dict |
"en": "science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms",
"ja": "生物の遺伝現象を研究する分野"
} |
"en": "Polish and French physicist and chemist",
"ja": "ポーランド・フランスの物理学者・化学者"
} |
"en": "king of Qin in 207 BC",
"ja": "秦の最後の君主"
} |
"en": "ancient Greek playwright",
"ja": "古代ギリシアの悲劇詩人"
} |
"en": "form of government where the head of state is elected",
"ja": "君主ではない元首を持っている政体"
} |
"en": "Emperor of the Han dynasty in 189",
"ja": "後漢13代。霊帝の長男。"
} |
"en": "river in Asia",
"ja": "アジアの川"
} |
"en": "Emperor of the Jin Dynasty from 290 to 307",
"ja": "西晋の第2代皇帝。司馬炎の次男。"
} |
"en": "contractile soft tissue of animals",
"ja": "動物の持つ組織のひとつ"
} |
"en": "domesticated ruminant bred for meat, wool, and milk",
"ja": "鯨偶蹄目ウシ科の動物"
} |
"en": "Khan of the Mongol Empire",
"ja": "モンゴル帝国の第2代皇帝"
} |
"en": "federal subject of Russia",
"ja": "ロシア連邦を構成する地方"
} |
"en": "international organization of petroleum-exporting countries",
"ja": "石油の輸出国による国際組織"
} |
"en": "primary judicial organ of the United Nations",
"ja": "国際連合の六つある主要機関の一つ"
} |
"en": "declaration adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly",
"ja": "国連総会で採択された宣言"
} |
"en": "what is in accord with fact or reality",
"ja": "確実な根拠によって本当であると認められたこと"
} |
"en": "Tsar of Russia from 1547 to 1584",
"ja": "モスクワ大公、およびモスクワ・ロシアの初代ツァーリ"
} |
"en": "mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore",
"ja": "西洋の神話・伝説に登場する超自然的な存在"
} |
"en": "auto race held in Speedway, Indiana, US",
"ja": "アメリカで毎年5月に開催される自動車レース"
} |
"en": "metropolitan city in Nepal",
"ja": "ネパールの都市"
} |
"en": "classic work of Japanese literature",
"ja": "日本の平安時代の長編物語"
} |
"en": "disease that damages the myelin sheaths around nerve axons",
"ja": "中枢性脱髄疾患の一つ"
} |
"en": "small to medium-sized omnivorous mammal belonging to the family Canidae",
"ja": "哺乳綱ネコ目 イヌ科イヌ亜科の一部"
} |
"en": "tsar and 1st Emperor, founder of the Russian Empire",
"ja": "モスクワ大公・全ロシアのツァーリ、初代ロシア皇帝"
} |
"en": "Games of the XXV Olympiad, in Barcelona, Spain",
"ja": "スペインで行われた第25回夏季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "large natural elevation of the Earth's surface",
"ja": "周囲よりも高く盛り上がった地形"
} |
"en": "river in Afghanistan and Iran",
"ja": "アフガニスタンとイランを流れる川"
} |
"en": "Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, in Athens, Greece",
"ja": "ギリシャで行われた第28回夏季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "Games of the XXX Olympiad, in London, United Kingdom",
"ja": "イギリスで行われた第30回夏季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere",
"ja": "トレミーの48星座の1つ"
} |
"en": "international airport in Scotland, UK",
"ja": "スコットランド・グラスゴーにある空港"
} |
"en": "Greek mathematician and physicist",
"ja": "ギリシャの数学者・物理学者"
} |
"en": "wide-body airliner, current production series of the 747",
"ja": "ボーイング社製のボーイング747の 最新モデルである"
} |
"en": "highly urbanized city in Metro Manila, Philippines",
"ja": "フィリピンのメトロ・マニラ内の都市"
} |
"en": "constellation straddling the celestial equator",
"ja": "トレミーの48星座の1つ"
} |
"en": "federal motorway in Germany",
"ja": "ドイツの高速道路"
} |
"en": "social-cultural system",
"ja": "社会文化体系"
} |
"en": "capital of Brunei",
"ja": "ブルネイの首都"
} |
"en": "region of Belgium",
"ja": "ベルギーの北部地域"
} |
"en": "capital of Tajikistan",
"ja": "タジキスタンの首都"
} |
"en": "search engine by Google LLC",
"ja": "Googleの提供するウェブサイト検索エンジン"
} |
"en": "Chinese historian and writer",
"ja": "中国の歴史家と筆者"
} |
"en": "partially privatized German telecommunications company",
"ja": "ドイツの電気通信事業者"
} |
"en": "city in Mali",
"ja": "マリ共和国の都市"
} |
"en": "founder and main prophet of Islam",
"ja": "アラブ政治指導者、イスラームの創始者"
} |
"en": "German priest, theologian and author",
"ja": "中世ドイツの宗教改革者"
} |
"en": "edition of the Winter Olympics, scheduled in Sapporo, Japan, canceled due to World War II",
"ja": "日本で開催される予定であった冬季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "edition of the Winter Olympics, scheduled in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, canceled due to World War II",
"ja": "イタリアで行われる予定だった冬季オリンピック、第二次世界大戦のため中止された"
} |
"en": "enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system",
"ja": "動物に見られる、情報伝達の役割を担う組織"
} |
"en": "7th edition of Winter Olympics, in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy",
"ja": "イタリアで行われた第7回冬季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "8th edition of Winter Olympics, in Squaw Valley, United States",
"ja": "アメリカで行われた第8回冬季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "10th edition of Winter Olympics, in Grenoble, France",
"ja": "フランスで行われた第10回冬季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "20th edition of Winter Olympics, in Turin, Italy",
"ja": "イタリアで行われた第20回冬季オリンピック"
} |
"en": "American daily newspaper",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国の日刊新聞"
} |
"en": "airport in Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands",
"ja": "オランダ・アムステルダム郊外にある空港"
} |
"en": "sixth letter of the Latin alphabet",
"ja": "ラテン文字の6番目の文字"
} |
"en": "10th-17th letter of Latin alphabets",
"ja": "ラテン文字の10番目の文字"
} |
"en": "first letter of the Greek alphabet",
"ja": "ギリシア文字の第1字母"
} |
"en": "line of fruit flavored carbonated beverages",
"ja": "サンキスト・グローワーズからライセンスを得た清涼飲料水のブランド"
} |
"en": "line of fruit-flavored carbonated beverages",
"ja": "ザ コカ・コーラ カンパニーが販売する炭酸飲料"
} |
"en": "19th letter in the English and Latin alphabet",
"ja": "ラテン文字の19番目の文字"
} |
"en": "Dutch-language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia",
"ja": "ウィキペディアのオランダ語版"
} |
"en": "English tennis player",
"ja": "イギリスの女性テニス選手"
} |
"en": "hollow cylindrical container",
"ja": "円筒形の容器"
} |
"en": "fourth-generation home video game console developed by Sega",
"ja": "かつてセガ・エンタープライゼスが製造販売した家庭用ゲーム機"
} |
"en": "table systematically placing elements based on atomic number and recurrent properties",
"ja": "元素を周期律に沿って配列した表"
} |
"en": "state of wearing no clothing",
"ja": "人が被服をまとわない状態"
} |
"en": "making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization",
"ja": "特定の分野における知識の実用化であり、知識の実用化によってもたらされる能力"
} |
"en": "British national daily newspaper",
"ja": "イギリスの全国的な日刊紙"
} |
"en": "calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC",
"ja": "ガイウス・ユリウス・カエサルにより実施された暦"
} |
"en": "total number of living humans on Earth",
"ja": "地球に住んでいる人の数"
} |
"en": "former skyscraper complex in Manhattan, New York",
"ja": "ニューヨーク州マンハッタンのかつての超高層ビル群"
} |
"en": "New York City Subway station",
"ja": "ニューヨーク市営地下鉄駅"
} |
"en": "spreadsheet editor, part of Microsoft 365",
"ja": "マイクロソフトが提供する表計算ソフトウェアおよびサービス"
} |
"en": "Internet slang for someone who is deliberately inflammatory online",
"ja": "物事の順列を無作為に乱すことで、奪うことを指す語"
} |
"en": "network computer hosting or delivering a web site or application",
"ja": "Webサイトのコンテンツをクライアントに提供するサーバ"
} |
"en": "quantitative property of a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light",
"ja": "物理学において、物体や系が持っている仕事をする能力の総称"
} |
"en": "element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat",
"ja": "金属光沢という特有の光沢を持つ物質の総称"
} |
"en": "American multinational computer software company",
"ja": "アメリカのソフトウェア会社"
} |
"en": "art, science, and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation",
"ja": "光を感光剤に焼き付けたのち、現像処理をして可視化したもの"
} |
"en": "flow of electric charge",
"ja": "電荷の流れ"
} |
"en": "number of occurrences or cycles per time",
"ja": "周期的現象が、単位時間当たりに繰り返される回数"
} |
"en": "street in Manhattan",
"ja": "マンハッタンの通り"
} |
"en": "state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences",
"ja": "特定の物質、行動、人間関係を過剰に好むこと。"
} |
"en": "public town square in Downtown Cairo, Egypt",
"ja": "エジプトのカイロにある広場"
} |
"en": "red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion",
"ja": "オリオン座にある1等星"
} |
"en": "partial or total inability to hear",
"ja": "聴覚が低下した状態"
} |
"en": "imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large radius, concentric with the observer",
"ja": "全ての天体が張り付いていると考える仮想的な平面"
} |
"en": "distressing thought or behavior pattern",
"ja": "精神疾患の総称"
} |
"en": "port city in the Finistère department, Brittany, France",
"ja": "フランス・ブルターニュ地域圏フィニステール県の都市"
} |
"en": "infection transmitted through human sexual behavior",
"ja": "性行為によって感染する感染症"
} |
"en": "church in Vatican City",
"ja": "バチカンにあるカトリックの総本山"
} |
"en": "structure with height greater than width",
"ja": "接地面積に比較して著しく高い構造物"
} |
"en": "multiethnic empire with the monarchs from the Ottoman dynasty",
"ja": "オスマン家出身の君主を戴く多民族帝国"
} |
"en": "work continuously done without an external supply of energy",
"ja": "外からエネルギーを供給されなくても運動を続ける機関"
} |
"en": "market value of goods and services produced within a country",
"ja": "一定期間内に国内で産み出された付加価値の総額"
} |
"en": "province of the Philippines",
"ja": "フィリピンの州"
} |
"en": "canton of Switzerland",
"ja": "スイスの州"
} |
"en": "explosive most commonly used as propellant in firearms",
"ja": "熱などをきっかけに燃焼反応などを起こす物質"
} |
"en": "star in the constellation Auriga",
"ja": "ぎょしゃ座で最も明るい恒星"
} |
Subsets and Splits