necessarily want to come out and tell my story in hopes that someone bites. But I'm a survivor of psychological and physical abuse as a child... the abuser is my younger sister's dad. She is 20 and I'm 26. She isn't old enough to remember all that me and our older sister went thru. She defends him so much...
First it was chest pain and heart palpitations. Then left arm pain and shoulder pain for awhile. Then back pain and tension headaches now it's a little mix of everything, I get breaks in between where it feels fine but then it comes back and my mind now after it being relentless for 2 days is think is this Really anxiety? I mean cmon this is relentless even at time when I'm not anxious. Sorry for the rant just getting sick and tired of constant suffering where I don't even know what's round the corner next...
And now that they have been living separately I had to move back in with my dad (after I couldn’t afford college) and he’s gotten to the point that he won’t even clean up after his dog so the house smells of urine or clean his clothes and all he does is play video games and yell at people. He will smoke weed and go to work and come home and never clean his dishes or anything. He’s turned into this monster who doesn’t care about anyone and will get rid of everyone if they inconvenience him even a little and he’s obsessed with money and making music. Now I have these bad nights a lot when people poke at me about my past, since today someone poked fun at me about an identity issue I used to have and now I’m just in a horrible place. It feels like anxiety is slowly pulling me into my bed.
Even when she hated me, I didn't hate her. There weren't enough good friends in my life for me to afford hating her, and there still aren't. I can't describe it. She and my mom were chatting at dinner (they're the talkers of the family), and the whole time, I was just glaring at her. She tried talking to me, and I felt my entire body physically tense, and I was just viscerally angry.
Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry if it seems not important or annoying. Just thought I'd let someone knows. And if you have kids, please treat them nicely. You won't have any idea what your abusive acts would bring to your kids as it would affect how they treat their siblings, friends, or people they'd meet later in life.
Hi everyone, This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me. My mother (54F) has always been controlling and anxious, and now that I (19F) have gone to college, it feels like things have gotten worse. I am home right now for winter break and things have been so tense and awful and I don't know what to do. She is really judgmental and anxious about my sex life.
Anyway, long story short, he came over, we had a blast, we had dinner, watched a movie, cuddled, and he fell asleep on me. Four nights later the same thing happened :-) On our second date he told me he had anxiety issues and I just tried to listen to him. He's Spanish so English is his second language, which probably doesn't help his anxiety when talking to an American. Last night he came over and he told me had anxiety and depression issues and he's seeing a doctor.
he could not understand why i resented him, when in his mind, it was ME who was being 'abusive'. because i couldnt fake being into sex with him, which made me a 'bad girlfriend', because i wasn't ecstatic about always having to take on every responsibility and basically take care of him as if he were a child. he constantly told me that i was just playing the victim, when it reality it was really him who actually was the victim. i was the 'bad person' in the relationship. WELL FUCK YOU.
Hey guys. My girlfriend and I recently made a move from South Florida to Ohio for a change of scenery and a massive cost of living decrease. Due to the unexpected costs of the move and the cost of getting settled into our new home, we are severely in need of some basics to get us and our two pets through until we receive our first full checks from our new jobs. Our original dream was to move across the country to the west coast and start from scratch when we arrived. We had enough for the journey and to get us into a place, but not much else, so we reevaluated our finances and settled down in Ohio instead, about 1500 miles away from our previous home and about halfway to our original destination.
Is it a true event that happened? Have I made it up somehow? Could a child make this up? Am I overreacting about this all? I have had a great youth and the sweetest family and friends, nothing ever went wrong or something.
I'm hoping that I can get some of the community to share into the database to make it as useful as possible. Does this sound like something that would be used? Would you, if you were homeless, use it? I've volunteered in homeless shelters and have had friends who have found themselves homeless, but I'm not sure how/if many actually have smartphones with app capabilities. What are your thoughts?
This is my story I feel I should share in the case things every turn bad. When I was a kid my brother use to practice the choke slam. At first it was fun but when I grew up it wasn't. My brother continue to abuse me for years . He called me names and some days I believe him.