Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Erryt Character Race: Aarakocra Character Class: Ranger Output:
Erryt, a 7 year-old Aarakocra with golden plumage, crest and wings tipped with crimson, quickly earned a reputation in his home village for being the keenest eye and sharpest shot in the community. He was given a post as the watchman, scout, and guardian in charge of keeping the village safe. He did his job well, but the gargoyles the village had been at war with managed to find the one thing Erryt couldnÕt see coming. They triggered a massive rockslide on the mountain, crushing the entire town and its inhabitants. Erryt saw no others escape the disaster, and his eyes Òare as keen as they come! Keen as they come! BRAWK!Ó Seeing he was vastly outnumbered, Erryt fled, and has been on the wing for days, having just finally lost the last of the gargoyles chasing him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Katyusha Character Race: Aarakocra Character Class: Cleric Output:
Real name !k‹_usa Lives in fantasy Soviet Union, she and Valentina are an ethnic minority. Some Aarakocra came there a long time ago and learned reindeer herding from local tribesmen. The open sky suits their culture and mentality. https://www.google.com/maps/@67.9144288,67.3602324,1094940m/data=!3m1!1e3 Grew up in a reindeer herding tribe far up north in the tundra. Went to university to become a healer-priest for her tribe. Met her girlfriend there, but her girlfriend Valentina (_alentao) went to fight in the Great Patriotic War. (Valentina is also an Aarakocra, but she and her family are from an Aarakocra neighbourhood in a city somewhere.) The War lasted for 3 years. Now it has been two more years and Valentina has not come back yet. So Katyusha wanders with her dog, Maraka, to find her lost love. Katyusha and Valentina had rings made together when Valentina left for the war. The gems in the rings glow faintly to let them know the other is alive and well. (The gem stops glowing if taken off their finger or if they die) However, it does not point to where they are, so there is no indicator other than local tales. (Valentina probably got taken as a prisoner of war or something idk)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Surkiikri Character Race: Aarakocra Character Class: Monk Output:
Surkiikri was firstborn of the ruling family of the Mistcliffs Aarakocran colony in Chult. Tradition, though not law, dictates that the noble title pass to the firstborn, but Surk was passed over for his younger sister, Krilahk, a far more charismatic leader. Surk initially turned to the monastery to hone his martial skills, but there he also found belonging in the simply life away from the headaches of responsibility. When word came to the monastery of new rumors of a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, Surk felt a deeply rooted sense of responsibility stir for the people he was born, if not chosen, to lead. He left his new home in search of this artifact with the blessing of his order going with him. Surk lives a highly conflicted inner life. He is content, happy even, with his life as a monk, though he still feels keenly the sting of not being good enough in the eyes of the Elder Council. However, deeper still, lies the truth that he never wanted to be the tribal leader. He remembers the ascension of his sister to the throne with relief mingled with guilt. This conflict of desires churns underneath the generous and altruistic attitude Surk presents to the world.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Azriel Character Race: Aasamar Character Class: Paladin Output:
He was raised the isles in a family of nobles who had close ties to the gods and there angelic guardians. Then one day an army of bone devils slaughtered all the angels and anyone related or associated with them. Azriel escapes the the isles to try and put his life back together until he is taken by slavers and returns to the isles once more to tyrants and monstrosities.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Azophyr Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Paladin Output:
Hi... I'm Azophyr. I'm a fallen aasimar devotion Paladin. After an encounter with the forces of darkness, I was cast out of the heavens. Anyway, Azophyr wears a visor on his helmet over his helmet for discretion. If he shows his face too often, he's gets recognized from ancient works of art and paintings in tombs. Syndra, however, has seen my face and knows me enough to recognize me.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mayanna Blackthorn Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Paladin Output:
Was found on the steps of a temple to Heironeous as a young child and raised by one of the paladins. Her unusual skin coloring (from being an aasimar) matched some of the descriptions of Heironeous, so the priests and paladins at the temple considered her to be blessed. She became a paladin herself and after successfully battling against forces of the evil god Hextor, she was assigned on a new mission to serve as a diplomat to a newly discovered land across the sea.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ambriel Falafel Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Paladin Output:
Ambriel, the haunted one, is on a quest to vanquish evil. Once an upstanding paladin, she made the mistake of reading an Eldrich tome. Despite destroying the tome, its words still echo in her mind, and she has slowly been losing her grip on her sanity and her alignment. Now, she clings to her mission of taking down the greatest evil, hoping for redemption, although she no longer believes she deserves it. Ambriel has fallen, and the only thing that keeps her going is knowing she's taking evil down with her. Also, she doesn't read anymore. Books are as untrustworthy as people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aldea Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Cleric (tempest) Output:
Aldea was born in a kingdom where magic was everywhere, wizards ruled, and lacking it herself, she and her family were lower-class. At some point a wealthy nobleman recognized her noble blood and decided he wanted her as a mistress. She rejected him, and he had her family tried and executed for treason, magic disintegrating them on the spot. But he left her alive, still obsessed. Terrified, Aldea begged for any god that would listen to help her, and one did: Valkyr, the god of Storms and Sailors. His power helped her to escape the city and later her country, and now she does her best to forget the past and serve her savior.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mevralen Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Paladin Output:
At a young age, Mevralen's mother, Althaea, noticed that there was something different about her child. She fled the judgement of the elves and her family to raise her child in Greenest. As young Mev grew, Althaea came to realize that there was something of the Divine about her child. She was not surprised, then, when, at the age of 8, an angel appeared and requested custody of Mevralen for a decade, to train him for his destiny as a holy protectors of all. "A decade is not so long, my dear Mev. Go with her - I will be here when you return." The angel's name was Myllandra, and as the angel quested throughout Faerun, she raised Mev in the way of the gods. She taught him of people and of the divine, and trained him in the tools of violence so he could protect the peoples of Faerun. She tempered his troubling violent streak, and taught him the importance of compassion, mercy, and understanding. As the end of of Mev's training drew near, Myllandra taught him of the mystic senses of a paladin... and Mev received a vision of Greenest in flames, his mother in danger. Against the warnings of Myllandra, Mev abandoned his training, travelling to Greenest with his Paladin Oath of Protection incomplete.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zea Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Cleric Output:
She was born to a pure blooded Aasimar family, and lived with her father and two younger sisters. Her father was very much a hippy, he constantly preached the word of Pan, and her sisters always did charity work whenever they could. Zea however became very much the opposite. While she went to church with her family without complaint, she eventually grew tired of having to praise someone she didn't even know or care about. That was when, at aged 36, she moved out to live on her own. She struggled a lot with money and debts so she, very hesitantly, began to praise the goddess Lyvalia. Very soon she became someone with a silver tongue, and was able to swindle praise and wealth out of near any common folk. But she wasn't happy, she was back at square one, worshipping someone she doesn't care for. So she researched, and found people called "Separatists", who can go against their gods and follow their own path, while still getting the benefits from their old god and staying in good graces. Now, aged 90, she strolls around miserable towns, praising herself as a powerful goddess. She shows off her holy flames and beauty like she has nothing to lose (with the occasional "Praise to Lyvalia" since she still needs to spread her word to get her benefits), and installs utter terror to those who stray from her.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Abaewin Toredas Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Wizard Output:
Backstory Abaewin Toredas lives a hard life. Born in Nybor, then leaving as soon as he was 10, to a small town in the forest, he was already unfamiliar with his surroundings. Descended from fallen angels, he never truly fit in. All his life, people had ridiculed him because of his silver hair. They all said it was grey. AbaewinÕs parents were never around, always leaving him to his own devices.When he was 20, he would wander in dark places. He didnÕt realize they were dark, but it was a place where he could get some peace and quiet, away from other people. One day, he saw a woman in the woods, and she seemed to be trying to hide in plain sight for some reason. He said ÒHelloÓ, and she jumped and said ÒHow can you see me?Ó. Abaewin said ÒWhat do you mean? ItÕs not that dark, and youÕre not trying to hide.Ó The woman responded ÒWhat do you mean not that dark? I can barely see! OhÉ are you one of those people descended from fallen angels?Ó ÒYesÓ, replied Abaewin, ÒBut I donÕt seem to have gotten anything out of it, other than my gray hairÓ. The woman said ÒMy nameÕs Zinnoara Galantara, and I might be able to teach you a thing or two. You seem to need some guidance. Or education.Ó Abaewin responded ÒMy parents arenÕt around muchÉ I guess I could learn from you.Ó (Abaewin wasnÕt exactly street smart...) Abaewin stayed with Zinnoara for quite some time, hermited away in the woods. Because of this, he wanted more. He had tasted power, as a young child, and wanted his freedom once more. He wanted it all. His parents died when he was gone, but he never found out, as he didnÕt have any love for his parents, not understanding why they were never home. But they were good people, and a large group of Divs had stormed the town, slaughtering the whole thing. The Divs were evil, and knew that AbaewinÕs parents were Peris. Abaewin took after his ancestors, though, instead of his parents. The fallen angels. If not for that, the Divs would have come long ago. However, if Abaewin had been there, he would have been killed. Anyways, Abaewin stayed and trained with Zinnoara for 50 years. His appearance didnÕt change too much, but Zinnoara grew old and died. He learned much about the world he was in, but was just starting down the path of the arcane arts when Zinnoara died. He mourned her for quite some time, then left to find a new path for himself. As he travelled, he came across a group of Sczarni. They adopted him into the family, thinking he was a normal human wizard, and he travelled with them for some time. They gifted him a pet, a small snake. Abaewen named it Meeka. 10 years later, Abaewin had learned much from his adopted family, including a few family friends in a town called Sandpoint. This turned out to be good, as one night, the family was attacked by bandits, and Abaewin was driven out, distracting the bandits long enough for the family to flee. Abaewin decided to travel to Sandpoint, as it was the only place he knew of where he could be safe. When he arrived at Sandpoint, he found the family friend, a ruthless thug named Jubrayl Vhiski at the FatmanÕs Feedbag. Abaewin stayed at the Feedbag for 6 years, doing odd jobs around the place. During his stay, he learned about the locals, and a few tricks of the trade.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jasna Bek Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Fighter Output:
Jas grew up in the city of Vier as the daughter of a dyer and a hunter of exotic beasts. Her parents were loving and her home cramped but comfortable. With both a keen sense of justice and uncommon size and strength from a young age, Jas spent a lot of her childhood beating up neighborhood bullies. Her peers regarded her with a mixture of fear and respect, the proportions of which varied depending on how likely they were to earn her ire. She didnÕt make friends easily, and her clear divine heritage only increased her distance from the other children. Although sheÕs not naturally a solitary person, Jas learned to entertain herself, whether by reading history or honing her physical skills. When she was 16, Jas chased down a burglar who had stolen from a neighbor and hit him so hard that, in the middle of a public street, he flew back and slammed into a wall. She didn't kill him, but it was frightening enough that she and her parents decided she should join the military to receive training and learn discipline. The military suited Jas--she loved the hierarchy, the routine, the sense of doing what was right. As someone highly athletic, committed to following the rules, and with a commanding presence, she excelled. She spent ten years in the army, rising from teenage enlisted soldier to officer. Just before her next promotion, however, a scandal broke. The country Vier is located in, Mohrany, used to be united with their neighbor, Sacreden. The Sacredi ambassador, it turned out, had been secretly gathering intelligence and compiling lists of Mohranian citizens who would be eligible for a draft (the draft is currently not in use in Mohrany, but used to be, and is highly controversial). When this was discovered, a fellow soldier got ahold of the information and anonymously leaked it to the public. This was illegal, a clear breach of the code of conduct and of confidentiality, and Jas worried that making public the treachery and subsequent embarrassment of a sometimes unfriendly ally would cause a war, one in which she or her fellow soldiers would be among the first to die. She took it upon herself to investigate, tracked down the whistleblower, and brought him up on charges in military court. Then, in court, the goddess that Jas served as an aasimar and as a paladin--Cio, goddess of law, justice, and order--judged her to be in the wrong and cast her down, stripping her of her angelic powers. Jas fell. Everything collapsed quickly after that. So publicly humiliated, Jas was quietly encouraged to leave the military, and she did. Her loss of faith in Cio, spurred by an inability to understand how a goddess of law could take the side of a lawbreaker over a devoted servant, caused her to lose her paladin powers. She spent a year and a half meandering through Vier's worst dive bars, drinking and getting into fights. She made a few friends, but more enemies. Jas hit rock bottom when she realized there wasn't a bar in her rotation that she hadn't been kicked out of for fighting. She vowed to clean up her act, and spent time re-learning how to wield a sword without divine power behind it. Soon, she was good enough to look for jobs, and was eventually taken on by the Rana family, new nobility who didn't care about the optics of her past. She's been working for the Ranas for a year now, and she likes them a lot, but recently she's begun to be suspicious of their adult son, Ere. Figuring out what he gets up to when he disappears might just lead her down a strange path.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Solveig Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
One night Nissanai, an Iroran hermit dwelling in the Menador Mountains, gave shelter Ð and eventually other comforts Ð to a mysterious traveler who vanished from her tower the next morning, leaving no footprints in the snow. When she birthed fraternal triplets the following autumn she recognized them immediately for the Idyllkin that they were and felt their names whispered to her by the providence of the Heavenly realms. Recognizing both the great blessing and responsibility laid upon her, the lone sage set about raising the three girls in a manner befitting their heritage. She lay all of her learning as a scholar of the Master of Masters at their disposal and brought them up knowing endless learning and love. Nissanai's efforts did not go to waste. The eldest cleaved to the holiness of her god, vowing to protect all good-hearted seekers of knowledge who crossed the treacherous mountain passes. The middle daughter focused on Irori's aspect of honorable self-perfection and enlightenment with a monk's dedication. Then there was Solveig, who was nothing like her sisters and like her mother least of all. For while she respected Irori, she had no patience for the Master of Masters' stern teachings; no patience for anything at all, really. The windy mountains in which she was born infused her with their power, but she had no interest in perfecting her magic through scholarly study. Worldly learning bored her no less. Indeed, the only non-fiction books in her mother's vast library that could hold her interest were military treatises and manuals on hand-to-hand combat, leaving her with a wide array of technical knowledge but little understanding of its practical application. Frequently coming up the loser in sparring matches with her more martially-rigorous sisters never curbed Solveig's enthusiasm, however. When Nissanai passed away at peace with the life she'd led, the girls each felt the blessing their mother had on the day of their birth. They knew the time had come to leave their mountain home and bring the good their mother had brought them up believing in to the troubled outside world. For her part, Solveig knows she is part of a great plan, but worries little about what her next move will be, preferring to let her journey happen as it happens. She rarely plans ahead, getting by on a mix of charm, guile, and bluster. She dresses impractically, flirts recklessly, and spends money without even thinking. She has used her magic to fortify her against the harsh climate of her home constantly rather than learn to cope with it practically, with the unintended side effect that her natural Celestial resistance against certain elements has atrophied away to nothing. But for all her flaws, her heart is pure and full of fearsome and protective love. She does not know what cause for which her Celestial father sired her, but she knows that when she finds it she will defend it with every last drop of her Agathion blood. At 5'11Ó, Solveig is taller than either of her sisters, with proportions improbable for one so slender. Despite her willowy build, her heavenly heritage endows her with unexpected speed, strength, and stamina. The white stripes on her skin are easily mistaken for body paint, but are in fact pigment as natural as the stripes of a zebra or tiger. Less subtle marks of her heritage are hair a shade of red not found in nature (which lightens to radiant blonde during times of heavy magic use) and eyes the color of electrum coins. Easily mistaken for a woman of low morals and social class, Solveig is more than happy to use her appearance to her advantage right up until the moment when her quarterstaff begins breaking greedy hands and knocking lecherous heads.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lydia Fallon Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Weird musician bard Output:
You don't want to hear about me. I'm not very interesting. I can do interesting things and say interesting things, but listening to me talk about me isn't very interesting. The interesting person you want to hear about is my mother. You may know here. Well, not personally. But you might know her name. Amelia Grace, the Lady Scarlet, singer, mage, musician, magician, muse-gician. One of the most sought after performers inÉ inÉ I'm not sure. I don't do well with names and places. Some big, importantÉ thingy. Maybe the city. Maybe an empire. It's hard to remember, as I was very small at the time, so I would be unlikely to fully recall even if I hadn't had my head cut apart and put back together two or three or twenty five times. It's very tingly. Kind of refreshing to feel the fresh air blowing over your thoughts. Mother was not one to cling to fame and fortune with every fiber of her being like some people would. Her life was music and her life was magic, and sometimes when she had time her life was me. She was always looking into new things, and old things, and old things that were so old that they had been forgotten about and thus had become new again. And one of these things was what would come to be called the Song of Life. Said to be sung by the very gods themselves when they brought the world into being, through manipulation of the song one could change the growth of crops, affect the breeding of animals, make creatures grow faster, make them stronger, make them faster, make them tougher, make them different. Make them never die. Mother traced the echoes of the song, heard them in her dreams. Followed them to a temple in the middle of wilderness, buried beneath sand and soil of the centuries in a place where even the oldest writings say nothing about anyone ever having lived there. And deep down in the dark, in that unspeakably ancient temple to an unspeakable being of unspeakable power who was unspeakably ancient when the gods were born, she drilled a teeny, tiny hole in reality and for a few brief moments heard something singing the Song itself. Not merely an echo. She made the hole go away and fled the temple, never to return. Knowing to what extent the Song could be put to use. But people were listening. Always listening. Trying to understand the echoes of the Song of Life. So when they heard a few moments of actual singing they took advantage. Just a little school of magic and music out in the countryside. Not particularly important. Not until they found that could keep things alive, keep them healthy, keep them from dying from old age indefinitely. Learn how to Sing, learn the notes, the chords, the tones, the tempos to the Song of Life. Sing the right words in the right ways in the right keys and live forever. Sing it loud enough, sing it long enough, and no part of you dies. There's a term for that. When bits of you that are supposed to die don't, when they keep on living when they shouldn't. It's called cancer. It is not a fun way to die. It is an even fun less way to remain alive. And they couldn't stop. They had bettered themselves such that their bodies always sang the songs, forever to life, never to die. And soon the song spread beyond them. Their mere presence making things grow, making things live, making things never die. Illnesses are alive. Diseases are alive. Plagues are alive. The places in the world that are crammed to the brim with life, the grand cities, the fertile rainforests, they are places where contagions thrive. Those who sought to never die screamed and wailed in their agonies as their bodies were consumed by virulent sickness. Healing, infecting, rotting, and healing again in an endless cycle of consumption. Not even the slightest bit of them was allowed to die, not even one hair made to fall away from their heads. They grew, bloated, warped, twisted, becoming less beings and more locations, living rooms, buildings, factories of flesh and bone, belching forth abominations. It was to this landscape of carnal horror that Mother returned to. And she purged it with fire. Purged it until the valley was glass. Father was having troubles with theÉ king? Emperor? Duke? Count? Well, the thing pretending to be him. Some creature was wearing the old king's skin and hiding inside it. Father stayed behind, while Mother took me and we went away. Away to a pretty little valley filled with simple farmers, remote wilderness, and narrow, easily watched canyons on either side as the sole entrance where she could place guardian beasts just in case the agents of the Skinmask King came calling. And then one day they did. Once again in search of the Song of Life and its power. Wanting to make perfect soldiers. Immortal soldiers. Undying soldiers. The King sent his blackest of knights, who slew my mother's dragon, came to the town, burned the town when Mother would not give them what they wanted. And then Mother did. Mother sang the Song of Life for them, and then the misty valley was no more. It was no longer part of the world. It was where She dwells. Not the composer of the song, but the singer. It's loudest, longest singer who has grown a world's chorus worth of voices in the eternities she has spent, cast between worlds. She was not supposed to live, but she could not die. So she simply was. In an eternal emptiness there is infinite room to grow, where years are like seconds and seconds are like years. She gave them what they wanted. And they killed her for it. Mother fought them, of course. And they died. And Mother died. But She brought them back. To watch them. To study them. To experiment with them. Everyone, everything, animal, vegetable, and mineral in that valley. She cut us apart, put us back together, saw how we worked with other parts. She was curious, wanting to learn. She didn't get new things to experiment on very often, and certainly not in such large numbers. She found Mother the most interesting, and the most malleable. Mother was already filled with Her song, after all, and She could manipulate her almost as well as She could warp and twist Herself. She could cut cut cut away the bad parts, keep us normal, make sure that we remained fully functional and intact even as she hacked us to pieces and put us back together. After a few seconds and a few decades Mother had a moment of lucid clarity where her mind was her own and not merely an extension of She Who Thrives Between. Her body, however, was another story. She lifted me up, drilled a bigger hole in reality, and pushed me through, closing it upon the part of herself that was carrying me. I left yesterday a little girl, and came back this morning as a grownÉ mmm, with all the changes, all the bestial alterations, would I still be classified as a woman, do you think? Perhaps if I had a few more scales and a bit more snout I would be called a grown dragoness. I don't have my mother's gift for magic. I cannot cast spells, summon beasts, and bind creatures to my will as she did. And for this I am thankful, as it means that I cannot truly sing the Song of Life that can cause such horrors upon the world. I don't know the words. I think Mother cut the words out of my head when she was taking me apart and putting me back together, made to act as a puppet with Her hand inside. I can make living things listen to me, I can change them. I can make them dance to my tune. Music can only suggest a mood, it takes words to state the way that something truly is. I can't do that. I don't want to do that. I won't do that. I will use the tune, but I'll be using my own lyrics, thank you very much. Have you ever realized that you'd be really, really cute with a tail, by the way? Here, let me show you...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Andromeda Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Cleric Output:
Andromeda is an aasimar born to two moon elves. Born intersex, Andromeda identifies as agender, and worships Salune. As a child, they were quite petulant and thought themself smarter than everyone else. This did not help with the constant bullying for strange looks, but Andromeda maintains that they are merely superior and everyone is jealous. As they reached their young adult years, they began to feel a spiritual pull, though they were unsure to what. First, they researched. Having no success, they travelled in nearby villages visiting temples of all sorts. Much to their frustration, the pull remained though they felt nothing at the temples. After many years of research and many visits to temples, Andromeda finally came home. Soon, they found that the shrine ot Salune called their name, and there found their patron diety. This is the only instance where Andromed will admit to being blind and stubborn, though they insist looking elsewhere for a god to worhsip was part of their spiritual journey to Salune. These days, Andromeda travels from town to town assisting those who worhsip Salune. They are in the protection domain, and often extend this to anyone, regardless of which god or godes sthey swear loyalty to. It is unclear if this is due to their years as a wanderer seeking meaning, or simply because they feel the protection of Salune should not be picky.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ronan Character Race: Alien Character Class: Wizard Output:
Has lots of legs, like really lots of legs. And was born on Mooranista a far away planet in the galaxy of Noooooooooooooooooooz. Has had many adventures and always brings a trusty glass of water along.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sigil Character Race: Android Character Class: Bloodrager Output:
Arc 1 - Waking up in Scrapwall and the Arena The android never knew how she ended up in Scrapwall. Her first memory was a sudden awakening on a dirty workshop table with a grease-covered ratfolk, holding a saw blade, stepping back in shock. Once he, and his benefactors, realized that she wasn't going to be an easy source of parts, they decided on another way to make money off of her. And that's how she met with Redtooth, leader of Redtooth's Raiders. Redtooth made her an offer; in exchange for her fighting for Redtooth's Raiders in the Scrapwall arena, the Raiders would keep her take care of her and once they had made enough money off of her, they would help her find out more about how she ended up in Scrapwall, including the details of how she had ended up on that scrapyard table.For lack of better options, and knowing a that a 'no' would probably land her back on that workshop table, the android accepted. As the months passed, the android, now going by Sigil, a name taken from the sole legible glyph she found on her body, "S(1)- G(1)-L", rose through the rankings in the arena. She was an immediate source of profit for the Raiders, as there was easy money in betting on the newcomer against the tried and true arena fighters. But between her bursts of unnatural rage and the claws Sigil found herself inexplicably equipped with, she made quick work of the various opponents she was pitted against. Sigil quickly became accustomed to these fights, and even began to draw pride over her prowess in the arena and the strength she displayed. Over time however, as her strength became known, there were few who were still willing to fight against her in the arena, and even more crucially, even fewer who were willing to bet against her. Though Sigil had been focused on fulfilling her side of the bargain with the Raiders, she had still made a few acquaintances among the residents of Scrapwall. In a place where people would pounce on a perceived moment of weakness, these friendships were a rare treasure. It was one of these friends, Dinvaya Lanalei, who let her know of some troubling rumors being circulated. It seemed Redtooth and the rest of the Raiders were growing dissatisfied with the diminishing returns Sigil was producing for them in the arena. There was talk among the less cautious Raiders that Sigil would soon be invited to a meeting among the various gangs, and that some high-end cybernetics might be making their way to the market shortly thereafter. Seeing which way the winds were blowing in Scrapwall, Sigil began assembling her few belongings surreptitiously. Late that evening, she made her way to Redtooth's favored resting place and confronted her directly. After some bluster, countered a swift application of pressure to Redtooth's throat, the gang leader admitted that the Raiders were planning on getting one last piece of profit out of Sigil by having her ambushed and scrapped in order to sell her cybernetics to the highest bidder. In exchange for her life, Redtooth revealed that the Raiders had no idea about Sigil's past, only that she had been found discarded in the nearby wastelands by a scavenging party. They thought she might have been an abandoned Technic League project, since no one had heard of an android quite like her before, but that was only a guess at best. Enraged by their deception, Sigil stormed her way out of Scrapwall before the Raiders could gather their forces to confront her. Leaving her few friends, and several new enemies behind, she vowed never to return. Redtooth's Raiders, meanwhile, soon found themselves dealing with a slew of new problems in the following days and thoughts of pursuing Sigil were soon discarded. Arc 2 - Working for a Blue Dragon and awakening my draconic heritage After she left Scrapwall in the dead of night, Sigil found herself wandering the wastelands of Numeria. Bereft of purpose, she fought whatever beasts she came across, seeking familiarity in contest of strength similar to what she had done in the arena. Rumors of a wandering android fighting wild beasts barehanded soon began circulating among the various outposts in the wastes. One day, Sigil found herself confronted by an ancient blue dragon who introduced himself as Elagos. Elagos had decided to establish a lair in the deserts of Numeria, finding both the climate and preponderance of rare technology agreeable to him. He claimed to have become interested in Sigil after he detected a whiff of blue dragon ancestry in her creation. Elagos offered Sigil the opportunity to serve him as an emissary in the region, in exchange for which he promised he would help her awaken her heritage. Without a greater purpose, and eager to find out anything about her past, Sigil accepted, contingent on Elagos not requiring her to do anything that would impinge on her morals. A fastidious negotiator, Elagos had Sigil sign a contract outlining each of their responsibilities to each other and providing Sigil with reassurance that while he sought a valuable employee, he did not seek to exploit her in the same fashion her benefactors did. For the next few years, Sigil wondered the various outposts and wastelands of Numeria, collecting what scraps of technology she could for Elagos and protecting his interests in the area as he continued to develop his schemes. She became well-known among the local Kellid tribes as 'that dragon's minion' which granted her a certain degree of protection against more hostile interests that she was yet unaware of. In exchange for her work, Elagos spend some of his time tutoring her in the history and power of the chromatic dragons, awakening within her a greater portion of her bloodline. Soon, she found herself more in control of her draconic heritage and capable of greater feats of strength and magic than she had thought possible. However, all good things must draw to an end. After a period of time, Elagos had determined that his relationship with Sigil had reached the end of it's worth. There were no further easily accessible artifacts that he could locate for her to acquire and his lair and relationships with the Kellid outposts nearby had been sufficiently developed that her work as an emissary was no longer needed. Not seeing the point in destroying a valuable resource he might be able to use again in the future, Elagos informed Sigil that he would not be needing her services for the foreseeable future. He offered her a few trinkets from the horde he had amassed in Numeria and wished her well on her next steps so long as they didn't cross purposes in the future. Arc 3 - Fending off the Technic League and returning to Numeria After leaving Elago's service, Sigil finally felt like she had a grasp on who she was and what she could do. She decided to indulge in her wanderlust and see more of what Golarion had to offer outside of the wastelands of Numeria. With nothing keeping her in Numeria, she decided to begin exploring some of the nearby River kingdoms, seeking to make her fortune and find new challenges. Unfortunately for her, while an android wandering in Numeria might not elicit more than casual gossip, her novelty in the river lands attracted a great deal more attention. Within weeks of her arrival in River Kingdoms, plenty of the local settlements had heard crazy stories about the human-like construct tearing through the local monsters with claws and lightning. One night, Sigil found herself confronted by a wizard and his entourage. The wizard arrogantly identified himself as a member of the Technic League and ordered Sigil to accompany him back to Numeria so that she could be studied forthwith. When she balked at his demands, he set his entourage upon her. It did not go well for him. With his entourage beaten and bloodied around him and his spellbook torn in half by Sigil, the wizard found himself feeling a lot more diplomatic and quickly explained to Sigil that rumors of her appearance and actions in the river kingdoms had made it's way back in Numeria. The Technic League was loath to have any technology, living or otherwise, escape Numeria and had begun assembling reclamation parties to bring her back and examine her, dead or alive, to see how exactly she was accomplishing these rumored feats that would be impossible for most androids. He warned her that while she had bested him without much difficulty, he was only an advance party who had gotten ambitious and thought he could handle her with the group he had with him. The wizard warned her that she would be hunted to the ends of Golarian by the Technic League and that the League would not forget the slights against them that she had committed this day. In his haste to remain useful and, accordingly, alive, the wizard let slip that there were others that the Technic League had begun monitoring. A group of adventurers had been involved in a recent incident in Torch where the eponymous torch had gone out for a time before being relit. Since then, they had been seen wandering Numeria and had been tied to several other incidents of interest to the League, including rumors of a former, presumed deceased, member Furkas Xoud resurfacing. After pumping her new acquaintance for as much information as he would give her regarding the Technic League and their intentions towards her, she decided to return to Numeria where she would be better able to blend in as one android among many while she pondered her next steps. It seemed to her that there was safety in numbers, and if these adventurers mentioned by her recent acquaintance were of interest to the League, she might find some allies to help her against the League. With that in mind, she began making her way to Torch, to see if she could track down her prospective new allies and see if they were worth her time.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lumi Worldwandered Character Race: Anthropomorphic cockroach Character Class: Gunslinger Output:
The 36th Most Radiant Daughter of Her Royal Highness Queen Radiance, Illuminator of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Our Lady of Magnificent Radiance, Blessed of the Chalice of St. Roentgen, etc etc, Lumi's full name is one of six possible arrangements of her mother's three primary titles, and as the sixth one with that particular arrangement she appends the numerical designation "hex" onto her primary title to get her name. Luci and Ray are the other names, with the numeric suffixes -ein, -dos, -tre, -qua, -quint, -hex, -sept, -oct, -nova, and -deci. The 11th would be named Lumieinein and beyond that increasing the second suffix by 1. Fortunately for the rest of the world, they are in no danger of being overwhelmed by Roachfolk, as while known for twins and triplets being the norm for births, only the Roachfolk Queen has the capacity to churn out offspring in the dozens. The Queen herself is a mutation brought about by drinking the glowing liquid that slowly gathers in the sacred Chalice of St. Roentgen over the course of a decade, resulting in what would be dubbed an arthropod-centaur, as the exactly appearance of the Queen varies. Shining Warqueen Aurora, for example, had the lower body of a scorpion which served her very well in battle. As the 36th eligible daughter for the throne, Lumi's never been at all likely to ascend to the position of queen, and aside from a rudimentary course in courtly manners, she was mostly left to secure her own pursuits, which are monsters, magitek, magic, and mayhem. Well, at least that's what other people call the mix of magic, technology, and alchemy that roachfolk use that is rather likely to violently explode. Lumi's preferred brand is somewhat less about explosions and more about delivering electric shocks and setting things on fire. Lumi hails from the city-state of Raven Mesa, the vast majority of which is underground, the royal palace of which serves to act as a guardpost into an ancient outpost filled with magitek. The city as a whole is somewhat a rival to Whitecliff Island as a place of study for everything, magical, mundane, magitechnological, alchemical, and scientific. A biothanolocomologist (we study living things and dead things that are still moving!) Lumi has gotten a grant from her university to travel the world and conduct research involving the various sorts of monstrous critters that hang about in various areas. Primarily to see if there are any bits that can be used in alchemy and how good they might taste when prepared properly. It is believed that the Chalice of St. Roentgen is a prototype of a magitek artifact that created the various breeds of Folk, as all the Radiant Royal caste Roachfolk, born from the bloodline of Raven Mesa's past queens, all of whom drunk from the Chalice, have displayed the capacity to induced limited, temporary physical and mental changes in others. Though exactly how it works has not been figured out, it has something to do with magical wavelengths of energy emitted from the Royal's luminescent patches while they perform what is known as St. Roentgen's Glow.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Illithrian Mallaiorn Character Race: Aquatic half-elf Character Class: Storm sorcerer Output:
Pirates usually left Illithrian's small fishing village alone. Rarely was there a reason to pay them any attention and not worth the risk of angering the village's aquatic allies. The day Captain Harlot heard rumors of a small boy who could change the winds during a tantrum that he decided the reward was worth it. They found the boy easily enough playing on the docks. He was the only Half-Elf with blue hair and skin to be seen. With only minimal bloodshed, the pirates returned to the ship, the boys screams nearly causing the rowboat to capsize numerous times by conjures waves on a calm sea. Captain Harlot took him in and raised the boy as her own, treating him with all the love he could want, assuring him that she world protect him form all the mean pirates and convincing him that life with her was better than life in the fishing village. It was all a lie though. Captain Harlot had instructed the crew to torment the boy so she could play hero. She cultivated a loyal and strong and deadly sorcerer. Illithrian learned the truth when he was 16, when he overheard one of the old crew explaining to a new recruit the whole story. Illithrian set the ship on fire, rowboats and all. He dove overboard and swam 3 miles to shore. He wandered, exhausted, into the nearest pub and ordered "A whiskey on the roughest day of his life" and kept drinking until someone bumped into him. He turned around, punching a massive Goliath right in the ribs. A bit offput by this tiny boy taking a swing at him, Momak hesitated until the boy decided to swing with a follow through. Illithrian was soundly beaten but before he went down he released a burst of thunderous force, knocking everyone around him back. Seeing potential in the kid, the captain of Momak's ship called the fight off and invited Illithrian aboard as a member of his crew. No strings attached, Illithrian freely offered his services to the crew, though to this day 2 years later he still thinks Momak is going to murder him in his sleep.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: B4D Character Race: Beeforged Character Class: Bard Output:
B4D is a beeforged bard who was originally a warforged, a golem built for war. But living as long as they have, they have long period without war or conflict frequently. As such they've turned to more peaceful pursuits, such as learning music and entertaining the people. During this time they slowly were reclaimed by nature, but rather than being destroyed by it, they absorbed it. B4D is a golem full of bees. They are lawful evil, and follow their own strict set of morals, but being a machine for war, they have no hesitance to kill.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Blake Lucifurr Character Race: Birali (homebrew, sort of like a cat-folk) Character Class: Rogue Output:
My Birali mother raised me as a master cat burglar and taught me all of her tricks. I looked up to her like a role model, because that's what kids do. I didn't know any better. We were a dynamic duo from the moment I could do the sneaky sneaks. Then came the moment that I came of age, the moment we could pull off the scam of the century, the day that my mom had been training me for. I was never given the details, but we were going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams. It was so big that we needed a trusted friend, a simple human by the name of Phoenix Dunbar who had helped us a few other times, as an extra distraction. The morning came, I was excited, nothing could go wrong. We prepared all day and I could barely contain my excitement. As the sun started to set, we arrived at our destination. But something was wrong. There were too many people there. Mom looked concerned and after a moment, the truth was revealed. She turned to me and told me to run. Phoenix had compromised us. I sneakily ran, only looking back to see my mother outnumbered by half a dozen men. The rest was a blur. I had nowhere to go. I bought necessities with the money I had on me and stole anything else that I needed to survive. I now realize that what my mother and I did was wrong. I'd like the opportunity to right the wrongs in my life and to be a better person (to an extent). It's hard to trust others in fear of "the incident" happening again, but I can manage. If only there were an adventure that I can join to prove my worth.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ayeru Urthadar Character Race: Birali turned back to human Character Class: Rogue/paladin Output:
Ayeru lived with her mother most of her life, as her father was off fighting in the army. They lived in a small village, Mirefield, within the kingdom of Vale. Around the time Ayeru was seven years old, Mirefield was plagued by famine. Ayeru's mother would always insist that Ayeru eat more than her. She claimed it was because Ayeru needed the nourishment to grow and she didn't. After a year, many had perished and others were on the verge of death. Ayeru and her mother were among them. Ayeru watched as her mother slowly starved to death, always giving Ayeru what little food they had. Without her mother around to care for her, Ayeru soon met the same fate. Yet, that is not the end of her tale. She soon sprung awake on a cold stone table, looking at a high roof. As she looked around, she spotted a white bearded man, dressed in a dark robe. He was delighted to see she was alive and well. She felt alive and better, now, but felt very different, at the same time. As she continued to scan the room she saw a figure crumpled on the floor. It appeared to be human, but with cat-like features. She felt like she knew the creature, but could quite tell why. The wizard told her that he was pleased things went better this time and that he could fix the problems from his first attempt. He apologized that, sadly, her mother did not survive the experiment. Then, it hit her like a brick wall. The thing lying on the ground, that twisted corpse, was her mother. The wizard did all he could on consul her and keep her calm. After assuring her that everything would be alright, he left and returned with food, water, and a mirror. He handed Ayeru the mirror before anything else, telling her to have a look. She looked in the mirror to see that she now had cat ears atop her head, whiskers on her face, fur covering her body, claws coming out her fingers, and a tail extending out of her back. She was different, but at least she was alive. Over the following year, the wizard took care of Ayeru. His name was Xavallan Reonro. Ayeru had lost a lot of her memory, but would regain the occasional fragment. Xavallan may have cared for her, but he was no father. He would subject her to the tests and write reports about the results. To him, she was no longer a person. She was his creation. His pet. Eventually, Ayeru grew tired of this, and fled the tower by cover of the night. She ran as far away as she could. She swore vengeance against Xavallan. She promised to end him before he could hurt others the way he hurt her and her mother. However, living on her own was not easy. She was shunned by many simply because of her looks. She lived on the streets, eating rodents and trash like an animal, for that's what she was to them, an animal. She soon began stealing and burgling to make money. Her cat-like abilities made this easy for her. One day, she was spotted crawling out of a rather secure house's basement. Her spotter approached her with an opportunity. She could join a spy ring and make good money stealing information. She would be given somewhere to live, somewhere to belong. She excitedly agreed and began her new life as a spy. She was a prodigy. She could easily hide in plain sight with the right disguise. She got information as fast as she could and got out as soon as she could. She outed corrupt artisans. Destroyed evil aristocrats. She was finally making a difference in the world. Until, she slipped up. Loftaren had necromancer problems for years, and when it was found out that a local wizard and shopkeep was conspiring with them, all magic and magic casters were banned from the city. Yet, the lord of the city, Evandir, was a sorcerer himself. Ayeru was tasked to fix this. Reveal his secret and get him thrown away. And she did exactly that. She got the information she needed to prove his guilt and got him thrown in prison. The only problem was, he was a fine leader, but those who replaced him, were not. The military stepped in and took over. They were cruel, harsh, and abusive. The people wanted them out, but could do nothing. So, Ayeru set out to fix her mistake. She went around, disguising herself to be near nobles and the like in hopes of finding a group of adventurers to aid her. Or better yet, a group with the same goal in mind.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Oorr' Character Race: Birdfolk Character Class: Monk Output:
He was given to the monastery when he was a child to be trained as a guardian of one of the pieces of the rod of Eight Parts. The monastery was raided whilst he was away and the piece of the rod was stolen. He is learning about humans and the races in order to find someone that can help him in his quest. He has become obsessed with finding those who deface or misuse treasure and is often violent towards them. He has grown up with no concept of his own possession and struggles to respect exclusivity in the property of others. He is not smart but he likes care in thought towards others. Complex traps and riddles baffle him but he is lightning fast at avoiding projectiles and sudden attacks.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Druid Druidson Character Race: Blue dragonborn Character Class: Druid Output:
Born Arkthokk to a tribe of dragonborn in the mountains of Tullya, Druid did not take well to the Tribes tradition of robbing travellers and hording gold and treasures. On his 12th birthday he ran away, eventually collapsing in the swamps of K'Tharr. Fortunately, he was found by a Druid named Jeremy Muckmouth, who took him in and taught him the Druidic ways. Unfortunately for Druid, he never took well to learning Common, only learning how to say the word Druid, which is where his new pseudonym came from. Also, Druid never truly mastered his wild shapes, always retaining his bright blue colouration in each new shape. When Jeremy died, Druid set off to find his place in the world and a new family.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Axracel Character Race: Bugbear Character Class: Wizard Output:
A BugBear. Hes magic. Run.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Geeto Character Race: Cambion Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Geeto prefers to pretend their full name (Gee To) is one word. Actually Gee is not their first name but it's difficult to pronounce if you don't speak Infernal so they shorten it. If people ask if it's with a hard G or a soft G he always says "I'm flexible... Do what feels right." and winks. Their mother was a succubus, and their father was of course the Demon Lord Graz'zt. Geeto rejects the gifts of both parents rather strongly, identifying as asexual and strongly abhorring being sticky in any way, and not caring very much about murder, although not being opposed to it happening to people, really. They probably deserve it, as far as he's concerned. Stupid mortals. (He is not immortal, but he figures 1000 years is close enough and refers to many species as mortals though this is ironic). However, he does pretend to be much more evil and bloodthirsty than he is, having spent a lot of his time hanging out with a group of his half-sibling cambions who are genuinely evil and bloodthirsty, but managing to talk his way out of ever doing very much harm. Given their lineage, they are very well suited to seducing people (though, yuck, about committing to that) to get them to do what they want, and also just pretending to be much better at inflicting murder and pain than they technically are, or, more commonly, pretending that such an easy kill is beneath their notice, deferring to their comrades to carry out the execution. He'd accomplished this by learning a little bit of illusionary magic and smooth talking through a couple of not-as-blood-as-they-looked encounters, but eventually the other cambions realized he wasn't actually that into hurting people and being demon-y, but was rather just going along for something to do and not having anyone else to hang out with. The other cambions did not very much enjoy being tricked and beat him pretty badly, which was easy, because he is a very feeble squishy mage. Geeto was obviously not readily accepted by the less-demony cultures of humans, elves, etc, but they hadn't expected to become a target of their own kind as well simply because they didn't really have bloodlust. But that is what happened. Geeto did not have all the patience to learn magic from books like wizards, and so to solidify their plan at getting vengeance on their cambion compatriots, they decided to make their new goal of killing the Demon Lord Graz'zt a double-slight by making a sorcerer's pact with Asmodeus. They are fully aware that Asmodeus is probably using them in a plot with a greater means to a greater end, but they don't doubt Asmodeus wouldn't mind having something to hold over Graz'zt, so they aren't particularly worried about their own safety and are sure Asmodeus will be a faithful sorcerer sponsor. At least, for now. Their alliance currently has more benefits than costs, and Geeto doesn't anticipate that changing much in the future. Geeto is not especially friendly towards many people, and sort of ambivalent towards those he's not sure can help him further his goals. However, if he does give anyone a bit of his time, he's likely to be more interested in them if they're nice to him, because he's secretly pretty lonely and has a lot of angst. He also looks extremely much like Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way's wet dream, which he absolutely will use to his advantage as long as he can escape before anything sticky happens. He doesn't have a thing about dirt, really, just...moderate to highly viscious things. Which contributes to his aversion for killing people (blood, is gross, ew). His "fake persona" he uses when he'd rather not tell people he made a pact with Asmodeus is Waukeen. Graz'zt has apparently been super mean to her so he's pretending he's gotten her to make a special case for making a pact with him so he can kill Graz'zt. This is mostly when he wears his white clothes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chase Tales Character Race: Catfolk Character Class: Ranger Output:
Raised on tales of adventure and bravery, Chase set out to find his own story
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nessarr Whispering Wind Character Race: Catfolk Character Class: Scout Output:
A light breeze stirred the grasslands as the group traveled through them. Every day they camped and every day they got up and moved again, but that was how it always was and that was how it always would be. Each morning, most of the hunters would leave them and return only shortly before nightfall with their prizes. The ones left behind would guard the tribe and act as scouts, eager for their turn to go out again the next day. While walking, the women spent most of the time gathering certain types of berries, bark, and flowers they knew to be edible in preparation for the nightly cooking. When the hunters returned, they would skin and dress the meat with what they had and roast it or boil it while the rest of the group set up the encampment. Usually circular in nature with a central communal area, the encampments were designed for quick escape should it become necessary. Generally the lot was a fun bunch, playing and joking with one another. However, they were also generally quite emotional and sometimes those emotions boiled and escalated quickly. Fights between hunters could happen in the blink of an eye and after a quick scuffle they would be back to joking again. This was the life of the Whispering Wind tribe of catfolk. Nera Whispering Wind was one of the smallest women in the tribe. So small, in fact, that when the tribe camped close to a small settlement of humanoids she was commonly mistaken for a child. She embraced it, however, as in addition to being small she was quite quick and agile. When the Kaor Orcs attacked the Whispering Wind tribe, Nera was only a girl but she had already grown dextrous and was able to escape and hide until they left. Half of the tribe had been killed or taken prisoner that night and only one had since returned. Therrass Whispering Wind was the greatest hunter the tribe had ever known. He alone was able to escape the Orcs, by slipping out of the chains they thought were secure. It was said that in the original attack he killed a dozen orcs before he was taken. It took him two weeks to track down and rejoin his tribe and when he did the first one to welcome him back was Nera, out scouting after the cooking was finished. Two years later, their first son Nessarr was born. Nessarr Whispering Wind, named after a favorite uncle of Nera's who was no longer living, seemed to have the best qualities of both parents when growing up. He was smaller than the other children, but not by much, and he had just as much speed and agility as his mother. He longed to join the hunters in their daily rotation and his mother was only able to hold him back so long before she could not help any longer but allow him to apprentice himself. It was common for boys to follow in the footsteps of their uncle, rather than their father, but neither parent had living siblings. Nessarr instead chose Densharr, a great hunter and a friend of his father's, to guide his path. Densharr was also quite spiritual and in addition to following Fharlanghn like the rest of the wandering tribe, he had a spiritual guide that he could regularly be heard speaking to. Some thought this a sign of approaching senility but most paid it no heed. Densharr taught Nessarr, along with his other apprentice Mersharr, to open themselves up to contact from their spiritual guide so that one day they might gain the confidence of one of their own. They often went on hunting trips, sometimes spending days away from the tribe so they could learn how to use tracks to find their way back. The three of them hunted together, wandered together, and lived together. They practiced stealth and subterfuge, once even stalking a human caravan as it traveled between settlements. Nessarr loved it, and embraced the training. Before long he surpassed his fellow apprentice and approached his master in skill. Mersharr, instead of resenting Nessarr for this, embraced him as a brother and often joked with him about his father, teasing that he would never approach the skill of the greatest hunter to have ever lived. Despite learning quickly, however, Nessarr had quite a short attention span. Often was the case where Densharr would be lecturing on which flowers would be deadly if swallowed or during which season it was best to hunt predatory animals, only to find Nessarr looking in other directions or seemingly lost in thought. Nessarr was also naturally curious, being a catfolk, but he sometimes seemed to take it to a new level. Once, while stalking a group of adventurers, he walked right up to them and introduced himself. He had never seen adventurers before and wanted to speak with them. They spoke with him for a few minutes, asking if he was in any trouble and what kind of reward they could get if they helped him, but they quickly realized that he was just a wanderer. A few months after that encounter, the three were taking a four day trip to scout the mountains north of where the tribe was. It was the first time Nessarr had ever been anywhere other than open grassland or forest and the rocky terrain was new to him. Something fateful happened that day that Nessarr would never forget. While Densharr was demonstrating how to scale small cliffs safely, a streak of light followed quickly by another struck him. Wounded but still able to hold on, he began climbing down as quickly as he could but a few seconds later the two streaks of light struck him again. Nessarr heard a scream from behind him and whirled to find Mersharr trapped in a giant spider web stretched between two boulders. A small group of humans was approaching quickly, two men with robes and three charging ahead with various weapons and armor. The men had serious looks on their faces, looks of determination which frightened Nessarr. The tribe had never been attacked while he was there but he had heard stories of raids happening before he was born. Suddenly one of the men wearing a robe raised his hand and two more streaks of light left his fingertips and streaked past Nessarr. Forgetting the belt knife at his waist, Nessarr turned to run, to try to get away from these men who were attacking them. One of the humans with armor on jumped on top of him and pinned him to the ground as the two others rushed past. He managed to turn his head just enough to see them draw their weapons and repeatedly stab something on the ground. Densharr. They traveled a long distance, locked up in a long wagon with a few others. There was a lizardman, covered in lesions and sores, which everyone seemed to avoid to the point of cramming up against the other side of the small space. A kobold and a gnoll who liked to trade insults but never resorted to blows introduced themselves as Reevgog and Grrr'ark. Reevgog explained how he was taken while trying to trade in a small outpost and Grrr'ark was overcome while scavenging for food in a forest. At first, Grrr'ark seemed to want to challenge Nessarr and his friend Mersharr, but it was almost as if the will to fight was drained out of him. The journey was long, and they seemed to maintain a steady pace without stopping for either supplies or to try to capture more slaves. After a hard three weeks of traveling they came to a town surrounded by a high wall. The loud roar of many voices could be heard from inside the walls and the first thing they saw when the wagon passed under the gates was a huge crowd of people around a raised platform where a man was yelling and gesturing at several slaves in chains. As they watched, one of the slaves was separated from the others and taken down off the platform. When the wagon stopped, all Nessarr could think of was how to escape. Anything was better than being sold, and as soon as one of the men in armor opened the door to the wagon he immediately launched himself out of the cage. The man was ready for this however, and easily caught Nessarr under one arm while another man in armor took his place. Nessarr was carried, kicking and scratching, to the platform where they chained him up with the others. When they arrived the sun was still a few hours from its peak and throughout the day many slaves were sold. Grrr'ark went first, to a man who looked like a soldier but had markings of rank on his armor. An hour later Reevgog was bought by a tall man with a tiny cat on his shoulder, wearing loose clothing and spectacles. When dusk was finally began to approach, Mersharr was finally sold to a fat man with lots of jewelry. He screamed when he was sold and gave Nessarr a terrified look, that was the last they ever saw of each other for Nessarr was immediately bought by a well dressed noble with a manservant. As soon as Nessarr left the platform, the biggest human he had ever seen walked up and used a mighty axe to remove the heads of the last few slaves. The lizardman seemed to be resigned to his fate and did not resist. Nessarr traveled with his noble owner for three days, during which time he learned the man's name was Elender Hastings and he owned a keep surrounded by open grassland on three sides and forest on the fourth. He was quite fond of hunting and wanted Nessarr to both teach and guide him. Nessarr asked about his friend Mersharr but Elender could only say that the man who bought him was known to be a slave handler and would likely sell him again for a profit. The keep was well lit when they arrived at dusk on the third day, tall light grey walls with torches every dozen feet or so and a pennant flying from the top of the tower in the middle. It was really only one large tower, wide enough to completely engulf the camps of Nessarr's tribe and a good bit taller than any of the trees nearby. There was a small battlement circling around the conical roof of the keep, and the outer wall was separated from the tower by about 20 feet and it was about an equal amount shorter. They entered the keep and Nessarr was immediately taken to see a man in a robe, similar to those who captured him but with a palpable aura of power radiating from him, who fitted a collar onto his neck. As soon as the collar was on him, Nessarr felt a faint pulsing, barely noticeable but for the silence in the room. The man explained that the farther from the keep he went the worse the pulsing would get and the more he would wish to return. He was then shown to his room, which was much larger than any tent he'd ever been in but still felt confined. There was a door that had no lock and a window too small for a human to fit through. Nessarr, however, was not human and managed to wriggle his way free in the night. He dropped down a dozen feet or so to a stone roof and snuck out of the keep. Sure enough, as soon as he left he could feel the pulsing begin to rise and after about a half mile began doubting his actions. An equal distance later he could not help but turn back; not from the pulsing but because he wanted to. Nessarr spent years at the keep. At first he thought a lot about his tribe and where they might be, about how he could track his way back to them and even find his friend Mersharr. They were hopeless thoughts though, and eventually only came to him occasionally and without the pulling force they once had. Nessarr actually liked it at the keep, Elender loved to hunt and even camp in the forest sometimes. He encouraged Nessarr not only to teach him but to learn more on his own and even had Saied, the man who put the collar on Nessarr when he first arrived at the keep, extend the range so that Nessarr could roam more freely on his lands. Nessarr took full advantage of this, especially when Elender went on trips and left him behind. He ranged quite far before he was pulled back, he was even able to visit the nearest town and learn more about people. He learned to love Elender, but hated Saied and other humans, for humans were responsible for the death of his master and the separation of him from his tribe. He studied humans, studied their habits and when he saw the men of the keep sparring he learned where they tried to attack each other the most. Then another fateful night came. Nessarr was dining with Elender, an uncommon occurrence but one that tended to happen after Elender returned home from a trip or after a successful hunt. Suddenly the clang of alarms rang out and the sounds of men fighting in the courtyard reached Nessarr's ears. Elender jumped up and together they ran to see what was happening. The sight was one nobody should ever have to see. Hordes of man-like creatures were attacking the keep, the flesh hanging from their bones as if rotting even as the creatures attacked ferociously. Men screamed and died before their onslaught and sometimes even when the creatures seemed to fall they would stand back up moments later with renewed vigor. Nessarr looked behind the creatures and saw a man in black robes gesturing wildly, and Elender noticed him at the same time. Suddenly what looked like a pebble flew straight as an arrow from the top of the keep and the man erupted in flames. When the flames died a few seconds later the man was still there, seemingly unaffected. He gestured up toward the top of the keep and there was a blood curdling scream of pure terror followed by a limp body falling to the ground. Nessarr saw rictus of pure dread on the face of Ewin, Saied's apprentice, even as it turned grey with death. A bolt of lightning connecting the top of the tower to the man in the black robes appeared, searing a line into Nessarr's vision, and this time the man looked hurt. He gestured and was suddenly no longer there. The creatures then went into a frenzy, attacking with no form or abandon. Two of the creatures jumped up to where Nessarr and Elender were, one quickly dispatching one of the two soldiers with them and the other going straight for Elender. The noble was by now trained quite well in hunting however he was no match for this creature whose flesh seemed to drip from its exposed bones, its eye sockets empty pits. While Nessarr tried to stab it with his belt knife, the other soldier was busy fighting the other one. The belt knife did little good and Nessarr watched in horror, even while continuing to stab and stab, as Elender's face was eaten before his eyes. Elender's screams burned a permanent scar of hatred into Nessarr's heart for these creatures and the man with the black robe. The soldier was able to destroy the other creature and helped Nessarr dispatch the one that killed Elender, then started yelling that the lord was dead. The creatures seemed not to be getting back up any longer and after a few minutes a very few men were left standing but they were all men. Saied took control of the keep after that, and though Nessarr hated the man he begged Saied to teach him how to fight the creatures for it was Saied who defeated the man in the black robe. Saied found a distant cousin of Elender's and gave control of the keep to him and together with Nessarr began to travel and learn more about those called "Undead". They had many adventures together, and learned much of the world. Though Nessarr had absolutely no gift for magic, Saied shared his knowledge of Undead and many other creatures such as Elementals, Plant creatures, and Constructs created by men very much like Saied himself. Nessarr honed his skills as a hunter and became more in tune with the wild, and while Saied continued his magical research Nessarr became so in tune with nature that something quite spectacular happened. He started seeing small flickers at the edge of his vision causing him to look and see things he would have never noticed before. Certain sounds became slightly stronger and drew his attention a little bit more. Whenever there was danger, he seemed to be warned of it a moment before anyone else noticed. He also became more aware of tracks and seemed to draw upon hidden knowledge of nature. Whenever he noticed these things, the faint image of a panther entered his mind for a brief moment. Eventually more images and even sounds came with the panther. Nessarr would see in his mind an image of an orc a brief moment before he and Saied were attacked by a group of orcs. Immediately before a rabbit jumped out from behind a tree, Nessarr would see a flicker at the edge of his vision and a brief sound to guide his attention to that spot. This was all very strange for Nessarr but he made sure to open himself up to more, and to keep himself in tune with nature. Eventually he began hearing a voice, it wasn't any kind of voice he had heard before. It was almost like a throaty growl, but not unfriendly sounding. It spoke to him, guided him when he was in the wild, and seemed to inexplicably leave him when he was in a town or city. Nessarr realized that this was the spiritual guide that Densharr had tried to tell him about, much like the one Densharr had been speaking to. Over time Nessarr began to realize that he could speak with other natural spirits as well, even sometimes those of ordinary plants. He became so in tune with nature that he could ask nature itself questions and if he concentrated for awhile sometimes he even received answers. They continued like this, Nessarr with his spiritual guide and Saied with his studies, and had many adventures together. Nessarr began to overcome his dislike of Saied and eventually grew fond of the friendship. It was because of that fondness that Nessarr reacted so strongly one morning when the force of nature itself told him that a strong unnatural presence was within Saied's tent. He immediately burst into the tent only to find Saied completely engulfed by a sickly looking ooze. Not knowing what to do, he drew his belt knife that he had kept since Elender's keep and tried to stab at the ooze ontly to have the knife wrenched from his grasp and sucked in to join Saied. Nessarr grabbed the equipment that Saied had made or bought for him, including a magical quiver, able to produce an unlimited number of magical arrows, and the magical bow that was also in the collection. He also grabbed his pack and fled, never to see Saied again. He wandered and wandered, losing himself in his grief, always wondering if there was anything he could have done to save Saied. He gathered tales of oozes attacking people, hard to find because it didn't happen often, and eventually found out how to fight them. He would not be caught unawares again by the like. Nessarr, together with his spiritual guide and magical equipment, continued to wander. This time, however, he would try to be prepared no matter what happened. He retained his cheerful demeanor that he had always had, and he made friends easily, but he was always ready to strike when necessary.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Catgirl Airu Character Race: Catgirl Character Class: Rogue Output:
Transformed into a catgirl by magical means. Acquired Ironbright, a talking sword that formerly belonged to a paladin. The flighty catgirl and morally upright magic weapon don't always get along but together they battle for justice.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nishcheta Character Race: Celestial Character Class: Goddess Output:
Nish is an actual Goddess, a full Celestial. Her domain, as it were, is suffering. She feeds off of misery, but doesnÕt seek to cause it; it happens enough on itÕs own. Instead, she becomes ÔfondÕ of mortals who have an undue amount of suffering. She has no clerics, worshipers, or paladins (ÒWhat would I do with them, if I had them?Ó). However, she keeps her power because there are enough people who like to cause pain and suffering, she has a nearly unlimited supply. Nish is very possessive of anyone and anything that she considers ÔhersÕ. Her interest in the party is, on the surface, academic. However, she is going to do everything she can to lengthen their journey, but also to prevent Rinara from freeing Garl. He and Nish actually know each other very well. He isnÕt Ôone of hersÕ, but she doesnÕt want his suffering to end. Really, though, itÕs his brother, Gelf Darkhearth. As a vestige, his suffering is constant, and impossibly deep. If RInara succeeds, Garl will end his brotherÕs suffering by killing him. Nish will not let that happen.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nur Character Race: Changeling Character Class: Assassin Output:
A secret Cabinet Trickster in the Cabinet of Faces, I worked before and during the Last War for the Dark Lanterns, the spies and assassins who form the intelligence division of the King's Citadel of the nation of Breland. I purportedly left the Dark Lanterns after the Last War ended, and I now resided in Sharn, working with a Kalashtar investigator.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Eryanna Winters Character Race: Changeling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Eryanna is a changeling who's mother is a literal griffon, and she was punted out of the nest when her mom realized she wasn't quite like the other hatchlings. She raised herself mostly on the streets of a nearby town as an urchin, training her abilities in any way she could. She fled when the town guard caught on to her. Shortly after, she signed up with a local adventurers guild to try and find her father so he could explain exactly what the fuck he was thinking.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Punches-In-Face Character Race: Copper dragonborn Character Class: Monk Output:
A simple country bumpkin turned folk hero, Punches-In-Face went on a journey full of adventure entirely by accident by simply indulging in his hobby of going for a walk so much that he got lost. He is entirely convinced he's still in about a good day's walking distance from his hometown.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Elpeth Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Has a shard of a mad god inside her which resurrects her whenever she dies.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Klaus (last name undecided) Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
a seasoned criminal raised in a crime family, highly dexterous and sneaky, quite closed off and a loner.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sage Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Scout Output:
Seeking to make a name and a living for herself, she has ventured away from her secretive people's lands and is journeying abroad for money and adventure
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aletha Nailo Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
A noble of a Drow city in the Underdark, who was influenced by an elder to reject the slavery and cruelty of her race as a whole. As such, she was banished to above ground, to be killed on sight if she ever returns. She plied her trade as a bounty hunter for 50 more years until she decided to become an adventurer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Krang T. Nelson Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Born underground and shipped off to a cultist group, the cult planned to let him live for 3 years before sacrificing him to render his fat for their occult rituals. He killed his mentor and escaped into the night.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tristan Character Race: Dark elf/human Character Class: Thief Output:
ÒGet it out of your gorram head Tristan. Thinking too much can get you killed in this business.Ó Martin was slouched down in his worn leather chair. The chair looked tiny with Martin sprawled over it, like a bear who couldn't figure out how human furniture was supposed to work. He was a giant of a man, a fact that always made Tristan wonder how he got into this line of work. If Tristan hadnÕt seen him in action so many times, he wouldnÕt believe that Martin could move like a panther through the night. ÒThatÕs what everyone says when thereÕs some real money to be had or when youÕre about to be stabbed in the back. Either way, I like my odds with thinking.Ó Tristan was trying to emanate a casual air. He was one of the best thieves in the business and did work for best guild there is: the Black Tails. Martin was his fence, friend, and mentor. He was also TristanÕs superior, though Tristan tried not to let that get in the way. Martin had seen TristanÕs quick fingers when he was still an angry six year old and had taken him into the Tails. Tristan had been a quick learner and was soon running jobs with thieves ten years his senior. He had a drive to be the best which had a knack to make him as many enemies as friends. Tristan tried to play this off as another job to further his career with the Black Tails. He couldnÕt show the hunger behind his eyes. Martin eyed Tristan warily. The boy was good, there was no doubt about it. Martin had been able to see that when the cocky little six year old tried to pickpocket him those fourteen years ago. Tristan was now one of the Black TailsÕ greatest assets and he knew it too. What Tristan didnÕt know was what he was getting himself into. Martin cursed himself, not for the first time that day. Tristan wasnÕt a boy anymore. Not that he was ever child-like, being the rape-child of a Dark Elf pirate and a human whore from the docks doesnÕt make for a care-free life. Tristan had always been grown up but now he was more refined. Tristan moved with a smooth efficiency that was almost graceful. He slouched casually in his guild issued leather armor, worn from use. Tristan always looked bathed in shadow, perhaps due to his dark skin, but now it positively flowed out from him. The boy had donned an indifferent air, but Martin could tell that he wanted this. The shadow practically pulsed with hunger. Martin cursed himself again. Tristan had gotten the big assignment, as usual. This was by no means TristanÕs first big heist but his chest fluttered in anticipation. Something felt different about this one. Maybe it was that Tristan had insisted on doing it alone, or perhaps he had some premonition of what awaited him. Either way, Tristan was nervous. He stopped picking his way through the Underway for a moment to examine his hands under the torchlight. They never shook, even when he was nervous. Reassured, Tristan continued to the objective. At last he reached the locked steel trapdoor. Tristan knelt to examine his entry point, and was somewhat disappointed. This wasnÕt even a challenge. He pulled out his lockpick and had the door open after a few soft clicks. He could hear water rushing below, just like Martin said. He sniffed the air timidly. It wasnÕt sewage. Not believing his good luck, Tristan chuckled as he dropped through the opening and into the icy water. The torrent swept Tristan along a smooth stone chute for what seemed like an eternity. Maybe MartinÕs information was bad and Tristan would die here, drowned in some long forgotten stream miles below the surface. Just as his vision was going black around the edges, Tristan became vaguely aware of the fact that the chute was gone and he was now falling. He took a ragged breath of air and arranged his numb limbs into a dagger shape before he plummeted into a deep black pool. Clawing away at the dark water, Tristan fought his way to the surface. He was in some kind of cistern within an ancient city. Tristan knew that the surface of Mystras was just a fraction of her true size. He had been through the Underway enough to see the bones of old buildings that have been built on top of over and over again, but this was different. This felt like the first Mystras. As he used his superior night vision (his monstrous father had given him some things) to explore the chamber, he knew he was right. This was bedrock, hewn by skilled craftsmen but damaged by the ravages of time and the elements. A sagging archway framed a pathway off to the right and Tristan swam for the land. This place was the most amazing thing Tristan had ever seen. He had stolen priceless things from human nobles and dwarf craftsmen but this place seemed forged by magic. There were no chisel marks on the stone walls, no bricks in the roads, even the crumbling murals seemed to be natural. It was like someone had called the buildings out of the rock. Some of the aqueducts were even working, though they seemed a little worse for the wear. Tristan was so enamored that he momentarily forgot why he was in this ancient place in the first place. Then he saw torchlight. It looked like sunlight at first, so dark were the paths Tristan had been winding through. Tristan slowed his pace and muffled his steps to nothing. He picked a wall that was cast in shadow and slid along its edge until he could get a view of the scene. Tristan poked his head around the corner and saw what had to be a hundred people in an open area of the old city, most of who were holding torches in one hand with a knife held aloft in the other. That wasnÕt even the weirdest part. Every one of these freaks were arrayed in animal skins and horns with headdresses made from the skulls of various animals or constructed in imitation of horrible creatures. Martin wanted him to steal from this crazy ass cult?! Then Tristan saw it. The amulet he had heard about from eavesdropping on a few Dragon Tail higher ups was dangling from the neck of what he could only assume was the priest of whatever ritual was going on. The hunger nearly doubled Tristan over, the void reaching out to the amulet. He had to have it. It belonged to him. Tristan began desperately looking around for some means to get his amulet. The only path to it was through a hundred crazy cultists, so he did the only logical thing. Tristan jumped out of cover and waved his arms frantically, calling out to the cultists, before running off into the darkness of the ancient city. There was instantly a furious uproar from the mob and they tore after Tristan, but he was one step a head. Tristan was perched atop a particularly fragile aqueduct that had endured a rockslide too many. He could feel the structure sway slightly as he shifted his weight to avoid the water still flowing along its trough. The mob couldnÕt see him; the torches played havoc with their night vision which was no doubt poor to begin with. Tristan let out a low whistle while he dropped to the edge of the aqueduct with a jerk, sending it careening toward the incoming mob. A few of the cultists were crushed in the initial crash of stone, but most were knocked over by the water that was now flowing over everyone. Thankfully, most of the torches had been extinguished. Tristan had narrowly avoided being crushed himself, and was now gingerly stepping his way through the groaning bodies. All was enveloped in darkness, perfect conditions for Tristan to make his way back to the open area to search for his amulet. The priest was still standing in the spot where Tristan had left him, peering into the darkness in search of his acolytes. Tristan snuck behind him with ease and cut the amulet from his neck. The priest spun around brandishing his knife, but Tristan had already retreated into the shadows. The amulet made TristanÕs muscles thrum with energy and he quickly fastened it around his neck. The priest howled into the darkness as Tristan scampered away through a small crevice. He was in the form of a small lizard. No one would ever find him, not the cultists or the Black Tails. He wasnÕt giving this amulet to anyone. It was his.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bly Character Race: Deep gnome Character Class: Cleric/druid Output:
Kidnapped from underground as a child, she escaped captivity with the help of a magical bear. Now she travels the land preaching the gospel of her diety, Callarduran Smoothhands, and providing small business loans to local goblins to encourage them to make an honest trade.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Oraen "Kindlepalm" Fu-Finfergel Character Race: Deep gnome Character Class: Monk Output:
Kindle's full, true name is Oraen Fu-Finfergel, known as Oraen Finfergel in his home society. He is the last child of the last child of the last child, last in line for the position of "Arch" within a noble Svirfneblin family, but yet is still the great-grandson and direct line of current Patriarch, Orthan Fu-Finfergel. The family's secret name is ÒFu,Ó a name which nobody knows outside of the family or the familyÕs superiors (if there are any). Also, due to the secrecy of the Deep Gnome hierarchy, only a few people in the family have an inkling of what the familyÕs position, role, and duties are, and only one, the current Patriarch, knows for sure. Due to his low stature within the family and near crippling shyness that was only overcome in bursts of anger and awkwardness, he was useless for diplomatic or honorific duties. Because of this, he left his family to take the only honorable path that seemed possible for him - joining the Deep Gnome monastery in a region of the Underdark that is close to lava flows and volcanoes. Members of the monastery tend to be elementally attuned to earth or fire. The natural silence and the disciplines of training and harnessing the energy of the self and of the elemental forces within the volcanoes allowed him to downplay his weaknesses and hone his abilities. Upon joining the monastery, he began to learn the fire arts and martial traditions of the Svirfneblin, earning the Deep Gnome Monastic name of "Kaeryim," or "Kindlepalm" in Common speech. Not long after being initiated into the ways of the Elemental Fire Monk, a tragedy struck him. When wandering on his own through some of the deepest and hottest magma chambers of the area, he was surprised, overpowered, knocked (or magicked) unconscious, and abducted. He woke to find himself trapped in a locked box, stripped of all possessions, and with no memory of who or what had surprised him. He was transported in that state for so long as to become completely unaware of how far from home he was. After what seemed forever, he was somehow made unconscious again, and awoke in the mouth of a cave with no entrance to the Underdark, looking at the sun for the first time ever. Lost, disoriented, and traumatized, all he wants to do is find his way back to his monastery and live in peace. He has been traveling above under the name ÒKindle," looking for a way back to the Underdark, staying out of the way of most settlements most times, and making every attempt to pass unnoticed. He only ventures into a city, where he would clearly and uncomfortably stand out if surface dwellers were to see him clearly, if survival necessitates. At times, though, his desire for anonymity is overwhelmed by his lawful nature, and his sense of justice compels him to intervene on behalf of others, especially if someone seems to be lost or victimized, like himself. And he has become quite courageous, if not somewhat paranoid, in the face of threats - never wanting to again be as helpless as he was. Mostly, though, he is looking for telltale holes in the ground.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: PaÕNika DiÕKoteke Character Race: Demon Character Class: Assasin Output:
Nika was once one of the most powerful Devils in the Infernal Realm. He was neutral among all the Lords of Hell; working as an enforcer for hire. He loved what he did, until he was betrayed. He managed to make his way to the Moral realm, and here he has been, slowly working in the shadows to take back his place in the Infernal Realm. Except, this time, heÕs going to imprison the Lords of Hell, and rule himself. Nika is the being with whom Rihala has created a pact. He is the source of her power, and her ÔpatronÕ. He is using her, obviously, but he doesnÕt care about the mortal realm at all, so he has no problem giving her exactly what she wantsÉ as long as he gets what he needs to take back his place. Nika and Nish hate each other. Nish considers him Ôone of hersÕ, and Nika resents it deeply. He plans on trapping her, just like Garl was trapped, just to spite her.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Stygian Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Wizard (necromancer) Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Drag'hul Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Dragon rider Output:
Dragon companion by my side, will peacefully unite the warring dragonic clans.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kelby Azzara Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Fisherdragon who suddenly got powers in a universe definitely not made for powers
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shakris Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Barbarian Output:
He was raised by druids and has never stepped outside their forrest. He knows almost nothing of the outside world and because of this he acts very strange.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Marc Thunderthroat Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
a orphaned child in a very racist land is taken in by the church of bahamut raised as a warrior who joined the knights order and lives his life for his god
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Allisander Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Bard Output:
When Allisander was nine, they watched their sister get possessed by an evil wizard, kill their mother then herself, then the wizard possessed Allisander and got stuck there. They've been stuck in Allisander's head for 15 years
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Brunswick Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Saved by a lightning bolt from the sky at a young age, Brunswick decided he was chosen by Heironeous and devoted himself to spreading his gospel and doing good where he could. The question on whether Heironeous was involved at all is up for debate.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rykei Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Druid Output:
Born into a powerful clan but kidnapped by his outcast father when he was just a wee little lizard. Raised as a druid. Went into the city and never went back. Is now a minor alcoholic trying to not get executed by the Prince or something
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Andreas Kimbatuhl Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Cleric Output:
Exiled from Draconia for attempting to steal the throne from his sister, Andreas joined the church of Capras, the Dragon god of knowledge, cunning and chaos for sanctuary. He has multiple aliases that he uses on his travels, sometimes pretending to be a cleric of different gods with some very interesting results.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cei Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Monk, warlock Output:
He's a trans lizard who was raised by anarchist nuns in a seaside monastery frequently targeted by pirates, and after years of witnessing the senseless violence and struggling to understand why the world works the way it does, he set out to find a way to understand--and to never feel helpless again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Volthar Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Was raised by a bronze dragon until one day a knight came and slayed his adopted father. Went into a berseker rage and tried to chase down the knight only to find he was a local tyrant who hunted dragons for sport and didn't care that their were good dragons. He rides into combat on his trusty battle clam
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arhazar Pharnious Electri Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Fighter Output:
The sovereign and erudite consulate of Dracogleba holds host to many noble families, each more noble and powerful than the last. Secrets get out, and Arhazar found one. Risking his house's sovereignty, he fled the city, perused by agents of the rival houses. A life on the road is not one for a noble of status, but it's better than ruining his family.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ancalagon Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Raised in a martial Tribe, grew bored of the constant training and left to explore the world on his own. Fell in love with nature and swore to defend it at all costs, but with his martial upbringing he became a green knight rather than a druid. Now he explores the world in an attempt to protect and enhance joy nature on his travels.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jhev Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Rogue Output:
Jhev was once the foppish royal ambassador to the Tiefling court from a local barbarian nation, but was thrown deep into Irongate prison the same day his people was betrayed and slaughtered by the machinations of a sinister member of the court. A decade later he was released into the custody of the high inquisitor of the Tiefling court to track down the very person that had organized his original downfall.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Myrden Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Myrden is 6'8" and covered from head to foot in magenta scales. He has a long tail and a dragonlike face, but otherwise is shaped like a human. He is dressed in plate armour, carries a heavy shield, a long sword. He is quite flashy in his style of dress and always looks good. People are drawn to him because of his good looks and charming ways. He is fiercly defensive of his companions (pretty much whomever they are)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yoshiro Thrax Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Monk Output:
Son of two Shou immigrants. Their family spent generations as merchant traders along the golden way, before settling throughout Faerun. That's the story they tell anyway. Yoshiro's human parents sought out the great city of Neverwinter, establishing a simple life for themselves in a coffeehouse they named the Double Dragon. That they brought with them a mysterious black Dragonborn egg raises many questions. The gleaming shards of a broken jade sword that hang above the kitchen raise even more. But for Yoshiro, the most important question is when the next issue of his favourite woodblock print serials are released - and how he'll afford the next Drizzt Do'Urden collectable figurine.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Patrin Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Fighter Output:
Patrin was hatched as the ideal paladin- strong, sturdy, brave, charismatic. He was destined to become one of Bahamut's greatest champions- but he didn't want that. He didn't want to be trapped by a decision made while he was still in an egg. So he ran away, turning his back on his god and his destiny. He had already learned a lot of about fighting, and he sought out opportunities to hone his skills. He'd fight for money, or in defense of the innocent. He'd fight for his friends or himself. But everyday, he'd look over his shoulder, wondering if this was the day his god was going to find him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ilith the Sapphire Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Left on the doorstep of a monastery dedicated to bahomet when he was a month old. Was taken in by a cleric named brother Joseph, a half-elf who gave him the name Ilith, with the Sapphire becoming a nickname from his blue scales. Ilith was not suited for priest work due to being a dumbass (INT of 8) but still wanted to serve the God who gave him a second chance, so he became a paladin. After completing his rites, his monastery was attacked by disciples of Tiamat, who slew most of the priests, including brother Joseph. He fled from the isle and found the city of Liechport (homebrew) where our story begins.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ballastar Talonsegel Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
She joined the Flotilla when she was young, a group of found family with strict codes of honor about sharing resources, helping the needy, and embracing adventure and differences. It's a philosophy born from a people who escaped the servitude of an aboleth. She found that open air of acceptance and community especially comforting after her decision to come out of the closet and live as the woman she always knew she was. When she became a young adult, the Flotilla sent her out on her Sailabout, a sort of spiritual journey around the world to learn about and help the world. She's expected to contribute something of value to her community upon her return.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Torrin Letrah Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
As a young boy Torrin grew close with the Daughter of his tribes Mage, Yilsae. As they grew older the political forces of their tribe tried to force them apart as Yilsae would be expected to train in magic herself, and marry another mage to pass on the magical aptitude. When Torrin disobeyed custom, he was banished from his tribe by the elders and forced to flee into the wilderness. There he discovered the Spark of Magic within him, a resurgence of an Ancient Sorcerous line that had been dormant for generations. Determined, Torrin set out to explore the world, and become the most powerful Sorcerer his tribe had ever known and then return to them in triumph.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Garland Borrow Conk Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Warlock Output:
Garland was a normal dragonborn. Dragonborn being the operative word, since a normal dragonborn was far from the normal human. He grew up as part of a tribe that maintained ancient knowledge, and was trained as a Sage from a young age. However, magic, namely, the eldritch blast, flowed through him freely. Recognizing the superiority of the one and only true spell, he became an adventurer as part of a party sent to clear out dungeons. Along with his half-orc barbarian friend, Crogall, he quickly realized he had an unbeatable talent; an insatiable urge to open doors at all costs. He and Crogall, despite constant bickering and more than one attempt to kill each other, became famed door openers across the land.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lux Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Lux is a treasure hunter (and erstwhile imprisoned gladiator) who delights in seeing new places and discovering unusual items. As a youngling, when he first saw the faint signs of an aurora lighting up the distant sky, he resolved that someday he would go there and see it himself. As an adolescent, however, his aunt and uncle (the leaders of his clan) were killed in a battle without any children to inherit their command, and so the burden fell to Lux. But fearing to repeat their failure and still desiring a life of adventure, he stole away in the night and now makes his home wherever he lays his head. He ignores the call he feels to someday return and guide the clan he left behind..
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maelik Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Wizard Output:
Maelik joned the agic academy at 15 and quickly gained the reputation of quite talented spellcaster. At 18 he was ickd out of it because of speciesm, or at least that's what he says. After that, he joined traveling band of various acrobats, prformers and other entertainers. He used his limited magical knowlenge and good old mundane illusionism for his show. But one show isn't enough, so he quickly learned how to "read the future" out of crystal ball. In his spare time he tried to get his hands on as many tomes regarding magic as possible, by any means possible. Life on travels with entertainer's gang is interesting, but also dangerous, and not really that well paid. So, when the opportunity came to join adventuring group, he didn't waste any time and joined it.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Joletto Yerrus Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Bard Output:
Joletto grew up in a family of sailors. Many of his relatives and siblings all are experienced when it comes to handling ships. Whether a fisherman, a naval admiral, or just a simple ferrymen, the Yerrus family all live life on aquatic vessels. But for Joletto, his interests lie elsewhere from the sea. He dreams to be an entertainer, traveling around the world telling stories of his adventures. After announcing to his family that he would pursue this dream, to his surprise they were very glad and supportive. No longer will the Yerrus family be known as just seafolk. Joletto's parents only requirement for him, is that he must be more than just a bard, but to be well known throughout the land. Now Joletto answers the call of adventure to fulfill his dream and bring honor to his promise to his family.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Welseqwen Quickling Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
During a great blizzard, a tribe of dragonborn sought refuge in a cave high in the mountains, which turned out to be the cave of a great silver dragon. She noticed the egg, carried by a couple of dragonborn and that the egg was close to freezing, so she breathed a portion of her magic into the egg. When it hatched, the young one was mottled white and silver, the colors of both her parents and the dragon who saved her life. She was raised by all three and displayed a gift for cold magic early on in adolescence. Upon turning 14, she realized that her life was too short to give the dragon any significant time with her, as they were bonded by the shared magic, so she set off to become worthy to bear the child of another silver dragon so that her protector could have a longer lived descendant to love.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Godrunner Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Bard Output:
Kidnapped by a silver dragon worshipping cult while still an egg, he was raised by the members with the intention of being a sacrifice when he reached adolescence. Hours before the ceremony he learned what was going to happen to him and immediately made a quick escape. He kept running until he collapsed near a camp. The camp turned out to be a traveling troupe of skilled entertainers and were willing to take him in. He spent the next few years traveling with them and learning instruments from the troupes ÒleaderÓ who, being familiar with Dragonborn culture, gave him his name. However the group was getting on in years and many of them couldnÕt travel like they used to leading to their retirement, not expecting him to stick around where they settled he was passed down a lute and sent off with his blessing. Godrunner now looks to start his own troupe, especially to take in those in bad situations.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Belfran Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Wizard Output:
Belfran is a theologian from the Moonscale Clan in Drathl. He came to Sutherland to study the religions of humans to write an updated book for the libraries of the Moonscale Clan. The Grand Marshal of Sutherland agreed to fund a archaeological expedition into the wastes north of The Front in exchange for a military alliance that Belfran would broker with the Moonscale Clan. Unfortunately, while Belfran was traveling, the Moonscale champion, Qelroth Delmirev, lost an important duel and the Redclaw Clan claimed control of Drathl. When the Grand Marshal sent a message to the Drathl to claim the help that Belfran had promised, the Redclaw Clan responded by denouncing Belfran and refusing to help Sutherland. In anger, the Grand Marshal imprisoned Belfran. Belfran remained in the dungeons of Bayacre for several months until the Grand Marshal was assassinated. The new administration released Belfran into the custody of the Black Foxes with whom Belfran is staying for the time being.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Danger Bluefin Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Danger was the sole survivor of a pirate raid on his home village, surviving only because the attacking pirate captain happened to have a soft spot for babies. Raised as part of the crew on an all human ship, Danger experienced some racial discrimination from his crewmates but always had the protection of the captain who viewed him like a son. Eventually the ship's first mate staged a mutiny against the captain, but due to a fear of Danger's lightning breath sent the boy ashore on a meaningless task while the first mate slaughtered the old captain. Danger could only watch from the beach while his father and captain was thrown overboard with his throat slit, and the ship sailed away. After mourning his father and burying his corpse in the sand, Danger swore a vow to avenge him and kill the traitor crew. He now sails the seas, helping adventurers with similar quests of vengeance so that they might help him on his own, while always searching for those rotten mutineers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clanless Kraygesh Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Cleric Output:
I was a member of a clan that followed Bahamut, specifically, the Platinum Cadre. My clan's leader seemed to slowly be pushing the clan to violence. I saw this as odd, but kept my mouth shut, until I joined my father and mentor as a clan cleric. At that time, my father spoke out against the leader, who, finding this offensive, had him executed. Despite the teachings of the faith that my clan once held dear, the clan responded with a chorus of cheering. I ran from them, realizing my clan had slowly fallen from their faith and could not support their actions. Having nothing but personal belongings and faith, I made my way across the country. I lost a fair amount of my racial pride, from that moment on. I called myself Clanless, and would not be a part of civilization for any longer than necessary. Years later a vision told me of a great need of my skills and possibly my faith, although the details were vague. Four dragons seemed to be clear as day and a path leading north seemed to radiate in the dark for my eyes. A sign, I would believe, from my god Bahamut.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Spyrok Turnroth Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Fighter Output:
Spyrok Turnroth was born in a small mountain village to a very human mother. His father was gone before he was born, being full dragon (he took human form when it came to the romance); he obviously had better things to do, though no resentment was held towards his father, and he even took on his dadÕs dragon name of Turnroth at the behest of his father. Growing significantly faster than the other kids in the village, consisting of mostly humans and the occasional mountain dwarf, (even by dragonborn standards) heÕs was often volunteered for physical labor, and eventually drafted by a small military faction at age 13, and at the start he was perfectly fine serving for a time, as he always wanted to be part of something bigger, and was very quickly outgrowing his tiny village, but then he learned a hard fact of life. It turns out the commanding officer of his unit, who was not present when he was recruited, was nothing but a corrupt, cruel bigot. If you werenÕt human, you may as well be dirt in his eyes. Spyrok stuck with it for the better part of the year, doing whatever good he could despite the less than favorable situation. That is until the day came when his CO went too far, by burning down a village just because a stray dog mistook him for a latrine. Spyrok gave into his draconic instincts for the first time in his life, proceeding to knock him out cold with a single, powerful punch to the head, and immediately resigning from active duty. Knowing he couldnÕt return home at risk of endangering his friends or family, he sent a message to them warning them to evacuate as soon as they could. He then took up the mantle of sellsword, but only taking jobs from those without evil intentions, and for those that do, they can meet the business end of a scaly fist.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: "Boozebreath" Cooper Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Barbarian Output:
I spent my early days in a Dragonborn Clan along the coastline. Until I ran away from home at 14 to join the Navy. As a starry-eyed, sharp-toothed youngster, I turned up to the office, where they turned me down. So I turned to the next best thing, a mercenary crew defending merchant ships from pirates. They were wary of me at first, but on a ship, everyone pulls their weight, and we got along fine. Not much happened, since the pirates went after the merchants who didn't hire armed escorts. The lingering smell of alcohol on my breath earned me the name "Boozebreath". So they tried to get me drunk. After a barrel or two to overcome my resistance to poison, I was properly drunk. And then I took a dare to walk off the plank. Again, I was 15. To add to my misfortunes, I scraped myself against a railing. The blood spread through the waters, drawing the attention of a nearby shark. Drunk and foolhardy, I stared it down as it approached, and punched it across the face. As the shark began to bleed, I began to get angrier. And that was the first time I flew into a rage, tearing the shark's teeth and fins out. I returned to the ship, corpse over my shoulder, and got even more drunk. I spent another few years on the ship, keeping my shark souvenirs close at hand. 8 years after, the pirates finally grew bold enough to attack the ship I was on, in the middle of the night. They fought their way onto the ship, taking it over and slaughtering our crew. They kept me alive, bound and restrained, uncertain how to kill me as I frothed and shrugged off blows from their blades. When they left me alone, I melted the restraints with my spit, both the ropes and the guards. And then, with my axe, a piece of flint, and a pile of gunpowder, I brought the ship down with us.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jerreth Moonscale Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Jerreth is the Third child of a politically influential and wealthy family. As such he had little to no chance of ever claiming inheritance or gaining political sway. Instead, his family deemed it best to send him as an Offering to the Church of Bahamut, a political pawn in his ClanÕs machinations. When he was four he was pierced with the signs of his Clan, the Mother of Pearls which cast across his brow. When he was five, his Clan abandoned him to the teachings of Bahamut. It was there that Jerreth was disciplined and tutored in the religious teachings of Bahamut under the guidance of his Mentor, Yorskan Hammerwing. The other children quickly learned of his situation, and mockingly titled him ÒGift.Ó It was from a young age he took that mockery and claimed it as his own, gaining an air of superiority and boasting that he was ÒA Gift from Bahamut himself.Ó He grew up cloistered and kept away from any other race than Dragonborn, and thus thought of anything different from himself as inferior. While his family had intended for him to become a politically influential member of the Clergy, such as a prominent advisor, Jerreth was a poor student. Through his own wishes and encouragement by his Mentor, he was instead ranked as a Blade of the Church, a soldier. He knew his vacancy at the top would allow other members to fill his seat, and allowed them to squabble and plot amongst themselves. He was happy with a sword in hand. When he turned 10, he began his martial training. His religious education and guidance in life continued under Yorskan. When Jerreth entered adulthood, he spent much of his time on military missions. He became gravely wounded in a battle and loss the colorization of his Right Eye. He was rescued and kept alive by Fenzys Nogard, a battle medic, but spent much time kept from further battle. While recovering, he aided Fenzys in healing the wounded. It was during that time their relationship developed, and was humbled when he realized that many of the wounded she tended to were not Dragonborn, but of others that had been cast aside in their society. He vowed that he would not let harm come to any Good creature, even those not of his kind. This did not completely eliminate his sense of superiority, however, much to Fenzys dismay. It finally came time for Jerreth to formally take his oath, becoming a member of the Holy Order of Bahamut as a Paladin and Adjudicator. He now carries out missions for the Church, going where needed.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Andumar Sacarnabiush Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Fighter Output:
Clan Sacarnabiush holds grounds in Storm Horns mountain range, near the Lake of Dragons. Clan is reasonably insular, trades with dwarves in mountain mines and plains farmers. Immediate family came from martial sect of the clan; maternal grandfather was Vargachwiq - lit. battle-tower, one selected to be rallying point in battle and standard-bearer. Tradition is for 3 oldest hatchlings to also enter martial sect - no choice given for future, as there is for younger siblings in the clutch. Andumar is 2nd son; older brother Kuru, 3rd oldest is sister Meten. Never had much to do with 16 younger clutchmates - family saw them as secondary and kept them seperate. Most went into priesthood to attend clan shrine to Bahamut. Basic training in discipline, agility, fitness given in early years - at coming of age (16yrs), each member of martial sect given weapons crafted by clan leader, Bhazzaruan. Kuru - master archer, received silver inlaid warbow; Meten - impulsive and dangerous, got twin battleaxes. Andumar received glaive - always enjoyed polearms and their like. Martial sect initiates are given the choice: - remain with the clan to learn from the older warriors, and have a higher chance of mating, carrying on line - leave to learn from other races, see the world and bring back knowledge and/or riches for the clan. Kuru stayed - more dutiful son, most favoured by father. Haven't seen him for 16 years (1/2 current lifespan). Meten and Andumar set out together - were always closer with each other than with Kuru, possibly due to hatching within seconds of each other (Kuru a few hours older). Set out west to reach Sword Coast and see the sea spoken of by others who returned from learning. Split up after 4 years (12 years ago) when Meten took a post as a ship captain's bodyguard, operating out of Waterdeep. Andumar took up with a mercenary troop in the same area, commanded by half-elf Steri One-Ear. Learned a lot from One-Ear, in getting paid as much as in martial skill. Rose to rank of sergeant [or equivalent], in charge of a dozen - troop size variable depending on needs, usually around 60. Band travelled up and down coast, taking on contracts and recruits wherever possible, sometimes in morally grey areas. Andumar's cloak came from the contract where he got his last promotion, taking out a notorious orc raiding band. Orc standards are not easy to come by. Retired when agreed term of ten years was up; left with collection of weapons & armour (warhammer, shield, chainmail, cloak, manacles, rank insignia, cash, etc.). Headed to Waterdeep in hope that Meten was in port - heard stories of her ship, but had set sail months before his arrival. Set out east to return to clan. Was a few months into journey when he woke up in Barovia.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lorob Gertrea Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Lorob Gertrea was born to a small clan in the midst of a long plague. Shortly before adolescence he was sold into indentured servitude to dwarves for the necessary medicine, likely saving lives. But the clan got wiped out by a warring clan soon after, and Lorob stayed on with the dwarves and grew up alongside his "brother," Dain Loderr. They trained to be warriors, and when their skills exceeded the needs of the peaceful Loderr, Lorob and Dain took to the road and the life of adventuring. They soon fell in with a skilled band: Shava Xiloscient, an elven druid who knew the personal names of every animal in her forest, and Andry Tealeaf, a halfling rogue who couldn't speak but seemed to know everyone's secrets. Dain took the lead as a fighter with impeccable use of his waraxe, and Lorob kept them all safe with his shield and the scant paladin training he had received as a child. Together they had a handful of successful missions, and it seemed that they might make a name for themselves amongst the intelligent races. But the group was not so harmonious as outsiders may have believed. Shava and Dain bickered endlessly, the elf favoring over-caution and the dwarf favoring quick, decisive action. Secretly, Lorob often thought Shava made a lot of sense, and he often wondered at the raw natural power wielded by this elf maiden he found so appealing. But Dain was his brother, and rather than side with Shava, Lorob intentionally pitted them against one another, in part for amusement and in part so he could spend more time exploring his feelings. The fighting got worse, Shava grew to distrust Dain's increasingly reckless leadership, Andry grew more sullen and removed, and it seemed the entire party was liable to split after the next mission. When they entered the old tombs to clear a few undead, the only person anyone was willing to speak with was Lorob, and even Dain seemed to do so begrudgingly. Lorob realized the risk of losing his found family and agonized over what to do-- perhaps so much that he missed the clues that they were walking into a trap. There was a necromancer, it seemed, or perhaps a cult. Whatever it was, the tombs had far more than the few skeletons they had expected. By the time Lorob realized they were under attack, Andry was already surrounded by wights, frantic and silent as they drained her life. Dain charged forward and fell into a pit trap, and when Shava tried to retreat, something grabbed her leg and dragged her into a pool of water. Lorob tried to save each, tried to put himself between the monsters and his friends, but it was a losing battle. Each team member fought their own fight, and then they each died. Dain was the last: when the wights followed him into the pit, he ordered Lorob flee. Lorob followed the order. Lorob existed in a state of rage for the next month. He needed funds to gather up another adventuring party to clear the tombs and recover his friends' bodies, but he could not get the village to pay for what they saw as a botched mission. So he went deep into debt with usurers to pay for a second expedition, this one large and more than enough to defeat any wights. They succeeded in retrieving the bodies of Lorob's former team, the team accepted its pay, and then they moved on. Lorob laid his friends to rest, taking a few keepsakes from each: Andry's Tealeaf dagger, Dain's waraxe, and Shava's spear. He also kept Shava's necklace, a glass sphere with a small autumn leaf suspended within, which she told him symbolized the lost beauty of the ancient elven gods. Something about that resonated with him, and it comforted him during many nights. But Lorob could not mourn forever, nor could he go long without paying his debts. Under pressure from the usurers, Lorob took employment with a guild he'd never heard of, "AchieveWorks SuccessPath," who offered him upfront payment in exchange for protective services and some sort of specialized training. Lorob had low expectations, but he was amazed to find that the AWSP team had all the answers he needed! He could be a success again, make a difference and help people, and all it took was AWSP's 9 Step Program towards Building a Better You. After he finished his mandatory training, Lorob enrolled in the 13 Paths to Teamwork course, then the 22 Building Blocks of Workplace Synergy. Soon he was a licensed merchant for AWSP, hosting seminars and moonlighting as a guard for AWSP's growing coffers. In his free time he tried to learn more about the elven gods from temples and books, and all his study and growth made Lorob feel like a new man. Finally, Lorob gained license to recruit and market the AWSP way on his own. He tried traditional marketing and seminars, but eventually found that he longed to care for and protect a new group of warriors, to save them from the inefficiencies and lack of teamwork that had plagued his group. And so he is in search of a band of adventurers, where he can return to doing good in the world and maybe spread the methods of AWSP to all who would listen.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bobo Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Bard Output:
Bobo, the BongoBong Bard. A green dragonborn, born with his brothers Zozo, a blue dragonborn, and Jojo, a white dragonborn, has always been a very interesting character. Growing up in his dragonborn clan, he was raised to be a warrior like his forefathers, but he never really had his heart in it. He always prefered (attempting) to make music with anything he could find with his brothers. Seeing how they weren't interested in hand to hand combat , the elders decided at their 7th birthday that Bobo and his brothers might be better suited for magic. They all thoroughly enjoyed playing with magic, but never utilized it to its full capabilities. But one day, playing with some fire magic in a field, they discovered something truly fascinating. They burned a patch of plants near them, but they didnÕt smell like normal burning. Upon further inspection, they realized theyÕve never seen this plant before. But they didnÕt think much of it, mostly because they kept on sniffing the burning air, and as they kept on inhaling, the less they cared and the more they sniffed and the less they cared and the more they sniffedÉ until they were all on the ground laughing without a care in the world. ÒWhat is this stuff?Ó said Zozo. ÒI donÕt know but we gotta take some home!Ó said Jojo. ÒWhat should we call it though?Ó said Bobo. After a pause all three brothers came up with the same answer after just a minute ÒWeed!Ó They all cried. Little did they know this was just the beginning of their adventure with this magical plant known as ÒweedÓ. For 3 years they kept their ÒweedÓ a secret, during which, everyday after training they would sneak out in the night and smoke their weed, which they learned how to grow properly, along with learning that drying it first makes it easier to smoke, as does rolling it up in a thin paper. They also discovered that during their smoke, they played their music ten times better than ever before, with Zozo playing a stolen lyre, Jojo on a bamboo flute, and Bobo on a bearskin drum. One day, they decided that they were going to run away to a big city and become the best performers in the land, and they did just that at only 10 years old. All they brought were clothes, some rations, about 300 gold pieces, their instruments, and all the weed they could hold. Upon arriving at Mon, the largest city for 100 miles, they soon discovered that they would need a place to stay and perform. Now as 3 dragonborn boys in a primarily human city, they were truly an oddity, so upon arriving at the main tavern in town, they asked the barkeep if they could perform there for some food and a room. Now this barkeep had thought heÕd seen everything, but certainly not this. He took a liking to them immediately and told them to set up in 5 minutes and perform. They got on the podium and were ready to perform. Everyone was gathering around to hear the music of three dragonborns. Just one more step to prepare for the brothersÉ as they all lit up their rolls everyone in the bar collectively gasped. ÒGet out of here with that reeking drug!Ó yelled the barkeeper ÒThis is a respectable establishment!Ó Confused, the brothers ran out of the tavern clutching their instruments. As they ran out with their instruments in one hand and their weed in another, they were stopped by a peculiar looking man who reeked of the smell of weed. ÒHey little guys, are you lost?Ó he asked. ÒNo, not really, we just got kicked out of a tavern for smoking these though.Ó replied Bobo. ÒYou donÕt say? Let me see those.Ó Asked the man. As Bobo handed his over to the man, he instantly recognized it, ÒOh! You boys smoke weed! No wonder you got kicked out!Ó He laughed, ÒHere, let me show you a place where you can smoke and play, names Gareneous by the way, but everyone calls me Gary.Ó So Gary led the brothers down a few blocks and a few turns until they came upon a door in the ground. Upon entering, the dragonborn knew that these were their people. Everyone in the place was smoking a roll similar to theirs, and it smelled like their smoke everywhere. Bobo, Zozo, and Jojo fit in perfectly, they were an oddity, being dragonborns, but also because their music was just so great and never got old. They learned all about Òweed cultureÓ and all the different types of weed and different ways of smoking it. After 5 years of living with the weed group, Gary came up to Bobo one day and asked him, ÒBobo, how much do you know about magic?Ó ÒNot muchÓ replied Bobo ÒMe and my brothers used to know a bit before we ran away from our clan.Ó ÒOh ok, so I assume youÕve never heard of magic music then?Ó Gary asked. ÒNo I canÕt say I have, IÕve been told my music is magic though.Ó answered Bobo. ÒWell thatÕs just it!Ó replied Gary, ÒYours and your brothers music has the potential to become true magic! You could be the most powerful bards in the world! You especially, which is why I made you this.Ó Gary unveils his present, which he had invisible on the table, a large green glass bong, with bongos put into the middle of the shaft. ÒThisÓ proclaimed Gary, ÒIs a magical bong I made specifically for you. It can not break, can not be lost, and allows you to combine your two passions, smoking and music! But with this, it will also completely unlock your full magical potential.Ó ÒThis is great!Ó exclaimed Bobo, ÒSo I just get to have it?Ó ÒYeah! But I do need you to do something for me though.Ó said Gary ÒThereÕs a forest to the east of here, about a weekÕs travel, and I need you to go there and deal with a problem there. Only you can do it.Ó ÒUh are you sure?Ó Asked Bobo, ÒI mean I just play drums and smoke I donÕt know what I could really doÉÓ ÒTrust me, you can do it, also you need to leave immediately, good luck!Ó replied Gary as he snapped his fingers, and teleported Bobo to the east entrance to the city with food, water, supplies, weed, and his bong. Seeing no other option, Bobo headed East to this forest. Upon reaching the forest in question Bobo saw immediately what the problem was, and it was terrifying. A giant brown gorilla was rampaging around the forest, knocking everything over and terrorizing all the animals on the forest. ÒWhat does Gary think I can do about this gorilla?Ó He thought to himself, ÒMaybe it might have something to do with this bong, not like I know any magic though.Ó So Bobo followed close behind him, but far enough away so the gorilla could not see him. Eventually, as the sun was setting, the gorilla decided to head to his home, which turned out to be a rather sophisticated abode, built above the tree line with a cave for support. After an hour or so of the gorilla entering the home, Bobo entered the cave to find what was hidden in there, and in there he found a huge pile of bananas! But Bobo took too long admiring the bananas, and as he turned around he saw the ape looming over him, and upon closer inspection found he wore a red necktie with the letters ÒDKÓ written on them. Bobo did the only thing he could in that moment, and took a huge hit from his bong, and played his bongos like no tomorrow. As it turned out the gorilla had bongoÕs too and played along with him. They played all through the night and were able to communicate with the beats of the drums, during which Bobo learned that DK was angry because he couldnÕt find any more bananas, which he needs to live. They both went to sleep however covered in used banana peels. In the morning then, Bobo went outside the cave to start the day off right, with weed. He leaned up against a tree and began to blow smoke into the leaves. But the most interesting thing happened just then, the tree started growing more bananas instantly all over the branches! Knowing the struggle of his friend DK, he decided to help him, so he went around to every banana tree in the area and blew nice large smoke clouds into the leaves so they would all sprout bananas. A few hours later DK woke up and noticed what had happened and became ecstatic, he almost accidentally crushed Bobo! DK then went out and picked all the bananaÕs that he could and brought them back to his cave. That night they feasted on bananas, weed, and music. This went on for nearly 7 years, during which DK, which was short for Donkey Kong, also made a weed garden for Bobo and taught him the little magic he knew. But one day Gary showed up again and told Bobo it was time for another adventure, telling him to go the north where there will be a town that is in need of him. Unfortunately this exit was not as quick as last time, so Bobo had to explain to DK why he had to go, and how when Gary says he needs to go somewhere, he must go there, after all that was how they met. After a long gorilla-hug-filled goodbye, with promises to return, Bobo set off on yet another adventure. It took almost a year, but one day, as Bobo was hotboxing a forest, a paladin showed up, asking for help with a town under attack. Bobo was unsure if this is what Gary wanted him to do, but nothing else occurred so this must be it. Little did he know this adventure would be nothing like his previous onesÉ All he knows is that there is one thing he wants, weed, and DK.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dekan Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Cleric Output:
Dekan calls himself Firebringer and believes he is called to judge the world and cleanse it with fire. He served in the temple of his gid Bahomet seeking out unbelievers to be cleansed and left to warn everyone that the end is coming and they will all be judged.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Pangari Stormbreath Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Rogue Output:
Pangari was abandoned by her very racist parents as an infant for her scale colour, and taken in by a wealthy human man who wished to have someone he could raise into blind obedience to take the fall for him if he should make any dire political mistakes. She shows promise as a child in sneaking and stealing, and these behaviours are well encouraged and rewarded if she is successful. She begins to see his truth and resent him when he forces her to kill her pet cat, because it gave away her location and got her caught one night, and the cat was the only friend that she'd been allowed. After this, she begins martial training, taking to daggers well. As she reaches adulthood, she meets another party member who works with the rather corrupt branch of the church. He asks her to put her skills to use to help him advance in rank, and he'll get information on her real parents for her. She agrees, and he is successful. However, it doesn't take long for things to get dicey for him and she decides that at time to leave the city and her human parent behind to find out who she REALLY is. A fight ensues when she tells her 'father' that she's leaving and never returning to him, and he promises to hunt her down no matter where she goes. It nearly comes to blows but she leaves without any physical harm being done and goes to meet her 'friend' so that they can escape.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zebth Character Race: Drow Character Class: Assassin Output:
A male drow who ran away from his home when he realized they're going to sacrifice him
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Leliel Baeniryn Character Race: Drow Character Class: Bard Output:
She left home after her family demanded she become a priestess of Lolth to pursue her dream career of becoming a one-woman cover band of the Fantasy Beach Boys. She's also motivated by her desire for money and a pair of LED shutter shades to stop her sunlight sensitivity!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Danny Elfmin Character Race: Drow Character Class: Wizard Output:
Orphan boy who tried to resurrect his parents using necromancy. Upon failing he dropped the magic, moving on to a similar activity. Allowing people to "communicate" with the dead. All he really did was scam people and made them think a puppet got possessed. Eventually the guilt caught up to him, and he decided to further his studies of the magic.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chei'a Aichara Character Race: Drow Character Class: Warlock Output:
Chei'a was a priestess to Lolth until she discovered a book in Great Library through which The Forgotten, a mysterious eldritch entity which now guides her and gives her the power to help tear down the walls of the world and make it again one with the far realm. After this encounter, she rededicated the great altars of Lolth to the Forgotten without the priesthood's awareness and fled under the guidance of her new friend. Chei'a is a pathological liar (stats-wise literally better able to lie than convince someone of the truth) and gets by largely as a con-woman (she often gets by selling fake magic protective runes that she carves to scared peasants).
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kyburn Character Race: Drow Character Class: Magus Output:
Born in the Underdark, he found himself wanting more of an existence than to live under an oppressive matriarchy, unfortunately, he had made an enemy of a noblemans son, who constantly made Kyburn's life hell. He would send all manner of Underdark creatures at him, forcing him to fight for his life. It wasn't until Kyburn was ready to leave the Underdark that the noblemans son himself confronted Kyburn, holding a blade to his throat. Kyburn was in a panic, and suddenly magic released itself from his hands, launching the noblemans son 30 feet away, knocking him out, and giving Kyburn something to think about as he left the Underdark, for the last time, he hoped.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Taobthier "Tobias" SnŠll Character Race: Drow Character Class: Cleric Output:
Taobthier is the son of the two escaped Drow slaves who abandoned their child on the doorstep of a Duergar couple to provide for him a better life. Taobthier took to going by Tobias (for ease) and lived a sheltered live. He was always aware of his upbringing, but was comfortable to live with two loving parents. He attended Duergar school, religious study, and even combat class. His adoptive father served in the Duergar military and taught his son many of the same tactics he learned. Given TobiasÕ ancestry, he was denied entry to the Duergar military, but found a life with a weapon in hand natural. Still, at the behest of his mother, he joined the clergy instead. Unexpectedly, Tobias found a great connection in the clergy to the one called Adarrasa, God of Righteous Fury. The profound buried anger he felt at being abandoned was sensed by Adarrasa and Tobias went down the path of the cleric. Tobias was only content performing the rites for so long while the holy rage of Adarrasa boiled inside of him. After a time, he knew what his true calling was. Tobias became a mercenary, using his rage to pursue and cleanse the scum of Talem in holy fire. His contracts tended towards dealing with those most deserving of his rage. Soldiers of foreign wars that had submitted their lives in combat and elusive murderers were his most common targets. He swayed through the wrongdoers and vile of the world. It lead him on a path upwards, higher and higher from the underdark. The sinners up here were weaker and as vile as those down below, a pattern Tobias realized, so higher he went and more sinners he found. Soon he began hearing rumors of a "surface world" where no rock was above anyone's head and light shone from up high, above all. There were no tunnels and no shadow sinners could hide in, maybe he should pay this "surface" and its sinners a visit.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lukas Christiansen Character Race: Drow Character Class: Rouge Output:
Born into slavery, Lael spent his early life as a servant for the lower priestesses of Lolth in the underdark city of Gallivak. For 70 years he has endured this life but then he began plotting his escape. It took 30 years for him to hide enough resources to survive out in the underdark after he escapes. The plan ran smoothly until he was spotted by the priestess he reported to directly. She said she knew he was planning on escaping and that she planned on killing him then and there but decided she would first take him back for punishment before killing him. After making him hand over all his weapons she began leading him back, knowing he wouldn't leave without his supplies. However, she didn't know that he had a dagger hidden behind his thigh, stabbed in there along the sinew so as to be easily concealed. In one quick motion, he painfully pulled out the dagger, flipped it into a downward hold, and stabbed straight into the priestesses neck. He grabbed his supplies and ran as fast as he could, knowing that even if she lived the priestess could not keep up with him. He was finally free. After a week of wondering the underdark, he found the entrance to the surface. Now that he was finally free he decided to rename himself Lukas Christansen. But he didn't stop there. He wanted to get as far away from Gallivak as possible. He stole coin at towns he came across to buy food, and food where he couldn't get coin. He did so for one month, until he came upon Neverwinter. There he lived on the streets, still stealing food, until he was approached by the local thieve's guild. He needed a source of income so he joined, albeit reluctantly and with the stipulation that he chooses the jobs he participates in. There he quickly rose to notoriety as a master assassin and thief. However, he could not play this part forever bc if he continued people would know that it was an elf behind the assassinations and thefts and as a Drow he would be the first to fall under suspicion. In addition to this, he never intended to work as a thief for very long anyways. He just wanted an average and modest life, free from slavery and entirely self-sufficient. Therefore, after 40 years of thieving, at age 140, he quit the thieve's guild, but not before one last job: stealing the 32nd Sapphire and the 16th Emerald, two powerful magical gems on display at the Neverwinter museum or arcana. This final job is what cemented both the funding for his new life and his legacy as the master rogue known to the public as "22M" bc all his thefts and assassinations were complete in under 22 minutes. He had only one love and that was a half-orc barkeep in Neverwinter named Garisson. Lukas was 160 when they met and for years, Lukas went to the tavern daily. Garrison took notice of this and a romance blossomed between the two for a time but Garrison felt Lukas was hiding too much from him and broke it off. They still think fondly of each other and say hello when they run into each other in town. Now, nearing 200, Lukas is an established part of the Neverwinter community, living the free life ha always dreamed of. There are those who are distrustful of a Drow living on the surface, and of Drow in general, but even for them Lukas seems to be an exception. He mostly keeps to himself. To everyone, he looks and is a model citizen, blissfully unaware of his grim past.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sarafein Zerenith Character Race: Drow Character Class: Rogue Output:
The seventh daughter of House Zerenith, Sarafein learned self-reliance and cunning from the moment she was born. As a member of the tenth ranking House in the city of (whatever Underdark drow city exists in Scales of War), she had to deal with the constant treacherous machinations of House Phaerna, the eleventh House, as well as the internal power struggles between her sisters, all powerful and cruel priestesses of Lolth. Though her family banded together on the occasions when House Phaerna threatened, the majority of the time Sarafein was taught to distrust love and camaraderie, as they engender fatal weaknesses. In order to reinforce this idea, SarafeinÕs sisters took turns tormenting their youngest sister, each coming up with tortures more malicious than the last. When Quelnira, the matron mother of House Zerenith, judged that her seventh daughter had learned these lessons well, Sarafein was brought to House ZerenithÕs private chapel in order to dedicate herself to Lolth. It was during this ritual while the priestesses were distracted that House Phaerna attacked, and this time with mercenaries augmenting their forces. Though the men of House Zerenith rushed to defend the matron mother and her daughters, they had been caught unaware and the chapel was quickly overwhelmed. SarafeinÕs sisters called upon Lolth to aid them in their fight, but there was no answer. House PhaernaÕs consistent treachery coupled with the well-planned attack and interruption of the ritual had pleased the Spider Queen, and no help for House Zerenith would be forthcoming. From her position on the raised altar, Sarafein watched in stunned disbelief as her family was cut down by House PhaernaÕs mercenaries. Frozen in place with fear, she finally snapped back to herself as the mercenaries approached the altar. Calling upon her own innate abilities instead of turning to a Goddess who had forsaken her family, Sarafein surrounded herself with an orb of darkness and slipped beneath the altar to a secret passageway that lead out of House ZerenithÕs chapel. When the darkness cleared, the mercenaries could only look about in confusion, as the last surviving member of House Zerenith had disappeared. Using skills carefully honed during years spent avoiding her older sisters, Sarafein was able to sneak unseen to the walls surrounding House ZerenithÕs compound, pausing only briefly to loot what was left of the HouseÕs armory. After climbing the wall, Sarafein vaulted onto the narrow pathway at the top and was shocked to come face to face with a sentry set by House Phaerna. Without thinking, Sarafein lashed out, and was surprised to see a shadow seemingly breaking away from her own body to surround the guard. She thrust out towards the man simultaneously with her right hand, stabbing him straight through the eye with a blade she had hidden away. The scuffle alerted other guards along the wall who came running, and Sarafein had no choice but to jump off the pathway to the ground below. Landing in a roll, she quickly popped to her feet and ran blindly into the Underdark. After weeks spent hiding in the endless caverns and passageways of the Underdark, Sarafein stumbled upon a tunnel leading to the surface. Certain that whatever she would find in up there would be better than being found by House PhaernaÕs scouts, she left the Underdark and the Goddess who had forsaken her behind without a backwards glance. Sarafein has since found her way to Overlook, where she works doing physical labor for a dwarven architect. Recently the architect asked her for help with a ÒspecialÓ job installing traps for some crazy man in a secret room built below the former Temple of Pelor. Sarafein spends her spare time exploring the rooftops and back alleys of her new town, memorizing possible escape routes, and learning more about Sehanine, intrigued by the Goddess' teaching to Òseek your own destiny.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arelkya T'Zytos Character Race: Drow Character Class: Ardent (psionic fighter) Output:
Born into a noble Drow family, Arelkya had a very rough start. being male in a Lolthian society is not an easy life and being perceived as one was tantamount to being one. No manner of argument or behaviour would make her family accept her gender assertion; a cruel and fiercely matriarchal society had little tolerance for those such that would overreach their station. Nevertheless, her family indulged her tastes in feminine clothing and manner, considering it at least an admirable trait to have her "mimic" her "betters". Being an unusually kind and empathic soul, she was definitely considered a sort of pariah among society, compounded by the happenstance of her birth, this made Arelkya's life quite difficult, yet she held on to hope every day. As she grew older, she began repeatedly petitioning to any authority for trials or rituals to prove her womanhood, gaining the attention of an intrigued priestess. Her current stepfather J'ronis, was not at all pleased with this, seeing as Arelkya would potentially rise in station above him by being the firstborn daughter. Convincing her sister Phaedra of the danger Arelkya would pose to her status as well, making her the official second born daughter and destroying any claims as heir, they devised a plan to trick Arelkya and sold her into slavery. Confused, desperate and angry, she disavowed any ties to her old family and promised she would let them know just how angry if she ever encountered her stepfather and sister again. On a solitary road out of the Underdark, she was subjected to a harsh round of her daily taunting by her captors, regaling her with stories of all the horrible and vile things that would happen to her and her fellow captives once they arrived at the slave market. Filled with outrage and at the threshold of what she could endure, she focused all of her will and emotion into wanting the slavers to just leave them all alone and set them free. To her surprise a strange feeling overcame her and suddenly one of the slavers started walking out into the desolation. Starting a commotion about it, the others tried to after him while one tended the horses drawing the cage. Testing to see if if it was just a fluke, she concentrating on making the remaining slaver open their cage and sure enough, he suddenly got off the front carriage and unlocked the cage. Furious and confused, the other two slavers left their wandering idiot of a friend keep going on, unable to get him to stop and diverted their attention to the spontaneous "liberator" in their midst. the two slavers angrily questioned their friend's newfound altruism, all the while Arelkya smiled. "what the bloody hell are you smiling at?" said one of them. "Oh, nothing..." Arelkya said, "Just that they are both plotting to kill you and take your cut of the profits, you really should kill THEM first". With that last word, the slaver pulled out a dagger and started stabbing at the other two, starting a violent fight that distracted them from the slave cage. Slipping out and mounting the horse carriage, Arelkya grabbed the horse reins and rode them away as fast as she could, fellow prisoners in tow. Arriving in a safe town, where slavery is outlawed, she let all the captives out to seek their freedom, earning their respect and gratitude. One captive in particular, a gnome girl named Cyan Honeybud, became a friend of sorts to her and had asked for help in finding her family, so she may return to her home. Arelkya utilized her heightened empathic qualities, persuasion and newfound powers to make her way to Cyan's home town. After a tearful reunion with her father, Cyan thanked Arelkya and promised eternal friendship to her. Insisting that she receive payment for returning his precious daughter, Cyan's father gave Arelkya a decent sum of gold since he was the owner of the Honeybud Mead Brewery in town. "You were really good at this whole finding things, helping people" Cyan said, "you could make a good living doing it. Lot's of folks out there could use the help. Avandra brought you to me, maybe She could bring you to others." With tearful goodbyes and a decent amount of supplies (and rather tasty mead), Arelkya set out to make her own life in the world and Cyan's suggestion sounded like a really good start.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hemlock Nightfire Character Race: Drow Character Class: Wizard Output:
JOURNAL ENTRIES (HEMLOCK NIGHTFIRE) My name is Hemlock, and I am my fatherÕs heir. This is a great honor as he has many daughters, some he has killed as he killed all of his sons. The rumour is that his line is cursed to be betrayed and destroyed by their sons that they hold most dear. In my grandfatherÕs case it certainly came true. He finally believed the curse the day he died. It was with my fatherÕs dagger slicing his throat from ear to ear. He denied it to the end, but in the end he believed. My father believes, that is why he sacrifices the lives of all his male born children to his god. That is why his heir is female. He believes he controls us all. If this belief is shaken he willingly sacrifices his daughters as well. He believes that with the sacrifices he gains the favor and protection of his god. There are 2 reasons I am his heir. First, I am far more studious than any of my half sisters. They are more interested in styles, parties, men and silly gossip than in learning something useful. 2nd, he believes me completely under his thumb. He does not think I could ever have the gall to betray him. In this he is wrong. I hate him and what he always has been. Oh, I didnÕt always feel this way and I certainly have no intention of dropping my shields enough for him to find out ever. I have a habit of digging into old corners and nooks and crannies. It has always caused him much amusement. It also gives me access to knowledge no else has seen for centuries. With this habit I have a good excuse for being gone for large amounts of time without anyone thinking anything of it. I have found spell books and enspelled gems. Many useful items have been uncovered which I have made use of. I have managed to put together a traveling kit and stashed it outside the castle where it was easily retrievable if need be. In a secret room, I found what I realized was my mother's sanctuary in this hell. That is where I found her journal. It was written to me as she realized that I would never know her. In it was her story. In it she told how she was a high-pristess of the Goddess Light. In great detail it spoke of her beliefs and love for her goddess. It told the tale of how a betrayal from a young accolate brought down the church in the middle of a ritual. How the young accolate was in reality a spy for the Dark. Paid lots of money for the betrayal and capture of the priestesses of Light. The attack was thorough and every priestess was captured or killed. There was specific instructions about my mother. She alone was not to be killed no matter what. The rest were to be killed if necessary. The attack was organized and paid for by my father. He wanted the high-priestess to be his personal mistress/servant/play toy. The grand feeling of superioty over his god's enemy's high priestess was his for years. He was enthusiastic and creative in his punishments and amusements. She was the only slave preserved solely for his amusement. If any of his guards or guests touched/talked/helped her they were sacrificed. The rest of his slaves he toyed with, tortured for amusement, sold, killed or passed on without thought beyond his own amusement. Her pain was exclusively his to enjoy and take power from. That may be another reason I am his heir. I am the only offspring that there is no chance that the father is not someone he sold my mother's services and pain to. Stashed with the journal were a number of magic stones. One of them cleansed my mind of my father's controlling spells that I was unaware of. It gave me the memories of what happened to my mother as well as the atrocities he has committed on me. Now, I know why the scars that cover my body are there. They are not the price every magician must pay as he told me. I have the memories of the rituals he has pulled my power for, and the gloating glory on his face as he tortured me numerous times for the fun of it. The memories he wipes from me until he chooses to play again. No wonder he has no doubt of my loyalty, he has had years of casting spells on me to the point that I would not even remember his abuses. In me he gets the certainty of a blood heir that is not male and therefore cannot betray him, and the beauty of my mother and the same things he did to her he can do to me. The journal told of how she had loved me and was surprised when he did not immediately have me taken to be raised as his daughter or sacrificed to his god. Instead he left me with her to raise and love. The horrors he did to her were far away from me. How he enjoyed slicing her breast so he could drink the milk and blood of a nursing mother together. He made sure that she produced enough milk for both of us. Sometimes he would insist that she nurse me after lacerating both her breasts so that I would feed on blood and milk as well. He said it would make me more powerful and useful in the future. As I got older he insisted on me being fed on blood and milk more often. He insisted on my being fed this way until I was 7. The day he decided I needed to be weaned was the day my mother died. He told her it was time to begin doing his rituals with both mother and me. It would increase his power 10 fold to torture the mother and child. He had taken her to his chambers as usual and begun by restraining her. Then he had me delivered to his chambers as well. He planned on using the power of her anger to fuel his latest spells as she watched him do to me what he had done to her for many years. Her anger was greater than he expected. He had forgotten that she was a high-pristess even if it was many years and abuses before. She broke free of his spells and restraints and challenged him to a mageduel. She fought him as no one ever had. That is as close to dying as he has ever come. For once he could not subdue her and was forced to slay her to save his life. Since then I was allowed to keep the memories of being his heir. The memories of his rituals and amusements he removed from my mind. The stone also gave me the spell my mother used to protect herself from his controlling spells as well as how to keep this from him. Another stone she had charged with all her memories of her life before. As well as her memories of her time with me. I knew how much she loved me and how she planned to take me to safety if she ever could. She could have escaped shortly after she had me, but she refused to leave me behind. So she made a stash of magical stones against the day of need. I learned the rituals needed and was able to complete calling my familiar. I have named her Kara. She hides under the fall of my hair, along the back of my neck most of the time. She is a Moon Wisp. Many times has her light saved me from that which would be concealed by the moonlight. She will definitely help me avoid enemies at night when I leave this place. She is mischievous and protective, for all that she is young. She tries to help all she can. Her presence alone can make me smile, which in this place is a great boon indeed. She has helped me find the knowledge I need since I bonded with her. She has a knack for locating the information buried in the tomes my family has amassed from all over GrayHawk that will be the most useful to me. She even has a habit of disguising her self as a tome, to hide from my father and to keep up my appearance as nothing more than a book worm. It is working, he does not believe I have any useful skills at all. Nor does he believe I have any desire to leave the library at all. He thinks I fear the outdoors as he has never found me outside even. It will serve me well. It is always better to be under estimated by your enemies. The stones also gave me the information about her goddess. I believe her goddess is preferable to the Dark God of my Father. Since my discovery of the stones I am aware that I am not as enthused with the pain and suffering of others that the Dark demands. I dare not say this aloud but my goddess is the goddess of my mother. I must escape this prison before I am found out by my father. I can not stand this place with my true knowledge of what it is. I have made a plan and I will take the stones my mother made and all of the stashes that she made as well as the ones I myself made. I have been practicing and training myself in secret since I found my mother's retreat. There is enough room within that I can even practice with a sling that she managed to hide within it. It will give me a offense that I can use from a distance when I leave. I have practiced as much as I can daily since then. I will go to the surface and seek out other followers of the Goddess of Light. I will tell them of my mother and how her faith never wavered. My understanding is limited, I don't know how the goddess could turn her back on a follower as faithful as my mother. I will tell them of her, but I will not join them, she would like me too I'm sure. My love does not go that far though. I will not spend my life in the priesthood of a goddess that allows her loyal followers to suffer so. Instead I intend to travel and learn of the world at large. My future is to be found beyond the horizon, not in my father's home. If ever I come back it will be to destroy him utterly....... I am writing this as I sit by my camp. I have finally escaped. I have been on the run for 2 wks now. I have been traveling at night and making as much time as I can. However, I am hampered in that I must travel at early morn, evening and night. I cannot bear the sunlight of full noon. I have spent all of my life inside during daylight as my father hid us all. We are all magic users of the arcane, not divine magics. This is not something that I can afford to advertise as all hate and fear us since the wars. I have not escaped Hell to be hung by the small minded ignorant yokals. I hide by day and rest when I can. I have killed 2 parties of assasins sent by my father. I have been in battle with a number of creatures as well. I write so if something happens to me, someday my story may be found and brought to a temple of Light. It is the story of my mother as well. If you find this I beg you to take it to a temple of Light so they will know the honour and fate of my mother. It was her wish that her story be returned to her sisters in the temple so they would know and take strength from her courage. There is a disturbance in the woods. I must check it out in case it is another assassin sent by my father. I will climb the tree near the edge of the camp. I will wait and see if they are friend or foe...... Well, what do you know, just as I was running low on fresh meat a boar just happens to be in the area and hunting for grubs. I decided to use the element of surprise and jumped him with my sword. I got a good lick in and it totally enraged him. He let out a screech of outrage and charged. I just kept slicing him up and jumping out of his way. It took awhile but he finally screamed his last and collapsed. Even then I made sure to slit his throught and bleed him dry. I just stood there for a second and took a deep breath. I felt so alive, I laughed aloud. The thrill of hunt was still running thru me. I felt like trying to resurrect him to kill him again just for the adrenalin rush. I never noticed how much fun danger is until the first group of assassins sent by my father tried to kill me. Since then I enjoy the thrill of danger, just seconds away from death myself. I don't necessarily like the killing itself, but the quickening of my reflexes and the wonderful knowledge that I can defend myself. That is what is almost like an entire bottle of fine elven wine. I spent far to long feeling helpless to ever want to do so again. I will have to find someone I can trust to guard my back soon though. It is impossible to go forever without proper rest. Hopefully they can become a partner to share my explorations with. I tire of being the only one in range of my voice. Journeys are far more fun with a friend. There is a town that is only a day from here, . I will go there to hire a guard, at least then we can sleep in shifts. Father is limited on those he can send after a female once I am known. He cannot afford to be known as a spell caster or he will himself become hunted. If it is found that he uses spells to control others his fine home will be overrun with masses of those lost in a mob's rage. He may worship the Dark God, however he is not a priest, his power is not granted by his God. He has no protection against those who fear all magic users. Whether the mobs would free or kill my sisters, at least they will be free of his torment. I will have to think further on the idea of leading his enemies to his door. Meanwhile I need funds. I have enough for now it is true. However I have no intention of living in the woods forever. I will earn my own way. I should be able to find work in the town. There is bound to be someone in need of the skills I have. Even beyond magic I have quite a few. I have been practicing and training all I could for years. Before I found my mother's hideaway even. It will be far safer for me to use all I can, besides magic for as long as I can contrive to do so.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chakos Quilfein ("Arthur Quilfeather") Character Race: Drow elf Character Class: Bard/necromancy wizard Output:
Chakos was born in a major city in the Underdark to a large family, where he spent most of his young life. He recognized that he was transgender (female-to-male) relatively early and also recognized that it was not safe to be out about that in the society he was living in, so he ran away into the untamed caves of the Underdark and somehow survived adolescence there, as well as finding ways to begin his transition. He eventually made it to the surface as a young adult and quickly made an effort to disguise himself as a human, knowing his Drow heritage drew unwanted attention - he took on the name Arthur Quilfeather at this time, too. He joined a ship's crew, acting as a bard and becoming well-liked among his crew mates. He traveled the world for years in this manner and picked up an interest in necromancy along the way, eventually parting from the ship to pursue the study of necromancy and lichdom. He's very much chaotic evil.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Molvyas ssarr Character Race: Drow elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
A drow who saved a pricess by channeling his unknown scorcery to kill an ogre and was made head of her security but was heavily dicriminated. In secret he and the princess had many affairs behind closed doors and he was eventually thrown in a dungeon. Later broken out by his few companions and vowed to return one day stronger to take the crown and be with his princess
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thorun Torun Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Druid Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clanger Alehammer Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Brewmaster and blacksmith from the Stonewood.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bezoar Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Warrior Output:
Left homeland in disgrace. Likes tall ladies with expensive tastes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rhoda Ironbrow Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Roving adventurer who competes for glory with her estranged twin sister.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gretchen Stoutheart Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Fighter Output:
left home to find glory and be with her gay gay love.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Orrick Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Orrick was cursed by a raging spirit, and now feels it's influence.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hans Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Bard Output:
Bumbled into a magical realm from the far off land of Switzerland
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mandalf Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Druid Output:
Abandoned as an infant. Raised by wolves. Has returned to civilization to find his parents.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Traycee Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Cleric Output:
A female Dwarf with an attitude problem and a large drum. Follows the Dwarven God of Percussion.

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