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in this meta analysis their finding indicate that at a long follow up interval both positive effect such a a mild improvement in anxiety and depression and negative effect such a a decrease of long term memory verbal fluency and executive function are observed
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is at work thinking how much graveyard shift sux
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downy weather where s the summer
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i wa doing nothing and suddenly she just say why did you even live useless maybe i m overreacting but this really hurt me she took care of me since i wa a kid because my mom wa working overseas i wish i wa never born damn this world fuck everything
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early twitter buzz star trek ha secret premiere in austin http is gd r9vr holy crap wish i wa there
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dear who ever find this i m sorry so sorry i did try i know it wa never enough for anything but all i wanted wa to be okay i don t know how to be tho i m not enough and i will never be all i do is make trouble and upset people i m sorry i must of been a big burden on everyone i m deeply sorry for everything i ve done and now everything you have to do now i m gone i just don t know how to fix everything i m deep in this hole how am i meant to climb out when i ve never been taught too i m haunted by everything how am i meant to live my life when i m trapped in the past i just want to be normal and ok why doesn t anyone understand i suppose i haven t helped myself but it just suck suck i wa never worth enough to myself to help myself i honestly dont see myself going anywhere or doing anything worth while i m sorry i know this is so pathetic of me i just dont know what to do i want to live i want to see my sister grow up and my mum and dog i want to fall in love and draw and live on the beach with a balcony i just cant bear this anymore what am i meant to do i m so fucked i m scared and so unsure of everything i m so overwhelmed over everything i ve done this to myself i m so dumb no one can help me now i m sorry i tried in the end ok that count for something right i m just not a good person i realise that i never will be i love everything so much i wish they loved me aswell i tried everything to be happy but honestly they nothing left for me i could write more but what s the point i bet i won t even do it co i m a pussy i bet i ll just delete everything i don t want anyone seeing than clean and realise i m dumb and not kill myself i m a pathetic excuse for a daughter i m sorry all i do is sleep and dream all day this is no life for anymore i know compared to others i have a good life but that just make me feel even more pathetic for hating mine i love you lot goodnight
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lostmeself uh february something haha imy
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gfalcone 0 nawww fly me to london australia is boring
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sorry for the depressing post i have some problem that are long term and i suffer every second of everyday i am so tired of the mental pain of suffering everyday my eye will never be the same again and i only use my right eye i don t want to have such a shameful death but i wa wondering if you people believe this can possibly be a good choice i am about to have exhausted all of my treatment option
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it s gotten so bad lately i am basically in a constant state of fear i can t get a break from it whatsoever just a constant state of being afraid impending doom and panic any helpful word and tip would be greatly appreciated it s so debilitating and disheartening
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i can t take my ocd and thing i ve done like played virtual game and had a male friend i feel like a terrible girlfriend also i can t take living here with my parent at almost year old they re abusive mentally but they re right i m never gon na make it in life
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the past three day ive experimented with milligram klonipin everyday it made me see life from a different view ive never been able to talk to people talk on the phone make eye contact talk to a girl and im in constant edge the klonopin ha helped durastucally today i applied for three job called place asking to hire and wa able to make confident eye contact can i be on klonipin long term it help so much i really believe i have the world worst anxiety my brain is on like turbo mode all day without it
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back at work have to go to zeist in a minute but want to stay here to do some work
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today is the day the government kill u all
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i m not fat and dumb it s just how my life s been for a long time now and i don t see any change happening in the next few month or year idk
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arisan no free day for you
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i m 9 male and autistic i have never had a relationship with anyone not even a date i had a few crush but i m too shy and socially awkward to act on them when girl try to flirt or hit on me i miss the sign because my brain doesn t work properly so i accidentaly reject them just to realize what i did a few hour later and get even sadder because i blew another chance i don t understand how i m supposed to find a romantic partner but i really want one i also don t think i would make a good partner my sex drive is high every slight mention of anything sex related give me a semi i really want to lose my virginity but the idea of being that intimate with another person is terrifying to me i would have to break so many social boundary to let anyone get so close to me and i wouldn t be comfortable breaking those boundary for another person either i stopped trying to talk about this with people close to me because no one understands i just wish i didn t have to deal with all these urge i ll never be able to fulfill i hate my life
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a long flight is made even longer by a seat that won t recline off the red eye and grumpy
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ryleebeth ye im not very sad but weirdly enough shes lettin me go da party how confusing parent r lol
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i keep having anxiety in the shower sometimes i can manage through but i had to shave and take a little extra time my usual anxious thought about a million way to die i swear i could have written the script to the movie and why i m terrified of the unkniwn waved over me and i pushed through the shower a fast a i could got out and instantly took a full pill of my clonazepam mg now i m sitting here about minute later still half anxious struggling to even right this a my brain is going into shut down mode i still have to make dinner but my husband may be tasked with it tonight which i know he won t complain or think anything of it but it make me feel like a bad wife i went almost month with little to no anxiety until about week ago and now i feel like i m right back to where i wa it s been two year and i m so ungodly tired of this i m tired of being good for a couple year then being thrown back into anxiety panic attack i m tired of deciding that not feeling at all is better than participating in living c
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my anxiety manifest itself in many way and this is one form of it i would stand in front of the mirror and just feel like guilty for not being better not contributing more not being more positive not being a better friend when in reality i do those thing anyone else relate to this feeling
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i still feel toss though i wa better yesterday but actually realised im not when i woke up at am feeling sick
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jpfurry poor john this is what happens when you play with fruit and a microwave seriously though have you seen a doctor xxx
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im sad now miss lilly
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i have nearly 00 dollar saved a a student working hour a week i spend money on almost nothing but random food rent to parent car payment and gas i just feel like spending money because it feel like it d make me feel better but i still don t wan na do anything any video game i can buy hobby sure all i really want is good company but thats the one thing i can t really get lmao
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working my life away
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i just can t take it i didn t even have serious trauma it wa my fault and still i can t get over it it s been three year i said i forgave him for forcing me to have sex so many time so many month so many thing i wa young i didn t know how sex should work i didn t even consider my voice mattered i m so sorry for my younger self i didn t help her and now everything is my fault i just will never be able to love someone again to have any sexual intimacy i miss who i wa romantic passionate innocent i m just starting to realize how everything i do is related to this how can i be so slow the nightmare the panic attack when i feel my voice isn t listened to how i keep getting drunk and letting some random dude fuck me because it give them pleasure if i start it maybe it mean i am in control if i have sex maybe it mean it wasn t such a big deal but i can t take it sober i have only had sex sober once and drunk way too many i hurt so much the day after i try to forget can t take it anymore i can t forget all these people touching me how much they enjoy it i did this myself i let them i wa never raped it s my fault i m this miserable i want to hate those guy i think i do but i let them some people consider they only lost their virginity the first time they actually wanted to have sex it s funny to think i can be a virgin after so many time no one need to read this i m sorry i just need to say it at least once i can never say it up to recently i didn t even believe anything had happened i know i don t deserve any sympathy after how i did this myself i don t need any just hear me out
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it bulle fika lokitaung utembee kwa mlima na ulale kwa laga depression itaisha
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aiyerchitra yikes now i have no clue what to do
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arghh my hand are itchy could it be that on top of my alergy to beef i also can not eat chicken no more
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i m a 9 year old male currently in college doing engineering living with my parent i love my parent and they love me and you know the pandemic for the last year forced college to be online learning so i m at home studying with no job yes my parent pay for my education and everything i feel very depressed every day and i became this awful person that yell back at my parent and me sitting at home made me very lazy that if my mom tell me to do a chore then i become angry now is it that i don t have a job i feel depressed and lazy i know i need to change this anger inside of me but don t know how to start the next step thanks for reading this please share what you think
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no one will read this but there would be occasion i took benzodiazepine and alcohol together and had no memory for example mg ativan and a beer or beer and three ativan or beer and ativan i haven t done that in awhile issue is i am having extreme anxiety that i have ruined my brain chemical somehow like very bad and now i ve convinced myself i ve ruined my brain and i m going to be anxious forever
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wyldceltic oh man it wa the most sad ever
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ekim 0 hehehe too bad they were separated
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got ta repeat whole art folio cuz old one with a whole term work got wet
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fancyelastic would use red onion if we had any chive are abundant at the moment so using them instead lid of sunflower seed is stuck
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theblondetheory between that and the italy earthquake it s been a very sad news day
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divya gandotra to be in continuous state of doubt anxiety and depression that s their motto it seems
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i can t decide i really want to but then again
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now i m having a hard time digesting disappointment
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hollis death scene will hurt me severely to watch on film wry is director cut not out now
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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ophelia haha sorreh i try spek normalz now k
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cardinaire ya me too
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diannepulham oooooooo who with im not neither but thats because i need to study
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sometimes when my anxiety is bad i ll snap at people i always regret it immediately after and i hate that i do it doe anyone el here have this problem if so do you have any advice thanks
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in 0 0 my wife and i moved back to my small hometown due to price of living and being closer to family since then it ha been just the worst year of my life the pandemic started getting serious so we distanced ourselves from my family because everyone wa still going out and acting like we weren t in a plague we have small child one ha a very weak immune symptom we were basically ostracized and told how selfish we were to a point where i got very close to taking my own life thing got better but i m not a close to my mom a i used to be the whole ordeal made me realize how much of a narcissist she is and that she turn everything into a fight recently we pulled my year old out of pre school because many kid i his class got covid with the intent of sending him back a soon a he can get vaccinated my mom is constantly fighting with me and my wife saying we are failing my son anytime i try to even explain my side she turn it into a fight i m at a point where i just can t do it anymore i m mentally exhausted in my head i m already planning on selling our house in the hopefully near future and moving this is just me venting because i have no one else to vent to i can t connect with anyone here in this town because most of them never got out
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i hate being awake going to school western civ presentation andn a really awesome lunch
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mckayla jb hey lol btw u know how to upload a picture i tried but it never show xo
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dat some fast internet we ll probably be stuck with that 0 though http digg com d o kd
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in the university in the classroom on the computer shit my day is boring
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idk what it is with depression but it always make you feel like the bad guy me breath me right after what a po always breathing wrong
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i want to go but i m afraid of what s there after idk religion i guess i feel pretty pathetic all the time but i m thinking like maybe in a few month sometime this year i just need clear answer on how and when the right time i guess soon i just need relief
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sad sad sad i don t know why but i hate this feeling i wan na sleep and i still can t
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also i can t even look nobody in the eye because of it wtf do i do it s ruining the relationship i have with my family and parent it s just pissing me tf off i went to get a haircut today but walked tf out because i wa too anxious and my anxiety wa high so when i walked in i sat all the way in the back so my barber and other people wouldn t see me because of my dumbass anxiety but how else wa i gon na get a cut if he couldn t see me right so like i said i just walked tf out with my head down n cried when i got home
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nevada is really long and the gas pump are down but on a good note i just won in a slot machine i love to gamble
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i f have a lot of personal challenge including depression anxiety ptsd and idiopathic hypersomnia always tired no solution i have been dating my boyfriend m for almost year now and even though he ha no personal experience with mental illness he doe his best to be understanding and helpful when i m falling apart however lately i ve been feeling very insecure in our relationship because i feel like i don t do even half a much for him a he doe for me he doe a majority of the cooking cleaning and laundry especially lately since my mental health ha been declining in the last few month i know that it seems simple for me to contribute more to these thing but it s hard for me to bring myself to do these thing when all i want to do is sleep and distract myself from my depression i have talked to him about how i ve been feeling and apologized for not doing more and while he say he understands i m so scared that he ll leave me because i m a wreck i m trying to budget for therapy but it s looking like i probably can t afford it until may i just don t know what i can do to feel better and start pulling my weight
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tiahn good coz you don t have to be there bad coz you don t get paid
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i ve been feeling anxious and stressed out lately which usually cause me to have chest and pain in the middle of my back now i looked up my symptom on google i know i know big mistake and apparently my symptom mostly align with a condition called stable angina this condition can lead to unstable angina which can be fatal i ve gotten at least ekg done in the past month or so and they have all been normal but i m still scared that maybe my body just can t handle stress and is slowly shutting down i don t know ha anyone else here experienced anything like this
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weird feeling hi all i m on my th day is buspirone and i m doing really well though when i go to bed it s tough to sleep with this medicine when i fall asleep i m okay but trying too it make me feel like i jolt internally or like when you go over a hill or a rollercoaster and your belly drop and it doe it a lot until i fall asleep i don t know how else to explain it and my doctor this morning didn t seem to concerned i hope it stop soon wondering if anyone can relate
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i just cant stop thinking about my ex i loved her now that she doesnt want me in her life at all anymore i dont know how to cope and what to do im helpess i really dont see a future for myself
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hey everyone im currently taking wellbutrin and buspirone buspar for depression and anxiety they re both atypical med because i am afraid of the side effect of ssri like loss of libido just so happens that both the med im on currently are supposed to help with libido counteract negative sexual side effect of ssri the thing is i do have a high libido but my anxiety is off the chart and im still pretty depressed psychiatrist want to put me on lexapro along with sticking with my current med i know it would very likely help with depression anxiety but im still worried about the side effect my question i guess is if you have a high libido to begin with but anxiety and intrusive ruminating thought is the main problem what are the odds that lexapro wouldn t negatively impact my libido at all maybe even increase it because it lower my anxiety and depression especially given that my current med are supposed to help with that thanks for reading
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looking at it i seem to be getting a completely different config finding shared hosting hard not having control
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depression nap gt gt gt
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tonight s episode of house incredibly sad and it ha nothing to do with meatloaf s usual bad acting
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immm sooooo lowwww
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i just can t seem to relax throughout the day every time i think about sitting down and reading watching a tv show meditating putting a face mask on etc i ve got 000 thing on my mind random stuff anxious thought thing i have to get done etcetc so i never get to truly relax i panic just thinking about reading cause it ll be calm and there s nothing to distract me from my thought until i m able to focus on the book which can take a while the only time i m able to actively relax is when i m tired after i ve worked out for h in the gym or late at night got ta find the sweet spot between anxious mess and falling asleep feel like walking a tightrope amp even when i manage to get there i have more important stuff to do than relaxing eg studying amp other stuff that my anxious self didn t manage to do
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no matter what i do and how much i try i feel like noone will ever really care but thats fine i dont want to be alive anymore anyways i keep saying im doing better but im not im sorry i just dont want anyone to worry i just want to be normal i never asked for any of this i never fucking asked to be born into a shithole family i never asked for a potential personality disorder i never fucking asked to be alive this long ive tried so many time ive done so much stupid shit im just ruining my life and ruining everyones perception of me maybe if i make people hate me itll be easier for them to deal with my death i dont want to live anymore i cant eat anymore i can barely get up anymore i have incredibly shit hygiene it disgusting i know im sorry im sorry im like this im sorry im so fucking sorry im still alive it would be easier if i wasnt it would be itd be better it be better that way maybe id be happy maybe itd bring people peace to know im not ruining myself anymore
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spazmoraz get up lady see you in work boohoo
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it wa in hope someone would come over she ghosted 0 minute after telling me she wa on her way to hang out it s been maybe hour i wa going to shrug it off but it only added to my low mood the last couple day i don t even know why i keep my hope up anymore
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still up trying to finish a mix
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i have been on prozac wellbutrin for a few month and other depression medication for over a year now i wa told from the beginning i need to go to therapy but wa just too exhausted to pick up the phone and try to find one i ve slowly started getting my energy and motivation back and gave my first session scheduled this month i want to hear other people s experience did you start with medication or therapy first i have heard people say start with therapy but in my case i would have never even made an appointment without the medicine to pull me out of my depression i m hoping therapy help me with coping mechanism and help me get back on track after being depressed for so many year
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this is exactly why a city burn worry me quot a city burn s third and most likely final outing quot from their new album review
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traffic not a bad a normal so super early for meeting
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shresthayash ouch i can just imagine a toothpic in the eye or something
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hello i m having some trouble understanding my life rn i had a event that i would consider traumatic last year and i don t feel like i haven t been the same since i developed dissociation and depersonalization for a month i had trouble feeling like i and everything around me wa real i have self diagnosed depression and even then i could talk to my friend and have deep relationship with people now i don t feel talking to anyone and i have a hard time reaching out to my friend i have trouble concentrating and functioning a a student and i ignored basically all of my responsibility for the last two month for videogames i ve had episode where i have a lot of anger or i find it hard to breathe when i do something wrong and i ve also had a hard time sleeping i ve recently gone to therapy but i don t feel like it s helping my life feel like hell and my suicidal thought have been stronger
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m i have been dealing with depression anxiety panic attack for 0 year and also have adhd i kind of suck at everything i am failing my rd university almost have no social life have no girlfriend for year no job no goal and no achievement i have been trying to get my life together for year i quit alcohol and cannabis completely i am working out regularly forcing myself to socialize and learn new skill and trying to date failing miserably i am only successful at quitting drug which i can relapse anytime i suffer month of a year have some good day so what is the point of living if i won t be happy and achieve anything what kind of man i am who can not attract a woman and never be able to and why do i bother to live if i am failing every job i took and every university i went to i always feel lonely hate myself and can t look at the mirror anymore i am about to give up but i can t decide please answer objectively thanks
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boycotting work on facebook s fashion war
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i get so nervous every time my spouse leaf me he is in the military which happens often and it just spiral me i am so scared of losing him and it make no sense but i feel like we are safer together what can i do to assure myself nothing will happen and if i am just over obsessing over this for no reason
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now i don t want this to turn into either a political debate or an echo chamber of fear but doe anyone else find it really hard to think about the future between covid climate change the far right and war i ve been feeling increasingly doomed since 0 and it s made it very difficult to live my life what is the point of setting goal or doing anything but spending time with your loved one when it seems like there might not be a tomorrow
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my depression ha been at it worst this year after suffering some significant loss i m going to college in the fall and i want to look forward to it but i cant i chose a state school so i wouldnt have debt and figured i d find a way to pay for it easily all my plan fell through and i only have a couple thousand in scholarship nowhere near enough to cover it i missed so many deadline and screwed up so much because i have no one to help me in my life no reliable adult or friend one of my best friend wa awarded a full tuition scholarship and i want to be overjoyed for her but i just feel so horrible about myself i tried so hard in high school with my grade and music and it amounted to nothing thousand dollar in scholarship is all i have to show for it i cant get any help from fafsa and i have a job but working is horrible when i can barely get out of bed how do i keep going when i have no one to support me and nothing to keep going for
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im hungryyyy need more sushi
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nobody will probably see this anyways nobody saw my last one i just wanted to vent my current thought so i can at least alleviate some form of pain that s going on internally at the moment ever since my ex left i ve had nobody to talk to i have no bond with anyone no friend or anything all i fricken do now is lay in bed all day go to work when it s time come back and go to sleep i don t live anymore then again what is living anyways if you have nobody to experience it with i just live a lonely existence and i m fricken tired of it i either want to be dead or just drugged up on pill so i can at least feel something beyond this emptiness inside i hate my fucking retarded existence anyways i wasn t meant to be born and i ve felt nothing but pain growing up what do i even have to feel happy about that i make decent money so fucking what money only buy me temporary happiness it isn t eternal i want to feel what true happiness feel like i m sick and tired of this life and i want to just be different or gone completely
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get inflow i got adhd anxiety depression it s a fun time
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doing my tax not in the best mood because of this
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depression amp anxiety changed me 0 tried to take my own life 0 9 with therapy and time i turned it all around passing my trade test stabilizing myself becoming a dad and supporting my family now so clear that i don t take shit from anyone and they all hate me for it
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so glad i made it through work with an extra hour too and my paycheck still waiting on the one i lost though
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ammarz i could not install it for xp user here in aramco vista user have no problem weird
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yayitsfoogie aww well i thought it wa a fun website anyway don t be lonely
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miss rach already
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sitting in work
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choadmalma i wish i could link thing a good a you
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it s going to be a long year for a s fan
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i m up way to late to be working for a client 0 am fb
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it s something i feel multiple time a day i get even more anxious when i don t get reply or when someone leaf and drive some place else i always have to check my parent cctv camera they gave me access to it i can t help but think something bad might happen i ve been like this since i wa a child my first memory of this fear wa when i wa around or year old and my grandparent drove to a place i considered far i wa so worried i had to ask my mom if they ll be safe do you experience the same thing how s it like for you how did you get over it if you ever did
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i went to the psychiatrist and he recommended drop of clonazepam mg every day before i go to college the place my anxiety is the worst im really afraid because i never took any medicine any advice
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aaaaaaaaaah still cold outside at least it s sunny for now that is
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pogba a re re mo tsentse depression
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i m a year old guy and i ve been struggling with this problem for quite some time year every time my girlfriend who i trust more than anyone in this world go to a party without me and she get high or drunk i have strong anxiety attack just thinking about it is making me shaking in fear and i can t understand why i like to get drunk and high too i find it funny to spend a night messing around i don t think it s that bad or that make you a bad person but when my emotion my inner fear kick in i completely lose my mind and i start to think that i don t want a partner that indulge in those kind of behavior a if i had this image of purity of her that get broken by the thought of her enjoying a joint something bad people do i don t understand it s like some cognitive dissonance for some background i used to be quite bullied back in high school by those who went out the night to get drunk or that smoke weed maybe that could have led me to associate those behavior that have nothing to do with the moral integrity of a person with a certain type of people could it be please let me know what you think and if you have similar experience i ll gladly read all your suggestion and comment thank you
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i am a freshman in high school young i get it but still have felt like shit for year this night wa terrible worse then the others and i don t even know why i decided that i wa gon na end it all i went to the cabinet and grabbed 0 pill and swallowed them all knowing what the outcome should have been i went to bed right away in hope that i wouldn t have to feel the pain but then something weird happened i heard my alarm clock go off in the morning meaning i wa still alive how i don t know but i should have been dead i can t focus on anything now and just think about the fact that i m still alive and thinking of way on how i am but still nothing i don t know what to do and am literally losing my shit
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