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Is this product review positive?
Title: Strangers
Review: I am big mystery/suspense reader and Strangers does not rank up there with any of my favorites. This book, to put it simply was just okay! The version a that I read was 526 pages long and I found that to be entirely too long (how others read versinons between 800 and six-hundred-and-some pages and still gave this book five stars I don't know)! The story could have been told very well in about 400 pages and would have gotten a much better review from me, however, I felt that much of the 526 pages was just fluff to fill up space.My other problem with this book was the ending which was totally predictable (let me just say, without giving away the ending, what you think it is, it is). Strangers was not a horrible book but I expected so much more from it as well as from Koontz which is why I can only give it 2 1/2 stars (there is no 1/2 option so I can really only give it 2:)).
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: A page turner
Review: This book is about a bunch of strangers around the country who have found that their terror stems from something that happened to them one day in June. The story describes how each character is wigging out over something they cannot describe. Each of them realize they must confront what is ruining their lives. This story starts out very strong and exciting. I loved 90% of it but I was disappointed by the ending so I decided it only deserved 4 stars.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Suspenseful
Review: This book is really good! Very suspenseful...keeps you wanting to know what is gonna happen next! Haven't gotten to the ending yet. But I can't seem to put the book down when I have time to read!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Not the greatest
Review: I am a HUGE Dean Koontz fan, but this one kind of let me down. It was all great and exciting until the end when the pieces started coming together... I won't give away the ending, but man, is it disappointing... The only thought that came to mind when the explanation of why they were all missing their memories was "REALLY?!!!... give me a break."
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: My favorite Dean Koontz book!
Review: This was the first Dean Koontz book I ever read, and it is still my favorite. Each character is engaging and unique, and the story quickly pulls you in. Definitely a book that is hard to put down once you start reading.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Strangers
Review: This book was not one of Dean Koontz better books. There was way to much beating around the bush about an ending that anyone can see coming a mile away. The characters are the usual Dean Koontz characters. The good guys are all good and the bad guys are all bad. No middle ground. Usually the best part of a Dean Koontz novel is his narration from the bad guys perspective, which this book somewhat lacks. I wouldn't recommend this book.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: An outstanding tale of mystery and wonder...
Review: Hands down, this is Koontz's best work. He weaves a story that always seems to come *this* close to telling you what happened, only to yank it away from you. In fact, this is the only time I've wanted to hunt down an author and smack one point in the story, a character remembers what happened, and as I was thrilled to finally find out...well, let's just say that I didn't.If only they would make a TV miniseries out of this one....
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Don't waste your money
Review: I am a huge fan of Dean Koontz, but this book is horrible. It goes on, and on, and on and on--I don't expect non-stop action, but you can only take so much of these people in the book talking about their situation and trying to figure out what had happened to them--and you get 5-6 versions of it! It was terrible--by the time I'd made it through 3/4 of the book, I didn't care what had happened to the characters anymore and gave up reading it. Knowing what kind of awesome books Dean Koontz puts out, it was even worse because I was expecting his usual stuff.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: strangers
Review: I enjoyed the story "strangers" by Dean Koontz very much. The reason for only two stars is because of the way it was formated. A novel of this length is usually recorded on thirteen to fifteen cd's or tapes. this novel was on two cd's. This makes each chapter or section very long. If you want to change from a portable cd player to your car cd player, you may have to relisten to an hour or more. The story I would give 4 or 5 stars.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Terrible, terrible, poorly written dreck.
Review: This book is awful. I do not know how in the world this man became a bestseller. This book reads like it was written by a schizophrenic with a poor imagination. Here's what happened in a few words, instead of 681 pages:-Group of "strangers" experience strange feelings, happenings.-The "strangers" independently discover that they were all together at a hotel during the landing of an alien space craft.-They discover they were drugged and brainwashed by the government. They are hunted by the government, and all is well when they are captured. THAT'S IT!! Terrible book, colossal waste of time and mental expenditure. Run, don't walk, AWAY from this garbage.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: One Of Koontz's Best
Review: The other highly qualified reviewers have adequately given a synopsis of this book. I am simply adding a voice to the chorus. This is by far one of the BEST Koontz books ever--right up there with Watchers. If you like Koontz, but haven't read this book, then shame on you! You need to read it STAT... FIVE STARS!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Strangers
Review: I am big mystery/suspense reader and Strangers does not rank up there with any of my favorites. This book, to put it simply was just okay! The version a that I read was 526 pages long and I found that to be entirely too long (how others read versinons between 800 and six-hundred-and-some pages and still gave this book five stars I don't know)! The story could have been told very well in about 400 pages and would have gotten a much better review from me, however, I felt that much of the 526 pages was just fluff that unnecessarily filled up space. My other problem with this book was the ending which was totally predictable (let me just say, without giving away the ending, what you think it is, it is). Strangers was not a horrible book but I expected so much more from it as well as from Koontz which is why I can only give it 2 1/2 stars (there is no 1/2 option so I can really only give it 2).
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Way too long. Don't waste your time reading this 681 flop.
Review: I agree with Dave from Arlington, TX. I read at least 250-300 pages before the book started to make any sense. The cover claims that it is a "spellbinding story." Yeah, right. I plodded through to the foolish ending. Don't waste you time. Stephen King said that this was "...the best book he has written so far..." Then again, Stephen King wrote Tommyknockers. If you thought Tommyknockers was way too long and had a stupid ending wait until you read Strangers.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: strangers
Review: This was the second d. koontz book i'd read and the one that got me hooked. I've read most of his books and it's the only one i've read twice. If you get a chance, read it.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: The plot thickens as you keep flipping the pages.
Review: Good job, Koontz. Strangers has elements of hope for society as we know it. Informing us that we are not alone on earth. Although, I am currently studying for my CPA, I still made time to finish Koontz's story. I recommend those who enjoy reading science fiction to pick this book over others. : )
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Another really good Koontz thriller
Review: This is only my third Koontz novel - the first one I ever read was "Fear Nothing" which got me hooked (it's wonderful!); the second was the sequel to that one, but not quite as good. Strangers is sometimes a little too wordy, but fortunately Koontz has quite a way with words!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: I thought this would never end....
Review: Now I normally don't mind long books if they are of the "can't put it down" variety. And I have read other reviews that complained about "Strangers" length. But I really couldn't wait for this thing to end. I nearly quit several times but hung in there to the end. I'm a Koontz fan but this story just drug on too far and involved too many principles in my opinion.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Reading it now
Review: This one was a bit of a slow start. Not like most of the other Dean Koontz I have read. Getting better as I get more into the book.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: One of Wumpscut's better releases
Review: I have listened to most of Wumpscut's releases, and this one stands out the most in my opinion. On the older albums, there were only one or two great tracks I liked...not enough to really warrant a purchase. The overall sound of Wreath Of Barbs seems more organized and musical with less banging, screaming, and filler material. Even with this change however, Wumpscut has not diluted into synthpop like so many other industrial bands. The theme of Wreath Of Barbs is still as dark and angry as the previous albums. Deliverance and Wreath Of Barbs are the best tracks on here, and shouldn't disappoint any Wumpscut fan. So for long time Wumpscut fans: Yes, the sound has changed a little but it's still worth picking up. For those who have not liked Wumpscut in the past: Wreath Of Barbs is just different enough to deserve another listen. Either way, Wreath Of Barbs fits nicely into any industrial fan's collection.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: this album blows
Review: the vocals are hella cool but the lyrics are g.ay, and i the layering could have been better. I kinda like this band but i think this album could have been alot more then it was.oh well what do i know, i am not doing what their doing, im siting on a computer crying about it, oh well whatever their lucky but i still hate this album, but its still semi ok but just not for me, it make me yawn
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Excellent service and great book!
Review: This "used book" arrived in pristine condition, just like new, in only two weeks, all the way from Germany! So the service was excellent.This is the Craigie version (a revision of the Dulcken), with corrections and additions, and 95 illustrations, published in 1914 by Oxford University Press.The type is large enough and the text runs smoothly: perfect for reading out loud!A very decent translation, and quite readable, from the early 20th century.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Review: IT IS NOT HANS CHRISTAIN ANDERSON'S FAIRY TALES, it is Brothers Grim compiled with some of HANS CHRISTAIN ANDERSON'S TALES, NOT EVEN THE SAME COVER, VERY UPSET, wanted my son to read the true HANS CHRISTAIN ANDERSON FAIRY TALES. Hate the Brothers Grim, hate that they twisted the three writer's together in this book. NOT HAPPY WITH IT NOT BEING WHAT WAS DETAILED IN THE ORDER. NOT HAPPY AT ALL.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: They are all here
Review: Well, all of Andersen's tales are in this book. It was an education for me to read it. His tales are so different than the Brothers Grimm. You won't find tons of witches and magic and "traditional" fairy tales in this book. Anderrsen's tales are moral in tone -- I think he wrote them to teach Christian lessons. Some of them are preachy.I'm a Believer but I prefer the fantastic kinds of fairy tales.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Yummy!
Review: I recently received a whirly pop and some of this popcorn came with it. I thought it was great so I wanted to order more. I'm glad I did - it's awesome!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Taste Great! Pops Great!
Review: Fantastic movie style poporn. Easy to prepare and great tasting. Taste just like at the movies but contains too much salt.(just like the movie popcorn).
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Good, but not quite theater quality or taste.
Review: I love the all in one packs, they are so easy to use, no measuring. The smell and taste aren't bang on, however we have some food sensitivities in our household and these all in ones were the only ones I could find without Tartrazine (Yellow #5)which happens to be a known migraine trigger. So no Flavorcol for us (Boo!)
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Yummy Popcorn!
Review: We love this popcorn. We make it in our Whirly Popper a few times a week. We never throw any away, because this stuff is good cold the next day. Bag it up and take it to work as a little snack. It's really good and fun to make! Its a little pricey, but so worth it. We have turned into popcorn more microwave popcorn for us!!!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: As Close As It Gets!
Review: I tired Real Theater Popcorn last night for the first time and managed to eat the entire thing by myself!! It was that good. If this isn't exactly like movie theater popcorn, it's as close as it gets! I'm purchasing the 20 pack today and am going to hand out a few packs to my friends whom share the same love of popcorn that I do.It's GOOD!!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Yum, yum....yummy!
Review: I think it is better than movie theater popcorn, perfect combination of seasoning and butter flavor. I first purchased it from Bed, Bath and Beyond and was looking for more...I found it here on Amazon.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Beware of price vs size
Review: I ordered Wabash Vally Farms popcorn from popcornpopper dot com. As you see here on Amazon, they do not state that their pouches have 4oz of popcorn. A rip-off for the price. Great Northern Popcorn is as good if not better and has 8oz for the same price. I won't buy Wabash Vally Farms again.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Waxy taste
Review: I was not fully satisfied with this product, the popcorn (once popped) was a little rubbery and waxy, not crunchy as you would expect.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: No "movie theater taste " here!
Review: While I agree with the other reviews in the respect that it taste better than microwave, it doesn't begin to come close to actually theater popcorn. It still lacked that buttery, sweet/salty taste found in theater popcorn. If a duplicate of theater corn is what your are seeking, KEEP SEARCHING. YOU WON'T FIND IT IN THIS BRAND!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Disappointing...
Review: Tried this product because Great Northern Popcorn was temporarily out of stock and unavailable. While the flavor is good, this Wabash Valley Farm brand doesn't generate nearly as much finished popcorn and its biggest disappointment is that it isn't very almost tastes stale. I would recommend Great Northern's product over this.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Just like I remembered it.
Review: While popcorn at the movies has changed over the years, this popcorn brings back the old days. Before microwaves and little bags you throw in them. This is the way we used to do it on the stove. I bought these as a birthday present for a real popcorn lover and of course had to share some. It popped almost all the kernels and was not dry like you get out of a microwave. Very light and easy to eat. I could't put it down. If you like the greasy stuff you get at the movies these days you will need to add butter but this is great popcorn as is.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Review: It was everything I remembered as a young lady and the product was of the greatest quailty.I am a very happy person.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Start of the Urban Blues
Review: This is probably a "must have" if you are a collector of Post War Urban Blues. The Aristocrat label evolved into the famous Chess label, and this album foretells Chess's success. Famous singers, but not their most widely known recordings.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Selections from the Chess catalog
Review: This is a fine basic selection of representative blues from the Chess catalog. Nothing particularly rare or hard to find, just the basics.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: His style is not my style
Review: Although the arrangements are good, Michael's voice is just too shrilly for my liking. I really, really tried to look out for what everyone else is raving about but I'm sorry I just didn't hear it.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Talking Heads, Yes - Tornados, No
Review: I want my money back. 80% talking heads and close ups of the chasers' faces from the back seat of the car and only 20% of storm shots. And the Shouting, Dictatorial Reed was annoying. Instead causing the viewer to "feel the moment" during in the exciting and dangerous moments of chasing, it is very, very annoying. Shut up! And the condescending volley of orders...! "Do this! Do that! Get the blankity-blank gas if you want." I finally turned the volume off, fast-forwarded to the few storm scenes offered and have just finished throwing this dvd in the trash. Useless!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Disappointed!!!
Review: If the show has Reed Timmer & Joel Taylor in it, you are sure going to expect an action packed show. Unfortunately, Tornado Glory falls very short of thrilling TV. Save your money & watch the TV series "Storm Chasers". You will get much more out of watching the series than this cheap attempt of a DVD.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Bad beyond description. Truly sad
Review: I can only guess that the two college kids who made this boring disaster of a DVD have been in here posting fake reviews. Nothing else could explain how this amateurish, sleep-inducing mess could get favorable press. To be stinks. You'll see more tornados in Hawaii than in this DVD. Almost all the time is one of the two pointing the home video camera at the other one, conducting an "interview". It looks like exactly what it it, a home movie made by teenagers. The tornado footage isn't a SHADOW of the film I've seen on any other storm chasing video, which surprised me. At least I expected some good footage.Avoid this rip-off at all cost. ANY episode of Storm Chasers, which is free, will excite you a lot more than this sleeper.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Nothing special
Review: I'm gonna quote toby keith and say this movie need a little less talk and alot more action.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: This tuna is terrific!!!
Review: The Starkist Chunk Light Tuna packed in *oil* has a superior, fresh flavor, not greasy, with just the right amount of salt. The texture is firm and, unlike canned tuna, there is actually tuna in this pouch. A 7-oz pouch of tuna has more tuna than two 6-ounce cans (which are about half water or oil). I highly recommend you try this.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Missing Pouch and awful customer service
Review: The product is great. The tuna has great taste and is took 22 days to get my order and surprise surprise the box only had 11 puches (instead of the 12).I called Customer Service and after 20 min of explanantion tey told me to go online and return the box to get another one. because this item is considered "food" it's not returnable.Bottom line the product is great but in this case the Amazon service was pretty low,
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Would have been nice.
Review: Having used PhotoFrame in years past, I was excited to find that it was still available. The only problem is that is no longer works with modern versions of PhotoShop. That's information that would have been handy to know ahead of time. It didn't work with CS5, so I tried it on older versions I had on some computers, back to CS3. I still have the 18 floppies from Version 3, my first PhotoShop, but didn't feel like installing it just to make PhotoFrame work. A total waste of money.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: A big change but I liked it
Review: Disclosure: I don't listen to this genre of music any more, so I'm basing my review on memory.I was lucky enough to see Petra on the tour before this album, with Greg X Volz singing. As always, when a band changes singers, it's kind of a shock, but Petra's show and earlier albums were so good I decided to take the plunge.I'll agree this album was not as strong as, say, "More Power To Ya" but I still liked it a lot. "King's Ransom" in particular still sticks in my head.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: I found it difficult to put this book down.
Review: I am not 13; I'm 60. However, the server will only take my comments in this section of the web site, and this book is too good not to share.Usually I read 5 or 6 books simultaneously - a few pages to put myself to sleep on any given night. However, once I began Kreka, I read it nearly straight through, only interrupting myself to carry on a busy life.I highly recommend it - both for the brillance of the writing and for the wonderfully rich and different perspective on the historical events of this era.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: The party line of the blue-suited brass
Review: I guess I should have known better, as Boyne represents Air Force officialdom. This overly intricate history reads more like a recruitment poster or boilerplate propaganda for use before congressional funding committees. Not very engaging, and one never quite knows where the oil comes from, a well or a snake. At any rate, the canvas of the Air Force presented here bears little resemblance to that obtained from biographies of some of the significant historical figures or American Aviation, e.g., Kelly Johnson, Robin Olds, John Boyd, et al, or more objective histories written by non Air Force historians. Bottom line, save your money.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Just what I wanted.
Review: As an Air Force retiree, this book is exactly what I wanted. It is full of information that I was looking for.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: WOW!
Review: WOW is the word!! This is an amazing film. You will vibrate on HIGH and be moved beyond words. You will truly never be the same.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Amazing . . . Wonderful . . . Genius
Review: This is an amazing Film.Everyone should see it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Highly Recommended !!!!!! +++++++++++
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Little Walter master of the harmonica
Review: Some very nice tracks on this album. I am not a skilled music reviewer but I know what I like, and this is it. The man knows how to blow a harmonica and I love this kind of music. If you know what this is you know you'll love it. If you don't know I suggest you find out. I think you'll be happy you did.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: HIS BEST !
Review: While this CD doesn't have all of his best tracks ever recorded it does have most of them and certainly the more popular ones . I enjoy my blues music and this is no excpetion !
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Best of the best
Review: Most of the really great harp players are dead and he was one of the very best. Harpers are still trying to figure out what he was doing with some of his licks!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: poor quality control
Review: If this product worked as advertised I would be very happy, but Polar has replaced the watch three times in six months under warrantee because of defects. First the watch would not produce audible sound (chirp) in order to transfer data to my computer; then it acted erratically displaying clearly erroneous speed data and turning off while riding (among other things). This last watch could not be reset to work with the speed and cadence sensors so it would not accept any speed or cadence data.It it worked the CS 300 would be great, but Polar's quality control problems make me wish I had purchased from another company.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Broke in the first month!
Review: I would not recommend this product as it did not work out for me. Within the first month the top button broke so I could only move thru selections in one direction.When I called the company they wanted to charge me $44.95 just to look at it and potentially repair/replace it, they made sure to let me know I needed to mail it at my own expense and I would be charged for any repairs.The HR Monitor does ok, but it loses connectivity and all of a sudden during a workout your heart rate goes from 140 to 00 for about a minute until it creates a new link. The read out on the watch would be different than what was broadcast on cardio machines at my gym.All in all, a very poor product, I have had much better luck with Timex and Garmin. I will never buy a Polar product again.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Lots of problems - It's a dud
Review: I used to like the CS 300 as a general HRM. There are several problems with this unit tat you don't find for a while.- No option for stem mount. Strap mount is hard to use if you need to take unit off the bike for other uses.- Forget about the connecting this unit to the Internet software. It uses an internal modem that you are supposed to place you computer mic next to the cs300 and it communicates with the Polar site. Good luck. This feature is worthless as it just plain does not work. Tried 3 different computers and 4 mics. Support was useless.- Stops receiving HR for no apparent reason then starts up again. It can take up to a full hour of riding before I get an accurate heart rate reading. I tried using the special electrode contact gel but still no good.- Sensor and strap roll over while swimming.I have purchased cycling computers for much less and they outperform thin piece of JUNK.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: watch broke after 2 weeks
Review: Hi,The Polar CS300 broke after the 1st time I went into the water. It simply got mist from the inside of the dial face and stopped working a day or two later. I sent it back to Jomashop which claimed they fixed it. But when it came back the same thing happened. The watch was either unsealed or is cracked somewhere that cannot be detected.Polar USA claims that Jomashop is not a certified reseller and therefore I DO NOT recommend buying Polar products from them although they are sometimes much cheaper.Currently I cannot use the watch and after trying unsuccessfully to reach Jomashop and get their feedback to why the watch broke the 2nd time, I decided to give up and donate the watch to my kids collection.I had very good experience with other Polar watches that served me for many years but this experience made me consider other brands.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Good watch, great for workout and monitor heart rate
Review: Good productGreat product for working out, riding bicycle and monitor heart rateWill recommendGreat buyGood for daily use also with alarms
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Review: I read all reviews here, and I was very worried about the quality of cs300, but I decided to buy it and I installed it in my bike and it works without problem, I recommended it, for amateur bikers. I play tennis too, and it is so useful for this or any other sport.He leído todas las críticas de aquí, y estaba muy preocupado por la calidad de la CS300, pero me decidí a comprarlo y lo instalé en mi bicicleta y funciona sin problema, lo recomiendo para los ciclistas aficionados. yo Juego tenis también, y es muy útil para este o cualquier otro deporte.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Polar
Review: This must be one of Polar's worst products. No way to delete files, one just has to wait for them to go away by themselves. The weblink sucks. If you're lucky you can get it to download data maybe one out of every ten times. Polar support non-existent.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Do not buy this product
Review: I've had this unit for a couple of years, and haven been really disappointed with it. The heart rate monitor is really erratic. Even though I live in a rural area (Santa Fe, NM), stray signals (from who knows what in this sparcely populated area)through the heart rate monitor off. The batteries in the cadence sensor and the heart rate sensor have to be replaced about once a year. Even worse, when the battery in the speed sensor is drained, you have to buy a whole new sensor. My speed sensor battery died in about two years. The cheapest price I've found for a new speed sensor is about $35.00, before shipping. I've decided to spend that $35.00 on another heart rate monitor. It will not be a Polar.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Not worth the money. Not even close!
Review: I bought this unit about a year ago and have never been able to get any of the functions to read correctly. The cadence will register for a while but the heart reat will not. The speed will work for a while but the cadence won't. It just stops and starts randomly and Never measures all three correctly at the same time. I thought at first it was power lines creating interference, but the speed doesn't register correctly while I'm on trails in the mountains either. Don't waste your money!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: One star because heart rate works...
Review: Well, do you remember Windows 3.1? You was working at computer and they just rebooted... some think like that occur w/ this Polar... You are in a hardly running or cycling and the Polar - some times - reset, making you loose the current data...Bad, but is not only it... The Weblink/Soniclink just not work. If you have plan to transfer the data from Polar to PC just choose another type of communication. I had succes only two times and have tried a lot of...The byke mount is a piece of junk two... The older Polar model is much beter.The odometer also does not works w/ precision, some times they continue increasing value, but the byke is stoped... The cataye ciclocomputer have more accuracy and precision.Well... The heart rate works, some times fine.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Great focus and relaxation technique
Review: Mozart has shown to have a profound effect on learning in recent studies. I teach school and have found this CD to help students concentrate and stay focused on the task at hand. I recommend anybody who teaches or daydreams use this for concentration. It is a great buy!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Great first time clasical experience
Review: Wanted to try the "Mozart Effect" on my teenage niece who only listened to rap and teen-pop. She said the first time she heard this it was like electrical sparks lighting up her brain. She loved it.I am already familiar with classical music. This compilation is very well chosen, edited and engineered. There are some less than common selections, so even if you already have many symphonies, there will be some different music on this CD. Nothing is too long. The tempo is both mildly relaxing and stimulating at the same time. Good for studying or thinking.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Second multitool and by far the favorite
Review: I bought a larger Gerber multitool and while useful, was bulky and clunky to use. This tool, by and far, is now my favorite tool. The corkscrew is actually difficult to use at times because you can't get leverage, but it will work in a pinch. The blade assortment is incredibly sharp and durable... I just slice through packaging and still able to use for delicate tasks.I think three standard screwdriver tips is excessive... would've like another phillips tip... but overall the product is small, light and durable with pretty easy access to the tools.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: and a clip on sheet included
Review: this will get you through almost any problem while hiking, each tool is great quality, cuts wood, metal, the scissors are greatit is a great compact tool. one of the best things is a diamond sharpener to sharpen other tools.the sheet was a surprise, i almost ordered it separately, perhaps it should say it is included.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Review: horrible experience with this company. I bought this set a couple of years ago. It has fallen apart. Cheap quality. The picture looks great. It is when you get it that you realize you just got RIPPED OFF!!!!!!!. I can't believe this company is still in business.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Looking for a great first blues CD?
Review: This is the CD you should buy!The Wolf is arguably the greatest blues vocalist ever, and when you add Hubert Sumlin on guitar you've got a musical experience that just won't stop giving.Buy it and cherish it. It may be a cliche' but it's true, we won't ever hear the like of Howlin' Wolf again.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Some of the Howlin' Growlin' Wolf's best.
Review: This is a comprehensive collection of some of Howlin' Wolf's best music. The master of gravel voiced, gut bucket blues. A must have if you want to listen to Chicago electric blues.......
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: There is a reason why every Howlin' Wolf song is a standard
Review: As much as I love Robert Johnson, he really isn't the king of blues. He's more second best. The true king is the one, the only Howlin' Wolf. You may as well burn all your Eric Clapton albums because this is the real deal. The pure sounds of the Delta are captured into every single Howlin' Wolf song. This is probably the best place to start with when it comes to the man and his music. It features all of his best and best-known blues tunes. There are few rock bands that didn't take a good deal of influence from the Wolf.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Yes, they continue to get worse....
Review: The cover art is the only good thing about this film. Full Moon continues to milk its most successful franchise for every Redbox $1 it can. The puppets continue to look awful and nothing like the originals. Long gone is the stop motion animation, replaced with showing the puppets from the waist up and them nodding and making noises. The fight between the classic puppets and new puppets is the equivalent of throwing 2 barbie dolls at each other. The acting and sets were poor, along with a barely existent nonsensical storyline. Thankfully its short like the rest of the recent Full moon films. Expectations were very low, and is still severely disappointing. Charles may as well finish the prequel trilogy he started, then please put it to bed. Check out the recently released 'Evil Clergyman' for some old school Full Moon. There's more talent and skill in those 30 mins than the last four entries of the PM films...
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Never Again
Review: I was a huge fan full moon, but the latest installment to the puppet master franchise confirms (again)that there best days are behind them. I can't say how it ends I turned it off, it was that bad. I used to be religious about picking up all full moon movies as they became available. Now, I won't even rent one. Thanks for the memories.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Horrible, Horrible, Horrible. Charles Band should be ashamed of himself!
Review: This movie is SUCH a disappointment, from the horrible actors to the horrible cheap-looking puppets. Where does Charles Band get these actors from, and the puppets???? Why make a movie with such stupid looking puppets? Go back to the original formula Charles Band! Stop making stupid movies and put a big enough budget into a Puppet Master movie!!!Don't rent, dont buy this stupid film. 0/5
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: puppet master x axis rising
Review: son loved it he likes scary movies and wants two or three more of the puppet series very very very gross
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Its a fun series.
Review: It is a very good series i am enjoying it a lot. very good quality so far and its dramatic but funny at times as is good clean fun . and its for a great price to get a complete series.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Is it REALLY uncut?
Review: In comparing this to "The Commish: The Complete Series"The Commish: The Complete SeriesI noticed that the time is the same--73 hours and 41 minutes is the same as 4421 minutes. What I'd really like to know is how the uncut version is different and/or better than the complete series. The complete series has 18 reviews and more product information which I feel gives you a better understanding of what you are receiving than the information contained here.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: super entertainment for family
Review: We absolutely recommend this police series because of its great blend of dealing with crime, humor and family life. We intend to share this with our married children. It is refreshing entertainment without excessive and graphic violence. It is worth every dollar we spent!!!
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: dont waste your money
Review: Do not order this product. You will regret your purchase. Half of the discs in my set do not work. Also packaging is crappy! Paper envelopes all shoved into a plastic case!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Sex is fun, this book . . . less so.
Review: This book is just really weirdly written. Each chapter begins with a little soft-core porn scenario - like something you'd find in a romance novel, only slightly less sexy. It's then followed by a fairly long explanation of what just occurred. Baker opened the book saying that she would try not to get too statistical and biological-sounding so as to not bore the crap out of us . . . but even without charts and tables, it's tough to get through. The sex scenes certainly appeal to the voyeur that lies deep within every sexual being, but the rest of the book is hardly worth it. When there are so many other books out there on this topic written so much better - more interestingly, with humor, whilst still being scientifically factual - Baker really dropped the ball on keeping her audience captivated.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: The Commish TV Series
Review: This was a great TV show. The series set is wonderful. Loved being "reunited" with the characters from the show...always a good moral to each story.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Memories
Review: I really loved The Commish when it was on Sky 1 and am really looking forward to seeing it again.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Review: I am do happy I purchased this series. I just love it. The quality of the dvd is great for putting a TV show that goes back to the early 90's.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Great
Review: I only saw random episodes when it aired here in Denmark, so I was thrilled to get the entire series on DVD. The Commish is funny, yet thrilling and compelling. I was delighted to see that the pilot episode was there too, which never aired here
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: One More Thought On The Security Scripts
Review: My earlier review should have mentioned Hans Cathcart's comments about scripts which remove installed products. He thinks the script was added to the CD in error. If you check the book carefully you will find a discussion of why some installed packages should be removed. Chapter 12 starting at about page 386 discusses removal of unnecessary software on a *firewall computer*. Mr. Sery is talking in the context of a standalone firewall machine, not your personal work machine. It's important to understand this distinction and to read Chapter 12 before you run any of his scripts from the CDs. You would not want to run these security scripts on your *personal* machine.Of course Mr. Sery is overlooking a small fact -- most home users don't have the money or knowhow to set up a standalone firewall computer, quite separate from their personal work machines.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Good format but riddled with errors
Review: I agree with the reviewer that stated that this book was poorly proofed - if at all. The format of the book is very good, but it is so riddled with errors that you end up going in circles trying to figure out what the author is trying to tell you to do. I ended up using this book as my primary source for getting my Samba network up and running, but only because I couldn't find a better reference. I hope that a revised edition will be coming out for Red Hat Linux 7.0/7.1, and I hope that the myriad errors in the current edition will be addressed.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Should have done more research
Review: Outdated, covers installation of Windows 95 along side older Linux distros. Managed to pull a couple useful tidbits out of it so I refuse to rate it lower than 2 stars
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Excellent networking examples
Review: This book goes from the simple to the complex. It helped me to get started and advance on to more complicated stuff. It's really helped me to create a Linux network.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Very poorly proofed (if at all) book
Review: Although Mr. Sery starts with extremely good intentions, this book was so poorly proofed that it is worse than no help at all. One can find serious typographical errors on almost any page, ranging from misspelled keywords, to sentences that just end in the middle of a thought. Often the text instructs you to do one thing, but the representative screen shot shows completely different information. The only way I would recommend this book would be for students of typesetting to study as an excellent example of how not to practice their art. Based on this one experience, I have no plans to ever buy another book from the publisher, IDG Books, nor the author.Patrick Krepps
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Not useful for connecting to internet using DSL/Cable
Review: I am very dissapointed with this book. If you are looking to setup a firewall/gateway Linux box and you have a cable modem/DSL, look somewhere else. This book is primarily about Samba and how to setup an internal network. There are 2 chapters regarding gateways/firewalls but they assume you are using a regular modem. The web site for the book contains no information for us cable modem folks. The Ipchains discussion was not helpful at all.Also the screen shots in Chapter 1 are very dated and do not reflect what you see when you install the distribution on the cd. Don't buy this book to learn how to install linux.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Another great book by Dr. Sinatra
Review: Very simply put, if you follow the recommendations by Dr. Sinatra articulated in this book, you will not only lower your blood pressure, you will lose a lot of unwanted weight. It dropped my systolic to under 100mmH. Another fantastic book by Dr. Sinatra.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Lower you blood pressure in 8 weeks
Review: there is some worthwhile info here, but the food recipes are difficult to prepare and store.Unless you can prepare all of nyou food at home, this book is not worth it.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Whats new...
Review: Not any new information in this book that can't be found for free by searching the internet...overall most people can visit their local natural food store and get the same information from the sales person.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Great book, great information!
Review: I am still reading this and I am loving it. The information is solid and makes sense. It's inspiring. I feel like this could really be helpful in my effort to take back my health.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Erendira: The Phurepecha Warrior
Review: I've enjoyed the film. The film does contain some Eurocentric perspectives of aboriginal gender relationships and political affairs. However, it demonstrated the Spanish subjugation and manipulation that took place during the European Invasion of the Americas. The mass genocide displayed in the film is dramatized with real body like characters and background illustrations of dead bodies. A film on Pre-American history is somewhat unusual,especially when it comes to authenticity. It would be great to see a film on the Amerindian Holocaust for historical purposes with all the colors, backgrounds and true craftsmanship that some American Hebrew and Chinese films have when they portray their history.
Answer: | Yes |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Boring...
Review: This game continues with the great graphics that Red Storm has been consitant with, HOWEVER, I managed to finish this game in about 2 hours. The only challenge was the many "beat the clock" type scenarios.BUT, if you never played any of the Rainbow Six collection, this is a must to get you started.Get it and start wacking TANGO's left and right!
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: Is this really by red storm!?
Review: I own every rainbow six game. I am so so so disappointed, the textures in the game were old. Details were left out big time, I expected this to be the best on account of it being the newest, and probobly the last add on to rogue spear. And I know my guns big time, red storm paid no attention to making the guns real like. Basicly this was a last attempt to make more money, but it was worth it because it expanded th multiplayer possiblilities. I say if you like playing it online, go for it. But if you want something more than just covert ops, dont get it. I dont want to knock red storm down completely, but i play operation flashpoint. If you've played it, you would know what im talking about.
Answer: | No |
Is this product review positive?
Title: NOT WORTH IT!!!
Review: First let me start off saying that this expansion pack was probably a last-ditch effort for R6 before Ghost Recon came out (which is an excellent game i might add). I bought Black Thorn for [price], and it only comes with 9 missions, and a couple new guns. Its VERY boring! I wish i'd never bought it. The graphics are pretty ok, the sound is good (creative EAX), game play is fine, but it just doesnt live up to the other R6's. I'd get Ghost Recon insted.
Answer: | No |
Subsets and Splits