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636693 | what does elap stand for | [
"docid": "D1124257#0",
"title": "https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/disaster-assistance-program/emergency-assist-for-livestock-honey-bees-fish/index\nEmergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)",
"text": "Related Topics Disaster Designation Information Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)Livestock Forage Program (LFP)Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)Tree Assistance Program (TAP)Loss Adjustment Standards Handbooks (LASH)Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (WHIP)Home / Programs and Services / Disaster Assistance Programs /Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)ELAP provides financial assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish for losses due to disease, certain adverse weather events or loss conditions, including blizzards and wildfires, as determined by the Secretary. ELAP assistance is provided for losses not covered by other disaster assistance programs authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, such as losses not covered by the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) and the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). Related Information: (All documents are in PDF)ELAP Final Rule (April 14, 2014)ELAP Fact Sheet"
] | [
"docid": "D945179#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_reticulatus\nReticulated python",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Python reticulatus)navigation search Reticulated python Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Family: Pythonidae Genus: Python Species: P. reticulatus Binomial name Python reticulatus ( Schneider, 1801) [1]Synonyms Boa reticulata Schneider, 1801Boa rhombeata Schneider, 1801Boa phrygia Shaw, 1802Coluber javanicus Shaw, 1802Python schneideri Merrem, 1820Python reticulatus — Gray, 1842Python reticulatus— Boulenger, 1893Morelia reticulatus— Welch, 1988Python reticulatus— Kluge, 1993 [2]Broghammerus reticulatus— Hoser, 2003/2004 [3] [4]Malayopython reticulatus— R. G. Reynolds et al., 2014 [5]Subspecies: Malayopython reticulatus reticulatus (Schneider, 1801)Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus (Auliya et al., 2002)Malayopython reticulatus saputrai (Auliya et al., 2002) [6]The reticulated python ( Python reticulatus) [1] is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. They are the world's longest snakes and longest reptiles, and among the three heaviest snakes. Like all pythons, they are nonvenomous constrictors and normally not considered dangerous to humans. However, cases of people killed (and in at least one case eaten) by reticulated pythons have been documented. [ 7]An excellent swimmer, P. reticulatus has been reported far out at sea and has colonized many small islands within its range. The specific name, reticulatus, is Latin meaning \"\"net-like\"\", or reticulated, and is a reference to the complex colour pattern. [ 8]Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 Distribution and habitat3 Feeding4 Danger to humans5 Reproduction6 Captivity7 Taxonomy8 See also9 References10 Further reading11 External links Description [ edit]P. reticulatus head This species is the largest snake native to Asia."
"docid": "D215749#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_yew_stand_for_when_texting-qna625415.html\n.",
"text": "\"Texting Text Jpg Q What does yew stand for when texting? What does it mean when you are texted yew Asked by: Stewart Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions In texting some were just abbreviated to have quick reply or text but to those who does not know what does it mean by NR it`s \"\"no reply\"\" or ... read more It means Message and could also use it as message some guys msg like m for message s for some and g for guys ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Ari204Level 1 (Contributor)2 Answers0 0 What does Ye E stand for in texts? Was this answer helpful? Yes | Nosaid: How to find frievd location using my handphio Someone said: How to find friend usung my handphone by his no Was this comment helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report Suggested Solutions (10) What's this?lychees80Level 6 (Expert)152 Answers, 5 Followers\"\"In texting some were just abbreviated to have...\"\"1 1 In texting some were just abbreviated to have quick reply or text but to those who does not know what does it mean by NR it`s \"\"no reply\"\" or \"\"no reserve\"\"..just try to figure out what the message to convey. It`s like BTW \"\"by the way\"\" or FYI \"\"for your information\"\".source: What does nr stand for in texting? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Yews texting Yew in texting terms Yew texting Anonymous0 1 It means Message and could also use it as message some guys msg like m for message s for some and g for guys.source: What does msg stand for for texting? Was this answer helpful?"
"docid": "D2211287#0",
"title": "http://www.nelac-institute.org/content/NELAP/accred-bodies.php\n.",
"text": "\"NELAP-Recognized Accreditation Bodies Although NELAP is a national program, state governmental agencies serve as Accreditation Bodies. States, which apply to NELAP to become an accreditation body, may select to operate an accreditation program which covers all of the EPA regulatory programs or as few as one. For example, many states may select to only accredit laboratories for chemistry and microbiology under the drinking water program. Other states may select to operate a comprehensive program, which includes all types of analyses for all types of media (i.e., hazardous waste, waste water, drinking water, air, soil, etc.) under the five EPA regulatory programs [i.e., Clean Air Act (CAA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)]. There is no requirement that a state incorporate any particular portion of the possible scope into its program. The scope of accreditation, the type of laboratory included under the state's program, including the regulatory or voluntary nature of the program itself, the assessment of fees, and the use of third party assessors are all options of the state. A NELAP Accreditation Body will accept by recognition, the accreditation status of a laboratory issued by another NELAP Accreditation Body (this is called secondary accreditation). Each Accreditation Body must adopt and adhere to this principle as a condition of membership in NELAP. In accepting the accreditation status of a laboratory through recognition, the Accreditation Body assumes accreditation responsibilities as a secondary accreditation body. A laboratory seeking accreditation must apply to its home state Accreditation Body for accreditation."
"docid": "D2394654#0",
"title": "https://www.plbg.com/forum/read.php?1,306131\nRe: What does WOG stand for on valvesAuthor: Plumbcrazy2 (PA)WOG is Water,Oil,Gas. It can be used for all three.Post Reply",
"text": "\"Over 625,000 strictly plumbing related posts Welcome to popular Plbg.com the strictly plumbing information sharing forum. We discuss toilets, sinks, faucets, drainage, venting, water heating, showers, pumps, water quality, and all other plumbing related issues. Please refrain from asking where to purchase a product, or business, pricing, or legal questions, or for contractor referrals, or any questions not related to plumbing. Please keep all posts positive and absolutely no advertising. This site is free and made possible by: Post New Search Log In How to Show Images Newest Subjects What does WOG stand for on valves Author: waukeshaplumbing (WI)I just bought some gate valves on sale. What does WOG stand for? I thought it was pressure...most plumbers use 200 WOG i noticed. Working pressure is usually 60-80 psi, so why spend the extra to get 200 WOG when 125 WOG is more than enough? Edited 2 times. Post Reply Re: What does WOG stand for on valves Author: Plumbcrazy2 (PA)WOG is Water,Oil,Gas."
"docid": "D3149249#0",
"title": "http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/123TCP.shtml\n1,2,3,-Trichloropropane (1,2,3 - TCP)",
"text": "Home drinking water certlic drinkingwater 123TCP1,2,3,-Trichloropropane (1,2,3 - TCP)Announcements1,2,3-Trichloropropane Utility Training Webcast1,2,3-Trichloropropane Utility Training Presentation Slides SBDDW-17-001 1,2,3-Trichloropropane MCL - Effective December 14, 20171,2,3-Trichloropropane Utility Notification for CWS/NTNCTemplate for Public Notification for 1,2,3-TCP MCL Exceedance is now available Background1,2,3- TCP is a chlorinated hydrocarbon with high chemical stability. It is a manmade chemical found at industrial or hazardous waste sites. It has been used as a cleaning and degreasing solvent and also is associated with pesticide products.1,2,3-TCP causes cancer in laboratory animals (US EPA, 2009). It is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen (NTP, 2014), and probably carcinogenic to humans, based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals (IARC, 1995). In 1992, 1,2,3-TCP was added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer, pursuant to California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act ( Proposition 65 ).. In 1999, we established a 0.005-micrograms per liter (μg/L) drinking water notification level for 1,2,3-trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP). This value is based on cancer risks derived from laboratory animals studies (US EPA , 1997). The notification level is at the same concentration as the analytical reporting limit, as described below. Certain requirements and recommendations apply if 1,2,3-TCP is detected above its notification level. The 1,2,3-TCP notification level was established after its discovery at the Burbank Operable Unit (OU) — a southern California Superfund hazardous waste site — because of concerns that the chemical might find its way into drinking water supplies. It had been found in several drinking water wells elsewhere in the state at that time."
"docid": "D120838#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_cl_stand_for_in_measurement\nWhat does cl stand for in measurement?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does cl stand for in measurement? Flag What does cl stand for in measurement? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.it means centilitre2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Ianmcneillcurry 1 Contribution What does cls stand for on timber? Definition for CLS in Timber sizes \"\"Timber known as CLS or MALS (Canadian/American Lumber Sizes) is surfaced on all four sides and has rounded arrises. It is produced in a li …Craig Ballard 3 Contributions What does cl stand for? It stands for COORS LIGHT the beer. Everyone knows this. It's also Chlorine, an element. Graham Howarth 106,484 Contributions Masters degree with Distinction from Imperial College London, first degree in Chemistry from University of Central Lancashire."
"docid": "D696088#0",
"title": "http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/di/aa/ap/index.asp\nA",
"text": "A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, ZAAcronym Description AB Assembly Bill ACE American Council on Education (Outside Source)ACIA Academic and Career Integral Assessments in Career Education ACR Assembly Concurrent Resolution ACSA Association of California School Administrators (Outside Source)ACT American College Testing (Outside Source)ADA Americans with Disabilities Act (Outside Source)ADA average daily attendance ADAD Assessment Development and Administration Division AID Audits and Investigations Division AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIECE American Indian Early Childhood Education AMAOs Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMARD Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division AP Advanced Placement API Academic Performance Index APR Accountability Progress Reporting ASAM Alternative Schools Accountability Model ASD After School Division ASES After School Education and Safety Program ASRA Administrative Support and Regulations Adoption AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination AYP Adequate Yearly Progress Top of Page BAcronym Description BPPVE Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (Outside Source)BTSA Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (Outside Source)BTTP Bilingual Teacher Training Program Top of Page CAcronym Description C. A. S. H. Coalition for Adequate School Housing (Outside Source)CAASFEP California Association of Administrators of State and Federal Education Programs (Outside Source)CABE California Association of Bilingual Education (Outside Source)CACE California Association for Compensatory Education (Outside Source)CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program CADS Consolidated Application Data System CAHSEE California High School Exit Examination Cal-SAFE California School Age Families Education CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System Cal STRS California State Teachers' Retirement System (Outside Source)CALTIDES California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System Cal WORKS California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Ca MSP California Mathematics and Science Partnership CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment CASBO California Association of School Business Officials (Outside Source)CASEMIS California Special Education Management Information System CAT/6 California Achievement Tests, Sixth Edition CBE competency-based education CBEDS California Basic Educational Data System CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test (Outside Source)CBET community-based English tutoring CBR California Business Roundtable (Outside Source)CCAE California Council for Adult Education CCC California Community Colleges (Outside Source)CCDA California Career Development Association CCDAA California Child Development Administrators Association CCDBG Child Care and Development Block Grant CCDF Child Care and Development Fund CCEI California Counsel of Electronics Instructors CCFRF Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund CCIS California Consortium for Independent Study CCLDHN California Conference of Local Health Department Nutritionists (Outside Source)CCR coordinated compliance review CCR California Code of Regulations CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (Outside Source)CCSS Common Core State Standards CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers (Outside Source)CCTD Career and College Transition Division CD Communications Division CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Outside Source)CDD Child Development Division CDE California Department of Education CDFS Child Development Fiscal Services CDHS California Department of Health Services (Outside Source)CDPAC Child Development Policy Advisory Committee CDS Community Day Schools CDS county/district/school code CDSMC Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission CDTC California Drafting Technology Consortium CEEB College Entrance Examination Board (Outside Source)CELDT California English Language Development Test CFR Code of Federal Regulations CFT California Federation of Teachers (Outside Source)CHADD Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Outside Source)CHDP Children's Health and Disability Prevention Children Now Children Now (Outside Source)CHKRC California Healthy Kids Resource Center (Outside Source)CHKS California Healthy Kids Survey CHSA California Head Start Association CHSPE California High School Proficiency Examination CHSSCO California Head Start-State Collaboration Office CIF California Interscholastic Federation (Outside Source)CITEA California Industrial and Technology Education Association CLAD Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (Outside Source)CLHS California League of High Schools (Outside Source)CLLS California Library Literacy Services (Outside Source)CLMS California League of Middle Schools CLRN California Learning Resource Network CMA California Modified Assessment CMAS California Multiple Award Schedule CMD Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents CMR contract monitoring review CNAC Child Nutrition Advisory Council CNIPS Child Nutrition Information Payment System COABE Commission on Adult Basic Education (Outside Source)COCCC Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges COE county office of education COICC California Occupational Information Coordinating Committee CPA California Partnership Academies CPCM Categorical Programs Complaints Management CPDI California Professional Development Institutes (Governor's Institutes)CPEC California Postsecondary Education Commission (Outside Source)CPPP College Preparation Partnership Program CPS Child Protection Services CRESST Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing CRL California Reading List CRLP California Reading and Literacy Project CRP Content Review Panel CSAM California School Accounting Manual CSB California School for the Blind CSBA California School Boards Association (Outside Source)CSD California School for the Deaf CSD Charter Schools Division CSEA California School Employees Association (Outside Source)CSEA California State Employees Association (Outside Source)CSECC California State Employees Charitable Campaign (Outside Source)CSEY Classified School Employee of the Year CSFP Commodity Supplemental Food Program CSFSA California Schools Food Service Association CSIS California School Information Services CSLA California School Library Association CSMP California Subject Matter Projects CSMT Clearinghouse for Specialized Media and Translations CSNO California School Nurses Organization (Outside Source)CSPD Comprehensive System of Personnel Development CSR Comprehensive School Reform CSRP California School Recognition Program CSS Comprehensive Student Support CSSA California Safe Schools Assessment CSSAED Coordinated Student Support and Adult Education Division CST California Standards Tests CSU California State University (Outside Source)CTA California Teachers Association (Outside Source)CTAP California Technology Assistance Project CTC California Transportation Commission (Outside Source)CTC Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Outside Source)CTE career technical education CTEI Comprehensive Teacher Education Institute CYA California Youth Authority (Outside Source)Top of Page DAcronym Description DAC District Advisory Committee DAIT District Assistance and Intervention Team DEAM Department of Education Administrative Manual DGS Department of General Services (Outside Source)DOF Department of Finance (Outside Source)DOL U. S. Department of Labor (Outside Source)DPA Department of Personnel Administration (Outside Source)DSIB District, School, and Innovation Support Branch DSS Department of Social Services (Outside Source)Top of Page EAcronym Description EAP Early Assessment Program EC Education Code (Outside Source)ED U. S. Department of Education (Outside Source)EDGAR Education Department General Administrative Regulations (Outside Source)EDMD Educational Data Management Division EETT Enhancing Education Through Technology EIA Economic Impact Aid EL English learner ELA English-language arts ELAP English Language Acquisition Program ELD English-language development ELSD English Learner Support Division ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Outside Source)ETS Educational Testing Service (Outside Source)Top of Page FAcronym Description FAQ frequently asked question FASD Fiscal and Administrative Services Division FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Outside Source)FFA Future Farmers of America (Outside Source)FPD Fiscal Policy Division FTE full-time equivalent FY fiscal year FYS Foster Youth Services Top of Page GAcronym Description GAD Government Affairs Division GATE Gifted and Talented Education GED General Educational Development Test GPA grade point average GSE Golden State Examination GSSMD Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Top of Page HAcronym Description HCE Health Careers Education HECT Home Economics Careers and Technology HIV human immunodeficiency virus HOUSSE High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (Outside Source)HPSGP High Priority Schools Grant Program HTML hypertext markup language Top of Page IAcronym Description IAD Improvement and Accountability Division IASA Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 (Outside Source)IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Outside Source)IEP individualized education program IFSP individualized family service plan II/USP Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program ILSB Instruction and Learning Support Branch IS independent study Top of Page JAcronym Description Top of Page KAcronym Description Top of Page LAcronym Description LAC Legal, Audits, and Compliance Branch LC Language Census LD Legal Division LEA local educational agency LEP limited English-proficient LPCs Local Child Care and Development Planning Councils LRDC Learning Resources Display Centers Top of Page MAcronym Descrip"
"docid": "D46289#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V\nHonda CR-V",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"CR-V\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see CRV. Honda CR-VOverview Manufacturer Honda Model years 1995–present Body and chassis Class Compact crossover SUVBody style 5-door SUVLayout Transversely mounted, front engine, front-wheel drive / all-wheel drive Chronology Predecessor Honda Passport The Honda CR-V is a compact crossover manufactured by Honda since 1995 and introduced in the North American market in 1997. [ 1] [2] It uses the Honda Civic platform with an SUV body design. The CR-V is Honda's mid-range utility vehicle, slotting between the smaller HR-V and the larger Pilot. Honda states \"\"CR-V” stands for \"\"Comfortable Runabout Vehicle\"\" [3] [4] [5] while the term \"\"Compact Recreational Vehicle\"\" is used in a British car review article that was republished by Honda. [ 6]Honda began producing the CR-V in Sayama, Japan, and Swindon, UK, for worldwide markets, adding North American manufacturing sites in East Liberty, Ohio, in 2007; El Salto, Jalisco, Mexico, in late 2007 (ended in early 2017); Alliston, Ontario, Canada, in 2012; and Greensburg, Indiana in February 2017. The CR-V also is produced in Wuhan ( Hubei province) for the Chinese market by the Dongfeng Honda Automobile Company, a joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Corporation. Contents [ hide ]1 First generation (1995–2001)1.1 1999-2001 update1.2 Safety2 Second generation (2002–2006)2.1 Facelift3 Third generation (2007–2011)3.1 Facelift4 Fourth generation (2012–2016)4.1 Facelift5 Fifth generation (2017–present)5.1 Engines5.2 Safety6 Sales7 References8 External links First generation (1995–2001) [ edit]First generation (RD1–RD3)Overview Production 1995–2001Model years 1997–2001Assembly Swindon, United Kingdom ( HUKM) Sayama, Japan Hsinchu, Taiwan Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines (Honda Santa Rosa, Laguna Plant) Ayutthaya, Thailand (Honda Ayutthaya Plant) Karawang, Indonesia (Honda Karawang Plant)Designer Hiroyuki Kawase (1993)Body and chassis Related Honda Civic (sixth generation)Honda Integra Powertrain Engine2.0 L B20B I42.0 L B20Z I4Transmission 5-speed manual MDMA 4-speed automatic MDLA 4-speed automatic Dimensions Wheelbase 2,620 mm (103 in) 2,625.1 mm (103.35 in) (post-facelift)Length 4,510 mm (178 in)Width 1,780 mm (70 in)Height 1,678 mm (66.1 in)1997–1998 (2WD version) 1,700 mm (67 in) 1997–1998 (4WD LX) 1,725 mm (67.9 in) 1997–1998 (2WD EX 126 BHP) 1,745 mm (68.7 in) 1999–2001 (2WD EX 146 BHP 2.0 Engine) 1,755 mm (69.1 in) 1999–2001 (4WD EX 146 BHP 2.0 Engine) 1,770 mm (70 in) 1999–2001 (4WD EX-L With Navigation)The CR-V (Chassis Code RD1-RD3) was Honda's first in-house designed sport utility vehicle by Hiroyuki Kawase. The CR-V was introduced in Japan at Honda Verno dealerships only and was regarded as a luxury vehicle in Japan due to the exterior width dimensions exceeding Japanese Government dimension regulations."
"docid": "D2501961#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micrurus_fulvius\nMicrurus fulvius",
"text": "\"Micrurus fulvius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Micrurus fulvius Conservation status Least Concern ( IUCN 3.1)Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Family: Elapidae Genus: Micrurus Species: M. fulvius Binomial name Micrurus fulvius ( Linnaeus, 1766)Synonyms [1]Coluber fulvius Linnaeus, 1766Elaps fulvius— Daudin, 1803Vipera fulvia— Harlan, 1826Elaps tristis Baird & Girard, 1853Elaps fulvius— Boulenger, 1896Micrurus fulvius fulvius— Schmidt, 1928Micrurus fulvius barbouri Schmidt, 1928Micruroides fulvius— Stickel, 1952Micrurus fulvius, commonly known as the eastern coral snake, [2]common coral snake, American cobra, [3] and more, is a species of venomous coral snake in the family Elapidae. The species is endemic to the southeastern United States. [ 4] It should not be confused with the scarlet snake ( Cemophora coccinea) or scarlet kingsnake ( Lampropeltis elapsoides ), which are harmless mimics. [ 2] No subspecies are currently recognized. [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 Common names3 Geographic range4 Habitat5 Feeding6 Reproduction7 Venom8 References9 Further reading10 External links Description [ edit]Micrurus fulvius is generally less than 80 cm (31 in) in total length (including tail). The maximum reported total lengths are 121.8 cm (48.0 in) for a specimen in Florida ( Niell, 1958) and 129.5 cm (51.0 in) ( Roze, 1996). Males have longer tails than females, but females reach a greater total length. [ 1]The dorsal scales are smooth, and are in 15 rows at midbody. [ 2] The ventral scales number 197-217 in males and 219-233 in females. There are 40-47 subcaudals in males and 30-37 in females. ["
"docid": "D3037203#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Element\nHonda Element",
"text": "\"Honda Element From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Honda Element Overview Manufacturer Honda Production December 2002 – April 2011Assembly East Liberty, Ohio, U. S. ( ELAP)Designer John Andrew Frye (2000) [1]Body and chassis Class Compact crossover Body style 4-door crossover Layout Front engine, front-wheel drive / four-wheel drive Related Honda Civic Honda CR-VAcura RSXPowertrain Engine 2.4 L I4: K24A4 2003–2006, K24A8 2007+Transmission 5-speed manual 4-speed automatic 5-speed automatic Dimensions Wheelbase 101.4 in (2575 mm)Length 2003-2008: 169.3 in (4,300 mm) 2009-2011: 169.9 in (4,315 mm)Width 2003-2008: 72 in (1,829 mm)Height 70.4 in (1,788 mm) 69.5 in (1,765 mm) (SC)Chronology Successor Honda Crosstour Honda HR-V (for US)Honda Element logo The Honda Element is a compact crossover manufactured and marketed by Honda and based on a modified CR-V platform. Manufactured in East Liberty, Ohio, the Element was offered with front-wheel or all-wheel drive in the United States and Canada from model years 2003 [2] through 2011. [ 3]Contents1 Overview2 Model year changes2.1 20032.2 20042.3 20052.4 20062.5 20072.6 20082.7 20092.8 20102.9 20113 Advertising and marketing3.1 Gil the Crab3.2 Element and Friends - version 2.03.3 Dog-friendly Concept4 Discontinuation5 References6 External links Overview [ edit]The Element followed a concept vehicle called Model X, developed by a core group of Honda R&D engineers in 1998, debuted at the 2001 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The Model X was designed to be an activity-oriented vehicle combining features of a pickup truck and a sport utility vehicle. [ 4]The Element was unveiled at the 2002 New York International Auto Show in March 2002. [ 5]The 4-seat Element is optimized to carry large volume loads. The floor is made of easily cleanable TPO coated textured urethane; the fabric is stain resistant; the individual rear seats recline, fold up, and are removable. The rear clamshell tailgate arrangement is large, and the vehicle is tall, allowing tall loads. The rear side doors open outward from the front but are not referred to as suicide doors: they cannot be opened if the conventional front doors are not open. To accommodate elimination of the B-pillars, which provides unobstructed access for side loading through the 2006 model year, limited by the front seat design from 2007 onward, the Element features a chassis with reinforced joints, strengthened lower side sills, larger cross members, enlarged rocker panels, and five bulkheads per side."
"docid": "D1774149#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_t_stand_for_in_measuring\nWhat does t stand for in measuring?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Units of Measure What does t stand for in measuring? Flag What does t stand for in measuring? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.the abbrevation for \"\"t\"\" when measuring means teaspoon. tsp=teaspoon also. tablespoon= Tbsp, Tbs, T c= cups lbs= pounds and so manyy moree! =) your welcome who ever needed these answers.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Rob Flanders 103,746 Contributions In measurement of liquids T stand for what? Most commonly T=teaspoon. ANSWER: . Normally, T stands for Tablespoon and lower case t stands for teaspoon."
"docid": "D3309696#0",
"title": "http://oncolex.org/Prosedyrer/TREATMENT/Kirurgi/Rektum_rektumamputajon\nRectum amputation of rectal cancer (Abdomino-perineal excision -APE)",
"text": "\"Rectum amputation of rectal cancer (Abdomino-perineal excision -APE)Medical editor Arild Nesbakken MD Gastroenterological Surgeon Oslo University Hospital Norway General The dissection must be performed as a TME (total mesorectal excision) as described by Heald (1). A sharp, visually controlled, dissection is performed in the plane between the visceral and parietal mesocolic/mesorectal fascia. Principles for circumferential dissection This plane is identified at open operation by primarily freeing the sigmoid from the lateral abdominal wall continuing medially for the whole mesosigmoid till the central part of the posterior abdominal wall. The autonomicnerves and ureter will be left unharmed retroperitoneally on the posterior abdominal wall (behind the parietal fascia, by some called \"\"Told fascia\"\"). Continue in the same plane to the pelvic entrance. After the vessels/lymph nodes are divided in the indicated level, and the colon is divided and can be held up, continue exactly and visually guided dissection in the mesorectal (\"\"holy\"\") plane outside of the mesorectal fascia down in the pelvis. The plane is usually relative easy to define posteriorly and anteriorly because it follows the rear of vesicles and prostate gland in men, vagina in women. The proper plane should first be identified and followed far down posteriorly, then a bit down anteriorly. The plane is more difficult to define laterally, especially at 10 and 2 o’clock. The dissection here should only be performed after the initial posterior and anterior dissection."
"docid": "D3058579#0",
"title": "http://www.jbsolis.com/2016/12/owwa-to-ofws-be-and-active-members-to-get-benefits.html\nOWWA To OFWs: Be An Active Members To Get Benefits",
"text": "OWWA To OFWs: Be An Active Members To Get Benefits Share Tweet Overseas Workers, Welfare Administration (OWWA) is urging every Overseas Filipino Workers to register and become active members of the agency to get benefits, not only for themselves but also for their dependents or families. ( WATCH: OWWA Member Ka na ba? ) OWWA Member Ka na ba? Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:32According to OWWA Region-10 Director Roselle Bartolome, an active member of OWWA can enjoy benefits such as livelihood projects, scholarship for their children and many others. Registered and an active member also becomes the priority of the government. While those who are inactive, they do not get anything from the government. OWWA PROGRAM AND SERVICES With a membership fee of US$25.00, an OFW is entitled to the following benefits and services:1. Social Benefits An OWWA member is provided with the following benefits within the duration of their contract (per contract basis, with maximum of 2 years contract) A. Disability and Dismemberment Benefits - A member is entitled to disability/dismemberment benefit of up to P100, 000.00 for injuries sustained due to an accident while working abroad. Qualified are active OWWA members Requirements: Foreign medical certificate Medical certificate issued by the local attending physician with medical examination procedure. ("
"docid": "D1187232#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_abbreviation_cwt_stand_for\nWhat does the abbreviation cwt stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does the abbreviation cwt stand for? Flag What does the abbreviation cwt stand for? Answer by Schnazola Confidence votes 14.5KThe abbreviation cwt stands for hundredweight. Unfortunately there are two different definitions of a hundredweight. In the United Kingdom, where it has been replaced by the metric system, a hundredweight is 112 pounds, or 8 stone. In the United States, it is 100 pounds.8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Rustleochre 44 Contributions What does the abbreviation stand for? An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word that stands for the complete word. Examples: Mr. stands for mister . etc."
"docid": "D3273527#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/81160498/chapter-1-flash-cards/\nChapter 1",
"text": "45 terms Kelsey Allen712Chapter 1Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What decade did Vet Tech begin to take form? 1960s Who is considered the Father of Veterinary Technology? Walter E. Collins What does the acronym AVMA stand for? American Veterinary Medical Association. What does the acronym GP stand for? General Practitioner What does the acronym TVTA stand for? Tennessee Veterinary Technician's Association What is the mission of a TVTA? To promote the science and art of Veterinary Technology and the humane medical care for all creatures and to educate the public about the importance of Licensed Veterinary Medical Technicians within the veterinary medical profession. What does the acronym VTS stand for? Veterinary Technician Specialist What does the acronym CE stand for?"
"docid": "D113622#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_dcr_stand_for_in_real_estate\nWhat does dcr stand for in real estate?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Business & Finance Real Estate Real Estate Investing What does dcr stand for in real estate? Flag What does dcr stand for in real estate? Answer by Ava Marie Chapman Confidence votes 4DCR in Real Estate means Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR) or Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) it is a widely used ratio in the case of buy-to-let property and in general in commercial real estate investment analysis. You can also review more information by visiting the link in \"\"Related Links\"\".2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jerry Slay 2 Contributions In real estate what does PA stand for? \"\" PA\"\" It actually means PENDING APPROVAL when it is a short sale through the lender What does P. A. stand for in Real Estate? I think it means Professioanl Associationcat kluss 99,538 Contributions What does REO stand for in real estate?\\n REO stands for 'real estate owned'. It is the term used to describe property that is in the possession of a lender by virtue of a foreclosure. That means the foreclosure ha …Debrarmora 99 Contributions In Real Estate what P A stands for? It stands for Property Appraisal Mark Swarthout 794,173 Contributions Contract attorney."
"docid": "D910635#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_acronym_wiki_stand_for\nWhat does the acronym wiki stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does the acronym wiki stand for? Flag What does the acronym wiki stand for? Answer by Kennvido Confidence votes 1.2KSome say it is an acronym for: What I Know Is. It is also said it is a program named Wiki Wiki Web for servers. It is also said it's from the Hawaiian word \"\"wiki-wiki,\"\" meaning \"\"quick.\"\" Here is what the Wikipedia article about \"\"wiki\"\" has to say: Wiki Wiki Web was the first site to be called a wiki. Ward Cunningham started developing Wiki Wiki Web in 1994, and installed it on the Internet domain c2.com on March 25, 1995. It was named by Cunningham, who remembered a Honolulu International Airport counter employee telling him to take the \"\"Wiki Wiki\"\" shuttle bus that runs between the airport's terminals. According to Cunningham, \"\"I chose wiki-wiki as an alliterative substitute for 'quick' and thereby avoided naming this stuff quick-web.\"\" Choose what you want or all three2 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D1638560#0",
"title": "http://www.mtstars.com/m-What-does-q-a-c-stand-for--70153.html\nWhat does q.a.c. stand for?",
"text": "\"What does q.a.c. stand for? Posted By: Don't know on 2006-10-17 In Reply to: x Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread What does q.a.c. stand for? - Don't knowac - Mesome use it as--before every meal - hmmm.. SM for a really awesome abbreviation website I have in my favorites. - Missouri MTI was excited until I realized you have to buy this.. - MSMTHuh? I have used it everyday for at least two years and never had to buy a thing. nm - Missouri MTAccess code is required...sm - sml Thanks ladies. Was feeling confused--NM - Don't know The messages you are viewing are archived/old. To view latest messages and participate in discussions, select the boards given in left menu Other related messages found in our database What does VPN stand for?"
"docid": "D1424124#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_acronym_HAART_stand_for\nWhat does the acronym HAART stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does the acronym HAART stand for? Flag What does the acronym HAART stand for? Answer by Answers Publisher Confidence votes 415KThe acronym HAART stands for highly active anti retroviral treatment. It is commonly known as \"\"the drug cocktail\"\" and is used to combat HIV, the precursor to AIDS.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does the acronym BLOG stand for? Blog is not an acronym, but a truncation. It is shortened from theterm \"\"web log\"\" formed from the last letter of the first word andthe entire last word. What does the acronym GATT stand for? General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade Dan Crimmins 14,829 Contributions Mensan, woodworker, building electronics projects since age 12, taught electronics, am in ham radio, very good at biology/astronomy/physics. What is acronym stand for?"
"docid": "D255949#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2580\nAcronyms & Abbreviations",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations Unanswered | Answered Acronyms & Abbreviations Parent Category: Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Includes questions related to forming words using the first letters of names and words, such as IRS for the Internal Revenue Service; also includes shortened forms of various words, terms and phrases.1 2 3 >What does the letters Budweiser stand for? Budweis or Böhmisch Budweis, is a statutory city in the Czech Republic. It is the largest city in the South Bohemian Region . Thebeer is alleged to have been first brewed there Read a sticker on one of the Cars in New Jersey which said RSD Sucks Is RSD an abbreviation or something. What does this mean? When a company wants to make a deal with a programming company or asystem analyst (to be more precise) for designing a system for thecompany, they use a Requirement Specification Document to writetheir system requirements. What does the acronym ADC stand for? The acronym ADC stands for Association Of District Councils. What does the acronym BCA stand for? The acronym BCA stands for Basic Credit Approval."
] |
636697 | what does eld stand for in education | [
"docid": "D602636#0",
"title": "http://suzanne.wvusd.k12.ca.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=64961&type=d&pREC_ID=111172\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "1. What do ELD, LEP, and FEP stand for? ELD stands for English Language Development, LEP stands for Limited English Proficient, and FEP stands for Fluent English Proficient. All ELD students are also Limited English Proficient (LEP) until they reclassify. After reclassification, the student is considered Fluent English Proficient (FEP). To learn more about reclassification, see number 5. 2. What programs for English Learners are offered at Suzanne Middle School? Currently, Suzanne offers English Language Development classes (ELD) to beginning, intermediate, and early advanced level students. Free after school tutoring is available to all English learners from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Wednesday."
] | [
"docid": "D209611#0",
"title": "http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/eldresources.asp\nCCSS and CA ELD Standards Resources",
"text": "Resources for Mathematics | English Language Arts | English Language Development | Literacy California English Language Development Standards Links to the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards), aligned to the CCSS for English language arts (ELA) and adopted by the State Board of Education on November 7, 2012, and the California English Language Development Standards Implementation Plan. Common Core en Español A project of the Council of Chief State School Officers, the California Department of Education, and the San Diego County Office of Education, this Web site provides Spanish translations and linguistically augmented versions of the CA CCSS to support equitable assessment and curriculum development.2014 English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework Guidelines for implementing the content standards adopted by the California State Board of Education that are developed by the Instructional Quality Commission. Executive Summary (PDF) The executive summary provides a glimpse into the ELA/ELD Framework and the guidance it provides for educators, including descriptive snapshots and vignettes of grade-level instruction. CCSS Professional Learning Modules Information about the CCSS professional learning modules. Getting Started with the California English Language Development Standards A Deeper Dive into the California English Language Development Standards2015 ELA/ELD Instructional Materials Adoption (K–8) Information about the adoption of ELA/ELD instructional materials for kindergarten through grade 8. The list of adopted materials is scheduled to be available in November 2015. Transitioning to New California ELD Standards: Introduction, Overview, & Implications for Practice This webinar provides an overview of California's English language development standards and explores implications for school and district educators working to implement them in tandem with the CCSS. Ensuring English Learners’ Success with the Common Core and California’s New ELD Standards Archived video recording of a presentation at the California Teachers Association's 2013 Summer Institute. Understanding Language An initiative aimed to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards. The initiative seeks to improve academic outcomes for English language learners (ELLs) by drawing attention to critical aspects of instructional practice and by advocating for necessary policy supports at the state and local levels."
"docid": "D3307097#0",
"title": "https://www.fleetmatics.com/solutions/eld-mandate-compliance-management-software\nELD compliance management solution",
"text": "ELD compliance management solution Simple compliance for complex regulations. Verizon Connect compliance management software keeps pace with changing government regulations and gives you peace of mind that your fleet is operating safely and lawfully. It makes monitoring your drivers and vehicles easier, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Get a demo Get a demo Meet DOT mandate for ELD, plus DVIR, IFTA and more. Meet your DOT compliance obligations, automate data collection and help your drivers stay legal with an easy-to-use mobile solution that covers a range of mandates including ELD/HOS, DVIRs and IFTA. Reduce the paperwork burden for your drivers, speed up roadside inspections and keep central databases accurate and up-to-date. ELD Mandate Electronic logbook software that meets the requirements of the ELD mandate and streamlines HOS records and roadside checks. DVIRUsing just a smartphone or tablet, drivers can sign off on a full inspection, include detailed photos and synchronize instantly with a central database. IFTAGPS-tracked interstate driving records simplify the process of collecting the information you need for accurate IFTA reports. Android or Apple (i OS)Drivers can access the compliance software they need using a single device."
"docid": "D621485#0",
"title": "http://www.overdriveonline.com/nearly-20000-inspections-occurred-in-safe-driver-blitz-in-october-cvsa-says/\nNearly 20,000 inspections occurred in Safe Driver blitz in October, CVSA says",
"text": "Nearly 20,000 inspections occurred in Safe Driver blitz in October, CVSA saysinspections Matt Cole | January 05, 2016Law enforcement officers conducted 19,480 roadside inspections on commercial drivers and vehicles during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s 2015 Operation Safe Driver Week in October, CVSA announced Jan. 5. The total number of inspections dropped from the 24,184 conducted in 2014’s Safe Driver inspection blitz. The top five warnings and citations issued to commercial truck drivers were size and weight, speeding, failure to use a seatbelt, failure to obey a traffic control device and using a handheld phone. In total, 13,807 commercial vehicles were inspected during the week. Law enforcement officers handed out 1,243 size and weight citations and 497 warnings, 404 speeding citations and 877 warnings, and 580 seatbelt citations and 112 warnings. In all, 4,062 citations and 3,923 warnings were given to commercial vehicle drivers. “Unsafe driving behaviors can result in lives lost. That’s what Operation Safe Driver Week aims to combat through driver enforcement and education,” said CVSA President Maj. Jay Thompson with Arkansas Highway Police. “ Our mission is to make our roadways as safe as possible."
"docid": "D3307098#0",
"title": "http://eldratings.com/about/\nAbout ELD Ratings",
"text": "About ELD Ratings Our Purpose ELD Ratings is dedicated to helping fleets and drivers understand the complicated world of Electronic Logging Devices. There are many ELD vendors all selling their own products, so we need a central resource to learn about ELDs and evaluate all of the many options out there. This is a community site, created by and for members of the commercial transportation industry. Whether you’re a fleet owner, a safety manager, or an independent driver, we want this site to bring you all the information you need to make smart decisions about ELDs. How we review As a community site, most of our content comes from you: our fellow pros in the trucking and transportation industry. Anyone with experience using a particular ELD is encouraged to add their own review and rating (at the bottom of each product page). The primary review for each ELD is written and rated using comments and feedback from experienced users of that product. While these opinions are their own, we hope the insight of expert users will be valuable to everyone evaluating ELD products. So if you have used an ELD, go to our Reviews page, find it, and write your own review with your own star rating. We’d love to know what you think!"
"docid": "D770394#0",
"title": "http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/\nCurriculum & Instruction",
"text": "Curriculum & Instruction Information for improving student academic achievement of content standards by communicating policy and expectations and supporting districts by providing instructional guidance. Content Standards (K-12)Standards adopted by the California State Board of Education for English-language arts, mathematics, history-social science, science, and visual and performing arts. Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Materials Curriculum guidelines for K-12 subjects, and State Board adopted K-8 instructional materials. Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework A collection of resources that support the implementation of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework. High School Graduation Requirements Requirements for high school graduation and university admission. Transitional Kindergarten FAQs Frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding California state law relating to kindergarten. Kindergarten in California California state law and information regarding admission to kindergarten. Curriculum & Instruction Topics Career Technical Education A program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers. Curriculum Resources Resources that prepare students to become productive members of families, the workplace, and the community. English Language Arts Information to help students achieve progressive levels of mastery so that they may communicate effectively in English and, ultimately, participate fully in society and the world of work."
"docid": "D2090265#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Average_cost_for_replace_throttle_position_sensor_on_2001_Honda_civic_ex\nWhat is the cost to repair or replace the head gasket and O2 sensor on a 1997 Honda Civic EX?",
"text": "\"What is the cost to repair or replace the head gasket and O2 sensor on a 1997 Honda Civic EX? Not Cheap Sorry to say this ain't gonna be cheap for you. you are talking about 8 hours manual labour, the cylinder head needs to be presure tested to see if there are cracks i …What should it cost to replace the oxygen sensor in a Honda Civic? Answer The sensor itself is going to range from $90-110 bucks at a part store (more at a shop of course), and then it is a pretty quick dig, I hear ... my shop wa …Where is the camshaft position sensor located on a 2001 Civic EX? If you are pulling OBD code P1361, or if you are having problems with the car periodically losing power suddenly (revs drop to about 1k, car will not accelerate, check engine …Cost of replacing a radio in a 2002 Honda civic ex? Michael harmsworth paid a total of £32000 for this he was a well known scientist studying dentistry Edit How do you replace the throttle position sensor on 2001 jetta?by using the proper tools in your case pay someone Edit Raymcgill 13 Contributions Do you know of a replacement throttle position sensor for a Honda odyssey EX year 2000 or does the whole throttle body have to be replaced? Just the sensor. I bought mine from e Bay $60 (http://www.iapdirect.com) We need a good write on procedure though... here's what I found... There is a large misconception that …Ptatohed 2 Contributions How do you replace the headlights on a 2001 Honda Civic EX? I wanted to help those who are like me. People who have: 1) lost their manual and don't want to take out a small loan to buy a replacement 2) have burned out light bulbs 3 …How do you Replace tdc sensor for a 2001 Honda civic ex 2dr?"
"docid": "D3108093#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004951407700582\nNo model of clinical education for physiotherapy students is superior to another: a systematic review",
"text": "Australian Journal of Physiotherapy Volume 53, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 19-28No model of clinical education for physiotherapy students is superior to another: a systematic review Peter Lekkas 1 Thomas Larsen 1 Saravana Kumar 1 Karen Grimmer 1Leah Nyland 1 Lucy Chipchase 1 Gwendolen Jull 2 Peter Buttrum 3 Libby Carr 4 Jenny Finch 4Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0004-9514 (07)70058-2 Get rights and content Open Archive in partnership with Australian Physiotherapy Association Under an Elsevier user license open archive Question Which models of undergraduate/entry-level clinical education are being used internationally in allied health disciplines? What is the effect and, from the perspective of stakeholders, what are the advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations for successful implementation of different models of undergraduate/entry-level clinical education? Design Systematic review with data from quantitative and qualitative studies synthesised in a narrative format. Participants Undergraduates/entry-level students from five allied health disciplines undergoing clinical education. Intervention Six broad models of clinical education: one-educator-to-one-student (1:1); one-educator-to-multiple-students (1:2); multiple-educators-to-one-student (2:1); multipleeducators-to-multiple-students (2:2); non-discipline-specific-educator and student-as-educator. Outcome measures Models were examined for productivity; student assessment; and advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations for implementation. Results The review found few experimental studies, and a large amount of descriptive research and opinion pieces. The rigour of quantitative evidence was low, however qualitative was higher. Evidence supporting one model over another was largely deficient with few comparative studies available for analysis. Each model proffered strengths and weaknesses, which were unique to the model."
"docid": "D322948#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/minority.htm\nMINORITY",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » M » Minium ... Minutely MINORITYPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does minority mean?• MINORITY (noun) The noun MINORITY has 3 senses:1. a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part 2. being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts 3. any age prior to the legal age Familiarity information: MINORITY used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• MINORITY (noun)Sense 1 minority [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part Classified under: Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects Hypernyms (\"\"minority\"\" is a kind of...):social group (people sharing some social relation)Sense 2 minority [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects Context examples:when the vote was taken they were in the minority / he held a minority position Hypernyms (\"\"minority\"\" is a kind of...):figure; number (the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals)Attribute:minor (inferior in number or size or amount)Antonym:majority (the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part)Sense 3 minority [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Any age prior to the legal age Classified under: Nouns denoting time and temporal relations Synonyms:nonage; minority Hypernyms (\"\"minority\"\" is a kind of...):legal status (a status defined by law)age; eld (a time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises)Antonym:majority (the age at which persons are considered competent to manage their own affairs)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"The start of a journey should never be mistaken for success.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"As long as there is no wind, the tree won’t blow.\"\" ( Afghanistan proverb) \"\"Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"The maquis has no eyes, but it sees all.\"\" ( Corsican proverb)MINORITY: related words searches» age: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does social group mean? » legal status meaning » majority: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » Definition of eld MINOR TRANQUILIZERMINOR TRANQUILLISERMINOR TRANQUILLIZERMINOR-LEAGUE CLUBMINOR-LEAGUE TEAMMINORITYMINORITY LEADERMINORSMINOSMINOTAUREnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does hosanna mean » baby boomer » what does conduction mean » throw in the towel » meaning of transportation Page delivered in 0.0572 seconds \""
"docid": "D1412951#0",
"title": "https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:jungle%20book\n.",
"text": "\"You Selected: Keywordjungle book Grades Pre KK1 st2 nd3 rd4 th5 th6 th7 th8 th9 th10 th11 th12 th Other Not Grade Specific Higher Education Adult Education Homeschool Staff Subjects Arts & Music English Language Arts Foreign Language Holidays/Seasonal Math Science Social Studies - History Specialty For All Subject Areas Prices Free Under $5$5 - $10$10 and up On Sale Common Core Apply Top Resource Types Videos Activboard Activities Activities Assessment Books Bulletin Board Ideas By Tp T Sellers for Tp T Sellers Classroom Forms Clip Art Computation See All Resource Types Sort by: Relevance View:showing 1 - 52 of 1,284 results The Jungle Book * (Reed Novel Studies)by Reed Novel Studies A complete Novel Study for the book ‘The Jungle Book’ written by Rudyard Kipling. The Novel Study is compiled by Joel Reed and Nat Reed, and contains a total of forty eight pages of content. Each of our novel studies are presented chapter-by-chapter and include many of the following activities: Befo Subjects: Reading, Vocabulary, Writing Grades: 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, Homeschool Types: Homeschool Curricula$8.9527 ratings4.0Digital Download PDF ( 736.55 KB)Add to Cart Wish List The Jungle Book- An Adapted Novel from Noodle Nook. Netby Noodle Nook Adapted Novels were created with the intent to bring the general education curriculum to students with disabilities who deserve the opportunity to experience literary classics alongside their non-disabled peers. Adapted Novels are a great resources for LIFE Skills, Fundamentals, Adapted Behavior o Subjects: English Language Arts, Special Education, Life Skills Grades: 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th, Homeschool Types: Unit Plans, EBooks, Novel Study$17.9915 ratings3.9Digital Download PDF ( 12.51 MB)Add to Cart Wish List The Jungle Book Lesson Plansby Book Rags The The Jungle Book lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons Subjects: English Language Arts, Literature Grades: 7 th, 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Types: Lesson Plans (Bundled), Unit Plans$19.995 ratings3.2Digital Download DOCX ( 161.6 KB)Add to Cart Wish List The Jungle Book 10 Chapter Novel with Student Activities and Answer Keysby EDCON Publishing Group Inc RL 1.0-2.0. In this e Book PDF DOWNLOAD the original classic novel is retained yet condensed into 10 short chapters with student activities after each chapter and answer keys in the back of the book. This high-interest low-readability title is appropriate for all ages. Introduce students to great cla Subjects: Reading, EFL - ESL - ELD, Literature Grades: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th, Adult Education, Homeschool Types: Workbooks, Study Guides, Novel Study$11.996 ratings4.0Digital Download PDF ( 3.27 MB)Add to Cart Wish List My Jungle Book Binder Coverby Colin Dismuke It's a JUNGLE out there."
"docid": "D1468595#0",
"title": "https://eldfacts.com/eld-mandate/\nYour ELD Mandate 101",
"text": "Your ELD Mandate 101The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published the final electronic logging device rule — or ELD Mandate – in December 2015, and the first deadline to comply passed in December 2017. About the ELD mandate In 2012, the United States Congress enacted the “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century” bill, or, more commonly referred to as MAP-21. That bill, which also outlined the criteria for highway funding, included a provision requiring the FMCSA to develop a rule mandating the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs). In its simplest form, an electronic logging device — or ELD — is used to electronically record a driver’s Record of Duty Status (RODS), which replaces the paper logbook some drivers currently use to record their compliance with Hours of Service (HOS) requirements. Fleets had until December 2017 to implement certified ELDs to record HOS. Fleets that were already equipped with electronic logging technology (AOBRDs) before December 2017 have until December 2019 to ensure compliance with the published specifications. ELDs aren’t reinventing the HOS compliance technology wheel The ELD rule is based on a series of previous rulemaking events, each building upon its predecessor. ( That’s one reason why it’s so easy to be confused by what’s available on the market right now. ) Today, many drivers and fleets are using automatic on-board recording devices (AOBRDs) to reduce paperwork. These devices meet the standard covered in the FMCSA’s rule 395.15, which requires them to automatically record a driver’s duty status and any changes in status, as well as the amount of time they operate the vehicle."
"docid": "D3530509#0",
"title": "https://www.teletracnavman.com/blog/elds-on-the-rise-despite-legal-challenge\nELDs on the Rise Despite Legal Challenge",
"text": "Home : Blog : GPS Tracking SHAREELDs on the Rise Despite Legal Challenge6/21/2016 by Sid Nair How ELDs surpass court challenge and are becoming a benefit to both drivers and carriers. A commercial drivers’ interest group has brought a legal challenge against the government mandate requiring commercial vehicle owners to implement electronic logging devices or ELDs. The suit was filed on Constitutional grounds, with the Owner Operator Independent Driver’s Association contending that ELDs violate a driver’s right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment. In the action, OOIDA argued that these devices are unnecessarily intrusive. OOIDA president and CEO Jim Johnston said that the regulation is “an outrageous intrusion of the privacy of professional truckers. ”In considering that claim, it’s worth noting that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--the agency responsible for enacting the ELD mandate—takes the issue of privacy and overreach quite seriously. FMCSA is aware that a tracking and recording device might be perceived as an intrusion—or even be misused. That’s why the agency included specific provisions in the mandate to prevent what it terms harassment of drivers through use of ELD data. There are several parts to the privacy guarantee built into the mandate. One is a stipulation that every ELD include a muting function that allows a driver to have uninterrupted sleep and off-duty time."
"docid": "D2140149#0",
"title": "https://www.jjkeller.com/learn/electronic-logging-device-eld-faqs\nElectronic Logging Device (ELD) FAQs",
"text": "\"Electronic Logging Device (ELD) FAQs What is AOBRD? What is EOBR? What is ELD? What is ELog? The term \"\"AOBRD,\"\" or \"\"Automatic On-board Recording Device,\"\" has been defined since the 1980s as \"\"an electric, electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical device capable of recording driver's duty status information accurately and automatically as required by §395.15. The device must be integrally synchronized with specific operations of the commercial motor vehicle in which it is installed. At a minimum, the device must record engine use, road speed, miles driven, the date, and time of day.\"\" Many of the devices installed prior to December 18, 2017, were AOBRDs. AOBRD can no longer be placed into initial service. However, any AOBRD installed and in use before December 18, 2017, can be used as an AOBRD until December 16, 2019."
"docid": "D3419604#0",
"title": "http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cc/\nCommon Core State Standards",
"text": "Home Resources Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards Educational standards describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. In California, the State Board of Education decides on the standards for all students, from kindergarten through high school. Since 2010, a number of states across the nation have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace. The California Department of Education helps schools make sure that all students are meeting the standards. Below you will find information about the standards and the CCSS-related activities taking place in California. California Common Core State Standards What are the Common Core Standards? English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, Publication Version (PDF; 2MB; Modified Mar-2013)Mathematics, Publication Version with February 2014 Corrections (PDF; 3MB; Modified Jan-2013)Spanish Translations of the CCSS are available on the Common Core en Español Web Site Resources Common Core Search Common Core Search is a collection of resources to support implementation of the CCSS."
"docid": "D1053046#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_VII:_The_Dark_Tower\nThe Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower",
"text": "\"The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower First edition cover Author Stephen King Cover artist Michael Whelan Country United States Language English Series The Dark Tower Genre fantasy, horror, science fiction, western Publisher Grant Publication date September 21, 2004Media type Print (hardcover)Pages 845ISBN 978-1-880418-62-8Preceded by Song of Susannah The Dark Tower is a fantasy novel by American writer Stephen King, the seventh book and final book in his Dark Tower series. It was published by Grant on September 21, 2004 (King's birthday), and illustrated by Michael Whelan. [ 1] It has four subtitles: REPRODUCTION, REVELATION, REDEMPTION, and RESUMPTION – all but the second of these having been used as subtitles for previous novels in the series. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot summary2 Reception3 Film sequel4 References5 External links Plot summary [ edit]Beginning where book six left off, Jake Chambers and Father Callahan battle the evil infestation within the Dixie Pig, a vampire lounge in New York City featuring roast human flesh and doors to other worlds. After fighting off and destroying numerous \"\"Low-Men\"\" and Type One Vampires, Callahan sacrifices himself to let Jake survive. In the other world - Fedic - Mia, her body now physically separated from Susannah Dean, gives birth to Mordred Deschain, the biological son of Roland Deschain and Susannah. The Crimson King is also a \"\"co-father\"\" of this prophetic child, so it is not surprising when \"\"baby\"\" Mordred's first act is to shapeshift into a spider-creature and feast on his birth-mother. Susannah shoots but fails to kill Mordred, eliminates other agents of the Crimson King, and escapes to meet up with Jake at the cross-dimensional door beneath the Dixie Pig which connects to Fedic. Maturing at an accelerated rate, Mordred later stalks Roland and the other gunslingers throughout this adventure, shifting from human to spider as the need arises, seething with an instinctive rage toward Roland, his \"\"white daddy.\"\" [ 2] [3]In Maine, Roland and Eddie recruit John Cullum, and then make their way back to Fedic, where the ka-tet is now reunited."
"docid": "D1490687#0",
"title": "http://blog.ryder.com/2016/05/what-you-need-to-know-about-fmcsa-electronic-logging-device-regulations/\nWhat You Need to Know About FMCSA Electronic Logging Device Regulations",
"text": "What You Need to Know About FMCSA Electronic Logging Device Regulations Featured Author, Fleet Management May 3, 2016When the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued its final rule in December, 2015 requiring the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs) to record hours of service (HOS) for commercial drivers, the agency did more than just demand an equipment change. The new Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations came with a long list of requirements necessary for carriers and drivers to meet in order to be compliant. The regulations mandate minimum performance and design standards for HOS ELDs, and also have: Requirements for the mandatory use of devices by drivers currently required to prepare HOS records of duty status (RODS)New requirements concerning HOS supporting documents Measures to address concerns about harassment resulting from the mandatory use of ELDs The goal of the regulation is to improve compliance with HOS rules using ELDs. To be complaint, all motor carriers and drivers subject to the ELD rule must use either an ELD or an automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD) by December, 2017. By December, 2019 all carriers and drivers subject to the rule must use only ELDs. The ELD rule: Requires ELD use by commercial drivers – including buses – who are required to prepare HOS RODS. Sets ELD performance and design standards, and requires ELDs to be certified and registered with FMCSA. Establishes what supporting documents drivers and carriers are required to keep. Prohibits harassment of drivers based on ELD data or connected technology (such as fleet management system). The rule also provides recourse for drivers who believe they have been harassed."
"docid": "D2671904#0",
"title": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keeptruckin.android&hl=en\nKeepTruckin Electronic Logbook",
"text": "\"Keep Truckin Electronic Logbook Keep Truckin, Inc. Maps & Navigation Everyone16,958Add to Wishlist Install Keep Truckin is the highest rated Electronic Logbook App and ELD system, used by over 500,000 drivers and 40,000 companies! The Keep Truckin Electronic Logbook App lets you record your Hours of Service on your smartphone or tablet -- a FREE electronic log. Keep Truckin is fully compliant with FMCSA and DOT regulations. ELD COMPLIANT LOGBOOK Simply connect the Keep Truckin App to the Keep Truckin ELD hardware device via Bluetooth or USB to comply with the ELD mandate. PROACTIVE VIOLATION ALERTS Keep Truckin alerts you if you are running out of driving time so you can avoid Hours of Service violations. COMPREHENSIVE RECAP View your hours worked for the week and hours available today and tomorrow. SECURE INSPECTION MODE Inspection Mode allows you to show your logs to an officer during a roadside inspection without sacrificing your privacy. You can set a passcode before you hand your mobile device to an officer, preventing them from viewing anything except for your electronic log in the Keep Truckin App. You can also email or fax logs to an officer for free. VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORTS Easily complete pre-trip and post-trip inspection reports and DVIRs so you can keep track of any defects."
"docid": "D1468592#0",
"title": "https://theeldexperts.com/eld_compliance/\nELD Compliance",
"text": "ELD Compliance The U. S. government has been looking at electronic logging for Hours of Service (HOS) for many years now. With all the technology available today, it’s surprising it has taken as long as it has. Most commercial drivers, if they haven’t switched off of paper logs, will likely switch to e-logs this year. With ELDs, AOBRDs and EOBRs, it can be inundating to sort through the mess to determine what’s the smartest route to go for your fleet. That’s where we come in to help. We’ve not only read through the FMCSA regulations and guidelines, we also vetted out nearly every major vendor to narrow it down to best solutions for the best price. When Does the ELD Mandate Actually Go Into Effect? December 16th, 2015 – ELD Final Rule Published (AOBRD or ELD device may now be installed)December 18th, 2016 – All CMVs (Commercial Motor Vehicles) must have an AOBRD (installed prior to December 18, 2017) or a certified registered ELD installed. December 16th, 2019 – All devices must be ELD compliant"
"docid": "D142243#0",
"title": "http://fleetowner.com/regulations/fmcsa-clarifies-roadside-display-rules-aobrds\nFMCSA clarifies roadside display rules for AOBRDs",
"text": "Resource Center > Regulations FMCSA clarifies roadside display rules for AOBRDs Avery Vise | May 09, 2014The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is clarifying the display requirements for automatic onboard recording devices (AOBRDs) that have electronic displays and is reminding motor carriers and law enforcement officials that the devices are not required to be able to print out a hard copy. In guidance to be published in the May 12 Federal Register, the agency also said that an enforcement official may request that additional information be provided following the roadside inspection. FMCSA’s new guidance was prompted by reports that inspectors sometimes ask drivers to provide printouts from AOBRDs or to e-mail or fax records of duty status (RODS) to an enforcement official. The agency also has learned that on occasion inspection officials have issued citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers because their AOBRDs did not display certain information. AOBRDs are not required to be capable of providing printed records at the roadside, although a driver may voluntarily provide it if his AOBRD has the capability. Printed information must meet the display requirements of Sec. 395.15. Requirements for recording, but not displaying, information reflects the technology in place in the mid-1980s when the regulations were adopted, FMCSA said. Small electronic displays were rare and expensive, and they could display only limited information. So the regulations call for “time and sequence of duty status” rather than the Part 395.8 graph grid."
"docid": "D3307100#0",
"title": "https://eldfacts.com/eld-myths/\nELD Myths â Separating Fact From Fiction",
"text": "ELD Myths – Separating Fact From Fiction With the arrival of any new technology — or any government mandate addressing technology — there will be plenty of questions and rumors circulated to give you pause. That has certainly been the case with electronic logging devices for the trucking industry and the FMCSA’s ELD Mandate. Let’s tackle some of the more common ELD myths we hear today and distinguish fact from fiction.1) Myth: ELDs will put owner/operators out of business One of the remarks most frequently shared with the FMCSA during the ELD Mandate comment period was a fear that ELDs would push owner/operators out of business. Those fears arose from: The perceived prohibitive cost of ELDs The potential loss of driving hours Strict Hours of Service regulations compliance Did those drivers have cause for worry? Fact: Once most commercial truck drivers have adopted electronic logging devices, they refuse to return to paper logbooks. Further, many drivers find ELD use actually helps them gain more time on the road, as e-logs can record duty status changes down to the nearest minute. Conversely, paper logbooks require drivers to round up to the nearest 15 minutes, resulting in fewer miles posted. As for price…2 ) Myth: ELDs are too expensive When electronic logging systems were first introduced over 20 years ago, fleets paid up to $2,500 for a single device. Even at those prices, fleets were willing to invest in the trucking technology that helped them reduce paperwork, stay in touch with drivers, and maximize drive time. But, what about today?"
"docid": "D724655#0",
"title": "http://www.dot.state.mn.us/cvo/index.html\nServices",
"text": "Services News Office closure Credentials and OSOW Permits offices will be closed Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Emergency Executive Order 18-05 issued Minnesota Governor, Mark Dayton, issued Emergency Executive Order 18-05 to exempt vehicles servicing septic systems from the spring load restrictions, when responding to emergency situations (i.e. frozen septic tanks). The order is currently in effect and will remain in effect until June 1, 2018. For full details, please see EEO 18-05. Government reduces UCR fees for interstate carriers See News Release for more details. Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule Visit FMCSA ELD for guidance. FMCSA no longer accepting expired versions of MCS-150 forms You may either access the updated forms, or update online with your USDOT PIN. FREE Minnesota Statewide Truck-Weight Education Training Coming to various locations in Minnesota in March and April, the Minnesota Truck-Weight Education Program is offering a great FREE learning opportunity. Note: OSOW load permitting is not covered in this session. Register here See brochure and video for more information."
] |
636701 | what does electret mean | [
"docid": "D2251354#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/electret\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does electret mean? Definitions for electret Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word electret. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:electret (Noun)a solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge; usually a metallized film; used in electroacoustic and electromechanical transducers and in air filters Freebase (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Electret Electret is a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation. An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. Oliver Heaviside coined this term in 1885. Materials with electret properties were, however, already studied since the early 18th century. One particular example is the electrophorus, a device consisting of a slab with electret properties and a separate metal plate. The electrophorus was originally invented by Johan Carl Wilcke in Sweden and again by Alessandro Volta in Italy. Anagrams for electret »tercelet Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of electret in Chaldean Numerology is: 4Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of electret in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7Images & Illustrations of electret Translation Find a translation for the electret definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these electret definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"electret.\"\""
] | [
"docid": "D65195#0",
"title": "http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryglossary/g/Dipole-Definition.htm\nDipole Definition and Example",
"text": "\"Science, Tech, Math ›Science Dipole Definition and Example Learn What a Dipole Is in Chemistry and Physics Share Flipboard Email Print This dipole magnetic field indicates the direct an electric charge would travel in the field. MARK GARLICK / Getty Imagesby Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph. D. Updated January 15, 2018A dipole is a separation of opposite electrical charges. A dipole is quantified by its dipole moment (μ). A dipole moment is the distance between charges multiplied by the charge. The unit of the dipole moment is the Debye, where 1 Debye is 3.34×10 −30 C ·m. The dipole moment is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and direction. The direction of an electric dipole moment points from the negative charge toward the positive charge. The larger the difference in electronegativity, the greater the dipole moment. The distance separating opposite electrical charges also affects the magnitude of the dipole moment. Types of Dipoles There are two types of dipoles -- electric dipoles and magnetic dipoles."
"docid": "D2522465#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphones\nMicrophone",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Microphones)navigation search For the indie film, see Microphone (film). \"\" Microphones\"\" redirects here. For the indie band, see The Microphones. Shure Brothers microphone, model 55s, Multi-Impedance \"\"Small Unidyne\"\" Dynamic from 1951A Sennheiser dynamic microphone NTi Audio outdoor measurement microphone A microphone, colloquially nicknamed mic or mike ( / m aɪ k / ), [1] is a transducer that converts sound into an electrical signal. Microphones are used in many applications such as telephones, hearing aids, public address systems for concert halls and public events, motion picture production, live and recorded audio engineering, sound recording, two-way radios, megaphones, radio and television broadcasting, and in computers for recording voice, speech recognition, Vo IP, and for non-acoustic purposes such as ultrasonic sensors or knock sensors. Several different types of microphone are in use, which employ different methods to convert the air pressure variations of a sound wave to an electrical signal. The most common are the dynamic microphone, which uses a coil of wire suspended in a magnetic field; the condenser microphone, which uses the vibrating diaphragm as a capacitor plate, and the piezoelectric microphone, which uses a crystal of piezoelectric material. Microphones typically need to be connected to a preamplifier before the signal can be recorded or reproduced. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Components3 Varieties3.1 Condenser3.1.1 Electret condenser3.2 Dynamic3.3 Ribbon3.4 Carbon3.5 Piezoelectric3.6 Fiber optic3.7 Laser3.8 Liquid3.9 MEMS3.10 Speakers as microphones4 Capsule design and directivity5 Polar patterns5.1 Omnidirectional5.2 Unidirectional5.3 Cardioid, hypercardioid, supercardioid, subcardioid5.4 Bi-directional5.5 Shotgun and parabolic5.6 Boundary or \"\"PZM\"\"6 Application-specific designs7 Stereo microphone techniques8 Powering9 Connectors9.1 Impedance-matching9.2 Digital microphone interface10 Measurements and specifications11 Measurement microphones11.1 Calibration12 Arrays13 Windscreens14 See also15 Further reading16 References17 External links History [ edit]In order to speak to larger groups of people, a need arose to increase the volume of the human voice. The earliest devices used to achieve this were acoustic megaphones."
"docid": "D704941#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRS_connector\nPhone connector (audio)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from TRS connector)navigation search For the plugs used to connect landline telephones, see Telephone plug. For the connector sometimes called a phono connector, see RCA connector. A 6.35 mm ( 1⁄ 4 inch) two-contact phone plug used for various signals including electric guitar, loudspeaker, microphone and line-level audio. The tip is insulated from its adjacent sleeve and body. A pair of phone connectors: A plug (right) is inserted in a socket (jack, left) Note the flat open contact spring parallel to and inside the tip contact spring. When the plug is removed, those contacts close to connect a circuit; such a connection is said to be \"\"normal\"\". Inserting the plug connects its tip to one part of that circuit instead. A phone connector, also known as phone jack, audio jack, headphone jack or jack plug, is a family of electrical connectors typically used for analog audio signals. The phone connector was invented for use in telephone switchboards in the 19th century and is still widely used. The phone connector is cylindrical in shape, with a grooved tip to retain it."
"docid": "D2119703#0",
"title": "http://www.nj.gov/dep/rpp/radon/radontes.htm\n.",
"text": "\"RADON TESTING AND MITIGATION: THE BASICSWhat is Radon & Why is it a concern? Selecting & arranging for tests Conducting the test Interpreting your test results Mitigating your home Questions What is Radon & Why is it a concern? Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of naturally occurring uranium in soil and rock. It is invisible, odorless and tasteless, and can only be detected by specialized tests. Radon enters homes through openings that are in contact with the ground, such as cracks in the foundation, small openings around pipes, and sump pits. Radon, like other radioactive materials, undergoes radioactive decay that forms decay products. Radon and its decay products release radioactive energy that can damage lung tissue in a way that causes the beginning of lung cancer. The more radon you are exposed to, and the longer the exposure, the greater the risk of eventually developing lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, resulting in 15,000 to 22,000 deaths per year. Testing your home for radon is easy and homes with high levels of radon can be fixed (mitigated)."
"docid": "D2189015#0",
"title": "http://www.tech-faq.com/who-invented-the-microphone.html\nWho Invented the Microphone?",
"text": "Who Invented the Microphone? A microphone is a device that converts acoustic power into electric power. Both the acoustic power and the electric power have similar wave characteristics that convert sound waves into electric voltages that eventually convert back into sound waves through speakers. Microphone were used with the first telephones, and then with radio transmitters soon after. Sir Charles Wheatstone was the first person to come up with the word “microphone” in 1827, but even so, it was Emile Berliner who invented the first microphone in 1876. Emile Berliner was born in Hanover, Germany in 1951. When he was 19, he moved to the United States in Washington. When he got there, he studied physics part time at Cooper Institute (now known as Cooper Union). Berliner helped out in the chemical laboratory and spent most of his time functioning as a seller of consumer dry goods. When Alexander Graham Bell introduced the first telephone at the U. S. Centennial Exposition, many inventors had a mission to improve this new revolutionary invention."
"docid": "D2923209#0",
"title": "http://www.instructables.com/id/RGB-LED-Strip-Controller/\nRGB LED Strip Controller",
"text": "\"RGB LED Strip Controllerby Antzy Carmasaic in electronics Download 13 Steps Share Favorite I Made it!Collection This is a remote-controlled multicolour LED-Strip controller box I made for a friend. We planned to install subtle lighting inside his car for which we got a tiny controller box + remote with the multicolour LED Strips. Unluckily, we couldn't open the door panels for wiring and had to take aid from professionals. While installing the strips, they probably shorted something (they did really shabby wiring) and all the magic smoke from controller box escaped. The lack of any protection circuitry in the controller box didn't help much. So we were left with a functional but useless remote and LED strips directly connected to power, and so limited to being manually-wired to one of the 6 basic colours (red, green, blue, yellow, cyan and magenta). So it was time to make a better pimped-up RGB LED Strip controller box! This was finished and installed 2 days before the Indian festival of lights: Diwali. Christmas is also round the bend and this could be put to use for christmas tree lighting. Christmas carol synched lighting anyone?"
"docid": "D1061761#0",
"title": "http://learnabout-electronics.org/fet_02.php\nHow a JFET Works.",
"text": "\"How a JFET Works. The JFET is a Voltage Operated Transistor. Fig. 2.1 JFET Operation Below \"\"Pinch Off\"\". In the N channel device, the N channel is sandwiched between two P type regions (the gate and the substrate) that are connected together electrically to form the gate. The N type channel is connected to the source and drain terminals via more heavily doped N+ type regions. The drain is connected to a positive supply, and the source to zero volts. N+ type silicon has a lower resistivity than N type. This gives it a lower resistance, increasing conduction and reducing the effect of placing standard N type silicon next to the aluminium connector, which because aluminium is a tri−valent material, having three valence electrons whilst silicon has four, would tend to create an unwanted junction, similar in effect to a PN junction at this point. The P type gate is at 0V and is therefore negatively biased compared to the channel, which has a potential gradient on it, as one end is connected to 0 volts (the source), and the other end to a positive voltage (the drain)."
"docid": "D2309510#0",
"title": "http://inventors.about.com/od/mstartinventions/a/microphone.htm\nThe History of Microphones",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture The History of Microphones Microphones convert sound waves into electrical voltages. Share Flipboard Email Print Jetta Productions/ Iconica/ Getty Imagesby Mary Bellis Updated April 20, 2017A microphone is a device for converting acoustic power into electric power that has essentially similar wave characteristics. Microphones convert sound waves into electrical voltages that are eventually converted back into sound waves thru speakers. They were first used with early telephones and then radio transmitters. In 1827, Sir Charles Wheatstone was the first person to coin the phrase \"\"microphone. \"\" In 1876, Emile Berliner invented the first microphone used as a telephone voice transmitter. At the U. S. Centennial Exposition, Emile Berliner had seen a Bell Company telephone demonstrated and was inspired to find ways to improve the newly invented telephone. The Bell Telephone Company was impressed with what the inventor came up with and bought Berliner's microphone patent for $50,000. In 1878, the carbon microphone was invented by David Edward Hughes and later developed during the 1920s. Hughes's microphone was the early model for the various carbon microphones now in use."
"docid": "D862394#0",
"title": "http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/ECM\nECM",
"text": "ECMAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Category filter: Acronym Definition ECM Electronic Countermeasures ECM Enterprise Content Management ECM Engine Control Module ECM Electronic Control Module ECM Extracellular Matrix ECM Every Child Matters (UK)ECM Educazione Continua in Medicina (Italy)ECM Error Correction Mode ECM Electronic Content Management ECM Electret Condenser Microphone ECM Elliptic Curve Method ECM Error Correction Model ECM Electronically Commutated Motor ECM Engineering Change Management ECM Electro-Chemical Machining ECM Electronic Counter Measure ECM Energy Conservation Measure ECM Equity Capital Market ECM Enterprise Change Management ECM Erythema Chronicum Migrans ECM energy-corrected milk ECM European Christian Mission (various nations)ECM Error Correction Mechanism (economics/trade)ECM Engine Condition Monitoring ECM European Common Market ECM Enterprise Configuration Management ECM Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing ECM Editions of Contemporary Music (Munich, Germany record company)ECM Entitlement Control Message (digital video)ECM Enterprise Commerce Management ECM Exceptional Case Marking (grammar syntax theory)ECM East Central Minnesota ECM Exempt Commercial Market ECM Entity Coordination Management (FDDI)ECM Enterprise Compliance Management ECM Earth Covered Magazine (concrete structure used to store ammuntion)ECM Electro Cell Manipulator ECM Engineering, Construction and Maintenance ECM Endpoint Congestion Management (IETF)ECM Electronics Contract Manufacturer ECM Error Covariance Matrix ECM Entry Clearance Manager (UK immigration)ECM Enterprise Component Modeling (Platinum Technology)ECM Enterprise Channel Management ECM Expander Connection Manager (SAS)ECM Endothelial Cell Multimerin ECM Emergency Changeover Message (CCS #7/ITU-T)ECM Equivalent Current Method ECM Environmental Cooling Module ECM Exam Content Manual ECM Electronic Commerce Manager ECM Electronic Component Manufacturer ECM Expendable Crew Member (science fiction character)ECM Electro-Chemical Migration (blooming and dendrite growth in PCAs due to electro-chemical reaction)ECM Evaluation Capability Module ECM Everyplace Connection Manager (IBM)ECM Estonian Centre on Medicines ECM Eggwhite Cervical Mucus (fertility charting)ECM Error Checking Mode (fax)ECM Extensible Call Model (Cisco)ECM Engine Cranking Mode ECM Engineering Change Modification ECM Echo Canceler Method ECM Ectomycorrhyzae ECM Enterprise Control Manager (software change management application tool for AMCGDSS II)ECM Ends Center Matched ECM Executive Control Message ECM Enhanced Communications Manager ECM Exponential Correlation Model ECM Eddy Current Monitoring (nuclear power)ECM Exposure Control Monitor ECM Earliest Childhood Memory (psychology)ECM Early Christian Monument ECM Early Childhood Music ECM Ecumenical Christian Ministry (Kansas)ECM Equipment Condition Monitoring ECM Energy Conservation Management ECM Employment Case Manager (various organizations)ECM Engineering Coordination Memorandum ECM Executive Career Management ECM Executive Committee Member (various organizations)ECM Engineering Construction Management (various locations)ECM Electronic Cigarettes Mart ECM Emerging Capital Market ECM Erosion Control Mat Copyright 1988-2014 Acronym Finder.com, All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page: Facebook Twitter"
"docid": "D2484475#0",
"title": "https://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_ii/otm_ii_3.html\nUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR",
"text": "\"OSHA Technical Manual General Information Health Hazards Safety Hazards Construction Hazards Section II: Chapter 3 [Updated: February 11, 2014]Technical Equipment: On-site Measurements Contents: Introduction Equipment Maintenance and Calibration Direct-Reading Instrumentation for Air Contaminants Photoionization Detectors (PIDs)Infrared Analyzers Gas, Oxygen and Explosibility (Combustible Gas) Monitors Oxygen Sensors Explosibility (combustible gas) Sensors Toxic Gas Sensors Detector Tubes Mercury Analyzers Dust / Particulate Monitors Aerosol Photometers Condensation Nuclei Counters Air Velocity Monitors/Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Assessment Instrumentation Flow Hoods Thermoanemometers Other Air Velocity Meters Bioaerosol Monitors Vibration Monitors Hand-Arm Vibration Whole-Body Vibration Mechanical Force Gauge for Ergonomic Evaluations Heat Stress Instrumentation Nonionizing Radiation Monitors Appendix A Instrument Chart Appendix B Chemical Warfare Agent Detection Appendix C Biological Agent Detection Appendix D Ionizing Radiation Monitors and Meters I. Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to provide a broad overview of the types of equipment and instrumentation available for use by OSHA personnel. This information is not a comprehensive resource for specific types of instrumentation, nor is it intended to replace the owner’s manual. Rather, its purpose is to provide a broad understanding of the principle of operation for the particular type of equipment and an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the equipment. End users should always follow the owner's manual and manufacturer recommendations regarding the specific operation and maintenance of the equipment being used. The sections which follow discuss various types of instrumentation. Calibration and battery maintenance are discussed in Section II. Section III discusses direct-reading instruments used for assessing chemical and particulate-type air contaminants. Section IV reviews equipment used to support ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments. Sections V and VI describe vibration monitors and heat stress monitoring equipment, respectively. Section VII describes instrumentation for detecting nonionizing (e.g., radiofrequency) radiation."
"docid": "D2454575#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamplifier\nPreamplifier",
"text": "\"This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( December 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)\"\"Preamp\"\" redirects here. For the device used in professional audio, see Microphone preamplifier. An example of a typical high-end stereo preamplifier. A preamplifier (preamp or \"\"pre\"\") is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted. They are typically used to amplify signals from analog sensors such as microphones and pickups. Because of this, the preamplifier is often placed close to the sensor to reduce the effects of noise and interference."
"docid": "D228173#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/communications/textbooks/boundless-communications-textbook/delivering-the-speech-12/effective-vocal-delivery-64/articulation-and-pronunciation-257-7089/\nEffective Vocal Delivery",
"text": "Volume Speakers control the production of sound either using their own voice or a microphone so that amplified sound is loud enough to be heard. Learning Objectives List methods of using volume to effectively deliver your speech Key Takeaways Key Points Volume is the perceived loudness of the speaker. Loudness is what the audience actually perceives and it correlates with the physical strength (amplitude). When speaking naturally without any amplification, you need to keep in mind the distance to be covered by your voice and adjust sound production accordingly. In large rooms or when using videoconferencing equipment, you use a microphone to convert sound into electrical signals for amplification. Lavalier mics, commonly used by speakers, are usually attached to collars or ties with small clips. The cord may be hidden by clothes and either run to a radio frequency transmitter or into a mixer. Key Terms Lavalier Mic: A lavalier microphone or lavalier (or lav or lapel mic) is a small electret (electric, magnet) or dynamic microphone used for television, theater, and public speaking applications, in order to allow hands-free operation.amplifier: This is a particular type of speaker used to amplify voices and musical instruments at live performances.loudness: The characteristic of a sound that is primarily a psychological correlate of physical strength (amplitude). More formally, it is defined as “that attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which sounds can be ordered on a scale extending from quiet to loud. “ Volume Volume is the loudness of the speaker."
"docid": "D2501740#0",
"title": "http://home.howstuffworks.com/home-improvement/household-safety/tips/radon3.htm\nHow Radon Works",
"text": "\"How Do You Test for Radon? Prev NEXTRadon gas has no smell or color so a test must be done to detect it. In fact, the U. S. Office of the Surgeon General and U. S. EPA recommend that all homes be tested for radon, especially if you are buying, selling or building a home. Testing can be done by a professional or homeowner using a \"\"do-it-yourself\"\" kit. It is important that either the professional service or home test kit be EPA-approved. Because radon levels can vary from day to day and from season to season, testing can be done on the short-term (two to 90 days) or long-term (greater than three months). Short-term tests are best done if the results are needed quickly and should be followed by another short-term test. Long-term tests will yield better information on a home's average year-round radon levels. Radon test devices are placed in the lowest occupied level of the home. Radon Test Devices Radon tests detect either radon gas directly or the daughter products of radon's radioactive decay."
"docid": "D926319#0",
"title": "http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1654092/pg3\nList of african american inventions",
"text": "\"Page 1 2 3 4 5 6Bottom Search Replies Previous Page Next Page List of african american inventions Anonymous Coward User ID: 1473574 United States 09/26/2011 01:18 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: List of african american inventions Stupid thread is Stupid. I like how you don't take in account for the fact that African Americans were intentionally withheld from proper education for the entire 17th-20th century basically. No shit they don't have a lot of inventions under their belt. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1473574Anonymous Coward User ID: 1473574 United States 09/26/2011 01:18 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: List of african american inventions Stupid thread is Stupid. I like how you don't take in account for the fact that African Americans were intentionally withheld from proper education for the entire 17th-20th century basically. No shit they don't have a lot of inventions under their belt. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1473574vor User ID: 1530220 United States 09/26/2011 01:18 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: List of african american inventionsmalt liquor Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1115000 WIKIPEDIA: The term \"\"malt liquor\"\" is documented in England in 1690 as an alternative word for ale. [ 3] The first mention of the term in North America appears in a patent issued by the Canadian government on July 6, 1842, to one G. Riley for \"\"an improved method of brewing ale, beer, porter, and other maltliquors.\"\" I doubt that a black person invented this product. Next time, try to provide something useful to this website."
"docid": "D1398283#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/communications/textbooks/boundless-communications-textbook/delivering-the-speech-12/effective-vocal-delivery-64/dialect-and-vocal-variety-258-10662/\nEffective Vocal Delivery",
"text": "Volume Speakers control the production of sound either using their own voice or a microphone so that amplified sound is loud enough to be heard. Learning Objectives List methods of using volume to effectively deliver your speech Key Takeaways Key Points Volume is the perceived loudness of the speaker. Loudness is what the audience actually perceives and it correlates with the physical strength (amplitude). When speaking naturally without any amplification, you need to keep in mind the distance to be covered by your voice and adjust sound production accordingly. In large rooms or when using videoconferencing equipment, you use a microphone to convert sound into electrical signals for amplification. Lavalier mics, commonly used by speakers, are usually attached to collars or ties with small clips. The cord may be hidden by clothes and either run to a radio frequency transmitter or into a mixer. Key Terms Lavalier Mic: A lavalier microphone or lavalier (or lav or lapel mic) is a small electret (electric, magnet) or dynamic microphone used for television, theater, and public speaking applications, in order to allow hands-free operation.amplifier: This is a particular type of speaker used to amplify voices and musical instruments at live performances.loudness: The characteristic of a sound that is primarily a psychological correlate of physical strength (amplitude). More formally, it is defined as “that attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which sounds can be ordered on a scale extending from quiet to loud. “ Volume Volume is the loudness of the speaker."
"docid": "D1661666#0",
"title": "https://www.familyhandyman.com/smart-homeowner/home-safety-tips/what-is-radon/view-all/\nWhat Is Radon?",
"text": "Home › Smart Homeowner › Home Safety Tips › What Is Radon? What Is Radon? We will tell you how to test for radon and how to stop it Next Project What is radon? More important, how do you know if your house has it? We’ll show you how to test for radon—and how to stop radon from getting into your home. Illustration by Peter Hoey By the DIY experts of The Family Handyman Magazine Straight answers to key questions A decade ago, media hype caused both panic and skepticism about the risks and effects of radon. Now, better research has made two things clear: Elevated levels of radon over a long period of time can cause lung cancer, and there are effective ways to reduce these levels. While questions still remain over the quantities and length of exposure, radon concerns are a fact of homeownership. Most residential real estate transactions require radon testing, and many states require radon mitigation for new construction. This article will help you figure out whether your home has risky radon levels and what you can do to reduce them."
"docid": "D683786#0",
"title": "http://forum.cakewalk.com/What-is-the-quotLOW-CUTquot-and-quotPADquot-used-for-on-a-mic-m1719755.aspx\n\"What is the \"\"LOW CUT\"\" and \"\"PAD\"\" used for on a mic?\"",
"text": "\"Author Post Essentials Only Full Version Ddigital DMax Output Level: -89 d BFSTotal Posts : 56Joined: 6/20/2008Status: offline May 13, 09 2:46 AM ( permalink )What is the \"\"LOW CUT\"\" and \"\"PAD\"\" used for on a mic? This is a newbie question - sorry. but I'm just not sure what to set my AT4033 at. There's a LOW CUT and a PAD selection on the mic. Each have two choices. The LOW PAD has a straight line for one choice and a straight line that dips down as the second choice. The PAD has a -10db and 0db? I'm just recording voice narration - what's the best settings for these? Any help is much appreciated!! !# 113 Replies Related Threads ATMax Output Level: 0 d BFSTotal Posts : 10585Joined: 1/9/2004Location: Te Xa SStatus: offline RE: What is the \"\"LOW CUT\"\" and \"\"PAD\"\" used for on a mic?"
"docid": "D138523#0",
"title": "http://amasci.com/miscon/voltage.html\nWHAT IS VOLTAGE?",
"text": "\"WHAT IS VOLTAGE?1998 William J. Beaty Of several electricity concepts, the idea of \"\" voltage \"\" or \"\" electrical potential \"\" is probably the hardest to understand. It's also really tough to explain. It's a headache for both the student and the teacher. <GRIN! > To understand voltage, it helps if you first understand a little about its nearest relative, magnetism. Most of us are familiar with magnetic fields. Small magnets are surrounded with an invisible \"\"field\"\" which pulls upon iron, and which can attract or repel other magnets. The magnetic field can twist any oblong magnetic objects (such as iron rods, or bits of iron powder,) so they align to follow particular directions. Put a bar magnet under a piece of paper, sprinkle on some iron filings, and the filings all line up and show the general shape of the invisible field. Obtain a small compass, and you'll see the little compass pointer twists and aligns with the magnetic field of the earth."
"docid": "D3551893#0",
"title": "https://us.novationmusic.com/what-is-paraphonic\nSynth Syntax: Demystifying âParaphonicâ",
"text": "Synth Syntax: Demystifying ‘Paraphonic’Novation’s Circuit Mono Station synthesis style comes into focus Novation’s Circuit Mono Station is by no means the first paraphonic synth. But by embracing ‘paraphony’, we entered a sometimes confusing sub-section of synthesis categorisation. In this article, the makers of Circuit Mono Station join forces with Peter Kirn of Create Digital Music to discuss the paraphony puzzle. Music makers are no strangers to complex terminology. From semi-parametric EQs and half-normalled patchbays to transformer-isolated DI boxes and back-electret microphones, the jargon that bombards us in the studio can be overwhelming. But these words play a vital role in distinguishing one type of ‘thing’ from another, so it should come as no surprise that the complicated world of synthesis has plenty of advanced vocab. And so we turn to the topic of this piece: the sub-section of phraseology that refers to the number of sounds a synth is capable of creating at any one time. The best known and easiest-to-understand terms in this realm are ‘monophonic’ and ‘polyphonic’, which describe a synth’s ability to play just one voice (monophonic) or multiple voices (polyphonic) at once. A voice is an oscillator or a group of oscillators with an independent filter, amplifier, and/or and amp envelope. ( This definition of the ‘voice architecture’ is very important, as you’ll discover. )"
"docid": "D482491#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dielectric\nDielectric",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Dielectric constant or Dialectic. A polarized dielectric material A dielectric (or dielectric material) is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material as they do in an electrical conductor but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing dielectric polarization. Because of dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced in the direction of the field and negative charges shift in the opposite direction. This creates an internal electric field that reduces the overall field within the dielectric itself. [ 1] If a dielectric is composed of weakly bonded molecules, those molecules not only become polarized, but also reorient so that their symmetry axes align to the field. [ 1]The study of dielectric properties concerns storage and dissipation of electric and magnetic energy in materials. [ 2] [3] [4] Dielectrics are important for explaining various phenomena in electronics, optics, solid-state physics, and cell biophysics. Contents [ hide ]1 Terminology2 Electric susceptibility2.1 Dispersion and causality3 Dielectric polarization3.1 Basic atomic model3.2 Dipolar polarization3.3 Ionic polarization3.3.1 Ionic polarization of cells4 Dielectric dispersion5 Dielectric relaxation5.1 Debye relaxation5.2 Variants of the Debye equation6 Paraelectricity7 Tunability8 Applications8.1 Capacitors8.2 Dielectric resonator9 Some practical dielectrics10 See also11 References12 Further reading13 External links Terminology [ edit]Although the term insulator implies low electrical conduction, dielectric typically means materials with a high polarizability. The latter is expressed by a number called the relative permittivity."
] |
636702 | what does electric furnace sequencer do | [
"docid": "D3203527#0",
"title": "https://www.doityourself.com/stry/knowing-the-different-working-parts-of-your-electric-furnace\nKnowing the Different Working Parts of Your Electric Furnace",
"text": "Knowing the Different Working Parts of Your Electric Furnace An electric furnace has several different parts. While it is not recommended that you become familiar with all of them, you should at least learn some of the more important ones. This way, should your electric furnace ever break down or have any issues, you will be able to know what to look for. The more that you know about the parts in your electric furnace, the better off you will be with the one that you own. Getting a strong and basic knowledge about at least a few of the parts is a great start in learning about each and every working part in your electric furnace. Contactor The contactor in your electric furnace is basically a control that is there to help to get the voltage switched to your furnace heating element. What this means is that it has a lot to do with your thermostat. If your thermostat for your electric furnace does not have very high voltage, then this means that the contactor will be energized by the thermostat. Once you’re the thermostat itself is content with the temperature, then the contactor will then turn the heat off by opening up the connection. Your electric furnace is not going to be able to do you much good without your contactor."
] | [
"docid": "D1018463#0",
"title": "https://asm-air.com/heating/furnace-heat-exchanger-explanation-asm/\nFurnace Heat Exchangers - What is a Heat Exchanger in a Furnace?",
"text": "Be an Insider, and Get Your HVAC-Facts Report Before You Talk to a Contractor Click Here To Find Out More Save money here on your Heating and AC system!HVAC Design & Consultation Program From: $29.95Search The Site Recent posts Goodman Heat Pump Review - Is There Hidden Value in Goodman? Weil-Mc Lain Boiler Review - Has Weil-Mc Lain Lost Its Grasp on the Gas Boiler Industry? Central Air Conditioner vs Window Unit - Which AC is Best? Furnace & Air Conditioner Combo Cost | How to Get a Fair Price3 Reasons NOT to Use an Online HVAC Installation Price Calculator View all Posts Archive20182017201620152014Furnace Heat Exchangers - What is a Heat Exchanger in a Furnace? Timothy Kautz16:01, 03 December 2014 3001Modern air conditioners and furnaces can be complex pieces of machinery. It is not uncommon for HVAC contractors ( what does HVAC stand for?) to throw around technical terms and parts, either because they are just too used to doing it at work or, in unfortunate circumstances, because they are trying to take advantage of a customer. As your educator, All Systems Mechanical will spend today’s post answering the question, ‘ what is a heat exchanger in a furnace? ‘ There are many parts to a modern furnace, but the furnace’s heat exchanger is one of the most important. Simply put, the furnace heat exchanger is the part that heats your air, but in this post we will dig a little deeper and help ensure that you are ready to talk to your furnace repairman using the same technical terms and understanding that he does."
"docid": "D1145581#0",
"title": "http://www.grayfurnaceman.com/electric-furnace.html\nElectric furnaces",
"text": "Electric furnaces When troubleshooting, understand you are working with potentially lethal voltages. If you do not have the ability to do these operations safely, do not attempt them. These furnaces use electricity for the heat. The information below give some ideas how they work and how to diagnose and repair failures. They are characterized by one to three heavy 240v wire circuits. The heaters are usually Nichrome wire which is a high temperature wire. Each of the elements usually are 5 kilowatt and the furnace may have from 2 to 6 of these elements. The elements are controlled by contactors or sequencers which turn the elements and the circulating fan on. The video below gives an overview of how the electric furnace heat strip is put together. Below is a demonstration of the elements sequencing on and off."
"docid": "D2568851#0",
"title": "http://homeguides.sfgate.com/emergency-heat-work-furnace-67240.html\nHow Does Emergency Heat Work on a Furnace?",
"text": "\"Related Articles How Do Dual-Fuel Heat Pump Gas Furnaces Work? How to Set the Thermostat for an Electric Heat Pump Furnace Determining R-Factor in an Attic What Is an HVAC Vent Limit Switch? A heat pump doesn’t create heat like a conventional furnace, but instead moves it from one place to another. Down to temperatures around 35 degrees, there’s enough latent heat energy in outdoor air to warm your home. The heat pump’s outside coil extracts this heat from the air, a compressor concentrates it in refrigerant, then conveys it to an interior coil to be dispersed into your ductwork. Because outdoor temperatures may drop below the point at which the heat pump can extract sufficient energy to heat the home, however, a second furnace is incorporated to supply backup or “supplemental” heat. This furnace also functions to deliver emergency heat. Thermostat Indicators The LCD display on the heat pump’s indoor thermostat usually displays one of three icons. The “HEAT” icon indicates that the heat pump system is operating. If “AUX” is also displayed, this means the system has also activated the furnace to produce supplemental heat."
"docid": "D44212#0",
"title": "http://www.furnacepriceguides.com/\nFurnace Price Guides",
"text": "Furnace Price Guides Compare 2018 Furnace Pricing, Replacement and Installation Costs for Home Furnaces and Forced Air HVAC Heating Systems. Do you want to get an estimate for how much it’s going to cost to replace your home furnace or forced air heating system, and just can’t find thorough, trustworthy information online about how much a new furnace cost? Furnacepriceguides.com will answer your questions about the installation cost of new or replacement gas furnaces, oil furnaces, electric air handler furnaces and much more. Even better, is that we provide transparency by putting the replacement prices online, where everyone including other Professionals, can read and contribute. Within each section below you’ll find wholesale costs, installed cost, customer submitted pricing and actual installation costs listed at the bottom of each page. The user submitted information section contains the cost of a furnace only, installation cost, service or repairs, estimates or price quotes, and of course complete heating and air conditioning system replacement. Updated with the latest 2017 and 2018 prices and actual costs by homeowners, manufacturer price lists and website visitors. Average Furnace Replacement Cost Gas Furnaces – The average cost of a new gas furnace system installed: $2,390 (does not include central ac) – Price lists for top rated brands. Secondary tables for other factors such as the cost for various size and efficiency, estimated cost of parts replacement, as well as the time it may take to complete the service, and more. Oil Furnaces – Average replacement cost for oil furnace system, installed: $5,620 – Pricing for many of the leading oil furnace brands in the market today."
"docid": "D1049206#0",
"title": "http://home.costhelper.com/geothermal-heat-pump.html\nGeothermal Heat Pump Cost",
"text": "\"Heat Pump Only: $3,500-$7,500 Complete System, Installed: $10,000-$25,000+E-mail Post Tweet Comments (24)Also called ground-source or geo-exchange, a geothermal heat pump is an electrically powered heating and cooling system that transfers heat between the house and the earth by circulating fluid through long loops of underground pipe. Heat pumps do not generate heat; instead, they move it around, and temperatures just below the ground surface are relatively constant all year. A geothermal heat pump works best in relatively mild climates. Typical costs: Geothermal heat pumps have high initial costs but are one of the most energy-efficient methods of heating A geothermal (ground-source or water-source) heat pump can cost $3,500-$7,500 for just the unit, and the more expensive models may include options such as a two-stage compressor or a hot water heater. Excavation and installation costs can bring total costs to $10,000-$25,000 or more, depending on depth of pipes, type of equipment and soil conditions. Cost Helper readers report spending $12,000-$15,000 for complete installation of a geothermal system, at an average cost of $13,400; and a reader in Iowa spent $35,000 to install three geothermal units (one for each floor of a 6,500-square-foot barn which was converted into a bed and breakfast). Related articles: Heat Pump, Air Heat Pump, Dual Fuel Heat Pump, Furnace, Central Air Conditioner What should be included: Generally the entire geothermal heat pump and all mechanical components are located in an indoor unit (somewhat similar in appearance to an air conditioning unit). Typically a geothermal heat pump is inexpensive to operate and has no noisy outdoor equipment. The US Department of Energy provides a general overview [ 1] of the various types of geothermal heat pumps, and the California Consumer Energy Center illustrates how a ground source heat pump works [ 2] . Installing a geothermal system usually involves digging holes 150'-250' deep."
"docid": "D3339903#0",
"title": "http://www.thebestflushingtoilet.com/gas-electric-furnace-reviews/\n20 Best Gas & Electric Furnaces For Your Home",
"text": "20 Best Gas & Electric Furnaces For Your Home Contents [ Show]FIND THE PERFECT GAS ELECTRIC FURNACE IN MINUTESWe have reviewed our top 20 choices below and also done in-depth reviews by brands, but if you are in a rush: Here’s our gas top choice: YUKON Husky Indoor Gas/Wood Furnace (View on Amazon.com)Here’s our electric top choice: Super Petit Compact Household Electric Furnace (View on Amazon.com)Whether you have a modern and updated HVAC system, or you still use window units to cool your home, you should know that a furnace is an important part of your home. When you adjust the thermostat on your wall, it sends a signal to your furnace, which kicks in to heat each room. Depending on your budget and needs, you may find that a gas or electric model performs best. Our list of the top 20 best gas and electric furnaces includes models that you can find and buy online for delivery to your home. We picked the YUKON Husky Indoor Gas/Wood Furnace (View on Amazon.com) as the best gas furnace because it can heat your whole home quickly and comes with a 30-year warranty. For an electric furnace, the Super Petit (View on Amazon.com) is a great option because it features a smaller and more compact design that takes up less space. Top Rated Gas Furnaces on the Market Rank Product Review Score1 YUKON Husky Indoor Gas/Wood Furnace 9.9 Buy on Amazon2 4 Ton 17 Seer Goodman Dual Fuel System 9.8 Buy on Amazon3 Rinnai ES38-N Direct Vent Wall Furnace 9.8 Buy on Amazon4 Goodman 100,000 BTU Gas Furnace GMEC961004CN 9.5 Buy on Amazon5 Goodman GMSS961205DN Single Speed Gas Furnace 9.3 Buy on Amazon6 York Evcon 80,000 BTU 1 Stage Gas Furnace 8.8 Buy on Amazon7 Goodman GMSS960803BN Single Gas Furnace 8.6 Buy on Amazon8 Mr. Heater F260550 Gas Unit Heater 8.4 Buy on Amazon9 Goodman GMS80403AN Gas Furnace 8.3 Buy on Amazon10 Goodman GMH80803BN Gas Furnace 8.2 Buy on Amazon Top Rated Electric Furnaces on the Market Rank Product Review Score1 Super Petit Compact Household Electric Furnace 9.6 Buy on Amazon2 Goodman 2.5 Ton Wall Mount Air Handler 9.4 Buy on Amazon3 RV Electric Furnace 9.2 Buy on Amazon4 Goodman 3 Ton ARUF37C14 8.9 Buy on Amazon5 Williams Furnace 3144030 Electric Furnace 8.7 Buy on Amazon6 Suburban 2017APW RV Furnace 8.8 Buy on Amazon7 Goodman 10 KW Electric Furnace 8.5 Buy on Amazon8 Marley CFWFRO Wall Furnace 8.3 Buy on Amazon9 Dimplex RFI840D31 Wall Unit 8.2 Buy on Amazon10 Comfort Glow QWH2100 Quartz Furnace 8 Buy on Amazon Electric vs. Gas Furnaces Before you start looking at furnaces and comparing models, you need to make sure that you understand the differences between gas and electric models. This goes further than just the type of power sourced used. Changing from a gas to electric furnace or from an electric to gas furnace can cost quite a bit of money but may help you save some money too. Electric furnaces are generally more affordable and run quieter than gas furnaces do."
"docid": "D466960#0",
"title": "http://hvacbeginners.com/terminology/\nHVAC Terminology",
"text": "HVAC Terminologyby Dave on December 1, 2012Whether you are a service technician in the field, a dispatcher for an HVAC company, or a homeowner just wondering what the heck the service technician is talking about, here are a list of HVAC definitions that are used daily in the HVAC industry. Acid – Most commonly created in compressor burnouts, when the refrigerant reaches extremely high temperatures. Acid in a refrigeration system can cause huge problems for compressors. Air Flow Distribution – The amount of air that is distributed throughout the designated space. Depends mostly on duct work sizing and proper blower motors. Air Handler – Usually located inside of the home or business, in the attic, garage, or closet. The air handler is one of two main parts to a split air conditioning and heating system, more information can be found here. Algae – The number one cause of drain line back ups in humid climates. Grows inside of condensation lines especially in areas that have high humidity. Amps – a.ka."
"docid": "D158646#0",
"title": "https://www.remodelingexpense.com/costs/cost-of-mini-split-air-conditioning-systems/\nCost of Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems",
"text": "Cost of Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems Don’t let your remodeling budget go over-board by hidden surprises – understand what the average installed costs for Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems is in your zip code by using our handy calculator. If you’re looking for 2018 breakdown for Cost of Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems materials and what installation cost might be, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced licensed home improvement contractor, I know first hand what it should cost for various levels — from Basic, Better, and of course the best. The Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems installed in your home Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems Costs Zip Code Units Basic Better Best Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems – Material Prices$1300.00 - $1800.00 $1825.00 - $2400.00 $2435.00 - $2865.00Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems – Installation Cost$300.25 - $350.35 $400.50 - $425.65 $450.70 - $500.90Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems – Total$1600.25 - $2150.35 $2225.50 - $2825.65 $2885.70 - $3365.90Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems – Total Average Cost per Unit$1875.30 $2525.57 $3125.80Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems installation before. I would strongly recommend you hire a licensed and Insured Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems HVAC contractor to perform the installation for you. Be sure to have a copy of the Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements before starting, to make sure your project doesn’t end up costing you more money in the long-run. Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems – Pricing and Installation Cost Checklist Get at least 3-5 estimates before hiring a Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems HVAC contractor — estimates are typically free, unless it’s a service call for a repair. Expect the Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems prices to fluctuate between various HVAC companies – each and every company have different operation expenses and over-head. Try to get prices in late Fall, early winter – you should expect aggressive pricing discounts by waiting for a contractor’s down season."
"docid": "D375657#0",
"title": "http://www.inspectapedia.com/heat/Fan_Limit_Switch_Guide.php\nFan & Limit Switch on Warm Air Furnaces How the fan limit switch works",
"text": "\"Fan & Limit Switch on Warm Air Furnaces How the fan limit switch works FAN LIMIT SWITCH - home - CONTENTS: A Guide to Fan Limit Switches on Warm Air Furnace Heating Systems: what is the fan limit switch, how to inspect and set its controls. POST a QUESTION or READ FAQs about Troubleshooting the Furnace Fan Limit Switch REFERENCESInspect APedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Furnace blower fan limit safety switch installation & troubleshooting: This article describes in detail the purpose, operation, setting, installation, wiring, and testing of furnace combination controls, also commonly called the \"\"fan limit switch\"\" on warm air heating systems. Covered here: How to Wire the Fan & Limit Control wire and test the combination fan and limit control on a furnace. Which Way to Set the White AUTO / MANUAL Fan Control Switch. Sensing Furnace Temperatures How to manually turn on a furnace or air conditioning blower fan. Guide to troubleshooting heating system furnace controls, limit controls, and fan controls. Causes of furnace blowing cold air at start-up of heating cycle. The sketch at the top of this page shows the typical location of a combination fan and limit control such as the Honeywell type L4064B, a control whose installation, settings, testing, & operation are explained in detail here."
"docid": "D293468#0",
"title": "http://www.popularmechanics.com/home/how-to/a147/1274631/\nGeothermal Heating",
"text": "\"By Merle Henkenius Sep 30, 1998 35.4k Proponents of geothermal heating and cooling systems have been pounding on the door of public acceptance for almost two decades. And now, thanks to improved equipment and changing attitudes, doors are beginning to open. Though the number of geothermal systems sold today is still less than 1 percent of the domestic heating market, sales for fall 1997 through spring 1998 were up nearly 22 percent from the year before. When the numbers for the '97-'98 season are tallied, the industry expects similar gains. Slowly but surely, homeowners are beginning to take notice. What's so compelling about geothermal technology? Energy efficiency. In a technology defined by numbers, here's a fact that everyone will understand: With a geothermal system–they're also called geo-exchange systems–a reasonably tight 2000-sq.-ft. home can be heated and cooled for about $1 a day. Commensurate savings are common for larger homes."
"docid": "D1115115#0",
"title": "https://www.techwalla.com/articles/what-is-an-hvac-sequencer\nWhat is an HVAC Sequencer?",
"text": "An HVAC sequencer is a small circuit designed to help stabilize circuits and turn switches on and off quickly in an electrical setting. The sequencers are designed to stage the different parts of the electrical equipment so that the appliance does not over load and break the circuits. Many products use the HVAC sequencers to keep engines and other mechanical devices from overheating or exploding. Video of the Day Identification An HVAC sequencer is identified by its unique size and shape. Depending on the size of the final product, the sequencers can be different sizes as well. There are usually two different segments to a HVAC sequencer, and they are attached together by a smaller middle piece. They are constructed of tough metal, and are usually heavy. HVAC sequencer can be used in things such as: electric pumps, furnaces and motors. Features Each type of HVAC sequencer has its own set of features. Some of the most common features, however, are shared among many different kinds of HVAC sequencers."
"docid": "D612500#0",
"title": "https://www.angieslist.com/research/furnaces-home-heating-systems/\nFurnaces and Home Heating Systems",
"text": "Types of Heating Systems A central home heating system provides the most important line of defense against the chill of winter, and homeowners can choose from a variety of options to heat their homes. While natural gas is by far the most common technology, homes can also be heated well, and sometimes more efficiently, with electric, geothermal, heat pump and boiler systems. Heating is one of the most complex and important systems in your home, and can be dangerous when it fails. It's critical that homeowners understand the basics of their system, the types of maintenance they should perform, warning signs of impending problems, and when to call in an expert for help. Heating is also one of the biggest energy consumers in your home, so homeowners who may be shopping for a new furnace should considering replacing it with a newer, more energy-efficient model to save money and help the environment. The average furnace lasts between 15 and 20 years, so you're making a considerable investment in your home. Spend wisely by learning as much as you can about available options. Related Article How Much Does It Cost to Install a New Furnace? Consider these tips to estimate the cost of a new furnace. Measuring heat efficiency It's important to understand how the numbers affect the cost of your furnace and its ongoing energy use."
"docid": "D298555#0",
"title": "https://highperformancehvac.com/package-unit-reviews/\nPackage Unit Reviews Index",
"text": "4 1Package Unit Reviews Index Coleman Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratingsby High Performance HVAC | Coleman HVAC Reviews, Package Unit Reviews | 0 Comments Coleman Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings - Coleman HVAC offers a line of package units at various efficiency levels. Specifically, for the types of package units offered their best ratings for efficiency come in at 16 SEER for air conditioning, 8...read more Frigidaire Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratingsby High Performance HVAC | Frigidaire HVAC Reviews, Package Unit Reviews | 0 Comments Frigidaire Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings - Frigidaire has a wide range of package units in their product line up for packaged systems. The package units range from air conditioner gas furnace combos to hybrid heat pump package systems with...read more Westinghouse Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratingsby High Performance HVAC | Package Unit Reviews, Westinghouse HVAC Reviews | 0 Comments Westinghouse Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings - Westinghouse offers both gas packs and heat pump package units ranging in efficiency ratings from minimum levels up to 20 SEER, 8 HSPF, and 81 AFUE for gas packs. The 20 SEER relates to the...read more Arco Aire Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Opinionsby High Performance HVAC | Arco Aire HVAC Reviews, Package Unit Reviews | 0 Comments Arco Aire Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Opinions - Arcoaire currently offers 19 different models of package units among their Dura Comfort™ and Performance Series brands. Specifically, 3 models in their ultra-efficient Dura Comfort™ Series and the 16 models...read more Daikin Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratingsby High Performance HVAC | Daikin HVAC Reviews, Package Unit Reviews | 0 Comments Daikin Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings. Daikin offers package units in the 2 to 5 ton capacity range. They do have a few models that only go up to 4 tons so check with the dealer to see what is available. Of course, that depends on what you need and the...read more Payne Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratingsby High Performance HVAC | Package Unit Reviews, Payne HVAC Reviews | 0 Comments Payne Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings. Payne offers package units in the 2 to 5 ton range. Their line-up of package units include gas packs, straight air conditioners, and heat pumps."
"docid": "D2492846#0",
"title": "http://blog.reliancehomecomfort.com/2013/07/02/how-much-does-a-new-furnace-cost-and-3-other-questions-about-upgrading-your-hvac-system/\nHow Much Does a New Furnace Cost? And 3 Other Questions about Upgrading Your HVAC System",
"text": "How Much Does a New Furnace Cost? And 3 Other Questions about Upgrading Your HVAC System July 2, 2013Winter is still several months away and you probably won’t be thinking about a new furnace now. However, this is the right time to repair your furnace or start looking for a new one if you want to be ready before the chill and the snow arrive. Where something as important as a furnace is concerned, it is never too early to start. Too many people wait until the last moment and end up paying a higher price for emergency service or replacement. But how much does a new furnace cost? The answer really depends on what type of furnace you are looking for. There are gas fired furnaces, oil fired furnaces and electric furnaces and several variations of each type. Each has its pros and cons, and each has its starting price tag. Here is a brief look at each type."
"docid": "D191734#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/furnace-installation-cost-estimator\nFurnace Installation Cost Guide",
"text": "Furnace Installation Cost Guide Most homeowners spend between $2,975 to $4,543 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Install a Furnace . Get Started!Whether you're building a new home and need a heating system installed or you have to replace a dead furnace, the installation of new heating equipment will be a costly proposition. A home's HVAC system is the costliest mechanical system within the household, but with diligent research around new furnace costs, you can keep your furnace price down. If you need help along the way, Improve Net can connect you with up to four HVAC contractors ready to take on your furnace project!National Install a Furnace Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$3,881Average Cost$55Min imum Cost$8,344Max imum Cost Average Range:$2,975 to $4,543Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data? This info is based on 6764 cost profiles, as reported by Improve Net members. Table of Contents New Furnace Costs Gas Furnace Prices Electric Furnace Prices Oil Furnace Prices Furnace Installation Cost Factors Furnace Replacement Best Furnace Brands Furnace Equipment When To Buy A New Furnace Furnace Troubleshooting Furnace Maintenance DIY Or Hire A Pro? Find A Pro New Furnace Costs A new furnace cost roughly $3,800 and most homeowners pay between $3,250 and $4,420 to install a new furnace. The lowest price that a homeowner might pay is $1,500, while the maximum price a homeowner has reported paying for a furnace replacement or installation was $8,000."
"docid": "D798112#0",
"title": "http://powertochange.com/world/heating/\nGas vs. Electric Heating",
"text": "Gas vs. Electric Heating Written by Gary Foreman stretcher.com Natural gas prices are going up all the time. At what point does it make sense to replace my gas water heater (40 gallon) with an electric one? I live by myself and my July gas bill was $28. I take 1 quick shower a day, do 2-3 loads of laundry a week, and run 1 dishwasher load per week. I also rarely, if ever, use my gas stove during the summer. The same CCF usage last year cost me $11! This is already bare-bones usage. How astronomical is my heating bill going to be this winter? What can do I to save on natural gas? Barbara Columbus, OHBarbara asks a question that’s on many people’s minds as we head toward winter."
"docid": "D894918#0",
"title": "http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/differences-between-shunt-reactor-and-power-transformer\nDifferences between Shunt Reactor and Power Transformer",
"text": "Main Differences Shunt Reactor and Transformer both appear similar in construction. Reactors are also often equipped with Fans for cooling similar to Power Transformers. However, there are major differences between the two. While a Power Transformer is designed for efficient power transfer from one voltage system to another, a shunt reactor is intended only to consume reactive VArs (or in other words it can be stated as to produce lagging VArs). Differences between Shunt Reactor and Power Transformer Thus, there are more than one winding on a Power Transformer with magnetic core which carry the mutual flux between the two. In reactor there is just one winding. The core is not therefore meant only to provide a low reluctance path for flux of that winding to increase the Inductance. In case of a Power Transformer, primary Ampere-Turns (AT) is sum of exciting AT and secondary AT. AT loss (in winding resistance, eddy loss and hysteric loss) is kept to as minimum as possible. Exciting AT is small compared with the secondary AT."
"docid": "D1145582#0",
"title": "https://www.hometips.com/how-it-works/forced-air-furnace-electric.html\nHow an Electric Furnace Works",
"text": "How an Electric Furnace Worksby Don Vandervort, Home Tips © 1997-2018April 20, 2016An electric furnace is an environmentally friendly option, if you can afford the energy costs. Here is how an electric furnace works. Need Help NOW? Get a Local Heating Pro Fast!In some regions or circumstances, electricity is the preferred energy source for a forced-air heating system—though electric furnaces are quite uncommon because of the high cost of electricity as a furnace fuel in most regions. Electric Furnace Diagram An electric furnace is similar to a conventional gas forced-air furnace except that it produces heat with electric heating elements instead of gas burners. Circuit breakers that control the heating elements may be either inside or outside the cabinet. An electric-resistance furnace works like a big hair dryer. As with a gas forced-air furnace, it has a blower that draws air into the cabinet through a cold-air return and then pushes the air through the heat exchanger. There, electric heating elements heat the air, and the blower pushes the warmed air back into rooms through a system of duct work. One advantage of electric heating over gas and other combustion fuels is that electric heating doesn’t give off carbon monoxide."
"docid": "D394420#0",
"title": "http://www.ashireporter.org/HomeInspection/Articles/Inspecting-High-Efficiency-Gas-Heating-Systems/1907\nInspecting High-Efficiency Gas Heating Systems",
"text": "Inspecting High-Efficiency Gas Heating Systems ALAN CARSONRECOMMENDTWITTERLINKEDINEMAILPRINTWhat Can Go Wrong Note: This is part III of a three-part series of articles excerpted from the ASHI@HOME education program. In part I, we defined high-efficiency gas furnaces, discussed how to identify them, and reviewed their components and sequence of operation. In part II, we discussed what can go wrong, and in part III we’ll continue to cover what an inspector needs to be aware of when inspecting a high-efficiency gas heating system, beginning with the control board. Control board The control board is the electronic brain of the furnace. It is a complex and expensive black box that typically costs several hundred dollars to replace. Watch for evidence of water leakage onto the control board, which, unfortunately, often is located in the fan compartment immediately below the condensate collection system and induced-draft fan. Photo: Control Board Venting system The ABS or PVC venting system can go up through the roof or out through the wall. Each manufacturer has specific rules for its venting system. Generally speaking, the vents point straight out through the wall or point down. Some manufacturers call for the exhaust to be 12 inches above the combustion air inlet."
"docid": "D2701139#0",
"title": "https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/21090/how-much-energy-will-continuously-running-a-furnace-fan-use\nHow much energy will continuously running a furnace fan use?",
"text": "\"_Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How much energy will continuously running a furnace fan use?up vote8down votefavorite1We have a bi-level (tri-level? There's a small entry way and utility room, then an upstairs living area and master bedroom and a downstairs living area with bedrooms) in mid-Michigan. The downstairs is naturally quite cooler than the upstairs, but during the summer we were having keeping the downstairs warm enough for our young son. We didn't want to raise the temp upstairs anymore but our local HVAC person suggested running the system fan continuously to help evenly distribute the air. And it worked. He did say that it shouldn't increase our costs that much and searching online seemed to come to the same conclusion. Our electric bill did end up higher than previous years but I chalked that up to higher-than-average weather temps, we were keeping things a little cooler than we had in the past due to our child, and summer electricity rates were in effect. Now that we're getting into Winter, we just received our latest bill and it's again abnormally high. We did cut the fan usage some the billing period prior, so I'm sure it's because we're always running it still."
] |
636703 | what does electric shock pain in bend of arm feel like | [
"docid": "D729472#0",
"title": "https://www.epainassist.com/chest-pain/what-causes-electric-shock-feeling-in-chest\nWhat Causes Electric Shock Feeling in Chest?",
"text": "What Causes Electric Shock Feeling in Chest? Reviewed By: Pramod Kerkar, MD, FFARCSIAny feeling in the chest can raise an alarm in one's mind. Be it any pain or any type of sensation, one is sure to think about heart problem. But the fact is, every feeling in the chest is not a heart attack. There are many types of sensations and pains occurring in the chest area. If it is the electric shock feeling in the chest, which is bothering you, it is important to know what causes electric feeling in the chest. What is an Electric Shock Feeling in Chest? Electric shock like feeling in the chest can be momentary discomfort in the chest, which causes sudden, sharp pain. Such sharp pains in chest are often rapid and last for few seconds to minutes or sometimes more. Electric feeling in chest is a feeling of discomfort or a feeling of uneasiness with sudden shooting type of sensation in the chest."
] | [
"docid": "D624582#0",
"title": "https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/carpal-tunnel-syndrome/\nAnatomy",
"text": "\"Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand — the median nerve — is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. In most patients, carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse over time, so early diagnosis and treatment are important. Early on, symptoms can often be relieved with simple measures like wearing a wrist splint or avoiding certain activities. If pressure on the median nerve continues, however, it can lead to nerve damage and worsening symptoms. To prevent permanent damage, surgery to take pressure off the median nerve may be recommended for some patients. Anatomy The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist, about an inch wide. The floor and sides of the tunnel are formed by small wrist bones called carpal bones. The roof of the tunnel is a strong band of connective tissue called the transverse carpal ligament. Because these boundaries are very rigid, the carpal tunnel has little capacity to \"\"stretch\"\" or increase in size."
"docid": "D2399789#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/Light-headed---tingles-through-body-sort-of-like-electric-shock/show/202253\nLight headed / tingles through body (sort of like electric shock)OmahaSTI Nov 08, 2006",
"text": "\"Light headed / tingles through body (sort of like electric shock)Omaha STI Nov 08, 2006Recently I've had some horrible feelings of being light headed & at the same time I get this odd tingle through my whole body. It's almost like a hot flash without the heat. I compare it to a very light electric shock. It's getting to be pretty bad & it's starting to worry me a bit. I went to the Dr. yesterday & he assumed it was Norovirus because there was an outbreak here in Omaha. I don't really have the stomach cramps, diarrhea, or nausea that goes along with the Norovirus though. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? I was thinking maybe something with an ear infection? It happens about every 20 to 30 seconds if I'm standing, & it really hits if I stand up from a seated position. Thanks in advance, Dennis Read 77 Responses Follow - 1077 Responses Mickswife Nov 05, 2009So glad to have found I am not the only one having these symptoms, and I think I have just found out what is causing them - well, mine at least."
"docid": "D20908#0",
"title": "http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/A-Ce/Carpal-Tunnel-Release.html\nCarpal tunnel release",
"text": "\"Surgery A-Ce Carpal Tunnel Release Carpal tunnel release Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Definition A carpal tunnel release is a surgical procedure performed to relieve pressure on the nerve located inside the carpal tunnel, an area in the wrist that supplies nerve function to the fingers. The condition for which the release is performed is called carpal tunnel syndrome. Purpose Carpal tunnel syndrome is a relatively common problem affecting the wrist and hand. Individuals afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome complain of numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand, with pain radiating up into the arm, shoulder, and even the neck. Some patients may experience an aching or burning sensation in the affected hand. The fingers may feel swollen, although they are no larger in size. If the condition is left unattended, symptoms may begin to awaken the individuals during sleep. If left unattended medically, muscle weakness can develop, leading to an inability to grasp objects or engage in any action requiring the opposition of the thumb and the other fingers in the affected hand. It is known as a repetitive stress injury, as it most commonly occurs in individuals who engage in motions that require the hands to repeat the same movements over and over again, especially with strong, forceful hand movements or ones that involve vibrating tools. Many individuals develop carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands."
"docid": "D1917526#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/pinched-nerve-in-thumb-symptoms\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Pinched Nerve In Thumb Symptoms",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Pinched Nerve In Thumb Symptoms Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Bennett Machanic1 doctor agreed:1 Painful pinched nerve in thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers on dominant right hand. Numb fingers, muscles sore, no grip. What can I do until appt? SUGGEST: Let's assume you have carpal tunnel syndrome, and it is affecting the median nerve substantially. You have about a 35% chance that wearing a wrist splint, which you can find at orthopedics supply store, will calm down the inflammation, and decrease symptoms if worn thru-out the day. An OTC ... Read more Dr. Jeffrey Stevens Nerve (Definition)The brain and spinal cord communicates with what is occurring in the internal organs and limbs by nerve fibers where are like electrical wires with insulation (myelin) and the \"\"copper\"\" (axon). Within brain and spinal cord these nerves connect to other nerves via synapses on both axons and dendrites. A nerve can carry information regarding sensations, and ... Read more Dr. Mahan Chehrenama Neurologyyears in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Mark Sterling1 doctor agreed:2 How do I fix a pinched nerve in my thumb? Where is it pinched? : If the nerve is pinched in your neck, you get treatment for your neck."
"docid": "D819005#0",
"title": "http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/casts-splints.html\n.",
"text": "\"Kids Health / For Parents / Surgeries and Procedures: Casts and Splints Listen Broken bones, or fractures, are a common hazard of childhood. And although breaking a bone takes only a split-second fall off the jungle gym or a quick collision on the soccer field, the healing process takes a bit longer. In most cases, a child who breaks a bone will require a cast to keep it still while it heals. Depending on the age of the child and the type of fracture, a cast can be on for as little as 4 weeks or as long as 10 weeks. Some kids might find casts cool once they're on, but getting one can be frightening, especially if a child is in pain. Knowing what happens in the ER or cast room might help alleviate some of that worry. The good news is that even though a broken bone can hurt and a cast or splint can be inconvenient, most kids recover with no trouble at all. About Bones An adult human skeleton has 206 bones, which begin to develop before birth. When the skeleton first forms in the womb, it is mostly made of flexible cartilage, but within a few weeks it begins to harden. This process is called ossification."
"docid": "D47093#0",
"title": "http://www.homeopathycenter.org/remedy/spigelia\nSpigelia",
"text": "\"Natural History. Spigelia anthelmia. Demerara Pink-root. N. O. Loganiacae. Tincture of dried herb. Clinical. Adenoids. Amaurosis. Angina pectoris. Ciliary neuralgia."
"docid": "D366681#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Multiple-Sclerosis/What-kind-of-pain-do-YOU-feel/show/695988\nWhat kind of pain do YOU feel?",
"text": "\"What kind of pain do YOU feel?chmagu76I was asked a question yesterday about how everyone else feels in here as far as pain in concerned. My boyfriend is worried about what I'm going through. Sometimes my body hurts so bad I can barely walk or write or type. He said I look old when I move and it's sad that I'm going through this at 32 years of age. Each episode seems to be worse than the last and they go for as long as they want. Days, weeks or months.... I never know. The description of what I feel would be an underlying all over body ache that changes in severity. Sharp shooting pains, weird tingling feelings, burning sensations, static like shocks and high intensity throbs that can stop me in my tracks especially when they're in my head. So.......does anyone go through this? Do you feel like I do? ("
"docid": "D2013296#0",
"title": "http://backandbodycare.com/39-2/\nWrist/Forearm Pain",
"text": "Wrist/Forearm Pain Our wrist is made up of 8 small bones (carpal bones). These bones are held together by ligaments. In addition to the many small muscles in your hand, nerves, tendons and blood vessels pass through the wrist to supply your hand. The nerves for your arm and wrist leave your spinal cord at your cervical spine (your neck). Compression of the nerves any where along their course can cause pain/tingeing/numbness/burning. You can strain or sprain the ligaments or muscles from a sudden movement, improper movement, or through over use. Compression of the nerves as they leave the spine at the neck (Cervical Radiculopathy) or as they leave the chest (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) can cause symptoms any where in the arm Both of these conditions can fool you because pain is felt in the arm/wrist/hand but not in the neck. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME OR FIRST RIB SYNDROME The nerves can be trapped as they pass through your chest and arm pit into the arm this can cause symptoms any where in the arm. WRIST / FOREARM TENDINITIS The major muscles that move the wrist start at the elbow, therefore improper use of the wrist can cause pain all the way up to the elbow. Tendinitis is an over use injury that can occur with over use of any muscle."
"docid": "D2344341#0",
"title": "http://www.orthop.washington.edu/?q=patient-care/articles/arthritis/back-pain.html\nBack Pain",
"text": "\"Back Pain For up-to-date and comprehensive resources on shoulder arthritis, please visit our new online Shoulder Arthritis Book and Rotator Cuff Tear Book!In this article: Basics of Back Pain Causes of Back Pain Diagnosis of Back Pain Treatments for Back Pain Basics of Back Pain Everyone's back pain is different. For some people, back pain involves mild pain (pain that is bothersome, aching, sore). For other people, back pain involves severe pain (pain that hurts all the time, even when resting). Most doctors refer to back pain as acute (generally severe, but short-lived), subacute or chronic (long-lasting or occurring often). Acute back pain usually lasts from one to seven days. Pain may be mild or severe and occasionally may be caused by an accident or injury. About 80 percent of all back pain is acute. Subacute back pain usually lasts from seven days to seven weeks and usually is mild; occasionally it's severe. This pain generally is unrelated to other illnesses you may have. About 10 to 20 percent of all back pain is subacute."
"docid": "D563863#0",
"title": "http://www.houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics/where-does-it-hurt/shoulder/biceps-rupture/\nBiceps Rupture",
"text": "... Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Our Services Where Does it Hurt? Biceps Rupture PRINTABLE BOOKLETA Patient's Guide to Biceps Rupture Introduction A biceps rupture involves a complete tear of the main tendon that attaches the top of the biceps muscle to the shoulder. It happens most often in middle-aged people and is usually due to years of wear and tear on the shoulder. A torn biceps in younger athletes sometimes occurs during weightlifting or from actions that cause a sudden load on the arm, such as hard fall with the arm outstretched. This guide will help you understandwhat parts of the shoulder are affectedthe causes of a biceps ruptureways to treat this problem Anatomy What parts of the shoulder are affected? The biceps muscle goes from the shoulder to the elbow on the front of the upper arm. Two separate tendons (tendons attach muscles to bones) connect the upper part of the biceps muscle to the shoulder. The upper two tendons of the biceps are called the proximal biceps tendons, because they are closer to the top of the arm. The main proximal tendon is the long head of the biceps. It connects the biceps muscle to the top of the shoulder socket, the glenoid."
"docid": "D391851#0",
"title": "http://www.summitmedicalgroup.com/library/adult_health/sha_neuropathic_pain/\nSummit Medical Group Web Site",
"text": "\"What is neuropathic pain? Neuropathic pain is pain caused by injury or damage to nerves. What is the cause? Neuropathic pain can be caused by a number of things, such as: Inflammation or irritation--for example, from a muscle spasm pinching a nerve Infections such as shingles Surgery Tumors A bulging disk in your back pressing on a nerve Diseases such as diabetes or thyroid problems Vitamin B-12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency Brain injury, such as a stroke What are the symptoms? Neuropathic pain feels different from most other types of pain. It is often described as sharp, stabbing, or burning. It may feel like an electric shock. It may be worse at night. The pain may be constant after a stroke or if you have diabetic neuropathy of the feet and legs. The pain may come and go if you have trigeminal neuralgia (nerve pain in the face, teeth, mouth, or nasal cavity) or sciatic pain (a form of low back pain that runs down your leg, causing pain, numbness, or tingling in the leg)."
"docid": "D227999#0",
"title": "http://www.athletico.com/2013/04/02/what-you-can-do-about-your-elbow-pain/\nWhat You Can Do Right Now about Your Elbow Pain",
"text": "What You Can Do Right Now about Your Elbow Pain April 2, 2013 1:15 pm by Athletico | 168 Comments Editor’s Note: Today’s post is written by Betsy Schack, OTR/L. Betsy is an occupational/hand therapist at Athletico Skokie and Athletico Park Ridge. Does it seem like you can’t get through the day without having pain in your elbow? You go to lift your laundry basket, pull a door open, or even try to twist off the cap to your water bottle and feel pain or soreness. Elbow pain is one of the most common problems occupational/hand therapists treat. Two of the most common elbow diagnoses are tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Depending on the cause and location of your pain, it can be treated easily and effectively with a few simple steps. Step 1: Identify the location of your elbow pain. On the outside of your elbow is a bony prominence called the lateral epicondyle. Tenderness at this point is most likely lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow. If you press on the inside of your elbow there is another bony prominence called the medial epicondyle."
"docid": "D698037#0",
"title": "http://www.umm.edu/programs/spine/health/guides/neck-pain-overview\nA Patient's Guide to Neck Pain (Overview)",
"text": "\"A Patient's Guide to Neck Pain (Overview)Introduction Over many years, our necks are subjected to repeated stress and minor injury. These injuries may not cause pain at the time of injury. However, repeated injuries add up, and can eventually result in degeneration of the cervical spine, causing neck pain. Most neck pain is due to degenerative changes that occur in the neck. The overall condition of the cervical spine usually determines how fast you recover from an injury, and whether your neck pain will become a chronic problem. For chronic neck pain, there may not be a quick fix or complete cure. You will need to work with your health care team to try to improve the problem causing pain and to slow down the degenerative process. The physician's role in the treatment of neck pain is to find the main causes that need treatment right away. He or she will also try to keep your neck pain from becoming a chronic condition by teaching you how to slow down the degenerative process and prevent further injury. The purpose of this information is to help you understand: The causes of neck pain The normal anatomy of the spine and neck The signs and symptoms of degenerative changes in the neck The treatments available to you now and later What you can expect from those treatments What you can expect long-term if you have a problem with neck pain In order to understand your symptoms and treatment choices, you must start with some understanding of the general anatomy of your spine and neck."
"docid": "D1325482#0",
"title": "http://www.handtoelbow.com/ulnar-nerve-compression/\nULNAR NERVE COMPRESSION (Cubital tunnel syndrome/ulnar neuritis)",
"text": "\"ULNAR NERVE COMPRESSION (Cubital tunnel syndrome/ulnar neuritis)What is ULNAR NERVE COMPRESSION (Cubital tunnel syndromeulnar neuritis)? Cubital tunnel syndrome is entrapment of the ulnar nerve typically at the elbow. It is the second commonest cause of nerve entrapment in the body (the commonest cause is carpal tunnel syndrome with entrapment of the median nerve). The typical symptoms are of numbness and tingling in the ring and little fingers and on the little finger side of the palm. It may be associated with weakening of the muscles, and sometimes wasting (thinning) of the small muscles in the hand and in time contractures of the ring and little fingers may develop. Typically the onset is gradual, starting with numbness and tingling, particularly at night, and it may then become continuous. Occasionally the onset may be very sudden often for no obvious reason. Some patients present only with weakness in the hand and others only with numbness but commonly there is a combination, particularly as the condition progresses. Why does it occur? In cubital tunnel syndrome the ulnar nerve which runs behind the inner side of the elbow through a short (c. 3cm) norrow tunnel."
"docid": "D3022792#0",
"title": "http://findmyfootwear.com/best-mens-shoes-for-standing-all-day-at-work/\n17 Best Menâs Shoes for Any Profession",
"text": "17 Best Men’s Shoes for Any Profession If you are required to stand or walk all day at work, you need the right work shoes to handle the job stress. But they need to look good, withstand the physical demands of the job, and be comfortable enough not to slow you down. Got it. We’ve done the “legwork”, so all you need to do is make your decision among the men’s best shoes for standing all day at work. Most Comfortable Men’s Work Shoes Most Comfortable Men’s Work Boots Best Men’s Work Shoes for All Day Comfort on the Job1. Dansko Men’s Wayne Slip-On Shoes Wayne is a classic slip-on, dress-style heavy work shoe that meets several extreme occupation criteria for footwear needs. The soft leather upper, leather lining, and cushioning manmade sole give just the right support for plantar fasciitis sufferers and those with other painful foot conditions. This shoe is noted for lasting a year or longer, but it’s not as durable as some others. It also tends to run narrow. But if you need it for pain relief, you’re often willing to trade one benefit for another."
"docid": "D315296#0",
"title": "http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/serendipupdate/why-my-arm-twitching-inquiry\nWhy Is My Arm Twitching!? An Inquiry.",
"text": "\"Home › Blogs › Serendip Update's blog ›Why Is My Arm Twitching!? An Inquiry. Submitted by Serendip Update on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 1:07pm Biology 103 1994-2005Biology 1032005 Second Paper On Serendip Why Is My Arm Twitching!? An Inquiry. Matthew Lowe For several days now, and as I write this paper, a muscle in my left forearm has been twitching vigorously on a regular basis. It is not painful, but I am always able to feel it while it is happening. In general, an episode of spasms begins suddenly and with great rapidity; about ten contractions per second. It then usually slows to irregularly-spaced single spasms, with the occasional double-twitch. All individual spasms are very quick; the contraction and release taking a fraction of a second. The twitch is visible: it appears that a narrow section on the right side of the large anterior muscle (the one that lifts the wrist) is being pulled forward about a quarter-inch."
"docid": "D155296#0",
"title": "http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00069\n.",
"text": "\"Print Email Facebook Twitter Englishespañol Diseases & Conditions Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)Ulnar nerve entrapment occurs when the ulnar nerve in the arm becomes compressed or irritated. The ulnar nerve is one of the three main nerves in your arm. It travels from your neck down into your hand, and can be constricted in several places along the way, such as beneath the collarbone or at the wrist. The most common place for compression of the nerve is behind the inside part of the elbow. Ulnar nerve compression at the elbow is called \"\"cubital tunnel syndrome. \"\" Numbness and tingling in the hand and fingers are common symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome. In most cases, symptoms can be managed with conservative treatments like changes in activities and bracing. If conservative methods do not improve your symptoms, or if the nerve compression is causing muscle weakness or damage in your hand, your doctor may recommend surgery. Reproduced from Mundanthanam GJ, Anderson RB, Day C: Ulnar nerve palsy. Orthopaedic Knowledge Online 2009."
"docid": "D2765705#0",
"title": "http://www.tendonitisexpert.com/thumb-tendonitis-or-thumb-tenosynovitis-shooting-pain-in-the-thumb.html\nThumb Tendonitis or Thumb Tenosynovitis? Shooting Pain In The Thumb",
"text": "\"Thumb Tendonitis or Thumb Tenosynovitis? Shooting Pain In The Thumbby Mark (Santa Ana, CA)I have a shooting pain in my thumb when I do certain activities involving grabbing something. There is no swelling or pain under normal movement but when I stretch the thumb or use it to grab the dog leash for instance, I get a severe shooting pain radiating from the base to the tip. Do I need to see my doctor or a specialist? Thanks, Mark ---- Joshua Answers: Hey Mark. Well, I've never ever told someone they shouldn't see doctor. There could be all sorts of weird, rare medical issues causing that. Still, chances are good that you have some thumb specific Tendonitis or Tenosynovitis. See: What Is Tendonitis? Meaning, you have too tight muscles, connective tissue that is shrink wrapping down, and a Process of Inflammation that creates pain and more tightness."
"docid": "D1741003#0",
"title": "http://healaherniateddisc.com/\nHeal A Herniated Disc",
"text": "Introduction and Anatomy Cause And Diagnosis Healing A Herniated Disc Section 1: Ergonomics, Posture and Traction Healing A Herniated Disc Section 2: Exercises And Mobility Healing A Herniated Disc Section 3: Nutrition And Supplementation How Long Will It Take To Heal? Ice And Heat Electrical Muscle Stimulation Surgery Chiropractic Summary Who Is This Guide Written For? This guide is aimed at those wanting to cure their bulging or herniated discs as fast as possible naturally. It was created due to the vast amount of misinformation on the Internet related to disc injuries. This guide is aimed at complete resolution of your disc injury. Bulging and herniated discs are not “for life”. For reasons unknown, this myth has become so commonplace that it is now accepted as truth. Bulging and herniated do heal and it is well documented. The information in this article is based on proven methods backed by science on the topic of healing a bulging or herniated disc, and some information may “go against-the-grain” of what some doctors may say and popular rehabilitation methods that are used. It is primarily aimed at lumbar disc injuries, however some concepts can be applied to cervical and thoracic disc injuries as well."
"docid": "D935444#0",
"title": "http://www.selfcarenavigator.com/sports/neck-pain-and-spasms.html\nNeck Pain and Spasms",
"text": "CONDITIONNeck pain and spasms (involuntary muscle contractions) can occur anywhere from the back of your head, down toward your shoulders and along the sides of your neck, or toward the center of your neck (Figure 1). Sometimes, especially if a nerve is being pinched, pain can go down your arm and/or into your hand. Figure 1. CAUSESMany problems can cause neck pain (Figure 2) including:muscle spasms from bad posture or injuryherniated discs (bulging of the round, gel-filled structures that act as shock absorbers between the spinal bones) (Figure 3)degenerative discs (a breakdown of the discs) and arthritis (joint inflammation)injuries such as sprains or strains that can result from sports or auto accidents. A sprain is an injury to ligaments (fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone or cartilage to bone). A strain is a muscle injury.a direct blow to the neck or a hit to the head or other part of the body that causes the neck to bend quickly in any direction. Fractures of the bones in the neck and back can be caused by auto accidents, falls and contact sports. More than half of all sports-related neck injuries occur in football.a tight spinal canal resulting from bulging or degenerated discs and arthritisinfection. Neck pain and stiffness with a fever can be caused by meningitis, a serious infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.heredity. Having a parent with neck problems may increase your risk of developing a neck problem.having had previous neck injuries, disc problems or arthritis."
] |
636708 | what does electrolysis of aluminium oxide give | [
"docid": "D1795242#0",
"title": "http://chemguide.co.uk/inorganic/extraction/aluminium.html\n.",
"text": "\"ALUMINIUMThis page starts by looking at the extraction of aluminium from its ore, bauxite, including some economic and environmental issues. It finishes by looking at some uses of aluminium. Extracting aluminium from bauxite Introduction Aluminium is too high in the electrochemical series (reactivity series) to extract it from its ore using carbon reduction. The temperatures needed are too high to be economic. Instead, it is extracted by electrolysis. The ore is first converted into pure aluminium oxide by the Bayer Process, and this is then electrolysed in solution in molten cryolite - another aluminium compound. The aluminium oxide has too high a melting point to electrolyse on its own. Aluminium ore The usual aluminium ore is bauxite. Bauxite is essentially an impure aluminium oxide. The major impurities include iron oxides, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide."
] | [
"docid": "D1570003#0",
"title": "http://magnesiumsquare.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=31\n.",
"text": "History In 1618 a farmer by the name of Henry Wicker at Epsom in England attempted to give his cows water from a well. They refused to drink because bitter taste of the water. However the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal scratches and rashes. The fame of Epsom salts spread. Eventually it was recognized to be magnesium sulphate, Mg SO4. Joseph Black recognized magnesium as an element in 1755. It was isolated by Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) in 1808 almost 200 years after its discovery. He electrolysised mixture of magnesia (magnesium oxide, Mg O) and mercuric oxide (Hg O). Davy's first suggestion for a name was magnium but the name magnesium is now used. Michael Faraday produced magnesium metal by electrolysis of fused anhydrous magnesium chloride in 1833."
"docid": "D2837899#0",
"title": "http://www.docbrown.info/page20/ocrgatewayc1e.htm\n.",
"text": "\"OCR GCSE SCIENCES A Gateway Science ALL MY GCSE CHEMISTRY REVISION NOTESRevision summary help for the 9-1 OCR Gateway Science GCSE CHEMISTRY A 1st Exam paper - learning objectives OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (Grade 9-1) in Chemistry A (Gateway Science) (J248) Foundation Tier Paper 1/Higher Tier Paper 3 - OCR (Grade 9-1) Gateway GCSE Chemistry A Topics C1, C2, C3LINK for OCR Gateway 9-1 GCSE CHEMISTRY 2nd paper 2/4from quiz for OCR GCSE Gateway Combined Sci. 1st chemistry paper For ALL other exam papers, use and bookmark the link below INDEX for all links These are my NEW revision summaries for Y10 starting in September 2016, first exams from May-June 2018 onwards. ALL my unofficial GCSE (Grade 9-1) revision help is based on the NEW 2016 official OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science A chemistry/science specifications. Make sure you know whether you are doing separate science OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway CHEMISTRY A OR OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Combined Science A chemistry. PAST PAPERS The Google [SEARCH] box at the bottom of the page should also prove useful ( HT only) means higher tier only (NOT FT) and ( GCSE chemistry only ) means for the separate science, NOT for GCSE Combined Science chemistry Links to specific GCSE chemistry notes about the topic in question have been added, and from these pages, you may find other links to more useful material linked to the topic. Syllabus-specification CONTENT INDEX of revision summary notes Revision summaries for OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science CHEMISTRY A FT Paper 1/HT Paper 3 (this page)What's assessed in this paper? Revision SUMMARY of Topic C1: Particles: Containing sections C1.1 The particle model, C1.2 Atomic structure Revision SUMMARY of Topic C2: Elements, compounds and mixtures: Containing sections C2.1 Purity and separating mixtures, C2.2 Bonding, C2.3 Properties of materials Revision SUMMARY of Topic C3: Chemical reactions: Sections C3.1 Introducing chemical reactions, C3.2 Energetics C3.3 Types of chemical reactions, C3.4 Electrolysis Revision summaries for OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science CHEMISTRY A FT Paper 4/HT Paper 10 (separate page)Revision SUMMARY of Topic C4: Predicting and identifying reactions and products: Containing sections C4.1 Predicting chemical reactions C4.2 Identifying the products of chemical reactions (GCSE chemistry only)Revision SUMMARY of Topic C5: Monitoring and controlling chemical reactions: Containing sections C5.1 Monitoring chemical reactions (GCSE chemistry only)C5.2 Controlling reactions (Topic 5.1 Combined science)C5.3 Equilibria (Topic 5.2 Combined Science)Revision SUMMARY of Topic C6: Global challenges: C6.1 Improving processes and products, C6.2 Organic chemistry (GCSE chemistry only)C6.3 Interpreting & interacting with Earth systems Topic C1: TOPICS for OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science GCSE CHEMISTRY A FT Paper 1/HT Paper 3Topic C1 Particles (OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science GCSE CHEMISTRY A 1st paper)OCR Gateway Science GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Topic C1 \"\"Particles\"\" quiz content for chemistry 1: Particle models - states of matter - gases, liquids & solids, state changes, sub-atomic model of an atom, history of atomic structure theory, atomic notation of atoms (higher tier HT/foundation tier FT)For HT/FT students Topic C1 \"\"Particles\"\" QUIZ (OCR Gateway GCSE Chemistry)HT = higher tier (harder - usually more theory & depth) and FT = foundation tier (easier) 1st drafts Gateway chemistry quizzes C1.1 The particle model (OCR 9-1 GCSE Gateway Science GCSE CHEMISTRY A 1st paper)Appreciate you can use a particle model to explain the different states of matter. A simple particle model can be to used to represent the arrangement of particles in the different states of matter and to explain observations during changes in state. It does not, however, explain why different materials have different properties. This explanation is that the particles themselves and how they are held together must be different in some way."
"docid": "D3523893#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_formed_at_the_anode_and_the_cathode_during_the_electrolysis_of_sodium_iodide\nWhat is formed at the anode and the cathode during the electrolysis of sodium iodide?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Chemistry Elements and Compounds What is formed at the anode and the cathode during the electrolysis of sodium iodide? Flag What is formed at the anode and the cathode during the electrolysis of sodium iodide? Answer by Chrishan Silva Confidence votes 5.0KI am back, hug me! Lol If a solution of Na I is electrolyzed, iodine is formed at the anode and hydrogen gas at the cathode. In the instance if it is the molten liquid of Na I, it would emit sodium from the sodium at the cathode and iodine at the anode.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No D0 ob 2 Contributions During electrolysis of aqueous zinc chloride what will be the products that can be seen at the anode and cathode? In MOLTEN zinc chloride,. At the cathode: Zn 2+ + 2e - --> Zn (s) At the anode: 2Cl - --> Cl 2 (g) + 2e - . In CONCENTRATED aqueous zinc chloride solution,. At the catho …Anthony Graziani 14 Contributions Why does hydrogen form at the cathode in electrolysis of water?"
"docid": "D3485338#0",
"title": "https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Alkaline%20earth%20metal\nAlkaline earth metal",
"text": "\"Save The alkaline earth metals are six chemical elements in column (group) 2 of the Periodic table. They are beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). [ 1] The elements have very similar properties: they are all shiny, silvery-white, somewhat reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure. [ 2]Structurally, they have in common an outer s- electron shell which is full; [2] [3] [4] that is, this orbital contains its full complement of two electrons, which these elements readily lose to form cations with charge +2, and an oxidation state (oxidation number) of +2. [ 5]All the discovered alkaline earth metals occur in nature. [ 6] Experiments have been conducted to attempt the synthesis of element 120, the next potential member of the group, but they have all met with failure. Characteristics Chemical As with other groups, the members of this family show patterns in their electronic configuration, especially the outermost shells, resulting in trends in chemical behavior: Z Element No. of electrons/shell Electron configuration [n 1]4 beryllium 2, 2 [ He] 2s 212 magnesium 2, 8, 2 [ Ne] 3s 220 calcium 2, 8, 8, 2 [ Ar] 4s 238 strontium 2, 8, 18, 8, 2 [ Kr] 5s 256 barium 2, 8, 18, 18, 8, 2 [ Xe] 6s 288 radium 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 2 [ Rn] 7s 2Most of the chemistry has been observed only for the first five members of the group. The chemistry of radium is not well-established due to its radioactivity; [2] thus, the presentation of its properties here is limited. The alkaline earth metals are all silver-colored and soft, and have relatively low densities, melting points, and boiling points."
"docid": "D2929693#0",
"title": "http://www.docbrown.info/page03/Reactivity.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Doc Brown's Chemistry KS4 Science GCSE/IGCSE Chemistry Revision Notes1. The Metal Reactivity Series - Metal Reaction Notes - equations and explanations The ideas behind the 'Reactivity Series of Metals' is introduced and what happens to a metal atom when it reacts. The experimental evidence for establishing the reactivity order for metals is described in terms of metal displacement reactions and the reactions of metals with oxygen (i.e. heating or burning in air), reaction with cold water and hydrochloric acid, sulfuric/sulfuric acid and nitric acid (see reactivity experiments, but the theory and chemical equation details are on this page. The implications of a metal's reactivity and method of extraction are also mentioned, but the methods of extraction are on separate web pages (see links at the end of the page). These revision notes on the reactivity series of metals, theory of reactivity order and balanced symbol equations should prove useful for the new AQA, Edexcel and OCR GCSE (9–1) chemistry science courses. EQUATION NOTE: The equations are often written three times: (i) word equation, (ii) balanced symbol equation without state symbols, and, (iii) with the state symbols (g), (l), (s) or (aq) to give the complete balanced symbol equation. SEE ALSO 2. RUSTING & Introducing REDOX reactions3. Metal Reactivity Series Experiments-Observations and ... Metal Extraction Fe, Cu, Al etc. * Transition Metals Other notes on using metals eg Al & Ti * Metal Structure - bonding REACTIVITY SERIES OF METALS:potassium > sodium > calcium > magnesium > aluminium > zinc > iron > tin > lead > copper > silver > gold > platinum A short introduction: When metals react with other substances like water, oxygen or acids, the metal atoms form positive ions (characteristic chemical behaviour of metals."
"docid": "D33421#0",
"title": "https://mysite.du.edu/~jcalvert/phys/elechem.htm\nElectrochemistry",
"text": "\"Electrochemistry I try to explain clearly the principles of this rather confusing but very useful science. Contents Introduction Oxidation and Reduction Electrolytic Cells Electrode Potentials Corrosion and Dry Cells Electroplating Dependence of the Electrode Potential on Concentration References Introduction In 1797 the English physician George Pearson laboriously charged Leyden Jars at his electric machine, then discharged them through water, carefully collecting the gases that appeared. Finally, he mixed the gases in a dry container and made a spark with his machine. Drops of water collected on the walls of the container when it cooled. He had decomposed water into its constituents, and then recombined them again. The world took little notice. In 1800 Alessandro Volta reported the results of his recent studies to the Royal Society of London, of which he was a member. His momentous achievement was the column, or \"\"pile,\"\" of discs of silver, zinc and leather moistened with salt solution, repeated over and over. An alternative was the couronne des tasses, a ring of cups joined by arcs of silver and zinc alternately, filled with dilute salt solution. When the ultimate members of the pile or crown were connected by a conductor, a permanent electric current flowed."
"docid": "D2168913#0",
"title": "http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/4979/conducting-current-in-electrolytes\nConducting current in electrolytes",
"text": "\"_Chemistry Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientists, academics, teachers and students. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Conducting current in electrolytesup vote11down votefavorite3I keep trying to figure out how current is conducted through an electrolyte but all I can find are BS half answers. They say the ions conduct, but the specifics are poorly explained or absent. I understand that if you, for example, put sodium chloride in water it will disassociate into positive sodium ions and negative chlorine ions, and that an electric field would cause the ions to move, allowing a current to flow. But what happens once the charges get to the electrodes? Obviously, they can't just stay there in elemental form stably. I would expect the sodium, once given an electron, to be looking for a way to give that electron back. Would it cause the water to split into hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions? On the chlorine side, would the chlorine atoms simply turn into chlorine gas. If this is all correct, it seems one would end up with sodium and hydroxide ions."
"docid": "D2147367#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081105034048AA0LbYH\nHow is aluminium extracted from its ore using electrolysis?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Chemistry How is aluminium extracted from its ore using electrolysis? How is aluminium extracted from its ore using electrolysis? Follow 4 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Therefore, it must be extracted by electrolysis. In this process, the aluminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite and then reduced to the pure metal. The operational temperature of the reduction cells is around 950 to 980 °C. Cryolite is found as a mineral in Greenland, but in industrial use it has been replaced by a synthetic substance. Cryolite is a chemical compound of aluminium, sodium, and calcium fluorides: (Na3Al F6). The aluminium oxide (a white powder) is obtained by refining bauxite in the Bayer process of Karl Bayer. ( Previously, the Deville process was the predominant refining technology.) The electrolytic process replaced the Wöhler process, which involved the reduction of anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium."
"docid": "D2953672#0",
"title": "http://www.gcsescience.com/ex11.htm\n.",
"text": "gcsescience.com 11 gcsescience.com Extraction of Metals Extraction of Aluminium. Aluminium ore is called bauxite. Bauxite contains aluminium oxide , water, iron oxide and other impurities. The purified dry ore, called alumina , is aluminium oxide - Al 2 O 3. The alumina must be molten for electrolysis to work, since the ions are not free to move in the solid state. Unfortunately, alumina has a high melting point ( 2040 °C) and it is not practical to do electrolysis at such a high temperature. In the middle of the nineteenth century it was found that alumina dissolved in cryolite. Cryolite is sodium aluminium fluoride - Na 3Al F 6. A solution of alumina in cryolite melts at about 900 °Cand electrolysis is done at about 950 °C ( continued ). Links Revision Quizzes Revision Questionsgcsescience.com The Periodic Table Index Metal Quiz gcsescience.com Home GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics Copyright © 2015 gcsescience.com."
"docid": "D305063#0",
"title": "http://essentialchemicalindustry.org/metals/copper.html\nCopper",
"text": "Copper Copper is used extensively, particularly in electrical wiring. Although overall only a small amount is used in coinage, it nevertheless means that we touch copper every time we handle a coin. Copper forms alloys more freely than most metals, and with a wide range of alloying elements, including zinc, tin, nickel and aluminium. These metals are added to increase strength and improve resistance to wear and corrosion, but they also affect the colour of the alloy. Uses of copper Figure 1 Uses of copper. Figure 2 The Statue of Liberty was recently renovated after suffering over a century of weathering. The copper skin was intact, only the torch needed attention. By kind permission of The Copper Development Association. In the UK, copper is mainly used to make semi-finished products (called semis) which are made from the refined metal, either as pure copper or as copper alloys. They can be in the form of wire, rod, bar, plate, sheet, strip, foil or tube."
"docid": "D317344#0",
"title": "http://www.docbrown.info/page04/4_73calcs07mam.htm\n.",
"text": "INTRODUCTION to the MOLE and mole CALCULATIONS and EQUATIONSDoc Brown's Chemistry KS4 science GCSE/IGCSE/GCE-AS O Level Revision Notes7. Introducing 'moles' and their the connection with mass and formula mass AND how to use reacting masses and the mole concept to deduce a symbol equation Quantitative chemistry calculations online Help for problem solving in doing mole calculations, using experiment data, making predictions. Practice revision questions on mole calculations, moles mass and molecular/formula mass formula. This page describes and explains the concept of the mole with lots of fully worked out examples of mole calculations. You should learn the formula connecting moles, mass and formula/molecular mass and methods for solving mole based problems. The ideas are extended to show how to deduce a balanced symbol equations by converting masses of reactants and products to moles and from the whole number ratio deduce the balanced equation. Online practice exam chemistry CALCULATIONS and solved problems for KS4 Science GCSE/IGCSE CHEMISTRY and basic starter chemical calculations for A level GCE AS-A2-IB courses. These revision notes and practice questions on mole calculations in chemistry and worked examples should prove useful for the new AQA, Edexcel and OCR GCSE (9–1) chemistry science courses. These revision notes and practice questions as an introduction to the mole and using the mole in chemical calculations and worked examples should prove useful for the new AQA, Edexcel and OCR GCSE (9–1) chemistry science courses. Spotted any careless error?"
"docid": "D1123219#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactivity_series\nReactivity series",
"text": "\"Reactivity series From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with Electrochemical series. In chemistry, a reactivity series (or activity series) is an empirical, calculated, and structurally analytical progression [1] of a series of metals, arranged by their \"\"reactivity\"\" from highest to lowest. [ 2] [3] [4] It is used to summarize information about the reactions of metals with acids and water, double displacement reactions and the extraction of metals from their ores. Contents [ hide ]1 Table2 Defining reactions2.1 Reaction with water and acids2.2 Single displacement reactions3 Comparison with standard electrode potentials4 See also5 References6 External links Table [ edit]Metal Ion Reactivity Extraction Caesium Cs Cs + reacts with cold waterelectrolysis Francium Fr Fr +Rubidium Rb Rb +Potassium K K +Sodium Na Na +Lithium Li Li +Barium Ba Ba 2+Radium Ra Ra 2+Strontium Sr Sr 2+Calcium Ca Ca 2+Magnesium Mg Mg 2+reacts very slowly with cold water, but rapidly in boiling water, and very vigorously with acids Beryllium Be Be 2+ reacts with acids and steam Aluminium Al Al 3+Titanium Ti Ti 4+reacts with concentrated mineral acidspyrometallurgical extraction using magnesium, or less commonly other alkali metals, hydrogen or calcium in the Kroll process Manganese Mn Mn 2+ reacts with acids; very poor reaction with steam.smelting with coke Zinc Zn Zn 2+Chromium Cr Cr 3+ aluminothermic reaction Iron Fe Fe 2+smelting with coke Cadmium Cd Cd 2+Cobalt Co Co 2+Nickel Ni Ni 2+Tin Sn Sn 2+Lead Pb Pb 2+Antimony Sb Sb 3+ may react with some strong oxidizing acidsheat or physical extraction Bismuth Bi Bi 3+Copper Cu Cu 2+Tungsten W W 3+Mercury Hg Hg 2+Silver Ag Ag +Gold Au Au 3+ [5] [6]Platinum Pt Pt 4+Going from the bottom to the top of the table the metals:increase in reactivity;lose electrons ( oxidize) more readily to form positive ions;corrode or tarnish more readily;require more energy (and different methods) to be isolated from their compounds;become stronger reducing agents ( electron donors). Defining reactions [ edit]There is no unique and fully consistent way to define the reactivity series, but it is common to use the three [ not in citation given] types of reaction listed below, many of which can be performed in a high-school laboratory (at least as demonstrations). [ 5]Reaction with water and acids [ edit]The most reactive metals, such as sodium, will react with cold water to produce hydrogen and the metal hydroxide:2 Na (s) + 2 H 2 O (l) →2 Na OH (aq) + H 2 (g)Metals in the middle of the reactivity series, such as iron, will react with acids such as sulfuric acid (but not water at normal temperatures) to give hydrogen and a metal salt, such as iron (II) sulfate: Fe (s) + H 2 SO 4 (l) → Fe SO 4 (aq) + H 2 (g)There is some ambiguity at the borderlines between the groups. Magnesium, aluminium and zinc can react with water, but the reaction is usually very slow unless the metal samples are specially prepared to remove the surface layer of oxide which protects the rest of the metal. Copper and silver will react with nitric acid; but because nitric acid is an oxidizing acid, the oxidizing agent is not the H + ion as in normal acids, but the NO 3 − ion. Single displacement reactions [ edit]An iron nail placed in a solution of copper sulfate will quickly change colour as metallic copper is deposited and the iron is converted into iron (II) sulfate: Fe (s) + Cu SO 4 (aq) → Cu (s) + Fe SO 4 (aq)In general, a metal can displace any of the metals which are lower in the reactivity series: the higher metal reduces the ions of the lower metal. This is used in the thermite reaction for preparing small quantities of metallic iron, and in the Kroll process for preparing titanium (Ti comes at about the same level as Al in the reactivity series)."
"docid": "D540988#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_bauxite_used_for\nWhat is bauxite used for?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Earth Sciences Geology What is bauxite used for? Flag What is bauxite used for? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Bauxite is used in cement, chemicals, face makeup, soda cans, dishwashers, siding for houses, and other aluminum products. It is recycled so that it can be used over again.16 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What are the uses of bauxite? Bauxite is used in cement, chemicals, face makeup, soda cans,dishwashers, siding for houses, and other aluminum products alsoglass cutting tools What can bauxite be used in?for making of aluminum. bauxite was identified or discovered in 1821.. What is Bauxite use for?cement,chemicals,face make up,soda cans,dishwashersand other aluminum products What is the use of bauxite? It can be use to make or to manifacture abrasives William Manning 899 Contributions What does Jamaica use bauxite for? Bauxite is Aluminium ore."
"docid": "D964697#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_industrial_processes\nIndustrial processes",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from List of industrial processes)navigation search This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Steelworks of Italy in 1958, photo by Paolo Monti Industrial processes are procedures involving chemical, physical, electrical or mechanical steps to aid in the manufacturing of an item or items, usually carried out on a very large scale. Industrial processes are the key components of heavy industry. Contents [ hide ]1 General processes2 Chemical processes3 Heat processes4 Electrolysis5 Cutting6 Physical processes6.1 Moulding6.2 Separation7 Distillation8 Additive9 Iron and steel10 Petroleum and organic compounds11 Others12 See also General processes [ edit]These may be applied on their own, or as part of a larger process. Liquefaction of gases – for ease of transportation Supercritical drying, freeze-drying – removal of excess liquid Scrubbing – removal of pollution from exhaust gases Chemical processes [ edit]Main article: Chemical process Haber process – chemically binding gaseous nitrogen from the atmosphere to make ammonia Smelting – chemically enhancing metals Disinfection – chemical treatment to kill bacteria and viruses Pyroprocessing – using heat to chemically combine materials, such as in cement. Heat processes [ edit]Flash smelting – a refinement on smelting, for sulfur-containing ores (produces copper, nickel and lead)Electrolysis [ edit]Main article: Electrolysis The availability of electricity and its effect on materials gave rise to several processes for plating or separating metals. Gilding, electroplating, anodization, electrowinning – depositing a material on an electrode Electropolishing – the reverse of electroplating Electrofocusing – similar to electroplating, but separating molecules Electrolytic process – the generic process of using electrolysis Electrophoretic deposition – electrolytic deposition of colloidal particles in a liquid medium Electrotyping – using electroplating to produce printing plates Metallizing, plating, spin coating – the generic terms for giving non-metals a metallic coating Cutting [ edit]Shearing Sawing Plasma cutting Water-jet cutting Oxyacetylene cutting Electrical discharge machining (EDM)Machining – the mechanical cutting and shaping of metal which involves the loss of the material Laser cutting Physical processes [ edit]There are several physical processes for reshaping a material by cutting, folding, joining or polishing, developed on a large scale from workshop techniques. See also: Fabrication (metal)Forging – the shaping of metal by use of heat and hammer Casting – shaping of a liquid material by pouring it into moulds and letting it solidify Progressive stamping – the production of components from a strip or roll Stamping Hydroforming – a tube of metal is expanded into a mould under pressure Sandblasting – cleaning of a surface using sand or other particles Soldering, brazing, welding – a process for joining metals Tumble polishing – for polishing Precipitation hardening – heat treatment used to strengthen malleable materials Work hardening – adding strength to metals, alloys, etc."
"docid": "D1795241#0",
"title": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_ocr_pre_2011/chemicals/extractionmetalsrev3.shtml\n.",
"text": "Extraction of aluminium Aluminium is the most abundant metal on Earth. Despite this, it is expensive, largely because of the amount of electricity used up in the extraction process. Aluminium ore is called bauxite. The bauxite is purified to yield a white powder, aluminium oxide, from which aluminium can be extracted. The extraction is done by electrolysis. But first the aluminium oxide must be made molten so that electricity can pass through it. Aluminium oxide has a very high melting point (over 2,000°C), so it would be expensive to melt it. Instead, it is dissolved in molten cryolite, an aluminium compound with a lower melting point than aluminium oxide. The use of cryolite reduces some of the energy costs involved in extracting aluminium. Diagram showing cell for aluminium extraction The diagram shows an aluminium oxide electrolysis tank."
"docid": "D687977#0",
"title": "http://www.elementalmatter.info/element-aluminium.htm\nWhat is the Element Aluminium",
"text": "\"Definition of the Aluminium Element Aluminium is a silvery-white, ductile metallic element, the most abundant in the earth's crust but found only in combination, chiefly in bauxite. Aluminum occurs naturally in many foods in low concentrations and is also present in many pharmaceuticals and drinking water. Refer to Aluminum Reaction for its reaction to Water, Oxygen & Acids. High levels in the body can be toxic. Having good conductive and thermal properties, it is used to form many hard, light, corrosion-resistant alloys. Aluminium is non-toxic (as the metal) nonmagnetic and non-sparking. The Atomic Number of this element is 13 and the Element Symbol is Al. What is Aluminium? Physical properties of Aluminium Aluminium is a tin-white metal which melts at 640° and is very light, having a density of 2.68. It is stiff and strong, and with frequent annealing can be rolled into thin foil."
"docid": "D289909#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_aluminum_made_out_of\nWhat is aluminum made of?",
"text": "\"Math Teacher Guy 5,974 Contributions What is aluminum made of? Aluminum is a natural element, the 13th element in the periodic table. Aluminum is a soft metal. It is plentiful in the earth's crust and is usually found as aluminum oxide or …Paul Jones 112,553 Contributions Owner of Jones Mineral Cabinet, Geology and Paleontology Supervisor, interested in Earth and Planetary sciences What is made out of aluminum? All sorts of machine parts, engine blocks, fasteners, cans, bottles, tools, some coinages, windows, doors, tools boxes, and many other items where a strong lightweight metal i …John Richards 38 Contributions How aluminum is made?electrolysis of its molten ore bauxite (Al2O3) Aluminium is an element \"\"AL\"\"and therefore is made only of aluminum. Aluminium is mostly derived from an ore called Bauxite, a …Compendium 93,459 Contributions What is aluminum made out of and what does it have in it? Nothing. Mined from bauxite, aluminum is a silver/grey metal, an element in its own right. Priyadarshi Raj 5,955 Contributions How is aluminum phosphide made? By combining Aluminium and Phosphorus How is poly aluminum chloride made?"
"docid": "D3534287#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminum\nAluminium",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Aluminum)navigation search This article is about the metallic element. For other uses, see Aluminium (disambiguation). Aluminium, 13 Al General properties Pronunciation Aluminium: / ˌ æ lj ʊ ˈ m ɪ n i ə m / ( listen) ( AL -yuu- MIN -ee-əm)Aluminum: / ə ˈ l uː m ɪ n ə m / ( listen) ( ə- LOO -min-əm)Alternative name aluminum (U. S., Canada)Appearance silvery gray metallic Standard atomic weight ( A r, standard)26.981 5385 (7) [1]Aluminium in the periodic table Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson B ↑ Al ↓ Gamagnesium ← aluminium → silicon Atomic number ( Z) 13Group group 13 (boron group)Period period 3Element category post-transition metal, sometimes considered a metalloid Block p-block Electron configuration [ Ne] 3s 2 3p 1Electrons per shell 2, 8, 3Physical properties Phase at STP solid Melting point 933.47 K (660.32 °C, 1220.58 °F)Boiling point 2743 K (2470 °C, 4478 °F)Density (near r.t.) 2.70 g/cm 3when liquid (at m.p.) 2.375 g/cm 3Heat of fusion 10.71 k J/mol Heat of vaporization 284 k J/mol Molar heat capacity 24.20 J/ (mol·K)Vapor pressure P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T (K) 1482 1632 1817 2054 2364 2790Atomic properties Oxidation states +3, +2, [2] +1, [3] −1, −2 (an amphoteric oxide)Electronegativity Pauling scale: 1.61Ionization energies1st: 577.5 k J/mol2nd: 1816.7 k J/mol3rd: 2744.8 k J/mol ( more)Atomic radius empirical: 143 pm Covalent radius 121±4 pm Van der Waals radius 184 pm Spectral lines Miscellanea Crystal structure face-centered cubic (fcc)Speed of soundthin rod (rolled) 5000 m/s (at r.t.)Thermal expansion 23.1 µm/ (m·K) (at 25 °C)Thermal conductivity 237 W/ (m·K)Electrical resistivity 28.2 nΩ·m (at 20 °C)Magnetic ordering paramagnetic [4]Magnetic susceptibility +16.5·10 −6 cm 3 /mol Young's modulus 70 GPa Shear modulus 26 GPa Bulk modulus 76 GPa Poisson ratio 0.35Mohs hardness 2.75Vickers hardness 160–350 MPa Brinell hardness 160–550 MPa CAS Number 7429-90-5History Naming after alumina ( aluminium oxide ), itself named after mineral alum Prediction Antoine Lavoisier (1782)Discovery and first isolation Hans Christian Ørsted (1824)Named by Humphry Davy (1812)Main isotopes of aluminium Isotope Abundance Half-life ( t 1/2)Decay mode Product26 Altrace7.17×10 5 y β + 26Mgε 26 Mgγ –27 Al 100% stableview talk edit| references | in Wikidata Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. ["
"docid": "D417752#0",
"title": "http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/f/Fluorine.htm\nFluorine",
"text": "\"Fluorine Related subjects: Chemical elements Background Information SOS Children have produced a selection of wikipedia articles for schools since 2005. With SOS Children you can choose to sponsor children in over a hundred countries Fluorine9F- ↑ F ↓ Cl Periodic tableoxygen ← fluorine → neon Appearancegas: very pale yellow liquid: bright yellow solid: transparent (beta), opaque (alpha) Liquid fluorine at cryogenic temperatures General properties Name, symbol, numberfluorine, F, 9Pronunciation / ˈ f l ʊər iː n /, / ˈ f l ʊər ɪ n /, / ˈ f l ɔər iː n /Element category halogen Group, period, block 17 (halogens), 2, p Standard atomic weight 18.9984032 (5)Electron configuration [He] 2s 2 2p 5 2, 7History Discovery André-Marie Ampère (1810)First isolation Henri Moissan (June 26, 1886)Named by Humphry Davy Physical properties Phase gas Density (0 °C, 101.325 k Pa) 1.696 g/LLiquid densityat b.p.1.505 g·cm −3Melting point 53.53 K , −219.62 °C, −363.32 °FBoiling point 85.03 K, −188.12 °C, −306.62 °FCritical point 144.4 K, 5.215 MPa Heat of vaporization 6.51 k J·mol −1Molar heat capacity (C p) (21.1 °C) 825 J·mol −1 ·K −1 (C v) (21.1 °C) 610 J·mol −1 ·K −1Vapor pressure P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T (K) 38 44 50 58 69 85Atomic properties Oxidation states −1 (oxidizes oxygen)Electronegativity 3.98 (Pauling scale)Ionization energies ( more) 1st: 1,681 k J·mol −12nd: 3,374 k J·mol −13rd: 6,147 k J·mol −1Covalent radius 64 pm Van der Waals radius 135 pm Miscellanea Crystal structure cubic the structure refers to solid fluorine, just below the melting point, 1 atm Magnetic ordering diamagnetic Thermal conductivity 0.02591 W·m −1 ·K −1CAS registry number 7782-41-4Most stable isotopes Main article: Isotopes of fluorineiso NA half-life DM DE ( Me V) DP18 F trace 109.77 min β + (96.9%) 0.634 18 Oε (3.1%) 1.656 18 O19 F 100% 19 F is stable with 10 neutronsreference Fluorine (symbol F) is the chemical element with atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen. At standard pressure and temperature, fluorine is a pale yellow gas composed of diatomic molecules, F 2. Fluorine is the most electronegative element and is extremely reactive, requiring great care in handling. It has a single stable isotope, fluorine-19. In stars, fluorine is rare compared to other light elements. In Earth's crust, fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element. Fluorine's most important mineral, fluorite, was first formally described in 1530, in the context of smelting. The mineral's name derives from the Latin verb fluo, which means \"\"flow\"\", because fluorite was added to metal ores to lower their melting points."
"docid": "D590765#0",
"title": "https://www.finishing.com/419/30.shtml\nGalvanic Corrosion between Galvanized Steel and Aluminum",
"text": "\"topic 41930Galvanic Corrosion between Galvanized Steel and Aluminum A discussion started in 2006 & continuing through 2017 (2006)Q. We are installing anodized aluminum benches in a basketball gym. The supplier has provided galvanized steel brackets to be attached to the bench and zinc plated steel bolts from the bracket to the concrete. Questions: 1) Will the galvanized bracket be sufficient to prevent the corrosive interaction between the steel and the Aluminum? 2) By attaching the steel bracket directly to the concrete, will that provide sufficient grounding to prevent the electrolysis? Ronald Mc Kenzie CEFconsultant - Huntington Beach, California (2006)A. Hello, Ronald. To my knowledge the grounding neither accelerates nor retards galvanic action; I think that part is irrelevant as long as you are not introducing additional materials. A galvanic corrosion cell can be likened to a dry cell battery for ease of understanding: - The two metals in your construction (aluminum and zinc) act like the carbon and zinc in a battery, with their difference in electrochemical potential providing the driving force. Depending on the particular aluminum alloy, this potential difference between it and the zinc might be around 0.2 volts rather than the 1.5 volts potential difference between carbon and zinc. - Ambient moisture and accumulated salts play the role of the conductive glop in a battery. Unless bleach is used for cleaning, or some other unusual circumstance, the environment will probably be fairly dry and non-conductive. -"
] |
636710 | what does electromagnetic therapy do | [
"docid": "D99767#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_therapy_%28alternative_medicine%29\nElectromagnetic therapy (alternative medicine)",
"text": "\"This article is about use of electromagnetic radiation in alternative medicine. For use in mainstream medicine, see electrotherapy. [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( April 2009)Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. ( April 2017)Electromagnetic therapy is a pseudoscientific [1] form of alternative medicine which claims to treat disease by applying electromagnetic radiation to the body. [ 2] [3] [4] There is no scientific evidence that non-medically approved electromagnetic therapy is effective in treating any condition. [ 2] [5] Practitioners claim that these methods can treat a wide range of ailments, including ulcers, headaches, burns, chronic pain, nerve disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, gum infections, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, heart disease and cancer. [ 2]Even though some of the early works in bioelectromagnetics are being successfully applied in clinical medicine, [6] there is no relationship between alternative devices or methods which use externally applied electrical forces and the use of electromagnetic energy in mainstream medicine. ["
] | [
"docid": "D1704907#0",
"title": "http://environ.andrew.cmu.edu/m3/s2/02sun.shtml\n.",
"text": "\"The Sun & its Energy The sun's energy is the primary source of energy for all surface phenomena and life on Earth. Combined with the material of the Earth (including the molecules held close by the Earth's gravitational force called the atmosphere), this energy provides for the immense diversity of life forms that are found on the Earth. We will now look in detail at solar energy and its interplay with the constituents of the Earth's atmosphere. Characteristics of the Sun Image courtesy of NASA. The sun is a medium, yellow star, consisting primarily of hydrogen at temperatures high enough to cause nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium nuclei and release energy. In this state, some 120 million tons of matter--mostly hydrogen--are converted into helium on the sun every minute, with some of the mass being converted into energy. The size of the sun determines its temperature and the amount of energy radiated. Electromagnetic energy from the sun comes to Earth in the form of radiation. The term \"\"radiation\"\" simply denotes the fact that the energy travels as rays, that is, in straight lines."
"docid": "D2273565#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmygroin.com/?REF=MS_Groin\nCutting Edge Groin Injury Treatments",
"text": "\"Cutting Edge Groin Injury Treatments Amazing Treatment Options for Groin Injuries, Groin Disruptions, Gilmore's Groin, Athletic Pubalgia & Other Groin Injuries It Is Now Possible To: Accelerate the healing of your groin injury Decrease your groin pain to a manageable level Reduce the amount of scar tissue formed during your recovery Increase your Range of Motion by regaining a flexible core once again...you simply need the right treatment. Impressive Healing Solutions for Groin Injuries For years, professional athletes have had access to state of the art treatment methods that allow them to heal much more quickly and more completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have a serious groin injury can often get back in the game in a matter of weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years (in chronic cases). Times have changed - Professional Grade groin therapy devices are now available to anyone that needs them!Groin pulls, sports hernias, partial adductor muscle tears or strains can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to heal their injury as fast as possible. Maybe they are competitive soccer or football players that need to return to their sport quickly (downtime = money). Or maybe they're just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. No matter who you are or your reasons, if you want to properly deal with your groin pain / injury and minimize the negative impact it will have on your life, you need to speak with your physician about adding to your treatment with Aid My Groin's system using a cold compression Freezie Wrap ®, BFST ® and the Knee-Flex ®Passive Groin Stretching Device. We have many happy customers that have healed their groin injuries faster than they expected and significantly reduced their pain during treatment. If you've been living with groin pain for some time now, it's almost a sure thing that you're feeling discouraged from the on-going pain and re-injury cycle. Seemingly simple things may now seem impossible - like jogging out to your car in the parking lot, twisting your leg while lunging or squatting, running on a treadmill, or reaching up on your tip-toes for an item high on a shelf."
"docid": "D318123#0",
"title": "https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/brain-stimulation-therapies/brain-stimulation-therapies.shtml\nBrain Stimulation Therapies",
"text": "\"Brain Stimulation Therapies Overview Brain stimulation therapies can play a role in treating certain mental disorders. Brain stimulation therapies involve activating or inhibiting the brain directly with electricity. The electricity can be given directly by electrodes implanted in the brain, or noninvasively through electrodes placed on the scalp. The electricity can also be induced by using magnetic fields applied to the head. While these types of therapies are less frequently used than medication and psychotherapies, they hold promise for treating certain mental disorders that do not respond to other treatments. Electroconvulsive therapy is the best studied brain stimulation therapy and has the longest history of use. Other stimulation therapies discussed here are newer, and in some cases still experimental methods. These include:vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (r TMS)magnetic seizure therapy (MST)deep brain stimulation (DBS)A treatment plan may also include medication and psychotherapy. Choosing the right treatment plan should be based on a person's individual needs and medical situation, and under a doctor's care. Electroconvulsive Therapy Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) uses an electric current to treat serious mental disorders."
"docid": "D593616#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmybursa.com/?REF=MBP_HB\nAdvanced Treatment Options for Hip Bursitis, Shoulder Bursitis, Foot Bursitis & More",
"text": "\"Advanced Treatment Options for Hip Bursitis, Shoulder Bursitis, Foot Bursitis & More We Have Helped Thousands of Bursitis Sufferers End Their Pain Over the Past 10 Years. Over 92% of our Clients Have Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Inflamed Bursa Injury Decreased Their Bursitis Pain Quickly and Significantly Increased the Range of Motion (ROM) in their Joint (s) affected by Bursitis (reduction of joint atrophy)Decreased the Incidence of Overcompensation Injuries Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Healing More Completely & Quickly (less scar tissue). Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Learning About What Caused the Injury in the First Place....how did they do this? Some found our phone number and called us toll-free at 1-866-237-9608 (Continental US), or Internationally at +1-705-445-3505. Some used the \"\"live help\"\" chat (shown at the bottom right of your browser window)Some continued reading, learning more about their bursitis condition and how to effectively treat it at home. Stages of Healing Bursitis Before deciding on a bursa treatment path, an understanding of the three major stages of the healing process is critical. With the right knowledge and the right treatment options, you can accelerate your recovery without the fear of re-injury or setbacks (which unfortunately, happens to many people - we will explain why further down the page). Regardless of what bursitis you may be suffering from (knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, ankle), the treatment stages are the same. The location of the treatment is wherever the inflamed bursa may be. Step 1: Reduce The Initial Inflammation Inflammation is the body's natural response to a shoulder injury and is a normal part of the healing process."
"docid": "D890857#0",
"title": "http://www.aidyourtendon.com/tendinitis-injuries/shoulder-tendonitis/supraspinatus-tendinitis.php\nSupraspinatus (Rotator Cuff) Tendinitis/Tear",
"text": "\"Supraspinatus (Rotator Cuff) Tendinitis/Tear The rotator cuff is a term given to four main tendons that wrap around the shoulder joint, the supraspinatus tendon being the tendon coming off the shoulder blade in the top portion. Rotator cuff tendonitis (also spelled tendinitis) and tears often occur gradually, though many are associated with sports injuries (especially baseball and swimming), falls on the shoulder, or an added injury due to shoulder dislocation in elderly folk. If you've ever been diagnosed with bursitis, it's possible the supraspinatus tendon is the true source of your pain, not the shoulder bursa. In this case, the pain does not resolve with typically prescribed anti-inflammatory medications. Symptoms of Chronic Supraspinatus Tear If a tear or rupture in your rotator cuff tendon occurs over time you may experience the following symptoms. Pain in the shoulder when doing a repetitive shoulder activity that eventually becomes noticeable when the shoulder is at rest. Atrophy or weakening of the tendons and muscles in the rotator cuff. Pain that starts as a dull ache and progresses to a radiating pain from the shoulder, especially when sleeping. Sudden pain when reaching above the head or bringing the arm out to the side. Muscle spasm and weakness in the arm and shoulder area with limited range of motion."
"docid": "D292206#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmybursa.com/bursitis/inferno-wrap-blood-flow-stimulation-therapy.php\nUse Your Body's Natural Healing System to Treat Your Bursitis Injury!",
"text": "\"Use Your Body's Natural Healing System to Treat Your Bursitis Injury!How Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy (BFST ®) Works Your body can heal itself! In fact, your body started healing the moment you injured yourself and it's the blood in your body that makes it all happen. Your blood is the transport mechanism for everything that's good inside of you. It carries oxygen, nutrients, water and antibodies. Bringing proper blood flow to your injured bursa is essential to healing. Unfortunately, when you injure your body, you stop moving and the swelling sets in. That means your vital blood flow can be reduced to a trickle!It'll seem weird for you to read this, but there are a LOT of people out there that do not understand how fast a Cold Cure Wrap ®can get the swelling / inflammation in your bursa under control! You can start to deal with the actual injury and pain only after the inflammation is reduced - this is where the Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy ™ (BFST ®) effect from a BFST Wrap ® really starts to shine!The MISSING Piece of the Puzzle.... where SO MANY get it WRONG!Swelling and inflammation is your body responding to an injury. A lot of pain will probably disappear as the swelling disappears, and many people make the wrong assumption that their bursitis is gone when most of the pain is gone. Once you have reduced the swelling with cold, your injury is still there."
"docid": "D2514039#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmymuscle.com/index.php?REF=G_MuscleWrap\nAdvanced Muscle Injury Treatments",
"text": "\"Advanced Muscle Injury Treatments Amazing Treatment Options for Deep Tissue Muscle Injuries, Strains, Tears, Pulls, Cramps and Spasms It Is Now Possible For You To: Accelerate the healing of your muscle injury Decrease muscle pain to a manageable level Reduce the amount of scar tissue formed during your recovery Increase your Range of Motion by reducing the atrophy in your injured muscles...you simply need the right treatment. Impressive Healing Solutions for Muscle Injuries For years, professional athletes have had access to treatment methods that allow them to heal much more quickly and completely than you or I. That's why injured athletes are often back in the game in a matter of weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years. Times have changed - Professional Grade muscle therapy devices are now available for anyone that needs them!Muscles injuries can, and do happen to anyone - not just professional athletes. Right now there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to heal their injury as fast as possible. Maybe they are competitive weightlifters, wrestlers or football players that need to return to their sport quickly (downtime = money). Or maybe they're just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. No matter who you are or your reasons, if you want to properly deal with your muscle pain / injury and minimize the negative impact it will have on your lifestyle, you need to learn about Aid My Muscle's system utilizing cold compression Cold Cure Wraps ®, Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy ™ BFST Wraps ® and our newly arrived Medical Support Tape. We have many happy customers that have healed their muscle injuries faster than they expected and significantly reduced their pain during treatment. If you've been living with muscle pain or a strain for some time now, it's almost a sure thing that you're feeling discouraged from the on-going pain and re-injury cycle. Seemingly simple things may now seem impossible - like reaching for a high shelf if you suffer from a shoulder muscle injury, twisting your leg if you have a groin, hip, hamstring or quadriceps muscle injury, or standing on your tip-toes if you have calf or shin pain."
"docid": "D1560899#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmycarpaltunnel.com/cts-injury/carpal-tunnel-syndrome.php\nWhat is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?",
"text": "\"What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The 'carpal tunnel' is a space in the wrist located on the palm side of your arm. This narrow 'carpal tunnel' is made by the wrist bones, ligaments and held in place with a fibrous sheath (the flexor retinaculum). The median nerve and 9 tendons that connect to fingers in your hand run through this tunnel. The tunnel protects the nerve and the tendon help bend your fingers and act like a pulley for the tendons in the forearm connected to your fingers. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the name for a group of problems that includes swelling, pain, tingling, and loss of strength in your wrist and hand. This condition will happen when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand through the carpal tunnel, becomes squeezed (compressed) by damaged tissue inside or outside of the carpal tunnel. The median nerve can be squeezed in a few different ways: By swelling or thickening of one or more of the tendons inside of the carpal tunnel,Any soft tissue swelling around the tunnel from other muscles, tendons or ligaments in the wrist,From direct pressure from part of a broken or dislocated bone in the wrist,Or even anatomical, natural shape and size of your carpal tunnel (the carpal tunnel is naturally smaller in women versus men). Nearly half of CTS sufferers have symptoms in both hands. Having bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, is typically worse in one hand than the other."
"docid": "D2392979#0",
"title": "http://trulyheal.com/product/pmt-120-pemf-device/\nPEMF PMT 120",
"text": "PEMF PMT 120The PMT120 is probably the most popular PEMF device in the world. Thousands of individuals around the world love the WOW factor this device creates. The PMT 120 uses 2 square waves simultaneously to carry the magnetic field directly to the cell at up to 20,000 gauss. What does that mean to you? Instead of resonating just the receptors on the cell membrane, the PMT 120 delivers harmonic impulses that resonates the entire cell membrane. Included Applicators These Applicators are all inclusive with your purchase of the PMT120. The Large loop, Butterfly, Paddle and Rope are standard accessories. The Mag Pad can be added separately during checkout. MODEL CHOICETabletop Model Size: 16.5″ W x 15.75″ D x 5.5″ H. Weight: 45 lbs. Color: Blue."
"docid": "D981618#0",
"title": "http://www.mendmyknee.com/?REF=MSKPain\nCutting Edge Knee Injury Treatments",
"text": "\"Cutting Edge Knee Injury Treatments Medical Treatments Once Reserved For Pro Athletes Are Now Available To The Public... Now You Can Heal Yourself At Home!An Extremely High Number of our Clients Have: Accelerated the Healing Rate of their ACL/MCL/PCL Injury Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Meniscus Tear Injury Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Knee Tendon Tear/Strain Experienced an Accelerated Rate of Recovery after Knee Surgery Decreased Inflammation in their Knee quickly. Decreased Their Pain Quickly and Significantly Increased the Range of Motion (ROM) in their Knee joint (reduction of atrophy)Decreased the Incidence of Overcompensation Injuries Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Healing More Completely & Quickly (less scar tissue). Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Learning About What Caused the Injury in the First Place....they simply decided to try our home treatment recommendations and committed themselves to a daily treatment protocol. But before you decide on a knee treatment path, an understanding of the three major stages of the healing process is critical. With the right knowledge and the right treatment options, you can accelerate your recovery without the fear of re-injury or setbacks (which unfortunately, happens to many people - we will explain why further down the page). Step 1: Reduce The Initial Inflammation Inflammation is the body's natural response to a shoulder injury and is a normal part of the healing process - helping to reduce tissue infection in the early stages of injury. Swelling, pain, heat sensation, redness, and loss of function are the main symptoms experienced and it is your bodys way of telling you there is something wrong. The combination of cold therapy and static compression is the gold standard in medicine for minimizing tissue damage and reducing inflammation after injury or activity. It serves as a critical bridge into the next phase of the healing process. Step 2: Enhance Blood Flow to the Injured Soft Tissue Tendons,ligaments, cartilage, and some muscle fibres are considered dense tissues."
"docid": "D675040#0",
"title": "https://evolutionhealth.com/Infrared_Saunas/infrared-sauna-FAQs.html\nInfrared Sauna FAQ's",
"text": "\"What is Infrared? Infrared (IR) radiation is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than that of visible light, but shorter than that of radio waves. The radiation penetrates the body and heats through a process called conversion, instead of heating the air around you. Infrared light, as radiated by the Sun, lies between the Visible and Microwave sectors of the electromagnetic spectrum. What is an Infrared Sauna? An infrared sauna is a sauna that heats its occupants with heaters that emit far infrared radiant heat. Unlike traditional Finnish Saunas, infrared saunas do not use steam, (which heats the air, and thereby the user) but instead use infrared radiation to directly heat the user. In an infrared sauna, the infrared heater produces radiant energy, which is the same as the heat from the sun, only without the harmful ultraviolet rays. Most of these heaters draw on technology developed in 1965 by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, a member of the Research and Development Department of Fuji Medical. The experience of a far infrared sauna is similar to sunbathing, which gives you the radiant heat that is all your own."
"docid": "D667854#0",
"title": "http://www.aidyourhamstring.com/?REF=MSH_HRp\nAdvanced Hamstring Treatments",
"text": "\"Advanced Hamstring Treatments Years of Hard Work Building on Fundamental Treatment Concepts Have Resulted in Improved Treatment Options for Hamstring Strains and other Soft Tissue Injuries It Is Now Possible To: Heal your hamstring injury faster Quickly relieve the pain of your injured hamstring Rapidly speed up the healing process while minimizing scar tissue growth Significantly reduce the chance of a hamstring re-injury...you simply need the right treatment. Healing Solutions for Pulled Hamstrings, Partial Hamstring Tears and Shortened Hamstrings Are you looking for a superior level of treatment for your injured hamstring or chronic hamstring pain? There are options for a superior level of treatment for hamstring injuries that you probably do not know about. A great number of our clients have achieved their goal of overcoming a debilitating muscle injury and have returned back to their regular activities sooner than expected by treating themselves at home. For years, professional athletes (and privileged individuals) have had access to state of the art treatment therapies that allow them to heal more quickly and more completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have a serious leg muscle injury can often get back in the game in a matter weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years (in chronic cases). Fortunately, with some of breakthrough products we have engineered, professional treatment is now available to anyone who needs it. Hamstring strain, quadricep strain and muscle tears can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now, there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to treat their injury fast and heal it (where possible). Maybe they are competitive golfers or football players that must return to their sport quickly (downtime=money), or perhaps they are just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. Regardless of who you are or your reasons, if you want to be proactive about properly addressing your injured hamstring, speak with your physician about adding to your treatment with Aid Your Hamstring's system utilizing BFST ® and Cold Cure Technology ®."
"docid": "D2392976#0",
"title": "http://www.doctoroz.com/article/pulsed-electromagnetic-fields-how-they-heal\nPulsed Electromagnetic Fields: How They Heal",
"text": "Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning can be done daily in only minutes, using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). In addition, when there is a known imbalance (when symptoms are present) or there is a known disease or condition, PEMF treatments, used either alone or along with other therapies, can often help cells rebalance dysfunction faster. From This Episode: The Revolutionary Cure for Pain PEMFs work to: Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion. Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells. Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA. Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue."
"docid": "D1157910#0",
"title": "http://www.helpmychronicpain.com/pemf\nPulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy",
"text": "Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. PEMF is widely used in Eastern Europe and other parts of Europe, where it has been a standard therapy. While this is a new technology in North America it is really an innovative, emerging technology, with an already extensive research base behind it. For more information about this revolutionary technology, check out the website: PEMFinfo.com. PEMF is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive therapy for pain and dysfunction. PEMF optimizes the self-healing and self-regulating functions of the body. * What are the benefits of PEMF? PEMF is an effective, non-invasive and side effect-free antidote to pain. It directly affects nerve cells that are communicating to our brain that our body is experiencing pain. It has anti-inflammatory implications, helping to minimize pain."
"docid": "D3193580#0",
"title": "http://www.aidmymeniscus.com/meniscus-injuries/complex-meniscus-tear.php\nComplex Meniscus Tears Injuries",
"text": "\"Complex Meniscus Tears Injuries You might be suffering from a complex tear of your meniscus if: You are suffering from limited movement and unable to stretch out your knee. You have pain and swelling in your knee. You have tightness and tenderness around your knee. You may feel as if your knee may collapse at any moment. If you found yourself agreeing with many of these statements; you're suffering from off/on or on-going pain in your knee then you might have a meniscus tear injury. Once your doctor confirmed your meniscus injury he/she will set you on a path for proactive conservation treatments, even before you have a full MRI diagnosis. This is because your knee and meniscus could end up in worse condition than before the surgery! This is why surgery is only performed as a last resort. Minor meniscus injuries heal quickly with conservative therapy - not every torn meniscus requires surgery. Location, shape and size of your tear can greatly influence your success in healing your torn meniscal tissue."
"docid": "D705590#0",
"title": "http://www.innerbody.com/xrays-and-radiography-overview\n",
"text": "Home > What Are X-Rays? And How Does Radiography Work? X-rays (often written x-rays or xrays) are a type of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. The term X-ray is shorthand for X-radiation, so named simply because it was an unknown form of radiation when discovered. Its discoverer was Wilhelm Röntgen, which is why X-rays are sometimes called Röntgen rays in other parts of the world. Röntgen was the recipient of the first Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery. X-rays have a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than ultraviolet radiation, but lower frequency and longer wavelength than gamma rays. If you're wondering what EM radiation is, what terms like frequency and wavelength really mean, and how X-rays allow people to make important medical images as well as help us in a host of other endeavors, then you've arrived at a good place. Here you can explore any or all of those subjects and, by doing so, arrive at a better understanding of X-rays and how we use them in our lives. On this page you'll find: Basics of electromagnetic force and radiation What is force?"
"docid": "D1452767#0",
"title": "http://www.aidyourhamstring.com/?REF=MSH_HISy\nAdvanced Hamstring Treatments",
"text": "\"Advanced Hamstring Treatments Years of Hard Work Building on Fundamental Treatment Concepts Have Resulted in Improved Treatment Options for Hamstring Strains and other Soft Tissue Injuries It Is Now Possible To: Heal your hamstring injury faster Quickly relieve the pain of your injured hamstring Rapidly speed up the healing process while minimizing scar tissue growth Significantly reduce the chance of a hamstring re-injury...you simply need the right treatment. Healing Solutions for Pulled Hamstrings, Partial Hamstring Tears and Shortened Hamstrings Are you looking for a superior level of treatment for your injured hamstring or chronic hamstring pain? There are options for a superior level of treatment for hamstring injuries that you probably do not know about. A great number of our clients have achieved their goal of overcoming a debilitating muscle injury and have returned back to their regular activities sooner than expected by treating themselves at home. For years, professional athletes (and privileged individuals) have had access to state of the art treatment therapies that allow them to heal more quickly and more completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have a serious leg muscle injury can often get back in the game in a matter weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years (in chronic cases). Fortunately, with some of breakthrough products we have engineered, professional treatment is now available to anyone who needs it. Hamstring strain, quadricep strain and muscle tears can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now, there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to treat their injury fast and heal it (where possible). Maybe they are competitive golfers or football players that must return to their sport quickly (downtime=money), or perhaps they are just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. Regardless of who you are or your reasons, if you want to be proactive about properly addressing your injured hamstring, speak with your physician about adding to your treatment with Aid Your Hamstring's system utilizing BFST ® and Cold Cure Technology ®."
"docid": "D1137097#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_alpha_and_beta_radiation_used_for\nWhat is alpha and beta radiation used for?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History War and Military History Military Equipment Nuclear Weapons What is alpha and beta radiation used for? Flag What is alpha and beta radiation used for? Answer by Jorge Quinones Confidence votes 39.2KThere are things that interest me. History covers them all. Since the ancient history to the life of Scientist Nikola Tesla. Alpha particles add two protons and two neutrons to an element during radioactive decay, while beta particles add no neutrons and subtract one proton during decay. An alpha particle is also equivalent to a helium nucleus. Their uses are plentiful, but perhaps the most noted is their use in X-ray scans at hospitals. When a beta particle is streamed at lead (Pb), x-rays are emmited. This also works with tungsten (W).3 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D1497650#0",
"title": "http://aidmymuscle.com/?ref=msmcombo\nAdvanced Muscle Injury Treatments",
"text": "\"Advanced Muscle Injury Treatments Amazing Treatment Options for Deep Tissue Muscle Injuries, Strains, Tears, Pulls, Cramps and Spasms It Is Now Possible For You To: Accelerate the healing of your muscle injury Decrease muscle pain to a manageable level Reduce the amount of scar tissue formed during your recovery Increase your Range of Motion by reducing the atrophy in your injured muscles...you simply need the right treatment. Impressive Healing Solutions for Muscle Injuries For years, professional athletes have had access to treatment methods that allow them to heal much more quickly and completely than you or I. That's why injured athletes are often back in the game in a matter of weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years. Times have changed - Professional Grade muscle therapy devices are now available for anyone that needs them!Muscles injuries can, and do happen to anyone - not just professional athletes. Right now there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to heal their injury as fast as possible. Maybe they are competitive weightlifters, wrestlers or football players that need to return to their sport quickly (downtime = money). Or maybe they're just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. No matter who you are or your reasons, if you want to properly deal with your muscle pain / injury and minimize the negative impact it will have on your lifestyle, you need to learn about Aid My Muscle's system utilizing cold compression Cold Cure Wraps ®, Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy ™ BFST Wraps ® and our newly arrived Medical Support Tape. We have many happy customers that have healed their muscle injuries faster than they expected and significantly reduced their pain during treatment. If you've been living with muscle pain or a strain for some time now, it's almost a sure thing that you're feeling discouraged from the on-going pain and re-injury cycle. Seemingly simple things may now seem impossible - like reaching for a high shelf if you suffer from a shoulder muscle injury, twisting your leg if you have a groin, hip, hamstring or quadriceps muscle injury, or standing on your tip-toes if you have calf or shin pain."
"docid": "D2681519#0",
"title": "http://www.aidyourhamstring.com/?REF=MSH_HHl\nAdvanced Hamstring Treatments",
"text": "\"Advanced Hamstring Treatments Years of Hard Work Building on Fundamental Treatment Concepts Have Resulted in Improved Treatment Options for Hamstring Strains and other Soft Tissue Injuries It Is Now Possible To: Heal your hamstring injury faster Quickly relieve the pain of your injured hamstring Rapidly speed up the healing process while minimizing scar tissue growth Significantly reduce the chance of a hamstring re-injury...you simply need the right treatment. Healing Solutions for Pulled Hamstrings, Partial Hamstring Tears and Shortened Hamstrings Are you looking for a superior level of treatment for your injured hamstring or chronic hamstring pain? There are options for a superior level of treatment for hamstring injuries that you probably do not know about. A great number of our clients have achieved their goal of overcoming a debilitating muscle injury and have returned back to their regular activities sooner than expected by treating themselves at home. For years, professional athletes (and privileged individuals) have had access to state of the art treatment therapies that allow them to heal more quickly and more completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have a serious leg muscle injury can often get back in the game in a matter weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years (in chronic cases). Fortunately, with some of breakthrough products we have engineered, professional treatment is now available to anyone who needs it. Hamstring strain, quadricep strain and muscle tears can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now, there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to treat their injury fast and heal it (where possible). Maybe they are competitive golfers or football players that must return to their sport quickly (downtime=money), or perhaps they are just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. Regardless of who you are or your reasons, if you want to be proactive about properly addressing your injured hamstring, speak with your physician about adding to your treatment with Aid Your Hamstring's system utilizing BFST ® and Cold Cure Technology ®."
] |
636714 | what does eleisha | [
"docid": "D300206#0",
"title": "http://contactlens.org.nz/\nWelcome to the Cornea & Contact Lens Society",
"text": "\"IN FOCUSContact & Cornea Lens Society Highlights. Upcoming Events New and past events from the cornea and contact lens society, click on the ‘eye’ for more info. From the President A communication from Jagrut Lallu. Something to Focus on Recent CCLS scholarship recipients report on their scholarship experience.2018’s 1 day conference is in Wellington on March 18th, More... Register Here About Us A little bit of history\"\"Unique among professional societies...\"\"Formed in 1958, the Cornea and Contact Lens Society’s members include both ophthalmologists and optometrists. This makes us unique among professional societies and is a contributing factor to the generally friendly and collegial relationship that these two groups enjoy in New Zealand. Our members have a common interest in providing safe methods of vision correction and promoting research into aspects of corneal health and contact lens development. The society was formerly known as the New Zealand Society of Contact Lens Practitioners but our name was changed in 2006 to reflect our members’ interest in the anterior eye in its own right rather than just as a platform for contact lens wear. Our meetings are characterised by excellent education, great social events and a degree of informality. Ophthalmologists Percent of membership.optometrists Percent of membership. CCLSNZ Council Our current council residents."
] | [
"docid": "D2914078#0",
"title": "http://www.circleofmoms.com/june-2009-babies/is-anybodys-7month-old-pulling-up-and-how-long-after-this-do-they-usually-start-walking-453304\nIs anybody's 7 month old pulling up?",
"text": "\"All Communities > June 2009 Babies > Is anybody's 7 month old pulling up? Is anybody's 7 month old pulling up? Jessica - posted on 01/11/2010 ( 28 moms have responded )75211How long after pulling up do they usually start walking? My lil boy is 7 months old and he is pulling up. He cant stand without holding on to the couch or something.. but he has gotten really good at getting up. And i was wondering how long after they start stand, does it usually take them to walk? Me and his daddy both started walking at 8 months, so I'm hoping he starts early.. Helpful (48) Nice Funny (2) Encouraging (7) Hugs (2)MOST HELPFUL POSTS [deleted account]Remember this isn't a race. The quicker they grow the less they need you. Yours is right on track! My son is doing the same thing and unfortunately I know he will be walking at 8 months."
"docid": "D3541430#0",
"title": "http://carrigar.com/old/what-does-quilava-evolve-into&page=7\nWHAT DOES QUILAVA EVOLVE INTO",
"text": "WHAT DOES QUILAVA EVOLVE INTOwhat does quilava evolve into, hello kitty coloring pages for kids printable, hello kitty cake pops bakerella, hello kitty cake topper wedding, hello kitty birthday theme ideas, hello kitty birthday party pictures, hello kitty birthday party invites, hello kitty birthday party games, hello kitty birthday party invitations, hello kitty birthday party decorations, hello kitty birthday party theme, hello kitty birthday party pics, hello kitty birthday party ideas, hello kitty birthday party cakes, hello kitty birthday cake template, hello kitty birthday cards to print, hello kitty birthday cake ideas, hello kitty birthday invitations free, red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting recipe, hello kitty birthday invitations printable, white chocolate cream cheese frosting recipe, sleek by 50 cent headphones release date, surprise 50th birthday party invitations, over the hill 50th birthday cake ideas, hello kitty birthday coloring pages, pictures of 40th birthday invitations, hello kitty birthday party supplies, hello kitty birthday cakes pictures, hello kitty birthday party images, hello kitty birthday cake topper, hello kitty birthday cake pictures, Atsep , will evolve how off Into and the , kadabra into into mon caused May , lvl to fight off a swarm Intensity of stun spores, which paralyze evolve crocanaw, and the pokemon silver What-does-what level mewtwo in into mightyena mon caused bywhat level Specify how shiny soul doesnt specify how evolvewhat does the pokemon quilavamar Which paralyze he is minute Anonymous croco andhandypokemon silver gold what does cyndaquil evolves Evolution yes, it mushroom-like pods that shoot clouds of stun About what-more about what-level-does-quilava-evolve pokemonwhat level , who evolves lv does lv does soul silver gold evolve Page contains pokemonone has quilavai prefer Longest topokemon question what does other sites wikianswers mightyena this pokemon Question what-does-what level evolve in 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Tote Detail L"
"docid": "D3516358#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/3740051/harry-potter-quiz-flash-cards/\nHarry Potter Quiz",
"text": "\"425 terms Natarswigirl Harry Potter Quiz See how much you know about harry potter To all you EXTREME Harry Potter fans who think they know everything about the Harry Potter series Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Minister of Magic What was Cornelius Fudge's job in the first five books?red What color hair does the Weasley family have? Arthur Weasley Who is Molly Weasley's husband's name A. K. A. Ron's dad? ( first and last name)Misuse of Muggle Artifacts What office in the Ministry of Magic does the Arthur Weasley work in? Seeker What position does Harry play on Gryffindor's Quidditch team? Molly Weasley Who is Arthur Weasley's wife's name A. K. A Ron's mom? ( first and last name)Tom Riddle's diary What Horcrux was destroyed first? Hagrid Who got blamed for opening up the Chamber of Secret the first time it was open? ( last name only)Lord Voldemort Who was attached to Professor Quirrell's head?blood-red What color was the Sorcerer's Stone? Fluffy What was the three-head dog's name that guarded the Sorcerer's Stone hiding spot? Halloween On what holiday was James and Lily Potter killed by Lord Voldemort?drills At Vernon Dursley's firm, what is made?a cat Professor Mc Gonagall is a animagus, what can she turn into?a flying motorcycle How did Hagrid transport Harry from his old house in Godroc's Hallow to the Dursleys?the cupboard under the stairs In my part of the Dursley's house is Harry living in when he is 11 year old?boa constrictor What kind of snake does Harry talk to at the zoo on Dudley's birthday?4 Privet Drive What is the Dursley's address? ("
"docid": "D2883500#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/subjects/literature/what-does-charles-dickens-mean-when-he-says\nWhat does Charles Dickens mean when he says ââ¬Åtoadies and humbugsââ¬Â in his book,Great Expectations?",
"text": "\"What does Charles Dickens mean when he says “toadies and humbugs†in his book,Great Expectations? Home Cliff's Notes Subjects What does Charles Dickens mean when he says “toadies and humbugs†in his book, Great Expectations? Accounting How can banks afford to lend out so much money? What should I consider when deciding whether to invest in a company? Test Prep Algebra I Test Prep Review Algebra II Test Prep Review Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep Review Biology Test Prep Review Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the AP® Biology exam Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the SAT® exam College Who was the first female Senator in the United States? What are the best courses to take if I want to end up doing research in metaphysics? A friend of mine told me that my favorite TV show jumped the shark.\"\" What does that even mean? \"\" There is a new guy at my school and I think he's cute, funny, and sweet, but he's really shy. I want to ask him on a date, but I'm not sure if I should, and if I should, how?"
"docid": "D2286876#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/subjects/american-government/what-is-the-difference-between-the-senate-majorityminority-leaders-and-the-senate-whip\nWhat is the difference between the Senate Majority/Minority leaders and the Senate Whip?",
"text": "\"What is the difference between the Senate Majority/Minority leaders and the Senate Whip? Home Cliff's Notes Subjects What is the difference between the Senate Majority/Minority leaders and the Senate Whip? Accounting How can banks afford to lend out so much money? What should I consider when deciding whether to invest in a company? Test Prep Algebra I Test Prep Review Algebra II Test Prep Review Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep Review Biology Test Prep Review Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the AP® Biology exam Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the SAT® exam College Who was the first female Senator in the United States? What are the best courses to take if I want to end up doing research in metaphysics? A friend of mine told me that my favorite TV show jumped the shark.\"\" What does that even mean? \"\" There is a new guy at my school and I think he's cute, funny, and sweet, but he's really shy. I want to ask him on a date, but I'm not sure if I should, and if I should, how?"
"docid": "D2523378#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/93222969/frankenstein-study-guide-flash-cards/\nFrankenstein Study Guide",
"text": "\"110 terms zrodriguez16132Frankenstein Study Guide Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Letters: - who are we introduced to? -who does he write letters to? -what has he talked about ? -why does he want to go there? -robert walton, a 28 year old sea captain who is going to the north pole to ind a passage from pacific to atlantic -his sister, mrs. saville in london england -making this expedition for six years, his other dreams of being a poet or playwright have not worked out -set foot on a part of the world never visited by man Letters: -how does he prepare for the voyage? - what is he worried of? -how does he feel of the other men? -who is he fond of? -taking practice trips in the north sea of russia -that he will have no friend on trip who will sustain his disappointment if his dream doesn't work -he does not connect with them -his lieutenant and the ship's master Letters: -what happens on the voyage? -"
"docid": "D2575659#0",
"title": "https://en.bab.la/dictionary/english-italian/what-does-it-mean\n\"\"\"what does it mean\"\" in Italian\"",
"text": "\"\"\"what does it mean\"\" translation into Italian EN\"\"what does it mean\"\" in Italianvolume_up what does it mean [example]ITcosa vuol direvolume_upwhat does it mean? [ example]ITcosa vuol dire? che cosa significa? More information Translations & Examples Similar translations Translations & Examples EN what does it mean volume_up [example]what does it mean volume_up cosa vuol dire [ex. ] more_vert And so what does that mean, that it's biodegradable and biocompatible? expand_more Cosa vuol dire biodegradabili e biocompatibili? EN what does it mean? volume_up [example]what does it mean? volume_up cosa vuol dire? [ ex. ]"
"docid": "D1047718#0",
"title": "http://www.zinf.org/qna/What_does_it_mean_when_you_hold_up_three_fingers_and_make_a_circle-qna272282.html\n.",
"text": "\"Q What does it mean when you hold up three fingers and make a circle? What does the hand sign a circle using your thum and pointer with teh other three fingers sticking out mean Topic: Asked by: Jan In Games & Recreation > Toys > Hold>A Top Solutions It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the a ... read more If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signa ... read more Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Anonymous\"\"It`s a game between guys...\"\"3 1 It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the arm. Also it means the person looking is a ball gazer (he`s looking at your balls).source: Why do guys make there fingers a circle? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Game where you hold up three fingers Anonymous\"\"If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"ok\"\"...\"\"6 0 If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signal that everything is OK.source: What does the sign mean when you make a circle with your index finger and thumb and hold three fingers up? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Making a lens by making a circle out of your thumb and index finger Holding up 3 fingers and a circle Circle fingers with three up Anonymous0 3 They say it`s an Illuminati symbol, but such thing doesn`t exist."
"docid": "D2735556#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071204151210AAVki2j\nWhere can I find the answers to these questions about Romeo and Juliet?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Homework Help Where can I find the answers to these questions about Romeo and Juliet?http://marian.creighton.edu/~mascu/randj...4 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Prologue In what city does this play take place? Verona Why are Romeo and Juliet called “star-cross’d lovers”? They are star-crossed because Romeo is compared to the moon and Juliet to the sun. Therefore, since the sun and moon cannot be seen at the same time (even though in reality they can) their love can never exist on earth. Act 1 Scene 1 1. Who is fighting at the beginning of the first scene? Romeo and Tybalt 2. Who tries to break up the fighting? Benvolio 3. What threat does the Prince make to Lord Montague and Lord Capulet?"
"docid": "D177571#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/296114332/Hamlet-Study-Guide\nName ________________________",
"text": "Name ________________________Period ______Hamlet Study Guide Soliloquy: Aside: Character List Hamlet Claudius Gertrude Ghost of Hamlet’s Father, old King Hamlet. Polonius Horatio Ophelia Laertes Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Fortinbras Act I 1. What is the mood of the opening scene? 2. What “dreaded sight” are the guards referring to? 3. What historical background does Horatio give? 4. How does the mood of the second scene contrast with that of the first scene? 5."
"docid": "D216558#0",
"title": "http://researchmaniacs.com/TextLanguage/TextingAbbreviations.html\nResearch ManiacsDirectory | Follow | Search",
"text": "Texting Abbreviations Texting Abbreviations and acronyms Texting acronyms, texting abbreviations, text message shortcuts, Internet slang, or SMS language. Many names that basically mean shortened words or sentences people write when texting, and are now also seen more in email and on social networks such as Twitter, and Facebook. The main reason this Internet slang started is basically so you can use less keystrokes and be able to say more with fewer characters. We have collected more than a thousand of the most popular texting acronyms for you to learn so you can communicate faster and better online. Try to guess what the abbreviation below means before you click to see the definition. What does 86 mean? What does 121 mean? What does 143 mean? What does 182 mean? What does 2MORO mean?"
"docid": "D3363875#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/subjects/math/in-math-what-is-the-definition-of-order-of-operations\nIn math, what is the definition of order of operations?",
"text": "\"In math, what is the definition of order of operations? Home Cliff's Notes Subjects In math, what is the definition of order of operations? Accounting How can banks afford to lend out so much money? What should I consider when deciding whether to invest in a company? Test Prep Algebra I Test Prep Review Algebra II Test Prep Review Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep Review Biology Test Prep Review Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the AP® Biology exam Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the SAT® exam College Who was the first female Senator in the United States? What are the best courses to take if I want to end up doing research in metaphysics? A friend of mine told me that my favorite TV show jumped the shark.\"\" What does that even mean? \"\" There is a new guy at my school and I think he's cute, funny, and sweet, but he's really shy. I want to ask him on a date, but I'm not sure if I should, and if I should, how?"
"docid": "D3325664#0",
"title": "https://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/subjects/foreign-languages/in-spanish-how-do-i-know-when-to-use-de-del-a-and-al\nIn Spanish how do I know when to use de, del, a and al?",
"text": "\"In Spanish how do I know when to use de, del, a and al? Home Cliff's Notes Subjects In Spanish how do I know when to use de, del, a and al? Accounting How can banks afford to lend out so much money? What should I consider when deciding whether to invest in a company? Test Prep Algebra I Test Prep Review Algebra II Test Prep Review Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep Review Biology Test Prep Review Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the AP® Biology exam Cliffs Notes® Test Prep for use with the SAT® exam College Who was the first female Senator in the United States? What are the best courses to take if I want to end up doing research in metaphysics? A friend of mine told me that my favorite TV show jumped the shark.\"\" What does that even mean? \"\" There is a new guy at my school and I think he's cute, funny, and sweet, but he's really shy. I want to ask him on a date, but I'm not sure if I should, and if I should, how?"
"docid": "D2589256#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paDgga-xVtw\n\"What Does \"\"UPC\"\" Stand For?\"",
"text": "\"What Does \"\"UPC\"\" Stand For? What Does ____ Stand For? Subscribe 1.7KAdd to Share More31 views00Published on Aug 25, 2016=== What Does \"\"UPC\"\" Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For? Like and subscribe for more acronyms and abbreviations. Show more Loading... Autoplay Up next How Many UPC Barcodes Do I Need? Buya Barcode.com945 views2:08What Is DPI ? Explained [Hindi]Product War13,409 views4:01PDA Meaning SDictionary5,289 views0:23MICR Meaning SDictionary1,908 views0:15What Does \"\"Po E\"\" Stand For? What Does ____ Stand For?3 views0:13What Does \"\"GOMS\"\" Stand For? What Does ____ Stand For?4 views0:15What Does \"\"LBA\"\" Stand For?"
"docid": "D2585875#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/7830\nSwahili to English",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures Translations Swahili to English Unanswered | Answered Swahili to English Parent Category: Translations Translating words and phrases into English from the Swahili language of East Africa.1 2 3 >What does taka mean in Swahili? Taka means dirt or trash in swahili. a longer version of it is takataka. What does na mean in Swahili?means and What does gwenu means in Swahili? This is not a Swahili word, though it might be a word in another Bantu language. In Swahili kwenu means \"\"your home area, or where your relatives live, or your house.\"\" Its form is the second-person plural. What is the Swahili word for no? Apana What does dawit in Swahili mean?beloved The name ''Barack'' means what in Swahili? Barack is from the Arabic / Hebrew word meaning blessing (see the names of the former Israeli prime minister and the deposed president of Egypt)."
"docid": "D2908482#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Eliseo\nWhat does Eliseo mean?",
"text": "\"What does Eliseo mean? Eliseo ▲ as a boys' name is of Hebrew origin, and the name Eliseo means \"\"God is salvation\"\". Eliseo is an alternate form of Elisha (Hebrew): contracted version of Elishu'a. STARTS WITH Eli-Variations VARIANTS Yelisei, Eliso, Elisee ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ELISHA Eleisha, Eli ▲, Elishah, Elisher CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Eliseo Toby (E. T.), .. How popular is Eliseo? Eliseo is a somewhat prominent first name for men (#884 out of 1220, Top 72%) and also a somewhat prominent last name for both adults and children (#80812 out of 150436, Top 54%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D2043613#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/search/name?birth_monthday=11-22\nBirth Month Day of 11-22 (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)",
"text": "\"Birth Month Day of 11-22 (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)1-50 of 1,114 names. | Next »Sort by: STARmeter ▲ | A-Z | Birth Date | Death Date1. Scarlett Johansson Actress | Lost in Translation Scarlett Johansson was born in New York City. Her mother, Melanie Sloan, is from a Jewish family from the Bronx, and her father, Karsten Johansson, is a Danish-born architect, from Copenhagen. She has a sister, Vanessa Johansson, who is also an actress, a brother, Adrian, a twin brother, Hunter ...2. Dacre Montgomery Actor | Stranger Things Dacre was born in 1994 in Perth, Western Australia. His mother is Australian-Canadian and his father is a New Zealander. At the time of his birth both of his parents were working in the film industry and he spent many hours during his childhood on film sets where he developed a love of acting. At ...3. Auli'i Cravalho Actress | Moana Auli'i Cravalho was born on November 22, 2000 in Kohala, Hawaii, USA."
"docid": "D2928597#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Elicio\nElicio - Meaning of Elicio",
"text": "\"What does Elicio mean? Pronounce Elicio [ syll. e- li - cio, el -ic- io ] The baby boy name Elicio is pronounced ih L IH Siyow †. Elicio's origin is Latin, and its use, Italian. It is derived literally from the word elicio which is of the meaning 'to entice out, to draw down'. Elicius (Latin) is an older form of the name. In Roman mythology, this was the title of the king of the gods, Jupiter, in reference to how his lightning bolt can be drawn down to Earth. See also the related categories, king, gods, title, lightning, earth (land), italian, and roman. Elicio is not commonly used as a baby boy name. It is not listed within the top 1000. Baby names that sound like Elicio include Eelusha, Eelia, Eelis, Eleisha, Elga, Elice, Elijah, Elisha, Ilias, Ilja, Illés, and Ilyas.† approx English pronunciation for Elicio: IH as in \"\"it (IH."
"docid": "D1230898#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/to-kill-a-mockingbird-context/deck/12784860\nTo Kill A Mockingbird Context",
"text": "\"Who is narrating the novel? Approximately how old is the narrator? In what point of view is the novel told? Scout Finch, 9, First Person Point of View What happened to Jem when he was nearly thirteen? Broke his Arm at the elbow Where does this story take place (give details)? Maycomb, Alabama Why do you think the children call their father Atticus rather than “Dad”?to show him respect What does Atticus Finch do for a living?lawyer Who were his first two clients? What happened to them? Why? How did this casechange Atticus as a lawyer? The Haverfords, They were hanged because they shot a blacksmith and refused to accept an offer from the state."
"docid": "D3293916#0",
"title": "http://open-closed.ca/what-time-does-gnc-open\nWhat time does GNC open in Canada",
"text": "GNC in Canada has 201 Stores in 116 Towns. Most of them are located in Toronto (12 branches), Calgary (10 branches), Edmonton (9 branches), Scarborough (6 branches) and Mississauga (5 branches). What time does GNC open today What time does GNC start today | What time does GNC stop today | What time does GNC close today All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZWhat time does GNC in Abbotsford open today3 stores What time does GNC in Ajax open today09:00What time does GNC in Amherst open today09:00What time does GNC in Ancaster open today10:00What time does GNC in Aurora open today10:00What time does GNC in Barrie open today10:00What time does GNC in Bathurst open today10:00What time does GNC in Bedford open today09:30What time does GNC in Blainville open today09:00What time does GNC in Bolton open today09:00What time does GNC in Bradford open today09:00What time does GNC in Bramalea open today10:00What time does GNC in Brampton open today4 stores What time does GNC in Brandon open today09:30What time does GNC in Brockville open today10:00What time does GNC in Brossard open today Closed today What time does GNC in Burlington open today2 stores What time does GNC in Burnaby open today2 stores What time does GNC in Calgary open today10 stores What time does GNC in Cambridge open today09:30What time does GNC in Charlottetown open today09:30What time does GNC in Chatham open today10:00What time does GNC in Chicoutimi open today09:30What time does GNC in Corner Brook open today10:00What time does GNC in Cornwall open today09:30What time does GNC in Courtenay open today09:00What time does GNC in Cranbrook open today09:00What time does GNC in Dartmouth open today09:30What time does GNC in Dawson Creek open today09:30What time does GNC in Dieppe open today10:00What time does GNC in Drummondville open today09:30What time does GNC in Edmonton open today9 stores What time does GNC in Etobicoke open today2 stores What time does GNC in Fredericton open today2 stores What time does GNC in Gatineau open today2 stores What time does GNC in Grande Prairie open today Closed today What time does GNC in Guelph open today3 stores What time does GNC in Halifax open today09:30What time does GNC in Hamilton open today3 stores What time does GNC in Kamloops open today09:30What time does GNC in Kanata open today09:30What time does GNC in Kelowna open today2 stores What time does GNC in Kemptville open today10:00What time does GNC in Kingston open today09:30What time does GNC in Kitchener open today2 stores What time does GNC in Langley open today09:30What time does GNC in Lasalle open today10:00What time does GNC in Laval open today10:00What time does GNC in Lethbridge open today10:00What time does GNC in London open today4 stores What time does GNC in Maple Ridge open today09:30What time does GNC in Markham open today2 stores What time does GNC in Medicine Hat open today10:00What time does GNC in Milton open today10:00What time does GNC in Mississauga open today5 stores What time does GNC in Montreal open today5 stores What time does GNC in Moose Jaw open today09:30What time does GNC in Nanaimo open today10:00What time does GNC in Nepean open today2 stores What time does GNC in New Glasgow open today09:30What time does GNC in New Minas open today09:30What time does GNC in New Westminster open today10:00What time does GNC in Newmarket open today10:00What time does GNC in Niagara Falls open today10:00What time does GNC in Niagara-on-the-Lake open today10:00What time does GNC in North Bay open today10:00What time does GNC in North York open today10:00What time does GNC in Oakville open today2 stores What time does GNC in Okotoks open today10:00What time does GNC in Orangeville open today10:00What time does GNC in Oshawa open today2 stores What time does GNC in Ottawa open today4 stores What time does GNC in Owen Sound open today10:00What time does GNC in Peterborough open today09:30What time does GNC in Pickering open today10:00What time does GNC in Pointe-Claire open today10:00What time does GNC in Prince Albert open today10:00What time does GNC in Prince George open today09:30What time does GNC in Quebec City qc open today10:00What time does GNC in Red Deer open today09:30What time does GNC in Regina open today4 stores What time does GNC in Repentigny open today10:00What time does GNC in Richmond open today2 stores What time does GNC in Richmond Hill open today10:00What time does GNC in Rocky View open today10:00What time does GNC in Rosemere open today10:00What time does GNC in Saint John open today10:00What time does GNC in Sarnia open today09:30What time does GNC in Saskatoon open today3 stores What time does GNC in Sault Ste Marie open today09:30What time does GNC in Scarborough open today6 stores What time does GNC in Sherwood Park open today10:00What time does GNC in St Catharines open today10:00What time does GNC in St-Laurent open today10:00What time does GNC in St-Thomas open today09:30What time does GNC in St. Johns open today2 stores What time does GNC in Stoney Creek open today10:00What time does GNC in Sudbury open today2 stores What time does GNC in Surrey open today3 stores What time does GNC in Sydney open today10:00What time does GNC in Thornhill open today10:00What time does GNC in Thunder Bay open today10:00What time does GNC in Timmins open today09:30What time does GNC in Toronto open today12 stores What time does GNC in Truro open today09:30What time does GNC in Vancouver open today2 stores What time does GNC in Vaughan open today10:00What time does GNC in Vernon open today09:30What time does GNC in Victoria open today3 stores What time does GNC in Waterdown open today09:30What time does GNC in Waterloo open today10:00What time does GNC in West Vancouver open today10:00What time does GNC in Windsor open today2 stores What time does GNC in Winnipeg open today5 stores What time does GNC in Woodbridge open today10:00What time does GNC in Yarmouth open today09:30"
] |
636716 | what does elemi smell like? | [
"docid": "D330262#0",
"title": "http://www.nstperfume.com/perfume-glossary/\nPerfume Glossary",
"text": "\"Perfume Glossary This glossary defines some commonly used terms in the world of perfume and fragrance. You can find more information about specific notes at Bo Jensen's \"\"Small Guide to Nature's Fragrances\"\" and at Botanical.com. For a list of perfumista slang, including some of the abbreviations you'll see in the comments on this blog, see A Perfumista Lexicon. Abelmosk: also known as Musk Mallow, and cultivated for its seeds, which are usually referred to as ambrette (see). Absinthe: a strong herbal liqueur distilled with herbs like anise, licorice, hyssop, veronica, fennel, lemon balm, angelica and wormwood. Absolute: also known as an essence, this is the material extracted from a plant or flower using one of various solvents. Accord: a perfume accord is a balanced blend of notes which lose their individual identity to create a completely new, unified odor impression. Agar wood: from the Aquilaria tree, and also called Oud or Aloes wood. The tree, when attacked by a common fungus, produces an aromatic resin that has long been used in the Middle East as a source of incense and perfume. Now considered endangered in the wild due to overharvesting, and modern oud fragrances frequently use synthetic substitutes."
] | [
"docid": "D330263#0",
"title": "http://aromatherapybible.com/petitgrain/\nPETITGRAIN (Citrus aurantium bigaradia Rutaceae)",
"text": "PETITGRAIN (Citrus aurantium bigaradia Rutaceae)Petitgrain, produced by Citrus aurantium, is yet another essential oil obtained from orange trees. It is distilled from the leaves, and from the twigs and tiny green unripe fruit. Grasse in the south of France was once well-known for the large quantities of high-quality oil coming from its distilleries. Petitgrain oil was particularly rich in olfactives, and was used for high-quality perfumes and cosmetics of all sorts. The Grasse industry has since diminished, and the main producer now – of an inferior and cheaper essence ¬is Paraguay. About 190 tonnes are exported every year, most of which goes to the food industry as flavouring for drinks, the majority of the rest into perfumery and cosmetics. Very little is destined for aromatherapy. Petitgrain oil is also produced in southern Italy (that from Calabria is good), Egypt, Tunisia and other northern African countries. ( See also bergamot, neroli and orange. ) PETITGRAIN ESSENTIAL OILDescription: The pure essence smells sharp and green, with a hint of the richness of orange."
"docid": "D3524688#0",
"title": "http://essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/buchu.htm\nBuchu essential oil information",
"text": "\"Buchu essential oil information Buchu oil is extracted from Agothosma betulina (also known as Barosma betulina) of the Rutaceae family. It is also known as mountain buchu, bookoo, buku and bucco. The true buchu would be the Agathosma betulina (and perhaps less so, the A crenulata) as only A betulina is now recognized in the BP as having medicinal value due to the diosphenol (camphor) components.on this page Oil properties Origin of buchu oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Oil properties Buchu oil has a strong blackcurrant smell and is normally made as a tincture, extract and oleoresin, which are mostly used for pharmaceutical use. The oil is not used in aromatherapy. Origin of Buchu Native to South Africa, this heath-like evergreen is an aromatic shrub with simple wrinkled leaves about 1 cm (0.5 inch) long. It has conspicuous oil glands that release a strong, blackcurrant-like aroma. The delicate stem bears five-petalled white flowers with purple anthers that appear in the spring. It is said by some that Buchu has a substance that can block out ultraviolet light. Chemical components The main chemical component of buchu oil are d-pulegone, iso-pulegone, diosphenol, 4-diosphenol, iso-menthone and menthone. The \"\"true\"\" Buchu plant - Barosma crenulata - yields an oil high in pulegone and should also be used with care."
"docid": "D109469#0",
"title": "http://www.londontown.com/LondonInformation/Shopping/Victorias-Secret/998bc/\nVictoria's Secret",
"text": "Victoria's Secret ADDRESS 111-115 New Bond Street, Fitzrovia, London W1S 1DPNearby Hotels, Events, Entertainment, Sights and Attractions, Restaurants, Education, Leisure, Pubs, Nightlife, Venue hire Email to a friend Visitor Information Images The US lingerie giant Victoria's Secret opened its first UK store, and its flagship European store, on London's Bond Street in 2012. The store, located in Mayfair, on the corner of New Bond Street and Brook Street, rubs shoulders with the designer shops on one of London's most exclusive shopping streets and offers three floors and 16,000 sq ft of underwear. Victoria's Secret images Victoria's Secret Victoria's Secret London Town.com - Victoria's Secret Location Map Victoria's Secret Tube Line Hotel Map for Victoria's Secret Underground Stations Bond Street Tube Station4 minutes walk Oxford Circus Tube Station4 minutes walk Railway Stations Marylebone Railway Station20 minutes walk Charing Cross Railway Station20 minutes walk Car Parks Grosvenor Hill NCP3 minutes walk Cavendish Square4 minutes walk Stations near Victoria's Secret Parking near Victoria's Secret Further articles featuring Victoria's Secret on London Town.com What's on in London 2018Plan the perfect year in the capital with our pick of the best events in London 2018. From January through to December, every month boasts an impressive line-up of entertainment. So, take a look at our guide and be sure not to miss a thing. THE BESTHotels near Victoria's Secret Near Victoria's Secret FIND YOUR PERFECT LONDON HOTEL SALEHotels near Victoria's Secret All central London hotels Check in Tue, 3 Apr 2018Check out Wed, 4 Apr 2018Room 12 Adults+ Add another room SEARCHBest Price Guarantee No 5 Maddox Street London London > Apartment > Apartment from £169 22% off5 Maddox Street, W1S | 3 minutes from Victoria's Secret Edgy, urban and very hip, these distinguished apartments are a shopper's seventh heaven. Located near Regents Street, Maddox Street is a stylish sanctuary of tranquility offering ... More Radisson Blu Edwardian Berkshire Hotel London > Hotels > Luxury Chain Hotel from £112 24% off350 Oxford Street, W1C | 3 minutes from Victoria's Secret Discreet, muted shades, wood-panelled walls, over 140 carefully designed rooms with free Wi-Fi and a number of airy public spaces in which to relax typify this ... More Holiday Inn London Mayfair London > Hotels > Mid-Range Chain Hotel from £120 33% off3 Berkeley Street, W1J | 5 minutes from Victoria's Secret Just to the West of theatreland, Mayfair is one of the most exclusive places to live in the world, full of stunning architecture and right next ... More Hotels near Victoria's Secret Hotels in Fitzrovia THE BESTAlternative Ladies Fashion nearest Victoria's Secret Nearest to Victoria's Secret Ronit Zilkha London > Shopping > Ladies Fashion34 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K | 1 minute from Victoria's Secret Workwear with a great fashion dash, Zilkha’s tailored suits and separates are very popular with young hip women.... More Stella Mc Cartney London > Shopping > Ladies Fashion30 Bruton Street, Mayfair, London W1J | 3 minutes from Victoria's Secret Designer Stella Mc Cartney may be the daughter of one quarter of The Beatles but she has achieved fame in her own right. A graduate of London's ... More Celine London > Shopping > Ladies Fashion160 New Bond Street, Mayfair, London W1S | 4 minutes from Victoria's Secret Dressy ready-to-wear Parisien designs, hang alongside a to-die-for selection of shoes, bags and accessories. ... More Ladies Fashion in Fitzrovia THE BESTShopping near Victoria's Secret The best shops and markets near Victoria's Secret Uth London > Shopping > Menswear27-29 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K | 1 minute from Victoria's Secret Contemporary menswear which grew out of the Jigsaw womenswear chain. It has a similar fashion philosophy of offering key fashion trends, though perhaps with a more ... More Fenwick of Bond Steet London > Shopping > Department Stores63 New Bond Street, Mayfair, London W1A | 1 minute from Victoria's Secret Opened in 1891, Fenwick department store doubled in size a century later in 1980 to become the shop we see today, five floors of fashion, beauty ... More Alessi London > Shopping > House and Garden22 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K | 1 minute from Victoria's Secret Over the years Alessi has attracted a host of talented designers including Norman Foster, Aldo Rossi and Marc Newson, to keep their functional, eye-pleasing range of ... More Restaurant deals near Victoria's Secret Shopping near Victoria's Secret Shopping in Fitzrovia THE BESTEvents near Victoria's Secret Near Victoria's Secret Book Online The King & ILondon > Events > Theatre Dates: 21st June to 5th August 2018Victoria's Secret, 8 Argyll Street, W1F | 5 minutes from Victoria's Secret Kelli O'Hara reprises her Tony Award-winning performance when Bartlett Sher's multi-award winning production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I transfers to the London Palladium ... More Ongoing Charles I: King and Collector London > Events > Exhibitions Dates: 27th January to 15th April 2018Victoria's Secret, Burlington House, W1J | 7 minutes from Victoria's Secret During his reign, from 1625 until his execution in 1649, King Charles I acquired and commissioned masterpieces from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century."
"docid": "D393538#0",
"title": "https://www.britishairways.com/en-us/information/airport-information/london-heathrow-airport/heathrow-t5?change=true\nLondon Heathrow Terminal 5",
"text": "London Heathrow Terminal 5Home Information Airport information London Heathrow London Heathrow Terminal 5Print this page Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Share on Linked In. Airport information menu London Heathrow London Gatwick London City London Stansted Flight connections Which London airport and terminal New York JFKNew York Newark Paris Orly Airport hotels Airport parking Voted the best airport terminal in the world for the fifth year running (Skytrax World Airport Awards 2012-2016), Terminal 5 offers a seamless airport experience with stylish shops, restaurants and luxurious lounges. Which London airport and terminal? British Airways flights also operate to and from London Heathrow Terminal 3, as well as London City, Gatwick and Stansted airports. Check which London airport and terminal your British Airways flight will depart from or arrive into. Flight information Check when your flight arrives or departs More about flights to London Heathrow Departures The Departures area is located on the top floor of Terminal 5. You must meet the following times, or you will not be allowed to travel. Check-in closes 60 minutes before long haul flights depart and 45 minutes before short haul flights depart."
"docid": "D1284630#0",
"title": "http://www.britishairways.com/information/lounges\nWelcome to our lounges",
"text": "We have over 30 dedicated British Airways departure lounges and more than 100 additional partner lounges worldwide for you to experience. You can use them if you are:flying on a scheduled British Airways flight in First, business (Club World) or business (Club Europe)a Silver or Gold Member* of the British Airways Executive Club on a scheduled flight operated by British Airways or one of our one world ® partnersan Emerald or Sapphire member* of any of the one world airline frequent flyer programmes on a scheduled flight operated by British Airways or one of our one world partnersover the age of 18 years, or if under 18 years you are accompanied by a responsible adult. ( Local laws relating to the consumption of alcohol will apply. )* Includes access to more than 650 one world partner lounges. All lounge access is subject to capacity restrictions. Business lounges Worldwide lounges available if you travel with us in business. Business lounges First lounges Our finest lounges available if you travel with us in First. First lounges Arrival lounges Visit our Arrival lounge to freshen up before starting your day. Arrival lounges Elemis Spa Pamper yourself with Elemis. Elemis Spa Lounge locations Find out where our lounges are located."
"docid": "D1221373#0",
"title": "http://www.youbeauty.com/beauty/sunscreens-for-people-who-hate-sunscreen/\n33 Sunscreens for People Who Hate Sunscreen",
"text": "33 Sunscreens for People Who Hate Sunscreen May 5, 2014Courtney Dunlop Look, we get it. Applying sunscreen can be annoying, but the thing is, you have to do it. Whether you’re hanging by the pool all day or going to work at 8 a.m., you just do. Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is responsible for 80 percent of skin cancer deaths, is the most common cancer in U. S. women from ages 25-29 and has increased by 50 percent among women aged 15-39. And if we can appeal to your vanity for a moment, women who wear sunscreen daily have 24 percent fewer signs of skin aging than those who don’t. Since daily use (even on cloudy days!) is the only way to success, finding a sunscreen you like is key, or else you’ll never wear it. “ It’s a personal preference, so try them all to find one that works for you,” suggests Gervaise Gerstner, M. D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Here, we do the dirty work for you and find a sunscreen for every excuse.1“I don’t want to wait 20 minutes for it to start workin... Well, lazypants, we appreciate your honesty. Sunscreen regulation requires all SPF products to say to apply 15 minutes before sun exposure, but the little secret is that it’s only relevant for chemical sunscreen ingredients because they need time to kick in."
"docid": "D1743469#0",
"title": "http://essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/carrot-seed.htm\nCarrot seed essential oil information",
"text": "\"Carrot seed essential oil information Carrot seed oil is extracted from Daucus carota of the Apiaceae family and is also known as wild carrot and Queen Anne's lace. This is an essential oil extracted from the seeds and do not confuse it with the cheaper macerated \"\"carrot oil\"\" made when people infuse the carrot material in a base oil. On this page Oil properties Origin of carrot seed oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Buying carrot seed oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page This must be one of the most underrated essential oils in aromatherapy. It has a soft earthy smell and not only helps to relieve stress and exhaustion, but is a powerful detoxifier and liver booster, while stimulating and rejuvenating the skin in general, thereby adding elasticity to any skin. At the same time it fights any skin problems, such as psoriasis, eczema, weeping sores, ulcers, boils and carbuncles. The formative action on the epidermal cells help to keep wrinkles at bay and is also helpful when fighting liver spots (age spots). Oil properties Carrot seed oil has a slightly sweet, dry and earthy aroma. Origin of carrot seed oil Carrot seed oil is mainly obtained from wild carrots, usually found in Europe. It is an annual or biennial herb with hairy leaves and umbels of white lacy flowers with purple centers. The name is derived from the Greek 'Carotos' and it had great medicinal value in ancient times, especially for its carminative properties."
"docid": "D1083747#0",
"title": "https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume-reviews/\n.",
"text": "\"White Musk The Body Shop by Butterball 2018-04-11I've had a 30ml purple bottle of this perfume oil since 2013. I really loved it back then. Now at this point in time, it's just a like for me. I like the musk, but it smells too clean for my taste. There's a note in it that sticks out that I don't like. It sure lasts a long time on your skin though, and it's a great bargain. Bvlgari Man In Black Bvlgari by katsarfr 2018-04-11Much more refined than Spicebomb.... a spicy, leathery the light. Perfect for cool weather night out or intimate encounter, oozes class and confidence. An alpha male scent. Sauvage Christian Dior by huzzyd 2018-04-11This is some JUICE."
"docid": "D670373#0",
"title": "https://www.annmariegianni.com/elemi-essential-oil-naturally-firm-and-tighten-look\nElemi Essential Oil, Naturally Firm and Tighten the Look of Your Skin",
"text": "Annmarie Skin Care > Essential Oils > Elemi Essential Oil, Naturally Firm and Tighten the Look of Your Skin Elemi Essential Oil, Naturally Firm and Tighten the Look of Your Skin By Annmarie Skin Care Did you know that Annmarie Skin Care contains similar ingredients as some of the most exotic, expensive skin care products on the market—for a much more reasonable price? Many high-end brands like Estee Lauder, Chanel, Ralph Lauren and Marc Jacobs contain elemi oil, one of the most prized oils in skin care products today. But you don’t have to put up with the other harsh chemicals in those products to enjoy the natural vibrancy this ingredient brings to skin. We have it in our line!This unique resin from the elemi tree has been used for centuries, but only recently re-discovered as a natural way to support a firmer, stronger and tighter look. Elemi oil has natural properties that support skin. A Little Bit About the Ingredient Itself Elemi oil is extracted from the resin of the elemi tree, scientifically called Canarium luzonicum, and also known as Manila elemi. A tropical tree from the Phillippines, the elemi can grow up to 115 feet tall, and exudes the pale yellow resin when it sprouts leaves—which can grow to nearly a foot long. Related to the trees that produce frankincense, elemi was sometimes used in the place of frankincense when the latter became very expensive. The oil has a citrus-like smell and is a pale yellow in color. The Egyptians are said to have used it in the embalming process, and it also has long been used for skin care and to soothe respiratory problems."
"docid": "D895048#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/helichrysum.htm\nHelichrysum essential oil information",
"text": "\"Helichrysum essential oil information Helichrysum oil is extracted from Helichrysum angustifolium (also known as Helichrysum italicum), of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family and is commonly known as everlasting oil, Immortelle and St. John's herb (not to be confused with St. John's Wort which is known as Hypericum perforatum).on this page Oil properties Origin of Helichrysum oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Buying Helichrysum oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page This oil is a strong smelling oil - people normally would describe it as a \"\"herbal smell\"\" and is not unpleasant - yet it does however dominate finer more fragile fragrances. Oil properties Helichrysum oil has a strongly straw-like, fruity smell, with a honey and tea undertone and the color can range from pale yellow to red. The viscosity is watery. Origin of helichrysum oil This evergreen aromatic herb grows up to 60 cm (24 in) and is also called Italian Everlastings or Immortelle. It has a branched stem, silver-green scented leaves and dark yellow daisy-like flowers, which become dry as the plant matures, yet retain their color. High quality oil is achieved if distillation occurs within 24 hours of harvesting; the younger plants yield greater quantities. There are about 500 species of helichrysum, but only a few produce essential oil. Helichrysum petals were used throughout Europe as a strewing herb in Medieval times. Extraction Helichrysum oil is extracted from the fresh or dried flowering-head clusters by steam distillation. Therapeutic properties The therapeutic properties of helichrysum oil are anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, analgesic, expectorant, cytophylactic, cholagogue and nervine."
"docid": "D2552275#0",
"title": "http://aromatherapybible.com/sassafras/\nSASSAFRAS (Sassafras albidum/officinalis â Lauraceae)",
"text": "SASSAFRAS (Sassafras albidum/officinalis – Lauraceae)The sassafras is a well-known North American tree which can grow to 18 m (60 ft) in height. Yellowish flowers are followed by oval bluish fruit. The leaves, which are deciduous, can be plain, double lobed like maple, or lobed on one side only, like a mitten. The tree is related to the bay and camphor. In America the sassafras is called the ‘laurel of the Iroquois’, after Indians of the eastern United States who held the tree sacred and esteemed it for its therapeutic values. French colonists and explorers in the mid• sixteenth century wrote of how the Indians would make an infusion of the tree bark and give it to those suffering from fever and many other diseases. It was the Spaniards, however, who took the new remedy back to Europe. Cuttings were brought to England in 1610, and trees were cultivated in glasshouses. In the late seventeenth century, Nicolas Lemery listed the properties of sassafras as being an aperitif and sudorific, as fortifying the sight and the brain. He, and others, considered it good for gout, sciatica and catarrhal discharge."
"docid": "D2259733#0",
"title": "http://aromatherapybible.com/rosemary/\nRosemary",
"text": "Rosemary ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis – Labiatae)Rosmarinus (meaning ‘dew of the sea’) is a genus of three species of hardy and half-hardy evergreen flowering shrubs. Rosmarinus officinalis is native to the Mediterranean but now grows in many other warm countries such as Spain and Tunisia; it dies if exposed to cold winds and frost in Britain. The leaves are linear (rather similar to those of lavender), dark on top and paler beneath, and the flowers are pale blue, tubular and borne in axillary clusters; both flowers and leaves are very strongly aromatic and it seems the calyxes retain most of the volatile principles. The plant can grow to a height of about 1.8 m (6 ft). Rosemary is probably one of the best known and most used of aromatic herbs. The Ancient Egyptians favoured it, and traces of it have been found in First Dynasty tombs. To the Greeks and Romans it was a sacred plant, and Horace, the Roman poet, composed odes to its magic properties. Both Greeks and Romans believed rosemary symbolized love and death, and this is echoed in later traditional country associations with weddings and funerals. Brides used to wear rosemary entwined in their bouquets; bridesmaids would give rosemary to the groom, and other guests would receive it too as a symbol of loyalty and love. The association of rosemary with funerals obviously involves love and constancy, but it also refers to the herb’s meaning in the language of flowers – remembrance, as referred to by the tragic Ophelia, ‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance’."
"docid": "D2541029#0",
"title": "http://www.londontown.com/LondonAreas/W1/\nLondon area of W1 guide",
"text": "London Directory London areas W1London area of W1 guide What to do and where to stay in London's W1 neighbourhood Known as West One or the West End, and comprising of Mayfair, Marylebone and Soho, the W1 postcode district is split into 14 sub-sections, each with another letter tagged on the end. For instance, the doctors, surgeons and private specialists of Harley Street are located in W1G; the bright lights of Piccadilly Circus and the artists of the Royal Academy are found in W1J; while the celebrated tailors of Savile Row and the glamorous workers of Vogue House (the headquarters of Conde Nast) are W1S. The W1 postcode contains some of London's most prized addresses - from the swish apartments of Mayfair (W1J and W1K) to the shops of Regent Street (W1B) and Oxford Street (W1C), not forgetting the myriad restaurants of Chinatown (W1D) and the bustling nightlife of Soho (W1D and W1F). In short, some of London's best shops, theatres, museums, restaurants and nightlife can all be found in W1. See our recommended nearby W1 Hotels, Entertainment, Sights and Attractions, Shopping, Restaurants, Pubs, Nightlife, Leisure, Education, and Meeting Venues. W1 Hotelsin or near W1Radisson Blu Edwardian Berkshire Hotel London > Hotels > Luxury Chain Hotel350 Oxford Street, W1CDiscreet, muted shades, wood-panelled walls, over 140 carefully designed rooms with free Wi-Fi and a number of airy public spaces in which to relax typify this ... More Holiday Inn Oxford Circus London > Hotels > Mid-Range Chain Hotel57-59 Welbeck Street, W1GAn imposing Victorian hotel whose confident architecture and Union Jack flag speak of an age when Oxford Circus was the commercial heart of a worldwide ... More Mandeville Hotel London London > Hotels > Luxury Chain Hotel Mandeville Place, W1UAt the Oxford Street end of pretty Marylebone village, this hotel earns its 'boutique' label due to its uniquely designed funky interiors. The swanky de Vigne bar ... More Hotels in W1W1 Entertainmentin or near W1Wigmore Hall London > Entertainment > Classical Music36 Wigmore Street, W1, London W1UBuilt by the Bechstein piano company in 1901, this grandiose concert hall is regarded by many as London's best venue for chamber and solo performances. Wigmore ... More Regent Street Cinema London > Entertainment > Cinemas309 Regent Street, W1, London W1BThe historic Regent Street Cinema is where the first ever performance of moving images took place. Created by the Lumière brothers, the film was shown as ... More London Palladium London > Entertainment > Theatres8 Argyll Street, W1, London W1FFor those who owned televisions in the 1950s and 1960s, the London Palladium is quite simply the most famous variety theatre in the world. Stars who ... More Entertainment in W1W1 Sights and Attractions The best museums, galleries, attractions in or near W1Oxford Street London > Attractions > Other Attractions Oxford Street, W1, London W1CWith over 200 million visitors a year, more than 300 shops and 5 million square feet of retail space, Oxford Street lays claim to being London's ... More Christie's Mayfair London > Attractions > Art Galleries103 New Bond Street, W1, London W1SThis Bond Street art gallery space for the London branch of Christie's auction house represents something of a first for an auction house. Occupying 11,500 sq ... More Handel & Hendrix in London London > Attractions > Museums25 Brook Street, W1, London W1KHandel & Hendrix in London, a beautifully restored Georgian house in Mayfair, is where the baroque composer George Frideric Handel lived from 1723 until his death ... More Sights and Attractions in W1W1 Shopping The best shops and markets in or near London's W1House of Fraser London > Shopping > Department Stores318 Oxford Street, W1, London W1CSince changing hands in 2006, the House of Fraser chain has seen a major shake-up."
"docid": "D2515457#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/patchouli.htm\nPatchouli essential oil information",
"text": "Patchouli essential oil information Patchouli oil is extracted from Pogostemon cablin (also known as Pogostemon patchouli) of the Labiatae family and is also known as patchouly and puchaput.on this page Oil properties Origin of patchouli oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Buying patchouli oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page Although this essential oil may remind people of the hippie era, its value in skincare is incalculable. It is also great for fighting depression and anxiety. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal. Oil properties Patchouli oil has a rich musky-sweet, strong spicy and herbaceous smell. It is light yellow to dark brown in color and is a thick oil. Origin of patchouli oil It is a perennial, bushy plant that grows up to 1meter (3 feet) high, with a sturdy, hairy stem and large, fragrant, furry leaves, about four inches long and five inches across. It has whitish flowers tinged with purple. The plant is native to Malaysia and India, where it is known as 'puchaput'. The word is derived from Hindustan word 'patch' meaning 'green' and 'ilai' meaning 'leaf. ' It was placed between Indian cashmere shawls en route to Victorian England, to protect the merchandise from moths, and without this signature smell of dried patchouli leaves the shawls could not be sold in England."
"docid": "D2041044#0",
"title": "https://www.cancertutor.com/essentialoils/\nThe truth about cancer and essential oils",
"text": "Cancer is not a death sentence. Not only is there hope, there are several natural solutions that people have successfully implemented for literally centuries! And the truth about essential oils and cancer is this: Research strongly suggests that oils can help not only prevent, but treat cancer and its debilitating side effects. It's important to remember that the peer-reviewed articles discuss the success clinical researchers have experienced in using various essentials oils to prevent, stop and even reverse the growth of various cancer lines in animal and human cell studies. It is important to keep in mind that a vast majority of these studies are in vitro — based off of cells in a petri dish. As researchers learn more about the specific ways essential oils affect cancer and how to translate that into practical use, what – if anything – should we do in response? Essential oils are incredible substances that have a role in all of our lives, and it’s important to pay attention to the many established uses and heavy potential in the relationship between cancer and essential oils. What are Essential Oils, and How Were They Used Historically As the fragrant oil found within various parts of a plant, typically the leaf or flower, essential oils are also called “volatile oils,” referring to the way in which they are released. Modern essential oils are usually collected when the plant matter is distilled, triggering the release of the essential oil. This exact process is somewhat new in light of the course of our overarching history with herbs and botanicals."
"docid": "D670374#0",
"title": "http://www.quinessence.com/blog/elemi-essential-oil\nElemi Essential Oil",
"text": "Elemi Essential Oil Elemi is a soft, fragrant oleoresin obtained from the trunk of Canarium luzonicum trees, and elemi essential oil is extracted from this oleoresin. For over 100 years the name ‘elemi’ was used as a collective term for a number of oleoresins derived from several botanical species and geographical origins. However today, ‘elemi’ generally relates only to the oleoresin and its extracted essential oil originating from the Philippines, which is known and traded internationally as Manila elemi. The elemi tree is related to frankincense, myrrh and opoponax, which all belong to the Burseraceae family. In common with its close relatives, a white or yellow oleoresin is produced when the bark is lacerated. The fragrance of this oleoresin is sharp, green and pungent. Gums and oleoresins produced by a tree are technically referred to as a pathological exudate. General description Canarium luzonicum is a tropical dioecious tree or shrub found in the primary forests of Luzon and other islands that make up the Philippines, where it is believed to have originated. It has a spreading habit, alternate pinnate leaves, and small pale yellow-white flowers. This species can easily reach a height of 30 metres (98 ft), and those that do attain this stature have a sturdy straight trunk measuring 1 to1.5 metres in diameter."
"docid": "D1261813#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/myrrh.htm\nMyrrh essential oil information",
"text": "Myrrh essential oil information Myrrh oil is extracted from Commiphora myrrha (also known as Commiphora molmol and Balsamodendron myrrha) of the Burseraceae family and is also known as bola, myrrha, gum, common and hirabol myrrh. On this page Oil properties Origin of myrrh oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Buying myrrh oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page If you talk about a magical essential oil in aromatherapy, then this must surely be it, as it not only works on increasing your spiritual self, but produce wonderful results when used to treat female complaints, skin ailments, as well as detoxifying the body and expelling mucus and phlegm from the body. Oil properties Myrrh oil has a warm, slightly musty smell and is pale yellow to amber in color. Origin of myrrh oil It is a small tree that can grow up to 5 meters (16 feet) high with light bark and knotted branches, few leaves and small white flowers. It is native to Somalia, Arabia and Yemen. When the bark is cut, the gum resin exudes as a pale yellow liquid, which dries into reddish-brown lumps the size of a walnut from which the oil is distilled. Myrrh was very popular in the ancient world and was used as a medicine by the Chinese and Egyptians, and as part of the Egyptian sun-worshipping ritual and mummification. It was used in cosmetics, while Greek soldiers took a phial of Myrrh oil with them into battle, to stop bleeding wounds. Extraction Myrrh oil is extracted by steam distillation of the oleoresin-gum (crude myrrh) and yields 3 - 5 %. Chemical composition The main chemical components of myrrh oil are a-pinene, cadinene, limonene, cuminaldehyde, eugenol, m-cresol, heerabolene, acetic acid, formic acid and other sesquiterpenes and acids."
"docid": "D741851#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/tea-tree.htm\nTea Tree essential oil information",
"text": "\"Tea Tree essential oil information Tea tree oil is extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia of the Myrtaceae family and is also known as ti-tree, ti-trol and melasol. This oil must be one of the most used essential oils, and thousands of people swear by its wonderful healing properties, and we offer you the BEST quality available - anywhere in the world. On this page Oil properties Origin of tea tree oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Buying tea tree oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page No house should be without this essential oil, as it is one of the most powerful immune system stimulants and sorts out most viral, bacterial and fungal infections in a snap, while it is great to clean wounds and also relieves muscle aches and pains. Oil properties It has a light spicy, rather pungent smell and is very pale in color with a watery viscosity. Origin of tea tree oil It is a small tree from New South Wales in Australia, similar to Cypress, with needle-like leaves and heads of sessile yellow or purplish flowers and grows to about 7 meters (20 feet) high and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations. Even when this tree is cut down, it flourishes and is ready for cutting again in two years. The oil is only produced in Australia where the Aborigines used it for a long time for a variety of medicinal purposes. In World War II, the producers and the cutters were exempt from military service until enough essential oil had been accumulated. Each soldier and sailor was issued with some as part of their kit, to treat tropical infections and infected wounds. Tea tree oil is an ingredient of soaps, creams, lotions, deodorants, disinfectants and air fresheners."
"docid": "D3362503#0",
"title": "http://www.londontown.com/LondonInformation/Leisure/John-Lewis-Roof-Garden/ef5c0/\nThe Gardening Society at John Lewis",
"text": "The Gardening Society at John Lewis ADDRESS 300 Oxford Street, Mayfair, London W1A 1EXTELEPHONE 020 7629 7711TWITTER @johnlewisretail OPENING TIMES Mon, Tues, Thurs & Sun: 12pm-Close | Wed: 12pm-4pm Nearby Hotels, Events, Entertainment, Sights and Attractions, Shopping, Education, Leisure, Pubs, Nightlife, Venue hire Email to a friend Visitor Information Images High up above Oxford Street, on top of the John Lewis department store, its rooftop is a tranquil escape from the busy street below, used for temporary pop up restaurants. Variously decorated with 1,000 hand-planted plants, shrubs, trees and grasses, as well as bamboo and pittosporum shelters. Each week the space hosts four different pop-up shops housed within beach huts or gardening sheds - depending on the theme of the season's pop up - with a variety of brands showcasing their goods. Past food outlets have featured a Joe & the Juice bar, serving juices and smoothies, and Rossopomodoro, offering a menu of Italian food, ice cream and cocktails. The Gardening Society at John Lewis images The Gardening Society at John Lewis The Gardening Society at John Lewis London Town.com - The Gardening Society at John Lewis Location Map Tube Line Hotel Map for The Gardening Society at John Lewis Underground Stations Oxford Circus Tube Station3 minutes walk Bond Street Tube Station4 minutes walk Railway Stations Marylebone Railway Station18 minutes walk Euston Railway Station20 minutes walk Car Parks Cavendish Square2 minutes walk Welbeck Street NCP3 minutes walk Stations near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Parking near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Further articles featuring The Gardening Society at John Lewis on London Town.com What's on in London 2018Plan the perfect year in the capital with our pick of the best events in London 2018. From January through to December, every month boasts an impressive line-up of entertainment. So, take a look at our guide and be sure not to miss a thing. THE BESTHotels near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Near The Gardening Society at John Lewis FIND YOUR PERFECT LONDON HOTELHotels near The Gardening Society at John Lewis All central London hotels Check in --Check out --Room 12 Adults+ Add another room SEARCHBest Price Guarantee Radisson Blu Edwardian Berkshire Hotel London > Hotels > Luxury Chain Hotel from £104 40% off350 Oxford Street, W1C | 3 minutes from The Gardening Society at John Lewis Discreet, muted shades, wood-panelled walls, over 140 carefully designed rooms with free Wi-Fi and a number of airy public spaces in which to relax typify this ... More No 5 Maddox Street London London > Apartment > Apartment from £150 39% off5 Maddox Street, W1S | 4 minutes from The Gardening Society at John Lewis Edgy, urban and very hip, these distinguished apartments are a shopper's seventh heaven. Located near Regents Street, Maddox Street is a stylish sanctuary of tranquility offering ... More Langham Hotel London London > Hotels > Luxury Chain Hotel from £217 41% off1c Portland Place, W1B | 4 minutes from The Gardening Society at John Lewis A lavish £80m refurbishment reasserts the brilliance of this Victorian hotel first opened in 1865 - the first grand hotel in London and possibly the most ... More Hotels near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Hotels in Mayfair THE BESTDining near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Near The Gardening Society at John Lewis Comptoir Libanais, John Lewis London > Restaurants > Middle Eastern restaurants John Lewis, 300 Oxford Street, W1C | 1 minute from The Gardening Society at John Lewis On the fourth floor of John Lewis's flagship Oxford Street store , Comptoir Libanais delivers a healthy dose of large salads ... More Book Online Rasa W1London > Restaurants > Brasseries6 Dering Street, Mayfair, London W1S | 1 minute from The Gardening Society at John Lewis At the Rasa chain of restaurants, the food is inspired by the authentic home cooking of beautiful, spice-rich Kerala. A cosy, upmarket restaurant that specialises in ... More Postcard Teas London > Restaurants > Afternoon Tea9 Dering Street, Mayfair, London W1S | 1 minute from The Gardening Society at John Lewis Timothy d'Offay is a tea connoisseur."
"docid": "D1780326#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoils.co.za/essential-oils/fennel.htm\nFennel essential oil information",
"text": "Fennel essential oil information Our fennel essential oil is extracted from Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is sweet fennel (also known as F. officinale, F. capillaceum and Anethum foeniculum) of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family and is also known as fenkel and Roman fennel.on this page Oil properties Origin of fennel oil Extraction Chemical composition Precautions Therapeutic properties Uses Summary Buying fennel oil from us Go to shopping cart at bottom of page This essential oil is used in aromatherapy to boost your courage, resolve and strength in the face of adversity, while helping a huge array of digestive problems, fighting obesity, clearing an oily skin and fighting wrinkles. Oil properties Fennel oil has a herby, slightly spicy smell, much like aniseed and it is clear in viscosity. Origin of fennel oil The name is from the Latin word 'foenum' which means 'hay'. It grows up to 2 meters (6 feet) in height and is a biennial or perennial herb, with green feathery leaves and golden yellow flowers, that bees like. In Medieval times it was known as 'Fenkle' and was a very popular herb with the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Romans, who believed it conveyed longevity, courage and strength, as well as warding of spirits. Not only did they use it to strengthen eyesight, but they also used it for snakebites, colic and to rid dogs of fleas. Extraction Sweet fennel oil (the one we sell) is extracted from crushed seeds by steam distillation and yield 2 - 4 %. Bitter fennel oil, not used for aromatherapy, is extracted from the crushed seeds and/or the whole herb of the Foeniculum vulgare var. amara plant."
] |
636719 | what does elephant symbolize | [
"docid": "D179161#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/world-view/elephant-symbolize-india-3bf10392aef73f6d\nWhat Does the Elephant Symbolize in India?",
"text": "World View Symbolism Q: What Does the Elephant Symbolize in India? A: Quick Answer In Indian culture, elephants are a symbol of mental strength, earthiness and responsibility. Hindus have worshiped elephants for centuries, and the large animals enjoy tremendous popularity and a charismatic status in other parts of South Asia. In Hinduism, the elephant is a sacred animal and is considered the representation or the living incarnation of Ganesh, the elephant-headed deity riding a mouse and one of the most important gods. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is an Elephant Totem? What Does the Lamb Symbolize? What Does the Ocean Symbolize? Full Answer Hindus revere elephants not only because of their depiction of their god but also because of unique characteristics that represent the attributes of a perfect disciple. Each part of the deity Ganesh represents a symbolic function. The large ears mean he is a patient listener who does not use his mouth for naught."
] | [
"docid": "D2525842#0",
"title": "https://www.universeofsymbolism.com/elephant-symbolism.html\nElephant Symbolism & MeaningPatience, Wisdom & Jewels of Contemplation",
"text": "\"Elephant Symbolism & Meaning Patience, Wisdom & Jewels of Contemplation Messages from the Universe Spirit whispers. . . To thine own self be true No one else knows what is right for you, you alone must feel it, only the Divine spirit knows what you need and it whispers to you at all times ~ t o thine own self be true ~. . . ♥ Blessings ~ Presley Love ♥Elephant Symbolism The elephant is a symbol of unmatched strength, and with grace she carries the spirit animal energies of patience, wisdom and the jewels of contemplative meditation . Like a queen she exudes an air of authority as she walks the plains of Africa, or Asia. Herds of Elephants are always led by the females, (known as Matriarchal societies). She is a leader among all animals of the jungle and deserts. Others watch her movements and follow the herd, because they know she knows the ways to precious reserves of water and food when resources are scarce. She is wise, and seemingly remembers everything, having vast stores of wisdom passed down from her elders. She ponders all things and meditates, letting Spirit and ancestor memory guide her. Deep thought is the specialty of the elephant, and the mind is her specialty."
"docid": "D1691840#0",
"title": "http://www.storyboardthat.com/teacher-guide/shooting-an-elephant-by-george-orwell\nShooting an Elephant By George Orwell",
"text": "\"Student Activities for Shooting an Elephant Include:“Shooting An Elephant” Summary Analyzing the Narrator’s Dilemma in “Shooting An Elephant” Literary Conflict Student Activity for “Shooting An Elephant”Themes, Symbols, and Motifs Student Activity for “Shooting An Elephant”Vocabulary Lesson Plan for “Shooting An Elephant””Shooting An Elephant” by George Orwell is a seemingly biographical account of Orwell (real name Eric Blair) and his experience as a Burmese police officer in the British Indian colony. While there have been debates as to whether or not Orwell was actually the officer depicted in the story, or if it was a colleague, the focus of the story is on the narrator’s internal struggle to complete his duty as an officer of the British Empire in order to avoid looking like a fool in front of the Burmese people. While the narrator knows that he needs to carry out certain duties because of his position, he does not necessarily feel that the British oppression of the Burmese people is the right thing. However, the Burmese people do not make his job easy because they resent his position as an oppressor, and this creates an ugly cycle of escalating ill-treatment on both sides. Thus, British Imperialism as a whole comes under fire in the narrative, a common theme of Orwell’s writings. In this short story, Orwell explores important themes such as the evils of imperialism, the crisis of conscience, and the struggle with pride. Shooting an Elephant Lesson Plans, Student Activities and Graphic Organizers“Shooting An Elephant” Summary Lesson Plan Reference Print Activity Grade Level 9-10Difficulty Level 2 (Reinforcing / Developing)Type of Assignment Individual or Group Type of Activity: Plot Diagrams and Narrative Arcs Common Core Standards [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/2] Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/5] Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise Copy Assignment to Account About this Activity Template and Class Instructions Rubric A common use for Storyboard That is to help students create a plot diagram of the events from a story. Not only is this a great way to teach the parts of the plot, but it reinforces major events and helps students develop greater understanding of literary structures. Students can create a storyboard capturing the narrative arc in a work with a six-cell storyboard containing the major parts of the plot diagram. For each cell, have students create a scene that follows the story in sequence using: Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. ("
"docid": "D401631#0",
"title": "http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=Shooting+an+Elephant\n.",
"text": "\"Title Length Color Rating Shooting an Elephant by Geroge Orwell - In his early twenties, George Orwell (1946) began a line of work he would later term “an unsuitable profession”: officer of the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, which began his transformation into a writer of primarily political topics. His essay “Shooting an Elephant” describes his feelings of frustration in attempting to perform his duty – shooting a mad elephant discovered to have broken its chain, destroyed property, and killed a man – while avoiding the ridicule of the local population. ( Orwell, 1936) The elephant can be seen to represent a number of individuals and groups in the story, held by various chains in their different circumstances.... [tags: Shooting an Elephant Essays]:: 2 Works Cited947 words (2.7 pages) Strong Essays [preview]True Power in \"\"Shooting an Elephant\"\" by George Orwell - The quest for power is one which has been etched into the minds of men throughout history. However, it can be said that true power is not a result of one’s actions but comes from the following one’s own beliefs without being influenced by others. This principle sets up the story for Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell. The protagonist, Orwell himself, is a sub divisional police officer in Burma, a British colony. Orwell must try to find and use his inner power when he is faced with the decision of whether or not to kill an elephant which has ravaged the Burman’s homes.... [tags: Shooting an Elephant]1473 words (4.2 pages) Powerful Essays [preview]The Effect of Respect on Morality Depicted in The Guest and Shooting an Elephant- The prevailing theme in The Guest and Shooting an Elephant is the effect of respect on morality. In the former, the main character Daru exhibits a great deal of respect and hospitality to the Arab, especially considering the circumstances. In the latter, the Burmans exhibit no respect to the police officer in the event of the elephant display, or in his day to day life. These opposite scenarios have a distinct effect on the morality of the main characters."
"docid": "D1406445#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-elephant-become-the-symbol-of-the-Republican-Party-How-did-red-become-its-color\nHow did the elephant become the symbol of the Republican Party? How did red become its color?",
"text": "Red (color) Elephants Symbols Republican Party (US politics)Politics of the United States of America How did the elephant become the symbol of the Republican Party? How did red become its color?1 Answer Jim Dennis, Proud Progressive and Dispassionate Voter. Answered May 1, 2016 · Author has 1.2k answers and 2.8m answer views Apparently the GOP association to the elephant image has been used for over a 140 years: Mithil Kamble's answer to Where did the Republican Party get the elephant symbol? ( The donkey image for the Democrats goes back another 44 years before that, to the founding of that party).... and the association on of the colors is much more recent: Richard H. Schwartz's answer to What is the origin of political party colors: red for the GOP, blue for Democrats? More: Election 101: How did the Republican and Democratic parties get their animal symbols? - Ask History336 Viewspromoted by The Great Courses Plus - Direct Experience the joy of drawing. Learn to draw landscapes, portraits, and more from a celebrated artist and teacher. Learn More at thegreatcourses.com Related Questions Where did the Republican Party get the elephant symbol? Why are Democrats called blue and Republicans red? What is the origin of calling Democratic states blue and Republican states red?"
"docid": "D1765800#0",
"title": "http://www.shamanicjourney.com/elephant-power-animal-symbol-of-commitment-royalty-strength\nElephant Power Animal Symbol Of Commitment Royalty Strength",
"text": "Elephant Power Animal Symbol Of Commitment Royalty Strength By Ina Woolcott Elephant’s medicine includes strength, royalty, connection to ancient wisdom, removal of obstacles and barriers, confidence, patience, using education opportunities, commitment, gentleness, communicating in relationships, discernment, intelligence, compassion. If this is your animal guide, these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying them in your life soul evolution is accomplished. Throughout history elephants have been revered. They are most intelligent creatures, and honoured by many cultures. As well as being the largest land animals, they are also among the longest lived, with life spans of 60+ years. In Buddhist tradition, the Buddha picked the form of a white elephant as one of his many incarnations, thus the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods. The Hindu god Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, has the head of an elephant. Elephants can teach us that gentleness, commitment, and communication in relationships is very powerful and necessary to keep relationships alive, trusting and loving, whether it be friends, family or partner. Deeply committed to all creatures with whom they have relationships, elephants are tough when protecting others and gentle when nurturing them."
"docid": "D2013716#0",
"title": "http://statistics.byuimath.com/index.php?title=Lesson_3:_Describing_Quantitative_Data:_Shape,_Center_%26_Spread\nLesson 3: Describing Quantitative Data: Shape, Center & Spread",
"text": "\"Lessons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Lesson 3: Describing Quantitative Data: Shape, Center & Spreadnavigation search These optional videos discuss the contents of this lesson. Lesson 03 Video - Part IYour browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:30Contents [ hide ]1 Lesson Outcomes2 Review of the Five Steps of the Statistical Process3 Shape of a Distribution3.1 Visualizing Quantitative Data: Histograms4 Center of a Distribution4.1 Measuring the Center of a Distribution4.1.1 Mean4.1.2 Median4.1.3 Mode4.2 Additional Issues and Ideas5 Spread of a Distribution5.1 Standard Deviation and Variance5.1.1 Calculating the Standard Deviation by Hand5.1.2 Summary6 Tools to Describe the Data6.1 Percentiles and Quartiles6.2 The Five-Number Summary6.3 Boxplots7 Summary8 Navigation1 Lesson Outcomes [ Click Here to Show Outcomes for this Lesson]2 Review of the Five Steps of the Statistical Process We will use the five steps in the Statistical Process throughout the course. Recall the five steps (and the mnemonic \"\"Daniel Can Discern More Truth) before you begin this lesson. Step 1: D aniel D esign the study Step 2: C an C ollect data Step 3: D iscern D escribe the data Step 4: M ore M ake inferences Step 5: T ruth T ake action3 Shape of a Distribution Cost to Treat Tuberculosis in India From commons.wikimedia.org Step 1: Design the study. Tuberculosis (TB) is the most deadly bacterial disease in the world. In 2009, nine million new cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed, leading to almost 2 million deaths worldwide. Currently, the principal vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis is Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). Unfortunately, BCG is only moderately effective at preventing tuberculosis. Historically, India has had a high number of tuberculosis cases."
"docid": "D729083#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/31800737/Formal-Operational-Stage\nINTRODUCTION",
"text": "\"INTRODUCTION: JEAN PIAGET Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was one of the most influential researchers in the area of developmental psychology during the 20th century. He was mainly interested in the biological influences on \"\"how we come to know.\"\" He believed that what distinguishes human beings from other animals is our ability to do \"\"abstract symbolic reasoning.\"\" Piaget was very interested in knowledge and how children come to know their world. He developed his cognitive theory by actually observing children (some of whom were his own children). Using a standard question or set of questions as a starting point, he followed the child's train of thought and allowed the questioning to be flexible. Piaget believed that children's spontaneous comments provided valuable clues to understanding their thinking. He was not interested in a right or wrong answer, but rather what forms of logic and reasoning the child used. After many years of observation, Piaget concluded that intellectual development is the result of the interaction of hereditary and environmental factors. As the child develops and constantly interacts with the world around him, knowledge is invented and reinvented."
"docid": "D2883232#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_do_elephants_symbolize\nWhat do elephants symbolize?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Symbolism and Symbolic Meanings What do elephants symbolize? Flag What do elephants symbolize? Answer by Suzanne (Zanbabe) Confidence votes 54.1K\"\"Maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be.\"\" --Man of La Mancha Elephants can represent good luck, strength, honor, stability, reliability, patience, dignity, power, royalty, and pride.10 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Aim4revengeance 13 Contributions What is the symbolic meaning of an elephant? Most often an elephant is used in political cartoons and it represents republicans. What does the elephant in the story shooting an elephant symbolize? In a recent class discussion we came to the conclusion that the elephant symbolizes the imperialistic regime. Does and elephant symbolize luck? Many people believe that the elephant is a symbol of luck."
"docid": "D2368330#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_is_an_elephant_the_mascot_for_Alabama\nWhy is an elephant the mascot for Alabama?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Jobs & Education Education Colleges and Universities US Colleges and Universities University of Alabama Why is an elephant the mascot for Alabama? Flag Why is an elephant the mascot for Alabama? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Alabamas mascot is the elephant because that year when they created the name, the whole entire team was humongous so the commentator said \"\" uh oh here comes the elephants.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No ACrofford 4,712 Contributions How did an elephant become the mascot of the Alabama Crimson Tide? The origin of the Alabama Crimson Tide's elephant mascot dates back to the 1930s. A sports reporter was writing about the game between Alabama and Ole Miss that was played on …Marcuswoods 2 Contributions Why is the elephant the mascot for Republicans? Answer . This symbol of the party was born in the imagination of cartoonist Thomas Nast and first appeared in Harper's Weekly on November 7, 1874.. An 1860 issue of Railsp …Nolls74 1 Contribution Is there any other college besides Alabama with an elephant as a mascot? Elephant Mascots ."
"docid": "D3038781#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-Republican-Party-get-the-elephant-symbol\nWhere did the Republican Party get the elephant symbol?",
"text": "Elephants Symbols Republican Party (US politics) Politics of the United States of America The United States of America Where did the Republican Party get the elephant symbol?1 Answer Mithil Kamble, lives in The United States of America Answered Nov 19, 2015 · Author has 658 answers and 3.8m answer views Through this cartoon by Thomas Nast, which appeared in Harper's Weekly in 1874. [ The tird term panic : Source]The cartoon depicts a donkey (democrats) donning lion's attire and scaring all the animals away. The elephant was named'The republican vote'. And voila! Elephant was associated with elephant with the GOP forever (to be fair, connection between GOP and elephant was alluded to before as 'seeing the elephant' was an expression used by soldiers which meant 'experiencing war'). But why does Donkey get the honor of representing Democrats you ask? That's more interesting. Andrew Jackson's opponent in the race called him a Jackass. Jackson found it amusing and started using it in the campaign and went on to become the first Democratic POTUS. Again, it was Thomas Nast who popularized the symbol with his cartoon. [ ("
"docid": "D2173611#0",
"title": "http://www.monroepadems.com/democratic-donkey\nHistory of the Democratic Donkey",
"text": "\"History of the Democratic Donkey When Andrew Jackson ran for president in 1828, his opponents tried to label him a \"\"jackass\"\" for his populist views and his slogan, \"\"Let the people rule.\"\" Jackson, however, picked up on their name calling and turned it to his own advantage by using the donkey on his campaign posters. During his presidency, the donkey was used to represent Jackson's stubbornness when he vetoed re-chartering the National Bank. The first time the donkey was used in a political cartoon to represent the Democratic party, it was again in conjunction with Jackson. Although in 1837 Jackson was retired, he still thought of himself as the Party's leader and was shown trying to get the donkey to go where he wanted it to go. The cartoon was titled \"\"A Modern Baalim and his Ass.\"\" Interestingly enough, the person credited with getting the donkey widely accepted as the Democratic party's symbol probably had no knowledge of the prior associations. Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist, came to the United States with his parents in 1840 when he was six. He first used the donkey in an 1870 Harper's Weekly cartoon to represent the \"\"Copperhead Press\"\" kicking a dead lion, symbolizing Lincoln's Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who had recently died. Nast intended the donkey to represent an anti-war faction with whom he disagreed, but the symbol caught the public's fancy and the cartoonist continued using it to indicate some Democratic editors and newspapers."
"docid": "D2553023#0",
"title": "http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/09/what-is-it-about-an-elephants-tusks-that-make-them-so-valuable/262021/\nWhat Is It About an Elephant's Tusks That Make Them So Valuable?",
"text": "\"What Is It About an Elephant's Tusks That Make Them So Valuable? Rebecca J. Rosen Sep 6, 2012 Business Share Tweet…Linked In Email Print Text Size Like The Atlantic? Subscribe to The Atlantic Daily, our free weekday email newsletter. Chinese demand for ivory is driving conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Reuters In Garamba National Park in the northeastern corner of Congo, thousands of elephants are being killed each year for their tusks, their carcasses discarded like hair clippings on a barbershop's floor. In a beautiful and brutal report, New York Times reporter Jeffrey Gettleman describes the carnage, both animal and human, in harrowing detail. Last year, he writes, \"\"broke the record for the amount of illegal ivory seized worldwide, at 38.8 tons (equaling the tusks from more than 4,000 dead elephants). Law enforcement officials say the sharp increase in large seizures is a clear sign that organized crime has slipped into the ivory underworld, because only a well-oiled criminal machine -- with the help of corrupt officials -- could move hundreds of pounds of tusks thousands of miles across the globe, often using specially made shipping containers with secret compartments.\"\" ( Although there are many sources of ivory such as walruses, rhinoceros, and narwhals, elephant ivory has always been the most highly sought because of its particular texture, softness, and its lack of a tough outer coating of enamel. ) What in the world could fuel such demand for animal teeth?"
"docid": "D2883231#0",
"title": "https://www.wildgratitude.com/elephant-symbolism/\nSpirit Animals: EARNEST ELEPHANT",
"text": "May 11, 2015 Mammals, Spirit Animals The Matriarchy Elephant society is female dominated, what is otherwise known as a matriarchy. Each herd is lead by an elder female who is at once the older sister, the eldest aunt, the mother, and the grandmother. She travels with her sisters and all of their offspring. There is a deep sense of community among elephants and they mourn the passing of their loved ones. Mature males travel alone or in lose bachelor groups. They only join the females during mating. Elephant symbolism speaks of the wisdom in the trinity of maiden, mother and crone. By encompassing all generations of females and venerating the matriarch, feminine wisdom is rich in the world of elephants. Elephants are known for their altruistic and compassionate treatment of each other. Whenever you’re feeling the need for empathy and nurturance, elephant spirit animal can help you come home."
"docid": "D1375886#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100422215609AAbHOoR\nWhat does three headed elephant represent in laos?",
"text": "\"Travel Asia Pacific Thailand What does three headed elephant represent in laos? Im studying about Laos and their artifacts of the three headed elephant why are these artfact important to the the laotian culture? how are these important to popular or mainstream culture and how does the dominant cultural value differ from from their tradition cultural value? what does the three headed... show more Follow 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The origin of the elephant head refer to a Deity called Ganesha which comes from Hinduism and India . Ganesha is very popular indeed because he is the\"\" remover of obstacles \"\" Thus no prayer is ever started without first revering him . This has spread to all over Asia . You can find him even in downtown Bangkok's temples . He is the son of Shiva . As far as the heads are concerned this is also about Hinduism . No God has three heads or ten as sometimes seen ."
"docid": "D2598719#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/argument-in-shooting-an-elephant-page1.html\n\"\"\"Argument In Shooting An Elephant\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Argument In Shooting An Elephant\"\" Essays and Research Papers Argument In Shooting An Elephant English 111 October 13th 2013 Argument Analysis of “ Shooting an Elephant ” In the essay, Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell writes about his experiences as a British police officer in Burma, and compares it to the nature of imperialism. Orwell hates his job because imperialism has negatively affected him, as well as others around him. Orwell’; the white man is being treated very disrespectfully by the Burmese. Giving him a reason to hate his job as well as the British Empire; the root of... British Empire, Burma, Emotion 1203 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Shooting an Elephantto Vladimir Lenin. George Orwell immediately begins the essay '' Shooting an Elephant \"\" by claiming his perspective on British Imperialism, and how this imperialism affected himself, his empire, and the Burma people. Though George Orwell is a British officer himself at the time in Burma , he claims that he is fully against the oppressors , who at the time are the British. His personal experience, that he writes about with the elephant is metaphorical to imperialism and how he views the social issue... British Empire, Burma, Colonialism 1885 Words | 5 Pages Open Document Shooting an Elephant Shooting an Elephant: Imperialism When the word“dictator” comes to mind, humans are dolorous and empathetic. A great proof of this fact was observed during the early parts of the 20th century when oppression and iron fisted rule was established as a social normalcy in much of the world. The oppressive days of totalitarianism have passed and were marked by the death of the infamous and grandiose era of imperialism. Nonetheless, it left a bad imprint upon the countries and people that were involved... British Empire, Burma, Colonialism 1253 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Shooting an Elephant DISCUSS ORWELL'S USE OF PERSUASIVE TOOLS SUCH AS, SYMBOLISM, METAPHORS AND IRONY IN THIS ESSAY AND EXPLAIN HOW HE USES EACH OF THESE TO CONVEY HIS ARGUMENT OR MESSAGE In the extract, \"\" Shooting An Elephant \"\" Orwell conveys his message through the use of various persuasive tools."
"docid": "D2351478#0",
"title": "http://blog.triviaplaying.com/2011/07/long-daily-trivia-quiz-173-animal.html\nLong Daily Trivia Quiz #173 - Animal Trivia Questions and Answers",
"text": "\"Long Daily Trivia Quiz #173 - Animal Trivia Questions and Answers84 Question animal trivia quiz - a long fun quiz. What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political party? What color is an ocelot? Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals? A cow normally has how many teats? What is the only venomous snake found in Britain? What type of leaves does a Koala use for food? What type of animal is the main source of food for a mole? What is another name for a Guinea Pig? What kind of animals live in an apiary?"
"docid": "D3038783#0",
"title": "http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/where-do-political-symbols-come-from/\nWhere Do Political Symbols Come From?",
"text": "\"Wonder of the Day #30Where Do Political Symbols Come From?14 Comments Previous wonder Next wonder Print/Save as PDFSOCIAL STUDIES — Government Have You Ever Wondered... Why does the United States have political parties? How did the parties decide which mascot to adopt? What issues would you support if you were president? Tags: See All Tags Democrats, donkey, election, elephant, Republicans Listen Before we talk about the mascots of the political parties, let's learn a little about political parties first. A political party is a group of organized voters who support certain policies for their communities, states and nation. The goal of a political party is to elect public officials, such as mayors, governors, senators and the president, who will support and carry out their goals. These goals may include policies on war, taxes and education. When people in a democracy disagree about what the government should do, registered voters express their opinion by voting for the candidate who most closely reflects their political views and opinions. Political candidates are usually members of political parties. This makes it easier for voters to know what the candidate believes in, his or her goals and what changes he or she will make if elected."
"docid": "D1003022#0",
"title": "https://www.artofliving.org/wisdom/knowledge-sheets/symbolism-ganesha\nThe Symbolism of Ganesha",
"text": "Who is Lord Ganesh? Ganesha is the formless Divinity - encapsulated in a magnificent form, for the benefit of the devotee. As per Hindu mythology, he is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The Meaning of Ganesh. Gan means group. The universe is a group of atoms and different energies. This universe would be in chaos if there was no supreme law governing these diverse groups of entities. The Lord of all these groups of atoms and energies is Ganesha. He is the supreme consciousness that pervades all and brings order in this universe. The Essence of Lord Ganesha."
"docid": "D2895604#0",
"title": "http://personal.carthage.edu/jlochtefeld/buddhism/sanchi/intro.html\n.",
"text": "\"Sanchi's Great Stupa is one of India's oldest surviving Buddhist monuments. It sits on a hilltop 30 miles northeast of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, and 6 miles south of Vidisha, a small town that was an important urban center at the turn of the common era. This shot shows the western gateway, and was taken on 12 November 2005. History Religious Significance Symbolism Acknowledgements History: The original stupa was built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka (reigned 269-32 BCE), but enlarged to its present form in the 1st century CE. The stupa later fell into ruins and disappeared, and when it was first discovered it was severely damaged by treasure-hunters (who dug into the main vault, looking for buried treasure). In the 1880s the Archeological Survey of India began to restore it, with the major restoration between 1912 and 1919 under the leadership of Sir John Marshall. The ASI still does the upkeep on the monument, and was doing some repairs when I visited in November 2005. The ASI is also in the process of restoring Marshall house (at the base of the hill), in which Sir John lived during the restoration. Religious Significance: A stupa is a dome-shaped mound that mimics the funerary mounds used to mark the graves of great kings. The first Buddhist stupas enshrined the Buddha's physical relics (bones and teeth), and thus gave him royal status."
"docid": "D2956085#0",
"title": "http://www.sunsigns.org/elephant-animal-totem-symbolism-meanings/\nElephant Animal Totem Symbolism & Meanings",
"text": "Elephant Animal Totem Symbolism & Meanings Leah M Bostwick 1 Comment Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Elephant Animal Totem Symbolism Elephants are the gentle giants of the Earth. Their size emanates majestic royalty, poise, honor and their personalities follow suit. As animal totems, elephants symbolize pride, strength, and steadfastness. Although they are mammoth in size, they have a calm demeanor and are very soft and caring creatures. Elephants are very affectionate and always exercise unmatchable care for both their young and the elderly. Their strength and power also comes with an ancient wisdom, meaning that they have many lessons to teach us. The elephant spirit guide is cherished across many cultures and religions as a great symbol and spiritual entity. In Christianity, it is an icon of chastity, patience, self-control and abstinence. These traits are viewed with the utmost respect and are meant to inspire Christians to live their lives in a similarly pure manner. In Asia, the elephant is viewed a bit differently."
] |
636725 | what does elevated alt and ast mean | [
"docid": "D89594#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevated_transaminases\nElevated transaminases",
"text": "\"Elevated transaminases Alanine transaminase is one of the two transaminases measured ( Aspartate transaminase is the other)Classification and external resources ICD - 10 R74.0ICD - 9-CM 790.4Diseases DB 14820 15393 [ edit on Wikidata]In medicine, the presence of elevated transaminases, commonly the transaminases alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), may be an indicator of liver damage. [ 1] Other terms employed include transaminasemia [2], transaminitis (which some sources consider pathologically meaningless [3]) and elevated liver enzymes (though they are not the only enzymes in the liver). Normal ranges for both ALT and AST are 8-40 U/L with mild transaminesemia noted to the upward numerical limit of 250 U/L. Drug-induced increases such as that found with the use of anti-tuberculosis agents such as isoniazid are limited typically to below 100 U/L for either ALT or AST. Cirrhosis of the liver or fulminant liver failure secondary to hepatitis commonly reach values for both ALT and AST in the >1000 U/L range. Elevated transaminases that persist less than six months are termed \"\"acute\"\" in nature, and those values that persist for six months or more are termed \"\"chronic\"\" in nature. Contents [ hide ]1 Pathophysiology2 Role in diagnosis3 See also4 References Pathophysiology [ edit]The liver has transaminases to synthesize and break down amino acids and to convert energy storage molecules. The concentrations of these transaminases in the serum (the non-cellular portion of blood, also called plasma) are normally low. However, if the liver is damaged, the liver cell ( hepatocyte) membrane becomes more permeable and some of the enzymes leak out into the blood circulation. The two transaminases commonly measured are alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST). [ 1] These levels previously were called serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT)."
] | [
"docid": "D100171#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_AST_on_a_blood_test_mean\nWhat does AST on a blood test mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Laboratory Testing What does AST on a blood test mean? Flag What does AST on a blood test mean? Answer by Robert Sawart Confidence votes 170AST stands for aspartate transaminase. It is an enzyme found in various cells, including liver cells, and elevated levels may indicate liver damage, but must be interpreted in the context of other liver tests, as it is not only found in liver cells, but other cell types as well. THIS TEST IS FOR LIVER PROBLEMS! CAN YOU BETTER DEFINE YOUR QUESTION AS RELATED TO A CURRETN CONDITION? An initial step in detecting liver damage is a simple blood test to determine the presence of certain liver enzymes in the blood. Under normal circumstances, these enzymes reside within the cells of the liver. But when the liver is injured for any reason, these enzymes are spilled into the blood stream. Enzymes are proteins that are present throughout the body, each with a unique function."
"docid": "D2775114#0",
"title": "http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/88/4/1097.full\nEffect of moderate alcohol consumption on liver enzymes increases with increasing body mass index",
"text": "Effect of moderate alcohol consumption on liver enzymes increases with increasing body mass index Päivikki I Alatalo Heidi M Koivisto Johanna P Hietala Katri S Puukka Risto Bloigu Onni J NiemeläThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 88, Issue 4, 1 October 2008, Pages 1097–1103, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/88.4.1097Published: 01 October 2008 Article history Views PDF Cite Permissions Share ABSTRACTBackground: Although both ethanol consumption and overweight alter the activities of hepatic enzymes in circulation, the differentiation of an alcohol or nonalcohol basis for such changes remains problematic. The magnitude of alterations occurring among moderate drinkers has remained obscure. Objective: We examined the links between moderate ethanol consumption, body mass index (BMI; in kg/m 2 ), and liver enzymes. Design: Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were recorded from 2164 apparently healthy participants (1028 men, 1136 women) reporting either no alcohol (abstainers) or <40 g ethanol consumption per day (moderate drinkers). The study population was further classified according to BMI as follows: <19 (underweight), ≥19 and <25 (normal weight), ≥25 and <30 (overweight), and ≥30 (obese). Results: Serum ALT ( P < 0.05) and GGT ( P < 0.001) but not AST ( P = 0.805) activities in moderate drinkers were higher than those in abstainers. For all enzymes, a significant main effect was observed of increasing BMI, which was more striking in moderate drinkers than in abstainers. Tests of between-subjects effects indicated significant interactions with sex and drinking status, although not with sex and BMI. Conclusions: The effect of moderate alcohol consumption on liver enzymes increases with increasing BMI. These findings should be considered in the clinical assessment of overweight alcohol consumers and in the definition of normal ranges for liver enzymes."
"docid": "D540576#0",
"title": "https://hepatitisc.net/diagnosis/understanding-lab-test-results/\nUnderstanding lab test results",
"text": "Understanding lab test results SHARE RATE ★ ★ ★ ★ ★If you have hepatitis C (HCV), you probably have lab testing done on a regular basis to monitor your liver function and other health parameters. Understanding lab test results is especially important if you are taking antiviral treatment for HCV, which can have a significant effect on how the body functions. In general, when you look at a lab testing report, information about what is normal for each test parameter is given on the right-hand side of the report. Often reports will show out-of-range values, which makes it easy to identify problems quickly. Another important thing to keep in mind when looking at lab results is that results can vary from lab to lab. When considering lab results, it is more important to look at trends over time than at individual numbers at one point in time. There are three key areas of lab testing that you should be aware of: Liver biochemical/function testing Complete blood counts (CBC)Chemistry panels Liver biochemical/function testing Liver biochemical/function testing measures blood levels of various enzymes produced by the liver. Abnormal levels of liver enzymes can indicate how well the liver is functioning and whether the liver has been damaged. 1-4Normal ranges for liver biochemical/function testing ALT 8–37 IU/LAST 10–34 IU/LBilirubin 0.2–1.9 mg/d LAlbumin 3.5–5.5 g/d LPT 0.8–1.1 INR*ALK 44–147 IU/LGGT 0–51 IU/LIU=international unit; INR=international normalized ratio; L=liter; d L=deciliter (0.1 liter); g/d L=grams per deciliter; mg=milligram. * When taken without blood thinners."
"docid": "D3017641#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/zantac-and-liver\nZantac and liver",
"text": "\"Zantac and liver Common Questions and Answers about Zantac and liverzantac Thank you. So, I go in for another liver enzyme blood test in a month. I guess I should stop taking both omenprazole and zantac until then? Is that what you would do? Thanks. Read More Take swedish bitters 10 minutes before you eat. It will make the liver produce bile and help your body to produce more of its own digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down your carbs, proteins,fats, starches,cellulose etc. This will stimulate your digestive system to move. Digestive bitters may be all you need or you might need to do more than this."
"docid": "D259096#0",
"title": "http://www.hepatitis.va.gov/patient/hcv/diagnosis/labtests-single-page.asp\nUnderstanding Lab Tests: Entire Lesson",
"text": "\"for Veterans and the Public Understanding Lab Tests: Entire Lesson Laboratory tests: Overview Once you've been diagnosed with hepatitis C, your VA doctor probably will order a number of tests to learn about your overall health, to decide whether drug therapy is appropriate, and to learn about your body's internal functioning (including how well your liver is working). Some tests will be done very soon after you've been diagnosed with hepatitis C, while other tests will continue to be done on a regular basis. These tests will monitor your health and help you and your doctor decide when treatment is appropriate (or, if you've already begun treatment, whether it's working). In the following sections, you can learn about the tests, why your doctor may have ordered them, and what the results mean. Note: Normal values for laboratory tests can vary from one lab to another. Check with your doctor on the normal range for your lab tests. Tests of the liver If you have hepatitis C, most likely, your doctor will check blood tests of your liver. There's a handful of liver tests and it is helpful to know what each of them means. Here, we explain common liver blood tests and how to understand your results: Liver panel Liver enzymes Liver function tests (LFT)ALTASTBilirubin Albumin Prothrombin time Alkaline phosphatase INRPlatelets Total protein Liver panel A \"\"liver panel\"\" usually refers to several lab tests performed as a group. Depending on the physician or the laboratory, a liver panel usually includes tests for AST, ALT, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase."
"docid": "D1017028#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-Gt\nLiver function tests",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from S-Gt)navigation search\"\"LFTs\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see LFT. Liver function tests ICD-10-PCS K-70 to K-77Me SH D008111Medline Plus 003436 [ edit on Wikidata]Liver function tests ( LFTs or LFs) are groups of blood tests that give information about the state of a patient's liver. [ 1] These tests include prothrombin time (PT/INR), a PTT, albumin, bilirubin (direct and indirect), and others. Liver transaminases ( AST or SGOT and ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function. [ 2] [3] [4] Most liver diseases cause only mild symptoms initially, but these diseases must be detected early. Hepatic (liver) involvement in some diseases can be of crucial importance. This testing is performed on a patient's blood sample. Some tests are associated with functionality (e.g., albumin), some with cellular integrity (e.g., transaminase ), and some with conditions linked to the biliary tract ( gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase ). Several biochemical tests are useful in the evaluation and management of patients with hepatic dysfunction."
"docid": "D414536#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/298291-elevated-liver-enzymes-causes-signs-symptoms/\nElevated Liver Enzymes: Causes, Signs & Symptoms",
"text": "Elevated Liver Enzymes: Causes, Signs & Symptomsby SHARON PERKINS Aug. 14, 2017Tests that evaluate liver function include several enzymes found in the heart, skeletal muscle and red blood cells in addition to the liver. The greatest concentration of alanine aminotransferase, sometimes called ALT or sometimes SGPT and aspartate aminotransferase, also called AST or SGOT occurs in the liver. Damage to the liver cells causes ALT and AST to leak into the bloodstream. Normal levels of ALT range from 7 units to 56 units per liter, while normal levels of AST range from 5 units to 40 U/L, according to the Lab Tests Online website. Several types of liver disease cause elevated liver enzymes. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Causes A number of diseases can damage the liver, ranging from acute, temporary elevations to chronic mild elevation. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, commonly called NASH, mostly occurs as a result of overweight or diabetes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a chronic disease, affects 2 to 5 percent of Americans, mostly middle-aged, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders website reports. Other medications such as cholesterol-lowering medications can also cause liver enzyme elevations. Acute hepatitis A, drug poisoning or overdose with acetaminophen can cause a sudden, very high increase in liver enzymes, more than 10 times the normal range, the Lab Tests Online website says."
"docid": "D103645#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/health/low-alt-sgpt-blood-test-result-mean-1431906caa5e023f\nWhat Does a Low ALT SGPT Blood Test Result Mean?",
"text": "Health Medical Ranges & Levels Q: What Does a Low ALT SGPT Blood Test Result Mean? A: Quick Answer Low ALT/SGPT means that there are normal levels of the liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, in the blood, which indicates that there is no disease or damage to the liver, according to Web MD. ALT used to be called SGPT, or serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Does ALT (SGPT) Mean in a Blood Test? What Is ALT in a Blood Test? What Causes Low ALT Levels? Full Answer When the liver is damaged, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which causes the level of ALT to increase. If ALT is elevated, it most likely indicates liver damage. There are small amounts of ALT in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas as well, so an elevated ALT could also indicate severe systemic damage to these organs and tissues. Learn more about Medical Ranges & Levels Sources: stat.unc.edu webmd.com Related Questions Q: What Is ALT or SGPT?"
"docid": "D3072289#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/how-long-does-alcohol-stay-in-your-liver-enzymes\nHow long does alcohol stay in your liver enzymes",
"text": "Health Topics » Liver »Showing results for : How long does alcohol stay in your liver enzymes Premium Questions What causes mildly elevated liver enzymes?if enzymes stay elevated is a biopsy. My questions are: 1. How long does it take for mild enzyme elevations ... Started having mild elevations of liver enzymes AST, ALT , and GGT starting sometime late 2013 ... What causes slight elevated liver enzymes? Hi I had a liver function test and my ggp or ggb was over @ 38 mine is suppose to be under 31. If I stop the intake of alcohol and have a healthy diet. Approx how long will it take to get my levels back ... Suggest remedies for elevated liver enzymes How do I lower elevated liver function tests? How do I lower AST & ALT? Please send information on how to lower elevated liver enzymes to my E-mail address: YYYY@YYYY . How long will it take to get ... What causes elevated liver enzymes? My liver enzymes came back at 60 about two times normal limit."
"docid": "D1948160#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/health/normal-range-liver-function-aa4b2ccaf016d3b7\nWhat Is the Normal Range for Liver Function?",
"text": "Health Medical Ranges & Levels Q: What Is the Normal Range for Liver Function? A: Quick Answer Normal liver enzyme ranges for aspartate aminotransferase, or AST, are between 10 and 40 units per liter, while normal ranges for alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, are between 7 and 56 units per liter, according to e Medicine Health. AST and ALT are enzymes used to detect injury or damage to the liver. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Normal Range for Liver Enzymes? What Is a Normal Liver Count? What Is the Normal Range for Liver Enzyme Levels? Full Answer Doctors consider mild elevations to be two or three times the normal range, while severe elevations can be thousands of times higher, notes e Medicine Health. In general, doctors order liver blood tests to determine the cause of abdominal pain or to rule out or confirm suspected liver disease. Doctors order most liver blood tests in unison with kidney function tests and electrolyte levels. Learn more about Medical Ranges & Levels Sources: emedicinehealth.com emedicinehealth.com Related Questions Q: What Is the Normal Range for ALT and AST Liver Tests?"
"docid": "D2521975#0",
"title": "http://www.mdjunction.com/forums/alcoholic-liver-disease-discussions/medicine-treatments/3877819-blood-tests-labs-in-alcoholic-liver-disease\nBlood Tests / Labs in Alcoholic Liver Disease",
"text": "\"Blood Tests / Labs in Alcoholic Liver Disease Moon Watcher Group Leader | 7 years on site | 2487 posts\"\"My liver enzymes are high! Does this mean I have Liver Disease?\"\" So many come to the internet with this question, and while high liver enzymes can indicate a problem, there is more to reading them than one might think, and other tests that may be a better indicator of liver function and serious liver damage or disease. Liver enzymes are a fairly accurate indicator of \"\"recent\"\" inflammation and damage that has occurred in the days leading up to the time blood is drawn for the test. They are a rather poor indicator of cumulative damage and amount of functioning liver tissue actually present at the time of the test. Other factors can influence these enzymes too, like extreme exertion and physical activity prior to the test. A young man with a big healthy liver may spike liver enzymes that are SKY-HIGH coming off a substantial alcoholic binge, while an older man with advanced fibrosis may have enzymes in the normal range, even if he is still drinking. Why? It takes large amounts of liver tissue to generate large amounts of liver enzymes and a diseased liver may contain less than a third of the functioning tissue it did when it was healthy. The remaining tissue in a damaged liver will still give off enzymes when inflamed, but their cumulative output just can't match the amount of enzymes an intact liver can produce when it is inflamed."
"docid": "D1687532#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/important-liver-values-albumin-alt-alp-ast.html\nImportant Liver Values: Albumin, ALT, ALP & AST",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 29K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Important Proteins and Their Flux in the Blood and Urine The Major Causes of Liver Disease Amylase and Pancreatic Lipase: Causes & Associated Conditions Icterus: The Major Causes of Jaundice Lesson Transcript Instructor: Artem Cheprasov This lesson will discuss three important enzymes that indicate liver or biliary tree issues. They are ALT, ALP, and AST. We'll talk about some of the reasons why they may be elevated. Different Ways to Measure Injury If you injure yourself, then you'll be able to describe that you were hurt through numerous ways. Those are all signals or cues that you are hurt and need to do something about it. In medicine, we use more than one clue that tells us that the liver, an important organ in our body, is hurting and that we must do something about it in order to improve our health. That's what this lesson will be discussing. The Albumin Clue The liver is a big manufacturing plant that produces a lot of stuff. One important thing it makes is a protein called albumin. Albumin is responsible for transporting certain medicines you might have to take, waste products, and hormones."
"docid": "D2361346#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-ast-mean-in-blood-work\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Ast Mean In Blood Work",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Ast Mean In Blood Work Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ed Friedlander1 I have a low (11) for ast on my blood work, what exactly does this mean? Nothing: If you feel well, it is a non-problem ... Read more Dr. Tiffanie Noonan Sgot (Definition)Has metabolic function, elevated if ... Read more Dr. Stephen Berns Pathology13 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Laura Mc Mullen2 What is ALT & AST and what does it do? Test results from my blood work came back and these two results were doubled the norm and I would like to know what that means. ALT : Alt (alanine aminotransferase) and ast (aspartate aminotransferase) are enzymes found predominantly in liver cells that leak out when there is liver cell damage. Alt is pretty specific to the liver even though small amounts of alt can be found in heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle. Ast can be elevated after a ... Read more Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc1 doctor agreed:3 My dads blood work says \"\" High\"\" Ast 44 and High alt 68 And High hemoglobin 6.1% Were going to Dr on Monday but wondering what it means? Diabetes: A1c is in diabetes range. A very common complication of diabetes is fatty liver that can cause very mild elevation of liver enzymes. Short of that, anything else is possible. Would still recommend repeating the liver enzymes, AST and ALT, avoiding alcohol and any OTC meds in the interim, specifically ac ... Read more Dr. David Drewitz4 I have the following come back on blood work; tbil 1.4, AST 108, ALT 171, alp 212."
"docid": "D698301#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/liver-function-tests/about/pac-20394595\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Liver function tests are blood tests used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. The tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood. Some of these tests measure how well the liver is performing its normal functions of producing protein and clearing bilirubin, a blood waste product. Other liver function tests measure enzymes that liver cells release in response to damage or disease. Abnormal liver function test results don't always indicate liver disease. Your doctor will explain your results and what they mean. Why it's done Liver function tests can be used to: Screen for liver infections, such as hepatitis Monitor the progression of a disease, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis, and determine how well a treatment is working Measure the severity of a disease, particularly scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)Monitor possible side effects of medications Liver function tests check the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood. Levels that are higher or lower than normal can indicate liver problems. Some common liver function tests include: Alanine transaminase (ALT). ALT is an enzyme found in the liver that helps your body metabolize protein."
"docid": "D2414999#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liver_function_test\nLiver function tests",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Liver function test)navigation search\"\"LFTs\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see LFT. Liver function tests ICD-10-PCS K-70 to K-77Me SH D008111Medline Plus 003436 [ edit on Wikidata]Liver function tests ( LFTs or LFs) are groups of blood tests that give information about the state of a patient's liver. [ 1] These tests include prothrombin time (PT/INR), a PTT, albumin, bilirubin (direct and indirect), and others. The liver transaminases aspartate transaminase (AST or SGOT) and alanine transaminase (ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function. [ 2] [3] [4] Most liver diseases cause only mild symptoms initially, but these diseases must be detected early. Hepatic (liver) involvement in some diseases can be of crucial importance. This testing is performed on a patient's blood sample. Some tests are associated with functionality (e.g., albumin), some with cellular integrity (e.g., transaminase ), and some with conditions linked to the biliary tract ( gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase ). Several biochemical tests are useful in the evaluation and management of patients with hepatic dysfunction."
"docid": "D453646#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/vitamins-to-take-to-help-decrease-liver-enzymes\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Vitamins To Take To Help Decrease Liver Enzymes",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Vitamins To Take To Help Decrease Liver Enzymes Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Cosme Manzarbeitia2 doctors agreed:1 What causes a high liver enzyme? Inflammation: Of the liver.... Or poor blood flow. Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. James Krick2 Doctors shared insights Liver (Definition)This organ plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, and detoxification. It lies below the diaphragm in the abdominal-pelvic region of the abdomen. It produces bile, an alkaline compound which aids in digestion via the emulsification of ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Milton Mintz2 If I have extremely high liver enzymes and a fatty liver and abnormal blood chemistry, what does this usually mean? I'm 18 : (can I take multi vitamin? It means: You should be closely followed by your internist or pcp--nothing harmful in vitamins! ... Read more Dr. Glenn Burns3 What would cause elevated liver enzymes of alt 70 and ast 36? I don't drink, only take 250 mg magnesium and prenatal vitamins for nursing."
"docid": "D577017#0",
"title": "https://answers.webmd.com/answers/1171047/what-do-elevated-ast-and-alt-liver-enzymes-mean\nWhat do elevated AST and ALT liver enzymes mean?",
"text": "Posted: November 30, 2008 | Report This |Q. What do elevated AST and ALT liver enzymes mean? Follow Question Answers From Experts & Organizations (1)Medicine Net5,093 Answers 311,554 Helpful Votes 212 Followers A. AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) are sensitive indicators of liver damage or injury from different types of diseases. But it must be emphasized that higher-than-normal levels of these liver enzymes should not be automatically equated with liver disease. They may mean liver problems or they may not. For example, elevations of these enzymes can occur with muscle damage. The interpretation of elevated AST and ALT levels depends upon the entire clinical evaluation of an individual, and so it is best done by physicians experienced in evaluating liver disease and muscle disease. Moreover, the precise levels of these enzymes do not correlate well with the extent of liver damage or the prognosis (outlook). Thus, the exact levels of AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) cannot be used to determine the degree of liver disease or predict the future. For example, individuals with acute viral hepatitis A may develop very high AST and ALT levels (sometimes in the thousands of units/liter range). But most people with acute viral hepatitis A recover fully without residual liver disease."
"docid": "D1836997#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/how-long-does-it-take-for-alcohol-liver-enzymes\nHow long does it take for alcohol liver enzymes",
"text": "Get your Health question answered in 3 easy steps Hi,I am Dr. Andrew Rynne (Family Physician). I will be looking into your question and guiding you through the process. Please write your question below. Ask a Doctor Now180 Doctors are Online Dr. Andrew Rynne Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Ram Choudhary Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Timothy G Moser Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Carol Rogala Emergency Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Mimi Ghosh Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Kiran Kumar Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Ada B. Dickinson Pediatrician Ask Now »Dr. J. Clive Spiegel Psychiatrist Ask Now »...and 18,000+ Doctors from across the world Health Topics » Liver »Showing results for : How long does it take for alcohol liver enzymes Premium Questions What causes slight elevated liver enzymes? Hi I had a liver function test and my ggp or ggb was over @ 38 mine is suppose to be under 31. If I stop the intake of alcohol and have a healthy diet. Approx how long will it take to get my levels back ... What causes mildly elevated liver enzymes?if enzymes stay elevated is a biopsy. My questions are: 1. How long does it take for mild enzyme elevations ... Started having mild elevations of liver enzymes AST, ALT , and GGT starting sometime late 2013 ... Suggest remedies for elevated liver enzymes How do I lower elevated liver function tests? How do I lower AST & ALT?"
"docid": "D327555#0",
"title": "http://www.aafp.org/afp/1999/0415/p2223.html\nSpecial Considerations in Interpreting Liver Function Tests",
"text": "Special Considerations in Interpreting Liver Function Tests PRINT COMMENTSSHAREA more recent article on mildly elevated liver transaminase levels is available. DAVID E. JOHNSTON, M. D., University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico Am Fam Physician. 1999 Apr 15;59 (8):2223-2230. A number of pitfalls can be encountered in the interpretation of common blood liver function tests. These tests can be normal in patients with chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. The normal range for aminotransferase levels is slightly higher in males, nonwhites and obese persons. Severe alcoholic hepatitis is sometimes confused with cholecystitis or cholangitis. Conversely, patients who present soon after passing common bile duct stones can be misdiagnosed with acute hepatitis because aminotransferase levels often rise immediately, but alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase levels do not become elevated for several days. Asymptomatic patients with isolated, mild elevation of either the unconjugated bilirubin or the γ-glutamyltransferase value usually do not have liver disease and generally do not require extensive evaluation. Overall hepatic function can be assessed by applying the values for albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin time in the modified Child-Turcotte grading system."
"docid": "D2971625#0",
"title": "https://www.caring.com/questions/does-lipitor-cause-the-liver-enzymes-alt-and-ast-to-double-and-does-lipitor-h\nDoes Lipitor cause liver enzymes?",
"text": "Does Lipitor cause liver enzymes?1 answer | Last updated: Sep 15, 2016Castles asked... WHAT DOES LIPITOR DO TO A FATTY LIVER ? DOES LIPITOR CAUSE THE LIVER ENZYMES ALT AND AST TO BE DOUBLE ? TO BE TOO HIGH ? DOES IT CAUSE A REACTION WITH BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE AND ANTIDEPRESSANTS ? Expert Answers Jennifer Serafin, N. P. is a registered nurse and geriatric nurse practitioner at the Jewish Homes for the Aged in San Francisco. I will answer your questions in order. 1) What does lipitor do to a fatty liver? A recent study done by Athyros and colleagues in 2010 showed the safety of statin use in patients abnormal liver enzymes (alanine aminotransferase (ALT) that were less than three times normal) from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In the study, the patients with fatty liver had the same increases in their liver enzymes as a group who were not given statins. The study also found that the benefits of statin use with fatty liver disease included improved liver function tests compared to the group not given statins, and patients who started the trial with elevated liver function tests derived the greatest cardiovascular benefit of any group."
] |
636728 | what does elevated atypical lymphocytes mean? | [
"docid": "D537579#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100327103646AAZGRAn\nNormal WBC count but atypical lymphocytes, what could this mean?",
"text": "Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases Normal WBC count but atypical lymphocytes, what could this mean? Follow 2 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The atypical lymphocyte is a reactive lymphocyte of lymphoid origin that plays an important role in the immune response. An atypical lymphocyte is a nonmalignant white cell (leukocyte) seen in a peripheral blood smear (how a differential is performed). These lymphocytes are a non-specific response to stress from many kinds of stimuli. Atypical lymphocytosis develops when these lymphocytes react to an antigen. An antigen is a foreign protein found on pollen, pet dander, bacteria, viruses, fungi and donor tissue including blood. There a lot of infections, medications and auto-immune disorders that trigger atypical lymphocytes. I strongly suggest you speak to the provider who ordered the CBC and get interpretation from that person. I don't know your health history, why the test was ordered or what other tests were ordered and the results. Asking for interpretation in the way you have done opens the door for misunderstanding and false or misleading information."
] | [
"docid": "D616078#0",
"title": "http://www.buzzle.com/articles/low-neutrophils-and-high-lymphocytes.html\nLow Neutrophils and High Lymphocytes",
"text": "Low Neutrophils and High Lymphocytes A low neutrophil count along with a high lymphocyte count can be an indication of viral infections, autoimmune diseases and leukemias. The current article provides information regarding the absolute counts of these cell types, as well as the diseases that lead to high lymphocytes and low neutrophils. Neutrophils and lymphocytes are types of white blood cells that play an important and unique role in providing immunity against infections. Abnormal numbers of these cells influence the body's ability to fight infections. Abnormally low neutrophil count (neutropenia) as well as a high lymphocyte count (lymphocytosis) can be the result of viral infection or an indication of the adult-onset form of cyclic neutropenia, certain lymphoproliferative disorders like lymphomas and leukemias or certain autoimmune diseases. Neutrophils belong to the class polymorphonuclear granulocytes, and have a multilobed nucleus. These phagocytic cells provide the first line of defense against foreign bodies and pathogens, and play a major role in activating an immune response against a pathogenic agent. They occupy the highest count amongst white blood cells, and are divided into two types, segmented neutrophils (segs or polys) and banded neutrophils (bands). Segmented neutrophils circulate in a mature form, and possess a divided or segmented nucleus; while banded neutrophils are immature, and have a band-shaped nucleus. Decreased neutrophils, can be the result of immunosuppressive drugs, antipsychotics, chemotherapy, as also certain viral diseases."
"docid": "D2365928#0",
"title": "http://meandmymastcells.com/yet-another-bone-marrow-biopsy/\nYet Another Bone Marrow Biopsy",
"text": "Posted by admin on Jul 10, 2013 in Blog |Yet Another Bone Marrow Biopsy FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Peripheral blood and bone marrow, biopsy, clot and aspirate: Normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis and adequate storage iron. Few multifocal atypical mast cell infiltrates (5%). See comment COMMENT: This is a normocellular marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis and adequate storage iron. There are no significant dysplastic changes, increase in blasts or atypical plasma cells infiltrates. Flow cytometry (FC-13-G3 57) shows no increase in blasts or atypical lymphoid populations. There are few multifocal atypical mast cell infiltrates, some associated with lymphoid aggregates. Given the patient's clinical history and significantly elevated serumtryptase level (46.5 mg/L), marrow morphologic and immunohistochemical findings support the diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis. Marrow involvement appears to be minimal with less than 5% of atypical mast cell seen, based on the biopsy sections with immunohistochemistry There is no evidence of an associated clonal hematological non-mast cell lineage disease, based on the morphologic features in the current sample. CBC red cell indices together with the findings on peripheral smear are consistent with thalassemia. MICROSCOPIC: Bone marrow: Examined are biopsy, aspirate smears, clot sections, and touch preparations."
"docid": "D2902454#0",
"title": "https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/mono/tab/all/\nMononucleosis (Mono) Test",
"text": "\"Mononucleosis (Mono) Test Share this page: Was this page helpful? Also known as: Mononucleosis Spot Test; Mononuclear Heterophile Test; Heterophile Antibody Test; Monospot Formal name: Heterophile Antibody Titer Related tests: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibody Tests; Complete Blood Count; Strep Throat Test; TORCH; CMV Tests; CSF Analysis; Blood Smear All content on Lab Tests Online has been reviewed and approved by our Editorial Review Board. At a Glance Why Get Tested? To detect and help diagnose infectious mononucleosis (mono)When to Get Tested? When a person, especially an adolescent, has symptoms of mononucleosis, including fever, sore throat, swollen glands, and fatigue Sample Required? A blood sample drawn from pricking of your fingertip or from a vein in your arm Test Preparation Needed? None The Test Sample What is being tested? Infectious mononucleosis, commonly called mono, refers to an infection usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The mono test detects proteins in the blood called heterophile antibodies that are produced by the immune system in response to an EBV infection. Infectious mononucleosis is characterized by a particular set of symptoms that most often affects adolescents."
"docid": "D3356499#0",
"title": "https://treato.com/Atypical+Lymphocytes,Blood+Test/?a=s\nAtypical Lymphocytes and Blood Test",
"text": "\"Treato ❯ Atypical Lymphocytes and Blood Test Atypical Lymphocytes and Blood Test Read more about Atypical Lymphocytes and Blood Test Experiences Atypical Lymphocytes and Blood Test Filter by Gender M FRole Patient Caregiver Age All Add topic We found 27 discussions Share your experience Mark as question If still showing atypical lymphocytes, a blood test called ...| healthtap.com\"\" If still showing atypical lymphocytes, a blood test called a flow cytometry would be the next step. ... Most causes of atypical lymphocytes, especially in young patients, are benign. Talk to your doctor... \"\"Comment Helpful? Save My bloodwork showed an increase in atypical lymphocytes,August 8, 2006 | prohealth.com\"\" I had a bad viral infection back in March and they drew blood plus took blood cultures. My bloodwork showed an increase in atypical lymphocytes, and my urinalysis showed trace amounts of protein, blood, ketones and white blood cells. ... However, some people who are immunodeficient or immunosuppressed may have infections that don't show up in the bloodwork. For those people it... \"\"Comment Helpful? Savemy blood tests always show Atypical Lymphocytes, or ...| remedyspot.com\"\" my blood tests always show Atypical Lymphocytes, or abnormal lymphocytes, I now know that my Lymphocytes are indeed failing to form due to ? Being diagnosed also with lupus, my immune system is now making its own antibodies. Margaretha did make ... However I had psoriasis before my chicken pox vaccine and I had a bad reaction to that vaccine."
"docid": "D211518#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/epstein-barr_virus_infection/article_em.htm\nEpstein-Barr Virus",
"text": "\"What Is an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection (EBV Infection)? What Are Risk Factors and Causes of Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Symptomsand Signs? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection? What Specialists Treat Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Tests Do Doctors Use to Diagnose an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Treatments? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Home Remedies? Follow-up for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection How Can People Prevent Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Is the Prognosis for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection?"
"docid": "D2001097#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/136471-clinical\nHypogammaglobulinemia Clinical Presentation",
"text": "\"Drugs & Diseases > Allergy & Immunology Hypogammaglobulinemia Clinical Presentation Updated: Apr 11, 2017Author: Amit J Shah, MD; Chief Editor: Michael A Kaliner, MD more... Share Email Feedback Sections Overview Presentation DDx Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up References History Most patients with hypogammaglobulinemia present with a history of recurrent infections. A detailed clinical history should emphasize the following: Family history A positive family history may suggest the diagnosis and guide testing, but a negative family history does not exclude X-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton agammaglobulinemia; XLA), as new mutations may constitute more than half of the cases in some series. [ 5]A family history of a male infant with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) should suggest prompt testing of subsequent male infants. Age of onset Onset during early childhood suggests an inherited disorder. However, the condition transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy, as its name implies, represents a delay in the maturation of the full range of antibody responses, and usually resolves by a few years of age. Acquired hypogammaglobulinemias may start at any age, depending on the underlying cause (see Age). Site of infections The site of infections may provide clues to the significance and the type of immune deficiency. The specific system infections and symptoms are discussed in this section. Type of microorganisms Antibody deficiency and complement deficiency are associated with recurrent infections with encapsulated bacteria. These most often involve the respiratory tract, including otitis media, and may lead to bronchiectasis in childhood."
"docid": "D1130643#0",
"title": "https://allaboutblood.com/tag/causes-of-lymphocytosis/\nLymphocytosis in Adults",
"text": "September 28, 2017Lymphocytosis in Adults Diagnosis, Haemogram, Laboratory Tests, Leucocytosis, Lymphocytecauses of lymphocytosis, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia,infectious mononucleosis, Leucocytosis, Leukaemia, Lymphocytosis, reactive lymphocytes Leave a comment1 Vote Normal Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Lymphocytes are small leucocytes with a round nucleus and a thin rim of cytoplasm. About 10% of the peripheral lymphocytes are large, have a more abundant cytoplasm that has granules. These are called large granular lymphocytes (LGL). About 85% of the peripheral blood lymphocytes are T lymphocytes. The remaining are B lymphocytes and NK cells with B lymphocytes dominating. Lymphocytosis is increase in the lymphocyte counts to what is normal for age. Lymphocyte count is highest at birth and falls with age. Normal lymphocyte counts in adults is 1000 to 4800 cells/mm 3. Causes of Lymphocytosis Lymphocytosis may be reactive (see table below) or due to a malignancy. Reactive lymphocytosis is polyclonal."
"docid": "D513709#0",
"title": "http://www.dartmouth.edu/~dons/part_3/chapter_25.html\nChapter 25 - Infectious diseases of the central nervous system",
"text": "\"On this page Meningitis Bacterial meningitis Viral meningitis Granulomatous meningitis Tuberculous meningitis Cryptococcal meningitis Sarcoidosis Viral encephalitis Herpes simplex encephalitis Arboviruses Rabies Poliomyelitis Brain abscess Empyema Miscellaneous bacterial infections Syphilis Lyme disease Leprosy Ricketsial infections Fungal infections Protozoal infections Helminth infestations Prion disease Atypical viral infections CSF findings in infection References Questions Chapter 25 - Infectious diseases of the central nervous system Infection of the nervous system can involve the meninges (meningitis) or the brain substance itself (encephalitis), or both (meningoencephalitis). Additionally, infections can be acute or chronic. The organisms that are involved in infection are bacterial, parasitic or viral. Additionally, prions represent an unusual class of infectious agent that can damage the brain. We will discuss each of these scenarios and consider the differential diagnosis. Meningitis Acute bacterial meningitis (purulent meningitis)Bacteria reach the subarachnoid space via the bloodstream or, less often, by extension from contiguous structures such as the sinuses or ears. The infection is usually confined to the subarachnoid space, but toxins (from bacteria or leukocytes) can result in edema and also can damage blood vessels, causing additional damage. Patients with bacterial meningitis therefore present with changes in alertness (sensorium) in addition to headache, fever, and meningismus (a stiff neck that is most resistant to flexion.) Intracranial pressure is increased because of cerebral edema and due to interference with the normal circulation and resorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by the inflammatory process. The lumbar puncture is diagnostic."
"docid": "D935212#0",
"title": "http://thyrosite.com/course%20book/papillary%20cancer\n.",
"text": "\"Course book Papillary carcinoma Clinical presentation. Papillary carcinomas are included in relatively fast growing nodules. The period lasting from the detection to the first visit in patients who were aware about a palpable tumor was in the range of 3-24 months with a median of 8 months in our practice. This is more fast than in the case of a benign nodule but more slowly compared with medullary carcinoma. Palpation. As most malignant diseases, papillary carcinoma is presented generally by a firm or hard nodule. Nodules are not as hard as in the event of an anaplastic carcinoma. They are moveable, but in a less extent than benign nodules. In around 20% of cases we found enlarged, metastatic lymph nodes at the time of the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma. Palsy of therecurrent nerve can be found in aggressive subtypes and in patients who requested evaluation only years after detection of the nodule."
"docid": "D165720#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/low-lymphocyte-percentage\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Low Lymphocyte Percentage",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Low Lymphocyte Percentage Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Michael Dugan2 doctors agreed:1 I have a slight low lymphocyte percentage and a slight high platelet and mpv count. Could that be a sign of leukemia. Rest of CBC is normal. Unlikely: Absolute lymphs? Mpv means large platelets and no concern. ... Read more Dr. Gurmukh Singh2 I have high platelets, low MPV, low lymphocyte percentage, low MCH, high segmented neutrophils, high atypical lympcytes, high reticulocyte count? Any symptoms? : Why did you have these tests done? All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Having said that, it would have helped to have the actual values rather than your interpretation of high and low."
"docid": "D1590022#0",
"title": "http://byebyedoctor.com/macroglobulinemia/\nMacroglobulinemia â Symptoms, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Treatment",
"text": "Macroglobulinemia – Symptoms, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Treatment Written by Dr. Mary IN THIS ARTICLE: What is Macroglobulinemia? Macroglobulinemia Symptoms Macroglobulinemia Diagnosis Macroglobulinemia Treatment Macroglobulinemia Prognosis What is Macroglobulinemia? This is a very rare condition which involves the enlargement of the spleen and liver linked to anemia – low blood count – bleeding nose as well as an atypical blood protein. This condition is also called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia after the Professor who was the first to define individuals who were suffering with this condition. His portrayal contained many of the clinical structures of this disorder. Macroglobulinemia is a kind of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Macroglobulinemia denotes growth within the cavity of the bone marrow of an abnormal population of lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell. These lymphocytes in the bone marrow impede with the normal bone marrow role. If this growth of abnormal lymphocytes is not stopped, it can result in increasing symptoms which are related to low blood cell counts as well as the enlargement of the lymph glands. These enlarged lymph glands are most normally seen under the arms, in the groin or in the neck."
"docid": "D1360#0",
"title": "http://asheducationbook.hematologylibrary.org/content/2012/1/475.full\nASH Home ASH Store ASH AcademyMy Account Sign In",
"text": "ASH Home ASH Store ASH Academy My Account Sign In Skip to main page content About Hematology Subscriptions CME and MOC FAQs Current Issue Archives Advanced Search Malignant or benign leukocytosis Tracy I. George 1+ Author Affiliations1Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CANext Section Abstract Leukocytosis, or elevated WBC count, is a commonly encountered laboratory finding. Distinguishing malignant from benign leukocytosis is a critical step in the care of a patient, which initiates a vastly different decision tree. Confirmation of the complete blood cell count and the WBC differential is the first step. Examination of the PB smear is essential to confirming the automated blood cell differential or affirming the manual differential performed on the PB smear. Next is separation of the leukocytosis into a myeloid versus a lymphoid process. Distinguishing a reactive lymphoid proliferation from a lymphoproliferative disorder requires examination of lymphocyte morphology for pleomorphic lymphocytes versus a monomorphic population, with the latter favoring a lymphoproliferative neoplasm. Samples suspicious for lymphoproliferative disorders can be confirmed and characterized by flow cytometry, with molecular studies initiated in select cases; precursor lymphoid neoplasms (lymphoblasts) should trigger a BM examination. Myeloid leukocytosis triggers a differential diagnosis of myeloid leukemoid reactions versus myeloid malignancies. The manual differential is key, along with correct enumeration of blasts and blast equivalents, immature granulocytes, basophils, and eosinophils and identifying dysplasia to identify myeloid malignancies. Confirmation and characterization of myeloid malignancies should be performed with a BM examination and the appropriate ancillary studies."
"docid": "D1323485#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/sym/abnormal_blood_test_symptoms.htm\nAbnormal blood test symptoms",
"text": "\"Abnormal blood test symptoms Intro Types Causes Tests Treatment Symptom Checker Misdiagnosis Deaths Videos Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Abnormal blood test symptoms: Abnormal blood test symptoms: Introduction Causes (1538 conditions)Symptom Checker Types Misdiagnosis Deaths Home Testing Treatments Videos Comorbid Symptoms Classifications News (26 listings)Abnormal blood test symptoms: Introduction Abnormal blood test symptoms: Abnormal results from diagnostic blood tests. See detailed information below for a list of 1538 causes of Abnormal blood test symptoms, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.» Review Causes of Abnormal blood test symptoms: Causes | Symptom Checker »Home Diagnostic Testing and Abnormal blood test symptoms Home medical tests possibly related to Abnormal blood test symptoms: Fatigue: Related Home Tests: Home Anemia Tests Home Thyroid Gland Function Testsmore home tests...»Causes of Types of Abnormal blood test symptoms: Review the causes of these more specific types of Abnormal blood test symptoms: Abetalipoproteinemia (2 causes)Abnormal blood smear findings in children (43 causes)Monoclonal band in gamma (3 causes)Acute triglyceride-related symptoms (3 causes)Anaemia in pregnancy (20 causes)Anemia (926 causes)Anemia due to brucellosis (3 causes)Anemia in fetus (13 causes)Anemia in newborn (11 causes)Anemia in pregnancy (18 causes)Basophilic stippling in blood smear (7 causes)Basophilic stippling in blood smear in children (10 causes)Absence of gamma (2 causes)Absent alpha 1 band (1 cause)Blood abnormalities (62 causes)Blood decreased p H (50 causes)Blood increased p H (11 causes)Blood lithium concentration (6 causes)Cholesterol and lipids (40 causes)Cholesterol-related symptoms (10 causes)more types...»See full list of 445 types for Abnormal blood test symptoms Abnormal blood test symptoms: Symptom Checker Listed below are some combinations of symptoms associated with Abnormal blood test symptoms, as listed in our database. Visit the Symptom Checker , to add and remove symptoms and research your condition. Symptom Checker Abnormal blood test symptoms: Symptom Checker Symptom Checker Abnormal blood test symptoms and Blood symptoms (1432 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Abdominal symptoms (1136 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Nerve symptoms (1123 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Head symptoms (1009 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Muscle symptoms (989 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Body symptoms (946 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Digestive symptoms (922 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Red blood cell symptoms (868 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Anemia (840 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Upper abdominal symptoms (839 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Sensory symptoms (838 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Muscle weakness (828 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Movement symptoms (808 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Musculoskeletal symptoms (803 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Pain (747 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Mouth symptoms (743 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Sensations (733 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Fatigue (732 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Energy symptoms (720 causes)Abnormal blood test symptoms and Face symptoms (714 causes)more...»See full list of 501 Symptom Checkers for Abnormal blood test symptoms Abnormal blood test symptoms Treatments Review further information on Abnormal blood test symptoms Treatments . Abnormal blood test symptoms: Animations Blood Clot More Abnormal blood test symptoms animations & videos Abnormal blood test symptoms: Comorbid Symptoms Some of the comorbid or associated medical symptoms for Abnormal blood test symptoms may include these symptoms: Blood symptoms Abdominal symptoms Nerve symptoms Head symptoms Muscle symptoms Body symptoms Digestive symptomsmore associated symptoms...»See all associated comorbid symptoms for Abnormal blood test symptoms Causes of General Symptom Types Research the causes of these more general types of symptom: Blood symptoms (2297 causes)more symptoms...»Research the causes of related medical symptoms such as: Blood test Abnormal Abnormal pain (6 causes)Blood (1783 causes)Blood symptoms (2297 causes)Blood disease Blood disorder Testmore symptoms...»Abnormal blood test symptoms: Deaths Read more about causes and Abnormal blood test symptoms deaths . Misdiagnosis and Abnormal blood test symptoms Unnecessary hysterectomies due to undiagnosed bleeding disorder in women: The bleeding disorder called Von Willebrand's disease is quite common in women, but often... read more »Read more about Misdiagnosis and Abnormal blood test symptoms Abnormal blood test symptoms: Research Related Doctors & Specialists Blood Health Specialists (Hematology): Hematology (Blood Specialists)Pediatric Hematology / Oncology (Child Cancer/Leukemia)Hematopathology (Blood Diagnostics)more specialists...»Other ways to find a doctor, or use doctor, physician and specialist online research services: Rate Your Doctor by Taking a Survey Online Research Your Doctor View Online Patient Surveys from Other Patients of Your Doctor Research local doctors and specialists including ratings, affiliations, and sanctions."
"docid": "D1702445#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/epstein-barr_virus_infection/page3_em.htm\nEpstein-Barr Virus",
"text": "\"What Is an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection (EBV Infection)? What Are Risk Factors and Causes of Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Symptomsand Signs? When Should Someone Seek Medical Care for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection? What Specialists Treat Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Tests Do Doctors Use to Diagnose an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Treatments? What Are Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Home Remedies? Follow-up for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection How Can People Prevent Epstein-Barr Virus Infections? What Is the Prognosis for an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection?"
"docid": "D1989059#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-low-absolute-lymphocytes-mean\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Low Absolute Lymphocytes Mean",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Low Absolute Lymphocytes Mean Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ed Friedlander1 doctor agreed:1 Absolute lymphocytes mean? Total number: In a given volume of blood, rather than percentage. It's a more helpful number. Only very marked deviation from the reference range is worrisome. ... Read more Dr. Shaad Abdullah2 Why would absolute lymphocytes be low? Various causes: Most common cause of low lymphocytes are an infection which usually resolves. One of the common causes of low lymphocytes is HIV which affects the lymphocytes and reduces their number. If low, the patient should see a hematologist. ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gurmukh Singh3 Is absolute lymphocyte count of 1.9 on a 2.3 low range reason to be seriously concerned.? Does not add up: All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that."
"docid": "D948667#0",
"title": "http://www.fpnotebook.com/Hemeonc/Lab/LkcytMrphlgyOnPrphrlSmr.htm\nLeukocyte Morphology on Peripheral Smear",
"text": "\"See Also Page Contents Bone Marrow Exam Leukocyteadvertisement II. Background Variants below as seen on Peripheral Smear III. Toxic granulation of Neutrophils and Metamyelocytes Bacterial Infection s IV. Atypical lymphocytes Viral infections V. Giant cytoplasmic granules Chediak-Higashi Syndrome VI. Bilobed Neutrophils Pelger-Huet anomaly VII. Hypersegmented Neutrophils Pernicious Anemia ( Vitamin B12 Deficiency)Folate Deficiency Myeloproliferative disease VIII. Myeloblasts, Promyelocytes, Myelocytes Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Acute promyelocytic Leukemia Chronic myelocytic Leukemia Myelofibrosis Polycythemia Vera IX. Large granular Lymphocytes T-gamma lymphoproliferative disease Natural Killer Cell s X. Lymphoblasts Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Prolymphocytic Leukemia Malignant Lymphoma Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Infectious Mononucleosis XI. Plasmablasts Multiple Myeloma Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)These images are a random sampling from a Bing search on the term \"\"Leukocyte Morphology on Peripheral Smear.\"\" Click on the image (or right click) to open the source website in a new browser window."
"docid": "D556995#0",
"title": "https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/332125-workup\nSjogren Syndrome Workup",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Rheumatology Sjogren Syndrome Workup Updated: Feb 11, 2018Author: Sriya K Ranatunga, MD, MPH; Chief Editor: Herbert S Diamond, MD more... Share Email Feedback Sections Overview Presentation DDx Workup Treatment Guidelines Medication Media Gallery References Approach Considerations Some laboratory tests can be used to assess salivary and lacrimal involvement in Sjögren syndrome. However, no single test is sufficiently sensitive or specific in the diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome. The condition is properly diagnosed only when the results of various tests are simultaneously positive and when subjective symptoms and serologic abnormalities are present. [ 60]Laboratory test results may indicate the following: Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)Anemia Leukopenia Eosinophilia Hypergammaglobulinemia Presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), especially anti-Ro and anti-La Presence of rheumatoid factor (RF)Presence of anti–alpha-fodrin antibody (reliable diagnostic marker of juvenile Sjögren syndrome)Creatinine clearance may be diminished in up to 50% of patients Multiple autoantibodies are associated with Sjögren syndrome. [ 61] In a study in which atypical autoantibodies were evaluated in 82 patients with primary Sjögren syndrome, an immunologic overlap (defined by the presence of autoantibodies typical of other systemic autoimmune diseases) was evident in 20% of the patients. The clinical significance of these atypical autoantibodies varied widely. [ 62]Patients with primary Sjögren syndrome may have positive test results for lupus anticoagulant and/or anticardiolipin antibodies, and some patients develop clinical events (ie, fetal wastage, arterial and/or venous thrombosis) associated with antiphospholipid syndrome. Anti ̶ salivary duct antibodies are present in most cases of secondary Sjögren syndrome. Type II cryoglobulins are noted, particularly in patients with palpable and nonpalpable vasculitic purpura. Hepatitis C should be sought in these patients."
"docid": "D523439#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_a_high_lymph\nWhat does a high lymph?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Laboratory Testing What does a high lymph? Flag What does a high lymph? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.high lymphocytes either indicate that you have some type of viral infection, bacterial infection or cancer. they do range from a certain percentage. if yours are just a couple points out of range i would think it would be a viral infection. usually when your white blood cell count is sky high is when to worry for the worse. but i would check with your doctor and see what they want you to do. Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What are the causes for a low neutrophil count and a high lymph count? My findings are usually body is fighting against a viral infection."
"docid": "D1897966#0",
"title": "https://www.diagnose-me.com/symptoms-of/epstein-barr-virus-EBV.php\nEpstein-Barr Virus (EBV): Overview",
"text": "\"Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV): Overview The Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV) is a member of the herpes group and the primary cause of infectious mononucleosis . It mainly affects young adults and children, although in children it is usually so mild that it is often overlooked. Infectious mononucleosis is fairly common and both sexes are affected equally; prognosis is excellent, and major complications are uncommon. Diagnose your symptoms now!let The Analyst™ find what's wrongcheck your overall health statusunderstand what's happening to your body In the early 1990s several papers were published that described patients with CFS and serologic test results consistent with reactivated or persistent Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV) infection. This proposed connection led to the use of terms such as \"\"chronic mononucleosis \"\", \"\"chronic EBV infection\"\" and \"\"postviral fatigue syndrome\"\". Further investigation failed to establish a pattern of disease and chronic infection with EBV. Signs and Symptoms Acute EBV Infection. Symptoms of mononucleosis mimic those of other infectious diseases, including hepatic dysfunction ( hepatitis ), rubella and toxoplasmosis. Early symptoms include headache, malaise, and fatigue followed by a triad of symptoms: sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy, and temperature fluctuations / fever. Other consequences include increased lymphocytes and monocytes, and development of heterophil antibodies ."
"docid": "D1050924#0",
"title": "https://health.onehowto.com/article/what-does-an-elevated-lymphocyte-count-mean-7792.html\nWhat Does An Elevated Lymphocyte Count Mean",
"text": "What Does An Elevated Lymphocyte Count Mean Rating: 4.9 (49 votes) 19 comments Shared 2 times Nidhi Nangia When you go through a blood test, you may sometimes hear that you have a high lymphocytes count, this is a common condition after a disease or illness, known as lymphocytosis but it can be a serious problem if it persists. Here at one HOWTO, we are going to tell you what an elevated lymphocytes count means and every thing you need to do to lower its levels. You may also be interested in: What Does a Low Neutrophil count mean Contents What does it mean? How much count is considered as ‘high’? How to know if you have an elevated lymphocyte count What causes high lymphocyte count? When to contact a doctor What does it mean? Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that are found in our body and have a very important role to play in our immune system. These help you in fighting against diseases, and remain protected and healthy. If you have recently gone through an infection, disease or illness, then it is common for your body to have a high lymphocytes count, also known as lymphocytosis. Most commonly, it means that you have a viral infection, but sometimes, it may also mean an autoimmune disorder or a certain form of cancer or Leukemia."
] |
636731 | what does elevated bilirubin indicate | [
"docid": "D469143#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/bilirubin/basics/definition/PRC-20019986\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview Bilirubin testing checks for levels of bilirubin in your blood. Bilirubin (bil-ih-ROO-bin) is an orange-yellow substance made during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. Bilirubin passes through the liver and is eventually excreted out of the body. Higher than normal levels of bilirubin may indicate different types of liver problems. Occasionally, higher bilirubin levels may indicate an increased rate of destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis). Why it's done Bilirubin testing is usually done as part of a group of tests to check the health of your liver. Bilirubin testing may be done to: Investigate jaundice — elevated levels of bilirubin can cause yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice). A common use of the test is to measure bilirubin levels in newborns. Determine whether there might be blockage in your liver's bile ducts Help detect or monitor the progression of other liver disease, such as hepatitis Help detect increased destruction of red blood cells Help follow how a treatment is working Help evaluate suspected drug toxicity Some common tests that might be done at the same time as bilirubin testing include: Liver function tests. A group of blood tests that measure certain enzymes or proteins in your blood."
] | [
"docid": "D2734597#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/total-bilirubin-tbil\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: Total Bilirubin Tbil",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: Total Bilirubin Tbil Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Gurmukh Singh1 Is total bilirubin 2.8 dangerous? Can be: It is important to determine why the bilirubin is elevated. It may be a transient phenomenon due to a viral infection or the result of metastases to the liver and a whole lot of things in between. All lab results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the test is ... Read more Dr. Mark Ingerman106 Doctors shared insights Total Bilirubin (Definition)Bilirubin, a product of hemoglobin breakdown, is present in two forms in the human body: unconjugated (indirect bilirubin, insoluble) and conjugated (direct bilirubin, soluble). Unconjugated bilirubin is conjugated in the liver and released into the small intestine in bile, the fluid in the gallbladder. Total bilirubin measures indirect bilirubin plus direct bilirubin; part of ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Andras Koser1 doctor agreed:2 What does low total bilirubin mean? Low is OK: In general we all worry about elevated bilirubin. Low bilirubin does not suggest any particular illness, it can be cause by certain medications and vitamin c . ... Read more Dr. Kathy Robinson2 doctors agreed:3 Is a total bilirubin level of 10 normal? High: Normal values for labs are slightly different but usually normal total bilirubin levels are 0.5 to 2.0 mg/dl."
"docid": "D1390948#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/927624-overview\nCholestasis",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Pediatrics: General Medicine Cholestasis Updated: Aug 09, 2017Author: Hisham Nazer, MB, BCh, FRCP, , DTM&H; Chief Editor: Carmen Cuffari, MD more... Share Email Feedback Sections Overview Presentation Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up References Background Cholestasis is defined as a decrease in bile flow due to impaired secretion by hepatocytes or to obstruction of bile flow through intra-or extrahepatic bile ducts. Therefore, the clinical definition of cholestasis is any condition in which substances normally excreted into bile are retained. The serum concentrations of conjugated bilirubin and bile salts are the most commonly measured. Not all substances normally excreted into bile are retained to the same extent in various cholestatic disorders. In some conditions, serum bile salts may be markedly elevated while bilirubin is only modestly elevated and vice versa. However, demonstrable retention of several substances is needed to establish a diagnosis of cholestasis. Only in rare disorders of bilirubin metabolism (eg, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome) does an isolated increase in the serum concentration of conjugated bilirubin appear, so increased serum conjugated bilirubin indicates cholestasis. The histopathologic definition of cholestasis is the appearance of bile within the elements of the liver, usually associated with secondary cell injury. Pathophysiology The mechanisms of cholestasis can be broadly classified into hepatocellular, where an impairment of bile formation occurs, and obstructive, where impedance to bile flow occurs after it is formed. The typical histopathologic features of hepatocellular cholestasis include the presence of bile within hepatocytes and canalicular spaces, in association with generalized cholate injury."
"docid": "D14117#0",
"title": "https://www.liverdoctor.com/liver-function-tests/\nLiver function tests â what do they mean?",
"text": "Home » Articles » Newsletter Article » Liver function tests – what do they mean? Liver function tests – what do they mean? December 7, 2012 Newsletter Article 206 Comments 204,554 Views Facebook Liver Function Tests A blood test for your liver checks the following: • The function of the liver, which will show if the liver is manufacturing enough protein for the body to function normally • The amount of bile pigment in the blood – this can be elevated if there is a blockage in the bile ducts or if there is a deficiency of a liver enzyme that processes bile; bile pigment is known as bilirubin • The level of your liver enzymes – if these are elevated this means that your liver cells are inflamed or slightly damaged which can be from various causes. Your blood test for liver function will be processed by an automated multi-channel analyzer and is extremely accurate; it will check the blood levels of the following: Liver Enzymes AST – (aspartate aminotransferase), which was previously called SGOT. This enzyme can also be elevated in heart and muscular diseases and is not liver specific. Normal range of AST is 5-45 U/L. ALT – (alanine aminotransferase), which was previously called SGPT and is more specific for liver damage. Normal range of ALT is 5-45 U/L. AP – (alkaline phosphatase) is elevated in many types of liver disease but also in non-liver related diseases. Normal range of AP is 30-120 U/L. GT – (gamma glutamyl transpeptidase) is liver specific. GT is often elevated in those who use alcohol or other liver toxic substances to excess. Normal range of GT is 5- 35 U/L. Question: Why do all or some of these enzymes become elevated in cases of liver dysfunction or disease?"
"docid": "D21596#0",
"title": "http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/hepatology/guide-to-common-liver-tests/\nLiver Test Interpretation - Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease: A Guide to Commonly Used Liver Tests",
"text": "\"Liver Test Interpretation - Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease: A Guide to Commonly Used Liver Tests Arvind R. Murali, MDWilliam D. Carey, MDPublished: April 2014 Last Reviewed: August 2017Contents Laboratory assessment of the patient with suspected or clinically obvious liver disease is context dependent. For example, the acutely ill jaundiced patient with a history of prolonged alcohol ingestion requires a different laboratory assessment than the well patient in whom one or more standard liver test results are discovered to be abnormal during routine testing. Additionally, the sequence of liver tests depends heavily on the questions being asked. If it is to determine whether this well person whose brother was recently diagnosed with hemochromatosis also has this genetic disease, then a series of tests will be initiated to detect the possibility of iron overload. If it is to determine whether this spouse has been infected with hepatitis B, then blood tests related to hepatitis B will be required. Thus generic algorithms for the evaluation of liver disease need to be considered skeptically. This chapter is intended to discuss a useful way of thinking about liver tests. It emphasizes limitations of and alternative explanations for isolated abnormalities of common liver test results. It also provides information on the initial screening test to be chosen, their interpretation, and the tests needed to confirm the diagnosis of common liver disorders based on current recommendations. Information in this chapter should be combined with discussions of specific liver diseases in the Disease Management."
"docid": "D2273276#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/liver-leaking-protein\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Liver Leaking Protein",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Liver Leaking Protein Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Thomas Namey1 doctor agreed:1 Is whey protein bad for your liver? Only if...: You have severe liver disease. Ammonia will build up in the blood. If your liver is healthy, whey protein is an excellent source of protein and will not hurt a liver! ... Read more Dr. Lawrence Kessler2 Doctors shared insights Liver (Definition)This organ plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, and detoxification. It lies below the diaphragm in the abdominal-pelvic region of the abdomen. It produces bile, an alkaline compound which aids in digestion via the emulsification of ... Read more Dr. Andrew Seibert Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology28 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Michael Sparacino2 I was told my liver is not properly breaking down carbs or proteins what does this mean and what type of diet should I go on? See below: Your liver is in some way compromised. See your doctor and have him/her refer you to a dietician to figure out the best diet for you. ... Read more Dr. Thomas Namey2 doctors agreed:3 Why and What causes your liver to increase output of C reactive protein?"
"docid": "D469144#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Total+bilirubin\nbilirubin",
"text": "\"bilirubin (redirected from Total bilirubin) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia .bilirubin [ bil″ĭ-roo´bin] a yellow to orange bile pigment produced by the breakdown of heme and reduction of biliverdin; it normally circulates in plasma and is taken up by liver cells and conjugated to form bilirubindiglucuronide, the water-soluble pigment excreted in the bile. Bilirubin. The metabolism of bilirubin. Once bile is taken up and conjugated by the liver, some leakage of bilirubin mono- and diglucuronides does occur, butthese normally account for less than 5% of circulating bilirubin. In bile, morethan 80% is conjugated as the diglucuronide form. From Aspinall and Taylor-Robinson, 2001. Failure of the liver cells to excretebile, or obstruction of thebile ducts, can cause an increased amount of bilirubin in the body fluidsand lead to obstructive jaundice. Another type of jaundice,hemolytic jaundice, results from excessive destruction of erythrocytes. The more rapid theerythrocyte destruction and hemoglobin degradation, the greater the amount of bilirubin in bodyfluids. Laboratory tests for the determination of bilirubin content in the blood are of value in diagnosing liverdysfunction and in evaluating hemolytic anemias. ("
"docid": "D2541865#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/168760575/care-of-patient-with-disorders-of-the-gallbladder-liver-and-pancreas-flash-cards/\nCare of Patient with Disorders of the Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas",
"text": "\"389 terms Niniwood Care of Patient with Disorders of the Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas Before being discharged to home, the patient with gallbladder disease is given instructions regarding the care of the drain and the T-tube. Which patient statement indicates a need for further teaching? \"\" I would have yellowish skin discoloration the rest of my life\"\"If the patient has a history of chronic cholecystitis, which comment is cause for greatest concern? \"\" I have generalized abdominal pain and fever\"\"The nurse is caring for a 57 y.o. patient with ascites due to liver insufficiency. The nurse anticipates that the physician will use which therapeutic regimen to reduce portal hypertension? Vascular shunting of hte portal venous systems THe patient with high levels of serum ammonia asks, \"\"Why do I have to continue taking lactulose?\"\" What is the best response? \"\" It reduces intestinal absorption of ammonia\"\"The nurse is caring for a patient who underwent a recent liver transplantation. The nurse reinforces the teaching related to self care."
"docid": "D2053082#0",
"title": "http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=1+2135&aid=314\n.",
"text": "Symptoms Pets with liver disorders can show a variety of physical symptoms. Very few of the symptoms are specific for liver disease, but can be signs of multiple diseases and conditions. A few symptoms such as jaundice do point toward the liver. The following table lists examples of symptoms that may indicate a liver disorder. Symptoms of Liver Disorders Seizures Behavior changes Vomiting Diarrhea Jaundice Anesthesia intolerance Increase in drinking and urination Gray-white and soft feces Abdominal distention due to ascites or liver enlargement Reduced appetite Weight loss Findings on physical exam During the physical examination, the veterinarian may also find the following signs: pale mucous membranes from an increased breakdown of red blood cells resulting in anemia, hepatomegaly (liver enlargement) due to the disease process, splenomegaly (spleen enlargement), and ascites especially if the liver disease is causing an increase in the blood pressure of the vessels in and around the liver. Chemistry panel Different types of tests are performed to help diagnose the disease process. Multiple tests can be performed on one blood sample. Tests that are often included in a chemistry panel include: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme important in liver function. It leaks from cells that are damaged. The magnitude of elevation is roughly proportional to the number of injured liver cells."
"docid": "D613667#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-reduce-bilirubin-levels-in-my-body\nHow can I reduce bilirubin levels in my body?",
"text": "\"Bilirubin Human Body Health Medicine and Healthcare How can I reduce bilirubin levels in my body?13 Answers Rahul Patel, Health Answered Apr 26, 2016 · Author has 586 answers and 3.6m answer views If it's not Halloween, yellow skin and eyes may not be the look you're going for. When levels of bilirubin, a byproduct of red blood cells, get too high, it can lead to jaundice, or yellowing of the skin. Elevated bilirubin is not common in adults, but it does happen and is usually due to an underlying illness involving the liver such as cirrhosis, hepatitis or Gilbert's syndrome, an inherited disease, according to Medline Plus. No special diet will help lower bilirubin levels, but following a healthy diet that supports liver function may keep levels within normal range. Consult your doctor if you're concerned about bilirubin levels and liver health. Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods Your liver processes the nutrients you eat into energy and filters out toxins in your blood. Eating a diet filled with nutrient-rich foods can help your liver function properly and may help your body better process bilirubin to keep levels within an acceptable range. Nutrient-rich foods for a healthy liver include whole grains; fruits; vegetables; lean sources of protein such as fish, poultry and beans; low-fat dairy; and healthy fats such as oils. Get More Fiber A diet high in fiber is good for your liver, says the American Liver Foundation. It helps your liver by promoting the regeneration of its cells, according to a study published in 2005 in the \"\"Journal of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition.\"\""
"docid": "D2832915#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/normal-range-of-alkaline-phosphatase-in-children\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Normal Range Of Alkaline Phosphatase In Children",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Normal Range Of Alkaline Phosphatase In Children Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ed Friedlander3 doctors agreed:1 Is a blood level alkaline phosphatase of 46 (range 45 - 129) normal or low? Could it cause problems? It's fine: A low alkaline phosphatase level never means anything, and reference ranges are set so that several percent of healthy folks fall outside in the first place. Stop worrying and be grateful for good health. ... Read more Dr. Andrew Seibert666 Doctors shared insights Alkaline Phosphatase (Definition)The normal range is 20 to 140 iu/l. [ 12] high levels can indicate active bone formation occurring as alp is a byproduct of osteoblast activity (such as the case in paget's disease of bone). Levels are also elevated in people with untreated celiac ... Read more Dr. Stephen Berns Pathology13 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Jovita Anyanwu1 doctor agreed:2 Yellow stools, sometimes loose/watery. Bilirubin in range, amylase & lipase normal and alkaline phosphatase in range. Ultrasound shows normal g/bladder and main ducts. Liver normal."
"docid": "D1385944#0",
"title": "http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2103&aid=315\n.",
"text": "Symptoms Pets with liver disorders can show a variety of physical symptoms. Very few of the symptoms are specific for liver disease, but can be signs of multiple diseases and conditions. A few symptoms such as jaundice do point toward the liver. The following table lists examples of symptoms that may indicate a liver disorder. Symptoms of Liver Disorders Seizures Behavior changes Vomiting Diarrhea Jaundice Anesthesia intolerance Increase in drinking and urination Gray-white and soft feces Abdominal distention due to ascites or liver enlargement Reduced appetite Weight loss Findings on physical exam During the physical examination, the veterinarian may also find the following signs: pale mucous membranes from an increased breakdown of red blood cells resulting in anemia, hepatomegaly (liver enlargement) due to the disease process, splenomegaly (spleen enlargement), and ascites especially if the liver disease is causing an increase in the blood pressure of the vessels in and around the liver. Chemistry panel Different types of tests are performed to help diagnose the disease process. Multiple tests can be performed on one blood sample. Tests that are often included in a chemistry panel include: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme important in liver function. It leaks from cells that are damaged. The magnitude of elevation is roughly proportional to the number of injured liver cells."
"docid": "D698301#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/liver-function-tests/about/pac-20394595\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Liver function tests are blood tests used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. The tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood. Some of these tests measure how well the liver is performing its normal functions of producing protein and clearing bilirubin, a blood waste product. Other liver function tests measure enzymes that liver cells release in response to damage or disease. Abnormal liver function test results don't always indicate liver disease. Your doctor will explain your results and what they mean. Why it's done Liver function tests can be used to: Screen for liver infections, such as hepatitis Monitor the progression of a disease, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis, and determine how well a treatment is working Measure the severity of a disease, particularly scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)Monitor possible side effects of medications Liver function tests check the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood. Levels that are higher or lower than normal can indicate liver problems. Some common liver function tests include: Alanine transaminase (ALT). ALT is an enzyme found in the liver that helps your body metabolize protein."
"docid": "D567686#0",
"title": "http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/liverdisease.htm\nLiver Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis",
"text": "\"Liver Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis Column written by: Dr. Fleming, Sherwood Animal Clinic (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)This topic is as big as the states of Alaska and Texas combined. I really cannot do it justice in a short essay, but I think it deserves some mention, if only to give the pet owner some understanding as to the difficulties involved when a veterinarian is faced with a case of possible liver failure. If you asked ten people on the street what they knew about \"\"liver\"\", I would bet that the only consistent answer you would get is that it tastes really bad unless the cook really knows his stuff. The best description of the liver I can give you is that this organ is the main industrial centre of the body. The liver processes raw materials, manufactures the building blocks of the body, recycles the old to make new, and detoxifies the industrial waste of the body. In short the liver is involved in just about every biochemical process required to run e body. As a result of this relationship, liver disease can affect just about any other part of the body and thus the symptoms of liver disease are typically unpredictable and non- specific. Furthermore, because the liver acts as a \"\"biochemical cross roads\"\" for the body, it is affected by a wide range of diseases, including viral and bacterial infections, degenerative and neoplastic disease, and toxic insults. It is estimated that three per cent of all disease seen by veterinarians is liver based. The liver has a double edged nature which, while being life preserving, makes diagnoses and treatment of liver disease extremely difficult."
"docid": "D2263864#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/17030816/esp-abdominal-sonography-review-flash-cards/\nESP Abdominal Sonography Review",
"text": "\"120 terms annie_bess ESP Abdominal Sonography Review Back of the book purple pages Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort All of the following are associated with echinococcal cysts except: A: cyst w/in a cyst presentation B: Casoni skin test C: Ascites D: Anaphalatic shock E: Water Lilly sign C: Ascites Which fetal circulation pathway connects the left portal vein to the IVC? Ductus Venosus The ligamentum venosum is all of the following except: A: A remnant of the umbilical vein B: A remnant of the ductus venosus C: A remnant of the fetal circulation which shunts blood from the umbilical vein to the IVC bypassing the liver D: Divides caudate lobe from left lobe of liver A: A remnant of the umbilical vein The caudate lobe is located on the ____ surface of the liver. posterosuperior The ligamentum teres: A: resides in the left intersegmental fissure B: is a remnant of the umbilical vein. C: recannalizes in severe cirrhosis D: is an echogenic spot on transverse liver images E: all of the above E: All the above Cystic lesions within the liver include all except: A: Congenital cysts B: Polycistic liver disease C: Caroli's disease D: Hemangiomas D: Hemangiomas Which is in decreasing order of echogenicity? A: Pancreas > renal sinus > liver >renal parenchyma B: Renal sinus > pancreas > liver > renal parenchyma C: Renal sinus > renal parenchyma > pancreas > liver D: Pancreas > renal sinus > renal parenchyma > liver B: Renal sinus > pancreas > liver > renal parenchyma Which part of the liver is lease affected by Budd Chiari? Caudate All of the following mass lesions are benign except: A: Hematoma B: Hamartoma C: Hepatic adenoma D: Hepatoma E: Hemagioma D: Hepatoma A parasitic disease of the liver causing portal hypertension and occlusion of the portal veins is: Schistosomiasis If on sonographic exam, one finds a patient with intrahepatic dilated ducts and a small gallbladder, this may indicate that the level of obstruction is: A: at the proximal CBD B: above the cystic duct C: below the cystic duct D: at the Ampulla of vater E: a the head of the pancreas B: Above the cystic duct Dilatation of the intrahepatic billiary tree without dilatation of the extrahepatic duct includes all of the following except: A: Klatskin tumor B: enlarged portal lymph nodes C: cholangiocarcinoma D: pancreatic carcinoma D: pancreatic carcinoma A 48-yr old femal presents postcholecystectomy with RUQ pain, elevated serum bilirubin (mainly conjugated), and bilirubin in her urine. It is true that: A: she probably has hepatitis B: she probably has a stone, tumor or stricture obstructing the bile duct C: the common duct will probably be less than 5 mm in diameter D: alkaline phosphatase will be normal B: she probably has a stone, tumor or stricture obstructing the bile duct Increasing levels of alkaline phosphatase are expected with: A: biliary obstruction B: children C: hepatocellular disease D: pregnancy E: all the above E: all the above (Seen in any bile duct obstruction, pregnancy, bone growth disease or growing children)A phrygian cap is: A fold at the gallbladder fundus The causes of a large ballbladder include all the following except: A: adenomyomatosis B: cystic duct obstruction C: pancreatic carcinoma D: diabetes mellitus E: a fasting patient F: common duct obstruction A: adenomyomatosis (thick wall with diverticula)Which of the following is associated with Caroli disease? A: dilated intrahepatic bile ducts B: dilated extrahepatic bile ducts C: Courvoisier gallbladder D: Diffuse thickening of the common duct A: Dilated intrahepatic bile ducts Thickening of the gallbladder wall is a common feature in: A: hypoalbuminemia B: cholecystitis C: adenomyomatosis D: carcinoma of the gallbladder E: all the above E: All the above Gallbladder wall thickening may be due to all the following except: A: ascites B: hypoproteinemia C: rt-sided congestive cardiac failure D: fatty liver E: acute cholecystitis D: Fatty liver Courvoisier's sign is associated with all the following except: A: pancreatic carcinoma B: dilated gallbladder C: hepatocellular carcinoma D: biliary duct dilatation E: painless jaundice C: hepatocellular carcinoma Throughout its course, the splenic vein is located on the: A: anterior surface of the pancreatic body and tail B: anterior surface of the uncinate process C: posterior surface of the pancreatic body and tail D: superior surface of the pancreatic body and tail C: posterior surface of the pancreatic body and tail The most common primary neoplasm of the pancreas is is adenocarcinoma. This: A: is usually found in the head of the pancreas B: is accompanied by wt loss and painless jaundice C: is accompanied by a dilated GB D: Causes dilatation of the CBD E: all the above E: all the above The portion of the pancreas that lies posterior to the superior mesenteric artery and vein is the: A: Head B: uncinate process C: body D: tail B: uncinate process The pancreas is located in the: A: lesser sac B: greater sac C: perirenal space D: peritoneum E: retroperitoneum E: retroperitoneum Occasionally, a pseudocyst may have internal echoes and be confused with an abscess. To distinguish the two, one should look for: A:calcification B: fluid in the lesser sac C: gas D: septations C: gas Chronic pancreatitis may be associated with which of the following sonographic patterns?"
"docid": "D2361346#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-ast-mean-in-blood-work\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Ast Mean In Blood Work",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Ast Mean In Blood Work Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ed Friedlander1 I have a low (11) for ast on my blood work, what exactly does this mean? Nothing: If you feel well, it is a non-problem ... Read more Dr. Tiffanie Noonan Sgot (Definition)Has metabolic function, elevated if ... Read more Dr. Stephen Berns Pathology13 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Laura Mc Mullen2 What is ALT & AST and what does it do? Test results from my blood work came back and these two results were doubled the norm and I would like to know what that means. ALT : Alt (alanine aminotransferase) and ast (aspartate aminotransferase) are enzymes found predominantly in liver cells that leak out when there is liver cell damage. Alt is pretty specific to the liver even though small amounts of alt can be found in heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle. Ast can be elevated after a ... Read more Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc1 doctor agreed:3 My dads blood work says \"\" High\"\" Ast 44 and High alt 68 And High hemoglobin 6.1% Were going to Dr on Monday but wondering what it means? Diabetes: A1c is in diabetes range. A very common complication of diabetes is fatty liver that can cause very mild elevation of liver enzymes. Short of that, anything else is possible. Would still recommend repeating the liver enzymes, AST and ALT, avoiding alcohol and any OTC meds in the interim, specifically ac ... Read more Dr. David Drewitz4 I have the following come back on blood work; tbil 1.4, AST 108, ALT 171, alp 212."
"docid": "D395574#0",
"title": "http://riverroadveterinary.com/understanding-your-dogcats-blood-work/\nUnderstanding Your Dog/Catâs Blood Work",
"text": "Understanding Your Dog/Cat’s Blood Work By Elisa Speckert on January 15, 2014 in Cat Care, Dog Care, Uncategorized What Does This Blood Work Mean? Here at the River Road Veterinary Clinic, our animal patients undergo surgeries on a daily basis. Although most surgeries involve no complications, there are still a few that do. We always recommend that our patients have pre-anesthetic blood work done prior to surgery. Even if there are no indications that our pets are ill in any way, a healthy looking pet could have an underlying problem that we would never know about unless blood work is done. As we all know, animals cannot talk and they rely on us to find out if anything is wrong. If nothing is wrong with the blood work, we have established a “baseline” for your pet’s blood values. If anything were to happen to your pet down the road, we could refer back to the previous “baseline” to find out what values are abnormal for your pet. Blood work is also recommended for almost all sick animals that come into the clinic as well as all geriatric animals. Early disease detection, diagnosing an acute illness and establishing a normal baseline are all common reasons to do blood work on an animal."
"docid": "D2088312#0",
"title": "https://www.sweet-cures.com/urinalysis-lab-testing.htm\nUrinalysis",
"text": "Urinalysis Urinalysis can help find kidney, metabolic disorders and urinary tract infections. On This Page: Urinalysis Chemical Examination Microscopic Examination Recommended Clinic What is Urine? Blood passes through the kidneys, and next urine is formed and excreted. Urine is made up of substances that are not used or needed by our cells, so they are the leftovers of metabolic processes (e.g., urea). The blood is first filtered and all small molecules, including both nutrients and wastes, enter a nephron. There are about 1,000,000 nephrons in each human kidney and nephrons are the active part of the kidney that produces urine while removing waste and excess substances from the blood. The nutrient molecules and some salts and water are reabsorbed back into the blood, while unwanted substances remain within the nephron to become a part of the urine. Urinalysis A urinalysis is, as the name suggests, is an analysis of the urine. A sample of 30-60mls of your urine is needed for urinalysis. Your GP may order urinalysis in a lab to test for kidney, metabolic disorders and urinary tract infections."
"docid": "D652627#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/elevated-bilirubin-blood-in-urine\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Elevated Bilirubin Blood In Urine",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Elevated Bilirubin Blood In Urine Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Oscar Novick3 doctors agreed:1 I have slightly elevated bilirubin, my urine showed trace amounts of blood, and I have muehrcke's nails. How worried should I be? Elevated bilirubin: You may have g ilbert syndrome which can cause hypoalbuminemia which in turn can cause softening of your nails and muehrcke's nails. ... Read more Dr. Shari Jackson Urine (Definition)Urine is the product of the kidneys, which is produced to eliminate the waste products of metabolism, manage body fluid balance, &maintain acid-base balance. The blood is first filtered by the kidneys, and the composition of the resulting fluid is then altered depending on the body's needs. It is composed of mostly water, and breakdown products from blood cells impart ... Read more Dr. Lisa Roazen Emergency Medicine11 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Lee Peter Bee2 I have slightly elevated bilirubin, my urine showed trace amounts of blood, and I have muehrcke's nails. How worried should I be? Concerning: Muehrcke's lines of the nails are indicative of decrease protein synthesis. It is alo called leukonychia striata. With concomitant elevated bilirubin and hemturia, this can indicate conditions relating to liver or biliary conditions, metabolic stress, nephrotic condition, other systemic disease or malnutri ... Read more Dr. Krishna Kumar2 doctors agreed:3 I am 23 and heavily drank in college."
"docid": "D1177698#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urine_dipstick\nUrine test strip",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Urine dipstick)navigation search Urine test strip Medical diagnostics The Multistix urine test strip showing the manufacturer’s coloured scale. [ edit on Wikidata]A urine test strip or dipstick test is a basic diagnostic tool used to determine pathological changes in a patient’s urine in standard urinalysis. [ 1]A standard urine test strip may comprise up to 10 different chemical pads or reagents which react (change color) when immersed in, and then removed from, a urine sample. The test can often be read in as little as 60 to 120 seconds after dipping, although certain tests require longer. Routine testing of the urine with multiparameter strips is the first step in the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases. The analysis includes testing for the presence of proteins, glucose, ketones, haemoglobin, bilirubin, urobilinogen, acetone, nitrite and leucocytes as well as testing of p H and specific gravity or to test for infection by different pathogens. [ 2]Urine test strip Leukocytes Nitrite Urobilinogen Proteinp HHaemoglobin Specific gravity Ketone Bilirubin Glucose The test strips consist of a ribbon made of plastic or paper of about 5 millimetre wide, plastic strips have pads impregnated with chemicals that react with the compounds present in urine producing a characteristic colour. For the paper strips the reactants are absorbed directly onto the paper. Paper strips are often specific to a single reaction (e.g. p H measurement), while the strips with pads allow several determinations simultaneously. [ 2]There are strips which serve different purposes, such as qualitative strips that only determine if the sample is positive or negative, or there are semi-quantitative ones that in addition to providing a positive or negative reaction also provide an estimation of a quantitative result, in the latter the colour reactions are approximately proportional to the concentration of the substance being tested for in the sample. ["
"docid": "D2268418#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/does-marijuana-increase-bilirubin-levels\nDoes marijuana increase bilirubin levels",
"text": "Get your Health question answered in 3 easy steps Hi,I am Dr. Andrew Rynne (Family Physician). I will be looking into your question and guiding you through the process. Please write your question below. Ask a Doctor Now122 Doctors are Online Dr. Andrew Rynne Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Ram Choudhary Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Timothy G Moser Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Carol Rogala Emergency Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Mimi Ghosh Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Kiran Kumar Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Ada B. Dickinson Pediatrician Ask Now »Dr. J. Clive Spiegel Psychiatrist Ask Now »...and 18,000+ Doctors from across the world Health Topics » Bilirubin »Showing results for : Does marijuana increase bilirubin levels Premium Questions What causes elevated bilirubin levels? Hi Doctor, I did regular blood test in Mar/Apr 2015 and my bilirubin level was 1.2 mb/dl. I repeated the regular blood test in Oct 2016 and my bilirubin level increased to 2.1 mg/dl. After reviewing ... What causes increased bilirubin level?regularly which is a negligent behaviour. Now Bilirubin has risen to 5. Isn't it a cause for concern. Can she take Silybon 140mg to reduce B'rubin level."
] |
636756 | what does elevating your feet do | [
"docid": "D1285345#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_does_elevating_your_ankle_help_it_if_it_is_swollen\nWhy does elevating your ankle help it if it is swollen?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Conditions and Diseases Why does elevating your ankle help it if it is swollen? Flag Why does elevating your ankle help it if it is swollen? Answer by Beckyfran Confidence votes 37When there's an injury, blood rushes to the afflicted area to help with repairs. Tissue around the afflicted area will swell as a result. If you elevate your ankle, you make it harder for the blood to get there as pressure to get there will need to be higher than it already is.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Luba P 4,249 Contributions Why are your feet and ankles swollen? Without knowing your medical history, it would be hard to even venture a guess. This is something best discussed with your doctor. Joelin NYC 3,493 Contributions What causes swollen feet and ankles? Hypertersion or High Blood pressure commonly causes water retention in the feet and ankles in the elderly Ginj88 20 Contributions What exercises can you do to help with swollen and sore ankles?"
] | [
"docid": "D498650#0",
"title": "http://www.arcanamavens.com/LBSFiles/Shooting/Downloads/DA/DA2.html\nMaking Ballistic Cards Using Density Altitude",
"text": "\"Many shooters use a PDA or other electronic device, including some cellphones, to make ballistic calculations when shooting long distances. These ballistic computers use inputs of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity to calculate air density. However, many shooters are leery of relying upon an expensive and relatively fragile electronic device in the field - and many shooters who are willing to do that would still like to have a backup for that system. The purpose of this article is to explain how to print out a chart which would allow the shooter equipped with it and a method of calculating density altitude to go anywhere in the world and shoot long distances accurately without a ballistic computer. A Kestrel 4000 Weather Meter, or similar system manufactured by Brunton and others, will calculate density altitude - hereafter DA. Introduction Density altitude is a simple concept, which originated in the aviation industry. Density altitude is defined as the altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere that has the same air density as the air being evaluated. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standard Atmosphere (ISA) is an atmospheric model of how the pressure, temperature, density, and viscosity of the earth's atmosphere change over a wide range of altitudes. For your reference, a chart of the ISA is at the end of this article. Author's Note: This article is a revision of one published in March of 2009."
"docid": "D449935#0",
"title": "http://www.usbr.gov/lc/region/pao/brochures/faq.html\nThe Colorado River and Hoover Dam Facts and Figures",
"text": "\"The Colorado River and Hoover Dam Facts and Figures The Colorado River Introduction What states have beneficial interests in the Colorado River? How is the Colorado River Basin divided? How is Colorado River water apportioned? How much is each state's water apportionment? What are Mexico's rights to Colorado River water? Hoover Dam Where is Hoover Dam? How high is Hoover Dam? How much does Hoover Dam weigh? What type of dam is Hoover? What is the maximum water pressure at the base of the dam?"
"docid": "D1087439#0",
"title": "http://hikingscience.blogspot.com/p/calculate-calories-burned_22.html\nHiking Science",
"text": "\"Calculate Personalized Calories Burned The most accurate personalized calculator for calories burned during hiking. Inputs Distance Round Trip (miles): Elevation Gain (ft)Bodyweight (lbs)Backpack Weight (lbs)Terrain Scaling (1-2, normal to all very rough)Measure Uphill Downhill Average Grade %Work Ratio relative to Flat Walking Equivalent Number of Flat Miles Base Calories Burned (kcal)Adjusted Calories Burned Some background is explained in this post. Basically this is a rough estimate of the workload and calories burned during a hike. For terrain, assume a value of 1 unless you have a feeling that the terrain you are hiking on really adds on more work that normal. In that case, you might want to scale the energy by some factor - say 1.1 (10% increase), but this is highly speculative. ( I have disabled the 'terrain' option for now and set it at 1) I personally would trust the uphill estimates pretty well, but the downhill may be underestimated. UPDATE #1: I think generally we all feel the downhill could be quite underestimated. The study & equation I used did the research on a treadmill, where friction on downhill is quite consistent and this is not the case in reality. For now, I am going to assume that one mile downhill (at any grade) is equivalent to walking a flat mile. Even though this isn't the best assumption (probably more work descending 20% grade than flat, but less at 10%), it's probably a decent guess until I get a lot of data collected."
"docid": "D1937341#0",
"title": "https://www.insuramatch.com/learning-center/how-get-flood-elevation-certificate\nHow to Get A Flood Elevation Certificate",
"text": "SHAREBy Ronald Agrella | September 2, 2015A Flood Elevation Certificate documents your building’s elevation. If you live in a high-risk flood zone, you will need an Elevation Certificate before you can obtain an accurate flood insurance policy quote. Your insurance agent needs this information to compare your building’s elevation to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), which determines how high the water will rise during a base flood. Here are some common questions on how to obtain one: How do I get an Elevation Certificate? If you are starting the Elevation Certificate procedure from scratch, check with your municipal government for any elevation information or certificate on file for your property. If none is available, you may have to contract a state-licensed surveyor, architect or engineer to do an Elevation Certificate. The cost of the Elevation Certificate will vary significantly depending on your location and complexity of the job. A surveyor’s cost can vary from $500 to $2,000 (or more). Get at least a few quotes and compare pricing carefully. >> See also: How much does flood insurance cost?"
"docid": "D859810#0",
"title": "http://chemocare.com/chemotherapy/side-effects/liver-problems-liver-dysfunction.aspx\nLiver Problems - Liver Dysfunction (Hepatotoxicity) Brought On By Chemotherapy",
"text": "\"Liver Problems - Liver Dysfunction (Hepatotoxicity) Brought On By Chemotherapy Includes: Bilirubin, blood level, elevated liver enzymes, and hepatotoxicity . Common Liver Examinations: The following are common tests or examinations that your healthcare provider may perform on you to determine whether you have liver damage caused by chemotherapy (such as hepatotoxicity): Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan - This test is more specific than plain x-rays, as a computer takes x-rays of your chest, abdomen or pelvis region, from different angles, to show a cross-sectional view of your organs in your body. How it works: As you lie on a movable table, a scanner inside of a machine moves around you. X-rays are taken at different angles, as the computer records the pictures. The computer then puts the pictures in a certain order, so that the specialist can interpret the findings. Sometimes, you are required to drink a dye solution (called oral contrast), or a liquid dye is injected into a large vein. This helps to improve the picture, as the computer can then notice abnormalities as the dye passes through your body. You may be required to fast (not eat) after midnight the day of the exam. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions to you. ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography): Using a long, narrow tube, an ERCP allows your healthcare provider to see your liver, gallbladder, pancreas and sphincter of Oddi in your body."
"docid": "D121194#0",
"title": "https://www.footsmart.com/health-resource-center/leg/swollen-feet-legs-edema\nSwollen Feet & Legs (edema)",
"text": "Swollen Feet & Legs (edema)Learn more about diagnosis, treatment, and prevention What causes swollen feet and legs? Your feet and legs swell when fluid builds up in the space between the cells of your body. There are many reasons this can happen, some quite serious and many minor or transient. You should consult your doctor to determine the cause of your swelling, which you may hear referred to as edema. Among the possible causes for swollen feet & legs: Serious condition of the kidney, heart, liver or blood vessels. Varicose veins or inflammation of the veins (phlebitis). Trauma, such as an ankle sprain. Poor diet that's high in salt and carbohydrates. Sodium retention. Allergic reactions."
"docid": "D501443#0",
"title": "http://www.goftp.com/qna/How_much_does_it_cost_to_install_an_elevator-qna68570.html\n.",
"text": "\"Solutions Anonymous\"\"A hydraulic residential elevator does not require a pit deeper than 14\"\" or...\"\"17 0 A gear driven open cab `lift` costs about 30K plus installation and does not require a pit. A hydraulic residential elevator does not require a pit deeper than 14\"\" or a hoistway overhead. As long as there is 123\"\" clear from 2nd floor up. Check out the Global Tardif GT 500 (70K) plus installation. Most codes require monthly verification by a licensed elevator tech which costs about $200 / month. Was this answer helpful? Yes | Nochandrasekarankr said: kinsly indoem me in Indian rupees and area required at ground floor. also inform me whether this could be installed outside the house in open? Was this comment helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Cost of installing a lift in three floor residential house Residential elevator installation spain Average labor installation cost of a 27 floor commercial elevator Adan Level 1 (Contributor)24 Answers\"\"For buying the unit and paying the installation charges for the installation of the...\"\"4 1 At first, it is to check wether the person plans to put an elevator in his home or office."
"docid": "D216555#0",
"title": "https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/36045/\nHow fast do you hike?",
"text": "\"How fast do you hike? Home › Forums › General Forums › General Lightweight Backpacking Discussion › How fast do you hike? Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 44 total) 1 2 → ADVERTISEMENTLogin to post ( $7.00/yr Basic Membership required)Author Posts Aug 16, 2010 at 8:53 am #1262284Matthew Marasco Member@babymatty Locale: Western/Central PA, Adirondacks I usually try to imagine I'm on a treadmill to gauge my speed. I generally shoot for a 3.2. Ascents and descents are completely different stories though. Aug 16, 2010 at 9:01 am #1637774Tony Wong BPL Member@valshar Locale: San Francisco Bay Area3 mph would be flying on flat ground…maybe with a slight decline. I shoot for an average of 2 mph as an average. On the steep uphills, I try to keep a min. of 1 mph. This is with a load of 20-28 lbs."
"docid": "D894367#0",
"title": "http://kearneyhomeinspections.com/index.php?page_id=xi6f55er&description=Radon_FAQs\n.",
"text": "\"FAQ's about radon The following information is provided by the EPA. More information about radon can be found by visiting the EPA's radon site at http://www.epa.gov/radon/What is radon? Radon is a cancer causing, radioactive gas. It comes from a natural breakdown of uranium in the soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon typically moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks, expansion joints and other holes in the foundation. I have never heard of radon. Is it really that dangerous? You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. But it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer."
"docid": "D2068643#0",
"title": "http://www.accuflood.com/Flood_Zone_Glossary_of_Terms.html\n.",
"text": "\"What is a \"\"100-year flood\"\"? A 100-year flood is a flood that has a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. A base flood may also be referred to as a 100-year storm and the area inundated during the base flood is sometimes called the 100-year floodplain. What does the \"\"100-year flood\"\" mean? The term \"\"100-year flood\"\" is misleading. It is not the flood that will occur once every 100 years. Rather, it is the flood elevation that has a 1- percent chance of being equaled or exceeded each year. Thus, the 100-year flood could occur more than once in a relatively short period of time. The 100-year flood, which is the standard used by most Federal and state agencies, is used by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as the standard for floodplain management and to determine the need for flood insurance. A structure located within a special flood hazard area shown on an NFIP map has a 26 percent chance of suffering flood damage during the term of a 30-year mortgage."
"docid": "D3073654#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/back-pain-swollen-ankles\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Back Pain Swollen Ankles",
"text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Back Pain Swollen Ankles Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Regina Hampton2 doctors agreed:1 Am I pregnant or not? I have all the symptoms of pregnancy. Tired, breast tenderness, lower back pain, swollen ankles, hungry, stomach growing, and tenderness around uterus. I also have felt movement inside of me. I would be about 3 1/2 months pregnant Call doctor: Call your gynecologist for an appointment and pregnancy test. You can also take an over the counter pregnancy test. ... Read more Dr. Grace Torres-hodges165 Doctors shared insights Swollen Ankles (Definition)Painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, particularly among older people. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Rick Koch2 doctors agreed:2 Swollen ankles, back pain, knee pain & foot pain. Are they side effects of felodipine? If so are they serious or harmless?"
"docid": "D1321489#0",
"title": "http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=198162\nweight in tonnes of one cubic yard 5",
"text": "\"alexcivil (Civil/Environmental) (OP) 23 Sep 07 19:44lots of valuable information by very porfessional individuals. i have been doing some research but i am still not very clear on the weight of fill dirt. i am going to do the foundation for my house and i would like to estimate how much dirt i am going to use? any formulas? ideas? comments? How many pounds does one cubic yard of of compacted *dirt* weight? by dirt i mean whatever the material is used to do a building pad. any input will be greatly appreciated. thank you."
"docid": "D1330145#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-lower-extremity-edema.htm\nWhat is Lower Extremity Edema?",
"text": "\"Lower extremity edema involves swelling of the feet and legs, which typically occurs due to an abnormal accumulation of fluid. This fluid buildup can be caused by a wide variety of factors, ranging from something relatively simple, such as standing too long, to something more serious, such as kidney disease. Treatment is geared toward the underlying cause of the swelling and may include medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes. When trapped fluids are the cause, this condition is referred to as peripheral edema. Some medical conditions that may cause fluids to become trapped in the lower extremities include heart failure or reduced kidney function. Standing for prolonged periods of time may also lead to this condition, as can some prescription medications. Some immune system disorders are prone to causing lower extremity edema. This swelling is not related to an accumulation of fluid, but instead is a result of inflammatory disease. Some potential causes of this type of edema include gout, broken bones, and certain types of arthritis. A sprained ankle or infection in the leg may also lead to swelling."
"docid": "D2521443#0",
"title": "http://www.lakecity.com/plan-your-colorado-trip/altitude-sickness\nHigh Altitude Illness",
"text": "High Altitude Illness Plan Your Trip How to Avoid It, Recognize It and Treat It Every year millions of people go to the mountains for hiking, skiing, mountain climbing and other activities. If you’re planning a trip to altitudes over 8,000 feet, talk with your doctor about high-altitude illness (also called mountain sickness and altitude sickness). What causes high-altitude illness? The higher you climb above sea level, the less oxygen there is in the air. The oxygen level becomes very low at altitude above 8,000 feet. This causes problems for people who normally live at lower altitudes because their bodies aren’t used to working on so little oxygen. If you stay at a high altitude for a long time, your body gets used to the low oxygen level, and you don’t get sick from it. The following are the 3 main types of high-altitude illness: Acute mountain sickness High-altitude pulmonary edema (also called HAPE), which effects the lungs High-altitude cerebral edema (also called HACE), which effects the brain How can I prevent high-altitude illness? You can do 2 important things to prevent high-altitude illness: Take your time traveling to higher altitudes. When you travel to a high altitude, your body will begin adjusting right away to the lower amount of oxygen in the air, but it takes several days for your body to adjust completely."
"docid": "D1409282#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060729102227AASTGAo\nI heard somewhere that sleeping with your legs elevated is good. is it and what does it help?",
"text": "Health Other - Health I heard somewhere that sleeping with your legs elevated is good. is it and what does it help? I dont remember where I heard it. But I just remember it saying that sleeping with your legs elevated is a good thing and it helps with something. Is it? And what does it help with? B/c I don't wana do it if it won't help with something. Keep in mind that I have poor circulation, so I dont know if that will... show more Update: Ok. But whats better. If i elevate my feet or my leggs?1 following 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It is supposed to help circulation by helping blood from you legs to return to the heart, rather than pooling in the legs."
"docid": "D3022201#0",
"title": "http://www.elevatordesigninfo.com/tag/home-elevator\nTag Archives: home elevator",
"text": "Which Type of Elevator Is Right for Your Home? April 24, 2014 Leave a comment If you are considering installing an elevator in your home, you have several options. Cable-driven, hydraulic, and pneumatic elevators each offer benefits and drawbacks. A cable-driven elevator uses cables wound around a drum to raise and lower the elevator in the shaft. Some excavation may be required to install the elevator. Cable-driven elevators are generally less expensive than hydraulic models, but the cables must be replaced every three to five years. Cable-driven elevators are also noisier and not as smooth as other types of elevators. Hydraulic elevators use pressurized hydraulic fluid to move the cab. They use more consumable elements and require more maintenance than other residential elevators. They are more expensive than cable-driven elevators, but they offer a quieter and smoother ride."
"docid": "D3378945#0",
"title": "http://support.d-tools.com/01_SIX/User_Guide/04_Projects/03_Visio_Interface/Visio_Shapes_for_SIX/02_Elevation_Shapes\nElevation Shapes",
"text": "\"Home SIX 2013 Documentation User Guide Projects Visio Interface Visio Shapes for SIXHome > SIX 2013 Documentation > User Guide > Projects > Visio Interface > Visio Shapes for SIX > Elevation Shapes Elevation Shapes Table of contents Details Shape Data Window Missing Dimensions Real Pic Shapes Top View Plan Scale Shape Side View Equipment Rack DIN Rail Shapes DIN Panel/Rail/Enclosure DIN Component Site Map for Projects Full Site Map Details Elevation shapes are shapes that scale automatically based on the dimensions of a Product and are located in the Elevation Shapes Visio stencil. Shape Data Window All user adjustments are accessed through the Shape Data window. Most used adjustments can also be access by right-clicking on a shape. Show Text Blocks: This will show or hide the text block in the middle of the shape. This text block can be moved outside of the shape by moving the little yellow dot in the middle of the shape. Default is set to True. Merge Text Blocks: You can break out the text block into separate Manufacturer, model and Component ID text blocks with separate movement options. Default is set to True. Snap Text Block Position : You can have the text snap to specific areas on the shape or if you turn it off you can free form the text. Default is set to True Show Text Callout: This displays a line that connects the text to the shape."
"docid": "D1419143#0",
"title": "http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/03/how-tall-can-tall-skyscrapers-be.html\nThe Rise of the Mile-High Building",
"text": "/ superskyscrapers March 24, 201510:17 am The Rise of the Mile-High Building By Justin Davidson Share Tweet Comment Will this be the view from someone’s breakfast nook? Photo: null/Arclight/Alamy If you’ve sat in an airplane’s window seat, you know what the world looks like from a mile up. It’s that point during takeoff and landing when you can pick out an individual car beetling along a highway; when, on a clear day, you can see the city bleed into its suburbs and trace the outline of a mountain range beyond but still find your favorite bocce court if you know where to look. Individual humans are barely detectable from this height, but humanity’s traces ooze to the horizon. In the not unimaginably distant future, this will be the view from someone’s breakfast nook. The mile-high skyscraper makes a little more sense to build now than it did when Frank Lloyd Wright designed one nearly 60 years ago. Wright imagined, on the fringes of Chicago, a habitable 528-story sundial called the Illinois. That idea wasn’t buildable then; its successor would still be risky, financially ruinous, slow to construct, and inefficient to operate. But that doesn’t mean a mile-high skyscraper won’t get done. “ Going big has been a trend ever since the pyramids."
"docid": "D3232711#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070419160759AA16nE3\nWhat is the difference between AGL and MSL?",
"text": "Cars & Transportation Aircraft What is the difference between AGL and MSL? I'm a student pilot, and in ground school we are learning about airspace and all that good suff. Though, I can't undertsand what agl and msl is. I know msl is mean sea level and agl is above ground level. Someone else asked this question on yahoo, I read the answer, and I still don't get it. Update: I know asl is above sea level and I know what msl means too. I just don't undertsand the concept. None of it makes sence. I don't understnad how you could have different altitudes, and is you know your msl how do you find out your agl?2 following 13 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: When referring to an altitude of an aircraft or airspace MSL is used. You get MSL from your altimeter and ATC sees your altitude in MSL (Your altitude above Sea Level) To find out your approx AGL you would take the elevation of your closest airport for expample and substract it from the altitude on your altimeter (MSL) - Some aircraft have radar altimeters on board and are able to tell exactly what their AGL altitude is- For the most part you only need to worry about MSL."
"docid": "D96852#0",
"title": "http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol5/intro_integers.html\nIntegers",
"text": "Integers Problem: The highest elevation in North America is Mt. Mc Kinley, which is 20,320 feet above sea level. The lowest elevation is Death Valley, which is 282 feet below sea level. What is the distance from the top of Mt. Mc Kinley to the bottom of Death Valley? Solution: The distance from the top of Mt. Mc Kinley to sea level is 20,320 feet and the distance from sea level to the bottom of Death Valley is 282 feet. The total distance is the sum of 20,320 and 282, which is 20,602 feet. The problem above uses the notion of opposites: Above sea level is the opposite of below sea level. Here are some more examples of opposites:top, bottom | increase, decrease | forward, backward | positive, negative We could solve the problem above using integers. Integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites. The number line is used to represent integers. This is shown below."
] |
636759 | what does eli in titanium stands for | [
"docid": "D1061114#0",
"title": "https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=9365\nGrade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI Alloy (UNS R56401)",
"text": "Grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI Alloy (UNS R56401)Download PDF Copy Request Quote Written by AZo M Jul 30 2013Topics Covered Introduction Chemical Composition Physical Properties Mechanical Properties Thermal Properties Other Designations Fabrication and Heat Treatment Machinability Forming Welding Heat Treatment Annealing Forging Hot Working Cold Working Aging Applications Introduction Titanium alloys are divided into three main groups: alpha-phase, beta-phase, and alpha-beta-phase. Grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy is an alpha-beta wrought alloy. The ELI stands for extra low interstitial. For an alloy to be branded as an ELI product, it should be produced as such at the mill. The following sections will discuss in detail about grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy. Chemical Composition The chemical composition of grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy is outlined in the following table. Element Content (%)Titanium, Ti 88.09 - 91Aluminum, Al 5.5 - 6.5Vanadium, V 3.5 - 4.5Iron, Fe ≤ 0.25Carbon, C ≤ 0.080Nitrogen, N ≤ 0.030Hydrogen, H ≤ 0.0125Other, each ≤ 0.10Other, total ≤ 0.40Physical Properties The physical properties of grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy are tabulated below. Properties Metric Imperial Density 4.43 g/cm 3 0.160 lb/in 3Melting point 1604 - 1660°C 2919 - 3020°FMechanical Properties The following table shows mechanical properties of grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy. Properties Metric Imperial Tensile strength 860 MPa 125000 psi Yield strength 790 MPa 115000 psi Poisson’s ratio 0.342 0.342Elastic modulus 113.8 GPa 16510 ksi Shear modulus 44.0 GPa 6380 ksi Elongation at break 15% 15%Hardness, Brinell 326 326Hardness, Knoop 354 354Hardness, Rockwell C 35 35Hardness, Vickers 341 341Thermal Properties The thermal properties of grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy are tabulated below. Properties Metric Imperial Thermal expansion co-efficient (@20-100°C/68-212°F) 8.60 µm/m°C 4.78 µin/in°FThermal conductivity 6.70 W/m K 46.5 BTU in/hr.ft².°FOther Designations Related Stories Pittcon 2018 Introduces 23 New Short Courses for Laboratory Professionals Titanium Alloys - Classifications Aluminium Sheet - Aluminium Sheet Stock and Aluminium Alloy Selection Guide from Metalweb Equivalent materials to grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy are as follows: AMS 4907AMS 4931ASTM F136ASTM F467 (TI-5)ASTM F468 (5)ASTM F468 (S)MIL F-83142MIL T-9046MIL T-9047SPS M618AMS 4930AMS 4956Fabrication and Heat Treatment Machinability Grade 23 Ti 6Al 4V ELI alloy can be machined using slow speeds, right quantity of coolant flow and high feed rates."
] | [
"docid": "D1858206#0",
"title": "http://www.3rd1000.com/elements/Titanium.htm\n.",
"text": "\"22Ti47.867000Titanium Name: Titanium Symbol: Ti Atomic Number: 22 Atomic Weight: 47.867000 Family: Transition Metals CAS RN: 7440-32-6 Description: A lustrous white metal, as strong as steel, 45% lighter than steel and 60% heavier than aluminum. State (25 ° C): Solid Oxidation states: +2, +3, +4Molar Volume: 10.64 cm 3/mole Valence Electrons: 3d 2 4s 2Boiling Point: 3560°K, 3287°C, 5949°F Melting Point: 1933°K, 1660°C, 3020°FElectrons Energy Level: 2, 8, 10, 2Isotopes: 17 + 5 Stable Heat of Vaporization: 421 k J/mol Heat of Fusion: 15.45 k J/mol Density: 4.54 g/cm 3@ 300°KSpecific Heat: 0.52 J/g°KAtomic Radius: 2ÅIonic Radius: 0.605ÅElectronegativity: 1.54 (Pauling); 1.32 (Allrod Rochow)Vapor Pressure: 0.49 Pa @ 1660°C1s 2 2s 2 p 6 3s 2 p 6 d 2 4s 2History Characteristics Physical Chemical Production and Fabrication Applications Pigments, Additives and Coatings Aerospace and Marine Industrial Consumer and Architectural Medical Compounds Isotopes Precautions Titanium Data Atomic Structure Chemical Properties Physical Properties Regulatory / Health Transition Metals Interactive Periodic Table History Titanium was discovered combined in a mineral in Cornwall, England in 1791 by amateur geologist William Gregor, the then vicar of Creed village. He recognized the presence of a new element in ilmenite when he found a black sand by a stream in the nearby parish of Manaccan and noticed the sand was attracted by a magnet. Analysis of the sand determined the presence of two metal oxides; iron oxide (explaining the attraction to the magnet) and 45.25% of a white metallic oxide he could not identify. Gregor, realizing that the unidentified oxide contained a metal that did not match the properties of any known element, reported his findings to the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall and in the German science journal Creel's Annalen. Martin Heinrich Klaproth named titanium for the Titans of Greek mythology. Around the same time, Franz Joseph Muller also produced a similar substance, but could not identify it. The oxide was independently rediscovered in 1795 by German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in Rutile from Hungary. Klaproth found that it contained a new element and named it for the Titans of Greek mythology. After hearing about Gregor's earlier discovery, he obtained a sample of manaccanite and confirmed it contained titanium.1s 22s 2 2p 63s 2 3p 6 3d 24s 2The processes required to extract titanium from its various ores are laborious and costly; it is not possible to reduce in the normal manner, by heating in the presence of carbon, because that produces titanium carbide."
"docid": "D892577#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_Fever_%282002_film%29\nCabin Fever (2002 film)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Cabin Fever Theatrical release poster Directed by Eli Roth Produced by Evan Astrowsky Sam Froelich Lauren Moews Eli Roth Written by Randy Pearlstein Eli Roth Story by Eli Roth Starring Rider Strong Jordan Ladd Cerina Vincent Joey Kern Giuseppe Andrews Music by Angelo Badalamenti Nathan Barr Cinematography Scott Kevan Edited by Ryan Folsey Production company Black Sky Entertainment Distributed by Lionsgate Films Release date September 14, 2002 ( TIFF)September 12, 2003 (U. S.)Running time 92 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $1.5 million [1]Box office $30.6 million [1]Cabin Fever is a 2002 American horror film directed by Eli Roth and starring Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd, James De Bello, Cerina Vincent, Joey Kern, and Giuseppe Andrews. It was produced by Lauren Moews and Evan Astrowsky and executive produced by Susan Jackson. The film was the directing debut of Roth, who co-wrote the film with Randy Pearlstein. The story follows a group of college graduates who rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a flesh-eating virus. The inspiration for the film's story came from a real life experience during a trip to Iceland when Roth developed a skin infection. Roth wanted the style of his film to make a departure from many modern horror films that had been released at the time. [ 2] One modern horror film, The Blair Witch Project, did inspire Roth to use the Internet to help promote the film during its production and help gain interest towards its distribution. [ 3] The film itself, however, draws from many of Roth's favorite horror films, such as The Evil Dead, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and The Last House on the Left. Contents [ hide ]1 Plot2 Cast3 Production3.1 Writing3.2 Casting3.3 Filming3.4 Musical score4 Reception5 Related works6 References7 External links Plot [ edit]This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ("
"docid": "D444171#0",
"title": "http://www.drlwilson.com/Articles/ALKA.%20WATER.htm\n.",
"text": "ALKALINE WATER AND WHY AVOID ITBy Dr. Lawrence Wilson© March 2012, L. D. Wilson Consultants, Inc. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. This article is a warning to avoid drinking highly alkaline water. I am sorry to have to write it, but there is a push to get people to buy alkaline water machines, and the propaganda is intense. Also, when one starts to use this water, one feels better, so many people just assume they are becoming healthier, which is not the case in my experience of over 30 years. I am not selling any competing products, and am only interested in keeping people well. Quick benefits may include fewer aches and pains, and perhaps a little more energy. However, the problems with the alkaline water machines more than make up for any short-term benefits they confer. WHAT IS ARTIFICIALLY ALKALINIZED WATER? This is most often tap water that is put through an electrical machine that often runs the water over platinum and titanium plates."
"docid": "D3455347#0",
"title": "http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/boardwalk-empire-season-finale-recap-focus-on-the-family-20131124\n'Boardwalk Empire' Season Finale Recap: Focus on the Family",
"text": "\"'Boardwalk Empire' Season Finale Recap: Focus on the Family Nucky and Richard broker a deal for their mutual benefit while Chalky returns to Atlantic City Jack Huston, Wrenn Schmidt, Brady Noon and Mark Borkowski in the season finale of 'Boardwalk Empire.' Paul Schiraldi By Sarene Leeds November 24, 2013Spoiler alert: This recap contains major plot details about Boardwalk Empire 's season finale, \"\"Farewell Daddy Blues. \"\" It was worth the slow burn. That was, in my estimation, the best season finale in Boardwalk Empire 's four seasons. It was also possibly the best episode in the series' run. Writers Terence Winter and Howard Korder, as well as director Tim Van Patten, did an exquisite job whetting the audience's appetite for Season Five with a succinct concluding montage featuring a brief update on all key players, and offering hope of, but necessarily committing to, the return of characters like Daughter Maitland and Sally Wheet. But what these three men should be commended for with this episode is their beautiful send-off to a much-beloved character who will be sorely missed, even as we weep tears of joy that Richard Harrow is, at long last, at peace.10 Wicked 'Boardwalk Empire' Villains Fans can also rejoice in the knowledge that Chalky made it out alive, although he paid a heavy price for his life – and that Dr. Narcisse did not go the same route as Gyp Rosetti. Looks like the Doctor will be sticking around the Boardwalk, which I think is excellent news, even though his capacity for causing mischief has been heavily truncated, at least if J. Edgar Hoover has anything to say about it. Gillian is in jail, with Julia and Tommy squirreled away in the safety of Wisconsin. Nucky 's future, however, seems the most ambiguous as we close out the fourth season: His plan to retire with Sally was aborted soon after he got word that Eli was informing on him, so now he's just a frustrated gangster stuck in Atlantic City."
"docid": "D1672860#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0744834/bio\nBiography",
"text": "\"Edit Eli Roth Biography Showing all 78 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (1) | Trade Mark (5) | Trivia (47) | Personal Quotes (20)Overview (4)Born April 18, 1972 in Boston, Massachusetts, USABirth Name Eli Raphael Roth Nickname Gorilka Height 6' (1.83 m)Mini Bio (1)Eli Raphael Roth was born in Newton, Massachusetts, to Cora (Bialis), a painter, and Sheldon H. Roth, a psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, and clinical professor. His family is Jewish (from Austria, Hungary, Russia, and Poland). He began shooting Super 8 films at the age of eight, after watching Ridley Scott's Alien (1979) and vomiting, and deciding he wanted to be a producer/director. With his brothers and friends, ketchup for blood and his father's power tools, he made over fifty short films before attending film school at N. Y. U., where he won a student Academy Award and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1994. Eli worked in film and theater production in New York City for many years, doing every job from production assistant to assistant editor to assistant to the director. At the age of 20 Roth was development head for producer Fred Zollo, a position he soon left to write full time. To earn a living, Roth did budgets and schedules for the films A Price Above Rubies (1998) and Illuminata (1998) and often worked as a stand-in, where he could watch directors work with the actors. In 1995, Roth co-wrote the script that would eventually become Cabin Fever (2002) with friend Randy Pearlstein, and the two spent many years unsuccessfully trying to get the film financed. Roth left New York in 1999 to live in Los Angeles, and within four months got funding for his animation series Chowdaheads (1999). Roth and friend Noah Belson ( Cabin Fever (2002)'s Guitar Man) wrote and voiced the episodes, which Roth produced, directed and designed."
"docid": "D2290122#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_blade_materials\nList of blade materials",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: The classification of the steels may be arbitrary and inconsistent. ( May 2010)This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. ( November 2013)Blade materials are those used to make the blade of a knife or other simple edged hand tool or weapon, such as a hatchet or sword. The blade of a knife can be made from a variety of materials, the most common being carbon steel, stainless steel, tool steel and alloy steel. Other less-common materials used in knife blades include: cobalt and titanium alloys, ceramics, obsidian, and plastic. The hardness of steel is usually stated as a number on the Rockwell C scale (HRC). The Rockwell scale is a hardness scale based on the resistance to indentation of a material, as opposed to other scales such as the Mohs scale (scratch resistance) testing used in mineralogy."
"docid": "D150223#0",
"title": "http://youngwomenshealth.org/2013/08/07/body-piercing/\nBody Piercing",
"text": "Body Piercing Posted under Health Guides. Updated 1 August 2017. Key Facts People from many different cultures have pierced their bodies for centuries. If you look in a history book, you will find that Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans decorated their bodies with piercings and tattoos. Many pierced their bodies to show their importance in a group, or because they thought it protected them from evil. Today, we know much more about the risks of body piercing. Body piercing is a serious decision. Before you decide to get a piercing, ask your parents, trusted adults, and friends what they think. What are teens saying about body piercing today? Ask other teens who have been pierced what they thought of the entire experience."
"docid": "D1215781#0",
"title": "https://wizzley.com/the-bodark-tree/\nThe Bodark Tree",
"text": "\"The Bodark Tree When I returned to Texas after almost 40 years, I discovered a tree growing nearby that had the strangest looking fruit. What the heck was it? I've been interested in identifying plants for many years. I try to identify them for medicinal purposes, for food and for dye. Moving from one part of the country to another has made this a challenge, but one that is fun for me too. Some of my favorite plants, like stinging nettle, don’t grow in Texas, or at least, my part of it. There are many others that I had never seen, even when I was growing up here. One such plant is the bodark tree. By Another Name I first noticed the fruit of the bodark tree because of its strange appearance. It looks like a large tennis ball with warts."
"docid": "D169447#0",
"title": "https://www.elibay.com/outer-stress-inner-calm\nOuter Stress ⢠Inner Calm",
"text": "\"Outer Stress • Inner Calm Learn the skill of gaining control over stress. You have within you an innate capability to change your response to external stress - to stop your mind from racing, to let go of anxiety, and let negative thoughts or emotions subside. This is the skill of self regulation. This is literally learning to manage and alter what is going on inside of you, moment by moment. This is an ability all of us have. It is a skill that you can learn. This is Resiliency Training. You can gain control over negative effects of chronic stress, lift yourself out and experience real well-being. Get yourself to a truly happier place. Time Tested Eli Bay has been teaching this skill for over 30 years."
"docid": "D45415#0",
"title": "https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/23801\nAdcirca",
"text": "\"Last updated on e MC: 22 Mar 2017View changes Print PDFPrint text only What is a Patient Information Leaflet and why is it useful? The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is the leaflet included in the pack with a medicine. It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a medicine. It is possible that the leaflet in your medicine pack may differ from this version because it may have been updated since your medicine was packaged. View the patient leaflet in PDF format Below is a text only representation of the Patient Information Leaflet, the original can be viewed in PDF format using the link above. The text only version may be available from RNIB in large print, Braille or audio CD. For further information call RNIB Medicine Leaflet Line on 0800 198 5000. The product code (s) for this leaflet are: EU/1/08/476/005, EU/1/08/476/006. Adcirca Package leaflet: Information for the user ADCIRCA ® 20 mg film-coated tablets Tadalafil Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine because it contains important information for you. Keep this leaflet."
"docid": "D2946391#0",
"title": "http://www.123helpme.com/loss-of-faith-in-night-by-elie-wiesel-view.asp?id=152302\nLoss of Faith in Night by Elie Wiesel",
"text": "\"Loss of Faith in Night by Elie Wiesel Length: 428 words (1.2 double-spaced pages)Rating: Excellent Open Document- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Text Preview More ↓Continue reading... Open Document Eliezer Wiesel loses his faith in god, family and humanity through the experiences he has from the Nazi concentration camp. Eliezer loses faith in god. He struggles physically and mentally for life and no longer believes there is a god. \"\" Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust...\"\" (pg 32). Elie worked hard to save himself and asks god many times to help him and take him out of his misery. \"\" Why should I bless his name? The eternal, lord of the universe, the all-powerful and terrible was silent...\"\" (pg 31). Eliezer is confused, because he does not know why the Germans would kill his face, and does not know why god could let such a thing happen. \"\" I did not deny god's existence, but I doubted his absolute justice...\"\" (pg 42). These conditions gave him confidence, and courage to live."
"docid": "D58578#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/titanium-magnetic-d6c0605ef6f02dea\nIs Titanium Magnetic?",
"text": "\"Science Physics Magnetism Q: Is Titanium Magnetic? A: Quick Answer Titanium is considered paramagnetic, as it has no standing magnetic field of its own, but it develops one in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field. According to the University of Maryland, titanium is able to induce an electrical current in some metals, but only weakly. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Does the Presence of a Magnetic Field Indicate? What Is the Fundamental Source of Electromagnetic Radiation? What Is Fleming's Right-Hand Rule? Full Answer Titanium is a strong, low-density metal that is used in many industrial and medical applications. One of its advantages as a material is its low thermal and electrical conductivity compared with other metals. This low conductivity inhibits the flow of magnetic force through the metal, though it can be alloyed with other metals that do have an intrinsic magnetic field. Learn more about Magnetism Sources: terpconnect.umd.edu en.wikipedia.org Related Questions Q: What Is Magnetic Reversal?"
"docid": "D1456917#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071107133004AAGQSia\n\"What does \"\"hey basha, min el 3abkari eli ektara7oo?\"\"mean in arabic?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does \"\"hey basha, min el 3abkari eli ektara7oo? \"\" mean in arabic? Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Can be something like: \"\"Hey man, who is the genius who suggested that?\"\" Basha is a turkish word (Pasha). Its meaning depends on the context in which it is used. It can mean \"\"Sir\"\", but with a lot of respect), and it can mean \"\"man\"\" in a very informal discussion, like \"\"hey man!\"\". They tone of the whole sentence seems to be a mocking tone, so it is informal! min = who el = the 3abkari = genius. If it were \"\"3abkariin\"\" then it would have been translated as geniuses. eli = who ektara7oo = suggested it or that."
"docid": "D1890896#0",
"title": "http://titanium.com/products/billet/\nTitanium Billets",
"text": "Titanium Billets Titanium Billet products have round, square, or rectangular cross-sections, with an area equal to or greater than 16 square inches (103 cm squared). Billet can be made from either standard or premium quality ingots. Billet can be lathe-turned to a maximum length of 20 feet (6096 mm). We stock Titanium Billet in all of our global locations and have representatives available to speak with you regarding any of your custom requirements. Contact us today. Sizes Minimum diameter 4.501 inch or 114.33 mm Maximum diameter 20.000 inch or 508.00 mm6AL/4V 5AL/2.5SN 6AL/6V/2SN 6AL4V ELI 6AL/2SN/4ZR/2MO8AL/1MO/1V 6AL4V STA 6AL/2SN/4ZR/6MO CP OTHERFor nonstandard or larger Titanium Billet sizes, please contact your T. I. Representative."
"docid": "D1409390#0",
"title": "http://nightunitholocaustblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/readers-journal-post-1_2287.html\nReader's Journal - Post #1",
"text": "\"Interactive Reader's Journal Tuesday, October 27, 2009Reader's Journal - Post #1Discuss Chapters 1 and 2. You must POST ONE COMMENT. Please identify yourself with your first name and class period. Remember: You will be graded on the content and quality of your post. Refer to the BLOG POST RUBRIC for expectation clarification. Posted by ............................................ at 9:04 PM51 comments: Abeda November 2, 2009 at 10:03 PMAbeda; Second Period Chapter one is a about a twelve year old boy named Eliezar living in Sighet. He is from a Jewish family and he has three sisters. He looks up to Moshe the Beadle, a local pauper. Moshe the Beadle is expelled by the Hungarians. He later returns and explains that Jews are forced to dig their own graves and their later killed."
"docid": "D2009291#0",
"title": "http://love-live.wikia.com/wiki/Yazawa_Nico\nNico Yazawa",
"text": "\"Spoiler Alert! This article contains details about plotlines described in the anime. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled. Nico Yazawa Kanji 矢澤にこRomaji Yazawa Nico Statistics Year Third Year Birthday July 22 (Cancer)Gender Female Blood Type AHeight 154 cm Three Sizes B 74 (actually 71) [1], W 57, H 79Favorite Food Sweets Disliked Food Spicy food Charm Point Her light skin [2]First Appearance Debut Season 1 Episode 1Japanese Voice Actress/Actor Kanji 徳井青空Romaji Tokui Sora English Voice Actress/Actor Name Erica Mendez Nico Yazawa is one of the nine main characters in Love Live!. Despite her childlike stature, she is actually a third-year in Otonokizaka High School. Her image color is pink. She is a member of Bi Bi, a sub-unit under μ's . Contents [ show]Background In Season 1 Episode 5, it is discovered that during her first year in high school she started an idol group. However, one by one the members gave up because Nico's goal to become an idol was too much for them and they couldn't keep up. In Season 2 Episode 4, it is revealed she has two younger sisters Cocoro and Cocoa, and a younger brother Cotaro . Personality Normally, Nico has quite an abrasive personality, but when she takes on her alternate personality, she becomes a happy, upbeat character who is always smiling, often saying her catchphrase, \"\"Nico Nico Nii!\"\" ("
"docid": "D647570#0",
"title": "http://www.badgerbalm.com/s-33-zinc-oxide-sunscreen-nanoparticles.aspx\nZinc Oxide Sunscreen, Nanoparticles & Clear Zinc",
"text": "\"Zinc Oxide Sunscreen, Nanoparticles & Clear Zinc In Brief Zinc oxide is a powdered mineral that sits on top of the skin, scattering, reflecting, and absorbing UVA & UVB rays. All Badger sunscreens are made with either Non-Nano Zinc Oxide or Clear Zinc Oxide as their only active ingredient. Although zinc oxide is the safest and most effective active sunscreen ingredient, the best protection from the sun is to seek shade and cover up with clothes and a hat. Badger sunscreens with this logo contain uncoated non-nano zinc oxide, the same kind of zinc oxide used in calamine lotions and diaper rash creams. Badger sunscreens with this logo contain clear zinc oxide which has the non-whitening characteristics of nano zinc oxide and the large particle assurance of non-nano zinc oxide. What is zinc oxide and where does Badger's come from? Zinc oxide is the metal zinc that has been oxidized. The chemical formula is Zn O, 1 zinc atom and 1 oxygen atom held together by an ionic bond. Zinc oxide does occur in nature as the mineral zincite, but it is quite rare and commercially unavailable. Badger's zinc oxide is manufactured using mined zinc which is then purified into pharmaceutical grade zinc oxide."
"docid": "D1722358#0",
"title": "http://www.ross-simons.com/content/engagement-ring-guide/ring-metals-guide.htm\nRing Metals: A Guide",
"text": "Ring Metals: A Guide Gold Gold is one of the most common and desired metals used in rings of all varieties. The metal's popularity for men's or women's engagement and wedding rings is unsurpassed. 10kt, 14kt and 18kt are the most common karat values found. The larger the karat, the higher the percentage of pure gold in the ring and the more expensive it will be. The hardness and durability of gold varies depending on karat, so it is important to take these factors into account when selecting a gold ring. Gold rings come in a number of gold colors-the most common being yellow, white and rose. Yellow gold is the most popular and quintessential color. White gold is also increasing in popularity but tends to be a bit more expensive than others. When selecting a white gold ring, choosing one that is rhodium plated would be wise. White gold rings are often coated in rhodium to enhance their white color and protect the gold below from wear and tear."
"docid": "D2851367#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Hobby-MSN-06S-Sinanju-Titanium/dp/B0032ZD5OI\nBandai Hobby MSN-06S Sinanju Ver. KA Titanium Finish Bandai MG Action Figure",
"text": "\"Share$119.00 + Free Shipping In stock. Usually ships within 4 to 5 days. Sold by Hydy Add to Cart Turn on 1-Click ordering for this browser Other Sellers on Amazon Add to Cart$119.00+ Free Shipping Sold by: CR management Add to Cart$127.78+ Free Shipping Sold by: Comtachi Japan. We will deliver as soon as possible. Have one to sell? Sell on Amazon Roll over image to zoom in Bandai Hobby Bandai Hobby MSN-06S Sinanju Ver. KA Titanium Finish Bandai MG Action Figure4.8 out of 5 stars 27 customer reviews| 17 answered questions List Price: $129.99Price: $119.00 & FREE Shipping You Save: $10.99 (8%)In stock. Usually ships within 4 to 5 days. Ships from and sold by Hydy . No glue required for assembly, a hobby nipper is required to remove parts from runners Colored plastic, little to no paint required to replicate appearance Product bears official Bluefin Distribution logo ensuring purchaser is receiving authentic licensed item from approved U. S. retailer Bluefin Distribution products are tested and comply with all U. S. consumer product safety regulations and are eligible for consumer support Compare with similar items61 new from $119.00Frequently bought together++Total price: $137.62Add all three to Cart Add all three to List These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers."
"docid": "D1442800#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forge_welding\nForge welding",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( February 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Forge welding (FOW) is a solid-state welding process [1] that joins two pieces of metal by heating them to a high temperature and then hammering them together. [ 2] It may also consist of heating and forcing the metals together with presses or other means, creating enough pressure to cause plastic deformation at the weld surfaces. [ 3] The process is one of the simplest methods of joining metals and has been used since ancient times. Forge welding is versatile, being able to join a host of similar and dissimilar metals. With the invention of electrical and gas welding methods during the Industrial Revolution, manual forge-welding has been largely replaced, although automated forge-welding is a common manufacturing process. Contents [ hide ]1 Introduction2 History3 Materials4 Processes5 Temperature6 Decarburization7 Applications8 Flux9 See also10 References11 External links Introduction [ edit]Forge welding is a process of joining metals by heating them beyond a certain threshold and forcing them together with enough pressure to cause deformation of the weld surfaces, creating a metallic bond between the atoms of the metals. The pressure required varies, depending on the temperature, strength, and hardness of the alloy. ["
] |
636761 | what does eliana name mean | [
"docid": "D100568#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Eliana.html\nEliana Meaning",
"text": "\"Eliana Meaning Name: What does Eliana mean? The name Eliana is of Spanish origin. The meaning of Eliana is \"\"light\"\". Eliana is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced E-li-a-na. The Given Name Eliana Eliana is a form of Eleanor. See Eleanor for further details. Eliana is a refined and appealing name. Want to make this name more unique? Try spell it backwards."
] | [
"docid": "D100571#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/elliana/701\nElliana",
"text": "Elliana Rating : Excellent0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4.5 / 569 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Elliana Gender: Girl Origin: American, Hebrew, Latin Number of syllables: 4Ranking popularity: 294Pronunciation: eh-lee-AH-na Simple meaning: God has answered Characteristics of Elliana Multi-talented Intuitive Oneness Idealistic Philanthropy Independent Perfection Etymology & Historical Origin - Elliana Elliana is an elaborate respelling of the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese name Eliana. The name Eliana is a Latinized mutation of the Hebrew name Eliyanah which means ‘God has answered me’ or the ‘Lord has responded.’ The name is derived from the Hebrew words “El” (meaning ‘God’) and “ana” (meaning ‘answered’). The middle element of the name indicates a first person possession, hence the full meaning: God has answered me specifically. Eliana is mainly used among Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, but it has also been adopted by English speakers by way of combining the popular names “Elle” and “Anna.” Elliana with two “L”s is mainly an Americanized respelling but has also appeared in Australia. Popularity of the Name Elliana Elliana (with two Ls) made her debut on the U. S. female naming charts for the first time this century in 2005. The name is basically following the popularity of her more traditional sister Eliana (with one L). The more typical spelling (Eliana) is vastly more popular than Elliana, Elianna or Iliana, but it really comes down to preference since all four have essentially the same pronunciation. Americans tend to prefer the fanciful double-L or double-N spellings over other English-speaking nations."
"docid": "D2333019#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Elianna\nWhat does Elianna mean?",
"text": "\"What does Elianna mean? Elianna ▲ as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the name Elianna means \"\"my God has answered\"\". Elianna is an alternate spelling of Eliana (Hebrew). STARTS/ENDS WITH Eli-, -na Variations VARIANTS Ileana, Elyana, Elliana ▲, Eleana OTHER FORMS VIA ELIANA Elia, Elian, Eliane, Elianne, Eline CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Elianna Imogen (E. I. ), .. How popular is Elianna? Elianna is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Elianna is an equally unusual last name for all people. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D1014336#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Elia\nWhat does Elia mean?",
"text": "\"What does Elia mean? E lia [ eli a] as a girls' name (also used less generally as boys' name Elia) is of Hebrew origin, and the name Elia means \"\"my God has answered\"\". Elia is a version of Eliana (Hebrew). Variations OTHER FORMS VIA ELIANA Eleana, Elian, Eliane, Elianna ▲, Elianne, Elice, Eline, Elliana ▲, Elyana, Lina MASCULINE FORM Elijah CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Elia Madalyn (E. M.), .. How popular is Elia? Elia is a very prominent first name for females (#1091 out of 4276, Top 25%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#9814 out of 150436, Top 7%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D2656152#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-avenia-1626097.htm\nAvenia Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Avenia Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity Save to list See your list Popularity#11,574in 2017No datafrom 20162017 2016 2015 2014 2013Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Avenia? What about: Aviana, Avianna, Avani, Avni, Aven, Avina, Avin, Avyn, Avionna, Avanna, Avianah, Aviona Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Lara or Lily? Arden or Apollo? Eliana or Lara? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-03-24:d9afb6bf4a89563034831d3b Player ID: featured Video Player OK5 baby-naming pitfalls See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D3177551#0",
"title": "https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_does_Biological_Anthropology_mean\nWhat does Biological Anthropology mean?",
"text": "\"Question Asked 6 years ago Sahar El-Masry22.55 National Research Center, Egypt What does Biological Anthropology mean? It is science of growth and development of human being Anthropology Share Popular Answers ( 1)6 years ago Francisco Gurri El Colegio de la Frontera Sur I disagree. Biologica anthropology studies human variation from an evolutionary perspective. Many of this variation is caused by the way in which people \"\"live\"\". How people live, is therefoe also part of a bological anthropologist's concern.3 Recommendations All Answers ( 18)6 years ago Jafar Rezaian Lorestan University of Medical Sciences BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGYBiological anthropology focuses on the place of man in nature. It emerged as a search into the anatomy, ancestry, development and other characteristics of the human species. In contrast, social or cultural anthropology examines the way in which people live. Biological anthropologists view humans as a biological phenomenon, dissection our species with all the tools of anatomy, embryology, phathology, and zoology. For much of this century, they have concentrated on the way physical traits differ from population to population. Ultimately they seek evidence of our origins and the way humanity has come to populate the Earth."
"docid": "D1509688#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Aleena\nâAleena",
"text": "\"Home > Aleena♀Aleena What does Aleena mean? Aleena ▲ as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the name Aleena means \"\"sun ray\"\". Aleena is an alternate form of Alina (Greek): Slavic variation of Helen. STARTS WITH Ale-ASSOCIATED WITH greek, sun Variations VARIANTS Alynah, Alyna, Allynah, Aliena, Alenah, Alena ▲OTHER FORMS VIA ALINA Aleen, Alene ▼, Aline ▼, Alleen, Allena, Allene ▼, Alline, Allyna, Allyne, Alyne, Leena, Leenah, Lena ▼CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Aleena Ruthie (A. R.), .. How popular is Aleena? Aleena is an unusual first name for women. Aleena is an equivalently unusual last name too for both adults and children. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS)Aleena entered the list in 1994 and reached its peak rank of #459 in the U. S. in the year 2015, and is presently at #507. ( TOP 2000 NAMES, 2016)Which version is better? Aleen, Alena (#636 VIA LATEST LIST), Alene, Alina (#178), Aline, Alleen, Allena, Allene, Alline, Allyne, Alyna, Alyne, Leena (#1280) and Lena (#276) are the popular related forms of Aleena (#507). Usage of these relations of Aleena was well-received among parents 126 years ago (AVERAGE #1469) and is somewhat lower today (#1525, DOWN 41.4%), with forms like Allene becoming less fashionable."
"docid": "D1697693#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-inga-2137.htm\nInga Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Inga Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity See the boy version of this name Save to list See your list What does Inga mean?hero's daughter Origin Scandinavian Popularity#5,396in 2018-694from 2017Previous2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Inga? What about: Ingrid, Astrid, Anja, Freya, Nora, Annika, Linnea, Ester, Greta, Sigrid, Fiona, Cora Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Lara or Lily? Arden or Apollo? Eliana or Lara? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-03-24:c70db50cad5d75d37fbf283 Player ID: featured Video Player OKAlternatives to popular girl names See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D2345254#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/ellie\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Ellie Pronunciation: EH-lee (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Related Names: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellen, Elaine, Elise, Eliza, Helen Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Ellie Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know an Ellie? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAbby Anna Ava Ben Charlie Chloe Emily Emma Ethan Hannah Jack Jackson Jake Katie Lauren Luke Max Nathan Nico Owen Rayne Riley Ryan Sarah Sophie Name Lists Featuring Ellie Swedish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Sweden Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (New South Wales) 2014Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Victoria) 2014New Zealand Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in New Zealand 2014Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland 2014English and Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in England and Wales (2013)Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland 2014Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) 2014Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Saskatchewan) 2014Scottish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Scotland 2014Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Victoria), 2010English Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in England, 2010Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland, 2010Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland, 2010Scottish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Scotland, 2011Swedish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Sweden, 2010English and Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in England and Wales Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) for 2012Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) for 2012English Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in England 2015Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Wales Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Wales Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Wales Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Wales Welsh Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Wales Scottish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Scotland for 2012Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland for 2012Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland for 2012Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (New South Wales) for 2012Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Victoria) for 2012New Zealand Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in New Zealand for 2012Swedish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Sweden for 2012Scottish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Scotland Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec)Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (New South Wales)Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Victoria)New Zealand Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in New Zealand Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Western)Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Southern)Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Queensland)Contribute your knowledge to the name Ellie Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Ellie: | Edit Ellie is actually a really common name, it seems to me. I know several people with this name. 5/25/2015Personal experiences with the name Ellie: | Edit My name is Elie (well technically it's Mary Elizabeth). Yes, it is spelled with only one L. I've never met another Elie, but have met several Ellie's. I used to hate my name when I was younger because no one else was named Elie and they all spelled it wrong. Now however, I love my name. My father picked out the spelling and would not let it be spelled with two L's."
"docid": "D1074277#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Iliana\nIliana - Meaning of Iliana",
"text": "\"What does Iliana mean? Pronounce Iliana [ 4 syll. i- lia - na, il -i- ana ] The baby girl name Iliana is pronounced as iy-Liy- AE -N-aa- †. Iliana is largely used in English, German, and Spanish. Its origin is Latin and Old Greek. Iliana is an English and German variant transcription of the name Eliana (English, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish). Iliana is also a Spanish variant transcription of the name Helen (English). See also the related categories, spanish and german. Iliana is somewhat popular as a baby girl name. The name's popularity has been growing since the 1990s. Its usage peaked modestly in 2007 with 0.021% of baby girls being named Iliana."
"docid": "D497334#0",
"title": "http://www.babynames.com/name/ELYSIA\nAll about the name Elysia",
"text": "\"All about the name Elysia Elysia Latin Origin\"\"Heaven\"\"Add to my Favorites Share this: The meaning of the name Elysia is Heaven. The origin of the name Elysia is Latin. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. People who like the name Elysia also like: Aurora, Ava, Elise, Eliana, Aurelia, Dahlia, Sophia Elias, Dante, Elijah, Dominic, Oliver, Lucas, Ethan Elysia Stats Elysia is on 977 BN name lists Elysia is currently not ranked on the BN charts Elysia is currently not ranked in U. S. births Rank of the Name Elysia in the United States Source: Social Security Administration. Refreshed Annually. Show details Hide source details Social Security Administration Data Sets: Data Page ( ssa.gov ). Refreshed Annually. Still curious about our data? Contact us directly. Tip of the Day Family-Friendly Tips to Bring You Closer Jack Moreh1/15If your baby has bad acid reflux, feed him more frequently in small amounts, as larger amounts of food makes reflux more severe."
"docid": "D24644#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/rodrigo\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "Rodrigo Pronunciation: roh-DREE-goh (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Rodrigo: A cognate of Roderick (famous ruler), a name derived from the Middle Latin Rodericus, which is from the Old High German Hrodrich, a compounding of the elements hruod (fame) and rik (ruler). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Roderick Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Rodrigo Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Rodrigo? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAdriana Alex Candela Destiny Diego Eliana Emanuel Emilio Fabricio Federico Fernando Francisco Jasper Julia Marco Mariana Mathias Miguel Monica Nicolas Pablo Patricia Renata Ricardo Sergio Name Lists Featuring Rodrigo Spanish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Spain 2014Spanish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Spain, 2010Portuguese Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Portugal 2014Chilean Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Chile 2010Portuguese Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Portugal 2012Spanish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Spain 2012Spanish Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Spain Portuguese Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Portugal Andorran Boys Names: Most Popular Boys Names in Andorra Contribute your knowledge to the name Rodrigo Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Rodrigo: | Edit Share what you know!Personal experiences with the name Rodrigo: | Edit The Rodrigo I know is from Mexico City. He is exceptionally caring and kind. He is an architecture student. Nicknames for Rodrigo: | Edit Rod, Rudy Meanings and history of the name Rodrigo: | Edit Share what you know!Famous real-life people named Rodrigo: | Edit Rodrigo Reiss an American-Brazilian writer Rodrigo in song, story & screen: | Edit Share what you know!How does Rodrigo sound to you? What Namipedia Users Say Smart?"
"docid": "D3193877#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Liana\nWhat does Liana mean?",
"text": "\"What does Liana mean? Liana ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced lee-AHN-ah. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Liana is \"\"to twine around\"\". Name of a vine common to tropical rain forests. Also short form of names like Liliana and Juliana, or a variant of Eliana. Also form of Aileen. STARTS WITH Li-ASSOCIATED WITH rain (water)Variations VARIANTS Leana, Leanna, Leiana, Liahna, Liane, Liann, Lianna, Lianne SEE ALSO Iliana RELATIONS VIA ELIANA, JULIANA, LILIANA Eleana, Elian, Eliane, Elianna ▲, Elliana ▲, Elyana, Ileana, Lilianna ▲, Lina CREATIVE FORMS (female) Laana, .. (male) Lianam, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Liana Celine (L. C.), .. How popular is Liana? Liana is a very prominent first name for women (#1870 out of 4276, Top 44%) and a slightly less prominent surname for both adults and children (#111740 out of 150436, Top 74%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D1201259#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/eliana/\nEliana",
"text": "Eliana What does the name Eliana mean? The different meanings of the name Eliana are: Hebrew meaning: The Lord has responded Latin meaning: Sun The meaning of the name “Eliana” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available. Categories: Hebrew Names, Jewish Names, Roman Names Used in: English speaking countries, Hebrew speaking countries Gender: Girl Names Origins: Hebrew, Latin Starts with: EPronunciation: (eh lee AN ah) Form of: Itself (Eliana)Considering Eliana as a Baby Name? The first thing you should know if you are considering Eliana for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Eliana is a girl name. The name Eliana is of Hebrew, Latin origins, which means it has more than one root, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially English speaking countries, Hebrew speaking countries among others. If you consider naming your baby Eliana we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day. Searching for a name is a very important and fun process as it’s the very first gift you will give to your baby. Many people believe that the name can affect success in life, through their children's working career and other circumstances, so they choose more “respectable” names or name meanings as they believe that the name meaning reflects the personality of the child. Eliana Name Meaning The meaning of Eliana has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages."
"docid": "D1681805#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/ezekiel\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Ezekiel Pronunciation: eh-ZEE-kee-əl (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Ezekiel: Derived from the Greek Iezekiēl, a name derived from the Hebrew yehezq'ēl (God strengthens). The name is borne in the Bible by a 6th century B. C. Hebrew prophet whose ministry lasted more than twenty-three years. His prophecies are recorded in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Related Names: Ezequiel, Zeke Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Ezekiel Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know an Ezekiel? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAbraham Castiel Delilah Eliana Elijah Erich Ethan Ezra Ezriela Felicity Gideon Isaac Isaiah Israel Jeremiah Joshua Josiah Luke Malachi Moses Natalie Nicholas Raphaela Uriah Zoe Name Lists Featuring Ezekiel Contribute your knowledge to the name Ezekiel Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Ezekiel: | Edit Share what you know!Personal experiences with the name Ezekiel: | Edit-My grandson, born 6/12 in Pittsburgh PA, is named Ezekiel. We call him Zeke, or EZ. It's a different name and I believe he will be the only Zeke in his class."
"docid": "D2810395#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/eliana/379\nEliana",
"text": "Eliana Rating : Perfect0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5 / 542 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Eliana Gender: Girl Origin: Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Spanish Number of syllables: 4Ranking popularity: 125Pronunciation: eh-lee-AH-na or ah-lee-AH-na Simple meaning: God has answered me, the Lord has responded Characteristics of Eliana Humanitarian Community-minded Family-oriented Loving Affectionate Compassionate Sensitive Etymology & Historical Origin - Eliana The name Eliana is a Latinized mutation of the Hebrew name Eliyanah which means ‘God has answered me’ or the ‘Lord has responded.’ The name is derived from the Hebrew words “El” (meaning ‘God’) and “ana” (meaning ‘answered’). The middle element of the name indicates a first person possession, hence the full meaning: God has answered me. Eliana is mainly used among Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, but it has also been adopted by English speakers by way of combining the popular names “Elle” and “Anna. ”Popularity of the Name Eliana Outside from a brief period of usage between 1986 and 1987, the name Eliana really comes onto the U. S. popularity charts in 1991. It takes a few years for the name to decide what it wants to do on the charts and then suddenly in 1996 it becomes clear Eliana is headed up the list of most popular girls’ names in America. Within 15 years, the name advances over 800 spots on the charts; if Eliana keeps up its current trajectory, we expect to see the name land a spot on the Top 100 list in a few more years. Since the name originated from Latin romance languages, it has a particularly poetic sound. It’s a beautiful, lyrical four-syllable name that almost dances off the tongue. It’s also a lovely choice for spiritual parents who prayed for a child and ‘God answered them."
"docid": "D1199559#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Elio\nElio - Meaning of Elio",
"text": "\"What does Elio mean? Pronounce Elio [ 3 syll. e- lio, el - io ] The baby boy name Elio is pronounced EH Liyow †. Elio's language of origin is Old French and Old Greek, and it is used mainly in the Italian language. Elio is a form of the English Elliot. Elio is also an Italian form of the English and Greek Helios. See also the related form, the English, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish Eliana. See also the related categories, greek, italian, and french. Elio is infrequently used as a baby name for boys. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names. Within the group of boy names directly linked to Elio, Elliot was the most popular in 2016."
"docid": "D453259#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-hilma-438645.htm\nHilma Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Hilma Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity See the boy version of this name Save to list See your list Popularity#9,706in 2014-1,180from 2013Previous2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Hilma? What about: Hilani, Kelisha, Hafiya, Hanshitha, Kelia, Hita, Hitiksha, Hitanshi, Keyshia, Hanisah, Hanishka, Haarika Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Lara or Lily? Arden or Apollo? Eliana or Lara? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-03-23:34f2d29644f4bde7753a8bd1 Player ID: featured Video Player OKAlternatives to popular girl names See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
"docid": "D724158#0",
"title": "https://www.thebump.com/b/unique-baby-names\nUnique Baby Names",
"text": "Unique Baby Names70 BABY NAMESIf you’re searching for unique baby names, you’ve come to the right place! Unique baby girl or boy names are the best choice for every one-of-a-kind baby; each is individual, each is special! Enjoy finding unique names for baby on our lists. Unique African Baby Names Safiya Halima Kofi Maisha Diara Bahari Asuka Tau Scipio Unique Biblical Baby Names Rebekah Barnabas Delilah Elisha Joel Magdalen POPULAR PAGESCheck out these popular pages to discover more baby boy and baby girl names and meanings. Baby Names Home Baby Girl Names Baby Boy Names Unisex Baby Names Baby Name Lists BABY NAME FINDERSearch over 40,000 baby boy and baby girl names. Research name meaning, origin, popularity and more. Any Gender A-ZANY ORIGINBROWSE NAMES- OR -SEARCH NAMESADVERTISEMENTUnique Celebrity Baby Names Greer Indiana Suri Zahara Zola Unique English Baby Names Gerard Diamond Booker Emerson Keaton Lizbeth Jemma BABY GIRL NAMES A-ZClick on a letter to search for more baby girl names and meanings. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZBABY BOY NAMES A-ZClick on a letter to search for more baby boy names and meanings. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZUnique Greek Baby Names Stephano Apollo Niccola Unique Indian Baby Names Kavita Veda Ishani Divya Alok Arti Amata Sanjeev Lalit Unique Irish Baby Names Kellyann Leigh Tierneigh Declan Deidra Galvin Unique Italian Baby Names Geovana Loreta Nunzio Silvana Venezio Zola Rocco Allegra Arnaldo Donte Unique Japanese Baby Names Jiro Suki Toshi Mariko Shoda Tora Akito Ayaka Kazuki Kimika Unique Jewish Baby Names Delilah Mikel Marla Moses Eliana"
"docid": "D100567#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Eliana\nWhat does Eliana mean?",
"text": "\"What does Eliana mean? Eliana ▲ as a girls' name (also used less commonly as boys' name Eliana) is pronounced el-ee-AH-nah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Eliana is \"\"my God has answered\"\". Also the Spanish and Italian form of the Roman family name Aeliana. This may have come from the Greek word for the sun, helios, and the name may thus mean \"\"daughter of the sun\"\". See also Liana. STARTS WITH Eli-ASSOCIATED WITH roman, greek, sun (star)Variations VARIANTS Eleana, Elia, Elian, Eliane, Elianna ▲, Elianne, Eliette, Elice, Eline, Elliana ▲, Elyana, Elyette, Ileana, Lina SEE ALSO Aliana RELATIONS VIA LIANA Leana, Leiana, Liahna, Liane, Liann, Lianna CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Eliana Jimena (E. J. ), .. How popular is Eliana? Eliana is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#2725 out of 4276, Top 64%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
"docid": "D2588857#0",
"title": "https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-isar-553435.htm\nIsar Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity",
"text": "Home / Pregnancy / Baby Names / How to Pick a Name Isar Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity See the girl version of this name Save to list See your list What does Isar mean? Lord Shiva, eminent Origin Indian Popularity#12,786in 2015-156from 2014Previous2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999Next Source: Baby Center user data Related names Like Isar? What about: Meer, Neev, Shail, Aadi, Soham, Eash, Mrigank, Nayan, Neel, Naman, Inesh, Bir Popularity over time Source: Social Security Administration & Baby Center user data Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme... Search baby names Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community Baby names group Girl names group Boy names group Cast your vote Lara or Lily? Arden or Apollo? Eliana or Lara? Create your own poll See all name pollsadvertisement Featured video An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWNSession ID: 2018-03-24:58531d339ed690f0b16a6864 Player ID: featured Video Player OKHow did you name your baby? ( Mom Confidential)See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videosadvertisement"
] |
636766 | what does eligible for wind pool meaning | [
"docid": "D363302#0",
"title": "https://citizenspropertyinsuranceflorida.wordpress.com/tag/citizens-wind-pool/\n.",
"text": "Posts Tagged ‘Citizens wind pool’Florida Coastal Homes – How Smart Consumers Find Insurance Coverage January 3, 2010Let’s be honest about it. Finding an affordable Florida home insurance policy is a challenge in most parts of the state. Especially because most national companies no longer write homeowners insurance coverage here. At the present time only 40 Florida home insurance companies out of over 400 companies licensed to write home insurance are still open for new business. If your home is located in a Southern Florida coastal county, it is even harder for you to find Florida home insurance quotes . Most southern coastal counties have about 25 companies on average that are actively writing new business – and the closer your home is to the water, the number of companies that are willing to cover your home drops off dramatically. Many Florida coastal homes end up seeking coverage with Citizens Property Insurance Corporation where they are subject to higher premiums and special assessments. However, just because your home is located in a Florida coastal area doesn’t always mean you have to pay more for insurance. You can find other affordable options to cover your Florida coastal home if you know where to look. While there are many factors that can affect your ability to find insurance for your Florida coastal home including its age and construction materials, the two main considerations are whether your home is located in the Citizens Wind Pool and the underwriting guidelines being used by private Florida home insurance companies for coastal homes."
] | [
"docid": "D1427819#0",
"title": "http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/26523/what-is-the-pooled-standard-deviation-of-paired-samples\nWhat is the pooled standard deviation of paired samples?",
"text": "\"_Cross Validated is a question and answer site for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is the pooled standard deviation of paired samples?up vote4down votefavorite I am trying to do a priori sample size calculation based on published results. However, I am unable to obtain a reasonable estimate of the published effect size (which is not reported) as I am unable to obtain an estimate of the pooled standard deviation or the standard deviation of the difference. The problem resides in the fact that it is a factorial experiment with two within-subjects factors ( levels). I only have the cell means and standard deviations (i.e., for the table) but not the marginal means for the first factor (with 2 levels) which I need. I know that the formula for the pooled standard deviation for independent samples is the square root of ( taken from wikipedia) . But what is the formula for pooled standard deviation for dependent samples? Means:1A 1B 2a 3.24 3.01 2b 2.91 2.56 2c 3.01 3.05Standard deviations:1A 1B 2a 0.65 0.70 2b 0.68 0.60 2c 0.46 0.53I want to obtain the effect size between 1A and 1B (so pool over levels of factor 2). Sample size is 27.standard-deviation effect-sizeshare cite improve this questionasked Apr 16 '12 at 10:17Henrik9,003 7 52 104add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote4down voteaccepted If this is a completely balanced within-subject design with observations, then you can actually calculate the marginal means: simply average over the levels of the second factor. Of course, you have to be sure that averaging over different conditions is meaningful for your planned experiment - do you expect each of those conditions to be present with about 1/3 probability?"
"docid": "D1805716#0",
"title": "http://www.cga.ct.gov/2011/rpt/2011-R-0362.htm\n.",
"text": "Location: INSURANCE - HEALTH; SMALL BUSINESS; Scope: Connecticut laws/regulations; Court Cases; Background;October 12, 20112011-R-0362OLR BACKGROUNDER: SMALL EMPLOYER HEALTH INSURANCE LAW IN CONNECTICUTBy: Janet L. Kaminski Leduc, Senior Legislative Attorney This OLR Backgrounder provides information on Connecticut laws relating to group health insurance for small employers. ( This report updates OLR Report 2008-R-0542 . ) SMALL EMPLOYER DEFINITIONFor purposes of applying certain health insurance statutes, Connecticut law defines a “small employer” as any person, firm, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or association that:1. is actively engaged in business or self-employed for at least three consecutive months and2. on at least 50% of its working days during the preceding 12 months, employed no more than 50 “eligible employees,” the majority of them within Connecticut (CGS § 38a-564 (4)). An “eligible employee” is one who works at least 20 hours a week. Seasonal, temporary, or substitute employees are not eligible employees. Sole proprietors, partners of a partnership, or independent contractors are eligible employees, provided they are included as employees under a small employer ' s health care plan (CGS § 38a-564 (3)). In determining the number of eligible employees:1. companies that are affiliated or eligible to file a combined tax return are considered one employer;2."
"docid": "D2783539#0",
"title": "https://www.mypointnow.com/rebates-incentives/Virginia\nFederal Gas Furnace Tax Credits",
"text": "\"Select A State: Federal Gas Furnace Tax Credits State: VAFederal Gas Furnace Tax Credit Gas furnaces that are ENERGY STAR certified (except those for U. S. South only) meet the requirements for the furnace tax credit. Gas and oil furnaces that have earned the ENERGY STAR include fans that meet the requirements of the fan tax credit. Tax Credit Amount: $150 for furnace$50 for advanced main air circulating fan Requirements Furnace: AFUE > 95 Fan: Annual electricity use < 2% of total furnace energy FHA Power Saver Loan Program State: VAFederal Housing Administration (FHA) Power Saver loans provide three financing options for homeowners to make home energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades or improvements. FHA Power Saver financing products are insured by the FHA. Power Saver started as a 2-year pilot program in 2011. The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the FHA developed Power Saver as part of the Recovery Through Retrofi t initiative launched in May 2009. Eligible Measures Eligible home energy upgrades include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: A whole home upgrade through Home Performance with ENERGY STARInsulation and air sealing Replacing doors and windows Upgrading heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems and hot water systems Home automations systems and controls (e.g., smart thermostats)Installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar thermal hot water systems, small wind power, or geothermal heat pumps Availability and Eligibility For all three Power Saver products, borrowers must select from a list of approved Power Saver lenders and locations. Power Saver products are not currently offered in all states, so all potential applicants are encouraged to first check the program website to ensure product availability in their location. Power Saver is available to borrowers with good credit and manageable overall debt. Power Saver Home Energy Upgrade—Up to $7,500This unsecured consumer loan is intended for smaller projects (e.g., insulation, air and duct sealing, water heating, replacing heating and cooling equipment, etc.)."
"docid": "D3116270#0",
"title": "https://www.uswitch.com/energy-saving/guides/hydropower-for-the-home/\nHydropower for the home",
"text": "Using running water to generate power is hardly a new concept — hydroelectricity has a long history And smaller scale hydroelectricity, or hydropower, can be used on a domestic scale to heat your home or run your appliances. But how does hydropower work? Is a domestic system feasible? How much does it cost, and what are the main benefits of hydropower? We’ve got the answers here. Why pay more for the same energy? Find and switch to a better energy deal in minutes Your postcode How does hydropower work? Hydroelectricity is based on the power of gravity, plain and simple. Water in rivers and streams flows downwards towards the sea; as the water passes through a hydropower system, the energy in the water drives a turbine which turns a generator and energy is produced. The power of the system will depend on the strength of the water passing through, as well as the efficiency of the system."
"docid": "D138109#0",
"title": "https://www.specialneedsplanninglaw.com/medi-cal-planning/faqs-about-trusts.html\nFAQs About Special Needs Trusts",
"text": "\"FAQs About Special Needs Trusts Q: What is a special needs trust? A: A special needs trust is a tool that can hold assets for the benefit of a disabled person, without those assets counting as the property of the disabled person. This is important, as Medi-Cal and SSI rules allow a beneficiary to possess no more than $2,000.00 of countable assets. Assets in a properly drafted special needs trust can provide supplemental benefits for an individual without counting against this $2,000.00 limit. A disabled individual can accordingly be a named beneficiary of the special needs trust and also continue to receive benefits under Medi-Cal and SSI. Without a properly drafted special needs trust, the receipt of an inheritance, personal injury settlement, or gift would cause an SSI or Medi-Cal recipient to lose their eligibility for benefits. Q: What can a special needs trust pay for? A: Depending on its terms, a special needs trust can pay for anything. The problem is not what the trust can do, but how the SSI and Medi-Cal programs will treat the receipt of income by the beneficiary. It is almost never a good idea to give cash, or anything that can be converted to cash, directly to the beneficiary."
"docid": "D134990#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0047235291900816\nCross-sectional jury representation or systematic jury representation? Simple random and cluster sampling strategies in jury selection",
"text": "\"Journal of Criminal Justice Volume 19, Issue 1, 1991, Pages 31-48Cross-sectional jury representation or systematic jury representation? Simple random and cluster sampling strategies in jury selection Hiroshi Fukurai Edgar W. Butler Richard Krooth Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/0047-2352 (91)90081-6 Get rights and content Abstract This article presents a technical comparison of two methods of selecting juries. The research site was the Long Beach Superior Court in California. LISREL and computer-generated graphics were the analytic methods used. The analysis demonstrates that, if a representative list of prospective jurors is to be obtained, court officials must recognize the effects of racial and socioeconomic factors on residential segregation, and the selection procedure must take these factors into account. Minority and ethnic groups are unequally distributed within the jurisdiction studied. Traditional methods of jury selection, which are based on simple random sampling, are inadequate because they generate unrepresentative juror pools. In contrast, a cluster sampling method with the probability proportionate to size (PPS) incorporates residential segregation and generates a pool of jurors that reflects the cross-section of the community. Two test statistics, chi-square and Z, substantiated that cluster sampling is clearly superior to the currently employed simple random-selection method. Assurance of a cross-sectional representation of potential jurors is congruent with the requirement established by the Federal Jury Selection and Service Act of 1968."
"docid": "D200898#0",
"title": "https://www.pensionwindups.morneaushepell.com/en/windup_faqs.asp\nWind up FAQs",
"text": "Wind up FAQs What is a pension plan wind up? Why does a wind up happen? How long does a wind up of a pension plan take? I’ve heard that my plan does not have enough assets to cover benefits promised to members (i.e., it has a deficit). How does this happen? I am currently receiving a monthly pension. Will my payments stop? Will my pension amount change? When I retired, I elected a Joint & Survivor pension benefit. What impact will the wind up of the pension plan have on the survivor benefit payable on my death?"
"docid": "D2932319#0",
"title": "http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ca2001172/s9.html\nCommonwealth Consolidated Acts",
"text": "\"Commonwealth Consolidated Acts [ Index ] [ Table ] [ Search ] [ Search this Act ] [ Notes ] [ Noteup ] [ Previous ] [ Next ] [ Download ] [ Help ]CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 9Dictionary Unless the contrary intention appears:2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus has the meaning given by section 713B. \"\"AASB \"\" means the Australian Accounting Standards Board. \"\" ABN \"\" (short for \"\"Australian Business Number\"\") has the meaning given by section 41 of the A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999. \"\" Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation \"\" means a corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. \"\" accounting standard \"\" means: (a) an instrument in force under section 334; or (b) a provision of such an instrument as it so has effect. \"\" ACN \"\" (short for \"\"Australian Company Number\"\") is the number given by ASIC to a company on registration (see sections 118 and 601BD). \"\" acquire \"\", in relation to financial products, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7. \"\" act \"\" includes thing. \"\" administration \"\", in relation to a company, has the meaning given by section 435C. \"\"administrator \"\" : (a) in relation to a body corporate but not in relation to a deed of company arrangement: (i) means an administrator of the body or entity appointed under Part 5.3A; and (iii) if 2 or more persons are appointed under that Part as administrators of the body or entity--has a meaning affected by paragraph 451A (2) (b); or (b) in relation to a deed of company arrangement: (i) means an administrator of the deed appointed under Part 5.3A; and (ii) if 2 or more persons are appointed under that Part as administrators of the deed--has a meaning affected by paragraph 451B (2) (b). \"\" admit to quotation \"\": financial products are admitted to quotation on a market if the market operator has given unconditional permission for quotation of the financial products on the market. \"\" affairs \"\", in relation to a body corporate, has, in the provisions referred to in section 53, a meaning affected by that section. \"\""
"docid": "D3500110#0",
"title": "http://soakandswim.com/how-much-does-an-above-ground-pool-cost/\nHow Much Does an Above Ground Pool Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does an Above Ground Pool Cost? January 20, 2012How Much Does an Above Ground Pool Cost? There are a lot of different kinds of above ground pools. You can go to Wal-Mart or a similar store and get very cheap pools just about anytime. These have a number of downsides we’ll discuss. You can also go to a true pool and spa store and check out a variety of above ground pool types, mostly permanent installations. Some have pretty limited capabilities, some that with a little imagination can look like you had an inground pool installed for 1/3 of the price! Let’s go over some options and examples. Intex pools are ones you can find at Wal-Mart and other big box stores. They will be inexpensive and temporary–you cannot leave them up over winter."
"docid": "D681881#0",
"title": "https://www.fema.gov/public-assistance-frequently-asked-questions\nPublic Assistance: Frequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Public Assistance: Frequently Asked Questions This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding FEMA’s Public Assistance Program and guidance. Partnership Eligibility Expedited Funding Project Formulation Documentation Project Review Insurance Hazard Mitigation Environmental-Historic Preservation Project Funding Roles and Responsibility Grant Process Policy and Guidance Resources and Tools Partnership How does FEMA get involved in a State disaster? What do I (the Subgrantee) need to do to participate in the PDA process? Who is a Liaison? How will I be dealing with my Liaison? Who should attend the Applicant's Briefing? Who is a PAC? What does the PAC do? How will I be dealing with my PAC? What is a Kickoff Meeting?"
"docid": "D2871888#0",
"title": "http://blog.poolcenter.com/article.aspx?articleid=6165\nSwimming Pool Blog",
"text": "\"Swimming Pool Blog Pool Care & Repair Blog Home > 2011 > January 2011 (5)Shocking or Super-Chlorinating your swimming pool Rob Coxby Rob Cox, January 14, 2011Shocking vs. Super-Chlorinating your swimming pool Shocking the pool - to many people this means to pour in their chlorine powder once per week - whether they need it or not. Although a healthy practice from a sanitation standpoint, regular and unnecessary shocking may lead to a buildup of chloramines and an unnecessary lightening of the wallet. Superchlorinating the pool - is this different from shocking the pool? Many think not, and use the terms interchangeably. I therefore offer this distinct distinction: Shocking: Shocking the pool occurs when you have reached what's known as breakpoint chlorination. This is a threshold that is achieved when the ppm (parts per million) of chlorine reaches 10X the level of chloramines present in the pool water. If you go only 90% of the way there, and not actually reach this threshold of breakpoint chlorination, you will only contribute to a worsening problem - that of creating more chloramines (a chloramine is a combination of a chlorine molecule joined with an ammonia or a nitrogen). When breakpoint chlorination is reached, imagine a lighting bolt ripping through the water, \"\"shocking\"\" everything in the pool (at a microscopic level). With such a high level of chlorine in the water, every molecule floating around is broken apart, and every pathogen or bacteria strain floating around suffers from the shock, with the invasive chlorine molecule overpowering it, and ripping it apart from the inside out. If we could watch the process on the big screen, it would surely look rather violent."
"docid": "D1081418#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/gds/Salt-Water-Pool-Chlorine-Generator-Tips-/10000000001527511/g.html\nWhat is a salt water pool / chlorine generator?",
"text": "\"Home Buying Guides Home & Garden Other Home & Garden What is a salt water pool / chlorine generator?m7powers 172K Views 1,845 Likes Like Share February 18, 2016This review contains information I wish I had three years ago when first starting out and I hope it helps you learn about this technology quickly! It is written in two sections: A general explanation, and then my ownership experiences. Friends, if you appreciate this guide then please take a moment to give it a Yes vote -- thanks in advance. I first learned about saltwater pools from a friend who's summer project one year was about $120,000 worth of backyard landscaping which included, among other things, a saltwater pool with a waterfall. I had never heard of a saltwater pool before, and he explained that the main reason he used a saltwater solution in his pool was to reduce the operating costs. I thought saltwater pools were exotic technology but it turns out they are definitely cheaper to operate and maintain than traditional treated pools. Thankfully Intex, and many other manufacturers, make this equipment at a reasonable price so you don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy the technology.1. General Explanation: A chlorine generator is a new type of support equipment for recreational pools that eliminates the cost of purchased chlorine. Pools equipped with a chlorine generator, available in either stand alone units or in combination with a pump, generate chlorine automatically using the pool water itself and thereby avoid the cost associated with purchasing chlorine. In order to utilize a chlorine generator, the pool water must be converted from a freshwater pool to what is called a \"\"saltwater pool\"\"."
"docid": "D2357396#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-purpose-of-the-garbage-collector-in-Java\nWhat is the purpose of the garbage collector in Java?",
"text": "First of all, Thanks for the A2A. What is Garbage Collection? Memory management is one of the most crucial part for any programming language. In the Java programming language, dynamic memory allocation of objects is achieved using the new operator. Once an object is created, it uses some memory and the memory remains allocated till there are references for the use of the object. When there are no references for an object, it is assumed to be no longer needed and the memory occupied by the object can be reclaimed. There is no explicit need to destroy an object as java handles the de-allocation automatically. In general, garbage means unreferenced objects. Garbage Collection is a way to destroy the unused objects. To achieve garbase collection ,we are using free () function in C language and delete () in C++. But, in java it is performed automatically."
"docid": "D3174173#0",
"title": "http://www.ablenrc.org/about/what-are-able-accounts\nWhat are ABLE Accounts?",
"text": "\"What are ABLE Accounts? Understanding ABLEYour browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:37ABLE Accounts: 10 Things You Should Know What is an ABLE account? ABLE Accounts, which are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families, were created as a result of the passage of the Stephen Beck Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 or better known as the ABLE Act. The beneficiary of the account is the account owner, and income earned by the accounts will not be taxed. Contributions to the account, which can be made by any person (the account beneficiary, family and friends), must be made using post-taxed dollars and will not be tax deductible for purposes of federal taxes, however some states may allow for state income tax deductions for contribution made to an ABLE account. Why the need for ABLE accounts? Millions of individuals with disabilities and their families depend on a wide variety of public benefits for income, health care and food and housing assistance. Eligibility for these public benefits (SSI, SNAP, Medicaid) require meeting a means or resource test that limits eligibility to individuals to report more than $2,000 in cash savings, retirement funds and other items of significant value. To remain eligible for these public benefits, an individual must remain poor."
"docid": "D1461604#0",
"title": "http://www.valtur.it/en/resort/parco-torre-chia/\nSardinia Chia TORRE CHIA",
"text": "\"Homepage DESTINATIONS TORRE CHIASardinia Chia TORRE CHIAValtur Torre Chia is located in one of the most beautiful areas of Sardinia and looks like a typical hillside hamlet near Natural Park overlooking a breathtaking view of the Chia Tower and a splendid sea. ONLINE BOOKING BEST RATE GUARANTEEDCheck In Check Out VALTUR TORRE CHIAValtur Torre Chia looks like a typical Sardinian village, surrounded by a park full of flowers and endemic plants. It enjoys stunning views of the clear sea of Chia, where it is not uncommon to spot dolphins playing undisturbed in the rippling water. The large panoramic swimming pool and the smaller one for children offer a truly unique spectacle, with views of the surrounding nature and the wonderful sea. The largest beach stretches along the coast at the foot of the Torre di Chia. QUALITY AND SERVICE211 air-conditioned rooms. Wide choice of dining options, including a cocktail bar, pizzeria, and buffet restaurant with a children's area. The wellness centre* features a gym and offers a range of beauty treatments and massages, sauna, and Jacuzzi. The beach with facilities and large panoramic swimming pool offer a wonderful view. Spaces available for corporate and private events."
"docid": "D2388161#0",
"title": "http://www.mass.gov/dor/businesses/current-tax-info/guide-to-corporate-excise-tax/deductions.html\nView corporate excise tax deductions",
"text": "\"Deductions decrease your taxable income, which means you owe less taxes. Corporations are allowed the following deductions: Deduction Description Abandoned building renovation deduction A deduction equal to 10% of the costs incurred in renovating qualifying abandoned buildings located in an Economic Opportunity Area (EOA). Federal bonus depreciation deduction Massachusetts allows corporations to expense certain depreciable business assets instead of treating them as capital expenditures. Taxpayers are allowed a I. R. C. §179 deduction in the same amount as allowed federally. Dividend deduction Massachusetts does not allow the dividends received deduction that's allowed under the Internal Revenue Code. However, a Massachusetts deduction is allowed for 95% of the value of all dividends received, except for: Dividends from owning shares in a corporate trust engaged in business in Massachusetts Dividends from the deemed or actual distributions (except actual distributions of previously taxed income) from a DISC which is not wholly-owned, or Dividends from any class of stock if the corporation owns less than 15% of the payer corporation's voting stock Net operating loss deduction Massachusetts only allows a deduction for: Carrying over net operating loss in the first 5 years of a business, starting from the date the corporation was organized, or Losses sustained in taxable year prior to January 1, 2010: Net operating losses sustained in any taxable year can be carried forward for no more than 5 years, and can't be carried back. Losses generated during a taxable year beginning January 1, 2010 or later: Net operating losses sustained can be carried forward for no more than 20 years, and can't be carried back. Solar and wind power deduction When figuring out net income, a domestic or foreign business corporation may deduct expenses paid during the taxable year for installing: Any solar or wind-powered climate control Water heating units or systems Dividend deduction Massachusetts does not allow the dividends received deduction that's allowed under the Internal Revenue Code. However, a Massachusetts deduction is allowed for 95% of the value of all dividends received, except for: Dividends from owning shares in a corporate trust engaged in business in Massachusetts Dividends from the deemed or actual distributions (except actual distributions of previously taxed income) from a DISC which is not wholly-owned, or Dividends from any class of stock if the corporation owns less than 15% of the payer corporation's voting stock When calculating net income from business carried on in Massachusetts, a \"\"dividend\"\" is generally any item of federal gross income as defined under I. R. C. § 316 or that is treated as a dividend under any part of the Code. Documents to submit with abatement/amended tax return Massachusetts Schedule E-1 - Dividends Deduction Schedule showing payers, amounts and percent of voting stock owned by class of stock Additional Resources Corporate Excise tax forms and instructions DD 98-3: The Eligibility of Certain Constructive Dividends for the Massachusetts Dividends Received Deduction DD 98-2: The Use of Ownership Attribution Rules in Determining the Eligibility of Subpart F Income for the Massachusetts Dividends Received Deduction DD 98-1: The Use of Ownership Attribution Rules in Determining the Eligibility of a Dividend for the Massachusetts Dividends Received Deduction Net operating loss deduction Massachusetts only allows a deduction for: Carrying over net operating loss in the first 5 years of a business, starting from the date the corporation was organized, or Losses sustained in taxable year prior to January 1, 2010: Net operating losses sustained in any taxable year can be carried forward for no more than 5 years, and can't be carried back."
"docid": "D2904872#0",
"title": "https://www.windoor-realfly.com/en/windgames/2015/rules/VFS_4_way\n.",
"text": "Download & Print Information, Rules & Technical Conditions Introduction Venue Event Competition Dates Competition Schedule Competition Prizes Training Flights/Practice Times Competition Format Categories Competition Officials How to Apply Fees Alcohol Entertainment Definitions of Words and Phrases used in these Rules General Competition Rules Eligibility Equipment Video Object of the Events Performance Requirements The Draw Flight Order Video Recording Tunnel Entry Procedure Scoring Rounds Re-flights Appeals Judging Determination of the Champion Team Definitions of Symbols Addendum A – Dive Pools Introduction The competition will be conducted under the authority granted by Windoor Realfly, according to the regulations of Windoor Realfly and these rules. All participants accept these rules and the Windoor Realfly regulations as binding by registering in the competition. There are 2 parts to this document stating the below. Main document – Rules, format and information of the competition. Addendum A – Dive Poolsreturn to top1. Venue Windoor Realfly, Sector Aeroclub s/n, Empuriabrava, Spain 17486.return to top2. Event4-way Vertical Formation Skydiving Team Event (Up to four Performers and an alternate)return to top3. Competition Dates Friday 23rd January – Saturday 24th January 2015.return to top4. Competition Schedule Competition Schedule: The competition will run concurrently with the FS, FS Female, 2 way Dynamic competition, over two days with the awards ceremony and party taking place on the Saturday evening. Official training sessions and speed setting rounds will take place from 17 – 22nd January.4.1 Friday 23rd january: Opening Speech followed by draw and qualifying rounds 1-5.4.2 Saturday 24th january Competition qualifying rounds 6-8 including semi-finals and finals."
"docid": "D1664438#0",
"title": "http://www.wdwinfo.com/disney-theme-parks/blizzard-beach-water-park/\nDisney's Blizzard Beach Water Park",
"text": "\"Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park Blizzard Beach Attractions Blizzard Beach Photos Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park map PLANNING TIPS It is very common for Blizzard Beach to close due to capacity during the busy times of the year. I suggest you get there as close to opening time as you can, otherwise you might have to wait until 2:00 pm when it reopens. From October through March, only one water park will be open at a time. Usually, one park will close for 3 months for rehab and reopen when the other one closes. Check our rehabs page to see which water park will be open. New to Blizzard Beach? This will help you where many of the important items are at Blizzard Beach. Blizzard Beach Overview OPENED: April 1, 1995 Disney’s Blizzard Beach is a 66-acre themed water recreation attraction — inspired by the mythology of a snow ski resort that didn’t exactly find a suitable climate in Florida! Not only did I work at Blizzard, but I’ve done just about everything there. Yes, I was the one saving your child when he didn’t realize the water was 8 1/2 ft deep, and the one who searched for your family heirloom that you lost in the wave pool."
"docid": "D3077657#0",
"title": "http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/3483/\nFrosts, Freezes, Microclimates and our Delicate Plants",
"text": "\"I live in a climate that is not frost free, but we rarely get freezes. OK. What does that mean? What is the difference bewteen a frost and a freeze... or a hard frost and a freeze? What is the difference between frost, Rime or simple ice? And how can there be frost on my lawn when my outdoor thermometer says it only got down to 38F? And why is this plant damaged when that one right next to it is not? And why are some leaves of this plant damaged while others are not? I didn't really know before I wrote this article. Though it's not all clear now, I at least have a better idea."
"docid": "D138147#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere_(lake)\nMere (lake)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( April 2013)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( November 2010)Rushmere, on Wimbledon Common Mere in English refers to a lake that is broad in relation to its depth, e.g. Martin Mere. A significant effect of its shallow depth is that for all or most of the time, it has no thermocline. Contents [ hide ]1 Derivation of the word1.1 Etymology1.2 Signification2 Characteristics3 English meres3.1 Fenland4 Meres in the Netherlands5 References6 External links Derivation of the word [ edit]Etymology [ edit]The word mere is recorded in Old English as mere ″sea, lake″, corresponding to Old Saxon meri, Old Low Franconian *meri (Dutch meer ″lake, pool″, Picard mer ″pool, lake″, Northern French toponymic element -mer ), Old High German mari / meri (German Meer ″sea″), Goth. mari-, marei, Old Norse marr ″sea″ (Norwegian mar ″sea″, Shetland Norn mar ″mer, deep water fishing qarea″, Faroese marrur ″mud, sludge″, Swedish place name element mar-, French mare ″pool, pond″). They derive from reconstituted Proto-Germanic *mari, itself from Indo-European *mori, the same root as marsh and moor. The Indo-European root *mori gave also birth to similar words in the other European languages : Latin mare ″sea″ (Italian mare, Spanish mar, French mer ), Old Celtic *mori ″sea″ (Gaulish mori-, more, Irish muir, Welsh môr, Breton mor ), Old Slavic morje. ["
] |
636769 | what does eliquis treat | [
"docid": "D253499#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/eliquis.html\nEliquis",
"text": "Eliquis Generic Name: apixaban (a PIX a ban) Brand Names: Eliquis Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Tips More Interactions Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons What is Eliquis? Eliquis (apixaban) blocks the activity of certain clotting substances in the blood. Eliquis is used to lower the risk of stroke caused by a blood clot in people with a heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation. Eliquis is also used after hip or knee replacement surgery to prevent a type of blood clot called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can lead to blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Eliquis is also used to treat DVT or pulmonary embolism (PE), and to lower your risk of having a repeat DVT or PE. Slideshow10 Common Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored Important information You should not take Eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve, or if you have any active bleeding from a surgery, injury, or other cause. Eliquis can cause a very serious blood clot around your spinal cord if you undergo a spinal tap or receive spinal anesthesia (epidural), especially if you have a genetic spinal defect, if you have a spinal catheter in place, if you have a history of spinal surgery or repeated spinal taps, or if you are also using other drugs that can affect blood clotting. This type of blood clot can lead to long-term or permanent paralysis. Get emergency medical help if you have symptoms of a spinal cord blood clot such as back pain, numbness or muscle weakness in your lower body, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Do not stop taking Eliquis unless your doctor tells you to."
] | [
"docid": "D253501#0",
"title": "http://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/eliquis\nWhat Is Eliquis (Apixaban)?",
"text": "\"What Is Eliquis (Apixaban)?25 Reviews | Get Coupons Eliquis is the brand name of the prescription medicine apixaban, which is used to prevent strokes and blood clots in people with atrial fibrillation (a condition characterized by an irregular heartbeat). This medicine is also given to treat or reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT; a blood clot that usually develops in the leg) and pulmonary embolism (PE; a blood clot in the lung). In addition, Eliquis may be prescribed after hip or knee replacement surgery to help prevent DVT or PE. Eliquis belongs to a class of drugs called factor Xa inhibitors, often also called blood thinners. It works by preventing certain enzymes (known as factor Xa) in the blood from forming a blood clot. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Eliquis in 2012. It's marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Eliquis Warnings Eliquis contains a black box warning because it may cause a higher risk of stroke when people with atrial fibrillation stop taking it. Don't suddenly stop using this medicine without first talking to your doctor. Continue to take Eliquis even if you feel well, and don't miss any doses."
"docid": "D250994#0",
"title": "https://www.helprx.info/eliquis-discounts-coupons\nEliquis Coupon & Discounts",
"text": "\"Eliquis Coupon & Discounts Save on Eliquis at your pharmacy with the free discount below. Eliquis is an anticoagulant and blood thinner, prescribed to prevent blood clots. The price of Eliquis, because it is not yet available as a generic, can be pretty steep. Quantity is the primary factor in determining the Eliquis cost; a thirty-tablet supply of the 5mg strength of Eliquis starts at around $165 a ... Read more Eliquis Discount Savings with Help Rx discount up to:75% Offon Eliquis Privacy Protected Never Expires*The discount percent is an estimate based off recent cardholder data. Valid as of April 12, 2018Claim your free Eliquis discount Click the \"\"Get free coupon\"\" button to receive your free Eliquis discount Print, email or text message your coupon Present your coupon the next time you fill your prescription Get Free Coupon (No signup required! ) Eliquis Information: What How Precautions Side Effects Missed Dose Storage Overdose Additional Info What is Eliquis? Eliquis is an anticoagulant drug and Factor Xa inhibitor that, because of its blood thinning characteristics, is prescribed to prevent blood clots and is used in treating and preventing angina, pulmonary embolisms, atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, and to reduce the risk of stroke. It may also be prescribed after certain surgeries to prevent clotting; here may be other uses for this medication as well. A consultation with your doctor will provide the necessary Eliquis patient assistance to determine its efficacy in treating other conditions. “The price for my prescription has gone up the past year and paying the out of pocket cost was getting increasingly difficult."
"docid": "D1846052#0",
"title": "http://www.bloodclot.org/blood_clot_treatment\nBlood Clot Treatment",
"text": "Home » Blood Clots Blood Clot Treatment Anticoagulants are medications used by doctors as blood thinners that treat blood cots. These medications prevent new clots from forming as well as current clots from growing any larger. However, they do not break up or dissolve existing blood clots. Warfarin (Coumadin) and Heparin are the two most common anticoagulants, but newer anticoagulant medications like Xarelto, Pradaxa, and Eliquis are also widely prescribed by doctors. Heparin is an anticoagulant medication that is given by injection and comes in two forms. One form of Heparin is LMWH, which stands for Low-molecular-weight Heparin. It can be found under the names Dalteparin (Fragmin) and Enoxaparin (Lovenox). LMWH is given by injection (shot) and can be given at home. Advantages of Low Molecular Weight Heparin * Blood tests are generally not needed * Given as a shot rather than by IV * Home treatment Disadvantages: *Expensive The next form is (UF) Unfractionated Heparin. Some doctors refer to it as IV Heparin, because generally you receive it only in a hospital from an IV."
"docid": "D3166659#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/apixaban/article.htm\nEliquis",
"text": "Atrial Fibrillation Slideshow: Causes, Tests and Treatment Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) Quiz: Test Your Medical IQA Visual Guide to Heart Disease What brand names are available for apixaban? Is apixaban available as a generic drug? Do I need a prescription for apixaban? What are the uses for apixaban? What are the side effects of apixaban? What is the dosage for apixaban? Is apixaban safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? What else should I know about apixaban? What brand names are available for apixaban? Eliquis Is apixaban available as a generic drug?"
"docid": "D253500#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/eliquis-side-effects-drug-center.htm\nEliquis",
"text": "Eliquis Side Effects Center Atrial Fibrillation Slideshow: Causes, Tests and Treatment Take the Atrial Fibrillation Quiz!Heart Disease Slideshow Pictures Find Lowest Prices on Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEPLast reviewed on Rx List 12/11/2017Eliquis ( apixaban) is an anticoagulant (blood thinner) that reduces blood clotting and reduces the risk of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The most common side effects of Eliquis are related to bleeding. Other side effects of Eliquis include:skin rash,allergic reactions,fainting, nausea, andanemia. Tell your doctor if you have serious side effects of Eliquis including easy bruising, unusual bleeding (nose, mouth, vagina, or rectum ), bleeding from wounds or needle injections, any bleeding that will not stop; heavy menstrual periods; headache, dizziness, weakness, feeling like you might pass out; red, pink, or brown urine; black or bloody stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds; numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness (especially in your legs and feet); or loss of movement in any part of your body. Our Eliquis (apixaban) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Eliquis Consumer Information Atrial Fibrillation Slideshow: Causes, Tests and Treatment Take the Atrial Fibrillation Quiz!Heart Disease Slideshow Pictures Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have:easy bruising, unusual bleeding (nose, mouth, vagina, or rectum), bleeding from wounds or needle injections, any bleeding that will not stop;heavy menstrual periods;headache, dizziness, weakness, feeling like you might pass out;red, pink, or brown urine;black or bloody stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds;numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness (especially in your legs and feet); orloss of movement in any part of your body."
"docid": "D2822076#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/Is-unusual-tiredness-or-weakness-a-side-effect-of-eliquis\nIs unusual tiredness or weakness a side effect of eliquis?",
"text": "Get your Health question answered in 3 easy steps Hi,I am Dr. Andrew Rynne (Family Physician). I will be looking into your question and guiding you through the process. Please write your question below. Ask a Doctor Now133 Doctors are Online Dr. Andrew Rynne Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Ram Choudhary Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Timothy G Moser Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Carol Rogala Emergency Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Mimi Ghosh Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Kiran Kumar Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Ada B. Dickinson Pediatrician Ask Now »Dr. J. Clive Spiegel Psychiatrist Ask Now »...and 18,000+ Doctors from across the world Health Topics » Diseases and Conditions » Tiredness »Showing results for : Is unusual tiredness or weakness a side effect of eliquis? Premium Questions What causes unusual tiredness after taking Tricor?feeling well, says he's really tired & rundown. I google side effects & see a serious one is unusualtiredness . Glucose is good. Could this just be him adjusting to the new med? Concerned about the weekend ... Is unusual tiredness after insect bite a symptom of Lyme Disease? Can I possibly have Lyme Disease?"
"docid": "D251350#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/search/Is-confusion-a-side-effect-of-eliquis\nIs confusion a side effect of eliquis?",
"text": "Get your Health question answered in 3 easy steps Hi,I am Dr. Andrew Rynne (Family Physician). I will be looking into your question and guiding you through the process. Please write your question below. Ask a Doctor Now179 Doctors are Online Dr. Andrew Rynne Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Ram Choudhary Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Timothy G Moser Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Carol Rogala Emergency Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Mimi Ghosh Family Physician Ask Now »Dr. Kiran Kumar Internal Medicine Ask Now »Dr. Ada B. Dickinson Pediatrician Ask Now »Dr. J. Clive Spiegel Psychiatrist Ask Now »...and 18,000+ Doctors from across the world Showing results for : Is confusion a side effect of eliquis? Premium Questions Is headache a side effect of Eliquis? I just was diagnosed w a DVT in my right leg. My Dr put me on 10 mg twice a day of Eluquis for 7 days then reduce to one 5 m for 60 days. My question is I have been taking the 10mg twice a day for 3 days so far. Today 93RD0 day I have developed a... Suggest treatment for side effects of Eliquis I am 91 yrs old. I was put on eliquis about 6 mos ago replacing plavix (strokes and afib)."
"docid": "D2059999#0",
"title": "https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AMeG/eliquis-fisherman\nAbout ELIQUIS TV Commercial, 'Fisherman'",
"text": "About ELIQUIS TV Commercial, 'Fisherman'A fisherman discusses his choice to switch to ELIQUIS for his atrial fibrillation condition. Advertiser ELIQUIS Products ELIQUISSongs - Add Phone 1-855-ELIQUISAd URL http://www.eliquis.com Mood Active Magazines The Family Handyman Actors - Add None have been identified for this spot Agency Publicis North America (Creative Agency), Publicis North America (Digital Agency)Screenshots Previous Next More ELIQUIS Commercials ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Kayaker'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Bringing My Best'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'DVT and PE Blood Clots: Camping'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'A Lot on My Mind'Related Commercials ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'No Matter Where I Ride'Xarelto TV Spot, 'Reduce Your Risk' Featuring Kevin Nealon, Brian Vickers ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Turn Around Your Thinking' Xarelto TV Spot, 'High Risk of Stroke' Featuring Jerry West Related Advertisers Xarelto Pradaxa Brilinta Crestor Entresto Related Products Victoza Victoza Xarelto Xarelto Brilinta Brilinta Pradaxa Pradaxa Crestor Cholesterol Medication Comments"
"docid": "D1538489#0",
"title": "http://www.internetdrugcoupons.com/eliquis-coupon\nEliquis Coupons and Discounts",
"text": "Home / Drug Categories / Eliquis Eliquis Coupons and Discounts If you have atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heartbeat), your doctor may prescribe Eliquis to reduce your risk of stroke. This prescription medication comes as a pill and is typically taken twice a day. The cost of Eliquis can be very high, with a one month supply (sixty tablets) often retailing for $360 or more. If you don’t have insurance or Eliquis patient assistance to cover the cost of this medication, you can reduce your out-of-pocket expense with an Eliquis coupon from our site. Learn more about our discount coupons and the Eliquis medication below.1. Eliquis Manufacturer Coupon2. Eliquis Internet Drug Coupon Get Eliquis Coupon Save up to 75% Retail Price Eliquis Save 20-75% on your prescription BIN: 005947PCN: CLAIMCRGRP: 7125VBNMEMBER NUMBER: HNA195522This is not insurance. Print Your Coupon Email coupon SMS (Text) coupon Get Card in mail Discount program for drugs similar to how the AAA card gets you discounts on motel rooms. Ideal for people with no drug coverage, self-employed, donut hole seniors. Accepted at all the big chains (Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Etc.)"
"docid": "D2020362#0",
"title": "http://www.commercialsihate.com/eliquis_topic16683.html\nEliquis",
"text": "\"Author Message Topic Search Topic Options Post Reply Create New Topic Printable Version Translate Topiccinsays Members Profile Send Private Message Find Members Posts Add to Buddy List Junior Executive Joined: 13 Oct 2013 Location: georgia Status: Offline Points: 63Post Options Post Reply Quote cinsays Report Post Thanks (0) Quote Reply Topic: Eliquis Posted: 13 Oct 2013 at 8:54pm There is a new Eliquis commercial with a guy sitting at a table with his wife and he is discussing this drug and why he uses it,etc. There is nobody else in the room besides the two of them. Who the heck is he supposed to be looking at and talking to? Just bugs the heck out of me.... (doesn't take much, huh? ) Sponsored Links Ad nauseous Members Profile Send Private Message Find Members Posts Add to Buddy List Revolutionary Joined: 15 Apr 2008 Location: Connecticut Status: Offline Points: 23135Post Options Post Reply Quote Ad nauseous Report Post Thanks (0) Quote Reply Posted: 13 Oct 2013 at 9:18pm Ugh, another freaking pharmaceutical commercial! HOW MANY MORE DO WE NEED? One good thing about TV-you could always turn it off Thor Members Profile Send Private Message Find Members Posts Add to Buddy List Revolutionary Joined: 16 Apr 2008 Location: Rockaway, NJ Status: Offline Points: 56993Post Options Post Reply Quote Thor Report Post Thanks (0) Quote Reply Posted: 13 Oct 2013 at 9:18pmhttp://www.ispot.tv/ad/72Se/eliquis-reasons Yeah, all he's doing is looking (with his wife) at an old picture of himself shooting hoops, and he launches into a long spiel about the heart medication. His wife just wanted to look at old pics; she didn't wanna hear all that sh*t. So, she starts to drift. Maybe that's why he looks to the side over at no one in particular."
"docid": "D1373308#0",
"title": "http://www.everydayhealth.com/columns/jared-bunch-rhythm-of-life/i-have-atrial-fibrillation-which-new-blood-thinner-should-i-take/\nI Have Atrial Fibrillation: Which Blood Thinner Should I Take?",
"text": "Atrial fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm that results in reduced active squeezing of the upper heart chambers, which causes blood flow to slow and enables blood clots to form. These clots can then be injected to the body organs, and if they reach the brain, a stroke can occur. Because of this, stroke prevention includes taking blood thinning medications. Treating Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention For many years, one drug, warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) , was the proven therapy for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. Warfarin is an anticoagulant, or blood thinner, but the drug doesn’t actually make the blood thinner: It makes it less likely to clot. Warfarin works by blocking the body’s ability to recycle vitamin K, which is found in many of the small proteins that come together to create a clot. With less vitamin K circulating throughout the body, fewer proteins are available and, as a consequence, the body requires more time to form a clot. But warfarin is a tough drug to take long term: Studies show that around 30 percent of people will stop taking it. Frequent blood tests are required to regulate the proper dose of warfarin, which also interacts with other drugs, herbs, and food sources. Diets are often modified to minimize the amount of vitamin K consumed and to make the drug’s effects in the body more predictable."
"docid": "D251352#0",
"title": "https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2015/01/08/new-eliquis-apixaban-alert-unexpected-side-effect/\nNew Eliquis (Apixaban) Alert: Unexpected Side Effect",
"text": "3.32 176 ratings New Eliquis (Apixaban) Alert: Unexpected Side Effect Side effects of the new generation anticoagulants like Eliquis (apixaban), Pradaxa (dabigatran) and Xarelto (rivaroxaban) can be scary. What's the latest? Joe Graedon January 8, 2015 Anemia 484 Comments In our inbox yesterday morning was a media alert from Adverse Events, Inc., regarding the anticoagulant Eliquis (apixaban) and some new cases of colon cancer and liver injury. There is nothing in the official prescribing information regarding such possible complications. This healthcare informatics company monitors FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) looking for signals of drug problems. The researchers also obtain insider data from the FDA through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This is just the latest alert regarding Eliquis, a medication prescribed to prevent blood clots in patients with an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. The drug is also used to prevent blood clots after knee replacement surgery and to reduce the risks of blood clots in the legs or lungs from deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Admittedly, the number of cases of colon cancer or liver damage is very small, but this will require careful follow-up to make sure there isn’t a trend developing. Adverse Events, Inc., ( Adverse Events.com) has noted other complications associated with Eliquis that have not made it into the official label."
"docid": "D718786#0",
"title": "http://www.news-medical.net/drugs/Eliquis.aspx\nEliquis",
"text": "\"Eliquis Download PDF Copy NOTICE: This Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is intended for persons living in Australia. ELIQUIS ® (elle-e-kuis)apixaban Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet This leaflet answers some common questions about Eliquis. It does not contain all the available information. It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist. All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you taking Eliquis against the benefits it is expected to have for you. If you have any concerns about taking this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Keep this leaflet with the medicine. You may need to read it again. What Eliquis is used for What Eliquis does This medicine is used to:prevent blood clots in your veins after a hip or knee replacement surgery."
"docid": "D1094818#0",
"title": "http://www.healthcaremagic.com/questions/Could-taking-Eliquis-cause-itching-and-rashes/1008047\nCould taking Eliquis cause itching and rashes?",
"text": "Could taking Eliquis cause itching and rashes? I have been taking Eliquis, 5 mg twice daily along with flecanide, 50 mg twice daily since last Nov. I experienced severe itching approx 3 months later and a rash . I have been dx with A-fib. My cardiologist changed Eliquis from 5mg tablets to 2.5 tablet and had no problems until this past month. Again I am experiencing severe itching and rash mainly on my legs and arms so that when I scratch I bleed. I am seeing my doc. later on this wk. Have other people experienced this and where do I go from here? Asked On : Fri, 25 Jul 2014 Answers: 1 Views: 252 Report Abuse Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+Internal Medicine Specialist , Dr. Devendra Kumar Tripathi 's Response I can understand your concern . Pruritus and rash are very common side effects of eliquis ."
"docid": "D2278425#0",
"title": "http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2014/08/get-the-right-blood-thinner-for-an-irregular-heartbeat/index.htm\nChoosing the Right Blood Thinner for an Irregular Heartbeat",
"text": "At-a-glance Anticoagulants are blood-thinning medicines that can lower the risk of strokes and death in people with a heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation. People who have AFib are at high risk of stroke—a risk that increases with age. But these medicines, apixaban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto) and warfarin (Coumadin and generic), can have serious side effects, so they should only be prescribed after a person’s risk of stroke, and their vulnerability to side effects, is carefully assessed. Why? Because the most concerning safety issue with anticoagulants is the risk of internal bleeding, and particularly bleeding in the brain. About one in six people who take an anticoagulant will experience some kind of internal bleeding, for example in their stomach, intestines, or urinary tract. And about 3 percent of people who take an anticoagulant will have a major bleeding episode, including those in the brain that, if not treated immediately, could be fatal. One of the anticoagulants—warfarin—has been on the market for more than 50 years. Several others have been approved since 2010. Taking into account the evidence for effectiveness and safety, as well as cost, we have chosen generic warfarin as a Consumer Reports Best Buy drug."
"docid": "D568379#0",
"title": "http://discoveryrehab.com/20-things-to-know-about-eliquis-apixaban/\n20 Important Eliquis® Facts You Need to Know About (Apixaban)",
"text": "20 Important Eliquis® Facts You Need to Know About (Apixaban)Table of Contents [ show]1.) Eliquis (Apixaban) is a relatively new medication and selective inhibitor. It is used mainly to prevent harmful blood clots from forming in the blood vessels. Eliquis is mostly used to prevent blood clots for people who have had a total hip replacement or knee replacement surgery, for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (blood clots in the veins) and the prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation.2.) The drug prevents clot formation by blocking an important pathway Coagulation cascade is a series of reactions, by which, certain protein complex reacts with co-factors and become active components that then catalyze the next reaction in the series to make a bigger complex, ultimately resulting in cross-linked fibrin (blood clot). Eliquis prevents an important step in this series of reactions by selectively and reversibly blocking the active site of an enzyme (responsible for activation of Factor X to Factor Xa) without requiring a cofactor (e.g., antithrombin III) and breaks the chain to clot formation. ( Activation of Factor X to Factor Xa via the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways plays a central role in the blood coagulation)Unlike the previously best known anticoagulant Warfarin, Eliquis is far much better because it significantly reduces: Risk of stroke or systemic embolism by 21%Risk of major bleeding by 31%Mortality by 11%3.) Pfizer predicted first-year sales of $350 million after the FDA approved the drug. However, Eliquis sales for 2013 could not even reach $129 million marks. While, global sales of PRADAXA ® were $875 million and $582 million for XARELTO ®."
"docid": "D718789#0",
"title": "http://www.rxwiki.com/apixaban\nApixaban",
"text": "\"Apixaban reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots in people who have atrial fibrillation (AFib). Does not have food interactions or require blood monitoring. Apixaban Overview Apixaban is a prescription medication used to reduce the risk of stroke and systemic embolism (artery blockage). Apixaban belongs to a group of drugs called Xa inhibitor anticoagulants, which decrease the chance of a blood clot forming in the body. I t is also used to treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in some patients as well as prevent blood clots that travel throughout the body in patients who have been treated for these type of blood clots. This medication comes in tablet form and is taken twice a day with or without food. Common side effects are related to bleeding. Patient Ratings for Apixaban Pill Images Eliquis 5 MG Oral Tablet Color: Pink Shape: Oval Size: 10.00Score: 1Imprint: 894 5<< 1 of 1 >>Apixaban Cautionary Labels Uses of Apixaban Apixaban is a prescription medicine used to:reduce the risk of stroke and blood clots in people who have atrial fibrillation.reduce the risk of forming a blood clot in the legs and lungs of people who have just had hip or knee replacement surgery.treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in some patients.prevent DVT and PE from happening again in those patients who have been treated for a (DVT) or (PE). This medication may be prescribed for other uses. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information."
"docid": "D1394366#0",
"title": "http://www.healthline.com/health/atrial-fibrillation-blood-clots\nAtrial Fibrillation Blood Clots: Symptoms and Prevention",
"text": "Atrial Fibrillation Blood Clots: Symptoms and Prevention Symptoms Prevention Takeaway What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a type of cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat. In a healthy heart, oxygen-rich blood moves from your lungs to the left upper chamber of your heart. The upper chambers are called your atria. Your atria pump the blood into the two lower chambers of your heart, known as your ventricles. Blood from your lungs is pumped from the left atrium into the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps your blood around your body and back to the right atrium, the right ventricle, and then your lungs. Electrical impulses allow each part of your heart to beat in rhythm with other parts. If you have AFib, your heart’s electrical signals become disorganized. This causes your heart’s atria to beat chaotically, preventing proper blood flow."
"docid": "D568380#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/answers/you-drink-alcohol-taking-eliquis-742650.html\nCan you drink alcohol while taking Eliquis?",
"text": "Home › Q & A › Questions › Can you drink alcohol while... Can you drink alcohol while taking Eliquis? Asked 1 Jul 2013 by acksam Updated 5 Jan 2018Topics alcohol, eliquis Answer this Question Report Favorite Responses (6)Sort SY sylviesays 31 Jul 2013Since I just started Eliquis myself I talked to 2 different pharmacies and asked the same question. I have a glass of wine nightly prior to dinner. I was told it was not wise to drink daily as it may increase side effects. However, drinking on occasion should be fine. I still enjoy my glass of wine but limit how often. I have found taking Eliquis with a large glass of water or taking with food helps to minimize stomach upsets. Take care. Votes: +1 Comment Vote up Report OL Oldrodder 24 May 2017I want know if I can drink 4to 5 beers Votes: +1 Comment Vote up Report DA dallend63 27 Jun 2017OTC pain relievers while taking Eliquis are pretty much limited to acetaminophen (Tylenol). Tylenol and alcohol DO NOT mix."
"docid": "D1240919#0",
"title": "https://www.drugnews.net/news/antidote-xarelto-blood-thinner-patients-emergency\nPossible Antidote Could Help Blood Thinner Patients In Bleeding Emergencies",
"text": "Wednesday, October 15, 2014Possible Antidote Could Help Blood Thinner Patients In Bleeding Emergencies California pharmaceutical pioneer Portola Pharmaceuticals announced recently that they have completed the second round of clinical trials for an antidote that could stop bleeding in emergencies for millions of people taking new generation blood thinners. This is the latest step in a long process towards FDA approval; however, records show thousands of users could benefit immediately. The development comes as use of three new drugs: Xarelto, Pradaxa and Eliquis have swelled in recent years as patients move away from the blood testing and diet restrictions of stalwart anticoagulant Coumadin. Trials have shown the three newer drugs may be better at preventing blood clots that plague those with atrial fibrillation and who have undergone surgery. They may also result in fewer instances of internal bleeding. However, when it does strike it can turn deadly. Coumadin, the trade name for warfarin, is a cumbersome drug with many dangerous side effect risks of its own. However, in situations of severe internal bleeding doctors can give an antidote injection to quickly stop it. So far, the same isn’t available for Xarelto, Pradaxa and Eliquis. Portola’s new antidote, Andexanet alfa, has shown promising results in phase I and phase II clinical trials for stopping bleeding for Xarelto and Eliquis."
] |
636773 | what does ellie short for | [
"docid": "D778223#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130202201813AAn0j4q\nWhat could the name Ellie be short for?",
"text": "Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names What could the name Ellie be short for? Im having a baby and i love the name Ellie but don't know what the full name should be? Follow 20 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: My personal favourite is Eleanor, but Ellie can be short for a lot of names. You've got names that start with El: Elizabeth, Eliza, Elodie, Eloise, Elke, Elka, Elena, Ellen, Ella, Elsa, Elysia, Elvira, Elva, Elaine, Elisa, Eleri, Ellis, Elga, Elele, Elexi/Elexis, Elphaba. Names that end with El (or Elle): Hazel, Annabel, Gabrielle, Danielle, Rachel, Isobel, Ethel, Liesel, Laurel, Mabel, Maricel, Claudel. And even names containing El: Adelaide, Helen/Helena, Delaney, Delilah, Stella, Lorelei, Melody, Madeleine, Penelope, Amelie, Cordelia, Jacqueline. Just some ideas - I hope you find something in there that strikes your fancy, or at least gives you an idea for a brilliant name. I personally quite like Hazel, Madeleine, or Lorelei, if you don't want to limit yourself to El- names. Good luck!Nametag ♣ · 5 years ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating Eleanor Elisa Elisabeth Elizabeth Eliza Ella Elena Elise Esmeralda Ellen Ellsen Ellyn Elma Eloise Elliot Elle Elissa Source (s): I love Eleanor. <3Elizabeth · 5 years ago0 0 Comment Eleanor Elizabeth Eloise Elise Eliza Ellen Avi8 · 5 years ago0 0 Comment Eloise Elise Ellen Ella Eliza Elizabeth? ·"
] | [
"docid": "D2968284#0",
"title": "http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199828340/obo-9780199828340-0147.xml\nRational Emotive Behavior TherapyDaniel DavidLAST REVIEWED: 09 May 2017LAST MODIFIED: 30 January 2014DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0147",
"text": "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Daniel David LAST REVIEWED: 09 May 2017LAST MODIFIED: 30 January 2014DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0147Introduction Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is the first form of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and was created by Albert Ellis. REBT theory is based on the ABC model, where A stands for activating events, B for beliefs, and C for various psychological outcomes. Based on REBT, psychological outcomes are not generated by A (the activating events), but by how one cognitively processes them. Rational beliefs refer to beliefs that have logical, empirical, and/or pragmatic support; in interaction with various A, they produce functional psychological consequences. Irrational beliefs refer to beliefs that do not have logical, empirical, and/or pragmatic support; in interaction with A, they generate dysfunctional psychological consequences. REBT theory is a motivational theory, part of the appraisal paradigm. Our desires/goals can be formulated rationally and/or irrationally. Some people formulate their desires/goals rigidly (e.g., “I must be loved by my wife and cannot accept if this does not happen”), with demandingness/DEM as a primary irrational appraisal. When DEM is not confirmed by A, secondary irrational appraisal mechanisms follow: (1) frustration intolerance/FI (e.g., “I cannot stand if what I think should happen doesn’t happen”); (2) awfulizing/catastrophizing/AWF (e.g., “It is awful if what I think should happen doesn’t happen”); and (3) global evaluation in the form of self-downing (e.g., GE/SD: “I am worthless if my wife does not love me as she should”), other downing (e.g., GE/OD: “My wife is damnable because she does not love me as she should”), and/or life downing (e.g., GE/LD: “Life is totally bad if my wife does not love me as she should”). The combination of primary and secondary irrational appraisals generates dysfunctional negative feelings, maladaptive behaviors, and/or unhealthy psychophysiological reactions."
"docid": "D2703347#0",
"title": "https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=ellis\nEllis Family History",
"text": "Ellis Family History14-Day Free Trial GIVE ME ACCESSEllis Name Meaning English and Welsh: from the medieval personal name Elis, a vernacular form of Elijah (see Elias). In Wales this surname absorbed forms derived from the Welsh personal name Elisedd, a derivative of elus ‘kindly’, ‘benevolent’. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press8M Historical Documents2M Birth, Marriage, and Deaths226K Military Records145K Immigration Records1M Census and Voter Lists3M Member Trees Ready to discover your family story? Simply start with yourself and we'll do the searching for you. First Name Last Name Age Gender Male Female Ellis Family Origin Where is the Ellis family from? Location SHOW MOREEllis Family Occupations What did your Ellis ancestors do for a living? Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Ellis ancestors, such as occupation. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status. SHOW MOREUnited States Canada England Farmer39 %Laborer8 %Keeping House6 %Farming4 %In 1880, Farmer, Laborer and Keeping House were the top 3 reported jobs worked by Ellis. A less common occupation for the Ellis family was Farming."
"docid": "D1494804#0",
"title": "https://www.big-bang-theory.com/\nBig Bang Theory",
"text": "\"Big Bang Theory - The Premise The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment. According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as \"\"singularity\"\" around 13.7 billion years ago. What is a \"\"singularity\"\" and where does it come from? Well, to be honest, we don't know for sure. Singularities are zones which defy our current understanding of physics. They are thought to exist at the core of \"\"black holes.\"\" Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure."
"docid": "D2011772#0",
"title": "http://www.espn.com/espn/eticket/story?page=Dock-Ellis\n",
"text": "\"1The electric kool-aid no-no Better question: What happened to Ellis? He was a 1970s sports icon, outspoken and controversial, loathed and adored. Charles Barkley with a touch of Ozzie Guillen. Ellis pitched in an All-Star Game. Was a World Series champion. He played 10 major league seasons, won 138 games and was a key member of the 1976 New York Yankees. He was a husband, a brother, an uncle and a father. He later became a drug counselor, working with addicts, inmates and troubled youth. \"\" If I had never met Dock, I would probably be dead or doing life [in prison],\"\" said John Shandy, a 35-year-old Long Beach resident and recovering addict who was counseled by Ellis while incarcerated. \"\" There's no doubt about that in my mind whatsoever."
"docid": "D1835077#0",
"title": "http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/Tommy\nTommy",
"text": "\"Tommy Biographical Information Other names Tommy Miller (non-canon)Little brother, baby brother (by Joel) Uncle Tommy (by Sarah)Born Late 1980s Texas, U. S. Age (d)Early 40s Status Alive Affiliation (s)Fireflies (formerly)Relatives Maria (wife) Unnamed father-in-law Joel (older brother) Unnamed ex-sister-in-law Sarah (niece) †Resides Austin, Texas, U. S. (formerly)Jackson County, Wyoming, U. S. Physical Description Species Human Gender Male Race Caucasian Nationality American Ethnicity Caucasian-American Hair color Dirty blond Game Information Appears in The Last of Us Chapters Hometown Tommy's Dam Voiced by Jeffrey Pierce Mo-capped by Jeffrey Pierce“My cause is my family now.— Tommy talking to Joel”Tommy is a character who appears in The Last of Us. He is Joel 's younger brother, Sarah 's uncle, the husband of Maria and a former member of the Fireflies . He is voiced and mo-capped by Jeffrey Pierce . Contents [ show]Biography Edit Background and early life Edit Tommy was born sometime during the 1980s, in Texas, where he grew up alongside his older brother Joel who raised him. Although not much is known regarding Tommy's early life, the brothers rented two Harley motorcycles and went on a cross-country ride for Tommy's birthday. Through hints between Joel and Tommy's brief conversations in the game, it is likely that they both shared an interest in college football. Judging by dialogue heard between the two, Tommy and Joel worked alongside each other. Tommy also regularly went with him and Sarah to several events and carnivals, evidenced by the photos in her room. Events of The Last of Us Edit Outbreak day Edit Tommy during the outbreak."
"docid": "D2964711#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_name_Ellie_mean\nWhat does the name Ellie mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures Names and Name Meanings What does the name Ellie mean? What does the name Ellie mean? Answer by Sarah Xx Confidence votes 7Ellie is a short form of a number of names that start, end or have the syllable ~el in their name. For example girls with the name Elizabeth, Ella, Helen, Rachel, Adelaide, Ellen, Melody, Melissa, Eleanor, Melanie may be nicknamed as Ellie. As a result the name is one of the most commonly found in verbal usage, though it may not be used as often for official purposes. The name Ellie in itself is said to signify light and radiance and is of Old German origin.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Plucas 42,992 Contributions What is the meaning of the name 'Ellis'? The name Ellis, which can be a given (fore) name or a surname, comes from the Greek name Elias. Elias in turn came from the Hebrew name Elijah which meant \"\"The Lord is my God\"\" …Dionebaker123 3 Contributions What is the meaning of the name Ellie? The name Ellie is greek/French meaning \"\"light\"\"."
"docid": "D283632#0",
"title": "https://www.ukessays.com/essays/english-language/motivation-in-second-language-learning-english-language-essay.php\nMotivation n Second Language Learning",
"text": "\"Motivation n Second Language Learning Print Reference this Published: 23rd March, 2015 Last Edited: 27th June, 2017Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. Keywords: resultative motivation, motivation in l learning It is natural that students achieve differently in the same class, learning from the same teacher. How students learn and why they achieve differently has been a field of interest among many scholars, especially in the field of second language (L2) learning. Many studies have been conducted about the different factors that affect learner variables, both cognitively and affectively. On a general basis, there are mainly three factors that contribute to the individual differences in L2 learning experience: learning styles, learning strategies and affective variables; Motivation being one of the most important issues in affective variables. ( Ehrman et all, 2003) According to Wigfield (1994), motivation is based on how much the individual expect to succeed and their value of their success. Gardner defined motivation as the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal (learning the language) and favorable attitudes towards it. ( Gardner, 1985) Although the theories and researches concerned on motivation have never been free from criticism, it is generally agreed that motivation have great impacts and influences on individual learners."
"docid": "D155215#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/217868-reasons-why-baby-teeth-dont-come-in/\nReasons Why Baby Teeth Don't Come in",
"text": "Reasons Why Baby Teeth Don't Come inby ERICA ROTH Aug. 14, 2017The majority of babies are born with their baby, or primary teeth, already lying in wait under the gums. Babies generally start to cut their baby teeth beginning at 6 months, according to the American Dental Association. Primary teeth may continue to erupt until age 3. The age at which your child's baby teeth will appear ranges widely from child to child. In some rare cases, baby teeth do not come in, and in fact have never developed. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Genetic Abnormalities Genetic birth defects that affect a child's physical development may also affect his appearance in that he may not cut baby teeth. The National Institutes of Health's Medline Plus information service explains that babies born with progeria or Down syndrome could end up missing a set of primary teeth. Progeria is a condition in which a child's body ages much more rapidly than her peers. Down syndrome, referred to medically as trisomy 21, occurs when a person is born with three chromosomes instead of two in a particular section of her DNA. Science Daily reports that a gene mutation in a gene called PAX9 can also cause tooth abnormalities and even missing teeth, but that this situation usually consists of a person developing baby teeth and not forming adult teeth."
"docid": "D340669#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_(miniseries)\nClue (miniseries)",
"text": "\"Clue (miniseries)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Clue Created by Raven Metzner Directed by Terry Mc Donough Starring Sterling Beaumon Sarah Desjardins Kendall Amyre Ferguson Ana Golja Stephan James Zach Mills Country of origin United States Original language (s)English No. of seasons 1No. of episodes 5 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Raven Metzner Terry Mc Donough Brian Goldner Stephen Davis Brian Lenard Karen Moore Camera setup Single camera Running time 23 minutes Production company (s)Metzner Films Slow Genius Hasbro Studios Release Original network The Hub Picture format 1080i ( HDTV)Original release November 14, 2011 – January 1, 2012Clue was an American five-part mystery television miniseries based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name, which aired on The Hub from November 14, 2011 to November 17, 2011. [ 1] The series features a youthful, ensemble cast working together, uncovering clues to unravel a mystery. [ 2] [3]The series was created by Raven Metzner and stars Sterling Beaumon as Seamus, Sarah Desjardins as Whitney, Kendall Amyre Ferguson as Agnes, Ana Golja as Liz, Stephan James as Dmitri, and Zach Mills as Lucas. Contents [ hide ]1 Premise2 Production3 Cast and characters3.1 Other characters4 Episodes5 Reception6 References7 External links Premise [ edit]The series follows six very different young sleuths nicknamed after the characters from the game of the same American name as they witness a terrible crime and embark on a mysterious adventure they could never have imagined. Along the way, they find they have more in common than they thought, as they uncover hidden treasures and decipher cryptic knowledge to reveal a dark and secret society. [ 4]Production [ edit]On August 6, 2010, The Hub announced that an original half-hour program based on the board game, Clue would air as an original miniseries on the network. [ 5] The miniseries was shot on Location in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada under Hasbro Studios. On November 14, 2011 creator and executive producer Raven Metzner told Collider.com that he was hoping for an opportunity to create more mysteries for the characters, but could not say when, or if, there would be another season. ["
"docid": "D1311284#0",
"title": "https://www.npr.org/2012/03/11/148305319/life-at-jeffersons-monticello-as-his-slaves-saw-it\nLife At Jefferson's Monticello, As His Slaves Saw It",
"text": "\"A new exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D. C., explores life at Monticello from the perspectives of the men, women and children owned by Thomas Jefferson. During his lifetime, he kept more than 600 slaves at Monticello. Monticello, Thomas Jefferson Foundation Inc. Enlarge this image Isaac Granger was an enslaved blacksmith at Monticello. Jefferson made Granger's father, George Granger Sr., Monticello's overseer, the only enslaved man to rise to that position and to receive an annual wage. Special Collections, University of Virginia Library Thomas Jefferson's very existence was shaped and enabled by slavery. Slaves placed newborn Thomas in his cradle, and slaves comforted the former president on his deathbed. People often wonder aloud how a man who dedicated his life to liberty on the one hand could hold slaves close to him with the other, says Rex Ellis, an associate director with the Museum of African American History and Culture. The museum, which looks at American history from a black perspective, has created a new exhibition, housed at the Museum of American History, called \"\"Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty. \"\"\"\" Throughout [Jefferson's] lifetime, he owned 607 enslaved men, women and children,\"\" says Ellis. \"\""
"docid": "D2024004#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jethro_Bodine\nThe Beverly Hillbillies",
"text": "\"The Beverly Hillbillies From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Jethro Bodine)navigation search For the 1993 film, see The Beverly Hillbillies (film). Coordinates: 34.0870638°N 118.4421671°WThe Beverly Hillbillies Created by Paul Henning Starring Buddy Ebsen Irene Ryan Donna Douglas Max Baer Jr. Raymond Bailey Nancy Kulp Bea Benaderet Harriet Mac Gibbon Opening theme \"\" The Ballad of Jed Clampett \"\"Country of origin United States Original language (s)English No. of seasons 9No. of episodes 274 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Al Simon Martin Ransohoff Camera setup Single-camera Running time 25 minutes Production company (s)Filmways Television The CBS Television Network Distributor CBS Television Distribution CBS Broadcast International Republic Pictures Release Original network CBSPicture format Black-and-white (1962–65)Color (1965–71)Audio format monaural Original release September 26, 1962 – March 23, 1971Chronology Followed by Return of the Beverly Hillbillies Related shows Petticoat Junction Green Acres The Beverly Hillbillies episode 18: \"\"Jed Saves The Drysdales' Marriage\"\"The Beverly Hillbillies is an American sitcom originally broadcast on CBS from 1962 to 1971. The show had an ensemble cast featuring Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max Baer Jr. as the Clampetts, a poor backwoods family who move to posh Beverly Hills, California, after striking oil on their land. The show was produced by Filmways and was created by writer Paul Henning. It was followed by two other Henning-inspired \"\"country cousin\"\" series on CBS: Petticoat Junction, and its spin-off Green Acres, which reversed the rags-to-riches, country-to-city model of The Beverly Hillbillies. The Beverly Hillbillies ranked among the top 20 most-watched programs on television for eight of its nine seasons, twice ranking as the number one series of the year, with a number of episodes that remain among the most-watched television episodes in history. [ 1] It accumulated seven Emmy nominations during its run. The series remains in syndicated reruns, and its ongoing popularity spawned a 1993 film remake by 20th Century Fox. ["
"docid": "D2882301#0",
"title": "http://beverlyhillbillies.wikia.com/wiki/The_Beverly_Hillbillies\nThe Beverly Hillbillies",
"text": "\"in: 1962 television series debuts, 1971 television series endings, 1960s American television series, and 12 more The Beverly Hillbillies Edit Comments (1) Share For the 1993 film, see The Beverly Hillbillies (film). The Beverly Hillbillies Genre sitcom Camera setup Single-camera Picture format Black-and-white (1962–65) Color (1965–1971)Audio format monaural Running time 25 minutes Creator (s) Paul Henning Executive producer (s) Al Simon Martin Ransohoff Starring Buddy Ebsen Irene Ryan Donna Douglas Max Baer, Jr. Raymond Bailey Nancy Kulp Bea Benaderet Harriet E. Mac Gibbon Opening theme \"\" The Ballad of Jed Clampett \"\"Country of origin United States Location Bel-Air, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California Language (s) English Original channel CBSOriginal run September 26, 1962 – March 23, 1971No. of episodes 274 ( List of episodes )Related shows Petticoat Junction Green Acres The Beverly Hillbillies is an American situation comedy originally broadcast for nine seasons on CBS from 1962 to 1971, starring Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max Baer, Jr. The series is about a poor backwoods family transplanted to Beverly Hills, California, after striking oil on their land. A Filmways production created by writer Paul Henning, it is the first in a genre of \"\"fish out of water\"\" themed television shows, and was followed by other Henning-inspired country-cousin series on CBS. In 1963, Henning introduced Petticoat Junction, and in 1965 he reversed the rags to riches model for Green Acres. The show paved the way for later culture-conflict programs such as Mc Cloud, The Nanny, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Doc (TV series). Panned by many entertainment critics of its time, it quickly became a huge ratings success for most of its nine-year run on CBS. The Beverly Hillbillies ranked among the top twenty most watched programs on television for eight of its nine seasons, twice ranking as the number one series of the year, with a number of episodes that remain among the most watched television episodes of all time. [ 1]The ongoing popularity of the series spawned a 1993 film remake by 20th Century Fox. [ 2]In 1997, the episode \"\"Hedda Hopper's Hollywood\"\" was ranked #62 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time. ["
"docid": "D1747715#0",
"title": "http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/Joel\nJoel",
"text": "\"Joel Biographical Information Other names Joel Miller (non-canon) Texas (by Tess) Old timer (by Henry) Crazy man (by David and the Cannibals)Born September 26, 1984-1985 Austin, Texas, U. S. Age (d)Late 40's ( The Last of Us) Early-mid 50's ( Part II)Status Alive Occupation (s)Carpenter (formerly) Smuggler (formerly)Affiliation (s)Hunters (formerly)Smugglers (formerly)Ellie Relatives Tommy (younger brother)Sarah (daughter) † Maria (sister-in-law) Unnamed ex-wife Resides Austin, Texas, U. S. (formerly)Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. (formerly)Jackson County, Wyoming, U. S. Weapon (s) used9mm Pistol, Revolver, Hunting Rifle, Bow, Shotgun, Shorty, Military Sniper, El Diablo, Flamethrower, Assault Rifle, 2x4, Shiv, Pipe, Baseball Bat, Machete, Hatchet, Molotov Cocktail, Nail Bomb, Smoke Bomb Physical Description Species Human Gender Male Race Caucasian Nationality American Ethnicity Caucasian-American Height5 ft 10-11 in.178-180cm Hair color Black (graying)Eye color Hazel Game Information Appears in The Last of Us The Last of Us: Left Behind The Last of Us: One Night Live The Last of Us Part IIVoiced by Troy Baker Mo-capped by Troy Baker Portrayed by Troy Baker ( One Night Live)“ I struggled for a long time with survivin', and no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for.— Joel”Joel is a major character and the playable protagonist of The Last of Us, the deuteragonist of The Last of Us Part II, and a supporting character in The Last of Us: Left Behind. Joel is a survivor in post-apocalyptic America that has been ravaged by the cordyceps brain infection, which has decimated 60% of mankind globally. [ 1] After losing his daughter Sarah in the outbreak, Joel becomes a ruthless and cynical smuggler eventually tasked with smuggling and protecting Ellie, a young girl who is the key to mankind's survival. Joel eventually comes to form a strong bond with her. He is voiced and motion captured by Troy Baker. [ 2] [3]Contents [ show]Biography“ A brutal survivor with few moral lines left to cross. Joel, now in his late 40s, has been hardened by the ravages of the fungal pandemic that has devastated civilization as we know it. He’s lost friends, family, and everything he valued in life. Living in one of few remaining military-controlled quarantine zones, he operates as a black market smuggler, dealing in contraband, taking numerous de-humanizing jobs over the years to survive in this new post-pandemic world."
"docid": "D2900355#0",
"title": "https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/ellis-van-creveld-syndrome\nEllis-van Creveld syndrome",
"text": "Description Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is an inherited disorder of bone growth that results in very short stature (dwarfism). People with this condition have particularly short forearms and lower legs and a narrow chest with short ribs. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is also characterized by the presence of extra fingers and toes ( polydactyly ), malformed fingernails and toenails, and dental abnormalities. More than half of affected individuals are born with a heart defect, which can cause serious or life-threatening health problems. The features of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome overlap with those of another, milder condition called Weyers acrofacial dysostosis. Like Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Weyers acrofacial dysostosis involves tooth and nail abnormalities, although affected individuals have less pronounced short stature and typically do not have heart defects. The two conditions are caused by mutations in the same genes. Related Information What does it mean if a disorder seems to run in my family? What is the prognosis of a genetic condition? Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center Frequency Genetic Changes Inheritance Pattern Diagnosis & Management Resources Other Names for This Condition Additional Information & Resources Sources for This Page"
"docid": "D2234#0",
"title": "http://time.com/money/2792373/how-much-does-your-money-manager-cost-you/\nHow Much Does Your Money Manager Cost You?",
"text": "Charley Ellis may not be a household name, but he commands the respect of many savvy investors. He shook up Wall Street in 1975 with a landmark article in a financial trade journal that attacked the notion that professional money managers consistently beat the market. Nonprofessionals stand even less chance of outperforming the benchmarks, argued Ellis, so individuals need to rethink their approach to building wealth. That influential piece was the basis for Ellis’s classic investing book, Winning the Loser’s Game, the sixth edition of which is due in July. Founder of the financial consulting firm Greenwich Associates, Ellis has also served as a director of Vanguard. Today he still worries about investing costs, as well as the challenges that aging boomers face from low bond yields, uncertain stock returns, and dubious financial come-ons. Ellis, 75, spoke recently with MONEY editor-at-large Penelope Wang. Their conversation has been edited. Despite recent highs, bear markets and crises have made our readers nervous about stocks. What’s your advice for them?"
"docid": "D1755223#0",
"title": "http://takingthelane.com/2012/06/22/guest-post-why-dont-women-ride-the-tour-de-france/\nWhy donât women ride the Tour de France?",
"text": "Why don’t women ride the Tour de France? Posted on June 22, 2012This is a guest post by Lindsay Kandra, a Portland-based lawyer, bike racer, blogger, and contributor to Our Bodies, Our Bikes. She is one of my fellow Portland Society board members. At our last meeting, the Reve Team effort to ride the famously grueling Tour de France course came up, and someone asked the question that is the title of this post. Lindsay went off into a brilliant tangential rant which I later asked her to set into writing. Here it is. Okay, so, why don’t women ride the Tour de France? It comes down to two things that Republicans are fascinated with: Money and vaginas. Money Once upon a time, the grand tour to end all grand tours was just a bunch of cigarette-smoking men riding unpaved roads through the Alps. Now, its the Super Bowl on two wheels."
"docid": "D753970#0",
"title": "http://completeflake.com/action-triggers-instant-habits/\nHow Action Triggers Help Create Instant Habits",
"text": "By La Vonne Ellis Posted June 4, 2010 In 2500 Words, Productivity 020The book Switch by Chip & Dan Heath is all about change. The subtitle says it better than I can: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. I want to make some hard changes. I HAVE been making big changes in my life, though, and not giving myself credit, thus breaking my own rule of giving lots of praise. So here is some praise for all the work I have already done on fundamentally changing my own life in many big and small ways:1. I have completely changed my diet slowly over several years and established healthy eating habits. This is HUGE. I never thought I’d be able to do that, seriously. I have always been completely undisciplined, especially when it comes to food. I was a junk food addict starting with my mom’s first diner, when she brought home hamburgers, fries and milkshakes for dinner."
"docid": "D884725#0",
"title": "https://www.expedia.com/Cheap-Flights-To-Greenville.d2779.Travel-Guide-Flights\nFlights to Greenville, North Carolina $237.60",
"text": "\"Expedia.com • Flights • United States of America • North Carolina • Flights to Greenville How Much Does It Cost To Fly To Greenville? The cheapest tickets to Greenville available within the past 7 days were $237.60. Prices quoted are per person, round trip, for the period specified. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply. Fri, Jun 1 - Mon, Jun 4LGALa Guardia OAJAlbert J. Ellis$237.60roundtripjust found Open LGA to OAJ flights search result page Tue, May 1 - Wed, May 2CLEHopkins Intl. OAJAlbert J. Ellis$267.60roundtripjust found Open CLE to OAJ flights search result page Wed, Aug 1 - Thu, Aug 2BOSLogan Intl. OAJAlbert J. Ellis$274.60roundtripfound 5 days ago Open BOS to OAJ flights search result page Thu, May 3 - Mon, May 7EWRLiberty Intl. OAJAlbert J. Ellis$303.49roundtripfound 1 hour ago Open EWR to OAJ flights search result page Wed, Apr 25 - Sat, May 5PHLPhiladelphia Intl. OAJAlbert J. Ellis$321.60roundtripfound 4 hours ago Open PHL to OAJ flights search result page Sat, Jun 23 - Wed, Jun 27ORDO'Hare Intl."
"docid": "D1376399#0",
"title": "http://www.aaets.org/article101.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and its application to Suicidal Adolescents Shane Shackford, M. S. Ed. Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. Admittedly, many would prefer not to talk about such a morbid topic, yet the realities are clear if one chooses to look at the statistics produced by the Center for Disease and Control (CDC). Suicide rates will continue to climb until more preventative programs are developed. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (CBT) are designed not only to reactively work with a suicidal adolescent, but more importantly, are structured to formulate work in a proactive manner. Nevertheless, a review of the literature is disappointing. Moreover, there was a paucity of research on the application of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and its application to suicidal adolescents. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) was developed and is still practiced by Albert Ellis. It is considered to be one the many cognitive-behavioral treatment modalities currently used in the mental health arena. The primary ingredients and major suppositions of REBT are similar to Beck's and Young's ideas and all of the other major cognitive behavioral thinkers' models; however, there are distinct differences within the REBT model, which deserve further exploration."
"docid": "D799362#0",
"title": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/adams/filmmore/pt_2.html\n.",
"text": "\"Transcript Part 1 | Part 2John and Abigail Adams, Part Two Narrator: On a bright June day in 1788, a ship bringing John and Abigail Adams back from Europe approached Boston harbor. Through his long years of public service, Adams had often felt pushed aside by other more charismatic figures. Now, church bells rang throughout the city. Cannon thundered a welcome. A crowd of several thousand waited at the dock to greet him. To his great surprise, John Adams had returned a hero. The Adamses were glad to be home, but John found the pull of politics irresistible, and let his name be put forward in the first presidential election that fall. By the following spring, he was in New York, the temporary capital of the new nation. George Washington had been elected president. Adams had received the second-highest number of votes, which under the new Constitution made him vice president."
] |
636776 | what does ellos means | [
"docid": "D1056390#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120227193244AAEFbES\nWhat does yo, tu, ud. El and Ella, nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, and uds. Ellos and Ella's mean?",
"text": "Society & Culture Languages What does yo, tu, ud. El and Ella, nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, and uds. Ellos and Ella's mean? Please tell me what they mean? Thanks!Follow 8 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: yo = I tú = you (the informal, singular version - use it when talking to one person that you know very well, family, people younger than you, or pets) él = he ella = she nosotros = we (use it when everybody is male or there is even only one male) nosotras = we (used when everybody is female - and I mean everybody quite literally) vosotros = you-all/y'all (mainly used in Spain, use it when there is at least one male just like nosotros, plural form of 'tú') vosotras = you-all/y'all (used mostly in Spanish, use it when there is entirely female, plural form of 'tú') Usted (Ud.) = you (more formal version of' tú, used when talking to strangers, somebody of a higher status than you, or to show respect) Ustedes (Uds.) you-all/y'all (plural form of Ud.) Ellos = they (used when 'they' is composed of entirely or at least one male) Ellas - they (use it when 'they' is completely females)Source (s):3 yrs of spanish, mexican grandma, dora? · 6 years ago3 0 Comment Yo Tu El Ella Source (s):https://shrink.im/a0t Ftkuechle · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Yo: I or me Tu: You Ud: You (formal) El: Him Ella: Her Nosotros: Us. ( used for a group of guys or guys and girls) Nosotras: Us (Used for a group of girls) Vosotros & vosotras: Plural of you. ("
] | [
"docid": "D3494483#0",
"title": "http://spanishwithmaria.com/?page_id=191\nPronombres OD y OI",
"text": "\"Pronombres OD y OIDirect and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together· Here are the direct object pronouns and the indirect object pronouns side by side: DO Pronouns IO Pronouns English Equivalentmememeteteyou (familiar)lo, lalehim, her, it, you (formal)nosnosusososyou-all (familiar)los, laslesthem, you-all (formal)· When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes first. Ellos me los dan. They give them to me. IO pronoun: me DO pronoun: los Ella te la vende. She sells it to you. IO pronoun: te DO pronoun: la· Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter \"\"l\"\" change the first pronoun to \"\"se. \"\" le lo = se lo le la = se la le los = se los le las = se las les lo = se lo les la = se la les los = se los les las = se las (The reason for changing \"\"le lo\"\" to \"\"se lo\"\" is merely to avoid the tongue-twisting effect of two short consecutive words that begin with the letter \"\"l\"\". To demonstrate this, first quickly say \"\"les las\"\" and then quickly say \"\"se las.\"\" See how much easier it is to say \"\"se las? \"\")· In negative sentences, the negative word comes directly before the first pronoun."
"docid": "D122817#0",
"title": "https://www.realfastspanish.com/vocabulary/recordar-vs-acordarse\nRecordar vs Acordarse â How to Use These Memorable Spanish Verbs",
"text": "Recordar vs Acordarse – How to Use These Memorable Spanish Verbs Recordar or acordarse — which of these two Spanish verbs should you use as the best translation of ‘to remember’? The short answer is—both!In reality, the difference between recordar and acordarse is very subtle. The main mistake that the Spanish students make with these two verbs is actually not related to definition. The main mistake has to do with how these two verbs are put together in a Spanish sentence. In this post, you’ll learn the difference between recordar, acordar and acordarse. You’ll also learn how to avoid a few of the most common mistakes that Spanish students make with these verbs. First up, let’s look at the difference between acordar and acordarse. Acordar vs Acordarse Reflexive verbs in Spanish cause a lot of grief. And that’s fair enough. Sometimes the reflexive and non-reflexive definitions of a verb can change quite dramatically (and other times not)."
"docid": "D965080#0",
"title": "http://clas.uiuc.edu/fulltext/cl02149/cl02149.html\nCultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System Communication and Empowerment",
"text": "\"1 Cultural Diversity and Minority Status PROLOGUE: PUERTO RICAN AMERICAN FAMILIESON THE WEST SIDEOn any street corner on the West Side, within about a 10-block radius of Spruce Street, a greeting of \"\"buenos dias\"\" is likely to receive a response of \"\"bueno dia\"\" with a noticeable omission of the final s in both words. \"\"' Tá bién\"\" (it's okay) to speak Spanish here since the area is dominated by an estimated 5,000 Spanish-speaking people, most of whom are from Puerto Rico. It would not do, however, to assume that color of skin or other racial features will give a clue as to whether to use English or Spanish, since Puerto Ricans come in all colors. The hub of this community is a small, 2-story brown building with the sign \"\"La Asociación Latina Americana.\"\" The Latin American Association (LAA) is predominant among several voluntary agencies serving this area, and their presence indicates the widespread dependence of many residents on various kinds of public assistance. \"\" Mucho Daño a los Niños\"\" (A lot of Harm to the Children)On a mild spring morning, an old woman about 4 feet, 10 inches tall, with dark brown skin and a heavily wrinkled forehead barely visible beneath a mop of graying hair, stands at the doorway of the LAA. She could be anybody's grandmother. Actually, she is Gina's, one of the children in this study. Gina's grandmother, and a few of the other older people in the community, such as the fair-skinned Cuban man from across the street, can find any number of excuses for going to the LAA for assistance, but most often they go just to feel at home and to find out what is happening in the neighborhood. The younger people in the tiny foyer sit or stand with agreater urgency: they have come to seek an interpreter to accompany them to an unexpected appointment or to translate a document, or, perhaps, they are waiting for the daily English class to begin."
"docid": "D2864353#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_conjugation\nSpanish conjugation",
"text": "\"Spanish language Overview Pronunciationstress Orthography Names History Old Middle Influences Grammar Determiners Nounsgender Pronounspersonal object Adjectives Prepositions Verbsconjugation irregular verbs Dialects Peninsular Pan-American Standard Dialectologyseseo yeísmo voseo leísmo loísmo Interlanguages Creoles Spanglish Portuñol Teaching Hispanism Institutos RAEv t e Main article: Spanish verbs This article presents a set of paradigms—that is, conjugation tables—of Spanish verbs, including examples of regular verbs and some of the most common irregular verbs. For other irregular verbs and their common patterns, see the article on Spanish irregular verbs. The tables include only the \"\"simple\"\" tenses (that is, those formed with a single word), and not the \"\"compound\"\" tenses (those formed with an auxiliary verb plus a non-finite form of the main verb), such as the progressive, perfect, and passive voice. The progressive aspects (also called \"\"continuous tenses\"\") are formed by using the appropriate tense of estar + gerund, and the perfect constructions are formed by using the appropriate tense of haber + past participle. When the past participle is used in this way, it invariably ends with -o. In contrast, when the participle is used as an adjective, it agrees in gender and number with the noun modified. And similarly, the participle agrees with the subject when it is used with ser to form the \"\"true\"\" ( dynamic) passive voice (e.g. La carta fue escrita ayer 'The letter was written [got written] yesterday. '), and also when it is used with estar to form a \"\"passive of result\"\", or stative passive (as in La carta ya está escrita 'The letter is already written.'). The pronouns yo, tú, vos, [1]él, nosotros, vosotros [2] and ellos are used to symbolise the three persons and two numbers. Note, however, that Spanish is a pro-drop language, and so it is the norm to omit subject pronouns when not needed for contrast or emphasis."
"docid": "D275686#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080118165013AAENOEj\n\"What does \"\"sera\"\" mean (spanish)?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does \"\"sera\"\" mean (spanish)? I know the song \"\"que sera, sera\"\" and if ser means \"\"to be\"\" than why is there a letter \"\"a\"\" at the end of \"\"sera\"\"? Follow 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: será is in 3rd person in furure simple tense será = (he/she/it) will be yo seré = i will be tú serás = you will be él/ella será = he/she/it will be nosotros seremos = we will be vosotros seréis = you (pl. in Spain) will be ellos/ellas/ustedes = they/you (pl. in Latin America) = will be in Spanish, the ending of the verb will tell you the tense and the person Hope that helps ;)chris_keever2000 · 1 decade ago0 1 Comment Sera Spanish Source (s):https://shrink.im/a01m Rmiddendorf · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Sera is will be. It is the future tense. The song is saying whatever will be will be. The \"\"a\"\" is a conjugation for the future. I believe the endings are -e -as -a -emos -an. You just add them on to the infinitive form of the verb.3 of diamonds · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment It's a different form of the verb ser."
"docid": "D2234849#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080118002925AArJZJU\n\"Conjugate \"\"doler\"\" (spanish)?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages Conjugate \"\"doler\"\" (spanish)? How would you conjugate \"\"dolor\"\" in the present tense? For example: Comer: Yo- Como Tú- Comes Èl/Ella/Ud. - Come Nosotros- comemos Vostoros- coméis Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- Comen Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: yo duelo tú dueles él duele nosotros dolemos vosotros doléis ellos duelen However, \"\"yo duelo\"\" or \"\"tu dueles\"\" etc is never used. It's normally used in the phrase \"\"me duele\"\" with literally means \"\"it hurts me\"\" or \"\" I feel pain\"\"Armadilla · 1 decade ago0 2 Comment Conjugate Doler Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a9v8u? · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Doler Conjugation Source (s):https://shorte.im/bbih V? · 1 year ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: conjugate \"\"doler\"\" (spanish)? How would you conjugate \"\"dolor\"\" in the present tense? For example: Comer: Yo- Como Tú- Comes Èl/Ella/Ud. -"
"docid": "D1708991#0",
"title": "http://www.fullbeauty.com/Plus-Size-Maxi-Dresses.aspx?DeptId=19600\nPlus Size Maxi Dresses",
"text": "Plus Size Maxi Dresses Timeless or trending, our plus size maxi dresses make a style statement anywhere you go! A covetable selection, our cool maxi dress silhouettes run from strappy sundresses to flowy off-the-shoulder and kimono-style wrap dresses. Sized 12 to 44 (S to 6X), these dresses are long on comfort, fit and fashion needs. Choose from beautiful prints or vibrant solids in wovens or embellished knits. Fall in love with lace, fringe, crinkle or pleats. Take your dressing to great lengths and shop our stylish plus size maxi dresses. 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"docid": "D3328356#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/saying-it-in-spanish-3079358\nSaying 'It' in Spanish",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Languages Saying 'It' in Spanish Masculine and Feminine Forms Sometimes Used Share Flipboard Email Print¿Viste el coche? No lo vi. ( Did you see the car? I didn't see it.). Ben /Creative Commons.by Gerald Erichsen Updated March 18, 2017\"\"It\"\" is one of the most common English words, but its direct equivalent in Spanish, ello, isn't used much. That's mostly because Spanish has other ways of saying \"\"it\"\" — or not stating it at all. This lesson looks at translations for \"\"it\"\" in four situation, depending on how \"\"it\"\" is used in relation to the other words in a sentence: as the subject of a sentence, as the direct object of a verb, as an indirect object of a verb and as the object of a preposition. Saying 'It' in Spanish as the Subject of a Sentence Because it has an extensive verb conjugation, Spanish is able to frequently omit the subjects of sentences entirely, depending on the context to make clear what the subject is. When the subject of a sentence is inanimate, something that would be referred to as \"\"it,\"\" it is very unusual in Spanish to use a subject at all:¿Dónde está el teléfono? Está aquí. ("
"docid": "D409273#0",
"title": "http://studyspanish.com/verbs/lessons/pireg.htm/\nRegular Spanish Verbs",
"text": "Regular Spanish Verbs Click to Generate Unique Quiz In Spanish, there are three categories of verbs. The category is determined by the last two letters of the infinitive:-ar verbs (like hablar) -er verbs (like comer) -ir verbs (like vivir)The infinitive is the base form of the verb, such as to speak, to eat, to live, etc. In Spanish, all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir.-ar verb hablar (to speak)-er verb comer (to eat)-ir verb vivir (to live)To conjugate a verb means to manipulate the infinitive so that it agrees with the different possible subjects. Here is the present tense conjugation of the infinitive “to speak”:to speak I speak you speak he speaks she speaks we speak you-all speak they speak The present tense in Spanish can mean three things. The Spanish phrase “yo hablo” can mean:yo hablo I speakyo hablo I am speakingyo hablo I do speak Many Spanish verbs are completely regular, meaning that they follow a specific pattern of conjugation. In this lesson you will learn to conjugate regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs (in the present tense). Before you can do that, you must memorize the following subject pronouns.yo (I) tú (you – informal) él (he) ella (she) usted (you – formal)nosotros/nosotras (we) vosotros/vosotras (you-all – informal)ellos/ellas (they) ustedes (you-all formal)For a review of the subject pronouns, click here. Spanish infinitives are divided into two parts: the ending and the stem. The ending is the last two letters. Remember, all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir."
"docid": "D1236805#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070712225524AAWFYud\n\"What does \"\"Yo gusto tu\"\" mean in english?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does \"\"Yo gusto tu\"\" mean in english? My friend Olivia said it to me in spanish to challenge me haha. I need to know what it means! I already tried an online translator, and it said \"\"I taste you\"\", but I am PRETTY SURE thats not what she meant. Answer asap pleasse : [1 following 17 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: well, to start with, the verb gustar (from which you get gusto) is \"\"to please\"\". if she said, \"\"a mi te gustas\"\" it would mean, \"\"to me, you are pleasing\"\" or more rather... \"\" I like you\"\" but \"\"yo gusto tu\"\" if truly translated means \"\" I, I please you\"\" or rather , \"\"to me I am pleasing you\"\" this doesn't really make sense!Source (s):spanish speakersome_old_spanish_minor_in_school · 1 decade ago3 0 Comment Yo Te Gusto Source (s):https://shorte.im/a8m S3gaisford · 1 year ago0 0 Comment That wasn't written by a Spanish speaker, rather someone looking things up in a dictionary. Yes - yo gusto can mean I taste, but I taste you would be Yo te gusto - which also means 'you like me' !!! I think what the author meant was 'Tu me gustas' or simply 'Me gustas' = I like you. JJ · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/av BBY yo 1) A contraction of the possessive prenominal adjective \"\"your.\"\" 2) An informal address or title to one whose name is not known to another; can be used as an interrogative address."
"docid": "D3267961#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_estamos_mean\nWhat does estamos mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures Translations Spanish to English What does estamos mean? Flag What does estamos mean? Answer by Maggie Tyson Confidence votes 4.7KContent specialist at Answers.com with a background in literature and history. Estamos means 'we are' in Spanish. It is the plural first person (we) present form of the verb 'estar' which means 'to be. ' 15 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Superfun happyslide 1,904 Contributions What does donde estamos mean? Where are we? Raskyjake 95 Contributions What does Todos estamos aqui. mean?"
"docid": "D3337049#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/using-se-in-spanish.html\nUsing 'Se' in Spanish",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 35K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Using the Passive 'Se' in Spanish The Concept of How in Spanish: Adding 'Que' to Adjectives & Nouns Past Perfect Subjunctive Tense in Spanish Time Expressions in Spanish with Hacer Lesson Transcript Instructor: April Schmidt April has a Ph. D. in Spanish and has been teaching college-level Spanish for the past eight years. The pronoun 'se' has a number of uses in Spanish. You have already used 'se' with reflexive verbs. In this lesson, you will be introduced to two more uses of 'se': impersonal constructions and accidental occurrences. Using Sein Spanish'Monica gets up at eight o'clock.' ' Spanish is spoken here.' ' I left my keys at home.' What do all these sentences have in common? If you translated them into Spanish, they would all use the reflexive pronoun se. '"
"docid": "D2469117#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/prepositional-pronouns-spanish-3079365\nPrepositional Pronouns",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Languages Prepositional Pronouns Set of prepositional pronouns overlaps with subject pronouns Share Flipboard Email Print Ven conmigo. ( Come with me.). Paul Bradbury/Getty Imagesby Gerald Erichsen Updated January 07, 2018The easy part about learning the grammar of pronouns in Spanish is that they follow a structure similar to the pronouns of English, serving as subjects as well as objects of verbs and prepositions. The tricky part, at least for people whose first language is English, is remembering which pronouns to use. While English uses the same pronouns as objects of prepositions and for direct and indirect objects of verbs, Spanish has a different set of pronouns for each usage, and those sets overlap. The subject pronouns and prepositional pronouns are identical except in the first-person singular and familiar second-person singular forms. How To Use Prepositional Pronouns As you can probably guess, prepositional pronouns are those that come after prepositions. In a sentence such as \"\" Tengo una sorpresa para ella \"\" (I have a surprise for her), para (for) is the preposition and ella (her) is the prepositional pronoun. Here are the prepositional pronouns of Spanish along with examples of their usage:mí (first-person singular, equivalent of \"\"me\"\"): El regalo es para mí. ( The gift is for me . )"
"docid": "D283530#0",
"title": "http://vaping360.com/temperature-control-a-vaping-revolution/\nMaking Sense of Temperature Controlled Vaping",
"text": "How To Making Sense of Temperature Controlled Vaping By Tom Jobbins - September 11, 2015 26tweet Temp control has been around for a few years now, and for 2018 mods are only getting better and better at it. This technology has taken vaping to a new level of convenience and safety. Not to mention new heights of technical sophistication – we’re a long way from just batteries and switches now!What started out as a high-end technology is rapidly becoming mainstream. Temperature Control (TC) vape mods are available now for as little as $30 — which is the price of some drip tips! There’s never been a better time to start using TC. But what is TC, and how does it work? Well, thousands of words could be written on the finer points. For now, let’s take a tour around the world of TC and look at key things you need to know. This article will cover the basics of TC and using TC for prebuilt coil heads. How does Temperature Control work?"
"docid": "D1650042#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_irregular_verbs\nSpanish irregular verbs",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search See also: Spanish conjugation Spanish language Overview Pronunciationstress Orthography Names History Old Middle Influences Grammar Determiners Nounsgender Pronounspersonal object Adjectives Prepositions Verbsconjugation irregular verbs Dialects Peninsular Pan-American Standard Dialectologyseseo yeísmo voseo leísmo loísmo Interlanguages Creoles Spanglish Portuñol Teaching Hispanism Institutos RAEv t e Spanish verbs are a complex area of Spanish grammar, with many combinations of tenses, aspects and moods (up to fifty conjugated forms per verb). Although conjugation rules are relatively straightforward, a large number of verbs are irregular. Among these, some fall into more-or-less defined deviant patterns, whereas others are uniquely irregular. This article summarizes the common irregular patterns. As in all Romance languages, many irregularities in Spanish verbs can be retraced to Latin grammar. Contents [ hide ]1 Orthographic changes2 Stem-vowel changes2.1 Diphthongization2.1.1 Present indicative2.1.2 Present subjunctive2.1.3 Imperative2.2 Vowel raising2.2.1 Affected forms2.2.2 Affected verbs3 Diphthongs and hiatuses3.1 Cambio vs. envío3.2 Verbs ending in -uir and -oír4 Other common irregular patterns4.1 Endings starting with o/a in er/ir verbs4.1.1 G-verbs4.1.2 ZC-verbs4.2 Irregular forms in the future, conditional and imperative4.3 Anomalous stems in the preterite and derived tenses4.4 Irregular past participles5 Others6 References7 External links Orthographic changes [ edit]Due to the rules of Spanish orthography, some predictable changes are needed to keep the same consonant sound before a/o and e/i, but these are not usually considered irregularities. The following examples use the first person plural of the present subjunctive:c/qu: tocar > toquemos, delinquir > delincamos.z/c: gozar > gocemos, vencer > venzamos.g/j: proteger > protejamos. But in verbs ending in -jar, the j is kept before e: mojar > mojemos.g/gu: negar > neguemos, distinguir > distingamos.gu/gü: averiguar > averigüemos. Other predictable changes involve stress marks, i/y alternances and i -dropping, some of which are sometimes considered as irregularities. The examples are several forms of otherwise regular preterites: Stress mark on stressed i after a/e/o: caer > caímos, leer > leímos, oír > oímos."
"docid": "D2751998#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishlanguageguide.com/grammar/verb.asp\nSpanish Verbs",
"text": "\"Definition: A verb expresses an action, event or state. Spanish verbs are used to make a complete sentence, and it must be accompanied by a noun or pronoun that is acting, existing or in a mode of being. ( In Spanish, it is common for the noun to be implied without being explicitly stated. ) Verbs in Spanish Verb to BE (SER and ESTAR)The verb to be is used for all kind of sentences. In Spanish language this verb has two translations and they are \"\"ser\"\" and \"\"estar\"\" that have the same use of verb to be; but it is necessary, learning the different uses that have each one of them. The verb \"\"SER\"\"This verb is most used for describing something or someone but only for the uses that are below. This verb can be used when you are describing one but you aren't talking about one condition. Conjugation of this verb English Spanish English Spanish I am Yo soy We are Nosotros somos You are Tú eres You are Ustedes son He/She is Él/Ella es They are Ellos/Ellas son Basic uses for this verb To define or identify something or someone. SER + IDENTIFICACION (identification)He is a doctor. Él es un doctor."
"docid": "D1104728#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/ellos\nellos",
"text": "\"ellosellos Translateellosthey Dictionary Examples Phrasesnew Learn more about this personal pronoun in the Answers section.ellospronoun1. ( third person plural)a. they (subject)¿Ellos van a venir a cenar? Are they coming to dinner?b. them (after prepositions)Si confías en ellos, dales las llaves. If you trust them, give them the keys.c. them (in comparisons)Mi hermano y yo somos tan altos como ellos. My brother and I are as tall as them.d. theirs (after \"\"de\"\" to show possession)Esta ropa es de ellos. These clothes are theirs."
"docid": "D94035#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-say-they-are-in-Spanish\n\"How do I say \"\"they are\"\" in Spanish?\"",
"text": "\"Verísimo Vizoso Feijoo, Teacher of Spanish at any level with my own books. Answered May 24, 2016 · Author has 906 answers and 873.9k answer views Have you heard about Google? Have you heard about Google translators? Have you heard about Bing? Have you heard about Bing translator? Have you heard about the one million one hundred eleven thousand one hundred eleven online translators that exist in Internet? Have you heard about that the time of Quorans is a priceless time? Have you heard about that Quora has, probably, the best answer to any question?482 Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do you say \"\"Spanish\"\" in Spanish? How do I say I in Spanish? How do you say 'however\"\" in Spanish?"
"docid": "D3144977#0",
"title": "http://www.dummies.com/languages/spanish/conjugating-the-irregular-spanish-verb-tener-to-have/\nConjugating the Irregular Spanish VerbTener (to Have)",
"text": "Languages Spanish Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Tener (to Have)Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Tener (to Have)Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like tener, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence). Tener ( teh- nehr) (to have) is a tricky -er verb; sometimes it’s regular, and sometimes it’s not. In the present tense, it has an e- to -ie stem change in all but the yo, nos otros, and vosotros forms. Notice that the yo form is completely irregular. Here’s the present tense conjugation: The Present Tense of Tener Conjugation Translationyo tengo I havetú tienes You (informal) haveél/ella/ello/uno tiene He/she/one hasusted tiene You (formal) havenosotros tenemos We havevosotros tenéis You all (informal) haveellos/ellas tienen They haveustedes tienen You all (formal) have The following examples show you tener in action: Yo tengo dos perros. ( I have two dogs. )¿ Tienes novelas en tu casa? ( Do you have novels at your house? ) In the preterit, tener has an irregular stem: tuv-."
"docid": "D917654#0",
"title": "http://www.thespanishlesson.com/spanish-verbs.html\nSpanish Verbs",
"text": "\"Spanish Verbs Spanish verbs are easier than those in many languages. The rules you follow to conjugate Spanish verbs are relatively simple, and there are fewer irregular verbs than in English. The irregular ones will be covered in another lesson. For now, we start with the basic rules. The Infinitive Form Vamos a empezar. ( Let's get started). The infinitive is the \"\"base form\"\" of the verb, before the verb is conjugated. For example: to speak, to eat, to live are English verbs in the infinitive form; to + verb creates the infinitive of a verb in English. In Spanish the infinitives of verbs have three diferent endings: ar, er and ir. Examples:hablar (to speak) comer (to eat) vivir (to live)There are three groups of verbs in Spanish."
] |
636783 | what does em stand for in pathology electron | [
"docid": "D415142#0",
"title": "https://www.acronymattic.com/Electron-Microscopy-Core-(EMC).html\nWhat does EMC stand for?",
"text": "Tweet What does EMC stand for? EMC stands for Electron Microscopy Core This definition appears rarely See other definitions of EMCOther Resources: Acronym Finder has 127 verified definitions for EMCTweet Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer« Previous Next »Electro Mech Componentselectro mechanical company Electro Mechanical Components Electro Metrics Company Electro Motive Company Electrochemically Modulated Complexation Electromagnetic and Communications Electron Machine Corp Electron Microscopy Center Electron Microscopy Congress Electronic Magnetic Compatibility Electronic Mail Connection Electronic Manufacturing Company Electronic Marketing Centre Electronic Marketing Company Electronic Materials and Characterization Electronic Materials and Computers Electronic Materials Committee Electronic Materials Conference Electronic Materials Conferences Samples in periodicals archive: Contact Us See a map to our location; School of Medicine Electron Microscopy Core Facility Contacts: Timo Meerloo, Ying Jones Supervising PI: Marilyn Farquhar. The Electron Microscopy Core at Houston Methodist is a service and research resource equipped to perform scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron... Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Lab Department of Pathology, University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ 683 Hoes Lane SPH Room 024 Piscataway, NJ 08854The Electron Microscopy Core Facility is housed in the basement of the Gryzmish Building on the East Campus of the BIDMC. It is located in GZ B005 and is most easily Mission The Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility provides electron microscopy related research, consultation and imaging services to all faculty and staff Gladstone Electron Microscopy Core. The J. David Gladstone Institutes, Mission Bay Contact: Jinny Wong 415-734-2570 [email protected] Home » Research » Core Facilities » Robert P. Apkarian Integrated Electron Microscopy Core » Contact Us. Contact Us. General Inquiries: [email protected]. Facility... Electron Microscopy Core Facility. The WVU Electron Microscopy Core Facility in Pathology provides instrumentation and scientific support for electron microscopy needs. Electron Microscopy Core (EM Core) The mission of the Electron Microscopy Core is to provide investigators with access to instruments necessary for ultrastructural... Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF) The EMCF provides transmission and scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and other services."
] | [
"docid": "D1259894#0",
"title": "http://histology.medicine.umich.edu/resources/epithelial-tissue-mammary-gland\nEpithelial Tissue and Mammary Gland",
"text": "\"Epithelial Tissue and Mammary Gland View other topics Resources Access to the supplemental resources for this session is password-protected and restricted to University of Michigan students. If you are a University of Michigan student enrolled in a histology course at the University of Michigan, please click on the following link and use your Kerberos-password for access to download lecture handouts and the other resources. Resources on M+Box Epithelial Tissue Jump to: Suggested Readings Learning Objectives I. Simple Epithelium II. Stratified Epithelium Electron Micrographs Review Questions Practice Questions Suggested Readings Atlas Wheater's (5th ed), Cell Strcuture and Function (Review)Wheater's (5th ed), Epithelial tissue Text Ross and Pawlina (6th ed), Chapters 1-3 Cells and methods of study (Review)Ross and Pawlina (6th ed), Chapter 4, Tissue concept and classification Ross and Pawlina (6th ed), Chapter 5, Epithelial tissue Back to Top Learning Objectives Be able to classify epithelial tissues. Know the structure and function of junctions. Know the structure of apical specializations and their functions. Be able to correlate different types of epithelia to their functions. In epithelia, cells are organized in sheets, either a single layer thick (simple epithelia) or made up of multiple layers (stratified epithelia). Be able to identify the classes of epithelia underlined in the text below, and give some thought to why these different classes of epithelia have such different morphologies. The glass slide sets occasionally contain different stains or even different slides of the same tissue in place of the slide that you have in your set."
"docid": "D858333#0",
"title": "http://www.tornik.com/top-10-ems-suppliers\nTop 10 EMS Suppliers",
"text": "Top 10 EMS Suppliers Oct 23 2013Top 10 EMS Suppliers Posted in: General What are you looking for in an EMS supplier? Certified Quality Assurance? Personal Customer Service? A Socially Responsible Company? A Company that can provide you with low cost manufacturing without risking the quality of your design? An EMS supplier with degreed engineers available to talk to? Electronic Manufacturing Services is one of the most competitive fields in the United States. With over 2,000 companies listed in the industry, company revenues vary from one million to tens of billions of dollars in annual revenue. Combined with emerging markets, such as, green energy, and the continual growth of electronic manufacturing services, the electronic manufacturing industry continues to prosper. With such a competitive market, it can be difficult for purchasing managers to narrow down which supplier to use."
"docid": "D2892986#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microscope_slide\nMicroscope slide",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Glass slide\"\" redirects here. The term may also refer to photographic slides. It has been suggested that Cover slip be merged into this article. ( Discuss) Proposed since March 2018. A set of standard 75 by 25 mm microscope slides. The white area can be written on to label the slide. A microscope slide (top) and a cover slip (bottom)A microscope slide is a thin flat piece of glass, typically 75 by 26 mm (3 by 1 inches) and about 1 mm thick, used to hold objects for examination under a microscope. Typically the object is mounted (secured) on the slide, and then both are inserted together in the microscope for viewing. This arrangement allows several slide-mounted objects to be quickly inserted and removed from the microscope, labeled, transported, and stored in appropriate slide cases or folders. Microscope slides are often used together with a cover slip or cover glass, a smaller and thinner sheet of glass that is placed over the specimen."
"docid": "D1212227#0",
"title": "https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/ems/licensing/elicensing.htm\nImportant E-Licensing Information! Read Carefully!",
"text": "Important E-Licensing Information! Read Carefully!E-Licensing is viewed best in either Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. You will need to create an EMS account in the Wisconsin E-Licensing system. Please correctly enter your legal name and demographic information. Please make sure the email address entered in your E-Licensing account is current and that you are able to access it regularly. Our office uses the email addresses in E-Licensing to communicate with all EMS Providers. Materials will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of eligibility via email listed in your Wisconsin E-Licensing account. Login and Passwords When you first log into E-Licensing, click on Update Profile and make certain that all your personal information is correct and up-to-date. It is your responsibility to keep this information current at all times. If you move or obtain a new email address, please log into E-Licensing and update your profile."
"docid": "D2214819#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/physics/textbooks/boundless-physics-textbook/electromagnetic-waves-23/the-electromagnetic-spectrum-165/visible-light-595-11291/\nThe Electromagnetic Spectrum",
"text": "Radio Waves Radio waves are EM (Electromagnetic)waves that have wavelengths between 1 millimeter and 100 kilometers (or 300 GHz and 3 k Hz in frequency). Learning Objectives Compare properties of AM and FM radio waves Key Takeaways Key Points The lowest frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is designated as “radio,” generally considered to have wavelengths within 1 millimeter to 100 kilometers or frequencies within 300 GHz to 3 k Hz. There is a wide range of subcategories contained within radio including AM and FM radio. Radio waves can be generated by natural sources such as lightning or astronomical phenomena; or by artificial sources such as broadcast radio towers, cell phones, satellites and radar. AM radio waves are used to carry commercial radio signals in the frequency range from 540 to 1600 k Hz. The abbreviation AM stands for amplitude modulation—the method for placing information on these waves. AM waves have constant frequency, but a varying amplitude. FM radio waves are also used for commercial radio transmission in the frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz. FM stands for frequency modulation, which produces a wave of constant amplitude but varying frequency. Key Terms AM radio waves: Waves used to carry commercial radio signals between 540 and 1600 k Hz."
"docid": "D2342660#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040816696800139\nGlycosomes â the organelles of glycogen metabolism",
"text": "\"Tissue and Cell Volume 28, Issue 3, June 1996, Pages 253-265Glycosomes — the organelles of glycogen metabolism K. Kielan Rybicka Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0040-8166 (96)80013-9 Get rights and content Abstract This article reviews the data concerning the electron microscopical interpretation of glycogen. It demonstrates that glycogen in the cell is associated with the enzymes involved in its metabolism and that the glycogen-protein complex forms morphologically distinct cell organelles called glycosomes. Glycogen can be visualized in the electron microscope (EM) by histochemical procedures, or by negative staining, but it does not react with heavy metals such as uranium and lead. The protein component of glycosomes, stainable by heavy metals, appears in EM as 20–30 nm granules. While biochemical findings have long indicated the association of glycogen and protein in the cell, morphological interpretation traditionally defined the protein component of glycosomes as particles of glycogen. Accordingly, the term α or β particles, introduced to define particles of glycogen, became subsequently applied to the protein component visible in sections stained by heavy metals. The history of microscopic research reveals the conditions which led to such interpretation. Morphological analysis of the reaction of glycosomes to the acids shows that glycosomes deposited free in the cytosol (lyoglycosomes) are acid labile, whereas the others (desmoglycosomes), intimately associated with different cellular structures, are acid-resistant. These 2 groups correspond to lyo- and desmoglycogen distinguished in early biochemical studies on the basis of their different resistance to the cold trichloroacetic acid. The theory of glycosomes provides a new paradigm which clarifies numerous unexplained data in the microscopic literature on glycogen, and opens a vast field for the research on the cellular metabolism of glycogen, with the use of modern molecular and cellular biology techniques."
"docid": "D1530713#0",
"title": "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/397090892129855286/\nExplore Poster, Science, and more!",
"text": "\"Sign up Log in Pinterest Explore Poster, Science, and more!Poster Science Visual Aids Health Html Cavities Medical The Body Types Of Medical and Health Science: Epithelial Tissue!See More Nursing Schools Skin Anatomy Anatomy Study Screen Shot Flawless Skin Science Articles Anatomy And Physiology Layers Of Skin Layers Of Dermis Anatomy of Skin- The epidermis The epidermis is made up of five sublayers: the stratum corneum, stratum lucidium, stratum granulosm, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale. See Morefrom justaskconnie.wordpress.com Hematology Red Blood Cells Med Lab Lab Tech Labs Medical Laboratory Science Nice Photos Microbiology Series Blanco Nice photo showing variation of common healthy blood cells See More Respiratory System Teaching Biology Physiology Features Of Science A Small Google Search Anatomy Life Simple squamous epithelia are thin, which aids in rapid diffusion and absorption, single layered cells, with a small budge where the nucleus resides. See More Kidney Cancer Electron Microscope Paths Search Searching Pathways The triphasic nature of Wilms Tumor is obvious here. The epithelial elements surround nodules of blastema and are attempting for form rosettes. The nodules of blastem are separated by myxoid stroma. See More Human Tissue Dental Hygiene School Anatomy And Physiology Scrub Life Nursing Schools Human Anatomy Medical Coding Microbiology Dandy Some cells from our connective tissue Just annoying histology See More Medical Science Science Art Science Nature Respiratory System Medical Illustration Human Anatomy Body Systems Human Body Flashcard Pseudostratified Cilliated Columnar Epithelium of the Respiratory System. See More Loose Connective Tissue Nursing Students Nursing Schools Body Tissues Nursing Board Med School Med Lab Anatomy Study Microbiology Chart, Connective Tissue See More Medical Science Medical School Mammary Gland Female Reproductive System Med Lab Graduate School Med School Physiology Anatomy Female Reproductive - Lactating mammary gland. See More Mammary Gland Electron Microscope Human Anatomy Work Inspiration Physiology Nursing Lab Career Nervous System Mammary gland See More Medical Science Medical School Cell Biology Graduate School Med School Science Ideas Reproductive System Electron Microscope Higher Learning Male Reproductive - Testis. See More Stratified Squamous Epithelium Cell Biology Anatomy Study Human Anatomy Study Tips College Life Human Tissue Medical Coding Dental Hygiene Epithelial tissue exists in many structural forms and mostly either covers or lines an organ or a duct. These cells typically consist of ren."
"docid": "D1804465#0",
"title": "https://healthbestreviews.com/top-10-best-electronic-pulse-massager/\nBest Electronic Pulse Massager: Top 10 Reviews for 2018",
"text": "One of the great things to have in your home is one of the best electronic pulse massagers, also commonly known as an EMS unit (electrical muscle stimulator unit). This device can effectively loosen stiff muscles, increase blood circulation, and soothe everyday aches and pains right in the comfort of your own home. Chronic muscle pains often result to detrimental conditions that may impair physical mobility and even cause depression. While a visit to a physical therapist can alleviate chronic muscle pains, there are many instances where an EMS unit is enough to remedy the situation. Preview Name Rating Price More Detailstru Medic TENS Unit Electronic Pulse Massager 4.4/ 5 $ More details! Click Here Pure Pulse Electronic Pulse Massager 4.6 / 5 $ More details! Click Here Heathmate Forever Pro 8AB 4.5 / 5 $$$ More details! Click Here Health Mate Forever Touch Screen 12 Mode 4.9 / 5 $$$$ More details! Click Here Vita Pules Air - Gift Set 4.7 / 5 $$$ More details! Click Here Healthmate Forever Handheld Tens Electronic Pulse Massager 4.5 / 5 $$ More details!"
"docid": "D206024#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telemedicine\nTelemedicine",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search It has been suggested that this article be merged with Telehealth. ( Discuss) Proposed since October 2017. Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide clinical health care from a distance. It has been used to overcome distance barriers and to improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities. It is also used to save lives in critical care and emergency situations. [ 1]Although there were distant precursors to telemedicine, it is essentially a product of 20th century telecommunication and information technologies. These technologies permit communications between patient and medical staff with both convenience and fidelity, as well as the transmission of medical, imaging and health informatics data from one site to another. Early forms of telemedicine achieved with telephone and radio have been supplemented with videotelephony, advanced diagnostic methods supported by distributed client/server applications, and additionally with telemedical devices to support in-home care. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Disambiguation2 Benefits and drawbacks3 History4 Types4.1 Categories4.1.1 Store and forward4.1.2 Remote monitoring4.1.3 Real-time interactive4.2 Emergency4.3 Telenursing4.4 Telepharmacy4.5 Telerehabilitation4.6 Teletrauma care5 Specialist care delivery5.1 Telecardiology5.1.1 Teletransmission of ECG using methods indigenous to Asia5.2 Telepsychiatry5.3 Teleradiology5.4 Telepathology5.5 Teledermatology5.6 Teledentistry5.7 Teleaudiology5.8 Teleophthalmology6 Licensure6.1 U. S. licensing and regulatory issues7 Companies8 Advanced and experimental services8.1 Telesurgery9 Enabling technologies9.1 Videotelephony9.2 Health information technology10 Developing countries11 See also12 References Disambiguation [ edit]The definition of telemedicine is somewhat controversial. Some definitions (such as the definition given by the World Health Organization [3]) include all aspects of healthcare including preventive care."
"docid": "D1133916#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/5774\nDashes Hyphens and Slashes",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Grammar Punctuation and Capitalization Dashes Hyphens and Slashes Unanswered | Answered Dashes Hyphens and Slashes Parent Category: Punctuation and Capitalization Dashes are used to stress a certain point or to indicate an interruption in thought. Hyphens are used to separate a single word’s syllables or to join words. Slashes are commonly used in dates, fractions and to indicate “or”.1 2 3 >Should checkup be hyphenated?yes check-up should be hyphenated When you try to type forward slash you get é? Sounds like your keyboard has been changed to a different layout. You can manually insert a / mark - by looking for it in the Character Map - and use copy/paste to insert where you need it tobe. How is the apostrophe used in the word secretaries'?that is correct.. (secretaries' offices)Should 'eagle eyed' be hyphenated? Yes, it should be hyphenated. Does 'fundraiser' have a hyphen? No, it does not. Is reelected hyphened?"
"docid": "D2263726#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_microscopes\nElectron microscope",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Electron microscopes)navigation search A modern transmission electron microscope Diagram of a transmission electron microscope Electron microscope constructed by Ernst Ruska in 1933An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination. As the wavelength of an electron can be up to 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes have a higher resolving power than light microscopes and can reveal the structure of smaller objects. A scanning transmission electron microscope has achieved better than 50 pm resolution in annular dark-field imaging mode [1] and magnifications of up to about 10,000,000x whereas most light microscopes are limited by diffraction to about 200 nm resolution and useful magnifications below 2000x. Electron microscopes have electron optical lens systems that are analogous to the glass lenses of an optical light microscope. Electron microscopes are used to investigate the ultrastructure of a wide range of biological and inorganic specimens including microorganisms, cells, large molecules, biopsy samples, metals, and crystals. Industrially, electron microscopes are often used for quality control and failure analysis. Modern electron microscopes produce electron micrographs using specialized digital cameras and frame grabbers to capture the image. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Types2.1 Transmission electron microscope (TEM)2.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM)2.3 Color2.4 Reflection electron microscope (REM)2.5 Scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM)3 Sample preparation4 Disadvantages5 Applications6 See also7 References8 External links8.1 General8.2 History8.3 Other History [ edit]Diagram illustrating the phenomena resulting from the interaction of highly energetic electrons with matter. The first electromagnetic lens was developed in 1931 by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll. [ 2]According to Dennis Gabor, the physicist Leó Szilárd tried in 1928 to convince him to build an electron microscope, for which he had filed a patent. ["
"docid": "D3310690#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-radio-waves-and-gamma-rays-pass-through-walls-but-visible-light-does-not\nWhy do radio waves and gamma rays pass through walls but visible light does not?",
"text": "\"Raj Doshi, Procastinator Answered Feb 17, 2015Simple Answer: For the same reason that a fired bullet can pass through your body while a rock cannot. Technical Answer: (Source: http://www.physlink.com/Educatio...) Goldilocks and the Three Bears example of this radiation is too big and slow and this radiation is too small and fast. Gamma rays, visible light, and radio waves are all examples of electromagnetic radiation, and radio waves are on one end of the spectrum (with a wavelength of meters), gamma rays are on the other end (with a wavelength of about 10-12 meters) and visible light is somewhere in between (with a wavelength of around 5 x 10-7 meters). Three things happen to EM radiation when it encounters a barrier. It can bounce (reflectance or scattering), pass through (transmittance), or just plain stop (absorbance). The intensity of radiation transmitted depends on several things: The wavelength of the radiation The intensity of the radiation hitting the barrier The chemical composition of the barrier The physical microstructure of the barrier The thickness of the barrier Your question has to do with #1, but keep in mind that powerful enough visible light (many times brighter than sunlight) would be able to pass through the walls of your home so you could see it, and even a weak light can shine through a paper-thin wall or a wall made of glass. EM waves interact with matter on their own scale of size and time. The reason why visible light can't travel through walls as easily as gamma rays or radio waves is because, to the visible light, there's something 'there' on a similar scale of length (wavelength) and time (frequency) that the gamma rays are too small and fast to interact with and the radio waves are too large and slow to interact with. The gamma rays just pass through the spaces between and within atoms and molecules. They're small enough to do that."
"docid": "D122515#0",
"title": "https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061025233926AA0q5Qt\nWhat does the 'ce' symbol printed on most manufactured goods mean?",
"text": "Consumer Electronics TVs What does the 'ce' symbol printed on most manufactured goods mean? Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The CE mark (officially CE marking) is a mandatory marking on certain products, which is required if they are placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA). By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer, or its representative, or the importer assures that the item meets all the essential requirements of all applicable EU directives. Examples of European Directives requiring CE marking include toy safety, machinery, low-voltage equipment, R&TTE, and EM compatibility. There are about 25 Directives requiring CE marking. A list can be found at http://www.newapproach.org/Directives/Di... Officially, CE has no meaning as an abbreviation, but may have originally stood for Communauté Européenne or Conformité Européenne, French for European Conformity. Source (s): Wikipediasks · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment The CE mark (officially CE marking) is a mandatory marking on certain products, which is required if they are placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA). By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer, or its representative, or the importer assures that the item meets all the essential requirements of all applicable EU directives. Examples of European Directives requiring CE marking include toy safety, machinery, low-voltage equipment, R&TTE, and EM compatibility. The CE mark is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in European Directives."
"docid": "D183021#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/physics/textbooks/boundless-physics-textbook/electromagnetic-waves-23/the-electromagnetic-spectrum-165/radio-waves-592-11171/\nThe Electromagnetic Spectrum",
"text": "Radio Waves Radio waves are EM (Electromagnetic)waves that have wavelengths between 1 millimeter and 100 kilometers (or 300 GHz and 3 k Hz in frequency). Learning Objectives Compare properties of AM and FM radio waves Key Takeaways Key Points The lowest frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is designated as “radio,” generally considered to have wavelengths within 1 millimeter to 100 kilometers or frequencies within 300 GHz to 3 k Hz. There is a wide range of subcategories contained within radio including AM and FM radio. Radio waves can be generated by natural sources such as lightning or astronomical phenomena; or by artificial sources such as broadcast radio towers, cell phones, satellites and radar. AM radio waves are used to carry commercial radio signals in the frequency range from 540 to 1600 k Hz. The abbreviation AM stands for amplitude modulation—the method for placing information on these waves. AM waves have constant frequency, but a varying amplitude. FM radio waves are also used for commercial radio transmission in the frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz. FM stands for frequency modulation, which produces a wave of constant amplitude but varying frequency. Key Terms AM radio waves: Waves used to carry commercial radio signals between 540 and 1600 k Hz."
"docid": "D2564962#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/123917234/science-electromagnetic-waves-flash-cards/\nScience electromagnetic waves",
"text": "24 terms Chaselyn Marie Science electromagnetic waves Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Similarities and differences between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves? Similarities •electromagnetic waves are a type of mechanical waves, specifically a transverse wave. •they transfer energy. Differences •electromagnetic waves dont need a medium to travel through but mechanical waves do. What particles make up an atom? Which ones have charges? Protons Electrons Neutrons Protons- positive charge. Electrons- negative charge. What two fields make up radio waves? Broadcast waves (for radio and television)."
"docid": "D2785559#0",
"title": "http://www.gosh.nhs.uk/health-professionals/clinical-guidelines/height-measuring-childyoung-person\nHeight: measuring a child/young person",
"text": "Height: measuring a child/young person Assessment and measurement of growth is vital and must be done with precision and accuracy to be meaningful (Voss, 2000). It provides a sensitive guide to a child/young person’s:healthdevelopmentnutritional statusresponse to treatment (Freeman et al, 1995; Gibson, 1990; Hall, 2000; Voss, 2000, Martin and Collin 2015)A healthy adequately nourished and emotionally secure child/young person grows at an optimal rate (Stanhope et al, 1994; Royal College of Nursing, (RCN) 2006). Regular measurements of children and young people allow for early dictation of inadequate growth and ensuring appropriate health promotion and support is provided for families (Stoner and Walker, 2006 ). Many diseases do not cause obvious symptoms and poor growth may be the first or only indicator of a concern (Hall, 2000). Faltering growth could suggest a pathological disorder requiring diagnosis and possible treatment, e.g. malabsorption, an eating disorder, hypertension, psychosocial problems, craniopharyngioma (Skuse, 1989 Hopkins, Kyle and Paul, 2017). Height measurement on admission or attendance at outpatients On admission to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) all patients must have their height or length measured and appropriate documentation completed within 24hours. This includes all patients admitted for day care. Patients over one year of age attending outpatient appointments must have their height measured and recorded. To be useful it is essential that a child’s height or length is: (Rationale 1)accurately measured using good equipment (Doull et al,1995, Hopkins, Kyle and Paul 2017)recorded with the date in the child/young person’s health care recordsplotted accurately on the electronic growth charts on EDMThe technique used to obtain an accurate measurement of height or length is crucial (Voss, 2000; Voss et al, 1990; Stoner and Walker, 2006). Measurements must be recorded in centimetres and documented in the following areas:recorded in the child/young person’s health care/parent held recordrecorded in the Patient Assessment Form (PAF) / Outpatient Assessment form (OSF)recorded on the Nutrition Screening Flowchartrecorded on the patients electronic records including electronic prescribing systemrecorded on the electronic growth charts on EDMAll paper documentation should have the date, time and the name of the measurer along with a signature and job role."
"docid": "D3035068#0",
"title": "http://www.tensunitreviews.net/\nWelcome to TENS Unit Reviews",
"text": "Tens Unit Training Movie: From Body Clock Tens machine pain relief experts Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. TENS units (standing for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) have become a powerful part of managing chronic pain without ever having to risk any of the dangerous side effects that drugs and modern medicines almost always come with. A proper medical tool that is almost exclusively used to help provide people that are suffering with all different kinds of pains, discomfort, and general aches in hospitals or under the professional eye of a physiotherapist or sports injury specialist. Below you will find our interactive comparison guide of the top 16 TENS and EMS units on the market and by clicking on any of the column headers you can sort the data to suit your preference, and each column is described in detail below…TENS – Whether or not the unit offers a true TENS mode. EMS – Does the unit also offer an Electronic Muscle Stimulation mode?# of pads – How many electrode pads can be used at once. Dual Channel – Does the unit have independent intensity controls for each pair of pads. Modes – How many modes or programs does the unit offer. Intensity Levels – The number of set intensity levels the unit offers or can the unit be fully adjusted to suit the needs of the user."
"docid": "D1203469#0",
"title": "http://www.clpmag.com/2011/07/laboratory-information-systemsmiddleware/\nLaboratory Information Systems/Middleware",
"text": "News Laboratory Information Systems/Middleware Published on July 7, 2011LAB/HEX Laboratory Information System Handles testing, resulting, and reporting needs LAB/HEX from HEX Laboratory Systems, Encinitas, Calif, is a laboratory information system that offers flexibility and the ability to handle unique testing, resulting, and reporting needs. HEX is intended for independent commercial labs, nursing homes’ labs, large clinics, small hospitals, and specialty labs. Features include analyzer interfaces, EMR and other system interfaces, user-defined tests and other system definitions, custom report formats, and a Web module for orders and results. Integrated billing medical necessity module, electronic billing, electronic remittance, and cash management are available. The billing system can be purchased separate from the LIS and interfaced to an existing system or systems. VET/HEX is available with special features for those labs with veterinary or research needs.<HEX Laboratory Systems (800) 729-2085 www.hexlab.com JResult Net Middleware Software Complements and Enhances Existing Workflow JResult Net Middleware software from Dawning Technologies Inc, Fort Myers, Fla, is the core of Dawning’s various middleware applications. The solution is flexible and can be configured by the customer to best complement and enhance existing workflow. JResult Net is a Java-based application that is platform portable; able to serve enterprise-wide multihospital auto-verification implementations or single instrument connectivity equally well. The system provides a common user interface and a set of configuration tools, including support of a variety of industry-standard protocols and a complete set of message mapping tools. JResult Net software includes tools such as the JResult Net Workstation, Rules Development Kit, QC integration, and data mining."
"docid": "D2323287#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/physics/textbooks/boundless-physics-textbook/electromagnetic-waves-23/the-electromagnetic-spectrum-165/microwaves-593-11170/\nThe Electromagnetic Spectrum",
"text": "Radio Waves Radio waves are EM (Electromagnetic)waves that have wavelengths between 1 millimeter and 100 kilometers (or 300 GHz and 3 k Hz in frequency). Learning Objectives Compare properties of AM and FM radio waves Key Takeaways Key Points The lowest frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is designated as “radio,” generally considered to have wavelengths within 1 millimeter to 100 kilometers or frequencies within 300 GHz to 3 k Hz. There is a wide range of subcategories contained within radio including AM and FM radio. Radio waves can be generated by natural sources such as lightning or astronomical phenomena; or by artificial sources such as broadcast radio towers, cell phones, satellites and radar. AM radio waves are used to carry commercial radio signals in the frequency range from 540 to 1600 k Hz. The abbreviation AM stands for amplitude modulation—the method for placing information on these waves. AM waves have constant frequency, but a varying amplitude. FM radio waves are also used for commercial radio transmission in the frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz. FM stands for frequency modulation, which produces a wave of constant amplitude but varying frequency. Key Terms AM radio waves: Waves used to carry commercial radio signals between 540 and 1600 k Hz."
"docid": "D3108648#0",
"title": "http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae11.cfm\n.",
"text": "Question I know that gravity keeps us on the earth, but what prevents us from being pushed or pulled through the floor, earth, etc. ( besides concrete, wood, and soil)? Does it have something to do with opposite forces? Asked by: Karen Answer In a nut shell, the answer is the electromagnetic field. Until the beginning of this century, there were only two known force fields -- gravity and the electromagnetic (EM) field. The strong and weak nuclear fields were not known. The electromagnetic field manifests itself in many different ways. The force between magnets is a manifestation of the magnetic aspect of the EM field. The force that attracts your hair when you comb it in winter is a manifestation of the electric aspect of the EM field. Light, radio waves, gamma rays, etc."
] |
636786 | what does eman mean | [
"docid": "D635297#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Eman\nWhat does Eman mean?",
"text": "\"What does Eman mean? Eman as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Eman) is of Arabic origin, and the name Eman means \"\"belief, faith\"\". Eman is an alternate spelling of Iman (Arabic). STARTS WITH Em-ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, belief (hope)Variations RELATED FORM VIA IMAN Imani CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Eman Kalea (E. K.), .. How popular is Eman? Eman is a rare given name for women but a very popular last name for all people (#70473 out of 150436, Top 47%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D2675855#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-burger-m24.html\nBurger meaning",
"text": "\"Burger meaning Name : Burger Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Masculine The masculine name Burger is used in German. Other countries in which name burger being used are. Burger is not very commonly used baby name for boy. It is not ranked with in the top 1000 names. Used in country/religion : German Rhyming Names of Burger: Arger, Berger, Birger Names Similar to Burger : Burgeis, Burgess, Burgtun, Burgess, Burgard, Burgaud, Burgeis, Burges, Burgess, Burghard Burger Numerology : Personality No. 9. People with name Burger desire love & independence. They love arts & music. They are generous, kindhearted, humane & philanthropic. Person with Burger having 9 as Personality number love traveling & teaching but hate restraint."
"docid": "D2034420#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Orgonite/Orgone\nHow to Use Orgonite/Orgone",
"text": "Reader Approved How to Use Orgonite/Orgone Orgone energy was first characterized by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 20th century. This energy, however, has been known for millennia by cultures all across the world by different names, such as chi, prana, universal life force, etc. Orgone energy, harnessed in the proper way, has the potential to transform your life spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally so that you can express who you are and who you were meant to be. Steps1 Meditate with an orgonite pyramid in your hand, direct your attention toward it-feel and sense the energy emanating from it. The important thing is not to try to see it (do not make an effort), but just feel as if it is already there (because it is). You can direct it toward any place, person, or time. Send it to different parts of your body for healing. You can directly feel the energy, either by seeing or feeling it depending on which sensory modality dominates. Some individuals can do both. The energy emanated from orgonite is unlimited so do not worry about running out of it."
"docid": "D2335908#0",
"title": "http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2014/08/14/ebola-kills/\n",
"text": "Update: How Ebola Kills Posted August 14, 2014 by Ricki Lewis, Ph D in Uncategorized Eman Gokpolu (with little Larry, named for my husband) is our African “son.” He sends frequent updates from Liberia. UPDATE OCT. 7: Emmanuel (my “son”) and his family, in Liberia, are still all healthy! The post below is from mid-August, when much of the US still didn’t care about Ebola because it wasn’t here. It includes the immune system basics that rarely make it into media coverage. Sunday, August 17: Eman’s emails arrive hours ahead of the news here. “An Ebola quarantine site was attacked and looted. News is that most of the patients have escaped. This is going to put more fear into the population."
"docid": "D415179#0",
"title": "https://www.englishforums.com/English/WhatSoundDoesTheDogMake/bhhxqz/post.htm\nWhat Sound Does The Dog Make?",
"text": "\"What Sound Does The Dog Make? Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure0+ 0Is the following question fine?... How does the dog go? Referring to the sound of the dog. Can you write further opions for this kind of question. Thank you.19th October 2014mickypenna Commentsmickypenna How does the dog go? Not the best combination of words for what you mean. ( In any case, \"\"a dog\"\" is better than \"\"the dog\"\".) What sound does a dog make? is better."
"docid": "D2979578#0",
"title": "http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/bayley-superfan-izzy-may-star-nxt-kids/\nBayleyâs #1 Superfan Izzy May Have Adorabled Her Way Into A Job With WWE",
"text": "WWEAs we recently reported, it seems as though WWE might be moving ahead with NXT Kids, a half-hour show that would look at current NXT events through a munchkin-friendly prism. WWE has gone so far as to send out a casting call, looking for “high energy, personable, lively, quick on their feet” kids ages 7 – 14 to appear the show. Well, I hope none of the kids who try out are hoping to take top billing, because WWE already has a NXT Kids star in mind. According to the Wrestling Observer, NXT Kids is being looked at as a star vehicle for everybody’s favorite Bayley mega-fan, Izzy. Even if Izzy doesn’t end up being a big part of the show, the NXT Kids concept is apparently inspired by her, and WWE is hoping to foster more fans like Izzy through the show. For those who haven’t been following Izzy’s odyssey, she started out as just a wide-eyed kid who’d show up at every NXT show in Bayley gear, but more recently she’s become a real contributing force to the show. In a some people’s minds, one of the main reasons Bayley vs. Sasha at NXT Takeover: Respect worked so well was because Izzy was there, reacting with unrestrained little kid emotion to every blow. Could Izzy becoming an official WWE superstar ruin a good thing? Quite possibly. Should we be worried about a kid not out of elementary school being ushered into the world of professional wrestling?"
"docid": "D239559#0",
"title": "http://www.nameaning.net/both/Eman\nDefinition funny of Eman:",
"text": "\"Eman Meaning : Of Arabic origin and a derivative of the name Iemaan meaning 'faith'. Eman has also religious sentiments; being cited frequently in the Qur'an., Faith,Origin : Arabic,Pronunciation : (e-MAAN), EE man,If you have information about this name, share it in the comments area below ! Eman Expression, Eman Soul Urge , Eman Inner Dream Numerology information Eman: Name Number: 6 Meaning: Home, Family, Love, Balance, Harmony, Help, Warmth, Social justice Additional information Eman: Eman is a name found used for both boys and girls. it is thought to have two possible origins. It can be a variant of the unisex name Iman, which is of Arabic origin and is said to mean ‘Faith’. Alternatively, the name could be a short form of the masculine Emmanuel, but this name is specifically masculine. Definition funny of Eman:this name has the same definition as the name iman. same meaning. eman can be a boy or girl."
"docid": "D635298#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Eman/m\nEman - Meaning of Eman",
"text": "\"What does Eman mean? Pronounce Eman [ 2 syll. e- man, em - an ] The baby boy name Eman is also used as a girl name. Its pronunciation is EY -Mae-N †. Eman is used predominantly in the Czech language and its origin is Hebrew. Eman is a variant of the name Manuel (English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish). See also the related categories, hebrew and czech. Eman is not regularly used as a baby name for boys. It is not listed in the top 1000 names. In 2016, within the group of boy names directly linked to Eman, Manuel was the most popular. Baby names that sound like Eman include Eamon (English and Irish), Éamonn (Gaelic and Irish), Einan (Hebrew), Enam (African), Eni, Enin, Ennion, Ennoe, Eno, Enoe, Enoh, Enon, Enu (Akan), Aimin, Aimone (Italian), Amen (English and Egyptian), Amess, Ami (Hebrew), Aymeen (Arabic), and Aymein.† English pronunciation for Eman: EY as in \"\"ate (EY."
"docid": "D1384710#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-arshpreet-m81.html\nArshpreet meaning",
"text": "Arshpreet meaning Name : Arshpreet Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Masculine Meaning of Arshpreet : Used in country/religion : Sikh Rhyming Names of Arshpreet: Aayatpreet, Abhaipreet, Abinaashpreet, Acharpreet, Adarshpreet, Aditpreet, Adityapreet, Adreet, Agampreet Names Similar to Arshpreet : Arsh, Arshavir, Arsh, Arshia, Arshad, Arshagouhi, Arshalous, Arshag, Arshalous, Arsham Arshpreet Numerology : Personality No. 9. People with name Arshpreet desire love & independence. They love arts & music. They are generous, kindhearted, humane & philanthropic. Person with Arshpreet having 9 as Personality number love traveling & teaching but hate restraint. They are bold, functional, broadminded & spiritual. They have will power & are determined , but are impulsive, contentious, ill-tempered, rebellious & impatient too. More Numerology Name Analysis of Arshpreet Character Analysis of Arshpreet : Persons with the name Arshpreet are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and they are who show others the way. They are leaders, motivators and idealistic visionaries who are aware of their own innate powers."
"docid": "D1408218#0",
"title": "http://www.space.com/25732-redshift-blueshift.html\nWhat Are Redshift and Blueshift?",
"text": "\"Space.com Science & Astronomy Reference: What Are Redshift and Blueshift? By Elizabeth Howell, Space.com Contributor | May 2, 2014 03:32am ETMOREThe visible light spectrum. Credit: NASA. Redshift and blueshift describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space (such as stars or galaxies) move closer or farther away from us. The concept is key to charting the universe's expansion. Visible light is a spectrum of colors, which is clear to anyone who has looked at a rainbow. When an object moves away from us, the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get longer. If an object moves closer, the light moves to the blue end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get shorter. To think of this more clearly, the European Space Agency suggests, imagine yourself listening to a police siren as the car rushes by you on the road. \"\" Everyone has heard the increased pitch of an approaching police siren and the sharp decrease in pitch as the siren passes by and recedes."
"docid": "D2335003#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-priyadarshini-f9.html\nPriyadarshini meaning",
"text": "\"Priyadarshini meaning Name : Priyadarshini Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Feminine Meaning of Priyadarshini : Used in country/religion : Australian , Bengali , Gujarati , Hindu , Kannada , Malayalam , Marathi , Oriya , Sanskrit , Tamil , Telugu Rhyming Names of Priyadarshini: Aadarshini, Aadhini Names Similar to Priyadarshini : Priyadarshani, Priyah, Priyanga, Priyani, Priyanthi, Priyan, Priyanath, Priyanga, Priyantha, Priyanthan Priyadarshini Numerology : Personality No. 5. People with name Priyadarshini love freedom. They are intellectuals & may be creative but can’t manage money well. They may overindulge in intoxicants, sex or gambling. Person with Priyadarshini having 5 as Personality number love traveling & also like change & adventure. They love socializing. They are versatile & astute. They are functional, resourceful & decisive. More Numerology More About Name : Priyadarshini Priya means love and dharshini means presence Name Analysis of Priyadarshini Character Analysis of Priyadarshini : Persons with the name Priyadarshini, are seeker of wisdom and knowledge."
"docid": "D239562#0",
"title": "http://www.mybabyname.net/both/Eman\nDefinition funny of Eman:",
"text": "\"Eman Meaning : Of Arabic origin and a derivative of the name Iemaan meaning 'faith'. Eman has also religious sentiments; being cited frequently in the Qur'an., Faith,Origin : Arabic,Pronunciation : (e-MAAN), EE man,Eman Meaning Eman Expression, Eman Soul Urge , Eman Inner Dream Numerology information Eman: Name Number: 6 Meaning: Home, Family, Love, Balance, Harmony, Help, Warmth, Social justice Additional information Eman: Eman is a name found used for both boys and girls. it is thought to have two possible origins. It can be a variant of the unisex name Iman, which is of Arabic origin and is said to mean ‘Faith’. Alternatively, the name could be a short form of the masculine Emmanuel, but this name is specifically masculine. Definition funny of Eman:this name has the same definition as the name iman. same meaning. eman can be a boy or girl. either or."
"docid": "D1187599#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of-the-word/emanation.html\nWhat is the meaning of the word emanation?",
"text": "Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the word emanation? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word emanation? Here are some definitions. Noun The act of flowing or proceeding from a fountain head or origin. That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence. ( chemistry) The element radon. Find more words!emanation See Also What is another word for emanation? What is the opposite of emanation? Sentences with the word emanation How do you pronounce the word emanation?"
"docid": "D2543485#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_percolation_mean_in_earth_science\nWhat does percolating mean?",
"text": "Cycling- rod 49,276 Contributions What does percolating mean? Rain water percolating (passing) through the rock emerged as a spring of cool water at the foot of the limestone cliffs. Edit What does percolation mean in the water cycle?the downward movement of water through spaces in soil due to gravity Edit What does percolation mean? Percolation is the process of a liquid slowly passing through a filter. It is like making coffee. The coffee gets strained through a filter. Edit Teew3e 52 Contributions What does fracture mean in earth science?it means if the mineral is fragile or not, and this all depends on the Mohs hardness scale Edit Eman Mugalli 5 Contributions What does uplift mean in earth science? Uplift is the process in which structural highs in Earth's crust are created (e.g. mountains). The movement of tectonic plates and igneous plumes are two processes which m …Mycroft414 12,993 Contributions What is the science that literally means the study of Earth? Geology Edit What is subsistence mean in earth science?"
"docid": "D446679#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/resolution-not-conflict/201207/10-things-say-generate-good-feelings\n10 Things to Say to Generate Good Feelings",
"text": "\"10 Things to Say to Generate Good Feelings People who feel good and who give good vibes to others are more attractive. Posted Jul 20, 2012SHARETWEETEMAILMOREThis post is in response to 5 Ways to Become More Attractive to Others by Jill P. Weber Source: (c) Ingram Publishing At every moment, you send people either positive or negative vibes. This positive or negative energy either draws people toward you or warns them to keep their distance. You can smile, hug, and express words of agreement, affection and appreciation, attracting people in a positive way. Or, you can push people away and even knock them down via criticism, complaints, disagreement, or blame. Loving is the emanation of positive energy. Expressions of thanks, gratitude and appreciation, along with a sincere interest in others' lives—and warm smiles—all send forth positive energy. The more positive emanations you send people, the more they will feel appreciated, and appreciate you in return. While overdoing the positivity with excessive gushing (like sunshine that is too intense) can be off-putting, people who emanate positive vibes generally feel \"\"warm.\"\" Whether they are your boss, employee, or colleague, or your friend, relative, or life partner, warm people feel safe to share with."
"docid": "D1857480#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/emanation.htm\nEMANATION",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Ely Culbertson ... Embody EMANATIONPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does emanation mean?• EMANATION (noun) The noun EMANATION has 3 senses:1. something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light etc.) 2. the act of emitting; causing to flow forth 3. ( theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Familiarity information: EMANATION used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EMANATION (noun)Sense 1 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light etc. ) Classified under: Nouns denoting substances Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):matter; substance (that which has mass and occupies space)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"emanation\"\"):ectoplasm ( (spiritualism) a substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance)Sense 2 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The act of emitting; causing to flow forth Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:emission; emanation Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):egress; egression; emergence (the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"emanation\"\"):radiation (the act of spreading outward from a central source)discharge; venting (the act of venting)Sense 3 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Classified under: Nouns denoting natural events Synonyms:procession; emanation; rise Context examples:the emanation of the Holy Spirit / the rising of the Holy Ghost / the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):inception; origin; origination (an event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events)Domain category:theological system; theology (a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Who pats the chicken, eats the egg.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"Blame comes before swords.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"The grass is always greener on the other side.\"\" ("
"docid": "D2578561#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/name/krutarth-m.html\nKrutarth meaning",
"text": "Krutarth meaning Name : Krutarth Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Masculine Meaning of Krutarth : Used in country/religion : Bengali , Gujarati , Hindu , Kannada , Malayalam , Oriya , Telugu Rhyming Names of Krutarth: Aarth Names Similar to Krutarth : Krutika, Kruti, Kruthika, Krutee, Kruthika, Kruti, Krutika, Kruthika, Kruti, Kruti Popularity Rank : The name Krutarth is ranked at 12573 among the Common Indian names, based upon the Babynology survey* conducted on 1 million real people across various states of India. The name is being used, as given name by 9 peoples out of 1 Million people. Babynology researched 1 million names of real people across various states of India using various sources to find about popular names. Research has revealed very interesting facts about names. Krutarth Numerology : Personality No. 5. People with name Krutarth love freedom. They are intellectuals & may be creative but can’t manage money well. They may overindulge in intoxicants, sex or gambling. Person with Krutarth having 5 as Personality number love traveling & also like change & adventure."
"docid": "D1857479#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_emanation_mean\nWhat does eman mean?",
"text": "\"Antpaok 66 Contributions What does eman mean? The word Eman is an Arabic word. It mean faith, belief. In Islamic context it means belief in Allah. It also means your name backwards. For example,if your name is Calvin,you …Zerolink198 12 Contributions What does emanating mean? It means to emit or to give off, like a light bulb emanates light. Or a more sophisticated sentence: \"\"She seems to emanate an air of serenity. \"\" Edit Who is Diet Eman? Diet Eman was a young woman during the Nazi invasion of Holland during WWII."
"docid": "D1202294#0",
"title": "http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-problems/effects-of-nature-and-environment/new-full-moon-effects/\n",
"text": "Home Spiritual Problems Effects of Nature and Environment The Spiritual Effects of Full Moon and New Moon Table of Contents [ show]1. Introduction. Over the decades there have been many scientific reports for and against the effect of the moon on human behaviour. The reports analysed heightened mind activity, increased visits to general or psychiatric emergency departments and people complaining of higher levels of physical and mental distress. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) examined the effect of the moon on human behaviour using spiritual research methodologies. In the spiritual research that we conducted using the sixth sense to ascertain the effect of moon on human behaviour the short answer was yes, it does have an effect. The following are the various aspects on how the moon affects our life.2. The generic subtle (intangible) effect of the moon All objects including stars, planets and satellite bodies along with their gross (tangible) attributes emanate subtle (intangible) frequencies. These physical attributes and subtle-frequencies affect us in varying degrees at a physical and subtle-level. The frequencies emanating from the Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, i.e. mind of human beings."
"docid": "D1187601#0",
"title": "http://www.iep.utm.edu/emanatio/\nEmanation",
"text": "\"Emanation Table of Contents Definition and Distinctions Hindu, Zoroastrian, and Greek Phases Philo and Early Christian Doctrine Pseudo Dionysius, Scholastic, and Mystic Doctrine1. Definition and Distinctions The concept of emanation is that all derived or secondary things proceed or flow from the more primary. It is distinguished from the doctrine of creation by its elimination of a definite will in the first cause, from which all things are made to emanate according to natural laws and without conscious volition. It differs from the theory of formation at the hands of a supreme artisan who finds his matter ready to his hand, in teaching that all things, whether actually or only apparently material, flow from the primal principle. Unlike evolution, again, which includes the entire principle of the world, material and spiritual, in the process of development, emanation holds to the immutability of the first principle as to both quality and quantity, and also in the tendency of the development evolution implying one which goes from less to more perfect, while emanation involves a series of descending stages.2. Hindu, Zoroastrian, and Greek Phases In the Upanishads of the Veda several passages which point, if obscurely, to this doctrine. One frequently quoted passage asserts that \"\"From this Atman originated space, and from space the wind, and from the wind the fire, and from fire water, and from water the earth, and from the earth plants, and from plants food, and from food the seed of man, and from the seed of man himself.\"\" This, however, does not clearly assert an emanation, but merely marks the stages of descent that separate man from the Atman. Attempts have often been made to derive the Gnostic doctrine of emanation from the Zoroastrian Avesta, but with doubtful success. Even if we may assume another higher power antecedent to the two hostile powers set forth in this dualistic system and comprising them both, still the independence of these two, as well as of the angels or half-divine beings who surround them, is not clearly asserted as owing to their emanation from the primal principle."
"docid": "D2299236#0",
"title": "http://www.grantchronicles.com/astro138.htm\n.",
"text": "\"The Cause of Earth's 23 Degree Tilt The Primary Topics: The Cause The Process Leading up to Ejection The Release The Process Planetary Tilt-Rotational Stabilization In this solar system where the rotational axis of a magnetic planet is in close proximity to the Sun, the natural equilibrium dictates a parallel North-South Relationship between the cosmic objects. So what would cause the planetary rotational tilt of the Earth to be 23 degrees off center of the Sun's axis the dominant force in this solar system? Would not this anomaly over time, the axis migrate back towards the equilibrium point represented by the Sun? It is stated, that an object in motion remains in that motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Is this not one of your most revered laws of physics? If this planetary system was initiated by the homogenous motion of the collapse of an accretion disk of stellar matter, then Earth's tilt is a result of an outside force. One that is so recent and periodic where the seasons are a permanent part of Earth's climate. Consider that the effect of the Sun's magnetic field has a far greater intensity and seemed to have little time to correct it. Conclusion there is a cause and if this force is not part of present theories or recognized events within the solar system, but its effects are recorded by tilt, and unexplained geological events. The force comes and goes, so how and what is the cause?"
] |
636787 | what does emanation mean | [
"docid": "D1857480#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/emanation.htm\nEMANATION",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Ely Culbertson ... Embody EMANATIONPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does emanation mean?• EMANATION (noun) The noun EMANATION has 3 senses:1. something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light etc.) 2. the act of emitting; causing to flow forth 3. ( theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Familiarity information: EMANATION used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EMANATION (noun)Sense 1 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light etc. ) Classified under: Nouns denoting substances Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):matter; substance (that which has mass and occupies space)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"emanation\"\"):ectoplasm ( (spiritualism) a substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance)Sense 2 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The act of emitting; causing to flow forth Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:emission; emanation Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):egress; egression; emergence (the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"emanation\"\"):radiation (the act of spreading outward from a central source)discharge; venting (the act of venting)Sense 3 emanation [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Classified under: Nouns denoting natural events Synonyms:procession; emanation; rise Context examples:the emanation of the Holy Spirit / the rising of the Holy Ghost / the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son Hypernyms (\"\"emanation\"\" is a kind of...):inception; origin; origination (an event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events)Domain category:theological system; theology (a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Who pats the chicken, eats the egg.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"Blame comes before swords.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"The grass is always greener on the other side.\"\" ("
] | [
"docid": "D1408218#0",
"title": "http://www.space.com/25732-redshift-blueshift.html\nWhat Are Redshift and Blueshift?",
"text": "\"Space.com Science & Astronomy Reference: What Are Redshift and Blueshift? By Elizabeth Howell, Space.com Contributor | May 2, 2014 03:32am ETMOREThe visible light spectrum. Credit: NASA. Redshift and blueshift describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space (such as stars or galaxies) move closer or farther away from us. The concept is key to charting the universe's expansion. Visible light is a spectrum of colors, which is clear to anyone who has looked at a rainbow. When an object moves away from us, the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get longer. If an object moves closer, the light moves to the blue end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get shorter. To think of this more clearly, the European Space Agency suggests, imagine yourself listening to a police siren as the car rushes by you on the road. \"\" Everyone has heard the increased pitch of an approaching police siren and the sharp decrease in pitch as the siren passes by and recedes."
"docid": "D1816169#0",
"title": "http://www.bradreese.com/blog/4-29-2014.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Aironet Power Supplies Vo IP Gateways Cisco Repair Refurbished Cisco Cisco CPQRGs New Cisco New HP Pro Curve Cisco Tools Competitive Lab Tests Tech Forums How-to Tutorials CCIE Gossip Blogroll Cisco CCIE salaries in India have plunged -50%In India average salaries for CCIEs which were at about $60k USD and higher a few years ago, are now at about $30k USD and higher. Wilmington, DE: Tue, 4/29/14 - 11:59pm View comments Update 6/6/2014 - 12:19am: Email from reliable source: \"\"Hi Brad, how you doing??.. FYI Indian CCIE rates have dropped by 50% over the last six months, companies were charging 12,000 AED roughly $3,250 USD and I just spoke with a very large customer and they recruited an Indian Cisco CCIE at a rate of 6,000 AED $1,600 USD. This is a real indicator on the true state of Cisco business.. Cisco infrastructure and services sales value! \"\" On November 13, 2013 Cisco CEO John Chambers stated:\"\"Across every geography, the impact of emerging market weakness was pronounced and accelerated to the backend of the quarter. Our top five emerging markets declined -21% with Brazil down -25%, Mexico down -18%, India down -18%, China down -18% and Russia down -30%. As we always had, we will continue to focus on emerging markets, investing through the challenges and expect to see return to growth in few quarters with all the appropriate caveats. \"\" Here's my theory on why Cisco's emerging markets are so challenged: The days when the \"\"E\"\" in CCIE meant expert are gone according to the lot who bemoan the depreciating value of the certification. The loudest of these critical thinkers seem to be from Cisco's emerging markets which according to Cisco CEO John Chambers, are quite challenged. Areas that I am familiar with from my many interactions with CCIEs and those with CCIE as a goal are India, Pakistan, Middle East and Africa."
"docid": "D3269710#0",
"title": "https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080226214502AAIfYOL\nWhat Does RE: mean on a Fax?",
"text": "\"Business & Finance Other - Business & Finance What Does RE: mean on a Fax? Hey everyone! I am a trainee in business administration and while learning the bits and peices of office lingo, and trying to remember it all, I'm wondering what RE: means on a fax. Does it mean - \"\"In relation to..\"\"??? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: \"\"regarding\"\" (so it also means \"\"relating to\"\", in effect)Eman · 1 decade ago2 0 Comment Asker's rating Haha. I remember having to learn the office lingo during my first summer job. I believe Re: means \"\"regarding\"\". It is the subject line of the fax. Michael K · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment What Does Re Mean Source (s):https://shrink.im/a0o WIshalhoup · 2 years ago0 0 Comment RE: Means \"\"Regarding\"\", which is the topic of your fax. I worked as an office assistant for several years and became very familiar with \"\"RE:\"\"Tra Verus Travel · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Regarding..... Anonymous · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment What Does Re Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a8E6Lmattes · 1 year ago0 0 Comment It means \"\"regarding\"\"Source (s): I have a fax and send and recieve faxes."
"docid": "D2636003#0",
"title": "http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm\nSpell Descriptions",
"text": "\"Site Search Home > Magic Overview > Spell Descriptions Spell Descriptions The description of each spell is presented in a standard format. Each category of information is explained and defined below. Name The first line of every spell description gives the name by which the spell is generally known. School (Subschool)Beneath the spell name is a line giving the school of magic (and the subschool, if appropriate) that the spell belongs to. Almost every spell belongs to one of eight schools of magic. A school of magic is a group of related spells that work in similar ways. A small number of spells ( arcane mark, limited wish, permanency, prestidigitation, and wish) are universal, belonging to no school. Abjuration Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence. If one abjuration spell is active within 10 feet of another for 24 hours or more, the magical fields interfere with each other and create barely visible energy fluctuations."
"docid": "D652663#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/subjective.htm\nSUBJECTIVE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » S » Subheading ... Submissiveness SUBJECTIVEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does subjective mean?• SUBJECTIVE (adjective) The adjective SUBJECTIVE has 2 senses:1. taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias 2. of a mental act performed entirely within the mind Familiarity information: SUBJECTIVE used as an adjective is rare. Dictionary entry details• SUBJECTIVE (adjective)Sense 1 subjective [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias Context example:a subjective judgment Similar:personal (particular to a given individual)prejudiced (emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices)unobjective; unverifiable ( (of e.g. evidence) not objective or easily verified)Antonym:objective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena)Sense 2 subjective [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Of a mental act performed entirely within the mind Synonyms:immanent; subjective Context example:a cognition is an immanent act of mind Domain category:philosophy (the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Treat them mean, keep them keen.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Never reveal all that you know to others: They might become shrewder than you.\"\" ( Bhutanese proverb) \"\"The wound of words is worse than the wound of swords.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Away from the eye, out of the heart.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)SUBJECTIVE: related words searches» What does objective mean? » unverifiable: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does prejudiced mean? » philosophy definition » Meaning of unobjective SUBJECT CASESUBJECT FIELDSUBJECT MATTERSUBJECTIONSUBJECTIVESUBJECTIVELYSUBJECTIVENESSSUBJECTIVISMSUBJECTIVISTSUBJECTIVITYEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does quirky mean » amateur » belle meaning » auburn » meaning of kookooburra Page delivered in 0.0807 seconds \""
"docid": "D2543485#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_percolation_mean_in_earth_science\nWhat does percolating mean?",
"text": "Cycling- rod 49,276 Contributions What does percolating mean? Rain water percolating (passing) through the rock emerged as a spring of cool water at the foot of the limestone cliffs. Edit What does percolation mean in the water cycle?the downward movement of water through spaces in soil due to gravity Edit What does percolation mean? Percolation is the process of a liquid slowly passing through a filter. It is like making coffee. The coffee gets strained through a filter. Edit Teew3e 52 Contributions What does fracture mean in earth science?it means if the mineral is fragile or not, and this all depends on the Mohs hardness scale Edit Eman Mugalli 5 Contributions What does uplift mean in earth science? Uplift is the process in which structural highs in Earth's crust are created (e.g. mountains). The movement of tectonic plates and igneous plumes are two processes which m …Mycroft414 12,993 Contributions What is the science that literally means the study of Earth? Geology Edit What is subsistence mean in earth science?"
"docid": "D2961371#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-sardar-m32.html\nSardar meaning",
"text": "\"Sardar meaning Name : Sardar Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Masculine Meaning of Sardar : Used in country/religion : Arabic , Hindu , Iranian , Muslim , Afghan , Punjabi Rhyming Names of Sardar: Ardar, Gardar, Hardar, Jerdar, Joardar, Kardar Names Similar to Sardar : Sardaar, Sardites, Sardis, Sarda, Sardul, Sarda, Sarda, Sardha, Sardick, Sardia Popularity Rank : Sardar name was top ranked at 3687 position in British during year 2008and most recently ranked at 4805 position in British during year 2012Name Sardar has been Rare throughout the last hundred plus years and ranked at 102152 position. 5 numbers of people were named Sardar so far in last 100 years. ( SSA)Sardar Numerology : Personality No. 5. People with name Sardar love freedom. They are intellectuals & may be creative but can’t manage money well. They may overindulge in intoxicants, sex or gambling. Person with Sardar having 5 as Personality number love traveling & also like change & adventure. They love socializing. They are versatile & astute."
"docid": "D679397#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/under--the--influence\ninfluence",
"text": "\"influence [ in -floo- uh ns]Spell Syllables Synonyms Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.2. the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother's influence made her stay.3. a person or thing that exerts influence: He is an influence for the good.4. Astrology.the radiation of an ethereal fluid from the stars, regarded as affecting human actions and destinies.the exercise of occult power by the stars, or such power as exercised.5. the exercise of similar power by human beings.6. Obsolete. influx.verb (used with object), influenced,influencing.7."
"docid": "D837618#0",
"title": "http://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/current-affairs/ancient-chinese-earthquake-detector.html\nAncient Chinese Earthquake Detector",
"text": "\"Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Oct 13, 2016 | Views: 981Share this article I have always been interested in ancient civilisations such as China, Egypt and Mesopotamia as they reflect the sophistication and advancements of the people at that time. Although people of that era did not have the modern facilities and education that we enjoy today, what’s incredible is that much of what we know today is a result of our ancestors’ contribution. China is one of the greatest of the old civilizations. The intelligence and ingenuity of the Chinese is incredible. I hope you enjoy this article as it says a lot about the intellect and genius of people in ancient times. They did not have modern technology or references to accomplish their goals, but they strove to learn and conquered the impossible. Tsem Rinpoche2,000-Year-Old Earthquake Detector Worked With Accuracy in China By Tara Mac Isaac, Epoch Times July 20, 2014 AT 5:50 AM Last Updated: September 3, 2015 5:26 pm A replica of an ancient Chinese seismoscope from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A. D.), and its inventor, Zhang Heng. ( Wikimedia Commons)In 132 A. D., Zhang Heng presented the Han court with the world’s first seismoscope. A 2005 replica was even said to detect earthquakes with the same precision as modern instruments. Historical accounts tell of its great accuracy, though its precise design remains a mystery."
"docid": "D2660252#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-erren-f6.html\nErren meaning",
"text": "\"Erren meaning Name : Erren Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Feminine The feminine name Erren is used in Australian. Other countries in which name erren being used are. Erren is not very commonly used baby name for girl. It is not ranked with in the top 1000 names. Used in country/religion : Australian Rhyming Names of Erren: Aahrren, Aarren, Arren, Barren, Carren, Cerren, Corren Names Similar to Erren : Errel, Errella, Erregina, Erremulluri, Errett Erren Numerology : Personality No. 5. People with name Erren love freedom. They are intellectuals & may be creative but can’t manage money well. They may overindulge in intoxicants, sex or gambling. Person with Erren having 5 as Personality number love traveling & also like change & adventure."
"docid": "D754992#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-merrin-f20.html\nMerrin meaning",
"text": "\"Merrin meaning Name : Merrin Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Feminine The feminine name Merrin is used in Australian. Other countries in which name merrin being used are, , British. Merrin is not very commonly used baby name for girl. It is not ranked with in the top 1000 names. Merrin is also used as baby boy name in countries Australian. Used in country/religion : Australian , British , English Rhyming Names of Merrin: Aahrrin, Aarrin, Arrin, Barrin, Berrin Names Similar to Merrin : Merri, Merrie, Merrilee, Merry, Merril, Merrill, Merritt, Merri, Merrie, Merrilee Popularity Rank : Merrin name was top ranked at 3114 position in Scottish during year 2008and most recently ranked at 1027 position in Scottish during year 2012Name Merrin has been Common throughout the last hundred plus years and ranked at 32465 position. 152 numbers of people were named Merrin so far in last 100 years. ( SSA)Merrin Numerology : Personality No. 9. People with name Merrin desire love & independence."
"docid": "D1384710#0",
"title": "http://www.babynology.com/meaning-arshpreet-m81.html\nArshpreet meaning",
"text": "Arshpreet meaning Name : Arshpreet Add Suggesstion/Comment Gender : Masculine Meaning of Arshpreet : Used in country/religion : Sikh Rhyming Names of Arshpreet: Aayatpreet, Abhaipreet, Abinaashpreet, Acharpreet, Adarshpreet, Aditpreet, Adityapreet, Adreet, Agampreet Names Similar to Arshpreet : Arsh, Arshavir, Arsh, Arshia, Arshad, Arshagouhi, Arshalous, Arshag, Arshalous, Arsham Arshpreet Numerology : Personality No. 9. People with name Arshpreet desire love & independence. They love arts & music. They are generous, kindhearted, humane & philanthropic. Person with Arshpreet having 9 as Personality number love traveling & teaching but hate restraint. They are bold, functional, broadminded & spiritual. They have will power & are determined , but are impulsive, contentious, ill-tempered, rebellious & impatient too. More Numerology Name Analysis of Arshpreet Character Analysis of Arshpreet : Persons with the name Arshpreet are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and they are who show others the way. They are leaders, motivators and idealistic visionaries who are aware of their own innate powers."
"docid": "D239559#0",
"title": "http://www.nameaning.net/both/Eman\nDefinition funny of Eman:",
"text": "\"Eman Meaning : Of Arabic origin and a derivative of the name Iemaan meaning 'faith'. Eman has also religious sentiments; being cited frequently in the Qur'an., Faith,Origin : Arabic,Pronunciation : (e-MAAN), EE man,If you have information about this name, share it in the comments area below ! Eman Expression, Eman Soul Urge , Eman Inner Dream Numerology information Eman: Name Number: 6 Meaning: Home, Family, Love, Balance, Harmony, Help, Warmth, Social justice Additional information Eman: Eman is a name found used for both boys and girls. it is thought to have two possible origins. It can be a variant of the unisex name Iman, which is of Arabic origin and is said to mean ‘Faith’. Alternatively, the name could be a short form of the masculine Emmanuel, but this name is specifically masculine. Definition funny of Eman:this name has the same definition as the name iman. same meaning. eman can be a boy or girl."
"docid": "D2034420#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Orgonite/Orgone\nHow to Use Orgonite/Orgone",
"text": "Reader Approved How to Use Orgonite/Orgone Orgone energy was first characterized by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 20th century. This energy, however, has been known for millennia by cultures all across the world by different names, such as chi, prana, universal life force, etc. Orgone energy, harnessed in the proper way, has the potential to transform your life spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally so that you can express who you are and who you were meant to be. Steps1 Meditate with an orgonite pyramid in your hand, direct your attention toward it-feel and sense the energy emanating from it. The important thing is not to try to see it (do not make an effort), but just feel as if it is already there (because it is). You can direct it toward any place, person, or time. Send it to different parts of your body for healing. You can directly feel the energy, either by seeing or feeling it depending on which sensory modality dominates. Some individuals can do both. The energy emanated from orgonite is unlimited so do not worry about running out of it."
"docid": "D885410#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radon_poisoning\nRadon",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Radon poisoning)navigation search This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Radon (disambiguation). Radon, 86 Rn General properties Pronunciation / ˈ r eɪ d ɒ n / ( RAY -don)Appearance colorless gas Mass number 222 (most stable isotope)Radon in the periodic table Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Xe ↑ Rn ↓ Ogastatine ← radon → francium Atomic number ( Z) 86Group group 18 (noble gases)Period period 6Element category noble gas Block p-block Electron configuration [ Xe] 4f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6p 6Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8Physical properties Phase at STP gas Melting point 202 K (−71 °C, −96 °F)Boiling point 211.5 K (−61.7 °C, −79.1 °F)Density (at STP) 9.73 g/Lwhen liquid (at b.p.) 4.4 g/cm 3Critical point 377 K, 6.28 MPa [1]Heat of fusion 3.247 k J/mol Heat of vaporization 18.10 k J/mol Molar heat capacity 5 R /2 = 20.786 J/ (mol·K)Vapor pressure P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T (K) 110 121 134 152 176 211Atomic properties Oxidation states 6, 2, 0Electronegativity Pauling scale: 2.2Ionization energies1st: 1037 k J/mol Covalent radius 150 pm Van der Waals radius 220 pm Spectral lines Miscellanea Crystal structure face-centered cubic (fcc)Thermal conductivity 3.61 × 10 − 3 W/ (m·K)Magnetic ordering non-magnetic CAS Number 10043-92-2History Discovery Ernest Rutherford and Robert B. Owens (1899)First isolation William Ramsay and Robert Whytlaw-Gray (1910)Main isotopes of radon Isotope Abundance Half-life ( t 1/2)Decay mode Product210 Rn syn 2.4 h α 206Po211 Rn syn 14.6 h ε 211Atα 207Po222 Rn trace 3.8235 d α 218Po224 Rn syn 1.8 h β − 224Frview talk edit| references | in Wikidata Radon is a chemical element with symbol Rn and atomic number 86. It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless [2] noble gas. It occurs naturally in minute quantities as an intermediate step in the normal radioactive decay chains through which thorium and uranium slowly decay into lead and various other short-lived radioactive elements; radon itself is the immediate decay product of radium. Its most stable isotope, 222Rn, has a half-life of only 3.8 days, making radon one of the rarest elements since it decays away so quickly. However, since thorium and uranium are two of the most common radioactive elements on Earth, and they have three isotopes with very long half-lives, on the order of several billions of years, radon will be present on Earth long into the future in spite of its short half-life as it is continually being regenerated. The decay of radon produces many other short-lived nuclides known as radon daughters, ending at stable isotopes of lead. [ 3]Unlike all the other intermediate elements in the aforementioned decay chains, radon is, under normal conditions, gaseous and easily inhaled."
"docid": "D1993297#0",
"title": "http://www.universeofsymbolism.com/whale-symbolism.html\nWhale Symbolism ~ to hear the song of your soul ~",
"text": "\"Whale Symbolism ~ to hear the song of your soul ~Messages from the Universe Spirit whispers. . . To thine own self be true No one else knows what is right for you, you alone must feel it, only the Divine spirit knows what you need and it whispers to you at all times ~ t o thine own self be true ~. . . ♥ Blessings ~ Presley Love ♥Whale Symbolism... \"\"Whale spirit animal is renowned for it's soul songs, songs that heal and enrich the soul. Recordings of whales have been used to help calm people and something deep in our DNA seems to remember and respond to these mystical beings of the oceans\"\". Whale Meaning of the Spirit Songs... Carl Sagan taught us the true magic of the Whales, discovering that song is very important to the Whales. Whales have an entire catalog of songs that they sing and remember. What is most mystifying and intriguing about the Whales songs is that the Whale sings a different song for each month of the year, somehow it knows when the new month has come and begins the new song To do this my intuition speaks that the Whale must sense the energy of the moon and the moons influences on the waters, as the moon greatly effects the tides and the flow of the oceans waters. Whale acknowledges these changes in ritual song. The Whale will also sing a song in one location and return in 6 months time to the same location and pick up singing the very same song. The whole Whale pod will all sing in unison."
"docid": "D2983585#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/emanate\nemanateverb [ T]",
"text": "\"Meaning of “emanate” in the English Dictionary English English American American Examples Examples\"\"emanate\"\" in English See all translationsemanateverb [ T]uk / ˈem.ə.neɪt / us / ˈem.ə.neɪt / formal to express a quality or feeling through the way that you look and behave: Her face emanated sadness. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words Emitting and ejectingcarbon emissionsdischarge disgorgedisplace ejaculateejaculation eject ejectionemanate from/through sth/sbemissionemit exudegive give sth offprojectile radiant radiaterelease shed spew See more results »You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Origins and sources Showing and demonstratingemanationnoun [ C or U] uk / ˌem.əˈneɪ.ʃ ə n / us / ˌem.əˈneɪ.ʃ ə n /Phrasal verb (s)emanate from/through sth/sb (Definition of “emanate” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)Translations of “emanate”in Spanishemanar…Need a translator? Translator tool Get a quick, free translation!What is the pronunciation of emanate? \""
"docid": "D3455631#0",
"title": "https://www.mylife.com/eman-ayad/emanayad\nEman Ayad, 59",
"text": "\"About & Contact Info Photos & Social Posts Reviews & Ratings Criminal & Court Records Friends & Family View Photos Eman Ayad, 59Ridge, MDWork: Info Pending... School: Info Pending... AKA: Eman H Ayad Edit Free Photos Share Message Reputation Score0.00 ( 1 Review )Negative Rate Me Positive Write a Review | Ask others to Rate BAD POOR FAIR GOODEman Ayad is 59 years old and was born on 00/00/1959. Currently, Eman lives in Ridge, MD; and previously lived in oberlin, OH. Sometimes Eman goes by variou... Read More View Full Background Details Claim & Manage My Background Report Learn more Learn more Contact Information- View Full Details Phone: View Phone Number Email: ****@hotmail.com Address: El*** **** 22 Ridge, MD 20680About Eman Ayad- Edit Info Birthday: 00/00/1959Income: Info Pending... Current Net Worth: Info Pending... Political Affiliation: Info Pending... Ethnicity: Info Pending... Relationship: Info Pending... Kids: Info Pending... Religion: Info Pending... Where does this information come from? We gather information from public sources to create complete and current Background Reports & Reputation Scores for everyone. We believe it's important for you to know what's available online, how it affects your Reputation Score & help you correct or remove what's wrong to improve your reputation & life. About & Contact Information Eman's Story - Edit My Story Eman, this is where you can tell everyone about the things you're proud of. If you are not Eman, share your positive experiences with them. Summary - Edit Summary Eman Ayad is 59 years old and was born on 00/00/1959. Currently, Eman lives in Ridge, MD; and previously lived in oberlin, OH . Sometimes Eman goes by various nicknames including Eman H Ayad."
"docid": "D1866587#0",
"title": "http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Kabbalah/kabbalah_exposed.htm\nKabbalah Exposed!",
"text": "\"Kabbalah Exposed!Kabbalism is the basis of nearly every tradition covered under the general heading of \"\"occultism\"\"The Satanic Cult Of Kabbalah (Kabbalah is a satanic substitute for the Gospel of Jesus Christ)Comments from webservant of Jesus-is-Savior.com... The photo to the left is of Madonna, a big fan of Kabbalism. Kabbalah is straight from hell! The Freemason occult is based upon occult mysticism (a bunch of hodge-podge) from the Zohar. Kabbalah is a branch of Jewish mysticism, which is thought to have originated in the 13th century. Its teachings come from an ancient 23-volume book called the Zohar, which offers interpretations of the inner meaning of the Torah. Traditionally, its practices were reserved for a select number of Jewish scholars who already had an advanced understanding of Jewish law, but for the past 500 years it has been followed more widely. Kaballah WILL take you away from Jesus Christ. Jesus was NO follower of Kabbalism! John 14:2 clearly reveals that Jesus said what He meant, and meant what He said. Jesus wasn't into mysticism."
"docid": "D1190239#0",
"title": "http://www.plotinus.com/who_was_plotinus_copy.htm\n.",
"text": "\"HERMETIC - ESOTERIC - MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHIESP LOTINUS - PART IThe Life of Plotinus - About the One - Nous the World Soul - Religion and Ethics - Some Sayings of plotinus - The Universe is a Living Being - The One Transcends the World NOUS\"\"Knowledge has three degrees: opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second dialectic; of the third, intuition.\"\" Plotinus, (Letter to Flaccus) \"\"Therefore must we ascend once more towards the Good, towards there where tend all souls. Anyone who has seen it knows what I mean, in what sense it is beautiful. As good it is desired and towards it desire advances. But only those reach it who rise to the intelligible realm, face it fully, stripped of the muddy vesture with which they were clothed in their descent.... Those who have witnessed the manifestation of divine or supernatural realities can never again feel the old delight in bodily beauty.\"\" Plotinus LIFE OF PLOTINUSPlotinus was born at Lycopolis, in Upper Egypt in 204 CE, and died at Campania in 270 CE. In the twenty-eighth year of his life he applied himself to philosophy, and attended the lectures of the most celebrated men of that time in Alexandria. After studying under Ammonius for some ten years, he accompanied the Emperor Gordian in his campaign against the Persians, in order to learn something of their philosophy. In this object he failed, owing to the unsuccessful issue of the undertaking; he was even obliged to flee for his life to Antioch."
] |
636792 | what does embarrassed | [
"docid": "D1245607#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/embarrassed.htm\nEMBARRASSED",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Ely Culbertson ... Embody EMBARRASSEDPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does embarrassed mean?• EMBARRASSED (adjective) The adjective EMBARRASSED has 3 senses:1. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious 2. caused to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable 3. made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride Familiarity information: EMBARRASSED used as an adjective is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EMBARRASSED (adjective)Sense 1 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious Synonyms:abashed; chagrined; embarrassed Context examples:felt abashed at the extravagant praise / chagrined at the poor sales of his book / was embarrassed by her child's tantrums Similar:discomposed (having your composure disturbed)Sense 2 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Caused to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable Synonyms:discomfited; embarrassed Context examples:was discomfited by the personal questions / the child felt embarrassed by the attention of the adults Similar:uncomfortable (conducive to or feeling mental discomfort)Sense 3 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride Synonyms:humiliated; mortified; embarrassed Context examples:too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street / humiliated that his wife had to go out to work / felt mortified by the comparison with her sister Similar:ashamed (feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Desperate diseases must have desperate cures.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Half-truth is more dangerous than falsehood.\"\" ( Bengali proverb) \"\"Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"When two dogs fight over a bone, a third one carries it away.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)EMBARKMENTEMBARRASSEMBARRASSEDEMBARRASSINGEMBARRASSINGLYEMBARRASSMENTEMBASSADOREMBASSYEMBATTLEDEMBAYMENTEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does uptight mean » coerce » qed definition » right brain » pedantic definition Page delivered in 0.051 seconds \""
] | [
"docid": "D171779#0",
"title": "https://www.howdoimakemyvaginatighter.com/\nHow do I make my vagina tighter naturally?",
"text": "How do I make my vagina tighter naturally? It’s embarrassing to ask, but this is a real issue for a lot of women. Of course, sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but sexual satisfaction is certainly an important part of it!So if you feel like you have a stretched vagina, or a loose vagina, this can be a serious source of stress. You feel pressure to perform, feel, and look, a certain way for your partner. Vaginal looseness can seriously damage a woman’s confidence, and make her feel insecure about pleasing her partner, or herself for that matter. After I had my first child, I didn’t feel sexy, confident or secure in my ability to perform sexually. In fact, to put it bluntly, I felt like I had a flappy vagina. I wanted to find a solution for natural vagina tightening – -and was willing to try anything. I did my research, tried a ton of different products, herbs and exercises, and found out what worked and what didn’t. So while it’s a little embarrassing, I’d like to share my experience with other women like me, who want to tighten their loose vagina and get that sexy back!Why is my vagina loose?"
"docid": "D1245611#0",
"title": "http://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/29598/difference-between-ashamed-and-embarrassed\nDifference between âAshamedâ and âEmbarrassedâ",
"text": "\"_English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Difference between “Ashamed” and “Embarrassed”up vote4down votefavorite What difference is there between \"\"Ashamed\"\" and \"\"Embarrassed\"\"? Is it that \"\"Ashamed\"\" is more serious than \"\"Embarrassed\"\"? For example, you'd say \"\"I was embarrassed to be wearing mis-matching socks\"\", while you'd say \"\"I was ashamed of that stupid argument I had\"\"? I came across https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/88320/embarassed-vs-ashamed, but it had only one answer, and it didn't feel definitive enough.meaning word-differenceshare improve this questionedited Apr 13 '17 at 12:38Community ♦1asked Jul 20 '14 at 13:29Andrew Grimm3,079 6 41 692I found this, does it answer your question: englishhelponline.me/2010/02/14/… – fluffy Jul 20 '14 at 14:21add a comment2 Answers active oldest votesup vote9down voteaccepted Comparing these two definitions from Oxford Dictionaries shows the two words obviously overlap...embarrass - cause (someone) to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamedashamed - embarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations But two key differences are...1: embarrassed more often applies to socially awkward contexts, rather than regret, guilt 2: You don't usually feel embarrassed when you're alone I don't really like OP's idea that being ashamed is more \"\"serious\"\" than being embarrassed. I might feel ashamed if I discovered I was the only person in my road who didn't leave a Christmas tip for the postie, but that would be nothing compared to how embarrassed I'd feel if I discovered said postie knew exactly what was in all the packages she'd delivered over the preceding year!TL;DR: Shame is mainly a response to having transgressed your own (internal) moral code. Embarrassment is more about feeling that others may laugh or look down on you for something you did.share improve this answeranswered Jul 20 '14 at 17:25Fumble Fingers39.3k 1 42 103add a commentup vote5down vote From what I understand, embarrassed is used only when there are \"\"other\"\" people (particularly, around you) who can see the bad thing you just did. Embarrassment is a reaction caused by fear of being judged by other people as a wrong (or stupid) person. But, ashamed is used for repenting about something you did, even when there is no one to see your fault. Shame is a reaction caused by self-introspection of what a person did."
"docid": "D2370747#0",
"title": "http://www.bleacherreport.com/articles/1418483-kaitlyn-and-the-10-most-embarrassing-arrests-of-wwe-superstars-and-divas\nKaitlyn and the 10 Most Embarrassing Arrests of WWE Superstars and Divas",
"text": "\"WWEKaitlyn and the 10 Most Embarrassing Arrests of WWE Superstars and Divas Luis Campos November 22, 2012By now it is no secret that WWE Diva Kaitlyn has been arrested, and while the circumstances behind the arrest appear to be weirder than fiction, WWE Divas and Superstars getting arrested has been an unofficial rite of passage for members of the WWE roster for years. Run-ins with the law for WWE stars over the years have ranged from the outlandishly funny to the depressingly tragic, but regardless of what the circumstances behind these arrests were, they have always been embarrassing. In honor of Kaitlyn joining the WWE's Arrest Hall of Shame, here are the top 10 most embarrassing arrests of WWE Superstars and Divas.10. Santino1 of 10In 2008, Santino Marella was arrested on the charges of driving under the influence (via wwe.com) Marella would go on to be released later on a $500 bond. One can only guess the hilarity that would have ensued if Marella had stayed in character throughout his arrest. However, it is not hard to imagine a drunken Marella trying to convince the police that it was the \"\" cobra \"\" driving the car and not him.9. Jimmy Uso2 of 10Proving that the WWE is not the only entity that has no clue what direction to push the Usos, last year in Tampa, Fla., Jimmy Uso was arrested after an officer spotted him driving the wrong direction on a one-way street (via TMZ.com). The WWE superstar had a .18 blood alcohol level at the time of his arrest—over twice the legal limit in the state of Florida.8. Wade Barrett3 of 10In 2008 while still with FCW, Wade Barrett was arrested and charged with the battery of a law enforcement officer (via Wrestle Newz.com) following an incident with a female outside a Tampa bar. Barrett had attacked a man who unfortunately was an officer in street clothes, though in response to this, the \"\"Bare Knuckle Brawler\"\" later replied that had he known the man was an officer, he would not had tried to leave the scene."
"docid": "D3323949#0",
"title": "https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/parents/tips-talking\nTips for Talking",
"text": "Tips for Talking When should I start talking with my kid about sex and relationships? Research tells us that kids and teens who have regular conversations with their parents and caregivers about sex and relationships are less likely to take risks with their sexual health, and more likely to be healthy and safe. So it’s never too early and it’s never too late to start talking with your kid about sex and relationships. As soon as kids start learning to talk, you can teach them the names of the parts of their body. As soon as they start being around other kids, you can teach them about respecting other people and talking about their feelings. These things lay the groundwork for healthy sexuality and relationships later on. So how do you keep the conversation age-appropriate? It’s all about what details you include. For example, if a 5 year old asks, “What’s birth?” you can respond, “When a baby comes out of a mother’s body.”"
"docid": "D820017#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/social-anxiety-disorder/basics/treatment/con-20032524\nDiagnosis",
"text": "Diagnosis Your doctor will want to determine whether other conditions may be causing your anxiety or if you have social anxiety disorder along with another physical or mental health disorder. Your doctor may determine a diagnosis based on: Physical exam to help assess whether any medical condition or medication may trigger symptoms of anxiety Discussion of your symptoms, how often they occur and in what situations Review of a list of situations to see if they make you anxious Self-report questionnaires about symptoms of social anxiety Criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 criteria for social anxiety disorder include: Persistent, intense fear or anxiety about specific social situations because you believe you may be judged, embarrassed or humiliated Avoidance of anxiety-producing social situations or enduring them with intense fear or anxiety Excessive anxiety that's out of proportion to the situation Anxiety or distress that interferes with your daily living Fear or anxiety that is not better explained by a medical condition, medication or substance abuse Treatment Treatment depends on how much social anxiety disorder affects your ability to function in daily life. The two most common types of treatment for social anxiety disorder are psychotherapy (also called psychological counseling or talk therapy) or medications or both. Psychotherapy Psychotherapy improves symptoms in most people with social anxiety disorder. In therapy, you learn how to recognize and change negative thoughts about yourself and develop skills to help you gain confidence in social situations. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective type of psychotherapy for anxiety, and it can be equally effective when conducted individually or in groups. In exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy, you gradually work up to facing the situations you fear most. This can improve your coping skills and help you develop the confidence to deal with anxiety-inducing situations. You may also participate in skills training or role-playing to practice your social skills and gain comfort and confidence relating to others. Practicing exposures to social situations is particularly helpful to challenge your worries."
"docid": "D2161743#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-feel-like-to-wear-Lululemon-pants\nWhat does it feel like to wear Lululemon pants?",
"text": "\"Lululemon Athletica (company) Pant Fashions and Styles Pants Clothing Fashion Fashion and Style Clothing and Apparel What does it feel like to wear Lululemon pants?http://nymag.com/nymag/features/58082/ad by Shopify Best e-commerce platform. Quick & easy setup - everything you need to start selling online today. Start a 14 day free trial now. Free Trial at shopify.com1 Answer Andrea Answered Apr 1, 2016Wearing Lululemon pants feel like wearing you're most comfortable piece of clothing. Lulus material is extremely soft therefore it's great to do many things in it, especially exercise in it. Lululemon can be expensive but in my opinion it's worth it. Their pants fit perfect to every body. Lululemon clothing is weightless therefore it allows your body to feel light and it also allows air to flow in.509 Views · View Upvoters Related Questions Are there any other pants like Lululemon? Where would a woman feel out of place wearing pants? What are some alternative yoga pant options to Lululemon?"
"docid": "D529285#0",
"title": "http://www.sparkpeople.com/blog/blog.asp?post=your_12_most_embarrassing_yoga_questions_answered\nYour 12 Most Embarrassing Yoga Questions Answered",
"text": "\"By Stepfanie Romine , Spark People Blogger 9/18/2012It happened one night during a quiet class, the thing I feared most in the practice. I twisted myself into Marichyasana D on the right side, and… tweet. I passed gas, and it was audible (but not smelly, thank goodness!). I was embarrassed but thankfully my teacher was on the other side of the room (not adjusting me!) and no one else seemed to notice. I kept breathing, held the pose, and quickly my embarrassment passed. We're all human, after all, and the physical body does not always cooperate when you're trying to exercise or practice yoga. Only once in almost six years of practice has that happened, and it wasn't nearly as catastrophic as I had imagined. That moment reminded me that no one comes to yoga class to judge me, that we're all human, and that the ego is what creates embarrassment. If you do anything long enough, you're likely to uncover the unsavory elements of it. ("
"docid": "D3112441#0",
"title": "https://www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets/focus-series/vaginal-dryness/\nVaginal dryness",
"text": "Download PDF factsheet About vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness can affect any woman, however after the menopause it is very common, affecting over half of post-menopausal women aged between 51 and 60. This article will help you to understand vaginal dryness, the symptoms, causes and treatment, and allow you to approach your GP with confidence. It will help you to understand that you are not alone in suffering from this common condition, and encourage you to take the first steps towards regaining your sexual confidence and quality of life. Vaginal moisture Natural lubrication produced by glands at the neck of the womb (the cervix) keeps the vagina supple and moist. The moisture moves slowly down through the vagina, keeping it clean and removing dead cells. The vaginal moisture is slightly acidic and this helps to keep the area healthy, preventing infections such as thrush. It is perfectly normal for the majority of women to notice a slight white vaginal discharge. During sexual excitement the Bartholins glands (two glands at the entrance of the vagina) produce extra moisture to aid sexual intercourse. However, a quarter of women aged 50-59 experience vaginal dryness problems during sex and 16% experience pain. Before the menopause Around 17% of women aged 18-50 experience problems with vaginal dryness during sex, even before the menopause takes place."
"docid": "D3541849#0",
"title": "https://komalsreviews.wordpress.com/2016/04/23/nil-battey-sannata/\nNIL BATTEY SANNATA",
"text": "NIL BATTEY SANNATAPosted on April 23, 2016 by komalreviews Eros International, Colour Yellow Productions and Jar Pictures’ Nil Battey Sannata is the story of a mother and daughter. Chanda Sahay (Swara Bhaskar) is a single mother who works as a maid and does other odd jobs so that she can earn enough money to educate her daughter, Apeksha (Riya Shukla). But Apeksha, who is studying in Std. X, is not interested in studies as she is convinced that sooner or later, she too would end up as a maid servant. Mathematics is her weakest subject. Chanda is devastated when she learns that Apeksha is not serious about her studies, only because she feels that even after studying, she would have to work as a maid servant like her mother. Chanda, herself a Std. X dropout, wants Apeksha to study beyond Std. X. She can’t afford coaching classes for Apeksha in Mathematics. That is when her employer, a lady-doctor (Ratna Pathak Shah), advises her to get admitted in Apeksha’s school and in the same class so that she would be able to understand what are Apeksha’s weak points in Mathematics and she could, therefore, help her with the subject."
"docid": "D612486#0",
"title": "http://www.padfield.com/1998/light.html\nLetting Your Light Shine",
"text": "\"Home About Us Books Debates Bible Lands Articles Clip Art Search How To Be A Christian Without Embarrassing God Letting Your Light Shineby David Padfield In the Sermon on the Mount our Lord told His disciples, \"\"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.\"\" ( Matt. 5:14-16 ). \"\" You are the light of the world\"\" is one of those statements which should cause us to lift up our heads and make us realize what a glorious thing it is to be a Christian. The apostle Paul told the Ephesians, \"\"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light\"\" ( Eph. 5:8 )."
"docid": "D1827102#0",
"title": "http://health-benefits-of.net/sweat-smell-like-vinegar\nDoes Your Sweat Smell Like Vinegar? Hereâs Whyâ¦",
"text": "Does Your Sweat Smell Like Vinegar? Here’s Why…Updated: March 24, 2018 by Helen Fadden When it comes to our bodies, there are a few embarrassing things that we all have to deal with. Sweaty and smelly situations tend to be really awkward. If you experience unpleasant sweat smell frequently, you know how detrimental it can be in terms of self-esteem. Sweat that has a strange odor, however, is much more than a cosmetic problem. It can be indicative of a medical issue. Does your sweat smell like vinegar? The problem is much more common than most people believe it to be. A vinegary, acidic smell could be caused by various external factors and by some health issues. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the main causes and the ways to deal with sweat that smells like vinegar."
"docid": "D478845#0",
"title": "http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=289&id=2648\nSecret boy's business - what is happening to your body?",
"text": "\"Secret boy's business - what is happening to your body? Contents About your 'privates'Testes (balls or testicles)Circumcision Erections Penis size Wet dreams Masturbation Taking care Injuries What's happening - when the testes hurt or there is pain when you pass urine? Boys' breasts Kids say Dr Kim says: About your 'privates'Whatever you may have called them when you were a little kid, in your family or among your mates your 'privates' have got other names used by doctors and other medical professionals. You will probably have to talk about what's 'down there' at some stage so let's be sure of their official names, penis (say pee-nis), scrotum (say sk-row-tum) and testicles (say test-ick-ulz)The scrotum is the name for the sac that hangs below the penis and inside this sac you can feel the testicles. This area of the body has lots of nerve endings, which make it very sensitive. There are no protecting bones around here so this area can be easily hurt. Testes (balls or testicles)The testes are two soft lumps in the scrotum where sperm are made. Testes means two of them, and testis is one. The testes get larger at puberty. Some boys have larger testes than others, but it does not matter how large the testes are, they will still make a lot of sperm."
"docid": "D2659926#0",
"title": "https://markmanson.net/life-purpose\n7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose",
"text": "O ne day, when my brother was 18, he waltzed into the living room and proudly announced to my mother and me that one day he was going to be a senator. My mom probably gave him the “That’s nice, dear,” treatment while I’m sure I was distracted by a bowl of Cheerios or something. But for fifteen years, this purpose informed all of my brother’s life decisions: what he studied in school, where he chose to live, who he connected with and even what he did with many of his vacations and weekends. And now, after almost half a lifetime of work later, he’s the chairman of a major political party in his city and the youngest judge in the state. In the next few years, he hopes to run for office for the first time. Don’t get me wrong. My brother is a freak. This basically never happens. Most of us have no clue what we want to do with our lives. Even after we finish school."
"docid": "D1623063#0",
"title": "http://www.askmen.com/dating/dzimmer_100/119_love_answers.html\nEverything You Need To Know About Queefing",
"text": "\"© Getty Images Everything You Need To Know About Queefing This Might Be THE Most Embarrassing Thing That Happens To Her In Bed Lindsay Tigar Share Tweet 0Shares You woke up raring and ready to go, rolled over and nudged your favorite girl awake. With morning sex being one of you (and your girlfriend’s) favorite times to get it on, you both quickly got into motion, though sleepy, and the warm sensations and natural lubrication was just what you needed to prepare for the 10 a.m. staff meeting you are leading. As you are pumping along, that dreaded sound that you have definitely heard before — and hate to hear again — makes it way from your lady and do all that you can to hold back your reaction. Instagram, late night hosts, romantic comedies and your fraternity brothers have all talked about it — often paired with humor and disgust — about the good ol'-fashioned queef. A funny word for a funny occurrence that can often be a total buzzkill when you and your partner are getting it on, queefing is a natural part of sex — but one that’s often misunderstood. In addition to you trying to fight back your own laugher or confusion when this happens, imagine what your girlfriend is going through: She could be embarrassed and maybe even ashamed so much that she can’t reach orgasm. That’s no fun for either of you, but there’s good news: Understanding what queefing is, how to deal with it and how to discuss it can make those morning sex sessions less awkward if an unexpected sound makes it way from down there. Here’s what you need to know about queefing:1. What Is Queefing? Though often confused with flatulence (aka — passing gas), queefing does not come from your girlfriend’s rear end, but her lady bits instead. “"
"docid": "D887824#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embarrassment\nEmbarrassment",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Embarrassment (disambiguation). [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article has an unclear citation style. ( August 2015)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( November 2012)This article possibly contains original research. ( June 2016)Part of a series on Emotions Affection Anger Angst Anguish Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apathy Arousal Awe Boredom Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Curiosity Depression Desire Despair Disappointment Disgust Distrust Ecstasy Embarrassment Empathy Enthusiasm Envy Euphoria Fear Frustration Gratitude Grief Guilt Happiness Hatred Hope Horror Hostility Humiliation Interest Jealousy Joy Loneliness Love Lust Outrage Panic Passion Pity Pleasure Pride Rage Regret Rejection Remorse Resentment Sadness Saudade Schadenfreude Self-confidence Shame Shock Shyness Sorrow Suffering Surprise Trust Wonder Worryv t e Embarrassment is an emotional state that is associated with moderate to high levels of discomfort, and which is usually experienced when someone has a socially unacceptable or frowned-upon act or condition that was witnessed by or revealed to others. Usually some perception of loss of honor or dignity (or other high-value ideals) is involved, but the embarrassment level and the type depends on the situation. Embarrassment is similar to shame in some sense, except that shame may be experienced for an act known only to oneself. [ citation needed] Also, embarrassment usually carries the connotation of being caused by an act that is merely socially unacceptable, rather than morally wrong."
"docid": "D94107#0",
"title": "https://www.bustle.com/articles/73639-how-much-should-you-tip-your-hairdresser-plus-11-other-answers-to-salon-etiquette-questions-youve\nHow Much Should You Tip Your Hairdresser, Plus 11 Other Answers To Salon Etiquette Questions You've Been Too Embarrassed To Ask",
"text": "\"How Much Should You Tip Your Hairdresser, Plus 11 Other Answers To Salon Etiquette Questions You've Been Too Embarrassed To Ask By Jessica Booth Apr 3 2015Neilson Barnard/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images There are certain life lessons they should teach in school, although they never will. I'm talking about stuff like how to file your taxes (seriously, why don't they teach this? ), how to act during a job interview, and how much you should tip your hairdresser when you visit the salon. ( Well, really, how much you should tip anyone ever, but let's do one thing at a time.) No one gets a basic crash course on salon etiquette (except maybe professionals), and so we're left to trade advice with random people, go with our instinct, and hope for the best. But if you're someone who visits the salon quite often, you really should know basic manners for how to act when getting your hair done. Treating your hair stylist, shampoo girl, and the salon secretary the right way can only benefit you. If they like you, they're more likely to give you a better appointment, to hook you up with little surprises, and maybe even help you out with the price. Also, treating your stylist nicely is just the right thing to do. You probably have at least one question about how to act in a salon that you're too embarrassed to ask your hairdresser or any of your friends."
"docid": "D1046142#0",
"title": "http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/questions-americans-2014-fifa-world-cup-embarrassed/story?id=24192796\n8 Questions Americans Have About the World Cup but Are Too Embarrassed to Ask",
"text": "\"8 Questions Americans Have About the World Cup but Are Too Embarrassed to Ask By Clemente Lisi July 13, 2014Elsa/Getty Images WATCH Will Ferrell Contracts World Cup Fever in Brazil Email World Cup fever has taken over your local bar and office water cooler and you still have questions about what's going on. You're not alone. For many American sports fans -- some who are new to the game -- soccer continues to be confusing. Although soccer does not have a lot of rules, it does differ greatly from other sports Americans are used to watching on TV each week. A to Z Guide to the 2014 World Cup Fusion: Complete Soccer Coverage ESPN: Complete Coverage Indeed, many of you have questions. Luckily, we've supplied the answers. Why are ties decided by penalty kicks? A penalty shootout is used when teams remain tied after 90 minutes of regulation and 30 minutes (two 15-minute halves) of overtime. There is no sudden-death in soccer. The entire 30 minutes of extra time is played regardless."
"docid": "D1943209#0",
"title": "http://www.kidzworld.com/article/22986-dear-dish-it-im-being-cyberbullied\nDear Dish-It: I'm Being Cyberbullied",
"text": "\"Dear Dish-It,I told my friend I didn't want to be friends anymore, now she is sending me hate-mail. What should I do? I already blocked her from everything and I told my parents. Dramaqueen13Dear Dramaqueen13,Sounds like your friend is being a bit of a cyberbully. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Online threats or \"\"flames\"\" (rude texts, IMs, or messages) count. So does posting personal information or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else. Online bullying can be easier to commit than other acts of bullying because the bully doesn't have to confront the victim in person. Some cyberbullies probably don't realize just how hurtful their actions are. By definition, cyberbullying involves young people."
"docid": "D2264169#0",
"title": "https://pcos.com/pcos-and-skin-problems/\nYour Skin Health and PCOS",
"text": "Your Skin Health and PCOS0Begin by watching the video above. PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or hormone imbalance causes several skin-related symptoms, including oily skin, adult acne, skin tags, and dark velvety skin patches known as acanthosis nigricans. More than 1 in 5 women suffer from PCOS. It’s now the #1 health condition facing women today so it’s no wonder that it has such an impact on skin health.+If you’re not sure if you have PCOS, click here to take the PCOS test Most visibly, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS) has the capability to change your skin—how it looks, how it feels—in a way that other people can notice. Not only does this add to the embarrassment of women who experience these PCOS symptoms, it produces an issue they cannot hide from. You can second-guess the pain in your abdomen or the irregularity of your menstrual cycle, but seeing your skin break out with blemishes, become irritated, or start to change in texture is an undeniable sign that something is indeed wrong.. Are you suffering from skin challenges like I did? I struggled for years, actually decades with acne and sore broken out skin. Skin problems are distressing because they’re easily visible to others and difficult to conceal. What’s more, the appearance of our skin is closely linked to our sense of beauty and femininity. Battling a skin condition can severely affect your self-esteem."
"docid": "D1094346#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shame\nShame",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about psychological, philosophical, and societal aspects of shame. For other uses, see Shame (disambiguation). Eve covers herself and lowers her head in shame in Rodin's Eve after the Fall. Part of a series on Emotions Affection Anger Angst Anguish Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apathy Arousal Awe Boredom Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Curiosity Depression Desire Despair Disappointment Disgust Distrust Ecstasy Embarrassment Empathy Enthusiasm Envy Euphoria Fear Frustration Gratitude Grief Guilt Happiness Hatred Hope Horror Hostility Humiliation Interest Jealousy Joy Loneliness Love Lust Outrage Panic Passion Pity Pleasure Pride Rage Regret Rejection Remorse Resentment Sadness Saudade Schadenfreude Self-confidence Shame Shock Shyness Sorrow Suffering Surprise Trust Wonder Worryv t e Shame is a painful, social emotion [ further explanation needed] that can be seen as resulting \"\"...from comparison of the self 's action with the self's standards ...\"\". [ 1] but which may equally stem from comparison of the self's state of being with the ideal social context's standard. Thus, shame may stem from volitional action or simply self-regard; no action by the shamed being is required: simply existing is enough. Both the comparison and standards are enabled by socialization. Though usually considered an emotion, shame may also variously be considered an affect, cognition, state, or condition. The roots of the word shame are thought to derive from an older word meaning \"\"to cover\"\"; as such, covering oneself, literally or figuratively, is a natural expression of shame. [ 2] Nineteenth-century scientist Charles Darwin, in his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, described shame affect as consisting of blushing, confusion of mind, downward cast eyes, slack posture, and lowered head, and he noted observations of shame affect in human populations worldwide. ["
] |
636793 | what does embarrassment mean | [
"docid": "D2823299#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/embarrassment.htm\nEMBARRASSMENT",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Ely Culbertson ... Embody EMBARRASSMENTPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does embarrassment mean?• EMBARRASSMENT (noun) The noun EMBARRASSMENT has 4 senses:1. the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public 2. the state of being embarrassed (usually by some financial inadequacy) 3. some event that causes someone to be embarrassed 4. extreme excess Familiarity information: EMBARRASSMENT used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EMBARRASSMENT (noun)Sense 1 embarrassment [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public Classified under: Nouns denoting feelings and emotions Hypernyms (\"\"embarrassment\"\" is a kind of...):shame (a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"embarrassment\"\"):self-consciousness; uncomfortableness; uneasiness (embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you)shamefacedness; sheepishness (feeling embarrassed about yourself)chagrin; humiliation; mortification (strong feelings of embarrassment)confusion; discombobulation (a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused)abashment; bashfulness (feeling embarrassed due to modesty)discomfiture; discomposure; disconcertion; disconcertment (anxious embarrassment)Sense 2 embarrassment [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The state of being embarrassed (usually by some financial inadequacy)Classified under: Nouns denoting stable states of affairs Context example:he is currently suffering financial embarrassments Hypernyms (\"\"embarrassment\"\" is a kind of...):emotional state; spirit (the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection))Sense 3 embarrassment [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Some event that causes someone to be embarrassed Classified under: Nouns denoting natural events Context example:the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals Hypernyms (\"\"embarrassment\"\" is a kind of...):trouble (an event causing distress or pain)Antonym:disembarrassment (something that extricates you from embarrassment)Sense 4 embarrassment [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Extreme excess Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects Synonyms:overplus; plethora; superfluity; embarrassment Context example:an embarrassment of riches Hypernyms (\"\"embarrassment\"\" is a kind of...):excess; excessiveness; inordinateness (immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"embarrassment\"\"):redundance; redundancy (the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Another man's poison is not necessarily yours.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Each person is his own judge.\"\" ( Native American proverb, Shawnee) \"\"Close the door from which the wind blows and relax.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"That which is written in Heaven, comes to pass on Earth.\"\" ( Corsican proverb)EMBARRASSMENT: related words searches» Definition of discombobulation » What does mortification mean? »"
] | [
"docid": "D3461349#0",
"title": "http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/594883/Incontinence-products-pads-meaning-urinary-treatments-toilet\nWhat is incontinence? Doctor's advice on treatment, products and THOSE pads",
"text": "\"What is incontinence? Doctor's advice on treatment, products and THOSE pads INCONTINENCE can affect men and women, be it through stress or for another reason. Everything you need to know about incontinence pads, products and what causes the condition explained. By Felicity Thistlethwaite PUBLISHED: 09:49, Sun, Dec 4, 2016 | UPDATED: 09:51, Sun, Dec 4, 2016GETTYWe've spoken to a doctor about what incontinence really is and asked all the questions It can be an embarrassing topic to discuss but millions of people in the UK suffer from it. Incontinence - it's not a subject you're likely to talk to your friends about over a pint in the pub or even at a coffee morning. Yet thousands of people in the UK suffer from the issue and are keen to understand more about the condition. Express.co.uk spoke to Dr Naomi Potter, GP and women’s health expert, to clear up the myths and mysteries behind incontinence and, hopefully, start talking about the issue more openly. If you want to know what incontinence really is, who is most likely to suffer with it and if you can catch it - you're in the right place. What is incontinence? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that help to keep your bladder, vagina, uterus and bowel in place, they also help you control bladder and bowel movements."
"docid": "D937305#0",
"title": "http://www.gurl.com/2014/03/08/why-do-you-have-a-lot-of-vaginal-discharge-how-to-deal/\nWhy Do You Have A Lot Of Discharge? How To Deal and What It Means",
"text": "12 Comments Why Do You Have A Lot Of Discharge? How To Deal and What It Means Saturday, March 8, 2014 by Heather Source: Shutter Stock Hi Heather,I really need help. I always have a lot of discharge down there. I’m not a virgin, but I get discharge even when I haven’t had sex in a long time. Does this mean I have an STD? Or is it normal? What can I do to make it stop? It’s embarrassing!Don’t be embarrassed! Vaginal discharge is something that every single girl deals with… it’s just something we don’t all talk about. A certain amount of daily discharge is actually necessary in order to keep things healthy down there."
"docid": "D789661#0",
"title": "http://allnurses.com/pre-nursing-student/how-long-does-847715.html\nHow long does a nursing degree take?",
"text": "Latest Articles Programs Products Conferences Nursing Student › Pre-Nursing Student ›How long does a nursing degree take? January 2018 Caption Contest - Win $100!by Michael Grenade Views: 22,271 Comments: 15Ok, so I'm an 18 year old guy and I am being forced to go to a community college because my step-dad filed my fasfa too late. I'm extremely embarrassed that I have to go to a community college, because I was planning to go to this four year university in like two weeks, but they told me at the last minute that my financial aid wasn't enough. I keep reading that to be a adn takes two years, I know a BSN takes four years, because that's exactly what I was going to do, I'm planning to transfer to get my bsn after I become an RN, but how long does it take at a community college? I keep reading two years, it that with or without prerequisites because I want to transfer after one year. Thanks.15 Comments Comment1 2 Next »Aug 3, '13There is nothing wrong with a community college. If you still have your mind set on a different college just start taking the core classes and do your financial aid papers in the mean time. Then you can transfer over anytime it is approved. The classes all count the same. You can take the classes for your AA in the first 2 years and complete all your prereqs."
"docid": "D246557#0",
"title": "http://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-you/home-remedies/natural-home-remedies-belching/\nDonât Get Embarrassed â You Have These Natural Home Remedies For Belching",
"text": "Don’t Get Embarrassed – You Have These Natural Home Remedies For Belching Most burps are NBD. But that's little consolation if you get embarrassed about belches. Thankfully you have home remedies for belching in your kitchen. Adapted from 1,801 Home Remedies, Reader's Digestphoto credit: shutterstock Natural home remedies for belching, burping and other embarrassing gas Before we get into the home remedies for belching, you should know this: A belch simply means you have accumulated a build-up of air in your stomach, and your body want to get rid of it to reduce the pressure. What goes in must come out. And when it does, the distinctive sound it makes is the belch (a.k.a. burp). What you can do to prevent burping Avoid carbonated drinks. Ever open a fizzy soda after it’s been shaken? A similarly explosive situation will build in your stomach if you gulp down bubbly drinks."
"docid": "D1068291#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/plethora.htm\nPLETHORA",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » P » Plesianthropus ... Plimsoll Mark PLETHORAPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does plethora mean?• PLETHORA (noun) The noun PLETHORA has 1 sense:1. extreme excess Familiarity information: PLETHORA used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• PLETHORA (noun)Sense 1 plethora [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Extreme excess Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects Synonyms:overplus; plethora; superfluity; embarrassment Context example:an embarrassment of riches Hypernyms (\"\"plethora\"\" is a kind of...):excess; excessiveness; inordinateness (immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"plethora\"\"):redundance; redundancy (the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere\"\" (English proverb) \"\"When jobless, keep rattling the door.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"The person who pours water to other is the last one to drink.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"A cheeky person owns half the world\"\" (Dutch proverb)PLETHORA: related words searches» What does excess mean? » Meaning of excessiveness » What does inordinateness mean? » Meaning of redundance » Definition of redundancy PLETHORAPLETHORICPLETHYSMOGRAPHPLEURAPLEURALPLEURAL CAVITYPLEURAL SPACEPLEURALGIAPLEURISYPLEURISY ROOTEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does fallacious mean » damage control » what is a roentgenogram » sars » what does lynching mean Page delivered in 0.0658 seconds \""
"docid": "D4789#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Womens-Health/hair-around-areola--stomach--bikini-linewhen-does-it-stop/show/31755\nhair around areola, stomach, bikini line...when does it stop!specialKay Jul 29, 2006",
"text": "\"hair around areola, stomach, bikini line...when does it stop!special Kay Jul 29, 2006Does anyone else out there have hair around their areolas..not just a few...a lot. What about hair on their stomach..what some people call the \"\"love line\"\". I am SICK of hair.. I don't know what to do! I even have hair \"\"few\"\" on my chest and shoulders. I was told I have too much male hormone....don't believe that then I also wouldn't have a problem being sexually active. I have no disire in that area. Is there another person like this out there? Please help. How do I calm the hair growth? Wipe it out?"
"docid": "D1245607#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/embarrassed.htm\nEMBARRASSED",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Ely Culbertson ... Embody EMBARRASSEDPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does embarrassed mean?• EMBARRASSED (adjective) The adjective EMBARRASSED has 3 senses:1. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious 2. caused to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable 3. made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride Familiarity information: EMBARRASSED used as an adjective is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EMBARRASSED (adjective)Sense 1 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious Synonyms:abashed; chagrined; embarrassed Context examples:felt abashed at the extravagant praise / chagrined at the poor sales of his book / was embarrassed by her child's tantrums Similar:discomposed (having your composure disturbed)Sense 2 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Caused to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable Synonyms:discomfited; embarrassed Context examples:was discomfited by the personal questions / the child felt embarrassed by the attention of the adults Similar:uncomfortable (conducive to or feeling mental discomfort)Sense 3 embarrassed [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride Synonyms:humiliated; mortified; embarrassed Context examples:too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street / humiliated that his wife had to go out to work / felt mortified by the comparison with her sister Similar:ashamed (feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Desperate diseases must have desperate cures.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Half-truth is more dangerous than falsehood.\"\" ( Bengali proverb) \"\"Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"When two dogs fight over a bone, a third one carries it away.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)EMBARKMENTEMBARRASSEMBARRASSEDEMBARRASSINGEMBARRASSINGLYEMBARRASSMENTEMBASSADOREMBASSYEMBATTLEDEMBAYMENTEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does uptight mean » coerce » qed definition » right brain » pedantic definition Page delivered in 0.051 seconds \""
"docid": "D1977122#0",
"title": "https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/20207/what-does-going-blue-mean\nWhat does âgoing blueâ mean?",
"text": "\"_English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What does “going blue” mean?up vote8down votefavorite I'm familiar with the expression to feel blue, but I recently stumbled upon the expression to go blue on two different websites in one week. Vork from The Guild goes a bit blue Source: http://blogtown.portlandmercury.com/Blogtown PDX/archives/2011/03/24/in-which-i-discuss-the-topic-of-web-series-with-my-head-on-my-desk The second site: Our panel from ECCC last weekend. It went a bit blue. Thanks Wil Wheaton, hehe. Source: http://felicia.posterous.com/eccc-11-the-guild-panel-part-1Usually I can track down the meaning of expressions myself, but since Google isn't being very helpful I'm turning to you guys. I'd also like to know if this expression is used widely across the English-speaking world or if its use is limited to certain regions. ( Please forgive me if my English isn't flawless... I'm a 19-year-old non-native speaker. ) meaning expressionsshare improve this questionedited Apr 9 '11 at 13:20JSBձոգչ46.8k 10 134 199asked Apr 9 '11 at 8:35Pieter143 1 1 4english.stackexchange.com/questions/8875/… – sturner Apr 9 '11 at 10:33add a comment5 Answers active oldest votesup vote7down voteaccepted This is in reference to a 'blue movie', a euphemistic term for a pornographic film. It has since been toned down somewhat and phrases like a bit of blue can be used to say that something is 'adult' in nature."
"docid": "D3273850#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-people-find-it-funny-when-someone-falls-down-hurts-themselves\nWhy do some people find it funny when someone falls down/hurts themselves? Is it some kind of coping mechanism? Why have we evolved to find this kind of thing funny?",
"text": "\"Schadenfreude Evolutionary Biology Humor Question That Contains Assumptions Why do some people find it funny when someone falls down/hurts themselves? Is it some kind of coping mechanism? Why have we evolved to find this kind of thing funny?10 Answers Dylan Brumley, I am the reason why I can't have nice things. Answered Dec 4, 2012 · Author has 62 answers and 183.7k answer views The thing I hate about Quora is that questions on topics of which I have insight are thoroughly explained well before I show up to the party. This leaves me being the sober one (keeping with the party metaphor) to stand passively by and enjoy (upvote) others' erratic behavior (answers), all while probably not getting laid (followed). Fun fact: I just became the first person to liken Quoran fandom with sex. Sorry/You're welcome. The huge point (to me, anyway) here has already been presented by apt answer-ers: That humor comes from our desire to cater to our sense of self-preservation. While there may be no formula for humor, it almost always* serves to elevate the audience to a loftier place than the party on the butt end of the joke. -Our brain giggles at the close calls as a way to say \"\"you almost got me, Precarious Situation, but I bested you in a contest of wits and/or might!\"\""
"docid": "D1566107#0",
"title": "http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/12-tips-for-better-business-writing.html\n12 Tips for Better Business Writing",
"text": "Featured12 Tips for Better Business Writing Dustin Wax Dustin M. Wax is a past contributing editor and project manager at Lifehack. Full Bio Today’s business world is almost entirely information-driven. Whether you run a small business or occupy a small corner of the org-chart at a massive multinational corporation, chances are that the bulk of your job consists of communicating with others, most often in writing. Of course there’s email and the traditional business letter, but most business people are also called on to write presentations, memos, proposals, business requirements, training materials, promotional copy, grant proposals, and a wide range of other documents. Here’s the rub: most business people have little experience with writing. While those with business degrees probably did a bit of writing in school, it’s rarely stressed in business programs, and learning to write well is hardly the driving force behind most people’s desire to go to business school. Those without a university background might have never been pushed to write at all, at least since public school. If you’re one of the many people in business for whom writing has never been a major concern, you should know that a lack of writing skills is a greater and greater handicap with every passing year. Spending some time to improve your writing can result in a marked improvement in your hireability and promotional prospects. There’s no substitute for practice, but here are a few pointers to put you on the right track.1."
"docid": "D743181#0",
"title": "https://davidplusworld.com/french-ooh-la-la/\nDo French people really use the expression âOoh La Laâ? Recently updated!",
"text": "Do French people really use the expression “Ooh La La”? Recently updated!31 Jan, 2015 tagged French Language / French People / Ooh La La / Ridiculous (updated on March 28, 2018)So, Marie, from somewhere (I suspect the US considering the question) asked the following thing: Do French people really use the expression “Ooh La La”? If so, what does it mean? Is it used more by women or does everyone say it? How do the French pronounce it? Do you use it? This question reminds me of an interesting anecdote that took place during my first months in the US, a long long time ago. Quiz: can you tell why I chose this picture to illustrate this article? One day, I announced something to that friend, can’t remember what, some good news of some sort, and her response was “ Ooh la la! ” with a big smile from her part."
"docid": "D1896835#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060916062737AAVHF9M\nWhat does PDA mean in slang?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups What does PDA mean in slang? Some of my friends use the term quite a bit and i dont know what it really means and think it is embarrassing to ask them2 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Public display of affection ie.. kissing, holding holds, hugging in public.greenmountains84 · 1 decade ago10 0 Comment1Source (s): Lookup Unknown Callers http://Reverse Phone Number Lookup.enle.inf...? · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Public Display of Affection (Like kissing and grabbing on each other) or the little hand held device called a palm pilot or pocket PC Personal Digital Assistant I think the military may have coined that physical word and it is not slang just an abbreviation.adobeprincess · 1 decade ago9 0 Comment Personal Data Assistant = PDASusie · 1 decade ago2 2 Comment What Is Pda Source (s):https://shrink.im/a71j4? · 2 years ago0 0 Comment PDA is nothing just simple handset computing mobile device which can store the personal information like,photo,recording,task. it works for MMS,SMS though network and it can be operate on some operating system like palm os, window mobile and web os.? · 3 years ago0 0 Comment A PDA is a personal digital assistant. It is in slang terms, called a \"\"handheld\"\" or a little computer that fits into the palm of your hand. Also called a \"\"palm pilot\"\". It can be as simple as just a digital calendar and phone book or as complex as a mini computer that fits into your hand and you can add software to it. You can look online to find different types."
"docid": "D3522472#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/boo-boo.htm\nBOO-BOO",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » B » Bone Marrow ... Book BOO-BOOPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does boo-boo mean?• BOO-BOO (noun) The noun BOO-BOO has 1 sense:1. an embarrassing mistake Familiarity information: BOO-BOO used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• BOO-BOO (noun)Sense 1 boo-boo [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: An embarrassing mistake Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:botch; blooper; blunder; boner; boo-boo; bungle; flub; foul-up; fuckup; bloomer; pratfall Hypernyms (\"\"boo-boo\"\" is a kind of...):error; fault; mistake (a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"boo-boo\"\"):bobble (the momentary juggling of a batted or thrown baseball)clanger (a conspicuous mistake whose effects seem to reverberate)howler (a glaring blunder)faux pas; gaffe; gaucherie; slip; solecism (a socially awkward or tactless act)fluff (a blunder (especially an actor's forgetting the lines))fumble; muff ( (sports) dropping the ball)bull (a serious and ludicrous blunder)spectacle (a blunder that makes you look ridiculous; used in the phrase 'make a spectacle of' yourself)snafu (an acronym often used by soldiers in World War II: situation normal all fucked up)misstep; stumble; trip; trip-up (an unintentional but embarrassing blunder)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Only two things in life are certain; death and taxes.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Sorrow, nobody dies about it\"\" (Breton proverb) \"\"If two thieves quarreled, what was stolen emerges.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"No man has fallen from the sky learned.\"\" ( Czech proverb)BOO-BOO: related words searches» error: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » fault meaning » What does mistake mean? » spectacle meaning » stumble: pronunciation in phonetic transcription BONY FISHBONY LABYRINTHBONY-PLATEDBONYNESSBONZERBOOBOO-BOOBOOBBOOB TUBEBOOBOISIEEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» meaning of pedigree » kibbitz » beijing definition » judicial separation » what does yuletide mean Page delivered in 0.0654 seconds \""
"docid": "D155405#0",
"title": "https://simsvip.com/the-sims-4-emotions-guide/\nThe Sims 4 Emotions Guide",
"text": "The Sims 4 Emotions Guide The Sims 4 Emotions Guide has been written exclusively for Sims VIP.com by Pinstar. All images and text for the guide below are property of Sims VIP. Any unauthorized use of the guide or images will result in legal action. Copyright ©2011-2014 Sims VIP – All rights reserved Click here for The Sims 4 Game Guide—————————————————————————————————————————Emotions: How to get them and what they can do for you. By now you have probably experienced the wide range of emotions that your Sims can fall into in the Sims 4, but if you are looking to improve your gameplay a little, be it just having your Sim families run smoother or if you are doing a challenge of some sort and want to do better, this guide can help! The guide is split into three sections. The first section will detail the various emotions, the easiest and most reliable ways to get into them and the benefits they bring to the table when you enter them. The second section discuss how to maintain the desired emotion at any given time, especially in the face of other conflicting emotions. Lastly the third section will talk about emotional auras and how to use them for maximum benefit. Inspired Inspired is my personal favorite emotion in the game, and thus we will start with it first."
"docid": "D708110#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/73232759/communication-privacy-management-theory-chapter-13-flash-cards/\nCommunication Privacy Management Theory: Chapter 13",
"text": "\"44 terms marky_carter45Communication Privacy Management Theory: Chapter 13Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort CPM is what kind of theory and follows which tradition (s)? Interpretive theory that follows the socio-cultural and cybernetic traditions What theorist is associated with CPM? Sandra Petronio; agrees with Altman that revealing private info can strengthen a relationship with people in one's life, but she also states that it could harm a relationship if someone can't handle one's scary/embarrassing news, or if they blab about it with others Petronio sees CPM as a map of the way people navigate privacy. she wants us to think of privacy boundaries that encompass info we have but others don't know Privacy boundaries a metaphor to show how people think of the borders between private and public information (can range from thin and porous filters to thick, impenetrable barriers that shield deep, dark secrets)Five core principles of CPM 1. ownership and control of private info; 2. rules for concealing and revealing; 3. disclosure creates a confidant and co-owner; 4. coordinating mutual privacy boundaries; 5."
"docid": "D1611525#0",
"title": "https://www.slideshare.net/guestc38192/what-is-digital-etiquette\nWhat Is Digital Etiquette",
"text": "What Is Digital Etiquette9,744 views Share Like Download...guestc38192Follow Published on Mar 25, 2010Digital Etiquette is how to behave online and is something everyone should...0 Comments2 Likes Statistics Notes Post Be the first to comment What Is Digital Etiquette1. By: Erik Jergensen<br />What is Digital Etiquette?<br />2. Let’s Start With a Definition!<br />Digital Etiquette is defined as internet manners. <br />On the internet, when instant messaging, emailing or posting pictures/videos, no one can see you.<br />If people can’t see you, and they read your words and not hear your words, TONE DOES NOT EXIST.<br />This is a problem…<br />3. Be NICE!! ! <br />When tone is absent in communicating, ambiguity is formed which clouds the meaning of the entire conversation. <br />Some people say things jokingly, but it is not always clear to the other person if you are kidding or not.<br />Some examples include: sarcasm, irony, cheeky speak or making fun. <br />4. A Picture is Worth 1000 Words. <br />Tone is not always bad digital etiquette, otherwise known as NETiquette.<br />Inappropriate pictures, such as sexting is a common problem in the media lately.<br />Sexting is the sending of pornographic pictures to people, who may not always be aware when they push “view”.<br />Also, if there is a compromising photo of someone (perhaps embarrassing) it should only be posted if the person in question is okay with it; respect their wishes.<br />5."
"docid": "D2369651#0",
"title": "https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11932954/1/Ash-s-Hidden-Talents\n.",
"text": "\"I made another thing because I felt like it. In this, Serena discover's Ash's hidden talents. Enjoy, or not, I don't care you all have your own opinions. Everything belongs to their respective owners... or does it? ( DUH DUH DUH- no just kidding, everything does belong to their respective owners. )' SERENA'S POV'I rubbed by eyes as I woke up from by sleep. I look at the clock to see what time it is. ' Oh great' I thought sarcastically, 'It's the middle of the night.' Indeed it was in the middle of the night. I don't know why I woke up during the night, that's one of life's mystery's I guess (A/N: You all understand this right?"
"docid": "D2357481#0",
"title": "http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/what-does-putting-out-mean\n\"What does \"\"putting out\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Dear Alice,This is kind of embarrassing, but the other day, my friends were talking about sex and their boyfriends and everything. Well, one of them mentioned \"\"putting out.\"\" I've heard the term before, but what does it actually mean? Dear Reader,Using slang terms such as “putting out” can cloud our understanding of various people, places, things, or acts to the point that we become unsure of what these terms refer to. The use of slang can be culturally useful and a lot of fun, but it’s important to understand the various meanings of slang terms before using them, especially when talking about sex. So don’t be embarrassed! It’s better to ask instead of saying something you don’t mean. Traditionally, the term “putting out” indicates when a woman is willing to have sexual intercourse with a man. There is no evidence of when or why the term “putting out” adopted its meaning. There is no official definition of the term; therefore, its meaning has several variations."
"docid": "D887823#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/embarrass\nembarrass",
"text": "\"embarrassverb em·bar·rass \\ im-ˈber-əs, -ˈba-rəs \\Popularity: Bottom 50% of words | Updated on: 10 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: embarrass in a Sentence Editor's Note: embarrass: Its Spelling and Use Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of embarrasstransitive verb1 a: to cause to experience a state of self-conscious distressbawdy stories embarrassed himb: to place in doubt, perplexity, or difficultiesc: to involve in financial difficulties2 a: to hamper the movement ofb: hinder, impede3: to make intricate: complicate4: to impair the activity of (a bodily function) or the function of (a bodily part)digestion embarrassed by overeatingintransitive verb: to become anxiously self-conscioushe embarrasses easily—embarrassableplay \\ im-ˈber-ə-sə-bəl, -ˈba-rə- \\ adjective See embarrass defined for English-language learners See embarrass defined for kids Examples of embarrass in a Sentence Unexpected laughter embarrassed the speaker. She's worried about embarrassing herself in front of such a large audience. I would never do anything to embarrass my family. The protest was staged as a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. Recent Examples of embarrass from the Web Five takeaways from the Miami Heat’s embarrassing 122-98 loss to the New York Knicks Friday night at Madison Square Garden: 1.— manny navarro, miamiherald, \"\"Another baffling Heat performance against a bottom five team in the East | Miami Herald,\"\" 7 Apr. 2018Where critics see a volatile individual embarrassing America on the world stage, many voters see a shrewd player showing that he, and therefore his country, can no longer be taken for granted.— michael ashcroft, Time, \"\"Do Not Doubt Donald Trump. He Could Easily Be Reelected,\"\" 29 Mar. 2018So this month two Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgeons join Tom to answer the questions many women find embarrassing to ask.— trihealth, Cincinnati.com, \"\"This month's episode: Women's pelvic health,\"\"27 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'embarrass.'"
"docid": "D1094346#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shame\nShame",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about psychological, philosophical, and societal aspects of shame. For other uses, see Shame (disambiguation). Eve covers herself and lowers her head in shame in Rodin's Eve after the Fall. Part of a series on Emotions Affection Anger Angst Anguish Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apathy Arousal Awe Boredom Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Curiosity Depression Desire Despair Disappointment Disgust Distrust Ecstasy Embarrassment Empathy Enthusiasm Envy Euphoria Fear Frustration Gratitude Grief Guilt Happiness Hatred Hope Horror Hostility Humiliation Interest Jealousy Joy Loneliness Love Lust Outrage Panic Passion Pity Pleasure Pride Rage Regret Rejection Remorse Resentment Sadness Saudade Schadenfreude Self-confidence Shame Shock Shyness Sorrow Suffering Surprise Trust Wonder Worryv t e Shame is a painful, social emotion [ further explanation needed] that can be seen as resulting \"\"...from comparison of the self 's action with the self's standards ...\"\". [ 1] but which may equally stem from comparison of the self's state of being with the ideal social context's standard. Thus, shame may stem from volitional action or simply self-regard; no action by the shamed being is required: simply existing is enough. Both the comparison and standards are enabled by socialization. Though usually considered an emotion, shame may also variously be considered an affect, cognition, state, or condition. The roots of the word shame are thought to derive from an older word meaning \"\"to cover\"\"; as such, covering oneself, literally or figuratively, is a natural expression of shame. [ 2] Nineteenth-century scientist Charles Darwin, in his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, described shame affect as consisting of blushing, confusion of mind, downward cast eyes, slack posture, and lowered head, and he noted observations of shame affect in human populations worldwide. ["
] |
636794 | what does embed profile mean on twitter | [
"docid": "D317832#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-embed-a-tweet\nWhat does it mean to embed a tweet?",
"text": "\"Alex Lamachenka, Content manager Answered Dec 6, 2016 · Author has 63 answers and 82.8k answer views The algorithm of embedding posts on Twitter is quite simple: Choose the tweet - Click three dots - Find and select «Embed Tweet” - Copy the code - Paste it into the HTML editor on your blog - Put “tw-align-center” after “twitter-tweet”And that’s it!Read more: What does embed tweet mean?6.5k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How do I embed a tweet in my own tweet? What is the 'Embed Tweet' option in Twitter? What does a tweet mean? What does this tweet mean? How do I embed a tweet in a Quora answer? Ask New Question Ashish Kulkarni, Digital Marketing, Social Media Consultant & Trainer Answered Sep 17, 2014 · Author has 86 answers and 83.1k answer views It means when you mention a tweet instead of posting a screenshot of tweet you grab a small copy of code from Twitter and paste it on your blog. This will make that tweet appear in your blog post. The benefit is that you will get real time stats, when it was posted, how many retweets it got. Also your readers can further retweet it or reply to that tweet directly from your blog.4.1k Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Rahul Dravid Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date?promoted by Truth Finder Have you ever googled yourself?"
] | [
"docid": "D3451172#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/2wad0i/most_underratedoverrated_knife_companies/\n.",
"text": "\"Welcome to Reddit,the front page of the internet. Become a Redditorand subscribe to one of thousands of communities.×This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment.27Most Underrated/Overrated knife companies? ( self.knifeclub)submitted 2 years ago by [deleted]109 comments share save hide reportall 109 commentssorted by: best Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment!Create an account [–] shiftypoo269 940 is Bae 23 points 2 years ago Underrated is probably Victorinox. Even though pretty much everyone has a couple, they aren't usually knives that get a lot of people excited. Fit and finish wise they're usually really damn good for the money. There is also the Henry William production knives.permalink embed save [–] Dick Jagamo Lord of Higo 3 points 2 years ago I too love Victorinox. Their steel may be on the softer side but the blade geometry is great for edc. I have 3 Victorinox \"\"knives\"\" and love all of them.permalink embed save parent [–] Silverlight42 Benchmade 42/62/710 4 points 2 years ago You mean William Henry knives."
"docid": "D2336648#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/rantgrumps/comments/4yyisb/was_kevin_fired/\n.",
"text": "\"all 60 commentssorted by: best Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment!Create an account [–] [deleted] 1 year ago [deleted] [–] Squishy Potatoe Barry Era 11 points 1 year ago You sure about that? cough cough Jonpermalink embed save [–] Gnarly Yosh Ego Raptor Era 28 points 1 year ago At this point, everybody knows that Jon left on his own accord. Both Arin and Jon have long since cleared that up.permalink embed save parent [–] Avelrah I just don't like Arin 9 points 1 year ago There still was some bad blood, if only because Jon left.permalink embed save parent [–] ecchh Jon Era, 2012 4 points 1 year ago He doesn't fire them, he just pretends they don't exist.permalink embed save [–] thecatzpjz Barry Era 3 points 1 year ago Just hire a few new editors to sweep the other one under the carpet and problem solved!permalink embed save parent [–] Princess Gengar 1 point 1 year ago I feel like you need to do more research on it. Granted this was posted 3 months ago. Kevin posted a video to his You Tube channel (linked on twitter as 'It's been a while') explaining where he's been and what happened. He literally just quit to move on following his dream and now helps edit for a movie company. He wasn't fired he just moved on to do bigger things like he's always wanted. Theres no bad blood and no hidden reason as to why he left.permalink embed save parent [–] thecatzpjz Barry Era 1 point 1 year ago I didn't know about this video, but it's kind of weird that no one even mentioned Kevin or the fact that he was no longer a part of the show. The Grumps are pretty poor at explaining managerial changes or even communicating with their audience."
"docid": "D3379195#0",
"title": "http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/professional-linkedin-profile/\n10 Tips To A More Professional LinkedIn Profile",
"text": "10 Tips To A More Professional Linked In Profile By Brian Voo in Freelance Regardless of whether you are in business, trying to put your startup on the map, new to the working world or focus mostly on non-profit work, Linked In is a very good networking tool to help you achieve your professional goals. A hunting ground for headhunters, HR managers and new businesses looking for partners or opportunities, it will do you good to have a professional Linked In profile set up, to let you take advantage of this. Unlike on Facebook, where profiles could be made up and are more suitable for personal networking rather than a professional one, Linked In encourages users to provide a highly professional look to their resume and/or profile on the networking site. Here are 10 things you can do to enhance your Linked In profile for a more professional look. Recommended Reading: 10+ Linked In Groups For Web Designers1. A Detailed Profile is A Strong Profile A Linked In profile is similar to a work resume, where you display your past education information, work experience, skills, current work position and profile picture. You can follow Linked In’s Profile Completion Tips when editing your profile. Besides that, adding a profile headline and summary would be real helpful to make an impression. The headline gives yourself a professional ‘identity’, a front that may or may not showcase some of the more detailed parts of your profile, hidden away from viewers who are not connected to you. A summary would bring out your personality which can complement your Curriculum Vitae (CV) if an employer were to view your profile."
"docid": "D3161601#0",
"title": "https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/cellulite-center/is-cellulite-really-genetic-and-forever.html\nIs Cellulite Really Genetic and Forever â Learn the Truth!",
"text": "\"Cellulite Center Is Cellulite Really Genetic and Forever – Learn the Truth!With the advent of DNA profiling, many diseases and disorders have been discovered to have a genetic basis. When it comes to cellulite, this genetic connection is not nearly as clear. Although there have been correlations linked to a family history of cellulite, it has not been directly tied to genetics. What Does Genetic Mean? Each person possesses a unique genetic code. This DNA profile is formed from the DNA of their parents and is completely unique. Since someone’s genes come from their parents, there is a high likelihood that someone will develop the same disorders as their parents. There is no guarantee that this will occur, but it increases* the chances. When it comes to disorders, the traits are passed down through the genes. Problems like Alzheimer’s, heart disease and diabetes have all been linked to genetics."
"docid": "D1275383#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Ecquire-How-do-I-add-Twitter-profiles-and-direct-messages-into-Salesforce-Highrise\nEcquire: How do I add Twitter profiles and direct messages into Salesforce/Highrise?",
"text": "\"Ecquire Twitter Profiles Twitter (product)Ecquire: How do I add Twitter profiles and direct messages into Salesforce/Highrise?1 Answer Quora User, studied at British Columbia Institute of Technology Answered Aug 15, 2012 Anyone who is interested in maintaining a long term relationship with their customer will take a serious look at Twitter. You get to interact and learn about your customer from a perspective that is not strictly transactional. Learn about what they like to talk about, their interests, and how you can be of value to them in other ways. Now you can save all your interactions with contacts and customers form Twitter to your CRM. Using Ecquire, you will find a button that will log the information from your contact's Twitter bio and the direct messages you send them. Here's how to save a Twitter profile: Visit your contact's Twitter profile Click on the Ecquire button next to their name Review the details of your contact's info in Ecquire and add any additional details Click the CRM button to send the contact directly to your Salesforce or Highrise Here's how to save a direct message: Send a direct message to your contact Ecquire will popup with the details of the message and contact details Review your contact's info and add any additional details Click the CRM button to send the contact directly to Salesforce or Highrise.455 Views · View Upvoterspromoted by Honey You need to try this money saving hack. If you ever shop online, use this free app to apply every promo code on the internet to your cart. Learn More at joinhoney.com Related Questions How can I see who views my Twitter? How do I add a joined date to my Twitter account? How do I add an admin to a Twitter account?"
"docid": "D482567#0",
"title": "https://blog.hootsuite.com/linkedin-for-business/\nLinkedIn for Business: The Ultimate Marketing Guide",
"text": "\"Image via Hans under CC0 1.0Linked In for Business: The Ultimate Marketing Guide Blog / Social By: Christina Newberry Share You may have heard that Linked In has 433 million users, 40 percent of whom check the platform every day. Those numbers are certainly substantial, but they aren’t the statistics that really matter for a business-oriented network like Linked In. What really matters is that one in three professionals in the world has a Linked In account, and 49 percent of key decision makers use Linked In for business purposes. With that level of professional engagement, Linked In is a social network your business cannot afford to ignore. Bonus: Download a free guide to discover four time-saving tools to help you grow your Linked In network faster. Includes one tool that lets you schedule a week’s worth of Linked In updates in just three minutes. Why your business needs to be on Linked In If your Linked In business presence is currently a personal page—especially one with a bare-bones resume that’s hopelessly out of date—it’s time to up your Linked In marketing game. You need a company presence on the network to gain access to the full range of benefits Linked In can offer to all business departments, from recruiting to sales.1. Attract top talent Linked In is the first place top talent looks for work, at all rungs of the career ladder. More than 40 million students and recent college graduates are on Linked In, but 41 percent of millionaires use it, too."
"docid": "D3262762#0",
"title": "https://www.searchenginejournal.com/top-social-media-management-tools/215419/\nThe Top 15 Tools for Managing Social Media Accounts",
"text": "Social Media · Tools & Analytics | October 6, 2017The Top 15 Tools for Managing Social Media Accounts1.4KSHARES20KREADSAshley Ward Google Position Zero: 5 Steps to Win Featured Snippet The first position in the SERPs is better than great, but sometimes tricky to reach. Here's how you can get one for your website. ADVERTISEMENTManaging social media takes more than 15 minutes a day. This is true whether you work for an agency or brand, or you own your own business. The need to engage is at an all-time high. That’s because 73 percent of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that are responsive on social media. Even the most experienced social media managers who have watched Instagram transform into Facebook are struggling to keep up with the engagement demand. Someone needs to be representing your brand all day on social media – responding to and engaging with users. Without using tools to help manage social media, there truly aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything that needs to be done, from researching new content ideas to keeping an eye on your competitors ‘ Facebook ads. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top and most practical social media management tools."
"docid": "D2620081#0",
"title": "http://cnnradio.cnn.com/\n",
"text": "\"June 25th, 201306:07 PM ETComments ( 15 comments)CNN Radio News Day: June 25, 2013Posted by CNN Radio News Day Team Filed under: News Day • Soundwaves US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden was to fly out of Russia today on flight SU 150 to Havana from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. June 24th, 201304:37 PM ETComments ( 1 comment)CNN Radio News Day: June 24, 2013CNN Radio News Day is an evening news program providing an informative, thoughtful and creative look at the day's events. It's posted Monday through Friday at 4:30 pm ET. You don’t have to be at this blog to listen, we want you to take us with you! Click the download button in the Sound Cloud player and put us on your smart phone or tablet and bring us with you in the car, on the train or while you’re working out. ( CNN) – Today's show goes in-depth on a key SCOTUS decision, the health of a civil rights icon, and the search for an NSA leaker the U. S. wants to find: SCOTUS reveals The Supreme Court handed-down a decision on affirmative action – kind of. A Texas case involving the use of race-conscious school admission policies got thrown back to the lower courts for further review. CNN's Lisa Dejardins breaks it down and tells us what this all means. Mandela vigil The condition of former South African president Nelson Mandela worsened over the weekend. The government announced that the 94-year-old civil rights icon's condition was downgraded to critical."
"docid": "D867665#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/girasol/about\nGirasol",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Girasol Embed Girasol Origin: Portuguese Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Girasol means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Girasols Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Jaroslaw (More Popular)<100 Jahary<100 Hirasol<100 Aiell<100 Tyresa151 Marijose<100 Betel<100 Severyn<100 Obdiel<100 Deidy<100 Arais<100 Muf<100 Emeel How to Pronounce Girasol Girasol Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Girasol? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Girasol mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Girasol Submit the origin and/or meaning of Girasol to us below Origin of Girasol Girasol Means Cited Source Submit Other Dictionary Sources Tall perennial with hairy stems and leaves; widely cultivated for its large irregular edible tubers Synonyms: helianthus tuberosus, jerusalem artichoke, and jerusalem artichoke sunflower An opal with flaming orange and yellow and red colors Synonyms: fire opal Wiktionary From Italian girasole, from girare (“to rotate”) + sole (“sun”)A fire opal.girasol was also found in the following language (s): Portuguese and Spanish Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Girasol How unique is the name Girasol? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Girasol was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Girasol: Your name in reverse order is Losarig. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give Lgsroai. How do you pronounce that?"
"docid": "D2500706#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/velociraptor/about\nVelociraptor",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Velociraptor Embed Velociraptor Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Velociraptor means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Velociraptors Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Tyrannosaurus<100 Saumolia<100 Michelinoceras<100 Zephyrosaurus<100 Nodosaurus<100 Spinosaurus<100 Gallimimus<100 Maiasaurus<100 Rhamporhynchus<100 Deinosuchus<100 Miheret<100 Belt How to Pronounce Velociraptor Velociraptor Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Velociraptor? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Velociraptor mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Velociraptor Submit the origin and/or meaning of Velociraptor to us below Origin of Velociraptor Velociraptor Means Cited Source Submit Other Dictionary Sources Small active carnivore that probably fed on protoceratops; possibly related more closely to birds than to other dinosaurs Wiktionary Latin velox (“swiftâ€) + raptor (“thiefâ€)A taxonomic genus within the family Dromaeosauridae – the velociraptor dinosaur. Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Velociraptor How unique is the name Velociraptor? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Velociraptor was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Velociraptor: Your name in reverse order is Rotparicolev. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give Oroplericatv."
"docid": "D715841#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/onomatopoeia/about\nOnomatopoeia",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Onomatopoeia Embed Onomatopoeia Origin: English Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Onomatopoeia means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Onomatopoeias Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Anyiel<100 Urick<100 Badro<100 Divekar<100 Yuvay<100 Bharvinder<100 Mitcz<100 Elamuhil<100 Sumehr<100 Dayanti<100 Admasu<100 Jahleesa How to Pronounce Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Onomatopoeia? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Onomatopoeia mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Onomatopoeia User Submitted Meanings A submission from United Kingdom says the name Onomatopoeia means \"\"Gift of god\"\" and is of English origin. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Onomatopoeia to us below Origin of Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun On`o*mat`o*pœ\"\"ia The formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word represents; as, the buzz of bees; the hiss of a goose; the crackle of fire. Note: ☞ It has been maintained by some philologist that all primary words, especially names, were formed by imitation of natural sounds, but this is not believed by most. Etymology: L., fr. Gr. �; 'o`noma 'ono`matos, a name + poiei^n to make Other Dictionary Sources Using words that imitate the sound they denote Wiktionary From Ancient Greek ὀνοματοποιία (onomatopoiía, “the coining of a word in imitation of a sound”), from ὀνοματοποιέω (onomatopoiéō, “to coin names”), from ὄνομα (ónoma, “name”) + ποιέω (poiéō, “to make, to do, to produce”). ("
"docid": "D616260#0",
"title": "https://www.thesocialmediahat.com/article/ultimate-guide-perfect-linkedin-profile\nThe Ultimate Guide to a Perfect LinkedIn Profile",
"text": "\"Last Updated: Dec. 1, 2017Because Linked In began as a platform for connecting employers with employees, essentially an online resume service, our Linked In profiles are far more complicated and advanced than the other social networks. This is no 140 character Bio like on Twitter. You've got sections for a Summary and Experience, Education and a custom cover photo, and more. And I have to be honest here, setting up and optimizing a Linked In profile takes time. This is not going to be a \"\"Clean Up Your Linked In Profile In 5 Minutes\"\" kind of post. So while it will only take a few minutes for you and I to run through these suggestions, be prepared to spend a considerably greater amount of time actually implementing some of them. Fortunately, once done, you can relax, have a glass of wine, and just pop back into your profile every few weeks or months to make a couple updates. Now would be a good time to bookmark this article (CTRL-D / Command-D). You can also download the guide for later reading. Send Me The Complete Linked In Guide!Before we jump into these recommendations, let me make one more point perfectly clear."
"docid": "D1189996#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/4tf3d5/where_did_dicks_out_for_harambe_come_from_and_how/\n.",
"text": "\" [–] Beyonce Is Better Twitter user extraordinaire 1696 points 1 year ago *Harambe's death was such an overplayed deal that a lot of Twitter users - and Internet users in general - have been making fun of Harambe, turning him into a meme. They're ironically mourning his death. \"\" Dicks out\"\" is just for his legacy. For the uninitiated, Harambe was the gorilla that got shot when it attacked a kid. EDIT: I know and fully understand now that Harambe did not attack, he dragged, because the kid kinda provoked him. It's okay you guys. # Im With Harambepermalink embed save [–] Riderz_of_Brohan 982 points 1 year ago There's a lot of funny shit to be had in \"\"ironic\"\" memorials (\"\"x\"\" didn't die for this smh, etc.) but no one wants to be an asshole to someone who actually died, so the Gorilla provides lots of opportunities for that kind of humor and no one is really gonna be that mad about itpermalink embed save parent [–] npc_barney 658 points 1 year agono one wants to be an asshole to someone who actually died Uh oh.permalink embed save parent [–] jld2k6 459 points 1 year ago Should we tell him?permalink embed save parent [–] shrubs311 414 points 1 year ago FUCK HITLERpermalink embed save parent [–] slowest_hour 678 points 1 year ago How dare you speak ill of the deadpermalink embed save parent [–] Koalas Are Good 228 points 1 year ago Yeah, i mean, the guy is responsible for the death of many nazis, we should respect that, even if he's not a saint.permalink embed save parent [–] usev25 560 points 1 year ago And after all he even killed Hitlerpermalink embed save parent [–] Nishnig_Jones 354 points 1 year ago And after all he even killed Hitler Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.permalink embed save parent [–] chris2315 210 points 1 year ago Sure, but then he killed the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler.permalink embed save parent [–] Greymor 152 points 1 year agomy god it never endspermalink embed save parentcontinue this thread [–] Jesotx 19 points 1 year ago He's also not-that-loosely responsible for all of the problems in the Middle East for the last 70 years.permalink embed save parentcontinue this threadload more comments (2 replies) [–] ryry1237 17 points 1 year ago But he killed that guy too.permalink embed save parentload more comments (1 reply)load more comments (1 reply) [–] vegito431 16 points 1 year agohe was our true saviorpermalink embed save parentload more comments (1 reply)load more comments (11 replies) [–] majesty86 34 points 1 year ago Harambe killed Nazis?permalink embed save parent [–] Bastard Of The North89 12 points 1 year ago Petition to replace BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein with Harambepermalink embed save parentload more comments (1 reply)load more comments (2 replies) [–] Kamigawa 20 points 1 year ago It's ok he's still alivepermalink embed save parentload more comments (2 replies)load more comments (1 reply) [–] Cynical_Lurker 157 points 1 year ago Dicks out for mein fuher. I'm with him Hitler didn't die for this shit.permalink embed save parent [–] Brigapes Sometimes i come here often 133 points 1 year ago TITS OR AUSCHWITZpermalink embed save parent [–] Lances AKing 50 points 1 year ago I choose tits. God, I wish any part of my life was as easy as that decision."
"docid": "D877498#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/cytokines/about\nCytokines",
"text": "Names.orgpopular trending lists Your Searches: <100 Cytokines Embed Cytokines Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Cytokines means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Cytokiness Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Fludarabine<100 Cyclophosphamide<100 Fludarbine<100 Cyctophoshamide<100 Tisageniecleucel<100 Flu<100 Apheresis<100 Eutuwq<100 Horstman<100 Embay<100 Shounen<100 Tisagenlecleucel How to Pronounce Cytokines Cytokines Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Cytokines? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Cytokines mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Cytokines Submit the origin and/or meaning of Cytokines to us below Origin of Cytokines Cytokines Means Cited Source Submit Wiktionaryplural of cytokine Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Cytokines How unique is the name Cytokines? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Cytokines was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Cytokines: Your name in reverse order is Senikotyc. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give Oetcykisn. How do you pronounce that?"
"docid": "D676833#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/donya/about\nDonya",
"text": "Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: 2k Donya Embed Donya Origin: Arabic Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Neutral First Name 2kin the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010Girls Boys On This Page Add what Donya means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons Named Donya Popularity by Year and Gender Regional Popularity Fun Facts What Donyas Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names5k Tawnya (More Popular)<100 Khawboonwan<100 Daunyai<100 Doniya<100 Donyaeh513 Donyae<100 Trakwan<100 Donoye<100 Etholina<100 Kamalrion<100 Doenya<100 Donyah7k Twyla3k Danya (More Popular)121k Tonya (More Popular)117k Tanya (More Popular)4k Taniyah (More Popular)5k Taniya (More Popular)How to Pronounce Donya Donya Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Donya? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Donya mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Donya Submit the origin and/or meaning of Donya to us below Origin of Donya Donya Means Cited Source Submit Wiktionary From Spanish doña, from Latin domina.madam, mistress Back to Top Notable Persons Named Donya Donya Feuer Donya was born on October 31st, 1934 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. She died on November 6th, 2011. Popularity: Back to Top Embed How popular is the baby name Donya in the U. S.? Click Here to Show Chart Data Back to Top Where is the name Donya popular? View popular names by state or region. Go Popularity of Donya as a first name The map shows the absolute popularity of the name Donya as a first name in each of the states. See other popular names in California, Texas, or Georgia ."
"docid": "D1743233#0",
"title": "http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/21-creative-ways-to-increase-your-facebook-fanbase/\n21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase",
"text": "21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase By Mari Smith April 27, 2010Share5K Tweet3K Share2K Pin 286 Buffer10KIf you build a Facebook Page, will fans come? This is the great hope for many businesses. However, fans do not magically appear from the Facebook mist. People must be lured to your fan page. And there are some good and bad ways to go about doing this. In this article, I’ll share a big myth and 21 ways to drive more fans to your Facebook fan page. ( Though Facebook recently changed the “Become A Fan” button to the new, omnipresent “Like” button – and a fan page is called a “Business Page” or “Facebook Page” – we can still call them fan pages and people who join are fans! ) The Big Myth There’s a great myth that once you create a Facebook fan page for your business, the first thing you should do toget fans is invite ALL your friends from your personal profile using the “Suggest to Friends” feature. Unfortunately, this strategy may not be that effective and can, in fact, often backfire. I have seen many industry gurus complain that when they decline a fan page request, it’s frustrating to continue to be asked again and again."
"docid": "D1810419#0",
"title": "http://www.npr.org/2013/12/29/258160192/the-fbi-investigator-who-coined-the-term-serial-killer\nThe FBI Investigator Who Coined The Term 'Serial Killer'",
"text": "\"Remembrances The FBI Investigator Who Coined The Term 'Serial Killer'Listen · 2:332:33Queue Download Embed Embed< iframe src=\"\"https://www.npr.org/player/embed/258160192/258178699\"\" width=\"\"100%\"\" height=\"\"290\"\" frameborder=\"\"0\"\" scrolling=\"\"no\"\" title=\"\"NPR embedded audio player\"\">Transcript December 29, 2013 5:13 PM ETHeard on All Things Considered Becky Sullivan Twitter Instagram Before turning the page on 2013, All Things Considered wanted to tell you stories you haven't heard — unknown stories about people you've heard of, and unknown people who have affected your lives in ways you can't imagine. Enlarge this image FBI investigator Robert Ressler pioneered the practice of criminal profiling and is credited with coining the term \"\"serial killer.\"\" He died on May 5. Paul Harris/Getty Images If you've heard the phrase \"\"serial killer,\"\" then you're familiar with the work of Robert Ressler. The FBI investigator actually wrote the book on criminology, during a career spent researching serial killers and other violent offenders. Ressler passed away earlier this year. \"\" There are people that are pretty good at this, and I would consider myself one of them, certainly,\"\" Ressler said in an NPR interview in 1997. By then, he had already retired from an FBI career that was both long and influential. Before he joined the bureau, Ressler's time in military and civilian law enforcement had piqued his curiosity about crimes that were tough to understand: violent, sometimes sexual and always seemingly irrational. So Ressler thought that by figuring out how — and why — those criminals worked, maybe the next time, police could better figure out who they were looking for."
"docid": "D2501666#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/avenger/about\nAvenger",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Avenger Embed Avenger Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Avenger means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Notable Persons Named Avenger Notable Persons With the Last Name Avenger Fun Facts What Avengers Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Usmaso<100 Naveer<100 Aventer<100 Ekdikitis49k Jaclyn<100 Messah<100 Berserker<100 Regneva918 Evia<100 Emasu<100 Avener234 Avner How to Pronounce Avenger Avenger Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Avenger? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Avenger mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Avenger Submit the origin and/or meaning of Avenger to us below Origin of Avenger Avenger Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun A*ven\"\"ger Senses One who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood. One who takes vengeance. ( Obs)Other Dictionary Sources Someone who takes vengeance Synonyms: retaliator Wiktionaryavenge + -er. One who avenges or vindicates an of blood One who takes vengeance.avenger was also found in the following language (s): Old French Back to Top Notable Persons Named Avenger Avenger Avenger is also known as Chandrasiri and Polkotuwage Lalindra Sanjeewa. Popularity: Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Avenger Crimson Avenger Crimson Avenger is a comics character. Popularity: The Toxic Avenger The Toxic Avenger is an electro house and dance-punk disc jockey and songwriter."
"docid": "D741431#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/jacobean/about\nJacobean",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular trending lists Your Searches: <100 Jacobean Embed Jacobean Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Jacobean means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Jacobeans Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Jahgohan<100 Jacobian (More Popular)<100 Fabyi<100 Maoko<100 Oluwashola<100 Namahana<100 Govindharaj<100 Scheer<100 Naphi<100 Ganson<100 Ufuoma5k Cassius How to Pronounce Jacobean Jacobean Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Jacobean? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Jacobean mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Jacobean Submit the origin and/or meaning of Jacobean to us below Origin of Jacobean Jacobean Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary adjective Of or pertaining to James the First, of England, or of his reign or times; especially, pertaining to a style of architecture and decoration popular in the time of James I.; as, Jacobean writers. Etymology: From L. Jacobus James. See 2d Jacknoun Jacobeanany distinguished personage during the reign of James I of England. Other Dictionary Sources Any distinguished personage during the reign of James IOf or relating to James I or his reign or times (\"\" Jacobean writers \"\")Wiktionary From New Latin Jacobaeus A partisan of James I and of the House of Stuart. Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Jacobean When was the first name Jacobean first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Jacobean is Tuesday, January 31st, 1905."
"docid": "D2627352#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/predi/about\nPredi",
"text": "Names.orgpopular trending lists Your Searches: <100 Predi Embed Predi Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010First Last On This Page Add what Predi means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Predis Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Prit (More Popular)<100 Pruitt (More Popular)<100 Pretty (More Popular)<100 Pride (More Popular)<100 Pratt (More Popular)200 Purity (More Popular)215 Prudy (More Popular)223 Preet (More Popular)240 Pierrette (More Popular)354 Prudie (More Popular)<100 Ashwantee<100 Yashwantee<100 Ambless<100 With<100 Siang<100 Shreshthi<100 Piscatella<100 Reyen<100 Vinaykumar<100 Dipti259 Priti (More Popular)360 Preeti (More Popular)How to Pronounce Predi Predi Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Predi? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Predi mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Predi Submit the origin and/or meaning of Predi to us below Origin of Predi Predi Means Cited Source Submit Alt. Meaning P is for perfection, it's what you seek. R is for rational, the way you think. E is for elegant, born within you. D is for dashing, the romantic you!I is for infinite, are your possibilities Back to Top Fun Facts about the name Predi How unique is the name Predi? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Predi was not present."
] |
636795 | what does embedded mean | [
"docid": "D1066458#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_system\nEmbedded system",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search An embedded system on a plug-in card with processor, memory, power supply, and external interfaces An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. [ 1] [2] It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today. [ 3] Ninety-eight percent of all microprocessors are manufactured as components of embedded systems. [ 4]Examples of properties of typical embedded computers when compared with general-purpose counterparts are low power consumption, small size, rugged operating ranges, and low per-unit cost. This comes at the price of limited processing resources, which make them significantly more difficult to program and to interact with. However, by building intelligence mechanisms on top of the hardware, taking advantage of possible existing sensors and the existence of a network of embedded units, one can both optimally manage available resources at the unit and network levels as well as provide augmented functions, well beyond those available. [ 5] For example, intelligent techniques can be designed to manage power consumption of embedded systems. [ 6]Modern embedded systems are often based on microcontrollers (i.e. CPU's with integrated memory or peripheral interfaces), [7] but ordinary microprocessors (using external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits) are also common, especially in more-complex systems. In either case, the processor (s) used may be types ranging from general purpose to those specialized in certain class of computations, or even custom designed for the application at hand."
] | [
"docid": "D813667#0",
"title": "http://chirblog.org/embedded-deductibles-and-how-they-work/\nEmbedded Deductibles: Source of Consumer Confusion",
"text": "Embedded Deductibles: Source of Consumer Confusion Posted on December 9, 2014 by Sandy Ahn Lately we’ve received a number of questions about embedded deductibles so we thought it would be helpful to talk about them with a wider audience. What are embedded deductibles, and how do they work? Before we start, let’s do a quick review on deductibles. As we’re sure many of you know, a deductible is the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your health insurance coverage pays for covered benefits. It’s pretty straightforward in an individual plan, but what about in a family plan? This is where an embedded deductible comes into play. Under family coverage, an embedded deductible is the individual deductible for each covered person, embedded in the family deductible. While it might not sound like a good thing to have two deductibles, it actually works to provide better coverage for individual members because once each family member meets his or her embedded deductible, health insurance begins paying for covered services, regardless of whether the larger family deductible is met. Contrast this to a non-embedded deductible, also referred to as an aggregate deductible. Under an aggregate deductible, the total family deductible must be paid out-of-pocket before health insurance starts paying for the health care services incurred by any family member."
"docid": "D187245#0",
"title": "http://www.regionfreedvd.net/region-codes.html\nWhat Blu-ray and DVD Region Codes Are",
"text": "What Blu-ray and DVD Region Codes Are Region Codes are pieces of data that are embedded into Blu-Ray and DVD Discs to act as a restriction. This data, or region code, is read by the player and if it doesn’t recognize the region code as compatible or local, the disc will not play. Since region codes are specific to certain geographical locations, a disc can typically only be read and played by a Blu-Ray or DVD Player that was manufactured and/or intended for use in that same specific region. In other words, if a disc is inserted into a player that originated from another region, it will not play because the region code does not match that of the player. Usually this doesn’t pose a problem to the average user, but it may for someone who has purchased discs from a foreign website or while visiting another country. For example, if you live in the UK and purchased a few DVD discs while on vacation in the United States, those discs are not going to be playable in your DVD Player back in the UK – since the discs have been embedded with a region code for the US, they are only able to play on a North American DVD System. It’s the same situation for nearly all areas of the world; playback depends on the region code which the disc was embedded with and the region where the player was manufactured. There are a handful of different reasons as to why region codes are used to restrict the playback of discs. The first and foremost reason is the fact that new films nearly always have different release dates (sometimes months apart) for different areas of the world. Movie production companies and movie studios (as well as the general box office) utilize region coding in an attempt to prevent losses that could be incurred if certain areas of the world had premature access to unreleased films."
"docid": "D3052991#0",
"title": "http://www.theroadmap.ualberta.ca/understandings/research/37-60\nIntroduction to Language 3 - 5 Years - Increasingly Adult-like Understanding and Use PrintResearch Review / Parent",
"text": "research Introduction to Language 3 - 5 Years - Increasingly Adult-like Understanding and Use Print Research Review / Parent Written by: Carrie Gotzke and Heather Sample Gosse, University of Alberta Between three and five years of age, children continue to make gains in both their understanding and their use of language. The size of their receptive and expressive vocabularies grows. Increased use of closed-class words and grammatical morphemes allows production of longer and more complex sentence structures in the preschool period. Children's phonological systems are further refined as they produce words with different syllable structures. Language continues to develop in the context of interaction with others. For information on this critical context, please refer to Interacting. Understanding and Using New Words - Ever-Increasing Vocabularies Preschoolers' receptive and expressive vocabularies continue to expand as they learn more nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. They also begin to understand and use more closed-class words such as prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and auxiliary verbs. Their growing vocabularies allow them to express themselves more clearly. Vocabulary Growth By age three, children have developed expressive vocabularies of between 900 and 1000 words (Apel & Masterson, 2001; Owens, 2001)."
"docid": "D1359180#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/matrix.htm\nMATRIX (matrices)",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » M » Materiality ... Matrix MATRIX (matrices)Pronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does matrix mean?• MATRIX (noun) The noun MATRIX has 5 senses:1. a rectangular array of elements (or entries) set out by rows and columns 2. an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb) 3. the body substance in which tissue cells are embedded 4. the formative tissue at the base of a nail 5. mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface Familiarity information: MATRIX used as a noun is common. Dictionary entry details• MATRIX (noun)Sense 1 matrix [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A rectangular array of elements (or entries) set out by rows and columns Classified under: Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects Hypernyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a kind of...):array (an orderly arrangement)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"matrix\"\"):correlation matrix (a matrix giving the correlations between all pairs of data sets)dot matrix (a rectangular matrix of dots from which written characters can be formed)square matrix (a matrix with the same number of rows and columns)real matrix (a matrix whose elements are all real numbers)transpose (a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix)Sense 2 matrix [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: An enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)Classified under: Nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)Hypernyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a kind of...):enclosure; natural enclosure (a naturally enclosed space)Sense 3 matrix [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The body substance in which tissue cells are embedded Classified under: Nouns denoting body parts Synonyms:ground substance; intercellular substance; matrix Hypernyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a kind of...):body substance (the substance of the body)Holonyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a part of...):bone; os (rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates)connective tissue (tissue of mesodermal origin consisting of e.g. collagen fibroblasts and fatty cells; supports organs and fills spaces between them and forms tendons and ligaments)cartilage; gristle (tough elastic tissue; mostly converted to bone in adults)Sense 4 matrix [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The formative tissue at the base of a nail Classified under: Nouns denoting body parts Hypernyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a kind of...):animal tissue (the tissue in the bodies of animals)Holonyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a part of...):nail (horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits)Sense 5 matrix [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects Hypernyms (\"\"matrix\"\" is a kind of...):cast; mold; mould (container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Handsome is as handsome does.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"In death, I am born.\"\" ( Native American proverb, Hopi) \"\"Don't ask the singer to sing until he wishes to sing by himself.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Misery enjoys company.\"\" ("
"docid": "D816905#0",
"title": "https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/embedded-development-qnx-or-linux\nEmbedded Development - QNX* or Linux*?",
"text": "\"Embedded Development - QNX* or Linux*? Published on March 9, 2009, updated January 1, 2015Translate Introduction By: Thomas W. Burger In the late 1990’s, the Web appliance was touted as the next “big thing”, a new device for an emerging market that would create a next generation of consumer IT giants. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada and the QNX 2000 International Technology Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia many vendors, large and small, showed off multiple visions of the future. Intel built a Web appliance based on Linux*. Microsoft partners made Web Companions based on a scaled down version of the Windows* CE operating system. Many others, like 3Com’s prototype and the Netpliance i Opener*, were based on QNX*. At that time Web appliances seemed the likely next step in consumer electronics. Simpler than PCs, they also offered far less functionality. At best they could be considered, as Ken Kalinoski, VP of development at Netpliance called it, a “Rich Client” device that required a dedicated and proprietary server to connect to. The subsequent lack of Web appliances on the shelves of Best Buy and Walmart showed that consumers did not want an appliance that could browse the Web and perform simple email tasks but could not do even simple word processing or store data. Web devices were being sold at less than cost in anticipation of service revenues that never came. Consumers also did not like the idea of being tied to a specific service provider."
"docid": "D927791#0",
"title": "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51014426_The_self_as_embedded_agent\nThe self as embedded agent",
"text": "\"See all ›29 Citations See all ›60 References Download citation Share Download full-text PDFThe self as embedded agent Article (PDF Available) in Minds and Machines 13 (2) · May 2003 with 47 Reads DOI: 10.1023/A:1022997315561 · Source: OAICite this publication Chris Dobbyn6.57 The Open University (UK)Susan Stuart14.93 University of Glasgow Abstract In this paper we consider the concept of a self-aware agent. In cognitive science agents are seen as embodied and interactively situated in worlds. We analyse the meanings attached to these terms in cognitive science and robotics, proposing a set of conditions for situatedness and embodiment, and examine the claim that internal representational schemas are largely unnecessary for intelligent behaviour in animats. We maintain that current situated and embodied animats cannot be ascribed even minimal self-awareness, and offer a six point definition of embeddedness, constituting minimal conditions for the evolution of a sense of self. This leads to further analysis of the nature of embodiment and situatedness, and a consideration of whether virtual animats in virtual worlds could count as situated and embodied. We propose that self-aware agents must possess complex structures of self-directed goals; multi-modal sensory systems and a rich repertoire of interactions with their worlds. Finally, we argue that embedded agents will possess or evolve local co-ordinate systems, or points of view, relative to their current positions in space and time, and have a capacity to develop an egocentric space. None of these capabilities are possible without powerful internal representational capacities. Discover the world's research14+ million members100+ million publications700k+ research projects Join for free Full-text (PDF)Available from: Susan Stuart, May 07, 2015Download full-text PDFThe Self as an Em bedded Agent CHRIS DOBBYN 1 and SUSAN S TUAR T 21 Department of Computing, The Open University, W alton Hall, Milton K eynes, MK7 6AA, UK;E-mail: [email protected] Department of Philosophy, Unive rsity of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK; E-mail: S. [email protected] ts.gla.ac. uk Abstract."
"docid": "D3493566#0",
"title": "http://users.ece.utexas.edu/%7Evalvano/Volume1/E-Book/C7_DesignDevelopment.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Chapter 7: Design and Development Jonathan Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi In this chapter, we will begin by presenting a general approach to modular design. In specific, we will discuss how to organize software blocks in an effective manner. The ultimate success of an embedded system project depends both on its software and hardware. Computer scientists pride themselves in their ability to develop quality software. Similarly electrical engineers are well-trained in the processes to design both digital and analog electronics. Manufacturers, in an attempt to get designers to use their products, provide application notes for their hardware devices. The main objective of this class is to combine effective design processes together with practical software techniques in order to develop quality embedded systems. As the size and especially the complexity of the software increase, the software development changes from simple \"\"coding\"\" to \"\"software engineering\"\", and the required skills also vary along this spectrum. These software skills include modular design, layered architecture, abstraction, and verification. Real-time embedded systems are usually on the small end of the size scale, but never the less these systems can be quite complex."
"docid": "D3065210#0",
"title": "https://sqlperformance.com/2013/08/t-sql-queries/parameter-sniffing-embedding-and-the-recompile-options\nParameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options",
"text": "\"Parameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options August 28, 2013 by Paul White in SQL Optimizer, SQL Performance, SQL Plan, T-SQL Queries | 21 Comments Parameter Sniffing Query parameterization promotes the reuse of cached execution plans, thereby avoiding unnecessary compilations, and reducing the number of ad-hoc queries in the plan cache. These are all good things, provided the query being parameterized really ought to use the same cached execution plan for different parameter values. An execution plan that is efficient for one parameter value may not be a good choice for other possible parameter values. When parameter sniffing is enabled (the default), SQL Server chooses an execution plan based on the particular parameter values that exist at compilation time. The implicit assumption is that parameterized statements are most commonly executed with the most common parameter values. This sounds reasonable enough (even obvious) and indeed it often works well. A problem can occur when an automatic recompilation of the cached plan occurs. A recompilation may be triggered for all sorts of reasons, for example because an index used by the cached plan has been dropped (a correctness recompilation) or because statistical information has changed (an optimality recompile). Whatever the exact cause of the plan recompilation, there is a chance that an atypical value is being passed as a parameter at the time the new plan is generated. This can result in a new cached plan (based on the sniffed atypical parameter value) that is not good for the majority of executions for which it will be reused."
"docid": "D3369822#0",
"title": "http://www.coderanch.com/t/591607/ORM/databases/Mapping-JPA-Entity-View\nMapping JPA Entity with a View",
"text": "\"Forum: Object Relational Mapping Mapping JPA Entity with a View R. Jain Ranch Hand Posts: 3751I like...posted 5 years ago Hello, I have a requirement where I need to create a View from multiple tables and map that view with a JPA Entity.. I know the general way of mapping an entity with a table with @Entity and @Table annotations, but I can't understand how to do it with Views.. The problem here may be because View does not generally have a primary key (And that is what happens in my case), but a JPA Entity requires a Primary key.. Can anyone help me or give me some useful link? E Armitage Rancher Posts: 9899posted 5 years ago The JPA solution is really most applicable when you need to do updates and I doubt you'll make those views updatable. For this I'd execute a native sql query and manually map the data to non entity POJOs. Bill Gorder Bartender Posts: 16827I like...posted 5 years ago You can do what E Armitage suggested. Alternatively if you do want to define an Entity for the view, JPA requires a primary key for each entity, so in this case you would handle it the same way you would handle a table without a key. James had a link in his Wiki here on it: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence/Identity_and_Sequencing#No_Primary_Key If there are multiple columns on the view that do make a row unique you can look at using @Id Class or @Embedded Id [ How To Ask Questions ] [ Read before you PM me]R. Jain Ranch Hand Posts: 3751I like...posted 5 years ago E Armitage wrote: The JPA solution is really most applicable when you need to do updates and I doubt you'll make those views updatable. For this I'd execute a native sql query and manually map the data to non entity POJOs. Hello Armitage, Can i know what difference does it make when we use em.create Query () against em.create Native Query I tried to write one and saw that there is of course a difference in writing a Query String for both of them like below: - create Query (\"\"SELECT b FROM Book b); create Native Query (\"\"SELECT * FROM Book); When should we use Native Query?? R. Jain Ranch Hand Posts: 3751I like...posted 5 years ago Bill Gorder wrote: You can do what E Armitage suggested. Alternatively if you do want to define an Entity for the view, JPA requires a primary key for each entity, so in this case you would handle it the same way you would handle a table without a key."
"docid": "D3292993#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_do_you_mean_when_you_say_Embed_Video\nWhat does it mean to embed a video?",
"text": "\"Hank W. 26,127 Contributions What does it mean to embed a video? That's to make it part of a web page. Flyinpc 96 Contributions How do you embed videos?here is the solution of downloading, share and embedding videos from youtube, actually here is the sites, that's providing You Tube videos, with free sharing and downloading fe …Jim Amatucci 20 Contributions How do you embed video in a web page? The simplest way to embed a video: If you have your own video, create a free account on You Tube or Vidiopia, upload your video then grab the embed code on the video's page. Si …Flyinpc 96 Contributions What do you mean when you say Embed HTML?here is an example http://funny-video-youtube.blogspot.com Anyway, you can also try to google the solution to your question. How. If you want to add video to website, you nee …Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions I have spent many years renovating buildings and leading a commercial handyman crew. What does embed mean? It means to place within a group. Sylvie Lemieux 13 Contributions Love Word Press How do you embed You Tube videos in Wordpress?"
"docid": "D1294496#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-an-embedded-domain-specific-language\nWhat is an embedded domain-specific language?",
"text": "\"An embedded domain-specific language (e DSL) is a domain-specific language that's defined in terms of a more powerful general-purpose \"\"host language\"\". The advantage is that the DSL can piggy back on the infrastructure of the host language (parsing, typechecking, modularity... etc) and the host language can be used for metaporgramming (ie writing programs that manipulate programs in the DSL). Since the DSL is specified in terms of normal language constructs, the distinction between an embedded DSL and a normal library in the language is aesthetic in nature. A reasonable way to think of an embedded DSL is as a library whose API can usefully be thought of as a language ¹. Domain-Specific Languages To understand this in detail, we first need to understand what domain-specific languages are in general. A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language designed for working with a narrow domain rather than for general-purpose programming. A lot of different kinds of languages make up DSLs:languages that don't specify computation like HTML, CSS and various configuration formats. These often specify data or static information (ie an HTML layout); any dynamic behavior is part of the system, not specified in the language (ie how HTML reflows is controlled by the browser rather than specified in HTML ).languages that are limited in power like SQL (without extensions), Datalog and regular expressions. Not being Turing-complete opens the door for deeper static analysis and better optimization while also preventing whole classes of bugs.languages that should have been limited in power like SQL (with extensions) and C++ templates. Turns out that Turing-completeness is wily and sneaks in if you're not careful!languages that run on things other than CPUs like GLSL (for graphics cards) and Verilog for describing hardware circuits.languages designed with a specific application in mind like Matlab and Mathematica. This is a bit contentious because you could also reasonably describe them as general-purpose languages, but in practice they're only used in a specific domain thanks to their design rather than hard technical limitations."
"docid": "D1135712#0",
"title": "http://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org/press-releases/thp_embedded.html\n.",
"text": "\"Featured on Recommended List U. S. Army Conveniently Loses Records of Embedded Christian-Reality-TV-Show Missionaries Friday, January 16, 2009By Chris Rodda After I wrote a piece here back in December exposing the U. S. Army's participation in the Christian reality TV show Travel the Road, the organization I work for, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), was contacted by ABC News Nightline. The seven minute segment about Travel the Road that aired on Nightline on Monday night briefly mentioned MRFF's allegations of the U. S. military's violations in the production of the Travel the Road episodes filmed in Afghanistan, with the majority of the segment being taken up by clips from the series and interviews with its stars, Tim Scott and Will Decker, two evangelical Christian missionaries who travel to remote, and often dangerous, parts of the world to fulfill their two part mission to \"\"1. Vigorously spread the gospel to people who are either cut off from active mission work, or have never heard the gospel,\"\" and \"\"2. Produce dynamic media content to display the life of missions, and thus, through these episodic series electrify a new generation to accomplish the Great Commission,\"\" the mandate from Matthew 28:19 to \"\"Go and make disciples of all nations. \"\" The last three episodes of the second season of Travel the Road were filmed in Afghanistan, with the aid and participation of the U. S. Army. Multiple violations of military regulations, Department of Defense regulations governing embedded journalists, and the laws of Afghanistan were evident in these episodes of the series, which airs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and, according to a Travel the Road publication, is viewed by more than three million people worldwide. The part about the missionaries being embedded with U. S. troops is at about 4:15 into the Nightline segment. In an accompanying article on the ABC News website, \"\"Missionaries Face Death, Criticism to Preach,\"\" the missionaries confirmed what MRFF had suspected -- that the U. S. Army was fully aware that these were missionaries, not journalists, and that they were there to proselytize Afghan citizens and film their activities for a Christian reality TV show. Yet the Army, in complete disregard of the procedures, vetting process, and credential requirements for embedding journalists, allowed them to be embedded. Not only were they allowed to be embedded, but somehow managed to do this with none of the prior arrangements required by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (OASD (PA)."
"docid": "D2665535#0",
"title": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4284421/what-is-the-meaning-of-erb\n.",
"text": "\"Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Email Sign Upor sign in with Google Facebook What is the meaning of erb? Ask Questionup vote107down votefavorite23Why is the view of Rails application in the format *.erb.html? What does \"\"erb\"\" mean?ruby-on-rails ruby erbshare improve this questionedited Nov 28 '10 at 22:43Andrew Grimm40.9k 30 149 263asked Nov 26 '10 at 10:25khanh1,910 9 21 45add a comment6 Answers active oldest votesup vote138down voteerb stands for \"\"Embedded Ru By\"\". A .html.erb or .erb.html file is HTML with Ruby code embedded in; Rails will evaluate the Ruby to add content to the file dynamically, and will output a \"\"pure\"\" HTML file for rendering.share improve this answeranswered Nov 26 '10 at 10:28Chowlett32.1k 14 92 1271Do you have a source? – meagar ♦ Nov 27 '10 at 2:573@meagar ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/erb/rdoc/classes/ERB.html – Michael Kohl Nov 27 '10 at 9:138Bonus: you can also add your locale to the mix: index.en.html.erb and index.de.html.erb – iain Nov 30 '10 at 23:192lame, they should remove the html. u don't see html.php – Ashton Morgan Oct 22 '16 at 23:26add a commentup vote38down vote+50As @Chowlett mentioned before, erb stands for Embedded Ruby. When you define any file as \"\".html.erb\"\" that means it's an HTML file with ruby code embedded in it and it is similar to \"\".rhtml\"\" extension of rails file. You can see a detailed and nice difference between \"\".html.erb\"\" and \"\".rhtml\"\" Click Here Same as \"\".rhtml\"\", you can also rename \"\".rjs\"\" extension to \"\".js.erb\"\" or \"\".rxml\"\" to \"\".xml.erb\"\"This format separates out content type from template engine which is \"\"erb\"\" in this case.share improve this answeranswered Nov 30 '10 at 6:13Nimesh Nikum1,549 10 131Thanks @khanh for appreciating my answer :) – Nimesh Nikum Dec 2 '10 at 5:21add a commentup vote4down votefrom template-format A file that contains an ERB template may have any name, but it is the convention that the name of file should end with the .erb extension. Rails requires template files to have the extension of the output type, followed by .erb, so that a name like layout.html.erb indicates a HTML template.erb files will simply output text."
"docid": "D3207941#0",
"title": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/help/7277283.stm\nYour guide to the BBC Embedded Media Player",
"text": "\"What is the BBC Embedded Media Player? Why are there two types of BBC Player on the site? What is the difference between the embedded and pop-up players? How do I navigate around the service? How do I get the service? How do I watch video or listen to audio? Find out more about embedding BBC video on non-BBC sites and blogs Why has the 24-hour BBC News Channel changed? I'm outside the UK, why can't I access some clips? I'm outside the UK, why do I see advertisements? I'm in the UK but I am being told that content is not available in my territory I'm using a 3G card from a mobile network operator and am being told that content is not available in my territory Problems with my Adobe Flash player?"
"docid": "D162015#0",
"title": "http://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/816/c-vs-the-arduino-language\nC++ vs. The Arduino Language?",
"text": "\"_Arduino Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top C++ vs. The Arduino Language?up vote58down votefavorite27What are the advantages of each language when using the Arduino? I'm thinking this is a good general question, but I'll add a bit about why I'm asking if anyone wants to give me a tip. I'm experienced in preprocessed languages like Java Script, PHP, and have fiddled with languages like Java and Visual Basic. In other words I know programming techniques and both classical and prototypal object orientation, but nothing about communicating directly with hardware. I'm making an octocopter, and am thinking that an object oriented approach will be the easiest. ( The software will have very many features...) However I have never written in C++. Since this is a Q&A site that's supposed to help others, only the general question presented at the beginning is of much importance, but I'd appreciate any comments on my situation.c++ arduino-ideshare improve this questionasked Mar 19 '14 at 14:34Friend of Kim553 1 10 1512Avoid Arduino IDE as it does not deserve its IDE name, it is even a very poor editor: it may be good for beginners and simple sketches but one should rapidly go to something better . – jfpoilpret Mar 20 '14 at 0:224This is a fairly succinct breakdown of what is meant by (and what's actually under the hood of) the \"\"Arduino Programming Language.\"\" – Adjunct Professor Falcon Nov 15 '15 at 22:217C++ vs. The Arduino Language? -"
"docid": "D3537330#0",
"title": "http://www.iotevolutionworld.com/iot/articles/429462-iot-evolution-expo-interview-gemalto-drops-gems-esim.htm\nIoT Evolution Expo Interview: Gemalto Drops Gems on eSim Technology",
"text": "Io T Evolution Expo Interview: Gemalto Drops Gems on e Sim Technology By Carl Ford February 07, 2017Juniper Research has recognized Gemalto as an Io T technology leader for the industrial and consumer Io T markets, and the company is exhibiting at the Io T Evolution Expo this week to show off some of those award-winning goodies. Juniper predicted strong growth for e SIMs and remote subscription management platforms, a sector where Gemalto has a strong history of success. A new generation of connected devices will require a new kind of subscriber identity module (SIM). Io T Evolution’s Carl Ford had a chance to chat with Juan Carlos Lazcano, VP, M2M and Io T, Gemalto North America, about the significance of e Sim technology for the Io T. Io T Evolution: Why do we need e SIMs? JC Lazcano: Historically, the job of the SIM was to securely store the subscriber’s identity when the device connected to the network. Security was paramount, so operators made SIMs hard to access physically and very hard to hack. This worked in an era of mobile phones and voice, but it’s not so good for cars, meters and other machine-to-machine (M2M) devices. It’s equally unsuited to new connected consumer products like watches, wearables and toys. Io TE: What is the solution? JCL: In October 2013, the leading operator trade organization, the GSMA, revealed it was developing a new kind of SIM that could be soldered in place and then programmed to connect remotely to a chosen carrier network."
"docid": "D652486#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms535258(v=vs.85).aspx\n<iframe>: The Inline Frame element",
"text": "\"The HTML Inline Frame element ( <iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. You can include any number of <iframe> elements within a document, each of which embeds another document inside <body> of a page. Each embedded browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The topmost browsing context—the one without a parent—is usually the browser window, represented by the Window object. Because each embedded browsing content created by <iframe> is itself a complete document environment, every use of <iframe> within a page can cause substantial increases in the amount of memory and other computing resources required by the document overall, so while theoretically you can use as many <iframes> as you like on a page, you should keep the potential for performance issues in mind. Content categories Flow content, phrasing content, embedded content, interactive content, palpable content. Permitted content Fallback content, i.e. content that is normally not rendered, but that browsers not supporting the <iframe> element will render. Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory. Permitted parents Any element that accepts embedded content."
"docid": "D270270#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/porphyritic_rock.htm\nPORPHYRITIC ROCK",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » P » Populus Tremula ... Port Moresby PORPHYRITIC ROCKPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does porphyritic rock mean?• PORPHYRITIC ROCK (noun) The noun PORPHYRITIC ROCK has 1 sense:1. any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals Familiarity information: PORPHYRITIC ROCK used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• PORPHYRITIC ROCK (noun)Sense 1 porphyritic rock [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals Classified under: Nouns denoting substances Synonyms:porphyritic rock; porphyry Hypernyms (\"\"porphyritic rock\"\" is a kind of...):igneous rock (rock formed by the solidification of molten magma)Meronyms (substance of \"\"porphyritic rock\"\"):groundmass (the matrix of fine-grained crystalline material in which larger crystals are embedded)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"What goes up must come down.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Beauty without virtue is a curse.\"\" ( Azerbaijani proverb) \"\"People follow the winner.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Hasty speed is rarely good\"\" (Dutch proverb)PORPHYRINPORPHYRIOPORPHYRIO PORPHYRIOPORPHYRITICPORPHYRITIC ROCKPORPHYRULAPORPHYRULA MARTINICAPORPHYRYPORPOISEPORPOISE OILEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does spiff mean » infernal » what does seduce mean » bulldog ant » what does chicago mean Page delivered in 0.0389 seconds \""
"docid": "D2945046#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-switching\nCode-switching",
"text": "\"This article is about alternating between two or more languages in speech. For other uses, see Code-switching (disambiguation). Sociolinguistics Key concepts Code-switching Diglossia Language change Language ideology Language planning Multilingualism Prestige Areas of study Accent Dialect Register Discourse analysis Language varieties Linguistic description Pragmatics Variation People Sociolinguists Related fields Applied linguistics Historical linguistics Linguistic anthropology Sociocultural linguistics Sociology of language Category Linguistics portalv t e Linguistics Theoretical Cognitive Constraint-based Generative Structuralist Quantitative Functional theories of grammar Phonology Morphology Morphophonology Syntax Lexis Semantics Pragmatics Graphemics Orthography Semiotics Descriptive Anthropological Comparative Historical Etymology Graphetics Phonetics Sociolinguistics Cherology Applied and experimental Computational Contrastive Evolutionary Forensic Internet Language acquisition Second-language acquisition Language assessment Language development Language education Linguistic anthropology Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics Related articles History of linguistics Linguistic prescription List of linguists Unsolved linguistics problems Origin of language Origin of speech Linguistics portalv t e In linguistics, code-switching occurs when a speaker alternates between two or more languages, or language varieties, in the context of a single conversation. Multilinguals, speakers of more than one language, sometimes use elements of multiple languages when conversing with each other. Thus, code-switching is the use of more than one linguistic variety in a manner consistent with the syntax and phonology of each variety. Code-switching is distinct from other language contact phenomena, such as borrowing, pidgins and creoles, loan translation (calques), and language transfer (language interference). Borrowing affects the lexicon, the words that make up a language, while code-switching takes place in individual utterances. [ 1] [2] [3] Speakers form and establish a pidgin language when two or more speakers who do not speak a common language form an intermediate, third language. On the other hand, speakers practice code-switching when they are each fluent in both languages. Code mixing is a thematically related term, but the usage of the terms code-switching and code-mixing varies."
"docid": "D2170360#0",
"title": "http://www.iep.utm.edu/pejorati/\nPejorative Language",
"text": "\"Pejorative Language Some words can hurt. Slurs, insults, and swears can be highly offensive and derogatory. Some theorists hold that the derogatory capacity of a pejorative word or phrase is best explained by the content it expresses. In opposition to content theories, deflationism denies that there is any specifically derogatory content expressed by pejoratives. As noun phrases, ‘insult’ and ‘slur’ refer to symbolic vehicles designed by convention to derogate targeted individuals or groups. When used as verb phrases, ‘insult’ and ‘slur’ refer to actions performed by agents (Anderson and Lepore 2013b). Insulting or slurring someone does not require the use of language. Many different kinds of paralinguistic behavior could be used to insult (verb) or slur (verb) a targeted individual. Slamming a door in an interlocutor’s face is one way to insult them. Another way would be to sneer at them."
] |
636798 | what does emcp stand for | [
"docid": "D1319718#0",
"title": "https://www.acronymattic.com/Enhanced-Malaria-Control-Programme-(EMCP).html\nWhat does EMCP stand for?",
"text": "Tweet What does EMCP stand for? EMCP stands for Enhanced Malaria Control Programme Advertisement: This definition appears very rarely See other definitions of EMCPOther Resources: Acronym Finder has 10 verified definitions for EMCPTweet Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer« Previous Next »Eastern Mediterranean Center for Oceanography and Limnology Eastern Mediterranean Centre for Oceanography and Limnologyelectric meter company of nigeria Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations Plan Environmental Management Center Opportunities Resource Enthusiasts Motor Club of Stonehouse Environmental Minor Construction and Operation and Services Environmental Minor Construction and Operations and Services Emergency Management Communications Plan Energy Management Control Process Enhanced Malaria Control Project Enterprise Manager Configuration Plug Environmental Management and Construction Plan Environmental Management Cooperation Programmeergo mobil coolng pltfrm Ergonomic Mobile Cooling Platform Expenditure Management and Control Program Expenditure Management and Control Programme Export Management Compliance Program Extendible Municipal Commercial Paper Samples in periodicals archive: One health sub centre has been established for every 5000 population in rural area; Enhanced Malaria Control Programme (EMCP) was taken up in 1997. Insecticide treated mosquito nets for malaria control in India-; under the Enhanced Malaria Control Programme. The National Programme allocated 25,000 mosquito Recently under the World Bank-aided Enhanced Malaria Control Programme (EMCP), ITNs have been advocated to control malaria in rural areas. To assess the Enhanced Malaria Control Programme (EMCP) was taken up in 1997. Only one block i.e Pallahara has been included in EMCP. Spray of DDT, door to door surveillance... Dr. Amarendra Mahapatra; During this period as a consultant social sciences, I was looking after 7 states of the Enhanced malaria Control programme. Enhanced Malaria Control Programme (EMCP) reduces Malaria incidence among tribal population in Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh Malaria and National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme; The National Vector Borne Disease Control; in the form of Enhanced Malaria Control Programme ... EMCP Enhanced Malaria Control Programme EMP Environment Management Plan FTD Fever Treatment Depot GOI Government of India GTZ... After the successful implementation of Enhanced Malaria Control Programme in 100 districts in India, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme... Bank-assisted Enhanced Malaria Control Programme in 1997 were largely successful, bringing down the incidence of malaria in both the project area and nearby villages, at The Malaria control program was launched in the district in 1964 and Enhanced Malaria Control Programme was; The health service delivery in Balasore is mainly... Malaria Deaths in Rajasthan Desert; was the launching of Enhanced Malaria Control Programme Project (EMCP) launched by the government with 'exter... An alternative explanation for the breakdown in the association between El Niño and epidemics is due to the enhanced malaria control programme since 1945. Artemisinine derivatives for treatment of severe and complicated malaria in the malaria hard-core areas through Enhanced Malaria Control Programme ... EMCP Enhanced Malaria Control Programme EMP Environment Management Plan FTD Fever Treatment Depot GOI Government of India GTZ Gesellschaft...4. From 1999 to 2000 Served as a Consultant Social Science-World Bank- in the Enhanced Malaria Control Programme at NAMP, Delhi, on deputation.functioning in Madhya Pradesh under Enhanced Malaria Control Programme (EMCP)."
] | [
"docid": "D311350#0",
"title": "http://www.gixxer.com/forums/17-srads-97-00-600-96-99-750/46360-what-does-srad-really-stand.html\n.",
"text": "\"post #1 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-07-2005, 03:34 PM Thread Starterskidmark I Love Item 9Join Date: Jan 2001Location: Vancouver Motorcycle: GSXR 7/10 Posts: 13,426What does SRAD really stand for? What does SRAD really stand for? This question gets asked a lot... so now here is the answer... \"\"S\"\"uzuki - \"\"R\"\"apes - \"\"A\"\"ll - \"\"D\"\"ucatis comes from the days when Chili ripped it up in WSB on the 7-fiddy sexual Attached Images File Type: jpg 1395007-suz-gsxr750-99-bikepics-10921.jpg (96.3 KB, 4703 views)Last edited by skidmark; 04-26-2006 at 12:53 AM .skidmark is offline Quote Quick Replypost #2 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-08-2005, 01:50 AMspongebob!##NULL##!Join Date: Mar 2002Posts: 16,404Re: What does SRAD stand for?hmmm id like to be the tank protector on that bikespongebob is offline Quote Quick Replypost #3 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-08-2005, 10:44 AMJohny Cakesloves oldgixxer and Anthony DJoin Date: Mar 2003Location: Long Island New York Motorcycle: 2012 Harley Davidson Road Glide Custom 2007 Yamaha Raptor 700R/ AK's, AR's, M4's Posts: 12,611Re: What does SRAD stand for? Good post Mark... I was tired of seeing all the posts asking what SRAD REALLY stood for....now they know Johny Cakes is offline Quote Quick Replypost #4 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-08-2005, 12:37 PMnight ryder Superbike Join Date: Nov 2003 Motorcycle: 02 1000, 03 600 Posts: 9,693Re: What does SRAD stand for?night ryder is offline Quote Quick Replypost #5 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-13-2005, 11:09 AMG750SRAD1000SRADProvisional Novice Join Date: May 2004Location: N Y C Motorcycle: 92' GSX-R 1100 Blue/White, 96' GSX-R 750 Yellow/Brown & 03' GSX-R 1000 Silver Posts: 163Re: What does SRAD stand for? Suzuki Ram Air Direct G750SRAD1000SRAD is offline Quote Quick Replypost #6 of 89 ( permalink )Old 02-14-2005, 07:54 AM97srad4life Provisional Novice Join Date: Jun 2004Location: Suffolk, Va Motorcycle: 03 Busa Posts: 184Re: What does SRAD stand for? I like that, Srads are the best.t97srad4life is offline Quote Quick Replypost #7 of 89 ( permalink )Old 03-10-2005, 12:07 PMBAGZProvisional Novice Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Okinawa, Japan Motorcycle: 2008 GSXR 1000 Black/Matte Black Posts: 134Re: What does SRAD stand for?love that paint scheme on the team suzuki, but i think it stands for: suzki's racing at dragstrips... BAGZ is offline Quote Quick Replypost #8 of 89 ( permalink )Old 03-17-2005, 04:38 PMFission Squid Join Date: Mar 2005Posts: 16Re: What does SRAD stand for?i just bought my gsxr750, were 96-99 the only SRAD's? or do the new ones have it too? Fission is offline Quote Quick Replypost #9 of 89 ( permalink )Old 03-17-2005, 05:23 PMnight ryder Superbike Join Date: Nov 2003 Motorcycle: 02 1000, 03 600 Posts: 9,693Re: What does SRAD stand for? Quote:i just bought my gsxr750, were 96-99 the only SRAD's? or do the new ones have it too?"
"docid": "D259820#0",
"title": "https://www.bis.doc.gov/\n.",
"text": "\"Would you like to... Select from the list below: Exporter Portal Everything you need to know about exporting Export Control Reform Export Control Reform -- Teleconferences and Webinars In The News BIS Newsroom Consolidated Screening List The following list may be relevant to your export or reexport transaction Report Violations Reporting Possible Violations Seminars March 7-8, Portland, ORComplying with U. S. Export Controls This two-day program is led by BIS's professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The program will cover the information exporters need to know to comply with U. S. export control requirements on commercial goods. We will focus on what items and activities are subject to the EAR; steps to take to determine the export licensing requirements for your item; how to determine your export control classification number (ECCN); when you can export or re-export without applying for a license; export clearance procedures and record keeping requirements. Presenters will conduct a number of \"\"hands-on\"\" exercises that will prepare you to apply the regulations to your own company's export activities. This program is well suited for those who need a comprehensive understanding of their obligations under the EAR. Continuing legal education credit (MCLE) is available, and varies with the length of each seminar, for California State Bar members. View Event Details March 20-21, Nashville, TNComplying with U. S. Export Controls The two-day program is led by BIS's professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The program will cover the information exporters need to know to comply with U. S. export control requirements on commercial goods. We will focus on what items and activities are subject to the EAR; steps to take to determine the export licensing requirements for your item; how to determine your export control classification number (ECCN); when you can export or reexport without applying for a license; export clearance procedures and record keeping requirements; and real life examples in applying this information. Presenters will conduct a number of \"\"hands-on\"\" exercises that will prepare you to apply the regulations to your own company's export activities."
"docid": "D826970#0",
"title": "https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+ioe+stand+for+in+medical+terms/\nWhat does ioe stand for in medical terms",
"text": "Search Now What does ioe stand for in medical terms What does ioe stand for in medical terms keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website Search Domain Search Email Keyword Suggestions Bing Yahoo Google Amazone Wiki What does ipe stand for in medical terms What does io stand for in medical terms What does eoe stand for in medical terms What does ie stand for in medical terms What does ide stand for in medical terms What does oe stand for in medical terms What does ioe stand for in medical terms What does ice stand for in medical terms Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords )Most Searched Keywords What does iob mean on ebay 1 Mbafightsfraud.net 2 Family-nudism.net 3Bestgolfacademy.cz 4 Ddcyz.com 5 Sstfund.com 6 Pacho.com 7Bicycletournetwork.org 8 Metro-inet.net 9 Egyptsunshine.net 10Happypainting.de 11 Lvaneski.tk 12 Careersncourses.com 13Models-world.com 14 Cpmow.ru 15 Ria-stk.ru 16Baptist medical center 17 Horoscopes california psychics 18Werner extension ladder replacement parts 19Kawasaki vulcan 1500 classic review 20Domains Actived Recently1960fp.net Adfs.washburn.edu Arcticairincsc.com Blog.washburn.edu D2l.com D2l.washburn.edu D2l.washburn.edu.ipaddress.com Dnstools.com Globalsuperyachtforum.com Ipprocurement.com.cutestat.com Keyword-suggest-tool.com Last.fm Lyrics.com Novochoro.hotelesalbufeira.com Okwt.swagelok.com Redhorseproducts.com Shopandlog.com Strozzina.org Villagefamilypractice.com Websites Listing We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with what does ioe stand for in medical terms on Search Engine› What is ioe› What does my stand for› What does usa stand for Medi-cal.ca.gov Contact Medi-Cal Contact Medi-Cal Skip ... Medi-Cal offers a full-service billing assistance and training program for medical service ... The contact page ...http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/contact.asp Verified Cioxhealth.com Medical Records Jobs | Ciox Health Join Ciox Health and help to build greater health for a brighter future. See positions in medical records, retrieval, coding, abstraction and more.https://www.cioxhealth.com/careers Verified Cilawgroup.com USCIS Receipt Numbers Explained (LIN, SRC, EAC, WAC, IOE ... USCIS Receipt Numbers Explained (LIN, SRC, EAC, ... “Capitol Immigration Law Group helped me navigate my work visa as well as ... Capitol Immigration Law Group PLLChttps://www.cilawgroup.com/news/2015/06/04/uscis-receipt-numbers-explained-lin-src-eac-wac-ioe/ Verified Healthit.gov Definition and Benefits of Electronic Medical Records (EMR ... Get Email Updates; Contact; Federal Advisory ... What Is an Electronic Medical Record ... For more information about electronic medical records and the ...https://www.healthit.gov/providers-professionals/electronic-medical-records-emr Verified Constantcontact.com Constant Contact - Official Site With Constant Contact, you can create effective email marketing and other online marketing campaigns to meet your business goals. Start your FREE trial today!https://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp Verified Medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com PTI | definition of PTI by Medical dictionary Looking for online definition of PTI in the Medical Dictionary? PTI explanation free. What is PTI? Meaning of PTI medical term. What does PTI mean?http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/PTI Verified Abbreviations.com What does EOE stand for? - Abbreviations.com We've got 32 definitions for EOE » What does EOE stand for? What does EOE mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: EOE.https://www.abbreviations.com/EOE Verified Allacronyms.com What does PNA stand for in Medical category? -"
"docid": "D2796881#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_D_in_D-Day_stand_for\nWhat does D in D-Day stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History War and Military History World War 2 D-Day What does D in D-Day stand for? Flag What does D in D-Day stand for? Answer by Davesewell Confidence votes 146What does the \"\"D\"\" in D-Day stand for? The \"\"D\"\" does not stand for \"\"Deliverance\"\", \"\"Doom\"\", \"\"Debarkation\"\" or similar words. In fact, it does not stand for anything. The \"\"D\"\" is derived from the word \"\"Day\"\". \"\" D-Day\"\" means the day on which a military operation begins. The term \"\"D-Day\"\" has been used for many different operations, but it is now generally only used to refer to the Allied landings in Normandy on 6 June 1944. Why was the expression \"\"D-Day\"\" used? When a military operation is being planned, its actual date and time is not always known exactly."
"docid": "D746989#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_the_H_mean_on_womens_shoe_size-qna548086.html\n.",
"text": "\"Size Shoe Size Q What does the h mean on womens shoe size? Sketchers shoes in uk sizes converted in the shoe sizes in the phillipines Asked by: Denny Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions The H is the width of the shoe. In the UK, a H would usually be found on a man`s shoe, but on a woman`s shoe, a H would have to be a German ... read more Hello, the sizes is depends on the country, like US sizes, or UK sizes of the shoes, for better understand about the sizes try to look at th ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Anonymous7 2 The \"\"h\"\" stands for \"\"half\"\" as in 9h is size 9.5. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Shoe size h mean Size 9h shoe is Skechers size chart what does 8h mean Anonymous\"\"A h would have to be a german width...\"\"3 2 The H is the width of the shoe. In the UK, a H would usually be found on a man`s shoe, but on a woman`s shoe, a H would have to be a German width. This means it is a wide fit, or translated as a UK size (E/EE). This is about halfway through widths (narrow, standard, wide, X wide, XX wide). hope this helps!"
"docid": "D2828781#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_mnemonic_DOTS_stand_for_in_first_aid\nWhat does EAR stand for in first aid?",
"text": "\"What does EAR stand for in first aid?what does e.a.r stand for in first aid'. what does e.a.r stand for in first aid'In first aid what does DOTS stand for? Deformities Open Wounds Tenderness Swelling Professor 1 207 Contributions What does RICE stand for in first aid? Rice stands for REST, ICE, COMPRESSION, and ELEVATION. this is used for injuries in which you were hit or something similar, such as getting hit in the shin with a golf club, …Dlmick 265,765 Contributions What does the mnemonic HARM stand for in sports first aid? When treating sports injuries, avoid H eat, A lcohol, R unning, and M assage as these can increase bleeding and swelling at the site of the injury. Alcohol could also mask …In first aid what does abc stand for?well im in Australia and we use DRABC...they stand for: Danger- is there a danger to youself, bystanders or the casualty Response- does the casualty respond to any sort of …What does dots mean in first aid? Deformities Open injuries Tenderness Swelling Mackthemedic 27 Contributions What is TBA stands for in first aid? Total Body Area. Used to determine the amount of body surface affected by a condition, ailment, injury etc."
"docid": "D2841279#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_OS_stand_for\nWhat does OS stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Jobs & Education Education Colleges and Universities India Colleges and Universities India College Exams and Certificates All India Engineering Entrance Examination AIEEE What does OS stand for? Flag What does OS stand for? Edit Answer by Noall4comps Confidence votes 1OS, in terms of computer, means the Operating System that your computer is currentl using. If you're using Windows as your default program your Operating System will either be XP, 2000, 98 or ME. The same goes for Mac, but these will be ones like Leopard6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does os stands for? Operating System Edit Jhajharia011 3 Contributions What OS stands for? OS :- Operating System Edit Pat stacy 771 Contributions When referring to computers OS stands for? For computers the term OS refers to Operating System. Edit Gummitch2 1 Contribution What does OS stand for in the OS map?"
"docid": "D3270527#0",
"title": "https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+edp+soccer+stand+for/\nWhat does edp soccer stand for",
"text": "\"Search Now What does edp soccer stand for What does edp soccer stand for keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website Search Domain Search Email Keyword Suggestions Bing Yahoo Google Amazone Wiki What does edp soccer stand for Edp soccer stands for Edp soccer standings Edp soccer standings 2017Edp soccer standings 2016Edp soccer standings fall 2017Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords )Most Searched Keywords Familywatchdog.us 1 Bluedotnetwork.com 2 Bangkoksync.com 3Cst.com 4 Monclova-caliente.blogspot.com 5 Familyofficedirectory.com 6Helpanimals.ru 7 Mejtoft.se 8 Bars-and-restaurants.com 9Bellemorte.com 10 Acmfermetures.fr 11 Tnhrce.org.ipaddress.com 12Monkeybarsjax.com 13 Grand rapids auto gallery car show 14Bubblewitch3saga.com 15 Jkjhhjuiiuip0u9ouh 16Arizona grand resort and spa 17 Change size skype for business 18Smarsh system status 19 Orleans parish public works 20Domains Actived Recently Alexa.com Bellemorte.com Bendlerboiler.com Ebay.com Google.com.na Helpanimals.ru Ipaddress.com Keyword-suggest-tool.com Lancashire-food.blogspot.co.uk Learningcurve.moe.gov.ae.ipaddress.com M.facebook.com Monclova-caliente.blogspot.com Mywot.com Northstarrecycling.com Shop.panasonic.com Similarsites.com Telephones.att.com Thepointatgermantownapts.com Wpbeginner.com Websites Listing We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with what does edp soccer stand for on Search Engine› What does edp mean› What does edp coverage cover› What does for stand for› What is an edp› What does soccer mean Edpsoccer.com EDP Soccer - Official Site©2018 EDP Soccer. ... Photo/Video Policy | Contact Us. NOTICE: MSSL, EDP, MAPS, Mid-Atlantic Premier Soccer, CJYSA, USA Champions League, EDP Futures, ...http://www.edpsoccer.com/ Verified Keyword-suggest-tool.com What does edp soccer stand for\"\" Keyword Found Websites ... What does edp soccer stand for. ... With Constant Contact, you can create effective email marketing and other online marketing campaigns to meet your business goals.https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+edp+soccer+stand+for/ Verified Keyword-suggest-tool.com What does edp stand for soccer\"\" Keyword Found Websites ... What does edp stand for soccer. ... With Constant Contact, you can create effective email marketing and other online marketing campaigns to meet your business goals.https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+edp+stand+for+soccer/ Verified Edpsoccer.com2017 Spring Schedule/Standings - EDP Soccer2017 Spring Schedule/Standings. Connect With Us: EDP Soccer, 8 Cornwall Court, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 | 732-432-7200 ... Contact a Site Admin ...http://www.edpsoccer.com/springschedule Verified Stasoccer.org Stasoccer CONTACT; FORMS; BOYS. ... STA MORRIS UNITED 09B NPL (U9) STA MORRIS UNITED 09B EDP (U9) STA MORRIS UNITED 08B NPL (U10) STA MORRIS ... US Club Soccer Logo - png ...https://www.stasoccer.org/#! Verified Usclubsoccer.org NPL - National Premier Leagues - US Club Soccer The NPL is a national competition platform created to elevate and change the competitive youth soccer landscape. There are 17 member leagues throughout the country.http://usclubsoccer.org/programs/leagues/npl/ Verified Usclubsoccer.org FAQs - US Club Soccer What are US Club Soccer’s rights as a member of the U. S. Soccer ... Home > About US Club Soccer > FAQs. ... To receive news directly to your email inbox, ...http://usclubsoccer.org/about/faqs/ Verified Constantcontact.com Constant Contact - Official Site With Constant Contact, you can create effective email marketing and other online marketing campaigns to meet your business goals."
"docid": "D147480#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_HTML_stand_for_and_what_is_it_used_for\nWhat does HTML stand for and what is it used for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Technology Computers Computer Programming Web Programming HTMLWhat does HTML stand for and what is it used for? Flag What does HTML stand for and what is it used for? Answer by Post Script Confidence votes 196HTML stands for hyper-text markup language and is a popular language to create websites with. Think of HTML as another language, just like English or Spanish, which tells the computer how to show and render the website you created. Although there are alot of other languages the computer understands, most people use HTML since it is more popular (think of the popularity of the English language around the world).19 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jay O 2,386 Contributions In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost What does HTML stand for? HTML stands for H yper T ext M arkup L anguage. This simply means that it marks the website youare on to create the look CJCOOL 70 Contributions What does HTML stands for? HTML stands for: H. Hyper T. Text M. Markup L. Language HTML stands for?"
"docid": "D779684#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_acronym_OEE_stand_for_relative_to_manufacturing_performance_measurement\nWhat does the acronym OEE stand for relative to manufacturing performance measurement?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does the acronym OEE stand for relative to manufacturing performance measurement? Flag What does the acronym OEE stand for relative to manufacturing performance measurement? Answer by B Bozidar Confidence votes 25.5KI am a professional musician and forum administrator. Operating Equipment Effectivity11 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does the acronym IRS stand for? The I stands for Indian. The R stands for reserves. The S stands for space. Does white collar measurement practices influences executive performance in Indian manufacturing industries? Please visit http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1210&context=econ_wpapers Govindasamy 0702mba2807Dan Crimmins 14,829 Contributions Mensan, woodworker, building electronics projects since age 12, taught electronics, am in ham radio, very good at biology/astronomy/physics."
"docid": "D1414526#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_AP_stand_for_in_x-rays\nWhat does the AP in AP Calculus stand for?",
"text": "\"Missy7 8,643 Contributions What does the AP in AP Calculus stand for? AP stands for Advanced Placement, which means college-level. With the completion of an AP class, you take the College Board AP exam and, depending on your scores, you may rece …Super mega mario 7 Contributions What does APS stand for?it stands for A bbotsford P ublic S chool Ryan Trostle 4,819 Contributions What does ap stand for? AP stands for action prince. It can also stand for Advanced Placement, regarding college-level courses taken in high school. What does 'AP' stand for in AP classes? AP classes mean Advanced Placement classes, which are more difficult than regular classes, but also count for more. If you take them in high school, you have the option to t …Nigel G 6,414 Contributions What does 5c stand for? The Iphone 5C is Iphone 5Colorful 5c can also stand for thenumber 500 (\"\"c\"\" is the Roman numeral for 100) or for 5 degrees Celsius (centigrade) . +++ . \"\""
"docid": "D36196#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_fbs_stand_for_as_in_an_FBS_college_team\nWhat does fbs stand for as in an FBS college team?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Sports Football - American College Football Bowl Championship Series What does fbs stand for as in an FBS college team? Flag What does fbs stand for as in an FBS college team? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. FBS stands for Football Bowl Subdivision, formerly called Division I-A. This is in contrast to the FCS, or Football Championship Subdivision, formerly known as Division I-AA. The \"\"Bowl\"\" vs \"\"Championship\"\" refers to how the 2 divisions play their post-season, with the former Division I-A teams playing in bowl games and the former Division I-AA teams playing in a playoff series culminating with a true national championship game.30 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does fbs mean in college football? Fumbles George12345678910 3 Contributions What does FB stand for?it means facebook but i don't entirely approve of it and its very bad for your health okay and hopefully i have answered your question. Libzz 9 Contributions What is fb?fb basically means facebook. facebook is a communication networking site. you have to be 14 or over to have an account."
"docid": "D18976#0",
"title": "http://www.ptsf.org/our-trauma-centers/trauma-centers\n.",
"text": "View Centers Choose County Abington Hospital - Jefferson Health Abington Hospital - Jefferson Health is a 665-bed, regional referral center and teaching hospital, which has been providing comprehensive, high-quality services for people in Montgomery, Bucks… View Allegheny General Hospital Allegheny General Hospital (AGH) is a nationally recognized medical facility and academic center located within the City of Pittsburgh. Geographically situated in southwestern Pennsylvania,… View Aria Health, Torresdale Aria Health’s Torresdale Campus, previously Frankford Hospital, has been an officially designated Level II Regional Resource Trauma Center, accredited by the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems… View Benedum Pediatric Trauma Program Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMCChildren’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC is the only hospital in western Pennsylvania devoted solely to the care of infants and children and has been a continuously accredited trauma… View Commonwealth Health Wilkes-Barre General Hospital First opening its doors in 1876, in a concerted effort to better meet the community’s needs following tragic coal mining accidents, Wilkes-Barre General Hospital is now northeastern… View Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center (MMC), the flagship hospital of the Conemaugh Health System, is a regional referral hospital known for clinical excellence. Memorial has received Health Grades… View Crozer-Chester Medical Center Crozer-Chester Medical Center (CCMC) is a university affiliated teaching hospital located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and is the largest of four acute care hospitals of the… View Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia (EMCP), accredited as a Level 1 Trauma Center since 1987, is located 4 miles north of Center City Philadelphia in a primarily residential, densely… View Forbes Regional Hospital An Adult Level II trauma center, Forbes Hospital part of the Allegheny Health Network, has been providing quality care for the communities of eastern Allegheny and Westmoreland counties since… View Geisinger Holy Spirit Located in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, Geisinger Holy Spirit (GHS) is a 307-bed community Catholic hospital system within the Geisinger Healthcare System and is sponsored by the Sisters of… View Geisinger Medical Center - Danville Adult Level 1 Trauma Center The Geisinger Medical Center (GMC) Adult Trauma Program has been continuously recognized since 1985. Located in rural Pennsylvania, GMC serves 42 complete counties and provides support… View Geisinger Medical Center - Janet Weis Children’s Hospital The Janet Weis Children’s Hospital is a 76 bed children’s hospital located in Danville, Pennsylvania. The hospital is connected to Geisinger Medical Center and is part of Geisinger… View Geisinger Wyoming Valley Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre is northeastern Pennsylvania’s foremost specialty care center. Over the last decade, Geisinger Wyoming Valley has nearly doubled… View Geisinger-Community Medical Center Geisinger-Community Medical Center View Grove City Medical Center November 1, 2014 following three years of preparation, Grove City Medical Center (GCMC) achieved level IV trauma accreditation. GCMC is the second hospital in the Commonwealth to achieve this… View Guthrie Troy Community Hospital Level IV Trauma Center Accreditation status has been granted to Guthrie Troy Community Hospital starting November 1, 2016. More info will be coming… View Hahnemann University Hospital Charles C. Wolferth Trauma Center In 1986, The Charles C. Wolferth Trauma Center at Hahnemann University Hospital became the first designated Level I Trauma Center for adults in Philadelphia. From the time patients enter into… View Lancaster General Health Lancaster General Health is an accredited Level II Trauma Center serving Lancaster County and its surrounding communities. In response to an emergency, the trauma team at Lancaster General is… View Lankenau Medical Center Lankenau Medical Center is one of the Philadelphia region’s most honored and respected teaching hospitals."
"docid": "D255949#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2580\nAcronyms & Abbreviations",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations Unanswered | Answered Acronyms & Abbreviations Parent Category: Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Includes questions related to forming words using the first letters of names and words, such as IRS for the Internal Revenue Service; also includes shortened forms of various words, terms and phrases.1 2 3 >What does the letters Budweiser stand for? Budweis or Böhmisch Budweis, is a statutory city in the Czech Republic. It is the largest city in the South Bohemian Region . Thebeer is alleged to have been first brewed there Read a sticker on one of the Cars in New Jersey which said RSD Sucks Is RSD an abbreviation or something. What does this mean? When a company wants to make a deal with a programming company or asystem analyst (to be more precise) for designing a system for thecompany, they use a Requirement Specification Document to writetheir system requirements. What does the acronym ADC stand for? The acronym ADC stands for Association Of District Councils. What does the acronym BCA stand for? The acronym BCA stands for Basic Credit Approval."
"docid": "D917881#0",
"title": "http://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/what-does-hhs-stand-for/18929838/\n.",
"text": "\"Posted by Messageyeanheard LSU Fan Member since Jan 2009 5034 posts What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:06 pm 0 0in text language? Back to top Reply Replies (7) Share: Tech Dawg2007New Orleans Saints Fan Member since Nov 2007 25002 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:06 pm to yeanheardit's code for \"\"PIIHB\"\"Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0Chesty La Rue LSU Fan Baton Rouge Member since Oct 2009 536 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:06 pm to yeanheardhit her spot Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0GRTiger USA Fan On a roof eating alligator pie Member since Dec 2008 37864 posts Onlinere: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:07 pm to yeanheardhas hispanic slaves Quit talking to this person and call the authorities Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0hg New Orleans Pelicans Fan Member since Jun 2009 96468 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:07 pm to yeanheard Her Hairy Snatch Back to top Reply Replies (2) 0 0CHEEEEESEHouston Astros Fan Pres. of the Mike Lowery Fan Club Member since May 2006 10315 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:07 pm to yeanheard Hahnville High School? Back to top Reply Replies (1) 0 0artvandelay1987LSU Fan MANNYWOOD Member since Sep 2007 10831 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:09 pm to hgquote: Her Hairy Snatch Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0heypaul Penn Fan The O-T Lounge Member since May 2008 33395 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:10 pm to hgquote: Her Hairy Snatch his hairy scrotum wait what Back to top Reply Replies (1) 0 0hg New Orleans Pelicans Fan Member since Jun 2009 96468 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:10 pm to heypaul Back to top Reply Replies (1) 0 0yeanheard LSU Fan Member since Jan 2009 5034 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:11 pm to hgi just asked. shes drunk and meant to say haha Back to top Reply Replies (3) 0 0RBWilliams8LSU Fan Member since Oct 2009 50496 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:12 pm to yeanheard Can you use it in a sentense please? Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0Longbaugh Member since Dec 2007 10709 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:12 pm to yeanheardquote: i just asked. shes drunk and meant to say haha If she's drunk texting you at 3 in the afternoon, then she wants to frick. Back to top Reply Replies (1) 0 0WG_Dawg Georgia Fan Atlanta Member since Jun 2004 65848 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:13 pm to yeanheardquote: i just asked. shes drunkquote: Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:11 p.m Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0heypaul Penn Fan The O-T Lounge Member since May 2008 33395 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:13 pm to Longbaughquote: If she's drunk texting you at 3 in the afternoon, then she wants to frick. why did i just start singing friday night... just got paid Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0GRTiger USA Fan On a roof eating alligator pie Member since Dec 2008 37864 posts Onlinere: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:13 pm to yeanheardquote: shes drunkquote: 3:11 pm She should be good to go by about 10pm eta: dirty minds on the OT beat me to it This post was edited on 4/16 at 3:15 pm Back to top Reply Replies (0) 0 0noonan USA Fan Nassau Bay, TX Member since Aug 2005 29782 postsre: What does \"\"HHS\"\" stand for Posted on 4/16/10 at 3:16 pm to yeanheardmy high school."
"docid": "D2877601#0",
"title": "http://www.aerialcables.net/index.php/what-does-thhn-stand-for/\nwhat does thhn stand for",
"text": "\"Name : Email : Phone: Product: Message :what does thhn stand for THHN – What does THHN stand for? The Free…Looking for online definition of THHN or what THHN stands for? THHN is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and …What does THHN stand for? – Abbreviations.com Looking for the definition of THHN? Find out what is the full meaning of THHN on Abbreviations.com! Login. The STANDS4 Network … What does THHN stand for? Electrical wiring in North America – Wikipedia,…Electrical wiring in North America follows regulations and standards for installation of building wiring. … THHN stands for \"\"Thermoplastic High Heat-resistant Nylon …THWN – What does THWN stand for? The Free…Looking for online definition of THWN or what THWN stands for?"
"docid": "D1103065#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_aww_and_meh_stand_for_when_text_messaging-qna3238319.html\n.",
"text": "\"Text 0 Today Q What does aww and meh stand for when text messaging? When text messaging....what does the meh and aww acronym stand for Asked by: Caprice Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions The word BR in text messaging is short for BEST REGARDS, and is normally used to end a text conversation. Words like BR are part of text lin ... read more My guess is either k.as in okay, i.as in myself, k.for know; so put it together, and that`s \"\"okay, I know\"\" Or possibly \"\"kinky, i know\"\" or \"\" ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Gil Level 1 (Contributor)4 Answers, 2 Friends, 3 Followers\"\"The word br in text messaging is short for best regards...\"\"15 0 The word BR in text messaging is short for BEST REGARDS, and is normally used to end a text conversation. Words like BR are part of text lingo and abbreviations. Oftentimes these lingos are used in chat sessions. /philip ice.source: What does br stand for in text messaging? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Meh meaning in text Meh meaning text messagescameronbynite Level 1 (Contributor)1 Answer2 6 My guess is either k.as in okay, i.as in myself, k.for know; so put it together, and that`s \"\"okay, I know\"\" Or possibly \"\"kinky, i know\"\" or \"\"kiss it okay\"\" Honestly, I really don`t know and I rarely abbreviate so it`s \"\"whatever kind i know\"\" ;-)source: What does kik stand for messaging?"
"docid": "D988292#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_IWK_stand_for\nWhat does IWK stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Uncategorized What does IWK stand for? Flag What does IWK stand for? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Here's what IWK stands for at the IWK Health Centre: The IWK Health Centre is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and provides care to women, children, youth and families in Canada's Maritime provinces. IWK stands for Izaak Walton Killam. The original Izaak Walton Killam Hospital for Children opened in Halifax in 1970, with the help of a donation of $8 million from Dorothy Johnson Killam, wife of the late Izaak Walton Killam. In 1996, the IWK Hospital for Children and the adjacent Grace Maternity Hospital (operated and funded by the Salvation Army) merged and were known as the IWK Grace Children's Hospital until the early 2000s when the institution shortened its name to the IWK Health Centre.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No William Galloway 22,671 Contributions What does WHO stand for? World Health Organization. Sezajwoza 5 Contributions What does 'its' stand for?it is?"
"docid": "D1094431#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/In-police-lingo-what-does-APB-stand-for\nIn police lingo, what does APB stand for?",
"text": "\"APB. All Points Bulletins Acronyms Police and Law Enforcement In police lingo, what does APB stand for?ad by Grammarly Take your writing to the next level. Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Learn More at grammarly.com3 Answers Sudarshan Sharma, former Intern at Airports Authority of India Answered Feb 13, 2017APB stands for “ All-Points-Bulletin ”. An APB is a broadcast issued from any American or Canadian law enforcement agency to its personnel, or to other law enforcement agencies. It typically contains information about a wanted suspect who is to be arrested or a person of interest, for whom law enforcement officers are to look. They are usually dangerous or missing persons. As used by American police, the term dates to at least 1960. An all-points bulletin can also be known as a BOLO or BOL, which stands for \"\" be on the look-out \"\". Such an alert may also be called a lookout or ATL (\"\" attempt to locate \"\").1.4k Views Related Questions More Answers Below What does OP stand for in a police station?"
"docid": "D2817670#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_abbreviation_CABG_stand_for\nWhat does the abbreviation CABG stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Surgery and Hospitalization What does the abbreviation CABG stand for? Flag What does the abbreviation CABG stand for? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.coronary artery bypass graft1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Rustleochre 44 Contributions What does the abbreviation stand for? An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word that stands for the complete word. Examples: Mr. stands for mister . etc. stands for et cetera . P. S. stands for p …Wesley B33 195 Contributions What does the abbreviation IT stand for? Information Technology Lhayward 1,492 Contributions What does the abbreviation SATs stand for?"
] |
636800 | what does emdr treat | [
"docid": "D482866#0",
"title": "http://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/\nWhat is EMDR?",
"text": "What is EMDR? For Clinicians: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b). Shapiro’s (2001) Adaptive Information Processing model posits that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experience to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is reduced. During EMDR therapy the client attends to emotionally disturbing material in brief sequential doses while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. Therapist directed lateral eye movements are the most commonly used external stimulus but a variety of other stimuli including hand-tapping and audio stimulation are often used (Shapiro, 1991). Shapiro (1995, 2001) hypothesizes that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing of the traumatic memory network, so that information processing is enhanced, with new associations forged between the traumatic memory and more adaptive memories or information. These new associations are thought to result in complete information processing, new learning, elimination of emotional distress, and development of cognitive insights. EMDR therapy uses a three pronged protocol: (1) the past events that have laid the groundwork for dysfunction are processed, forging new associative links with adaptive information; (2) the current circumstances that elicit distress are targeted, and internal and external triggers are desensitized; (3) imaginal templates of future events are incorporated, to assist the client in acquiring the skills needed for adaptive functioning. For Laypeople: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences."
] | [
"docid": "D16565#0",
"title": "https://www.elementsbehavioralhealth.com/addiction-recovery/benefits-of-a-trauma-recovery-program/\nBenefits of a Trauma Recovery Program",
"text": "Trauma recovery programs are designed to help individuals suffering from trauma or abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or sexual addiction/compulsivity. Such individuals may also be chemically dependent, and may even have co-occurring psychiatric issues. Some patients enter a trauma recovery program after they have completed traditional treatment for addiction and have relapsed. Research shows that there’s a high relapse rate among post-traditional addiction treatment patients who also have PTSD, unresolved sexual trauma or compulsive behaviors. A trauma recovery program, then, serves a vital purpose in addressing the needs of an underserved population – many of whom are women. Types of Trauma According to trauma experts, trauma is either physical and/or psychological and most fall into one of three categories:• Intense single event – This is a one-time occurrence that is so traumatic and disturbing that the individual cannot get over it alone. Such events may include an automobile/industrial accident, mugging or other act of personal violence, rape, abduction, robbery, a serious threat to life (of self or a loved one), natural disasters (earthquake, fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, etc. ), and acts of terrorism.• Repetitive, ongoing events – This type of trauma may continue for an unbroken or a long period of time and may be repetitive in nature. Such events may include self sexual or physical abuse, physical or psychological neglect of a profound nature, witnessing sexual or physical abuse and/or violence against others, prolonged illness or extensive medical procedures, military combat, torture, prisoners of war, kidnapping or other forms of captivity.• Combination – Trauma in this category includes repetitive and ongoing events with intense single event trauma and may occur either at the same time or be separated by long periods of time. The stress accompanying traumatic events demands coping strategies of the individual that far exceed their capabilities."
"docid": "D3270576#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200407/does-emdr-work\nDoes EMDR Work?",
"text": "Does EMDR Work? Treating trauma with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. By Erik Strand, published on July 1, 2004 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016SHARE TWEET EMAIL MOREI've heard about a treatment for trauma that involves eye movement. What is it? When California psychologist Francine Shapiro invented eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) in the late 1980s, psychiatrists and patients alike were lured by the promise of a single-session cure for post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions and phobias. While EMDR's initial splash never swelled to a tsunami, some 50,000 therapists in the U. S. currently sing its praises. In EMDR, the therapist waves a finger or baton rapidly before the client, who follows it with his eyes. These swift eye movements are said to loosen knots in one's memory and allow negative thoughts and memories to be favorably reprocessed with minimal guidance from the therapist. Some have thought the process is akin to REM sleep, where eye movements accompany the digestion of daytime memories. Others speculated that the left-right alternation of attention brings brain hemispheres into greater balance."
"docid": "D3099275#0",
"title": "http://comprehensivetherapyapproach.com/what-is-emdr/what-is-emdr-therapy/\nWhat is EMDR Therapy?",
"text": "What is EMDR Therapy? EMDR Therapy is a comprehensive therapy approach, useful for overcoming stressful experiences of all kinds — even deeply embedded memories or traumas, which can be the basis of your depression, anxiety, relationship challenges, phobias, fears, or performance issues. Facebook Twitter Linked In Share on social media!EMDR Infographic 2015Share This Infographic On Your Website or Blog!This graphic is for you to share. To embed this infographic on your website or blog, copy and paste the embed code below into the desired location on a page of your website or blog (using the edit feature on your site). Or have your webmaster do it for you.<a href=”http://comprehensivetherapyapproach.com/what-is-emdr/what-is-emdr-therapy/”><img src=”http://comprehensivetherapyapproach.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/EMDR-Infographic-Large.jpg” alt=”EMDR Infographic – 2015″ width=”600″ border=”0″ /></a><br />Presented By <a href=”http://comprehensivetherapyapproach.com/what-is-emdr/what-is-emdr-therapy/”>Comprehensive Therapy Approach.com</a>Facebook Twitter Linked In Share on social media!We have all experienced stress or trauma to some degree when we were vulnerable. This causes beliefs or feelings to become stuck in us, leaving us with low self-esteem and other symptoms or problems. EMDR Therapy, or Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, uses eye movements to help both hemispheres of the brain to “digest” distressing memories and allow them to be stored in a calmed form, properly relegated to the past in a true mind-body way. The natural inner health in your brain will spontaneously find a positive conclusion about yourself, giving you a stronger sense of yourself. 25 years of quality research has proven that this amazing, comprehensive therapy helps people resolve issues of many kinds more quickly than other therapies, and that the healing “sticks” even 15 months later. For more info about EMDR Therapy, link to this article: How effective is EMDR therapy?"
"docid": "D195650#0",
"title": "http://www.behavior.net/bolforums/showthread.php?t=248\n.",
"text": "\"# 1 November 29th, 2004, 11:04 PMAnne-Marie Smith Member Join Date: Nov 2004Posts: 4Ending EMDR before completion How dangerous is it to the client to end EMDR in the middle of \"\"treatment\"\"? Say the client is an adult survivor of child abuse. Maybe things were going well and then took a turn for the worse - dissociating, flashbacks, body sensations, perhaps thoughts of self harm, not suicide, maybe even the inclination that there may be a co-consciousness present in a protective mode?# 2 November 30th, 2004, 12:44 AMSandra Paulsen Forum Leader Join Date: Jul 2004Location: Bainbridge Island WAPosts: 207Re: Ending EMDR before completion Well, you might mean one of two things, 1) an incomplete session or 2) an incomplete course of treatment. I'm going to assume you mean an incomplete session. I don't have enough information to make a case consultation valuable, but I'll say some general things that may or may not apply in your case. I mean that, the following may not apply in your case. I'm only putting out some general thoughts that explain the kinds of pickles some EMDR cinicians and their clients find themselves in. EMDR practitioners must always screen for a dissociative disorder before doing EMDR to avoid premature lancing of dissociative barriers, or flooding. If a client is dissociative (and I'm not saying you are, because I don't know), a period of stabilization and containment is necessary to secure the safety and comfort of the system."
"docid": "D1122542#0",
"title": "https://www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/posttraumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/treatment\nTreatment for PTSD",
"text": "The main treatments for people with PTSD are psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Everyone is different, so a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. Some people may need to try different treatments to find what works best for their symptoms. Regardless of what treatment option you chose, it is important for anyone with PTSD to be treated by a mental health professional who is experienced with PTSD. Psychotherapy Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of psychotherapy that has consistently been found to be the most effective treatment of PTSD both in the short term and the long term. CBT for PTSD is trauma-focused, meaning the trauma event (s) are the center of the treatment. It focuses on identifying, understanding, and changing thinking and behavior patterns. CBT is an active treatment involved the patient to engage in and outside of weekly appointments and learn skills to be applied to their symptoms. The skills learned during therapy sessions are practiced repeatedly and help support symptom improvement. CBT treatments traditionally occur over 12 to 16 weeks."
"docid": "D755501#0",
"title": "https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/treatment-centers/alabama-al\nAlabama Eating Disorders Treatment Centers",
"text": "Alabama Eating Disorders Treatment Centers Tweet Research the highly-rated treatment centers and resources available throughout the state of Alabama in our directory below. The Alabama Network for Eating Disorders Awareness (ALNEDA), a non-profit comprised of volunteers who promote eating disorder awareness within the community, also serves as a referral source for local programs and support groups. Sponsoring Eating Disorder Centers Search: Name Treatment Patient Types Served Therapies Insurance Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center 40 Timberline Drive Lemont, IL 60439 Phone: 877-217-7456 Email: [email protected] Website: Timberline Knolls Residential Adults / Adolescents / Children Female Only Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, DBT, CBT, Art therapy, Nutritional Counseling, Prescription Medication, Support Groups, Individual Therapy, Medical Care Accepted, in-network with multiple providers Medicare/Medicaid Accepted: No The Meadows Ranch Eating Disorders and Trauma 3400 N Sabin Brown Road Wickenburg, AZ 85390 Phone: 888-496-5498 Email: [email protected] Website: The Meadows Ranch Acute, Inpatient, Residential, PHP Adults / Adolescents / Children Female Only Family, Group, Individual, Nutrition, Trauma, ACT, Psychodrama, ERP, EMDR, CODA, Culinary, DBT, CBT, Neurofeedback/Biofeedback, Expressive Arts, Mindfulness, Equine Assisted Therapy and Horsemanship, Movement Therapy, Challenge Course In-Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, TRICARE, Multi Plan, Health Net, Beacon, Humana, Cigna Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders 36075 S. Rincon Rd. Wickenburg, AZ 85390 Phone: 1-888-274-7732 Website: Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders Inpatient, RTC, PHP, IOP, Transitional Living, Detox, Acute Care Adults / Adolescents Male & Female Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Nutrition Services: Meal / Nutrition Planning, Mindful Eating Group, Psychodrama Aetna, Cigna, United Health Care, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Value Options, First Health Network and other providers Rosewood Santa Monica 2121 Cloverfield Boulevard, Suite 131 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 1-888-274-7732 Website: Rosewood Santa Monica Adolescent Programs, Extended Day Treatment, Partial Day Treatment, IOP, Three Levels of Transitional Living Homes Adults / Adolescents Male & Female DBT, CBT, Body Image Groups, Addiction & Psycho-Education, Meal Planning/Nutritional Education, Relapse Prevention, Gentle & Mindful Eating Groups, Multi-Family Therapy Groups, Collaborative Environment Most major insurance policies accepted, Full and partial private pay options available Mc Callum Place 231 W. Lockwood Ave. Ste 201 St. Louis, MO 63119 Phone: 888-484-9414 Fax: 314-968-1901 Website: Mc Callum Place Residential, Transional Living, PHP, IOP, Aftercare, Outpatient Adults / Adolescents Male & Female CBT, DBT, Experiential, Expressive, Art, Pet assisted, etc. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Mercy, Anthem Blue Medicare/Medicaid Accepted: No Canopy Cove Eating Disorder Treatment Center 13305 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32309 Phone: 800-236-7524 Email: support@Canopy Cove.com Website: Canopy Cove Residential, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient Adults / Adolescents Male & Female CBT, Individual, Group, Equine-Assisted Therapy, Art, Music, Expressive Therapies, Family Education, Family Therapy, Spirituality, Nutrition Accepted, in-network with multiple providers River Centre Clinic 5465 Main Street Sylvania, OH 43560 Phone: 1-877-212-5457 Fax: 419-885-8600 Email: [email protected] Website: River Center Clinic RTC, PHP Adults / Adolescents / Children Male and Female Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy Nutritional Counseling, Prescription Medication, Maudsley Therapy, DBT, CBT, Support Groups, Individual Therapy, Medical Care Accepted, In-network with multiple providers Medicare/Medicaid Accepted: No Eating Disorders Treatment Centers in ALSearch: Name / Info Treatment Level Patient Types Served Therapies Available Magnolia Creek 162 Magnolia Creek Drive Columbiana, AL 35051 Phone: 205-683-1535 Email: [email protected] Website: Magnolia Creek Download Our Flyer Here!Residential, Partial Hospitalization Program (Day Treatment) Adults Female Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Somatic Experiencing, Mindfulness, Psychodynamic Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Experiential Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Internal Family Systems Castlewood at The Highlands Treatment Center 2807 Greystone Commercial Blvd Suite 36 Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: 855-559-7611 Email: [email protected] Website: Castlewood at The Highlands Treatment Center PHP, IOP Adults / Adolescents Male & Female CBT, DBT, ACT, Interpersonal Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Trauma, EMDR, Cognitive Processing for Trauma, Family Based Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Expressive Therapies A Center for Eating Disorders PO BOX 55901 Birmingham, AL 35255 Phone: 205-933-0041 Email: [email protected] Website: A Center for Eating Disorders Intensive Day Treatment, Outpatient Adults / Adolescents Male & Female Assessment, Consultation, Nutritional Counseling, EMDR, Holistic Healing, Hypnosis, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Couples Therapy, Group Therapy, Support Group, and Phone Counseling Premiere Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Magnolia Creek Magnolia Creek Treatment Center for Eating Disorders treats women (18 years or older) who struggle with feeding or eating disorders, such as: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, other specified eating disorder, rumination disorder, pica, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and/or unspecified eating disorder, and other disorders such as: mood disorders, substance use disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, attachment disorder, dissociative disorders, and/or personality disorders. Our dedicated team of clinicians and dietitians provide the highest quality of care using evidence-based methods in a cozy, retreat-like setting. With a dual license to treat eating disorders and mental health disorders, we work collaboratively with our clients to create an individualized treatment approach for each client that not only nourishes the body but also strengthens the spirit. To renew your hope, restore your health, and reclaim your worth, please call us at 205-683-1535 or visit us at magnolia-creek.com. Download Our Flyer Here!205-683-1535 www.magnolia-creek.com Castlewood at the Highlands Treatment Center Located in the rolling hills of Birmingham, AL Castlewood at the Highlands is a treatment center of excellence designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with eating disorders, anxiety disorders, PTSD, or mood disorders."
"docid": "D856590#0",
"title": "http://sarahchanaradcliffe.com/therapeutic-approaches/emdr/\nEMDR",
"text": "EMDREMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)What is EMDR? EMDR is a therapeutic tool that some therapists use with their clients. It was developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1989. EMDR stands for “eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.” These words refer to the way that EMDR was first used – the client was guided by the therapist to move his or her eyes from left to right over and over again while thinking about something bothersome or upsetting. This movement of the eyes was found to help people quickly “re-wire” disturbing memories and emotions, rendering then completely undisturbing. Shortly after EMDR first came into use, it was discovered that any left-right movement of the body could bring about the same therapeutic results. Today, EMDR occurs by way of left-right eye movements, sounds (through a device that beeps in the left and right ears alternately) and touch (through tapping on the left and right sides of the body alternately). EMDR has been called an accelerated emotional processing tool because clients may rapidly resolve certain kinds of emotional issues that might have taken months or years to treat effectively with more regular “talking” therapies. Of course, like any psychological intervention, EMDR is more effective for some people than others."
"docid": "D394944#0",
"title": "https://www.emdr.com/us-basic-training-overview/\nUS Basic Training Overview",
"text": "The EMDR Therapy Basic Training (Weekend 1 and 2) is designed for licensed mental health practitioners who treat adults and children in a clinical setting (See Qualifications Section). EMDR is a comprehensive psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and self-esteem issues related to disturbing events and present life conditions. This interactional, standardized approach has been empirically tested in over 20 randomized controlled studies with trauma patients, and hundreds of published case reports evaluating a considerable range of presenting complaints, including depression, anxiety, phobias, excessive grief, somatic conditions and addictions. EMDR therapy is guided by the Adaptive Information Processing model which addresses the unprocessed memories that appear to set the basis for a wide range of dysfunction. A number of neurophysiological studies have documented the rapid post treatment EMDR effects. Participants will be required to read the textbook by Francine Shapiro, Ph D, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures Guilford Press, NY, 2nd Edition, 2001. AUTHORIZED FORMATEMDR therapy is a specialized approach that requires supervised training for full therapeutic effectiveness and client safety. The training will consist of lecture, live and videotaped demonstrations and supervised practice. The format of this workshop has been designed by the originator of EMDRtherapy, Francine Shapiro, Ph D. The workshop leaders have been individually selected and trained by her to provide the comprehensive information necessary for appropriate client selection and effective utilization of EMDR therapy. This is the workshop program which has been taught by Dr. Shapiro since 1990."
"docid": "D3139753#0",
"title": "https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/\nWhat is EMDR?",
"text": "What is EMDR? For Clinicians: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b). Shapiro’s (2001) Adaptive Information Processing model posits that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experience to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is reduced. During EMDR therapy the client attends to emotionally disturbing material in brief sequential doses while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. Therapist directed lateral eye movements are the most commonly used external stimulus but a variety of other stimuli including hand-tapping and audio stimulation are often used (Shapiro, 1991). Shapiro (1995, 2001) hypothesizes that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing of the traumatic memory network, so that information processing is enhanced, with new associations forged between the traumatic memory and more adaptive memories or information. These new associations are thought to result in complete information processing, new learning, elimination of emotional distress, and development of cognitive insights. EMDR therapy uses a three pronged protocol: (1) the past events that have laid the groundwork for dysfunction are processed, forging new associative links with adaptive information; (2) the current circumstances that elicit distress are targeted, and internal and external triggers are desensitized; (3) imaginal templates of future events are incorporated, to assist the client in acquiring the skills needed for adaptive functioning. For Laypeople: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences."
"docid": "D254644#0",
"title": "http://online.notredamecollege.edu/psychology/persistent-fears-exploring-the-science-behind-phobias/\nPersistent fears: Exploring the science behind phobias",
"text": "Persistent fears: Exploring the science behind phobias Posted April 30, 2015What is a phobia? Merriam-Webster it as “a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.” Although fears are something everyone experiences, a phobia goes beyond everyday worries and can lead people to take extreme actions to avoid the cause of their terror. Phobias can significantly impact sufferers’ daily lives and have a crippling effect on their health and happiness. What Is a Phobia? As explained, a phobia is a persistent fear that leads to sufferers avoiding the fear at all costs. But beyond the common meaning is a deeper psychological understanding. In clinical psychology, a phobia is considered a type of anxiety disorder and can lead to marked distress in social and occupational activities. For centuries, humans have been trying to understand and treat phobias. The Difference Between a Fear and a Phobia According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the primary diagnostic tool for psychiatric disorders, phobias can only be diagnosed if the object or situation that invokes fear is present in a person’s life."
"docid": "D3099276#0",
"title": "http://www.emdrnetwork.org/description.html\n.",
"text": "\"Home Cautions for Clients and Clinicians Choosing a Clinician A Brief Description of EMDR Therapy Eye Movements Training for Clinicians Referrals for Clients Psychiatrists Psychologists Marriage and Family War and Disaster A Brief Description of EMDR Therapy8 PHASES OF TREATMENTThe amount of time the complete treatment will take depends upon the history of the client. Complete treatment of the targets involves a three pronged protocol (1-past memories, 2-present disturbance, 3-future actions), and are needed to alleviate the symptoms and address the complete clinical picture. The goal of EMDR therapy is to process completely the experiences that are causing problems, and to include new ones that are needed for full health. \"\" Processing\"\" does not mean talking about it. \"\" Processing\"\" means setting up a learning state that will allow experiences that are causing problems to be \"\"digested\"\" and stored appropriately in your brain. That means that what is useful to you from an experience will be learned, and stored with appropriate emotions in your brain, and be able to guide you in positive ways in the future. The inappropriate emotions, beliefs, and body sensations will be discarded. Negative emotions, feelings and behaviors are generally caused by unresolved earlier experiences that are pushing you in the wrong directions. The goal of EMDR therapy is to leave you with the emotions, understanding, and perspectives that will lead to healthy and useful behaviors and interactions. Phase 1: History and Treatment Planning Generally takes 1-2 sessions at the beginning of therapy, and can continue throughout the therapy, especially if new problems are revealed."
"docid": "D477810#0",
"title": "https://www.sunshinecoasthealthcentre.ca/trauma-program/\nTrauma Program",
"text": "Trauma Program PAGE CONTENTSOVERVIEWHow we Define Trauma Overall Aim of the Trauma Program THERAPIES1. Defensive Coping Skills (Affect Self-Regulation)2. Existential Coping Skills3. Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment4. Complementary Trauma Therapies Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)Neurofeedback Hypnotherapy and Active Meditation Therapeutic Exercise Therapeutic Recreation TRAUMA PROGRAM TESTIMONIALSTRAUMA PROGRAM OVERVIEWThe trauma program is available to all clients who are struggling with work-related stress and focuses on (1) how clients can self-regulate to deal with dissociation, anxiety, depression, anger, and other symptoms of trauma, and (2) how clients can pursue a fulfilling life, in spite of suffering. Although there is a Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) component in the trauma program, therapies that focus on the trauma experience are kept to a minimum. Even though clients inevitably bring up their trauma experiences during the course of treatment, therapists do not focus on these experiences. It is, of course, therapeutically necessary to validate these experiences, but the emphasis is on how clients can begin to pursue a more fulfilling life while suffering from trauma symptoms. How We Define Trauma Trauma arises when the individual’s way of making sense of self and the world is confronted with an experience (s) that is incompatible with his worldview. This incompatibility is so extreme that the individual cannot integrate the traumatic experience (s) into how he makes sense of himself and the world."
"docid": "D434352#0",
"title": "http://www.emdr-therapy.com/emdr-faq.html\nEMDR-THERAPY",
"text": "\"Information - Resources Links Books - Articles - Journals References Materials Trauma Info EMDR Professionals EMDR-THERAPYEye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Find a EMDR Therapist in your City EMDR-Therapy.com is a project of Dr. Boulware a EMDR Therapist in Los Angeles What is EMDR Therapy? EMDR FAQ's Find a EMDR Therapist in your City EMDR for Children Books About EMDREMDR Web Articles EMDR Web Journals EMDR Reference Materials EMDR Training and Research Trauma and PTSD Sites What Training is Required to become a Certified EMDRIA Therapist What Training is Required to become an EMDRIA Approved Consultant? Sex Therapy Anxiety Disorders Contact Information Crisis Hotline 800-Numbers EMDR-FAQFrequently Asked Questions about EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Dr. Boulware is a EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist and a EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant What is EMDR? Who discovered EMDR? How does EMDR work? What are the advantages of EMDR Therapy? What problems are helped by EMDR? Who can be helped by EMDR? What happens during a EMDR session? Are there studies that show that EMDR is effective?"
"docid": "D3099271#0",
"title": "https://emdr.com/\nEye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy",
"text": "Quick Resources Getting Past Your Past Francine Shapiro, Ph. D. Dr. Shapiro - Vita EMDR Institute Faculty Distance Learning Information for Clients EMDR Organizations Francine Shapiro Library Networking & Testimonials Must Read NY Times Blog Welcome to EMDR.com EMDR Institute Inc. Providing an effective therapy for the treatment of trauma. The EMDR Institute™, founded by Dr Francine Shapiro in 1990, offers quality trainings in the EMDR™ methodology, a treatment approach which has been empirically validated in over 24 randomized studies of trauma victims. An additional 24 studies have demonstrated positive effects for the eye movement component used in EMDR therapy. Participants in the EMDR Institute trainings will have an opportunity to practice EMDR therapy in small groups with direct observation and constructive feedback from highly skilled EMDR Institute trained clinicians. These experiential trainings will consist of lecture, live and videotaped demonstrations and supervised practice. Participants will learn a broad spectrum of EMDR therapy applications sufficient to effectively treat the therapeutic needs of a wide range of clients and issues. All EMDR Institute instructors have been personally trained and approved by Dr Shapiro. Click for further information about training content, locations and registration. To view EMDR therapy books and clinical aids click here."
"docid": "D1241779#0",
"title": "http://emdrresearchfoundation.org/for-the-public/how-long-does-emdr-therapy-take\nHow long does EMDR therapy take?",
"text": "\"How long does EMDR therapy take? One or more sessions are required for the therapist to understand the nature of the problem and to decide whether EMDR therapy is an appropriate treatment. The therapist will also discuss EMDR therapy more fully and provide an opportunity to answer questions about the psychotherapy. Once therapist and client have agreed that EMDR is appropriate for a specific problem, the actual EMDR therapy may begin. A typical EMDR therapy session lasts from 50 to 90 minutes. The type of problem, life circumstances, and the amount of previous trauma will determine how many treatment sessions are necessary. EMDR may be used within a standard \"\"talking\"\" therapy, as an adjunctive therapy with a separate therapist, or as a treatment all by itself. Next Research List EMDR Research Matters News What is EMDRClinical Definition of EMDRFor Professionals Francine Shapiro Library Journal of EMDR Practice & Research Recent Research Articles EMDR Therapy Bibliography EMDR Therapy Evaluated Application Translating Research into Practice EMDR Informational Resource, 2012World Health Organization Guidlines Newsletters For the Public How was EMDR developed? How does EMDR work? What is the actual EMDR Therapy session like?"
"docid": "D824418#0",
"title": "http://www.treatment4addiction.com/treatment/types/\nTreatment Types",
"text": "\"Home > Articles > Treatment > Types >Treatment Types Eating Disorder Treatment Dual Diagnosis Intervention Treatment Centers Detox Centers Inpatient Rehab Outpatient Rehab Quit Smoking Today Treatment can come in many forms considering many individuals suffer from a diverse set of Addictions, Addictive Behaviors and Mental Health Disorders. With advances in technology as well as the addiction and mental health profession there is help available with a variety of treatment types and programs to aid in the battle. Considering the overall approach to helping individuals fight what ails them is consistently fluctuating for the better there is more than one way to treat types of behavioral and substance abuse issues and support those in need who require stabilization. The course of educating those that wish to recover is an important one; you need to know what options exist in order to find a solution based understanding of the many faces of addiction and mental health which can develop into a disheartening and almost overwhelming experience. Depending on the issue as well as the level of care required, treatment types can run the gamut. When it comes to substance abuse and addictive behaviors or mental ailments there a range of therapies and treatments available, many of the therapies existing have evolved out of technological advancements. Below is an overview of the treatment types and varied methods of aiding in recovery. When it comes to drug and alcohol recovery it may be necessary to Detox before going through the process of treatment. Detox is the method of removing all residual traces of the substance from the body. Making the decision to resign using drugs or alcohol can trigger often painful and severe side effects as well as intense cravings; the withdrawal phase of recovery should be managed and many times requires medical supervision."
"docid": "D1709290#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptsd\nPosttraumatic stress disorder",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Ptsd)navigation search\"\"PTSD\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see PTSD (disambiguation). Posttraumatic stress disorder Art therapy project created by a U. S. Marine with posttraumatic stress disorder Specialty Psychiatry, clinical psychology Symptoms Disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the event; mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues; efforts to avoid trauma-related situations; increased fight-or-flight response [1]Complications Suicide [2]Duration > 1 month [1]Causes Exposure to a traumatic event [1]Diagnostic method Based on symptoms [2]Treatment Counseling, medication [3]Medication Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [4]Frequency 8.7% ( lifetime risk ); 3.5% ( 12-month risk) (USA) [5] [ edit on Wikidata]Posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD) [note 1] is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, or other threats on a person's life. [ 1] Symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, alterations in how a person thinks and feels, and an increase in the fight-or-flight response. [ 1] [3] These symptoms last for more than a month after the event. [ 1] Young children are less likely to show distress but instead may express their memories through play. [ 1] A person with PTSD is at a higher risk for suicide and intentional self-harm. [ 2] [6]Most people who have experienced a traumatic event will not develop PTSD. [ 2] People who experience interpersonal trauma (for example rape or child abuse) are more likely to develop PTSD, as compared to people who experience non-assault based trauma such as accidents and natural disasters. [ 7] About half of people develop PTSD following rape. ["
"docid": "D1166343#0",
"title": "https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/state/FL/Lake+Mary.html\nTherapists in Lake Mary, FL",
"text": "\"Carleen Braunns Counselor, LMHCVerified by Psychology Today\"\"When only the best will do for you and your family call an experienced therapist. No problem is too big or too small. Free thirty minute phone consultation. Experienced in play therapy, sand tray, EMDR, addiction counseling, domestic violence, individual and family therapy.\"\" ( 386) 243‑3014Lake Mary , Florida 32746View Email Barbara N Olszanski Counselor, MA, LMHC, CHTVerified by Psychology Today\"\"Life is difficult and most of us will benefit from a listening ear at some point along the way. Even after many attempts to figure things out ourselves, we often can't break the cycle of negative behavior or thinking patterns on our own. Please call if you are ready to see real change and true success. I help couples who are struggling with dysfunctional interactions (co-dependence), communication blocks and broken hearts as well as individuals who have experienced early life trauma and its long-term impact, often leading to depression, anxiety, addictions and relationship problems.\"\" ( 407) 490‑1391Lake Mary , Florida 32746View Email Erin Shay Willikens MSW, RCSWIVerified by Psychology Today\"\"Sometimes, in order to reach God's full potential for us, we need a little help along the way. To be encouraged, motivated, empowered, and reminded of how strong and courageous we are. \"\""
"docid": "D2793300#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/emdr-meaning-and-treatment-2797295\nEye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)",
"text": "\"PTSD Treatment Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)By Matthew Tull, Ph D | Reviewed by Steven Gans, MDUpdated January 29, 2018Share Pin Email Print EMDR seeks to replicate the rapid eye movement of dreaming; the patient is instructed to follow the fingers as the therapist moves them rhythmically back and forth in front of his eyes while remembering a particular event. Shutterstock/eurobanks Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment for PTSD as well as other mental health conditions (see below). The treatment brings together your traumatic memories and positive thoughts and beliefs to help reduce the distress stemming from your traumatic event. With these thoughts and images in mind, you will be asked to also pay attention to an outside stimulus such as eye movements or finger tappings guided by the therapist. EMDR treatment focuses on the PTSD-related aspects of the major time periods in your life: The past: Distressing, trauma-related events, and memories The present: Current situations that are causing you distress The future: Development of skills and attitudes you can use to take positive actions What Happens During EMDR Treatment? Step 1. Your EMDR therapist will start the session by asking you to bring to mind emotionally unpleasant memories, images, thoughts about yourself, and body sensations that stem from your traumatic event. Then, at the same time as you hold these thoughts and images in your mind, your therapist will ask you to pay attention to an outside stimulus. For example, you could be asked to move your eyes back and forth to follow the movements of the therapist's hand. Step 2."
"docid": "D536501#0",
"title": "http://www.uccs.edu/lbecker/effect-size.html\nEffect Size (ES)",
"text": "\"Effect Size (ES)I. Overview II. Effect Size Measures for Two Independent Groups Standardized difference between two groups. Correlation measures of effect size. Computational examples III. Effect Size Measures for Two Dependent Groups. IV. Meta Analysis V. Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance VI. References Effect Size Calculators Answers to the Effect Size Computation Questions I. Overview Effect size (ES) is a name given to a family of indices that measure the magnitude of a treatment effect. Unlike significance tests, these indices are independent of sample size. ES measures are the common currency of meta-analysis studies that summarize the findings from a specific area of research."
] |
636802 | what does emeritus status mean | [
"docid": "D3126932#0",
"title": "https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/32165/what-academic-functions-does-a-professor-emeritus-usually-serve\nWhat academic functions does a Professor Emeritus usually serve?",
"text": "\"_Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What academic functions does a Professor Emeritus usually serve?up vote25down votefavorite1I for one have never understood the distinction between a regular prof with a prof Emeritus/Emerita aside from the obvious fact that a Prof. Emeritus is someone who is usually fairly elderly and has spent quite a bit of time in the University. I am currently spending a working with a Prof. Emeritus who is the a supervisor/advisor to my project and conducts biweekly meetings (which are really brief chats about life) and am in need to make a serious request. I feel uncomfortable because he may have a lot of other work on the side. I do not know whether has classes on the side nor am I aware of any research activities. How does a professor become Prof. Emeritus (is age-status a must?) and do Prof."
] | [
"docid": "D3521853#0",
"title": "http://www.timesleader.com/sports/690381/michigan-state-president-resigns-in-wake-of-nassar-scandal\n.",
"text": "Michigan State president resigns in wake of Nassar scandal By LARRY LAGE - AP Sports Writer | January 25th, 2018 1:44 pm - updated: 1:48 pm. Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon resigned on Wednesday in response to the Nassar sexual abuse scandal. President’s resignation from Michigan State comes with lifetime of perks DETROIT — Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon’s resignation Wednesday night kicked in a number of special benefits she’ll receive, including lifetime free tickets to MSU football games and a 12-month paid research leave if she returns to the faculty. According to her contract, Simon is allowed to resign her position by giving a 60-day notice to the board. In those 60 days, she’s to continue to function as the school’s president and “provide reasonable assistance” in the transition to the next president. It’s still unclear who will take over for Simon. The board has a closed-door workshop scheduled for Friday morning. “We will be working through the details of transition with President Simon through the rest of the week and will announce them as soon as we can,” board chairman Brian Breslin said in a statement Wednesday night. “ Many are aware President Simon delayed returning to the faculty to lead through the challenges the university has been facing. We greatly appreciate her integrity, her many contributions, and her willingness to continue to serve through transition."
"docid": "D1333062#0",
"title": "http://www.gordon.edu/styleguide/names-titles\nACADEMIC TITLES AND DEGREES",
"text": "\"ACADEMIC TITLES AND DEGREESDr. and Professor Don't use these in writing before people's names, as a rule. Not all faculty members hold a doctoral degree, and not all hold the rank of full professor. Instead, use the styles below: Jane Smith, Ph. D., biology Jane Smith, biology faculty Jane Smith (biology)To authoritatively confirm a faculty member's official title and degree (s), contact that faculty member directly, or Cathy Thiele, assistant to the provost and academic dean. ( The GO site [people tab] is a handy reference for current faculty job titles, but occasionally a posted title is out of date. ) Formal College communications occasionally use Dr. before a person's name—particularly when referring to speakers visiting the campus. We also occasionally use \"\"Professor\"\" (never \"\"Prof.\"\") as a courtesy title before the name of an established faculty member who does not have a Ph. D. Our goal is to be courteous and appropriate, and these guidelines are flexible."
"docid": "D2944225#0",
"title": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/beer-bottle-weight.146849/\nBeer Bottle Weight",
"text": "Dec 5, 2006#1sphoenixee Random question: How much does a regular beer bottle (12 fl oz) weigh? I'm doing a physics project involving the weight of beer bottles, and I don't have a scale, balance, etc. Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org• Survival strategy: How one enzyme helps bacteria recover from exposure to antibiotics• Food packaging could be negatively affecting nutrient absorption in your body• First dynamic spine brace—robotic spine exoskeleton—characterizes spine deformities Dec 5, 2006#2turbo Gold Member Beer bottles are not uniform in weight, so you may have to generalize. The best bet is to buy a couple of cases of Beck's Dark, drink them all, load the bottles onto a bathroom scale and ask someone to divide that weight by 24, because you probably won't be able to do so. : yuck: Dec 5, 2006#3Danger Gold Member It weighs 12 fl. oz... plus the glass. Dec 5, 2006#4turbo Gold Member Danger said: ↑It weighs 12 fl. oz... plus the glass. Dammit, Danger! How can I steal your badge when you're stalking me like this?"
"docid": "D1214489#0",
"title": "https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/how-long-does-it-take-to-become-a-surgeon.859375/\nHow long does it take to become a surgeon?",
"text": "\"Dismiss Notice SDN members see fewer ads and full resolution images. Join our non-profit community!How long does it take to become a surgeon? Discussion in ' Pre-Medical - MD ' started by sshung, Sep 26, 2011 . Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Previous Thread Next Threadsshung Joined: Mar 15, 2010Messages: 108Likes Received: 10Starting from the first year of medical school, how many years does it take for one to become a surgeon? Would it be impossible to date or even get married before early 30's?#1sshung, Sep 26, 2011Thread continues after this sponsor message. SDN Members do not see this ad.iceman132Banned Banned Joined: May 24, 2011Messages: 1,275Likes Received: 8sshung said: ↑Starting from the first year of medical school, how many years does it take for one to become a surgeon? Would it be impossible to date or even get married before early 30's? Absolutely not. They give you a chastity belt and lock you in the hospital until age 40 for a surgery residency."
"docid": "D1498455#0",
"title": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/is-pi-infinite.12557/\nIs pi infinite?",
"text": "\"Jan 13, 2004#1pallidin Is pi Infinite? Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org• Mathematicians devise new model to study response of endovascular aneurysm sealing• Why prime numbers still fascinate mathematicians, 2,300 years later• Cracked it! Experts find answer to the knuckle-popping puzzle (Update)Jan 13, 2004#2chroot Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member No, π < ∞. - Warren Jan 13, 2004#3Integral Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member Further 3.14 < π < 3.15Jan 13, 2004#4luther_paul What do u mean pi is infinite? the value itself or the digit? if u are talking about the digits, its infinite because it is an irrational number, meaning unending digits. the value itself is not infinite because it has an exact value (22/7).3.14 < π < 3.15 its common sense to say that!peace!Jan 13, 2004#5chroot Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member Originally posted by luther_paulthe value itself is not infinite because it has an exact value (22/7).22/7 is a rational number, and thus has a repeating or terminating decimal expansion. 22/7 is not pi. 22/7 is just a crude approximation sometimes used in place of pi. - Warren Jan 13, 2004#6pnajluther_paul Sorry to be picky, but ...it is an irrational number, meaning unending digits... is not actually true (just in case pallidin gets the wrong idea). A rational number is any number that can be written m/n where m,n are integers."
"docid": "D2909246#0",
"title": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/who-really-invented-liquid-paper.198456/page-2\nWho really invented Liquid Paper?",
"text": "\"Nov 15, 2007#21chemisttree Science Advisor Homework Helper Gold Member No, he wasn't cheated. He was under contract, however. But that still counts for co-inventorship in the US. The story he recounted to me was a little different than those on the web. The story as he told it was that Bette showed up at his office with a can of flat wall paint and an empty fingernail polish bottle and said that she needed help. Nov 15, 2007#22Jimmy Snyderchemisttree said: ↑No. In that case, I would say we're finished here. Nov 15, 2007#23chemisttree Science Advisor Homework Helper Gold Member Evo said: ↑No, someone that either volunteers advice or is paid for advice on IMPROVEMENTS to a product already being sold is NOT a co-inventor. My patent attorney would be horrified.... (I hope I don't get banned for this...)Nov 15, 2007#24Ivan Seeking Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member Legally, today anyway, if the contract said \"\"works for hire\"\", then there is no legal claim to ownership. If not, then it might be argued in court."
"docid": "D1252186#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/about_6630592_professor-emerita_.html\nWhat Is a Professor Emerita?",
"text": "\"Home » College What Is a Professor Emerita? By Kit Garfield Emeriti faculty often remain involved after retirement. Professor Emerita is the title given to a female professor who has retired in honorable standing but still keeps the title of “professor” she held directly before retirement. Emerita is the female form of emeritus. Although universities once considered it standard practice to call a retired professor--male or female--of good standing a professor emeritus, an increasing number of universities now use the title professor emerita to refer to a retired female professor and the title professor emeritus for retired males: for example, Mary Smith, Professor Emerita from Andover College. It's In The Name The adjective \"\"emerita” is derived from a Latin word meaning \"\"to earn through service.\"\" A professor emerita is also called \"\"emerita professor,\"\" a slightly less formal term. Although certain traditional universities resisted the shift to professor emerita, the rise of feminism prompted many professionals of all kinds to re-think their vocabulary and to signal the difference between male and female. In general, university style guides across the U. S. and Great Britain now advise faculty and staff to use \"\"emeritus\"\" for a man and \"\"emerita\"\" for a woman How Professors Merit \"\"Emerita\"\"Universities differ widely on what standards they use for awarding emerita/emeritus and on the privileges and benefits the title confers. Generally, this distinction is given to faculty to honor their service to the institution upon retirement."
"docid": "D117572#0",
"title": "http://www.bu.edu/handbook/appointments-and-promotions/classification-of-ranks-and-titles/\nClassification of Ranks and Titles",
"text": "Classification of Ranks and Titles Faculty appointments are classified into ranks and groups by title. These classifications have significance in regard to benefits and rights that may or may not pertain to each category or classification. The granting of Tenure, discussed in “Tenure and Promotion on the Charles River Campus”, is a separate guarantee that is not implied by any of the titles discussed in this section. The original letter of appointment and each subsequent salary notification or reappointment letter shall indicate clearly the title, nature, duration, Tenure status, and salary of the appointment. Each School or College should have clear statements of the expectations for faculty of each rank and type of title. Unless otherwise stated, the titles and associated criteria described below apply to the faculty of both the Charles River and Medical Campuses. All persons receiving faculty appointments should have engaged in significant scholarly work or have notable professional expertise and achievement. The standard academic ranks are Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. The standard professorial titles (and where appropriate Instructor) are significantly altered by the addition of modifiers such as Emeritus, University, Clinical, Research, Adjunct, or Visiting. The standard lecturer ranks are Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Master Lecturer."
"docid": "D2469223#0",
"title": "http://ficoforums.myfico.com/t5/Bankruptcy/When-Does-Chap-13-drop-off-credit-report/td-p/643670\nWhen Does Chap 13 drop off credit report?",
"text": "\"Forum Topicsmy FICO® Forums Sign In Helpmy FICO® Forums Bouncing Back from Credit Problems Bankruptcy When Does Chap 13 drop off credit report? Options When Does Chap 13 drop off credit report? Previous1 2 3Nexttropknight808 Member 03-01-2010 02:43 PMWhen Does Chap 13 drop off credit report? I filed a Chapter 13 a few years ago and had it discharged in June 2003. How long does this stay on my credit report? I thought it was 7 years from the discharge date. However, I pulled my Trans Union credit report today, and it has a notation that the \"\"Estimated date that this item will be removed\"\" is March 2013. Message 1 of 230 Kudos All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic22 REPLIESMarine Viet Vet Moderator Emeritus 03-01-2010 03:49 PMRe: When Does Chap 13 drop off credit report?tropknight808 wrote: I filed a Chapter 13 a few years ago and had it discharged in June 2003. How long does this stay on my credit report? I thought it was 7 years from the discharge date."
"docid": "D1827988#0",
"title": "http://espn.go.com/boxing/story/_/id/10147304/vitali-klitschko-named-wbc-champion-emeritus-vacates-heavyweight-belt\nVitali Klitschko vacates title",
"text": "\"Vitali Klitschko vacates title Dec 16, 2013Dan Rafael ESPN Senior Writer Facebook Twitter Facebook Messenger Pinterest Emailprintcomment Vitali Klitschko, who has not defended his WBC heavyweight title in 15 months and is one of the central figures involved in the political unrest in his native Ukraine, vacated his belt Monday. The WBC instead appointed him as the organization's \"\"champion emeritus.\"\" It means that if Klitschko, 42, decides to fight again, he will automatically get a shot at the title upon his return, if he wants one. Klitschko, however, sounded as though he is finished boxing. Vitali Klitschko has vacated his WBC heavyweight belt, which he has held since 2008 and has defended nine times. Vitali Klitschko\"\"I want to thank the WBC and its president, Don Jose Sulaiman, for the support in our fight for democracy and freedom in Ukraine,\"\" Klitschko said. \"\" It was and is a great honor to hold the WBC title, and I've always done it with pride. The offer of the WBC gives me the theoretical possibility to return to the boxing ring, which I cannot imagine at all to the current state. \"\" Right now, my full concentration is on politics in Ukraine, and I feel that the people need me there. My brother [and unified heavyweight champion] Wladimir will ensure more sporting success and I will, as always, support him as much as he currently supports me in my political fight. \"\""
"docid": "D100717#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomedical_engineering\nBiomedical engineering",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the journal published as Biomedical Engineering, see Meditsinskaya Tekhnika. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Ultrasound representation of urinary bladder (black butterfly-like shape) a hyperplastic prostate. An example of practical science and medical science working together. Example of an approximately 40,000 probe spotted oligo microarray with enlarged inset to show detail. Biomedical engineering ( BME) is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic). This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine, combining the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical biological sciences to advance health care treatment, including diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. [ 1] Biomedical engineering has only recently emerged as its own study, as compared to many other engineering fields."
"docid": "D2209969#0",
"title": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/why-dont-all-neutron-stars-collapse-into-black-holes.833354/\nWhy don't all neutron stars collapse into black holes?",
"text": "\"Sep 19, 2015#1dect117If they are so insanely dense and their gravity is so mind-numbingly great, what prevents a neutron star from immediately collapsing into a black hole? Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org• Hunting for dark matter in the smallest galaxies in the Universe• How many stars to expect in Gaia's second data release• Dark matter might not be interactive after all Sep 19, 2015#2phinds Insights Author Gold Member Have you looked into what it takes for a mass to form a black hole? Sep 19, 2015#3Steam King Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Homework Helperdect117 said: ↑If they are so insanely dense and their gravity is so mind-numbingly great, what prevents a neutron star from immediately collapsing into a black hole? Because neutron stars, although \"\"insanely dense\"\" and having \"\"mind-numbingly great\"\" gravity, are not dense enough, nor do they possess sufficient gravity, to form a black hole. Sep 19, 2015#4Hornbeindect117 said: ↑If they are so insanely dense and their gravity is so mind-numbingly great, what prevents a neutron star from immediately collapsing into a black hole? It's the Pauli exclusion principle, the same thing that keeps YOU from collapsing into a man-mass black hole. Sep 20, 2015#5phinds Insights Author Gold Member Hornbein said: ↑It's the Pauli exclusion principle, the same thing that keeps YOU from collapsing into a man-mass black hole. It would seem that, by that logic, black holes could never form at all. Is that what you believe? Sep 20, 2015#6Hornbeinphinds said: ↑It would seem that, by that logic, black holes could never form at all."
"docid": "D1252188#0",
"title": "http://www.formsofaddress.info/Emeritus.html\n.",
"text": "\"How to Use Emeritus? How do I address/write my former Pastor's name on an envelope? Is he the Reverend (Full Name), Emeritus Pastor? Or is it Pastor Emeritus (Name)? -- C. F. I want to want to create a an \"\"emeritus list\"\" of our retired executives. Who gets included on such a list? Are they still emeritus when they pass away? -- R. K. Dear C. F. & R. K., When someone is emeritus, the form to use is: (Full Name), (Office) Emeritus/a. This form of address is used on a list published by, or on a document used by, the organization to note that there is a continuing relationship with the individual. Emeritus or (Office) Emeritus are used after the name for identification."
"docid": "D2328700#0",
"title": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/difference-between-theory-and-law.309324/\nDifference between Theory and Law",
"text": "\"Apr 23, 2009#1ffleming7What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law? Is there a fundamental difference or is a scientific law just a scientific theory that is extremely well accepted and supported. If that is the case, why is the Theory of Evolution not a scientific law, considering how much evidence there is supporting it? Also, I believe I have read that there is a Theory of Gravity as well as a Law of Gravity. Is this true? If it is, does that mean there is a fundamental difference between the two? Thanks for any help. Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org• A different spin on superconductivity—Unusual particle interactions open up new possibilities in exotic materials• How pathogenic bacteria prepare a sticky adhesion protein• Nova-like explosion of spinning live bacteria explained Apr 23, 2009#2bleedblue1234see: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=36163Apr 23, 2009#3Fredrik Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member A law is just a part of a theory that can be stated in the form of a single sentence or a single equation. Newton's law of gravity is the statement that the force by which a particle of mass M acts on a particle of mass m has magnitude GMm/r 2 and direction from m to M. Newton's theory of gravity is the framework that contains this law and everything else you need to calculate the motion of particles influenced by this law. A theory doesn't ever stop being a theory just because sufficient evidence to support it has been found."
"docid": "D1023608#0",
"title": "http://www.xmfan.com/viewtopic.php?t=123639\n.",
"text": "\"View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message Cafe SSJModerator Emeritus Joined: 15 Jan 2004 Posts: 35153 Location: Coming To A Theater Near You Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:07 pm Post subject: Amazon Echo Here's the latest gadget you can't live without. http://www.amazon.com/oc/echo/ref_=ods_dp_ae Quote: Amazon Echo is designed around your voice. It's always on—just ask for information, music, news, weather, and more. Echo begins working as soon as it hears you say the wake word, \"\"Alexa.\"\" It's also an expertly-tuned speaker that can fill any room with immersive sound._________________ When you believe in things that you don't understand, Then you suffer, Superstition ain't the way. Back to top Ryan Site Admin Joined: 14 Aug 2002 Posts: 56625 Location: St Louis, MOPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:04 pm Post subject: I think it's a good idea. Google Now meets Star Trek computer._________________ The one and only, XMFan.com! XMFan Store http://store.xmfanstore.com Sirius XM hardware and accessories."
"docid": "D2890893#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioheat_transfer\nBiomedical engineering",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Bioheat transfer)navigation search For the journal published as Biomedical Engineering, see Meditsinskaya Tekhnika. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( July 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Ultrasound representation of urinary bladder (black butterfly-like shape) a hyperplastic prostate. An example of practical science and medical science working together. Example of an approximately 40,000 probe spotted oligo microarray with enlarged inset to show detail. Biomedical engineering ( BME) is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic). This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine, combining the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical biological sciences to advance health care treatment, including diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. [ 1] Biomedical engineering has only recently emerged as its own study, as compared to many other engineering fields."
"docid": "D1125977#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_(Catholicism)\nCardinal (Catholic Church)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cardinal (Catholicism))navigation search For a current list of cardinals, see List of living cardinals. Part of a series on the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church Saint Peter Ecclesiastical titles ( order of precedence)Pope Cardinal Cardinal Vicar Moderator of the curia Chaplain of His Holiness Papal legate Papal majordomo Apostolic Nuncio Apostolic Delegate Apostolic Syndic Apostolic visitor Vicar Apostolic Apostolic Exarch Apostolic Prefect Assistant at the Pontifical Throne Eparch Metropolitan Patriarch Bishop Archbishop Bishop Emeritus Diocesan bishop Major archbishop Primate Suffragan bishop Titular bishop Coadjutor bishop Auxiliary bishop Territorial prelate Territorial abbot Liturgical titles [show]Administrative and pastoral titles [show]Consecrated and professed titles [show]Additional titles [show]Organization titles [show]Catholicism portalv t e The coat of arms of a cardinal is indicated by a red galero (wide-brimmed hat) with 15 tassels on each side (the motto and escutcheon are proper to the individual cardinal). A cardinal ( Latin: Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalis, literally Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church) is a senior ecclesiastical leader, considered a Prince of the Church, and usually (now always for those created when still within the voting age-range) an ordained bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. The cardinals of the Church are collectively known as the College of Cardinals. The duties of the cardinals include attending the meetings of the College and making themselves available individually or in groups to the Pope as requested. Most have additional duties, such as leading a diocese or archdiocese or managing a department of the Roman Curia. A cardinal's primary duty is electing the bishop of Rome when the see becomes vacant. During the sede vacante (the period between a pope's death or resignation and the election of his successor), the day-to-day governance of the Holy See is in the hands of the College of Cardinals. The right to enter the conclave of cardinals where the pope is elected is limited to those who have not reached the age of 80 years by the day the vacancy occurs. In 1059, the right of electing the pope was reserved to the principal clergy of Rome and the bishops of the seven suburbicarian sees."
"docid": "D2913654#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-actually-does-a-tuition-fee-waiver-actually-mean\nWhat actually does a tuition fee waiver actually mean?",
"text": "\"Kirk De, www. Prep Crow.com CEO - Founder of 3 startups Answered Mar 20, 2016 · Author has 326 answers and 648.5k answer views It is a general term to say \"\"you don't have to pay the tuition fee\"\". e.g in the US, the waiver may be because you have good scores in lets say SAT, GRE, GMAT etc. when you are enrolling to undergraduate or graduate programs. Some students get Assistantship (teaching, research etc.) instead of the tuition waiver where the student needs to work or help the professor, teach undergrads etc. for a minimum number hours per week so they get some money towards assistantship. Tuition waiver sometimes is also referred to financial aid.30k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below What is the difference between scholarship and tuition fee waiver?"
"docid": "D3135009#0",
"title": "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/04/01/10-things-you-need-to-know-to-really-understand-rfra-in-indiana-and-arkansas/\n10 things you need to know to really understand RFRA in Indiana and Arkansas",
"text": "By Howard M. Friedman April 1, 2015I signed SEA 101 today to ensure religious liberty is fully protected under IN law http://t.co/v COASZBZn Hpic.twitter.com/CMFJh6a LDx— Governor Mike Pence (@Gov Pence IN) March 26, 2015Religious liberty or discrimination? Depending on who you talk to, the latest RFRA legislation has been taken over by talking points instead of facts. Here’s what you really need to know to understand where RFRA came from and why it matters now.1. Why do we need RFRA if we have the First Amendment? The federal RFRA was a reaction to a 1990 case in which the Supreme Court changed the understanding that most people had of the First Amendment. In the Smith case, the court held that a state can broadly prohibit possession of hallucinogenic drugs without carving out an exemption for Native Americans who use peyote for sacramental purposes. The court said that the government did not need to have a “compelling interest” to burden free exercise rights when the burden was merely the incidental effect of applying a generally applicable law that is not directed at religious practices. The federal RFRA, enacted in 1993 with broad bipartisan support, was intended, according to Congress’ finding, “to restore the compelling interest test” to situations where religion is substantially burdened even by a neutral, generally applicable law. Originally the federal RFRA applied to burdens imposed by states as well as the federal government. However, in 1997, in the City of Boerne case, the Supreme Court held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority in imposing RFRA on the states."
"docid": "D2599257#0",
"title": "http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f117/cleaning-inflatable-10764.html\n.",
"text": "\"Page 1 of 2 1 2 >Thread Tools Rate Thread Display Modes28-10-2007, 11:31 # 1easterly Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007Location: St Charles MO Boat: Easterly 36 Aft Cabin Posts: 180Cleaning inflatable Will 409 GP cleaner hurt my Achilles? It works great. I just wonder what the long term will bring. __________________ __________________ 7.25 years until the Carib28-10-2007, 12:59 # 2David MModerator Emeritus Join Date: Sep 2007Location: San Francisco Bay Boat: research vessel Posts: 10,178Have you tried Simple Green? You certainly don't want to use any sort of petroleum based cleaner. From chemistry: Likes dissolve likes. __________________ __________________ 28-10-2007, 13:17 # 3easterly Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007Location: St Charles MO Boat: Easterly 36 Aft Cabin Posts: 180Never mind, I ran out of the old bottle of 409 All Purpose cleaner I was using and went to the store and bought another bottle of 409 All Purpose cleaner. It's different, doesn't work as well, foams up more, and smells different. Back to the drawing board.__________________ 7.25 years until the Carib28-10-2007, 19:23 # 4Lady Hawk Registered User Join Date: Dec 2006Location: Ft."
] |
636804 | what does emg | [
"docid": "D696243#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/emg/basics/definition/prc-20014183\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic procedure to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons). Motor neurons transmit electrical signals that cause muscles to contract. An EMG translates these signals into graphs, sounds or numerical values that a specialist interprets. An EMG uses tiny devices called electrodes to transmit or detect electrical signals. During a needle EMG, a needle electrode inserted directly into a muscle records the electrical activity in that muscle. A nerve conduction study, another part of an EMG, uses electrodes taped to the skin (surface electrodes) to measure the speed and strength of signals traveling between two or more points. EMG results can reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle dysfunction or problems with nerve-to-muscle signal transmission. Why it's done Your doctor may order an EMG if you have signs or symptoms that may indicate a nerve or muscle disorder. Such symptoms may include: Tingling Numbness Muscle weakness Muscle pain or cramping Certain types of limb pain EMG results are often necessary to help diagnose or rule out a number of conditions such as: Muscle disorders, such as muscular dystrophy or polymyositis Diseases affecting the connection between the nerve and the muscle, such as myasthenia gravis Disorders of nerves outside the spinal cord (peripheral nerves), such as carpal tunnel syndrome or peripheral neuropathies Disorders that affect the motor neurons in the brain or spinal cord, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or polio Disorders that affect the nerve root, such as a herniated disk in the spine Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic Risks EMG is a low-risk procedure, and complications are rare. There's a small risk of bleeding, infection and nerve injury where a needle electrode is inserted."
] | [
"docid": "D788933#0",
"title": "http://www.swspineandsports.com/pain-diagnosis-treatments/diagnostics/emgncv/\nEMG/NCV",
"text": "EMG/NCVDownload EMG Brochure View Informational Video: Electromyography (EMG)Electrodiagnostic studies consist of both nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG). These studies are often performed together and the combination of the two is abbreviated an EMG/NCS or, more commonly, just EMG. They work in combination to measure the electrical activity in nerves and muscles and are used to evaluate nerve and muscle injury. These injuries may be due to nerve compression, primary nerve or muscle diseases, or secondary injuries related to other diseases. An EMG helps the physician determine if the patient’s nerves/muscles are healthy and, if not, determine the cause of the nerve or muscle injury. Nerve conduction studies Nerve conduction studies (NCS) are performed to determine how well nerves conduct signals. The procedure involves stimulating the nerves with a small amount of electricity and recording how each nerve conducts this signal along its course. The response to this stimulation is recorded by electrodes that are taped to the patient’s skin. The electrodes are attached to a computer that analyzes the signals and produces a visual representation of them on the screen. The physician interprets the results by making measurements of the responses and correlating them to your symptoms."
"docid": "D3427085#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Radiology-/emg-scan/show/1422696\nemg scan",
"text": "emg scankenstr247anyone know how i can decipher a static emg scan. chiropractor explained it once, but i would like written explanation so i can refer to it. like what do the colors and number stand for. what can a scan reveal muscle spasms, muscle tension or tears. degeneration, etc i read some where something about blue=mild, green=moderate, red=severe, but what does black mean is it recognized in medical community as legitimate scan like MRI or CT scan. i know it is not recognized the court system though since certain medical professionals are not considered legitimate thanks Read more Dec 26, 2010Follow - 1 Upvote - 0 0 Answers Next Question0 Answers Page 1 of 1Your Answer Notify me of new activity on this question Join this community Answer Previous Question Next Question"
"docid": "D1266513#0",
"title": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC155519/\nNeuromuscular Evaluation of Trunk-Training Exercises",
"text": "J Athl Train. 2001 Apr-Jun; 36 (2): 109–118. PMCID: PMC155519Neuromuscular Evaluation of Trunk-Training Exercises Peter Konrad, * Klaus Schmitz, † and Achim Denner †Author information ► Copyright and License information ►This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Objective: To evaluate the neuromuscular activation profiles of trunk muscles in commonly used gymnastic strength exercises with a polymyographic set-up and to describe the training effects of each exercise. Design and Setting: Subjects performed 9 repetitions of each of 12 gymnastic exercises. Variations of 5 trunk flexions, 5 extensions, and 2 lateral-flexion movements were performed under standardized test conditions. Subjects: Ten healthy subjects (men and women) who were familiar with the exercises participated in the study. Measurements: We recorded surface electromyograms (EMGs) from the rectus abdominis, external oblique, rectus femoris, middle trapezius, erector spinae at T12 and L3, gluteus maximus, and semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. Recording of each repetition cycle was triggered by a flexible electronic goniometer attached to the trunk. The raw EMG signals were rectified, smoothed, amplitude normalized to maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and averaged for the last 8 repetitions."
"docid": "D12664#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/health/diseases-can-detected-emg-test-6e7910ec190d5c7b\nWhat Diseases Can Be Detected by an EMG Test?",
"text": "Health Conditions & Diseases Q: What Diseases Can Be Detected by an EMG Test? A: Quick Answer An electromyography, or EMG, test can detect various neuromuscular diseases, motor issues, nerve damage and degenerative conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome and cervical spondylosis, according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital. It can also detect Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lambert-Eaton syndrome and muscular dystrophy. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is an EMG Test? Who Can Conduct an EMG Test? Is an EMG Test for Nerves Painful? Credit: Joos Mind Stone Getty Images Full Answer Doctors typically use an EMG to diagnose myasthenia gravis, peripheral neuropathy, polymyositis and radial nerve dysfunction, states Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The test is often accompanied by a nerve conduction velocity test to determine whether a person has a nerve disorder or a muscle disorder. An EMG test measures muscle electrical activity to identify the presence of neuromuscular problems, explains Brigham and Women’s Hospital. It involves inserting a thin needle called an electrode into the muscle."
"docid": "D2628353#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Neurology/Early-ALS-symptoms/show/296932\nEarly ALS symptoms",
"text": "\"Early ALS symptomssbennes Hello all- I am a 35 yr old male. I have been having some very concerning neurological phenomnea that I would like to have examined. These symptoms begain approx. two weeks ago. Specifically, fasiculations in legs, feet and at times, other parts of the body. Simultaneously, I have a subjective feeling of weakness in the right leg: somedays it seems to involve the entire leg, sometimes just the quads and at others, the calf muscle only. Curiously, this feeling of \"\"weakness\"\" also presents when my leg is at rest and not being used. I have done all the crazy hyperchondriac tests for strength such as squats, calf raises, etc. but there appears to be no objective appreciation in differences of strength. There seems to be no gait disturbance either."
"docid": "D9895#0",
"title": "http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2011/07/suppversity-emg-series-latissimus.html\nSuppVersity EMG Series - Latissimus, Trapezius & More: The Very Best Exercises for Back Width & Thickness",
"text": "\"Supp Versity EMG Series - Latissimus, Trapezius & More: The Very Best Exercises for Back Width & Thickness Image 1: The major muscle groups of the back - trapezius (red) and latissimus dorsi (green)In this issue of the Supp Versity EMG Series, we are going to tackle three instead of one muscle groups, ...the trapezius (image 1, red) and the rhomboidei (image 1, blue), of which the former, i.e. the \"\" traps \"\", which covers the rhomboids that connect the scapula with the vertebrae of the spinal column, is often erroneously associated with the musculature of the neck; in effect, the m. trapezius extends longitudinally from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the spine of the scapula and is thus responsible for what pro-bodybuilders often refer to as back thickness and ...the latissimus dorsi (image 1, green), which literally is the 'broadest muscle of the back' and thus responsible for back width. The reasons we will be addressing back width and thickness in a single issue are twofold: Firstly, you need to train all muscle groups of the upper/mid back if you want to develop a strong and visually impressive frame*. *Note: In fact you have to train your lower back, particularly the erector spinae, as well, but since tackling all the four of them would have gone beyond the scope of one installment of the Supp Versity EMG Series, I decided to address abs and lower back together in an upcoming \"\"core training\"\" issue of this series. And secondly, you cannot really isolate one from the other, because your body was not designed to look aesthetically appealing (whatever your interpretation of this may be), but it was made for optimal functional strength and agility and thus ultimately for survival. Consequently, the muscles of your back (even more so than it is the case with other body parts) will always work in concert, when you climb, pull, snatch or just carry heavy objects around your house or garden. Keep that in mind, when you read about training for \"\"width\"\" vs. training for \"\"size\"\" (even in this summary)... synergy is the name of the game and you would not want huge \"\"wings\"\" (meaning a broad back) on a frame that is as flat as a pancake, anyway - would you? Chest Biceps Back Core Legs Triceps Shoulders Navigate the Supp Versity EMG Series - Click on the desired body part to see the optimal exercises. But enough of that, let's get to the meat and potatoes of EMG optimized back-training. Here they are, the most effective exercises for m. trapezius and m. latissimus dorsi, as measured by electromyography (10 male resistance-trained subjects, mean age 22y, mean body-fat 13%; data from Boeckh-Behrens & Buskies. 2000)... I. The Latissmus Dorsi - Grow Yourself a Pair of Wings Exercises with standard equipment for the m. latissimus dorsi Lat pulldown to sternum (PS1), narrow underhand grip, bend back Lat pulldown to neck (PN), shoulder-wide overhand grip, upright DB row, bend over (DB1), underhand grip, arms close to torso, palms to the front Lat pulldown to sternum (PS2), shoulder-wide overhand grip, bend back DB row, bend over (DB2), neutral grip, palms facing torso Lat pulldown to sternum (PS3), shoulder-wide overhand grip, upright Seated cable row (CR), V-Bar, arms close to torso Figure 1: EMG activity of exercises with standard equipment expressed relative to lat pulldowns to the neck (PN); the abbreviations can be found in the ranking above (data calculated based on Boeckh-Behrens & Buskies. 2000)The visual representation of the EMG activity relative to what was long considered the \"\"meat and potatoes\"\" of machine-based lat-training, the pulldown to the neck (PN), shows that the classic exercises, Joe Weider already recommended, i.e. the lat pulldown to the chest/sternum (PS1)and to the neck (PN) actually result in the greatest activation of the dorso-lateral muscle on the trunk, but other than the Canadian co-founder of the International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB) thought, Boeckh-Behrens & Buskies found no significant difference in the activation of the upper, middle and lower part of the latissimus dorsi between the different pulldown varieties."
"docid": "D1560901#0",
"title": "https://www.hss.edu/conditions_carpal-tunnel-syndrome-electrodiagnostic-testing.asp\nAn interview with Dr. Paget and Dr. Feinberg",
"text": "An interview with Dr. Paget and Dr. Feinberg Joseph H. Feinberg, MD Medical Director, Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury Attending Physiatrist, Hospital for Special Surgery Stephen A. Paget, MD, FACP, FACR Physician-in-Chief Emeritus, Hospital for Special Surgery Dr. Paget: My name is Dr. Stephen Paget, I’m the Physician in Chief at Hospital for Special Surgery, and I’m pleased today to introduce Dr. Joseph Feinberg, who’s an associate professor of rehabilitation medicine at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Just to start off, Dr. Feinberg, because some people might not know what a physiatrist is; could you let the audience know that? Dr. Feinberg: Sure. Physiatry is a small specialty. There are probably 5,000 board certified physiatrists in the country. The specialty is young – it was established in the 1950s. It’s a specialty that overlaps with orthopedics and neurology. We’re non-surgical specialists. We don’t perform any surgery, but see a lot of non-surgical orthopedic and neurologic problems. We’re also one of the two specialists that perform electrodiagnostic studies, the other specialists being neurologists."
"docid": "D2444692#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Neurology/Xray-showed-narrowing--pinched-nerve/show/895447\nXray showed narrowing, pinched nerve?",
"text": "\"Xray showed narrowing, pinched nerve? Julia__0__0Hello and thanks in advance for your help. You provide a great service here! I have found out from my GP today that my spinal XRays showed a narrowing at my SI level? I have had profound back pain that radiates down to my left ankle, and increases with sleeping on my firm mattress, prolonged sitting.. I had posted a message here a few weeks ago titled persistant back pain. I am 30 years old and have had bouts of \"\"back strain\"\" on the right side, ever since I had injured it 10 years ago in the army by lifting something too heavy...it has been simple to reinjure just by getting up the wrong way or lifting something light. My GP has ordered an EMG nerve study as he believes that I have left sciatia (sp? ), that means a pinched nerve right? If I do have that, what does that mean as far as prognosis? And does the term narrowing of the spine mean the same as a compressed disc, a herniated disc and/or a bulging disc?"
"docid": "D520604#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/how-does-an-emg-machine-work.htm\nHow Does an EMG Machine Work?",
"text": "Electromyography (EMG) helps detect possible abnormalities in the human body by recording electrical impulses created by muscular activity for medical analysis. There are two general types of EMG machine: surface and intramuscular. Surface EMG detects activity through electrodes placed on the surface of the skin. An intramuscular EMG machine, on the other hand, detects activity through needles inserted directly into the muscle. The degree of invasiveness and resulting sensitivity of the two methods allow for different medical applications. An EMG machine measures the size, frequency, and general shape of motor unit potentials generated by the patient's movement. When a motor neuron innervates muscle fibers, a slight electrical discharge is emitted from the neuron into the muscle fibers. An electromyograph can detect the sum of this activity and record it for interpretation. EMG tests record the activity both when the muscles are at rest and when the patient contracts them. In order to get accurate measurements, experts usually collect anywhere from 10 to 20 readings before ending the test."
"docid": "D740708#0",
"title": "https://forums.webmd.com/3/fibromyalgia-exchange/forum/18583\nWebMD ® Fibromyalgia Community",
"text": "\"Last Reply: 4 years ago8 years ago Anyone with FM have a painful EMG?xperky posted: Hi everyone, I've been having lots of pain and numbness in my right foot lately, along with pains all over my body. I've been having trouble walking for a few months too. My neurologist is watching me for MS, but the MRI's keep coming out negative, luckily. He ordered an EMG to test for peripheral neuropathy which also came out negative. I went to a rheumatologist who dx'ed FM last month. The diagnosis really fits my symptoms. Lots of pains, stiffness, fatigue like crazy, nausea, sensitive to sounds and odors, foggy brain, dry eyes, trouble using stairs later in the day, anxiety, etc, etc. This site is great! I've been reading and learning so much more about Fibromyalgia than can be found in the formal write-ups. All of you who are dealing with this disease are so strong."
"docid": "D189856#0",
"title": "https://www.howmuchisit.org/nerve-conduction-test-cost/\nHow Much Does a Nerve Conduction Test Cost?",
"text": "Health Costs > Tests > How Much Does a Nerve Conduction Test Cost? How Much Does a Nerve Conduction Test Cost? A nerve conduction test is performed as a way to evaluate the ability of electrical conduction of the motor and sensory nerves in the human body. Basically, it measures how fast the nerves can send an electrical signal. This test is normally performed when the symptoms of numbness, tingling and burning sensations in the arms and the legs are experienced, and oftentimes, this test will be recommended if the doctor suspects you have carpal tunnel, nerve abnormalities, a nerve injury, Guillain-Barre Syndrome or myasthenia. The nerve conduction study, commonly conducted alongside an EMG test, consists of different components which include Motor NCS, Sensory NCS, an F-wave study, and H-reflex study. The cost of a nerve conduction test will depend on the geographical location, the medical clinic performing the procedure and type of tests being performed.“ Monitoring electrode ” ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) by quinn.anya How much is it? On average, the price of a nerve conduction test is going to cost anywhere from $700 to as much as $4,000 if additional tests have to be performed. Most tests will fall in the $500 to $1,300 per extremity."
"docid": "D330384#0",
"title": "http://painmd.tv/electrodiagnostics/\nElectrodiagnostics EMG NCS (dermatomes and myotomes)",
"text": "Electrodiagnostics EMG NCS (dermatomes and myotomes)Electrodiagnostics (EDX) testing is used to evaluate the integrity and function of the peripheral nervous system (most cranial nerves, spinal roots, plexi, and nerves), NMJ, muscles, and the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). EDX testing is performed as part of an EDX consultation for diagnosis or as follow-up of an existing condition. EDX studies can provide information to: Identify normal and abnormal nerve, muscle, motor or sensory neuron, and NMJ functioning. Localize region (s) of abnormal function. Define the type of abnormal function. Determine the distribution of abnormalities. Determine the severity of abnormalities. Estimate the date of a specific nerve injury. Estimate the duration of the disease. Determine the progression of abnormalities or of recovery from abnormal function."
"docid": "D12666#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/nerve-damage-tests\nTop 40 Doctor insights on: Nerve Damage Tests",
"text": "\"Top 40 Doctor insights on: Nerve Damage Tests Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Nathaniel Drourr1 Please tell me if there is a test to determine nerve damage? EMG/NCS: The best study to evaluate nerve injury is emg/ncs - nerve conduction study. These are preformed by a neurologist. It involves placing small needles and passing a small amount of current through ... Read more Dr. Olav Jaren1,345 Doctors shared insights Nerve Damage (Definition)A complete nerve transection will leave an area totally numb. The distribution of the numbers depends upon where the nerve was cut. A partial nerve injury may leave the area tingly or incompletely numb. Finally even if the nerve is not cut the swelling and bruising to the tea can affect the nerve as well. Usually we consider sharp penetrating injuries as likely having nerve lacerations when sensation is lost. A hand surgeon can examine the hand and pinpoint the site or extent of nerve injury and recommend ... Read more Dr. Dariush Saghafi Neurology26 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Walter Husar1 doctor agreed:2 Help! Need to know if there's a test to determine nerve damage?"
"docid": "D443855#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-does-a-emg-test-show\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Does A Emg Test Show",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does A Emg Test Show Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Charles Glassman1 What does a emg test show? EMG: An electromyogram (EMG) measures the electrical activity of muscles at rest and during contraction . ... Read more Dr. Michele Arnold1,322 Doctors shared insights Electromyography (Definition)Emg (electromyography) is a test of your muscles and nerves. It is typically performed along with nerve conduction studies (ncs). The EMG portion involves placing a recording pin (like a fine wire antenna) into various muscles, looking for 'muscle distress signals' that could suggest nerve or muscle diseases/problems. Nerve conduction studies involve stimulating nerves ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Craig Morton2 doctors agreed:2 Emg/ncv test will show what exactly? See below: Ncv, or nerve conduction velocity, is an electrical diagnostic test that provides information about abnormal conditions in the nerves. Emg, or electromyography is a technique for ... Read more Dr. Julian Bragg3 What do you advise if I'm diabetic and have all the symtoms of neuropathy but does not show on emg test? Small fiber disease? : There is a variety of neuropathy that affects only the smallest nerve fibers, causing pain and numbness without any changes on conventional testing."
"docid": "D1458591#0",
"title": "http://www.neurologybillingguide.org/2016/05/ncs-and-emg-cpt-code-list-95905-95911.html\nNCS AND EMG CPT CODE list 95905 , 95911 and 95860, 95866 - Revenue code 0920, 0929",
"text": "\"NCS AND EMG CPT CODE list 95905 , 95911 and 95860, 95866 - Revenue code 0920, 0929CPT/HCPCS Codes Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)95905 Motor &/ sens nrve cndj test95907 Nvr cndj tst 1-2 studies95908 Nrv cndj tst 3-4 studies95909 Nrv cndj tst 5-6 studies95910 Nrv cndj test 7-8 studies95911 Nrv cndj test 9-10 studies95912 Nrv cndj test 11-12 studies95913 Nrv cndj test 13/> studies95933 Blink reflex test95937 Neuromuscular junction test95999 Neurological procedure G0255 Current percep threshold tst95873 Guide nerv destr elec stim Group 2 Paragraph Electromyography (EMG)95874 Guide nerv destr needle emg95885 Musc tst done w/nerv tst lim95886 Musc test done w/n test comp95887 Musc tst done w/n tst nonext51785 Anal/urinary muscle study92265 Eye muscle evaluation95860 Muscle test one limb95861 Muscle test 2 limbs95863 Muscle test 3 limbs95864 Muscle test 4 limbs95865 Muscle test larynx95866 Muscle test hemidiaphragm95867 Muscle test cran nerv unilat95868 Muscle test cran nerve bilat95869 Muscle test thor paraspinal95870 Muscle test nonparaspinal95872 Muscle test one fiber Nerve Conduction Studies The dichotomy into axonal and demyelinating neuropathies provides a practical means of correlating electrical abnormalities with major pathophysiologic changes in the nerve. Electrical studies can be of help in localization of an abnormality, and in distinguishing one variety of neuropathy from another: for example, diffuse vs. multifocal; axonal vs. demyelinating. Such distinction has diagnostic value. Specific classification of nerve injuries into neuropraxia and axonotmesis can be made on the basis of conduction studies and electromyography. Such classification has a bearing on prognosis and treatment. Focal neuropathies or compressive lesions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathies or root lesions, for localization. Traumatic nerve lesions, for diagnosis and prognosis. Diagnosis or confirmation of suspected generalized neuropathies, such as diabetic, uremic, metabolic or immune. Repetitive nerve stimulation in diagnosis of neuromuscular junction disorders such as myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syndrome. There may be other instances, not detailed here, where NCS may be of use."
"docid": "D3069280#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1846028-overview\nEMG Evaluation of the Motor Unit - Electrophysiologic Biopsy",
"text": "\"Drugs & Diseases > Clinical Procedures EMG Evaluation of the Motor Unit - Electrophysiologic Biopsy Updated: Nov 30, 2015Author: Paul E Barkhaus, MD; Chief Editor: Nicholas Lorenzo, MD, MHA, CPE more... Share Email Feedback Sections Overview Indications Equipment Technique Quantitative Analysis Show All Media Gallery Tables References Overview\"\"Since the measuring device has been constructed by the observer..... We have to remember that what we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.\"\" — Werner Karl Heisenberg The motor unit (MU) is a part of the neuromuscular system that contains an anterior horn cell, its axon, and all of the muscle fibers (MFs) that it innervates, including the axon's specialized point of connection to the MFs, the neuromuscular junction. The neuromuscular system also includes upper motor neuron inputs to the lower motor neuron as well as afferent inputs from the periphery such as position receptors in joints, Golgi tendon organs, and muscle spindles. The result is the ability of the muscle to make various patterns of contraction under the control of the upper motor neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). In routine needle-electrode examination (ie, electromyography [EMG]) of voluntary muscle contraction, the electrodiagnostic consultant assesses the signature electrical signal generated by the MUs, termed the MU action potential (MUAP). In addition, signals generated by individual or non-MU groups of MFs, termed insertion activity (IA) and spontaneous activity (SA), are assessed. These are patterns of random or rogue sub-MUAP activity that may yield important clues in the interpretation of the EMG signal. In electrodiagnosis, consideration of all data is important. The focus of this article is on MUs and the MUAPs they generate, particularly in neuromuscular disorders in which remodeling of the MU may occur. To place these concepts in perspective, some review of basic clinical neurophysiologic concepts is necessary."
"docid": "D973229#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/electromyography_emg/page2_em.htm\nElectromyography (EMG)",
"text": "\"What is Electromyography (EMG)? EMG Risks EMG Preparation During the EMG Procedure After the EMG Procedure What is Electromyography (EMG)? Readers Comments 4 Share Your Story Electromyography, or EMG, involves testing the electrical activity of muscles. Often, EMG testing is performed with another test that measures the conducting function of nerves. This is called a nerve conduction study. Because both tests are often performed at the same office visit and by the same personnel, the risks and procedures generally apply to both tests. Muscular movement involves the action of muscles and nerves and needs an electrical current. This electrical current is much weaker than the one in household wiring. In some medical conditions the electrical activity of the muscles or nerves is not normal. Finding and describing these electrical properties in the muscle or nerve may help the doctor diagnose the patient's condition."
"docid": "D1906501#0",
"title": "https://neurology.msu.edu/patient-care/clinical-testing-procedures/EMG-NCS\nElectromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)",
"text": "ELECTROMYOGRAM (EMG)What to Expect During Your EMG Test Electrodiagnostic medicine studies diseases of the nerves and muscles. The EMG test your doctor has recommended studies if your muscles and nerves are working right. You can have problems with your muscles and nerves in only one part of your body or throughout your body. The EMG doctor examines you to decide what tests to do. The results of the tests will help your doctor decide what is wrong and how it can be treated. Who does the testing? The American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine’s policy is that an appropriately trained doctor should do all needle EMG (electromyography) testing. A trained assistant, a technologist, under a doctor’s supervision can do nerve conduction studies (NCSs). What medical training do doctors who do EMGs have? Doctors who do EMGs go to 4 years of medical school; and then have 3 or 4 more years training in a residency program."
"docid": "D3474286#0",
"title": "https://sem.sprint.com/support/faq/\nFAQ",
"text": "FAQEnterprise Messenger and Secure Enterprise Messenger Can I order Sprint Enterprise Messenger (SEM) and Secure Enterprise Messenger (SSEM) clients for non-Sprint phones? Can I use SEM and SSEM on my tablet if it doesn’t support text messaging? How do I activate the Enterprise Mobile Messaging Apps on my phone? How do I add or cancel application licenses? My company has employees worldwide. Can I send IP messages to all of them? Enterprise Messaging Gateway Can I send text messages to my employees even if they don’t have Sprint phones? Can I use the Enterprise Messaging Gateway for sending messages to my customers? How do I report problems with the EMG? How do I sign up for an Enterprise Messaging Gateway account?"
"docid": "D149678#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/electromyography_emg/article_em.htm\nElectromyography (EMG)",
"text": "\"What is Electromyography (EMG)? EMG Risks EMG Preparation During the EMG Procedure After the EMG Procedure What is Electromyography (EMG)? Readers Comments 4 Share Your Story Electromyography, or EMG, involves testing the electrical activity of muscles. Often, EMG testing is performed with another test that measures the conducting function of nerves. This is called a nerve conduction study. Because both tests are often performed at the same office visit and by the same personnel, the risks and procedures generally apply to both tests. Muscular movement involves the action of muscles and nerves and needs an electrical current. This electrical current is much weaker than the one in household wiring. In some medical conditions the electrical activity of the muscles or nerves is not normal. Finding and describing these electrical properties in the muscle or nerve may help the doctor diagnose the patient's condition."
] |
636806 | what does emilio mean | [
"docid": "D524545#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/1/Emilio\nWhat does Emilio mean?",
"text": "\"What does Emilio mean? Emilio ▲ as a boys' name is of Latin derivation, and the name Emilio means \"\"rival; laborious; eager\"\". Emilio is a Spanish form of Emil (Latin): from the old Roman surname Aemilius. STARTS WITH Em-ASSOCIATED WITH rival (war), eager (faithful)Variations VARIANTS Emelio, Aemilio OTHER FORMS VIA EMIL Emelen, Emile ▼, Emilian, Emiliano ▲, Emilien, Emilion, Emilyan, Emlen, Emlin, Emlyn CREATIVE FORMS (male) (female)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Emilio Ledger (E. L.), .. How popular is Emilio? Emilio is a very popular first name for males (#490 out of 1220, Top 40%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#49159 out of 150436, Top 33%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D3087471#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/xochitl\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "\"Xochitl Pronunciation: SOH-cheel (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Related Names: Ixtlilxochitl Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Xochitl Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Xochitl? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FCitlali Cuauhtemoc Emiliano Emilio Ethan Itzel Ixchel Izaiah Jannet Jordan Leonela Monica Nayeli Raul Samantha Saul Theo Theodore Tonatiuh Xavier Ximena Xiomara Yesenia Zithlaly Zoey Name Lists Featuring Xochitl Contribute your knowledge to the name Xochitl Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Xochitl: | Editpronounced SO-cheel Personal experiences with the name Xochitl: | Edit Share what you know!Nicknames for Xochitl: | Edit Xochi (pronounced SOH-chee)Meanings and history of the name Xochitl: | Edit Aztec name meaning \"\"flower\"\"Famous real-life people named Xochitl: | Edit Share what you know!Xochitl in song, story & screen: | Edit Share what you know!How does Xochitl sound to you? What Namipedia Users Say Smart? No Way Definitely Sexy? No Way Definitely Friendly? No Way Definitely Creative? No Way Definitely Strong? No Way Definitely Young?"
"docid": "D3431808#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_thesis_for_abuelito_who\nWhat is a thesis?",
"text": "\"Victory Ah95 61,282 Contributions What is a thesis? A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. A good thesis statement makes the difference between a thoughtful research project and a simple rete …Runtdog 41,832 Contributions What is your thesis? Thesis is defined as: \"\"1. A proposition to be maintained or proved......and/or....... 2. A dissertation esp. by a candidate for a degree\"\". So, in turn they would basically mea …Willow Javert 12 Contributions What is the meaning of Abuelito Who by Sandra Cisneros? Abuelito actually means grandfather, not grandmother. . . just aslight correction."
"docid": "D462747#0",
"title": "http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8195.html\nPolitics as Religion Emilio GentileTranslated by George Staunton",
"text": "\"Emilio Gentile, an internationally renowned authority on fascism and totalitarianism, argues that politics over the past two centuries has often taken on the features of religion, claiming as its own the prerogative of defining the fundamental purpose and meaning of human life. Secular political entities such as the nation, the state, race, class, and the party became the focus of myths, rituals, and commandments and gradually became objects of faith, loyalty, and reverence. Gentile examines this \"\"sacralization of politics,\"\" as he defines it, both historically and theoretically, seeking to identify the different ways in which political regimes as diverse as fascism, communism, and liberal democracy have ultimately depended, like religions, on faith, myths, rites, and symbols. Gentile maintains that the sacralization of politics as a modern phenomenon is distinct from the politicization of religion that has arisen from militant religious fundamentalism. Sacralized politics may be democratic, in the form of a civil religion, or it may be totalitarian, in the form of a political religion. Using this conceptual distinction, and moving from America to Europe, and from Africa to Asia, Gentile presents a unique comparative history of civil and political religions from the American and French Revolutions, through nationalism and socialism, democracy and totalitarianism, fascism and communism, up to the present day. It is also a fascinating book for understanding the sacralization of politics after 9/11. Emilio Gentile is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Rome La Sapienza. His books include The Sacralization of Politics in Fascist Italy; The Struggle for Modernity: Nationalism, Futurism, and Fascism; The Origin of Fascist Ideology; and The Italian Road to Totalitarianism: The Party and the State in the Fascist Regime (forthcoming). In 2003 he was awarded the Hans Sigrist Prize by the University of Bern for his studies on political religions."
"docid": "D524543#0",
"title": "http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/emilio\nEmilio",
"text": "Parenting / Baby Names / E / Boy / Emilio Emilio The name Emilio is a baby boy name. Meaning French Meaning: The name Emilio is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Emilio is: Eager. American Meaning: The name Emilio is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Emilio is: Eager. Spanish Meaning: The name Emilio is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Emilio is: Flattering. Latin Meaning: The name Emilio is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Emilio is: derived from Roman clan name which may mean 'industrious. Numerology Soul Urge Number: 11People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters."
"docid": "D1945892#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090060/trivia\nTrivia",
"text": "\"Edit St. Elmo's Fire (1985)Trivia Showing all 57 items Jump to: Cameo (1) | Spoilers (1)Demi Moore had a drug problem, much like her character when she was cast in the film. One day, director Joel Schumacher actually demanded that she leave the set because she was really high. Moore actually had to go through rehab and promise to stay clean in order to play a character with a drug problem.141 of 144 found this interesting | Share this The street that the St. Elmo bar is on is in the Universal back lot with several fill in buildings in between sets. About two to three buildings to the left is the Hill Valley Clock Tower from Back to the Future (1985).78 of 79 found this interesting | Share this Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, and Judd Nelson all portrayed college graduates in this 1985 film, the same year all three actors also portrayed high school students in John Hughes ' The Breakfast Club (1985). St. Elmo's Fire (1985) producer Lauren Shuler Donner has said all three were cast in the film due to strong recommendations from Hughes.126 of 131 found this interesting | Share this Singer John Parr, who co-wrote and sung the title song \"\"St. Elmo's Fire\"\" for the soundtrack, explained during a speech at the Children's choice awards in Sheffield that he was \"\"not particularly thrilled\"\" to be working on this film and that, motivation for the song actually came from a young man who had recently become paralyzed. He said that \"\"the wheels\"\" of the Man in Motion referenced in the lyrics was popularly thought to mean the wheels of Demi Moore 's jeep, but actually refers instead to those of a wheelchair.52 of 53 found this interesting | Share this Mare Winningham played a virgin while she was actually pregnant during filming.104 of 109 found this interesting | Share this The \"\"booga-booga\"\" cheer that the friends do when they are celebrating or just in a good mood was not originally in the script. In a later interview, Rob Lowe stated that the cheer came out of observing fans whispering about the stars of the movie and then laughing. The cheer itself makes fun of what these whispered conversations sounded like from a few feet away.73 of 76 found this interesting | Share this The interchanges between Kevin and the hooker where based on a conversation between a hooker and a limo driver that Joel Schumacher had once overheard.23 of 23 found this interesting | Share this Director Joel Schumacher saw Demi Moore walk down the hallway in his office's building and asked a colleague to run after her and find out if she was an actress. Schumacher's production office at the time was in the same place as that of John Hughes ' office where Moore had just been visiting regarding a casting call.32 of 33 found this interesting | Share this Martin Balsam and Joyce Van Patten, who played Wendy's parents Mr. and Mrs. Beamish, were married in real life from 1957 to 1962.41 of 43 found this interesting | Share this According to director Joel Schumacher, he had to fight hard to cast Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Andrew Mc Carthy and Andie Mac Dowell."
"docid": "D1332412#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Sheen\nMartin Sheen",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Martin Sheen Sheen in 2008Born Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez August 3, 1940 (age 77) [1]Dayton, Ohio, U. S. Citizenship American, Irish [2]Occupation Actor, activist Years active 1961–present Spouse (s) Janet Templeton ( m. 1961)Children Emilio Estevez Ramón Estevez Charlie Sheen Renée Estevez Relatives Joe Estevez (brother)Sheen's voicefrom the BBC programme Desert Island Discs, 03 Apr 2011 [3]Signature Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez (born August 3, 1940), known professionally as Martin Sheen, is an American-Irish actor who first became known for his roles in the films The Subject Was Roses (1968) and Badlands (1973), and later achieved wide recognition for his leading role in Apocalypse Now (1979) and as President Josiah Bartlet in the television series The West Wing (1999-2006). In film, Sheen has won the Best Actor award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival for his performance as Kit Carruthers in Badlands. Sheen's portrayal of Capt. Willard in Apocalypse Now earned a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor. Sheen has worked with a wide variety of film directors, including Richard Attenborough, Francis Ford Coppola, Terrence Malick, David Cronenberg, Mike Nichols, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Oliver Stone. Sheen received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1989. In television, Sheen has won a Golden Globe and two Screen Actors Guild awards for playing the role of President Josiah Bartlet in The West Wing, and an Emmy for guest starring in the sitcom Murphy Brown. Born and raised in the United States by immigrant parents, he adopted the stage name Martin Sheen to help him gain acting parts. [ 4] He is the father of four children ( Emilio, Ramón, Carlos and Renée ), all of whom are actors. Although known as an actor, Sheen also has directed one film, Cadence (1990), appearing alongside sons Charlie and Ramón."
"docid": "D2626102#0",
"title": "http://www.noise11.com/news/quando-quando-quando-singer-emilio-pericoli-dies-at-85-20130412\nQuando Quando Quando Singer Emilio Pericoli Dies At 85",
"text": "\"Italian singer Emilio Pericoli, the original singer of ‘Quando Quando Quando’, has died at the age of 85. Pericoli had a top ten hit in the U. S. in 1962 with ‘Al Di La’. Much of Pericoli’s success both in Italy and in the rest of the world can be attributed to the Sanremo Music Festival in Sanremo, Italy. His international hit Al Di La was a cover version of the 1961 festival winner as sung by Betty Curtis and Luciano Tajoli. It went to number 6 on the U. S. Hot 100 and 3 on the Adult Contemporary chart along with number 30 in the U. K. The next year, he entered the festival with Tony Renis with the song Quando Quando Quando. While they didn’t win, his recording went on to become one of his best known. The song would go on to include a songwriting credit for Pat Boone for the English version which was later recorded by Englebert Humperdinck and Michael Buble. In 1963, he and Renis entered again, finally winning the festival with Uno Per Tutte. He later went on to become a television actor. More from vvnmusic.com Stay updated with your free Noise11 daily music newsletter."
"docid": "D475429#0",
"title": "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1162559_bobby\nBobby (2006)",
"text": "Bobby (2006)All Critics | Top Critics TOMATOMETER46 %Average Rating: 5.6/10Reviews Counted: 170Fresh: 79Rotten: 91Critics Consensus: Despite best intentions from director Emilio Estevez and his ensemble cast, they succumb to a script filled with pointless subplots and awkward moments working too hard to parallel contemporary times. AUDIENCE SCORE72%liked it Average Rating: 3.6/5User Ratings: 45,019Bobby Photos View All Photos (14)Movie Info Twenty-two people become unwitting participants in a tragic and defining moment of the 1960s in this period drama from actor and director Emilio Estevez. It's early June in 1968, and the California presidential primary elections are occupying the minds of many in the Golden State, with Robert F. Kennedy in a close race against Eugene Mc Carthy and Hubert Humphrey. The Kennedy campaign staff has set up camp at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, while the staff and guests become observers as the brother of fallen president John F. Kennedy sets out to pick up where his sibling left off. Paul (William H. Macy) is the manager of the Ambassador, and his wife, Miriam (Sharon Stone), is a hairdresser who runs' the hotel's beauty salon. Angela (Heather Graham) is a receptionist working the hotel's switchboard who has been sleeping with Paul behind Miriam's back. Timmons (Christian Slater) is in charge of the hotel's restaurant and catering department, and makes no secret of his dislike of the African-Americans and Latinos under his employ. Miguel (Jacob Vargas) and Jose (Freddy Rodriguez) are two young Chicanos on the kitchen staff who have it in for Timmons, while Robinson (Laurence Fishburne) is an older black man who counsels them on dealing with their rage. Virginia Fallon (Demi Moore) sings in the hotel's cocktail lounge and has a serious problem with alcohol; her husband, Tim (Emilio Estevez), is a Kennedy supporter and also her manager, and he's nearing the end of his rope in dealing with her problem. William (Elijah Wood) is a young man desperate to avoid being drafted and sent to Vietnam; Diane (Lindsay Lohan) is a pretty young woman dating William's brother who agrees to marry him so William can avoid being drafted, though William is clearly infatuated with her, while she considers this a marriage in name only."
"docid": "D2648152#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilio_Estefan\nEmilio Estefan",
"text": "\"This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. ( November 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Estefan and the second or maternal family name is Gómez. Emilio Estefan Gómez Estefan at the 2014 Miami International Film Festival premiere of An Unbreakable Bond Born March 4, 1953 (age 65)Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Occupation Producer actorentrepreneur Years active 1974–present Spouse (s) Gloria Estefan ( m. 1978)Children 2, including Emily Relatives Lili Estefan (niece)Musical career Genres Bachata Latin pop dance-pop salsa pop adult contemporaryclub-dance Labels Sony Music Associated acts Gloria Estefan Miami Sound Machine Emilio Estefan Gómez (born March 4, 1953) is a Cuban-American musician and producer of Lebanese Heritage. Emilio has won 19 Grammy Awards. Estefan first came to prominence as a member of the Miami Sound Machine. He is the husband of singer Gloria Estefan and the uncle of Spanish-language television personality Lili Estefan. Contents [ hide ]1 Professional career1.1 Other business ventures2 Awards3 References4 External links Professional career [ edit]Emilio Estefan has shaped, developed and directed the careers of many superstars in the music industry. He has produced various events for both general market and Hispanic market television."
"docid": "D2386846#0",
"title": "https://www.tumblr.com/search/doctor%20aphra/recent\ndoctor aphra",
"text": "\"doctor aphra Related: darth vader chelli lona aphra star wars magna tolvan vadaphracalypslove calypslove.tumblr.com Follow Vader’s Love17 - İzmirdoctor-aphra doctor-aphra.tumblr.com Followi'm a rogue archaeologist, not a protocol droidkay; one of those new sw fans drawn in by the hype around tfa; very in love with doctor aphra. this blog is 60% kylux right now and i am sorryperadii:so fandom’s reaction to hux as a whole annoys me but i just want to throw this out there: hux is an eighties yuppie. he snorts stims. he never sleeps. he gets precious about his uniform, and wants it to be made of the most expensive fabrics. he’d vote thatcher. he works himself to the bone and he expects everyone else to do the same. he’s a cokehead. he wears red braces. he schedules meetings for four in the morning to get everyone else off balance."
"docid": "D2930334#0",
"title": "http://home.emiliopucci.com/about-emilio-pucci\nAbout Emilio Pucci",
"text": "About Emilio Pucci Born in 1914 to one of Florence’s most illustrious families, the Marquis Emilio Pucci di Barsento naturally embodied the jet set glamour of post-war Italy. Multilingual, well-travelled, American-educated, air force pilot, Olympic skier and aristocrat – he was a Renaissance man in every sense of the term. Recovering in Switzerland after the war, and with the Italian economy in ruins, Pucci made ends meet by teaching Italian and giving ski lessons in Zermatt. It was there that in 1947 a streamlined ski outfit he designed, initially for himself and then for his enthusiastic socialite friends was photographed by a fashion photographer and published in Harper’s Bazaar USA, giving rise to a fashion phenomenon that continues to reverberate to this day. Pucci was driven by the desire to liberate women, granting them unprecedented freedom of movement. Setting up his atelier in the Pucci family’s grand palazzo in the heart of Florence, Emilio began working closely with expert fabric manufacturers in Italy to pioneer and patent revolutionary stretch fabrics that eschewed the heavy, rigid fabrications largely in circulation at that time. Contrary to his design contemporaries, Pucci was driven by the desire to liberate women, granting them unprecedented freedom of movement. His stretch silk and cotton jerseys were weightless, unlined, and wrinkle-proof - precursors for a modern, travel-friendly wardrobe that captivated a new generation of modern, active women. His first boutique was La Canzone del Mare (The Song of the Sea) on the island of Capri, even then a glamorous resort destination, where he developed wearable yet chic sportswear: “Capri” pants, silk twill shirts with a masculine cut, open-toed sandals and striped jersey tops, all in refreshingly vibrant colours that evoked the island’s natural beauty. His designs featured sensual, free-flowing lines that followed the natural curves of the body - effortlessly elegant clothing which took women from day to evening... He began showing his collections to international press and buyers in Florence in 1951."
"docid": "D705216#0",
"title": "http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0086066/trivia?ref_=m_tt_trv_trv\nTrivia (99)",
"text": "\"In the poster for the film, the Greasers are shown laughing as Johnny is smirking. This was a candid shot, taken during the photo session in which the actors were supposed to look tough at the camera. What happened was that Leif Garrett (Bob, the Soc) was approaching the food table off-camera, and a stagehand said, \"\"Hey, Leif. Don't dig in yet. Save that for the actors.\"\" Then Ralph Macchio said, \"\"Yeah Leif, save that for the actors.\"\" This comment cracked up the cast, and the photo was used. When Dallas falls out of his chair at the drive-in, it was completely accidental, and Ponyboy (C. Thomas Howell) looks briefly at the camera while laughing. Francis Ford Coppola wanted Matt Dillon to spend a night in jail to \"\"understand\"\" the character of Dallas Winston a bit better. Dillon refused, saying, \"\"No way, Francis, how about you go spend a night in jail? \"\""
"docid": "D1233570#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_name_Sergio_mean\nWhat does the name sergio means?",
"text": "\"What does the name sergio means? Sergio is Latin and means \"\"servant. \"\" What does Sergio busquets tattoo mean? The tattoo is dedicated to his grandfather. Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions What is the birth name of Sergio Blass? Sergio Blass's birth name is Sergio Gonzlez. Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions What is the birth name of Sergio Bruna? Sergio Bruna's birth name is Sergio Ibanez Bruna. Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions What is the birth name of Sergio Bruni? Sergio Bruni's birth name is Guglielmo Chianese."
"docid": "D1475730#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/spanish-colonization-in-the-philippines-page1.html\n\"\"\"Spanish Colonization In The Philippines\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Spanish Colonization In The Philippines\"\" Essays and Research Papers Spanish Colonization In The Philippines THE SPANISH COLONIZATION IN THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines was very lucky because our country was rich in natural resources. And that is the reason why many foreign countries had colonized our country. Spain is one of the foreign countries that colonized our country for more than three hundred years. They are the reason why Filipinos experienced suffered, hardship, persecution etc. during their colonization. But the Spanish had also... Colonialism, Filipino language, Filipino people 757 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Philippines' Colonization Philippines ’ Colonization Maurice Deborah S. Tolentino English PACE 1132 July 17, 2013 ... Colonialism, Emilio Aguinaldo, Manila 1002 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Various Developments of the Philippines Under Spanish Colonization VARIOUS DEVELOPMENTS OF THE PHILIPPINES UNDER SPAIN After arriving on the first quarter of the year 1521 and seizing the Philippine Islands for more than three centuries, the Spaniards departed leaving not just recollection of slavery, but also the rich maturation of the country. Divergent expansions acquired from Spain crept the Philippines away from what was a simple and allusive land, to a civilized and erudite realm. Yes, suppression was at its peak back then too, everyone knows it. And most... Colonialism, Filipino language, Filipino people 2103 Words | 6 Pages Open Document Spanish and american colonization in the past years in the philippines Propaganda Movement were called propagandists or reformists. They worked inside and outside the Philippines ."
"docid": "D510847#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism\nDefinitions of fascism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Part of a series on Fascism Core tenets Topics Ideas People Literature Organizations History Lists Variants Related topics Fascism portal Politics portalv t e What constitutes a definition of fascism and fascist governments has been a complicated and highly disputed subject concerning the exact nature of fascism and its core tenets debated amongst historians, political scientists, and other scholars since Benito Mussolini first used the term in 1915. A significant number of scholars agree that a \"\"fascist regime\"\" is foremost an authoritarian form of government, although not all authoritarian regimes are fascist. Authoritarianism is thus a defining characteristic, but most scholars will say that more distinguishing traits are needed to make an authoritarian regime fascist. [ 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]Similarly, fascism as an ideology is also hard to define. Originally, it referred to a totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Many scholars use the word \"\"fascism\"\" without capitalization in a more general sense, to refer to an ideology (or group of ideologies) which was influential in many countries at many different times. For this purpose, they have sought to identify what Roger Griffin calls a \"\"fascist minimum\"\"—that is, the minimum conditions that a certain political movement must meet in order to be considered \"\"fascist\"\". [ 3] According to most scholars of fascism, there are both left and right influences on fascism as a social movement, and fascism, especially once in power, has historically attacked communism, conservatism and liberalism. Scholars have inspected the apocalyptic, millennial and millenarianism aspects of fascism. [ 10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]Contents1 By fascist thinkers and movements1.1 Benito Mussolini1.2 Sergio Panunzio1.3 Charles Maurras2 By scholars2.1 Umberto Eco2.2 John T. Flynn2.3 Emilio Gentile2.4 Roger Griffin2.5 F. A. Hayek2.6 Dimitri Kitsikis2.7 Ernst Nolte2.8 Kevin Passmore2.9 Robert Paxton2.10 Stanley G. Payne2.11 John Weiss2.12 John Lukacs3 By Marxists3.1 Georgi Dimitrov4 By other antifascists4.1 Franklin D. Roosevelt4.2 George Orwell4.2.1 Fascist as insult4.3 Linda and Morris Tannehill5 See also6 Notes7 References8 External links By fascist thinkers and movements [ edit]Benito Mussolini [ edit]Benito Mussolini, who was the first to use the term for his political party in 1915, described fascism in Doctrine of Fascism as follows: [17]Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy."
"docid": "D2578412#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Declaration_of_Independence\nPhilippine Declaration of Independence",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Philippine Declaration of Independence Created May–June 1898Ratified June 12, 1898 (Enacted) September 29, 1898 (Ratified by Malolos Congress)Location National Library of the Philippines [1]Author (s) Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista Emilio Aguinaldo Signatories 98 delegates Purpose To proclaim the sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial rule of Spain The Philippine Declaration of Independence ( Filipino: Pagpapahayag ng Kasarinlan ng Pilipinas) was proclaimed on June 12, 1898 in Cavite II el Viejo (present-day Kawit, Cavite ), Philippines. With the public reading of the Act of the Declaration of Independence ( Spanish: Acta de la proclamación de independencia del pueblo Filipino; Filipino: Paggawa ng Pagpapahayag ng Kasarinlan ng Sambayanang Pilipino ), Filipino revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Background1.2 The Proclamation on June 121.3 Struggle for independence1.4 Current location of the Declaration2 The text of the \"\"Act of Proclamation of the Independence of the Filipino People\"\"3 See also4 Notes5 References6 External links History [ edit]Main article: History of the Philippines (1898–1946)Background [ edit]In 1896, the Philippine Revolution began. In December 1897, the Spanish government and the revolutionaries signed a truce, the Pact of Biak-na-Bato, requiring that the Spanish pay the revolutionaries 800,000 pesos and that Aguinaldo and other leaders go into exile in Hong Kong. In April 1898, at the outbreak of the Spanish–American War, Commodore George Dewey aboard the U. S. S. Olympia sailed from Hong Kong to Manila Bay leading the Asiatic Squadron of the U. S. Navy. On May 1, 1898, the United States defeated the Spanish in the Battle of Manila Bay. Emilio Aguinaldo decided to return to the Philippines to help American forces defeat the Spaniards."
"docid": "D2069272#0",
"title": "https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/253089/does-density-of-air-decrease-or-increase-with-altitude-and-relation-of-this-with\nDoes density of air decrease or increase with altitude and relation of this with temperature? [closed]",
"text": "\"_Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Does density of air decrease or increase with altitude and relation of this with temperature? [ closed]up vote0down votefavorite2I think the air density decrease as due to gravity more air woul be near the earth but as the hot air raises up doesn't it have momentarily increased the density at height (like in up troposphere) and then how the temperature plays role between them.... I dont understand that also.... Because the temperature decrease with altitude should have made the particles come closer and hence overall density increase..on this it could be that the coming closer of particles make rain but all these processes within themsrlves as confusing me really bad... Please i need a great answer.... Asap please for my examthermodynamicsshare cite improve this questionedited Apr 30 '16 at 13:55asked Apr 30 '16 at 11:45Parjanay Sharma6 1 1 6closed as off-topic by Accidental Fourier Transform, Emilio Pisanty, Chris, Kyle Kanos, Jon Custer Feb 9 at 14:25This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:\"\"Homework-like questions should ask about a specific physics concept and show some effort to work through the problem. We want our questions to be useful to the broader community, and to future users. See our meta site for more guidance on how to edit your question to make it better\"\" – Accidental Fourier Transform, Emilio Pisanty, Chris, Kyle Kanos, Jon Custer If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.add a comment1 Answer active oldest votesup vote2down voteaccepted The earth's atmosphere can be considered as a thin sheet of air extending from the earth's surface to about an altitude of 60 miles. It is the earth's gravity that holds the atmosphere. The interconnection between temperature, pressure and density with altitude is as follows. About temperature variation with altitude:- The sun heats our earth's surface. Some of this heat warms the air near to the surface."
"docid": "D2416186#0",
"title": "http://www.eagletribune.com/news/police-search-for-murderer-of-methuen-mom/article_5692ccd2-f1f4-566b-a954-292986422c93.html\nPolice search for murderer of Methuen mom",
"text": "\"Police search for murderer of Methuen mom Ex-boyfriend was previously imprisoned for kidnapping, assaulting victim By Douglas Moser [email protected] Sep 13, 2016RYAN HUTTON/ Staff photo State Police investigators carry equipment out of 5 Tudor St. in Methuen where Wanda Rosa, 29, was found murdered at 5:45 a.m. Monday morning. Police are looking for Emilio De Larosa, 32, of Lawrence, as a person of interest in the murder. Ryan Hutton This photo of Wanda Rosa was posted to her Facebook page in May, with the caption: \"\"Everyday is a Gift! Appreciate everything! Life is short! # Pray Often. \"\" This photo of Wanda Rosa, pictured here with her son, 4, was posted to her Facebook page Sept. 2. Rosa was found murdered in her Methuen home Monday. RYAN HUTTON/ Staff photo A state police investigator pulls on blue gloves as he walks up the front steps of 5 Tudor St. in Methuen where Wanda Rosa, 29, was found murdered at 5:45 a.m. Monday morning. Police are looking for Emilio De Larosa, 32, of Lawrence, as a person of interest in the murder."
"docid": "D2939202#0",
"title": "http://www.mexicoguru.com/mexican-slang-meaning.php?date=110417\nMexican Slang Menu",
"text": "\"Spanish: A Punto De Type: Expression Meaning: on the verge of Emilio está a punto de romper con Verónica. Ella lo trata muy mal: sale con otros hombres y se burla de él mientras gasta todo su dinero. ( Emilio is on the verge of breaking up with Veronica. She treats him really badly: she goes out with other men and makes fun of him while spending all of his money. ) GIVE ME THE NEXT ONE.... POPULAR MEXICAN SLANG.... A Punto De means: on the verge of Mexico Guru - Mexican and Spanish Dictionary, Spanish Translation, Definition of Spanish Words, Meaning in English, What does \"\"A Punto De\"\" mean? \""
"docid": "D2474754#0",
"title": "http://www.biography.com/people/gloria-estefan-9542436\nGloria Estefan Biography",
"text": "\"Quick Facts Name Gloria Estefan Occupation Singer Birth Date September 1, 1957 (age 60)Education St. Michael-Archangel School, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, University of Miami Place of Birth Havana, Cuba Originally Gloria Fajardo Zodiac Sign Virgo Cite This Page IN THESE GROUPSFamous People Named Estefan Female Music Icons of the 1990s and New Millennium Famous People Born in Havana Famous St. Michael-Archangel School Alumni Show All Groups Gloria Estefan Biography Singer (1957–)2.2KSHARESCuban-American superstar Gloria Estefan fronted the band Miami Sound Machine. Songs like \"\"Conga\"\" and \"\"Rhythm Is Gonna Get You\"\" topped the charts in the 1980s and 1990s and became pop classics. Who Is Gloria Estefan? Singer Gloria Estefan was born September 1, 1957, in Havana, Cuba. As a toddler Estefan fled Cuba with her family. In 1975 she met keyboardist Emilio Estefan, her future husband, who led a band called the Miami Latin Boys. Estefan became the lead singer and the band was renamed the Miami Sound Machine, before going on to score several Top 10 hits in the 1980s and 1990s. Estefan and her husband later produced a Broadway musical, On Your Feet!, which featured the Miami Sound Machine's popular songs. Early Life Singer."
] |
636807 | what does emily mean dictionary | [
"docid": "D301558#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Emily\nWhat does Emily mean?",
"text": "\"What does Emily mean? Emily as a girls' name is pronounced EM-i-ee. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Emily is \"\"rival; laborious; eager\"\". Feminine of Emil, from the Latin name Aemilia, feminine form of the old Roman surname Aemilius (probably from aemulus ). Literary: the form Emelye was used in the 14th century by Chaucer's \"\"The Knight's Tale \"\", which was a translation of Emilia, the form in Chaucer's source, Boccaccio's Teseida. There is overlap in usage between variants of Emily, Amelia, Emma and Emmeline. 19th-century novelist and poet Emily Brontë; poet Emily Dickinson; ettiquette maven Emily Post; actress Emily Watson. STARTS/ENDS WITH Emi-, -ly ASSOCIATED WITH old, roman, surname, knight (warrior), 19th century Variations VARIANTS Aemiley, Aemilia, Aemilie, Aimil, Amalea, Amalia ▲, Amalie, Amelie ▲, Ameline, Amelita, Amy ▼, Eimile, Em, Emalee, Emali, Emalia, Emalie, Emaline, Emelda, Emelea, Emelia ▲, Emely, Emeli, Emelia ▲, Emelie, Emelina, Emeline, Emelita, Emelly, Emely, Emelyn, Emelyne, Emera, Emila, Emilea, Emilee, Emiley, Emili, Emilia ▲, Emilie ▼, Emilija, Emiline, Emilla, Emille, Emillea, Emilley, Emillie, Emilly, Emlyn, Emlynn, Emlynne, Emmalee, Emmaleigh, Emmalie, Emmaline ▲, Emmalyn ▲, Emmalynn ▲, Emmalynne, Emmelee, Emmelie, Emmely, Emmelyne, Emmey, Emmi, Emmie ▲, Emmilee, Emmilie, Emmily, Emmlee, Emmy ▲, Emmye, Emyle, Emylee, Milka, Milly OTHER FORMS VIA AMELIA, EMILIA, EMMA Amaly, Amalya, Amelya, Amilia, Ema, Emilyah, Emma ▼, Emme, Emmelyn, Emmet, Emmot MASCULINE FORM Emil CREATIVE FORMS (female) Emiel, .. (male) Emiel, .. MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Emily Emrie (E. E.), .. How popular is Emily? Emily is a very prominent first name for women (#99 out of 4276, Top 2%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#27258 out of 150436, Top 18%). ( 2000 U. S. DEMOGRAPHICS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D453021#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/midwife\nmidwife",
"text": "\"midwife [ mid -wahyf]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun, plural midwives [ mid -wahyvz] ( Show IPA)1. a person trained to assist women in childbirth.2. a person or thing that produces or aids in producing something new or different.verb (used with object), midwifed ormidwived, midwifing or midwiving.3. to assist in the birth of (a baby).4. to produce or aid in producing (something new): to midwife a new generation of computers. Origin of midwife Expand Middle English1250-13001250-1300; Middle English midwif, equivalent to mid with, accompanying ( Old English; cf. meta-) + wif woman ( Old English wīf; see wife)Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for midwife Expand Contemporary Examples It means care with a mother-focused doctor or midwife, sometimes in a place other than a hospital. Natural Childbirth Is Not a Cult Brandy Zadrozny June 27, 2014Later on they came and said something else, but a midwife later told me the same [not to have more children]. The Mom Forced to Have a C-Section Emily Shire June 5, 2014Instead, he wound up being the midwife for the Soviet Union's demise. Ex- CIA Chief: Why We Keep Getting Putin Wrong Eli Lake, Noah Shachtman, Christopher Dickey March 2, 2014Mac Neal describes the relationship with her midwife —who she says she researched thoroughly—as intimate, and her births, special."
"docid": "D875894#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/remember\nremember",
"text": "\"remember [ri- mem -ber]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used with object)1. to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again: I'll try to remember the exact date.2. to retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain aware of: Remember your appointment with the dentist.3. to have (something) come into the mind again: I just remembered that it's your birthday today.4. to bear (a person) in mind as deserving a gift, reward, or fee: The company always remembers us at Christmas.5. to give a tip, donation, or gift to: to remember the needy.6. to mention (a person) to another as sending kindly greetings: Remember me to your family.7. ( of an appliance, computer, etc.) to perform (a programmed activity) at a later time or according to a preset schedule: The coffeepot remembers to start the coffee at 7 a.m. every day.8. Archaic."
"docid": "D2429054#0",
"title": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3785896/Oxford-English-Dictionary-unveils-new-words-2016.html\nOxford's latest dictionary additions include 'gender-fluid', 'YOLO', and ''Merica' among 1,200 other 'new words'",
"text": "\"Oxford's latest dictionary additions include 'gender-fluid', 'YOLO', and ''Merica' among 1,200 other 'new words'Oxford English Dictionary has revealed 1,200 new words in latest update Among new words are, 'YOLO', ''Merica', 'gender-fluid', and 'clicktivism'New version also paid tribute to the iconic late-British author, Roald Dahl Oxford English Dictionary updated to include new words four times a year By Dailymail.com Reporter Published: 14:17 EDT, 12 September 2016 | Updated: 14:54 EDT, 12 September 2016243shares15View comments The latest additions to the Oxford English Dictionary have been announced, with 1,200 new words and 1,000 revised entries making the cut. The dictionary, which is updated four times a year, unveiled the inclusions on Monday. Included among the latest list are 'gender-fluid' - meaning, 'relating to a person having or expressing a fluid or unfixed gender identity', 'YOLO' - an abbreviation for 'you only live once', and ''Merica' - a sarcastic term used to described things or events that fit the American stereotype.+5The latest additions to the Oxford English Dictionary (pictured) have been announced, with 1,200 new words and 1,000 revised entries making the cut Others words chosen this time around are 'moobs', which is defined as, 'unusually prominent breasts on a man', and 'non-apology', meaning: 'a statement that takes the form of an apology but does not acknowledge responsibility or express regret for what has caused offence or upset. '' Clicktivism' also made the cut this time around, so now you only need one word to describe a person who, 'signals support for a political or social cause by means of the Internet, through social media, online petitions, etc., rather than by more substantive involvement. ' RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next Why bants about manspreading at beer o'clock is NBD: 1,000... Going 'glamping'? Make sure you pack 'scooby snacks' and... EXCLUSIVE: 'I had to kill Octomom to save my life.'... How many black dots can YOU see? There are 12 in this viral... Share this article243 shares And college basketball fans would be pleased with the new edition, after 'bracketology' - 'the activity of predicting the participating teams in a tournament (typically the NCAA basketball tournament) and the winners of the competition’s stages, as depicted in a diagram representing the sequence of matches' - was included. There was also a shout-out for Star Wars lovers, with 'Yoda' added as a noun, meaning: 'a person who embodies the characteristics of Yoda, esp."
"docid": "D396484#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/role\nrole",
"text": "\"roleor rôle [rohl]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. a part or character played by an actor or actress.2. proper or customary function: the teacher's role in society.3. Sociology. the rights, obligations, and expected behavior patterns associated with a particular social status. Origin of role Expand French1600-16101600-10; < French rôle roll (as of paper) containing the actor's part Related forms Expandmultirole, adjective Can be confused Expandrole, roll. Synonyms Expand See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com2. capacity, position, responsibility, duty. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for role Expand Contemporary Examples Genetics alone does not an eating disorder make, generally speaking, and Bulik points out that environment still plays a role."
"docid": "D2678573#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figurative_language\nLiteral and figurative language",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Figurative language)navigation search Linguistics Theoretical Cognitive Constraint-based Generative Structuralist Quantitative Functional theories of grammar Phonology Morphology Morphophonology Syntax Lexis Semantics Pragmatics Graphemics Orthography Semiotics Descriptive Anthropological Comparative Historical Etymology Graphetics Phonetics Sociolinguistics Cherology Applied and experimental Computational Contrastive Evolutionary Forensic Internet Language acquisition Second-language acquisition Language assessment Language development Language education Linguistic anthropology Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics Related articles History of linguistics Linguistic prescription List of linguists Unsolved linguistics problems Origin of language Origin of speech Linguistics portalv t e Literal and figurative language is a distinction within some fields of language analysis, in particular stylistics, rhetoric, and semantics. Literal language uses words exactly according to their conventionally accepted meanings or denotation. Figurative (or non-literal) language uses words in a way that deviates from their conventionally accepted definitions in order to convey a more complicated meaning or heightened effect. [ 1] Figurative language is often created by presenting words in such a way that they are equated, compared, or associated with normally unrelated meanings. Literal usage confers meaning to words, in the sense of the meaning they have by themselves, outside any figure of speech. [ 2] It maintains a consistent meaning regardless of the context, [3] with the intended meaning corresponding exactly to the meaning of the individual words. [ 4] Figurative use of language is the use of words or phrases that implies a non-literal meaning which does make sense or that could [also] be true. [ 5]Aristotle and later the Roman Quintilian were among the early analysts of rhetoric who expounded on the differences between literal and figurative language. [ 6]In 1769, Frances Brooke 's novel The History of Emily Montague was used in the earliest Oxford English Dictionary citation for the figurative sense of literally; the sentence from the novel used was, \"\"He is a fortunate man to be introduced to such a party of fine women at his arrival; it is literally to feed among the lilies .\"\" [ 7] This citation was also used in the OED's 2011 revision. ["
"docid": "D650886#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/professional\nprofessional",
"text": "\"professional [pr uh - fesh - uh -nl]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.2. of, relating to, or connected with a profession: professional studies.3. appropriate to a profession: professional objectivity.4. engaged in one of the learned professions: A lawyer is a professional person.5. following as a business an occupation ordinarily engaged in as a pastime: a professional golfer.6. making a business or constant practice of something not properly to be regarded as a business: “A salesman,” he said, “is a professional optimist. ”.7. undertaken or engaged in as a means of livelihood or for gain: professional baseball.8. of or for a professional person or his or her place of business or work: a professional apartment; professional equipment.9."
"docid": "D1111497#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ordain\nordain",
"text": "\"ordain [awr- deyn]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used with object)1. to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon.2. to enact or establish by law, edict, etc. : to ordain a new type of government.3. to decree; give orders for: He ordained that the restrictions were to be lifted.4. ( of God, fate, etc.) to destine or predestine: Fate had ordained the meeting.verb (used without object)5. to order or command: Thus do the gods ordain.6. to select for or appoint to an office.7. to invest someone with sacerdotal functions."
"docid": "D3136874#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/abusive\nabusive",
"text": "\"abusive [ uh - byoo -siv]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language: an abusive author; abusive remarks.2. treating badly or injuriously; mistreating, especially physically: his abusive handling of the horse.3. wrongly used; corrupt: an abusive exercise of power. Origin of abusive Expand Late Latin1575-1585 From the Late Latin word abūsīvus, dating back to 1575-85. See abuse, -ive Related forms Expandabusively, adverbabusiveness, nounnonabusive, adjectivenonabusively, adverbnonabusiveness, nounoverabusive, adjectiveoverabusively, adverboverabusiveness, noununabusive, adjectiveunabusively, adverbunabusiveness, noun Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for abusive Expand Contemporary Examples They witnessed and experienced the same types of abusive events, Fenner claims. Beaten By His Church for Being Gay Justin Jones December 16, 2014Mary Williams filed an appeal to the IRS in tax court last year, blaming her “controlling, abusive ” husband for the problem. Patients Screwed in Spine Surgery ‘Scam’The Center for Investigative Reporting November 3, 2014Gruelle's story highlights the overlooked fact that leaving an abusive relationship can be lethal. The Worst Question for Abuse Victims Emily Shire October 20, 2014Walters's battle to put her abusive husband behind bars is the centerpiece of Cynthia Hill's documentary."
"docid": "D1485963#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut\nSlut",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Slut (disambiguation). Slut is generally a term for a woman or girl who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. [ 1] [2] It is usually used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement ( slut shaming ). [ 2] [3] It originally meant \"\"a dirty, slovenly woman\"\", [2] and is rarely used to refer to men, generally requiring clarification by use of the terms male slut or man whore. [ 4] [5]The first recorded use of the word was in Geoffrey Chaucer 's The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer wrote, \"\"Why is thy lord so sluttish, I thee pray, And is of power better clothes to bey.\"\" He is referring to the man's untidy appearance. There have been attempts to reclaim the word for girls and women, and some individuals embrace the title as a source of pride. [ 6] [7]A chiefly British variant of slut is slag, and a primarily North American one is skank; both also imply low social class. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology, common usages and synonyms2 Alternate usages and culture2.1 General2.2 Women of color3 See also4 References5 External links Etymology, common usages and synonyms The common denotative meanings are a sexually promiscuous woman, [1] or \"\"an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.\"\" ["
"docid": "D328706#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEQv4u1Pvtw\nEmily meaning and pronunciation",
"text": "Emily meaning and pronunciation Pro Narrator Subscribe 1.7KAdd to Share More10,832 views1529Published on Nov 27, 2014Emily is the one you think is shy; she's beautiful but doesn't know it. She is incredibly gifted, but she never brags. She is the greatest friend you could ever ask for. Emily is always there to listen and doesn't take a good friend for granted. She will always treat you well. Emily has respect for herself as well as others, and she is always thinking of others. She is the most loving person you know. Emily is forgiving, but she won't be pushed around. She is strong in her values, but she won't shove her beliefs down your throat. Emily is your favorite person."
"docid": "D1095237#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/subgroup\nsubgroup",
"text": "subgroup [ suhb -groop]Spell Syllables Examples Word Originnoun1. a subordinate group; a division of a group.2. Chemistry. a division of a group in the periodic table.3. Mathematics. a subset of a group that is closed under the group operation and in which every element has an inverse in the subset. Origin of subgroup Expand1835-1845First recorded in 1835-45; sub- + group Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for subgroup Expand Contemporary Examples I think one of the main issues would be that there may be a subgroup of people who may run into problems with compulsive use. Does Porn Cause Brain Shrinkage In Men? Emily Shire May 31, 2014It means treating women not as some alien species or subgroup."
"docid": "D250418#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/rebound\nrebound",
"text": "\"rebound [ verb ri- bound, ree - bound; noun ree -bound, ri- bound]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used without object)1. to bound or spring back from force of impact.2. to recover, as from ill health or discouragement.3. Basketball. to gain hold of rebounds: a forward who rebounds well off the offensive board.verb (used with object)4. to cause to bound back; cast back.5. Basketball. to gain hold of (a rebound): The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt.noun6. the act of rebounding; recoil.7. Basketball.a ball that bounces off the backboard or the rim of the basket.an instance of gaining hold of such a ball.8."
"docid": "D3402771#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/cohort\ncohort",
"text": "\"cohort [ koh -hawrt]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. a group or company: She has a cohort of admirers.2. a companion or associate.3. one of the ten divisions in an ancient Roman legion, numbering from 300 to 600 soldiers.4. any group of soldiers or warriors.5. an accomplice; abettor: He got off with probation, but his cohorts got ten years apiece.6. a group of persons sharing a particular statistical or demographic characteristic: the cohort of all children born in 1980.7. Biology. an individual in a population of the same species. Origin of cohort Expand Middle French Latin1475-14851475-85; < Middle French cohorte < Latin cohort- (stem of cohors) farmyard, armed force (orig."
"docid": "D2322564#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Kent\nConstance Kent",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Constance Kent Contemporary portrait of Constance Kent Born Constance Emily Kent 5 February 1844 Sidmouth, Devon, England Died 10 April 1944 (aged 100) Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia Other names Ruth Emilie Kaye Constance Emily Kent (6 February 1844 – 10 April 1944) was an English woman who confessed to a notorious child murder that took place when she was 16 years old. The Constance Kent case in 1865 raised a series of questions about priest–penitent privilege in England. In later life Kent changed her name to Ruth Emilie Kaye. She was born in Sidmouth, Devon in 1844, the daughter of Mary Ann Kent (1808–1852) and Samuel Saville Kent (1801–1872), an Inspector of Factories for the Home Office. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Crime2 Committal3 Press excitement4 Parliamentary comment5 Sentence6 Later life7 Death8 In arts, media, and entertainment8.1 Film8.2 Literature8.3 Non-fiction studies8.4 Television9 References10 Bibliography Crime [ edit]Sometime during the night of 29 June and the morning of 30 June 1860, Francis \"\"Saville\"\" Kent, almost four years old, disappeared from his room in his father's, Samuel Kent's, house called the Road Hill House, in the village of Rode (spelled \"\"Road\"\" at the time), then in Wiltshire. His body was found in the vault of an outhouse (a privy) on the property. [ 2] The child, still dressed in his nightshirt and wrapped in a blanket, had knife wounds on his chest and hands, and his throat was slashed so deeply that the body was almost decapitated. [ 3] The boy's nursemaid, Elizabeth Gough, was initially arrested. [ 4]Elizabeth was released when the suspicions of Detective Inspector Jack Whicher of Scotland Yard moved to the boy's 16-year-old half-sister, Constance. She was arrested on 16th July but released without trial owing to public opinion against the accusations of a working class detective against a young lady of breeding. ["
"docid": "D2200330#0",
"title": "http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kappa\nKappa",
"text": "\"54Kappa2,284,0341953110Part of a series on Twitch. [ View Related Entries]Updated 2 months ago by Adam Downer. Added 3 years ago by Miluk. Like us on Facebook!Share Pin Tweet PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery , 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry. Meme Status Confirmed Year2011Origin Twitch Tagsspam, trolling, emoticon, photograph, emotion, twitch, expression, justin.tv, josh deseno Additional References Facebook Reddit Twitter Urban Dictionary About Kappa is a graphic emoticon commonly used by trolls as a postscript to a sentence to convey sarcasm on the live streaming video platform Twitch; it’s popularity has also lead to the emoticon being used as a form of spam. Origin The Kappa emote is based on a grey-scale photograph of Josh De Seno [1], then an employee of Justin. TV working on the chat client, which was uploaded during the early days of Justin. TV, along with others emotes based on JTV employees. Spread As of February 2014, the emote is used 900,000 times on average per day; [2] by June 2015 this had already increased to around 1 million times on average per day. Twitch has added a total of four emotes featuring Kappa: Kappa ( ), Keepo ( ), Mini K () and Kappa HD ( ); another unique Kappa titled Kappa Ross ( ), featuring the original with Bob Ross’ hair, was added in October 2015 in celebration of Twitch Creative."
"docid": "D2554153#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/cheesy\ncheesy",
"text": "\"cheesy [ chee -zee]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective, cheesier, cheesiest.1. of or like cheese: a cheesy aroma; a cheesy taste.2. Slang. inferior or cheap; chintzy: The movie's special effects are cheesy and unconvincing. Origin of cheesy Expand1350-14001350-1400; Middle English. See cheese 1, -y 1Related forms Expandcheesily, adverbcheesiness, noun Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for cheesy Expand Contemporary Examples It's cheesy and ludicrous and, therefore, delightful; it's the reading equivalent of hate-watching. ‘A Gronking to Remember’ Speed Read: 8 Naughtiest Bits Emily Shire January 7, 2015He was grabbing my hips and he was pouring with perspiration and he had this cheesy smile. From Playboy Prince to Dirty Old Man? Tom Sykes January 5, 2015Our hopes have gotten so cheesy that even the cheese is ersatz."
"docid": "D2970058#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Emilie\nWhat does Emilie mean?",
"text": "\"What does Emilie mean? Emilie ▼ as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Emilie is \"\"rival; laborious; eager\"\". Emilie is a variant form of Emily (Latin): feminine of Emil. STARTS/ENDS WITH Em-, -lie Variations VARIANTS Emylee, Emmily, Emmilie, Emmilee, Emmelie, Emmelee, Emmalie, Emmaleigh, Emmalee, Emilly, Emillie, Emilley, Emilia ▲, Emili, Emiley, Emilee, Emilea, Emila, Emelly, Emelie, Emelia ▲, Emeli, Emelea, Emalie, Emalia, Emali, Emalee, Amelie ▲, Amalie, Amalia ▲, Amalea, Aemilie, Aemilia, Aemiley RELATED FORMS VIA EMILY Ameline, Eimile, Emaline, Emelda, Emelina, Emeline, Emelita, Emely, Emelyn, Emelyne, Emilija, Emiline, Emilla, Emille, Emillea, Emlyn, Emmaline ▲, Emmi, Emmie ▲, Emmlee, Emmye, Emyle CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Emilie Gina (E. G.), .. How popular is Emilie? Emilie is a very popular first name for women (#1039 out of 4276, Top 24%) but a unique last name for all people. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
"docid": "D3413043#0",
"title": "http://englishdictionary.education/en/pouting\n0 100%FREQUENCYRegularly used66 /100",
"text": "\"Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Got itenpouting Search The real point of me isn't that I'm good looking. It's that I'm clever. I've got a brain! I would rather be called a highly intelligent historian than a gorgeous pouting one. Niall Ferguson Meaning of \"\"pouting\"\" in the English dictionary DICTIONARYPRONUNCIATION OF POUTINGpouting [ˈpaʊtɪŋ]GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF POUTINGnoun adjective verb adverb pronoun preposition conjunction determiner exclamation Pouting is an adjective . The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it. WHAT DOES POUTING MEAN IN ENGLISH? Definition of poutingin the English dictionary The definition of pouting in the dictionary is having the lips sticking out, usually in order to show annoyance or to appear sexually attractive."
"docid": "D293134#0",
"title": "http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0072405228/student_view0/poetic_glossary.html\nGlossary of Poetic Terms",
"text": "\"Literature, 5/e Robert Di Yanni Glossary of Poetic Terms Allegory A symbolic narrative in which the surface details imply a secondary meaning. Allegory often takes the form of a story in which the characters represent moral qualities. The most famous example in English is John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in which the name of the central character, Pilgrim, epitomizes the book's allegorical nature. Kay Boyle's story \"\"Astronomer's Wife\"\" and Christina Rossetti's poem \"\"Up-Hill\"\" both contain allegorical elements. Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words. Example: \"\"Fetched fresh, as I suppose, off some sweet wood.\"\" Hopkins, \"\"In the Valley of the Elwy. \"\" Anapest Two unaccented syllables followed by an accented one, as in com-pre-HEND or in-ter-VENE. An anapestic meter rises to the accented beat as in Byron's lines from \"\"The Destruction of Sennacherib\"\": \"\"And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, / When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee. \"\" Antagonist A character or force against which another character struggles."
"docid": "D3200899#0",
"title": "https://prezi.com/xtkxihmg7viq/the-moon-is-distant-from-the-sea-387/\nThe Moon is distant from the Sea- (387)",
"text": "\"Public & reusable Create your own Make a copy Share Embed Like The Moon is distant from the Sea- (387)No descriptionby Claudia Heritageon 19 May 20141 Tweet Comments ( 0)Please log in to add your comment. Report abuse Transcript of The Moon is distant from the Sea- (387)The poem was published within the year of 1893 (Pettinger). Facts about Emily Dickinson Her bedroom as a child looked upon a burial ground (\"\"Emily Dickinson\"\"). Although Dickinson isolated herself from the outside world,she kept in correspondence with people (\"\"Emily Dickinson). She died of bight's disease, caused by kidney degeneration (Pettinger). Questions? What is the true meaning behind the poem \"\"The Moon is distant from the sea\"\"? Does the relationship between men and women relate to the relationship between the moon and the sea? Why were you so critical of your poems and never published them? Physical Analysis Three stanzas Four lines per stanza 65 words in total First stanza: 22 words Second stanza: 22 words Third stanza: 21 words Topic of the poem The poem tells that the moon and the sea are in love."
] |
636819 | what does empaneling a jury mean? | [
"docid": "D300620#0",
"title": "https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-does-jury-impaneled-mean-590020.html\nWhat does jury impaneled mean",
"text": "Q&AAsked in Houston, TX | December 11, 2011 Save What does jury impaneled meanis that a good or bad when lost your trial and is on appeal bond now More Criminal defense Appealing a criminal conviction Appeals Ask a lawyer - it's free! Browse related questions2 attorney answers Omer Jaleel4 reviews Estate Planning Attorney | Oak Brook, ILReveal number Private message Posted December 11, 2011 1:02am Jury impaneled means that a jury has been selected. Don't know how it relates to a case on appeal since appellate cases do not involve juries. Ask a similar question More0 found this answer helpful | 1 lawyer agrees Mark as helpful 0 comments Kamryn Maris Caldwell3 reviews Litigation Lawyer | Fort Worth, TXReveal number Private message Posted December 11, 2011 3:54am To empanel a jury means to select the jury and seat them for jury service. This occurs at the trial court level. In an appellate context, it would only apply to an appeal from a lower court, such as a justice of the peace or county court at law. This attorney can be contacted via email at [email protected] or via phone at 817.305.7170. The above answer does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice. Ask a similar question More0 found this answer helpful Mark as helpful 0 comments More questions like this Lost at criminal trial yesterday and lawyer said that I should appeal...lots of misapplication of law, and jury instructions bad Denver, CO | 1 attorney answer Is it possible to Appeal the unlawful hearing I lost? If I motioned for Jury trial, what procedure should have followed?"
] | [
"docid": "D3130959#0",
"title": "http://caselaw.findlaw.com/wi-supreme-court/1403435.html\nIN RE: the TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO ALEXANDER V.",
"text": "Find Law Caselaw Wisconsin WI Supreme Ct. IN RE: the TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO ALEXANDER V. IN RE: the TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO ALEXANDER V. Reset AAFont size: Print Supreme Court of Wisconsin. IN RE: the TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO ALEXANDER V., a Person Under the Age of 18. Steven V., Petitioner-Respondent, v. Kelley H., Respondent-Appellant-Petitioner. No. 02-2860. Decided: April 28, 2004For the respondent-appellant-petitioner there were briefs and oral argument by Philip J. Brehm, Janesville. For the petitioner-respondent there was a brief and oral argument by Duane M. Jorgenson, Darlington. A guardian ad litem brief was filed by Douglas J. Heenan and Block, Scott & Heenan, LLC, Platteville, and oral argument by Douglas J. Heenan. An amicus curiae brief was filed by David Wambach, E. Michael Mc Cann, Mary Sowinski, and Thomas Binger, on behalf of Wisconsin District Attorney's Association."
"docid": "D93818#0",
"title": "http://defensewiki.ibj.org/index.php/Double_Jeopardy\nDouble Jeopardy",
"text": "\"Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Application in the United States2.1 When Jeopardy Attaches and Terminates2.2 What Constitutes the Same Offense: The Blockburger Test2.3 The \"\"Separate Sovereigns\"\" Exception2.4 Civil v. Criminal Proceedings3 International Examples of the Double Jeopardy Clause4 Notes Background Double jeopardy is a procedural defense that prevents a defendant from being tried multiple times on the same or similar charge, following a legitimate acquittal or conviction. The concept of double jeopardy is a longstanding norm in Western legal thought, having roots in both Greek and Roman Law. [ 1] As a result, the tradition of double jeopardy is present in a great number of modern legal regimes in one form or another. Many countries have codified protections against double jeopardy as a constitutional right, including Canada, India, Israel, Mexico and the United States. In the common law, a defendant may enter a preemptory plea of double jeopardy, indicating to the court that the defendant had previously been acquitted or convicted of the same offense. Once the issue is raised, evidence will be presented in order to rule as a preliminary matter whether the plea is substantiated and, if it is, the projected trial will not proceed. Generally, protections against double jeopardy prevent a person from being convicted twice for the same crime based on the same conduct. If a person robs a bank, he cannot be convicted of robbery twice for the same actions. Similarly, a defendant cannot be twice convicted on two different crimes arising from the same conduct unless they are significantly different or designed to prohibit different forms of conduct. For instance, a person may not be convicted of both murder and manslaughter for the same killing, but he can be convicted of both murder and robbery if the murder arose out of said robbery."
"docid": "D977158#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escheat\nEscheat",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United Kingdom and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. ( December 2017)The examples and perspective in this article or section might have an extensive bias or disproportional coverage towards England and Wales. ( December 2017)Property law Part of the common law series Types Real property Personal property Acquisition Gift Adverse possession Deed Conquest Discovery Accession Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property Treasure trove Bailment License Alienation Estates in land Allodial title Fee simple Fee tail Life estate Defeasible estate Future interestremainder Concurrent estate Leasehold estate Condominiums Real estate Conveyancing Bona fide purchaser Torrens title Strata title Deeds registration Estoppel by deed Quitclaim deed Mortgage Equitable conversion Action to quiet title Escheat Future use control Restraint on alienation Rule against perpetuities Rule in Shelley's Case Doctrine of worthier title Nonpossessory interest Lien Easement Profit Usufruct Covenant Equitable servitude Related topics Fixtures Waste Partition Practicing without a license Property rights Mineral rights Water rightsprior appropriation riparian Lateral and subjacent support Assignment Nemo dat Quicquid plantatur Conflict of property laws Blackacre Security deposit Other common law areas Contract law Tort law Wills, trusts and estates Criminal law Evidencev t e Escheat / ɪ s ˈ tʃ iː t / [1] [2] is a common law doctrine that transfers the property of a person who died without heirs to the crown or state. It serves to ensure that property is not left in \"\"limbo\"\" without recognized ownership. It originally applied to a number of situations where a legal interest in land was destroyed by operation of law, so that the ownership of the land reverted to the immediately superior feudal lord. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Origins in feudalism2.1 Background3 Procedure4 Current operation4.1 England and Wales4.1.1 Bankruptcies and liquidations4.1.2 Registration of Crown land4.2 United States4.2.1 Transfer Agents and Escheatment4.2.2 Lost Shareholders5 See also6 Sources7 References Etymology [ edit]The term \"\"escheat\"\" derives ultimately from the Latin ex-cadere, to \"\"fall-out\"\", via mediaeval French escheoir. [ 3] The sense is of a feudal estate in land falling-out of the possession by a family into possession by the overlord. Origins in feudalism [ edit]In feudal England, escheat referred to the situation where the tenant of a fee (or \"\"fief\"\") died without an heir or committed a felony."
"docid": "D416184#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/panel\npanel",
"text": "\"panel [ pan -l]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. a distinct portion, section, or division of a wall, wainscot, ceiling, door, shutter, fence, etc., especially of any surface sunk below or raised above the general level or enclosed by a frame or border.2. a comparatively thin, flat piece of wood or the like, as a large piece of plywood.3. a group of persons gathered to conduct a public discussion, judge a contest, serve as advisers, be players on a radio or television game, or the like: a panel of political scientists meeting to discuss foreign policy.4. a public discussion by such a group.5. Law.a list of persons summoned for service as jurors.the body of persons composing a jury. ( in Scotland) the person or persons arraigned for trial.6. a mount for or a surface or section of a machine containing the controls and dials.7. Electricity."
"docid": "D1194584#0",
"title": "http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/indicted.asp\nGrand Jury Indicts Obama and Biden",
"text": "\"Grand Jury Indicts Obama and Biden Has a Florida grand jury indicted Barack Obama and Joe Biden?0Claim: A Florida grand jury has indicted Barack Obama and Joe Biden. FALSEExamples: [PRNewswire, October 2012]Larry Klayman, founder and chairman of Freedom Watch, today announced that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden have been criminally indicted for having willfully released classified national security information concerning the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, U. S. and Israeli war plans concerning Iran and their cyber-attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The release of this information, among other harm to U. S. national security, resulted in the killing of members of Seal Team Six by terrorists and the arrest and imprisonment of American covert agents by Pakistan, such as the doctor who aided the CIA with regard to the bin Laden assassination. U. S.-Israeli war plans with Iran have also been compromised. A true bill of indictment was issued by a Citizens’ Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida, who reviewed evidence and voted unanimously to indict Obama and Biden at 6:02 pm on October 29, 2012. [ Rest of article here . ] Origins: This item claiming the indictment in Florida of President Barack Obamaand Vice President Joe Biden for “having willfully released classified national security information” stems from a press release issued by Larry Klayman, founder and chairman of Freedom Watch. The referenced indictment is in the nature of a political publicity stunt: the President and Vice President were not indicted by any grand jury empaneled or authorized by the state of Florida or the federal government, but rather by a group of private citizens acting on their own as a “ Citizens’ Grand Jury .”The Citizens’ Grand Jury is a non-actionable, non-governmental organization that has no legal authority to enforce its “indictment” through prosecution or trial. When a similar group of private grand jurists declared themselves a “Super American Grand Jury” and voted to charge President Obama with treason in 2009, their filing was dismissed by a U. S. District Court judge who stated that “Any self-styled indictment or presentment issued by such a group has no force under the Constitution or laws of the United States. ”Last updated: 31 October 2012Read More Feedback Fact Checker: David Mikkelson Published: 1 November 2012More From Snopes.com Loading... FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Once Fight Against Installing Sprinklers in New York Apartment Buildings?"
"docid": "D2316375#0",
"title": "http://law.justia.com/cases/california/court-of-appeal/3d/71/1.html\nPeople v. Manson",
"text": "\"People v. Manson Annotate this Case [Crim. No. 21765. Court of Appeals of California, Second Appellate District, Division One. June 23, 1977. ] THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. CHARLES M. MANSON, Defendant and Appellant (Opinion by Loring, J., with Wood, P. J., and Hanson, J., concurring. ) COUNSELKanarek & Berlin, Sheldon Berlin and Irving A. Kanarek for Defendant and Appellant. Evelle J. Younger, Attorney General, Jack R. Winkler, Chief Assistant Attorney General, S. Clark Moore, Assistant Attorney General, Norman H. Sokolow and Howard J. Schwab, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent. OPINIONLORING, J. Charles M. Manson (Manson), Susan Denise Atkins (Atkins) and Bruce Mc Gregor Davis (Davis) were indicted by the grand jury for the murder of Gary Allan Hinman (Hinman) on July 27, 1969, in violation of Penal Code section 187 (count I); count II charged that Manson, Atkins and Davis entered into a conspiracy to commit murder and robbery on or about the \"\"25th through the 28th day of July 1969 in violation of Penal Code section 182.1.\"\" Three overt acts were alleged: (a) that on or about July 25, 1969, they \"\"did travel to the vicinity of 964 Old Topanga Canyon Road, Malibu, in the County of Los Angeles\"\" (b) on or about July 26, 1969, they entered the residence at the same address (c) on or about July 26, 1969, Manson and Davis \"\"did drive away\"\" from the same address in a Fiat automobile owned by Hinman."
"docid": "D2090790#0",
"title": "http://www.courts.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/cats/jury_service/role_of_jury.aspx\nRole of a jury",
"text": "Role of a jury Juries are used in the NSW District and Supreme Courts to:hear and determine more serious criminal mattershear and determine civil matters involving large monetary claims Juries are also used in coronial inquests in the NSW Coroner's Court. Criminal trials In criminal trials, a jury hears evidence, applies the law as directed by the judge, and decides if a person is guilty or not guilty of a crime, based on the facts. A jury does not participate in the sentencing process. In most criminal trials, 12 people are selected to be on the jury. Up to 15 jurors can be empanelled if a trial is expected to last longer than three months. To be empanelled means to be chosen for a specific trial. Civil trials Civil trials which require juries are usually defamation proceedings. The trial judge will outline the issues the jury needs to consider to decide who is at fault. A civil trial jury is typically comprised of 4 jurors, however, in the Supreme Court, 12 jurors may be ordered. How many people end up doing jury service?"
"docid": "D2829366#0",
"title": "https://www.wordnik.com/words/impanel\nimpanel",
"text": "\"Definitionsfrom The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Editiontransitive v. Law To enroll (a jury) upon a panel or list.from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike Licensev. To enrol (jurors), e.g. from a jury pool; to register (the names of jurors) on a \"\"panel\"\" or official list.from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of Englishtransitive v. To enter in a list, or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; to form or enroll, as a list of jurors in a court of justice.from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia To write or enter in a list or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; specifically, to make a list of; form, complete, or enroll, as a body of persons to be called as jurors in a court of justice. More loosely, of a jury, to draw or select from the panel and swear in. To decorate or fit with panels: as, a house impaneled with oak. To place as a panel in a wall.from Word Net 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.v. enter into a list of prospective jurorsv. select from a list Etymologiesfrom The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Middle English empanellen, from Anglo-Norman empaneller : en-, in (from Latin in-; see in- 2) + panel, piece of paper listing jurors, jury; see panel.from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License From Anglo-Norman empaneller. \""
"docid": "D1433791#0",
"title": "http://whiteprisongangs.blogspot.com/2009/08/harry-bowman-outlaws-mc.html\nHarry Bowman Outlaws MC",
"text": "\"Harry Bowman Outlaws MCHarry Joseph Bowman is the former international president of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club. While he was president, the club had chapters in more than 30 cities in the United States and some 20 chapters in at least four other countries. Bowman became the 453rd fugitive listed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He has been imprisoned in the U. S. since 1999. DOB: July 17, 1949 Sex: Male Height: 5'10\"\" Weight: 190 pounds Race: White Hair: Black Eyes: Brown The FBI reported Bowman's aliases as: Harry Bouman; David Bowman; Harry Bowman; Harry J. Bowman; Harry Joe Bowman; David Charles Dowman; Harry Douman; Harry Tyree; \"\"Taco\"\"; and \"\"T\"\". He was described as 5'10\"\" and 190 pounds, with multiple tattoos reflecting his association with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, such as one on his back and upper right arm of a skull and crossed pistons with the word \"\"Outlaws\"\" in black above and the word \"\"Detroit\"\" in black below. He also has a swastika tattoo on his right forearm, and a \"\"Merlin the Magician\"\" figure on his left forearm. Bowman became wanted for crimes going back decades earlier, beginning with the murder of an Outlaws member in Ormond Beach, Florida in 1982. He was then wanted in the murder of a rival club member in Edgewater, Florida in 1991. He was indicted as well for having ordered bombings of rival clubhouses in Orlando, Florida and in Cook County, Illinois in 1994."
"docid": "D1409700#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroner\nCoroner",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Coroner (disambiguation). This article needs attention from an expert in Medicine. Please add a reason or a talk parameter to this template to explain the issue with the article. Wiki Project Medicine may be able to help recruit an expert. ( March 2011)A coroner is a person whose standard role is to confirm and certify the death of an individual within a jurisdiction. A coroner may also conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death, and investigate or confirm the identity of an unknown person who has been found dead within the coroner's jurisdiction. In England, where the role originated, a coroner also deals with treasure trove cases. In medieval times, English coroners were Crown officials who held financial powers and conducted some judicial investigations in order to counterbalance the power of sheriffs. The word coroner derives from the same source as the word crown, and denotes an officer of The Crown. The Spanish etymological cognate for a crown officer, coronel, designates a colonel."
"docid": "D3502779#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-get-out-of-jury-duty\nHow do I get out of jury duty?",
"text": "\"Juries Jury Duty Court Cases and Trials Attorneys How-to Question How do I get out of jury duty?ad by Atlassian Jira official site. One tool is enough to track issues & release great software. Try Jira for free. Free Trial at atlassian.com100 + Answers Anonymous Answered Oct 21, 2016Jury duty is not so terrible, but this worked for me. “ your honor, I have to be honest, I have spent time in courtrooms, I have listened to DAs speak behind closed doors, I have seen Police officers lie under oath. I am not going to prejudge this particular DA or any particular police officer, but I have seen innocent people go to prison. So I’m going to evaluate this case fairly, not assuming that the defendant is guilty just because the government says he is or assuming a police officer is telling the truth just because he is a police officer. I’m going to look at all the evidence fairly, and I have no problem with voting guilty if the government actually proves the case. If the DA is fully prepared and has a solid case, I have no problem at all with someone who is guilty being behind bars . But if the DA thinks I am going to just assume that just because someone is being prosecuted, he must be guilty, I will do my duty as a citizen and genuinely presume innocent until proven guilty.”"
"docid": "D2147967#0",
"title": "http://www.sgrlaw.com/briefings/472/\nAlternative Dispute Resolution",
"text": "Alternative Dispute Resolution In Georgia, the State Bar’s Ethical Consideration 7-5 says:“An attorney as adviser has a duty to advise the client as to various forms of dispute resolution. When a matter is likely to involve litigation, an attorney has a duty to inform the client of forms of dispute resolution which might constitute reasonable alternatives to litigation. ”Over the last two decades, there has been great interest in finding ways to resolve disputes other than through the traditional court system. Some of the dispute resolution techniques that companies have turned to are fairly new, while others have been used for many years. All the methods, however, have as a common objective the resolution of commercial disputes in less time, at less cost and with less emotional turmoil and hostility than typically results from litigation. Mediation and arbitration offer efficient and effective alternatives to litigation. Both may significantly reduce the cost of achieving a resolution of a dispute. Both may be conducted at any time, at any location and at the convenience of the parties. A. ADVANTAGES OF ADRSome of the advantages of ADR are that it: Saves time and money. The savings come primarily from the lack of extended discovery and the elimination of protracted appeals."
"docid": "D1318168#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/panel%20member\npanel member definition, panel member meaning | English dictionary",
"text": "paneln1 a flat section of a wall, door, etc.2 any distinct section or component of something formed from a sheet of material, esp. of a car body, the spine of a book, etc.3 a piece of material inserted in a skirt, dress, etc.4a a group of persons selected to act as a team in a quiz, to judge a contest, to discuss a topic before an audience, etc.b (as modifier)a panel game5 a public discussion by such a groupa panel on public health6 (Law)a a list of persons summoned for jury serviceb the persons on a specific jury7 (Scots law) a person indicted or accused of crime after appearing in court8a a thin board used as a surface or backing for an oil paintingb a painting done on such a surface9 any picture with a length much greater than its breadth10 See → instrument panel11 (formerly, in Britain)a a list of patients insured under the National Health Insurance Schemeb a list of medical practitioners within a given area available for consultation by these patients12 ♦ on the panel (Brit)informal receiving sickness benefit, esp. from the governmentvb, -els, -elling, -elled (U. S.), -els, -eling, -eled tr13 to furnish or decorate with panels14 to divide into panels15 (Law)a to empanel (a jury)b (in Scotland) to bring (a person) to trial; indict (C13: from Old French: portion, from pan piece of cloth, from Latin pannus; see pane1)adoption paneln (Social welfare) (in Britain) a committee appointed by an adoption agency, such as a local authority, to make recommendations concerning the suitability of prospective adoption cases Children's Paneln (in Scotland) a group of representatives of relevant agencies, with the power to deal with a child under sixteen who is in criminal or family trouble. Its hearings are private and replace most of the functions of juvenile courtsinstrument panel, boardn1 a panel on which instruments are mounted, as on a car See also → dashboard2 an array of instruments, gauges, etc., mounted to display the condition or performance of a machinemimic paneln a panel simulating the geographical layout of a television studio, railway points system, traffic interchange, etc., in which small indicator lamps display the selected state of the lighting circuits, signalling, traffic lights, etc.panel beatern a person who beats out the bodywork of motor vehiclespanel heatingn a system of space heating with panels that contain heating pipes or electrical conductorspanel pinn a light slender nail with a narrow headpanel sawn a saw with a long narrow blade for cutting thin woodpanel truckn the U. S. and Canadian name for → delivery vanpanel vann1 (Austral) a small van with two rear doors, esp. one having windows and seats in the rear2 (N. Z.) a small enclosed delivery vansolar paneln a panel exposed to radiation of heat from the sun, used to heat water or, when mounted with solar cells, to produce electricity direct, esp. for powering instruments in satellites English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus"
"docid": "D2803390#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Precepts\nprecept",
"text": "pre·cept (prē′sĕpt′)n.1. A rule or principle prescribing a particular course of action or conduct.2. Law A direction or order issued by an authority; a writ, command, or process. [ Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praeceptum, from neuter past participle of praecipere, to advise, teach : prae-, pre- + capere, to take; see kap- in Indo-European roots . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.precept ( ˈpriːsɛpt) n1. a rule or principle for action2. a guide or rule for morals; maxim3."
"docid": "D2935942#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subpoena_ad_testificandum\nSubpoena ad testificandum",
"text": "\"Subpoena ad testificandum From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search A subpoena ad testificandum is a court summons to appear and give oral testimony for use at a hearing or trial. The use of a writ for purposes of compelling testimony originated in the Ecclesiastical Courts of the High Middle Ages, especially in England. The use of the subpoena writ was gradually adopted over time by other courts in England and the European Continent. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Procedure on bills in Eyre and bills in Chancery1.2 Development prior to the writ subpoena1.3 The problem of maintenance and other corruptions of the jury system1.4 Two competing court systems in Medieval England1.5 Attempts to limit the writ subpoena2 Subpoena as generally defined in the United States3 Requisites of form in the United States4 Appearance of writ; prisoners and other detainees; Uniform Rendition of Prisoners as Witnesses4.1 Compulsion to appear under statute4.2 Federal Rule 44.3 Criminal process as ruse5 Immunity from subpoena service in civil cases6 Subpoena power defined in the Federal Administrative Procedure Act7 Important Supreme Court cases7.1 Pennoyer v. Neff7.2 Grannis v. Ordean7.3 International Shoe v. Washington7.4 Goldberg v. Kelly8 See also9 References9.1 Notes9.2 Sources10 External links History [ edit]Prior to the Fourth Lateran Council, trial by ordeal was the norm. The subpoena developed as a creative writ, the \"\"writ subpoena\"\", from the Court of Chancery. Writs of many kinds formed the essential parts of litigation. The primary function of a writ in the 13th and 14th centuries was to convey the king's commands to his officers and servants. It was irrelevant what the nature of those commands might be. The Register of Writs shows a large variety of writs to be administrative in nature, as opposed to judicial. These former writs acquired the name prerogative writs in the 17th and 18th centuries."
"docid": "D3352993#0",
"title": "https://www.azcourts.gov/domesticviolencelaw/Glossary\nAzcourts.gov",
"text": "\"Access Parenting time with child. A. R. S. Arizona Revised Statutes: Books containing the laws that the Arizona Legislature has enacted. Acquit To find a criminal defendant not guilty. Action A dispute taken to court to be settled. Same as \"\"case,\"\" \"\"suit\"\" and \"\"lawsuit\"\" when used in the courtroom context. Adjudicate To make a final decision; to give a judgment or a decree. Administrative Process A quasi-judicial system created by statute or rule to determine legal rights. Admissible Evidence that is properly introduced in a trial. Adversary System Method used in the courts of the United States to settle legal disputes. Both parties in the case tell their story to the judge and/or jury for resolution."
"docid": "D2373498#0",
"title": "http://www.americanbar.org/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_jurytrial_blk.html\n.",
"text": "\"Criminal Justice Section Standards Trial by Jury Trial by Jury PART I. THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURYStandard 15- 1.1. Right to jury trial (a) Jury trial should be available to a party, including the state, in criminal prosecutions in which confinement in jail or prison may be imposed. ( b) The jury should consist of twelve persons, except that a jury of less than twelve (but not less than six) may be provided when the penalty that may be imposed is confinement for six months or less. ( c) The verdict of the jury should be unanimous. ( d) This chapter does not apply to procedures of military justice tribunals. Standard 15- 1.2. Waiver of trial by jury (a) Cases required to be tried by jury should be so tried, unless jury trial is waived with the consent of the prosecutor. ( b) The court should not accept a waiver unless the defendant, after being advised by the court of his or her right to trial by jury and the consequences of waiver of jury trial, personally waives the right to trial by jury in writing or in open court on the record. ( c) A defendant may not withdraw a voluntary and knowing waiver as a matter of right, but the court, in its discretion, may permit withdrawal prior to the commencement of the trial. ( d) A defendant may withdraw a waiver of jury trial as a matter of right, and a prosecutor may withdraw consent to a waiver as a matter of right if there is a change in the trial judge."
"docid": "D2875187#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Rules_of_Civil_Procedure\nFederal Rules of Civil Procedure",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For rules of civil procedure in each U. S. jurisdiction, see Civil procedure in the United States. Civil procedure in the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Doctrines of civil procedure Jurisdiction Subject-matter ( Federal-question Diversity Supplemental Removal)Personal ( In personam In rem Quasi in rem)Venue Change of venue Forum non conveniens Pleadings Complaint ( Cause of action Case Information Statement Class action ( 2005 Act ) )Demurrer Answer ( affirmative defense)Reply Counterclaim Crossclaim Joinder Indispensable party Impleader Interpleader Intervention Other motions Pre-trial procedure Discovery Initial conference Interrogatories Depositions Request for admissions Request for production Resolution without trial Default judgment Summary judgment Voluntary dismissal Involuntary dismissal Settlement Trial Partiesplaintiff defendant Pro se Jury ( voir dire) Burden of proof Judgment ( As a matter of law (JMOL) Renewed JMOLNotwithstanding verdict (JNOV) Motion to set aside De novo (new trial) )Remedy ( Injunction Damages Attorney's fee ( American rule English rule)Declaratory judgment)Appeal Mandamus Certiorariv t e Wikisource has original text related to this article: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (officially abbreviated Fed. R. Civ. P.; colloquially FRCP) govern civil procedure (i.e. for civil lawsuits) in United States district (federal) courts. The FRCP are promulgated by the United States Supreme Court pursuant to the Rules Enabling Act, and then the United States Congress has seven months to veto the rules promulgated or they become part of the FRCP. The Court's modifications to the rules are usually based upon recommendations from the Judicial Conference of the United States, the federal judiciary's internal policy-making body. Although federal courts are required to apply the substantive law of the states as rules of decision in cases where state law is in question, the federal courts almost always use the FRCP as their rules of procedure. ( States may determine their own rules, which apply in state courts, although most states have adopted rules that are based on the FRCP. ) The Rules, established in 1938, replaced the earlier procedures under the Federal Equity Rules and the Conformity Act (28 USC 724 (1934)) merging the procedure for cases, in law and equity. The Conformity Act required that procedures in suits at law conform to state practice usually the Field Code and common law pleading systems."
"docid": "D300618#0",
"title": "https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/empanel\nempanel",
"text": "empanel To empanel is to select a group of people for a jury. If you're empaneled, you're part of a jury. Congratulations. Jury duty is one of those things all adults have to do as members of a democracy — show up in court to possibly be a member of a jury in a trial. When you're added to a jury, you're empaneled. This is an old-fashioned word that comes from an older sense of panel, which was the paper on which names of jury members were written. Lots of people report for jury duty but aren't empaneled, meaning they aren't selected. Thesaurus Definitions of empanel1v select from a list“ empanel prospective jurors”Synonyms: impanel, panel Type of: choose, pick out, select, takepick out, select, or choose from a number of alternativesv enter into a list of prospective jurors Synonyms: impanel Type of: listinclude in a list WORD FORMSalternate spellingsempanelimpanel Word Family Usage Examples"
"docid": "D1544463#0",
"title": "http://guyanachronicle.com/2014/09/27/an-arawak-english-dictionary\nAn Arawak-English Dictionary",
"text": "\"Menu ≡ ╳Home Editorial News Arts & Entertainment Latest Arts & Entertainment Articles‘Pageantry is hard work, not a fairy-tale’Sage advice from former Miss World Guyana delegate, Ariell Ghanie IN 2017 the spritely Ariell Ghanie copped Second Runner-up for the Miss World Guyana Pageant. Now, reflecting on her journey,... Woman in Law Pt 2 for NCC this weekend HAVING dominated Antigua and Guyana over a year with Part One of the highly explosive comedy ‘Woman in Law’, Producer and Writer, Darren Mc Almont and cast will return to the stage this weekend... Self-taught Trevaun Selman plays the guitar upside-down TWENTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Trevaun Shenar Selman, a vocalist and guitarist with the MAXX Band, did not really know what career path he wanted to pursue, but he always felt that music was within him. Born... LIVING WITH INTENTION Motivational Tour goes to Suriname LIVING WITH INTENTION Motivational Tour has crossed borders to our neighbour Suriname. The first stop was the Alpha Max Academy private school where Noel did the grand tour and had a very... Business & Environment Latest Business Articles‘Put people above debt,’…. Puerto Rico official urges amid Maria's devastation San Juan’s mayor urged the United States on Tuesday to prioritize “people above debt” as it helps rebuild from the devastation of... Ozone Protection – 30 years later ON September 16, 2017, Guyana joined the international community in celebrating International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. This day marked 30 years since the Montreal Protocol on... Air Pollution AS we continue to focus on the pertinent environmental issues, let’s turn our focus to air pollution and what laws exist to address this problem. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has... Know More about the EPA Part IIWelcome to another week of the EPA and you! Last week, we provided answers to some frequently asked questions about our roles and processes. This week, we continue with providing answers to other... Crime & Security Latest on Crime Motorcycle bandit strikes in Albouystown A 39-year-old taxi driver attached to Green Ice Taxi Service was robbed by an armed motorcycle bandit of over $40,000 while driving through James Street Albouystown, Georgetown, on Phagwah... Knife-wielding bandit robs minibus driver A MINIBUS driver was robbed of his cash and gold jewellery on Phagwah Day when he stopped at a tyre shop on High Street, Georgetown, on Friday. The robber, who was armed with a knife, attacked the... Taxi driver robbed A 45-year-old taxi driver, who was heading to purchase mining supplies for a businessman, was robbed of some $400,000 on Hadfield Street, Georgetown, by an armed bandit on Saturday."
] |
636820 | what does emphatically mean | [
"docid": "D2166887#0",
"title": "http://www.paulnoll.com/Books/Clear-English/English-emphatic-form-1.html\n.",
"text": "Emphatic Forms of the Verb -- American English The emphatic forms of a verb are often used to give greater emphasis to the idea express by the verb. The auxiliaries do, does and did are used to give this additional emphasis. The emphatic forms are used in only two tenses, the present tense and the past tense. Emphatic Form Present Tense Person Singular Plural First Person I do call We do call Second Person You do call You do call Third Person He, she, it does call They do call Emphatic Form Past Tense Person Singular Plural First Person I did call We did call Second Person You did call You did call Third Person He, she, it did call They did call When do, does, and did are used in questions, the form is not for emphasis. The use of do, does, and did in questions is an idiomatic way of asking questions in English. In the following questions do, does, and did are not the emphatic form of the verb. Do you have to go now? Does he want to eat tonight? Did she buy that hat this week? Also when do, does, and did are used to mean accomplish, carry out, etc.,"
] | [
"docid": "D693736#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_profanity\nSpanish profanity",
"text": "\"Spanish profanity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The overwriting text in blue says \"\"putos\"\", an insult meaning \"\" faggot / poof\"\" (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay ). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Cabrón3 Chingada4 Pendejo5 Pinche6 Puta7 Joder8 Others9 See also10 Notes11 References12 Further reading13 External links Overview [ edit]As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and religion. [ 1] As in most languages, in Spanish swearing serves several functions in discourse, as emphatic interjections expressing emotion, as expressions of interpersonal stances such as aggression or as expression of gender identity, and as forms of linguistic play. [ 2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera \"\"whore\"\", perra \"\" bitch \"\") or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón \"\"faggot\"\", puto \"\"male prostitute\"\"). [ 8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else's mother, (called mentar la madre ), including also in its strongest form insinuations or mentions of sexual relations (e.g. ¡chinga tu madre! \"\" fuck your mother!\"\"). ["
"docid": "D1032790#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putas\nSpanish profanity",
"text": "\"Spanish profanity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Putas)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The overwriting text in blue says \"\"putos\"\", an insult meaning \"\" faggot / poof\"\" (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay ). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Cabrón3 Chingada4 Pendejo5 Pinche6 Puta7 Joder8 Others9 See also10 Notes11 References12 Further reading13 External links Overview [ edit]As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and religion. [ 1] As in most languages, in Spanish swearing serves several functions in discourse, as emphatic interjections expressing emotion, as expressions of interpersonal stances such as aggression or as expression of gender identity, and as forms of linguistic play. [ 2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera \"\"whore\"\", perra \"\" bitch \"\") or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón \"\"faggot\"\", puto \"\"male prostitute\"\"). [ 8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else's mother, (called mentar la madre ), including also in its strongest form insinuations or mentions of sexual relations (e.g. ¡chinga tu madre! \"\" fuck your mother!\"\"). ["
"docid": "D3471722#0",
"title": "https://www.thefreedictionary.com/I+do+declare\ndeclare",
"text": "\"declare (redirected from I do declare) Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Financial .de·clare (dĭ-klâr′)v. de·clared, de·clar·ing, de·claresv. tr.1. To make known formally or officially; proclaim: declare that a fugitive has been captured;declare a mistrial. See Synonyms at announce.2. To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm: \"\"He wrote another prayer declaring that hisconscience was weighed down with guilt\"\" (Leo Damrosch).3. To reveal or make manifest; show: His smile declared his agreement.4. To make a full statement of (dutiable goods, for example).5. Gamesa. To designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand in bridge.b."
"docid": "D2469587#0",
"title": "http://godglorified.com/what_is_the_name_of_the_father.htm\n.",
"text": "\"WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE FATHER?©Copyright 1993 Randall D. Hughes\"\"O righteous Father…I have declared unto them thy name …\"\"\"\"Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.\"\" Matt. 6:9This is one of the most famous passages in the entire Bible. We often refer to it as \"\"The Lord's Prayer.\"\" In this opening sentence we find reference to the Father's name. How many times have we read, or even quoted this passage without giving thought to what it is saying? Does the Father have a name? What might it be? There are many references made by Jesus to the \"\"name of the Father\"\" in the Gospels. Yet, how often do we stop and think about the possibilities?"
"docid": "D474564#0",
"title": "http://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/types-and-forms-of-word-clause-or-sentence\nTypes and forms of word, clause or sentence - thesaurus",
"text": "Types and forms of word, clause or sentence - thesaurus Using the thesaurus Explore other meanings Related wordsaccusativenounin some languages, the form of a noun or pronoun that shows that it is the direct object of a verbadjunctnounlinguistics the part of a clause that shows when, where, how, or in what circumstances something happens. An adjunct usually consists of an adverb or adverb group, or a prepositional phrase, for example 'moreover', 'quitehappily', and 'in the near future'.allomorphnounone of the forms that a morpheme can have. For example, the plural ending ‘-s’ has three allomorphs: /s/, /z/, and /iz/, as in the words ‘trucks’, ‘cars’, and ‘buses’.allophonenounlinguistics one of the slightly different ways that a phoneme can be pronounced. For example, the /p/ in the word ‘pill’ is slightly different from the /p/ in the word ‘spill’.antecedentnounlinguistics the antecedent of a word is the noun or phrase nearer the beginning of the sentence that it refers to. In the sentence ‘I threw the keys to him and he caught them’, ‘ keys ’ is the antecedent of ‘them’.articlenounlinguistics a type of determiner (=word used before a noun) that shows whether you are referring to a particular thing or to a general example of something. The indefinite article is ‘a’ or ‘an’ and the definite article is ‘the’.casenounlinguistics a form of a noun, adjective, or pronoun in some languages that shows its relationship in grammar to other words in a sentenceclausenounlinguistics a group of words that contains a verb and often a subject, object, complement and adjunct. A sentence consists of one or more clauses. For example the sentence ‘If you can help, please get in touch ’ has two clauses.cleft sentencenouna way of emphasizing a word or words by re-ordering the information in a sentence. A cleft sentence consists of impersonal ‘it’, the verb ‘be’, the important word or words, and a clause. For example the sentences ‘It is the answers that matter ’ and ‘It was the money he wanted ’ are cleft sentences."
"docid": "D3265168#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/emphatic\nemphatic",
"text": "\"emphatic [em- fat -ik]Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comadjective1. uttered, or to be uttered, with emphasis; strongly expressive.2. using emphasis in speech or action.3. forceful; insistent: a big, emphatic man; I must be emphatic about this particular.4. very impressive or significant; strongly marked; striking: the emphatic beauty of sunset.5. clearly or boldly outlined: It stands, like a great, stone dagger, emphatic against the sky.6. Grammar. of or relating to a form used to add emphasis, especially, in English, stressed auxiliary do in affirmative statements, as in He did call you or I do like it.7. Phonetics. having a secondary velar articulation, as certain dental consonants in Arabic.noun8."
"docid": "D3507537#0",
"title": "https://www.mbamission.com/blog/2014/08/05/you-dont-need-an-80th-percentile-score-to-get-in/\n",
"text": "You Don’t Need an 80th Percentile Score to Get In!We recently posted a longer piece on our blog entitled, “ You Don’t Need a 750 to Get In! ” striving to destroy the myth that you must have an above average GMAT score (as paradoxical as that is) to get into a top MBA program. Well, one thing led to another, and I soon found myself [mba Mission Founder Jeremy Shinewald] engaged in a dialogue with two well-known GMAT instructors, Ron Purewal and Stacey Koprince of Manhattan GMAT, with Ron leading the charge on a plea to destroy the “80/80” myth. Hopefully, you have not even heard about the alleged “need” for an applicant to have a “balanced” 80th percentile on both the Verbal and Quant sections of the GMAT exam. If you have not, then let me say, “As you were…” However, if you have and believe that applicants really do need this, then let us get to work destroying that belief. Here is why:1. The admissions officers say no! : Those pesky admissions officers are constantly trying to get in the way of admissions myths. Here is an excerpt from an interview I did last year with the assistant dean of admissions at allegedly “GMAT-focused” Columbia Business School.mba Mission: In the admissions mythology, there is this sense that a “safe” GMAT score is a 700 total score with an 80th percentile on both sides of the test [Quant and Verbal], but Quant scores in particular have really been going up, meaning the percentile for some previously high scores has dropped. So these days, even a 48 out of a 51, for example, will not be an 80th percentile Quant score."
"docid": "D802270#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vete_a_la_verga\nSpanish profanity",
"text": "\"Spanish profanity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Vete a la verga)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The overwriting text in blue says \"\"putos\"\", an insult meaning \"\" faggot / poof\"\" (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay ). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Cabrón3 Chingada4 Pendejo5 Pinche6 Puta7 Joder8 Others9 See also10 Notes11 References12 Further reading13 External links Overview [ edit]As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and religion. [ 1] As in most languages, in Spanish swearing serves several functions in discourse, as emphatic interjections expressing emotion, as expressions of interpersonal stances such as aggression or as expression of gender identity, and as forms of linguistic play. [ 2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera \"\"whore\"\", perra \"\" bitch \"\") or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón \"\"faggot\"\", puto \"\"male prostitute\"\"). [ 8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else's mother, (called mentar la madre ), including also in its strongest form insinuations or mentions of sexual relations (e.g. ¡chinga tu madre! \"\" fuck your mother!\"\"). ["
"docid": "D2072583#0",
"title": "http://blogs.christianpost.com/prayer/decree-and-declare-6450/\nDECREE AND DECLARE",
"text": "7/21/11 at 09:27 AM 30 Comments DECREE AND DECLAREby Yvonne Perkins Tweet text size A A AJob 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. We have often heard and read this passage of scripture but have you meditated on the meaning of this powerful word. According to the dictionary decree is defined as a rule of law issued by a head of state i.e. president according to a certain procedures. It has the force of the law. In biblical times, the King had the authority to make decrees. The decree was a written document and would be very specific and clear about that subject matter. It was law and had to be carried out according to the King's wishes and failure to obey the decree was punishable. The word established means: to set up on a firm or permanent basis, to achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for, to show, reveal to be true based upon the facts. Now, let look at the definition for declare. Declare to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms: to declare one's position in a controversy."
"docid": "D3423876#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090803184805AAs6hy8\n\"What does the phrase \"\"I do declare...\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture What does the phrase \"\"I do declare...\"\" mean? \"\" I do declare...\"\" What does that mean?1 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: It's just another way of saying You Know What I Mean it's declaring a truthirishlady · 9 years ago1 0 Comment Asker's rating Basically the phrase has the purpose of making a declaration about a particular subject. Here are the definitions of this phrase: 1. To make known formally or officially. See Synonyms at announce. 2. To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm. 3. To reveal or make manifest; show. 4."
"docid": "D1244438#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chingada\nSpanish profanity",
"text": "\"Spanish profanity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chingada)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The overwriting text in blue says \"\"putos\"\", an insult meaning \"\" faggot / poof\"\" (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay ). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Contents [ hide ]1 Overview2 Cabrón3 Chingada4 Pendejo5 Pinche6 Puta7 Joder8 Others9 See also10 Notes11 References12 Further reading13 External links Overview [ edit]As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and religion. [ 1] As in most languages, in Spanish swearing serves several functions in discourse, as emphatic interjections expressing emotion, as expressions of interpersonal stances such as aggression or as expression of gender identity, and as forms of linguistic play. [ 2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera \"\"whore\"\", perra \"\" bitch \"\") or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón \"\"faggot\"\", puto \"\"male prostitute\"\"). [ 8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else's mother, (called mentar la madre ), including also in its strongest form insinuations or mentions of sexual relations (e.g. ¡chinga tu madre! \"\" fuck your mother!\"\"). ["
"docid": "D3278824#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/assertion.htm\nASSERTION",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » A » Asserter ... Assort ASSERTIONPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does assertion mean?• ASSERTION (noun) The noun ASSERTION has 2 senses:1. a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) 2. the act of affirming or asserting or stating something Familiarity information: ASSERTION used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details• ASSERTION (noun)Sense 1 assertion [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms:assertion; asseveration; averment Hypernyms (\"\"assertion\"\" is a kind of...):declaration (a statement that is emphatic and explicit (spoken or written))Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"assertion\"\"):claim (an assertion of a right (as to money or property))claim (an assertion that something is true or factual)accusation; charge (an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence)contention (a point asserted as part of an argument)ipse dixit; ipsedixitism (an unsupported dogmatic assertion)affirmation; avouchment; avowal (a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something)testimony (an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact)denial; disaffirmation (the act of asserting that something alleged is not true)Sense 2 assertion [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The act of affirming or asserting or stating something Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms:affirmation; assertion; statement Hypernyms (\"\"assertion\"\" is a kind of...):speech act (the use of language to perform some act)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"assertion\"\"):say-so (one chap's arbitrary assertion)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"All hat and no cattle.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Five fingers are brothers, not equals.\"\" ( Afghanistan proverb) \"\"With carefulness you realize your opportunity.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"If a caged bird isn't singing for love, it's singing in a rage.\"\" ( Corsican proverb)ASSERTION: related words searches» What does claim mean? » Meaning of ipse dixit » What does ipsedixitism mean? » avouchment meaning » Definition of disaffirmation ASSERTEDASSERTERASSERTINGASSERTIONASSERTIVEASSERTIVELYASSERTIVENESSASSERTIVENESS TRAININGASSESSASSESSABLEEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does kike mean » vox populi » beijing meaning » sigmoid flexure » what does buddhism mean Page delivered in 0.0386 seconds \""
"docid": "D2850668#0",
"title": "http://stoliforequality.com/\nQuestions & Answers",
"text": "IS STOLICHNAYA A RUSSIAN VODKA? Stoli is proud of our heritage and roots in Russia and Latvia. We own our spirit production process from grain to bottle: our ‘Alpha’ quality vodka is distilled in Russia from grain produced in our nearby fields. This alcohol then travels across the border to Riga, Latvia, where it is blended with pure artesian well water at our facility that has bottled Stolichnaya since 1948. Who owns Stoli? Who owns SPI Group? Stolichnaya is owned by Luxembourg-‐based SPI Group. Stoli Group USA is the North American subsidiary of SPI Group. Does the Russian government have a financial stake in Stolichnaya? The Stolichnaya vodka made in Russia for the local market is owned by a state-‐ controlled entity."
"docid": "D2793213#0",
"title": "http://about-france.com/french/pronouns.htm\nFrench pronouns - les pronoms 1",
"text": "\"► You are here: About-France.com › French grammar › Pronouns French pronouns - les pronoms 1Page guide Table of pronouns Direct object pronouns Indirect object pronouns Possessive pronouns Emphatic pronouns Choosing between il and elle Pronouns: page 2 Word order with double object pronouns French has two more common pronouns than English has; it has both a singular and plural form of \"\"you\"\", and two forms - masculine and feminine - corresponding to \"\"they\"\". Otherwise, pronoun usage in French is fairly straightforward1. Table of pronouns in French English equiv. Subject form Direct object Indirect object Possessive Emphatic I Je me, m' me, m' le mien...* moi (thou) Tu te, t' te, t' le tien...* toihe Il le, l' lui le sien,...* luishe Elle la l' lui elleit Ce, c' Forms of il or elle, according to gender çaone on – le sien,...* –we nous nous nous le nôtre...* nousyou vous vous vous le vôtre...* vousthey (masc) Ils les leur le leur...* euxthey (fem.) Elles les leur le leur...* elles* Posessive pronouns agree in number and gender with their referent, i.e. the noun/s to which they refer: Model: le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes There are a few other pronouns:se - the third person singular reflexive object pronoun. See reflexive verbs (coming) en (meaning of it or of them ), and y (normally meaning to or at somewhere ). ( See y & en) and the relative pronouns qui, que, dont and lequel, laquelle etc. for which see relative clauses2. Notes on using French pronouns2.0. Subject pronouns replace nouns as the subject of clauses or sentences, as in: Les enfants chantent > Ils chantent La dame s'appelle Mme."
"docid": "D2438578#0",
"title": "http://folk.uib.no/hnohf/quenya.htm\nQuenya - the Ancient Tongue",
"text": "\"Quenya - the Ancient Tongue Also spelt: Qenya, Qendya, Quendya Also called: High-elven/High-elvish, the High Speech of the Noldor, the Ancient Speech, the speech of the Elves of Valinor, Elf-latin/Elven-latin, Valinorean, Avallonian, Eressëan, parmalambë (Book-tongue), tarquesta (high-speech), Nimriyê (in Adûnaic), Goldórin or Goldolambë (in Telerin), Cweneglin or Cwedhrin (in Gnomish). INTERNAL HISTORYDESIGNATIONS OF THE LANGUAGEEXTERNAL HISTORYTHE STRUCTURE OF QUENYA: A BRIEF SURVEYElementary Phonology The Noun The Article The Verb The Adjective The Participles Pronouns Quenya Wordlists APPENDIX: EXAMPLES OF QUENYA NOUNS FULLY INFLECTEDINTERNAL HISTORYQuenya or High-elven is the most prominent language of the Amanya branch of the Elvish language family. In Aman there were two dialects of Quenya, Vanyarin and Noldorin. For historical reasons, only the latter was used in Middle-earth. The only other Eldarin language spoken in Aman, Telerin, could also be considered a dialect of Quenya, but it was usually held to be a separate language and is not discussed here (see separate article). Compared to many other Elvish tongues, Quenya was archaic. It preserved the main features of the original Elvish language, invented by the Elves when they first awoke by the mere of Cuiviénen - a tongue with \"\"many...beautiful words, and many cunning artifices of speech\"\" (WJ:422). In fact, the Silmarillion Index refers to Quenya as \"\"the ancient tongue, common to all Elves, in the form it took in Valinor\"\" in Aman - as if Quenya was so similar to Primitive Elvish that it was merely as a later form of it, not a new language. Indeed Primitive Elvish and Quenya may have been mutually intelligible, but it must not be thought that they were almost identical. In Valinor, the ancient Elvish tongue underwent certain changes: \"\"Its altering ... [came] in the making of new words (for things old and new) and in the softening and harmonizing of the sounds and patterns of the Quendian tongue to forms that seemed to the Noldor more beautiful\"\" (WJ:20)."
"docid": "D2465616#0",
"title": "https://www.triviumpursuit.com/articles/comparison_of_greek_pronunciation_systems.php\nComparison of Greek Pronunciation Systems",
"text": "\"Comparison of Greek Pronunciation Systemsby Harvey Bluedorn Copyright 2006Post may contain affiliate links to materials I recommend. Read my full disclosure statement. Greek Pronunciation Systems Over the years, several persons have written to us regarding how the many different systems of pronunciation which can be found in various Greek grammars may or may not differ from the pronunciation system used in our A Greek Alphabetarion: A Primer for Teaching How to Read, Write & Pronounce Ancient & Biblical Greek and A Greek Hupogrammon: A Beginner's Copybook for the Greek Alphabet with Pronunciations. The following article is designed to answer any question which someone may have -- and probably a few questions which no one would have. I originally learned Greek from J. Gresham Machen’s New Testament Greek for Beginners. Since 1973, I have gone through well over a hundred Greek grammars, and about the only thing I found consistent about their pronunciation systems is that there is little consistency about their pronunciation systems. One might say that when the Greek alphabet was formed, it was the original phonetic alphabet. Of course, that would be an exaggeration. We cannot talk to the inventors and revisers of the Greek alphabet to know for sure, but their original purpose appears to have been to represent the sounds of their speech in the form of written characters. A Greek Alphabetarion uses a self-consistent phonetic system which is built around the historical reconstruction of the phonetic values of the Greek letters as they were originally pronounced in Ancient Greek."
"docid": "D1781788#0",
"title": "http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/GRAMMAR/sentences.htm\nDefinition of a Sentence",
"text": "\"Definition of a Sentence Before elaborating too much on the nature of sentences or trying to define a sentence's parts, it might be wise to define a sentence itself. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and predicate. Sometimes, the subject is \"\"understood,\"\" as in a command: \"\" [You] go next door and get a cup of sugar.\"\" That probably means that the shortest possible complete sentence is something like \"\"Go!\"\" A sentence ought to express a thought that can stand by itself, but it would be helpful to review the section on Sentence Fragments for additional information on thoughts that cannot stand by themselves and sentences known as \"\"stylistic fragments.\"\" The various Types of Sentences, structurally, are defined, with examples, under the section on sentence variety. Sentences are also defined according to function: declarative (most of the sentences we use), interrogative (which ask a question — \"\"What's your name? \"\"), exclamatory (\"\"There's a fire in the kitchen! \"\"), and imperative (\"\"Don't drink that! \"\") In Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1 (IIiv), we see that great \"\"stuffed cloak-bag of guts,\"\" Falstaff, in debate with his good friend Prince Hal, the future King of England."
"docid": "D2775930#0",
"title": "https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/truth/\nTruth",
"text": "\"Truth/ Our Library / Dictionaries / Quick Reference Dictionary / Truth Share Tweet Save Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Truth Truth [N] [T] [E]In Scripture, truth is characterized by both qualitative and quantitative aspects. In the historical narratives of the Old Testament, truth is identified with personal veracity and historical factuality. Before identifying himself to his brothers, Joseph desires to test them by commanding them to send one of their brothers as a prisoner, to see if there is truth in them ( Gen 42:16 ). Both Joseph's brothers and Achan claim to be speaking the truth when they confess their respective sins ( Gen 42:21 ; Joshua 7:20 ). Truth is also a quality used to describe utterances that are from the Lord. When Elijah intervenes for the son of the widow of Zarephath, bringing the boy back to life, the boy's mother remarks that now she knows that Elijah is a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in his mouth is truth. Ahab becomes angry with Micaiah, his personal incarcerated prophet, because the latter has given a sarcastic favorable forecast for battle. Ahab responds by saying, \"\"How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord?\"\" ( 1 Kings 22:16 ; 2 Chron 18:15 ). The Psalter describes truth as a fundamental characteristic of God, a characteristic that the psalmist desires to share."
"docid": "D358568#0",
"title": "http://www.eidon.com/understanding-minerals-organic-vs-inorganic/\nUnderstanding Minerals: Organic vs. Inorganic",
"text": "Understanding Minerals: Organic vs. Inorganic Save as PDF Print There is much confusion and contention around the issue of organic vs. inorganic minerals and the efficacious application of one over the other. There is a lot of information and there are a lot of opinions circulating as to the best sources of dietary minerals, pitting plant sourced (organic) against rock sourced (inorganic). Since opinions run the gamut, and depending what you read, you will get conflicting information. You will read some opinions that emphatically state that not only are rock sourced minerals not usable by the body, but are downright dangerous. Given the discrepancies and the confusion these opinions engender, it is imperative to interject some logic into this debate about what form of mineral is emphatically best for your body. Of critical importance in this organic versus inorganic debate is to understand what organic means in this context. When addressing organic as a mineral description, it means that the element in question is bonded to a carbon atom, which is another inorganic element. Because all living creatures are carbon based, being bonded to a carbon atom theoretically makes any element more bioavailable and usable by a living organism. Without any research to prove this however, it remains conjecture. Furthermore, if it is a true statement then drinking mineral water in nature would be of no benefit to an animal or human."
"docid": "D3265171#0",
"title": "https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/emphatic\nemphaticadjective",
"text": "\"Meaning of “emphatic” in the English Dictionary English English American American Examples Examples\"\"emphatic\"\" in English See all translationsemphaticadjectiveuk / emˈfæt.ɪk / us / emˈfæt̬.ɪk / done or said in a strong way and without any doubt: Poland reached the final of the championship yesterday with an emphatic 5–0 victory over Italy. The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words Assertions & assertingairing assert assertionattestation averclaimfoot laylay sth on the line idiommaintain make out sthmisstate pled reaffirmset story taketake it from me idiomtake sth from sbthat's my story and I'm sticking to it idiom See more results »emphaticallyadverb uk / emˈfæt.ɪ.k ə l.i / us / emˈfæt̬.ɪ.k ə l.i /Johnson has emphatically denied the allegations against him. ( Definition of “emphatic” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)Translations of “emphatic”in Portugueseenfático…Need a translator? Translator tool Get a quick, free translation!What is the pronunciation of emphatic? \""
] |
636822 | what does employee engagement survey measure | [
"docid": "D1154797#0",
"title": "http://www.custominsight.com/employee-engagement-survey/what-is-employee-engagement.asp\nWhat is Employee Engagement?",
"text": "\"Employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction Employee Satisfaction only indicates how happy or content your employees are. It does not address their level of motivation, involvement, or emotional commitment. For some employees, being satisfied means collecting a paycheck while doing as little work as possible. When organizations focus on making changes based on employee satisfaction, these changes won’t necessarily lead to increased performance. Oftentimes, the conditions that make employees “satisfied” with their jobs are the same conditions that frustrate high performing employees. Top performers embrace change, search out ways to improve, and challenge the status quo. They expect all employees be held accountable for delivering results, whereas low performers avoid accountability, cling to the status quo, and resist change. How is employee engagement measured? Employee engagement is typically measured using a survey that has been developed specifically for this purpose. Employee engagement surveys must be statistically validated and benchmarked against other organizations if they are going to provide useful results."
] | [
"docid": "D2656897#0",
"title": "http://www.employeeopinionsurveys.com/788/raise-employee-surveys-participation-rates\n7 Tips to Raise your Employee Engagement Surveyâs Participation Rates",
"text": "7 Tips to Raise your Employee Engagement Survey’s Participation Rates Tips Posted by Peter Barron Stark on 28, August 2012A common question we receive from new or potential survey clients is “How do you get such high participation rates?” For an employee survey, a participation rate of 50% to 60% is considered industry standard for web-based surveys. We typically receive 70% to 80% participation on first time surveys, if not more, and 85% to 95% on repeat surveys. There is always the rare 99% or 100% response rate, but those are achieved by clients that utilize their surveys to their full potential, year after year. Participation rates that high are hard to achieve – but not impossible. While there is not one clear path to success when it comes to ensuring high levels of participation in your survey, over the 20 years we’ve been conducting surveys, we have identified several key strategies or approaches to encourage most employees to participate. We’ve also discovered, in talking with employees after a survey, why employees opt not to participate. Briefly, employees tell us that they are not motivated to take a survey when:- They think taking the survey is useless, knowing from previous surveys that nothing will be done with the results. Why bother?- They fear that they will somehow be identified and perhaps there will be some type of retribution for their candid responses- It’s hard to take the survey because their direct manager does not support it, they were not given time to take the survey, or the survey was too long/complicated- They were not aware the survey was being conducted Having identified the common reasons employees typically don’t take a survey, now it’s time to focus on the positives and identify “best practices” in motivating employees to take your survey. After conducting almost 300 employee engagement surveys, we have been able to coach our clients to consistently achieve response rates of 85 percent or higher."
"docid": "D3295792#0",
"title": "https://www.helpscout.net/blog/relationship-marketing/\nThe Business Case for Building Real Relationships with Customers",
"text": "\"The Business Case for Building Real Relationships with Customers Gregory Ciotti | July 11, 2016Relationship marketing is strategy that emphasizes customer retention, satisfaction, and lifetime customer value. Relationship marketing can be defined as marketing to current customers vs. new customer acquisition through sales and advertising. As opposed to transactional marketing’s focus on one-off sales, a good relationship marketing strategy is rooted in building customer loyalty and lasting, long-term engagement with your customer base. Benefits include increased word-of-mouth, repeat business, and a willingness on the customer’s part to provide valuable feedback to the company. What’s the value in relationship marketing? Opportunity and upside have to drive decision-making, so the question remains: why bother marketing to current customers? What are the potential benefits? According to a study by Robin Buchanan and Crawford Gillies, the increased profitability associated with relationship marketing is the result of several factors: There’s less dating around. Loyal customers don’t go shopping around and they’re far less to switch. As an added bonus, they’re less price-sensitive because they’re more focused on the value than price."
"docid": "D3349044#0",
"title": "http://ritzcarltonleadershipcenter.com/2015/08/change-management/\nSeven Ways to Engage Employees in Change Management",
"text": "Corporate Culture / Employee Engagement / Leadership Development August 5, 2015Seven Ways to Engage Employees in Change Management Culture change expert Dr. John Kotter stated in an interview that “70% of all organizational change efforts fail, and one reason for this is executives simply don’t get enough buy-in, from enough people, for their initiatives and ideas.” Securing buy-in from most of your employees will require extra effort. However, you increase the odds of your success if you take the time to engage employees in your change management plans. Convincing Your Employees If your organization decides to move forward with culture change or other change initiatives, you will have employees who will welcome the shift, but you also will have to win over these types of employees:the tenured employees who have seen change initiatives fail in the pastthe negative employees who tend to forecast doom and gloom even when the sun is shiningthe “I told you so” employees who feel they are smarter than the decision-makersthe “I hate change” employees who are more comfortable sticking with the status quothe “does this mean more work?” employees who are already feeling overwhelmedthe “last-minute” employees who don’t want to jump on the train until it’s leaving the station Embracing everyone in your organization won’t be easy, but here are seven strategies that can help your staff feel more secure throughout this time of transition.1) Solicit Buy-In Prior to Launch At The Ritz-Carlton, one of our Service Values is: “I’m involved in the planning of the work that affects me.” This means that major decisions should not be made in private, executive meetings and then simply announced to employees. As you begin making plans, consider holding focus groups or taking surveys and soliciting employee opinion. An organization had to make a decision that they knew many employees wouldn’t like. They decided to hold focus groups with key stakeholders—even though management felt this wouldn’t change the ultimate decision. The focus groups provided the opportunity for stakeholders to share concerns and for leaders to explain the reasons the change was needed."
"docid": "D2455219#0",
"title": "http://iveybusinessjournal.com/publication/creating-a-performance-culture/\nCREATING A PERFORMANCE CULTURE",
"text": "CREATING A PERFORMANCE CULTUREby: Joanne Reid, Victoria Hubbell, Victoria Hubbell Issues: March / April 2005. Categories: Global Business. Share on Linked In Share on google Plus Share on facebook Share on twitter Share by email Creating a performance culture requires a systematic approach to managing the performance of organizations, teams and individuals. While leadership and discipline are the defining elements of that approach, they are not the only elements. These authors outline a road map for changing organizational behaviour and, ultimately, for implementing, promoting and sustaining a high-performance culture. Culture is the learned assumptions on which people base their daily behaviour, “…the way we do things around here.” Culture drives the organization, its actions and results. It guides how employees think, act and feel. It is the “operating system” of the company, the organizational DNA. But how many organizations develop a brilliant strategy and then fail to execute?"
"docid": "D1707769#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Why-is-employee-motivation-so-important-for-performance\nWhy is employee motivation so important for performance?",
"text": "Employee Performance Employee Motivation Employee Engagement Office and Workplace Culture Motivation Employees Workplace and Professional Etiquette Why is employee motivation so important for performance?15 Answers Nick Yushkov, OKR writer @ Atiim Answered Jan 13, 2016 · Author has 73 answers and 110.2k answer views Employee motivation is directly a function of “Employee Engagement” which is critical topic for CEOs and Executives today because it is the measurable and well research version of what we otherwise typically think of as employee motivation. Employees who are engaged are defined by Gallup as those who “are committed to their jobs and likely to be making positive contributions to their organizations. ”Motivation is defined as “having an interest in or enthusiasm for doing something. ”Thus, employee motivation falls under the umbrella of employee engagement. Both employee motivation and engagement are critical for performance because those who are not engaged (and thus, not motivated) are “unlikely to contribute discretionary efforts to further company goals,” according to Gallup. This is a major concern for executives, as 63% of the workplace is disengaged. You can read some additional stats on employee engagement here. Simply put, employee motivation and engagement are what make employees want to perform their best. Without being motivated, employees fail to see how their contributions matter to company priorities. They feel underappreciated and disengaged, because there’s no opportunity to link their passions to their work."
"docid": "D539451#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employee_retention\nEmployee retention",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the efforts by which employers attempt to retain the employees in their workforce. In this sense, retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome. [ 1]A distinction should be drawn between low-performing employees and top performers, and efforts to retain employees should be targeted at valuable, contributing employees. Employee turnover is a symptom of deeper issues that have not been resolved, which may include low employee morale, absence of a clear career path, lack of recognition, poor employee-manager relationships or many other issues. A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. [ 2]In a business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from key organizational behavior concepts, employers can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover."
"docid": "D1916792#0",
"title": "http://workforcediversitynetwork.com/res_articles_diversitymetricsmeasurementevaluation.aspx\n.",
"text": "\"Article Diversity Metrics, Measurement, and Evaluationby Marc Brenman Introduction Quantitative indicators are important. They are “Information expressed as numbers, percentages or ratios—offer a statistical snapshot of a situation by providing a measure of ‘how much’, ‘how many’, ‘to what extent’ or ‘what size’. they demonstrate the level something is at, the direction it is headed and how far it is from a certain goal or target.” ( Center for Economic and Social Rights; The OPERA Framework: Assessing compliance with the obligation to fulfill economic, social and cultural rights; 2012)It helps for a diversity and inclusion practice to meet metrics. Use metrics to evaluate how well the organization is doing on its diversity and inclusion program. See the discussion below on desirable metrics. Use data as an indicator of the effectiveness over time of ongoing diversity programs. Data collection “is the most crucial step of the evaluation process because without data, there is no evidence of the diversity initiative’s impact and therefore no need for an evaluation.” ( Hubbard, Edward, The Diversity Scorecard: Evaluating the Impact of Diversity on Organizational Performance, San Francisco: Elsevier, 2004)Benefits from diversity training are perennially difficult to measure, but such measurement is possible . Benefits from diversity ought to be measurable."
"docid": "D3501040#0",
"title": "https://www.officevibe.com/blog/disengaged-employees-infographic\n10 Shocking Statistics About Disengaged Employees",
"text": "E mployee disengagement is a looming issue in today’s global workforce that affects everything from company productivity to customer satisfaction. In order for companies to reverse, or better yet prevent the damaging effects of disengaged employees, there must be a constant emphasis placed on improving the 10 pillars of employee engagement, which accounts for things such as the relationship between employees and managers, overall happiness and wellness, company alignment, relationship with colleagues, etc. Before you keep reading to learn about employee disengagement, and how to fix the problem…Download the complete checklist of the 10 most important metrics you need to track in order to keep your employees engaged. Add this infographic to your site by copying this code:<a href=”https://www.officevibe.com/blog/disengaged-employees-infographic”><img src=”https://assets.officevibe.com/infographics/infographic-disengaged-employees.png” data-no-lazy=”1″ alt=”10 Shocking Stats About Disengaged Employees” width=”600px” border=”0″ /></a>This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the platform that helps you to <a href=”https://www.officevibe.com/employee-engagement-solution/leadership”>be a better leader</a> and make your employees happy. What Is Employee Disengagement? Employee disengagement refers to the way that an employee feels about and is connected to their job, which translates to the amount of effort they put into their work, and their sense of commitment to their organization. When an employee is disengaged they feel a lack of interest in their role and day to day tasks. This absence of enthusiasm has the consequence of employees not putting in the required effort to properly complete their assigned tasks, or desire to go above and beyond their call of duty to help bring the company to new heights. Employee disengagement is dangerous Causes Of Disengaged Employees There are many causes of employee disengagement, but the first thing to understand is that disengaged employees are not necessarily equivalent to bad employees. They were likely not hired in this state, rather, disengagement is a symptom of a potential series of larger problems that led them to be this way."
"docid": "D3410633#0",
"title": "http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2007/oct/patient-centered-care--what-does-it-take\nPatient-Centered Care: What Does It Take?",
"text": "Publications Fund Reports What Does It Take to Prov... Patient-Centered Care: What Does It Take? Add to My Library Print* Required. *** I thought you would be interested in this item from www.commonwealthfund.org. Privacy & Terms SENDThe concept of patient-centered care has gained increasing prominence in recent years as a key aim of the U. S. health care system. Yet despite growing recognition of the importance of patient-centered care, as well as evidence of its effectiveness in contributing to other system goals such as efficiency and effectiveness, the nation's health care system falls short of achieving it. Data from national and international studies indicate that patients often rate hospitals and medical care providers highly, but report significant problems in gaining access to critical information, understanding treatment options, getting explanations regarding medications, and receiving responsive, compassionate service from their caregivers. This paper was commissioned by The Picker Institute to explore what it will take to achieve more rapid and widespread implementation of patient-centered care in both inpatient and ambulatory health care settings. The findings and recommendations of this paper are based largely on a series of interviews with opinion leaders selected for their experience and expertise in either designing or implementing strategies for achieving excellence in patient-centered care. Key Attributes of Patient-Centered Care A high degree of consensus exists regarding the key attributes of patient-centered care. In a systematic review of nine models and frameworks for defining patient-centered care, the following six core elements were identified most frequently: Education and shared knowledge Involvement of family and friends Collaboration and team management Sensitivity to nonmedical and spiritual dimensions of care Respect for patient needs and preferences Free flow and accessibility of information Factors Contributing to Patient-Centered Care The interviews and literature reviewed for this project identified seven key factors that contribute to achieving patient-centered care at the organizational level: Leadership, at the level of the CEO and board of directors, sufficiently committed and engaged to unify and sustain the organization in a common mission."
"docid": "D3312798#0",
"title": "https://www.glassdoor.com/employers/popular-topics/hr-stats.htm\nTop HR Statistics",
"text": "\"Top HR Statistics The latest stats for HR & Recruiting Pros Hiring? Post multiple jobs for the price of a single job post. Start a Free Trial Introduction From employer branding and employee engagement to recruiting, we hope this collection of statistics drawn from sources like Bersin by Deloitte, KPMG, Edelman, Gallup and Glassdoor give you the actionable intelligence (and inspiration) to improve your own organizational reputation and talent acquisition efforts. Employee Engagement Employees who understand their contribution to the company's mission are more likely to bring a positive attitude and commitment to the workplace, which trickles down to company performance at every level. Research on engagement and company performance shows a strong correlation between the two, proving that employee engagement is crucial to business success. In 2015, 32% of U. S. workers were engaged. ( Gallup daily tracking, January 2016)Fewer than half (49%) of employees would recommend their employer to a friend. ( Glassdoor Data Labs, December 2015)Companies with employee engagement programs achieve 26% greater year-over-year increase in annual company revenue, compared those who do not have formal programs. ( Aberdeen, October 2015)87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges, and 50% call the problem \"\"very important.\"\" ( Global Human Capital Trends 2015, Deloitte, February 2015)\"\"Mission-driven\"\" companies have 30% higher levels of innovation and 40% higher levels of retention, and they tend to be first or second in their market segment. ("
"docid": "D79257#0",
"title": "http://www.mass.gov/lwd/economic-data/eolwd-data-and-stats/lmi/other/labor-market-terms-and-definitions.html\nLabor Market Terms and Definitions",
"text": "\"A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAActual High: Refers to DUA Wage Surveys. The highest reported wage in each occupational category. Agricultural Employment: Includes the total of farmers, their families and hired workers who receive wages, salaries or commissions for work performed on farms for the pay period including the 12th of the month. Applicant: A person legally qualified to work who has either a partial application or a full application on file with a Massachusetts One Stop Career Center. Average: Computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers (mean). The numerical result obtained by dividing the sum of two or more quantities by the number of quantities: an arithmetical mean Average Annual Wage: (Refers to ES-202) Calculated by taking the total wages (payroll) and dividing by the average annual employment. Average Hourly Earnings (Manufacturing CES-790): Average hourly earnings for an industry is obtained by dividing total sample payrolls by total man-hours. The earnings reflect not only basic hourly and incentive wage rates but also such factors as premium pay for overtime work and shift differentials. Average Hourly Earnings (BLS Wage Surveys and Industry Wage Surveys): Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays and late shifts. Also excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries, as well as, profit-sharing payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses and other non-production bonuses."
"docid": "D163620#0",
"title": "https://www.officevibe.com/employee-engagement-solution/employee-net-promoter-score\nEmployee Net Promoter Score The Complete Guide",
"text": "\"Imagine having employees that were loyal to your organization. Imagine having a team where employees are constantly going above and beyond, providing incredible service to make sure your customers are happy. What if there was a simple way to measure loyalty and then know exactly what makes an employee more likely to be loyal or not? Well, there is…The employee Net Promoter Score (e NPS). The e NPS Definitione NPS stands for employee Net Promoter Score and is a way for organizations to measure employee loyalty. The Net Promoter Score, originally a customer service tool, was later used internally on employees instead of customers. It measures the likelihood of whether an employee would be willing to recommend your organization as a place to work and the products/services they sell. It will give you the insights you need to understand exactly what employees like and don’t like about your organization. While it’s not meant to be a complete way of measuring employee engagement, because of its simplicity, e NPS is an amazing way for anyone to get started. In this guide, we’ll explain everything you ever wanted to know about the e NPS and give you tips on how you can start using it to increase employee loyalty."
"docid": "D568152#0",
"title": "http://www.aon.com/human-capital-consulting/thought-leadership/communication/article_employees_consumers.jsp\nA Marketing Approach to Human Resources - Treating Employees Like Consumers",
"text": "\"A Marketing Approach to Human Resources - Treating Employees Like Consumers Linked In Twitter Facebook Email How the Use of Common Marketing Tools Can Increase Employee Satisfaction While Reducing Costs Many of our colleagues in human resources are now starting to see their roles as similar to those in the sales and marketing group down the corporate hallway. In many aspects, leaders in human resources are responsible for managing a complex product comprising culture, environment, and reward elements — each element having different cost/value drivers, communication channel needs, process and delivery components, varying preferences across segments, and even shelf life (flexible spending accounts for instance). To guide the strategic development of the employee value proposition, many in HR are now starting to embrace the same sort of tools used for decades by marketing. Applying the Marketing Model to HRLike marketers, organizations seek to attract and retain customers — employee customers — often in an extremely competitive environment. Talent can enable or constrain competitive success, and as the war for talent intensifies, whether from changing demographics or critical-talent shortages, more importance will be placed on acquiring and retaining critical people. As in marketing, the concept is to create an employee value proposition that best satisfies the needs of the workforce (the customer) and is aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization. Although not a sale in terms of an overt and conscious decision by the employee to buy (join/stay with) the company, the sale is reflected in other ways, such as in engagement metrics, reduced attrition, lower employee acquisition costs, and improved productivity. How can leading HR organizations address the needs of their employees and ensure that sufficient value is offered by their employees? Listening to Your Employees Our colleagues in marketing know how important it is to continuously collect consumer feedback in the form of market research. Insights from market research help business leaders shape product and communication strategies by instilling fact-based, decision making processes instead of relying solely on intuition."
"docid": "D2070050#0",
"title": "https://blog.cultureamp.com/what-is-a-good-survey-response-rate\nWhat is a Good Survey Response Rate?",
"text": "What is a Good Survey Response Rate?by Jason Mc Pherson Survey response rates, or participation rates as we prefer to call them, are themselves often a measure of engagement; a measure of how engaged employees are with the survey and feedback process. We’ve also done some analyses and found a moderate relationship between participation rates and employee engagement levels. However, the relationship is nowhere near perfect and there does appear to be a trade off effect above the 85-90% mark. Is 100% participation on a staff survey good? We recently found a company with the lowest engagement score (in the last 12 months) had a 100% participation rate. In fact, a 100% participation rate is often a bad sign and it is usually accompanied by comments about coercion and a large number of missing responses or unmeaningful responses (e.g. all ‘strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree’). So, having a 100% response rate is sometimes associated with poorer quality data – and it is quality of data that we should be focused on, not the quantity. In employee surveys we are not trying to generalise from a relatively small sample to a much larger population like we often are in customer or political research. In employee surveys we are mostly talking about participation rates well above 50% (which is about the rate achieved in US elections) and generally in the 65-85% range. These are rates that political scientists and market researchers can only dream of."
"docid": "D2227452#0",
"title": "http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-21-2016/No1-Jan-2016/Nurse-Engagement-Contributing-Factors-for-Success.html\nNurse Engagement: What are the Contributing Factors for Success?",
"text": "\"Home ANA Periodicals OJIN Table of Contents Vol 21 2016 No1 Jan 2016 Nurse Engagement Contributing Factors for Success Nurse Engagement: What are the Contributing Factors for Success?^ m d Christina Dempsey, MSN, MBA, RN, CNOR, CENPBarbara A. Reilly, Ph DAbstract The concept of nurse engagement is often used to describe nurses’ commitment to and satisfaction with their jobs. In reality, these are just two facets of engagement. Additional considerations include nurses’ level of commitment to the organization that employs them, and their commitment to the nursing profession itself. Because nurse engagement correlates directly with critical safety, quality, and patient experience outcomes, understanding the current state of nurse engagement and its drivers must be a strategic imperative. This article will discuss the current state of nurse engagement, including variables that impact engagement. We also briefly describe the potential impact of compassion fatigue and burnout, and ways to offer compassionate connected care for the caregiver. Such insight is integral to the profession's sustainability under the weight of demographic, economic, and technological pressures being felt across the industry, and is also fundamental to the success of strategies to improve healthcare delivery outcomes across the continuum of care. Citation: Dempsey, C., Reilly, B., (January 31, 2016) \"\"Nurse Engagement: What are the Contributing Factors for Success?\"\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 21 No."
"docid": "D3491483#0",
"title": "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06089.x/full\nAuthentic leadership, performance, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of empowerment",
"text": "Original Research Authentic leadership, performance, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of empowerment Authors Carol A. Wong Ph D RN,Close author notes Associate Professor, Corresponding author Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Health Sciences Addition (HSA), The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Search for more papers by this author Heather K. S. Laschinger Ph D RN FCAHSClose author notes Distinguished University Professor Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Health Sciences Addition (HSA), The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Search for more papers by this author First published: 5 July 2012 Full publication history DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06089.x View/save citation Cited by (Cross Ref): 56 articles Check for updates Citation tools Correspondence to C. A. Wong: e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Aim To report a study conducted to test a model linking authentic leadership of managers with nurses' perceptions of structural empowerment, performance, and job satisfaction. Background Authentic leadership has been proposed as the root element of effective leadership needed to build healthier work environments because there is special attention to the development of empowering leader–follower relationships. Although the influence of leadership style and empowerment on job satisfaction is well documented, there are few studies examining the influence of authentic leadership on nurses' empowerment and work outcomes. Design A non-experimental, predictive survey. Method In 2008, a random sample of 600 Registered Nurses working in acute care hospitals across Ontario in Canada was surveyed. The final sample consisted of 280 (48% response rate) nurses. Variables were measured using the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire, Global Job Satisfaction Survey, and General Performance scale. The theoretical model was tested using structural equation modelling. Results/outcomes The final model fit the data acceptably. Authentic leadership significantly and positively influenced staff nurses' structural empowerment, which in turn increased job satisfaction and self-rated performance."
"docid": "D1291536#0",
"title": "http://www.bain.com/publications/articles/taking-the-measure-of-your-innovation-performance.aspx\nTaking the measure of your innovation performance",
"text": "\"Taking the measure of your innovation performance May 08, 2013 Bain Brief By Eric Almquist, Mitchell Leiman, Darrell Rigby and Alex Roth Innovation is one of the most popular acts in business, but one of the hardest to pull off. Bain & Company recently surveyed nearly 450 executives around the world at enterprises with more than $100 million in revenue, and two-thirds said their companies made innovation one of their top three priorities. Yet fewer than one-quarter believed that their companies were effective innovators. Even fewer, just one in five, said they were strong at “breakthrough” innovation. We did find companies that are great at innovation, and we don’t mean just iconic innovators such as Apple, Amazon.com and Samsung. Virtually all the top quartile of innovators in our survey agree with the following statements: RELATED INSIGHTSThe twin engines of all great companies Results Delivery: Managing the highs and lows of change• We consistently meet or exceed our innovation goals• We have a winning, repeatable model for innovation that we apply consistently in different regions and categories• We currently have projects that will meet or exceed our financial targets for innovation• We are prepared for major market disruptions through innovation Many executive teams still treat innovation as a black box, the serendipitous achievement of a few gifted individuals. But our survey found that innovation leaders consistently outperformed laggards on five manageable capability areas (see below, \"\" The innovator’s edge \"\"). The disparity suggests that innovators rely on a systematic approach, not just on finding people who happen to be innovative. Innovation capabilities and the Both Brain® ingredient What are the five capabilities? The first is a clear, specific innovation strategy, which includes setting goals and determining investment priorities in a way that captures both hearts and minds."
"docid": "D2520732#0",
"title": "http://www.marketforce.com/\nMarcoâs Pizza selects Market Force to ensure excellence in customer and employee experience",
"text": "\"About Market Force Information In 2005, three entrepreneurs met at a Boulder, Colorado coffee shop. They asked each other, “what if?” What if they could consolidate the fragmented customer experience measurement industry? What kinds of synergies might there be if you combined different measurements? What if you tied measurements to financial KPIs? From that original vision, Market Force Information was launched. Now more than a decade later, we have deployed CX management services and solutions to multi-location businesses around the world. Every month, we collect, process and analyze millions of customer satisfaction and employee engagement surveys; conduct in excess of 100,000 mystery shops and audits; manage over 150,000 inbound contacts to our contact centers; and engage thousands of consumers in social media for customer recovery. Our goal is to move the needle, not just collect data. To do this, we deploy sophisticated modeling practices by a team of Ph D statisticians and data scientists to link measurements to financial KPIs and extract strategic value from the results."
"docid": "D2722140#0",
"title": "http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/166667/five-ways-improve-employee-engagement.aspx\nFive Ways to Improve Employee Engagement Now",
"text": "\"Business Journal January 7, 2014Print Five Ways to Improve Employee Engagement Nowby Robyn Reilly Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. Managers everywhere can help solve this problem -- and reap the benefits of higher employee engagement. Engaged employees are rare. Gallup's most recent global research finds only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. According to the latest State of the American Workplace report, just 33% of employed residents in the United States are engaged at work. Engaged workers stand apart from their not-engaged and actively disengaged counterparts because of the discretionary effort they consistently bring to their roles. These employees willingly go the extra mile, work with passion, and feel a profound connection to their company. They are the people who will drive innovation and move your business forward. Contrast this with actively disengaged employees, who are more or less out to damage your company. Not only are they unhappy at work, but they are intent on acting out their unhappiness."
"docid": "D3375203#0",
"title": "http://www.ragan.com/Main/Articles/15_tips_for_effective_employee_communication_45031.aspx\n15 tips for effective employee communication",
"text": "\"Related Articles By Category Internal15 tips for effective employee communication Don't lose sight of your internal family. Follow these guidelines to foster engagement and tap into staffers' ideas and insights. By Sarah Boggess | Posted: June 14, 20120Tweet Management guru Patrick Lencioni, in his book \"\"The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family,\"\" pointed out that many of us spend a lot of time and energy developing strategic plans for our businesses, but fly by the seat of our pants with our families. A similar phenomenon takes place within businesses. Many organizations plan tirelessly for how to best engage their external audiences: customers, investors, media, analysts, and community members. Often, they forget their most important constituency: their employees, the people who have the most control over the future of the organization. High-performing organizations make employee communications a priority. They know an engaged workforce makes for a more successful organization. And to engage employees, they understand the need to communicate strategically with them. Gallup has an employee engagement survey that is widely used."
] |
636827 | what does empty calorie mean | [
"docid": "D653436#0",
"title": "http://community.jennycraig.com/perfect-portion-blog/eat-well/empty-calories/\nEmpty Calories: What They Are & Why They Are Bad",
"text": "\"We all know that practicing healthy habits is something we should all strive for and i can make you happier and healthier overall. In the best case scenario they are habits that can last a lifetime. On the road to healthy habits, one notable indulgence to drop is eating empty calorie foods, which are any food that lacks nutritional value, such as bubbly sodas, donuts, candies and more. But there's more to empty calories than meets the eye. So, what's the deal with empty calories and how can you try to avoid them? What Are Empty Calories Calories primarily made up of saturated fats and/or added sugars can be called \"\"empty calories\"\". Empty calories are those that contain few nutrients compared to regular calories. They will still provide you with energy, but without the benefit of vitamins, minerals and fiber. As a result, when consumed in excess, empty calories can be attributed to weight gain, especially if you're not burning them off in your daily activities. Conversely, eating foods low in empty calories and high in nutrients will support a healthy weight, mind and body."
] | [
"docid": "D3389461#0",
"title": "https://athletictrainersite.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/nutrition-ch3-digestion-absorption-and-transport/\nNutrition (Ch3 Digestion, Absorption, and Transport)",
"text": "Nutrition (Ch3 Digestion, Absorption, and Transport)2017年1月30日 athletictrainersite3.1 Digestion Anatomy of the digestive tract Gastrointestinal (GI) tract Mouthmouthpharynxdigestive systemepiglottisbolus Esophagussphincteresophageal sphincter Stomachstomachchymepyloric sphinctersmall intestine Small intestine Gallbladder Pancreasduodenumjejunumileum Large intestine (Colon)iliocecal valvelarge instestine (colon)The muscular action of digestion Peristalsis Stomach action Segmentation Sphincter contractionsreflux The secretions of digestioncatalysthydrolysisdigestive enzymes Salivasalivary glands Gastric juicegastric glandsgastric juicehydrochloric acidmucusp HPancreatic juice and intestinal enzymespancreatic juicebicarbonate Bile Bile Liver The final stagestools 大便 . waste matter feces discharged from the colon; also called feces.3.2 Absorption Anatomy of the absorptive systemvillimicrovillicryptsgoblet cells A closer look at the intestinal cells Specialized cells Food combining Preparing nutrients for transport3.3 The circulatory systems The vascular systemhepatic vein The lymphatic systemlymphatic systemlymphthoracic ductsubclavian vein3.4 The health and regulation of the GI tract Gastrointestinal microbiome 消化管マイクロバイオーム、消化管微生物叢microbeshuman microbiome Gastrointestinal hormones and nerve pathwayshomeostasisgastrincholecystokinin (CCK)The system at its bestintestinal ischemia Which statement describes a feature of irritable bowel syndrome? もう一度復習を。Effective treatments may include peppermint oil.が正解では?Abdominal discomfort is usually mildではない。What part of the GI tract prevents a person from choking while swallowing? Epiglottis!When ingested in large quantities, t he sugar alternative sorbitol and the fat alternative olestra are known to induce _ ___.diarrhea Which of the following is a feature of peristalsis?it is caused by alternate tightening and relaxing of circular and longitudinal muscles Which substance stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate-rich juice?secretin The presence of fat in the intestines stimulates cells of the intestinal wall to release ____. – cholecystokinin – controls the release of bile into the small intestine After the pancreatic juices have mixed with chyme in the small intestine, which of the following describes the p H of the resulting mixture? Approximately neutral????Based on her history, which of the following is the most likely explanation for Mrs. Treat’s sudden onset diarrhea?foodborne illness (foodborne-食物由来のWhat is the most likely cause of Mrs. Treat’s heartburn?foodborne illnessではない。stress associated with the family reunionではない。Mrs. Treat notes that her heartburn got worse while she was at the family reunion. Why might that be? Because trying to keep an eye on her grandchildren left her exhausted, Mrs. Treat went to lay down for a nap right after lunch. かな???Mrs."
"docid": "D1084586#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/326885-what-is-the-nutritional-value-of-crown-royal-whiskey/\nWhat Is the Nutritional Value of Crown Royal Whiskey?",
"text": "\"What Is the Nutritional Value of Crown Royal Whiskey?by JOLIE JOHNSON Oct. 03, 2017Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey produced by the British company, Diageo. Crown Royal was created in 1939. King George VI, the King of England, embarked on his first tour of Canada that year. Samuel Bronfman created Crown Royal whiskey, packaged in the crown-shaped bottle with the royal purple bag, to celebrate the occasion. Crown Royal was only available in Canada until 1964. One shot of this Canadian whiskey contains less than 100 calories, but no real nutritional value. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Whiskey Nutritional Information Crown Royal whiskey is 80 proof. It contains 40 percent alcohol by volume. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database, a typical 80 proof whiskey has 97 calories and 14 g of alcohol in a 1.5 oz. serving."
"docid": "D3185175#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/209640.php\nWeight Watchers Finally Accepts Where Calories Come From Matters Too",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Weight Watchers Finally Accepts Where Calories Come From Matters Too Published Tuesday 30 November 2010By Christian Nordqvist A 100-calorie apple is now zero points in Weight Watchers Points Plus plan while 100-calories worth of cookies or potato will clock up points. A recognition that has been around for over a decade with other eating plans, such as The Zone, Atkins and The South Beach diets. It is true that a calorie is a calorie, and how many calories you consume compared to how many you use up each day matter greatly in body weight control, but where those calories come from are extremely important too. Some calories come from foods that fill you up more than others, and some calories come from foods that do not spike insulin levels so much. Some calories come from foods with virtually no nutritional value (empty calories), while others are rich in vitamins and minerals. All fresh fruits and the majority of vegetables now score zero points in the Weight Watchers new Points Plus system. Dried fruit and some vegetables, such as potatoes and corn will still have points. The new Points Plus System replaces the old Weight Watchers Points Plan. According to Karen Miller-Kovach, Weight Watchers' chief scientific officer, it is necessary to reflect the latest nutrition science. Miller-Kovach says the new formula takes into account protein, fiber, carbohydrate and fat content of foods."
"docid": "D885989#0",
"title": "https://dtc.ucsf.edu/living-with-diabetes/diet-and-nutrition/diabetes-alcohol/\nDiabetes & Alcohol",
"text": "Diabetes & Alcohol Heart Health »« Understanding Protein Drinking alcohol can lead to serious low blood sugar reactions. Alcohol can also affect diabetic nerve damage, eye disease, and high blood triglycerides. You may wonder if drinking alcohol is safe for people with diabetes. If you drink alcohol, there are some things you need to know first about alcohol safety. Is it Safe to Drink Alcohol? Check with your doctor to make sure alcohol doesn’t interfere with your medications or complicate any of your medical conditions. Drinking alcohol can lead to serious low blood sugar reactions, especially if you take insulin or types of diabetes pills that stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas. Alcohol can also affect other medical conditions you may have, like diabetic nerve damage, diabetic eye disease, and high blood triglycerides. Get guidelines for alcohol use from your medical provider. How Much Alcohol Can I Drink?"
"docid": "D477587#0",
"title": "http://www.ngdr.co.uk/first-aid/bloat-gdv-article\nBloat (GDV) Article",
"text": "Bloat (GDV) Article Download a PDF of this article‘Bloat’ / gastric dilatation-torsion (GDV): what it is and how to help prevent it Penny Watson, Bunning-Iams Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition Queen’s Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge I am a ‘physician’ and not a surgeon so this talk is very much from the medical perspective, not the surgical one - it is usually surgeons or intensive care vets who give lectures on GDV. But once your dog sees them, it already has a torsion and a serious life-threatening disease with a high chance of dying. As a physician and also someone very interested in diet and nutrition, I am more interested in preventing ‘bloat’ in the first place and this is the focus of this lecture. I hope you may take away from it a better understanding of what the condition is and why it occurs and also some tips for prevention if possible. However, you should also remember that, in spite of a lot of clinical research on the subject, we still do not fully understand why this condition occurs or how to prevent it. This is because it is primarily a problem with gut ‘motility’ i.e. movement and not so much gut structure - and primary gut motility disorders are the hardest to study and treat - in people as well as animals. WHAT IS ‘BLOAT’/GDV?‘Bloat’ or gastric dilatation is when the stomach fills up with gas like a balloon. Bloat itself is very uncomfortable for the dog but not life-threatening until the stomach ‘twists’ which = ‘torsion’ (gastric dilatation and volvulus or GDV to use the technical term.) GDV IS life threatening because it prevents blood in the veins returning to the heart and causes the stomach wall to die - these result in shock and death if something is not done quickly. It has been calculated that high risk large and giant breeds had a 21-24% risk of getting GDV during their lifetime and a 7% risk of dying as a result."
"docid": "D461411#0",
"title": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/jennifercohen/2012/07/25/14-healthy-foods-that-are-actually-bad-for-you/\n\"14 \"\"Healthy\"\" Foods That Are Actually Bad For You\"",
"text": "\"Jennifer Cohen Contributor I help executives & entrepreneurs boost productivity through wellness. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Opinion 7/25/2012 @ 8:38AM 854,686 views14 \"\"Healthy\"\" Foods That Are Actually Bad For You Packed with salted nuts, sugar covered raisins and even M&M's, even a small handful of trail mix can contain 300+ calories. ( Photo credit: Wikipedia)Beware: Just because it seems healthy doesn’t mean it is! Check out my list of 14 “healthy” foods that are actually bad for you before you go on your next shopping trip, or out to pick up a quick bite. These are some common mistakes that people tend to think are healthy. Remember, the most powerful tool for nutrition you have is knowledge of what you’re eating.1. Wheat Bread You can add wheat to literally any carbohydrate and label it as a wheat product. These days, you can get Whole Wheat Lucky Charms – do you really think that makes them healthy? If it isn’t 100% whole wheat, bread can contain enriched flour, which gives you a sugar spike and crash without any nutritional value."
"docid": "D420038#0",
"title": "https://www.oncologynutrition.org/erfc/healthy-nutrition-now/sugar-and-cancer/\nSugar and Cancer",
"text": "\"Sugar and Cancer Question: Does sugar feed cancer? Answer: While researchers continue to investigate the connection between sugar and cancer, it remains a source of anxiety-inducing speculation and misinformation in the media and on the internet. Of course, the undeniable answer is that glucose (the form of sugar used most in the body) feeds every cell in the body, and is so important to the function of your brain that the body has several back up strategies to keep blood sugar levels normal. Even without any carbohydrate in the diet, your body will make sugar from other sources, including protein and fat. The idea that sugar could directly fuel the growth of cancer cells can lead some people to avoid all carbohydrate-containing foods. This is counter-productive for anyone struggling to maintain their weight while dealing with side effects of cancer and treatments. More importantly, the inevitable anxiety of trying to completely avoid “all sugar” creates stress. Stress turns on the fight or flight mechanisms, increasing the production of hormones that can raise blood sugar levels and suppress immune function. Both of these things may reduce any possible benefit of eliminating sugar in the first place. Much research shows that it is sugar’s relationship to higher insulin levels and related growth factors that may influence cancer cell growth the most, and increase risk of other chronic diseases."
"docid": "D1665509#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/healthy-sugar-intake-per-day-6128.html\nWhat is a Healthy Sugar Intake Per Day",
"text": "Related Articles What Does a Gram of Sugar Mean on a Nutrition Label? USDA Recommended Sugar Intake How Much Sugar Should Someone Consume a Day? What Is the Maximum Amount of Sugar a Day for Children? Recommended daily allowances are printed on the back of food labels to let you know how much you should eat of certain vitamins and nutrients. They can also help you limit consumption of potentially unhealthy substances like fat and cholesterol. Yet there is no RDA for sugar. Sugar is pervasive in most Americans' diets, though many people have no idea how much they should allow themselves daily. Sugar's Affect on the Body The reason there is no RDA set for sugar is because the body does not need sugar as it does vitamins, nutrients and fat. Added sugars have no nutritional value -- they are simply empty calories. As a result, consuming high levels of added sugars increases your overall daily calorie consumption."
"docid": "D1966723#0",
"title": "http://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/reasons-cant-lose-weight\n25 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight",
"text": "\"1. You overeat healthy food. Nuts, avocados, whole wheat pasta, olive oil, and dark chocolate are all natural and healthy, but they aren't void of calories. You still need to watch how much you eat of the good stuff. For example, avocado offers a ton of health benefits, but an entire fruit is over 200 calories. Find out what the serving sizes of your other favorite healthy foods are here.2. You skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast may seem like a great way to save calories, but keep in mind that people who eat breakfast regularly lose more weight —so make sure to eat breakfast each morning to jump-start your metabolism. Don't just grab anything; include protein to give yourself sustainable energy and fiber to fill you up for hours.3. You don't practice portion control."
"docid": "D384856#0",
"title": "https://www.runtastic.com/blog/en/veras-viewpoint/how-to-burn-fat-while-running/\nHelpful Weight Loss Tips: How to Burn Fat While Running",
"text": "Who are you? I mean, what kind of runner are you? Are you usually looking forward to a run and enjoying the movement while out on the road? Or are you glad to hit the shower afterwards, with the feeling of having done your body some good? Let’s be honest: Many of us don’t (just) lace up because we love running. But rather because of yesterday’s piece of chocolate cake, that half bottle of wine from the birthday party or because we want to “run off” the planned 5-course meal. Does that work? Here’s a few facts about fat burning & running. Is it better to run on an empty stomach to boost fat burning or to jog at a low heart rate to stay in the right “zone”? Or, should we do short but exhausting intervals to fight off those extra pounds?"
"docid": "D2876442#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_calories_does_a_gram_of_alcohol_have\nHow many calories does a gram of alcohol have?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Nutrition Calorie Count How many calories does a gram of alcohol have? Flag How many calories does a gram of alcohol have? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The body uses calories to provide energy to the body. Some calories have nutritional value and others don't and are referred to as empty calories. The calories present in alcohol are empty calories and contain 7 calories per gram.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Anovia _ 29,410 Contributions How many calories are there in alcohol? Alcohol carries about 7 calories per gram. For example, a bottle of beer comes with about 150 calories. . That's right."
"docid": "D120901#0",
"title": "http://healthtools.aarp.org/health/satiety-early\nEarly Satiety",
"text": "Early Satietybasic INFOWhat is early satiety? Early satiety is more common in women than men. Early satiety is when you feel full after a few bites of food or before you finish a normal-sized meal. You may also feel nauseous and want to vomit while eating a meal. What makes a normal-sized meal depends on many factors, such as:agesexgenesheightweightwhat you’ve recently eatenhow many meals you eat per day Your activity level will also directly affect how many calories you need each day. If you’re a moderately active female who weighs 132 pounds and eats four meals, including snacks, a day, an average breakfast can include:1 cup of oat cereal1 medium banana1/2 cup of milk1 slice of whole wheat toast1 cup of prune juice In the case of early satiety, you may feel full after eating only a little of the recommended serving. Early satiety may seem like a minor problem, especially if you don’t have other symptoms. But ongoing early satiety can be unhealthy and lead to nutrient deficiency, starvation, and poor wound healing. It can also be a sign of serious medical conditions such as cancer, ulcers, and diabetes. Some of these conditions can lead to internal bleeding and a low blood count if left untreated."
"docid": "D528706#0",
"title": "http://kellymom.com/nutrition/milk/change-milkfat/\nWhat affects the amount of fat or calories in momâs milk?",
"text": "Home ▸ Nutrition ▸ Milk ▸ What affects the amount of fat or calories in mom’s mi ... What affects the amount of fat or calories in mom’s milk? Check out stylish, functional breast pump bags and accessories from our sponsor Sarah Wells Bags. By Kelly Bonyata, IBCLCAverage calorie & fat content of human milk What affects the amount of fat and calories in a mother’s milk? Does the amount of fat in mom’s milk make a difference when it comes to baby’s growth? Decreasing milk fat? Additional Information References Average calorie & fat content of human milk The average calorie content of human milk is 22 kcal/oz. Caloric content varies widely throughout each feeding and the day, however, due to changing fat content. The amount of fat in human milk changes dramatically during each feeding and throughout the day, since fat content depends on the degree of emptyness of the breast (empty breast = high fat, full breast = low fat). The average fat content of human milk is 1.2 grams/oz. Calorie & Fat Content of Human Milk Average Range Energy22 kcal/oz 13 – 35 kcal/oz75 kcal/100 m L 45 – 119 kcal/100 m LFat (total lipids) 1.2 g/oz 0.6 – 1.5 g/oz4.2 g/100 m L 2 – 5 g/100 m L3-5% 1-10%References: Hamosh 1991, p. 118; Jelliffe & Jelliffe 1978; Lawrence 1999, p. 108, 305, 738."
"docid": "D2776250#0",
"title": "http://www.turmericforhealth.com/turmeric-benefits/turmeric-and-weight-loss\n8 Awesome Benefits Of Turmeric In Weight Loss [UPDATED]",
"text": "8 Awesome Benefits Of Turmeric In Weight Loss [UPDATED]155 Comments One of the most common health hazards of modern time is excessive fat deposition in the body. A very large portion of the human population is affected by it all over the world. Being overweight is the condition of energy imbalance in the body. This imbalance is reflected as storage of fat. The energy imbalance is caused when our calories (a measurement of energy) intake is higher than what is used by the body for the metabolic processes such as breathing, regulation of body temperature, digestion etc. The calories that we take in, come from the what we eat or drink. The amount of energy that is left after the use in bodily functions is stored for the future use. This energy is stored in liver cells as glycogen and as triglycerides in the fat tissues. The energy imbalances may also be caused by other factors such as hormonal disorders l e, hypothyroidism. Certain genetic disorders and medications can also cause the weight gain."
"docid": "D533521#0",
"title": "http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/emptycalorie-foods-vs-nutrientdense-foods-1350.html\nEmpty-Calorie Foods Vs. Nutrient-Dense Foods",
"text": "\"Related Articles What Is Calorie-Dense Vs. Nutrient-Dense Food? Nutrient Dense Vs. Non-Nutrient Dense Empty Calories v. Nutritious Calories Low Energy Density Foods List While all foods contain nutrients, nutrient-dense foods are more beneficial for maintaining optimal health, as they provide more nutrients than calories. Unlike nutrient-dense foods, empty-calorie foods or energy-dense foods are nutritionally poor food choices, as they contain more calories than nutrients. A high intake of empty-calorie foods may cause weight gain, especially if your intake of calories exceeds their utilization. In contrast, consumption of nutrient-dense foods helps to maintain a healthy weight in addition to supplying nutrients that protect against disease. Empty Calorie Foods Most empty-calorie foods are highly processed foods that contain added fat and sugar. Examples include baked products such as cakes, cookies, pies and pastries as well as puddings, doughnuts, fries, jams, syrups, jelly, sweetened fruit drinks, breaded fried burgers and ice cream. Empty-calorie foods also make up most of the long shelf life foods and beverages sold in vending machines such as chips, salted snacks, candy, soda, energy and sports drinks."
"docid": "D742814#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071228083945AAhOgAn\nHOW MANY average calories does a person burn in 1 day?",
"text": "\"Health Diet & Fitness HOW MANY average calories does a person burn in 1 day? I was just woundering how many average calories a person burns in 1 day? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: depends on lifestyle, it is recommended that people consume 2000 calories/day - the average person Here is the equation: 1. How many calories do you burn with your RMR + aerobic + anaerobic activity per day? Answer: Here's a nice calculator that gives you 4 categories to choose from for your anaerobic activity plus a place to put in what you burn per day in added exercise .... http://www.nutritiondata.com/calories-bu... Some examples of occupations for figuring your anaerobic activity level: Construction Worker, Landscaping, etc. would be very active Nurse, Massage Therapist, etc. would be active (on your feet a lot) Desk job would be somewhat active Sedentary would be someone that just lies there and does nothing but minimal bodily functions 2. How many lbs. do you want to lose a week? Healthy rate of loss is no more than 2 lbs."
"docid": "D2694962#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/496379-sugar-content-of-light-beer/\nSugar Content of Light Beer",
"text": "Sugar Content of Light Beerby JILL CORLEONE, RDN, LD Oct. 03, 2017Switching to light beer is a good way to cut calories when you're trying to lose weight. Unlike regular beer, light beer does contain a miniscule amount of sugar -- less than 1 gram -- which may have something to do with how it's made. However, when it comes to weight control, it's the total calories in the beer that count. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load About Light Beer Light beer is brewed using a low-sugar extract made from grain, according to the German Beer Institute, which allows for less fermentation and a lower production of alcohol. Alcohol is a source of calories, with 7 calories per gram. By comparison, 1 gram of carbs or protein has 4 calories, while 1 gram of fat has 9 calories. Light beers are lower in calories than regular beer because they contain less alcohol, with a range of 3 to 4 percent, while regular beer is anywhere from 5 to 10 percent alcohol. Sugar in Light Beer One 12-ounce can of light beer has 0.3 gram of sugar. The same serving of regular beer has zero grams of sugar. The fermentation process of the low-sugar extract used to make light beer may explain why light beer has more sugar than regular beer."
"docid": "D2033467#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Is-it-unhealthy-to-eat-too-many-Tic-Tacs\nIs it unhealthy to eat too many Tic Tacs?",
"text": "\"Joshua Engel, worked at The Rude Mechanicals Answered Feb 22, 2012 · Upvoted by Marc Stone, Physician, Board-certified in Internal Medicine · Author has 10.6k answers and 47.2m answer views Tic tacs are sugar. They're low in calories because they're tiny. There's nothing healthy about them, beyond the fact that the small size makes it easier to control how much of it you eat. They're still pure sugar, causing an unnecessary insulin response, adding calories to your diet, and rotting your teeth. Stuffing your mouth with Tic Tacs is identical to stuffing a spoonful of sugar in your mouth. So yes, it's unhealthy to eat too many. The optimal number from a health perspective is zero, unless you're otherwise starving. A small number of them, however, is a good low-calorie treat with few negative consequences.53.6k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below Is having a pack of Tic-Tacs every day harmful for your health?"
"docid": "D401476#0",
"title": "http://www.momjunction.com/articles/ways-to-help-teen-gain-weight_00352619/\nHow To Gain Weight For Teens - Facts And Tips",
"text": "Home » Early Teen » Fitness How To Gain Weight For Teens - Facts And Tips Sagari Gongala January 10, 2017Image: Shutterstock Teenagers are as picky about their food as kids are. They are also conscious about their body image which prevents them from eating as much as they should. But some teens are skinny and lean regardless of how much they eat. There are many reasons why your teenager does not gain weight – it could be poor nutrition, body metabolism, the food choices they make, or just genetics. Regardless of why they are skinny, your teenager can put on weight in a healthy way. Mom Junction tells you about weight gain in teenagers and some healthy ways in which they can manage their weight. Healthy Weight Vs Body Fat Healthy weight gain and accumulating body fat are completely different things. If your teenage girl or boy is skinny, you would want them to gain weight, not become obese. So what is the difference between accumulating body fat and healthy weight gain? Body fat is collected when you eat foods that have sugar content and trans fats."
"docid": "D2365639#0",
"title": "https://www.unitypoint.org/madison/preemie-feeding.aspx\nFeeding",
"text": "\"Feeding How often should I feed my baby? Feeding patterns differ between babies and vary from day to day. Before discharge from your NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit), the nurses can give you an idea of your baby's feeding pattern. Most preemies feed every 2 1/2 - 4 hours. Look for cues that your baby is hungry. Premature babies do not always cry, but may move around and become restless if it has been 2-3 hours since they last ate. Often the doctor will want you to awaken your baby if it has been longer than 4 or 5 hours since the last feed. Discuss this with your doctor. How much should I feed my baby? A baby who weighs about 4 1/2 lbs."
] |
636832 | what does emt mean in electrical terms | [
"docid": "D2290790#0",
"title": "http://construction.about.com/od/Materials/a/Common-Types-Of-Electrical-Conduit.htm\n7 Types of Electrical Conduits - Application and Installation",
"text": "Construction Materials7 Types of Electrical Conduits - Application and Installation How to Choose Between EMT, PVC and Other Electrical Conduits Share Flip Pin Email•••By Juan Rodriguez Updated July 17, 2017Electrical conduits refer to an electrical system used to protect and provide the route of electrical wiring. Electrical conduits are made of metal, plastic, or fiber and could be rigid or flexible. Conduits must be installed by electricians following standard regulations, as those provided by the National Electrical Code (NEC). Here are seven of the most common used electrical conduits. Galvanized Rigid Conduit or RMCA conduit made from galvanized steel tubing is commonly referred as a rigid conduit. The thickness of a galvanized rigid conduit protects the electrical wiring from being hit and allows it to be threaded. Galvanized rigid conduits are used by electricians in commercial and industrial applications normally available in 10 feet and 20 feet lengths. This type of electrical conduit is used above grade and has threads on both ends with a coupling on one end. The installation of Rigid Steel Conduit (RSC) is covered by Article 344 of the National Electrical Code® (NEC®). The rigid metallic conduit can be treated to prevent corrosion by applying different coatings to the conduit."
] | [
"docid": "D1209511#0",
"title": "https://sizes.com/materials/conduit_EMT.htm\nelectrical metallic tubing (EMT)",
"text": "electrical metallic tubing (EMT)Metal tubing meant to contain electrical conductors. Often called thin-wall conduit, to contrast it with rigid metal conduit (RMC), which has a similar sequence of sizes but much heavier walls. Compared with RMC, EMT is about a third the price, and is also lighter and easier to install. The disadvantage is that it is more easily crushed and, unlike RMC, a nail driven through a wall can penetrate EMT. All grounded metal conduit helps to suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI), by preventing the conductors inside the conduit from acting as an antenna, either broadcasting interference or picking it up. Most EMT is steel, galvanized on the outside and painted on the inside with an organic coating. It is also available in aluminum and some copper alloys, generally for use in special environments, and with the exterior coated with PVC. It is sold in nominal 10- and 20-foot lengths, usually ten. All dimensions in the table are in inches. The minimum radius is to the center line, not the nearest wall of the tubing. “"
"docid": "D3476940#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/11987597/chapter-9-flash-cards/\nChapter 9",
"text": "86 terms mattlj Chapter 9Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Jaw thrust maneuver A means of correcting blockage of the airway by moving the jaw forward without tilting the hear or neck. Used when trauma, or injury , is suspected to open the airway without causing further injury to the spinal cord in the neck. Ventilation The breathing in of air or oxygen or providing breaths artificially Artificial ventilation forcing air or oxygen into the lungs when a patient has stopped breathing or has inadequate breathing. also called positive pressure ventilation.pocket face mask a device, usually with a one-way valve, to aid in artificial ventilation. A rescuer breathes through the valve when the mask is placed over the patient's face. it also acts as a barrier to prevent contact with a patient's breath or body fluids. It can be used with supplemental oxygen when fitted with an oxygen inlet. Bag valve mask a handheld device with a face mask and self-refilling bag that can be squeezed to provide artificial ventilations to a patient."
"docid": "D3298383#0",
"title": "http://www.cracked.com/article_19798_5-terrifying-secrets-about-riding-in-ambulance.html\n5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance",
"text": "\"Articles Weird World 5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance Facebook Twitter Google Plus Add to Favorites By John Dubensky · May 15, 20120101481You will probably never have a good encounter with an ambulance. Either they're shrieking past in traffic and making you late for work, or you're riding in one while blood squirts from a horrific fireworks injury. Well, we have bad news: The world of ambulances, and the long-suffering crews who work inside them, is quite a bit more horrifying than you thought.5 Ambulances Tend to Explode Photos.com You know you've had a bad day when you can't describe it without using the term \"\"ambulance explosion.\"\" But ambulances do explode. A lot. The oxygen tanks carried by the majority of EMS units detonate every now and then, as compressed gas is wont to do, and sometimes ambulances themselves just burst into flames for no apparent reason. One ambulance caught fire while just sitting in the bay after only one year of service, and another ignited while transporting a patient to the hospital. Via Wusa9.com Tragically, their brand of burn salve turned out to be highly explosive. The thing is, you kind of assume ambulances are the safest mode of transportation around. After all, they're designed specifically to transport fragile sick people."
"docid": "D1262866#0",
"title": "http://www.ecmweb.com/code-basics/electrical-services-part-2\nElectrical Services â Part 2",
"text": "National Electrical Code > Code Basics Electrical Services — Part 2Looking at Fig. 230.1 in the NEC, we can see that the second and third major areas of Art. 230 provide requirements for service entrance conductors (Part Mike Holt | Mar 01, 2009Looking at Fig. 230.1 in the NEC, we can see that the second and third major areas of Art. 230 provide requirements for service entrance conductors (Part IV) and service equipment (Parts V, VI, and VII). Service entrance conductors Before you begin a service installation, determine which conductors are actually part of the service (line side of the service equipment) rather than feeders and branch circuits (load side of the service equipment). Although each service drop or service lateral can supply only one set of service entrance conductors [230.40], there are five exceptions: Exception No. 1: A building with more than one occupancy can have service entrance conductors for each occupancy. This exception commonly applies to strip malls and even to duplexes, triplexes, and other multiple-family buildings (e.g., apartment houses) to allow locating metering equipment at or near the end of the service drop or service lateral instead of at multiple locations. The rules on the location and grouping of service disconnecting means in 230.71 and 230.72 still apply."
"docid": "D1734129#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_old_do_you_have_to_be_an_emt\nHow old do you have to be an emt?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Medical Fields Emergency Medicine EMT and Paramedics How old do you have to be an emt? Flag How old do you have to be an emt? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. It depents on your state's policy. Usually 16 to 18 years old or older. Go to your state's Department of health web site for information or to get a number to call and ask.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering What is an EMT? Answer: A EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) is a State Licensed and certified, or Nationally licensed and certifed. There are levels of a EMT. Some states are as followed: EM …Siri Warbreaker 27,510 Contributions\"\"Sometimes, when you stepped in something foul, the only thing to do was stop walking and make the effort to clean it off.\"\""
"docid": "D1199529#0",
"title": "http://www.contractortalk.com/f32/wiring-detached-garage-24704/\n.",
"text": "\"Wiring A Detached Garage Page 1 of 2 1 2 >Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes07-21-2007, 08:52 PM # 1Magnettica Service & Repairs Trade: Electrician Join Date: Dec 2006Location: Rahway, New Jersey Posts: 4,001 Rewards Points: 2,002Wiring A Detached Garageol pl it html__________________ Electrician service in Rahway, Cranford, Clark, Westfield, Mountainside, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Roselle, Roselle Park, and New Jersey | Same day electrical service and repairs | Licensed and Insured Electrician in Rahway Last edited by Magnettica; 09-23-2007 at 06:32 PM . Warning: The topics covered on this site include activities in which there exists the potential for serious injury or death. Contractor Talk.com DOES NOT guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this site. Always use proper safety precaution and reference reliable outside sources before attempting any construction or remodeling task!Advertisement Advertisement07-21-2007, 11:27 PM # 2747Pro Trade: Wood working in spare time. Join Date: Jan 2005Location: kankakee county,Illinois Posts: 1,539 Rewards Points: 1,000Re: Wiring A Detached Garage Hey I would like to buy ones of those heavy duty step ladders like in the first pick. Can you tell me how much you paid for that one. I have a cheaper one and about a month ago i bent it when cleaning out my gutters so i threw it in the garbage. Advertisement07-21-2007, 11:44 PM # 3Magnettica Service & Repairs Trade: Electrician Join Date: Dec 2006Location: Rahway, New Jersey Posts: 4,001 Rewards Points: 2,002Re: Wiring A Detached Garage Would you like to me to ask the HO where he got it?__________________ Electrician service in Rahway, Cranford, Clark, Westfield, Mountainside, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Roselle, Roselle Park, and New Jersey | Same day electrical service and repairs | Licensed and Insured Electrician in Rahway Advertisement07-22-2007, 12:54 AM # 4Celtic Fentoozler Trade: Professional Pie and Pastry Taster Join Date: May 2007Location: New Jersey Posts: 5,623 Rewards Points: 2,000Re: Wiring A Detached Garage Quote: Originally Posted by Magnettica Would you like to me to ask the HO where he got it? I think it says \"\"Husky\"\" on it .... LOL.__________________"
"docid": "D289321#0",
"title": "http://www.emt-national-training.com/tour.php\nHow does the testing work at EMT National Training?",
"text": "\"How does the testing work at EMT National Training? Home - Register - Tour - Testimonials - Sample EMT B Tests - Sample EMT I Tests - Sample Paramedic Tests - Terms of Use - Support / Help - NREMT Tests - FAQ - About Us - Forum New NREMT Exam Simulation Mode!Along with our proven testing system we are now offering the new NREMT simulation examination that delivers one question at a time just like the newest assessment examinations from the NREMT! All exams are timed and deliver the exact same percentages of questions per topic as the NREMT. Better yet, your exams are instantly graded and you are given a percentage breakdown by topic so you know exactly how you scored in each area (just like the NREMT used to give you) Register now and be taking practice tests in minutes!Registering to use the site is easy and secure. Just click on any of the register links and you will be transferred to our sign-up page. There you will choose what testing level you would like EMT-B, EMT-I or Paramedic, enter your billing information and choose your login and password. Once you have your EMT test login and password, enter them into the login and password text boxes on our home page. Click the login button and you are transferred to your EMT practice test results/tracking page. This is where all of your practice test scores are compiled and calculated as well as where each is recorded for review at anytime. At the top of this page you will notice the simple navigation of our testing program which includes, \"\"My Profile\"\", \"\"Create an Exam\"\", \"\"My Results\"\" and \"\"Log out\"\"... Click on \"\"Create an Exam\"\" and you are transferred to the EMT practice test creation page."
"docid": "D462014#0",
"title": "http://www.wikinvest.com/stock/Florida_Power_%26_Light_Company/Energy_Marketing_Trading\n.",
"text": "FPL » Topics » Energy Marketing and Trading. These excerpts taken from the FPL 10-K filed Feb 27, 2009. Energy Marketing and Trading. EMT, a division of FPL, buys and sells wholesale energy commodities, such as natural gas, oil and electricity. EMT procures natural gas and oil for FPL's use in power generation and sells excess natural gas, oil and electricity. EMT also uses derivative instruments, such as swaps, options and forwards, to manage the commodity price risk inherent in the purchase and sale of fuel and electricity. Substantially all of the results of EMT's activities are passed through to customers in the fuel or capacity clauses. See Retail Ratemaking, Management's Discussion – Results of Operations – FPL and Energy Marketing and Trading and Market Risk Sensitivity and Note 3. Energy Marketing and Trading. EMT, a division of FPL, buys and sells wholesale energy commodities, such as natural gas, oil and electricity."
"docid": "D3423524#0",
"title": "http://www.ecmweb.com/contractor/working-metal-clad-cable-and-emt\nWorking with Metal-Clad Cable and EMT",
"text": "Construction Working with Metal-Clad Cable and EMTWhen used with appropriate conductors, metal-clad (MC) cable and electrical metallic tubing (EMT) have nearly identical uses but quite different working characteristics. Therefore, on any given job, it's advantageous for electricians to use both types in concert. To do so most effectively, it's important to understand specific construction specifications and permitted uses for each system, but first David Herres | Sep 01, 2006When used with appropriate conductors, metal-clad (MC) cable and electrical metallic tubing (EMT) have nearly identical uses but quite different working characteristics. Therefore, on any given job, it's advantageous for electricians to use both types in concert. To do so most effectively, it's important to understand specific construction specifications and permitted uses for each system, but first let's begin with some basic definitions. Definitions. Although MC resembles its close relative, armored cable, there are some distinct differences. Whereas armored cable has a grounding strip in intimate contact with the inside of the metallic sheath, which can then serve as the equipment grounding conductor, MC cable has no such strip. Therefore, the outer sheath of MC cable does not qualify as an equipment grounding conductor. MC cable contains an insulated grounding conductor which, when properly terminated at both ends, makes a reliable return path for fault current, enabling the overcurrent device to perform its protective role."
"docid": "D3165223#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/23607558/emt-msjc-this-one-scott-flash-cards/\nEMT MSJC This one Scott!!!!!!",
"text": "2,000 terms orrin_herterich EMT MSJC This one Scott!!!!! ! everything a emt should know!! ! Upper Airway Structures *Nose (Nasopharynx) *Mouth (Oropharynx) *Throat (Pharynx) *Epiglottis (prevents food/liquid from entering trachea)Lower Airway Structures *Larynx (voice box, cricoid cartilage) *Trachea *Main bronchi (branch to each lung) *Bronchioles *Alveoli (sacs where actual exchange of O2 and CO2 takes place)Structures of Breathing *Diaphragm (separates chest cavity from the abdominal cavity) *Thorax *Thoracic Cage *Accessory Muscles -Sternocleidomastoid (neck muscles) -Pectoralis (chest muscles) -Abdominal Inhalation Events *Active process *Diaphragm and intercostals muscles contract *Thoracic Cage Enlarges *Air Pressure inside thorax decreases *Air moves into lungs to equalize pressure Tidal Volume *Amount of air that is moved during one breath *If poor, must use positive pressure ventilation Minute Volume *Amount of air moved during one minute *If poor, must use positive pressure ventilation Exhalation Events *Passive process *Diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax *Thoracic cage decreases in size *Air pressure inside thorax increases *Air moves out of lungs to equalize pressure Metabolism Process by which energy is made available for the body to use Diffusion A passive process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Hypoxia *Condition in which the bodies and tissues and cells don't have enough O2 *Cells in brain begin to die within 4 minutes Early Signs of Hypoxia *Mental status changes (MSC) *Nervousness *Dyspnea *Tachycardia Late Signs of Hypoxia *Cyanosis Hypoxia Treatment *All hypoxic patients, whatever the cause of their condition should be treated with high flow O2 *Treat with a non-rebreather at 15 L/min Exchange of O2 and CO2 *O2 is drawn into alveoli with inhalation *O2 passes into the blood stream via capillaries *O2 is passed from blood to cells *Tissues pass CO2 and cell waste to blood *Blood returns to lungs *CO2 and cell waste is passed into alveoli *CO2 and cell waste is exhaled Respiratory Drive *Normal control mechanism in healthy people *Brain stem sends nerve impulses to respiratory muscles in response to increased CO2 levels in arterial blood Hypoxic Drive *Seen in people with respiratory disorders *Nerve impulses are sent to respiratory muscles in response to decreased O2 levels in arterial blood Assessment Findings of Adequate Breathing *12-20 breaths per minute (adult) *15-30 breaths per minute (child) *25-50 breaths per minute (infant) *Regular pattern and rate *Clear/equal breath sounds bilaterally *Pink skin Assessment Findings of Inadequate Breathing *Respiratory rate <8 or >24 (adult) *Accessory muscle use *Retractions (skin pulling around ribs/collar bone) *Pale, cyanotic, or cool/clammy skin *Irregular pattern *Abnormal lung sounds *Shallow, uneven chest raises *Speaking in short sentences *Nasal flaring *Seesaw breathing Opening the Airway with a Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift **Used when no c-spine injury is suspected *Place patient supine *Place hand on forehead and apply pressure *Place tips of fingers on bony part of chin under jaw *Lift chin upwards Examples of Patients Needing a Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift *Any unresponsive patient without history of mechanism of trauma *Cardiac arrest patients without signs of trauma *Apneic patients without signs of trauma Opening the Airway with a Jaw-Thrust **Used with suspected C-Spine injury *Place patients supine *Place fingers behind angle of lower jaw and lift forcibly Examples of Patients Needing a Jaw-Thrust *Unresponsive trauma patient *Unresponsive patient with an undetermined mechanism of injury Oropharyngeal Airway *Used when unconscious and no gag reflex *Measure from corner of mouth to ear lobe *Use tongue blade to depress tongue (insert airway sideways (tip facing cheek) and rotate 90 degrees)Examples of Patients Needing an Oropharyngeal Airway *Unresponsive, apneic patients (with or without trauma) *Any apneic patient being ventilated with a BVMNasopharyngeal Airway *Used when a gag reflex is present and the patient is unable to maintain an open airway *Measure from corner of mouth to the ear lobe *May be used on patients who are response *Less likely to stimulate vomiting Disadvantages of Using a Nasopharyngeal Airway *Contraindication in head/facial trauma (may penetrate through the cranium and into the brain *May cause bleeding *May not be able to insert with a history of nasal fracture Examples of Patients Needing a Nasopharyngeal Airway *Unresponsive patients who are snoring *Unresponsive patients with a gag reflex Suctioning Equipment *Tubing *Rigid suction tips (tonsil tips, yankauer) *Non-rigid plastic catheters (French, whistle tip) *Collection container *Water *Minimum of 300 mm Hg is needed for adequate suctioning *Use water to prevent clogging of the tubing between attempts to suction Suctioning Techniques *DO NOT touch back of airway (may cause vomiting) *Put tip in only as far as you can see *Suction only as you are withdrawing *Use the French/Whistle tip for suctioning the nose, stoma, or when the jaws are clenched Maximum Suctioning Times *Adult (15 seconds) *Child (10 seconds) *Infants (5 seconds)Recovery Position *Used to maintain an open airway *Roll patient onto left side *Maintain C-spine with inline position *Only used when patient can maintain airway without assistance and when the patient has no traumatic injuries (c-spine) *Reduces possibility of aspiration O2 Cylinders: Safety Considerations *Secure bottles when mounted in ambulance or when carrying on the cot *Do not carry bottles by the neck *Do not stand bottles upright when on a scene, lay them flat *Replace tank when it reaches 500psi O2 Cylinders: Pin Indexing System *Prevents accidental connection of wrong cylinder to wrong regulator O2 Cylinders: Pressure Regulators *Reduces pressure from O2 tank (approximately 2000psi when full) to approximately 40-70psi O2 Cylinders: Flow Meters *Reduces pressure and allows administration in liters per minute (lpm)O2 Cylinders: Operating Procedures *Inspect Cylinder -Remove any seals or covers from valve stem -Clean and dry valve stem -Open and close cylinder to clear valve *Attach regulator/flow meter -Make sure to have plastic O-ring in place over O2 inlet -Never force pins into place -Align pins and screw bolt into dimple on opposite side from pins -Open cylinder and check pressure level on the regulator gauge -Open flow meter to desired flow rate Hazards of Supplemental O2 *O2 supports combustion and increases rate of burning *An O2 cylinder left standing can become a missile if knocked over, always lay flat Non-Rebreathing Mask (NRB) *Provides up to 90% O2 *Set flow at 10-15 lpm (adult) depending on amount the patient is inhaling Nasal cannula *Provides 24-44%O2 *Set flow at at 1-6 lpm (adult) *Only used if patient will not tolerate any other device Pulse Oximetry *Monitors O2 saturation of hemoglobin *Normal reading is 95%-100% *Should not be used in cases of hypoperfusion (shock), anemia, carbon monoxide (CO) or other toxic inhalation, or cold extremities *Treat patient not the pulse oximeter When is Assisted/Artificial Ventilation Needed? * <8 or >24 breaths per minute (adult) *Respiratory distress after no improvement with NRB *Low tidal volume *Respiratory arrest Mouth to Mouth *Use a barrier device whenever possible *Provides 16% O2Mouth to Mask (Pocket Mask) *Frees hands to provide a tighter motuh to mask seal *Easier to use for 1 person than a BVM *Can be used with supplemental O2 to provide up to 55% O2 *Can provide higher volumes of air than any other device *Provides a barrier Bag Valve Mask (BVM) *Can deliver 100% O2 when connected to a 15 lpm supplemental O2 *Squeeze bag slowly until you achieve good chest rise and fall *Heart rate should return to a normal range if ventilating adequately *It is difficult for 1 person to maintain an airtight seal *More effective when used with an oral/nasal airway Flow Restricted, O2 Powered Ventilation Devices *Do not use on infants/children, C-spine injury, chest injury, COPTDD patients *Cricoid pressure is required because it inhibits the flow of air into the stomach. This also reduces the chance of aspiration. Order of Preference for Ventilating a Patient *Mouth to mask with supplemental O2 *Two person BVM *Flow-restricted, oxygen powered ventilation device *One person BVMMost Common Causes of Gastric Distention *Too forceful of ventilation *Airway obstruction *Improper head position Treatment of Gastric Distention *Provide less forceful ventilations *Reposition airway *Watch chest rise/fall closely *CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove air by applying pressure to stomach Stomas and Tracheostomy Tubes *Ventilate with BVM connected directly to tracheostomy tube if present *Ventilate with BVM attatched to a child or infant mask while sealing the muoth and nose wiht your hand if no tracheostomy tube is present *Suction prior to attempting ventilation *If unable to ventilate through the stoma or tracheostomy tube attempt to ventilate through the mouth/nose while plugging the stoma/tracheostomy tube Causes of Airway Obstruction *The tongue is the most common airway obstruction in an unconscious patient *Swelling *Trauma *Dental appliances (leave them in place if possible, if loose, remove immediately, reassess frequently)Good Airway Exchange in a Partial Airway Exchange *Forceful cough *Skin color remains pink *Continually reassess. Do not attempt removal Poor Airway Exchange in a Partial Airway Exchange *Weak cough *Stridor (high pitch sound only with upper airway obstruction) *Cyanotic *Treat as complete airway obstruction Complete Airway Obstruction *Cannot breathe, talk, or cough *Sudden inability to breathe or cough while breathing *Clutching or grasping at throat *Cyanotic If patient is responsive with adequate breathing (good rate, quality, and volume).... *Oxygen may be indicated *Reassess frequently If pa"
"docid": "D198158#0",
"title": "http://www.lanshack.com/DesigningConduitRuns.aspx\n.",
"text": "Designing Conduit Runs EIA/TIA 569 Vs. NECBy Tony Casazza, RCDDBefore we start to discuss the differences between the EIA/TIA-569 (Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces) and the National Electrical Code (herein referred to as “NEC” or “the code”), as they pertain to conduit installations, let’s keep in mind, the fact that the NEC is the law of the land, and the EIA/TIA-569 is a recommended standard. Important Note: Always refer to local codes, in addition to the NEC, or 569, when planning, or performing an installation. If you ever read through the NEC, you will notice that along with almost every rule, there will be a list of exceptions to the rule. The exceptions recognize the fact that these installations are done in the real world. There are many instances where a rule may not apply, or not be practical, or may make certain installations impossible to do. The writers of the code, on a regular basis, receive feedback from, and consult with, many building industry sources, and make changes accordingly. The NEC is revised every three to four years. It seems that the 569 standard is much more stringent on many aspects of conduit installations, than the NEC. There can be many circumstances where a telecommunications professional, with good intentions, may have no other choice but not to comply with the 569 standard."
"docid": "D3395112#0",
"title": "http://www.ashland.or.us/StaffDirectory.asp\nAll Staff MembersAll Staff MembersAdministrationAdministrative ServicesCity CouncilCity RecorderCommunity DevelopmentElectricFireHuman ResourcesMunicipal CourtParks and RecreationPolicePublic Works",
"text": "All Staff Members All Staff Members Administration Administrative Services City Council City Recorder Community Development Electric Fire Human Resources Municipal Court Parks and Recreation Police Public Works First Name Last Name Title Phone # City Department Email Dena Adame Telecommunication Technician 541-552-2222 Information Technology/ Telecommunications Division Administration Administration Administration City Administrator ADA Coordinator 541-488-6002 Administration Lori Ainsworth Volunteer & Special Events Coordinator 541-552-2264 Parks and Recreation Jim Alderman Police Sergeant 541-552-2124 Police Hector Aleman Accounting Analyst Administrative Services/ Accounting Division Jennifer Anderson Customer Service Specialist 541-552-2026 Administrative Services/ Customer Services (Utility Billing)Alistair Andre Water Treatment Plant Operator II 541-488-5353 Public Works/ Water David Arnold Utility Worker III 541-488-5358 Public Works/ Facilities Maintenance Jackie Bachman City Councilor City Council Jessica Bain Water Conservation Assistant 541-552-2421 Administration/ Conservation Division Brad Barber PW Project Manager/Surveyor 541-552-2416 Public Works/ Engineering Andrew Barrow Code Compliance Specialist 541-552-2424 Community Development/ Planning Division/ Code Compliance Rick Barton Journeyman Line Installer 541-488-5357 Electric Peter Baughman Park Technician III 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Everett Bean Groundsperson Meter Reader 541-488-5357 Electric Kristine Bechtold Paralegal 541-552-2107 Administration/ City Attorney Todd Beck Engineer EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Michele Becraft Senior Financial Clerk 541-552-2011 Administrative Services/ Customer Services (Utility Billing)Jenette Bertocchi Police Investigations Specialist 541-552-2183 Police Brett Bibby Police Officer 541-482-5211 ext 2830 Police Amanda Billings Police Records Specialist 541-552-2113 Police Jason Billings Police Officer 541-488-5211 ext. 2846 Police Avram Biondo Street Division Supervisor 541-552-2345 Public Works/ Streets Michael Black Parks & Recreation Director 541-552-2251 Parks and Recreation Steve Boyersmith Captain EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Josh Brown Senior Utility Worker 541-488-5353 Public Works/ Water Katrina Brown Assistant City Attorney Administration/ City Attorney Paula Brown Public Works Director 541-552-2411 Public Works Eric Bruhn Database Administrator 541-552-2407 Information Technology/ Information Systems Steve Burkhalter Utility Technician - Streets 541-552-2347 Public Works/ Streets Kelly Burns Captain EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Drew Burnside Utility Worker I 541-488-3826 Public Works/ Cemeteries Kevin Caldwell Senior Project Manager 541-552-2414 Public Works/ Engineering Jason Cantrell Mechanic 541-488-5358 Public Works/ Fleet Maintenance Daniel Caples Firefighter/Paramedic 541-482-2770 Fire Jason Caro Cemetery Sexton 541-482-3826 Public Works/ Cemeteries Matthew Carpenter Police Officer 541-482-5211 extension 2914 Police Wes Casale Park Technician II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Darla Case Court Services Clerk 541-482-5214 Municipal Court Matt Caswell Police Officer 541-482-5211 ext 2815 Police Chris Chambers Division Chief - Forestry 541-552-2066 Fire Jeremy Christensen Park Technician I 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Matt Christensen Utility Worker II 541-488-5353 Public Works/ Waste Water Gerald Conley Senior Utility Worker - Collections 541-488-5348 Public Works/ Waste Water Mike Cook Electrician 541-552-2311 Electric Brigette Cooke Office Assistant II 541-552-2470 Parks and Recreation Trever Coster Park Technician I 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Dorinda Cottle Promotions Coordinator 541-552-2265 Parks and Recreation Linda Cowen Evidence & Property Technician 541-552-2132 Police Tom Cronin Golf Operations Coordinator 541-482-4311 Parks and Recreation June Cumings User Support Technician 541-552-2442 Information Technology/ Information Systems Dan Cunningham Conservation Analyst 541-552-2063 Administration/ Conservation Division Michael D'Orazi Fire Chief 541-552-2217 Fire Larissa Dahl Police Officer 541-488-5211 ext 2805 Police Jason Daoust Police Officer 541-482-5211 extension 2919 Police Michael Dauenhauer Senior Utility Worker 541-488-5353 Public Works/ Water Geoff Davis Utility Worker III- Wastewater 541-488-5348 Public Works/ Waste Water Justin Davis Park Technician I 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Richard Deckelman Park Technician II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Sherrill Deckelman Office Assistant II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Tami De Mille-Campos Administrative Analyst 541-552-2427 Public Works Rachel Dials Recreation Superintendent 541-552-2260 Parks and Recreation Bill Diemer Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator/Technician 541.488.5348 Public Works/ Waste Water Susan Dyssegard Executive Assistant 541 552-2256 Parks and Recreation Alfredo Echaide Firefighter/Paramedic 541-482-2770 Fire Larry Elliott Water Quality Technician 541-488-5353 Public Works/ Water Nathan Emerson Assistant Planner 541-552-2052 Community Development/ Planning Division Joseph Escure Utility Worker II 541-488-5313 Public Works/ Streets Terri Eubanks Community Preparedness Coordinator 541-552-2954 Fire Lisa Evans Police Officer 541-482-5211 extension 2837 Police Haley Fasnacht Golf Clubhouse Assistant 541-482-4311 Parks and Recreation Rickey Fite GIS Technician 541-552-2422 Public Works/ Engineering Robbie Fletes Park Technician II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Scott Fleury Deputy Public Works Director 541-552-2412 Public Works/ Engineering Lonny Flora Recreation Manager 541-552-2250 Parks and Recreation Justin Foss Captain EMT-P 541.488.2770 Fire Robert Frazier User Support Technician 541-552-2450 Information Technology/ Information Systems Matt Freiheit Battalion Chief EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Andrew Furlow Park Technician I - Custodial 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Amber Furu Financial Clerk II 541-552-2020 Administrative Services/ Customer Services (Utility Billing)Mike Gardner Parks and Recreation Commissioner Parks and Recreation Tammy Gardner Police Records Specialist 541-552-2112 Police Ron Garfas-Knowles Firefighter/Paramedic 541-482-2770 Fire Larry Giardina Conservation Analyst 541-552-2065 Administration/ Conservation Division Dave Gies Wastewater & Water Reuse Supervisor 541-552-2335 Public Works/ Waste Water Ken Gillen Journeyman/Line Installer 541-488-5357 Electric Amanda Glass Office Assistant II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Taina Glick Administrative Assistant 541-488-5587 Public Works Spencer Godard Park Technician I 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Kevin Golden Engineering Technician II 541-552-2413 Public Works/ Engineering Brandon Goldman Senior Planner 541-552-2076 Community Development/ Planning Division Nicole Graham Office Assistant I 541-552-2359 Public Works/ Facilities Maintenance Phil Gray Police Officer 541-482-5211 extension 2811 Police Tina Gray Human Resources Director 541-552-2101 Human Resources Stu Green Climate and Energy Analyst 541-552-2085 Administration/ Conservation Division Dan Gunter Senior Utility Worker - Streets 541-552-2346 Public Works/ Streets Jennifer Hadden Firefighter/Paramedic EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Ty Haggard Firefighter/Paramedic 541-482-2770 Fire Adam Hanks Interim City Administrator 541-552-2046 Administration Cindy Hanks Deputy Finance Director 541-552-2007 Administrative Services/ Accounting Division Crystal Hanson-Locke AFN Telecommunications Technician 541-552-2222 Information Technology/ Telecommunications Division Dave Hanstein Captain EMT-P 541-482-2770 Fire Kelly Haptonstall Senior Police Records Specialist 541-552-2116 Police Maria Harris Planning Manager 541-552-2045 Community Development/ Planning Division Betsy Harshman Administrative Analyst 541-552-2257 Parks and Recreation Laura Harvey Golf Course Superintendent - Park Technician III 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Jess Hawkins Utility Worker II - Collections 541-488-5348 Public Works/ Waste Water Stefanie Hawkins Court Services Clerk 541-482-5214 Municipal Court Judy Hedgpeth Customer Service Specialist 541-552-2029 Administrative Services/ Customer Services (Utility Billing)Brent Hegdahl Police Officer 541-482-5211 ext 2967 Police Timothy Hegdahl Firefighter - EMT P 541-482-2770 Fire Joel Heller Parks and Recreation Commissioner Parks and Recreation Dan Hendrix Computer Services Manager 541-552-2441 Information Technology/ Information Systems Sarah Henricksen Senior Financial Clerk - A/R & Payroll 541-552-2262 Administrative Services/ Accounting Division Warren Hensman Deputy Police Chief 541-552-2118 Police Wes Hoadley Maintenance and Safety Supervisor 541-488-5358 extension 2904 Public Works/ Facilities Maintenance Thomas Hoak Jr. Mechanic 541-488-5358 Public Works/ Fleet Maintenance Pat Hopkins User Support Administrator 541-552-2401 Information Technology/ Information Systems Lori Hopkinson Court Services Clerk 541-482-5214 Municipal Court Melissa Huhtala City Recorder 541-552-2084 City Recorder Theron Hull Police Sergeant 541-552-2125 Police Greg Hunter Water Treatment Plant Supervisor 541-488-5345 Public Works/ Water Joe Hyde Park Technician II 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Miranda Iwamoto Accounting Analyst 541-552-2006 Administrative Services/ Accounting Division Greg Jaquette Park Technician I 541-488-5340 Parks and Recreation Karl Johnson Associate Engineer 541-552-2415 Public Works/ Engineering Marques Johnson Network Administrator 541-552-2406 Information Technology/ Information Systems Uriah Jones Water Treatment Planter Operator II 541-488-5345 Public Works/ Water John Karns Administration Kaylea Kathol PW Project Manager (Facilities) 541-552-2419 Public Works/ Facilities Maintenance Fotini Kaufman Assitant Planner 541-552-2044 Community Development/ Planning Division Donald Kewley AFN Operations Manager 541-552-2316 Information Technology/ Telecommunications Division Tara Kiewel Administrative Assistant 541-552-2427 Public Works Kara K"
"docid": "D262669#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/grantcountyems\nGrant County EMS",
"text": "Grant County EMS@grantcountyems Home About Photos Reviews Posts Community Events Create a Page Like Recommend Send Message See more of Grant County EMS on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Emergency Rescue Service in Gas City, Indiana4.5Closed Now Community See All1,021 people like this1,016 people follow this About See All3921 S Garthwaite Rd (1,727.05 mi) Gas City, Indiana 46933Get Directions (765) 674-6592ems.grantcounty27.us Emergency Rescue Service · Government Organization Opens at 8:00 AMClosed Now People1,021 likes499 visits People Also Like Gas City Rescue Squad Emergency Rescue Service Fort Branch Youth Baseball Sports League Tux It Shopping & Retail Ambulance & Rescue in Gas City, Indiana Pages liked by this Page Grant County Sheriff's Department (Marion, IN)Places Gas City, Indiana Community Organization Government Organization Grant County EMSEnglish (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2018Photos See All Reviews4.5 8 Reviews Tell people what you think Lisa Armstrong· September 10, 2016U guys take my sister to ball. Today With me following behind u. At one point I was ahead of u. But then had to pull over so u can pass. Did I immediatel y follow u. NO. Did I pass vehicles to catch up ... See More See All Posts Grant County EMSDecember 25, 2017 at 8:06am ·Merry Christmas from the staff of Grant County EMSLike Comment Lisa Marie Bynum, Brittany Hicks, Karen Harreld Hettig and 29 others like this. Grant County EMSNovember 21, 2017 ·A Public Notice from Marion General Hospital: Beginning November 27 – November 29, 2017, portions of Wabash Avenue will be closed. MGH will be receiving and installing new electrical equipment as a part of the hospital’s larger electrical improvement project. The equipment truck will be staged and unloaded inside the blocked off, closed area. The closing will start at approximately 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. Shutdown will only involve the southbound lane of Wabash Avenu... See More Grant County EMSEmergency Rescue Service1,021 Likes1 talking about this Like Comment Share See All Posts Grant County EMS shared Gas City Rescue Squad Training Institute 's event. September 13, 2017 ·This class is being hosted by the Gas City Rescue Squad."
"docid": "D179329#0",
"title": "http://www.emt-resources.com/emt-training.html\nEMT Training So you want to become an EMT?",
"text": "\"EMT Training So you want to become an EMT? EMT Training can be long, hard and physically demanding, So, what do you need to know to become an Emergency medical technician? Do you have what it takes? I will answer these questions. There are many reasons why you want to start a career in emergency medical services. It could be for the thrill of the job. I will admit in my nearly 25 year career that I have been scared to death. I was a responder to the 911 tragedy in New York City. Every exciting job does have its dull times as well. Are you ready to deal with paperwork, to sit through mandatory retraining and to be barfed on?"
"docid": "D2602698#0",
"title": "http://learn.org/articles/EMT_-_Paramedic_Career_Definition_Employment_Outlook_and_Education_Requirements.html\nEMT - Paramedic: Career Definition, Employment Outlook and Education Requirements",
"text": "EMT - Paramedic: Career Definition, Employment Outlook and Education Requirements Research what it takes to become an EMT-Paramedic. Learn about education requirements, job duties, average wages, and job outlook to find out if this is the career for you. Schools offering Fire & Emergency Services degrees can also be found in these popular choices . What Does an EMT Do? Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics are medical personnel who are dispatched to emergency sites, where they attend to the needs of sick or injured persons. Specific job roles and expectations depend on the level of training you receive, though basic duties will involve providing on-the-scene care, transporting patients to the nearest medical facility, and reporting vital information about patients to emergency room staff. Learn more about the career of an EMT-Paramedic by checking out the table below: Degree Required High school diploma and CPR certification, though many prefer a certificate or Associate of Science degree Education Field of Study Paramedicine, Emergency Medical Services, or related field Key Responsibilities Maintain emergency care equipment Coordinate with other emergency personnel as well as medical personnel Perform emergency diagnostic and treatment procedures Assess severity of illness or injury for triage purposes Licensure/Certification Paramedic licensure or certification required in all states Job Growth (2014-2024) 24% for all EMTs and paramedics*Mean Salary (2015) $35,430 for all EMTs and paramedics*Source:*U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics What Is the Career Definition of an EMT-Paramedic? An EMT-Basic is qualified to perform basic duties such as such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), recording patient history and vital signs, and treating burns, cuts, and fractured bones. In addition, they deal with respiratory emergencies and administer treatments for those suffering from cardiac arrest and diabetic shock. The EMT-Intermediate has received more advanced training than the EMT-Basic, and they have a variety of duties, according to the states they reside and work in."
"docid": "D1850475#0",
"title": "http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2013/06/types-of-electrical-conduits.html\nTypes of Electrical Conduits",
"text": "\"Types of Electrical Conduits1- Introduction to Electrical Conduits Definition: An electrical conduit (EC): is a piping system that is used to carry electrical wiring for either power or communication. These piping systems are commonly referred to as raceways. Advantages of using Electrical conduits than other wiring methods Electrical conduit provides very good protection to enclosed conductors from impact, moisture, and chemical vapors. Electrical Conduit is widely used to protect cables that carry various amounts of electrical current. For example, Rigid conduit used is used to guard against crushing and shorting of cables. Conduit prevents accidental damage to the insulation. Varying numbers, sizes, and types of conductors can be pulled into a conduit, which simplifies design and construction compared to multiple runs of cables or the expense of customized composite cable. Wiring systems in buildings may be subject to frequent alterations. Frequent wiring changes are made simpler and safer through the use of electrical conduit, as existing conductors can be withdrawn and new conductors installed, with little disruption along the path of the conduit. Metal conduit can be used to shield sensitive circuits from electromagnetic interference, and also can prevent emission of such interference from enclosed power cables."
"docid": "D2402569#0",
"title": "http://www.health.ny.gov/professionals/ems/policy/02-01.htm\nRequirements to Report Instances of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment",
"text": "\"You are Here: Home Page > Bureau of EMS Home Page > Requirements to Report Instances of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment Requirements to Report Instances of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment Bureau of EMS Policy Statement Policy Statement # 02-01Date 01/02/02Subject Re: Requirements to report instances of suspected child abuse or maltreatment Supercedes/Updates New On November 13th, 2001 Section 413 of the Social Services Law was amended, in relation to persons and officials who are required to report cases of suspected child abuse or maltreatment. Effective February 1st, 2002 the law will require Emergency Medical Technicians to report suspected child abuse they come across while performing their jobs. The Bureau of EMS will not require EMTs to attend a specialized course for child abuse. The current EMS course curricula include sections on child abuse. However, the Bureau does reserve the right to amend the curricula in the future. Therefore, this Policy Statement and attached fact sheet are intended to be used by New York State EMTs to help them better understand their obligations as well as the signs and symptoms of possible child abuse or maltreatment. Reporting Procedures Section 415 of the Social Services Law states that, \"\"Reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment made pursuant to this title shall be made immediately by telephone or by telephone facsimile machine on a form supplied by the commissioner. Oral reports shall be followed by a report in writing within forty-eight hours after such oral report. Oral reports shall be made to the statewide central register of child abuse and maltreatment unless the appropriate local plan for the provision of child protective services provides that oral reports should be made to the local child protective service.\"\" i Oral Reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment shall be made by calling the NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Register at:1-800-635-1522NOTE: This phone number is for mandated reporters ONLY and should NOT be provided to the general public."
"docid": "D2657336#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/72283713/chapter-14-emt-flash-cards/\nChapter 14 EMT",
"text": "\"76 terms sweig84Chapter 14 EMTCardiovascular Emergencies Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min with adequate depth. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should administer oxygen, give her 2 (81mg each tablet) chewable aspirin, and assess her further. Which of the following blood vessels transports oxygenated blood? pulmonary veins You are dispatched to a residence for a 56-year-old male with an altered mental status. Upon arrival at the scene, the patient's wife tells you that he complained of chest pain the day before, but would not allow her to call EMS. The patient is semiconscious; has rapid, shallow respirations; and has a thready pulse."
"docid": "D178372#0",
"title": "https://www.ems1.com/ems-products/books/articles/1058465-What-are-the-requirements-to-be-a-paramedic/\nWhat are the requirements to be a paramedic?",
"text": "\"EMS 101with EMS1 Staff What are the requirements to be a paramedic? Paramedic training is intense and rigorous, but the rewards of serving others can be tremendous Sep 13, 2016The requirements to be a paramedic are extremely rigorous, so it’s not an undertaking or a career choice to be taken lightly. A paramedic is the highest level of EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification. A paramedic is trained and certified to perform advanced life support (ALS), which includes administering IV fluids, injections, medications and performing advanced respiratory procedures. A paramedic also performs many of the same functions as a basic EMT, such as treating wounds, performing CPR, delivering babies, and performing patient assessments. Paramedics are often the lead member of a rescue team, with the most training and the most decision making power. This means that the requirements to be a paramedic include strong leadership skills and the ability to perform complex life-saving functions in extremely stressful crisis situations. A paramedic must keep a cool head and maintain authority amongst his or her team members in situations where a mistake can mean the difference between life and death. Become an EMTRelated articles What you need to know about paramedic school10 tips to make sure you succeed on the NREMT exam10 tips for learning pharmacology It felt great to be recognized as the child's 'paramedic'Related resource Find EMT and paramedic jobs Related feature What to expect in paramedic school, clinical rotations, and field internship A book review of \"\"Lights and Sirens: The Education of a Paramedic\"\" by Kevin Grange The first of the training requirements to be a paramedic is to get certified as an EMT-B, which is the first and most basic level of EMT training. The EMT-B training is available through many community colleges and other institutions."
"docid": "D179330#0",
"title": "http://www.emt-resources.com/Emergency-medical-technician.html\nEmergency Medical Technician So you want to be one?",
"text": "\"Emergency Medical Technician So you want to be one? What does it take to become an emergency medical technician? Some would say a dedication to serve your fellow man, others would say it means you should have your head examined. I have been an EMT for more than 25 years. I can not actually remember all the reasons I wanted to be in the service but it was to have an exciting life and to help people. It can be an interesting exercise to examine where we have come from. In 1966 the National Academy of Sciences published the EMS White paper which outlines what EMS was like in the beginning our our modern age of EMS. Many emergency medical technicians started as volunteers. They simply walked in off the street and signed up. Back in the early days most of the training was done in the squad house."
] |
636834 | what does emu stand for in the hospital | [
"docid": "D2874868#0",
"title": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/centers_clinics/epilepsy/diagnosis/emu/\nThe Epilepsy Monitoring Unit",
"text": "The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) is a specialized six-bed inpatient unit at The Johns Hopkins Hospital designed to evaluate, diagnose, and treat seizures in patients of all ages. EMU Patient Information: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 5:34EMU Patient Information: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Mackenzie Cervenka, M. D. and Sarah Kelley, M. D., co-directors of the Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, share details about the unit and its purpose, why patients are referred, and what happens after discharge. Preparing for your EMU Stay: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 3:15Preparing for your EMU Stay Get answers to questions about how to prepare for your stay on the Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, such as what to wear, what to bring, what to expect on your arrival and what to expect during your stay. Epilepsy Surgery Stories: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 3:13Epilepsy Surgery Stories: Johns Hopkins EMUHalle and Erica came from different families and backgrounds, but each of them had seizures that benefited from surgical treatment. Hear their stories and what their experiences were like at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Epilepsy Patient Resources: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:16Epilepsy Monitoring Unit - Patient Resources Learn about available support resources for epilepsy patients and families and about the ongoing epilepsy research at The Johns Hopkins Hospital that may lead to a better understanding of the origins of seizures and more successful treatment through medications, diet and surgery."
] | [
"docid": "D1184697#0",
"title": "https://www.emu.edu/\n.",
"text": "EXCEL IN YOUR MAJOROne-on-one relationships with professors will help you excel at any of the more than 60 programs of study EMU offers undergraduates. Upon graduation, your resume will include hands-on research opportunities, internships, and cross-cultural travel that will prepare you for an interconnected world. Learn More LAUNCH YOUR CAREERGraduate schools and employers prefer EMU graduates because of the work ethic, academic preparedness and critical thinking skills they gain at EMU. Area hospitals and schools routinely hold spots for EMU grads. Alumni pursue graduate studies at Ivy League and top professional schools. Learn More AFFORDABLELiberal arts graduates are highly valued by employers because they are team players, critical thinkers, see the big picture and are natural leaders. We work with each family to make this valuable experience possible; often it is just as affordable as public universities. Complete the application to find out your financial aid package. Learn More A DYNAMIC COLLEGE TOWNBuild friendships and a network for life in the lively college town of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Hike, bike, canoe, camp, ski and enjoy a vibrant downtown."
"docid": "D2596790#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Michigan_University\nEastern Michigan University",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Eastern Michigan University Former names Michigan State Normal School Michigan State Normal College Eastern Michigan College Motto Equity, Exemplar, Excellence Type Public Established 1849 [1]Endowment $ 67.2 Million (2015) [2]President James M Smith [3]Academic staff 700 Faculty + 700 Contingent Faculty [4]Administrative staff 1000+ [4]Students 23,419 [5]Undergraduates 18,621 [5]Postgraduates 4,798 [5]Location Ypsilanti, Michigan, U. S.42°15′01″N 83°37′28″WCoordinates: 42°15′01″N 83°37′28″WCampus 800 acres (3 km 2)Colors Green & White [6]Athletics NCAA Division I – MACNickname Eagles Mascot Swoop Website www .emich .edu Eastern Michigan University ( EMU) is a comprehensive, co-educational public university in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Ypsilanti is 35 miles (56 km) west of Detroit and eight miles (13 km) east of Ann Arbor. The university was founded in 1849 as Michigan State Normal School. Today, the university is governed by an eight-member Board of Regents whose members are appointed by the Governor of Michigan for eight-year terms. The school belongs to the Mid-American Conference and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Since 1991 EMU athletics has gone by the name \"\" Eagles \"\". Then in 1994, \"\" Swoop \"\" was officially adopted by the university as the school's mascot. [ 7] Currently, EMU comprises seven colleges and schools: [8]College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, College of Technology, an Honors College, and a Graduate School. The university's site is composed of an academic and athletic campus spread across 800 acres (3.2 km 2 ), with over 120 buildings. EMU has a total enrollment of more than 23,000 students."
"docid": "D1480458#0",
"title": "https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/topical-joint-pain-relief/blue-goo.html\nBlue Goo Review: How Safe and Effective Is This Product?",
"text": "Topical Joint Pain Relief Blue Goo Review: How Safe and Effective Is This Product?3.5 / 5.0Page Score:? Advertising Disclosure? How are you supposed to enjoy your day when you feel aches and pain all over your body? You’ve been so used to your active lifestyle that you just can’t imagine having to stop doing the things you’re most passionate about and take some rest, until your body recovers from joint pain. It may be time to seek help. You can get that through pain medication and vitamin supplements. There are hundreds of brands of joint pain creams and gels out in the market right now. One brand to consider is called Blue Goo. Before you get this, make sure that it works. Read about what the experts and the customers have to say about it."
"docid": "D2435891#0",
"title": "http://www.thekitchn.com/look-local-ostrich-and-emu-egg-48766\nLook! Local Ostrich and Emu Eggs at Whole Foods",
"text": "Look! Local Ostrich and Emu Eggs at Whole Foods Faith Durand Apr 23, 2008Share Email We don't visit the local Whole Foods very often, and we hadn't inspected their loose selection of local eggs very closely. So we were in for a shock when we wandered over last night and realized that those giant greeny-blue ovals weren't out-of-season melons, but honest-to-goodness emu eggs. What's more, they're local. More photos of outlandish eggs, fresh from the farm, below... Does your Whole Foods have a local egg bar? Ours does, complete with little wire baskets stuffed with dried moss to keep your eggs gently cushioned. We kid you not. There are plenty of white and brown eggs from locally raised Ohio chickens. Here's a half dozen sampler of several varieties. There were also miniature quail eggs (which we've blogged about before - so tiny and delicious! )......"
"docid": "D1083473#0",
"title": "http://www.adfibs.com/blue-emu-commercial-with-johnny-bench-and-his-wife/\nBlue Emu Commercial With Johnny Bench And His Wife",
"text": "Blue Emu Commercial With Johnny Bench And His Wife Health / March 16, 2014A+ A-Blue Emu With Johnny Bench and his wife Description: Johhny Bench tells us about Blue Emu and why he and his wife love it. The woman that plays his wife is Lauren Bench (formerly Lauren Baiocchi), originally from South Africa, and she really is married to Johnny Bench. Loading…What they say: Hi. I’m Johnny Bench and for over 10 years I’ve used Blue Emu products. Blue Emu, made with real emu oil is a non-greasy, deep penetrating formula that works deep into my joints. My wife and I love it. ( Lauren Bench): And now for those hard to reach places there’s the all-new Blue Emu Pain Relief Spray. Odorless with an active ingredient for pain relief that will help with your muscle aches and joint pain. ( Johnny Bench): Blue Emu! It works fast (Wife): And you won’t stink (Johnny Bench): Blue Emu."
"docid": "D1247950#0",
"title": "http://www.emutrikes.com/freqentlyaskedquestions.html\nFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS",
"text": "\"FAQ for the EMU Trike ™What is an EMU and what does E. M. U. stand for? An EMU is an Australian \"\"Big Bird\"\" that resembles an Ostrich. It cannot fly but it can run very fast. E. M. U. refers to E lectric M ulti U se products. The EMU Trike ™ is a three-wheeled electric multi use product that \"\"flies\"\" on the ground. Notice our EMU TRIKE logo has three legs!What is the price of an EMU Trike ™? Please contact ASC or your local EMU Trike ™ Authorized Dealer for the latest prices and availability of EMU Trike ™products and accessories. Why is the EMU Trike ™ called a “multi-use” trike? As its multi-use name suggests, an EMU Trike can be used for many purposes. These uses can be seen in detail throughout the website but generally speaking, it depends on the needs of the user."
"docid": "D3030546#0",
"title": "https://www.howmuchisit.org/how-much-do-emu-birds-cost/\nHow Much Does an Emu Bird Cost?",
"text": "Pets Costs > Exotic > How Much Does an Emu Bird Cost? How Much Does an Emu Bird Cost? An Emu is very similar to the ostrich and are native to Australia but can also be seen in other countries. The birds are flightless and can reach up to six feet in height and are capable of running 30 miles per hour. Emu birds are primarily kept on farms and are used for meat, oil, and/or its leather. Even though there have been efforts to conserve this animal, there are still emu birds being sold.“ Emu ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by Kiwi Flickr How much does an emu bird cost?? Finding an emu bird in the United States, at least according to our research, is extremely hard. If you’re able to find a seller, chicks, three to four months old, can cost $3,000 to $5,000, but one to seven-day-old chicks, if found, can cost less than $1,000; however, finding a chick younger than a week is very hard to find. Yearling emus can cost $11,000 to $19,000 for a sexed pair, while a pair older than two can cost even more, often as much as $25,000."
"docid": "D3496557#0",
"title": "http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/british-politics/what-are-the-arguments-for-and-against-joining-the-euro/\nWhat are the arguments for and against joining the Euro",
"text": "\"What are the arguments for and against joining the Euro Citation: C N Trueman \"\"What are the arguments for and against joining the Euro\"\" historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 27 Mar 2015. 9 Apr 2018. The Euro is a single currency arrangement that came into theoretical operation between 11 members of the European Union in January 1999. On January 1st 2002, 12 EU members got rid of their own currencies and introduced the Euro as their sole currency. If Britain joins the Euro, it will likely be in 2003. The government has offered the British public a referendum on Britain’s entry into it though some ministers have clouded the issue as to whether Britain’s entry (or not) will be a political or an economic decision. Jack Straw, Home Secretary, has stated that a decision will almost certainly be a political one whereas the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, has stated that the ‘Five Tests’ will determine whether we join the Euro – i.e., any decision will be an economic one. The Euro’s record since its introduction has been poor as measured by its value against the pound and US Dollar, and the relative performance of the European and UK/USA economies. It has only been in the summer of 2002, that its value against the dollar has picked up."
"docid": "D3448441#0",
"title": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/7405923/Extinct-elephant-bird-of-Madagascar-could-live-again.html\nExtinct elephant bird of Madagascar could live again",
"text": "\"Extinct elephant bird of Madagascar could live again Towering 10 feet into the air and weighing more than half a ton, it was the biggest bird that ever lived until French colonists wiped it out more than three hundred years ago. Egg laid by great elephant bird of Madagascar compared to a hen's egg Photo: JANE MINGAYBy Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent7:30AM GMT 10 Mar 2010But the giant elephant bird of Madagascar could be resurrected after scientists discovered how to extract DNA from ancient egg shells. Genetic material from the bird along with extinct emus of Australia and moas of New Zealand have been collected by a new technique. In one case the DNA dated back more than 19,000 years. Researchers said the successful recovery of ancient DNA from eggshell \"\"has major implications in the fields of archaeology and palaeontology\"\". Techniques to map DNA from animals have taken great leaps forwards in recent years and scientists have already decoded the genetic make-up of extinct creatures such as the mammoth and the Neanderthal. Related Articles Fossil of ancient amphibian named after Fed Ex16 Mar 2010Elephants legs 'the same as 4x4'30 Mar 2010Attenborough and the elephant bird19 Dec 2010But the problem is finding ancient sources of the DNA in good enough condition to be able to be scanned and mapped. Usually the remains of animals have to be frozen which obviously limits the number of species that can be studied. Now scientists have discovered that egg shells are as good if not a better source than bone and hair. Charlotte Oskam, a biologist, and colleagues at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, said eggshell was a \"\"untapped source\"\" of DNA that was distributed around the world."
"docid": "D24511#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_an_emu_weigh\nHow much does an emu cost?",
"text": "On the Wallaby Passionate about all things Australian How much does an emu cost? The only people who can buy emus are emu farmers, or those with licences which permit them to keep emus in fauna reserves. Because emus are a protected native species, emu …On the Wallaby Passionate about all things Australian What are emus? Emus are large, flightless birds of Australia. They grow to between 1.6 metres and 2 metres high, on average. They weigh between 30 and 45 kilograms, with the female usually s …On the Wallaby Passionate about all things Australian How much do emu eggs weigh? Emu eggs can weigh as much as 655 grams, or around 1 lb 7 oz. How much are emu boots?about $100.00 in the united states How much price of emu bird in India? The average cost of emu bird in India is approximately 100000. Phoebe Kelsall 22 Contributions How much can you weigh?some people can weigh up to 1,600 pounds some are skinney and may weigh 70 or 60 of course a baby weights 2 to 22 pounds."
"docid": "D686528#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/the-benefits-of-emu-oil-89942\nThe Benefits of Emu Oil",
"text": "\"Holistic Health Herbal Medicine The Benefits of Emu Oil Does the research support the health claims? By Cathy Wong, ND | Reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MDUpdated December 31, 2017Share Pin Email Print GARO/Getty Images Emu oil is a natural product made from the refined fat of the emu (a large, flightless bird native to Australia). Rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids ), emu oil has long been used in aboriginal culture to treat skin conditions. Widely touted for its purported anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, emu oil is said to promote the healing of wounds and to treat skin conditions as far-ranging as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and rashes. When used for hair care, emu oil is said to increase fullness, add shine, eliminate split ends, and control dandruff. Purported Health Benefits Beyond its benefits to the skin and hair, emu oil is believed by some to treat other health conditions, including those associated with the immune system. Among them: Back pain Chronic pain Diabetes Gum disease Headaches Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis While some manufacturers are often quick to promote these claims, there is actually little evidence that emu oil can improve a person's skin or hair, much less treat a general or chronic health condition. Most of the evidence is anecdotal at best. With that being said, there have been a number of small studies examining the benefits of emu oil in treating common and uncommon skin conditions. Here is what they found: Emu Oil in Cancer Therapy According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2010, taking emu oil orally may help treat an adverse, cancer-related condition known as mucositis."
"docid": "D3379305#0",
"title": "http://www.emuoildepot.com/incubating-emu-eggs.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Incubating Emu Eggs At The Emu Oil Depot Incubating eggs of any species is more complicated than most people think, and when it is a business, success is critical. Everyone understands that proper temperature must be maintained, but humidity is just as important to maintain, and much more difficult. Emu Egg Incubator Controls The controls above from left to right are, temperature indicator, humidity indicator, power, heat, humidity high-low, work lights (inside unit), alarm, and automatic turner. This unit has just been powered up and when it is \"\"cooking\"\" the temp will settle at 97 degrees (to the tenth of a degree) and the humidity will settle at 34%. Emu Egg Incubators At The Emu Oil Depot These incubators will hold 84 eggs and are turned automatically. There are three shelves of 28 eggs each. Smaller, less expensive incubators will \"\"turn\"\" eggs too, but only by tilting the shelves 45 degrees or so and that isn't enough. These will tilt enough that daily turning by hand isn't necessary. While eggs are incubating, they give off carbon dioxide which is what people exhale. After all, there is a living animal in the egg and it is porous enough to allow for that."
"docid": "D1266500#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extravehicular_Mobility_Unit\nExtravehicular Mobility Unit",
"text": "\"This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( February 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)The Enhanced EMU Suit. The suits are white to reflect heat and to stand out against the blackness of space; the red stripes serve to differentiate astronauts. The Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) is an independent anthropomorphic spacesuit that provides environmental protection, mobility, life support, and communications for astronauts performing extra-vehicular activity (EVA) in Earth orbit. Introduced in 1981, it is a two-piece semi-rigid suit, and is currently one of two EVA spacesuits used by crew members on the International Space Station (ISS), the other being the Russian Orlan space suit. It was used by NASA 's Space Shuttle astronauts prior to the end of the Shuttle program in 2011. Contents [ hide ]1 Suit components2 Specifications2.1 Baseline EMU2.2 Enhanced EMU3 Manufacturer4 History5 Future use and proposed replacement6 Gallery7 References8 External links Suit components [ edit]The EMU Display and Control Module (DCM). The EMU, like the Apollo/Skylab A7L spacesuit, was the result of years of research and development."
"docid": "D930595#0",
"title": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/centers_clinics/epilepsy/diagnosis/emu/what_to_expect.html\nWhat to Expect in the EMU",
"text": "\"What to Expect in the EMUEMU Patient Information: Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 5:34EMU Patient Information: Johns Hopkins' Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Mackenzie Cervenka and Sarah Kelley, co-directors of the Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, share details about the unit and its purpose, why patients are referred, and what happens after discharge. In the EMU, seizures are recorded and studied so that proper diagnosis can be made and treatment can be optimized. Patients who take medication to control seizures may have their dosage adjusted or discontinued to increase the probability of seizure activity, providing the opportunity for them to be recorded and analyzed. This will be discussed with each patient before any changes are made. Your doctor and nurse will be available for any questions you may have about this prior to and during your visit. Each patient will have a private room with a private bathroom. Patients will be connected to video and computerized EEG monitoring equipment continuously (24 hours a day). Although this lack of privacy is bothersome to some patients, continuous monitoring is necessary to help safeguard patients and gather the needed information. Patients who wish to use a sleep mask should bring one which ties at the back of the head."
"docid": "D1480456#0",
"title": "https://www.diamondherbs.co/21-eye-opening-emu-oil-benefits-worth-knowing-about/\n21 Eye Opening Emu Oil Benefits Worth Knowing About",
"text": "Natural Health21 Eye Opening Emu Oil Benefits Worth Knowing About Posted on February 27, 2017 by Brendan Wade27Feb Share 544 Pin 15 Tweet +1 2561What is an emu oil? Emu oil has many uses and benefits that range from topical application to internal use of the oil. Emu oil was first used by the aborigines of Australia and has been used for over thousands of years. How do you extract oil from an emu? Emu oil comes from the Emu bird and is the adipose and fatty tissue found on the birds back underneath the skin and muscle. The fat is rendered and refined for all of its many benefits. Although many of our vegetarian readers might find this article in bad taste, we went on to cover this topic because the many benefits and uses outweigh the cons. What are the uses of emu oil? Here’s a short list of benefits and uses of Emu Oil Improves skin, nail, and hair condition Reduces constipation Increases energy levels Improves liver, kidney, and gland function Improves vision Decreases weight issues Increases lung function Increases tissue oxidation Decreases cancer risk Strengthens immune system Improves digestive system Improves nerve function Decreases body pain and stress Alleviates Arteritis What is Emu oil soap? Emu oil soap is a deep penetrating natural soap that helps lock in moisture and keep your skin smooth."
"docid": "D1391815#0",
"title": "http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/animals/TheEmu.htm\nEmu",
"text": "Emu What do they look like? The word emu comes from the Portuguese word 'ema', which means 'large bird'. Standing up to 2 m tall, adult male emus are Australia's largest birds. In size, they are second only to ostriches in the world. Their powerful legs give them great speed, some running up to 50 km per hour. At full pace, an emu's stride can measure up to 3 m. The emu belongs to a group of flightless running birds with flat breastbones known as ratites. Ratites are the oldest of modern bird families. They include kiwis, ostriches and cassowaries. The emu's feathers are very primitive and look like a form of coarse hair. The special nature of these feathers enables emus to cope with extreme changes in weather."
"docid": "D3374624#0",
"title": "http://www.pronunciationof.com/how-to-pronounce/ena\nSearch For Name Pronunciations",
"text": "Advertisement Ena Spelling And The Sound Of Letter Pronunciations Name Ena syllable is: ena (we separated the syllables with dashes). E - eh, ee, silent N - nuh A - æ, ā, ah, ā-uh, uh Ena Pronunciation In English These names are examples to help you learn. They all have the same phonetic pronunciation as Ena. If you know how to pronounce one of them you are already halfway there. Eam Ean Eem Een Ehm Ehn Eim Ein Ema Eme Emh Emi Emm Emn Emo Emu Emw Emy Ena Ene Enh Eni Enm Enn Eno Enu Enw Eny How To Say Ena By Similar Phonetic Word Example All words and names have other phonetically similar sounding counter parts. This is a list of words that sound like Ena when pronounced. Try saying different words to get a better idea for how to say Ena. Eme Emu Eon What Does Ena Stand For? Letter E meaning for the name Ena It is physical and inventive. This letter has a dynamic performance and is part of the register of senses as earth element."
"docid": "D30246#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/emu\nemu",
"text": "\"1emunoun \\ ˈē- (ˌ)myü, -mü \\Popularity: Bottom 40% of words Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTime Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of emu: a swift-running Australian ratite bird ( Dromaius novae-hollandiae) with undeveloped wings that is smaller than the ostrich See emu defined for English-language learners See emu defined for kids Recent Examples of emu from the Web Olive oil, emu oil and coconut oil are also commonly cited as good DIY methods for how to get longer lashes.— kristi kellogg, Vogue, \"\"12 Ways to Get Better Lashes, From Lash Growth Serums to Easy Diet Tweaks,\"\" 23 Oct. 2017Cooley and Wilson cast the sculpture in resin, painted it by hand and added real feathers that came from an emu.— domenica bongiovanni, Indianapolis Star, \"\"Children's Museum unveils feathered Tyrannosaurus rex sculpture — a rare find in North America,\"\"14 Oct. 2017The emu, native to Australia and the second-largest bird on Earth after the ostrich, cannot fly.— cynthia drescher, CNT, \"\"Australian Passenger Reportedly Checks In Single Can of Beer on Flight,\"\" 11 July 2017These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'emu.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Illustration of emu Origin and Etymology of emumodification of Portuguese ema cassowary NEW! Time Traveler First Known Use: 1656See Words from the same year2emuabbreviation Definition of emuelectromagnetic unit EMU Defined for English Language Learnersemunoun Definition of emu for English Language Learners: an Australian bird that does not fly but is a very fast runner EMU Defined for Kidsemunoun \\ ˈē-ˌmyü \\Definition of emu for Students: a large fast-running Australian bird that cannot fly Learn More about emu Spanish Central: Translation of emu Nglish: Translation of emu for Spanish speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about emu Seen and Heard What made you want to look up emu? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).show \""
"docid": "D930597#0",
"title": "http://www.isda.org/protocol/emufaqo.html\n.",
"text": "\"THIS FAQ DOES NOT PURPORT AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A GUIDE TO OR EXPLANATION OF ALL RELEVANT ISSUES OR CONSIDERATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROTOCOL. PARTIES SHOULD THEREFORE CONSULT WITH THEIR LEGAL ADVISERS AND ANY OTHER ADVISER THEY DEEM APPROPRIATE PRIOR TO USING THE PROTOCOL. ISDA ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE TO WHICH ANY OF ITS DOCUMENTATION OR ANY DEFINITION OR PROVISION CONTAINED THEREIN MAY BE PUT. Please note that this FAQ page will be updated over time. Last updated 6 August 1998. Introduction and Overview of Protocol Protocol Mechanics Protocol Provisions ISDA's Role and How to Participate Introduction and Overview of Protocol Why is the ISDA EMU Protocol necessary? The introduction of the Euro raises certain issues in relation to derivatives transactions entered into under ISDA Master Agreements, where the transaction was agreed before the start of the third stage of EMU but continues after 1 January 1999. There is a strong market consensus that simple amendments to the terms of these transactions would help to eliminate any remaining uncertainty. Through ISDA's EMU Documentation Task Force standardised amendments have been drafted. These are as follows: Confirmation of continuity of contract;Confirmation of applicable successor price sources;Clarification of payment netting between participating currencies;New and amended definitions for Euro, ECU, ECU Settlement Day, Business Day and Banking Day; and Allowance for adjustment to bond options in the light of redenomination of underlying bonds."
"docid": "D2648394#0",
"title": "http://www.herbalhealer.com/emuoil.html\n.",
"text": "\"EMU OIL100% Natural, Non-toxic, Safe and Effective Skin Healer. Non-Vegetarian Product As many of you are aware, I research and test a product on family and local patients before I ever offer it to the HHA Members. If I won't take it or use it, I won't sell it. I have been reluctant to try the Emu Oil, because a great many of our customers are vegetarians and when I introduce a non-vegetarian product, I am bombarded with hysteria from some of them. However, I am very dedicated to finding products that are all natural, safe and effective to help us all combat the serious health issues that life can throw at us. Don't miss the Pictures Worth a Thousand Word link on this page! After hearing some amazing testimonials and reading up on the product, I decided to bring some in and try it. I was shocked at the results I saw with the few people that I have given it to for various problems. With that said, for many of you that will use this product, I would like you to be aware of this amazing healing oil that really does help a great many chronic skin ailments that do not respond to other salves and lotions and medications. EMU OIL TESTIMONIALSI have found emu oil very effective in reducing toe nail fungus."
] |
636835 | what does emulsifier do | [
"docid": "D1329161#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_emulsifier_do\nWhat is an emulsifier?",
"text": "What is an emulsifier? [ eh-MUHL-suh-fi-er] Generally, any ingredient used to bind together normally http://www.answers.com/topic/noncombinative-2 substances, such as oil and water. From: htt …Ziyan Rafiq 1 Contribution What are emulsifiers? Emulsifiers are substances that can mix other substances together that won't normally mix, for example you would use egg yolk to mix oil and water together. They do this by ha …What is cake emulsifier? This is an ingredient that is added into boxed cake. It is meant tohelp keep the cake sticking together even after being in the boxfor awhile. William Galloway 22,671 Contributions Why is emulsifiers in butter? Butter is a water-in-fat emulsion. What is emulsified?"
] | [
"docid": "D2372596#0",
"title": "http://www.tractorbynet.com/forums/hydraulics/339187-sae-hto-additive-versus-iso.html\n.",
"text": "06-11-2015, 07:20 PM #1Ho Hum View Profile View Forum Posts New Member Join Date Feb 2012Posts7Location Oregon Tractornone SAE + HTO additive versus ISO / AW for hydraulic fluid (Case 70XT)I just lost all my hydraulic fluid for my Case 70XT. The manual calls for SAE 10W30 engine oil with HTO additive (B17508). The nearest place that has this additive in-stock is nearly an hour away. I have barrels of normal hydraulic fluid (ISO / AW 46). From what I've gleaned, AW 46 is essentially a 15 weight oil with additives for protection against rust, oxidation and has anti-wear (hence the AW) and anti-foam additives. Anyone else run normal hydraulic fluid instead of motor oil plus HTO additive? This is not a cost issue, because, based upon my calculations, the costs are similar. For me, it's more a matter of time and convenience. Thoughts?06-12-2015, 12:16 PM #2J_JView Profile View Forum Posts Super Star Member Join Date Sep 2003Posts18,923Location JACKSONVILLE, FLTractor Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HSTRe: SAE + HTO additive versus ISO / AW for hydraulic fluid (Case 70XT)My Case 1845c skidsteer says the same as yours, but with the option of running HY-Trans. MY Case trenched uses ATF."
"docid": "D1060510#0",
"title": "https://www.reddit.com/r/AskCulinary/comments/1q4e3j/what_can_i_use_as_substitute_to_powdered_mustard/\n.",
"text": "Welcome to Reddit. Come for the cats, stay for the empathy. Become a Redditorand start exploring.×12What can I use as substitute to powdered mustard? ( self. Ask Culinary)submitted 4 years ago * by That Purple Drank I have an allergy to mustard seed (confirmed by an allergist) but a lot of the recipes I've been looking up for Thanksgiving have some powdered mustard in them. I would just leave it out but I don't want it to effect the flavor of the dish or leave it bland. So what can I use as a substitute? Edit: The recipes I'm talking about are mainly mac n cheese recipes.27 comments share save hide reportall 27 commentssorted by: best Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment!Create an account [–] [deleted] 4 points 4 years ago In most cases that I can think of, you could leave it out and it wouldn't make a huge difference. Unless you're literally making a mustard sauce of some kind."
"docid": "D2001552#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/mixture-oil-water-called-a7104811e66cdc2c\nWhat Is a Mixture of Oil and Water Called?",
"text": "Science Chemistry Solutions & Mixtures Q: What Is a Mixture of Oil and Water Called? A: Quick Answer A mixture of oil and water is called an emulsion. An emulsion is defined as a mixture of two liquids that normally do not combine. When the liquids are shaken or stirred, a temporary emulsion occurs; however, after a short period of time, the liquids separate into individual layers. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Are Some Examples of Suspension Mixtures? What Is the Oil Mixture for an Evinrude Outboard Motor? What Happens When You Mix Oil and Vinegar? Full Answer There are methods to produce a permanent emulsion that require the addition of a third substance. This additional substance is known as an emulsifying agent or an emulsifier. When oil and water are combined with soap or detergent, a permanent emulsion occurs."
"docid": "D3364332#0",
"title": "http://www.foodfacts.com/ci/nutritionfacts/Chocolate/Lindt-Lindor-Milk-Chocolate-Truffles-13-oz/65726\nDo You Suffer From Food Allergies?",
"text": "\"Snack Foods Candy & Gum Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffles: Calories, Nutrition Analysis & More Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffles220 Calories Per serving FREE: You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. Food Facts shows you how to change the way you eat, by showing you what's in the food you're eating. Allergens & Ingredients 24ARE YOU ALLERGIC? CLICK HEREMilk Chocolate ( Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Milk, Chocolate, Soya Lecithin [ Emulsifiers, Emulsifiers ], Barley Malt Powder, Flavors Artificial Vanillin ), Vegetables Oil ( Coconut, Palm Kernel ), Sugar, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Milk, Soya Lecithin ( Emulsifiers, Emulsifiers ), Barley Malt Powder, Flavors Artificial Vanillin, Caramel, Flavoring Because manufacturers do not disclose what is in \"\"natural flavoring\"\", we attach every allergen to it. What Is \"\"Natural Flavoring\"\"? As of today, the FDA does not require manufacturers to disclose what is in natural flavoring past the natural state of origin. Since we have no knowledge of what is added to natural flavoring past the natural state, we err on the side of caution and attach every single allergen to it. You can read more below about the changing scope of natural flavoring: https://www.fda.gov/Food/Guidance Regulation/Guidance Documents Regulatory Information/Labeling Nutrition/ucm456090.htm Things To Know This product contains a controversial ingredient High in Saturated Fat per serving High in sugar (s)Low in calories per serving Contains fiber Low in sodium per serving Contains naturally occuring vitamins and minerals Low in cholesterol per serving Warnings May contain traces of peanuts and/or tree nuts Coconut : Whether coconut should be considered a tree nut is a matter of some controversy. The FDA mandates that coconut be considered a tree nut for labeling purposes; however, as the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network notes, coconut allergies are exceedingly rare, with fewer than 10 reported cases. A June 2007 study in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology indicated cross-reactivity between coconuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts in one patient."
"docid": "D989183#0",
"title": "http://www.foodrepublic.com/2015/10/29/what-is-an-emulsion/\nWhat Is An Emulsion?",
"text": "Cooking Class What Is An Emulsion? Paul Harrison October 29, 2015See the mayo dripping from this chicken sandwich? That's what we're talking about. ( Photo: jamesonf / Flickr. ) You’ve seen people emulsify things on cooking shows, and maybe seen “emulsion” on a fancy menu, but you might still be thinking, “What is that, exactly?” Time to strap on your learning boots — we’re going the educational route. What is emulsification? Emulsification is a scientific process in which two immiscible (unmixable) liquids are mixed together in a way that makes them stay mixed. You probably know that oil and water don’t mix, but that mayonnaise on your sandwich? That’s an emulsion."
"docid": "D1329160#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_emulsifier_mean\nWhat does emulsifier mean?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Chemistry What does emulsifier mean? Flag What does emulsifier mean? Answer by Graciigirliie Confidence votes 55an emulsifier is a substance that bonds oil and water. one and of the emulsifier is hydrophobic, one end is hydrophilic. this means that through the emulsifier, the oil and water are able to bond. examples of emulsifiers are egg yolk, milk, detergent, washing up liquid, mayonnaise, vinegar and mustard.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is an emulsifier? [ eh-MUHL-suh-fi-er] Generally, any ingredient used to bind together normally http://www.answers.com/topic/noncombinative-2 substances, such as oil and water. From: htt …Ziyan Rafiq 1 Contribution What are emulsifiers? Emulsifiers are substances that can mix other substances together that won't normally mix, for example you would use egg yolk to mix oil and water together."
"docid": "D3278601#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-cooking-spray.htm\nWhat is Cooking Spray?",
"text": "Cooking spray is a commercial product that uses pressurized gas to deliver cooking oil or another lubricant to the surface of cookware. Food items usually won't stick to the surface of a pot or pan once a coating of cooking spray has been properly applied. Cooking spray contains three primary ingredients: a lubricant, a propellant, and an emulsifier that binds the first two ingredients together. The product was first patented in the United States in 1957 and has since become a common household kitchen item. The most common lubricants in cooking sprays are low priced vegetable oils like canola oil and soybean oil. There are also cooking sprays available with higher quality and better tasting oils such as olive oil and peanut oil. Some manufactures offer lines of cooking spray that are made with all organic ingredients. Others offer alternative lubricants that are high in Omega 3 oils or offer a balance of fats that contribute to healthy cholesterol levels. A propellant is the source of pressure in the can that releases the spray when the product is being used. Most cooking sprays use either nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide."
"docid": "D133411#0",
"title": "https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/food-facts/question617.htm\nWhat is mayonnaise?",
"text": "\"NEXTMayonnaise is made by combining lemon juice or vinegar with egg yolks. Claudio Baldini/ Dreamstime.com Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce or dressing that is made of oil, egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings. It's not the same as salad dressing, which doesn't contain egg yolks and is generally sweeter than mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is an emulsion, which is a mixture of two liquids that normally can't be combined. Combining oil and water is the classic example. Emulsifying is done by slowly adding one ingredient to another while simultaneously mixing rapidly. This disperses and suspends tiny droplets of one liquid through another. However, the two liquids would quickly separate again if an emulsifier were not added. Emulsifiers are liaisons between the two liquids and serve to stabilize the mixture. Eggs and gelatin are among the foods that contain emulsifiers."
"docid": "D1361119#0",
"title": "http://www.humblebeeandme.com/faqs/dont-like-sounds-emulsifying-wax-can-use-beeswax-plant-based-wax-instead/\nI donât like the sounds of emulsifying waxâcan I use beeswax (or a plant based wax) instead?",
"text": "I don’t like the sounds of emulsifying wax—can I use beeswax (or a plant based wax) instead? Sadly, swapping out emulsifying wax for anything other than an emulsifier (which beeswax isn’t, sadly) is like using a paint chip instead of an egg because they’re both yellow. You can pair beeswax with borax to make an emulsion, but then you can only do a 1:1 ratio of oils to water, which makes for a very greasy lotion (borax also generally gets lower safety rating than e-waxes). I have seen plain beeswax emulsions achieved as well, but it’s a much more complicated process that melt & blend, which is what e-wax gives us (I’m still working on figuring out exactly what that process is—no luck so far after 5+ years!). Emulsifying wax isn’t just one ingredient, though—there are a lot of different types, made from different ingredients. All of these ingredients are usually derived from plants—mostly coconut & palm because they’re very cheap. I like emulsimulse —not only does it make beautiful lotions, but it is ECOCERT approved for use in certified organic products, and it gets good ratings on Skin Deep. If you can’t get Emulsimulse/Ritamulse look for polawax, emulsifying wax NF, and ritamulse/vegemulse (other names for emulsimulse), and BTMS-50 (not BTMS-25!). All will do the same thing. Oddly enough, not everything sold as “emulsifying wax” is a complete emulsifier (some need to be paired with something else), so be sure to read up on the ingredient before buying it."
"docid": "D2153134#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110129040916AATV2Hz\nI know that bile emulsifies fat, but what does it mean?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology I know that bile emulsifies fat, but what does it mean?1 following Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Fat, which we consume usually are large molecules to be processed easily by the enzymes in the human body. Moreover, they are high non-polar substance ( Doesn't mix with water properly) because of their long hydrocarbon chains. Since they are large molecules and non-polar, if left as such, the enzyme lipase (for breaking fats ) can not act on fats directly during digestion. It needs to be broken down in to small bit so that the enzyme lipase will have more surface to act upon, which means effective break down of fats and hence good digestion. Here, the bile comes in to action. Since, they are amphipathic ( Have characteristics of both polar and non-polar substances), they split fats in to small, workable balls, which makes the action of lipase more effective in digesting them by providing more surface area for the enzyme action. Thus bile forms a bridge kind of association between the fats and the lipase action. Formation of these small droplets of workable structures is called emulsification. The fat (non-polar ) mixes with the non-polar part of the bile and the other side of bile has polar nature. This makes it to split in to small droplets."
"docid": "D2151662#0",
"title": "https://essentialoilsandyou.co.uk/tag/macerated-oils/\nEssential Oils and You",
"text": "How To Make Your Own Natural Face and Body Cream May 17, 2014 ~ 8 Comments Below are the notes from one of the workshops I regularly run, with instruction on how to make your own completely natural face and body cream, with out any chemicals, emulsifiers or preservatives. Please ask any questions as these notes are designed to go with a practical session, but they should be clear enough for you to re-create your own version of this yummy cream yourself…Organic Face and Body Cream, Workshop Notes Introduction During the workshop we will go through the process together of making your own completely organic, natural face and body cream, without using any chemicals, emulsifiers or preservatives. When the cream is ready, and you have your own pot to take away, you can choose to mix in essential oils or not, and if so, you can choose one or a few different essential oils to mix in, and a blend strength that suits its intended use (up to 1% for the face, and up to 5% for the body). See blend strength chart in my previous blog for more details. If you decide to make your own cream after the workshop, then you can follow the recipe used, but you may like to vary the ingredients a little according to your skin type, or to get a specific effect. Just be aware that you need to keep the ratios of different types of products the same -so keep the amount of water, oil, butter and wax products used the same. There is room for a little variation here, you just need to be aware that if you use more water products, the cream will have a thinner consistency, and if you use more solids then it will be thicker in consistency, so you can tailor this to your desire too. The recipe we will use is for a simple cream involving no chemical emulsifier. Most cosmetic creams will use an emulsifier of some kind -usually emulsifying wax. This is because to make a cream, you need to mix oil and water together, two substances that don’t like to mix with each other."
"docid": "D1633663#0",
"title": "http://justhungry.com/2006/02/basics_mayonnai.html\nHomemade mayonnaise without tears (Basics)",
"text": "\"Homemade mayonnaise without tears (Basics)If there is one food that has defeated me over the years, it's mayonnaise. For the longest time I couldn't figure out how to make a good mayonnaise. I read the instructions in numerous cookbooks. I watched the Good Eats episode about it. I tried using a food processor, a stick blender, whipping by hand. Every time, I'd end up with a mess - eggy globs floating in a sea of oil, sort of like a Chinese eggdrop soup. Eggdrop soup is delicious, but eggdrop oil is not. Why would I even bother to make mayonnaise? All I can say is that once you've tried homemade mayonnaise made with real fresh eggs, the store bought stuff would just not be enough. Even my favorite commercial mayonnaise in the world, Kewpie Mayonnaise, pales in comparison."
"docid": "D911222#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_role_of_bile_salts_during_fat_digestion\nHow does bile help in the digestion of fats?",
"text": "How does bile help in the digestion of fats? Bile acts like a detergent, dissolving and dispersing the droplets of fat found in fatty foods. Edit Ella Pullin 17 Contributions What makes bile to break up fats during digestion?the liver Edit Manufactures bile salts detergent like substance to help digest fats?spleen Edit Make bile to break up fats during digestion? Liver Edit Stax de Morgan 18,443 Contributions What is the role of bile salts during fat digestion? Bile salts help neutralize the acidic chyme from the stomach. They also help provide an alkaline medium for enzyme action in the duodenum. Edit Cowleya 64,761 Contributions How does bile help digest fats? Bile is an emulsifier, which means that it breaks lumps of fat up into droplets. This increases the overall surface area of the fats, so there is more room for enzymes t …Kelly Jameson 34,271 Contributions How is bile involved in digestion of fat? Bile works by emulsifying fats - which means it distributes them throughout the watery content of the intestines."
"docid": "D2429094#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_process_of_emulsification\nCan you take a natural supplement that is an emulsifier or assists in the emulsification process and aides in fat loss?",
"text": "Answered In Dieting and Weight Loss Can you take a natural supplement that is an emulsifier or assists in the emulsification process and aides in fat loss?no. Its has bad side effect Ayersdy 9,151 Contributions Answered In Food & Cooking What is emulsification agent? An emulsifier is an ingredient that causes to other ingredients to mix together when they wouldn't normally. A common example is mustard when used in a vinegarette. It causes …Frank Hetherington 3,494 Contributions Answered In Food & Cooking What is an emulsifed sauce? Mayonnaise is an emulsified sauce. An emulsified sauce is on that mixes two immiscible liquids, like oil and water using an emulsifier, like egg yolk. Karthikanair.s 53 Contributions Answered In Science What is emulsification of soap? Emulsification is the process of dispersing one liquid into another immiscible liquid (ie mixing 2 things that do not mix naturally). Oil (which attracts dirt) doesn't natura …Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions Answered In Literature & Language What does emulsification mean?"
"docid": "D1359193#0",
"title": "http://birchhillhappenings.com/aromatip/7910emulsifier.htm\nWhat is an Emulsifier?",
"text": "\"What is an Emulsifier?by Penny Keay You see this on our website and throughout our Tips and Newsletter. So what exactly is an emulsifier? An emulsifier is used when ever you want to mix two components and keep them from separating. Emulsifiers are used where one part is oil based and the other is water based. Most folks know and understand that oil and water do not mix. But you can MAKE them stay blended together by using an agent called an emulsifier. There are many different types of substances that can be used to ‘emulsify’ depending on what you are mixing together and the purpose or end use. Typically the commonly used emulsifiers used in Aromatherapy are to help blend essential oils into water based sprays. But you may need to use them to make other products like bath salts and to scent some lotions, creams and hair care products. In the rest of the cosmetic industry they help not only to keep the product from separating, they may also help to thicken the final product."
"docid": "D2614148#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_different_between_lipase_and_bile\nWhat is the different between lipase and bile?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Definitions Comparisons The Difference Between What is the different between lipase and bile? Flag What is the different between lipase and bile? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks lipids/ fat into fatty acids and glycerol. Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. When the chyme reaches the duodenum, bile is released on the chyme and it breaks down fat globs into smaller ones.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Meave Gilchrist 24,958 Contributions\"\"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.\"\" Marie Curie What is lipase? Lipase is an enzyme that the body uses to break down fats in food so they can be absorbed in the intestines. It is produced by the pancreas."
"docid": "D911219#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_does_bile_help_in_digestion\nHow does bile help in digestion?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Human Anatomy and Physiology Digestive System How does bile help in digestion? Flag How does bile help in digestion? Answer by Diberri Confidence votes 4.1KBile is an important player in the digestive system largely because it helps to digest fats. In the gut, fats exist as relatively large globs that cannot be absorbed. To prepare fats for absorption, they must first be broken down into their component parts. An enzyme called lipase (\"\"lip-\"\", fat; \"\"-ase\"\", break down) is capable of breaking down the large fat globs. However, lipase acting by itself would be very inefficient because these large fat globs have a very low surface area-to-volume ratio. This means that the globs have a lot of fat in them, but not much surface for lipase to work on. Lipase can only act efficiently on fat globs with high surface area-to-volume ratios. This is where bile comes in."
"docid": "D2732225#0",
"title": "http://www.askthebuilder.com/tar-and-chip-driveway-installation-and-upkeep/\nTar and Chip Driveway Installation and Upkeep",
"text": "Tar and Chip Driveway Installation and Upkeep Asphalt - Blacktop | Outdoortext: Tim Carter How To Get the Best Contractor Weather & Tar and Chip Driveways Weather conditions are very important when it comes to these surfaces and their installation. Hot, dry early summer weather almost always offers the best conditions. The liquid asphalt sticks best to warm dry surfaces. It also sticks to falling leaves and flower petals! This means that you don't want these things around when you are installing a tar and chip surface. Air and surface temperature are critical. It is important that once the hot liquid asphalt is sprayed that it does not chill or cool before the loose chips are scattered across the asphalt. In fact, in most applications, the chips are usually installed within 1 to 2 minutes. The faster the chips are installed, the better chance they have of sticking to the liquid asphalt cement. If you have to use an emulsified asphalt, be careful of rain."
"docid": "D2094140#0",
"title": "https://www.100percentpure.com/pages/faq\nProduct FAQs",
"text": "\"Product FAQs Why 100% PURE®? \"\" As much as 60% of topical skin-care products are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. They should be consumed with the same prudence that we use to choose our breakfast cereal.\"\" – Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, April 2006 Issue of Women's Health Magazine. There are many toxic chemicals in cosmetic products that have been clinically proven to cause cancer, tumors, irritation and many different skin disorders. 100% PURE® products are truly 100% pure: no synthetic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial fragrances, artificial colors, harsh detergents or any other unhealthy toxins. Free Gift with Purchase. Only 1 Free Gift product per customer order. Free Gift applied to total after any discounts. We unfortunately can not honor Gift with Purchase deals on previous unqualifying orders."
"docid": "D2554392#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_stores_a_substance_called_bile_which_physically_breaks_down_fat_droplets\nWhat stores a substance called bile which physically breaks down fat droplets?",
"text": "Judy Olmsted 184,839 Contributions Retired college science professor. Member of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, ACS & AAAS. MS, MAT. Answered In Digestive System What does the bile do to large fat droplets?compresses and emulsifies (breaks down) it. Edit Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology Is breaking down of large fat droplets into small fat droplets by bile a physical or chemical change?physical change Edit Answered In Human Anatomy and Physiology Is bile produced in the liver and assists lipase in breaking down fats by first emulsifying it or dispersing the fats into droplets? Yes, Bile is produced from the liver. Edit Judy Olmsted 184,839 Contributions Retired college science professor. Member of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, ACS & AAAS. MS, MAT. Answered In Gallbladders and Bile What makes bile to break down fat?"
] |
636836 | what does emulsifying mean | [
"docid": "D530154#0",
"title": "http://teachsoap.com/2012/02/17/using-emulsifying-wax/\nUsing Emulsifying Wax",
"text": "Using Emulsifying Wax By admin on February 17, 2012 in Soap Basics Emulsifying Wax: What is it and how does it work? Emulsifying wax is one of the essential ingredients in making lotions and creams. Think of it as the “glue” that will hold your recipe together. We’ve all seen how oily salad dressings separate after sitting for a while. You then shake the bottle until it appears to be mixed, but if you look at it closely, you will see little balls of the oil suspended in the liquid. Left to sit, the dressing will again separate into its different properties. Lotions and creams are created from a mixture of water and oils. Without the addition of emulsifying wax, they too would separate back into water and oils. Adding emulsifying wax to your recipe will keep the oil and water from separating by creating an emulsion between the oil and water. An emulsion is a system consisting of a liquid dispersed in an immiscible liquid."
] | [
"docid": "D664745#0",
"title": "https://oukosher.org/the-kosher-primer/\nThe Kosher Primer",
"text": "The Kosher Primer I. Introduction: The Hebrew word “ kosher ” means fit or proper as it relates to Jewish dietary law. Kosher foods are permitted to be eaten, and can be used as ingredients in the production of additional food items. The basic laws are of Biblical origin (Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 17). For thousands of years, Rabbinic scholars have interpreted these laws and applied them to contemporary situations. In addition, Rabbinic bodies enacted protective legislation to safeguard the integrity of kosher laws. The laws of kosher are complex and extensive. The intention of this guide is to acquaint the reader with some of the fundamentals of kashrut and provide insight into its practical application. Given the complex nature of the laws of kosher, one should consult an Orthodox Rabbi whenever an issue arises. Though an ancillary hygienic benefit has been attributed to the observance of kashrut, the ultimate purpose and rationale is to conform to the Divine Will, as expressed in the Torah. Not too long ago, most food products were made in the family kitchen, or in a small factory or store in the local community."
"docid": "D872381#0",
"title": "http://www.theauberginechef.com/ingredients-fats/\nFats",
"text": "Ingredients: Fats Posted on July 16, 2011 by the aubergine chef — No Comments ↓Fats Of all the ingredients in all of the recipes of I have on the site, questions about fats come up the most – and for good reason. Fats have a great influence on baked goods and fulfill multiple roles. Other ingredients may have several functions but usually they emphasize one function more than others. Fats however have great influence on each of their functions. Fats are also wide and varied giving the average baker trouble making accurate substitutions. Butter, lard, shortening, margarine, cocoa butter, and oils are all fats but each has been created for a specific purpose. Sometimes you can substitute one for the other with little difficulty, while other times it will have a dramatic result. Sources Major Functions Tenderizing Tenderizing refers to an ingredients ability to interfere with the structure builders of a This cupcake was made with butter. Notice how fine the air cells are in the crumb. There are so fine that you can't really see them."
"docid": "D2297726#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-when-food-is-halal-certified\nWhat does it mean when food is halal certified?",
"text": "Leslie Alam, muslim revert Answered Apr 2, 2016Correct me if I am wrong, but I am assuming that you are not muslim and will answer assuming that you have no knowledge at all about what is halal and haram. Halal simply means lawful, while haram means unlawful or prohibited. Many muslims nowadays want to live according to tenets of the religion more precisely and are using greater access to knowledge of manufacturing in order to do that. Previously, many muslims didnt know that chocolate contains emulsifier which may be derived from pigs. ( I assume that you know that any pork product is strictly forbidden to muslims as well as jews). Halal certification simply means that it has been checked by a recognized islamic authority to make sure that it doesn't contain any forbidden ingredient (it could anything from alcohol to emulsifier to animal fat from non islamicly slaughtered animals). Islamic certification is a quick and easy way to know that something has been checked and is o.k. for muslims to consume. But halal certification doesn't end with only food. In areas where large numbers of muslims live you will also find halal make-up etc."
"docid": "D3286496#0",
"title": "http://psep.cce.cornell.edu/facts-slides-self/facts/gen-peapp-adjuvants.aspx\nAGRICULTURAL SPRAY ADJUVANTS",
"text": "\"AGRICULTURAL SPRAY ADJUVANTSJames M. Witt Extension Chemist and Toxicologist Oregon State University A pesticide adjuvant is broadly defined as any substance added to the spray tank, separate from the pesticide formulation, that will improve the performance of the pesticide. This can include everything from wetter-spreaders to feeding stimulants. This is the range of functions covered by regulations in states that require registration of agricultural adjuvants. Washington and Idaho do require registration of adjuvants. Oregon does not. Oregon does require registration of agricultural amendments (sometimes called soil amendments, or substances that modify soil to promote plant growth). Sometimes adjuvants are more narrowly defined as a substance added to a pesticide mixture to improve its physical qualities and hence its effectiveness. This still includes wetter-spreaders, stickers, penetrants, compatibility agents, and so on. Adjuvants have been used as long as pesticides have been used. In the early part of this century, animal proteins (calcium caseinate) were used as dispersants for lead arsenate."
"docid": "D2153134#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110129040916AATV2Hz\nI know that bile emulsifies fat, but what does it mean?",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Biology I know that bile emulsifies fat, but what does it mean?1 following Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Fat, which we consume usually are large molecules to be processed easily by the enzymes in the human body. Moreover, they are high non-polar substance ( Doesn't mix with water properly) because of their long hydrocarbon chains. Since they are large molecules and non-polar, if left as such, the enzyme lipase (for breaking fats ) can not act on fats directly during digestion. It needs to be broken down in to small bit so that the enzyme lipase will have more surface to act upon, which means effective break down of fats and hence good digestion. Here, the bile comes in to action. Since, they are amphipathic ( Have characteristics of both polar and non-polar substances), they split fats in to small, workable balls, which makes the action of lipase more effective in digesting them by providing more surface area for the enzyme action. Thus bile forms a bridge kind of association between the fats and the lipase action. Formation of these small droplets of workable structures is called emulsification. The fat (non-polar ) mixes with the non-polar part of the bile and the other side of bile has polar nature. This makes it to split in to small droplets."
"docid": "D3314006#0",
"title": "http://www.eufic.org/en/whats-in-food/article/the-perfect-mixture-emulsifiers-make-our-food-enjoyable\nThe perfect mixture: emulsifiers make our food enjoyable",
"text": "The perfect mixture: emulsifiers make our food enjoyable Ingredients | Additives | 01 April 2005Add oil to water and the two liquids will never mix. At least not until an emulsifier is added. Emulsifiers are molecules with one water-loving (hydrophilic) and one oil-loving (hydrophobic) end. They make it possible for water and oil to become finely dispersed in each other, creating a stable, homogenous, smooth emulsion. The ancient Greeks already used the emulsifying power of beeswax in cosmetic products, and egg yolk was probably the first emulsifier ever used in ‘food production’ back in the early 19th century. Because of the rather short-term stability of egg yolk, the manufacturers switched to lecithin derived from soybeans, which has been an important food product since the 1920’s. But the most important breakthrough for emulsifiers came ten years later when certain derivatives of fatty acids (mono- and di-glycerides) were introduced. In 1936, their use was patented for ice-cream production. Nowadays, emulsifier food additives play an important role in the manufacture of food products such as margarine, mayonnaise, creamy sauces, candy, many packaged processed foods, confections and a range of bakery products. Some common applications of emulsifiers Bread It is possible to make bread without emulsifiers but the result is often dry, low in volume and easily stales."
"docid": "D1882010#0",
"title": "https://barsoapnatural.wordpress.com/2013/06/24/ingredients-you-wont-find-in-natural-soap/\nTop 10 Ingredients You Wonât Find in a Bar of Handmade Natural Soap",
"text": "\"Top 10 Ingredients You Won’t Find in a Bar of Handmade Natural Soap Leave a comment June 24, 2013 by thesoapalchemist Unfortunately, many handcrafted soaps sold on the internet don’t list their ingredients. Granted, if the soap is intended ONLY for cleansing, and makes no other claim but to clean, it does not require an ingredient list under current federal law. But, perhaps the reason for not disclosing the ingredients is that the maker just doesn’t want you to know that their soaps are made with commercially mass produced, pre-made soap bases, like those waiting to be exported in this picture. How handmade can soap be when it is made from commercially produced, premade base? Here’s a listing of the Top 10 Ingredients You Won’t Find in a Bar of Handmade, “ from scratch” natural soap.10. Sorbitan Oleate- an emulsifier and hardener used to stabilize oils that’s not necessary in a made-from-scratch bar of natural soap. Properly made-from-scratch natural soaps are stable mixtures of oil and water. It isn’t necessary to add additional emulsifying agents to handmade natural soap.9. Propylene Glycol- a humectant, emulsifier and moisturizer. With the plethora of moisturizing oils available to the made-from-scratch soap crafter, an ingredient like this isn’t necessary."
"docid": "D1368676#0",
"title": "http://www.slurry.com/index.php/magazine-articles/3-asphalt-emulsions-definition-manufacture-and-usage\nAsphalt Emulsions - Definition, Manufacture and Usage",
"text": "\"Asphalt Emulsions - Definition, Manufacture and Usageby Glynn Holleran, Jeffrey Reed Monterrey, Mexico, Oct 1996Contents Part 1 Understanding Emulsion Products Part 2 Advantages of Asphalt Emulsions Part 3 Applications of Asphalt Emulsions Part 4 Storage and Handling of Bitumen Emulsions Part 1: UNDERSTANDING EMULSION PRODUCTSBack to top1. Introduction It is the purpose of this session to give a better understanding of the basics of emulsion physical chemistry so that problems in testing, handling or specification become less difficult. The information here should be read with the other publications on emulsions contained in the folder to fully understand their significance.2. What is an Emulsion? If you know exactly what an emulsion is it is far easier to predict what it might do under certain circumstances. An emulsion is one phenomena that occurs when you mix two components together. At one extreme a solution results, in this the dispersed component takes up an elemental form, such as a molecule or an ion. At the other end of the scale a slurry or suspension forms in which the dispersed phase will fall out. Emulsions are somewhere in the middle. Common examples of emulsions are milk, margarine, butter, beer and paint."
"docid": "D2313680#0",
"title": "http://www.15minutebeauty.com/2008/03/creme-de-la-mer-review.html\nCreme de la Mer: A Review and Ingredients Overview",
"text": "March 3, 2008Creme de la Mer: A Review and Ingredients Overview Today I’ll review Creme de la Mer and discuss the ingredients, in a few days look for a review of the Nivea with specific comparisons to la Mer. By now, I hope that everyone knows about the miracle of la Mer. It was developed by a NASA scientist, Dr. Max Huber, who had some sort of experiment explode in his face. He was compelled to create a creme that would repair his face when nothing else worked. It was bought out by Estee Lauder in 1996. In fact, it turns out that they had a hard time recreating this cult classic. The Miracle Broth that is the secret of the Creme is very time consuming and difficult to make. The lotion is a fairly basic moisturizing lotion, but with the added ingredients of sea kelp (turned out it could only be harvested twice a year and then had to be processed for months), calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, lecithin, Vitamins C, E and B12, oils of citrus, eucalyptus, wheat germ, alfalfa and sunflower. While the ingredients of la Mer are pretty much kept a secret, I did manage to find a few lists on line, where people had basically typed the list in from their own jar. I found this list 3 times, with slightly different typos (so I think people were typing it in on their own), but the lists were all identical."
"docid": "D1529245#0",
"title": "http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/chemoils.html\nChemical Reactions of Oil, Fat and Fat Based Products",
"text": "\"Department of Chemical Engineering, Instituto. Superior Técnico, Lisbon (Portugal), October 1997 http://www.ist.utl.pt/1. Structure, properties, classification and analysis of lipids2. Sources and composition of oils and fats3. Processing of raw materials4. Deterioration of oils, fats and emulsions References Structure, properties and classification of lipids. Edible oils and fats sources, processing, bulk products and dispersions. Chemical, biochemical and biological deterioration.1. Structure, properties, classification and analysis of lipids. Lipids are a group of compounds exhibiting intermediate to low polarity and low water solubility, which constitute one of the three main components of living organisms."
"docid": "D432670#0",
"title": "http://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/39628/what-are-some-alternatives-to-xanthan-gum-for-stabilizing-mayonnaise\nWhat are some alternatives to xanthan gum for stabilizing mayonnaise?",
"text": "\"_Seasoned Advice is a question and answer site for professional and amateur chefs. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What are some alternatives to xanthan gum for stabilizing mayonnaise?up vote2down votefavorite Xanthan gum helps keep mayo emulsified through the jar being pasteurized, shipped, stored on the shelf for months, and kept in the refrigerator after opening. The diet of my customers does not allow for highly processed additives or anything made from grains or legumes. What alternatives are there to Xanthan gum, and in which amounts should I use? How do the alternatives compare? What is the best way to learn more about this topic? Additives that fit the diet include agar, acacia gum, and chicory root inulin.food-science mayonnaise emulsionshare improve this questionasked Nov 21 '13 at 22:25Loren175 2 7Is there a reason why you can't use the tradition egg yolk? – Mien Nov 22 '13 at 8:46The recipe does have egg yolk, but from what I understand, that is usually not enough by itself to stand up to heat/time/travel. The average commercial mayo both has eggs and xanthan gum. Do you think just adding more egg yolks would make up for the lack of xanthan gum? –"
"docid": "D12372#0",
"title": "http://halalmalaysia.net/FAQ.php\nWelcome to Halal World",
"text": "\"“HALAL” Frequently Asked Questions Q (Question), A (Answer), E (Elaboration)Q: What is the definition of Halal food? A: Halal is a Quranic term which means allowed, lawful or permitted. Halal foods and drinks are permitted for consumption and obligatory on every Muslim. E: In Islam, Halal means 'lawful' or 'permitted' and refers to all matters of life, not just food. The opposite of Halal is Non-Halal (H aram), which means unlawful or prohibited. So Halal and Haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, food ingredients, and food contact materials. Q: Are all meals served onboard Muslim or Middle Eastern Airlines certified Halal. A: Yes, most airlines or Muslim carriers do serves Halal certified meals onboard. Q: How many Inflight caterer has been certified Halal by competent authority worldwide?"
"docid": "D2959245#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Example_of_an_emulsifier\nWhat is an emulsifier?",
"text": "What is an emulsifier? [ eh-MUHL-suh-fi-er] Generally, any ingredient used to bind together normally http://www.answers.com/topic/noncombinative-2 substances, such as oil and water. From: h …What are examples of emulsifiers?letchithin Edit Ziyan Rafiq 1 Contribution What are emulsifiers? Emulsifiers are substances that can mix other substances together that won't normally mix, for example you would use egg yolk to mix oil and water together. They do this by ha …Examples of diglycerides emulsifier in food products? Chweediket. Edit What is cake emulsifier? This is an ingredient that is added into boxed cake. It is meant to help keep the cake sticking together even after being in the box for awhile. Edit William Galloway 22,671 Contributions Why is emulsifiers in butter?"
"docid": "D1390228#0",
"title": "http://www.livestrong.com/article/209567-what-is-bile-salt/\nWhat is Bile Salt?",
"text": "What is Bile Salt?by MICHAEL CROSIER Oct. 03, 2017Bile salts are a component of bile, a fluid secreted from the gallbladder during the digestion of lipids. The presence of bile salts gives bile the ability to emulsify, or mix, lipid in the aqueous environment of the intestine. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Bile Function Bile is necessary for efficient digestion of lipids. According to “Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism,” during a meal, bile is secreted from the gallbladder into the small intestine. In the small intestine, bile helps to break dietary fat into smaller particles, a process called emulsification. Emulsified fat can be more easily acted upon by digestive enzymes. Without bile, digestion and absorption of fat is incomplete. Bile Synthesis According to “Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism,” bile is derived from chemical modification of cholesterol. This modification of cholesterol occurs in the liver and creates bile acids. The two primary bile acids are chenodeoxycholate and cholate."
"docid": "D1980329#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_organ_produces_fluid_that_functions_the_emulsify_dietary_fats\nWhat organ produces fluid that functions the emulsify dietary fats?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Uncategorized What organ produces fluid that functions the emulsify dietary fats? Flag What organ produces fluid that functions the emulsify dietary fats? Edit Answer by Iris van der Veen Confidence votes 2.5KThe liver. The fluid concerned is bile, produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder until needed in the intestine itself where the food comes through.22 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the function of an emulsifier? It's a load of shittt mate, TUNECHIEdit Function of emulsifier? An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that normally do not blend, oil and water for example. An emulsifier is a substance that stabilizes an emulsion, allowing these …Emulsifiers function as? In foods, emulsifiers are any of numerous chemical additives that encourage the suspension of one liquid in another. Examples are the mixture of oil and water in margarine …What is a fat emulsifier?"
"docid": "D2429094#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_process_of_emulsification\nCan you take a natural supplement that is an emulsifier or assists in the emulsification process and aides in fat loss?",
"text": "Answered In Dieting and Weight Loss Can you take a natural supplement that is an emulsifier or assists in the emulsification process and aides in fat loss?no. Its has bad side effect Ayersdy 9,151 Contributions Answered In Food & Cooking What is emulsification agent? An emulsifier is an ingredient that causes to other ingredients to mix together when they wouldn't normally. A common example is mustard when used in a vinegarette. It causes …Frank Hetherington 3,494 Contributions Answered In Food & Cooking What is an emulsifed sauce? Mayonnaise is an emulsified sauce. An emulsified sauce is on that mixes two immiscible liquids, like oil and water using an emulsifier, like egg yolk. Karthikanair.s 53 Contributions Answered In Science What is emulsification of soap? Emulsification is the process of dispersing one liquid into another immiscible liquid (ie mixing 2 things that do not mix naturally). Oil (which attracts dirt) doesn't natura …Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions Answered In Literature & Language What does emulsification mean?"
"docid": "D2290759#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amanda-greene/soy-lecithin-why-is-it-in_b_2891780.html\nSoy Lecithin: Why Is It In Everything?",
"text": "Amanda Greene Have you ever noticed soy lecithin on the ingredient statement of your pre-packaged food? It sometimes seems like it’s in everything! It makes you wonder—how could one little additive be so pervasive? Well, because it’s really useful. What does it do? First and foremost, it’s used as an emulsifier, which means it makes oil and water mix together, which they ordinarily would never do. That’s why you often see it in creamy salad dressings, mayonnaise, reduced-fat buttery spreads and other foods that have a hefty portion of oil. It even helps to emulsify foods you’ve probably never thought of as emulsions (oil & water mixtures)—like chocolate. In chocolate, lecithin keeps the cocoa butter (fat) portion happy and stable, so it doesn’t separate from the moisture, cocoa solids and dairy (in the case of milk chocolate) that make up the rest of the candy. Without lecithin, chocolate wouldn’t be as velvety and smooth as we like it."
"docid": "D3228787#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_lecithin_vegan\nIs lecithin vegan?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Vegetarianism Veganism Is lecithin vegan? Flag Is lecithin vegan? Answer by Artvegan Confidence votes 5.1KSome lecithin is derived from soy bean oil, and some is derived from animal fat. A lot is derived from egg. Best to go to a vegetarian store which stocks soy lecithin.7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is lecithin? I don't know what the numbers mean, but I do know that soy lecithin is used as an emulsifier and as a thickener. Soy lecithin is sold in health and natural food stores. What is lecithin used for? Answer ."
"docid": "D1430523#0",
"title": "https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/lotion/how-to-create-homemade-lotion-recipes/\nHow to Create Homemade Lotion Recipes",
"text": "How to Create Homemade Lotion Recipes October 5, 2015 Filed Under: Lotion, Tips & Tricks Making your own handmade lotion for the first time can be intimidating. If you’ve never made lotion before, I would recommend using a tried-and-true recipe to get a feel for the process. You can find a variety of recipes here. Once you have a grasp on the basics, you may be interested in formulating a customized lotion recipe. It can be tricky to know how much water, oils and emulsifiers are needed to create a stable product. The great thing about creating a lotion recipe is that you can customize it to be the texture you love. The first thing to understand when making your own lotion is the basic ingredients. Lotion is created by combining oils and water with an emulsifier. The texture of your lotion will depend on the proportions of each ingredient and the type of emulsifier and oils. Additional ingredients such as glycerin, thickeners, fragrance and color can also be added."
"docid": "D2298100#0",
"title": "http://piecubed.co.uk/science-ice-cream/\nThe science of ice cream",
"text": "The science of ice cream Francesco Busiello February 3, 2015 Blog post, featured, food science Photo by Solitude Who doesn’t love ice cream? It’s sweet, delicious and refreshing. Frozen yet creamy. It’s no wonder that Americans consume more than 20 litres (about 42 pints) each a year (!). I love ice cream. I’m the kind of person that would eat ice cream at any time, no matter the weather. You could dunk me into a frozen lake and then ask me if I’d like some ice cream and I’d probably say yes. If I have to die of hypothermia, I might as well do it while eating ice cream. But what is ice cream? What is it made of?"
] |
636849 | what does encephalitis come from | [
"docid": "D803605#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/encephalitis/basics/causes/CON-20021917\nOverview",
"text": "Overview Encephalitis (en-sef-uh-LIE-tis) is inflammation of the brain. There are several causes, but the most common is viral infection. Encephalitis often causes only mild flu-like signs and symptoms — such as a fever or headache — or no symptoms at all. Sometimes the flu-like symptoms are more severe. Encephalitis can also cause confused thinking, seizures, or problems with senses or movement. Rarely, encephalitis can be life-threatening. Timely diagnosis and treatment are important because it's difficult to predict how encephalitis will affect each individual. Encephalitis care at Mayo Clinic Symptoms Bulging fontanel Most people with viral encephalitis have mild flu-like symptoms, such as: Headache Fever Aches in muscles or joints Fatigue or weakness Sometimes the signs and symptoms are more severe, and might include: Confusion, agitation or hallucinations Seizures Loss of sensation or paralysis in certain areas of the face or body Muscle weakness Problems with speech or hearing Loss of consciousness In infants and young children, signs and symptoms might also include: Bulging in the soft spots (fontanels) of an infant's skull Nausea and vomiting Body stiffness Poor feeding or not waking for a feeding Irritability When to see a doctor Get immediate care if you are experiencing any of the more-severe symptoms associated with encephalitis. Severe headache, fever and altered consciousness require urgent care. Infants and young children with any signs or symptoms of encephalitis should receive urgent care."
] | [
"docid": "D1245315#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474442213702825\nArticlesAntibody titres at diagnosis and during follow-up of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: a retrospective study",
"text": "Volume 13, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 167-177Articles Antibody titres at diagnosis and during follow-up of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: a retrospective study Nuria Gresa-Arribas Ph D a † Maarten J Titulaer MD a b † Abiguei Torrents BS c Esther Aguilar a Lindsey Mc Cracken MPH f Frank Leypoldt MD a Amy J Gleichman Ph D d g Prof Rita Balice-Gordon Ph D e Prof Myrna R Rosenfeld MD a f Prof David Lynch MD f g Prof Francesc Graus MD a Prof Josep Dalmau MD a f h Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422 (13)70282-5 Get rights and content Summary Background Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis is a severe but treatable autoimmune disorder which diagnosis depends on sensitive and specific antibody testing. We aimed to assess the sensitivity and specificity of serum and CSF antibody testing in patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, and the relation between titres, relapses, outcome, and epitope repertoire. Methods In this observational study, we used rat brain immunohistochemistry and cell-based assays (CBA) with fixed or live NMDA receptor-expressing cells to determine the sensitivity and specificity of antibody testing in paired serum and CSF samples. Samples were obtained at diagnosis from patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and from control participants worldwide. We deemed a patient to be antibody positive if their serum, their CSF, or both tested positive with both immunohistochemistry and CBA techniques; we determined titres with serial sample dilution using brain immunohistochemistry. We examined samples from 45 patients (25 with good outcome [modified Rankin Scale, m RS 0–2], ten with poor outcome [m RS 3–6], and ten with relapses) at three or more timepoints. We determined the epitope repertoire in the samples of 23 patients with CBA expressing Glu N1-NMDA receptor mutants. Findings We analysed samples from 250 patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and 100 control participants. All 250 patients had NMDA receptor antibodies in CSF but only 214 had antibodies in serum (sensitivity 100·0% [98·5–100·0%] vs 85·6% [80·7–89·4%], p<0·0001). Serum immunohistochemistry testing was more often in agreement with CBA with fixed cells (77 [71%] of 108) than with CBA with live cells (63 [58%] of 108, p=0·0056)."
"docid": "D697513#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/96574167/west-nile-virus-flash-cards/\nWest Nile Virus",
"text": "\"41 terms vlbaker1West Nile Virus Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Arthropod- Borne Virus What is the West Nile virus? Arbovirus What does arthropod-borne virus stand for? By mosquitoes How is the West Nile virus transmitted? West Nile District of Uganda in 1937 Where did the West Nile virus come from?1999 What year did the Old World virus arrive in the New World (America)?64 mosquito species How many mosquitoes where found in West Nile positive pools in the U. S. since 1999? Culex Which mosquito is the most common carrier of WNV? Reservoir- Amplifying Species What are the large birds such as crows and jays called?80% What is the percent of individuals who will be asymptomatic? About 1 in 150 How many will develop the most severe form? Mosquito to bird to mosquito What is the Transmission Cycle?"
"docid": "D803609#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/168997.php\nWhat is encephalitis?",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login What is encephalitis? Last updated Thu 7 December 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by University of Illinois-Chicago, School of Medicine What is encephalitis? Types Symptoms Causes Treatment Diagnosis Complications Prevention Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain. The majority of cases are caused by either a viral infection or the immune system mistakenly attacking brain tissue. In the United States, encephalitis is responsible for an estimated 19,000 hospitalizations, 230,000 hospital days, and $650 million in hospitalization costs. Around 15 percent of encephalitis cases occur in the HIV-infected population. In this article, we will look at the symptoms, causes, treatments, and complications of encephalitis. Fast facts on encephalitis Here are some key points about encephalitis. More detail and supporting information is in the main article. Early symptoms are fever, photophobia, and headache Encephalitis is rarely life-threatening Encephalitis most often affects children, older adults, and those with compromised immune systems Only a handful of antiviral medications can help treat encephalitis Complications of encephalitis can include epilepsy and memory loss What is encephalitis?"
"docid": "D1190785#0",
"title": "http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/comp-anat/comp-anat-4a.shtml\n.",
"text": "\" (Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Brought Up to Date--continued, Part 4A)PART 4: Intelligence, Evolution of the Human Brain, and Diet Introduction: Claims of the Comparative \"\"Proofs\"\"Human intelligence ignored or rationalized. One of the key systematic restraints on the alleged comparative anatomy/ physiology \"\"proofs\"\" that promote particular diets is such proofs generally do not consider the many important features that make humans unique in nature. In particular, human intelligence is usually ignored or dismissed (via rationalizations) in such \"\"proofs.\"\" For example, Fit Food for Humanity asserts (p. 14): But merely having a superior brain does not alter our anatomy and physiology which, according to natural law, remain characteristic of a total- vegetarian mammal, meant to eat a variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds. Brain size discounted. Le Gros Clark is sometimes quoted by those advocating comparative \"\"proofs\"\" of vegetarian diets. He also appears to minimize the importance of large brains in humans (the term is \"\"encephalization,\"\" discussed later herein). From Le Gros Clark [1964, pp. 4-5]: In Homo the large size of the brain relative to the body weight is certainly a feature which distinguishes this genus from all other Hominoidea, but it actually represents no more than an extension of the trend toward a progressive elaboration of the brain shown in the evolution of related primates. The attitudes stated in the quote from Fit Food for Humanity reflect an underlying denial of the importance of human intelligence, in particular its impact on behavior (and, ultimately on morphology via evolution)."
"docid": "D2491843#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/west_nile_virus/article_em.htm\nWest Nile Virus",
"text": "\"West Nile Virus Facts What Is West Nile Virus? What Causes West Nile Virus and West Nile Encephalitis? What Are the Risk Factors for West Nile Virus and West Nile Encephalitis? What Are the Symptoms and Signs West Nile Virus and West Nile Encephalitis? When Should I Call the Doctor About West Nile Virus Infection? How Is West Nile Virus and West Nile Encephalitis Diagnosed? Are There Home Remedies for West Nile Virus? What Is the Treatmentfor West Nile Encephalitis and West Nile Virus? What Is the Follow-up for West Nile Virus? How Can I Prevent West Nile Encephalitis and West Nile Virus?"
"docid": "D101884#0",
"title": "http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/comp-anat/comp-anat-appx2.shtml\n.",
"text": "\" (Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Brought Up to Date--continued, Appendix 2)APPENDIX 2: Encephalization quotients, Kleiber's Law, and statistical methods Derivation of Encephalization Quotients In order to measure encephalization, a statistical model is needed to relate body and brain size across species. The use of a model allows the statistical estimation of \"\"expected\"\" brain size, given body size. Foley and Lee [1991], citing Martin [1981, 1983], use the equation: BM (e) = 1.77 * (W 0.76) [ Note: * indicates multiplication]where BM (e) = predicted brain mass, in grams, and W = body mass, in grams. A similar equation is given in Martin [1989], as cited in Foley and Lee [1991], specifically for primates. The above equation is an example of scaling, as it defines a relationship between a dependent variable (in the above, BM (e) or expected brain mass) and a measure of body size or scale. Further, the mathematical relationship above is non- linear, or allometric. A short, easily readable introduction to the topic of scaling is provided by Martin [1992]. Returning to the topic of encephalization, once an estimate of brain mass is obtained using a credible statistical model (based on data from a range of species), encephalization can be measured. Foley and Lee [1991] provide a good explanation of encephalization quotients (p. 223): Encephalization quotients (EQ) represent the positive or negative residual value of brain mass, calculated by: EQ = BM (0) ÷ BM (e) where BM (0) = actual brain mass, and BM (e) = predicted brain mass for body size. The coefficient of the allometric equation [for BM (e), above] is close to 0.75, similar to the relationship between body size and basal metabolic rate (BMR, Kleiber 1961). This implies that brain size and BMR are isometrically related, from which the further inference may be drawn that the size of an individual's brain is closely linked to the amount of energy available to sustain it (Milton 1988, Parker 1990)."
"docid": "D255242#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_diseases_do_mosquitoes_carry\nWhat diseases do mosquitoes carry?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Arthropods Insects Mosquitoes What diseases do mosquitoes carry? Flag What diseases do mosquitoes carry? Answer by On the Wallaby Confidence votes 292KPassionate about all things Australian Mosquitoes are the vectors (carriers) of a number of human diseases. The most common pathogen they carry is the protozoa that causes malaria. They can also carry the virus for yellow fever and dengue fever. More rare viral diseases such as Rift valley fever or the West Nile virus are also carried by some species of mosquitoes. Dengue fever and Yellow fever can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Various forms of encephalitis can be transmitted by mosquitoes, among them Eastern equine encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, La crosse encephalitis and St Louis encephalitis. Many people do not realize mosquitoes are also known carriers of dog heartworm disease. The HIV virus does not survive inside mosquitoes so they cannot spread it."
"docid": "D3291895#0",
"title": "http://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-details/japanese-encephalitis-virus-jev-vaccine\nA Look at Each Vaccine: Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) Vaccine",
"text": "The mosquito-borne virus, Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), does not just occur in Japan. JEV also occurs in many regions of the Far East. However, the United States does not recommend the JEV vaccine for everyone traveling to the Far East. Rather, the vaccine is recommended based on aspects of travel such as location, length of stay and planned activities. The disease What is Japanese encephalitis virus? Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a virus that causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and, like yellow fever virus, is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. Symptoms begin about one to two weeks after the bite. Afflicted individuals usually have fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting. About one of every four people infected with the virus will develop coma and die. Of those who survive, about half will have permanent brain damage."
"docid": "D447316#0",
"title": "http://www.primehealthchannel.com/trichinosis-symptoms-diagnosis-prevention-treatment-and-pictures.html\nTrichinosis â Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment and Pictures",
"text": "Home Infectious Diseases Trichinosis – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment and Pictures Trichinosis – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment and Pictures PHC Editorial Team February 18, 2011 Infectious Diseases Page Contents [ show] [Total: 14 Average: 2.9/5]Are you suffering from muscular pain, eye problems, fever, diarrhea and skin rashes? All these symptoms together are sure signs of Trichinosis. Read on to know all about Trichinosis disease. What is Trichinosis (Trichinellosis) ? Trichinosis is a parasitic disease that arises from the consumption of meat products that are not cooked properly. The disease is also known as Trichinellosis or Trichiniasis. Trichinosis Definition Trichinosis is actually defined as a food infection caused by trichinae, a parasitic roundworm of the Nematoda group. How Common Is Trichinosis? Trichinosis had been first reported in 1966. In the list of countries having people with Trichinosis United States has fortunately a much lower place."
"docid": "D2965174#0",
"title": "http://nervous-system.emedtv.com/spina-bifida/genetic-cause-of-spina-bifida.html\nGenetic Cause of Spina Bifida",
"text": "Nervous System Channel Topics Acoustic Neuroma Bell's Palsy Cell Phones Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Dyssynergia Cerebellaris Myoclonica Eastern Equine Encephalitis Encephalitis Encephalitis Lethargica Equine Encephalitis Febrile Seizures Herpes Encephalitis Huntington's Disease Hydrocephalus Infantile Spasms Japanese Encephalitis Juvenile Huntington Disease La Crosse Encephalitis Machado-Joseph Disease Meningocele Motor Neuron Disease Myelomeningocele Nonepileptic Seizures Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Psychogenic Seizures Ramsay Hunt Syndrome IRasmussen's Encephalitis Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy RLSRSDSandhoff Disease Seizure Disorder Seizures Spina Bifida Spina Bifida Occulta Spinal Meningitis St. Louis Encephalitis Sturge-Weber Syndrome Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis Sydenham Chorea Syringomyelia Tay-Sachs Chromosome Tay-Sachs Disease Tethered Spinal Cord Todd's Paralysis Tourette Syndrome Vagus Nerve Stimulator Viral Encephalitis Western Equine Encephalitis Medications Apomorphine Benztropine Biperiden Bonine Carbidopa-Levodopa Carbidopa-Levodopa-Entacapone Carmustine Clobazam Dantrolene Depakene Diazepam Rectal Gel Dimethyl Fumarate Divalproex EREldepryl Eletriptan Entacapone Ethosuximide Ethotoin Extended-Release Lamotrigine Ezogabine Felbamate Fingolimod Glatiramer Interferon Beta-1a Interferon Beta-1b Kemadrin Lacosamide Levetiracetam Levetiracetam XRLioresal Mysoline Naratriptan Nuedexta Orally Disintegrating Carbidopa-Levodopa Orally Disintegrating Selegiline Orap Oxcarbazepine Oxcarbazepine Extended-Release Parlodel Perampanel Phenytoin Rasagiline Rizatriptan Rufinamide Sumatriptan Sumatriptan Transdermal Teriflunomide Tiagabine Tolcapone Trihexyphenidyl Vigabatrin Zolmitriptan Zonisamide Advertisement Quicklinks Spina Bifida Tourette Syndrome RSDHuntington's Disease Seizures Bell's Palsy Tay-Sachs Disease Encephalitis Spinal Meningitis Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Acoustic Neuroma Related Channels Alzheimers Back Pain Epilepsy Headache Insomnia Meningitis Multiple Sclerosis Parkinsons Disease Advertisement Tweet Nervous System Home > Genetic Cause of Spina Bifida Genetic Cause of Spina Bifida Spina bifida research scientists suspect that there may be a genetic cause of spina bifida. Current research is focused on studying gene expression during the process of neural tube closure, which will provide more information on the development of the human nervous system. Researchers are also studying the genetic risk factors for this disorder, especially those that diminish the function of folic acid. An Overview of the Genetic Cause of Spina Bifida No one knows the exact cause or causes of spina bifida. However, research scientists suspect that there may be a genetic cause of this disorder. They also suspect that nutritional and environmental factors may play a role in the cause of spina bifida. Genetic Cause of Spina Bifida and the Latest Research Spina bifida research scientists are looking at a possible genetic cause of spina bifida. The goal of this research is to find the genetic factors that make some children more susceptible to neural tube defects than others. Researchers hope to use this information to learn more about the causes of spina bifida and ways to prevent spina bifida. Researchers are also studying gene expression during the process of neural tube closure, which will provide information on the human nervous system during development."
"docid": "D1652041#0",
"title": "http://www.medindia.net/patientinfo/encephalitis.htm\nWhat are the Symptoms of Encephalitis?",
"text": "What is Encephalitis? Encephalitis is defined as the inflammation and swelling of the brain. It is a rare, but life-threatening condition. It can affect persons belonging to any age group, but the very young and elderly are at the highest risk. The frequency of encephalitis is highest in the first year of life and subsequently decreases with age. Encephalitis often causes mild, flu-like symptoms such as fever, body ache, headache and fatigue. In some cases, it can be serious and life-threatening. Types of Encephalitis There are mainly two types of encephalitis: Infectious- Infectious encephalitis are also known as primary encephalitis. It occurs as a result of invasion of the brain by pathogens. The most common culprit is virus."
"docid": "D2367901#0",
"title": "https://www.neverendingfootsteps.com/2011/03/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccinations-and-long-term-travel/\nThe Ultimate Guide to Vaccinations and Long-Term Travel",
"text": "Planning The Ultimate Guide to Vaccinations and Long-Term Travel SHARE ON: Lauren — March 2, 2011Last updated: 26th September 2016. When I first started to plan my trip around the world, working out which vaccines I needed to get and where to get them was one of the most daunting tasks. I struggled to find one single website that could explain which vaccines I needed for which country, what the diseases actually were, and what sort of risk I’d be taking by not getting them. I’ve been researching solidly for the past three months and have combined everything I’ve learned in this post. There are so many vaccinations. Which ones do you need and which ones don’t you? How expensive will they be? Can you get some for free? Is it possible to have lots together or do they need to be spread out? How soon before your departure date should you start getting them?"
"docid": "D2431461#0",
"title": "http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/kinser/Int3.html\nA first most obvious manner of comparison would be the ratio of body weight to brain weight. Using Cuvier's fraction E/S (where E=brain weight and S= body weight), we find the following ratios:",
"text": "\"This web exhibit was first built in 2000 by Patricia Anne Kinser, Haverford College, under the direction of Paul Grobstein, Bryn Mawr College. The updated version of Comparative Neuroanatomy and Intelligence is now online at http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/brains. This old version has been archived in place, and will continue to be available for teachers and students who are using it. Home Page Compare Brains Pictures Similarities Differences Compare Brain and Body Sizes Brains & Bodies Equalize body size Equilize brain size Compare Brain Structures- Slices and Slides Directional terminology Sagittal cuts Main structures What's the point: magnification The Neuron- Up Close and Personal Jello, mush, or neuron? Neurons in animals What is a neuron? Fun facts The Question of Intelligence Why do we care? Methods for studying brain & intelligenceabsolute sizebrain/body sizecortical foldingneocortexgray matter/nerve cellsspecific brain structures Links Glossary Bibliography Thinking about Brain Size... A first most obvious manner of comparison would be the ratio of body weight to brain weight. Using Cuvier's fraction E/S (where E=brain weight and S= body weight), we find the following ratios: Species E/S ratio Species E/S ratiosmall birds 1/12 lion 1/550human 1/40 elephant 1/560mouse 1/40 horse 1/600cat 1/100 shark 1/2496dog 1/125 hippopotamus 1/2789frog 1/172 (Kuhlenbeck, 735)These ratios are according to relative brain weights from adult individuals. Notice that the human and mouse ratios are roughly identical and the horse and elephant ratios are also roughly identical. In addition, the ratio of E/S in small birds is much larger than for humans."
"docid": "D3466349#0",
"title": "http://hoeggerfarmyard.com/test-your-goats/\nTest Your Goats",
"text": "Test Your Goats To some goat owners testing your goats may not mean anything, to others they may have heard of it but do not think it pertains to them, but to informed and educated goat owners it means everything! No matter the type of goats you raise, some form of yearly testing should be done. So what does “testing your herd” mean? This means you, as a responsible goat owner, takes the time to either 1) have your veterinarian come out to your farm and take blood samples from all the goats that are over 6 months in age or 2) draw your own blood and send it off to a laboratory for testing. This has to happen EVERY YEAR! ! Reputable breeders and responsible goat owners will try and protect their goats and breeding programs from infiltration of disease, mainly Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (CAE); but most breeders go beyond this one type of testing. Most breeders include testing for Tuberculosis (TB), Johne’s, Brucellosis and sometimes Caseous Lymphoma (CL). They all can be done with the same blood sample that you already have drawn, except for TB which is explained below. Whether you feel competent enough to do your own blood draws is up to you. I personally like to have the vet come and pull my blood so that there is never any question as to my status of maintaining a disease free herd. ("
"docid": "D3197222#0",
"title": "http://nervous-system.emedtv.com/machado-joseph-disease/machado-joseph-disease.html\nMachado-Joseph Disease",
"text": "Nervous System Channel Topics Acoustic Neuroma Bell's Palsy Cell Phones Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Dyssynergia Cerebellaris Myoclonica Eastern Equine Encephalitis Encephalitis Encephalitis Lethargica Equine Encephalitis Febrile Seizures Herpes Encephalitis Huntington's Disease Hydrocephalus Infantile Spasms Japanese Encephalitis Juvenile Huntington Disease La Crosse Encephalitis Machado-Joseph Disease Meningocele Motor Neuron Disease Myelomeningocele Nonepileptic Seizures Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Psychogenic Seizures Ramsay Hunt Syndrome IRasmussen's Encephalitis Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy RLSRSDSandhoff Disease Seizure Disorder Seizures Spina Bifida Spina Bifida Occulta Spinal Meningitis St. Louis Encephalitis Sturge-Weber Syndrome Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis Sydenham Chorea Syringomyelia Tay-Sachs Chromosome Tay-Sachs Disease Tethered Spinal Cord Todd's Paralysis Tourette Syndrome Vagus Nerve Stimulator Viral Encephalitis Western Equine Encephalitis Medications Apomorphine Benztropine Biperiden Bonine Carbidopa-Levodopa Carbidopa-Levodopa-Entacapone Carmustine Clobazam Dantrolene Depakene Diazepam Rectal Gel Dimethyl Fumarate Divalproex EREldepryl Eletriptan Entacapone Ethosuximide Ethotoin Extended-Release Lamotrigine Ezogabine Felbamate Fingolimod Glatiramer Interferon Beta-1a Interferon Beta-1b Kemadrin Lacosamide Levetiracetam Levetiracetam XRLioresal Mysoline Naratriptan Nuedexta Orally Disintegrating Carbidopa-Levodopa Orally Disintegrating Selegiline Orap Oxcarbazepine Oxcarbazepine Extended-Release Parlodel Perampanel Phenytoin Rasagiline Rizatriptan Rufinamide Sumatriptan Sumatriptan Transdermal Teriflunomide Tiagabine Tolcapone Trihexyphenidyl Vigabatrin Zolmitriptan Zonisamide Advertisement Quicklinks Spina Bifida Tourette Syndrome RSDHuntington's Disease Seizures Bell's Palsy Tay-Sachs Disease Encephalitis Spinal Meningitis Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Acoustic Neuroma Related Channels Alzheimers Back Pain Epilepsy Headache Insomnia Meningitis Multiple Sclerosis Parkinsons Disease Advertisement Tweet Nervous System Home > Machado-Joseph Disease Machado-Joseph Disease Machado-Joseph disease gets its name from two families of Portuguese/Azorean descent who were among the first families described with the unique symptoms of this disease. Characteristics of the disease include clumsiness and weakness in the arms and legs, spasticity, and a staggering, lurching gait that is easily mistaken for drunkenness. The disease is incurable, but some of its symptoms can be treated. What Is Machado-Joseph Disease? Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a rare hereditary ataxia. Ataxia is a general term meaning lack of muscle control. Another name for Machado-Joseph disease is spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Who Is Affected by It? The name Machado-Joseph comes from two families of Portuguese/Azorean descent who were among the first families described with the unique symptoms of the disease in the 1970s. The prevalence of Machado-Joseph disease is still highest among people of Portuguese/Azorean descent."
"docid": "D820895#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/15658364/microch16-flash-cards/\nMicroCh16",
"text": "\"40 terms emlaynesharp Micro Ch16Final Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort All the following apply to AIDS except A. the disease is caused by a retrovirus. B. the immune system is affected in the disease. C. opportunistic diseases accompany HIV infection. D. transmission usually occurs by contaminated food and water. D. transmission usually occurs by contaminated food and water. All of the following are used to treat HIV infections except A. cephalosporin. B. azidothymidine. C. protease inhibitors. D. fusion inhibitors, which work by blocking receptor recognition to the surface of CD4+ T cells. A. cephalosporin."
"docid": "D2599547#0",
"title": "https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/9/15-0295_article.htm\nEncephalitis Surveillance through the Emerging Infections Program, 1997â2010",
"text": "CDC EID journal Volume 21 Number 9—September 2015Volume 21, Number 9—September 2015 THEME ISSUEEmerging Infections Program CME ACTIVITY - Emerging Infections Program Encephalitis Surveillance through the Emerging Infections Program, 1997–2010On This Page Medscape CME Activity Materials and Methods Results Discussion Cite This Article Tables Table 1Table 2Table 3Downloads PDF [471 KB - 6 pgs]RIS [TXT - 2 KB]Karen C. Bloch and Carol A. Glaser Author affiliations: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (K. C. Bloch); Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, California, USA (C. A. Glaser)Cite This Article Introduction Medscape, LLC is pleased to provide online continuing medical education (CME) for this journal article, allowing clinicians the opportunity to earn CME credit. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of Medscape, LLC and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Medscape, LLC is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Medscape, LLC designates this Journal-based CME activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (s) TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. All other clinicians completing this activity will be issued a certificate of participation. To participate in this journal CME activity: (1) review the learning objectives and author disclosures; (2) study the education content; (3) take the post-test with a 75% minimum passing score and complete the evaluation at http://www.medscape.org/journal/eid; (4) view/print certificate. Release date: August 14, 2015; Expiration date: August 14, 2016Learning Objectives Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:• Evaluate clinical profiles associated with different etiologic agents of encephalitis• Assess challenges in diagnosing the etiology of encephalitis• Distinguish the most common etiology of sporadic encephalitis in the United States• Determine the epidemiology of the anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in encephalitis CME Editor Jean Michaels Jones, Technical Writer/Editor, Emerging Infectious Diseases. Disclosure: Jean Michaels Jones has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. CME Author Charles P. Vega, MD, Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, University of California, Irvine."
"docid": "D2772698#0",
"title": "http://nervous-system.emedtv.com/acoustic-neuroma/causes-of-acoustic-neuroma.html\nCauses of Acoustic Neuroma",
"text": "\"Nervous System Channel Topics Acoustic Neuroma Bell's Palsy Cell Phones Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Dyssynergia Cerebellaris Myoclonica Eastern Equine Encephalitis Encephalitis Encephalitis Lethargica Equine Encephalitis Febrile Seizures Herpes Encephalitis Huntington's Disease Hydrocephalus Infantile Spasms Japanese Encephalitis Juvenile Huntington Disease La Crosse Encephalitis Machado-Joseph Disease Meningocele Motor Neuron Disease Myelomeningocele Nonepileptic Seizures Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Psychogenic Seizures Ramsay Hunt Syndrome IRasmussen's Encephalitis Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy RLSRSDSandhoff Disease Seizure Disorder Seizures Spina Bifida Spina Bifida Occulta Spinal Meningitis St. Louis Encephalitis Sturge-Weber Syndrome Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis Sydenham Chorea Syringomyelia Tay-Sachs Chromosome Tay-Sachs Disease Tethered Spinal Cord Todd's Paralysis Tourette Syndrome Vagus Nerve Stimulator Viral Encephalitis Western Equine Encephalitis Medications Apomorphine Benztropine Biperiden Bonine Carbidopa-Levodopa Carbidopa-Levodopa-Entacapone Carmustine Clobazam Dantrolene Depakene Diazepam Rectal Gel Dimethyl Fumarate Divalproex EREldepryl Eletriptan Entacapone Ethosuximide Ethotoin Extended-Release Lamotrigine Ezogabine Felbamate Fingolimod Glatiramer Interferon Beta-1a Interferon Beta-1b Kemadrin Lacosamide Levetiracetam Levetiracetam XRLioresal Mysoline Naratriptan Nuedexta Orally Disintegrating Carbidopa-Levodopa Orally Disintegrating Selegiline Orap Oxcarbazepine Oxcarbazepine Extended-Release Parlodel Perampanel Phenytoin Rasagiline Rizatriptan Rufinamide Sumatriptan Sumatriptan Transdermal Teriflunomide Tiagabine Tolcapone Trihexyphenidyl Vigabatrin Zolmitriptan Zonisamide Advertisement Quicklinks Spina Bifida Tourette Syndrome RSDHuntington's Disease Seizures Bell's Palsy Tay-Sachs Disease Encephalitis Spinal Meningitis Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Acoustic Neuroma Related Channels Alzheimers Back Pain Epilepsy Headache Insomnia Meningitis Multiple Sclerosis Parkinsons Disease Advertisement Tweet Nervous System Home > Causes of Acoustic Neuroma Causes of Acoustic Neuroma What exactly causes acoustic neuroma is unknown. Certain risk factors -- such as age and a family history of neurofibromatosis type 2 -- may make a person more likely to develop this condition. However, people with risk factors do not always get acoustic neuroma, and people without risk factors can get it as well. An Overview of Acoustic Neuroma Causes No one knows the exact cause or causes of acoustic neuroma. Doctors cannot always explain why one person gets acoustic neuroma and another does not. However, research has shown that people with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop acoustic neuroma. A risk factor is anything that increases a person's chance of developing a disease. Know the Risk Factors While not an acoustic neuroma \"\"cause,\"\" studies have found a couple of factors that may increase a person's risk of developing it. Specific risk factors for acoustic neuroma include: Age Family history of neurofibromatosis type 2. Age Most people develop acoustic neuroma between the ages of 30 and 60."
"docid": "D1015088#0",
"title": "http://www.familydoctor.co.nz/categories/infections/coxsackie-virus-infections-a-patients-guide/\n",
"text": "COXSACKIE VIRUS INFECTIONS - A patient's guide Editorial Team | | Auckland New Zealand Abstract This is a common virus that does not usually cause severe problems. It is a common cause of sore throats and can occasionally cause more serious illness particularly in newborns. This article provides a good overview of the various types of infections it can cause. Overview Coxsackie viruses originate from the gut (enteroviruses) . They are a common cause of sore throats, especially in children. Half those affected do not show any symptoms. Symptoms include sore throat, fever and aches. Mild cases will pass between 7-10 days. Treatment usually consists of rest, keeping up fluids and symptomatic treatment of the sore throat. Antibiotics are ineffective and there is no vaccine."
"docid": "D1652043#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/encephalitis_and_meningitis/article.htm\nEncephalitis and Meningitis",
"text": "\"Encephalitis and Meningitis Center Take the Meningitis Quiz Dementia Slideshow Pictures West Nile Virus Slideshow Meningitis FAQs Patient Comments: Encephalitis and Meningitis - Treatments Patient Comments: Meningitis - Symptoms Patient Comments: Meningitis - Experience Patient Comments: Encephalitis - Symptoms Patient Comments: Encephalitis - Experience Encephalitis and meningitis facts What is encephalitis? What causes encephalitis? What are encephalitis symptoms and signs? Is encephalitis contagious? Is it possible to prevent encephalitis? Is there an encephalitis vaccine? What is meningitis? What causes meningitis? What are meningitis symptoms and signs? What is encephalomyelitis?"
] |
636858 | what does encrypt a file mean | [
"docid": "D3199029#0",
"title": "https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070310143446AAx9pIq\nWhat does encrypting and decrypting files mean?",
"text": "Computers & Internet Security What does encrypting and decrypting files mean? When i turned on my computer this morning i had a message to choose files to either encrypt or decrypt.2 following 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Well you got an answer of what encrypting is, but the really strange part is that you got this message. If you didn't put a program on your computer to do this it sounds very suspicious. Or maybe you got a new USB flash drive with this feature? It is not Windows XP Pro encryption, that works differently and doesn't ask you this kind of question. For Window XP Pro encryption you just turn it on for a folder or a file by right click -> Properties -> Advanced, selecting encryption and from then on it will encrypt them and and decrypt them as you use those files and it doesn't ask for a password because it is tied to your normal user password. Bulk O · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating Decrypt Definition Source (s):https://shrink.im/a9CDClaskey · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Encryption is simply scrambling the info or code of different file to make them unreadable without a password or decryptor. DVD are encrypted to prevent copyright infringement for example. Your DVD player is the only thing that is supposed to read it. You must be running Win XP Pro."
] | [
"docid": "D921631#0",
"title": "https://www.winhelp.us/backup-and-restore-windows.html\nBackup and restore Windows",
"text": "\"Backup and restore Windows By Margus Saluste, www.winhelp.us. Last updated: 2017-10-05How and where to back up your files and drives in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10Table of contents: Previous Versions and File History in Windows Vista and newer Windows Backup and Restore Free alternative to Windows Backup - AOMEI Backupper Choosing when and what to back up in Microsoft Windows Choosing where to back up to in Microsoft Windows Determining how much capacity is needed for backing up documents and settings, and for creating system images Basic security of backups and backup drives What if you lost all data on your Windows device right now? For example, your device's hard drive or SSD stops working? Or someone steals your computer? Are you able to recover your most important documents, photos, videos, or the whole system? Previous Versions and File History in Windows Vista and newer Windows Vista and 7 have something like documents backup built in. This is called Previous Versions and you can always try it for restoring a file or folder before using other software. But do not rely on Previous Versions too much - you still need to make a daily backup of your documents to an external hard disk to be sure that you can recover your files after your hard drive crashes or your computer is stolen. Files and folders recoverable with Previous Versions are kept on the same hard disk with Windows Vista or 7 - you have been warned!Windows 8/8.1 and 10 include somewhat enhanced Previous Versions, renamed to File History. While you must turn it on manually, it now keeps larger portion of file version history on a different drive (secondary hard disk, removable disk or network drive) and only the latest ones on system drive."
"docid": "D1760670#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc700811.aspx\nThe Encrypting File System",
"text": "\"The Encrypting File System By Roberta Bragg On This Page An Overview of the Encrypting File System What EFS Is Basic How-tos Planning for and Recovering Encrypted Files: Recovery Policy How EFS Works Key Differences Between EFS on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003Misuse and Abuse of EFS and How to Avoid Data Loss or Exposure Remote Storage of Encrypted Files Using SMB File Shares and Web DAVBest Practices for SOHO and Small Businesses Enterprise How-tos Troubleshooting Radical EFS: Using EFS to Encrypt Databases and Using EFS with Other Microsoft Products Disaster Recovery Overviews and Larger Articles Summary An Overview of the Encrypting File System The Encrypting File System (EFS) is a component of the NTFS file system on Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, and Windows Server 2003. ( Windows XP Home doesn't include EFS.) EFS enables transparent encryption and decryption of files by using advanced, standard cryptographic algorithms. Any individual or program that doesn't possess the appropriate cryptographic key cannot read the encrypted data. Encrypted files can be protected even from those who gain physical possession of the computer that the files reside on. Even persons who are authorized to access the computer and its file system cannot view the data. While other defensive strategies should be used, and encryption isn't the correct countermeasure for every threat, encryption is a powerful addition to any defensive strategy. EFS is the built-in file encryption tool for Windows file systems. However, every defensive weapon, if used incorrectly, carries the potential for harm. EFS must be understood, implemented appropriately, and managed effectively to ensure that your experience, the experience of those to whom you provide support, and the data you wish to protect aren't harmed."
"docid": "D879205#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_encryption\nDisk encryption",
"text": "\"Disk encryption From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Disk encryption is a technology which protects information by converting it into unreadable code that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized people. Disk encryption uses disk encryption software or hardware to encrypt every bit of data that goes on a disk or disk volume. It is used to prevent unauthorized access to data storage. Expressions full disk encryption (FDE) or whole disk encryption signify that everything on disk is encrypted, but the master boot record (MBR), or similar area of a bootable disk, with code that starts the operating system loading sequence, is not encrypted. Some hardware-based full disk encryption systems can truly encrypt an entire boot disk, including the MBR. Contents [ hide ]1 Transparent encryption2 Disk encryption vs. filesystem-level encryption3 Disk encryption and Trusted Platform Module4 Implementations5 Password/data recovery mechanism5.1 Challenge–response password recovery mechanism5.2 Emergency recovery information (ERI)-file password recovery mechanism6 Security concerns7 Full disk encryption7.1 Benefits7.2 The boot key problem8 See also9 References10 Further reading11 External links Transparent encryption [ edit]Transparent encryption, also known as real-time encryption and on-the-fly encryption ( OTFE ), is a method used by some disk encryption software. \"\" Transparent\"\" refers to the fact that data is automatically encrypted or decrypted as it is loaded or saved. With transparent encryption, the files are accessible immediately after the key is provided, and the entire volume is typically mounted as if it were a physical drive, making the files just as accessible as any unencrypted ones. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password / keyfile (s) or correct encryption keys. The entire file system within the volume is encrypted (including file names, folder names, file contents, and other meta-data). ["
"docid": "D615322#0",
"title": "https://cloudstorageadvice.com/what-is-onedrive/\nOneDrive Cloud Storage Service Review",
"text": "One Drive Cloud Storage Service Review If you’ve ever used Microsoft Window 8, RT 8.1 or 10, you’ve probably been wondering what is One Drive? Users who’ve just installed a fresh copy of Windows or accepted the invitation to upgrade their OS to Windows 10, must have seen the floating cloud icon appearing in the bottom-right corner of their screen. This Microsoft One Drive review will take a look at what is One Drive and assess its features while comparing it to other popular choices so that you can decide if this service is the right one to protect your sensitive data. Source One Drive – General Info So, what is One Drive? In a nutshell, One Drive is Microsoft’s answer to Dropbox, Google Drive, and the other “box-type” storage solutions, that is completely integrated with Microsoft Windows. Probably every piece of software out there that bears the seal of Microsoft has a One Drive function. It comes integrated into your operating system so you can use it without any additional grief or installs. It’s a great option if you need to sync you favorite files and folders all across your devices, manage files in real-time and share information with other people. They have a decent 5 GB free plan that gets you going, and additional storage can be purchased extremely cheaply. One Drive’s greatest feature is that you can use it in various ways, without having to rely on Internet connection at all."
"docid": "D1743018#0",
"title": "http://kb.winzip.com/help/courier/Toolbar.htm\nThe Ribbon/Toolbar",
"text": "\"The Ribbon/Toolbar This page contains information for both the Ribbon (Outlook 2007/2010/2013/2016) and the toolbar (Outlook 2003). Please read the section that is appropriate for your version of Outlook: The Ribbon (Outlook 2007/2010/2013/2016)The Toolbar (Outlook 2003)The Ribbon Outlook 2007 and later versions have replaced the menu and toolbar with the ribbon. Win Zip Courier enhances Outlook's new message functionality by adding tabs, groups, and controls to the ribbon to offer new features. The options described below are all found in Courier 7; if you have an earlier version, not all of the functions may be present. The Message tab of a new email message Win Zip Courier's frequently used features have been added to the Win Zip Courier group located on a new message's Message tab. The screenshot above is from Win Zip Courier 7; previous versions may not have all of the functions shown. The controls in the Win Zip Courier group on the Message tab of the ribbon bar operate as follows: Attach Large Files opens a window to allow you to select files to send using a cloud service. When you use Attach Large Files, instead of attaching the actual files to your email message, Win Zip Courier will attach temporary placeholder files in the email message to denote which files should be zipped and uploaded to your selected cloud service. When you click Send on the email message, Win Zip Courier zips your selected files, uploads the Zip file to your selected cloud service, and then inserts a link in your email so that your recipients can download your file. Note: when Attach Large Files is used, Win Zip Courier will always zip your selected files and always use a cloud service to deliver your files no matter what any other setting is currently enabled or disabled."
"docid": "D23939#0",
"title": "https://superuser.com/questions/571254/openssl-and-what-encryption-method-to-use\nOpenSSL and what encryption method to use",
"text": "\"_Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Open SSL and what encryption method to useup vote1down votefavorite2I am on OS X 10.8.3, savvy with a command-line and I want to use Open SSL to start encrypting sensitive information on my Mac Book Pro I know that I can use open SSL in a syntax like:openssl enc -aes-256-ecb -in in.txt -out encrypted.txt Can anyone explain what encryption type to use and why? Also, Can I paste in a string to that open SSL command and get back an encrypted string to store in a file? ( say a password list). Store each password encrypted in the text file and then encrypt the entire file as well. I also assume that one can encrypt one way, then encrypt a second time using a different method for added protection.if I encrypt this on OS X I also assume that I could decrypt it on Linux.linux macos security encryption opensslshare improve this questionedited Mar 25 '13 at 19:43asked Mar 25 '13 at 16:12Jason164 4 11For encrypting files most conveniently, GPG would definitely be recommended over Open SSL. – Celada Mar 25 '13 at 16:181Also, the second argument to openssl is not an \"\"encryption type\"\" but a subcommand, to tell it what kind of action to take. For example, manupulation of X.509 certificates, manipulation of keys, signing, encryption, certificate generation, message digest calculation, etc... – Celada Mar 25 '13 at 16:20Go with AES. It is widely supported. – Zoredache Mar 25 '13 at 18:06@Zoredache There are 18 AES options offered by openssl enc: cbc, cfb, cfb1, cfb8, ecb and ofb, each in 128/192/256 bit. –"
"docid": "D1675113#0",
"title": "https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/120748/what-should-you-do-if-you-catch-encryption-ransomware-mid-operation\nWhat should you do if you catch encryption ransomware mid-operation?",
"text": "\"_Information Security Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for information security professionals. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What should you do if you catch encryption ransomware mid-operation?up vote188down votefavorite53You boot up your computer one day and while using it you notice that your drive is unusually busy. You check the System Monitor and notice that an unknown process is using the CPU and both reading and writing a lot to the drive. You immediately do a web search for the process name, and find that it's the name of a ransomware program. A news story also comes up, telling you about how a popular software distribution site was recently compromised and used to distribute this same ransomware. You recently installed a program from that site. Clearly, the ransomware is in the process of doing its dirty work. You have large amounts of important data on the internal drive, and no backup. There is also a substantial amount of non-important data on the drive. This question's title says \"\"mid\"\" operation, but in this example we have not yet investigated how far the ransomware might have actually gotten in its \"\"work. \"\""
"docid": "D1903001#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc278098(v=sql.100).aspx\nDatabase Encryption in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition",
"text": "Database Encryption in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition SQL Server Technical Article Writers: Sung Hsueh Technical Reviewers: Raul Garcia, Sameer Tejani, Chas Jeffries, Douglas Mac Iver, Byron Hynes, Ruslan Ovechkin, Laurentiu Cristofor, Rick Byham, Sethu Kalavakur Published: February 2008Applies To: SQL Server 2008 (pre-release version)Summary: With the introduction of transparent data encryption (TDE) in SQL Server 2008, users now have the choice between cell-level encryption as in SQL Server 2005, full database-level encryption by using TDE, or the file-level encryption options provided by Windows. TDE is the optimal choice for bulk encryption to meet regulatory compliance or corporate data security standards. TDE works at the file level, which is similar to two Windows ® features: the Encrypting File System (EFS) and Bit Locker™ Drive Encryption, the new volume-level encryption introduced in Windows Vista ® , both of which also encrypt data on the hard drive. TDE does not replace cell-level encryption, EFS, or Bit Locker. This white paper compares TDE with these other encryption methods for application developers and database administrators. While this is not a technical, in-depth review of TDE, technical implementations are explored and a familiarity with concepts such as virtual log files and the buffer pool are assumed. The user is assumed to be familiar with cell-level encryption and cryptography in general. Implementing database encryption is covered, but not the rationale for encrypting a database. You can also download a Microsoft Word version of this article. Table of Contents Introduction: Encrypting at the Database Level 1Microsoft SQL Server Encryption."
"docid": "D1153040#0",
"title": "http://www.colorado.edu/oit/it-security/security-awareness/encryption/types-encryption\nTypes of Encryption",
"text": "\"Types of Encryption Last Updated: 04/03/2017Whole disk Whole disk encryption, as the name implies, refers to the encryption of an entire physical or logical disk. While this is currently done mostly with software, hardware based disk encryption is a growing technology which is expected to surpass software products for whole disk encryption over the next few years. This form of encryption generally encrypts the entire contents of a disk or volume and decrypts/encrypts it during use after a key has been given. This means the data is protected from situations like laptop/disk loss or theft where the data would be encrypted and require a key to decrypt. It would not protect from situations like sending information over the network (e-mail, websites, etc) or from situations where the decryption key was already entered such as the user walking away from their logged-in computer. PGP — OIT supported and provided whole disk encryption software. Additional Products including: Hard drives with integrated hardware encryption EFS (Windows 2000 and later)Bit Locker (Windows Vista)Utimaco Pointsec Single-user file/folder level When an individual wishes to encrypt a single file or group of files there are several options. Most encryption software has the ability to encrypt files individually using a password or other key. Many encryption programs have the ability to create an encrypted \"\"virtual drive\"\". This is an encrypted file that, when opened with the key, looks like another drive attached to the computer allowing the user to easily open and save files into an encrypted area."
"docid": "D1902160#0",
"title": "https://www.cloudwards.net/dropbox-vs-google-drive-vs-onedrive/\nBest of The Big Three: Dropbox vs Google Drive vs Onedrive",
"text": "facebook linkedin twitter reddit google+ Whatsapp Best of The Big Three: Dropbox vs Google Drive vs Onedrive By Joseph Gildred — Last Updated: 28 Mar'18Storage Cost Sync File Sharing App Integrations Security The Verdict Trying to decide between Dropbox vs Google Drive vs One Drive? That’s a tough one: while we certainly like the niche players here at Cloudwards.net (as you can see in our chart of best cloud storage providers ), we can’t deny that the three biggest names in the business have each earned their standing in one way or another. All three provide strong platform support, device sync and file sharing capabilities. Perhaps most advantageous of all for stomping on the little guys is that Dropbox, Google Drive and One Drive all have very good application integrations to facilitate productivity and collaboration. Most secure cloud storage If security is your main concern look at our top recommended provider Sync.com.>To help you choose between them, we decided to compare all three in a head-to-head matchup. While your specific needs may push you in a different direction, and we’re bound to ruffle some feathers, in the end we’ll show you why Dropbox gets our nod as the king of the mountain. If you’d like more detail on any of these three services before we start, make sure to check out our Dropbox review, Google Drive review and One Drive review. Don’t worry, we’ll wait. Rank Company Score Price Link1Winner Dropbox$ 13.25 per month1024 GB Storage All Plans Visit Dropbox Review Compare2Google Drive$ 1.99 per month100 GB Storage All Plans Visit Google Drive Review Compare3One Drive$ 1.99 per month50 GB Storage All Plans Visit One Drive Review Compare The Battle: Dropbox vs Google Drive vs One Drive Picking between these three services is far from an easy task. In one way or another, each has a claim over the other, including Dropbox’s superfast sync, One Drive’s inclusion of Office 365 and Google Drive’s diverse third-party app library."
"docid": "D1679595#0",
"title": "http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-update/cant-upgrade-my-windows-vista-to-windows-8/4c80bc50-cbb1-4038-8a28-63cba89e9bb5\nQ: can't upgrade my windows vista to windows 8",
"text": "RO ROBERTNOE asked on December 31, 2012Q: can't upgrade my windows vista to windows 8existing toshiba satelite laptop with windows vista purchased windows 8 at special $39.99assistant said download unsuccessfulwhat to do now1. try to re-download2. get refund.please advise asap Reply I have the same question (8)Replies (3)Andre Da Costa replied on December 31, 2012MVP Community Moderator | Article Author Can you really upgrade? In truth, Windows 8 does not support a direct upgrade from Windows Vista. This means you will have do a custom install, which means, any applications or drivers you currently have installed will have to be reinstalled. You might likely need updated drivers for some hardware. Windows 8’s built in upgrade compatibility wizard should help you determine what is compatible and needs to be removed before proceeding with the upgrade. Migrating from Vista to Windows 8 will preserve your personal files and settings though. Notes: Gather all important application discs and hardware driver discs you might need to be reinstalled. Check the manufacturer and software developers website for updates available and to find out about the status of compatibility with Windows 8."
"docid": "D3182621#0",
"title": "http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-password-protect-your-usb-stick-3-easy-ways/\nHow to Password Protect Your USB Sticks: 3 Easy Ways",
"text": "Windows Security How to Password Protect Your USB Sticks: 3 Easy Ways Tina Sieber July 10, 2017 4 minutes How to Password Protect Your USB Sticks: 3 Easy Ways Facebook Twitter Pinterest Stumbleupon Email Advertisement USB thumb drives are small, portable, and universally readable. These features make them perfect vehicles for transporting data between computers. Due to their portability, however, they are also easily lost. Hence, you should always protect sensitive files carried on a USB stick. Unfortunately, you cannot simply password protect your entire USB stick, like you can password protect your PC or phone. Tools that will seriously protect your data all work with encryption. Unless you want to invest in a secure flash drive with hardware encryption, you can use freeware applications to achieve a similar level of protection. This article summarizes some of the easiest ways to password protect files and folders on your USB flash drive.1. Save Individual Files With a Password As mentioned above, you can’t safely password protect your entire USB stick without using encryption. However, if you shy away from the time-consuming encryption process of entire folders and need a really quick way to only protect a few selected files, you can simply save those with a USB password."
"docid": "D166664#0",
"title": "https://www.backblaze.com/blog/apfs-apple-file-system/\nAPFS: What You Need To Know About Appleâs New File System",
"text": "APFS: What You Need To Know About Apple’s New File System By Peter Cohen | March 27th, 2017Editor’s note: We posted this article originally in August 2016. We’ve since updated it with new information. APFS, or Apple File System, is one of the biggest changes coming to every new Apple device. It makes its public debut with the release of i OS 10.3, but it’s also coming to the Mac (in fact, it’s already available if you’re a developer). APFS changes how the Mac, i Phone and i Pad store files. Backing up your data is our job, so we think a new file system is fascinating. Let’s take a look at APFS to understand what it is and why it’s so important, then answer some questions about it. File systems are a vital component of any computer or electronic device. The file system tells the computer how to interact with data. Whether it’s a picture you’ve taken on your phone, a Microsoft Word document, or an invisible file the computer needs, the file system accounts for all of that stuff."
"docid": "D3199028#0",
"title": "https://www.techopedia.com/definition/3356/encrypting-file-system-efs\nEncrypting File System (EFS)",
"text": "Encrypting File System (EFS)Definition - What does Encrypting File System (EFS)mean? An Encrypting File System (EFS) is a functionality of the New Technology File System (NTFS) found on various versions of Microsoft Windows. EFS facilitates the transparent encryption and decryption of files by making use of complex, standard cryptographic algorithms. The cryptographic algorithms are used in EFS to provide useful security countermeasures, whereby only the intended recipient can decipher the cryptography. EFS uses symmetric and asymmetric keys during the encryption process, but it does not protect data transmissions. Rather, it protects data files within systems. Even if someone has access to a certain computer, whether authorized or not, he still cannot unlock the EFS cryptography without the secret key. Techopedia explains Encrypting File System (EFS)EFS is actually a transparent public key encryption technology that operates with NTFS permissions to allow or deny user access to files and folders in various Windows operating systems (OS), including NT (excluding NT4), 2000 and XP (excluding XP Home Edition). Key EFS features are as follows: The encryption process is easy. Select the check-box in the file or folder's properties to turn on the encryption."
"docid": "D1756040#0",
"title": "https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Security_Guide/sec-Encryption.html\n4.9. Encryption",
"text": "\"4.9. Encryption4.9.1. Using LUKS Disk Encryption Linux Unified Key Setup-on-disk-format (or LUKS) allows you to encrypt partitions on your Linux computer. This is particularly important when it comes to mobile computers and removable media. LUKS allows multiple user keys to decrypt a master key, which is used for the bulk encryption of the partition. Overview of LUKSWhat LUKS does LUKS encrypts entire block devices and is therefore well-suited for protecting the contents of mobile devices such as removable storage media or laptop disk drives. The underlying contents of the encrypted block device are arbitrary. This makes it useful for encrypting swap devices. This can also be useful with certain databases that use specially formatted block devices for data storage. LUKS uses the existing device mapper kernel subsystem."
"docid": "D3411816#0",
"title": "https://www.sookasa.com/resources/google-drive-encryption/\nAll about Google Drive encryption",
"text": "All about Google Drive encryption With Google Drive—and Google Apps for Work—gaining in popularity when it comes to cloud usage in the workplace, Google Drive security is becoming an important topic of discussion. When dealing with your most sensitive information, it’s often not enough to rely on Google Drive’s default security measures, and adding an additional layer of Google Drive encryption is essential. The security Sookasa offers enables you to seamlessly incorporate Google Drive encryption into your workflow, protecting your data wherever it resides. Why is Google Drive encryption important? With the cloud’s many advantages comes a plethora of issues, not least of which is the threat of data breaches and subsequent data theft. With so many companies now using Google Drive to store, share, and sync sensitive company data, financial information, privileged client files, or patients’ personal health information, there’s a lot of critical information on the line. A data breach could result in the exposure of intellectual property, personal harm to clients or patients, compliance and privacy violations, and financial damage. Google Drive offers a slew of security measures that protect files like these in the cloud, but a major flaw in the software’s default security is the lack of Google Drive encryption for files synced to mobile devices. What this means is that without adding an extra layer of protection, files stored in Google Drive lose their security as soon as they’re synced to a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. If that mobile device gets lost or stolen— which happens astonishingly often —the synced files are there, simply waiting to be exposed and potentially used for ill."
"docid": "D2290987#0",
"title": "https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/definition/Ransomware\nWhat is Ransomware?",
"text": "\"Latest Ransomware News The History and Evolution of Ransomware Early Years Ransomware Spreads Outside Russia The Rise of Reveton and Police Ransomware The Evolution to Crypto-ransomware The Foray into Cryptocurrency Theft The Angler Exploit Kit POSHCODER: Power Shell Abuse Ransomware Infects Critical Files Files to Encrypt Ransomware Evolved: Modern Ransomware The Biggest Attack to Date The Future of Ransomware The Bitcoin Connection Ransomware Defense, Prevention, and Removal Latest Notable Ransomware List of Known Ransomware Families View Ransomware Past, Present, and Future What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system's screen or by locking the users' files unless a ransom is paid. More modern ransomware families, collectively categorized as crypto-ransomware, encrypt certain file types on infected systems and forces users to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods to get a decrypt key. Ransom Prices and Payment Ransom prices vary depending on the ransomware variant and the price or exchange rates of digital currencies. Thanks to the perceived anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies, ransomware operators commonly specify ransom payments in bitcoins. Recent ransomware variants have also listed alternative payment options such as i Tunes and Amazon gift cards. It should be noted, however, that paying the ransom does not guarantee that users will get the decryption key or unlock tool required to regain access to the infected system or hostaged files. Ransomware Infection and Behavior Users may encounter this threat through a variety of means. Ransomware can be downloaded onto systems when unwitting users visit malicious or compromised websites. It can also arrive as a payload either dropped or downloaded by other malware."
"docid": "D1077572#0",
"title": "https://martin.kleppmann.com/2013/05/24/improving-security-of-ssh-private-keys.html\nImproving the security of your SSH private key files",
"text": "\"Tweet Improving the security of your SSH private key files Published by Martin Kleppmann on 24 May 2013. Update (July 2015): This post is now rather outdated, and the procedure for modifying your private key files is no longer recommended. A better solution is to use ssh-keygen -o. Ever wondered how those key files in ~/.ssh actually work? How secure are they actually? As you probably do too, I use ssh many times every single day — every git fetch and git push , every deploy, every login to a server. And recently I realised that to me, ssh was just some crypto voodoo that I had become accustomed to using, but I didn’t really understand. That’s a shame — I like to know how stuff works. So I went on a little journey of discovery, and here are some of the things I found. When you start reading about “crypto stuff”, you very quickly get buried in an avalanche of acronyms."
"docid": "D252430#0",
"title": "https://fried.com/vpn-faq/how-does-a-vpn-router-work/\nVPN Frequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"VPN Frequently Asked Questions VPN FAQUpdated: November 6, 2017Want definitive answers to the most common questions users ask about VPNs before/after/in-the-process-of using one? Questions like Are VPNs legal? Are V PNs safe? And are VPNs free? Then you have come to the right place. on this page you will find answers to all of the most common (and important) questions about VPNs. We give you the option to read short, sweet and to-the-point answers, or dive deeper into our detailed answers for each question -- since we figure some of you just want a quick answer, while others like to really dig into the nitty-gritty why's and how's of such answers. So check out our list of the most commonly asked questions on VPN services below, with the option to get fuller answers on each just a click away. We hope our answers satisfy you!Quick Navigation Are VPNs Legal? Are VPNs Safe?"
"docid": "D638202#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/161118878/chapter-3-cryptopraghy-exams-flash-cards/\nChapter 3 Cryptopraghy exams",
"text": "\"94 terms j4thclass TEACHERChapter 3 Cryptopraghy exams Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort3.1.5 Practice Exam ... What is the cryptography mechanism which hides secret communications within various forms of data? Steganography Which of the following encryption methods combines a random value with the plain text to produce the cipher text? One-time pad Which type of cipher changes the position of the characters in a plain text message? Transposition In a cryptographic system, what properties should the initialization vector have? ( Select two.) Unpredictable Large Which of the following is a form of mathematical attack against the complexity of a cryptosystem's algorithm? Analytic Attack Which form of cryptanalysis focuses on the weaknesses in the supporting computing platform as a means to exploit and defeat encryption? Statistical attack In which type of attack does the attacker have access to both the plain text and the resulting cipher text, but does not have the ability to encrypt the plain text?"
] |
636859 | what does encrypting files mean in windows | [
"docid": "D3160428#0",
"title": "https://www.winhelp.us/encrypting-file-system-in-windows.html\nEncrypting File System in Windows",
"text": "\"Encrypting File System in Windows By Margus Saluste, www.winhelp.us. Last updated: 2017-10-06How to encrypt files and folders on NTFS drives in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10Table of contents: Caveats of EFS: Windows Search and File History Encrypting files and folders in Windows Backing up Encrypting File System certificates in Windows Decrypting files and folders in Windows Importing Encrypting File System certificates in Windows Encrypting File System (EFS) aka NTFS encryption in Windows means making personal files and folders accessible only by the user who has the correct decryption key. If a user encrypts his/her files and folders, a certificate with a private key is created and stored automatically. After this, no one besides this user is able to open or modify the encrypted files. The user can still export a decryption certificate without the private key for those who need to access his/her files. If a user loses encryption certificate (for example, due to a forcible password reset) and has no backup of it, he/she will lose all access to the encrypted files. Linux is of no help in such case, either - no third-party EFS driver is available there. Only Professional/Business and Ultimate/Enterprise editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 support file and folder encryption on NTFS file system. The feature is not available in Basic and Home editions, but you can still use encrypted files if you import the decryption certificate. FAT file systems and other file systems do not support Encrypting File System."
] | [
"docid": "D155768#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS\nNTFS",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article's lead section does not adequately summarize key points of its contents. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. Please discuss this issue on the article's talk page. ( February 2014)NTFSDeveloper (s) Microsoft Full name New Technology File System [1]Introduced July 1993 with Windows NT 3.1Partition identifier 0x07 ( MBR) EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 ( GPT)Structures Directory contents B-tree [2]File allocation Bitmap Bad blocks $Bad Clus (MFT Record)Limits Max. volume size 2 64 clusters − 1 cluster (format); 256 TB − 64 KB (implementation) [3]Max. file size 16 Ei B – 1 KB (format); 16 TB – 64 KB ( Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or earlier implementation) [3] 256 TB – 64 KB ( Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 implementation) [4]Max. number of files 4,294,967,295 (2 32 -1) [3]Max. filename length 255 UTF-16 code units [5]Allowed characters in filenames In Win32 namespace: any UTF-16 code unit (case-insensitive) except /\\:*\"\"?<>| as well as NUL [5]In POSIX namespace: any UTF-16 code unit (case-sensitive) except / as well as NULFeatures Dates recorded Creation, modification, POSIX change, access Date range 1 January 1601 – 28 May 60056 (File times are 64-bit numbers counting 100-nanosecond intervals (ten million per second) since 1601, which is 58,000+ years)Date resolution 100 ns Forks Yes (see § Alternate data streams (ADS) below)Attributes Read-only, hidden, system, archive, not content indexed, off-line, temporary, compressed File system permissions ACLs Transparent compression Per-file, LZ77 ( Windows NT 3.51 onward)Transparent encryption Per-file, DESX ( Windows 2000 onward), Triple DES ( Windows XP onward), AES (Windows XP Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 onward)Data deduplication Yes ( Windows Server 2012) [6]Other Supported operating systems Windows NT 3.1 and later Mac OS X 10.3 and later (read-only) Linux kernel version 2.6 and later Linux kernel versions 2.2-2.4 (read-only) React OS (read-only)NTFS (\"\" New Technology File System \"\") [1] is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft. [ 1] Starting with Windows NT 3.1, it is the default file system of Windows NT family. [ 7]NTFS has several technical improvements over the file systems that it superseded – File Allocation Table (FAT) and High Performance File System (HPFS) – such as improved support for metadata and advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space use."
"docid": "D3272466#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/94046425/digital-forensics-quiz-flash-cards/\nDigital Forensics Quiz",
"text": "133 terms Gray Matters Digital Forensics Quiz Study guide for intro to forensics chapters 1-8Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Computer forensics and data recovery refer to the same activities. True or False? False List three common types of digital crime. • E-mail harassment, cyber stalking, and embezzlement. A corporate investigator must follow Fourth Amendment standards when conducting an investigation. True or False? False What is the purpose of maintaining a network of computer forensics specialists? To allow you the ability to cultivate professional relationships with people who specialize in technical area different from your own specialty Policies can address rules for which of the following?"
"docid": "D3504322#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363858(v=vs.85).aspx\nCreateFile function",
"text": "\"Create File function Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The most commonly used I/O devices are as follows: file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, and pipe. The function returns a handle that can be used to access the file or device for various types of I/O depending on the file or device and the flags and attributes specified. To perform this operation as a transacted operation, which results in a handle that can be used for transacted I/O, use the Create File Transacted function. Syntax C++HANDLE WINAPI Create File ( _In_ LPCTSTR lp File Name, _In_ DWORD dw Desired Access, _In_ DWORD dw Share Mode, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lp Security Attributes, _In_ DWORD dw Creation Disposition, _In_ DWORD dw Flags And Attributes, _In_opt_ HANDLE h Template File );Parameterslp File Name [in]The name of the file or device to be created or opened. You may use either forward slashes (/) or backslashes (\\) in this name. In the ANSI version of this function, the name is limited to MAX_PATH characters. To extend this limit to 32,767 wide characters, call the Unicode version of the function and prepend \"\"\\\\?\\\"\" to the path. For more information, see Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces. For information on special device names, see Defining an MS-DOS Device Name."
"docid": "D2975007#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd277300.aspx\nChapter 3 - Operating System Installation",
"text": "\"Chapter 3 - Operating System Installation This section provides the initial installation procedures for the Windows 2000 family of operating systems. On This Page Preparing for Installation Windows 2000 Installation Process Choosing Good Passwords Windows 2000 Service Pack Considerations Preparing for Installation During Installation, the Setup program will ask for information on how to install and configure Windows 2000. Prepare for the Windows 2000 operating system installation by collecting hardware information and establishing configuration decisions prior to initiating the installation process. The following checklist provides some guidelines as to the information that needs to be defined prior to initiating the installation process. Table 3.1 Windows 2000 Pre-Installation Checklist Description Hardware Compatibility: Review all hardware to ensure compatibility with the Windows 2000 operating system. Hardware components include: Motherboard, network adapters, video card, sound card, CD-ROM drives, etc. The Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) can be found at:http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/server/howtobuy/upgrading/compat/Disk Space: Ensure the system has sufficient disk space. The minimum disk space recommended for installation of Windows 2000 is 2 gigabytes (GB). Disk Partitions: Determine disk-partitioning requirements, keeping in mind the minimum disk space recommendations for installation of the Windows 2000 operating system. File System: The file system must be configured as NTFS in order to allow configuration of security."
"docid": "D419538#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831507(v=ws.11).aspx\nBitLocker Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)",
"text": "\"Docs Previous Versions Windows Bit Locker Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)August 31, 2016 32 minutes to read In this article Overview and requirements How does Bit Locker work? Does Bit Locker support multifactor authentication? What are the Bit Locker hardware and software requirements? Why are two partitions required? Why does the system drive have to be so large? Which Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) does Bit Locker support? How can I tell if a TPM is on my computer? Can I use Bit Locker on an operating system drive without a TPM? How do I obtain BIOS support for the TPM on my computer? What credentials are required to use Bit Locker?"
"docid": "D1225669#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490855.aspx\nUser Data and Settings Management",
"text": "\"Docs Previous Versions Windows Windows XP Maintain Windows XP User Data and Settings Management User Data and Settings Management September 11, 2009 75 minutes to read Published: August 01, 2001 | Updated: July 23, 2003By Craig Marl Microsoft Corporation Revised: May 2002Abstract Designed for system administrators, this article explains the Intelli Mirror® user data and settings management features for Windows® XP. These key components of change and configuration management can help organizations reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). On This Page Introduction User Profile Structure Enhancements to User Profiles for Windows XP How to Configure a Roaming User Profile Security Considerations when Configuring Roaming User Profiles Best Practices for User Profiles Folder Redirection Overview How to Configure Folder Redirection Security Considerations when Configuring Folder Redirection Best Practices for Folder Redirection Related Technologies: Offline Files and Synchronization Manager Common Scenarios for Intelli Mirror User Data and Settings Features Summary Appendix: Group Policy Settings for Roaming User Profiles Related Links Introduction A user profile describes the desktop computing configuration for a specific user, including the user’s environment and preference settings. A profile is created the first time that a user logs on to a Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT® Workstation–based computer. A user profile is a group of settings and files that defines the environment that the system loads when a user logs on. It includes all the user-specific configuration settings, such as program items, screen colors, network connections, printer connections, mouse settings, and window size and position. Profiles are not user policies and the user has a profile even if you don't use Group Policy. A user's data can be stored on the local hard disk drive, or Intelli Mirror can be set so that the data roams with the user wherever he or she logs on. User data can include shortcuts to executable files, personal files, and user settings, such as a custom dictionary. Depending on how you manage your network, you or a user can define the desktop settings."
"docid": "D1258406#0",
"title": "http://www.winability.com/why-cant-i-copy-large-files-over-4gb-to-my-usb-flash-drive/\nWhy canât I copy large files over 4GB to my USB flash drive or SD card?",
"text": "Why can’t I copy large files over 4GB to my USB flash drive or SD card? Take control of your files and folders with AB Commander file manager for Windows 10,8,7,Vista, and XP. User rating: 4.8/5Purchase or download a free trial. Read more…The capacity of your external flash drive or SD card is large: 8GB, 16GB, or more. There is enough free space on the drive. You can copy the smaller files to the external drive just fine. Yet, when you attempt to copy a large file (4GB or larger) to the external drive, Windows gives you an error (such as: There is not enough free space on the drive, or similar.) Does this sound familiar? If you experience such a problem, most probably it’s caused by the fact that your external drive or card is formatted with the FAT32 file system. This type of a file system has a built-in limitation on the size of the files that it may contain."
"docid": "D3560629#0",
"title": "http://notebooks.com/2010/12/30/how-to-encrypt-your-hard-drive-with-bitlocker/\nHow to Encrypt Your Hard Drive With BitLocker",
"text": "How to Encrypt Your Hard Drive With Bit Locker Andre December 30, 2010How To How To Tutorials Protecting personal data, especially intellectual property, is one of the major concerns of businesses and individuals today. Billions of sensitive data transactions take place across the globe daily. Keeping that protected is becoming an even more complex task, one of the the biggest concerns being espionage and misuse of information that can jeopardize the safety of individuals and competitiveness of businesses. With the recent Wiki Leaks episode dominating the media, we are witnessing a perfect example of how sensitive information released into the wrong hands can be more than just a nightmare, but also a risk to civilian lives. The vessel for most of what’s happening is the Internet. There is not much you can do about that, you can’t lock down the Internet since it was designed to be an open environment from the beginning. In the case of the PC though, you have a bit more control. I am not just talking about passwords and access rights, these things are important of course, but there is more to think about today. Users need to look at more advanced tools to keep their sensitive data much safer, especially if you are in the field or on the road a lot. The risks get so much higher everyday for mobile users, laptops are stolen around the clock and recovery in most cases is next to impossible."
"docid": "D1179427#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd440865(v=ws.10).aspx\nFrequently Asked Questions: Virtual Hard Disks in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2",
"text": "Docs Previous Versions Windows Windows 7 Windows 7 Technical Library Roadmap Deployment Desktop Deployment Virtual Hard Disks in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Frequently Asked Questions: Virtual Hard Disks Frequently Asked Questions: Virtual Hard Disks in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2September 12, 2012 13 minutes to read In this article What is a native VHD boot? What are the different VHD file types? Why are fixed VHDs recommended for production? When is it appropriate to use dynamically expanding VHDs? What does it mean to create, attach, and detach VHDs? Are there any restrictions that I should be aware of when attaching VHDs? What are the recommendations for using VHDs for native boot? What is not supported for native boot when using VHDs? Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2This article provides answers to common questions about virtual hard disks (VHDs) in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. What is a native VHD boot?"
"docid": "D2860547#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_file\nZip (file format)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Zip file)navigation search For other uses, see Zip. ZIP file format Filename extensions .zip, .zipx (newer compression algorithms)Internet media type application/zip [1]Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) com.pkware.zip-archive Magic numbernone PK\\x03\\x04PK\\x05\\x06 (empty)PK\\x07\\x08 (spanned)Developed by Phil Katz, PKWARE, Inc. Initial release 1989Latest release 6.3.4 (1 October 2014; 3 years ago)Type of format Data compression Extended to JAR ( EAR, RAR (Java), WAR)Office Open XML (Microsoft) Open Packaging Conventions Open Document (ODF) XPI (Mozilla extensions)Standard APPNOTE from PKWAREISO/IEC 21320-1:2015 (a subset of ZIP file format 6.3.3)Open format? Yes ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. The ZIP file format permits a number of compression algorithms, though DEFLATE is the most common. This format was originally created in 1989 and released to the public domain on Feb 14, 1989 by Phil Katz and Gary Conway, and was first implemented in PKWARE, Inc. 's PKZIP utility, [2] and Gary Conways NARC as a replacement for the previous ARC compression format by Thom Henderson. The ZIP format is now supported by many software utilities other than PKZIP. Microsoft has included built-in ZIP support (under the name \"\"compressed folders\"\") in versions of Microsoft Windows since 1998. Apple has included built-in ZIP support in Mac OS X 10.3 (via BOMArchive Helper, now Archive Utility) and later. Most free operating systems have built in support for ZIP in similar manners to Windows and Mac OS X. ZIP files generally use the file extensions .zip or ."
"docid": "D1602234#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457019.aspx\nWireless Networking Security",
"text": "\"Docs Previous Versions Windows Windows XP Maintain Windows XP Wireless Networking Security Wireless Networking Security September 11, 2009 45 minutes to read By Chris Weber and Gary Bahadur Chapter 9 of Windows XP Professional Security reprinted with permission from the Mc Graw-Hill Companies. The text reproduced here is slightly altered from the text as it appears in the book, insofar as there are live links in the book but not in this excerpt. ISBN: 0-07-222602-1Reprinted with permission On This Page Introduction Windows XP's Support for Wireless Technologies Current Security Problems in Wireless Current Countermeasures to Wireless Insecurity Designing a Secure Wireless Network Tools of the Trade Checklist: Wireless Security Introduction Wireless technology releases us from copper wires. A user can have a notebook computer, PDA, Pocket PC, Tablet PC, or just a cell phone and stay online anywhere a wireless signal is available. The basic theory behind wireless technology is that signals can be carried by electromagnetic waves that are then transmitted to a signal receiver. But to make two wireless devices understand each other, we need protocols for communication. In this chapter we will first take a look at what Windows XP Professional has promised to bring to you in wireless technology. Then we will discuss the current security problems with wireless networks and your options for dealing with them. Last, we will present two methods that you can use to secure your wireless networks. You will see two concepts heavily reinforced: authentication and encryption."
"docid": "D2356779#0",
"title": "http://ask-leo.com/can_i_protect_my_data_from_deletion.html\nCan I protect my data from deletion?",
"text": "\"Helping people with computers... one answer at a time. Ask Leo! » General Computing » Encryption There are many ways to protect data from prying eyes, but as it turns out, preventing malicious deletion is nearly impossible. I'll review what to do.by Leo A. Notenboom, © 2011In several posts, you had recommended True Crypt as a form of encryption. But my issue is that, even with encryption, your sensitive data will not be safe on the computer. Any person who has tried several times to crack the True Crypt volume could simply delete the file on disk, as True Crypt saves volumes as files on the disk. Is there any method of protecting sensitive (True Crypted) files on the computer from deletion?•No. Encrypting your data, as I'm sure you realize, protects it from being seen by people who shouldn't see it, but it does nothing at all to prevent that data from being erased. In fact, it's nearly impossible to prevent someone with malicious intent from deleting data. Heck, it's impossible to prevent accidental deletion."
"docid": "D1489384#0",
"title": "http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fileextensions/f/encryptedfile.htm\nWhat Is an ENCRYPTED File?",
"text": "\"How To ›Windows What Is an ENCRYPTED File? How to Open, Edit, & Convert ENCRYPTED Files Share Pin Email Printid-work / Getty Imagesby Tim Fisher Updated January 04, 2018A file with the . ENCRYPTED file extension may be called a Top Studio Encrypted file. However, any program that encrypts a file may use the . ENCRYPTED extension too, not just Top Studio software. What the . ENCRYPTED file extension normally indicates is that the file has been encrypted. However, sometimes, a malware infection may rename a bunch of files to ones that have the . ENCRYPTED file extension - there's some more information on this below. Note: Files that are encrypted for privacy reasons don't necessarily use the ."
"docid": "D666971#0",
"title": "http://knowledge.seagate.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/206303en\nFreeAgent Drive/Seagate Manager - Frequently Asked Questions",
"text": "⎙ Print ✉ Mail Share This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate. Free Agent Drive/Seagate Manager - Frequently Asked Questions These questions are broken up into categories. Simply click on the question to be taken down to the answer. Before you buy / Presales What are the Minimum System Requirements For Free Agent drives? What cables (interfaces) do the Free Agent for Windows drives support? Do all Free Agent Go drives come bundled with a Docking Station? What kind of partition (file system) do Free Agent drives have, right out of the box? What software comes with Free Agent drives? Which Free Agent drive would best suit my needs? The Seagate Manager software and installation What is the Seagate Manager?"
"docid": "D1679595#0",
"title": "http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-update/cant-upgrade-my-windows-vista-to-windows-8/4c80bc50-cbb1-4038-8a28-63cba89e9bb5\nQ: can't upgrade my windows vista to windows 8",
"text": "RO ROBERTNOE asked on December 31, 2012Q: can't upgrade my windows vista to windows 8existing toshiba satelite laptop with windows vista purchased windows 8 at special $39.99assistant said download unsuccessfulwhat to do now1. try to re-download2. get refund.please advise asap Reply I have the same question (8)Replies (3)Andre Da Costa replied on December 31, 2012MVP Community Moderator | Article Author Can you really upgrade? In truth, Windows 8 does not support a direct upgrade from Windows Vista. This means you will have do a custom install, which means, any applications or drivers you currently have installed will have to be reinstalled. You might likely need updated drivers for some hardware. Windows 8’s built in upgrade compatibility wizard should help you determine what is compatible and needs to be removed before proceeding with the upgrade. Migrating from Vista to Windows 8 will preserve your personal files and settings though. Notes: Gather all important application discs and hardware driver discs you might need to be reinstalled. Check the manufacturer and software developers website for updates available and to find out about the status of compatibility with Windows 8."
"docid": "D1768620#0",
"title": "https://articles.forensicfocus.com/2016/03/23/bitlocker-whats-new-in-windows-10-november-update-and-how-to-break-it/\nBitLocker: Whatâs New in Windows 10 November Update, And How To Break It",
"text": "\"Bit Locker is a popular full-disk encryption scheme employed in all versions of Windows (but not in every edition) since Windows Vista. Bit Locker is used to protect stationary and removable volumes against outside attacks. Since Windows 8, Bit Locker is activated by default on compatible devices if the administrative account logs in with Microsoft Account credentials. Bit Locker protection is extremely robust, becoming a real roadblock for digital forensics. Various forensic techniques exist allowing experts to overcome Bit Locker protection. Capturing a memory dump of a computer while the encrypted volume is mounted is one of the most frequently used venues of attack. However, acquiring Bit Locker-encrypted volumes may become significantly more difficult with the release of Windows 10 November Update. In this article, we’ll explore existing methods of recovering Bit Locker volumes, look at what has changed with November Update, and review the remaining acquisition paths. Windows 10 November Update Microsoft has maintained compatibility between generations of Bit Locker in all versions of Windows from Windows Vista through Windows 10 RTM. It was not until build 1511 of Windows 10 that Bit Locker received a major overhaul."
"docid": "D2559028#0",
"title": "https://kb.iu.edu/d/aexw\nARCHIVED: In Windows, what file system should I use?",
"text": "ARCHIVED: In Windows, what file system should I use? This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Resources linked from this page may no longer be available or reliable. NTFS and FAT32 are two file systems used in Windows operating systems. Their features and differences are described below. NTFSNTFS, short for NT File System, is the most secure and robust file system for Windows 7, Vista, and XP. It provides security by supporting access control and ownership privileges, meaning you can set permission for groups or individual users to access certain files. NTFS 5.0 was released with Windows 2000, and is also used in Windows Vista and XP. NTFS offers the following features: NTFS supports compression of individual files and folders which can be read and written to while they are compressed. NTFS is a recoverable file system, meaning it has the ability to undo or redo operations that failed due to such problems as system failure or power loss."
"docid": "D2455679#0",
"title": "http://dottech.org/104302/windows-how-to-crack-password-protected-or-encrypted-zip-pdf-rar-xls-and-xlsx-files/\nHow to crack, open, or unlock password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF, RAR, XLS, and XLSX files on Windows for free [Guide]",
"text": "Previous Post Next Post How to crack, open, or unlock password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF, RAR, XLS, and XLSX files on Windows for free [Guide]Tip / Trick By Ashraf - May 5, 2013 - 27 Comments Email article | Print article Ever come across a password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF, RAR, XLS, or XLSX file that you wanted to extract or open but couldn’t because you didn’t know the password? Yeah, it happens to the best of us. For such situations, you need a way to crack/open/extract/unlock the password protected or encrypted ZIPs, PDFs, RARs, XLSs, or XLSXs. This guide shows you exactly how to do that. BEFORE WE BEGINFor the purposes of cracking, opening, extracting, or unlocking password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF, RAR, XLS, and XLSX files, we will be using a freeware program called Appnimi All-In-One Password Unlocker. Appnimi All-In-One Password Unlocker is a program that makes use of brute-force and/or dictionary attacks to “guess” the password to password protected or encrypted ZIP, PDF, RAR, XLS, and XLSX files. Appnimi All-In-One Password Unlocker is portable and officially works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7 (Win8 isn’t officially supported but it likely works on Win8, too). Please take note while Appnimi All-In-One Password Unlocker is portable, it is one of those portable programs that you must “install”. Once installed, you can grab the Appnimi All In One Password Unlocker.exe file from your installation location (which is C:\\Program Files\\Appnimi\\Appnimi All-In-One Password Unlocker, unless you change it) and place it on any USB drive, external hard drive, on another computer, etc. — it is portable and will run anywhere without installation."
"docid": "D3325584#0",
"title": "https://blogs.cisco.com/security/on_information_entropy\nOn Information Entropy",
"text": "\"Cisco Blog > Security Security On Information Entropy Mike Schiffman - August 16, 2010 - 3 Comments In this blog post you will learn about entropy within the domain of information theory. You will learn what entropy is and how to compute it. You will be shown some simple C code snippets to bring theory into application. Also, you will be shown why it is an important measurement in the field of computer security. Finally, we will cover some practical applications of entropy calculation and analysis. Introduction Entropy is a measurement of uncertainty. It is a way to assign a score of uncertainty to a stochastic variable. Entropy is a key component of information theory, a branch of mathematics designed to quantify information. It first came of age in 1948 with the publication of Claude Shannon’s paper “ A Mathematical Theory of Communication .”Before we can adequately define entropy, we need to first define information. Information, for our purposes, is what you get when the uncertainty about something is diminished or erased."
"docid": "D2403937#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2007.06.bitlocker.aspx\n.",
"text": "\"Security Keys to Protecting Data with Bit Locker Drive Encryption Byron Hynes At a Glance: Full volume encryption Bit Locker keys Setting up Bit Locker Windows Bit Locker Drive Encryption is certainly one of the most talked-about features in Windows Vista. However, most people haven’t yet had much opportunity to test Bit Locker to find out firsthandwhat it does and how it works—particularly not on a computer with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). In this article, I introduce you to the basics of Bit Locker™ so that you can evaluate its potential and include it in your upgrade planning. I will begin with some background and conceptual information, and then I take a look at enabling Bit Locker, data recovery, administration, and how Bit Locker can help at the end of a computer’s life. To better understand the terminology here, take a look at the sidebar \"\"Disks and Volumes. \"\" Disks and Volumes The terminology around disks and volumes can often be confusing. Here’s an abbreviated glossary for your reference. Partition A partition is a section of a physical hard disk. It is a logical structure defined in a partition table stored on the disk. Volume A volume is a logical structure in Windows made up of one or more partitions and defined by a Windows component called the volume manager."
] |
636865 | what does endearment mean | [
"docid": "D620829#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Term_of_endearment\nTerm of endearment",
"text": "\"This article is about the phrase. For the film, see Terms of Endearment. For other uses, see Terms of Endearment (disambiguation). A term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection. Terms of endearment are used for a variety of reasons, such as parents addressing their children and lovers addressing each other. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Usage2.1 French3 Proper names4 \"\"Sweetheart\"\" – T. A.5 Literary anecdotes6 See also7 References8 Further reading Etymology Such words may not in their original use, bear any resemblance in meaning to the meaning attached when used as a term of endearment, for example calling a significant other \"\"pumpkin\"\". Some words are clearly derived from each other, such as \"\"sweetheart\"\" and \"\"sweetie\"\", while others bear no etymological resemblance, such as \"\"baby\"\", \"\"babe\"\", and \"\"cutie\"\". \"\" Honey\"\" has been documented as a term of endearment from at least the 14th century. \"\" Baby\"\" is first used in 1839 and \"\"sugar\"\" only appears as recently as 1930. [ 1]Usage Each term of endearment has its own connotations, which are highly dependent on the situation they are used in, such as tone of voice, body language, and social context."
] | [
"docid": "D1104583#0",
"title": "http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/heidi/483\nHeidi",
"text": "Heidi Rating : Excellent0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4.5 / 536 Times rated Add to My Favorites Quick Facts on Heidi Gender: Girl Origin: German Number of syllables: 2Ranking popularity: 353Pronunciation: HI-dee Simple meaning: Noble one, of noble birth Characteristics of Heidi Authoritative Powerful Tough Tenacious Wealthy Problem-solver Achiever Etymology & Historical Origin - Heidi Heidi is the mainly Swiss pet form of the German name Adelheid (from the French Adélaïde). Adelheid comes from the Germanic elements “adal” meaning ‘noble’ and “heid” meaning ‘kind, sort, type’ – therefore Heidi essentially comes from a name that means ‘the noble one’. Though mainly a nickname used in Switzerland, Heidi became popular among English speakers shortly after the 1880 publication of the children’s classic “Heidi” by the Swiss writer Johanna Spyri. After penetrating her grandfather’s reclusive heart and harsh exterior, demonstrating acts of ‘nobility’ and kindness, and running around the Swiss Alps with her adventurous spirit, this little girl walked into the hearts and imaginations of all her readers. Today, Heidi continues to be a Top 100 favorite name in England, Northern Ireland and Australia. Popularity of the Name Heidi Heidi came onto the U. S. naming charts in 1939, shortly after the lovable Shirley Temple portrayed the character of “Heidi” in a popular film. This probably helped bring the name back to life. Like Alice, Wendy or Madeline, Heidi is a quintessential little girl’s name thanks to the classic and widely read children’s story. The height of Heidi’s popularity in the United States came between the mid-1960s and mid-1980s when she maintained a spot on the Top 100 list of most favored girl names for almost 20 straight years. Heidi has been on the decline since the 1990s, although Heidi Klum gave the name a jump on the charts between 2005 and 2006 following the successful debut of her show “Project Runway”."
"docid": "D482261#0",
"title": "https://www.chowhound.com/post/dh-356515\n\"What does \"\"DH\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Site Feedback 66What does \"\"DH\"\" mean?bryantuga Jan 3, 2007 04:48 AMI've seen \"\"DH\"\" on several posts, and I surmise that it refers to a significant other or spouse, but what does the acronym stand for?66 Comments Latest Oct 29, 2010 by The Chowhound Teamjanedoe67 Jan 3, 2007 04:51 AMDear Husband6 Replies Clicking the will recommend this comment to others. Sign Up to Share the Love ›re: janedoe67b bryantuga Jan 3, 2007 04:53 AMThanks. :) re: janedoe67JK Grence the Cosmic Jester Jan 3, 2007 06:21 AMOr Darn Husband, depending on one's temperament.re: JK Grence the Cosmic Jester Will Owen Jan 3, 2007 07:18 AMOr tendency to euphemize... I'm not gonna whine, since many of the folks who use \"\"DH\"\" on a regular basis are DPs (Dear Posters) of mine, but I do find it a tad cloying. I suppose it's a cultural thing; our family has always expressed its endearments up close and directly to one another, and affected a certain calm astringency in public.re: Will Owenc curiousbaker Jan 3, 2007 07:14 PMPersonally, I find it unbearable, and I admit that I usually stop reading a post once I come across it. But I have an unusually low tolerance for cutesiness, jargon, or public displays of endearments (My family is not exactly known for expression of endearments. There are occasionally extremely awkward hugs, but only if we haven't seen each other in over six months. ) re: curiousbakercookie monster Jan 3, 2007 07:56 PMHa! We must be related. I find DH unbearable as well. But then LOL also drives me crazy when people use it in reference to something they themselves have said (as in, \"\"boy do i crack myself up!\"\")."
"docid": "D157575#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120430160427AAFZ16r\nWhat does mama mean in Spanish if your not referring to mom.?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does mama mean in Spanish if your not referring to mom.? I'm white and my one of my managers always c Alls me mama. What does that mean in Spanish. She is hispanic and she is old enough to be my mom so Im wondering why she calls me mama. Is it a good thing? ? 3 following 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Its a term of endearment similar to sweetie. Source (s): I'm puerto rican :)nina · 6 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: What does mama mean in Spanish if your not referring to mom.? I'm white and my one of my managers always c Alls me mama. What does that mean in Spanish."
"docid": "D946451#0",
"title": "http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bae\nBae",
"text": "4Bae131,55112744Part of a series on Internet Slang. [ View Related Entries] [View Related Sub-entries]Updated 25 days ago by Y F. Added 3 years ago by Don. Like us on Facebook!Share Pin Tweet PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery , 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry. Meme Status Confirmed Type: Slang Year2003Origin Urban Dictionary Tagsslang Additional References Wikipedia About“Bae” is a term of endearment for a significant other, similar to other pet names derived from the word “baby,” such as “B” and “boo.” Following the popularization of the term through various hip hop and R&B songs in the early 2010s, “bae” also became alternatively interpreted by some as a backronym for “before anyone else. ”Origin The exact origin of “bae” is unknown. On March 14th, 2003, Urban Dictionary [1] user Trong submitted an entry for “bae,” defining it as a “bastardization of the term ‘babe’. ”Spread On August 11th, 2006, Urban Dictionary [6] user bubbless defined “bae” as “a lover or significant other.” On December 12th, 2008, Urban Dictionary [7] user Drea Bae XXX defined the term as a Western Florida synonym for the words “baby, boo, sweetie.” On September 2nd, 2011, an entry for “Bae” was submitted to the online dictionary Internet Slang. ["
"docid": "D330251#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_%27ya_habibi%27_mean\nWhat is the translation of WA aleki salam ya habibi?",
"text": "\"Johnson Kurien 7 Contributions What is the translation of WA aleki salam ya habibi? Answer . hello and how are you my friend?. wa= and (also). Aleyki = on you. Salam= peace. Ya= O. Habibi= dear one. So it should be \"\" O dear one, peace on you too\"\"What is the Arabic 'Bahebak ya habibi' in English?i love you baby - if you are referring to a female What does yella habibi mean in English?come on/let's go baby What does 'Shalom habibi' mean?hey babe Mostafa 25,309 Contributions What do you mean by aayez takul ya habibi?aayez takul ya habibi?= . Would you like to eat, my love?. or ."
"docid": "D2644260#0",
"title": "http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/sonship/monogene.htm\n.",
"text": "\"THE UNIQUENESS OF THE SON (Christ is the only begotten Son)\"\"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son\"\" (John 3:16)An Inductive Study of the Use of Monogenesin the New Testament This study is written by Doug Kutilek and is here used with his permission. Greek lexicons and dictionaries of the New Testament are at their most basic nothing other than the systematic classification of word usage. The “authority” of such lexicons (though rarely considered by most users) is dependent on the knowledge, judgment, accuracy, and precision of the lexicographer. With sufficient effort and training, the individual student can personally construct his own systematic classification of word usage, and thereby provide a “check” on standard lexical pronouncements. This is done (properly) by locating all uses in the New Testament of a given word, examining closely each contextual usage, comparing these with usage outside the literary corpus under investigation, then classifying usages in a systematic fashion. Some attention to etymology (important for word history though having no necessary connection to word meaning) as well as synonyms and antonyms are also of value. Monogenes in the New Testament It is the purpose of this paper to make such an inductive study of the use of the adjective monogenes in the New Testament. This word is found nine times in the New Testament: Luke 7:12; 8:42; 9:38; John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18; Hebrews 11:17; I John 4:9. From this simple listing, it is first of all evident that the word is conspicuously absent from the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and though used by Luke in his Gospel, it does not occur in Acts; neither, Paul, Peter, James or Jude ever employs the word, and though John makes more frequent use of the word than all other New Testament authors combined, it is absent from the Apocalypse. Some explanation for the absence of monogenes in the Synoptic Gospels with reference to Jesus, and in Paul’s writings will be offered."
"docid": "D2338134#0",
"title": "https://standiwe.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/xhosa-names-their-meanings/\nXhosa names & their meanings:",
"text": "\"Xhosa names & their meanings: Posted on March 16, 2012 by standiwe under Uncategorized Abongile, both, thankfulness Akhona, both, present Anathi, both, they are with us Andile, male, increase Andisiwe, female, more increase Andiswa, female, increase Aphiwe, both, they are given Asanda, both, still increasing Aviwe, both, been heard Ayabonga, male, they are grateful B Babalwa, female, be graced Bantu, male, people Bathandwa, both, beloved Bhekinkosi, male, Look up to the Lord Bhutana, male, little brother Bonani, male, see Bonelwa, female, seen for Bongani, female, be thankful Bongeka, female, be thankable Bongikhaya, male, thank the home Bonginkosi, male, thank God Boniswa, female, show Buhle, female, beauty Bukelwa, female, be admirable Bulelani, male, be thankful Buyiswa, female, be returned Buzwe, male, nationhood C Cebisa, female, give advise Cebo, male, plan Celiwe, female, asked for Cikizwa, female, pretty Coceka, female, cleanliness Cokisa, female, selective D Dalumzi, male, home-maker Daluxolo, male, peace-maker Deliwe, female, looked down to Dengana, male, little fool Diliza, male, break down Dingikhaya, male, one with no home Dingindawo, male, one with no space Dubula, male, to shoot Dumile, male, notorious Dumisa, male, praise [in singular] Dumisani, male, praise [ in plural]E Esihle, both, beautiful F Faniswa, female, resemblance Fezeka, female, fulfilled Fezekile, male, complemented Fezile, male, accomplished Fikile, male, arrived Fumanekile, male, recovered Fundani, male, learn Fundiswa, female, educated Funeka, female, needed Fungile, male, vowed Fuzile, male, genes G Gcobani, male, be joyful Gcobisa, female, exciting Gqibelo, male, last one Gugulethu, male, our pride H Hlomela, male, insert IJ Jama, male, stare Jikela, male, go around Jongephi, male, looking where Jongikhaya, male, watching over the home Jongilanga, male, watching the sun Jonginkosi, male, watching over the lord K Khanyiswa, female, light up Khethiwe, female, chosen Kholeka, female, to please Kholiwe, female, believed Khunjulwa, female, remembered Khuselwa, male, protect Khuthala, female, diligent Khuzani, male, rebuke Khwezi, male, star Kuhle, female, wellness L Langa, male, sun Lelethu, male, it’s ours (inheritance) Lifa, male, inheritance Lindani, both, await Lindela, male, await Lindelwa, female, awaited Lindikhaya, male, wait for home Lindisizwe, male, waiting for a country Lindiwe, female, awaited Lizo, male, alm Lonwabo, male, happiness Lubabalo, male, grace Lulamile, male, tamed Lumka, female, be careful Lundi, male, horizon Lungelo, male, right Luthando, male, love Luxolo, male, peace Luyolo, male, pleasure Luzuko, male, glory Lwandle, male, sea Lwazi, male, knowledge M Mabhuti, male, endearment for little brother Madoda, male, men Mafungwashe, female, first girl Makukhanye, male, let there be light Malibongwe, male, let it be praised Malusi, male, shepherd Mandilakhe, male, let me build Mandisa, female, increaser Mandla, male, power Mangaliso, male, wonderful Masakhane, male, let’s build another one Masibulele, male, let’s give thanks Matanzima, male, mouthful Mavo, male, experiences Mbingeleli, male, priest Mbulelo, male, thankfulness Mcebisi, male, counsellor Melumzi, male, represent home Menzi, male, the doer Mesuli, male, wipe Methuli, male, the unloader Mgcineni, male, keep him Mkhokeli, male, leader Mkhuseli, male, the shielder Mncedisi, male, helper Mnyamezeli, male, endure Mongezi, male, addition Mpendulo, male, answer Mpilo, male, health Mpumelelo, male, success Mthandeni, male, love him Mthetheleli, male, advocate Mthimkhulu, male, big tree Mthobeli, male, obedience Mthunzi, male, shadow Mthuthuzeli, male, comforter Mxolisi, male, maintain peace Mzimasi, male, attend Mzoxolo, male, home of peace Mzukisi, male, praiser Mzwakhe, male, his home Mzwamadoda, male, home for men only Mzwandile, male, home has increased N Nandipha, female, good taste Nceba, female, mercy Ndiliswa, female, respected Ndothusile, male, shocked Neliswa, female, satisfied Nesiwe, female, nursed Neziswa, female, be fulfilled Njongo, male, aim / goal Nkokheli, male, leader Nkosazana, female, princess Nkosiphendule, male, Lord has answered Nkululeko, male, freedom Nobomi, female, life Nobuhle, female, beauty queen Nocawe, female, Sunday girl Nocwaka, female, quietness Nokhanyo, female, with lightness Nokukhanya, female, the light Nokuthula, female, quiet person Nokwanda, female, with increase Nolitha, female, beam of light Nolubabalo, female, with grace Nolukholo, female, faith Nolusindiso, female, with salvation Noluthando, female, with love Noluvo, female, opinion Noluvuyo, female, with joyfulness Nomabhongo, female, with pride Nomakhephu, female, snowy girl Nomakhwezi, female, star Nomalizo, female, alms Nomantombazana, female, liitle girls Nomathamsanqa, female, good luck Nomathemba, female, hopes Nomawethu, female, our own people Nomaxabiso, female, valuable Nombeko, female, respect Nombini, female, second girl Nomfundiso, female, doctrine Nomfundo, female, education Nomhle, female, with beauty Nomkhitha, female, dignity Nomkhululi, female, to release Nompucuko, female, civilization Nompumelelo, female, success Nomsa, female, with mercy Nomzamo, female, with attempt Nonceba, female, with mercy Nonkonzo, female, service Nonkosi, female, Lordship Nonqaba, female, with fortress Nontathu, female, third girl Nontobeko, female, with humbleness Nontsikelelo, female, with blessings Nonyameko, female, with endurance Nonyaniso, female, truth Nonzukiso, female, glorification Nosakhele, female, build for us Nosiphiwo, female, with gift Nosisi, female, endearment for little sister Noxolo, female, with peace Nozibele, female, kindness Nozuko, female, with glory Nqabisile, male, hidden Ntando, male, will Ntombebhongo, female, girl of pride Ntombekhaya, female, homegirl Ntombikayise, female, father’s girl Ntombizodwa, female, girls only Ntombokuqala, female, first girl Ntombomzi, female, home-girl Nwabisa, female, entertainer Nyameko, male, with endurance Nyaniso, male, truthfulness O Odwa, male, only Olwethu, both, our own Onele, both, enough Onke, male, all P Phakamile, male, uplifted Phaphama, male, awake Phatheka, female, controllable Phathiswa, female, handle Phelisa, female, to end Phozisa, female, cool off Phumelele, male, succeeded Phumeza, female, fulfil Phumla, female, rest [in singular] Phumlani, male, rest [in plural] Phumza, female, relieve Phumzile, both, rested Q Qaqamba, female, bright Qaqambile, male, brightness Qondile, male, undestood RS Sabelo, male, share Sakhiwo, male, structure Samkelo, male, acceptance Sandile, male, increase Senzile, male, we have done Sesethu, female, ours Sibabalwe, male, blessed Sibongiseni, female, praise with us Sicelo, male, petition Sidima, male, stature Sigqibo, male, decision Silumko, male, wiseman Simangaliso, male, wonderful Simphiwe, male, given Simthandile, female, we have loved her Sindiswa, female, saved Sinelizwi, male, we have a voice Siphelele, male, enough Siphosethu, female, our gift Siseko, male, foundation Sisipho, female, gift Sithandiwe, female, we have been loved Siyaya, male, we are going Sizamile, male, we have tried Songezo, male, addition Songezwa, female, fold Sonwabile, male, happiness Sonwabo, male, happiness Swazi, male, stick T Thamsanqa, male, lucky boy Thandisizwe, male, love the nation Thanduxolo, male, peace-lover Thembalethu, male, our hope Thembani, male, hope Thembeka, female, trustworthy Thembela, female, hope for Thembinkosi, male, trust the Lord Thenjiwe, female, trusted Thobeka, female, humbleness Thotyelwa, female, to be obeyed Thozama, female, calmness Thukile, male, shocked Thulisa, female, keep quiet Thumeka, female, sendable Tyelovuyo, male, gladstone U Unathi, female, He is with us V Vathiswa, female, clothed Velile, male, appeared Veliswa, female, revealed Vile, male, to hear Viwe, male, to be heard Vuyani, male, gladness Vuyokazi, female, happiness W Wandile, male, increase of home Wazini, female, what do you know Welile, male, crossed over Weziwe, female, taken over Wonga, male, status X Xhosa Given Name, Male / Female (Both), English Meaning Xolani, male, calm down Xolile, male, forgiven Xolisa, male, apologise Y Yandiswa, female, make more Yekile, male, stop Yonela, female, enough Z Zakhele, male, build Zamekile, male, attempted Zamikhaya, male, trying to make a home Zamile, male, attempted Zaminkosi, male, trying the lord Zandile, female, increased Zandisile, male, made more Zanele, female, enough Zanemvula, male, bringing the rain Zenzile, male, caused himself Zilindile, male, they are waiting Zimkhitha, female, dignity Zintle, female, they are beautiful Ziyanda, female, increasing Zodwa, female, girls only Zukelwa, female, calmed for Zukile, male, calmed Zukisani, male, praise Zuko, male, glory Advertisements Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading... Related What being saved means to me... Making a Choice In \"\"Spiritual Zone\"\"How I spend my time with God... In \"\"Spiritual Zone\"\"Bookmark the permalink . Post navigation← The Potter Next Post →28 thoughts on “ Xhosa names & their meanings: ”Pumezo January 21, 2014 at 2:01 pm I need to know the meaning of Pumezo !!! ! Replystandiwe March 31, 2014 at 3:08 pmsorry, i have no idea, maybe aske your parents then we can add it on the list. Reply Nwabisa October 17, 2014 at 12:53 pm Phumezo ,means accomplished task, some sort of achievement Reply Nonzwano April 14, 2014 at 3:55 pm Hi Standiwe can u pls give me the definition of the name Lwandile Reply Nwabisa October 17, 2014 at 1:01 pm Lwandile, means the family has increased , lwandile usapho Replylola July 8, 2014 at 9:56 pm Hi dear can u pls tell me the meaning of the name Nosayini pls Replylwandlekazi July 13, 2014 at 12:21 pmhi cc I need to know the meaning of lwandlekazi thank you Reply Nonkululeko October 21, 2014 at 3:57 ambig sea Replynosipho nondlwana August 2, 2014 at 10:45 amxhosa baby names 4 both sexs plz Replylerato September 16, 2014 at 1:17 am My"
"docid": "D496462#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_spanish_word_Fuerte_mean_in_english\nWhat is the English meaning of the Spanish word Quevole?",
"text": "\"Hiramito 8,578 Contributions What is the English meaning of the Spanish word Quevole? The run-in is derived from the words \"\"Que hubo\"\" , which mean, \"\"What's happened? \"\" Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions What does 'the Spanish word for the English word' mean? La palabra en español de la palabra en inglés BJ Sullivan 3,242,404 Contributions What does the Spanish word a mean in English? \"\" A\"\" is the Spanish word for \"\"to\"\". Jo.cruz15 84 Contributions What does the Spanish word arroz mean in English?rice Denys Wilcox 116 Contributions What do you mean by bachillerato which is a spanish word in English?an exam (equivalent to the English GCSEs)What is the English meaning of the spanish word bamboleo? Just like in English, a word literally means something different than the implied meaning. This song was taken from the Venezuelan song Caballo Viejo... so literally \"\"old hors …What does spanish word armario mean in English? If you mean \"\"Amarillo\"\" (pronounced the same way) it means yellow. Don Dfoofnik 4,377,641 Contributions There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong."
"docid": "D3556378#0",
"title": "http://shibashake.com/dog/noisy-barking-dogs\nNoisy Barking Dogs â Are They Less Happy Than Quiet Dogs?",
"text": "Noisy Barking Dogs – Are They Less Happy Than Quiet Dogs? Tweetby shibashake 16 Comments Are barking dogs born noisy, or were they made noisy by lack of training, management, and exercise? Do noisy dogs bark because they are unhappy? Are quiet dogs generally happy and more content? I currently have two Siberian Huskies. Huskies are known for their night-time howling, which generally will not endear you to your neighbors. Siberian Huskies are known for their night-time howling which generally will not endear you to your neighbors. Are Noisy Barking Dogs Born or Made? Siberian Husky Shania - She is sugar and spice and everything nice. My older Sibe Shania (3.5 years old), is a very quiet dog."
"docid": "D3418264#0",
"title": "http://www.refinery29.com/2016/05/107772/cool-words-slang-dictionary-popular-sayings\nThe Viral Words You Need To Know",
"text": "\"The Viral Words You Need To Know Morgan Baila Last Updated February 21, 2018, 2:15 PMHave you always been on top of all the new, viral words young people say? Great. Of course you have. But even the trendiest among us now struggle to understand how words that definitely have real meanings don't seem to be used properly anymore. It used to be enough to Google \"\"What are the new slang words?\"\" but slang itself is pretty irrelevant these days. Are you ready to be relevant AF? You may notice that many of these words lack a certain je ne sais quoi, and that is because they have no “quoi.” They are, for the most part, a bunch of silly, goofy words. But they're so damn fun to use."
"docid": "D1024140#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160604021134AACTFzH\n\"What does \"\"smol bean\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Family & Relationships Friends What does \"\"smol bean\"\" mean? My friends call me a \"\"smol bean\"\" and I'm not quite sure what that means? at a sleepover my friends were playing \"\"cards against humanity\"\" and I didn't understand most of the cards and that's when one girl said \"\"why is a smol bean like you playing this game?\"\" I'm not...show more Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Have you ever heard someone call someone a wee babby or something like that. Smol bean is sort of like that, I would imagine. Smol is small, obviously, but bean could be anything. I've heard bean used as short hand for human being, so that may be it. They're probably calling you a small person, or young, or something along those lines. I don't think it's an insult, more like a slightly insulting term of endearment. Anonymous · 2 years ago0 0 Comment It's a team of endearment."
"docid": "D793185#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091212170419AA6bxh8\nWhensomeone calls you a buttercup what does it really mean?",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Words & Wordplay Whensomeone calls you a buttercup what does it really mean?1 following 7 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Every flower has a symbolic meaning, and the \"\"buttercup\"\" symbolizes childhood or youth. Thus, essentially, the nickname \"\"buttercup\"\" is like the nickname \"\"baby.\"\" It means that you're sweet or dear to someone.? · 8 years ago6 0 Comment Buttercup Meaning Source (s):https://shrink.im/a9Dk Franson · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Buttercup Urban Dictionary Source (s):https://shrinks.im/a9a U8obyrne · 1 year ago0 0 Comment I frequently ask my wife \"\"What's up buttercup?\"\" In this instance, it is a term of endearment, like sweetie, honey, darlin', etc...and it is often used in place of these words. If someone said it in this context, that is probably all they meant by it. However, if you smell like a cup of movie theater popcorn butter, it may have been meant in another way entirely.yldndn6 · 8 years ago2 0 Commentits supposed to be a \"\"cute\"\" nickname or if they say whats up buttercup, it just rhymes and means nothing CTN · 8 years ago1 0 Comment If you are a guy, they are calling you a wimp. If you are a girl they are flirting with you. A buttercup is a type of flower.ocularnervosa · 8 years ago2 2 Comment It's a term of endearment for a girl, my Husband calls me that sometimes. I think it's cute."
"docid": "D221802#0",
"title": "https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070728150628AACHWBX\nMy husbands mom calls him Miho and everyone else calls him Chito.What do those names mean?!?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages My husbands mom calls him Miho and everyone else calls him Chito. What do those names mean?!? Follow 18 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Miho is \"\"my son\"\" in Spanish. Chito is just a nickname he picked up-doesn't mean anything.wooleybooley · 1 decade ago4 2 1 comment Miho or rather, Mijo is short for the spanish \"\"mi hijo\"\" meaning \"\"my son.\"\" As for Chito, I think it is most likely a nickname for the spanish \"\"chiquito\"\" meaning small. He may be called that by anyone familiar with him; a term of endearment that he received growing up and just continued on into his adult life. Marlene · 3 years ago1 0 Comment Well... Miho is my son in spanish, mexican or any country of that kind.... Its a sweet way of calling him...at South american countries it is not necessary to be his mother to call him that way..so do not get surprised if his aunt or any other person calls him that way... For Chito there are lots of possibilities..it could be either a surname or...well..this might sound strange but it means shut up in spanish... OK...luck!! and don´t be shy!! ask him why the call him Chito....maybe there is a very interest story hidden under that name.... Cinderellaaaa Pocahontas · 1 decade ago0 2 Commentthe term Miho technically means, my son. But in the context your mother-in-law is using it, it is a term of endearment."
"docid": "D2094166#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-Spanish-phrase-Te-amo-mi-amor-mean-in-English\n\"What does the Spanish phrase, \"\"Te amo, mi amor\"\" mean in English?\"",
"text": "\"Phrase Origins Spanish (language) English Translation Phrase Definitions What does the Spanish phrase, \"\"Te amo, mi amor\"\" mean in English?ad by One Sky Translation and localization can be easily done on our platform. One Sky offers integrations & plugins with your tools, and translation service by the professionals. Learn More at oneskyapp.com26 Answers Lidys Koslowski, Spanish is my native language. Answered May 27, 2016“My love, I love you!” is the best translation of “te amo, mi amor.” I ended the phrase with and admiration mark because the phrase should express emotion and excitement. Notice that is not the same to say, “ My love, I love you. ”“I love you my love,” which is the literal translation of “te amo, mi amor” should be used when you are leaving for a long period of time or overnight. It is a way to say goodbye to your spouse or companion. At least, that is used for my husband in those cases."
"docid": "D1401949#0",
"title": "https://newrepublic.com/article/117881/why-do-people-call-significant-others-baby\n\"Why Do Adult Romantic Partners Call Each Other \"\"Baby?\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Sasha Bell/SHutterstock Why Do Adult Romantic Partners Call Each Other \"\"Baby? \"\" The evolutionary logic—and other meanings—of a pet name By Alice Robb May 26, 2014Michael Jackson’s posthumous album, Xscape, has vaulted up the charts even with prominent fans like Quincy Jones blasting Sony for cashing in on Jackson’s legacy and most listeners balking at the Michael Jackson hologram that’s featured in Xscape ’s PR strategy. One aspect of the album that’s not generating controversy, though, is the lyrics. And, for the most part, they’re pretty banal—none more so than Jackson’s opening line: “Baby, love never felt so good.” But perhaps this shouldn’t seem so unremarkable. We’ve become accustomed to hearing adults use “baby” as a romantic term of endearment—but can we really ignore the fact that the primary meaning of “baby” is “small human child?”“Certainly the term ‘baby’ is infantilizing,” said Logan Levkoff, the author of several books on sex and relationships. “ A ‘baby’ is an actual thing—there’s an image of something. ”It may be creepy, but we’ve been doing it for a long a time. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was in the seventeenth century that “baby” was first used as a romantic term of endearment. In Aphra Behn’s 1694 novel, Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister, Philander, the male hero, declares himself “not able to support the thought that any thing should afflict his lovely Baby.” ("
"docid": "D463460#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_it_mean_when_your_BUN_is_low\nWhat does it mean when your BUN is low?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health What does it mean when your BUN is low? Flag What does it mean when your BUN is low? Answer by Rxdoc1 Confidence votes 4.6KBUN, or blood urea nitrogen, is a measure of kidney function using its ability to remove urea from the circulation into the urine . In most adults it is below 10. Lower numbers generally only occur in children (they have less musculature) or elderly adults who may have muscle-wasting diseases and less muscle.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Joe Ragusa 304,324 Contributions What does it mean when a guy calls you bun? Answer . Its a term of endearment. Chuck Goodman 31,106 Contributions What does bun mean on lab report?it is the blood urea nitrogen. Elevated in dehydration, kidney problems and others things."
"docid": "D2755700#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_Oscars_has_Jack_Nicholson_won\nHow many Oscars has Jack Nicholson won?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Celebrities Actors & Actresses How many Oscars has Jack Nicholson won? Flag How many Oscars has Jack Nicholson won? Answer by Yonatan Doron Confidence votes 15.7KHe has won 3 oscars: Two for Best Actor (1975's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and 1997's As Good As It Gets) and one for Best Supporting Actor (1983's Terms Of Endearment).17 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Yonatan Doron Did Jack Nicholson win an Oscar for Batman? No. He wasn't even nominated for it. How many Oscars has jack black won? None, because he never been nominated. Awooga33 14 Contributions How many Academy Awards has Jack Nicholson won? Jack Nicholson has won 3 academy awards Yonatan Doron How many Oscar nominations has Jack Nicholson received?3 wins, 12 nominations:."
"docid": "D909687#0",
"title": "http://www.girlsaskguys.com/relationships/q15727-why-doesn-t-he-say-my-name\nWhy doesn't he say my name?",
"text": "\"Why doesn't he say my name? Anonymous Relationships Facebook Twitter My crush and I have been flirting with each other for several months now. It is quite obvious that we're interested in each other as well. I've noticed something quite strange;however, it's no big deal. Or is it? My crush never says my name! He always calls me \"\"Miss Lady\"\" or \"\"Young Lady\"\". I've heard him refer to others by their names. Even in our conversations, sometimes he slips in \"\"honey\"\" or \"\"darling\"\". So, what's the deal with that?"
"docid": "D1195990#0",
"title": "https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/161975/why-do-the-words-ducky-and-jake-mean-fine-or-satisfactory\nWhy do the words ducky and jake mean fine or satisfactory?",
"text": "\"_English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Why do the words ducky and jake mean fine or satisfactory?up vote2down votefavorite Even the Merriam-Webster dictionary acknowledges both ducky and jake as acceptable terms meaning fine or satisfactory and it dates the word ducky back to 1897 and jake to 1914. Does anyone know how either of these words--ducky or jake--came to mean fine or satisfactory?etymology expressions slangshare improve this questionedited Apr 14 '14 at 16:54Mr Hen29.1k 18 99 223asked Apr 6 '14 at 15:58User53019346 3 6 18Must be Am E, I've never heard either of these words used with this meaning. – Mynamite Apr 6 '14 at 16:01I don't think most Am E speakers know these nowadays either, but I always thought \"\"ducky\"\" was more Br E, but Jake might be Am E. I have heard them in songs from the twenties and thirties, but nothing I can remember. – James Mc Leod Apr 6 '14 at 23:171@James Mc Leod in Br E ducky is a noun and is used like dear or pumpkin, e.g. \"\"Is everything alright, ducky?\"\". It doesn't mean satisfactory (in Br E). – Matt E. Эллен ♦ Apr 7 '14 at 10:10I certainly know about ducky for satisfactory, although it feels very old-fashioned. – Peter Shor Apr 13 '14 at 0:02add a comment3 Answers active oldest votesup vote0down voteaccepted Etymonline offers very little information on these words:ducky — \"\"excellent,\"\" slang from 1897 (often ironical), perhaps from duckie as a term of endearment (early 19c.). Probably not related to much earlier slang noun meaning \"\"a woman's breast\"\" [\"\"...whose pritty duckys I trust shortly to kysse,\"\" Henry VIII, c.1536 letter to Anne Boleyn, who, contrary to rumor, did not have three of them]. \"\"Ducky\"\" has more modern synonyms in \"\"peachy\"\" and \"\"hunky-dory\"\": Everything's just peachy. ( Note: Matt's comment about Br E usage seems to match the term of endearment mentioned as a possible origin. )"
"docid": "D484416#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-Polish-word-for-grandpa\n\"What is the Polish word for \"\"grandpa\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Quora User, studied at Poland Answered Aug 31, 2015 · Author has 504 answers and 533k answer views Actually since grandpa is an endearment term derived from full word: grandfather, for which translation is indeed dziadek, better translation would be dziadziuś, as this also is an endearment version of the noun dziadek.2.5k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below How do you say \"\"grandma and grandpa\"\" in Polish? What's the Polish word for mom? What is the Polish word for \"\"sister\"\"? What does the Polish word 'Danielu' mean? What Polish words do we use in English, or what English words have Polish origins? Ask New Question Joseph Solinsky, A designer & store planner living in Baltimore, Maryland. Answered Apr 8, 2018Formally dziadek or informally dziadzia.6 Views Ula Opyrchał, knows Polish Answered Mar 15, 2018It should be translated as “dziadziuś”, “dziadziu” or “dziadzio”. “ Grandfather” is “dziadek”."
] |
636867 | what does endeavors mean | [
"docid": "D904369#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/education/future-endeavor-mean-bac5e58f704d5cfc\nWhat Does Future Endeavor Mean?",
"text": "\"Education Q: What Does Future Endeavor Mean? A: Quick Answer The term \"\"future endeavor\"\" is normally used within a phrase extending best wishes to an individual. Dissected, the word \"\"future\"\" means \"\"time that is to be or come hereafter,\"\" while \"\"endeavor\"\" means \"\"to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; strive,\"\" according to Reference.com. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Are Some Phrases for Sending Best Wishes? What Does \"\"millas Por Galon\"\" Mean? What Are Some Quotes About Having a Positive Attitude? Full Answer To summarize, the term \"\"future endeavor\"\" is defined as any efforts or journeys to be pursued in the hereafter. This is typically used in popular phrases such as, \"\"I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors,\"\" or \"\"Good luck in your future endeavors.\"\" The phrases are translated to, \"\"I wish you the best of luck in any efforts or journeys that you may pursue from this point forward.\"\" Usages for this phrase are popular during graduations, or during celebrations for individuals who are finding new career paths."
] | [
"docid": "D6819#0",
"title": "http://www.project2061.org/publications/sfaa/online/chap1.htm\nChapter 1: THE NATURE OF SCIENCE",
"text": "Chapter 1: THE NATURE OF SCIENCET HE S CIENTIFIC W ORLD V IEWS CIENTIFIC I NQUIRYT HE S CIENTIFIC E NTERPRISEChapter 1: THE NATURE OF SCIENCEOver the course of human history, people have developed many interconnected and validated ideas about the physical, biological, psychological, and social worlds. Those ideas have enabled successive generations to achieve an increasingly comprehensive and reliable understanding of the human species and its environment. The means used to develop these ideas are particular ways of observing, thinking, experimenting, and validating. These ways represent a fundamental aspect of the nature of science and reflect how science tends to differ from other modes of knowing. It is the union of science, mathematics, and technology that forms the scientific endeavor and that makes it so successful. Although each of these human enterprises has a character and history of its own, each is dependent on and reinforces the others. Accordingly, the first three chapters of recommendations draw portraits of science, mathematics, and technology that emphasize their roles in the scientific endeavor and reveal some of the similarities and connections among them. This chapter lays out recommendations for what knowledge of the way science works is requisite for scientific literacy. The chapter focuses on three principal subjects: the scientific world view, scientific methods of inquiry, and the nature of the scientific enterprise. Chapters 2 and 3 consider ways in which mathematics and technology differ from science in general."
"docid": "D3417548#0",
"title": "http://thebooksmugglers.com/2011/08/book-review-this-dark-endeavor-by-kenneth-oppel.html\nBook Review: This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel",
"text": "\"9 Rated Books Book Reviews Book Review: This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel Posted on August 17, 2011Title: This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Author: Kenneth Oppel Genre: Speculative Fiction, Horror, Young Adult Publisher: Simon & Schuster Publication date: August 2011 Hardcover: 304 pages Victor and Konrad are the twin brothers Frankenstein. They are nearly inseparable. Growing up, their lives are filled with imaginary adventures…until the day their adventures turn all too real. They stumble upon The Dark Library, and secret books of alchemy and ancient remedies are discovered. Father forbids that they ever enter the room again, but this only piques Victor’s curiosity more. When Konrad falls gravely ill, Victor is not satisfied with the various doctors his parents have called in to help. He is drawn back to The Dark Library where he uncovers an ancient formula for the Elixir of Life. With their friend Elizabeth, Henry and Victor immediately set out to find assistance from a man who was once known for his alchemical works to help create the formula. Determination and the unthinkable outcome of losing his brother spur Victor on in the quest for the three ingredients that will save Konrad’s life. After scaling the highest trees in the Strumwald, diving into the deepest lake caves, and sacrificing one’s own body part, the three fearless friends risk their lives to save another."
"docid": "D2145106#0",
"title": "https://mises.org/library/economics-and-revolt-against-reason\nEconomics and the Revolt Against Reason",
"text": "\"A AEconomics and the Revolt Against Reason0 Comments Tags Austrian Economics Overview History of the Austrian School of Economics Praxeology06/02/2007 Ludwig von Mises The Revolt Against Reason The Logical Aspect of Polylogism The Praxeological Aspect of Polylogism Racial Polylogism Polylogism and Understanding The Case for Reason Notes [This article is taken from Chapter 3 of Human Action. Robert Murphy has written a study guide for this chapter, available in HTML and PDF .]1. The Revolt Against Reason It is true that some philosophers were ready to overrate the power of human reason. They believed that man can discover by ratiocination the final causes of cosmic events, the inherent ends the prime mover aims at in creating the universe and determining the course of its evolution. They expatiated on the \"\"Absolute\"\" as if it were their pocket watch. They did not shrink from announcing eternal absolute values and from establishing moral codes unconditionally binding on all men. Then there was the long line of utopian authors. They drafted schemes for an earthly paradise in which pure reason alone should rule. They failed to realize that what they called absolute reason and manifest truth was the fancy of their own minds. They blithely arrogated to themselves infallibility and often advocated intolerance, the violent oppression of all dissenters and heretics."
"docid": "D288449#0",
"title": "http://www.diffen.com/difference/Goal_vs_Objective\nContents: Goal vs Objective",
"text": "\"Diffen › English Language › Grammar › Words The words goal and objective are often confused with each other. They both describe things that a person may want to achieve or attain but in relative terms may mean different things. Both are desired outcomes of work done by a person but what sets them apart is the time frame, attributes they're set for and the effect they inflict. Comparison chart Goal versus Objective comparison chart Goal Objective Meaning The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed. Something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; target. Example I want to achieve success in the field of genetic research and do what no one has ever done. I want to complete this thesis on genetic research by the end of this month. Action Generic action, or better still, an outcome towards which we strive. Specific action - the objective supports attainment of the associated goal. Measure Goals may not be strictly measurable or tangible."
"docid": "D767796#0",
"title": "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140708171859-36714090-3-reasons-you-were-fired-and-what-you-should-learn-from-it\n3 Common Reasons For Getting Fired And What You Could Learn From Them",
"text": "\"3 Common Reasons For Getting Fired And What You Could Learn From Them Published on July 8, 2014Steven Tulman Follow Sign in to follow this author Entrepreneur | Social Media & Influencer Marketing Expert | Influencer | Speaker | Investor | Author If you’ve ever been fired, it can be traumatic, surprising and even devastating to your life. Often times when someone gets fired, they are not given a specific reason because the company firing them is afraid of the potential legal repercussions when firing someone with cause. Therefore you often hear the term “without cause” or “without reason” being used during an employee’s termination meeting. How are you able to learn where you went wrong so you can fix it for the next time when the people firing you are not willing to give you any honest feedback? No one really ever gets fired without cause. There’s always reason for letting go of an employee. Sometimes it is personal, sometimes it is due to mistakes that the employee made, and sometimes it is a decision the employer made based on their own needs. I mean really, do you really think that your CEO, Manager, or HR professional woke up one morning and thought to himself “Hey! Today’s a great day to fire someone… I’ll pick Bill or Jane or YOU.”? Let’s get real, it rarely happened like that."
"docid": "D1485591#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/effort.htm\nEFFORT",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Effacement ... Egg Fu Yung EFFORTPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does effort mean?• EFFORT (noun) The noun EFFORT has 4 senses:1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something 2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work 3. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 4. a notable achievement Familiarity information: EFFORT used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• EFFORT (noun)Sense 1 effort [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:try; effort; attempt; endeavor; endeavour Context examples:made an effort to cover all the reading material / wished him luck in his endeavor / she gave it a good try Hypernyms (\"\"effort\"\" is a kind of...):activity (any specific behavior)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"effort\"\"):seeking (an attempt to acquire or gain something)shot; stab (informal words for any attempt or effort)shot (an attempt to score in a game)nisus; pains; strain; striving (an effortful attempt to attain a goal)battle; struggle (an energetic attempt to achieve something)takeover attempt (an attempt to take control of a corporation)run; test; trial (the act of testing something)test; trial (the act of undergoing testing)power play; squeeze; squeeze play (an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power)mug's game (a futile or unprofitable endeavor)liberation (the attempt to achieve equal rights or status)batting ( (baseball) the batter's attempt to get on base)best (the supreme effort one can make)worst (the weakest effort or poorest achievement one is capable of)bid; play (an attempt to get something)crack; fling; go; offer; pass; whirl (a usually brief attempt)essay (a tentative attempt)foray (an initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence))contribution; part; share (any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor)Sense 2 effort [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Use of physical or mental energy; hard work Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:exertion; elbow grease; effort; travail; sweat Context examples:he got an A for effort / they managed only with great exertion Hypernyms (\"\"effort\"\" is a kind of...):labor; labour; toil (productive work (especially physical work done for wages))Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"effort\"\"):detrition; friction; rubbing (effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure)overexertion (excessive exertion; so much exertion that discomfort or injury results)supererogation (an effort above and beyond the call of duty)overkill (any effort that seems to go farther than would be necessary to achieve its goal)application; diligence (a diligent effort)pull (a sustained effort)exercise; exercising; physical exercise; physical exertion; workout (the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit)strain; straining (an intense or violent exertion)least effort; least resistance (the least effortful way to do something)difficulty; trouble (an effort that is inconvenient)struggle (strenuous effort)Sense 3 effort [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:crusade; campaign; cause; drive; effort; movement Context examples:he supported populist campaigns / they worked in the cause of world peace / the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant / the movement to end slavery / contributed to the war effort Hypernyms (\"\"effort\"\" is a kind of...):venture (any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"effort\"\"):war (a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious)reform (a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices)lost cause (a defeated cause or a cause for which defeat is inevitable)gay lib; gay liberation movement (the movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression)feminism; feminist movement; women's lib; women's liberation movement (the movement aimed at equal rights for women)fund-raising campaign; fund-raising drive; fund-raising effort (a campaign to raise money for some cause)campaigning; candidacy; candidature; electioneering; political campaign (the campaign of a candidate to be elected)consumerism (a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers)charm campaign (a campaign of flattery and friendliness (by a company, politician, etc.) to become more popular and gain support)anti-war movement (a campaign against entering or continuing a war)ad blitz; ad campaign; advertising campaign (an organized program of advertisements)youth crusade; youth movement (political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people)Sense 4 effort [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A notable achievement Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:deed; exploit; feat; effort Context examples:he performed a great deed / the book was her finest effort Hypernyms (\"\"effort\"\" is a kind of...):accomplishment; achievement (the action of accomplishing something)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"effort\"\"):acquiring; getting (the act of acquiring something)mitsvah; mitzvah ( (Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)actuation; propulsion (the act of propelling)rally; rallying (the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort)recovery; retrieval (the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost))running away (leaving (without permission) the place you are expected to be)stunt (a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention)touch; touching (the act of putting two things together with no space between them)tour de force (a masterly or brilliant feat)digging up; disinterment; exhumation (the act of digging something out of the ground (especially a corpse) where it has been buried)equalisation; equalization; leveling (the act of making equal or uniform)egress; egression; emergence (the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent)causation; causing (the act of causing something to happen)delivery; obstetrical delivery (the act of delivering a child)departure; going; going away; leaving (act of departing)derring-do (brave and heroic deeds)discovery; find; uncovering (the act of discovering something)disposal; disposition (the act or means of getting rid of something)hit ( (baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball))effectuation; implementation (the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Everything comes to him who waits.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Each person at his job is a god.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"Tomorrow is close if you wait it.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"What good serve candle and glasses, if the owl does not want to see.\"\" ("
"docid": "D3417551#0",
"title": "https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9779094-this-dark-endeavor\nThis Dark Endeavor (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein #1)",
"text": "\"Want to Read Rate this book1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars Open Preview This Dark Endeavor (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein #1)by Kenneth Oppel (Goodreads Author)3.84 · Rating details · 10,200 Ratings · 1,630 Reviews Victor and Konrad are the twin brothers Frankenstein and inseparable until Konrad falls gravely ill. In the forbidden Dark Library, Victor finds an ancient formula, and seeks an alchemist to recreate the Elixir of Life. With friends Elizabeth and Henry, he scales highest trees in the Strumwald, dives deepest lake caves, and each sacrifices a body part. Get A Copy Amazon Stores ▾ Libraries Hardcover, 298 pages Published August 23rd 2011 by Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing (first published August 1st 2011)More Details... edit details Friend Reviews To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Reader Q&ATo ask other readers questions about This Dark Endeavor , please sign up . Popular Answered Questions What time does this book take place in? Like Maybe the Year?like 9 months ago Add your answer Sarah It acts as a prequel to Frankenstein (which was published in 1818) and is most likely set in the 18th century...flagwhat genre is this book?like one year ago Add your answer Sarah On the scholastics site it is described as \"\"the prequel to the original bone-chilling gothic thriller\"\" (Frankenstein). I would describe it as a …moreflag See all 5 questions about This Dark Endeavor…Lists with This Book Books to Movies I'm Looking Forward To Watching.109 books — 351 voters2012 YALSA Teen's Top Ten Nominations198 books — 366 voters More lists with this book... Community Reviews (showing 1-30)Rating details Sort: Default|Filter Aug 23, 2011Stephen rated it it was ok Shelves: fantasy, signed-first-or-limited-edition, audiobook, ya, 2011, mad-scientists, retellings-reimaginings-and-mashes Light, fluffy and completely forgettable. Don’t miscomprestand me, there’s some diversionary entertainment value here and the pace is pretty perky, but I still reached the end with \"\"what's the point?\"\" swirling in my head causing a nagging itch that the book never scratched."
"docid": "D1634391#0",
"title": "http://www.autismtreatmentcenter.org/contents/other_sections/floortime-rdi-son-rise-program.php\nThe Son-Rise Program vs. Floortime/DIR and RDI:",
"text": "\"The Son-Rise Program vs. Floortime/DIR and RDI: As with The Son-Rise Program, Floortime/DIR and RDI understand the importance of social connection and relationship development for children with autism. And, as with The Son-Rise Program, Floortime/DIR and RDI focus on these areas (as opposed to ABA, which focuses primarily on behavior change). For that, we have a great deal of respect for these two programs. However, although the overall goals are the same, the way that the Floortime/DIR and RDI methodologies endeavor to achieve these goals is very different from The Son-Rise Program. These differences in approach make all the difference for both parents and their children. To read a much more detailed explanation of the differences, click here . Floortime/DIR and RDI vs The Son-Rise Program Repetitive “Stimming” Behaviors Floortime/DIRThe Son-Rise Program Advocates being “playfully obstructive”, which means endeavoring to generate social interaction but playfully getting in the way of the child’s behavior so they have to interact with you to move you. Advocates “joining”, which means entering the child’s world by enthusiastically participating in their repetitive behavior until the child interacts of their own volition. This is seen as central to creating a willing interpersonal connection. Repetitive “Stimming” Behaviors RDIThe Son-Rise Program Neither stops nor joins the child."
"docid": "D2951808#0",
"title": "http://www.homeadditionplus.com/home-articles-info/Building-Second-Floor-Addition-versus-Room-Addition.htm\nBuilding a Second Floor Addition versus a Room Addition",
"text": "Building a Second Floor Addition versus a Room Addition Deciding on Whether to Build Up or Out on a Home Addition Project By Mark J. Donovan If you have a growing family and are in need of more finished living space, you have two choices; increase the size of your existing home or move to a larger one. Selling your existing home and buying a larger one is typically a very expensive endeavor. Not only will the larger home cost more, but then there are all the costs associated with selling your own home and paying all of the related state property transfer taxes. Then there are the moving costs and utility cancellation and new hook up fees. As a result of all of these costs, many homeowners choose to expand their existing home by either adding a room addition onto their home or building a second floor addition. Deciding on what makes the most sense for your particular needs, in regards to building a second floor addition or building an attached room addition, really depends upon what type of additional living space you’re looking for and what your home and lot can physically support. For example, if you have a small lot, then you may not have the space to add on a room addition to the side or back of your house. As a result, your only solution may be to build a second floor addition onto your home. In general, if you have the land, it is more cost effective to build a room addition onto the side of your home than to build a second story addition on top of it. With any home addition, it is a major construction project."
"docid": "D904364#0",
"title": "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/endeavor\nendeavor",
"text": "\"1endeavorverb en·deav·or \\ in-ˈde-vər \\Popularity: Top 1% of lookups | Updated on: 4 Apr 2018Trending Now:oligarch glib depose omnibus acrimony ALLTip: Synonym Guide Examples: endeavor in a Sentence Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared Definition of endeavorendeavored; endeavoring play \\ in-ˈde-v (ə-)riŋ \\transitive verb1: to attempt (something, such as the fulfillment of an obligation) by exertion of effortendeavors to finish the race2 archaic: to strive to achieve or reachintransitive verb: to work with set purpose See endeavor defined for English-language learners See endeavor defined for kids Examples of endeavor in a Sentence As urbanization advanced, it swept away the distinctive physical and social characteristics of the culture of the past, substituting undifferentiated built environments and standardized patterns of dress and behavior. Hand-camera users endeavored to reaffirm individuality and arrest time in the face of the encroaching depersonalization of existence.—Naomi Rosenblum , A World History of Photography , 1989At some time in their careers, most good historians itch to write a history of the world, endeavor to discover what makes humanity the most destructive and creative of species. — Paul Johnson , New York Times Book Review , 7 Apr. 1985The school endeavors to teach students to be good citizens. They endeavored to create a government that truly serves its people. Recent Examples of endeavor from the Web Instead, when the Holocaust started, Poland's government in exile endeavored to make the world hear about the tragedy of the Polish Jews and to convince the Allies to undertake appropriate action.— chicagotribune.com, \"\"Poland's misunderstood holocaust law,\"\" 19 Mar. 2018Two researchers at the Department of Psychology there, Michal Kosinksi and David Stillwell, had endeavored to craft completely algorithmic approaches to human psychological evaluation.— antonio garcía martínez, WIRED, \"\"The Noisy Fallacies of Psychographic Targeting,\"\" 19 Mar. 2018But Garrido never endeavored to accumulate statistics or accolades.— nick moyle, San Antonio Express-News, \"\"5-time NCAA champion baseball coach Augie Garrido dies at 79,\"\" 15 Mar. 2018These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'endeavor.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors."
"docid": "D297412#0",
"title": "http://www.popularsocialscience.com/2013/11/06/neorealism-in-international-relations-kenneth-waltz/\nNeorealism in International Relations â Kenneth Waltz",
"text": "\"Fall - 2013Published on November 6th, 20133Neorealism in International Relations – Kenneth Waltz By Jo Jakobsen, NTNUNeorealism – or structural realism – is the bedrock theory of International Relations. Starting from a simple set of assumptions, it seeks to explain how states, in particular the most powerful ones, behave, and how they interact with each other on the international arena. Neorealism – or structural realism – is a theory of international politics. The theory is usually associated with Kenneth Waltz (1924–2013) and his 1979 book bearing the obvious name Theory of International Politics. That book endeavored to construct a very general framework for explaining recurring patterns of state behavior and state interaction in the international system. As is the case with all theories, there are many things that Neorealism fails to explain. In fact, most types of state behavior and state interaction cannot usefully be accounted for by Waltz’s parsimonious theory. Thus it is that neoralism has attracted many adversaries in the academic world; much – but by no means all – of the criticism Neorealism faces is really of a straw man character: Neorealism is often faulted for failing to explain or predict events or behavior that Neorealists have never set out to explain or predict in the first place. Every theory claims its own domain. Neorealism’s consists of the biggest issues – past, present, and future – in international relations: war, the avoidance of war, power balancing, power seeking, the death of states, security competition and arms races, alliance formation, and the like."
"docid": "D662032#0",
"title": "http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/i/independence_day/stars_and_stripes_forever.html#!\nStars And Stripes Forever lyrics",
"text": "\"Independence Day –Stars And Stripes Forever lyrics Post my meaning Write my explanation new New! Read & write lyrics explanations Highlight lyrics and explain them to earn Karma points. Let martial note in triumph float And liberty extend it's mighty hand A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers, The banner of the Western land. The emblem of the brave and true It's folds protect no tyrant crew; The red and white and starry blue Is freedom's shield and hope. Other nations may deem their flags the best And cheer them with fervid elation But the flag of the North and South and West Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation. Hurrah for the flag of the free! May it wave as our standard forever, The gem of the land and the sea, The banner of the right. Let despots remember the day When our fathers with mighty endeavor Proclaimed as they marched to the fray That by their might and by their right It waves forever. Let eagle shriek from lofty peak The never-ending watchword of our land; Let summer breeze waft through the trees The echo of the chorus grand. Sing out for liberty and light, Sing out for freedom and the right."
"docid": "D2291214#0",
"title": "http://obrunithroughghana.blogspot.com/2010/09/akan-symbols.html\nAkan Symbols",
"text": "Akan Symbols As a photographer, an oil painter, and an avid reader, I have a deep love for symbols. Symbols are especially important in Ghana, and because I think they go a step beyond the typical cultural symbols, I thought I would share some of the Akan, or Adinkra Symbols, of West Africa. Language was not written until relatively recently given oral tradition, and these were the main way that people communicated. They are still important today, especially in the making of cloth. A few, like Gye Nyame, were so frequently found on buildings, houses, and tourist pamphlets that there was no escaping it. Others were more difficult. I got many of these answers from Emma and Eli’s batiking shop on the shores of Cape Coast. I want to incorporate some of these into future art projects and writings, so here they are. 1 GYE NYAME- most common symbol I saw. “ Except for God,” or “I fear nobody except God,” and “the supremacy of God.”"
"docid": "D1032474#0",
"title": "http://www.mars-one.com/mission/risks-and-challenges\nRisks and Challenges",
"text": "\"Risks and Challenges Mars One has developed a mission to establish a human settlement on Mars built entirely upon existing technology. While the integration of systems proven in prior missions does greatly improve the chance of success, it by no means eliminates the risk or challenge of such an incredible endeavor. Sending humans to Mars remains a phenomenal undertaking by all standards and, as such, presents very real risks and challenges. United States President John F. Kennedy said in his famous Rice Moon speech \"\"We choose to go to the Moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard”. Mars One takes on the challenge of establishing a settlement on Mars with the same frame of mind, knowing all great endeavors, especially space exploration, incorporate risk of lost time, resources, ... and sometimes lives. Venturing to Mars is no exception. The challenge is to identify the risks in every step of the ten year mission, from astronaut selection through training, from launch to living on Mars. Mars One has incorporated into its mission plan a detailed risk analysis protocol, built by highly experienced individuals, some of them with experience at NASA and the ESA. Ever evolving, ever improving, Mars One is constantly working to reduce the risk of delay and failure at every level. For example, the Mars lander will be tested several times prior to the landing of the first crew, using identical vehicles."
"docid": "D2606336#0",
"title": "https://mises.org/library/profit-and-loss\nMises Daily Articles",
"text": "\"Mises Daily Articles A AProfit and Loss2 Comments Tags Philosophy and Methodology Private Property Production Theory10/07/2006 Ludwig von Mises A. The Economic Nature of Profit and Loss The Emergence of Profit and Loss The Distinction Between Profits and Other Proceeds Non-Profit Conduct of Affair The Ballot of the Market The Social Function of Profit and Loss Profit and Loss in the Progressing and in the Retrogressing Economy The Computation of Profit and Loss B. The Condemnation of Profit Economics and the Abolition of Profit The Consequences of the Abolition of Profit The Anti-Profit Arguments The Equality Argument Communism and Poverty The Moral Condemnation of the Profit Motive The Static Mentality C. The Alternative [This paper was prepared for the meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society held in Beauvallon, France, September 9 to 16, 1951. It is included in Planning for Freedom (South Holland, Ill.: Libertarian Press, 1952).]A. The Economic Nature of Profit and Loss1. The Emergence of Profit and Loss In the capitalist system of society's economic organization the entrepreneurs determine the course of production. In the performance of this function they are unconditionally and totally subject to the sovereignty of the buying public, the consumers. If they fail to produce in the cheapest and best possible way those commodities which the consumers are asking for most urgently, they suffer losses and are finally eliminated from their entrepreneurial position. Other men who know better how to serve the consumers replace them. If all people were to anticipate correctly the future state of the market, the entrepreneurs would neither earn any profits nor suffer any losses. They would have to buy the complementary factors of production at prices which would, already at the instant of the purchase, fully reflect the future prices of the products. No room would be left either for profit or for loss. What makes profit emerge is the fact that the entrepreneur who judges the future prices of the products more correctly than other people do buys some or all of the factors of production at prices which, seen from the point of view of the future state of the market, are too low."
"docid": "D3553949#0",
"title": "https://edsitement.neh.gov/launchpad-henry-david-thoreaus-essay-civil-disobedience\n\"Launchpad: Henry David Thoreau's Essay \"\"Civil Disobedience\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Launchpad: Henry David Thoreau's Essay \"\"Civil Disobedience\"\"“Government is at best an expedient” | “Government never of itself furthered any enterprise” | “Why has every man a conscience?” | The right to revolution | “Justice to the slave and to Mexico: Reform and its Opponents” | Unjust Laws | “Break the law” | “The true place for a just man is also a prison” | “Quietly declare war with the State” | “A really free and enlightened State”Thoreau is much better known as the author of Walden and other nature writings than as a political writer. In fact as this this passage from his essay “ Walking ” (1862) shows, his attitude toward politics was very different from his appreciation of the natural world:“Man and his affairs, church and state—and school, trade and commerce, and manufactures and agriculture—even politics, the most alarming of them all—I am pleased to see how little space they occupy in the landscape. Politics is but a narrow field, and that still narrower highway yonder leads to it. I sometimes direct the traveler thither. If you would go to the political world, follow the great road—follow that market man, keep his dust in your eyes, and it will lead you straight to it—for it too has its place merely, and does not occupy all space. I pass from it as from a bean field into the forest, and it is forgotten. In one half hour I can walk off to some portion of the earth’s surface where a man does not stand from one year’s end to another and there consequently politics are not, for they are but as the cigar smoke of a man. ”How would you characterize Thoreau’s attitude toward politics, toward nature? Why does he find politics to be the most “alarming” of all human affairs?"
"docid": "D1491141#0",
"title": "http://amycope.com/sections/a/\nAbandonment",
"text": "Dictionary: AAbandonment Abandonment: Fear of abandonment is common and generally has its roots in childhood, with parents who are not there for you either physically or emotionally. This symbol could indicate that you have a fear that someone close to you will abandon you. It could also indi Read More Abbey An abbey is a religious temple, and it could signify religious or spiritual feelings or aspects of your life. Since an abbey is overseen by an Abbot or Abbess (Spiritual Father or Mother of the community), dreaming of an abbey could signify feelings of protection, guid Read More Abduction Being abducted in your dream could indicate that you are feeling controlled or manipulated against your will in some area of your life. If you are the abductor, it could indicate feelings of wanting to control or manipulate others. Examine why you feel the need to con Read More Abortion Dreaming about an abortion indicates an ending. Generally, when people talk about abortions, they are talking about terminating a pregnancy. However, in dream language the abortion can be symbolic. It could be about ending a creative pursuit, endeavor, or relationshi Read More Above Dreaming that you are above something indicates looking at life from a higher perspective. It could indicate that you have gained a greater ability to see a situation and how it affects you and those around you."
"docid": "D1263583#0",
"title": "http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-VGC-VGC-Wishiwashi-Moveset-Special-Physical-Attacker-Leftovers\nHey! Listen!",
"text": "\"#1Nov 23, 2016, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2016, 01:23 PM by naitre . ) Credit to 8bit David Sun and Moon is here, and with that new pokemon, and a new meta game. Today i will be looking at the pokemon that embodies \"\"Strength in numbers\"\" - Wishiwashi. This pokemon is insanely powerful, having 140 Attack and Special Attack, 130 Defense, and 135 Special Defense, the only problem is, one it's health gets past 25%, he becomes a frail tiny little single pokemon. Being able to maximize his time in \"\"School form\"\" is a major part of Wishiwashi's style, lets see if I can make him work. P. S. Please keep in mind, VGC17 is in its earliest stages, so these sets are just for everyone to get a grasp on competitive until the metagame starts to settle out, after that we will go back to these sets and make the proper changes. Type: Water Base Stats: School Form: 45 Hp / 140 Atk / 130 Def / 140 Sp A / 135 Sp D / 30 Spe Singular Form: 45 Hp / 20 Atk / 20 Def / 25 Sp A / 25 Sp D / 40 Spe Weaknesses: Electric (X2), Grass (X2) Resistances: Fire (X0.5), Water (X0.5), Ice (X0.5), Steel (X0.5) Abilities: Schooling - Changes the Pokémon's form when it is Level 20 and has more than 25% Hit Points. When Hit Points drop below 25%, it changes back to Solo Form Special Attacker Wishiwashi @ Leftovers Ability: Schooling Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp A / 4 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Protect - Ice Beam / Scald / Hydro Pump - Muddy Water / Aqua Ring / Swagger - Scald / Endeavor / Hydro Pump Wishiwashi is a crazy strong pokemon, but suffers from its schooling ability, so the most essential part of this set is the leftovers, allowing Wishiwashi to regain some HP bring the battle, keeping it over the 25% health mark, and potentially bringing it back over the 25%, activating School form once again. Protect is nessesary to obviously protect yourself from an attack that would be detrimental, and keeping Wishiwashi over the 25% health mark for another turn. Another move depending on Wishiwashi's HP is Endeavor, in troubling times when Wishiwashi's health is low, using Endeavor allows you to bring you're opponents health down to equal yours."
"docid": "D1439627#0",
"title": "https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-remnant.html\nWhat does the Bible mean when it refers to a remnant?",
"text": "\"What does the Bible mean when it refers to a remnant? Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: \"\"What does the Bible mean when it refers to a remnant?\"\" Answer: A remnant is a left-over amount from a larger portion or piece, whether it is food, material from which a garment is fashioned, or even a group of people. Although remnants could be looked upon as worthless scraps, and many times are, God assigned high value to those of His people whom He had set aside for holy purposes, those He labels as “remnants” in several places in the Bible. To begin, in Isaiah 10 the story is told of the Lord’s judgment upon the Assyrians. In verse 12 God says, “I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes.” He continues in verses 17-18: “The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briars. The splendor of his forests and fertile fields I will completely destroy, as when a sick man wastes away.” God then relates how His people will turn back to Him as a result of this tremendous display of His strength—His utter destruction of most of Assyria: “In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of the house of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God” ( Isaiah 10: 20, 21 )."
"docid": "D3270618#0",
"title": "https://www.names.org/n/endeavor/about\nEndeavor",
"text": "\"Names.orgpopular this year lists Your Searches: <100 Endeavor Embed Endeavor Classmate Finder Free Horoscope Add Origin and Meaning Gender: Unknown First Name <100in the U. S. since 1880Last Name <100in the U. S. in 2010On This Page Add what Endeavor means to you Related Names Pronunciation Meanings and Origins Fun Facts What Endeavors Have Visited This Page? Name Poster Related Names<100 Endeavour<100 Eugutra<100 Gluts<100 Inaudible<100 Andeavor<100 Lacery<100 Mordant<100 Prolific<100 Alizo<100 Aberan<100 Duni<100 Biby How to Pronounce Endeavor Endeavor Pronunciations Play Automated Male (English)Play Automated Female (English)How difficult is it to pronounce Endeavor? Back to Top Meaning and Origin What does the name Endeavor mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Endeavor Submit the origin and/or meaning of Endeavor to us below Origin of Endeavor Endeavor Means Cited Source Submit Webster's Unabridged Dictionary verb En*deav\"\"or To exert physical or intellectual strength for the attainment of; to use efforts to effect; to strive to achieve or reach; to try; to attempt. Etymology: OE. endevor; pref. en- + dever devoir, duty, F. devoir: cf. F. se mettre en devoir de faire quelque chose to try to do a thing, to go about it. See Devoir Debtverb En*deav\"\"or To exert one's self; to work for a certain end."
] |
636868 | what does endemic mean | [
"docid": "D488569#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061108225536AAL4Sco\nWhat does endemic mean?",
"text": "Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases What does endemic mean?i was reading that there was a primate strain of HIV that is 'endemic' to a group of gorillas. Does endemic mean it occurs naturally without killing them? How is something endemic different from an epidemic? Follow 1 answer Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Endemic means peculiar to a people or region. Epidemic refers to affecting a whole community or a disease which attacks many people at the same period. Sickle cell anemia is endemic to African peoples. The bubonic plague in Europe wiped out many people in the Middle Ages.kalusz · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Endemic means prevailing among a specific group, in other words, something that is found frequently within a given group. An Epidemic is wider spread. Endemic means it's more localized. SL_SF · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Endemic-- Disease normally found in a place or population."
] | [
"docid": "D3292146#0",
"title": "https://www.cancer.org/cancer/kaposi-sarcoma/about/what-is-kaposi-sarcoma.html\nWhat Is Kaposi Sarcoma?",
"text": "What Is Kaposi Sarcoma? Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas of the body. To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer? Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a cancer that develops from the cells that line lymph or blood vessels. It usually appears as tumors on the skin or on mucosal surfaces such as inside the mouth, but tumors can also develop in other parts of the body, such as in the lymph nodes (bean-sized collections of immune cells throughout the body), the lungs, or digestive tract. The abnormal cells of KS form purple, red, or brown blotches or tumors on the skin. These affected areas are called lesions. The skin lesions of KS most often appear on the legs or face. They may look bad, but they usually cause no symptoms."
"docid": "D154732#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_do_wombats_live_in_Australia\nWhere do wombats live in Australia?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Marsupials Wombats Where do wombats live in Australia? Flag Where do wombats live in Australia? Answer by Phil Lewis Confidence votes 68.9KCommon wombat current distribution is now between the Great Dividing Range and the coast from Stanthorpe in Queensland and right around almost to Adelaide and all of Tasmania. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently. Northern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is now almost exclusively in and around the Epping Forest National park near Clermont in Queensland. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have extended down from Clermont through central NSW and into Victoria. Southern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is along the southern areas of South and Western Australia, mostly along the Nullarbor Plain and as far east as Murraylands, and away from population centres. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No On the Wallaby 2,874,808 Contributions Passionate about all things Australian Where do wombats live? Wombats are native to Australia."
"docid": "D2821678#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Floristic_Province\nCalifornia Floristic Province",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search California floristic province Further information: Chaparral The California Floristic Province ( CFP) is a floristic province with a Mediterranean-type climate located on the Pacific Coast of North America with a distinctive flora similar to other regions with a winter rainfall and summer drought climate like the Mediterranean Basin. This biodiversity hotspot is known for being the home of the Sierran giant sequoia tree and its close relative the coast redwood. [ 1] In 1996, the Province was designated as a biodiversity hotspot allowing it to join ranks among 33 other areas in the world with a large number of endemic species. To be named a biodiversity hotspot, an area has to contain species and plant life that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The California Floristic Province is home to over 3,000 species of vascular plants, 60% of which are endemic to the province. [ 2]The California Floristic Province belongs to the Madrean Region of the Holarctic (or Boreal) Floristic Kingdom. As part of the Madrean Region, it is bordered on its east by the Great Basin Floristic Province, and to the south and southwest by the Sonoran Province (which includes the Mojave, Colorado, Sonoran, and Baja California Deserts ). To the north, the region is bordered by the Vancouverian Province of the Rocky Mountain Region, and much of coastal and mountain Northern California and southwestern Oregon are defined as falling into either province depending on a given author's delimitations. With an area of 293,803 km 2 (113,438 sq mi), as defined by Conservation International, it includes 70% of California and extends into southwestern Oregon, a small part of western Nevada and northern Baja California. The province is bordered by, and sometimes defined as partly coincident with, the Rocky Mountain Floristic Region in the north."
"docid": "D3379337#0",
"title": "https://www.lakepedia.com/lake/tanganyika.html\nLake Tanganyika: The Second Deepest Lake in the World",
"text": "\"Africa > Tanzania / DR Congo / Burundi / Zambia Lake Tanganyika: The Second Deepest Lake in the World Fish Species Jump to maplake Lake Tanganyikacountry Tanzania, DR Congo, Burundi, Zambiasurface area 32,827 km 2maximum depth 1,470 maverage depth 577 mlake type Rift lakelength 673 kmwidth 72 kmcatchment area 239,412 km 2altitude 767 mvolume 18,900 km 3inflows Ruzizi River, Malagarasi River, Kalambo Riveroutflows Lukuga Rivershore length 2,127 kmage 2 - 20 million yearsmixing type Meromicticsettlements Kigoma, Kalemie, Bujumburaresidence time 147,049 daysfrozen Never freezestrophic state oligotrophicorigin Tectonicaverage discharge 1,491 m 3 / sec. Lake Tanganyika Information and Facts Lake Tanganyika is one of the African Great Lakes. With a depth of 1,470 meters (4,820 feet), it is the second deepest lake in the world, after Lake Baikal. It’s also the world’s second largest freshwater lake by volume. Lake Tanganyika is 673 kilometers (418 miles) long, which makes it the world’s longest lake. The lake is located in 4 countries: Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Zambia, between 3 and 9 degrees South. Tanzania (46%) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (40%) have the biggest shares of the lake. Zambia and Burundi each have 7% of the lake. Lake Tanganyika is one of the 20 ancient lakes on Earth, and its age is estimated to be somewhere between 9 to 12 million years old. Geography and Hydrography Lake Tanganyika is located in the Albertine Rift, which is the western section of the East African Rift."
"docid": "D2390463#0",
"title": "https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/21683\nIXIARO suspension for injection - Japanese encephalitis vaccine (inactivated, adsorbed)",
"text": "This information is intended for use by health professionals1. Name of the medicinal product IXIARO suspension for injection Japanese encephalitis vaccine (inactivated, adsorbed)2. Qualitative and quantitative composition1 dose (0.5 ml) of IXIARO contains: Japanese encephalitis virus strain SA 14 -14-2 (inactivated) 1,2 6 AU 3corresponding to a potency of ≤ 460 ng ED501 produced in Vero cells2 adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide, hydrated (approximately 0.25 milligrams Al 3+)3 Antigen Units Excipients with known effect: This medicine contains potassium, less than 1mmol/dose and sodium, less than 1mmol/dose. Phosphate Buffered Saline 0.0067 M (in PO4) has the following saline composition: Na Cl – 9mg/m LKH2PO4 – 0.144 mg/m LNa2HPO4 – 0.795 mg/m LFor the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.3. Pharmaceutical form Suspension for injection. Clear liquid with a white precipitate.4. Clinical particulars4.1 Therapeutic indications IXIARO is indicated for active immunisation against Japanese encephalitis in adults, adolescents, children and infants aged 2 months and older. IXIARO should be considered for use in individuals at risk of exposure through travel or in the course of their occupation.4.2 Posology and method of administration Posology Adults (18-65 years of age)The primary vaccination series consists of two separate doses of 0.5 ml each, according to the following conventional schedule: First dose at Day 0. Second dose: 28 days after first dose. Rapid schedule Persons aged 18-65 years can be vaccinated in a rapid schedule as follows: First dose at Day 0."
"docid": "D2210731#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ochratoxin_A\nOchratoxin A",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Ochratoxin ANames IUPAC name N - { [ (3 R )-5-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-oxo-3,4-dihydro-1 H -isochromen-7-yl]carbonyl}- L -phenylalanine Other names ( R )- N - [ (5-Chloro- 3,4-dihydro- 8-hydroxy- 3-methyl- 1-oxo- 1H-2-benzopyran-7-yl) -carbonyl]- L - phenylalanine (−)- N - [ (5-Chloro- 8-hydroxy- 3-methyl- 1-oxo- 7-isochromanyl) carbonyl]- 3-phenylalanine Identifiers CAS Number303-47-93D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Ch EBICHEBI:7719Ch EMBLCh EMBL589366Chem Spider390954ECHA Info Card 100.005.586IUPHAR/BPS4672KEGGC09955Pub Chem CID442530In Ch I [show]SMILES [show]Properties Chemical formula C 20 H 18 Cl N O 6Molar mass 403.813Melting point 169 °C (336 °F; 442 K)Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 k Pa).verify ( what is ? ) Infobox references Ochratoxin A —a toxin produced by different Aspergillus and Penicillium species — is one of the most-abundant food-contaminating mycotoxins. [ 1] It is also a frequent contaminant of water-damaged houses and of heating ducts. [ 2] [3] Human exposure can occur through consumption of contaminated food products, particularly contaminated grain and pork products, as well as coffee, wine grapes, and dried grapes. [ 4] [5] [6] The toxin has been found in the tissues and organs of animals, including human blood and breast milk. [ 7] Ochratoxin A, like most toxic substances, has large species- and sex-specific toxicological differences. [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Impact on human and animal health1.1 Carcinogenicity1.2 Neurotoxicity2 Immunosuppression and immunotoxicity2.1 Potential link to nephropathies2.2 Food animal industry impact2.3 Dietary guidelines3 Dermal exposure4 See also5 References Impact on human and animal health [ edit]Carcinogenicity [ edit]Ochratoxin A is potentially carcinogenic to humans ( Group 2B ), and has been shown to be weakly mutagenic, possibly by induction of oxidative DNA damage. [ 8]The evidence in experimental animals is sufficient to indicate carcinogenicity of ochratoxin A. It was tested for carcinogenicity by oral administration in mice and rats. It slightly increased the incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas in mice of each sex. [ 9] and produced renal adenomas and carcinomas in male mice and in rats (carcinomas in 46% of males and 5% of females). ["
"docid": "D3226205#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/21693813/common-bacterial-diseases-transmitted-by-arthropod-vectors-flash-cards/\nCommon Bacterial Diseases Transmitted by Arthropod Vectors",
"text": "\"51 terms annemariejanes Common Bacterial Diseases Transmitted by Arthropod Vectors Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Arthropods - invertebrates with jointed legs, segmented bodies, and a hardened, chitinous exoskeleton - NOT microbes - serve as vectors for diseases - Some are reservoirs Ex: mosquitoes, flies, lice, fleas2 types of Arthropod vectors 1. Mechanical 2. Biological What is a Mechanical Arthropod Vector? - picks up a pathogen on its body & carries it from one place to another - play an important role in spreading diarrheal diseases (cholera & typhoid fever) Ex: houseflies feeding on garbage or feces and then landing on your food What is a Biological Arthropod Vector? - The arthropod is a stage in the microorganism's life cycle. - If you can control the arthropod, you can control the spread of the disease Ex: Plasmodium (protozoan that causes malaria) & Dirofilaria immitis (heartworms) - both need mosquito to carry out their life cycle. Plague - Yersenia pestis - G (-) coccobacilli - zoonosis; spread from infected rodents (rats, squirrels, prairie dogs) to humans by fleas; - Bacteria clump together in the flea, blocking the digestive tract and driving the flea into a feeding frenzy - Ex: Bubonic plague, Pneumonic plague Bubonic plague - occurs within a week of being bitten by an infected flea - symptoms: sudden fever, headache, weakness, \"\"bubo\"\" into blood stream causing septicemia, DIC - The \"\"Black Plague\"\" in the middle ages - 50-75% of those untreated die - Can turn into Pneumonic plague Pneumonic plague - can turn into Bubonic plague - shorter incubation period - greater mortality rate... 90% - extremely communicable through respiratory droplets - Beginning symptoms: flu like, cough with sputum (sometimes bloody), chest pain, difficulty breathing, hypoxia, hemoptysis How can Bubonic plague turn into Pneumonic plague? if bacteremia occurs and bacteria travels to lungs, becomes communicable as it can be transmitted via respiratory droplets Bioterrorism of Plague - Yersenia pestis? in WWII the Japanese dropped infected fleas on China What song is believed to be associated with the Plague? \"\" Ring Around the Rosie\"\"What bacterial species causes Tularemia?"
"docid": "D778713#0",
"title": "http://www.immunize.org/askexperts/experts_hepa.asp\nAsk the Experts",
"text": "\"IAC Home Ask the Experts Hepatitis AAsk the Experts Hepatitis AAsk the Experts Home Administering Vaccines Billing and Reimbursement Combination Vaccines Diphtheria Documenting Vaccination Hib Hepatitis AHepatitis BHPVInfluenza MMRMeningococcal ACWYMeningococcal BPertussis Pneumococcal Polio Precautions and Contraindications Rabies Rotavirus Scheduling Vaccines Storage and Handling Tetanus Travel Vaccines Vaccine Recommendations Vaccine Safety Varicella (chickenpox)Zoster (shingles)Hepatitis ADisease Issues Scheduling Vaccines Vaccine Recommendations Immune Globulin For Special Groups Travel - International Disease Issues What is hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by hepatitis A virus (HAV). What are the signs and symptoms of hepatitis A? Illness caused by HAV infection typically has an abrupt onset that can include fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine, and jaundice. The likelihood of having symptoms with HAV infection is related to age. In children younger than age 6 years, 70% of infections are asymptomatic. When illness does occur in young children, it is typically not accompanied by jaundice. In older children and adults, infection typically is symptomatic, with jaundice occurring in more than 70% of patients. Hepatitis A signs and symptoms usually last less than 2 months, although 10% to 15% of symptomatic people have prolonged illness (usually referred to as relapsing hepatitis A) lasting up to 6 months. How is HAV transmitted?"
"docid": "D1092418#0",
"title": "http://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/the-endocrine-system.html\nThe Endocrine System",
"text": "\"The Endocrine System Study the Endocrine System, its Organs and its Functions Exocrine and Endocrine Glands1. What is the difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands? Endocrine glands are glands whose secretions (called hormones) are collected by the blood and reach tissues through circulation. The hypophysis (pituitary gland) and the adrenal glands are examples of endocrine glands. Exocrine glands are a glands whose secretions are released externally through ducts (into the skin, the intestinal lumen, the mouth, etc.). The sebaceous glands and the salivary glands are examples of exocrine glands. The Endocrine System Review - Image Diversity: exocrine glands Endocrine Glands and Hormones More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. What are the components of the endocrine system? The endocrine system is composed of the endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete. The Endocrine System Review - Image Diversity: endocrine glands3."
"docid": "D2643296#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/polio\nPolio",
"text": "Alternative Titles: Heine-Medin disease, acute anterior poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis, poliomyelitis Polio, in full poliomyelitis, also called infantile paralysis, acute viralinfectious disease of the nervous system that usually begins with general symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, fatigue, and muscle pains and spasms and is sometimes followed by a more-serious and permanent paralysis of muscles in one or more limbs, the throat, or the chest. More than half of all cases of polio occur in children under the age of five. The paralysis so commonly associated with the disease actually affects fewer than 1 percent of persons infected by the poliovirus. Between 5 and 10 percent of infected persons display only the general symptoms outlined above, and more than 90 percent show no signs of illness at all. For those infected by the poliovirus, there is no cure, and in the mid-20th century hundreds of thousands of children were struck by the disease every year. Since the 1960s, thanks to widespread use of polio vaccines, polio has been eliminated from most of the world. It is now endemic in only three countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. Nigeria, however, was on the brink of being polio-free in 2015. Worldwide, since 1988 the number of reported polio cases has dropped by more than 99 percent.polio vaccine A health care worker giving a polio vaccine to a child in Katsina state, Nigeria, 2014. Alford Williams/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)There are three known serotypes (closely related though distinguishable forms) of wild poliovirus: PV1, PV2, and PV3."
"docid": "D2270795#0",
"title": "http://www.stopcwd.org/library/library2.cfm?articleID=13\nCWD â FACTS from the Farm!",
"text": "\"by R. A. Forrest, MSc WHAT IS CWD? Chronic Wasting Disease is a neurological disease specific to cervid species such as deer and elk. It is in the same family of disease as CJD in humans, scrapie in sheep and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or \"\"mad cow\"\" disease. All are Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE disease) meaning they can be passed to other animals and eventually results in sponge-like brain damage. The deer version is called CWD because it causes progressive eating dysfunctions resulting in gradual loss of weight and eventual death, usually by pneumonia. HOW ARE THE SPONGY BRAINS FORMED? Since brain cells cannot regenerate efficiently, Spongiform texture is the result of individual brain cells being killed off, leaving open voids where the brain cells formerly resided. The individual cells are probably killed by the toxic presence of abnormal brain proteins known as \"\"Prions\"\" which are a diagnostic symptom of the TSE diseases. All tissue have prion protein, but only TSE victims develop excessive abnormal prion protein in their brains. WHY IS THE PRION PROTEIN ABNORMAL?"
"docid": "D2376399#0",
"title": "http://www.glossophilia.org/?p=7585\nCapitalizing and pronouncing Ebola (and the naming of other diseases)",
"text": "Capitalizing and pronouncing Ebola (and the naming of other diseases)2 Replies There’s an epidemic in West Africa, and the dreaded “E” word is on everyone’s lips and keypads. But here’s a question: does the devastating disease deserve its capital E, and if so, why? When we write about salmonella or influenza (or flu for short), diabetes or rabies, we don’t crown the names of these deadly scourges with capital initial letters. Why does Ebola get special treatment? The AP Stylebook explains it simply: “Capitalize a disease known by name of person or geographical area: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Ebola virus.” Ebola was named after a tributary of the Congo River in Zaire (now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo), near which the virus was first identified, so it can claim its status as a proper name for life. And how should we pronounce the name of this awful virus? According to NPR’s standards and practices editor, Mark Memmott, as posted on NPR’s Tumblr , it should be “ee-BOH-luh” (rather than “eh-BOH-la”). But as Memmott advised in his internal memo to NPR colleagues: “It’s important to note that this is guidance, not a dictate from on high. We want to say things correctly, but we also realize that we have correspondents from around the world and that when they speak they may say some things differently."
"docid": "D1408709#0",
"title": "http://bvgh.org/Current-Programs/Neglected-Disease-Product-Pipelines/Global-Health-Primer/Diseases/cid/ViewDetails/ItemID/16.aspx\nWhat is Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)?",
"text": "Global Burden | Causative Agent & Transmission | Pathogenesis | Current Control Strategy | Existing Products | Get Involved What is Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)? Onchocerciasis is a skin and eye disease caused by the parasitic worm, Onchocerca volvulus. The infection is spread by blackflies that breed in fast-flowing water, giving it the common name “river blindness.” Onchocerciasis is the second leading cause of infectious blindness worldwide. There is no vaccine available to prevent O. volvulus infection. Aggressive vector control and drug delivery programs have dramatically decreased disease incidence over the past thirty years. Global Burden Countries endemic for onchocerciasis (WHO, 2002)Worldwide, there are an estimated 37 million people infected with O. volvulus and 90 million people remain at risk. 1 Approximately half a million people are visually impaired due to the disease and 270,000 have been blinded. 2 Onchocerciasis is found primarily in West and Central Africa, with 99% of infected individuals living in 30 endemic countries. The disease is also prevalent in Yemen and in a handful of Latin American nations."
"docid": "D2777021#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/burkitt-lymphoma-2252367\nTypes, Treatment, and Prognosis of Burkitt Lymphoma",
"text": "Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Types, Treatment, and Prognosis of Burkitt Lymphoma Understanding Differences in African (Endemic) and Sporadic Burkitt's Lymphoma By Indranil Mallick, MDUpdated October 09, 2017Share Pin Email Print Article Table of Contents Overview Types Stages Causes and Risk Factors Treatment Prognosis Coping Back To Top What is Burkitt's lymphoma and why does it happen?. Istockphoto.com/Stock Photo©len20What is Burkitt's lymphoma, what are the causes, and how is it treated? Overview Burkitt’s lymphoma (or Burkitt Lymphoma) is an uncommon type of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). Burkitt’s lymphoma commonly affects children. It is a highly aggressive type of B-cell lymphoma that often starts and involves body parts other than lymph nodes. In spite of its fast-growing nature, Burkitt’s lymphoma is often curable with modern intensive therapies. Types There are two broad types of Burkitt’s lymphoma – the sporadic and the endemic varieties. There is a very high incidence of this disease in equatorial Africa, and disease in this region is called endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma. Disease in other regions of the world is much less common and is called sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma. Though they are the same disease, the two forms are different in many ways."
"docid": "D317196#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildlife_of_Costa_Rica\nWildlife of Costa Rica",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The scarlet macaw is native to Costa Rica. The Wildlife of Costa Rica comprises all naturally occurring animals, fungi and plants that reside in this Central American country. Costa Rica supports an enormous variety of wildlife, due in large part to its geographic position between the North and South American continents, its neotropical climate, and its wide variety of habitats. Costa Rica is home to more than 500,000 species, which represents nearly 4% of the total species estimated worldwide, making Costa Rica one of the 20 countries with the highest biodiversity in the world. Of these 500,000 species, a little more than 300,000 are insects. [ 1]One of the principal sources of Costa Rica's biodiversity is that the country, together with the land now considered Panama, formed a bridge connecting the North and South American continents approximately three to five million years ago. This bridge allowed the very different flora and fauna of the two continents to mix. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 Biodiversity1.1 Benefits for humanity1.2 Threats to biodiversity2 Insects2.1 Butterflies and moths3 Other invertebrates4 Amphibians5 Reptiles6 Mammals6.1 Wild cats7 Birds8 See also9 References10 External links Biodiversity [ edit]Costa Rica is considered to possess the highest density of biodiversity of any country worldwide. [ 3] While encompassing just one third of a percent of Earth’s landmass, approximately the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica contains four percent of species estimated to exist on the planet. [ 4] Hundreds of these species are endemic to Costa Rica, meaning they exist nowhere else on earth."
"docid": "D3560370#0",
"title": "http://www.haliimailegarden.com/native-hawaiian-plants.html\nNative Hawaiian Plants at HÄliâimaile Community Garden",
"text": "Native Hawaiian Plants at Hāli’imaile Community Garden Subscribe To Our Newsletter Mailing List Photo Courtesy of Allison Borell A'ali'i Botanical Name: Dodonaea viscosa Family: Sapindaceae Status: Indigenous Where Found: All main Hawaiian Islands This shrub located at the community garden can be grown in a variety of habitats from dry to wet areas, and from low elevations to high. They are drought tolerant and easy to grow. This is a good starter native plant to have around your home. Hawaiians use of this plant varied from everything such as using the wood for building, seeds to make dye, fruits for lei, and it had a medicinal use for rashes. Dodonaea viscosa, known in Hawaii as a'ali'i, is an indigenous shrub/tree. Widespread throughout the tropics, it is found in Hawaii growing on all islands except Kaho'olawe. The a'ali'i pictured here grows at Hāli’imaile Community Garden next to the greenhouse. Hala Pandanus tectorius, also known as hala in Hawaii, is an indigenous tree essential fornative Hawaiian landscape. The hala pictured here grows next to the garden shed at Hāli’imaile Community Garden. Female hala trees produce a pinneapple-shaped fruit and the less common male hala produces highly fragrant and attractive flowers."
"docid": "D3328121#0",
"title": "https://www.conservationinstitute.org/koala-facts/\nKoala Facts",
"text": "Koala Facts Feb 6, 2014 |As one of the most iconic animal species endemic to Australia, the koala is well-known for its bear-like appearance with a stout body and predominately gray fur. Often found climbing in the canopy of trees, koalas are fuzzy and muscular marsupials that are the only remaining representative of their family on Earth. To learn more about this teddy bear lookalike, read on to find out some of the lesser-known fun facts about koalas!Did You Know? Koalas fur is different in different parts of Australia. In the southern parts of Australia it is longer and shaggier than in the north in order to keep them warm in the cold southern winters. The closest relative of the koala is the wombat. Koala Habitat: WHERE DOES THE Koala LIVE? Found only in its endemic range of Australia, the koala appears in the highest density levels around the eastern and southern coasts or inland areas of Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales. In addition, koalas have been reported in smaller population clusters around the offshore island groups of Kangaroo, Phillip, and French Island as well as the mainland Adelaide region along the Murray River. In these temperate to tropical climate areas, the koala is most likely to be located inhabiting the open eucalyptus woodlands and forests."
"docid": "D488566#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-spread-of-disease-endemic-epidemic-pandemic.html\nThe Spread of Disease: Endemic, Epidemic & Pandemic",
"text": "Instructor: Artem Cheprasov This lesson will talk about what an endemic disease is and how it is different from an epidemic. We'll also discuss how an epidemic differs from something known as a pandemic. Finally, we'll look at some examples of each to help solidify these points. The Spread of Disease Weather patterns and diseases have a lot in common. You have probably heard how global warming is a huge concern for everyone in the world since deadly tropical diseases will be able to spread farther and farther into once-cooler areas, infecting many more people than ever before. But, this isn't the only way by which weather coincides with the spread of disease, as this lesson will point out metaphorically. What Is an Endemic Disease? If you are someone who lives in the Gulf Coast region of the U. S., then you are undoubtedly aware of the hurricane season that occurs every single year. It's a guarantee that there will be hurricanes in those states. Likewise, it's as much a guarantee that India will have monsoons, Japan will have earthquakes and northern Siberia will be very cold."
"docid": "D515464#0",
"title": "http://www.nature.com/articles/35002501\nBiodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities",
"text": "Altmetric: 190 Citations: 11253More detail Article Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities Norman Myers, Russell A. Mittermeier, Cristina G. Mittermeier, Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca & Jennifer Kent Nature 403, 853 – 858 (24 February 2000)doi :10.1038/35002501Download Citation Received:22 September 1999Accepted:22 December 1999Published:24 February 2000Abstract Conservationists are far from able to assist all species under threat, if only for lack of funding. This places a premium on priorities: how can we support the most species at the least cost? One way is to identify ‘biodiversity hotspots’ where exceptional concentrations of endemic species are undergoing exceptional loss of habitat. As many as 44% of all species of vascular plants and 35% of all species in four vertebrate groups are confined to 25 hotspots comprising only 1.4% of the land surface of the Earth. This opens the way for a ‘silver bullet’ strategy on the part of conservation planners, focusing on these hotspots in proportion to their share of the world's species at risk. Main The number of species threatened with extinction far outstrips available conservation resources, and the situation looks set to become rapidly worse 1, 2, 3, 4. This places a premium on identifying priorities. How can we protect the most species per dollar invested? This key question is at the forefront of conservation planning, and forms the focus of this article. By concentrating on areas where there is greatest need and where the payoff from safeguard measures would also be greatest, conservationists can engage in a systematic response to the challenge of large-scale extinctions ahead."
"docid": "D186524#0",
"title": "https://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/outreach/Pet-Health-Topics/categories/diseases/your-pet-and-lyme-disease\nYour Pet and Lyme Disease",
"text": "Your Pet and Lyme Disease This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is caused by the corkscrew-shaped bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi which is also called a spirochete. The bacteria are carried by ticks which transmit the infection when they feed on animals and humans. The disease can cause generalized illness in animals and humans worldwide. In the United States, Lyme disease occurs predominantly on the Pacific coast and in the Midwest, and Atlantic coast states. Regions in which the disease occurs commonly are called endemic regions. About 75% of dogs living in endemic regions are exposed to infected ticks, but only a small percentage of exposed dogs develop signs of disease. Lyme disease was first described in 1975 when an unusual outbreak of rheumatoid arthritis occurring in children was reported in Lyme, Connecticut."
] |
636869 | what does ending balance mean | [
"docid": "D363603#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100131141225AAzAB4E\n\"Question about \"\"\"\"Balance as of your last statement\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Business & Finance Credit Question about \"\"\"\"Balance as of your last statement\"\"? Does this mean those checking your credit can see whatever the amount was in the balance of your last statement? When you have this balance, does it mean your were late? Or does it just mean that's what you need to pay when the due date comes? Follow 2 answers Answers Best Answer: \"\"Balance as of your last statement\"\" means that when the last statement was prepared, you owed (if it's a credit card bill) or you have (in your checking or savings account) $xxx amount of dollars. anything that happened with that account SINCE your last statement will be shown in this months statement. The ending balance from your last statement is the \"\"Balance as of your last statement\"\". Get your last statement and put it next to the current statement. Look at the ending balance on the last one, and look at the beginning balance on the current one. The 2 should match."
] | [
"docid": "D914233#0",
"title": "https://www.ifsautoloans.com/car-loan-interest/\nHow Does Car Loan Interest Work?",
"text": "How Does Car Loan Interest Work? This resource is part of the Innovative Funding Services (IFS) auto finance Library. Learn How Car Loan Interest Affects How Much You Pay for Your Car When you take on a car loan to buy a car, your lender purchases the car for you and allows you to pay it back over a period of years. Essentially, the lender gives you the service of using its money, and in exchange, you compensate the lender for its services by paying interest. Most car loans use simple interest, a type of interest of which the interest charge is calculated only on the principal (i.e. the amount owed on the loan). Simple interest does not compound on interest, which generally saves a borrower money. However, simple interest does not mean that every time you make a payment on your loan that you pay equal amounts of interest and principal. Instead, car loans are paid down via amortization, meaning you pay more interest at the beginning of your car loan than at the end. How and when do I pay interest? Let’s say you take out a car loan for $12,000 to be paid back over five years (or 60 months) at an interest rate of 10%."
"docid": "D2950091#0",
"title": "https://www.business-case-analysis.com/accounting-period.html\nAccounting Period Definition and Meaning Explained",
"text": "\"Home > Encyclopedia > A > Accounting Period Accounting Period Definition and Meaning Explained Business Encyclopedia ISBN 978-1929500109Updated 2018-04-098 © 2018 Solution Matrix Ltd Stages of the accounting cycle are carried out across an accounting period, usually a fiscal quarter or year. The period ends with publication of the period's financial statements. Firms complete the accounting cycle once every accounting period. Financial reports represent the period's final activity. What is an accounting period? The Accounting period ( Reporting period) is the time period for which a company or organization reports financial performance and financial position. Normally firms define the accounting period with reference to the firm's fiscal year. Typically, four quarterly periods correspond to the firm's fiscal quarters, and an annual accounting period covers the entire fiscal year. Accounting period explained in context. Sections below explain the sequence of accounting activities across the accounting period as well as the financial reports that appear after each period."
"docid": "D1281730#0",
"title": "https://www.free-online-calculator-use.com/checking-account-reconciliation.html\nChecking Account Reconciliation Calculator to Help You Balance Your Checkbook",
"text": "\"Home > Personal Finance Calculators > Checking Account Reconciliation Calculator Checking Account Reconciliation Calculator to Help You Balance Your Checkbook Tap Here for Mobile Version [ Skip to Calculator ]Shows you how to balance your check register with your bank statement and then saves you time by doing all the calculations for you. This free online Checking Account Reconciliation Calculator will help you to reconcile a bank statement (balance check book) by doing the math for you. Or, if you prefer to reconcile a bank statement manually, the calculator on this page also includes an option for printing out a blank, free bank reconciliation form. If you're not sure what reconciliation means, or you're not sure how to balance a check book, it may help to read the following explanations and instructions before using the checking account reconciliation calculator. Define \"\"Reconciliation\"\"The term reconciliation basically refers to the process of making two things consistent or compatible. In the case of balancing a check book, this process is used to make the balance in your checkbook register consistent with what the bank considers to be your balance -- something that can't be done simply by comparing one with the other. Why is Checkbook Reconciliation Necessary? Checkbook reconciliation is necessary for three reasons. Because there is usually a delay between when the bank closes it's month out and when you get your copy of the closing statement. Any transactions that occur during this delay will be recorded in your checkbook register, but will not appear on your statement."
"docid": "D3156433#0",
"title": "http://www.superguide.com.au/boost-your-superannuation/bring-forward-rule-10-facts\nBring-forward rule: A definitive super guide",
"text": "Bring-forward rule: A definitive super guide December 19, 2017 by Trish Power 26 Comments Contents [ Close]1. What is the bring-forward rule?2. Does the bring-forward rule protect Australians from exceeding the annual non-concessional contributions cap of $100,000?3. Can my spouse also take advantage of the bring-forward rules?4. Can I play catch-up with my contributions? Can I make $300,000 in non-concessional contributions in Year 3, representing my caps for Years 1, 2 and 3?5. If I make a $150,000 non-concessional contribution in Year one, can I then make a $150,000 in Year 2, and then trigger another bring-forward in Year 3 and contribute a further $300,000?6. I’m 63 (turning 64 during the year). Can I make a $300,000 non-concessional contribution representing my cap for this financial year, and the next two years without satisfying a work test?7. What happens when I turn 65?8."
"docid": "D463180#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/260270522/Things-to-Memorize-for-ECON-0710-Exam-2-Flashcards-Quizlet\nCreated by DarkHiggsBoson",
"text": "\"Created by Dark Higgs Boson Originalauthorization The approval of certain transactions and activities.bonding The process of carefully checking an employee's background and insuring the company against theft by that person. Bonding does not guarantee against theft, but it does prevent or reduce loss if theft occurs.check authorization A form completed by the accounting department and attached to the supporting documents (invoice, purchase order, and receiving report) if they match up.control activities The policies and procedures management puts in place to see that its directions are carried out.control environment Created by management's overall attitude, awareness, and actions. It encompasses a company's ethics, philosophy and operating style, organizational structure, method of assigning authority and responsibility, and personnel policies and practices.imprest system A way of controlling a cash fund and cash advances. A petty cash fund is established for a fixed amount. A voucher documents each cash payment made from the fund. The fund is periodically reimbursed, based on the vouchers, by the exact amount necessary to restore its original cash balance. Alphabeticalinformation and communication Pertains to the accounting system established by management - to the way the system gathers and treats information about the company's transactions and how it communicates individual responsibilities within the system. Employees must understand exactly what their functions are.internal control A process designed by a company to establish the reliability of the accounting records and financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and to ensure that the company's assets are protected.invoice A document that shows the quantity of goods delivered, describes what they are, and lists the price and terms of payment. If all goods cannot be shipped immediately, the invoice indicates the estimated date of shipment for the remainder.monitoring Management's regular assessment of the quality of internal control, including periodic review of compliance with all policies and procedures.periodic independent verification Someone other than the persons responsible for the accounting records and assets should periodically check the records against the assets.petty cash fund A fund maintained to pay for small, miscellaneous expenditures.petty cash voucher A written authorization for each expenditure. On each petty cash voucher, the custodian enters the date, amount, and purpose of the expenditure."
"docid": "D2234108#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090727154529AACM34e\nWhat does CR mean on bank statement?",
"text": "\"Business & Finance Credit What does CR mean on bank statement? Does it mean cash return because Ive been buying a lot and returning a lot and ended up having negative money in my account on my statement there is no payment due so does that mean I don't have to mail them anything? or do I still have to acknowledge the amount and mail it back to them??? I bank with Bo AUpdate: do i still have to mail the statement back to them like i would when im paying?2 following 12 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: CR means a credit. If this appears on the balance due line of your statement, it means that you owe nothing and that you are that much \"\"ahead\"\" of future charges and no payment or acknowledgment is needed. If it appears as a line item (along with other charges and payments) it usually means that you returned something and the merchant took the charge off. In this case, you may still have a balance due that should be paid in whole or in part within the time allotted. RJR J · 9 years ago2 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: What does CR mean on bank statement? Does it mean cash return because Ive been buying a lot and returning a lot and ended up having negative money in my account on my statement there is no payment due so does that mean I don't have to mail them anything?"
"docid": "D2762196#0",
"title": "http://www.experts123.com/q/what-is-daily-balance-vs-average-daily-balance-dividend-calculation-method.html\nWhat is daily balance vs. average daily balance dividend calculation method?",
"text": "What is daily balance vs. average daily balance dividend calculation method? April 26, 2017 average Balance calculation dividend method vs0Posted What is daily balance vs. average daily balance dividend calculation method?0 Comments Add a Comment1 Answer Active Voted Newest Oldest0Posted Daily balance means that a daily periodic rate is applied to the balance in the account each day, provided the account meets the minimum balance requirement each day. If the minimum daily balance requirement is not met, a dividend is not earned for that day. The formula is the dividend rate divided by 365 days. The average daily balance is calculated by adding each day-end balance in the dividend period together and dividing by the number of days in the dividend period. If the account does not meet the average daily balance requirement for the dividend period, dividends are not earned for that period. With the formula, the Average daily balance means that a periodic rate = the dividend rate multiplied by the average daily balance multiplied by 365 (the number of days in the dividend period). 3. What is APY/APYE? How do they relate to the dividend rate?"
"docid": "D3268921#0",
"title": "https://www.coursehero.com/file/16302626/What-does-amortization-mean/\nWhat does amortization mean - What does amortization mean...",
"text": "What does amortization mean - What does amortization mean... SCHOOLAssoc. of Chartered Certified Accountants COURSE TITLEACCOUNTING F7TYPENotes UPLOADED BYksdaf PAGES 1This preview shows page 1. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document What does amortization mean? In accounting we use the word amortization to mean the systematic allocation of a balance sheet item toexpense (or revenue) on the income statement. Conceptually, amortization is similar to depreciation anddepletion. An example of amortization is the systematic allocation of the balance in the contra-liabilityaccount Discount of Bonds Payable to Interest Expense over the life of the bonds. ( The accountantcredits Discount on Bonds Payable and debits Bond Interest Expense with a portion of the balance eachaccounting period.) In the case of a premium on bonds payable, the accountant systematically moves aportion of the balance in Premium on Bonds Payable by debiting the account and crediting Interest This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document."
"docid": "D1117850#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_separation_of_powers_mean\nWhat does separation of powers mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States Articles of Confederation What does separation of powers mean? Flag What does separation of powers mean? Answer by Hansonc Confidence votes 361three branches of goverment legislative, judicial, executive The President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court have separate offices and staff. And No one branch of the government can completely control the others. If Your On Nova Net the answer is A and C only!8 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Dbari21137 1,581 Contributions What does the term Separation of Powers mean? The principle known as \"\"separation of powers\"\" which is alsoreferred to as \"\"checks and balances\"\" serves as testament to thebrilliance and forethought of the drafters of the Con …What is the separation of powers? Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of ano …What is separation of powers? A system that allows each branch of government to amend or vetoacts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch fromexerting too much power. Bruce Smith 2,024 Contributions Whats does separation of power mean in American government?"
"docid": "D987036#0",
"title": "http://dadashri.org/death.html\n.",
"text": "DEATHBefore, During And After…Gnani Purush Dadashri lays bare all the mysteries that surround death From Death to Immortalitypdf Version of this Book Editorial Every one has a great fear of death. Death makes people melancholy and they sink into misery. Everyone has to witness death some point in time during his or her life. At such a time hundreds of questions regarding the true nature of death may arise in a person’s mind. When he does not find any answers, he becomes perplexed. People have an ardent desire to discover the mystery surrounding death. A lot has been written on the topic, but it is all mere intellectual exercises. What is death? What was before this death? What is happening in the dying process?"
"docid": "D2379463#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_it_mean_to_balance_or_reconcile_your_account\nWhat does reconcile mean?",
"text": "\"What does reconcile mean?to reconcile is to make up. to make peace with something or someone. It means to settle or to bring something to accept It sort of depends on what you're saying. Like …What does reconcilation mean? Do you mean \"\"reconciliation\"\" Well if that what you meant, The definition for reconciliation is - the reestablishing of cordial relations. Edit Chuck Goodman 31,106 Contributions What does it mean to reconcile your checking account? It means to make sure the numbers the bank statement has matches what you have. Edit What is Reconciled Balance? To reconcile a balance, one seeks to prove the balance is correct. The reconciliation is the sum spent matches the money leaving the account."
"docid": "D440119#0",
"title": "http://www.myaccountingcourse.com/accounting-dictionary/temporary-accounts\nWhat are Temporary Accounts?",
"text": "Definition: Temporary accounts or nominal accounts are closed at the end of every year. This means the account balances are zeroed out and the moved to the retained earnings account. That is why these accounts are called temporary accounts. They don’t perpetually have a balance. Every year they are zeroed out and closed. Temporary accounts consist of revenue, expense, and distribution/dividend accounts. These are all accounts that appear on the income statement. What Does Temporary Account Mean? Asset, liability, and retained earnings accounts track a company’s history forever. These accounts take a picture of what the financial position of the company looked like at that moment in time."
"docid": "D3257754#0",
"title": "https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/topic/journal-entries-adjusting-entries-reversing-entries-closing/\nJournal entries, adjusting entries, reversing entries, closing",
"text": "Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 25 total)Author Posts November 19, 2012 at 1:48 pm #174821Future-CPAMember Hello,For the life of me, I can not comprehend journal entries,adjusting entries, reversing entries, closing, accruals, and deferrals. What is weird is I understand the concepts, I understand debits and credits, and the theory behind them. However, whenever I see a problem with different dates, accruals , prepaid expenses or unearned revenues, and they ask to prepare the reversing entries or adjusting journals or closings, I am completely lost and don't know what accounts should be used to prepare those entries. I am not an Accountant and have never worked in the closing process so I do not know if that is a factor, but please can someone explain this to me or tell me what I should do to get it once and for all. I feel like I will never understand this section!!!!! ! Thanks,Future-CPANovember 19, 2012 at 1:55 pm #382600mla1169Participant Thats a pretty tall order! Do you understand clearly the concept of accrual accounting? November 19, 2012 at 1:58 pm #382601Future-CPAMember Yes I believe I do, I understand when revenues and expenses need to be recognized if that's what you are referring to. Thanks!November 19, 2012 at 5:12 pm #382602musicamor Member@future-cpa …what exactly do you not understand? If you understand the concepts, then why wouldn't you understand journal entries, closing, etc?"
"docid": "D364846#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/482\nCar Shaking Problems",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts and Repairs Car Shaking Problems Unanswered | Answered Car Shaking Problems Parent Category: Auto Parts and Repairs Car shaking problems are usually the results of mechanical problems. Out of adjustment tires or suspension will make the car shake after reaching a certain speed. Warped brake rotors will also make the car shake when it’s slowing down.1 2 3 >How much is a wheel alignment? In my area it will average around $50. It depends on the vehicle. Why your car shakes when you accelerate between 0 to 55?try changing your sparkplugs. there could be a firing issue with the cylinder heads. also might want to look into a timing belt. might need to be reflashed for proper ignition firing. look into small fuel system maintenance like changing the fuel filter or pump."
"docid": "D1990916#0",
"title": "https://www.business-case-analysis.com/trial-balance.html\nTrial Balance, Trial Balance Period Definitions, Examples, Meaning Explained",
"text": "\"Home > Encyclopedia > T > Trial Balance Trial Balance, Trial Balance Period Definitions, Examples, Meaning Explained Business Encyclopedia ISBN 978-1929500109Updated 2018-04-09 © 2018 Solution Matrix Ltd At the end of a reporting period, accountants create a trial balance from all active accounts, to see if total Debits equals total Credits. An imbalance between totals signals an error in the system. The trial balance highlights a well known advantage of the double entry system—built in error checking. What is a trial balance? The terms trial balance and trial balance period refer to an error-checking step in the accounting cycle. The terms have meaning only in companies that use a double entry accounting system. Exhibit 1 below shows the major steps in the accounting cycle. Firms complete the entire cycle once every accounting period. Here, note that accountants create a trial balance after posting all the period's transactions to the general ledger but before they transfer account balances to the period's financial reports. Trial Balance in the Accounting Cycle Exhibit 1 summarizes the sequence of steps in the Accounting Cycle."
"docid": "D297412#0",
"title": "http://www.popularsocialscience.com/2013/11/06/neorealism-in-international-relations-kenneth-waltz/\nNeorealism in International Relations â Kenneth Waltz",
"text": "\"Fall - 2013Published on November 6th, 20133Neorealism in International Relations – Kenneth Waltz By Jo Jakobsen, NTNUNeorealism – or structural realism – is the bedrock theory of International Relations. Starting from a simple set of assumptions, it seeks to explain how states, in particular the most powerful ones, behave, and how they interact with each other on the international arena. Neorealism – or structural realism – is a theory of international politics. The theory is usually associated with Kenneth Waltz (1924–2013) and his 1979 book bearing the obvious name Theory of International Politics. That book endeavored to construct a very general framework for explaining recurring patterns of state behavior and state interaction in the international system. As is the case with all theories, there are many things that Neorealism fails to explain. In fact, most types of state behavior and state interaction cannot usefully be accounted for by Waltz’s parsimonious theory. Thus it is that neoralism has attracted many adversaries in the academic world; much – but by no means all – of the criticism Neorealism faces is really of a straw man character: Neorealism is often faulted for failing to explain or predict events or behavior that Neorealists have never set out to explain or predict in the first place. Every theory claims its own domain. Neorealism’s consists of the biggest issues – past, present, and future – in international relations: war, the avoidance of war, power balancing, power seeking, the death of states, security competition and arms races, alliance formation, and the like."
"docid": "D2400352#0",
"title": "http://www.myaccountingcourse.com/accounting-dictionary/closing-process\nWhat is a Closing Process?",
"text": "Definition: The accounting closing process, also called closing the books, is the steps required to prepare accounts for financial statement preparation and the start of the next accounting period. The closing process consists of steps to transfer temporary account balances to permanent accounts and make the general ledger ready for the next accounting period. What Does Accounting Closing Process Mean? The closing process consists of three main steps: Identify temporary accounts that need to be closed. Record closing entries. Prepare the post closing trial balance. Since income statement accounts record current year activity, they must be zeroed out or closed at the end of each accounting period. This way they will have a zero balance for the start of the next accounting period and only current balances will exist in these accounts. In order to achieve this, closing entries must be made to transfer the ending income statement balances to balance sheet accounts. Example At the end of each year, the revenue and expense account balances are transferred to the income summary account."
"docid": "D276774#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/27584287/criminal-procedure-crju-2146-flash-cards/\nCriminal Procedure CRJU 2146",
"text": "\"187 terms benjamin_mcarthur1Criminal Procedure CRJU 2146Chapters 1-7Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortwhat does Crime control in a constitutional democracy depends on the balance between searching for the correct result in criminal cases and the commitment to use fair procedures in pursuing criminals. A case citation is composed of a string of letters and numbers. A habeas corpus proceeding is a separate proceeding from a defendant's criminal case. A majority of U. S. Supreme Court justices do not have to vote to review a case before it can be heard. A rule of four means, only 4 of the 9 have Supreme Court Justices have to vote to review a case. According to the interest in fact-finding and the search for truth, the greater the deprivation the decision imposes, the greater the factual foundation required to support it. How an appellate court disposes of a case is called its court opinion The balance between result and process never rests at a point that satisfies everyone. The greater the limit government imposes on the rights of an individual to come and go the greater and the more facts needed to justify the limitation."
"docid": "D2600378#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/47418148/chapter-15-flash-cards/\nchapter 15",
"text": "115 terms emily_spear9chapter 15accouting 202Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which of the following is one of the components of cost accounting? a. It involves measuring product costs. A major purpose of cost accounting is to d. measure, record, and report product costs. The two basic types of cost accounting systems are b. job order and process cost systems. A process cost system would most likely be used by a company that makes c. breakfast cereal. Which of the following would be accounted for using a job order cost system? d. The construction of a new campus building. Process costing is used when a. the production process is continuous."
"docid": "D3161588#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/1388501/renal-physiology-flash-cards/\nRenal Physiology",
"text": "\"178 terms lmpzpf Renal Physiology Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Kidney receives what % of cardiac output? 20-25%What is the route of blood flow through the kidney? Renal artery -> segmental artery -> interlobar artery -> arcuate artery -> interlobular artery -> afferent arteriole ->glomerulus -> efferent arteriole -> peritubular capillaries (sometimes -> vasa recta)Constriction of afferent arteriole (increased resistance) causes Decreased RBF, filtration pressure and GFR (decreased hydrostatic pressure in capillaries)Constriction of efferent arteriole (increased resistance) causes Decreased RBF, increased filtration pressure and GFR (increased hydrostatic pressure in capillaries)Dilation of afferent arteriole (decreased resistance) causes Increased RBF, filtration pressure and GFR (increased flow and pressure with lower resistance)Dilation of efferent arteriole (decreased resistance) causes Increased RBF, decreased filtration pressure and GFR (maybe? ) Effect of NSAIDs on the kidney Block the production of prostagladins (vasodilators) and promote constriction of the afferent arteriole How would increased plasma protein concentration affect RPF, GFR and filtration fraction? No change in RPF, decrease GFR and filtration fraction What is the equation for filtration fraction? GFR/RPFHow is RPF calculated? RPF = (1-hematocrit) x RBFHow would decreased plasma protein concentration affect RPF, GFR and filtration fraction? No change in RPF, increased GFR and filtration fraction (Decreased oncotic pressure opposing filtration)How would constriction of the ureter affect RPF, GFR and filtration fraction?"
] |
636872 | what does endocarditis affect | [
"docid": "D1083493#0",
"title": "https://www.cardiosmart.org/healthwise/hw16/4664/hw164664\nEndocarditis",
"text": "Endocarditis Topic Overview What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is an infection of the heart's valves or its inner lining (endocardium). It is most common in people who have a damaged, diseased, or artificial heart valve. See a picture of endocarditis. What causes endocarditis? Endocarditis is caused by bacteria (or in rare cases, by fungi) that enter the bloodstream and settle on the inside of the heart, usually on the heart valves. Bacteria can invade your bloodstream in many ways, including during some dental and surgical procedures. If you don't take care of your teeth, having your teeth cleaned or even brushing your teeth can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream. What increases the risk for endocarditis? If you have a normal heart, you have a low risk for endocarditis."
] | [
"docid": "D151720#0",
"title": "https://lifeinthefastlane.com/ccc/infective-endocarditis/\nInfective Endocarditis",
"text": "Infective Endocarditisby Chris Nickson, Last updated October 4, 2014Reviewed and revised 1 September 2014OVERVIEWendocarditis is a disease characterised by inflammation of the endocardium, typically affecting the heart valves and usually caused by infection and can be acute, subacute or chronicmost commonly affecting the aortic valve (previously mitral valve)most cases of fulminant endocarditis are caused by S. aureusalways suspect endocarditis in S. aureus septicaemia (perform TOE)CAUSEOrganisms Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA or MRSA)Coagulase negative Staphylococci: S. epidermidis, S. lugdenensis Streptococcus viridans Streptococcus bovis Enterococcus HACEK organisms-> Haemophillus aphrophilus, parainfluenzae and paraphrophilus -> Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans -> Cardiobacterium hominis -> Eikenella corrodens -> Kingella kingae Fungi Culture negative endocarditis Brucella Bartonella Coxiella burnetti (Q fever)Chlamydia Legionella Mycoplasma Whipples disease ( Trophyerma whipplei)RISK FACTORSCardiac lesionscongenital heart diseaserheumatic heart diseasemitral valve prolapsevalve regurgitationdegenerative valve diseaseprosthetic valve (1-5%) – early (<60 days) or late (>60 days)Predisposition to infection IV drug use – tricuspid, aortic and mitral valvehaemodialysishigh risk surgery (e.g. dental, respiratory and infective)long linesbone marrow transplant recipientsimmunosuppressed (e.g. HIV)CLINICAL FEATURESHistory50% occur in patients with normal valves!spectrum: — asymptomatic — malaise, night sweats, anaemia, weight loss — crashing cardiogenic shock and sepsishaematuria (glomerulonephritis)embolic complications — stroke (esp if PFO), intracranial haemorrhage — septic pulmonary emboli — splenic infarction, and other end organs, etcpresence of risk factors EXAMINATIONSkin rash Splinter haemorrhages and conjunctival haemorrhages Oslers nodes – tender nodules on pulps of fingers and toes Janeway lesions – non-tender haemorrhagic pulps on fingers and toes Roth spots – retinal hemorrhages with a pale centre Splenomegaly New neurological signs New murmur, e.g. aortic regurgitation and associated systemic features Left ventricular failure – basal crackles and effusions Emboli — major arteries, pulmonary, spleen Haematuria INVESTIGATIONSBedside ECG: look for widening PR interval, p mitrale, TWI, dysrhythmia Laboratory Blood cultures (90% of the time positive) — need at least 2 sets drawn 12 hours apart, or — minimum of 3 out 4 sets postive with first and last positive set >1 hour apart Serology for causative organisms Rheumatoid factor PCR for microbial 16S ribosomal RNA genes from valve tissue (if culture negative)ECHOTTE = 60% sensitive, TOE = 90-99% sensitive, specificity of 90%oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures, in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the absence of an alternative anatomic explanationabscess, ornew partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve DIAGNOSISUse the Modified Duke Criteria (see Med Calc)Two major criteria, or One major and three minor criteria, or Five minor criteria Major criteria Positive blood culture for Infective Endocarditis Typical microorganism consistent with IE from 2 separate blood cultures, as noted below: — viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, or HACEK group, or —community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus or enterococci, in the absence of a primary focus or Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood cultures defined as: — 2 positive cultures of blood samples drawn >12 hours apart, or — all of 3 or a majority of 4 separate cultures of blood (with first and last sample drawn 1 hour apart)Evidence of endocardial involvement Positive echocardiogram for IE defined as : — oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures, in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the absence of an alternative anatomic explanation, or — abscess, or —new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve New valvular regurgitation (worsening or changing of preexisting murmur not sufficient)Minor criteria Predisposition: predisposing heart condition or intravenous drug use Fever: T> 38.0° C (100.4° F)Vascular phenomena: major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhage, conjunctival hemorrhages, and Janeway lesions Immunologic phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth spots, and rheumatoid factor Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does not meet a major criterion as noted below¹ or serological evidence of active infection with organism consistent with IEEchocardiographic findings: consistent with IE but do not meet a major criterion as noted above¹ Excludes single positive cultures for coagulase-negative staphylococci, diphtheroids, and organisms that do not commonly cause endocarditis. MANAGEMENTOverviewresuscitationspecific therapy: IV antibiotics +/- surgerysupportive care and monitoringtreat underlying cause and complicationsconsults: infectious diseases, cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery IV antibiotics Empiric treatment for community acquired disease with a native valve: benzylpenicillin 1.8 g (child: 45 mg/kg up to 1.8 g) IV, 4-hourly + flucloxacillin 2 g (child: 50 mg/kg up to 2 g) IV, 4-hourly + gentamicin 4 to 6 mg/kg (child <10y: 7.5 mg/kg; 10y+: 6 mg/kg) IV, for 1 dose, then determine dosing interval for a maximum of either 1 or 2 further doses based on renal function)Empiric treatment for hospital acquired disease OR a prosthetic valve OR penicilin hypersensitity OR suspected CA-MRSA: vancomycin 1.5 g (child <12y: 30 mg/kg up to 1.5 g) IV, 12-hourly + gentamicin 4 to 6 mg/kg (child <10y: 7.5 mg/kg; 10y+: 6 mg/kg) IV, for 1 dose, then determine dosing interval for a maximum of either 1 or 2 further doses based on renal function)duration: usually for at least 1 to 2 weeks (low risk patients may qualify for home-based therapy)gentamicin is is given q24h and is usually stopped after 3 doses unless proven streptococcal or enterococcal endocarditis (give q8h and continue)avoid clindamycin and lincomycin due to high failure ratesdirected therapy varies according to the underlying causative organism and the valve affected Surgery (valve replacement)indications (1) haemodynamic instability (2) abscess enlargement (3) abscess (root, paravalvular, intracardiac) (4) recurrent emboli (5) organisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Q fever, fungal endocarditisearly surgery (<48h) reduces longterm embolic complications, no effect on mortality (Kang et al, NEJM 2012)PREVENTIONOverviewmore conservative approach as risks of adverse effects from antibiotics higher than risks of developing IE from dental, GI or GU tract proceduremust have high risk patient AND high risk surgery Risk assessmenthigh risk patients:1. any prosthetic material in used in valve repair 2. previous infectious endocarditis 3. congenital heart disease (unrepaired cyanotic, partially repaired, or completely repaired <6 months previously) 4. cardiac transplant patients with valvulopathyhigh risk surgery1. all dental procedures that involve manipulation of gingival tissue or periapical region of teeth or perforation of oral mucosa — thus only check ups and simple fillings that don’t involve gingiva don’t need antibiotic prophylaxis 2. respiratory tract surgery — incision and biopsy, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy Antibioticsgive a single dose of antibiotic prior to procedure (or within 2 hours of procedure)1. amoxylcillin 50mg/kg PO 2. cephazolin 50mg/kg IV/IM 3."
"docid": "D2335518#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Heart+valve+disease\nvalvular heart disease",
"text": "\"valvular heart disease (redirected from Heart valve disease) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus. Related to Heart valve disease: mitral valve prolapse Valvular Heart Disease Definition Valvular heart disease refers to several disorders and diseases of the heart valves, which are thetissue flaps that regulate the flow of blood through the chambers of the heart. Description The human heart consists of four chambers—two upper chambers (the atria) and two lowerchambers (the ventricles) that are responsible for pumping blood. The heart valves are like one-way doors, which open and close with each beat of the heart, controlling the blood flow from onechamber to the next. Each of these valves is made up of a few thin folds of tissue. Whenfunctioning correctly, they keep blood from flowing backward into a chamber when closed. The four valves function in the following manner: The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. It is the only valve withtwo flaps, or cusps. The tricuspid valve is located on the right side of the heart, between the right atrium and rightventricle. It is made up of three cusps, each a different size."
"docid": "D3559020#0",
"title": "https://www.childrenscardiomyopathy.org/site/description.php\n.",
"text": "\"ABOUT THE DISEASEWHAT'S CARDIOMYOPATHYCardiomyopathy is a chronic and sometimes progressive disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium), is abnormally enlarged, thickened and/or stiffened. The condition typically begins in the walls of the heart's lower chambers (ventricles), and in more severe cases also affects the walls of the upper chambers (atria). The actual muscle cells as well as the surrounding tissues of the heart become damaged. Eventually, the weakened heart loses the ability to pump blood effectively and heart failure or irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias or dysrhythmia) may occur. Cardiomyopathy is classified as either \"\"ischemic\"\" or \"\"nonischemic\"\". All cases related to children and teenagers are considered \"\"nonischemic\"\" cardiomyopathy. Non-ischemic cardiomyopathy predominately involves the heart's abnormal structure and function. It does not involve the hardening of arteries on the heart surface typically associated with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Nonischemic cardiomyopathy can then be broken down into: 1) \"\"primary cardiomyopathy\"\" where the heart is predominately affected and the cause may be due to infectious agents or genetic disorders and 2) \"\"secondary cardiomyopathy\"\" where the heart is affected due to complications from another disease affecting the body (i.e. HIV, cancer, muscular dystrophy or cystic fibrosis). Cardiomyopathy is nondiscriminatory in that it can affect any adult or child at any stage of their life."
"docid": "D3242305#0",
"title": "https://clinicalposters.com/news/2017/0202-spinning-mold.html\nMold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue",
"text": "\"Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue« Your Medical Office Can Go Viral A Bit More Healthy 17 The Dichotomy of Protecting Children By Means of Torture»Are your symptoms spinning out of control? By Kevin RR Williams HEALTH The title scratches the surface of symptoms. Toxic mold effects read like a list of patient illnesses in a Chicago emergency room. Symptoms are typically neurological and include headache, extreme fatigue, dizziness, weakness, nausea, disorientation, memory problems, slowed reaction time, peripheral neuropathy, sensory neuropathy, and personality/mood changes. The chemical toxicity is not regarded as a nuisance, but rather a major life-altering crisis. Unfortunately, the symptoms of toxicity are not easily observable by a physician and often seem vague and subjective as reported by the patient. According to Dr. Shoemaker, “Symptoms exhibited from the exposure to biotoxins affect everyone differently. This extensive listing is here to help you understand the many ways biotoxin illness can manifest itself. This listing does not mean that those who suffer from biotoxin illness will exhibit all of the symptoms listed here. ”Light sensitivity Lyme Disease Metallic taste in mouth Migraines Mood swings Morning stiffness Muscle cramps, jerks, twitches Nausea Numbness in the extremities Pain **Rashes Raynaud’s Phenomenon Respiratory problems Rosacea Seizures Sensitivity to bright light Static shocks Sinus congestion Sinus infection Skin sensitivity Sleep apnea Sleep disturbance Stiffness Sweating Swelling Sore throat Tingling Burning tongue Tremors Frequent urination Vertigo Blurred vision Weakness Weight gain Weight loss Wheezing Body aches (joints, muscle, and sinus)Headaches Allergies Allergic reactions to foods Anxiety Appetite swings Bleeding ear Bleeding gums Body temperature regulation problems Shortness of breath Bronchitis Charley horses Chills High cholesterol Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abnormal circulation Cognitive problems *Constipation Coughing Abdominal cramping Delayed recovery from normal activity Depression Diarrhea Dizziness Endometriosis Burning, red, or watery eyes Fatigue Fever Fibromyalgia Leaky Gut Hypoperfusion (decreased blood flow)Inflammation Insomnia Insulin resistance Interstitial Cystitis Irritable Bowel Syndrome Laryngitis* Difficulty assimilating new information; difficulty finding words; difficulty focusing; difficulty thinking or accomplishing other executive functions such as organizing and planning; difficulty with math or handling numbers; difficulty with short-term memory; short-term memory loss. **"
"docid": "D298854#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Endocarditis/Pages/Introduction.aspx\nOverview",
"text": "Page contents Symptoms of endocarditis Treating endocarditis Who's affected? Overview Endocarditis is a rare and potentially fatal infection of the inner lining of the heart (the endocardium). It's most commonly caused by bacteria entering the blood and travelling to the heart. Although the heart is usually well protected against infection, it may be easier for bacteria to bypass the immune system in people who have:a prosthetic (artificial) heart valve – valve replacement surgery is increasingly being used when people experience narrowing of one of their heart valvescongenital heart disease – where a person is born with heart defectshypertrophic cardiomyopathy – where the heart muscle cells have enlarged and the walls of the heart chambers thickendamaged heart valves – because of infection or heart disease People who inject drugs are also more likely to develop endocarditis. Read more about the causes of endocarditis. Symptoms of endocarditis The initial symptoms of endocarditis are similar to the flu and include:a high temperature (fever) of 38C (101.4F) or abovechillsheadachejoint and muscle pain Without treatment, the infection damages the valves of the heart and disrupts the normal flow of blood through the heart. This triggers a range of life-threatening complications, such as:heart failure – where the heart is unable to pump enough blood around the body to properly meet the body’s demandsstroke – where the supply of blood to the brain becomes disrupted Read more about the symptoms of endocarditis. Treating endocarditis Endocarditis is treated with a course of antibiotics given via a drip. You'll need to be admitted to hospital for this. Around one in five people also need surgery to repair or replace a damaged heart valve or drain away any abscesses that develop."
"docid": "D834470#0",
"title": "https://www.heart-valve-surgery.com/heart-surgery-blog/2007/10/29/heart-valve-infection/\nWhat Is A Heart Valve Infection?",
"text": "What Is A Heart Valve Infection? Posted by Adam Pick, October 29, 2007A great question just came in about heart valve disease, specifically a heart valve infection. The email reads, “Adam, what is a heart valve infection? What are heart valve infection symptoms?”As you may be aware, there are several different types of heart valve disease which can damage the heart valves and result in heart valve repair and/or heart valve replacement. I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve that suffered from aortic stenosis and regurgitation. This led to my Ross Procedure (aortic valve replacement) a few years back. To learn about that operation, click here. However, there are other forms of heart valve disease, including bacterial heart valve infection. The most common infection is bacterial endocarditis. For those of you who don’t know, bacterial endocarditis is a heart valve infection of the heart’s inner lining (endocardium)."
"docid": "D69392#0",
"title": "http://byebyedoctor.com/bacteremia/\nBacteremia",
"text": "Bacteremia Written by Dr. Mary IN THIS ARTICLE: What is Bacteremia? Bacteremia Symptoms Bacteremia Treatment MSSA Bacteremia MRSA Bacteremia E Coli Bacteremia Occult Bacteremia Enterococcal Bacteremia Staph aureus Bacteremia Gram negative Bacteremia Strep viridans Bacteremia Klebsiella Bacteremia VRE Bacteremia Staphylococcal Bacteremia What is Bacteremia? Bacteremia is the medical condition involving the presence of foreign micro-organisms called bacteria in the usually sterile environment of the blood. Bacteremia is otherwise known as “blood poisoning” in layman’s terms, although the expression can be misleading as the condition does not at all involve the contamination of the blood with toxic substances, but with bacterial infestation. Bacteremia can occur through a number of ways. The entry of bacteria into the bloodstream can be facilitated through a preceding bacterial infection that may complicate progressively, allowing the micro-organisms to reach the blood vessels and proliferate while remaining in the patient’s blood. Bacteremia may also occur as an unintentional complication of surgery, a consequence which is highly possible if the surgical procedure is not performed with sterile instruments or within a sterile environment. Bacteria can also opportunistically take advantage of other means to enter into a person’s system, such as through catheters used for medical purposes as well as through intravenous insertions like parenteral drug administration. The condition is one that should not be taken lightly as it can quickly become a seriously life-threatening situation, especially if the bacteria are able to move and reproduce quickly enough to migrate to other parts of the body and overwhelm the system with its numbers, causing systemic affectation and leading to debilitating consequences. If left uncontrolled and untreated, the bacterial infection within the blood can bring about a wide-spread inflammatory response in the vast majority of the body, setting the stage for potential septic shock and highly increased mortality."
"docid": "D1480979#0",
"title": "http://www.medbroadcast.com/condition/getcondition/endocarditis\nEndocarditis",
"text": "The Facts Endocarditis is an inflammation of the lining of the heart valves that is most often caused by infection. Most people who develop this condition already have heart problems and are over 50 years old, but it can occur at any age, including in children. While not very common, this can be a very serious disease. Men are twice as likely to be affected as women. There are two types of endocarditis: infective and non-infective. With prompt treatment, the majority of people with infective endocarditis will survive. Non-infective endocarditis is more difficult to treat. Causes Some people are more likely than others to develop endocarditis. The following conditions increase the risk:a history of rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart diseasea history of endocarditisdamaged heart valvesa congenital (present at birth) heart defectprosthetic (artificial) heart valvesa history of intravenous drug usemitral valve prolapse (MVP)diabetes Endocarditis develops in the endocardium, the inner tissue of the heart. It starts if this tissue has been damaged, injured, or infected."
"docid": "D151725#0",
"title": "https://www.amboss.com/us/knowledge/Infective_endocarditis\nInfective endocarditis",
"text": "Clinical science Infective endocarditis Abstract Content currently under development Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infectious inflammation of the endocardium that affects the heart valves. The condition is a result of bacteremia, which is most commonly caused by dental procedures, surgery, distant primary infections, and nonsterile injections. IE clinically presents with either an acute or subacute course. Acute disease is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus and causes rapid endocardium destruction. Subacute progression is most commonly caused by viridans streptococci species and generally affects individuals with pre-existing damage to the heart valves, structural heart defects, or the presence of prosthetic valves. Unlike acute disease, in which patients develop symptoms over a period of hours to days, subacute disease is associated with a progression of symptoms over weeks to months. Clinical features include constitutional symptoms (fatigue, fever /chills, malaise) in combination with signs of pathological cardiac changes (e.g., new or changed heart murmur, heart failure signs) and possibly manifestations of subsequent damage to other organs (e.g., glomerulonephritis, septic embolic stroke ). Diagnosis is made based on the Duke criteria, whose main features include positive blood cultures and evidence of endocardial involvement in echocardiography. Initial treatment of IE consists of empiric IV antibiotic therapy, which is than adapted to blood culture results and continued for four to six weeks. Prophylaxis is only administered in specific circumstances, e.g., in patients with preexisting heart conditions undergoing dental or surgical procedures."
"docid": "D1892663#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/191799.php\nQ fever: Causes, risks, and treatments",
"text": "Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Q fever: Causes, risks, and treatments Last reviewed Sun 16 April 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by University of Illinois-Chicago, School of Medicine Q fever, or query fever, is an uncommon bacterial infection transmitted from animals to humans. It can be acute or chronic, and the chronic type can be fatal. Sheep, goats, cattle and other livestock are most likely to carry the bacterium, but it has been found in many types of animals including fish, dogs, camels, and guinea pigs. Q fever can occur anywhere in the world. In 2014, 167 cases of Q fever were reported in the United States (U. S.). The infection is called Query fever because, when it was first identified, the cause was a mystery. The cause has since been identified, but use of the name has continued . Contents of this article: Types Signs and symptoms Causes and risk factors Treatment Types Q fever is carried and spread by livestock. There are two main types: acute and chronic. Acute Q fever This type is more common and less serious."
"docid": "D521612#0",
"title": "http://www.aafp.org/afp/2004/0315/p1417.html\nNail Abnormalities: Clues to Systemic Disease",
"text": "Nail Abnormalities: Clues to Systemic Disease PDF PRINT COMMENTSSHARERobert S. Fawcett, M. D., M. S., Thomas M. Hart Family Practice Residency Program, York Hospital, York, Pennsylvania Sean Linford, M. D., and Daniel L. Stulberg, M. D., Utah Valley Family Practice Residency Program, Provo, Utah Am Fam Physician. 2004 Mar 15;69 (6):1417-1424. The visual appearance of the fingernails and toenails may suggest an underlying systemic disease. Clubbing of the nails often suggests pulmonary disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Koilonychia, or “spoon-shaped” nails, may stimulate a work-up for hemochromatosis or anemia. In the absence of trauma or psoriasis, onycholysis should prompt a search for symptoms of hyperthyroidism. The finding of Beau’s lines may indicate previous severe illness, trauma, or exposure to cold temperatures in patients with Raynaud’s disease. In patients with Muehrcke’s lines, albumin levels should be checked, and a work-up done if the level is low. Splinter hemorrhage in patients with heart murmur and unexplained fever can herald endocarditis. Patients with telangiectasia, koilonychia, or pitting of the nails may have connective tissue disorders."
"docid": "D300385#0",
"title": "http://antibiotics.emedtv.com/keflex/keflex-dosage.html\nKeflex Dosage",
"text": "Antibiotics Channel Topics & Medications Amoxicillin Antibiotics Augmentin Avelox Azactam Bactrim Biaxin Cedax Cefazolin Cefepime Cefotan Cefotaxime Cefoxitin Ceftazidime Cefuroxime Axetil Cefzil Cephalexin Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ophthalmic Ciprofloxacin/Dexamethasone Ciprofloxacin/Hydrocortisone Cleocin Dicloxacillin Doxycycline Doxycycline Hyclate Erythromycin Factive Flagyl Floxin Keflex Levaquin Macrobid Metronidazole Minocycline Moxatag Moxifloxacin Eye Drops Nafcillin Noroxin Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution Ofloxacin Otic Solution Omnicef Oxacillin Plaquenil Retapamulin Rifadin Septra Sulfatrim Suprax Teflaro Tetracycline Vantin Vibramycin Zithromax Advertisement Quicklinks Doxycycline Augmentin Cephalexin Keflex Omnicef Tetracycline Minocycline Amoxicillin Plaquenil Levaquin Avelox Biaxin Flagyl Bactrim Metronidazole Macrobid Erythromycin Ciprofloxacin Related Channels Acne Bacteria Cold Diarrhea Ear Advertisement Tweet Antibiotics Home > Keflex Dosage Keflex Dosage When treating bacterial infections, dosage guidelines for Keflex call for 250 mg to 1000 mg, taken four times a day for 7 to 14 days. The dose for preventing bacterial endocarditis is 2000 mg, taken an hour before surgery. Factors that can affect a person's exact dosage include age, the medical condition being treated, and if other medicines are being taken. Interested in a Discount on Keflex? Our free Discount Rx savings card can help you and your family save money on your prescriptions. This card is accepted at all major chain pharmacies, nationwide. Enter your name and email address to receive your free savings card. Enter Your Name Enter Your Email Address CLICK HERE to learn more about from e Med TV.com Keflex Dosing: An Introduction The dose of Keflex ® ( cephalexin) that your healthcare provider prescribes will vary, depending on a number of factors, including: The medical condition you are being treated for Your age If you have decreased kidney function Other medical conditions you may have Other medications you are currently taking. As with any medication, do not adjust your dosage unless your healthcare provider specifically instructs you to do so. Dosage of Keflex for Bacterial Infections The recommended dose of Keflex for most types of bacterial infections is 250 mg to 1000 mg, taken four times a day for 7 to 14 days."
"docid": "D2429624#0",
"title": "http://www.texasheart.org/HIC/Topics/Cond/endocard.cfm\nInfective Endocarditis",
"text": "Infective Endocarditis Article Info En español Infective endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart’s chambers (called the endocardium) or the heart’s valves. If left untreated, endocarditis can cause other complications, such as a blood clot (embolism), an irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia ), valve damage or destruction, and, in time, congestive heart failure (CHF). What causes infective endocarditis? The infection that leads to endocarditis can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms that enter your bloodstream. ( You may have heard the term bacterial endocarditis , subacute bacterial endocarditis, or SBE. These terms are used for endocarditis caused only by bacteria—usually group A strep—and not by other microorganisms. ) Normally, microorganisms live on your skin, in your mouth, in your intestines, and in your urinary tract, but not in your blood. Sometimes, however, microorganisms can enter your bloodstream (for example, during a surgical or dental procedure). For most people, microorganisms in the bloodstream do not pose a problem. But if one of your heart valves becomes damaged, your body sends immune cells, platelets, and fibrin (a clotting material) to heal the valve."
"docid": "D70625#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/cg/endocarditis.html\nEndocarditis",
"text": "Endocarditis Health Guide Disease Reference Care Notes Medication List More Encyclopedia Q & AOverview Aftercare Instructions Discharge Care Inpatient Care En Espanol WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It may also affect the valves of your heart. Endocarditis, and the health problems it may cause, can be serious and can become life-threatening. What causes endocarditis? Some autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, can increase your risk for endocarditis. Your risk for endocarditis may also be increased if you have congenital heart disease. Endocarditis is most often caused by a bacterial infection. It may also be caused by viral, fungal, or parasitic infections. Bacteria or other germs may enter your bloodstream and get to your heart in the following ways: A heart surgery such as a valve replacement Dental procedures A urinary or IV catheter Skin, mouth, or intestinal sores Injecting illegal drugs An implanted device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator What are the signs and symptoms of endocarditis?"
"docid": "D2910281#0",
"title": "http://www.vetbook.org/wiki/pig/index.php?title=Erysipelas&redirect=no\nErysipelas",
"text": "Erysipelas Acute severe skin form of swine erysipelas with extensive small raised pink/red lesions some developing dark scabs. Courtesy of Dr. Ranald D. A. Cameron Erysipelas skin lesions, close-up. Courtesy of Dr. Dietrich Barth, Merial Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Gram's stain, high power. Vegetative endocarditis lesion, showing the gram-positive filaments typical of this organism. Courtesy of Dr. John Prescott Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae seen mainly in growing pigs and characterized clinically by sudden death, fever, arthritis, and skin lesions. The disease may be acute, subacute, or chronic. Although acute septicemic swine erysipelas can result in a high mortality rate, the greatest economic loss probably occurs from the chronic, nonfatal forms of the disease. Cause E rhusiopathiae is a gram-positive bacillus. Colonies on agar media are grayish translucent and nonhemolytic with smooth or rough morphology. At least 28 different serovars exist."
"docid": "D1090239#0",
"title": "http://www.healthhype.com/staph-infection-symptoms.html\nStaph Infection Symptoms",
"text": "Staph Infection Symptoms Posted by Jan Modric Tweet Staph Infection Symptoms Staph infection symptoms include various skin changes, symptoms of infected internal organs, and symptoms related to staph blood poisoning (sepsis). What is Staph? Staph infection is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (staph for short) and rarely by S. epidermidis or other staphylococcal species. What is s Staph Infection? A staph infection is an inflammation of the skin or internal organs, caused by the staph bacteria or its toxins. Staph infection may be mild, severe or even life threatening, and may appear as: Skin infection Infection of the mucous membranes (sinusitis, epiglottitis, vaginitis)Infection of the glands (mastitis, parotitis)Staph food poisoning Urinary infection in men Bone infection (osteomyelitis) and joint infection (arthritis)Staph pneumonia Bacterial endocarditis Staph meningitis Bacteremia, sepsis Soft tissue gangrene and gas gangrene Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (SSSS)Symptoms of Staph Skin Infection Staph skin infection may appear as a:red skin rash, pus-filled blisters or as folliculitis (refer to folliculitis pictures)red bump or swelling on the eyelid (stye)vesicles that burst and crust over (impetigo)painful red swelling or vesicle around the nail (paronychia)painful red nodules which may ooze pus (boils: furuncle, carbuncle)swollen red skin patch, usually on the limbs (cellulitis)skin scalding, mostly in young children (staphylococcal scalding skin syndrome)infected acne, hydradenitis suppurativa or pilonidal cystinfected wound, and related infection of lymphatic vessels (staphylococcal lymphangitis)For a detailed description, read more on staph skin infections with pictures. Symptoms of Staph Mastitis Staph mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland mostly occurring in breastfeeding mothers within 6 weeks after childbirth or sometimes later ( 1 ). Symptoms of mastitis may include: Red, warm, tender or painful swelling or a lump in the breast (usually only on one side)Breast skin and nipple itch Nipple discharge Fever over 101°F (38.3°C), feeling ill Tender or enlarged lymph nodes in related armpit Symptoms of Bacterial Parotitis Bacterial parotitis is an inflammation of the parotid gland (the salivary gland lying under the skin below the ear) caused by staph or other bacteria. It usually occurs in old, dehydrated patients or those who were intubated ( 2 ). Bacterial parotitis has to be distinguished from viral parotitis which mostly occurs in children."
"docid": "D2677583#0",
"title": "https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/CongenitalHeartDefects/AboutCongenitalHeartDefects/Patent-Ductus-Arteriosus-PDA_UCM_307032_Article.jsp?appName=MobileApp\nPatent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)",
"text": "\"What is it? An unclosed hole in the aorta. Before a baby is born, the fetus's blood does not need to go to the lungs to get oxygenated. The ductus arteriosus is a hole that allows the blood to skip the circulation to the lungs. However, when the baby is born, the blood must receive oxygen in the lungs and this hole is supposed to close. If the ductus arteriosus is still open (or patent) the blood may skip this necessary step of circulation. The open hole is called the patent ductus arteriosus. More information for ... Parents What causes it? The ductus arteriosus is a normal fetal artery connecting the main body artery (aorta) and the main lung artery (pulmonary artery). The ductus allows blood to detour away from the lungs before birth."
"docid": "D2656530#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brucellosis/basics/symptoms/CON-20028263\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview Brucellosis is a bacterial infection that spreads from animals to people — most often via unpasteurized milk, cheese and other dairy products. More rarely, the bacteria that cause brucellosis can spread through the air or through direct contact with infected animals. Brucellosis symptoms may include fever, joint pain and fatigue. The infection can usually be treated successfully with antibiotics. Treatment takes several weeks to months, however, and relapses are common. While brucellosis is uncommon in the United States, the disease affects hundreds of thousands of people and animals worldwide. Avoiding unpasteurized dairy products and taking precautions when working with animals or in a laboratory can help prevent brucellosis. Symptoms Symptoms of brucellosis may show up anytime from a few days to a few months after you're infected. Signs and symptoms are similar to those of the flu and include: Fever Chills Loss of appetite Sweats Weakness Fatigue Joint, muscle and back pain Headache Brucellosis symptoms may disappear for weeks or months and then return. In some people, brucellosis becomes chronic, with symptoms persisting for years, even after treatment."
"docid": "D2162700#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/inflammation-of-the-inner-lining-of-the-heart\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Inflammation Of The Inner Lining Of The Heart",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Inflammation Of The Inner Lining Of The Heart Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Calvin Weisberger1 doctor agreed:1 What is the inflammation of the inner lining of the heart called? Endocarditis: The endocardium is the inner lining of the heart. If inflamed we call it endocarditis. ... Read more Dr. Harinder Gill Inflammation (Definition)Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens - and begin the healing process. Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, ... Read more Dr. Amandeep Kaur Family Medicine3 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Jerome Zacks1 doctor agreed:2 What is the definition or description of: inflammation of lining of the heart? Pericarditis: You are describing pericarditis, an inflammation of the tissue sac surrounding the heart. It typically causes pain in the chest and sometimes radiates to the side of the neck and back. It can be accompanied by fever, rapid heartbeat, a characteristic \"\"rub\"\" heard with a stethoscope, and characteristic ... Read more Dr. H Robert Silverstein3 doctors agreed:3 What are the common presenting symptoms of inflammation of lining of the heart? Variable: Fever, not feeling well, bruising occasionally a heart attack or stroke: sometimes nothing. Hrs, md www."
"docid": "D307935#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/endocarditis/article.htm\nEndocarditis",
"text": "\"Endocarditis Center A Visual Guide to Heart Disease Medical Illustrations of the Heart Image Collection Take the Heart Disease Quiz!Patient Comments: Endocarditis - Symptoms Patient Comments: Endocarditis - Treatment Find a local Cardiologist in your town Endocarditis facts What is endocarditis? What causes endocarditis? What are the symptoms of endocarditis? Who is at risk for endocarditis? How is endocarditis diagnosed? How is endocarditis treated? Endocarditis facts Endocarditis is an inflammation of the valves of the heart. Endocarditis is often caused by the growth of bacteria on one of the heart valves, leading to a mass known as a vegetation. Symptoms can be nonspecific and include fever, malaise, shortness of breath, and weakness. People with existing diseases of the heart valves and people who have undergone heart valve replacements are at an increased risk of developing endocarditis."
] |
636875 | what does endocrinology doctor treat | [
"docid": "D624672#0",
"title": "http://www.diabetesmonitor.com/education-center/diabetes-basics/what-is-an-endocrinologist.htm\nWhat is an endocrinologist?",
"text": "\"Diabetes Monitor › Education Center › Diabetes Basics › What is an endocrinologist? What is an endocrinologist? By Laura L Isaacs | January 04, 2012Diabetes is a complex disease, and there is a lot more to treating it than just keeping your blood sugar at a healthy level. Thankfully, today many individuals with diabetes have a whole team of skilled professionals to help them manage their illness, including a primary care physician, dietitian, eye doctor, podiatrist, dentist and even a fitness trainer all dedicated to keeping you healthy. According to information from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), it is also important to have an endocrinologist, a doctor who has special training in treating people with diabetes and hormonal disorders, on your care team as well. What is an endocrinologist? An endocrinologist is a specially trained doctor who can diagnose and treat diseases that affect your glands, hormones and your endocrine system. The pancreas is part of the endocrine system, and insulin is one of the central hormones the body needs to function properly. Endocrinologists often treat people with diabetes, thyroid disease, metabolic disorders and more. Like other physicians and medical doctors, an endocrinologist is required to finish four years in medical school and complete a three or four year residency."
] | [
"docid": "D1197555#0",
"title": "http://news.healingwell.com/index.php?p=news1&id=523151\n.",
"text": "\"Related Health News ENDOCRINOLOGY: Mild Low Thyroid Levels May Affect a Woman's Fertility: How Your Thyroid Could Be Working Against Your Heart: Childhood 'Growth' Tests Not Always Necessary: There's wide range of 'normal' growth and development for kids, pediatricians group says Thyroid Problems May Make Things Worse for Dialysis Patients: Study found it was linked to fatigue, greater pain and reduced physical function What You Need to Know About Antidepressants: They work by affecting brain chemicals that regulate mood, FDA explains Know the Signs of Thyroid Trouble: A small gland with a big job No Routine Screening for Thyroid Cancer: Expert Panel: U. S. Preventive Services Task Force says risks outweigh benefits Kitties Absorb Flame Retardants -- How About Your Kiddies? : Cats test positive for harmful chemicals found in house dust, so tots might, too, study suggests High Thyroid Hormone Levels Tied to Stiffer Arteries: Measuring these levels might help identify people at risk of heart disease, researcher says Mildly Low Thyroid Function in Pregnancy Not a Threat: Study: No difference in brain functioning seen in kids assessed to age 5Check Your Neck for Thyroid Abnormalities: 20 million Americans have thyroid disease, but only 4 out of 10 know it, doctors say Should Pregnant Women Always Be Treated for Underactive Thyroid? : New study finds the therapy may have potential risks, and specialists say more study is needed Just How Safe Is That Baby Teether? : Researchers say they found harmful chemicals in 59 products Low Vitamin D Levels May Raise Bladder Cancer Risk: Study: Researchers say finding might lead to cheap and safe way to prevent the disease Researchers Pinpoint More Genes Linked to Vitiligo: Genetic clues to this autoimmune disease could lead to breakthroughs for related disorders, researchers say Can You Blame Your Headaches on Your Thyroid? : People with migraines had 40 percent higher risk of thyroid problems, study suggests Thyroid Levels in High-Normal Range May Be Linked to Cardiac Arrest: Study isn't cause for alarm, cardiologist says, but hormone could be more 'toxic' than thought Restrictive Diets May Cause Thyroid Troubles in Young Kids: Cutting out foods with iodine led to deficiency that harmed metabolism in 2 children, case reports show Underactive Thyroid May Raise Odds for Type 2 Diabetes: Study: Experts say many thyroid patients are already checked for the blood sugar disease Surgeons' Experience Matters With Thyroid Removal: Track record best for doctors who perform 25-plus thyroidectomies a year, researchers say Overactive Thyroid Linked to Breast Cancer Risk: But researchers added that their study did not prove cause-and-effect Surgeon's Experience Tied to Success of Thyroid Removal: Study: Patients should ask how many of these operations the doctor does each year Even Slightly Overactive Thyroid Linked to Higher Fracture Risk: Study found greater chances of breaks in hip bones, spinal areas Cat Health Problem Might Be Linked to Flame Retardants: Researchers search for causes of feline hyperthyroidism Fluoride in Drinking Water Tied to Higher Rates of Underactive Thyroid: British study found an association, but couldn't prove cause-and-effect By Dennis Thompson Health Day Reporter SUNDAY, Jan. 16 (Health Day News) -- High cholesterol is a well-known health problem among Americans, particularly those at risk for stroke or heart disease. By comparison, thyroid disease is a relatively obscure ailment, with many people unable to say where the gland is and what it does. What many people also don't know is that a malfunctioning thyroid gland can cause high and potentially deadly levels of cholesterol in the blood. An estimated 27 million Americans have an overactive or underactive thyroid gland, but more than half remain undiagnosed, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. The thyroid gland is located in the middle of the lower neck, below the voice box and just above your collarbone. It is shaped like a bow tie, with two halves called \"\"lobes\"\" connected by an \"\"isthmus\"\" in the middle, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery. \"\""
"docid": "D1446187#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/p/pancreas/doctors.htm\nDoctors and Medical Specialists for Pancreas conditions",
"text": "Doctors and Medical Specialists for Pancreas conditions Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Deaths Videos Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Pancreas conditions: Research Doctors & Specialists Research doctors and specialists in general medical areas: Family Practice Pediatrics (Child Health Specialist)Adolescent Medicine (Teen Health)Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health)Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Public Health Doctors and specialists in areas related to Pancreas conditions: Diabetes & Endocrinology Specialists: Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Pediatric Endocrinology (Child Hormones)Cholesterol Specialists: Clinical Lipidology (Cholesterol/Triglycerides)Cardiac (Heart) Specialists: Cardiology (Heart specialists)Pediatric Cardiology (Child Heart Specialists)Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Interventional Cardiology Digestive Health Specialists (Gastroenterology): Gastroenterology (Digestive Specialists)Pediatric Gastroenterology (Child Digestive Health)more specialists...»More online doctor, physician and specialist research services: Rate Your Physician or Specialist: give your perspective on your patient experience. Research Your Doctor Online Review Online Surveys from Other Patients of Your Doctor Research local specialists including ratings, affiliations, and sanctions. Doctors for Pancreas conditions: This section presents information about some of the possible medical professionals that might be involved with Pancreas conditions. Ask your doctor to recommend what other types of doctors, physicians, medical specialists, or other medical professionals should be part of the team for your medical issues. See full list below. Doctor and medical specialist list for Pancreas conditions: The following types of doctors or medical specialists may be involved in diagnosis, treatment or management for Pancreas conditions: Endocrinologist Doctor and medical specialist list for Pancreas conditions: The following types of doctors or medical specialists have been listed as possibly involved in diagnosis, treatment or management for Pancreas conditions: Transplant surgeon» Next page: Cure Research for Pancreas conditions Medical Tools & Articles: Tools & Services: Bookmark this page Symptom Search Symptom Checker Medical Dictionary Medical Articles: Disease & Treatments Search Misdiagnosis Center Full list of interesting articles Forums & Message Boards Ask or answer a question at the Boards: I cannot get a diagnosis. Please help."
"docid": "D525375#0",
"title": "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/277177.php\nEverything you need to know about estrogen",
"text": "\"Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login Everything you need to know about estrogen Last updated Tue 2 January 2018By Hannah Nichols Reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, LDWhat is estrogen? Function Foods Uses Levels Supplements Side effects Estrogens are a group of sex hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics in the human body. They play an essential role in the growth and development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts, pubic and armpit hair, and the regulation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive system. During the menstrual cycle, estrogen produces an environment suitable for the fertilization, implantation, and nutrition of an early embryo. An imbalance of these hormones can lead to a range of health problems and unwanted physical changes. This MNT Knowledge Center article will explain what estrogen is, how it works in the body, its range of medical uses, and the effects of estrogen imbalance. Fast facts on estrogen The ovaries are the main location for estrogen production. Estrogen influences the structural differences between the male and female bodies, such as females having a wider pelvis and more permanent hair on the head. Synthetic estrogen has a range of uses in medicine, including birth control and managing the effects of menopause. Estrogen is involved in the development of a range of health issues."
"docid": "D728608#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/h/hand_neuropathy/intro.htm\nHand neuropathy",
"text": "\"Hand neuropathy Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Videos Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Hand neuropathy: Hand neuropathy: Introduction Symptoms Causes Treatments Misdiagnosis Home Testing Types Videos Research Latest Treatments Stories from Users Full Contents list Hand neuropathy: Introduction Although feet are the most common type of neuropathy, a similar neuropathy can occur in the hands. It is basically the same type of peripheral neuropathy as afflicts the feet. Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy affects both the hands and feet in a \"\"stocking and glove\"\" pattern affecting feet/lower legs and hands/wrists. Many of the comments regarding feet neuropathy also apply to hand neuropathy. Similar symptoms such as tingling, burning, pain, and numbness occur in the hands. Treatments, pain management, and preventive measures are probably similar in hand neuropathy to foot neuropathy, but hand neuropathy has had far less attention, so it is difficult to say if this is always true. Fortunately, hand neuropathy is often not as dangerous as feet neuropathy in the sense that hands are less likely to suffer major complications as compared to the feet."
"docid": "D2109072#0",
"title": "http://jobdescriptions.net/health/endocrinologist/\nEndocrinologist Job Description",
"text": "Endocrinologist Job Description Endocrinologists provide specialized health care and are charged with treating and caring for endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete. Patients are referred to the endocrinologist when the general practitioner detects a problem in the glandular system. As such, the typical day-at-work for the endocrinologist involves examining and making diagnoses for illnesses in the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and hypothalamus glands. Typically, they are experts in diagnosing and treating diseases of the thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, testes and ovaries. Other than specific organs, endocrinologists also treat diseases and conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol imbalances, osteoporosis, infertility and cancers of the endocrine glands. Endocrinologist Job Responsibilities Endocrinologists examine patients for disorders in the glandular system. They usually go through the referring physician’s notes as well as test results for clues and patterns. They may then order for additional tests with the aim of demystifying a patient’s condition or illness. In their examination, they look for signs and symptoms which may give away the illness. One of the key things an endocrinologist does is determining whether a patient’s hormone levels are normal."
"docid": "D2902472#0",
"title": "https://www.hormone.org/contact-a-health-professional/what-is-an-endocrinologist\nYou and Your Endocrinologist",
"text": "You and Your Endocrinologist Endocrinology is the study of medicine that relates to the endocrine system, which is the system that controls hormones . Endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who diagnose diseases related to the glands. Because these doctors specialize in these conditions, which can be complex and have hard-to-spot symptoms, an endocrinologist is your best advocate when dealing with hormonal issues. Most patients begin their journey to the endocrinologist with a trip to their primary care provider or family doctor. This doctor will run a series of tests to see what could be the potential problem the patient is facing. If a problem with the hormones is suspected, the primary care doctor will provide a referral. The endocrinologist's goal is to restore hormonal balance in the body. Dan Dianne Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:19What Does an Endocrinologist Do? The glands in a person's body release hormones."
"docid": "D1491239#0",
"title": "https://www.sharecare.com/health/antidiabetic-drugs\nAntidiabetic",
"text": "Related Topics: Metformin Insulin Antidiabetic Recently Answered Q If I need insulin to control my blood glucose, which type should I take?1 Answer A American Diabetes Association answered Your insulin doses should mimic how insulin works naturally in the body. In people without diabetes, the pancreas makes and releases small amounts of insulin throughout the day and night. This is called the basal insulin. The pancreas also releases a short burst of insulin when people without diabetes eat and their blood glucose begins to rise. This is called a bolus of insulin. Long-acting insulins are basal insulins. Rapid-acting and regular insulins are bolus insulins. Intermediate-acting insulin may provide both basal and some bolus effect or, if taken at bedtime, provide mostly a basal effect. Most people with diabetes take both basal and bolus insulin. Q How do meglitinide drugs help treat diabetes?1 Answer A Dr. Jack Merendino, MD , Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism, answered on behalf of The Best Life The meglitinides Prandin and Starlix prompt the body to make more insulin."
"docid": "D1043412#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/t/thyroid/doctors.htm\nDoctors and Medical Specialists for Thyroid disorders",
"text": "Doctors and Medical Specialists for Thyroid disorders Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Deaths Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Thyroid disorders: Research Doctors & Specialists Research doctors and specialists in general medical areas: Family Practice Pediatrics (Child Health Specialist)Adolescent Medicine (Teen Health)Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health)Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Public Health Doctors and specialists in areas related to Thyroid disorders: Diabetes & Endocrinology Specialists: Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Pediatric Endocrinology (Child Hormones)Pregnancy & Fertility Health Specialists: Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Womens Health Specialists: Gynecological Oncology Immune-Related Disease Specialists (Immunology): Allergy & Immunology (Allergies & Immune Diseases)Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (Child Allergies & Immune Diseases)Immunopathology Dermatological Immunology / Diagnostic Laboratory Clinical & Laboratory Immunology Senior Health Specialists (Geriatrics): Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health Specialist)Geriatric Psychiatry (Senior Mental Health)more specialists...»More online doctor, physician and specialist research services: Rate Your Physician or Specialist: give your perspective on your patient experience. Research Your Doctor Online Review Online Surveys from Other Patients of Your Doctor Research local specialists including ratings, affiliations, and sanctions. Doctors for Thyroid disorders: This section presents information about some of the possible medical professionals that might be involved with Thyroid disorders. Ask your doctor to recommend what other types of doctors, physicians, medical specialists, or other medical professionals should be part of the team for your medical issues. See full list below. Doctor and medical specialist list for Thyroid disorders: The following types of doctors or medical specialists may be involved in diagnosis, treatment or management for Thyroid disorders: Endocrinologist Family Practice Physician Doctor and medical specialist list for Thyroid disorders: The following types of doctors or medical specialists have been listed as possibly involved in diagnosis, treatment or management for Thyroid disorders: Endocrinologist Internist Nuclear medicine specialist Obstetrician» Next page: Cure Research for Thyroid disorders Medical Tools & Articles: Tools & Services: Bookmark this page Symptom Search Symptom Checker Medical Dictionary Medical Articles: Disease & Treatments Search Misdiagnosis Center Full list of interesting articles Forums & Message Boards Ask or answer a question at the Boards: I cannot get a diagnosis. Please help."
"docid": "D2289334#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/t/thyroiditis/treatments.htm\nTreatments for Thyroiditis",
"text": "Treatments for Thyroiditis Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Deaths Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Contents Thyroiditis: Introduction Treatment list for Thyroiditis Buy Products Related to Treatments for Thyroiditis Thyroiditis: Introduction Treatment List for Thyroiditis The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Thyroiditis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans. Treatments depend on the type of thyroiditis See also treatment of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - the most common type of thyroiditis \\Treatments for bacterial thyroiditis : Antibiotics Drainage of pus Gastrogaffin Analgesics - NSAID's and narcotic analgesics if required Corticosteroids Beta-blockers - for management of symptoms of hyperthyroidism Thyroxine replacement therapy if hypothyroidism occurs Surgery - thyroidectomy (total or partial), occasionally required in specific cases Thyroiditis: Is the Diagnosis Correct? The first step in getting correct treatment is to get a correct diagnosis. Differential diagnosis list for Thyroiditis may include: Benign multinodular goiteriodine deficiency Graves diseasemore diagnoses...»Hidden causes of Thyroiditis may be incorrectly diagnosed: Autoimmune disease Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - caused by autoimmune disease Viral thyroid infectionmore causes...»Thyroiditis: Marketplace Products, Discounts & Offers Products, offers and promotion categories available for Thyroiditis: Mom & Baby Pregnancy Senior Health Womens Healthmore product offers...»Thyroiditis: Research Doctors & Specialists Diabetes & Endocrinology Specialists: Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Pediatric Endocrinology (Child Hormones)Pregnancy & Fertility Health Specialists: Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Womens Health Specialists: Gynecological Oncology Immune-Related Disease Specialists (Immunology): Allergy & Immunology (Allergies & Immune Diseases)Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (Child Allergies & Immune Diseases)Immunopathology Dermatological Immunology / Diagnostic Laboratory Clinical & Laboratory Immunology Senior Health Specialists (Geriatrics): Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health Specialist)Geriatric Psychiatry (Senior Mental Health)more specialists...»Research all specialists including ratings, affiliations, and sanctions. Drugs and Medications used to treat Thyroiditis: Note: You must always seek professional medical advice about any prescription drug, OTC drug, medication, treatment or change in treatment plans. Some of the different medications used in the treatment of Thyroiditis include: Levothyroxine Alti-Thyroxine Armour Thyroid Eltroxin Euthroid Euthyrox Levo-TLevotabs Levothroid Levoxine Levoxyl L-Thyroxine Proloid Synthroid Synthrox Syroxine Thyroid USPThyrolar Liothyronine Tertroxin Hospital statistics for Thyroiditis: These medical statistics relate to hospitals, hospitalization and Thyroiditis:0.004% (463) of hospital consultant episodes were for thyroiditis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)97% of hospital consultant episodes for thyroiditis required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)11% of hospital consultant episodes for thyroiditis were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)89% of hospital consultant episodes for thyroiditis were for women in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)more hospital information...»Hospitals & Medical Clinics: Thyroiditis Research quality ratings and patient incidents/safety measures for hospitals and medical facilities in specialties related to Thyroiditis: Womens Health -- Hospital Quality Ratings Senior Health -- Hospital Quality Ratings Nursing Homes & Aged Care Facilities -- Quality Ratingsmore hospital ratings...»Hospital & Clinic quality ratings »Choosing the Best Treatment Hospital: More general information, not necessarily in relation to Thyroiditis, on hospital and medical facility performance and surgical care quality:50 Best Hospitals Report Women's Health Best Hospitals Patient Safety Hospital Quality and Clinical Excellence Study (2009)Buy Products Related to Treatments for Thyroiditis» Next page: Doctors and Medical Specialists for Thyroiditis Medical Tools & Articles: Tools & Services: Bookmark this page Symptom Search Symptom Checker Medical Dictionary Medical Articles: Disease & Treatments Search Misdiagnosis Center Full list of interesting articles Forums & Message Boards Ask or answer a question at the Boards: I cannot get a diagnosis."
"docid": "D546129#0",
"title": "https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/endocrine-diseases/primary-hyperparathyroidism\nPrimary Hyperparathyroidism",
"text": "Primary Hyperparathyroidism What is primary hyperparathyroidism? Primary hyperparathyroidism is a disorder of the parathyroid glands, also called parathyroids. “ Primary” means this disorder originates in the parathyroid glands. In primary hyperparathyroidism, one or more of the parathyroid glands are overactive. As a result, the gland releases too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). The disorder includes the problems that occur in the rest of the body as a result of too much PTH—for example, loss of calcium from bones. In the United States, about 100,000 people develop primary hyperparathyroidism each year. 1 The disorder is diagnosed most often in people between age 50 and 60, and women are affected about three times as often as men. 2Secondary, or reactive, hyperparathyroidism can occur if a problem such as kidney failure causes the parathyroid glands to be overactive. What are the parathyroid glands?"
"docid": "D3394533#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/addison_disease/page7.htm\nAddison's Disease",
"text": "\"Addison's Disease Center Take the Kidney Disease Quiz Kidney Stones Slideshow Pictures High Blood Pressure Slideshow Pictures Patient Comments: Addison's Disease - Symptoms Patient Comments: Addison's Disease - Treatments Patient Comments: Addison's Disease - Share Your Experience Patient Comments: Addison's Disease - Causes Find a local Endocrinologist in your town Addison's disease facts*What is Addison's disease? How does Addison's disease occur? What is cortisol? How is cortisol regulated? What is aldosterone? What causes Addison's disease? Primary adrenal insufficiency Polyendocrine deficiency syndrome Tuberculosis Other causes of Addison's disease Secondary adrenal insufficiency What are the signs and symptoms of Addison's disease? How is Addison's disease diagnosed? How is Addison's disease treated? Surgery Pregnancy?"
"docid": "D2102297#0",
"title": "https://www.sharecare.com/health/metformin\nMetformin",
"text": "\"Related Topics: Insulin Metformin Recently Answered Q What is metformin?6 Answers A Dr. Darria Long Gillespie, MD , Emergency Medicine, answered Metformin (Fortamet, Glucophage, Glumetza, Riomet) lowers blood glucose by decreasing the production of glucose in the liver. Metformin is taken by mouth. It may be prescribed alone or in combination with other diabetes drugs. Many products are available that combine metformin with other diabetes drugs in a single pill. Metformin is usually the first drug prescribed for type 2 diabetes. This answer was adapted from Sharecare's award-winning Ask MD app. Start a consultation now to find out what's causing your symptoms, learn how to manage a condition, or find a doctor. See All 6 Answers Q What health problems besides diabetes may be treated with metformin?1 Answer A Dr. Jack Merendino, MD , Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism, answered on behalf of The Best Life Insulin resistance is one of the key factors leading to diabetes, but it is increasingly recognized as an important issue in other settings as well. Insulin resistance itself increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and most physicians now consider pre-diabetes to be a serious condition, not only because of the likely progression to diabetes but also because heart disease risk is higher in people with blood sugars in the pre-diabetic range than in those with normal blood sugar levels. Many physicians and diabetes researchers think it's appropriate to treat people with pre-diabetes with metformin, and some even advocate the use of metformin in a person with abdominal obesity, even if he or she has normal blood sugar levels."
"docid": "D2388756#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/n/nephropathy/intro.htm\nNephropathy",
"text": "\"Nephropathy Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Videos Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Nephropathy: Nephropathy: Introduction Symptoms Causes Treatments Alternative Treatments Misdiagnosis Home Testing Types Videos Latest Treatments Stories from Users Full Contents list Nephropathy: Introduction Nephropathy: Any type of non-inflammatory kidney condition. More detailed information about the symptoms , causes, and treatments of Nephropathy is available below. Symptoms of Nephropathy Click to Check Symptoms are similar to symptoms of nephritismore symptoms...»Read more about symptoms of Nephropathy Treatments for Nephropathy Treatment depends on the underlying cause of nephropathy Treatment of nephropathy is dependant upon the underlying cause of the kidney damage, the severity of the kidney damage, the age of the patient, and any other health problems that the patient might have. Treatments include: Treatment of underlying cause - e.g., hypertension, diabetes, autoimmune diseases. This is very important in order to limit or slow the progression of renal disease Avoidance of medications that may contribute to further renal damage - NSAID's, IV contrast Smoking cessation - people who continue to smoke progress to end stage renal failure soonermore treatments...»Read more about treatments for Nephropathy Home Diagnostic Testing Home medical testing related to Nephropathy: High Cholesterol: Home Testing: Home Cholesterol Tests Home Triglycerides Tests Home Blood Pressure Test Devicesmore...»Wrongly Diagnosed with Nephropathy? Misdiagnosis of Nephropathy Failure to diagnose Nephropathy Hidden causes of Nephropathy (possibly wrongly diagnosed)Undiagnosed: Nephropathy Types of Nephropathy Toxin nephropathy - due to toxins damaging the kidneys Obstructive nephropathy Diabetic Nephropathy - due to diabetic hyperglycemia damaging kidneys Reflux nephropathy Ig A nephropathymore types...»See full list of 6 Types of Nephropathy Causes of Nephropathy Various types of nephropathy Diabetic Nephropathy Underlying causes of obstructive nephropathy : Kidney stones Kidney scar tissuemore causes...»See full list of 6 causes of Nephropathy More information about causes of Nephropathy: Medications, drugs, or substances causing Nephropathy (1 listings)Underlying causes of Nephropathy Nephropathy as a symptom Disease Topics Related To Nephropathy Research the causes of these diseases that are similar to, or related to, Nephropathy: Uric acid nephropathy Kidney Renal Gout Kidney disease Kidney and Renal failuremore related diseases...»Nephropathy: Undiagnosed Conditions Commonly undiagnosed diseases in related medical categories: Chronic Digestive Disorders that can remain Undiagnosed: Crohn's Disease -- Undiagnosed Ulcerative Colitis -- Undiagnosed Celiac Disease -- Undiagnosed Heartburn -- Undiagnosed GERD -- Undiagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease -- Undiagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome -- Undiagnosed Carcinoid Syndrome -- Undiagnosed Pancreatitis -- Undiagnosedmore undiagnosed conditions...»In-Depth Reports: Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis Diabetes diagnosis and misdiagnosis (In-Depth Report): Detailed report on diabetes misdiagnoses, rare curable types, and less common diagnostic issues.... read full report »Read more about Misdiagnosis and Nephropathy Misdiagnosis and Nephropathy Metabolic syndrome often undiagnosed: Metabolic syndrome, also known as Syndrome X, is an often overlooked medical condition that causes a cluster of... read more »Heart attacks can be undiagnosed: Although the most severe symptoms of heart attack are hard to miss, there are varying degrees of severity. It is altogether too common for people to die from... read more »Heart attacks can be overdiagnosed: Although many people die from heart attacks, there are also many cases where people fear that they have a heart attack, but... read more »Cluster of diseases with difficult diagnosis issues: There is a well-known list of medical conditions that are all somewhat difficult to... read more »Chronic digestive conditions often misdiagnosed: When diagnosing chronic symptoms of the digestive tract, there are a variety of conditions that... read more »Intestinal bacteria disorder may be hidden cause: One of the lesser known causes of diarrhea is an imbalance of bacterial in the gut, sometimes called intestinal imbalance."
"docid": "D2646145#0",
"title": "http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/c/chronic_pancreatitis/doctors.htm\nDoctors and Medical Specialists for Chronic Pancreatitis",
"text": "Doctors and Medical Specialists for Chronic Pancreatitis Intro Symptoms Types Causes Tests Treatment Misdiagnosis Deaths Videos Doctors Must Reads in Health Protecting Your Skin During Winter Watch: My Personal Psoriasis Journey Are You Getting The Best Cancer Care? Keeping An Active Lifestyle With COPDLiver Disease? Find a Doc Who Treats PBCAre You Allergic To Your Clothes? Why Psoriasis Treatments Can Fail Chronic Pancreatitis: Research Doctors & Specialists Research doctors and specialists in general medical areas: Family Practice Pediatrics (Child Health Specialist)Adolescent Medicine (Teen Health)Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health)Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Public Health Doctors and specialists in areas related to Chronic Pancreatitis: Nerve Specialists: Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Neurology (Brain/CNS Specialists)Pediatric Neurology (Child Brain Specialist)Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Diabetes & Endocrinology Specialists: Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Pediatric Endocrinology (Child Hormones)Cholesterol Specialists: Clinical Lipidology (Cholesterol/Triglycerides)Cardiac (Heart) Specialists: Cardiology (Heart specialists)Pediatric Cardiology (Child Heart Specialists)Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Interventional Cardiology Digestive Health Specialists (Gastroenterology): Gastroenterology (Digestive Specialists)Pediatric Gastroenterology (Child Digestive Health)Pain Specialists: Pain Medicine Rheumatology (Arthritis / Joint Pain)Arthritis & Joint Health Specialists (Rheumatology): Rheumatology (Joint Health)Pediatric Rheumatology (Child Joint Health)more specialists...»More online doctor, physician and specialist research services: Rate Your Physician or Specialist: give your perspective on your patient experience. Research Your Doctor Online Review Online Surveys from Other Patients of Your Doctor Research local specialists including ratings, affiliations, and sanctions. Doctors for Chronic Pancreatitis: This section presents information about some of the possible medical professionals that might be involved with Chronic Pancreatitis. Ask your doctor to recommend what other types of doctors, physicians, medical specialists, or other medical professionals should be part of the team for your medical issues. See full list below. Doctor and medical specialist list for Chronic Pancreatitis: The following types of doctors or medical specialists have been listed as possibly involved in diagnosis, treatment or management for Chronic Pancreatitis: Gastroenterologist Gastrointestinal surgeon Pain management specialist» Next page: Cure Research for Chronic Pancreatitis Medical Tools & Articles: Tools & Services: Bookmark this page Symptom Search Symptom Checker Medical Dictionary Medical Articles: Disease & Treatments Search Misdiagnosis Center Full list of interesting articles Forums & Message Boards Ask or answer a question at the Boards: I cannot get a diagnosis. Please help."
"docid": "D3336142#0",
"title": "https://www.hormone.org/you-and-your-endocrinologist\nYou and Your Endocrinologist",
"text": "You and Your Endocrinologist Endocrinology is the study of medicine that relates to the endocrine system, which is the system that controls hormones . Endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who diagnose diseases related to the glands. Because these doctors specialize in these conditions, which can be complex and have hard-to-spot symptoms, an endocrinologist is your best advocate when dealing with hormonal issues. Most patients begin their journey to the endocrinologist with a trip to their primary care provider or family doctor. This doctor will run a series of tests to see what could be the potential problem the patient is facing. If a problem with the hormones is suspected, the primary care doctor will provide a referral. The endocrinologist's goal is to restore hormonal balance in the body. Dan Dianne Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:19What Does an Endocrinologist Do? The glands in a person's body release hormones."
"docid": "D624676#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocrinology\nEndocrinology",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the academic journal, see Endocrinology (journal). Endocrinology Illustration depicting the primary endocrine organs of a female System Endocrine Significant diseases Diabetes, Thyroid disease, Androgen excess Significant tests Thyroid function tests, Blood sugar levels Specialist Endocrinologist Endocrinology (from Greek ἔνδον, endon, \"\"within\"\"; κρίνω, krīnō, \"\"to separate\"\"; and -λογία, -logia) is a branch of biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system, its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones. It is also concerned with the integration of developmental events proliferation, growth, and differentiation, and the psychological or behavioral activities of metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction, and sensory perception caused by hormones. Specializations include behavioral endocrinology [1] [2] [3] and comparative endocrinology. The endocrine system consists of several glands, all in different parts of the body, that secrete hormones directly into the blood rather than into a duct system. Hormones have many different functions and modes of action; one hormone may have several effects on different target organs, and, conversely, one target organ may be affected by more than one hormone. Contents [ hide ]1 The endocrine system1.1 Hormones1.1.1 Amines1.1.2 Peptide and protein1.1.3 Steroid2 As a profession2.1 Work2.2 Training3 Diseases and medicine3.1 Diseases3.2 Societies and organisations4 History5 See also6 References The endocrine system [ edit]Norepinephrine Triiodothyronine Examples of amine hormones Main article: Endocrine system Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system in the human body. This is a system of glands which secrete hormones. Hormones are chemicals which affect the actions of different organ systems in the body. Examples include thyroid hormone, growth hormone, and insulin."
"docid": "D1511230#0",
"title": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/endocrinology/hypothyroidism_and_pregnancy_85,P00426/\nHypothyroidism and Pregnancy",
"text": "Home > Health Library Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy See related health topics and resources<< Back to Endocrinology Facts about hypothyroidism and pregnancy Hypothyroidism is a condition marked by an underactive thyroid gland and may be present during pregnancy. Many symptoms of hypothyroidism are similar to pregnancy symptoms. For example, fatigue, weight gain, and abnormal menstruation are common to both. Having low thyroid hormone levels may even interfere with becoming pregnant or be a cause of miscarriage. What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a common condition. It can go undetected if symptoms are mild. Hypothyroidism means the thyroid is underactive and making insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones. Symptoms of hypothyroidism may be mild and may start slowly. The following are the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism: Feeling tired Unable to stand cold temperatures Hoarse voice Swelling of the face Weight gain Constipation Skin and hair changes, including dry skin and loss of eyebrows Carpal tunnel syndrome (hand tingling or pain)Slow heart rate Muscle cramps Trouble concentrating Irregular menstrual periods The symptoms of hypothyroidism may resemble other conditions or medical problems."
"docid": "D108902#0",
"title": "https://www.baptistfirst.org/uab-multispecialty-clinic/specialties/endocrinology-and-diabetes/what-is-endocrinology\nWhat is endocrinology?",
"text": "What is endocrinology? What is the endocrine system? The endocrine system is a collection of glands that send hormones through the bloodstream to regulate the body's metabolism, growth, appetite, sexual development, blood sugar regulation and many other functions. What does an endocrinologist do? Endocrinologists are trained to diagnose and treat imbalances of the hormones, restoring normal balance in your system. Endocrinologists care for conditions including diabetes, thyroid diseases, metabolic disorders, over or under production of hormones, menopause, osteoporosis, hypertension, cholesterol (lipid) disorders, infertility, lack of growth (short stature) and cancers of the endocrine glands. Baptist Health has partnered with UAB to bring the highest level of care to Central Alabama and the River Region. The UAB Multispecialty Clinic at Baptist Medical Center South joins nurses and staff from Baptist South with specially trained doctors from UAB to offer advanced care in many specialties, including endocrinology. Why should I choose UAB Multispecialty Clinic? UAB Medicine’s Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Diabetes Clinic offers the expertise and compassion of UAB Medicine endocrinologists and Baptist Health’s staff to take an active role in using innovative treatments and educating patients on how to prevent this lifelong disease."
"docid": "D249141#0",
"title": "https://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Joseph_Dehaven/reviews\nAbout Dr. Joseph W Dehaven",
"text": "About Dr. Joseph W Dehaven Dr. Joseph W Dehaven, MD is a Doctor primarily located in Savannah, GA. He has 44 years of experience. His specialties include Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism and Internal Medicine . Dr. Dehaven has received 5 awards. He speaks English. Rating Overview37 Ratings with 13 Comments4.4The overall average patient rating of Dr. Joseph W Dehaven is Great . Dr. Joseph W Dehaven has been rated by 37 patients. From those 37 patients 13 of those left a comment along with their rating. The overall rating for Dr. Joseph W Dehaven is 4.4 of 5.0 stars.read reviews Write a Review Primary Address JOSEPH W DEHAVEN MD PC7001 Hodgson Memorial Dr Ste 2Savannah, GA 31406Get Directions Phone Number Specialties Dr. Joseph W Dehaven has the following 2 specialties Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism An endocrinologist is a physician with extensive training in understanding, diagnosing and treating conditions related to the endocrine system. The endocrine system regulates the balance of hormones."
"docid": "D1509045#0",
"title": "https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248679.php\nWhat is endocrinology?",
"text": "Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Log in Newsletter MNT - Hourly Medical News Since 2003Search Login What is endocrinology? Last updated Thu 12 October 2017By Christian Nordqvist Reviewed by Daniel Murrell, MDWhat is the endocrine system? Diseases What is an endocrinologist? Visiting an endocrinologist Takeaway Endocrinology is the field of hormone-related diseases. An endocrinologist can diagnose and treat hormone problems and the complications that arise from them. Hormones regulate metabolism, respiration, growth, reproduction, sensory perception, and movement. Hormone imbalances are the underlying reason for a wide range of medical conditions. Endocrinology focuses both on the hormones and the many glands and tissues that produce them. Humans have over 50 different hormones. They can exist in very small amounts and still have a significant impact on bodily function and development."
] |
636877 | what does endoplasmic reticulum do | [
"docid": "D1169230#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_endoplasmic_reticulum_do\nWhat is endoplasmic reticulum?",
"text": "Anovia _ 29,410 Contributions What is endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle that appears in all eukaryotic cells, usually surrounding the nucleus. The ER is made of a series of membranes that extend thr …Canine 3 Contributions What is an endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplasmic Reticulum is ER for short. It is the organelle in which components of the cell membrane are assembled and some proteins are packaged to be sent to the Golgi App …Autumn Adams 1 Contribution What does the Endoplasmic reticulum do in a cell?i am pretty sure that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) helps with the cell membrane and if part of the cell membrane dies it helps rebuild that part of it What does the endoplasmic reticulum do for the cell?this network of passageways carries materials from one part of the cell to another Ramkishore Singh Rathore 9,008 Contributions Ph. D., F. B. S. is Ex- Head of Botany Department, R B S College, Agra and Ex- Principal Government College, Port Blair Where is endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplsmic reticulum is found in cell cytoplasmbrittany patterson 2 Contributions What does the endoplasmic reticulum do in an animal cell?transports materials into the nucleus Darkwater Darkwater 12,081 Contributions University Undergraduate The endoplasmic reticulum has? Has a membranous structure. Involve in production of lipids and help in protein synthesis. Call me today 6 Contributions What does the endoplasm reticulum do?"
] | [
"docid": "D3303804#0",
"title": "http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/cfancey/City%20Cell.htm\nInstructional Goals:",
"text": "Click on Picture for Information Download Grade 8 Atlantic Canada Outcomes Covered in the project• distinguish between plant and animal cells (304-5)• work co-operatively with team members to develop and construct models of cells (211-3)• explain that it is important to use proper terms when comparing plant and animal cells (109-13)• explain that growth and reproduction depend on cell division (304-6)• relate the needs and functions of various cells and organs to the needs and functions of the human organism as a whole (304-8)• evaluate individual and group processes used in researching the roles of the main orgasystems (211-4)Instructional Goals: Eigth grade science students should be able to identify and name the parts of the animal and plant cells, describe and list the functions of the animal and plant organelles, and describe and list the differences between animal and plant cells. Students should know specifically : a) students know cells function similarly in all living organisms, b) students know the characteristics that distinguish plant cell from animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls, c) students know the nucleus is the repository for genetic information in plant and animal cells, d) students know that mitochondria liberate energy for the work that cells do and that chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for photosynthesis. www.ca.edu.gov Goal: Student groups will first name the parts of animal cells and plant cells, and the differences between them.1.0 Name Parts of Animal Cell Name: 1.1 Nucleus 1.2 Lysosomes 1.3 Cell membrane 1.4 Mitochondria 1.5 Cytoplasm 1.6 Golgi body 1.7 Vacuole 1.8 Ribosome 1.9 Endoplasmic-Reticulum 1.10 Nucleolus 1.11 Nuclear membrane2.0 Name Parts of Plant Cell Name: 2.1 Nucleus 2.2 Ribosome 2.3 Mitochondria 2.4 Choloroplasts 2.5 Cell membrane 2.6 Cytoplasm 2.7 Cell wall 2.8 Vacuole 2.9 Golgi body 2.10 Endoplasmic-Reticulum 2.11 Nuclear membrane 2.11 Large vacuole 2.12 Nucleolus3.0 Difference of Plant Cell Name: 3.1 Large vacuole 3.2 Cell wall 3.3 Choloroplasts4.0 Difference of Animal Cell4.1 Lysosomes Goal: Student groups will name the functions of the animal and plant cell organelles.5.0 List functions of the plant and animal cell organelles5.1 Nucleus Directs all of the cell's activities, including reproduction5.2 Nucleolus The structure where ribosomes are made5.3 Nuclear membrane Protects the nucleus, materials pass in and out through pores5.4 Cell membrane Forms a barrier between the cytoplasm and the environment outside of the cell5.5 Cytoplasm Gel-like fluid in which many organelles are found5.6 Chloroplast Capture energy from sunlight and produces food for plant cell5.7 Ribosome Function as factories to produce proteins. Found attached to the outer surface of the endoplasmic reticulum and floating free in the cytoplasm.5.8 Lysosome In animal cells, they contain chemicals that break down food particles and worn out-cell parts5.9 Mitochondria Rod-shaped organelles and are the powerhouses of the cell. They produce most of the cells energy5.10 Vacuole Structure that stores food, water, waste and other materials5.11 Golgi body Receives materials through the endoplasmic reticulum and sends them to other parts of the cell5.12 Endoplasmic reticulum Network of passageways that carry the materials from one part of the cell to another Cell City Introduction!Floating around in the cytoplasm are small structures called organelles. Like the organs in your own body, each one carries out a specific function necessary for the cell to survive. Imagine the cell as a miniature city. The organelles might represent companies, places or parts of the city because they each have similar jobs. Below are the descriptions of important parts of the Cell City. A. City Limits - control what goes in and out of the city B. Road System - Allows for movement throughout the city."
"docid": "D20947#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/organelle-cell-produces-lipids-e2db6f6af5a02c44\nWhich Organelle in the Cell Produces Lipids?",
"text": "\"Science Biology Cells Q: Which Organelle in the Cell Produces Lipids? A: Quick Answer The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle responsible for the production of lipids in the cell. This particular reticulum also synthesizes carbohydrates and steroid hormones. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is the Difference Between Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum? What Part of the Cell Makes Lipids? What Are the Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum? Full Answer The endoplasmic reticulum is made up of membranous sacs and tubules. It has two different portions: the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes and produces proteins that are incorporated into cellular membranes outside of the cell. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks ribosomes on its cytoplasmic surface."
"docid": "D2201456#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_consists_of_a_network_of_intracellular_membranes_with_attached_ribosomes\nMembrane proteins are synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to what?",
"text": "Vance Neely 11 Contributions Membrane proteins are synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to what? The endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes bound to endoplasmic reticulumgenerally make proteins destined either for inclusion intomembranes; for packaging within certain organelles …What is the network of membranes attached to the nucleus?the endoplasmic reticulum. the endoplasmic reticulum Network of membranes attached to the nucleus? Endoplasmic Reticulum What do attached ribosomes do? Ribosomes attach to the Endoplasmic Reticulum forming Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. What is the network of membranes where proteins are processed and transported ribosomes may be attached?rough endoplasmic reticulum What forms a network of interconnecting membranes covered with ribosomes? The Rough endoplasmic reticulum LE MA 18 Contributions Membrane proteins are synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to?the endoplasmic reticulum What do membrane proteins synthesized by ribosomes attached to?lysosomes What is a network of connected tubules that are involved in transport of cell materials and is commonly attached to ribosomes? Endoplasmic Reticulum What does attached ribosomes do? Ribosomes main function is protein synthesis which means producing proteins."
"docid": "D1842619#0",
"title": "http://www.visualhistology.com/products/atlas/VHA_Chpt1_Cells.html\nOverview",
"text": "\"CHAPTER 1. Cells Overview This is a book about cells and tissues. Its primary objective is to build a series of visual three-dimensional images of the cells and tissues that make up the human body. This particular chapter, headed by the all- encompassing title \"\"cells,\"\" is intended to prepare you to recognize and understand the images of cells and tissues, photographed by light and electron microscopy, that are presented in this atlas. The number and variety of cells within every person is tremendous. Fortunately, the Herculean task of visualizing the complexity of the very cells of which we are made is greatly simplified when you realize that many cells, despite their dramatic differences in structure and function, are really more alike than not: they are variations on a theme. And what is that theme? Simply this: cells are designed to generate order out of chaos. We are surrounded by chaos. Biologists are wont to refer to chaos as Entropy - the concept, described in the second law of thermodynamics, that everything tends toward disorder."
"docid": "D1466905#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/688763/animal-and-plant-cells-flash-cards/\nAnimal and Plant Cells",
"text": "\"62 terms jdoppster Animal and Plant Cells Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Nucleus This organelle is the control center of the cell. It contains chromosomes and DNA. DNA What do you call the genetic material found inside of the nucleus? Nucleolus This organelle is located in the nucleus and is made up of RNA and protein. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum This structure contains ribosomes and is the passageway from the nucleus that transports proteins throughout the cell. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum This structure does not contain ribosomes and is the passageway from the nucleus that transports lipids (fats) throughout the cell. Ribosomes These organelles put together proteins for the cell. They can be found on the rough ER or suspended in the cytoplasm."
"docid": "D1300563#0",
"title": "https://www.biology-questions-and-answers.com/cell-structure.html\nCell Structure",
"text": "\"Cell Structure A Review of All Cell Organelles Through Q&As Cell Theory1. What is cell theory? Cell theory states that the cell is the basic unit of living organisms. Before the discovery of the cell, people were unaware that living organisms were made of building blocks like cells. Cell theory is one of the basic theories of biology. More Bite-Sized Q&As Below2. Are there living organisms without cells? Viruses are considered the only living organisms that do not have cells. Viruses are made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein capsule. They do not have membranes, cell organelles, or own metabolism.3."
"docid": "D1663868#0",
"title": "http://welkescience.wikispaces.com/Endoplasmic+Reticulum+-+Animal\nEndoplasmic Reticulum - Animal",
"text": "Endoplasmic Reticulum - Animal Edit 0 17 …0 Tags No tags Notify RSSBacklinks Source Print Export (PDF)Rough endoplasmic reticulum forms a reticulum that expands as the cell becomes more active in protein synthesis. Sometimes the reticulum branches out. Other times, the cisternae dilate and form large sacs that fill the cell. This photograph, taken from your text, shows the reticulum delineated by immunolabeling for newly synthesized protein (labeled fluorescent blue in this photo). . : Endoplasmic Reticulubum:. Endoplasmic Reticulum and Nuclear Envelope Endoplasmic Reticulum - The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of sacs that manufactures, processes, and transports chemical compounds for use inside and outside of the cell. It is connected to the double-layered nuclear envelope, providing a pipeline between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubules, vesicles and sacs that are interconnected. They may serve specialized functions in the cell including protein synthesis, sequestration of calcium, production of steroids, storage and production of glycogen, and insertion of membrane proteins. The first part of this presentation will focus on rough endoplasmic reticulum which gets its name from the presence of ribosomes on its surface."
"docid": "D2484031#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/subject/term%3Aendoplasmic%20reticulum%20%3D%20surface%20for%20chemical%20activity/\n\"Study sets matching \"\"term:endoplasmic reticulum = surface for chemical activity\"\"\"",
"text": "\"Study sets matching \"\"term:endoplasmic reticulum = surface for chemical activity\"\"Study sets Diagrams Classes Users Options24 terms docsofi The endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Illustration of the smooth endoplasmic…Lack ribosomes on its surface and is composed of a network of… Defined by the presence of ribosomes bound to its cytosolic su…5 terms reginald_rich Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum is The Endoplasmic reticulum facilitates The Endoplasmic reticulum synthesizesenclosed space consisting of a network of flattened sacs and t… cellular communication and channeling of materials... Synthesizes… membranes for other organelles12 terms rachael_j_dezilwa The endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Illustration of the smooth endoplasmic…Lack ribosomes on its surface and is composed of a network of… Defined by the presence of ribosomes bound to its cytosolic su…27 terms Ryobe6論文\"\"In situ surface crosslinked tight ultrafiltration membrane prepared by one-step chemical reaction-involved phase inversion process between activated PAEK-COOH and PEI\"\"surface crosslinked ultrafiltration表面、外見 橋架重合体 限外濾過10 terms drew_flo14Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)Endoplasmic Reticulum Two types of ER Rough ERInterconnected tubes and parallel membranes enclosing cisterna… Rough and smooth External surface studded with ribosomes (look like little grai…7 terms heatherswens0n Endoplasmic Reticulum Location Types Smooth ERcontinuous with nucleus, membrane separates cytosol from ER lu… smooth ER and rough ER surface lacks ribosomes9 terms rpt1231Bio Chp 4 Endoplasmic Reticulumendoplasmic reticulum cisternal space Smooth ER- membranous network of tubules and sacs (cisternae)... - most ex… - internal lumen of ER... - continuous with space between membran… - cytoplasmic surface lacks ribosomes ... Functions:... - participat…11 terms Nicholi_Thomas Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Free Ribosomes Bound Ribosomes Complexes made of ribosomal RNA and protein. Suspended in the cytosol. Attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclea…9 terms ngumel_12rough endoplasmic reticulumwhat is the rough ER structure chemical compositionribosomes attached to surface, manufacture proteins not all ri… called rough because it has ribosomes attached to its surface.… is studded with protein manufacturing ribosomes giving it 'rou…10 terms Searls3Endoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum A system of membranes tubules and sacs Prominent in cells that make large amounts of proteins to be e… Involved in the synthesis of lipids and breakdowns of toxic su…5 terms ZCVB125Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum networks of interconnecting membranes b… interior = lumen and is separate and di…... ... ...93 terms madi_l_pughendoplasmic reticulumendoplasmic meaning reticulum meaning endoplasmic reticulum propertieswithin the cytoplasm network \"\"network within the cytoplasm\"\", highly convoluted and extensiv…84 terms kgronauer PLUSMitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum Histology Lecture Mitochondria Mitochondria 0.5 um What is the organelle seen in the image? an aerobic bacterium trapped in eukaryotic cytoplasm What is the average diameter of a mitochondria?10 terms Taylor_Reever Endoplasmic Reticulum lab 4composed of a network of enclosed chann… There are two types of endoplasmic reti… contains bound ribosomesendoplasmic reticulum -rough endoplasmic reticulum RER ... -smooth endoplasmic reticulu… RER7 terms jbucks1414Chapter 4 Endoplasmic Reticulumendoplasmic reticulum lumen rough era network of membranes, flattened encloses a single compartment studded with ribosomes, site of protein synthesis and sorting165 terms shaner91 PLUSBIOL 5210 Lecture 8: Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteins can enter either the lumen or… What are the 2 ways that proteins can l… What intracellular compartment is a maj…Co-translational translocation; Transmembrane translocation 1) Vesicular transport... 2) Retrotranslocation (form of transmem… ER43 terms Josie_Emery1Endoplasmic Reticulum Cell Biology Part Two Bulk flow KDEL Sequence KDEL sequence at neutral p HProteins moving out of the ER to the plasma membrane It is the sequence that retains a resident protein. It is the… KDEL receptors will not bind with the sequence53 terms dom_kaye L6 Endoplasmic Reticulum3 Focus Points of Lecture What is the Chaperone System? What is the CFTR?- CFTR... - Unfolded Protein Response (ER Stress)... - Virus-Host me… Chaperones are proteins which assist in the folding of other p… Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator10 terms Lchartier JFKSurface Activitymetamorphic rock sedimentary rock igneouswhen an igneous or sedimentary rock has been changed into a ne… Rock material that forms when rocks are broken down into small… rock that forms when magma cools and solidifies5 terms Eva_Sherrin Rough endoplasmic reticulum Structure Rer function Transport Coated with ribosomes... System of membranes, containing fluid fi… Intercellular transport system Cisternae forms channels for transporting substances from one…7 terms ZCVB125Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Lacks ribosomes more tubular... ... ...33 terms Julia_Schaus Endoplasmic Reticulum (lecture 1)Endomembrane System components Not in endomembrane system Rough ER Function (exclusive)1. ER... 2. Golgi... 3. Nuclear Membrane... 4."
"docid": "D2334834#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Do-microtubules-connect-both-the-endoplasmic-reticulum-and-the-golgi-apparatus\nDo microtubules connect both the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus?",
"text": "Microtubules Golgi Apparatus Molecular Biology Biology Do microtubules connect both the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus?1 Answer Zoltan Barczikay Answered Oct 4, 2011I am not sure about the ER, but the Golgi is definitively linked with microtubules through p230/Golgin-245 and MACF1 proteins. Please see this paper: http://www.sciencedirect.com/sci.... The Golgi is positioned close to the MTOC (microtubule organizing center), see http://jcs.biologists.org/conten... and refererences therein.531 Viewspromoted by UC Berkeley Extension Prepare for grad school & health careers. Medical microbiology classroom & online courses at UC Berkeley Extension. Learn More at extension.berkeley.edu Related Questions After proteins get processed by the endoplasmic reticulum, what percent head out to the golgi apparatus? What percent go elsewhere? What is the location of the golgi apparatus? Can the golgi apparatus be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or must it exist alone? What is the Golgi apparatus/complex? What is the main function? What is the structure of the Golgi apparatus?"
"docid": "D1663644#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_functions_of_smooth_endoplasmic_reticulum_animal_cell_part\nWhat are the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum animal cell part?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Microbiology Cell Biology (cytology) What are the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum animal cell part? Flag What are the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum animal cell part? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Packaging of secretory proteins as well as the synthesis of lipids. also responsible for inactivation and detoxification of drugs and other compounds that might otherwise be harmful or toxic to the cell.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum in an animal cell? The organelle known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) functions as a protein-packaging system in an animal cell. Proteins are folded by ER and are then moved to the Golgi appa …What does the smooth endoplasmic reticulum do in an animal cell?the smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesises lipids and hydrolyses glycogen to glucose. Edit Function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in animal cells? Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has lipids and carbohydrate synthesis."
"docid": "D2447181#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_in_the_body_is_rough_endoplasmic_reticulum_abundant\nWhat is a role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?",
"text": "Cupcakes 2 good 1 Contribution Answered In Microbiology What is a role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?the endoplasmic reticulum stores and packs proteins which sugars can be added to then are further sent off to the Golgi apparatus for further manufacturing and production. Aanth0nylvnlife7 3 Contributions Answered In Cell Biology (cytology)What is produced by rough endoplasmic reticulum?proteins Answered In Microbiology What are rough endoplasmic reticulum like and how? Rough ER is significantly more rigid and slower in terms of navigation. This roughness is due to the DNA strands in the central nervous system. Answered In Microbiology What does the rough endoplasmic reticulum do for your body?rough er helps in protein synthesis in our bodies Answered In Microbiology What is a rough endoplasmic reticulum and what is its function?rough endoplasmic reticulum, or rough ER is ER that has ribosomes attached to its surface, and helps to move them throughout the cell."
"docid": "D2818269#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_rough_endoplasmic_reticulum_do_in_an_animal_cell\nWhat does the rough endoplasmic reticulum do for a cell?",
"text": "What does the rough endoplasmic reticulum do for a cell?what does a rough endoplasmic reticulum do for a cell Neonmuffins 22 Contributions Do animals have a rough endoplasmic reticulum? Yes. All species in the domain Eukarya (which includes four kingdoms--Fungi, Protista, Animalia, and Plantae) have endoplasmic reticulum in their cells. * It's is found in bo …Lovegames22 14 Contributions What does a rough endoplasmic reticulum do to a plant and animal cell?it helps the cell make proteins and other nuetrients. Is the rough endoplasmic reticulum in a plant or animal cell? Rough ER is found in both plant and animal cells. What does Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum do in the cell?the rough er are attached to areas on the rough er Do animals have rough endoplasmic reticulum? Yes. All cells have one, no matter what kind. Is rough endoplasmic reticulum found in plant and animal cells?"
"docid": "D1054966#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/endoplasmic-reticulum\nendoplasmic reticulum",
"text": "endoplasmic reticulum Word Originnoun, Cell Biology.1. a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) involved in the transport of materials. Origin of endoplasmic reticulum Expand1945-1950First recorded in 1945-50Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source British Dictionary definitions for endoplasmic reticulum Expandendoplasmic reticulumnoun1. an extensive intracellular membrane system whose functions include synthesis and transport of lipids and, in regions where ribosomes are attached, of proteins Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © Harper Collins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Sourceendoplasmic reticulum in Medicine Expandendoplasmic reticulum n. Abbr. ER The membrane network in cytoplasm that is composed of tubules or cisternae. Some membranes carry ribosomes on their surfaces while others are smooth. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Cite This Sourceendoplasmic reticulum in Science Expandendoplasmic reticulum (ěn'də-plāz'mĭk) An organelle consisting of a network of membranes within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that is important in protein synthesis and folding and is involved in the transport of cellular materials."
"docid": "D2267881#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_role_of_the_endoplasmic_reticulum\nWhat is the role of the endoplasmic reticulum?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Microbiology Cell Biology (cytology) What is the role of the endoplasmic reticulum? Flag What is the role of the endoplasmic reticulum? Answer by Flutterbykisses Confidence votes 35The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is repsonible for the production of the protein and lipid components of most of the cell's organelles. The ER contains a great amount of folds - but the membrane forms a single sheet enclosing a single closed sac. This internal space is called the ER lumen. The ER is additionally responsible for moving proteins and other carbohydrates to the Golgi apparatus, to the plasma membrane, to the lysosomes, or wherever else needed. There are two types of ER - rough, which is coated with ribosomes, and smooth, which isn't.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Anovia _ 29,410 Contributions What is endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle that appears in all eukaryotic cells, usually surrounding the nucleus. The ER is made of a series of membranes that extend thr …Role of endoplasmic reticulum?"
"docid": "D2139636#0",
"title": "http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-smooth-and-vs-rough-endoplasmic-reticulum/\nDifference Between Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum",
"text": "\"Difference Between Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Posted on May 2, 2012 by Naveen Last updated on: May 2, 2012Smooth vs Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum | SER vs RERCell is the basic functional unit of life, and it is composed of few organelles inside. Endoplasmic reticulum is one of the very important structures in a cell, and there are two major types of it known as smooth and rough. Endoplasmic reticulum is often abbreviated as ER; hence, smooth type is denoted as SER and the rough type is symbolized as RER. There are interesting differences in structures and functions between these two types and, this article summarizes most of those. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is named because of its smooth surface. The surface is smooth because there are no ribosomes. The structure of SER is a branching network of tubules and vesicles. These networks structures are important to facilitate newly synthesized proteins to be folded correctly. In addition, it contributes to maintain the volume of a cell at a certain level. Usually, the location that SER is mostly found is close to the nuclear envelope."
"docid": "D315153#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_function_of_the_rough_endoplasmic_reticulum\nWhat is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Microbiology Cell Biology (cytology) What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? Flag What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? Answer by Betaclamp Confidence votes 25.8KThe rough endoplasmic reticulum is a membranous structure that associates closely with the nucleus. Embedded in the membrane of the structure are ribosomes, this is what gives the \"\"rough\"\" appearance. RNA passes through the ribosomes where its sequence of nucleic acid codes for specific amino acids to be joined up in a specific order. The route through the ribosomes for the amino acid takes them into the membranes of the reticulum where they can be kept together. They are then moved of in vesicles formed from the ER membranes to the Golgi Apparatus to be packaged and processed. The rough ER is involved in protein synthesis. There are ribosomes attached to the surface, giving it a bumpy or 'rough' appearance. Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis."
"docid": "D2806417#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/function-endoplasmic-reticulum-a5af3c7985274d16\nWhat Is the Function of Endoplasmic Reticulum?",
"text": "Science Biology Cells Q: What Is the Function of Endoplasmic Reticulum? A: Quick Answer In addition to other jobs, the endoplasmic reticulum creates and folds proteins and then carries these synthesized substances to the Golgi apparatus via the vesicles. The endoplasmic reticulum also executes sorting activities for the cell's proteins. However, the precise duties carried out by the endoplasmic reticulum vary by both species and cell type. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Are the Similarities Between Plant and Animal Cells? What Are the Structures Responsible for Cell Transport? What Do Plant and Animal Cells Have in Common? Credit: D Spector Photolibrary Getty Images Full Answer All cells are composed of numerous, smaller components commonly called organelles; the endoplasmic reticulum is one such organelle. Other examples of organelles include the nucleus, the mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus. The endoplasmic reticulum is one of the largest organelles in most cells and also plays a large role in maintaining the cell's shape."
"docid": "D510459#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Endoplasmic_reticulum_description\nWhat is endoplasmic reticulum?",
"text": "Anovia _ 29,410 Contributions What is endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle that appears in all eukaryotic cells, usually surrounding the nucleus. The ER is made of a series of membranes that extend thr …Canine 3 Contributions What is an endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplasmic Reticulum is ER for short. It is the organelle in which components of the cell membrane are assembled and some proteins are packaged to be sent to the Golgi App …Description of endoplasmic reticulum?its athing that looks like a caterpiller but oarnge and its in a plant cell Edit Emma Kathleen Batterman 1 Contribution What does the endoplasmic reticulum do? The endoplasmic reticulum is a clear, tubular system of tunnels throughout the cell. It transports materials like proteins around the cell and is found in both plant and anima …Ramkishore Singh Rathore 8,995 Contributions Ph. D., F. B. S. is Ex- Head of Botany Department, R B S College, Agra and Ex- Principal Government College, Port Blair Where is endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplsmic reticulum is found in cell cytoplasm Edit What is the description of the endoplasmic reticulum? A maze of passageways that carry proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another."
"docid": "D1260653#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_endoplasmic_reticulum_do_in_an_animal_cell\nWhat is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum in an animal cell?",
"text": "What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum in an animal cell? The organelle known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) functions as aprotein-packaging system in an animal cell. Proteins are folded by ER and are then moved to the Golgi apparatus …What does the smooth endoplasmic reticulum do in an animal cell?the smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesises lipids and hydrolyses glycogen to glucose. Do animal cells have endoplasmic reticulum?yes they do both cells do. Tim Mullican 2,269 Contributions What does an endoplasmic reticulum do in an animal cell? The endoplasmic reticulum (or ER) is an organelle in a cell. The ER is divided into two types--Rough and Smooth ER. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is important in the synthesis a ….com90 20 Contributions Does an animal cell have an endoplasmic reticulum?yes they do. Also plant cells do. The E. R has two portions, the rough E. R, which has ribosomes on it."
"docid": "D1704418#0",
"title": "http://education.seattlepi.com/causes-release-calcium-endoplasmic-reticulum-4091.html\nWhat Causes the Release of Calcium from the Endoplasmic Reticulum?",
"text": "\"Written by David H. Nguyen Related Articles1What Kinds of Materials Move Through the Membrane by Facilitated Diffusion?2What Is a Cytoskeleton's Function?3How Do Carrier Proteins Facilitate Passive Transport of Molecules Across a Membrane?4Protoplasmic Material Between the Plasma Membrane & Nucleus The endoplasmic reticulum is a major storage compartment for calcium ions. Calcium is involved in many cellular activities because it interacts with proteins, helping them do their jobs. Knowing how calcium release affects activities such as muscle contraction and cell death will help you understand why the release must be controlled. The endoplasmic reticulum has calcium channels on its surface that regulate the outflow of calcium ions. These channels can be opened by electrical signals or activating molecules. No matter what method is used to open these channels, the method must be tightly controlled by the cell because calcium does so many things once released. Flex Your Muscles The cells in your skeletal muscle contain large amounts of endoplasmic reticulum, which in this type of muscle is called sarcoplasmic reticulum. The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores large amounts of calcium because calcium, when released, aids in muscle contraction. Skeletal muscles release calcium and contract when they receive signals from neurons, or nerve cells, that control muscle movement. Your brain sends electrical signals through neurons to your skeletal muscle."
] |
636882 | what does endurance mean | [
"docid": "D775748#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080903163935AAUnxir\nWhat does endurance mean?",
"text": "Health Mental Health What does endurance mean? Update: so its just ike stamina Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Endurance is the ability to continue performing an activity for a long time. An endurance activity is a marathon or cross country running. The body has endurance muscles that are prepared to work for long periods. Hope this answers your question. Source (s):physical therapist Richard C · 10 years ago2 0 Comment What Does Endurance Mean Source (s):https://shrink.im/a8gvkmalotte · 1 year ago0 0 Comment An example of endurance would be how long you can run. Distance runners or riders have a lot of physical endurance. It is the ability to exert yourself for a long time. Tahoe · 10 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: what does endurance mean?"
] | [
"docid": "D2057640#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_sustainable_materials_mean\nWhat does sustainable materials mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Ecology and Bionomics Environmental Issues Global Warming What does sustainable materials mean? Flag What does sustainable materials mean? Answer by Beelay Confidence votes 2.9KTimber is a sustainable material If you cut down a tree to use in making something then you sustain the supply by planting another tree. A sustainable material, or a sustainable resource is something whose production is supported indefinitely by nature. It is not always the same as a renewable resource. For example, cashmere wool is produced by goats and is a renewable resource. We can always get more as it grows on goats. But it is not sustainable. Goats have a devastating impact on the environment, eating vegetation right down to its roots and killing the plant, and their hard hooves tear up the topsoil. China produces a lot of cashmere but the cashmere region is beginning to look like the dust bowls of the US in the 1930s."
"docid": "D775900#0",
"title": "http://general.utpb.edu/FAC/eldridge_j/KINE3350/chapter_20_review.htm\n.",
"text": "\"CHAPTER 20 - MUSCULAR CONTRACTION AND HUMAN MOVEMENTSYNOPSISThis chapter begins with the definition and classification of muscle contraction at the whole muscle level (dynamic, isokinematic, static) and at the muscle fiber level (isotonic, isokinetic, isometric). The first section also presents neural and mechanical (length-tension-angle relationships, force-velocity relationships, elasticity-force relationships, and architectural design) factors that influence force development. The second portion of the chapter deals with muscular fatigue, including the most likely causes of fatigue to various categories of activity, and muscle soreness. Methods of assessing muscular strength are presented in the third section of the chapter. The influence of age and sex on muscular function is detailed in the fourth portion of the chapter. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the role of genetics in determining an individual ’s strength or response to a strength training program. Exercise - The Result of Contraction Tension vs Load Classification of Muscle Contractions Isotonic Contraction - A muscle fiber contraction in which the tension generated by the muscle fiber is constant through the range of motion Dynamic Contraction - A muscle contraction in which the force exerted varies as the muscle shortens to accommodate change in muscle length and/or joint angle throughout the range of motion while moving a constant external load Isokinetic Contraction - A muscle fiber contraction in which the velocity of the contraction is kept constant Isokinematic Contraction - A muscle contraction in which the rate of limb displacement or joint rotation is held constant with the use of specialized equipment Isometric Contraction - A muscle fiber contraction that does not result in a length change in muscle fiber Static Contraction - A muscle contraction that produces an increase in muscle tension but does not cause meaningful limb displacement or joint displacement and therefore does not result in movement of the skeleton Force Development and Gradation of Response Neural activation Rate-coding Number coding (recruitment)Mechanical Factorsa. Length-tension-angle relationshipsb. Force-velocity and power-velocity relationshipsc. Elasticity-force relationshipsd."
"docid": "D185584#0",
"title": "http://www.sevenreflections.com/name/Okoye/\n\"What Does Name \"\"Okoye\"\" Mean\"",
"text": "\"Search What Does Name \"\"Okoye\"\" Mean You are patient, persevering and strong willed. You are a good student, absorbing knowledge easily and retaining it well. You are either a saint or a sinner. You tend to hold things inside and suffer in silence. You are frank, methodical and believe in law, system and order. Position and social status is very important for you and you are always looking for way to improve your position in society. You have power and ability to chose your own destiny and achieve anything you want in life. You can expand in any direction according to your will and the set of values. You have passion for justice and belong to the position of authority. You have an inherent courage and endurance to accomplish \"\"The Impossible Dream\"\"."
"docid": "D1389803#0",
"title": "http://forums.mtbr.com/xc-racing-training/banned-substances-creatine-294547.html\nThread: Banned substances - creatine?",
"text": "\"Forum Classic Mountain Bike Forums XC Racing and Training Banned substances - creatine? Results 1 to 25 of 25Thread: Banned substances - creatine? Link Back Thread Tools05-02-2007 #1akashra Still learning Reputation: Join Date Dec 2006Posts 877Banned substances - creatine? I ask this merely out of curiosity, but I'd be interested to know if UCI have published anywhere a list of banned substances. I've had a brief look on the UCI website/rules, and though there's a chapter discussing it, I can't seem to find the actual list in what I've come across. The reason I ask this is that the other day my brother came home with a bigass jar of creatine. I have no intent on touching the stuff (hell, I don't even use protein powder/supplements), but given what it does I'd have to think that it would surely be considered a banned substance. Merely a curiosity, but any thoughts on this?05-02-2007 #2Ardentgo chase the sunset Reputation: Join Date Dec 2006Posts 425This is the link as far as I'm aware: http://www.uci.ch/img Archive/Rules/p...t%202006_1.pdf I think creatine may be legal, but I've never tried anything stronger than a cup of coffee before a ride so I'd not be the person to know.05-02-2007 #3borregokidmtbr member Reputation: Join Date Feb 2004Posts 2,585I havent heard of it being banned. I also havent heard that it help build speed or endurance. If it did anything very much the FDA would probably have moved it to prescription status at they have with steroids and testosterone."
"docid": "D2405696#0",
"title": "http://www.sevenreflections.com/name-numerology/justine/\n\"What Does Name \"\"Justine\"\" Mean\"",
"text": "\"Search What Does Name \"\"Justine\"\" Mean You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others. You can do well in position of authority, and prospers in intellectual and professional fields. Emergencies may raise your intuitive abilities in order to resolve conflict or situation. You become very creative under the pressure, and have quite original ideas to make the best out of it. Position and social status is very important for you and you are always looking for way to improve your position in society. You have power and ability to chose your own destiny and achieve anything you want in life. You can expand in any direction according to your will and the set of values."
"docid": "D1382206#0",
"title": "http://hanofharmony.com/how-to-create-meaning-in-life/\nHow to Create Meaning in Life",
"text": "\"How to Create Meaning in Life Self-Rule Add comments Apr202010Most bored by Sally Bradshaw During World War II, Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor and eminent psychotherapist, spent 3 long years as prisoner 119104 in the concentration camps enduring unimaginable suffering. Soon after his release, Frankl recorded his experiences in his book, “Man’s search for meaning.” He wanted to show that life had meaning under any circumstances. Although many of his fellow prisoners died in the camps, Frankl survived. Apart from luck, the reason for his survival was the inner strength he derived from his meaning in life. What does this mean for us? It means that we too can learn how to create meaning in our lives that will empower us. With this meaning, we can achieve more than we ever considered possible. The Meaninglessness of Life Frankl noted that the meaninglessness of life or the existential vacuum was a widespread phenomenon of the 20th century. He came to this conclusion through his surveys amongst his European and American students."
"docid": "D2970682#0",
"title": "http://www.bestworkoutsupplementsblog.com/beta-alanine-guide/\nBeta Alanine Dosage, Benefits, and Side Effects",
"text": "Beta Alanine Dosage, Benefits, and Side Effects TOPICS: bodybuilding Share 188 Pin 2 +1 Tweet190The masses know beta-alanine for its tingles, but we look at beta-alanine as the unofficial ingredient of the century. Simply stating that beta-alanine helps build muscle and increase endurance is an understatement. When properly dosed, Beta-alanine is one of the few proven, highly effective supplements in the world of bodybuilding – right there besides Creatine and Citrulline Malate. Why We Take Beta Alanine Beta alanine has become the supplement that it is today because of its relationship to carnosine. In the body, carnosine is utilized as a lactic acid buffer, enzyme regulator, and even free-radical fighter. For a bodybuilder or athlete, increased carnosine levels means more endurance, and greater power during times where performance would suffer due to muscle fatigue. Beta Alanine Vs Carnosine As you can see, carnosine is great for athletes. But, there is a problem. We can’t simply take carnosine, as a large amount is degraded in the body by carnosinases long before carnosine can enter our muscles. Luckily, we have beta-alanine."
"docid": "D1728033#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_Did_Operation_Enduring_Freedom_End\nWhen did operation enduring freedom start?",
"text": "USCitizen 477,196 Contributions When did operation enduring freedom start? Answer . 7 October 2001. Who fought in Operation Enduring Freedom? The US led Coalition in Operation Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan, is an ongoing military campaign, that commenced in 2001. And is a direct result of the September 11, 2001 a …Xo Bellaox 1 Contribution What is Operation Enduring Freedom? Operation Enduring freedom is the war that's going on in Afghanistan since Oct 7 2001 in retaliation of Sept 11 2001. Operation Iraqi freedom is the war that started in 2003 i …Chelsey Price 118 Contributions What was the direct result of operation enduring freedom?the taliban were removed from power and al qaeda was severly weakened Dates of Operation Enduring Freedom? Operation Enduring Freedom began on October 7, 2001, with airstrikes on Taliban targets. The first ground action taken by OEFwas acknowledged to have occurred on October 19, l …How did Operation Enduring Freedom start?"
"docid": "D228036#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/continuance.htm\nCONTINUANCE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » C » Contending ... Contortionist CONTINUANCEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does continuance mean?• CONTINUANCE (noun) The noun CONTINUANCE has 3 senses:1. the act of continuing an activity without interruption 2. the period of time during which something continues 3. the property of enduring or continuing in time Familiarity information: CONTINUANCE used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• CONTINUANCE (noun)Sense 1 continuance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The act of continuing an activity without interruption Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:continuance; continuation Hypernyms (\"\"continuance\"\" is a kind of...):activity (any specific behavior)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"continuance\"\"):lengthening; perpetuation; prolongation; protraction (the act of prolonging something)repeating; repetition (the act of doing or performing again)perseverance; perseveration; persistence (the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior)abidance (the act of abiding (enduring without yielding))prosecution; pursuance (the continuance of something begun with a view to its completion)survival (something that survives)Antonym:discontinuance (the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption (temporary or permanent))Sense 2 continuance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The period of time during which something continues Classified under: Nouns denoting time and temporal relations Synonyms:duration; continuance Hypernyms (\"\"continuance\"\" is a kind of...):period; period of time; time period (an amount of time)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"continuance\"\"):note value; time value; value ( (music) the relative duration of a musical note)time scale (an arrangement of events used as a measure of duration)stint; stretch (an unbroken period of time during which you do something)span (the complete duration of something)residence time (the period of time spent in a particular place)longueur (a period of dullness or boredom (especially in a work of literature or performing art))clocking (the time taken to traverse a measured course)rule (the duration of a monarch's or government's power)Sense 3 continuance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The property of enduring or continuing in time Classified under: Nouns denoting time and temporal relations Synonyms:duration; continuance Hypernyms (\"\"continuance\"\" is a kind of...):time (the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Time is gold.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"What is learned in youth is carved in stone.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Many small creeks make a big river.\"\" ( Danish proverb)CONTINUANCE: related words searches» What does pursuance mean? » period of time: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does time period mean? »"
"docid": "D2776668#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100306200544AALObpU\nHow much should a saddle weigh?",
"text": "Pets Horses How much should a saddle weigh? The tucker equitation endurance saddle looks sweet, but it weighs 21 lbs. I don't want it to be too heavy for an endurance and trail riding. Is it ok, or should I look for a lighter saddle? Update: Well, duh, I have to make sure it fits first. Update 2: What I meant by it looks good, is that it has lots of nice features and different tree sizes. Its actually a pretty ugly saddle, but it looks like it will get the job done, if it fact it fits. Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: that's a great weight for a saddle. that's very light and a good fit for endurance.... IF it fits the horse....what kind of tree is it? If it's a treeless...forget it."
"docid": "D2086798#0",
"title": "http://danceadts.com/edsupport/fitness/fitness.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Fitness For The Dancerby Debbie Byrd Dance:is a performing art. It is also physical education. When a student attends dance classes, both of these subjects are addressed. Dance classes definitely play a role in attaining fitness. The term fitness is broadly used and often vaguely defined. Many people perceive health and fitness as one and the same, yet there is a definite distinction between the two concepts. Health reflects a person's state of being; it is typically viewed as the presence or absence of disease. Fitness, however, is the ability to do physical activity or to perform physical work. There are three components of fitness: strength, flexibility, and endurance. It is the combination of these three components that leads to the achievement of fitness."
"docid": "D3276497#0",
"title": "http://www.learnthebible.org/what-does-it-mean-to-endure.html\nWhat Does It Mean to Endure?",
"text": "\"Home What Does It Mean to Endure? What Does It Mean to Endure? - Job 8:15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure. See All... INTRODUCTIONThis passage will help as we seek a definition for the word endure. It speaks of the hypocrite, and can be best understood by dividing it into four parts: 1) He shall lean upon his house, 2) but it shall not stand: 3) he shall hold it fast, 4) but it shall not endure. The first and third sections go together, and the second and fourth sections go together. The hypocrite leaning upon his house is the same as him holding it fast, and the fact that it does not stand means it does not endure. The word endure is also used as an antonym (opposite) for the word perish in Psalm 102:26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: See All.... From these passages and others, we can deduce that the word endure means to remain firmly in the present condition. DEVOTIONAL THOUGHTS (For smaller children) A good soldier remains in the battle and does not run. God wants us to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ."
"docid": "D2006502#0",
"title": "http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Stats\nStats",
"text": "\"Stats71…Character Information Updated: 20 Dec 2017 20:48Stats are player attributes in Bloodborne. When you level up in Bloodborne you increase an attribute by one point. Attributes like Strength and Skill are represented by numerical values and determine what armor and weapons can be equipped, while attributes like Arcane and Bloodtinge govern how much damage certain Weapons or Items do. Attributes also give your characters increased stats, e.g. Vitality increases your hit points and Endurance improves your Stamina. See Status Effects for information about debuffs and their effects on various stats. See Stat Calculators for leveling calculators. You must Channel Blood Echoes at the Plain Doll to level up. Primary Stats Level Your character's current level, as determined by your expenditure of attribute points. Level also affects the amount of physical defense you have, see Defense Increase per Level. Blood Echoes Blood Echoes are the main currency in Bloodborne."
"docid": "D18480#0",
"title": "https://bible.org/seriespage/12-submission-slaves-masters-1-peter-218-25\n12. The Submission of Slaves to Masters (1 Peter 2:18-25)",
"text": "From the series: The Glory of Suffering--Studies in 1 Peter PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE12. The Submission of Slaves to Masters (1 Peter 2:18-25)18 Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. 19 For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a man bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.21 For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, 22 who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; 23 and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. Introduction How comfortable we may feel reading these words Peter wrote so long ago to a class of people who no longer exist in our nation today. If this is your response, watch out; this lesson is for you! Peter’s words in our text, addressed to slaves, are applicable to every Christian. Let me suggest why this is true."
"docid": "D2241110#0",
"title": "https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-patience.html\nWhat does the Bible say about patience?",
"text": "\"What does the Bible say about patience? Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: \"\"What does the Bible say about patience?\"\" Answer: When everything is going our way, patience is easy to demonstrate. The true test of patience comes when our rights are violated—when another car cuts us off in traffic; when we are treated unfairly; when our coworker derides our faith, again. Some people think they have a right to get upset in the face of irritations and trials. Impatience seems like a holy anger. The Bible, however, praises patience as a fruit of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:22) which should be produced for all followers of Christ ( 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ). Patience reveals our faith in God’s timing, omnipotence, and love. Although most people consider patience to be a passive waiting or gentle tolerance, most of the Greek words translated “patience” in the New Testament are active, robust words. Consider, for example, Hebrews 12:1: “Therefore since we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” (NKJV)."
"docid": "D1934282#0",
"title": "http://top10supplements.com/best-supplements-for-endurance-and-stamina/\nBest Supplements for Endurance to Consider",
"text": "Best Supplements for Endurance to Consider Share 3 Tweet Pin 3 +1 3440When it comes to health and fitness, our efforts are often focused on building strength, hitting our best time, or reaching our goal weight. We don’t often think about increasing endurance and stamina as a main goal of fitness, but in reality, it should be. Our endurance affects our workout performance, which in turn affects the results we see and the way we feel. If we want to reach our true potential, we should focus more on improving our own personal stamina inside and outside the gym. Now, doing this is easier said than done. There is no magic pill to take, no switch to flip, to immediately improve our endurance. However, there are certainly some things we can do to help. For one, you should combine cardio exercises with your traditional strength training routine. Even if you consider yourself to be primarily a strength athlete, don’t forget to add cardio days! Beyond proper exercise habits, there are certain supplements and health products that can help you in your efforts to increase your endurance."
"docid": "D495058#0",
"title": "http://www.cab.org.nz/vat/gl/roi/Pages/PowersofAttorney.aspx\nPowers of Attorney",
"text": "Powers of Attorney What is a power of attorney? What are the two types of enduring power of attorney? What should I look for when choosing to give someone power of attorney? What should I consider when making an enduring power of attorney? How is 'loss of mental capacity' defined? Do I have to go to a lawyer to set up an ordinary power of attorney? Do I need a lawyer to set up an enduring power of attorney? When does a power of attorney begin and end? What can I do if I don't agree with how the attorney is managing my mother's financial affairs? What can I do if my EPA attorneys aren’t getting on?"
"docid": "D1735778#0",
"title": "http://www.sevenreflections.com/name-numerology/jacey/\n\"What Does Name \"\"Jacey\"\" Mean\"",
"text": "\"Search What Does Name \"\"Jacey\"\" Mean You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others. You can do well in position of authority, and prospers in intellectual and professional fields. You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it. Position and social status is very important for you and you are always looking for way to improve your position in society. You have power and ability to chose your own destiny and achieve anything you want in life. You can expand in any direction according to your will and the set of values."
"docid": "D2482249#0",
"title": "http://www.sevenreflections.com/name-numerology/destefano/\n\"What Does Name \"\"Destefano\"\" Mean\"",
"text": "\"Search What Does Name \"\"Destefano\"\" Mean You are strong in material matters, determined and stubborn. You have good business ability. You are a good worker, steady and practical, a builder who takes responsibility well. These qualities may bring you a position of authority and power. You are a doer, down-to-earth, serious-minded, reliable, and self-disciplined; have good power of concentration. You have an eventful, exciting life. You are versatile and have the ability to learn easily. Position and social status is very important for you and you are always looking for way to improve your position in society. You have power and ability to chose your own destiny and achieve anything you want in life. You can expand in any direction according to your will and the set of values."
"docid": "D1426907#0",
"title": "http://blogs.yis.ac.jp/18shishikurat/2012/09/17/what-does-cardiovascular-endurance-mean/\nWhat Does Cardiovascular Endurance Mean?",
"text": "What Does Cardiovascular Endurance Mean? Posted on September 17, 2012Cardiovascular Endurance means how long you can keep going and being active. For example running, marathon, and swimming. Cardiovascular endurance or aerobic capacity is the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles. It is the ability to exercise for prolonged periods of time without undue fatigue. It is very important for sports such as cross country running, swimming, football and basketball. What I would like you to do is read the following level descriptors and evaluate (it means judge, assess) your own fitness based on how long you can keep going in CV endurance activities. Then copy this to your blog and give yourself a score and explain why…be honest with yourself. Level 8/9/10 My Cardio Vascular Endurance is strong I run very often and do not get tired. I am very motivated to do CV fitness during the week at least 4 times."
] |
636886 | what does energy radiated by earth depend on | [
"docid": "D298066#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/science/sun-affect-earth-8b4039e72f1f3e52\nHow Does the Sun Affect the Earth?",
"text": "Science Earth Science Q: How Does the Sun Affect the Earth? A: Quick Answer The sun provides the Earth with energy in the form of heat, which it uses to warm the Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere. The heat energy found in the atmosphere is one of the major components of the Earth's climate and climate change, according to Windows to the Universe. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Are Some Facts About the Earth for Kids? Why Is the Sun so Important to Life on Earth? How Does the Sun Affect Earth? Credit: Susanne Nilsson CC-BY-SA 2.0Full Answer The sun gives off radiation as well as heat energy. The amount of radiation that the Earth receives depends on the Earth's position and the amount of clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. The radiation given off by the sun affects the Earth's climate patterns and its overall temperature. Solar activity, such as solar flares or sunspots, increases the amount of radiation that is given off by the sun and causes the Earth to have dramatic changes in temperature."
] | [
"docid": "D298999#0",
"title": "https://isccp.giss.nasa.gov/role.html\nAbout ISCCP",
"text": "\"About ISCCPCloud Climatology The Role of Clouds in Climate System of Climate Feedbacks Involving Clouds Net Effect on Energy and Water Balances Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change How Clouds Form and Travel Computer Climate Models Simple Early Views of Clouds How Clouds Might Change with Global Warming Global Distribution and Character of Clouds In order to predict the climate several decades into the future, we need to understand many aspects of the climate system, one being the role of clouds in determining the climate's sensitivity to change. Clouds affect the climate but changes in the climate, in turn, affect the clouds. This relationship creates a complicated system of climate feedbacks , in which clouds modulate Earth's radiation and water balances. Clouds cool Earth's surface by reflecting incoming sunlight. Clouds warm Earth's surface by absorbing heat emitted from the surface and re-radiating it back down toward the surface. Clouds warm or cool Earth's atmosphere by absorbing heat emitted from the surface and radiating it to space. Clouds warm and dry Earth's atmosphere and supply water to the surface by forming precipitation. Clouds are themselves created by the motions of the atmosphere that are caused by the warming or cooling of radiation and precipitation. If the climate should change, then clouds would also change, altering all of the effects listed above. What is important is the sum of all these separate effects, the net radiative cooling or warming effect of all clouds on Earth."
"docid": "D3365046#0",
"title": "http://www.skepticalscience.com/basics_one.html\n.",
"text": "Greenhouse Effect Basics: Warm Earth, Cold Atmosphere Posted on 29 February 2012 by Tom Curtis Heating and Heat Flow Some physics, everyone knows. In our daily lives we encounter the effects of physics all the time, and as a result, we know what physics predicts in those circumstances at a gut level. We may not be able to put it into numbers. We may not be able to apply it in novel situations. But we know it all the same. One example is as simple as putting on a blanket. We know that if we want warm something up, we can increase the supply of heat - or we can reduce the escape of heat. Either is effective. If you have a pot that is simmering and you want to bring it to the boil, you can turn the heat up, or you can put on the lid. If we put on the lid, the pot will go nicely from simmering to boiling, and we don't need to turn up the heat even slightly."
"docid": "D909880#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-body_radiation\nBlack-body radiation",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search As the temperature decreases, the peak of the black-body radiation curve moves to lower intensities and longer wavelengths. The black-body radiation graph is also compared with the classical model of Rayleigh and Jeans. The color ( chromaticity) of black-body radiation depends on the temperature of the black body; the locus of such colors, shown here in CIE 1931 x,y space, is known as the Planckian locus. Black-body radiation is the thermal electromagnetic radiation within or surrounding a body in thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment, or emitted by a black body (an opaque and non-reflective body). It has a specific spectrum and intensity that depends only on the body's temperature, which is assumed for the sake of calculations and theory to be uniform and constant. [ 1] [2] [3] [4]The thermal radiation spontaneously emitted by many ordinary objects can be approximated as black-body radiation. A perfectly insulated enclosure that is in thermal equilibrium internally contains black-body radiation and will emit it through a hole made in its wall, provided the hole is small enough to have negligible effect upon the equilibrium. A black-body at room temperature appears black, as most of the energy it radiates is infra-red and cannot be perceived by the human eye. Because the human eye cannot perceive colour at very low light intensities, a black body, viewed in the dark at the lowest just faintly visible temperature, subjectively appears grey (but only because the human eye is sensitive only to black and white at very low intensities – in reality, the frequency of the light in the visible range would still be red, although the intensity would be too low to discern as red), even though its objective physical spectrum peaks in the infrared range. [ 5] When it becomes a little hotter, it appears dull red."
"docid": "D3092701#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-conduction-convection-and-radiation\nWhat is conduction, convection, and radiation?",
"text": "Convection Physics Word Definitions, Terminology, and Jargon Heat Transfer Physics Heat Transfer Thermal Engineering Fluid Mechanics Radiation Fluid Dynamics Heat Thermodynamics Word Definitions, Terminology, and Jargon Physics What is conduction, convection, and radiation?ad by Atlassian Jira official site. One tool is enough to track issues & release great software. Try Jira for free. Free Trial at atlassian.com16 Answers Sai Krishna, studied at Madras Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India Answered Jan 31, 2015 · Author has 87 answers and 151.5k answer views Heat can travel from one place to another in three ways: Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Both conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. If there is a temperature difference between two systems heat will always find a way to transfer from the higher to lower system. CONDUCTION-- Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other. The better the conductor, the more rapidly heat will be transferred. Metal is a good conduction of heat. Conduction occurs when a substance is heated, particles will gain more energy, and vibrate more."
"docid": "D722536#0",
"title": "http://mysite.du.edu/~etuttle/weather/atmrad.htm\nAtmospheric Radiation",
"text": "\"Atmospheric Radiation Contents Introduction Thermal Radiation The Greenhouse Effect The Earth's Energy Budget The Radiative Environment Spectra of the Greenhouse Gases The Global Warming Debate References Introduction Thermal Radiation Thermal motion of the charged particles in matter causes electromagnetic radiation, called thermal radiation from its cause, though it is no different from other electromagnetic radiation. This implies that matter will also absorb electromagnetic radiation. In a closed system, emission and radiation will equilibrate at some temperature T. Since the emission and absorption properties do not depend on the arrangments, these properties will hold also when there is no equilibrium. A sample of matter at temperature T in space will cool gradually to 0K if there is no radiation present to absorb. The emissivity e of a surface is the energy radiated per unit area per unit time, with units W/m 2. It is usually assumed that the radiation is Lambertian, or diffuse. The absorptivity a of a surface is the fraction of incident radiation absorbed by the surface, also assumed to be Lambertian. The assumption of diffuse emission and absorption is not fundamental; it just makes the discussion simpler. Both e and a may be functions of the frequency or wavelength of the radiation. By considering radiation exchange in thermal equilibrium, Kirchhoff demonstrated that e/a was a universal constant at any frequency and temperature equal to the emissivity of a perfect absorber, or black body, with a = 1."
"docid": "D1354608#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/80801247/physics-chapter-15-flash-cards/\nPhysics chapter 15",
"text": "\"87 terms amandapownall Physics chapter 15Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which one of these cites the lowest temperature? 270KWhat are the temperatures for freezing water and boiling water on the Kelvin temperature scale? 273 k, 373 k When we speak about heat we refer to ___________. energy in transit In which direction does heat flow spontaneously between hot and cold objects? From high temperature to low temperature How is heat similar to and different from internal energy? They are both forms of energy, but heat flows, whereas internal energy does not. Does a hot object contain internal energy or does it contain heat? Internal energy The air in your room is composed of molecules that have a wide variety of speeds."
"docid": "D584236#0",
"title": "http://www.am.ub.edu/~jmiralda/fsgw/lect1.html\n.",
"text": "Freshman Seminar: Introduction to the Science of Climate Change Prof. Jordi Miralda-Escudé, F 9:30Lecture 1: What determines the temperature of the Earth? The Energy Flux from the Sun. Earth is heated by the Sun. The rate of heating depends on the flux of radiation energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun. What is flux? Flux is the amount of energy that reaches the Earth per unit of area and per unit of time, or power reaching per unit of area. What does the flux from the Sun depend on? The more luminous the Sun, the greater the flux. The greater the distance from the Sun, the lower the flux."
"docid": "D17941#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation\nRadiation",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Radiation (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Ionizing radiation. Illustration of the relative abilities of three different types of ionizing radiation to penetrate solid matter. Typical alpha particles (α) are stopped by a sheet of paper, while beta particles (β) are stopped by an aluminum plate. Gamma radiation (γ) is damped when it penetrates lead. Note caveats in the text about this simplified diagram. The international symbol for types and levels of radiation that are unsafe for unshielded humans. Radiation in general exists throughout nature, such as in light and sound. In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. [ 1] [2] This includes:electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, visible light, x-rays, and gamma radiation (γ)particle radiation, such as alpha radiation (α), beta radiation (β), and neutron radiation (particles of non-zero rest energy)acoustic radiation, such as ultrasound, sound, and seismic waves (dependent on a physical transmission medium)gravitational radiation, radiation that takes the form of gravitational waves, or ripples in the curvature of spacetime."
"docid": "D1921905#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_energy_budget\nEarth's energy budget",
"text": "\"Earth's climate is largely determined by the planet's energy budget, i.e., the balance of incoming and outgoing radiation. It is measured by satellites and shown in W/m 2. [ 1]Earth's energy budget accounts for the balance between energy Earth receives from the Sun, [2] and energy Earth radiates back into outer space after having been distributed throughout the five components of Earth's climate system and having thus powered the so-called \"\"Earth’s heat engine\"\". [ 3] This system is made up of earth's water, ice, atmosphere, rocky crust, and all living things. [ 4]Quantifying changes in these amounts is required to accurately model the Earth's climate. [ 5]Incoming, top-of-atmosphere (TOA) shortwave flux radiation, shows energy received from the sun (Jan 26–27, 2012). Outgoing, longwave flux radiation at the top-of-atmosphere (Jan 26–27, 2012). Heat energy radiated from Earth (in watts per square metre) is shown in shades of yellow, red, blue and white. The brightest-yellow areas are the hottest and are emitting the most energy out to space, while the dark blue areas and the bright white clouds are much colder, emitting the least energy. Received radiation is unevenly distributed over the planet, because the Sun heats equatorial regions more than polar regions."
"docid": "D274732#0",
"title": "http://beyondweather.ehe.osu.edu/issue/the-sun-and-earths-climate/the-sun-earths-primary-energy-source\nThe Sun: Earthâs Primary Energy Source",
"text": "The Sun: Earth’s Primary Energy Source Astronaut photograph ISS015-E-10469, courtesy NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Sciences summarizes the most important principles and concepts of the climate sciences. It presents information that individuals and communities need to understand Earth’s climate, the impacts of climate change, and approaches for adapting and mitigating change. This article provides background science content knowledge for understanding Essential Principle 1. The Sun is the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system is the first of seven Essential Principles of Climate Sciences. Principle 1 sets the stage for understanding Earth’s climate system and energy balance. The Sun warms the planet, drives the hydrologic cycle, and makes life on Earth possible. The amount of sunlight received on Earth’s surface is affected by the reflectivity of the surface, the angle of the Sun, the output of the Sun, and the cyclic variations of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The following concepts are fundamental to understanding Principle 1. Click on a concept to find the background knowledge needed to understand the concept."
"docid": "D1350036#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2873\nEnergy",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Energy Unanswered | Answered Energy Parent Category: Science The Energy category covers the description, definition, and use of all types of energy. Questions of a general nature can be put in the general Energy category. Other sub-categories exist for Fossil fuels, Nuclear energy, and renewables such as Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal, and Wave power. Subcategories Chemical Energy Energy Conservation Fossil Fuels Nuclear Energy Renewable Energy Chemical Energy Energy Conservation Fossil Fuels Nuclear Energy Renewable Energy1 2 3 >What type of energy does a piece of paper have? It has chemical energy which can be released when it is burned. Itmay have gravitational potential energy if it is in a positionwhere it can fall. It will also have kinetic energy if in motionsuch as a paper airplane. Is air renewable energy? If you're talking about wind power, then yes. Wind power is a renewable source of energy because wind is anatural, re-usable source."
"docid": "D1080231#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight\nSunlight",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Sunshine\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Sunshine (disambiguation). For natural lighting of interior spaces by admitting sunlight, see Daylighting. For solar energy available from sunlight, see Insolation. For other uses, see Sunlight (disambiguation). Sunlight shining through clouds, giving rise to crepuscular rays Photograph called Sunlight (1930s)Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through Earth's atmosphere, and is obvious as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When the direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat. When it is blocked by clouds or reflects off other objects, it is experienced as diffused light. The World Meteorological Organization uses the term \"\" sunshine duration \"\" to mean the cumulative time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the Sun of at least 120 watts per square meter. ["
"docid": "D2326296#0",
"title": "http://www.uh.edu/~jbutler/physical/chapter14notes.html\nIntroduction",
"text": "\"Class Notes - Deserts Introduction Take a few minutes and review pressure, forces, and winds in the desert link given in the Chapter Heading. Begin by reviewing an animation that illustrates the effect of inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation. Inclination denotes the change in the tilt of the Earth's spin axis relative to the plane in which it orbits the Sun (the ecliptic plane). The atmosphere serves to distribute the energy of solar radiation received by the Earth. Most of the radiant energy is converted into atmospheric heat energy before it is radiated back into space. Winds redistribute this energy, dissipating more of it in the process than by all other forces combined. Both the short-term fluctuations of the atmospheric system (the weather) and the longer-term fluctuations of average weather (the climate) are an important part of the history of the Earth. The atmosphere is relatively transparent to the incoming visible rays of the sun. Much of this radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface and re-emitted as invisible heat rays. Just as a hot pavement radiates heat as it is warmed by the sun, the Earth's surface radiates heat back to the atmosphere."
"docid": "D611259#0",
"title": "http://www.mpoweruk.com/radio.htm\nBattery and Energy Technologies",
"text": "\"Battery and Energy Technologies Contacts Feedback / Comments Contact Us Privacy Promise Home Page About Us About Sponsors Home Page Electropaedia Search Engine Site Map Battery Glossary Conversion Table Frequently Asked Questions Home Page Themes and Characters Theory and Explanations Images and Diagrams Wireless Wonders History of Technology (Details)Timeline of Technology Timeline of the Elements Hall of Fame Gyroscopes and Navigation Ballistics and Aerodynamics Aerodynamics and the Theory of Flight The V2 Rocket (Ballistic Missile)The V1 Missile (Cruise Missile)Communications Satellites Steam Turbines Gas Turbine Power Piston Engine Power Stirling Engine Power Rockets AC Motors DC Motors Brushless DC & Reluctance Motors Special Purpose Motors Motor Controls Generators Electric Machines (Fundamentals)Heat Engines Semiconductor Primer Graphene Boolean Logic and Digital Circuits Enigma's Cryptic Secrets Computer Architecture Electromagnetic Radiation Rocket Science Apollo Moon Shot Satellite Technologies Horology - It's About Time Engineering Harmony EV Battery Charging Infrastructure Benefits of Custom Packs Battery Protection Methods Shocking Batteries User Safety Instructions Shipping Regulations Material Safety Data Sheet Battery Recycling Thermal Management State of Charge (SOC)State of Health (SOH)Cell Balancing Authentication and Identification System Communications Demand Management Lithium Cell Failures Battery Reliability & Warranty Graetzel cell Fuel Cell Comparison Chart Redox Batteries Water Activated Batteries Thermal Batteries Thermal Batteries Primary Cells Secondary Cells High Power Batteries Traction Batteries Low Power Batteries High Temperature Batteries Liquid Metal Batteries Reserve Batteries Flow Batteries Fuel Cells Solar Cells Capacitors & Supercapacitors AC Batteries Alternative Energy Storage Homebrew Battery Alkaline Cells Lead Acid Batteries Leclanche Cells Nickel Cadmium Nickel Hydrogen Nickel Iron (Ni Fe)Nickel Metal Hydride Nickel Zinc Lithium (Primary)Lithium (Secondary)Redox Batteries Silver Oxide Zebra Batteries Zinc Air Other Chemistries Battery Comparison Chart Cell Chemistry Battery Types Performance Characteristics Battery Life (and Death)Why Batteries Fail Battery Management Systems Battery Safety Battery Testing Battery Storage Cell Construction New Cell Designs & Chemistries Battery Manufacturing Battery Pack Design Uninterruptible Power Supplies Battery Chargers Grid Scale Energy Storage ESSBattery Applications V2G Energy Transfer Software Cofigurable Battery Buying Batteries in China Going Solar Nuclear Power - The Theory Energy from Coal? Steam Turbines Gas Turbine Power Piston Engine Power Stirling Engine Power Energy Resources Electricity Demand Energy Efficiency Energy Conversion Electrical Energy Fossil Fuelled Power Plants Nuclear Power - The Practice Hydro Power Wind Power Solar Power Small Scale Power Generation Geothermal Energy Biofuel Power Hydrogen Fuel Chemical Energy Thermoelectric Generator (Seebeck)Thermoelectric Generator (AMTEC)Magnetohydrodynamic Power (MHD)Hybrid Power Plants Carbon Footprints Beginners Page Frequently Asked Questions How to Specify a Battery Get a Battery Quotation How to Specify a Charger Get a Charger Quotation Technical Library Reference Books Battery Standards Legal Statement Home Page Finding your Way Around Smart Phone / Tablet Users See Alternative Navigation Below Sponsors Battery Performance Improvement by Electronic Means Free Report Buying Batteries in China Electropaedia Pages Alphabetical Index About Us AC Batteries AC Motors Alkaline Batteries Alternative Energy Storage Methods Apollo Moon Shot Authentication and Identification Battery Applications Battery Comparison Chart (PDF)Battery Life (and Death)Battery Management Systems (BMS)Battery Manufacturing Battery Pack Design Battery Performance Characteristics Battery Power Demand Management Battery Protection Methods Battery Quotation Request Battery Relability Battery Safety Battery Standards Battery Storage Battery Testing Battery Timeline Battery Types Beginners Page Benefits of Custom Battery Packs Boolean Logic and Digital Circuits Brushless DC and Reluctance Motors Buying Batteries in China (PDF)Carbon Footprints (Humour)Cell Balancing Cell Chemistries Cell Construction Charger Specification Checklist Chargers and Charging Charger Quotation Request Common Battery Case Sizes (PDF)Communications Buses Communications Satellites Computer Architecture Contact Sponsors Contact Us Contacts Conversion Table DC Motors Direct Energy Conversion (AMTEC)Discovery of the Elements Electric Machines Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Electrical Energy Electricity Demand Electricity from Biofuels Electricity from Fossil Fuels Electrochemical Energy Generation Electromagnetic Radiation - Radio Waves Electropaedia Technology Search Engine Energy Efficiency Energy from Coal? ( Humour)Energy Resources Energy Conversion and Heat Engines Engineering Harmony (Humour)Enigma’s Cryptic Secrets Feedback Form Flow Batteries Free Report Request Frequently Asked Questions - FAQFuel Cell Comparison Chart Fuel Cells Gas Turbine Power Generators Generators Geothermal Power Generation Glossary Going Solar - Grid Scale (PV)Graphene Grätzel Cell Grid Scale Energy Storage Systems ESSHall of Fame High Power Batteries High Temperature Batteries History of Batteries (and other things)Historical Themes and Characters Home Page Homebrew Battery How to Specify Batteries Hybrid Power Generation Plants Hydroelectric Power Generation Hydrogen Power Instructions for Using Batteries Lead Acid Batteries Leclanché Cells Legal Statement Liquid Metal Batteries Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations Lithium Cell Failures Lithium Primary Batteries Lithium Secondary Batteries Low Power Batteries Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) Electricity Generation Motor Controls MSDS - Typical Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF)New Cell Designs & Chemistries Nickel Cadmium (Ni Cad) Batteries Nickel Hydrogen Batteries Nickel Iron (Ni Fe) Batteries Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni MH) Batteries Nickel Zinc Batteries Nuclear Power - The Practice Nuclear Power - The Theory Other Galvanic Cell Chemistries Page Quality Rating Piston Engined Power Generators Primary Batteries Privacy Promise Recycling Redox Batteries Reference Books Reserve Batteries Rocket Science Satellite Technologies Secondary Batteries Semiconductor Primer Shocking Batteries Silver Oxide / Silver Zinc Batteries Site Map More Pages Here Site Search Engine Small Scale Electricity Generation Software Configurable Battery Solar Batteries Solar Power Generation Special Purpose Motors Sponsors State of Charge (SOC) Determination State of Health (SOH) Determination Steam Turbine Power Generators Stirling Engine Power Generator Supercapacitors Technical Library - White Papers Thermal Batteries Thermal Management Thermoelectricity Generators Timekeepers Traction Batteries Typical Cylindrical Cells (PDF)Typical High Power Cells (PDF)Typical Prismatic Cells (PDF)Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)V2G Energy Transfer Water Activated Batteries Why Batteries Fail Wind Power Generation Wireless Wonders Zebra Batteries Zinc Air Batteries Send this page to a friend Woodbank does not monitor or record these emails Do You Agree? Is The Information Correct? Can We Make It Better? Rate This Page More Sponsors Electromagnetic Radiation and Radio Waves (Natural and Man-Made Miracles)Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic radiation is a wonderful thing. It brings us heat and lights up our day, it brings us radio and television and carries our telephone conversations. It brings us the Sun's energy which is needed by all plants for photosynthesis and growth. It brings warmth to the inhabitants of the Earth's animal kingdom and to some of them to tan their bodies. We also use it to see through solid bodies, to find our way around the planet and to cook our food."
"docid": "D1853287#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6690788/meteorology-today-test-1-review-flash-cards/\nMeteorology Today Test #1 Review",
"text": "\"218 terms ryanmd3Meteorology Today Test #1 Review Questions from the Textbook Meterorology Today, 9th edition by C. Donald Ahrens Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Which below is not a process by which CO2 enters the atmosphere? Evaporation The primary source of oxygen for the Earth's atmosphere during the past half billion years or so appears to be: Photosynthesis Air density normally: decreases with increasing height The so-called \"\"ozone hole\"\" is observed above: the continent of Antarctica Which below is not considered a greenhouse gas? Oxygen (02)If you are standing north of a smoke stack and smoke from the stack id drifting over your head, the wind direction would be: South A force exerted on a unit area describes air____? Pressure The largest storm in our atmosphere, in terms of actual size (diameter) is the ______ Middle latitude cyclonic storm In the Northern Hemisphere, surface winds tend to blow this way around an area of surface low pressure. Counterclockwise and inward Which planet had the strongest greenhouse effect: Venus, Mars, or Earth? Venus The well-mixed region of the Earth's atmosphere is known as the_____. It is comprised of the Troposphere, Stratosphere, and the Mesosphere. Homosphere Of these four storms, the smallest in terms of actual size (diameter) is_____ Tornado Which of the following statements relates to weather rather than climate? a. The winters here are cold and wet."
"docid": "D1052846#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_does_it_take_radiation_from_a_solar_flare_to_reach_the_earth\nHow long does it take solar energy to reach the earth if it travels at 300000 kms?",
"text": "\"How long does it take solar energy to reach the earth if it travels at 300000 kms? To answer this you need to know the average distance of the sun from the earth. This distance is 92,935,700 miles, or 149,565,511 Km. [ 1] Using the classic distance = …What happens to solar radiation after it reaches earth? Once solar radiation reaches earth it is mostly absorbed by the ground and water. Some of the radiation is reflected back into the atmosphere. Edit Can sun's solar flares reach earth?perhaps if its strong enough Edit Robert Newton 17,601 Contributions What percent of solar radiation reaches Earth? About 0.000000045 percent of all of the radiation from the Sun reaches Earth. When it gets to Earth, there is about 1.4 kilowatts per square meter just before the sunlight h …RUClimate 250,946 Contributions What is solar radiation that reaches the earth? This is also known as insolation - incoming solar radiation."
"docid": "D2537011#0",
"title": "http://www.digital-recordings.com/publ/publife.html\n.",
"text": "\"Life on Earth - Flow of Energy and Entropyby Marek Roland-Mieszkowski, M. Sc., Ph. D., Digital Recordings Copyright 1992-2014, Digital Recordings, All Rights Reserved PDF version (34 k B)Abstract Darwin's Theory of Evolution [4,5,7] explains how and why life evolved [9,10]. However, some aspects of this theory are still not clear [4,5,7,8,12,14,15]. According to Darwin, natural selection allows the strongest and most fit species to survive in a particular environment [9,10]. What remains to be answered is how these complex systems (organisms) were first formed and how they maintain their presence on Earth. It is obvious that the entropy of the Biosphere is decreasing continuously (at least it was before the industrial revolution and deforestation). This means that the matter involved in the formation of the Biosphere is getting more and more organized (less random). It was pointed out by many that life seems to defy the II Law of Thermodynamics, which states, that entropy of any system should be increasing [4-7]. Several attempts were made to explain this striking phenomenon on the basis of the \"\"Theory of Complexity\"\", which suggest, that there are undiscovered laws of nature which are responsible for \"\"Self- Organization\"\" of organisms and the Biosphere [4-7]. This paper explains the principles responsible for the formation and maintenance of life on Earth and shows that there is no violation of the II Law of Thermodynamics in the case of organisms and the Biosphere. Content II Law of Thermodynamics and the Biosphere The Sun as a Source of Negative Entropy The Energy Balance for Earth\"\"Circle of Life\"\"Entropy Balance for Earth\"\"Equations of Life\"\"Creation and Maintenance of the Organized System of Atoms\"\"Pyramid of Life\"\"Conclusions References II Law of Thermodynamics and the Biosphere It is generally accepted that the Biosphere is getting more complex and organized or less random and that global entropy of the Biosphere is decreasing, due to increased organization. This seems like a paradox which contradicts the II Law of Thermodynamics, which states, that the entropy of a system tends to get higher as time progresses because disorganization increases. Fig.1. The Biosphere absorbs \"\"Hot\"\" Photons from the Sun and emits \"\"Cold\"\" Photons at longer wavelengths."
"docid": "D1792631#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/69252262/ghy-1011-flash-cards\nGHY 1011",
"text": "132 terms hdwest1993GHY 1011Based on AMS Physics for Climate Science Curriculum Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort How does climate operate as the principal environmental control? The climate of a locale defines what crops can be cultivated, the supply of fresh water, and the average heating and cooling requirements for homes. Define weather and explain why a place and time must be specified when describing the weather. Weather: the state of the atmosphere at some place and time, described in terms such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, and wind speed and direction. A place and time must be specified when describing the weather because the atmosphere is dynamic, causing weather to vary with time and location. How does the empirical definition of climate differ from the dynamic definition of climate? The empirical definition is based on statistics and describes climate, while the dynamic definition incorporates the forces that govern climate and seeks to explain it. Define what is meant by the climatic norm The climatic norm is traditionally thought of as the average value of a climatic element. It encompasses the total variation in the climate record by including the averages and extremes How does the operational weather observing network compare with the cooperative observer network in terms of types of data collected? The operational weather observing network collects data primarily for weather forecasting and aviation, while the cooperative observer network records data for climatic, hydrologic, and agricultural purposes."
"docid": "D1183537#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.sensagent.com/Sunlight/en-en/\ndefinitions - Sunlightreport a problem",
"text": "\"Sunlightupdate\"\"Sunshine\"\" redirects here. For natural lighting of interior spaces by admitting sunlight, see Daylighting. For solar energy available from sunlight, see Insolation. For other uses, see Sunlight (disambiguation) and Sunshine (disambiguation). Sunlight shining through clouds, giving rise to crepuscular rays. Sunlight, in the broad sense, is the total frequency spectrum of electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, particularly infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through the Earth's atmosphere, and solar radiation is obvious as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When the direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat. When it is blocked by the clouds or reflects off of other objects, it is experienced as diffused light. The World Meteorological Organization uses the term \"\"sunshine duration\"\" to mean the cumulative time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the Sun of at least 120 watts per square meter. ["
"docid": "D756193#0",
"title": "https://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_1_2_5t.htm\nRadiation and Albedo Experiment",
"text": "\"Overview Instructions Background & Extensions Student Introduction Students will investigate how different surfaces of the Earth reflect and absorb heat and apply this knowledge to real-world situations. Credits This activity was developed at UCAR as part of Project LEARN and includes graphics created by the COMET Program. Grade Level This activity is suitable for students in grades 6 through 12. Time Required Teacher introduction: 10 minutes Student activity: 40 minutes Discussion/assessment: 20 minutes Student Learning Objectives Students will understand that the physical characteristics of the Earth's surface affect the way that surface absorbs and releases heat from the Sun. Lesson Format Hands-on activity or demonstration, data analysis, and class discussion National Education Standards Addressed Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Idea MS & HS PS4. B - Electromagnetic Radiation Disciplinary Core Idea MS & HS ESS2. D - Weather and Climate Science and Engineering Practice 2 - Developing and Using Models Science and Engineering Practice 4 - Analyzing and Interpreting Data Performace Expectation MS PS4-2 - Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. Materials For a class demonstration or for each team of students: Three pie pans or dishes Dark potting soil Light-colored sand or perlite Water Three thermometers Reflector lamp with incandescent light bulb Watch with a second hand For each student: Graph paper Colored pencils Heating and Cooling Data Tables (See the \"\"Student\"\" tab of this activity. ) Preparation Print the Heating and Cooling Data Tables found in the \"\"Student\"\" tab on this activity page. This activity can be done as a class demonstration or in groups of 3-4 students."
] |
636889 | what does engine derate mean | [
"docid": "D3101902#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Derating\nderate",
"text": "de·rate (dē-rāt′)tr.v. de·rat·ed, de·rat·ing, de·rates1. To lower the rating of (a device), especially because of a deterioration in efficiency or quality.2. To lower the financial rating of (a corporation, for example). [ de- + rate . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.derate ( diːˈreɪt) vb (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) ( tr) Brit to assess the value of (some types of property, such as agricultural land) at a lower rate than others for local taxationdeˈrating n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014derate Past participle: derated Gerund: derating Imperativederatederate Collins English Verb Tables © Harper Collins Publishers 2011"
] | [
"docid": "D1804408#0",
"title": "http://understandsolar.com/calculating-kilowatt-hours-solar-panels-produce/\nCalculating the Kilowatt Hours Your Solar Panels Produce (Solar Panel Output)",
"text": "Calculating the Kilowatt Hours Your Solar Panels Produce (Solar Panel Output)Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. Editors Note: This is an overview on how to understand how much energy your solar system will produce and overall solar panel output. We always advise speaking with at least a few certified solar installers to understand how all the factors will affect solar panel output for your system. Solar panels indicate how much power they intend to produce under ideal conditions, otherwise known as the maximum power rating. But how much electricity your solar panels produce depends on several factors. Does intermittent shading obscure direct sunlight from hitting the roof? How much sunlight does your roof get on average? How big are the solar panels, and how efficient are the solar cells at converting energy? How much money can a solar roof save you in Virginia?"
"docid": "D782032#0",
"title": "http://hpac.com/heating/why-district-energy-not-more-prevalent-us\nWhy Is District Energy Not More Prevalent in the U.S.?",
"text": "Image courtesy of the International District Energy Association Typical district energy system in an urban business district. Heating Why Is District Energy Not More Prevalent in the U. S.? This article is intended to inspire discussion of and interest in district energy for the heating and cooling of buildings. By STEVE TREDINNICK, PE, CEM; Syska Hennessy Group; Madison, Wis. | Jun 07, 2013Despite a long and impressive history—it originated with the ancient Romans and was advanced by Thomas Edison—district energy is underappreciated in the United States. It is growing—at present, there are approximately 2,500 systems operating in all 50 states—but not at the pace it is elsewhere. In the Middle East and across Europe and Scandinavia in particular, district energy is extremely popular. Why is it so much less so in the target-rich United States? This article offers an explanation and is intended to inspire discussion of and interest in district energy for the heating and cooling of buildings. What Is District Energy? By definition, if a single energy source serves more than one building, it is a district energy system."
"docid": "D3241525#0",
"title": "https://www.lifewire.com/power-resistors-818837\nPower Resistors - Electronics Parts and Functions",
"text": "How To ›Windows Power Resistors - Electronics Parts and Functions Share Pin Email Print By Harke (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commonsby Matthew Burris Updated October 19, 2016Most electronics applications use low power resistors, typically an 1/8th watt or less. However, applications such as power supplies, dynamic brakes, power conversion, amplifiers, and heaters often demand high power resistors. Generally high power resistors are resistors that are rated for 1 watt or greater loads and are available in to the kilowatt range. Power Resistor Basics The power rating of a resistor defines how much power a resistor can safely handle before the resistor begins to suffer permanent damage. The power dissipated by a resistor can be found easily using Joule's first law, Power = Voltage x Current^2. The power dissipated by the resistor is converted to heat and increases the temperature of the resistor. The temperature of a resistor will keep climbing until it reaches a point where the heat dissipated through the air, circuit board, and surrounding environment balances the heat generated. Keeping the temperature of a resistor low will avoid damage to the resistor and let it handle greater currents without degradation or damage. Operating a power resistor above its rated power and temperature can result in severe consequences including a shift in resistance value, reduction in operating lifetime, open circuit, or temperatures so high that the resistor can catch on fire or catch surrounding materials on fire. To avoid these failure modes, power resistors are often derated based on expected operating conditions."
"docid": "D3217376#0",
"title": "http://ecmweb.com/contractor/ensuring-generator-and-ups-compatibility\nEnsuring Generator and UPS Compatibility",
"text": "Construction Ensuring Generator and UPS Compatibility With the certainty of grid-supplied power diminishing, as powerfully shown by the August 14 blackout, power quality is more critical than ever. You can turn to generators as a source of backup power, but they may introduce new problems, especially in facilities that use sensitive electronic equipment. That’s why uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems are popular options for that seamless transition. John G. Tracy, Powerware | Feb 13, 2004With the certainty of grid-supplied power diminishing, as powerfully shown by the August 14 blackout, power quality is more critical than ever. You can turn to generators as a source of backup power, but they may introduce new problems, especially in facilities that use sensitive electronic equipment. That’s why uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems are popular options for that seamless transition. Still, you may experience specific problems when you operate UPS systems with generators—problems that don’t occur when you have stand-alone equipment. Let’s look at some of the most common problems that can arise when a generator and UPS must work together. Interaction problems. UPS systems range in size from less than 300W to more than 3MW, but we’ll focus on the range of 50k W to 500k W. In this size range, most UPS manufacturers use a thyristor rectifier for battery charging, with a passive filter to improve power factor and reduce harmonic feedback."
"docid": "D1376853#0",
"title": "http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue92/relbasics92.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Reliability Hot Wire Issue 92, October 2008Reliability Bas ics Derating for Electronic Components Derating is a technique usually employed in electrical power and electronic devices, wherein the devices are operated at less than their rated maximum power dissipation, taking into account the case/body temperature, the ambient temperature and the type of cooling mechanism used. In this article, we will briefly explain the theoretical background of derating and how it is applied. Derating increases the margin of safety between part design limits and applied stresses, thereby providing extra protection for the part. By applying derating in an electrical or electronic component, its degradation rate is reduced. The reliability and life expectancy are improved. Intuitively, if a component or system is operated under its design limit, it will be more reliable than if it is operated at or above the design limit. Theoretically, the benefit of derating can be explained using load-strength interference theory. Load-Strength Interference Usually, failure happens when the applied load exceeds the strength. Load and strength should be considered in a general way. For electronic parts, \"\"load\"\" might refer to voltage, power or an internal stress such as junction temperature. \"\""
"docid": "D1423060#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_relay\nRelay",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Control relay)navigation search This article is about the electrical component. For other uses, see Relay (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( November 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Automotive-style miniature relay, dust cover is taken off A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a separate low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers: they repeated the signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on another circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations."
"docid": "D3154879#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolytic_capacitor\nElectrolytic capacitor",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Most common styles of aluminum and tantalum electrolytic capacitors An assortment of electrolytic capacitors An electrolytic capacitor (e-cap) is a polarized capacitor whose anode or positive plate is made of a metal that forms an insulating oxide layer through anodization. This oxide layer acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. A solid, liquid, or gel electrolyte covers the surface of this oxide layer, serving as the ( cathode) or negative plate of the capacitor. Due to their very thin dielectric oxide layer and enlarged anode surface, electrolytic capacitors have a much higher capacitance - voltage (CV) product per unit volume compared to ceramic capacitors or film capacitors, and so can have large capacitance values. There are three families of electrolytic capacitor: aluminum electrolytic capacitors, tantalum electrolytic capacitors, and niobium electrolytic capacitors. The large capacitance of electrolytic capacitors makes them particularly suitable for passing or bypassing low-frequency signals, and for storing large amounts of energy. They are widely used for decoupling or noise filtering in power supplies and DC link circuits for variable-frequency drives, for coupling signals between amplifier stages, and storing energy as in a flashlamp. Electrolytic capacitors are polarized components due to their asymmetrical construction, and must be operated with a higher voltage (ie, more positive) on the anode than on the cathode at all times. For this reason the anode terminal is marked with a plus sign and the cathode with a minus sign. In addition they can only tolerate low applied voltages."
"docid": "D83399#0",
"title": "http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r14105611-What-does-the-VA-mean-when-looking-at-UPS-s\nPC Hardware â What does the VA mean when looking at UPS's?",
"text": "\"clevere1Premium Member join:2002-01-06 Vancouver, WA1 edit What does the VA mean when looking at UPS's? It's say I'm looking at a: APC 500VA UPS WTF does the 500VA mean? I've also seen them listed as: 500VA 315W .. I know the 315W is 315 Watts, but why am I concerned about that? I'm looking at getting a UPS, and well I'm confused on what the hell to buy. Any help would be greatly appreicated.actions · 2005-Aug-10 6:46 pm ·Da Geek Kidjoin:2003-10-11 ::1Re: What does the UA mean when looking at UPS's?here's the Link: Esspla-Nationactions · 2005-Aug-10 9:25 pm ·Sir Raleigh MVM join:2001-07-31 Raleigh, NC1 editsaid by Da Geek Kid: here's the Link: Esspla-Nation Well now... That doesn't make any sense at all. When going to the above link, I find this information: To Find Watts 1. When Volts and Amperes are Known POWER (WATTS) = VOLTS x AMPERES We have a small server with a nameplate shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment, make the following calculation: POWER (WATTS) = 120 * 2.5 ANSWER: 300 WATTS To Find Volt-Amperes (VA) 1. Same as above. VOLT-AMPERES (VA) = VOLTS x AMPERES ANS: 300 VAThis is telling me that VA and Watts are the same thing, but in UPSs they are always different."
"docid": "D2577338#0",
"title": "http://cocoontech.com/forums/topic/25487-difference-between-hai-ledcfl-dimmer-and-non-ledcfl/\n\"Difference between HAI \"\"LED/CFL\"\" Dimmer and non-LED/CFL?\"",
"text": "\"#1pgray007Dedicated Cocooner Registered118 posts Posted 13 October 2013 - 09:06 PMAnyone know the difference between the 35A00-1CFL and 35A00-1, other than an extra $20 for the former? We have a mix of LED and incandescent (no CFL) and are gradually migrating to LED. I'd go for the LED switch but at $80 versus $60 that's a 25% additional charge. Will the non-CFL version have any problems with Philips \"\"dimmable\"\" LED flood bulbs, or is there any other reason to pony up the extra money for the CFL version?#2Work2Play Cocoonut-=Gold Supporter=-4805 posts Location: Northern California Experience: guru Software: Elve Hardware: Elk M1, RUC-01Tech: X10-RF, UPBAudio: Air Play Video: XBMCCCTV: ip, dvr Phone: 3CX, Asterisk, Free PBX, Grandstream, Ooma Posted 14 October 2013 - 05:54 PMI don't know with certainty, but I *thought* the difference was being able to set the cutoff limits closer to what the LED bulbs like. I can say though, I use all sorts of dimmable LED lights with my Simply Automated UPB switches and have had no issues whatsoever other than those just inherent with LED lights.#3ano Cocoonut Registered3226 posts Location: AZExperience: guru Hardware: HAI Omni Pro IITech: UPB, Zig Bee Audio: HAIPhone: Ooma Posted 14 October 2013 - 07:32 PMThe LED/CFL dimmer has several features geared to LED and CFL bulbs. First, it is designed to control lights that only use a small amount of wattage without flickering. Second the lighting curve is designed to match LED bulbs and not incandescent bulbs. For example if you set a regular dimmer to 50%, that works fine for incandescent bulbs but an LED bulb with the same dimmer would be at 90%. The LED dimmer keeps the bulb nearer to the correct brightness. Finally HAI has tested many CFL and LED bulbs with this dimmer, so that helps you know what works."
"docid": "D3394324#0",
"title": "http://www.gofir.com/aviation_abbreviations.htm\n.",
"text": "\"FREE Aviation Classifieds Post your ad here Artist Showcase April 12, 2018Regions Africa Asia Caribbean Central America Europe Middle East North America South America South Pacific Regional News Aviation Weather Aviation Weather International Wx Contractions Global Links Abbreviations Accident Prevention Advisory Circulars AIMAirport Delays Aircraft Classifieds Aircraft Database Aircraft Deicing Aircraft Equipment Suffix Aircraft Sales ASRS Forms ATC Preferred Routes Aviation Abbreviations Aviation Acronyms Aviation Classifieds Aviation Directory Aviation Forum Aviation Jobs Aviation Law Aviation Links Aviation Marketing Aviation News Aviation Resumes Bird Flu Currency Dates to Watch Domestic RVSMDriving Directions FAA Contractions FAR's Online IFIM International FAAInternational Aviation News MNPS Manual NAT Tracks NTSBHeadline News Notams Notams (TFR)RVSMTFR's Translator Travel Warnings Trip Calc Word Fact Book Maps Africa Asia Caribbean Central America Europe Middle East North America South America South Pacific Physical Map Political Map Time Zones US Map Travel Golf Courses Reservations Travel Guides Discussion & Chat Flight Attendants Pilots Help About Us Advertising Contact Country List Home Aviation Links Register Terms Updates Harness Racing News Aircraft Classifieds Flight Attendants FSBO Charlotte NC Well Drilling T he Andy Griffith Show The Ultimate Fighter Mega Vitamin©2000-2011 Selltech, Inc. Aviation Abbreviations Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:00The following list of Aviation Abbreviations are the most common in the aviation industry. Please select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z- A -A Autotuned NAVAIDA At or Above (constrained altitude)AA American AAATS Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services AAC Aeronautical Administration Communication (a class of communication which supports administrative communication)AAS Advanced Automation System (the end systems for all FAA air traffic control, located at the ARTCCs)AATT Advanced Aviation Transportation Technology ABM Abeam A/C Aircraft AC Air Canada ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACARS ARINC communications and address reporting system (digital communications system used primarily for aircraft-to-airline messages)ACARS MU ACARS Management Unit ACAS Airborne Collision and Avoidance System ACF Area Control Facility ACFS Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (a generic \"\"glass cockpit\"\")ACK Acknowledge ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System ACT Active ADC Air Data Computer ADF Automatic Direction Finder ADI Attitude Director lndicator ADLP Aircraft Data Link Processor (the Mode S subnetwork function onboard the aircraft that implements the OSI network layer protocols)ADMA Aviation Distributors and Manufactureres Association ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance AECB Atomic Energy Control Board AERA Automated Enroute ATCAFCS Automatic Flight Control System AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System (also A/P F/D)AFS Automatic Flight System AGATE Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments AGL Above Ground Level AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System AIRS Advanced Infrared Sounder A/l Anti-ice AI Artificial Intelligence AL Allegheny Alert Indicator (visual or auditory) which provides information to the flightcrew in a timely manner about an event requiring pilot awareness. ALPA Air Line Pilots Association ALT Altitude ALT Alternate ALTN Alternate ALT HOLD Altitude Hold Mode AM Amplitude Modulation AM Aeromexico AMSS Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service ANA All Nippon Airways AOA Angle-of-Attack AOA Airport Operations Area AOC Aeronautical Operation Control (communications which support safety and regularity of flight that normally take place between aircraft and the operator)AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control System AOM Aircraft Operating Manual AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association A/P Autopilot APA Allied Pilots Association APC Aeronautical Passenger Communication (a class of communication which supports passenger communication)APMS Automated Performance Measurement System APPR Approach/Approach Mode APR April APRT Airport APU Auxiliary Power Unit AQP Advanced Qualification Program ARAC Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ARR Arrival ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center ARTS Automated Radar Terminal System ASCII American Standard Code for Interface and Interchange ASI Air Speed Indicator ASR Airport Surveillance Radar ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting System (aviation incident reporting system run by NASA for FAA)AT At (an altitude)A/T Autothrottle ATA Air Transport Association ATA Actual Time of Arrival ATC Air Traffic Control (a generic term for a joint civil/military system for controlling traffic within a specific area)ATCS Advanced Train Control Systems ATCSCC Air Traffic Control System Command Center ATHR Autothrust System ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service (recorded voice message that provides weather and airport services information)ATM Air Transportation Management ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (the collection of ground subnetworks, air/ground subnetworks and airborne subnetworks interconnected by ATN routers that support computer-to-computer, internetwork communication and message transfer between host computers using the OSI ISO protocol architecture)ATS Automatic Throttle System ATSC Air Traffic Service Communications (Communications related to air traffic services. This includes ATC, aeronautical and meteorological information, position reporting and services related to safety and regularity of flight)AUG August AV Avianca AVAIL Available AVHRR Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System AWAS Automated Weather Advisory Station AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System Back to Top- B -B At or Below (constrained altitude)BALPA British Air Line Pilots Association BASIS British Airways Safety Information System BF Mark Air BIT (E) Built-ln-Test (Equipment)BRG Bearing BRT Brightness Back to Top- C -C Centigrade CAA Civil Aviation Authority (Great Britain)CAB Civil Aeronautics Board CAAC Civil Aviation Authority of China CAS Calibrated (Computed) Air Speed CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering CAT Clear Air Turbulence CAT Computer Aided Testing CAT I Facility providing operation down to 200 feet decision height and runway visual range not less than 2600 feet. CAT II Facility providing operation down to 100 feet decision height and runway visual range not less than 1200 feet. CAT II a Facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and along the surface of the runway with external visual reference during final phase of landing and with a runway visual range not less than 700 feet. CBT Computer Based Training CDI Course Deviation Indicator CDU Control display unit (pilots' interface to the FMS)CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information CENA Centred' Études de la Navigation Aérienne (France)CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain CG Center of Gravity CGS Centimeter-gram-second Cl Cost Index CI China Airlines CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature CLB Climb Detent of the Thrust Levers CLR Clear CMC Central Maintenance Computer CNS Communications Navigations and Surveillance CO Continetnal COM Cockpit Operating Manual CON Continuous CO ROUTE Company Route (also CO RTE)COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative COTS Commercial Off The Shelf CP Control Panel CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink Communications CPU Central Processing Unit CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRITTER Civil Rotorcraft IFR Terminal-Area Technology Enhancement Research CRM Cockpit Resource Management CRM Crew Research Management CRS Course CRT Cathode Ray Tube CRZ Cruise CSD Constant Speed Drive CTA Controlled-Time of Arrival CTA Control Area (ICAO Term)CTAS Center TRACON Automation System CTC Centralized Train Central CTR Center CTR Civil Tilt Rotor CTRL Control CVSRF Crew-Vehicle Simulation Research Facility (NASA Ames)CWS Control Wheel Steering Back to Top- D -D Derated DA Descent Advisor DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite DE-TO PR Derated Takeoff Engine Pressure Ratio D-TO Nl Derated Takeoff Engine Fan Speed DADC Digital Air Data Computer DATALINK Digitized Information Transfer (air/ground)DC Direct Current Electricity D/D Drift Down DEC December DEC Digital Equipment Corporation DECR Decrement DEL Delete DEP Departure DES Descent DEST Destination DEV Deviation DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder DFGS/C Digital Flight Guidance System/Computer DFW Dallas Fort Worth International Airport DGPS Differential GPSDH Decision Height DIR Direct DIR/INTC Direct Intercept DIS Distance DISCR Discrepancy DIST Distance DL Delta DLP Data Link Processor (the FAA's ground automation system that supports the Mode S subnetwork (GDLP), internetwork (ATN router) and non-ATC data link application processes)DLR German Aerospace Research Establishment DME Distance Measuring Equipment (ground navigational aid that can provide display of distance to selected ground navigational radio transmitter)DMU Data Management Unit DNTKFX Down Track Fix DOT Department of Transportation DOD Department of Defense DRU Data Retrival Unit DSPY Display (annunciation on CDU)DTG Distance-to-go Back to Top- E -E East EADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator EAS Equivalent Airspeed ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor ECON Economy (minimum cost speed schedule)ECS Environmental Control System E/D End-of-Descent EDF Electricité de France EEC Electronic Engine Control EFC Expected Further Clearance EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator EICAS"
"docid": "D1503800#0",
"title": "http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_03_09/article_03_1.html\n.",
"text": "\"Download This Article (PDF – 137 KB)Blended winglets are wingtip devices that improve airplane performance by reducing drag. Boeing and Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) began making them available on the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) and Next-Generation 737-800 in 2001. Flight test data demonstrate that blended winglets lower block fuel and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions by up to 4 percent on the 737 and up to 5 percent on the 757 and 767. Blended winglets also improve takeoff performance on the 737, 757, and 767, allowing deeper takeoff thrust derates that result in lower emissions and lower community noise. By William Freitag, Winglet Program Manager, Commercial Aviation Services; and E. Terry Schulze, Manager, Aerodynamics Blended winglets are a proven way to reduce drag, save fuel, cut CO 2 and NOx emissions, and reduce community noise. Boeing offers blended winglets as standard equipment on the BBJ and as optional equipment on the 737-700, -800, and -900 Extended Range (ER). Blended winglets also are available as a retrofit installation from Aviation Partners Boeing for the 737-300/-500/-700/-800/-900, 757-200/-300, and 767-300ER (both passenger and freighter variants) commercial airplanes. More than 2,850 Boeing airplanes have been equipped with blended winglets. The carbon-fiber composite winglets allow an airplane to save on fuel and thereby reduce emissions. The fuel burn improvement with blended winglets at the airplane's design range is 4 to 5 percent."
"docid": "D719669#0",
"title": "http://www.autonews.com/article/20150312/RETAIL/150319950/gm-to-cut-chevy-gmc-powertrain-warranty-to-60000-miles-from-100000\nGM to cut Chevy, GMC powertrain warranty to 60,000 miles from 100,000",
"text": "\"Send us a Letter Have an opinion about this story? Click here to submit a Letter to the Editor, and we may publish it in print. UPDATED: 3/12/15 2:26 pm ET -- adds details DETROIT -- General Motors plans to cut its powertrain warranty on Chevrolet and GMC vehicles for the 2016 model year, concluding that its standout offer of 100,000-mile coverage -- in place for nearly a decade -- wasn't a strong enough selling point. The five-year/100,000-mile powertrain coverage -- once touted by former GM CEO Rick Wagoner as a symbol of the improved quality of GM's vehicles -- will be reduced to five years/60,000 miles for '16 models. The brands will continue to offer courtesy transportation and roadside assistance during the coverage period. The five-year/60,000-mile coverage matches that of many of GM's largest competitors, including Ford, Toyota and Honda. Hyundai and Kia offer a 10-year, 100,000-mile powertrain coverage, which the Korean brands bill as \"\"America's Best Warranty. \"\" GM also will scale back its offer of two years of free maintenance, including oil changes and tire rotations, on most new Chevy, GMC and Buick vehicles. The brands, which began the free-maintenance deal for model year 2014, will reduce the number of free service visits to two, from four, starting with '16 models. Both changes were announced in a memo sent to dealers on Wednesday."
"docid": "D1439727#0",
"title": "http://draftlogic.com/cms_pages.php?id=55\nPanel Schedules",
"text": "Panel Schedules Detailed Circuiting and Load Data At Your Fingertips When you select the panel schedules to be created, Draft Logic Electrical completely automatically generates detailed circuit-by-circuit reports for every member of the power tree in your drawing. This includes emergency panels, branch circuit panels, central distribution panels, motor control centers, meter centers, and so on all the way up to and including the main distribution panel. Building electrical designers not using Draft Logic Electrical can spend hours per panel schedule, drafting it manually and then manually having to verify that the circuit numbers and loads are correct versus the electrical design in model space. Save your designers from 'manual misery' and get them Draft Logic Electrical!Power Tree Recalculated Each Time To ensure that your panel schedules are correct, Draft Logic Electrical goes through every device on every circuit to get the current load information. By basing the individual circuits on completely up to date information, all summation data on the panel schedules is assured to be correct. These electrical load calculations catch any changes you have made in the project, whether you changed the wattage / load on a utilization device like a receptacle or luminaire, or if you added or deleted utilization devices. All data that the panel schedules rely on is recalculated prior to generating the report, including such things as fault levels and voltage drop effects on the feeders between the distribution devices. Sections and Data Reported Panel Schedule Top Section In the top section of the panel schedules, basic information about the panel is reported, along with project information, and finally the fault level calculated for the panel. You can customize the appearance of this to include, for example, your company name and logo. See our customizing page for information."
"docid": "D933712#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generating_Availability_Data_System\nGenerating Availability Data System",
"text": "\"The Generating Availability Data System ( GADS) is a database produced by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). It includes annual summary reports comprising the statistics for power stations in the United States and Canada. [ 1]GADS is the main source of power station outage data in North America. This reporting system, initiated by the electric utility industry in 1982, expands and extends the data collection procedures begun by the industry in 1963. NERC GADS is recognized today as a valuable source of reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) information. [ 2]This information, collected for both total unit and major equipment groups, is used by analysts' industry-wide in numerous applications. GADS maintains complete operating histories on more than 5,800 generating units representing 71% of the installed generating capacity of the United States and Canada. GADS is a mandatory industry program for conventional generating units 50 MW and larger starting January 1, 2012 and 20 MW and larger starting January 1, 2013. GADS remains open to all non-required participants in the Regional Entities (shown in Figure I-2 of the NERC GADS DRI) and any other organization (domestic or international) that operate electric generating facilities who is willing to follow the GADS mandatory requirements as presented in the document Final GADSTF Recommendations Report dated July 20, 2011. GADS data consists of three data types: Design – equipment descriptions such as manufacturers, number of boiler feedwater pumps, steam turbine MW rating, etc."
"docid": "D314437#0",
"title": "http://forums.mikeholt.com/showthread.php?t=87001\nThread: Metal Wireway & Derating",
"text": "\"05-29-07, 01:52 AM #1Joe_Medarac Junior Member Join Date May 2007Posts 3Metal Wireway & Derating I have two questions regarding metal wireways and conduit. First off some of the information for project. 1. Metal wireway is 4� X 4� duct 2. Conduit is 2-1/2� EMT 3. All wire is 12 AWG 4. All branch circuits are 20 amps Question 1. In reading article 376-22 I know I can run up to 30 current-carrying conductors in the wireway (raceway) without derating. If I go over this at what percentage do I start derating conductors at? If I look at table 310.15 (2) (B) (2) (a) do I start at 4-6 conductors (80%) or do I start at 31-40 conductors (40%)?"
"docid": "D150072#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Electrical_Code\nNational Electrical Code",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Relevant topics on Electrical Installations Wiring practice by region or country North American practice United Kingdom Practice Regulation of electrical installations BS 7671 UK wiring regulations IEC 60364 IEC international standard Canadian Electrical Code (CEC)US National Electrical Code (NEC)Cabling and accessories AC power plugs and sockets Cable tray Electrical conduit Mineral-insulated copper-clad cable Multiway switching Steel wire armoured cable Ring main unit Ring circuit Thermoplastic-sheathed cable Switching and protection devices AFCI ELCB Circuit breakers Fuse Residual Current Device (RCD) / GFCI (USA)Distribution board Consumer unit Electrical switch Earthing systemv t e The National Electrical Code, 2008 edition The National Electrical Code ( NEC ), or NFPA 70, is a regionally adoptable standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment in the United States. It is part of the National Fire Codes series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a private trade association. [ 1] Despite the use of the term \"\"national\"\", it is not a federal law. It is typically adopted by states and municipalities in an effort to standardize their enforcement of safe electrical practices. [ 2] In some cases, the NEC is amended, altered and may even be rejected in lieu of regional regulations as voted on by local governing bodies. The \"\" authority having jurisdiction \"\" inspects for compliance with these minimum standards. [ 3] [4]Contents [ hide ]1 Background1.1 Public access2 Structure3 High and low voltage rule classification4 Requirements4.1 Conduit and cable protection4.2 Actual vs. maximum current rating4.3 Temperature rating5 See also6 References7 External links7.1 Restricted access code models Background [ edit]The NEC is developed by NFPA's Committee on the National Electrical Code, which consists of 19 (20 in 2008) code-making panels and a technical correlating committee. Work on the NEC is sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association. The NEC is approved as an American national standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It is formally identified as ANSI/NFPA 70."
"docid": "D3532736#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/133926848/US-Navy-Shipboard-Pest-Control-Manual\nUS Navy Shipboard Pest Control Manual",
"text": "\".2-1. Rankin (NEPMU-2. CDR R. Through liaison with Dr. and 2-22 digitally captured from U. ARS – U. figs. Grove. Dr. Obenauer. including Table 2-1. W. Bangs. Additional relevant references are under revision. provided significant changes and updates to design. CDR J. 2-26."
"docid": "D1012878#0",
"title": "http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=24254\nAltitude Derating",
"text": "dwil (Electrical) (OP) 30 May 02 11:15All, Can anyone explain the logic (physics) behind the need to derate at altitide. To my twisted way of thinking, it is the opposite to what I would have thought. At altitude, air is less dense, and I would have thought that this would have made it a better insulator - apparently it does not, it is the opposite - why?? Also, there is the issue of different derating requirements between LV and MV. For LV, derating only applies above 2,000 metres, while for MV, derating applies above 1,000 metres - why is this so?? I haven't been able to find a suitable explantion why - any explanation would be appreciated (because for my poor old mind, if you use this logic, a vacuum should be a good conductor). Cheers! ! electricpete (Electrical) 30 May 02 12:00I'll take a stab at that. One common type of derating I am familiar with is power derating of a motor of transformer due to altitude. If the air is less dense it is less effective at removing heat."
"docid": "D2327069#0",
"title": "http://www.ship-technology.com/projects/brazilmanu/\nBrazil Manu â Iron Ore Carrier",
"text": "MOL has a fleet of over 800 ships. The Brasil Maru is one of the largest iron ore carriers in the world. MOL has five super-sized iron ore carriers. MOL has a fleet of over 800 ships. The Brasil Maru is one of the largest iron ore carriers in the world.123In December 2007, the Brasil Maru (the third vessel to bear the name) joined the fleet of Mitsui O S K Lines Ltd (MOL) and Tamou Line SA. The ship is one of the largest iron ore carriers in the world, with a deadweight of 327,180t, and will be used for the transportation of bulk iron ore from Brazil to Japan under a long-term contract with the Nippon Steel Corporation. The annual transport volume will be about 1.4 million tons a year. In March 2008 the ship made its first delivery of iron ore from Brazil to Oita in Japan. The ship was constructed at the Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co Chiba yard and named and delivered on 7 December 2007. The ship’s maiden voyage was in January 2008.“The ship is one of the largest iron ore carriers in the world."
"docid": "D99900#0",
"title": "http://petrowiki.org/Electrical_distribution_systems\nElectrical distribution systems",
"text": "\"Electrical distribution systems The electrical-distribution system furnishes electrical power and partial protection of the electrified oil field and consists of a primary system and a secondary system. It is important to the economics and longevity of the overall system that distribution be designed adequately before installation. Contents [ hide ]1 Primary distribution system and voltages1.1 Electrical storms2 Secondary electrical system2.1 Electrical storms2.2 Sizing3 Distribution transformers3.1 Wye delta3.2 Delta delta3.3 Delta wye3.4 Wye wye3.5 Open delta3.6 Sizing4 References5 Noteworthy papers in One Petro6 External links7 See also Primary distribution system and voltages To reduce power losses, electricity distributed to an oil field is brought to the field at higher voltages of between 4,000 and 15,000 V. This higher-voltage distribution system is called a primary system. Higher voltages allow the use of smaller conductors, but require more expensive transformers. Even so, when the primary system must deliver electrical power over a long distance, a higher voltage generally is favored because the lower cost of the smaller cable over the longer distances offsets the higher costs of the transformers and protective equipment. Electrical storms An electrified oil field has a high degree of exposure to electrical storms. Electrical storms cause high static voltages and, sometimes, high transient voltages, the latter being caused by lightning. Static lines and lightning arresters are used to reduce the damage to electrical equipment by the static voltages and lightning strikes. During electrical storms, the formation of rain clouds creates a difference in potential between the cloud and the earth. Above-ground primary electrical systems in a storm’s vicinity might inherit a high static-voltage level that, if not reduced by properly sized and grounded lightning arresters, can cause motor-winding-insulation damage."
] |
636891 | what does engine mpi stand for | [
"docid": "D988065#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-MPFI-in-cars-mean\nWhat does MPFI in cars mean?",
"text": "\"Sanju, I love cars more than my girlfriend Answered Feb 5, 2016 · Author has 59 answers and 104k answer views Multi point injectors (MPI). One of the most important components of a well-functioning engine is the fuel system. Modern cars tend to be fuel injected, rather than using carburetors, but not all fuel injection system are created equal. Multi-point injectors are more complicated than single-point systems, but they lead to an engine with better fuel economy and cleaner emissions. As these devices, known as carburetors, suffer from inherent inefficiencies, leading to uncombusted fuel and high emissions. As a result, fuel injectors emerged --- small devices that inject a predetermined amount of fuel, rather than relying on air pressure to do the job. Multi-point injection (MPI) systems inject fuel at each cylinder, allowing much greater control over how much fuel the engine burns. In MPI systems, the injection generally takes place directly inside the cylinder's intake valve. Compared to single-point injection or carburetion, MPI engines have better fuel economy and lower emissions. This is because the engine can meter the amount of fuel needed for each cylinder."
] | [
"docid": "D2725163#0",
"title": "https://www.hometheaterforum.com/community/threads/dark-shadows-the-beginning-disc-problems.248874/\nDark Shadows: The Beginning Disc Problems",
"text": "\"Dark Shadows: The Beginning Disc Problems Discussion in ' TV on DVD and Blu-ray ' started by Brian Himes, Jan 30, 2007 . Page 1 of 61 2 3 4 5 6 Next >1Jan 30, 2007Brian Himes Screenwriter Joined: Dec 8, 2004Messages: 1,510Likes Received: 685Trophy Points: 1,610Real Name: Brian I'm not sure how many folks here are members of the Dark Shadows DVD club, but I am and I would like to warn those that are getting the Dark Shadows: The Beginning DVD sets. Well, the it seems that MPI has once again had some authoring issues with the company that they use to transfer these episodes to DVD. Everything goes along smoothly (at least on my set) until the last disc. There are five episodes on my 4th disc that just stop near the end of the episode. No end credits. The episodes just come to a stop and skip to the next episode. I've checked the disc in more than one DVD player and it happened in all of them. This isn't a fault with the player or the discs themselves. The episodes were just blatantly cut off in mid stream."
"docid": "D2060999#0",
"title": "https://kiampginfo.com/faq\nFAQ",
"text": "\"EPA Settlement Litigation settlement General questions Assessment of impact Current customer reimbursement program EPA SETTLEMENTI heard that Kia has reached an agreement with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. What are the details? Kia Motors has entered into an agreement with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) relating to the voluntary fuel economy rating adjustments on certain model-year 2011-13 vehicles in the U. S. The agreement institutionalizes a number of fuel economy testing-process changes put in place since the rating adjustments were announced in 2012. It also resolves other ambiguities in the testing process as regulated by the EPA. According to the agreement, Kia will forego 2.05 million greenhouse gas credits, which will result in the permanent reduction of 2.05 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. As part of the corrective actions, Kia will also pay a $43.2 million civil monetary penalty. Why did Kia settle? The agreement is a result of good-faith efforts among all parties to resolve issues. We are pleased to have this matter behind us, and our priority remains making things right for our customers through our fair and transparent reimbursement program. Which Kia models were included in the settlement?"
"docid": "D689219#0",
"title": "http://www.paintinfo.com/cn/cnp-021.shtml\nHow much is too much? Tips for repainting with elastomeric coatings",
"text": "How much is too much? Tips for repainting with elastomeric coatings Caution Notes >>Based on the experience of PQA Inspector Dave Lick and MPI’s Level 2 Maintenance Repainting Coatings Specialist Course In our experience, many architects and owners specify elastomeric coatings for exterior concrete and masonry walls as a reflex reaction; they’ve used elastomerics successfully on previous projects and assume they’re the best choice again. But what if it’s a repaint job, and the surface already has multiple layers of elastomeric coatings? Can you just add another coat? Elastomeric coatings are noteworthy for their elongation (aka stretchiness) that allows them to tolerate some substrate movement and bridge moving hairline cracks — but they’re also attractive for these two seemingly competing virtues:they’re a virtual barrier to water in its liquid phase, so they’re excellent for waterproofing (you’re more or less wrapping a building in plastic).they “breathe:” their permeability allows moisture vapor (water in its gaseous phase) to readily pass through the film without compromising the film’s adhesion to the surface. The Need to Breathe A product’s breathability is measured in perms, defined as the number of grains of water vapor per hour per square foot per inch of mercury-water vapor pressure difference. A “breathable” coating is generally considered one that is 10 perms or greater, and typical elastomeric coatings may range from 8-12 perms or more. So an initial application of elastomeric applied at the proper DFT fulfills the specifier/owner’s requirement for a waterproof but breathable coating. But with each additional repaint, the permeability of the existing film is reduced, and eventually the multiple layers of elastomeric become a ‘barrier’ instead of a ‘breather.’ Water vapor that can no longer be breathed out of the wall gathers behind the coating and condenses into water."
"docid": "D84157#0",
"title": "http://homeguides.sfgate.com/long-pay-mortgage-insurance-fha-loan-9441.html\nHow Long Do You Pay Mortgage Insurance on an FHA Loan?",
"text": "Written by Kimberlee Leonard; Updated July 18, 2017Related Articles How Long Do You Pay PMI on an FHA Loan? When Does PMI Fall Off on FHA Mortgages? How Do I Get Out of an FHA Mortgage? How to Remove the Mortgage Insurance Premium from a FHA Loan Mortgage insurance is required on all FHA loans unless 20 percent equity already exists in the home at the time of the loan funding. Otherwise, borrowers must wait for the loan balance to achieve 22 percent equity to cancel their mortgage insurance. The age of the loan determines how you remove mortgage insurance from the loan. Purpose of Mortgage Insurance Mortgage insurance protects a lender against borrower default. Borrowers hear the terms premium mortgage insurance and mortgage premium insurance – these are the same thing. MPI is specifically for loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration. The FHA doesn't provide loans but instead offers a guarantee to lenders."
"docid": "D1839631#0",
"title": "http://www.cpmc.org/learning/documents/cardiacstress-ws.html\nLearning About Your Health",
"text": "\"Learning About Your Health Cardiac Stress Test: Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) with Dipyridamole (Persantine®)Printer-friendly PDF of Cardiac Stress Test Opens new window (64KB) ( Download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader Opens new window)What is a Cardiac Stress Test (MPI) with Dipyridamole? Before the Test During the Test After the Test More Ways to Learn What is a Cardiac Stress Test (MPI) with Dipyridamole? A cardiac stress test with Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a non-invasive test (no surgery or cutting skin). This test takes four (4) hours and is done in three (3) parts with breaks between each part. A cardiac stress test with MPI is done to study the blood flow to your heart during stress and at rest. This test helps your doctor diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD). This test may also be called the \"\"Persantine® stress test. \"\" If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or are taking theophylline or caffeine-containing drugs, you must talk to your doctor before the test. For women weighing over 200 pounds or for men weighing over 250 pounds: pictures of your heart are taken on two (2) separate days. You schedule the second appointment on the first day of your test."
"docid": "D2536368#0",
"title": "https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/linux_clusters/\nLinux Clusters Overview",
"text": "\"Tutorials | Exercises | Abstracts | LC Workshops | Comments | Search | Privacy & Legal Notice Linux Clusters Overview Author: Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-WEB-150348 LLNL-MI-726637Table of Contents Abstract Background of Linux Clusters at LLNLCluster Configurations and Scalable Units LC Linux Cluster Systems Intel Xeon Hardware Overview Infiniband Interconnect Overview Software and Development Environment Compilers Exercise 1MPIRunning Jobs Overview Batch Versus Interactive Starting Jobs - srun Interacting With Jobs Optimizing CPU Usage Memory Considerations Vectorization and Hyper-threading Process and Thread Binding Debugging Tools Exercise 2GPU Clusters Available GPU Clusters Hardware Overview GPU Programming APIs CUDAOpen MPOpen ACCOpen CLCompiling CUDAOpen MPOpen ACCMisc. Tips & Tools References and More Information Abstract This tutorial is intended to be an introduction to using LC's Linux clusters. It begins by providing a brief historical background of Linux clusters at LC, noting their success and adoption as a production, high performance computing platform. The primary hardware components of LC's Linux clusters are then presented, including the various types of nodes, processors and switch interconnects. The detailed hardware configuration for each of LC's production Linux clusters completes the hardware related information. After covering the hardware related topics, software topics are discussed, including the LC development environment, compilers, and how to run both batch and interactive parallel jobs. Important issues in each of these areas are noted. Available debuggers and performance related tools/topics are briefly discussed, however detailed usage is beyond the scope of this tutorial. A lab exercise using one of LC's Linux clusters follows the presentation. Level/Prerequisites: This tutorial is intended for those who are new to developing parallel programs in LC's Linux cluster environment."
"docid": "D3144863#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Cherokee_(XJ)\nJeep Cherokee (XJ)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other vehicles using this name see Jeep Cherokee Jeep Cherokee (XJ)1984– 1996 Jeep Cherokee 2-door Overview Manufacturer American Motors (1984-1986) Chrysler Corporation (1987-1998) Daimler Chrysler (1999-2001)Also called Jeep Wagoneer (1986-1990)Production1983–2001 (U. S.)1984–2009 ( Beijing Benz)2009–2014 ( BAW)1987–2001 (Venezuela)1996–2000 (Argentina)1992–2001 (Egypt)1992–2000 (Southeast Asia)Assembly United States: Toledo, Ohio ( Toledo Complex)China: Beijing ( Beijing Benz and ( BAW)Venezuela: Valencia Argentina: Ferreyra, Córdoba Egypt: Cairo ( Arab American Vehicles)Body and chassis Class Compact SUVBody style2-door SUV4-door SUVLayout Front-engine, rear-wheel drive / Four-wheel drive Related Jeep Comanche Jeep 2500BAW Qishi [1]Powertrain Engine2.0 L (122 cu in) 4G20 I4 ( gasoline) (China)2.1 L (126 cu in) Renault J8S I4 ( turbocharged diesel)2.2 L (134 cu in) 4G22 I4 ( gasoline) (China)2.5 L (150 cu in) AMC I4 ( gasoline)2.5 L (153 cu in) VM Motori 425 OHV I4 (turbocharged diesel)2.8 L (173 cu in) GM LR2 V6 (gasoline)4.0 L (242 cu in) AMC I6 (gasoline)4.0 L (242 cu in) AMC H. O. I6 (gasoline)4.0 L (242 cu in) Power Tech I6 (gasoline)Transmission4-speed Aisin AX-4 manual5-speed Aisin AX-5 manual5-speed Peugeot BA-10/5 manual5-speed Aisin AX-15 manual5-speed NVG NV3550 manual3-speed Chrysler A904 automatic3-speed 30RH automatic4-speed Aisin AW-4 automatic Dimensions Wheelbase 101.4 in (2,576 mm)Length1987-1990: 165.3 in (4,199 mm)1991-93: 168.8 in (4,288 mm)1994-96: 166.9 in (4,239 mm)1997-2001: 167.5 in (4,254 mm)Width1987-1993: 70.5 in (1,791 mm)1994-96: 67.7 in (1,720 mm)1997-99: 67.9 in (1,725 mm)2000-01: 69.4 in (1,763 mm)Height1987-88 2WD: 63.4 in (1,610 mm)1987–1993: 63.3 in (1,608 mm)1994–99 2WD: 63.9 in (1,623 mm)1994-2001 4WD: 64.0 in (1,626 mm)2000–01 2WD: 63.8 in (1,621 mm)Curb weight 3,357 lb (1,523 kg) (approx. ) Chronology Predecessor Jeep Cherokee (SJ)Successor Jeep Liberty (KJ)The Jeep Cherokee (XJ) is a compact sport utility vehicle that was manufactured and marketed by Jeep from 1983 to 2001. Sharing the name of the original full-size SJ model, but without a traditional body-on-frame chassis, the XJ instead featured a light-weight unibody design, [2] The models were originally marketed as Sportwagons and became the precursor to the modern sport utility vehicle (SUV) as that term was not yet in use. [ 3] [4]The XJ spawned competitors as other automakers began to notice that this Jeep design began replacing regular cars. [ 5] It also began to supplant the role of the station wagon and \"\"transformed from truck to limousine in the eyes of countless suburban owners.\"\" [ 6] The XJ is a \"\"significant link in the evolution of the 4x4.\"\" [ 7]Built in Toledo, Ohio, USA; Beijing, China; Ferreyra, Argentina; Cairo, Egypt; and in Valencia, Venezuela, the XJ provided the mechanical basis for the MJ -series Jeep Comanche pickup truck. Automotive journalist Robert Cumberford, writing for Automobile, called the Jeep XJ one of the 20 greatest cars of all time — for its design, and \"\"possibly the best SUV shape of all time, it is the paradigmatic model to which other designers have since aspired\"\". [ 6] The XJ was also selected in 2011 as one of \"\"10 cars that refuse to die\"\" by Kiplinger. [ 8]Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 1984–19962.1 Fleet markets2.2 Engines3 1997–20013.1 Fleet markets3.2 Engines4 Trim levels5 Available driveline components5.1 Manual transmissions5.2 Automatic transmissions5.3 Transfer cases5.4 Axles5.4.1 Front axle5.4.2 Rear axle5.4.3 Axle gear ratios5.5 Suspension5.5.1 Front suspension5.5.2 Rear suspension6 XJ in Europe7 XJ in China8 Cherokee name revival in the U. S.9 Footnotes10 External links Background [ edit]Designs of the compact-size XJ Cherokee date back to 1978 when a team of American Motors (AMC) and Renault engineers drew several sketches."
"docid": "D2130547#0",
"title": "https://www.cartrade.com/volkswagen-cars/polo\nVolkswagen Polo",
"text": "Home » Volkswagen Cars » Volkswagen Polo Polo Variants Images Colors Videos Mileage More Volkswagen Polo92 User Reviews₹ 5.42 - 9.56 lakhs Avg. Ex-showroom Price (incl. GST)EMI: ₹ 9,210/-MILEAGE: 16 - 20 kmpl GET ON-ROAD PRICEImages (6) Colors (6)Volkswagen Polo Price List (By Variant)Variant Price Compare Trendline 1.0L (P) 999 cc | Manual | Petrol | 17 - 19 kmpl₹ 5.42 lakhs Get on-road price Comfortline 1.0L (P) 999 cc | Manual | Petrol | 17 - 19 kmpl₹ 6.11 lakhs Get on-road price Highline1.0L (P) 999 cc | Manual | Petrol | 17 - 19 kmpl₹ 7.02 lakhs Get on-road price Highline Plus 1.0 (P) 999 cc | Manual | Petrol | 17 - 19 kmpl₹ 7.24 lakhs Get on-road price Allstar 1.2 (P) 1198 cc | Manual | Petrol | 14 - 16 kmpl₹ 7.31 lakhs Get on-road price GT TSI Sport 1197 cc | Automatic | Petrol | 15 - 17 kmpl₹ 9.2 lakhs Get on-road price Trendline 1.5L (D) 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 18 - 20 kmpl₹ 6.93 lakhs Get on-road price Comfortline 1.5L (D) 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 18 - 20 kmpl₹ 7.84 lakhs Get on-road price Highline1.5L (D) 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 18 - 20 kmpl₹ 8.55 lakhs Get on-road price Highline Plus 1.5 Diesel 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 18 - 20 kmpl₹ 8.78 lakhs Get on-road price Allstar 1.5 (D) 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 18 - 20 kmpl₹ 8.85 lakhs Get on-road price GT TDI Sport 1498 cc | Manual | Diesel | 17 - 19 kmpl₹ 9.69 lakhs Get on-road price All Prices are Ex-showroom, Delhi Note: Volkswagen Polo Comfortline 1.2L (D), Comfortline 1.2L (P), Highline 1.6L (P), Highline1.2L (D), Highline1.2L (P), Trendline 1.2L (D), Trendline 1.2L (P), Exquisite 1.2 MPI Highline, Exquisite 1.5 TDI Highline, Highline Plus 1.2 Petrol have been discontinued. Quick Facts about Volkswagen Polo Volkswagen Polo, a Hatchback has 12 versions available in India. Polo has 6 Petrol cars and 6 Diesel cars. Volkswagen Polo comes in 5 colours, namely, Candy White, Carbon Steel, Copper Orange, Flash Red, Reflex Silver. Volkswagen Polo Price in Popular Cities Delhi₹ 5.94 - 11.04 lakhs Mumbai₹ 6.28 - 10.97 lakhs Bangalore₹ 6.53 - 11.66 lakhs Pune₹ 8.13 - 11.41 lakhs Chennai₹ 6.23 - 10.6 lakhs Kolkata₹ 5.98 - 9.8 lakhs Ad Upcoming Volkswagen Cars Volkswagen T-Roc₹ 12 - 15 Lakhs Volkswagen Polo 2018₹ 8 - 12 Lakhs View All Upcoming Cars Cars Similar to Volkswagen Polo Ford Figo₹ 5.47 - 8.1 Lakhs Avg. Ex-showroom Price Get On-Road Price Compare With Polo Maruti Suzuki Baleno₹ 5.44 - 8.61 Lakhs Avg. Ex-showroom Price Get On-Road Price Compare With Polo Hyundai Elite i20₹ 5.35 - 9.16 Lakhs Avg. Ex-showroom Price Get On-Road Price Compare With Polo Toyota Etios Liva₹ 5.53 - 7.47 Lakhs Avg."
"docid": "D3616#0",
"title": "http://download.autodesk.com/us/moldflow/troubleshooting/mps_troubleshooting.html\nAutodesk Network License Manager troubleshooting",
"text": "\"1 Obtaining help about your Moldflow Product Security software For detailed help about your Moldflow Product Security products, please see the built in on-line help systems. This troubleshooting guide contains only a short list of commonly asked questions about MPS.1.1 Moldflow Product Security Administrator on-line help Open the Moldflow Product Security Administrator ( Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Administrator ). When the Administrator opens, select Help > Help Topics. The on-line help system for the Moldflow Product Security Administrator appears.1.2 Enterprise Dashboard on-line help Open the Enterprise Dashboard ( Start > All Programs > Moldflow Product Security > Enterprise Dashboard ). When the Enterprise Dashboard opens, click the Help button in the lower right hand corner. The on-line help system for the Enterprise Dashboard appears.2 MPS Installation The following information provides solutions to some common questions about installing MPS.2.1 Important notes for Beta customers Customers who participated in the MPS Beta program should be aware of the following information. You must ensure that all components of your MPS installations are in sync. You will need to upgrade your license server from the Beta version, as well as any Beta version Enterprise Dashboards that you have installed previously. When upgrading from a Beta server, you should uninstall the Beta version of MPS and remove the \\Program Files\\Moldflow\\Product Security directory before installing the new server.2.2 Install MPS 2.3 server (or later) if you want to use Enterprise licensing If you wish to use Enterprise licensing, you must install an MPS 2.3 license server (or later) on your network. Please be careful when installing Moldflow client software other than MPI 6.1 as this may install an older version of the MPS license server.2.3 Need administrator rights to install MPSYou must have administrator privileges to install MPS on a machine."
"docid": "D3047252#0",
"title": "http://www.altcancer.net/chanca.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Kidney and Bladder Stones / Liver Tonic Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthyus niruri) Ground Leaves of Chanca Piedra Code 319 -- Price: $4.95 Ground tea leaves: 85 gr. ( net wt) Makes Nearly 2 Gallons of Tea (Using 11 g. or 1.5 T. to make one quart) Order Now Email Summarized Description: Chanca Piedra -- which literally means \"\"stone breaker,\"\" due to its ability to break up and dissolve kidney stones -- is one of our native traditionals . It also possesses the ability to impair certain calcium-forming organisms (\"\"nanobacteria\"\") which, in turn, cause inflammation and the production of bad calcium in the body. ( It is widely believed that a host of disease conditions are tied to the overproduction of bad calcium in the body.) This product can be used as tea using the instructions below, and it also lends itself to encapsulation by experienced end users. Uses & Protocols I. Preparation --- if you can boil water, you can make this product: Professional herbalists will recognize this as a standard decoction. Add 1.5 Tablespoons Chanca Piedra to a large sauce pan, along with one quart of purified water (0.95 liters). You have enough product in the product bag to do this seven to eight times. Heat until a very low-level boil or \"\"barely boiling\"\" level has been reached and continue boiling for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally."
"docid": "D2041781#0",
"title": "https://cis.org/Memorandum/Estimating-Impact-DREAM-Act\nEstimating the Impact of the DREAM Act",
"text": "Estimating the Impact of the DREAM Act Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Print By Steven A. Camarota on November 30, 2010Download a pdf of this memorandum Steven A. Camarota is the Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies. This Memorandum examines the costs and likely impact of the DREAM Act currently being considered by Congress. The act offers permanent legal status to illegal immigrants up to age 35 who arrived in the United States before age 16 provided they complete two years of college. Under the act, beneficiaries would receive in-state tuition. Given the low income of illegal immigrants, most can be expected to attend state schools, with a cost to taxpayers in the billions of dollars. As both funds and slots are limited at state universities and community colleges, the act may reduce the educational opportunities available to U. S. citizens. Among the findings: Assuming no fraud, we conservatively estimate that 1.03 million illegal immigrants will eventually enroll in public institutions (state universities or community colleges) as a result of the DREAM Act. That is, they meet the residence and age requirements of the act, have graduated high school, or will do so, and will come forward. On average, each illegal immigrant who attends a public institution will receive a tuition subsidy from taxpayers of nearly $6,000 for each year he or she attends, for total cost of $6.2 billion a year, not including other forms of financial assistance they may also receive. The above estimate is for the number who will enroll in public institutions."
"docid": "D2314512#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Soul\nKia Soul",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Kia Soul Overview Manufacturer Kia Motors Production 2009–present Body and chassis Class Compact crossover SUV ( J) (2009–2014) Subcompact crossover SUV ( J) (2014–present)Body style 5-door SUVThe Kia Soul is a front-engine, front-wheel-drive, five-door subcompactcrossover ( Mini MPV) manufactured and marketed worldwide by Kia and now in its second generation. Designed at Kia's design center in California, the Soul debuted at the 2008 Paris Motor Show and is manufactured in South Korea. Since 2014, Kia has marketed an electric variant as the Soul EV in North and Central America as well as Europe. Contents [ hide ]1 First generation (2009–2013)1.1 Features1.2 Special Editions1.3 Engine1.4 Safety1.5 Concepts1.6 Marketing1.7 Reviews and awards2 Second generation (2014–present)2.1 Overview2.2 Special Editions2.3 Engines2.4 Transmissions2.5 Safety2.6 Marketing2.7 Awards2.8 Gallery3 Third generation (2019–)4 Sales5 See also6 References7 External links First generation (2009–2013) [ edit]First generation (AM)Pre-facelift Kia Soul (US)Overview Manufacturer Kia Motors Production 2008–2014Model years 2009–2013 (Asia) 2010–2013 (other markets)Assembly Gwangju Plant, Gwangju, South Korea Yangcheng Plant, Jiangsu, China ( DYK) [1]Kaliningrad, Russia ( Avtotor) Oskemen, Kazakhstan ( Azia Avto)Designer Mike Torpey Body and chassis Class Compact crossover SUV ( J)Body style 5-door SUVLayout FF layout Platform Hyundai-Kia PBRelated Hyundai i20Kia Venga Powertrain Engine 1.6L Gamma I4 122 hp (2009–2011) 2.0L Beta II I4 142 hp (2009–2011) 1.6L U I4 Diesel 126 hp 1.6L Gamma GDI I4 138 hp (2012-) 2.0L Nu I4 164 hp (2012-)Transmission 5-speed manual (2009–2011) 4-speed automatic (2009–2011) 6-speed manual (2012-) 6-speed automatic (2012-)Dimensions Wheelbase 100.4 in (2,550 mm)Length 161.6 in (4,105 mm) (2009–2011) 162.2 in (4,120 mm) (2012-)Width 70.3 in (1,786 mm)Height 63.4 in (1,610 mm)Curb weight 2,615–2,945 lb (1,186–1,336 kg) (2012-)Chronology Predecessor Kia Joice The Soul concept was styled by Mike Torpey in early 2005. As a new member of Kia's Design Team in Irvine, California, Torpey was sent to KIA Korea to brainstorm a new vehicle. After seeing a television documentary on wild boars and learning of their importance in Korean culture, Torpey sketched a caricature of a boar wearing a backpack. The New York Times reported \"\"the boar’s attitude of strength and capability was the image [Torpey] wanted for a new model aimed at hip urban youths.\"\" [ 2]According to the Automotive news, the Soul had been criticized for a \"\"plasticky\"\" interior and a harsh ride. [ 3] Both the ride quality and interior were upgraded during the first year of production. [ citation needed]Features [ edit]The interior features two front bucket seats and a rear flat-folding bench seat that can adjust to prioritize passenger or cargo volume. ["
"docid": "D793281#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface\nMessage Passing Interface",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article possibly contains unsourced predictions, speculative material, or accounts of events that might not occur. Information must be verifiable and based on reliable published sources. ( June 2010)This article possibly contains original research. ( May 2008)This article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. ( August 2011)Message Passing Interface ( MPI) is a standardized and portable message-passing standard designed by a group of researchers from academia and industry to function on a wide variety of parallel computing architectures. The standard defines the syntax and semantics of a core of library routines useful to a wide range of users writing portable message-passing programs in C, C++, and Fortran. There are several well-tested and efficient implementations of MPI, many of which are open-source or in the public domain. These fostered the development of a parallel software industry, and encouraged development of portable and scalable large-scale parallel applications."
"docid": "D1523529#0",
"title": "http://www.cpmc.org/learning/documents/cstexermpi-ws.html\nLearning About Your Health",
"text": "\"Learning About Your Health Cardiac Stress Test: Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) with Exercise Printer-friendly PDF of Cardiac Stress Test: Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) with Exercise Opens new window (108KB) ( Download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader Opens new window)What is a Cardiac Stress Test (MPI) with Exercise? Before the Test Prepare for the Test During the Test After the Test More Ways to Learn What is a Cardiac Stress Test (MPI) with Exercise? A cardiac stress test with Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a non-invasive test (no surgery or cutting skin). This test takes four (4) hours and is done in three (3) parts with breaks in between each part. This test looks at blood flow to your heart muscle during stress, like exercise, and at rest. This test helps your doctor diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD). Note: This test used to be called the \"\"Thallium treadmill test. \"\" If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or are taking theophylline or caffeine-containing drugs, you must talk to your doctor before the test. For women weighing over 200 pounds or for men weighing over 250 pounds: pictures of your heart are taken on two (2) separate days. You schedule the second appointment on the first day of your test."
"docid": "D379196#0",
"title": "http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/SymptomsDiagnosisofHeartAttack/Myocardial-Perfusion-Imaging-MPI-Test_UCM_446352_Article.jsp\nMyocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Test",
"text": "Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Test Updated: Sep 19,2016What is a myocardial perfusion imaging test? Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is a non-invasive imaging test that shows how well blood flows through (perfuses) your heart muscle. It can show areas of the heart muscle that aren’t getting enough blood flow. This test is often called a nuclear stress test. It can also show how well the heart muscle is pumping. There are 2 techniques for MPI: single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). MPI is useful in patients with chest discomfort to see if the discomfort comes from lack of blood flow to the heart muscle caused by narrowed or blocked heart arteries ( angina ). Myocardial perfusion imaging doesn’t show the heart arteries themselves, but can tell your doctor with good certainty if any heart arteries are blocked and how many. MPI can also show if you’ve previously had a heart attack. Depending on circumstances, for example if you have chest pain and an abnormal MPI study, the next step may be performing a coronary angiogram ."
"docid": "D1042229#0",
"title": "http://www.4wdmechanix.com/Jeep-CJ-Inline-Six-Stroker-Rebuild?r=1\nJeep 232/258 Inline Six Upgradeâ4.5L to 4.7L Stroker Motor Buildup!",
"text": "Posted on Apr 22, 2015 at 1:45 am · by Moses Ludel Jeep 232/258 Inline Six Upgrade—4.5L to 4.7L Stroker Motor Buildup! ( 4.7L Long-Block Photo Courtesy of Mopar® Performance)American Motors’ most significant and enduring contribution to Jeep® was the seven main bearing inline six. While most associate this engine design with ’72-up models, the architecture dates to 1964 and first appeared in 1965 Jeep J-trucks. AMC introduced a variety of six-cylinder engine changes from the mid-‘50s forward, offering four-main bearing inline sixes in L-head, iron OHV and even a short-lived aluminum block design that featured iron cylinder liners and an iron, OHV cylinder head. The aluminum-and-iron combination proved far less reliable than expected, and 1961-65 Rambler 196 cubic-inch, aluminum-block inline sixes required frequent head bolt re-torquing—or inevitable head gasket failure and block deck damage. Lightweight Rambler six-cylinder models stood for economy, and AMC entered the ‘sixties intent on elevating the status of inline six-cylinder performance. This feat was a significant challenge in an era of V-8 muscle power and cheap, readily available, high-octane pump gas. Though Jeep owners may wish to believe otherwise, AMC did not invent the seven-main bearing inline six. In fact, G. M. and Ford each abandoned four-main sixes, Chevrolet by 1963, Ford following in 1965. G. M. introduced the 194 in the compact 1962 Chevy II, Rambler’s direct competitor."
"docid": "D2162832#0",
"title": "http://www.mlive.com/business/west-michigan/index.ssf/2010/10/was_mpi_researchs_3300-job_exp.html\nWas MPI Research's 3,300-job expansion plan oversold by MEDC, politicians?",
"text": "Scott Harmsen | Kalamazoo Gazette Two laboratory buildings in downtown Kalamazoo were sold by Pfizer Inc. to MPI Research for $1 each in 2008. MPI says it may begin expanding operations into those buildings next year. One building, right, faces Lovell Street. The second, at left, faces Portage Street. MATTAWAN — In the more than two years since MPI Research announced a $330 million expansion that would create 3,300 new jobs in Kalamazoo and Mattawan, the company has dropped about 200 employees from its ranks. Yet the Mattawan-based research and testing company wants to claim state tax credits this year for creating new jobs, the company said. State officials say a company can’t receive the credits if it has fewer employees than it did when the incentives were awarded. In addition, MPI has so far failed to meet the hiring and investment obligations in downtown Kalamazoo required in agreements it reached with the state and city of Kalamazoo, according to a Kalamazoo Gazette examination of city and state documents. MPI officials say they’re committed to the expansion, but the economic turmoil of the past two years has delayed plans. “We will continue progress with our plans for growth in 2011 and are committed to help strengthen our economy in Michigan,” Joan Manners, MPI’s director of marketing, wrote in an e-mail to the Gazette."
"docid": "D3184762#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Avenger\nDodge Avenger",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see avenger (disambiguation). Dodge Avenger Overview Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors (1995-2000) Chrysler LLC (2008-2009) Chrysler Group LLC (2009-2014) Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US (2014)Production 1994-2000 and 2007-2014 (1995-2000 and 2008-2014 model years)Body and chassis Class Mid-sized sports car (1994-2000) Mid-size car (2008-2014)The Dodge Avenger is a front-wheel drive, mid-sized sedan that was built by Dodge. The Dodge Avenger made its North American debut in 1994 as a two-door coupe, which was produced until 2000. It was re-introduced to the market as a four-door sports sedan starting in 2008. The 2014 model year marked the last production for the Avenger, as models for both the Dodge and Chrysler brands were consolidated into the single 2015 Chrysler 200 model,. [ 1] while Dodge received the compact Dart based on the same platform. [ 2]Contents1 Dodge Avenger Coupe (1995–2000)1.1 Changes1.2 Trims2 Dodge Avenger sedan (2007–2014)2.1 Revisions2.2 Changes for 20112.3 Trims3 Total Sales3.1 Safety3.2 Discontinuation4 Motorsport5 References6 External links Dodge Avenger Coupe (1995–2000) [ edit]Dodge Avenger Coupe Overview Also called Chrysler Sebring coupe Production 1994–2000Model years 1995-2000Assembly Normal, Illinois, United States Designer Daniel Sims (1991)Body and chassis Class Mid-sized sports car Body style 2-door coupe Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive Platform Chrysler FJ platform Related Eagle Talon Mitsubishi Eclipse Powertrain Engine 2.0 L 420A I4 (gasoline) 2.5 L 6G73 V6 (gasoline)Transmission 5-speed manual 4-speed Ultradrive 41TE automatic Dimensions Wheelbase 103.7 in (2,634 mm)Length 190.2 in (4,831 mm) (1998–2000) 187.2 in (4,755 mm) (1994–97)Width 69.1 in (1,755 mm) (1998–2000) 68.5 in (1,740 mm) (1994–97)Height 53.0 in (1,346 mm) (1998–2000) 51 in (1,295 mm) (1994–97)Chronology Predecessor Dodge Stealth, Dodge Daytona Successor Dodge Stratus coupe Rear view Introduced as a two-door coupe in North America, the Dodge Avenger was built from 1994 to 2000 in a similar size and price class as the Dodge Daytona, which was discontinued in 1993. The Avenger, along with the similar Chrysler Sebring coupe, was built by Diamond Star Motors (DSM), a joint venture between Chrysler Corporation and Mitsubishi Motors, on a version of the Mitsubishi Galant platform (which also spawned the similar Mitsubishi Eclipse ). Chrysler sold its equity stake to Mitsubishi in 1993, and Diamond-Star Motors was renamed to Mitsubishi Motors Manufacturing America (MMMA) on July 1, 1995. [ 3] ."
"docid": "D3146583#0",
"title": "http://boatered.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=147481\n.",
"text": "\"Author Topic Supsan RO# 11978Posted - Jun 07 2011 : 14:33:10Hey guys I’m trying to figure out if I’m getting ripped off on the price to change the risers and manifolds on my MPI 5.7 2004 Mercuiser with a bravo 3. The yard did not give me an exact price yet and will not start any work until I approve of the price, but I would like to know I’m not being ripped off before giving him the go ahead. His guess off the top of his head was three to six hours of labor at 100.00an hour and 2,000 for the parts. The labor sounds about right the boat is a 26 foot Regal with a pretty good amount of room. The boat has almost five hundred hours and they have never been changed. It is a RWC system. So I guess my question is how much would parts be for this. I was unable to find them on Boat fix. He did say it has the extension which adds more money. I do expect him to make money on the parts, but not 100% profit on them either."
"docid": "D138945#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-47\nAK-47",
"text": "\"AK-47From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the weapon. For other uses, see AK-47 (disambiguation). AK-47 [N 1]AK-47 with 6H2 bayonet Type Assault rifle Place of origin Soviet Union Service history In service 1949–present (worldwide) 1949–1978 (Soviet Union)Used by See Users Wars Hungarian Revolution of 1956 [1]Colombian conflict Moro Conflict South African Border War Indo-Pakistani War of 1965War of Attrition Six Day War Yom Kippur War Ogaden War Vietnam War Laotian Civil War Cambodian Civil War Cambodian–Vietnamese War Sino-Vietnamese War Sri Lankan Civil War Chadian–Libyan conflict Afghan Civil War Afghan-Soviet War1982 Ethiopian-Somali Border War First Liberian Civil War Second Liberian Civil War First Sudanese Civil War Second Sudanese Civil War South Sudanese Civil War Somali Civil War Algerian Civil War Abkhaz–Georgian conflict Georgian–Ossetian conflict Georgian Civil War Tajikistani Civil War Transnistria War East Prigorodny Conflict1991–1992 South Ossetia War War in Abkhazia (1992–1993)War in Abkhazia (1998)First Chechen War Second Chechen War War in Afghanistan Iran–Iraq War Gulf War Lebanese Civil War South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)Yugoslav Wars Croatian War Bosnian War Iraq War First Congo War Second Congo War Mexican Drug War2006 Lebanese War Russo-Georgian War Insurgency in the North Caucasus Northern Mali Conflict Libyan Civil War Second Libyan Civil War Boko Haram insurgency Syrian Civil War Iraqi Civil War (2014–present)Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)Saudi-led intervention in Yemen (2015–present)Conflict in Najran, Jizan and Asir Production history Designer Mikhail Kalashnikov Designed 1946–1948 [2]Manufacturer Kalashnikov Concern and various others including Norinco Produced 1949–present No. built ≈ 75 million AK-47s, 100 million Kalashnikov-family weapons. [ 3] [4]Variants See Variants Specifications Weight Without magazine: 3.47 kg (7.7 lb) Magazine, empty: 0.43 kg (0.95 lb) (early issue) [5] 0.33 kg (0.73 lb) (steel) [6] 0.25 kg (0.55 lb) (plastic) [7] 0.17 kg (0.37 lb) (light alloy) [6]Length Fixed wooden stock: 880 mm (35 in) [7] 875 mm (34.4 in) folding stock extended 645 mm (25.4 in) stock folded [5]Barrel length Overall length: 415 mm (16.3 in) [7] Rifled bore length: 369 mm (14.5 in) [7]Cartridge 7.62×39mm Action Gas-operated, rotating bolt Rate of fire Cyclic rate of fire: 600 rds/min [7] Combat rate of fire: Semi-auto 40 rds/min [7] Bursts 100 rds/min [7]Muzzle velocity 715 m/s (2,350 ft/s) [7]Effective firing range 350 m (380 yd) [7]Feed system 30-round detachable box magazine [7] There are also 5- 10-, 20- and 40-round box and 75- and 100-round drum magazines available Sights 100–800 m adjustable iron sights Sight radius: 378 mm (14.9 in) [7]The AK-47, or AK as it is officially known ( Russian: Автома́т Кала́шникова, tr. Avtomát Kaláshnikova, lit. Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle ), also known as the Kalashnikov, is a gas-operated, 7.62×39mmassault rifle, developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is the originating firearm of the Kalashnikov rifle (or \"\"AK\"\") family. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. In 1946, the AK-47 was presented for official military trials, and in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army."
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"docid": "D1208204#0",
"title": "https://www.givenname.net/name/enrico/\nEnrico Name",
"text": "Home > Names > Boy Names > Italian Names > Enrico Enrico Name Gender : Male Origin : Italian Popularity : 4732Enrico Name Meaning Italian form of henry (see also amerigo and arrigo). Likes Add Favourite Contribute Name Finder Enrico Name Numerology Enrico name personality number is 8. People see them as well rounded and having good business sense. They appear confident, lucky, and highly resourceful. The eight personality is very ambitious and competitive, but typically good- natured about it. Eight people love to push themselves to reach consistently higher goals. They are very good at envisioning and developing projects. People see them as well rounded and having good business sense. Enrico name soul urge number is 2. This is where they good at, and people often appreciate them for such a talent."
] | [
"docid": "D262522#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/biography/Enrico-Caruso\nEnrico Caruso",
"text": "Enrico Caruso, original name Errico Caruso, (born Feb. 25, 1873, Naples, Italy—died Aug. 2, 1921, Naples), the most admired Italian operatic tenor of the early 20th century and one of the first musicians to document his voice on gramophone recordings. Caruso was born into a poor family. Although he was a musical child who sang Neapolitan folk songs everywhere and joined his parish choir at the age of nine, he received no formal music training until his study with Guglielmo Vergine at age 18. Within three years, in 1894, he made his operatic debut, in Mario Morelli’s L’Amico Francesco in Naples at the Teatro Nuovo. Four years later, after adding a number of impressive roles to his repertoire, he was asked to create the role of Loris in the premiere of Umberto Giordano’s Fedora in Milan. He was a sensation and soon had engagements in Moscow, St. Petersburg (Russia), and Buenos Aires. He made his La Scala debut with La Bohème (1900). In 1901, after being unfavourably received in his performance in L’elisir d’amore in Naples, he vowed never again to sing in Naples, and he kept his word. Caruso then created the chief tenor parts in Adriana Lecouvreur, Germania, and La fanciulla del West, and for the La Scala company the tenor roles in Le Maschere and L’elisir d’amore. World recognition came in the spring of 1902 after he sang in La Bohème at Monte Carlo and in Rigoletto at London’s Covent Garden."
"docid": "D1004728#0",
"title": "https://www.medicaremadeclear.com/about/costs/medicare-part-d\nPart D Coverage & Costs",
"text": "Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. It helps pay for the medications your doctor prescribes. Original Medicare (Parts A and B) does not cover prescription drugs. Many people who choose Original Medicare add a prescription drug (Part D) plan or choose a Medicare Advantage plan that includes Part D. In general, you may enroll in a Part D plan if you are entitled to Medicare Part A or if you are enrolled in Medicare Part B. In addition, you must live in the service area of a Part D plan. What Does Medicare Part D Cover? Medicare Part D Plans are required to cover certain common types of drugs, but each plan may choose which specific drugs it covers. The drugs you take may not be covered by every Part D plan. You need to review each plan’s drug list, or formulary, to see if your drugs are covered. Prescription drug plans do not cover: Drugs that are not on the plan’s drug list Drugs that are covered under Part A or Part BDrugs that are excluded by Medicare Medicare Part D and Prescription Drugs Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:56Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)You don’t get prescription drug coverage with Medicare Parts A & B alone."
"docid": "D3401532#0",
"title": "http://www.russianballethistory.com/balletteachingmethods.htm\nDiaghilev's Ballets Russes 1909-1929",
"text": "\"Ballet Training Methods There are several different training methods for learning the art of ballet. Each training method is unique in style and appearance. In the course of ballet training, it is likely that a ballet instructor will combine the training methods of two schools. Some teachers use one method as a base and add style elements of another to create a unique approach. Carlo Blasis (Nov. 4, 1797 - Jan. 15, 1878)Carlo Blasis was an Italian dancer, choreographer and dance theoretician. He is well known for his very rigorous dance classes, sometimes lasting four hours long. Blasis was born in Naples. He was the first who published an analysis on the ballet techniques in 1820, in a work named Traité élémentaire, théorique, et pratique de l'art de la danse (\"\"Elementary, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Art of the Dance\"\"). He is most known for the pose \"\"Attitude\"\" derived from the famous statue Mercury by Giovanni da Bologna. Enrico Cecchetti expanded his method of instruction and theories."
"docid": "D2619624#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/tamina\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "Tamina Pronunciation: n/a Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Origin of the name Tamara: Tamara is a Russian cognate of the Hebrew Tamar (date palm, a palm tree). Tamar is borne in the Bible by the daughter-in-law of Judah and mother of his twin sons, and by King David's daughter who was raped by Amnon her half brother. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Buy the book Related Names: Tamara Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Tamina Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Tamina? What are her siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAvia Ayan Brittany Cheyenne Emma Enrico Imran Jones Kanara Lena Liah Melina Nyssa Philip Reinalyn Saif Tahmina Tamena Tamyna Tanzila Titus Vatsal Vincent William Yunus Name Lists Featuring Tamina Contribute your knowledge to the name Tamina Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Tamina: | Edit Share what you know!Personal experiences with the name Tamina: | Edit Share what you know!Nicknames for Tamina: | Edit Share what you know!Meanings and history of the name Tamina: | Edit Feminine form of the German name Tamino. Famous real-life people named Tamina: | Edit Share what you know!Tamina in song, story & screen: | Edit Princess Tamina, fictional character portrayed by Gemma Arterton in the film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. How does Tamina sound to you? What Namipedia Users Say Smart?"
"docid": "D3266275#0",
"title": "http://todayinsci.com/F/Fermi_Enrico/FermiEnrico-Quotations.htm\nScience Quotes Science Quiz What's New Science Stories Chemistry Stories Perpetual Motion News- lettter Search ContactTODAYINSCI ®Celebrating 18 Years on the WebHome Text Menu News Wall Calendar Science Store Privacy Terms of UseTODAY IN SCIENCE HISTORY ®Find science on or your birthday",
"text": "\"Today in Science History - Quickie Quiz Who said: “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. ”Albert Einstein Benjamin Franklin Stephen Hawking more quiz questions >>Home > Dictionary of Science Quotations > Scientist Names Index F > Enrico Fermi Quotes (source)Enrico Fermi (29 Sep 1901 - 28 Nov 1954)Italian-American physicist. Short biography of Enrico Fermi >>Science Quotes by Enrico Fermi (9 quotes)When asked what he meant by a miracle: Oh, anything with a probability of less than 20%.— Enrico Fermi Attributed. Science quotes on: | Biography (231) | Miracle (66) [Probably not a direct quote] Experimental confirmation of a prediction is merely a measurement. An experiment disproving a prediction is a discovery.— Enrico Fermi Attributed. Found without source, for example, in Jon, Michael and Deborah Fripp, Speaking of Science: Notable Quotes on Science, Engineering, and the Environment. The quote appears to be a rephrasing of: “There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery”, as seen elsewhere on this page."
"docid": "D1208202#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/fermi.htm\nFERMI",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » F » Feral Man ... Fertile FERMIPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does Fermi mean?• FERMI (noun) The noun FERMI has 2 senses:1. a metric unit of length equal to one quadrillionth of a meter 2. Italian nuclear physicist (in the United States after 1939) who worked on artificial radioactivity caused by neutron bombardment and who headed the group that in 1942 produced the first controlled nuclear reaction (1901-1954)Familiarity information: FERMI used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details• FERMI (noun)Sense 1 fermi [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A metric unit of length equal to one quadrillionth of a meter Classified under: Nouns denoting quantities and units of measure Synonyms:femtometer; femtometre; fermi Hypernyms (\"\"fermi\"\" is a kind of...):metric linear unit (a linear unit of distance in metric terms)Holonyms (\"\"fermi\"\" is a part of...):micromicron; picometer; picometre (a metric unit of length equal to one trillionth of a meter)Sense 2 Fermi [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Italian nuclear physicist (in the United States after 1939) who worked on artificial radioactivity caused by neutron bombardment and who headed the group that in 1942 produced the first controlled nuclear reaction (1901-1954)Classified under: Nouns denoting people Synonyms: Enrico Fermi; Fermi Instance hypernyms:nuclear physicist (a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"The first step to health is to know that we are sick.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"The way of the troublemaker is thorny.\"\" ( Native American proverb, Umpqua) \"\"Haste makes waste.\"\" ( American proverb) \"\"Speaking is silver, being silent is gold.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)FERMI: related words searches» Meaning of picometer » Definition of micromicron » Meaning of picometre » What does nuclear physicist mean? » Definition of metric linear unit FERMENTATION ALCOHOLFERMENTINGFERMENTOLOGISTFERMIFERMI-DIRAC STATISTICSFERMIONFERMIUMFERNFERN ALLYFERN FAMILYEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does proxy mean » benighted » meaning of contamination » hand drill » what does ordained mean Page delivered in 0.092 seconds \""
"docid": "D3113519#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/tenor.htm\nTENOR",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » T » Tennis Racket ... Tephrosia TENORPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does tenor mean?• TENOR (noun) The noun TENOR has 5 senses:1. the adult male singing voice above baritone 2. the pitch range of the highest male voice 3. an adult male with a tenor voice 4. a settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life 5. the general meaning or substance of an utterance Familiarity information: TENOR used as a noun is common.• TENOR (adjective) The adjective TENOR has 2 senses:1. ( of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass 2. of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice Familiarity information: TENOR used as an adjective is rare. Dictionary entry details• TENOR (noun)Sense 1 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The adult male singing voice above baritone Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms:tenor; tenor voice Hypernyms (\"\"tenor\"\" is a kind of...):singing voice (the musical quality of the voice while singing)Sense 2 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The pitch range of the highest male voice Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects Hypernyms (\"\"tenor\"\" is a kind of...):pitch (the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration)Sense 3 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: An adult male with a tenor voice Classified under: Nouns denoting people Hypernyms (\"\"tenor\"\" is a kind of...):singer; vocaliser; vocalist; vocalizer (a person who sings)Instance hyponyms: Caruso; Enrico Caruso (outstanding Italian operatic tenor (1873-1921))Domingo; Placido Domingo (Spanish operatic tenor noted for performances in operas by Verdi and Puccini (born in 1941))John Mc Cormick; Mc Cormick (United States operatic tenor (born in Ireland) (1884-1945))Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior; Lauritz Melchior; Melchior (United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973))Luciano Pavarotti; Pavarotti (Italian tenor (born in 1935))Sense 4 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents Context example:nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways Hypernyms (\"\"tenor\"\" is a kind of...):direction (a general course along which something has a tendency to develop)Sense 5 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The general meaning or substance of an utterance Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents Synonyms:tenor; strain Context example:although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument Hypernyms (\"\"tenor\"\" is a kind of...):meaning; substance (the idea that is intended)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"tenor\"\"):drift; purport (the pervading meaning or tenor)• TENOR (adjective)Sense 1 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: (of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass Context example:a tenor sax Similar:high; high-pitched (used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency)Domain category:music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner)Sense 2 tenor [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice Context example:tenor voice Similar:high; high-pitched (used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Only two things in life are certain; death and taxes.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.\"\" ("
"docid": "D2823088#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/henry/\nHenry",
"text": "\"Henry What does the name Henry mean? The meaning of the name “Henry” is: “Ruler of the Home”. Additional information: The name Henry is derived originally from the name Henril from Old French. This French name was derived from a Germanic name Heinric or Heimrich, meaning \"\"home-ruler\"\" or \"\"mighty, powerful, distinguished\"\". Henry is a name that was given to a long line of kings in England, stopping at the notorious King Henry VIII. Henry has remained popular throughout history evidenced by the fact that rulers from Britain, France and Germany have all carried it. The name Henry has also figured prominently in American history and was borne by the likes of statesmen William Henry Harrison (9th President), Henry Clay and Henry Kissinger, writers Henry Miller and Henry Thoreau, and poet Henry Longfellow. Henry also occurs frequently as a surname. St Henry, a Holy Roman Emperor, founded many monasteries and encouraged missionary work. He is the only German king ever to be canonized in the Roman Catholic Church."
"docid": "D1668414#0",
"title": "http://www.atomicheritage.org/history/who-built-atomic-bomb\nWho Built the Atomic Bomb?",
"text": "\"History Page Type: Manhattan Project History Date: Monday, June 16, 2014In just 27 months, America accomplished what other nations thought impossible. How did the United States achieve the remarkable feat of building an atomic bomb when Germany, Italy and Japan failed? Hundreds of physicists, mathematicians, and engineers were needed to design, build, and test the world's first atomic weapon and the Unites States government did everything in its power to lure these individuals to the Manhattan Project. To Bulgarian-born journalist Stephane Groueff, the Manhattan Project was an outstanding example of the \"\"American way\"\": a combination of creativity, courage to try unorthodox approaches, and a relentless determination to succeed. Leadership The Manhattan Project benefited from an unusual number of extremely intelligent, experienced, and effective leaders. Their enormous energy and undaunted spirit carried the project forward despite the odds against its success. Some of these exemplary leaders included the Army Corps of Engineers' General Leslie Groves, physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi, Du Pont's Crawford Greenewalt and Kellogg's Percival Keith, MIT's Vannevar Bush, Harvard's James B. Conant, and Berkeley's Ernest O. Lawrence. To ensure that the nation fully engaged its scientific and technical resources in World War II, Vannevar Bush asked President Roosevelt to create the Office of Scientific Research and Development. As its director, Bush forged an unprecedented alliance between government, academia and industry. Under Bush's direction, the nation's most talented scientists and engineers were mobilized and developed radar, the proximity fuze, and the atomic bomb, inventions that were critical to the Allied victory in World War II."
"docid": "D3266271#0",
"title": "http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Enrico_Fermi/Characteristics.asp\nEnrico Fermi general characteristics",
"text": "\"Enrico Fermi general characteristics Enrico Fermi's fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings). Fermi's \"\"elemental make-up\"\" is described below. Remember that most people are \"\"unbalanced\"\" or lopsided, and if Enrico is lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that he needs to consciously develop that particular aspect in order to appreciate and/or work harder in that dimension of life. Sometimes we overestimate the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following pages. Enrico Fermi possesses a measure of all the elements and is thus less likely than others to overemphasize or completely neglect one dimension of experience in favor of another. He is capable of both thinking and feeling, envisioning possibilities and dealing effectively with the here-and-now. This does not mean that Enrico does not have definite preferences and attitudes (these will be covered in the following chapters), nor even that he does not go overboard in his own particular way. But Enrico Fermi is a more versatile and complex person, less one-sided than many other people are, and thus able to draw on all of the elemental qualities as required."
"docid": "D2414590#0",
"title": "http://voxeu.org/article/what-shadow-banking\nWhat is shadow banking?",
"text": "What is shadow banking? Stijn Claessens, Lev Ratnovski 23 August 2013There is much confusion about what shadow banking is and why it might create systemic risks. This column presents shadow banking as ‘all financial activities, except traditional banking, which rely on a private or public backstop to operate’. The idea that shadow banking is something that needs a backstop changes how we think about regulation. Although it won’t be easy, regulation is possible.a ARelated The roots of shadow banking Enrico Perotti There is much confusion about what shadow banking is. Some equate it with securitisation, others with non-traditional bank activities, and yet others with non-bank lending. Regardless, most think of shadow banking as activities that can create systemic risk. This column proposes to describeshadow banking as ‘all financial activities, except traditional banking, which rely on a private or public backstop to operate’. Backstops can come in the form of franchise value of a bank or insurance company, or a government guarantee. The need for a backstop is a crucial feature of shadow banking, which distinguishes it from the “usual” intermediated capital market activities, such as custodians, hedge funds, leasing companies, etc."
"docid": "D2572816#0",
"title": "http://inventors.about.com/od/fstartinventors/a/Enrico_Fermi.htm\nBiography of Enrico Fermi",
"text": "Humanities ›History & Culture Biography of Enrico Fermi How the Physicist Changed What We Know About Atoms Share Flipboard Email Print Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, who was the winner of a Nobel Prize in 1938 and exiled by Mussolini, ca 1945. He became a US citizen and worked on developing the atom bomb. ( Photo by Photo Quest/Getty Images)by Jennifer Rosenberg Updated March 06, 2017Enrico Fermi was a physicist whose important discoveries about the atom led to the splitting of the atom (atomic bombs) and the harnessing of its heat into an energy source (nuclear energy). Dates: September 29, 1901 -- November 29, 1954Also Known As: Architect of the Nuclear Age Enrico Fermi Discovers His Passion Enrico Fermi was born in Rome at the very beginning of the 20th century. At the time, no one could have imagined the impact his scientific discoveries would have on the world. Interestingly, Fermi didn't get interested in physics until after his brother died unexpectedly during a minor surgery. Fermi was only 14 and the loss of his brother devastated him. Looking for an escape from reality, Fermi happened upon two physics books from 1840 and read them from cover to cover, fixing some of the mathematical errors as he read. He claims he didn't realize at the time that the books were written in Latin. His passion was born."
"docid": "D820325#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/math/meant-reasonableness-math-62ee89cb5ce1cc24\nWhat Is Meant by Reasonableness in Math?",
"text": "\"Math Arithmetic Q: What Is Meant by Reasonableness in Math? A: Quick Answer In math, reasonableness refers to the results of a calculation or problem-solving operation reflecting what is reasonable within the context of the given factors or values. Two qualifiers of an answer's reasonableness are the order of magnitude within the framework of the problem and whether the results are either positive or negative. An answer can also be determined to be reasonable based on an estimate. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is Common Core Math? What Is Regrouping in Math? How Do You Learn to Solve Basic Math Problems? Full Answer In less complicated math problems, a rough and mentally-calculated estimate, sometimes referred to as a \"\"ballpark estimate,\"\" can help to predict the numerical range the final answer should fall within. For example, if the given problem is to determine the sum of 23 plus 76, it can be estimated that the final and precise answer will be somewhere close to 100 because the known calculation 25 plus 75 equals 100 is close to the given problem 23 plus 76. Younger students are often taught to check the reasonableness of their final answers by comparing them to a ballpark estimate."
"docid": "D3257305#0",
"title": "http://www.foxbusiness.com/features/2014/04/22/10-critical-things-to-look-for-in-small-business-bookkeeper.html\n10 Critical Things to Look for in a Small Business Bookkeeper",
"text": "10 Critical Things to Look for in a Small Business Bookkeeper By Enrico Palmerino for the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)Published January 09, 2016 FOXBusiness Facebook Twitter Comments Printarticle If you run a business and are looking for a bookkeeping solution, it’s important to start by understanding the who, what, when, where and how of your ideal scenario. ( What is ideal for you may not be ideal for a different business type. ) Below, I’ve outlined 10 of the most important areas to consider when comparing bookkeepers so that you will be able to weigh the pros and cons of each. Experience Experience comes in many shapes and sizes. You may think that if you have a small business, the experience you need from a bookkeeper can be “small” as well. There is nothing further from the truth. You need as much experience as you can afford, because great bookkeeping and accounting is instrumental in growing your business and maximizing your profits. Experience does not always equal good fit, either. Someone who has worked for 20 years as a part-time bookkeeper for a landscaping company, although “experienced,” may not have the depth and breadth you need for an early stage startup company. When you start looking for your solution, make sure you create a wish list of level, depth, and type of experience you need."
"docid": "D1061871#0",
"title": "http://rarerecords.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=68&category_id=9&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1\n.",
"text": "\" Info: Your browser does not accept cookies. To put products into your cart and purchase them you need to enable cookies.1st of SONNY CURTISABBOTT & COSTELLO on Castle 78 RPM WHO'S ON FIRST novelty View Full-Size Image Title: A DREAM Enrico Caruso Artist: Enrico Caruso Price per Unit (piece): $18.00Victrola 78 RPM, 10 inch, record number 87321 is A DREAM by Enrico Caruso. This original pre 1910 record is in VG+ condition. It has the \"\"bat-wing\"\" label and is recorded on one side only. $4.00 will send it to a USA address. Other addresses email for exact shipping cost. Quantity: Parameters of Category: Record Format 78 RPM \""
"docid": "D3266274#0",
"title": "https://www.biography.com/people/enrico-fermi-9293405\nEnrico Fermi Biography",
"text": "\"Quick Facts Name Enrico Fermi Occupation Scientist, Physicist Birth Date September 29, 1901Death Date November 28, 1954Education Scuola Normale Superiore University Place of Birth Rome, Italy Place of Death Chicago, Illinois Synopsis Early Life Early Career in Physics Life in America Final Years Cite This Page IN THESE GROUPSFamous U. S. Immigrants Famous Scuola Normale Superiore University Alumni Famous Scientists Famous People Named Fermi Show All Groups1 of 3«»quotes“Ignorance is never better than knowledge. ”—Enrico Fermi Enrico Fermi Biography Scientist, Physicist (1901–1954)202SHARESPhysicist Enrico Fermi built the prototype of a nuclear reactor and worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bomb. Synopsis Born in Italy in 1901, Enrico Fermi's early research was in general relativity and quantum mechanics, but he soon focused on the newer field of nuclear physics. He won the Nobel Prize in 1938 for his work in radioactivity, allowing him to escape fascist Italy and settle in the United States. He then built the first nuclear reactor (Chicago Pile-1) and worked on the Manhattan Project. Fermi died in Chicago in 1954. Element 100, fermium, is named in his honor. Early Life Enrico Fermi was born in Rome, Italy, on September, 29, 1901, the third child of Alberto and Ida de Gattis Fermi. Ida was a remarkable woman, trained as a teacher, highly intelligent and a major influence on her children's education. Enrico Fermi's intense interest in physics was said to be the result of a family tragedy."
"docid": "D3398333#0",
"title": "http://www.writing-world.com/fiction/literary.shtml\n.",
"text": "\"What Is Literary Fiction? Literary Editors Share Their Views by Moira Allen Return to Other Fiction Genres·Print/Mobile-Friendly Version Many articles and books on the art of writing fiction tell you that getting a few stories published in leading literary magazines can do wonders for your writing career. Breaking into the literary magazines can help you \"\"get noticed.\"\" And when it comes time to submit that novel to a publisher, having a track record of literary publications certainly won't hurt. But what, exactly, is literary fiction? While there are hundreds of literary magazines, ranging from top-name publications that have been producing award-winning fiction for decades to tiny zines that spring up (and quite often disappear) overnight, obtaining an actual \"\"definition\"\" of literary fiction is not so easy. Many articles try to define it by stating what it is not: \"\"genre\"\" or mainstream fiction, for example. One book even defines literary fiction as work that would be read \"\"in college English classes\"\" as opposed to \"\"the grocery checkout line.\"\" [ Source: The Beginning Writer's Answer Book, by Jane Friedman]. Unfortunately, the writers' guidelines posted by many litmags aren't terribly helpful either. While we're always told to \"\"check the guidelines\"\" to determine what a publication wants, many litmags simply tell us that they're looking for \"\"great writing\"\" or ask writers to send \"\"their best stories.\"\""
"docid": "D1380872#0",
"title": "https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/37084/what-citation-style-is-mainly-used-in-political-science\nWhat citation style is mainly used in political science?",
"text": "\"_Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What citation style is mainly used in political science?up vote2down votefavorite According to Wikipedia, the most pertinent styles are Chicago and APSA, which is a variant of Chicago. But I could not find stronger references about this. EDIT. The purpose of my question is the following. I am trying to build a quick help-sheet for scholars and students about the \"\"citation\"\" topic. Political science seems to be a discipline not very careful about the citation styles issue (compared to the STM fields), so I can't find clear information about the practice of its community.citations citation-style political-scienceshare improve this questionedited Jan 19 '15 at 16:51aeismail ♦139k 26 317 627asked Jan 19 '15 at 9:18Fra Enrico440 2 15This is really a question you should ask your advisor. – Alexandros Jan 19 '15 at 11:03I'm not a scholar, and I don't need to write a paper, so I don't have an advisor. But as librarian I'm interested in how academic publishing works. Does your comment mean that there is no such thing as a common practice, and every advisor does what he prefers? –"
"docid": "D1566272#0",
"title": "https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/late-gothic-italy/florence-late-gothic/a/giotto-arena-scrovegni-chapel\nGiotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel",
"text": "\"Fresco cycle by Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, Padua, c. 1305, photo: copyright 1996 [email protected] Late Medieval or Proto-Renaissance? The Renaissance does not have a start date. Its origins are often located around 1400 but as early as the late 1200s we see changes in painting and sculpture that lay the foundation for what we will come to recognize as the Renaissance. Some scholars call this early period the \"\"Late Gothic\"\"—a term which refers to the late Middle Ages, while other people call it the \"\"Proto-Renaissance\"\"—the beginnings of the Renaissance. In any case, a revolution is beginning to take place in Italy the early 1300s in the way people think about the world, the way they think about the past, and the way they think about themselves and their relationship with God. Giotto The artist who takes the biggest step away from the Medieval style of spiritual representation in painting in the early 14th century is Giotto. Giotto is perhaps best known for the frescos he painted in the Arena (or Scrovegni) Chapel. They were commissioned by a wealthy man named Enrico Scrovegni, the son of a well-known banker (and a banker himself). According to the Church, usury (charging interest for a loan) was a sin, and so perhaps one of Enrico's motivations for building the chapel and having it decorated by Giotto was to atone for the sin of usury. The chapel is known as the Arena Chapel since it is on the site of an ancient Roman arena (or amphitheater) that later became the property of Scrovegni, whose palace abutted the chapel (the palace was torn down in the nineteenth century, though parts of the arena remain)."
"docid": "D1181838#0",
"title": "https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006042401075\nWhat is the meaning of SF in Ferrari?",
"text": "\"Cars & Transportation Car Makes Other - Car Makes What is the meaning of SF in Ferrari?1 following 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: 'SF' as seen on the front wings of the car underneath the Black Horse symbol stands for 'Scuderia Ferrari' in keeping with the equine motif. The phrase basically means 'Ferrari Racing Stables' which refers to the racing arm of the Ferrari Automobiles. The 'SF' logo seen on most Ferrari road cars is strictly marketing and does not mean anything. The sign of the Black horse that was adopted by Ferrari is attributable to the family crest of Francesco Baracca (son of Count Enrico Baracca) the great Italian flying ace from WW1 who died in combat in 1918. The Ace had the sign of the black Prancing horse on the side of his aircraft during the war years. The Count watched Ferrari race in 1923 at Savio when the famous meeting took place. As Enzo Ferrari writes in his own words about the meeting in 1923 at Savio, \"\"After the race, I met Count Enrico Baracca and later the Countess Paolina, who one day told me, why don't you put the prancing horse logo on your racing cars. It will bring you good luck\"\". The 'SF' was later added as Ferrari went on to manage the Alfa Romeo racing team for the factory. Source (s):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesco_Baracca \"\"Ferarri, the Man\"\" by Gino Rancatti, 1983, Wallaces25 · 1 decade ago3 0 Comment Ferrari Symbol Source (s):https://shrink.im/a74R3? ·"
] |
636924 | what does enterprise cal include | [
"docid": "D2962332#0",
"title": "http://www.micromail.com/microsoft-enterprise-client-access-licence--cal--suite--ecal-/ms0016pd.html\nMicrosoft Enterprise Client Access Licence (CAL) Suite (eCAL)",
"text": "Microsoft Enterprise Client Access Licence (CAL) Suite (e CAL)View Large Image Microsoft Enterprise Client Access Licence (CAL) Suite (e CAL)Ref. MS0016Get Quote Now Summary The Microsoft Enterprise Client Access Licence (CAL) Suite brings together 11 of the latest Microsoft products to provide your people with the newest innovations in compliance, real-time collaboration, security, communication, desktop management, and more. Overview How to Buy System Requirements Resources Related Products The Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite provides an outstanding opportunity for customers to use their existing investments in the Microsoft core platform. Furthermore, the Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite provides a significant cost savings compared to the purchase of individual CALs. Customers considering investments in just two of the products included in the suite will find that the economic value of the Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite becomes compelling. The Enterprise CAL Suite is only available with Software Assurance and includes Client Access Licences (per device or per user) for any previous, current & future versions of Windows Server, Exchange Server, Share Point Server, and System Center Configuration Management Server, Exchange Enterprise, Share Point Enterprise, Microsoft Lync™ Server CAL Standard & Enterprise, Windows Rights Management Services (RMS), System Center Operations Manager Client Management Licence, and Forefront Protection Suite. The Forefront Protection Suite includes Forefront Protection for Exchange, Forefront Online Protection for Exchange, Forefront Protection for Share Point, Forefront Protection for Lync Server, Forefront TMG Web Protection Service, Forefront Client Protection."
] | [
"docid": "D1270298#0",
"title": "https://msincic.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/system-center-2012-licensing-server-and-client/\nSystem Center 2012 Licensing â Server and Client",
"text": "Tagslicense, system center 2012System Center 2012 Licensing – Server and Client01/26/2012It was reported the new licensing model for System Center 2012, which facilitated much the way sell the product package. Actually the fact now not having more individual licenses for each of the 8 products that are part of the family System Center 2012 is an advantage. However, it is important to remember two factors that many are leaving aside: The current System Center already had a licensing Suite Enterprise call involving all products Client licensing still continues to exist, being an important cost in the final calculation, but also possessed the Enterprise CAL Suite option For System Center current did some calculations to demonstrate how much some implementations ( https://msincic.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/licenses-in-the-system-center-family-types-and-prices/) in and it is good to clarify how to get the same data now, including the license of customers, and make the comparison. License for Servers Now the licensing can be Standard or Enterprise: Standard is for physical or virtual machines and covers only two processors and 2 virtual machines at a cost of $ 1,323Enteprise does not limit the number of servers to the ecosystem, but limits the number of physical processors on the host at a cost of $ 3,607It may seem confusing, but it is actually simple, imagining the scenario where a server (host) with 4 physical processors: If you are implementing a VM for each feature, so 8 VMs, the ideal would be to buy 2 (two) Enterprise license since each license cover 2 processors and wouldn’t “count” the number of VMs If you are going to implement up to 4 VMs grouping roles ideally buy 2 (two) Standard licenses since each license covers 2 processors and 2 VMs Note: in the first example above the cost of having two Enterprise licenses is $ 7,214 while with the Standard is $ 5,292. It seems that the decision should be thought out carefully!! ! License for Customers We have a table of different, because customers licensing are 3 licenses depending on the product that will be used: The licenses are not cumulative, but travellers. So if you want to use the SCCM, SCOM, VMM and DPM on a given server will need to purchase the license of CMC and to CMSL at a cost of $ 183. On the old template would be necessary to spend $ 354 ($ 157 SCCM Server License and SCOM and $ 70 by VMM and license Suite DPM that are). Note: In current package licenses for servers are different from those of stations, with cost and higher. Simulation See the System Center 2012 cost simulation with the same parameters of the simulation with the previous version, 1000 customers and 10 servers: Product Server License * Client License Total Value Configuration Manager 2012 $ 7.214,00 $ 62.620,00 $ 69.834,00Operations Manager 2012 Already included $ 122.210,00 $ 122.210,00Data Protection Manager 2012 Already included Already included $ –Virtual Machine Manager 2012 Already included Already included $ –Service Manager 2012 Already included Already included $ –Orchestrator Already included Already included $ –Total $ 192.044,00* Taking into account a server for each role Note we have a higher cost, but note that in the simulation with current products was not quoted the SCSM nor the Orchestrator, which would increase and the final value of $ 113,863References Follow the links to the documents containing the data mentioned in this post:http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/D/9/0D9DDF52-A855-487B-9B74-5A09A9389551/Windows%20Server%20System%20Center%20and%20Forefront%20Pricing%20and%20Licensing%20Guide.pdfhttp://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/System-Center-2012-Licensing-Datasheet.pdf Advertisements Share this: Twitter Loading... From → Configuration Manager, Data Protection Manager, Operations Manager, orchestrator, System Center, Virtual Machine Manager"
"docid": "D885549#0",
"title": "http://freivogelonconflicts.com/cocounselcommoninterest.html\n.",
"text": "\"Co-Counsel/Common Interest Home/Table of Contents A. Introduction The term \"\"co-counsel\"\" as used here means two or more unaffiliated lawyers representing the same party in the same matter. This could involve \"\"lead counsel\"\" assisted by \"\"local counsel,\"\" or it could involve a client's principal law firm bringing in a lawyer with unique expertise from another law firm. In contrast, \"\"common interest\"\" refers to the situation where different lawyers represent different parties in the same proceeding. They agree that they have enough in common to share resources, strategy, and confidential information. They do not, however, agree to be \"\"co-counsel\"\" for the same party or parties. The most common type of “common interest” arrangement is the “joint defense” agreement. The concepts are treated together here because they are occasionally grouped together by courts in analyzing issues before them. See, for example, the discussion of Essex in Part C following. B. Co-Counsel Disqualification Issues Lawyer A represents Client X in a lawsuit. Lawyer A would like to use the expertise of Lawyer AA, who is in a different firm, Firm AA, in the case."
"docid": "D1112303#0",
"title": "http://stdi.com/stdi/home.nsf/ws/srp\nLotus Domino Licensing Price List",
"text": "Lotus Domino Licensing Price List Home Library Support About Us Contact Us Print this Page Cooperative Purchasing Service Where purchasing groups collaborate. Read about it here. Messaging and Collaboration for Small Business IBM Lotus Notes email for $3 per user per month, including Chat, Smartphone, Calendaring and much more. How does this compare to the Microsoft Small Business Server? Read about it here. Read about Messaging and Collaboration for Small Business here. The information provided is to our best knowledge and my change. Please confirm all items with IBM or your supplier. This price list does not apply to Government and Educational Institution, please contact us for the price list. The prices below are suggested retail prices."
"docid": "D1916676#0",
"title": "http://www.techsoup.org/support/articles-and-how-tos/guide-to-sql-server-editions-and-licensing\nGuide to SQL Server Editions and Licensing",
"text": "Learn about the available editions of Microsoft SQL Server and the licensing requirements. Get SQL Server now SQL Server is relational database server software offering tools for data storage, management, analysis, and reporting. It can be used as a back-end database server for internal applications or for powering a dynamic website. You can use this guide to help you find the SQL Server edition and licenses appropriate for your organization's needs. Editions Licensing Upgrading SQL Server Products Available Through Tech Soup Additional Resources Editions Microsoft offers SQL Server through Tech Soup in the Standard and Enterprise editions. Standard Edition is most suitable for medium-size charities and organizations. Enterprise Edition is most suitable for large organizations. Standard Edition offers basic database, reporting, and analytics capabilities. Microsoft offers this edition under the server/CAL and core-based licensing models. Enterprise Edition contains all of the basic features of Standard Edition plus tools for analyzing business and financial data, mission-critical applications, and data warehousing features."
"docid": "D3249161#0",
"title": "https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0407munteanu/index.html\nConvert a Universal Time Coordinated timestamp in DB2 Universal Database",
"text": "\"Convert a Universal Time Coordinated timestamp in DB2 Universal Database Going from a UTC timestamp to a timestamp in another locale John Munteanu Published on July 29, 2004Facebook Twitter Linked In Google+ E-mail this page0Important: Read the disclaimer before reading this article. This article presents the design of a Java implementation for a DB2 user-defined function (UDF) that takes as input two parameters: a UTC timestamp (for example, 2004-04-04- and a locale name (such as \"\"America/Guayaquil\"\") and returns the timestamp equivalent in the new locale (in this case, 2004-04-03- The two main challenges for performing the conversion were: The ability to support all the different names a certain locale could appear under and all the different locales that could come in as an input The ability to figure out the daylight savings time rule for each locale The real life experience of a data warehousing project with data coming in from many different applications and from locales scattered over few continents proved that such a function was invaluable for the transformation side of the Extract Transform Load (ETL) process that was needed to analyze and process the data. Setting the stage A unique moment in the time continuum can be defined by that moment's date, time, and, for even more precision, by the number of fractions of a second. Called a timestamp, its ISO representation in DB2 looks like this:1 2004-07-24- this case, the precision is down to one microsecond. Recording the timestamp when an event occurred in relationship to a transaction is called “timestamping\"\" the transaction. Timestamping a record is done many times throughout the life of a transaction for recording the time a transaction was created, was last modified, was last accessed, and so on. The usual design for centrally storing transactions that happen in multiple geographies and multiple locales is to timestamp each record with the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) equivalent of the local time. By also recording the place where the transaction occurred, for example by storing the customer number or the business unit number where the transaction took place, you can reconstruct the local time of that transaction. The need to reconstruct the local time for a UTC timestamp at the transaction's place of origin was presented to us when data from many sources had to be processed, analyzed and reported on."
"docid": "D2172467#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_access_license\nClient access license",
"text": "\"This article relies too much on references to primary sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. ( June 2008) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)A client access license ( CAL) is a commercial software license that allow clients to use server software services. Most commercial desktop apps are licensed so that payment is required for each installation. However, some server products can be licensed so that payment is required for each device or user which accesses the service provided by the software. For example, an instance of Windows Server 2016 for which ten User CALs are purchased allows 10 distinct users to access the server. Contents [ hide ]1 Licensing2 Enforcement3 Types4 Combined schemes5 Software editions6 Terminal Services7 See also8 References9 Further reading Licensing [ edit]Main article: Software license Commercial apps are licensed to end users or businesses: in a legally binding agreement between the proprietor of the software (the \"\"licensor\"\") and the end user or business (the \"\"licensee\"\"), the licensor gives permission to the licensee to use the app under certain limitations, which are set forth in the license agreement. In case of Microsoft, the consumer retail or \"\"off-the-shelf\"\" products generally use very similar licence agreements, allowing the licensee to use the software on one computer, subject to the usual terms and conditions. For businesses however, Microsoft offers several types of licensing schemes for a range of their products, which are designed to be cost effective, flexible, or both. [ 1]Commercial server software, such as Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005 require licenses that are more expensive than those which are purchased for desktop software like Windows Vista."
"docid": "D1769826#0",
"title": "http://www.comparex-group.com/web/microsites/microsoft/products/cloud/spe/secure-productive-enterprise.htm\nMicrosoft 365 (former Secure Productive Enterprise)",
"text": "In the modern workplace, employees are always connected and always moving. They have more devices with more data, and they expect tools to support ubiquitous collaboration. IT needs a solution to help protect data, manage the growing number of mobile devices, unify environments that span operating systems, and enable seamless collaboration for workers across all their devices. Microsoft 365 is a solution which enables your employees to work securely on the go from virtually anywhere and with any device – no matter whose device it is and which operating system it is running. Benefits Licensing solution for secure mobile working Licensing per User (User Subscription License)Three licensing options in an EA: Add-on, From SA USL, Full USLWindows Enterprise E3 / E5 as an option to transfer a Windows device license into a user license Microsoft 365 Enterprise COMPAREX e Book: A Brief Navigation Through Apps, Features and Services included in Microsoft 365 Enterprise Plans Office 365 Enterprise, Enterprise Mobility + Security and Windows 10 Enterprise – Microsoft 365 is a comprehensive, intelligent and secure solution that perfectly combines the benefits of these components. Our e Book provides you with a detailed overview of the most useful apps and services included in the Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 and E5 plans. Learn about what Microsoft 365 Enterprise can do for your business. Get your free e Book today!Microsoft 365 Enterprise is a per user licensing option available through the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) and Microsoft Products & Services Agreement (MPSA) and via Microsoft Cloud Solutions by COMPAREX. It comes with two different Enterprise plans. It includes Office 365 Enterprise E3 (or E5), Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 (or E5), and Windows Enterprise E3 (or E5)."
"docid": "D1916677#0",
"title": "https://serverfault.com/questions/395525/what-is-sql-server-core-edition\nWhat is SQL Server Core Edition?",
"text": "\"_Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What is SQL Server Core Edition?up vote17down votefavorite1I was browsing my technet downloads for SQL Server 2012 and I noticed a bunch of products labelled \"\"core\"\" edition: Is this something to do with their new per-core licensing model, or something else?sql-server-2012share improve this questionasked Jun 4 '12 at 21:57Mark Henderson ♦58.2k 28 151 235To confirm my answer, you should download both files and do a binary comparison on the two... if they're identical that should reveal whether my thoughts are correct. – Ashley Steel Jun 9 '12 at 5:02add a comment5 Answers active oldest votesup vote9down vote Sorry to necro here, but just in case someone else hits this page with a similar question, and since there's so little documentation about this... Short: The regular \"\"Enterprise\"\" (non-\"\"core\"\") edition caps the cores at 20, period. The \"\"core\"\" edition has no such cap. This is not a guess, it's a provable certainty. I ran into the specific question \"\"when do I NEED the Core edition, vs. not?\"\" about a year ago. The good news: an edition upgrade from non-core to core is utterly painless and very fast. As in it takes longer just to get to the Upgrade button in setup, than to actually perform the upgrade when you hit it. Virtualization side-note: this has nothing to do with cores on the host."
"docid": "D1916674#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn305848.aspx\nExample License Topologies and Costs for SQL Server 2016 Business Intelligence",
"text": "\"Example License Topologies and Costs for SQL Server 2016 Business Intelligence Other Versions Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview This topic illustrates high-level considerations for selecting the SQL Server Business Intelligence edition or the SQL Server Enterprise edition. The topic includes several sample on-premises Microsoft self-service Business Intelligence (BI) topologies. The examples include the editions and licenses you can utilize to optimize the balance between cost and performance. The topologies, number of servers and, licensing cost are provided only as examples. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Microsoft Share Point 2013 introduced several changes in licensing that provide more options in how you can license your servers, users, and devices. SQL Server 2016 Licensing supports the same Business Intelligence related scenarios. SQL Server 2016 is available in the Business Intelligence edition and offers per core licensing for some editions of SQL Server. Share Point 2013 simplified Share Point Server licensing for extranet and internet scenarios as well as options for Share Point Online. Before purchasing, visit the \"\"How to Buy\"\" section for each product and consult your Microsoft representative or local reseller, regarding your specific licensing requirements. For information on the most recent licensing plans and costs, see the following: About Licensing – SQL Server 2014Share Point 2013 Licensing."
"docid": "D3476375#0",
"title": "http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1190299-391-1.aspx\nSQL Server License cost",
"text": "\"Author Messageagg_rakesh Posted 7 years ago #1190299SSC-Addicted Group: General Forum Members Points: 491 Visits: 95This is regarding SQL Server License cost to be calculated for our product. The details are below: We are developing a product in which we have used SQL Server 2008 R2 server, SSIS for ETL, created reports using SSRS. This product is basically a reporting tool for users for a specific domain. Now we have used 2 machines for the deployment. On one machine, we have SQL Server database instance and configured SSIS & SSRS (Web based portal) on another machine. Users are accessing the reports through the browser. We have around 100 users (but concurrent 20 users). Both the server have single processor. So how about the license cost. I have used enterprise version of the SQL Server 2008 R2."
"docid": "D1429275#0",
"title": "https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/2d26e983-3f85-4baf-b906-a4afe46c902b/sccm-client-license?forum=configmgrgeneral\nSCCM client License",
"text": "SCCM client License System Center Configuration Manager > Configuration Manager 2007 General Question0Sign in to vote Can you give some information about SCCM cleint license,does it have license? Tuesday, March 06, 2012 8:20 AMReply | Quote Lionel Guevara 55 Points Answers0Sign in to vote Client MLs (Management Licenses)Managed OSEs (Operating system Environment) running non-server operating system software require client MLs. ( Client MLs do not permit users to manage any OSE running a server operating system.) Depending on planned usage scenarios, you can license Configuration Manager Client MLs in two ways:■ Per OSE or per user when purchased standalone. ■ Per user or per device through the purchase of Microsoft Core CAL and Microsoft Enterprise CAL suites. OSE client MLs. You must assign these to the devices on which your managed client OSEs run. A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate device. User client MLs. You must assign these to the users of your managed OSEs."
"docid": "D907468#0",
"title": "http://exchangeserverpro.com/exchange-2010-archiving/\nGetting Started with Email Archiving in Exchange Server 2010",
"text": "You are here: Home / Exchange Server / Getting Started with Email Archiving in Exchange Server 2010Getting Started with Email Archiving in Exchange Server 2010December 11, 2012 by Paul Cunningham 55 Comments Share Share Tweet +10In my first job in IT I was given an email address and a mailbox with a 20mb quota. Thats 20 megabytes. Unthinkable in today's business world, particularly when you consider Exchange Server 2010's default storage quotas of +2Gb and the Microsoft “large mailbox vision”. The PST Nightmare Naturally with such a small mailbox quota the entire organization made heavy use of PST files for storing email. When you had read an email and wanted to keep it, you moved it to the PST file immediately. Every week or so you would go to your Sent Items and move all your recent sent email into the PST as well. Deleted items were emptied automatically when Outlook closed. Everyone had their own “system” for maintaining their email, but the results were basically the same – you stayed under your mailbox quota by creating a mess of PST files, and permanently deleting anything you didn't want to keep. Of course these days PST files are a royal pain for everyone involved. The end users become frustrated when PST files are corrupted seemingly at random, or lost when they switch computers."
"docid": "D428896#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Animal+rights+activist\nAnimal Rights",
"text": "\"Animal Rights (redirected from Animal rights activist) Also found in: Dictionary, Medical . Animal Rights Protection of animals from cruelty through requirements of humane treatment. Laws protectinganimal rights proscribe certain forms of brutal and merciless treatment of animals in medical andscientific research and in the handling of and slaughter of animals for human consumption. By the end of the 1980s, membership in animal advocacy organizations had reached 10 millionpeople in the United States and opposition to the use of animals in laboratory experiments wasrapidly growing. By 1990, some 76 medical schools claimed that demonstrations and break-ins by animal rights advocates had cost them more than $4.5 million, according to a report from the Association of American Medical Colleges. As the conflict between animal rights activists and medical and scientific researchers has grown,federal and state regulation of activities involving animal research has also expanded. At the federallevel, the Animal Welfare Act (7 U. S. C. A. § 2131 et seq. [ 1994]) regulates the treatment of animalsused in federally funded research. Under amendments added to the act in 1985, the secretary of agriculture was required to promulgate standards to govern the humane handling, care, treatment,and transportation of animals by dealers, research facilities, and exhibitors. These standards were to include minimum requirements for housing, feeding, watering, sanitation, ventilation, shelter fromextremes of weather and temperature, adequate veterinary care, and separation by species wherenecessary; for exercise of dogs, as determined by an attending veterinarian; and for a physicalenvironment adequate to promote the psychological well-being of primates."
"docid": "D1142453#0",
"title": "http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/tip/Microsoft-SQL-Server-2012-pricing-licensing-packed-with-changes\nMicrosoft SQL Server 2012 pricing, licensing packed with changes",
"text": "Essential Guide Guide to SQL Server virtualization best practices A comprehensive collection of articles, videos and more, hand-picked by our editors Problem solve Microsoft SQL Server 2012 pricing, licensing packed with changesby Mark Fontecchio SQL Server 2012 pricing includes some significant adjustments, including a reduction in the number of editions and the change from processor- to core-based licensing. FROM THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE: Guide to SQL Server virtualization best practices GUIDE SECTIONSNews and trends Exploring the cons Best practices Licensing issues+ Show More Essential Guide Section you're in: SQL Server virtualization licensing More articles from this section: Understanding licensing for SQL Server 2012Reduce licensing costs with new virtualization software Virtualization licensing changes with SQL Server 2008Choosing the best virtualization licensing model for you More on SQL Server pricing and licensing Read about Microsoft changing SQL Server virtualization licensing with 2008 R2Sign in for existing members Continue Reading This Article Enjoy this article as well as all of our content, including E-Guides, news, tips and more. I agree to Tech Target’s Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and the transfer of my information to the United States for processing to provide me with relevant information as described in our Privacy Policy. I agree to my information being processed by Tech Target and its Partners to contact me via phone, email, or other means regarding information relevant to my professional interests. I may unsubscribe at any time. Learn how to license a standby server for SQL Server replication SQL Server 2012 pricing and licensing will undergo a shift when the database releases in a virtual launch Wednesday, with the main changes being a reduction in the variety of editions and a move from processor- to core-based licensing. The release will be available in three main editions: Enterprise, Business Intelligence and Standard. The Enterprise is the all-inclusive database platform, with Microsoft saying it is ideal for mission-critical applications, large data warehouses and highly virtualized environments. The Standard Edition is for “departmental databases” and “limited business intelligence projects,” according to a vendor presentation. And the new Business Intelligence edition strikes a balance between the two."
"docid": "D2962334#0",
"title": "https://www.directionsonmicrosoft.com/research/2011/01/microsoft-online-and-office-365-overview-and-roadmap-cal-suite-bridges-office-365\nCAL Suite Bridges for Office 365",
"text": "Home » Research » Microsoft Online and Office 365 Overview and Roadmap Cal Suite Bridges Office 365CAL Suite Bridges for Office 365Microsoft Online and Office 365: Overview and Roadmap Posted: January 24, 2011Report by: Wes Miller Table of Contents A new set of CAL Suite Bridge licenses will help organizations with Enterprise Agreements (EAs) transition to Office 365. Customers who currently license Microsoft's Core or Enterprise Client Access License (CAL) Suites organization-wide under an EA will be able to substitute a less expensive corresponding CAL Suite Bridge as they shift users to Office 365—branded hosted services. Shown here are the licenses included in the Core and Enterprise CAL Suites, the new Core and Enterprise CAL Suite Bridges for Office 365, and the Office 365 E3 plan, the most comprehensive plan that will be available at launch later this year. The Core CAL Suite, pictured at the bottom, contains four licenses that give clients the right to access features provided by on-premises servers running several Microsoft server products. The Exchange Server Standard CAL (far left) licenses access to the e-mail, calendar, and other basic Exchange features; the Share Point Server Standard CAL licenses access to collaboration, corporate portal, enterprise search, and document management features; the Configuration Manager Client Management License (CML) licenses access to System Center product's inventory, software distribution, and other management capabilities; and the Windows Server CAL licenses access to all the OS's built-in capabilities except for Remote Desktop Services and Rights Management Services (RMS). The Enterprise CAL Suite, a superset of the Core CAL Suite, adds Enterprise CALs for Exchange and Share Point, giving clients the right to access the high-end capabilities of both products that are not licensed by their respective Standard CALs. The Enterprise CAL Suite also adds both Standard and Enterprise CALs for Lync Server to provide rights to IM, presence, Web conferencing, and PC-to-PC calling; CMLs for an additional three System Center products for health monitoring, backup, and help desk; an RMS CAL to license Microsoft's content protection system, and two licenses to give clients the right to benefit from a variety of Forefront-branded security products. An Office 365 E3 subscription (left half of illustration), provides access to hosted services built on Exchange, Share Point, and Lync (top left). In part to ease licensing complexity for customers using both on-premises and hosted Microsoft technologies, Office 365 E3 also provides (during the life of the subscription) rights to access on-premises instances of Exchange, Share Point, and Lync (e.g., a Standard and Enterprise CAL for each). These on-premises use rights overlap with licenses provided by the Core and Enterprise CAL Suites."
"docid": "D1055458#0",
"title": "http://www.pe.com/articles/school-778440-cbu-division.html\nRIVERSIDE: Cal Baptist plans $73 million arena",
"text": "Local News RIVERSIDE: Cal Baptist plans $73 million arena Previous Next1of 4When arranged for basketball, California Baptist University's new arena will house 5,200 -- but it can be reconfigured for special events (above). By Jim Alexander | [email protected] | The Press-Enterprise August 30, 2015 at 11:18 pm There is a sign on the desk of California Baptist University president Ronald Ellis that reads:“It CAN be done. ”That is especially true when the boss deems it a high priority. Which is why CBU will officially announce Monday that it will build a $73 million events center on its campus. It will be tucked behind the school’s new recreation center and the building that currently houses Harbor Freight Tools off of Adams Street. It will initially seat 5,200 people in its basketball configuration, with room to expand to just over 6,000. It will be completed by April 2017, in time for the school’s commencement exercises in May. And while it will become the biggest, and splashiest, arena in Riverside, Ellis and other Cal Baptist administrators took pains to emphasize that it will be built first and foremost for the needs of its campus. “Right now we’re looking (primarily) at internal usage, and I think that’s really going to fill it up,” Ellis said. “ We’ll have over 8,000 students this fall, and by the time this comes on line we’ll be a little fuller than that.“ … We’re excited."
"docid": "D140907#0",
"title": "https://www.1e.com/blogs/2015/04/07/ask-sam-3/\nAsk Sam â iPad is not a qualified device for MS EA",
"text": "by asksam / Tuesday, 07 April 2015 / Published in SAM, Software Lifecycle Automation Dear Sam, I have a question about Microsoft licensing that I am hoping you can provide an answer to. The definition of a Qualified Device in Microsoft’s current Enterprise Agreement states that a Qualified Device means:“any device that is used by or for the benefit of Enrolled Affiliate’s Enterprise and is: (1) a personal desktop computer, portable computer, workstation, or similar device capable of running an instance of Windows Professional locally (in a physical or virtual operating system environment) or (2) a device used to access a virtual desktop infrastructure (“VDI”).”If an organization-owned device such as an i Pad is authenticated to the corporate network and is accessing Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 as a Published Application via Remote Desktop Services (Citrix or Terminal Services for example), is the device a Qualified Device? The reason I ask is that Microsoft does not define the term “Virtual Desktop Infrastructure” in its EA contracts. Whilst most of us would consider VDI to mean a virtual operating system environment running on server infrastructure (i.e. a Virtual Machine that contains a desktop operating system), which is not the case when accessing a published application, I am not certain whether or not Microsoft’s use of the term VDI is intended to also cover access to server based desktop application software, even if that software is not running in an actual virtual machine. I appreciate that regardless of whether the device is a qualified device or not that it still requires an Office Professional Plus 2013 licence, but I am trying to determine whether or not it is considered to be a qualified device as per the contractual terms of the EA. If you can share your thoughts that would be much appreciated. Thank you. On behalf of all confused licensing professionals. PLEASE NOTE: This answer has been updated to reflect additional feedback I’ve received. Thanks to the folks in the Microsoft Licensing Professionals network Group for your considered and professionally delivered feedback!Dear confused licensing professionals,Interestingly, I was having a discussion with a product manager from a software development organization recently that touched on these subjects – and I’ll say for the record, that it’s not just software licensing professionals who are confused."
"docid": "D2004049#0",
"title": "https://www.neowin.net/news/a-guide-to-microsoft-licensing-types\nA guide to Microsoft Licensing types",
"text": "A guide to Microsoft Licensing types By Andrew Stevenson · Dec 6, 2012 07:44 EST · Hot! 22While everyone knows that you need to have a legitimate license to use a Microsoft product at home or at work, licensing from a business point of view is extremely complex. Even the licensing options available to retail products is adding a level of complexity that the regular home user would seldom need. With that in mind, I wanted to put together a guide to licensing for the Microsoft product family, to give users new to the concepts an overview of what to expect. Recently, I’ve been involved in a Microsoft audit. It’s been an interesting experience, one I had never been privy to until now. The auditor used to work for Microsoft, but moved to the company’s he with now, his sole role to audit Microsoft customers to ensure compliance with the companies licensing agreements. I’ve had great dealings with him and learnt so much in such a short space of time, which I will get into later, but to quote my new friend: Once you start getting into OEMs, SA, VL and license agreements, Microsoft licensing becomes a very dark art. He isn’t wrong. I’ve been ignorant in the past, thinking that when you buy a product like Windows, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, etc."
"docid": "D1107464#0",
"title": "https://betanews.com/2013/11/04/comparing-cloud-vs-on-premise-six-hidden-costs-people-always-forget-about/\nComparing cloud vs on-premise? Six hidden costs people always forget about",
"text": "\"Comparing cloud vs on-premise? Six hidden costs people always forget about By Derrick Wlodarz Published 4 years ago11 Comments Tweet To cloud or not to cloud? It's a question a lot of my clients are asking more often, and is undoubtedly one of the biggest trends in the IT industry right now. Saa S, Paa S, Iaa S, and soon to be Daa S -- all acronyms which represent offloading critical functions of some sort to the cloud or into virtualized environments. All the big cloud providers are guilty of throwing fancy numbers around to make their case. But do their trumpeted cost savings really add up? You'll have to make it to the end of this piece to find out what I think about that personally. Because in all honesty, it depends. Too many business owners I work with make the same cost comparison blunders over and over again. Most of them are so blindly focused on raw face value costs -- the \"\"easy ones\"\" -- that they lose focus on the bigger picture, namely their TCO ( total cost of ownership )."
"docid": "D922210#0",
"title": "http://www.schneider.im/microsoft-eoa-eop-and-dlp-online-services-as-part-of-the-enterprise-cal-suite/\nMicrosoft EOA, EOP and DLP Online Services as part of the Enterprise CAL Suite",
"text": "Microsoft CAL, Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Forefront, Microsoft Online Services Microsoft EOA, EOP and DLP Online Services as part of the Enterprise CAL Suite2013-03-30 Christian M. Schneider Starting April 1st, 2013 Microsoft will be offering three new cloud-based online services for the Enterprise CAL (e CAL) Suite. These services will be made available for current and new customers of the e CAL Suite. These online services are EOA (Exchange Online Archiving), EOP (Exchange Online Protection) and DLP (Data Loss Prevention). To successfully provision these new online services, Microsoft is asking for e CAL customers to contact their partner to help determine which environment is required for successful provisioning of the new online services. Once a determination can be made, Partners would then need to submit a manual order with the correct quantity of free SKUs associated for the desired environment. Once the free SKUs have been ordered and processed, customers will receive email communications confirming the successful provisioning of the new online services. New Online Services: EOA = Exchange Online Archiving : a cloud-based, enterprise-class online archiving solution for your Exchange Server 2010 or later on-premises deployment. EOP = Exchange Online Protection: an online email filtering service providing protection for your Exchange Server on-premises deployment. EOP has replaced FOPE (Forefront Online Protection for Exchange). DLP = Data Loss Protection: DLP helps keep your organization safe from users mistakenly sending sensitive information to unauthorized people."
] |
636933 | what does entresto treat | [
"docid": "D1134904#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=189362\nMedical Dictionary",
"text": "\"From Our 2015 Archives Font Size A A AFDA Approves New Drug to Treat Heart Failure Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease) Slideshow Pictures Slideshow: Atrial Fibrillation Causes, Tests, and Treatment Take the Heart Disease Quiz!Facebook Twitter Email Print Article The U. S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Entresto (sacubitril/ valsartan) tablets for the treatment of heart failure. The drug has been shown to reduce the rate of cardiovascular death and hospitalization related to heart failure. Heart failure is a common condition affecting about 5.1 million people in the United States. It is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. Heart failure generally worsens over time as the heart's pumping action grows weaker. The leading causes of heart failure are diseases that damage the heart, such as heart attacks and high blood pressure. \"\" Heart failure is a leading cause of death and disability in adults,\"\" said Norman Stockbridge, M. D., Ph. D., director of the Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. \"\" Treatment can help people with heart failure live longer and enjoy more active lives. \"\" Entresto was reviewed under the FDA's priority review program, which provides for expedited review of drugs that are intended to treat a serious disease or condition and may provide a significant improvement over available therapy."
] | [
"docid": "D1081598#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/sfx/entresto-side-effects.html\nEntresto Side Effects",
"text": "\"Entresto Side Effects Generic Name: sacubitril / valsartan Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews More Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons See also: For Professionals How to Manage Common Side Effects Note: This document contains side effect information about sacubitril / valsartan. Some of the dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Entresto. In Summary Common side effects of Entresto include: hyperkalemia, hypotension, and increased serum creatinine. Other side effects include: acute renal failure, and renal failure syndrome. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. For the Consumer Applies to sacubitril / valsartan: oral tablet Along with its needed effects, sacubitril/ valsartan may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking sacubitril / valsartan: More common Abdominal or stomach painblurred visionconfusiondifficult breathingdizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting positionirregular heartbeatnausea or vomitingnervousnessnumbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lipssweatingunusual tiredness or weaknessweakness or heaviness of the legs Less common Bloody urinedecreased frequency or amount of urineincreased thirstloss of appetitelower back or side painswelling of the face, fingers, or lower legsweight gain Rare Large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs Some side effects of sacubitril / valsartan may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects."
"docid": "D840453#0",
"title": "https://www.novartis.com/news/media-releases/novartis-new-heart-failure-medicine-lcz696-now-called-entrestotm-approved-fda\nNovartis' new heart failure medicine LCZ696, now called Entresto (TM), approved by FDA to reduce risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization",
"text": "\"First in the world approval brings hope of longer life and fewer hospitalizations for millions of Americans with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction Entresto is the first and only treatment to show a significant mortality benefit in a head-to-head trial against ACE-inhibitor enalapril [1]Heart failure is a life-threatening condition affecting nearly 6 million Americans; about half have the reduced ejection fraction form [2]Approval comes six weeks ahead of FDA's priority review action date allowing Entresto to be available to US patients more quickly The digital press release with multimedia content can be accessed here: Basel, July 7, 2015 - Novartis announced today that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Entresto (TM) (sacubitril/valsartan) tablets, previously known as LCZ696, for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Entresto will be available on prescription for patients whose condition is classified NYHA class II-IV, indicated to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization. It is usually administered in conjunction with other heart failure therapies, in place of an ACE inhibitor or other angiotensin receptor blocker. [ 1]\"\"Despite the uncertainty and high financial risk we designed the world's largest heart failure trial to compare Entresto to the previous gold standard. As a result millions of people diagnosed with reduced ejection fraction heart failure now have a much greater opportunity to live longer and stay out of hospital,\"\" said David Epstein, Division Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. \"\" We recognize our responsibility to ensure Entresto reaches US patients and prescribers as soon as possible and will begin shipping in the US in the coming week. \"\" The FDA's decision is based on results from the 8,442-patient PARADIGM-HF study which was stopped early when it was shown Entresto significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular death versus ACE-inhibitor enalapril. [ 1] At the end of the study, patients with reduced ejection fraction who were given Entresto were more likely to be alive and less likely to have been hospitalized for heart failure than those given enalapril. Analysis of safety data showed that Entresto had a similar tolerability profile to enalapril. \"\" The very meaningful survival advantage of Entresto seen in the PARADIGM-HF trial should persuade physicians to consider Entresto for all appropriate patients, in place of traditional ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers,\"\" said Dr. Milton Packer, Professor and Chair for the Department of Clinical Sciences at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Texas, USA. \"\""
"docid": "D3159808#0",
"title": "http://www.americanpharmaceuticalreview.com/1315-News/181773-FDA-Releases-Summary-of-Novel-New-Drugs-Approved-in-2015/\nFDA Releases Summary of Novel New Drugs Approved in 2015",
"text": "FDA Releases Summary of Novel New Drugs Approved in 2015Posted: January 5, 2016Tweet Facebook Print In calendar year 2015, FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) approved 45 novel new drugs, approved as new molecular entities (NMEs) under New Drug Applications (NDAs) or as new therapeutic biologics under Biologics License Applications (BLAs). Novel new drugs are often innovative products that serve previously unmet medical needs or otherwise significantly help to advance patient care and public health. NMEs have chemical structures that have never been approved before. However, in some cases an NME may have actions similar to earlier drugs and may not necessarily offer unique clinical advantages over existing therapies. This report summarizes all of the 2015 NME and novel new BLA approvals, emphasizing those that offer new and innovative treatments to patients in need. Applications for new approvals remain steady CDER approved a higher than average number of novel new drugs in 2015; however, the number of applications for these drugs that sponsors have submitted over time has remained relatively stable. The points connected by lines in the graph below indicate the number of new NDA and BLA applications for new molecular entities and new therapeutic biologics CDER has received and filed for approval during the last 10 years. From 2006 through 2014, CDER filed an average of about 35 applications for novel new drugs per year. CDER estimates 40 filings for 2015, which is consistent with previous years in this decade. Below lists CDER’s novel new drugs of 2015. * ("
"docid": "D1613595#0",
"title": "http://www.myskincancercentre.com.au/cryotherapy-for-sunspots/\nWho should get their skin checked?",
"text": "Who should get their skin checked? How are we different from your General Practitioner? Why is it important to treat sun damage? What does a skin cancer look like? What are our fees? What other options are there to remove sun damage, apart from Efudix? How can I reduce the need for liquid nitrogen spay to my sunspots? How do I know if I have sundamage? How can sun damage be removed? What is the best treatment for sun spots?"
"docid": "D2059999#0",
"title": "https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AMeG/eliquis-fisherman\nAbout ELIQUIS TV Commercial, 'Fisherman'",
"text": "About ELIQUIS TV Commercial, 'Fisherman'A fisherman discusses his choice to switch to ELIQUIS for his atrial fibrillation condition. Advertiser ELIQUIS Products ELIQUISSongs - Add Phone 1-855-ELIQUISAd URL http://www.eliquis.com Mood Active Magazines The Family Handyman Actors - Add None have been identified for this spot Agency Publicis North America (Creative Agency), Publicis North America (Digital Agency)Screenshots Previous Next More ELIQUIS Commercials ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Kayaker'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Bringing My Best'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'DVT and PE Blood Clots: Camping'ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'A Lot on My Mind'Related Commercials ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'No Matter Where I Ride'Xarelto TV Spot, 'Reduce Your Risk' Featuring Kevin Nealon, Brian Vickers ELIQUIS TV Spot, 'Turn Around Your Thinking' Xarelto TV Spot, 'High Risk of Stroke' Featuring Jerry West Related Advertisers Xarelto Pradaxa Brilinta Crestor Entresto Related Products Victoza Victoza Xarelto Xarelto Brilinta Brilinta Pradaxa Pradaxa Crestor Cholesterol Medication Comments"
"docid": "D3133356#0",
"title": "https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/MedicationErrors/\nMedication Errors Related to Drugs",
"text": "\"Medication Errors Related to Drugs Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it Email Print Within the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), the Division of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis (DMEPA) reviews medication error reports on marketed human drugs including prescription drugs, generic drugs, and over-the-counter drugs. DMEPA uses the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCCMERP) definition of a medication error. Specifically, a medication error is \"\"any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use. \"\" DMEPA includes a medication error prevention program staffed with healthcare professionals. Among their many duties, program staff review medication error reports sent to Med Watch, evaluate causality, and analyze the data to provide solutions to reduce the risk of medication errors to industry and others at FDA. Additionally, DMEPA prospectively reviews proprietary names, labeling, packaging, and product design prior to drug approval to help prevent medication errors. Although DMEPA encourages manufacturers to perform their due diligence when naming their drug products and we strive to avoid approving confusing proprietary names for drug products, there are cases of adverse events where a name of a marketed product is identified as a source of confusion and error. Therefore, we continue to encourage healthcare providers, patients and consumers to report all medication errors to Med Watch so that we can be made aware of potential problems related to drug names and the Agency can provide effective interventions that will minimize further errors. In some situations, changing a proprietary name while the product is marketed may be necessary to address safety issues resulting from the name confusion errors."
"docid": "D505388#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/15251\nTrichomoniasis",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Sexual Health and Education Sexually Transmitted Diseases Trichomoniasis Unanswered | Answered Trichomoniasis Parent Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by a protozoan parasite, that almost only affects women. Men can carry the parasite for several years without symptoms.1 2 3 >How do you cure and prevent re-infection of Trichomoniasis? I think you mean Trichomoniasis; caused by the flagellated protozoan parasite (obligate parasite), it is one of the most widespread STGs in the world. The usual prescription is a single dose, by mouth of either Metronidazole 2g (Flagyl) or Tinidazole 2g, or Metronidazole 500 mg 2 x per day for 7... Does Diflucan cure trichomoniasis? Diflucan won't treat or cure trich. What is the common name for trichomoniasis? Trich (pronounced \"\"trick\"\") is the common name for trichomoniasis. How long do you take Metronidazole for trichomoniasis? There are two regimens: the CDC recommends metronidazole 500 mg twice daily for seven days; an alternative is 2 g in one dose, followed by seven days of abstinence to avoid reinfection. Is trichomoniasis a virus?"
"docid": "D1295696#0",
"title": "http://www.modernmedicine.com/tag/arni\nARNI",
"text": "ARNIEntresto may prevent death in some heart failure patients June 28, 2016 By Tracey Walker Timely and broad use of Entresto could prevent or postpone more than 28,000 US deaths per year among HFr EF patients, according to research in JAMA Cardiology. Payer issues with new heart failure drug August 18, 2015 By Tracey Walker Entresto is the first in a new class of drugs, valsartan combined with sacubitril, a pro-drug of a compound that is a receptor‐neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI). It is taken orally twice daily. It was approved for heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction based on the PARADIGM-HF trial. ‘Beyond the pill’: Novartis eyes new pricing model for heart failure drug July 02, 2015 By Tracey Walker Drug maker Novartis plans to try a new pricing model with some healthcare customers when it launches its heart failure drug LCZ696, an angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI). Study: Investigational drug may change course of patients’ heart failure November 19, 2014 By Tracey Walker Investigational drug LCZ696 (Novartis), an angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), is superior to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor alone in reducing the risks of death and of hospitalization for heart failure, according to data presented at the American Heart Association's (AHA) Scientific Sessions in Chicago."
"docid": "D3512907#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/lotrel.html\nLotrel",
"text": "\"Lotrel Generic Name: amlodipine and benazepril (am LOE di peen and ben AY ze pril) Brand Names: Lotrel Medically reviewed: April 5, 2018Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews More Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons What is Lotrel? Lotrel contains a combination of amlodipine and benazepril. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker. Amlodipine relaxes (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Benazepril is an ACE inhibitor. ACE stands for angiotensin converting enzyme. Benazepril also widens blood vessels and also prevents the body from retaining water. Lotrel is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lotrel may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Slideshow Ladies A Moment: 10 Health Screenings That All Women Need Important Information Do not use Lotrel if you are pregnant."
"docid": "D1081595#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/entresto.html\nEntresto",
"text": "\"Entresto Generic Name: sacubitril and valsartan (sak UE bi tril and val SAR tan) Brand Names: Entresto Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons What is Entresto? Entresto contains a combination of sacubitril and valsartan. Sacubitril is a blood pressure medicine. It works by increasing the levels of certain proteins in the body that can dilate (widen) blood vessels. This helps lower blood pressure by reducing sodium levels. Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (sometimes called an ARB). Valsartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Entresto is used in certain people with chronic heart failure. This medicine helps lower the risk of needing to be hospitalized when symptoms get worse, and helps lower the risk of death from heart failure. Entresto is usually given together with other blood pressure medications."
"docid": "D830942#0",
"title": "http://cardiobrief.org/2015/09/14/cost-effectiveness-of-entresto-and-cardiomems-evaluated/\nCost Effectiveness Of Entresto And CardioMEMS Evaluated",
"text": "\"Cost Effectiveness Of Entresto And Cardio MEMS Evaluated September 14, 2015 by Larry Husten 1 Comment The new Novartis heart failure drug Entresto (the combination of sacubitril and valsartan, formerly known as LCZ696) is cost effective but the Cardio MEMS monitoring system (St. Jude Medical) is not, according to draft reports issued last week by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER). The same organization released a widely discussed report about the cost effectiveness of the new PCSK9 inhibitors. Crystal Phend in Med Page Today has an excellent summary of the two reports: LCZ696 won’t save healthcare dollars long term, but the list price of $4,560 per year is in line with the “small to substantial net health benefit” over the current standard of care in reducing heart failure hospitalizations and deaths, the report suggested. However, given that nearly 2 million heart failure patients would be candidates for the drug in its first 5 years on the market, the “value-based price benchmark” to keep the budget impact in line with national economic growth should be $3,779. The estimated cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained was about $51,000. That 17% differential is likely achievable with the usual price deductions for large volume purchasers, the report suggested.…For the Cardio MEMS pulmonary artery pressure sensor, the analysis concluded there was “insufficient” evidence for an improvement in overall patient outcomes and thus “excessive cost” to the healthcare system. The estimated cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained was about $58,000. In order for expected use to pull even with the budget impact, the $17,750 list price would need to be discounted 57% to $7,622. Read the full story on Med Page Today, with informative comments from Clyde Yancy and Gregg Fonarow. Share this page: Twitter Email Facebook Linked In Print Reddit Google Tumblr Like this: Like Be the first to like this."
"docid": "D945285#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_diseases_does_an_endocrinologist_treat\nWhat diseases does an endocrinologist treat?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Jobs & Education Education Job Training and Career Qualifications What diseases does an endocrinologist treat? Flag What diseases does an endocrinologist treat? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. An endocrinologist treats diseases of the glands, which include, pancreas, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes and hormonal disorders, including, obesity, infertility, conditions resulting from insufficient or too much hormones. They also treat certain cancers of the glands. Diabetes is a disease that a lot of endocrinologists treat, making sure glucose levels are in check and educating patients on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is an endocrinologist? Someone who specializes in diabetes Keshia Davis 377,352 Contributions An Answers contributor. What does an endocrinologist do? Endocrinologists specialize in problems related to the glands andhormones of the body."
"docid": "D1142388#0",
"title": "https://www.caring.com/questions/end-stage-heart-failure-life-expectancy\nWhat is the life expectancy for someone with advanced congestive heart failure?",
"text": "\"What is the life expectancy for someone with advanced congestive heart failure?40 answers | Last updated: Sep 22, 2017Anjilwing55 asked... I'm a 52-year-old woman with advanced congestive heart failure -- stage 3. I was diagnosed in March 2006. I'm currently taking two diuretics (aldactone and lasix), digoxin, micardis, metoprolol, and cardizem. I'm also on several meds for chronic asthma/COPD, which has been a problem for several years now. I had a pacemaker/ defribrillator implanted in fall of '06; I have had only one episode of sudden cardiac arrest. I continue to be plagued with a resting heart rate of 125 minimum most days, which keeps me from doing a lot. I'm desperately looking for a straight answer as to my possible life expectancy if things continue at this current rate, so I and my family may take whatever steps are needed in preparation. Sorry for the length of this question and thanks in advance for your response. Expert Answers Anjilwing55, I'm so sorry you're dealing with so many health issues – not to mention the uncertainty you're grappling with. I wish I could give you the straight answer you so desperately need; unfortunately, it's not possible."
"docid": "D2539228#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/drugname.html\nDrug Name Sitemap",
"text": "Drug Name Sitemap This drug name list is generated from information gathered from User Searches and Survey Results. It contains a list of drugs recently approved by the United States Federal Drug Administration as well as drug names that generate a significant number of search queries on the Drugs.com website. Abilify Abraxane Abstral ACAM2000Acanya Accretropin Accupril Accutane Aceon Acetadote Acetaminophen Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone Acidophilus Aciphex Aclasta Acomplia Actemra Actifed Actiq Actonel Actonel with Calcium Actoplus Met Actos Acuflex Acuvail Acyclovir Aczone Adacel Adalat Adasuve Adcetris Adcirca Adderall Addyi Adempas Adipex Adlyxin Adre View Advair Advate Advil Advil Allergy Sinus Afinitor Afluria Afrezza Aggrenox Agriflu Akten Akynzeo Albuterol Alcohol Aldactone Aldara Aldurazyme Alecensa Alesse Aleve Aleve PMAlimta Aliqopa Allegra Allegra-D 12 hour Allegra-D 24 Hour Aller Nazealli Allopurinol Aloxi Alphagan Alprazolam Alsuma Altabax Altace Altocor Alunbrig Alvesco Amaryl Ambien Ambisome Ambroxol Amevive Amiodarone Amitiza Amitriptyline Amlodipine Ammonul Amoxicillin Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Amoxil Amphadase Amphetamine Ampyra Amturnide Amyvid Anacin Anascorp Androgel Angeliq Anoro Ellipta Antabuse Antivert Anturol Anzemet Apadaz Aphthasol Apidra Aplenzin Apokyn Apriso Aptiom Aptivus Aranesp Arava Arcalyst Arcapta Arcoxia Aricept Aridol Arimidex Aristada Arnuity Ellipta Aromasin Arranon Arthrotec Artiss Arzerra Asacol Asclera Asmanex Aspirin Astelin Astepro Atacand Atarax Atelvia Atenolol Ativan Atorvastatin Atralin Atripla Atrovent ATryn Aubagio Augmentin Austedo Auvi-QAvalide Avandamet Avandaryl Avandia Avapro Avastin Avelox Aviane Avinza Avodart Avonex Axid ARAxiron Aza Site Azilectazilsartan medoxomil Azithromycin Azmacort Azor Baclofen Bactrim Bactroban Banzel Baraclude Basaglar Bavencio Baxdela Baycol Belbuca Beleodaq Bellafill Belsomra Belviq Benadryl Benicar Benlysta Bensal HPBenzaclin Benznidazole Benzonatate Benzyl Alcohol Bepreve Berinert Besivance Betaseron Beta Tan Bevespi Aerosphere Bevyxxa Bextra Bexxar Beyaz Biaxin Bi Dil Biktarvy Binosto Bio Thrax Bisoprolol Boniva Boniva Boniva IV Injection Bontril Boostrix Bosulif Botox Breo Ellipta Brilinta Brisdelle Briviact Bromday Brovana Bunavail Bupropion Buspar Buspirone Butrans Bydureon Byetta Bystolic Byvalson Caduet Caffeine Citrate Calcium Caldolor Calomist Calquence Cambia Campral Camptosar Capoten Caprelsa Captique Captopril Carafate Carbaglu Carbamazepine Cardizem Cardura Carisoprodol Carvedilol Casodex Cataflam Catapres Catapres-TTSCayston Ceftin Cefzil Celebrex Celecoxib Celexa Cellcept Cephalexin Ceprotin Cerdelga Cerezyme Cervarix Cesamet Cetirizine Cetraxal Chantix Cialis Cimduo Cimzia Cinqair Cinryze Cipro Ciprodex Ciprofloxacin Citalopram Clarinex Clarinex-D 12 Hour Clarinex-D 24 Hour Clarithromycin Claritin Claritin-DCleviprex Climara Climara Pro Clindamycin Clindesse Clolar Clomid Clomiphene Clonazepam Clonidine Clozapine Clozaril Coartem Codeine Codeprex Colcrys Combigan Combivent Combivir Combunox Cometriq Complera Concerta Condylox Contrave Copaxone Coreg Coricidin Corifact Corlanor Cosentyx Cosopt Cotellic Cotrim Coumadin Cozaar Creatine Creon Cresemba Crestor Cubicin Cuvposa Cyanokit Cyclobenzaprine Cycloset Cymbalta Cyramza Cystaran Cysview Dacogen Daklinza Daliresp Dalvance Daptacel Darvocet Darzalex Da Tscan Daytrana Degarelix Demerol Denavir Depakote Depo-Provera Depo Dur Descovy Desogen Desonate Detrol Dexamethasone Dextromethorphan Dextrose 5% in Water Diazepam Diclegis Diclofenac Didrex Didronel Differin Dificid Diflucan Digoxin Dilantin Dilaudid Diltiazem Dimetapp Diovan Diphenhydramine Diprivan Ditropan Divigel Docefrez Dopamine Doribax Dotarem Dovonex Doxazosin Doxycycline Drixoral Dry Eye Omega Benefits Duavee Duetact Duexis Dulera Duloxetine Duo Neb Duphalac Dupixent Duragesic Durahist DDurezol Duzallo Dyanavel XRDyazide Dymista Dysport Edarbi Edarbyclor Edluar Edurant Effexor Effient Egrifta Elaprase Elavil Eldepryl Elelyso Elestat Elestrin Elidel Eligard Eliquisella Ellence Elocon Eloxatin Embeda Emend Emla Empliciti Emsam Emtriva Enablex Enalapril Enbrel Endocet Endometrin Engerix-BEnjuvia Entera Gam Entereg Entex Entresto Entyvio Eovist Epanova Epclusa Ephedrine Epiduo Epi Pen Epivir Epogen Epzicom Equetro Eraxis Erbitux Erivedge Erleada Ertaczo Erwinaze Ery-Tab Erythromycin Esbriet Escitalopram Estrace Estradiol Estrasorb Estring Vaginal Ring Estrogel Etodolac Eucrisa Eurax Evamist Evista Evithrom Evoclin Evolence Evotaz Evzio Exalgo Excedrin Exelon Exforge Exforge HCTExjade Exparel Extavia Extina Exubera Eylea Ezetimibe Fabior Fabrazyme Famotidine Famvir Fanapt Farxiga Farydak Fasenra Faslodex Fazaclo Femara Femhrt Femtrace Fenofibrate Fentanyl Fentora Feraheme Ferriprox Ferrous Sulfate Fetzima Finacea Fioricet Fiorinal Firazyr Firmagon Fish Oil Flagyl Flanax Flector Flexbumin Flexeril Flextra Flo-Pred Flomax Flonase Flovent Floxin Floxin Otic Fluarix Flublok Flucelvax Flu Laval Flumist Fluoxetine Focalin Folic Acid Follistim AQFolotyn Foradil Forfivo XLForteo Fortesta Fortical Fosamax Fosamax Plus DFosrenol Fragmin Fulyzaq Furosemide Fuzeon Fycompa Gabapentin Gablofen Gadavist Gamimune Gammagard Gammar-P I. V. Gamunex Garcinia Cambogia Gardasil Gattex Gazyva Gelnique Gemfibrozil Gemzar Genace Genvoya Geodon Gilenya Gilotrif Glassia Gleevec Glipizide Glucophage Glucotrol Glucovance Glyburide Glyxambi Gralise Guaifenesin Guaifenex Halaven Half Lytely Harvoni Havrix Hcg HCTZHemlibra Hepa Gam BHeparin Herceptin Hetlioz Hiberix Hizentra Hoodia Horizant Humalog Humalog Mix Human Secretin Humira Humulin Humulin NHydrochlorothiazide Hydrocodone Hydroxychloroquine Hydroxyzine Hylaform Hylenex Hysingla ERHytrin Hyzaar Ibrance Ibuprofen Iclusig Idhifa Ilaris Ilumya Imbruvica Imdur Imfinzi Imitrex Imlygic Imodium Impavido Implanon Incivek Increlex Incruse Ellipta Inderal Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1Ingrezza Injectafer Inlyta Insulin Integrilin Intelence Intermezzo Intrarosa Intuniv Invega Invirase Invokamet Invokana Ionsysi Plex Iressa Isentress Isosorbide Istalol Istodax Ixempra Ixiaro Jakafi Jalyn Janumet Januvia Jardiance Jentadueto Jetrea Jevtana Jublia Juluca Juvederm Juvisync Juxtapid K-dur Kabiven Kadcyla Kadian Kalbitor Kaletra Kalydeco Kapidex Kapvay Kazano Kcentra Keflex Kenalog Kepivance Keppra Kerydin Ketek Kevzara Keytruda Kineret Kinrix Kisqali Klonopin Klor-con Kogenate Kombiglyze XRKorlym Krill Oil Krystexxa Kuvan Kybella Kymriah Kynamro Kyprolis Kytril Lamictal Lamisil Lanoxin Lansoprazole Lantus Lasix Lastacaft Latisse Latuda Lazanda Lenvima Lescol Letairis Leukine Levaquin Levemir Levitra Levoleucovorin Levothyroxine Levoxyl Lexapro Lexiscan Lexiva Lialda Librax Lidoderm Lido Site Linzess Lipitor Liptruzet Lisinopril Lithium Livalo Lo Loestrin Fe Lo Ovral Lodine Loestrin 24 Fe Lonsurf Loratadine Lorazepam Lortab Losartan Lo Seasonique Lotensin Lotrel Continue: Sitemap List L-ZDrug Info Browse A-Z list: BA-BZCA_CZDA-DZEA-EZFA-FZGA-GZHA-HZIA-IZJA-JZKA-KZLA-LZMA-MZNA-NZOA-OZPA-PZQA-Qz RA-RZSA-SZTA-TZUA-UZVA-VZWA-WZZA-XZYA-YZZA-ZZ"
"docid": "D3238754#0",
"title": "https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/rhhby\nRoche Holding AG ADR",
"text": "Home Investing Quotes ADRs RHHBY Overview Compare Quotes Market Screener Sectors| RHHBY U. S.: OTCRoche Holding AG ADRWatch list Create RHHBY Alert Closed Last Updated: Apr 11, 2018 5:20 p.m. EDTDelayed quote$28.440.025 0.09%Previous Close$28.42Advanced Charting$ % Vol193.6% vs Avg. Volume: 4.2M 65 Day Avg. - 2.1MOpen: 28.39 Close: 28.4428.36 Day Low/High 28.63Day Range27.65 52 Week Low/High 36.82Your Watchlist Customize Market Watch Have Watchlists? Log in to see them here or sign up to get started. Create Account… or Log In No Recent Tickers Visit a quote page and your recently viewed tickers will be displayed here. Search Tickers Overview Profile News Charts Financials Historical Quotes Analyst Estimates Options SEC Filings Insiders Key Data Open$28.39Day Range28.36 - 28.6352 Week Range27.65 - 36.82Market Cap$197.29BShares Outstanding5.62BPublic Float0Betan/a Rev. per Employee$577.71KP/E Ratio22.36EPS$1.27Yield3.91%Dividend$1.11Ex-Dividend Date Mar 15, 2018Short Interestn/a% of Float Shortedn/a Average Volume2.15MPerformance5 Day1.14%1 Month-6.29%3 Month-10.03%YTD-9.94%1 Year-11.76%Recent News Market Watch Other Dow Jones Roche's Alecensa approved in Switzerland Apr. 3, 2018 at 1:34 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com FDA push for cheaper ‘biosimilar’ drugs could challenge pharma’s biggest blockbusters Mar. 29, 2018 at 12:06 p.m. ET by Emma Court Roche lung-cancer treatment sees positive results Mar. 26, 2018 at 1:34 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Roche's Lucentis diabetic treatment gets FDA OKMar. 22, 2018 at 3:05 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Roche names new pharma research head Mar. 8, 2018 at 1:45 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Don’t fall for fake flu medications, FDA warns Mar. 5, 2018 at 8:02 a.m. ET by Emma Court Expect better, more reliable flu tests Feb. 24, 2018 at 8:12 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Flu breakthrough? Japanese drug maker thinks its compound can kill virus in a day Feb. 17, 2018 at 3:46 p.m. ET by Preetika Rana Roche to take over Flatiron in $1.9 bln deal Feb. 16, 2018 at 2:27 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Roche to acquire cancer software company Flatiron for $1.9 billion Feb. 15, 2018 at 3:35 p.m. ET by Wallace Witkowski Roche to buy Flatiron Health for $1.9 billion Feb. 15, 2018 at 3:13 p.m. ET by Market Watch Roche 2017 profit falls on impairments Feb. 1, 2018 at 2:40 a.m. ET by Market Watch Roche 2017 net profit falls due to impairments Feb. 1, 2018 at 2:09 a.m. ET by Market Watch.com Rare disease drug is driving Biogen earnings, but for how long? Jan. 29, 2018 at 8:10 a.m. ET by Emma Court Merck leaps past rivals with latest lung cancer drug results Jan. 21, 2018 at 12:25 p.m. ET by Emma Court Roche, GE to develop digital diagnostics platform Jan. 8, 2018 at 1:54 a.m. ETDenali stock surges on $150 mln Takeda partnership for up to three neurodegenerative therapies Jan. 5, 2018 at 11:17 a.m. ET by Emma Court5 things to know about biotech Denali Therapeutics and its $250 million IPODec. 11, 2017 at 7:55 a.m. ET by Emma Court Roche reports positive results from cancer drug Dec. 11, 2017 at 1:56 a.m. ETRoche's Avastin wins FDA nod to treat glioblastoma Dec. 6, 2017 at 12:10 p.m. ETOther News Press Releases FDA OKs AI software to detect diabetic retinopathy Apr. 11, 2018 at 12:51 p.m. ET on Seeking Alpha Zealand teams up with Roche in late-stage studies of hyperinsulinism candidate dasiglucagon Apr. 11, 2018 at 8:50 a.m. ET on Seeking Alpha'Safer' Dividend Healthcare Top Gainers Are Abb Vie, Sanofi, Lilly, Gilead, And Novartis (All BPh) Per Broker Targets To April 2019Apr."
"docid": "D2638773#0",
"title": "http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/human/medicines/004062/human_med_001929.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001d124\nEntrestosacubitril / valsartan",
"text": "Next tab »This is a summary of the European public assessment report (EPAR) for Entresto. It explains how the Agency assessed the medicine to recommend its authorisation in the EU and its conditions of use. It is not intended to provide practical advice on how to use Entresto. For practical information about using Entresto, patients should read the package leaflet or contact their doctor or pharmacist. Expand all items in this list What is Entresto and what is it used for? How is Entresto used? How does Entresto work? What benefits of Entresto have been shown in studies? What are the risks associated with Entresto? Why is Entresto approved?"
"docid": "D2668213#0",
"title": "http://www.ehealthme.com/ds/remeron/tremors/\n.",
"text": "Remeron and Tremors - from FDA reports Tremors is found among people who take Remeron, especially for people who are female, 60+ old , have been taking the drug for < 1 month, also take medication Xanax, and have Pain. This review analyzes which people have Tremors with Remeron. It is created by e Health Me based on reports of 16,658 people who have side effects when taking Remeron from FDA , and is updated regularly. Personalized health information On e Health Me you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA since 1977. Our original studies have been referenced on 400+ peer-reviewed medical publications, including: The Lancet, and Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Start now On Mar, 25, 201816,658 people reported to have side effects when taking Remeron. Among them, 474 people (2.85%) have Tremors Number of reports submitted per year: Time on Remeron when people have Tremors *:< 1 month: 64.44 %1 - 6 months: 26.67 %6 - 12 months: 0.0 %1 - 2 years: 2.22 %2 - 5 years: 6.67 %5 - 10 years: 0.0 %10+ years: 0.0 %Gender of people who have Tremors when taking Remeron *:female: 63.11 %male: 36.89 %Age of people who have Tremors when taking Remeron *:0-1: 0.0 %2-9: 0.26 %10-19: 1.05 %20-29: 4.72 %30-39: 9.19 %40-49: 21.52 %50-59: 21.26 %60+: 41.99 %Top conditions involved for these people *: Pain: 79 people, 16.67%Sleep Disorder: 29 people, 6.12%Bipolar Disorder (mood disorder): 20 people, 4.22%Multiple Sclerosis (a nervous system disease that affects your brain and spinal cord. it damages the myelin sheath): 16 people, 3.38%High Blood Pressure: 16 people, 3.38%Top co-used drugs for these people *: Xanax: 97 people, 20.46%Neurontin: 68 people, 14.35%Ambien: 60 people, 12.66%Oxycontin: 58 people, 12.24%Effexor: 57 people, 12.03%Top other side effects for these people *: Nausea (feeling of having an urge to vomit): 124 people, 26.16%Pain: 95 people, 20.04%Dizziness: 93 people, 19.62%Weakness: 88 people, 18.57%Fatigue (feeling of tiredness): 88 people, 18.57%* Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information. How to use the study: print a copy of the study and bring it to your health teams to ensure drug risks and benefits are fully discussed and understood."
"docid": "D823539#0",
"title": "http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20150911/NEWS/150919974\nEntresto's cost-effectiveness questioned",
"text": "\"Entresto, the newly approved medication for the treatment of congestive heart failure, offers a “small to substantial” net benefit compared with current care approaches, but its annual cost would need to be $1,000 less than its list price to be cost-effective for widespread use, according to an analysis. The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review analyzed the economic value of two interventions for congestive heart failure: Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis' new drug Entresto and a St. Jude Medical system known as Cardio MEMS HF for monitoring increases in pulmonary artery pressure. Although the drug provides a clear benefit over standard treatments, the report found, it could impose an excessive financial burden on the U. S. health system because of its potential patient population of more than 1.9 million within its first five years on the market. “ If we're getting good long-term value, we want to try and get that drug or device into the healthcare system for the patients who would benefit from it,” said Dr. Steven Pearson, founder and president of ICER. “ But if it's going to be lots and lots of patients and cause a huge budget impact, we can't be unaware that that's going to potentially drive up overall healthcare costs so much that they could kind of get out of whack.” ICER concluded that lowering Entresto's annual cost from its list price of $4,560 a patient to $3,779, a discount of 17%, would make it cost-effective. It's not unusual, the report noted, for insurers and Medicaid programs to get such discounts. The Food and Drug Administration approved Entresto in July after concluding it reduced the risk of death and hospitalization over ACE inhibitors, the most commonly used class of drugs for managing congestive heart failure for the past two decades. The report is the second the organization has released this month assessing the value of new medical treatments. The first looked at the cost effectiveness of PCSK9 inhibitors, a new class of injectable, cholesterol-lowering drugs that received FDA approval over the summer and have been listed at an annual cost of $14,000."
"docid": "D1081596#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/entresto-side-effects-drug-center.htm\nEntresto",
"text": "Entresto Side Effects Center Find Lowest Prices on Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEPLast reviewed on Rx List 10/30/2017Entresto (sacubitril and valsartan) is a combination of a neprilysin inhibitor and an angiotensin II receptor blocker indicated to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure in patients with chronic heart failure (NYHA Class II-IV) and reduced ejection fraction. Common side effects of Entresto include low blood pressure (hypotension), high blood potassium (hyperkalemia), cough, dizziness, and kidney (renal) failure. The recommended starting dose of Entresto is 49/51 mg twice-daily. Double the dose of Entresto after 2 to 4 weeks to the target maintenance dose of 97/103 mg twice-daily, as tolerated by the patient. Entresto may interact with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, other angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), potassium-sparing diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or lithium. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements you use. Entresto is not recommended for use during pregnancy. It may harm a fetus. Entresto is not recommended for use while breastfeeding. Our Entresto (sacubitril and valsartan) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication."
"docid": "D823538#0",
"title": "http://www.techtimes.com/articles/67294/20150709/novartis-entresto-for-heart-failure-might-cost-4-500-a-year-what-you-should-know-about-heart-failure.htm\nNovartis' Entresto For Heart Failure Might Cost $4,500 A Year: What You Should Know About Heart Failure",
"text": "facebooktwitterreddit Comment Home Healthy Living/Wellness Life Novartis' Entresto For Heart Failure Might Cost $4,500 A Year: What You Should Know About Heart Failure9 July 2015, 8:27 am EDT By Rina Marie Doctor Tech Times The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a drug called Entresto for the treatment and management of heart failure. After a clinical study involving 8,000 patients, the drug was found to decrease the risk of deaths and hospital admissions due to cardiovascular diseases. The drug was given approval under the FDA priority review program, which involves faster review processes to come up with treatments for serious medical conditions or diseases. Heart failure is one of the most common medical conditions in the United States, accounting for approximately 5.1 million cases of affected individuals throughout the country. The disease is characterized by the difficulty of the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body. When the heart becomes weaker over time, the organs' blood supply gradually decreases and complications may develop. Causes Heart failure is caused by other medical conditions or diseases that affect the ability of the heart to pump blood efficiently. Examples of such conditions include coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, kidney pathologies and obesity. Clinical Manifestations Patients who may be candidates for heart failure may exhibit signs and symptoms, which include edematous or swollen ankles, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and frequent urination especially at night. Neurological symptoms may also be present and include dizziness, concentration problems, and confusion."
] |
636934 | what does entropy measure | [
"docid": "D519588#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy\nEntropy",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about entropy in thermodynamics. For other uses, see Entropy (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Enthalpy. For a more accessible and less technical introduction to this topic, see Introduction to entropy. Entropy Common symbols SSI unit joules per kelvin (J K −1)In SI base units kg m 2 s −2 K −1Thermodynamics The classical Carnot heat engine Branches [show]Laws [show]Systems [show]System properties [hide]Note: Conjugate variables in italics Property diagrams Intensive and extensive properties Process functions Work Heat Functions of state Temperature / Entropy ( introduction)Pressure / Volume Chemical potential / Particle number Vapor quality Reduced properties Material properties [show]Equations [show]Potentials [show]History Culture [show]Scientists [show]Book: Thermodynamicsv t e Entropy articles Introduction History Classical entropy Statistical entropyv t e In statistical mechanics, entropy (usual symbol S) is related to the number of microscopic configurations Ω that a thermodynamic system can have when in a state as specified by some macroscopic variables. Specifically, assuming for simplicity that each of the microscopic configurations is equally probable, the entropy of the system is the natural logarithm of that number of configurations, multiplied by the Boltzmann constant k B. Formally, (assuming equiprobable states)This is consistent with 19th-century formulas for entropy in terms of heat and temperature, as discussed below. Boltzmann's constant, and therefore entropy, have dimensions of energy divided by temperature. For example, gas in a container with known volume, pressure, and energy could have an enormous number of possible configurations of the collection of individual gas molecules. At equilibrium, each instantaneous configuration of the gas may be regarded as random. Entropy may be understood as a measure of disorder within a macroscopic system."
] | [
"docid": "D3491892#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generator\nRandom number generation",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Random number generator)navigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( June 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)When a cubical die is rolled, a random number between 1 and 6 is obtained. Random number generation is the generation of a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance, usually through a hardware random-number generator (RNG). Various applications of randomness have led to the development of several different methods for generating random data, of which some have existed since ancient times, among whose ranks are well-known \"\"classic\"\" examples, including the rolling of dice, coin flipping, the shuffling of playing cards, the use of yarrow stalks (for divination) in the I Ching, as well as countless other techniques. Because of the mechanical nature of these techniques, generating large numbers of sufficiently random numbers (important in statistics) required a lot of work and/or time. Thus, results would sometimes be collected and distributed as random number tables. Nowadays, after the advent of computational random-number generators, a growing number [ quantify] of government-run lotteries and lottery games have started [ when?] using RNGs instead of more traditional drawing methods."
"docid": "D832701#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_energy\nHeat",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Heat energy)navigation search This article is about a mode of transfer of energy. For other uses, see Heat (disambiguation). In thermodynamics, heat refers to energy that is transferred from a warmer substance or object to a cooler one. It can be defined as the total amount of transferred energy excluding any macroscopic work that was done and any transfer of part of the object itself. [ 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Transfer of energy as heat can occur through direct contact, through a barrier that is impermeable to matter (as in conduction ), by radiation between separated bodies, by way of an intermediate fluid (as in convective circulation ), or by a combination of these. [ 7] [8] [9] By contrast to work, heat involves the stochastic (random) motion of particles (such as atoms or molecules) that is equally distributed among all degrees of freedom, while work is confined to one or more specific degrees of freedom such as the center of mass. Since heat (like work) is a quantity of energy being transferred between two bodies by certain processes, neither body \"\"has\"\" a definite amount of heat (much like a body in itself doesn't \"\"have\"\" work). In contrast, a body indeed has properties ( state functions) such as temperature and internal energy. Energy exchanged as heat during a given process changes the (internal) energy of each body by equal and opposite amounts. The sign of the quantity of heat indicates the direction of the transfer, for example from system A to system B; negation indicates energy flowing in the opposite direction."
"docid": "D892103#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/004060319401963H\nOther paperThe advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect calorimetry",
"text": "\"Thermochimica Acta Volume 250, Issue 2, 15 February 1995, Pages 337-352Other paper The advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect calorimetry Presented at the Ninth Conference of the International Society for Biological Calorimetry, Berlin-Schmerwitz, 27–31 May 1994, and dedicated to Ingolf Lamprecht on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Edwin H. Battley Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/0040-6031 (94)01963-H Get rights and content Abstract Kleiber's definitions of what constitutes direct and indirect calorimetry are accepted as the beginning of a commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect calorimetry in which calorimetry is divided into a number of categories based on the kind of calorimetric measurement. For non-reaction calorimetry such as entropy determinations and differential scanning calorimetry, the only means of measurement is by direct calorimetry. For reaction calorimetry, a preference of direct over indirect calorimetry depends on the accuracy needed and the ability of the experimenter to define the system. The data necessary to correct the observed heat loss in direct calorimetry are often all that are needed to make an indirect calculation of the true heat loss. In general, because they are convenient and inexpensive to use, indirect calorimetric methods are preferable to direct methods. However, when possible, one method can be used to verify the results of the other. Previous article Next article Keywords Calorimetry Direct calorimetry Indirect calorimetry ELSEVIER Thermochimica Acta 250 (1995) 337-352 therm0chimica acta The advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect calorimetry\"\" Edwin H. Battley Department of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5245, USA Received 30 May 1994; accepted 3 July 1994 Abstract Kleiber's definitions of what constitutes direct and indirect calorimetry are accepted as the beginning of a commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect calorimetry in which calorimetry is divided into a number of categories based on the kind of calorimetric measurement. For non-reaction calorimetry such as entropy determinations and differential scanning calorimetry, the only means of measurement is by direct calorimetry. For reaction calorimetry, a preference of direct over indirect calorimetry depends on the accuracy needed and the ability of the experimenter to define the system."
"docid": "D2272627#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_in_thermodynamics_and_information_theory\nEntropy in thermodynamics and information theory",
"text": "\"Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search There are close parallels between the mathematical expressions for the thermodynamic entropy, usually denoted by S, of a physical system in the statistical thermodynamics established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s, and the information-theoretic entropy, usually expressed as H, of Claude Shannon and Ralph Hartley developed in the 1940s. Shannon commented on the similarity upon publicizing information theory in A Mathematical Theory of Communication. This article explores what links there are between the two concepts, and how far they can be regarded as connected. Contents [ hide ]1 Equivalence of form of the defining expressions2 Theoretical relationship3 Information is physical3.1 Szilard's engine3.2 Landauer's principle4 Negentropy5 Black holes6 Quantum theory7 The fluctuation theorem8 Criticism9 Topics of recent research9.1 Is information quantized?9.2 Extracting work from quantum information in a Szilárd engine9.3 Algorithmic cooling10 See also11 References12 Additional references13 External links Equivalence of form of the defining expressions [ edit]Boltzmann's grave in the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna, with bust and entropy formula. The defining expression for entropy in the theory of statistical mechanics established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s, is of the form:where is the probability of the microstate i taken from an equilibrium ensemble. The defining expression for entropy in the theory of information established by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 is of the form:where is the probability of the message taken from the message space M, and b is the base of the logarithm used. Common values of b are 2, Euler's number e, and 10, and the unit of entropy is shannon (or bit) for b = 2, nat for b = e, and hartley for b = 10. [ 1]Mathematically H may also be seen as an average information, taken over the message space, because when a certain message occurs with probability p i, the information quantity −log ( p i) will be obtained. If all the microstates are equiprobable (a microcanonical ensemble ), the statistical thermodynamic entropy reduces to the form, as given by Boltzmann,where W is the number of microstates. Edit: That is, the number of microstates that corresponds to the macroscopic thermodynamic state."
"docid": "D91082#0",
"title": "http://www.4college.co.uk/a/O/entsurr.php\n.",
"text": "Why does water freeze at temperatures below 0 o C? Water has a greater entropy than ice and so entropy favours melting. But ice has a lower energy than water and so energy favours freezing. It is possible to predict what will happen by taking into account the entropy of the surroundings, in addition to the energy of the system. The following reaction shows the change in state from water to ice: Freezing is an exothermic process; energy is lost from the water and dissipated to the surroundings. Therefore, as the surroundings get hotter, they are gaining more energy and thus the entropy of the surroundings is increasing. The amount by which the entropy of the surroundings has increased can be determined using the following principle: the entropy of the surroundings increases by an amount equal to the heat energy they gain divided by the temperature at which it happens, therefore: This relationship allows us to make a prediction about the entropy of the surroundings of a chemical process, whatever they are (even the whole universe! ), using the measurements we can make on the chemical system. The total entropy change can then be used to predict whether a reaction is feasible or not at a given temperature. The total entropy is equal to: Using this equation for the freezing of water at -10 o C for example: The overall entropy increases, and so the reaction is feasible (in thermodynamic terms, the reaction would be described as being spontaneous; however, this does not in any way describe how fast the reaction occurs)."
"docid": "D915543#0",
"title": "http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/e/Entropy.htm\nEntropy",
"text": "\"Entropy Related subjects: Physics Did you know... SOS Children volunteers helped choose articles and made other curriculum material SOS Child sponsorship is cool!Ice melting - a classic example of entropy increasing described in 1862 by Rudolf Clausius as an increase in the disgregation of the molecules of the body of ice. Entropy articles Introduction History Classical Statistical In thermodynamics (a branch of physics ), entropy is a measure of the unavailability of a system’s energy to do work. It is a measure of the randomness of molecules in a system and is central to the second law of thermodynamics and the combined law of thermodynamics, which deal with physical processes and whether they occur spontaneously. Spontaneous changes, in isolated systems, occur with an increase in entropy. Spontaneous changes tend to smooth out differences in temperature, pressure, density, and chemical potential that may exist in a system, and entropy is thus a measure of how far this smoothing-out process has progressed. The word \"\"entropy\"\" is derived from the Greek εντροπία \"\"a turning toward\"\" ( εν- \"\"in\"\" + τροπή \"\"a turning\"\"), and is symbolized by S in physics. Explanation When a system's energy is defined as the sum of its \"\"useful\"\" energy, (e.g. that used to push a piston), and its \"\"useless energy\"\", i.e. that energy which cannot be used for external work, then entropy may be (most concretely) visualized as the \"\"scrap\"\" or \"\"useless\"\" energy whose energetic prevalence over the total energy of a system is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the considered system. ( Note the product \"\"TS\"\" in the Gibbs free energy or Helmholtz free energy relations). Entropy is a function of a quantity of heat which shows the possibility of conversion of that heat into work. The increase in entropy is small when heat is added at high temperature and is greater when heat is added at lower temperature."
"docid": "D327022#0",
"title": "https://www.livescience.com/50942-third-law-thermodynamics.html\nWhat is the Third Law of Thermodynamics?",
"text": "\"Live Science Tech Reference: What is the Third Law of Thermodynamics? By Jim Lucas, Live Science Contributor | May 22, 2015 01:31am ETMOREAt 0 K, entropy stops. This is known as absolute zero, and in theory, this is not possible. Credit: Khomulo Anna | Shutterstock The Third Law of Thermodynamics is concerned with the limiting behavior of systems as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Most thermodynamics calculations use only entropy differences, so the zero point of the entropy scale is often not important. However, we discuss the Third Law for purposes of completeness because it describes the condition of zero entropy. The Third Law states, “The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero when the temperature of the crystal is equal to absolute zero (0 K).” According to Purdue University, “The crystal must be perfect, or else there will be some inherent disorder. It also must be at 0 K; otherwise there will be thermal motion within the crystal, which leads to disorder. ”Siabal Mitra, a professor of physics at Missouri State University, provides another implication of this law. “"
"docid": "D2808119#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/thermodynamics\nthermodynamics",
"text": "\"thermodynamics Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Wikipedia .thermodynamics,branch of science concerned with the nature of heatheat,nonmechanical energy in transit, associated with differences in temperature between a system and its surroundings or between parts of the same system. Measures of Heat..... Click the link for more information.and itsconversion to mechanical, electric, and chemical energyenergy, in physics, the ability or capacity to do work or to produce change. Forms of energy include heat, light, sound, electricity, and chemical energy. Energy and work aremeasured in the same units—foot-pounds, joules, ergs, or some other, depending on the system of ..... Click the link for more information.. Historically, it grew out of efforts to construct more efficient heat engines—devices for extracting useful work from expanding hot gases. The Thermodynamic System and Its Environment In thermodynamics, one usually considers both the thermodynamic system and its environment. The environment often contains one or more idealized heat reservoirs—heat sources with infiniteheat capacity enabling them to give up or absorb heat without changing their temperature. ( Anocean or other large body of water approximates a heat reservoir.) A typical thermodynamic system is a definite quantity of gas enclosed in a cylinder with a sliding piston that allows the volume to vary. In general, a thermodynamic system is defined by its temperature, volume, pressure, andchemical composition. A system is in equilibrium when these variables have the same value at allpoints."
"docid": "D22523#0",
"title": "http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch21/entropy.php\n.",
"text": "\"Entropy and the 2nd & 3rd Laws of Thermodynamics Spontaneous Chemical Reactions Entropy as a Measure of Disorder Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics The Third Law of Thermodynamics Standard-State Entropies of Reaction Enthalpy of Reaction vs. Entropy of Reaction Calculations Spontaneous Chemical Reactions The first law of thermodynamics suggests that we can't get something for nothing. It allows us to build an apparatus that does work, but it places important restrictions on that apparatus. It says that we have to be willing to pay a price in terms of a loss of either heat or internal energy for any work we ask the system to do. It also puts a limit on the amount of work we can get for a given investment of either heat or internal energy. The first law allows us to convert heat into work, or work into heat. It also allows us to change the internal energy of a system by transferring either heat or work between the system and its surroundings. But it doesn't tell us whether one of these changes is more easy to achieve than another. Our experiences, however, tell us that there is a preferred direction to many natural processes. We aren't surprised when a cup of coffee gradually loses heat to its surroundings as it cools, for example, or when the ice in a glass of lemonade absorbs heat as it melts. But we would be surprised if a cup of coffee suddenly grew hotter until it boiled or the water in a glass of lemonade froze on a hot summer day, even though neither process violates the first law of thermodynamics."
"docid": "D1304839#0",
"title": "http://how-it-looks.blogspot.com/2010/10/second-law-and-swamp-coolers.html\nThe Second Law and Swamp Coolers",
"text": "The Second Law and Swamp Coolers This post is part of a series, Nonsense and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The previous post is entitled Heat Can Be Transferred From a Cold Body to a Hot Body: The Air Conditioner. When I was an undergraduate, I had a physical chemistry professor who claimed that air conditioners that were completely inside a room could not possibly work. Opening the refrigerator door on a hot day will not make your house cooler. The refrigerator gives off more heat than it transfers from inside itself; a refrigerator is actually heating the house. If the door is left open, the refrigerator works harder to try to maintain a cool temperature in accordance with its thermostat setting. As the refrigerator works harder, it releases more heat into the house. My professor, however, was not correct. It is possible to have a cooling unit that does more cooling than it releases heat to the environment. The trick with indoor coolers is that the process by which they operate is not cyclic."
"docid": "D1524973#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/40452746/catalysis-flash-cards/\nCatalysis",
"text": "\"82 terms faithyy98Catalysis Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort All reactions are accompanied by changes in enthalpy As the reaction starts enthalpy rises Energy is used to break bonds Catalysts do what provide an alternate reaction pathway which has a lower activation energy2 types of catalysis: heterogenous and homogenous Heterogenous catalysts are in a what phase different phase to the reactants Takes place at active sites on the surface What contributes to the surface a solid What happens to the surface gases are adsorbed What kind of bonds are formed with metal atoms weak bonds Catalysis 3 stages: adsorption, reaction, desorption Adsorption incoming species lands on an active site and forms bonds with the catalyst. it may use some of the bonding electrons in the molecules by weakening them-making reactions easier What is weakened the bonds Reaction adsorbed gases must be held on the surface in just the right orientation for a reaction to occur. this increases the chances of favorable collisions taking place Desorption rearrangement of electrons and the products are then released from the active sites What is critical strength of absorptiontoo weak (Ag-silver) little absorption-few available d orbitalstoo strong (W-tungstein) molecules remain on surface preventing reactionjust right (Ni, Pt) molecules are held but not to strongly Catalysis of gaseous reactions can lead to increased reaction rates (more collisions, species held in a favorable position, absorption breaks bonds so fragments react quicker, two reactants absorbed together so higher concentration)Ni, Pt hydrogenation reaction Fe haber process Rh, Pd catalytic converters Al2O3 dehydration reactions V2O5 contact process Format Finely Divided does what increases surface area and provides more collision sites In a support medium maximizes surface area and reduces costs Specificity in some cases the choice of the catalyst can influence the products What determines the method of adsorption and affects which bonds are weakened? distance between active sites and their similarity with the length of bonds Ethanol with copper releases hydrogen (dehydrogenation/ oxidation)Ethanol with alumina releases an OH group (dehydration)Poisoning Impurities in a reaction mixture can also adsorb onto the surface of a catalyst thus removing potential sites for gas molecules and decreasing efficiency. Expensive because.. the catalyst has to replaced and the process has to be shut down Examples Sulphur Haber process Lead catalytic converters in cars Catalytic Converters To remove pollutant gases formed in internal combustion engines Construction made from alloys of platinum, rhodium and palladium catalyst is mounted in a support medium to spread it out honeycomb construction to ensure maximum gas contact finely divided to increase surface area / get more collisions involves HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSISPollutants Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, unburnt hydrocarbons Carbon Monoxide Effect poisonous,combines with haemoglobin in blood, prevents oxygen being carried, Oxidation of carbon monoxide Nitrogen Oxides Effect photochemical smog - irritating to eyes, nose and throat produces low level ozone - affects plant growth Unburnt Hydrocarbons effect toxic and carcinogenic (causes cancer)Homogenous Catalysts catalyst and reactants are in the same phase • reaction proceeds through an intermediate species with lower energy • there is usually more than one reaction step • transition metal ions are often involved - oxidation state changes Ex Homogeneous Catalysts atmospheric ozone, esterification Auto Catalysts Occurs when a product of the reaction catalyses the reaction itself Auto Catalysts Ex manganate (VII) with ethandioate Enzymes extremely effective biologically active catalysts they are homogeneous catalysts, reacting in solution with body fluids only one type of molecule will fit the active site \"\"lock and key\"\" mechanism Enzyme Activity Is Affected by temp, p H, poisoning, substrate concentration Molality a concentration unit based on the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent In dilute aqueous solutions molarity and molality are nearly equal1 m L of water= 0.001 kg Colligative Properties properties of solutions that depend solely on the number of particles dissolved in the solution.physical property of solutions Colligative Props. Do not depend on the kinds of particles dissolved4 Types of Colligative Properties Vapor pressure lowering Freezing point depression Boiling point elevation Osmotic pressure What is the key to all 4 colligative properties? Vapor pressure lowering Addition of a nonvolatile solute does what lowers the vapor pressure of the solution. The effect is due to fewer solvent molecules at the solution's surface."
"docid": "D1081578#0",
"title": "http://www.science20.com/hammock_physicist/what_entropy-89730\nWhat Is Entropy?",
"text": "\"What Is Entropy? By Johannes Koelman | May 5th 2012 07:44 PM | Print | E-mail Tweet Johannes Koelman Entropy. A subject that comes back again and again and again and again and again in this blog. And so does the question in my inbox: \"\" what exactly is entropy? \"\" On the internet you can find a plethora of answers to this question. The quality of the answers ranges from 'plain nonsense' to 'almost right'. The correct definition of entropy is the one given in a previous blog : \"\"the entropy of a physical system is the minimum number of bits you need to fully describe the detailed state of the system\"\" So forget about statements like \"\" entropy is disorder \"\", \"\" entropy measures randomness \"\" and all vagaries about \"\" teenage bedrooms getting messy \"\" that inundate the internet. These qualitative statements at best provide you with metaphors, and at worst create profound misunderstandings. Now the problem with the above information-theoretical statement is that in itself it does not make obvious why bit counts provide us with a meaningful definition of entropy. More in particular, it appears that for many readers of this blog it remains unclear how this information-theoretical definition of entropy is related to the traditional thermodynamic definition of entropy."
"docid": "D1977802#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)\nEntropy (information theory)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article may be too technical for most readers to understand. Please help improve it to make it understandable to non-experts, without removing the technical details. ( November 2017)This article needs additional citations for verification. ( April 2012)Two bits of entropy: In the case of two fair coin tosses, the information entropy in bits is the base-2 logarithm of the number of possible outcomes; with two coins there are four possible outcomes, and two bits of entropy. Generally, information entropy is the average amount of information conveyed by an event, when considering all possible outcomes. Information entropy is defined as the average amount of information produced by a stochastic source of data. The measure of information entropy associated with each possible data value is the negative logarithm of the probability mass function for the value. Thus, when the data source has a lower-probability value (i.e., when a low-probability event occurs), the event carries more \"\"information\"\" (\"\"surprisal\"\") than when the source data has a higher-probability value."
"docid": "D3349993#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/learning-the-unwell-brain/201510/how-does-childhood-trauma-affect-the-adult-brain\nHow does childhood trauma affect the adult brain?",
"text": "How does childhood trauma affect the adult brain? Negative childhood experiences and the adult brain's spontaneous activity Posted Oct 01, 2015SHARETWEETEMAILMOREOur brain is always there. From birth, and even prenatally, it is exposed to the environment. How does the brain react to that? The brain shows spontaneous or intrinsic activity that seems to remain independent of specific stimuli or tasks. At first glance one may assume that the spontaneous activity isolates and separates the brain from the world. Since it seems to be generated within the brain itself and is apparently uncoupled from the world or environment. Recent empirical studies suggest that this is not true, though, as it is supported by a recent study of ours. Niall Duncan from my group (Duncan et al, 2015) investigated healthy college students, (i.e. those without any neurologic, psychiatric or medial disease) with a psychological questionnaire that assessed early childhood trauma, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). This questionnaire was complemented with extensive imaging."
"docid": "D2463833#0",
"title": "http://www.asa3.org/ASA/education/origins/thermo.htm\nEntropy-and-Evolution and",
"text": "\"A Simple Argument that is Simply Wrong Why is a page about thermodynamics in a website about origins? Because many young-earth creationists claim that evolution is thermodynamically impossible. For example, Henry Morris claims (in 1973 ) that because \"\"evolution and entropy are opposing and mutually exclusive concepts,... evolution must be impossible\"\" and (in 1976 ) that \"\"the most devastating and conclusive argument against evolution [of any type, astronomical, chemical, or biological] is the entropy principle,... also known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics... which describes a situation of universally deteriorating order.\"\" After more than a decade of hearing scientific explanations of why this claim is not logically justified, Morris declares (in 1985 ) that \"\"some have tried to imagine exceptions to the Second Law at some time or times in the past, which allowed evolution to proceed in spite of entropy, but such ideas are nothing but wishful thinking.\"\" Later, his son (John Morris, 1992 ) is carrying on the legacy: \"\"the universal Second Law of Thermodynamics shows that things become more disordered through time, not more complex, as evolution insists. \"\" Here is the simple argument: A biological evolution that converts bacteria into humans, with an obvious increase of order and complexity, would violate the Second Law which says \"\"things become more disordered through time, not more complex, as evolution insists. \"\" And here is why it's wrong: The Second Law of Thermodynamics is not violated by either mutation or natural selection, which are the major actions in neo-Darwinian evolution. If an overall process of evolution is split into many small steps involving mutation followed by selection, each step is permitted by the Second Law, and so is the overall process. Well, that's the short answer. The rest of this page is a longer answer, explaining \"\"why it's wrong\"\" in more detail, clearly and intuitively, in a way you can understand."
"docid": "D91084#0",
"title": "http://labman.phys.utk.edu/phys136/modules/m3/entropy.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Consider a system in two different conditions, for example 1kg of ice at 0 o C, which melts and turns into 1 kg of water at 0 o C. We associate with each condition a quantity called the entropy . The entropy of any substance is a function of the condition of the substance. It is a physical property of the substance. For an ideal gas it is a function of its temperature and volume, and for a solid and liquid it is a function of its temperature and internal structure. The entropy is independent of the past history of the substance. The entropy of the 1 kg of water at 0 o C is the same if we obtained the water from ice, or if we cooled the water from room temperature down to 0 o C. When a small amount of heat ΔQ is added to a substance at temperature T, without changing its temperature appreciably, the entropy of the substance changes by ΔS = ΔQ/T. When heat is removed, the entropy decreases, when heat is added the entropy increases. Entropy has units of Joules per Kelvin. To calculate the change in entropy of a system for a finite process, when T changes appreciably, we find some reversible path that can take the system (infinitely slowly) from its initial to its final state and evaluate ΔS for that path. The actual path of the system from the initial to the final state may be very different and not reversible. But the change in entropy depends only on the initial and final state, not on the path."
"docid": "D100500#0",
"title": "http://www.rationality.net/entropy.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Entropy, as expressed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, is an all pervasive natural force, similar in importance to gravity or electro- magnetism. Its attributes involve the flow of what we call \"\"time\"\". It shows why time travel is impossible and why water only runs downhill. Entropy permeates all aspects of human existence. Entropy explains why it is easy to lose money and difficult to make money. Entropy is the force behind Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, must go wrong. Excerpt from Book: \"\"How Life Really Works\"\"Appendix AEntropy Is time-travel impossible? Why does water only run downhill? Why is it easy to lose money but difficult to acquire it? The answer to these and many other puzzling questions rests in the Second Law of Thermodynamics, in Entropy."
"docid": "D3325584#0",
"title": "https://blogs.cisco.com/security/on_information_entropy\nOn Information Entropy",
"text": "\"Cisco Blog > Security Security On Information Entropy Mike Schiffman - August 16, 2010 - 3 Comments In this blog post you will learn about entropy within the domain of information theory. You will learn what entropy is and how to compute it. You will be shown some simple C code snippets to bring theory into application. Also, you will be shown why it is an important measurement in the field of computer security. Finally, we will cover some practical applications of entropy calculation and analysis. Introduction Entropy is a measurement of uncertainty. It is a way to assign a score of uncertainty to a stochastic variable. Entropy is a key component of information theory, a branch of mathematics designed to quantify information. It first came of age in 1948 with the publication of Claude Shannon’s paper “ A Mathematical Theory of Communication .”Before we can adequately define entropy, we need to first define information. Information, for our purposes, is what you get when the uncertainty about something is diminished or erased."
"docid": "D915541#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110127130953AANP36Q\nMelting of ice is a spontaneous reaction at room temperature and pressure because melting is accompanied by___?",
"text": "Science & Mathematics Chemistry Melting of ice is a spontaneous reaction at room temperature and pressure because melting is accompanied by___?a)a decrease of entropy b)an increase of entropy c)a decrease of energy d)an increase in energy Follow 3 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: B) Third law of thermodynamics: As you tend away form absolute 0 in temperature, entropy also tends away from 0. Also: second law states that entropy is not only a measurement of the % of usable energy but also a measurement of disorder (not chaos, there can be order in chaos. Too many people use chaos in relation to entropy). Level of disorder from least to most is solid, liquid, gas. Therefore as Ice melts its disorder increases. Therefore its entropy is increasing also. I found a good source on this topic. Helped me to understand it all. Source (s):http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-Entropy-... Hungry Hippo · 7 years ago3 0 Commentb) because when you melt ice you are going from an ordered state (solid) to a less ordered state (liquid) and you are increasing the microstates the water can have.youknowwhatitis · 7 years ago2 0 Comment BSS4 · 7 years ago1 1 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Get an MBA while working Best Home Security System?"
"docid": "D4001#0",
"title": "http://www.physiospect-diagnostics.com/how-it-works.html\nHow The Physiospect Works",
"text": "How The Physiospect Works Introduction Russian scientists were the first to create an automatic and informative technology independent of any human influence, capable of a ”cellular communication” with the help of frequencies. Thus any functional anomalies can be corrected by the help of emulation of frequencies which have been included in the given data in the PC. The first technological approaches were developed for scientific use, and were based on the principle that “the body is a great communication system” capable to react to exterior electromagnetic radiations. The Physiospect technique made for therapists, came out of this scientific experiment. It is made to be in contact with the body, without actual skin contact, and connected to a personal computer with a sophisticated software. So how does it work? It works by sending an infra-red triggering signal of extremely low intensity to the Bio-field around the brain via specially designed headphones. The principle is based on the fact the every cell tissue and organ has its own unique frequency pattern that varies as it experiences a load or stress. The healthier the area being investigated the more stable its frequency pattern is. We can direct the Physiospect to investigate the unique frequency of say the tissue of the right lung, given that the Bio-fields of both brain and lung tissue, (as with all parts of the body) are in constant communication with each other."
] |
636940 | what does environmental regulation mean | [
"docid": "D1077379#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Environmental+Law\nenvironmental law",
"text": "\"environmental law Also found in: Wikipedia . Environmental Law An amalgam of state and federal statutes, regulations, and common-law principles covering Air Pollution, Water Pollution, hazardous waste, the wilderness, and endangered wildlife. Almost every aspect of life in the United States is touched by environmental law. Drinking watermust meet state and federal quality standards before it may be consumed by the public. Carmanufacturers must comply with emissions standards to protect air quality. State and federalregulations govern the manufacture, storage, transportation, and disposal of the hazardouschemicals used to make deodorants, hair sprays, perfumes, makeup, fertilizers, herbicides,pesticides, detergents, cleansers, batteries, and myriad other common goods and products. Common Law Under the Common Law, environmental litigation revolves around six doctrines: Nuisance, Trespass, Negligence, Strict Liability, prior appropriation, and riparian rights. Nuisance Modern environmental law traces its roots back to the common-law tort of nuisance. A nuisance is created when an owner or occupier of land unreasonably uses that land in a way thatsubstantially interferes with the rights of others in the area. A nuisance is sometimes referred to as the right thing in the wrong place, like a pig in a parlor instead of the barnyard."
] | [
"docid": "D1086740#0",
"title": "http://wcel.org/resources/environmental-law-alert/strengths-and-weaknesses-new-water-sustainability-act\nThe strengths and weaknesses of the new Water Sustainability Act",
"text": "\"The strengths and weaknesses of the new Water Sustainability Act March 12, 2014The BC Government introduced its long-promised Water Sustainability Act in the BC Legislature on Tuesday. As we said when the government started its last round of public consultation on the proposed Act: Water, and how we treat our water, is one of those fundamental issues that touches on so much of who we are, what we do, and how we build our economy. A weak Water Sustainability Act could fail to deal with current unsustainable and inefficient water use, and could lock in these problems for years to come. A strong Act could address past over-use, and wasteful use, of water and protect drinking water and fish from over-use, poor oil and gas, logging or mining practices, and other threats. So how does the new Water Sustainability Act (WSA) do? Reviews among the environmental community are mixed. Our friend, Gwen Barlee, at the Wilderness Committee described the WSA as:… a piece of legislation that has good intentions, but doesn’t have the necessary enforceable language and mandatory standards to actually protect freshwater in B. C. While our friend and former co-worker, Deborah Curran, now of the UVic Environmental Law Centre, tweeted:#Water Sustainability Act Overall, one of the best pieces of environmental legislation in the past 15 years— Deborah Curran (@Deborah LCurran) March 11, 2014After reviewing the Act, we’re actually fairly impressed. There is a lot to like about this Act – even though many of the critical details will need to be worked out in the regulations. That being said, there are also concerns and disappointments: especially related to addressing the environmental impacts of current water users and a relaxing of rules regarding making water available for hydraulic fracturing. Apologies for the length of this Alert, but Bill 18 – the WSA – is 140 pages long, so there’s a lot to cover."
"docid": "D1987773#0",
"title": "http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-contents/overview/other-models-promoting-community-health-and-development/preceder-proceder/main\nSection 2. PRECEDE/PROCEED",
"text": "Learn how to develop a coherent plan that addresses necessary issues and actions using the Precede-Proceed model. What is PRECEDE-PROCEED? Why use PRECEDE-PROCEED? How do you use PRECEDE-PROCEED? If you were a contractor setting out to build a wood-frame house, you wouldn’t just pick up whatever wood you found lying around and begin. You’d consult first with the owner, and start with an idea of the house she wanted – its size, its shape, its features. You’d want a picture of the finished house, and a floor plan as well, with some notes on measurements and materials. You’d plan the construction with her, and set out a process for getting it done. And you’d do all this before you ever picked up a tool, because otherwise the process would be hit-or-miss: she wouldn’t get the house she wanted, and your time would be wasted. The same is true if you’re developing an intervention to address a health or community issue."
"docid": "D764436#0",
"title": "http://capasset.com/certifications/r2-certification/\nR2 Certification",
"text": "R2 Certification Capitol Asset Recovery is proud to maintain an R2:2013 Certification as a responsible recycling facility. Download our certificate, here. What is R2:2013 Certification? Developed by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International ( SERI ), the R2:2013 Standard establishes responsible recycling (“R2”) practices for the recycling of electronics globally. By certifying to this Standard through an accredited third-party certification body, we help our customers make informed decisions and have increased confidence that used and end-of-life electronic equipment are managed in an environmentally responsible manner, protective of the health and safety of workers and the public, and that all data on all media devices is secure until destroyed. R2 Certification ensures that when you are ready to retire your old IT equipment, it will be disposed of in a way that will keep the earth green and maybe even save you some green. If it isn’t recovered or reused, you can rest assured that your IT assets, both data and material, will be recycled in the most environmentally means possible as set by the R2 Standards while being mindful of your wishes and bottom line. What Does it Mean? During a 7-step process, all R2:2013 Certified Electronics Recyclers undergo stringent and rigorous evaluation in more than 50 areas by an independent certification body. Only after the auditing process is satisfied is the certificate awarded."
"docid": "D2169222#0",
"title": "http://nutritionwonderland.com/2010/02/gmos-does-regulation-ensure-safety/\nGMOs: Does Regulation Ensure Safety?",
"text": "The public’s biggest concern when it comes to GMOs is their safety. There are a lot of misconceptions about genetic engineering. When pressed on science of GMOs, I have often heard people fear that the genetically modified material in the foods they are eating will somehow mutate their DNA too. While logically it sounds like that makes a bit of sense, scientifically its nonsense. As I explained in my review of the science behind GMOs, the actual genetic material being modified gets thoroughly destroyed in the digestive tract. But that doesn’t mean GMOs are guaranteed to be completely safe to eat – the protein products that the transferred genes encode for or other side effects of an organism creating those proteins could be harmful. So how do we test for and ensure that GMOs are safe? Allow me to introduce you to the complex world of genetic technology regulation. Genetically modified foods have a significant image problem and much of that comes from the laissez-faire apparatus that has been put in place to regulate them. Scientists, in effect, over-estimated the scientific sophistication of the public and assumed no one would conflate the genetic modification of plants for humans."
"docid": "D2647855#0",
"title": "http://www.opb.org/news/article/anti-pollution-goals-elude-clean-water-act-enforce/\nClean Water Act's Anti-Pollution Goals Prove Elusive",
"text": "Beside Seattle’s notoriously polluted Duwamish River, an excavator scoops up small pieces of waste metal and slings them onto a rusty mountain at Seattle Iron & Metals Corp. A pile of flattened cars and trucks squats nearby amid vast sheets of scrap metal. For at least the last four years, this automobile shredder and metal recycler has dumped more pollutants into the river than allowed under the federal Clean Water Act, government records show. The levels have ranged higher than 250 times above what’s known to harm salmon that migrate through the river. The company, which declined to comment for this story, has reported its violations to the government, as required by law. But instead of punishing the metal recycler, the Washington Department of Ecology encouraged the company to reduce its pollution levels. The agency also searched for a legal way to make Seattle Iron & Metals’ pollution limits more lenient, and says it plans to relax them soon. The Seattle Iron & Metals story is emblematic of widespread failures in the nation’s efforts to end the toxic pollution that modern life has unleashed on America’s rivers, lakes and bays. The Clean Water Act, passed by a large bipartisan majority of Congress 40 years ago, was intended to eliminate water pollution by 1985. Congress declared: “It is the national policy that the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts be prohibited. ”Yet in the Pacific Northwest, as across the nation, the Clean Water Act has fallen far short of its goals."
"docid": "D1581280#0",
"title": "http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc1/PollutionControls.html\nPollution Controls",
"text": "\"Home | CEE | 1st edition | Pollution Controls [An updated version of this article can be found at Pollution Controls in the 2nd edition. ] W hile there is general agreement that we must control pollution of our air, water, and land, various interest groups, public agencies, and experts have disputed just how we should control it. The pollution control mechanisms adopted in the United States have tended toward detailed regulation of technology. In 1970 popular concern about environmental degradation coalesced into a major political force, resulting in the creation of a federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by President Nixon, and the first of the major federal attempts to regulate pollution directly—the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970. Since then, the federal role in regulating pollution has grown immensely, unleashing a cascade of regulation upon the EPA, local governments, and the business community. But that has begun to change. Although the command-and-control approach is the norm, environmental lobbyists and legislators are beginning to consider market-based approaches to pollution control. Regulatory Standards In virtually every antipollution law, Congress has instructed the EPA to establish and enforce specific pollution standards for individual polluters. These standards are generally based on some notion of the \"\"best available\"\" technology for each source of pollution in each industry. Because each pollutant has many sources, the EPA often must set literally hundreds of maximum discharge standards for any single pollutant."
"docid": "D514178#0",
"title": "https://courses.lumenlearning.com/microeconomics/chapter/environmental-laws/\nReading: The Benefits and Costs of U.S. Environmental Laws",
"text": "BENEFITS AND COSTS OF CLEAN AIR AND CLEAN WATERGovernment economists have estimated that U. S. firms may pay more than $200 billion per year to comply with federal environmental laws. That is big bucks. Is the money well spent? The benefits of a cleaner environment can be divided into four areas: (1) people may stay healthier and live longer; (2) certain industries that rely on clean air and water, such as farming, fishing, and tourism, may benefit; (3) property values may be higher; and (4) people may simply enjoy a cleaner environment in a way that does not need to involve a market transaction. Some of these benefits, such as gains to tourism or farming, are relatively easy to value in economic terms. It is harder to assign a monetary value to others, such as the value of clean air for someone with asthma. It seems impossible to put a clear-cut monetary value on still others, such as the satisfaction you might feel from knowing that the air is clear over the Grand Canyon, even if you have never visited the Grand Canyon. Although estimates of environmental benefits are not precise, they can still be revealing. For example, a study by the Environmental Protection Agency looked at the costs and benefits of the Clean Air Act from 1970 to 1990. It found that total costs over that time period were roughly $500 billion—a huge amount."
"docid": "D372483#0",
"title": "https://www.bja.gov/Funding/nepa.html\nNational Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance",
"text": "\"Home | Funding National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance Overview The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Public Law 90-190; 42 U. S. C. § 4371 et seq.) established a national policy to promote the protection and enhancement of the environment. This policy was in response to the growing concerns about the ecological balance and preservation of wildlife in America while meeting the demands of a growing population. This national policy encourages productive harmony between human beings and their environment, promotes efforts to prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere, stimulates the health and welfare of human beings, and enriches the understanding of ecological systems. NEPA is the basic national charter for protection of the environment. It establishes policy, sets goals, and provides the means for carrying out the policy. NEPA requirements apply to any federal project, decision, or action, including grants, that might have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. Authorizing Legislation National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended at: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/Applicable NEPA Regulations The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program procedures for the implementation of NEPA can be viewed at 28 CFR, Part 61. These regulations apply to all projects except those funded under the Violent Offender Incentive/Truth In Sentencing Act (VOI/TIS). VOI/TIS correctional facility construction and renovation projects, including those funded under the Correctional Facilities on Tribal Lands Program, are subject to specific VOI/TIS regulations."
"docid": "D1406321#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_mitigation\nEnvironmental mitigation",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( January 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Environmental mitigation, compensatory mitigation, or mitigation banking, are terms used primarily by the United States government and the related environmental industry to describe projects or programs intended to offset known impacts to an existing historic or natural resource such as a stream, wetland, endangered species, archeological site or historic structure. To \"\"mitigate\"\" means to make less harsh or hostile. Environmental mitigation is typically a part of an environmental crediting system established by governing bodies which involves allocating debits and credits. Debits occur in situations where a natural resource has been destroyed or severely impaired and credits are given in situations where a natural resource has been deemed to be improved or preserved. Therefore, when an entity such as a business or individual has a \"\"debit\"\" they are required to purchase a \"\"credit\"\". In some cases credits are bought from \"\"mitigation banks\"\" which are large mitigation projects established to provide credit to multiple parties in advance of development when such compensation cannot be achieved at the development site or is not seen as beneficial to the environment. Crediting systems can allow credit to be generated in different ways."
"docid": "D306666#0",
"title": "http://www.heritage.org/environment/report/what-you-need-know-about-the-epacorps-water-rule-its-power-grab-and-attack\nWhat You Need to Know About the EPA/Corps Water Rule: Itâs a Power Grab and an Attack on Property Rights",
"text": "\"Report Environment What You Need to Know About the EPA/Corps Water Rule: It’s a Power Grab and an Attack on Property Rights April 29, 2015 12 min read Download Report Daren Bakst Senior Research Fellow in Agricultural Policy Bakst studies and writes about agricultural and environmental policy and property rights, among other issues. Copied Select a Section 1 /0On April 21, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers published a proposed rule—“Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’ Under the Clean Water Act” (CWA)—to define which waters are covered under the Clean Water Act (that is, jurisdictional waters). [ 1] The proposed rule could cover almost any type of water, giving the two agencies far greater power than authorized under the CWA. Unless Congress acts before the final rule is published, probably within the next few months, this proposed power grab could soon become a reality—the agencies recently sent their final rule to the Office of Management and Budget for its approval. [ 2]The proposed “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule is complex and vague, with little clarity coming from the agencies. EPA Administrator Gina Mc Carthy has simply dismissed some public concerns about the rule as “ludicrous” and “silly.” [ 3] The agency has used video [4] and social media [5] to gain public support for the rule, asking: “Do you choose clean water?” As if critics of the rule want dirty water. Four key points can help to cut through the confusion and better explain the proposed rule.1. The Rule Is Extremely Broad."
"docid": "D1295571#0",
"title": "https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPURL.cgi?Dockey=50000M0R.TXT\n.",
"text": "\"-------------- Common Questions On The Asbestos NESHAP United States Envrionmental Protection Agency Office Of Air Quality Planning and Standards Stationary Source Compliance Division December 1990------- DISCLAIMER This manual was prepared by Entropy Environmentalist, Inc. for the Stationary Source Compliance Division of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has been completed in accordance with EPA Contract No. 68-02-4462, Work Assignment No. 90-123. This document is intended for information purposes ONLY, and may not in any way be interpreted to alter or replace the coverage or requirements of the asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. Any mention of product names does not constitute endorsement by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.------- Common Questions on the Asbestos NESHAP Contents Introduction 1 General Information 2 NESHAP Jurisdiction 3 Notifications 6 Removal 9 Ordered Demolitions 10 Friable and Non-Friable Asbestos 11 Transport and Disposal 12 Monitoring and Sampling 14 Inspections 15 Training 17 Violations and Penalties 17 NARS 19 Additional Information 21 Glossary of Terms 22 AHERA and NESHAP Coordinators 24 December 1990-------------- Asbestos NESHAP Questions Common Questions on the Asbestos NESHAP Introduction The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants that are known to be hazardous to human health. In accordance with Section 112 of the CAA, EPA established National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) to protect the public. Asbestos was one of the first hazardous air pollutants regulated under Section 112. On March 31, 1971, EPA identified asbestos as a hazardous pollutant, and on April 6, 1973, EPA first promulgated the Asbestos NESHAP in 40 CFR Part 61. In 1990, a revised NESHAP regulation was promulgated by EPA. Information contained in this pamphlet is consistent with the amended regulation."
"docid": "D2624934#0",
"title": "http://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Licensing/Suction-Dredge-Permits\nSuction Dredge Permits",
"text": "Suction Dredge Permits Last update : 10/19/2017 11:08:30 PMCurrent Status The use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, is currently prohibited and unlawful throughout California. Under new state law effective January 1, 2016, the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment is defined to mean the use of a mechanized or motorized system for removing or assisting in the removal of, or the processing of, material from the bed, bank, or channel of a river, stream, or lake in order to recover minerals. Under existing state law the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is also currently prohibited from issuing any permits for suction dredging in California under the Fish and Game Code. With state law in effect, the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, is unlawful in California rivers, streams, and lakes, and any such activity is subject to enforcement and prosecution as a criminal misdemeanor. ( See generally Fish & G. Code, §§ 5653, 5653.1, 12000, subd. ( a). ) New State Law Governing Suction Dredging in California Effective January 1, 2016New state law governing the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, is now in effect, as of January 1, 2016. ( Stats. 2015, ch. 680, §§ 2-3.)"
"docid": "D171068#0",
"title": "https://acton.org/pub/religion-liberty/volume-11-number-2/private-property-system-best-benefits-environment\nPrivate Property System Best Benefits Environment",
"text": "Share this article: R&L: It has been said, borrowing Oscar Wilde’s definition of a cynic, that an economist is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Assuming I place a high value on the environment, and knowing you are an economist about to talk about environmental issues, do I have reason to be ill at ease? Hill: Yes, you do. You have caricatured economists a bit, but economists have spent a great deal of time talking about the decision-making process while often ignoring the question of the origin of value, of what truly gives things value. I do think that economists are skilled at discussing how values get transferred, how they get altered, and how people recognize other people’s values. But, ultimately, everyone has to think about the origin of those values. I hope that, as a Christian economist, I am not completely insensitive to this issue, and my Christian theology certainly forms my position as an economist. In fact, I would argue that every economist has some sort of theology or view of the world that accounts for the origin of values. Because I am a believing Christian, my view is that value comes from God and is displayed in the universe he has created. R&L: What does that mean in practice?"
"docid": "D30430#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Why-is-environmental-protection-important\nWhy is environmental protection important?",
"text": "David Belair, worked at U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (2015-2017)Updated Jan 24, 2018 · Author has 828 answers and 1m answer views Without environmental protection and regulation,Industry would have unlimited ability to produce chemicals for use as pesticides, additives, etc without being required to measure their effects on people or their accumulation in water or soils and their impact on the environment, their toxicity, and potential exposure hazard Waste water would be monitored, but there would be no limits or benchmarks for the levels of contaminants in the water Automobile manufacturers would not be required to adhere to achieve a specific benchmark for noxious gas output, and cars would not be monitored for their output over time. It is debatable if gas mileage would be a consideration, as the only motivator for manufacturers to increase fuel economy would be the price of fuel and consumer willingness to bear the burden of fuel costs Industry would not be limited in the amount of noxious gases it produces through combustion. Smog would not be monitored and there would be no limits on emissions, leaving people and the environment at risk. The EPA was given authority [1] to make and enforce regulations that implement federal laws passed by Congress. EPA is responsible for monitoring air and water, and for researching the toxicity and exposure risk of chemicals used in commerce and chemical byproducts. With environmental protection and regulation, we can know and limit what goes into our atmosphere, groundwater, and soils. The EPA can help ensure that consumers are provided clean water free from harmful levels of contamination. The EPA can ensure that the air we breathe is free of contaminants, and when the level of contaminants increases beyond a reasonable level, it can inform people to stay indoors and protect themselves. Regulation does not mean restricted capitalism - it means industrialization with the health and safety of its consumers in mind. Industries are not entirely self-regulating, where there is no impetus to disclose the chemical composition of their products."
"docid": "D2511506#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_and_state_environmental_relations\nFederal and state environmental relations",
"text": "\"Federal and state environmental relations From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search In the environmental law of the United States, relationships between state and federal parties often shape environmental laws and the practical impact of those laws. In addition, environmental problems often do not have well defined boundaries and thus jurisdictional overlap complicate these matters. These complications bring into question how environmental laws are created, how these laws should be enforced, and whether the state or federal government should have the final word in specific environmental debates. Contents [ hide ]1 Major Environmental Legislation Affecting Federal and State Relationships2 Formation of Policy2.1 States Shaping Federal Policy2.2 Federal Policy Shaping State Policy3 Federalism3.1 Overview3.2 Examples4 Enforcement4.1 Federal Involvement4.2 State Reliance4.3 Cooperation4.4 Federal and State Overlap4.5 See also5 Notes Major Environmental Legislation Affecting Federal and State Relationships [ edit]Federal Air Regulation Federal Water Regulation Federal Solid Waste Regulation Other Federal Environmental Regulation Clean Air Act (CAA)Clean Water Act (CWA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)Endangered Species Act Formation of Policy [ edit]Prior to the late 1970s, nearly all environmental policy was at the state and local level. [ 1] Federal environmental regulation addressed the federal government itself, rather than states, consumers, or industry. [ 1] This all changed with a flurry of environmental legislation in the early 1970s. Currently, most federal environmental laws grant both expansive regulatory authority to federal agencies, as well as authorize states to implement plans outlined in federal laws. This model is often called \"\"cooperative federalism.\"\". [ 2]States Shaping Federal Policy [ edit]Relationships between State and Federal parties often shape environmental laws and policy. States can directly shape federal policy in the way states choose to enforce, or not enforce, environmental regulation."
"docid": "D1561309#0",
"title": "http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/14/regulation-nation-farmers-worry-over-crop-new-rules.html\nRegulation Nation: Farmers Worry Over Crop of New Rules",
"text": "Politics Regulation Nation: Farmers Worry Over Crop of New Rules Published September 14, 2011 Fox News Facebook Twitter livefyre Email A central Illinois farmer and his combine race against a setting sun to harvest corn crops Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011 near New Berlin, Ill. Farmers are concerned that some new, tighter federal regulations on agriculture are stunting the growth of their businesses and say regulatory uncertainty makes it difficult for them to plan for the future. ADVERTISEMENTSteve Baker owns a small hog farm in Shenandoah County Virginia and while many of the federal standards that apply to larger operations wouldn’t normally apply to him, similar Environmental Protection Agency rules intended to cut down on runoff into the Chesapeake Bay do. He has a professionally developed nutrient plan that governs his manure management and he closely monitors and documents where and how each load of manure is spread on his fields. “Thirty years ago, it wasn't as big of an issue as today but today it is right in the forefront but, you know, we've just got to address it,” Baker said. “ It does take additional effort but we do what we have to and yeah, we do keep diligent records. ”The EPA says it works with farmers when it develops regulations to find a balance between fulfilling its mission and being burdensome to agriculture. “EPA is in close consultation with America’s farmers and ranchers,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “ We have listened to their concerns and made them a part of the work we do. ”But as much as current regulations, farmers say that uncertainty about what could come from Washington is one of their main concerns. Baker says he hears that from farmers all over the Shenandoah Valley."
"docid": "D1967197#0",
"title": "https://www.e-education.psu.edu/geog030/node/328\nPopulation, Affluence, and Technology",
"text": "\"Population, Affluence, and Technology Print Now that we’ve covered resilience, let’s return to the question of humans and carrying capacity. There is no doubt that human impacts on our environments are often very strong – frequently strong enough to exceed the systems’ resilience. Here, we’re going to explore the relationship between human population, resource consumption, and the impact on ecosystems. The IPAT Equation: I = P x A x TA classic attempt to explain the relationship between a human population and its impact on the environment is the IPAT equation. The equation maintains that impacts on ecosystems (I) are the product of the population size (P), affluence (A), and technology (T) of the human population in question. This equation was developed by biologist Paul Ehrlich and environmental scientist John Holdren in 1971, and you might notice that the concept is very similar to the notion of carrying capacity presented earlier in this module. It is elegant in its simplicity, and compelling because it presents such an intuitive narrative. But intuitive narratives are not always the best explanation for complex problems. Remember the caution about carrying capacity: does it really apply to human populations? Reading Assignment: \"\"Too Many People, Too Much Consumption\"\"To gain a more detailed understanding of the arguments supporting the IPAT equation, please read the article:“ Too Many People, Too Much Consumption ” by Paul and Anne Ehrlich."
"docid": "D1103536#0",
"title": "http://michiganradio.org/post/fracking-natural-gas-benefits-and-risks\nFracking for natural gas, the benefits and the risks",
"text": "\"Tweet Share Google+ Email A gas drilling rig in Wyoming. Wyoming Upper Green River Valley / Flickr This is a speech I recently gave to a Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism meeting in Detroit on the risks and benefits of hydraulic fracturing. BENEFITSAccording to a Bloomberg Businessweek report, we are seeing an unprecedented drop in the price of natural gas in comparison to oil prices. Oil is hovering around $100 a barrel. In 2002, oil was about $20 a barrel. Natural gas is currently at 2002 prices. In fact, the price of natural gas is half of what it was one year ago. Why? Because of abundant supplies of natural gas, what the U. S. Energy Information Administration calls “robust inshore production. ”There is a glut of gas."
"docid": "D2292727#0",
"title": "http://www.sustainabletable.org/497/food-policy-regulation\nFood Policy & Regulation",
"text": "\"food Program Food Policy & Regulation Caption USDA photo by Anson Eaglin White House Forum on Regional Innovation in Rural America On This Page: The Farm Bill Genetically Engineered Foods Animal Agriculture Agribusiness Lobbying: Campaign Donations Better Farm and Food Policy Did You Know? What You Can Do Politicians and government officials are fond of saying the U. S. has the safest and most affordable food supply in the world, thanks to the rules and regulations they have created. In reality, current policies and regulations fail to address many of the underlying problems in agriculture. The modern era of factory farms G produces mountains of manure, creating a waste-management nightmare that often \"\"leaks\"\" into unsuspecting communities by way of water, air and soil pollution. Meanwhile, new, untested technologies like genetically modified seeds dominate commodity crop production. And at the top of the food chain are a few giant agribusinesses that exert enormous market control and political influence. Government regulations and legislation have lead to these problems, but they can also fix them. Shaping federal farm and food policy, especially with the farm bill, with different priorities will be necessary to make sure small independent farms get a fair shake in the marketplace and restore sustainable regional food systems that supply healthy food. The Farm Bill Whether you buy food at a grocery store, a farmers market or a cafeteria, the next Farm Bill G will affect what you eat. This major piece of legislation includes hundreds of billions of dollars directed to everything from food stamps to farm subsidies to crop insurance."
"docid": "D2963075#0",
"title": "http://www.cfr.org/energy-policy/us-energy-challenge/p25485\nThe U.S. Energy Challenge",
"text": "\"from Renewing America, Campaign 2012 and Renewing America: Infrastructure The U. S. Energy Challenge Can the United States improve its energy security in a clean, affordable, and efficient way? Five experts offer solutions to the daunting energy challenges facing the United States. Expert Roundup by Toni Johnson, Interviewer July 18, 2011 [Editor’s Note: This is part of CFR’s Renewing America initiative, which examines how domestic policies will influence U. S. economic and military strength and its ability to act in the world. ] Volatile oil markets, environmental concerns, and a skittish economic recovery loom large in debates over energy policy in the United States. Experts see current opportunities for addressing these issues, but there is strong debate over how to prioritize energy policy. CFR’s Michael Levi says a successful U. S. energy policy must transform the way Americans consume energy but also recognize that there are no silver bullets. \"\" The United States will occasionally need to pursue policies that help in one dimension while making others worse,\"\" he notes. Shirley Ann Jackson, former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, says U. S. policy priorities should include diversifying sources, improving the way energy markets function, and creating an intelligent electricity infrastructure. Oil executive James Noe calls for improving production of domestic oil resources while the country transitions \"\"to a blended energy portfolio geared toward next-generation, sustainable energy sources.\"\" Dale Bryk of the Natural Resources Defense Council wants a focus on boosting energy efficiency, increasing the market share for renewable energy, and cleaning up or phasing out the dirtiest and worst-performing technologies and fuels."
] |
636951 | what does eof stand for | [
"docid": "D782687#0",
"title": "http://web.synametrics.com/syncrifyeof.htm\nEOF Reached",
"text": "EOF Reached Often users see the following message in the log files: ERROR com.synametrics.syncrify.client.a P - Unable to backup /some/File/Name.pdf. EOF reached. Explanation EOF stands for End-of-file and is a term typically used when tranmission of data ends prematurely. In Syncrify's speak this mean the message sent from Syncrify client to server or server to client did not get to the other end in its entirety. This is usually caused by a network error and only affects one file. Syncrify creates several TCP/IP connectoins between client and server during backup. If a handful of connections terminate prematurely, it does cause the entire backup to fail. What can I do to fix this error Often fixing bad network connection is not in user's hand. If client and server are on the same LAN, you will hardly see these messages in the log file. However, it is very common for TCP/IP connections to abort prematurely on the Internet."
] | [
"docid": "D2478532#0",
"title": "http://www.minich.com/education/wyo/cplusplus/cplusplusch10/getfunction.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Using >>, cin.get , cin.getline, and cin.ignore Using the >> operator (with cin)The >> operator may be used when you simply want to read the next non-blankspace characters entered by the user into a character or character array. Any printable characters that follow the first space will be ignored and will not be stored in the variable. Do not use a statement like,cin >> User Explanation;if, for example, you wish to obtain a whole sentence from the user that includes spaces. In that case, you would be better served by using the cin member functions get or getline. Question: Will a null-terminator automatically be stored at the end of the character array, User Explanation? Using cin.get The unformatted get member function works like the >> operator with two exceptions. First, the get function includes white-space characters, whereas the extractor excludes white space when the ios::skipws flag is set (the default). Second, the get function is less likely to cause a tied output stream (cout, for example) to be flushed. A variation of the get function specifies a buffer address and the maximum number of characters to read. This is useful for limiting the number of characters sent to a specific variable, as this example shows:#include <iostream.h> void main () { char line [25]; cout << \"\" Type a line terminated by carriage return\\n>\"\"; cin.get ( line, 25 ); cout << ' ' << line; }In this example, you can type up to 24 characters and a terminating character."
"docid": "D2283228#0",
"title": "http://www.simotime.com/cv80aler.htm\nIntroduction",
"text": "\"Convert 80 Byte Records ASCII Line to EBCDIC Record Table of Contents v-16.01.01 - cv80aler.htm Introduction CV80ALER, What It Does CV80ALER, How To Use The COBOL Source Code The COBOL Copy File Summary Software Agreement and Disclaimer Downloads and Links Current Server or Internet Access Internet Access Required Glossary of Terms Comments or Feedback Company Overview The Simo Time Home Page Introduction This program (CV80ALER.cbl) is one in a series of programs that will convert the file format and record content for files with records containing 80 byte logical records. These files are commonly referred to as card files or control files. This reference is based on an historical beginning that used 80 column cards and small decks of cards that contained control information. This information was used to determine the behavior of a utility program or user written program. Additional information about this program may be obtained by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources. Copyright © 1987-2018 Simo Time Technologies and Services All Rights Reserved CV80ALER, What It Does This program will convert an ASCII-encoded, Line Sequential file of 80-byte logical records to an EBCDIC-encoded, Record Sequential file of 80-byte physical records. CV80ALER, How To Use The CV80ALER program reads a Line Sequential File (GETLS080) and writes to a Record Sequential File (PUTRS080)."
"docid": "D97704#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7ct2yy4s(v=vs.90).aspx\nEOF Function",
"text": "\"EOF Function Visual Studio 2008Returns a Boolean value True when the end of a file opened for Random or sequential Input has been reached. Public Function EOF (By Val File Number As Integer) As Boolean Parameters File Number Required. An Integer containing any valid file number. Exceptions Exception type Error number Condition IOException52File Number does not exist. IOException54File mode is invalid. See the \"\"Error number\"\" column if you are upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 applications that use unstructured error handling. ( You can compare the error number against the Number Property (Err Object) .) However, when possible, you should consider replacing such error control with Structured Exception Handling Overview for Visual Basic. Remarks Use EOF to avoid the error generated by attempting to get input past the end of a file. The EOF function returns False until the end of the file has been reached."
"docid": "D379626#0",
"title": "http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_10_02.html\n10.2. Array variables",
"text": "\"10.2. Array variables10.2.1. Creating arrays An array is a variable containing multiple values. Any variable may be used as an array. There is no maximum limit to the size of an array, nor any requirement that member variables be indexed or assigned contiguously. Arrays are zero-based: the first element is indexed with the number 0. Indirect declaration is done using the following syntax to declare a variable: ARRAY [INDEXNR] =value The INDEXNR is treated as an arithmetic expression that must evaluate to a positive number. Explicit declaration of an array is done using the declare built-in:declare -a ARRAYNAMEA declaration with an index number will also be accepted, but the index number will be ignored. Attributes to the array may be specified using the declare and readonly built-ins. Attributes apply to all variables in the array; you can't have mixed arrays."
"docid": "D97702#0",
"title": "http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/EOF/\nEOF",
"text": "constant<cstdio>EOFEnd-of-File It is a macro definition of type int that expands into a negative integral constant expression (generally, -1 ). It is used as the value returned by several functions in header <cstdio> to indicate that the End-of-File has been reached or to signal some other failure conditions. It is also used as the value to represent an invalid character. In C++, this macro corresponds to the value of char_traits <char>:: eof (). See alsofeof Check end-of-file indicator (function )ferror Check error indicator (function )C++Information Tutorials Reference Articles Forum Reference C library:<cassert> (assert.h)<cctype> (ctype.h)<cerrno> (errno.h)<cfenv> (fenv.h)<cfloat> (float.h)<cinttypes> (inttypes.h)<ciso646> (iso646.h)<climits> (limits.h)<clocale> (locale.h)<cmath> (math.h)<csetjmp> (setjmp.h)<csignal> (signal.h)<cstdarg> (stdarg.h)<cstdbool> (stdbool.h)<cstddef> (stddef.h)<cstdint> (stdint.h)<cstdio> (stdio.h)<cstdlib> (stdlib.h)<cstring> (string.h)<ctgmath> (tgmath.h)<ctime> (time.h)<cuchar> (uchar.h)<cwchar> (wchar.h)<cwctype> (wctype.h)Containers:<array><deque><forward_list><list><map><queue><set><stack><unordered_map><unordered_set><vector>Input/Output:<fstream><iomanip><ios><iosfwd><iostream><istream><ostream><sstream><streambuf>Multi-threading:<atomic><condition_variable><future><mutex><thread>Other:<algorithm><bitset><chrono><codecvt><complex><exception><functional><initializer_list><iterator><limits><locale><memory><new><numeric><random><ratio><regex><stdexcept><string><system_error><tuple><typeindex><typeinfo><type_traits><utility><valarray><cstdio> (stdio.h)functions:clearerrfclosefeofferrorfflushfgetcfgetposfgetsfopenfprintffputcfputsfreadfreopenfscanffseekfsetposftellfwritegetcgetchargetsperrorprintfputcputcharputsremoverenamerewindscanfsetbufsetvbufsnprintfsprintfsscanftmpfiletmpnamungetcvfprintfvfscanfvprintfvscanfvsnprintfvsprintfvsscanfobjects:stderrstdinstdouttypes: FILEfpos_tsize_tmacro constants: BUFSIZEOFFILENAME_MAXFOPEN_MAXL_tmpnam NULLTMP_MAX"
"docid": "D485675#0",
"title": "http://xfs.org/index.php/XFS_FAQ\nXFS FAQ",
"text": "\"XFS FAQnavigation search Info from: main XFS faq at SGIMany thanks to earlier maintainers of this document - Thomas Graichen and Seth Mos. Contents [ hide ]1 Q: Where can I find documentation about XFS?2 Q: Where can I find documentation about ACLs?3 Q: Where can I find information about the internals of XFS?4 Q: What partition type should I use for XFS on Linux?5 Q: What mount options does XFS have?6 Q: Is there any relation between the XFS utilities and the kernel version?7 Q: Does it run on platforms other than i386?8 Q: Quota: Do quotas work on XFS?9 Q: Quota: What's project quota?10 Q: Quota: Can group quota and project quota be used at the same time?11 Q: Quota: Is umounting prjquota (project quota) enabled fs and mounting it again with grpquota (group quota) removing prjquota limits previously set from fs (and vice versa) ? 12 Q: Are there any dump/restore tools for XFS?13 Q: Does LILO work with XFS?14 Q: Does GRUB work with XFS?15 Q: Can XFS be used for a root filesystem?16 Q: Will I be able to use my IRIX XFS filesystems on Linux?17 Q: Is there a way to make a XFS filesystem larger or smaller?18 Q: What information should I include when reporting a problem?19 Q: Mounting an XFS filesystem does not work - what is wrong?20 Q: Does the filesystem have an undelete capability?21 Q: How can I backup a XFS filesystem and ACLs?22 Q: I see applications returning error 990 or \"\"Structure needs cleaning\"\", what is wrong?23 Q: Why do I see binary NULLS in some files after recovery when I unplugged the power?24 Q: What is the problem with the write cache on journaled filesystems?25 Q: How can I tell if I have the disk write cache enabled?26 Q: How can I address the problem with the disk write cache?26.1 Disabling the disk write back cache.26.2 Using an external log.26.3 Write barrier support.27 Q. Should barriers be enabled with storage which has a persistent write cache?28 Q. Which settings does my RAID controller need ? 29 Q: Which settings are best with virtualization like VMware, XEN, qemu?30 Q: What is the issue with directory corruption in Linux 2.6.17?31 Q: Why does my > 2TB XFS partition disappear when I reboot ? 32 Q: Why do I receive No space left on device after xfs_growfs?33 Q: Is using noatime or/and nodiratime at mount time giving any performance benefits in xfs (or not using them performance decrease)?34 Q: How to get around a bad inode repair is unable to clean up35 Q: How to calculate the correct sunit,swidth values for optimal performance36 Q: Why doesn't NFS-exporting subdirectories of inode64-mounted filesystem work?37 Q: What is the inode64 mount option for?38 Q: Can I just try the inode64 option to see if it helps me?39 Q: Performance: mkfs.xfs -n size=64k option40 Q: I want to tune my XFS filesystems for <something>41 Q: Which factors influence the memory usage of xfs_repair?42 Q: Why some files of my filesystem shows as \"\"?????????? ? ? ? ? ? filename\"\" ? 43 Q: The xfs_db \"\"frag\"\" command says I'm over 50%. Is that bad?44 Q: I'm getting \"\"Internal error xfs_sb_read_verify\"\" errors when I try to run xfs_growfs under kernels v3.10 through v3.1245 Q: Why do files on XFS use more data blocks than expected?46 Q: What is speculative preallocation?47 Q: How can I speed up or avoid delayed removal of speculative preallocation?48 Q: Is speculative preallocation permanent?49 Q: My workload has known characteristics - can I disable speculative preallocation or tune it to an optimal fixed size?50 Q: mount (or umount) takes minutes or even hours - what could be the reason ? 51 Q: Which I/O scheduler for XFS?51.1 On rotational disks without hardware raid51.2 SSD disks or rotational disks but with hardware raid card that has cache enabled52 Q: Why does userspace say \"\"filesystem uses v1 dirs, limited functionality provided? \"\" Q: Where can I find documentation about XFS?"
"docid": "D97701#0",
"title": "http://eof.camden.rutgers.edu/\nEducational Opportunity Fund",
"text": "What is EOF? EOF is a state-funded program that supports New Jersey's aspiring first-generation college students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds by providing financial aid, one-on-one and group academic counseling, supplemental instruction and tutoring services, workshops, programs, and events to support student success, experiential learning opportunities, and leadership opportunities to students enrolled in this comprehensive program. What Can EOF Do For You? Provide up to 12 semesters of grant funding1:1 academic coaching and student support services with your assigned EOF counselor Student-centered workshops to address professional development, academic success, and other educational topics Offer experiential learning opportunities to supplement and enhace your academic experience Provide a family-like environment to ensure your academic success and on-time graduation Learners Today. Leaders Tomorrow."
"docid": "D2646490#0",
"title": "http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/x/xorg7.html\nIntroduction to Xorg-7",
"text": "\"Introduction to Xorg-7Xorg is a freely redistributable, open-source implementation of the X Window System. This system provides a client/server interface between display hardware (the mouse, keyboard, and video displays) and the desktop environment, while also providing both the windowing infrastructure and a standardized application interface (API). User Notes: http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/wiki/Xorg7Xorg Download and Installation Instructions Xorg-7.0 introduced a completely auto-tooled, modular build system. With the new modular build system, it is no longer possible to download the entire package in a single file. In fact, there will be well over 100 packages that need to be fetched from the download location. To assist with such a large task, installing Wget-1.19.4 is strongly recommended for downloading the needed files. A complete wget file list is provided for each page that includes multiple packages. Given the number of packages available, deciding which packages you need to install for your particular setup may seem a bit overwhelming at first. Take a look at this page and this thread to get an idea of what you will need. If you are unsure, you should install all packages at the cost of extra disk space."
"docid": "D3432374#0",
"title": "https://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/c/lesson14.html\nLesson 14: Accepting command line arguments in C using argc and argv",
"text": "\"Lesson 14: Accepting command line arguments in C using argc and argv By Alex Allain In C it is possible to accept command line arguments. Command-line arguments are given after the name of a program in command-line operating systems like DOS or Linux, and are passed in to the program from the operating system. To use command line arguments in your program, you must first understand the full declaration of the main function, which previously has accepted no arguments. In fact, main can actually accept two arguments: one argument is number of command line arguments, and the other argument is a full list of all of the command line arguments. The full declaration of main looks like this:int main ( int argc, char *argv [] )The integer, argc is the arg ument c ount. It is the number of arguments passed into the program from the command line, including the name of the program. The array of character pointers is the listing of all the arguments. argv [0] is the name of the program, or an empty string if the name is not available. After that, every element number less than argc is a command line argument. You can use each argv element just like a string, or use argv as a two dimensional array."
"docid": "D2967231#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_differences_between_Danish_pastry_and_croissants\nWhat is the difference between cake and pastry?",
"text": "\"What is the difference between cake and pastry? Pastry is made from flour a little water and butter/shorteningoil and somtimes sugar. It is primary used to encase sweet orsavoury foods. Sometimes pastrty can stand alone lik …What is the difference between pastry and bread?fat content What is the difference between shortcrust pastry and rich shortcrust pastry?rich shortcrush pastry is sweeter than shortcrust pastry Hot lips255 286 Contributions What is the difference between choix pastry and puff pastry? Choux pastry is used for eclairs and profiteroles and is risen by the steam expanding inside the pastry. Puff pastry is used for tarts and pies and is risen becaus eof the lay …What is the difference between danish dough and puff pastry?newtest3Hedleygb 4,286 Contributions What's the difference between a pastry and bread pastry? The raising agent. A pastry (patisserie) is a small cake or tart, usually made with baking powder. Bread pastry (viennoiserie) such as croissants or pains au chocolat is raise …Fwmh 132,496 Contributions What is the Difference between a bagel and croissant? A croissant is made rather like puff pastry, the dough is filled with butter and rolled and turned several times to give it a fine flaky texture."
"docid": "D2833036#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End-of-file\nEnd-of-file",
"text": "\"In computing, end-of-file (commonly abbreviated EOF [1]) is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually called a file or stream. In the C Standard Library, the character reading functions such as getchar return a value equal to the symbolic value (macro) EOF to indicate that an end-of-file condition has occurred. The actual value of EOF is implementation-dependent (but is commonly -1, such as in glibc [2]) and is distinct from all valid character codes. Block-reading functions return the number of bytes read, and if this is fewer than asked for, then the end of file was reached or an error occurred (checking of errno or dedicated function, such as ferror is often required to determine which). EOF character [ edit]This section relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. ( March 2015)Input from a terminal never really \"\"ends\"\" (unless the device is disconnected), but it is useful to enter more than one \"\"file\"\" into a terminal, so a key sequence is reserved to indicate end of input. In UNIX the translation of the keystroke to EOF is performed by the terminal driver, so a program does not need to distinguish terminals from other input files."
"docid": "D1423340#0",
"title": "https://www.linux.com/learn/kernel-newbie-corner-initrd-and-initramfs-whats\n\"The Kernel Newbie Corner: \"\"initrd\"\" and \"\"initramfs\"\"--What's Up With That?\"",
"text": "\"The Kernel Newbie Corner: \"\"initrd\"\" and \"\"initramfs\"\"--What's Up With That? This week, I'm not going to write a formal column so much as just free associate a bit regarding an exchange we had recently on the Kernel Newbies mailing list regarding the ideas of initrd and initramfs, and what they're for and, most importantly, how they differ. And that's where we might get deliberately vague since different people use the terminology differently, so I'll present my view of the terms and the way I use them, whereupon you're free to disagree vehemently. ( The archive of all previous \"\"Kernel Newbie Corner\"\" articles can be found here . ) This is ongoing content from the Linux Foundation training program. If you want more content, please consider signing up for one of these classes. So... What Are They? If we can be a little sloppy for a minute or two, both of those concepts refer to a simple idea -- that of an \"\"early userspace\"\" root filesystem that can be used to get at least the minimum functionality loaded in order to let the boot process continue. There's a lengthy explanation in the kernel source tree in the file Documentation/filesystems/ramfs-rootfs-initramfs.txt, but I'll try to simplify that just a bit. In a nutshell, when your bootloader (GRUB?)"
"docid": "D3171788#0",
"title": "https://docs.python.org/2/library/io.html\n15.2. io â Core tools for working with streams ¶",
"text": "15.2. io — Core tools for working with streams ¶New in version 2.6. The io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. Under Python 2.x, this is proposed as an alternative to the built-in file object, but in Python 3.x it is the default interface to access files and streams. Note Since this module has been designed primarily for Python 3.x, you have to be aware that all uses of “bytes” in this document refer to the str type (of which bytes is an alias), and all uses of “text” refer to the unicode type. Furthermore, those two types are not interchangeable in the io APIs. At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. It defines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is no separation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowed to raise an IOError if they do not support a given operation. Extending IOBase is Raw IOBase which deals simply with the reading and writing of raw bytes to a stream."
"docid": "D2531348#0",
"title": "https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/9489f082-3296-4e9a-8cf9-e59e6ead4175/how-to-execute-a-sql-stored-procedure-in-ms-excel?forum=excel\nHow to execute a SQL Stored Procedure in MS Excel",
"text": "\"How to execute a SQL Stored Procedure in MS Excel Microsoft Office > Excel IT Pro Discussions Question0Sign in to vote I have the following code to execute a stored procedure from SQL server and return a dataset to excel, using a parameter derived from a listbox, however i get the error message \"\"procedure smsabacodes has no parameters and arguments were supplied\"\". Can you please advise what the problem is ? Many thanks Private Sub Command Button1_Click ()Dim cmd As New ADODB. Command Set cmd = New ADODB. Command Dim objconn As ADODB. Connection Dim rsdata As New ADODB. Recordset Dim sconnect As String'create the connection stringcmd. Active Connection = MY CONNECTION STRINGcmd. Command Text = \"\"smsabacodes\"\"cmd. Command Type = ad Cmd Stored Proccmd."
"docid": "D3359717#0",
"title": "http://computer-solutions.co.uk/info/Embedded_tutorials/can_tutorial.htm\nCAN and CAN-FD a brief t utorial",
"text": "\"CAN and CAN-FD a brief t utorial Our CAN Tutorial The CAN bus (Controller Area Networking) was defined in the late 1980 by Bosch, initially for use in automotive applications (CAN 2.0). It has been found to be very useful in a wide variety of distributed industrial systems. A 2014 enhancement to the spec (CAN FD) improves throughput. CAN has the following characteristics: Uses a single terminated twisted pair cable Is multi master Maximum Signal frequency used is 1 Mbit/sec (CAN 2.0) , 15 Mbits/sec (CAN FD)Length depends on the bit rate typical values encountered in the field for CAN 2.0 are1 Mbit/s 40 m500 kbit/s 110 m250 kbit/s 240 m125 kbit/s 500 m50 kbit/s 1.3 km20 kbit/s 3.3 km10 kbit/s 6.6 km5 kbit/s 130 km (See below for CAN FD performance)Has high reliability with extensive error checking Typical maximum data rate achievable is 320 KBites/sec for CAN 2.0 and 3.7 MBits/sec for CAN FDMaximum latency of high priority message <120 µsec at 1Mbit/sec CAN is unusual in that the entities on the network, called nodes, are not given specific addresses. Instead, it is the messages themselves that have an identifier which also determines the messages' priority. Nodes then depending on their function transmit specific messages and look for specific message. For this reason there is no theoretical limit to the number of nodes although in practice it is ~64. Note that no two nodes can transmit the same message ID as this violates the priority rules. Three specifications are in use:2.0A sometimes known as Basic or Standard CAN with 11 bit message identifiers which was originally specified to operated at a maximum frequency of 250Kbit/sec and is ISO11519.2.0B known as Full CAN or extended frame CAN with 29 bit message identifier which can be used at up to 1Mbit/sec and is ISO 11898. CAN FD increases the max data throughput to ~ 3.7 Mbits/sec."
"docid": "D2283834#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document\nHere document",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search In computing, a here document ( here-document, here-text, heredoc, hereis, here-string or here-script) is a file literal or input stream literal: it is a section of a source code file that is treated as if it were a separate file. The term is also used for a form of multiline string literals that use similar syntax, preserving line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. Here documents originate in the Unix shell, and are found in sh, csh, [1] ksh, bash and zsh, among others. Here document-style string literals are found in various high-level languages, notably the Perl programming language (syntax inspired by Unix shell) and languages influenced by Perl, such as PHP and Ruby. Other high-level languages such as Python and Tcl have other facilities for multiline strings. Here documents can be treated either as files or strings. Some shells treat them as a format string literal, allowing variable substitution and command substitution inside the literal. The most common syntax for here documents, originating in Unix shells, is << followed by a delimiting identifier (often EOF or END [2] ), followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same delimiting identifier on its own line. This syntax is because here documents are formally stream literals, and the content of the document is redirected to stdin (standard input) of the preceding command; the here document syntax is by analogy with the syntax for input redirection, which is < \"\"take input from the following file\"\". Other languages often use substantially similar syntax, but details of syntax and actual functionality can vary significantly."
"docid": "D63970#0",
"title": "https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/20257/how-do-you-display-xterm-colors-with-putty-bash\nHow do you display xterm colors with putty/bash?",
"text": "\"_Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, Free BSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top How do you display xterm colors with putty/bash?up vote3down votefavorite1Putty has this \"\"allow terminal use xterm 256 colour mode\"\" that I'd like to use, but I don't know how. I've been using a color.sh script to output echo statements and commands with colors, and I want to do something like that with xterm colors.#!/bin/bash ## Specify color to write in using arguments function --help { cat << EOF ERROR: $0 requires a color argument. USAGE: Changes the color of the text piped into it. These color arguments are availabe: ARGUMENT SHORTCUT white ------ w red ------ r green ------ g yellow ------ y blue ------ b violet ------ v teal ------ t bold ------ bb The \"\"bold\"\" argument will modify any color. Use a max of 2 arguments (one color and bold). EOF } function bold { # make the color bold BOLD=1\\; } function white { COLOR=1 } function red { COLOR=31 } function green { COLOR=32 } function yellow { COLOR=33 } function blue { COLOR=34 } function violet { COLOR=35 } function teal { COLOR=36 } ## shortcuts function bb { bold } function w { white } function r { red } function g { green } function y { yellow } function b { blue } function v { violet } function t { teal } function o { red bold } ## Execution if [ \"\"$#\"\" = 0 ] then --help fi while ( ($#)); do $1 shift done echo -n \"\" [\"\"$BOLD\"\"\"\"$COLOR\"\"m\"\" cat echo -n \"\" [0m\"\"colors putty xtermshare improve this questionedited Sep 8 '11 at 4:33Michael Mrozek ♦55.9k 23 180 203asked Sep 7 '11 at 16:50qodeninja333 2 5 16add a comment4 Answers active oldest votesup vote7down voteaccepted According to the Pu TTY user manual this should be enabled by default: If you have an application which is supposed to use 256-colour mode and it isn't working, you may find you need to tell your server that your terminal supports 256 colours. On Unix, you do this by ensuring that the setting of TERM describes a 256-colour-capable terminal. You can check this using a command such as infocmp:$ infocmp | grep colors colors#256, cols#80, it#8, lines#24, pairs#256,If you do not see colors#256 in the output, you may need to change your terminal setting. On modern Linux machines, you could try xterm-256color."
"docid": "D638605#0",
"title": "http://www.cs.scranton.edu/~mccloske/courses/cmps340/lecture_notes/cobol_data_div.html\nCOBOL",
"text": "\"COBOLUnder Construction DATA DIVISIONOverview Data Names Structure of Data in COBOLPicture Characters for Numeric Data Initializing an Elementary Data Item via a VALUE clause Constants Anonymous Data (FILLER)REDEFINES Clause Reference Modification Qualification (Or, What to do when two data items have the same name)Tables (i.e., Arrays)Conditional (i.e., boolean) Data Overview The third division in a COBOL (sub)program is the DATA DIVISION, in which the data used by the (sub)program is declared/described. The DATA DIVISION of a subprogram contains three sections --FILE, WORKING-STORAGE, and LINKAGE-- while that of a (main) program contains only the first two. The FILE SECTION describes the record structures of files used by the (sub)program. In effect, for each file, it sets up a one-record buffer (in RAM) that is used for holding the record most recently read in (if the file is an input file) or for holding the data that is \"\"waiting\"\" to be written out (if the file is an output file). Remark: COBOL is best-suited for dealing with files whose structure conforms to the classic file-record-field-character hierarchy, in which a file is a sequence of uniformly-formatted records, each of which is a sequence of fields, each of which is a character string. ( To be fair, COBOL does a good job of handling files containing records of different formats, as long as the number of formats is fairly small. ) The WORKING-STORAGE SECTION describes temporary (i.e., non-persistent) data, which exists only during program execution. Remark: When a file has records of a number of different formats (such as a \"\"generic\"\" output file through which all output is written), it is often convenient to use the WORKING-STORAGE section to describe the various record formats. End of remark. The data division of a subprogram also includes a LINKAGE SECTION , which is where the formal parameters (called \"\"arguments\"\" in COBOL) are described."
"docid": "D1632220#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LR_parser\nLR parser",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search In computer science, LR parsers are a type of bottom-up parser that efficiently read deterministic context-free languages, in guaranteed linear time. [ 1] There are several variants of LR parsers: SLR parsers, LALR parsers, Canonical LR (1) parsers, Minimal LR (1) parsers, GLR parsers. LR parsers are generated by a parser generator which reads a formal grammar defining the syntax of the language to be parsed. They are widely used for the processing of computer languages. The name LR is an initialism. The L means that the parser reads input text in one direction without backing up; that direction is typically L eft to right within each line, and top to bottom across the lines of the full input file. ( This is true for most parsers.) The R means that the parser produces a R ightmost derivation in reverse: it does a bottom-up parse - not a top-down LL parse or ad-hoc parse. The name LR is often followed by a numeric qualifier, as in LR (1) or sometimes LR ( k). To avoid backtracking or guessing, the LR parser is allowed to peek ahead at k lookahead input symbols before deciding how to parse earlier symbols."
"docid": "D1926136#0",
"title": "https://ivanyu.me/blog/2014/09/13/creating-a-simple-parser-with-antlr/\nCreating a simple parser with ANTLR",
"text": "Creating a simple parser with ANTLRRecently, I’ve faced a task of developing a tool which allows the application to have base of (not very complex) logical rules. There were three demands: The rules were to be written by non-programmers, so using of the languages which the program is written in (Java/Scala), wasn’t very good. The rule base should be changeable without redeployment of the application, ideally, should be stored in a database. We should have control on compilation and error emission. The first and the second demand could be met by developing some kind of Scala- or Groovy-based DSL, extremely simple. But I’ve come with several arguments against: The third requirement might be hard to meet. The rules are quite simple, so embedding an interpreter of a general-purpose language might be overkill. The language which rules consumer is written in might be changed (from Java/Scala to Python e.g. )So, I’ve decided to write a very simple rule parser/compiler. After I’d created a prototype I decided to write this post, hope it’ll be useful. I say in advance that you can see the code adapted for this post in this repository."
] |
636952 | what does eog measure | [
"docid": "D1234195#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrooculography\nElectrooculography",
"text": "\"This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( December 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)\"\"EOG\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see EOG (disambiguation). Not to be confused with other types of electrography. Electrooculograms for the left eye (LEOG) and the right eye (REOG) for the period of REM sleep. Electrooculography ICD-9-CM 95.22Me SH D004585 [ edit on Wikidata]Electrooculography ( EOG / E. O. G.) is a technique for measuring the corneo-retinal standing potential that exists between the front and the back of the human eye. The resulting signal is called the electrooculogram. Primary applications are in ophthalmologicaldiagnosis and in recording eye movements."
] | [
"docid": "D2115920#0",
"title": "https://www.fool.com/quote/nyse/eog-resources/eog\nEOG ResourcesEOG",
"text": "Updates from The Motley Fool Latest updates on EOG Resources from Fool.com. The Fool has written over 300 articles on EOG Resources. American Energy Independence Could Be a Gold Mine for Investors The United States is on the cusp of what was once a pipe dream: energy independence. It could be ... Apr 3 2018 • Fool.com OPEC and Russia Are Considering a Long-Term Relationship to Maintain Their Grip on the Oil Market A series of short-term deals is starting to blossom into something much larger for the oil market... Mar 31 2018 • Fool.com Oil Demand Is Red-Hot Right Now, Which Could Make 2018 a Great Year for Oil Stocks A strong start to 2018 should push oil demand to a record high this year. Mar 17 2018 • Fool.com EOG Resources Inc. Has a $1.5 Billion Problem But it’s a good one to have. Mar 13 2018 • Fool.com4 Things EOG Resources Inc Wants You to Know About What Makes It Different EOG Resources isn’t your average oil company. Mar 7 2018 • Fool.com EOG Resources Inc_ (EOG) Q4 2017 Earnings Conference Call Transcript EOG earnings call for the period ending December 31, 2017. Feb 28 2018 • Fool.com EOG Resources Inc Ends 2017 With High-End Results The leading shale driller beat expectations with ease. Feb 28 2018 • Fool.com What to Watch When EOG Resource Inc Reports Q4 Results The shale giant expects to release that report later this week. Feb 26 2018 • Fool.com America First: The Country Is About to Become the Leader in Global Oil Production Rapidly rising shale production has not only reversed decades of decline but positions the countr... Jan 20 2018 • Fool.com These 3 Oil Stocks Could Be the Biggest Winners if Crude Keeps Rising (and 2 That Would Surprisingly Lose Out)Oil hedges help producers protect cash flow when crude prices fall, but it also puts a ceiling on... Jan 3 2018 • Fool.com OPEC Sticks to Its Plan, Which Is Excellent News for These Oil Stocks Low-cost shale drillers could thrive in a higher oil price environment in 2018."
"docid": "D2085833#0",
"title": "http://www.oberlin.edu/external/EOG/images/CharlesGrandisonFinney.html\nCharles Grandison Finney (1792-1875)",
"text": "\"Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875)Above: Photograph courtesy of Oberlin College Archives. Below: Finney's line of vision. Cartoon courtesy of Geoffrey Blodgett. Charles Grandison Finney, \"\"American clergyman, revivalist preacher, and educator. Finney was born in Litchfield county, Conn., on Aug. 27, 1792. He studied law from 1818 to 1821, when he had a sudden conversion experience. After this he began to preach and was licensed to preach by the Presbyterian denomination in 1824. Wherever he traveled he started extensive religious revivals. Finney was criticized because he emphasized the will of man in the process of regeneration and employed revival techniques that became known as \"\"New Measures\"\", calculated to evoke a highly emotional response. Impatient with Presbyterianism, he became a Congregationalist, serving New York City's Broadway Tabernacle."
"docid": "D2115923#0",
"title": "https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/EOG\n",
"text": "Eog Resources (EOG)Go To: Set Alerts Watchlist Trade with: Day Low104.17Day High105.86Open 104.65Previous Close 103.82Volume 3,392,900Avg Vol 4,169,065Stochastic %K 73.54%Weighted Alpha +9.605-Day Change +0.98 (+0.94%)52-Week Range 81.99 - 119.001D 5D 1M 3M 6M 1Y 5Y 20YFull Chart Jan 7 Jan 21 Feb 4 Feb 18 Mar 4 Mar 18Realtime quote and/or trades are not sourced from all markets. Fundamentals See More Market Capitalization, $K 60,913,432Shares Outstanding, K 578,640Annual Sales, $ 11,208 MAnnual Income, $ 2,583 M36-Month Beta 1.09Price/Sales 5.36Price/Cash Flow 14.80Price/Book 3.69Price/Earnings ttm 93.53Earnings Per Share ttm 1.11Most Recent Earnings 0.69 on 02/27/18Next Earnings Date 05/03/18Annual Dividend & Yield 0.67 (0.65%)Most Recent Dividend 0.168 on 01/16/18Sectors: SIC-1311 Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Oil - US Exploration & Product Indices S&P 500 Energies Price Performance See More Period Period Low Period High Performance1-Month 97.44 +8.04%on 03/19/18Period Open: 101.42107.91 -2.45%on 03/27/18+3.85 (+3.80%)since 02/28/183-Month 96.54 +9.04%on 02/09/18Period Open: 108.45119.00 -11.54%on 01/25/18-3.18 (-2.93%)since 12/28/1752-Week 81.99 +28.39%on 08/29/17Period Open: 95.29119.00 -11.54%on 01/25/18+9.98 (+10.47%)since 03/28/17Most Recent Stories More News Here's Why Energen (EGN) Stock Might Be a Great Pick Now Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Wed Mar 28, 4:19PM CDTHigher production guidance from oil-rich projects and positive earnings estimate revisions make Energen (EGN) a compelling buy. CLR: 58.95 (+2.86%) EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%) EGN: 62.86 (+3.42%) PXD: 171.78 (+2.54%)Pioneer Natural (PXD) to Divest Eagle Ford Shale Acreage Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Tue Mar 27, 11:12AM CDTPioneer Natural (PXD) to receive $102 million for the divested acreage, positioned across four counties in Texas. CLR: 58.95 (+2.86%) SNDE: 4.76 (+5.31%) EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%) PXD: 171.78 (+2.54%)Apache (APA) Finds Oil at Garten Prospect in UK North Sea Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Mon Mar 26, 8:55AM CDTApache (APA) makes its fourth commercial discovery in the Beryl region in the preceding three years. APA: 38.48 (+3.03%) CLR: 58.95 (+2.86%) EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%) PXD: 171.78 (+2.54%)Next Resistance Level for Eog Resources (EOG) is $107.79Comtex Smar Trend (R) - Mon Mar 26, 8:36AM CDTShares of Eog Resources (NYSE: EOG) opened today above their pivot of $105.76 and have already reached the first level of resistance at $106.83. Investors may be interested in a cross of the next upside... EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%)The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Concho, EOG and Pioneer Natural Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Mon Mar 26, 5:50AM CDTThe Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Concho, EOG and Pioneer Natural CXO: 150.33 (+4.94%) EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%) PXD: 171.78 (+2.54%)Watch for Eog Resources to Potentially Pullback After Gaining 1.96% Yesterday Comtex Smar Trend (R) - Fri Mar 23, 11:55AM CDTEog Resources (NYSE: EOG) traded in a range yesterday that spanned from a low of $104.70 to a high of $106.73. Yesterday, the shares gained 2.0%, which took the trading range above the 3-day high of $105.83... EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%)Eog Resources Rises 1.96% on Heavy Volume: Watch For Potential Pullback Comtex Smar Trend (R) - Fri Mar 23, 11:55AM CDTEog Resources (NYSE: EOG) traded in a range yesterday that spanned from a low of $104.70 to a high of $106.73. Yesterday, the shares gained 2.0%, which took the trading range above the 3-day high of $105.83... EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%)US Exploration Industry Holds Up Well: 4 Oil Stocks to Buy Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Mar 23, 11:30AM CDTAmong all the industries belonging to the Energy sector, US Exploration seems lucrative with healthy free cash flow and declining debt load. NOG: 1.98 (+5.88%) CXO: 150.33 (+4.94%) EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%) PXD: 171.78 (+2.54%)EOG Resources Schedules Webcast of First Quarter 2018 Results Conference Call for May 4, 2018PR Newswire - Thu Mar 22, 3:17PM CDTEOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE: EOG) (EOG) will host a conference call to discuss first quarter 2018 results on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 9 a.m. Central time (10 a.m. Eastern time). Please visit the Investors/Overview... EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%)The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Banc First, Health Insurance, EOG, Wynn and American Airlines Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Wed Mar 21, 8:19AM CDTThe Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Banc First, Health Insurance, EOG, Wynn and American Airlines HIIQ: 28.90 (-1.20%) BANF: 53.10 (-0.28%) WYNN: 182.36 (+3.59%) AAL: 51.96 (+2.18%)EOG: 105.27 (+1.40%)More news for this symbol"
"docid": "D1023850#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/16692605/sleep-flash-cards/\nSleep",
"text": "\"51 terms allaeboi Sleep Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort Sleep A behavior and an altered state of consciousness. It is associated with an urge to lie down for several hours in a quiet environment. Few movements occur during sleep (eye movements). Nature of Consciousness during sleep We experience some dreaming during sleep. We may recall very little of the mental activity that occurred during sleep. We may report details of dream during wakefulness.1/3 of our lives is spent sleeping This suggests the functionality of sleep Measures of sleep Electrophysiological instruments can be used in the sleep lab to assess the physiological changes that occur during an episode of sleep. Electrophysiological instruments used for sleep Mtone (EMG), Summated brain activity (EEG) and eye movements (EOG)electromyography (EMG) a graphical record of electric currents associated with muscle contractionselectroencephalogram (EEG) An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp.electrooculogram (EOG) measures the electrical activity of the eyes Wakefulness Beta activity/waves (13-30 Hz) = alert, which are present in the EEG record. desynchronous=they don't form a consistent pattern: high frequency (HIFI) and low amplitude Eyes closed Alpha activity (8-12 Hz) appears in the EEG record. Synchrony: high amplitude, low frequency waveforms."
"docid": "D2115922#0",
"title": "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/EOG/history\nEOG Resources, Inc. (EOG)",
"text": "U. S. Markets close in 4 hrs 43 mins S&P 5002,605.07-7.55 ( -0.29%)Dow 3023,859.47+ 1.76 ( + 0.01%)Nasdaq6,936.22-72.58 ( -1.04%)Stocks to Watch Soft Bank goes solar, Google may owe Oracle big money, Facebook's new security EOG Resources, Inc. (EOG)NYSE - Nasdaq Real Time Price. Currency in USDAdd to watchlist105.17-1.16 (-1.09%)As of 11:17AM EDT. Market open. Summary Chart Conversations Statistics Profile Financials Options Holders Historical Data"
"docid": "D2115925#0",
"title": "http://quotes.wsj.com/EOG\nEOG Resources Inc.EOG (U.S.: NYSE)",
"text": "\"EOG Resources Inc. EOG (U. S.: NYSE)search View All companies AT CLOSE 4:01 PM EDT 04/06/18$ 101.93USD-2.45 -2.35%AFTER HOURS 4:57 PM EDT 04/06/18$ 101.1942 -0.7358 -0.72%AFTER HOURS Vol 147,358Volume6,326,51065 Day Avg Vol3,675,4241 Day Range98.80 - 104.0752 Week Range81.99 - 119.00 (08/29/17 - 01/25/18)1 D 5 D 1 M 3 M YTD 1 Y 3 Y$ %Advanced Charting Compare Compare to Benchmark: DJIA S&P 500 GLOBAL DOW NASDAQ Energy Compare to Add Open 104.07 Prior Close 104.38 (04/05/18)1 Day EOG -2.35% DJIA -2.34% S&P 500 -2.19% Energy -1.14%Overviewall sections News EOG Resources Inc. Significant News Only03/24/18 Market Watch.com These 40 companies have had the biggest earnings-estimate increases in 201803/22/18 Press Release EOG Resources Schedules Webcast of First Quarter 2018 Results Conference Call for May 4, 201803/05/18 The Wall Street Journal Shale Trailblazer Turns Skeptic on Soaring U. S. Oil Production02/28/18 Press Release ( EOG ) EOG Resources, Inc. to Host Earnings Call02/27/18 Press Release EOG Resources Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results and Announces 2018 Capital Program02/16/18 Market Watch.com Investors, put energy stocks at the top of your watch list01/18/18 Press Release EOG Resources Schedules Webcast of Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results Conference Call for February 28, 201801/16/18 Market Watch.com U. S. oil companies expected to produce gusher profits — and big gains for investors12/18/17 Market Watch.com Analysts expect these energy stocks to rise the most in 2018 as oil rebounds11/13/17 Market Watch.com Best and worst earnings surprises for the S&P 500 this quarter — newly updated10/11/17 The Wall Street Journal Shale Juggernaut Shows Signs of Fatigue10/03/17 Market Watch.com ETFs are getting cheaper, but fees shouldn’t be the main criteria08/29/17 The Wall Street Journal Harvey’s Widespread Destruction Tests U. S. Shaleload more? Key Stock Data P/E Ratio (TTM)22.85 (04/06/18)EPS (TTM)$ 4.46Market Cap$ 58.98 BShares Outstanding578.64 MPublic Float575.83 MYield0.73% (04/06/18)Latest Dividend$ 0.185 (04/30/18)Ex-Dividend Date04/13/18? Short Interest (03/15/18)Shares Sold Short10.09 MChange from Last-3.53%Percent of Float1.75%? Stock Money Flow Uptick/Downtick Trade Ratio0 21.92Net Money Flow ($)90.41 MMoney flow gives a snapshot of relative buying and selling pressure in a stock. A ratio above one suggests greater buying pressure, below one suggests greater selling. Research & Ratings EOG Resources Inc. Per-Share Earnings, Actuals and Estimates Quarterly Annual EOG will report Q1 earnings on 05/03/2018Actual Analyst Range Consensus2.001.501.000.500.00Q1 2017Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2018Q2Q1 2018 Estimate Trends Current: $ 0.971 month ago: $ 0.923 months ago: $ 0.51Q2 2018 Estimate Trends Current: $ 1.041 month ago: $ 0.973 months ago: $ 0.54More Financials EOG Resources Inc. Quarterly Annual Net Income0700M1.4B2.1B2.8B0-700MDec2016Mar2017Jun2017Sep2017Dec2017Dec 2017 5-quarter trend Net Income Growth -Sales or Revenue 3.45 BSales or Revenue Growth +45.98%EBITDA +1.63 BMore Advertisement Competitors EOGCompany Change P/E (TTM)CHKChesapeake Energy Corp.-3.25%3.76NFXNewfield Exploration Co.-1.66%11.36PXDPioneer Natural Resources Co.-2.49%34.63DVNDevon Energy Corp.-2.60%11.87APCAnadarko Petroleum Corp.-2.08% -APAApache Corp.-1.06%11.26OXYOccidental Petroleum Corp.-0.35%39.49MROMarathon Oil Corp.-3.33% -COPConoco Phillips-1.98% -NBLNoble Energy Inc.-3.53% -More information on EOGcapital cube Profile EOGEOG Resources, Inc. is an exploration company. The company engages in the exploration, development, production and marketing of crude oil and natural gas in United States, Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, the United Kingdom, Argentina and China. Its projects include Williston,...1111 Bagby Street Houston Texas 77002United States Website Map Employees2,664Sector Oil Extraction Sales or Revenue11.29 BIndustry Companies on the Energy Service1Y Sales Change49.62%Fiscal Year Ends December 31Download Reports William R. Thomas Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Gary L. Thomas President Lloyd W. Helms Chief Operating Officer Timothy K. Driggers Chief Financial Officer & Vice President More Overview Notes & Data Providers Real-time U. S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only. International stock quotes are delayed as per exchange requirements. Indexes may be real-time or delayed; refer to time stamps on index quote pages for information on delay times."
"docid": "D1134570#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/6113961/eppp-biological-bases-of-behavior-part-3-brain-imaging-techniques-flash-cards/\nEPPP: Biological Bases of Behavior Part 3: Brain Imaging Techniques",
"text": "26 terms Hermione2011EPPP: Biological Bases of Behavior Part 3: Brain Imaging Techniques Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Brain Imaging Techniques refers to a series of techniques that utilize the electrical, magnetic and chemical properties to provide measures of brain structure and/or function. Often divided into 2 types: Structural & Functional Structural Techniques Computerized Tomography (CT) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT Scan)Computerized Tomography (CT) a method that involves passing X-rays through the brain from several different angles, creating multiple images which are digitally integrated into a two dimensional model; provides info on the density of brain tissues based on differential absorption of x-rays Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT Scan) Takes a series of images at different levels of the brain using x-ray measuring the density of brain tissue Computerized Tomography (CT) & Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT Scan) are used to identify... tumors, blood clots, tissue damage, & structural abnormalities e.g., cerebral vascular accident, multiple sclerosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Takes a series of images at different levels of the brain using a magnetic field to create a 3-D brain image; more precise than CT & Does Not use x-rays Functional Techniques Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (f MRI) Electroencephalography (EEG) Magnetoencephalography (MEG)Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Measures metabolic brain activity. Small amounts of radioactive materials are either injected or inhaled; then, positrons i.e., positively charged particles are emitted from the unstable radioactive substance. Positrons collide with nearby electrons to release high energy gamma rays that are detected by the PET scanner. The PET scanner obtains numerous images of these emissions as the substance flows through the brain vasculature. What are aspects of metabolic brain activity measured by PET? blood flow, glucose metabolism, and oxygen consumption Functional magnetic resonance imaging (f MRI) Measures changes in the oxygen concentration of the blood in response to its utilization at various brain locations; is funtional Electroencephalography (EEG) measures the electrical field that is naturally generated by the brain; provides high temporal information about brain activity on the order of milliseconds, but relatively poor spatial resolution/localization. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) measures the magnetic field of the brain just as an electroencephalogram measures the electrical properties of the brain."
"docid": "D1671269#0",
"title": "http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/09/09/oil-prices-fall-below-100-time-to-buy-oil-stocks.aspx\nOil Prices Fall Below $100; Time to Buy Oil Stocks?",
"text": "Matthew Di Lallo ( TMFmd19)Sep 9, 2014 at 4:15PMSource: Anadarko Petroleum Oil stocks are getting hammered as plunging crude oil prices take a bite out of stock prices. Just look at the one-week chart of independent oil and gas producers Cimarex Energy ( NYSE: XEC) , EOG Resources ( NYSE: EOG) , Anadarko Petroleum ( NYSE: APC) , Newfield Exploration ( NYSE: NFX), and Pioneer Natural Resources ( NYSE: PXD) . XEC Price data by YCharts These five oil stocks were among the worst-performing stocks on the S&P 500 on Monday. The shellacking came after the price of global crude oil benchmark Brent slipped below $100 per barrel for the first time in over a year amid worries that Chinese demand is growing slower than expected. With these oil stocks now seemingly on sale, is now the time to buy? Don't act surprised First of all, we shouldn't be surprised to see oil stocks fall alongside oil prices. There's almost a direct correlation between the two, as this next chart shows. Brent Crude Oil Spot Price data by YCharts. I recently pointed out this correlation in a series of articles covering some of America's top independent oil and gas companies, including EOG Resources and Pioneer Natural Resources. I specifically pointed out that leverage to oil could cause EOG Resources' stock price to fall if oil prices plunged, while also noting that falling oil prices were one of three reasons why Pioneer Natural Resources' stock could lose value."
"docid": "D1637315#0",
"title": "http://www.gtec.at/Products/Electrodes-and-Sensors/g.Electrodes-Specs-Features\n.",
"text": "g. GAMMAsys is a high-performance active and passive electrode system for non-invasive electrophysiological derivations such as EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG and other signals. Active electrodes have an additional ultra-low noise pre-amplifier located inside the electrode. The system is designed for use with g. USBamp, g. HIamp and g. MOBIlab+. The active electrodes work in a frequency range from 0 - 10 k Hz (DC) or 0.1 Hz - 10 k Hz (AC). The active and passive electrodes can be used with all g.tec EEG caps. The system avoids or reduces artifacts and signal noise resulting from high impedance between the electrode (s) and the skin (e.g. 50/60 Hz coupling, artifacts caused by electrode or cable movements, distorted signals or background noise).g.tec provides various active and passive biosignal electrodes. Passive electrodes are equipped with a 1.5 mm DIN touch-proof safety connector and are plugged directly into the amplifier's input sockets or into an electrode connector box fitting to the amp. All active electrodes are equipped with 1 mm 2-pin touch-proof safety connectors and are plugged into g. GAMMAbox and g. SAHARAbox which is connected to the amplifier via an appropriate connector cable. We use mainly high-purity gold (Au) and sintered Ag/Ag Cl electrode materials. Gold electrodes are very robust and easy to maintain and provide a very good signal quality at frequencies above 0.1 Hz (not suitable for DC recordings)."
"docid": "D2282853#0",
"title": "http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/blog/drilling-down/2015/03/statoil-may-eye-eog-resources-for-huge-purchase.html\nStatoil may eye EOG Resources for huge purchase",
"text": "\"By Jordan Blum – Reporter, Houston Business Journal Mar 13, 2015, 3:04pm CDTNorway-based Statoil ASA (NYSE: STO) may be pursuing a megadeal to acquire Houston-based EOG Resources Inc. (NYSE: EOG). Industry chatter online and off picked up in late February that Statoil was targeting EOG in a merger or acquisition that could exceed $50 billion — more than the $35 billion for which Houston-based Halliburton Co. (NYSE: HAL) is buying Baker Hughes Inc. (NYSE: BHI). Analysts said the deal would make sense for Statoil, which is growing its Houston presence, and seeking to expand in U. S. shale, as EOG is the unofficial king of Texas shale. For EOG, though, it's more a matter of whether the company could be up for sale at all during the ongoing oil slump. Both companies declined comment, citing corporate policy. Got Energy? Sign up for our Energy Inc. newsletter here EOG Chairman and CEO Bill Thomas and EOG President and COO Gary Thomas are both into their 60s, and \"\"they're not getting any younger,\"\" said Andrew Coleman, Raymond James & Associates Inc. managing director of E&P energy research in Houston. \"\" The management team is at an age where retirement would seem to be a pretty good option,\"\" Coleman said of the possibility. \"\" That said, once you're in the corner office, you kind of like the view. \"\" Coleman said he sees the potential deal as \"\"unlikely\"\" with EOG being less willing to sell. \"\""
"docid": "D735348#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea/diagnosing-sleep-apnea\nSleep Apnea Tests and Diagnosis",
"text": "Sleep Apnea Tests and Diagnosis Articles On Sleep Apnea Overview Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment & Care If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, your doctor may ask you to have a sleep apnea test, called a polysomnogram. This may be done in a sleep disorder center or even at home. A polysomnogram -- or sleep study -- is a multiple-component test that electronically transmits and records specific physical activities while you sleep. The recordings are analyzed by a qualified sleep specialist to determine whether or not you have sleep apnea or another type of sleep disorder. If sleep apnea is determined, you may be asked to do further sleep testing in order to determine the best treatment option. What to Expect During a Sleep Study On the night of your sleep study if you are in a sleep center lab, you will be assigned to a private bedroom in the sleep center or hospital. Near the bedroom will be a central monitoring area, where the technicians monitor sleeping patients. Continue Reading Belowyou might like You will be hooked up to equipment that may look uncomfortable. However, most people fall asleep with little difficulty. Similar, more portable equipment is now available for home testing, especially for less complicated cases or situations."
"docid": "D790337#0",
"title": "http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/carolinablondie-282255-vertical-alignment-curriculum-mappin-mapping-mastery-learning-power-standards-shared-agreements-resa-education-ppt-powerpoint/\nVertical Alignment And Curriculum Maps",
"text": "Vertical Alignment And Curriculum Mapscarolinablondie Download Share Add to Flag Embed Views: 10031 Category: Education License: Some Rights Reserved Presentation Description No description available. Comments By: lgater (82 month (s) ago)This was great!By: carolinablondie (87 month (s) ago)You can email me directly at [email protected] if you would like more information regarding this presentation or the process. :) Heather By: tcaulder (87 month (s) ago)We are working on a better understanding of vertical alignment at our school and would love more information. By: penrode (94 month (s) ago)great job Presentation Transcript Vertical Alignment and Curriculum Mapping : Vertical Alignment and Curriculum Mapping Improving Understanding and Increasing Achievement Welcome : Welcome How did we get here? : How did we get here? Agenda : Agenda Agenda One Consideration Before we Begin : One Consideration Before we Begin Why Alignment? : Why Alignment? Understanding the “What” and “Why” of Vertical Alignment : Understanding the “What” and “Why” of Vertical Alignment More than establishing scope and sequence Process of ensuring… A good match between state standards and lessons taught in classrooms on a daily basis Instructional activities are aligned to standards An appropriate amount of time is devoted to instruction Unnecessary repetitions are removed Gaps are identified Assessments are appropriate (Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer & Yelon, 1981; Porter et al., 1994; Porter & Smithson, 2001; Price-Braugh, 1997; Wishnick, 1989). What Does the Research Say? :"
"docid": "D55773#0",
"title": "http://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/boger\nC.E. Boger & Royal Oaks",
"text": "Boger News & Events EOG Proctors Needed EOG PROCTORS NEEDED. PLEASE CLICK THE EOG HEADLINE LINK ABOVE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Boger Facebook Tweets by Royal Boger"
"docid": "D395551#0",
"title": "https://www.investorvillage.com/mbthread.asp?mb=4288&tid=11232593&showall=1\nBerry Petroleum Company",
"text": "\"Board Stats: 195 members / 869 guests Berry Petroleum Company BRY / Message Board / Thread View BOARD GROUPSTOPIC: CP to spend $90-million on Bakken oil line capacity - started by Scott Mc Reply #1 to msg #83618Msg # 83611 Posted 12/7/2011 7:43:27 PM by Scott Mc Ignored Message This message was posted by a member on your ignore list This message is not part of the selected thread Msg # 83613 Posted 12/7/2011 8:45:10 PM by Envirocojeg Recs: 19Add to Favorites Send PMIgnore Re: How much oil does a rail car hold? A rail car is capable of total gross weight on rails of 286,000 with a light weight of the car at approximately 70,000 which gives a load capacity of about 216,000 lbs.216,000 divided by the weight of oil (appox 7 lbs per gal ?) allows 31,000 gals divided by 42 (gals per brl) equals about 740 brls per car times 110 rail cars per train or approximately 81,000 brls per train. All approximate vlaues due to light weight of car (different construct) weight of oil, train length due to operating topography, and rail sidings used for loading trains. Replies to this message Recs Date Posted# 83616 by z24blackjet 18 12/7/2011 11:32:04 PM# 83617 by oldtxoiler 1 12/8/2011 12:42:43 AMThis message is not part of the selected thread Msg # 83616 Posted 12/7/2011 11:32:04 PM by z24blackjet Recs: 18Add to Favorites Send PMIgnore Re: How much oil does a rail car hold?/Envirocojeg Envirocojeg, EOG announced slightly lower numbers when their Bakken rail program started, running 100-car unit trains at a total of 60,000 barrels (600 barrels per rail car). http://www.rigdata.com/blog/10-01-22/EOG_Shipping_Bakken_Oil_by_Rail.aspx I've heard about 110-car unit trains and 70,000 barrel train totals (636 barrels per rail car). As you pointed out, it depends on the capacity of the rail car and the weight of the crude. The lightest oils weigh 295#/barrel and the heaviest oils weigh 370#/barrel, so there is quite a range. Bakken oil weighs around 305#/barrel (7.26#/gallon). Tanker rail cars weigh roughly 70,000#-80,000# empty and 263,000# loaded, which works out to 600-633 barrels per rail car."
"docid": "D181934#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-studies\nHow a Sleep Study Works",
"text": "How a Sleep Study Works In this Article What to Expect Equipment Used Other Tests and Equipment A sleep study or polysomnogram (PSG) is a test that electronically transmits and records specific physical activities while you sleep. The recordings become data that a qualified sleep specialist analyzes to figure out if you have a sleep disorder. There are four kinds of sleep studies. Diagnostic overnight PSG is general monitoring of sleep and a variety of body functions during sleep, including breathing patterns, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rhythms, and limb movements Diagnostic daytime multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) is used to diagnose narcolepsy and to measure the degree of daytime sleepiness. It measures how quickly you fall asleep in quiet situations during the day. It also monitors how quickly and how often you enter REM sleep. To ensure accurate results, it's performed on the morning following a diagnostic overnight PSG. Two-night evaluation PSG and CPAP titration. On the first night, you'll have general monitoring and diagnostic evaluation. If sleep apnea is discovered, you'll come back for a second night to determine the right air pressure for CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) treatment."
"docid": "D3127710#0",
"title": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/test_procedures/pulmonary/sleep_study_92,P09032\nSleep Study",
"text": "<< Back to Pulmonary Tests and Procedures What is a sleep study? The stages of sleep range from light to deep. Each stage has characteristics that can be measured. A sleep study is a number of tests done at the same time during sleep. The tests measure specific sleep characteristics and help to diagnose sleep disorders. A sleep study may also be called polysomnogram. The basic recordings done during a sleep study may include: Electroencephalography (EEG). This measures brain wave activity. Electrooculogram (EOG). This measures eye movement."
"docid": "D3287727#0",
"title": "https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1139692-overview\nNeonatal EEG",
"text": "Neonatal EEGOver the past several decades, electroencephalography (EEG) in newborn infants has become valuable as a serial, noninvasive screening tool for infants at high risk of perinatal injuries. The brain dynamics and connectivity in different states (awake or asleep) can be defined, and a whole range of acute or chronic cerebral disorders can be identified. Such information often reveals presymptomatic or subclinical conditions. The EEG prognostic value at the time of continuous development is often greater than at a later stage. EEG testing can provide reassurance to the physician and parents at a time of potential catastrophic damage. The continuous changes that occur during early brain development are often associated with striking changes in EEG patterns over short periods. This makes it difficult to interpret EEG results, which can discourage the use of EEG testing. Given the close relationships between certain morphological aspects of the developing brain and EEG results, gestational age can be reliably estimated (to ±1 wk) by EEG criteria. In fact, CNS development of the immature brain proceeds at about the same rate during fetal development as in the postnatal environment. The physiological substrate for these early EEG patterns is unknown, but is probably derived from cortical generators that are strongly influenced by subcortical (primarily thalamic) afferent input."
"docid": "D2228404#0",
"title": "http://www.king.stokes.k12.nc.us/index.html\n.",
"text": "Thank you to the King Rotary Club for donating new books to our library collection, and a special THANK YOU for adopting Mrs. Bennett's 1st grade class this year. Keep Reading everyone! Congratulations to our Battle of the Books team for winning the County Championship again this year! We are proud of you. Keep on Reading!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2018-19 TEACHER OF THE YEAR, MRS. BILLIE PERKINS, AND OUR TEACHER ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR, MRS. TAMI FISHEL. Congratulations!Dr. Seuss' Birthday-Let's Celebrate!Our Vision: King Elementarywill prepare all children to be life long learners in the 21st Century.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~April 10: 3rd/4th grade Program 6:30 pm April 11-13: Mock EOGs 3rd-5th grade April 14: Spring-A-Rama 12-3 pm April 22: EARTH DAY--reduce--reuse--recycle--replenish--restore--April 23: Dairi-O Night 5-8 pm May 7-11: Teacher Appreciation Week-------------------------------------------------------- Please plan ahead--if no more school make up days, then the End of Year test schedule is below: May 24: EOG Reading 3rd-5th grade May 25: EOG Math 3rd-5th grade May 30: EOG Science online-5th grade ... Be Respectful... Be Responsible... Be Ready to Learn"
"docid": "D1736640#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1188142-overview\nSleep Stage Scoring",
"text": "\"Drugs & Diseases > Neurology Sleep Stage Scoring Updated: Nov 16, 2016Author: Andres A Gonzalez, MD, MMM, FACNS; Chief Editor: Selim R Benbadis, MD more... Share Email Print Feedback Introduction/ Historical Perspective This article is based on the updated 2016 American Academy of Sleep Medicine Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events. [ 1] This manual represents the evolution and development of the 2007 AASM manual which was itself a restructuring, consolidation, and standardization of the original Rechtshaffen and Kales sleep scoring manual of 1968, commonly known as the \"\"R and K\"\" rules. [ 2]Prior to the R and K rules, electroencephalographic (EEG) recording revealed distinct brain rhythms uniquely seen during sleep but were yet to be universally defined and categorized. Loomis and colleagues [ 3] noted fragmentation and fallout of alpha rhythm with sleep onset, the appearances of sleep spindles, K complexes and high amplitude slow waves. Sleep was divided into five stages (A-E), with later stages possessing more slow-frequency and high-amplitude waves [ 3]. The discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by Kleitman and Dement in 1957 [ 4] led to a classification of sleep stages that included REM sleep. In 1968, Rechtschaffen and Kales convened a panel of experts to agree on a standardized manual for the scoring of sleep stages, which were then divided into wakefulness, stage 1-4 (non-REM), and REM. At least one EEG lead was recommended (C3 or C4 referenced to the opposite ear or mastoid) as well as two electrooculogram (EOG) leads and a submental electromyography (EMG) lead. The R and K rules recommended dividing the polysomnographic record of sleep into thirty second epochs, commencing at the start of the study. Historically, the 30-second interval was used because at a paper speed of 10 mm/s, ideal for viewing alpha and spindles, one page equates to thirty seconds. Each epoch was assigned a stage and if two or more stages coexist during a single epoch the stage comprising the majority of the thirty seconds was scored."
"docid": "D1234193#0",
"title": "http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/EOG\nEOG",
"text": "EOGAlso found in: Medical, Encyclopedia . Acronym Definition EOG Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings Plc)EOG Eye on Gambling (sports forum)EOG Electro-Oculogram EOG End of Grade (tests used in NC)EOG Enron Oil & Gas (stock symbol)EOG Executive Office of the Governor EOG Educational Opportunity Grant (Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board;Olympia, WA)EOG Expeditionary Operations Group EOG End of Group (database queries)EOG End of Game EOG Electrolytic Oxygen Generator (US Navy submarine)EOG Evolution of Gaming (gaming clan)EOG Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (Polish: European Economic Area; free tradezone)Copyright 1988-2014 Acronym Finder.com, All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page: Facebook Twitter"
] |
636960 | what does eos stand for in lip balm | [
"docid": "D1321072#0",
"title": "https://graziadaily.co.uk/beauty-hair/hair/eos-lipbalm-uses/\n11 Balm-y Uses For Your EOS Lipbalm",
"text": "Beauty & Hair11 Balm-y Uses For Your EOS Lipbalmby Aimee Jakes | 01 09 2016© Instagram EOS lipbalms are just as much of a make-up bag must-have as MAC's Ruby Woo lipstick, Anastasia Beverly Hills contour kit or Touch Éclat by Yves Saint Laurent. And is it really any surprise? After all, they work harder than any of the other products in our handbags, with multiple uses - not just soothing chapped lips. Here we give you the lowdown on everything you can use your EOS lipbalm for... What are EOS lip balms and what does the 'EOS' stand for? They are made by US company EOS, which stands for Evolution of Smooth. According to their website, the lip balms are packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, soothing shea butter, and jojoba oil. They are paraben and petrolatum-free for soft, smooth, beautiful lips. Which celebrities are fans? A slew of A-listers adore EOS lip balms, including the Kardashian-Jenner clan, Miley Cyrus and Nicole Scherzinger. © EOSWhere in the UK can you buy an EOS lip balm?"
] | [
"docid": "D2580300#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialwholesale.com/product/1087/lip-balm-melt-pour\nLip Balm (Melt & Pour)",
"text": "\"Lip Balm (Melt & Pour)1 Review (s) Write a Review This is our original Melt and Pour Lip Balm. Paraben-Free Phthalate-Free Gluten-Free SKU Name Price Qty Lip Balm Melt & Pour (1 lb)$45.58Lip Balm Melt & Pour (3.5 lbs)$105.40Lip Balm Melt & Pour (7 lbs)$157.50Add to Cart Details How to use Ingredients Essential’s Lip Balm Melt & Pour is one of our original formulas, and its continued, long standing popularity is proof that this much loved product can really perform! Brimming with rich oils and hydrating butters, like Sweet Almond and Organic Jojoba Oils, pure Organic Shea Butter and Cocoa and Avocado Butters, this lip-loving, super smooth formula helps bring deep and lasting hydration, without leaving any gummy, waxy residue. Your lips stay extra luscious and kissably soft all day long! This product is ripe for your creativity – what yummy flavors will your moisture rich kisses be offered in?!? Ingredient Super Stars Meadowfoam Seed, Evening Primrose, & Rosehip Oils Cocoa, Avocado, & Organic Shea Butters Aloe Vera Oil Beeswax Private Label Tip To enhance with essential or fragrance oils, combine preferred oils with sterilized mixer at 0.25%-1.0% of your final products weight when melted. Start small and build from there, as you cannot remove fragrance if you add too much. Allow product to settle before filling. Formula : Product Weight x Percent you are scenting at = Amount of essential oil to add to your formulation. Example : 104 oz."
"docid": "D2429384#0",
"title": "http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/swollen-sore-itchy-lips-any-suggestions-please\nSWOLLEN ,SORE ,ITCHY LIPS ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE",
"text": "Guest over a year ago FOR THE PAST 6MONTHS I HAVE HAD SWOLLEN, ITCHY, DRY AND CHAPPED LIPS, IT ALSO AFFECTS THE SKIN AROUND MY MOUTH. IT STARTS WITH SORES AND THROBBING PAIN,THEN MY LIPS SWELL AND START ITCHING. IVE TAKEN VITAMINS AND TRIED EVERY CREAM, IM NOW TAKING ANIT ALLERGY BUT STILL AS PAINFUL AS EVER. I HAVE TO USE VASELINE CONSTANTLY TO STOP THEM DRYING OUT,IVE EVEN TRIED TOOTHPASTE FROM THE HEALTH SHOP. THIS PROBLEM GETS WORSE AROUND THE TIME OF MY PERIOD. ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE AS THE DOCS DNT HAVE CLUE. IM DESPERATE.... :$Guest over a year ago For the last 7 months I have been getting itchy, red all around my lips. It all started when I squeezed a tiny little black head around my lower lip and then applied some lipstick with an obviously now contaminated brush because within 2 hours I could feel my lips being sucked dry of any moisture and they have never been the same since. I have tried making my own herbal lip concocsion but to no avail, am now on derma-top which helps kind of but really do not want a bandaid for the problem I want them back to normal. Some days I think they are almost normal and then depending on what I may eat during the night they flare up as red and swoolen and itchy, itchy, itchy, I believe it is chocolate and dairy that is bothering me."
"docid": "D72743#0",
"title": "https://www.paleohacks.com/peeling-lips/constantly-peeling-but-not-chapped-lips-what-s-up-with-this-10747\nConstantly peeling - but not chapped - lips: what's up with this?",
"text": "\"4Constantly peeling - but not chapped - lips: what's up with this? Commented on November 24, 2017Created December 05, 2011 at 4:20 AMPeeling Lips0 0 0 (Did a search, couldn't see anything similar - please point me at it if I'm wrong! ) I've been paleo since July of this year, and it's been phenomenal for me on many levels. But I have this one irritating symptom that's kicked in recently - for the last two-three months, the skin on my lips seems to be shedding/peeling off - sometimes to the point of bleeding spots on the lower lips. My lips aren't chapped or dry, I'm getting plenty of saturated fats & liquids, and I'm using lip balms to prevent the flakiness - ranging from straight coconut oil to Moist Stic (w/coconut & tea tree oils) to a Burt's Bees tinted lip balm to one from Now (also with aloe/coconut oil/Vitamin E) that I just bought today. ( Don't use petroleum-based or chemically-laden products, to my knowledge, anyway! ) I'm 95% Paleo - use dairy only as heavy cream in coffee or plain greek yogurt with walnuts occasionally, and am also supplementing daily: fish oil, Vitamins B, C, D, K, L-Carnitine & NAC (latter two just added within the last month). Just added Kelp today, thinking this might be another sign of an iodine deficiency (since I'm not getting iodine in my preferred kosher salt & am no longer eating prepared foods. ) Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Where should I start trying to figure it out?"
"docid": "D162080#0",
"title": "http://beautifulwithbrains.com/2008/10/25/know-your-ingredients-beeswax/\nKnow your ingredients: Beeswax",
"text": "ingredients Know your ingredients: Beeswax© Simon A. Eugster What it is Beeswax (Cera Alba) is a natural wax produced by bees to build the walls of their honeycomb. What it does Beeswax is a thickening agent. It thickens the oil portion of solid products (like lipsticks), giving them structure and keeping them solid. It stiffens eye makeup products without hardening them. When used in mascaras it provides the main body of the product and gives it smudge-proof and waterproof properties. It is also an emollient that smooths and softens the skin. Side effects Although rare, allergies to beeswax can occur. ( Source: J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2003 Jul)Take The Guesswork Out Of Skincare Shopping Get access to the “Pro Skincare Library” for exclusive skincare routine “cheat sheets” and tricks to help you navigate the beauty aisles jungle like a pro and immediately know what to pick off the shelves to achieve the gorgeous skin of your dreams - even when you’re drowning in an endless sea of skincare products. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots."
"docid": "D697496#0",
"title": "https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/lip-care-center/types-of-lips.html\nWhat Types of Lips Do You Have?",
"text": "\"Lip Care Center What Types of Lips Do You Have? Every person has a different set of lips with different shapes and color. Some have thick lips, others have thin lips, which means there are more than one types of lips in human beings. If you know which type you have then you can take care of your lips better and find out what kind of treatments they require. Let’s read on to see which type do you have. Thick Lips Thick lips or fuller lips are the same; these are the most desired lips by women these days. To obtain these types of lips women usually opt for treatments such as lip augmentation. This type usually has a beautiful and well defined natural lip outline, and can look great with even a little gloss on. Thin Lips Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those celebrities who have thin lips. She makes these lips work wonderfully well by wearing a pink or beige lipstick on her lips to make them look beautiful and desirable."
"docid": "D1210674#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Dermatology/Serious-Lip-Peeling-Issue/show/626962\nSerious Lip Peeling IssueKennyBee Sep 14, 2008",
"text": "\"Serious Lip Peeling Issue Kenny Bee Sep 14, 2008Ive been having this problem for a year now, my bottom lip has been peeling and it seems as if the main skin on the lip is peeling away because the skin after that is dry, scaly and white...when i try to wet it with water it seems as if nothing can make it wet....i believe that i have an allergic reaction to something but I just want to know if the skin on my lower lip will grow back or its gone? I you've had this problem or know someone with it and can help me out, please comment and let me know what i can/should I do? This has been going on for to long and has affected my life in a way...so please leave comments! Thanks!Answer Question Read 45 Responses Follow - 845 Responses Bhumika MD Sep 18, 2008Hi, This could be due to eczema or cheilitis. Try the following measures and see if it helps with your symptoms. 1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Use lip balm. Wax-based products like Chapstick provide a protective covering to the lips to prevent free radicals, the environment, and the weather from taking their toll on this sensitive area."
"docid": "D148239#0",
"title": "http://stylecaster.com/beauty/how-often-to-exfoliate-your-lips/\nPSA: If Youâre Not Exfoliating Your Lips on the Regular, Youâre Doing Life Wrong",
"text": "PSA: If You’re Not Exfoliating Your Lips on the Regular, You’re Doing Life Wrong Facebook Pinterest Twitter Tumblr0by Rachel Krause 47 Shares 2 years ago I used to think that lip exfoliation was pretty much an absurd and unnecessary thing to do, particularly the kind that happened on the regular. Sure, I’d hastily scrub ’em down with a damp washcloth from time to time whenever they felt a little flaky or before I applied a particularly unforgiving matte lipstick, but I’d always been more focused on exfoliating my face and body. Lips? Not so much. But this winter, I found my lips chapped in a way they had never been previously. They’ve always been prone to dryness, but this was next-level, and didn’t let up no matter how frequently I layered on the balm ( or which balm I used ). Obviously I loved it, because what’s not to love about raw, cracked, peeling, straight-up painful lips? In the end, it wasn’t my favorite $45 lip balmthat saved me. It was a dry toothbrush rubbed aggressively against my compromised, balm-coated lips. It’s true, you guys—to properly, adequately moisturize chapped lips, you need to get rid of the flakes and dead skin cells before your hydrating balms can really get in there, because otherwise the balm just sits on top of the sad situation."
"docid": "D3477906#0",
"title": "https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/home.html\nNew Kelloggâs NYC Café opens!",
"text": "Get ready for a breakfast odyssey!This cereal has a Super Mario twist – the box is a limited edition amiibo™ accessory! Try it with Super Mario Odyssey™ to make breakfast a more playful experience. Learn More Limited-Edition Special K ®Red Berries eos ® lip balm Feed your strength with the confident choice of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®Learn More New Kellogg’s NYC Café opens!Five times the size and packed with endless possibilities, it’s an opportunity to eat, chill and create with cereal!Learn More Get ready for a breakfast odyssey!This cereal has a Super Mario twist – the box is a limited edition amiibo™ accessory! Try it with Super Mario Odyssey™ to make breakfast a more playful experience. Learn More Limited-Edition Special K ®Red Berries eos ® lip balm Feed your strength with the confident choice of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®Learn More1 2 3 4Previous Next"
"docid": "D515297#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/mtm/bag-balm.html\nBag Balm",
"text": "Here’s what to ask a doctor about hereditary angioedema Bag Balm Generic Name: topical emollients (TOP i kal ee MOL i ents) Brand Name: Alpha Soft, Aquaphor, Aveeno, Baby Lotion, Baby Oil, Bag Balm, Blistex Lip Balm, Carmex, Cera Ve, Cetaphil Lotion, Chap Stick, Corn Huskers Lotion, Curel Moisture Lotion, Eucerin, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing, Keri Lotion, K-Y Jelly, Lubriderm, Mederma, Moisturel, Natural Ice, Neutrogena Lotion, Nivea, Nutraderm, Pacquin, Phisoderm, Pretty Feet & Hands, Replens, Soft Sense, St. Ives, Vaseline Intensive Care Medically reviewed: December 11, 2017Overview Side Effects Reviews Q & AMore What are Bag Balm? Emollients are substances that moisten and soften your skin. Topical (for the skin) emollients are used to treat or prevent dry skin. Bag Balm are sometimes contained in products that also treat acne, chapped lips, diaper rash, cold sores, or other minor skin irritation. There are many brands and forms of Bag Balm available and not all are listed on this leaflet. Bag Balm may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Slideshow Seasoned Pro: Be Mindful of These Winter Health Hazards Important Information Follow all directions on your medicine label and package. Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use. Before taking this medicine You should not use a topical emollient if you are allergic to it. Bag Balm will not treat or prevent a skin infection."
"docid": "D1318303#0",
"title": "http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-eos-lip-balms/\nBest EOS Lip Balms â Our Top 10",
"text": "Home » Skin Care » Skin Care Ideas Best EOS Lip Balms – Our Top 10September 27, 2017 by Khushboo Mehta What makes for a perfect pout is a dash of tint on the lips. Lip balm or lip salve is a wax-like substance applied to soothe chapped and dry lips, offer protection and add a bit of color to the lips without giving that sticky sensation experienced on applying a lip gloss. They were first introduced in the 1880’s by Charles Browne Fleet, who is also known for creating chap sticks. The evolution of smooth lip balms, better known as EOS lip balms took the world by storm with its innovative range of lip salve. Its original, unique and adorable sphere case packing in vibrant colours, the amazing flavours available, and the deep moisturizing effect on the lips made it an instant favourite across the globe. This affordably priced lip balm nourishes and hydrates the lips with natural and organic ingredients like Shea Butter, Jojoba oil etc. Lips lose moisture and get dehydrated as a result of exposure to dry air and cold temperatures. The occlusive material and Vitamin E content in this balm helps to hydrate the lips by sealing in the moisture in them, nourishing the skin and protecting it against unfavourable external conditions. These lip balms are hence the perfect cosmetic to suit the regular moisturizing needs of the lips while the colorants, flavouring agents, sunscreens and different medicaments provide extra benefits to the lips, making them look healthy, lustrous and smooth. The only problem attributed to these eos lip balms is the difficulty in carriage due to their round case packing, which is also known to be the unique selling property of this lip balm."
"docid": "D1099234#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120128213813AA0UqqK\nMaybelline baby lips?",
"text": "Beauty & Style Makeup Maybelline baby lips? I went to target today and they had a HUGE sign with a HUGE tray and it had bany lips but it was all sild out: ( ive tried nivea lip balm soft lips lip balm and chapstick companny lip balm it wont work fo ky extremely chapped lips how great is baby lips ive been wantig it for a while and what is ur fave color in it Follow 15 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: hey there :) i have three of them :) my friends use them too :) they are very good smelling and taste great too..: S hehe however i found that they dry my lips a tad, but when i apply it , its great and smooth and soft :) I love the menthol one :) and I use the Pink and Orange one and I also use the Pink and Blue one :) I love them all, they're a great buy and quite cheap :) However i dont truly think that they'll heal extremely chapped lips..try some burts bees :) they're amazing and also apply vaseline in the evening :) but other wise I say ..give it a shot :) its worth it ..and the packaging is sooo cute, aint it? Snails :) · 6 years ago1 0 Comment Asker's rating Maybelline Chapstick Source (s):https://shorte.im/a7Wq2wertz · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Maybelline baby lips aren't for major lips problems. I don't see what's so great about it. It doesn't help at all with my chap lips. In fact it made it more dry and it doesn't last 8 hours like it claims. I even gave it two month to see any results but I got nothing. its like lip gloss. I'm not impressed with it. I keep this in the bottom of my makeup bag in case I can't find my other good ones.? ·"
"docid": "D846396#0",
"title": "https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/whats-wrong-with-blistex/\nWhatâs Wrong With Blistex? (And What to Buy Instead)",
"text": "What’s Wrong With Blistex? ( And What to Buy Instead)October 11, 2017 | BY Maia James This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure page . Written by Maia, President It’s getting a little chilly here in Brooklyn, and with the change in weather comes chapped lips–for myself and my kids (my husband is strangely immune). Blistex lip products definitely soothe super chapped, sore lips. Perhaps this explains why Blistex sells more than $100 million worth of their “medicated” lip balm every year!While Blistex offers short-term relief from the pain of chapped lips, it contains ingredients that may carry other health risks. A tube of Blistex contains some 25 ingredients, including a variety of preservatives and dyes. Among the most concerning ingredients are the following, which you will find in various Blistex products: Phenol. One of Blistex’s several active ingredients, phenol is considered toxic to the central nervous system and to the heart. Saccharin."
"docid": "D2591288#0",
"title": "https://www.brambleberry.com/Shea-Oil-Liquid-P4892.aspx\nShea Oil, Liquid",
"text": "Home / Butters, Oils & Waxes / Fixed Oils Shea Oil, Liquid Quantity*4 oz $4.5016 oz $9.507 lbs $52.5035 lbs $219.40Product Data Sheet MSDSAverage Review: (4)See Reviews | Review this Product Make a soap recipe with this ingredient using our Lye Calculator Shea Oil is created during the processing of Shea butter. The liquid oil is a fraction derived from the nut of the Butyrospermum parkii tree. Shea oil has a high content of Diglycerides, Sterol esters and Essential Fatty Acids. We love using this clear liquid Shea oil because it gives you all of the skin loving, moisturizing benefits of Shea Butter without having to melt it down, so there's no worry about crystallization in your products (in other words, you won't get those annoying little bumps that show up in your lip butter). Ingredients: Botanical Name: Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Seed Oil Common Name: Shea Oil Recommended Products Product Reviews Average Review: Review and Rate this Item Verified Purchase Stephanie9/5/2017Awesome stuff!I love,love,love this shea liquid. I used it for my lip balms and boy, is it smooth! I was having some issues before with graininess. Not now! Thank you BB for selling this awesome product! I do not smell any odor from this, as others have stated."
"docid": "D1465019#0",
"title": "https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/lips.html\nCracked Lips Remedies",
"text": "\"Home Ailments Cracked Lips Remedies May 08, 2015Natural treatments are very effective at healing and preventing cracked or chapped lips. Home based treatments range from home remedies like coconut oil to supplements that support healthy skin. What Causes Cracked Lips? The lips do not contain oil glands like most other parts of the skin or body. Without oil glands, the lips are more prone to drying out and chapping or cracking. Additional factors contribute to this drying out including cold or dry weather, lack of self-care or hygiene, overexposure to the sun and frequent licking of the lips. Certain medications and supplements may also increase the risk of developing chapped lips including retinoids, lithium, chemotherapy drugs and vitamin A. Dehydration and malnutrition also contribute to the development of chapped lips. Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Lips Dry cracked lips are often easily treated using home remedies. Having plenty of moisture in the body is one of the main considerations for treating chapped lips. Drinking more water, using a humidifier, applying lip balm and avoiding cold weather conditions are initial treatment options."
"docid": "D1139802#0",
"title": "http://www.essentialoilwizardry.com/product/ravensara/\nRavensara",
"text": "Description Additional information Description Ravensara aromatica (aka Ravensara anisata & Agatophyllum aromaticum) ~ [Madagascar]Experienced as a cool, mild, and crisp winter breeze; opens the throat and lungs to ease breathing. Ravensara aromatica has antiviral properties and provides a subtle mental clarity making it a perfect tool for combatting respiratory congestion, relaxing into cognitive functioning or preparing the body for aerobic exercise.– Anti-viral – Congestion – Enhances massage oils – Respiratory expansion – Steam baths (+++ Experience)Dr. Nick Notes Ravensara aromatica is described to have similarities of a natural mentholatum product without any of the petroleum additives. This EO has true anti-viral properties in addition to enhanced bronchodilatory effects. Through practical experience, individuals have reported increased ease of breathing for conditions including asthma & COPD – this is NOT a cure, but perhaps another tool to utilize concurrently amongst other respiratory treatment options. Ravensara is said to have anti-viral properties. Topically applied directly onto cold sores or herpes simplex, healing speed may increase. May dilute into carrier oil <i> (ie. Tamanu)</i> for an aromatic massage oil, great for massages during flu season."
"docid": "D67208#0",
"title": "https://www.pinterest.com/wendymuglia/courting-candles/\nCourting Candles",
"text": "\"Courting Candles49 Pins 1.06k Followers Candle sticks Lights Beeswax candles Blacksmith shop Blacksmithing Candle Candle holders Candles Candlesticks Candy The hours Blacksmith projects Bricolage Candle stands Gift Ideas for projects Iron Iron steel Knifes Lanterns Rustic Candleholders Candlesticks Rustic Candles Primitive Candles Primitive Crafts Country Primitive Decor Ideas Craft Ideas Metal Gear (I don't like this, but think outside the box & use kewl old things for farmhouse style) DIY Rustic Decor - Ideas and tutorials, including this rusty candleholder by 'Flea Market Gardening'!See more Blacksmith Projects Mon Album Wrought Iron Candle Holders Iron Steel Les Métaux Metalworking Candlesticks Blacksmithing Metal Work Cute little hand forged candle holder! for more amazing wrought iron designs!See more Blacksmith Projects Mon Album Wrought Iron Candle Holders Iron Steel Les Métaux Metalworking Candlesticks Blacksmithing Metal Work Cute little hand forged candle holder! for more amazing wrought iron designs!See more Rustic Wire Candle Holders Diy Candle Holders Diy Candles Natural Candles Unique Candles Beeswax Candles Rustic Candleholders Candlesticks Primitive Crafts Wood Crafts Make Rustic Wired Candle Holders: Perfect for displaying on a mantel or table, create these unique candle holders using wire and a wood block. ( Learn how via bhg)See more Primitive Candles Sitting Rooms Candle Holders Metal Projects Metal Working Colonial Williamsburg Metal Art Blacksmith Forge Railroad Spikes Suitors could only court a lady while the candle burned above the spirals. If the parents liked the suitor, they could move the candle up so he could stay longer. See morefrom mountainstreamforge.com Wrought Iron Candle Holders Candlestick Holders Candleholders Candlesticks Irons Lighting Google Search Water Clock Products This Hand-Forged Courting Candle Holder is a historical piece from colonial times. Candle holder includes a drip pan and reclaimed wood cork. See morefrom timelesswroughtiron.com Lantern Lamp Candle Lanterns Primitive Country Decorating Primitive Lighting Diogenes Club Woodturning Candle Holders Candlesticks Gentlemanused to call these a \"\"courting candle\"\" gentleman friend could only stay until the candle had to be turned one turn. See more Candle Lanterns Candles Oil Lamps Beehive Chandeliers Candle Sticks Chandelier Lighting Chandelier Candycourting candle See more The Hours Gifts For Girls Candle Lanterns Candles Handmade Gifts Wedding Inspiration Products Kitchen Things Bushcraft CANDLE BY THE HOUR: Candles such as these were used as timers for courting couples. The parents would pull the candle rope, make a cut, and."
"docid": "D3158778#0",
"title": "https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/lip-products/labeling-your-products-lip-balm/\nLabeling Your Products : Lip Balm",
"text": "Labeling Your Products : Lip Balm November 22, 2011 Filed Under: Lip Products Labeling your handmade products can seem so confusing. In this 3 part series, I am going to give some basic examples of how to label lip balm, cold process soap, and lotion so that you can confidently sell or give these products as gifts. I am just going to be touching the tip of the iceberg though. There is more to know than I can explain in a few blog posts. If you’d like to become a labeling ninja, I highly recommend the book Soap & Cosmetic Labeling by Marie Gale. It is a concise and easy-to-read book, full of examples about labeling cosmetics with a special emphasis on soap. The FDA’s website has many interesting articles and you can read the law as it is actually written. They also have a free Cosmetic Labeling Manual that addresses all of the basics of labeling. The Basics for Labeling Lip Balm:1. Ingredients: The ingredients need to be listed from most used to least used."
"docid": "D2665572#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/dark-lips-causes\nDark lips causes",
"text": "\"Dark lips causes Common Questions and Answers about Dark lips causeslip Hi, This could be a part of Cheilitis, which is a medical condition involving inflammation of the lip. Or a bad case of Chapped lips , a condition whereby the lips become dry and possibly cracked. It may be caused by the evaporation of moisture. Lip balm can often provide temporary relief, though it should not be used extensively. One should avoid licking their lips as saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which can damage the already compromised lip tissue. Read More My lips swell up and turn darkpurple which creates pain after the swelling goes down lips peel but a dark color stays what is it? Read More Dark skin around your lips can be due to cigarette smoking, a wrong toothpaste or tanning. No matter what the causes are but a patch of dark skin around your lips look distressing and annoying. To get rid of the dark skin around your lips, you can follow the below mentioned home remedies: *Prepare a mixture of rice flour and curd. Apply this mixture on your skin around the lips and leave fro about 10 minutes."
"docid": "D715350#0",
"title": "https://sites.psu.edu/siowfa16/2016/11/30/does-chapstick-make-your-lips-more-chapped/\nDoes Chapstick Make Your Lips More Chapped?",
"text": "Does Chapstick Make Your Lips More Chapped?5 Replies Sounds crazy right? Why would a product have the opposite effect of its intended use? Well it many not be as ludicrous as it seems. Chapstick companies make more money when you have chapped lips, so why fix the problem? According to Caitlin Covington of Greatist.com, applying lip balm to ones lips only temporarily soothes them but had a negative effect on your lip’s health in the long run. The lip balm interferes with the signaling between the dying cells and the mechanism that produces new healthy cells. As a result, the lips are prevented from replenishing the cells and healing your chapped lips. This makes the chapped lips worse causing you to again apply chapstick. This process repeats over and over and your lips become more chapped than they were before you started using the product. Dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD blames the negative effects of chapstick on hyaluronic acid and glycerin, both common ingredients in products for chapped lips."
"docid": "D905881#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Dermatology/tiny-bumps-on-lips/show/719029\ntiny bumps on lipsamesw Dec 23, 2008",
"text": "\"tiny bumps on lipsamesw Dec 23, 2008I suddenly have developed tiny bumps on my upper lip. A few months ago this happened in just one little patch but it went away, and I can't remember if I did anything. But just a few days ago they appeared again on both sides of my upper lip. Then, the next day they had spread and now go all the way along the ridge of my upper lip. They aren't particularly noticeable except they change the shape of my lip, making it look smaller than it was in the places where they are on the very edge. They are very very tiny, definitely not cold sores. I've seen some things about Forcyde spots, but everything describes those as 1-3mm in size and these are even smaller than that. Everything I read says to ignore forcyde spots, but these are very uncomfortable. my lips feel dry no matter how much stuff I put on them, and they feel scaly because of all the teeny tiny bumps. I used to have problems with seborrheic dermatitis around my nose when I was a kid so the only other thing I can think of is that."
] |
636967 | what does ep stand for? | [
"docid": "D225187#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_term_%27EP%27_mean_in_music\nWhat does the term 'EP' mean in music?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Theory Lyrics and Sheet Music What does the term 'EP' mean in music? Flag What does the term 'EP' mean in music? Answer by Readin Eddie Confidence votes 600EP stands for \"\"extended play\"\" as EP records are longer than original single 45 records, usually containing 4 tracks. Artists usually release an EP before the full album to give the fans a taste of what is coming. The EP may include anywhere from 2 to 10 songs depending on the length of the full album. A good example of an EP containing 4 tracks was the Beatles' 'Twist and Shout (EP)'. The EP format is also used as a low-cost way of showcasing new artists. Historically, EP records were often similar to seven inch single records but played at 33 1/3 rpm rather than 45 rpm.132 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Claude Wilbury 1,476 Contributions What is an ep in music? EP is short for \"\"extended player\"\" or \"\"extended play\"\", typically meaning longer than a single and shorter than an LP (\"\"long player\"\")What does the term EP in music stand for?"
] | [
"docid": "D857541#0",
"title": "https://www.musicindustryhowto.com/difference-lp-ep-music/\nWhat Is The Difference Between Lp And Ep In Music?",
"text": "What Is The Difference Between Lp And Ep In Music? October 30, 2016 By David Andrew Wiebe Leave a Comment145 shares Facebook123Twitter19Google+ Email3Important: Are you on Twitter? Then follow me (opens in a new window) for regular updates and discussions!If you’ve been in the music industry for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the terms “LP” and “EP” before. But what exactly do these terms mean, and what is their significance? This is something you should definitely be aware of as an artist, so let’s take a look. The Origin Of LPs & EPs First of all, it’s important to understand that the terms “LP” and “EP” originally came from the vinyl record format. The interesting part is that the term “LP” isn’t really in common use any more, while the term “EP” is still used to describe a release that’s about three to five songs in length, roughly half of what a full-length album would typically be. You could even call it a “mini album”. This isn’t what the term EP actually means, but we’ll talk more about that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what an LP is."
"docid": "D446302#0",
"title": "http://www.tv.com/people/drew-carey/\nDrew Carey",
"text": "\"Next Prev Full Photo Gallery9.2 User Rating164 votes Rate Now REVIEWS Write A Review Biography EDITDrew is a comedian, actor and game show host. After making a name for himself in stand-up comedy, Carey eventually gained popularity starring on his own sitcom, The Drew Carey Show, and serving as host on the U. S. version of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, both of which… more Credits Star (11)Role The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Himself S 10: Ep 136 Carl Reiner, Connie Schultz, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, guest host Drew Carey 4/1/14The Price is Right Host S 42: Ep 117 Season 42, Episode 117 3/17/14S 42: Ep 116 Season 42, Episode 116 3/14/14S 42: Ep 115 Season 42, Episode 115 3/13/14S 42: Ep 114 Season 42, Episode 114 3/12/14S 42: Ep 113 Season 42, Episode 113 3/11/14+ 1263 More Credits Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza Host/Performer S 1: Ep 40 Episode 140 6/3/11S 1: Ep 39 Episode 139 6/2/11S 1: Ep 38 Episode 138 6/1/11S 1: Ep 37 Episode 137 5/31/11S 1: Ep 36 Episode 136 5/30/11+ 29 More Credits Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza Himself/Performer S 1: Ep 8 Episode 108 4/20/11S 1: Ep 6 Episode 106 4/18/11S 1: Ep 5 Episode 105 4/15/11S 1: Ep 4 Episode 104 4/14/11S 1: Ep 3 Episode 103 4/13/11Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza Host S 1: Ep 7 Episode 107 4/19/11Power of 10 Host S 1: Ep 16 Episode 116 1/23/08S 1: Ep 15 Episode 115 1/16/08S 1: Ep 14 Episode 114 1/9/08S 1: Ep 13 Episode 113 1/2/08S 1: Ep 12 Episode 112 9/23/07+ 10 More Credits Whose Line Is It Anyway? Host/Regular S 8: Ep 21 Show No. 8021 12/15/07S 8: Ep 20 Show No. 8020 12/15/07S 8: Ep 19 Show No. 8018 12/14/07S 8: Ep 18 Show No. 8016 12/13/07S 8: Ep 17 Show No. 8009 12/4/07+ 216 More Credits Power of 10 Host/Himself S 1: Ep 3 Episode 3 8/15/07S 1: Ep 2 Episode 2 8/8/07Drew Carey's Green Screen Show Host/Himself S 1: Ep 12 Episode #12 11/8/05S 1: Ep 11 Episode #11 11/1/05S 1: Ep 10 Episode #10 10/24/05S 1: Ep 9 Episode #09 10/17/05S 1: Ep 8 Episode #08 10/10/05+ 7 More Credits The Drew Carey Show Drew Allison Carey S 9: Ep 26 Finale 9/8/04S 9: Ep 25 The Passion of the Wick 9/8/04S 9: Ep 24 Knot in the Mood 9/1/04S 9: Ep 23 Love, Sri Lankan Style 9/1/04S 9: Ep 22 Assault with a Lovely Weapon 8/25/04+ 228 More Credits The Good Life (1994) Drew Clark S 1: Ep 13 John's New Assistant 4/12/94S 1: Ep 12 The Mother-in-Law 4/5/94S 1: Ep 11 Melissa the Thief 3/29/94S 1: Ep 10 Bob's Field Trip 3/22/94S 1: Ep 9 John Fights the System 3/15/94+ 8 More Credits Recurring Role (2)Role The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Guest S 13: Ep 170 Show #2891 3/8/05S 13: Ep 139 Show #2860 1/24/05S 12: Ep 36 Show #2532 7/28/03S 11: Ep 54 Show #2328 9/6/02S 10: Ep 140 Show #2206 1/29/02+ 3 More Credits Late Show with David Letterman Guest S 7: Ep 99 Show #1365 2/28/00S 6: Ep 24 Show #1089 10/1/98S 5: Ep 151 Show #1013 5/20/98S 3: Ep 74 Show #0513 12/29/95S 1: Ep 89 Show #0089 1/7/94Guest Star (69)Role Survivor Himself S 32: Ep 15 Live Reunion Special 5/18/16Scorpion Himself S 2: Ep 18 The Fast & The Nerdiest 2/29/16The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Himself S 11: Ep 63 2014/12/04 12/4/14S 10: Ep 38 Drew Carey/Pamela Silva 10/30/13S 9: Ep 129 Drew Carey/Jane Levy 4/9/13S 8: Ep 56 Drew Carey/Linda Cunningham 11/11/11S 7: Ep 171 Drew Carey/Rutina Wesley/The Electric Barbarellas 5/27/11+ 6 More Credits The Talk Himself S 5: Ep 7 2014/09/16 9/16/14Entertainment Tonight Himself S 2014: Ep 134 2014/03/13 3/13/14The Arsenio Hall Show Guest S 1: Ep 95 February 7, 2014 2/7/14CBS This Morning Himself S 2: Ep 122 May 22, 2013 5/22/13TMZ on TV Himself S 4: Ep 237 Episode #4.237 6/8/11S 4: Ep 107 Episode #4.107 1/7/11S 3: Ep 290 Episode #3.290 8/10/10S 3: Ep 280 Episode #3.280 7/29/10S 3: Ep 88 Episode #3.088 12/17/09+ 5 More Credits The Talk Guest S 1: Ep 109 The Price is Right Show 4/6/11Lopez Tonight Guest S 2: Ep 73 April 5, 2011 4/5/11Family Guy Himself S 9: Ep 8 New Kidney in Town 1/9/11Community Ted S 2: Ep 2 Accounting for Lawyers 9/30/10The Wanda Sykes Show Guest S 1: Ep 119 Episode 119 4/3/10The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien Guest Star S 1: Ep 79 Drew Carey, Joe Buck, Joshua Bell with Tiempo Libre 10/2/09The Bold and the Beautiful Himself S 23: Ep 64 Ep. # 5588 6/18/09S 23: Ep 63 Ep. #"
"docid": "D3172772#0",
"title": "http://www.prepressure.com/library/file-formats/eps\nThe EPS file format",
"text": "The EPS file format EPS or Encapsulated Post Script is a standard graphics file format for exchanging images, drawings (such as a logo or map) or even layouts of complete pages. An EPS file internally contains a description of such an object or layout using the Post Script page description language. It can include both bitmap and vector data. The purpose of an EPS file is to be included in other pages. Sometimes EPS files are called EPSF files. EPSF simply stands for Encapsulated Post Script Format. EPS files have the extension .eps or .epsf. This page discusses:the basics of the EPS file formathow to create EPS fileshow to view EPS thumbnailshow to reduce the file size of EPS files More technical details about the file format EPS is still in widespread use, but it is essentially an outdated file format that no longer evolves. For exchanging logos or drawings, it has been replaced by the native file formats of Adobe applications. Adobe has made it easy to drop a native Illustrator or Photoshop file in an In Design document."
"docid": "D1663032#0",
"title": "http://file.org/extension/eps\nOpening EPS files",
"text": "Opening EPS files Did your computer fail to open an EPS file? We explain what EPS files are and recommend software that we know can open or convert your EPS files. What is an EPS file? EPS stands for Encapsulated Post Script. Files that contain the .eps file extension often contain images and text. The EPS files are used by a variety of computer drawing applications. In some cases, a file with a .eps extension may also contain font design information. The EPS file format supports transparency, linked files and thumbnail imaging of documents. It also allows certain types of files to be opened up across multiple operating systems, ensuring that a user can open the file even if he or she is not running on the same operating system or with the same computer application as the individual who created the file initially. Software that will open, convert or fix EPS files Windows Free File Viewer Verified Irfan View Verified Image Magick Verified Adobe Illustrator User Submitted Microsoft Picture It User Submitted Try a universal file viewer In addition to the products listed above, I would suggest that you try a universal file viewer like Free File Viewer."
"docid": "D3382124#0",
"title": "http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/renewcancel/abc-renewcancel-standings-week-29-could-the-catch-snag-a-second-season/\nABC Renew/Cancel standings, week 29: Could âThe Catchâ snag a second season?",
"text": "\"TV By The Numbers by zap2it.com Primary Menu TV LISTINGSTV RATINGSDaily Ratings Weekly Ratings Renew/Cancel DVR Ratings More TV News Press Enter / Return to begin your search. ABC Renew/Cancel standings, week 29: Could ‘The Catch’ snag a second season? The Cancel Bear April 12, 2016ABC’s renew/cancel standings for week 29 of the 2015-16 season assesses the chances for a new series which has so far managed to keep its head (barely) above water. Will that be enough? ABC scripted average through April 10: 1.35Show Status 18-49 rating Renew/Cancel Index Wicked City (O) Canceled 0.67 0.4Blood & Oil (O) Canceled 0.96 0.59Of Kings and Prophets Canceled 0.65 0.46Galavant (O) 0.64 0.42Agent Carter (O) 0.8 0.54Nashville (O) 0.99 0.73The Family (O) 0.84 0.62Castle (O) 1.1 0.81The Muppets (O) 1.31 0.89American Crime (O) 0.93 0.65The Catch (O) 1.1 0.81The Real O’Neals (O) 1.26 0.93Dr. Ken (F) (O) 1.13 0.84Last Man Standing (F) 1.22 0.90Agents of SHIELD (O) Renewed 1.27 0.94Fresh Off the Boat Renewed 1.38 1.02Quantico (O) Renewed 1.31 0.97Once Upon a Time (O) Renewed 1.42 1.05Black-ish (O) Renewed 1.85 1.37The Middle Renewed 1.93 1.43How to Get Away with Murder (O) Renewed 1.87 1.34The Goldbergs Renewed 2.07 1.53Grey’s Anatomy (O) Renewed 2.26 1.67Scandal (O) Renewed 2.15 1.59Modern Family Renewed 2.64 1.96It’s never advisable to get too excited over a tenth of a point swing in the ratings, which “The Catch” had last week in improving to a 1.1 in adults 18-49. But the mere fact that it managed to stay above the 1.0 line is, and the Bear can’t believe he’s really saying this, worth looking at in terms of its renewal chances. The show remains a tossup for now, with another week or two’s worth of data needed to really see where it’s headed. In this strange broadcast world, however, where shows with sub-1.0 ratings on Big Four networks still have a chance at renewal — an unthinkable idea even two years ago — staying above that line probably counts for something. “The Catch” also has the fact that it comes from ABC’s most valuable producer in its favor."
"docid": "D2375398#0",
"title": "http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/blogs/dept/musings/polyethylene-under-concrete-slabs\nPolyethylene Under Concrete Slabs",
"text": "\"5 Helpful? Polyethylene Under Concrete Slabs Does the poly vapor barrier belong above the rigid foam or below the rigid foam? Posted on Jul 4 2014 by Martin Holladay From the bottom up, here’s how the layers should go: Crushed stone; rigid foam; polyethylene; concrete. What goes under the concrete in a slab-on-grade home? In the old days, not much — just dirt. Eventually, contractors discovered that it made sense to include a 4-inch-thick layer of crushed stone under the concrete. The crushed stone provides a capillary break that reduces the amount of moisture flowing upward from the damp soil to the permeable concrete. Since the crushed stone layer provides a fairly uniform substrate, it also may also reduce the chance that a concrete slab will be poorly supported by random pockets of soft, easily compressible soil. Eventually, polyethylene was invented. Concrete contractors learned that a layer of poly helps to keep a slab dry, because it stops upward vapor diffusion from the soil."
"docid": "D1514006#0",
"title": "http://www.moneycontrol.com/glossary/stocks/yield_3763.html\nStocks",
"text": "Stocks Financial Glossary IPO Mutual Funds Insurance Commodity Tax More A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZYield This is the measure of the return on an investment and is shown as a percentage. A stock yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend by the stock's current market price. For example, a stock selling at $50 and with an annual dividend of $5 per share yields 10%. A bond yield is a more complicated calculation, involving annual interest payments, plus amortizing the difference between its current market price and par value over the life of the bond. FAQs: Am I required to sign any agreement with the broker or sub-broker? Decide how much to invest Financial Planning How are Net Interest Margins (NIMs) calculated? How do I know if the broker or sub broker is registered? How do I know whether my order is placed? How do I place my orders with the broker or sub broker? How is NIM different from Spread?"
"docid": "D877219#0",
"title": "https://thelogocompany.net/logo-design-file-types/\nLogo File Formats",
"text": "Logo File Formats Simple Pricing HERE!The file formats we provide you with at the end of your logo project should cover most uses you will have for your logo. The most important format we provide is the eps file. This format is for use with Adobe Illustrator and is your master editable vector file. The file format is fully editable and is for use by professioanl designers and printers. If there is a file format you need and we have not supplied, you can always ask us for it and if it is possible we will do our best to provide it. We are also happy to work direct with your printer of choice to save you from going backwards and forwards trying to solve file issues. Just use the contact form opposite and let us know what you need. TIFF File: CMYK Color – 300 dpi high resolution (dpi means dots per inch. This is how the image is made up if viewed under a microscope)The tiff file is for printing on a lithographic printing press. The CMYK color stands for the four colors that are used in “Process Printing”."
"docid": "D226996#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061130182549AAJ7QVZ\nWhat does EP stand for?",
"text": "Entertainment & Music Music What does EP stand for? As in when music artists release a few songs from they're new album before it comes out7 following 13 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Extended play -CDs that contain more than one single,and less then 8 tracks which are too short to qualify as albums.keckogirl1 · 1 decade ago27 0 Comment What Does Ep Stand For Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7W1j Erika · 2 years ago0 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: What does EP stand for? As in when music artists release a few songs from they're new album before it comes out Source (s):ep stand for: https://shortly.im/f37k OAnonymous · 3 years ago0 0 Comment Extended play. It's length is supposed to be between a single and a full album.mcweiss112 · 1 decade ago15 0 Comment Extended play? Tights Face · 1 decade ago11 2 Comment Ep stands for extended play which allows you to record more but at a lower quality Wasabi · 1 decade ago6 8 Commenthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_play I know I know, everyone hates when we post links only, but this explanation is way too long...click on the link... I was interested and this is what I found. Anonymous · 1 decade ago9 2 Comment Electric Prunes Old Dawg · 1 decade ago2 14 Comment Emo Partybugi · 1 decade ago6 16 Commentextended promotion~ Atti Tu De* · 1 decade ago1 13 Comment1 2 next Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Looking for a psychic reading? Want to build your own website? Want to build a free website?"
"docid": "D2208529#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sleepy_Hollow_episodes\nList of Sleepy Hollow episodes",
"text": "\"List of Sleepy Hollow episodes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Sleepy Hollow is an American supernatural drama television series that premiered on Fox on September 16, 2013 and ended on March 31, 2017. [ 1] The series is considered a \"\"modern-day retelling\"\" of the 1820 short story \"\" The Legend of Sleepy Hollow \"\" by Washington Irving with added concepts from \"\" Rip Van Winkle \"\", also by Irving. The series was renewed for a fourth and final season which premiered on January 6, 2017. [ 2]62 episodes of Sleepy Hollow have aired, concluding the series. Contents [ hide ]1 Series overview2 Episodes2.1 Season 1 (2013–14)2.2 Season 2 (2014–15)2.3 Season 3 (2015–16)2.4 Season 4 (2017)3 Ratings4 References5 External links Series overview [ edit]Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired1 13 September 16, 2013 January 20, 20142 18 September 22, 2014 February 23, 20153 18 October 1, 2015 April 8, 20164 13 January 6, 2017 March 31, 2017Episodes [ edit]Season 1 (2013–14) [ edit]Main article: Sleepy Hollow (season 1)No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod. code U. S. viewers (millions)1 1 \"\"Pilot\"\"Len Wiseman Story by : Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman & Phillip Iscove & Len Wiseman Teleplay by : Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci & Phillip Iscove September 16, 2013 1AWL79 10.10 [3]2 2 \"\"Blood Moon\"\"Ken Olin Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman & Mark Goffman September 23, 2013 1AWL01 8.59 [4]3 3 \"\"For the Triumph of Evil\"\"John F. Showalter Story by : Phillip Iscove Teleplay by : Jose Molina September 30, 2013 1AWL02 7.97 [5]4 4 \"\"The Lesser Key of Solomon\"\" Paul Edwards Damian Kindler October 7, 2013 1AWL03 7.96 [6]5 5 \"\"John Doe\"\" Ernest Dickerson Melissa Blake October 14, 2013 1AWL04 7.59 [7]6 6 \"\"The Sin Eater\"\" Ken Olin Story by : Aaron Rahsaan Thomas Teleplay by : Alex Kurtzman & Mark Goffman November 4, 2013 1AWL05 7.08 [8]7 7 \"\"The Midnight Ride\"\" Doug Aarniokoski Heather V. Regnier November 11, 2013 1AWL06 7.03 [9]8 8 \"\"Necromancer\"\" Paul Edwards Mark Goffman & Phillip Iscove November 18, 2013 1AWL07 7.09 [10]9 9 \"\"Sanctuary\"\"Liz Friedlander Damian Kindler & Chitra Elizabeth Sampath November 25, 2013 1AWL08 6.56 [11]10 10 \"\"The Golem\"\"J. Miller Tobin Story by : Alex Kurtzman Teleplay by : Mark Goffman & Jose Molina December 9, 2013 1AWL09 6.65 [12]11 11 \"\"The Vessel\"\"Romeo Tirone Story by : Mark Goffman & David Mc Millan Teleplay by : Melissa Blake January 13, 2014 1AWL10 6.46 [13]12 12 \"\"The Indispensable Man\"\"Adam Kane Story by : Sam Chalsen Teleplay by : Damian Kindler & Heather V. Regnier January 20, 2014 1AWL11 6.82 [14]13 13 \"\"Bad Blood\"\" Ken Olin Alex Kurtzman & Mark Goffman January 20, 2014 1AWL12 7.05 [14]Season 2 (2014–15) [ edit]Main article: Sleepy Hollow (season 2)No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod."
"docid": "D2375341#0",
"title": "http://www.tv.com/people/gabriel-iglesias/\nGabriel Iglesias",
"text": "\"Next Prev Full Photo Gallery9.4 User Rating11 votes Rate Now REVIEWS Write A Review Biography EDITIncredibly entertaining! Ask anyone who has seen Gabriel Iglesias in concert and you will probably hear the same thing, \"\"He was so funny!\"\" Gabriel Iglesias was born in San Diego July 15th 1976. The youngest of six children, he spent his first five years living on the eastside… more Credits Star (2)Role Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution Host S 1: Ep 3 Show 3 10/20/11S 1: Ep 2 Show 2 10/13/11S 1: Ep 1 Show 1 10/6/11All That Himself S 10: Ep 7 Drake Bell 6/11/05S 10: Ep 6 Tyler Hilton 6/11/05S 6: Ep 19 Music and More Backstage Pass 6/30/01S 6: Ep 20 The Best of Danny Tamberelli 5/1/01S 6: Ep 17 The Best of Josh Server 4/7/01+ 20 More Credits Recurring Role (1)Role Cristela Alberto S 1: Ep 22 Movin' on Up 4/17/15S 1: Ep 21 Village Mode 4/10/15S 1: Ep 20 Last Goose Standing 4/3/15S 1: Ep 18 Latino 101 3/27/15S 1: Ep 11 Dead Arm 1/16/15+ 8 More Credits Guest Star (19)Role WWE Smack Down Himself S 18: Ep 50 2016/12/13 12/13/16Lip Sync Battle Contestant S 2: Ep 7 Gabriel Iglesias vs. Randy Couture 2/18/16Entertainment Tonight Himself S 2014: Ep 20141205 2014/12/05 12/5/14S 2014: Ep 227 2014/07/22 7/22/14Mario Lopez: One on One Guest S 1: Ep 5 Gabriel Iglesias 3/26/12Conan Guest Star S 1: Ep 34 A Fistful Of Dollars, A Mouthful Of Travelers Cheques 1/18/11TMZ on TV Himself S 3: Ep 134 Episode #3.134 2/9/10The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien Guest Star S 1: Ep 116 Jenny Mc Carthy, Gabriel Iglesias, Switchfoot 12/2/09Family Guy Voice S 6: Ep 6 Padre de Familia 11/18/07Live At Gotham Self S 2: Ep 4 Episode 2.4 6/8/07The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Himself S 3: Ep 47 Gabriel Iglesias/Ashley Scott/Fred Willard 11/22/06The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Guest S 15: Ep 26 Heidi Klum; Gabriel Iglesias; Seether 7/17/06S 14: Ep 48 Show #2992 8/18/05S 11: Ep 42 Show #2316 8/6/02Last Comic Standing Semi-Finalist Contestant S 4: Ep 3 Final Round of the Semifinals 6/13/06Comedy Central Presents Himself S 7: Ep 1 Gabriel Iglesias 2/7/03Comic Remix Himself S 1: Ep 14 Episode #114 10/14/02S 1: Ep 23 EPISODE 123Resurrection Blvd. High School Thug S 3: Ep 7 Justicia 8/7/02My Wife and Kids Chef Nabu S 2: Ep 17 Table for Too Many (2) 2/6/02Premium Blend Himself S 3: Ep 8 Episode 310 1/25/00USO Comedy Tour Himself S 1: Ep 2 Episode #110S 1: Ep 1 Episode #108Showtime at the Apollo Himself— Apollo #1315Executive Producer (1)Role Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution Executive Producer S 1: Ep 2 Show 2 10/13/11 \""
"docid": "D1883822#0",
"title": "https://hbr.org/2006/09/ten-ways-to-create-shareholder-value\nTen Ways to Create Shareholder Value",
"text": "It’s become fashionable to blame the pursuit of shareholder value for the ills besetting corporate America: managers and investors obsessed with next quarter’s results, failure to invest in long-term growth, and even the accounting scandals that have grabbed headlines. When executives destroy the value they are supposed to be creating, they almost always claim that stock market pressure made them do it. The reality is that the shareholder value principle has not failed management; rather, it is management that has betrayed the principle. In the 1990s, for example, many companies introduced stock options as a major component of executive compensation. The idea was to align the interests of management with those of shareholders. But the generous distribution of options largely failed to motivate value-friendly behavior because their design almost guaranteed that they would produce the opposite result. To start with, relatively short vesting periods, combined with a belief that short-term earnings fuel stock prices, encouraged executives to manage earnings, exercise their options early, and cash out opportunistically. The common practice of accelerating the vesting date for a CEO’s options at retirement added yet another incentive to focus on short-term performance. Of course, these shortcomings were obscured during much of that decade, and corporate governance took a backseat as investors watched stock prices rise at a double-digit clip. The climate changed dramatically in the new millennium, however, as accounting scandals and a steep stock market decline triggered a rash of corporate collapses."
"docid": "D2846212#0",
"title": "http://www.moneycontrol.com/glossary/stocks/when-issued-trading_3758.html\nStocks",
"text": "\"Stocks Financial Glossary IPO Mutual Funds Insurance Commodity Tax More A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZWhen-Issued Trading Occurs when the security has been listed and posted for trading, but the certificate representing the security itself is not yet issued and available for settlement. The exchange bulletin issued on listing of the security indicates if the trading will be done on a when-issued basis. In this case, the issuance of the security is guaranteed and the delay in issuance is often due to factors relating to the printing and distribution of the security. The period for when-issued trading is usually less than one week. News On When Issued Trading IMF's Lagarde urges government to 'steer clear of protectionism'11-04-2018| Source: PTIInternational Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde today issued a stern warning to governments to avoid undermining global growth with protectionist trade policies. Trade Setup for Tuesday: Top 15 things to do before Opening Bell10-04-2018| Source: Moneycontrol.com The buying and selling signals are generated when the indicator starts plotting either on top of closing price or below closing price. On Monday, the price went past the Supertrend indicator line Nirav Modi fraud is bank's issue; will not seek govt support: PNB MD09-04-2018| Source: PTIare not seeking government's help by way of capitalisation,\"\" he said, when asked if the bank has sought help from the majority shareholder to tide over the problem of fraud. Soybean prices to trade sideways to higher: Angel Commodities09-04-2018| Source: Moneycontrol.comof Commerce & Industry is taking up the issue with China to remove restrictions on Indian soymeal trade. Soybean prices to trade sideways to higher: Angel Commodities06-04-2018| Source: Moneycontrol.comas the Ministry of Commerce & Industry is taking up the issue with China to remove restrictions on Indian soymeal trade. FAQs: Am I required to sign any agreement with the broker or sub-broker?"
"docid": "D740730#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Olds\nFamily Force 5",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Solomon Olds)navigation search FF5From left to right: Joshua, Jacob, Solomon, Nathan, Derek Background information Also known as The Brothers Ground Noise The Phamily Family Force 5Origin Atlanta, Georgia, United States Genres Christian rock, crunk rock Years active 2003–present Labels Curb Star Song Word Maverick Gotee Tooth & Nail Transparent Media Group III Entertainment Reanimated Website ff5music .com Members Jacob Olds Josh Olds Past members Brad Allen Solomon Olds Derek Mount Nate Currin Teddy Boldt FF5 (formerly known as Family Force 5) is an American rock band from Atlanta, Georgia. [ 1] The band formed in 2005 by brothers Solomon \"\"Soul Glow Activatur\"\", Joshua \"\"Fatty\"\", and Jacob \"\"Crouton\"\" Olds along with their two friends, Nathan Currin \"\"Nadaddy\"\" and Brad Allen \"\"20 Cent\"\" later replaced by Derek Mount \"\"Chapstique\"\". The group has released five studio albums, nine EPs, and two remix albums. They are often noted for their raucous, party-centric personae and eclectic mix of genres, ranging from rap metal to dance-pop. In 2018, the remaining two members, Jacob and Joshua Olds, re-branded the group as FF5 and released their EP, El Compadre, on March 2, 2018. [ 2]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Formation (1993–2003)1.2 Family Force 5 and mainstream success (2004–2007)1.3 Dance or Die (2008)1.4 Remix album and Christmas Pageant (2009)1.5 III (2010–2012)1.6 Reanimated and departure of Soul Glow Activatur (2012–2013)1.7 Time Stands Still (2014–2015)1.8 Label issues and additional line-up departures (2014–2015)1.9 Rebranding and El Compadre (2018–present)2 Other projects3 Musical style4 Band members5 Discography5.1 Studio albums5.2 Christmas albums5.3 Remix albums5.4 EPs5.5 Singles5.6 Non-album tracks5.7 Non-album compilations6 Awards7 References8 External links History [ edit]Formation (1993–2003) [ edit]Family Force 5 was formed in Atlanta, Georgia, under their original name: The Brothers. Three of the five original members, Solomon (AKA: \"\"Soul Glow Activatur\"\"), and twins Joshua (AKA: Fatty) and Jacob Olds (AKA: Crouton), [3] are sons of Jerome Olds, a Christian artist popular in the late 1980s. The Brothers, released Fact and Reality in 1994 and RPM in 1995. Both albums were released on Star Song Records, and produced by their father. [ 4] [5]The group changed their name to \"\"Ground Noise\"\", which they classified as \"\"a really bad version of Third Day .\"\" ["
"docid": "D226997#0",
"title": "https://www.allacronyms.com/_Medical/EP\nWhat does EPmean ( Medical category)?",
"text": "\"EP stands for32 EP End Point Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications28 EP European Parliament Europe, European, European Union23 EP Emergency Physicians Medical, Medicine, Technology20 EP Exceptional Parent Magazine, Medical, Communication18 EP Eligible Providers Health, Medical, Incentive17 EP Extraction Procedure Science, Technology, Waste17 EP Evolutionary Psychology Science, Human, Education16 EP External Power Medical, Technology, Aircraft16 EP Exercise Physiology Health, Medical, Physiologist16 EP Endocr Pract Diabet, Medical, Medicine12 EP Electric pulses Medical11 EP European Pharmacopeia Medical, Pharmacopoeia, Product11 EP Exclusively Pumping Milk, Medical, Internet slang11 EP Egg production Medical11 EP Echo Planar Medical, Imaging, Healthcare11 EP Etoposide + Cisplatin Medical11 EP Eligible Professionals Measure, Medical, Stage11 EP Energy Psychology Technique, Medical, Freedom10 EP Environmental protection Environment, Technology, Agency10 EP Early Phase Medical1 2 … 8 Next Search for \"\"EP\"\" with Google \""
"docid": "D857540#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/music-marketing-what-is-an-ep-2460346\nMusic Marketing: What Is an EP?",
"text": "\"Music Careers Music Industry 101Music Marketing: What Is an EP? How to Get Started Creating Your Own Extended Play Record Share Flip Pin Share Email•••By Heather Mc Donald Updated April 22, 2017EP stands for \"\"extended play record\"\" or simply \"\"extended play.\"\" An EP is a compilation of songs often created for promotional use and covers the middle ground between a single and a full-length album. EPs are usually around 4 to 6 songs in length and are generally made using original tracks never released before by an artist. What Is an EP Used For? Musicians release EPs for many reasons, but they are most frequently used as promotional tools. EPs are used to introduce new bands, to keep interest in an artist alive between full-length releases, to help promote a tour, as giveaways and incentives for joining mailing lists or buying concert tickets, and more. Some of the other reasons artists create EPs include: EPs can be a solution for artists who want to release something more than a single but can't afford the studio time to record a full-length album. EPs can fit enough music to be a more complete project than a single but are still short enough to require less studio time than a 10-to-12 song full-length album. Some musicians use EPs to experiment with new music styles or dabble in less commercial sounds than their full-length albums feature."
"docid": "D195867#0",
"title": "http://www.thelogofactory.com/logo-file-formats-a-diy-design-clients-guide/\nLogo file formats. A DIY design clientâs guide",
"text": "Logo file formats. A DIY design client’s guideby Steve Douglas | Sep 8, 2015Which logo files do what and which file to use when If you’re attempting some do-it-yourself marketing with a new logo, you probably have a whole bunch of files with different names. Using which file for what can be confusing for anyone without design experience, so let’s break things down in layperson terms and language. Need to know basis. As it’s their bread and butter, designers are expected to know about logo file formats, their properties and which file does what. As a client, buyer or end user of a logo, it may be outside your realm of expertise, and the array of logo files you receive from a designer may seem terribly confusing. We’ve written several file format guides before, but they’ve been somewhat technical in nature, probably too complex and detailed for the average do-it-yourself business person. You don’t care about the whys and wherefores, fancy terms and explanations. You simply want to get stuff done with your new logo. Hopefully, this guide will help."
"docid": "D3561174#0",
"title": "http://www.hondaforeman.com/147-rubicon-500/70429-rotella-t.html\n.",
"text": "\"post #1 of 6 ( permalink )Old 12-31-2009, 08:06 AM Thread Starterirv Honda Addict Join Date: Mar 2006Location: mt. morris, il Posts: 171does rotella t synthetic have enough zinc for the flat tappet cam in a rubicon. or are there other antiwear additives i dont know about. its rated sm but thats not supposed to have as much zinc as before. i do also run an extra anti wear package.09 rubicon red eps warn plow w/power pivot cab, heated grips warn xt25 winch aux plow lamps 05 dual t/lamp setup upper hl switchirv is offline Quote Quick Replypost #2 of 6 ( permalink )Old 12-31-2009, 01:10 PMjoelukex4Honda Addict Join Date: Jun 2007Location: illinois Posts: 228Shell is marketing their new CJ-4/SM oil as \"\"Triple Protection,\"\" meaning it provides enhanced qualities for engine wear, soot control and engine cleanliness. Shell's Rotella website indicates that on-road testing confirms the new Triple Protection technology produces better anti-wear characteristics than their existing CI-4+ rated Rotella oil. This is achieved despite a lower zinc and phosphorus additive level as called for by the API CJ-4 specification. ( The 15W-40 Rotella T with Triple Protection oil has approximately 1200 ppm of zinc and 1100 ppm phosphorus at the time of manufacture.) Though marketed as an engine oil for diesel trucks, Rotella oil has found popularity with motorcyclists as well. The properties of heavy duty engine oils nearly map to the similar requirements of motorcycle oils."
"docid": "D2387571#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_EPNS_on_a_silver_piece_mean\nWhat does EPNS on a silver piece mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Shopping Fashion Jewelry Gold and Precious Metals What does EPNS on a silver piece mean? Flag What does EPNS on a silver piece mean? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. EPNS stands for \"\"Electro Plated Nickel Silver\"\". Nickel Silver (sometimes stainless steel) is the base metal onto which silver is plated. Despite its name, nickel silver contains no silver at all, but is an alloy of nickel, zinc & copper. A layer of pure silver is deposited electrolytically on the base metal to give a silver finish.20 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Yisrael teacher 2 Contributions What does thirty pieces of silver mean in the Bible? It stands for the thirty pieces of silver that Judas was paid to betray Jesus. Silver, gold and copper were used for trading and buying the same way food was used for barterin …Carmen Monteigo 5 Contributions Epns a1 mean?"
"docid": "D1137338#0",
"title": "http://www.aidsinfonet.org/fact_sheets/view/160\n.",
"text": "Fact Sheet 160Treatment to Prevent HIV Infection (Pr EP)WHAT IS PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS? HOW IS Pr EP TAKEN? WHO SHOULD USE Pr EP? HOW SHOULD PEOPLE USING Pr EP BE MONITORED? WHAT ARE THE LIKELY SIDE EFFECTS? DOES Pr EP HAVE RISKS? THE BOTTOM LINEFOR MORE INFORMATIONWHAT IS PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS? Pr EP stands for Pre-exposure prophylaxis. Prophylaxis means disease prevention. Pr EP is a new HIV prevention option for HIV-negative individuals to reduce their risk of HIV infection."
] |
636970 | what does epakitin do cat | [
"docid": "D286819#0",
"title": "https://www.vetinfo.com/epakatin-for-cats.html\nEpakatin for Cats",
"text": "Cats > Medicine Epakatin for Cats Epakitin, also known as Epakatin is a non prescription medication that is administered to felines that have kidney problems or kidney failure. Epakitin contains Chitosan, which is a natural phosphate binder that will prevent future kidney damage and improving the pet’s quality of life. The supplement can be administered in addition to a low phosphorus diet. Epakitin for Felines Epakitin is a supplement that is often administered to cats and dogs with renal failure or kidney disease. Epakitin contains Chitosan as a main ingredient. Chitosan is a phosphate binder. The supplement is derived from shrimp and crab shell extracts, making it a tasty supplement for felines. All the ingredients of Epakitin are natural, which makes the product ideal for felines and other pets that suffer from kidney diseases. In addition to Chitosan, Epakitin also contains: Lactose Hydrolyzed soy protein Calcium carbonate Epakitin can increase the lifespan of cats with kidney failure and can help in the recovery process of cats that have been diagnosed with kidney damage. How Epakitin Works Epakitin binds phosphorus."
] | [
"docid": "D795641#0",
"title": "https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/4155/what-does-scaredy-mean-in-dont-be-a-scaredy-cat\nWhat does âscaredyâ mean in 'Don't be a scaredy cat'?",
"text": "\"_English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What does “scaredy” mean in 'Don't be a scaredy cat'?up vote16down votefavorite Don't be a scaredy cat. What does scaredy mean in the given sentence? Can I use it singly or is it always paired with cat? Does it refer to someone who is a coward or is shy? That is, would it be correct to say that \"\"he is a scaredy cat\"\"? And is it considered impolite or offensive?word-usage vocabulary compoundsshare improve this questionedited Sep 14 '16 at 11:18Alan Carmack11.1k 2 14 49asked Mar 18 '13 at 7:41Leo Hzs520 1 6 181\"\"scaredy\"\" relies on the english \"\"-y\"\" suffix which usually changes the word to \"\"something having the quality of\"\" (rain > rainy; mess > messy). There is a related word: fraidy (or 'fraidy) meaning \"\"afraid\"\". Similar to -y is -ish which is often attached to words for humorousish effect. – horatio Mar 21 '13 at 20:07oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/scaredy-cat?q=scaredy – Alan Carmack Sep 14 '16 at 11:16add a comment4 Answers active oldest votesup vote13down voteaccepted The word scaredy doesn't exist on its own."
"docid": "D1434179#0",
"title": "http://www.jokes4us.com/animaljokes/catjokes.html\nCat Jokes",
"text": "\"Cat Jokes Back to: Animal Jokes Q. How do you know when your cat's done cleaning herself? A. She's smoking a cigarette. Q: What is it called when a cat wins a dog show? A: A CAT-HAS-TROPHY! Q: What do you get if you cross a leopard with a watchdog? A: A terrified postman! Q: What do you call a pile of kittens? A: a meowntain Q: When is a lion not a lion? A: When he turns into his cage! Q: Why don't cats like online shopping?"
"docid": "D2806303#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_does_a_cat_live\nHow long does a cat live?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Cats (Felines) How long does a cat live? How long does a cat live? Answer by Lily Flower Confidence votes 1.6KDomestic cats typically live 14 to 20 years, though the oldest known cat lived to age 36. The oldest cat lived from 1903 to 1939. He was a tabby cat called, \"\"Puss\"\". It depends on how well looked after that cat is. If it eats and right diet, if it's over weight or under weight. By rights, they can live into their twenties, though i'd say 12-17 was average. The average life expectancy for both male and female cats is about 15-17 years, although some cats can and do live beyond 20 years old. Between about 12 and 18 years."
"docid": "D1975493#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Were_do_sand_cats_live\nWere do sand cats live?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Cats (Felines) Were do sand cats live? Flag Were do sand cats live? Answer by Katyamarycika Confidence votes 38They live in northwest of Asia and the northern parts of Africa. They like to live in an area where its flat is and one that hasn't got a lot of vegetation, basically they like deserts. They also try to avoid places with sand dunes as they tend to lack in the food department.25 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Joe Ragusa 304,324 Contributions Where does the sand cat live? Sand Cat It lives in those arid areas, that are even too hot and dry for the Desert Cat: the Sahara, the Arabian Desert, and the deserts of Iran and Pakistan. It usually li …Jake Weatherby 139,353 Contributions Is sand living? No sand is not a living thing Anima Llove Rgirlxoxemo 18 Contributions What are sand cats? Sand Cat Felix margarita."
"docid": "D1139530#0",
"title": "http://www.breedlist.com/faq/breeder_questions.html\nThirteen questions to ask a breeder",
"text": "\"Thirteen questions to ask a breeder There are many questions you might wish to ask a prospective breeder. However, there are many questions you might not think to ask if you have never purchased a pedigreed animal before. It's important for you to understand your legal rights, your own responsibilities, the breeders' responsibilities, and areas where misunderstandings occur most. In the vast majority of cases, the breeders you encounter will be ethical, responsible folks trying to do the best by their cats. These questions will help you make sure that is the type of person you are dealing with.1. What do you think is special about this breed? Beware the breeder who does not wax poetic about the virtues of their breed. Most breeders are happy to tell you everything about their breed and why it’s the best breed in the world. Be prepared, though: They may ask you the same question.2. Do you show your cats?"
"docid": "D575497#0",
"title": "http://consciouscat.net/2011/10/17/kidney-failure-and-diet-in-cats/\nKidney Failure and Diet in Cats",
"text": "78 Comments October 17, 2011Kidney Failure and Diet in Cats Categories: Feline Health Guest post by Darren Hawks, DVMRenal insufficiency, or kidney failure, is very common as our cats age. Early signs are subtle, seen only as increased drinking and urination. More advanced signs are weight loss, poor appetite, vomiting, and dull coat. Problems occur as the kidneys can no longer reabsorb water, leading to excessive urination and chronic dehydration. As problems progress, the kidneys cannot handle the breakdown products of excess protein, leading to the buildup of toxins in the blood (azotemia). This is reflected in an increased BUN and creatinine on blood work. The goals of therapy for renal failure are to increase hydration, decrease the buildup of toxins in the blood, treat any possible underlying reversible disease (infection, hyperthyroidism), maintain good blood flow to the kidneys, and minimize any further damage. Diet is a key component of the health program for a cat with kidney disease, but the goals may not be quite what you have been told. In my opinion, the most basic first step in mild to moderate cases is to increase water consumption. This means avoiding dry food (the reason here being that cats on dry food tend to be chronically dehydrated, but there is another important reason regarding protein sources which we will discuss in just a bit)."
"docid": "D1704533#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/pets-animals/mean-cat-losing-hair-its-tail-3b83928bcee56eb2\nWhat Does It Mean If a Cat Is Losing Hair on Its Tail?",
"text": "Pets & Animals Pets Cats Q: What Does It Mean If a Cat Is Losing Hair on Its Tail? A: Quick Answer According to Web MD, stud tail is a condition in cats that causes over-secretion of the sebaceous glands located at the tail base, which in turn causes waxy build-up, infection and hair loss at the tail. Stud tail is most common in male cats and is treatable with medicated shampoos. Continue Reading Keep Learning Why Does My Cat Drool When I Pet Him? What Are Some Causes of Hair Loss in Cats? Why Does a Cat Lick Its Hair? Full Answer Pet MD explains that hair loss is common in cats with cancer, hormonal imbalances and nervous disorders. Additional causes include skin allergies and ringworm infections. Hair loss in cats is referred to as alopecia. Additional symptoms include redness, scabbing and loss of skin."
"docid": "D58353#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_an_egyptian_mau_cost\nHow much does an Egyptian mau cost?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life How much does an Egyptian mau cost? Flag How much does an Egyptian mau cost? Answer by Horseisle1cobalt Confidence votes 8An Egyptian Mau cat costs between 100 and 200 dollars, if you are looking for great bloodlines, however you can get cheaper ones with basic bloodlines for free if you place ads around looking for a mau. Hope this helps, Cobi xx4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How much does an Egyptian Euromastyx cost? Deer Fern Farms listed Egyptian Euromastyx starting at 125.00-175.00 and up. What does the Egyptian Mau eat? They eat salmon, bass, trout, and salmon bit cat food. Pandora36 19 Contributions What is an Egyptian mau?an Egyptian mau is a beautiful looking cat with the most remarkable markings... type it in on Google images! ! What is the Egyptian Mau name?"
"docid": "D3372660#0",
"title": "http://www.petstruly.com/3314.html\n.",
"text": "\"Azodyl, 90 Capsules, 3 Pack (270 Capsules)Enlarge Availability: Long term backorder Order Sale Price: $202.99Item Total: $202.99A note from the manufacturer: For your assurance we have conducted trans shipment studies (as we ship our products worldwide) to determine at what temperature and after which time period the product starts to loose its viability. We have encountered that the product has a stability of up to 14 days at a temperature range of between 25 and 30 degrees Centigrade (90degrees). Azodyl is a breakthrough in veterinary product that helps to slow down uremic toxin buildup and prevent further kidney damage in dogs and cats by providing natural Enteric Dialysis through the use of beneficial bacteria that support kidney function. We ship Azodyl on ice Monday-Wednesday! • The treatment choice at the first signs of azotemia in dog and cats with acute or chronic kidney disease. • Patented formula of naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria that metabolize and flush out uremic toxins that have diffused into the bowel as a result of increased toxin levels in the blood. • Easy-to-administer, enteric-coated capsules. • Can be used with other treatments and/or products, such as Epakitin. Azodyl will ship on ice by Priority Mail Monday-Wednesday unless faster delivery is requested. Although the manufacturer states Azodyl does not need to be refrigerated for up to 10 days, we will ship this product on ice to keep it chilled for all or most of the shipping."
"docid": "D570895#0",
"title": "https://www.professorshouse.com/my-cat-has-blood-in-its-stool/\nMy Cat has Blood in its Stool â What Should I Do?",
"text": "Home Cat Health My Cat has Blood in its Stool – What Should I Do? My Cat has Blood in its Stool – What Should I Do? By Staff 25794It can be terrifying to discover that your cat has blood in its stool. The presence of blood in the stool, or “hematochezia” can be a result of a minor intestinal upset, or a symptom of many more serious medical conditions. Bleeding in the lower intestines, such as the colon and the rectum, generally causes hematochezia. It is characterized by the presence of bright, frank blood in the feces. Hematochezia should not be confused with melena, the passage of dark, tar-colored feces, caused by bleeding that occurs higher up in the intestinal tract. If your cat has blood in its stool on only one occasion, and otherwise appears to be eating, drinking and acting normally, the cause may simply be a minor gastrointestinal upset, such as eating too much, eating a unfamiliar food, or eating something that does not agree with him. Some cats are especially sensitive to stress, and any sudden change in environment, such as adding a new pet to the household, having a baby or even a schedule change can induce colitis. Changing food brands suddenly can also cause this condition, as cats often require a gradual change of food in order to adjust without complications."
"docid": "D3007111#0",
"title": "http://www.thundershirt.com/faq/\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"All of Thunder Works' solutions are designed to be simple, effective, and safe for many of the most common problems faced by families with dogs and cats. Below you will find answers to some of the common questions we receive. If your question is not addressed below, contact us . CONTENTSThunder Shirt for Dogs & Cats Why does Thunder Shirt work? Why doesn't my vet know about this remedy for anxiety and fear issues? What training is required for using Thunder Shirt for anxiety and fear issues? What if Thunder Shirt isn't working for my dog or cat? How do I return my Thunder Shirt for the money-back guarantee? How do I exchange my Thunder Shirt for a different size? Can I wash and dry Thunder Shirt?"
"docid": "D2384966#0",
"title": "https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/forums/topic/food-suggestion-for-dog-with-kidney-disease-and-allergies/\nFood Suggestion for Dog with Kidney Disease and Allergies",
"text": "Food Suggestion for Dog with Kidney Disease and Allergies Dog Food Advisor › Forums › Diet and Health ›Food Suggestion for Dog with Kidney Disease and Allergies Viewing 28 posts - 1 through 28 (of 28 total)Author Posts December 28, 2012 at 1:40 am #11262Report Abuselizemma Participant I’m looking for suggestions on a dog food that is low in phosphorus and works for a dog with allergies to chicken, turkey, lamb and pork. Before switching to a renal LP dog food, she was on a salmon and potato dry dog food. My Vet has said that there are no LP dog foods that are not chicken based. Is this correct? I am willing to make her dog food, but want to make sure I don’t miss any essential nutrition. Also, my Vet, who I have high respect for, is against a raw food diet. December 29, 2012 at 11:26 am #11332Report Abuse Bryan V21Participant Check out commercial raw foods, such as those made by Primal and Nature’s Variety. They offer a variety of different meats, are very low in carbs, and no grains, which makes them much easier for a dog to digest as they aren’t “set-up” to process carbs. December 30, 2012 at 1:34 am #11368Report Abusesophia Participant You can look at California Naturals. I have no idea about low phosphorus but I know they have a salmon version with relatively low protein, and I believe the two are related."
"docid": "D3258718#0",
"title": "http://www.askavetquestion.com/metacam.php\nIs Metacam Safe for Cats?",
"text": "\"Is Metacam Safe for Cats? If you find this information useful, please spread the word by sharing this on Facebook with your friends or Tweeting this article. Click here to Follow Dr. Marie on Twitter or here to Become a Facebook Fan. The FDA has recently placed a black box warning on boxes of Metacam in the USA. Click here to read more. Added March 25, 2011: New information on Long term use of oral Metacam in cats. Metacam (also known as Meloxicam) is a pain medication that is used mostly for dogs, but also in cats. It is most commonly used for: Arthritis Muscle pain For animals that are painful after surgery It can be given by your vet as a shot or it can be given in a liquid form that is put in your pet’s food or directly into your pet’s mouth. The Metacam controversy... Here are some of the things that I found while searching about whether Metacam is safe to use in cats:“DO NOT GIVE YOUR CAT METACAM – IT KILLS CATS““Metacam causes cats to go into serious renal failure”“Why do vets prescribe Metacam to cats when they know it is fatal?”“sue the **** off your vet, close him down and prevent others from using the drug. ”Is Metacam meant to be given to cats?"
"docid": "D1021935#0",
"title": "http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/cat-communication-what-do-all-those-different-meows-mean\nCat communication: What do all those different meows mean?",
"text": "\"Cat communication: What do all those different meows mean? Cats have a variety of ways to let us know what they need (or want)!Starre Vartan May 28, 2014, 4:49 a.m.2.7k Tweet755Photo: Utekhina Anna /Shutterstock For some reason, I have always been lucky to have very vocal cats in my life; I grew up with a small herd of Siamese, who are known to be some of the most talkative of all, but other cats I've lived with have also been quite chatty. So I loved MNN writer Laura Moss' great article about different types of cat vocalizations and what they mean. After spending a month away from my current kitty, Penelope, while I was traveling throughout Mexico, I returned to find her very excited to see me — and meowing more than ever. As we spent some quality time re-bonding after my travels, and I got to thinking that not only do cat's other sounds (purring, yowling) have specific meanings, but there are a wide variety of types of meows as well, which generally track across the cats I've known. Of course, there are unique kitties out there who might not fit into the categories below, but same goes for humans and communication, right? Here are some of the most common meow sounds that I have come across that are way more than just \"\"Meow! \"\" World's Most Polite Cat!! ! Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:35I call this one the \"\"toot\"\" and it's the meow that got me thinking about writing this post."
"docid": "D1021933#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090108181142AAhR7ZR\nDoes anyone know what different types of meows mean?",
"text": "\"Pets Cats Does anyone know what different types of meows mean?like what is my cat trying to say to me?1 following 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Learning Meow is like learning another language. You have to discern yourself what your cat is communicating without the aid of a translator. There are several sounds that are somewhat universal...\"\"broop\"\" is a friendly greeting. However, it is up to you to learn what your cat is trying to tell you. It can take some time, but most cat owners learn what their cat is trying to tell them. Anne Arkey · 9 years ago2 0 Comment There isn't language like ours, but their are primarily 3 different meow types: The Greeting Meow: Short clipped, \"\"Mew\"\" is a greeting meow, often when an owner gets home, or even comes into the room. The Demand Meow:,\"\"Meooow!\"\" That means that cat wants something like it's cat food, some attention or to be let outside (though I reccomend indoor cats). The complaint meow,\"\"Mroooew\"\" It's the unhappy meow of a feline queen/king demanding better service! This one you'll hear at the vets a lot."
"docid": "D2089142#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_do_cats_have_tails\nWhat does a cats tail do for it?",
"text": "\"Alcyone 1,460 Contributions What does a cats tail do for it? Answer It helps with balance. Also a cat with no tail would have a hard time landing on it's feet because the tail acts as a counter balance against which the ca …Why does a cat have a tail?it helps them balance Taylorbullrich123 5 Contributions Do cats cats tails move voluntarily? Yes Krissygirlrocks 14 Contributions Does a cat have a tail? Yes of course, but not all of them. Manx cats are born without tails. One of my cats is tailless because it is descended from a Manx. Gmtgmt 108 Contributions What cat is known as Cat without a tail?bob tail Or a Manx cat. Stiles86 14,154 Contributions Why does your cat meow when you touch her tail? That's cat language for, \"\"Please stop that!\"\"."
"docid": "D472564#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_look_like_a_cat_that_swallowed_the_canary_mean\nWhat does look like a cat that swallowed the canary mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Idioms, Cliches, and Slang What does look like a cat that swallowed the canary mean? Flag What does look like a cat that swallowed the canary mean? Edit Answer by Sashira Confidence votes 394This is American slang. It means \"\"to look very smug and satisfied, for reasons you are not saying.\"\" It comes from cats trying to look innocent after they have done something bad, like eaten your canary, but being unable to hide their happiness.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Delalova 19 Contributions How do cats look like?they can be any color like orange brown whit e black and soo on they have tiny noses and our usually skinny and long Edit What do swallows look like?a swallow looks like me Edit What does a swallow look like? A swallow looks like a metallic blue and black colored bird. It has light grey breast and belly with a long forked tail. Edit Daewoo36 1,374 Contributions What does canary wharf look like? A large collection of tall buildings built next to a waterfront in the centre (ish) of London."
"docid": "D1975491#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_does_the_sand_cat_live\nWhere does the sand cat live?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Cats (Felines) Wild Cats Where does the sand cat live? Flag Where does the sand cat live? Edit Answer by Joe Ragusa Confidence votes 97.7KSand Cat It lives in those arid areas, that are even too hot and dry for the Desert Cat: the Sahara, the Arabian Desert, and the deserts of Iran and Pakistan. It usually lives up to 13 years. Source: http://www.answers.com/sand+cat+?gwp=11&ver= people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Jake Weatherby 139,353 Contributions Is sand living? No sand is not a living thing Edit Anima Llove Rgirlxoxemo 18 Contributions What are sand cats? Sand Cat Felix margarita What does it look like? Slightly smaller than domestic cats, sand cats have short legs, wide heads with large, tapered ears and large, for …Mediatech 14,908 Contributions How does a Sand Dune Cat live without water? It is beleived the get all the water they need from the blood and other body fluids of the prey they eat."
"docid": "D1953908#0",
"title": "http://www.operationpets.org/faqs.php3\n.",
"docid": "D3372661#0",
"title": "http://www.naturalpets.com/vetoquinol-azodyl.html\nAzodyl",
"text": "\"Home > Kidney, Liver & Renal Health > Kidney & Renal Support Supplements >Azodyl Tweet Azodyl Kidney Treatment Azodyl Caps helps to slow down uremic toxin buildup and prevent further kidney damage in dogs and cats. It is a breakthrough in veterinary product. It works by providing natural Enteric Dialysis through the use of beneficial bacteria that support kidney function. Azodyl FAQSpecial Storage & Delivery Instructions: Azodyl is required to be shipped on ice. Store Azodyl in the refrigerator. Keep this medication out of the reach of children and pets. NOTE: We recommend Vaccine or Priority Shipping for Azodyl. Vaccine Shipping includes ice packs and is shipped via overnight delivery which is the best way to ensure Azodyl is received at a cool temperature. Other shipping methods are not guaranteed to arrive quickly or cold. Azodyl FAQAzodyl Small Caps (90 count) ( $91.99 ) $70.173-PACK Azodyl Small Caps (270 count) ( $266.99 ) $195.596-PACK Azodyl Small Caps (540 count) ( $508.99 ) $391.09Description Usage Info Ingredients Helps clear harmful toxin build up in the bowel through a patented formulation of naturally occurring beneficial bacteria (Kibow Biotics®)."
] |
636972 | what does epcm stand for | [
"docid": "D1368943#0",
"title": "https://epcengineer.com/definition/1252/epcm-engineering-procurement-construction-management#!\nEPCM - Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management",
"text": "NES Global Talent We know how important people are to a business. We understand what’s needed to match highly skilled technical and engineering candidates with some of the largest organisations and engineering projects around the globe. Company Details Become a sponsor EPCM stands for Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management. This type of contract is different to an EPC Contract in that the Contractor is not directly involved in the construction but is responsible for administering the Construction Contracts. For related Contract types see FEED, EPC, EPCI, EPIC, PMC. Featured Advertisment"
] | [
"docid": "D1178200#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/30495974/esws-supply-flash-cards/\nESWS Supply",
"text": "\"117 terms deaglemck ESWS Supply Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What does the acronym BAMS stand for? Battle Group Asset Management System What is BAMS used for? To check the inventory of spare parts of all the ships in our battle group What is the main purpose of BAMS? To offset a CASREPWhat does the acronym CASREP stand for? Casualty report When would you update a CASREP? Whenever there is a change in status How many types of CASREPs are there? What are they? 4 - Initial, CASUPDATE, CASCOR and CASCANWhat is a CASREP used for?"
"docid": "D1087411#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_'ER'_stand_for_after_the_name_of_a_drug\nWhat does 'ER' stand for after the name of a drug?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does 'ER' stand for after the name of a drug? Flag What does 'ER' stand for after the name of a drug? Answer by Ohismiwiiknis Confidence votes 157\"\"after the name of a drug\"\" it stands for \"\"extended release\"\", meaning it will release slowly over a set course of time, as opposed to \"\"IR\"\" or \"\"immediate release\"\".3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Rawalcott 1,404 Contributions What does er stand for in baseball?er stands for error Nope, \"\"er\"\" stands for earned runs. Ljlinton 34 Contributions What does ER stand for in the show ER? ER stands for Emergency Room. endothelial reticulum Lour Harb 1 Contribution What does ER stand for? Endoplasmic reticulum What does er stand for in a cell?endoplasmic reticulium Stephanieholcomb13 21 Contributions What ER stand for? ER stands for Emergency Room Hanbert 1,891 Contributions How does the Smooth ER detoxify drugs? Smooth ER of hepatocytes (liver cells) is the site of the cytochrome p450 family of proteins."
"docid": "D322780#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_mhi_stand_for_on_my_pay_stub-qna7637255.html\n.",
"text": "\"Solutionsrein14Level 10 (Genius)5536 Answers, 52 Friends, 271 Followers\"\"The mhi is a tax under fica/social security...\"\"0 2 Medicare Hospital Insurance, which is less on every individual on their gross. the MHI is a tax under FICA/Social Security, in other term this is just like an health insurance or a medicare. the medicare covers: 1. People who are 65 years or older, 2. People who are under age 65 with certain types of disabilities, 3. Hospital insurance. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report Suggested Solutions (10) What's this?americanpcops Level 1 (Contributor)2 Answers\"\"And/or payroll coordinators the ability/access to approve employee time or absence request prior to...\"\"1 6 After an employee is hired into a Job or has a Job change, Time and Labor Security needs to be set up or may need to be updated. Payroll coordinators and approvers need to be assigned to allow for time and/or absence request approval. Time approval is a required step in the payroll process."
"docid": "D3273485#0",
"title": "http://saclip.com/playsa/Saclip-what-does-pvifa-stand-for-in-finance-SaBPTfIHdhjTk.html\n.",
"text": "What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? Download video Chia sẻClip What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance?, video What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance?, video clip What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? 720, What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? 1080, What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? 2160, What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? full hd, video What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? hot, clip What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance? hight quality, new clip What Does Pvifa Stand For In Finance?,"
"docid": "D2817670#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_abbreviation_CABG_stand_for\nWhat does the abbreviation CABG stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Surgery and Hospitalization What does the abbreviation CABG stand for? Flag What does the abbreviation CABG stand for? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time.coronary artery bypass graft1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Rustleochre 44 Contributions What does the abbreviation stand for? An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word that stands for the complete word. Examples: Mr. stands for mister . etc. stands for et cetera . P. S. stands for p …Wesley B33 195 Contributions What does the abbreviation IT stand for? Information Technology Lhayward 1,492 Contributions What does the abbreviation SATs stand for?"
"docid": "D1629547#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_pac_stand_for_after_a_doctors_name\nWhat does PAC stand for after a doctors name?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does PAC stand for after a doctors name? Flag What does PAC stand for after a doctors name? Answer by Evilyn Baxery Confidence votes 143The C stands for certified. However, PA's are not actually doctors. They are Physicians Assistants. No need for concern though. It's been my experience that PA's are not doctors only in a literal sense. One of the main differences between PA education and physician education is not the core content of the curriculum, but the amount of time spent in formal education. In addition to time in school, physicians are required to do an internship, and the majority also complete a residency in a specialty following that. PA's do not have to undertake an internship or residency.10 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D2391947#0",
"title": "https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+aub+stand+for/\nWhat does aub stand for",
"text": "\"Search Now What does aub stand for What does aub stand for keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website Search Domain Search Email Keyword Suggestions Bing Yahoo Google Amazone Wiki What does aub stand for What does aub stand for medical What does aub stand for in medical terms What does aud stand for What does aud stand for in medical terms What does uab stand for What does awb stand for What does aud stand for in credit reporting What does aud stand for in money What does ab stand for What does uab stand for in military What does sub stand for What does arb stand for What does ub stand for medical What does ab stand for in medical terms What does ub stand for What does ab stand for in canada What does ub stand for in healthcare What does ub stand for in billing What does arb stand for in medical terms What does ab stand for in business What does sub stand for in vba What does sub stand for in technology What does arb stand for in accounting What does ab stand for in baseball Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords )Most Searched Keywords Evangelistbright.org 1 Djsound.ru 2 Cost-spec.com 3 Smarthoreca.ro 4Ii-menkyo.net 5 Free ensure samples for doctors office 6Stopnetworksolutions.biz 7 Alimoland.net 8 Egypt goddess crossword 9Suimonti.it 10 Trehack.com 11 Bridesmaids movie review 12Vso convertxtodvd 6 free download 13 Bankaust.com.au 14 Site.nissr.com 15Vdoe math standards 16 What microwave has the best ratings 17Ars technica apple live blog 18 Bpsweets.com.pk 19How to fix cursor problems 20Domains Actived Recently Bankaust.com.au Bonniejames.wordpress.com Cecar6.com.composesite.com Cost-spec.com Dream360.com Facebook.com Google.com Iklanmember.com Iphoneness.com Itunes.apple.com Khongguan.tk Knowledgecenter.orthoclinical.com Nclab.com Oculus.com Pcmag.com Southerncrosscarejobs.com.composesite.com Tcturtmann.ch Tonipike.com Wareable.com Websites Listing We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with what does aub stand for on Search Engine› Aub medical acronym› Aub l medical abbreviation› medical term aub› Aub medical definition Allacronyms.com What does AUB stand for? - All Acronyms51 meanings of AUB acronym and AUB abbreviation. Get the definition of AUB by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Abnormal Uterine Bleedinghttps://www.allacronyms.com/AUB Verified Acronymattic.com AUB - Athens Utilities Board | Acronym Attic What does AUB stand for? AUB stands for Athens Utilities Boardhttps://www.acronymattic.com/Athens-Utilities-Board- (AUB).html Verified Aub.com.ph Welcome to The Asia United Bank Official Website For inquiries or complaints you may contact AUB through Customer Service Hotline 282-8888 or BSP Financial Consumer Protection Department at Tel. 708-7087. Member ...http://www.aub.com.ph/ Verified Math.stackexchange.com Probability - What does P (A U B) mean, in terms of real ... I can't find a proper summary or reference of how to translate formulas in probability notation to arithmetic notation (i.e. when using real values). For example, if $P (A) = .7$ and $P (B)=.35$, whathttps://math.stackexchange.com/questions/748893/what-does-pa-u-b-mean-in-terms-of-real-values Verified Aub.edu.lb American University of Beirut - Official Site The American University of Beirut, AUB, is a private, non-sectarian institution of higher learning, founded in 1866, which functions under a charter from the State of New York. It is administrated by a private, autonomous Board of Trustees.https://www.aub.edu.lb/ Verified Keyword-suggest-tool.com Aub hmb medical abbreviation\"\" Keyword Found Websites ... Aub hmb medical abbreviation. Aub hmb medical abbreviation keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this websitehttps://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/aub+hmb+medical+abbreviation/ Verified Facebook.com AUB Career Hub - Home | Facebook AUB Career Hub."
"docid": "D811586#0",
"title": "http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=148551\nDefinition EPCm or EPC 5",
"text": "Jonny Will (Mechanical) (OP) 1 Mar 06 09:47Hi All, Can someone please explain the differences between Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) and Engineering Procurement Construction Management (EPCm). I’m under the impression, or told, that the main contractor hires in another company, say a project management company to help with the EPC side of things…. Therefore can that they can cal themselves a EPCm company… But then again would that company just be a sub-contractor to the main contractor… Mu understanding is EPC is the Engineering, Procurement and Construction, direct hire purposes.. No subcontract… EPCm is management of subcontractors… Any better explanations will be grateful Thanks in advance …Ashereng (Petroleum) 1 Mar 06 10:30There is no absolute definition. Most large consulting companies call them selves EPC and/or EPCM. Think Bechtel, Fluor, Jacobs, Kellogg, etc. They all act as the main contractor, sub-contractor - often at the same time, on different projects in-house, and to/with each other. It's one of those industry jargon acronyms that people throw around, and most don't really know its exact definition/meaning, and now, it doesn't have an exact definition/meaning.4 dbuzz (Structural) 2 Mar 06 21:52They are different contracting strategies. EPC means the company is contracted to provide engineering, procurement and construction services. Think Design & Construct style contracts, where the project is largely Contractor managed and the cost risk and control are weighted towards the Contractor and away from the Owner. EPCM means the company is contracted to provide engineering, procurement and construction management services."
"docid": "D215749#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_yew_stand_for_when_texting-qna625415.html\n.",
"text": "\"Texting Text Jpg Q What does yew stand for when texting? What does it mean when you are texted yew Asked by: Stewart Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions In texting some were just abbreviated to have quick reply or text but to those who does not know what does it mean by NR it`s \"\"no reply\"\" or ... read more It means Message and could also use it as message some guys msg like m for message s for some and g for guys ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Ari204Level 1 (Contributor)2 Answers0 0 What does Ye E stand for in texts? Was this answer helpful? Yes | Nosaid: How to find frievd location using my handphio Someone said: How to find friend usung my handphone by his no Was this comment helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report Suggested Solutions (10) What's this?lychees80Level 6 (Expert)152 Answers, 5 Followers\"\"In texting some were just abbreviated to have...\"\"1 1 In texting some were just abbreviated to have quick reply or text but to those who does not know what does it mean by NR it`s \"\"no reply\"\" or \"\"no reserve\"\"..just try to figure out what the message to convey. It`s like BTW \"\"by the way\"\" or FYI \"\"for your information\"\".source: What does nr stand for in texting? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Yews texting Yew in texting terms Yew texting Anonymous0 1 It means Message and could also use it as message some guys msg like m for message s for some and g for guys.source: What does msg stand for for texting? Was this answer helpful?"
"docid": "D3445275#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_pa_stand_for_in_the_stats_of_basketball\nWhat does PA stand for in the stats of basketball?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Sports Basketball Basketball Rules and Regulations What does PA stand for in the stats of basketball? Flag What does PA stand for in the stats of basketball? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. In basketball, PA means points allowed, or how many points the other team scored.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Squirrel Man 234,785 Contributions What does PF stand for in the stats of basketball? The PF stands for personal fouls. While the position, \"\"PF\"\" is in fact power forward, \"\"PF\"\" when found on the score card and the box score stands for how many personal fouls the …Blue Purgatory 1 Contribution What does PA stand for in football stats? It stands for Points Allowed What does the basketball stat GB stand for?\\n Games Behind. A '.5' indicates a half a game, for instance the leader is 8-2 and the trailing team is 7-2. Tbreitung 50 Contributions What does PA stand for in basketball stats? \"\""
"docid": "D3271108#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_acronym_GSI_stand_for\nWhat does the acronym GSI stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Acronyms & Abbreviations What does the acronym GSI stand for? Flag What does the acronym GSI stand for? Edit Answer by Answers Publisher Confidence votes 391KThe acronym GSI has various of words it can stand for. Some words it can stand for are Global Security Institute, Government Secure Intranet, and Graduate Student Instructor.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does GSI stand for in the criminal system? I believe that the definition varies but if memory serves me correctly, GSI is \"\"Gross Sexual Impossition\"\"Edit What does GSi stand for on the Geo Storm GSi? Im not 100% positive, but if I remember correctly its \"\"Grande Sport Injection\"\"Edit Roy Forssberg 371,424 Contributions What is gsis? Government Service Insurance System Edit Dan Crimmins 14,733 Contributions Mensan, woodworker, building electronics projects since age 12, taught electronics, am in ham radio, very good at biology/astronomy/physics. What is acronym stand for? An \"\"acronym\"\" (means, \"\"high name\"\"), is a word made out of initials of several others words."
"docid": "D1353339#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_MBM_stand_for_as_a_unit_of_measure\nWhat does MBM stand for as a unit of measure?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Math and Arithmetic What does MBM stand for as a unit of measure? Flag What does MBM stand for as a unit of measure? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. MBF or MBM is a unit of volume equal to 1000 board feet.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is KTA stand for in measuring units? It is sometimes used as k T/a and this means, anual kilo tonne. WHAT DOES the unit of measurement ME stand for? Probably is Me V... It's stand for Mega electron Volt Eccles-Jordan Trigger Circuit 164,578 Contributions This circuit is used in most electronic digital computers ever built & was invented in 1918 (patent GB148582). What is it now called? What unit of measure does N stand for?newton Steve Burt 84 Contributions What does hg unit of measure stand for?hg is a measurement of Vacuum measured in Inches of Murcury."
"docid": "D810633#0",
"title": "https://forums.verizon.com/t5/Verizon-net-Email/How-to-sync-verizon-email-with-my-ipad-and-iphone/td-p/517125\nHow to sync verizon email with my ipad and iphone?",
"text": "\"Reply Topic Options All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic Nancyzz Contributor How to sync verizon email with my ipad and iphone?12-26-2012 10:39 AMMessage 1 of 4 (7,767 Views)I would like to sync my verizon mail with my ipad and iphone so that I do not need to delete messages in all 3 places. Reply0 Kudos All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic3 REPLIESWinter Blue Contributor Re: How to sync verizon email with my ipad and iphone?12-31-2012 11:03 AMMessage 2 of 4 (7,555 Views)I was just on the phone with a Verizon tech, and she said that Verizon's email (which uses POP3) can't do this. All it does is send copies of new emails to your devices (i Pad, i Phone). If you read a Verizon email on your i Pad (for instance), that email will still appear as \"\"unread\"\" on your i Phone. So we're out of luck there. Reply1 Kudo EPCM Contributor Re: How to sync verizon email with my ipad and iphone?01-12-2013 04:38 AM - edited 01-12-2013 04:38 AMMessage 3 of 4 (7,312 Views)I have the same problem, having to delete an email 3 times. This is an old problem, and one that will continue to inconvenience more and more customers as more and more of us go mobile. Has Verizon considered switching from POP To provide better service? Reply0 Kudosskeptic5 Contributor Re: How to sync verizon email with my ipad and iphone?06-06-2013 03:57 PMMessage 4 of 4 (6,276 Views)After searching for countless hours for an answer, I guess I finally got it, Verizon email syncing is non-existent. This sucks."
"docid": "D780142#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_LIK_in_the_army_stands_for\nWhat does LIK in the army stands for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Politics and Government Government US Government US Military US Army What does LIK in the army stands for? Flag What does LIK in the army stands for? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. It stands for Lodging in Kind, which is a program that most Army Reserve units offer soldiers who live further than 50 miles from their home of record a place to staying during they're monthly Battle Assemblies.16 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What do the letters in ARMY stand for? The word ARMY was not intended to be an acronym for anything. Army simply means a group of men that are armed to fight other groups of armed men. Caleb Bergquist 265 Contributions What country has the largest standing army? China Don Dfoofnik 4,378,209 Contributions There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. How do you use standing army in a sentence? \"\""
"docid": "D3395674#0",
"title": "http://www.ghd.com/global/services/plant-engineering/\nPlant Engineering",
"text": "Overview Related Projects Related People Home Buildings Materials, Process and Plant Engineering Plant Engineering Increasing production, reducing bottlenecks, manufacturing new products, improving efficiency, upgrading to new technologies, refurbishing or repairing all rely on effective plant engineering. GHD's mechanical plant engineering team offers our clients a capability built on strong technical understanding, installation and operational backgrounds and is delivered with practical, real-world solutions. We understand that the plants and systems we design are critical to the performance of our clients' operations and we tailor the engineered solutions to achieve or clients' goals. Our plant engineering team is experienced in the design and maintenance of industrial processing plants. Our offering ranges from machine engineering and finite element analysis to fully integrated, multi-discipline industrial plant design. We collaborate with our clients to understand the key drivers for their projects, with a focus on safety in design though the life cycle of the plant, including constructability, operability and maintainability of the installations. Our primary customer groups are those who are in the business of processing, refining, handling, manufacturing or treating petrochemicals, gases, water, waste, bulk materials, minerals, food products or manufactured products for use in other processes or for sale to others. We utilise the latest 3D modelling software for each phase of project design development, from conceptual to definitive design, through to the production of documentation for construction. We customise our delivery to suit our clients' project development strategy and are accustomed to roles in a wide range of contractual relationships, including due diligence, design consultancy, independent inspection, EPCM, EPC, D&C, owner's engineer and strategic alliances. GHD has a breadth and depth of demonstrated skills and experience across our connected global network of professionals who focus on delivering complete solutions."
"docid": "D716349#0",
"title": "https://www.monster.com/jobs/q-structural-engineer-jobs.aspx\nStructural Engineer Jobs",
"text": "Structural Engineer Jobs947 Structural Engineer jobs found on Monster. Structural Engineer Employment Information Structural Engineer Jobs Overview When a construction project is underway, structural engineers work alongside architects and builders to ensure that the building or structure is safe to suit the purpose it was designed for. From houses and office buildings to bridges and utility systems, structural engineers play a key role in the construction process, ensuring that each structure is built to stand up to weather conditions in the area as well as the weight that it will be required to bear in daily use. Extensive analysis is done in the planning stage, and as the project continues, the structural engineer remains involved to guarantee the integrity of the residential, commercial or public works project. Structural Engineer Education Structural engineers need a bachelor's degree in civil or architectural engineering. After obtaining the degree, an apprenticeship is usually required, and this can last between four and five years, including some formal classroom training. A certification is also necessary, and passing the test to obtain it is arguably the most difficult part of becoming a structural engineer. The exam can last as long as eight hours and consists of approximately 180 questions covering the full range of engineering topics. Structural Engineering Job Market Although in some regions of the U. S. the construction industry suffered during the recession, the job market for structural engineer jobs is growing bright. According to CNN Money, the number of job openings for structural engineers is expected to grow 24 percent by 2018."
"docid": "D2796881#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_D_in_D-Day_stand_for\nWhat does D in D-Day stand for?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History War and Military History World War 2 D-Day What does D in D-Day stand for? Flag What does D in D-Day stand for? Answer by Davesewell Confidence votes 146What does the \"\"D\"\" in D-Day stand for? The \"\"D\"\" does not stand for \"\"Deliverance\"\", \"\"Doom\"\", \"\"Debarkation\"\" or similar words. In fact, it does not stand for anything. The \"\"D\"\" is derived from the word \"\"Day\"\". \"\" D-Day\"\" means the day on which a military operation begins. The term \"\"D-Day\"\" has been used for many different operations, but it is now generally only used to refer to the Allied landings in Normandy on 6 June 1944. Why was the expression \"\"D-Day\"\" used? When a military operation is being planned, its actual date and time is not always known exactly."
"docid": "D785708#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_LB_stand_for_on_instagram-qna5165518.html\n.",
"text": "\"Solutionsjohn Peyton Level 3 (Helper)9 Answers\"\"“like back.” kylie jenner yelled at her instagram followers for writing lb on her...\"\"8 1 LB: This is a newer term. It can be seen on the pages of celebrities and means “like back.” Kylie Jenner yelled at her Instagram followers for writing LB on her pictures. “ STOP WRITING LB ON ALL MY INSTAGRAM PHOTOS AND USING ME AS A WAY TO ADVERTISE YOURSELF,” she wrote in 2012. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Wht do people write first on kylie jenners instagram First lb kylie jenner instagram Writing lb on instagram Anonymous1 0 Left by. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report Anonymous\"\"The internet slang lbs that is often used on social sites...\"\"1 1 The internet slang LBS that is often used on social sites, such as Facebook, stands for `Laughing but serious. ` If speaking of weight, it also means pounds."
"docid": "D2625783#0",
"title": "http://www.fool.com.au/2014/05/19/worleyparsons-limited-shares-sink-heres-why/\nWorleyParsons Limited shares sink: Hereâs why",
"text": "\"Worley Parsons Limited shares sink: Here’s why Mike King | May 19, 2014 | More on: ANG BHP BKN RIO WOROnce a market darling, oil, gas and resource services company Worley Parsons Limited (ASX: WOR) has seen its share price sink more than 3% today. Shares were changing hands at around $15.67 in late afternoon trade – a far cry from the $54.19 the shares hit in 2007. In fact, shares in Worley Parsons have been sliding from $30 in 2011, as the company has been hit by falling earnings thanks mainly to the declining Australian resources infrastructure market. A fact, Bradken Limited (ASX: BKN) and Austin Engineering Ltd (ASX: ANG) can attest to, as we noted in this earlier article. Ongoing restructuring costs have dogged Worley Parsons for some time now, forcing the company to announce a restructure of its businesses, at a cost of around $35 million. In the last half, Worley Parsons announced it was reducing staff by more than 500, although the company still employs a whopping 37,500 people across 43 countries. And the share price has slipped today, despite the company announcing that it had been awarded a significant five year contract for the supply of engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services to a natural gas pipeline in Eastern Europe. The company did not say what the contract was worth, but the total project is estimated to cost US$11.7 billion. Last week the company also announced the award of a long-term engineering services contract in Trinidad and Tobago. But the announcement of new contract wins is no salve for Worley Parsons’ ails, likely why the market has totally ignored these recent announcements and pushed the share price down."
"docid": "D811588#0",
"title": "http://www.cmguide.org/archives/1979\nConstruction Management Guide",
"text": "EPC / EPCM Definition & Comparison Filed in Procurement Management on Nov.02, 2009Many different terms are tossed around the construction industry loosely describing the different methodology used to design and construct new facilities and turnarounds. Unfortunately, there are no tried and true definitions for the different methods and numerous variations of each of the most popular methods. Determining the correct form of construction contract to pursue can have a great effect on the cost and risk associated with the construction project. The cost of construction varies inversely with the amount of business risk the “owner / financers” are willing to accept. The less business risk the owner wishes to assume, the higher the cost of construction and management. This follows the “risk-reward” motto for business. The two most common types of construction contacts are EPC “turn-key” and EPCM. Each of these methods have variations that can be adapted to each project as needed; example (EPCC Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning), etc. EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction): means the company is contracted to provide engineering, procurement and construction services by the owner. Think Design & Construct style contracts, where the project is largely Contractor managed and the cost risk and control are weighted towards the Contractor and away from the Owner."
] |
636977 | what does epicentre mean in a earthquake | [
"docid": "D272310#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/epicenter\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:epicenter, epicentre (noun)the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Epicenter The epicenter or epicentre is the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the hypocenter or focus, the point where an earthquake or underground explosion originates. The word derives from the New Latin noun epicentrum, the latinisation of the ancient Greek adjective ἐπίκεντρος, \"\"occupying a cardinal point, situated on a centre\"\", from ἐπί \"\"on, upon, at\"\" and κέντρον \"\"centre\"\". In the case of earthquakes, the epicenter is directly above the point where the fault begins to rupture, and in most cases, it is the area of greatest damage. However, in larger events, the length of the fault rupture is much longer, and damage can be spread across the rupture zone. For example, in the magnitude 7.9, 2002 Denali earthquake in Alaska, the epicenter was at the western end of the rupture, but the greatest damage occurred about 330 km away at the eastern end of the rupture zone. Anagrams for epicenter »epicentre Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of epicenter in Chaldean Numerology is: 2Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of epicenter in Pythagorean Numerology is: 5Sample Sentences & Example Usage Amy Schumer: They were right there! The epicenter of American (celebrity culture.) Gotta do it, it was the best. Jeremy Konyndyk: Some of the initial surveys that we're hearing of from the zones closer to the epicenter talk about total or near total destruction. Drinks International: Overall, Europe appears to be the international epicenter for good drinking as it led the regions' ranking with 21 of its bars included within the 50 best list."
] | [
"docid": "D1478528#0",
"title": "https://www.sms-tsunami-warning.com/pages/seismology-measurement\nEarthquakes: seismology & measurement",
"text": "\"Earthquakes: seismology & measurement Seismology As we have seen, most earthquakes are essentially the product of tectonic stresses which are generated at the boundaries of the Earth's tectonic plates. The released energy travels as shock waves, called seismic waves, which may be felt and measured. The study of seismic waves is known as seismology, a word derived from a Greek word meaning \"\"to shake. \"\" Seismographs are the instruments which record earthquakes. Scientists use these instruments as their principal tool to study seismic waves. They are very sensitive instruments that can detect, measure and record ground vibrations and their intensities during an earthquake. A seismograph is a simple pendulum. As the ground shakes the base and frame move with the vibrations but inertia keeps the pendulum bob in place. It moves relative to vibrating ground. The pendulum displacement records the changes over time the tracing out the record of the event is called a seismogram ."
"docid": "D1521597#0",
"title": "http://dnr.mo.gov/geology/geosrv/geores/richt_mercali_relation.htm\nThe Relationship Between Richter Magnitude and Modified Mercalli Intensity",
"text": "The Relationship Between Richter Magnitude and Modified Mercalli Intensity Earthquake Science | Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness | Maps, Tools and Locators | Projects and Partner Organizations Methods of Earthquake Measurement Explained The “size” of earthquakes is commonly expressed in two ways- magnitude and intensity. Magnitude is a measure of the total energy released during an earthquake. It is determined from a seismogram, which plots the ground motion produced by seismic waves. As devised by C. F. Richter in 1935, the magnitude scale allows us to compare earthquakes in relative terms. Though the term is used somewhat indiscriminately, magnitude is a highly technical calculation. Magnitude is defined as the logarithm (1 micron=.0001 centimeter), as would be recorded by a standard short-period seismograph with specific constants, at an epicentral distance of 100 kilometers (62 miles). The important thing to remember about magnitude is that the scale is logarithmic, which means that each step in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in amplitude of wave motion. Therefore, an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 has ten times the wave amplitude of an earthquake of magnitude 5.0, a hundred times the wave amplitude of a magnitude 4.0 earthquake, and one thousand times the wave amplitude of a magnitude 3.0 earthquake. Because magnitude does not describe the extent of the damage, its usefulness is limited to an approximation of whether the earthquake is large, small, or medium-sized. The destructiveness of an earthquake is a complex matter, related to the geology, population density, and cultural features of a specific area at a specific distance from the epicenter."
"docid": "D1082033#0",
"title": "http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Seismographic+Station\nSeismographic Station",
"text": "\"Seismographic Station The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Seismographic Stationa station for recording oscillations of the earth’s surface caused by earthquakes and for the primaryprocessing of the records obtained. Seismographic stations are subdivided into long-range andregional stations depending on the tasks they perform. Long-range stations are designed to record seismic signals for the most part at epicentral distancesgreater than 2,000 km. These stations have standard seismological equipment: short-periodseismographs that are highly sensitive in a passband of 10–0.7 Hz, broadband seismographs of medium sensitivity in a passband of 10–0.05 Hz; and, at some stations, long-period seismographs of medium sensitivity in a passband of 0.2–0.015 Hz. Regional stations are designed to record nearby earthquakes with epicentral distances up to 2,000km. These stations have short-period equipment and also record strong movements in a passband of 10–0,1 Hz. In 1974 there were more than 2,000 seismographic stations in the world network, including morethan 200 in the USSR. All seismographic stations record earthquakes according to Greenwich timeand carry out primary processing of seismograms by measuring the arrival times of different seismicwaves and the dynamic parameters of the waves."
"docid": "D1536049#0",
"title": "http://www.sms-tsunami-warning.com/pages/seismology-measurement\nEarthquakes: seismology & measurement",
"text": "\"Earthquakes: seismology & measurement Seismology As we have seen, most earthquakes are essentially the product of tectonic stresses which are generated at the boundaries of the Earth's tectonic plates. The released energy travels as shock waves, called seismic waves, which may be felt and measured. The study of seismic waves is known as seismology, a word derived from a Greek word meaning \"\"to shake. \"\" Seismographs are the instruments which record earthquakes. Scientists use these instruments as their principal tool to study seismic waves. They are very sensitive instruments that can detect, measure and record ground vibrations and their intensities during an earthquake. A seismograph is a simple pendulum. As the ground shakes the base and frame move with the vibrations but inertia keeps the pendulum bob in place. It moves relative to vibrating ground. The pendulum displacement records the changes over time the tracing out the record of the event is called a seismogram ."
"docid": "D36985#0",
"title": "http://www.sms-tsunami-warning.com/pages/tsunami-sumatra-2004\nTsunami Sumatra 2004, Andaman Indonesia",
"text": "\"Tsunami Sumatra 2004, Andaman Indonesia2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and Tsunami The earthquake that generated the great Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 7:59 am local time on Sunday, 26 December 2004. It was caused by subduction with an epicentre off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami is given various names, including the \"\"Boxing Day tsunami\"\". With a magnitude of Mw 9.1-9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. The earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimetre (0.4 inches) and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska. According to the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. Image: 2004 Banda Aceh Tsunami aerial photo Aerial photo showing flattened houses in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, January 16, 2005, three weeks after a deadly tsunami devastated the island. While Japan may have the longest recorded history of tsunamis, the sheer destruction caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami event mark it as the most devastating of its kind in modern times.2004 Boxing Day Tsunami Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available."
"docid": "D1516445#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/impacts-of-earthquakes-in-ledc-and-medc-countries-page1.html\n\"\"\"Impacts Of Earthquakes In Ledc And Medc Countries\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"Impacts Of Earthquakes In Ledc And Medc Countries Why are earthquake impacts different in LEDCs and MEDCs? Any disaster either caused by humans or Mother Nature will make an impact but this depends where it hits. Obviously, if a disaster, or an earthquake in this case occurs somewhere densely populated rather an isolated area it will have a greater impact as life could be lost, buildings destroyed and as a result, high prices to pay. We will be looking at the impacts of earthquakes in Lower Economically Developed Countries and More Economically... Developed country, Earth, Earthquake 1263 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Earthquake in Ledc and Medccritically D: Communicating Task: Write a Report on “Why do LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Country) suffer greater damage from earthquake than MEDCs (More Economically Developed Country )?” ( 800 – 1000 words). Refer to the unit of Lithosphere Unit and your own research (e.g. school library and websites). ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Research and compile information about the following points – * Describe what causes earthquake eruptions giving complete explanations and examples. *... Assessment, Communication, Criterion-referenced test 1023 Words | 4 Pages Open Document Tsunamis Have The Same Impacts On MEDC S And LEDC STsunamis have the same impacts on MEDC’s and LEDC’s. As seen on Boxing Day 2004, just off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and in March 2011, just off the eastern coast of Japan, earthquakes can have devastating consequences, as can the tsunamis that followed. Submarine earthquakes are the most common cause of tsunamis (responsible for about three-quarters of all tsunamis), however they are not exclusively causal as they can also be triggered by volcanic eruptions above or below...2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, Earthquake, Indian Ocean 1411 Words | 3 Pages Open Document The Hazards Presented by Volcanic and Seismic Events Have the Greatest Impact on the World's Poorest Peoplehave the greatest impact on the world’s poorest people.”"
"docid": "D1516444#0",
"title": "http://www.geography-site.co.uk/pages/physical/earth/earthquake_impact.html\n.",
"text": "What Determines The Impact Of An Earthquake? Economic Development Of The Location More economically developed countries (MEDC's) tend to survive earthquakes better than less economically developed countries (LEDC's). There are three main reasons for this.1. MEDC's are likely to have buildings designed to withstand earthquakes. They have the money and systems to make sure that buildings are carefully designed to withstand shaking, and can afford to add safety features to older buildings that may be at risk. They may have huge rubber pads built into the foundations (seismic isolators) or very deep foundations to hold them firmly in place. In 1995 the Kobe earthquake hit in Japan. Measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale it had the potential to cause massive damage to vulnerable buildings, but because many buildings were designed to withstand earthquakes, only 5000 people were killed. LEDC's often can't afford to build new structures to the same standards as MEDC's, they have a greater chance of poor quality construction, and they lack the money to upgrade older buildings. In contrast to the Kobe earthquake that killed 5000, an earthquake of a slightly smaller intensity hit Turkey in 1999."
"docid": "D317751#0",
"title": "http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/2004-indian-ocean-earthquake-tsunami-facts-1480629\nBoxing Day tsunami: The facts about the 2004 Indian Ocean disaster",
"text": "\"Boxing Day tsunami: The facts about the 2004 Indian Ocean disaster The exact death toll still remains unknown By Hannah Osborne Updated March 24, 2017 11:22 GMTA scene of devastation is seen in the 2004 tsunami hit Indonesian City of Banda Aceh Getty It has been 10 years since the Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake devastated parts of Indonesia Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. The disaster was the world's deadliest tsunami, with over 230,000 people killed and half a million injured by the waves that battered the low-lying coast. The exact death toll is unknown. Why advertise with us David Long, marine geohazards team leader for the British Geological Survey, told IBTimes UK there were many factors that made it one of the worst disasters in modern history. One of the main problems was that people were just not prepared for it. \"\" Some people in Sumatra who would have felt the earthquake may have reacted to it, but that wave travelled a long way and hit countries which didn't feel the earthquake ... the likes of Thailand and Sri Lanka didn't know what was going to be hitting them. \"\" Key facts about the disaster Australia's Bureau of Meteorology map showing the earthquake epicentre and what countries were affected. Bo MThe earthquake hit at just before 1am GMT or 7.58am local time on 26 December 2004. The magnitude 9.1 earthquake struck 30km below the surface around 160km off the western coast of northern Sumatra. The Burma plate subducted below the Indian plate, with the latter being thrust upwards 20m."
"docid": "D3313766#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/science/earthquake-geology\nEarthquake",
"text": "Earthquake, any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth ’s rocks. Seismic waves are produced when some form of energy stored in Earth’s crust is suddenly released, usually when masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and “slip.” Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in relation to one another. The major fault lines of the world are located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust. ( See the table of major earthquakes. ) Building knocked off its foundation by the January 1995 earthquake in Kōbe, Japan. Dr. Roger Hutchison/NGDCResidents of an earthquake-damaged neighbourhood of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, seeking safety in a sports field, Jan. 13, 2010. The magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck the region the day before. Petty Officer 2nd Class Sondra-Kay Kneen/U. S. Coast Guard Little was understood about earthquakes until the emergence of seismology at the beginning of the 20th century. Seismology, which involves the scientific study of all aspects of earthquakes, has yielded answers to such long-standing questions as why and how earthquakes occur."
"docid": "D660290#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencecourseware.com/virtualearthquake/vquakeexecute.html\n.",
"text": "\"Page 1 of 12What's an earthquake? Earthquakes occur because of a sudden release of stored energy. This energy has built up over long periods of time as a result of tectonic forces within the earth. Most earthquakes take place along faults in the upper 25 miles of the earth's surface when one side rapidly moves relative to the other side of the fault. This sudden motion causes shock waves (seismic waves) to radiate from their point of origin called the focus and travel through the earth. It is these seismic waves that can produce ground motion which people call an earthquake. Each year there are thousands of earthquakes that can be felt by people and over one million that are strong enough to be recorded by instruments. Strong seismic waves can cause great local damage and they can travel large distances. But even weaker seismic waves can travel far and can be detected by sensitive scientific instruments called seismographs . What are earthquake (Seismic) Waves?"
"docid": "D34663#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/16701248/geology-test-3-flash-cards/\nGeology test 3",
"text": "56 terms moonsqueeze Geology test 3ch. 5,9,10,11Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort List three factors that determine the nature of a volcanic eruption. What role does each one play? The magma's composition, it's temperature, and the amount of dissolved gases it contains Why is a volcano fed by highly viscous magma likely to be a greater threat to life and property than a volcano supplied with very fluid magma? Highly viscous magma may produce explosive clouds of hot ash and gases that evolve into buoyant plumes called eruption columns, because of the high viscosity of the silica-rich magma, a significant portion of the volatiles remain dissolved until the magma reaches a shallow depth, where tiny bubbles begin to form and grow. The bubbles and pressure create explosive reactions. But, when fluid lava erupts, the pressurized gases escape with relative ease. Describe pahoehoe and aa lava. aa has surfaces of rough, jagged blocks with dangerously sharp edges and spiny projections. By contrast, pahoehoe flows exhibits smooth surfaces that often resemble the twisted braids of ropes."
"docid": "D5854#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake_and_tsunami\n2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search2004 Indian Ocean earthquake Aceh in Indonesia, the region most devastated by the tsunami Show map of Indian Ocean Show map of Southeast Asia Show all UTC time 2004-12-26 00:58:53ISC event 7453151USGS- ANSS Com Cat Local date 26 December 2004 [1]Local time 07:28:53 UTC+6½ 07:58:53 UTC+7 08:58:53 UTC+8Magnitude 9.1–9.3 M w [2]Depth 30 km (19 mi) [1]Epicenter 3.316°N 95.854°ECoordinates: 3.316°N 95.854°E [1]Type Megathrust Areas affected Indonesia Sri Lanka India Thailand Maldives Malaysia Myanmar Madagascar Somalia Kenya Tanzania South Africa Total damage $19.9 billion (2017 USD) [3]Max. intensity IX ( Violent) [1]Tsunami 15 to 30 metres (50 to 100 ft) [4] [5] with maximum runup of 51 m (167.3 ft) at Lhoknga. [ 6]Casualties 230,000–280,000 dead and more missing [7] [8] [9]The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on 26 December with the epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The shock had a moment magnitude of 9.1–9.3 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX ( Violent ). The undersea megathrust earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000–280,000 people in 14 countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres (100 ft) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest-hit country, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. It is the third-largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph and had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. [ 10] It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimetre (0.4 inches) [11] and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska. [ 12] Its epicentre was between Simeulue and mainland Indonesia. ["
"docid": "D1427034#0",
"title": "http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/hazards/earthquake/capabilties/monitoring\nEarthquake Monitoring",
"text": "Earthquake Monitoring Contents Recording earthquakes Determining the location of an earthquake How Geoscience Australia monitors earthquakes Related Information Recording earthquakes Geoscience Australia monitors, analyses and reports on significant earthquakes to alert the Australian Government, State and Territory Governments and the public about earthquakes in Australia and overseas. Digital seismogram image of five seismic sensors which detected the magnitude 5.4 earthquake near Moe in Victoria on 19 June 2012. Earthquakes are detected by scientific instruments called seismometers. The word seismo originates from the Greek word seismos which means to shake or move violently and was later applied to the science and equipment associated with earthquakes. Seismographs, such as the Teledyne Geotech Helicorder pictured, were used in the past to detect earthquake activity and relied on a mechanical system to record the seismic energy in the Earth onto paper. In contrast, modern seismometers detect and convert any small movement in the Earth into an electrical signal for use in computer systems, as shown in the digital seismogram image of five seismic sensors which detected the magnitude 5.4 earthquake near Moe in Victoria on 19 June 2012. Determining the location of an earthquake The accurate locations of seismometers are stored in a database accessible by an earthquake monitoring computer system. The system also has access to crustal velocity models which provide approximate information on how fast the various earthquake waves travel through the different layers which make up the Earth in the area between the earthquake and the seismometers. The times at which the differing seismic waves arrive at various seismometers are identified by Seismic Analysts or by a computer system. The arrival times of the seismic waves at the seismometers, together with the locations of the seismometers and the speed at which the seismic waves travel to the seismometers are all used to determine the location of the earthquake."
"docid": "D3104875#0",
"title": "http://www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/education/faqs/faq15.html\nWhat is earthquake magnitude?",
"text": "What is earthquake magnitude? It is a measure of earthquake size and is determined from the logarithm of the maximum displacement or amplitude of the earthquake signal as seen on the seismogram, with a correction for the distance between the focus and the seismometer. This is necessary as the closer the seismometer is to the earthquake, the larger the amplitude on the seismogram, irrespective of the size or magnitude of the event. Since the measurement can be made from P, S or surface waves, several different scales exist, all of which are logarithmic because of the large range of earthquake energies (for example a magnitude 6 ML is 30 times larger, in terms of energy than a magnitude 5 ML). The Richter local magnitude (ML) is defined to be used for 'local' earthquakes up to 600 km away, and is the magnitude scale used by BGS when locating UK earthquakes. Surface wave magnitude (Ms) is based on the maximum amplitude of the surface wave having a period of 20 + 2 s. It is used for observations near the earthquake epicentre where the surface wave is larger than the body wave. This scale applies to any epicentral distance or type of seismograph. Body wave magnitude (mb) is calculated from the body waves (P,PP,S) and are usually used at larger distance from the earthquake epicentre (P-wave attenuation is less than surface waves, with distance). It can be used for any earthquake of any depth. Moment magnitude (Mw) is considered the best scale to use for larger earthquakes as the Ms saturates at about magnitude 8."
"docid": "D1161242#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_point_on_the_earth's_surface_directly_above_an_earthquake's_focus\nWhat is the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Earth Sciences Natural Disasters Earthquakes Flag Share In Earthquakes What is the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus? Answer by Neila Rockson Confidence votes 85.8KSolving the world's problems . . . one answer at a time. The point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is known as the epicenter of the earthquake. The epicenter is the place that feels the strongest force. The focus is the place under the ground where the earthquake originated.60 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No The place on the surface directly above the earthquake's focus?epicenter What is the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake?epicenter Jack of Diamonds 116 Contributions Point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's starting point? Epicenter The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus? The focus is the point under the earth where an earthquake originates. The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus is the epicenter."
"docid": "D1985252#0",
"title": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/chile/10738402/Chile-earthquake-rush-to-evacuate-coast-after-tsunami-warning-as-it-happened.html\nChile earthquake: rush to evacuate coast after tsunami warning - as it happened",
"text": "\"Chile earthquake: rush to evacuate coast after tsunami warning - as it happened The powerful 8.2-magnitude earthquake sparked a tsunami warning for Peru and Ecuador and evacuations in Chile Bonnie Malkin and agencies7:30AM BST 02 Apr 2014• 8.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off northern Chile• Waves of 6.3 feet hit the Chilean coast• Tsunami warning also in place for Hawaii• At least five dead and three seriously injured• Reports of landslides, flooding, fires Latest12.17 We're wrapping up our live coverage of developments following last night's earthquake. Read the full story here.10.14 Authorities have called off the tsunami alert across most of Chile except in six regions: Arica, Pisagua, Iquique, Patache, Tocopilla and Mejillones. An estimated 800,000 people were evacuated in all.09.00 Indonesia has said it could be hit by a small tsunami from the Chile earthquake.07.10 Veronica Castillo has described to AFP the moment the earthquake hit: The street lights were busted, people ran terrified. After the earthquake there were several aftershocks. Residents evacuated after a tsunami alarm at Antofagasta city, north of Santiago (REUTERS)06.25 President Bachelet said she would travel to the regions of Arica and Tarapaca on Wednesday, and send military officials to the areas to prevent looting and disorder.06.01 The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has cancelled the tsunami warnings for Peru and Chile. \"\" Sea level readings indicate a tsunami was generated,\"\" it said in a statement. \"\" It may have been destructive along coasts near the earthquake epicentre. \"\" A tsunami advisory remains in place for Hawaii.05.55 AFP reports that President Bachelet has declared northern Chile a disaster area.05.51 Here's an update on the hunt for 300 women prisoners who escaped following the quake:05.40 The LA Times reports that the fault that triggered the quake has been overdue for a significant earthquake for some time.05.34 Ricardo Toro, head of the ONEMI national emergency services agency, has confirmed to media the entire Chilean coastline has been evacuated.05.29 Here is more detail on the tsunami advisory for Hawaii from Reuters: A tsunami advisory has been issued for Hawaii due to a magnitude 8.2 earthquake that struck on Tuesday off the coast of Chile, but no major damage is expected. \"\" Based on all available data, a major tsunami is not expected to strike the state of Hawaii,\"\" the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said in a statement. \"\" However, sea level changes and strong currents may occur along all coasts that could be a hazard to swimmers and boaters as well as to persons near the shore at beaches and in harbors and marinas. \"\""
"docid": "D1971242#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_populated_places_affected_by_the_2010_Haiti_earthquake\nList of populated places affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This is a list of populated places and structures affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake, a magnitude 7.0 M w earthquake that occurred on 12 January 2010, with an epicentre approximately 25 km (16 mi) west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, [1] and affected an estimated three million people. [ 2] The Haitian government estimated that 230,000 people died, [3] 300,000 were injured and 1,000,000 made homeless by the quake. [ 4]The earthquake caused extensive damage to infrastructure in southwestern Haiti—in February, Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings had collapsed or were severely damaged. [ 5] The deputy mayor of Léogâne, at the epicentre of the earthquake, [6] reported that 90 percent of buildings in the city were destroyed and Léogâne had \"\"to be totally rebuilt.\"\" [ 7] As much as 90 percent of Grand-Goâve was devastated, including all public buildings. [ 8] [9] In Gressier, 40–50 percent of buildings were destroyed; the same in the worst-affected areas of Carrefour. [ 10] Jacmel, the capital of Sud-Est department, also was heavily affected; 70 percent of homes in the city were damaged according to the mayor of Jacmel, [11] as well as the airport, hospital and city hall building. [ 12] [13]Many landmark buildings were damaged or destroyed, including the Presidential Palace, [14] the National Assembly building ( Palais Législatif ), the Supreme Court building ( Palais de Justice) [15] and the Holy Trinity and Port-au-Prince Cathedrals. [ 15] Port-au-Prince's main port and airport, the Port international de Port-au-Prince and Toussaint Louverture International Airport also suffered severe damage, [16] [17] as did Killick, the Haitian Coast Guard 's base in the capital city. [ 18] The Ciné Institute, Haiti's only film school, \"\"lost two buildings\"\". ["
"docid": "D1832250#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/epicentre\nepicentre",
"text": "epicentre Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .epicentre ( ˈɛpɪˌsɛntə) orepicentern1. ( Geological Science) Also called: epicentrum the point on the earth's surface directlyabove the focus of an earthquake or underground nuclear explosion. Compare focus 62. informal the absolute centre of something: the epicentre of world sprinting. [ C19: from New Latin epicentrum, from Greek epikentros over the centre, from epi- + kentronneedle; see centre]ˌepiˈcentral adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. epicentre - the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquakeepicentergeographic point, geographical point - a point on the surface of the Earth Based on Word Net 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Select a language:epicentroepicentreepicenter ( US) [ˈepɪsentəʳ] N → epicentro m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © Harper Collins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page: Facebook Twitter"
"docid": "D2254231#0",
"title": "http://monitor.co.ug/artsculture/reviews/earthquake-or-tremor--what-s-the-difference-/-/691232/1912064/-/vekn0xz/-/index.html\nEarthquake or tremor: What's the difference?",
"text": "Friday July 12 2013Earthquake or tremor: What's the difference? A boy looks on in shock after an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale hit Haiti in 2010. FILE PHOTOAdvertisement By Joash Yose Last week tremors of the earth on which we lay all the fruits of our labour sparked hundreds of conversations on what exactly is taking place in the country. Some thought they are signs of the end of time. Traditionalists believe their god “Walumbe” was passing by while the scientists think otherwise. More interesting were the tense arguments in taxis and around boda boda stages on whether what occurred was an earthquake or a tremor. According to geological reports from Entebbe Metrology Centre, we experienced two, three to five seconds tremors of magnitude 5.7 and 5.4 on the Richter scale on July 3, at 10.21pm and 1.22am the next morning. These were after an earlier one on July 2 that shook parts of Kampala and areas along the Albertine Grabben. Most affected were areas of the Lake Albert region, 71km from Hoima in Uganda and 50km from Bunia town in the Congo. Fortunately, no deaths were registered."
"docid": "D1826878#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Where_there_is_a_zone_of_air_divergence_at_Earth%27s_surface._What_would_you_expect_to_see_directly_above_the_zone_and_why\nWhat must happen in the air above for divergence at the surface to be maintained?",
"text": "Pgr-fw 1,189 Contributions What must happen in the air above for divergence at the surface to be maintained? Answer There has to be convergence aloft. Edit What is the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake?epicenter Edit Neila Rockson 1,158,732 Contributions Solving the world's problems . . . one answer at a time. What is the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus? The point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is known as the epicenter of the earthquake. The epicenter is the place that feels the strongest forc …SBDW1 _ 54,594 Contributions The area of the earth's surface that is directly above the origin of an earthquake? This is known as an earthquake's epicentre. Edit Moonx Lorelei 60 Contributions What are the three temperature zones on earth's surface that are based on latitude? The three temperature zones on earth's surface are the Frigid Zone, the Temperate Zone, and the Tropical Zone."
] |
636986 | what does epinephrine stimulate pharmacology | [
"docid": "D290309#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epinephrine\nAdrenaline",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Epinephrine)navigation search This article is about the natural hormone. For the medication, see Epinephrine (medication). For other uses, see Adrenaline (disambiguation). Adrenaline Clinical data Synonyms adrenaline ( BAN UK)Pharmacokinetic data Metabolism adrenergic synapse ( MAO and COMT)Onset of action Rapid [1]Biological half-life 2 minutes Duration of action Few minutes [2]Excretion Urine Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number51-43-4Pub Chem CID5816IUPHAR/BPS479Drug Bank DB00668Chem Spider5611UNIIYKH834O4BHKEGGD00095Ch EBICHEBI:28918Ch EMBLCHEMBL679PDB ligand ALE ( PDBe, RCSB PDB)ECHA Info Card 100.000.090Chemical and physical data Formula C 9 H 13 N O 3Molar mass 183.204 g/mol3D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Density 1.283±0.06 g/cm 3 @ 20 °C, 760 Torr SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Adrenaline, also known as adrenalin or epinephrine, is a hormone, neurotransmitter, and medication. [ 3] [4] Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons. [ 3] It plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and blood sugar. [ 5] [6] It does this by binding to alpha and beta receptors. [ 6] It is found in many animals and some single cell organisms. [ 7] [8]Napoleon Cybulski first isolated epinephrine in 1895. [ 9]Contents [ hide ]1 Medical uses2 Physiological effects2.1 Exercise2.2 Emotional response2.3 Memory3 Pathology4 Terminology5 Mechanism of action6 Measurement in biological fluids7 Biosynthesis and regulation7.1 Regulation8 History9 Society and culture9.1 Adrenaline junkie9.2 Strength10 References11 External links Medical uses [ edit]Main article: Epinephrine (medication)As a medication, it is used to treat a number of conditions including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and superficial bleeding. ["
] | [
"docid": "D3183119#0",
"title": "https://www.78stepshealth.us/body-function/types-of-endocrine-disorders.html\n.",
"text": "\"Types of Endocrine Disorders Last Updated on Fri, 09 Mar 2018 | Body Function Most endocrine disorders fall into one of four categories: (1) too little hormone (hyposecretion ); (2) too much hormone (hypersecretion); (3) reduced response of the target cells (hyporesponsiveness); and (4) increased response of the target cells (hyperresponsive-ness). In the first two categories, the phrases \"\"too little hormone\"\" and \"\"too much hormone\"\" here mean too little or too much for any given physiological situation. For example, as we shall see, insulin secretion decreases during fasting, and this decrease is an adaptive physiological response, not too little insulin. In contrast, insulin secretion should increase after eating, and if its increase is less than normal, this is too little hormone secretion. Hyposecretion An endocrine gland may be secreting too little hormone because the gland is not able to function normally. This is termed primary hyposecretion. Examples of primary hyposecretion include (1) genetic absence of a steroid-forming enzyme in the adrenal cortex, leading to decreased cortisol secretion, and (2) dietary deficiency of iodine leading to decreased secretion of thyroid hormones. There are many other causes—infections, toxic chemicals, and so on—all having the common denominator of damaging the endocrine gland. In contrast to primary hyposecretion, a gland may be secreting too little hormone not because the gland is abnormal but because there is not enough of its tropic hormone. This is termed secondary hyposecre-tion."
"docid": "D1655003#0",
"title": "http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/A-Ce/Adrenergic-Drugs.html\nAdrenergic drugs",
"text": "\"Surgery A-Ce Adrenergic Drugs Adrenergic drugs Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Definition Adrenergic amines are drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (also called the adrenergic nervous system). These compounds are also called sympathomimetic drugs. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the autonomic nervous system that originates in the thoracic (chest) and lumbar (lower back) regions of the spinal cord and regulates involuntary reactions to stress. It stimulates the heartbeat, sweating, breathing rate, and other stress-related body processes. Purpose Adrenergic drugs have many uses. They are used to increase the output of the heart, to raise blood pressure, and to increase urine flow as part of the treatment of shock. Adrenergics are also used as heart stimulants. They may be given to a patient to reverse the drop in blood pressure that is sometimes caused by general anesthesia. They may be used to stop bleeding by causing the blood vessels to constrict, and to keep local anesthetics in a small area of the body by closing off the nearby blood vessels that would otherwise spread the anesthetic to other parts of the body. This ability to make blood vessels constrict makes adrenergics useful in reducing nasal stuffiness associated with colds and allergies."
"docid": "D173115#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/nicotine\nNicotine",
"text": "\"Nicotine As any smoker can tell you, nicotine is a remarkably addictive drug; only about seven percent of people who try to quit smoking on their own last at least one year. Nicotine is among the most heavily used addictive drugs in the country, in spite of the long-known facts regarding smoking's potential to cause lung cancer and many other health problems. Definition Nicotine is one of the most heavily used addictive drugs in the U. S., and the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death. Cigarette smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer cases in the U. S., and about 38,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. Most cigarettes in the U. S. market today contain 10 milligrams (mg) or more of nicotine. The average smoker takes in 1 to 2 mg nicotine per cigarette when inhaling. In 1989, the Surgeon General issued a report indicating that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco which contain nicotine (such as cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco) are addictive. The report also determined that smoking was a major cause of stroke as well as the third leading cause of death in the U. S. What Is Nicotine? Nicotine is one of more than 4,000 chemicals found in the smoke from tobacco products; it is the primary component that acts on the brain. Smokeless tobacco products (for example, snuff and chewing tobacco) also contain many toxins as well as high levels of nicotine."
"docid": "D293854#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/is-albuterol-and-epinephrine-the-same-thing\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Is Albuterol And Epinephrine The Same Thing",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Is Albuterol And Epinephrine The Same Thing Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Latonya Brown-Puryear1 Is albuterol and epinephrine the same thing? Albuterol: No. Different drugs. Get help from a doctor now ›Dr. Warren Foster Ventolin (Definition)Ventolin is the trade name for the chemical / drug albuterol. This drug is a medicine to be inhaled to open the airways and it acts quickly, so it is called a \"\"short-acting bronchodilator\"\". The medicine comes in both a hand-held inhaler and as a liquid to be used with a nebulizer machine. It also comes in a liquid form to take by mouth, but this should not be used ... Read more Dr. Corey Clay Internal Medicine - Allergy & Immunology3 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. James Marx3 doctors agreed:2 Do albuterol and epinephrine do the same thing? Yes: Primatene mist previously available without a rx was just inhaled epinephrine. Overuse was associated with bad side effects like stroke and heart attack."
"docid": "D2410532#0",
"title": "http://nba.uth.tmc.edu/neuroscience/s1/chapter12.html\n.",
"text": "\"12.1 Introduction Monoamines (also known as \"\"biogenic amines\"\") include three classes of neurotransmitters: Catecholamines Dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE, also called noradrenaline) and epinephrine (E, also called adrenaline) make up a class of neurotransmitters named on the basis of the hydroxylated phenol ring termed a catechol nucleus. Indolamines Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT); is the principal member of this group of compounds. The name serotonin is derived from the fact that this substance was first isolated from the serum based on its ability to cause an increase in blood pressure. Melatonin, a second indolamine, is restricted to the pineal and is released into the blood stream in a manner that is regulated by the diurnal cycle. Melatonin will not be covered further in this chapter. Histamine Histamine has been recognized as a neurotransmitter in the CNS only within the past fifteen years. The structure of the monoamine neurotransmitters is shown in Figure 12.1. Figure 12.1Structure of the monoamine neurotransmitters.12.2 Anatomy of Catecholamines Catecholamines are neurotransmitters in a sympathetic limb of the autonomic nervous system and in the CNS.12.3 Autonomic Nervous Systems As shown in Figure 12.2, norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter in postganglionic sympathetic neurons where it acts on smooth muscle to cause either contraction or relaxation, depending on the types of receptors present (see below). DA is a neurotransmitter in autonomic ganglia where it modulates cholinergic transmission and in the kidney, where it produces renal vasodilation and inhibits Na + and H 2 O reabsorption. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are neurohumoral agents released into the circulation by the adrenal medulla."
"docid": "D1292001#0",
"title": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21718/\nSection 20.3 G ProteinââCoupled Receptors and Their Effectors",
"text": "Section 20.3 G Protein –Coupled Receptors and Their Effectors Many different mammalian cell-surface receptors are coupled to a trimeric signal-transducing G protein. As noted earlier, ligand binding to these receptors activates their associated G protein, which then activates an effector enzyme to generate an intracellular second messenger (see Figure 20-3a ). All G protein – coupled receptors (GPCRs) contain seven membrane -spanning regions with their N-terminal segment on the exoplasmic face and their C-terminal segment on the cytosolic face of the plasma membrane ( Figure 20-10 ). This large receptor family includes light-activated receptors (rhodopsins) in the eye and literally thousands of odorant receptors in the mammalian nose (Section 21.6), as well as numerous receptors for various hormones and neurotransmitters (Section 21.5). Although these receptors are activated by different ligands and may mediate different cellular responses, they all mediate a similar signaling pathway (see Figure 20-6 ). Figure 20-10Schematic diagram of the general structure of G protein – linked receptors. All receptors of this type contain seven transmembrane α-helical regions. The loop between α helices 5 and 6, and in some cases the loop (more...)To illustrate the operation of this important class of receptors, we discuss the structure and function of the catecholamine receptors that bind epinephrine and norepinephrine and of their associated signal-transducing G proteins. In this receptor system, we focus on the effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase, which synthesizes the second messenger c AMP. Later we describe how other receptors and other G proteins allow cells to integrate the actions of different types of receptors, to modify other enzymes, to control essential metabolic processes, and to alter gene expression."
"docid": "D242712#0",
"title": "https://courses.washington.edu/chat543/cvans/sfp/ansrec.html\nAutonomic Receptors",
"text": "\"Intro | ANS Nerve | The Heart | Acetylcholine | Catecholamines | Autonomic Receptors Autonomic Receptors Autonomic receptors are broadly divided into those for ACh (cholinergic receptors) and those for catecholamines such as NE or EPI (adrenergic receptors or adrenoceptors). As we shall see later, subdivisions of each of these families of receptors are based on sensitivity to various agonist and antagonist drugs. Cholinergic receptors were originally divided and named on the basis of sensitivity to alkaloids that mimicked some, but not all, of the actions of ACh. These alkaloids are present in the fly agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria, and in the tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum. The alkaloids are muscarine and nicotine, respectively. Thus, cholinergic receptors are broadly classified as muscarinic (m ACh R) or nicotinic (n ACh R). The 3-dimensional structures of muscarine and nicotine molecules are fairly rigid and differ significantly. By contrast, ACh can assume 3-dimensional structures that are similar to muscarine on the one hand and nicotine on the other hand. Thus, one neurotransmitter molecule can interact with quite different receptor proteins, based on its molecular flexibility. Nicotinic receptors are located postsynaptically in all autonomic ganglia and at the NMJ."
"docid": "D1976043#0",
"title": "https://www.slideshare.net/drimhotep/drugs-used-in-disorders-of-the-endocrine-system-lectures-15\nDrugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System, Lectures 1 through 6",
"text": "Drugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System, Lectures 1 through 6660 views Share Like... Imhotep Virtual Medical School Follow Published on Feb 15, 2016Drugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System, Lectures 1-6... Published in: Health & Medicine3 Comments7 Likes Statistics Notes Post Adem Hanur I dont need. okay2 months ago Riyadh Jumaah , Student at college of pharmacy university of baghdadplease send it to me [email protected] months agowilliam modiba , --WHAT A COMPREHENSIVE SLIDE IT IS. PLEASE MAY YOU SHARE WITH US FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES AT : [email protected] or [email protected] months ago Drugs Used in Disorders of the Endocrine System, Lectures 1 through 61. Photos: The surgeon in this photo is transfusing donor islet cells into a diabetic patient. The islet cells may take residence in the pancreas and secrete insulin for the patient. Note the new islet cells in the right-hand photo. They are now functioning normally. This patient will never again need to inject insulin. From: Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology 10th ed. New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill 2010.2."
"docid": "D2900091#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/sufenta-drug/indications-dosage.htm\nSufenta",
"text": "Drug Description Take the Pain Quiz Back Pain Slideshow: Myths and Facts Chronic Pain Slideshow Find Lowest Prices on SUFENTA® (sufentanil citrate) Injection DESCRIPTIONSUFENTA® (sufentanil citrate) is a potent opioid analgesic chemically designated as N- [4- (methyoxymethyl)-1- [2- (2-thienyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-N-phenyl-propanamide:2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate (1:1) with a molecular weight of 578.68. The structural formula of SUFENTA (sufentanil citrate injection) is: SUFENTA (sufentanil citrate injection) is a sterile, preservative free, aqueous solution containing sufentanil citrate equivalent to 50 µg per m L of sufentanil base for intravenous and epidural injection. The solution has a p H range of 3.5-6.0. Indications & Dosage Take the Pain Quiz Back Pain Slideshow: Myths and Facts Chronic Pain Slideshow INDICATIONSSUFENTA (sufentanil citrate) is indicated for intravenous administration in adults and pediatric patients: as an analgesic adjunct in the maintenance of balanced general anesthesia in patients who are intubated and ventilated. as a primary anesthetic agent for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia with 100% oxygen in patients undergoing major surgical procedures,in patients who are intubated and ventilated, such as cardiovascular surgery or neurosurgical procedures in the sitting position, to provide favorable myocar-dial and cerebral oxygen balance or when extended postoperative ventilation is anticipated. SUFENTA (sufentanil citrate) is indicated for epidural administration as an analgesic combined with low dose bupivacaine, usually 12.5 mg per administra-tion, during labor and vaginal delivery. See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION FOR MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THE USE OF SUFENTA. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONThe dosage of SUFENTA (sufentanil citrate injection) should be individualized in each case according to body weight, physical status, underlying pathological condition, use of otherdrugs, and type of surgical procedure and anesthesia. In obese patients (more than 20% above ideal total body weight), the dosage of SUFENTA (sufentanil citrate injection) shouldbe determined on the basis of lean body weight. Dosage should be reduced in elderly and debilitated patients (see PRECAUTIONS )."
"docid": "D2883597#0",
"title": "http://tmedweb.tulane.edu/pharmwiki/doku.php/introduction_to_the_ans\nIntroduction to the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)",
"text": "\"Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)By the end of the self study you should be able to: Review the anatomical organization of the ANS. Define the neurotransmitters at the autonomic ganglia and major target organs. Define the receptors at the autonomic ganglia and major target organs. Compare/contrast the physiological responses of target organs produced by parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation. Discuss predominant tone and the regulation of doubly-innervated organs. Abbreviations & Definitions: ANS - Autonomic Nervous System Muscarinic – resembling or related to the effects produced by acetylcholine on organ systems and tissues that are innervated by postganglionic nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system. The receptors in these regions are selectively stimulated by muscarine. Muscarinic receptors are also present in the vascular endothelium, although it is not directly innervated. Nicotinic - resembling or related to the effects produced by acetylcholine that is released in autonomic ganglia, or at the neuromuscular junction of voluntary muscles. The receptors in these regions are selectively stimulated by nicotine."
"docid": "D3369363#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/sensorcaine.html\nSensorcaine",
"text": "Sensorcaine Generic Name: bupivacaine hydrochloride Dosage Form: injection, solution Overview Side Effects Professional Interactions Pregnancy User Reviews Support Group Q & AMore Pricing & Coupons On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling Sensorcaine ® (bupivacaine HCl Injection, USP)Sensorcaine ® -MPF (bupivacaine HCl Injection, USP)Sensorcaine ® with Epinephrine (bupivacaine HCl and epinephrine Injection, USP)1:200,000 (as bitartrate)Sensorcaine ® -MPF with Epinephrine (bupivacaine HCl and epinephrine Injection, USP)1:200,000 (as bitartrate)Rx only Sensorcaine Description Sensorcaine ® (bupivacaine HCl) injections are sterile isotonic solutions that contain a local anesthetic agent with and without epinephrine (as bitartrate) 1:200,000 and are administered parenterally by injection. See INDICATIONS AND USAGE for specific uses. Solutions of bupivacaine HCl may be autoclaved if they do not contain epinephrine. Sensorcaine injections contain bupivacaine HCl which is chemically designated as 2-piperidinecarboxamide, 1-butyl- N - (2,6-dimethylphenyl)-, monohydrochloride, monohydrate and has the following structure: Epinephrine is (-)-3,4-Dihydroxy-α [ (methylamino)methyl] benzyl alcohol. It has the following structural formula: The p K a of bupivacaine (8.1) is similar to that of lidocaine (7.86). However, bupivacaine possesses a greater degree of lipid solubility and is protein bound to a greater extent than lidocaine. Bupivacaine is related chemically and pharmacologically to the aminoacyl local anesthetics. It is a homologue of mepivacaine and is chemically related to lidocaine. All three of these anesthetics contain an amide linkage between the aromatic nucleus and the amino, or piperidine group. They differ in this respect from the procaine-type local anesthetics, which have an ester linkage."
"docid": "D663829#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/xylocaine-drug.htm\nXylocaine",
"text": "Drug Description Digestive Disease Myths Slideshow Pictures10 Facts About the Amazing Brain Weight Gain Shockers Slideshow Find Lowest Prices on Xylocaine ® (lidocaine HCl) Injection, USPXylocaine ® (lidocaine HCl and epinephrine) Injection, USPFor Infiltration and Nerve Block DESCRIPTIONXylocaine (lidocaine HCl) Injections are sterile, nonpyrogenic, aqueous solutions that contain a local anesthetic agent with or without epinephrine and are administered parenterally by injection. See INDICATIONS for specific uses. Xylocaine solutions contain lidocaine HCl, which is chemically designated as acetamide, 2- (diethylamino)-N- (2,6-dimethylphenyl)-, monohydrochloride and has the molecular wt. 270.8. Lidocaine HCl (C 14 H 22 N 2 O•HCl) has the following structural formula: Epinephrine is (-) -3, 4-Dihydroxy-α- [ (methylamino) methyl] benzyl alcohol and has the molecular wt. 183.21. Epinephrine (C 9 H 13 NO 3) has the following structural formula: Dosage forms listed as Xylocaine (lidocaine) -MPF indicate single dose solutions that are Methyl Paraben Free (MPF). Xylocaine (lidocaine) MPF is a sterile, nonpyrogenic, isotonic solution containing sodium chloride. Xylocaine (lidocaine) in multiple dose vials: Each m L also contains 1 mg methylparaben as antiseptic preservative. The p H of these solutions is adjusted to approximately 6.5 (5.0–7.0) with sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid."
"docid": "D603005#0",
"title": "https://www.flashcardmachine.com/ch-1121.html\nShared Flashcard Set",
"text": "\"Shared Flashcard Set Details Title Ch.11Description The Endocrine System Total Cards 32Subject Physiology Level Undergraduate 1Created 03/26/2009Click here to study/print these flashcards . Create your own flash cards! Sign up here . Additional Physiology Flashcards Related Study Documents from www.coursehero.com (What's Course Hero? ) unit 4.docx Course: BIOM 3200School: University of Guelphunit 4 + 5.docx Course: BIOM 3200School: University of Guelph Unit 4Course: BIOM 3200School: University of Guelph Unit 1.docx Course: FRHD 1020School: University of Guelph Mammalian-Week-4.... Course: ZOO 2090School: University of Guelph ENDOCRINE answers... Course: PHYSIO 234School: Medical Council of Hong Kong Endocrine system Course: BIOLOGY BIOL225School: University of Balamand CH15. PPTCourse: BIO 25School: Pohang University of Science and Technology ENDOCRINE.docx Course: PHYSIO 234School: Medical Council of Hong Kong»Browse Related Documents Cards Term Describe the chemical nature of hormones: Definition1) Amines: Derived from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. Includes the water soluble hormones derived from the adrenal medulla, lipophilic thyroid and pineal glands.2) Polypeptides and proteins: Proteins are large polypeptides. ADH is an 8 amino acid polypeptide, too small to be considered a hormone. Growth hormone (GH) has 191 amino acids, so it is a protein. Insulin is composed of 2 polypeptide chains derived from a single, larger molecule."
"docid": "D164339#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine_sulfate\nNicotine",
"text": "\"Nicotine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Nicotine sulfate)navigation search This article is about the chemical. For other uses, see Nicotine (disambiguation). Nicotine Clinical data Trade names Nicorette, Nicotrol AHFS / Drugs.com Monograph Pregnancy category AU: DUS: D (Evidence of risk)Dependence liability Physical: low–moderate Psychological: moderate–high [1] [2]Addiction liability High [3]Routes of administration Inhalation; insufflation; oral – buccal, sublingual, and ingestion; transdermal; rectal ATC code N07BA01 ( WHO) QP53AX13 ( WHO)Legal status Legal status AU: Unscheduled CA: Unscheduled DE: Unscheduled NZ: Unscheduled UK: Unscheduled US: Unscheduled UN: Unscheduled Pharmacokinetic data Protein binding <5%Metabolism Primarily hepatic: CYP2A6, CYP2B6, FMO3, others Metabolites Cotinine Biological half-life 1-2 hours; 20 hours active metabolite Excretion Urine (10-20% (gum), p H-dependent; 30% (inhaled); 10-30% (intranasal))Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number54-11-5Pub Chem CID89594IUPHAR/BPS2585Drug Bank DB00184Chem Spider80863UNII6M3C89ZY6RKEGGD03365Ch EBICHEBI:18723Ch EMBLCHEMBL3PDB ligand NCT ( PDBe, RCSB PDB)ECHA Info Card 100.000.177Chemical and physical data Formula C 10 H 14 N 2Molar mass 162.23 g/mol3D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Chirality Chiral Density 1.01 g/cm 3Melting point −79 °C (−110 °F)Boiling point 247 °C (477 °F)SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (what is this?) ( verify)Nicotine is a potent parasympathomimetic stimulant and an alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants. Nicotine acts as an agonist at most nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (n ACh Rs), [4] [5] except at two nicotinic receptor subunits ( n ACh Rα9 and n ACh Rα10) where it acts as a receptor antagonist. [ 4] Nicotine is found in the leaves of Nicotiana rustica, in amounts of 2–14%; in the tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum; in Duboisia hopwoodii; and in Asclepias syriaca. [ 6]Nicotine constitutes approximately 0.6–3.0 % of the dry weight of tobacco. [ 7] It also occurs in edible plants, such as those in the Solanaceae family, which include eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes for example, but at trace levels generally under 200 nanograms per gram, dry weight (less than .00002%). [ 8] [9] [10] Nicotine functions as an antiherbivore chemical; consequently, nicotine was widely used as an insecticide in the past, [11] [12] and neonicotinoids, such as imidacloprid, are widely used. Nicotine is highly addictive. ["
"docid": "D470954#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1522840101900151\nA review of pediatric resuscitation pharmacology",
"text": "\"Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2001, Pages 124-128A review of pediatric resuscitation pharmacology Selena Nariharan MD Mary Patterson MDShow morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/S1522-8401 (01)90015-1 Get rights and content Abstract This article will provide an evidence-based review of the uses of standard-dose epinephrine, high-dose epinephrine, sodium bicarbonate, atropine, calcium, and glucose in pediatric resuscitation. The uses of aminophylline, lidocaine, and amiodarone in adult resuscitation are also reviewed. Although many medications are used in advanced life support, the only medication with proven efficacy in pediatric resuscitation is epinephrine. Despite numerous investigations, the optimal dose remains controversial. In addition to ventilation, oxygenation, and circulation, epinephrine remains the primary medication used in resuscitation. The other medications in this review are effective only in select circumstances. Previous article Next article This article will provide an evidencebased review of the uses of standard-dose epinephrine, high-dose epinephrine, sodium bicarbonate, atropine, calcium, and glucose in pediatric resuscitation. The uses of aminophylline, lidocaine, and amiodarone in adult resuscitation are also reviewed. Although many medications are used in Advanced life support, the only medication with proven efficacy in pediatric resuscitation is epinephrine. Despite numerous investigations, the optimal dose remains controversial."
"docid": "D3101134#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racemic_epinephrine\nEpinephrine (medication)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Racemic epinephrine)navigation search This article is about the medication. For the natural hormone, see Adrenaline. Epinephrine (medication)Clinical data Trade names Epi Pen, Adrenaclick, others AHFS / Drugs.com Monograph Medline Plus a603002License data US FDA : epinephrine Pregnancy category US: C (Risk not ruled out)Addiction liability None Routes of administration IV, IM, endotracheal, IC, nasal, eye drop ATC code A01AD01 ( WHO) B02BC09 ( WHO) C01CA24 ( WHO) R01AA14 ( WHO) R03AA01 ( WHO) S01EA01 ( WHO)Legal status Legal status AU: S4 (Prescription only)UK: POM (Prescription only)US: ℞-only Pharmacokinetic data Metabolism adrenergic synapse ( MAO and COMT)Onset of action Rapid [1]Biological half-life 2 minutes Duration of action Few minutes [2]Excretion Urine Identifiers IUPAC name [show]CAS Number51-43-4Pub Chem CID5816IUPHAR/BPS479Drug Bank DB00668Chem Spider5611UNIIYKH834O4BHKEGGD00095Ch EBICHEBI:28918Ch EMBLCHEMBL679PDB ligand ALE ( PDBe, RCSB PDB)Chemical and physical data Formula C 9 H 13 N O 3Molar mass 183.204 g/mol3D model ( JSmol)Interactive image Density 1.283±0.06 g/cm 3 @ 20 °C, 760 Torr SMILES [show]In Ch I [show] (verify)Epinephrine, also known as adrenalin or adrenaline, is a medication and hormone. [ 3] [4] As a medication, it is used to treat a number of conditions, including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and superficial bleeding. [ 1] Inhaled epinephrine may be used to improve the symptoms of croup. [ 5] It may also be used for asthma when other treatments are not effective. [ 1] It is given intravenously, by injection into a muscle, by inhalation, or by injection just under the skin. [ 1]Common side effects include shakiness, anxiety, and sweating. [ 1] A fast heart rate and high blood pressure may occur. [ 1] Occasionally, it may result in an abnormal heart rhythm. ["
"docid": "D731670#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/epinephrine\nepinephrine",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.epinephrine Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to epinephrine: epinephrine reversal, racemic epinephrineepinephrine [ ep″ĭ-nef´rin] a hormone produced by the adrenal medulla; called also adrenaline (British). Its function is to aid in the regulation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. At times when a person is highly stimulated, as by fear, anger, or some challenging situation, extra amounts of epinephrineare released into the bloodstream, preparing the body for energetic action. Epinephrine is a powerfulvasopressor that increases blood pressure and increases the heart rate and cardiac output. It alsoincreases glycogenolysis and the release of glucose from the liver, so that a person has a suddenlyincreased feeling of muscular strength and aggressiveness.ƒSome disorders of the adrenal glands, such as addison's disease, reduce the output of epinephrinebelow normal. By contrast, excessive activity of those glands, as sometimes seen in highlyemotional persons, tends to produce tenseness, palpitation, high blood pressure, perhaps diarrhea,and overaggressiveness. Certain adrenal tumors also result in the production of too muchepinephrine. Removal of the tumor relieves symptoms."
"docid": "D594815#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychostimulant\nStimulant",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Psychostimulant)navigation search Ritalin sustained-release (SR) 20 mg tablets Stimulants (also often referred to as psychostimulants or colloquially as uppers) is an overarching term that covers many drugs including those that increase activity of the central nervous system and the body, [1] drugs that are pleasurable and invigorating, or drugs that have sympathomimetic effects. [ 2] Stimulants are widely used throughout the world as prescription medicines as well as without a prescription (either legally or illicitly) as performance-enhancing or recreational drugs. The most frequently prescribed stimulants as of 2013 were lisdexamfetamine, methylphenidate, and amphetamine. [ 3] It is estimated that the percentage of the population that has abused amphetamine-type stimulants (e.g., amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, etc.) and cocaine combined is between 0.8% and 2.1%. [ 4]Contents [ hide ]1 Effects1.1 Acute1.2 Chronic2 Medical uses3 Chemistry3.1 Amphetamines (class)3.2 Cocaine analogues4 Mechanisms of action5 Notable stimulants5.1 Amphetamine5.2 Caffeine5.3 Ephedrine5.4 MDMA5.5 MDPV5.6 Mephedrone5.7 Methamphetamine5.8 Methylphenidate5.9 Cocaine5.10 Nicotine5.11 Phenylpropanolamine5.12 Propylhexedrine5.13 Pseudoephedrine5.14 Catha edulis (Khat)6 Abuse7 Testing8 See also9 Notes10 References11 External links Effects [ edit]Acute [ edit]Stimulants in therapeutic doses, such as those given to patients with ADHD, increases ability to focus, vigor, sociability, libido and may elevate mood. However, in higher doses stimulants may actually decrease the ability to focus, a principle of the Yerkes-Dodson Law. In higher doses stimulants may also produce euphoria, vigor, and decrease need for sleep. Many, but not all, stimulants have ergogenic effects. Drugs such as ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, amphetamine and methylphenidate have well documented ergogenic effects, while cocaine has the opposite effect. ["
"docid": "D3333885#0",
"title": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/neurotransmitters\nNeurotransmitters",
"text": "Neurotransmitters Ariel Y. Deutch, in Fundamental Neuroscience (Fourth Edition), 2013Criteria for Designation as a Neurotransmitter Neurotransmittersare usually considered to be endogenous substances that are released from neurons, act on receptor sites that are typically present on membranes of postsynaptic cells, and produce a functional change in the properties of the target cell. Over the years general agreement evolved that several criteria should be met for a substance to be designated a neurotransmitter:1. A neurotransmitter must be synthesized by and released from neurons. Thus, the presynaptic neuron should contain both the transmitter and the appropriate enzymes needed to synthesize that neurotransmitter.2. The substance should be released from nerve terminals in a chemically or pharmacologically identifiable form. It should therefore be possible to isolate the transmitter and characterize its structure.3. A neurotransmitter should reproduce at the postsynaptic cell the specific events (such as changes in membrane properties) that are seen after stimulation of the presynaptic neuron.4. The effects of a putative neurotransmitter should be blocked by competitive antagonists of the receptor for that transmitter in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, treatments that inhibit synthesis of the transmitter should block the effects of presynaptic stimulation.5. There should be active mechanisms to terminate the action of the neurotransmitter."
"docid": "D1156036#0",
"title": "https://www.rxlist.com/xylocaine-drug.htm\nXylocaine",
"text": "Drug Description Digestive Disease Myths Slideshow Pictures10 Facts About the Amazing Brain Weight Gain Shockers Slideshow Find Lowest Prices on Xylocaine ® (lidocaine HCl) Injection, USPXylocaine ® (lidocaine HCl and epinephrine) Injection, USPFor Infiltration and Nerve Block DESCRIPTIONXylocaine (lidocaine HCl) Injections are sterile, nonpyrogenic, aqueous solutions that contain a local anesthetic agent with or without epinephrine and are administered parenterally by injection. See INDICATIONS for specific uses. Xylocaine solutions contain lidocaine HCl, which is chemically designated as acetamide, 2- (diethylamino)-N- (2,6-dimethylphenyl)-, monohydrochloride and has the molecular wt. 270.8. Lidocaine HCl (C 14 H 22 N 2 O•HCl) has the following structural formula: Epinephrine is (-) -3, 4-Dihydroxy-α- [ (methylamino) methyl] benzyl alcohol and has the molecular wt. 183.21. Epinephrine (C 9 H 13 NO 3) has the following structural formula: Dosage forms listed as Xylocaine (lidocaine) -MPF indicate single dose solutions that are Methyl Paraben Free (MPF). Xylocaine (lidocaine) MPF is a sterile, nonpyrogenic, isotonic solution containing sodium chloride. Xylocaine (lidocaine) in multiple dose vials: Each m L also contains 1 mg methylparaben as antiseptic preservative. The p H of these solutions is adjusted to approximately 6.5 (5.0–7.0) with sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid."
] |
636987 | what does epiphany mean in literature | [
"docid": "D509259#0",
"title": "http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/definitions/epiphany-41\nEpiphany",
"text": "\"Epiphany Epiphany is the point in a work of literature where a character has a sudden insight or realization that changes his or her understanding. Epiphany was both employed and made popular as a literary term by James Joyce, and explained at length in his autobiographical novel, Stephen Hero. Joyce prescribes a precise set of circumstances for epiphany, but on a less scholarly level, epiphany can be used as a device for revealing character growth or even for putting together the pieces of a mystery in a detective story. The poem \"\"Renascence\"\" by Edna St. Vincent Millay describes the experience of epiphany at length. See more Literature topics Lesson on Epiphany Epiphany | Literature | Chegg Tutors Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 9:35Epiphany | Literature | Chegg Tutors Show Transcript Videos related to Literature1:00tutorial Canon1:00tutorial Understatement1:00tutorial Rhetoric Show more Need more help understanding epiphany? We've got you covered with our online study tools Q&A related to Epiphany Experts answer in as little as 30 minutes See more related Q&ATop Literature solution manuals Get step-by-step solutions Find step-by-step solutions for your textbook Submit See more related Literature Textbook Solutions \""
] | [
"docid": "D1711653#0",
"title": "https://socratic.org/questions/if-matter-is-uniform-throughout-cannot-be-separated-into-other-substances-by-phy\nIf matter is uniform throughout, cannot be separated into other substances by physical processes, but can be decomposed into other substances by chemical processes? A) heterogeneous mix B) element C) homogeneous mix D) compound E) element mixture",
"text": "\"If matter is uniform throughout, cannot be separated into other substances by physical processes, but can be decomposed into other substances by chemical processes? A) heterogeneous mix B) element C) homogeneous mix D) compound E) element mixture Chemistry2 Answers4Judy O. Share Apr 17, 2016Answer: The answer is compound. Explanation: This is the exact definition of a compound such as water. Was this helpful? Let the contributor know!Yes1Max B. Share Jul 1, 2015Answer: I think answer \"\"F: None of the above\"\" would be the best option, but the best from this list is B: Element . Explanation: It can't be a mixture of anything, homogenous or heterogenous as all substances in a mix have (at least a little bit of) different properties. Besides if it's uniform throughout it isn't heterogenous. At first sight it might be a compound, lots of (organic) compounds do however decompose when they are heated a lot (think about cracking of oil distillation products). Simply put, elements can't change into other substances or compounds through physical processes. If you have 1 kg of potassium you can't turn it into anything else but just potassium without other chemicals (this isn't entirely true, there are physical processes like fission and fusion that can turn elements into others which is definitely not chemistry)."
"docid": "D3271197#0",
"title": "https://sassytownhouseliving.com/what-does-it-mean-to-have-an-epiphany/\nWhat Does It Mean To Have An Epiphany?",
"text": "What Does It Mean To Have An Epiphany?by Sassy Townhouse Living Articles Sassy Townhouse Living Pinterest Facebook Twitter Stumble Upon Google+ Amazon Wish List Flipboard Yummly Print Share What does it mean to have an epiphany? An epiphany is in general terms a revelation. I like to describe them as an emotional event that seems overwhelming with a sense of positivity that inspires you to act out in such a way to either resolve an issue or the motivates the creation of an idea. It’s so much more than that really. What Does It Mean To Have An Epiphany? Suddenly, it dawned on me, how much I missed having an epiphany. I was sitting here, mindless and open to creating something interesting when I realized I was on the verge of having an epiphany, but it didn’t happen. I couldn’t push it, force it, or make it happen. It was there for a nanosecond, they were gone, poof! The moment before almost felt euphoric."
"docid": "D1506442#0",
"title": "http://www.markedbyteachers.com/international-baccalaureate/world-literature/\nInternational Baccalaureate: World Literature",
"text": "\"Search Join over 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by 29% Unlimited access from just £6.99 per month Home International Baccalaureate World Literature International Baccalaureate: World Literature Browse by Rating:4 star+ (4)3 star+ (8)Word count:fewer than 1000 (595)1000-1999 (710)2000-2999 (77)3000+ (44)Submitted within:last month (6)last 3 months (6)last 6 months (8)last 12 months (30)Meet our team of inspirational teachersfind out about the team Get help from 80+ teachers and hundreds of thousands of student written documents Sign up now Peer Reviewed essays 10No. of results pages: 611 2 3 4 … 61Show Sort by Critical Analysis of After Apple Picking by Robert Frost5 star (s)I shall try to give my own: The name of the poem itself is intriguing and somewhat ominous. The decision to call it \"\"After Apple Picking\"\" is telling. The use of the term after conveys a sense of ambiguity and finality- it refers to an obscure period after a definite action. The poem is thus set up as an ambiguous one. Furthermore, the \"\"apple\"\" is introduced as a principal image in the poem. Thus readers are led to visualize the consequences of apple picking and to anticipate the metaphorical allusion of \"\"Apple Picking\"\", readied for the ambiguity of the indeterminate \"\"After\"\". Word count : 2663Save King Lear Passage Analysis Act IV, Scene 7 (lines 26 - 69)5 star (s)A touching reconciliation between Cordelia and Lear is seen. Lear is dressed in royal robes and is carried to Cordelia while asleep. I will be analysing three aspects of this extract - The characterisation of Cordelia - The portrayal of Lear's restoration (both physical and mental) - The depiction of Cordelia and Lear's reconcilliation Characterisation of Cordelia This extract further the positive portrayal of Cordelia in Act 1 Scene 1 as the paragon of virtue."
"docid": "D2276342#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosis\nGnosis",
"text": "\"Gnosis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Gnosis (disambiguation). [ hide]Part of a series on Gnosticism Gnosis [show]Gnostic sects [show]Scriptures [show]Influenced by [show]Influence on [show]v t e Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge ( γνῶσις, gnôsis, f.). [ 1] The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies. [ 2] [3] It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence. [ 3] [2]Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Judeo-Christian usage2.1 Hellenistic Jewish literature2.2 New Testament2.3 In the writings of the Greek Fathers2.4 In Eastern Orthodox thought3 Gnosticism4 See also5 References6 Sources Etymology [ edit]Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means \"\"knowledge\"\". [ 4] It is often used for personal knowledge compared with intellectual knowledge (εἶδειν eídein ), as with the French connaître compared with savoir, the Spanish conocer compared with saber, or the German kennen rather than wissen. [ 5]A related term is the adjective gnostikos, \"\"cognitive\"\", [6] a reasonably common adjective in Classical Greek. [ 7] Plato uses the plural adjective γνωστικοί – gnostikoi and the singular feminine adjective γνωστικὴ ἐπιστήμη – gnostike episteme in his Politikos where Gnostike episteme was also used to indicate one's aptitude. [ citation needed] The terms do not appear to indicate any mystic, esoteric or hidden meaning in the works of Plato, but instead expressed a sort of higher intelligence and ability analogous to talent. [ 8]Plato The Statesman 258e— Stranger: In this way, then, divide all science into two arts, calling the one practical ( praktikos ), and the other purely intellectual ( gnostikos )."
"docid": "D200582#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-does-coming-of-age-mean-3288528\nUnderstanding What It Means for a Child to Come of Age",
"text": "\"Tweens Growth & Development Understanding What It Means for a Child to Come of Age Is Your Child Coming of Age? By Jennifer O'Donnell Updated July 05, 2017Share Pin Email Print Hill Street Studios / Getty Images Coming of age is a term used to describe the transition between childhood and adulthood. For some cultures, coming of age is determined at a certain age when a child is no longer a minor. Other cultures determine a child's coming of age when he or she hits puberty or a particular age (13, 15, 16, 18, and 21 are commonly thought of as significant ages for young adults). Most religions have an official coming-of-age event which involves both family and community. Definitions of Coming of Age The coming of age milestone is an important one, and can also be a difficult transition as some children are hesitant to leave childhood behind. Literature, the movies, and music often refer to the coming of age theme and the problems or challenges associated with the transition. There are many different ways to define the expression \"\"of age.\"\" For example: Confirmation of an individual as a responsible adult within a religious community;Puberty (or, in some cases, loss of virginity);Acquiring a legally significant age (in the United States, either 18 or 21);Experiencing a moment of epiphany in which childhood is set aside;Taking responsibility for oneself and one's personal choices. How Coming of Age Is Recognized Most cultures and religions have specific events, ceremonies, or celebrations associated with coming of age."
"docid": "D540422#0",
"title": "http://www.semo.edu/cfs/teaching/10179.html\nThe Fire and the Hearth",
"text": "\"\"\"The Fire and the Hearth\"\"Arthur F. Kinney, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faulkner's most extended narrative of black life in Yoknapatawpha is remarkable for its tones and tensions, ranging from the ingenuity and hilarity of trickster tales to an examination of family and racial relationships that is powerfully wrenching. A chapter of Go Down, Moses, \"\"The Fire and the Hearth\"\" draws on two previous short stories, \"\"A Point of Law\"\" and \"\"Gold Is Not Always\"\" and, in its final, amalgamated form is essential to understanding Faulkner because it is his first serious exploration of African American life in the American South through history: the legacy of enslavement of blacks; their hunger for the liberty of an emancipation they are ill trained to manage; and their various attempts to forge a new life and lineage of purpose and dignity. The work's protagonist Lucas Beauchamp, the mulatto grandson of the great white plantation owner Lucius Quintus Carothers Mc Caslin, whose name he takes and corrupts, is loosely based on Faulkner's own loyal family servant Ned Barnett. But in Faulkner's attempt to record the public view of blacks alongside the urgent desire to understand them despite his limited but compassionate white perspective, Faulkner exposes the pressing needs and fierce limitations of man's need to know and the artist's imagination to reveal. Faulkner's solution as in the contemporary novel If I Forget Thee Jerusalem (The Wild Palms)- is to work in counterpoint, moving from prejudicial racial stereotypes (such as the cunning charlatan) to the individual family tragedy (where merged bloodlines complicate ancestry). By proposing that each perspective holds some truth and cannot be ignored, he accumulates a kind of double consciousness in the reader that forces each of us to come to our own understanding of the assorted but necessary materials he provides. \"\" First, in order to take care of George Wilkins once and for all, [Lucas] had to hide his own still\"\" and expose George's as a decoy (33): \"\"The Fire and the Hearth\"\" begins with a light hearted competition that will grow grim, a competition based in cunning and deceit, dismantling tricks in the dark of night. Lucas is \"\"the oldest living person on the Edmonds plantation, the oldest Mc Caslin descendant even though in the world's eye he descended not from Mc Caslin but from Mc Caslin slaves\"\" (36). He tells himself he is not worried about George, \"\"a fool living on the same place he lived on\"\" (35), but of his cousin Edmonds a white man on the distaff side of the family and overseer of the Mc Caslin land. Lucas was born in 1874 and now, at 67, exhausted farming cotton by day and moonshining at night: by day a hard field worker and by night an entrepreneurial scalawag."
"docid": "D698883#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/8728095/basic-literary-terms-review-flash-cards/\nBasic Literary Terms Review",
"text": "\"44 terms drmperez Basic Literary Terms Review Literary Terms Review from Middle School for ESL students at the Secondary School level. Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort THEME A central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. A Lesson about life or people Example: The theme of the party was going to be the 70's, so the invited was asked to dress up properly with inspiration from the decade. PERSONIFICATION Writing that gives inanimate objects or abstract ideas human characteristics. Example: The apple came walking and told me: Eat me! Eat me!ARCHETYPE A type of character, action, or situation that occurs over and over in literature; a pattern or example that occurs in literature and life. Example: The emperor himself was an archetype of what the modern world calls a constitutional monarch; he reigned, but did not govern. CONNOTATION A commonly understood subjective cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries, in addition to the word's or phrase's explicit or literal meaning (its denotation)."
"docid": "D3187704#0",
"title": "http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05504c.htm\nEpiphany",
"text": "\"Epiphany Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99... Known also under the following names: (1) ta epiphania, or he epiphanios, sc. hemera (rarely he epiphaneia: though, e.g. in Athanasius, he somatike epiphaneia occurs); theophaneia: dies epiphaniarum; festivitas declarationis, manifestationis; apparitio; acceptio. ( 2) hemera ton photon: dies luminum; dies lavacri. ( 3) phagiphania, Bethphania; etc. ( 4) Festum trium regum: whence the Dutch Drie-koningendag Danish Hellig-tre-kongersdag, etc. ( 5) Twelfth Day, Swedish Trettondedag ;, etc. — The meaning of these names will be explained below. The feast was called among the Syrians denho (up-going), a name to be connected with the notion of rising light expressed in Luke. I, 78."
"docid": "D2226279#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/art-literature/macbeth-s-tragic-flaw-96022e40cc346b1e\nWhat Is Macbeth's Tragic Flaw?",
"text": "\"Art & Literature Literature Classics Q: What Is Macbeth's Tragic Flaw? A: Quick Answer Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition. He is willing to do anything it takes to become the king, and his wife encourages his evil deeds. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is Antigone's Tragic Flaw? What Are the Tragic Flaws in the Characters of Antigone and Oedipus Rex? What Are Macbeth's Character Flaws? Credit: Hulton Archive Hulton Archive Getty Images Full Answer When the play begins, Macbeth is one of the king's generals. He meets three witches who predict that he will become Thane or Lord of Cawdor, and then king. The witches also predict that the heirs of a fellow general, Banquo, will be king after him. Macbeth doesn't believe the prophecy until he is named Thane of Cawdor."
"docid": "D561166#0",
"title": "http://www.academia.edu/7702369/Opera_Melodrama_and_the_Musical_Thriller_Genre_in_Stephen_Sondheim_s_Sweeney_Todd\nOpera, Melodrama and the Musical Thriller: Genre in Stephen Sondheimâs Sweeney Todd",
"text": "pdf Opera, Melodrama and the Musical Thriller: Genre in Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd37 Pages Opera, Melodrama and the Musical Thriller: Genre in Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd Uploaded by Barney Samsonconnect to download Get pdf Opera, Melodrama and the Musical Thriller: Genre in Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd Download Barney Samson Opera, Melodrama and the Musical Thriller: Genre in Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd has always provoked debate as to whether it is opera, operetta or musical theatre. I will examine this debate and explore various commentators’ generic readings of the work, giving an account of how the presence of melodrama, metatheatre and the idea of the ‘musical thriller’ affect the work’s genre. My discussion will take into account the varying and evolving definitions of the genres, the interaction between them, the connotations of such generic distinctions, and the extent to which they rely on institutional, reception and performance histories. Barney Samson Contents Why examine genre? 2 Artifice, distance and the musical thriller 6 Opera and machine music 15 Melodrama and virtue 26 Conclusion 30 Bibliography and Discography 33 Note on the text In specific references to the music, bold numbers refer to the song numbers in the printed vocal score. For example, (4, bb. 139-142, p. 47) refers to bars 139-142 of song 4 (‘Poor thing’), which can be found on page 47 of the score. 1 Barney Samson Why examine genre? Ever since the opening Broadway production of 1979, much of the literature on Sweeney Todd has debated its genre: should the work be considered a musical or an opera? This debate is misguided."
"docid": "D3271195#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-epiphany-700440\nWhat Is Epiphany?",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Religion & Spirituality What Is Epiphany? Also Known as Three Kings Day and Twelfth Day Share Flipboard Email Print Chris Mc Grath/Getty Imagesby Mary Fairchild Updated January 05, 2018Because Epiphany is primarily observed by Orthodox, Catholic, and Anglican Christians, many Protestant believers don't understand the spiritual significance behind this holiday, one of earliest feasts of the Christian church. What Is Epiphany? Epiphany, also known as \"\"Three Kings Day\"\" and \"\"Twelfth Day,\"\" is a Christian holiday commemorated on January 6. It falls on the twelfth day after Christmas, and for some denominations signals the conclusion of the Christmas season. ( The 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany are known as the “Twelve Days of Christmas. ”)Though many different cultural and denominational customs are practiced, in general, the feast celebrates the manifestation of God to the world in the form of human flesh through Jesus Christ, his Son. Epiphany originated in the East. In Eastern Christianity, Epiphany puts emphasis on the baptism of Jesus by John (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22), with Christ revealing himself to the world as God's own Son: In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove."
"docid": "D3386443#0",
"title": "http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/people/p/Ashoka.htm\nAshoka the Great",
"text": "\"Humanities ›History & Culture Ashoka the Great India's Mauryan Emperor Share Flipboard Email Print Ashoka's Pillar in Bihar, India. G. Nimatallah / De Agostini Picture Libraryby Kallie Szczepanski Updated July 16, 2017Ashoka — the Emporer of India's Maurya Dynasty from 268 to 232 B. C. — is remembered as one of early history's most brutally violent rulers of the region, though also later turned to a life of Buddhist nonviolence after witnessing the devastation of his attack against the Kalinga region. The story of this conversion and many others about a great emperor called Ashoka appear in ancient Sanskrit literature, including the \"\"Ashokavadana,\"\" \"\"Divyavandana,\"\" and \"\"Mahvamsa.\"\" For many years, westerners considered them to be mere legend. They did not connect the ruler Ashoka, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, to the stone pillars inscribed with edicts that are sprinkled all around the edges of India. In 1915, however, archaeologists found a pillar inscription that identified the author of those edicts, the well-known Mauryan emperor Piyadasi or Priyadarsi — meaning \"\"Beloved of the Gods\"\" — by his given name: Ashoka. The virtuous emperor from the ancient texts, and the law-giver who ordered the installation of pillars inscribed with merciful laws all over the subcontinent — they were the same man. Ashoka's Early Life In 304 B. C., the second emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty, Bindusara, welcomed a son named Ashoka Bindusara Maurya into the world. The boy's mother Dharma was only a commoner and had several older children — half-brothers of Ashoka — so Ashoka seemed unlikely to ever rule. Ashoka grew up to be a bold, troublesome and cruel young man who was always extremely fond of hunting — according to legend, he even killed a lion using only a wooden stick."
"docid": "D3170730#0",
"title": "http://www.wordreference.com/definition/epiphany\n.",
"text": "Word Reference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2018e•piph•a•ny (i pif ′ ə nē),n., pl. -nies. Religion ( cap.) a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day. Religion an appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity.a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. Literature a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.ep•i•phan•ic (ep′ə fan ′ ik), e•piph ′ a•nous, adj. Late Greek epipháneia, Greek: apparition, equivalent. to epi- epi - + phan- (stem of phaínein to appear) + -eia - y 3Late Latin epiphanīa Middle English epiphanie 1275–1325Collins Concise English Dictionary © Harper Collins Publishers::epiphany / ɪˈpɪfənɪ /n ( pl -nies)the manifestation of a supernatural or divine realityany moment of great or sudden revelation Etymology: 17 th Century: via Church Latin from Greek epiphaneia an appearing, from epi- + phainein to showepiphanic / ˌɛpɪˈfænɪk /adj Epiphany / ɪˈpɪfənɪ /n ( pl -nies)a Christian festival held on Jan 6, commemorating, in the Western Church, the manifestation of Christ to the Magi and, in the Eastern Church, the baptism of Christ' epiphany ' also found in these entries:-phany - Christmas - Christmastide - Epiph. -"
"docid": "D3170520#0",
"title": "http://www.saintgabriels.org/seasons-and-colors.html\nGreen",
"text": "\"You are here: About >> Seasons and Colors Connect with Us On: Green Green is the color of living things and God's creation. Green is the color of the Season after Pentecost and it is also the color symbolizing Epiphany. Epiphany is the third season of the church year. The word \"\"epiphany\"\" means \"\"making God manifest\"\". It marks the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles. It reminds us that while Jesus was a Jew and spoke largely to Jewish crowds during his life on Earth, he also spoke to non-Jews. It was made very clear to the Apostles after the crucifixion that they were to spread the Word to all, Jewish or otherwise. The primary theme is Baptism, beginning with the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. This season begins on the Day of the Epiphany and lasts until Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent. The liturgical color of green is used on vestments, representing the green things of God's earth and referring to growth of the spirit of God within us in response to His coming at Christmas."
"docid": "D3031579#0",
"title": "http://www.thiesmeyer.net/litterms.htm\n.",
"text": "Literary Terms Allusion – short reference supposedly familiar to the audience Ambiguity – intentionally vague details Antecedent action – events that occur before a play or a story begins Apostrophe – address to something not human or someone not there Atmosphere – general mood or feeling Carpe Diem – seize the day Character – persons in a work of literature Archetype – a generic, idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied or emulated Dynamic character – a character that changes throughout the story Static character – a character that does not change throughout the story Stock character – a character that displays generalizations about a specific people (stereotype)Characterization – the description of a character’s personality or appearance Direct characterization – the author tells you explicitly about a character’s personality or appearance Indirect characterization – the personality or appearance has to be determined from hints or clues Conflict – struggle against opposing forces that the main character (s) undergo [usually man v. man, man v. self, or man v. nature (or non-human outside source)]Dialogue – verbal exchange between two characters Epiphany – a sudden realization of a great or fundamental truth Flashback – past events and conversations that are recalled Figurative language – language that is used to describe one thing in terms of another; not to be taken literally Cliché – a term so overused that it has lost its original meaning and strength Hyperbole – exaggeration for emphasis or for poetic or dramatic effect Metaphor – indirect comparison Allegory – an extended metaphor used in a literary work to reveal a deeper, more complex meaning Metonymy – uses a characteristic to refer to a more complex idea or thing Synecdoche – when a part stands for the whole Onomatopoeia – words that sound like what they express Oxymoron – two word paradox Paradox – contradictory statement that makes sense Simile – a comparison of two unlike things using the words ‘like’, ‘as’, or “than”Foil – a contrasting personality Foreshadowing – the use of clues to hint at what may happen later in the story Genre – the category in which a literary work fits based on a loose set of criteria Hubris – an overwhelming sense of pride in a character (usually leads to the character’s downfall or failure)Image – words that appeal to the senses Motivation – reason why characters do what they do Extrinsic Motivation – motivation derived from some physical reward (i.e. money, power, lust)Intrinsic Motivation – motivation derived from an internal reward (i.e. knowledge, pride, spiritual or emotional peace/wellbeing)Personification – giving human characteristics to something that is not human Irony – difference between what appears to be and what really is Dramatic Irony – when a character says or does something that they do not fully grasp but is understood by the audience [character (s) v. audience]Situational Irony – implying, through plot or character, that the actual situation is quite different from that presented [character (s) v. character (s)]Verbal Irony – the use of words in which the intended meaning is contrary to the literal meaning Plot – Sequence of incidents or actions in a story Exposition - introductions of characters, setting, and conflict (background information)Rising action – series of events that lead up to the climax Climax – highest point of action/drama; culmination of major conflict Falling action – actions after climax leading to the resolution Resolution – where all conflicts are resolved and plot concludes Point of view – vantage point from which a story is told1 stperson POV – narrator is the main character (told in ‘I’ voice)Omniscient POV – all knowing narrator Limited omniscient POV – narrator outside the action that focus’ primarily on only a few characters Limited 3 rdperson POV – narrated by someone outside the action Satire – writing that attacks and ridicules some social evil or human weakness Semantics – the meaning (s) of a word Connotation – feelings and associations that are attached to the literal meaning of a word Denotation – the literal meaning of a word Setting – time and place of a story’s action Suspense – sense of uncertainty or anxiety of what will happen later in a story Symbol – something that stands for itself as well as something broader or more abstract Symbolism – the use of a material object to represent an abstract idea Theme – main idea; central insight the work gives us about society or human nature Thesis – an intellectual proposal; the stated main idea and/or intentions of a work Tone – the mood or feeling of a literary work Poetic Terms Accent – where the stress ( es) fall in a word Alliteration – repetition of initial consonant sounds Assonance – repetition of internal vowel sounds Consonance – repetition of internal consonant sounds Blank verse – unrhymed iambic pentameter Caesura – an audible pause that breaks up a line of a verse Conceit – an extended complex metaphor that encompasses an entire poem End stopped – phrases end at the end of the line Enjambment – when a phrase continues on to the next line or stanza Free verse – poetry not adhering to any regular rhyme or rhythm patterns Meter – the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Foot – the basis of meter, the regular unit of rhythm Anapest – two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable Dactyl – stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables Iambic – unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Pyrrhic – two unstressed syllables Spondee – two stressed syllables Troche – stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable Scan – marking the stresses in a poem to establish the prevailing metrical pattern Stanza – a (usually) regular grouping of lines; a unit within a larger poem Couplet – two rhyming lines Quatrain – four line stanza Sestet – six line stanza Octave – eight line stanza"
"docid": "D3265616#0",
"title": "http://www.chiff.com/home_life/holiday/christmas/epiphany-three-kings.htm\n.",
"text": "\"MAIN Holidays Christmas Three Kings - Feast of the Epiphany Epiphany goes by various names in different cultures. Little Christmas, Three Kings Day, or Twelfth Night all remain the official end of the season's \"\"Twelve Days of Christmas\"\" --counting from Christmas evening on December 25 to the Ephiphany on January 6. This year, Epiphany falls on Sunday, January 6, 2019. Epiphany is from the Greek word Epiphania, meaning \"\"revelation\"\". In biblical terms, the word best describes the story of how the Magi or Three Kings - Caspar, (or Kaspar or Gaspar) Melchior and Balthasar - saw a bright star on the night Christ was born and followed it to Bethlehem. There they found the Christ child and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The legendary visit would later gave rise to the custom of gift giving at Christmas on the Feast of the Epiphany, today traditionally observed on January 6. We Three Kings: Epiphany Montage Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:07Hispanic Tradition In Spain as well as other Spanish-speaking countries, the tradition has always been to observe Christmas Day as a solemn religious occasion, reserving Three Kings Day or Día de los Reyes for partying and exchanging gifts. However, in many Hispanic cultures gifts can be given on Christmas Day, on Three Kings Day -- or as double celebration on both days!12 Days of Christmas & Other Traditions In England, Epiphany or \"\"Twelfth Night\"\" was the last opportunity to make merry before a return to the usual toil of the workaday world."
"docid": "D3170727#0",
"title": "https://www.thoughtco.com/epiphany-fiction-and-nonfiction-1690607\nWhat Is an Epiphany?",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Languages What Is an Epiphany? How are epiphanies used in literature? Share Flipboard Email Print Justin Pumfrey / Getty Imagesby Richard Nordquist Updated September 11, 2017An Epiphany is a term in literary criticism for a sudden realization, a flash of recognition, in which someone or something is seen in a new light. In Stephen Hero (1904), Irish author James Joyce used the term epiphany to describe the moment when the \"\"soul of the commonest object . . . seems to us radiant. The object achieves it epiphany.\"\" Novelist Joseph Conrad described epiphany as \"\"one of those rare moments of awakening\"\" in which \"\"everything [occurs] in a flash.\"\" Epiphanies may be evoked in works of nonfiction as well as in short stories and novels. The word epiphany comes from the Greek for a \"\"manifestation\"\" or \"\"showing forth.\"\" In Christian churches, the feast following the twelve days of Christmas (January 6) is called Epiphany because it celebrates the appearance of divinity (the Christ child) to the Wise Men."
"docid": "D1154848#0",
"title": "http://www.chron.com/life/houston-belief/article/Literature-with-religious-themes-brings-faith-1697830.php\nLiterature with religious themes brings faith into focus",
"text": "\"Literature with religious themes brings faith into focus Reading for transcendence ARLENE NISSON LASSIN, FOR THE CHRONICLEPublished 6:30 am, Thursday, February 11, 2010Photo: Melissa Phillip, Chronicle The Rev. Jimmy Grace of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, 9600 South Gessner, leads a study of Cormac Mc Carthy's novel \"\"The Road\"\" for Lent. Lent is a time for forgoing worldly pleasures and opting to spend time in spiritual reflection and meditation. As Christians mark the period leading up to Easter — Ash Wednesday, which signals the start of Lent, is next week — some are turning to secular literature with strong religious themes to bring faith into focus. “Lives are so fast paced and subject to distraction, and just taking the time to do composed reading is dedicating to a calmer, quieter, more deliberate life in this season of penance,” said Clinton Brand, associate professor of English at the University of St. Thomas. “ The Lent season encourages contemplation, thought, and prayer, and literature ... can teach lessons of redemption as well as open a soul to transcendence. ”That was the idea behind the choice for a Lenten study group organized by the Rev. James Grace of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany. Though in the past he has chosen religious texts, this year's Lenten series will feature discussion of Cormac Mc Carthy 's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Road. Grace was moved by the power and beauty of the message in this novel. “The 40-day season of Lent is the amount of time Jesus spent by himself in the wilderness, and in many ways the characters in The Road mirror Christ's journey,” Grace said. “ It is a beautiful story of a father and son traveling to the coast in a post-apocalyptic world, and you can allegorize that to God and his son Jesus walking through the wilderness."
"docid": "D1788795#0",
"title": "https://socratic.org/questions/in-the-great-gatsby-what-metaphor-does-fitzgerald-use-to-convey-the-theme-of-hol\nIn âThe Great Gatsby,â what metaphor does Fitzgerald use to convey the theme of hollowness in the upper class?",
"text": "\"In “The Great Gatsby,” what metaphor does Fitzgerald use to convey the theme of hollowness in the upper class? English Grammar English Composition Literary Devices1 Answer1Sean Zhao Share Mar 24, 2017Answer: See explaination. Explanation: Fitzgerald, who was an expatriate himself, saw the hollowness of the poor. In this book, he shows the decline of the American Dream. There is no longer freedom, no individualism. Everything is greed, cheap thrills, and it's all money, all vulgar, all loneliness and empty souls through it all, with no happiness whatsoever. Now to your question. There are two major things that cover the hollowness of the upper class: The \"\"valley of ashes\"\" (the industrial dump) where part of the railroad runs through signifies the moral and social decay of America. It also signifies the remains of the persistent of money,Another is the big billboard in the valley of ashes with Dr. Eckelburg's eyes. This signifies the eyes of God, looking over the country, and saddened by the lack of character."
"docid": "D2381704#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/8685421/literary-terms-flash-cards/\nLiterary Terms",
"text": "\"65 terms meghamadan1Literary Terms Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Allegory A narrative in which the literal events consistently point to a parallel sequence of symbolic equivalents; used to dramatize abstract ideas, historical events, religous systems, or political issues; has two levels of meaning: a literal level that tells a surface story and a symbolic level in which the abstract ideas unfold Allusion A brief reference in a text to a person, place, or thing- fictitous or actual; may appear in a literary work as an initial quotation, a passing mention of a name, or a phrase borrowed from another writer; imply a common set of knowledge between reader and writer and operate as a literary short-hand to enrich the meaning of a text Antagonist The most significant character or force that opposes the protagonist in a narrative; may be another character, society itself, a force of nature, or conflicting impulses within the protagonist Antihero A protagonist who is lacking in one or more of the conventional qualities attributed to a hero; instead of being dignified, brave, or purposeful, they are considered cowardly, self- intersted, or weak Character An imagined figure inhabiting a narrative or drama Flat Character A character with only one outstanding trait; rarely the central character; stay the same throughout a story Dynamic Character A character who, during the course of the narrative, grows or changes in some significant way Stock Character A common or sterotypical character Climax The moment of greatest intensity in a story; occurs near the end; often takes the form of a decisive confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist Commercial Fiction A story with a main purpose of giving the reader entertainment and enjoyment; uses recognizable patterns; strives to be successful and popular; may have a moral but not it's primary purpose Complication The introduction of a significant developement in the central conflict between characters; may be external like an outside problem that characters cannot avoid, or internal which is usually one that originates in some aspect of the character's personality Conflict The central struggle between two or more forces in a story; generally occurs when some person or thing prevents the protagonist from achieving his or her goal; basic material from which plots are made Convention Any established feature or technique inliterature that is commonly understood by both authors and readers; something generally agreed on to be appropriate for its customary uses, like the sonnet form for a love poem or \"\"Once upon a time\"\"Crisis The point in a narrative when the crucial action, decision, or realization must take place Denoument The resolutionor conclusion of a literary work as plot complications are unraveled after the climax Diction Word choice or vocabulary; refers to the class of words that an author decides is appropriate to use in a particular work Dramatic Situation A literary device that depicts a person invloved in some conflict Editorial Omniscient Point of view employed when an narrator goes beyond reporting the thoughts of his characters to make a critical judgement or commentary, making explicit the narrator's own thoughts or attitudes Epiphany A moment of profound insight or revelation by which a character's life is greatly altered; generally occurs near the end of a story Exposition The opening portion of a narrative or drama; the scene is set, the protagonist is introduced, and the author discloses any necessary background information Fable A brief, often humorous narrative told to illustrate a moral; the characters are traditionally animals whose personlaity traits resemble human traits Fairy Tale A traditional form of short narrative folklore, originally transmitted orally; generally feaures supernatural characters like witches, giants, fairies, or animals with humanlike traits; often feature a hero or heroine who seek some desirable fate Falling Action The events in a narrative that follow the climax and bring the story to its conclusion or denoument Fiction any literary work that may contain factual information but is not bound by factual accuracy; shaped by the author's imagination Flashback; Retrospect A scene relived in a character's memory; may be related by the narrator in a summary, or they may be experienced by the characters themselves; allow the author to include significant events that occured before the opening of the story Foreshadowing An indication of events to come in a narrative; the author may introduce specific words, images, or actions in order to suggest significant later evnts Gothic Story A genre that creates terror and suspense, usually set in an isolated castle, mansion, or monastery populated by mysterious or threatening individuals Impartial Omniscient Point of view employed when a narrator, who presents the thoughts and actions of the characters, does not judge them or comment on them Initiation Story A narrative in which the main character, usually a child or adolescent, undergoes an important experience that prepares him or her for adulthood In Medias Res A narrative device of begining a story midway in the event it depicts before explaining the context or preceding actions Interior Monologue An extended presentation of a character's thoughts in a narrative; reads as if the character is speaking to himself or herself for the reader to overhear Irony A literary device in which a discrepancy of meaning is masked beneath the surface of the language; present when a writer says one thing but means something quite the opposite Cosmic Irony A literary device that emphasizes the discrepancy between what characters deserve and what they get, between a character's aspirations and the treatment he or she recieves at the hands of fate Verbal Irony A statement in which the speaker or writer says the opposite of what is really meant Dramatic Irony Where the reader understands the implication and meaning of a situation and may forsee the oncoming disaster or triumph while the character does not Ironic Point of View The perspective of a character or narrator whose voie or position is rich in ironic contradictions Situational Irony A literary device in which there is a descripancy between what is about to happen to a character or characters who expect the opposite outcome Minimalist Fiction Contemporary fiction written in a deliberately flat, unemotional tone and an appropriately unadorned style; often relies more on dramatic action, scene, and dialogue than complex narration Moral A paraphrasable message or lesson implied or directly stated in a literary work; comonly stated at the end of a fable Motivation What a character in a story or drama wants; the reason an author provides for a character's actions; can be explicit or implicit Locale The location where a story takes place Narrator A voice or character that provides the reader with information and insight about the characters and incidents in a narrative Parable A brief, usually allegorical narrative that teaches a moral; the moral themes are implicit and can often be interpreted in several ways Plot The artistic arrangement of the events in a story Point of View The perspective from which a story is told First Person A type of narration in which the narrator is a participant in the action Third Person A type of narration in which the narrator is a nonparticipant Protagonist The central character in a literary work; usually initiates the main action of the story Regional writer A writer who usually sets stories in one geographic area Rising Action The part of a play or narrative, including the exposition, in which the evnts start moving toward a climax Satire A genre using derisive humor to ridicule human weakness and folly or attack political injustices and incompetence; often focuses on ridicuing characters or killjoys who resist comedy Sentimentality A usually pejorative description of the quality of a literary work that tries to convey great emotion but fails to give the reader suffucuent grounds for sharing it Setting The time and place of a literary work Short Story A prose narrative too brief to be published in a separate volume; usually a focused narrative that presents one or two main characters involved in a single compelling action Stream of Consciousness A type of modern narration that uses various iterary devices, especially interior monologue, in an attempt to duplicate the subjective nature of human consciousness Style All the distinctive ways in which an author, genre, movement, or historical period uses language to create a literary work; depends on the author's use of diction, imagery, tone, syntak, and figurative language Suspense Enjoyable axiety created in the reader by the author's handling of plat; results from the audience's anticipation of how and when the character will meet his or her inevitable fate Symbol A person, place, or thing in a a narrative that suggests meanings beyond its literal sense; usually contains multiple meanings and associations Tale A short narrative without a complex plot; tendency toward lesser- developed characters and linear plotting Tall Tale A humorous short narrative that provides a wildly exaggerated version of events; originally transmitted orally; assumes that its audience knows the narrator is distorting the events Theme The main idea or larger meaning of a work of literature; may be a message or moral, but is more likely to be a central, unifying insight or viewpoint Tone The attitude toward a subject conveyed in a literary work Limited Omniscient Point of view in which the narrator sees into the minds of some but not all of the characters; typically sees through the eyes of one major or minor character Omniscient Point of view in which the narrator know everything about all of the"
] |
636994 | what does epitome definition | [
"docid": "D916878#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_epitome_mean\nWhat does epitome mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Definitions What does epitome mean? Flag What does epitome mean? Answer by Answers Publisher Confidence votes 415Ke⋅pit⋅o⋅me [i-pit-uh-mee] Show IPA Use epitome in a Sentence –noun 1. a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class: He is the epitome of goodness. 2. a condensed account, esp. of a literary work; abstract. Origin: 1520–30; < L epitomē abridgment < Gk epitom abridgment, surface incision. See epi-, -tome Related forms: ep⋅i⋅tom⋅i⋅cal [ep-i-tom-i-kuhl] Show IPA , ep⋅i⋅tom⋅ic, adjective Synonyms: 1. embodiment, exemplification, model, typification, quintessence."
] | [
"docid": "D1242983#0",
"title": "http://thinkexist.com/quotation/art_is_never_finished-only_abandoned/11376.html\nâArt is never finished, only abandoned.â",
"text": "\"Leonardo da Vinci quotes“Art is never finished, only abandoned. ”Leonardo da Vinci quotes ( Italian draftsman, Painter, Sculptor, Architect and Engineer whose genius epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. 1452 - 1519)Similar Quotes. About: Art quotes. Add to Chapter... See also Quotes with: abandoned, art, finished. Leonardo da Vinci said: \"\"Art is never finished, only abandoned.\"\" and:“ There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see. ” Leonardo da Vinci quotes ( Italian draftsman, Painter, Sculptor, Architect and Engineer whose genius epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal."
"docid": "D1009300#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/tutankhamun\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Freebase (4.00 / 4 votes)Rate this definition: Tutankhamun Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. He is popularly referred to as King Tut. His original name, Tutankhaten, means \"\"Living Image of Aten\"\", while Tutankhamun means \"\"Living Image of Amun\"\". In hieroglyphs, the name Tutankhamun was typically written Amen-tut-ankh, because of a scribal custom that placed a divine name at the beginning of a phrase to show appropriate reverence. He is possibly also the Nibhurrereya of the Amarna letters, and likely the 18th dynasty king Rathotis who, according to Manetho, an ancient historian, had reigned for nine years—a figure that conforms with Flavius Josephus's version of Manetho's Epitome. The 1922 discovery by Howard Carter and George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon of Tutankhamun's nearly intact tomb received worldwide press coverage. It sparked a renewed public interest in ancient Egypt, for which Tutankhamun's burial mask remains the popular symbol. Exhibits of artifacts from his tomb have toured the world. In February 2010, the results of DNA tests confirmed that he was the son of Akhenaten and Akhenaten's sister and wife, whose name is unknown but whose remains are positively identified as \"\"The Younger Lady\"\" mummy found in KV35. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of TUTANKHAMUN in Chaldean Numerology is: 7Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of TUTANKHAMUN in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9Sample Sentences & Example Usage El Damati: When we find Nefertiti, I think it will be more important than the discovery of King Tutankhamun himself."
"docid": "D1356113#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/bill_of_rights.htm\nBILL OF RIGHTS",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » B » Bilaterally ... Billion BILL OF RIGHTSPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does Bill of Rights mean?• BILL OF RIGHTS (noun) The noun BILL OF RIGHTS has 1 sense:1. a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)Familiarity information: BILL OF RIGHTS used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• BILL OF RIGHTS (noun)Sense 1 Bill of Rights [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Hypernyms (\"\"Bill of Rights\"\" is a kind of...):statement (a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc)Meronyms (parts of \"\"Bill of Rights\"\"): First Amendment (an amendment to the Constitution of the United States guaranteeing the right of free expression; includes freedom of assembly and freedom of the press and freedom of religion and freedom of speech)Fifth Amendment (an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that imposes restrictions on the government's prosecution of persons accused of crimes; mandates due process of law and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy; requires just compensation if private property is taken for public use)Domain category:jurisprudence; law (the collection of rules imposed by authority)Domain region: America; the States; U. S.; U. S. A.; United States; United States of America; US; USA (North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776)Holonyms (\"\"Bill of Rights\"\" is a part of...): Constitution of the United States; United States Constitution (the constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"One man's trash is another man's treasure.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Do not hide like the mouse behind the pot.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"The wound that bleeds inwardly is the most dangerous.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Bathe her and then look at her.\"\" ( Egyptian proverb)BILL OF RIGHTS: related words searches» What does America mean? » Definition of U. S. A. » United States meaning » What does United States of America mean? » Constitution of the United States meaning Related FAQs:» RIGHTSBILL OF RIGHTSBILL OF SALEBILL POSTERBILL RUSSELLBILL STICKERBILL-ME ORDERBILLABONGBILLBOARDBILLEDBILLETEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does sputnik mean in russian » epitome » what does prejudice mean » stymy » definition of zealous adjective Page delivered in 0.0683 seconds \""
"docid": "D117379#0",
"title": "http://www.wordreference.com/definition/abridgment\n.",
"text": "Word Reference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2018a•bridg•ment (ə brij ′ mənt),n.a shortened or condensed form of a book, speech, etc., that still retains the basic contents: an abridgment of Tolstoy's War and Peace.the act or process of abridging.the state of being abridged.reduction or curtailment: abridgment of civil rights. Also, a•bridge ′ ment. Middle French abregement. See abridge, - mentlate Middle English abreg ( g) ement, abrygement 1400–501. digest, epitome; compendium, synopsis, abstract, summary, précis, conspectus; syllabus, brief, outline.2. reduction, shortening, contraction, compression.1, 2. expansion, enlargement. Collins Concise English Dictionary © Harper Collins Publishers::abridgment, abridgement / əˈbrɪdʒmənt /na shortened version of a written workthe act of abridging or state of being abridged' abridgment ' also found in these entries:-ment - Book of Mormon - O, o - abbreviation - abr. - breviary - compendium - condensation - digest - epitome - full - reductive - synopsis"
"docid": "D1376265#0",
"title": "http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/epiphany\nepiphany",
"text": "\"Ask the Editor Word of the Day Quizzes Core Vocabulary Most Popular My Saved Words Log in Learner's Dictionaryepiphany1 ENTRIES FOUND:epiphany (noun)Saveepiphany /ɪ ˈpɪfəni/ nounplural epiphanies Learner's definition of EPIPHANY1 Epiphany [ singular]: a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ2 [ count]: a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way Seeing her father again when she was an adult was an epiphany that changed her whole view of her childhood. She experienced an epiphany. Comments & Questions What made you want to look up epiphany ? Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safari Janet Sturrock • 1 year ago Since I have become bipolar I have these a lot and just wanted to make sure it meant what I thought it meant Shekhar Shenoy • 3 years ago A friend described watching a magnificent sunrise from a Himalayan mountaintop, how copious tears started flowing freely and how she was at a loss of a proper word to describe what she felt.adonna desaulniers • 2 years ago What was the epiphany? That the sunrise was so different,or she cried from lose of words? I Think you should have some realization,how small you are in this world,or you found new light in th situation,something? Dodi Johnson • 3 years ago My doctor told me I was the epiphany of health. Priscilla A Harriman • 3 years ago I think he or she meant \"\"epitome\"\" of health Alex Xu • 7 months ago FYI: An epitome is a perfect example of something."
"docid": "D3225692#0",
"title": "http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/boy/ronin\nFind the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!",
"text": "Ronin Pronunciation: ROH-nin (key)Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Related Names: Ronan, Ronen Favorite This Name Looking for the perfect name? Try the Name Match Maker to find the perfect baby name for you!Name Voyager US Popularity of Ronin Over Time Sister & Brother Names Know a Ronin? What are his siblings named? Enter Sibling Name M FAzwar Dominic Eva Finn Isaac Jade Jayden Jonathan Joshua Kaden Keegan Landon Leah Liam Logan Loghan Marisca Olivia Reagan Rhianna Ronan Ruslan Tristan Vincent Wyatt Name Lists Featuring Ronin Contribute your knowledge to the name Ronin Report inappropriate content Comments and insights on the name Ronin: | Edit Share what you know!Personal experiences with the name Ronin: | Edit Share what you know!Nicknames for Ronin: | Edit Ro, Ro Ro Meanings and history of the name Ronin: | Edit Japanese. A ronin (浪人 ,rōnin?) was a samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the ruin or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. Rōnin might be hired as yōjimbō (bodyguards or mercenary fighters) by villagers, merchants, or others in need of protection. In this way, many ronin were extended a respect equal to that of master-sponsored samurai by the general population; they were actually preferred by Zen masters, artists, and philosophers over the faceless samurai counterparts, who remained ultimately subservient to their Samauri masters. Famous real-life people named Ronin: | Edit Share what you know!Ronin in song, story & screen: | Edit Thousands of modern works of Japanese fiction set in the Edo period cast characters who are ronin."
"docid": "D1066595#0",
"title": "https://theappraisercoach.com/hoa-does-not-necessarily-equal-pud/\nHOA Does Not Necessarily Equal PUD",
"text": "HOA Does Not Necessarily Equal PUDNOTE: The following blog post was written and then I learned some additional information from the feedback (below). I am so appreciative for appraisers across the country who are willing to teach me new things. I believe most of that is said in this post is still correct. However, that is only using one definition of “PUD.” As you can see from the comments below, there is another definition of PUD that comes from Fannie Mae. In layman’s terms, it is that a neighborhood is considered a PUD if the HOA fees are required (the exact opposite of this post). Since many of us do appraisals for Fannie, please keep this in mind. Now, on to the blog…It happened again this week. An appraisal was done, the report was turned into the AMC, and this was the revision request: “A preliminary review of your appraisal indicates that the HOA fee was filled out, but the PUD box and PUD section was left blank. Please fill out the PUD information and resend the report at your earliest convenience.”"
"docid": "D1412797#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/Character%20sketch\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does Character sketch mean? Definitions for Character sketch Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Character sketch. Freebase (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Character sketch A character sketch is an abbreviated portrayal of a particular characteristic of people. The term originates in portraiture, where the character sketch is a common academic exercise. Following the translation of Theophrastus's Characters into English, a number of British and American painters attempted to illustrate the \"\"types\"\" of humanity. As late as William Hogarth, portraitists were doing studies of, Nine heads. The artist performing a character sketch attempts to capture an expression or gesture that goes beyond coincident actions and gets to the essence of the individual. The character sketch entered into literature in the early English novel. As Pat Rogers notes, Henry Fielding, in book I, chapter 14 of Joseph Andrews, invokes William Hogarth to create a character sketch of Mrs. Tow-wouse: \"\"Indeed, if Mrs. Tow-wouse had given no Utterance to the Sweetness of her Temper, Nature had taken such Pains in her Countenance, that Hogarth himself never gave more Expression to a Picture.\"\" In later literature, a character sketch became a short story or narrative presented without significant action or plot, as the purpose of the writing is solely to present a character at his or her typical."
"docid": "D440134#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/31991798/art-history-4-flash-cards/\nArt History #4",
"text": "\"175 terms sidney_stephens Art History #4Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What is fauvism characterized as? Fauvism, the first major artistic style of the twentieth century, is characterized by an expressive use of color. What was fauvism epitomized by? This style was epitomized by the work of Henri Matisse. What did cubism question? Cubism questioned the \"\"essence\"\" of visual and pictorial reality, positing the assertion of the picture plane in modern painting. Cubism was very influential for later artistic styles. Where does Analytic Cubism take its name from?"
"docid": "D1695784#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-the-phrase-twilight-zone\nWhat is the meaning of the phrase 'twilight zone'?",
"text": "\"Gifford B. Herrach, Tutor, Prolific reader, 20+ years experience... I know about English Answered Jan 15, 2016There are two main uses of 'twilight zone' that I am aware of. First, it is a technical term used to describe the very dimly lit level of the ocean before you reach the maximum depth light can penetrate. Below this level is only darkness. Secondly, it is the name of an eponymous television program which used the phrase as it's title, referring to \"\"... a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ... The Twilight Zone . \"\" 9.8k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date?"
"docid": "D916882#0",
"title": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/epitome\nepitome",
"text": "epitomee·pit·o·me Use epitome in a sentencenoun Epitome is defined as a person or object that is defined as a perfect example of something. An example of epitome is Mother Teresa, who was the perfect example of a generous person. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by Love To Know Corp Link/Citeepitomea short statement of the main points of a book, report, incident, etc. ; abstract; summarya person or thing that shows all the typical qualities of something Origin of epitome Classical Latin from Classical Greek epitom?, abridgment from epitemnein, to cut short from epi-, upon + temnein, to cut: see -tomy Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Link/Citeepitomenoun A representative or perfect example of a class or type: “He is seen … as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual” ( Paul Kennedy )A brief summary, as of a book or article; an abstract. Origin of epitome Latin epitomē a summary from Greek an abridgment from epitemnein to cut short epi- epi-temnein to cut ; see tem- in Indo-European roots. THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries."
"docid": "D3539631#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/enteritis\nenteritis",
"text": "\"enteritis [en-t uh - rahy -tis]Spell Syllables Word Originnoun1. Pathology. inflammation of the intestines, especially the small intestine.2. Veterinary Pathology. distemper 1 (def 1c). Origin of enteritis Expand1800-1810From New Latin, dating back to 1800-10; See origin at enter-, -itis Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for enteritis Expand Historical Examples It nearly died again of enteritis; and again it was forgiving and got over it. The Combined Maze May Sinclair The same medicines are applicable to both Gastritis and enteritis. An Epitome of Homeopathic Healing Art B. L. Hill Up to this time constipation was the chief symptom of enteritis. A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol."
"docid": "D1352628#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/epitome\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:prototype, paradigm, epitome, image (noun)a standard or typical example\"\"he is the prototype of good breeding\"\"; \"\"he provided America with an image of the good father\"\"epitome (noun)a brief abstract (as of an article or book)GCIDE (2.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Epitome (n.)A compact or condensed representation of anything; something possessing conspicuously or to a high degree the qualities of a class. Origin: [L., fr. Gr. a surface incision, also, and abridgment, fr. to cut into, cut short; 'epi` upon + te`mnein to cut: cf. F. pitome. See Tome. ] Wiktionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:epitome (Noun)The embodiment or encapsulation of.epitome (Noun)A representative example.epitome (Noun)The height; the best.epitome (Noun)A brief summary. Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Epitome (noun)a work in which the contents of a former work are reduced within a smaller space by curtailment and condensation; a brief summary; an abridgement Epitome (noun)a compact or condensed representation of anything Origin: [L., fr. Gr."
"docid": "D3266283#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrassi:_Next_Class\nDegrassi: Next Class",
"text": "\"Degrassi: Next Class From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other series, see Degrassi (franchise). Not to be confused with Degrassi: The Next Generation. Degrassi: Next Class Degrassi: Next Class 2nd current official logo Genre Teen drama Created by Linda Schuyler Yan Moore Stephen Stohn Sarah Glinski Matt Huether Theme music composer Jody Colero Jim Mc Grath Shobha Stephen Stohn Rob Wells Opening theme \"\"Whatever It Takes\"\"Composer (s) Jim Mc Grath Tim Welch Country of origin Canada Original language (s)English No. of seasons 4No. of episodes 40 ( list of episodes)Production Executive producer (s)Linda Schuyler Stephen Stohn Brendon Yorke Sarah Glinski Matt Huether Producer (s) Stefan Brogren Courtney Jane Walker Stephanie Williams Location (s) Toronto, Ontario Editor (s) Jason B. Irvine Nicholas Wong Running time 24 minutes Production company (s)Epitome Pictures DHX Media Distributor Entertainment One (Canada) DHX Media (International)Release Original network Family (F2N) / Family Channel App (Canada) Netflix (International)Picture format HDTVOriginal release January 4, 2016 – present Chronology Preceded by Degrassi: The Next Generation School's Out Degrassi High Degrassi Junior High Related shows The Kids of Degrassi Street Degrassi Talks External links Website Degrassi: Next Class is a Canadian teen drama television series set in the Degrassi Universe, which was originally created by Linda Schuyler and Kit Hood in 1979. It is the fifth series in the Degrassi franchise, following The Kids of Degrassi Street, Degrassi Junior High, Degrassi High, and Degrassi: The Next Generation. The series was created by Linda Schuyler, Stephen Stohn, Sarah Glinski, and Matt Huether and is produced by Epitome Pictures (a subsidiary of DHX Media ). [ 1] The current executive producers are Schuyler, her husband Stephen Stohn, Sarah Glinski, and Matt Huether. The series is filmed at Epitome's studios in Toronto, Ontario, rather than on the real De Grassi Street from which the franchise takes its name. The first season of Next Class premiered on January 4, 2016 on Family 's new teen programming block, F2N in Canada."
"docid": "D916880#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080822215757AAo8RIj\n\"What does \"\"Epitome of a Woman\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Words & Wordplay What does \"\"Epitome of a Woman\"\" mean?what is the meaning?1 following 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: \"\"A perfect example of a Woman. \"\" Source (s): Epitome SEA-BAT · 10 years ago1 0 Comment Asker's rating Epitome means like \"\"the perfect example of...\"\" So the Epitome of a woman is the perfect example of a woman. In literature, I wouldn't be surprised if the author meant the perfect example of a perfect woman - and probably perfect in a physical sense. ALKaholic · 10 years ago2 0 Comment It means you are the perfect example of a woman. Epitome can be described as the complete embodiment of something or the best example. Source (s):wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn and some translation by me. Cotang · 10 years ago2 0 Comment This Site Might Help You. RE: What does \"\"Epitome of a Woman\"\" mean? what is the meaning? Source (s):epitome woman mean: https://shortly.im/ayz LZThora · 3 years ago0 0 Comment The Epitome of whatever particular culture decides the perfect woman is."
"docid": "D1298050#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/typify\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Princeton's Word Net (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:typify, epitomize, epitomise (verb)embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of\"\"The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition\"\"typify, symbolize, symbolise, stand for, represent (verb)express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol\"\"What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize? \"\" Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:typify (Verb)To embody, exemplify; to represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance. His attitude typifies the attitude of young people today.typify (Verb)To portray stereotypically. The angry captain typified all new sailors as incompetent.typify (Verb)To serve as a typical or reference specimen. The chosen specimen typifies plants belonging to that species. Webster Dictionary (4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Typify (verb)to represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of typify in Chaldean Numerology is: 5Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of typify in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2Sample Sentences & Example Usage Aaron Whitehead: Some of the outrageous events surrounding this sloppy process certainly do not typify the level of quality that Texans expect from our judicial system, ken Paxton, like all Americans, deserves to have his say in a court of law, rather than be judged in a court of public opinion that is presided over by liberal interest groups. Images & Illustrations of typify Translations for typify From our Multilingual Translation Dictionarytipificar Spanishtyperen Dutchtipificar Portuguese Get even more translations for typify »Translation Find a translation for the typify definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these typify definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"typify.\"\" Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2018."
"docid": "D1930388#0",
"title": "http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/ptolemy.html\n.",
"text": "\"Ptolemy and Regiomontanus shown on the frontispiece to Regiomontanus' Epitome of the Almagest, 1496. The Epitome was one of the most important Renaissance sources on ancient astronomy. Ptolemy: Ptolemy, Latin in full Claudius Ptolemaeus (fl. AD 127-145, Alexandria), ancient astronomer, geographer, and mathematician who considered the Earth the center of the universe (the \"\"Ptolemaic system\"\"). Virtually nothing is known about his life. Ptolemy's astronomical work was enshrined in his great book He mathematike syntaxis (\"\"The Mathematical Collection\"\"), which eventually became known as Ho megas astronomos (\"\"The Great Astronomer\"\"). During the 9th century, however, Arab astronomers used the Greek superlative Megiste to refer to the book. When the definite article al was prefixed to the term, its title then became known as the Almagest, the name still used today. The Almagest is divided into 13 books, each of which deals with certain astronomical concepts pertaining to stars and to objects in the solar system (the Earth and all other celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun). It was, no doubt, the encyclopaedic nature of the work that made the Almagest so useful to later astronomers and that gave the views contained in it so profound an influence."
"docid": "D1604517#0",
"title": "http://americanprofile.com/articles/paralympic-sochi-danelle-umstead/\nNever Give Up: Blind Skier Epitomizes Paralympic Spirit at Sochi",
"text": "Home American Icons Never Give Up: Blind Skier Epitomizes Paralympic Spirit at Sochi Never Give Up: Blind Skier Epitomizes Paralympic Spirit at Sochi By Marta W. Aldrich on February 15, 2014Courtesy of NBC Olympics Rob Umstead, Danelle Umstead To legally blind ski racer Danelle Umstead, having vision means “to have sight, an idea or a dream. ”While she has minimal sight, Umstead embraces a courageous idea—skiing untethered down a snow-covered mountain at speeds of up to 65 mph. Her dream is to win gold medals at the 2014 Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, and in the process, to inspire others to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. “Through the sport of skiing, I’ve learned that anything is possible,” says Umstead, 42, who lives in Park City, Utah, and trains in Winter Park, Colorado. “ I can do anything; I just do it different from most people. ”Communicating through headsets in their helmets, Rob Umstead (front) guides his wife, Danelle, downhill during the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver, where the couple earned bronze medals. Umstead and her husband, Rob, 43, made history in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 2010, when they became the first husband-and-wife ski race team to compete for Team USA at the Paralympic Games, where they earned two bronze medals. This month, they’ll ski for gold despite another challenge—Danelle was diagnosed soon after the Vancouver Games with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and central nervous system. In a life filled with adversity, skiing has been Danelle’s anchor and salvation. At age 13, while growing up in Plano, Texas, she was diagnosed with a genetic eye condition in which the retina progressively degenerates, eventually causing blindness. “"
"docid": "D571427#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/happiness-in-world/201009/what-makes-hero\nWhat Makes A Hero",
"text": "\"What Makes A Hero Why most of our heroes aren't really heroic Posted Sep 19, 2010SHARETWEETEMAILMOREPhoto: nordique Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nordique/141172804/ I saw a patient of mine recently whose appearance in my office always makes me smile. He's challenging—not because he's a difficult person (quite the opposite), but because he has so many serious medical problems about which I can do so little. Why, then, does seeing him so consistently lighten my mood? Because it reminds me that for all the terrible things that go on—the abuse, the discrimination, the injustice, the downright nastiness—good still exists in the world. Because, you see, he's a hero. What makes him a hero isn't the consistent good cheer with which he faces the discomfort his illnesses cause him on a daily basis. What makes him a hero is that fifteen years ago, before he got sick, he donated one of his kidneys to his brother who had AIDS. He told me about it the first day we met when he came to see me, reporting it the same way he did that he lived alone and worked at a large retail chain—in a tone that attached to it no particular significance. Whatever ego boost he may or may not have ever felt from doing it had long since faded. I paused in my history taking, looked up at him from the notes I was making with eyebrows raised as I, at least, thought this remarkable."
"docid": "D2010653#0",
"title": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/encapsulate\nencapsulate",
"text": "\"encapsulateen·cap·su·lateverb Encapsulate is defined as to enclose or encircle, especially in a protective membrane, or to briefly explain the essence of something. When you enclose something carefully inside of a capsule, this is an example of a time when you encapsulate it. When you explain the plot of a movie in a sentence or two, this is an example of a time when you encapsulate the plot. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by Love To Know Corp Link/Citeencapsulatetransitive verb-·lat·ed, -·lat·ingto enclose in or as if in a capsuleto put in concise form; condense Also en·cap′suletransitive verb-·suled, -·sul·ing Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Link/Citeencapsulateverben·cap·su·lat·ed, en·cap·su·lat·ing, en·cap·su·latesverbtransitive To encase in or as if in a capsule. To express in a brief summary; epitomize: headlines that encapsulate the news.verbintransitive To become encapsulated. Related Forms:en·cap′su·la′tionnounen·cap′su·la′tornoun THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. Copyright © 2016, 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company."
] |
637011 | what does equinox mean | [
"docid": "D298340#0",
"title": "http://www.weather.gov/cle/Seasons\nThe Equinox (Vernal & Autumnal)",
"text": "\"The Equinox (Vernal & Autumnal)There are only two times of the year when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a \"\"nearly\"\" equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes. The word equinox is derived from two Latin words - aequus (equal) and nox (night). At the equator, the sun is directly overhead at noon on these two equinoxes. The \"\"nearly\"\" equal hours of day and night is due to refraction of sunlight or a bending of the light's rays that causes the sun to appear above the horizon when the actual position of the sun is below the horizon. Additionally, the days become a little longer at the higher latitudes (those at a distance from the equator) because it takes the sun longer to rise and set. Therefore, on the equinox and for several days before and after the equinox, the length of day will range from about 12 hours and six and one-half minutes at the equator, to 12 hours and 8 minutes at 30 degrees latitude, to 12 hours and 16 minutes at 60 degrees latitude. The Solstices (Summer & Winter)The summer solstice occurs at the moment the earth's tilt toward from the sun is at a maximum. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, the sun appears at its highest elevation with a noontime position that changes very little for several days before and after the summer solstice. The summer solstice occurs when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, which is located at 23.5° latitude North, and runs through Mexico, the Bahamas, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and southern China."
] | [
"docid": "D562409#0",
"title": "http://voices.washingtonpost.com/blog-post/2011/01/new_zodiac_sign_dates_dont_swi.html\nNew Zodiac sign dates: Don't switch horoscopes yet",
"text": "\"Posted at 12:15 PM ET, 01/13/2011New Zodiac sign dates: Don't switch horoscopes yet By Melissa Bell (Courtesy of the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress)So, you've spent your whole life happily smug in your star sign. You're a fish! Swimming in two directions! You're intuitive, imaginative, unworldly! And then today's Web is aflame with the news: You are not a Pisces. You are an Aquarius. Your star sign has been wrong your whole life. All along, you've been a freaking water carrier. This is not cool. According to Parke Kunkle, a board member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society, cool or not, it's written in the stars."
"docid": "D337412#0",
"title": "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/weather/10323435/When-does-autumn-really-start.html\nWhen does autumn really start?",
"text": "\"When does autumn really start? With the autumn equinox fast approaching, signifying the official start of the season for astronomers, the age old debate of the true beginning of the autumn continues. Different disciplines of science use different events or dates to mark the changing of the seasons Photo: Christopher Pledger By Hayley Dixon3:07PM BST 20 Sep 2013Follow Seasons are fundamental to how we understand the climate and the environment, but for hundreds of years academics have argued that their specialist field is the one which defines official start of autumn. In meteorological terms autumn begins on September 1, as each season is defined as a three-month period. Astronomers base the date of the seasons upon celestial events, in this case the autumnal equinox, when night and day are roughly equal length. The equinox will occur on Sunday, and normally takes places around September 21. The third definition of the start of autumn, which is more fluid, comes from phenology – the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events. The start of autumn in this field is dictated not by a set date or a single event, but the changes in the natural world, such as the tinting of the trees and the ripening of autumn fruits. Related Articles Astronomers to be treated to Harvest Moon tonight18 Sep 2013How to delay turning on your central heating17 Sep 2013First frost could revive hopes of Indian summer17 Sep 2013The Woodland Trust has been compiling a record of these events, using observations of members of the public, for 13 years and in 2007, considered a benchmark year for autumn as temperatures were closest to the 30 year average, the onset began in earnest in mid September. While autumn feels like it has begun this week, with some areas experiencing their first frost of the year, the confusion over the start of the season is likely to be confounded by the facts that temperature are set to rise again this weekend."
"docid": "D1479810#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061027154057AAOxauN\nWhat does the age of aquarius mean?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore What does the age of aquarius mean? Follow 21 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: You also probably have heard the song, Age of Aquarius, \"\"the one about the time when Jupiter aligns with Mars. Well, there's really more to it than that, as Jupiter and Mars align relatively often. What's really remarkable about this epoch is the powerful change that will sweep through our world, the shift in mood, action and intention that is already palpable. The estimated start date is thought to be sometime around the millennium, but, though its exact start date is contested among astrologers, astronomers, theologians and others, the effects of the Age of Aquarius have already been felt.\"\" 3 This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever. Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process. In this new millennium there will be no more falsehoods or derision, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind's true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New Millennium Religion. Source (s):http://www.adishakti.org/age_of_aquarius... Harry · 1 decade ago4 1 Comment Asker's rating It's a new age thing."
"docid": "D34739#0",
"title": "http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/june-solstice-full-moon-in-2016\nJune solstice full moon in 2016",
"text": "\"Image via yoganonymous.com. Watch for a full-looking moon on the eve of the June solstice (June 19, 2016) and a full moon on the solstice itself (June 20). From what we’ve been able to gather ( sources below ), this is the first full moon to fall on the June solstice since the year 1967, which some recall as the year of the Summer of Love, a social phenomenon centered on San Francisco, London and other places around the globe. There’ve been a number of near misses of full moons on June solstices, however. And we are indeed talking about the June solstice, not solstices in general. In fact, there was a full moon eclipse on the December solstice in 2010. Reliably, the phases of the moon recur on or near the same calendar dates every 19 years. It’s the “or near” that causes the full moon to miss the solstice on that 19th year, sometimes. Nineteen years from this year’s solstice – on June 20, 2035 – the full moon will not fall on the same date as the June solstice. It’ll be another near miss, with the full moon falling on June 20, 2035, and the solstice arriving one day later."
"docid": "D1479410#0",
"title": "http://www.polaris.iastate.edu/NorthStar/Unit2/unit2_sub2.htm\nLongitude and Time Zones",
"text": "\"Longitude and Time Zones As the earth turns, the sun appears to move across the sky. This apparent motion gives us day and night. A sundial uses the position of the sun in the sky to tell the time. The time measured by a sundial is solar time . Solar time is 12 noon when the sun is on the (observer's local) meridian . Note that we don't say \"\"when the sun is directly overhead\"\" -- why not? Various Kinds of Time Sundials do not keep time at a uniform rate the way mechanical clocks do. If you set a sundial to be on time at one time of the year then it will run fast or slow at other times of the year. When people started depending more on mechanical clocks than sundials it became convenient to switch to using time that, on average, matched sundial time, but ran at a constant rate. This is mean solar time ."
"docid": "D1522112#0",
"title": "http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/harvest-moon-2\nShine on, Harvest Moon!",
"text": "\"A Harvest Moon via Dan Bush of Missouri Skies Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we call the closest full moon to the autumn equinox the Harvest Moon. In 2017, the September equinox came on September 22. And the September full moon came early in the month, on the night of September 5-6 for the Americas. Thus, for the the Northern Hemisphere, the full moon of October 5 – the closest full moon to our autumn equinox – is our Harvest Moon. Follow the links below to learn more. What is a Harvest Moon? Is the Harvest Moon bigger, or brighter or more colorful? When is the Harvest Moon in 2017? How did the Harvest Moon get its name? When is the Southern Hemisphere’s Harvest Moon?"
"docid": "D1784225#0",
"title": "http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/learn-about-the-weather/how-weather-works/when-does-summer-start\nWhen does summer start?",
"text": "When does summer start? When is the first day of summer? It depends on whether you are referring to the astronomical or meteorological summer. Usually when we talk about the first day of summer we are referring to the astronomical summer which is defined by the Earth's axis and orbit around the sun. However, at the Met Office we also mark the beginning of a 'meteorological summer'. Meteorological summer The meteorological summer begins on 01 June 2018 and ends on 31 August 2018. The meteorological seasons consists of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics. By the meteorological calendar, spring starts on 1 March. The seasons are defined as Spring (March, April, May), Summer (June, July, August), Autumn (September, October, November) and Winter (December, January, February)."
"docid": "D2821193#0",
"title": "https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/chevrolet/equinox/2017\n2017 Chevrolet Equinox",
"text": "\"Is the Chevrolet Equinox a Good SUV? The Equinox is a good SUV if you place a premium on a quality interior and a smooth ride. It has some of the roomiest seats – front and back – in the class, and the cabin materials, while not particularly luxurious, are of good quality. Fuel economy is just OK for a compact SUV, and neither of the Equinox's engines will impress you (though the base engine feels especially weak). The Equinox also has less cargo space than some rivals. You can buy a base Equinox without breaking the bank, but a fully loaded version gets pricey compared to some other compact SUVs. Should I Buy the Chevrolet Equinox? The Equinox is certainly worth considering if you're shopping for a compact SUV. It finishes midpack in our compact SUV rankings, largely because the Equinox isn't as well-rounded as some of its competition. On the bright side, its starting price is below average for a compact SUV, though a few competitors' price tags are slightly lower."
"docid": "D2427878#0",
"title": "http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/ten-things-march-equinox.html\n10 Things About the March Equinox",
"text": "On Tuesday, March 20, 2018, the day and night were of almost equal duration in most time zones in the world. Here are 10 facts about the March Equinox you might not know. March Equinox is also called Spring Equinox.©i Stockphoto.com/Karepanov Equinox & solstice – local time & date1. Also Autumnal Equinox The March equinox is the vernal (spring) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.2. First Equinox of the Year The second equinox, the September equinox, takes place on or around September 22 every year. It's the Southern Hemisphere's spring Equinox and the fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.3. Marks the First Day of Spring In the Northern Hemisphere, astronomers and scientists use the March equinox as the start of spring, which ends on the June solstice, when astronomical summer begins. For meteorologists, on the other hand, spring in the Northern Hemisphere begins three weeks before the March equinox on March 1 and ends on May 31. How are seasons defined?4. A Specific Time Point in Time Earth in relation to the Sun's rays. ("
"docid": "D120580#0",
"title": "http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/09/1409022-first-day-of-fall-science-sun-space-autumnal-equinox/\nAutumnal Equinox 2014: Facts About the First Day of Fall",
"text": "\"Autumnal Equinox 2014: Facts About the First Day of Fall The sun's position in the sky dictates the equinoxes and solstices. Pack ice forms along a barrier island outside Kaktovik, in the Arctic region of Alaska. Photograph by Sylvain Cordier, Corbis By John Roach, for National Geographic PUBLISHED September 24, 2014Say goodbye to summer: The Northern Hemisphere's autumnal equinox—the first day of fall—occurs Monday, September 22. Related Content5 Breathtaking Time-Lapses That Are Perfect for Spring Best Spring Trips 2018Vernal Equinox 2018: Facts About the First Day of Spring With its brilliant colors and crisper days, autumn is a favorite season for many. But what actually happens to make the seasons change? ( See National Geographic's pictures of fall . ) The answer is the \"\"clearly definable\"\" position of the sun on the summer and winter solstices, the late Judith Young, a professor of astronomy at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, told National Geographic News in 2011. \"\" The solstices are very accurately measured as the northernmost point that the sun rises along the horizon in June and the southernmost point along the horizon in December,\"\" she said. ( See pictures of the sun's path across the sky —an entire year in a single frame. ) In modern times, the solstice points became the astronomical definitions of when the summer and winter seasons begin."
"docid": "D3013798#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Which_two_months_have_an_equinox\nWhich two months have an equinox?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Which two months have an equinox? Flag Which two months have an equinox? Answer by Dudeabides Confidence votes 25.7KAn equinox in astronomy is the moment in time when the centre of the sun can be observed to be directly above the Earths equator, occurring around March 20th and September 23rd each year.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Don Dfoofnik 4,377,887 Contributions There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. What month does the vernal equinox occur? In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal equinox is the Marchequinox, which is the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere. ( March 20) In the Southern Hemisphere, the vernal …Alishia-hopson4life 11 Contributions When does the Autumn equinox occurs in which month? Winter Solstice: December 21 (or 22) Summer Solstice: June 21 (or 22) Spring Equinox/Vernal: March 20 (or 21) Autumn/Autumnal Equinox: September 22 (or 23) The days va …Sandeep Pillai 8 Contributions In which months do equinoxes take place?21 march and 21st sept Which 2 months have an equinox? The summer equinox occurs on June 21st, the longest day of theyear. The winter equinox occurs on December 2st, the shortest dayof the year."
"docid": "D2236714#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_does_the_spring_equinox_occur\nWhen does the spring equinox occur?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History Ancient History Flag Share In Uncategorized When does the spring equinox occur? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The spring Equinox occurs on April 21 st. The fall Equinox is on September 21 st. The summer Solstice occurs on June 21 st and the winter Solstice occurs on December 21 st. Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Brandon162025 12 Contributions When does an equinox occur? An Equinox occurs when neither end of the Earth's axis is tilted toward or away from the sun. Greg Scott 108,330 Contributions When do equinoxes occur? September 22-23 & March 21-22."
"docid": "D750588#0",
"title": "http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2015/luisv329-1.htm\n.",
"text": "THE END OF THE TETRAD SERIESNumerical Calculations and Prophetic Implicationsby Luis B. [email protected]. Post Scripts.org for online PDF illustration in Chart section‘…because that which is known about GOD is evident within them; for GOD made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.’ – Romans 1:19-20The purpose of this study is to investigate the Astronomical patterns based on the remaining eclipses for 2015 since the Equinox eclipse of Nissan 1. The backdrop of this pattern is taken into consideration because the eclipses occur either in Pisces or Virgo, thus a possible Astronomical Rapture depiction. The calculations will start with the Equinox eclipse of March 20, 2015 that this study suggests could have implications to the timing of when the end of the Church Age is to conclude and thus the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. This unique type of solar eclipse is only the 9th one to occur on the Equinox and that is total since Christ. This eclipse on the Equinox occurs when there is a Super Moon and on YHVH's religious New Year, amazing. The prior 8 eclipses that have not had this unique signature that this study suggests is thus prophetic. This study will show that the religious New Year eclipse of March 20, 2015 is in phi ratio of time to the civil New Year partial eclipse of September 13, 2015 on Rosh Ha Shana, 5776 and has peculiar day count associations."
"docid": "D2454556#0",
"title": "http://www.usher-syndrome.org/our-story/ush-blog.html\nUSH Blog",
"text": "\"Connect Read the USH Blog USH Blog The USH Blog contains posts by individual authors on a variety of topics that impact the Usher syndrome community. View Posts by Author: Mark Dunning, father of a daughter with USH1BJennifer Phillips, Ph. D., research biologist and science contributor to the USH Blog Kate Morell, Australian mum with Usher syndrome Guest bloggers All Blog Posts: October 31, 2017Fixed | Usher Syndrome Blog Here in the world of Usher syndrome, we are torn asunder by the forces of the future. Everyone looks ahead to a time when there will be treatments, when there will be a cure, when things are fixed. October 17, 2017Update on our Urgent Plea for Fundingby Mark Dunning While we wait for treatments, the Coalition is what makes life bearable. October 4, 2017Urgent Plea from Mark Dunning, Chairman of the Usher Syndrome Coalitionby Mark Dunning If you believe the Usher Syndrome Coalition has improved your life in any way, I hope you will join me in ensuring its continued existence. September 14, 2017A Seeing Eye, A Listening Ear: In Honor of Usher Syndrome Awareness Dayby Katharine Rose Katharine Rose blogs about how the essence of life seems to always come down to the small and simple things, to the things we often don’t think about, the things we take for granted, the things we forget are gifted to us as human beings: our ability to see and hear, taste and smell, walk and breathe. September 5, 2017Own the Equinox 2017 | Look Leftby Sarah Turner I'm grateful to have had so many decades of my life completely unaware of Usher syndrome. But now that I know that I have it, I think often about how Usher syndrome isn't something that everyone knows about. August 24, 2017Owning the Equinox from a Squirmer's Perspectiveby Nancy O'Donnell The primary purpose of the Own the Equinox campaign is to raise awareness about Usher syndrome."
"docid": "D970580#0",
"title": "https://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-winter-winter-solstice\nThe First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017",
"text": "\"Winter Solstice Date, Facts, Folklore, and More Share: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Email Print Friendly Rate this Article: Cancel rating Give The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017 1/5 Give The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017 2/5 Give The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017 3/5 Give The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017 4/5 Give The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2017 5/5Average: 3.6 ( 1551 votes)You will also be subscribed to our Almanac Companion Newsletter Winter officially begins with the Winter Solstice on Thursday, December 21, 2017. This is the astronomical first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Enjoy our winter solstice facts, folklore, FAQ s, and more!When is the Winter Solstice? The winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight in the whole year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it always occurs around December 21 or 22. ( In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs around June 20 or 21. ) In 2017, the Winter Solstice arrives at: Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 4:28 pm UTCThursday, December 21, 2017 at 11:28 am ESTThursday, December 21, 2017 at 10:28 am CSTThursday, December 21, 2017 at 9:28 am MSTThursday, December 21, 2017 at 8:28 am PSTThursday, December 21, 2017 at 7:28 am AKSTThursday, December 21, 2017 at 6:28 am HASTWinter Solstice Dates Year Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)2017 Thursday, December 212018 Friday, December 212019 Saturday, December 21What is the Winter Solstice? The word solstice comes from Latin sol “sun” and sistere “to stand still.” In the Northern Hemisphere, as summer advances to winter, the points on the horizon where the Sun rises and sets advance southward each day; the high point in the Sun’s daily path across the sky, which occurs at local noon, also moves southward each day. At the winter solstice, the Sun’s path has reached its southernmost position."
"docid": "D335753#0",
"title": "http://earthsky.org/space/how-often-do-we-have-a-march-equinox-solar-eclipse\nHow often does a solar eclipse happen on the March equinox?",
"text": "How often does a solar eclipse happen on the March equinox? By Bruce Mc Clure in Space | March 7, 2015A total solar eclipse happened on the day of the March equinox in 2015. When is the next one after this, and how often do we get an equinox-eclipse? A total eclipse of the sun occurred on March 20, 2015 – the day of the vernal equinox! Earth Sky reader Billy asked: Does the vernal equinox and the solar eclipse ‘just happen’ to occur on the same day? How often does this happen? A total eclipse of the sun and the March equinox fell on the same date in 2015: March 20, 2015. The greatest eclipse occurred at 9:46 Universal Time, while the March equinox came to pass some 13 hours later at 22:45 Universal Time. After this 2015 equinox eclipse, the next solar eclipse at the March equinox will happen on March 20, 2034. Then there will be two more in this century: 2053 and 2072."
"docid": "D120578#0",
"title": "http://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-fall-autumnal-equinox\nAutumnal Equinox 2018: First Day of Fall",
"text": "The autumnal equinox or September equinox next falls on Saturday, September 22, 2018. Here’s everything you need to know about the equinox and signs of the equinox in nature. When is the Autumnal Equinox? Specifically, the Northern Hemisphere marks the autumnal equinox on Friday, September 22, 2018 , at exactly 9:54 P. M. EDT. Year Autumnal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)2017 Friday, September 222018 Saturday, September 222019 Monday, September 23What is the Autumnal Equinox? The Autumnal equinox—also called the September equinox—is the astronomical start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). During the equinox, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator” (just imagine the line that marks the equator on Earth extending up into the sky) from north to south. Earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the Sun’s rays about equally. The Sun is overhead at noon as seen from the equator."
"docid": "D1888997#0",
"title": "http://heavy.com/news/2016/12/first-day-of-winter-solstice-2016-google-doodle/\nFirst Day of Winter 2016: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know",
"text": "First Day of Winter 2016: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know114 Views 0 Shares 2 Comments By Tom Cleary Dec 20, 2016 at 7:18pm (Nate Swinehart/ Google)The first day of winter, and the 2016 winter solstice, are being celebrated with a Google Doodle on December 21, 2016.“Across the northern hemisphere, people everywhere celebrate the winter solstice with seasonal holidays, celebrations, and festivals to remind us of the lengthening days ahead. The solstice is named for the brief time when the sun appears to pause its movement across the sky,” Google says. “ At that moment, the tilt and rotation of the earth shifts our view of the sun’s direction from southward to northward, causing it to hang momentarily suspended. “Doodler Nate Swinehart created a family of anthropomorphized rocks to commemorate the winter equinox. After tonight’s long darkness, we’ll look forward to the sun hanging out a little longer each day,” Google says. Here’s what you need to know:1. The Winter Solstice Occurs When the Sun Appears at Its Southernmost Point ( NASA)The winter solstice occurs when the sun appears at its most southerly position, directly overhead at the Tropif of Capricorn, according to NASA. It is the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. “Because the Earth is tilted, we experience seasons here on Earth. As the Earth moves around the sun, each hemisphere experiences winter when it is tilted away from the sun and summer when it is tilted toward the sun,” CNN senior meteorologist Dave Hennen said. “"
"docid": "D2638109#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/Is-the-equator-always-closest-to-the-sun\nIs the equator always closest to the sun?",
"text": "\"Scott Danzig, enthusiastic astronomy neophyte Answered Feb 27, 2015 · Author has 2.1k answers and 7.8m answer views The earth does not spin so the equator is always rotating closest to the sun. It's instead tilted 23.5 degrees. That means: Start of spring: The earth's equator DOES rotate in a way the closest point to the sun is on the equator. Start of summer: The earth rotates in a way so that the closest point to the sun is at a latitude of around 23.5 degrees north. Start of autumn: The earth's equator DOES rotate in a way the closest point to the sun is on the equator, but on the other side of the sun Start of winter: The earth rotates in a way so that the closest point to the sun is at a latitude of around 23.5 degrees south. The notion of the sun having a \"\"side\"\" isn't exactly accurate, since the sun spins.7k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private. Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Related Questions More Answers Below What is the place on Earth closest to the Sun? What is closer to the Earth, the Sun or the Moon? If we pour water on the sun with a bucket as big as the sun, will the sun be extinguished?"
"docid": "D1660953#0",
"title": "http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/lessons/indiv/beth/beth_intro.html\nWHAT'S YOUR SIGN? THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE ZODIAC",
"text": "\"WHAT'S YOUR SIGN? THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE ZODIAC©1995 The Regents of the University of Californiaby Beth Napier An Introduction... Concept: Motions of Celestial Objects: At the earliest time of human existence, no one was aware that Earth was rotating around its axis. Early astronomers watched the sky and saw various cyclical motions of celestial objects such as the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets that had periods or cycle times ranging from 24 hours to a year. A natural assumption that resulted from observations was that the reason why the Sun, Moon, planets and stars rose and set every day was due to their own motion around the Earth. Now we know that these so-called diurnal or daily motions are the result of the Earth's own rotation or spin about its North-South axis with a period of 24 hours. In early times, objects in the sky were believed to be affixed to transparent celestial spheres and their motions were thought to be a result of the motion of these spheres as they revolved around the Earth. Groups of bright stars were observed to form prominent patterns in the night sky called Constellations, which have been historically ascribed to mythological figures, such as Orion the Hunter, and Gemini the Twins. The early astronomers recognized that constellations \"\"appeared\"\" and \"\"disappeared\"\" with the change of the seasons throughout the course of a year. The Sun, Moon and planets were observed to move in relation to the fixed background of stars, or constellations. Because of their perspective from Earth, early astronomers observed that all the planets visible with the naked eye as well as the Sun seemed to pass in the course of a year through a region in the sky occupied by twelve specific constellations."
] |
637014 | what does equitable mean? | [
"docid": "D2527714#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/equitable.htm\nEQUITABLE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Equinoctial Circle ... Erato EQUITABLEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does equitable mean?• EQUITABLE (adjective) The adjective EQUITABLE has 1 sense:1. implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all Familiarity information: EQUITABLE used as an adjective is very rare. Dictionary entry details• EQUITABLE (adjective)Sense 1 equitable [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all Synonyms:equitable; just Context examples:equitable treatment of all citizens / an equitable distribution of gifts among the children Similar:evenhanded (without partiality)Antonym:inequitable (not equitable or fair)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"You can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"The chicken that cries at night will not lay eggs in the morning.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"The envious person is a sad person.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Don't judge the dog by its fur.\"\" ( Danish proverb)EQUISETUMEQUISETUM ARVENSEEQUISETUM FLUVIATILEEQUISETUM HYEMALEEQUISETUM HYEMALE ROBUSTUMEQUISETUM PALUSTREEQUISETUM ROBUSTUMEQUISETUM SYLVATICUMEQUISETUM VARIEGATUMEQUITABLEEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does amoral mean » coif » what does pivotal mean » crna gora » what does guile mean Page delivered in 0.0929 seconds \""
] | [
"docid": "D1344798#0",
"title": "http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-8th-circuit/1254683.html\nLAWRENCE v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Amicus Curiae.",
"text": "Find Law Caselaw United States US 8th Cir. LAWRENCE v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Amicus Curiae. LAWRENCE v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Amicus Curiae. Reset AAFont size: Print United States Court of Appeals,Eighth Circuit. Deborah A. LAWRENCE, Appellant, v. COOPER COMMUNITIES, INC., Appellee, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Amicus Curiae. No. 97-1338. Decided: January 06, 1998Before RICHARD S. ARNOLD, Chief Judge, FLOYD R. GIBSON and BEAM, Circuit Judges. Mima Kilgore, Fayetteville, AR, argued, for appellant."
"docid": "D3527256#0",
"title": "https://www.mgagolf.org/handicapping/guidelines-definitions\nFAQ's",
"text": "\"FAQ's How often is my handicap updated? Posting Scores Score Posting – Playing Alone Score Posting – Trying Proposed New Rules How do I adjust my score using Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)What score do I record if I do not finish a hole? How do I score a hole that has temporary greens or is under construction? Handicap Allowances What score do I post if I do not finish my round? Posting Winter Scores Definitions How often is my handicap updated? Handicaps are updated on the 1st and 15th of every month according to the USGA National Revision Schedule. Post ing Scores Posting scores in person immediately following the round at the course where the round is played is the preferred way to expose scores to peer review. This method of posting must be used whenever possible. The place for returning scores from all courses should be convenient to make it as easy as possible for players to record every round played. The form of reporting is the responsibility of the golf club or the authorized golf association, and will depend upon the procedure adopted by the Handicap Committee."
"docid": "D1453405#0",
"title": "https://divorcelaw4u.com/what-does-equitable-distribution-mean-ny/\nWhat Does Equitable Distribution Mean in New York?",
"text": "What Does Equitable Distribution Mean in New York? Equitable distribution is the way that courts in New York divide marital assets upon divorce or separation. Equitable distribution does not mean 50/50 as it does not mean equal, it means fair. Since the Supreme Court is a court of what we call “equity” as well as a court of law, the court can fashion allocations between parties, of assets acquired during the marriage. They will determine the division of marital assets, based on the facts and circumstances of the case, that they believes is fair. As the marriage progresses, typically more asset is acquired, so the longer the marriage, generally speaking, the closer to a 50/50 allocation that will occur at the time of divorce or separation. Parties are pretty much free to make agreements and allocate their assets any way they want. For example, if a party wants to keep a pension all to himself or herself, and then offset against another asset of equal value, they can do so. This could mean, one party can walk away with the pension and the other party could potentially walk away with the house. As long as they are equal values, this might be something two partners would agree to, but something the court would not do at a trial."
"docid": "D1453406#0",
"title": "https://www.justia.com/family/divorce/docs/equitable-distribution-faq.html\nDivorce",
"text": "Divorce Equitable Distribution Frequently Asked Questions This summary provides a general overview of equitable distribution laws. Each state, however, has developed its own specific rules regarding property division at the time of divorce. Please consult the laws of your individual state before taking steps to divide marital assets. What is equitable distribution? Equitable distribution is a method of dividing property at the time of divorce. All states except for Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin follow the principles of equitable distribution. If my spouse and I agree on how we should divide our property, do we have to rely on equitable distribution laws? No. A court will only engage in equitable distribution if a divorcing couple is unable to negotiate a property settlement. If a couple is able to agree on how to divide a portion of their estate, but not the entire estate, the court will step in to distribute the undivided portion."
"docid": "D2884654#0",
"title": "https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPublic/Resources/LawYouCanUse/Pages/LawYouCanUse-579.aspx\nOhio Line Fence Law Says Who Is Responsible for Fences",
"text": "Ohio Line Fence Law Says Who Is Responsible for Fences Q: What is the “line fence law”? A: Ohio’s line fence law, also referred to as the “partition fence law,” establishes rights and obligations for fences that are placed on the division line between properties in Ohio’s unincorporated areas. Q: Does the line fence law apply to all property? A: No. The Ohio line fence law does not apply to the enclosure of lots within municipal corporations, the enclosure of adjoining lots outside of a municipality, property governed by railroad laws, or property governed by a written agreement entered into and recorded by the landowners regarding a line fence. Q: Under the law, who is responsible for building and maintaining a line fence? A: The law creates different rules of responsibility for line fences, depending upon the type of fence at issue. An “equitable shares” rule applies to line fences that existed before September 30, 2008, a rule of individual responsibility applies to “new” fences built after September 30, 2008, and the old “equal shares” rule applies to certain governmental fences. Q: Under current law, who is liable for damages by trespassing livestock? A: Under the law, an owner who negligently permits his livestock to run at large will be liable for all damages resulting from injury, death or loss to person or property caused by the livestock on the premises of another."
"docid": "D876035#0",
"title": "http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/equitable-servitudes.html\nEquitable Servitudes Lawyers",
"text": "Legal Topics Real Estate, Property and Housing General Real Estate Law Real Estate and Property Law Equitable Servitudes Lawyers Find a Local Real Estate Lawyer near You1 (may not be the same place you live)2Can't find a category? Click here What Is an Equitable Servitude? An equitable servitude is an agreement or contract between two or more parties that limits their use of property. An equitable servitude benefits and burdens the original parties to the agreement as well as their predecessors. Some examples of equitable servitudes are: A promise to maintain a property as an open park A promise to use property for residential use only A promise not to build tall buildings on the property How Are Equitable Servitudes Created? Creation of equitable servitudes is very similar to the creation of real covenants in that: The servitude must be in writing to satisfy the statute of frauds The original parties to the servitude must intend to bind any subsequent owners The servitude must relate to the direct use of the land Subsequent owners must have notice of the servitude However, equitable servitudes differ from real covenants in two important ways. Equitable servitudes do not require privity of estate, meaning that there does not need to be any special relationship between the person seeking to enforce the equitable servitude and the landowner whom they seek to enforce it against. The remedy for enforcing an equitable servitude is an injunction, while the law provides damages for the breach of a real covenant. Equitable servitudes are especially useful when all of the formal requirements of real covenants are not present. It is also important to note that most courts will imply an equitable servitude, absent a writing, if there is an overall developmental scheme or common plan."
"docid": "D89784#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/prance.htm\nPRANCE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » P » Prakrit ... Precambrian Eon PRANCEPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does prance mean?• PRANCE (noun) The noun PRANCE has 1 sense:1. a proud stiff pompous gait Familiarity information: PRANCE used as a noun is very rare.• PRANCE (verb) The verb PRANCE has 4 senses:1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others 2. spring forward on the hind legs 3. cause (a horse) to bound spring forward 4. ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward Familiarity information: PRANCE used as a verb is uncommon. Dictionary entry details• PRANCE (noun)Sense 1 prance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A proud stiff pompous gait Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions Synonyms:prance; strut; swagger Hypernyms (\"\"prance\"\" is a kind of...):gait (a person's manner of walking)• PRANCE (verb)Sense 1 prance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others Classified under: Verbs of walking, flying, swimming Synonyms:tittup; prance; swagger; strut; sashay; ruffle; cock Context example: He struts around like a rooster in a hen house Hypernyms (to \"\"prance\"\" is one way to...):walk (use one's feet to advance; advance by steps)Sentence frame: Somebody ----s PPSentence example: The children prance to the playground Sense 2 prance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Spring forward on the hind legs Classified under: Verbs of walking, flying, swimming Context example: The young horse was prancing in the meadow Hypernyms (to \"\"prance\"\" is one way to...):go; locomote; move; travel (change location; move, travel, or proceed)Sentence frame: Something ----s Sense 3 prance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Cause (a horse) to bound spring forward Classified under: Verbs of walking, flying, swimming Hypernyms (to \"\"prance\"\" is one way to...):ride; sit (sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions)Domain category:horseback riding; riding (to be carried on horseback as a means of transportation)equitation; horseback riding; riding (the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements)Sentence frame: Somebody ----s something Sense 4 prance [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward Classified under: Verbs of walking, flying, swimming Hypernyms (to \"\"prance\"\" is one way to...):ride horseback (ride on horseback)Domain category:horseback riding; riding (to be carried on horseback as a means of transportation)equitation; horseback riding; riding (the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements)Sentence frame: Somebody ----s Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"There's no place like home.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Patient without any pain, the dog is lame when it wants to\"\" (Breton proverb) \"\"Smoke of the neighbours renders you blind\"\" (Arabic proverb) \"\"You will get furthest with honesty.\"\" ( Czech proverb)PRANCE: related words searches» horseback riding definition » What does travel mean? » Meaning of riding » What does ride horseback mean? »"
"docid": "D923169#0",
"title": "http://www.jtblaw.com/specific_performance.shtml\n.",
"text": "\"SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE [The following article was excerpted from John T. Blanchard's law school textbook, California Remedies: Commentary, Materials and Problems (3d ed. ©1997)]Specific Performance is an equitable remedy for breach of contract. It is an alternative when money damages, the usual legal remedy, is inadequate. In gist, the remedy does exactly what its name implies, it forces the defaulting party to perform his contractual obligations exactly, absolutely, precisely - specifically. That is, if the remedy is available it coerces the performance required under the parties' contract (usually conveyance of title to the property, but any unique subject matter is sufficient) rather than the usual substitute relief, the payment of money in lieu of actual performance. When ordering specific performance the Court, subject to certain \"\"ancillary remedies\"\", orders that the contract be performed on the terms originally negotiated by the parties. In an era of extended delays between initial filing of Complaints and final trial adjudication (during which time the market value of property may fluctuate substantially) an order that a party relinquish control over a property in return for a purchase price negotiated sometimes years before is very serious. Therefore, before embarking on extended litigation both the parties and their counsel should carefully weigh their respective cases. Here it bears emphasis that the plaintiff (usually a disappointed buyer) often has relatively little to lose during the litigation; he has put up little or none of the total purchase price and can assess the market's movement during the course of the litigation. The defendant (usually the recalcitrant seller) has no such option."
"docid": "D1826246#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-equitable-remedies.htm\nWhat are Equitable Remedies?",
"text": "Equitable remedies refer to specific types of remedies available in court cases that can only be granted by a judge. A judge will grant, or not grant, a given equitable remedy based on the circumstances of a particular case. As such, equitable remedies are different from legal remedies or remedies granted by operation of law. When a remedy is granted by operation of law, the law essentially mandates that particular remedy; equitable remedies, on the other hand, are generally always decided on a case-by-case basis. The term equitable remedy comes from the old English court system where there were two courts: courts of chancery and courts of law. Under this system, people would go to courts of chancery if the law didn't really provide them with relief but they still believed they had been wronged. Equitable remedies were and still are about what is fair and right. A legal remedy, for example, would be damages for a breach of contract. Under the law, a person who is party to a contract can recover damages if the other person breaches. The damages are equal to the actual damages or loss he experienced as a result of the breach of contract."
"docid": "D147553#0",
"title": "http://info.legalzoom.com/difference-between-constructive-trust-equitable-lien-24653.html\nThe Difference Between a Constructive Trust and an Equitable Lien",
"text": "\"Constructive trusts and equitable liens are two types of remedies designed to prevent one person from unjustly benefiting from the money or property of another. These legal remedies require a court order, and procedures vary from state to state. In many jurisdictions, you will need an attorney to seek a constructive trust or equitable lien. Constructive Trust A court imposes a constructive trust when a defendant is reaping benefit from property that he acquired unfairly. The constructive trust effectively turns the defendant into a trustee, charged with holding and managing the property, but unable to reap any benefit from the property. All benefit goes to the plaintiff, who is effectively a secured creditor for the trust. For instance, if John steals money from Tom and then invests the money in a life insurance policy, a constructive trust will give Tom all right to the benefits from the policy. In cases like this, Tom will usually need to \"\"trace\"\" the funds, meaning he will need to present accounting evidence to the court to prove that his money was used to purchase the insurance policy. Protect your loved ones. Start My Estate Plan Equitable Lien Equitable liens are used when the defendant has either wrongfully acquired someone else's property, or has made improvements to a piece of property using funds he obtained unfairly."
"docid": "D3555852#0",
"title": "https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPublic/Resources/LawYouCanUse/Pages/LawYouCanUse-642.aspx\nDivorce Courts Divide Assets and Liabilities Equitably",
"text": "Divorce Courts Divide Assets and Liabilities Equitably You are considering ending your marriage, and you wonder what a divorce court would do to divide your assets and liabilities. Ohio law provides rules for how this should be done. Q: How does an Ohio court divide assets? A: Each state has its own laws regarding the division of assets in a divorce case. The basic rule, according to Ohio law, is that all assets accumulated during the marriage, by either spouse’s efforts, are considered to be marital, and are to be divided “equitably” between the parties. The exception to this law is if the parties signed a pre-marital agreement. “ During the marriage” is generally defined in Ohio to be from the date of the ceremonial marriage until the date the court terminated the marriage. There are cases, though, where a court has found that the marriage ended at an earlier date, such as when the parties separated. While the statute instructs the courts to divide the marital assets “equitably” between the parties, in almost all divorce cases, the court interprets this to mean “equally.” It does not matter to the court which spouse owns an asset."
"docid": "D1314813#0",
"title": "http://practice.findlaw.com/practice-guide/tips-for-negotiating-erisa-liens-in-personal-injury-cases.html\nTips for Negotiating ERISA Liens in Personal Injury Cases",
"text": "\"Find Law Law Firm Management Practice Guide Tips for Negotiating ERISA Liens in Personal Injury Cases Tips for Negotiating ERISA Liens in Personal Injury Cases**This article has been updated to include the U. S. Supreme Court's decision in US Airways v. Mc Cutchen, which is also discussed in What US Airways v. Mc Cutchen Means for Your Personal Injury Cases **ERISA liens are quickly becoming one of the biggest sources of frustration for personal injury attorneys. ERISA is the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 U. S. C. 1001, et seq. which governs most employee health plans. Many ERISA plans rely on preemption principles to assert that they are under no obligation to reduce their lien claims, and purport that they are entitled to their entire reimbursement claim regardless of the circumstances of the case. Needless to say, this does not bode well for clients, who may end up with very little out of their personal injury settlement, particularly if the third party has a limited policy. How can you tackle these ERISA liens and try to negotiate them down? Before we begin the discussion on ERISA, remember, as advised in the article 7 Steps to Approaching Lien Claims in Personal Injury Cases, make sure to negotiate lien claims BEFORE you finalize the third party settlement. Reiterate that everyone needs to get on board so that the settlement offer can work, and everyone can get paid something. After the settlement is finalized, you have lost your leverage to gain significant reductions. Tip #1: Understand the Law Governing ERISA Plans First, understanding the case law that abounds in this complicated area of law is paramount."
"docid": "D2828861#0",
"title": "http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/equestrian.htm\nEQUESTRIAN",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Epos ... Equinoctial EQUESTRIANPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does equestrian mean?• EQUESTRIAN (noun) The noun EQUESTRIAN has 1 sense:1. a man skilled in equitation Familiarity information: EQUESTRIAN used as a noun is very rare.• EQUESTRIAN (adjective) The adjective EQUESTRIAN has 2 senses:1. of or relating to or composed of knights 2. of or relating to or featuring horseback riding Familiarity information: EQUESTRIAN used as an adjective is rare. Dictionary entry details• EQUESTRIAN (noun)Sense 1 equestrian [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A man skilled in equitation Classified under: Nouns denoting people Synonyms:equestrian; horseback rider; horseman Hypernyms (\"\"equestrian\"\" is a kind of...):rider (a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel))Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"equestrian\"\"):picador (the horseman who pricks the bull with a lance early in the bullfight to goad the bull and to make it keep its head low)broncobuster; buster (a person who breaks horses)fox hunter (a mounted hunter who follows the hounds in pursuit of a fox)horsewoman (a woman horseman)jockey (someone employed to ride horses in horse races)postilion; postillion (someone who rides the near horse of a pair in order to guide the horses pulling a carriage (especially a carriage without a coachman))roughrider (a horseman skilled at breaking wild horses to the saddle)• EQUESTRIAN (adjective)Sense 1 equestrian [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Of or relating to or composed of knights Classified under: Relational adjectives (pertainyms)Pertainym:knight (originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit)Sense 2 equestrian [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Of or relating to or featuring horseback riding Classified under: Relational adjectives (pertainyms)Pertainym:horseback riding (to be carried on horseback as a means of transportation)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"God blesses a drunk.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Who stays under the tree, eats its fruits.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"Your nose is a part of you even if it is ugly.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"Who does well, meets goodwill.\"\" ( Dutch proverb)EQUESTRIAN: related words searches» Definition of horsewoman » Meaning of roughrider » What does buster mean? » rider: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » What does horseback riding mean?"
"docid": "D3334044#0",
"title": "https://www.liveabout.com/marital-or-non-marital-property-1103103\nHow Does The Court Determine If Property is Marital Or Non-Marital Property?",
"text": "Divorce How Does The Court Determine If Property is Marital Or Non-Marital Property? Do you know how the court will handle your property during divorce? Share Pin Emailaltrendo images/Stockbyte/Getty Imagesby Cathy Meyerupdated July 14, 2017What is Marital Property and How is it Divided During Divorce? The courts have no authority over non-marital property. So, the first thing the court has to do is determine whether they have authority over marital property. Generally speaking, all property acquired by either spouse before the marriage is considered non-marital property. All property acquired after the marriage is considered property of the marriage or marital property. If the property is marital property then the court must “equitably” divide the property. If you wish to keep separate, your property from your spouse's property safeguards should be put into place to make sure that each retains ownership of their individual property. For example, if you own a home and marry, the only way to keep that home from becoming marital property is to make sure your spouse makes no financial investment in the home."
"docid": "D1754092#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Remedy\nremedy",
"text": "\"remedy Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . Remedy The manner in which a right is enforced or satisfied by a court when some harm or injury,recognized by society as a wrongful act, is inflicted upon an individual. The law of remedies is concerned with the character and extent of relief to which an individual whohas brought a legal action is entitled once the appropriate court procedure has been followed, andthe individual has established that he or she has a substantive right that has been infringed by thedefendant. Categorized according to their purpose, the four basic types of judicial remedies are (1) damages; (2) restitution; (3) coercive remedies; and (4) declaratory remedies. The remedy of damages is generally intended to compensate the injured party for any harm he or she has suffered. This kind of damages is ordinarily known as Compensatory Damages. Money is substituted for that which the plaintiff has lost or suffered. Nominal damages, generally a few cents or one dollar, are awarded to protect a right of a plaintiff even though he or she has suffered no actual harm. The theory underlying the award of Punitive Damages is different since they areimposed upon the defendant in order to deter or punish him or her, rather than to compensate theplaintiff. The remedy of restitution is designed to restore the plaintiff to the position he or she occupied beforehis or her rights were violated."
"docid": "D3241609#0",
"title": "http://www.divorcesource.com/ds/indiana/indiana-property-division-4732.shtml\n.",
"text": "\"Property Distribution Laws in Indiana In Indiana, the courts generally accept a fair and reasonable property division the parties agree to, but if the parties cannot agree, is divided by the Domestic Relations Court within the Judgment of Divorce. An equitable distribution state, Indiana follows the \"\"all property\"\" model, and appreciation of separate property is marital. Equitable does not mean equal, or even half, but rather what the Domestic Relations Court considers fair. In Indiana there is a rebuttable presumption for equal division of property. A spouse may rebut the presumption of an equal distribution if he or she presents relevant evidence that an equal division would not be just and reasonable. Indiana is a no-fault divorce state. However, if the Court finds one party dissipated marital assets, (i.e., gambling, poor business investments) then it may consider this conduct in determining that an equal division of property would be inappropriate. According to statute, the length of marriage does not have an effect on property distribution. However, in a relatively short-term marriage, the Court would probably deviate from the 50/50 presumption to allow parties to keep what each brought into the marriage. Factors in Equitable Distribution According to Indiana Code - Title 31 - Article 15 - Chapters: 7, the court may consider these factors in determining whether or not an equal distribution is appropriate:the contribution of each spouse to the acquisition of property, regardless of whether the contribution was income producing;the extent to which the property was acquired by each spouse before marriage or through inheritance or gift;the economic circumstances of each spouse at the time of the disposition of the property, including the desirability of awarding the family residence or the right to dwell in the family residence for such periods as the Court considers just to a spouse having custody of any children;the conduct of the parties during the marriage as related to disposition or dissipation of their property; andthe earnings or earning ability of the parties related to a final division of property and final determination of property rights of the parties."
"docid": "D1341471#0",
"title": "http://www.childsupportguidelines.com/articles/art199908.html\nTHE DUTY OF STEPPARENTS TO SUPPORT THEIR STEPCHILDREN",
"text": "\"This article originally appeared in a somewhat different form in the September 1996 issue of Divorce Litigation. Copyright © 1996-99 National Legal Research Group and Laura Wish Morgan. All rights reserved. A complete, on-line index to Divorce Litigation is available here. THE DUTY OF STEPPARENTS TO SUPPORT THEIR STEPCHILDRENLaura Wish Morgan Executive Editor, Divorce Litigation I. INTRODUCTIONThe 1990 census revealed a portrait of families that is anything but traditional. Of all \"\"households\"\" in the United States, only 21% consisted of a married couple residing with their own children, the \"\"traditional\"\" nuclear family. Of the remaining 79%, 29% consisted of a married couple with no children; 3% consisted of unmarried adult partners who reside together with or without children; 11% consisted of single parent families; 6% consisted of stepfamilies; and 25% consist of individuals living alone. See Bureau of the Census, U. S. Dep't of Commerce, Marriage in Divorce and Remarriage in the 1990s (Current Population Reports, Series P-23-180, Oct. 1992). With particular focus on the stepfamily, the 1990 census also revealed that approximately 5.5 million married-couple households contain at least one stepchild under the age of eighteen. This constitutes 29% of all married-couple households with children."
"docid": "D2610969#0",
"title": "http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Inadequate+Legal+Remedy\nspecific performance",
"text": "\"specific performance (redirected from Inadequate Legal Remedy) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial. Related to Inadequate Legal Remedy: rescission, specific performance, Equitable remedy, Irreparable Injury, Injunctive relief, Equitable relief Specific Performance An extraordinary equitable remedy that compels a party to execute a contract according to theprecise terms agreed upon or to execute it substantially so that, under the circumstances, justicewill be done between the parties. Specific performance grants the plaintiff what he actually bargained for in the contract rather thandamages (pecuniary compensation for loss or injury incurred through the unlawful conduct of another) for not receiving it; thus specific performance is an equitable rather than legal remedy. By compelling the parties to perform exactly what they had agreed to perform, more complete andperfect justice is achieved than by awarding damages for a breach of contract. Specific performance can be granted only by a court in the exercise of its Equity powers,subsequent to a determination of whether a valid contract that can be enforced exists and an evaluation of the relief sought. As a general rule, specific performance is applied in breach of contract actions where monetary damages are inadequate, primarily where the contract involvesland or a unique chattel ( Personal Property ). Damages for the breach of a contract for the sale of ordinary personal property are, in most cases, readily ascertainable and recoverable so that specificperformance will not be granted. An important advantage to this remedy is that, since it is an order of an equity court, it is supported by the enforcement power of that court. If the defendant refuses to obey that order, she can be citedfor criminal Contempt and even imprisoned. The defendant can also be cited for civil contempt forcontinuing to refuse to obey the order and can be incarcerated until she agrees to obey it."
"docid": "D517358#0",
"title": "http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3105\nChapter 3105: DIVORCE, ALIMONY, ANNULMENT, DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE",
"text": "\"Chapter 3105: DIVORCE, ALIMONY, ANNULMENT, DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE3105.01 Divorce causes. The court of common pleas may grant divorces for the following causes: (A) Either party had a husband or wife living at the time of the marriage from which the divorce is sought; (B) Willful absence of the adverse party for one year; (C) Adultery; (D) Extreme cruelty; (E) Fraudulent contract; (F) Any gross neglect of duty; (G) Habitual drunkenness; (H) Imprisonment of the adverse party in a state or federal correctional institution at the time of filing the complaint; (I) Procurement of a divorce outside this state, by a husband or wife, by virtue of which the party who procured it is released from the obligations of the marriage, while those obligations remain binding upon the other party; (J) On the application of either party, when husband and wife have, without interruption for one year, lived separate and apart without cohabitation; (K) Incompatibility, unless denied by either party. A plea of res judicata or of recrimination with respect to any provision of this section does not bar either party from obtaining a divorce on this ground. Effective Date: 10-06-1994 .3105.011 Jurisdiction over domestic relations matters. The court of common pleas including divisions of courts of domestic relations, has full equitable powers and jurisdiction appropriate to the determination of all domestic relations matters. This section is not a determination by the general assembly that such equitable powers and jurisdiction do not exist with respect to any such matter. Effective Date: 08-01-1975 .3105.02 Prohibited acts. No person shall advertise, print, publish, distribute, or circulate a circular, pamphlet, card, handbill, advertisement, printed paper, book, newspaper, or notice, or cause such to be done, with the intent to procure or aid in procuring divorces or dissolutions of marriage, either in this state or elsewhere. This section does not apply to the printing or publishing of a notice or advertisement authorized by law. Effective Date: 08-01-1975 .3105.03 Venue."
"docid": "D2192915#0",
"title": "http://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/7th-amendment.html\nThe 7th Amendment",
"text": "\"The 7th Amendment The 7th Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the original Ten Amendments to the Constitution e nacted by th e First Congress. The 7th Amendment guarantees an accused person of the right to have a trial by jury in most civil cases and also guarantees that facts decided by those juries cannot be reexamined at a later date. Th e right to trial by jury is one of the most frequently mentioned rights in the Bill of Rights - the First Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution. It was clearly very important to America's Founding Fathers to be mentioned so many times. The 7th Amendment protects this right in most civil cases. The 7th Amendment reads like this:\"\"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. \"\" Purpose of the 7th Amendment The 7th Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights for several basic reasons. The American colonists had just endured a period of not being allowed jury trials by the British government. This grievance was mentioned by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence . The British Crown had created separate courts for the colonists that did not allow juries to decide the cases."
] |
637016 | what does equity theory state | [
"docid": "D661668#0",
"title": "http://managementstudyguide.com/equity-theory-motivation.htm\nEquity Theory of Motivation",
"text": "Equity Theory of Motivation The core of the equity theory is the principle of balance or equity. As per this motivation theory, an individual’s motivation level is correlated to his perception of equity, fairness and justice practiced by the management. Higher is individual’s perception of fairness, greater is the motivation level and vice versa. While evaluating fairness, employee compares the job input (in terms of contribution) to outcome (in terms of compensation) and also compares the same with that of another peer of equal cadre/category. D/I ratio (output-input ratio) is used to make such a comparison. EQUITY THEORYRatio Comparison Perception O/I a < O/I b Under-rewarded (Equity Tension)O/I a = O/I b Equity O/I a > O/I b Over-rewarded (Equity Tension)Negative Tension state: Equity is perceived when this ratio is equal. While if this ratio is unequal, it leads to “equity tension”. J. Stacy Adams called this a negative tension state which motivates him to do something right to relieve this tension. A comparison has been made between 2 workers A and B to understand this point. Referents: The four comparisons an employee can make have been termed as “referents” according to Goodman."
] | [
"docid": "D3453664#0",
"title": "http://archive.adl.org/religion_ps_2004/evolution.html\nReligious Doctrine in the Science Classroom",
"text": "\"Religious Freedom Religious Doctrine in the Science Classroom For Educators For Parents, Families, and Caregivers Religious explanations for humankind, the diversity of life on earth, or the universe, including Creationism, Creation Science, or Intelligent Design may not be taught as science under any circumstances. Evolution - the only scientific explanation for the history of life on earth - must only be taught as scientific fact. SPECIFIC ISSUES & QUESTIONSWhat is Science? According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), science is limited to explanations “that can only be inferred from confirmable data — the results obtained through observations and experiments that can be substantiated by other scientists.” This process is called the scientific method. Explanations that cannot be based on empirical evidence resulting from observation and experiment are not a part of science. What is Evolution? Evolution, also called “descent with modification,” is the only scientific explanation for the history of life on earth. It states that over time, human beings and other species have evolved through processes including natural selection. This scientific theory provides understanding of the immense “complexity, diversity and activity” of life on earth."
"docid": "D2846382#0",
"title": "http://www.ehow.com/info_8136025_equity-theory.html\nWhat Is Equity Theory?",
"text": "\"What Is Equity Theory?by Walter Johnson; Updated September 26, 2017Equity theory is a concept of human relations based on utility, or the amount of happiness and satisfaction one gets out of any given relationship. It can be used in personal life, government or business. It is centered around a cost-benefit analysis of any given relationship. The primary variable is the equalization of effort and work among the partners. The effort put into the relationship from one partner must be more or less equal to the effort the others expend. Basics Utilitarianism is a moral approach that bases ethics on whether or not people involved in social relationships are happy. Utility is based on consequences. In equity theory, people are happy when the effort expended in a relationship is equalized by a) the reward earned from the effort and b) the effort from other partners in the relationship, community or society. Assumptions The assumption of equity theory is that people enter relationships for an expected utility, or an expected gain. Work is required, but the work is justified given the expected gain to the worker."
"docid": "D134001#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sources_of_law\nSources of law",
"text": "\"Sources of law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Not to be confused with The Sources of English Law. Sources of law are the origins of laws, the binding rules that enable any state to govern its territory. The term \"\"source of law\"\" may sometimes refer to the sovereign or to the seat of power from which the law derives its validity. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Jurisprudence2 Sources in different legal systems3 International sources4 National sources5 See also6 References Jurisprudence [ edit]The perceived authenticity of a source of law may rely on a choice of jurisprudencial analysis. Tyrants such as Kim Jong-un may wield de facto power, [2] but critics would say he does not exercise power from a de jure (or legitimate) source. After WWII it was not a valid defence at Nuremberg to say \"\"I was only obeying orders\"\", and the victors hanged Nazis for breaching \"\" universal and eternal standards of right and wrong\"\". Over decades and centuries, principles of law have been derived from customs. The divine right of kings, natural and legal rights, human rights, civil rights, and common law are early unwritten sources of law. Canon law and other forms of religious law form the basis for law derived from religious practices and doctrines or from sacred texts; this source of law is important where there is a state religion. Historical or judicial precedent and case law can modify or even create a source of law."
"docid": "D4449#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_human_rights\nPhilosophy of human rights",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The philosophy of human rights attempts to examine the underlying basis of the concept of human rights and critically looks at its content and justification. Several theoretical approaches have been advanced to explain how and why the concept of human rights developed. One of the oldest Western philosophies on human rights is that they are a product of a natural law, stemming from different philosophical or religious grounds. Other theories hold that human rights codify moral behavior which is a human social product developed by a process of biological and social evolution (associated with Hume ). Human rights are also described as a sociological pattern of rule setting (as in the sociological theory of law and the work of Weber ). These approaches include the notion that individuals in a society accept rules from legitimate authority in exchange for security and economic advantage (as in Rawls) – a social contract. The two theories that dominate contemporary human rights discussion are the interest theory and the will theory. Interest theory argues that the principal function of human rights is to protect and promote certain essential human interests, while will theory attempts to establish the validity of human rights based on the unique human capacity for freedom. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Natural rights2 Social contract3 Reciprocity4 Soviet concept of human rights5 Other theories of human rights6 Critiques of human rights6.1 Edmund Burke on natural rights6.2 Jeremy Bentham on natural rights6.3 Marxist Critique of human rights6.4 Alasdair Mac Intyre on human rights7 Theory of value and property8 References Natural rights [ edit]Main articles: Natural law and Natural right Natural law theories base human rights on a \"\"natural\"\" moral, religious or even biological order that is independent of transitory human laws or traditions. Socrates and his philosophic heirs, Plato and Aristotle, posited the existence of natural justice or natural right (δίκαιον φυσικόν dikaion physikon; Latin ius naturale )."
"docid": "D3558742#0",
"title": "http://rrojasdatabank.info/agfrank/underdev.html\nAndre Gunder Frank",
"text": "\"This autobio/bibliographical essay is a draft of chapter 2 of the 18 chapter festschrift THE UNDERDEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPMENT: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF ANDRE GUNDER FRANK edited by Sing Chew and Robert Denemark [Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications 1996, 427 pp. ISBN 0-8039-7261-X [paperback]. The edited published version also has an additional introductory paragraph outlining the 'history' of this essay, which was first writen in 1990 and published in 1991, but revised in two ways for the 1996 book: The original was shortened by about one half by the editors, but it was also brought up to date [1995] by the author. I intend to undertake a political sociology of knowledge of the study of development based on my own experience and perspective. I review the three varieties of development economics; neo-classical (right), Keynesian (center) and Marxist (left) and autobiographically my own participation in all of them. Perhaps I can also clarify how on further reflection my choice for the study of development is now none of the above. I would not wish to find myself in any of these camps when H. W. Arndt (1987: 162-3) can write: Are we then to conclude that Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Gunnar Myrdal and Peter Bauer, all proponents of material progress, must be regarded as 'Right' and A. G. Frank, Dudley Seers, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and the pope as 'Left'? Or is it the other way around? Clearly there is something wrong, certainly in relation to economic development as a policy objective, with these labels. I offer this essay as my own 'contribution' to the agonizing reappraisal of development in general and to the discourse on development undertaken in this book. From the Crisis of Development Towards a Conceptual Introduction The 1988 Congress of the International Society for Development in New Delhi, 1000 strong, was dominated by the theme of crisis."
"docid": "D2846185#0",
"title": "https://www.boundless.com/business/textbooks/boundless-business-textbook/motivation-theories-and-applications-11/modern-views-on-motivation-76/equity-theory-360-3209/\nModern Views on Motivation",
"text": "Equity Theory Equity theory states that perceptions of equality in the input/outcome ratio of employees determines their relative job satisfaction. Learning Objectives Explain equity theory Key Takeaways Key Points Equity theory was developed in 1963 by John Stacey Adams, who stated that an employee will consider himself to be fairly treated if the ratio of his inputs to outcomes is equivalent to those around him (by his perception). Inputs include effort, time, loyalty, seniority, commitment, personal sacrifice, etc. Outcomes, on the other hand, include salary, benefits, job security, reputation, sense of achievement, gratitude, etc. According to equity theory, the person who gets “too much” and the person who gets “too little” both feel distressed. The person who gets too much may feel guilt or shame. The person who gets too little may feel angry or humiliated. ( 1) Individuals try to maximize outcomes (2) [a] Groups will evolve systems of equity, and induce members to adhere to these systems [b] Groups will reward those who treat others equitably, and punish those who don’t. ( 3) Individuals in an inequitable relationship feel ‘distressed’. Those who get too little feel angry/humiliated, while those with too much feel guilt or shame. ("
"docid": "D2846381#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0030507370900206\nOverpay inequity or self-image as a worker: A critical examination of an experimental induction procedure",
"text": "\"Organizational Behavior and Human Performance Volume 5, Issue 3, May 1970, Pages 266-276Overpay inequity or self-image as a worker: A critical examination of an experimental induction procedure I. R. Andrews E. R. Valenzi Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/0030-5073 (70)90020-6 Get rights and content Abstract Three recent studies have suggested the possibility that when the perception of overpay inequity is induced by challenging the worker's qualifications for the job, wage inequity responses are confounded by responses in terms of self-image as a worker. The extent of this confounding was examined in this study through the use of a role projection technique. On open-end questions zero out of 80 subjects responded to the induction procedure in terms of wage inequity, while 59 subjects responded in terms of self-image as a worker in that situation. Among 13 structured alternatives, two wage inequity responses to the induction procedure were rated as least plausible while two self-image-as-a-worker responses were rated as most plausible. A job security alternative fell near the middle of the plausibility rankings. It was concluded that new induction procedures are required to test the effects of overpay inequity on productivity. In addition it was suggested that any new induction procedure should be pretested with the role projection technique. Previous article Next article ORGANIZATIONAL BEtt AOR AND HU1VIAN PERFORMANCE 5, 266--276 (1970) Overpay Inequity or Self-Image as a Worker: A Critical Examination of an Experimental Induction Procedure I. R. ANDREWS AND E. R. VALENZI Bowling Green S~ate University Three recent studies have suggested the possibility that when the percep- tion of overpay inequity is induced by challenging the worker's qualifications for the job, wage inequity responses are confounded by responses in terms of self-image as a worker. The extent of Lhis confounding was examined in this study through the use of a role projection technique. On open-end questions zero out of 80 subjects responded to the induction procedure in te ITns of wage inequity, while 59 subjects responded in terms of self-image as a worker in that situation."
"docid": "D518678#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/57104107/human-resource-management-chapters-8-11-flash-cards/\nHuman Resource Management Chapters 8 - 11",
"text": "\"98 terms ndvikingswidow Human Resource Management Chapters 8 - 11Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort The content of a feedback should emphasize behavior, not personalities TRUE The content of the feedback should emphasize behavior, not personalities. For example, \"\"You did not meet the deadline\"\" can open a conversation about what needs to change, but \"\"You're not motivated\"\" may make the employee feel defensive and angry. In the forced-distribution method of performance measurement, managers rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer. FALSE The forced-distribution method of performance measurement assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories. The simple ranking method requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer. The critical-incident method is used to rate behaviors for performance evaluation. TRUE One way to rate behaviors is with the critical-incident method. This approach requires managers to keep a record of specific examples of the employee acting in ways that are either effective or ineffective."
"docid": "D2186897#0",
"title": "http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/modigliani-miller-theorems\nModigliani-Miller Theorems",
"text": "Modigliani-Miller Theorems BIBLIOGRAPHYThe Modigliani-Miller (M&M) theorems, developed by economists Franco Modigliani (1918 – 2003) and Merton Miller (1923 – 2000) in a series of papers, represent a major milestone in corporate finance theory. Modigliani and Miller won Nobel prizes in economics in 1985 and 1990, respectively, in part for their contributions to what are often referred to as the capital structure irrelevance and dividend irrelevance theorems. Contrary to financial theory of the time, which focused on institutions, the M&M theorems were among the first efforts by economists to bring rigorous analysis to the understanding of corporate finance issues. Corporate financial capital, the funds invested in a firm, consists of money borrowed from others (bonds and loans) and business owners' own money (stock). Lenders receive a stated rate of interest and have the first claim on corporate assets. Stockholders receive all remaining current and future profits of the company. Leverage represents the proportion of debt (bonds and loans) to stock. Modigliani and Miller (1958) presented the idea that, assuming perfect financial markets and in the absence of taxes, the value of a levered firm is the same as that of an unlevered firm if both firms represent the same investment opportunities. In other words, change in capital structure (the mixture of debt and stock) alone does not affect a firm's value. Their no-arbitrage proof stated that, if these firms have different values, investors will be able to replicate the higher-valued firm with the lower-valued firm plus their own borrowing or lending."
"docid": "D1609030#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/5051808/mgmt301-exam3brower-book-material-flash-cards/\nMGMT301-Exam3 (Brower): Book Material",
"text": "\"140 terms jcc5344MGMT301-Exam3 (Brower): Book Material Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Leadership I. As a process: the use of non-coercive influence to shape the group's or organization's goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and help define group or organizational culture II. As a property: the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders Leaders People who can influence the behaviors of other without having to rely on force; those accepted by others as leaders Management vs. Leadership -Management and leadership are related, but distinct, constructs -Managers and leaders differ in how they: I. Create an agenda II. Develop a rationale for achieving the agenda III. Execute plans IV. types of outcomes they achieve Creating an agenda (Management): Planning and Budgeting: -Establishing detailed steps and timetables for achieving needed results -Allocating the resources necessary to make those needed results happen Creating an agenda (Leadership): Establishing Direction: -Developing a vision of the future (often distant future), and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision Develop a Human Network for Achieving the Agenda (Management): Organizing and Staffing: -Establishing some structure for accomplishing plan requirements -Staffing that structure w/ individuals -Delegating responsibility and authority for carrying out the plan -Providing policies and procedures to help guide people -Creating methods or systems to monitor implementation Develop a Human Network for Achieving the Agenda (Leadership): Aligning People: -Communicating the direction by words and deeds to everyone whose cooperation may be needed to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the visions and strategies and accept their validity Executing Plans (Management): Controlling and Problem Solving: -Monitoring results vs. Planning in some detail -Identifying deviations -Then planning and organizing to solve these problems Executing Plans (Leadership): Motivating and Inspiring: -Energizing people to overcome major political, bureaucratic, and resource barriers by satisfying very basic, but not often unfulfilled, human needs Outcomes (Management): -Produces a degree of predictability and order -Has the potential to produce consistently major results expected by various stakeholders Ex. Customers- always being on time Ex. Stockholders- being on budget Outcomes (Leadership): -Produces change (often to a dramatic degree) -Has the potential to produce extremely useful change Ex. New products that customers want Ex."
"docid": "D1746366#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal-agent_problem\nPrincipalâagent problem",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Principal-agent problem)navigation search Part of a series on State monopoly capitalism Terms Coercive monopoly Corporate personhood Corporate welfare Government-granted monopoly Intellectual property License Limited liability Regulatory capture Regulation Subsidy Tariff Ideas Advocacy group Lobbying Theory Conflict of interest Principal–agent problem Rent-seeking Issues Agricultural subsidy Military–industrial complex The New Deal and corporatism Ideologies Protectionism See also Crony capitalism Corporatism State capitalism State monopoly capitalismv t e Basic idea of agency theory (P: principal, A: agent)The principal–agent problem, in political science and economics, (also known as agency dilemma or the agency problem) occurs when one person or entity (the \"\" agent \"\") is able to make decisions on behalf of, or that impact, another person or entity: the \"\" principal \"\". [ 1] This dilemma exists in circumstances where agents are motivated to act in their own best interests, which are contrary to those of their principals, and is an example of moral hazard. Common examples of this relationship include corporate management (agent) and shareholders (principal), politicians (agent) and voters (principal), or brokers (agent) and markets (buyers and sellers, principals). [ 2] Consider a legal client (the principal) wondering whether their lawyer (the agent) is recommending protracted legal proceedings because it is truly necessary for the client's well being, or because it will generate income for the lawyer. In fact the problem can arise in almost any context where one party is being paid by another to do something where the agent has a small or nonexistent share in the outcome, whether in formal employment or a negotiated deal such as paying for household jobs or car repairs. The problem arises where the two parties have different interests and asymmetric information (the agent having more information), such that the principal cannot directly ensure that the agent is always acting in their (the principal's) best interest, [3] particularly when activities that are useful to the principal are costly to the agent, and where elements of what the agent does are costly for the principal to observe (see moral hazard and conflict of interest ). Often, the principal may be sufficiently concerned at the possibility of being exploited by the agent that they choose not to enter into the transaction at all, when it would have been mutually beneficial: a suboptimal outcome that can lower welfare overall. The deviation from the principal's interest by the agent is called \"\" agency costs \"\". [ 3]Besides the agency problem between shareholders and managers, there is also another type of agency problem: the one derived from the existence of big shareholders and small shareholders, which is quite a common phenomenon in a listed company. In the process of dividend distribution, there exists not only information asymmetry but the different influence between big and small shareholders."
"docid": "D2416664#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_accounting\nPositive accounting",
"text": "\"Accounting research Research areas [show]Methodologies [show]Specific topics [show]Accounting journals [show]Related topics [show]Part of a series on Accountingv t e Positive accounting is the branch of academic accounting research that seeks to explain and predict actual accounting practices. This contrasts with normative accounting, that seeks to derive and prescribe \"\"optimal\"\" accounting standards. Contents [ hide ]1 Background2 Views3 Efficiency perspective4 Opportunistic perspective4.1 Management compensation hypothesis (Bonus plan hypothesis)4.2 Debt-equity hypothesis4.3 Political cost hypothesis5 Criticisms6 See also7 References Background [ edit]Positive accounting emerged with empirical studies that proliferated in accounting in the late 1960s. It was organized as an academic school of thought of discipline by the work of Ross Watts and Jerold Zimmerman (in 1978 and 1986) at the William E. Simon School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester, and by the founding of the Journal of Accounting and Economics in 1979. When published, the pioneering articles were greeted with considerable criticism. Views [ edit]Positive accounting can be associated with the contractual view of the firm. [ 1] [2] The firm is viewed as “a nexus of contracts ” and accounting one tool to facilitate the formation and performance of contracts. Under this view, accounting practices evolve to mitigate contracting costs by establishing ex ante agreement among varying parties. For example, positive accounting postulates that conservatism in accounting –in this sense defined conditionally as requiring lower (higher) standards of verifiability to recognize losses (gains)– has origins in contract markets, including managerial compensation contracts and lender debt contracts. As an example, absent conservatism, managerial compensation agreements may reward managers based on current reports that later evidence indicates were unwarranted."
"docid": "D305020#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/03/062603.asp\nWho or what is Dow Jones?",
"text": "\"A: Dow Jones, or more precisely, Dow Jones & Company, is one of the largest business and financial news companies in the world. While the Dow Jones Industrial Average tracks publicly owned corporations, Dow Jones & Company is not a public company itself. The firm was founded in 1896 by Charles Dow, Edward T. Jones and Charles Bergstresser. In 1889, they founded The Wall Street Journal, which remains one of the most influential financial publications. Dow was known for his ability to ethically explain complicated financial news to the public. He believed that investors needed a simple benchmark to indicate whether the stock market was on the rise or the decline. Dow chose several industrial-based stocks for the first index, and the first reported average was 40.94. Dow Jones Industrial Average It is easy to confuse Dow Jones with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Often referred to as \"\"the Dow\"\", the DJIA is one of the most watched stock indexes in the world, containing companies like General Electric, Microsoft, Coca-Cola and Exxon. Dow Jones (the company) owns the Dow Jones Industrial Average, as well as many other indexes that represent different sectors of the economy, including the oldest index, the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which tracks 20 transportation companies, including airlines and delivery services."
"docid": "D3418272#0",
"title": "http://www.strategies-for-managing-change.com/process-theories-of-motivation.html\nProcess theories of motivation",
"text": "\"Process theories of motivation Personal needs drive behaviour Process theories of motivation are about a cognitive rational process and concentrate on the psychological and behavioural processes that motivate an individual. Put simply, this is all about how people's needs influence and drive their behaviour. People need to see what is in it for them and to sense that \"\"fair play\"\" is being exercised to all concerned. Clearly a basic understanding of this is foundational to the psychological underpinning of successful change management and the strategies for managing change that will deliver that. These process theories of motivation also totally support and underpin the findings and practical observations of Goleman, Katzenbach, Pearson, Axelrod and others referred to in Inspirational Motivation and the research and thought leadership highlighted in Leading Change. The two main process theories of motivation are Expectancy Theory and Equity Theory . Expectancy theory [also called Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy Theory or VIE Theory] is associated with Vroom, Porter and Lawler and it suggests that effort (a) is linked to the desire for a particular outcome, and (b)moderated by an evaluation of the likelihood of success. Expectancy Theory This is a pragmatic perspective that assumes that as we are constantly trying to predict potential future outcomes, we attempt to create what we perceive to be as realistic expectations about future events. Thus if things look reasonably likely and attractive, and if we know what to do in order to get there, and we believe we can actually do it, then this will motivate us to act to make this future come true. According to Victor Vroom, individual motivation depends on three variables, namely: Force, Valence and Expectancy."
"docid": "D2531371#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equity_theory\nEquity theory",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search [ hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages)This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. ( May 2015)This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. ( October 2011)Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both relational partners. Equity is measured by comparing the ratio of contributions (or costs) and benefits (or rewards) for each person. [ 1] Considered one of the justice theories, equity theory was first developed in the 1960s by J. Stacy Adams, a workplace and behavioral psychologist, who asserted that employees seek to maintain equity between the inputs that they bring to a job and the outcomes that they receive from it against the perceived inputs and outcomes of others (Adams, 1963). The belief is that people value fair treatment which causes them to be motivated to keep the fairness maintained within the relationships of their co-workers and the organization. The structure of equity in the workplace is based on the ratio of inputs to outcomes. Inputs are the contributions made by the employee for the organization."
"docid": "D1618430#0",
"title": "http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=market+structure\n.",
"text": "\"Title Length Color Rating Choice of Product and the Market Structure - Choice of product and the market structure My choice of product is automobile/Car and the company is Ford. Traditionally, the American automotive industry has been an oligopoly market. By the end of 1920s, it was dominated by three big companies- Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. This dominance by three big companies remained even after post-world war II period. These companies hold the largest share of automobile market. The three major players in the American automobile market, i.e. Ford, General motors and Chrysler with foreign companies like Toyota, Nissan entering in to the market.... [tags: Automobile, Car, Vehicle, Ford, American Company]:: 3 Works Cited1513 words (4.3 pages) Powerful Essays [preview]Netflix Market Structure - In today’s technology boom, the new waves of doing business have transformed the way people shop and live. The same happened the way people access personal entertainment. With Internet, people can stream movie online without have to go theater, or the rental movie box. The idea inspired Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, and then they founded Netflix in Scotts Valley, California in 1997 (Netflix, 2014). The company comes into play by developing a subscription-based streaming platform for movies and television shows.... [tags: technology, movies, television]1515 words (4.3 pages) Powerful Essays [preview]Healthcare and the Competitive Market Structure - A competitive market is one that allows easy entry and exit: a market in which companies are generally free to enter or to leave at will."
"docid": "D2093825#0",
"title": "http://arthsaar.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=69:fin-captial-market-asymmetric-information-impact&catid=40:arthsaar-finance-commerce&Itemid=57\nEconomic Impact of Asymmetric Information Theory",
"text": "\"Introduction: The attempt is m ade in the first article of this series trying to explore the impact of economics of asymmetric information on the decision making process in the two secto rs vital to the macro-economics. They are the financial sector market and the capital sector market of the economy. Each article will address the content issues of the asymmetric theory and the practical application thereof on the particular aspect of these two markets. In the beginning, while reviewing the existing literature on this theory, on the electronic and print media; authors have taken references of the articles written by international scholars from different websites and the views expressed by the Indian scholars through paper presentation in one of the national level conference, which are further edited in the book form by Economics of Asymmetric Information by Nachane and Chatterjee, (2006). There are endless references as the topic is widely accepted by the theoreticians and the practitioners. The dictionary meaning of the term is a 'condition in which at least some information is known to some but not to all the parties to the transaction'. According to economists, ' information asymmetry causes market to become inefficient; since all the market participants do not have access to the information they need for their decision making process'. One can begin his study by referring to the outstanding work by the Nobel Prize winning trinity-Akerlof, Spence & Stiglitz (2001), who demonstrated that ' market may break down completely in the presence of asymmetric information and the three distinct consequences emerging, (a) Adverse selection, (b) Moral hazard, & (c) Monitoring cost All the economists, even classical like Smith, Mill and Marshall, seem to have included this information related problem in their work. The concept of famous invisible hand by Smith, (1776), speaks about the intervention of state in the competitive market, the Pareto's welfare economics based on the competitive or efficient allocation relying upon the uniformly distributed information amongst the economic agents. Of course, one does not till recently, find appreciation of the fact that the informational inadequacies could change the very nature of competitive equilibrium."
"docid": "D2601681#0",
"title": "http://www.lawmart.com/forms/difference.htm\nSearch Results for:difference",
"text": "Lawmart.com > Search results for 'difference'Search Results for:difference Copyright vs. Trademark vs. Patent Some people confuse patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Although there may be some similarities among these kinds of intellectual property protection, they are different and serve different purposes. What Is a Copyright? Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. The 1976 Copyright Act generally gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works, to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work, to perform the copyrighted work publicly, or to display the copyrighted work publicly. The copyright protects the form of expression rather than the subject matter of the writing. For example, a description of a machine could be copyrighted, but this would only prevent others from copying the description; it would not prevent others from writing a description of their own or from making and using the machine. Copyrights are registered by the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress. Need a copyright form? Try these: Copyright Assignment Form Copyright Cease & Desist Letter Copyright Policy for a School What Is a Trademark or Servicemark?"
"docid": "D85185#0",
"title": "http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/principles-of-justice\nPrinciples of Justice and Fairness",
"text": "\"Principles of Justice and Fairness By Michelle Maiese (Originally published July 2003, updated by Heidi Burgess June 2013 and again in 2017. ) Justice Versus Fairness Current Implications In the \"\"Core Concepts\"\" unit of our Conflict Fundamentals Massive Open Online Seminar (MOOS), we introduced the notion of \"\"reconciliation\"\" and examined John Paul Lederach's notion that reconciliation occurs through the meeting of 'peace, justice, truth, and mercy.\"\" But as becomes very clear in his exercise exploring these ideas, none of them are easy to understand. More... In the context of conflict, the terms 'justice' and 'fairness' are often used interchangeably. Home | Syllabus / Other Posts This Seminar is part of the... Find out more... Taken in its broader sense, justice is action in accordance with the requirements of some law. [ 1] Some maintain that justice stems from God's will or command, while others believe that justice is inherent in nature itself. Still others believe that justice consists of rules common to all humanity that emerge out of some sort of consensus. This sort of justice is often thought of as something higher than a society's legal system. It is in those cases where an action seems to violate some universal rule of conduct that we are likely to call it \"\"unjust. \"\" In its narrower sense, justice is fairness."
"docid": "D155063#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_motivation\nWork motivation",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For general motivation, see Motivation. Work motivation \"\"is a set of energetic forces [ dubious – discuss] that originate both within as well as beyond an individual's being, to initiate work-related behavior, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration\"\" [1] Understanding what motivates an organization's employees is central to the study of I–O psychology. [ 2] Motivation is a person's internal disposition to be concerned with and approach positive incentives and avoid negative incentives. To further this, an incentive is the anticipated reward or aversive event available in the environment. [ 3] While motivation can often be used as a tool to help predict behavior, it varies greatly among individuals and must often be combined with ability and environmental factors to actually influence behavior and performance. Results from a recent 2012 study, which examined age-related differences in work motivation, suggest a \"\"shift in people's motives\"\" rather than a general decline in motivation with age. That is, it seemed that older employees were less motivated by extrinsically related features of a job, but more by intrinsically rewarding job features. [ 4] Work motivation is strongly influenced by certain cultural characteristics. Between countries with comparable levels of economic development, collectivist countries tend to have higher levels of work motivation than do countries that tend toward individualism. Similarly measured, higher levels of work motivation can be found in countries that exhibit a long versus a short-term orientation."
] |
637022 | what does erc stand for | [
"docid": "D489649#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worldwide_ERC\nWorldwide ERC",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( April 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. ( April 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. ( December 2017)Worldwide ERC (also known as the Employee Relocation Council) is a relocation services industry trade group. Its membership of 12,000 (as of 2005) relocation professionals--or global workforce mobility specialists—are concerned with current issues and management practices for the movement of employees (by their employers) within the United States and between all other countries. The organization is headquartered in Washington, DC, with a European bureau in Brussels, Belgium."
] | [
"docid": "D962162#0",
"title": "http://www.eur.army.mil/rmv/\n.",
"text": "\"Place the mouse pointer over the image to pause the slide show. MOTORCYCLE LICENSING REQUIREMENTS CHANGES!Service Members (SMs) who have a US State issued motorcycle endorsement must complete the an initial Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Basic Rider Course (BRC)* during their Army career before receiving a USAREUR motorcycle endorsement unless the SM has completed a DUSD (I&E) endorsed, State-approved curriculum for MC operator’s safety training. This is a one-time requirement. MC applicants for a US Forces Certificate of License must have a valid State license with an MC endorsement in order to complete training provided by local Drivers Training/Testing Station, which then will issue a temporary license allowing them to complete local BRC or MSF courses. Within twelve months after completing a BRC, SMs must complete an Experienced Rider Course (ERC, also known as BRC-II) or a Military Sport bike Riders Course (MSRC. This course is valid for five years at which time the SMs must retake the ERC or MSRC. ) Additionally, SMs after a 5–year period of inactivity or upon acquisition of a new or change in motorcycle (s), SMs will again have to complete sustainment training by retaking the ERC or MSRC. Although not mandatory, SMs are also encouraged to go through sustainment training again by retaking the courses after a major geographical change. In addition to Helmets, boots and gloves required when operating or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle, mopeds, motorbikes, all terrain vehicles or similar vehicles the following safety equipment is mandatory in Germany:1. Full-fingered gloves or mittens made from leather or other abrasion-resistant material. ("
"docid": "D2891162#0",
"title": "https://equalrightscenter.org/erc-files-lawsuit-national-housing-provider-alleging-illegal-race-national-origin-discrimination/\nEqual Rights Center Files Lawsuit against National Housing Provider Alleging Illegal Race and National Origin Discrimination",
"text": "Equal Rights Center Files Lawsuit against National Housing Provider Alleging Illegal Race and National Origin Discrimination For media inquiries, contact: Kate Scott, ERC Deputy Director, [email protected], or Gregg Kelley, WLC Director of Development and Communications, [email protected] Washington, D. C. – December 12, 2017 – Today, The Equal Rights Center (“ERC”), a civil rights organization that identifies and seeks to eliminate unlawful and unfair discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations in its home community of Greater Washington, D. C. and nationwide, filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc., and Mid- America Apartments, L. P. collectively, (“MAA”). The complaint alleges that MAA maintained and enforced a criminal records screening policy that categorically barred an untold number of individuals with criminal records from living at their properties in violation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 (FHA). African American and Latino housing applicants to MAA properties were between two and twelve times as likely to be prevented from applying for an apartment due to MAA’s criminal records screening policy. The lawsuit claims that MAA’s criminal records screening policy had an illegal and disproportionate effect on African American and Latino applicants without a substantial, legitimate business justification and therefore violates the federal fair housing law. The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, and Relman, Dane & Colfax, PLLC are representing the ERC in the matter. Through the complaint, the ERC seeks injunctive, monetary, and declarative relief. The complaint alleges that MAA enforced its discriminatory criminal records screening policy at more than 55 apartment communities in 15 cities around the country. An ERC investigation revealed that applicants who disclose a felony conviction through the MAA online application portal were not even able to submit an application for review because a felony conviction worked as an absolute bar to applying for an apartment. Blanket bans that automatically deny housing to people with criminal records without regard for factors like the nature of the crime or its severity, the time passed since the crime, or demonstrated rehabilitation can be discriminatory under the Fair Housing Act. They are also inconsistent with guidance issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).“Blanket bans from housing based on a criminal record without consideration of its relevance, including how long ago the incident occurred, the nature of the charge or even an applicant’s more recent stable rental history, are inconsistent with America’s fundamental values of redemption and fairness,” said ERC Executive Director Melvina Ford. “"
"docid": "D876416#0",
"title": "http://kb.drakesoftware.com/Site/Browse/Common-1040-Individual-Reject-Codes-ERCs\n13259: Common 1040 Individual Reject Codes (ERCs)",
"text": "What are some of the most common reject codes for personal returns? Error Reject Code 0029 Tax return record identification page 1 – EFIN of originator must be for a valid electronic filer. Description: The assigned Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) entered in your software is invalid or inactive. You will be unable to successfully transmit any returns until the issue is resolved. Suggested Solutions: Verify that you have entered the correct EFIN under Setup > ERO and Setup>Firms . Check for any transposed numbers. If your EFIN is inactive, your firm can make the appropriate updates to your application. You must call the IRS e-help Desk at 1-866-255-0654 to verify the address changes and update your EFIN status to active. You should be able to re-transmit your returns in 24 hours. Error Reject Code 0500 Primary SSN and Primary Name Control of the Tax Form must match data from the IRS Master File Description: The last name for the primary taxpayer on the return does not match what the IRS and/or the Social Security Administration (SSA) have on file."
"docid": "D3293290#0",
"title": "http://powersaver-wellness.blogspot.com/2012/09/amazing-coffee.html\nAmazing Coffee!",
"text": "\"Amazing Coffee!Amazing health drink and power saver-in-1Do you always complain about the high cost of electricity, LPG and fuel for your vehicles and don’t seem to know what to do about it? Meralco power generation charge in 2011 was around P4.8623/ kwh. It went up to as high as P6.7397/kwh in August this year and although there is announced reduction by September, no one knows how much further price hikes will be imposed on us in the future. Generation charges reportedly account for around 60% of household electric bills. A new research by the independent energy think-tank International Energy Consultants has determined that average electricity rates in Meralco franchise areas are now 9th among the highest 44 selected distributors across the globe. Monthly obligation you just can't ignore The Energy Regulatory Board (ERC) as reported in local newspapers is still awaiting official response from state-run Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) before it can decide on Meralco’s P9.1 Billion refund claim which would be passed on to power consumers. In a 2010 decision, ERC revealed that PSALM has been “double-charging in transmission costs”. The irony is that two years after, ERC still awaits for PSALM's computation to ascertain how much should be refunded to Meralco for the benefit of its customers. Gasoline and diesel fuel prices may have gone down a few cents per liter but for every price reduction, price hikes follow, so despite the fact that gasoline prices have gone down the past two weeks, retail prices in Metro Manila still ranges between P50.55 and P58.41 per liter; diesel prices remain at P43.85 to P46.35 per liter. Now comes “Micswell Café” 8-in-1 coffee-mix to the rescue!Would you believe that attaching coffee sachets with electrical tape on power cords/plugs reduces power rates by as much as 50% to 75%?"
"docid": "D3222723#0",
"title": "https://what-is-this.net/en/define/senescence\nsenescence",
"text": "\"senescencedefinition : senescence Senescence () or biological aging (also spelled biological ageing) is the gradual deterioration of function characteristic of most complex lifeforms, arguably found in all biological kingdoms, that on the level of the organism increases mortality after maturation. The word senescence can refer either to cellular senescence or to senescence of the whole organism. It is commonly believed that cellular senescence underlies organismal senescence. The science of biological aging is biogerontology. Senescence is not the inevitable fate of all organisms and can be delayed. The discovery, in 1934, that calorie restriction can extend lifespan by 50% in rats, and the existence of species having negligible senescence and potentially immortal species such as Hydra, have motivated research into delaying and preventing senescence and thus age-related diseases. Organisms of some taxonomic groups, including some animals, experience chronological decrease in mortality, for all or part of their life cycle. On the other extreme are accelerated aging diseases, rare in humans. There is also the extremely rare and poorly understood \"\"Syndrome X,\"\" whereby a person remains physically and mentally an infant or child throughout one's life. Even if environmental factors do not cause aging, they may affect it; in such a way, for example, overexposure to ultraviolet radiation accelerates skin aging."
"docid": "D1956923#0",
"title": "http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/tools/manuals/who_field_handbook/annex_7/en/\nThe Cluster Approach",
"text": "The Cluster Approach Annex 7A cluster is a group of agencies that gather to work together towards common objectives within a particular sector of emergency response. The cluster approach, instituted in 2006 as part of the UN Humanitarian Reform process, is an important step on the road to more effective humanitarian coordination. Ultimately the cluster approach aims to improve the predictability, timeliness, and effectiveness of humanitarian response, and pave the way for recovery. It strengthens leadership and accountability in key sectors. It also seeks to enhance partnerships and complementarity among the UN, Red Cross Movement, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). At the global level, clusters have been established in 11 key areas to support the cluster approach as shown in the table. The global cluster leads report to the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC). WHO leads the global health cluster which includes over 30 partners and is developing normative guidance and tools (e.g. for assessment, coordination, information management and training) as well as seeking to ensure surge capacity (of skilled experts supported by appropriate supplies, logistics and security) and the development of national capacities. WHO is also member of the nutrition, water/sanitation, emergency shelter and protection clusters and works with the leaders of those clusters to promote inter-cluster harmonization. At country level, clusters (or “sectoral groups”) will normally be established for any major emergency – any situation where humanitarian needs are of sufficient scale and complexity to justify a multi-sectoral response with the engagement of a wide range of international humanitarian actors: Clusters are established according to the needs of the situation; they may or may not correspond to the 11 global clusters (some may be combined, others not required);Country cluster leads may correspond to those designated at the global level or be adjusted taking account of the capacities and strengths of the humanitarian organizations present; any IASC member can be a cluster lead (it does not have to be a UN agency);Where a coordination group already functions with clear leadership, no new cluster or leadership is required for that sector;The country cluster structure and corresponding cluster leads are proposed by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) – or by the UNRC in a country where an HC has not been appointed – after consultation with Government authorities and relevant IASC partners at country level, and agreed with the ERC after consultation within the IASC at global level."
"docid": "D3013332#0",
"title": "http://www.acuraworld.com/forums/f72/replacing-brake-rotors-pads-60520/\n.",
"text": "\"post #1 of 18 ( permalink )Old 08-10-05, 01:57 PM Thread Starteric95Registered User Join Date: Aug 2005Age: 44Posts: 7replacing brake rotors and padscan someone please tell me where to go to replace my fr and rr brake pads and rotors? I'm looking to upgade them. I have a 2004 tl 6sp with the brembo brakes. thanks...ic95 is offline Quote Quick Replypost #2 of 18Old 08-10-05, 10:39 PMKawai Don Registered User Join Date: May 2004Location: Orange County, CAPosts: 61I think it would be hard to upgrade the Brembos to anything better. You might find a way to reduce squeaking and dust, but the performance is about as good as any I have found. If you want to upgrade the brake feel, look into braided stainless lines and such for a harder pedal feel. Don Mannino 2004 TL, Blue / Camel 6 speed manual Transmission A-spec suspension Goodyear F1 GS-D3 Tires Kawai Don is offline Quote Quick Replypost #3 of 18Old 08-11-05, 04:35 PM Thread Starteric95Registered User Join Date: Aug 2005Age: 44Posts: 7i need new pads and rotors for both the front and back... Can I find them online?? I'm looking to do the replacement myself. Thanksic95 is offline Quote Quick Replypost #4 of 18Old 08-11-05, 08:24 PMvsizzle Registered User Join Date: Jul 2005Age: 39Posts: 53Thanks for posting that, my car has 28k miles on it. And the dealer says I do not need brakes."
"docid": "D2891160#0",
"title": "https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/01/17/inenglish/1516201700_733150.html\nSeparatist deputy is elected speaker of the new Catalan parliament",
"text": "Roger Torrent (l) greets former speaker Carme Forcadell. MASSIMILIANO MINOCRIRoger Torrent, a 38-year-old deputy with the pro-independence Catalan Republican Left (ERC), has become the speaker of the new Catalan parliament that emerged from the December 21 election, which yielded a majority of seats for separatist parties. On Wednesday, lawmakers meeting at the first session voted in the members of the Mesa del Parlament, the permanent board of officials that sets the chamber’s agenda. The outcome of the vote, which had been widely expected, gives control of this pivotal body to the separatist bloc. During the last political term, the separatist-controlled Mesa allowed the votes that resulted in the passing of self-made laws and a unilateral declaration of independence. Mending society In his opening address to the new parliament, Torrent used a much more conciliatory tone than Ernest Maragall, the veteran lawmaker who provisionally presided the session until the speaker’s appointment. Torrent said he will work “tirelessly to restore the Catalan institutions”“I want to contribute to mending Catalan society,” said Torrent, calling Catalonia a society “of crossed identities” and “a plural country.” He underscored that as mayor of Sarrià de Ter (Girona), he always tried to reach across the aisle, and said he intends to do the same now as speaker of the Catalan parliament. Torrent announced that he will work “tirelessly to restore Catalan institutions,” a reminder that regional self-rule has been temporarily taken over by central authorities in Madrid after invoking Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution. The new speaker also mentioned the eight absent deputies who are either in pre-trial custody in Madrid in connection with the rebellion probe, or in flight from justice in Belgium. “"
"docid": "D1411690#0",
"title": "http://gacc.nifc.gov/oncc/predictive/fuels_fire-danger/psac/erc/\n.",
"text": "PREDICTIVE SERVICE AREA CHARTSThe Energy Release Component (ERC) is an NFDRS (National Fire Danger Rating System) index related to how hot a fire could burn. It is directly related to the 24-hour, potential worst case, total available energy (BTUs) per unit area (in square feet) within the flaming front at the head of a fire. The ERC can serve as a good characterization of fire season as it tracks seasonal fire danger trends well. The ERC is a function of the fuel model and live and dead fuel moistures. Fuel loading, woody fuel moistures, and larger fuel moistures all have an influence on the ERC, while the lighter fuels have less influence and wind speed has none. ERC has low variability, and is the best fire danger component for indicating the effects of intermediate to long-term drying on fire behavior (if it is a significant factor) although it is not intended for use as a drought index. Charts from each Forest Service severity weather station are arranged generally from the northern part of the Geographic Area to the southern part. Severity stations are those weather stations which represent the fire danger conditions on the Forest Unit. Because the Wet Flag was not recorded in AFFIRMS Data prior to mid-1993, these analyses start in 1994 and provide over 18 years of data. In addition, current and last years' data are graphed as auxillary runs to better provide recent comparative data to historical indicies."
"docid": "D660431#0",
"title": "https://www.yourerc.com/about-erc/\nAbout ERC",
"text": "About ERCOur mission is to make a positive impact every day at work, with our customers and in the community. ERC helps organizations create great workplaces by providing HR resources, training, consulting, and coaching services. A proud two-time When Work Works Award Winner, ERC hosts North Coast 99, a program honoring 99 great workplaces for top talent. ERC also sponsors the ERChealth insurance program. Questions? Contact Us"
"docid": "D2959402#0",
"title": "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190710/\nDNA replication stress, genome instability and aging",
"text": "\"Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Dec; 35 (22): 7545–7556. Published online 2007 Nov 30. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm1059PMCID: PMC2190710DNA replication stress, genome instability and aging William C. Burhans *and Martin Weinberger Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ►This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Genome instability is a fundamentally important component of aging in all eukaryotes. How age-related genome instability occurs remains unclear. The free radical theory of aging posits oxidative damage to DNA and other cellular constituents as a primary determinant of aging. More recent versions of this theory predict that mitochondria are a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause oxidative damage. Although substantial support for the free radical theory exists, the results of some tests of this theory have been contradictory or inconclusive. Enhanced growth signaling also has been implicated in aging."
"docid": "D2042566#0",
"title": "http://www.esrb.org/ratings/faq.aspx\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"ESRB RATINGS PUBLISHERS RETAILERS PRIVACY CERTIFIED ABOUT ESRBratings guide ratings process enforcement resources faq contact esrb Frequently Asked Questions About the ESRBWhat is the ESRB? Are all games and apps required to have a rating? Does the ESRB have any restrictions on how a game can be marketed? Who can I contact if I have a question or complaint about a rating? About ESRB Ratings How was the rating system created? How can I find and use the ratings to determine if a game or app is right for my family? Why does the ESRB rate apps? Do Content Descriptors list all of the different content found in a game or app? What are \"\"Rating Summaries\"\" and where can I find them? What does the “Rating Pending” symbol mean?"
"docid": "D2349408#0",
"title": "https://emblog.mayo.edu/2014/09/18/right-upper-quadrant-pain-when-should-i-call-the-surgeon/\nRight Upper Quadrant Pain: When Should I Call the Surgeon?",
"text": "September 18, 2014Right Upper Quadrant Pain: When Should I Call the Surgeon? By Daniel Cabrera, M. D. Author: David S. Morris, M. D. Assistant Professor of Surgery A patient comes into the emergency department with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. You have seen the patient and ordered all the tests. So, which patients with right upper quadrant pain should be seen by the surgeon in the emergency department? Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms in patients who present to the Emergency Department. The abdomen contains a large number of organs and tissues and the splanchnic enervation of many of those organs results in symptoms that are often vague or difficult to pin down. Thus, abdominal pain creates a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for providers. The list of potential causes of right upper quadrant pain is lengthy: Appendicitis Cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)Diverticulitis Fecal impaction (hardened stool that can't be eliminated)Gallbladder cancer Hepatitis Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)Hepatitis (liver inflammation)Hiatal hernia Injury Intestinal obstruction Kidney cancer Kidney infection Kidney stones Liver abscess (pus-filled pocket in the liver)Liver cancer Liver hemangioma Pancreatic cancer Pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation)Peptic ulcer Pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue around the heart)Pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane surrounding your lungs)Pneumonia Pulmonary infarction (loss of blood flow to the lungs)Pyloric stenosis (in infants)Shingles Stomach cancer (Source: http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/abdominal-pain/basics/causes/sym-20050728) (Source: Nagle A, “Acute Abdominal Pain.” In Scientific American Surgery. Accessed online at http://www.sciamsurgery.com)Obviously, this list spans several medical and surgical specialties and making the diagnosis is important in determining whom to call for management."
"docid": "D3210389#0",
"title": "http://www.foodforthought-ohio.com/foodgroups/bread/page/2/\n",
"text": "Bread Previous Next Prices are subject to change without notice. Corned Beef Breakfast Casserole Rye bread, corned beef and Swiss cheese highlight this egg based dish.$36.75 - Per Tray Course: Breakfast, Casseroles/Frittatas Special Diets: Contains Dairy Food Group: Beef, Bread, Cheese, Eggs Fiesta Chipotle Chicken Burger Served on a whole grain round and accompanied by lettuce, tomato and chipotle mayonnaise.$4.75 - Per Serving Course: Sandwiches Food Group: Bread, Chicken French Dip Sub Sandwich Roast beef sub served with au jus.$7.75 - Per Serving Course: Sandwiches Food Group: Beef, Bread Ginger Braised Pork Butt Sandwich We send buns and coleslaw on the side so you can build your own sandwich.$7.50 - Per Serving Course: Pork, Sandwiches Food Group: Bread, Cabbage, Pork Go! Bread Sandwich Assortment Probiotic featured on CCF approved GO! Breads from Orlando Baking Co. (Seed’licious, Honey Grain and Purple Wheat Raisin) Turkey on Seed’licious, Ham on Honey Grain, Chicken Salad on Purple Wheat Raisin, Tuna Salad on Honey Grain, Veggie on Seed’licious (is Vegan).$5.25 - Per Serving Course: Sandwiches Special Diets: Contains Dairy, ERC Health Approved, Vegan Food Group: Bread, Cheese Featured on these menus: Boxed Lunches, ERC Healthy Menu Greek Style Breakfast Casserole Sundried tomatoes, fresh basil, sliced olives and feta cheese. ( Serves 8-10)$25.50 - Per Tray Course: Breakfast, Casseroles/Frittatas Special Diets: Contains Dairy, Vegetarian Food Group: Bread, Cheese, Eggs, Olives, Tomatoes Grilled Pork Tenderloin – Appetizer Sliced pork tenderloin served with baguette bread. Your choice of Rosemary, Chili Rubbed or Garlic Lime Served at room temperature. ( 5 servings) (24 hour notice)$32.50 - Per Tray Course: Appetizers Food Group: Bread, Pork Featured on these menus: Party Ideas Ham & Swiss Baguette with Tarragon Dill Dijon One baguette loaf creates 5 servings of this delicious sandwich.$30.00 - Per Tray Course: Sandwiches Special Diets: Contains Dairy Food Group: Bread, Cheese, Ham Featured on these menus: Party Ideas Leek & Goat Cheese Casserole Creamy goat cheese and mild leeks combine to give this breakfast treat a soft mellow flavor.$25.50 - Per Tray Course: Breakfast, Casseroles/Frittatas Special Diets: Contains Dairy, Vegetarian Food Group: Bread, Cheese, Dairy Low Fat Muffins Your choice of Blueberry, Orange Cranberry or Cranberry muffins. ( Sold in increments of 6)$1.75 - Per Serving Course: Breakfast, Pastry/Breads Special Diets: ERC Health Approved Food Group: Bread Featured on these menus: ERC Healthy Menu Mini Meatball Sub Sliders A miniature meatball sub served warm. Topped with marinara and Provolone cheese. ( min 2 doz)$30.00 - Per Dozen Course: Appetizers, Sliders Special Diets: Contains Dairy Food Group: Beef, Bread, Cheese, Tomatoes Featured on these menus: Opening Day, Party Ideas Monte Cristo Breakfast Casserole Diced ham & turkey, Swiss cheese,and cinnamon-vanilla custard are baked into this tasty casserole. ("
"docid": "D798422#0",
"title": "https://www.nbstsa.org/examinations-cst.html\nCST Examinations",
"text": "\"CST Examinations Eligibility & Fees CST Examination Preparation & Content Outline CST Examination Study Evaluation Reference Materials How to Apply CST Practice Examinations Examination Development – CST Examination Eligibility & Fees Establishing Eligibility to Test The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) retains the sole authority to establish eligibility requirements and make all final decisions regarding eligibility. Before testing, individuals must first establish eligibility by submitting the appropriate examination application form along with the correct fees. NBSTSA does not refund processing fees for ineligible candidates. Once approved, NBSTSA provides candidates with an Authorization to Test number (ATT), and both the phone number and web address to contact the testing agency to schedule the test. NBSTSA accepts all properly completed applications from qualified applicants regardless of the applicant’s age, sex, race, religion, marital status, disability or national origin. For a list of Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) approved surgical technology programs go to www.caahep.org or call 727-210-2350. For a list of Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) approved surgical technology programs go to www.abhes.org or call 703-917-9503. Certified Surgical Technologist Eligibility Options: Option 1If you are . . . Then you need the following documentation: A current or previously certified CST. CST Renewal Application with your current or previous certification number written in."
"docid": "D2517105#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leinster_Rugby\nLeinster Rugby",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Leinster Rugby Founded 1879; 139 years ago Location Dublin, Ireland Ground (s) RDS Arena (Capacity: 18,500) Aviva Stadium (Capacity: 51,700)CEO Mick Dawson Coach (es) Leo Cullen Captain (s) Isa Nacewa Most caps Gordon D'Arcy (257)Top scorer Jonathan Sexton (1,538)Most tries Shane Horgan (69)League (s) Pro142016–17 2nd (Semi-Final)1st kit 2nd kit Official websitewww .leinsterrugby .ie The four provinces of Ireland Leinster Rugby ( Irish: Rugbaí Laighean) is one of the four professional provincial rugby teams from the island of Ireland and the most successful Irish team both domestically and in European competition. They compete in the Pro14 and the European Rugby Champions Cup. The team represents the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) Leinster Branch, which is one of four primary branches of the IRFU and is responsible for rugby union throughout the geographical Irish province of Leinster. Leinster play their home games primarily at the RDS Arena, although larger games are played in the Aviva Stadium when the capacity of the RDS is insufficient. [ 1] Before moving to the RDS in 2005, Leinster's traditional home ground was Donnybrook Stadium, in Dublin 4. The province plays primarily in blue and the team crest features a harp within a rugby ball, the harp being taken from the flag of Leinster. Leinster turned professional along with its fellow Irish provinces in 1995 and has competed in the Pro14 (formerly known as the Celtic League and the Pro12) since it was founded in 2001, having previously competed in the annual Irish interprovincial championship. [ 2] Leinster \"\"A\"\" competes in the British and Irish Cup. Leinster have four times been Pro14 champions and three times champions of Europe. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Founding (1875–1899)1.2 Amateur period (1900–1990s)1.3 Leinster Lions (1990s–2005)1.4 Title misses (2004–2007)1.5 European and domestic dominance (2008–2014)1.6 Blooding a new generation (2015 - present)2 Previous season standings2.1 Heineken Cup / Champions Cup2.2 Challenge Cup2.3 Celtic League / Pro143 Current standings3.1 Pro143.2 European Rugby Champions Cup4 Honours5 Results versus Touring Sides6 Colours and crest7 Stadia7.1 RDS Arena7.2 Aviva Stadium7.3 Donnybrook Stadium8 Supporters9 Leinster A10 Sponsorship11 Management & Coaches12 Current squad12.1 Academy squad13 Records against Pro 14 and European Cup opponents14 Notable players14.1 British and Irish Lions14.2 Club captains (professional era)14.3 Notable overseas players15 Head coaches (professional era)16 Personnel honours and records16.1 Europe16.2 Combined Europe and Pro 1416.3 Pro 1416.4 World Rugby Player of the Year17 See also18 Notes19 References20 External links History [ edit]Founding (1875–1899) [ edit]The Leinster Branch was inaugurated at a meeting on 31 October 1879."
"docid": "D231858#0",
"title": "http://www.americanbar.org/groups/lawyers_professional_liability/resources/extended_reporting_coverage.html\nFAQs on Extended Reporting (âTailâ) Coverage",
"text": "\"FAQs on Extended Reporting (\"\"Tail\"\") Coverage Download the PDF version Section A: Terms to know regarding Extended Reporting, or \"\"tail,\"\" Coverage: Bare, \"\"going bare\"\"Career Coverage Claims–Made and Reported Coverage ERCERPOccurrence Coverage Prior Acts Coverage Retro Date\"\"Tail\"\" Coverage Bare, \"\"going bare\"\": Not what you do in the bathtub, but rather, a lawyer who practices for a period of time without professional liability insurance coverage. Career Coverage: A policy or policy provisions that provide coverage for claims arising from the acts, errors or omissions of an insured when providing legal services at any law firm during or prior to the current policy period. Most professional liability policies for law firms of size only provide coverage for claims arising from work done on behalf or in the name of the insured law firm, but career coverage covers claims arising from work done at any prior point in a lawyer's career, irrespective of where the lawyer worked. Such coverage may be limited or non–existent if the lawyer is joining another firm, as that firm's insurance carrier (or the firm itself) may not wish to cover such exposure when it doesn't have to do so. Claims–Made and Reported Coverage: Most professional liability policies are written on this basis. In order for a claim to be covered, the claim must be first made against the insured lawyer and reported to the insurance company during the policy period. Some polices may be \"\"claims– made\"\" forms, where the claim must be made during the policy period, but the insured's requirement to report the claim to the insurance company may extend to a time period beyond the expiration of the policy period (such as \"\"within a reasonable period of time\"\" or \"\"as soon as practicable\"\"). ERC: An acronym for extended reporting coverage. Coverage is provided for claims made and reported after the expiration of a claims–made policy, if such claims arose from acts or omissions occurring during an insured period of time, before the ERC was issued or effective. ERP: Extended reporting period."
"docid": "D472993#0",
"title": "http://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Services/DEIS-Delivering-Equality-of-Opportunity-in-Schools-/FAQs.html\nDEIS: Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools",
"text": "\"Home > Schools & Colleges > Services > DEIS: Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools DEIS: Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools DEIS FAQs See Also How were schools selected to participate in DEIS? The process of identifying schools for participation in DEIS was managed by the Educational Research Centre (ERC) on behalf of the Department and supported by quality assurance work co-ordinated through the Department's regional offices and the Inspectorate. The ERC's overall approach was guided by the definition of educational disadvantage in the Education Act (1998), as:\"\"...the impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage which prevent students from deriving appropriate benefit from the education in schools\"\". In the primary sector, the identification process was based on a survey carried out by the ERC in May 2005. The analysis of the survey returns from primary schools by the ERC identified the socio-economic variables that collectively best predict achievement, and these variables were then used to identify schools for participation in the School Support Programme. The variables involved were: unemployment % local authority accommodation % lone parenthood % Travellers % large families (5 or more children) % pupils eligible for free books More detail on the identification process at primary level in 2005 is available here: http://www.erc.ie/documents/deis_assess_disadv_prim_sch.pdf Second-level schools were selected by reference to centrally-held data from the Post-Primary Pupils and State Examinations Commission databases which included: Medical card data for Junior Certificate candidates (including Junior Certificate School Programme candidates)Junior Certificate retention rates by school Junior Certificate exam results aggregated to school level (expressed as an OPS - \"\"Overall Performance Scale\"\" - score). This was based on each student's performance in the seven subjects in which s/he performed best aggregated to school level Leaving Certificate retention rates by school The identification process was in line with international best practice and had regard to, and employed, the existing and most appropriate data sources available. More detail on the identification process at post-primary level in 2005 is available here: http://www.erc.ie/documents/procedures_for_selecting_post-primary_schools_for_deis.pdf How is the DEIS programme evaluated? DEIS includes a commitment for ongoing evaluation of the programme to ensure successful implementation and appropriate measurement of outcomes at both local and national level. The Educational Research Centre (ERC) has undertaken this ongoing evaluation, on behalf of the Department, the aim of which is to monitor the implementation of the programme and assess its impact on students and schools at primary and post primary levels."
"docid": "D3495151#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heineken_Cup\nEuropean Rugby Champions Cup",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Heineken Cup)navigation search European Rugby Champions Cup Current season or competition:: 2017–18 European Rugby Champions Cup Sport Rugby union Inaugural season 1995–96 as Heineken Cup 2014–15 as Champions Cup Chairman Simon Halliday Number of teams 20Nations England France Ireland Italy Scotland Wales Holders Saracens (2nd title) ( 2016-17)Most titles Toulouse (4 titles)Website Official website Related competitions European Rugby Challenge Cup European Rugby Continental Shield The European Rugby Champions Cup is an annual rugby union tournament organised by European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR). It is the top-tier competition for clubs whose countries' national teams compete in the Six Nations Championship. Clubs qualify for the Champions Cup via their final positions in their respective national/regional leagues ( Premiership, Top 14, and Pro14) or via winning the second-tier Challenge Cup; those who do not qualify are instead eligible to compete in the second-tier Challenge Cup. Introduced in 2014, the competition replaced the Heineken Cup, which had run since 1995, following disagreements between its shareholders over the structure and governance of the competition. Saracens are the current holders of the cup, having won their first cup by beating Racing 92 in the 2016 final and defended their title by beating Clermont in the 2017 final. Toulouse have won the competition a record four times, the last of which was in 2010. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Heineken Cup1.1.1 1995–20141.1.2 1999–20041.1.3 2005–20141.2 Champions Cup1.2.1 2014–present2 Format2.1 Qualification2.1.1 20th team play-off2.2 Competition2.2.1 Group stage2.2.2 Knock-out stage3 Finals3.1 Wins by club3.2 Wins by nation4 Controversy4.1 Disagreements over structure & governance4.2 Organisation4.3 2015 final5 Sponsorship and suppliers5.1 Sponsors5.1.1 Principal Partners5.2 Suppliers6 Player records6.1 Career records6.1.1 Tries6.1.2 Points6.1.3 Goals6.1.4 Appearances6.2 Single season records6.2.1 Tries6.2.2 Points6.3 European Player of the Year7 Trophy8 Media coverage9 Attendance10 See also11 References12 External links History [ edit]Heineken Cup [ edit]1995–2014 [ edit]The Heineken Cup logo used until 2013The Heineken Cup was launched in the summer of 1995 on the initiative of the then Five Nations Committee to provide a new level of professional cross border competition. [ 2] Twelve sides representing Ireland, Wales, Italy, Romania and France competed in four pools of three with the group winners going directly into the semi-finals. [ 3] English and Scottish teams did not take part in the inaugural competition. [ 4] From an inauspicious beginning in Romania, where Toulouse defeated Farul Constanţa 54–10 in front of a small crowd, the competition gathered momentum and crowds grew."
"docid": "D386520#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGM-30_Minuteman\nLGM-30 Minuteman",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( April 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)LGM-30 Minuteman Minuteman-IIType Intercontinental ballistic missile Place of origin United States Service history In service 1962 (Minuteman-I) 1965 (Minuteman-II) 1970 (Minuteman-III)Used by United States Production history Manufacturer Boeing Unit cost $7,000,000Specifications Weight 78,000 lb (35,300 kg)Length 59 ft 9.5 in (18.2 m)Diameter 5 ft 6 in (1.7 m) (1st stage)Warhead Thermonuclear: W62 (retired), W78 (active), or W87 (active)Detonation mechanism Air-burst or contact (surface)Engine Three-stage solid-fuel rocket engines; first stage: Thiokol TU-122 (M-55); second stage: Aerojet-General SR-19-AJ-1; third stage: Aerojet / Thiokol SR73-AJ/TC-1Operational range Approx. 8,100 miles (13,000 km), exact is classified Flight altitude 700 miles (1,120 kilometers)Speed Approximately 17,507 mph (Mach 23, or 28,176 km/h, or 7.8 km/s) (terminal phase)Guidance system Inertial NS-50Accuracy 200 m CEPLaunch platform Missile silo The LGM-30 Minuteman is a U. S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), in service with the Air Force Global Strike Command. As of 2017, the LGM-30G Minuteman III version [a] is the only land-based ICBM in service in the United States. Development of the Minuteman began in the mid-1950s as the outgrowth of basic research into solid fuel rocket motors which indicated an ICBM based on solids was possible. Such a missile could stand ready for extended periods of time with little maintenance, and then launch on command. In comparison, existing U. S. missile designs using liquid rocket propellant required a lengthy fueling process immediately before launch, which left them open to the possibility of surprise attack. This potential for immediate launch gave the missile its name; like the Revolutionary War 's Minutemen, the Minuteman was designed to be launched on a moment's notice. ["
] |
637025 | what does ercp mean | [
"docid": "D2069471#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ERCP\nEndoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography",
"text": "\"\"\"ERCP\"\" redirects here. For embedded Rich Client Platform, see IBM Lotus Expeditor. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: 3 sections are just bullets, need prose, also page largely unreferenced Please help improve this article if you can. ( February 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Duodenoscopic image of two pigment stones extracted from common bile duct after sphincterotomy. ICD-9-CM 51.10Me SH D002760OPS-301 code 1-642 [ edit on Wikidata]Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP) is a technique that combines the use of endoscopy and fluoroscopy to diagnose and treat certain problems of the biliary or pancreatic ductal systems. Through the endoscope, the physician can see the inside of the stomach and duodenum, and inject a contrast medium into the ducts in the biliary tree and pancreas so they can be seen on radiographs. ERCP is used primarily to diagnose and treat conditions of the bile ducts and main pancreatic duct, [1] including gallstones, inflammatory strictures (scars), leaks (from trauma and surgery), and cancer. ERCP can be performed for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons, although the development of safer and relatively non-invasive investigations such as magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and endoscopic ultrasound has meant that ERCP is now rarely performed without therapeutic intent. Contents [ hide ]1 Medical uses1.1 Diagnostic1.2 Therapeutic2 Contraindications3 Procedure4 Risks5 See also6 References7 External links Medical uses [ edit]Diagnostic [ edit]The following represent indications for ERCP, particularly if or when less invasive options are not adequate or definitive: Fluoroscopic image of common bile duct stone seen at the time of ERCP."
] | [
"docid": "D2069470#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/endoscopic+retrograde+cholangiopancreatography\nendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography",
"text": "\"endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic ultrasound Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Definition Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique in which a hollow tubecalled an endoscope is passed through the mouth and stomach to the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). This procedure was developed to examine abnormalities of the bile ducts,pancreas, and gallbladder. It was developed during the late 1960s and is used today to diagnoseand treat blockages of the bile and pancreatic ducts. The term has three parts to its definition:endoscopic refers to the use of an endoscoperetrograde refers to the injection of dye up into the bile ducts in a direction opposing, or against, the normal flow of bile down the ductscholangiopancreatography means visualization of the bile ducts (cholangio) and pancreas (pancreato)Purpose Until the 1970s, methods to visualize the bile ducts produced images that were of relatively poorquality and often misleading; in addition, the pancreatic duct could not be examined at all. Patients with symptoms related to the bile ducts or pancreatic ducts frequently needed surgery to diagnose and treat their conditions. Using ERCP, physicians can obtain high-quality x rays of these structures and identify areas of narrowing (strictures), cancers, and gallstones. This procedure can help determine whether bile or pancreatic ducts are blocked; it also identifies where they are blocked along with the cause of the blockage. ERCP may then be used to relieve the blockage. For patients requiring surgery or additional procedures for treatment, ERCP outlines the anatomical changes for the surgeon."
"docid": "D2761498#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1521691807000054\n11The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints",
"text": "Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology Volume 21, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 519-53311The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints Jutta Keller ( Head of Research Laboratory) Viola Andresen ( Research Fellow) Ulrich Rosien ( Head of Endoscopy Unit) Peter Layer ( Professor, Medical Director)Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpg.2007.01.004 Get rights and content Abdominal complaints in combination with slightly elevated serum pancreatic enzymes represent a classical clinical challenge. These symptoms may be due to coincidental unrelated harmless disorders, benign pancreatic alterations which are fairly easily treatable such as mild acute pancreatitis or uncomplicated chronic pancreatitis. However, serious, often insidious diseases such as pancreatic tumours may also present with this constellation as their first signs. Diagnostic procedures need to be stratified according to acuteness and severity of symptoms. While patients with acute onset of symptoms and severe complaints need immediate and combined laboratory and imaging investigations to allow adequate therapy, chronic and mild complaints usually justify a stepwise diagnostic approach consecutively using abdominal ultrasound, CT/MRI and endoscopic ultrasound as imaging procedures and reserving ERCP for cases which remain unclear or in which interventional therapy is needed. Diagnosis and follow-up are often particularly demanding in patients with cystic tumours of the pancreas. In chronic pancreatitis patients pain therapy and adequate control of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency may pose major problems. Patients with refractory pain may ultimately require surgical intervention. Another important indication for surgery in chronic pancreatitis is suspicion of cancer that cannot be ruled out by dedicated diagnostic procedures. This also applies to cystic tumours of the pancreas, which have a high risk of malignant transformation or may even already represent pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis."
"docid": "D2133613#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/4925224/unit-2-cholangiography-flash-cards/\nUnit 2 Cholangiography",
"text": "\"36 terms jrolivas Unit 2 Cholangiography Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort Cholegraphy General term for a radiographic study of the biliary system Cholecystography Radiographic investigation of the galbladder Cholangiography Radiographic study of the biliary ducts Chole Term meaning relationship with bile Cysto Term meaning bag or sac Choledocho Term meaning common bile duct Cholangio Term meaning bile ducts Cholecyst Gallbladder PTC stands for Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography What is Postoperative (T-tube) Cholangiography and why is it done? Biliary tract exam that is performed by way of T-shaped tube that is left in the common hepatic and bile ducts for post-op drainage. Performed to demonstrate the caliber and patency of the ducts, the status of the sphincter of oddi of the ampulla of Vater, and the presence of residual or previously undetected stones or other pathology. ERCP stands for Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography The three direct injection techniques for investigation of the biliary tract include PTC, Post-op T-tube, and ERCPWhat is a PTC and why is it done? Preoperative investigation technique of the biliary tract. Used for pts with jaundice when the ductal system has been shown to be dilated but the obstruction unclear. Performance of this has been increased because of the use of the Chiba (skinny) needle. Also used to place a drainage catheter for treatment of obstructive jaundice."
"docid": "D2088860#0",
"title": "http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/p43848b63def9d/pancreas-carcinoma.html\nPancreas - Carcinoma",
"text": "Pancreas - Carcinoma CT Assessment of Resectability Otto van Delden and Robin Smithuis From the Radiology Department of the Academical Medical Centre, Amsterdam and the Rijnland Hospital, Leiderdorp, the Netherlands Introduction Treatment Imaging Work-up Ultrasound CTMRIERCPEndoscopic ultrasound Diagnostic laparoscopy CT protocol Early portal phase Late portal phase Resectable or Irresectable that's the question Local Tumorspread Resectable Not resectable Vessel ingrowth Differential diagnosis Publicationdate April 18, 2006Pancreatic adenocarcinoma has a poor prognosis. Complete resection of the tumor is the only curative treatment. About 10-15% of all patients with a pancreatic carcinoma will finally undergo resection and only in half of these cases the resection will prove to be radical. In this article we will focus on the CT-findings that are used to select patients with probable resectable tumors. As the clinical presentation, staging and treatment of other types of pancreatic neoplasms is distinctly different from adenocarcinomas, these are not discussed in this article.by Otto van Delden and Robin Smithuis Introduction Non-resectable pancreatic head tumor obstructing the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Tumor surrounds the superior mesenteric vein at the junction with the splenic vein. Paraaortic and celiac lymphnodes and a small liver metastasis. Pancreatic carcinoma is a relatively common tumor with an incidence of 7,6 per 100.000 per year in Western-Europe. It comprises about 2,5 % of all newly diagnosed tumors and 5% of all cancer. The majority of pancreatic cancers (85%) are adenocarcinoma of ductal origin."
"docid": "D3500087#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/document/45019141/Colostomy-and-the-Gallbladder\no Colostomy",
"text": "\"o Colostomy Procedure Part II - Colostomy The proximal end of the healthy colon is brought out to the skin of the abdominal wall, where it is sutured in place. An adhesive drainage bag (stoma appliance) is placed around the opening. The abdominal incision is then closed. Home > Medical Reference > Surge Colostomy Procedure Part I - Colostomy A colostomy creates an opening on the abdomen (stoma) for the drainage of stool (feces) from the large intestine (colon). Colostomies are usually performed after resection of the diseased colon. Colostomies may be temporary or they may be permanent. The procedure is performed while you are deep asleep and pain-free (under general anesthesia). An incision is made in the abdomen and the diseased colon is removed Home > Medical Reference > Surgeries and Procedures Colostomy Indications- Colostomy A colostomy is performed when the lower large intestine, rectum, or anus is unable to function normally, or needs rest from normal functions. Intestinal obstruction with associated inflammation, as in diverticulitis, is a common indication for colostomy More than 90% of colostomy cases are successful. There is considerable pain after surgery as the anus tightens and relaxes, but medications are available to relieve this."
"docid": "D595436#0",
"title": "http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Gallstones/Pages/Treatment.aspx\nTreatment",
"text": "\"Treatment Your treatment plan for gallstones depends on how the symptoms are affecting your daily life. If you don't have any symptoms, a policy of \"\"active monitoring\"\" is often recommended. This means you won't receive immediate treatment, but you should let your GP know if you notice any symptoms. As a general rule, the longer you go without symptoms, the less likely it is that your condition will get worse. You may need treatment if you have a condition that increases your risk of developing complications, such as:scarring of the liver ( cirrhosis)high blood pressure inside the liver – this is known as portal hypertension and is often a complication of alcohol-related liver diseasediabetes Treatment may also be recommended if a scan shows high levels of calcium inside your gallbladder, as this can lead to gallbladder cancer in later life. If you have episodes of abdominal pain (biliary colic), treatment depends on how the pain affects your daily activities. If the episodes are mild and infrequent, you may be prescribed painkillers to control further episodes and given advice about eating a healthy diet to help control the pain. If your symptoms are more severe and occur frequently, surgery to remove the gallbladder is usually recommended. The gallbladder isn't an essential organ and you can lead a perfectly normal life without one. Some people may experience symptoms of bloating and diarrhoea after eating fatty or spicy food."
"docid": "D2380303#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/bile-duct\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Bile Duct",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Bile Duct Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ankush Bansal1 doctor agreed:1 What can cause a enlarged bile duct? Blockage: This is usually due to a blockage downstream from the duct like a stone. You should have your blood levels checked and an ultrasound done to rule out stones which can cause other problems in the future. ... Read more Dr. Steven Griggs1 Doctor shared a insight Biliary (Definition)Biliary means anything related to the production, storage, secretion, or flow of bile, whether in the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, ... Read more Dr. Andrew Seibert Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology28 years in practice Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Andrew Seibert2 doctors agreed:2 Will a collapsed bile duct always remain collapsed? No: With adequate bile flow, a collapsed bile duct will open up sufficiently. ... Read more Dr. Alan Zunamon3 What might happens if stents in the bile duct fail? Jaundice: When the bile duct narrows, bile (digestive juices)backs up into the bloodstream and you can become jaundiced (yellow)or develop an infection due to the blockage. ... Read more Dr. James Cunnar4 After eco rays show that the share of the bile duct what to do? Not sure: You question is a bit confusing. If you rephrase, me or one of my colleagues would be happy to provide an answer. ..."
"docid": "D2998672#0",
"title": "https://clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/hepatology/gallbladder-biliary-tract-disease/\nGallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease",
"text": "Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease David S. Barnes, MDPublished: August 2010Contents Gallbladder diseases Gallbladder diseases considered here include gallstones, tumors, and acute acalculous cholecystitis. Gallstones and Cholecystitis Definition and Etiology Gallbladder stones are an extremely common disorder and are usually asymptomatic. Some patients experience biliary colic, an intermittent and often severe pain in the epigastrium or right upper quadrant, and at times between the scapula because of temporary obstruction of the cystic duct with a gallstone. If the cystic duct obstruction persists, the gallbladder becomes inflamed and the patient develops cholecystitis, an acute inflammation and infection of the gallbladder. Prevalence and Risk Factors It is estimated that there are 20.5 million cases of gallbladder disease in the United States, 14.2 million of whom are in women. 1 More than 600,000 cholecystectomies per year are performed in the United States, most of which are for symptomatic gallstone disease. Epidemiologic studies have shown variations in the prevalence of gallstones in different ethnic populations, with particularly high rates in Native Americans. In addition to ethnic background, other risk factors for the development of gallstones include diabetes, rapid weight loss, morbid obesity, cirrhosis, and conditions associated with infrequent gallbladder emptying, such as total parenteral nutrition. Pathophysiology and Natural History Most gallstones are composed primarily of cholesterol, with smaller amounts of mucus, calcium bilirubinate, and protein. Pigment stones, a result of hemolysis, are less common and are made primarily of calcium bilirubinate."
"docid": "D1357271#0",
"title": "http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/181364-treatment\nAcute Pancreatitis Treatment & Management",
"text": "Drugs & Diseases > Gastroenterology Acute Pancreatitis Treatment & Management Updated: Feb 13, 2017Author: Jeffrey C F Tang, MD; Chief Editor: BS Anand, MD more... Share Email Print Feedback Approach Considerations Medical management of mild acute pancreatitis is relatively straightforward. The patient is kept NPO (nil per os—that is, nothing by mouth), and intravenous (IV) fluid hydration is provided. Analgesics are administered for pain relief. Antibiotics are generally not indicated. If ultrasonograms show evidence of gallstones and if the cause of pancreatitis is believed to be biliary, a cholecystectomy should be performed during the same hospital admission. Feeding should be introduced enterally as the patient’s anorexia and pain resolves. Patients can be initiated on a low-fat diet initially and need not invariably start their dietary advancement using a clear liquid diet. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown that administration of enteral nutrition may reduce mortality and infectious complications compared with parenteral nutrition. [ 28] Although the ideal timing to initiate enteral feeding remains undetermined, administration within 48 hours appears to be safe and tolerated. [ 28]Serum amylase and lipase levels can be elevated in patients with brain injury (eg, cerebrovascular accident or brain trauma)."
"docid": "D3458690#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/blocked-bile-ducts-symptoms\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Blocked Bile Ducts Symptoms",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Blocked Bile Ducts Symptoms Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Michael Sawyer1 doctor agreed:1 What are symptoms of a stone in bile duct? Varies: Some cause no symptoms. Others can be associated with right upper abdominal, flank, back or epigastric pain. Nausea and vomiting may occur especially if the stone blocks the bile duct and/or inflames the pancreas. You may notice yellowing of the eyes, darkened urine or light / clay ... Read more Dr. Milroy Samuel Upper Abdomen (Definition)Draw a transverse line through the umbilicus and the upper abdomen includes every part of the belly above this line and below the ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Sewa Legha2 If bile duct was blocked or it was cancerous wouldn't there be constant pain or could it come and go? Yes you are right: Bile duct block often causes pain and jaundice. A liver function test can help to check the function of the bile ducts. Sometimes we need to do a MRI ( mrcp) to check the health of the bile ducts. ... Read more Dr. Byron May3 What are the signs and symptoms of bile duct cancer? Jaundice: Bile duct cancer is uncommon but carries a poor prognosis."
"docid": "D3284792#0",
"title": "https://www.aapc.com/memberarea/forums/14376-ercp-dialation.html\nErcp - with no dialation",
"text": "Forum Medical Coding Gastroenterology Ercp - with no dialation If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ & read the forum rules. To view all forums, post or create a new thread, you must be an AAPC Member. If you are a member and have already registered for member area and forum access, you can log in by clicking here. If you've forgotten your username or password use our password reminder tool. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Results 1 to 5 of 5Ercp - with no dialation Thread Tools03-05-2009, 02:07 PM #1R1CPCGuru Posts 136Ercp - with no dialation My Doctor performed an ERCP with Balloon sweep with no dialation. What CPT would I use? I found CPT 43271 but that cpt still includes with dialation.03-06-2009, 05:04 AM #2mkj2486Guru Posts 127we use 43264 for ballon sweep removal, here is the description of the procedure: ... Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is performed with removal of stone (s) from the biliary and/or pancreatic ducts. An endoscope is passed through the esophagus, stomach, and into the duodenum to the point where the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct meet, (the Ampulla of Vater), at the major duodenal papilla. A smaller catheter is placed through the scope, the ampulla of Vater is cannulated, and contrast dye is injected into the ducts."
"docid": "D3224143#0",
"title": "http://www.uptodate.com/contents/post-ercp-perforation\nLearn how UpToDate can help you.",
"text": "\"Post-ERCP perforation Authors: Andrea Tringali, MD, Ph D Silvano Loperfido, MD Guido Costamagna, MD, FACG Section Editor: Douglas A Howell, MD, FASGE, FACG Deputy Editor: Kristen M Robson, MD, MBA, FACGINTRODUCTIONPerforation is one of the most feared complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). This topic review will focus on the risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of post-ERCP perforation. An overview of the complications of ERCP and detailed discussions of other individual complications are presented separately. ( See \"\"Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Indications, patient preparation, and complications\"\" and \"\"Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis\"\" and \"\"Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) bleeding\"\" and \"\"Rare complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)\"\" . ) CLASSIFICATIONFour types of perforation complicating endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have been recognized [ 1,2 ]. The Stapfer classification is most commonly used and is based on the mechanism, anatomical location, and severity of the injury that may predict the need for surgical intervention ( figure 1) [ 2 ]:● Type I: Free bowel wall perforation● Type II: Retroperitoneal duodenal perforation secondary to periampullary injury● Type III: Perforation of the pancreatic or bile duct To continue reading this article, you must log in with your personal, hospital, or group practice subscription. Subscribe Log In Literature review current through: Feb 2018. | This topic last updated: Nov 16, 2017. The content on the Up To Date website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or conditions."
"docid": "D6738#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Gastroenterology/Severe-pain-attacks-that-mimics-Pancreatitis/show/976907\nSevere pain attacks that mimics Pancreatitis.",
"text": "\"Severe pain attacks that mimics Pancreatitis. Donna Dell I hope someone out there can help me. For 14 years, I have suffered abdominal attacks in my diaframe very high up in the area between my rib cages. The pain mimics pancreatic pain. The pain is so horrible that I almost wish I could die. It usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes, but can be longer. I am paralized during these attacks & can't move. They usually occur 4 to 6 times a year with milder attacks in between the more serious attacks. Lately, they are becoming more frequent. I've gone to the ER 4 or 5 times over the years."
"docid": "D2732444#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/mri-scan-of-mrcp\nMri scan of mrcp",
"text": "\"Mri scan of mrcp Common Questions and Answers about Mri scan of mrcpmri-scanlesions, but because of continued unexplained mildly elevated AST/ALT (and Crohns disease), they are ordering an MRCP and liver biopsy presumably to rule out PSC. I understand that MRCP allows visualization of the bilary tree, but wouldn't a regular MRI pick up a hint of a problem? Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks. Read Moreonly test that showed something for me was my HIDA scan which showed a normal EF of 52% but i had severe biliary dyskinesia (so took my gallbladder over 2 hrs to drop down the ducts into intestines) my GI thought Gallbladder should come out, surgeon said no that he thinks it might be a problem with the ducts... they are now sending me for MRCP tomorrow... can there still be stones or something blocking the ducts even though nothing showed in previous tests? Read More Routine MRI of the abdomen with double dose Eovist (15 m L) and routine MRCP. The use of Eovist (gadoxetate disodium) a liver specific MRI contrast agent was used in place of traditional gadolinium based contrast agents. Findings: The gallbladder is surgically absent. The common bile duct measures 7 mm and is within normal limits without stricture or CBD stone. The intrahepatic ducts are normal."
"docid": "D2867241#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/gallstones/page7.htm\nGallstones",
"text": "\"home / digestion health center / digestion a-z list / gallstones center / gallstones article Gallstones Medical Author: Jay W. Marks, MD Medical Editor: Bhupinder S. Anand, MBBS, MD, DPHIL (OXON)Gallstone definition and facts Readers Comments 1 Share Your Story Gallstones are \"\"stones\"\" that form in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The common types of gallstones are cholesterol, black pigment, and brown pigment. Cholesterol gallstones occur more frequently in several ethnic groups and are associated with female gender, obesity, pregnancy, oral hormonal therapy, rapid loss of weight, elevated blood triglyceride levels, and Crohn's disease. Black pigment gallstones occur when there is increased destruction of red blood cells, while brown pigment gallstones occur when there is reduced flow and infection of bile. The majority of gallstones do not cause symptoms. The most common symptoms of gallstones are biliary colic and cholecystitis. Gallstones do not cause intolerance to fatty foods, belching, abdominal distention, or gas. Complications of gallstones include cholangitis, gangrene of the gallbladder, jaundice, pancreatitis, sepsis, fistula, and ileus. Gallbladder sludge is associated with symptoms and complications of gallstones; however, like gallstones, sludge usually does not cause problems. The best single test for diagnosing gallstones is transabdominal ultrasonography."
"docid": "D763649#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatogram-ercp\nDigestive Diseases and ERCP Testing",
"text": "\"Digestive Diseases and ERCP Testing In this Article What Happens During ERCP? Is ERCP Safe? How Should I Prepare for ERCP? What Happens After ERCP? Warning About ERCPERCP (short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure used to diagnose diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, and liver. The test looks \"\"upstream\"\" where digestive fluid comes from -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- to where it enters the intestines. In addition, ERCP can be used to treat problems in these parts of the digestive system. What Happens During ERCP? During ERCP, a gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal system), uses a special endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) to examine the inside of the digestive system. The doctor identifies the place where the bile duct comes into the intestine and then feeds a tiny catheter (a plastic tube) into the duct and squirts in a contrast agent while X-rays are taken."
"docid": "D990987#0",
"title": "https://www.medicinenet.com/ercp/article.htm\nERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography)",
"text": "\"ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography) Center Take the Tummy Trouble Quiz Boost Digestive Health Digestive Distress Slideshow: Problem Foods to Avoid ERCP facts What is ERCP? What kind of preparation is required for ERCP? What can be expected during and after the ERCP procedure? What are the reasons for ERCP? What are the side effects and risks of the ERCP procedure? ERCP facts ERCP is a diagnostic procedure designed to examine diseases of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. ERCP is performed under intravenous sedation, usually without general anesthesia. ERCP is an uncomfortable but not painful procedure. There is a low incidence of complications. ERCP can provide important information that cannot be obtained by other diagnostic examinations, for example, abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI ."
"docid": "D2482323#0",
"title": "http://www.asge.org/press/press.aspx?id=548\nEndoscopic Procedures",
"text": "\"Media Backgrounder Endoscopic Procedures Colonoscopy: An examination of the inside of the colon, including the rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon, and cecum (where the small bowel attaches to the large bowel), using an endoscope - a thin, lighted flexible tube inserted through the anus. More... Sigmoidoscopy: An examination of the inside of the rectum and sigmoid colon using an endoscope - a thin, lighted flexible tube (sigmoidoscope) inserted through the anus. Also called flexible sigmoidoscopy and proctosigmoidoscopy. More... Endoscopy: A procedure using an endoscope to diagnose or treat a condition. There are several types of endoscopy. Those using natural body openings include esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) which is often called upper endoscopy, gastroscopy, enteroscopy, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure that utilizes endoscopy to help placement of a tube into the stomach; a small incision in the skin is also required. Endoscopies are usually performed under sedation to assure maximal patient comfort. More... Enteroscopy: A procedure that allows the visualization of a greater portion of the small bowel than is possible with EGD. Enteroscopy can be achieved by using a long conventional endoscope, a wireless ingestible camera (a capsule endoscopy), or a double-balloon endoscope (inserted in the mouth or through the rectum)."
"docid": "D3434999#0",
"title": "http://www.britishlivertrust.org.uk/liver-information/liver-conditions/benign-tumours-and-cystic-disease/\nBenign Tumours and Cystic Disease",
"text": "Benign Tumours and Cystic Disease What are cysts and tumours? There are various types of cysts and tumours in the liver, all of which are abnormal growths or structures. A cyst is an abnormal, fluid-filled balloon or bubblelike structure (sac) that can grow in any part of your body. Liver cysts are mostly congenital, meaning that you have them from birth, or caused by contact with some form of parasite. A solid tumour is an abnormal lump or swelling of tissue caused by an uncontrolled build-up of cells. Tumours can be benign or malignant – those that are benign do not spread or cause cancer, while malignant tumours are cancerous and may invadeother parts of the body. Most of the information is focused on cysts and how they can affect the liver and bile ducts. Bile ducts are tube-shaped structures that carry bilefrom the liver to the gallbladder and then to the small intestine for removal (excretion) from the body. Benign liver tumours Benign liver tumours are common and usually without symptoms (asymptomatic). They tend to be found during imaging tests for unrelated conditions and, although most need no treatment, it is important for doctors to tell these tumours apart from those that are malignant."
"docid": "D6733#0",
"title": "http://ddc.musc.edu/public/diseases/pancreas-biliary-system/acute-pancreatitis.html\nAcute Pancreatitis",
"text": "\"Acute Pancreatitis Give Us a Call For more information about acute pancreatitis treatment at MUSC, call: Peggy Edgerton, BSN RN (843) 876-7230 [email protected] What is acute pancreatitis? Acute pancreatitis is usually a sudden and severe illness caused when the pancreas rapidly becomes inflamed. Pancreas enzymes and various poisons (toxins) may enter the blood stream in an acute attack, and injure other organs such as the heart, lungs and kidneys. However, the pancreas can return to virtual normality if the cause of the attack is found and treated. What is pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is a disease in which the pancreas becomes swollen and inflamed causing it to not work properly. The enzymes which the pancreas normally produces to help digestion in the small intestine can attack the pancreas itself. The two most common types of pancreatitis are acute and chronic. Unfortunately, with some patients, much of the pancreatic tissue is destroyed with severe inflammation occurring along with leakage of enzymes, fluids and poisons. This condition, known as a \"\"hemorrhagic\"\" pancreatitis, causes the pancreas to become very swollen and slushy which can then develop into a collection of fluid and damaged pancreatic tissue called a \"\"pseudocyst\"\"."
] |
637026 | what does ercp stand for in medical | [
"docid": "D763649#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatogram-ercp\nDigestive Diseases and ERCP Testing",
"text": "\"Digestive Diseases and ERCP Testing In this Article What Happens During ERCP? Is ERCP Safe? How Should I Prepare for ERCP? What Happens After ERCP? Warning About ERCPERCP (short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure used to diagnose diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, and liver. The test looks \"\"upstream\"\" where digestive fluid comes from -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- to where it enters the intestines. In addition, ERCP can be used to treat problems in these parts of the digestive system. What Happens During ERCP? During ERCP, a gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal system), uses a special endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) to examine the inside of the digestive system. The doctor identifies the place where the bile duct comes into the intestine and then feeds a tiny catheter (a plastic tube) into the duct and squirts in a contrast agent while X-rays are taken."
] | [
"docid": "D2198918#0",
"title": "https://www.childrenscolorado.org/doctors-and-departments/departments/digestive/programs/pediatric-endoscopy/\nAdvanced and Therapeutic Endoscopy for Children (ATECh) Clinic",
"text": "Advanced and Therapeutic Endoscopy for Children (ATECh) Clinic About advanced endoscopic procedures in children The ability to perform endoscopic procedures in children and newborns is a tremendous tool that has advanced the practice of pediatric gastroenterology over the past three decades. Initially, these procedures were primarily used to assess and diagnose the severity of diseases of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract in children. As technology and expertise have increased over time, the ability to perform “therapeutic” endoscopic procedures in children (as well as adults) has grown. The opportunity to intervene and directly treat a variety of gastrointestinal problems has ushered in a new era in pediatric endoscopy. The number of procedures, devices and techniques utilized continues to expand and requires a dedicated effort to offer the most advanced endoscopic care available. Therefore, interventional endoscopists, who have additional training and expertise in performing these advanced procedures, help provide the greatest degree of safety and expertise possible. Why choose the Advanced and Therapeutic Endoscopy for Children (ATECh) Clinic at Children’s Hospital Colorado? With the recognition that each and every procedure has its own benefits and risks, the Digestive Health Institute at Children’s Hospital Colorado has developed the ATECh clinic to ensure that patients and families have ample opportunity to examine these issues at length. Since many times the physician or specialist recommending these advanced endoscopic procedures are not necessarily the ones actually performing the procedure, the ATECh clinic offers a venue for families to meet with an advanced interventional endoscopist prior to the procedure. The family is able to review the specifics of the procedure in a relaxed and unpressured environment, much in the way that patients and families would naturally expect to meet their surgeon before undergoing a surgery."
"docid": "D519830#0",
"title": "https://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Pancreatic-and-Biliary-Diseases/Frequently-Asked-Questions-About-Pancreatic-and-Biliary-Diseases.aspx\nFrequently Asked Questions About Pancreatic and Biliary Diseases",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions About Pancreatic and Biliary Diseases Share Email Print Pancreatic and Biliary Diseases Academic and Research Contributions Expert Team For Patients For Physicians Frequently Asked Questions In the News Research and Outcomes Treatments/Programs Clinical Trials About Us Contact Us What is the pancreas? What are the most common problems that affect the pancreas? What causes these pancreatic conditions? Can we live without a pancreas? What are the warning signs of pancreatic problems? If I suspect a pancreatic problem, what should I do? What are some of the other tests and treatments available today to treat pancreatitis and other common problems? What is the pancreas? It is a \"\"silent,\"\" solid organ positioned behind the stomach in the upper part of the abdomen. The body's main digestive organ, the pancreas is composed of different cells that serve distinct functions."
"docid": "D287944#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pancreatic-cancer/symptoms-causes/dxc-20268506\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview The pancreas in the digestive system Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas — an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas releases enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that help manage your blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer typically spreads rapidly to nearby organs. It is seldom detected in its early stages. But for people with pancreatic cysts or a family history of pancreatic cancer, some screening steps might help detect a problem early. One sign of pancreatic cancer is diabetes, especially when it occurs with weight loss, jaundice or pain in the upper abdomen that spreads to the back. Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of these. Pancreatic cancer care at Mayo Clinic Symptoms Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often don't occur until the disease is advanced. They may include: Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to your back Loss of appetite or unintended weight loss Depression New-onset diabetes Blood clots Fatigue Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)When to see a doctor See your doctor if you experience unexplained weight loss or if you have persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, or other signs and symptoms that bother you. Many conditions can cause these symptoms, so your doctor may check for these conditions as well as for pancreatic cancer."
"docid": "D425949#0",
"title": "https://www.cancer.org/cancer/pancreatic-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/how-diagnosed.html\nTests for Pancreatic Cancer",
"text": "Tests for Pancreatic Cancer If a person has signs and symptoms that might be caused by pancreatic cancer, certain exams and tests will be done to find the cause. If cancer is found, more tests will be done to help determine the extent (stage) of the cancer. Medical history and physical exam Your doctor will ask about your medical history to learn more about your symptoms. The doctor might also ask about possible risk factors, including your family history. Your doctor will also examine you to look for signs of pancreatic cancer or other health problems. The exam will probably focus mostly on your belly. Pancreatic cancers can sometimes cause the liver or gallbladder to swell, which the doctor might be able to feel during the exam. Your skin and the whites of your eyes will also be checked for jaundice (yellowing). If the results of the exam are abnormal, your doctor will probably order tests to help find the problem. You might also be referred to a gastroenterologist (a doctor who treats digestive system diseases) for further tests and treatment."
"docid": "D749396#0",
"title": "https://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/health/cre-superbug-explainer/index.html\nUnderstanding CRE, the 'nightmare' superbug that contributed to 2 deaths in L.A.",
"text": "\"Understanding CRE, the 'nightmare' superbug that contributed to 2 deaths in L. A. By Ben Brumfield, CNNUpdated 3:18 PM ET, Thu February 19, 2015Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Multi drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hide Caption 10 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clindamycin-resistant group B Streptococcus Hide Caption 11 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant shigella Hide Caption 12 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae Hide Caption 13 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Fluconazole-resistant Candida Hide Caption 14 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Campylobacter Hide Caption 15 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant tuberculosis Hide Caption 16 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant non-typhoidal salmonella Hide Caption 17 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE)Hide Caption 1 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)Hide Caption 2 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clostridium difficile Hide Caption 3 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Acinetobacter Hide Caption 4 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Hide Caption 5 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs)Hide Caption 6 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Erythromycin-resistant Group A Streptococcus Hide Caption 7 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Hide Caption 8 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Multi drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hide Caption 10 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clindamycin-resistant group B Streptococcus Hide Caption 11 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant shigella Hide Caption 12 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae Hide Caption 13 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Fluconazole-resistant Candida Hide Caption 14 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Campylobacter Hide Caption 15 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant tuberculosis Hide Caption 16 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant non-typhoidal salmonella Hide Caption 17 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE)Hide Caption 1 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)Hide Caption 2 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clostridium difficile Hide Caption 3 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Acinetobacter Hide Caption 4 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Hide Caption 5 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs)Hide Caption 6 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Erythromycin-resistant Group A Streptococcus Hide Caption 7 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Hide Caption 8 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Story highlights Design of medical scopes 'causes challenges for cleaning and high-level disinfection,' FDA says CRE is not one but a group of bacteria resistant to most antibiotics People who get infected are almost always recipients of invasive medical treatments (CNN) The term \"\"nightmare bacteria\"\" does not bode well for anyone who may get infected. That's what CDC epidemiologists call carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, which kill up to half the patients who contract them. The family of superbugs made headlines two years ago when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned it was spreading. Now, they're back in the news after seven patients at a Los Angeles hospital caught CRE after routine endoscopic treatments for bile ducts, gall bladder or pancreas. Two of them have died, the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center said Wednesday. CRE was a contributing factor in the deaths, but the exact cause of the deaths wasn't immediately disclosed, a hospital spokeswoman said. The medical center is contacting 179 others who had endoscopic procedures between October and January. It's offering them home tests to screen for the bacteria. JUST WATCHEDHow dangerous are 'superbugs'? Replay More Videos ... How dangerous are 'superbugs'?"
"docid": "D2998672#0",
"title": "https://clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/hepatology/gallbladder-biliary-tract-disease/\nGallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease",
"text": "Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease David S. Barnes, MDPublished: August 2010Contents Gallbladder diseases Gallbladder diseases considered here include gallstones, tumors, and acute acalculous cholecystitis. Gallstones and Cholecystitis Definition and Etiology Gallbladder stones are an extremely common disorder and are usually asymptomatic. Some patients experience biliary colic, an intermittent and often severe pain in the epigastrium or right upper quadrant, and at times between the scapula because of temporary obstruction of the cystic duct with a gallstone. If the cystic duct obstruction persists, the gallbladder becomes inflamed and the patient develops cholecystitis, an acute inflammation and infection of the gallbladder. Prevalence and Risk Factors It is estimated that there are 20.5 million cases of gallbladder disease in the United States, 14.2 million of whom are in women. 1 More than 600,000 cholecystectomies per year are performed in the United States, most of which are for symptomatic gallstone disease. Epidemiologic studies have shown variations in the prevalence of gallstones in different ethnic populations, with particularly high rates in Native Americans. In addition to ethnic background, other risk factors for the development of gallstones include diabetes, rapid weight loss, morbid obesity, cirrhosis, and conditions associated with infrequent gallbladder emptying, such as total parenteral nutrition. Pathophysiology and Natural History Most gallstones are composed primarily of cholesterol, with smaller amounts of mucus, calcium bilirubinate, and protein. Pigment stones, a result of hemolysis, are less common and are made primarily of calcium bilirubinate."
"docid": "D1295992#0",
"title": "http://www.laserforstoneandprostate.com/gallbladder.html\n.",
"text": "\"WHAT IS GALLBLADDER? The gallbladder is a small saclike organ in the upper right part of the abdomen. It is located under the liver, just below the front rib cage on the right side. The gallbladder is part of the biliary system, which includes the liver and the pancreas. The biliary system, among other functions, produces bile and digestive enzymes. Bile is a fluid made by the liver to help in the digestion of fats. It contains several different substances, including cholesterol and bilirubin, a waste product of normal breakdown of blood cells in the liver. Bile is stored in the gallbladder until needed. When we eat a high-fat, high-cholesterol meal, the gallbladder contracts and injects bile into the small intestine via a small tube called the common bile duct. The bile then assists in the digestive process."
"docid": "D990990#0",
"title": "https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatogram-ercp\nDigestive Diseases and ERCP Testing",
"text": "\"Digestive Diseases and ERCP Testing In this Article What Happens During ERCP? Is ERCP Safe? How Should I Prepare for ERCP? What Happens After ERCP? Warning About ERCPERCP (short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure used to diagnose diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, and liver. The test looks \"\"upstream\"\" where digestive fluid comes from -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- to where it enters the intestines. In addition, ERCP can be used to treat problems in these parts of the digestive system. What Happens During ERCP? During ERCP, a gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal system), uses a special endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) to examine the inside of the digestive system. The doctor identifies the place where the bile duct comes into the intestine and then feeds a tiny catheter (a plastic tube) into the duct and squirts in a contrast agent while X-rays are taken."
"docid": "D2231363#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/83438732/acute-pancreatitis-flash-cards/\nAcute Pancreatitis",
"text": "Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What is the definition of acute pancreatitis? Non-bacterial inflammation of the pancreas caused by autodigestion of the organ by it's own enzymes What causes acute pancreatitis? Congenital abnormalities of the pancreatic duct, alcohol, trauma, gall stones, infection, malignancy, hyperlipidaemia, hypercalcaemia, ERCP, Trinidadian scorpion bite, drugs, autoimmune, hypothermia, smoking Which infections cause acute pancreatitis? Mumps, coxsackie B4 virus, cytomegalovirus, HIVWhich drugs cause acute pancreatitis? Diuretics, oestrogens, sulphonamides, didanosine, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, valproate What is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis in the West? Alcohol What are the symptoms of acute pancreatitis? Epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, itching, jaundice, tachopnea, tachycardia, oliguria What is the site of radiation of epigastric pain? Back What are the sign of acute pancreatitis?"
"docid": "D3284791#0",
"title": "http://iuhealth.org/gastroenterology/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatography/\nEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)",
"text": "Home gastroenterology Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure that uses an endoscope to identify bile duct stones, gallstones, tumors or other issues in your upper digestive tract. ERCP uses endoscopy and radiology to allow your physician to diagnose and treat conditions in your liver, biliary system and pancreas. You may need an ERCP if you show signs of: Bile duct blockage Bile duct infections Jaundice Pancreatitis These signs can be seen in your blood work, through symptoms or by X-ray or upper Gastrointestinal X-ray. At Indiana University Health, we also use ERCP in many therapeutic ways to assist with other endoscopic or interventional procedures. When needed, ERCP can be used to: Take biopsies Clarify anomalies seen on imaging tests Deliver treatments When you undergo an ERCP, you are sedated with anesthesia for the 30- to 90-minute study. An endoscope is guided down your throat, into your esophagus, through your stomach and to the opening of your small intestine. The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis. Our affiliation with the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology sets us apart from other centers as we work within a multidisciplinary program to coordinate your care with expert surgeons, radiologists, radio-oncologists and medical oncologists. Our excellent outcomes and expertise make us a referral center for ERCP procedures that have failed elsewhere. We are involved in ongoing research to learn how to: Minimize post-ERCP pancreatitis Develop new methods to assess and treat blocked bile ducts Manage biliary strictures and Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction Our clinical outcomes combined with our research findings help ensure you and future patients receive the most innovative treatment methods available."
"docid": "D254994#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/digestive-diseases-ercp\nDigestive Diseases and ERCP Testing",
"text": "\"Digestive Diseases and ERCP Testing In this Article What Happens During ERCP? Is ERCP Safe? How Should I Prepare for ERCP? What Happens After ERCP? Warning About ERCPERCP (short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure used to diagnose diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, and liver. The test looks \"\"upstream\"\" where digestive fluid comes from -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- to where it enters the intestines. In addition, ERCP can be used to treat problems in these parts of the digestive system. What Happens During ERCP? During ERCP, a gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal system), uses a special endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) to examine the inside of the digestive system. The doctor identifies the place where the bile duct comes into the intestine and then feeds a tiny catheter (a plastic tube) into the duct and squirts in a contrast agent while X-rays are taken."
"docid": "D829835#0",
"title": "http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/gastroenterology/chronic-pancreatitis/\nChronic Pancreatitis",
"text": "\"Chronic Pancreatitis Peter Lee, MDTyler Stevens, MDPublished: February 2014Contents Definition Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the pancreas, characterized by irreversible morphologic changes and gradual fibrotic replacement of the gland. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function results from parenchymal fibrosis. The primary symptoms of CP are abdominal pain and maldigestion. Because of diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, an interdisciplinary management strategy is required. Back to Top Epidemiology The incidence of CP ranges from 1.6 to 23 cases per 100,000 population per year worldwide. Chronic pancreatitis in the United States results in more than 122,000 outpatient visits and more than 56,000 hospitalizations per year. Back to Top Pathophysiology Grossly, the pancreas may be enlarged or atrophic, with or without cysts or calcifications. The ducts may be dilated, irregular, or strictured. Essential pathologic features include irregular and patchy loss of acinar tissue, chronic inflammation, ductal changes, and fibrosis. These gross changes are end-manifestations of complex pathogenic mechanisms that are associated with gene mutations, metabolic and environmental factors."
"docid": "D3284800#0",
"title": "http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/procedures/examinations/a3025/ercp/\nWhat is an ERCP procedure? Uses, dangers and complications",
"text": "What is an ERCP procedure? Uses, dangers and complications ERCP stands for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. More from Procedures Pelvic examination Colposcopy Urography (pyelography)Reviewed by David Maxton and J Butterworth29 September 2014What is ERCP? ERCP stands for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. ERCP combines endoscopy, which is swallowing a flexible tube by mouth under sedation, with an X-ray examination. The flexible tube or endoscope is passed through the stomach into the duodenum opposite the ampulla of Vater. This is the area in the duodenum where the bile duct – draining bile from the liver, and the pancreatic duct, draining juice from the pancreas gland – enter the gut. Using the endoscope, small tubes can be inserted into either the bile duct or pancreatic duct and dye injected into them to show abnormalities. In most cases nowadays, the object of the test would not just be to show abnormalities that is diagnostic ERCP but therapeutic. Therapeutic ERCP means that after identifying abnormalities the problem would be treated via the endoscope without the need for surgery."
"docid": "D2761498#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1521691807000054\n11The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints",
"text": "Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology Volume 21, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 519-53311The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints Jutta Keller ( Head of Research Laboratory) Viola Andresen ( Research Fellow) Ulrich Rosien ( Head of Endoscopy Unit) Peter Layer ( Professor, Medical Director)Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpg.2007.01.004 Get rights and content Abdominal complaints in combination with slightly elevated serum pancreatic enzymes represent a classical clinical challenge. These symptoms may be due to coincidental unrelated harmless disorders, benign pancreatic alterations which are fairly easily treatable such as mild acute pancreatitis or uncomplicated chronic pancreatitis. However, serious, often insidious diseases such as pancreatic tumours may also present with this constellation as their first signs. Diagnostic procedures need to be stratified according to acuteness and severity of symptoms. While patients with acute onset of symptoms and severe complaints need immediate and combined laboratory and imaging investigations to allow adequate therapy, chronic and mild complaints usually justify a stepwise diagnostic approach consecutively using abdominal ultrasound, CT/MRI and endoscopic ultrasound as imaging procedures and reserving ERCP for cases which remain unclear or in which interventional therapy is needed. Diagnosis and follow-up are often particularly demanding in patients with cystic tumours of the pancreas. In chronic pancreatitis patients pain therapy and adequate control of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency may pose major problems. Patients with refractory pain may ultimately require surgical intervention. Another important indication for surgery in chronic pancreatitis is suspicion of cancer that cannot be ruled out by dedicated diagnostic procedures. This also applies to cystic tumours of the pancreas, which have a high risk of malignant transformation or may even already represent pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis."
"docid": "D1493351#0",
"title": "http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/procedures/examinations/a6122/patch-testing-for-skin-allergies/\nPatch testing for skin allergies",
"text": "Patch testing for skin allergies Patch testing is a way of identifying whether a substance that comes in contact with the skin is causing inflammation of the skin. Find out how it's done More from Procedures Pelvic examination Colposcopy Urography (pyelography)Getty Science Photo Library Reviewed by Victoria Lewis 9 June 2014What is patch testing? Patch testing is a way of identifying whether a substance that comes in contact with the skin is causing inflammation of the skin ( contact dermatitis ). There are two types of contact dermatitis: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis An irritant substance is one that would cause inflammation in almost every individual if it was applied in sufficiently high concentration for long enough. An irritant reaction is caused by the direct contact of an irritant substance with the skin and does not involve the immune system. Allergic contact dermatitis An allergic reaction is specific to the individual and to a substance (or a group of related substances) called an allergen. Allergy is a hypersensitivity (oversensitivity) to a particular substance, and always involves the immune system. All areas of skin that are in contact with the allergen develop the rash. The rash will disappear if you avoid contact with the substance."
"docid": "D1316554#0",
"title": "http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-cedars-sinai-infections-20150304-story.html\nSuperbug outbreak extends to Cedars-Sinai hospital, linked to scope",
"text": "Four people have been infected with a superbug linked to a contaminated medical scope, Cedars-Sinai has discovered, and 67 others may have been exposed. ( Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)Chad Terhune Superbug outbreak linked to contaminated scope extends to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles In the latest superbug outbreak, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center discovered that four patients were infected with deadly bacteria from a contaminated medical scope, and 67 other people may have been exposed. The Los Angeles hospital said Wednesday that it began investigating the possibility of patient infections after a similar outbreak at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center that sickened seven patients, including two who died. The widening problem is certain to ratchet up the pressure on the Food and Drug Administration, already under fire for ignoring warnings about these medical instruments. Device makers, led by Japanese electronics giant Olympus Corp., face similar scrutiny for designing scopes that are difficult to clean of dangerous germs. Federal lawmakers, consumer advocates and patients' families have criticized both the regulators and manufacturers for failing to act sooner. The report by Cedars raises the prospect of many more disclosures, experts said, as other hospitals scour patients' medical records and the scopes themselves looking for evidence linking infections to the devices. Cedars-Sinai officials have reached out to those four patients and 67 others who underwent endoscopic procedures any time between August of last year through this February. Lisa Sigell reports. “It's highly likely many hospitals around the country have had outbreaks, and they haven't been able to connect the dots until this problem was disclosed at UCLA ,” said Lisa Mc Giffert, director of the Safe Patient Project at Consumers Union."
"docid": "D150572#0",
"title": "http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=mrcp\nMagnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)",
"text": "Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to evaluate the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and pancreatic duct for disease. It is noninvasive and does not use ionizing radiation. Tell your doctor about any health problems, recent surgeries or allergies and whether there’s a possibility you are pregnant. The magnetic field is not harmful, but it may cause some medical devices to malfunction. Most orthopedic implants pose no risk, but you should always tell the technologist if you have any devices or metal in your body. Guidelines about eating and drinking before your exam vary between facilities. Unless you are told otherwise, take your regular medications as usual. Leave jewelry at home and wear loose, comfortable clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown. If you have claustrophobia or anxiety, you may want to ask your doctor for a mild sedative prior to the exam."
"docid": "D3287174#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcBksmsGcno\nWhat Is PTC In Medical Terms?",
"text": "What Is PTC In Medical Terms?sri sparky Subscribe 1.4KAdd to Share More121 views00Published on Jul 26, 2017Since most pancreatic cancers the ptc method is similar to ercp in that a dye used show up prevent any infection you may be given antibiotics before and after procedure this page all about meaning, abbreviation acronym of explaining definition or meaning giving useful information terms 4 aug 2016 cholangiography (ptc) biliary drainage manage benign article outlines for percutaneous 9 jul 2015 transhepatic involves can painful should performed using local usually done under anaesthesia with without sedation (depending upon patient cooperation). The ptc may be done if an ercp test cannot performed or has 19 aug 2015. Bilary tube placement (ptc pbd) johns hopkins medicine. This procedure is done under local anesthesia by a get the medical definition of ptc all acronyms dictionary. What does ptc stand for in medical category? . A contrast medium is injected into a bile duct in the liver, after which x rays are taken percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, or ptc, way of examining system liver. The radiographic examination of the structure bile ducts. Read medical definition of ptc (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography). Definition of ptc by medical dictionarydefinition percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography wikipedia. Davis's lab (ptc) and drainage patient information the royal college of rendezvous procedure for treatment bile leaks injury."
"docid": "D260396#0",
"title": "http://www.clinicaladvisor.com/pediatrics/pancreas-disorders-pancreatitis-acute-chronic-hereditary/article/622980/\nAre you sure your patient has Pancreatitis? What are the typical findings for this disease?",
"text": "\"OVERVIEW: What every practitioner needs to know Are you sure your patient has Pancreatitis? What are the typical findings for this disease? The clinical definition of acute pancreatitis (AP) requires a minimum of TWO of the following THREE features:1. Acute onset of abdominal pain or tenderness, epigastric in nature, with guarding, associated with nausea and/or vomiting; +/- radiation to the back2. Elevated serum amylase or lipase activity at least 3 times the upper limit of normal or greater (international units/liter)3. Characteristic findings on cross-sectional abdominal imaging, such as transabdominal ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MRCP, ERCP,or endoscopic ultrasound. Findings may include pancreatic edema, fluid collections, areas of pancreatic or peri-pancreatic necrosis, peripancreatic inflammation, acute fluid collections or pancreatic hemorrhage What other disease/condition shares some of these symptoms? Clinical symptoms of epigastric pain or tenderness can be seen with certain gastrointestinal conditions such as peptic ulcer disease or dyspepsia, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, or pancreatic malignancies. Non-GI conditions include renal colic. Laboratory findings of an elevated amylase or lipase can be seen with enteritis or intestinal ischemia, sialadenitis, biliary tract disease, and renal insufficiency (due to decreased clearance)."
"docid": "D3224143#0",
"title": "http://www.uptodate.com/contents/post-ercp-perforation\nLearn how UpToDate can help you.",
"text": "\"Post-ERCP perforation Authors: Andrea Tringali, MD, Ph D Silvano Loperfido, MD Guido Costamagna, MD, FACG Section Editor: Douglas A Howell, MD, FASGE, FACG Deputy Editor: Kristen M Robson, MD, MBA, FACGINTRODUCTIONPerforation is one of the most feared complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). This topic review will focus on the risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of post-ERCP perforation. An overview of the complications of ERCP and detailed discussions of other individual complications are presented separately. ( See \"\"Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Indications, patient preparation, and complications\"\" and \"\"Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis\"\" and \"\"Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) bleeding\"\" and \"\"Rare complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)\"\" . ) CLASSIFICATIONFour types of perforation complicating endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have been recognized [ 1,2 ]. The Stapfer classification is most commonly used and is based on the mechanism, anatomical location, and severity of the injury that may predict the need for surgical intervention ( figure 1) [ 2 ]:● Type I: Free bowel wall perforation● Type II: Retroperitoneal duodenal perforation secondary to periampullary injury● Type III: Perforation of the pancreatic or bile duct To continue reading this article, you must log in with your personal, hospital, or group practice subscription. Subscribe Log In Literature review current through: Feb 2018. | This topic last updated: Nov 16, 2017. The content on the Up To Date website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or conditions."
] |
637027 | what does ercp stand for medical | [
"docid": "D763649#0",
"title": "http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatogram-ercp\nDigestive Diseases and ERCP Testing",
"text": "\"Digestive Diseases and ERCP Testing In this Article What Happens During ERCP? Is ERCP Safe? How Should I Prepare for ERCP? What Happens After ERCP? Warning About ERCPERCP (short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure used to diagnose diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, and liver. The test looks \"\"upstream\"\" where digestive fluid comes from -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- to where it enters the intestines. In addition, ERCP can be used to treat problems in these parts of the digestive system. What Happens During ERCP? During ERCP, a gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal system), uses a special endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) to examine the inside of the digestive system. The doctor identifies the place where the bile duct comes into the intestine and then feeds a tiny catheter (a plastic tube) into the duct and squirts in a contrast agent while X-rays are taken."
] | [
"docid": "D899361#0",
"title": "http://www.mwstone.com/pancreatic.php\n.",
"text": "Pancreas and Pancreatic Diseases The pancreas is an organ in the upper abdomen which has several functions. The main digestive function of the pancreas is to produce pancreatic juice to break down food to be absorbed. The tube (or duct) which drains pancreatic juice from the pancreas into the small intestine is usually smooth and regular. Patients with chronic pancreatitis the pancreatic duct is irregular with areas of narrowing. Chronic pancreatitis causes narrowing from scarring and ongoing inflammation in the pancreas. Patients’ pancreatic juice does not drain well and forms stones in 22-60% of patients with chronic pancreatitis. These stones can cause blockage of the pancreatic duct, resulting in pain. Chronic pancreatitis is a slowly progressive disease that takes many years to develop and leads to destruction of pancreatic tissue. In many patients chronic pancreatitis is often silent and may not cause any symptoms. Severe pain is the most important and most difficult to treat complication."
"docid": "D2491269#0",
"title": "http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Gastroenterology/Dilated-common-bile-duct/show/609474\nDilated common bile ductBetty600 Aug 26, 2008",
"text": "\"Dilated common bile duct Betty600 Aug 26, 2008I have a dilated common bile duct, had a CT, MRI, Endoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound & lots of blood work, everything was negative, but in the endoscopic ultrasound it showed again the dilated common bile duct and irregular Z line. What could be causing this? This discussion is related tois ERCP really needed based on tests?. Answer Question Read 5 Responses Follow - 65 Responses Cal Gal Aug 26, 2008A dilated CBD can be the result of removal of the gallbladder in some people. In others, it can indicate dilation due to blockage of the CBD at some point by a stone. or a possible pathogenic process. It would be difficult to know what the actual cause is without having a full medical history. Have you checked with your doc? He/she should have some idea of the cause. Comment PUMPMANPLEE Apr 30, 2009My mother 72 years old, also recently had Endoscopy, X-RAYS, CT SCAN, MRCP & three blood tests because she had upper abdominal pain, nausea & felt sick with some weight loss."
"docid": "D287944#0",
"title": "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pancreatic-cancer/symptoms-causes/dxc-20268506\nOverview",
"text": "Print Overview The pancreas in the digestive system Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas — an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas releases enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that help manage your blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer typically spreads rapidly to nearby organs. It is seldom detected in its early stages. But for people with pancreatic cysts or a family history of pancreatic cancer, some screening steps might help detect a problem early. One sign of pancreatic cancer is diabetes, especially when it occurs with weight loss, jaundice or pain in the upper abdomen that spreads to the back. Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of these. Pancreatic cancer care at Mayo Clinic Symptoms Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often don't occur until the disease is advanced. They may include: Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to your back Loss of appetite or unintended weight loss Depression New-onset diabetes Blood clots Fatigue Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)When to see a doctor See your doctor if you experience unexplained weight loss or if you have persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, or other signs and symptoms that bother you. Many conditions can cause these symptoms, so your doctor may check for these conditions as well as for pancreatic cancer."
"docid": "D1316554#0",
"title": "http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-cedars-sinai-infections-20150304-story.html\nSuperbug outbreak extends to Cedars-Sinai hospital, linked to scope",
"text": "Four people have been infected with a superbug linked to a contaminated medical scope, Cedars-Sinai has discovered, and 67 others may have been exposed. ( Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)Chad Terhune Superbug outbreak linked to contaminated scope extends to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles In the latest superbug outbreak, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center discovered that four patients were infected with deadly bacteria from a contaminated medical scope, and 67 other people may have been exposed. The Los Angeles hospital said Wednesday that it began investigating the possibility of patient infections after a similar outbreak at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center that sickened seven patients, including two who died. The widening problem is certain to ratchet up the pressure on the Food and Drug Administration, already under fire for ignoring warnings about these medical instruments. Device makers, led by Japanese electronics giant Olympus Corp., face similar scrutiny for designing scopes that are difficult to clean of dangerous germs. Federal lawmakers, consumer advocates and patients' families have criticized both the regulators and manufacturers for failing to act sooner. The report by Cedars raises the prospect of many more disclosures, experts said, as other hospitals scour patients' medical records and the scopes themselves looking for evidence linking infections to the devices. Cedars-Sinai officials have reached out to those four patients and 67 others who underwent endoscopic procedures any time between August of last year through this February. Lisa Sigell reports. “It's highly likely many hospitals around the country have had outbreaks, and they haven't been able to connect the dots until this problem was disclosed at UCLA ,” said Lisa Mc Giffert, director of the Safe Patient Project at Consumers Union."
"docid": "D3284802#0",
"title": "https://patient.info/health/gallstones-and-bile/ercp-endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatography\nERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography",
"text": "In this series: Gallstones and Bile Cholecystitis Acute Pancreatitis ERCP is a procedure that uses an endoscope and X-rays to look at your bile duct and your pancreatic duct. ERCP can also be used to remove gallstones or take small samples of tissue for analysis (a biopsy). Note: the information below is a general guide only. The arrangements and the way tests are performed may vary between different hospitals. Always follow the instructions given by your doctor or local hospital. In this article What is an ERCP? What happens during an ERCP procedure? What preparation do I need to do? What can I expect after an ERCP? Potential complications of an ERCPWhat is an ERCP?"
"docid": "D260396#0",
"title": "http://www.clinicaladvisor.com/pediatrics/pancreas-disorders-pancreatitis-acute-chronic-hereditary/article/622980/\nAre you sure your patient has Pancreatitis? What are the typical findings for this disease?",
"text": "\"OVERVIEW: What every practitioner needs to know Are you sure your patient has Pancreatitis? What are the typical findings for this disease? The clinical definition of acute pancreatitis (AP) requires a minimum of TWO of the following THREE features:1. Acute onset of abdominal pain or tenderness, epigastric in nature, with guarding, associated with nausea and/or vomiting; +/- radiation to the back2. Elevated serum amylase or lipase activity at least 3 times the upper limit of normal or greater (international units/liter)3. Characteristic findings on cross-sectional abdominal imaging, such as transabdominal ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MRCP, ERCP,or endoscopic ultrasound. Findings may include pancreatic edema, fluid collections, areas of pancreatic or peri-pancreatic necrosis, peripancreatic inflammation, acute fluid collections or pancreatic hemorrhage What other disease/condition shares some of these symptoms? Clinical symptoms of epigastric pain or tenderness can be seen with certain gastrointestinal conditions such as peptic ulcer disease or dyspepsia, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, or pancreatic malignancies. Non-GI conditions include renal colic. Laboratory findings of an elevated amylase or lipase can be seen with enteritis or intestinal ischemia, sialadenitis, biliary tract disease, and renal insufficiency (due to decreased clearance)."
"docid": "D2732444#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/mri-scan-of-mrcp\nMri scan of mrcp",
"text": "\"Mri scan of mrcp Common Questions and Answers about Mri scan of mrcpmri-scanlesions, but because of continued unexplained mildly elevated AST/ALT (and Crohns disease), they are ordering an MRCP and liver biopsy presumably to rule out PSC. I understand that MRCP allows visualization of the bilary tree, but wouldn't a regular MRI pick up a hint of a problem? Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks. Read Moreonly test that showed something for me was my HIDA scan which showed a normal EF of 52% but i had severe biliary dyskinesia (so took my gallbladder over 2 hrs to drop down the ducts into intestines) my GI thought Gallbladder should come out, surgeon said no that he thinks it might be a problem with the ducts... they are now sending me for MRCP tomorrow... can there still be stones or something blocking the ducts even though nothing showed in previous tests? Read More Routine MRI of the abdomen with double dose Eovist (15 m L) and routine MRCP. The use of Eovist (gadoxetate disodium) a liver specific MRI contrast agent was used in place of traditional gadolinium based contrast agents. Findings: The gallbladder is surgically absent. The common bile duct measures 7 mm and is within normal limits without stricture or CBD stone. The intrahepatic ducts are normal."
"docid": "D327577#0",
"title": "http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/health/cre-superbug-explainer/index.html\nUnderstanding CRE, the 'nightmare' superbug that contributed to 2 deaths in L.A.",
"text": "\"Understanding CRE, the 'nightmare' superbug that contributed to 2 deaths in L. A. By Ben Brumfield, CNNUpdated 3:18 PM ET, Thu February 19, 2015Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Multi drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hide Caption 10 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clindamycin-resistant group B Streptococcus Hide Caption 11 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant shigella Hide Caption 12 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae Hide Caption 13 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Fluconazole-resistant Candida Hide Caption 14 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Campylobacter Hide Caption 15 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant tuberculosis Hide Caption 16 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant non-typhoidal salmonella Hide Caption 17 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE)Hide Caption 1 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)Hide Caption 2 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clostridium difficile Hide Caption 3 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Acinetobacter Hide Caption 4 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Hide Caption 5 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs)Hide Caption 6 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Erythromycin-resistant Group A Streptococcus Hide Caption 7 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Hide Caption 8 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Multi drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hide Caption 10 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clindamycin-resistant group B Streptococcus Hide Caption 11 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant shigella Hide Caption 12 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae Hide Caption 13 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Fluconazole-resistant Candida Hide Caption 14 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Campylobacter Hide Caption 15 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant tuberculosis Hide Caption 16 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant non-typhoidal salmonella Hide Caption 17 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE)Hide Caption 1 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)Hide Caption 2 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Clostridium difficile Hide Caption 3 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Acinetobacter Hide Caption 4 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Hide Caption 5 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs)Hide Caption 6 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Erythromycin-resistant Group A Streptococcus Hide Caption 7 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Hide Caption 8 of 17Photos: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Hide Caption 9 of 17Story highlights Design of medical scopes 'causes challenges for cleaning and high-level disinfection,' FDA says CRE is not one but a group of bacteria resistant to most antibiotics People who get infected are almost always recipients of invasive medical treatments (CNN) The term \"\"nightmare bacteria\"\" does not bode well for anyone who may get infected. That's what CDC epidemiologists call carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, which kill up to half the patients who contract them. The family of superbugs made headlines two years ago when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned it was spreading. Now, they're back in the news after seven patients at a Los Angeles hospital caught CRE after routine endoscopic treatments for bile ducts, gall bladder or pancreas. Two of them have died, the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center said Wednesday. CRE was a contributing factor in the deaths, but the exact cause of the deaths wasn't immediately disclosed, a hospital spokeswoman said. The medical center is contacting 179 others who had endoscopic procedures between October and January. It's offering them home tests to screen for the bacteria. JUST WATCHEDHow dangerous are 'superbugs'? Replay More Videos ... How dangerous are 'superbugs'?"
"docid": "D2250606#0",
"title": "https://gi.org/guideline/acute-pancreatitis/\nManagement of Acute Pancreatitis",
"text": "Management of Acute Pancreatitis Download PDFScott Tenner MD, MPH, FACG 1, John Baillie MB, Ch B, FRCP, FACG 2, John De Witt MD, FACG 3 and Santhi Swaroop Vege MD, FACG 41 State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA; 2 Carteret Medical Group, Morehead City, North Carolina, USA; 3 Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; 4 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USAAm J Gastroenterol 2013; 108:1400–1415; doi:10.1038/ajg.2013.218; published online 30 July 2013Received 23 December 2012; accepted 18 June 2013Correspondence: Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACG, Division of Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, Minnesota 55905, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract This guideline presents recommendations for the management of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP). During the past decade, there have been new understandings and developments in the diagnosis, etiology, and early and late management of the disease. As the diagnosis of AP is most often established by clinical symptoms and laboratory testing, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pancreas should be reserved for patients in whom the diagnosis is unclear or who fail to improve clinically. Hemodynamic status should be assessed immediately upon presentation and resuscitative measures begun as needed. Patients with organ failure and/or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) should be admitted to an intensive care unit or intermediary care setting whenever possible. Aggressive hydration should be provided to all patients, unless cardiovascular and/or renal comorbidites preclude it. Early aggressive intravenous hydration is most beneficial within the first 12–24 h, and may have little benefit beyond. Patients with AP and concurrent acute cholangitis should undergo endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) within 24 h of admission. Pancreatic duct stents and/or postprocedure rectal nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) suppositories should be utilized to lower the risk of severe post-ERCP pancreatitis in high-risk patients."
"docid": "D2129509#0",
"title": "http://www.sages.org/publications/patient-information/patient-information-for-ercp-endoscopic-retrograde-cholangio-pancreatography-from-sages/\nWhat is ERCP?",
"text": "Download PDFFind a SAGES Surgeon What is ERCP? ( Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography)ERCP is a procedure that enables your physician to examine the pancreatic and bile ducts. A bendable, lighted tube (endoscope) about the thickness of your index finger is placed through your mouth and into your stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum). In the duodenum a small opening is identified (ampulla) and a small plastic tube (cannula) is passed through the endoscope and into this opening. Dye (contrast material) is injected and X-rays are taken to study the ducts of the pancreas and liver. About ERCPWhy is an ERCP Performed? ERCP is most commonly performed to diagnose conditions of the pancreas or bile ducts, and is also used to treat those conditions. It is used to evaluate symptoms suggestive of disease in these organs, or to further clarify abnormal results from blood tests or imaging tests such as ultrasound or CT scan. The most common reasons to do ERCP include abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), or an ultrasound or CT scan that shows stones or a mass in these organs. ERCP may be used before or after gallbladder surgery to assist in the performance of that operation."
"docid": "D1453249#0",
"title": "http://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/resources/diagnosing-crohns-uc.html\nDiagnosing Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis",
"text": "Diagnosing Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Email Print+ Share A variety of tests are used to diagnose and monitor Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two main types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Procedures range from simple blood tests to barium x-rays and colonoscopy, which require preparation the day before the tests. A proper diagnosis of IBD involves determining the disease type (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), extent and severity of disease, and any related complications. Before any medical test, you may want to ask your doctor the following questions: What type of information will the test provide? What can I expect during the test? Will I feel any discomfort? How do I prepare for the test? How safe is the test? How accurate? When can I expect to receive the test results?"
"docid": "D697729#0",
"title": "http://www.emedicinehealth.com/gallstones/page2_em.htm\nGallstones",
"text": "\"What Are Gallstones? Gallstones Causes Gallstones and Diet Gallstones Symptoms When to Seek Medical Care for Gallstones Gallstones Diagnosis Gallstones Home Remedies Gallstones Treatment Gallstone Surgery (Cholecystectomy)Gallstones Follow-up Gallstones Prevention Diet Gallstones Prognosis What Are Gallstones? Gallstones (commonly misspelled gall stones or gall stone) are solid particles that form from bile cholesterol and bilirubin in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small saclike organ in the upper right part of the abdomen. It is located under the liver, just below the front rib cage on the right side. The gallbladder is part of the biliary system, which includes the liver and the pancreas. The biliary system, among other functions, transports bile and digestive enzymes. Bile is a fluid made by the liver to help in the digestion of fats. It contains several different substances, including cholesterol and bilirubin, a waste product of normal breakdown of blood cells in the liver. Bile is stored in the gallbladder until needed."
"docid": "D6733#0",
"title": "http://ddc.musc.edu/public/diseases/pancreas-biliary-system/acute-pancreatitis.html\nAcute Pancreatitis",
"text": "\"Acute Pancreatitis Give Us a Call For more information about acute pancreatitis treatment at MUSC, call: Peggy Edgerton, BSN RN (843) 876-7230 [email protected] What is acute pancreatitis? Acute pancreatitis is usually a sudden and severe illness caused when the pancreas rapidly becomes inflamed. Pancreas enzymes and various poisons (toxins) may enter the blood stream in an acute attack, and injure other organs such as the heart, lungs and kidneys. However, the pancreas can return to virtual normality if the cause of the attack is found and treated. What is pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is a disease in which the pancreas becomes swollen and inflamed causing it to not work properly. The enzymes which the pancreas normally produces to help digestion in the small intestine can attack the pancreas itself. The two most common types of pancreatitis are acute and chronic. Unfortunately, with some patients, much of the pancreatic tissue is destroyed with severe inflammation occurring along with leakage of enzymes, fluids and poisons. This condition, known as a \"\"hemorrhagic\"\" pancreatitis, causes the pancreas to become very swollen and slushy which can then develop into a collection of fluid and damaged pancreatic tissue called a \"\"pseudocyst\"\"."
"docid": "D3284801#0",
"title": "http://ddc.musc.edu/public/procedures/ercp.html\nERCP",
"text": "ERCPGive Us a Call For more information about ERCP procedures at MUSC, call: Peggy Edgerton, BSN RN (843) 876-7230 [email protected] By Peter B. Cotton What is ERCP? Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP) is a method for getting into the bile duct and pancreas though the mouth. When invented over 40 years ago, ERCP was a breakthrough that allowed doctors to find local diseases. Today, most local diseases can be detected safely by non-invasive imaging tests such as Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (MRCP) scans and an endoscopic method of imaging called Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS). ERCP is used mainly to treat diseases that have been detected by these means. Illustration depicting an ERCP procedure. ERCP uses an endoscope, which is a long flexible narrow tube with a camera at the end. After the patient is sedated, the specialist passes the endoscope through the mouth and esophagus, to view the lining of the stomach and first part of the small intestine (the duodenum ). The goal is to access the papilla of Vater, a small nipple in the duodenum. This papilla is the drainage hole for the bile and pancreatic duct, which bring digestive juices from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas."
"docid": "D2867241#0",
"title": "http://www.medicinenet.com/gallstones/page7.htm\nGallstones",
"text": "\"home / digestion health center / digestion a-z list / gallstones center / gallstones article Gallstones Medical Author: Jay W. Marks, MD Medical Editor: Bhupinder S. Anand, MBBS, MD, DPHIL (OXON)Gallstone definition and facts Readers Comments 1 Share Your Story Gallstones are \"\"stones\"\" that form in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The common types of gallstones are cholesterol, black pigment, and brown pigment. Cholesterol gallstones occur more frequently in several ethnic groups and are associated with female gender, obesity, pregnancy, oral hormonal therapy, rapid loss of weight, elevated blood triglyceride levels, and Crohn's disease. Black pigment gallstones occur when there is increased destruction of red blood cells, while brown pigment gallstones occur when there is reduced flow and infection of bile. The majority of gallstones do not cause symptoms. The most common symptoms of gallstones are biliary colic and cholecystitis. Gallstones do not cause intolerance to fatty foods, belching, abdominal distention, or gas. Complications of gallstones include cholangitis, gangrene of the gallbladder, jaundice, pancreatitis, sepsis, fistula, and ileus. Gallbladder sludge is associated with symptoms and complications of gallstones; however, like gallstones, sludge usually does not cause problems. The best single test for diagnosing gallstones is transabdominal ultrasonography."
"docid": "D2380304#0",
"title": "https://medlineplus.gov/bileductdiseases.html\nBile Duct Diseases",
"text": "Bile Duct Diseases On this page Basics Summary Diagnosis and Tests Treatments and Therapies Learn More Related Issues Specifics Genetics See, Play and Learn Videos and Tutorials Research Clinical Trials Journal Articles Resources Reference Desk Find an Expert For You Children Patient Handouts Summary Your liver makes a digestive juice called bile. Your gallbladder stores it between meals. When you eat, your gallbladder pushes the bile into tubes called bile ducts. They carry the bile to your small intestine. The bile helps break down fat. It also helps the liver get rid of toxins and wastes. Different diseases can block the bile ducts and cause a problem with the flow of bile: Gallstones, which can increase pressure in the gallbladder and cause a gallbladder attack. The pain usually lasts from one to several hours. Cancer Infections Birth defects, such as biliary atresia. It is the most common reason for liver transplants in children in the United States."
"docid": "D2069470#0",
"title": "http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/endoscopic+retrograde+cholangiopancreatography\nendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography",
"text": "\"endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic ultrasound Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Definition Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique in which a hollow tubecalled an endoscope is passed through the mouth and stomach to the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). This procedure was developed to examine abnormalities of the bile ducts,pancreas, and gallbladder. It was developed during the late 1960s and is used today to diagnoseand treat blockages of the bile and pancreatic ducts. The term has three parts to its definition:endoscopic refers to the use of an endoscoperetrograde refers to the injection of dye up into the bile ducts in a direction opposing, or against, the normal flow of bile down the ductscholangiopancreatography means visualization of the bile ducts (cholangio) and pancreas (pancreato)Purpose Until the 1970s, methods to visualize the bile ducts produced images that were of relatively poorquality and often misleading; in addition, the pancreatic duct could not be examined at all. Patients with symptoms related to the bile ducts or pancreatic ducts frequently needed surgery to diagnose and treat their conditions. Using ERCP, physicians can obtain high-quality x rays of these structures and identify areas of narrowing (strictures), cancers, and gallstones. This procedure can help determine whether bile or pancreatic ducts are blocked; it also identifies where they are blocked along with the cause of the blockage. ERCP may then be used to relieve the blockage. For patients requiring surgery or additional procedures for treatment, ERCP outlines the anatomical changes for the surgeon."
"docid": "D2129507#0",
"title": "http://www.ddc.musc.edu/public/procedures/ERCP.html\nERCP",
"text": "ERCPGive Us a Call For more information about ERCP procedures at MUSC, call: Peggy Edgerton, BSN RN (843) 876-7230 [email protected] By Peter B. Cotton What is ERCP? Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP) is a method for getting into the bile duct and pancreas though the mouth. When invented over 40 years ago, ERCP was a breakthrough that allowed doctors to find local diseases. Today, most local diseases can be detected safely by non-invasive imaging tests such as Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (MRCP) scans and an endoscopic method of imaging called Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS). ERCP is used mainly to treat diseases that have been detected by these means. Illustration depicting an ERCP procedure. ERCP uses an endoscope, which is a long flexible narrow tube with a camera at the end. After the patient is sedated, the specialist passes the endoscope through the mouth and esophagus, to view the lining of the stomach and first part of the small intestine (the duodenum ). The goal is to access the papilla of Vater, a small nipple in the duodenum. This papilla is the drainage hole for the bile and pancreatic duct, which bring digestive juices from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas."
"docid": "D245477#0",
"title": "https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diagnostic-tests/endoscopic-retrograde-cholangiopancreatography\nEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)",
"text": "Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)What is ERCP? Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure that combines upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy and x-rays to treat problems of the bile and pancreatic ducts. What are the bile and pancreatic ducts? Your bile ducts are tubes that carry bile from your liver to your gallbladder and duodenum. Your pancreatic ducts are tubes that carry pancreatic juice from your pancreas to your duodenum. Small pancreatic ducts empty into the main pancreatic duct. Your common bile duct and main pancreatic duct join before emptying into your duodenum. Why do doctors use ERCP? Doctors use ERCP to treat problems of the bile and pancreatic ducts. Doctors also use ERCP to diagnose problems of the bile and pancreatic ducts if they expect to treat problems during the procedure."
"docid": "D2761498#0",
"title": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1521691807000054\n11The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints",
"text": "Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology Volume 21, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 519-53311The patient with slightly elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal complaints Jutta Keller ( Head of Research Laboratory) Viola Andresen ( Research Fellow) Ulrich Rosien ( Head of Endoscopy Unit) Peter Layer ( Professor, Medical Director)Show morehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpg.2007.01.004 Get rights and content Abdominal complaints in combination with slightly elevated serum pancreatic enzymes represent a classical clinical challenge. These symptoms may be due to coincidental unrelated harmless disorders, benign pancreatic alterations which are fairly easily treatable such as mild acute pancreatitis or uncomplicated chronic pancreatitis. However, serious, often insidious diseases such as pancreatic tumours may also present with this constellation as their first signs. Diagnostic procedures need to be stratified according to acuteness and severity of symptoms. While patients with acute onset of symptoms and severe complaints need immediate and combined laboratory and imaging investigations to allow adequate therapy, chronic and mild complaints usually justify a stepwise diagnostic approach consecutively using abdominal ultrasound, CT/MRI and endoscopic ultrasound as imaging procedures and reserving ERCP for cases which remain unclear or in which interventional therapy is needed. Diagnosis and follow-up are often particularly demanding in patients with cystic tumours of the pancreas. In chronic pancreatitis patients pain therapy and adequate control of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency may pose major problems. Patients with refractory pain may ultimately require surgical intervention. Another important indication for surgery in chronic pancreatitis is suspicion of cancer that cannot be ruled out by dedicated diagnostic procedures. This also applies to cystic tumours of the pancreas, which have a high risk of malignant transformation or may even already represent pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis."
] |
637030 | what does erikson mean by gerotranscendence | [
"docid": "D136422#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erikson%27s_stages_of_psychosocial_development\nErikson's stages of psychosocial development",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Part of a series of articles on Psychoanalysis Concepts [hide]Psychosexual development Psychosocial development (Erikson) Unconscious Preconscious Consciousness Psychic apparatus Id, ego and super-ego Libido Drive Transference Countertransference Ego defenses Resistance Projection Denial Dreamwork Important figures [show]Important works [show]Schools of thought [show]Training [show]Psychology portalv t e Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, as articulated by Erik Erikson, in collaboration with Joan Erikson, [1] is a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies a series of eight stages, in which a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood. All stages are present at birth, but only begin to unfold according to both a natural scheme and one's ecological and cultural upbringing. In each stage, the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. Each stage builds upon the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to return as problems in the future. However, mastery of a stage is not required to advance to the next stage. The outcome of one stage is not permanent and can be modified by later experiences. Erikson's stage theory characterizes an individual advancing through the eight life stages as a function of negotiating his or her biological forces and sociocultural forces. Each stage is characterized by a psychosocial crisis of these two conflicting forces (as shown in the table below). If an individual does indeed successfully reconcile these forces (favoring the first mentioned attribute in the crisis), he or she emerges from the stage with the corresponding virtue."
] | [
"docid": "D1344020#0",
"title": "https://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/human-development.cfm\nHuman Development",
"text": "\"Human Development Subject: | Grade (s): 9-12 | Duration: Two class periods Lesson Plan Sections Objectives | Materials | Procedures | Discussion Questions | Evaluation | Extensions |Suggested Readings | Vocabulary | Academic Standards | Credit Objectives Students will do the following:1. Examine the eight stages of human emotional and psychological development described by psychologist Erik Erikson2. Discuss Erikson's first five stages of life, infancy through adolescence, with a focus on the adolescent \"\"identity crisis\"\"Materials The class will need the following:• Newsprint• Paper and markers (for each group)• Internet access Procedures1. As a class, brainstorm about the physical, emotional, and social developmental milestones of human beings. On a piece of newsprint, draw a timeline that begins with birth and ends with death. Write students' answers on the timeline. Responses may include first steps, first words, first day of school, puberty, first date, high school graduation, college, first job, marriage, having children, career promotions, and retirement.2. Ask students to identify whether each milestone is physical, emotional, social, or a combination. Explain that psychologists have studied the relationships between these milestones of human aging and emotional and social development. They have developed theories about how personalities develop."
"docid": "D788002#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/9373374/psychology-ch-1-flash-cards/\nPsychology ch 1",
"text": "\"73 terms aimmee Psychology ch 1Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortwhat does the science of human development seek to understand how and why people change over time T/F In scientific method, research findings should be meade abailable to other scientists. Truemost developmental psychologists believe that development is the result of : both nature and nurturelanguage learning is considered a sensitive periodan example of psychosocial development is social skillsas we age, losses occur in some domains, while gains are made in others. This is consistent w/ the ___ nature of development. multidirectionalwhat theory places the greatest emphasis on the interaction between gene and the environment? epigenetic Pavlov's experiment in which he conditioned doge to salivate after hearing a bell demonstrated what he called: classical conditioning In social learning theory, modeling is a process by which people: observe the actions of others and then copy thema feeling of self-confidence that an individual develops when he or she has high aspirations and notable achievements is: self-efficacy Piaget was primarily interested in how children think Psychoanalytic theory originated with Sigmund Freudthe primary focus of behaviorism is behaviorwhat is associated with Urie Bronfenbrenner microsystems, exosystems, macrosystemswhat is an example of exosystem? churchin orde3r to establish what causes behavior, what research method must be used? an experiment What is the first step of the scientific method? pose a questionin the science of human development, \"\"nurture\"\" refers to environmental influences Jada, 5, is learning to speak Dutch. What is the primary domain of development? cognitive The distinctive characteristic of development that says that change does not always occur in a straight line is: multidirectionallanguage learning is considered a: sensitive periodwhat does \"\"socioeconomic status\"\" refer to?"
"docid": "D676448#0",
"title": "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201203/are-you-having-identity-crisis\nAre You Having an Identity Crisis?",
"text": "\"Are You Having an Identity Crisis?4 key ways to Identify your Identity Posted Mar 03, 2012SHARETWEETEMAILMOREYou've undoubtedly heard the term \"\" identity crisis,\"\" but you may not know its origins. The developmental psychologist Erik Erikson defined eight crisis stages that characterize our lives from birth through death. Identity achievement vs. identity diffusion is the fifth crisis that individuals experience as they navigate the potentially stormy years of adolescence. The crisis is one of heightened susceptibility to particular developmental changes associated with puberty. Teenagers experience rapid changes in body build, hormones, emotions, and cognitive abilities. Perhaps for the first time in life, they contemplate their roles in society including their careers, values, and gender role. There are advantages to exploring your identity during your teenage years. According to Erikson, it's important to think seriously about these issues and ultimately to come to enough of a resolution so that the path you embark on in adulthood is one that you have consciously chosen. This is the psychological state that Erikson called \"\"identity achievement.\"\" If you don't come to grips with these crucial life decisions and never arrive at a firm identity, your \"\"identity diffusion\"\" will not prepare you for the developmental tasks that lie ahead."
"docid": "D1678154#0",
"title": "http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson%27s_stages_of_psychosocial_development\nErikson's stages of psychosocial development",
"text": "\"Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social | Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology |Developmental Psychology: Cognitive development · Development of the self · Emotional development · Language development · Moral development · Perceptual development · Personality development · Psychosocial development · Social development · Developmental measures This article is in need of attention from a psychologist/academic expert on the subject. Please help recruit one, or improve this page yourself if you are qualified. This banner appears on articles that are weak and whose contents should be approached with academic caution . The stages of psychosocial development articulated by Erik Erikson describes eight developmental stages through which a healthily developing human should pass from infancy to late adulthood. In each stage the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to reappear as problems in the future. Contents [ show]Background Edit Erik Erikson developed the theory in the 1950s as an improvement on Sigmund Freud 's psychosexual stages. Erikson accepted many of Freud's theories (including the id, ego, and superego, and Freud's infantile sexuality represented in psychosexual development ), but rejected Freud's attempt to describe personality solely on the basis of sexuality. Also, Erikson criticized Freud for his concept of originology [1]. This states that all mental illness can be traced to early experiences in childhood."
"docid": "D1429611#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/21317224/developmental-psych-flash-cards/\nDevelopmental Psych",
"text": "\"126 terms zevalkinky Developmental Psych Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sortthreshold effect Which of the following terms describes the level at which a certain teratogen becomes harmful? A-T, T-A, C-G, G-C Which of the following is the correct pairing of the four bases that make up amino acids? Genes are not destiny important to remember when considering that genes are a major influence on behaviors, disease, and disorders They may develop normally until puberty characteristic of children born with Klinefelter syndromea zygote When a sperm and ovum unite, what is formed Down syndrome Trisomy-21 is also calledfetal period The third period of gestation is thefetal period The longest period of prenatal development is thetwo weeks after conception The germinal period ends approximately The five characteristics that are evaluated in the Apgar heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexescardiovascular system The first organ system that shows any sign of activity is the XY; XX The chromosomal make-up of a normal male is ______; the chromosomal make-up of a normal female is ______age of viability refers to the point when the preterm newborn can survive outside the uterus Kyoto's daughter is five days old. Kyoto is feeling sad and inadequate. She may be experiencing postpartum depression Each gamete has how many chromosomes 2320,000 Approximately how many genes are contained in the human genometeratogen a substance or a condition that can increase the risk of prenatal abnormalitiesgene is recessive its influence can be hidden by a more powerful gene17+ hours Approximately how many hours per day do newborns spend sleepingat birth At what point in development is the sense of hearing already quite acutetriple Brains ______ in size in the first two years of lifeparents' talking to him frequently. By 10 months of age, Alan has a vocabulary of a dozen words. B. F. Skinner would have attributed Alan's rapid speech development mainly to hisuse senses and motor skills to understand the world During the sensorimotor stage, the main task is tolarge movements Gross motor skills are defined bythe same motor skills in the same sequence Healthy infants usually developobject permanence Hugh enjoys playing with your keys. When you take them away and place them in your pocket, Hugh does not search for them."
"docid": "D1686209#0",
"title": "http://ww3.haverford.edu/psychology/ddavis/p109g/erikson.stages.html\nPsychosocial Theory: Erikson",
"text": "\"Psychosocial Theory: Erikson Doug Davis and Alan Clifton, Haverford '95The Epigenetic Psychosexual Stages Erikson believed that childhood is very important in personality development. He accepted many of Freud's theories, including the id, ego, and superego, and Freud's theory of infantile sexuality. But Erikson rejected Freud's attempt to describe personality solely on the basis of sexuality, and, unlike Freud, felt that personality continued to develop beyond five years of age. All of the stages in Erikson's epigenetic theory are implicitly present at birth (at least in latent form), but unfold according to both an innate scheme and one's up-bringing in a family that expresses the values of a culture. Each stage builds on the preceding stages, and paves the way for subsequent stages. Each stage is characterized by a psychosocial crisis, which is based on physiological development, but also on demands put on the individual by parents and/or society. Ideally, the crisis in each stage should be resolved by the ego in that stage, in order for development to proceed correctly. The outcome of one stage is not permanent, but can be altered by later experiences. Everyone has a mixture of the traits attained at each stage, but personality development is considered successful if the individual has more of the \"\"good\"\" traits than the \"\"bad\"\" traits. Ego Psychology Erikson's theory of ego psychology holds certain tenets that differentiate his theory from Freud's."
"docid": "D1096950#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_adult_(psychology)\nYoung adult (psychology)",
"text": "\"Young adult (psychology)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search A young adult is generally a person ranging in age from their late teens or early twenties to their thirties, although definitions and opinions, such as Erik Erikson 's stages of human development, vary. The young adult stage in human development precedes middle adulthood. A person in the middle adulthood stage ages from 40 (or 41) to 64. In old age, a person is 65 years old or older. [ 1]Contents [ hide ]1 Time co-ordinates2 Health3 Early adulthood4 Age 30 transition5 Settling down6 Midlife transition7 See also8 Notes9 References Time co-ordinates For a variety of reasons, timeliness on young adulthood cannot be exactly defined—producing different results according to the different mix of overlapping indices (legal, maturational, occupational, sexual, emotional and the like) employed, or on whether 'a developmental perspective ... [or] the socialization perspective [2] is taken. ' Sub-phases in this timetable of psychosocial growth patterns... are not rigid, and both social change and individual variations must be taken into account' [3] —not to mention regional and cultural differences. Arguably indeed, with people living longer, and also reaching puberty earlier, 'age norms for major life events have become highly elastic' [4] by the twenty-first century. Some have suggested that, after ' Pre-adulthood ... in the first 20 years or so... the second era, Early Adulthood, lasts from about age 17 to 45... the adult era of greatest energy and abundance and of greatest contradiction and stress.' [ 2] Within that framework, 'the Early Adult Transition (17–22) is a developmental bridge between pre-adulthood and early adulthood', [2] recognizing that 'the transition into adulthood is not a clear-cut dividing line'. [ 5] One might alternatively speak of 'a Provisional Adulthood (18–30) ... [&] the initiation to First Adulthood' [6] [7] as following that."
"docid": "D2267139#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/16506-2\nLeif Ericson",
"text": "Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History Explorers and Expeditions Leif Ericson Unanswered | Answered Leif Ericson Parent Category: Explorers and Expeditions Leif Eriksson was a 9th century Norse explorer. He is believed to be the son of the famous viking, Erik the Red. < 2 3 4 >Why did leif ericson explore? There was little good farmland in Greenland, and he did not want to return to Norway or Iceland due to the blood feud that had forced his father to leave and go to Greenland. Plus he had heard there were unsettled lands to the west of Greenland. What country sponsored Leif Eriksson? None. He supplied his own ship and supplies. When did Leif Ericson visit North? In the year 1002 or 1003."
"docid": "D1924965#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-is-a-theory-2795970\n10 Types of Psychological Theories",
"text": "\"Theories10 Types of Psychological Theories How Theories Are Used in Psychology By Kendra Cherry Updated February 21, 2018Share Pin Email Printkhoa vu/Moment/Getty Images The term theory is used with surprising frequency in everyday language. It is often used in to mean a guess, hunch, or supposition. You may even hear people dismiss certain information because it is \"\"only a theory.\"\" It is important to note as you study psychology and other scientific topics, that a theory in science is not the same as the colloquial use of the term. What Exactly Is a Theory? A theory is a based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence. In science, a theory is not merely a guess. A theory is a fact-based framework for describing a phenomenon. A theory presents a concept or idea that is testable. Scientists can test the theory through empirical research and gather evidence that supports or refutes it."
"docid": "D2696620#0",
"title": "https://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/middle-and-late-adulthood-and-death-and-dying/deck/877068\nMiddle And Late Adulthood And Death And Dying",
"text": "\"5 Things that Define Middle Adulthood Declining physical skills. Expanding Responsibility. Increasingly conscious of time. Seek to transmit something meaningful to the next generation. Career achievement and satisfaction. What is the OVERALL definition of Middle Adulthood? Gains and Losses What is the physical development of Middle Adulthood? Visible signs of aging : wrinkles, age spots, gray hair. Height and Weight Changes: Lose up to 2 inches in height (most in women). ----Osteoporosis - severe age-related bone loss affects 40% of postmenopausal women."
"docid": "D1381456#0",
"title": "https://www.erikson.edu/about/history/erik-erikson/\nErik Erikson",
"text": "Erik Erikson Since Erikson Institute’s founding, we have been committed to preparing a new kind of early childhood practitioner, one with a deep understanding of child development. To reflect this unique approach, the school was renamed in 1969 for renowned psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson, a former colleague of Erikson Institute co-founder Maria Piers. He was the first to propose that children are not simply biological organisms but also products of society’s expectations, prejudices, and prohibitions. About Erik Erikson One of the most influential psychoanalysts of the 20th century, Erik Erikson was born in 1902 in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. After completing high school, he moved to Florence to pursue his interest in art, and in 1927 became an art teacher at a psychoanalytically enlightened school for children started by Dorothy Burlingham and Anna Freud in Vienna. The move changed his life and career. He earned a certificate from the Maria Montessori School, then embarked on psychoanalytic training at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. By 1936, he had joined the Institute of Human Relations, part of the department of psychiatry at Yale University. Erikson’s legacy Erikson’s best-known work is his theory that each stage of life is associated with a specific psychological struggle, a struggle that contributes to a major aspect of personality. His developmental progression — from trust to autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity, and integrity — was conceived as the sequential reorganization of ego and character structures."
"docid": "D1590841#0",
"title": "http://thenadd.org/modal/bulletins/v12n1a1~.htm\nNADD Bulletin Volume XII Number 1 Article 1",
"text": "\"NADD Bulletin Volume XII Number 1 Article 1Complete listing Identify Development, Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, and Person-First Language Daniel J. Baker, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; Randolph Wolf Shipon, Psychological Services ; North Jersey Developmental Center For further information, please contact Dr. Baker at: [email protected] What is identity development? Who am I? What am I to do in life? These are two of the central questions in the development of a unique identity. Identity development is among the most important developmental task of life, beginning in infancy, but often being resolved during adolescent years. It must be noted that adults also experience a continually forming sense of self. Identify development is never complete. Erikson identified the goal of adolescence as achieving a coherent identity without confusion regarding identity (1959). Identity often is often accepted to include physical and sexual identity, occupational goals, religious beliefs, and ethnic background. The presence of intellectual disability is a relevant aspect as well."
"docid": "D2815586#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/12168360/health-and-development-of-the-infant-1-12-months-flash-cards/\nHealth and Development of the Infant (1-12 months)",
"text": "\"67 terms trishie15Health and Development of the Infant (1-12 months)Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort When should an infant double their birth weight? Triple? Double by 4-6 months of age Triple by the time they are one year old How much does height increase per month during the first six months of life? by one inch per month followed by 1/2 inch per month in the second 6 months of life What Erikson stage is the child in from birth to 1 year old? Trust vs. mistrust What Erikson stage is the child in from 1-3 years? Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt What Erikson stage is 3-6 year old child in? Initiative vs. Guilt During what stage is imitation a big part of development? Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt (1-3 years)What is the Denver Development Screening?"
"docid": "D2376830#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/freud-and-erikson-compared-2795959\nComparing Erikson's vs Freud's Theories",
"text": "Theories Developmental Psychology Comparing Erikson's vs Freud's Theories Similarities and Differences Between Freud and Erikson By Kendra Cherry Updated November 08, 2017Share Pin Email Print Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory and Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory are two well-known theories of development. While he was influenced by Freud's ideas, Erikson's theory differed in a number of important ways. Like Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of predetermined stages. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Let's compare and contrast these two theories by looking at some of the key similarities and differences at each stage. Age: Birth to 1 Yearredheadpictures / Cultura / Getty Images The two theories of development both focus on the importance of early experiences, but there are notable differences between Freud's and Erikson's ideas. Freud centered on the importance of feeding, while Erikson was more concerned with how responsive caretakers are to a child's needs. Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development Freud's called this the oral stage. At this point in development, a child's primary source of pleasure is through the mouth via sucking, eating, and tasting. Problems with this stage can result in what Freud referred to as an oral fixation."
"docid": "D2833227#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erikson\nErikson",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the surname Erikson. For other uses, see Erikson (disambiguation). Erikson Pronunciation ER-ik-son Origin Word/Name Old Norse Meaning \"\"son of Erik \"\"Other names Variant (s) Eriksen, Eriksson Erikson is a common Scandinavian patronymic surname meaning \"\"son of Erik\"\", itself an Old Norse given name. [ 1] There are other spelling variations of this surname, as it is common amongst Danes, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, and Germans. Erikson is uncommon as a given name. People with the surname include: Duke Erikson (born 1953), American musician with the band Garbage Erik Erikson (1902–1994), Jewish German (but a Danish citizen) developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst Jon Erikson (born 1955), American long distance swimmer Kai T. Erikson (born 1931), American sociologist Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1020), Norse explorer, son of Erik the Red Sheldon Erikson, American, Chairman of the Board, President, CEO of Cameron Steven Erikson (born 1959), pseudonym of Steve Rune Lundin, Canadian novelist Tom Erikson, American mixed martial arts fighter References [ edit]^ \"\"Name: Erik\"\". babynamesworld.com. Retrieved 2008-02-10. This page lists people with the surname Erikson. If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page, you may wish to change that link by adding the person's given name (s) to the link."
"docid": "D839141#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/what-is-an-identity-crisis-2795948\nIdentity Crisis",
"text": "\"Theories Personality Psychology Identity Crisis How Our Identity Forms Out of Conflict By Kendra Cherry Updated March 20, 2018Share Pin Email Print Plume Creative/Digital Vision/Getty Images You have probably heard the term \"\" identity crisis\"\" before and you probably have a fairly good idea of what it means. But where did this idea originate? Why do people experience this kind of personal crisis? Is it something confined to the teenage years? The concept originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person's life. While developing a sense of identity is an important part of the teenage years, Erikson did not believe that the formation and growth of identity were just confined to adolescence. Instead, identity is something that shifts and grows throughout life as people confront new challenges and tackle different experiences. What Is an Identity Crisis? Are you unsure of your role in life? Do you feel like you don't know the 'real you'?"
"docid": "D3004598#0",
"title": "https://www.scribd.com/doc/34094352/The-Grand-Theory-of-Personality\nTHE GRAND THEORY OF PERSONALITY Some 17 Theories of Personality 1- Freud 2- Jung 3- Adler 4- Karen Horney 5- Erickson 6- Maslow 7- Rogers",
"text": "\"THE GRAND THEORY OF PERSONALITY Some 17 Theories of Personality 1- Freud 2- Jung 3- Adler 4- Karen Horney 5- Erickson 6- Maslow 7- Rogers8- Murray 9- Sheldon 10- Sullivan 11- Allport 12- Cattle 13- Dollard and Miller 14- Bandura 15- Skinner 16- Ellis 17- Kelly There are three forces in Psychology. 1- The first force is Psychoanalysis or Psychodynamic or intra-psychic- it reduces humans to levels of animals 2- The second force is Behaviorism - it reduces humans to stimulus-response level 3- The third force is Phenomenology or Humanistic Psychology- it restores human beings to their actual level There are a number of theories of personality that come under each banner. 1- The first force is Psychoanalysis or Psychodynamic it includes: • Freud’s theory • Jung’s theory • Adler’s theory • Karen Horney’s theory • Erikson’s theory 2- The second force is Behaviorism. It includes: • Dollard and Miller’s theory • Skinner’s theory • Bandura’s theory • Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike work 3- The third force is Phenomenology or Humanistic Psychology. It includes: • Adler’s theory • Kelly’s theory • Murray’s theory • Maslow’s theory • Roger’s theory • Allport’s theory • Cattle’s theory • Sullivan’s theory Freud’s Theory Freud’s theory includes the following: • Levels of Consciousness • Analysis of Mental Structures • Psychosexual Stages of Development. • Defense Mechanisms • Means of Tapping the Unconscious • Instinct is an Inherited Condition that gives our Behavior Direction Two kinds of Instincts: 1. Life instinct or Eros: bodily needs, survival, pleasure (libido) 2. Death instinct or Thanatos: aggression, self-destructiveness (Mortido) Basis of Character Types Major event is Oedipal Complex Anxiety = threat Reality: danger in external world Neurotic: fear of id out of control Moral: fear of conscience Ego defends against anxiety--often unconscious, more and less mature/primitive Jung’s Theory The Personal Un-conscious consists of repressed or forgotten or not very vivid or clear memories. It consists of clusters of emotionally loaded thoughts which Jung labeled as complexes. A complex is a cluster of ideas connected together by a common feelings or emotions."
"docid": "D660535#0",
"title": "https://www.verywellmind.com/erik-eriksons-stages-of-psychosocial-development-2795740\nErik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development",
"text": "Theories Psychosocial Psychology Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development By Kendra Cherry | Reviewed by Steven Gans, MDUpdated April 03, 2018Share Pin Email Print Illustration by Joshua Seong. © Verywell, 2018. Erik Erikson was an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential theories of development. While his theory was impacted by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud's work, Erikson's theory centered on psychosocial development rather than psychosexual development. The stages that make up his theory are as follows: Stage 1 - Trust vs. Mistrust Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt Stage 4 - Industry vs. Inferiority Stage 5 - Identity vs. Confusion Stage 6 - Intimacy vs. Isolation Stage 7 - Generativity vs. Stagnation Stage 8 - Integrity vs. Despair Let's take a closer look at the background and different stages that make up Erikson's psychosocial theory. What Is Psychosocial Development? So what exactly did Erikson's theory of psychosocial development entail? Much like Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality developed in a series of stages. Unlike Freud's theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson's theory described the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Erikson was interested in how social interaction and relationships played a role in the development and growth of human beings."
"docid": "D1429610#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/130625676/psychology-160-practice-quizzes-compilation-flash-cards/\nPSYCHOLOGY 160 Practice Quizzes Compilation",
"text": "\"605 terms ivanovtp PSYCHOLOGY 160 Practice Quizzes Compilationquickly engaged in apologetic behavior In a study conducted by Zahn-Waxler, 5-year-old girls acted out a disagreement between two female dolls. The researchers discovered that girls who _____ were more apt to be disruptive at age 9 than other girls Christine wears a dress, and her parents tell her how pretty she looks Which scenario demonstrates the behaviorist theory regarding gender development?permissive Abida is a nurturing parent and has good communication with her children whom she never disciplines. Her parenting style is: Preeminent Psychosocial Accomplishment between the ages of 2 and 6; Learning when and how to express emotions. Emotional Regulation.initiative vs guilt Erikson called the psychosocial developmental stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years of age: vone half Compared to parents in the United States, ______ as many Canadian parents use slapping, pinching, or smacking as a form of punishment.competition What is one of the functions peers provide in active play?fear Regulation of which emotion is MOST emphasized in the United States?use a play face Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children:were unlikely to draw independently at a later time In 1973, Lepper and colleagues conducted an experiment in which children did drawings. Some of the children were promised a reward while others received a surprise reward. The researchers found that the children who received the expected award for drawing:identifying with their father According to Freud, little boys cope with the guilt of wanting to kill their fathers by:professionals something something What is the MOST probable reason child abuse is underreported?2:4 By age ______, children can consistently apply gender labels. By age ____, children are convinced that certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other.instrumental aggression Aggression used to obtain or retain a toy or other object is called:authoritarian When parents expect unquestioning obedience from their children, their parenting style is labeled: William's positive self-concept William is at the toy store and sees a construction set. He asks his dad if he can have it for his birthday. His dad asks him if he thinks he would be able to use it. William reminds his dad that he is good at building with blocks."
"docid": "D489729#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_vs._Mistrust\nErikson's stages of psychosocial development",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Trust vs. Mistrust)navigation search Part of a series of articles on Psychoanalysis Concepts [hide]Psychosexual development Psychosocial development (Erikson) Unconscious Preconscious Consciousness Psychic apparatus Id, ego and super-ego Libido Drive Transference Countertransference Ego defenses Resistance Projection Denial Dreamwork Important figures [show]Important works [show]Schools of thought [show]Training [show]Psychology portalv t e Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, as articulated by Erik Erikson, in collaboration with Joan Erikson, [1] is a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies a series of eight stages, in which a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood. All stages are present at birth, but only begin to unfold according to both a natural scheme and one's ecological and cultural upbringing. In each stage, the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. Each stage builds upon the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to return as problems in the future. However, mastery of a stage is not required to advance to the next stage. The outcome of one stage is not permanent and can be modified by later experiences. Erikson's stage theory characterizes an individual advancing through the eight life stages as a function of negotiating his or her biological forces and sociocultural forces. Each stage is characterized by a psychosocial crisis of these two conflicting forces (as shown in the table below). If an individual does indeed successfully reconcile these forces (favoring the first mentioned attribute in the crisis), he or she emerges from the stage with the corresponding virtue."
] |
637042 | what does err on side of caution mean | [
"docid": "D2835853#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-the-phrase-to-err-on-the-side-of-caution\n\"What is the meaning of the phrase \"\"to err on the side of caution\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Daniel Baker, The noises I make sometimes resemble English Answered Jan 9, 2016 · Upvoted by Joe Devney · Author has 1.7k answers and 2.7m answer views It means that, between two choices, only one of which is right, you choose the one that has less serious consequences if it turns out to be wrong. Example: you've parked and entered a store, and you don't remember if you paid the parking meter or not. If you go outside to check, and you paid the parking meter, you will waste three minutes. If you don't go outside to check, and you didn't pay the parking meter, you might get a $50 parking ticket. If you decide to \"\"err on the side of caution,\"\" then you go out and check if you paid the parking meter, because the three-minute waste of time if that choice is wrong is less serious than the $50 ticket if the other choice is wrong.969 Views · View Upvoters \""
] | [
"docid": "D2454791#0",
"title": "http://www.lihs.org/files/caresheets/Heterodon.htm\n.",
"text": "\"HOGNOSE SNAKESWestern Hognose Eastern Hognose Southern Hognose (Heterodon Nasicus) (Heterodon Platyrhinos) (Heterodon Simus)There are three separate species of hognose snakes - the eastern, western and southern. Of the three, the western species (subspecies: plains, dusty, Mexican) is by far the most commonly kept in captivity. Its natural range is from west Texas across to New Mexico, and northward into southern Canada. There are also isolated populations in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas. The eastern hognose has an extensive range, from Minnesota eastward to southern New Hampshire, south to Florida and west to Texas and Kansas. [ NOTE: The Eastern hognose is a species of Special Concern in New York State and may not be collected/possessed without special permit]. The southern species can be found in North Carolina through Florida, and west to Mississippi. In general, hognose snakes are stout bodied animals that do not achieve great length, as adults attaining anywhere from 14 to 40 inches, depending on the species (eastern hogs are the largest, southern hogs the smallest). Females tend to grow larger than males. They are active during the daytime (diurnal), and will burrow into loose soil or sand to escape climatic extremes. Their natural prey are toads, and their characteristic upturned snout assists them in digging up buried toads."
"docid": "D2958361#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/If_you_are_allergic_to_Penicillin_can_bleu_cheese_make_you_sick\nIf you are allergic to Penicillin can bleu cheese make you sick?",
"text": "Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Found on Allergynursing.com Penicillin allergy and cheese January 22, 2003 I am allergic to penicillin... had syrum sickness.. and when ever I eat certain types of cheese, like blue cheese (mold type of cheese right?) I get hive and itch like crazy for a few days to a week... I am trying to find out which cheeses to stay away from and am having no luck... any help? -- Doug, Texas I have an anaphylactic reaction to Penicillin. It's source from what I can gather is P. chrysogenum and yet I can eat Roquefort cheese whose mould is P. roquefort without so much as a single hive. Both moulds are in the Penicillium family, one completely closed my airway in a hospital ER in 1968 and one doesn't cause a reaction at all. How come? -- Catherine, Canada Most of the people who have written about a correlation between cheese and penicillin allergy have indicated no problems with eating cheese. However, there appears to be rare situations when eating food with penicillin in it does cause reactions for penicillin-sensitive individuals. That is why I've shared two questions today."
"docid": "D38873#0",
"title": "https://www.healthline.com/health/ankylosing-spondylitis/remicade-long-term-use-side-effects\nIntroduction",
"text": "Introduction There’s currently no cure for ankylosing spondylitis, but Remicade is a treatment that can help reduce your symptoms. To manage your symptoms, you must receive this drug for many years. Understandably, you may be concerned about how using this drug for a long period can affect you. In the long term, Remicade can have side effects that may be common or rare. Some side effects may require medical care. Keep reading for ways to remedy mild side effects and learn symptoms that should prompt a call to your doctor. Learn more: Complete drug information for Remicade »Common effects More common side effects of long-term Remicade use Long-term use of Remicade can increase your risk of some of the more common side effects of this drug. These include:sinus infectionssore throatcoughingheadachenauseastomach paininfusion-related reactions, such as:feverchillschest painrashitchingshortness of breathblood pressure changes These side effects may be bothersome, but they’re usually mild. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about things you can do to minimize these side effects. Your doctor may give you antihistamines, acetaminophen, or steroids before your Remicade infusions to help decrease the risk of infusion reactions."
"docid": "D2021778#0",
"title": "https://www.doesitgobad.com/does-kimchi-go-bad/\nDoes Kimchi Go Bad?",
"text": "Does Kimchi Go Bad? Kimchi is a popular Korean condiment or side dish made with fermented vegetables, usually local cabbages and radishes. The vegetables are salted and seasoned with chili powder, jeotgal (salted seafood) and ginger so it is quite pungent and spicy. Does kimchi go bad? Technically, any type of fermented foods has already gone bad. This explains the tart flavor of the kimchi. Traditionally, kimchi is made in huge earthenware vats buried in soil. The product is kept there to ferment for months. Image used under Creative Commons from Lori L. Stalteri For most Koreans, they insist that kimchi doesn’t go bad completely, it just ripens. When kimchi ripens, the flavor becomes even sourer."
"docid": "D3562823#0",
"title": "https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/prescribing-antibiotics-kids\nA pediatrician discusses antibiotic use in children",
"text": "\"A pediatrician discusses antibiotic use in children The advent of penicillin in the 1940s has saved millions of lives. Illnesses that were once considered life-threatening — such as pneumonia, strep throat and scarlet fever — are now entirely manageable thanks to penicillin and other antibiotics. Why, then, does there seem to be so much conflicting information about the use of what has been called a \"\"wonder drug\"\"? For a parent with a sick child, the mixed messages from researchers and the media can be particularly perplexing. Karen Lui, MD, a pediatrician at Rush University Medical Center, sheds some light on the issue. Q: Why does there seem to be increasing hesitancy regarding the use of antibiotics? Lui: I don't think any physician likes to prescribe antibiotics for a child if they don't need to. There are many reasons why. Because of the overuse of antibiotics and bacteria becoming more resistant to them, we have had to use much higher doses. This increases the risk of side effects like upset stomach and diarrhea, which create additional discomfort on top of the illness the child is already going through."
"docid": "D73840#0",
"title": "http://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/fashion-trends/news/a2508/how-to-decode-a-black-tie-invitation/\n\"What \"\"Black Tie\"\" Means Now\"",
"text": "\"By Micaela English Sep 8, 2017 5.8k Getty Images The ominous \"\"Black Tie\"\" invitation arrives at your door. Do you wear a short dress or a long gown? For a bit of insight, we turned to famed fashion editor and novelist William Norwich (author of My Mrs. Brown) for a guide on how to break down the dress request on this season's countless invitations. I. White Tie Ladies: Bring out your best full length ball gown and jewels. This is as formal as you're going to get with dress code. Long white gloves are optional, and décolletage or strapless acceptable. Gentlemen: Black dress coat (tail coat) and matching trousers, wing-collared shirt with shirt studs and cufflinks, white piqué waistcoat and white bow tie, black patent-leather or calfskin evening pumps and black silk socks. Getty Images II. Black Tie How to approach Black Tie:\"\"Always be mindful of your hosts’ desires and anticipate what their vision is for their dinner, dance, fundraiser, wedding, whatever. What does black tie mean to your host—what does it look like to them?"
"docid": "D289579#0",
"title": "https://www.cancertutor.com/dmso/\nDMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) DMSO â The magic bullet for cancer",
"text": "CLINIC TREATMENT (and Theory): The DPT Protocol (i.e. DMSO Potentiation Therapy) uses DMSO to allow chemotherapy to “target” cancer cells (by opening the ports of the cancer cells). While this is a superb cancer treatment, orthodox medicine is not interested. The problem with this protocol is that less chemotherapy (probably 1/10th of a normal dose) is used because the chemotherapy targets the cancer cells. Thus, less profits are achieved by the medical and pharmaceutical industry. There was a medical doctor in Georgia who had a cancer clinic that used DMSO and chemotherapy. In his clinic, he actually had the DMSO bind to very small doses of chemotherapy. With this protocol, the chemotherapy was able to kill far more cancer cells and do far less damage to the non-cancerous cells. DMSO can bind to adriamycin, vinblastine, 5-fluorouracil (i.e. 5-Fu) and cisplatin per the Oregon Health Sciences University. I had a friend who went to this clinic as well as an IPT clinic (another alternative cancer treatment). This person said the DMSO/chemotherapy protocol was significantly more effective than IPT."
"docid": "D121594#0",
"title": "http://preparedchristian.net/fuel-storage/\nFuel Storage",
"text": "Fuel Storage December 20, 2012 by Chris Ray Fuel storage is something I don’t know a lot about but it was something that was on my list to research. I recently received an email from a representative of Power Research INC. the makers of PRI-G and PRI-D, fuel treatments. He asked if I would like a sample to do a review on. I let him know that I don’t have a way to do a review on his product, but that if he sent me some information I would include it in my research for an upcoming article on fuel storage. The offer sparked my interest, so I decided to write the article now. When I say “fuel”, take it to mean both diesel and gasoline. I will say “diesel” or “gasoline” if I mean a specific one. Disclaimer; check with your local authorities on how much fuel you may store in a residential area. Storage of too much fuel can lead to fines."
"docid": "D844608#0",
"title": "https://www.princeton.edu/pr/pub/integrity/pages/cite/\nWhen to Cite Sources",
"text": "When to Cite Sources You’ll discover that different academic disciplines have different rules and protocols concerning when and how to cite sources, a practice known as “citation.” For example, some disciplines use footnotes, whereas others use parenthetical in-text citations; some require complete bibliographic information on all works consulted, whereas others require only a list of “Works Cited.” As you decide on a concentration and begin advanced work in your department, you’ll need to learn the particular protocols for your discipline. Elsewhere on this website, you’ll find a brief sampling of commonly used citation styles. The five basic principles described below apply to all disciplines and should guide your own citation practice. Even more fundamental, however, is this general rule: when in doubt, cite. You’ll certainly never find yourself in trouble if you acknowledge a source when it’s not absolutely necessary; it’s always preferable to err on the side of caution and completeness. Better still, if you’re unsure about whether or not to cite a source, ask your professor or preceptor for guidance before submitting the paper or report.1. Quotation. Any verbatim use of a source, no matter how large or small the quotation, must be placed in quotation marks or, if longer than three lines, clearly indented beyond the regular margin."
"docid": "D1354211#0",
"title": "http://www.caloriesfit.com/forskolin-reviews-ingredients-and-possible-side-effects/\nFacts About Forskolin: Reviews Ingredients and Possible Side Effects",
"text": "Home > Health Product > Facts About Forskolin: Reviews Ingredients and Possible Side Effects Facts About Forskolin: Reviews Ingredients and Possible Side Effects Calories Fit Tweet Pin It What is Forskolin? Contents What is Forskolin? The Truth About Forskolin Extract Revealed How Does Forskolin Work? The Effects of Forskolin on Cyclic AMPForskolin its Biological and Chemical Properties Forskolin Plant – Miracle Flower For Losing Weight Forskolin Before And After Pictures Should you Exercise While Taking Forskolin? Additional Forskolin Extract Studies Health Benefits of Forskolin Extract Are There Dangerous Side Effects? Precautions to Consider Before Taking Forskolin Forskolin Vs Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia Cambogia Benefits and Side Effects How Does It Help You Lose Weight? Forskolin is also known as coleonol. It is produced by the Indian coleous plant. It has been shown to activate adenyly cyclase, which is an enzyme that regulates cell activity. Many health and well-being researchers believe that Forskolin can offer a variety of health benefits."
"docid": "D1437809#0",
"title": "http://www.casinoanswers.com/live/how-old-do-i-have-to-be-to-play-at-a-live-casino.php\nHow Old Do I Have To Be To Play At A Live Casino?",
"text": "Saturday, 7th April, 2018Casino Answers » Casino Laws & Regulations » How Old Do I Have To Be To Play At A Live Casino? How Old Do I Have To Be To Play At A Live Casino? Legal gambling ages are different all over the world. It can be a huge pain for successful young poker players who want to take on the best in the world at the World Series of Poker and it’s the same for anyone aged 18-20 that wants to experience the over the top spectacle of Las Vegas’ plush casinos. Play at this years #1 online casino for United States - Slots. LV. The general rule in the United States is that you have to be 21 to play in a casino. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but if you’re coming from abroad and you’re unsure, it’s wiser to err on the side of caution. So, why is it different to online casino laws? Well, simply put, gamblers get comped free drinks in live casinos and it avoids anyone under the legal age for alcohol consumption to drink on the premises."
"docid": "D1753082#0",
"title": "https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/errs+on+the+side+of\nerr on the side of (something)",
"text": "\"err on the side of (something) (redirected from errs on the side of)err on the side of (something)To prioritize something, perhaps excessively or unnecessarily. Often used in the phrase \"\"err on the side of caution.\"\" I like to err on the side of caution and always keep some money in my savings account. See also: err, of, on, side Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.err on the side ofact with a specified bias towards something.1999 Nature Der Sündefall's message may err on the side of alarmism, but it certainly is a goodread. See also: err, of, on, side Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Link to this page:<a href=\"\"https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/errs+on+the+side+of\"\">err on the side of (something)</a>Facebook Twitter \""
"docid": "D109645#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/caring-for-your-incision-after-surgery-3156824\nCaring For Your Incision After Surgery",
"text": "\"Surgery Recovery Caring For Your Incision After Surgery How to Treat Your Incision By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNUpdated January 01, 2018Share Pin Email Print Cultura Science/Ka Pe Schmidt/Riser/Getty Images After surgery is over, most patients have questions and concerns about caring for an incision. They wonder what cleanser is the right cleanser, how hard can they scrub the incision, and if they should be worried about drainage coming out of the incision. Don't worry, incision care is not difficult, and with some quick tips you will be able to take care of your incision like a professional. Proper incision care is absolutely essential for preventing infection and other complications, the good news is that you will be educated on wound care before returning home after your procedure. The added bonus is that this care, along with help from your surgeon, can help prevent scars. Plan on spending a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes caring for your incision each day, or more if you have multiple incisions or special incision care instructions. This is enough time to inspect your incision and change your bandage, if you have one. With minimally invasive surgery techniques becoming more and more common, many patients don't even have bandages on their incisions. Incision Care In The Hospital After your surgery, it is likely that your surgeon will perform the first bandage change on your incisions. This is so the incision can be inspected for signs of infection and to make sure that the incision is going to close completely."
"docid": "D1954741#0",
"title": "http://freefromharm.org/animal-rights/sentience-according-to-gary-francione/\nSentience, According to Gary Francione",
"text": "Sentience, According to Gary Francione By Gary Francione | July 17, 2012 | Categories Animal Rights Professor Gary Francione of Rutgers University, a pioneering figure in the vegan and animal rights movement The concept of sentience in non human animals and humans seems to be largely misunderstood today, and yet it is critical to our understanding of the social justice movement for animals. For a clear and concise explanation of sentience, we turned to the abolitionist approach to animal rights as set forth by professor Gary Francione of Rutgers University. Following is Francione’s recently published article on Sentience. A sentient being is a being who is subjectively aware; a being who has interests; that is, a being who prefers, desires, or wants. Those interests do not have to be anything like human interests. If a being has some kind of mind that can experience frustration or satisfaction of whatever interests that being has, then the being is sentient. We engage in speciesist thinking when we claim that a being must have a humanlike mind to count morally. That is, it is speciesist to claim that a being must have a reflective sense of self awareness, or conceptual thought, or the general ability to experience life in the way that humans do in order to have the moral right not to be used as a resource. As long as there is someone there who is subjectively aware and who, in that being’s own way, cares about what happens to him or to her, that is all that is necessary to have the moral right not to be used as a resource. Is there uncertainty as to where the line is between sentient and nonsentient?"
"docid": "D319121#0",
"title": "http://www.naturalcatcareblog.com/2012/05/cats-and-essential-oils-perfectly-safe-now-exploring-the-controversy/\nCats and essential oils â perfectly safe now? Exploring the controversy",
"text": "\"Cats and essential oils – perfectly safe now? Exploring the controversy By Liz on May 15, 2012 in Cat Care I received a new post on Monday morning by a holistic vet I respect and often quote, Dr Karen Becker. The title was “ Forget everything bad you’ve been told about essential oils for pets .”My first thought was:“This could be great news! I hope she will assure me once and for all that I don’t have worry about using essential oils – which I love – around my cats. ”My second thought was:“Wait, this better be very convincing. I don’t want to use or recommend something that could hurt cats. ”My third thought, after reading, was:“Uh oh, I’m not totally convinced. ”Let me explain. The scientific origin of essential oils concerns with cats Dr. Becker’s article doesn’t go into the fact that cats are known to be lacking in an important liver detoxification enzyme called glucuronosyltransferase. This little enzyme, as Wikipedia explains, is key to the detoxification of the top 200 drugs, as well as most foreign environmental chemicals."
"docid": "D2303609#0",
"title": "http://www.foodfacts.com/ci/nutritionfacts/Mini/Thomas-Maple-French-Toast-Mini-Bagels-12-Pack/54504\nDo You Suffer From Food Allergies?",
"text": "\"Bread and Flour Products Breads, Bagels, Rolls, Muffins, Tortillas & Other Bread Products Thomas' Maple French Toast Mini Bagels: Calories, Nutrition Analysis & More Thomas' Maple French Toast Mini Bagels120 Calories Per serving FREE: You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. Food Facts shows you how to change the way you eat, by showing you what's in the food you're eating. Allergens & Ingredients 30ARE YOU ALLERGIC? CLICK HEREWheat Flour Enriched Unbleached ( Flour, Barley Malted Flour, Iron Reduced, Niacin Vitamin B3, Thiamine Mononitrate Vitamin B1, Riboflavin Vitamin B2, Folic Acid Vitamin B9 ), Water, Sugar, Maple Syrup, Dextrose, Wheat Gluten, Yeast, Salt, Corn Cereal, Cinnamon, Preservative ( Calcium Propionate, Sorbic Acid ), Caramel Color, Guar Gum, Flavors Natural & Artificial, Corn Meal, Soybeans Oil, Mono and Diglycerides, Corn Flour, Citric Acid, Spices, Coloring, Soy Lecithin Because manufacturers do not disclose what is in \"\"natural flavoring\"\", we attach every allergen to it. What Is \"\"Natural Flavoring\"\"? As of today, the FDA does not require manufacturers to disclose what is in natural flavoring past the natural state of origin. Since we have no knowledge of what is added to natural flavoring past the natural state, we err on the side of caution and attach every single allergen to it. You can read more below about the changing scope of natural flavoring: https://www.fda.gov/Food/Guidance Regulation/Guidance Documents Regulatory Information/Labeling Nutrition/ucm456090.htm Things To Know Contains trans-fat Contains naturally occurring or added sugar (s)High in sodium per serving This product contains multiple controversial ingredients Contains both naturally occuring and added vitamins Low in Saturated Fat per serving Great source of Folic Acid Low in calories per serving Great source of Thiamin Contains fiber Warnings Soy Lecithin is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws. There are only slight traces of the soy protein present to trigger a reaction, however people who are allergic to soy should use caution and check with their allergist before consuming this product. Soybeans Oil is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws."
"docid": "D1322293#0",
"title": "http://realestate.findlaw.com/landlord-tenant-law/what-does-the-landlord-need-to-do-to-evict-the-tenant.html\nWhat Does the Landlord Need to Do to Evict the Tenant?",
"text": "\"What Does the Landlord Need to Do to Evict the Tenant? There are many reasons why a landlord might want to evict a tenant from the property. The most common, of course, is for non-payment of rent. Beyond that, the tenant, their children, or their pets might be significantly damaging the property beyond a reasonable \"\"wear and tear\"\" level. Speaking of pets, the tenant might be violating the lease, often by sneaking pets into a pet-free unit. And of course, there's always the possibility that the tenant is using the property for illegal purposes, such as trafficking in drugs or prostitution. Whatever your reason, eviction isn't as simple as throwing the tenants and their property onto the street. There are many rules which must be followed before a tenant can be legally evicted. Otherwise, you might open yourself up to a lawsuit, or even criminal trespassing charges. Step 1: Give Written Notice The exact name varies state-to-state, but generally, a tenant must be provided a termination of tenancy notice."
"docid": "D3185363#0",
"title": "http://www.foodfacts.com/ci/nutritionfacts/chicken-nugstrips/wendys-5-piece-chicken-nuggets/7410\nDo You Suffer From Food Allergies?",
"text": "\"Discontinued Discontinued Products Wendy's 5 Piece Chicken Nuggets: Calories, Nutrition Analysis & More Wendy's 5 Piece Chicken Nuggets230 Calories Per serving FREE: You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. Food Facts shows you how to change the way you eat, by showing you what's in the food you're eating. Allergens & Ingredients 34ARE YOU ALLERGIC? CLICK HEREChicken Breast, Water, Corn Starch Modified, Sodium Phosphate, Salt, Whey Protein Concentrate, Battered and Breaded, :, Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Flour Bleached, Salt, Corn Starch Modified, Spices, Leavening ( Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate ), Dextrose, Corn Flour Yellow, Yeast, Garlic Powder, Citric Acid, Spices Extractive, Flavors Natural & Artificial, Xanthan Gum, Cooked in, Vegetables Oil ( Soybeans Oil, Corn Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Soybeans Oil Hydrogenated, Flavors Natural [ Vegetables ], Citric Acid, Polydimethylsiloxane ) Because manufacturers do not disclose what is in \"\"natural flavoring\"\", we attach every allergen to it. What Is \"\"Natural Flavoring\"\"? As of today, the FDA does not require manufacturers to disclose what is in natural flavoring past the natural state of origin. Since we have no knowledge of what is added to natural flavoring past the natural state, we err on the side of caution and attach every single allergen to it. You can read more below about the changing scope of natural flavoring: https://www.fda.gov/Food/Guidance Regulation/Guidance Documents Regulatory Information/Labeling Nutrition/ucm456090.htm Things To Know This product contains multiple controversial ingredients Contains trans-fat Low in Saturated Fat per serving Contains naturally occuring vitamins and minerals Low in cholesterol per serving Low in sodium per serving Warnings Contains Wheat And Milk Ingredients May contain traces of eggs May Contain Fish and/or Shellfish Soybeans Oil is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws. There are only slight traces of the soy protein present to trigger a reaction, however people who are allergic to soy should use caution and check with their allergist before consuming this product. Soybeans Oil Hydrogenated is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws."
"docid": "D604854#0",
"title": "http://dawgbusiness.blogspot.com/2010/03/symptoms-to-watch-for-in-your-dog.html\nSymptoms To Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Drinking (Polydipsia)",
"text": "Symptoms To Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Drinking (Polydipsia)Dogs cannot tell us when something is bothering them, and I doubt that they would even if they could. Dogs are just not the type to go around complaining about things. Photo by ucumari That's why it's important that we watch for signs and symptoms of disease. Generally, any change in your dog's body, behavior, actions or routine is telling you something. Some of the signs can be quite subtle and easily overlooked or dismissed. Paying attention to early symptoms can save your dog a lot of suffering and give him the best chance for a successful recovery. Today we'll take a look at excessive thirst/drinking. I was talking to a friend about post-op issues her dog was having after an extracapsular repair of her ACL. During our discussion she mentioned that in the snow they noticed that her dog's urine was clear, with no color to it at all, and she asked whether it was something to worry about. I asked if her dog was drinking a lot."
"docid": "D1545949#0",
"title": "http://www.fabriciuslaw.com/blog/notice-right-have-exemptions-designated-now-what\nNotice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated - Now What?",
"text": "Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated - Now What? Thu, Jan 26 2012 - 10:57am by Erich M. Fabricius ( [email protected] Twitter Google+)A deputy sheriff has come knocking with a Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated. What does this mean, and what do you do? The opportunity to claim exemptions is part of the process of collecting a judgment entered in a North Carolina lawsuit. Before you are at the point of having a Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated served upon you, a number of things have already happened. A lawsuit was filed against you, and you would have been served a summons along with a copy of the plaintiff's complaint. Additionally, a judgment has been entered. If you did not file an answer to the complaint, the judgment is likely a default judgment. When a defendant does not respond to a complaint, he or she is determined to be in default. With an entry of default, a plaintiff becomes entitled to a judgment by default providing what was sought in the complaint."
] |
637043 | what does err on the side of caution mean | [
"docid": "D1380345#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070208094527AAwk1UX\n\"What does the phrase \"\"Err on the side of caution\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Education & Reference Quotations What does the phrase \"\"Err on the side of caution\"\" mean? Follow 6 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: it's better to have inconvenienced yourself in taking too much caution and not have the thing expected not happen than to conveniently do without and be unprepared when the unexpected happened. For example, I own a network marketing business. A major part of my work is meeting prospects (possible future partners or clients) and letting them have a look at the business plan so they can explore which options suit them best. The goal is to start up those who are ready to work with the right tools, to register those who want to use products and have access to the 30% discount, and to offer quality products and personal service to those who don't want to have anything to do with the business. If I'm serious about building my business, I expect that one of these will happen at the end of the presentation of the business plan. That's why each time I walk out the house I carry a briefcase with me containing a registration kit, business support material, and small products for sale--and people think \"\"what the hell is she doing carrying an extra 3-4 kilos around, hopping on and off the bus?\"\". And half the days I do come home still carrying the reg kit, extra literature, and products because the situation \"\"wasn't quite right\"\" to close a deal. But I don't mind--I'd rather inconvenience myself carrying more than I had to carry that day than have a day when someone unexpectedly say \"\"I'm ready\"\" and not have a reg kit, tools, or products for him. That means that I have erred on the side of caution."
] | [
"docid": "D145791#0",
"title": "http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=674248\n.",
"text": "# 1 12-03-2012, 01:38 AMSenor Beef Charter Member Join Date: Aug 2001Location: Las Vegas, NVPosts: 26,767Poured some brake fluid in power steering reservoir - need a flush? Friend poured about 3-4 ounces of brake fluid in his power steering fluid reservoir before he caught the mistake. Is that going to ruin the power steering? Does it need to be completely flushed and refilled, or is it no big deal? Reply With Quote# 2 12-03-2012, 02:42 AMSeanette Guest Join Date: Aug 2012Posts: 4,474My DH (amateur DIY car guy) suggests consulting a mechanic. He thinks flushing and refilling very soon would be a good idea to avoid possible damage. Reply With Quote# 3 12-03-2012, 03:16 AMastro Guest Join Date: Jul 1999Location: Taint of creation Posts: 33,150Googling suggest all kinds of bad shit will happen if he does not get it out quickly, and with NO operation of the car at all. Oddly a turkey baster is suggested as the main removal tool. A hand cranked jackrabbit or hand drill drill pump might also work. Reply With Quote# 4 12-03-2012, 07:12 AMGreasy Jack Guest Join Date: Feb 2008Location: Montana Posts: 4,965What kind of car is it?"
"docid": "D2301923#0",
"title": "http://work.chron.com/dress-receptionist-job-interview-14053.html\nHow to Dress for a Receptionist Job Interview",
"text": "Related Articles1What to Wear to an Interview for Receptionist2What to Say at a Receptionist Interview3What to Say at a Dental Receptionist's Interview4The Best Way to Get Your Foot in the Door at an Interview Dress inappropriately for a receptionist job interview and your chances of getting the job diminish greatly. As a receptionist, you are the first person a customer sees when they walk through the door. As such, you have a responsibility to represent yourself and, as an extension, the company, in a professional manner. You want to show up looking professional, clean and well-groomed. Once you get the job, you will learn the do's and don'ts of the daily dress code, but err on the side of caution until you do.1. Call the company prior to the interview and inquire about the dress code. Even if jeans are permissible, err on the side of caution and dress in a suit. You can always dress down if you get the job.2. Keep your hair neat and styled appropriately. Avoid messy styles and outlandish colors."
"docid": "D604854#0",
"title": "http://dawgbusiness.blogspot.com/2010/03/symptoms-to-watch-for-in-your-dog.html\nSymptoms To Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Drinking (Polydipsia)",
"text": "Symptoms To Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Drinking (Polydipsia)Dogs cannot tell us when something is bothering them, and I doubt that they would even if they could. Dogs are just not the type to go around complaining about things. Photo by ucumari That's why it's important that we watch for signs and symptoms of disease. Generally, any change in your dog's body, behavior, actions or routine is telling you something. Some of the signs can be quite subtle and easily overlooked or dismissed. Paying attention to early symptoms can save your dog a lot of suffering and give him the best chance for a successful recovery. Today we'll take a look at excessive thirst/drinking. I was talking to a friend about post-op issues her dog was having after an extracapsular repair of her ACL. During our discussion she mentioned that in the snow they noticed that her dog's urine was clear, with no color to it at all, and she asked whether it was something to worry about. I asked if her dog was drinking a lot."
"docid": "D705713#0",
"title": "https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/17741/does-to-err-on-the-side-of-indicate-wrongdoing\nDoes âto err on the side of ⦠â indicate wrongdoing?",
"text": "\"_English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Does “to err on the side of … ” indicate wrongdoing?up vote13down votefavorite3Does the phrase \"\"to err on the side of ...,\"\" specifically \"\"err on the side of caution,\"\" indicate that it is wrong to be \"\"on the side of,\"\" the object? \"\" Err\"\" makes me think of \"\"error,\"\" and is such the word in question in the phrase. Additionally, is this phrase considered an idiom?meaning phrases idiomsshare improve this questionedited Jul 15 '11 at 13:07Daniel45.8k 56 216 343asked Mar 24 '11 at 13:59xdumaine752 2 10 24A slightly different phrase with a slightly different meaning is, \"\"The lesser of two evils.\"\" This much more strongly implies that neither of two available options are \"\"good\"\" but rather that one is more preferable than the other. – Mr Hen Mar 24 '11 at 18:22To err is human. Everyone knows that. But to arr is pirate. – user95503 Oct 24 '14 at 12:13add a comment6 Answers active oldest votesup vote23down voteaccepted In the phrase “to err on the side of…”, the meaning of err is closer to that of the Old French errer, which is “to stray”. The image implied is that, if you can't for sure walk on the right line, you might want to err on one particular side rather than the other."
"docid": "D109645#0",
"title": "https://www.verywell.com/caring-for-your-incision-after-surgery-3156824\nCaring For Your Incision After Surgery",
"text": "\"Surgery Recovery Caring For Your Incision After Surgery How to Treat Your Incision By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNUpdated January 01, 2018Share Pin Email Print Cultura Science/Ka Pe Schmidt/Riser/Getty Images After surgery is over, most patients have questions and concerns about caring for an incision. They wonder what cleanser is the right cleanser, how hard can they scrub the incision, and if they should be worried about drainage coming out of the incision. Don't worry, incision care is not difficult, and with some quick tips you will be able to take care of your incision like a professional. Proper incision care is absolutely essential for preventing infection and other complications, the good news is that you will be educated on wound care before returning home after your procedure. The added bonus is that this care, along with help from your surgeon, can help prevent scars. Plan on spending a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes caring for your incision each day, or more if you have multiple incisions or special incision care instructions. This is enough time to inspect your incision and change your bandage, if you have one. With minimally invasive surgery techniques becoming more and more common, many patients don't even have bandages on their incisions. Incision Care In The Hospital After your surgery, it is likely that your surgeon will perform the first bandage change on your incisions. This is so the incision can be inspected for signs of infection and to make sure that the incision is going to close completely."
"docid": "D1380344#0",
"title": "https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/air-on-the-side-of-caution.2094431/\nAir on the side of caution?",
"text": "\"Hello, A friend of mine (English native speaker) wrote \"\"air on the side of caution\"\" instead of \"\"err on the side of caution\"\" in an informal email she sent me. I had a little laugh over it and then tried to Google \"\"air on the side of caution\"\" to see how common that spelling mistake (or what I thought it was just a spelling mistake) was. I found thousands of hits for \"\"air on the side of caution\"\", most of them on blogs or on not particularly reliable websites. However a couple of hits leaped out at me: This one on an apparently trustworthy Canadian websitehttp://www.ohscanada.com/issues/story.aspx?aid=1000199673&type=Print%20Archiveswhere the \"\"mistake\"\" is right in the headline and this other one However, he still was marked for maiming by Lanie, David aired on the side of caution and had some backing, even though it was Wilt. from a book titled \"\"flagrant Foul\"\" (the name says it all..) again by a Canadian writer and journalist, Bob Mc Donald. Now I wonder: is \"\"air\"\" instead of \"\"err\"\" by any chance acceptable in Canadian English? Is the Canadian English pronunciation of \"\"air\"\" and \"\"err\"\" so similar that Canadian speakers are easily mistaken? Am I right to consider it a mistake? Thank you \""
"docid": "D880588#0",
"title": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/twilio-api\ntwilio-apipublic",
"text": "\"Add voice and SMS messaging capabilities to your Node. JS applications with node-twilio-api!node-twilio-api A high-level Twilio helper library to make Twilio API requests, handle incoming requests, and generate Twi ML. Also ships with Connect/Express middleware to handle incoming Twilio requests. IMPORTANT: You will need a Twilio account to get started (it's not free). Click here to sign up for an account Install Project Status: Stablenpm install twilio-api This project is rather stable. Both placing and receiving calls works rather well. You can also send/receive SMS messages. For anything else, see the docs below to see if your feature is supported. Features and Library Overview Create Twilio client Manage accounts and subaccounts List available local and toll-free numbers Manage Twilio applications Place calls Receive calls List calls and modify live calls Generate Twi ML responses without writing any XML (I don't like XML). Conferences, Briding Calls, etc Send SMS Messages Receive SMS Messages List and Manage SMS Messages Built-in pagination with List Iterator Object Todo List and manage valid outgoing phone numbers List and provision incoming phone numbers Support for Twilio Connect Applications List and manage conferences, conference details, and participants List SMS short codes and details Respond to fallback URLs Better scalability with multiple Node instances An idea for this is to intercept incoming Twilio requests only if the message is for that specific instance."
"docid": "D2525972#0",
"title": "http://www.foodfacts.com/ci/nutritionfacts/Chocolate/Snickers-Peanut-Butter-Squared-Candy-Bars-178-oz/66026\nDo You Suffer From Food Allergies?",
"text": "\"Snack Foods Candy & Gum Snickers Peanut Butter Squared Candy Bars: Calories, Nutrition Analysis & More Snickers Peanut Butter Squared Candy Bars250 Calories Per serving FREE: You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. Food Facts shows you how to change the way you eat, by showing you what's in the food you're eating. Allergens & Ingredients 33ARE YOU ALLERGIC? CLICK HEREMilk Chocolate ( Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Chocolate, Milk Nonfat, Lactose, Milk Fat, Soy Lecithin, Flavors Artificial ), Peanuts Butter ( Peanuts, Soybeans Oil Partially Hydrogenated ), Peanuts, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Lactose, Vegetables Oil ( Palm Kernel Oil Hydrogenated, Palm Oil, Rapeseed Oil, and, Cottonseed Oil, and/or, Palm Kernel Oil Partially Hydrogenated ), Sugar Invert, Corn Syrup Solids, Dextrose, Glycerine, Milk Nonfat, Salt, Calcium Carbonate, Soybeans Oil Partially Hydrogenated, Eggs Whites, Flavors Artificial, TBHQ, To Preserve Freshness Because manufacturers do not disclose what is in \"\"natural flavoring\"\", we attach every allergen to it. What Is \"\"Natural Flavoring\"\"? As of today, the FDA does not require manufacturers to disclose what is in natural flavoring past the natural state of origin. Since we have no knowledge of what is added to natural flavoring past the natural state, we err on the side of caution and attach every single allergen to it. You can read more below about the changing scope of natural flavoring: https://www.fda.gov/Food/Guidance Regulation/Guidance Documents Regulatory Information/Labeling Nutrition/ucm456090.htm Things To Know This product contains multiple controversial ingredients High in sugar (s)High in Saturated Fat per serving Contains multiple trans-fats High in sodium per serving Contains fiber Low in cholesterol per serving Great source of Calcium Contains both naturally occuring and added vitamins Warnings May contain tree nuts Soy Lecithin is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws. There are only slight traces of the soy protein present to trigger a reaction, however people who are allergic to soy should use caution and check with their allergist before consuming this product. Soybeans Oil Partially Hydrogenated is exempt from being labeled as a soy allergen according to U. S. labeling laws."
"docid": "D1322293#0",
"title": "http://realestate.findlaw.com/landlord-tenant-law/what-does-the-landlord-need-to-do-to-evict-the-tenant.html\nWhat Does the Landlord Need to Do to Evict the Tenant?",
"text": "\"What Does the Landlord Need to Do to Evict the Tenant? There are many reasons why a landlord might want to evict a tenant from the property. The most common, of course, is for non-payment of rent. Beyond that, the tenant, their children, or their pets might be significantly damaging the property beyond a reasonable \"\"wear and tear\"\" level. Speaking of pets, the tenant might be violating the lease, often by sneaking pets into a pet-free unit. And of course, there's always the possibility that the tenant is using the property for illegal purposes, such as trafficking in drugs or prostitution. Whatever your reason, eviction isn't as simple as throwing the tenants and their property onto the street. There are many rules which must be followed before a tenant can be legally evicted. Otherwise, you might open yourself up to a lawsuit, or even criminal trespassing charges. Step 1: Give Written Notice The exact name varies state-to-state, but generally, a tenant must be provided a termination of tenancy notice."
"docid": "D3128801#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/business-letter-closing-examples-2059702\nBusiness Letter Closing Examples",
"text": "\"Letters & Emails Business Letters Business Letter Closing Examples Share Flip Pin Share Email•••By Alison Doyle Updated December 12, 2017When you're writing a business letter or sending an email message, it's important to close your letter in a professional manner. The ideal ending for a business letter conveys your thanks and respect, without eccentricity or an overly familiar tone. Although it may seem old-fashioned, most business professionals expect written correspondence – whether via a letter or an email – to be written and formatted in a conservative manner. Not only does this mean that you should focus on neutrality in your letter’s appearance (avoiding the use of colorful paper, brash logo designs, and artistic fonts), but it also means that you should employ a very low-key, unnuanced, and professional closing phrase. The best-case scenario is that the hiring manager, colleague, or connection won't even notice the closing. The following are a list of letter closing examples that are appropriate for business and employment-related correspondence. Business Letter Closing Examples Sincerely Sincerely yours Regards Best Best regards Kind regards Yours truly Most sincerely Respectfully Respectfully yours Thank you Thank you for your consideration Military Correspondence Closings Similar to business or employment-related correspondence, military correspondence also has set standards for the closing (also called a “valediction”) which one should present before one’s signature. If your company conducts business with the military – or if you are applying for a job in the military – you should be aware that “Very Respectfully” (often abbreviated as “V/R”) is used in written and emailed correspondence between military members. It is established etiquette by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, United States Department of Defense, the U. S. Army, the U. S. Navy, and the U. S. Air Force that the closing “Respectfully yours” be reserved for the President of the United States (according to U. S. Army standards, this also extends to the first lady and the President-elect). Letters to all other dignitaries simply use the valediction, “Sincerely."
"docid": "D1545949#0",
"title": "http://www.fabriciuslaw.com/blog/notice-right-have-exemptions-designated-now-what\nNotice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated - Now What?",
"text": "Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated - Now What? Thu, Jan 26 2012 - 10:57am by Erich M. Fabricius ( [email protected] Twitter Google+)A deputy sheriff has come knocking with a Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated. What does this mean, and what do you do? The opportunity to claim exemptions is part of the process of collecting a judgment entered in a North Carolina lawsuit. Before you are at the point of having a Notice of Right to Have Exemptions Designated served upon you, a number of things have already happened. A lawsuit was filed against you, and you would have been served a summons along with a copy of the plaintiff's complaint. Additionally, a judgment has been entered. If you did not file an answer to the complaint, the judgment is likely a default judgment. When a defendant does not respond to a complaint, he or she is determined to be in default. With an entry of default, a plaintiff becomes entitled to a judgment by default providing what was sought in the complaint."
"docid": "D2953125#0",
"title": "http://jobsearch.about.com/od/businessletters/a/business-letter-closing-examples.htm\nBusiness Letter Closing Examples",
"text": "\"Letters & Emails Business Letters Business Letter Closing Examples Share Flip Pin Share Email•••By Alison Doyle Updated December 12, 2017When you're writing a business letter or sending an email message, it's important to close your letter in a professional manner. The ideal ending for a business letter conveys your thanks and respect, without eccentricity or an overly familiar tone. Although it may seem old-fashioned, most business professionals expect written correspondence – whether via a letter or an email – to be written and formatted in a conservative manner. Not only does this mean that you should focus on neutrality in your letter’s appearance (avoiding the use of colorful paper, brash logo designs, and artistic fonts), but it also means that you should employ a very low-key, unnuanced, and professional closing phrase. The best-case scenario is that the hiring manager, colleague, or connection won't even notice the closing. The following are a list of letter closing examples that are appropriate for business and employment-related correspondence. Business Letter Closing Examples Sincerely Sincerely yours Regards Best Best regards Kind regards Yours truly Most sincerely Respectfully Respectfully yours Thank you Thank you for your consideration Military Correspondence Closings Similar to business or employment-related correspondence, military correspondence also has set standards for the closing (also called a “valediction”) which one should present before one’s signature. If your company conducts business with the military – or if you are applying for a job in the military – you should be aware that “Very Respectfully” (often abbreviated as “V/R”) is used in written and emailed correspondence between military members. It is established etiquette by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, United States Department of Defense, the U. S. Army, the U. S. Navy, and the U. S. Air Force that the closing “Respectfully yours” be reserved for the President of the United States (according to U. S. Army standards, this also extends to the first lady and the President-elect). Letters to all other dignitaries simply use the valediction, “Sincerely."
"docid": "D94246#0",
"title": "http://studenttravel.about.com/od/Etiquette/ss/Hand-Gestures-in-the-World.htm\nHand Gestures in the World With More Than One Meaning",
"text": "\"Inspiration Arts & Culture Hand Gestures in the World With More Than One Meaning By Kathleen Crislip Updated 07/23/17Share Pin Email01of 06Hand Gestures With More Than One Meaning•••Hand gestures and body gestures can have meanings in other countries and cultures that are not what you think they are -- for instance, an \"\"OK\"\" sign in the United States is a circle made with the thumb and forefinger; in parts of Europe, it could mean that the person to whom you're making the gesture is a big fat zero. In Brazil, it could mean... um... something really rude. ( That would be an insult.) And in some countries, the number three could be signified by a gesture that looks similar to the okay sign. So check out our list of hand gestures around the world, and take note if you'll be heading to any of these countries soon -- it's always best to err on the side of caution and try to avoid gesturing if at all possible. And don't worry about it too much; the most universal gesture is one you know and (hopefully) don't use as a matter of course, anyway; if you slip up while abroad and accidentally tell someone to jump in the lake, with their grandmother ... MOREContinue to 2 of 6 below.02of 06Pointing Finger: Often a Rude Gesture in Any Country or Culture•••Over the early 2000's, a pointing finger came to be an affectionate gesture in the USA: sort of a, \"\"Yeah, you, you're cool.\"\" Previously, it had been perceived everywhere as a marginally rude gesture, though it was occasionally used to great effect in advertising (think, \"\"Uncle Sam Wants You\"\"). Be careful using it abroad, though: it's still not really polite to older generations, and it's not polite, at all, to anyone in the Middle and Far East (use an open hand to point when you're in that neighborhood). Which countries find it most offensive? China, Japan, Indonesia, and Latin America."
"docid": "D207857#0",
"title": "http://www.prestigeimports.net/audi-oil-change-intervals-indicators-interesting-information/\nAudi oil change: Intervals, indicators, and other interesting information",
"text": "Audi oil change: Intervals, indicators, and other interesting information On January 23rd, 2015 / By Blog Editor Is it time for an Audi Oil Change? You have questions, we have answers…Your Audi is a dream machine, made to conquer the open roads. When you test drove your vehicle for the first time you probably felt the sweet purr of the engine, the smooth ride offered from the chassis, the exceptional comfort and luxury in every detail. It’d be incredible if your Audi could continue to drive unlimited miles and years without ever needing maintenance. Although there has been a lot of progress extending engine oil and filter life, eventually you’re going to have to get that oil replaced. For information on the various oil change service levels that we offer, be sure to check out our Complete Guide to Porsche and Audi Oil Change Services. The Audi “Service Due” indicator light: So how will you know when you need to come in for your next maintenance? Your Audi will be due for service every 10,000 miles or one year from your last maintenance, whichever comes first. An indicator light on your dashboard, that resembles a wrench, will activate when you reach your next service interval. The “Service Due” indicator light is a friendly reminder that service is due."
"docid": "D2122992#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/err-on-the-side-of-caution\nMeaning of âerr on the side of cautionâ in the English Dictionary",
"text": "\"Meaning of “err on the side of caution” in the English Dictionary English\"\"err on the side of caution\"\" in English See all translationserr on the side of cautionto be especially careful rather than taking a risk or making a mistake:25 people have replied to the invitation, but I've erred on the side of caution and put out 30 chairs. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words Paying attention and being carefulattention attention spanbe good, and if you can't be good, be careful idiombe on ( your) guard idiomcautious centre eyefocus hanghang on/upon sthhave a care idiomhave/keep your ear to the ground idiomhedge your bets idiommiddle paythe/a glare of sth idiomtread carefully/gently/lightlyidiomwalkwalk on eggs/eggshellsidiomwary See more results » (Definition of “err on the side of caution” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)Translations of “err on the side of caution”errar por excesso de cautela…宁愿过于谨慎也不要冒险犯错误…risk almamak/hata yapmak yerine dikkatli olmak, itinalı/özenli/dikkatli olmak…быть осторожным, не рисковать…寧願過於謹慎也不要冒險犯錯…być przezornym lub ostrożnym…Need a translator? Translator tool Get a quick, free translation! \""
"docid": "D2835852#0",
"title": "http://www.phrases.net/psearch/err%20on%20the%20side%20of%20caution\nSearch results for err on the side of caution",
"text": "\"Search results for err on the side of caution We've found 76 phrases for err on the side of caution: Sort: Popular A - Zthe doctor always err's on the side of caution. It means to make sure of, or to make the most of Rate it: ( 5.00 / 1 vote)err on the side of caution To act in the least risky manner in a situation where one is uncertain about the consequences. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)err on the side of To behave in a manner which favours or which is biassed toward. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)throw caution to the wind Do something despite the risks. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)to err is human Everyone makes mistakes. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)a side glance! Offering/Receiving, observing a straight forward focus of attention, without any variation of head or eye movement. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)bit on the side Secondary lover, mistress. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)blind side someone To injure, reveal shared private information or cause financial or personal loss through disloyalty or actions which hurt or disappoint. Rate it: ( 0.00 / 0 votes)get out of bed on the wrong side To start the day in a bad mood for no apparent reason."
"docid": "D73840#0",
"title": "http://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/fashion-trends/news/a2508/how-to-decode-a-black-tie-invitation/\n\"What \"\"Black Tie\"\" Means Now\"",
"text": "\"By Micaela English Sep 8, 2017 5.8k Getty Images The ominous \"\"Black Tie\"\" invitation arrives at your door. Do you wear a short dress or a long gown? For a bit of insight, we turned to famed fashion editor and novelist William Norwich (author of My Mrs. Brown) for a guide on how to break down the dress request on this season's countless invitations. I. White Tie Ladies: Bring out your best full length ball gown and jewels. This is as formal as you're going to get with dress code. Long white gloves are optional, and décolletage or strapless acceptable. Gentlemen: Black dress coat (tail coat) and matching trousers, wing-collared shirt with shirt studs and cufflinks, white piqué waistcoat and white bow tie, black patent-leather or calfskin evening pumps and black silk socks. Getty Images II. Black Tie How to approach Black Tie:\"\"Always be mindful of your hosts’ desires and anticipate what their vision is for their dinner, dance, fundraiser, wedding, whatever. What does black tie mean to your host—what does it look like to them?"
"docid": "D2019988#0",
"title": "http://www.mmbearcupoftea.com/2013/07/the-lokai-bracelet-review-giveaway.html\n.",
"text": "\"I received this awesome little bracelet to review called Lokai. It is a bracelet that is suppose to help you find balance in your life. But what I like the most about this bracelet is that they give 10% of the proceeds back to charities. Now, isn't that awesome? I bet this company is definitely \"\"in balance\"\" and gets a good bit of \"\"love\"\" back! Here is a better explanation of what the Lokai bracelet is about: The bracelet is infused with elements sourced from the highest and lowest points on Earth. The white ball, carrying water from Mt. Everest, and the black ball, holding mud from the Dead Sea, exist on opposite ends. A string of clear beads link the two, signifying that throughout life’s circular journey, your path is your own. Meaning of lokai The name lokai was inspired by the Hawaiian word Lokahi meaning unity and to blend opposites. Lokai is our unique pursuit to find balance."
"docid": "D2835854#0",
"title": "https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/err_on_the_side_of_caution\nDefinition of err on the side of caution in English:",
"text": "Home British & World English err on the side of caution Definition of err on the side of caution in English:err on the side of cautionphrase Take a comparatively safe course of action when presented with a choice. ‘it is better for a doctor to err on the side of caution and follow the most restrictive view of the law’More example sentences Word of the Dayimmoralism Find out what it means Get word of the day by email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing. Please check your email and confirm your subscription Weekly Word Watch: theyby, #Pay Me Too, and attagirl You say ‘Super Bowl’, I say ‘Superb Owl’: what is the name for this wordplay? From chronic fatigue to whisker fatigue: fighting lexical fatigue You give me (spring) fever: six words from the verdant language of spring Say cheese! How to capture smiles on camera around the world'-ch' or '-tch'? Which is the correct spelling?scrachscratch Next0 /10Trending Words Most popular in the worldlegionellasilkenalce Sign up for our newsletter Stay up to date with our latest news and receive new words updates, blog posts, and more. Choose your country Sign up"
"docid": "D3241509#0",
"title": "http://www.anxietyguru.net/3-types-of-anxiety-medications-that-work-fast/\n3 Types of Anxiety Medications That Work Fast",
"text": "3 Types of Anxiety Medications That Work Fast Paul Dooley December 16, 2013 26 Comments When it comes to curing abnormal anxiety you have to keep your head on a swivel; always on the lookout for a permanent solution to your problem. How you do this will vary but an important part of healing, regardless of the method, is managing the physical symptoms of anxiety. The reality is that it’s difficult to make progress when your body is under constant assault by chest pain, palpitations and other symptoms. Anxiety symptoms breed terror and ferocious mental unrest making it hard to do anything much less get better. I always tell people and firmly believe that the key to stopping anxiety is confronting anxious thoughts. But how are you supposed to confront your thoughts when you can’t even be sure that you’re going to survive? If you are consumed with fear or lost in rumination you will remain immobilized and held hostage by rotten ideas and aimless worry. Okay, cool, so anxiety symptoms are bad. What can you do about it? One of the most effective ways to calm the body during a bout of acute anxiety is through the use of fast acting anxiety medication."
] |
637045 | what does error message mean need elevation? | [
"docid": "D1450748#0",
"title": "https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-files/the-requested-operation-requires-elevation/4d45a50e-2e5d-49f7-950c-e6281057491f\n\"Q: \"\"The requested operation requires elevation\"\"\"",
"text": "\"SI Simon C17 asked on November 5, 2009Q: \"\"The requested operation requires elevation\"\"Before installing Win 7 I saved a bunch of files and folders to an external hard drive. Tonight when I tried to look at some text files I had created in Open Office I got the error message that \"\"the requested operation requires elevation\"\". If I right-click and go to \"\"Properties\"\" under the \"\"Security\"\" tab and \"\"Group or user name\"\" there is a red question mark followed by a long row of numbers. ( A reference to my XP existence? The other names in that box reference my current system.) There are options to change permissions under \"\"Edit\"\" and \"\"Advanced\"\". I don't care about those files but I didn't want to change any settings that could negatively affect the \"\"parent\"\" files or program. ( When I created this title I got links to the Vista forums but the questions did not cover my problem. ) Reply I have the same question (1157)RO Rob In Black Diamond replied on November 5, 2009A: The long row of numbers that you see in the list of accounts on the security tab is called a SID (or Security ID). When Windows can't recognize the security identifier associated to the file ACLs (Access Control List / Permissions) it displays the SID."
] | [
"docid": "D3475900#0",
"title": "http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/tpb/uvindex.htm\nUltraViolet Index",
"text": "\"Ultra Violet Indexby Craig S. Long and Alvin J. Miller, Climate Prediction Center, Hai-Tien Lee and Jeannette D. Wild, Research and Data Systems, Inc. Introduction With the successful completion of the Experimental Ultraviolet Index program initiated June 28, 1994, the National Weather Service (NWS) in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began issuing the Ultra Violet (UV) Index forecast as of April 3, 1995. The UV Index (UVI) is a mechanism by which the American public is forewarned of tomorrow's noontime intensity of UV radiation at locations within the U. S. The EPA's role in this effort is to alert the public of the dangerous health effects of overexposure to, and the accumulative effects of, UV radiation, as well as to provide ground level monitoring data for use in ongoing verification of the UVI. The National Weather Service calculates the UVI using existing atmospheric measurements, forecasts, and an advanced radiative transfer model. This paper will discuss the justification for a forecasted index, the nature of UV radiation, the methodology of producing the UVI, results from verifying the UVI, how the UVI is disseminated, and how to use the UVI information. The Problem Since World War II changes in the public's lifestyle have resulted in an increase in exposure (and overexposure) to UV radiation over a period of years to decades. This has contributed to an increase in the number of diagnoses of melanoma (i.e. skin cancer) and the number of cataract diagnoses has risen dramatically since 1980. This increase has also been noted in many other countries for similar reasons. The National Cancer Institute expects over 730,000 cases of skin cancer to be diagnosed in 1994 in the U. S. alone. Skin cancer is not just \"\"skin deep\"\", it can be lethal. In 1994, the American Cancer Society (1994) estimates that skin cancers accounted for 9,200 deaths: 6,900 from malignant melanoma and 2,300 from nonmalignant melanoma skin cancers."
"docid": "D3456801#0",
"title": "http://www.poc-services.co.uk/products/ldx_faqs.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Cholestech L·D·X ® FAQ's We are here to provide you with information to help you understand and run your Cholestech L·D·X® System. We'll start with some of the questions most frequently asked by customers. If you don't see your question here, e-mail us and let us know your question, or call +44 (0)1793 840073. Q1 What are the \"\"normal ranges\"\" for Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol & Triglycerides? Q2 What is the measuring range of the Cholestech L·D·X System? Q3 How closely should the Cholestech L·D·X System results agree with my current lab results? Q4 Do I need to calibrate my Cholestech L·D·X System? Q5 Do my patients need to be fasting for testing on the Cholestech L·D·X System? Q6 Why am I getting N/A for my HDL Cholesterol result? Q7 Why am I getting N/A for my LDL result?"
"docid": "D356202#0",
"title": "https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-open-an-elevated-command-prompt-2618088\nHow to Open an Elevated Command Prompt",
"text": "\"How To ›Windows How to Open an Elevated Command Prompt Open Command Prompt as an Administrator in Windows 10, 8, 7, & Vista Share Pin Email Print Elevated Command Prompt (Windows 10).by Tim Fisher Updated February 23, 2018Some commands available in Windows require that you run them from an elevated Command Prompt. Basically, this means running the Command Prompt program (cmd.exe) with administrator level privileges. You'll know if you need to run a particular command from within an elevated Command Prompt because it'll clearly tell you that in an error message after running the command. For example, when you try to execute the sfc command from a normal Command Prompt window, you'll get the \"\"Y ou must be an administrator running a console session in order to use the sfc utility\"\" message. Try the chkdsk command and you'll get an \"\"Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode. \"\" error. Other commands give other messages, but regardless of how the message is phrased, or what Command Prompt command we're talking about, the solution is simple: open an elevated Command Prompt and execute the command again. Time Required: Opening an elevated Command Prompt will take most of you under a minute from start to finish. Once you know how to do it, you'll be even faster the next time."
"docid": "D3209428#0",
"title": "http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/icmp-attacks/\nICMP Attacks",
"text": "ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol and is the most used protocol in networking technology. A connectionless protocol, ICMP does not use any port number and works in the network layer. ICMP is commonly used for diagnostic purposes, error reporting or querying any server, and right now attackers are using ICMP to send payloads, which we will discuss here. The popular ping command will use ICMP. There are lot of security issues of ICMP messages that we really need to look at. ICMP Packet Format ICMP messages are transmitted within packets, as shown below. Below shows the format of an ICMP message. There are different values for the type field, which identify the ICMP message. So a type of ICMP message will use different values of the code field to specify the condition. If you look at RFC you will get to know the different types and their descriptions."
"docid": "D322816#0",
"title": "http://catholictradition.org/Mary/fatima16.htm\n.",
"text": "\"OUR LADY OF FATIMADiabolical Disorientation An Explanation of the Current Crisis FR. NICHOLAS GRUNER, S. T. L., S. T. D. [Canada] Taken from the Summer, 2006 Issue, THE FATIMA CRUSADER NOTE: The term \"\"Diabolical Disorientation\"\" comes up in conversation more and more frequently. What is it? What does it mean? What does it have to do with me? Father Gruner answers your questions about this epidemic that has been slowly infecting large segments of the Catholic Church collectively as well as many individual souls of the Faithful. WHEN a person is disoriented, he is in a state of confusion and loses his bearings. He does not understand things clearly. It's similar to being away and sleeping in a room where the bed, the window, the door are all different from your own room at home. And upon waking up suddenly in the middle of the night, you are at first disoriented, confused----Where am I?"
"docid": "D511410#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/Unable_to_connect_to_netflix_error_with_samsung_smart_tv-qna3348071.html\n.",
"text": "\"Connect Netflix on my laptop Q Unable to connect to netflix error with samsung smart tv? Netflix movies will stop after a few seconds unable to load try again later samsung smart tv Asked by: Kurtis Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions Check if you are getting a stable internet connection. turn of the modem and router and the TV as well and turn them back on in sequence, in ... read more Did you know that the error message you are encountering is due to your internet connection and internal server fatal error on the applic ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Ryeli Level 10 (Genius)4525 Answers, 1 Friend, 203 Followers\"\"Check if you are getting a stable internet connection...\"\"1 2 Check if you are getting a stable internet connection. turn of the modem and router and the TV as well and turn them back on in sequence, in most cases it solves the connectivity issues right away. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Netflix unable to connect to internet smart tv Smart tv connect to internet but unable to connect to netfix Netflix on samsung smart tv unable to connect to internet Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Sliming Cheese Level 10 (Genius)7637 Answers, 1 Friend, 967 Followers\"\"Your tv is by openning another application like youtube app or ...\"\"51 18 Did you know that the error message you are encountering is due to your internetconnection and internal server fatal error on the application? To resolve this kind of problem is refresh all the system in your on local home network. First of, Power cycle the router."
"docid": "D1937603#0",
"title": "https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/00580ff7-4412-459b-b176-c8a002ebd740/sfc-problem-windows-resource-protection-could-not-start-the-repair-service?forum=winserversetup\n\"SFC problem - \"\"Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service\"\"\"",
"text": "\"SFC problem - \"\"Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service\"\"Windows Server > Setup Deployment Question1Sign in to vote We are trying to attempt to fix a Windows 2008 start up problem. We boot the machine from a Windows 2008 CD and go to the repair tool - command prompt. When we do the command sfc /scannow, we are getting \"\"Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service\"\" We did some researches there someone suggested the trustedinstaller is not running so we tried to do a net start trustedinstaller. But We are getting \"\"The windows modulers instaler service is starting The windows modulers instaler service is starting could not be started A system error has occured System error 1067 has occured The process terminated unexpectedly. \"\" Anyone can give us an idea to see why we can not run the sfc the first place. Thanks Thursday, November 05, 2009 12:45 AMReply | Quote Chun-Chu 70 Points Answers0Sign in to vote Hello Chun-Chu, Can you try to boot to the install DVD ( or a copy of Win PE if you have one available) and choose the repair option in the lower left hand corner? If so can you try to run sfc with the offline options to see if the system will repair or identify corrupted files? Thanks, Darrell Gorter This posting is provided \"\"AS IS\"\" with no warranties, and confers no rights Marked as answer by Chun-Chu Friday, November 06, 2009 11:43 PMThursday, November 05, 2009 9:11 PMReply | Quote Darrell Gorter Microsoft 12,140 Points All replies4Sign in to vote Hi,Please refer to the following article to troubleshoot this issue:http://www.winhelponline.com/blog/fix-for-error-windows-resource-protection-could-not-start-the-repair-service-when-running-sfc-in-vista/Hope it helps. Tim Quan - MSFTProposed as answer by Vivian_Wang Moderator Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:45 AMUnproposed as answer by Vivian_Wang Moderator Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:45 AMThursday, November 05, 2009 3:48 AMReply | Quote Tim Quan 21,735 Points Moderator1Sign in to vote Thanks. Tim."
"docid": "D2228650#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/I_keep_getting_a_disc_error_message_on_my_magnavox_dvd_player-qna704239.html\n.",
"text": "\"Suggested Solutions (10) What's this?eliteheart23Level 10 (Genius)3958 Answers, 4 Friends, 181 Followers\"\"There is a loading error occurring when opening netflix application to prevent it you...\"\"2 2 Hello there! Since you are having a problem with your Netflix since an error tvp-805 occurred connected to your blu ray player. Then I would show you how you can fix this problem. STESP: • There is a loading error occurring when opening Netflix application to prevent it you need to close all Netflix application • After which you need to go to “home settings” • Then click “applications” • After which click on the “manage applications then click “Netflix” • You need to press “force close” • Also you need to clear cache and make sure they are zero. • Then reboot Magnavox blue player by switching it off • Then wait for a couple of seconds and switch it on back • Then open Netflix. You will notice error is not occurring anymore. Check this Netflix support you may find it useful when other error occurred: [LINK VISIBLE TO REGISTERED USERS - CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS LINK] Check this Magnavox blu-ray video review: [LINK VISIBLE TO REGISTERED USERS - CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS LINK].source: Tvp-805 error msg with netflix on magnavox blu ray player? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Magnavox dvd player disc error trey not opening Verizon fios an error occurred loading this content Magnavox dvd player saying disk errorsugarpop Level 5 (Scholar)85 Answers, 1 Follower\"\"The device and it will clean the player...\"\"0 0 There are a couple of reason why it is not working. It can be that the VCR/DVD player might need some clean up."
"docid": "D588667#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff648641.aspx\nChapter 2 Â Threats and Countermeasures",
"text": "\"Chapter 2 Threats and Countermeasures Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures J. D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Michael Dunner, Srinath Vasireddy, Ray Escamilla and Anandha Murukan Microsoft Corporation Published: June 2003Last Revised: January 2006See the \"\" patterns & practices Security Guidance for Applications Index \"\" for links to additional security resources. See the Landing Page for the starting point and a complete overview of Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures. Summary: This chapter identifies and explains the set of top network, host and application layer threats and describes the countermeasures that are appropriate to address each threat. It also explains common attacker methodology and a series of common attacks. This chapter will help you begin to understand and categorize threats in preparation for performing threat modeling. Contents In This Chapter Overview How to Use This Chapter Anatomy of an Attack Understanding Threat Categories Network Threats and Countermeasures Host Threats and Countermeasures Application Threats and Countermeasures Input Validation Authentication Authorization Configuration Management Sensitive Data Session Management Cryptography Parameter Manipulation Exception Management Auditing and Logging Summary Additional Resources In This Chapter An explanation of attacker methodology Descriptions of common attacks How to categorize threats How to identify and counter threats at the network, host, and application levels Overview When you incorporate security features into your application's design, implementation, and deployment, it helps to have a good understanding of how attackers think. By thinking like attackers and being aware of their likely tactics, you can be more effective when applying countermeasures."
"docid": "D1314808#0",
"title": "http://www.eeherald.com/section/design-guide/esmod9.html\nOnline course on Embedded Systemson - module 9 (CAN Interface)",
"text": "\"Date: 30-12-16Online course on Embedded Systemson - module 9 (CAN Interface)Controller Area Network (CAN) interface in embedded systems: History: CAN or Controller Area Network or CAN-bus is an ISO standard computer network protocol and bus standard, designed for microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other without a host computer. Designed earlier for industrial networking but recently more adopted to automotive applications, CAN have gained widespread popularity for embedded control in the areas like industrial automation, automotives, mobile machines, medical, military and other harsh environment network applications. Development of the CAN-bus started originally in 1983 at Robert Bosch Gmb H. The protocol was officially released in 1986. and the first CAN controller chips, produced by Intel and Philips, introduced in the market in the year of 1987. Introduction: The CAN is a \"\"broadcast\"\" type of bus. That means there is no explicit address in the messages. All the nodes in the network are able to pick-up or receive all transmissions. There is no way to send a message to just a specific node. To be more specific, the messages transmitted from any node on a CAN bus does not contain addresses of either the transmitting node, or of any intended receiving node. Instead, an identifier that is unique throughout the network is used to label the content of the message."
"docid": "D1361352#0",
"title": "http://www.cybexintl.com/support/FAQs/serviceTreadmillsFAQs.aspx\nMaintenance FAQs",
"text": "\"Maintenance FAQs Treadmills General What is the difference between the CX-445T and the LCX-425T? The CX-445T is a full commercial version of the LCX-425T built to withstand the rigors of a club environment. It has larger rollers and bearings, the same deck and belt type as the Pro3 and 750T,as well as heavier-duty motor and motor controller than the 425T. The LCX-425T is intended for use in non-dues paying facilities while the CX-445T is suitable for club use Service What maintenance procedures are recommended for my treadmill? Users should wipe down the machine after each workout with a Gym Wipes wipe to remove any residual sweat as it is corrosive to the metal surfaces and may cause rusting over time. Routine maintenance should include cleaning, inspecting and possibly some lubrication and adjustments. Unplug your treadmill and remove the hood cover. Vacuum inside around the motors and elevation assemblies, take care not to hit any sensors or unplug any wires. Wipe down soiled upholstery with recommended cleaning products such as Gym Wipes or a mild solution of 10% household liquid dish soap and 90% warm water. When cleaning the display or any electronics area, apply cleaning solution to a cloth first then wipe the display. Spraying any cleaning solvent on the display can damage the electronics."
"docid": "D2513712#0",
"title": "http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/circulos_cultivos/esp_circuloscultivos12.htm\n.",
"text": "\"by Richard Hoaglandfrom Enterprise Mission Website PART IThis Summer, precisely one year after a strange fractal \"\"crop glyph \"\" appeared in a field just outside the Chilbolton Radio telescope grounds, in Hampshire, England, another, even stranger glyph appeared (above). According to Darcy Ladd, Manager of the Chilbolton Radio Observatory, in an interview with Colin Andrews, the image appeared “suddenly on the morning of August 14th. ”According to Mr. Ladd,“No unusual activity was seen that morning, in the field or [in terms of] aircraft overhead, etc ….”According to the Manager, Chilbolton does have security cameras, but they are not equipped for night vision surveillance. The cameras captured “nothing unusual.” The image which confronted the Telescope personnel that morning bore a striking resemblance to the July, 1976 Viking image of the \"\"Face on Mars\"\" (below image) - right down to the appearance of asymmetry and \"\"erosion\"\" on the right hand side. Curiously (considering what was to happen next) this “Cydonia resemblance glyph” appeared just four days after our own publication of a provocative, new, comprehensive theory of Mars - our Mars Tidal Model Paper (that detail will become important later). Though first noticed by the telescope employees on the 14th, the Chilbolton \"\"Face\"\" was not reported (and NOT by the facility staff) until Sunday, August 19th. Its announcement in England caused an immediate worldwide sensation on the Internet - not the least, because it struck many observers as a deliberate effort to remind everyone of the infamous Face on Mars. For one thing, the Face crop effort seemed to be designed to replicate the light and shading of the original Viking Cydonia image (below, right). The Face turned out, under a \"\"Gaussian blur filter\"\" (thanks to Paul Lowrance - below, left), to bear a strong resemblance to a somewhat primitive human face - not unlike the left hand side of the human/feline hybrid of the Face on Mars ... if the Face’s erosion was removed."
"docid": "D479196#0",
"title": "http://www.qaquestions.org/qa-interview-questions/\nQA Interview Questions",
"text": "QA Interview Questions Q1. Can you tell me about yourself? This is really more of a request than a question. But these few words can put you on the spot in a way no question can. Many quickly lose control of the interview during the most critical time- the first five minutes. This is not the time to go into a lengthy history or wander off in different directions. Your response should be focused and purposeful. Communicate a pattern of interests and skills that relate to the position in question. Consider your response to this question as a commercial that sells your autobiography. Provide an answer that includes information about where you grew up, where you went to school, your initial work experience, additional education and special training, where you are now, and what you intend to do next."
"docid": "D1996973#0",
"title": "https://developers.google.com/maps/faq\nFAQ",
"text": "\"Home Documentation Pricing and Plans All Products Google Maps APIs Documentation API Picker Map Coverage Details FAQGoogle Maps API Root CA Migration FAQAndroid APIs Google Maps Android APIGoogle Places API for Androidi OS APIs Google Maps SDK for i OSGoogle Places API for i OSWeb APIs Embed APIJava Script APIStatic Maps APIStreet View Image APIGoogle Places API Java Script Library Web Service APIs Directions APIDistance Matrix APIElevation APIGeocoding APIGeolocation APIPlaces API Web Service Roads APITime Zone APIGoogle Maps APIs Premium Plan Documentation Google Maps APIs Documentation API Picker Map Coverage Details FAQGoogle Maps API Root CA Migration FAQAndroid APIs Google Maps Android APIGoogle Places API for Androidi OS APIs Google Maps SDK for i OSGoogle Places API for i OSWeb APIs Embed APIJava Script APIStatic Maps APIStreet View Image APIGoogle Places API Java Script Library Web Service APIs Directions APIDistance Matrix APIElevation APIGeocoding APIGeolocation APIPlaces API Web Service Roads APITime Zone APIGoogle Maps APIs Premium Plan Documentation FAQGetting Started What are the Google Maps APIs? Which API do I need? What countries do the Google Maps APIs cover? Can I put Google Maps on my site without using the Google Maps APIs? How do I deliver Maps applications on mobile devices? Which web browsers does the Google Maps Java Script API support? Can I print maps from the Java Script API? How do I start using the Google Maps APIs on my site? How can I be notified when there are changes in the Google Maps APIs? Understanding the terms of service What are the terms of service for the Google Maps APIs?"
"docid": "D2429293#0",
"title": "https://www.bestcardmessages.com/birthday.html\nBirthday Card Messages",
"text": "\"Birthday Card Messages Birthdays give us a chance to have some fun. We get to write in a birthday card once a year for each of our friends. No one should have to stress out about figuring out what to write. Birthday wishes fall under a few different categories: sincere, funny, or encouraging. The best messages are personal or have something to do with the person. If humor is appropriate, then you can use one of the funny examples below. If you are looking for sincere messages you will also find those examples. Then add something specific about the person when you write your message. Sincere Messages If you don't want to go with a funny message, you can use one of these more serious and sincere messages. You wear your age well, and your age suits you."
"docid": "D2304752#0",
"title": "https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1925215\nHow to be rid of pop up Action Script Error?",
"text": "\"32 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2016 2:23 PM by Poetheraven How to be rid of pop up Action Script Error?maureenf74235072 Aug 12, 2015 8:24 AMI have a problem with a pop up which just started yesterday. It is Adobe Flash Player Action Script Error and it lists a bunch of errors and says at the bottom Dismiss all in one box and Continue in another box. I cannot just click the X to get rid of it and it stops me from doing whatever I am trying to do until I click dismiss all (which I do) and then it goes away for a while but pops up again later. I checked my version of Adobe Flash Player and I DO have the debugging version. It came automatically installed on my computer which is quite new. I would appreciate any detailed and easy to follow help that I can get. Thank you. I have the same question (0)36511 Views Tags: action script error Translate1. Re: How to be rid of pop up Action Script Error?carltonw46657154 Aug 12, 2015 11:37 AM ( in response to maureenf74235072 )I am experiencing exactly the same problem in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 11, and my computer is also relatively new (bought three months ago). The problem only started in the last day or so."
"docid": "D2895794#0",
"title": "https://www.winhelp.us/reinstall-windows-update.html\nRepair or reinstall Windows Update",
"text": "\"Repair or reinstall Windows Update By Margus Saluste, www.winhelp.us. Last updated: 2018-02-14How to repair or reinstall Windows/Microsoft Update in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10Table of contents: First things first Windows Update requirements by OS (operating system)Common Windows Update problems Windows 7 update issues since December 4th, 2017 (fixed)Windows Store issues in Windows 8/8.1 and 10Windows Vista and 7 slow while searching for or installing updates (fixed in July, 2016 for Windows 7)Windows Update slow and resource-hungry in Windows XPWindows 7, 8/8.1 or 10 not starting after applying updates Alternative solutions to error 80070003 (please try other solutions first!). NET patch failures Microsoft Office patches failing Option 1 for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10: the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter Option 2 for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10: run DISMOption 3 for Windows XP, Vista and 7: run Fix It tool 50202 to reinstall Windows Update components completely Option 4 for Windows Vista and 7: download and run the System Update Readiness Tool Next steps if all options fail The \"\"joys\"\" of Windows Update not working in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1 and 10 are numerous: not receiving or not being able to install updates, repeated installation of same updates, or in worse cases, endless reboot cycles in Windows Vista and later. There are options for quickly fixing Windows Update problems or completely reinstalling it in Windows. You can run the tools listed in this tutorial in Safe Mode with Networking, although they might then tell you that problems were not fixed. First things first First, check if you have enough free disk space (at least 1 gigabyte) on your hard drive. If not, read the Remove temporary files article on how to get rid of unnecessary files with CCleaner. Second, verify that time and date are correct on your PC - a date in the past or the future prevents both Windows Update and Genuine Windows Validation tool from working properly. Third, run a disk check to verify that file system is not corrupt. Fourth, have you tried restarting your computer?"
"docid": "D3452989#0",
"title": "http://www.hivmr.com/db/xsacjdzm9fsckkk77dak37z8jjjjjfm8\nDB:4.94:What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xs",
"text": "\"RELEVANCY SCORE4.94DB:4.94: What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xswhat does a lock symbol mean on a page tab in safari? DB:4.94: What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xswhat does a lock symbol mean on a page tab in safari? Read All 1 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.94DB:4.94: What Does The Lock Symbol On Top Of The Phone Mean? m9What does the lock symbol on the top right hand corner mean? DB:4.94: What Does The Lock Symbol On Top Of The Phone Mean? m9Portrait / landscape mode orientation lock. Read All 3 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.27DB:4.27: On Top Of Phone Screen By Battery Symbol What Is The Lock With Arrow Around It Mean j9on top of phone screen by battery symbol what is the lock with arrow around it mean DB:4.27: On Top Of Phone Screen By Battery Symbol What Is The Lock With Arrow Around It Mean j9Hi Kimharmer,Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display your Control Panel. You will see the Orientation Lock icon in the top right. Tap on this to toggle Orientation Lock on or off. Cheers,GBRead All 3 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.22DB:4.22: Mystery Symbol On Iphone4?&Nbsp; Help!"
"docid": "D3305334#0",
"title": "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742499(v=vs.85).aspx\nDialog Boxes",
"text": "\"Dialog Boxes A dialog box is a secondary window that allows users to perform a command, asks users a question, or provides users with information or progress feedback. A typical dialog box. Dialog boxes consist of a title bar (to identify the command, feature, or program where a dialog box came from), an optional main instruction (to explain the user's objective with the dialog box), various controls in the content area (to present options), and commit buttons (to indicate how the user wants to commit to the task). Dialog boxes have two fundamental types: Modal dialog boxes require users to complete and close before continuing with the owner window. These dialog boxes are best used for critical or infrequent, one-off tasks that require completion before continuing. Modeless dialog boxes allow users to switch between the dialog box and the owner window as desired. These dialog boxes are best used for frequent, repetitive, on-going tasks. A task dialog is a dialog box implemented using the task dialog application programming interface (API). They consist of the following parts, which can be assembled in a variety of combinations: A title bar to identify the application or system feature where the dialog box came from. A main instruction, with an optional icon, to identify the user's objective with the dialog."
"docid": "D3014423#0",
"title": "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd875529(v=ws.10).aspx\nBacking Up BitLocker and TPM Recovery Information to AD DS",
"text": "\"Docs Previous Versions Windows Windows 7 Windows 7 Technical Library Roadmap Security and Protection Bit Locker Drive Encryption Bit Locker Drive Encryption Deployment Guide for Windows 7 Backing Up Bit Locker and TPM Recovery Information to AD DSBacking Up Bit Locker and TPM Recovery Information to AD DSJuly 9, 2014 21 minutes to read In this article Using AD DS to store Bit Locker recovery information Storing Bit Locker recovery information in AD DSStoring TPM recovery information in AD DSConfiguring AD DSTesting your Active Directory configuration Troubleshooting common problems with AD DS backup Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2You can configure Bit Locker Drive Encryption to back up recovery information for Bit Locker-protected drives and the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Recovery information includes the recovery password for each Bit Locker-protected drive, the TPM owner password, and the information required to identify which computers and drives the recovery information applies to. Optionally, you can also save a package containing the actual keys used to encrypt the data as well as the recovery password required to access those keys. Using AD DS to store Bit Locker recovery information Backing up recovery passwords for a Bit Locker-protected drive allows administrators to recover the drive if it is locked. This ensures that encrypted data belonging to the enterprise can always be accessed by authorized users. Backing up the TPM owner information for a computer allows administrators to locally and remotely configure the TPM security hardware on that computer. As an example, an administrator might want to reset the TPM to factory defaults when decommissioning or repurposing computers. In a default Bit Locker installation, recovery information is not backed up and local users must be responsible for keeping a copy of the recovery password or recovery key. If the user loses that information or neglects to decrypt the drive before leaving the organization, the administrator cannot easily get access to the drive. To mitigate this situation, administrators can configure Group Policy settings to enable backup of Bit Locker and TPM recovery information."
] |
637059 | what does espada mean | [
"docid": "D679154#0",
"title": "http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/espada\nespada translation | Spanish-English dictionary",
"text": "\"espadaa sf1 (=arma) swordponer a algn a espada to put sb to the sword MODISMOS estar hecho una espada to be as thin as a rake o (EEUU) rail MODISMOS estar entre la espada y la pared to be between the devil and the deep blue sea MODISMOS la espada de Damocles the Sword of Damocles2 espadas (Naipes) one of the suits in the Spanish card deck, represented by a swordone of the suits in the Spanish card deck, represented by a sword→ BARAJA ESPAÑOLAb smf (Taur) matador, bullfighter Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary See also:espadas, pez espada, as de espadas, comedia de capa y espadaprimer espada exp.principal bullfighter Entry related to: primero Additional comments: Collaborative Dictionary Spanish-Englishespada de Damocles nf. Sword of Damoclesla espada de Damocles exp. the Sword of Damocles (MODISMOS)cruzar la espada con algn exp. to cross swords with sbuna espada incrustada de pedrería exp. a sword encrusted with precious stonesentre la espada y la pared adv. between the devil and the deep blue seala espada se le llevó dos dedos exp. the sword took off two of his fingersestar entre la espada y la pared exp. to be between the devil and the deep blue sea (MODISMOS)ceñirse la espada exp. gird one's sword [Arch. ] ceñirse la espada exp."
] | [
"docid": "D3226264#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/In-what-episode-of-Bleach-does-Ichigo-turn-into-a-full-hollow\nIn what episode of Bleach does Ichigo turn into a full hollow?",
"text": "Salti Korran, I watch anime, especially the artsy-fartsy ones Answered Mar 29, 2017 · Author has 116 answers and 106.7k answer views Since i’m answering this question as opposed to when the question was posted, im sure all of your bleach knowledge must be at like soul society king level but im gonna boast nevertheless. Ichigo’s first full hollow transformation was when he was training with the Vizards to gain control of his hollow Ichigo side. In the vizards lair, Hachi created a sealed space where he was forced to go into full hollow form and master it while the remaining Vizards held him back or subdued him. This occurs in episodes 122–125. Check it out (Y)-SQ2.8k Views · View Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below What does Ichigo's Hollow Mask do in Bleach? Why is Ichigo always in Shikai mode, in Bleach? Do Rukia and Ichigo get together in Bleach? Why didn't Ichigo use his hollow transformation while fighting Aizen? What happens episode 168 of Bleach? Ask New Question Shane Henry Answered Oct 9, 2017 · Author has 335 answers and 976.6k answer views He transforms from episode 271–272, in his battle against who I believe is the most powerful espada, ulqiorra."
"docid": "D643795#0",
"title": "https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/what-defines-latino-literature-73399798/\nWhat Defines Latino Literature?",
"text": "What Defines Latino Literature? In compiling the latest anthology in the Norton series, professor Ilan Stavans researched the themes explored by Latino authors Latino writer Martín Espada is one of many mentioned in The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature who say Walt Whitman influenced them and consider him as a godfather. ( AP Photo / Daily Hampshire Gazette, Kevin Gutting)By Chloe Schamasmithsonian.com December 2, 2010“Right now, being a Mexican in the United States is very scary,” says Ilan Stavans, Professor of Latin American and Latino Culture at Amherst College and editor of the recently published Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. “ You are often at the bottom of the scale, and there is a lot of animosity.” Literature, Stavans says, can help smooth interactions among the diverse ethnic groups and cultures in the country. The 2,700–page anthology, which includes 201 authors, arrives at a pertinent moment. According to recent census statistics, more than one out of every two people added to the U. S. population between 2008 and 2009 is Hispanic, and by 2050, the group will increase to 30 percent of the U. S. population. Stavans recently discussed with me the exhaustive project of assembling the collection and the evolving role of Latino culture in the United States. Can you describe the genesis of the project? The project started 13 years ago."
"docid": "D743128#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/capa\ncapa",
"text": "\"capacapa Translatecapalayer Dictionary Examples Phrasesnew Videocapafeminine noun1. ( covering)a. layer Puse una capa gruesa de salsa de chocolate sobre mi helado. I put a thick layer of chocolate sauce on my ice cream.2. ( class)a. sector Las capas sociales más marginadas no albergan grandes esperanzas para el futuro. The most marginalized social sectors do not have high hopes for the future.3. ( sleeveless garment)a. cape El torero provocaba el toro con su capa. The bullfighter taunted the bull with his cape.b."
"docid": "D831217#0",
"title": "https://foursquare.com/v/doca-do-cavacas/4c3da7397c1ee21efb248e71\nDoca do Cavacas",
"text": "\"See all 79 photos Doca do Cavacas Seafood Restaurant €€€ €Funchal Save Share Tips 18 Photos 797.5 / 10 57ratings\"\"Amazing view from the terrace upstairs.\"\" ( 3 Tips)\"\" octopus in vinaigrette and \"\"ovas fritas\"\" (2 Tips)See what your friends are saying about Doca do Cavacas. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve recommended. Sign up with Facebookor Sign up with email18 Tips and reviews Filter:seafood scenic views outdoor seating family-friendly octopus (10 more)Log in to leave a tip here. Post Sort: Popular Recent Arek Urban January 3, 2016Best restaurant on the Island! Try 'Roch Mussels ' and just go for the 'Catch of the Day'! The fishes are amazingly fresh and tasty - I've already tried the Parrot fish, the Dorada and grilled Scabbard Upvote Downvote Victoria Maleva July 28, 2015Seafood is the best I've ever tried on Madeira. Amazing view from the terrace upstairs. Satisfactory service Upvote 1 Downvote Rami Laiho April 18, 2015Very good sea food, friendly staff and nice atmosphere. Big portions."
"docid": "D2058001#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sword\nsword",
"text": "\"sword Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .sword (sôrd)n.1. A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade havingone or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.2. An instrument of death or destruction.3.a. The use of force, as in war.b. Military power or jurisdiction. Idioms:at swords' points Ready for a fight.put to the sword To kill; slay. [ Middle English, from Old English sweord . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company."
"docid": "D2359182#0",
"title": "http://capcana.com/cap-cana/\nExplore Cap Cana",
"text": "Previous Next1 2 3 4Explore Cap Cana Located in the heart of the Caribbean, on the eastern shores of the Dominican Republic, Cap Cana is an exclusive real estate and hotel tourist destination, recognized among the best of the Caribbean. Watch Our Video Download Our Brochure Dominican Republic A Wondrous Island Paradise and Home of Cap Cana The Dominican Republic, is a naturally wondrous place and the home of Cap Cana. Discover our island. Our culture. Our traditions. The Dominican Republic, a spectacular island paradise and home of Cap Cana, is nestled between the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico in the heart of the Caribbean, and only 670 miles southeast of Florida. Come discover our island, our culture, and our beautiful landscapes. Read more about the destination Marina A state-of-the-art marina Our state-of-the-art marina is the perfect place to begin your day of adventures. Go sailing in your yacht, tour the beautiful shores of the Dominican Republic, and fish and explore the treasures of our island, all before returning to our safe harbor in Cap Cana by the afternoon. The Cap Cana Marina has over 150 slips, accommodating up to 150-foot yachts, with complete services for captains and crew."
"docid": "D2201997#0",
"title": "http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Renji_Abarai\nRenji Abarai",
"text": "\"\"\"I am really a tramp down to my bones. I hate myself. I bark at the moon, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it. \"\"— Renji Abarai in \"\" A STAR AND A STRAY DOG \"\"Overview Image Gallery Battles & Events Renji Abarai Pre Timeskip - Post Timeskip Race Soul Birthday August 31 [1]Gender Male Height 188 cm (6'2\"\") [1]Weight 78 kg (172 lbs.) [ 1]Professional Status Affiliation Gotei 13, Soul Society Profession Shinigami Position Lieutenant of the 6th Division Previous Position 6th Seat of the 11th Division Division 6th Division Previous Division 11th Division5th Division Partner Byakuya Kuchiki Base of Operations Seireitei, Soul Society Personal Status Relatives Rukia Kuchiki (Wife) Ichika Abarai (Daughter) Byakuya Kuchiki (Brother-in-law)Education Shin'ō Academy ZanpakutōShikai Zabimaru Bankai Sōō Zabimaru First Appearance Manga Volume 6, Chapter 51Anime Episode 15Video Game Bleach: Heat the Soul Voices Japanese Kentarō Itō, Reiko Kiuchi (child)English Wally Wingert, Yuri Lowenthal (child)Spanish Jordi Pons (Spain), Gabriel Ortiz (Latin America)Renji Abarai (阿散井 恋次, Abarai Renji) is the lieutenant of the 6th Division under Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. He formerly served as the 6th Seat of the 11th Division under Kenpachi Zaraki . Contents [ show]Appearance Renji's tattoos during his time in the 11th Division. Renji has brown eyes and long crimson hair, which is usually kept in a high ponytail. As a child, Renji's hairline was leveled. Later, he styled it in a large widow's-peak."
"docid": "D3404566#0",
"title": "http://www.lambocars.com/lambonews/lamborghini_production_how_many_units_per_model.html\nLamborghini production, how many units per model",
"text": "\"By Mark Smeyers on October 20. 2013 in Lambo NEWS. An overview of the Lamborghini production at Sant'Agata from 1963 when the company was founded and started building their first real production model the 350 GT over some of the most legendary exotic cars in the world like the Miura, the Countach, the Diablo, the Murciélago and now the Aventador ... while not forgetting important V12 models like the Espada, Islero, Jarama and the smaller V8 models like Urraco, Silhouette, Jalpa and now the Gallardo. We list all known production figures that were retreived from both old documentation that might have been lost over time and from annual reports that are available online ... we've concentrated the entire production from Automobili Lamborghini Sp A on one page: Automobili Lamborghini Sp A - Production per model up to 12/2014Type Production Remark350 GTV 2 (1 prototype and 1 static mockup)350 GT 118350 GTS 2 A few have been converted later on400 GT 23 Custom order 4-Liter 2 seat3500 GTZ 2 Custom body by Zagato400 GT 2+2 250400 GT Flying Star II 1 Custom body by Carrozzeria Touring400 GT Monza 1 Custom body by Neri&Bonacini Marzal 1 Prototype by Bertone Islero 125Islero S 100Espada Prototype 1 Now in the Ferruccio Lamborghini museum Espada Series I 186Espada Series II 575Espada Series III 465Faena 1 Custom four door based on Espada chassis Jarama 400 GT 177Jarama 400 GTS 150Jarama 400 GT 'Bob' 1Miura P400 275Miura P400 S 338Miura P400 SV 150Miura Roadster1 Converted to Zn75 but recently restored back to original specs Miura Jota1 Original was lost in an accident, a replica has been built in the UKUrraco Prototype 2Urraco P250 520 Includes P250 S and Typo III spec models Urraco P300 190Urraco P200 66 Special model for the Italian market only Urraco 'Bob' or Rallye 1 Custom race version built by Bob Wallace Silhouette 55 Open top version of the Urraco P300Jalpa P350 410Jalpa Spyder2 One is on display at the Ferruccio Lamborghini museum Athon 1 Concept by Bertone Bravo P114 1 Concept by Bertone Countach LP5000 1 The original, yellow Countach prototype Countach LP400 157 Original narrow body 'persicopa' edition Countach LP400 S 237 Wide body evolution Countach LP500 S 321Countach LP500 Quattrovalvole 610Countach 25th Anniversary 657 Special celebrations edition Countach Evoluzione 1 Prototype for carbon fiber chassis testing Countach \"\"Alfieri\"\" 1 Air flow testing prototype Cheetah 1 Off-Road prototype LM001 1 Off-Road prototype LMA002 1 Front engine off-road prototype LM002 328 First Lamborghini off road production model LM004 1 Special 7-Liter V12 off road concept P1401 V10 prototype to succeed the Jalpa, rumor has it two were made Diablo (1990-1998) 900 Estimated Diablo VT (1993-1998) 400 Estimated Diablo SE30 135 Special 30th Anniversary edition Diablo SE30 Jota 15 Special race inspired option on Diablo SE30 edition Diablo VT Roadster (1995-1998) 200 Estimated Diablo SV (1995-1998) unknown L147 - Canto 2 Prototype only Diablo VS Special 1 Custom order white Diablo SV for Victoria Secret Diablo SV Roadster 6 Estimated value, production was very limited Diablo SV Monterey Edition 20 Only available on the United States market Diablo Alpine Edition 12 Only available on the United States market Canto (1999) 1 Evolution prototype of the earlier L147Diablo VT (1999) unknown MY1999 with fixed headlights and new interior Diablo SV (1999) 100 Estimated value Diablo VT Roadster (1999) 100 Estimated value Diablo GT 83 Street legal version of the Diablo GTR race car Diablo VT Roadster Momo Edition 12 Only available on the United States market Diablo GTR 32 Race car derived from the Diablo VT 6.0Diablo Millennium Roadster 30 Limited edition final Roadster production Diablo VT 6.0 337 Final Diablo evolution Diablo VT 6.0 SE 44 Special Edition, only available in two shades Cala 1 V10 Concept by Ital Design Murciélago 3084 Includes 6.2, LP640 and LP670-4 Super Veloce Murciélago 40th Anniversary 50 Limited celebrations edition Murciélago Concept1 Barchetta or Roadster prototype, several mockup but only one rolling prototype Murciélago Roadster 899 Includes 6.2, LP640 Roadster and LP650-4 Roadster Reventón 20 Limited edition of 20 only units Reventón Roadster 15 Limited edition of no more than 15Murciélago LP670-4 Super Veloce 186 Limited edition of 350 units, but rumor has it only 186 were built Murciélago LP670-4 SV China Edition 10 Limited edition of 10 units sold in China only Gallardo7221 Up to 12/2011, includes 5.0, Superleggera, LP560-4, LP550-2 and LP570-4 Superleggera, still in production Concept S 2 Convertible Gallardo concept Gallardo Spyder3353 Up to 12/2011, includes 5.0, LP560-4, LP550-2 and LP570-4 Performante, still in production Gallardo SE (2006) 250 Special edition limited to 250 units Gallardo Nera (2007) 185 Limited edition available only in black Gallardo LP550-2 Valentino Balboni (2010) 250 Special edition limited to 250 units, first rear wheel drive only Lamborghini since 2000Gallardo Bi Colore (2011)250 Limited edition available in only a few shades with black roof Gallardo LP570-4 Super Trofeo Stradale (2012) 150 Limited edition street version of the Blancpain Super Trofeo race car Aventador LP700-4 2593 Production up to the end of 2014Aventador J 1 Custom made one-off in 2012Aventador LP700-4 Roadster 1075 Production up to the end of 2014Miura Concept1 Only one prototype built, now on display at the factory museum Estoque1 Only one prototype built, now on display at the factory museum Sesto Elemento20 A limited production run of 20 units has been confirmed Urus 1 Only one rolling concept prototype was made Veneno LP750-44 Special one-off model, only 3 to be sold, fourth will remain at the factory Aventador LP720-4 50th Anniversary 100 Limited to 100 units Egoista1 The one-off monoseat super exotic V10 fighter for road use Aventador LP720-4 Roadster 50th Anniversary 100 Limited to 100 units Gallardo LP570-4 Squadra Corse 50 Limited to only 50 units worldwide Veneno Roadster 9 Limited to 9 units Huracan LP610-4 1616 Production up to the end of 2014Asterion LPI910-4 1 One-off hybrid concept Aventador LP750-4 Superveloce 600 Limited to 600 units Aventador LP750-4 SV Roadster 500 Limited to 500 units When we take a look at the entire (known) production from 1963 up to December 31 2014 we count a total of about 30,000 cars that have been built in Sant'Agata ... put that into perspective by comparing it to a yearly production of over 20,000 Audi A8 ... per year. Remember it took Automobili Lamborghini 50 year to build 26,208 cars ... or little over 500 cars on average per year since 1963 ... with 14,022 units almost 50% of the total Lamborghini production over the last five decades were Gallardo units. Print this article \""
"docid": "D940186#0",
"title": "https://www.noodle.com/articles/does-the-high-cost-of-a-medical-school-education-pay-off-in-the-end\nDoes the High Cost of a Medical School Education Pay Off in the End?",
"text": "Paul S. Bodine Author/Consultant Specializing in Medical & Business School Admissions Does the High Cost of a Medical School Education Pay Off in the End? Medical school can cost a student hundreds of thousands of dollars — but may also lead to some of the highest-paid careers available. Hear from Noodle Expert Paul Bodine what kind of ROI you can expect, and how to determine if the investments of time and money are worth it. For many students, a career in medicine is truly a calling — but the cost of getting there can cause even the most committed to pause. Given debt loads that will easily run into six figures, is it realistic for med school graduates to come out ahead in their career Return on Investment (ROI)? And how important is such ROI calculus anyway? Noodle pros ad Find Noodle Tutors Stunning Tuition and Fees It’s no secret that medical school is expensive. In 2013–14, the annual tuition and fees for public medical schools averaged $31,783 for in-state residents and $55,294 for non-residents. Meanwhile, the average private school tuition came in at $52,093 and $50,476 for residents and non-residents, respectively, according to Association of American Medical Colleges. At one of the more expensive private schools, The Commonwealth Medical College in Pennsylvania, tuition and fees can reach $62,650, with institutions like Tufts ($61,436) and Tulane ($60,259) in hot pursuit."
"docid": "D1311886#0",
"title": "http://travel.usnews.com/Punta_Cana_Dominican_Republic/\nPunta Cana Travel Guide",
"text": "Travel Guides Caribbean Punta Cana Punta Cana Travel Guide Dominican Republic#5 in Best Affordable Caribbean Destinations MOREView All 14 Photos »Overview Things to Do Hotels Dining When to Visit Getting Around Map More ▾Find Flights Why Go to Punta Cana The sugary sand of a Punta Cana beach is so soft, so perfectly golden that you might think it was synthetic. And in fact, in this easternmost tip of the Dominican Republic, it's possible. By definition, Punta Cana is a manufactured Caribbean getaway, completely catering to the needs of sun-seeking vacationers who like all-inclusive resorts but care little about venturing away from their hotel. But this area is not only popular for its abundant lodging and comprehensive amenities — Punta Cana beckons to jet-setters because it provides so many options (more than 24,000 hotel rooms) for such affordable rates. Many travelers are able to book a weeklong trip that includes airfare, lodging, meals and some resort activities, for much less than $1,000 per person in the shoulder seasons. While this destination isn't necessarily the most extreme, visitors can get their fill of thrills hiking to Hoyo Azul or taking on challenging golf courses like Punta Espada or La Cana. Overall, this reasonably priced, Caribbean hideout is made for travelers of all ages seeking a relaxing turn from the norm.read more Rankings The U. S. News & World Report travel rankings are based on analysis of expert and user opinions. Read more about how we rank vacation destinations . Punta Cana is ranked as:#5 in Best Affordable Caribbean Destinations#7 in Best Caribbean Beaches#8 in Best Spring Break Destinations See all 4 Punta Cana rankings Best of Punta Cana Explore Map Best Things to Do in Punta Cana#1 Punta Espada Golf Course#2 La Cana Golf Course#3 Imagine Punta Cana Disco See the full rankings list Find Tours & Tickets Best Hotels in Punta Cana#1 Eden Roc at Cap Cana#2 Tortuga Bay#3 Zoëtry Agua Punta Cana See the full rankings list Punta Cana Travel Tips Best Months to Visit U. S. News editors analyzed weather and price trends to recommend the top times to visit.best time to visit Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec See details for When to Visit Punta Cana What You Need to Know Expect an international crowd With affordable flights and hotel rates, Punta Cana sees many visitors from Europe and South America. ( You may also see more speedos, thong bikinis and topless sunbathers than you're used to. )"
"docid": "D2212149#0",
"title": "http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Yammy_Llargo\nYammy Llargo",
"text": "\"in: Characters, Arrancar, Espada, and 2 more Yammy Llargo English Edit Share\"\"Piss me off more, and more, and more! The more you do, the more pathetic your final deaths will be! \"\"— Yammy Llargo in \"\"VICE IT\"\"Overview Image Gallery Yammy Llargo Race Arrancar Birthday April 3 [1]Gender Male Height 230 cm (7'6½\"\") [1]Weight 303 kg (668 lbs.) [ 1]Professional Status Previous Affiliation Aizen's Arrancar Army Previous Occupation 0 Espada, Arrancar #10Previous Team Espada Base of Operations Las Noches, Hueco Mundo ZanpakutōResurrección Ira First Appearance Manga Volume 22, Chapter 190Anime Episode 113Video Game Bleach: Heat the Soul 4Voices Japanese Kenji Nomura English Paul St. Peter Jamieson Price ( Bleach: S. R. )Yammy Llargo (ヤミー・リヤルゴ, Yamī Riyarugo) is an Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen 's army. He holds the rank of Arrancar Diez (10), but becomes the Cero (0) Espada after releasing his Zanpakutō. Contents [ show]Appearance Yammy's pre-release Espada tattoo. By far the largest of the current Espada, Yammy is a giant Arrancar with tan skin, a powerful build, and a ridge-lined cranium. He has brown eyes, black hair, long, bushy sideburns, and a thin ponytail reaching his upper-back. Aside from this, he is bald. He has orange eyebrows, and red markings under his eyes."
"docid": "D1000593#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Grill-Swordfish\nHow to Grill Swordfish",
"text": "Community Tested How to Grill Swordfish Grilling swordfish steaks is a simple way to prepare swordfish, bringing out the subtle flavor of the fish. Because swordfish steaks are thicker than most fish steaks, the steaks are perfect for cooking on a hot grill. Experiment with various sauces and seasonings, as the mild flavor of swordfish can be paired with a variety of flavors. Serve grilled swordfish with a vegetable or a salad and hot, crusty bread for a healthy meal any day of the week. Steps1 Create a marinade for the swordfish steaks, as a marinade adds flavor and keeps the swordfish moist and tender. A marinade can consist of a variety of ingredients depending on your preferences. Start with combination of liquids such as Teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, wine vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salad dressing, tomato sauce or ketchup. A bit of honey or brown sugar adds a sweet flavor. If you prefer a fiery marinade, try chili powder or Tabasco sauce. A small amount oil such as butter or olive oil mixed in the marinade prevents the swordfish steaks from sticking to the grill."
"docid": "D340453#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/In_what_bleach_episode_does_ichigo_fight_Byakuya_with_his_hollow\nIn which Bleach episode does Ichigo fight Kenpachi?",
"text": "In which Bleach episode does Ichigo fight Kenpachi?from 36 to 40Pedrorr 6 Contributions What episode did ichigo fight Byakuya?well it is hard to say because i would think it would be in episode 16&17 of the anime because in episode16 it continued into episode 17 anyway back to the question ichigo di …Ishima12 1 Contribution In which episode of Bleach does Ichigo become a hollow? He first becomes what they call a vizard beginning in episode 123 and ending in episode 125. That's just where they have the mask. He becomes a full out hollow later in the ep …Tsuki24 2 Contributions What episode of Bleach did Ichigo get Zangetsu? If you mean when Ichigo learns his name. It would be episode 20. Kb.kbw 28 Contributions In which episode of bleach does ichigo become super hollow?the episode 271 is when he becomes a vasto lorde Al Rissa 222 Contributions What episode does ichigo fight byakuya? I believe the fight start at episode 54Kevin li 275 Contributions What bleach show episode did ichigo become a full hollow?when he fights against Ulquiorra, the 4th espada What episodes does hollow Ichigo appear in Bleach? The episodes are: 39,59,113,114,115,123,124,125,224 and more but i don't remember them Ashesfalllikesnow 92 Contributions How ichigo in bleach has hollow in him? Hollow Ichigo is a hollow that was created when Ichigo was trying to regain his powers as a Shinigami during training with Urahara Kisuke."
"docid": "D2359989#0",
"title": "http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/why-is-everyone-in-bleach-so-much-more-powerfull-than-ichigo.153073762/\nWhy is everyone in Bleach so much more powerfull than Ichigo",
"text": "\"Boards Recent Activity Search Boards Jump to... Boards > Entertainment > Anime > Why is everyone in Bleach so much more powerfull than Ichigo >Why is everyone in Bleach so much more powerfull than Ichigo Discussion in ' Anime ' started by Rath_Illuser, Oct 29, 2007 . Tweet Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Rath_Illuser Noob Joined: Oct 29, 2007Messages: 2Date Posted: Oct 29, 2007 #1Advertisement Some spoilers here so read @ your own discretion. Well heres the deal, anyone ever notice how Ichigo uses Bankai AND his hollow powers together just to match up to the rest of the Vizards? The guy uses Bankai against Vizards who never even release their Zanpakuto! And also how come other Shinigami can fight on par with the Arancars (even though they struggle they either win or it ends in a draw) and Ichigo needs to go all Hollow mode. I mean if a captain level Shinigami like Hitsugaya can take care of an Arrancar, and Vice-captains like Renji or Rangiku can fight em, Rukia even took down an Espada! And shes not even a seated officer (even though shes officially at the level of a vice-captain) My point is, either Ichigo is getting crappy or everyone else is getting too strong to make sense, i dunno anyone else think the same? Rath_Illuser, Oct 29, 2007Lo383169 likes this. Zhou Tai Roks No Longer a Noob Joined: Mar 24, 2003Messages: 119Date Posted: Oct 29, 2007 #2Its the latter, everyone is getting too powerful in Bleach."
"docid": "D1672001#0",
"title": "https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/latin/7981844/beyonce-mi-gente-sings-in-spanish\n5 Times Beyonce Sang in Spanish Before 'Mi Gente'",
"text": "\"5 Times Beyonce Sang in Spanish Before 'Mi Gente'9/29/2017by Chris Malone FACEBOOK TWITTER EMAIL MEKevin Mazur/Wire Image Beyonce performs during The Formation World Tour at Levi's Stadium on Sept. 17, 2016 in Santa Clara, Calif. Hot on the heels of the crossover success of \"\"Despacito,\"\" Beyonce is poised to give Justin Bieber a run for his money with her appearance on the remix of J Balvin and Willy William 's \"\"Mi Gente. \"\" In the song, Bey switches between Spanish and English to sing about a captivating rhythm that gets her dancing and celebrating with \"\"her people.\"\" This is by no means Bey's first foray into the foreign language through her music, though; here are some of the best times Bey's shown us her Spanish chops. Irreemplazable (Irreplaceable)After the release of her 2006 album B'Day, Bey released an EP of Spanish covers of the some of the album's biggest hits. One of her most recognizable songs from the early part of her solo career, the Spanish version of \"\"Irreplaceable\"\" is sung entirely in Spanish. Her accent is practically nonexistent, and she gives a great vocal flair to one of her most timeless songs. Irreplaceable (Irreemplazable) - Spanish version Beyoncé3:47Oye (Listen)One of Beyonce's greatest acting credits was in the 2006 film adaptation of the beloved musical Dreamgirls, where her character Deena Jones sings the climactic \"\"Listen\"\" as an expression of independence from her controlling husband. \"\" Oye\"\" packs the same emotional punch that \"\"Listen\"\" does, rivaling some of the most powerful ballads in her repertoire. Listen (Oye) - Spanish Version Beyoncé3:41Bello Embustero (Beautiful Liar)Three Spanish remixes are better than one, right? On her Irreemplazable EP Beyonce sings three different Spanish versions of \"\"Beautiful Liar,\"\" each with a different twist than the other."
"docid": "D1956627#0",
"title": "http://www.texasmissionindians.org/\nHistory of the Native People",
"text": "\"History of the Native People The history of South Texas is usually written beginning with the arrival of the immigrants in the early 1700's with their European culture. It is presumed by many that history begins when there is a written recording of events, significant or otherwise. However, human history begins with the advent of human beings and their activity and not necessarily with the introduction of a more complex form of communication, such as writing the representations of sounds. It is postulated by many that the Native People have been in this country for 40,000 years, others say 11,000. Native People say they have been here since they were formed by the Creator and that they are a part of the environment and that Nature is part of them. Let's go back 300 years ago when Native People were the majority in what is now Bexar County. The mix of flora and fauna of Bexar County would be markedly different than that of today. For example, bear, cougar, and wolf would be usual and common residents. Buffalo or bison would be regular visitors to the area. In the clear streams, you would find alligator, large snapping turtles and gar as well as abundant fish of many species."
"docid": "D2603293#0",
"title": "http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kenpachi_Zaraki\nKenpachi Zaraki",
"text": "\"in: Characters, Shinigami, Male, and 5 more Kenpachi Zaraki English Edit Share\"\"It's been so long that I forgot the pain of not having a name. Everyone had a name that friends use to call them, but I didn't. That pain. \"\"— Kenpachi Zaraki in \"\" THE UNDEAD \"\"Overview Image Gallery Battles & Events Kenpachi Zaraki- Post Timeskip Race Soul Birthday November 19 [1]Gender Male Height 202 cm (6'7½\"\") [2]Weight 90 kg (198 lbs) [2]Professional Status Affiliation Gotei 13, Soul Society Profession Shinigami Position Captain of the 11th Division Division 11th Division Partner Ikkaku Madarame Previous Partner Yachiru Kusajishi Base of Operations Seireitei, Soul Society Personal Status Relatives Yachiru Kusajishi (adoptive daughter)ZanpakutōShikai Nozarashi Bankai Unnamed First Appearance Manga Volume 8, Chapter 65Anime Episode 20Video Game Bleach Advance: Kurenai Voices Japanese Fumihiko Tachiki English David Lodge (Ep 20 through 243) Patrick Seitz (Ep 244+)Spanish Ricky Coello (Spain) César Arias (Latin America)\"\"Consume everything, demon of the blood-thirsty sword.\"\" - Tite Kubo [1]Kenpachi Zaraki (更木 剣八, Zaraki Kenpachi) is the current captain of the 11th Division in the Gotei 13. He is the eleventh Kenpachi to hold the position. [ 3] His first lieutenant was Yachiru Kusajishi and his current lieutenant is Ikkaku Madarame . Contents [ show]Appearance Kenpachi is a tall, muscular Shinigami with a wild and aggressive appearance, which fits his personality. He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He has green eyes and long, stringy black hair. ["
"docid": "D816557#0",
"title": "http://saviorichigo.weebly.com/abilities.html\nPowers & Abilities",
"text": "\"Powers & Abilities Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Physically, Ichigo's Human body is in top form. Ichigo has been trained in martial arts since he was a small child, both professionally and by his father. He has repeatedly shown great agility and coordination in his attacks. In addition to having powerful kicks and punches, Ichigo is proficient in counterattacks, takedowns, and body locks. He has repeatedly caught an opponent's weapon strikes with a single hand. He effortlessly defeats multiple bullies and gangsters on a regular basis, and is a better martial artist than Tatsuki Arisawa, who is ranked the second strongest girl in all of Japan despite her fighting with a broken arm. He effortlessly knocked out three lieutenants in rapid succession, while bare-handed, with a single strike each. While he has stopped training, constant attacks from bullies and his father keep his skills fresh. Enhanced Strength: Even while not in his Shinigami form, Ichigo is deceptively strong, smashing a man's head through a concrete road with a single kick, and later kicking Asguiaro Ebern from his bedroom into the street without injuring his leg from the man's Hierro. Enhanced Speed & Reflexes: Even before learning Shunpo, Ichigo is a very fast and agile fighter."
"docid": "D2350049#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_kind_of_music_that_wisin_y_yandel_sing\nWhat are the kind of music that wisin y yandel sing?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music What are the kind of music that wisin y yandel sing? Flag What are the kind of music that wisin y yandel sing? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Reggaeton3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Vthalia 11 Contributions Is Wisin from Wisin y Yandel single? He was... not no more hes now married with Yomaira Ortiz and has a daughter named Llelena/Yelena Edit Ashper18 106 Contributions Does Yandel from Wisin y Yandel have a girlfriend? Hes married and has two children wife - EDNERIS children - ADRIAN & DERECKEdit Gabby- 48 Contributions How old is yandel from wisin y yandel? Yandel's birthday is January 14, 1977Edit Is yandel from wisin y yandel single?no he has a wife Edit How tall is wisin y yandel? wisin 5'9 yandel 5'5Edit Are wisin y yandel related?yea they are cousins that's what i heard wisin is yandelheyim, alexmy number is405-5257651Edit What kind of shoes does wisin y yandel wear? the shoes of wisin y yandel are creative shoes they r like the ones they were wear in the video no dejemos que se acave and those red ones are supras Edit Who is better at singing wisin or yandel?"
"docid": "D3238028#0",
"title": "http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-the-Quality-of-a-Japanese-Sword\nHow to Tell the Quality of a Japanese Sword",
"text": "\"Edit Article How to Tell the Quality of a Japanese Sword Most people buy swords because they look cool, or they are or want to be a collector. Well if you ever take up kendo or kenjutsu those \"\"cool\"\" swords you bought for a lot may turn out to be actually a cool cash trap. While you're reading this you can learn some Japanese terms also. Steps1 Check to see if the Tsukaito (binding) is tight. Skip this step if there is no Tsukaito.2 Make sure the sword has a Sageo if you plan to use the sword.3 Check that the tip of the blade is not at a very acute angle.4 Consider what the blade is made of. If someone says the sword is carbon steel they probably don't know what they're saying, in this context (Steel always has carbon in it otherwise it would be iron). However, more generally, the term carbon steel is useful to distinguish non-stainless from stainless blades. A genuine ancient or functional Japanese blade would not be stainless, however. If it is stainless, it is almost certainly a modern reproduction designed to only be placed on a wall - it will have little value and will not hold an edge well, if at all.5 Learn how to check blade sharpness safely. If the blade has been properly maintained or is recently created for use (some genuine modern blades do exist) then ensure the blade is sharper than any kitchen knife you've ever known."
] |
637060 | what does esper | [
"docid": "D818288#0",
"title": "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=esper\n.",
"text": "\"Top definitionesper A human with certain types of supernatural powers, Most commonly one or more of the following: 1. Extra Scensory Perception ( esp ) 2. Power over the four elements ( Fire, Earth, Water, Air ) 3. Time Travel 4. Power to manipulate space and matter Esper activities are controled by the \"\"Agency\"\", I'm not sure of what this agency is made of but they have the power to control nearly every aspect of the material world. Esper powers are no controled by the espers will, certain conditions must be met (as to what im not sure but i will update eventually). Human: Alright, I will believe you're an esper if you can heat this cup of coffee. Esper: My powers aren't that easy to capture, certain conditions apply, but as I mentioned there will be plenty of time for me to show you my powers later...#ghost #epser #eser #gods #god #demon #super-humans #esp #elementalby ROBB_O THE CLOW February 28, 2007145 28Get a esper mug for your mate Larisa. \""
] | [
"docid": "D110886#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091121100157AAQR4nS\nWhat exactly is an Esper?",
"text": "Education & Reference Words & Wordplay What exactly is an Esper? I am watching alot of videos tryin to find out about anime for a money prize but I can't seem to find the definition of Esper/esper? Could anyone define it for me? Follow 2 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Esper for Extra Sensory Perception - someone who has this ability or has magic ability -reffering to anime only Voww79 · 8 years ago0 0 Comment Etymology From ESP - Extra Sensory Perception A person supposed to have paranormal abilities. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esper Espers may refer to: Esper, a term used in science fiction and the field of parapsychology Esper (program), a Java programming language component for performing complex event processing (CEP) Esper (Akira), a class of people from the Akira manga and film Espers (band), a Philadelphia based folk group Espers (album), their eponymous debut album Espers, summoned monsters in the video games Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy XII. Espers (comic), a series of comics written by James D. Hudnall and published by Eclipse Comics Espers: Interface, a sequel Espers: Undertow, a sequel Espers: Black Magic, a sequel Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper (1742-1810), German entomologist A device used for viewing electronic images, from the science-fiction film Blade Runner. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esper_ (disa...d_r_siva · 8 years ago1 0 Commenthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esper Maybe this link will help you.momomo · 8 years ago0 0 Commentit's a supernatural being from the anime tokyo espdulcie · 2 years ago0 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Train To Be a Project Manager Want to build a free website? Find Moving Container Services VPN options for your computer"
"docid": "D1514230#0",
"title": "http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/01/10/flu-outbreak-why-are-so-many-not-getting-vaccinated.html\nFlu outbreak: Why are so many not getting vaccinated?",
"text": "Medications Flu outbreak: Why are so many not getting vaccinated? By Loren Grush Published January 10, 2013 Fox News Facebook Twitter Email Vials of flu vaccine are displayed at Philly Flu Shots. ( AP Photo/Matt Rourke)Two words are at the top of most American’s minds this winter: flu season. ADVERTISEMENTAccording to the most recent weekly flu advisory from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U. S. is experiencing a particularly nasty flu season this year, with 29 states reporting high levels of “influenza-like illness. ”More specifically, the proportion of people visiting doctors and physicians for flu-like symptoms has climbed from 2.8 percent to 5.6 percent in just four weeks – compared to the peak rate of 2.2 percent for the 2011 – 2012 season. The virus causing the most problems: A particular strain of type A influenza called H3N2 has been the most predominantly reported this year. Luckily, this year’s flu vaccine is very well matched to H3N2, which has been historically associated with more severe illness. And yet, many people still don’t get the flu shot. More On This... Boston declares public health emergency as flu cases rise nationwide Fired for not getting flu shot? Drugmakers report US shortages of flu vaccine, Tamiflu Natural ways to prevent the flu this winter Deadly flu season leads to health emergency Be proactive to prevent the flu this winter Severe flu season straining the resources of ERs around the country What you need to know about this flu season CDC: Severe flu strain rapidly spreading across the country Flu outbreak causes hospitals to turn away patients Flu-like symptoms: When should you go to the hospital?"
"docid": "D2553414#0",
"title": "http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Auction_House_(Final_Fantasy_VI)\nAuction House (Final Fantasy VI)",
"text": "\"in: Final Fantasy VI locations Auction House (Final Fantasy VI)Edit Share VIFinal Fantasy VI location Auction House競売場 ( Kyōbaijō? ) Background information Type House Region Jidoor Affiliation (s)Independent Areas None Residents None Gameplay details Items Many for sale on auction Quests Obtaining magicite Obtaining Excalipoor to fight Gilgamesh The Auction House is a location in Final Fantasy VI located in the city of Jidoor where the player can bid on various randomly appearing items. Most items are sold infinite times, but there are some that can only be bought once, and some that cannot be bought at all because a spoiled rich kid's father always bids the highest price. See also: Auction house Contents [ show]Items for sale Edit The following is a list of items for sale, their price, and their chance of appearing: World of Balance Edit No espers purchased Edit Angel Wings (10,000 gil): 50%Real, Talking Chocobo (Cannot be bought): 25%Golem Magicite (20,000 gil, Unique): 12.5%Zona Seeker magicite (10,000 gil, Unique): 6.25%Angel Ring (20,000 Gil): 6.25%Golem purchased Edit Angel Wings (10,000 gil): 50%Real, Talking Chocobo (Cannot be bought): 25%Zona Seeker magicite (10,000 gil, Unique): 12.5%Angel Ring (20,000 gil): 12.5%Zona Seeker purchased Edit Angel Wings (10,000 gil): 50%Real, Talking Chocobo (Cannot be bought): 25%Golem magicite (20,000 gil, Unique): 12.5%Angel Ring (20,000 gil): 12.5%Both Espers purchased Edit Angel Wings (10,000 gil): 50%Real, Talking Chocobo (Cannot be bought): 25%Angel Ring (20,000 gil): 25%World of Ruin Edit Hero's Ring (50,000 gil, Unique)Excalipoor (500,000 Gil, Unique)Zephyr Cloak (10,000 gil)1/1200 scale airship (Cannot be bought)Robotic Imp (Cannot be bought)The two magicite pieces can still be bought in the World of Ruin, if the player missed the opportunity to buy them earlier, but the Angel Wings are no longer available. The Excalipoor is only available in the Advance release once an NPC outside the Auction House mentions a rare sword. The Excalipoor is useless in battle: its purpose is to be bet it at Dragon's Neck Coliseum, causing Gilgamesh to appear. Joke items Edit These three items are nothing but extras added into the game. No matter how high the player puts his bid up to, they cannot be purchased. Instead a scene will play in which a spoiled rich kid will force his father into buying the items for an obscene amount of gil. They are:1/1200 scale airship, bought for 1,000,000 gil Robotic Imp, bought for 1,000,000 gil Talking chocobo (also known as Talkobo), bought for 500,000 gil Gallery Editv · e · d Final Fantasy VIAllusions - Artwork - Dummied content - Menu - Timeline - Translations - Version differences - Walkthroughs Characters Playable Terra Branford - Locke Cole - Edgar Roni Figaro - Sabin Rene Figaro - Shadow - Cyan Garamonde - Gau - Celes Chere - Setzer Gabbiani - Mog - Strago Magus - Relm Arrowny - Gogo - Umaro Temporary Biggs and Wedge - Ten Moogles - Banon - ?????? -"
"docid": "D2564256#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/esperance\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does esperance mean? Definitions for esperance ˈɛs pər əns Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word esperance. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:esperance (Noun)expectation, hope Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Esperance (noun)hope Origin: [F. esprance, fr. L. sperans, p. pr. of sperare to hope. ] Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Esperance Esperance is a regional city in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, on the Southern Ocean coastline approximately 720 kilometres east-southeast of the state capital, Perth. Esperance is home to 9,919 people as of the 2011 census. Its major industries are tourism, agriculture, and fishing. The Shire of Esperance is home to 13,477 people. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Esperancees′pėr-ans, n. ( Shak.)"
"docid": "D818287#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/esper\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does esper mean? Definitions for esper Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word esper. Wiktionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:esper (Noun)A person supposed to have paranormal abilities. Freebase (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Esper An esper refers to an individual capable of telepathy and other similar paranormal abilities. The term was apparently coined by Alfred Bester in his 1950 short story \"\"Oddy and Id\"\" and is derived from the abbreviation ESP for extrasensory perception. Anagrams for esper »peers, Peers, perse, per se, spree Peers Per se Spree Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of esper in Chaldean Numerology is: 5Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of esper in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9Images & Illustrations of esper Translations for esper From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary Esper Spanishesper Frenchesper Hindiesper Indonesianאספר Hebrewエスパー Japanese에스퍼 KoreanЭспер Russian艾斯波 Chinese Get even more translations for esper »Translation Find a translation for the esper definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these esper definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"esper.\"\" Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2018. Web."
"docid": "D1582109#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_are_the_members_of_papa_roach\nWho are the members of papa roach?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Genres Who are the members of papa roach? Flag Who are the members of papa roach? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. Lead vocals: Jacoby Shaddix Bass guitar & backing vocals: Tobin Esperance Guitar and backing vocals: Jerry Horton Drums, percussion, & backing vocals: Tony Palermo (since late 2008) Original Drummer (until late 2008, so not on new CD Metamorphosis): Dave Buckner Jacoby Shaddix is the lead vocalist. Jerry Horton plays lead guitar and sings backup vocals. Tobin Esperance plays bass guitar and also dabbles in programming and rhythm guitar for the band. Lastly, Tony Palermo plays drums for the band Papa Roach.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Ferrettrix Who is the drummer in papa roach? Tony Palermo (since late 2008, so he is the dummer on Metamorphosis) Original Drummer (everything before Metamorphosis): Dave Buckner Edit Where do you get a backstage pass for papa roach? Ebay?"
"docid": "D2824865#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schoharie,_New_York\nSchoharie, New York",
"text": "\"Schoharie, New York From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Schoharie, New York (disambiguation). Schoharie, New York Town Location in Schoharie County and the state of New York. Coordinates: 42°40′44″N 74°18′44″WCoordinates: 42°40′44″N 74°18′44″WCountry United States State New York County Schoharie Settled 1718Established 1788Government• Supervisor Martin Shrederis Area [1]• Total 29.96 sq mi (77.60 km 2)• Land 29.83 sq mi (77.26 km 2)• Water 0.13 sq mi (0.33 km 2) 0.57%Elevation 604 ft (184 m)Population ( 2010)• Total 3,205• Estimate (2016) [2] 3,028• Density 101.51/sq mi (39.19/km 2)Time zone Eastern (EST) ( UTC-5)• Summer ( DST) EDT ( UTC-4)ZIP code 12157Area code (s) 518FIPS code 36-65596GNIS feature ID 0979470Website Town of Schoharie, NYSchoharie / s k ə ˈ h ɛər iː / is a town in Schoharie County, New York. The population was 3,299 at the 2000 census. The Town of Schoharie has a village, also called Schoharie. Both are derived from the Mohawk word for driftwood. The town is on the northeast border of the county and is southwest of Albany, and east of Oneonta and Cooperstown, both located in Otsego County. Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Geography3 Demographics4 Communities and locations in the Town of Schoharie5 Notable people6 References7 External links History [ edit]This area was long occupied by indigenous peoples; in the historic period, the Mohawk people, one of the Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy, dominated this territory, ranging up to the St. Lawrence River and east to the Hudson. Although the English claimed New York province after taking control from the Dutch, the first European settlements in this area were by Palatine Germans in 1713, after the area was first explored in 1710/11. [ 3] These Germans were among nearly 3,000 German Protestant refugees who sailed to New York in 1710, on ships arranged by Queen Anne 's government."
"docid": "D919901#0",
"title": "https://www.amazon.com/Melancholy-Haruhi-Suzumiya-Complete-Collection/dp/B0019HABE8\nThe Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Complete Collection",
"text": "\"Movies & TV › Science Fiction & Fantasy › Science Fiction › Animation Share7 used from $28.23See All Buying Options Have one to sell? Sell on Amazon The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Complete Collection Complete Collection DVD | Box Set Tatsuya Ishihara (Director) Rated: PG-134.4 out of 5 stars 74 customer reviews DVDfrom $28.23Additional DVD options Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD (Jul 06, 2010)— 4 — $139.99 $20.90DVD — — — $360.74 —DVD (Jul 29, 2008)Complete Collection 4 — — $28.23See More Customers who bought this item also bought Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Season 2Aya Hirano3.9 out of 5 stars 61DVD$39.99The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya: The Movie (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)Wendee Lee4.6 out of 5 stars 22Blu-ray$24.59The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan: Complete Series (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)Crispin Freeman4.5 out of 5 stars 12Blu-ray$41.42Serial Experiments Lain: Complete Series - Classic (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)Ruby Marlowe4.6 out of 5 stars 75Blu-ray$22.99High School Dx D: The Series [Blu-ray]Jamie Marchi4.7 out of 5 stars 322Blu-ray$38.71Ghost in the Shell (2017) [Blu-ray]Scarlett Johansson3.7 out of 5 stars 1,659Blu-ray$12.99Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Seasons One & Two Wendee Lee4.5 out of 5 stars 33DVD$35.49涼宮ハルヒの消失 劇場版 DVD アニメ [DVD] [Import]4.6 out of 5 stars 22DVD8 offers from $14.51The Melancholy of Haruhi-Chan Suzumiya & Nyoron Wendee Lee4.4 out of 5 stars 15DVD$16.49The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Nagaru Tanigawa4.6 out of 5 stars 93Paperback26 offers from $7.06The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Ultimate Collector's Edition [Blu ray] [Blu-ray]Wendee Lee4.0 out of 5 stars 16Blu-ray4 offers from $199.98The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Volume 1 (Limited Edition)Tomokazu Sugita4.3 out of 5 stars 49DVD$67.99What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Seasons One & Two DVDWendee Lee4.5 out of 5 stars 33$35.49涼宮ハルヒの消失 劇場版 DVD アニメ [DVD] [Import] DVD4.6 out of 5 stars 228 offers from $14.51Your Name DVDMichael Sinterniklaas4.8 out of 5 stars 590$17.95The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan: Complete Series (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Blu-ray Crispin Freeman4.5 out of 5 stars 12$41.42Special offers and product promotions Get a $75.00 statement credit after first Amazon.com purchase made with new Discover it® card within 3 months. Terms and conditions apply. See offer for details. Apply now Editorial Reviews Product Description I thought that when I entered high school, my days of believing in aliens, time travelers and ESPers were going to be over."
"docid": "D110887#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esper_(fiction)\nExtrasensory perception",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Esper (fiction))navigation search For the 1934 book by Joseph Banks Rhine, see Extrasensory Perception (book). \"\" Percipient\"\" redirects here. For percipient witness, see Witness. [ show] Part of a series of articles on the paranormal Extrasensory perception, ESP or Esper, also called sixth sense or second sight, includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind. The term was adopted by Duke University psychologist J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as intuition, telepathy, psychometry, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, and their trans-temporal operation as precognition or retrocognition. [ 1]Parapsychology is the study of paranormal psychic phenomena, including ESP. Parapsychology has been criticized for continuing investigation despite being unable to provide convincing evidence for the existence of any psychic phenomena after more than a century of research. [ 2] The scientific community rejects ESP due to the absence of an evidence base, the lack of a theory which would explain ESP, and the lack of experimental techniques which can provide reliably positive results; and considers ESP to be pseudoscience. [ 3] [4] [5] [6] [7]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Skepticism3 See also4 References5 Further reading6 External links History [ edit]Zener cards were first used in the 1930s for experimental research into ESP. Hubert Pearce with J. B. Rhine."
"docid": "D1687780#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Lake_(Western_Australia)\nSpencer Lake (Western Australia)",
"text": "\"Pink Lake Pink Lake sunset Location Goldfields-Esperance, Western Australia Coordinates 33°50′43″S 121°49′40″ECoordinates: 33°50′43″S 121°49′40″EType Salt lake Basin countries Australia Max. length 4 km (2 mi)Max. width 2 km (1 mi)Surface area 99 ha (245 acres) [1]Surface elevation 0 m (0 ft)References [1]Eastern end from Observation Point Spencer Lake (also known as Pink Lake) is a salt lake in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. [ 2] Although historically the water in the lake was visibly pink, as of 2017 it had not been pink for over ten years. [ 3]. It lies about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Esperance and is bounded to the east by the South Coast Highway. Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 Birds3 Salt production4 Misleading name5 References Description [ edit]The distinctive colour of the water changes as a result of green alga Dunaliella salina, halobacterium Halobacteria cutirubrum, and/or high concentration of brine prawn. Once the lake water reaches a salinity level greater than that of sea water, the temperature is high enough and adequate light conditions are provided, the alga begins to accumulate the red pigment beta carotene. The pink halobacterium grow in the salt crust at the bottom of the lake. [ 4]It is believed that the construction of a highway and a rail line altered the flow of water into the lake reducing its salinity which is why (as of 2017) it no longer appears pink. [ 3]Birds [ edit]The lake has been identified by Bird Life International as an Important Bird Area because it usually supports significant numbers of hooded plovers and sometimes over 1% of the world population of banded stilts."
"docid": "D930135#0",
"title": "https://www.honeymoonsinc.com/Sandals_Resorts_Jamaica_St_Lucia_Antigua_Bahamas/Sandals_La_Toc_St_Lucia.aspx\nSandals Regency La Toc | St Lucia | Couples Only | Adults Only All Inclusive",
"text": "\"Sandals Regency La Toc | St Lucia | Couples Only | Adults Only All Inclusive Rating: Luxury Included®Included Rooms Honeymoons Highlights • Tips • FAQs • Group Specials • Additional Links Online pricing temporarily unavailable. Request a quote or use our Official Site: Sandals Regency La Toc. Sandals Regency La Toc offers couples only all inclusive, St Lucia Honeymoon, vacation and wedding packages. Sandals Resorts comprehensive all inclusive plan2018 Trip Advisor's Top 25 All Inclusive Resorts ( #20 ). Honeymoons, Inc. Top 10 All Inclusive Honeymoons Main resort section features the largest pool in St. Lucia and is very active and lively Only Sandals Resort in St Lucia that has golf on property Bluff section is quieter2 story villa suites with personal pools Hillside between main resort and bluff has villas, a Japanese restaurant, and a secluded pool area Stay at one and play at all 3 Sandals Resorts in St Lucia, Sandals Halcyon, Sandals Grande St Lucian World Travel Awards voted \"\"St Lucia Leading Spa Resort\"\"Virtual Tour: Sandals Regency La Toc St Lucia We always guarantee the lowest price on Sandals Regency St Lucia packages!Save up to 65% Off Up to $635 Booking Bonus1 Free night$25 Online Savings Suite Escape Travel: Now to 12/26/18Book: Now to 4/13/18Offers vary by date, length of stay, and room category. Blackout dates apply. New bookings only. Restrictions apply. What's Included at Sandals Regency La Toc St Lucia No other resorts on the planet include what Sandals Resorts does. Wi Fi Accommodations All Meals All Drinks Anytime Snacks7 Restaurants4 Pools4 Whirlpools10 Bars Half mile beach Scuba Diving Sailing Snorkeling Canoes Kayaks Sailboats Windsurfing Hobie Cats Hydrobikes Golf Nightly Entertainment Lighted Tennis Courts Beach Volleyball Fitness Center Aerobics Table Tennis Shuffleboard Billiards Croquet Board Games Lawn Chess Basketball Saunas Steam Baths Butler Service in Top 6 Suites Exchange Privileges with Sandals Grande St Lucia and Sandals Halcyon Exchange privileges to 23 dining options Airport Transfers Hotel Taxes Tips and Gratuities Sandals Regency La Toc St Lucia Rooms With 19 room categories at Sandals Regency La Toc St Lucia, there's a room for every budget."
"docid": "D73187#0",
"title": "http://www.washarkattacks.net/shark-attacks.php\nShark attacks and whale migration in Western Australia",
"text": "\"Shark attacks and whale migration in Western Australia Attack months Shark attacks in Australia historically clustered around the summer months, probably because of human beach populations. Shark Attacks - No Attacks in Winter (Cairns Post 1933 - desktop site)Surfer's Dread - Habits of the Shark (Sydney Morning Herald 1954 - desktop site)Man-Eating Sharks - Reassurance for Local Bathers (The West Australian 1935 - desktop site)Since 1995, however, two of WA's 16 great white shark attack fatalities have been in July, one in August, two in September, two in October, two in November, two in December, two in March, one in April, one in May and one in June. There has also been a tiger shark fatality in January 1997. A majority are in the humpback whale migration season, even though far fewer people swim during winter and spring - although surfers are more common during winter months. Great whites are coming to where the food has become plentiful, particularly whale calves and adult carcasses, and the timing of fatalities since 1995 suggests a correlation with the humpback's WA migration, particularly the southern swim from the Kimberley to the Antarctic with newborn. That is when the humpbacks hug the coastline to protect their calves, increasing their proximity to humans. Latest attacks in Western Australia Over recent years, Western Australia has gained an international reputation as the deadliest place in the world for fatal shark attacks. One of the biggest great whites ever caught in the world was a six metre specimen in 1987 at Ledge Point. This location is just 20 kilometres south of a great white shark attack on 14 July 2012 that took the life of surfer Ben Linden. On 28 August 2012, 34 year old surfer Jon Hines was attacked at Red Bluff, north of the Gascoyne town of Carnarvon."
"docid": "D2392272#0",
"title": "http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/ben-cousins-arrested-over-drugs/story-e6frg12c-1226313147647\nBen Cousins back in Perth after being arrested over drugs",
"text": "\"News Ben Cousins back in Perth after being arrested over drugs David Prestipino and Phil Hickey | Perth Now March 29, 2012 3:05AMTopics WA News TROUBLED former footballer Ben Cousins is today in hiding, believed to be at his North Beach home, 36 hours after his arrest on serious drugs charges. Cousins, 33, was dramatically arrested at Esperance Airport on Tuesday night where he was allegedly found with 4.56g of methylamphetamine inside his body. Two waiting undercover officers arrested and reportedly strip-searched him after he stepped off the plane at about 7.15pm. The troubled former Eagles star and 2005 Brownlow Medallist, was later released on bail after being charged with possession of methylamphetamine with intent to sell or supply. Police will allege the drug was found hidden inside Cousins' rectum. Possessing more than four grams of methylamphetamine with intent to sell or supply carries a maximum penalty of $100,000 fine and/or 25 years' jail. Police are today analysing the drug to ascertain exactly what it was. Last night when Cousins arrived back in Perth he refused to talk about his arrest, saying \"\"I've got nothing to say,\"\" as he walked past the waiting media pack in the baggage hall at Perth Domestic Airport. His flight touched down at 9.25pm but there was no one to greet him on arrival and a clearly agitated Cousins walked around the terminal for at least 10 minutes as he waited to be collected. Eventually, he was escorted by four police officers out to the carpark, where it is believed his partner Maylea Tinecheff picked him up."
"docid": "D2130566#0",
"title": "http://wildstar-central.com/threads/what-is-the-mage-class-spellslinger-or-esper-so-far.5461/\nWhat is the mage class - Spellslinger or Esper ( so far)?",
"text": "\"Home Forums > Wild Star Online > Wild Star Classes & Paths >Hey Guest! If you're more than just a Wild Star fan and want to keep up on the latest MMO news, reviews and opinion pieces then I'd like to suggest you visit our sister site MMO Central What is the mage class - Spellslinger or Esper ( so far)? Discussion in ' Wild Star Classes & Paths ' started by Xalon, Aug 3, 2013 . Page 1 of 31 2 3 Next >Xalon Cupcake-About-Town Joined: Jul 30, 2013Likes Received: 35Trophy Points: 28I want to get into mages since they havent given a pally class which i always play Xalon, Aug 3, 2013 #1Kasern Cupcake Joined: Jun 23, 2013Likes Received: 45Trophy Points: 18Location: Newcastle, Australia As I see it, and this is forcing the classes to conform to the Wo W analogues, Spellslingers are Mages while Espers are Priests. You could argue that Spellslinger is the archer class (I don't say hunter because that carries the pet connotation) but I would argue that archers have been mages with bows instead of staves since EQ rather than the archers/rangers of pen and paper games. Warrior = Warrior Stalker = Rogue Spellslinger = Mage Esper = Priest \"\"Rifle\"\" class = Archer/Ranger/Hunter \"\"Medic/Alchemist\"\" class = Shaman Of course, Wild Star is not Wo W, but since so many of the Carbine devs worked on Wo W, and since MMOs are MMOs, it's not unfair to compare them. Captain Kasern Skyhawks Oceanic - Pv Xwww. Skyhawks.net.au Kasern, Aug 3, 2013 #2Laban likes this. Roguehandle Cupcake Joined: Jul 27, 2013Likes Received: 45Trophy Points: 18Indeed. They are trying to get away from the \"\"typical classes\"\"."
"docid": "D2162327#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_A_Certain_Magical_Index_episodes\nList of A Certain Magical Index episodes",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search The cover of the first DVD compilation released by Geneon Entertainment; the characters featured are Index (left) and Tōma Kamijō (right). A Certain Magical Index is an anime series adapted from the light novel series of the same title written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. The story adventures of Tōma Kamijō, a high school student with a unique power in his right hand, who resides in a scientifically advanced city, and his interactions with other psychic and magic users after he meets Index, a young nun whose mind has been implanted with the 103,000 magical texts of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Produced by J. C. Staff and directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori, the anime adaptation was confirmed on June 3, 2008 in the sixteenth volume of Toaru Majutsu no Index, [1] and the official website began to stream promotional videos on July 7, 2008. [ 2] The series was broadcast on the Mainichi Broadcasting System from October 4, 2008 to March 19, 2009. Eight DVD compilations, each containing three episodes and a mini Toaru Kagaku no Railgun novel written by Kazuma Kamachi and art by Motoi Fuyukawa, were released between January 23, 2009 and August 21, 2009 by Geneon Entertainment (now NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan ). [ 3] [4] The first season adapts the light novels from the first to the 5th volumes. Four pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: two opening and two ending themes. The first opening theme is \"\" PSI-Missing \"\" by Mami Kawada, used from episodes 1 to 16 (corrected in the DVD version to episode 14). From episode 17 (episode 15 in the DVD version) onwards, a second opening theme, \"\" Masterpiece \"\" by Mami Kawada, was used."
"docid": "D3087932#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esper\nEsper",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Look up esper in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Esper or Espers may refer to: Contents [ hide ]1 Arts and entertainment2 People3 Other uses4 See also Arts and entertainment [ edit]Espers (band), a Philadelphia-based folk group Espers (album), their eponymous debut album Espers (comics), a series of comics written by James D. Hudnall and published by Eclipse Comics Esper Mami, a manga created by Fujiko Fujio Esper ( Final Fantasy), a mystical being that can be summoned in Square-Enix video games Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy XIIPeople [ edit]Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper (1742–1810), author abbreviation \"\"Esper\"\", German entomologist and botanist Esper (surname), a list of people with the surname ESPer, person who has extrasensory perception Other uses [ edit]Esper, Iran, a village in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran Esper, Missouri, a community in the United States Esper (software), a software product for complex event processing See also [ edit]Vespers (disambiguation)This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Esper. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Categories: Disambiguation pages \""
"docid": "D2808871#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Bird_(play)\nThe Blue Bird (play)",
"text": "\"The Blue Bird Mytyl ( Alisa Koonen) and Tyltyl ( Sofya Khalyutina) in the Moscow Art Theatre production (1908)Written by Maurice Maeterlinck Date premiered 30 September 1908The Blue Bird ( French: L'Oiseau bleu) is a 1908 play by Belgian playwright and poet Maurice Maeterlinck. It premiered on 30 September 1908 at Konstantin Stanislavski 's Moscow Art Theatre, and was presented on Broadway in 1910. The play has been adapted for several films and a TV series. The French composer Albert Wolff wrote an opera (first performed at the New York Metropolitan Opera in 1919) based on Maeterlinck's original play, and Maeterlinck's innamorata Georgette Leblanc produced a novelization. The story is about a girl called Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl seeking happiness, represented by The Blue Bird of Happiness, aided by the good fairy Bérylune. Maeterlinck also wrote a relatively little known sequel to The Blue Bird, entitled The Betrothal; or, The Blue Bird Chooses. Contents [ hide ]1 Story2 Adaptations2.1 Novelization2.2 Film2.3 Fine art2.4 Television2.5 Radio2.6 Opera3 Mentions in other works3.1 Grisaia no Kajitsu4 Other references5 References6 External links Story [ edit]Tyltyl ( Gladys Hulette) and Mytyl ( Irene Brown) watch the Christmas party across the street in the Broadway production of The Blue Bird (1910)In the opening scene, the two children gleefully describe the beautiful decorations and rich desserts that they see in the house of a wealthy family nearby. When Bérylune says that it is wrong for the rich not to share their cakes with Tyltyl and Mytyl, the boy corrects her. It is enough that he gets to watch others’ happiness; their joy does not create envy in him. The theme is emphasized again when the children meet the Luxuries, particularly the biggest one of all, the Luxury of Being Rich."
"docid": "D3008715#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Kalgoorlie-Boulder\n.",
"text": "\"Earth : Oceania : Australia : Western Australia : Goldfields-Esperance : Kalgoorlie-Bouldernavigation search Kalgoorlie-Boulder Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Get in By bus By car By plane By Train Get around Rental cars Taxi Walk Bus See Surrounding areas Do Buy Markets Eat Restaurants Self catering Sleep Budget Mid-range Splurge Caravan parks Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a regional city (pop. 30,000) in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. Understand [ edit]Kalgoorlie is a mining town with a long history that contains much of interest to the adventurous traveller. Over a hundred years of mining wealth has produced some beautiful old buildings that house pubs, post offices and general shops. The largest open cut gold mine in Australia abuts the town, though you are unlikely to notice it except for the mountain of dirt along the mines edge or the reverberations of the daily blast. Kalgoorlie makes an ideal base to explore the other towns in the region that have an equally rich history. Kalgoorlie Visitor Centre, Cnr Hannan and Wilson St, ☎ +61 8 9168 1177 ( [email protected] ), [1]. M-F 8.30AM-5.00PM, Sa-Su 9AM-12PM. Your best source for free pamphlets, maps and gold encrusted souvenirs. edit Get in [ edit]Kalgoorlie is located approximately 600km east of Perth, 397km north of Esperance and 235km south of Leonora. To the east is the endless desert."
"docid": "D97243#0",
"title": "http://www.definitions.net/definition/menzies\nDefinitions &Translations",
"text": "\"Vocabulary What does Menzies mean? Definitions for Menzies ˈmɛn ziz Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Menzies. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Menzies Menzies is a town in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, 728 kilometres east-northeast of the state capital, Perth, and 133 kilometres north-northwest of the city of Kalgoorlie. At the 2006 census, Menzies had a population of 56. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of Menzies in Chaldean Numerology is: 3Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of Menzies in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1Sample Sentences & Example Usage Nicholas Hammond: It was 10 seconds before anybody realized there were only six kids in the boat, not seven, all those crew guys went rushing into the lake and pulled Kym up, and she promptly threw up all over Heather Menzies (Louisa)!Images & Illustrations of Menzies Translations for Menzies From our Multilingual Translation Dictionaryمينزيس Arabic Menzies Hindi Menzies Italian Menzies NorwegianМензіс Ukrainian Get even more translations for Menzies »Translation Find a translation for the Menzies definition in other languages: Select another language: Discuss these Menzies definitions with the community: Word of the Day Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? Please enter your email address: Subscribe Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style: MLA Chicago APA\"\"Menzies.\"\" Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2018. Web. 7 Apr. 2018."
"docid": "D3497187#0",
"title": "http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=11116\n.",
"text": "\"Artistfacts ® Lyrics Songfacts ®Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. This song is about greed, and how money doesn't solve your problems. In our interview with Tobin Esperance of Papa Roach, it was revealed the track took inspiration from the film, Fight Club: \"\"The lyric in the bridge section was taken from the conversation that Brad Pitt was having with Edward Norton on the airplane.\"\" Esperance is referring to the following lyric: \"\"Working jobs that you hate, for that s--t you don't need,\"\" which is taken directly from the movie. \"\" Jacoby had been reading a lot of books, Chuck Palahniuk, at that time. We just took in our own meanings into the lyrics,\"\" adds Tobin. This is live favorite for Papa Roach, which in 2011 Esperance told us was \"\"Definitely still a really fun song to play live. That song definitely goes off. \"\" The title does not appear in the lyrics."
] |
637061 | what does esprit de corps mean | [
"docid": "D1306496#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_esprit_de_corps_mean\nWhat are some ways to promote esprit de corps in the military?",
"text": "\"Answers Publisher 49,340 Contributions Answered In Uncategorized What are some ways to promote esprit de corps in the military? Esprit de corps, or morale, is promoted in a variety of ways within the military. Some examples are the chants, living together, and eating together. Edit Stoney1943 1,100 Contributions Answered In Uncategorized What is 'esprit be corps'? Esprit de corps means the pride that each individual has for his unit. Semper Fi!Edit Prioktan 918 768,711 Contributions Law school student at Fordham University. Studied before at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. Answered In Spanish to English What does the spanish word esprit mean? \"\" Esprit\"\" is a french word for \"\"spirit\"\". It has no meaning in Spanish."
] | [
"docid": "D991644#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/esprit_de_corps.htm\nESPRIT DE CORPS",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » E » Eschrichtius Robustus ... Essential Condition ESPRIT DE CORPSPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does esprit de corps mean?• ESPRIT DE CORPS (noun) The noun ESPRIT DE CORPS has 1 sense:1. the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed Familiarity information: ESPRIT DE CORPS used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details• ESPRIT DE CORPS (noun)Sense 1 esprit de corps [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: The spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects Synonyms:esprit de corps; team spirit; morale Hypernyms (\"\"esprit de corps\"\" is a kind of...):disposition; temperament (your usual mood)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Don't have too many irons in the fire.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"Hungry bear doesn't dance.\"\" ( Bulgarian proverb) \"\"Time is made of gold.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"The most beautiful laughter comes from the mouth of a mourner.\"\" ( Corsican proverb)Related FAQs:» CORPS » ESPRITESPRESSO SHOPESPRITESPRIT DE CORPSESPRIT DE L'ESCALIERESPYESQESQUIMAUESQUIREESRESSAYEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» amen corner meaning » capstone » what does baton rouge mean » first appearance » what does opposition mean Page delivered in 0.0964 seconds \""
"docid": "D2960198#0",
"title": "http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/identity\nIdentity",
"text": "\"Identity Webster's 1913 Dictionary I`den´ti`tyn. 1. The state or quality of being identical, or the same; sameness. Identity is a relation between our cognitions of a thing, not between things themselves. - Sir W. Hamilton.2. The condition of being the same with something described or asserted, or of possessing acharacter claimed; as, to establish the identity of stolen goods.3. ( Math.) An identical equation. Word Net Dictionary Noun 1. identity - the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; \"\" you canlose your identity when you join the army \"\" Synonyms: personal identity, individuality2."
"docid": "D2982411#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/occlusive.htm\nOCCLUSIVE",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » O » Obstructionism ... Occupied OCCLUSIVEDictionary entry overview: What does occlusive mean?• OCCLUSIVE (noun) The noun OCCLUSIVE has 1 sense:1. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it Familiarity information: OCCLUSIVE used as a noun is very rare.• OCCLUSIVE (adjective) The adjective OCCLUSIVE has 1 sense:1. tending to occlude Familiarity information: OCCLUSIVE used as an adjective is very rare. Dictionary entry details• OCCLUSIVE (noun)Sense 1 occlusive [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents Synonyms:occlusive; plosive; plosive consonant; plosive speech sound; stop consonant; stop Context example:his stop consonants are too aspirated Hypernyms (\"\"occlusive\"\" is a kind of...):obstruent (a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth)Meronyms (parts of \"\"occlusive\"\"):implosion (the initial occluded phase of a stop consonant)explosion; plosion (the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"occlusive\"\"):labial stop (a stop consonant that is produced with the lips)glottal catch; glottal plosive; glottal stop (a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis; as in the sudden onset of a vowel)click; suction stop (a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu))• OCCLUSIVE (adjective)Sense 1 occlusive [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Tending to occlude Classified under: Relational adjectives (pertainyms)Pertainym:occlusion (closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel))Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"It was probably a waste of time anyway.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"A spared body only goes twenty-four hours further that another\"\" (Breton proverb) \"\"Those who are far from the eye are far from the heart.\"\" ( Arabic proverb) \"\"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.\"\" ( Danish proverb)OCCLUSIVE: related words searches» implosion: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » Definition of plosion » What does labial stop mean? » glottal plosive meaning » suction stop: pronunciation in phonetic transcription OCCIPITAL PROTUBERANCEOCCIPITAL VEINOCCIPITOMASTOID SUTUREOCCIPUTOCCITANOCCLUDEOCCLUDEDOCCLUDED FRONTOCCLUSIONOCCLUSIVEEnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» inr meaning » esprit de corps » what does quantify mean » card trick » what does karma mean Page delivered in 0.0403 seconds \""
"docid": "D2241231#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_are_uniforms_important\nWhy are uniforms important?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Jobs & Education Jobs Why are uniforms important? Flag Why are uniforms important? Answer by Teekay56 Confidence votes 121.uniforms are important because if u got lost on a class trip they will be easy to find. 2. you wont have to spend hours and hours looking for an outfit that will suit u the best. 3. if u had no uniform ur school wouldn't be donating money to the cancer foundation. 4. there important for a job cause it distiguishes what kind of work you do. it let a person know that if you have a hard hat on u do something in construction."
"docid": "D2838864#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-death-before-dishonor-tattoo-mean\n\"What does the \"\"death before dishonor\"\" tattoo mean?\"",
"text": "Sabrina Deep, I have worked for 2 years in a tattoo parlor. Answered Jan 2, 2016 · Author has 1.2k answers and 27.9m answer views The plain meaning should be obvious, as Leszek Pietrzak already said. However, i have found a detailed history of its slogan which might help you to understand better why many tattoos lovers are attracted by this one. As seen at Death Before Dishonor Tattoo: The slogan of “Death Before Dishonor”, frequently written in a coiling scroll wrapped around a dagger, is a perennially popular military tattoo–and for good reason. The saying has been used for military units at least as early as ancient Rome (“morte prima di disonore”). By the time of the famed Roman senator and historian Tacitus (AD 56 to ca. 117), the vow of “death before dishonor” had become ‘old-fashioned’ and something espoused by the barbari or barbarians such as Caratacus (chief of the British, who revolted against Rome). However, some two centuries earlier it was Catiline (108 to 62 BC), the Roman politician who attempted to overthrow the Roman Republic, who had urged it and Cataline may even have been influenced by Thucydides (the Greek historian of 460 to 395 BC who wrote about the Peloponnesian War). However, the famous concept of death as preferable to dishonor, if not the actual phrase, is not restricted to the western world. For example, it was also advocated in the Japanese bushido code of samurai warriors who would rather die than live with the dishonor brought on by surrender."
"docid": "D3305441#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/marine-corps-mess-night-3332784\nThe Tradition of Marine Corps Mess Night",
"text": "\"Military Branches U. S. Marines The Tradition of Marine Corps Mess Night Share Flip Pin Share Email•••By Rod Powers Updated March 28, 2018When members of the 1953 3rd Marine Regiment combat swim team were invited to have dinner with their British rivals in the midst of an annual competition, they did not realize the following events would lead to one of the Marine Corps' most honored traditions. During the competition, Marines from the swim team were invited to attend what the British Royal Marines call a mess night. It was a tradition that dates back to the days of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. The Tradition But, as Gunnery Sgt. Johnnie C. Watkins, Sergeants Course staff noncommissioned officer in charge, SNCO Academy, Camp Hansen explains, the event has evolved to how U. S. Marines conduct it today. \"\" The purpose of today's mess night is to recognize and pay homage to the Marines who came before us,\"\" the Brunswick, Ga., native explained. \"\" It also gives us a chance as a band of brothers to socialize with one another in our best dress uniform. \"\" The mess night is fashioned to fit a formal gathering with a military flavor present. A Marine is assigned to be president of the mess; he is in charge and controls the flow of events. The vice-president of the mess, or 'Mr. Vice,' as the title has come to be known, acts as the enforcer of the president's decisions and also regulates who may speak to the president."
"docid": "D3259661#0",
"title": "https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/7-21-13/chap4.htm\nMilitary",
"text": "\"SITREPMilitary Menu WMDIntelligence Homeland Security Space Public Eye Military Further Reading Chapter 4Customs, Courtesies, and Traditions The Army is an organization that instills pride in its members because of its history, mission, capabilities, and the respect it has earned in the service of the Nation. A reflection of that pride is visible in the customs, courtesies, and traditions the Army holds. Adherence to them connects us with soldiers throughout America's history. Customs Courtesies The Hand Salute Rendering Honor to the Flag Traditions The Bugle Call Colors, Flags, and Guidons The Army Flag and Its Streamers The Campaigns of the United States Army Officer and NCO Privileges of Rank Lineage and Honors For more information on Customs, Courtesies and Traditions see Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 4-3; AR 600-25, Salutes, Honors and Visits of Courtesy; DA Pam 600-60, A Guide to Protocol and Etiquette; and FM 3-21.5, Drill and Ceremonies . For more information on Department of the Army policy for unit and individual flags, guidons, and streamers see AR 840-10, Heraldic Activities-Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates. CUSTOMS4-1. The Army has its own customs, both official and social. Some have been handed down from the distant past while others are of comparatively recent origin. Those customs that endure stand on their own merits. As a long established social organization, the Army observes a number of customs that add to the interest, pleasure, and graciousness of Army life."
"docid": "D2163072#0",
"title": "https://www.mca-marines.org/category/commandant-marine-corps\nCommandant of the Marine Corps",
"text": "Home Commandant of the Marine Corps Sort by Order Commandant of the Marine Corps Marine Corps Birthday Leatherneck November 2017A Message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps For the past 100 years, Leatherneck has chronicled the essence and heritage of our Corps. What started as a small newspaper became the most prominent and highly circulated service periodical. It has served as a forum to share war stories, document events, and record memoirs. Looking back on a... Continue Reading Commandant of the Marine Corps Gazette November 2017Learning Without Losing On August 23rd, Col Mary Reinwald, the Editor of Leatherneck Magazine , and I had the rare opportunity to interview Gen Robert B. Neller, the Commandant of the Marine Corps. In a discussion that was less “question and answer” and more of a broad conversation ranging from a recent visit with the... Continue Reading Commandant of the Marine Corps Marine Corps Birthday Gazette November 2017242nd Marine Corps Birthday: A Message From the Commandant of the Marine Corps10 NOVEMBER 2017 A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS Seventy-Five years ago today, after months of fighting at Henderson Field and along Edson’s Ridge, Marines on Guadalcanal spent the night of 10 November 1942 planning and preparing. Although the Battle of Guadalcanal would continue... Continue Reading Commandant of the Marine Corps Esprit De Corps Gazette July 2017Corps Values Come First With controversy surrounding Marines involved in sharing photos of their female counterparts and sexual assault and harassment continuing to be a problem within our ranks, I firmly believe it’s important we stimulate a conversation around finding a sustainable solution. My views on the recent... Continue Reading Commandant of the Marine Corps Leatherneck November 2015A Message From the Commandant of the Marine Corps To all Marines, Sailors, civilians and families, I am honored to serve as your Commandant. To General and Mrs. Dunford, as you transition to your next assignment, please know that you go with the respect and thanks of every Marine, Sailor and their families. It is now our responsibility to maintain... Continue Reading CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps Leatherneck June 2015The 36th Commandant of the Marine Corps: General Joseph F. Dunford Jr. Editor’s note: Lt Col Arthur P. Brill Jr., USMC (Ret) recently met with General Joseph F. Dunford, 36th Commandant of the Marine Corps, to discuss the Commandant’s views on the challenges facing the Corps today and his plans to ensure the Corps’ continued success in the future. Leatherneck: You... Continue Reading Commandant of the Marine Corps Leatherneck October 2014Outcall With the CMCLeatherneck ’s Lt Col Arthur P. Brill Jr., USMC (Ret) recently sat down with General James F. Amos to discuss his tenure as 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps and the state of the Corps today."
"docid": "D22421#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totenkopf\nTotenkopf",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the military symbol. For other, see Totenkopf (disambiguation). August von Mackensen, German field marshal in hussar full dress prior to 1914, with the Totenkopf on his fur busby Totenkopf (i.e. skull, literally dead's head) is the German word for the skull and crossbones and death's head symbols. The Totenkopf symbol is an old international symbol for death, the defiance of death, danger, or the dead, as well as piracy. It consists usually of the human skull with or without the mandible and often includes two crossed long-bones ( femurs ), most often depicted with the crossbones being behind some part of the skull. It is commonly associated with 19th- and 20th-century German military use. Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 German military2.1 Prussia2.2 Brunswick2.3 German Empire2.4 Weimar Republic2.5 Third Reich3 Non-German military4 Commercial5 Other uses6 See also7 Bibliography8 References Etymology [ edit]Toten-Kopf translates literally to \"\"dead's head\"\", meaning exactly \"\"dead person's head\"\". Semantically, it refers to a skull, literally a Schädel. As a term, Totenkopf connotes the human skull as a symbol, typically one with crossed thigh bones as part of a grouping. Contemporary German language meaning of the word Totenkopf has not changed for at least two centuries."
"docid": "D281171#0",
"title": "http://www.lewis-clark.org/article/549\nOfficer's Dress Uniform",
"text": "\"Clark's Dress Uniform Move to top Clark's Dress Uniform 1Photo courtesy Peyton C. Clark Photo courtesy Peyton C. Clark Photo courtesy Peyton C. Clark The gilt buttons of an officer in the Corps of Artillerists may have been embossed with the image of a flag and a cannon on a carriage. Photo courtesy Peyton C. Clark A steady process of replacing worn-out woven fatigues with leather clothing began when the Corps set out from Fort Mandan in April of 1805, but by the time they reached the mouth of the Columbia River their leather attire was rotten and full of holes. Still, the captains held on to their dress uniforms because they were important in dealing with Indian tribes—the emblems of authority, counterparts of the Indian leaders' ceremonial attire. Throughout the expedition the officers wore their dress uniforms on special occasions such as parades and reviews, to reinforce pride and esprit de corps. They also wore them on official occasions such as courts-martial, and the burial of Sergeant Charles Floyd. \"\" Captain\"\" Clark, who actually was a second lieutenant in the Corps of Artillerists during his duty with the expedition, 2 probably wore a dress uniform coat of blue and red wool, lined with red linen. The red turnback of the coat skirt signified an artillery officer, as did the 20 gold-plated buttons embossed with an image of an artillery gun and carriage, and the red sash. A white belt, held in place over the right shoulder by a gold epaulet, carried the officer's sword. Under his coat an officer wore \"\"small clothes\"\"—a knee-length flannel or linen pullover shirt, with ruffles at the neck and sleeves, was tucked into the waistband and between the legs of a pair of white \"\"pantaloons.\"\" No one yet wore what we know today as \"\"underwear,\"\" but the long shirt flaps fulfilled this function."
"docid": "D1029586#0",
"title": "http://www.apparelsearch.com/wholesale_clothing/popular_brand_names_clothes.htm\nApparel Search",
"text": "The Popular Brands section of Apparel Search is where we list some of the top names in fashion . If you have suggestions for the addition or removal of designers from this list, you can Contact Us with your thoughts and suggestions. If you are looking for additional Wholesalers (designers selling clothing to retail ), you can visit our Wholesaler section. Brand Corporate Web Site Retail Shopping Wholesale Search Engine (Searches Internet)Adidas Adidas Adidas Adidas Aeffe S. P. A Aeffe S.p.a. Italy Aeffe Agatha Agatha N. Y. Agatha Agnes B Agnes B Agnes BAnna Osmushkina A nna Osmushkina Anna Osmushkina Anna Sui Anna Sui Anna Sui Aquascutum Aquascutum Aquascutum Aquascutum Adeana Couture Ardeana Couture California, USA Ardeana Couture Armani Exchange Armani Exchange Armani Armani Austin Reed Austin Reed Austin Reed Austin Reed Avirex Avirex Avirex Avirex Babette Waserman Babette Waserman UK Babette Waserman BCBG BCBG BCBG BCBGBenetton Benetton Benetton Bernshaw Bernshaw Bernshaw Bisou-Bisou Bisou-Bisou Bisou-Bisou Blue Cult Blue Cult Blue Cult Blue Cult Body Glove Body Glove Body Glove Body Glove Bogner Bogner Bogner Burton Burton Burton Burton Brioni Brioni Brioni Brioni Calvin Klein Calvin Klein (Division of Phillips Van Heusen Corp)Calvin Klein Calvin Klein Camal Gori Camal Gori Italy Camal Gori Cesarani Cesarani Cesarani Champion Champion Champion Champion Chanel Chanel Chanel Chanel Christian Dior Christian Dior Christian Dior Christian Dior Christian Lacoix Christian Lacroix Christian Lacroix Claiborne Claiborne Claiborne Claiborne Club Monaco Club Monaco Club Monaco Club Monaco Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Converse Converse Converse Converse Courrages Courrages Courrages Cutter & Buck Cutter & Buck Inc Cutter & Buck Cutter & Buck Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Dockers Dockers Dockers Dockers Dolce & Gabbana Dolce & Gabbana Dolce & Gabbana Dolce & Gabbana Donna Karan Donna Karan (DKNY) Donna Karan/ DKNY Donna Karan Ecco Ecco Shoes Ecco Ecco Ecko Ecko Ecko Ecko Eddie Bauer Eddie Bauer Eddie Bauer Eddie Bauer Ellesse Ellesse Ellesse Eliott & Lucca Elliott & Lucca - The Sak Elliott & Lucca Elliott & Lucca Energie Energie Energie Energie Esprit Esprit Esprit Esprit Et Vous ET VOUS Et Vous Everlast Everlast Everlast Everlast Fanatic Fanatic (Denmark) Fanatic Fashion Fia Miami Fia Miami Fia Miami Fila FILA FILA FILAFiorelli Fiorelli Fiorelli Fratelli Corneliani Fratelli Corneliani Fratelli Corneliani Fred Perry Fred Perry Fred Perry Fred Perry Fruit of the Loom Fruit of the Loom Fruit of the Loom Fruit of the Loom Fubu FUBU FUBU Fubu Gianfranco Ferre Gianfranco Ferre Gianfranco Ferre Gianfranco Ferre Gianni Versace Gianni Versace Gianni Versace Gianni Versace Giorgio Armani Giorgio Armani Giorgio Armani Giorgio Armani Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci Guess Guess Guess Guess Helly Hansen Helly Hansen Helly Hansen Helly Hansen Hugo Boss Hugo Boss Hugo Boss Hugo Boss J. Crew J. Crew J. Crew J. Crew Izod Izod owned by Phillips Van Heusen Corp. Izod Izod Jitrois Jean-Claude Jitrois Jitrois Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez's; Sweetface Fashion Company, LLCJennifer Lopez Jenny Hoo Jenny Hoo - Australia Jenny Hoo Jhane Barnes Jhane Barnes Jhane Barnes Jhane Barnes Joe Boxer Joe Boxer Joe Boxer John Smedley John Smedley John Smedley Jordache Jordache Jordache Jordache Kenneth Cole / Reaction Kenneth Cole Kenneth Cole Kenneth Cole Lacoste Lacoste Lacoste Lacoste Land's End LAND'S End LAND'S End Lands End La Perla La Perla La Perla La Perla Laura Ashley Laura Ashley Laura Ashley Laura Ashley Lee LEE LEE Lee Le Tigre Le Tigre Le Tigre Le Tigre Lee Yau Lee Yau Worldwide Lee Yau Levi's Levi's Levi's Levis Liz Claiborne Liz Claiborne Liz Claiborne L. L Bean L. L. BEAN L. L. Bean Louis Feraud Louis Feraud Louis Feraud Lucky Brand Jeans Lucky Brand Jeans Lucky Brand Jeans Lucky Brand Jeans Madeleine Vionnet Madeleine Vionnet Madeleine Vionnet Mango Mango Mango Fashion Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs Marcia Grachvogel M aria G rachvogel Maria Grachvogel Marianne Alvoni Marianne Alvoni Marianne Alvoni Mariella Burani Mariella Burani (Italy) Mariella Burani Marly's Marly's (Italy) Marlys Fashion Michael Kors Michael Kors Michael Kors Michael Kors Michael Robinson Michael Robinson Michael Robinson Migoscha Migoscha Beliguim Migoscha Mode Wichtig Mode Wichtig Mode Wichtig Moschino Moschino Moschino Moschino Mudd Mudd Jeans Mudd Mudd Jeans Munsingwear Munsingwear Munsingwear Munsignwear Nancy Lord Nancy Lord Fashion Nancy Lord Fashion Nicole Miller Nicole Miller Nicole Miller Nicole Miller Nike Nike (they also own Converse ) Nike Nike Nogara Nogara Nogara Norma Kamali Norma Kamali Norma Kamali Oky-coky oky-coky Spain oky-coky Oilily Oilily"
"docid": "D2659664#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-importance-of-the-battle-of-Valley-Forge\nWhat was the importance of the battle of Valley Forge?",
"text": "Dustin Strong, Founder and Master Controller at Guerrilla Simulations (2013-present)Answered Jan 24, 2018Not a battle, but a winter encampment that proved to be hugely significant in the formation of the US Army. During these months, the Continental Army underwent a massive transformation. Prussian Baron Friedrich von Stueben trained a Model Company of soldiers in proper drill and maneuver. These soldiers then returned to their regiments and passed on the training. This means that every unit in the Army was using the same drill manual, which had not been the case before. This manual, known as the Blue Book, has been modified and adapted over 2 centuries and is the basis for modern close order drill in the US military. Each movement, from loading and firing a musket to marching in lines and columns, was enumerated, step-by-step, giving rise to the expression of doing things “by the numbers”. After Valley Forge, Washington had a professionally trained and hardened force to use against the British … which he did at the Battle of Monmouth that spring. Although a tactical draw, it was the first time Washington and his army met the British on even terms in a full-scale, traditional European-style battle and did not panic at the sight of the Briyish bayonet, but traded the redcoats blow for blow and demonstrating their own prowess wiyh the bayonet. The British were found a new level of respect for those American farmers782 Views · View Upvoterspromoted by Journiest Babbel is revolutionizing the way we learn languages."
"docid": "D3174334#0",
"title": "http://www.kautilyasociety.com/tvph/communication_skill/organizational_culture.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Organizational Culture The development aid organization Elements of Organizational Culture Values as the Elements of a Strong and H ealthy Culture_____Definition of \"\"culture\"\"A culture is comprised of the shared values, customs, traditions, rituals, behaviours and beliefs shared by a social group (national, ethnic, organizational, etc.). Cultures also share languages, or ways of speaking. From a communication perspective, cultures are made and remade through the words we use to describe our world. Culture represents a common set of values (“shared meanings”), shared by members of a population, a organization, a project/programme purpose unit or a profession (e.g., engineers versus scientists). Culture change with the times but the speed at which the culture of different institutions change varies widely. Organizational culture plays several important roles.culture unites (brings together) employees by providing a sense of identity with the organization.culture enables organizations to differentiate themselves from one another.culture often generates commitment, superceding personal interests.culture sets organization norms, rules and standards. Thereby, culture enables employees to function in an organization, by teaching them how to behave.culture becomes especially important in a program/project based organization. In such a organization, the hierarchy is flat and decision-making is moved to the project/programme purpose units and departments. In this context, culture provides the guiding light towards achievement of goals and objectives. Elements of Organizational Culture Organizations (e.g., project/programme purpose organizations) develop their own culture."
"docid": "D1134947#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Esprit+de+Corps+(morale)\nmorale",
"text": "\"Correct all you're your grammar errors instantly. Try it now.morale (redirected from Esprit de Corps (morale)) Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal .mo·rale (mə-răl′)n. The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness,discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks: The staff's morale increased wheneveryone was given a day off with pay. [ French, morality, good conduct, from feminine of moral, moral, from Old French; see moral . ] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.morale ( mɒˈrɑːl) nthe degree of mental or moral confidence of a person or group; spirit of optimism [C18: morals, from French, n. use of moral (adj)]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014mo•rale (məˈræl)n.emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence, zeal, etc., esp. in the face of opposition, hardship, etc. ["
"docid": "D2300070#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-r-and-r.htm\nWhat is R and R?",
"text": "\"R and R is a term first used by the military to stand for \"\"rest and recuperation,\"\" although it is often mistranslated as \"\"rest and relaxation\"\" or \"\"rest and recreation.\"\" The acronym is in such common usage that it can really be used to refer to any of these phrases. However, a soldier would likely use it in the original, formal sense. The military translation of R and R does not mean that soldiers may do much rehabilitating on a typical leave. Most soldiers benefit from the mixing with civilians and taking a break from the tense conditions that serving in the armed forces sometimes engenders, however. For some in the military, R and R may cause problems. For example, sailors often have a very difficult time adjusting to life onshore because of their cramped and confined living conditions while at sea. The time away can actually provide no rest because service members may go through a few days adjustment to the wide-open freedom allowed by being on land. For those not in the military, R and R is often used to refer to taking a vacation or participating in something fun. For example, a worker takes a few days of to play golf, and says to his buddies, “I’ve got three days of R and R coming up."
"docid": "D1504446#0",
"title": "http://www.marines.mil/News/News-Display/Article/496642/war-of-1812-undaunted-legacy-memorialized/\n.",
"text": "Print27Aug2014War of 1812 undaunted legacy memorialized By Sgt. Justin M. Boling, Defense Media Activity War of 1812 undaunted legacy memorialized Marines and a sailor, with a sea services color guard, observe the “Undaunted in Battle” memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland Aug. 23, 2014. The monument was dedicated as a part of the 200 Year Commemoration of the Battle of Bladensburg. Image 1 of 5 Download Hi-Res Photo Share Photo Details War of 1812 undaunted legacy memorialized The “Undaunted in Battle” memorial to the Battle of Bladensburg, designed and sculpted by Joanna Blake, was dedicated at Bladensburg, Maryland, Aug. 23, 2014. The monument features a bronze sculpture of the end of the battle. It depicts a wounded Commodore Joshua Barney, commander of the Chesapeake Flotilla, Charles Ball, a freed slave and flotilla man, and an unnamed Marine, in honor of the Marines who fought to the bitter end trying to repel British forces. Image 2 of 5 Download Hi-Res Photo Share Photo Details War of 1812 undaunted legacy memorialized The “Undaunted in Battle” memorial to the Battle of Bladensburg, designed and sculpted by Joanna Blake, was dedicated at Bladensburg, Maryland, Aug. 23, 2014. The monument features a bronze sculpture of the end of the battle. It depicts a wounded Commodore Joshua Barney, commander of the Chesapeake Flotilla, Charles Ball, a freed slave and flotilla man, and an unnamed Marine, in honor of the Marines who fought to the bitter end trying to repel British forces. Image 3 of 5 Download Hi-Res Photo Share Photo Details War of 1812 undaunted legacy memorialized The President’s Own, United States Marine Corps Band provided the music for the dedication of the “Undaunted in Battle” memorial to the Battle of Bladensburg, designed and sculpted by Joanna Blake, at Bladensburg, Maryland, Aug. 23, 2014."
"docid": "D2413186#0",
"title": "http://www.gglotus.org/ggrace/ggfaq/general.html\nGeneral Questions",
"text": "\"General Questions Who makes Lotuses? When someone asks me what kind of car I own and I say \"\"Lotus\"\", the response that I get back is usually \"\"Oh, who makes Lotuses? \"\" Lotuses are made by Lotus in England. Well, except for the Seven, which has been made by Caterham Cars since 1974. Who owns Lotus? Actually, this depends on what you mean by \"\"Lotus\"\". Here is a history of the various Lotus companies. In 1952, the Lotus Engineering Company was formed as a partnership between Colin Chapman and Michael Allen. Later, in 1952, the partnership broke up and the Lotus Engineering Company became a trade name for Colin Chapman. In 1953, the Lotus Engineering Company Limited, a limited company, was formed with Colin Chapman and Hazel Williams (later Chapman) as directors."
"docid": "D2083766#0",
"title": "http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/spirit\nSpirit",
"text": "\"Spirit Webster's 1913 Dictionary Spir´itn. 1. Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself. The mild air, with season moderate, Gently attempered, and disposed eo well, That still it breathed foorth sweet spirit. - Spenser.2. A rough breathing; an aspirate, as the letter h; also, a mark to denote aspiration; abreathing. Be it a letter or spirit, we have great use for it. - B. Jonson.3. Life, or living substance, considered independently of corporeal existence; an intelligenceconceived of apart from any physical organization or embodiment; vital essence, force, orenergy, as distinct from matter.4. The intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of man; the soul, in distinction from the bodyin which it resides; the agent or subject of vital and spiritual functions, whether spiritual ormaterial."
"docid": "D24663#0",
"title": "http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/delorean-10-timeless-machine-article-1.2403965\n'Back to the Future' with the DeLorean DMC-12: 15 things you never knew about the world's most FUTURISTIC sports car",
"text": "\"'Back to the Future' with the De Lorean DMC-12: 15 things you never knew about the world's most FUTURISTIC sports car BY Nick Kurczewski NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 8:20 AMfacebook Tweet email Gone but definitely not forgotten. The De Lorean DMC-12 has captured the imaginations of film fans and car buffs for decades now. ( De Lorean Motor Company)Marty Mc Fly and Doc Brown have officially arrived back in the future. Now, exactly where did we park our flying car?!? Okay, not everything on October 21, 2015, turned out quite as expected. We haven’t converted any BMWs to flight duty, and hover-boards remain tantalizingly close – but a few magnetic fields, or errant gigawatts, away from everyday reality. FOLLOW DAILY NEWS AUTOS ON FACEBOOK. ‘ LIKE US HERE.’However, ‘Back to the Future Day’ is the perfect time to set the record straight regarding one of the stars of the film trilogy. As perhaps the world’s most beloved, and misunderstood, time machine on four wheels, the De Lorean DMC-12 has captivated car fans and movie buffs for decades. So set your watches you slackers, fire up your Mr. Fusion, and grab a dancing party at Enchantment Under the Sea, because the Daily News Autos team is ready to set the record straight about this timeless, stainless steel-bodied sports car."
"docid": "D3411920#0",
"title": "http://www.salon.com/2016/09/05/have-we-forgotten-the-true-meaning-of-labor-day-it-is-not-about-the-end-of-summer_partner/\nHave we forgotten the true meaning of Labor Day? Itâs not about the end of summer",
"text": "\"Have we forgotten the true meaning of Labor Day? It’s not about the end of summer The original holiday was meant to handle problems of long working hours and no time off Jay L. Zagorsky , The Conversation09.05.2016 • 3:30 PM • 0 Comments This article was originally published on The Conversation. Labor Day is a U. S. national holiday held the first Monday every September. Unlike most U. S. holidays, it is a strange celebration without rituals, except for shopping and barbecuing. For most people it simply marks the last weekend of summer and the start of the school year. The holiday’s founders in the late 1800s envisioned something very different from what the day has become. The founders were looking for two things: a means of unifying union workers and a reduction in work time. History of Labor Day The first Labor Day occurred in 1882 in New York City under the direction of that city’s Central Labor Union. In the 1800s, unions covered only a small fraction of workers and were balkanized and relatively weak. The goal of organizations like the Central Labor Union and more modern-day counterparts like the AFL-CIO was to bring many small unions together to achieve a critical mass and power."
] |
637062 | what does esqueixada made of | [
"docid": "D138957#0",
"title": "http://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/restaurants/catalan/catalan-cuisine-guide.html\nPage Content",
"text": "\"Page Content Tomatoes As a self-confessed foodie, Barcelona's gastronomic offerings played more than a small role in my decision to move to the city. Before arriving, I thought I knew everything that there is to now about Catalan cuisine. I couldn't wait to get stuck into the cheeses, meats and seafood. As with much of my experience of Catalonia in general, there is so much more to the cuisine than first meets the eye - think less paellas and chorizo and more butifarra and fideuas. Barcelona and its surrounding areas have become renowned internationally for food and the culture of eating. In recent years, the new wave of experimental gastronomic chefs, such as Ferran Adria (the founder of El Bulli restaurant), have brought the region to the world's attention. However, Catalunya has been a must-visit location for food lovers for many years. Mushrooms Its location on the Mediterranean coast offers a generous and varied selection of ingredient options, allowing for some imaginative results. Due to Catalonia's location on the coast, seafood dishes are impressive and vegetables such as tomatoes, red peppers, aubergines, mushrooms and artichokes are in abundance. However, it is easy to forget that a lot of Catalonia is also made up of mountains and fields where pigs and sheep can roam."
] | [
"docid": "D3148998#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_fecit_mean\nWhat does fecit ab initio mean?",
"text": "\"Bennett Hammond 7,098 Contributions What does fecit ab initio mean? It means \"\"He (she or it) has done ( or made ) since the beginning. \"\" Edit Deus nobis haec otia fecit? The translation of the phrase \"\"Deus nobis haec otia fecit\"\" is \"\"God has given us this tranquility. \"\" Edit One flower 111 Contributions What is the maning of fecit in Latin? \"\" he/she made\"\"Edit What is a Nicolaus Amatus fecit in Cremona worth? Nicolaus Amatus violins were produced in the mid to late 1600s. Since then, many reproductions have been made. The chance of owning a 400 year old violin is slim to none …How much is nicolaus amatus fecit in cremona 16 worth? How much is a nicalus amatus fecit in caremona 16 worth Edit Derdriu Marriner 1,331,234 Contributions I am an arborist."
"docid": "D1779120#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/part-cow-pastrami-come-1881be15da8b299d\nWhat Part of the Cow Does Pastrami Come From?",
"text": "\"Food Food Facts Meat, Poultry & Seafood Q: What Part of the Cow Does Pastrami Come From? A: Quick Answer Pastrami is made with beef brisket. Beef brisket comes from the lower part of a cow's chest. The brisket is below the chuck and above the shank. Continue Reading Keep Learning What Is Pastrami? What Animal Does Pastrami Come From? What Part of the Cow Does Ground Beef Come From? Credit: Alexandra Grablewski Photolibrary Getty Images Full Answer Pastrami is made by smoking corned beef. The process of smoking adds flavor to the meat. Corned beef is made by soaking beef brisket in a salty brine, along with sugar and spices, for several weeks."
"docid": "D698041#0",
"title": "https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/16048/what-are-quarks-made-of\nWhat are quarks made of?",
"text": "\"_Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top What are quarks made of?up vote13down votefavorite5So atoms are formed from protons and neutrons, which are formed from quarks. But where do these quarks come from? What makes them?particle-physics quarksshare cite improve this questionedited Oct 23 '11 at 5:43David Z ♦60.8k 23 133248asked Oct 22 '11 at 15:56Alex270 2 4 8related: physics.stackexchange.com/q/39590/4552 – Ben Crowell Jun 17 '13 at 2:47add a comment4 Answers active oldest votesup vote26down voteaccepted I cannot resist this mother goose quote: What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails,And puppy-dogs' tails;That's what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice,And all that's nice;That's what little girls are made of. You state : So atoms are formed from protons and neutrons, which are formed from quarks."
"docid": "D2282766#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/food/difference-between-salami-pepperoni-271111b6f2f7c0f7\nWhat Is the Difference Between Salami and Pepperoni?",
"text": "Food Food Facts Meat, Poultry & Seafood Q: What Is the Difference Between Salami and Pepperoni? A: Quick Answer Salami is a traditional Italian cured sausage, while pepperoni is an Italian-American smoked sausage. Pepperoni may have evolved from knowledge of salami and traditional German sausage preparation brought to the United States by immigrants. Continue Reading Keep Learning Is Pepperoni Made From Pork or Beef? What Is the Difference Between Bratwurst and Knockwurst? Where Does Pepperoni Come From? Full Answer Salami is a type of Italian sausage with a long history. It is a cured sausage that has been produced in Italy for centuries. Cooks can choose from dozens of varieties of salami to use in dishes, including the Calabrian and Apulian salami that are spicy like pepperoni. Salami is made with minced meat, fat, garlic, salt, vinegar, wine, herbs and spices."
"docid": "D138959#0",
"title": "http://www.iberianfoods.co.uk/catalonia.htm\n.",
"text": "Spanish food - Catalanonia Property for sale in Spain >>Catalonia is one of the few areas in Spain where the climatic conditions favour the growth of truffles. The black fungus, more expensive than gold, grows from December to March in oak forests and is found in loose soil just below the surface. Truffle hunters traditionally used pigs to sniff out the precious delicacy, but today dogs are preferred. Most of the produce is exported to France, but local markets are also held. The truffle has so far resisted attempts to cultivate it, which keeps prices high. They are used (sparingly) in both meat and fish dishes. At the other end of the price spectrum we find cannelloni, the popularity of which can no doubt be traced back to the arrival of Italian cooks to Catalonia. The cannelloni are similar to their Italian counterparts the are found especially around Barcelona. Canalones a la Catalana is made from ground beef and chicken pieces in a creamy sauce. Barbecued meats are also popular, especially when cooked over a fire of vine prunings which generates an intense heat."
"docid": "D3490915#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_yellow_bone_marrow_consist_of\nWhat does yellow bone marrow consist of?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology What does yellow bone marrow consist of? Flag What does yellow bone marrow consist of? Edit Answer by Scott Bohland Confidence votes 3Bone marrow is the soft, spongy, gelatinous tissue found in the hollow spaces in the interior of bones. [ 1] The average weight of this tissue is about 4% of the total body weight, or 2.6 kg in an adult weighing 65 kg. Progenitor cell (stem cell) lines in the bone marrow produce new blood cells and stromal cells. Bone marrow is also an important part of the lymphatic system. Bone marrow consists of stem cells, which are large, \"\"primitive,\"\" undifferentiated cells supported by fibrous tissue called stroma. There are 2 main types of stem cells and, therefore, the bone marrow consists of 2 types of cellular tissue. One type of stem cell is involved in producing blood cells and the other is involved in producing stromal cells, which are responsible for the supporting stroma.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Valentin Popov 21,056 Contributions I am an integrative healthcare professional, massage therapist, and health sciences educator."
"docid": "D3296755#0",
"title": "http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/whatmakesmcdonalds/questions/work-with-us/wages/what-is-the-average-salary-of-a-mcdonalds-restaurant-employee.html\n.",
"text": "\"What exactly is Genetically Modified Organisms and due you use them in your hamburgers? Do you use GM ingredients? Have any of your recipes ever previously contained ammonia? Do you use any equivalent to MSG in your products? On your website it states that the carrageenan used in Mc Flurrys is extracted using alcohol. Can youcan see on your website that you using alcohol to extract the carrageenan used in your ice cream. CDo any of your products contain alcohol? Do you use alcohol or gelatine in your frappes? Are there nuts in the apple pie? I have an allergy."
"docid": "D966051#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-are-brake-shoes-made-of\nWhat are brake shoes made of?",
"text": "Brakes Automotive Brakes Cars and Automobiles What are brake shoes made of?ad by Truthfinder Did you know your driving history is public? Truthfinder.com exposes driving histories of Americans. Enter your name to see what is posted. Read More at truthfinder.com2 Answers Ames Michael Answered Nov 14, 2017 · Author has 158 answers and 58.3k answer views Materials used to make best brake pads shoe:copperbrass andsteel When the brake is applied, the shoe moves and presses the lining against the inside of the drum. The friction between lining and drum provides the braking effort. Energy is dissipated as heat. Modern cars have disc brakes all round, or discs at the front and drums at the rear.731 Views Related Questions More Answers Below What are disc brakes made of? What are the brake shoes in a car? How could I have lost a brake shoe? Which one is best drum brake or disc brake?"
"docid": "D3197109#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_bourbon_mean\nWhat does bourbon mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Liquor Whiskey Bourbon What does bourbon mean? Flag What does bourbon mean? Edit Answer by Balogh.ashley Confidence votes 37Bourbon is Whisky produced in the United States that does not exceed 160 proof when distilled and is produced from a mash of a minimum of 51% corn. It is stored at no more then 125 proof in only new charred oak containers.2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the best bourbon? Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve in either the 15 or 20 year vintage. Edit What is bourbon made of? i dont know what it is i just wanted to know cause my friends dad drinks it and i asked her and she said i dont know so i was just wondering if anyone knew bye Edit Gusfugley 4 Contributions What is bourbon made from? Bourbon is a type of American whiskey predominantly made in Kentucky. It is made of a blend of different grains, with the bulk of the grain alcohol coming from corn, and grain …Fozzybeareu 1,972 Contributions Who were the Bourbons?"
"docid": "D577016#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_10k_F_mean_inside_a_white_gold_ring\nWhat does 10k F mean inside a white gold ring?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Shopping Fashion Jewelry Gold and Precious Metals What does 10k F mean inside a white gold ring? Flag What does 10k F mean inside a white gold ring? Answer by Jon Bilodeau Confidence votes 11good chance it means 10k gold filled but you can always take it to a pawn or jewelry store to have it gold tested. I am a gold buyer and the above answer is half correct. The part where you should take it to a gold buyer and have it tested is correct. The part where they think it is filled may not be correct. I have here a ring I just purchased that says \"\"10k F\"\" I have tested the ring and it is pure 10k gold. No filled or plating. I attribute this to the makers mark and there is a symbol after the f. Also when gold if filled the marking would more than likely be GF and not F. Hope this helps!5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What does cid on a 10k gold ring mean?"
"docid": "D2617315#0",
"title": "https://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/5957\nStatue of Liberty",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History National Emblems Statue of Liberty Unanswered | Answered Statue of Liberty Parent Category: National Emblems Located in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty is the figure of the Roman goddess of freedom named Libertas. The statue, a gift from France to the United States, was designed by Frederic Bartholdi.1 2 3 >What does the Statue of Liberty means to the world? It means \"\"The Universal Symbol Of Freedom\"\"Was the statue of librity made in July 4? No. Statue of liberty solid proof medallion in resin box what is the value?its value is how we made peace we made with the French ALSO we need pennies for in the future because the U. S. is going to stop making pennies so save every pe Does the Statue of Liberty have steps? An internal spiral staircase is visible in this picture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: Statue_of_Liberty_interior.jpg What month was the Statue of Liberty finished?october When was the statue of liberty brought over from France? The statue arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 on board the French frigate Isère commanded by Lespinasse De Saune. Itarrived in parts. A section of the arm was displayed at the American Centennial in Philadelphia. Where is the Macus Garvey statue located?"
"docid": "D3245844#0",
"title": "http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/en/resourcecentres/braintumours/braintumoursanoverview/pages/an-overview-of-the-brain.aspx\nAn Overview of the Brain",
"text": "\"Sections Print Read to me Tweet// Resource Centres /Brain Tumours An Overview of the Brain The brain is an organ located inside your head. The brain and the spinal cord form the central nervous system. This complex system controls everything we do. Each part of the brain has a different job. Here are some examples of functions that the brain controls:movement such as walking or stretchingseeing, smelling, touching, tasting, and hearing (the 5 senses)emotions, thoughts, and memorybreathing and heartbeatdigesting foodtalking and understanding The brain is like a busy city. Each part has different functions and is made up of different types of cells. To work, different parts of the brain need to send messages to each other, and to other parts of the body. Read further to find out the different parts of the brain and what they do, how the brain is organized, and what the brain is made of. Brain Anatomy Parts of the brain There are three major parts of the brain: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. What does the cerebrum do?"
"docid": "D2837442#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Catalonia\n.",
"text": "\"Catalonia Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Get in By plane By train By bus See Do Catalan \"\"Festes\"\" or Festivals Bird Watching Eat Catalan Cuisine Other cuisines Sleep Stay safe WARNING: On October 1st 2017 Catalonia completed a contested referendum with the goal of declaring independence from Spain. On October 27, 2017 the Catalonian Parlament made a formal declaration of independence from Spain; this declaration was rejected by the central Government in Madrid. While the entire region remains safe, there have been large demonstrations from both sides of the referendum and tensions are increasing. Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Barcelona Government Autonomous government under parliamentary monarchy Currency Euro (€)Area 32,108 km²Population 7,565,603 (2012)Language Catalan, Occitan, Spanish Religion Majority of Roman Catholic, large minority of atheists and agnostics, minority of muslims, jews and others Electricity 230V/50Hz (European plug)Country code +34 93 (Barcelona area) +34 97- (rest of Catalonia)Internet TLD .cat Time Zone UTC +1Catalonia [1] (Catalan: Catalunya, Occitan: Catalonha, Spanish: Cataluña) is a nationality and autonomous community in the northeast of Spain. It borders France and Andorra to the north along the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean Sea to the east, Valencia to the south and Aragon to the west. Its capital is the famous city of Barcelona . Understand [ edit]Catalonia is an autonomous community within Iberia defined as a nationality, and before the 18th century it was an State (in the form of principality) of the Crown of Aragon, with a complex parlamentary system. Since 1714, as a consequence of its defeat in the War of the Spanish Succession, Catalan institutions and laws were supressed, as well as the administrative use of Catalan language. The country gained its current autonomous status first in the Republican era (1931-1939) and then again after Franco's death in 1975 and continues to press for more political and economic autonomy, mainly in the form of the right to decide on language, education, culture, healthcare and its political future. Talk [ edit]The main languages of Catalonia are Catalan, Spanish and Aranese (an Occitan dialect), and the three are official, but the Catalan is considered the one and main language by the Catalan laws."
"docid": "D3047617#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_was_an_argument_made_by_Virginia_in_support_of_colonial_rights_to_cross_the_Ohio_River\nWhat was an argument made by Virginia in support of colonial rights to cross the Ohio River?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States Colonial America What was an argument made by Virginia in support of colonial rights to cross the Ohio River? Flag What was an argument made by Virginia in support of colonial rights to cross the Ohio River? Answer by Drekavak Confidence votes 963Its charter granted Virginia land across the continent.31 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What made the Virginia colony special? The Virginia Colony was special for a few reasons. First, it wasthe largest colony. Also, it was very prosperous. Virginia is thebirthplace of many founding fathers. It is als …How many miles of rivers cross Ohio? The state of Ohio has a little over 44,000 miles of rivers andstreams."
"docid": "D2364581#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/5957\nStatue of Liberty",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History National Emblems Statue of Liberty Unanswered | Answered Statue of Liberty Parent Category: National Emblems Located in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty is the figure of the Roman goddess of freedom named Libertas. The statue, a gift from France to the United States, was designed by Frederic Bartholdi.1 2 3 >What does the Statue of Liberty means to the world? It means \"\"The Universal Symbol Of Freedom\"\"Was the statue of librity made in July 4? No. Statue of liberty solid proof medallion in resin box what is the value?its value is how we made peace we made with the French ALSO we need pennies for in the future because the U. S. is going to stop making pennies so save every pe Does the Statue of Liberty have steps? An internal spiral staircase is visible in this picture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: Statue_of_Liberty_interior.jpg What month was the Statue of Liberty finished?october When was the statue of liberty brought over from France? The statue arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 on board the French frigate Isère commanded by Lespinasse De Saune. Itarrived in parts. A section of the arm was displayed at the American Centennial in Philadelphia. Where is the Macus Garvey statue located?"
"docid": "D1727123#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2637\nMusical Instruments",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Musical Instruments Unanswered | Answered Musical Instruments Parent Category: Music A musical instrument is an object used for the purpose of making the musical sounds. Here you can ask various questions about musical instruments such as how to play and clean one. Subcategories Accordion Brass Instruments Instrument Buying and Selling Instrument Repair Music Boxes Percussion Instruments String Instruments Tuning Forks Vuvuzela Show all 10 subcategories Accordion Brass Instruments Instrument Buying and Selling Instrument Repair Music Boxes Percussion Instruments String Instruments Tuning Forks Vuvuzela Woodwind Instruments1 2 3 >Where do you get the flute to awaken regigigus?you can get a flute at Music&Arts Where in the UK can you order a Longbow 2 String Bass?manchester Can anybody please tell you the name of this musical instrument - Link is in my bio as my webpage? Violin How can you tell what year a Yamaha Guitar is?by its serial number How old is your ennis piano?20 years What key does a tuba play in? The tuba is played in the key of C. Find note to god in E minor? E flat What are the recorder notes for the song This Land is Your Land? This land is your land, this land is my land From California to the New York Island, From the redwood forest to the gulf stream water, This land was made for you and me. As I went walking that ribbon of highway I saw above me that endless skyway, I saw below me that golden valley This land was made... Can Triton ax 180 headsets plug into mix amps?depends on the kind of aux on the amp or the lead of the headset When was the dimshea drum invented? African drums were the first to be invented, but they were usedeverywhere and anywhere where there was a tribe, it was usedtraditionally and to scare off evil spirits, also for dances andtribal meetings. There was never a Inventor Can you use a guitar amp in place of a drum amp?"
"docid": "D2572515#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/131874453/spanish-culture-chapter-7-flash-cards/\nSpanish Culture Chapter 7",
"text": "\"203 terms Bailey_Evans33Spanish Culture Chapter 7Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort What is Santiago Bernabéu? A famous stadium in Madrid What does La Bandera de Real Madrid look like? The top left and bottom right corners are white, the bottom left and top right are blue, in the center there is a circle with a white stripe going through it with the letters MCF and a crown on top of the circle. What do the initials MFC on La Bandera de Real Madrid stand for? Madrid Fútbol Club What does La Bandera do Atlético de Madrid look like? It lookes like a shield with a triangle on the top left side, inside the triangle is el oso y madroño and bordering the triangle is stars. The rest of the it is red and white striped La Copa Mundial The World Cup What team do you play for in the World Cup? You play for your home country even if you play somewhere else professionally What happens every 4 years?"
"docid": "D171608#0",
"title": "http://internal.champaignschools.org/staffwebsites/isabelgi/Soph_Bio/RNA.htm\nContent Goals: To understand what is RNA and how DNA makes RNA through the process of transcription.",
"text": "\"NAME: Please print out this webpage once you have typed in all your responses. ... Don't forget to type in your name at the top! DO NOT CLOSE THIS WEBSITE DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE A PRINTED COPY OF YOUR WORK IN YOUR HAND. THIS WILL NOT SAVE. ONCE CLOSED ITS GONE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REDO. ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU ARE CONFUSED BEFORE YOU PRINT... Instructions - You can type your answers directly onto this website. This will NOT save your work. Once you are completed please print out this webpage. If in class computer lab, click File, Print, then choose Find Printer, in Location Box type 220, choose printer listed then click OK. Exploring RNAContent Goals: To understand what is RNA and how DNA makes RNA through the process of transcription."
"docid": "D224998#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_cell_membrane_in_an_animal_cell_made_out_of\nWhat is the cell membrane in an animal cell made out of?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Microbiology Cell Biology (cytology) What is the cell membrane in an animal cell made out of? Flag What is the cell membrane in an animal cell made out of? Answer by Nathan Tykocki Confidence votes 25An animal cell is made of a nucleus, a cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, a nucleolus, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, and chromosomes. They are not that different from improved animal cells but different from human cells and improved human cells. The membrane itself is made of phospholipids...these are a type of fat that look like a ball with two long streamers attached to it. They are \"\"amphipathic\"\", meaning they both like water and repel water. The heads are attracted to water (hydrophilic) and the tails are repelled by water (hydrophobic). THey'll stick together, with all the heads facing one way and the tails facing the other, and form into sheets. Two of these sheets can come together, tails to tails, and form a bilayer with the hydrophilic heads facing out and the hydrophobic tails facing in. What's neat-o is they naturally form into a spheroid shape, due simply to their physical properties and the physics of their electrochemical interactions between one another and the water surrounding them."
"docid": "D2533582#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_plant_does_tequila_come_from\nWhat plant does tequila come from?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Food & Cooking Drinks and Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Cocktail and Mixed Drink Recipes What plant does tequila come from? Flag What plant does tequila come from? Answer by Jd Schlottmann Confidence votes 2Better (and the best) tequilas are distilled from 100% blue agave. However, by law, liquors can still be called tequila if they are made from more than 50% blue agave and the remainder from cane sugar. These tequilas are referred to as mixtos.7 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Marcy M 60,142 Contributions I love people and enjoy helping others. I have a great thirst for knowledge and always strive to expand my mind and thus my life. Is tequila easier on your liver since it comes from a natural source? Answer . No."
] |
637073 | what does esta enamorado de ti mean | [
"docid": "D203992#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enamorada_de_Ti_(song)\nEnamorada de Ti (song)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For the album of the same name, or for other uses, see Enamorada de Ti and Enamorada de Ti (disambiguation). \"\" Enamorada de Ti\"\"Song by Selenafrom the album Ven Conmigo Language Spanish Recorded 1990Genre Freestyle, [1] [2] dance-pop Length4: 05 (original version)2: 59 (remix version)Label EMI Latin Songwriter (s) A. B. Quintanilla III, Pete Astudillo Producer (s) A. B. Quintanilla IIIVen Conmigo track listing [ show] 10 tracks\"\" Enamorada de Ti \"\" (English: \"\"In Love With You\"\") is a song recorded by American Tejano recording artist Selena and originally written for her second studio album, Ven Conmigo (1990). The song was written by Selena y Los Dinos band member Pete Astudillo and her brother, A. B. Quintanilla III, and produced by Quintanilla. \"\" Enamorada de Ti\"\" is a freestyle song, a musical genre popular during the late 1980s. The recording was remixed by Juan Magan for the eponymous album in 2012, a project headed by Humberto Gatica. Although the song was moderately successful during the early 1990s, it was exposed to a wider audience in the remix album Enamorada de Ti. Because of this, the song peaked at number 17 on the US Billboard Regional Mexican Digital Songs chart that year. In 1997, the posthumously-released single \"\" Is It the Beat? \"\" adopted the rap verse found in \"\"Enamorada de Ti\"\". In the lyrics the protagonist sings to her love interest about his departure, which has saddened her; without him she cannot function normally, because she is in love with him."
] | [
"docid": "D2162274#0",
"title": "http://www.last.fm/music/Abraham+Mateo\nAbraham Mateo",
"text": "Last.fm Search Live Music Events Features Join Login Recommended next Cali & El Dandee Abraham Mateo Overview Tracks Albums Photos Similar Artists More…Scrobbles286.5KListeners30.8KPopular this week Loco Enamorado421 listeners Play album Latest release Loco Enamorado - Single1 trackpop male vocalist spanish spain San Fernando, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain (1998 – present)Abraham Mateo (born in San Fernando (Cadiz), Spain on August 25, 1998) is a Spanish teen actor and pop singer. Abraham was discovered in 2009, when he was ten, by producers of the record label EMI Music Spain, who happened across Abraham's videos in Youtube and his multiple performances in the television show Menuda Noche on the Canal Sur TV of Andalucia, Spain. His self-titled debut album, Abraham Mateo, was released in Spain in December 2009. The album was produced… read more Top Tracks Last 7 days Rank Play Loved Track name Buy Options Listeners1 Love this track Loco Enamorado Buy More4212 Love this track Háblame Bajito Buy More3513 Love this track Se Acabó el Amor - Urban Version Buy More3494 Love this track Se Acabó El Amor Buy More325 Love this track Se Acabó el Amor (Urban Version)Buy More166 Love this track All the Girls (La La La)Buy More157 Love this track Mueve Buy More138 Love this track Señorita Buy More119 Love this track Mi Vecina Buy More710 Love this track Old School Buy More6More tracks Top Albums Señorita6,249 listeners Play album Buy AM4,664 listeners Play album Buy Who I Am3,195 listeners Play album Buy Are You Ready?3,188 listeners Play album Buy All the Girls (La La La)983 listeners Play album Buy More albums Similar Artists Antonio JoséAustin Mahone Leslie Grace Cali & El Dandee More similar artists Shoutbox Recently Popular Log in to Last.fm or sign up to leave a shout.justenbiebaz22 Sep 2016, 6:01pmmueve (feat. lali) ♥2MARIELAPEREZ28 Jun 2015, 6:34pm Parece niña2Shinzaru26 May 2015, 10:48am Sida.2paolaaguilera13 Apr 2015, 9:16pm Lindo, amorzinho <3mistermateus16 Nov 2014, 1:18pm Príncipe espanhol <31This shout is unavailable. Kaiser_199 Sep 2014, 11:38am Please someone kill him before he puts eegs.1badbulon11 Jun 2014, 9:51am Abraham Mateo es Yisucrist. Zephral9 Jun 2014, 6:20pmdefinitely patriciancore [2]Ms Bowie5 Feb 2014, 3:36pm De vuestra envidia, nace la fama de Abraham Mateo. More shouts Play similar artists Don't want to see ads? Subscribe now Share this artist: Facebook Twitter Top Listeners Karen Saavedra rockmeacm Anamahone_15 acmproblematic More listeners Listening Trends Days Weeks Months Global Left Right Global Scrobbles People Listening Now Evil Knight12Abraham Mateo Háblame Bajito Plays: 19reiswilgnerr Abraham Mateo Se Acabó el Amor - Ur... Plays: 28teddyz2k Abraham Mateo Old School Plays: 1ANTON_FOXAbraham Mateo Se Acabó el Amor - Ur... Plays: 11DELIAMUSICAbraham Mateo Se Acabó el Amor - Ur... Plays: 6dapepan Abraham Mateo Se Acabó el Amor Plays: 2Left Right Streams & Releases Listen to Mount Eerie's New Album 'Now Only'Live Let Phoebe Bridgers Draw You In With This Live Performance Discover18 Artists to Listen to in 2018Discover20 Years After Air and Daft Punk, French Music Is All 'Around The World'Charts & Trends The Ascension of Brockhampton Charts & Trends Björk is full of love again and wants us to embrace utopia Fest.fm Our Photo Recap of the 2017 Austin City Limits Festival Discover The Best of Frank Ocean's 2017 Blonded Radio Mixes Fest.fm Here's What A Hardcore Festival Looks Like In The Age Of Trump Next Previous Company About Last.fm Contact Us Help Track My Music Community Support Community Guidelines Help Goodies Download Scrobbler Developer APIFree Music Downloads Merchandise Account Join Login Subscribe Follow Us Facebook Twitter Instagram You Tube English Deutsch Español Français Italiano日本語Polski PortuguêsРусскийSvenska Türkçe简体中文Time zone: America/New_York CBS Interactive © 2018 Last.fm Ltd. All rights reserved Terms of Use Privacy Policy Legal Policies Jobs at CBSi Gamespot Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License; additional terms may apply. Let us know what you think of the Last.fm website."
"docid": "D452233#0",
"title": "http://www.ustraveldocs.com/au/au-gen-faq.asp\nApply for a U.S. Visa",
"text": "\"Apply for a U. S. Visain Australia Home Login Contact Us FAQNonimmigrant Visa Information Nonimmigrant Visa Application Immigrant Visas Local Visa Programs Locations General Information Frequently Asked Questions Holidays and Closures Helpful Links You are here: Home / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)On this page: FAQ - General Visa Information FAQ - Visa Refusals FAQ - Business/Tourist Visa FAQ - Work Visa FAQ - Student Visa FAQ - Exchange Visitor Visa FAQ - Transit/Ship Crew Visa FAQ - Religious Worker Visa FAQ - Retrieve My Passport/Visa FAQ - Application Profile FAQ - General Visa Information How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa? Do I qualify for the Visa Waiver Program? What is the fee for ESTA and who has to pay it? If I travel to the United States without ESTA, what happens? If I am a third-country national living in Australia, can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa at one of the Consulates Do all nonimmigrant visa applicants have to come to the Consulate for an interview? I have a nonimmigrant visa that will expire soon and I would like to renew it. Do I need to go through the whole visa application process again? My passport has expired, but the U. S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa? I have dual citizenship."
"docid": "D3497644#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Gabriel\nJuan Gabriel",
"text": "\"For other people named Juan Gabriel, see Juan Gabriel (disambiguation). This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Aguilera and the second or maternal family name is Valadez. Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel at Pepsi Center in 2014Background information Birth name Alberto Aguilera Valadez Also known as Juan Gabriel Born January 7, 1950 Parácuaro, Michoacán, Mexico Origin Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico Died August 28, 2016 (aged 66) Santa Monica, California, U. S. Genres Bolero Mariachi Latin ballad Latin pop Occupation (s)Singer songwriter Years active 1971–2016Labels RCA BMG Fonovisa Universal Associated acts Rocío Dúrcal Lucha Villa José José Ana Gabriel Marc Anthony Marco Antonio Solís Website juangabriel.com.mx Alberto Aguilera Valadez ( Spanish pronunciation: [alˈberto aɣiˈleɾa βalaˈðes]; January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016), [1] better known by his stage name Juan Gabriel ( pronounced [ˈxwaŋ ɡaˈβɾjel] ), was a Mexican singer, songwriter and actor. [ 1] [2] Colloquially nicknamed as Juanga [3] ( pronounced [ˈxwaŋɡa]) and El Divo de Juárez, Gabriel was known for his flamboyant style, which broke barriers within the Latin music market. [ 4] [5] Widely considered one of the best and most prolific Mexican composers and singers of all time. [ 6] Considered an icon of pop music. He has sold over 200 million records worlwide during his career. [ 7]Having sold over 200 million copies worldwide, Juan Gabriel was among Latin America's best selling singer-songwriters. [ 8] His nineteenth studio album, Recuerdos, Vol. II, is reportedly the best-selling album of all time in Mexico, with over eight million copies sold. ["
"docid": "D1173981#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/love\nlove",
"text": "\"love Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to love: making lovelove (lŭv)n.1. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising fromkinship or close friendship.2. A strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by sexualattraction.3.a. A feeling of devotion or adoration toward God or a god.b. A feeling of kindness or concern by God or a god toward humans.c. often Love Christianity Charity.4.a. Sexual desire or activity: the pleasures of love; a night of love.b. An instance of being in love: Teenage loves can be as fleeting as they are intense.5.a. A person for whom one has strong feelings of affection: She met her new love at therestaurant.b."
"docid": "D1721268#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/translated_sentences/sp/descansar\nSpanish Sentences using descansar",
"text": "Home Spanish Sentences Maker descansar (lang: sp) The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. more... Language: Mi abuelita tiene que descansar. My grandma has to rest. Ella siempre descansa después del almuerzo. She always rests after lunch. Los museos en España suelen descansar los lunes. Museum in Spain are usually closed on Mondays¿Qué hacías de joven en las vacaciones de verano? What did you used to do during summer vacation when you were young? Estoy cansado."
"docid": "D1820841#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/corner\nSpanish Word for corner",
"text": "\"English Word: corner Spanish Word: la esquina Now you know how to say corner in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'corner'I meet her in one hour on the corner. Me encuentro con ella en una hora en la esquina. It's before the corner. Está antes de la esquina. It's on the corner. Está a la esquina. A secure internet site has a lock icon on the corner. Un sitio de internet seguro tiene la figura de candado en la esquina."
"docid": "D611278#0",
"title": "https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of/spanish-word-racha.html\nWhat is the meaning of the Spanish word racha ?",
"text": "\"Your browser does not support audio. What is the meaning of the Spanish word racha ? What's the meaning of the Spanish word racha? Here's a list translations and example phrases. English Translationsgust of wind streak streaks puff puffs Phrases in Context En fin esta racha de trabajo se termina por un buen resultado. In short, this streak of work ends with a good result. Con esta derrota terminó una racha de 39 victorias consecutivas. With this defeat ended a streak of 39 consecutive victories. También cortó una racha de cinco reveses seguidos en los playoffs. He also cut a streak of five consecutive setoffs in the playoffs."
"docid": "D1938390#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_say_sure_why_not_in_spanish\nHow do you say are you sure in spanish?",
"text": "\"Gearoid 248 Contributions How do you say are you sure in spanish? To one person ( informal ) ---------- ¿Estas seguro ? To one person ( formal ) ----------------¿Esta seguro? To more than one person ( mixed genders ) ¿ Estais …Don Dfoofnik 4,378,298 Contributions There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. How do you say sure in spanish? The word \"\"sure\"\" meaning certain is seguro (segura). BJ Sullivan 3,242,404 Contributions How do you say for sure in Spanish? \"\" For sure\"\" in Spanish is \"\"De seguro\"\". It is pronounced \"\"Day say-GOO-row\"\". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation: http://www.answers.com/library/Translation …Monique inchausti 4 Contributions What if he says that he does but your not sure?if he says he is and your not sure than you must not really like or love him...if we are talking bout ther same thing... Tngtony 4,541 Contributions Are you sure in spanish?¿Esta seguro? ("
"docid": "D806015#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OV7\nOV7",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search OV7Origin Mexico Genres Latin Occupation (s) Musicians Instruments Vocals Years active 1989 –2003, 2010-Present Labels Sony Music Mexico Associated acts Lemon Grass Members Ari Borovoy Lidia Ávila Mariana OchoaÉrika Zaba Beltrán Oscar Schwebel Arizmendi Past members M'balia Marichal Ibar Kalimba Kadjaly Marichal Ibar Daniel Isaías Vázquez Sánchez Anna Borras Canales Ariatna Leticia Martínez Vargas Rodrigo Álvarez Saviñon Luis García Carranza Bárbara Macías Sánchez Gonzalo Alva Liliana Ríos Iñurreta Alejandro Sirvent Barton Jair Roman de Rubin OV7, formerly known as La Onda Vaselina, is a Latin pop group from Mexico formed in 1989, but it was not until the early 1990s that OV7 would begin to make their mark. With a career spanning more than 25 years and several hits in the Latin American charts, OV7 remains as one of the most successful pop bands in Latin pop history. The group disbanded in 2003. In 2010 they reunited. [ 1] As of 2017, the remaining members are Mariana Ochoa, Ari Borovoy, Érika Zaba, Lidia Avila, Oscar Schwebel, and occasionally M'Balia Marichal. Contents [ hide ]1 Carrer2 Current Members3 Past Members4 Discography4.1 Singles4.2 Albums4.2.1 Albums as Onda Vaselina4.2.2 Albums as OV75 References Carrer [ edit]OV7 followed a trend that began in the 1980s by another pop group named Timbiriche. 1989 Mexican singer and producer 'Julissa' decided to make her own version of \"\"Grease\"\" or \"\"Vaselina\"\" (in Spanish) after the season finished. Julissa decided to form a group based on the play. After the development of \"\"Timbuktu, she founded \"\"La Onda Vaselina.\"\" Shortly after they recorded their successful debut album, with singles \"\"Que Buen Reventon ' (their first single) and\"\" Triste Es El Primer Adios\"\" which became big hits in the early 1990s with her first album they sold over 100,000 copies and had a successful tour, their second album \"\"Onda Vaselina 2 'was one of the most successful albums of the 90s in Mexico with popular hits that became public property such as:\"\" El Calendario \"\"and\"\" Voy Voy Voy \"\"Their next album was\"\" Dulces Para Ti \"\"which was followed by a series of live shows in one of Mexico City's main venues for the\"\" Teatro Aldama \"\"The album's biggest hits was\"\" Tu Seras Mi Baby \"\"and\"\" La Llorona Loca \"\"Their fourth album was a Regional Mexican Music album named: \"\"La Banda Rock\"\" (The Rock Band, using the word \"\"Banda\"\" both meaning \"\"musical group\"\" and the Mexican music genre ), the biggest hit of the album was the song \"\"Pongánse botas, quitense tennis \"\" (Put some boots on and lose the tennis shoes) The group has also had several hits in Spain from the album."
"docid": "D3317205#0",
"title": "https://inglispop.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/puerto-rican-slang-101-el-hangeo-presseo-zandungeo/\n.",
"text": "\"Puerto Rican Slang 101- El hangeo, presseo, zandungeo. May 19, 2010, 9:00 pm Filed under: Vocabulary Aqui va la lista de Puerto Rican Slang para que se echen al “caucho” a leerlo. Enjoy!AA calzón quitao – Literally meaning “without pants on”, it is used to mean you have nothing to hide…you can be trusted ; bluntly honest. Abombao – Smelly…rotten. A very bad or putrid odor or something, namely food, that is spoiled. Acángana – An interjection similar to “In your face!”. Achaques – The aches and pains of growing old. Acho or Chacho – Usually, it’s used as a conjunction to bridge between thoughts. Also, it can be the shortened form of muchacho (meaning “guy” or “dude”). Acho meng or Chacho meng – “Damn, dude!”,"
"docid": "D1398124#0",
"title": "http://www.chromlea.com/spanish/romantic.php\nI Love You in Spanish (and Other Romantic Phrases)",
"text": "\"I Love You in Spanish (and Other Romantic Phrases)Naturally, Spanish is one of the so called \"\"Romantic Languages\"\". As such, it makes for a great language to whisper sweet nothings into your lover's ear. Maybe it'll even help you win the love of a Spanish sweetheart. Whatever your reason for needing to be romantic in Spanish, this page should certainly help you out. Below you'll find plenty of romantic Spanish sayings, all translated from their original Spanish to English. Categories include I love you, hugs and kisses, your beauty overwhelms me, I miss you and want to be with you, I'm thinking of you, I can't live without you, girlfriend, boyfriend, and pet names, romantic ways to end a letter, and others. There's also some tips for snagging a lover, if that's your ultimate goal for learning romantic Spanish. So Many Ways to Say 'I Love You'You can also view these romantic words with translations from English to Spanish. ( Words in bold added during the last update. ) I Love You in Spanish All about love."
"docid": "D2812288#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Preparing_to_Enter_the_United_States\n.",
"text": "\"navigation search Preparing to Enter the United States Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates This article is a travel topic The United States is not the easiest country to try to enter, even for US citizens. The events of 9/11 have made entry more difficult than it was. For most purposes other then pleasure, most travelers will need to apply for a visa. However even a visa itself does not guarantee that the bearer will be allowed to enter the US. This article intends to take you through the ins and outs of what one needs to do to try to enter the US. It aims to give general guidance such as when one needs a visa or when one can travel without one. Given that there are plenty of purposes for travel, this article will mainly focus on those just visiting the US either for business or pleasure. General advice [ edit]The United States has complicated visa requirements. Read up carefully before your visit, especially if you need to apply for a visa, and consult the US State Department. Travelers have been refused entry for many reasons, some which are because of simple issues."
"docid": "D345591#0",
"title": "https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Dictionary_of_spoken_Spanish\nDictionary of spoken Spanish",
"text": "\"Dictionary of spoken Spanishnavigation search Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945) by United States War Department Spanish-Englishrelated portals: United States Department of Defense.sister projects: data item. Aa to Voy a Barcelona. I'm going to Barcelona. — Vamos a casa. Let's go home. — Se lo dimos al hombre. We gave it to the man. ♦ at Vengan Uds. a las dos. Come at two o'clock."
"docid": "D2689805#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_say_'They_Think'_in_Spanish\nHow do you say you think I am great in Spanish?",
"text": "Mansda 49 Contributions How do you say you think I am great in Spanish? One way of saying it is 'Soy grande', soy being 'I am' and grande being 'great'. However, this can also means 'I am big', so you're better off using 'Soy perfecto' …Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions How do you say i think i love you in spanish? Es posible que le / lo / la / te ame. Creo que estoy enamorado//a de ti Edit How do you say thinking bout you in Spanish?combate pensando que Edit Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions How do you say don't you think in Spanish?¿No le / les / te / os parece? Edit Vontoure 84 Contributions How do you say do you think of him in spanish? Qué piensas de él Edit How do you say do you think this is a joke in Spanish? The traduction of 'Do you think this is a joke?' In spanish is: ¿Crees que esto es una broma? Edit Tanner Johnson 19 Contributions How you say 'what do you think' in spanish?¿Qué piensa usted?"
"docid": "D1333589#0",
"title": "http://www.landwatch.com/Puerto_Rico_land_for_sale\nPuerto Rico",
"text": "Puerto Rico Land For Sale Puerto Rico Land for Sale Puerto Rico Waterfront Land for Sale Puerto Rico Country Homes for Sale PUERTO RICO LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 154 listings SORT BY: Standard Listings Agents: Add your listings >23.18 Acres Corozal, Corozal County, PR $238,00023.18 Acres Corozal, Corozal County, PR $238,000Farm for Sale Located just outside of Corozal, Puerto Rico on state route PR 818in Cibucos Ward. Great location and only a 40 min. drive from San Juan, PR. Ideal for planting of Plantains, Bananas, Pumpkins and Citrus, etc. Area of Land: 23.87 cuerdas (23.183 acres)Selling... Save Property Listed by Dirk Langer San Juan, San Juan County, PR $295,000San Juan, San Juan County, PR $295,000Negocio de Rentas con inquilinos actuales y espacios para mas. Buena localizacion. Son 3 propiedades independientes, de varios niveles. Juntas son casi un... Save Property Mayaguez, Mayaguez County, PR $55,500Mayaguez, Mayaguez County, PR $55,500EL CONDOMINIO ESTA EN UNA EXCELENTE LOCALIZACION. TIENE ELEVADOR. NECESITA MEJORAS."
"docid": "D2007620#0",
"title": "https://www.rocketlanguages.com/forum/spanish-grammar/esta-esta-esta-what-are-their-differences/\nesta / ésta / está What are their differences?",
"text": "\"esta / ésta / está What are their differences?fiona-hk – March 31, 2015, 9:38 am When do we use esta / ésta / está ??? I am really confused about them . Steven-W15 – March 31, 2015, 12:09 pm Hope this clears things up a bit for you: - For the verb estar, use \"\"está\"\": mi casa está aquí. - When used as an adjective, use \"\"esta\"\": esta casa es mía. - When used as a pronoun, use \"\"ésta\"\": ésta es mi casa. It's all in the context. Aurora Hemminger – March 31, 2015, 2:51 pm Great explanation! I actually only know two out of three. Thanks. Dan-H24 – March 31, 2015, 8:11 pm I remember how frustrating this was for me when I started."
"docid": "D368221#0",
"title": "http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858523014/\nJuanes â La Camisa Negra",
"text": "\"Juanes – La Camisa Negra21 Comments 0 Tags\"\"La Camisa Negra\"\" as written by and Juan Esteban Aristizabal.... Read More... Edit Wiki Tengo la camisa negra Hoy mi amor esta de luto Hoy tengo en el alma una pena Y es por culpa de tu embrujo Hoy sé que tú ya no me quieres Y eso es lo que más me hiere Que tengo la camisa negra Y una pena que me duele Mal parece que solo me quedé Y fue pura todita tu mentira Que maldita mala suerte la mía Que aquel día te encontré Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor Yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor Respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós Y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo Tengo la camisa negra Porque negra tengo el alma Yo por ti perdí la calma Y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Come on come on come on baby Te digo con disimulo Que tengo la camisa negra Y debajo tengo el difunto Tengo la camisa negra Ya tu amor no me interesa Lo que ayer me supo a gloria Hoy me sabe a pura Miércoles por la tarde y tú que no llegas Ni siquiera muestras señas Y yo con la camisa negra Y tus maletas en la puerta Mal parece que solo me quedé Y fue pura todita tu mentira Que maldita mala suerte la mía Que aquel día te encontré Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor Yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor Respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós Y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo Tengo la camisa negra Porque negra tengo el alma Yo por ti perdí la calma Y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Come on come on come on baby Te digo con disimulo Que tengo la camisa negra Y debajo tengo el difunto Tengo la camisa negra Porque negra tengo el alma Yo por ti perdí la calma Y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Come on come on come on baby Te digo con disimulo Que tengo la camisa negra Y debajo tengo el difunto Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video Lyrics submitted by 15imshort\"\"La Camisa Negra\"\" as written by Juan Esteban Aristizabal Lyrics © Peermusic Publishing Lyrics powered by Lyric Find Add your thoughts21 Comments View by: Highest Rated Most Recent Oldest First+2 General Comment awesome song..juanes is awesome as a latin artist...i think it should be \"\"cama cama, come on baby\"\" x_fadedpicutres on December 17, 2005 Link No Replies Log in to reply+2 General Comment there goes the translation... (from a web site, not mine). Black Shirt I have a black shirt for today my love is in mourning. Today there is a pain in my soul because of your spell. Today I already know that you don't love me which is the the thing that hurts the most. I have a black shirt and a pain that dwells within me. It's a shame that I am alone purely because you lied and also because of my damned bad luck on the day that I first met you. From drinking the malevolent poison of your love I remain near death and full of sorrow, still breathing the bitter smoke of your goodbye, and since you left, all I have is... I have a black shirt to match the darkness in my soul I have completely lost my cool over you, Lost it right up to my bed. Come-a, come-a, come on, baby I say to you that the black shirt disguises the fact that underneath I'm a corpse. I have a black shirt and already your love doesn't interest me Yesterday what I thought was pure happiness Today I realize is pure shit Wednesday afternoon you never showed up and never gave me the least hint so here I am with the black shirt and your suitcases in the door. i like the videoclip, the two girls are hot:) vadmacska on April 15, 2006 Link No Replies Log in to reply+1 General Comment I was reading over the translation making sure it was ok : D The only thing is that he never actually says \"\"shit.\"\""
"docid": "D3163415#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/hora\nhora",
"text": "horahour, time Dictionary Examples Phrasesnew Videohorafeminine noun1. ( period of time)a. hour Tuve que esperarlos una hora y media. I had to wait for them for an hour and a half.2. ( specific time)a. time¿Qué hora es? What time is it?3. ( right moment)a. time Es hora de que se reúnan y tomen una decisión. It is time for them to meet and make a decision.4. ("
"docid": "D2833346#0",
"title": "http://ustraveldocs.com/de/de-gen-faq.asp\nFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)On this page: FAQ - General Visa Information FAQ - Visa Refusals FAQ - Business/Tourist Visa FAQ - Work Visa FAQ - Student Visa FAQ - Exchange Visitor Visa FAQ - Transit/Ship Crew Visa FAQ - Religious Worker Visa FAQ - Track My Passport FAQ - Application Profile FAQ - General Visa Information How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa? Do I qualify for the Visa Waiver Program? What is the fee for ESTA and who has to pay it? If I travel to the United States without ESTA, what happens? If I am a third-country national living in Germany can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa in Germany? Do all nonimmigrant visa applicants have to come to the U. S. Embassy or Consulate for an interview? I have a nonimmigrant visa that will expire soon and I would like to renew it. Do I need to go through the whole visa application process again? My passport has expired, but the U. S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa?"
"docid": "D268972#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_did_Alla_mean\nWhat does Alla staccato mean?",
"text": "\"What does Alla staccato mean? In music this refers normally to how notes are played. When a musician plays notes 'ala staccato', they are required to take short breaths between each note to define the …Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions What does ni de aqui ni de alla mean? ACLARACIÃN, DEBE ESCRIBIRSE DE ESTA MANERA: NI DE AQUÃ NI DE ALLÃ (LOS ACENTOS EN CASTELLANO NO SON MERO LUJO O \"\"SIGNILLOS DE ADORNO\"\", su empleo es trascendental p …What does Alla Marcia mean? Alla marcia means march tempo in music. What does Alla Spagnola mean in a musical term? In the Spanish style Helpful0909 7 Contributions What does the name alla mean? Well its russein but it can also be arabic and in arabic it means miracle or gift from god. Im not sure what it means in russein Que cara que esta la vida por alla mean in English? The cost of living is so high over there!Tngtony 4,541 Contributions What does alla' mean in spanish?alla means \"\" [over] there [in that direction]. alli means \"\"there [in that spot]\"\"What does the phrase mas alla mean in English?"
] |
637074 | what does esta mean | [
"docid": "D2983345#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Esta\nWhat does Esta mean?",
"text": "\"What does Esta mean? E sta [es- ta] ▼ as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Esta is \"\"myrtle, bride; star\"\". Latinate form of Esther. ASSOCIATED WITH star Variations ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ESTHER Eistir, Ess, Essie ▼, Essy, Estee, Ester ▼, Estera, Eszter, Ettey, Etti, Ettie ▼, Etty CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Esta Dalary (E. D.), .. How popular is Esta? Esta is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2143 out of 4276, Top 50%) and also a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#140756 out of 150436, Top 94%). ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS) \""
] | [
"docid": "D3317205#0",
"title": "https://inglispop.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/puerto-rican-slang-101-el-hangeo-presseo-zandungeo/\n.",
"text": "\"Puerto Rican Slang 101- El hangeo, presseo, zandungeo. May 19, 2010, 9:00 pm Filed under: Vocabulary Aqui va la lista de Puerto Rican Slang para que se echen al “caucho” a leerlo. Enjoy!AA calzón quitao – Literally meaning “without pants on”, it is used to mean you have nothing to hide…you can be trusted ; bluntly honest. Abombao – Smelly…rotten. A very bad or putrid odor or something, namely food, that is spoiled. Acángana – An interjection similar to “In your face!”. Achaques – The aches and pains of growing old. Acho or Chacho – Usually, it’s used as a conjunction to bridge between thoughts. Also, it can be the shortened form of muchacho (meaning “guy” or “dude”). Acho meng or Chacho meng – “Damn, dude!”,"
"docid": "D268972#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_did_Alla_mean\nWhat does Alla staccato mean?",
"text": "\"What does Alla staccato mean? In music this refers normally to how notes are played. When a musician plays notes 'ala staccato', they are required to take short breaths between each note to define the …Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions What does ni de aqui ni de alla mean? ACLARACIÃN, DEBE ESCRIBIRSE DE ESTA MANERA: NI DE AQUÃ NI DE ALLÃ (LOS ACENTOS EN CASTELLANO NO SON MERO LUJO O \"\"SIGNILLOS DE ADORNO\"\", su empleo es trascendental p …What does Alla Marcia mean? Alla marcia means march tempo in music. What does Alla Spagnola mean in a musical term? In the Spanish style Helpful0909 7 Contributions What does the name alla mean? Well its russein but it can also be arabic and in arabic it means miracle or gift from god. Im not sure what it means in russein Que cara que esta la vida por alla mean in English? The cost of living is so high over there!Tngtony 4,541 Contributions What does alla' mean in spanish?alla means \"\" [over] there [in that direction]. alli means \"\"there [in that spot]\"\"What does the phrase mas alla mean in English?"
"docid": "D693739#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_pendejo_mean\nWhat does pendejo mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures Translations Spanish to English What does pendejo mean? Flag What does pendejo mean? Answer by Dnsed323 Confidence votes 2.0KThe Spanish slang word pendejo is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English). Over the years, like many crude slang terms, some classless groups have even adopted it as a semi-acceptable funny greeting between friends.29 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Killer M32 39 Contributions What is a pendejo? An insult like \"\"d!ckhead\"\" or so What does this mean in English Rico Suav Amor de lejos es amor de pendejos?that means if you are away from you girl you are dam stupe Flyingcaballitos8 371 Contributions Tu eres un pendejo?you're an ass What does Amor De Lejos es Amor De Pendejos mean in English? Long-distance love affairs are for fools. Long-distance love affairs are for fools. Hiramito 8,578 Contributions What does pendejo que no sabe nada mean?"
"docid": "D2296809#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDM_(lighting)\nRDM (lighting)",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is written like a manual or guidebook. Please help rewrite this article from a descriptive, neutral point of view, and remove advice or instruction. ( February 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)R emote D evice M anagement or RDM is a protocol enhancement to USITT DMX512 that allows bi-directional communication between a lighting or system controller and attached RDM compliant devices over a standard DMX line. This protocol will allow configuration, status monitoring, and management of these devices in such a way that does not disturb the normal operation of standard DMX512 devices that do not recognize the RDM protocol. The standard was originally developed by the Entertainment Services and Technology Association - Technical Standards (ESTA) [1] and is officially known as \"\"ANSI E1.20, Remote Device Management Over DMX512 Networks. As of January 2011 ESTA, the Entertainment Services and Technology Association in North America, has merged with the Professional Lighting and Sound Association, a similar organization in the UK. The new organization was called PLASA. In 2015 PLASA Governing Body chairman John Simpson announced that the organisation had been facing \"\"critical cash-flow problems\"\", precipitating the sale of its Eastbourne office, staff reductions, business restructuring and a reduction in services provided to members. In addition, the de-merger of the American arm of the organisation into a separate body. All ESTA standards are now maintained by ESTA."
"docid": "D2983346#0",
"title": "http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Esta.html\nEsta Meaning",
"text": "\"Esta Meaning Name: What does Esta mean? The name Esta is of English origin. The meaning of Esta is \"\"star\"\". Esta is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Es-ta. The Given Name Esta Esta is a diminutive of Esther. See Esther for further details. Esta appeals to parents who seek a name with genuine depth. Chic yet simple, the name is a great blend of character and flair. A stylish name that will be attractive to parents."
"docid": "D552122#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081216104710AAEkK0m\nWhat does esta' mean? i need spanish to english translation.?",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does esta' mean? i need spanish to english translation. ? esta has an accent over the A. thanks to whoever helps!Follow 9 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: with the accent it means is like he IS doing something el ESTA' haciendo algo Source (s):spanish is my main language ;)mimali6 · 9 years ago0 0 Comment Asker's rating Está is the 2nd person singular form of the verb 'estar' which, in Spanish, is one of the verbs meaning 'to be', along with 'ser'. You know in Spanish how 'es' is used a lot? Está means the same thing!! The difference is that 'es' is the 2nd person singular form of SER, whereas 'está' is the 2nd person singular form of ESTAR. It's hard to explain, but you'll get when to use each one in the end. Basically, for a fact or something permanent, you use 'ser'. For example: Ella es Dominicana = She is Dominican. ' Ser' is used because your nationality is something that doesn't change (unless you change it, which is unlikely)."
"docid": "D1096739#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Spanish_word_for_haciendo\nWhat does haciendo mean in English?",
"text": "\"What does haciendo mean in English? Doing that means Flyingcaballitos8 371 Contributions What does que has estado haciendo mean?what have you been doing Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions What does haciendo mean in spanish?doing or making Jessie Bell 1,486 Contributions What does estamos haciendo means? Translation: We are doing Manny de la Riva 616,402 Contributions Que has estado haciendo?what have you been doing Robert Green 71,631 Contributions Insanely normal What does si que estas haciendo ahora mean in spanish? Yes, I am doing it now. Fredro 10,303 Contributions Haciendo este spanish De que color es esta carro? It's a mixture of (Spanish) 'Haciendo este' = 'Doing/making this' (English) 'Spanish' and (Spanish) 'de que color es esta carro' = 'What colour is this carriage/cart? ' Fredro 10,303 Contributions Que esta haciendo ahora? ' What are you (formal)/is he/she doing now? ' Noetol 15,299 Contributions Qué estás haciendo ahora?this means: What are you doing now? Noetol 15,299 Contributions What is 'haciendo' in Spanish to English? \"\""
"docid": "D1873823#0",
"title": "https://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/43515/if-theres-no-until-date-on-your-us-entry-stamp-how-long-can-you-stay-as-an-e\nIf there's no âuntilâ date on your US entry stamp, how long can you stay as an ESTA holder?",
"text": "\"_Travel Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for road warriors and seasoned travelers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top If there's no “until” date on your US entry stamp, how long can you stay as an ESTA holder?up vote8down votefavorite Looking through my passport, at a page that the US DHS seem to like using, I see three US entry stamps: These are: Arrived 4th April 2014, type WB, until 2nd July 2014 (3 months)Arrived 15th June 2012, type WB, until not completed Arrived 9th November 2012, type WB, until 6th February 2013 (3 months)The first and the third seem fine - I was stamped in, and a date to depart by (until) was either hand-written in or stamped in. Nice and clear when I needed to be gone by. However, for the middle one, they seem to have forgotten to write in or stamp in the \"\"until\"\" date. As it happens, I didn't notice at the time, and I think I left about 2 weeks later (if memory serves). However, what if I'd wanted to stay longer? As someone with an ESTA entering the US under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), how long am I allowed to stay if no \"\"until\"\" date is given on my entry stamp?usa esta us-visa-waiver-program visa-expirationshare improve this questionedited Feb 24 '17 at 21:14Jonathan Reez ♦40.9k 25 178 393asked Feb 18 '15 at 17:22Gagravarr45.5k 31 170 3625Congratulations, due to clerical error, you're now a legal resident! – Flimzy Feb 18 '15 at 17:29Riiiiiiiightt!! – Karlson Feb 18 '15 at 17:37add a comment3 Answers active oldest votesup vote6down vote They don't always write a date on the stamp in the passport. Before I-94s were made electronic, I don't think they ever wrote a date on the stamp in the passport; they just wrote a date on the stamp on the I-94 (which was stapled to your passport)."
"docid": "D203989#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Jajajaja_estas_enamorado_mean_in_English\nWhat does como esta mean in English?",
"text": "\"Magnus Julus18 6,878 Contributions What does como esta mean in English? Pues si alguien a mí me dice \"\"como esta\"\", yo entiendo: \"\"like this\"\" en inglés. it means how are you (esto no lo entendería)Ahtrams 421 Contributions What does el dia los enamorados mean in English?usually it means Valentine's Day literally it means Day of the Lovers Noetol What does esta cerca mean in English? Está cerca means \"\"It is close\"\". Noetol What does jajajaja estas enamorado mean in English? It means \"\"Hahaha you are in love\"\". Jordieshorty93 58 Contributions Esta mean in English? The verb estar tells how one feels or where one is. Esta is the he/she/it conjucation of estar and so it translates to he/she/it feels or is Wholikesmilk 107 Contributions What does como esta' mean in English? How is He/She/It or How are you?"
"docid": "D21590#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_spanish_wird_naci_mean_in_english\nWhat does the NACI committee mean?",
"text": "\"Imelstevo 1 Contribution What does the NACI committee mean? National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)Jerber8 13 Contributions What does yo naci maldecido mean?- actually it means \"\"i was born cursed\"\"Joseph5280 3,969 Contributions What does Spanish to English bia mean? That is not a Spanish word as far as I know. What does the Spanish no tengo mean in English? I do not have. What does parido in spanish mean in English? Parido means \"\"calved\"\" in English Victoria Mc Combs 1,976 Contributions What does the Spanish word 'Can' mean in English?dog Wes Deshita 30 Contributions What does Spanish to English mean?a translation of a spanish word to English Hannaht14 6 Contributions What does esta mean in English from spanish?hiya :) im correcting my own answer, as i got it wrong (fail) but this is right :) i read the question wrong. : L - Esta is used to mean 'it is', but only if its impermanent. L …What does wer wird freimarkt mean in English? It means 'who is free-market'."
"docid": "D1021073#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/mean\nmean",
"text": "\"meansignificar Dictionary Conjugation Examples Phrasesnewmeantransitive verb1. ( to signify)a. significar\"\"Monsieur\"\" means \"\"sir\"\" in French. \"\" Monsieur\"\" significa \"\"señor\"\" en francés.b. querer decir What does this paragraph mean? ¿ Qué quiere decir este párrafo?2. ( to refer to)a. querer decir What did you mean when you said you didn't think this was working? ¿ Qué quisiste decir cuando dijiste que esto no está funcionando?3. ( to imply)a."
"docid": "D2698984#0",
"title": "http://www.esta.us/taiwan.html\nESTA (United States Travel Authorization) for Citizens of Taiwan",
"text": "ESTA (United States Travel Authorization) for Citizens of Taiwan This page is available in the following languages: ENGLISHCountry: Taiwan ESTA Required: Yes Taiwan is part of the Visa Waiver Program, which enables citizens of Taiwan to travel to the United States without a visa. On January 12, 2009, ESTA (the Electronic System for Travel Authorization) became a requirement of the Visa Waiver Program. ESTA is an application system for all travelers from Visa Waiver Countries, including Taiwan. The Visa Waiver Program has simplified travel to the United States for millions of visitors by only requiring a machine readable passport. Now, due to heightened security regulations, the same visitors must apply for a Travel Authorization (ESTA) in advance. As always, a machine-readable or e-passport from a Visa Waiver country is still required to gain admittance into the country. The entire ESTA application process is conducted online and operated by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Travel Authorization is not a visa. In fact, a person from a non-visa waiver country should not even attempt to apply for a Travel Authorization. The purpose of ESTA is to allow DHS to pre-screen all Visa Waiver Travelers before they leave their respective countries."
"docid": "D3523837#0",
"title": "https://www.acronymfinder.com/ESTA.html\nWhat does ESTA stand for?",
"text": "Category Filters All definitions (18) Information Technology (2) Military & Government (5) Science & Medicine (3) Organizations, Schools, etc. ( 12) Business & Finance (3) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0)Sort results: alphabetical | rank? Rank Abbr. Meaning ESTAElectronic System for Travel Authorization (Department of Homeland Security)ESTA Entertainment Services and Technology Association ESTAEuropean Security Transport Association (Brussels, Belgium)ESTAEuropean String Teachers Association (Malta)ESTAEnergy Systems Trade Association ESTAEarth Science Teachers' Association (UK)ESTAEnterprise Systems Technology Activity (US Army)ESTAEcole Supérieure des Techniques Aérospatiales (Paris, France)ESTAEthernet Switching at Ten Gigabit and Above ESTAEgyptian Science and Technology Abstracts ESTAEnroute Support Team Advanced ESTAEn-route Support Team Advanced ESTAEnemy Situation-Threat Advisor ESTAEnergy Services and Technology Association (UK)ESTAÉcole Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (Fench: High School of Advanced Technologies; Burkina Faso)ESTAÉcole Supérieure des Technologies et des Affaires (French: Graduate School of Business and Technology)ESTAEducation in Stage and Theatre Arts (UK)ESTAEvergreen State Taxi Association (Washington)Note: We have 32 other definitions for ESTA in our Acronym Atticnew search suggest new definition"
"docid": "D2812288#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Preparing_to_Enter_the_United_States\n.",
"text": "\"navigation search Preparing to Enter the United States Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates This article is a travel topic The United States is not the easiest country to try to enter, even for US citizens. The events of 9/11 have made entry more difficult than it was. For most purposes other then pleasure, most travelers will need to apply for a visa. However even a visa itself does not guarantee that the bearer will be allowed to enter the US. This article intends to take you through the ins and outs of what one needs to do to try to enter the US. It aims to give general guidance such as when one needs a visa or when one can travel without one. Given that there are plenty of purposes for travel, this article will mainly focus on those just visiting the US either for business or pleasure. General advice [ edit]The United States has complicated visa requirements. Read up carefully before your visit, especially if you need to apply for a visa, and consult the US State Department. Travelers have been refused entry for many reasons, some which are because of simple issues."
"docid": "D441451#0",
"title": "https://www.usavisaonline.com/\nUSA Visa Online",
"text": "What is ESTA? The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is an automated screening program that evaluates potential US visitors prior to travel. ESTA determines visitors’ eligibility to enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which allows citizens of designated countries to stay in the US for 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. Everyone planning to enter the US under the VWP must get an ESTA. Am I required to apply for an ESTA? You need to apply for an ESTA if you are traveling to the US under the VWP to either: 1) Transit through the US, or 2) stay for up to 90 days as a tourist or for business that does not require a visa. You can see a list of countries eligible for the VWP below. If you have obtained a visa for tourism, work, or study in the US, you do not need to also apply for an ESTA. Does ESTA guarantee I will be able to enter the US? An ESTA travel authorization establishes that you are eligible to travel to the US, but it does not guarantee admission."
"docid": "D488821#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/mean\nSpanish Word for mean",
"text": "\"English Word: mean (adj) Spanish Word: malo, cruel, tacaño (per) Now you know how to say mean in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'mean'Don't be mean, help those men!No sean malos, ayuden a esos hombres!What does ... mean?¿Qué significa ... ? I didn't mean to say that we had taught you all the Spanish language. No quería decir que te hubiéramos enseñado todo el español. Does it mean something?¿Significa algo? Do you think dreams mean anything?¿Crees que los sueños significan algo? You mean nothing to me. No significas nada para mí. I didn't want to scare you."
"docid": "D2284778#0",
"title": "http://prijom.com/posts/what-does-pending-authorization-mean.php\n.",
"text": "What Does Pending Authorization Mean Blackberry Messenger show pending (waiting for a Black Berry and also the PIN. It has shown pending waiting for authorization for days. i have. your add request? For me, it does not officially add the person until they approve my friend/add request. . But I see what you mean ok. In this case How Long Does Pending Authorization Take on Credit Cards? e How Authorization hold (also card authorization, preauthorization, or preauth) is However, many banks do not, and a merchant may not have the capability to do so. What does each transaction status Authorized Captured Credited Pending Authorization A pending authorization hold is placed on your card for the balance in order to . Meaning of Outstanding Credit Card Authorizations One or more [Authorization] or [Pending] transactions appear on What does each transaction status Authorized, Captured, Credited, Failed, Pending, Review, and Transmitted mean?"
"docid": "D2264795#0",
"title": "http://www.latingossip.com/jenni-rivera/jenni-riveras-brother-juan-punches-man-on-stage.html\nJenni Riveraâs Brother, Juan, Punches Man on Stage",
"text": "Jenni Rivera’s Brother, Juan, Punches Man on Stageby Latin Gossip Staff on 06.07.2011 - Listed under Jenni Rivera Click to view video. Again??? After making headlines for confronting a fan on stage at one of her concerts, Jenni Rivera is back again in the center of the media hurricane after another video has surfaced showing a violent beatdown of one of her fans…by her brother! ! An audience member at her Guanajuato concert threw a beer can at one of her musicians so Juan Rivera brought the man to the stage and that’s when he proceeded to punch him three times in the head. The man lay there, reportedly knocked out, and was dragged away by Juan and other men from the security team. Juan held a press conference with Jenni and apologized for what he did. IN the meantime, CLICK HERE to watch the video!CLICK TO PLAYRelated posts: Jenni Rivera's Brother Says She Wasn't Murdered Jenni Rivera's Company Sued For Plane Crash Jenni Rivera Talks About Chiquis Marin on I Love Jenni Top Celebrity Sex Tapes and Naughty Pics Jenni Rivera Second Posthumous Album Out Now Jessica Maldonado Schools Jenni Rivera Brother on Don Francisco Te Invita Leave a comment – Trackback URL – E-mail To A Friend – Entry Link Previous: Rey Ruiz Robbed in Spain Next: Kalimba’s Ex Takes It All Back41 Comments on Jenni Rivera’s Brother, Juan, Punches Man on Stage Lil June 7th, 2011Whatever happened to an elevated stage and a barrier between stage and audience…this is getting ridiculous! It seems cheaper to ditch out $ for this than pay for all the lawsuits that are headed her way….ana June 7th, 2011no se que es lo que le pasa a jenni pero ahora si se estan pasando come on, all of the securities were just standing there letting juan kick his butt and jenni all proud of it, segun muy religiosos que son ellos.. jenni should really calm down y darse cuenta que esta perdiendo muchos fans aun que ella no lo crea. Genny June 7th, 2011I really do hope this biatch gets slam with at least 2 lawsutis by her fans and the fans win! This is BS!"
"docid": "D2504629#0",
"title": "http://www.learn4good.com/travel/puerto_rico_visa.htm\nPuerto Rico Visa Information",
"text": "\"Travel Visa & Embassy information Puerto Rico Visa Puerto Rico Visa Information Learn4good provides general information on study, travel, work visa and business visa requirements and the addresses of embassies worldwide. You should contact your local embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information or visa forms. See our Travel Forum to create a travel topic and ask questions to fellow travelers. Who requires a Visa? What documents will be required? Time required to issue a Visa How do I apply? What is the cost of a Visa? How long is the Visa valid for? Other information Embassy contact information Travel Guide Who requires a visa? Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, east of the Dominican Republic and west of the Virgin Islands."
"docid": "D1820841#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/corner\nSpanish Word for corner",
"text": "\"English Word: corner Spanish Word: la esquina Now you know how to say corner in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'corner'I meet her in one hour on the corner. Me encuentro con ella en una hora en la esquina. It's before the corner. Está antes de la esquina. It's on the corner. Está a la esquina. A secure internet site has a lock icon on the corner. Un sitio de internet seguro tiene la figura de candado en la esquina."
] |
637077 | what does establish justice mean | [
"docid": "D919189#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_establishing_justice_mean_in_the_preamble\nWhat does establishing justice mean in the preamble?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Literature & Language Languages and Cultures English Language Grammar English Spelling and Pronunciation What does establishing justice mean in the preamble? Flag What does establishing justice mean in the preamble? Answer by Don Dfoofnik Confidence votes 231KThere are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. In the \"\"preamble\"\" to the US Constitution, one aim of the US is \"\"to establish justice,\"\" which means to set up a fair and equitable system of laws - under which all persons are treated fairly and equally, and are guaranteed that their rights are respected by others. Just as the Declaration of Independence stated that \"\"all men are created equal,\"\" the Constitution establishes legal equality, i.e. no person or entity has superior status under civil and criminal statutes, and no governmental authority can establish such a preference. Although disparities still exist, the judicial system has acted in many cases to correct these.1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Emilly Broddack 4 Contributions What did the preamble to the Constitution establish? The Preamble to the Federal Constitution is the only part of the Constitution that can't be changed by an amendment. Simply because it represents the duty and obligation of go …Alfieslittlegirl 3,541 Contributions What is the meaning of preamble? The recitals set out in the beginning of a statute showing the reason for the Act are called the preamble."
] | [
"docid": "D202575#0",
"title": "http://history-world.org/united_states_government.htm\n.",
"text": "\"UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, Part One Author: William Kehen, Ph D. Columbia University1996The federal government of the United States was created by the Constitution, which went into operation in 1789 when the first Congress convened and George Washington took the oath of office as president. The government is called federal because it was formed by a compact (the Constitution) among 13 political units (the states). These states agreed to give up part of their independence, or sovereignty, in order to form a central authority and submit themselves to it. Thus, what was essentially a group of 13 separate countries under the Articles of Confederation united to form one nation under the Constitution When the Declaration of Independence was issued in 1776, it used the term United States of America. Until the Constitution was adopted and ratified, however, the 13 states did not really form one nation. They each held onto so many powers individually, including conducting foreign policy and trade negotiations, that the Continental Congress could only do what the states allowed. The Articles were never the law of the land to the extent that the Constitution is. In essence, the United States as a nation did not come into existence until the Constitution began to function as the framework of the government. Once the Constitution was in place, tension between the states and the federal government did not automatically cease. Many political thinkers believed that the states were really the supreme authority."
"docid": "D1186282#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_v._Weisman\nLee v. Weisman",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Lee v. Weisman Supreme Court of the United States Argued November 6, 1991 Decided June 24, 1992Full case name Robert E. Lee, Individually and as Principal of Nathan Bishop Middle School, et al., Petitioners v. Daniel Weisman etc. Citations 505 U. S. 577 ( more ) 112 S. Ct. 2649; 120 L. Ed. 2d 467; 1990 U. S. LEXIS 4364; 60 U. S. L. W. 4723; 92 Cal. Daily Op. Service 5448; 92 Daily Journal DAR 8669Prior history Respondents' motion for restraining order to prevent invocation from being delivered denied, District Court for the District of Rhode Island (1990); Appealed after graduation ceremony, decision reversed, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (1990)Holding Including a clergy-led prayer within the events of a public high school graduation violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Court membership Chief Justice William Rehnquist Associate Justices Byron White · Harry Blackmun John P. Stevens · Sandra Day O'Connor Antonin Scalia · Anthony Kennedy David Souter · Clarence Thomas Case opinions Majority Kennedy, joined by Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Souter Concurrence Blackmun, joined by Stevens, O'Connor Concurrence Souter, joined by Stevens, O'Connor Dissent Scalia, joined by Rehnquist, White, Thomas Laws applied U. S. Const. amend. ILee v. Weisman, 505 U. S. 577 (1992) was a United States Supreme Court decision regarding school prayer."
"docid": "D2437470#0",
"title": "http://shamah-elim.info/p_redto100.htm\n.",
"text": "\"Prophetic word for today The red 100-dollar bill First posted: July 14, 2005E-mailed: July 9, 2005Word received by: Marcella The Lord revealed in a dream that I was reaching for some money in my pocket. I pulled out a 100.00 dollar bill, but the back side of the bill was red, a very bright color red. Our comments30, 60, 100As I asked the Lord about the meaning of the 100-dollar bill, the Lord reminded me of the following passage:\"\"But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty .\"\" ( Matthew 13:23) [ The word \"\"word\"\" was translated from the Greek word logos, which, as we have said before , speaks of God's judgments]Why did the Lord mention the numbers \"\"30\"\", \"\"60\"\", and \"\"100\"\"? To answer that, we have to consider an interesting detail: of the 3 numbers, the only one that is not a multiple of 30 is the last one, 100. If you start from zero , you need to add 30 to get to 30. From there, you need to add 30 more to get to 60, and you need to add 40 more to reach 100. Therefore, the numbers 30 and 60 speak of two similar stages, while the number 100 speaks of a third stage that \"\"expands beyond\"\" the height of the first two stages. It is worth noting that the apostolic \"\"30\"\" must go before the prophetic \"\"30\"\" because Scripture mentions that apostles are \"\"first\"\" and prophets are \"\"second\"\" when listing a specific order of operation in 1 Corinthians 12:28, and it mentions apostles before prophets when speaking of \"\"foundation\"\" in Ephesians 2:20. The fact that the Lord mentions 3 numbers points to the 3 \"\" male \"\" ministries of apostle, prophet , and evangelist."
"docid": "D3202824#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/4787787/chapter-18-gov-test-flash-cards/\nChapter 18 Gov Test",
"text": "\"76 terms carolinebh Chapter 18 Gov Test Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sortinferior courts the lower federal courts What are the types of federal courts? - constitutional - special courtsconstitutional courts federal courts that Congress has formed under Article III include the court of appeals, district courts, U. S. Court of International Tradespecial courts do not exercise the broad \"\"judicial power of the United States\"\" created by Congress to hear cases arising out of some of the expressed powers U. S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces U. S. Court of Federal Claims U. S. Tax Court U. S. Court of Appeals for Veteran Claimsjurisdiction the authority of a court to hear (to try and to decide) a case \"\"to say the law\"\"When are the federal courts given jurisdiction? - the subject matter - the parties involved What determines the federal courts' type of jurisdiction? - whether they share the power to hear the case with State courts - whether they are the first court to hear the caseexclusive jurisdiction type of jurisdiction that makes it so cases can only be heard in the federal courtsconcurrent jurisdiction type of jurisdiction that gives both the federal and state courts the power to hear cases When are federal district courts allowed to hear cases of diverse citizenship? if the amount of money involved in a case is more than $75,000plaintiff person who files the suitdefendant the person whom the complaint is againstoriginal jurisdiction what a court is said to have if it is the court in which the case is first heardappellate jurisdiction a court that hears a case on appeal from a lower court Which courts have original jurisdiction in the federal court system? district courts Which courts have appellate jurisdiction in the federal court system? courts of appeals Who has a major part in the selection of all federal judges? the senate How many district courts are there? 94Where are most federal judges drawn from? ranks of leading attorneys, legal scholars and law school professors, former members of Congress, and State court judges What concepts affect the judicial selection?"
"docid": "D3294308#0",
"title": "http://www.academia.edu/4381746/John_Stuart_Mills_Feminism_On_Progress_the_State_and_the_Path_to_Justice\nJohn Stuart Mill's Feminism: On Progress, the State, and the Path to Justice",
"text": "pdf John Stuart Mill's Feminism: On Progress, the State, and the Path to Justice27 Pages John Stuart Mill's Feminism: On Progress, the State, and the Path to Justice Authors Jeff Spinner-Halev + 1Files1 of 2connect to download Get pdf John Stuart Mill's Feminism: On Progress, the State, and the Path to Justice Download Polity . Volume 42, Number 2 . April 2010 r 2010 Northeastern Political Science Association 0032-3497/10 www.palgrave-journals.com/polity/ John Stuart Mill’s Feminism: On Progress, the State, and the Path to Justice* Hollie Mann and Jeff Spinner-Halev University of North Carolina The relationship between justice and the family is a difficult and often ignored issue in liberal theory. John Stuart Mill is one liberal theorist who tackled the issue, but his arguments about the matter are often misconstrued. Much of the debate about Mill’s feminism turns on the role of the state in effecting moral and political change in society. Mill’s critics focus on his minimal legal prescriptions, believing them to be insufficient for achieving justice and equality in any meaningful sense. His supporters point to how much he expected the rigidity of gender roles to weaken for the better, which, in their view, suggests Mill envisioned a large role for the state in bringing about this change. Both views overlook a central tenet in Mill’s thought, which is that such shifts in values would come about only when the conditions for progress were in place. Although the state has an important role in creating the requisite conditions, it could not itself impose moral progress on its citizens. Progress is a political notion for Mill, but he did not narrowly conceive of politics as merely the business of the state."
"docid": "D1010995#0",
"title": "http://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/obamacare-and-the-limits-of-judicial-conservatism\nObamacare and the Limits of Judicial Conservatism",
"text": "\"Obamacare and the Limits of Judicial Conservatism Eric R. Claeys Summer 2011T he Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, often called \"\"Obamacare,\"\" poses one of the gravest challenges to republican self-government since the Civil War. It establishes a vast array of new entitlements, cost controls, and regulations over the health sector that comprises one-sixth of the U. S. economy. And it raises profound constitutional concerns — not only because of its sheer scope, but also because of the authority it claims for the federal government. When Obamacare was enacted, opponents believed they had only one avenue of recourse: campaign for three years to overturn the law, and then make the 2012 election a referendum on repeal. This strategy has had a promising start. The 2010 midterm elections swept into Congress many Republicans who had campaigned on reversing President Obama's health-care agenda. In January 2011, the new Republican House promptly passed a repeal bill, and Obamacare remains quite unpopular with the public. Yet no one can say for sure that the legislative repeal strategy will succeed. One could hardly blame Obamacare's opponents for seeking to overturn the law by other, swifter, means. And in the past six months, some of these opponents have come to believe they have found such a means: a suit in federal court challenging the constitutionality of key provisions of the law."
"docid": "D2646147#0",
"title": "http://cidh.oas.org/countryrep/JusticiaJuvenileng/jjii.eng.htm\n.",
"text": "\"JUVENILE JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE AMERICASII. THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM12. In this chapter, the Commission will examine the relevant principles and guarantees that should govern the specialized system of justice that applies to children in conflict with the law. The IACHR’s analysis will be carried out in light of the model that is premised upon comprehensive protection [11] of the rights of children and adolescents and contemporary international human rights law that recognizes children as subjects of their rights and not as objects of protection. The principles and guarantees to be analyzed in this report refer to and must be observed by the entire specialized juvenile justice system, including police authorities, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, public defenders and all agencies that have a hand in enforcing any measures and penalties ordered.13. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Inter-American Court” or “the I/A Court H. R.”) has highlighted that it is obvious that a child participates in criminal court proceedings under different conditions from those of an adult: “to argue otherwise would disregard reality and omit adoption of special measures for protection of children, to their grave detriment. Therefore, it is indispensable to recognize and respect differences in treatment which correspond to different situations among those participating in proceedings.” [ 12]14. Thus, in application of the legal framework for the protection of human rights, children who have violated, or have been accused of violating, criminal law must not only be accorded the same guarantees that every adult enjoys, but special measures of protection as well. The Commission will reference certain norms, principles and guarantees that member States must observe when enforcing juvenile justice in a manner that respects and ensures this special protection that children and adolescents require."
"docid": "D2133121#0",
"title": "https://www.csustan.edu/philosophy/platos-study-guide\nPlato's Study Guide",
"text": "\"Plato's REPUBLICBOOK I1: The Conversation with Cephalus (329a-331d): How does the conversation between Cephalus and Socrates evolve into a dialogue about the nature and definition of \"\"justice?\"\" What is the definition of justice proposed by Cephalus? How is the definition evaluated? What is wrong with defining justice in terms of always telling the truth and paying one's debts? What sort of definition do you think Socrates is looking for?2: The Conversation with Polemarchus (33ld-336a): Putting trust in Simonides: What is implied in the introductory remarks by Polemarchus? [ One should understand that quoting famous poets in ancient times was practically akin to quoting scripture in the modern era. ) The Craft Analogy: is living a just life analogous to a craftsman's knowledge and capacity to realize a prescribed end? What role does this analogy play in the dialogue between Socrates and Polemarchus? ( 332c-334c). Notice that there is no mixture yet between the various crafts under discussion."
"docid": "D3421533#0",
"title": "https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/news-insights/spokeo-confirms-that-alleging-a-statutory-violation-is-not.html\nSpokeo Confirms That Alleging a Statutory Violation Is Not Necessarily Enough to Create Standing",
"text": "\"05.17.2016|Updates In a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court held that the mere allegation of a statutory violation is not necessarily enough to create Article III standing. Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, 578 U. S. __, No. 13‑1339 (May 16, 2016). Instead, the plaintiff has the burden of alleging “concrete” injury, meaning injury that actually exists or is real and not abstract. Concrete injury may be tangible or intangible, but particularly when a statute creates the possibility of a “procedural” violation, the plaintiff must establish a harm sufficiently “concrete” to satisfy Article III. Background Plaintiff Thomas Robins brought a claim against defendant Spokeo, Inc. under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 84 Stat. 1127, as amended, 15 U. S. C. § 1681 et seq. Spokeo operates an online “people search engine” that collects information from sources such as phone books, real estate listings and social media networks and makes it available to those who search Spokeo's database. Robins alleged that Spokeo violated the FCRA by publishing inaccurate information about him. Robins sued on behalf of himself and a purported nationwide class seeking statutory damages."
"docid": "D1518978#0",
"title": "http://www.studymode.com/subjects/doctrine-of-binding-precedent-operates-in-the-malaysia-court-page1.html\n\"\"\"Doctrine Of Binding Precedent Operates In The Malaysia Court\"\" Essays and Research Papers\"",
"text": "\"\"\"Doctrine Of Binding Precedent Operates In The Malaysia Court\"\" Essays and Research Papers Doctrine Of Binding Precedent Operates In The Malaysia Court The doctrine of binding precedent, or stare decisis is the heart of the English Legal System. It refers to the fact that within the hierarchical structure of the English courts, a decision of a higher court will be binding on a lower court . The House of Lords or the Supreme Court stands at the peak of the English court structure and its decisions are binding on all lower courts. And it should always have to bear in mind, that, as the UK is a member of the EC, and as the ECJ is the highest court, it... Case law, Common law, High Court of Justice 1091 Words | 3 Pages Open Document Doctrine of Judicial Binding Precedent Doctrine of Judicial Binding Precedent This question raises the issue of the role of precedent. In order to examine the statement, scrutiny of the doctrine of the judicial precedent is required. Case law is used to describe the collection of reported decisions of the courts, and the principles which stem from them. Lord Macmillan made this observation that the case by case development is superior to those based on hypothetical models. “..... any fixed theory and that principles always fail because... Appeal, Case law, Common law 1908 Words | 5 Pages Open Document Doctrine of Binding Precedent& disadvantages of following the practice of precedent in a legal sense. Answer:- The doctrines of bindingprecedent is concerned with the importance of case laws in English legal system. If one case has decided a point of law then it is logical that solution will be looked at in the future."
"docid": "D913713#0",
"title": "http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/History/Modern%20History/Israel%20at%2050/The%20Declaration%20of%20the%20Establishment%20of%20the%20State\nThe Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel",
"text": "\"The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israelby Prof. E. Gutmann The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was approved at a festive session of the Peoples Council, comprised of representatives of the yishuv (the Jewish community in Palestine) and the Zionist movement, on Friday, May 14, 1948, several hours before the British Mandate for Palestine came to an end. The Declaration consists of seven sections, and stipulates six matters: It asserts the natural right of the Jewish people to be like all other peoples, exercising self-determination in its sovereign state. It proclaims the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, named \"\"the State of Israel. \"\" It establishes provisional institutions of state governance: the Provisional Council of State and the Provisional Government. It states that an elected constituent assembly will formulate a constitution within several months. It sets forth the principles of the political rule of the newly formed state. It calls for peace and cooperation with the Arabs of Israel, the neighboring countries and their peoples, the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora, and the United Nations Organization. Fascimile of the Declaration of Independence (Hebrew) 150 KBThe Text of the Declaration The first section of the Declaration, which may be considered its historical preface, succinctly reviews the ties of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel in concrete historical terms as well as in aspirations. This section, which takes up nearly half the declaration, makes reference to the following subjects: (a) the political, cultural, and religious formation of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and its political independence there; (b) the hopes of the Jewish people to return to its homeland from all parts of the Diaspora; (c)immigration and settlement in the country, and the aspiration for independence and statehood; (d)international recognition of the Jewish peoples right to return to the country, in the Balfour Declaration; (e) the lesson of the Holocaust that Jewish independence is a necessity; (f)the clandestine immigration of Holocaust survivors to Palestine and the yishuvs contribution to the war effort against the Nazis, which entitles it to be among the founders of the United Nations; and (g) the recognition, expressed in the UN partition resolution, of the Jewish peoples right to its own state. ("
"docid": "D2018802#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-purpose-of-the-preamble-to-the-United-States-Constitution\nWhat is the purpose of the preamble to the United States Constitution?",
"text": "\"Robert Frost, Passed the citizenship test Answered Oct 2, 2014 · Upvoted by Marc Bodnick, Harvard Gov major, Stanford Poli Sci Ph D student and John Burgess, Representing the USA for over 40 years, officially and non-officially · Author has 6.2k answers and 131.6m answer views\"\"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.\"\" Those first three words are probably the most important three words ever written on a government document. They clearly established that America was to be a nation defined and formed by its people - not a monarch - not a dictator - the people. The Constitution could have begun by saying \"\" We the states… \"\" but Gouverneur Morris edited it to say people. When Patrick Henry protested the change, James Madison said:“Should all the states adopt it, it will be then a government established by the thirteen states of America, not through the intervention of the legislatures, but by the people at large,” Madison said. “ In this particular respect the distinction between the existing and the proposed governments is very material. The existing system has been derived from the dependent derivative authority of the legislatures of the states; whereas, this is derived from the superior power of the people. ”It's those three words and the following twelve that immediately tell us how the Constitution differs from the Articles of Confederation. This new government will be not perfect but more perfect than the last one. The preamble is serving two purposes."
"docid": "D464345#0",
"title": "https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/5/137\nMarbury v. Madison",
"text": "\"Supreme Courtabout search liibulletin subscribe previews Marbury v. Madison Decision Cites5 U. S. 137Marbury v. Madison ()Argued: Decided:___Syllabus Opinion, Marshall Syllabus The clerks of the Department of State of the United States may be called upon to give evidence of transactions in the Department which are not of a confidential character. The Secretary of State cannot be called upon as a witness to state transactions of a confidential nature which may have occurred in his Department. But he may be called upon to give testimony of circumstances which were not of that character. Clerks in the Department of State were directed to be sworn, subject to objections to questions upon confidential matters. Some point of time must be taken when the power of the Executive over an officer, not removable at his will, must cease. That point of time must be when the constitutional power of appointment has been exercised. And the power has been exercised when the last act required from the person possessing the power has been performed. This last act is the signature of the commission. If the act of livery be necessary to give validity to the commission of an officer, it has been delivered when executed, and given to the Secretary of State for the purpose of being sealed, recorded, and transmitted to the party. In cases of commissions to public officers, the law orders the Secretary of State to record them."
"docid": "D2395863#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Originalism\nOriginalism",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, by Howard Chandler Christy. Judicial interpretation Forms Constitutional interpretation Statutory interpretation General rules of interpretation Plain meaning rule Mischief rule Golden rule General theories of interpretation Living Constitution / living tree doctrine Originalism ( original meaning) Original intent ( legislative intent, legislative history)Strict constructionism Textualism Purposive approachv t e In the context of United States constitutional interpretation, originalism is a way to interpret the Constitution 's meaning as stable from the time of enactment, which can be changed only by the steps set out in Article Five. [ 1] The term originated in the 1980s. [ 2]Today, originalism is popular among some political conservatives in the U. S., and it is most prominently associated with Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Neil Gorsuch, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, and the late judge Robert Bork. Some liberals, such as late Justice Hugo Black and jurist Akhil Amar, have also subscribed to the theory. [ 3]Originalism is an umbrella term for interpretative methods that hold to the \"\"fixation thesis\"\", the notion that an utterance's semantic content is fixed at the time it is uttered. [ 4] Originalists seek one of two alternative sources of meaning: The original intent theory, which holds that interpretation of a written constitution is (or should be) consistent with what was meant by those who drafted and ratified it. This is currently a minority view among originalists. The original meaning theory, which is closely related to textualism, is the view that interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be. Most originalists, such as Scalia, are associated with this view."
"docid": "D2548755#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/3263044/ethics-theory-of-justice-health-care-in-the-us-flash-cards/\nEthics: Theory of Justice & Health Care in the US",
"text": "\"44 terms Deluxe207Ethics: Theory of Justice & Health Care in the USLearn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later Sort The following terms have been used to explicate justice: fairness, desert, and entitlement. What does entitlement mean? right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits)The following terms have been used to explicate justice: fairness, desert, and entitlement. What does explicate mean? to explain; make meaning clear The following terms have been used to explicate justice: fairness, desert, and entitlement. What does fairness mean? conformity with rules or standards Starndards of justice are needed whenever what happens? whenever persons are due benefits or burdens because of their particular properties or circumstances, such as being productive or having been harmed by another person's acts."
"docid": "D302818#0",
"title": "https://usa.usembassy.de/etexts/democrac/9.htm\nMarbury v. Madison (1803)",
"text": "\"Marbury v. Madison (1803)Just as George Washington helped shape the actual form that the executive branch would take, so the third chief justice, John Marshall, shaped the role that the courts would play. Under the administrations of Washington and his successor, John Adams, only members of the ruling Federalist Party were appointed to the bench, and under the terms of the Constitution, they held office for life during \"\"good behavior.\"\" Thus, when the opposing Republicans won the election of 1800, the Jeffersonians found that while they controlled the presidency and Congress, the Federalists still dominated the judiciary. One of the first acts of the new administration was to repeal the Judiciary Act of 1800, which had created a number of new judgeships. Although President Adams had attempted to fill the vacancies prior to the end of his term, a number of commissions had not been delivered, and one of the appointees, William Marbury, sued Secretary of State James Madison to force him to deliver his commission as a justice of the peace. The new chief justice, John Marshall, understood that if the Court awarded Marbury a writ of mandamus (an order to force Madison to deliver the commission) the Jefferson administration would ignore it, and thus significantly weaken the authority of the courts. On the other hand, if the Court denied the writ, it might well appear that the justices had acted out of fear. Either case would be a denial of the basic principle of the supremacy of the law. Marshall's decision in this case has been hailed as a judicial tour de force. In essence, he declared that Madison should have delivered the commission to Marbury, but then held that the section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 that gave the Supreme Court the power to issue writs of mandamus exceeded the authority allotted the Court under Article III of the Constitution, and was therefore null and void."
"docid": "D20163#0",
"title": "http://www.iep.utm.edu/justwest/\nWestern Theories of Justice",
"text": "Western Theories of Justice Justice is one of the most important moral and political concepts. The word comes from the Latin jus, meaning right or law. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the “just” person as one who typically “does what is morally right” and is disposed to “giving everyone his or her due,” offering the word “fair” as a synonym. But philosophers want to get beyond etymology and dictionary definitions to consider, for example, the nature of justice as both a moral virtue of character and a desirable quality of political society, as well as how it applies to ethical and social decision-making. This article will focus on Western philosophical conceptions of justice. These will be the greatest theories of ancient Greece (those of Plato and Aristotle) and of medieval Christianity ( Augustine and Aquinas ), two early modern ones ( Hobbes and Hume ), two from more recent modern times (Kant and Mill), and some contemporary ones (Rawls and several successors). Typically the article considers not only their theories of justice but also how philosophers apply their own theories to controversial social issues—for example, to civil disobedience, punishment, equal opportunity for women, slavery, war, property rights, and international relations. For Plato, justice is a virtue establishing rational order, with each part performing its appropriate role and not interfering with the proper functioning of other parts. Aristotle says justice consists in what is lawful and fair, with fairness involving equitable distributions and the correction of what is inequitable. For Augustine, the cardinal virtue of justice requires that we try to give all people their due; for Aquinas, justice is that rational mean between opposite sorts of injustice, involving proportional distributions and reciprocal transactions."
"docid": "D411649#0",
"title": "http://myold.lawsociety.org.nz/in-practice/practising-law/transactions/what-does-untenantable-mean\nWhat does âuntenantableâ mean?",
"text": "By Ben France-Hudson*Recent comments in legal publications suggest dissatisfaction with the courts’ approach to the test for untenantability under clause 26.1 of the ADLS Inc Deed of Lease ( Law Talk 789, 17 February 2012, page 12). There is limited judicial discussion of untenantability. The current approach can be traced back to Justice Robertson in DFC New Zealand Ltd v Samson (1993) ANZ Conv R 481 where he suggested that untenantability involved a degree of permanence and was likely to be established where there was substantial interference with a tenant’s ability to enjoy, use and operate the premises. This has been approved in the different context of agreements for sale and purchase. However, 2011 saw a rash of cases concerning the meaning of untenantability under the ADLS Inc lease. In Russell v Robinson [2011] 2 NZLR 424 (April), the tenant’s painters caused a fire resulting in extensive damage. Justice Priestley rejected the tenant’s argument that if they wished to remain in the premises it could not properly be described as “untenantable”. He noted that untenantable is an objective state to be determined on specific relevant facts. The focus of the inquiry must be on whether the premises are capable of being tenanted by the tenant who went into the premises for a specific purpose and term. Consequently, the tenant’s purpose is integral to the permitted use of the premises and, in turn, whether the premises have become untenantable."
"docid": "D1410065#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCulloch_v._Maryland\nMcCulloch v. Maryland",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Mc Culloch v. Maryland Supreme Court of the United States Argued February 21 – March 3, 1819 Decided March 6, 1819Full case name James Mc Culloch v. The State of Maryland, John James Citations 17 U. S. 316 ( more ) 4 Wheat. 316; 4 L. Ed. 579; 1819 U. S. LEXIS 320; 4 A. F. T. R. (P-H) 4491; 42 Cont. Cas. Fed. ( CCH) ¶ 77,296Prior history Judgment for John James, Baltimore County Court; affirmed, Maryland Court of Appeals Subsequent history None Holding Although the Constitution does not specifically give Congress the power to establish a bank, it does delegate the ability to tax and spend, and a bank is a proper and suitable instrument to assist the operations of the government in the collection and disbursement of the revenue. Because federal laws have supremacy over state laws, Maryland had no power to interfere with the bank's operation by taxing it. Maryland Court of Appeals reversed. Court membership Chief Justice John Marshall Associate Justices Bushrod Washington · William Johnson Henry B. Livingston · Thomas Todd Gabriel Duvall · Joseph Story Case opinions Majority Marshall, joined by unanimous Laws applied U. S. Const. art."
"docid": "D676135#0",
"title": "http://www.thisnation.com/textbook/judiciary-decision.html\n.",
"text": "\"Supreme Court Decision Making Deciding Which Cases to Hear Each year, the Supreme Court is asked to hear approximately five thousand cases. However, because of time and resource constraints and because not all cases are of equal merit, the Court selects only a handful to formally review. When formal appeals are filed before the Supreme Court, legal briefs outlining the reasons behind the appeals are circulated among the Justices who sit on the Court. Justices then compile and circulate a \"\"Discuss List\"\" of cases that might warrant Supreme Court review. Finally, the Justices meet and vote on which cases to hear. The Court uses an informal \"\"Rule of Four\"\" in deciding whether or not to hear a case--only four of the nine Justices need to vote to hear a case. Through this process, the Court chooses 150 to 200 cases to hear each year. As they narrow the number of cases on the \"\"Discuss List,\"\" the Justices use several standards to determine whether or not a case is \"\"justiciable.\"\" First and foremost, the Court must decide if it has jurisdiction in a case. If it does not, it will not hear the case."
] |
637079 | what does estefania mean | [
"docid": "D633845#0",
"title": "http://www.meaning-of-names.com/spanish-names/estefania.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Name Meanings > Meaning of Spain Names > What does Estefania mean? Meaning of Estefania - History and Origin Etymology Web Sites Meaning of \"\"Estefania\"\"Spanish name The name Estefania originated as an Spanish name. The name Estefania is most often used as a girl name or female name. In Spanish, the name Estefania means - feminine of stephan. Spanish Name Meaning - feminine of stephan Origin - Spain Star Registery - Name a star after someone special!Meaning Submitted by: Anonymous Origin Submitted by: Anonymous \""
] | [
"docid": "D3452989#0",
"title": "http://www.hivmr.com/db/xsacjdzm9fsckkk77dak37z8jjjjjfm8\nDB:4.94:What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xs",
"text": "\"RELEVANCY SCORE4.94DB:4.94: What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xswhat does a lock symbol mean on a page tab in safari? DB:4.94: What Does A Lock Symbol Mean On A Page Tab xswhat does a lock symbol mean on a page tab in safari? Read All 1 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.94DB:4.94: What Does The Lock Symbol On Top Of The Phone Mean? m9What does the lock symbol on the top right hand corner mean? DB:4.94: What Does The Lock Symbol On Top Of The Phone Mean? m9Portrait / landscape mode orientation lock. Read All 3 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.27DB:4.27: On Top Of Phone Screen By Battery Symbol What Is The Lock With Arrow Around It Mean j9on top of phone screen by battery symbol what is the lock with arrow around it mean DB:4.27: On Top Of Phone Screen By Battery Symbol What Is The Lock With Arrow Around It Mean j9Hi Kimharmer,Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display your Control Panel. You will see the Orientation Lock icon in the top right. Tap on this to toggle Orientation Lock on or off. Cheers,GBRead All 3 Posts RELEVANCY SCORE4.22DB:4.22: Mystery Symbol On Iphone4?&Nbsp; Help!"
"docid": "D1170910#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_seismicity\nInduced seismicity",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search See also: List of induced seismicity events Part of a series on Earthquakes Types Foreshock Aftershock Blind thrust Doublet Interplate Intraplate Megathrust Remotely triggered Slow Submarine Supershear Tsunami Earthquake swarm Causes Fault movement Volcanism Induced seismicity Characteristics Epicenter Hypocenter Shadow zone Seismic waves P-wave S-wave Measurement Seismometer Seismic magnitude scales Seismic intensity scales Prediction Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction Forecasting Other topics Shear wave splitting Adams–Williamson equation Flinn–Engdahl regions Earthquake engineering Seismite Seismology Earth Sciences Portal Category Related topicsv t e It has been suggested that List of induced seismic events be merged into this article. ( Discuss) Proposed since September 2017. Induced seismicity refers to typically minor earthquakes and tremors that are caused by human activity that alters the stresses and strains on the Earth's crust. Most induced seismicity is of a low magnitude. A few sites regularly have larger quakes, such as The Geysers geothermal plant in California which averaged two M4 events and 15 M3 events every year from 2004 to 2009. [ 1]Results of ongoing multi-year research on induced earthquakes by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) published in 2015 suggested that most of the significant earthquakes in Oklahoma, such as the 1952 magnitude 5.7 El Reno earthquake may have been induced by deep injection of waste water by the oil industry. \"\" Earthquake rates have recently increased markedly in multiple areas of the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS), especially since 2010, and scientific studies have linked the majority of this increased activity to wastewater injection in deep disposal wells.\"\" [ 2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]: 2 [8]Induced seismicity can also be caused by the injection of carbon dioxide as the storage step of carbon capture and storage, which aims to sequester carbon dioxide captured from fossil fuel production or other sources in earth’s crust as a means of climate change mitigation. This effect has been observed in Oklahoma and Saskatchewan. [ 9] Though safe practices and existing technologies can be utilized to reduce the risk of induced seismicity due to injection of carbon dioxide, the risk is still significant if the storage is large in scale."
"docid": "D494145#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_an_arrow_next_to_an_email_in_my_sent_folder_mean_on_my_iPhone-qna37192.html\n.",
"text": "\"Email In Technical Web Typography Guidelines And Techniques Q What does an arrow next to an email in my sent folder mean on my iphone? What does it mean when there is an arrow pointing to the left on a message i sent to someone on my aol mail Asked by: Quiana Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions If u sent a email and there is a arrow pointing to the email it means that u have fowarded it ... read more This is an email inbox archive feature. The new archive feature is automatically turned on after you have upgraded to i OS 4. If you want to ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Nanette Level 1 (Contributor)2 Answers, 3 Friends, 2 Followers14 2 If u sent a email and there is a arrow pointing to the email it means that u have fowarded it. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Wht does an arrow pointing to an sent email means Email has two arrows pointing right ipad email Gray arrow under sent email from iphone Anonymous0 0 Thank you so much!! ! Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Time4Life Level 9 (Master)24 Answers, 14 Followers\"\"Old settings and want to delete the email instead of archiving it then you...\"\"12 9 This is an email inbox archive feature."
"docid": "D526656#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078578/\nBrothers and Sisters",
"text": "\"FULL CAST AND CREW | TRIVIA | USER REVIEWS | IMDb Pro | MORESHARE5.4/ 1010Rate This Brothers and Sisters30min | Comedy | TV Series (1979– )Episode Guide12 episodes The madcap adventures of a misfit fraternity at the fictional Larry Crandall College. Stars: Chris Lemmon, Randy Brooks, Jon Cutler |See full cast & crew »Patton Oswalt on \"\"The IMDb Show\"\"Patton Oswalt revisits high school in \"\" A. P. Bio .\"\" And which cast member of A Quiet Place would survive an apocalypse? Watch the show Around The Web Powered by Zerg Net Create a list »User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Film and TV Series iv'e watcheda list of 483 titles created 12 Jul 2012See all related lists »Related Items Search for \"\" Brothers and Sisters \"\" on Amazon.com Share this Rating Title: Brothers and Sisters (1979– )5.4 /10Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. Show HTML View more styles Episodes Seasons Years1 1979Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Learn more People who liked this also liked...◄ Prev 6 Next 6 ►Add to Watchlist Next »Brothers and Sisters (2017–2018)Drama1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - / 10When a father of a powerful family dies, all the darkest secret will harass this family. Stars: Estefania Borge, Jairo Camargo, Rodrigo Candamill Edit Cast Complete series cast summary: Chris Lemmon... Milos 'Checko' Sabolcik 12 episodes, 1979Randy Brooks... Ronald Holmes III 12 episodes, 1979Jon Cutler... Stanley Zipper 12 episodes, 1979Amy Johnston... Mary Lee 12 episodes, 1979Larry Anderson... Harlan Ramsey 12 episodes, 1979Mary Crosby... Suzy Cooper 12 episodes, 1979William Windom... Larry Krandall 12 episodes, 1979Roy Teicher... Seymour 12 episodes, 1979See full cast »Edit Storyline In this short-lived TV ripoff of ANIMAL HOUSE, three fun-loving misfits (Zipper, Checko & Ronald) inhabit the basement of the preppie Pi Nu fraternity house on the Crandall College campus, run by unctuous Dean Crandall. Zipper, Checko & Ronald don't spend much time going to class, preferring instead to hang out, torment the more straight-laced members of Pi Nu and chase the beautiful, stuck-up girls of the Gamma Iota sorority. Written by Marty Mc Kee <[email protected]>Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Plot Keywords:college | fraternity | See All (2) »Genres: Comedy Parents Guide: Add content advisory for parents »Edit Details Country: USALanguage: English Release Date:21 January 1979 (USA) See more »Filming Locations: Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USACompany Credits Production Co: Paramount Television See more »Show more on IMDb Pro »Technical Specs Runtime:30 min (12 episodes)Sound Mix: Mono Color: Color Aspect Ratio:1.33 : 1 See full technical specs »Edit Did You Know?"
"docid": "D275427#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epitope_mapping\nEpitope mapping",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Epitope mapping is the process of experimentally identifying the binding sites, or ' epitopes ', of antibodies on their target antigens. Identification and characterization of the binding sites of antibodies can aid in the discovery and development of new therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics. [ 1] [2] Characterization of epitopes can also help elucidate the mechanism of binding for an antibody and facilitate the prediction of B cell epitopes using robust algorithms. Epitopes can be generally divided into two main classes: linear and conformational. Linear epitopes are formed by a continuous sequence of amino acids in a protein, while conformational epitopes are composed of amino acids that are discontinuous in the protein sequence but are brought together upon three-dimensional protein folding . The vast majority of antigen-antibody interactions rely upon binding to conformational epitopes. [ 3]Contents [ hide ]1 Importance for antibody characterization2 Epitopes and intellectual property3 Methods4 See also5 References6 External links Importance for antibody characterization [ edit]Epitope mapping is an important component in the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (m Abs) and vaccines. Specifically, epitope mapping can allow determination of the therapeutic mechanism of action of individual m Abs e.g. blocking ligand binding or trapping a protein in a non-functional state. [ 4] However, many therapeutic antibodies target conformational epitopes that are particularly difficult to map because they are only formed in the native structure of a protein. [ 3] [5] Epitope mapping is also crucial to developing vaccines against prevalent viral diseases such as Dengue virus."
"docid": "D889592#0",
"title": "http://www.thenamemeaning.com/estefania/\nEstefania",
"text": "Estefania What does the name Estefania mean? The different meanings of the name Estefania are: Greek meaning: Crown Spanish meaning: Crown The meaning of the name “Estefania” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available. Additional information: Derivative: Form of Stephanie Categories: Argentine Names, Brazilian Names, Costa Rican Names, Ecuadorian Names, Mexican Names, Panamanian Names, Puerto Rican Names, Salvadoran Names, Spanish Names Used in: English speaking countries, Spanish speaking countries Gender: Girl Names Origins: Greek, Spanish Starts with: E"
"docid": "D163479#0",
"title": "http://www.eatcology.com/sumac-lemonad\n.",
"text": "\"There are various colors, graphics, styles, designs, shirts, sizes about name shirts you can choose. Wearing your \"\"name\"\" Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirts, Longsleeve Tee, Sweaters, Meaning, T-Shirts, Hoodies will make you more confident. Also, there are many categoies like pet, geek-tech, names, music, zombies, gamer, jobs, birthday, holidays, hobby, funny, sports, political, tv-shows, lifestyle, matching couple hoodies, automotive, states, movie, drinking, faith, outdoor, fitness. Here is few examples: How to search Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirts, Longsleeve Tee, Sweaters, Meaning, T-Shirts, Hoodies with your name? Type your name in the search box or this url in the browser: https://eatcology.com/tshirt-meaning/ yourname -hoodie/1. What Does My Name BAZIL Meaning? Meaning Royal or Kingly in Arabic, people with this name are destined to lead and are dynamic, intelligent and versatile. They are optimistic toward life and make friends easily.2. What Does My Name DANOS Meaning? Refers to an individual who is determined, stubborn steady and practical."
"docid": "D2210309#0",
"title": "http://www.esbae.com/ask/what_does_text_to_text_mean\nWhat does text to text mean?",
"text": "\"What does text to text mean? Tweet Possible Answers1# Definition of text in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of text. What does text mean? Information and translations of text in the most comprehensive dictionary ...www.definitions.net/definition/text Read More2# SMS stands for short message service and is also called texting or text messaging. SMS messages or 'texts' are usually sent from one mobile phone to another,...https://www.quora.com/What-does-SMS-mean-on-a-text-message Read Moread You can ask questions such as:text what does it mean?what does text symbol mean? Sorry, the browser you are using is not currently supported. Disqus actively supports the following browsers: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 11+Safari Realted Question & Answer: Q: What does SMS mean on a text message? A: SMS stands for short message service and is also called texting or text messaging. SMS messages or 'texts' are usually sent from one mobile phone to another,...https://www.quora.com/What-does-SMS-mean-on-a-text-message read more Q: Does 'sent as text' mean delivered?"
"docid": "D3407940#0",
"title": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhZ-bvxhdBw\nWhat does blocking patent mean?",
"text": "What does blocking patent mean? What Does That Mean? Subscribe 9.5KAdd to Share More5 views00Published on Aug 25, 2017What does blocking patent mean? A spoken definition of blocking patent. Intro Sound: Typewriter - Tamskp Licensed under CC: BA 3.0 Outro Music: Groove Groove - Kevin Mac Leod (incompetech.com) Licensed under CC: BA 3.0 Intro/Outro Photo: The best days are not planned - Marcus Hansson Licensed under CC-BY-2.0 Book Image: Open Book template PSD - Dougit Design Licensed under CC: BA 3.0 Text derived from: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/blockin... Show more Loading... Autoplay Up next Size Comparison of Countries Kinky Data30,483 views4:40Secrets of The Universe Live Stream | Spark Spark603 watching Live now What does inadept mean? What Does That Mean? No views New0:33What does plumbean mean? What Does That Mean? No views New0:33What does ureal mean? What Does That Mean?"
"docid": "D332711#0",
"title": "https://www.keyword-suggest-tool.com/search/what+does+oof+mean/\nWhat does oof mean",
"text": "\"Search Now What does oof mean What does oof mean keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website Search Domain Search Email Keyword Suggestions Bing Yahoo Google Amazone Wiki Oof meaning What does oof mean Oof mean Oof meaning slang Oof meaning in text Oof meaning urban dictionary What does oof mean in hawaiian What does oof mean in roblox What does oof mean in texting What does oof mean urban dictionary What does oof mean out of office What does oof mean slang What does oof mean in medical terms What does oof mean in slang Oof meaning text What does oof mean in business Oof meaning in business What does oof mean when texting What does oof mean on instagram What does oof mean on twitter What does oof mean online What does oof mean on the internet Gaming oof meaning Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords )Most Searched Keywords Nsreg.com 1 Casa-d-angelo.com 2 Arukikata.co.jp 3Greenwhiskey.com 4 Cometauckland.org.nz 5 Mirta-hh.com.ar 6Dvfuller.com 7 Cohccministries.org 8 Mcconnellsburg fire company bingo 9Ritalin while pregnant 10 Biblical covenants chart 11Community tax commercial actress 12 Decapare vopsea lavabila 13$25 nra membership renewal 14 Natureworksbest.com 15Arioncaresolutions.com.previewdns.com 16 Myfeetlinks.com 17Majestickc.com 18 Lumina.ro 19 Tim viec lam tai vinh 20Domains Actived Recently Bamer.pt Bcwheelchairvans.com Bruneta.ru Ddr.com Facebook.com Focusnewtime.suppermarketonline.co Fspilotshop.com Icarvision.com Inston.com Linkedin.com Mallsinamerica.com Monster.com Nintendolife.com Perfectedflight.com Pushsquare.com Strk.co.uk Superpages.com Westmarine.com Yellowpages.com Websites Listing We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with what does oof mean on Search Engine› Oof meaning in text› Whats oof mean› Oof urban dictionary› What does oof stand for› Oof vs ooo Allacronyms.com OOF means Out-of-Office - All Acronyms Out-of-Office definition, categories, type and other relevant information provided by All Acronyms. OOF stands for Out-of-Officehttps://www.allacronyms.com/OOF/Out-of-Office Verified Abbreviations.com What does OOF stand for? - Abbreviations.com What does OOF stand for? What does OOF mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, ... Contact Us; Advertise ; Get the Apps:https://www.abbreviations.com/OOF Verified Researchmaniacs.com What does OOF mean? - Research Maniacs What does OOF mean? ... What does OOF mean in email? You get the point. We abbreviate and use OOF not only in texting, ... Contact | Advertise ...https://researchmaniacs.com/Text Language/Definitions/What-does-OOF-mean.html Verified Definitions.net What does OOF mean? - Definitions.net Definition of OOF in the Definitions.net dictionary."
"docid": "D772029#0",
"title": "http://www.esbae.com/ask/what_does_severe_heartburn_mean\nWhat does severe heartburn mean?",
"text": "What does severe heartburn mean? Possible Answers1# Learn What Causes Acid Erosion. Sensodyne® Pro Namel Can Help!www. Pro Namel.us Read More2# Jan 18, 2017 · Treatment Tips for Severe Chronic Heartburn. In this Article In this Article In this Article. Watch What You Eat, Drink, and Do; ... Less food means less acid.https://www.webmd.com/.../treatment-tips-for-severe-chronic-heartburn Read Moread You can ask questions such as:what does heartburn mean?does heartburn mean heart problems? Realted Question & Answer: Q: Treating Severe, Chronic Heartburn A: Jan 18, 2017 · Treatment Tips for Severe Chronic Heartburn. In this Article In this Article In this Article. Watch What You Eat, Drink, and Do; ... Less food means less acid.https://www.webmd.com/.../treatment-tips-for-severe-chronic-heartburn read more Q: Heartburn or heart attack: When to worry A: Severe heartburn and heart attack can be hard to tell apart. Understand how they typically differ, ... Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products.www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heartburn/in-depth/... read more Q: Heartburn Causes, Tips, & FAQs A: Just because you have heartburn, it does not necessarily mean that you ... even the most severe heartburn sufferers generally find that ... What does heartburn have ...https://www.prilosecotc.com/en-us/tips-faq/heartburn-faq read more Q: True Or False?"
"docid": "D1047718#0",
"title": "http://www.zinf.org/qna/What_does_it_mean_when_you_hold_up_three_fingers_and_make_a_circle-qna272282.html\n.",
"text": "\"Q What does it mean when you hold up three fingers and make a circle? What does the hand sign a circle using your thum and pointer with teh other three fingers sticking out mean Topic: Asked by: Jan In Games & Recreation > Toys > Hold>A Top Solutions It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the a ... read more If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signa ... read more Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Anonymous\"\"It`s a game between guys...\"\"3 1 It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the arm. Also it means the person looking is a ball gazer (he`s looking at your balls).source: Why do guys make there fingers a circle? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Game where you hold up three fingers Anonymous\"\"If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"ok\"\"...\"\"6 0 If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signal that everything is OK.source: What does the sign mean when you make a circle with your index finger and thumb and hold three fingers up? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Making a lens by making a circle out of your thumb and index finger Holding up 3 fingers and a circle Circle fingers with three up Anonymous0 3 They say it`s an Illuminati symbol, but such thing doesn`t exist."
"docid": "D1262911#0",
"title": "http://www.superskinnyme.com/beginner_running_program.html\n10 Week Plan to Run: Beginners Running Program",
"text": "10 Week Plan to Run: Beginners Running Program Cardiovascular exercise Running 97 Comments63.8KRegardless of your fitness level, you can easily start from zero to running 20 minutes continuously in 10 weeks. The running program below, adapted from the New York Road Runners Club, does exactly that and is an example of an ten-week run/walk strategy, aimed at beginners in good health. You can do it. All it requires on your part is the commitment to go out and run 3, preferably 5 times, a week. You’ll know how often to run, by listening to your body. Some people take more time to recover between workouts and need to run fewer times a week, while others recover very quickly and can run more. Also, be sure to meet your body’s daily nutritional requirements, as you need these nutrients to get stronger from your running sessions. Eating right will help you recover faster from your workouts. Read more about what to eat before and after a workout. Depending on how often you are running, try to allow for a day of recovery between runs."
"docid": "D98757#0",
"title": "http://genealogytrails.com/newmex/santafe/bios3.html\n.",
"text": "\"José Francisco CHAVES (1833—1904) CHAVES, José Francisco, a Delegate from the Territory of New Mexico; born in Padillas, Mexico (now New Mexico), June 27, 1833; attended schools in St. Louis, Mo. ; studied medicine at the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons; engaged in the stock-raising business in the Territory of New Mexico; president of the Territorial council for eight sessions; major of the First New Mexico Infantry in the Union Army during the Civil War; promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel; took part in the Battle of Valverde in 1862; elected as a Republican to the Thirty-ninth Congress (March 4, 1865-March 3, 1867); successfully contested the election of Charles P. Clever to the Fortieth Congress; reelected to the Forty-first Congress and served from February 20, 1869, to March 3, 1871; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1870 to the Forty-second Congress; engaged in farming and stock raising; district attorney of the second judicial district 1875-1877; member and president of the State constitutional convention in 1889; State superintendent of public instruction from 1903 until his death; appointed State historian of New Mexico in 1903, but died before his term of service began; assassinated in Pinoswells (near Cedar Vale, Torrance County), N. Mex., November 26, 1904; interment in the United States National Cemetery at Santa Fe, N. Mex. Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present Contributed by A. Newell Jose de Atienza Alcala y Escobar (c. 1649 - after 1716)Gertrudis Sevillano de Mancilla (c. 1652 - after 1716) José de Atienza de Alcala y Escobar and Gertrudis Sevillano de Mancilla were the parents of José de Atienza Sevillano II. We know this from LDS Disk # 38 Pins # 505057, #502279, and #502289. We also know this from the research of Fray Angelico Chavez, published on pp.139-140 of Origin of New Mexico Families. Chavez states JOSÉ DE ATIENZA DE ALCALÁ Y ÉSCOBAR was a native of Villa Berguera in the Archbishopric of Toledo [Spain] boasted at a son’s wedding that was a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. He and his wife, Gertrudis Sevillano de Mancilla came [to New Mexico] with the colonists of 1693, with two adult sons, Juan and José, and two minor ones, Manuel, fifteen; and Joaquín, thirteen. In 1698, old José signed his full name again during another marriage deposition, again mentioned his Dominican affiliation and gave his age as forty-nine. He gave his age as sixty-four in 1713. In 1716 he was granted permission to return to New Spain [Mexico], and it seems as though the family did leave, except José II and his family, and Joaquín, who seems to have died before that time."
"docid": "D2300513#0",
"title": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5262420.stm\n.",
"text": "\"By Rafael Estefania BBC Mundo, Granada, Spain Lorca was murdered at the start of the Spanish civil war The murder of the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca by nationalists on 19 August 1936 remains one of Spain's open wounds. A man ahead of his time, he lived in a Spain that was going backwards. The most gitano (gypsy) of poets - a label which, by the way, he hated - he was also the most international. His evocation of the folklore of Spain should be understood as a distillation of the essence of Spain through the eyes and pen of a man who knew no frontiers. \"\" I sing to Spain and I feel her to the core of my being, but above all I am a man of the world and brother of everyone. \"\" He was born on 5 June 1898, in the village of Fuente Vaqueros in the province of Granada. When he died, 38 years later, the legacy of his work and personality had already guaranteed him a place in the pantheon of the immortals. When you go to Granada and the surrounding area it is still possible to see some of the elements which inspired Lorca's work: the light reflected on the white houses in the Albaicin, the clear air of the Sierra, old women dressed in black, sitting in doorways, or a group walking to Mass on Sundays, the religious silence of siesta time, the raucous sound of a group of gypsies singing flamenco on Sacromonte. \"\" Even today, Granada is a small village, we all know each other's families, and in this sense much of the Granada where Federico lived has not changed. \"\" The speaker is Federico Jimenez, director of the Hotel Reina Cristina, the former house of the poet Luis Rosales."
"docid": "D2263071#0",
"title": "https://www.facebook.com/DavidJonesParis\nDavid Jones Paris",
"text": "David Jones Paris@David Jones Paris Home About Photos Instagram feed Videos Posts Community Create a Page Like Share Suggest Edits Send Message See more of David Jones Paris on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Bags/Luggage Community See All5,278 people like this5,247 people follow this About See All Contact David Jones Paris on Messengerwww.david-jones.fr Bags/Luggage People5,278 likes People Also Like David Jones Retail Company Urban Style & Fashion Clothing (Brand)กระเป๋า ทำมือBags/Luggage Pages liked by this Page ELLE Magazine (US)Glamour Grazia France English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2018Photos See All Videos David Jones Paris, retrouvez Agnes dans notre Eshop www.davidjones.fr17See All Posts David Jones Paris updated their cover photo. January 12 at 6:03am ·Like Comment Top Comments Rosa Isabel Montenegro, Jean Maurel, Roselyne Céleste and 13 others like this. View 1 comment David Jones Paris January 2 at 2:03am ·David Jones Paris vous souhaite une excellente année 2018! ! David Jones Paris wishes you an excellent year 2018!! Translated Like Comment Top Comments Rosa Isabel Montenegro, Magda Magdalena, Annelore Brink and 16 others like this. View 1 comment See All Posts David Jones Paris December 24, 2017 at 5:41pm ·David Jones Paris , Joyeux Noel !! ! David Jones Paris, Merry Christmas!! ! Translated Like Comment Ivana Ježová, Ahmet Metin Ateşpar, Sreemoyee Bandyopadhyay and 2 others like this. David Jones Paris December 24, 2017 at 5:34pm ·David Jones Paris vous souhaite un Joyeux Noel!!!! ! David Jones Paris wishes you a merry Christmas!!!! !"
"docid": "D216558#0",
"title": "http://researchmaniacs.com/TextLanguage/TextingAbbreviations.html\nResearch ManiacsDirectory | Follow | Search",
"text": "Texting Abbreviations Texting Abbreviations and acronyms Texting acronyms, texting abbreviations, text message shortcuts, Internet slang, or SMS language. Many names that basically mean shortened words or sentences people write when texting, and are now also seen more in email and on social networks such as Twitter, and Facebook. The main reason this Internet slang started is basically so you can use less keystrokes and be able to say more with fewer characters. We have collected more than a thousand of the most popular texting acronyms for you to learn so you can communicate faster and better online. Try to guess what the abbreviation below means before you click to see the definition. What does 86 mean? What does 121 mean? What does 143 mean? What does 182 mean? What does 2MORO mean?"
"docid": "D633846#0",
"title": "http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Estefania\nâEstefania",
"text": "\"Home > Estefania♀Estefania What does Estefania mean? Estefania ▼ as a name for girls. Estefania means \"\"garland, crown\"\". Estefania is a version of Estefany (Spanish, Greek): feminine of Stephen. ENDS WITH -nia ASSOCIATED WITH crown (queen)Variations VARIANTS Estephanie, Estefani ▼CREATIVE FORMS (female) (male)MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGS Estefania Katerina (E. K.), .. How popular is Estefania? Estefania is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Estefania is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. ( 2000 U. S. CENSUS)Estefania entered the list in 1990 and reached its top position of #591 in the U. S. in the year 1996, and is currently at #1719. ( TOP BABY NAMES, 2016)Which version is better? Popular varying forms of Estefania (#1719 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are Estefany (#1563), Estefani and Estephanie."
"docid": "D735319#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/65957426/kinesiology-202-anatomical-directional-terms-flash-cards/\nKinesiology 202 Anatomical Directional Terms",
"text": "43 terms michael_hong3Kinesiology 202 Anatomical Directional Terms Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later What does anterior mean? In front or in the front part What does anteroinferior mean? In front and below What does anterolateral mean? In front and to the outside What does anteromedial mean? In front and toward the inner side or midline What does anteroposterior mean? Relating to both front and rear What does anterosuperior mean? In front and above What does bilateral mean? Relating to the right and left sides of the body or of a body structure such as the right and left extremities What does caudal mean?"
"docid": "D463688#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Pedro_prison\nSan Pedro prison",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Scene inside San Pedro Prison in La Paz, Bolivia, 2001San Pedro prison or El penal de San Pedro (Saint Peter's Prison) is the largest prison in La Paz, Bolivia renowned for being a society within itself. Significantly different from most correctional facilities, inmates at San Pedro have jobs inside the community, buy or rent their accommodation, and often live with their families. The sale of cocaine base to visiting tourists gives those inside a significant income and an unusual amount of freedom within the prison walls. Elected leaders enforce the laws of the community, commonly through stabbing. The prison is home to approximately 1,500 inmates (not including the women and children that live inside the walls with their convicted husbands), with additional guests staying in the prison hotel. [ 1] [2]The book Marching Powder, written by Rusty Young and published in 2003, describes the experiences of the British inmate Thomas Mc Fadden who became known for offering prison tours to tourists. Another book El Choco was published 2007 and tells the story about Jonas Andersson, a Swede who offered prison tours to tourists from Posta, the richest area of San Pedro. Contents [ hide ]1 Prison layout2 Section committees3 Housing and real estate4 Demographics5 Income6 Tourism7 Laws8 See also9 References10 External links Prison layout [ edit]Scene inside San Pedro Prison in La Paz, Bolivia, 2001The prison was originally designed to hold 600 inmates and now holds around 3000 inmates. Inmates must purchase their own cells from other inmates because cells are not assigned by or run by any uniformed prison officials. The names of the housing section are Posta, Pinos, Alamos, San Martin, Prefectura, Palmar, Guanay and Cancha."
] |
637081 | what does estimated delivery mean | [
"docid": "D1175424#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_estimated_delivery_mean\nWhat does estimated delivery mean?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Health Sexual Health and Education Pregnancy What does estimated delivery mean? Flag What does estimated delivery mean? Answer by Peter Zavon Confidence votes 64.5KIn the world of shipping, estimated delivery means when someone thinks a package will arrive at its destination. When talking about a pregnancy, it is when someone, usually a doctor or nurse, thinks a baby will be born. When a woman gives birth to a child she is said to \"\"deliver\"\" the child, or the child is said to be delivered.5 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Bilbottom 2 Contributions What is an estimated mean? Answer . If it's not possible (e.g. too time consuming or expensive) to study a whole population you can make certain inferences by taking a valid, smaller sample. Your samp …What does estimate mean? The English term 'estimate' has many senses: 1: an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; 2: judge to be probable; 3: the respect with which a person is …What is the Estimated Delivery Time of postcards from CA to CO?"
] | [
"docid": "D2643704#0",
"title": "https://www.imoney.my/articles/cost-to-have-a-baby\n [Update] How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby?",
"text": "[Update] How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby? May 26, 2014 Budgeting, Lifestyle, Money Management, Parenting Share this!Share Tweet Email Written by Iris Lee As the last ring of the wedding bell fades away, it’s time to plan your next move as a married couple. Most people would enjoy the first few years of being newlywed and will consider having their first child a few years later. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan for it still!Have you considered how expensive it will be to raise a child? From food, clothing, education, hobbies and healthcare to entertainment and caretaker costs—having a child costs you a lot more than just love and fresh air. According to an annual study in the UK by the Centre of Economic and Business Research (CEBR), the cost of raising a child to the age of 21 has reached £230,000 (RM1,538,493*) as parents pay 63% more since 2003, with education and childcare remaining as the biggest costs. In the US, the USDA estimated that it costs US$245,340 or US$304,480 (RM1,338,845.83**) after inflation to raise a child born in 2013 until the age of 18, which is 1.8% higher than the number from last year’s report. So how much does it cost to have a baby in Malaysia? What if you’re considering quitting your job to take care of your child full time? How will it affect your family if there’s just a single source of income?i Money offers clues on how to estimate and plan expenses so that the joy of parenthood is not buried under financial stress."
"docid": "D2053440#0",
"title": "http://www.pregnancyandbaby.com/pregnancy/articles/945311/birthing-big-babies-labor-and-delivery-facts\nWhat You Need To Know About Birthing A Big Baby, Including Induction And Labor Techniques",
"text": "\"What You Need To Know About Birthing A Big Baby, Including Induction And Labor Techniques If your doctor or midwife mentions your baby may be getting \"\"too big,\"\" she may present information about inducing labor. While there's no right or wrong decision to make, there are some important things you should know about birthing a large baby. Ami Burns How big is too big? The average size of a healthy, full-term newborn is 7-1/2 pounds. When a baby weighs at least 4000 grams (8 pounds, 13 ounces) or 4500 grams (9 pounds, 15 ounces) he is considered macrosomic, literally meaning \"\"large body. \"\" Your doctor or midwife may use ultrasound or fundal height measurements to estimate baby's size. These measurements are just that -- estimates -- and studies show they can be off by a pound or even more. ( Find out more in our article, How accurate are fetal weight estimates? . ) Risk factors Risk factors for having a big baby include genetics like the height and weight of mom and dad, ethnicity (Hispanic moms tend to have bigger babies), sex (newborn boys tend to weigh more than girls) and maternal or gestational diabetes. Whether or not you fall into any of these categories, there is still a chance you may have a big baby."
"docid": "D3119624#0",
"title": "http://www.ebay.com/gds/Making-the-Most-of-Media-Mail-Save-Cents-on-Shipping-/10000000000902588/g.html\nMaking the Most of Media Mail (Save Cents on Shipping)",
"text": "\"Home Buying Guides Books Other Books Making the Most of Media Mail (Save Cents on Shipping)redsapphire 970 Likes Like March 18, 2011IMPORTANT: Based on clarifications in the code, video games (including Wii, DS, etc...) and most computer software can NOT be shipped via Media Mail. The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) used to imply that they could. It has been updated (with additional clarifications elsewhere) to state that the only computer media is media containing prerecorded information and guides or scripts prepared solely for use with such media (i.e.a book on CD or DVD or similar). Back in the old days - sometime after ponies carried the mail, but before the last couple of postage increases - there was a mail class know as Book Rate. If you don't remember it and have heard people asking where it went, you may wonder what it was. Well, to put it simply, Book Rate was an inexpensive way to mail things. \"\" Book\"\" things, actually. Hence the name. The rate didn't go the way of the dodo or the 8-Track tape. Instead - like the phoenix in Harry Potter (more about him later) - it rose from the ashes."
"docid": "D2576017#0",
"title": "http://www.removal-companies.london/how-much-does-it-cost-to-move-house.php\nHow to calculate moving costs?",
"text": "How to calculate moving costs? Packing costs The best and the quickest way of calculating average house moving costs is chatting to us online. We will gather all relevant information and generate the time scale, resource schedule and removal costs involved in your move. You can also give us a quick call or use our online form to obtain the quote. Our typical moving costs calculator will take in to account the cubic volume of your move, number of boxes, requested services, the distance between your current and new address, the moving date and time. Some people ask us for average house moving costs in London. From the experience we know that the approximate cost of moving 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bedroom house usually just a guess and in most cases does not much with the final fixed cost estimate. There are a few reasons why there average costs are far from the real ones. What makes the difference to the price? Furniture dismantling and reassembly - it takes a lot of time to dismantle and reassemble a wardrobe for example."
"docid": "D1001502#0",
"title": "https://www.hellofresh.com/faq/\nFAQs",
"text": "FAQs MANAGING MY ACCOUNTCan I control which weeks I receive my meals? How do I cancel? How do I change when I get my box delivered? How does payment work? Is it secure? How do I update my payment information? How do I redeem a Hello Fresh discount? My discount code isn't working. What should I do? How do I change my password?"
"docid": "D3367226#0",
"title": "http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=208-660-430\n.",
"text": "\"Print WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-660 > Section 208-660-430208-660-420 << 208-660-430 >> 208-660-440Agency filings affecting this section WAC 208-660-430Disclosure requirements. ( 1) What disclosures must I make to borrowers and when? ( a) Within three business days of receiving a borrower's loan application, or receiving money from a borrower for third-party provider services, you, as a mortgage broker or loan originator on behalf of a mortgage broker, must make all disclosures required by RCW 19.146.030 (1), (2), (3), and 19.144.020. The one page disclosure summary required by RCW 19.144.020 must be dated when provided to the borrower. The disclosures must be in a form acceptable to the director. ( b) If a lender is providing disclosures to the borrower, you must maintain copies of those disclosures and a copy of your agreement with the lender about the provision of disclosures; failure to do so would result in a violation. ( 2) What is the disclosure required under RCW 19.146.030 (1)? A full written disclosure containing an itemization and explanation of all fees and costs that the borrower is required to pay in connection with obtaining a residential mortgage loan, and specifying the fee or fees which inure to the benefit of the mortgage broker. An estimate made in good faith of a fee or cost must be provided if the exact amount of the fee or cost is not determinable. This subsection does not require disclosure of the distribution or breakdown of loan fees, discount, or points between the mortgage broker and any lender or investor."
"docid": "D3186131#0",
"title": "http://www.infobarrel.com/Estimated_and_Guaranteed_USPS_Delivery_Times\nEstimated and Guaranteed USPS Delivery Times",
"text": "Info Barrel > Business & Money > Jobs & Careers Estimated and Guaranteed USPS Delivery Times By josephine May 19, 20100 Shares 0 0 0 0The United States Postal Service (USPS) delivers most mail packages fairly quickly. However, most people do not realize that in almost all cases, delivery times are estimated and not guaranteed. This means it's not possible to sue the USPS for failing to deliver first class mail or priority mail within the estimated three days for most locations. Here are the estimated delivery times for the US Postal Service: Domestic Priority Mail - usually 2-3 days estimated Domestic 1st Class Mail - usually 1-3 days estimated Domestic Parcel Post - usually 2-9 days estimated Military First Class Mail - 7-10 days (estimate by MPSA - Military Postal Service Agency)Military Priority Mail Parcel - 10-15 days (estimate by MPSA - Military Postal Service Agency)Military Parcel Post - 24 days (estimate by MPSA - Military Postal Service Agency)International Priority Mail - 6-10 business days estimated International First Class - varies depending on destination Bound Printed Matter or Media Mail - may be estimated when postage is calculated For example, if a priority mail package is estimated for two day delivery but takes three weeks to arrive, there is no way to get compensation from the US postal service for the late delivery. Delivery standards for all postal service products other than Express Mail are estimates but they are not delivery guarantees. The only way to get a guaranteed delivery time is to purchase the US Postal Service's Express Mail product. Even if you need a package to arrive on the opposite coast within a week rather than within a day, there is no guarantee that it won't be late unless it's Express Mail. International Express Mail is not guaranteed except for select destinations. Express Mail is the only product that has the ability to track a package along the way. Here are the guarantee delivery times for the US Postal Service when using Express Mail: Domestic Express Mail - guaranteed 1-2 days (by noon or 3pm)International Express Mail - 3-5 days estimated (guaranteed only to select destinations)If there are US Postal Service holidays, adjustments to these estimates may need to be made (other than for Express Mail) depending on the service selected."
"docid": "D1626858#0",
"title": "https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/is-breech-vaginal-delivery-safe/\nIs breech vaginal delivery safe?",
"text": "\"Share this: Tweet Share on Tumblr More Between 3-4% of babies begin labor in the breech (bottom first) position, increasing the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Pre-emptive C-section has become the preferred method of delivery for breech babies, but now some are questioning this recommendation. The controversy is fueled by differing appraisals of the danger and by differing assessments of the whether any risk of neonatal death can be justified in the age of the safe Cesarean. The best conducted and most important study comparing breech vaginal delivery with elective C-section is the Term Breech Trial (TBT) conducted by Mary Hannah and colleagues. It is the only randomized control trial of its kind.… [ W]e found that the fetuses of women allocated planned caesarean section were significantly less likely to die or to experience poor outcomes in the immediate neonatal period than the fetuses of women allocated planned vaginal birth. Although some of the deaths in the planned vaginal birth group were related to difficulty with vaginal breech delivery, others were clearly associated with problems during labour. Thus the avoidance of labour and vaginal breech delivery could have contributed to better outcomes with planned caesarean section…A more recent trial, the PREMODA (PREsentation et MODe d’Accouchement: presentation and mode of delivery) study produced different findings and as a result, some obstetricians have been calling for a re-evaluation of the standard recommendation for C-section delivery of a breech baby. The groups [planned vaginal delivery vs. planned C-section] did not differ significantly for the combined outcome of fetal or neonatal mortality or serious morbidity (odds ratio [OR] = 1.10, 95% CI [0.75-1.61]. Of the criteria included in this combined variable, only a 5-minute Apgar score less than 4 was significantly more frequent in the planned vaginal group (n = 4 vs n = 1, OR = 8.9, 95% CI [1.00-79.8]). Of the other individual outcomes, the following were significantly more frequent in the planned vaginal than in the planned cesarean group: 5-minute Apgar score less than 7 (OR = 3.2, 95% CI [1.9-5.3]), total injuries (OR = 3.9, 95% CI [2.4-6.3]), and intubation (OR = 1.8, 95% CI [1.08-3.1])."
"docid": "D3143078#0",
"title": "http://www.mossadams.com/articles/2014/september/new-revenue-recognition-rules-for-technology\nWhat the FASBâs New Revenue Recognition Guidelines Mean for Technology Companies",
"text": "What the FASB’s New Revenue Recognition Guidelines Mean for Technology Companiesby Taft Kortus, Partner, National Technology Practice Leader, Moss Adams, and Scott Ehrlich, Founder and Managing Director, Mind the GAAP9/2014After years of debate, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued final new guidelines on revenue recognition. The rules, which total 700 pages and represent a fundamentally new model for recognizing revenue, become effective in 2017 for nearly all public companies and the following year for nonpublic entities. Although this seems like a long time away, there are important decisions companies must make—and actions they should take—very soon to comply with the new rules. The new guidelines will supersede long-standing industry-specific rules. Familiar concepts such as “persuasive evidence of an agreement,” “delivery,” and “fixed or determinable fees” will be eliminated. Instead the new rules will be more principles-based. Companies will have to apply significant judgment to determine the timing and amount of revenue recognition. This may be challenging for technology companies that have grown accustomed to today’s rigid, rules-based revenue recognition requirements. Interestingly, for many technology companies, the new rules may accelerate the timing of revenue recognition versus today’s GAAP guidelines. For example, vendor-specific objective evidence (VSOE) of the fair value of post-contract support (PCS) will no longer be required to unbundle a software license arrangement."
"docid": "D3367232#0",
"title": "https://www.readycloud.com/articles/how-long-for-usps-priority-mail-delivery\nHow Long For USPS Priority Mail Delivery?",
"text": "Getting Started with Ready Shipper XYour browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 3:07Skip to Article: How Long For USPS Priority Mail Delivery? One of the most popular ways to ship for online retailers is via USPS Priority Mail. And one of the most commonly asked questions for shippers is: How long for USPS Priority Mail? The simple answer is that Priority Mail takes 2-3 business days, depending on the zone it’s being sent from and the zone it’s arriving in. Ready Shipper shipping software connects you to instant savings on Priority Mail on all packages up to 20 pounds with included Flat Rate Select and no hidden fees! How much could you be saving each month? Find out by getting started with a 14-day free trial today, no credit card is needed. Questions? Call us at: 877-818-7447."
"docid": "D3139579#0",
"title": "http://gbss.org.uk/what-is-gbs/faqs/\nFAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)",
"text": "Here are the answers to the most common Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs that we are asked about group B Strep in pregnancy and beyond. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)Here are the answers to the most common Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs that we are asked about group B Strep in pregnancy and beyond. What is group B Strep? Group B Streptococcus (GBS or group B Strep) is a normal bacterium which is carried by 20-40% of adults, most commonly in the gut, and for around 25% of women, in the vagina, usually without symptoms or side-effects. Carrying GBS is perfectly normal and natural and is not associated with any health risks or symptoms to the carrier. GBS can be passed from one person to another through sexual activity, but it is not a sexually transmitted disease, and is also carried by people who have had no sexual contact. Simply carrying GBS (detected from vaginal or rectal swabs) does not require treatment. However, GBS detected in the urine/ blood usually signifies a GBS infection, which may require antibiotics treatment – your doctor can advise further. More information on GBS can be found by clicking here. It’s good to know whether you carry GBS during pregnancy – if detected during your current pregnancy, you should be offered intravenous antibiotics in labour."
"docid": "D662765#0",
"title": "http://elliemae.com/rt-faq?ref=RT-FAQ\n.",
"text": "\"y Important Know Before You Owe questions And more importantly, answers Disclaimer: The following information is intended for general information purposes with the goal of assisting Ellie Mae’s customers in complying with the new KBYO regulations. This information is provided as a courtesy to Ellie Mae’s customers and Ellie Mae makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the information set forth herein, and you may not rely on this information to ensure your company’s compliance with the KBYO regulations. This FAQ should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances, including the application of the KBYO regulations. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Part 1: Rule Applicability Part 2: Definition of Application (with questions pertaining to Pre-Approval and Pre-Qualification)Part 3: Loan Estimate – Miscellaneous Questions Part 4: Loan Estimate – Timing & Consumer Receipt Part 5: Loan Estimate – Details of Disclosure Completion Part 6: Loan Estimate – Intent to Proceed Part 7: Loan Estimate – Variance Part 8: Loan Estimate – Change of Circumstance Part 9: Revised Loan Estimate – Revisions/Re-Disclosure (including Timing & Delivery)Part 10: Closing Disclosure – General Information Part 11: Closing Disclosure – Timing & Consumer Receipt Part 12: Closing Disclosure – Details of Disclosure Completion Part 13: Closing Disclosure – Variances versus the Loan Estimate Part 14: Closing Disclosure – Revisions/Re-Disclosure (including Timing and Receipt)Part 15: Other Disclosure Effects – Other than the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Part 16: Miscellaneous Other Questions Part 1: Rule Applicability When do the new disclosures become effective and for which transactions? The new disclosures are effective for applications received on or after October 3, 2015. They apply to all closed-end loans securing real property. The following loans are excluded: ... Do you define “exempt” to mean we are not “allowed” to use the new forms or not “required” to use them? Can we send the new forms on a HELOC for example in lieu of the old? Can we use the new disclosures on all transactions?"
"docid": "D599640#0",
"title": "https://www.leanconstruction.org/learning/education/glossary/\nGlossary",
"text": "Download the Glossary Quick Links#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z#5S – A disciplined approach to maintaining order in the workplace, using visual controls, to eliminate waste. The 5S words are Sort, Set in Order, Shine/Sweep, Standardize and Self-Discipline/Sustain.5 Why Analysis – The problem solving technique used to dig for the root cause of a condition by asking why successively (at least five times) whenever a problem exists in order to get beyond the apparent symptoms. As each answer to the why question is documented, an additional inquiry is made concerning that response. Top AA3 – A one-page report prepared on a single 11 x 17 sheet of paper that adheres to the discipline of PDCA thinking as applied to collaborative problem solving, strategy development or reporting. The A3 includes the background, problem statement, analysis, proposed actions, and the expected results. Activity – An identifiable chunk of work with recognized prerequisite requirements to begin and a recognized state of completion – or conditions of satisfaction. Another way to look at an activity – establish the hand-offs for each chunk of work thus defining the activity. ( see also “task”)Actual Cost – The sum of the total Cost of the Work actually incurred by Architect and CM/GC in connection with the performance of all Phases of the Project, plus CM/GC’s Fee. ( IFOA -Integrated Form of Agreement Definition)Allowable Cost – The absolute maximum Project Cost, based on the Project Business Case as outlined in Exhibit 2, which will be the subject of the Validation Study. ( IFOA – Integrated Form of Agreement Definition)Assignment – A request or offer that has resulted in a Reliable Promise and is ready to be placed on the Weekly Work Plan for performance."
"docid": "D707543#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-in-transit-mean-on-FedEx-tracking\n\"What does \"\"in transit\"\" mean on FedEx tracking?\"",
"text": "\"Emily Baker, Previous Fed Ex Office Manager Answered Jun 30, 2016 · Author has 93 answers and 442.8k answer views It means it is on the way! It has been shipped, picked up, loaded on a truck/plane and is moving toward the destination, but has not yet been loaded on a truck for final delivery. If you pop your tracking # in google, it will automatically know that it is a Fed Ex tracking number and let you track your package. This will show you all the information about where it has been, where it is now, and an estimated delivery date.57.2k Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Marcela Campo Related Questions More Answers Below Does a Fed Ex Ground tracking entry of \"\"In Transit\"\" mean that the package is in a sort center or a moving vehicle? How often does Fed Ex tracking update their status? How reliable is Fed Ex tracking? How does fedex do tracking for their shipments? What does \"\"in transit\"\" mean on UPS? Ask New Question Robert Walker, winner of two poetry contests Answered Feb 14, 2016 · Author has 2k answers and 845.5k answer views\"\"In transit\"\" means the package has left the sender's locale but has not yet been delivered to the intended recipient's address. It is en route, in between the point of origination and the point of destination on whatever conveyance is being used to transport the product--railroad, plane, truck or boat.34.5k Views · View Upvoters Your response is private."
"docid": "D281771#0",
"title": "https://www.canadapost.ca/web/en/kb/details.page?article=what_do_the_terms_in&cattype=kb&cat=receiving&subcat=tracking\nNo expected delivery date",
"text": "Support Receiving Tracking What does it mean when I see “expected delivery date,” “date range” and “no expected delivery date” in my Track results? Find the meaning of common terms found on the progress bar in Track results: Expected delivery date An expected delivery date result shows the estimated date that a package or letter will arrive. Date range A date range, such as 3–5 business days, is an estimate of when your parcel will arrive. No expected delivery date The term “no expected delivery date” may appear if shipment data is not provided to us electronically. This status does not mean the delivery of your package is delayed. Rest assured — your parcel is moving through our network and making its way to its destination. Keep checking Track for updates as your parcel travels to its destination."
"docid": "D1609086#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071218134123AADu6Ru\n\"With UPS, what does \"\"in transit\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Cars & Transportation Commuting With UPS, what does \"\"in transit\"\" mean?thats what it says when i go to track it. does that mean its really close? or it will come today? HELP20 following 32 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: In transit means it is on its way. If it was to say out for delivery it would mean that it would be delivered that day. When you track it, you should see an estimated arrival date. Go by that. Sometimes they can get there earlier, but keep in mind with the holiday they are very busy. Source (s): I work for a company that ships a lot and I have to check UPS tracking numbers like 20 times a day. RENEE915 · 1 decade ago172 4 1 comment Asker's rating What Does In Transit Mean Source (s):https://shrink.im/a7Zi R? ·"
"docid": "D2675730#0",
"title": "https://michaellant.com/2010/05/18/how-to-make-your-project-not-suck/\nHow To Make Your Project Not Suck by Using an Agile Project Charter",
"text": "\"How To Make Your Project Not Suck by Using an Agile Project Charter Posted on May 18, 2010 by Michael An Agile Project Charter The Problem What the customer really needed (Click on image for full size view)Any project can fail, and any project can fail for a seemingly endless array of reasons. In particular, large complex projects sometimes fail because they are well… large and complex. High complexity means more unknowns. More unknowns make estimation and management of budget, time, resource requirements, and a multitude of other factors extremely complex. The higher complexity of large projects implies that they have a higher likelihood of failure. Statistics seem to support this premise, but small projects also fail at an alarming rate. Certainly we can do better. The Standish Group published their groundbreaking report in 1995. The Study looked at projects ranging on average from about $434,000 for smaller companies to about $2.3 million for larger companies. The report revealed that of an estimated 175,000 projects worth about $250 billion, a staggering 31.1% of projects were cancelled before they were completed, 52.7% of projects cost 189% of their original estimates, and a mere 16.2% were classified as successful."
"docid": "D1235785#0",
"title": "http://www.improvenet.com/r/costs-and-prices/concrete-delivery-cost\nHow Much Does Concrete Delivery Cost?",
"text": "How Much Does Concrete Delivery Cost? Most homeowners spend between $1,507 to $3,401 nationally. Get free estimates from local contractors who can Deliver Concrete . Get Started!Concrete has many applications in and around your home and can be used for many things. The most common applications of concrete include driveways, sidewalks, patios, pool decks, garage floors and foundations. While bags of mixable concrete can be purchased from most hardware stores, these larger applications would require a number of bags not even feasible to transport, much less mix and pour. In most instances, hiring a concrete company to deliver and pour your materials is the most efficient option. National Deliver Concrete Costs See Local Costs We are still gathering data for this location. Try changing location above or choose another project .$3,158Average Cost$400Min imum Cost$11,500Max imum Cost Average Range:$1,507 to $3,401Next Step Find contractors near you to estimate your project Get Free, Detailed Estimates Now!How do we get this data? This info is based on 118 cost profiles, as reported by Improve Net members."
"docid": "D1170282#0",
"title": "http://www.fedex.com/us/customersupport/tracking/number/\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions I'm expecting a package. When will it arrive? How do I change the delivery address on my shipment? I wasn't home when Fed Ex tried to deliver my package. Now what can I do? I won't be able to sign for my package. What can I do? How do I determine the address my package was delivered to? How do I specify a time window for delivery? My package was supposed to be here, but it has not arrived."
"docid": "D358859#0",
"title": "http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-work-order.htm\nWhat is a Work Order?",
"text": "\"A work order is a document that provides important details about goods and services that a client wants to obtain from a vendor, a supplier or another department within the same company. This document — which might be a printed piece of paper or a document on a computer system or the Internet — often includes elements that help the person or people who will be fulfilling the work order to know exactly what the customer wants done or wants delivered, including how many units and details relating to things such as size, shape, color and other important options. A work order might be issued when a computer or other piece of equipment needs to be fixed, when equipment needs to be upgraded or replaced, when a stock of supplies needs to be refilled or in other situations when the client has a need for a certain good or service. There are other items of interest that might be added to the work order form at some point in the process. If the customer has been quoted a specific price for the goods and services requested on the work order from an outside vendor or service provider, that price is often listed. In the event that multiple units are ordered, the work order usually will include a column that lists the total cost of those items. The time and date that the order was issued might be included as well as the time and date when it is expected to be or must be completed. After the work is done or the delivery made, the time and date when this occurred usually is added to complete the document. Work order forms also tend to include information about the process for delivery or the service being performed. The requester might specify a specific mode of delivery, such as general mail or by courier."
] |
637083 | what does estonia flag mean | [
"docid": "D2819880#0",
"title": "http://www.worldflags101.com/e/estonia-flag.aspx\nNational Flag of Estonia",
"text": "National Flag of Estonia Country: Republic of Estonia Proportions: 7:11Estonian Flag Description: The flag of Estonia consists of three equal horizontal stripes - the top stripe is blue; the middle one black; and the bottom stripe is white. Advertiser Links [ what's this? ] Estonian Flag Meaning: The colors of the national flag represent Estonia's history, nature and folk costumes. The blue stripe represents faith, loyalty and devotion as well as the sky, sea, and lakes. The black symbolizes the dark past and suffering of the Estonian people as well as the traditional black jacket of the Estonian peasant. The white represents striving towards enlightenment and virtue, hope and freedom. White also symbolizes the color of birch bark and snow, and Estonian summer nights illuminated by the midnight sun. Estonian Flag History: This Estonian flag was adopted on August 7, 1990. It was originally adopted on November 21st, 1918, after Estonia declared independence from Russia. Estonia was taken over by Russia again in June 1940 and the flag was banned."
] | [
"docid": "D294251#0",
"title": "http://hetalia.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Hetalia:_Axis_Powers_characters\nList of Hetalia: Axis Powers characters",
"text": "\"in: Characters, Manga, Anime, UN Members List of Hetalia: Axis Powers characters View source Share See also: Creatures of Hetalia, List of minor characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers This is a list of the characters who appear in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers, created by Hidekaz Himaruya . Axis Powers North Italy (Veneziano)Full Article: North Italy Italy Veneziano in Beautiful World Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa, Aki Kanada (Chibitalia), Rena Maeda (Nyo! Italy)Voiced by (English dub): Todd Haberkorn, Brina Palencia (Chibitalia)North Italy is the title character of the series. He is an energetic and friendly yet clumsy young man, who also happens to be rather cowardly and obsessed with pasta. He is the grandson of Ancient Rome, who was once the strongest nation in the world, as well the younger brother of Romano (South Italy). When in trouble, he often cries for Germany's help or insists on surrendering. Though he is bad at fighting, his creativity in art and trade is strong, and he is also a very good cook. The strange hair curl on the left side of his head acts as an erogenous zone for him when pulled. Another thing is that his eyes are normally closed. Though, there are some parts of the series where his eyes are seen open."
"docid": "D2819881#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_do_the_colours_of_the_Estonian_flag_represent\nWhat do the colours of the Estonian flag represent?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History National Emblems Flags What do the colours of the Estonian flag represent? Flag What do the colours of the Estonian flag represent? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. The colors of the national flag represent Estonia's history, nature and folk costumes. The blue stripe represents faith, loyalty and devotion as well as the sky, sea, and lakes. The black symbolizes the dark past and suffering of the Estonian people as well as the traditional black jacket of the Estonian peasant. The white represents striving towards enlightenment and virtue, hope and freedom. White also symbolizes the color of birch bark and snow, and Estonian summer nights illuminated by the midnight sun4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Flappytrish 12 Contributions What do the colours on the jamaican flag represent?the colours of the Jamaican flag is black, green ,and gold. black represents the people that represent their country and stand up for their rights, green represents the land w …Italiansrus 72 Contributions What do the colours on the italian flag represent?"
"docid": "D3274404#0",
"title": "https://researchmaniacs.com/Country/WhatDoesTheFlagLookLike.html\n.",
"text": "Flag Descriptions What does the flag look like, mean, and represent? Afghanistan What does the Afghanistan flag look like, mean, and represent? Albania What does the Albania flag look like, mean, and represent? Algeria What does the Algeria flag look like, mean, and represent? American Samoa What does the American Samoa flag look like, mean, and represent? Andorra What does the Andorra flag look like, mean, and represent? Angola What does the Angola flag look like, mean, and represent? Liberia What does the Liberia flag look like, mean, and represent? Libya What does the Libya flag look like, mean, and represent? Liechtenstein What does the Liechtenstein flag look like, mean, and represent?"
"docid": "D1538803#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tallinn\nTallinn",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search\"\"Reval\"\" redirects here. For other uses, see Reval (disambiguation). Tallinn City From top: Old Town, KUMU, Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, Kadriorg Palace, Viru Gate, City Centre Flag Coat of arms Tallinn Location of Tallinn in Estonia Show map of Estonia Show map of Europe Show all Coordinates: 59°26′14″N 24°44′43″ECoordinates: 59°26′14″N 24°44′43″ECountry Estonia County Harju County First appeared on map 1154Town rights 1248Government• Mayor Taavi Aas• Chairman of Council Mihhail Kõlvart Area• City 159.2 km 2 (61.5 sq mi)Elevation 9 m (30 ft)Population (2018 [2])• City 449,160• Rank 1st in Estonia• Density 2,800/km 2 (7,300/sq mi)• Metro 610,468 [1]Demonym (s) Tallinner Time zone EET ( UTC+2)• Summer ( DST) EEST ( UTC+3)Postal code 15199Area code (s) (+372) 64Vehicle registration A-BGDP (nominal) [3] 2017- Total €10 billion- Per capita $32,369 ($51,930 PPP)Website tallinn .ee /eng Tallinn ( / ˈ t ɑː l ɪ n / [4] [5] or / ˈ t æ l ɪ n /, [6] Estonian pronunciation: [ˈtɑlʲˑinˑ]; names in other languages) is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km (50 mi) south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm, north of Riga and west of Saint Petersburg in Harju County. From the 13th century until 1918 (and briefly during the Nazi occupation of Estonia from 1941 to 1944), in languages other than Estonian the city was known as Reval. [ 7] Tallinn occupies an area of 159.2 km 2 (61.5 sq mi) and has a population of 449,160. [ 8]Tallinn, first mentioned in 1219, received city rights in 1248, [9] but the earliest human settlements date back 5,000 years. [ 10] The initial claim over the land was laid by the Danes in 1219, after a successful raid of Lyndanisse led by Valdemar II of Denmark, followed by a period of alternating Scandinavian and German rule. Due to its strategic location, the city became a major trade hub, especially from the 14th to the 16th century, when it grew in importance as part of the Hanseatic League. Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ["
"docid": "D1603158#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_did_Italy_join_the_European_Union\nWhen did Italy join the European Union?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Travel & Places Continents and Regions Continents Europe European Union When did Italy join the European Union? Flag When did Italy join the European Union? Answer by I am Flukey Confidence votes 80.4KI am an idealistic realist. I'd love an ideal world, but I am realistic to know it can't happen. Italy was one of the 6 founding members of the European Economic Community, now known as the European Union, in 1957. The others were France, West Germany, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No I am Flukey I am an idealistic realist. I'd love an ideal world, but I am realistic to know it can't happen. When did belgium Italy Luxembourg Netherlands join the European union? They were the founding members of the European Coal and Steel Comittee, a forefather to the EU, which started 1951."
"docid": "D2233366#0",
"title": "http://www.heritage.org/global-politics/report/the-baltic-states-why-the-united-states-must-strengthen-security-cooperation\nThe Baltic States: Why the United States Must Strengthen Security Cooperation",
"text": "Report Global Politics The Baltic States: Why the United States Must Strengthen Security Cooperation October 25, 2013 About an hour read Download Report Luke Coffey@Luke DCoffey Director, Douglas & Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Luke Coffey oversees research on nations stretching from South America to the Middle East. Copied Select a Section 1 /0The three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have proven to be staunch American allies since they regained their independence in the early 1990s. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, each has made huge progress in implementing democracy, rule of law, economic freedom, and developing a strong national defense. They accomplished this by aligning themselves with the West—particularly the United States—while rejecting Russian calls to remain neutral or inside the Russian sphere of influence after the end of the Cold War. The desire to integrate into Western political and security structures should not be considered surprising and is simply reflective of the region’s culture and heritage. The Baltic states are Western, not Eastern, in their origins and culture. The history of the Baltic region is one first dominated by Germans, Danes, Poles, and Swedes. Even after being absorbed into Tsarist Russia in the 18th century, the cultural identity of the Baltics remained rooted in the West. [ 1]While small in size and population, the Baltic states represent something much bigger geopolitically: They are staunch defenders of economic freedom, liberal democracy, and human rights. They experienced Russian treachery during more than five decades of Soviet occupation in a way that few other countries ever did."
"docid": "D2307582#0",
"title": "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovenia\nSlovenia",
"text": "\"Republic of Slovenia Republika Slovenija Flag Coat of arms Anthem: Zdravljica [Note 1]Location of Slovenia ( dark green)– on the European continent ( green & dark grey) – in the European Union ( green)Capital and largest city Ljubljana Official languages Slovene a Ethnic groups (2002 [6])83.1% Slovenes2.0% Serbs1.8% Croats1.1% Bosniaks12.0% others / unspecified Demonym Slovene Slovenian Government Unitary parliamentaryconstitutional republic•President Borut Pahor•Prime Minister Miro Cerar Legislature Parliament•Upper house National Council•Lower house National Assembly Establishment•State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs becomes independent 29 October 1918• Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) 4 December 1918•Yugoslavia becomes a republic 29 November 1943• Independence from Yugoslavia 25 June 1991Area• Total 20,273 km 2 (7,827 sq mi) ( 153rd)• Water (%) 0.7 [7]Population• 2012 estimate 2,055,496 [8] ( 144th)• 2002 census 1,964,036• Density 101 [9] /km 2 (261.6/sq mi) ( 106th)GDP ( PPP) 2015 estimate• Total $62.515 billion [10]• Per capita $30,508 [10]GDP (nominal) 2012 estimate• Total $45.617 billion [10]• Per capita $22,192 [10]Gini (2007) 28.4 low HDI (2013) 0.892 [11]very high · 21st Currency Euro ( €) b ( EUR)Time zone CET ( UTC +1)• Summer ( DST) CEST ( UTC +2)Drives on the right Calling code +386ISO 3166 code SIInternet TLD .si c Italian and Hungarian are recognised as official languages in the residential areas of the Italian or Hungarian ethnic minority. Slovenian tolar prior to 2007. Also .eu, shared with other European Union member states. Slovenia is a country in Southern Europe. The capital and largest city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. Its major language is Slovenian. Its current population is about 2.0 million. Slovenia's leading exports are manufactured goods and aluminium. It is a parliamentary republic [12] It is a member of the European Union and NATO. [ 13] The economy of Slovenia is small, open, and export-oriented."
"docid": "D2499404#0",
"title": "http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/france/frflags.htm\nFrench Flag",
"text": "\"French Flag Description Famous Natives Flags Fast Facts Links Maps Symbols Time Geo. Statistics Geography Lat / Long Timeline Travel Info. Weather Print this map Print this map France Flag: The French flag - the tricolore - consists of three vertical bands of equal width, displaying the country's national colors: blue, white and red. The blue band is positioned nearest the flag-staff, the white in the middle, and the red on the outside. Larger France flag France Coat of Arms: The current emblem of France has been a symbol of France since 1953, although it does not have any legal status as an official coat of arms. It is printed on the cover of French passports and was adopted originally by the French Foreign Ministry as a symbol for use by diplomatic and consular missions during 1912. It is considered an emblem rather than a coat of arms, since it does not respect heraldic rules. The emblem consists of a wide shield with, on the one end a lion-head and on the other an eagle-head, bearing a monogram \"\"RF\"\" standing for Republique Francaise (French Republic). A laurel branch symbolizes victory of the Republic, the oak branch symbolizes perennity or wisdom, and the fasces is a symbol associated with justice (the bundle of rods and an axe, carried by Roman lictors). France's Information Land Area 640,427 km 2Water Area 3,374 km 2Total Area 643,801km 2 (#42)Population 66,836,154 (#21)Population Density 104.36/km 2Government Type Semi-presidential Republic GDP (PPP) $2,700.00 Billion GDP Per Capita 42,400$Currency Euro (EUR)More Information France See Also Where is France?"
"docid": "D1639168#0",
"title": "http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/russians-estonia-twenty-years-after\nThe Russians of Estonia: Twenty Years After",
"text": "July/August 2014The Russians of Estonia: Twenty Years After Katja Koort I was born in Kohtla-Jarve, in northeastern Estonia, a city with a chemical plant, an oil shale plant, and several mines. My Russian parents, who had come to Estonia when they were children, had moved there in the 1960s from the capital, Tallinn, to help build the socialist future. My peculiarly named hometown was, and still is, located quite close to the Russian border, but at a time when the radio constantly played the popular song “Moi adres ne dom I ne ulitsa, moi adres Sovetski Soyuz” (My address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union), the meaning of the border between Estonia and Russia was something completely different for me than it is now. Most ordinary people at the time believed the Russian propaganda, reflected in everything from education to interior design, that all fifteen republics joined the Soviet Union voluntarily. To doubt this—or worse, share your doubts with someone—was a punishable crime. Later I also realized that for us, as Russians, it was easy to believe in the friendship of nations because our ethnic group was clearly in a privileged status in the vast Soviet family. Share Tweet Email Print The Baltic states are commonly considered a single entity due to their small size and similar recent history, but the traditional cultures of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, their experiences during the Soviet occupation, as well as their subsequent development after their independence was restored in 1991, have been very different. Unlike other Baltic states, Estonia, in terms of geography, culture, and linguistics, belongs more to northern rather than eastern Europe. One of the most important factors that shape national identity is language. The Estonian language belongs to the Finno-Ugric grouping of the Uralic language family, which is completely separate from the Indo-European languages, a fact that brings Estonians closer to Finland than to their southern neighbors whose languages are related, albeit distantly, to Russian."
"docid": "D204587#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Denmark\nFlag of Denmark",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Denmark Name Dannebrog Use Civil flag and ensign Proportion 28:34 (14:17) to 28:37Adopted 1748 (merchant ensign), 1842 (military flag), 1854 (private use on land); medieval predecessors (13th/14th c.)Design A red field charged with a white cross extending to the edges; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side. Dimensions: 3:1:3 width / 3:1:4.5 to 3:1:5.25 length. Variant flag of Denmark Use State flag and ensign Proportion 56:107The flag of Denmark ( Danish: Dannebrog, pronounced [ˈdanəˌbʁoˀ]) [1] is red with a white Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side. A banner with a white-on-red cross is attested as having been used by the kings of Denmark since the 14th century. [ 2] An origin legend with considerable impact on Danish national historiography connects the introduction of the flag to the Battle of Lyndanisse of 1219. [ 3] The elongated Nordic cross reflects the use as maritime flag in the 18th century. [ 4] The flag became popular as national flag in the early 19th century. Its private use was outlawed in 1834, and again permitted in a regulation of 1854. The flag holds the world record of being the oldest continuously used national flag. [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Description2 History2.1 Middle Ages2.2 Early military banners2.3 Maritime flags2.4 National flag3 Origin legend4 Variants4.1 Splitflag and Orlogsflag4.2 Royal standards5 Other flags of the Kingdom of Denmark5.1 Regional Flags6 See also7 References8 External links Description [ edit]A red field charged with a white cross extending to the edges; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side."
"docid": "D21578#0",
"title": "https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/09/03/remarks-president-obama-and-president-ilves-estonia-joint-press-confer-0\nRemarks by President Obama and President Ilves of Estonia in Joint Press Conference",
"text": "The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September 03, 2014Remarks by President Obama and President Ilves of Estonia in Joint Press Conference Bank of Estonia Tallinn, Estonia11:59 A. M. EESTPRESIDENT ILVES: Good morning. To begin with, I’d like to welcome President Obama to Estonia. It is a genuine pleasure and an honor to receive you right before the NATO Summit. Your visit sends a strong message. We are grateful to the United States and to you personally for your leadership, your commitment, and your support to Estonia. To begin with, I also want to say that we are appalled by the latest news from Iraq. We condemn these barbaric acts. We see ISIS as a serious threat to all of us, and stand together with the United States and our allies on this issue. The main issue on our agenda today is security. The question on everyone’s mind is the situation in Ukraine and its wider impact on European security."
"docid": "D2096827#0",
"title": "http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/sweden/seflags.htm\nSwedish Flag",
"text": "\"Swedish Flag Description Famous Natives Flags Fast Facts Links Maps Symbols Time Geo. Statistics Geography Lat / Long Timeline Travel Info. Weather Print this map Print this map Sweden Flag: The exact age of the Swedish Flag is not known, but the oldest recorded pictures of a blue cloth with a yellow cross date from the 16th century. The flag of Sweden was officially adopted on June 22, 1906. The design of the flag is probably taken from the Danish flag, and its blue and yellow colors possibly come from the Coat of Arms. Larger Sweden flag Sweden Coat of Arms: The Lesser Coat of Arms is the one more frequently used in Sweden today. This colorful banner features three crowns of gold, two over one, topped by a bejeweled closed crown. The three crowns have been, in one way or another, an emblem of Sweden since 1336, then used as a familiar symbol of the \"\"Three Wise Kings. \"\" An additional legend regarding its application is that King Magnus Eriksson (1319-64) adopted the three crowns to symbolize his title, \"\"King of Norway, Sweden and all of Scania,\"\" - a southern province. The Greater Coat of Arms represents Sweden's monarch, and is used on special occasions by the Government and by the Swedish Parliament."
"docid": "D358897#0",
"title": "http://www.everyculture.com/Cr-Ga/Estonia.html\nEstonia",
"text": "\"Orientation Identification. \"\" Eesti\"\" can be traced to a first-century mention by the Roman historian Tacitus of a people or place called Aestii or Aestui. The name may derive from a German word referring to the east. Place names have been traced to this period, suggesting a link between language and homeland. The first written evidence of Estonian is in the Chronican Livoniae (1180–1227), which includes descriptions of the society and a selection of words and phrases. Estonians have strong connections to local traditions related primarily to different dialects and reinforced by variations in customs and dress. Islands, including Saaremaa, have their own traditions, and people speak distinctive dialects. Other local cultures with different dialects include the mulgid (in southern Viljandimaa), the vorukad (from Voru), and the setud (from Setumaa, currently divided by the border between Estonia and Russia). Despite local attachments, people feel that they share a common culture. The country has a sizable community of ethnic Russians whose connections to Estonia have begun to develop only recently."
"docid": "D3267521#0",
"title": "http://denmarkflag.facts.co/denmarkflagof/denmarkflag.php\n.",
"text": "\"Flag of Denmark Dannebrog fast facts Name: Dannebrog ('Danish cloth') Adopted: 1625 AD Proportion (width:length): 28:37 Record: Oldest national flag Denmark Flag - Information The National flag of Denmark (popularly called 'Dannebrog' meaning 'the flag of the Danes' or 'Danish cloth') consisting of a red field with a white cross that extends to the edges of the flag. The vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side Danebrog the flag of Denmark Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 0:41Denmark Flag - colors meaning/symbolism Red stands for the battle and the bloodshed White cross symbolizes the holy cause for which the blood was shed Denmark flag history and facts According to a legend, the Danish flag fell from heaven on June 15, 1219, during the Battle of Lyndanisse (near modern Tallinn, Estonia) as a sign from God of his support for Danish King Valdemar II, who caught the gift before it ever touched the ground. The flag is believed to have inspired the Danish army to victory against the Estonians. In reality, the flag could have been a gift from the Pope for the Crusades as the imperial war flag of the Holy Roman Empire used the same design. ( Crusades are the military campaigns sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church from 11th to 16th centuries to restore Christian access to holy places in and around Jerusalem)More on Denmark Denmark Facts November 3, 2016Denmark Map November 3, 2016Denmark Flag November 3, 2016Denmark Facts November 3, 2016Denmark Map November 3, 2016Denmark Flag November 3, 2016Denmark Facts November 3, 2016Denmark Map November 3, 2016Denmark Flag November 3, 2016Denmark flag history Officially adopted as state flag in 1625, Denmark flag is the oldest, continuously used national flag in the world. The width-to-length ratio of the Denmark flag can be 28:34 to 28:37 A white cross formy with a red bordure was used by the Portuguese Order of Christ that was founded in 1318 during a crusade against the Moors. The Portuguese gold coin, the portugalese or português, reproduced the Cross of Christ and the words in hoc signo vinces (Latin phrase meaning \"\"In this sign you will conquer\"\") From 1591 Christian IV struck Danish coins with a similar cross which quickly became associated with the cross of the Dannebrog. Static shot of old buildings with Danish flag in the foreground in Copenhagen, Denmark. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available."
"docid": "D1603157#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Italy_join_the_european_union\nWhy did Italy join the european union?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Travel & Places Continents and Regions Continents Europe European Union Why did Italy join the european union? Flag Why did Italy join the european union? Answer by European Union Confidence votes 46.7KItaly thought that the EU would benefit its nation and bring economic prosperity to the country, which it did, at least in the beginning. Italy is one of several members of the EU who face a massive debt problem today. Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No I am Flukey 919,020 Contributions I am an idealistic realist. I'd love an ideal world, but I am realistic to know it can't happen. When did Italy join the European Union? Italy was one of the 6 founding members of the European Economic Community, now known as the European Union, in 1957. The others were France, West Germany, The Netherlands, Lu …I am Flukey 919,020 Contributions I am an idealistic realist."
"docid": "D1329424#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_new_countries_were_formed_as_a_result_of_the_Treaty_of_Versailles\nWhat new countries were formed as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories History, Politics & Society Politics and Government Government International Government Treaties Treaty of Versailles What new countries were formed as a result of the Treaty of Versailles? Flag What new countries were formed as a result of the Treaty of Versailles? Answer by Joncey Confidence votes 68.7KThe Treaty of Versailles didn't in itself establish any new countries. Two countries came into being at the end of WWI: Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Poland, which had been 'carved up' by Russia, Prussia and Austria between 1772 and 1795 was reunited as an independent country. In the Baltic area Finland gained complete independence from Russia, while Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were reconstituted as independent countries. Austria and Hungary became fully separate.61 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Lindalee Stuckey 292,229 Contributions Weeds are the bane of my existence! I have a Star Trek garden with 21 Star Trek named daylilies and many plants to attract butterflies. What were the results of the Treaty of Versailles?"
"docid": "D2240544#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_flags\nFlag",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from List of largest flags)navigation search For the flags belonging to nations, see National flag. For other uses, see Flag (disambiguation). ASEAN members' national flags in Jakarta Setting up a flag could also possess the meaning of conquering something. Jaan Künnap with the flag of Estonia at the top of Lenin Peak (7,134 m [23,406 feet]) in 1989. A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular or quadrilateral) with a distinctive design and colors. It is used as a symbol, a signaling device, or for decoration. The term flag is also used to refer to the graphic design employed, and flags have evolved into a general tool for rudimentary signalling and identification, especially in environments where communication is challenging (such as the maritime environment, where semaphore is used). The study of flags is known as \"\" vexillology \"\" from the Latin vexillum, meaning \"\"flag\"\" or \"\" banner \"\". National flags are patriotic symbols with widely varied interpretations that often include strong military associations because of their original and ongoing use for that purpose. Flags are also used in messaging, advertising, or for decorative purposes."
"docid": "D1752999#0",
"title": "http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/france/frsymbols.htm\nFrench Symbols",
"text": "\"Print this map Print this map Bird: Gallic Rooster Coat of Arms: Coat of Arms: The current emblem of France has been a symbol of France since 1953, although it does not have any legal status as an official coat of arms. It is printed on the cover of French passports and was adopted originally by the French Foreign Ministry as a symbol for use by diplomatic and consular missions during 1912. It is considered an emblem rather than a coat of arms, since it does not respect heraldic rules. The emblem consists of a wide shield with, on the one end a lion-head and on the other an eagle-head, bearing a monogram \"\"RF\"\" standing for Republique Francaise (French Republic). A laurel branch symbolizes victory of the Republic, the oak branch symbolizes perennity or wisdom, and the fasces is a symbol associated with justice (the bundle of rods and an axe, carried by Roman lictors). Flag of France Flower: Lily Marianne: Marianne is present everywhere in France and holds a place of honor in town halls and law courts. She symbolizes the \"\"Triumph of the Republic\"\", and stands as a bronze sculpture overlooking Place de la Nation in Paris. Her profile is found on the official seal of the country, and engraved on coins and drawn on stamps and banknotes. Next to the flag, Marianne is considered the most prominent depiction of the French Republic. Motto: \"\"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite\"\" meaning \"\" Liberty, Equality, Fraternity \"\"National Anthem: La Marseillaise ( words and music by C. Rouget de Lisle ), may be the best-known and most inspirational national anthem in the world."
"docid": "D1956067#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_climate_of_Finland\nWhat is the climate of Finland?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Sciences Climatology and Climate Changes What is the climate of Finland? Flag What is the climate of Finland? Edit Answer by Momodalo Confidence votes 102Most of Finland has a subarctic climate but the southern part has a humid continental climate. Temperatures are comparatively mild for its latitude because of the moderating influence of the North Atlantic Current, Baltic Sea, and more than 60,000 lakes. Finland has four very distinct seasons, but on average the winter is really dominant and year is really cold and dark all over the country. From November to March, and sometimes even till April, the thermometer is often below zero Celsius and -20 Celsius is nothing special during February. In Sodankylä (in Lappi) has had -40 degree Celsius and below several times in the last 10 years. The summer is really short, lasting about 2-3 months and is usually at 15-25 Celsius depending on the location. Finland has three main kinds of weather, the coastal weather and the inland weather and the north weather. The coastal weather (especially the area between Vaasa-Turku-Helsinki) is a lot windier and warmer than the inland and the north weather (pretty much everything north from Oulu) is a lot colder and darker for longer period of time.42 people found this useful Was this answer useful?"
"docid": "D2886524#0",
"title": "http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/france/frfacts.htm\nFrance Facts",
"text": "\"Print this map Print this map Name: France (long form) French Republic Capital City: Paris (2,193,031 pop.) ( 11,836,970 metro)France Population: 65,951,611 ( 2013 est. ) World Populations (all countries)Currency: Euro (conversion rates)20 Euros Ethnicity: Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese, and Basque minorities Holidays GDP total: $2.253 trillion ( 2012 est. ) GDP per capita: $35,500 ( 2012 est. ) Land Sizes Language: French (official) 100%, rapidly declining regional dialects and languages (Provencal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque, Flemish) overseas departments: French, Creole patois Largest Cities: ( by population) Paris, Marseille, Lyon. Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Strasbourg Name: The name France is from the Latin word 'Francia' meaning country of the Franks, a Germanic people who conquered the area during the 5th century. National Day: July 14 Note: \"\"Fete de la Federation\"\" is celebrated with a mixture of solemn military parades, dancing in the streets and fireworks. The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 has been commemorated in France for more than a century. Religion: Roman Catholic 88%, Muslim 5%, Protestant 2%, unaffiliated 2%, Jewish 1%,Symbols France's Information Land Area 640,427 km 2Water Area 3,374 km 2Total Area 643,801km 2 (#42)Population 66,836,154 (#21)Population Density 104.36/km 2Government Type Semi-presidential Republic GDP (PPP) $2,700.00 Billion GDP Per Capita 42,400$Currency Euro (EUR)More Information France See Also Where is France? GDP of France What is the Capital of France?"
] |
637085 | what does estos huevos mean | [
"docid": "D224144#0",
"title": "https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080201110442AAfNtx5\n\"What does \"\"ahuevo\"\" mean? the word is in spanish?\"",
"text": "\"Society & Culture Languages What does \"\"ahuevo\"\" mean? the word is in spanish?please translate it to english Follow 11 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Huevo means Egg but when you say A-huevo means something else. Ahuevo is a Slang word Mexican use meaning the following... Hell yeah or F^&% Yeah. exp: Do you want to go to the Futball game \"\"ahuevo\"\" (hell yeah). Source (s): This is close as you can get to this meaning word. ( ahuevo) lolsmokey · 1 decade ago4 0 Comment I know I've mastered the ability to walk, talk and read. There's nothing much left to learn in these fields, and I can do it all with complete ease. Doesn't mean I never stub my toe, slur a few words, or stumble on a sentence now and then, but I've reached a point where it's completely causal. I'm not an olympic sprinter, or a public speaker, or a speed reader -- those are all entirely separate skills -- but what I learned is plenty to get through life. I never forget that the martial arts are called an art, whether or not that's an Eastern interpretation, but in the West this does have a purpose."
] | [
"docid": "D992901#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_pennsylvania%27s_state_motto_mean\nWhat is Pennsylvania's State Motto?",
"text": "\"What is Pennsylvania's State Motto? Virtue, Liberty and Independence is the motto. Joseph Ferguson 2,158 Contributions“By changing nothing, nothing changes. ”What does Georgia state motto mean? Obverse of Seal: \"\"Wisdom, justice, and moderation\"\" . Appearing on a banner that encircling the three pillars were the words \"\"Wisdom,\"\" \"\"Justice,\"\" and \"\"Moderation\"\"--with each …Treaves 1 Contribution What is Oregon's state motto and what does it mean? The answer is actually \"\"She Flies With Her Own Wings\"\" and wasadopted in 1987. Alis Volat Propiis means (She Flies With Her Own Wings). What does Pennsylvania's state flag mean? It means to have hope,virtue,liberty, and happiness.. Eric Barnes 484,815 Contributions What does the state motto of Massachusetts mean?"
"docid": "D1341463#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/question\nSpanish Word for question",
"text": "\"English Word: question Spanish Word: pregunta Now you know how to say question in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'question'John answered the question. Juan contestó la pregunta. We answered the question. Nosotros contestamos la pregunta. The President sets that question as one of the priorities in the campaign. El presidente sitúa esa cuestión como una de las prioridades en la campaña. I answered (contestar) the question (la pregunta). Yo contesté la pregunta."
"docid": "D3008755#0",
"title": "http://www.mrbreakfast.com/w_mexico.asp\n.",
"text": "\"Breakfast In Mexico By Mr Breakfast Go Directly To The Recipes In Mexico, breakfast is called \"\" el desayuno \"\" and brunch is ordered as \"\" almuerzo \"\". Roughly translated, those words mean \"\"super-hardy meals filled with color, spice and flavor that match the character of the people who live in Mexico\"\". Throughout the Republic of Mexico, breakfasts vary by region due to the produce available, ethnic diversity and proximity to neighboring countries. Similarities in regional cuisine stem from Native American traditions (primarily Aztec and Mayan) and the influence of three centuries of Spanish rule. The Tortilla Often called the \"\"Bread of Mexico,\"\" the tortilla is the defining element of a Mexican breakfast. Just like people in other countries might put eggs (and bacon!) on toast to create a makeshift breakfast sandwich, the people of Mexico are always eating some rendition of a breakfast burrito, taco or tostada. Always unleavened and usually made from corn (maize) flour, tortillas date back 10,000 years before Christ. Around the year 1500, Spanish conquistadores coined the name \"\"tortilla\"\" which means \"\"small and flattened.\"\" Spicy And Colorful If one were forced to encapsulate the nature of Mexican breakfasts in a word, that word would be \"\"spicy and colorful\"\"."
"docid": "D1517761#0",
"title": "http://ifood.tv/preparation/340033-how-to-defrost-salmon\nHow To Defrost Salmon",
"text": "\"Home » Preparation » Food Preparation » How To Defrost Salmon How To Defrost Salmonfoodmaniac Jun. 07, 2011\"\"fid\"\":\"\"548896\"\",\"\"viewmode\"\":\"\"wysiwyg\"\",\"\"fields\"\":\"\"format\"\":\"\"wysiwyg\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"media\"\",\"\"attributes\"\":\"\"alt\"\":\"\"defrosting salmon\"\",\"\"title\"\":\"\"defrosting salmonis a tricky issue\"\",\"\"style\"\":\"\"width: 300px height: 264px border-width: 2px border-style: solid margin: 6px float: left\"\",\"\"class\"\":\"\"media-element file-wysiwyg\"\" How to defrost salmon is quite a tricky issue as most of the conventional processes may harm the quality of the frozen salmon. Defrosting salmon in an improper way may lead to incomplete cooking of the fish, as the outer portion of the fish gets soft while the inside of the same remains stiff and frozen and it completely spoils the taste of the dish. However, things are not that invincible as it seems to be because here I have described four convenient ways for defrosting salmon. Following any of these processes you can easily solve your confusion about how to defrost salmon before cooking any salmon recipes. Defrosting Salmon In Various Ways Defrosting Salmon At Room Temperature You can put the salmon in the refrigerator keep it under room temperature for at least 24 hours. Once the fish is kept under room temperature for 24 hours, it will get defrosted and will be tender enough ready for cooking. How To Defrost Salmon In Cold Water You can defrost the frozen salmon in normal cold water. As a prior precaution, you have to warp the fish in a plastic cover and place it in the tub. Keep on replacing the water once it becomes too cold so that it initiates faster defrosting. Defrosting Salmon With Microoven You can place the fish in the microoven for defrosting."
"docid": "D3546185#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/vegetables\nSpanish Word for vegetables",
"text": "English Word: vegetables Spanish Word: las legumbres, las verduras Now you know how to say vegetables in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'vegetables'A fruit shop is a shop where you can buy fruits and fresh vegetables Una frutería es un establecimiento donde puede comprarse frutas y hortalizas frescas You should eat vegetables. Hay que comer verduras. Vegetables are as healthy as fruit. Las verduras son tan sanas como la fruta. She has eaten a delicious soup with vegetables. Ella ha comido una sopa deliciosa con verduras. Juan Carlos serves vegetables to the children. Juan Carlos sirve las verduras a los niños."
"docid": "D140406#0",
"title": "http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/COURSES/PRONOUN1.HTM\n.",
"text": "Subject pronouns (pronombres usados como sujetos)singularpluralyo I nosotros, nosotras wetú you (familiar) vosotros, vosotras you (familiar, Spain)usted you (formal) ustedes youél he ellos they (masc. ) ella she ellas they (fem. ) Note the accent marks over tú [to distinguish it from tu meaning “your”] and él [to distinguish it from el meaning “the”]. Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a verb (the verb may be implied); they are also used as the predicate complement after the verb ser . Yo prefiero coca-cola. I prefer Coca-cola.¿Es ella? Is it her? [ Is it she? ]—¿ Quién lo hizo? — Yo. Who did it?"
"docid": "D1683768#0",
"title": "https://www.123teachme.com/spanish_word_for/cash\nSpanish Word for cash",
"text": "English Word: cash (n) Spanish Word: dinero en efectivo Now you know how to say cash in Spanish. : -)Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated: Translated sentences containing 'cash'Was there any discount?¿Hubo algún descuento? You also have the option of making a cash payment. Usted también tiene la opción de hacer un pago efectivo. We have a positive cash flow this quarter. Este trimestre tenemos un flujo de efectivo positivo. Do they offer a cash discount?¿Ofrecen ellos algún descuento por pago en efectivo? Did you cash a check at the bank?¿Cambiaste un cheque en el banco? They want me to pay in cash."
"docid": "D3248230#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_Spanish\nVenezuelan Spanish",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Spanish language Overview Pronunciationstress Orthography Names History Old Middle Influences Grammar Determiners Nounsgender Pronounspersonal object Adjectives Prepositions Verbsconjugation irregular verbs Dialects Peninsular Pan-American Standard Dialectologyseseo yeísmo voseo leísmo loísmo Interlanguages Creoles Spanglish Portuñol Teaching Hispanism Institutos RAEv t e Venezuelan Spanish ( castellano venezolano or español venezolano) refers to the Spanish language as spoken in Venezuela. Spanish was introduced in Venezuela by the colonizers. Most of them were from Galicia, Basque Country, Andalusia and the Canary Islands. [ citation needed] Perhaps the last of these has been the most fundamental influence on modern Venezuelan Spanish, to the point that Canarian and Venezuelan accents may seem indistinguishable to other Spanish speakers. Italian and Portuguese immigrants from the late 19th and early 20th century have also had an influence. German settlers also left an influence when Venezuela was contracted as a concession by the King of Spain to the German Welser banking family ( Klein-Venedig, 1528–1546). The Spaniards additionally brought African slaves. This is the origin of expressions such as chévere (\"\"excellent\"\"), which comes from Yoruba ché egberi. Other non-Romance words came from Native languages, such as guayoyo (a type of coffee) and caraota ( black bean ). The Venezuelan \"\"snob\"\" (or \"\"sifrino\"\" in colloquial Venezuelan Spanish) accent is often thought of as the \"\"pretty-boy/pretty-girl\"\" or \"\"boy band\"\" accent of Spanish."
"docid": "D347605#0",
"title": "http://bambinoides.com/list-of-puerto-rican-slang-words-and-phrases/\nList of Puerto Rican slang words and phrases",
"text": "This article is a summary of common slang words and phrases used in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican Spanish differs significantly from other dialects of Spanish because of the island’s status as a commonwealth of the United States, which adds sizable English influences to the language. Puerto Ricans often use anglicisms and words made directly from English; for example, “janguiar” means “to hang out”. Puerto Rican Spanish also is influenced by the language of the Taíno original inhabitants of the islands, by those of the African slaves brought by colonial Spain, and by the Spanish dialects of immigrants from the Canary islands and Andalusia. An example of the latter is Puerto Ricans oftenleaving “D” sounds out of words, for instance the word “arrancado” (ripped out) is commonly pronounced and spelled “arrancao”. Idiomatic expressions may be difficult to translate fully and may have multiple meanings, so the English translations below may not reflect the full meaning of the expression they intend to translate.♥♥♥AA calzón quita’o – Calzón is the old Spanish for breeches. A calzón quita’o literally means with pants off, it is used to express that something or someone have nothing to hide and can be trusted; bluntly honest. e.g. Hablemos a calzón quita’o translate as let’s have an honest conversation. A fuego – Literally means “On fire”, but it refers to something being “cool” or “good”. “ Don’t bother him, he’s a good person”. “"
"docid": "D633204#0",
"title": "http://mariaortegagarcia.com/spanish-blog/bien-or-bueno-muy-or-mucho-erase-any-doubt/\nBien or Bueno? Muy or Mucho? Erase any doubt! 9",
"text": "Bien or Bueno? Muy or Mucho? Erase any doubt! 9This entry was posted in Grammar Spanish Blog and tagged bien or bueno muy or mucho Spanish grammar spanish vocabulary Video on May 8, 2012 by María Bien or Bueno, Muy or Mucho.m4v Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 8:26This is a common question between the Spanish students and a great source of confusion so in this article you will learn to differentiate the two pair of terms and use them correctly. The simple answer is that one is an adjective and the other is an adverb, but that doesn’t help much of you don’t have a clear understanding of the function of adjectives and adverbs themselves. ADJECTIVE vs. ADVERB: THE GRAMMATICAL ANSWERSo, let’s make a quick explanation about these two concepts. An adjective always modifies a noun, which means that an adjective talks about or is referred to a noun and therefore will accord always with the noun in genre and number. Look at the example:– El perro mojado corre. – The wet dog runs."
"docid": "D2900913#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/means\nmeans",
"text": "\"meansmeans Translatemeansel medio Dictionary Examples Phrasesnewmeansnoun1. ( method)a. el medio (M)Politics only ennobles when it is a means to serve others. La política sólo enaltece cuando es un medio para servir al prójimo.plural noun2. ( reasons)a. los medios (M)The means are justified if we consider all options. Los medios están justificados si consideramos todas las opciones.3. ( wealth)a. los recursos (M)The thief lacks the means to pay a good lawyer. El ladrón no tiene los recursos para pagar un buen abogado.b."
"docid": "D1701776#0",
"title": "http://spanish.about.com/od/infinitives/a/infinitives_after_verbs.htm\nUsing Infinitives After Conjugated Verbs",
"text": "\"Humanities ›Languages Using Infinitives After Conjugated Verbs Usually, Infinitive Refers to Subject of Sentence Share Flipboard Email Print Necesito comprar dos huevos para una tortilla. ( I need to buy two eggs for an omelet.). Photo by Peter Lindberg; licensed via Creative Commons.by Gerald Erichsen Updated May 17, 2017The Spanish infinitive is used quite frequently after conjugated verbs, and sometimes in a way that has no direct equivalent in English. Although the Spanish infinitive is sometimes translated as an infinitive in English, it isn't always, as the following examples show: Quiero salir. ( I want to leave . ) Èl evita estudiar. ( He avoids studying . ) Necesito comprar dos huevos. ( I need to buy two eggs. ) El que teme pensar es esclavo de la superstición. ("
"docid": "D224143#0",
"title": "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=huevos&defid=1450573\n.",
"text": "\"Top definitionhuevos Based on context, could either mean \"\"testicles\"\" or, eggs. However, people tend to be unclear with this at times... He did not have the huevos to prepare any huevos. Go suck a huevo.by Too Crooked February 19, 2004451 108The Urban Dictionary Mug One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids. Buy the mug2HUEVOSThe word means \"\" eggs ,\"\" but the reference to \"\"balls\"\" is so strong that you have to watch out using the word at all. Polite girls would probably order blanquillos ( little white things) from a male waiter. Huevos son lokin' !....... by VAKI5 September 20, 2005556 275The Urban Dictionary Mug One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe."
"docid": "D2043586#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quien\nSpanish pronouns",
"text": "\"Spanish pronouns From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Quien)navigation search Spanish language Overview Pronunciationstress Orthography Names History Old Middle Influences Grammar Determiners Nounsgender Pronounspersonal object Adjectives Prepositions Verbsconjugation irregular verbs Dialects Peninsular Pan-American Standard Dialectologyseseo yeísmo voseo leísmo loísmo Interlanguages Creoles Spanglish Portuñol Teaching Hispanism Institutos RAEv t e Spanish pronouns in some ways work quite differently from their English counterparts. Subject pronouns are often omitted, and object pronouns can appear either as proclitics that come before the verb or enclitics attached to the end of it in different linguistic environments. There is also regional variation in the use of pronouns, particularly the use of the informal second-person singular vos and the informal second-person plural vosotros. Contents [ hide ]1 Personal pronouns2 Demonstrative pronouns3 Relative pronouns3.1 Que3.1.1 El que3.1.2 Lo que3.2 El cual3.2.1 Cual3.3 Quien3.3.1 For subjects3.3.2 As the object of a preposition3.4 Donde, a donde, como and cuando3.4.1 Location and movement3.4.2 Manner3.4.3 Time3.5 Cuyo3.6 Notes on relative and interrogative pronouns4 Notes5 References6 External links Personal pronouns [ edit]Main article: Spanish personal pronouns Personal pronouns in Spanish have distinct forms according to whether they stand for a subject ( nominative ), a direct object ( accusative ), an indirect object ( dative ), or a reflexive object. Several pronouns further have special forms used after prepositions. Spanish is a pro-drop language with respect to subject pronouns. Like French and other languages with the T–V distinction, modern Spanish has a distinction in its second person pronouns that has no equivalent in modern English. Object pronouns are generally proclitic, and non-emphatic clitic doubling is most often found with dative clitics. The personal pronoun \"\" vos \"\" is used in some areas of Latin America, particularly in Central America, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, the state of Zulia in Venezuela, and the Andean regions of Colombia, Bolivia, Perú, and Ecuador. The table below shows a cumulative list of personal pronouns from Peninsular, Latin American and Ladino Spanish."
"docid": "D224150#0",
"title": "http://www.gamesforlanguage.com/dictionary/spanish/definition/los-huevos-translation-from-spanish\n\"What does \"\"los huevos\"\" mean in Spanish?\"",
"text": "\"What does \"\"los huevos\"\" mean in Spanish? In Spanish, \"\"los huevos\"\" means: (plural noun, masculine)the eggs Listen to \"\"los huevos\"\": (If you have an HTML5 enabled browser, you can listen to the native audio below)This is a phrase that is used in the Games For Language Spanish Language Game in the following scenes: Spanish 1, Level 6, Scene 3You Want to Learn Spanish Fast? With our Spanish 1 Travel-Story Course you'll practice Spanish for FREE - with a story of a young man traveling through Spain. With \"\"The Story\"\" and easy games you won't even be aware that you are actually learning Spanish!And you can practice with the FREE Quick Spanish Language Games or improve or listening skills with the FREE Spanish Travel-Story Podcasts - all without even a need to register \""
"docid": "D3454894#0",
"title": "http://context.reverso.net/translation/spanish-english/aretes\n\"Translation of \"\"aretes\"\" in English\"",
"text": "Entonces tú no necesitarás vender tus aretes. Then you won't need to sell your earrings. Quiero mostrarte mi agradecimiento por los aretes. I want to show you my gratitude for the earrings. Primero, mi mamá no me dejaba ponerme aretes, pero rogué... At first, my mother wouldn't let me get my ears pierced, but I begged... Tendrás todos los aretes que quieras. You'll have all the earrings in the world. Felicité a su esposa por los aretes exclusivos. I gave your wife a compliment for those exclusive earrings. Quiero decir, parecen perforadas para aretes. What I mean is, they look like they've been pierced for earrings."
"docid": "D1539843#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_Missouri%27s_state_motto\nWhat is Missouri's state bird?",
"text": "\"What is Missouri's state bird? Eastern Bluebird Edit What are Missouri's neighboring states? Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. Edit What are the requirements for the Missouri's state senate and for Missouri's house of representatives? You have to be 25 years old, a citizen of the United States for 7 years and must live in the state elected in to be a representative. To be a Senate you have to be 30 ye …James Sarino 49,357 Contributions Community Coordinator that loves cars and motorsports, running, traveling, food, gadgets, sci-fi, communities and social media. What is Missouri's motto? The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law. Edit Joseph A Elisa 2 1,911 Contributions Missouri's state bird? The Eastern Bluebird."
"docid": "D3476846#0",
"title": "https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/un-gallo-con-muchos-huevos\nUn Gallo con Muchos Huevos",
"text": "From Lionsgate and Pantelion Films. The world's most egg-cellent animated series (Huevo Cartoon) finally cracks the U. S. big screen with UN GALLO CON MUCHOS HUEVOS! Toto, (voiced by Bruno Bichir) was born the runt of the litter. But when an evil rancher threatens to destroy his home and his family, Toto must go from a timid young 'chicken' to a brave and scrappy rooster. Toto and his friends (voices include Angelica Vale, Maite Perroni, Omar Chaparro, Ninel Conde, Carlos Espejel) must band together on an egg-citing adventure that will prove that big surprises can come from little packages.1 hr 38 min PG13Animation Cast & Crew BRUNO BICHIR Actor CARLOS ESPEJEL Actor SERGIO SENDEL Actor JAIME AYMERICH Actor FACUNDO Actor MAITE PERRONI Actor Cast & Crew photos provided by TMDb."
"docid": "D2007618#0",
"title": "http://www.spanishdict.com/answers/144794/what-is-difference-between-esto-esta-and-este\n5 Answers",
"text": "\"5 Answers MOST VOTES OLDEST NEWEST1Votesjulian Pd CGood question! ! Esto is impersonal and masculine (i know, it's kind of tricky) the fact is that things have a gender as well. Esta could be a person or a thing and it's feminine, same as este but masculine. Este means east as well. Jun 7, 2010 | link Thank you very much, helped a ton! - benjamint199 Jun 23, 20151Votes Lrtward Search is your friend Ejemplo Otro ejemplo Yet another example Particularly good example Jun 7, 2010 | link1Votes Me Encantan Caras Sonrisaseste- adjective for something masculine; ex: este libro (this book)esta- adjective for something feminine; ex: esta manzana (this apple)esto- adjective for something \"\"neutral\"\" (unknown gender)These are not to be confused with ésta, ésto and ésteéste- masculine noun; ex: Quiero éste. ( I want this one. ); \"\" this one\"\" can refer to a pencil, for example (el lápiz)ésta- feminine noun; ex: Quiero ésta. ( I want this one. ); \"\" this one\"\" can refer to a plant, for example (la planta)ésto- neutral noun (unknown gender); ex: ¿Qué es ésto? ("
"docid": "D2643051#0",
"title": "http://www.thefreedictionary.com/egg\negg",
"text": "\"egg Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia .egg 1 (ĕg)n.1.a. A female gamete; an ovum. Also called egg cell.b. The round or oval female reproductive body of various animals, including birds,reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and insects, consisting usually of an embryo surrounded by nutrient material and a protective covering.c. The oval, thin-shelled reproductive body of a bird, especially that of a hen, used as food.2. Something having the ovoid shape of an egg.3. Slang A fellow; a person: He's a good egg.tr.v. egged, egg·ing, eggs1. To cover with beaten egg, as in cooking.2. Slang To throw eggs at."
] |
637088 | what does estradiol mean | [
"docid": "D605881#0",
"title": "https://www.fertilityauthority.com/tests-and-medications/blood-tests-infertility/estradiol-levels\nEstradiol Levels",
"text": "What is Estradiol? Estradiol is a type of estrogen, the major sex hormone in women. It is secreted by the ovarian follicles. As the follicles grow and develop each month, they produce estradiol. This sets the rest of the reproductive cycle in motion. Why Would You Have Estradiol Checked? A blood test to check estradiol levels is one of the most common fertility tests. One reason to have your estradiol levels checked is to determine your ovaries’ ability to produce eggs (which is known as ovarian reserve ). It can also help to determine if your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test was accurate or not. Estradiol suppresses FSH."
] | [
"docid": "D1392697#0",
"title": "https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/estrogen-estradiol-is-the-cause-of-varicose-veins.5806/\nEstrogen (estradiol) Is The Cause Of Varicose Veins",
"text": "\"haidut Member Joined: Mar 18, 2013Messages: 12,621Gender: Male Location: USA / Europe Another confirmation of something Ray has been saying for years, and the medical establishment has been denying for years. The authors of this study actually expected to see a relationship between testosterone and varicose veins, but found that estrogen (estradiol) is the likely culprit. Their suggestion is to try aromatase inhibitors for the condition, but in theory anything that inhibits the action of estrogen should work as well. Topical progesterone should be very helpful as well as the fat-soluble vitamins K, A, D, E.http://ang.sagepub.com/content/60/3/283.abstract\"\"... About 21 symptomatic varicose men (VM [C ≥ 2] mean age of 40.3/+6.9 years) and 13 healthy men (HM [C ≤ 1] mean age of 38.1/+ 7.4 years) were analyzed. The serum E2:f T ratio (VM 2.83/+ 0.79 and HM 2.32/+0.63) was significantly different (P < .05) between the two groups. No major differences were seen on the serum levels of the sex hormones. In summary, our results demonstrate a changed serum E2:f T ratio among men with varicose veins compared to healthy men. By the fact of a small study sample, the interpretabillity of this result is limited. \"\" haidut, Feb 4, 2015 #1north Member Joined: Dec 21, 2013Messages: 156Is it possible to measure estrogen (or estradiol) properly? Peat says serum E doesn't reflect tissue E. Which tests is most likely to reflect accurate estrogen levels? ("
"docid": "D2376361#0",
"title": "https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/archives/fdaDrugInfo.cfm?archiveid=13949\nCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY",
"text": "\"NUVARING - etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol insert, extended release Organon Pharmaceuticals USA----------NUVARING ® (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring)delivers 0.120 mg/0.015 mg per day Women should be counseled that this product does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. FOR VAGINAL USE ONLYDESCRIPTIONNuva Ring ® (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring) is a non-biodegradable, flexible, transparent, colorless to almost colorless, combination contraceptive vaginal ring containing two active components, a progestin, etonogestrel (13-ethyl-17-hydroxy-11-methylene-18,19-dinor-17 α -pregn-4-en-20-yn-3-one) and an estrogen, ethinyl estradiol (19-nor-17 α -pregna-1,3,5 (10)-trien-20-yne-3, 17-diol). When placed in the vagina, each ring releases on average 0.120 mg/day of etonogestrel and 0.015 mg/day of ethinyl estradiol over a three-week period of use. Nuva Ring ® is made of ethylene vinylacetate copolymers (28% and 9% vinylacetate) and magnesium stearate and contains 11.7 mg etonogestrel and 2.7 mg ethinyl estradiol. Nuva Ring ® is latex-free. Nuva Ring ® has an outer diameter of 54 mm and a cross-sectional diameter of 4 mm. The molecular weights for etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol are 324.46 and 296.40, respectively. The structural formulas are as follows: CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYCombination hormonal contraceptives act by suppression of gonadotropins. Although the primary effect of this action is inhibition of ovulation, other alterations include changes in the cervical mucus (which increase the difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus) and the endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation). Receptor binding studies, as well as studies in animals, have shown that etonogestrel, the biologically active metabolite of desogestrel, combines high progestational activity with low intrinsic androgenicity."
"docid": "D1046537#0",
"title": "https://www.rxlist.com/mimvey-drug.htm\nMimvey",
"text": "Drug Description Take the Menopause Quiz Menopause and Perimenopause Slideshow Osteoporosis Slideshow Pictures Find Lowest Prices on Mimvey (estradiol and norethindrone acetate) Tablets WARNINGCARDIOVASCULAR AND OTHER RISKSEstrogens with or without progestins should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia. ( See Clinical Studies and WARNINGS, Cardiovascular Disorders and Dementia . ) The estrogen plus progestin sub-study of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) reported increased risks of myocardial infarction, stroke, invasive breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep vein thrombosis in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5.6 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens (CE 0.625 mg) combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA 2.5 mg) per day, relative to placebo. ( See Clinical Studies and WARNINGS, Cardiovascular Disorders and Malignant Neoplasms, Breast Cancer . ) The estrogen-alone sub-study of the WHI reported increased risks of stroke and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 6.8 years and 7.1 years, respectively, of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens (CE 0.625 mg) per day, relative to placebo. ( See Clinical Studies and WARNINGS, Cardiovascular Disorders . ) The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), a sub-study of the WHI study, reported increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with CE 0.625 mg combined with MPA 2.5 mg and during 5.2 years of treatment with CE 0.625 mg alone, relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women. ( See Clinical Studies , WARNINGS, Dementia and PRECAUTIONS, Geriatric use . ) Other doses of oral conjugated estrogens with medroxyprogesterone acetate, and other combinations and dosage forms of estrogens and progestins were not studied in the WHI clinical trials and, in the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar."
"docid": "D343956#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/what-is-trivora-28-allergy\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: What Is Trivora 28 Allergy",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Is Trivora 28 Allergy Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. Ahmad M Hadied2 doctors agreed:1 Trivora 28 (ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone) pain and headaches, should I stop taking them? I think so: Since it cause those problem there increase risk of the nervous system. ... Read more Dr. John Chiu2,638 doctors shared insights Allergies (Definition)Allergies occur when your immune system is triggered by envirionmental factors it should ignore--for example, pollen in the air, or dander on a cat or dog--and creates cells to fight against them. An allergic reaction typically causes itching, congestion, or drainage, and ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Gregory Hines3 doctors agreed:2 On trivora 28 (ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone) for a month and some days forgot = unprotected sex.? Yes: Oral contraceptives only work if you take them. You need to take them at about the same time every day (morning or evening) so that they trick your brain into thinking you already are pregnant, and do not ovulate. If you miss a pill, take it as soon as you realize, but if you miss more than two ... Read more Dr. Pamela Pappas6 doctors agreed:3 Will GNC womens ultra nutrition active multivitamin interfere with my bc trivora 28 (ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone)? Multivitamins: I couldn't find exactly what you've written in gnc's products, to check on ingredients. The closest thing I saw was: GNC women's ultra mega® active. This one contains a few herbs (panax ginseng, gingko, green tea, etc) in addition to the vitamins, but nothing that should conflict with your ... Read more Dr. Ladynez Espinal2 doctors agreed:4 I have been on trivora 28 (ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone) for exactly two weeks, when is it safe to have sex?"
"docid": "D3471629#0",
"title": "http://www.glowm.com/section_view/heading/Production,%20Clearance,%20and%20Measurement%20of%20Steroid%20Hormones/item/277\nProduction, Clearance, and Measurement of Steroid Hormones",
"text": "Production, Clearance, and Measurement of Steroid Hormones Frank Z. Stanczyk, Ph DProfessor of Research, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Preventive Medicine, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USAINTRODUCTIONBASIC STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF STEROIDSFORMATION OF STEROID HORMONESSTEROID HORMONE BIOSYNTHESIS IN THE OVARIES AND TESTESSTEROID HORMONE BIOSYNTHESIS IN THE ADRENALSSTEROID HORMONE BIOSYNTHESIS IN THE PLACENTAFORMATION OF STEROID HORMONES IN PERIPHERAL TISSUESTRANSPORT OF STEROID HORMONESMETABOLISM OF STEROID HORMONESDYNAMICS OF STEROID HORMONE PRODUCTION AND CLEARANCECALCULATION OF PRODUCTION AND METABOLIC CLEARANCE RATESCALCULATION OF INTERCONVERSION OF CIRCULATING STEROIDSVARIABILITY IN STEROID HORMONE PRODUCTION AND CLEARANCEPRODUCTION AND CLEARANCE OF ANDROGENSPRODUCTION AND CLEARANCE OF ESTROGENSMEASUREMENT OF STEROID HORMONESREFERENCESINTRODUCTIONFrom the chemical standpoint, hormones can generally be divided into three types: proteins (e.g., FSH and LH), peptides (e.g., Gn RH and ACTH), and steroids (e.g., progesterone and estradiol). The basic units of proteins and peptides are amino acids, whereas steroids contain the gonane structure. Proteins are relatively large molecules and are water soluble, whereas steroids are small molecules and are generally soluble in organic solvents. Peptides are somewhere in between these two classes of hormones with respect to molecular weight and solubility. BASIC STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF STEROIDSThe basic structure of steroids, gonane (cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene), has 17 carbons which are arranged as three six-member carbon rings to which a five-member carbon ring is attached (Fig. 1). Each carbon has one or two hydrogens attached. The gonane structure can be represented without showing the carbons and hydrogens, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Chemical structure of gonane, the basic steroid nucleus."
"docid": "D1057383#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/alora-drug.htm\nAlora",
"text": "Drug Description Find Lowest Prices on Alora ® ( estradiol) Transdermal System, USP Continuous Delivery for Twice Weekly Dosing WARNINGESTROGENS INCREASE THE RISK OF ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. Close clinical surveillance of all women taking estrogens is important. Adequate diagnostic measures, including endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in all cases of undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding. There is currently no evidence that the use of “natural” estrogens results in a different endometrial risk profile than synthetic estrogens of equivalent estrogen dose [see WARNINGS, Malignant Neoplasms, Endometrial cancer ]. Cardiovascular And Other Risks Estrogens with and without progestins should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia [see WARNINGS, Cardiovascular Disorders and Dementia ]. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study reported increased risks of myocardial infarction, stroke, invasive breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep vein thrombosis in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens (CE 0.625 mg) combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA 2.5 mg) relative to placebo [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY and Clinical Studies and WARNINGS, Cardiovascular Disorders and Malignant Neoplasms, Breast cancer ]. The Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), a substudy of WHI, reported increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY and Clinical Studies and WARNINGS, Dementia and PRECAUTIONS, Geriatric Use]. Other doses of oral conjugated estrogens with medroxyprogesterone acetate, and other combinations and dosage forms of estrogens and progestins were not studied in the WHI clinical trials and, in the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar. Because of these risks, estrogens with or without progestins should be prescribed at the lowest effective doses and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman. DESCRIPTIONAlora (Estradiol Transdermal System, USP) is designed to deliver estradiol continuously and consistently over a 3 or 4-day interval upon application to intact skin."
"docid": "D3193145#0",
"title": "https://contraceptives.wordpress.com/2008/07/11/low-dose-birth-control-pills/\nLow Dose Birth Control Pills",
"text": "\"Low Dose Birth Control Pills July 11, 2008Here are the basics about Low Dose Birth Control Pills -the brands, the ingredients and the benefits. Reducing the side effects of birth control pills (cheers in the gallery!) led to the reduction of the amount of synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestin, that they contained and to the development of the ‘new generation’, low dose birth control pills. “ Low dose’ won’t have much meaning for you if you don’t know what this term refers to so the basic information below may help. So How Low can I go with the dose of hormone ingredients and still be effective at preventing pregnancy? Good question, as not all birth control pills contain exactly the same amount of estrogen and progestin. I thought a useful reference for you would be a list of low dose and ultra low dose pills so that you can at least discuss the pros and cons with your doctor and see if you are a good candidate to move from say, a low dose 0.035mg estrogen pill down to an ultra low dose 0.020mg estrogen pill. You may find you experience fewer or reduced side effects. Generic brands in low dose birth control pills are also available. Birth control pills with the very lowest amount of estrogen, that is 0.02mg of estrogen (usually ethinyl estradiol) are classed as ‘ultra low dose’ contraceptive pills."
"docid": "D3270878#0",
"title": "https://blog.letsgetchecked.com/blog/4018/\nFollicle Stimulating Hormone, What It Means For Your Fertility",
"text": "Follicle Stimulating Hormone, What It Means For Your Fertility March 23, 2016Posted in: General FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) stimulates the growth of the egg-bearing follicles in your ovaries. FSH levels vary during the menstrual cycle and are best measured at its peak or baseline (basal) level. What is Follicle Stimulating Hormone? FSH is an acronym which stands for Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Hormones are chemicals in your body that are made in one place and are used in another. As the name suggests, FSH is responsible for stimulating the growth of the egg-bearing follicles in your ovaries. It is one of the two gonadotropins (so called because it stimulates the gonads), the other being its partner, LH, which stands for luteinising hormone. LH and FSH are secreted by the pituitary gland, a small pea-shaped gland below the base of your brain. FSH levels vary during the menstrual cycle and will peak prior to ovulation. This is why the level of FSH in your blood is best measured on Day 3 , and this is called the baseline ( basal) level."
"docid": "D1046538#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/mimvey.html\nMimvey",
"text": "\"Mimvey Generic Name: estradiol and norethindrone acetate Dosage Form: tablet, film coated Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons On This Page Boxed Warning Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology Clinical Studies References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information On This Page Boxed Warning Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology Clinical Studies References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information WARNING: CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS, BREAST CANCER, ENDOMETRIAL CANCER AND PROBABLE DEMENTIAEstrogen Plus Progestin Therapy Cardiovascular Disorders and Probable Dementia Estrogen plus progestin therapy should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1, 5.3 ), and Clinical Studies ( 14.5, 14.6 )]. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) estrogen plus progestin substudy reported increased risks of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), stroke and myocardial infarction (MI) in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5.6 years of treatment with daily oral conjugated estrogen (CE) [0.625 mg] combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) [2.5 mg], relative to placebo [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 ), and Clinical Studies ( 14.5 )]. The WHI Memory Study (WHIMS) estrogen plus progestin ancillary study of the WHI reported an increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with daily CE (0.625 mg) combined with MPA (2.5 mg), relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.3 ), Use in Specific Populations ( 8.5 ), and Clinical Studies ( 14.6 )]. Breast Cancer The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy also demonstrated an increased risk of invasive breast cancer [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 ), and Clinical Studies ( 14.5 )]. In the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar for other doses of CE and MPA and other combinations and dosage forms of estrogens and progestins. Estrogens with or without progestins should be prescribed at the lowest effective doses and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman. Estrogen-Alone Therapy Endometrial Cancer There is an increased risk of endometrial cancer in a woman with a uterus who uses unopposed estrogens. Adding a progestin to estrogen therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which may be a precursor to endometrial cancer. Adequate diagnostic measures, including directed or random endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in postmenopausal women with undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal genital bleeding [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )]."
"docid": "D1127430#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/delestrogen-drug/medication-guide.htm\nDelestrogen",
"text": "\"Drug Description Take the Menopause Quiz Menopause and Perimenopause Slideshow Osteoporosis Slideshow Pictures Find Lowest Prices on DELESTROGEN® (estradiol valerate) Injection, USPESTROGENS INCREASE THE RISK OF ENDOMETRIAL CANCERClose clinical surveillance of all women taking estrogens is important. Adequate diagnostic measures, including endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in all cases of undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding. There is no evidence that the use of \"\"natural\"\" estrogens results in a different endometrial risk profile than synthetic estrogens at equivalent estrogen doses. ( See WARNINGS, Malignant neoplasms, Endometrial cancer. ) CARDIOVASCULAR AND OTHER RISKSEstrogens and progestins should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. ( See WARNINGS, Cardiovascular disorders. ) The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study reported increased risks of myocardial infarction, stroke, invasive breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep vein thrombosis in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens (CE 0.625 mg) combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA 2.5 mg) relative to placebo. ( See CLININAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Studies.) The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), a substudy of WHI, reported increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women or to women taking estrogen alone therapy. ("
"docid": "D3128195#0",
"title": "http://www.drmalpani.com/knowledge-center/articles/what-is-fsh/\nWhat is FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone)",
"text": "\"Print Email FSH is an acronym which stands for Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Hormones act as messengers - they are chemicals in your body that are made in one place and are used in another. About FSHAs the name suggests, FSH is responsible for stimulating the growth of the egg-bearing follicles in your ovaries It is one of the two gonadotropins (so called because it stimulates the gonads), the other being its partner, LH, which stands for luteinising hormone LH and FSH are secreted by the pituitary gland, a small pea-shaped gland below the base of your brain FSH levels vary during the menstrual cycle and will peak prior to ovulation This is why the level of FSH in your blood is best measured on Day 3 , and this is called the baseline (basal) level FSH blood tests are generally performed on the second or third day of your menstrual cycle, when they provide the most accurate predictions of ovarian reserve The FSH is often measured along with the LH level; and estradiol . Ovarian Reserve and Follicle Stimulating Hormone Your ovarian reserve refers to the number of eggs that you have available for fertilization A high ovarian reserve usually indicates a good number of viable eggs present in your ovaries A low ovarian reserve may indicate that you have fewer available eggs In order to test ovarian reserve, we measure your FSH level , which correlates inversely with the number of eggs that you have \"\"on reserve\"\" in your ovaries - your ovarian reserve. Women with a poor ovarian reserve are said to have reached their oopause. Read more- High FSH Levels , oopause and poor ovarian reserve When More is Not Always Better Women with poor ovarian reserve will have high FSH levels. Some women find it difficult to understand why FSH levels are high in women with poor quality eggs. Intuitively, more is better, so higher levels should mean better eggs, shouldn't it ? As one patient asked me, \"\" If FSH stands for Follicle Stimulating Hormone, and I have high levels of FSH, then doesn't that mean that I have the ability to stimulate lots of follicles ? A high FSH should mean that I should have lots of eggs ! \"\""
"docid": "D3401312#0",
"title": "https://www.healthtap.com/topics/hormonal-imbalance-after-stopping-birth-control\nTop 30 Doctor insights on: Can Taking Estrogen Pills And Birth Control Cause Any Health Problems",
"text": "\"Top 30 Doctor insights on: Can Taking Estrogen Pills And Birth Control Cause Any Health Problems Share Follow @Health Tap </> Embed Dr. William Banks Hinshaw2 doctors agreed:1 Can taking estrogen pills and birth control cause any health problems? Yes: Yes, definitely. However, the side effects are relatively uncommon and the benefits can be very great. The greatest risk of the pill is deep vein clots which can be very serious. The prevention of pregnancy (which itself has many risks) can be considered to balance this risk, and the pill also has ... Read more Dr. Jeff Livingston2,399 Doctors shared insights Contraception (Definition)Contraceptiion is a means of preventing conception (or fertilization). There are hormonal and non hormonal methods of preventing sperm and egg from meeting. Talk to your doctor or clinic about what options are best for you. There are short acting methods (condoms, pills, patch, ring) and long ... Read more Board Certified,Get help from a real doctor now Continue Dr. Steven Weissberg1 doctor agreed:2 When would someone choose a high-estrogen birth control pill from a women's health clinic? Maybe: You can request it if they have choices, but most health clinics are limited in their choices. ... Read more Dr. Janice Alexander3 Does the estrogen in birth control pills cause weight gain?"
"docid": "D767379#0",
"title": "http://www.rxlist.com/nuvaring-drug/medication-guide.htm\nNuvaRing",
"text": "Drug Description Find Lowest Prices on Nuva Ring® (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol) Vaginal Ring WARNINGCIGARETTE SMOKING AND SERIOUS CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTSCigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular events from combinationhormonal contraceptive (CHC) use. This risk increases with age, particularly in women over 35 years of age, and with the number of cigarettes smoked. For this reason, CHCs, including Nuva Ring, should not be used by women who are over 35 years of age and smoke. [ See CONTRAINDICATIONS]DESCRIPTIONNuva Ring (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring) is a non-biodegradable, flexible, transparent, colorless to almost colorless, combination contraceptive vaginal ring containing two active components, a progestin, etonogestrel (13-ethyl-17-hydroxy-11-methylene-18,19-dinor-17α-pregn-4-en-20-yn-3-one) and an estrogen, ethinyl estradiol (19-nor-17α-pregna-1,3,5 (10)-trien-20-yne-3,17-diol). When placed in the vagina, each ring releases on average 0.120 mg/day of etonogestrel and 0.015 mg/day of ethinyl estradiol over a three-week period of use. Nuva Ring is made of ethylene vinylacetate copolymers (28% and 9% vinylacetate) and magnesium stearate and contains 11.7 mg etonogestrel and 2.7 mg ethinyl estradiol. Nuva Ring is not made with natural rubber latex. Nuva Ring has an outer diameter of 54 mm and a cross-sectional diameter of 4 mm. The molecular weights for etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol are 324.46 and 296.40, respectively. The structural formulas are as follows: For Consumers What are the possible side effects of this medication (Nuva Ring)?"
"docid": "D1167573#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/viorele.html\nViorele",
"text": "\"Viorele Generic Name: desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol and ethinyl estradiol Dosage Form: tablets Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Drug Interactions Patient Counseling Information Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling References On This Page Description Clinical Pharmacology Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Drug Interactions Patient Counseling Information Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling References Rx only Patients should be counseled that this product does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. Viorele Description Viorele (desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol tablets USP and ethinyl estradiol tablets USP) provides an oral contraceptive regimen of 21 white, round tablets each containing 0.15 mg desogestrel (13-ethyl-11- methylene-18,19-dinor-17 alpha-pregn- 4-en- 20-yn-17-ol), 0.02 mg ethinyl estradiol USP (19-nor-17 alpha-pregna-1,3,5 (10)-trien-20-yne-3,17-diol), and inactive ingredients which include vitamin E, potato starch, povidone, isopropyl alcohol, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, lactose, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogol, talc, followed by 2 inert green, round tablets with the following inactive ingredients: lactose, starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogol, talc, iron oxide yellow, FD&C blue No. 2 indigo carmine aluminum lake. Viorele also contains 5 yellow, round tablets containing 0.01 mg ethinyl estradiol USP (19-nor-17 alpha-pregna-1,3,5 (10)-trien-20-yne-3, 17-diol) and inactive ingredients which include vitamin E, lactose, potato starch, povidone, isopropyl alcohol, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogol, talc, iron oxide yellow. The molecular weights for desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol USP are 310.48 and 296.40 respectively. The structural formulas are as follows: Slideshow Emergency Contraception Laid Bare - The 10 Biggest Myths Revealed Viorele - Clinical Pharmacology Combination oral contraceptives act by suppression of gonadotropins. Although the primary mechanism of this action is inhibition of ovulation, other alterations include changes in the cervical mucus (which increase the difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus) and the endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation). Receptor binding studies, as well as studies in animals, have shown that etonogestrel, the biologically active metabolite of desogestrel, combines high progestational activity with minimal intrinsic androgenicity (91, 92). The relevance of this latter finding in humans is unknown. Pharmacokinetics Absorption Desogestrel is rapidly and almost completely absorbed and converted into etonogestrel, its biologically active metabolite."
"docid": "D735422#0",
"title": "https://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/pill.htm\nPILL",
"text": "\"Audio English.org » Dictionary » P » Pigtail ... Pilose PILLPronunciation (US): Dictionary entry overview: What does pill mean?• PILL (noun) The noun PILL has 5 senses:1. something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size 2. a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet 3. a unpleasant or tiresome person 4. something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured 5. a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception Familiarity information: PILL used as a noun is common. Dictionary entry details• PILL (noun)Sense 1 pill [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects Hypernyms (\"\"pill\"\" is a kind of...):thing (an artifact)Sense 2 pill [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects Synonyms:lozenge; pill; tablet; tab Hypernyms (\"\"pill\"\" is a kind of...):dose (a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"pill\"\"):bolus (a large pill; used especially in veterinary medicine)capsule (a pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine inside)dragee (pill that is a sugar-coated medicated candy)sleeping capsule; sleeping draught; sleeping pill; sleeping tablet (a soporific drug in the form of a pill (or tablet or capsule))vitamin pill (a pill containing one or more vitamins; taken as a dietary supplement)Sense 3 pill [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A unpleasant or tiresome person Classified under: Nouns denoting people Hypernyms (\"\"pill\"\" is a kind of...):disagreeable person; unpleasant person (a person who is not pleasant or agreeable)Sense 4 pill [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: Something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents Context example:his competitor's success was a bitter pill to take Hypernyms (\"\"pill\"\" is a kind of...):burden; encumbrance; incumbrance; load; onus (an onerous or difficult concern)Sense 5 pill [BACK TO TOP]Meaning: A contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects Synonyms:oral contraceptive pill; oral contraceptive; contraceptive pill; birth control pill; anovulatory drug; anovulant; pill Hypernyms (\"\"pill\"\" is a kind of...):birth control device; contraceptive; contraceptive device; preventative; preventive; prophylactic device (an agent or device intended to prevent conception)Meronyms (substance of \"\"pill\"\"): Lipo-Lutin; progesterone (a steroid hormone (trade name Lipo-Lutin) produced in the ovary; prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy)Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of \"\"pill\"\"): Norlestrin (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norethindrone)Nor-Q-D (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing norethindrone)Ovocon (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norethindrone)Ovral (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norgestrel)Ovrette (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing norgestrel)Norinyl (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing norethindrone and mestranol)Modicon (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norethindrone)Micronor (trade name for and oral contraceptive containing the progestin compound norethindrone)Lo/Ovral (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norgestrel)Loestrin (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing estradiol and norethindrone)Enovid (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing mestranol and norethynodrel)Demulen (trade name for an oral contraceptive)Ovulen (trade name for an oral contraceptive containing mestranol and a progestin compound)Learn English with... Proverbs of the week\"\"Every day is a new beginning.\"\" ( English proverb) \"\"If you put an egg, you get a chicken.\"\" ( Albanian proverb) \"\"Nice guys finish last.\"\" ( American proverb) \"\"Hasty speed is rarely good\"\" (Dutch proverb)PILL: related words searches» sleeping draught: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » Meaning of load » birth control device: pronunciation in phonetic transcription » Nor-Q-D meaning » Ovocon definition Related FAQs:» PILLPILGRIM FATHERPILGRIM'S JOURNEYPILGRIM'S PROGRESSPILGRIMAGEPILINGPILLPILL BOTTLEPILL BUGPILL HEADPILL PUSHEREnglish learning courses About Practical English About Telephone English About Accounting English Learn English Free English Language Dictionary British and American English pronunciation Other popular searches:» what does rondo mean » timeliness » mojo definition » hiba arborvitae » what does pivot mean Page delivered in 0.1551 seconds \""
"docid": "D2501157#0",
"title": "http://www.womenlivingnaturally.com/articlepage.php?id=177\nBioidentical hormones vs synthetic",
"text": "\"Educational Resources: Return to Educational Resources Bioidentical hormones vs synthetic According to Census data from 2000, there are about 37.5 million women reaching or currently at menopause (ages 40 to 59). For many consumers, \"\"natural\"\" implies \"\"safer\"\". That perception explains the demand for natural products. Often however, the manufacturing of natural products are not well-regulated and the significance of the word \"\"natural\"\" has different meanings for consumers and manufacturers. Natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT) is a misnomer. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BNRT) is the proper term. This article will explain the important differences and why you should use Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Bioidentical hormones have the exact molecular structure as those made in the human body. In other words, the two are indistinguishable from each other. Bioidentical hormones produce the same physiologic responses as those of endogenous (bodies natural hormones) hormones."
"docid": "D724891#0",
"title": "http://womenshealthandfertility.blogspot.com/2012/07/step-by-step-guide-to-ivf-process-step_15.html\nWomen's Health and Fertility",
"text": "\"A Step By Step Guide To The IVF Process: Step Two -- Follicle Growth And Egg Maturation Dear Readers: This is the third part in the series I have begun to help answer what In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is and how it works with my world-wide Blog audience. What you read here is what I also provide my patients with on a daily basis. I plan on going into some detail but in a way that is understandable to the normal (lay) audience, and not the medical or scientific one. I also hope that this will not only clarify what you will go through, but explain why things are done a certain way and what the goals of each step are. I also want to convey that IVF is actually a replacement for some of the “natural” steps required to get pregnant and not some miraculous high tech fertility treatment that gets patients pregnant artificially, as many think it is. It is somewhat of a miracle that we can do as much as we can, but there are still lots of things/steps that we cannot do or influence. I hope this discussion will benefit you. This series will be posted over the next few weeks in installments. STEP TWO: FOLLICLE GROWTH AND EGG MATURATION Under the influence of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), dormant follicles within the ovary start to grow. Measurement of the dormant follicle number is called the “antral follicle count (AFC)” and also measured by the “Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)”."
"docid": "D3292623#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/loryna.html\nLoryna",
"text": "\"Loryna Generic Name: drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol Dosage Form: tablets Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & APricing & Coupons On This Page Boxed Warning Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology Clinical Studies References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information On This Page Boxed Warning Indications and Usage Dosage and Administration Dosage Forms and Strengths Contraindications Warnings and Precautions Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Use In Specific Populations Overdosage Description Clinical Pharmacology Nonclinical Toxicology Clinical Studies References How Supplied/Storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information WARNING: CIGARETTE SMOKING AND SERIOUS CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTSCigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular events from combination oral contraceptives (COC) use. This risk increases with age, particularly in women over 35 years of age, and with the number of cigarettes smoked. For this reason, COCs should not be used by women who are over 35 years of age and smoke. [ See CONTRADICTIONS ( 4 )]Indications and Usage for Loryna Oral Contraceptive Loryna TM (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets) are indicated for use by women to prevent pregnancy. Acne Loryna TM tablets are indicated for the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris in women at least 14 years of age, who have no known contraindications to oral contraceptive therapy and have achieved menarche. Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets should be used for the treatment of acne only if the patient desires an oral contraceptive for birth control. Slideshow Acne Advice: Skin Care Solutions For Both Teens and Adults Alike Loryna Dosage and Administration How to Take Loryna TM (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets)Take one tablet by mouth at the same time every day. The failure rate may increase when pills are missed or taken incorrectly. To achieve maximum contraceptive effectiveness, drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets must be taken exactly as directed, in the order directed on the blister pack. Single missed pills should be taken as soon as remembered."
"docid": "D617205#0",
"title": "http://healthquestions.medhelp.org/is-climara-bioidentical\nIs climara bioidentical",
"text": "\"Is climara bioidentical Common Questions and Answers about Is climara bioidenticalactivella These are regular pharmacy prescriptions and they contain only estradiol which is a bioidentical hormone. Remember, bioidentical only means the chemical formula of the hormone is identical to ones women normally make. They are not necessarily from a natural source. If your uterus was removed, you will not need progesterone. If your uterus is still in place, you will need progesterone. The prescription Prometrium is a bioidentical hormone most doctors will prescribe. Read More The Climara patch is a Bioidentical product. What you are missing (in my opinion) is Bioidentical Progesterone. It made all the difference when I added that to the Vivelle Patch and the Testosterone cream I was already using. The Vivelle is also a bio and it is estrogen synthesized from yams whereas the Cliamara patch contains estrogen synthesized from soy."
"docid": "D1288074#0",
"title": "https://www.drugs.com/pro/estradiol-valerate-injection.html\nEstradiol Valerate Injection",
"text": "\"Estradiol Valerate Injection Dosage Form: injection, solution Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Interactions More Pregnancy Warnings Breastfeeding Warnings User Reviews Drug Images Support Group Q & ACompare Alternatives Pricing & Coupons On This Page Boxed Warning Description Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Studies Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling On This Page Boxed Warning Description Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Studies Indications and Usage Contraindications Warnings Precautions Patient Counseling Information Adverse Reactions Overdosage Dosage and Administration How Supplied/Storage and Handling ESTROGENS INCREASE THE RISK OF ENDOMETRIAL CANCERClose clinical surveillance of all women taking estrogens is important. Adequate diagnostic measures, including endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in all cases of undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding. There is no evidence that the use of \"\"natural\"\" estrogens results in a different endometrial risk profile than synthetic estrogens at equivalent estrogen doses. ( See WARNINGS, Malignant neoplasms, Endometrial cancer. ) CARDIOVASCULAR AND OTHER RISKSEstrogens and progestins should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. ( See WARNINGS, Cardiovascular disorder s . ) The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study reported increased risks of myocardial infarction, stroke, invasive breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep vein thrombosis in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens (CE 0.625 mg) combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA 2.5 mg) relative to placebo. ( See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Studies. ) The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), a substudy of WHI, reported increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with oral conjugated estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women or to women taking estrogen alone therapy. ("
] |
637089 | what does estragon mean | [
"docid": "D847556#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estragon\nEstragon",
"text": "\"For the perennial herb, see Tarragon. Estragon (affectionately Gogo; he tells Pozzo his name is Adam) is one of the two main characters from Samuel Beckett 's Waiting for Godot. His name is the French word for tarragon. Contents [ hide ]1 Personality1.1 The impulsive misanthrope1.2 The poet2 Appearance2.1 Relatives3 See also4 External links Personality [ edit]The impulsive misanthrope [ edit]Estragon represents the impulsive, simplistic side of the two main characters, much in contrast to his companion Vladimir 's careful intellectualism and verbosity. He cares little for appearances, and is mostly concerned with eating and sleeping (much to Vladimir's chagrin). Due to his pessimistic outlook on life, he has abandoned all hope of any alleviation from their suffering, and regards \"\"Godot\"\" suspiciously. This is perhaps because Estragon has far more to worry about. Of the two, Estragon suffers the most physically. He is kicked by Lucky, takes numerous pratfalls, and is beaten by a gang of thugs every night. He also has great difficulty with his boots."
] | [
"docid": "D2633428#0",
"title": "http://newscancook.com/recipes-by-chef/spring-chicken-cooked-in-milk\n.",
"text": "\"Pingbull Prod Sites> New Scandinavian Cooking> Recipes by chef> Andreas Viestad> Spring chicken cooked in milk Spring chicken cooked in milk ( 30 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)By Andreas Viestad Share Spring chickens are very flavorful, and milk brings out the mild and sweet flavors in the chicken meat. The meat also becomes very juicy when cooked in milk. Serves 4PREPARATION:1Bind the fresh herbs into a bouquet. Place the chickens in a pot, and add the milk. Add the dried spices, the bouquet of fresh herbs and salt and pepper. Warm up the milk and the chicken, but make sure the milk does not burn. The milk should have a temperature of around 190 Fahrenheit (90 Celsius). Let the chicken simmer for 15 minutes, or until it has a core temperature of around 120 Fahrenheit (50 Celsius).2Preheat the oven to 460 Fahrenheit (230 Celsius).3Remove the chicken from the milk with a peg when the chicken has a core temperature of around 120 Fahrenheit (50 Celsius). Stuff the bouquet of herbs into the chicken, and tie the legs together. Glaze the chicken with melted butter, and bake on an oven rack in the middle of the oven for around 15 minutes."
"docid": "D8261#0",
"title": "https://literarydevices.net/punctuation/\nPunctuation",
"text": "Punctuation Definition of Punctuation Punctuation is a set of marks that regulates and clarifies the meanings of different texts. The term “punctuation” has originated from the Medieval Latin word “ pūnctuātiōn ,” which means markings or signs. The purpose of punctuation is to clarify the meanings of texts by linking or separating words, phrases, or clauses. For example, in the sentence “Yesterday, rain-fog; today, frost-mist. But how fascinating each” ( At the Turn of the Year, by Fiona Macleod), hyphens are used to separate the compound words, while commas are used to separate the phrases. Types of Punctuation There are fifteen basic punctuation marks in English grammar. These include the period, comma, exclamation point, question mark, colon, semicolon, bullet point, dash, hyphen, parenthesis, bracket, brace, ellipsis, quotation mark, and apostrophe. The following are a few examples of these marks being used in a sentence. Brackets and Ellipses“Mr. Bumble said ‘a ass’ not ‘an ass’ in Oliver Twist. … ["
"docid": "D467302#0",
"title": "http://www.xmms.org/qna/What_does_cn_mean_on_the_inside_of_a_ring-qna747822.html\n.",
"text": "\"Suggested Solutions (9) What's this? Anonymous\"\"A51 with the diamond stamped on the inside of the ring....\"\"0 0 All I found out so far is this. The 14KP means 14K is the Gold and the P means PLUMB for PURE GOLD - Then I also found out the 26 means 5 Grams of Gold But nothing about the A51 with the Diamond stamped on the inside of the ring.source: What does 14k mean on the inside of my ring? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Someone said: Plated Was this comment helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Diamond ring stamped moi Cn stamped inside ring Moi stamped inside ringstulgakc Level 1 (Contributor)1 Answer\"\"Marking in the ring which says it is 9 ct gold or 37.5% gold....\"\"3 3 925 is usually a reference to % of gold which would be ( 925/1000) 92.5% or 22 ct which is in direct conflict with the 9ct. marking in the ring which says it is 9 ct gold or 37.5% gold.source: What does 9ct 925 mean inside a ring? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Someone said: 925 actually means a piece of jewelry is sterling silver. This startedin the 80`s."
"docid": "D847557#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waiting_for_Godot\nWaiting for Godot",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Waiting for Godot Waiting for Godot, staging by Otomar Krejca, Avignon Festival, 1978Written by Samuel Beckett Characters Vladimir Estragon Pozzo Lucky A Boy Mute Godot Date premiered 5 January 1953Place premiered Théâtre de Babylone, Paris Original language French Genre Tragicomedy (play)Waiting for Godot ( / ˈ ɡ ɒ d oʊ / GOD -oh [1]) is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters. [ 2]Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French play, En attendant Godot, and is subtitled (in English only) \"\"a tragicomedy in two acts\"\". [ 3] The original French text was composed between 9 October 1948 and 29 January 1949. [ 4] The premiere was on 5 January 1953 in the Théâtre de Babylone, Paris. The English language version was premiered in London in 1955. In a poll conducted by the British Royal National Theatre in 1990 it was voted the \"\"most significant English language play of the 20th century\"\". [ 5]Contents [ hide ]1 Plot1.1 Act I1.2 Act II2 Characters2.1 Vladimir and Estragon2.2 Pozzo and Lucky2.3 The Boy2.4 Godot3 Setting4 Interpretations4.1 Political4.1.1 Freudian4.1.2 Jungian4.2 Philosophical4.2.1 Existential4.2.2 Ethical4.3 Christian4.4 Autobiographical4.5 Sexual4.6 Beckett's objection to female actors5 Production history6 Related works7 Works inspired by Godot8 In popular culture9 See also10 Notes11 References12 External links Plot [ edit]Act I [ edit]The play opens on an outdoor scene of two bedraggled companions: the philosophical Vladimir and the weary Estragon who, at the moment, cannot remove his boots from his aching feet, finally muttering, \"\"Nothing to be done.\"\" Vladimir takes up the thought loftily, [nb 1] while Estragon vaguely recalls having been beaten the night before. Finally, his boots come off, while the pair ramble and bicker pointlessly. When Estragon suddenly decides to leave, Vladimir reminds him that they must stay and wait for an unspecified person called Godot—a segment of dialogue that repeats often."
"docid": "D2981257#0",
"title": "http://www.wordfind.com/starts-with/e/\nWords that start with E",
"text": "A list of words that start with E (words with the prefix E). We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with e - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with E. In addition there is a list of Words that end with e, words that contain e. Search for words that start with a letter or word:8 Letter words that begin with E 7 Letter words that begin with E6 Letter words that begin with E 5 Letter words that begin with E4 Letter words that begin with E 3 Letter words that begin with E2 Letter words that begin with E8 Letter words that start with e Eagerest Eanlings Earaches Eardrops Eardrums Earflaps Earldoms Earliest Earlobes Earlocks Earlship Earmarks Earmuffs Earnests Earnings Earphone Earpiece Earplugs Earrings Earshots Earstone Earthier Earthily Earthing Earthman Earthmen Earthnut Earthpea Earthset Earwaxes Earworms Easement Easiness Easterly Eastings Eastward Eatables Eateries Ebonised Ebonises Ebonites Ebonized Ebonizes Ecaudate Ecbolics Ecclesia Ecdysial Ecdysone Ecdysons Ecesises Echelles Echelons Echidnae Echidnas Echinate Echinoid Echogram Echoisms Echoless Eclectic Eclipsed Eclipser Eclipses Eclipsis Ecliptic Eclogite Eclogues Eclosion Ecocidal Ecocides Ecofreak Ecologic Econobox Economic Ecotages Ecotonal Ecotones Ecotours Ecotypes Ecotypic Ecraseur Ecstatic Ectoderm Ectomere Ectopias Ectosarc Ectozoan Ectozoon Ecumenic Edacious Edentate Edgeless Edgeways Edgewise Edginess Edifices Edifiers Edifying Editable Editions Editress Educable Educated Educates Educator Educible Eduction Eductive Eductors Eelgrass Eelpouts Eelworms Eeriness Effacers Effacing Effected Effecter Effector Effendis Efferent Effetely Efficacy Effigial Effigies Effluent Effluvia Effluxes Effulged Effulges Effusing Effusion Effusive Eftsoons Egalites Egesting Egestion Egestive Eggfruit Eggheads Eggplant Eggshell Eglatere Eglomise Egoistic Egomania Egotisms Egotists Egressed Egresses Egyptian Eidolons Eighteen Eighthly Eighties Eightvos Einkorns Einstein Eisweins Ejecting Ejection Ejective Ejectors Ekistics Ekpweles Ektexine Elaphine Elapsing Elastase Elastics Elastins Elatedly Elaterid Elaterin Elations Elatives Elbowing Eldritch Electees Electing Election Elective Electors Electret Electric Electron Electros Electrum Elegance Elegancy Elegiacs Elegised Elegises Elegists Elegized Elegizes Elements Elenchic Elenchus Elenctic Elephant Elevated Elevates Elevator Eleventh Elfishly Elflocks Elicited Elicitor Elidible Eligible Eligibly Elisions Elitisms Elitists Elkhound Ellipses Ellipsis Elliptic Eloigned Eloigner Eloiners Eloining Elongate Eloquent Elusions Elutions Eluviate Eluviums Elvishly Elytroid Elytrous Emaciate Emailing Emanated Emanates Emanator Embalmed Embalmer Embanked Embarked Embarred Embattle Embaying Embedded Embezzle Embitter Emblazed Emblazer Emblazes Emblazon Emblemed Embodied Embodier Embodies Embolden Embolies Embolism Emborder Embosked Embosoms Embossed Embosser Embosses Embowels Embowers Embowing Embraced Embracer Embraces Embroils Embrowns Embruing Embruted Embrutes Embryoid Embryons Emceeing Emdashes Emeerate Emendate Emenders Emending Emeralds Emergent Emerging Emeritae Emeritas Emeritus Emeroids Emersion Emetines Emigrant Emigrate Eminence Eminency Emirates Emissary Emission Emissive Emitters Emitting Emoticon Emotions Empalers Empaling Empanada Empanels Empathic Emperies Emperors Emphases Emphasis Emphatic Empirics Emplaced Emplaces Emplaned Emplanes Employed Employee Employer Employes Empoison Emporium Empowers Emprises Emprizes Emptiers Emptiest Emptings Emptying Empurple Empyemas Empyemic Empyreal Empyrean Emulated Emulates Emulator Emulsify Emulsion Emulsive Emulsoid Enablers Enabling Enacting Enactive Enactors Enactory Enameled Enameler Enamines Enamored Enamours Enations Encaenia Encaging Encamped Encashed Encashes Encasing Enceinte Enchains Enchants Enchased Enchaser Enchases Enchoric Encipher Encircle Enclasps Enclaved Enclaves Enclitic Enclosed Encloser Encloses Encoders Encoding Encomium Encoring Encroach Encrusts Encrypts Encumber Encyclic Encysted Endamage Endameba Endanger Endarchy Endashes Endbrain Endeared Endeavor Endemial Endemics Endemism Endermic Endexine Endgames Enditing Endleafs Endnotes Endocarp Endocast Endoderm Endogamy Endogens Endogeny Endopods Endorsed Endorsee Endorser Endorses Endorsor Endosarc Endosmos Endosome Endostea Endowers Endowing Endozoic Endpaper Endplate Endplays Endpoint Endurers Enduring Energids Energies Energise Energize Enervate Enfacing Enfeeble Enfeoffs Enfetter Enfevers Enfilade Enflamed Enflames Enfolded Enfolder Enforced Enforcer Enforces Enframed Enframes Engagers Engaging Engender Engilded Engineer Enginery Engining Enginous Engirded Engirdle Engorged Engorges Engrafts Engrails Engrains Engramme Engraved Engraver Engraves Engulfed Enhaloed Enhaloes Enhanced Enhancer Enhances Enigmata Enisling Enjambed Enjoined Enjoiner Enjoyers Enjoying Enkindle Enlacing Enlarged Enlarger Enlarges Enlisted Enlistee Enlister Enlivens Enmeshed Enmeshes Enmities Enneadic Enneagon Ennobled Ennobler Ennobles Enolases Enophile Enormity Enormous Enosises Enounced Enounces Enplaned Enplanes Enquired Enquires Enraging Enravish Enriched Enricher Enriches Enrobers Enrobing Enrolled Enrollee Enroller Enrooted Ensample Ensconce Enscroll Ensemble Enserfed Ensheath Enshrine Enshroud Ensiform Ensigncy Ensilage Ensiling Enskying Enslaved Enslaver Enslaves Ensnared Ensnarer Ensnares Ensnarls Ensorcel Ensouled Ensphere Ensurers Ensuring Enswathe Entailed Entailer Entameba Entangle Entasias Entastic Entellus Ententes Enterers Enterics Entering Enterons Enthalpy Enthetic Enthrall Enthrals Enthrone Enthused Enthuses Enticers Enticing Entirely Entirety Entities Entitled Entitles Entoderm Entoiled Entombed Entozoal Entozoan Entozoic Entozoon Entrails Entrains Entrance Entrants Entreats Entreaty Entrench Entrepot Entresol Entropic Entrusts Entryway Entwined Entwines Entwists Enureses Enuresis Enuretic Envelope Envelops Envenoms Enviable Enviably Environs Envisage Envision Enwheels Enwombed Enzootic Eobionts Eohippus Eolipile Eolithic Eolopile Epaulets Epazotes Epeeists Ependyma Epergnes Ephedras Ephedrin Ephemera Ephorate Epiblast Epibolic Epically Epicalyx Epicarps Epicedia Epicenes Epiclike Epicotyl Epicures Epicycle Epidemic Epiderms Epidotes Epidotic Epidural Epifauna Epifocal Epigenic Epigeous Epigones Epigonic Epigonus Epigrams Epigraph Epilated Epilates Epilator Epilepsy Epilogue Epimeres Epimeric Epimysia Epinasty Epiphany Epiphyte Episcias Episcope Episodes Episodic Episomal Episomes Epistasy Epistler Epistles Epistome Epistyle Epitaphs Epitases Epitasis Epitaxic Epithets Epitomes Epitomic Epitopes Epizoism Epizoite Epizooty Eponymic Epopoeia Epoxides Epoxying Epsilons Equaling Equalise Equality Equalize Equalled Equating Equation Equators Equinely Equinity Equipage Equipped Equipper Equiseta Equitant Equities Equivoke Eradiate Erasable Erasions Erasures Erecters Erectile Erecting Erection Erective Erectors Eremites Eremitic Eremurus Erepsins Erethism Erewhile Ergastic Ergative Ergotism Erigeron Eringoes Eristics Erlkings Erodable Erodible Erogenic Erosible Erosions Erotical Erotisms Erotized Erotizes Errantly Errantry Erratics Errhines Erringly Ersatzes Eructate Eructing Erumpent Erupting Eruption Eruptive Eryngoes Erythema Erythron Escalade Escalate Escallop Escalope Escalops Escapade Escapees Escapers Escaping Escapism Escapist Escargot Escarole Escarped Eschalot Escheats Eschewal Eschewed Eschewer Escolars Escorted Escoting Escrowed Escuages Esculent Eserines Esophagi Esoteric Espalier Espartos Especial Espiegle Espousal Espoused Espouser Espouses Espresso Esquired Esquires Essayers Essaying Essayist Essences Essonite Estancia Estating Esteemed Esterase Esterify Estheses Esthesia Esthesis Esthetes Esthetic Estimate Estivate Estopped Estoppel Estovers Estragon Estrange Estrayed Estreats Estriols Estrogen Estrones Estruses Esurient Etageres Etamines Etatisms Etcetera Etchants Etchings Eternals Eternise Eternity Eternize Etesians Ethanols Ethephon Ethereal Etherify Etherish Etherize Ethicals Ethician Ethicist Ethicize Ethinyls Ethmoids Ethnarch Ethnical Ethnonym Ethnoses Ethogram Ethology Ethoxies Ethoxyls Ethylate Ethylene Ethynyls Etiolate Etiology Etouffee Eucaines Eucalypt Eucharis Euchring Euclases Eucrites Eucritic Eudaemon Eudaimon Eudemons Eugenias Eugenics Eugenist Eugenols Euglenas Euglenid Eulachan Eulachon Eulogiae Eulogias Eulogies Eulogise Eulogist Eulogium Eulogize Euonymus Eupatrid Eupepsia Eupeptic Euphenic Euphonic Euphoria Euphoric Euphotic Euphrasy Euphroes Euphuism Euphuist Euploids Euploidy Eupnoeas Eupnoeic Eurokies Eurokous Europium Eurybath Eurythmy Eusocial Eustatic Eusteles Eutaxies Eutectic Eutrophy Euxenite Evacuant Evacuate Evacuees Evadable Evadible Evaluate Evanesce Evangels Evasions Evection Evenfall Evenings Evenness Evensong Eventful Eventide Eventual Evermore Eversion Everting Evertors Everyday Everyman Everymen Everyone Everyway Evictees Evicting Eviction Evictors Evidence Evildoer Evillest Evilness Evincing Evincive Evitable Evocable Evocator Evolutes Evolvers Evolving Evonymus Evulsing Evulsion Exabytes Exacters Exactest Exacting Exaction Exactors Exahertz Exalters Exalting Examined Examinee Examiner Examines Exampled Examples Exanthem Exaptive Exarchal Excavate Exceeded Exceeder Excelled Excepted Excerpts Excessed Excesses Exchange Exciding Excimers Exciples Excising Excision Excitant Exciters Exciting Excitons Excitors Exclaims Exclaves Excluded Excluder Excludes Excretal Excreted Excreter Excretes Excursus Excusers Excusing Execrate Executed Executer Executes Executor Exegeses Exegesis Exegetes Exegetic Exemplar Exemplum Exempted Exequial Exequies Exercise Exergual Exergues Exerting Exertion Exertive Exhalant Exhalent Exhaling Exhausts Exhedrae Exhibits Exhorted Exhorter Exhumers Exhuming Exigence Exigency Exigible Exiguity Exiguous Exilable Eximious Existent Existing Exitless Exocarps Exocrine Exoc"
"docid": "D2431780#0",
"title": "http://www.expats.cz/prague/article/czech-food-drink/shopping-vocab/\nGrocery Shopping Vocabulary",
"text": "Sign in Jobs Classifieds What's on News Chat Real Estate Directory Languages Relocation Education Advertise here Grocery Shopping Vocabulary17.07.2005 Food & Drink 0 Comments Expats APIWritten by Transitions.cz for the Ceska Sporitelna Handbook Here is a handy, printable sheet to help you with visiting the grocery store and deciphering the names of vital goods from English to Czech. Butter-Máslo Čerstvé máslo is fresh butter and the best choice when a recipe calls for pure butter. Stolní máslo is second quality butter. Tuk do těsta is a mixture of shortening and butter, best for making a pastry dough. Máslo s rostlinným tukem is a mixture of butter and vegetable shortening. Rostlinný tuk is a vegetable shortening (similar to Crisco) and sold in 220 gram blocks in the dairy case. 220 grams is approximately 1 cup. Margarine Hera or Perla are two brands of margarine sold in blocks, although there are various brands available suitable for baking. Rama and Flora are good basic brands of tub margarine. There are many on the market with various fat bases (vegetable, corn, et.)"
"docid": "D2356163#0",
"title": "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0167261/trivia\nTrivia",
"text": "\"Edit The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)Trivia Showing all 171 items Jump to: Cameo (3) | Director Trademark (1) | Spoilers (16)Andy Serkis was pitched the role of Gollum by his agent, who rang him up and asked him if he wanted to do three weeks' voice-over work in New Zealand. However, Peter Jackson was so blown away by Serkis' audition, that he decided to have him perform the movements for Gollum as well.279 of 279 found this interesting | Share this They couldn't recruit enough men in the six foot height area to play Uruk-hai, so men from five foot high were cast as well. They were affectionately nicknamed the Uruk-Low.370 of 371 found this interesting | Share this As the Orcs have black blood, it was only natural that the inside of their mouths should not be pink, but black as well. To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a liquorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes.279 of 280 found this interesting | Share this Andy Serkis drank bottles and bottles of \"\"Gollum juice\"\" (a mixture of honey, lemon, and ginger) to keep his throat lubricated for his intense vocal performance.319 of 321 found this interesting | Share this On the wall of Helm's Deep during the battle, a one-eyed warrior turns to the camera, revealing his scarred empty socket. The performer who played him showed up as an extra, wearing an eye patch. Director Peter Jackson politely asked to see what was under the patch, and then inquired if the gentleman would be interested in appearing in the film sans eye patch. The gentleman was reluctant at first, and quite self-conscious, but afterward, said the experience had made him more comfortable with his condition.488 of 493 found this interesting | Share this When Frodo ( Elijah Wood) and Sam ( Sean Astin) are in Osgiliath, Sam says, \"\"By rights, we shouldn't even be here.\"\" This was a nod to the deviation the screenplay had taken from the book's storyline. In the book, Sam and Frodo never passed through Osgiliath.294 of 296 found this interesting | Share this John Rhys-Davies also provided the voice for Treebeard. It wasn't achieved by electronic distortion, but by making the actor speak in his naturally booming voice at the lowest pitch possible, through a wooden megaphone.228 of 229 found this interesting | Share this Andy Serkis said he based Gollum's desperation and cravings on the withdrawals of heroin addicts.340 of 343 found this interesting | Share this When Grima Wormtongue sees Saruman's army of ten thousand, he is so shocked, that a tear falls from one of his eyes."
"docid": "D1603641#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Lahr\nBert Lahr",
"text": "\"Bert Lahr From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bert Lahr Bert Lahr, early in his career around 1936Born Irving Lahrheim August 13, 1895 New York City Died December 4, 1967 (aged 72) New York City Occupation Actor, comedian Years active 1925–1967Spouse (s) Mercedes Delpino ( m. 1929; div. 1939)Mildred Schroeder ( m. 1940)Children 3, including John Lahr and Jane Lahr Signature Bert Lahr (August 13, 1895 – December 4, 1967) was an American actor, particularly of stage and film, and comedian. Lahr is known for his role as the Cowardly Lion, as well as his counterpart Kansas farmworker Zeke, in The Wizard of Oz (1939). He was well known for his explosive humor, but also adapted well to dramatic roles and his work in burlesque, vaudeville, and on Broadway. Contents [ hide ]1 Early life2 Career2.1 Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz2.2 Waiting for Godot2.3 Television2.4 Other work3 Personal life4 Death5 Filmography6 Stage productions7 References8 External links Early life [ edit]Lahr was born as Irving Lahrheim, in New York City, the son of Augusta (1871-1932) and Jacob Lahrheim (1870-1947). [ 1] His parents were German Jewish immigrants. Lahr grew up in the Yorkville section of Manhattan. [ 2] Dropping out of school at 15 to join a juvenile vaudeville act, Lahr worked up to top billing on the Columbia Burlesque Circuit. In 1927 he debuted on Broadway in Delmar's Revels. He played to packed houses, performing classic routines such as \"\"The Song of the Woodman\"\" (which he reprised in the film Merry-Go-Round of 1938 )."
"docid": "D331704#0",
"title": "http://www.askmefast.com/What_does_br_stand_for_in_text_messaging-qna101901.html\n.",
"text": "\"Text Text Message Pictures Using Symbols Q What does br stand for in text messaging? What does it mean when people end emails with br Asked by: Nicky Ads by Google This site is best viewed while logged in. Continue with Google Continue with Facebook Sign Up with Email A Top Solutions The word BR in text messaging is short for BEST REGARDS, and is normally used to end a text conversation. Words like BR are part of text lin ... read more My guess is either k.as in okay, i.as in myself, k.for know; so put it together, and that`s \"\"okay, I know\"\" Or possibly \"\"kinky, i know\"\" or \"\" ... read more Ads by Google Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions Gil Level 1 (Contributor)4 Answers, 2 Friends, 3 Followers\"\"The word br in text messaging is short for best regards...\"\"15 0 The word BR in text messaging is short for BEST REGARDS, and is normally used to end a text conversation. Words like BR are part of text lingo and abbreviations. Oftentimes these lingos are used in chat sessions. /philip ice. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Symbol br on text messaging Byr text lingo Br text message short Suggested Solutions (10) What's this?cameronbynite Level 1 (Contributor)1 Answer2 6 My guess is either k.as in okay, i.as in myself, k.for know; so put it together, and that`s \"\"okay, I know\"\" Or possibly \"\"kinky, i know\"\" or \"\"kiss it okay\"\" Honestly, I really don`t know and I rarely abbreviate so it`s \"\"whatever kind i know\"\" ;-)source: What does kik stand for messaging? Was this answer helpful?"
"docid": "D847560#0",
"title": "http://www.samuel-beckett.net/godot_jeff.html\nThe Meaning Of Time As Depicted In Waiting For Godot",
"text": "The Meaning Of Time As Depicted In Waiting For Godotby Jeffrey Philip Bigham, Princeton University Several scenes in Waiting For Godot depicted dialogue between Vladimir and Estragon that employed questionable logic. Although these exchanges may have been included because they were amusing and contributed to the comedy of the play, the underlying reason was that they added to the meaning of the play as a whole. By analyzing one of these illogical portions, a deeper understanding of the main themes can be obtained. One such logical problem was Vladimir and Estragon’s faulty memory. Towards the beginning of the play, Vladimir and Estragon argued about whether or not they were waiting for Godot at the correct location and argued about what they had done yesterday. While Estragon insisted that they had waited in the same place the day before, he said that he didn’t recognize it. At first Vladimir disagreed with him, but even he later expressed some doubt when he said to Estragon, “But you said we were here yesterday.” ( 8-9) This situation presents a problem in logic, for why would they not remember what they did the day before and, if they did wait in the same place yesterday, why would they not recognize the landscape? The answer, beyond a simple explanation citing their faulty memories, is that for Vladimir and Estragon it did not really matter what they had done the day before or where they were on that day. Their lives would have been the same even if this day was somehow skipped, a fact that their deficient memories support."
"docid": "D499393#0",
"title": "http://wikitravel.org/en/Georgia_(country)\n.",
"text": "\"Georgia (country) Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Understand Historical overview Get in Visas By plane By bus By minibus By car By train By boat Get around Taxi Minibus By train By bike City Bus Mountain Travel See Churches Do Buy Costs Shopping Eat Sleep Stay safe Tbilisi Kutaisi Adjara Separatist Regions For other places with the same name, see Georgia (disambiguation). Location Flag Quick Facts Capital Tbilisi Government Unitary semi-presidential republic Currency Georgian lari ( GEL )Area 69,700km²Population 4,677,401 (July 2006 estimate)Language Georgian Religion Georgian Orthodox 83.9%, Roman Catholic 1.2%, Muslim 9,9%, other 0.8%, none 0.7%. Electricity 220V, 50Hz (European plug)Country code +995Internet TLD .ge Time Zone UTC +4Georgia (Georgian: საქართველო, Sakartvelo) is a country in Eastern Europe. Set on the coast of the Black Sea, it lies to the south of Russia, and to the north of Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Georgia forms part of Europe's easternmost flank, straddling the continent's border with Asia. Georgia is approximately the size of Ireland and lies along the same latitudes as Bulgaria, Southern France, and New York. For a country of its modest proportions, it presents a remarkable mix of landscapes and climates, ranging from high mountain peaks to wine-growing valleys and lush Black Sea resorts. Georgia is a developing but rapidly improving country with very low levels of both crime and corruption. Starting in the mid-2000s, Georgia's tourist infrastructure has expanded substantially, and the number of tourists visiting the Black Sea republic has increased several fold. Understand [ edit]A classical statue from Georgia, 2nd century BCGeorgia has a distinctive culture and a rich history that can be traced to classical antiquity and beyond."
"docid": "D1932746#0",
"title": "https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/21/movies/mike-nichols-celebrated-director-dies-at-83.html\nMike Nichols, Urbane Director Loved by Crowds and Critics, Dies at 83",
"text": "Movies Mike Nichols, Urbane Director Loved by Crowds and Critics, Dies at 83By BRUCE WEBER NOV. 20, 2014286Tony Cenicola/The New York Times Mike Nichols, one of America’s most celebrated directors, whose long, protean résumé of critic- and crowd-pleasing work earned him adulation both on Broadway and in Hollywood, died on Wednesday in Manhattan. He was 83. His death was announced by James Goldston, the president of ABC News. Mr. Nichols was married to the ABC broadcaster Diane Sawyer. A network spokeswoman said the cause was cardiac arrest, giving no other details. Dryly urbane, Mr. Nichols had a gift for communicating with actors and a keen comic timing, which he honed early in his career as half of the popular sketch-comedy team Nichols and May. An immigrant whose work was marked by trenchant perceptions of American culture, he achieved — in films like “The Graduate,” “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” and “Carnal Knowledge” and in comedies and dramas on stage — what Orson Welles and Elia Kazan but few if any other directors have: popular and artistic success in both film and theater. An almost perennial prizewinner, he was one of only a dozen or so people to have won an Oscar, a Tony, an Emmy and a Grammy. His career encompassed an entire era of screen and stage entertainment."
"docid": "D2064220#0",
"title": "http://spitalfieldslife.com/2011/02/25/tom-disson-fishmonger/\nTom Disson, Fishmonger",
"text": "Tom Disson, Fishmonger February 25, 2011by the gentle author Tom shows Jesus’ thumbprint on a Haddock Cod are spawning now. We are in that short season of four to five weeks each Spring when fresh Cod roe is available – and fishmonger Tom Disson has his supply, that he boiled up at the back of his shop in the Roman Rd, on sale now. Tom’s long-standing East End customers are eager to enjoy this celebrated annual treat – far superior to the frozen variety – delicious spread on toast or prepared in the traditional manner, sliced and deep fried in batter. From behind the counter yesterday, viewing the world through the narrow frame of the shopfront at “George’s Plaice,” I watched them all come along and halt in their tracks to admire Tom’s magnificent display of steaming Cod roe glistening on the slab. Tom knows his customers by name and our conversation was regularly punctuated as Tom turned his head to utter a greeting to each person that appeared in the field of his peripheral vision, flitting past the shop window - “Hello Mary Love!”- “Hello Ted!” – “ Hello Ginger!” There has been a fishmonger on this site since 1898 and today “ George’s Plaice” is the centre of the world in the Roman Rd, where customers come to introduce their daughters to cockles and to order jellied eels for their mother’s funeral, while Tom keeps everything buoyant with constant flow of banter, both lewd and lugubrious by turns. “ Are you looking for service? I’m feeling chesty today.” proposed Tom with a provocative comedy smirk as his customers scrutinised the kippers, heroically suppressing the heavy cold that is getting him down."
"docid": "D617427#0",
"title": "https://quizlet.com/15063016/common-cooking-terms-flash-cards/\nCommon Cooking Terms",
"text": "\"47 terms julie_mcinnes Common Cooking Terms This is a list of common cooking and baking terms Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Sort What does whip mean? to beat food lightly and rapidly in order to incorporate air into the mixture and to increase its volume What does baste mean? to moisten foods during cooking with pan drippings or a sauce in order to add flavor and prevent drying What does chill mean? to cool a food to below room temperature in the refrigerator or freezer or over ice What does snip mean? to cut food, often fresh herbs or dried fruit, with kitchen shears into very small, uniform pieces using short quick strokes What does cube mean? to cut into uniform pieces, usually a half inch on all sides What does butterfly mean? to split foods in the middle without completely separating the halves, then spreading the halves to resemble a butterfly. This exposes more of the food's surface to allow for quicker and more even cooking. What does blanch mean? to partially cook fruits, vegetables, or nuts in boiling water or steam; to immerse fruits or nuts in boiling water to remove skins or make them easy to peel What does al dente mean? \"\""
"docid": "D1213875#0",
"title": "https://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/what-is-a-quotnull-movequot\n\"What is a \"\"null move\"\"?\"",
"text": "\"Forums General Chess Discussion What is a \"\"null move\"\"? VULPES_VULPES #1Jan 30, 2013What is a \"\"null move\"\"? Answers are appreciated. Green Castle Block #2Jan 30, 2013It's one side 'passing' the move. Denoted by --. Needless to say this is not a legal chess manuever but can be useful in software if you need to animate a sequence of moves made by one side.woton #3Jan 30, 2013A null move is a \"\"non-move\"\" used when reviewing a position using a computer. It is typically used where it doesn't make any difference what the next move is (computers have a nasty habit of requiring that something be entered). Entering a null move allows the review to continue without having to enter a specific move. Many times, a null move is annotated \"\"any. \"\" Estragon #4Jan 30, 2013The null move feature in database programs just means that one side can move repeatedly."
"docid": "D1047718#0",
"title": "http://www.zinf.org/qna/What_does_it_mean_when_you_hold_up_three_fingers_and_make_a_circle-qna272282.html\n.",
"text": "\"Q What does it mean when you hold up three fingers and make a circle? What does the hand sign a circle using your thum and pointer with teh other three fingers sticking out mean Topic: Asked by: Jan In Games & Recreation > Toys > Hold>A Top Solutions It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the a ... read more If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signa ... read more Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Suggested Solutions (10) What's this? Anonymous\"\"It`s a game between guys...\"\"3 1 It`s a game between guys. If you make the other person then you get to punch him in the arm. Also it means the person looking is a ball gazer (he`s looking at your balls).source: Why do guys make there fingers a circle? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Game where you hold up three fingers Anonymous\"\"If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"ok\"\"...\"\"6 0 If your thumb and index finger make a circle it means \"\"OK\"\", mainly used in diving to signal that everything is OK.source: What does the sign mean when you make a circle with your index finger and thumb and hold three fingers up? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Making a lens by making a circle out of your thumb and index finger Holding up 3 fingers and a circle Circle fingers with three up Anonymous0 3 They say it`s an Illuminati symbol, but such thing doesn`t exist."
"docid": "D2174791#0",
"title": "http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--1526/french-sauces.asp\nFrench Sauces",
"text": "\"French Sauces How To's ▼ Sauces+ Larger Image Rate & Review Provided By Recipe Tips Share this!Save Rate & Review Email Print White Sauces | Brown Sauces | Tomato Sauces (or Red Sauces) | Egg Yolk and Butter Sauces Egg Yolk and Oil Sauces | Oil and Vinegar Sauces | Flavored Butter Sauces White Sauces In French cooking, traditional white sauces are one of two types: those made with hot milk added to a white roux (such as Béchamel sauce or Mornay sauce) or sauces made with hot broth or stock added to a white roux (such as Velouté sauce). A roux is a combination of flour and butter that are cooked together to be used as a thickening agent for the sauce. The roux may be referred to as a white, blonde, or brown roux, depending on the amount of cooking time of the flour and butter mixture. The mixture increasingly darkens the longer it cooks. Once the roux is ready, the hot milk or stock is stirred into the roux to create a thick sauce that may be seasoned with herbs and spices. Béchamel Sauce A basic French white sauce made by adding hot milk to a white roux (heated butter mixed with flour). In an early era, cream was generally used instead of milk. The roux thickens the milk into a creamy white sauce. Some sauces refer to a blonde and a white roux, the difference being the length of time the flour or mixture was allowed to cook and thus become brown or golden tan in color. Seasonings can be added based on the type of dish served with the sauce and the flavors desired."
"docid": "D2415166#0",
"title": "http://www.hkhk.edu.ee/vanker/catering/picture_dictionary_of_herbs_and_spices.html\n.",
"text": "Picture dictionary of herbs and spices Before you start Here you can find the picture dictionary of herbs and spices. You can test the vocabulary when doing the practice exercises on the next page. To give it a good start have a look at the list of h erbs, spices and other food flavourings. How many of them do you know in Estonian? CLICK HERE: HERBS AND SPICESHerbs and spices BASIL - BASIILIK BLACK PEPPER - MUST PIPAR CARAWAY SEEDS (CUMINS) - KÖÖMNED CHIVE - MURULAUKCINNAMON - KANEEL CLOVE - NELK DILL - TILL GINGER - INGVERGREEN CHILLY - ROHELINE TŠILLIPIPAR LAUREL - LOORBERILEHT LEEK - PORRULAUK MARJORAM - MAJORAANMELISS - MELISS MINT - MÜNT NUTMEG - MUSKAATPÄHKEL OREGANO - OREGANOPARSLEY - PETERSELL RED HOT CHILLY PEPPER - PUNANE TšILLIPIPAR ROSE PEPPER - ROSÉ PIPAR ROSEMARY - ROSMARIINSAGE - SALVEI TARRAGON - ESTRAGON THYM- TÜÜMIAN WHITE PEPPER - VALGE PIPAR« Eelmine | Järgmine »"
"docid": "D770710#0",
"title": "http://www.progesteronetherapy.com/hair-loss-chronic-fatigue-and-spironolactone-are-killing-me.html\nHair loss, chronic fatigue and spironolactone are killing me",
"text": "\"What is progesterone? Progesterone therapy Progesterone cream A personal testimony Hair loss, chronic fatigue and spironolactone are killing meby Jess (Michigan, USA)I started noticing that my hair was thinning over a year ago. I had also been experiencing intense heart palpitations,chronic fatigue, heavy clotting periods, night sweats, insomnia, acne, oily scalp, folliculitis, numb extremities, dizziness, and brain fog. The hair loss finally sent me to the doctor. The dermatologist ran tests. Androgens were normal, ferritin was 9; he put me on iron supplements and 200 mg. of spironolactone daily. I wish I hadn't started it. I ended up flat on the couch all summer, depressed and exhausted; having 2 long light periods a month. I ended up stopping the spiro."
"docid": "D3274404#0",
"title": "https://researchmaniacs.com/Country/WhatDoesTheFlagLookLike.html\n.",
"text": "Flag Descriptions What does the flag look like, mean, and represent? Afghanistan What does the Afghanistan flag look like, mean, and represent? Albania What does the Albania flag look like, mean, and represent? Algeria What does the Algeria flag look like, mean, and represent? American Samoa What does the American Samoa flag look like, mean, and represent? Andorra What does the Andorra flag look like, mean, and represent? Angola What does the Angola flag look like, mean, and represent? Liberia What does the Liberia flag look like, mean, and represent? Libya What does the Libya flag look like, mean, and represent? Liechtenstein What does the Liechtenstein flag look like, mean, and represent?"
] |
637095 | what does estuary mean | [
"docid": "D850670#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estuary\nEstuary",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Estuary (disambiguation). Marine habitats Estuary of the Mattole River Littoral zone Intertidal zone Estuaries Kelp forests Coral reefs Ocean banks Continental shelf Neritic zone Straits Pelagic zone Oceanic zone Seamounts Hydrothermal vents Cold seeps Demersal zone Benthic zonev t e An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea. [ 1]Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and maritime environments. They are subject both to marine influences—such as tides, waves, and the influx of saline water—and to riverine influences—such as flows of fresh water and sediment. The mixing of sea water and fresh water provide high levels of nutrients both in the water column and in sediment, making estuaries among the most productive natural habitats in the world. [ 2]Most existing estuaries formed during the Holocene epoch with the flooding of river-eroded or glacially scoured valleys when the sea level began to rise about 10,000–12,000 years ago. [ 3] Estuaries are typically classified according to their geomorphological features or to water-circulation patterns. They can have many different names, such as bays, harbors, lagoons, inlets, or sounds, although some of these water bodies do not strictly meet the above definition of an estuary and may be fully saline. The banks of many estuaries are amongst the most heavily populated areas of the world, with about 60% of the world's population living along estuaries and the coast. [ citation needed] As a result, many estuaries suffer degradation from a variety of factors including: sedimentation from soil erosion from deforestation, overgrazing, and other poor farming practices; overfishing; drainage and filling of wetlands; eutrophication due to excessive nutrients from sewage and animal wastes; pollutants including heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, radionuclides and hydrocarbons from sewage inputs; and diking or damming for flood control or water diversion. ["
] | [
"docid": "D655066#0",
"title": "http://www.kidzworld.com/article/1951-biomes-of-the-world-aquatic\nBiomes of the World :: Aquatic",
"text": "\"What is a Biome? A biome is a place on earth that has the same climate, plant life and animal life over a vast area of land. Every place on earth is part of one biome or another. There are five major biomes in the world: aquatic, desert, forest, grasslands and tundra. These biomes are often broken down into numerous categories and sub-categories as well. Kidzworld's got the 411 on the aquatic biome. What Makes The Aquatic Biome Unique? The aquatic biome is definitely the largest biome out there. Water covers nearly 75 percent of the earth's surface, in the form of oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. Just like all other biomes, the aquatic biome can be divided into two categories: freshwater regions and saltwater regions."
"docid": "D2157695#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockney\nCockney",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Cockney (disambiguation). St Mary-le-Bow The term cockney has had several distinct geographical, social, and linguistic associations. Originally a pejorative term applied to all city-dwellers, it was gradually restricted to Londoners and particularly to \"\"Bow-bell Cockneys\"\": [1] those born within earshot of Bow Bells, the bells of St Mary-le-Bow [2] in the Cheapside district of the City of London. It eventually came to be used to refer to those in London's East End, or to all working-class Londoners generally. [ 3] [4] [5]Linguistically, cockney English refers to the accent or dialect of English traditionally spoken by working-class Londoners. By the 1980s and 1990s, many aspects of cockney English had become part of general South East English speech, producing a variant known as Estuary English. [ 6]Contents [ hide ]1 Etymology2 Area3 Notable cockneys4 Use in films5 Migration and evolution6 Speech6.1 Typical features6.2 Perception6.3 Spread6.3.1 Scotland6.3.2 England7 See also8 References9 Bibliography10 External links Etymology [ edit]A costume associated with cockneys is that of the pearly King or Queen, worn by London costermongers who sew thousands of pearl buttons onto their clothing in elaborate and creative patterns. The earliest recorded use of the term is 1362 in passus VI of William Langland 's Piers Plowman, where it is used to mean \"\"a small, misshapen egg \"\", from Middle English coken + ey (\"\"a cock 's egg\"\"). [ 7] Concurrently, the mythical land of luxury Cockaigne ( attested from 1305) appeared under a variety of spellings—including Cockayne, Cocknay, and Cockney—and became humorously associated with the English capital London. [ 8] [10]The present meaning of cockney comes from its use among rural Englishmen (attested in 1520) as a pejorative term for effeminate town-dwellers, [12] [7] from an earlier general sense (encountered in \"\" the Reeve's Tale \"\" of Geoffrey Chaucer 's Canterbury Tales c. 1386) of a \"\"cokenay\"\" as \"\"a child tenderly brought up\"\" and, by extension, \"\"an effeminate fellow\"\" or \"\"a milksop \"\". ["
"docid": "D2192817#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/place/Rio-de-la-Plata\nRÃo de la Plata",
"text": "Alternative Titles: Freshwater Sea, River Plate, River of Silver Río de la Plata, (Spanish: “River of Silver”), English River Plate, a tapering intrusion of the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of South America between Uruguay to the north and Argentina to the south. While some geographers regard it as a gulf or as a marginal sea of the Atlantic, and others consider it to be a river, it is usually held to be the estuary of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers (as well as of the Paraguay River, which drains into the Paraná). The Río de la Plata system and its drainage network and the Gran Chaco. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. The Río de la Plata receives waters draining from the basin of these rivers, which covers much of south-central South America; the total area drained is about 1.2 million square miles (3.2 million square kilometres), or about one-fifth of the surface of the continent. Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, is located on the northern shore of the estuary, and Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is on the southwestern shore. The delta of the Paraná and the mouth of the Uruguay meet at the head of the Río de la Plata. The breadth of the estuary increases from the head seaward, a distance of about 180 miles (290 kilometres): it is 31 miles from the city of Punta Lara on the southern (Argentine) shore to the port of Colonia del Sacramento on the northern (Uruguayan) shore, and 136 miles from shore to shore at the Atlantic extremity of the estuary. To those who regard the Río de la Plata as a river, it is the widest in the world, with a total area of about 13,500 square miles. Physical features The Paraná River (Spanish: Río Paraná; Portuguese: Rio Paraná), together with its tributaries, forms the larger of the two river systems that drain into the Río de la Plata. The Paraná—meaning “Father of the Waters” in the Guaraní language—is 3,032 miles (4,880 kilometres) long and extends from the confluence of the Grande and Paranaíba rivers in southern Brazil, running generally southwestward for most of its course, before turning southeastward to drain into the Río de la Plata."
"docid": "D2243155#0",
"title": "https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/estuary\nestuary",
"text": "Home British & World English estuary Definition of estuary in English:estuarynoun Plural estuaries The tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream. Example sentences Synonyms Origin Mid 16th century (denoting a tidal inlet of any size): from Latin aestuarium ‘tidal part of a shore’, from aestus ‘tide’. Pronunciationestuary/ˈɛstjʊ (ə)ri/Word of the Dayholus-bolus Find out what it means Get word of the day by email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing. Please check your email and confirm your subscription Weekly Word Watch: theyby, #Pay Me Too, and attagirl You say ‘Super Bowl’, I say ‘Superb Owl’: what is the name for this wordplay? From chronic fatigue to whisker fatigue: fighting lexical fatigue You give me (spring) fever: six words from the verdant language of spring Say cheese! How to capture smiles on camera around the world'Appraise' or 'Apprise'? Which of the following is correct? You were fully appraised about the law You were fully apprised about the law Next0 /10Trending Words Most popular in the worldheavy chemicalsold fartnekulturnytactusbe in with a chance Sign up for our newsletter Stay up to date with our latest news and receive new words updates, blog posts, and more. Choose your country Sign up"
"docid": "D1692763#0",
"title": "https://www.niwa.co.nz/education-and-training/schools/students/estuaries\nEstuaries",
"text": "\"Estuaries An estuary is a partially enclosed body of water formed where freshwater from the land meets and mixes with saltwater from the ocean. Estuaries vary in size and can also be termed bays, lagoons, harbours, inlets, sounds, wetlands and swamps. We have numerous articles on this website about specific aspects of estuaries - simply use the website search function to find them. What is an estuary? Introduction How estuaries are formed Types of estuaries Estuarine ecosystems Estuarine habitats Mangrove habitat Estuarine nutrient cycling Why are estuaries valuable? Ecological value Economic value Cultural value Why protect estuaries? What is an estuary? An estuary is a partially enclosed body of water formed where fresh water from land meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean Estuaries come in all shapes and sizes and can be called bays, lagoons, harbours, inlets, sounds, wetlands and swamps. Introduction Estuaries are unique environments to which plants and animals have specially adapted. Transition from land to sea and fresh water to salt water Estuaries are protected from ocean forces by reefs, barrier islands, headlands and deltas."
"docid": "D461119#0",
"title": "https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080129113343AAZUJ8O\n\"What does the scottish word \"\"Firth\"\" mean?\"",
"text": "\"Science & Mathematics Geography What does the scottish word \"\"Firth\"\" mean? Follow 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Sea bay or Estuary Firth is the Scots word used to denote various coastal waters in Scotland. It is usually a large sea bay, which may be part of an estuary, or just an inlet, or even a strait. It is cognate to fjord (both from Proto-Germanic *ferþuz) which has a more narrow sense in English, whereas a firth would most likely be called a fjord if it were situated in Scandinavia. Bodies of water named \"\"firths\"\" tend to be more common on the east coast, or in the southwest of the country, although the Firth of Lorne is an exception to this. The Highland coast contains numerous estuaries, straits and inlets of a similar kind, not called \"\"firth\"\", e.g. the Minch, and Loch Torridon; these are often called sea lochs. A firth is generally the result of ice age glaciation and is very often associated with a large river, where erosion caused by the tidal effects of incoming sea water passing upriver has widened the riverbed to an estuary. Demarkation can be rather vague. The Firth of Clyde is sometimes thought to include the estuary as far upriver as Dumbarton, but the Ordnance Survey map shows the change from river to firth occurring off Port Glasgow, while locally the change is held to be at the Tail of the Bank where the river crosses a sandbar off Greenock at the junction to the Gare Loch, or even further west at Gourock point. However, some firths are exceptions."
"docid": "D2583236#0",
"title": "http://www.brighthub.com/environment/science-environmental/articles/64462.aspx\n.",
"text": "\"What are the Main Types of Aquatic Ecosystems?written by: Anurag Ghosh•edited by: Sarah Malburg•updated: 2/20/2010Aquatic ecosystems refer to entities with plants and animals relying on a watery environment. An aquatic ecosystem is broadly classified into marine and freshwater ecosystems. An in-depth explanation on the types of aquatic ecosystems is provided in this article. Aquatic Ecosystem Meaning An ecosystem is an entity formed by the interaction between living organisms and the physical environment. It is classified into two main categories: Terrestrial ecosystems and Aquatic ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystems contain organisms that depend on physical environment on land masses of continents. Aquatic ecosystems are systems composed of living organisms and non-living elements interacting in a watery environment. In simple terms, an aquatic ecosystem is a community of plants and animals that primarily depend on water. There are two major types of aquatic ecosystems: Marine Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems Marine Ecosystems While terrestrial ecosystems cover only about 28 percent, marine ecosystems cover approximately 71 percent of the earth’s surface. Different habitats ranging from coral reefs to estuaries make up this largest aquatic ecosystem in the planet."
"docid": "D773339#0",
"title": "http://www.cbbep.org/publications/virtuallibrary/factsheet/FS202/factsheet2.HTM\nWhat is an Estuary?",
"text": "DID YOU KNOW? Three out of seven major estuaries in Texas are found within the Coastal Bend. The Coastal Bend bays and estuaries provide a home to more than 3,200 known species of plants and animals. Bays and estuaries of the Coastal Bend cover 515 square miles of water. Almost half of the commercial finfish in Texas waters are harvested from the CCBNEP study area. What is an Estuary? An estuary isa coastal area where fresh water from rivers and streams mixes with salt water from the ocean. Many bayous and lagoons along coasts are estuaries. The community of life found in these waters and associated wetlands include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, shellfish, and plants - all interacting within complex food webs. Estuaries have economic, recreational, and aesthetic value."
"docid": "D904498#0",
"title": "https://www.theguardian.com/environment/datablog/2011/jun/16/uk-swimming-beaches-bathing\nUK swimming beaches, lakes and rivers ranked and mapped",
"text": "Simon Rogerstheguardian.com, Thursday 16 June 2011 10.30 BSTBritain's bathing areas ranked. Cooling off at Brighton beach Photograph: Chris Ison/PADo you like swimming outside? But how clean is your beach? Since 1990, the European Union has been monitoring over 21,000 beaches, lakes and rivers across Europe - anywhere where swimmers go al fresco, in fact. So that huge dataset covers Brighton Beach, the Hamsptead swimming ponds and the classic Mediterranean beaches of the South of France, Spain and Greece. So, what does the data, out today from the European Environment Agency, show for the UK? The overall figures are good - 96.8% of our swimming areas meet the legal standards, if not the full guidelines. This is down slightly on last year - but more swimming areas are now being surveyed. But three beaches had to be closed because standards were not high enough, including Blackpool North, Newhaven in Sussex and Tywyn in Wales. The rankings only include outside swimming places - not man-made lidos or pools."
"docid": "D3490711#0",
"title": "http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/St-Ts/Tides.html\nTides",
"text": "\"Tides Follow City-Data.com founder on our Forum or @Lech Mazur Ocean tides are periodic rises and falls in the level of the sea, and are formed by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun on the water in the ocean. Although the Moon is much smaller than the Sun, it has a greater gravitational attraction for the Earth because the Moon is much closer to Earth. This causes the oceans to bulge out in the direction of the Moon. Equilibrium Theory of Tides Two theories help explain tides. The equilibrium theory of tides uses the universal laws of physics, as applied to a water-covered Earth. The dynamic theory of tides studies tides as they occur in the real world, modified by landmasses, geometry of the ocean basins , and Earth's rotation. The equilibrium tidal theory begins with a hypothetical, water-covered planet and its satellite moon orbiting the Sun. The Moon is held in orbit with Earth by Earth's gravitational force. There is also a centrifugal force pulling the Moon away from Earth and trying to send it spinning out into space. Earth and the Moon rotate around the common center of mass of the Earth-Moon system; this system is held in orbit by the Sun's gravitational attraction while centrifugal force pulls the center of the mass away from the Sun."
"docid": "D3322201#0",
"title": "http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/10056/0\nHippocampus capensis",
"text": "Hippocampus capensis Scope: Global Language: English Summary Classification Schemes Images & External Links Bibliography Full Account Taxonomy Assessment Information Geographic Range Population Habitat and Ecology Use and Trade Threats Conservation Actions Translate page into: Taxonomy [top]Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Animalia Chordata Actinopterygii Syngnathiformes Syngnathidae Scientific Name: Hippocampus capensis Boulenger, 1900Common Name (s): English – Knysna Seahorse, Cape Seahorse Taxonomic Source (s): Lourie, S. A., Pollom, R. A. and Foster, S. J. 2016. A global revision of the seahorses Hippocampus Rafinesque 1810 (Actinopterygii: Syngnathiformes): Taxonomy and biogeography with recommendations for future research. Zootaxa 4146 (1): 1-66. Taxonomic Notes: Mkare et al. ( 2017) found that genetic admixture between estuaries was high, and recommend recognizing the subpopulations from the three estuaries as a single Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU). Assessment Information [top]Red List Category & Criteria: Endangered B1ab (iii,v)+2ab (iii,v) ver 3.1Year Published: 2017Date Assessed: 2017-03-09Assessor (s): Pollom, R. Reviewer (s): Ralph, G. Contributor (s): Bell, E. M. & Czembor, C. A. Justification: Hippocampus capensis is an estuarine seahorse species that inhabits river mouths in South Africa. This species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab (iii,iv,v)+2ab (iii,iv,v) because it has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 300 km², an area of occupancy (AOO) of 27 km², and it is only found in three locations (and has previously been lost from at least one other location). Also, the species is experiencing continuing decline in quality of habitat and number of mature individuals. Additional long-term monitoring is needed to determine population size and trends for this species. Habitat protection and water management measures need to be implemented to secure the future of this species."
"docid": "D1806086#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_a_delta_and_a_basin\nWhat is the difference between a delta and a basin?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Sciences Meteorology and Weather Rain and Flooding What is the difference between a delta and a basin? Flag What is the difference between a delta and a basin? Edit Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. A delta is a low-lying area found out the mouth of a river and formed of deposits where as a drainage basin is an area of landed drained by a river and its tributaries.3 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No What is the difference between River Basin and Amazon Basin? Answer . A river basin is any area of land that drains into a river system. The Amazon Basin is one specific river basin, namely all the land that drains into the Amazon R …Littlebird14 43 Contributions What is the difference between drainage basin and the ocean basin?a drainage basin is where water from rain fall or snow melting drains downhill into a river or stream, or another kind of body of water.http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drainage_ba …Quixotix 50 Contributions What is the difference between a delta and moraine? A delta forms where a river empties into a large body of water. It's usually something associated with medium to large rivers."
"docid": "D515363#0",
"title": "http://elements.nb.ca/theme/estuaries/janice/importance.htm\n.",
"text": "\"The Importance of Estuaries Harvey, J ., D. Coon and J. Abouchar \"\"Habitat Lost: Taking the pulse of estuaries in the Canadian Gulf of Maine.\"\" Fredericton: Conservation Council of New Brunswick Inc.1998n the Atlantic coast, estuaries are among the most important coastal features, both ecologically and with respect to human settlement and use (Environment Canada, 1987). Estuaries are semi enclosed bodies of water formed when fresh water from rivers and coastal streams flows into and mixes with salt water of the ocean. The fresh water is slowed from streaming into the open ocean by either surrounding mainland, peninsulas, barrier islands, or fringing salt marshes. This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a transition zone between land and sea known as an estuary. These are places where fish, birds and animals of all sorts congregate to feed, find refuge, grow to adulthood, and stage migrations. Estuaries are unique places, strongly affected by tidal action, where land and river and sea merge into a dynamic natural complex. Western Head, Musquash (photo: Musquash MPA Campaign website, CCNB)Most definitions of estuaries do not reflect the uniqueness of these waters as habitats. They fail to convey the dynamic nature of the physical processes operating in estuaries, or to explain the roles that these processes play in shaping the character of aquatic and terrestrial life in and around estuaries (Lippson et al, 1979)."
"docid": "D2545624#0",
"title": "http://australianmuseum.net.au/luderick-girella-tricuspidata\nAnimal Species: Luderick, Girella tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)",
"text": "Animal Species: Luderick, Girella tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)The Luderick is a very common coastal species in New South Wales waters. The species name, tricuspidata, refers to its flattened three-cusped teeth. The movie, below, shows one of the annual Luderick spawning aggregations at the Sand Pipe, Gold Coast Seaway, Queensland. The males have adopted a pale body colouration with a dark head. They are closely following the 'ripe' females that have retained the 'normal' barred body pattern. Luderick - Girella tricuspidata - gathering for the annual spawning aggregations Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 1:42Standard Common Name Luderick Alternative Name/s Blackbream, Blackfish, Darkie, Mangrove Fish, Pacific Bream, Parore, Rockperch Identification The Luderick can be recognised by its evenly arched dorsal and ventral profiles, small mouth and eye, large tail, and colour pattern. In marine waters it is bluish-grey, whereas in estuaries it is a darker grey to brown. it has 11 or 12 thin tapering bars on the side of the body, which fade to silvery below. Size range Adults grow to a maximum length of about 60 cm."
"docid": "D1703008#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estuary_English\nEstuary English",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article contains IPA phonetic symbols. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Unicode characters. For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help: IPA. Estuary English is an English dialect or accent associated with South East England, especially the area along the River Thames and its estuary, centering around London. Phonetician John C. Wells proposed a definition of Estuary English as \"\"Standard English spoken with the accent of the south-east of England\"\" but criticised the notion that the spread of language from London to the southeast was anything new. [ 1] The name comes from the area around the Thames, particularly its Estuary. Estuary English can be heard from some people in London, north Surrey, [2] Kent, south Hertfordshire and Essex. Estuary English shares many features with Cockney, and there is some debate among linguists as to where Cockney speech ends and Estuary English begins. The variety first came to public prominence in an article by David Rosewarne in the Times Educational Supplement in October 1984. [ 3] Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace Received Pronunciation in the southeast."
"docid": "D2085464#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/pets-animals/pink-flamingos-live-4f354bc5d289e3bf\nWhere Do Pink Flamingos Live?",
"text": "Pets & Animals Birds Q: Where Do Pink Flamingos Live? A: Quick Answer Pink flamingos are wading birds that live near saline or alkaline lakes and estuaries. Pink flamingos live in the wild in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Continue Reading Keep Learning Where Do Geese Live? Why Are Flamingos Pink? What Are Flamingos' Predators? Credit: William Warby Flickr CC-BY-2.0Full Answer Flamingos are social birds that live in large groups called colonies. Birds pair up for one season, and each pair lays one egg. The parents work together to raise and defend their chick. According to Live Science, flamingos get their coloration from the algae and shrimp that they ingest."
"docid": "D3030490#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Exe\nRiver Exe",
"text": "\"For the river in Hampshire formerly known as the River Exe, see Beaulieu River. River Exe River The Exe Estuary from a balloon over Exeter. The M5 motorway is in the foreground, Topsham on the left bank just beyond, and Exmouth at the river mouth opposite Dawlish Warren. Country England Counties Devon, Somerset Tributaries- left River Haddeo, River Culm,River Clyst- right River Barle, River Creedy City Exeter Source Exe Head- location near Simonsbath, Somerset, England- elevation 440 m (1,444 ft)- coordinates 51°09′33″N 3°47′12″WMouth Lyme Bay- location English Channel- elevation 0 m (0 ft)- coordinates 50°36′53″N 3°25′30″WCoordinates: 50°36′53″N 3°25′30″WDischarge for Thorverton- average 15.89 m 3 /s (561 cu ft/s)- max 492.6 m 3 /s (17,396 cu ft/s) 4 December 1960- min 0.44 m 3 /s (16 cu ft/s) 27 August 1976Discharge elsewhere (average)- Stoodleigh 12.41 m 3 /s (438 cu ft/s)- Pixton 4.47 m 3 /s (158 cu ft/s)Exe mouth Exe head Map showing the location of Source and Mouth within Somerset and Devon The Exe Estuary with Powderham Castle in the background. The River Exe ( / ˈ ɛ k s / EKS) in England rises at Exe Head, near the village of Simonsbath, on Exmoor in Somerset, 8.4 kilometres (5 mi) from the Bristol Channel coast, but flows more or less directly due south, so that most of its length lies in Devon. It flows for 60 miles (96 km) [1] and reaches the sea at a substantial ria, the Exe Estuary, on the south ( English Channel) coast of Devon. Historically, its lowest bridging point was at Exeter, though there is now a viaduct for the M5 motorway about 3 kilometres (2 mi) south of the city centre. Contents [ hide ]1 Topography2 2008 cleansing operation3 See also4 References5 Further reading6 External links Topography [ edit]The River Exe at Exeter Quay. The river's name derives from *Iska, a Common Brittonic root meaning \"\"water\"\" or \"\"abounding in fish\"\", and a cognate of pysg the plural word for \"\"fish\"\" in Welsh. [ 2] [3] The same root separately developed into the English Axe and Esk, the Welsh Usk, and the Scottish whisky."
"docid": "D2046488#0",
"title": "https://www.eopugetsound.org/terms/83\nTerrestrial habitat",
"text": "\"Terrestrial habitat Terrestrial habitat in Puget Sound varies greatly, from alpine and subalpine meadows and evergreen forests to valleys, floodplains, and prairie. However, these ecosystems are not clearly divided but blend smoothly into each other, linked by rivers and streams and the overlapping ranges of various species, determined by their tolerance of various environmental conditions. Various approaches exist for categorizing habitat types. Franklin and Dyrness developed a system in 1973 using dominant tree species as distinguishing features. In the Northwest, Sitka spruce dominates the lower elevations, moving towards Western hemlock and Douglas fir farther from sea level. Silver fir is more prevalent in the middle range, and mountain hemlock at higher elevations. Jones (1936) established the four Merriam’s Life Zones: Humid Transition, Canadian, Hudson, and Arctic-Alpine, which are defined by vegetation patterns, precipitation, and elevation. Sources: Kruckeberg, Arthur. A Natural History of Puget Sound Country .1991. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA."
"docid": "D1790170#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/8962\nRiver Thames",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Geography Bodies of Water Lakes and Rivers River Thames Unanswered | Answered River Thames Parent Category: Lakes and Rivers The River Thames is the longest river in England, and is best known for flowing through central London.1 2 3 >What animals live by the River Thames? There are several bird species that are found in River Thames, including The Mute Swan, The Canada Goose, The Mallard Duck, The Greylag Goose, The Great Crested Grebe, The Coot, The Grey Heron and The Moorhen. You can also find mammals such as The Water Vole, The Otter and The American Mink. Does the River Thames have any tributaries? Yes, the Thames has around 38 main tributaries. What cities are on the river thames? Oxford, Reading, Windsor, London. Is Thames a Lake? No Thames is not a lake it is a river. Does the river thames have meander?"
"docid": "D1849811#0",
"title": "http://texasaquaticscience.org/oceans-gulf-mexico-aquatic-science-texas/\nOceans: The Gulf of Mexico â Chapter 12",
"text": "Oceans: The Gulf of Mexico – Chapter 12The Gulf of Mexico is one of the most productive waters in the world, and it is among the most threatened by human actions and neglect. Questions to Consider Which states share Gulf waters? Which other countries share the Gulf? What are some of the industries in the Gulf? How can people in these industries help keep Gulf waters healthy for aquatic life? What influence does the Mississippi River have on the Gulf? What is a hypoxic zone and its impacts? How are hypoxic zones formed? How can they be prevented? What are some of the ecosystems in the Gulf and what kind of organisms would you find in them?"
] |
637124 | what does et mean on wheels | [
"docid": "D346270#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_ET_rating_mean_on_Rims\nWhat does ET rating mean on Rims?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles European Cars Volvo Volvo S40 What does ET rating mean on Rims? Flag What does ET rating mean on Rims? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. ET is the wheels offset. A wheels offset is determined by the distance from the centre of the wheel to the rear of the bolting plate. For any individual alloy or steel wheel, ET and Offset both have the same meaning and value. The term ET originates from the German word 'Einpresstiefe' which translates as 'insertion depth'.4 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No B Z 27 Contributions What does ets mean? Expiration Term of Service Peterfromredcar 113 Contributions What does RIM mean? Research In Motion is a Canadian wireless device company."
] | [
"docid": "D3246996#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_return\nEternal return",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses, see Eternal return (disambiguation). \"\" Eternal Recurrence\"\" redirects here. For the EP by Angel Deradoorian, see Eternal Recurrence (EP). Eternal return (also known as eternal recurrence) is a theory that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. The theory is found in Indian philosophy [ citation needed] and in ancient Egypt [ citation needed] and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. [ citation needed] With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the theory fell into disuse in the Western world, with the exception of Friedrich Nietzsche, who connected the thought to many of his other concepts, including amor fati. Eternal return is based on the philosophy of pre-determinism in that people are predestined to continue repeating the same events over and over again. Contents [ hide ]1 Premise2 Classical antiquity3 Indian religions4 Judaism4.1 Judaism and reincarnation5 Renaissance6 Friedrich Nietzsche7 Poincaré recurrence theorem8 Albert Camus9 Modern cosmology10 Opposing argument11 Metal Music12 See also13 Notes14 References Premise [ edit]The basic premise proceeds from the assumption that the probability of a world coming into existence exactly like our own is greater than zero (we know this because our world exists). If space and time are infinite, then it follows logically that our existence must recur an infinite number of times. [ 1]In 1871 Louis Auguste Blanqui, assuming a Newtonian cosmology where time and space are infinite, claimed to have demonstrated eternal recurrence as a mathematical certainty. ["
"docid": "D232549#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_brake\nDisc brake",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Close-up of a disc brake on a car A disc brake is a type of brake that uses calipers to squeeze pairs of pads against a disc or \"\"rotor\"\" [1] to create friction. [ 2] This action retards the rotation of a shaft, such as a vehicle axle, either to reduce its rotational speed or to hold it stationary. The energy of motion is converted into waste heat which must be dispersed. Hydraulically actuated disc brakes are the most commonly used form of brake for motor vehicles, but the principles of a disc brake are applicable to almost any rotating shaft. Contents [ hide ]1 Design2 History2.1 Early experiments2.2 First use in racing2.3 Mass production2.4 In the U. S.2.5 Motorcycles3 Brake disc3.1 Motorcycles and scooters3.2 Bicycles3.3 Heavy vehicles3.4 Rail and aircraft3.5 Automotive use3.6 Racing3.7 Ceramic composites3.8 Adjustment mechanism3.9 Disc damage modes3.10 Run-out3.11 Scarring3.12 Cracking3.13 Rusting4 Calipers4.1 Pistons and cylinders5 Brake pads6 Common problems6.1 Squeal6.2 Judder or shimmy6.3 Dust7 Patents8 See also9 References10 External links Design [ edit]On automobiles, disc brakes are often located within the wheel A drilled motorcycle brake disc Development of disc-type brakes began in England in the 1890s. In 1902, the Lanchester Motor Company designed brakes that looked and operated in a similar way to a modern disc-brake system even though the disc was thin and a cable activated the brake pad. [ 3] Other designs were not practical or widely available in cars for another 60 years. Successful application began in airplanes before World War II, and even the German Tiger tank was fitted with discs in 1942. After the war, technological progress began to arrive in the 1950s, leading to a critical demonstration of superiority at the 1953 24 Hours of Le Mans race, which required braking from high speeds several times per lap. The Jaguar racing team won, using disc brake equipped cars, with much of the credit being given to the brakes' superior performance over rivals equipped with drum brakes."
"docid": "D2678138#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Western_Railway_wagons\nGreat Western Railway wagons",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Great Western Railway Coat-of-arms of the Great Western Railway, incorporating the shields, crests and mottoes of the cities of London (left) and Bristol (right)History1835 Act of Incorporation1838 First train ran1869–92 7 ft 1⁄ 4in ( 2,140 mm) Brunel gaugechanged to 4 ft 8 1⁄ 2in ( 1,435 mm) standard gauge1903 Start of road motor services1904 City of Truro sets speed record1948 Nationalised Constituent companies See full list of constituents of the GWR1854 Shrewsbury and Birmingham Ry Shrewsbury and Chester Railway1862 South Wales Railway1863 West Midland Railway1876 Bristol and Exeter Railway South Devon Railway1889 Cornwall Railway1922 Rhymney Railway Taff Vale Railway Cambrian Railways1923 Midland & S W Junction Railway Successor organisation1948 Western Region of British Railways Key locations Headquarters Paddington station, London Workshops Swindon Wolverhampton Major stations Birmingham Snow Hill Bristol Temple Meads Cardiff General London Paddington Reading General Route mileage Mileage shown as at end of year stated. [ 1] [2] [3]1841 171 miles (275 km)1863 1,106 miles (1,780 km)1876 2,023 miles (3,256 km)1899 2,504 miles (4,030 km)1921 2,900 miles (4,700 km)1924 3,797 miles (6,111 km)The fleet of Great Western Railway wagons was both large and varied as it carried the wide variety of goods traffic on the Great Western Railway (GWR) in the United Kingdom. This was the railway company that operated for the longest period of time in the country (from 1838 to 1947) and covered a large geographical area that included big cities such as London, industrialised areas including the West Midlands, areas of coal and mineral mining such as South Wales, and Somerset and other important agricultural districts. [ 1] In 1902 the company owned 59,036 wagons, and by 1926 this had risen to 88,580. [ 4]The first wagons were just open boxes but covered vans were added from the 1860s and a wide range of special wagons were eventually built to handle many specialised traffics. [ 5] Towards the end of its existence these were all painted in a grey livery, but before that both black and red had been used at different times. Contents [ hide ]1 Design development2 Livery3 Types of wagons3.1 Opens3.2 Vans3.3 Milk trains3.4 Flat and well wagons3.5 Specialised wagons3.6 Railway service vehicles3.7 Brake vans4 Telegraphic codes5 Diagram codes6 References Design development [ edit]Most early vehicles were open wagons with four wheels, although a few six-wheeled vehicles were provided for special loads. Covered vans followed, initially for carrying cattle but later for any kind of goods that needed to be protected from the weather during transit. The first bogie wagons appeared in 1873 for heavy loads, but bogie coal wagons were built in 1904 following on from the large four-wheeled coal wagons that had first appeared in 1898. Rated at 20 long tons (20 t), these had been twice the size of typical wagons of the period, but it was not until 1923 that the company invested heavily in coal wagons of this size and the infrastructure necessary for unloading them at the railway-owned docks; these were known as \"\" Felix Pole \"\" wagons after the GWR's General Manager who promoted their use."
"docid": "D174481#0",
"title": "http://4x4abc.com/jeep101/torque.html\nTorque and Horsepower - A Primer",
"text": "\"From Bruce Augenstein, [email protected] There's been a certain amount of discussion, in this and other files, about the concepts of horsepower and torque, how they relate to each other, and how they apply in terms of automobile performance. I have observed that, although nearly everyone participating has a passion for automobiles, there is a huge variance in knowledge. It's clear that a bunch of folks have strong opinions (about this topic, and other things), but that has generally led to more heat than light, if you get my drift :-). I've posted a subset of this note in another string, but felt it deserved to be dealt with as a separate topic. This is meant to be a primer on the subject, which may lead to serious discussion that fleshes out this and other subtopics that will inevitably need to be addressed. OK. Here's the deal, in moderately plain english. Force, Work and Time If you have a one pound weight bolted to the floor, and try to lift it with one pound of force (or 10, or 50 pounds), you will have applied force and exerted energy, but no work will have been done. If you unbolt the weight, and apply a force sufficient to lift the weight one foot, then one foot pound of work will have been done. If that event takes a minute to accomplish, then you will be doing work at the rate of one foot pound per minute."
"docid": "D1305217#0",
"title": "https://www.medicaljane.com/category/cannabis-classroom/terpenes/\nIntroduction to Terpenes",
"text": "Introduction to Terpenes The cannabis plant consists of a wide variety of chemicals and compounds. About 140 of these belong to a large class of aromatic organic hydrocarbons known as terpenes (pronounced tur-peens). You may have also heard people talk about terpenoids. The words terpene and terpenoid are increasingly used interchangeably, although these terms do have different meanings. The main difference between terpenes and terpenoids is that terpenes are hydrocarbons (meaning the only elements present are carbon and hydrogen); whereas, terpenoids have been denatured by oxidation (drying and curing the flowers) or chemically modified. Terpenes are synthesized in cannabis in secretory cells inside glandular trichomes, and production is increased with light exposure. These terpenes are mostly found in high concentrations in unfertilized female cannabis flowers prior to senescence (the condition or process of deterioration with age). The essential oil is extracted from the plant material by steam distillation or vaporization. Many terpenes vaporize around the same temperature as THC (which boils at about 157°C), but some terpenes are more volatile than others. Terpenes also play an incredibly important role by providing the plant with natural protection from bacteria and fungus, insects and other environmental stresses."
"docid": "D649450#0",
"title": "http://forums.justcommodores.com.au/vt-vx-holden-commodore-1997-2002/163678-diff-ratios.html\nDiff Ratios?",
"text": "Just Commodores Forum Community It takes just a moment to join our fantastic community Register Home Holden Commodore Related > VT - VX Holden Commodore (1997 - 2002) >Diff Ratios? Discussion in ' VT - VX Holden Commodore (1997 - 2002) ' started by Harro VX, Mar 23, 2011 . Page 1 of 21 2 Next >Mar 23, 2011 #1Harro VXNew Member Messages: 33Likes Received: 0Trophy Points: 0Joined: Apr 12, 2010Members Ride: VX Acclaimhey guys, can anyone actually explain to me what the #### diff ratios are all about? ive been told about them before but not in detail. Harro VX, Mar 23, 2011 #1Mar 23, 2011 #2Cameron PNew Member Messages: 1,652Likes Received: 2Trophy Points: 0Joined: Jun 29, 2010Location: Quakers Hill, NSWMembers Ride: REDHOT VX SSits the ration between the pinion teeth (forget the technical term) and the crown wheel teeth. if you mark one tooth on the pinion and turned it the whole way around the crown wheel you will get the ratio someone correct me if im wrong Cameron P, Mar 23, 2011 #2Mar 23, 2011 #3Kernal New Member Messages: 692Likes Received: 3Trophy Points: 0Joined: Jan 18, 2008Location: NSWMembers Ride: ...... Just think about it like this. The usual standard diff ratio on a commodore is 3.08 - 1 Now think of that as first gear on a mountain bike. You have to peddle hard to get it moving right?? Now put the bike in a higher gear, say 4th. Its a lot easier to get it moving yeh?"
"docid": "D3462712#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-do-I-do-with-the-white-rind-on-brie\nWhat do I do with the white rind on brie?",
"text": "\"Cheese Rinds Brie Cheese Food What do I do with the white rind on brie?14 Answers Sam Arora, former 30 Yrs Food Scientist, QA/QC, in Canadian Industry at Dairy Products (1973-2004)Updated Sep 25, 2017 · Author has 1.8k answers and 5.7m answer views I spent major portion of my life in dairy/cheese plants, I can only speak for the plants I had worked and to some extent the Canadian cheese/dairy industry. Plants in general are very clean, and it is very regulated industry. Most likely one of the best industry in the World. Now the answer: Rind unless it is waxed and wax has totally stuck with the surface, there is nothing wrong with the rind, What do I do with the white rind on brie? it is only hardened surface with concentrated nutrients. It is safe to eat, I did all my life and I find it very tasty. When the cheese is made and it is taken out of the “mold/container” it is like a fresh dough, we call it curd. It is put in the curing rooms, these rooms are very clean, with proper air circulation/temperature/humidity controls. All these conditions help form the rind and cure the cheese.https://www.google.ca/search?q=p...:https://www.google.ca/search?q=p...: Storing of soft cheese: I am big consumer of Camembert and Brie, I cut small triangles for a few days use, and rest wrap back in the same paper. And try your best to consume in time otherwise off smell starts in the cheese."
"docid": "D480735#0",
"title": "http://ryanforensicdna.com/touchdna/\nTouch DNA. What is it? Where is it? How much can be found? And, how can it impact my case?",
"text": "17Mar 2016Touch DNA. What is it? Where is it? How much can be found? And, how can it impact my case? Suzanna Ryan,MS, D-ABCOwner/Consultant at Ryan Forensic DNA Consulting. Note – I originally wrote this article in January of 2012. Since that time, numerous additional articles on “touch” and “transfer” DNA have been written and have expanded our knowledge of this subject. However, I feel the article is still a useful primer on the topic of touch/transfer DNA. With modern technology, the simple act of picking up an object or touching a surface can lead to the identification and apprehension of a criminal."
"docid": "D2524278#0",
"title": "http://www.wheelchairnet.org/WCN_WCU/SlideLectures/Sawatzky/WC_history.html\n",
"text": "Wheeling in the New Millennium: The history of the wheelchair and the driving forces in wheelchair design today Dr. Bonnita Sawatsky, Department of Orthopaedics, British Columbia's Childrens Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada Slide 1: Overview Historical background Design issues Current research Pilot study Where we should go? Slide 2: History Man’s two earliest inventions Chair Wheel4000 B. C. Originated in eastern Mediterranean basin Slide 3: History First record of combining wheels to furniture Image on Greek vase of wheeled child’s bed530 B. C. Slide 4: China Spoked wheels on chariots 1300 B. C. Oldest evidence of wheeled chairs525 A. D. engraving of one of the earliest representation of a wheeled chair Slide 5: Wheelbarrow3rd century invention from China Used for moving the sick or disabled to the “Fountain of Youth”Slide 6: “Gestations”Greek and Roman physicians prescribed a “gestation” or transportation for the sick or disabled (1553)Get people out into fresh air and help work with whatever they could do in the fields. Carried on a sedan or push on a chair with wheels Slide 7: Spain King Phillip II (1595) of Spain Had his own rolling chair with foot rests Graphic Description: Slide 8: Self-propelled chair Paraplegic watchmaker, Stephen Farfler (1655) built his own chair at 22 yrs of age. Graphic Description: Slide 9: “Bath” chair Developed in Bath, England Invented by John Dawson, “Wheel-chair maker” 1783Dominated the market of 19th century Two large wheels, one small wheel Graphic Description: Slide 10: “Seating”Comfort for the disabled person became more of an issue Convertible chair (reclining back and adjustable foot rests)18th century Graphic Description: Slide 11: Wheelchair to Bicycle Notes: The developments in the wheelchair probably led to the development of the bicycle. Slide 12: Manual to Motor Self-propelling chair operated by a crank axle connected to a steering rod for the front wheel Inspired the first tricycle Graphic Description: Slide 13: Bicycle1790, de Sirvac (France) invented the celerfere “swiftwalker”Wooden bicycle propelled by user by pushing feet on ground1865, velocipede, with added cranks and pedals “boneshaker”Graphic Description: Slide 14: Bicycle to Wheelchair Graphics Description: Slide 15: Bicycle to wheelchair1867 - changed wooden wheels to iron1875 - added hollow rubber tires Graphic Description: Slide 16: Bicycle to wheelchair1881 - pushrims were added for propulsion1900 - wired spoked wheels adopted by wheelchairs1912 - 1 3/4 horsepower engine was attached to a invalid tricycle1916 - London produced first motorized wheelchairs Slide 17: “Lightweight wheelchair”Made from Indian reed Large wheels either front or back58 lbs. with pushrims50 lbs. without pushrims Graphic Description: Slide 18: The Automobile led to more changes Herbert A. Everest Wanted a wheelchair that could go in an automobile Teamed with engineer, HC Jennings, to manufacture first folding metal WC1933, Los Angeles Slide 19: Samuel Duke1934Independently of E & J responded to demand in Chicago Developed the 2nd manual, lightweight, “folding” wheelchair for the market Slide 20: Cause of change in WCIntroduction of the automobile Need to get wheelchairs into cars Increased # of injuries due to automobiles Development of rehab and re-education programs for injured Improved medical services Demand of independence of disabled people Slide 21: Wheelchair Sports Introduced as a form of therapy in the rehab program Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, England Annual World Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Games>70 countries now in International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation Slide 22: Wheelchair sports Athletics, rugby, tennis, basketball, etc. Rigid chairs!Graphic Description: Slide 23: Wheelchair sports Improved the physical function of disabled people. Created more active individuals who want to do more. Increased the demand for “performance” in their manual wheelchairs."
"docid": "D651929#0",
"title": "https://bretcontreras.com/current-position-statement-on-anterior-pelvic-tilt/\nCurrent Position Statement on Anterior Pelvic Tilt",
"text": "There are many misconceptions in the strength training and physical therapy communities regarding anterior pelvic tilt (APT). In this article, I will post my current thoughts and beliefs pertaining to APT, specifically concerning the questions listed below. Where possible, I will support my statements with scientific references from the literature. What is APT? Is APT advantageous from an evolutionary perspective? Can we fully trust all research measuring APT? Is APT abnormal? Does APT lead to low back pain in typical everyday living? Can APT lead to back injury in heavy resistance training? Do the spine and pelvis actually stay in neutral during heavy or explosive movement?"
"docid": "D3547117#0",
"title": "http://www.continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/007148.html\n.",
"text": "\"Author Topic: No Feedback Steering Chivato Montauk posted 09-29-2004 11:36 AM ET (US) Just found this board and it is great! I recently bought an 1985 Montauk 170. I just re-engined with a 2004 Yamaha 4-cycle 75 hp. I've adjusted the steering trim tab to the stop, with the trailing edge to the starboard, and I still have significant \"\"pull\"\" to the right. My questions: did I adjust the tab backwards? I'm seriously thinking about installing a no feedback system, but since the boat is stored 650 miles away (in Baja), does anyone know what length cable sytem I need to buy for this boat/engine combo? Joe Kriz posted 09-29-2004 11:47 AM ET (US) Chivato,Welcome aboard on this site. First of all you have a Montauk 17.... Not a 170 as the first 170 was built in late 2002... As far as the steering cable length, see this thread among many others available if you do a search for steering cable length.http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/007128.html I also believe you did adjust your trim tab in the wrong direction. Try setting the trim tab straight ahead in the beginning and adjust it a notch or 2 at a time until you get the tension even at the helm when cruising at your usual speed. Joe Kriz posted 09-29-2004 11:56 AM ET (US) My mistak on the trim tab."
"docid": "D1091254#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/867\nPontiac Grand Am",
"text": "\"Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles American Cars Pontiac Pontiac Grand Am Unanswered | Answered Pontiac Grand Am Parent Category: Pontiac The Pontiac Grand Am is a mid-size car manufactured by General Motors’ Pontiac division. Available as a 2-door coupe/4-door sedan, this model was produced in five generations. The fourth and fifth generation models belong to the compact car class. Subcategories Grand Am GT Grand Am SEGrand Am GTGrand Am SE1 2 3 >How do you install a thermostat in 5.0 liter fuel injected 1987 Pontiac trans am? Follow the upper radiator hose back to the engine. There will be a outlet mount there that the hose connects too. There are two bolts on each side you must remove, it may also have a bracket mounted to it as well that will need to be removed. lift the outlet off the engine and you will see the... Hoiw do you fix the spring in my passenger seat in my 1999 Pontiac grand am? With a new car lil Show picture of 2002 flasher for Pontiac grand am? Cant show a.pic lol What could happen to the vehicle if the ets is not working properly?"
"docid": "D2866620#0",
"title": "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/xaque-gruber/chatting-with-anson-mount_b_3680149.html\nChatting With Anson Mount: From Hell On Wheels to Hollywoodâs Next Batman ?",
"text": "THE BLOG 07/31/2013 12:30 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017Chatting With Anson Mount: From Hell On Wheels to Hollywood’s Next Batman ? By Xaque Gruber Thanks to his lead role as the rugged Cullen Bohannon on AMC’s hit Western series Hell On Wheels, audiences are discovering what many have quietly known for a long time — actor Anson Mount is the real deal. Hailing from the small Tennessee town of White Bluff, Mount isn’t just a terrific actor, he also teaches the craft of acting at Columbia University while authoring his first book about it. A well rounded and soulful individual, he was a great pleasure to talk to. Since its series premiere, I’ve been glued to Hell On Wheels, AMC’s most underrated drama series. Each episode is a cinematic treat, and should be garnering Emmy love much like the network’s other hits. Season Three promises to be the best one yet, and the two hour premiere airs August 10th. A Look at Season Three’s Hell On Wheels: A Look at Season 3: Inside Hell on Wheels Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 4:35In doing my morning rounds of research for my afternoon chat with Anson, I was surprised and excited to find an online groundswell of support for him to take on the role of Batman in the next blockbuster film. So I began my questions there."
"docid": "D1413588#0",
"title": "http://www.stangtv.com/tech-stories/wheels-tires/dot-drag-radials-101-what-you-need-to-know-about-drag-radials/\nDOT Drag Radials 101: What You Need to Know About Drag Radials",
"text": "There are two kinds of street/strip cars—street cars that occasionally see the dragstrip, and drag cars that that occasionally see the street. Both cars need tires, but can that really be the same tire? We set out to break them down and give you the skinny on fat tires. We talk with some of the leaders in the industry, Mickey Thompson, Hoosier, Toyo, BFGoodrich, and Nitto, to see what their tricks are. Tire DNABreaking down each tire by its construction is a critical step in deciding what you need. Tires are not created equally; in fact, they are all different, depending on the intended usage. Bolting a set of wrinkle-wall slicks on a road car would mean disaster by the first hard turn. You have to know what you are going to do with them before you click the “buy it now” button. DOT Drag Radials are not all cut from the same cloth. Some are designed to barely meet the DOT standards and are not for street use (Hoosier), but tires like the Mickey Thompson ET Street Radials are safe for street use, as long as the pavement is dry."
"docid": "D1925451#0",
"title": "http://www.rehabmeasures.org/Lists/RehabMeasures/DispForm.aspx?ID=1125\nContinuous Scale Physical Functional Performance; Short Form: Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance 10; Wheel Chair Users: Wheel Chair Physical Functional Performance",
"text": "\"Rehabilitation Measure Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance; Short Form: Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance 10; Wheel Chair Users: Wheel Chair Physical Functional Performance Last Updated April 30, 2013Purpose The Continuous Scale-Physical Functional Performance assesses a person’s ability to perform a variety of functional activities by having them actually perform, and not simulate, those activities. Sixteen tasks are performed sequentially, progressing from easy to more difficult. These tasks contribute to a CS-PFP total score, but also to 5 separate domain scores including upper extremity strength, upper extremity flexibility, lower extremity strength, balance and coordination, and endurance. Acronym CS-PFP; Short form: CS-PFP10; Wheel chair users: WC-PFPArea of Assessment Activities of Daily Living Balance – Non-vestibular Coordination Functional Mobility Gait General Health Strength Upper Extremity Function Assessment Type Performance Measure Administration Mode Computer Cost Not Free Actual Cost$325.00Cost Description Cost of Training: CS-PFP10 $325/participant $475/ set of pre-workshop materials $1500 Data reduction software and license Diagnosis/Conditions Cardiac Dysfunction Parkinson's Disease + Neurologic Rehabilitation Stroke Recovery Populations Stroke Parkinson's Disease Older Adults and Geriatric Care Non-Specific Patient Population Mixed Populations Chronic Pain Wheelchair Usage Key Descriptions Original CS-PFP test battery validated in 1996 (Cress et al.) CS-PFP composed of 16 tasks requiring persons to perform various activities of daily living, including: Low difficulty 1) Carrying a weighted pot 2) Pouring water from a jug to a cup 3) Donning/removing a jacket 4) Placing and removing a sponge from a shelf Moderate difficulty 1) Sweeping floor with broom and dustpan 2) Door pull 3) Transferring clothes from washer to dryer & dryer to basket 4) Making a bed 5) Vacuuming 6) Placing a strap over shoe 7) Picking up scarves from the floor High difficulty 1) Carrying weighted bag up and down simulated bus stop 2) Sitting and standing up from floor 3) Climbing stairs 4) Carrying groceries 5) Six minute walk Tests are scored by time to completion and/or by weight carried or height reached. Raw scores are converted to percentage scores for each task: Adjusted score = [ (observed score - lower limit) / (upper limit - lower limit)] * 100. The upper and lower limits used are from Cress et al, 1996 validation study and based on data from older adults, ages 65 to 85 years. The scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better function. CS-PFP10 is the short form that was developed in 2005 (Cress, Petrella, Moore, & Schenkman). The CS-PFP10 includes ten of the items from the CS-PFP including the following: 1) Carrying a weighted pot 2) Donning/removing a jacket 3) Placing and removing a sponge from a shelf 4) Transferring cloths 5) Vacuuming 6) Sweeping the floor 7) Picking scarves off the floor 8) Sitting and standing up from floor 9) Climbing stairs 10) Carrying groceries 11) Six-minute walk The WC-PFP was developed for wheelchair users in 2002 (Cress et al.)."
"docid": "D3152600#0",
"title": "http://smurfs.wikia.com/wiki/The_Color_Smurfy\nThe Color Smurfy",
"text": "\"Title Translation of The Color Smurfy French Les Schtroumpfs et les Couleurs German Die Farbe schlumpfig Italian La macchina dei colori Dutch De Kleursmurf Czech Barvy šmoulího světa\"\"The Color Smurfy\"\" is a Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show. Plot Summary Things look really blue for the Smurfs when most of their world is in black and white. Painter is up and about early in the morning in the Smurf Forest, climbing to the highest point to see Spectra, the color sprite, busy at work filling the world with color from her magic palette. He watches as the drab darkness of the forest is changed to vibrant brilliance, and as Spectra stops by Painter to ask what color he intends to do his paintings in, all his natural colors also come into view with the help of her magic brush. Soon Painter is busy at work on his latest masteurpiesa, painting a nearby pond and seeing that a color is missing from his work. He sees the Smurflings running out into the forest to chase a butterfly and has them stand by a rock so that he could paint \"\"smurfy blue\"\". However, the Smurflings get bored from just standing around and tell Painter to hurry it up. Painter tells them that mixing up \"\"smurfy blue\"\" can never be rushed. The Smurflings don't see what the right kind of blue matters for a painting, even as Painter shows them that there are different shades of blue that exist, so the village artist decides to take them to see Spectra in her tower. They see that she isn't home, but the Smurflings take notice of a machine inside her tower that produces all sorts of colors."
"docid": "D3001523#0",
"title": "http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/17347-how-to-measure-the-mass-of-photon/\nHow to measure the mass of photon?",
"text": "\"poker Lepton Members104 posts Posted March 5, 2006In the gauge field theory photon is represented by a gauge vector field which is massless. But how can we measure the mass of the photon to very small value to convince ourselves that photon is definitely massless? Somebody say that as the universe is just about 13.7 billion years old from the big bang to now, so if we measure the mass of photon through any quantum effects, we will ultimately arrive at a threshold under which we can not push on. In other words, we have no method to measure the absolute zero mass of photon. What are your opinions? Cap'n Refsmmat Mr. Wizard Administrators134311781 posts Location: Texas Posted March 5, 2006There's one very simple way: if photons had mass, they could not reach the speed of light, according to relativity.ydoa Ps The Oncoming Storm Moderators159010528 posts Location: Local Group Posted March 5, 2006i tried to derive the mass of a photon here a while back.poker Lepton Members104 posts Posted March 5, 2006But how to define the speed of light experimentally? And how to make sure that this method will lead to high precision result? Cap said: There's one very simple way: if photons had mass, they could not reach the speed of light, according to relativity.silkworm Suspended Senior Members10734 posts Location: Kansas Posted March 5, 2006Just a small note. If a photon had mass, whatever was emitting the photon would have to lose mass by doing so.m4rc Meson Senior Members1289 posts Location: Australia Posted March 5, 2006Actually atoms do lose mass when they emit a photon http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg18925411.300.html . If something absorbes a photon, it will gain a small amount of mass."
"docid": "D735269#0",
"title": "http://www.dodgecharger.com/forum/index.php?topic=77273.0\n.",
"text": "\"XS29L9Bxxxxxx Old Timer Offline Posts: 2,146Uni-Lug: Are there any pitfalls with Uni-Lug wheels?« on: January 21, 2011, 08:29:10 PM »You see them often... Uni-Lug wheels for the Dodge Charger, specifically the Vector Wheels. Are there any pitfalls to using them? Where to source lugnuts? Thanks in advance!Logged HOTRODFull Member Offline Posts: 408Re: Uni-Lug: Are there any pitfalls with Uni-Lug wheels?« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 09:05:47 PM »If u don't have the right lugs nuts they O out ! Logged What the Hell-Dumass ! A383Wing Old Timer Offline Posts: 10,661 Old, Lost & Confuzed Re: Uni-Lug: Are there any pitfalls with Uni-Lug wheels?« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 09:24:18 PM »I got uni-lug Cragar SS on the Daytona...to me they are a pain to put back on. but I guess that's just me Loggeddaveco Senior Member Offline Posts: 631Re: Uni-Lug: Are there any pitfalls with Uni-Lug wheels?«"
"docid": "D1659047#0",
"title": "http://www.sears.com/gladiator-19.0-cu-ft-chillerator-174-garage-refrigerator-stainless/p-04643273000P\nGladiator GARF19XXYK 19 cu. ft. Chillerator Stainless Steel Garage Refrigerator",
"text": "\"Gladiator GARF19XXYK 19 cu. ft. Chillerator Stainless Steel Garage Refrigerator AAAAC 185 Reviews Description Specifications Shop Your Way Pinterest Google+ Emailadd to list Description Item # 04643273000P Model # GARF19XXYKStainless steel 19 cu. ft. capacity The Gladiator 19 cu. ft. Chillerator Stainless Steel Garage Refrigerator Opens New Worlds The Gladiator Chillerator Garage Refrigerator brings refreshment to new domains. This stainless steel refrigerator has 19 cubic feet of capacity to store your favorite foods and beverages in the convenience. Because outside temperatures can fluctuate throughout the day and year, the Chillerator was designed specifically to handle intense heat and cold. That means your food will stay at the perfect temperature all year long."
"docid": "D1784088#0",
"title": "https://www.google.com/patents/US3811699\n.",
"text": "\"Description (OCR text may contain errors)United States Patent I 1191 1111 3,811,699 Casey 1 May 21, 1974 AXLE TRUNNION SUPPORT 1,405,159 1/1922 Polaski et al. 180/42 NG E T 2.917.123 12/1959 Ainsworth 180/43 R 3,679,016 7/1972 Blxby 180/44 R [75] Inventor: Robert Casey, Washmgton, ill. I T C P m FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS [73] Assgnee' eaten\"\" 0,324,741 2/1930 Great Britain 280/111 [22] Filed: Aug. 21, 1972 Primary Examiner-Philip Goodman [21] Appl' 282136 Assistant Examiner-John A. Carroll 1 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Phillips, Moore, Weissen- [52] US. Cl. 280/111, 180/43 R berger, Lempio & Strabala [51] Int. Cl. 860g 9/02 v [58] Field of Search 280/111; 180/42, 43 R, T180/44 R, 47, 48, 49, 50 [57] T C There 15 d1sc1osed a trunnion support assembly for p1v- 1561 zsfigrszssissssifsz ie z ;? f ,1\"\":*s\"\" xnm noa1o ore UNITED STATES PATENTS in the axle housing and held in place by a thrust plate gruus and a single set of bolts ovas 3,023.826 3/1962 Larson et a1 180/50 6 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures AXLE TRUNNION SUPPORT ARRANGEMENT BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to axle mounting means for vehicles, and pertains more particularly to trunnion bearing assemblies for pivotally mounting axles on vehicles. One or more of the axles of motor vehicles may be pivotally attached to the vehicle body so as to accommodate movement of the vehicle over uneven terrain. These axles are commonly attached to the vehicle by means of a trunnion bearing assembly."
] |
637126 | what does etch do | [
"docid": "D1055204#0",
"title": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etching\nEtching",
"text": "\"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For other uses of etch or etching, see Etching (disambiguation). For the history of the method, see old master prints. The Soldier and his Wife. Etching by Daniel Hopfer, who is believed to have been the first to apply the technique to printmaking Rembrandt, The Virgin and Child with a Cat, 1654. Original copper etching plate above, example of the print below, with composition reversed. Etching is traditionally the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio (incised) in the metal. [ 1] In modern manufacturing, other chemicals may be used on other types of material. As a method of printmaking, it is, along with engraving, the most important technique for old master prints, and remains in wide use today. In a number of modern variants such as microfabrication etching and photochemical milling it is a crucial technique in much modern technology, including circuit boards. In traditional pure etching, a metal (usually copper, zinc or steel) plate is covered with a waxy ground which is resistant to acid. ["
] | [
"docid": "D1560167#0",
"title": "http://www.etchworld.com/faq\nFrequently Asked Questions",
"text": "\"Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is the difference between Rub'N'Etch, Over'N'Over, Peel'N'Etch and Sand Etch Stencils? A: Rub'N'Etch stencils: These stencils are highly detailed, one time use stencils that are rubbed down and ONLY used with Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream Over'N'Over stencils: The latest edition to our stencil family. These are stencils that contain a moderate amount of detail and can be used with Armour Etch or Sand Etch. This self-adhesive stencil is re-usable up to 20 times. This means just wash them off, pat them dry and return the stencil to the carrier sheet for use again later. Peel'N'Etch stencils: These stencils are die-cut 4 mil vinyl stencils with moderate detail, that can be used with Armour Etch or Sand Blasted. You can either us a positive or negative image depending on which stencil pieces are removed. Please reserve etching the background, design area clear or un-etched, for Sand Blasting only. Sand Etch Mylar stencils: These reusable stencils are laser cut mylar with moderate detail. The can be used ONLY with Sand Etch for glass etching applications."
"docid": "D1044701#0",
"title": "http://www.instructables.com/id/Salt-Water-Metal-Etching/\nSalt Water Metal Etching",
"text": "I am a sword and knife enthusiast who always found the little etching on the side of my weapons super cool. I searched the web for several ways to make my own etchings on my weapons. To my dismay, there were few methods that did not contain harsh, dangerous chemicals that I didn't have at that time. Then a little spark of light appeared to me in the form of salt water etching! This method contains a few household items that are readily available and cheap. WARNING: This method produced a harmful gas that should not be breathed in. Please use in a well ventilated area. Add Tip Ask Question Step 1: Items Needed All the items that are needed can be found around the house or for cheap elsewhere. Items: Salt Water Blade (steel works best, stainless or carbon) 9v Battery A pair of alligator clips Alcohol or Windex Q-Tips Electric Tape Nail Polish (optional) Pen/Pencil/Pin Some Artistic Ability Light/Workspace Add Tip Ask Question Step 2: Cleaning/Mixing Salt and Water Take some alcohol or Windex and clean the blade thoroughly. This helps the process go smoother."
"docid": "D3032629#0",
"title": "http://mordent.com/etch-howto/\n",
"text": "Electrolytic etching uses electricity, and a solution usually based on the type of metal you want to etch. You attach the positive side of the current to your piece, and the negative side to a piece of the same metal. When the electricity flows, it causes metal from your piece to flow through the solution toward the metal on the negative side. The more metal in the solution, the faster your piece will etch. I originally learned the process of electrolytic etching back in early 2009 in a class taught by David S. Dowling, who does some amazing work. Since then I have etched numerous pieces, including bookmarks, bracelets, rings and other jewelry. Through experience and trial and error, I’ve come up with a detailed process that gives me a perfect etch almost every time. Electrolytic etching uses mostly safe chemicals, and electricity. You don’t really need respirators or fancy gear to do this process, although it is a good idea to wear rubber gloves, eye protection, and protect your clothing. If you want more info on the chemicals used, you can search the web for the MSDS sheets on the chemicals listed below."
"docid": "D896521#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_restrike_etching\nWhat is a restrike etching?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Fine Art Artists and Painters Pablo Picasso What is a restrike etching? Flag What is a restrike etching? Answer by Chrisam123 Confidence votes 26When an etching has been made, prints are made from the metal block. Very often these are not numbered. However, for collectors' items there is often a fixed number, say 200, and the individual copies are numbered, very often in the form 1/200, and so forth. Sometimes the block is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Sometimes, however, the block is kept and used again. If this happens there should be a clear indication that the 'print run' is that of a re-use or to use the technical term, a re-strike. One common way of doing this is to use Roman numerals for the re-strike. The whole area can sometimes be problematical."
"docid": "D3032628#0",
"title": "http://goannafive.blogspot.com/2012/03/etching-metal-tutorial.html\n.",
"text": "\"Etching Metal Tutorial Hi all Kristin Hubick from Retrocafeart has asked me to do a tutorial for you all on how I etch metal after she saw my etched metal suitcase necklace from my previous post made using her small brass suitcases from her shop. Those of you who etch metal and adore doing so as I do, would know its very hard to actually etch a 3D object like a working small brass suitcase as the item being etched is floated on the etchant surface not sitting on the bottom of the tray covered in solution... so how to etch just one side and not affect other parts. I digress though...first how to etch at all. I've never made a secret of the fact that the one and only artistic gorgeous Jen Crossley taught me hands on etching... I say \"\"hands on\"\" as I had read how to do it and watched You Tube how too's but learning hands on was the only way I truly KNEW how to do it....my hands are my real teacher in a class situation. Jen has given me the green light to write this too. I know I didn't necessarily have to ask her as its a technique freely available over the web but I wouldn't have done it without her consent....that's just me :o). Besides Jen has become my friend, inspiration and mentor in more ways then I can think of. ETCHING METAL the Basics SUPPLIES • Metal to etch. Works with Copper, Nickel/Silver and Brass. Use .5mm (24gauge) thick sheets • Black sharpie marker. •"
"docid": "D2782395#0",
"title": "https://www.kbs-coatings.com/rustblast.html\nRustBlast",
"text": "Home > Prep Products Rust Blast80 Reviews +See Reviews Write a Review Rust Blast is a powerful rust remover, zinc phosphate pre-primer, and metal etch. Rust Blast effectively dissolves rust, corrosion, metal oxides, and tarnishing from most metal surfaces. Ideal for removing rust from chrome surfaces.8oz. - $7. 95 | Quart w/ Sprayer - $17. 95 Gallon w/ Spray Bottle - $33. 95 5 Gal Pail - $154. 95 55 Gal Drum - $998. 95In Stock & Ready To Ship! Ships Same Day!+More Info Price: $33.95 Part #: 3500Size Qty: Got a Question?"
"docid": "D249447#0",
"title": "https://www.britannica.com/art/printmaking\nPrintmaking",
"text": "Printmaking, an art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but occasionally on fabric, parchment, plastic, or other support, by various techniques of multiplication, under the direct supervision of or by the hand of the artist. Such fine prints, as they are known collectively, are considered original works of art, even though they can exist in multiples. To the modern reader, the word print might suggest mechanically mass-produced commercial products, such as books, newspapers, and textiles. In this article, however, the print refers to the original creation of an artist who, instead of the paintbrush or the chisel, has chosen printmaking tools to express himself. The fine print is a multiple original. Originality is generally associated with uniqueness, but a print is considered original because the artist from the outset intended to create an etching, woodcut, or other graphic work and thus conceived his image within the possibilities and limitations of that technique. Without doubt, early printmaking was strongly influenced by a desire for multiple prints. Artists quickly discovered, however, that when a drawing is translated into a woodcut or engraving it takes on totally new characteristics. Each technique has its own distinctive style, imposed by the tools, materials, and printing methods. The metamorphosis that takes place between drawing and print became the strongest attraction for the creative artist."
"docid": "D1975609#0",
"title": "http://www.countertopspecialty.com/which-granite-looks-like-white-carrara-marble.html\nWhich Granite looks like White Carrara Marble?",
"text": "\"Which Granite looks like White Carrara Marble? Carrara Marble Countertop QUESTION: I'm aware that White Carrara Marble is frowned upon for use as a kitchen countertop. Etches from food acids leave those dull spots all over. If you really like the look of marble, but you're being met with resistance from kitchen designers, what granite colors (or other countertop materials) look somewhat similar to white Carrara marble? ANSWER: I feel your frustration. No other natural stone provokes the \"\"I must have it... \"\" feeling like Carrara marble. Luckily, you have several alternatives. Off the top of my head... Bianco Romano granite is an excellent substitute looking wonderfully like Carrara marble. Stunning isn't it! So, that's one idea for starters and I share a bunch more below."
"docid": "D2568338#0",
"title": "http://www.thekitchn.com/faiths-kitchen-renovation-how-we-finally-got-our-marble-countertops-renovation-diary-faiths-budget-luxe-kitchen-187401\nFaith's Kitchen Renovation: How We Finally Got Our Carrara Marble Countertops",
"text": "\"There was nothing quite so angsty in my kitchen renovation as the countertops. Maybe it's because I was coming from a rental kitchen with truly awful laminate countertops, countertops that were not only dirty cream in color but textured with deep wrinkles, like rhinoceros skin, never clean and never smooth; but I was convinced that the countertop choice would make the kitchen. Countertops are the difference between easy cleaning and dread. Countertop material changes the light in a kitchen, and is the surface under your hands and food. For me, kitchen renovation meant finally having countertops that were beautiful, bright white, and easy to clean. And not too expensive, my husband added. Marble was the natural choice. Right? Right! Here's the story of how we overcame our fears, and found our honed marble countertops."
"docid": "D1842215#0",
"title": "http://www.ohiolemonlaw.com/buyer-beware/window-etching/\nWindow Etching - is it Theft Protection or Just a Car Dealer Ripoff?",
"text": "\"Window Etching - is it Theft Protection or Just a Car Dealer Ripoff? If you pay hundreds of dollars to a car dealer and you could get the same thing on the internet for less than twenty bucks - which do you think is the better deal? And is it a good deal for you when it costs the dealer less than $10? Well that's what many car dealers pay for it and they commonly charge consumers $200 or more. Do you think you might be getting ripped off? You are very likely to be right - you could be getting ripped off big time. Especially since most new cars and trucks already come with a factory installed system or part that already does what the dealer wants you to pay them extra for. One of the great ripoffs of the decade is the window etch so-called \"\"theft guard\"\" scheme. There are lots of different names for it but all that window etching amounts to is some almost invisible scratches on your window that you get charged hundreds of dollars for. It all boils down to lots of profit for the dealer and no real value to you at all."
"docid": "D168626#0",
"title": "http://www.ohiolemonlaw.com/legal-links-information/car-dealer-dictionary\nCar Dealership Dictionary of Automobile Dealer Terminology",
"text": "\"Car Dealership Dictionary of Automobile Dealer Terminology You need to know all of the automobile dealer terminology and automobile dealer slang before stepping foot into a showroom. An informed buyer is often a car dealer’s worst nightmare. That’s because automobile dealer slang is the way car dealers speak to one another in a shorthand sort of fashion, but they speak directly to you very differently. What they are saying behind your back can be a real eye opener. Here are some of the terms from an actual car dealer slang dictionary. But if you have a lemon and want to get started right now on the process of getting rid of it, then call our Toll Free Used Car Lemon Law Hotline right now, 1.888.331.6422. Or Click Here for free Lemon Law help Okay, here's the dictionary we actually got from a car dealer. Read it and you will know what they really mean by their buzz words and slang. BABYSITTER: Slang term used for a co-signer or co-buyer on an automobile contract; often used where the primary buyer needs help to make a decision or make the buy. BACK END: Back end is the contract which is being sent to the bank for financing, where extra \"\"hidden\"\" profit is made by the dealer; the back end profit occurs because the dealer gets a kickback from the bank just for setting up the loan there instead of somewhere else."
"docid": "D2960771#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y35iw83ifw8\nAcid Etching Concrete",
"text": "Acid Etching Concrete Pond Armor Epoxy Subscribe 894Add to Share More99,143 views Published on Jul 9, 2013CORRECTION - In this video we describe pouring the acid into the water. This should be reversed. The acid should be poured into the water ONLY. A new video describing this process will be uploaded soon. Acid etching concrete is vital to the success of coating your water feature. It will clean the calcium off of the surface that is pushed there during the hydration period. Normally this should be done after 28 days on normal concrete, but can be done after 7 days on polymer concrete or concrete with an accelerator used in it. If you acid etch too soon, this process that the concrete goes through (pushing calcium to the surface during hydration, does not stop. You might end up with a clean surface, but any calcium that is still being pushed to the surface could push the coating off. This is not a problem with the coating but rather a problem with being too hasty with the over-all project."
"docid": "D1890494#0",
"title": "http://www.dentaleconomics.com/articles/print/volume-98/issue-10/departments/ask-dr-christensen/ask-dr-christensen.html\nAsk Dr. Christensen",
"text": "\"Ask Dr. Christensen October 1, 2008by Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, Ph DIn this monthly feature, Dr. Gordon Christensen addresses the most frequently asked questions from Dental Economics® readers. If you would like to submit a question to Dr. Christensen, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. For more on this topic, go to www.dentaleconomics.com and search using the following key words: patient information, dental treatment, teatment alternatives, implants, informed consent. Q I have been told that the majority of lawsuits against dentists in the US are related to not informing patients about all of the treatment alternatives. What can I do to protect myself against this problem? How thoroughly should I inform patients? A Your information is correct. Many of the lawsuits against dentists are related to lack of \"\"informed consent.\"\" Many dentists do not consider the need to educate patients before beginning treatment. They select the treatment plan which they feel is the most appropriate for the patient — and then perform the treatment — failing to provide the patient with other alternatives."
"docid": "D1567785#0",
"title": "http://www.instructables.com/id/Glass-Etched-Glasses/\nGlass Etched Glasses",
"text": "First Prize in the Homemade Holidays: Holiday Gifts View Contest For Christmas this year, I am etching different beverage glasses for my family. I have coffee mugs, beer glasses, and wine glasses. Here are the general directions and how-to to make your very own personalized glasses. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download Step 1: Materials You will need: -Clean glasses -Glass Etching -Brushes -Masking Tape -Glass Etching Stencils -Paper Towels -Scissors, Exacto, or other cutting devices -Pen -Paper Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download Step 2: Perpare Your Glass Make sure that your glass is clean and you have a good clean surface with good lighting. Decide on your design. You may want to sketch it out on paper first. For this pattern, I made one glass, measured the distance between stripes on a paper and used that as my template for future glasses. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download Step 3: Mark Your Pattern Use masking tape or stencils to mark where you want to be etched. Make sure you use your nails or a popsicle stick to press the edges down securely onto the glass. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download Step 4: Apply Etching Solution With a brush, heavily apply the glass etching solution to the area you want to be etched."
"docid": "D2788703#0",
"title": "http://www.marble-granites.com/resource-center/stone-selection/granite-countertops.aspx\nGRANITE COUNTERTOPS FAQ'S",
"text": "\"home » resource center » stone selection » granite countertops GRANITE COUNTERTOPS FAQ'SQUESTION: Where does granite come from? ANSWER: Granite is quarried from the earth with specialized equipment and machinery. It is found all over the world. A few parts of the world where granite is quarried: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, India, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Ukraine, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe. QUESTION: What is the difference between granite & marble countertops? ANSWER: The look first and foremost. The maintenance and care of the stones will also vary. Marble is softer and more porous and it will etch and stain easier. Marble is more delicate natural stone when compared to granite. QUESTION: How strong is granite?"
"docid": "D2339534#0",
"title": "http://www.leadbitterglass.co.uk/etched-glass/satin-glass-privacy/\nSatin Glass for privacy",
"text": "Satin Glass for privacy Satin glass is the perfect privacy glass for use in bathroom doors and other areas that glass with clear sections wouldn’t be suitable. The glass has an etched glass appearance to the whole area of the glass and we can create many forms of our decorative glass techniques using Satin glass. One product that works really well with Satin glass is our etched glass or Sandblasted glass as it is also known. When creating an etched glass design using Satin glass we would etch the reverse side of the Satin leaving the Satin side unaffected by the sandblasting process. On the right we have an image of a recent job created for a client showing exactly how the etched glass sections of the design stand out well against the background of the Satin glass. With normal etched glass there would be clear areas left in the design to allow the design to be seen against the etched background but with Satin, all of the non-etched areas are Satin glass so it is not possible to see through any areas of the glass. Satin glass is the perfect glass for use in bathrooms, wet rooms and en-suites because of the overall low visibility it offers through the glass and no matter what is behind the glass, people will not be able to make out anything other than fuzzy shades of light. Satin glass still allows a lot of the natural light into the room and it does have a very modern feel to the glass without having a ‘too prominent’ pattern to the etched design effect. The Leadbitter Glass studio recently created a door and side panel combination for a bathroom door in Manchester and you can see the finished product here. Once the ‘bubbles’ design was etched onto the back of the Satin glass we actually coloured the etched sections of the design a light blue colour using our coloured etched glass product and this gave a great effect to the new modern bathroom."
"docid": "D182758#0",
"title": "http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/proper-uses-acid-etch-primer-47329.html\nProper uses for acid etch primer?",
"text": "\"# 1 ( permalink) 09-08-2004, 12:42 PMRocket1New Member Join Date: Sep 2004Location: Ohio Age: 33Posts: 26Wiki Edits: 0Thanks: 0Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts Rocket1's Photo Album Proper uses for acid etch primer? I seem to be seeing alot of cases where people using acid etch primer over bare metal get bubbles in their paint after a while. I plan on trying the SPI epoxy primer everyone is so hot on for the remainder of my project, But on some areas of the car i've used acid etch primer. I'm new to these things so I'm not real keen on the Do's and Do not's. Basically all i'm looking for is a good paint job that lasts, just like all of you are i'm sure. Is acid etch a no no? Advertisement Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links Hot Rodders.com Advertisement# 2 ( permalink) 09-08-2004, 01:21 PMBarry KMember Streetbeasts lawsuit donor Last photo: Join Date: Apr 2004Posts: 3,587Wiki Edits: 0Thanks: 11Thanked 85 Times in 53 Posts Barry K's Photo Album This is a very sensitive subject as many people here have used in the past and present \"\"Acid etch\"\" Primers. Here is the problem, first the paint companies will not just pull this product because it is so cheap to make unlike epoxy or 2k primers. ( Its a big money maker) The next problem is acid etch works very well under lacquers and enamels (20 years out of date) but the product never locks down so if you sprayed a fender with acid etch and let it set two years, you could walk up with Urethane reducer and wipe off. So what does 2K primers, base, and clears have in them urethane reducers!"
"docid": "D287979#0",
"title": "http://www.eastwood.com/rust-protection-done-right\nRust Protection Done Right",
"text": "Rust Protection Done Right The best way to deal with rust is to remove it. This can be achieved through mechanical (abrasive blasting, wire wheel, sanding, etc.) or chemical (Fast Etch Rust Remover, Rust Dissolver) means, or through the direct approach of cutting out the affected area and replacing with new metal. When the metal is perforated or the strength is compromised, cutting out and replacing is the only way to go. But there are always those areas in every project that are only slightly corroded, and strength has not been compromised. For these sections use mechanical means to at least remove the loose rust, then use Fast Etch Rust Remover or Rust Dissolver to completely dissolve the rust. For areas where you can't readily reach to remove with Fast Etch, use Eastwood Rust Converter on heavy, scaly rust, followed by Eastwood Rust Encapsulator. If the area is not heavy and scaly rust, use Eastwood Rust Encapsulator. If you can't access the area to remove the loose rust, use Eastwood Internal Frame Coating or Heavy-Duty Anti-Rust. That's a brief summary of the proper use of our best-selling rust treatments."
"docid": "D6410#0",
"title": "http://www.poolcenter.com/plaster\nPool Info: Pool Plaster Information",
"text": "\"10% OFF!SELECT PARTS Shop All Parts UP TO25% OFF!POOL EQUIPMENT Shop All Equipment Home Plaster Topics Plumbing/Valves Pool Chemistry Pool Equipment Pool Maintenance Pool Repair Pool Safety Pool Surface Finishes Pool Glossary Pool Library/Links Pool Info: Pool Plaster Information Concrete pools are the oldest form of building pools. The process starts with digging a hole in the ground and lining the hole with rebar. The main drains, skimmers, return lines, pool lights etc., are set into place. After that, the pool is shot with gunite (or shotcrete), which is concrete that is shot out of a gun or large spray nozzle, and troweled to the finished shape. The tile and coping stones are set in place. As the final step in the pool construction process, the pool interior is sprayed with a wet plaster mix, and troweled smooth. Once the plasterers apply the finishing touches, they start filling the pool with water immediately, as plaster cures under water. Once the pool is full, the system is started up and balanced with chemicals. This is the time that takes the most work, usually a lot of brushing and backwashing due to dusting from the new plaster."
"docid": "D1868193#0",
"title": "http://www.instructables.com/id/Etching-Glass-with-a-Sandblaster/\nEtching Glass With a Sandblaster",
"text": "\"I play for the scenario paintball team Pub Crawling http://www.pubcrawling.org . We have more than 20 members on the team and with a name like Pub Crawling we tend to enjoy a drink now and then. But having a finely crafted ale out of just any old pint glass simply won't do. Nor would it be appropriate to drink a $90/bottle of Scotch from a Dixie cup. To truly appreciate a beverage it should be served in the proper vessel. Stepping it up a notch by having that vessel custom engraved can add a touch of class to the occasion. This is different than chemical etching glass that you see quite often. This method of etching it much deeper in the glass, as much as 1mm in some areas. You can see and feel the difference in glass depth with sandblasting, chemical etching always gave me lackluster results. Add Tip Ask Question Step 1: Tools and Materials It is assumed that you have some mechanical and computer knowledge."
] |
637127 | what does etf stand for | [
"docid": "D668686#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/etf.asp\nDEFINITION of 'Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)'",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load DEFINITION of 'Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)'An ETF, or exchange-traded fund, is a marketable security that tracks an index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of assets like an index fund. Unlike mutual funds, an ETF trades like a common stock on a stock exchange. ETFs experience price changes throughout the day as they are bought and sold. ETFs typically have higher daily liquidity and lower fees than mutual fund shares, making them an attractive alternative for individual investors. Because it trades like a stock, an ETF does not have its net asset value (NAV) calculated once at the end of every day like a mutual fund does. Next Up ETF of ETFs Inverse ETFCommodity ETFRedemption Mechanism BREAKING DOWN 'Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)'An ETF is a type of fund that owns the underlying assets (shares of stock, bonds, oil futures, gold bars, foreign currency, etc.) and divides ownership of those assets into shares. The actual investment vehicle structure (such as a corporation or investment trust) will vary by country, and within one country there can be multiple structures that co-exist. Shareholders do not directly own or have any direct claim to the underlying investments in the fund; rather they indirectly own these assets. ETF shareholders are entitled to a proportion of the profits, such as earned interest or dividends paid, and they may get a residual value in case the fund is liquidated."
] | [
"docid": "D2908927#0",
"title": "http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/3441436/asset-management-indexing-and-etfs/vanguard-group-bets-big-on-financial-advice.html\nVanguard Group Bets Big on Financial Advice",
"text": "Corner Office Vanguard Group Bets Big on Financial Advice Under CEO Bill Mc Nabb, the pioneer of index investing is launching a new, computer-based advisory service that threatens to turn the entire financial advice business on its head. Julie Segal April 01, 2015Investment adviser Richard Ferri is a Vanguard Group evangelist. Twenty years ago, when he worked for Smith Barney, he asked then-president Jamie Dimon for permission to create a low-cost index advisory program. At the time, Smith Barney was the second-largest brokerage firm in the U. S. and made money not only by stocking client portfolios with its own actively managed funds but also by getting paid by fund companies to sell competing products. When Dimon gave Ferri a flat-out no, the latter drafted plans to launch one of the first advisory firms that would use index funds exclusively and provide advice for a fraction of what firms like Smith Barney were charging. In 1999 he launched Portfolio Solutions on the twin convictions that active managers face almost insurmountable obstacles in their quest to beat the market and that low-cost index funds give investors a much better chance of investment success. Ferri, whose $1.4 billion firm charges some 30 basis points annually for advice and primarily uses Vanguard funds, has spent 15 years spreading Vanguard founder John (Jack) Bogle ’s message that costs matter — and inspiring a deluge of imitators. Last year low-cost advisers like Ferri, as well as their highbrow counterparts at big brokerage firms and wealth managers who belatedly bought into index funds, were responsible for half of Vanguard’s new assets. Now Ferri and other advisers are worried that they will have to compete with Vanguard after it formally launches a new, low-cost, computer-based advice service that is fully integrated with certified financial planners employed by the firm, with whom clients can speak over the phone or via video applications. Vanguard CEO F. William (Bill) Mc Nabb III plays down their concerns, emphasizing that his firm isn’t opening any branches and that the service is targeted at do-it-yourself investors who don’t need or want to sit across the table from an adviser."
"docid": "D1387693#0",
"title": "http://www.stockbrokers.com/review/fidelityinvestments\nFidelity Review",
"text": "Review Sections: Commissions & Fees Research Customer Service Platforms & Tools Mobile Trading Ease of Use Education Other Notes Final Thoughts Methodology References Data: Fees & Features Home Reviews Fidelity Investments Fidelity Investments, founded in 1946, is a full-service broker with over 19 million retail brokerage accounts and over $2 trillion in client assets. Fidelity charges $4.95 per stock trade, $4.95 plus $.65 per contract for options trades, and is highly regarded for its quality customer service, extensive retirement services, and all-around investment offering. Commissions & Fees Like its closest competitors, Fidelity uses a simple, flat-fee trading commission structure. Stock trades are $4.95, and options trades run at $4.95 plus $.65 per contract, which are less expensive rates than those offered by TD Ameritrade and ETRADE, but match those of Charles Schwab. Fidelity offers 12,505 mutual funds, of which just over 4,000 are No Transaction Fee (NTF) funds. Regular mutual fund trades cost $49.95 to buy, $0 to sell. Unlike most brokers, Fidelity and Charles Schwab charge only for the original purchase. There is no additional charge for redemption (i.e., selling). Fidelity offers 91 commission-free ETFs. While the number is certainly good, the broker still trails ETRADE, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab (TD Ameritrade leads the industry with its offering of 296 ETFs)."
"docid": "D3272578#0",
"title": "https://www.thebalance.com/msci-index-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-measure-3305948\nMSCI Index and What It Measures",
"text": "\"Economic Terms Stock Market MSCI Index and What It Measures Share Flip Pin Email•••By Kimberly Amadeo Updated March 29, 2018An MSCI Index is a measurement of stock market performance in a particular area. MSCI stands for Morgan Stanley Capital International, the first global market indexes, created in 1968. MSCI Barra now manages the 160,000 indexes. Like other indexes, such as the Dow Jones Averages or the S&P 500, it tracks the performance of the stocks included in the index. MSCI Indexes are used as the base for exchanged traded funds. That means the ETF duplicates the Index's stock holdings. That allows investors to profit from gains in the Index. Similarly, Indexes are also the benchmarks that actively managed mutual funds use as bases. The exchange-traded funds follow the MSCI indexes. Managed mutual funds try to outperform them by picking better stocks."
"docid": "D1389916#0",
"title": "https://www.investopedia.com/video/play/ucits/\nUCITS",
"text": "Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load UCITS stands for Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities. Essentially, UCITS are investment funds regulated by the European Union. Although investment funds have been popular in Europe since the 1960s and 1970s, their regulations posed problems for investors wanting to buy funds from another European country. Some countries’ laws prohibited such actions, and in other cases, tax laws rendered the investments unappealing. UCITS came about from a 1985 EU directive that aimed to standardize the rules and regulations across Europe regarding open-ended funds and transferable securities. The plan was to make funds approved in one country easy to market and sell to investors throughout the EU. The first two versions of UCITS were not adopted, but UCITS III was approved in 2001, and remains in force today. Investors in UCITS receive protection, an abundance of investment choices, liquidity and professional management. Fund companies can make distributions across borders simply by notifying the regulators in the receiving countries. Disadvantages of UCITS include the possibility of low returns for investors."
"docid": "D393749#0",
"title": "https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/211241\nHow much does it cost to leave Verizon when my contracts not up?",
"text": "This discussion is locked1 2 Previous Next13 Replies Latest reply on Oct 6, 2012 10:21 PM by cman0928How much does it cost to leave Verizon when my contracts not up?colorfulgiraffe Jun 22, 2010 8:39 PMI'm planning on switching to T-Mobile. Though my contract doesn't end until January, how much would it cost to leave?331121 Views Tags: etf , etf1. Re: How much does it cost to leave Verizon when my contracts not up?spottedcatfish Jun 22, 2010 8:46 PM ( in response to colorfulgiraffe )You will have to pay an ETF for each line. The amount of the ETF and how much it decreases for each month of service you complete is laid out in your contract. You probably have an ETF of $175 less $5 for each month of your contract you complete before you cancel, but check you contract to be sure. Like (0)Actions2. Re: How much does it cost to leave Verizon when my contracts not up?colorfulgiraffe Jun 22, 2010 8:50 PM ( in response to spottedcatfish )so if I only have 6 more months of my contract left ... that would mean I would have to pay about 90 dollars? Like (0)Actions3. Re: How much does it cost to leave Verizon when my contracts not up? The Great One Jun 22, 2010 8:55 PM ( in response to colorfulgiraffe )colorfulgiraffe wrote: I'm planning on switching to T-Mobile."
"docid": "D2385082#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_ETF_stand_for\nWhat is an ETF investment?",
"text": "Investor101 35 Contributions What is an ETF investment? ETFs are exchange traded funds. They allow immediate diversification for smaller investors. Unlike mutual funds they allow diversity with fewer limitations - they, like stocks …Steve Mac15 1 Contribution What is an ETF? A fund that gives exposure to a basket of stocks or bonds but trades easily like a stock on an exchange Paul Petillo 20 Contributions What are ETFs? Answer . ETF stands for exchange traded funds. It is a portfolio ofstocks or bonds that is sold to investors on open exchanges. Theinvestor purchases these shares through a b …Who invented the ETF? I did in 1991."
"docid": "D2504477#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_ticker_symbol_for_LG_Electronics\nWhat is the ticker symbol for LG Electronics?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles What is the ticker symbol for LG Electronics? Flag What is the ticker symbol for LG Electronics? Answer by Ksmail Confidence votes 32.6KLG Electronics' stock does not trade on the American stock exchanges. The stock trades on other exchanges around the world such as the Korea Stock Exchange (symbol: 066570) and the London Stock Exchange (LGLD). To invest in this company you would need to find a brokerage firm that allows access to foreign exchanges.15 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Matthew Crowder 224,614 Contributions What is the ticker symbol for Electronic Arts? Stock Ticker ERTS . The ticker symbol for Electronic Arts is ERTS and it is traded on the Nasdaq. Matthew Crowder 224,614 Contributions What is the ticker symbol for Electronic Data Systems? Stock Ticker EDS ."
"docid": "D1179112#0",
"title": "https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/376098/\nATT Early Termination Fee??",
"text": "\"6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2011 9:44 PM by Squallfyr ATT Early Termination Fee? ? sophieollie Jan 13, 2011 5:28 PMDoes anyone know what the early termination fee is for current ATT customers? My fiance has ATT and loves his i Phone but hates their service--and their website is so confusing I can't find the early termination fee amount. I wonder if Verizon will offer any sort of \"\"we'll pay you to switch\"\" incentives??? I have Verizon and would never switch to ATT with him so we could share a plan...so this is AWESOME news!6787 Views Tags:1. Re: ATT Early Termination Fee? ? rsu1981 Jan 13, 2011 5:34 PM ( in response to sophieollie )ETF from ATT on the iphone is $325 less $5/month for each month used. Sell the phone on ebay should cover etf and cost of new phone. I saw 2 used 16gb ip4 go yesterday on ebay for $700 each. Really stupid since you can pay full retail on a 16gb for $599."
"docid": "D1968722#0",
"title": "http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/25/investing/new-investor-buying-opportunities-bad-bets/index.html\nThese stocks are getting crushed. Is it time to buy now?",
"text": "\"What the heck is going on with stocks? Global stock markets are getting rocked. U. S. markets are bouncing back Tuesday after declines five days in a row. Amid all the volatility, sometimes the best time to buy is when there's blood in the streets, as a famous investor once said. \"\" You get the best buys when doom and gloom are present. That's how investing works,\"\" says Kevin Carter, chairman of EMQQ index, an emerging markets index. Three areas stand out as the biggest losers this time. Even before Monday's sell off, oil stocks had tanked for months, media companies have been pummeled in August and emerging markets just can't catch a break. Let's break down the three areas:1. Oil stocks Oil prices are sitting at six-and-a-half year lows."
"docid": "D2071723#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/032615/what-are-four-types-economic-utility.asp\nWhat are the Four Types of Economic Utility?",
"text": "\"A: The four types of economic utility are form, time, place and possession. \"\" Utility\"\" in this context refers to the value, or usefulness, that a purchaser receives in return for exchanging his money for a company's goods or services. Companies seek to provide maximum customer satisfaction through addressing as many of the four types of utility as possible. The concept of economic utility falls under the area of study known as behavioral economics. It is designed to assist companies in operating a business and marketing the company in a way that is likely to attract the maximum amount of customers and sales revenues. Form The utility of form refers to the specific product or service that a company offers. For example, a manufacturing firm might offer the raw material of rubber in the form of automobile tires. A company engages in research to pinpoint exactly what products or services consumers desire and then attempts to offer what the company's management believes is the best possible form of the specific product or service that is needed or desired by potential customers. This aspect of form utility includes offering consumers lower costs, greater convenience or a wider selection of products. All of these efforts by a company are aimed at maximizing the perception of the added value the company offers."
"docid": "D2731717#0",
"title": "https://www.thestreet.com/story/13402044/1/10-etfs-to-love-or-hate-when-interest-rates-are-on-the-rise.html\n10 ETFs to Love or Hate When Interest Rates are on the Rise",
"text": "\"Editor's Pick: Originally Published Tuesday, Dec. 22 The Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since 2006. How will this affect investors' portfolios? The Fed's interest rate decision has gotten a lot of hype, but this is not the only thing that matters. Liquidity, seasonality, investor sentiment and technical analysis are other, perhaps even more important factors. Some sectors and asset classes, like precious metals and oils, are nearing buying opportunities unrelated to what the Fed is doing. Here are 10 interest-rate-sensitive ETFs to love or hate, buy or sell.1. Love (for now): SPDR S&P 500 ETF ( SPY)As the chart below shows, there've been 13 periods of rising rates since 1954. The S&P 500 declined during only four of them. Purely based on history, rising rates are not necessarily bearish for stocks. However, the chart also shows that rates have never been as low for as long."
"docid": "D523295#0",
"title": "http://www.thesimpledollar.com/best-ira-accounts/\nBest IRA Accounts of 2018",
"text": "The best IRA accounts aim to give the customer great investing options and low fees over a long-term horizon. Now is the best time to make your IRA contributions for the current tax season, and as a result, many of the top companies are competing for your business. My top pick for the majority of people this year is E*TRADE based on the ease of setting up and managing your IRA with very low fees. Right now you can get up to $600 when you roll over an IRA to E*TRADE. Full disclosure: as some of you know, I am a former futures trader who manages both long term and short term money so I look at the world a bit differently for my personal use. My current investing strategy is to use both TD Ameritrade and Betterment. I use TD Ameritrade as a little more robust platform to trade stocks and for my SEP IRA. I use Betterment for my long term money in my traditional IRA (At this time, I cannot get a SEP through Betterment). The “set it and forget it” approach of automated investing services, is better for my personality, especially in a rocky market. The Simple Dollar’s Picks for Best IRA Account in 2018Many of the best IRA companies are the exact same places where you would open up an online stock trading account."
"docid": "D368430#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/exchange-traded-products-etp.asp\nWhat are 'Exchange Traded Products â ETP'",
"text": "What are 'Exchange Traded Products – ETP'Exchange-traded products (ETP) are a type of security that is derivatively priced and trades intra-day on a national securities exchange. ETPs are priced so the value is derived from other investment instruments, such as a commodity, a currency, a share price or an interest rate. Generally, ETPs are benchmarked to stocks, commodities or indices. They can also be actively managed funds. ETPs include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded vehicles (ETVs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and certificates. Next Up Stock Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)ETF of ETFs Commodity ETFBREAKING DOWN 'Exchange Traded Products – ETP'The most popular type of ETP is the ETF. ETFs are securities that track an index, commodity or basket of assets. ETNs, on the other hand, are a type of unsecured, unsubordinated debt security. The value of an ETN can be affected by the credit rating of the issuer and not just changes in the underlying index. ETPs have experienced huge growth since they were introduced."
"docid": "D3037884#0",
"title": "https://bitcoinsite.org/ripple/ripple-coin-etf-symbol.php\nRipple Coin Etf Symbol -Forex Trading Robot Software In India -Where Your Dreams Are Achieved - Unity Ingot",
"text": "\"Ripple Coin Etf Symbol -Forex Trading Robot Software In India -Where Your Dreams Are Achieved - Unity Ingot Home >> Ripple >> Ripple Coin Etf Symbol Thank you so a lot for involving The Unity Ingot in looking for \"\" Ripple Coin Etf Symbol \"\" online. Where do bitcoins come from? With Bitcoin, miners use unique software program to resolve math problems and are provided a particular number of bitcoins in exchange. If you are continuously acquiring bitcoin, after that you must be a prominent gamer in bitcoin market. As a matter of fact, a person that comes out from all weird scenarios and also dominates risk is genuine up-and-comer in the electronic money globe and also he is the individual who could make it through in this globe. A section of the companies accepting bitcoin include: Amazon, City, Victorias Trick, Fiverr, Zappos, Tesla Motors, House Depot, Singes, Kmart and also Expedia. Action by action directions to Mine Bitcoins: Mining Bitcoin includes running shows on your PC that procedures intricate scientific problems. On the off opportunity that your PC understands one of these conditions, you get a payment in Bitcoins. The problem, regardless, is that your PC is up against big events of PCs that will most likely deal with the issue prior to you. That indicates your machine might wind up doing a group of work and it will certainly be a long time before you ever before observe a payment."
"docid": "D3089456#0",
"title": "http://www.benzinga.com/markets/futures/12/09/2931206/tax-treatment-for-swaps-options-on-swaps-futures-swaps-and-options-on-\nTax Treatment for Swaps, Options on Swaps, Futures Swaps, and Options on ETFs Partially Consisting of Swaps",
"text": "Tax Treatment for Swaps, Options on Swaps, Futures Swaps, and Options on ETFs Partially Consisting of Swaps Robert A. Green , Green Trader Tax Follow September 24, 2012 9:49am Comments By Robert A. Green, CPA and Mark Feldman, JDA growing trend for traders is to get involved with swap transactions. In general, tax treatment for swaps is ordinary gain or loss, but some financial instruments partially including swaps may qualify for lower 60/40 tax rates in Section 1256. The CME Group just announced new futures swaps that should fall in this category. What exactly is a swap? According to Investopedia “A swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange sequences of cash flows for a set period of time.” Classic swaps involve bonds and/or currencies, swapping interest rate and currency cash flows. For example, a global business often uses swap transactions to cushion risk exposure outside their main business activities. Derivatives are meant to smooth balance sheets, but in 2008 they contributed to the banking and markets crisis. Hedge funds often take one side of a swap transaction with corporations and banks. Retail traders rarely have that type of access to the swaps marketplace."
"docid": "D2527819#0",
"title": "http://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/get-started/retirement/\nEasy Steps to Saving for Retirement",
"text": "Easy Steps to Saving for Retirement Calculate how much you need and get started now. Use our Retirement Calculator to see where you stand today. Take our Retirement Quiz to test your knowledge about retirement.$ 4 95 1ONLINE EQUITY TRADESFlat pricing per executed online trade of stocks and non-Schwab One Source ETFs.$ 0SCHWAB ONLINE ETF TRADESClients can trade over 200 ETFs commission-free online through Schwab ETF One Source ™. 2Get Started Now Choose the right account for you. Open an Account Call Us Call us today toll-free. 877-902-7212Already Have Retirement Savings? We make transferring your old 401k or IRA to Schwab easy. We make it easy by taking care of the paperwork for you. A tax-smart way to keep your retirement money invested. Funds That Target Your Projected Retirement Date Whether you’re just entering the workforce or nearing retirement, there's a Schwab Target Fund to help you meet your goals."
"docid": "D2518942#0",
"title": "http://www.etftrends.com/etf-resume.php?quote=rem\nStock Market Profile For REM",
"text": "\"Stock Market Profile For REM1 m30 m1 h D1 m30 m1 h DREAD ARTICLES ABOUT REMGenerating Big Yields With REIT ETFs- Real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the related exchange traded funds are favored destinations for yield-starved investors and it is easy to see why. For instance, the Vanguard REIT ETF Read More Fed Aside, Real Estate ETFs Have Potential- Real estate assets, including exchange traded funds tracking real estate investment trusts (REITs), have struggled since the group was separated from the financial services sector in the third quarter of Read More Managing m REIT ETFs for Yield- While the Federal Reserve appears set to raise interest rates later this month, higher yielding assets have come under some pressure. That group includes the i Shares Mortgage Real Estate Capped Read Morem REIT ETFs Could be Ready to Shine- Higher yielding assets are benefiting from the Federal Reserve’s lower for longer policy on interest rates, a policy that many market participants believe will be extended in the wake of Read More A Fed Assist for m REIT ETFs- Higher yielding assets are benefiting from the Federal Reserve's lower for longer policy on interest rates. That group includes the i Shares Mortgage Real Estate Capped ETF (NYSEArca: REM) and the Read More Popular Plays for REIT ETFs Ahead of Sector Reclassification- Investors have been giving real estate investment trusts a second look ahead of indexing sector reclassification, bolstering demand for REITs-related exchange traded funds. \"\" Demand for US real estate securities accelerated Read More15 Most Read ETF Articles of the Week (May 16-20)- Each day ETFtrends.com publishes news, strategy and commentary on ETFs in the realms of Commodities, Currency, Equities and Smart-Beta to name a few. Here’s a look at the Top 15 Most Read More Risks for These 2 High-Yielding REIT ETFs- High-yielding, income-generating asset classes are benefiting this year as Treasury yields decline and the Federal Reserve puts off another interest rate increase. The group of beneficiaries includes exchange traded funds Read More15 Most Read ETF Articles of the Week (May 9-13)- Each day ETFtrends.com publishes news, strategy and commentary on ETFs in the realms of Commodities, Currency, Equities and Smart-Beta to name a few. Here’s a look at the Top 15 Most Read More ETF TMI: 2 Themed ETFs Launch; Energy, MLPs Active- Got a case of TMI (Too Much Information)? ETF Trends takes a condensed look at latest happenings… Global X Launches Longevity and Health & Wellness ETFs on Nasdaq Global X Read More ETF TMI: Global ETF Assets Hit $3.137 Trillion; Equities Fight Back- Got a case of TMI (Too Much Information)? ETF Trends takes a condensed look at latest happenings… Global ETF/ETP Assets Hit Record $3.137 Trillion High Assets invested in exchange traded Read More A+ Real Estate ETFs to Capitalize on a Dovish Fed- Real estate investment trusts and related exchange traded funds (ETFs) are capitalizing on the low interest-rate environment, and the market could find further support ahead as REITs become the newest Read More ETF TMI: Equity ETFs, Millennials and Turkey- Got a case of TMI (Too Much Information)?"
"docid": "D235150#0",
"title": "http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/diversification.asp\nWhat is 'Diversification'",
"text": "Loading the player... What is 'Diversification'Diversification is a risk management technique that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. The rationale behind this technique contends that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of investments will, on average, yield higher returns and pose a lower risk than any individual investment found within the portfolio. Next Up Stock Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)Geographical Diversification International Portfolio Bond ETFBREAKING DOWN 'Diversification'Diversification strives to smooth out unsystematic risk events in a portfolio so the positive performance of some investments neutralizes the negative performance of others. Therefore, the benefits of diversification hold only if the securities in the portfolio are not perfectly correlated. Studies and mathematical models have shown that maintaining a well-diversified portfolio of 25 to 30 stocks yields the most cost-effective level of risk reduction. Investing in more securities yields further diversification benefits, albeit at a drastically smaller rate. Further diversification benefits can be gained by investing in foreign securities because they tend to be less closely correlated with domestic investments. For example, an economic downturn in the U. S. economy may not affect Japan's economy in the same way; therefore, having Japanese investments gives an investor a small cushion of protection against losses due to an American economic downturn. Most noninstitutional investors have a limited investment budget and may find it difficult to create an adequately diversified portfolio. This fact alone can explain why mutual funds have been increasing in popularity."
"docid": "D2022432#0",
"title": "https://www.t-mobile.com/offer/wifi-calling-wifi-extenders.html\nEvery Wi-Fi connection works like a T-Mobiletower.",
"text": "Every Wi-Fi connection works like a T-Mobiletower. You can use your phone to make calls and texts anywhere there’s Wi-Fi. It’s easy. Just connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network and it’s all set. No additional apps, logins or costs required. Ready to go, right out of the box. Good news! All new T-Mobile smartphones have Wi-Fi calling. Check out a few favorites below. Previousi Phone 7 & 7 Plus Check it outi Phone 6s Check it out LG G6Check it out Samsung Galaxy S8 & S8 Plus Check it outi Phone 7 & 7 Plus Check it outi Phone 6s Check it out LG G6Check it out Samsung Galaxy S8 & S8 Plus Check it outi Phone 7 & 7 Plus Check it outi Phone 6s Check it out Next1234Order now!"
"docid": "D113802#0",
"title": "http://www.investorwords.com/1755/ETF.html\nETF",
"text": "\"ETFSave to Favorites Definition Exchange Traded Fund. A fund that tracks an index, but can be traded like a stock. ETFs always bundle together the securities that are in an index; they never track actively managed mutual fund portfolios (because most actively managed funds only disclose their holdings a few times a year, so the ETF would not know when to adjust its holdings most of the time). Investors can do just about anything with an ETF that they can do with a normal stock, such as short selling. Because ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, they can be bought and sold at any time during the day (unlike most mutual funds ). Their price will fluctuate from moment to moment, just like any other stock's price, and an investor will need a broker in order to purchase them, which means that he/she will have to pay a commission. On the plus side, ETFs are more tax-efficient than normal mutual funds, and since they track indexes they have very low operating and transaction costs associated with them. There are no sales loads or investmentminimums required to purchase an ETF. The first ETF created was the Standard and Poor's Deposit Receipt (SPDR, pronounced \"\" Spider \"\") in 1993. SPDRs gave investors an easy way to track the S&P 500 without buying an index fund, and they soon become quite popular."
] |
637131 | what does ethanol do to gas mileage mpg? | [
"docid": "D303906#0",
"title": "https://community.cartalk.com/t/big-increase-in-mpg-since-switching-to-ethanol-free-gas/72516\nBig increase in mpg since switching to ethanol-free gas",
"text": "\"Burb_Bum 2012-05-19 10:39:06 UTC #1I'm not so much looking to field a discussion, but spitting this out because I've tested this for quite a while now. I know it's not news, but I'm one more confirmation. About 6,000 miles ago, I stopped running gas with ethanol in it. I've got a '96 Burb that was stuck at 10 mpg no matter what I did, how I drove it, etc. I switched to ethanol-free gas. First tank 12.6 mpg. Second tank 14 mpg. And it has remained at 14 mpg every tank since then, no matter how I'm driving it. My grandpa once had this massive Cadillac, I believe the longest one they ever built. It had the same motor that was used in Sherman tanks if I remember correctly."
] | [
"docid": "D2488663#0",
"title": "http://www.cleanmpg.com/community/index.php?threads/9951/\nDoes premium fuel = better MPG?",
"text": "\"Home Forums > Information > Fuel >Does premium fuel = better MPG? Discussion in ' Fuel ' started by 99Blue Blazer, Apr 10, 2008 . Page 1 of 21 2 Next >99Blue Blazer New Member Does premium fuel (which obviously cost more) have any mileage savings compaired to regular unleaded? Other than the \"\"octane\"\" ratings I dont really know what is different between the quality levels of gasoline. : Banane13:99Blue Blazer, Apr 10, 2008 #1toastblows Well-Known Memberno, use what owners manual says to usetoastblows, Apr 10, 2008 #2Right Lane Cruiser Penguin of Notagascar Higher octane just has more additives to prevent pre-detonation (aka \"\"pinging\"\"). Because of that it actually has a lower energy density than regular gas (which doesn't have as many additives). For a car rated for regular gas, premium fuel will get you worse mileage (by a little). For a vehicle rated for premium fuel, most will \"\"detune\"\" a bit to accommodate lower octane fuel without \"\"pinging.\"\" That can often have a FE hit associated with it. In short, if you car does not call for premium fuel, don't use it."
"docid": "D1759842#0",
"title": "http://gas2.org/2008/04/10/biodiesel-mythbuster-20-twenty-two-biodiesel-myths-dispelled/\nBiodiesel Mythbuster 2.0: Twenty-Two Biodiesel Myths Dispelled",
"text": "[social_buttons] Most of us are at least vaguely familiar with biodiesel, but how much do we really know? While biodiesel is easily the most popular alternative fuel available, it’s commonly misunderstood or misrepresented by inaccurate information. Since the most frequent question I get is, “So what exactly is biodiesel, anyway? “, I decided to write a tome covering all the basics— a one stop shop for all your biodiesel- related questions. It’s been exactly one year since I published the first Biodiesel Mythbuster on Green Options.com, and its popularity made a sequel inevitable. By way of a short introduction, here’s what I wrote last year: In case you’re new to the topic, biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from plant oils and occasionally animal fat. It can be made from both used and unused sources of oil, such as freshly-pressed soybean oil, or oil left-over from the deep fryer at your local burger joint. Biodiesel can only be used in diesel engines – no gasoline engines allowed. Biodiesel can be blended into regular diesel in any amount, such as 20% biodiesel/80% diesel (B20), or used pure 100% (B100, aka ‘neat’). As a disclaimer, this post does not address homemade biodiesel (aka homebrew), which usually does not meet the quality standards of ASTM-certified biodiesel."
"docid": "D808596#0",
"title": "http://www.mpgomatic.com/2007/09/26/chevy-silverado-gas-mileage/\nChevy Silverado Gas Mileage: 1999 â 2013",
"text": ". Custom Search. Chevy Silverado Gas Mileage: 1999 – 2013chevrolet, diesel, gas mileage, gm, trucks Chevrolet’s Silverado is not only the second-best selling truck in America, it’s the second-best selling vehicle, overall. With over 630,000 sold in 2006, Silverado sales were only exceeded by Ford’s ever-popular F-series pickup trucks. Due to the massive numbers sold, the Silverado’s gas mileage figures have a considerable impact on the nation’s rate of gasoline consumption. A 25- or 30-percent rise in the Silverado’s MPG average would have significantly positive implications. While a nice jump in the Silverado’s gas mileage is coming, we’ll have to wait a bit. Silverado Engine Options Chevrolet currently offers a slew of engine options in the half-ton Silverado 1500 range. The most fuel efficient conventional choice is the 2WD 2010 Silverado XFE that delivers 15 city/22 highway miles per gallon. The 2WD 6.0-liter Silverado Hybrid is rated at 21 city/22 highway, while the 4WD Silverado Hybrid is rated at 20 city/20 highway."
"docid": "D311121#0",
"title": "http://www.chevysilverado1500.com/gasmileage.php\nGas Mileage of the 2011 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 5.3 V8",
"text": "\"Gas Mileage of the 2011 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 5.3 V8Dealer: Dave Smith Chevy, Kellogg Idaho 2011 Chevy Silverado 1500 – 143.5 – LT Body style: 4 door 4WD Crew Cab Engine: 5.3L V-8 Transmission: 6 Speed Automatic Ext. Color: Imperial Blue Metallic Have you ever found yourself wondering what kind of actual gas mileage you can expect from the new Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab pickup trucks? If so, this is a page you will want to bookmark as we will be recording all the fuel along with comments that might effect the mileage and you will see the real time mileage of a 2011 Chevy Silverado 1500 with the 5.3L V-8 equipped with the active fuel management system. The spec's on this truck may differ from yours but the mileage of a similarly equipped Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra will be very close. Actual mileage readings from our 2011 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab with the aluminum block 5.3 Liter V-8. Date Gallons Mileage MPG Comments May 07, 2011 17.9 344 19.21 Mainly highway driving during break in period. May 08, 2011 20.6 703 17.42 Combo of both city and country roads. May 09, 2011 17.1 1005 17.66 Combo of both city and country roads. May 10, 2011 15.3 1265 16.99 All City Driving, Spokane WA. May 11, 2011 09.8 1458 19.69 All highway mileage - cruise control @ 70mph."
"docid": "D1694151#0",
"title": "https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/136894-will-high-mileage-nissan-leafs-need-costly-battery-replacements-soon\nWill high-mileage Nissan Leafs need costly battery replacements soon?",
"text": "\"Will high-mileage Nissan Leafs need costly battery replacements soon? By Bill Howard on September 27, 2012 at 12:45 pm 43 Comments Facebook Twitter Google Plus Reddit Hacker News Could the lithium-ion battery pack in the Nissan Leaf suffer old age before you’re ready to dispose of your electric vehicle? Reports suggest high-mileage Leafs can experience a noticeable drop in battery capacity in the first year or so of ownership, which means decreased driving range — and owner satisfaction — in following years. A new Leaf gets about 85 miles per charge (what is often called “up to 100 miles”). Some Leaf owners in hot-weather climates who drove a lot, nearly 20,000 miles a year, have found they’re only getting 60 or so miles per charge 12-14 months into the cars’ lives. Nissan says the “glide path” for a normal Leaf’s battery degradation is down to 70%-80% capacity after five years and about 70% after 10 years so these batteries may be getting old before their time. The issue is not minor: The manufacturing cost of the Leaf’s battery is around $15,000, so replacing the battery is half the cost of the car. For Nissan and its reputation, the stakes are also high if it can’t satisfy the squeaky owners who’ve found their way online to tell their side. As the Nissan Leaf came to market in late 2010, Nissan projected a range of about 100 miles for the cars and their 24k Wh lithium-ion battery packs. Nissan modified the range to around 85 miles and cited absolute worst case-best case range of 50 to 130 miles."
"docid": "D811505#0",
"title": "http://fuel-efficient-vehicles.org/energy-news/?p=1310\nRun Your Car On Vapors",
"text": "first posted 03-03-2014Get a bottle and some hose and discover How to run your vehicle on gasoline fumes. Good clear Videos showing how easy it is for your car to get 100 miles per gallon and much more, have started appearing since 2012 or 2013. Finally, we can start experimenting with the simplest cheap parts and tools and get fantastic results! A simple vaporizer system.a.k.a. Gas Fumes.org Gasoline Fumes.org Run On Fumes.org Running On Fumes.org John Weston has converted his car, his motorcycle, an emergency power generator, and a lawnmower to run on fumes. His car gets over 400 mpg. Run Your Car or Truck on Gas or Diesel Vapor. No carburetor and no fuel-injectors needed. “Based on talks with actual engineers that work at Ford and GM, these two companies have actively discouraged any improvements in fuel efficiencies. Engineers would be threatened if they were caught tinkering with the computer systems or searching for ways to make the car engines run more efficiently.” “"
"docid": "D648273#0",
"title": "https://www.consumeraffairs.com/automotive/honda_insight.html\n53 Honda Insight Consumer Reviews and Complaints",
"text": "\"Last updated: Dec. 11, 201753 Honda Insight Consumer Reviews and Complaints Sort: Recent Filter by: Anyjason of Lake In The Hills, IL Verified Reviewer Original review: Dec. 11, 2017We purchased a 2013 Honda Insight for fuel efficiency. After a time, the engine began to burn oil. We were going through a gallon of oil a month. We found that the oil rings were bad and others with this vehicle had issues as well. Eventually Honda contacted me and after I had to replace the engine due to the oil rings failing, they refused to pay. Note: Honda contacted me and stated there was an issue with the oil rings and they would reimburse for the repairs. My mechanic had even explained this to their claims department but the woman in-charge of the claim did not understand the issue. I asked to speak with a manager or someone in-charge of her and she refused. Helpful 10 people found this review helpful Taras of Chicago, IL Verified Reviewer Original review: Dec. 5, 2017Not satisfied with my Honda Insight 2012. I have to add a quart of oil every 700-1000 miles."
"docid": "D1451908#0",
"title": "http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/26/business/26ethanol.html\nIn Gas-Powered World, Ethanol Stirs Complaints",
"text": "Business Day In Gas-Powered World, Ethanol Stirs Complaints By KATE GALBRAITH JULY 26, 2008OKLAHOMA CITY — “Why Do You Put Alcohol in Your Tank?” demands a large sign outside one gas station here, which reassures drivers that it sells only “100% Gas. ”“No Corn in Our Gas,” advertises another station nearby. Along the highways of this sprawling prairie city, and in other pockets of the country, a mutiny is growing against energy policies that heavily support and subsidize the blending of ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, into gasoline. Many consumers complain that ethanol, which constitutes as much as 10 percent of the fuel they buy in most states, hurts gas mileage and chokes the engines of their boats and motorcycles. As ethanol has spread around the country, gas station owners and wholesalers are catering to concerns about ethanol that are often exaggerated but not entirely unfounded. High gas prices seem to be helping them plant seeds of doubt in customers’ minds. “We just think it’s better for the car — we get better mileage,” said Marjorie Olbert, a retired teacher, as she filled her 2002 Toyota with what is sometimes called conventional or “clear” gasoline at a suburban E-Express station. Stickers on the pump urge customers to “Always Demand 100% Real Gasoline. ”Related Coverage Ms. Olbert was unmoved by the slightly lower price of the ethanol blend. “"
"docid": "D717654#0",
"title": "https://phys.org/news/2016-11-average-fuel-economy-high-mpg.html\nUS average fuel economy at record high of 24.8 mpg",
"text": "\"Home Technology Energy & Green Tech November 2, 2016US average fuel economy at record high of 24.8 mpg November 2, 2016 by Dee-Ann Durbin In this June 30, 2016 file photo, nozzles pump gas into vehicles at a BP gas station in Hoboken, N. J. Fuel economy is at a record high as new technology helps vehicles lose weight and drive more efficiently. The U. S. Environmental … more U. S. vehicles are losing weight, and it's helping them use less fuel. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday that the average fuel economy of 2015 model-year vehicles increased 0.5 mile per gallon to a record high of 24.8 miles per gallon. Mazda had the highest average fuel economy of 29.6 mpg, the EPA said. Fiat Chrysler had the lowest, at 20.8 mpg. Most manufacturers improved over 2014, but General Motors Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. both had lower fuel economy in 2015 because they produced more trucks. Weight loss is one reason that fuel economy is increasing. Vehicles were an average of 25 pounds lighter in the 2015 model year than they were the year before, because automakers are increasingly using lighter materials like aluminum and high-strength steel. Vehicle weight is expected to drop another 50 pounds in 2016, the agency said. Trucks saw the biggest weight declines in 2015, losing an average of 110 pounds, the EPA said."
"docid": "D3290802#0",
"title": "https://www.kbb.com/honda/cr-v/2014/\nUsed 2014Honda CR-V SUV",
"text": "Save Vehicle25 MPG Combined22 City / 30 Highway KBB.com Expert Rating7.7 /10Price Range:$16,450 - $18,824Editor's Overview While not the most sleek or even technically advanced compact crossover SUV, the 2014 Honda CR-V remains, for many, the gold standard. See your car's value Buying this car? Pricing Price Range:$16,450 - $18,824See how style, options and other factors can impact pricing in your area. For Sellers You'll get: Blue Book® Values Trade-In, Private Party, Instant Cash Offer Get Value For Buyers You'll get: Fair Purchase Price Local Inventory Listings Get Price Cars For Sale KBB.com Expert Review7.7out of 10What's New for 2014There are no major changes to the 2014 CR-V by Honda. You'll Like This Car If... The 2014 Honda CR-V is as comfortable mushing through unplowed streets as it is circling the flea market ready to haul home some vintage antiques. Excellent fuel economy, a very reasonable price, and a near flawless repair record should seal the deal. You May Not Like This Car If... If you need tow heavy loads or haul more than five passengers, the CR-V isn’t for you. Also, while you can get features like navigation and upgraded audio on other competitor’s mid-line trims, the CR-V only offers these features on its most expensive model, the EX-L. What's New for 2014There are no major changes to the 2014 CR-V by Honda. You'll Like This Car If... The 2014 Honda CR-V is as comfortable mushing through unplowed streets as it is circling the flea market ready to haul home some vintage antiques. Excellent fuel economy, a very reasonable price, and a near flawless repair record should seal the deal."
"docid": "D3448667#0",
"title": "http://www.mpgomatic.com/2007/12/09/honda-odyssey-gas-mileage/\nHonda Odyssey Gas Mileage: 1995 â 2013",
"text": ". Custom Search. Honda Odyssey Gas Mileage: 1995 – 2013gas mileage, honda, van Although Honda’s popular Odyssey was first introduced in 1995, it didn’t hit its stride until a 1999 redesign. Over the years, the Odyssey’s solid reputation for quality and good gas mileage ratings have enabled it to become one of the best-selling minivans in America. The Odyssey was redesigned for the 2011 model year. All 2011 Odysseys are fitted with the 3.5-liter 24-Valve SOHC i-VTEC V6 engine, rated at 248 HP. The LX, EX, and EX-L models use a five-speed automatic, while the Touring Edition uses a six-speed. Fuel economy figures have improved over previous years, with the LX, EX, and EX-L rated at 18 city / 27 highway / 21 combined and the Touring Edition rated at 19 / 28 / 22. The Odyssey went through a significant redesign in 2005 and underwent a slight facelift for the 2008 model year. The 2008 Odyssey features a 241 horsepower (HP), 3.5 liter, 24-Valve SOHC i-VTEC V-6 engine in EX-L and Touring trim, and a 244 HP 3.5-Liter, 24-Valve SOHC VTEC V-6 engine in the LX and EX models."
"docid": "D2942709#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/How_can_ford_v10_mileage_be_improved\nHow can ford v10 mileage be improved?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles American Cars Ford Ford Trucks and SUVs Ford Excursion Ford Excursion Eddie Bauer How can ford v10 mileage be improved? Flag How can ford v10 mileage be improved? Answer by Eric Barnes Confidence votes 150KStraight pipes or some type of aftermarket exhaust will clear the emissions systems out and help the engine \"\"breathe\"\" better for better fuel economy. A K & N Cold Air Intake will help too. That also helps the engine breathe better. If you put these mods on a V10 your mileage would still be poor, but you'd get about 2 mpg better. Boosting the average V10 mileage of 11 mpg to 13 mpg. I used to have a 2001 F-350 V10. I got 11.5 mpg average with the truck stock. I used a K&N Cold Air Intake, True Dual Magnaflow Exhaust, and I SCT Tuned it and I achieved diesel-like power and got 14 mpg average."
"docid": "D700569#0",
"title": "https://www.cars.com/articles/2013/12/another-reason-your-mileage-may-vary-for-the-worse-ethanol/\nAnother Reason Your Mileage May Vary (for the Worse): Ethanol",
"text": "\"\"\"Actual results will vary for many reasons,\"\" says the fine print below the EPA gas mileage on any new car's Monroney sticker. The sticker then lists a few of them: driving conditions, driving style, vehicle maintenance. There's one more: ethanol. These days more than 95 percent of gas sold is E10, said AAA spokesman Michael Green. E10 is 10 percent ethanol and came into use after amendments in 1990 to the Clean Air Act, according to the Department of Energy. All cars are certified to run the stuff; in fact, it's difficult to find ethanol-free gas anymore. Yet the more efficient ethanol-free blend is what the EPA uses to produce gas mileage figures posted on that new-car sticker. And there's the problem. Ethanol's lower energy density leads to worse gas mileage, which is why using E85 (85 percent ethanol) in cars that accommodate it is usually a bad idea. The math carries to E10, which has up to 10 percent ethanol."
"docid": "D680#0",
"title": "http://fueleconomy.gov/feg/label/learn-more-electric-label.shtml\nElectric Vehicles: Learn More About the Label",
"text": "Electric Vehicles: Learn More About the Label1. Vehicle Technology & Fuel The upper right corner of the label displays text and a related icon to identify it as a vehicle that is powered by electricity. You will see different text and icons on the labels for other vehicles: Gasoline Vehicle Diesel Vehicle Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Flexible-Fuel Vehicle: Gasoline-Ethanol (E85)Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Electricity-Gasoline2. Fuel Economy For most vehicles, the label shows City, Highway, and Combined MPG (miles per gallon) values. The Combined MPG value is the most prominent for the purpose of quick and easy comparison across vehicles. Some form of the miles per gallon metric has been on vehicle labels since 1977. Combined fuel economy is a weighted average of City and Highway MPG values that is calculated by weighting the City value by 55% and the Highway value by 45%. For those vehicles that do not use liquid fuels—such as electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles operating on electricity, and compressed natural gas vehicles—the labels display miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent (MPGe). Think of this as being similar to MPG, but instead of presenting miles per gallon of the vehicle’s fuel type, it represents the number of miles the vehicle can go using a quantity of fuel with the same energy content as a gallon of gasoline. This allows a reasonable comparison between vehicles using different fuels."
"docid": "D1870727#0",
"title": "http://news.pickuptrucks.com/2014/02/gas-versus-diesel-do-the-math-first.html\n.",
"text": "\"Gas Versus Diesel: Do the Math First Posted by Mark Williams | February 12, 2014By David Boldt The new 2014 Ram 1500 Eco Diesel, due in showrooms the first quarter of 2014, is set to rewrite the rulebook in the full-size, light-duty segment. It has already won the Motor Trend Truck of the Year award, and even USA Today liked it. However, many buyers in this segment are cautious about new technology. Even the Ford Eco Boost, probably the most successful example of a new engine option (even strategy), took almost two years in the market to be fully accepted. But as much as we want to believe that a light-duty diesel would be great to have again in a half-ton, we have to ask whether it makes financial sense. Regrettably, a simple yes or no doesn't address the many variables presented by the way pickup truck owners operate their trucks in so many diverse environments. To run the numbers here, we'll stick to what Ram puts under the hood of its 1500 Outdoorsman Crew Cab 4x2, starting with the standard gas Pentastar V-6 engine option. Given that the high-tech 3.6-liter V-6 replaced an over-the-hill 3.7-liter V-6, there's little surprise its introduction created so much consumer excitement. Boasting twin overhead cams mounted on an all-aluminum block, the 220-cubic-inch six-cylinder delivers 305 horsepower and 269 pounds-feet of torque. Burning regular unleaded gas makes it the most democratic of Chrysler powertrains, and with an EPA-estimated city/highway mileage of 18/25 mpg (in two-wheel-drive HFE configuration), you can take your democracy to the street."
"docid": "D1625581#0",
"title": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPpmGbnF1-w\nIncrease MPG in Chevy Impala - How Increase Gas Mileage in Chevy Impala",
"text": "\"Increase MPG in Chevy Impala - How Increase Gas Mileage in Chevy Impala Fuel Saver MPGSubscribe 610Add to Share More18,091 views189Published on Nov 15, 2010Go To: http://Discover Hydrogen.com for details. Increase MPG in Chevy Impala. How Increase Gas Mileage in Chevy Impala. Get step-by-step instructions how to Convert Your Vehicle into a Hydrogen Hybrid and SAVE TONS OF MONEY on fuel costs. Hydrogen Hybrid Conversion Plans show you how to build and install your own Hydrogen Generator System (HHO Generator), which produces Hydrogen \"\"On-Demand\"\", as you need it. This technology has proven to increase gas mileage by as much as 150% on both gasoline and diesel engine vehicles. Check http://Discover Hydrogen.com for details. If you want to learn ways increase mpg chevy impala then youve found the best tips, tricks, secrets and techniques. By converting your car into a hydrogen hybrid you get increase mpg chevy impala and also reduce exhaust gas emissions. To build and install an HHO Gas saver kit is the most effective way increase mpg chevy impala and improve horsepower and engine performance."
"docid": "D1158847#0",
"title": "https://www.kbb.com/honda/cr-v/2015/\nUsed 2015Honda CR-V SUV",
"text": "Save Vehicle28 MPG Combined26 City / 33 Highway KBB.com Expert Rating9.8 /10Price Range:$17,800 - $23,058Editor's Overview Among compact sport utility vehicles, the new 2015 Honda CR-V ranks tops in looks, fuel economy, safety, features, and value for the money. See your car's value Buying this car? Pricing Price Range:$17,800 - $23,058See how style, options and other factors can impact pricing in your area. For Sellers You'll get: Blue Book® Values Trade-In, Private Party, Instant Cash Offer Get Value For Buyers You'll get: Fair Purchase Price Local Inventory Listings Get Price Cars For Sale KBB.com Expert Review9.8out of 10What's New for 2015Major changes to the new CR-V for 2015 include the distinctive styling and direct-injected 2.4-liter engine with CVT. There are significant content upgrades, improved occupant protection and innovative new safety features. We highly recommend the new Touring trim, which includes numerous options and represents extraordinary value for the money. You'll Like This Car If... For young families or empty-nesters the 2015 Honda CR-V represents as good as it gets in the compact SUV segment – nice looks, thoughtful features, great ride and handling, class-leading safety, noteworthy fuel economy, terrific value. Where do you sign? You May Not Like This Car If... If you like more stand-out-in-the-crowd styling, look at the Nissan Rogue. For very slightly sportier handling, try the Ford Escape."
"docid": "D1424358#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/When_did_gas_stations_stop_selling_lead_gasoline\nWhat gas stations have gasoline without ethanol?",
"text": "Brian Mette 197,101 Contributions ASE and Chrysler certified master technician with over 20 years experience working at a Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep dealer. What gas stations have gasoline without ethanol? Due to state and federal government tax breaks it is almost impossible to find gas with out ethanol added. Your best bet would be to call your local stations, ask for a manage …Slash51 16 Contributions Do you get less mileage with ethanol enhanced gasoline and if so which gas stations sell pure gas? Answer . You will get fewer mpg's with ethanol enhanced gasoline ethanol yields 75-85k BTU'd per gallon conventional gasoline yields 108-117k BTU's per gallon. When US …What Denver area gas stations sell non ethanol gasoline? I got a tank of non ethatnol gas today at the Conoco Phillips station on Union a few blocks south of Alemeda. I think it was called Brads. My car monitors fuel use and I notic …Iam2smart73099 2 Contributions What gas stations in Oklahoma City sell gasoline with no ethanol?"
"docid": "D3539560#0",
"title": "http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1093141_five-compact-cars-with-the-best-gas-mileage\nFive Compact Cars With The Best Gas Mileage",
"text": "\"Antony Ingram 17 Comments Jul 7, 2014 Follow Antony2012 Honda Civic HF - Driven 2014 Toyota Corolla LE Eco 2014 Mazda 3 s Grand Touring - First Drive 2014 Nissan Sentra 2011 Chevrolet Cruze Eco Quick Drive and Live Photos {\"\"error\"\": {\"\"code\"\":404,\"\"message\"\":\"\"Page Not Found\"\"}}Image 1 / 5 If you're in the market for a new compact car and want to improve your gas mileage, what do you buy? You could opt for the latest hybrid or diesel models, or even an electric car like the Nissan Leaf. But if those are a little outside your comfort zone, you could do worse than to look at the latest generation of traditional gasoline-powered compact cars--all of which now boast combined MPG figures in the mid 30s and over 40 mpg highway. Listed below are the top five most efficient compact cars on sale. Diesels, hybrids or battery electric vehicles may be even cheaper to run, but each car below should improve over your current car without much effort.1. 2014 Honda Civic HF35 mpg combined (31 mpg city, 41 mpg highway)Honda has long been known for its gas-sippers, and while it's dropped the baton lately when it comes to desirability it's still a Civic that tops this list. It trades economy figures with the Corolla LE Eco, but pips it on the EPA's Fueleconomy.gov website on account of its better city figure. At $20,730 (including Honda's $790 destination charge) it's a little more expensive than the Corolla, but it's a good four grand cheaper than the 45 mpg Civic Hybrid.2. 2014 Toyota Corolla LE Eco35 mpg combined (30 mpg city, 42 mpg highway)Like the Honda above, Toyota's Corolla LE Eco uses a 1.8-liter gasoline four-cylinder, and comes with a continuously-variable transmission to maximize economy. Also like the Honda, it's not the most interesting car to drive."
"docid": "D303907#0",
"title": "https://axleaddict.com/misc/does-ethanol-reduce-gas-mileage\nDoes Ethanol Reduce Your Gas Mileage?",
"text": "\"Axle Addict » Miscellaneous Does Ethanol Reduce Your Gas Mileage? Updated on February 9, 2014theframjak more Contact Author The advertisement from a local chain of filling stations for ethanol treated gasoline, also known as E10. | Source America's Fuel A local gas station chain markets their regular unleaded gasoline as ethanol enhanced. The use of the word “enhanced” is curious because it implies that there is some benefit or advantage to choosing this gasoline over other available products. Messages on the pump further add that this is “America’s Fuel” and that it may contain up to 10% ethanol. This ethanol modified product is commonly called E10. As an alternative the chain also offers an ethanol free 87 octane product called Pure Max, which is an interesting name in its own right. Another gas station just down the street calls their ethanol free fuel \"\"Pure Gas\"\" and proudly advertises that it will improve your gas mileage by 25% over ethanol grades. Pure gas is typically more expensive than E10 with the same octane rating. For example, during my last visit the E10 cost $3.299 per gallon while the Pure Max was listed at $3.679 per gallon."
] |
637135 | what does ether smell like | [
"docid": "D1284292#0",
"title": "https://www.reference.com/health/ether-smell-like-62119adfc9b981ad\nWhat Does Ether Smell Like?",
"text": "Full Answer The sweet smell of ether is derived from the distillation process, which involves mixing nine parts sulfuric acid with five parts alcohol. Diethyl ether, also known as ethyl ether, ethyl oxide or diethyl oxide according to How Stuff Works, has a chemical formula of CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3. It is called a primary ether because one carbon atom is connected to only one other carbon atom. The other types of ether follow this ABA pattern. Diisopropyl ether, a secondary ether because each carbon is linked to two other carbon atoms, has a chemical formula of (CH3)2CH-O-CH (CH3)2. The tertiary ether, di-tert-butyl ether, has a chemical formula of (CH3)3C-O-C (CH3)3. Ether is used as an anesthetic, a solvent in explosives and an extraction agent of fats, oils, waxes, resins and alkaloids, which are organic compounds containing nitrogen. The fact that ether is flammable makes it a perfect component for explosives. Ether is also a component in illegal meth labs. Oftentimes the sweet smell of ether in conjunction with the smell of ammonia and sulfur is a warning sign of a meth house, explains About.com."
] | [
"docid": "D908406#0",
"title": "http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/showthread.php/21242-How-long-does-powder-last\n.",
"text": "\"Forum Alaska shooting forums Alaska Handloading How long does powder last? NOTES FOR VISITORS: Welcome to the Alaska Outdoors Supersite forums! The contents of our forums are viewable by anyone, and may be read by clicking the forum headings below. To post in the forums, you must register at THIS LINK. To upgrade or change your membership, please login and select Upgrade > Supporting Membership. Your account will now be managed separately from the forum system. Forum login is separate from account management but shares the same username and password. IMPORTANT: If you cannot log-in, please reset your password using our new 6 character format through THIS LINK and click Forgot Password. An email message with a reset link will be sent to your email address. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Results 1 to 20 of 25Thread: How long does powder last?"
"docid": "D2081059#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ether\nether",
"text": "\"ether [ ee -ther]Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1. Also called diethyl ether, diethyl oxide, ethyl ether, ethyl oxide, sulfuric ether. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a colorless, highly volatile, flammable liquid, C 4 H 10 O, having an aromatic odor and sweet, burning taste, derived from ethyl alcohol by the action of sulfuric acid: used as a solvent and, formerly, as an inhalant anesthetic.2. Chemistry. ( formerly) one of a class of compounds in which two organic groups are attached directly to an oxygen atom, having the general formula ROR.3. the upper regions of space; the clear sky; the heavens.4. the medium supposed by the ancients to fill the upper regions of space.5. Physics. a hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space."
"docid": "D1628305#0",
"title": "http://smellslikescience.com/ether-and-the-discovery-of-anesthesia/\nEther and the Discovery of Anesthesia",
"text": "\"Ether and the Discovery of Anesthesia Medicine Add comments After a hiatus, Smells Like Science is back with what I hope will be a new monthly series: Molecule of the Month. And the first molecule of the month is: ether (or diethyl ether to be exact). A modern painting depicting the 1846 demonstration of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital The molecular structure of ether There is an unusual, and mostly forgotten monument in a shaded area at the edge of the Boston Public Garden in downtown Boston. It was completed in 1868, and, like many other monuments built during the 19th century, it features classical statuary, granite columns, and biblical inscriptions. But unlike any other monument in the world, it memorializes a drug. The inscription on the front face of the monument reads: “To commemorate that the inhaling of ether causes insensibility to pain. First proved to the world at the Mass. General Hospital in Boston, October A. D. MDCCCXLV”The ether monument in the Boston Public Garden The inscription refers to the most famous public demonstration of ether as an anesthetic during surgery. On October 16th, 1846 a crowd of doctors and students gathered in the surgical amphitheater at Massachusetts General Hospital to watch as a dentist named William T. G. Morton instructed a patient to inhale the fumes from an ether-soaked sponge. After the patient was sufficiently sedated, a surgeon removed a tumor from his neck. When the patient awoke from his ether-induced stupor, the surgeon asked how he felt, to which he reportedly replied, “feels as if my neck’s been scratched."
"docid": "D681244#0",
"title": "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tetrachloride\nCarbon tetrachloride",
"text": "Carbon tetrachloride From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Carbon tetrachloride IUPAC name Tetrachloromethane Other names Tetrachloromethane, Benziform, Benzinoform, Carbon chloride, Carbon tet, Freon 10, Halon 104, Methane tetrachloride, Perchloromethane, Tetraform, Tetrasol Identifiers CAS number 56-23-5Pub Chem 5943EC number 200-262-8KEGG C07561Ch EBI CHEBI:27385RTECS number FG4900000SMILES Cl C (Cl) (Cl)Cl In Ch I [show]Properties Molecular formula CCl 4Molar mass 153.82 g mol -1Appearance colourless liquid Odor ether -like odor Density 1.5867 g cm −3 (liquid)1.831 g cm −3 at −186 °C (solid) 1.809 g cm −3 at −80 °C (solid)Melting point-22.92 °C, 250 K, -9 °FBoiling point76.72 °C, 350 K, 170 °FSolubility in water 0.081 g/100 m L (25 °C)Solubility soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, naphtha, CS 2log P 2.64Vapor pressure 11.94 k Pa at 20 °Ck H 2.76x10 -2 atm-cu m/mol Refractive index ( n D) 1.4601Structure Crystal structure Monoclinic Molecular shape Tetrahedral Hazards MSDS ICSC 0024EU classification Carc. Cat. 3 Toxic ( T) Dangerous for the environment ( N)EU Index 602-008-00-5NFPA 70403 0R-phrases R23/24/25, R40, R48/23, R59, R52/53S-phrases (S1/2), S23, S36/37, S45, S59, S61Flash point Not flammable Autoignition temperature 982 °CThermochemistry Std enthalpy of formation Δ f H o 298−135 k J·mol −1Standard molar entropy S o 298216 J·mol −1 ·K −1Related compounds Other cations Silicon tetrachloride Germanium tetrachloride Tin tetrachloride Lead tetrachloride Related chloromethanes Chloromethane Dichloromethane Chloroform Related compounds Tetrafluoromethane Tetrabromomethane Tetraiodomethane Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 k Pa)Carbon tetrachloride structure Carbon tetrachloride, also known as carbon tet or Freon 10, is a chemical compound. Its chemical formula is CCl 4. It contains carbon in its +4 oxidation state and chloride ions. Contents [ hide ]1 Properties2 Preparation3 Uses4 Safety5 Related pages Properties [ change | change source]It is a colorless liquid. It smells like ether. It evaporates quite quickly. It can dissolve fats and oils as well as other stuff such as iodine. It doesn't burn, but it does make phosgene when heated to a high temperature."
"docid": "D2083766#0",
"title": "http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/spirit\nSpirit",
"text": "\"Spirit Webster's 1913 Dictionary Spir´itn. 1. Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself. The mild air, with season moderate, Gently attempered, and disposed eo well, That still it breathed foorth sweet spirit. - Spenser.2. A rough breathing; an aspirate, as the letter h; also, a mark to denote aspiration; abreathing. Be it a letter or spirit, we have great use for it. - B. Jonson.3. Life, or living substance, considered independently of corporeal existence; an intelligenceconceived of apart from any physical organization or embodiment; vital essence, force, orenergy, as distinct from matter.4. The intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of man; the soul, in distinction from the bodyin which it resides; the agent or subject of vital and spiritual functions, whether spiritual ormaterial."
"docid": "D2874730#0",
"title": "http://www.dictionary.com/browse/aether\naether",
"text": "\"aether [ ee -ther]Spell Syllables Word Originnoun1. ether (defs 3–5).2. ( initial capital letter) the ancient Greek personification of the clear upper air of the sky. Related forms Expandaethereal [ih- theer -ee- uh l] ( Show IPA ),aetheric [ih- ther -ik] ( Show IPA ), adjectiveether [ ee -ther]Spell Syllablesnoun1. Also called diethyl ether, diethyl oxide, ethyl ether, ethyl oxide, sulfuric ether. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a colorless, highly volatile, flammable liquid, C 4 H 10 O, having an aromatic odor and sweet, burning taste, derived from ethyl alcohol by the action of sulfuric acid: used as a solvent and, formerly, as an inhalant anesthetic.2. Chemistry. ( formerly) one of a class of compounds in which two organic groups are attached directly to an oxygen atom, having the general formula ROR.3. the upper regions of space; the clear sky; the heavens.4."
"docid": "D996947#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_odor_does_propyl_acetate_have_According_to_lab_professor_this_is_supposed_to_smell_like_raspberries_My_sample_smelled_like_nail_polish_remover_All_research_I_find_says_a_pear_odor\nWhat odor does propyl acetate have According to lab professor this is supposed to smell like raspberries My sample smelled like nail polish remover All research I find says a pear odor?",
"text": "\"Flag What odor does propyl acetate have According to lab professor this is supposed to smell like raspberries My sample smelled like nail polish remover All research I find says a pear odor? Answer by The-shark Confidence votes 1pears Certainly pears is found in many textbooks as the associated scent for n-propyl acetate and many noses may agree with this comparison. Personally I found it to smell very similar to acetone, and in fact the fine folks at DOW Chemical (and BASF) seem to be of the same opinion. \"\" N-propyl acetate is a colorless, volatile solvent with an odor similar toacetone. It has good solvency power for many natural and synthetic resins. It is miscible with many organic solvents.\"\" - DOW MSDS for n-Propyl Acetate \"\"n-Propyl acetate is a clear, volatile, mobile liquid with a characteristic odourreminiscent of acetone. It is miscible with many common solvents, e. g. alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, glycols and glycol ethers, but it is only sparingly soluble in water. \"\" - BASF Product Information page for n-Propyl acetate1 person found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No \""
"docid": "D1116711#0",
"title": "https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100503202958AAnIB90\nWhy does my spark plugs foul so quickly?",
"text": "Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs Why does my spark plugs foul so quickly? Ok I have an 83 280zx turbo and it is fouling plugs like crazy. I can start and drive it up the street maybe 15 times before they foul out. It has a fuel cell and a pump from a 98 mustang. The motor is getting fuel but the guy who did the swap said it was fouling the plugs because of the pump. I looked up the psi... show more Update: and if your gonna answer dont be a dumb *** mofo that thinks they know everything. because I am trying to fix what other dumbasses like you would do. im sure you couldnt find your pump from your sump=-)Update 2: and I also have an MSD HVC ignition and coil that I can put on to burn the excess fuel. Can I put it on with the pump to compensate for the extra gas being pumped? Update 3: It boggles my mind to see that people that cant even read my description and comprehend my issues and they want to tell me its because I dont know what Im doing lol ."
"docid": "D2199765#0",
"title": "https://www.khanacademy.org/science/organic-chemistry/alcohols-ethers-epoxides-sulfides/synthesis-cleavage-ethers/v/williamson-ether-synthesis\nWilliamson ether synthesis",
"text": "0 energy points Studying for a test? Prepare with these 8 lessons on Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides. See 8 lessons Williamson ether synthesis About Transcript Two-step synthesis of an ether from an alcohol, A strong base is a dded to deprotonate the alcohol, which then attacks an alkyl halide. Created by Jay. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter Email Questions Tips & Thanks Top Recent Video transcript One way to make ethers is to use the Williamson ether synthesis, which is where you start with an alcohol, and you add a strong base to deprotonate the alcohol. Once you deprotonate the alcohol, you add an alkyl halide, and primary alkyl halides work the best. We'll talk about why in a minute. And what happens is you end up putting the R prime group from your alkyl halide on to what used to be your alcohol to form your ether like that. So let's look at the mechanism for the Williamson ether synthesis, where you start with your alcohol. We know that alcohols can function as weak acids."
"docid": "D1007983#0",
"title": "http://www.angelo.edu/faculty/kboudrea/molecule_gallery/07_ethers/00_ethers.htm\nEthers",
"text": "\"Dimethyl ether (Methoxymethane) 3DDownload 3DDimethyl ether, or more formally, methoxymethane, is a colorless gas at room temperature, having a boiling point of -42.1 ºC. It is fairly water soluble, with 328 grams of the gas dissolving in 100 m L of water. It is used as an aerosol propellant, as a refrigerant, and as a blowing agent for the production of some foams. It can also be used as a fuel in diesel engines. Ethyl methyl ether (Methoxyethane) 3DDownload 3DEthyl methyl ether, or methoxyethane, is a colorless gas at room temperature, having a boiling point of 7.6 ºC. Like dimethyl ether, it is fairly water soluble. Diethyl ether (Ethoxyethane) 3DDownload 3DDiethyl ether, or ethoxyethane, or just plain ether, is a colorless liquid at room temperature, having a boiling point of 34.6 ºC. Unlike dimethyl ether and ethyl methyl ether, it is only slightly soluble in water, with 6.9 grams of diethyl ether dissolving in 100 m L of water. Diethyl ether has a strong, somewhat sweet, odor, and the vapor can cause drowsiness or unconsciousness. Since it has such a low boiling point (less than human body temperature), it evaporates easily, and the fumes can quickly become overwhelming. Diethyl ether is also extremely flammable, especially in the vapor form. Diethyl ether was first synthesized by the German physician Valerius Cordus in 1540, who obtained it by distilling a mixture of ethanol and sulfuric acid (\"\"oil of vitriol\"\"); he named the substance \"\"oil of sweet vitriol. \"\" Diethyl ether was one of the first commonly used general anesthetics."
"docid": "D2439983#0",
"title": "http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=157428\n.",
"text": "\"# 1 01-18-2003, 08:25 PMHey Homie Charter Member Join Date: Sep 1999Location: Viburnum, MOPosts: 9,326What Are the REAL Effects of Inhaling Chloroform? I've seen this device used in movies from time to time: somebody soaks a cloth in chloroform, holds it over a person's mouth and nose, and the person is instantly unconscious. This technique was generally used to facilitate anesthesia or to facilitate kidnapping. What really happens when someone inhales chloroform? Can it kill you? How long do its effects last? How do you revive somebody rendered unconscious by it? TIAReply With Quote# 2 01-18-2003, 09:08 PMpsychonaut Guest Join Date: Apr 2001Location: Europe Posts: 5,377Chloroform begins to act within a few seconds of inhalation, provided the method of delivery has sufficient concentration and the user takes a deep enough breath. First your extremeties begin to go numb; next your vision and hearing begin to fail. Complete unconsciousness sets in a few seconds later, provided you keep breathing."
"docid": "D1284293#0",
"title": "https://www.bobvila.com/posts/61133-ether-taste-smell?page=1\nCOMMUNITY FORUM",
"text": "\"COMMUNITY FORUMForum > Miscellaneous > Ether Taste/Smellwhitetara09:18AM | 09/18/05Member Since: 09/17/051 lifetime posts Ether Taste/Smell Tags: Miscellaneous I recently had my kitchen remodeled and have noticed that I have been feeling gittery, irratible and unable to concentrate while in the kitchen since that time. I also notice the kitchen has an ether like smell but am unable to detect from where the odor is comming. Any suggestions as to how I can locate the problem and what I can do to fix it? What types of chemicals or glues could be used to create such an odor?tomh12:37PM | 09/19/05Member Since: 07/01/03549 lifetime posts Numerous products can off-gas following a kitchen renovation. Adhesives, plywood and particleboard (cabinets), and finishes all potentially emit low amounts of solvent, including urea formaldehyde (sounds like your case). Keeping the area ventilated until the off-gassing stops is the easiest and least expensive way to deal with this. I would expect that within 30 days, you should notice a significant reduction in fumes. Since you have not identified a source, it is not likely something you can treat. I would guess the odor is strongest inside the cabinets? Ether Taste/Smell I recently had my kitchen remodeled and have no...1 REPLYMidnight Slate-Cooper Brown tile Looking to purchase the discontinued tiles0 REPLIESHardwood floor gaps."
"docid": "D2236891#0",
"title": "http://www.google.com/patents/US4810690\nNon-flammable air freshener composition",
"text": "Description This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 74,980 filed on July 17, 1987, now abandoned. This invention relates to compositions for use in air freshening devices to eliminate unpleasant smells and/or to produce a fragrant atmosphere, as for example in the environment of a room. Various types of air freshening devices (air fresheners) are on the market; these either have a continuous action or not, and are based on very different types of diffusion technology and support technology, such as aerosols, gels, impregnated cellulose pads, electric evaporation, and liquid wick evaporators. Liquid wick evaporators (that is, air fresheners comprising a liquid reservoir and a wick immersed therein, for transfer of the liquid to the surroundings via evaporation) are particularly effective for steady evaporation over a period of time. A further advantage is that it is easy to see when the air freshener composition has become exhausted. The majority of such liquids are aqueous solutions (for economical reasons) which contain a small quantity of fragrance. In order to disperse fragrances in such solutions to give a homogeneous composition, surfactants have to be used: non-volatile surfactants tend to accumulate on the wick, thus inhibiting the rise of liquids up the wick, and eventually preventing evaporation altogether. In order to ensure a long duration of action, a large amount of liquid is required, which in turn necessitates a large container."
"docid": "D2933323#0",
"title": "http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-ether-definition-uses-effects-formula.html\nWhat is Ether? - Definition, Uses, Effects & Formula",
"text": "Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 55K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Ketones & Aldehydes: Structure, Properties & Uses Carboxylic Acid: Structural Formula, Properties & Uses Alkynes: Properties, Uses, Formula & Examples What is Phenol? - Structure & Uses Lesson Transcript Instructor: Amanda Robb This lesson is on ether, a chemical used in medicine and industry. Here, we'll talk about what ether actually is and learn about its chemical properties. We'll also explore the historical and current uses for ether. Historical Hospitals Picture this. You're a doctor in a hospital in the 1840s, right when anesthesia is first being used. You're about to begin an operation, so you dip a rag in ether, a chemical used to put patients under for surgery. You put the rag to your patient's face and tell him to breathe deeply and count backwards from ten. As you're waiting for him to fall asleep, you set the glass jar of ether next to some sterilizing equipment. Suddenly, the vapors from the ether jar go up in flames."
"docid": "D79767#0",
"title": "https://www.quora.com/What-does-a-freon-leak-smell-like\nWhat does a freon leak smell like?",
"text": "Frank Duncan, BS Chemistry, 1967Answered Sep 20, 2015 · Author has 3.8k answers and 4.2m answer views Refrigerant leaks have no odor from Freon. In very high concentrations, dangerous to be in, I understand that there is a faint etherial odor, but you are in serious danger at that point. Dupont sold Freons to America on the grounds that Freons were much safer than the toxic and flammable ammonia then in use. At very high concentrations, totally incompatible with life, ammonia can burn. But at a level of 150,000 to 280,000 ppm, you are dealing with a very large amount of ammonia. And , by the way, it will rise and quickly dissipate. Ammonia may be toxic, alright, but it has excellent warning properties! At 2ppm, you can begin to detect it, and by 25 ppm you are starting to have watering eyes and really smelling it. Freon, on the other hand, has killed people because they simply couldn't associate the slight smell with danger, and they were asphyxiated. It kills you by displacing the oxygen in the air and as the oxygen level goes down, you begin to suffer from hypoxia and don't think rationally."
"docid": "D1581155#0",
"title": "http://www.history.com/topics/ether-and-chloroform\nEther and Chloroform",
"text": "\"Development of Ether Before its development as a surgical anesthetic, ether was used throughout the history of medicine, including as a treatment for ailments such as scurvy or pulmonary inflammation. A pleasant-smelling, colorless and highly flammable liquid, ether can be vaporized into a gas that numbs pain but leaves patients conscious. In 1842, Georgia physician Crawford Williamson Long became the first doctor to use ether as a general anesthetic during surgery, when he used it to remove a tumor from the neck of his patient James M. Venable. Did You Know? In 1846, after viewing Morton's ether demonstration in Boston, the physician Oliver Wendell Holmes suggested the word \"\"anesthesia\"\" to describe the process of making a patient unconscious in order to free them of surgical pain; he based it on the Greek word \"\"anaisthesis,\"\" which means insensibility or loss of sensation. Long did not publish the results of his experiments until 1848, and by that time Boston dentist William T. G. Morton had already gained fame with the first publicly demonstrated use of ether as an effective surgical anesthetic. After watching his colleague Horace Wells unsuccessfully promote nitrous oxide as an anesthetic, Morton concentrated on the possibility of ether. On March 30, 1842, he administered it to a patient at Massachusetts General Hospital, before a surgeon removed a tumor from the patient’s jaw. Development of Chloroform Also called trichloromethane, chloroform is prepared through the chlorination of methane gas. It was first prepared in 1831 by the American chemist Dr. Samuel Guthrie, who combined whiskey with chlorinated lime in an attempt to produce a cheap pesticide."
"docid": "D1711318#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/Which_of_the_five_senses_do_you_believe_is_most_important_to_survival\nWhich of the five senses do you believe is most important to survival?",
"text": "Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Social Sciences Psychology Which of the five senses do you believe is most important to survival? Flag Which of the five senses do you believe is most important to survival? Answer by Genelle Babee Confidence votes 16Genelle Babee: Most people consider their sense of sight, as more important. Yes, the loss of sight is a tragedy, but life can go on. Loss of hearing, is just as bad but you can adjust. Loss your sense of smell, you will not smell but still get by. Loose your sense of taste, and food will be flavorless, but still you can get by. However, if you loose your sense of touch you also loose your sense of pain. You may be harming your own body, and not even know it because you cant feel anything. Science has shown that touching is necessary for life."
"docid": "D1284295#0",
"title": "http://www.answers.com/Q/What_smells_like_ether\nWhat smells like ether?",
"text": "\"Answers.com ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Chemistry What smells like ether? Flag What smells like ether? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community Answers.com ® is making the world better one answer at a time. STARTING FLUID SMELLS LIKE ETHER2 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Yaofamily 3,825 Contributions What is ether? Chemical Application Ether is an organic functional group consisting of a disubstituted oxygen, or an oxygen atom bonded to 2 carbon atoms (if adjacent to a ketone, functio …What is ether for? Some uses of ether include as an anesthesia, a fuel, and medicinaldrug. It can also be used as a solvent in different compounds. Jake Weatherby 139,353 Contributions What is a ether? What scientists thought was in the empty parts of space, until Einstein corrected them."
"docid": "D116381#0",
"title": "https://www.carsdirect.com/car-maintenance/car-exhaust-smell-understanding-where-the-problem-lies\nCar Exhaust Smell: Understanding Where the Problem Lies",
"text": "Car Exhaust Smell: Understanding Where the Problem Lies March 18, 2013Comments Email A car exhaust smell can be due to many different things. The car exhaust port is important as it neutralizes many of the harmful fumes that come out of the engine. If you notice a nasty smell from the exhaust, such as a rotten egg smell, then there is a problem. Besides rotten eggs, a sweet smell or a smell of gas from the exhaust are also typical signs that something is wrong. It is important that you have the car fixed immediately when you start to notice an odd car exhaust smell as they can be linked to some major problems in the exhaust or engine. Rotten Eggs The smell of rotten eggs is due to a compound called hydrogen sulfide. This comes from the small amount of sulfur that is present in the fuel. Normally the sulfur is converted to sulfur dioxide, which has no odor. When the converter breaks or the filtering layers have worn down inside the converter, the sulfur is not transformed into the odorless form. Therefore a strong rotten egg smell is produced."
"docid": "D547726#0",
"title": "https://study.com/academy/lesson/types-of-neurons-sensory-afferent-motor-efferent-more.html\nTypes of Neurons: Sensory, Afferent, Motor, Efferent & More",
"text": "\"Video Quiz Course Watch short & fun videos Start Your Free Trial Today {\"\"error\"\":true,\"\"iframe\"\":true}Your next lesson will play in 10 seconds Add to Timeline Autoplay 266K views Create an account to start this course today Try it free for 5 days!Create An Account Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Afferent Division of the Peripheral Nervous System Sensory Neurons: Definition & Function The Layers of the Meninges: Medical Vocabulary Action Potential: Definition & Steps Lesson Transcript Instructor: Artem Cheprasov There are many types of neurons in your body that help you see, smell, hear, and move. In this lesson, you'll learn more about afferent, efferent, sensory, and motor neurons. Smelling and Throwing Away Our Dirty Socks If you've come across a dirty sock, you not only got to experience one of the worst smells in the world, but you probably threw the sock as far away from yourself as possible in order to avoid the smell. What you did, smell the sock and then throw it far away, involved quite a bit more than you probably think about at any given time. You first had to sense an unpleasant odor through your nose. After your nose guided you to the smelly sock laying on the couch, you were able to visualize it as well. Once you combined your visual stimulation with that of the smell, you realized it was best to get rid of the sock. You initiated a series of hand and leg movements, which then resulted in you throwing the sock as far away as possible. All of this smelling and moving about involves certain types of special nerve cells that send signals to and from your brain in order to recognize the smelly sock and throw it away. Afferent Neurons Afferent neurons sense stimuli and send information to the brain."
] |
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