
[ { "cause": "Rachel came back.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I can not believe you came back.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia275utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Do not say anything.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia275utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I do not wanna speak, I do not wanna think.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia275utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel just want Chandler to take her and kiss her and make love to her right here, right now.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I just want you to take me and kiss me and make love to me right here, right now.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia275utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel missed the exit!", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Friend No. 2", "text": "Rachel! Rachel!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia275utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia275utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel missed the exit!", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Friend No. 2", "text": "You missed the exit!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia275utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, sorry.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia275utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel was thinking about other things.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Friend No. 1", "text": "My God, what were you thinking about?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia275utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Um, Barry.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia275utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel says she was thinking Barry.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Her-Friends", "text": "Awwwww", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia275utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay, some tricks of the trade.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia277utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Now, I have never been able to cry as an actor, so if I am in a scene where I have to cry, I cut a hole in my pocket, take a pair of tweezers, and just start pulling.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia277utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Or ah, or, let say I wanna convey that I have just done something evil.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia277utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "That would be the basic I have a fishhook in my eyebrow and I like it Okay, let say I have just gotten bad news, well all I do there is try and divide 232 by 13.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia277utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And that is how it is done.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia277utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Great soap opera acting tonight, class dismissed.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Great soap opera acting tonight everybody, class dismissed.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia277utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Student", "text": "Hey, Mr. Trib.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia277utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey greets a student.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey... hey.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia277utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "The student is acting.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Student", "text": "Look, I just saw my best friends brains smeared across the canvas, that is not gonna be me, not me.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia280utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "The student's act is good.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Wow! That was good. That was... Tweezers?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia280utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Student", "text": "No.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia280utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "The student's act is really good.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Whoa. That was really good.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia280utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Student", "text": "Thanks, any suggestions?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia280utt5.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "There will come a time in each of your careers when you will have a chance to screw over another soap opera actor.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia281utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I had such an opportunity in the recent, present.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia281utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey had such an opportunity in the recent to screw over another soap opera actor, so Joey advised a fellow actor to play a role, homosexually.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And I am ashamed to say that I took it, I advised a fellow actor to play a role, homosexually.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia281utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey and his student both auditioned for the part, and it turned out the directors liked the stupid gay thing and cast the student.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Yeah, we both auditioned for the part, and uh, as it turned out, they ah, they liked the stupid gay thing and cast him.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia281utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "The guy is got a two year contract opposite Susan Luchhi, the first lady of daytime television, and Joey is stuck here teaching a bunch of people, most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And now, he is got a two year contract opposite Susan Luchhi, the first lady of daytime television, and me, me I am stuck here teaching a bunch of people, most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia281utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey can't help regreting his wrong choice.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia281utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Thank you.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia281utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Jester", "text": "Uh, may I help you?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia282utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Yeah, I talked to you on the phone, I am the lady that got stuck with the racecar bed.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia282utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Jester", "text": "Look, it is like I told you, there is nothing I can do. You signed for it, Monica Velula Geller.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia282utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "All right, Jester man, look we wanna see the King.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia282utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Nobody sees the King!", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Jester", "text": "Nobody sees the King!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia282utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh... ho... kay, I am talking to the King.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia282utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey can not go back there.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Jester", "text": "Hey! You can not go back there!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia282utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Varrrrrroom!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia283utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler acts like he is driving a car and a lady is in his way.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia283utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler acts like he is driving a car and a lady is in his way.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Watch it, lady!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia283utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Varrrrrrrrrrom!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia283utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler is playing on the car bed.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey... hey good looking!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia283utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Varrrrrrrrroom.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia283utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler will leave.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right, I will leave.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia283utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler's bed is so boring.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "My bed so boring.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia283utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Here you go Pheebs. Who else wants one of my special homemade brownies?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia284utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I will have one.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia284utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Okay, I am not gonna have one.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia284utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe's tooth aches.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No, no, it is just my tooth.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia284utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right I will have one.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia284utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "So what a matter, you need a dentist? I have got a good one.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia284utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe has a good dentist but she can't see him.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No thanks, I have a good one too. I just, I, I can not see him.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia284utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "See that is the problem with invisible dentists.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia284utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe has a good dentist but she can't see him.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Why? Why can not you go to him?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia284utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Every time Phoebe goes to the dentist, somebody dies.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Because, every time I go to the dentist, somebody dies.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia284utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "It's weird that every time Phoebe goes to the dentist, somebody dies.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "That is so weird, because every time I go to the dentist, I look down the hygienist blouse.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia284utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Every time Phoebe goes to the dentist, somebody dies.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Phoebe, what? Umm... what?!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia284utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, yeah, first there was my aunt Mary, and then there was umm, John, my mailman, and then my, my cowboy friend Albino Bob.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia284utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "All these people actually died after Phoebe seeing the dentist.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "And all these people actually died?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia284utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "All these people actually died after Phoebe seeing the dentist.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yes, while I was in the chair!", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia284utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "Every time Phoebe goes to the dentist, somebody dies and that is why she takes such good care of her teeth now, it is not about oral hygiene, she floss to save lives.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "That is why I take such good care of my teeth now, you know, it is not about oral hygiene, I floss to save lives!", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia284utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Pheebs, come on, you did not kill anybody, these people just happened to die when you went to the dentist.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia284utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "It is, it is, it is just ah, a coincidence.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia284utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": "All these people actually died after Phoebe seeing the dentist.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well tell that to them. Oh! You can not, their dead.", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia284utt19.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler saw nice pearls.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey! Hold on a minute, hold on a second. Do you think these pearls are nice?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia287utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I would really prefer a mountain bike.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia287utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Janice birthday is coming up, I want to get her something speacial. Come in here with me.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia287utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler wants to get Janice something speacial for her birthday.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, whoa.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia287utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey thinks Chandler should get Janice flowers, get her candy, get her gum, girls love gum.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Do you ah, want to get her something speacial, get her flowers, get her candy, get her gum, girls love gum.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia287utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey thinks Chandler should get Janice flowers, get her candy, get her gum, girls love gum.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "That is a good idea, Dear Janice have a Hubba... Bubba birthday. I would like to get her something serious.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia287utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler would like to get Janice something serious.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, you want something serious.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia287utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "You know what you should do, you should get her one of those um, barium enemas.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia287utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Those are dead serious.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia287utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey suggests Chandler should get Janice one of those barium enemas.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right. Look, I am gonna go in here, and you do not buy me anything ever.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia287utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler can not buy Janice pearls.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "No, no, you can not, you can not, okay, you can not, you can not buy her pearls, you just can not, you can not, you can not.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia287utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler can not buy Janice pearls.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Why not?!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia287utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh God. Uh, okay, here is the thing, this is the thing, okay, the thing is...", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia287utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey makes an ambiguous statement.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "What is the thing?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia287utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey saw Janice, kissing her exhusband.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay. I went down to the Mattress King showroom and, and I saw Janice, kissing her ex... husband.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia287utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey saw Janice, kissing her exhusband.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia287utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "They were in his office.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia287utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey saw Janice, kissing her exhusband.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well she, she would not do that, she is with, she is with me.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia287utt18.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I am telling you man, I saw it.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia288utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey must be wrong.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Yeah, well, you are wrong! Okay, you are wrong.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia288utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey is not wrong even if he wishes he was.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I am not wrong! I wish I was. I am sorry. Bet that barium enema does not sound so bad now, huh?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia288utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "All right now remember, something this big and long is going to be difficult to manuver, fortunately I have a lot of experience in that area.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia291utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "A naked man life hangs in the balance.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Can we please focus here, a naked man life hangs in the balance!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia291utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thinks the naked man is dead and what her friends are about to have here is a dead fat guy on a stick.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I am telling you he is dead. What we are about to have here is a dead fat guy on a stick.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia291utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "All right, ladies and gentlemen, let poke.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia291utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Steady.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia291utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Steady.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia291utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay, a little higher.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia291utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Careful of the angle.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia291utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay, okay, we are approaching the window Thread the needle.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia291utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Thread the needle.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia291utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "He is alive.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "He is alive! He is a... live!!!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia291utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "And yet, we are still poking him.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia291utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay, retract the device, retract the device.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia291utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "He does not look happy.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "He does not look happy.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia291utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "He is showing them his poking device.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hey... hey, now he is showing us his poking device.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia291utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "That is never gonna make it all the way over here.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey, that is never gonna make it all the way over here, buddy!", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia291utt16.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "The game on TV sucks.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "The Guys", "text": "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Awww!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia292utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Instead of watching football, the guys could help to prepare for the Thanksgiving.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Hey, it is your Thanksgiving too, you know, instead of watching football, you could help.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia292utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "The Guys", "text": "We will.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia292utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay, Rachel, you wanna put the marshmellows in concentric circles.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia292utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No Mon, you want to put them in concentric circles. I want to do this.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia292utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Every year.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia292utt6.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay. Let bring it in.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia293utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Wait no, honey, honey throw it to me, throw it to me.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia293utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Here you go.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia293utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "That almost hit Rachel in the face.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "That almost hit me in the face.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia293utt4.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Is not there a national football league.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia296utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Yes. Yes, there is, they play on Sundays and Monday nights.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia296utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel works Monday nights so she can't join a national football league.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh shoot! I work Monday nights.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia296utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "This stuffing is amazing.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Umm, this stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia296utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "When they are hungry enough, they will come in.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia296utt5.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica wants the ball.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Let go!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia297utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross wants the ball.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No! You let go!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia297utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is always them left in the field holding the ball.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "How come it is always us left in the field holding the ball?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia297utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I do not know. I guess the other people just do not care enough.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia297utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is starting to snow.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey! It is starting to snow.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia297utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross wants the ball.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Gimme the this!", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia297utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica wants the ball.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Let go!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia297utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "So, this must be kinda neat for you, huh?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia300utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I mean, your Dad tells me that you get a couple of days off school, and you, you ah, do not have to sell those cookies anymore.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia300utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Sarah can't sell the cookies because of the fracture so she has no chance for the trip to Spacecamp.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Sarah", "text": "Well, I kinda wanted to sell the cookies. The girl who sells the most wins a trip to Spacecamp, and gets to sit in a real space shuttle.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia300utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Sarah really likes all this space stuff.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Wow, you ah, you really like all this space stuff, huh?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia300utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Sarah", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia300utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Sarah's father says she is always doing daydreaming.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Sarah", "text": "My Dad says if I spend as much time helping him clean apartments, as I do daydreaming about outer space, he would be able to afford a trip to the Taj Mahal.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia300utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I think you would have to clean a whole lot of apartments to go all the way to India.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia300utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Sarah", "text": "No. The one in Atlantic City, Dad loves the slots. He says he is gonna double the college money my Grandma left me.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia300utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Hey.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia301utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is here.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey. What, what are you doing here?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia301utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thought a lot about what Joey said.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well, I... I thought a lot about what you said, and um, I realilized duh, all right maybe I was a little judgmental.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia301utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, oh, but oh...", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia301utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Look now, Phoebe remember, hey, their just fulfilling their Christmas...", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia301utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Destiny.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia301utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Sure.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia301utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yes.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia301utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "All right.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia301utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "That one does not look very fulfilled.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay. Yikes! That one does not look very fulfilled.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia301utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, that is, that is ah, one of the old ones, he is just taking it to the back.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia301utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Keeping the old trees in the back is so ageist.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You keep the old ones in the back, that is so ageist.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia301utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well we have to make room for the fresh ones.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia301utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "The old trees will be taken to the back.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "So, what happens to the old guys?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia301utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well, they go into the chipper.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia301utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "A man is throwing the tree in the shredder.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Why, do I have a feeling that is not as happy as it sounds? No! Nooooo!!!", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia301utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is shocked.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey! Hey!!", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia301utt17.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler seems happy.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "... and 12, 22, 18, four... What?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia303utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler spelled out boobies.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I spelled out boobies.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia303utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Ross, but me down for another box of the mint treasures, okay. Where, where are the mint treasures?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia303utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Ah, we are out. I sold them all.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia303utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has sold the mint treasures out.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia303utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has sold the mint treasures out.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "No.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia303utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "No, just, just, just a couple more boxes.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia303utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is addicted to the mint treasures.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "It... it... it is no big deal, all right, I am... I am cool.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia303utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has sold the mint treasures out.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You gotta help me out with a couple more boxes!", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia303utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica has cookie on her neck.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Mon, look at yourself. You have cookie on your neck.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia303utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica has cookie on her neck.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh God!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia303utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "So, how many have you sold so far?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia303utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has sold five hundred and seventeen boxes.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Check this out. Five hundred and seventeen boxes!", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia303utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has sold five hundred and seventeen boxes.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Oh my God, how did you do that?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia303utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "The other night Ross was leaving the museum just as Laser Floyd was letting out of the planetarium, without even trying he sold 50 boxes.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay, the other night I was leaving the museum just as Laser Floyd was letting out of the planetarium, without even trying I sold 50 boxes!", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia303utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "It occurred to Ross that the key to his success is the munchies.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "That is when it occurred to me, the key to my success, the munchies. So I ah, started hitting the NYU dorms around midnight.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia303utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is selling cookies by the case.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I am selling cookies by the case.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia303utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "People call Ross: Cookie Dude!", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "They call me: Cookie Dude!", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia303utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Okay, stop what you are doing, I need envelope stuffers, I need stamp lickers...", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia303utt19.mp4" }, { "cause": "Someone did these resumes for Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Well hey, who did these resumes for you?", "utterance_id": 20, "video": "dia303utt20.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler did these resumes for Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Me! On my computer.", "utterance_id": 21, "video": "dia303utt21.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi there. How many, how many ah, did you sell?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia304utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is the bad man who broke Sarah leg.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Girl", "text": "I am not gonna tell you! You are the bad man who broke Sarah leg.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia304utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "That was an accident that Ross broke Sarah's leg.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey now! That was an accident, okay.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia304utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is a big scrud who broke Sarah's leg.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Girl", "text": "You are a big scrud.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia304utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What a scrud?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia304utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is a big scrud who broke Sarah's leg.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Girl", "text": "Why do not you look in the mirror, scrud.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia304utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross thinks the girl is a scrud.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I do not have too. I can just look at you.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia304utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Students are checking final tallies.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Leader", "text": "All right girls, and man. Let see your final tallies. Ohhhh, Debbie, 321 boxes of cookies, Very nice.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia304utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Debbie is not nice enough for selling 321 boxes.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Not nice enough.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia304utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Charla is still good for selling 278 boxes.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Leader", "text": "Charla, 278. Sorry, dear, but still good.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia304utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Tell us what happened, Brown Bird Ross.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia305utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross lost.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Well, I lost.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia305utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Some little girl loaned her uniform to her nineteen year old sister, who went down to the U. S. S. Nimitz, and sold over 2000 boxes.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Some little girl loaned her uniform to her nineteen year old sister, who went down to the U. S. S.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia305utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Some little girl loaned her uniform to her nineteen year old sister, who went down to the U. S. S. Nimitz, and sold over 2000 boxes.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Nimitz, and sold over 2000 boxes.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia305utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel came back from an interviw.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey! How would the interview go?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia305utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel blew the interview.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, I blew it. I would not of even hired me.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia305utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is gonna go on like a thousand interviews before she gets a job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh, come here sweetie, listen, you are gonna go on like a thousand interviews before you get a job.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia305utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is gonna go on like a thousand interviews before she gets a job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "That is not how that was supposed to come out.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia305utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "This is the worst Christmas ever.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "This is the worst Christmas ever.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia305utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You know what Rach, maybe you should just, you know stay here at the coffee house.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia305utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't stay here at the coffee house.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I can not!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia305utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't stay here at the coffee house.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "It is too late!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia305utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Terry already hired that girl who has waitress experience over there.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Terry already hired that girl over there.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia305utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Terry already hired that girl who has waitress experience over there.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Look at her, she is even got waitress experience.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia305utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "The girl was teaching everybody how to make napkin swans.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Last night she was teaching everybody how to make napkin... swans.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia305utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "That word was swans.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia305utt16.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross is sorry she did not get to go to Spacecamp.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I am, I am sorry you did not get to go to Spacecamp, and I am hoping that maybe somehow, this may make up for it.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia306utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Presenting Sarah Tuttle Private Very Special Spacecamp!", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Presenting Sarah Tuttle Private Very Special Spacecamp!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia306utt2.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Sarah", "text": "Really Mr. Geller, you do not have to do this.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia307utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is playing with Sarah.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh come on! Here we go! Stand by for mission countdown!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia307utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I am an alien. I am an alien.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia307utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is playing with Sarah.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh no! An asteroid!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia307utt4.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey, anybody got a length of rope about six feet long with a little nouse at the end?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia308utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Honey, what the matter?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia308utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler just saw Janice.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I just saw Janice.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia308utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Rachel hates her job.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh God, I hate my job, I hate it, I hate my job, I hate it.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia311utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel hates her job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I know honey, I am sorry.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia311utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel hates her job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, I wanna quit, but then I think I should stick it out, then I think why would such a person stay in such a demeaning job, just because it is remotely related to the field they are interested in.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia311utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica hates her job, too.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Gee, I do not know Rach. Order up!! I got a Yentel soup, a James Beans, and a Howdy hold the Dowdy!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia311utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel means no offense.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh honey, come on, I am sorry, I did not...", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia311utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel was walking Mira, the arthritic seamstress, to the bathroom.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I do not mind paying my dues, you know, its just how much am I gonna learn about fashion by walking Mira, the arthritic seamstress, to the bathroom.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia311utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "The guy is laughing at Rachel.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hi! Is my misery amusing to you?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia311utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "The guy means no offense.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Guy", "text": "I am sorry, I wa, I wa, I was just ah...", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia311utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is not funny, this is actually Rachel's job.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "It is not funny, this is actually my job.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia311utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Guy", "text": "Oh believe me, I... I... I have been there. I had to sort mannequin heads at that Mannequins Plus.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia311utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just going to go back to talking to her friend here and the guy can go back to enjoying his little hamburger.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh well then, so I am just going to go back to talking to my friend here.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia311utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just going to go back to talking to her friend here and the guy can go back to enjoying his little hamburger.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "And you can go back to enjoying your little hamburger.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia311utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Guy", "text": "Ah, just one other thing.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia311utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "The guy still wants to talk about something.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yes?!", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia311utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Guy", "text": "I ah, I work at", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia311utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Do you want my pickle?", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia311utt16.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "Hey guys.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia312utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is going out on a date with the noisy guy upstairs.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Hey Gunther. Hi. I mean you are going out on a date with the noisy guy upstairs?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia312utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well, he is very charming.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia312utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "If Phoebe and the noisy guy upstairs start going out, then it is just gonna make it so much harder for Monica to hate him.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I know, he is too charming, but if you two start going out, then it is just gonna make it so much harder for me to hate him.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia312utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well, you are just gonna have to try.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia312utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Joey, where are the Jell... o shots?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia312utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I do not know, Chandler is supposed to be passin em around...", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia312utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler slept with one of Joey's sister but he forgets which one.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Are you insane? I mean Joey, is going to kill you, he is actually going to kill you dead.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia315utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey is going to kill Chandler, he is actually going to kill Chandler dead.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Okay! You do not think I thought of that?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia315utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler can not remember which sister.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "How can you not know which one?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia315utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler can not remember which sister.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I mean that is unbelievable.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia315utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I mean, was it Gina?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia315utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Which one is Gina?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia315utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Dark, big hair, with the airplane earrings.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia315utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "No, no, no, that is Dina.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia315utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica, Phoebe and Rachel can not tell which one is which either.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You see you can not tell which one is which either, dwha!!", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia315utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Dear Mary... Angela.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia316utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia316utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "How it going.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia316utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "This is the hardest letter I have ever had to write.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia316utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler blew off Joey's sister with a letter.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What the hell a matter with you?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia316utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler blew off Joey's sister with a letter.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "How do you think Joey going to react when he finds out that you blew off his sister with a letter?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia316utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well, that is the part where you tell him that I moved to France. When actually I will be in Cuba.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia316utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "All right, look, look, you have got to do this yourself, okay in person.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia316utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "At least you know her name.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia316utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You just go to the house and you ask for Mary... Angela, okay, when which ever one she is comes to the door, you take her for a walk, you let her down easy.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia316utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Maybe it is Mary Angela comes to the door and Chandler asks for Mary Angela.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "What if Mary... Angela comes to the door and I ask for Mary... Angela?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia316utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Maybe it is Mary Angela comes to the door and Chandler asks for Mary Angela.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Where in Cuba?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia316utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross is waiting for Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia318utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross greets Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia318utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is waiting for Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "What are you doing here?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia318utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Ah you know, this building is on my paper route so I...", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia318utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia318utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia318utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hi.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia318utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "How would did it go?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia318utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "The interview went on well.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh well, the woman I interviewed with was pretty tough, but you know thank God Mark coached me, because once I started talking about the fall line, she got all happy and would not shut up.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia318utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is so proud of Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I am so proud of you.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia318utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is so proud of herself.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Me too!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia318utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is sorry he has been so crazy and jealous and it is just that he likes her a lot.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Listen, I am ah, I am sorry I have been so crazy and jealous and, it is just that I like you a lot, so...", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia318utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I know.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia318utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia318utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia318utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Mark came out.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah. Hi Mark!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia319utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel got the job.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Hi. I just talked to Joanna, and she loves you. You got it, you got the job.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia319utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel got the job.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, I did!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia319utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel got the job.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Yes.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia319utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel got the job.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh my God!!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia319utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel got the job.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Congratulations... oh... wow", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia319utt6.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler wants the magician open his beer with his but cheeks.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well, if the magician can open my beer with his but cheeks, then all right.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia320utt1.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Jeannine", "text": "Night Mon. Night Julio.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia323utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Adiós.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia323utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Someone left their book here.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Look Julio, someone left their book here.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia323utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Ah actually, that is mine.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia323utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh yeah, what are you reading?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia323utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Flowers of Evil, by Beaudalire. Have you read it?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia323utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Have I read it? No, are you enjoying it?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia323utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "I thought I would, but the translation no good.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia323utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Your a poet and do not know it.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia323utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Actually I ah, I am a poet.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia323utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, then you do know it. So um what kind of things do you write about?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia323utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Things that move me. The, the shadow of a tree, a child laughing, or this lip.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia323utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica's lip moves Julio.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Mine? Right here?", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia323utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "I can write an epic poem about this lip.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia323utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica and Julio had a kiss.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "How would that go? Well, it did not rhyme, but I liked it.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia323utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica is poor.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh my God, oh my God! Poor Monica!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia324utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thinks Monica is poor.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "What, what, what?!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia324utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "He thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "What?!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia324utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "He was with her when he wrote this poem.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia324utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Look, My vessel so empty with nothing inside.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia324utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Now that I have touched you, you seem emptier still.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia324utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "He thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "He thinks Monica is empty, she is the empty vase!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia324utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "He thinks Monica is an empty vase but Monica seems so happy.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, totally. Oh, God, oh, she seemed so happy too.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia324utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Done.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia324utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Mark a genius!", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Mark a genius!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia325utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey thinks Mark is a genius.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Why?! How?! How is he a genius?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia325utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Instead of hitting on Rachel right away, Mark is becoming her confidant.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Look, do not you see what happening here.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia325utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Instead of hitting on Rachel right away, Mark is becoming her confidant.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Instead of hitting on her right away, he is becoming her confidant.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia325utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Instead of hitting on Rachel right away, Mark is becoming her confidant.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Now he is gonna be the guy she goes too to complain about you.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia325utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What am I going to do?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia325utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well, why do not you send her a musical bug, op, no you already did that.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia325utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right look, you are going to have to go there yourself now, okay, make a few surprise visits.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia325utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I do not know you guys.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia325utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right fine, do not do anything, just sit here and talk to us, meanwhile she is talking to him about you.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia325utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "And he is being Mr. Joe Sensitive, and she starts thinking Maybe this is the guy for me, because he understands me.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia325utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And before you know it, she is with him.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia325utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And you will be all, Ohh, man!", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia325utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And he will be all, Yes!", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia325utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And us, we will be like, Wh... whoa, dude.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia325utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And pretty soon you will be like, Hhiii, and, and, and, I can not go, Rachel and Mark might be there.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia325utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may go for Mark if Ross keeps doing nothing.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And we will be like, Man, get over it, it is been four years!!", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia325utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "He paints quite a picture does not he?", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia325utt18.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Mark and his girlfriend are soo sweet.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ohhh! That is soo sweet!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia326utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark is hugging his girlfriend and saying something sweet.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Okay, okay look, I know I am being Mr. Inappropriate today, but it is just so tough, I mean see you walking around and I just wanna touch you and hold you, come on no one around, just, just kiss me.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia326utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross mistook the girl for Rachel.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "All right that is, that is it!! Get off her!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia326utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross rushed out and threw something at Mark.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "What is going on?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia326utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross mistook the girl for Rachel.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What going on?! That is what going on!!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia326utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross rushed out and threw something at Mark.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ross!", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia326utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross found that he made a mistake.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I have been down in your store for twenty minutes trying to get a tie!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia326utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross found that he made a mistake.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What do I have to do to get some service?!", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia326utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi Rach.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia326utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Remember how you said you were really dense about poetry? Oh.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia328utt1.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Julio thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So! I am just an empty vase, huh?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia329utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica said she is an empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia329utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Julio thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You know, so I do not read as many important books as you do, and I do not write trick poems that seem to be about one thing but are actually about something else.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia329utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Julio thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "And you know what, I get excited about stupid stuff, like when I my People magazine comes on Saturday, and the new Hold Everything catalog.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia329utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is mad at Julio's poem for comparing her to the empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia329utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Julio thinks Monica is an empty vase.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You do not even know me...", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia329utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is mad at Julio's poem for comparing her to the empty vase.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "Whoa, whoa, whoa, the poem is not about you.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia329utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Julio said the poem is not about Monica.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia329utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "The Empty Vase is not about Monica but she thinks it's about her.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "The Empty Vase is not about you. My baby, you make me so sad that you would think this.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia329utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Julio said the poem is not about Monica.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I am sorry, my friend Phoebe...", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia329utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Julio", "text": "No, it is about all women. Well, all American women. You feel better now?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia329utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh yeah.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia329utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Ahh, no.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia331utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia331utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may feel jealous.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Are you jealous?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia331utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel doesn't konw why she has to play with Ross.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Noo, I you know I do not see why she has to play with you, that is all.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia331utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel doesn't konw why she has to play with Ross.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I mean does not she have any you know other stripper moms friends of her own?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia331utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel may feel jealous.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You are totally jealous.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia331utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is not jealous.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I am not jealous.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia331utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "All right this is about, umm, people feeling certain things you know about strippers.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia331utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "And you know, and um, I...", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia331utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross loves Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Honey, I love you too.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia331utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel wants Ross to wait.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ugh. Wait, wait, wait.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia331utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel wants Ross to wait.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia331utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel kisses Ross.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Huh.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia331utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is a kiss that Ross will not forget for a couple of hours.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well, there is a kiss that he will not forget for a couple of hours, you know.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia331utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Yeah. Either that, or you just turned him on and sent him off to a stripper.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia331utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "The guy is in classics now, but as soon as others leave he is going straight to the porn.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You see that guy? He is in classics now, but you know as soon as we leave he is going straight to the porn.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia332utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "He is gonna go up to the counter with Citizen Kane.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia332utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia332utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Richard missed the time when he was a young man.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "I missed this.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia332utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica missed the time when she was young, too.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Me too.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia332utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "So, you wanna get a hamburger or something?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia332utt6.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica wants to go for dinner with Richard.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, um, I do not know if that is a good idea.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia333utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Oh. Look, just friends, I will not grope you. I promise.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia333utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "No, I just I think that it is too soon.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia333utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "No it is not too soon, I had lunch at a eleven.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia333utt4.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Um, Chandler, Ross, this is Robert.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia334utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Oh, hey.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia334utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Hi.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia334utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe just kissed Robert and left her lipstick on his face.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You have have lipstick right here. That is okay, it is mine, we just kissed.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia334utt4.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Joey is addicted to the book of little women.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "These little women. Wow!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia335utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Your liking it, huh?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia335utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Amy just burned Jo manuscript.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh yeah! Amy just burned Jo manuscript. I do not see how he could ever forgive her.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia335utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Umm, Jo a girl, it is short for Josephine.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia335utt4.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So, how would the lasagne go over?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia336utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Richard might think lasgane is good.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Really?!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia336utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Good.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia336utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Richard owes Monica three pretty things.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So you owe me three pretty things.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia336utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Yeah, I have been thinking a lot about you too.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia336utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is hard this whole platonic thing.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "It is hard this whole platonic thing.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia336utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Richard thinks' platonic' is not a word.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "It is a word!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia336utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Yeah, I do think it is better this way. Yeah, we are being smart. Yes, I am sure.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia336utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica thinks she is sure about the platonic thing.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "You really sure?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia336utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I will call you back.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia336utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Listen, Robert gonna be here any second so, will one of you just tell him?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia337utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "None of them will tell Robert.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia337utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe wants somebody to remind Robert of his expose.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Please, right now, no, every time I see him it is like Is it on the lose? Is it watching me?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia337utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "You can not go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his stuff.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "We can not tell him, you can not go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his... stuff.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia337utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "He is right, even if it is to say something complementary.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia337utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert greets everyone.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia337utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Hey.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia337utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "So you ready for the gym? They have got this new rock climbing wall, we can spot each other.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia337utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No, I can spot you from here.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia337utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe can spot Robert from here.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia337utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, listen Robert...", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia337utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey, do not we have to...", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia338utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Yeah, we got, um... hmm.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia338utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thinks Robert is really, really great.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Umm, I think you are really, really great...", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia338utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert thinks Phoebe wants to break up with him.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Oh God!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia338utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert thinks Phoebe wants to break up with him.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Here we go again.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia338utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Being dumped keeps happening to Robert.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Why does this keep happening to me?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia338utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert keeps being dumped and he doesn't know why.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Is it something I am putting out there?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia338utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert keeps being dumped and he doesn't know why.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Is this my fault?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia338utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Robert keeps being dumped and he doesn't know why.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Robert", "text": "Or am I just nuts?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia338utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe can't tell the truth.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I... I... I... I... I do not know, I do not know what to say.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia338utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "This is a family place, Robert should put the mouse back in the house.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "Hey buddy, this is a family place, put the mouse back in the house.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia338utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Richard brought somebody home.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Ow!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia339utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Really?! Well, it is just like everyone else apartment. It is got rooms, walls, and ceilings.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia339utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard's Date", "text": "Well, I just wanted to see where you lived. Now, give me the tour.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia339utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "A woman will go into the bedroom.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh my God! Oh my God!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia339utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Ah well, this is the living room.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia339utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "All right. This is the kitchen.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia339utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "The bedroom. Well it is pretty much your typical... bedroom.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia339utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard's Date", "text": "We are still on this side of the door.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia339utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Richard's Date did not get to see the bedroom.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Richard's Date", "text": "Yeah, but I did not get to see it.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia339utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Oh shoot! Maybe next time. Thanks for a lovely evening.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia339utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So um, who was she?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia339utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Oh, that was the blind date that I told you about, she called and switched it to today.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia339utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Did you like her? And I am just asking as a friend, because I am totally fine with this.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia339utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Richard", "text": "Well, you seem fine.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia339utt14.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "The singer is singing.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Singer", "text": "Cause every time I see your face, I can not help but fall from grace. I know...", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia340utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "This girl is good.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Wow! This girl is good.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia340utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "The girl's song has rhyming words.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh... ho yeah! A song with rhyming words. Oo, I never thought of that before.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia340utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I like her.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia340utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Why? Because she can sing and play guitar and do both at the same time?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia340utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well, that is pretty much all I am looking for from these people.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia340utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is jealous.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Look at you. All jealous.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia340utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah Pheebs, come on, you two have completely different styles. You know, she is more... you know, and you are more", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia340utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Singer", "text": "Say you will stay beside me", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia340utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Everyone else is happy she is done.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, see, see, everyone else is happy she is done.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia340utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Singer", "text": "Okay, my next song called: Phoebe Buffay, What Can I Say.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia340utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Singer", "text": "I Really Loved When We Were Singing Partners, And I Should not Have Left You That Way.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia340utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "The girl wants to sing a song for Phoebe.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh no, one of those look for the hidden meaning songs.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia340utt13.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia344utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel greets Ross.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hi, sweetie!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia344utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hello.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia344utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Hi, Ross.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia344utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, huh.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia344utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can get a quick bite to eat, but then she has to come back up here.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I have got some bad news.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia344utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can get a quick bite to eat, but then she has to come back up here.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia344utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can get a quick bite to eat, but then she has to come back up here.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I can get a quick bite to eat, but then I have to come back up here.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia344utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel has had to work late every night for the past two weeks.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Come on sweetie! You have had to work late every night for the past two weeks, what is it this time?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia344utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark will leave for another job.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "But work comes first! Oh hey, but that is sad about you though, what happened? Burn out? Burn all out, did you?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia344utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Nooo, he is leaving for a better job.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia344utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark is leaving for a better job.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh well that is great, so I guess this is ah, this is good bye then. Huh? Good bye.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia344utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Okay, then.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia344utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia344utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark is leaving for a better job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well we are gonna miss you around here.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia344utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark is leaving for a better job.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Yeah, me too.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia344utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "So, see you on Saturday.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia344utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah, you bet.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia344utt18.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia345utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You know those are a delicacy in India.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia345utt2.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I do not know, you thought See you Saturday was funny.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia346utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Look honey, Mark is in fashion okay, I like having a friend that I can share this stuff with.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia346utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "The guys would never want to go to a lecture with Rachel, but Mark will.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "You guys would never want to go to a lecture with me.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia346utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross would go to a lecture with Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Pa... haa!! I would love to go with you.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia346utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross would go to a lecture with Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Really!?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia346utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, hey I... I have clothes, I even pick them out.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia346utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I mean for, for all you know I could be a fashion... monger.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia346utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross would go to a lecture with Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Okay. Honey, I would love for you to go with me. What?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia346utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is nervous about what to wear.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What should I wear, now I am all nervous.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia346utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You know they say a watched pot never beeps.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia347utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is just been a couple of hours, and she has not called.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "It is just you know, been a couple of hours, and she has not called. Not that I even care, you know.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia347utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Phoebe why do not you just call her? You obviously want to.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia347utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica thinks Phoebe wants to call her.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You think you know me so well.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia347utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Well, do not cha wanna?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia347utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia347utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay, well I do know you.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia347utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "That is what I said.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia347utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Well so?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia347utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "She dumped Phoebe.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I can not.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia347utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "She dumped Phoebe.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I can not.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia347utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "She dumped Phoebe.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "She dumped me, I mean I totally trusted her and then one day it was Okay, bye Pheebs gone.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia347utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "She dumped Phoebe.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You know what the saddest part is, when we were playing together, that was like the most fun I have ever had in like all my lives.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia347utt13.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Lecturer", "text": "We are beginning to see a lot of layering of sheer fabrics and colours. For instance a sheer navy blouse over a pink...", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia349utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is really glad he came.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I am really glad we came. You are so pretty. I love you.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia349utt2.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, it is not your fault.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia350utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe sang great.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Leslie", "text": "Wow, that is great.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia350utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe sang great.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, yeah!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia350utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "The song would be perfect for a kitty litter campaign.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Leslie", "text": "You know you could totally sell this. It would be perfect for like umm, a kitty litter campaign.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia350utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I..., a jingle? No, no... no... no, no.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia350utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe refuses to sell her song.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Leslie", "text": "What? Why not? You could make a ton of money.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia350utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, well if I was in this for the money, I would be a millionaire by now, you know.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia350utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You just got to get out of that jingle head sweetie.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia350utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Phoebe refuses to sell her song.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Leslie", "text": "Aw, you are right, you are right. I am sorry.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia351utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is gonna play a really, really sad song.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "That is okay. All right, I am gonna play song that is really, really sad. It is called Magician Box Mix Up.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia351utt2.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Commercial", "text": "Problem odour in the litter box? Do not change your kitty, change your kitty litter.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia352utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe's song is sold for commercial.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Sorry, Pheebs.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia352utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Yeah. You okay?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia352utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler wants to get acquainted with Chloe.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Come on Chloe! Finish up with your customer first. Come on Chloe! Come on Chloe!!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia354utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Can I help you?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia354utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler wants Chloe to help him instead of Issac.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Uh... oh.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia354utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Uh, you know what, we are having second thoughts about our copying needs. And we will need a little more time to think about it.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia354utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Chloe, switch with me, there is some guys here that got a crush on you.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia354utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Issac found that there is some guys here that got a crush on Chloe.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Okay, that hurt us.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia354utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Hi guys. I have not seen you since this morning.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia354utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well ah,... you know.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia354utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia354utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Both of them are invited.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Both of us?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia354utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Maybe. Does that scare you?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia354utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Relax. It is just Issac D. J.... ing at the Philly. You should come.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia354utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey, Chandler and Chloe will be there at the Philly.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "We will be there.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia354utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey, Chandler and Chloe will meet at the Philly.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Great. I will ah, see you then.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia354utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey, Chandler and Chloe will meet at the Philly.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "All right, rock on.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia354utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "He says that walking with you makes this strange city feel like home.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia355utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "He says that walking with Phoebe makes this strange city feel like home.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Aw. Me too.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia355utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Although this city is my home.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia355utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "So that is dumb what I said, do not tell him I said that.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia355utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Umm, you make something up.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia355utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thanks Mischa for saying something nice.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Nice, thank you.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia355utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "This is me.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia355utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Here.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia355utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe's eyes are very pretty.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Your eyes are very pretty.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia355utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe's eyes are very pretty.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Thank you, very much! Oh! Thank you!", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia355utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "He would like to kiss you.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia355utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, you know what, you do not have to do that now.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia355utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "The translator interruptted their kiss.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No... no... no... no!!", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia355utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "The translator interruptted their kiss.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Not him, you do not!", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia355utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well the moment over.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia355utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia355utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Oy!", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia355utt17.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay, that is a fire. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia356utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Excuse me, I am sorry, I am gonna have to call you back, I have got a Schemp in my office.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia356utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross made a fire in Rachel's office.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "What are you doing?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia356utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross made a fire in Rachel's office.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I am sorry.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia356utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "But ah, hey, oh, somebody off the phone, how bout a glass of wine by the fire, I could get it going again.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia356utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is not listening to Rachel, she does not have time to stop.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ross you are not listening to me, I do not have time to stop.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia356utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Come on Rach, you do not have what, ten minutes?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia356utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel does not have even ten minutes.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I do not have ten minutes!!", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia356utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What? Sophie, does she have ten minutes?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia356utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel does not have even ten minutes.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hey, Ross!!! I told you I do not!", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia356utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "This is the most Ross has seen Rachel all week.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Do not yell at me okay, this is the most I have seen you all week.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia356utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Look, I cannot do this right now, okay, I have got a deadline, would you just go home, I will talk to you later.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia356utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, but wait...", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia356utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Good bye!", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia356utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Sophie", "text": "Actually, that is our three hole punch.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia356utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia357utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is sad about what happened earlier.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hi. Look um, about what happened earlier...", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia357utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, hey, well, I... I completely understand. You were, you were stressed.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia357utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel was gonna give Ross a chance to apologise to her but Ross thought it was her fault.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I was gonna give you a chance to apologise to me.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia357utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel threw Ross out of her office.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "For what? For letting you throw me out of your office?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia357utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross had no right coming down to Rachel's office.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "You had no right coming down to my office Ross.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia357utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is just wanting to be with his girlfriend on their anniversary.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, well excuse me for wanting to be with my girlfriend on our anniversary, boy what an ass am I.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia357utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel did not have the time to celebrate their anniversary.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "But I told you, I did not have the time!", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia357utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross does not feel like he even has a girlfriend anymore.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, well you never have the time. I mean, I do not feel like I even have a girlfriend anymore, Rachel.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia357utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't make Ross feel like having a girlfriend unless she quits her job.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Wh, Ross what do you want from me?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia357utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't make Ross feel like having a girlfriend unless she quits her job.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "You want me, you want me to quit my job so you can feel like you have a girlfriend?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia357utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Rachel loves her job and is good at it.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ross do you realise this is the first time in my life I am doing something I actually care about.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia359utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel loves her job and is good at it.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "This is the first time in my life I am doing something that I am actually good at.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia359utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I mean.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia359utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel loves her job and is good at it.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "if you do not get that...", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia359utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can understand Rachel but he is tired of having a relationship with her answering machine.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, hey, I get that, okay, I get that big time.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia359utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can understand Rachel but he is tired of having a relationship with her answering machine.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "And I am happy for you, but I am tired of having a relationship with your answering machine!", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia359utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can understand Rachel but he is tired of having a relationship with her answering machine.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay, I do not know what to do anymore.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia359utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel doesn't know what to do next.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well neither do I!", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia359utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica can also speak a little French.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, and I can also speak a little French. Voulez... vous coucher avec moi ce soir? Why? What did I say?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia360utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Well, you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia360utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica said she wants to go to bed with Mischa tonight.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh my God! No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia360utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Knock, knock, knock, knock, hi.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia360utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Um, could you please tell Sergei that um, I was fascinated by what Boutros Boutros Gali said in the New York Times.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia360utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You did not say Boutros Boutros Gali.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia360utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Boutros Boutros Gali.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia360utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "He says he was too.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia360utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Interesting.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia360utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "So I was wondering...", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia360utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe wants Mischa to tell Sergei that she really like his suit.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, ah, before you get all talky again, umm, could you also please tell Sergei that I really like his suit.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia360utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Sergei thinks Phoebe looks very pretty tonight, her hair, golden like the sun.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Eh, he said, thank you very much, he thinks you look very pretty tonight, your hair, golden like the sun.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia360utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "So you are a chef?", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia360utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is also thinking about opening up her own restaurant.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I am also thinking about opening up my own restaurant.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia360utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is also thinking about opening up her own restaurant.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Mischa", "text": "Oh, really.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia360utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Monica, can I talk to you behind my menu, please. What are you doing?", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia360utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Well, I was having a conversation.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia360utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mischa is so interested in Monica, that Sergei and Phoebe have not been able to say two words to each other.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah but, Mischa is so interested in you, that Sergei and I have not been able to say two words to each other.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia360utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe wants Monica just sit here silently while Mischa, Phoebe and her boyfriend have a conversation.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "What do you want me to do? Just sit here silently while you three have a conversation?", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia360utt19.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe wants Monica just sit here silently while Mischa, Phoebe and her boyfriend have a conversation.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "That would be great. Thank you.", "utterance_id": 20, "video": "dia360utt20.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "It is Mark calls, not Ross.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No! Sorry, I just thought you were somebody else. Hi!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia361utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Hi. Well, look, I was just gonna leave a message, is not tonight your, your big anniversary dinner?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia361utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel had a fight with Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah. Well, umm...", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia361utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel sounds not good.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Rach, are you okay?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia361utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel had a fight with Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah, I am fine.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia361utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "You wanna talk, I mean I can come over?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia361utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel had a fight with Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No! Really, no, please, please, that is, that is okay.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia361utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "All right, all right, I am coming over, and I am bringing Chinese food.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia361utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is not hungry and she doesn't want to eat.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, yeah, I am not, I am not hungry.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia361utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "It is for me.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia361utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh. Okay, bye.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia361utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "So what are you gonna do?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia362utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel and Ross broke up.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "What can I do? One person wants to break... up, you break... up.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia362utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross should call Rachel and work it out.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey, no way! Come on, this is you guys, call her and work it out.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia362utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross and Rachel just had this huge fight.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh come on, we just had this huge fight, all right, do not I have to wait a while?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia362utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross should call Rachel and work it out.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey, this is not like swimming after you eat, pick up the phone!!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia362utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You know that whole swimming thing is a myth.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia362utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Yeah, tell that to my Uncle Lenny.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia362utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Why? What happened to him?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia362utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Nothing, he is just really believes in that.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia362utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ameri... can.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia364utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Sergei", "text": "Ameri... ccan.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia364utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ameri... can. You know it is a very hard language.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia364utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Wow, I have the spirit of an old Indian women living in mine.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia367utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So then you know?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia367utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "The mailman was downstairs, so I brought up your mail.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia367utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe brought up Monica's mail.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, good. Thanks.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia367utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Now what is Fabutec?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia367utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica bought this stuff on leg waxing on TV.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay, all right do not judge me to much.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia367utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia367utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Um, but I saw this info... mercial, and um, I swear to you I have never... ever bought anything on TV before, except for this mop.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia367utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "This stuff on leg waxing looked so amazing.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "But there was this stuff on leg waxing, it just, it looked so amazing...", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia367utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe so wants to be a Waxine girl.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, it is incredible! I so want to be a Waxine girl.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia367utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe so wants to be a Waxine girl.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I know!!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia367utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is not sure whether it hurts.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "God. Do you think it really does not hurt? How can they do that?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia367utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "It won't hurt.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Hello! Organic substances recently discovered in the depths of the rain forest!", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia367utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "They have the best stuff in there.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia367utt14.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "After applying the Waxine and linen strips to leg number one,", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia368utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is waxing.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Did that!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia368utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Grasp one of the linen strips by its easy grab tab and pull it off in one quick pain free motion.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia368utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "The waxing hurts.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay. Ow!!!!! Ow... oh... oh!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia368utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "The waxing hurts.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Was it not pain... free?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia368utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "The waxing hurts.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "No. It was painful. Oh my God, they should call it Pain... zine, now with a little wax.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia368utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Huh, well, the girls in the satin nighties on the commercial do not seem to think it is that bad.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia368utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "The girls' nerves are probably deadened from being so stupid.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "That is because their nerves are probably deadened from being so stupid.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia368utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "But hey, you know if you do not believe me, please, by my guest.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia368utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "The waxing hurts.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ow... ow... ow... ow! Oh my God!!!", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia368utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Chloe? Hi...", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia369utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross may have found that Chloe took his watch.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Is this about me taking your watch?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia369utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chloe took his watch.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You took my watch?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia369utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chloe took his watch.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "I am sorry, I do that.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia369utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is afraid that Chloe told others about them.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Just you keep it, listen did you, did you tell anyone about us?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia369utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Oh no. I feel it is not really anybody business, you know.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia369utt6.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross is afraid that Chloe told Issac about them.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Exactly. So you did not, did not mention anything to Issac right?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia370utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chloe", "text": "Oh, well I tell Issac everything.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia370utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chloe tells Issac everything.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You tell, of course you do. Issac. Issac. Hey, Issac. Issac, hi! You know we have not actually met...", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia370utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Issac has known Ross's secret.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "You dog!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia370utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yes, I suppose I am a dog. But Issac, see I... I happen to have a girlfriend.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia370utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Oh right, that Rachel chick from the coffee place.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia370utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, that is the one. Listen, I do not want to hurt her.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia370utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monogamy is too cruel a rule.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Oh, hey, man I know, does not matter how much we love em, monogamy is too cruel a rule.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia370utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah. Listen, can you keep this information to yourself?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia370utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Issac thinks that Ross and him are the same.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Aw, no problem dude. You know we got to look out for each other. We are the same, you and me.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia370utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Actually, no, we are not.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia370utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Issac thinks that Ross and him are the same.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Yeah, we are.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia370utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, we are not.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia370utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Issac thinks that Ross and him are the same.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Yeah, we are.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia370utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross isn't the same as Issac.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, we are not!!", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia370utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "Okay, we are not.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia370utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Right.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia370utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "But, we are.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia370utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Fine. I just need to know that you are not gonna tell your sister.", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia370utt19.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Issac", "text": "I can promise not to tell her again.", "utterance_id": 20, "video": "dia370utt20.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "There is got to be a way Ross and Rachel can work past this.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Look, look, there is got to be a way we can work past this.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia371utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can not imagine his life without Rachel.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay, I can not imagine, I can not imagine my life without you.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia371utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can not imagine his life without Rachel.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Without, without these arms, and your face, and this heart.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia371utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross can not imagine his life without Rachel.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Your good heart Rach, and, and...", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia371utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia371utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I can not, you are a totally different person to me now.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia371utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me, ever.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia371utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "God, and now I just can not stop picturing with her, I can not, it does not matter what you say, or what you do, Ross.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia371utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "It is just changed, everything.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia371utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Forever.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia371utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, but this can not be it, I mean.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia371utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel insists breaking up with Ross for his affair.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Then how come it is?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia371utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica wants to get the show on it!", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Let get the show on it!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia372utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Okay, let me just get a cup of coffee.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia372utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh Rachel, I know the best coffee house and it is sooo close.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia372utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Closer than here?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia372utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe found coffee for Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, hey, look, I found coffee! Okay, let skedaddle.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia372utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is not just gonna drink somebody old coffee.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Wait, I am not just gonna drink somebody old coffee.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia372utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, your highness.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia372utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe wants them to be reconciled.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Um, Rachel I am really sorry. That is okay, do you wanna get back together? Yeah, okay. Did anyone else hear that?!", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia372utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross is still mad at them.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Why? Do you think he is still mad at us?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia374utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is probably mad after Joey called him this morning to borrow his goggles.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Well he is probably mad after you called him this morning to borrow his goggles.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia374utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey's are not tinted.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "What? Mine are not tinted.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia374utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Anniversaries are great.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Umm, candles, champagne, yeah anniversaries are great.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia377utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Love lasts forever.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Cause you know love lasts forever, you know.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia377utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel and Ross broke up.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Nothing like it in this lifetime, money in the bank, so Rachel and I broke up.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia377utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel and Ross broke up.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Oh God, Ross I am so sorry.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia377utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "You know what, I want to talk to you about this so much, but we should probably do it when we could really get into it, are you free for dinner tomorrow night?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia377utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Carol wants to talk to Ross about his breaking tomorrow night.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh yeah, I would love that.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia377utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Carol wants to talk to Ross about his breaking tomorrow night.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Oh, great! Me too.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia377utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I guess it all started when Rachel got this new job.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia377utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, yeah. Triple A can pick us up.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia378utt1.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, what town are we near?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia379utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Freemont. West... Westmont, ah Westburg?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia379utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica doesn't know what town she is near.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Then why are you answering? Do you at least know what route we are on?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia379utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah, we are definitely on Route 27.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia380utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay. We are at a rest stop on Route 27. Okay. There is no Route 27. Okay, either 93 or 76?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia380utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no Route 27.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I do not know, I am sorry, I always slept in the back when we drove up here.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia380utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Hey, can you send somebody up and down 76 and check every rest stop, and, and also 93?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia380utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia380utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, no they do not do that.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia380utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Ugh, okay, well somebody will come and save us.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia380utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Nobody will come and save them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Who?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia380utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is not a car come by here in the last hour and a half.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I mean have you seen a car come by here in the last hour and a half?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia380utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I think we should call Ross, maybe he can get a car and come pick us up.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia380utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is not getting in a car with Ross.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No! No, I am not getting in a car with Ross, we will just have to live here!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia380utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is so cold.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "But it is so cold.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia380utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is not getting in a car with Ross.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No you guys, I am not getting in a car with him, you will have to think of something else.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia380utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey and Chandler are back.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh good, oh Joey and Chandler are back.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia380utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "So the going for help went well?", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia380utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross's friends just took off without even looking back.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "... right?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia382utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross's friends just took off without even looking back.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Right?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia382utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross's friends just took off without even looking back.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I mean it is pretty unbelievable you know, I mean they just took off, took off without even looking back.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia382utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross has got they guys now as friends, Carol and Susan.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You know I do not, I do not need them, huh, I have got you guys now as friends, you and Susan.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia382utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Susan will be so pleased to be Ross's friend.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Ah, Susan will be so pleased.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia382utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "717 called.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "717? Where is 717?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia382utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey, you have have more of these for Susan right?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia382utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "No. But it is okay, I will just put out pickles or something.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia382utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross picked up the phone.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ross, thank God.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia382utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is whispering.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Pheebs? What, why are you whispering?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia382utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe ate a bug.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I ate a bug.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia382utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "The tampons here are only a penny, so Monica and Rachel will stock up.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Hey Rach, the tampons here are only a penny. Let stock up.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia382utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Friends ran out of gas, and they do not know where they are, so they can not get a tow truck.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Listen Ross, we ran out of gas, and we do not know where we are, so we can not get a tow truck.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia382utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross's friends want a favour now.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh, now you want a favour?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia382utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yes, please.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia382utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is busy with Carol and he doesn't want to pick up Pheebs for they have just had a fight.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Well, oh, I am sorry your car broke down Pheebs, but I am a little too busy with some of my real friends right now, but please call to let me know you got home safely okay?", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia382utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Phoebe, hang on a second. Here, take my car, go pick up your friends.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia382utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is not gonna pick them up.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, I am not gonna pick them up.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia382utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross must go and pick them up.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Listen, we both know you are gonna do it cause you are not a jerk.", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia382utt19.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross must go and pick them up.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "So you can either sulk here for a half hour and then go pick them up, or save us both time and sulk in the car.", "utterance_id": 20, "video": "dia382utt20.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel does not want Ross to show up.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No, Rachel does not want me to...", "utterance_id": 21, "video": "dia382utt21.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross must go and pick them up.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Look, I... I... I am sorry that Rachel dumped you cause she fell in love with that Mark guy, and you are the innocent victim in all of this, but do not punish your friends for what Rachel did to you.", "utterance_id": 22, "video": "dia382utt22.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, you are right.", "utterance_id": 23, "video": "dia382utt23.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross came to Carol's house too late.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Ugh. Ross!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia383utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross is late.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hi! Sorry I am late. Were you sleeping?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia383utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross feels sorry for being late here.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Ahh, nooo!!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia383utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Carol said she was not sleeping.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Oh, great!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia383utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Listen, oh I had to get you a whole new battery.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia383utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I got you the best one I could, cause that is not where you want to skimp.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia383utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross got a whole new battery.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "You are a genius, Ross.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia383utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah, well it came to about$ 112, but what the hell, just call it an even 110?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia383utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Okay, I will pay you tomorrow.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia383utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "It was pretty hard watching them go.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "So they ah, they all took off, it was pretty hard watching them go, you know?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia383utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Carol", "text": "Yeah, okay, bye.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia383utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "So I am gonna take off then!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia383utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "In the last year Monica has only gone out with two guys.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "And you know what, I just realised, in the last year I have only gone out with two guys, Richard and Julio.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia385utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "In the last year Monica has only gone out with two guys.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You gotta help me out here, you gotta set me up, you gotta get me back in the game.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia385utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well, that should not be a problem. I mean I work in fashion and all I meet are eligible straight men.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia385utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Pete, can I get you something else?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia385utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Yeah, a slice of cheesecake and... and a date if you are given em out.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia385utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Have not you and I covered that topic?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia385utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Hmm, come on, you just said to her that you...", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia385utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete wants a date with Monica.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Aww, the only reason you want to go out with me because my blond wig, and the big boobs, and the fact that I serve you food.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia385utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete wants a date with Monica.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Well, if that were true, I would dating my Aunt Ruth.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia385utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "The two times Pete went out with his date were just plain awkward.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "And the two times we went out were just plain awkward.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia385utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Come on, you think she should go out with me, do not you?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia385utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well, I mean, are you sure you want to go out with her?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia385utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is making fun of Monica and Pete.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I mean that ai not a pretty picture in the morning, you know what I mean.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia385utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is making fun of Monica and Pete.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "That wig all in disarray, and boobs flung over the night stand, you know.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia385utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I mean really, think about it.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia385utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Ho... ho, I will.", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia385utt16.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, I am gonna go get Frank.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia386utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "So, we are walking down the street and I turn to you and I say,\" Hey, let go hang out at Totally Nude Nudes,\" remember?", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia386utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross recommended to just hang out at Joey's place.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "And then, and then, you turn to me and say,\" Nah, let just hang out at your place.\" Well, that was a nice move dumb ass.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia386utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "Here you go.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia387utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Gunther offers Rachel a cup of coffee.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Thank you.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia387utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark greets Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Hi!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia387utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel greets Mark.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hi! All right, let go shoppin!!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia387utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark has a crush on Rachel and he wants to confess his feelings.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Um, you know, before we go ah, there is something I need to say.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia387utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, okay.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia387utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark has a crush on Rachel and he wants to confess his feelings.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "I have kinda of had this ah, this crush on you.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia387utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "But since you were with Ross, I... I did not do anything about it.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia387utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark would really like to ask Rachel out sometime.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "But, now that you are not, I would really like to ask you out sometime.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia387utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark has a crush on Rachel and he wants to confess his feelings.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "So... so that is... that is what I am doing, now.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia387utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Mark said he has kinda of crush on Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Wow! Umm...", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia387utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "I dropped a cup.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia387utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Pete is like a zillionaire.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "So, you are like a zillionaire?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia388utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete is their age.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "And you are our age. You are our age.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia388utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "You know what, you should like, you should buy a state and then just name it after yourself.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia388utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "What like Pete Dakota?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia388utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, or, or, or, Mississ... Pete.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia388utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, oh, I got it! Pete... Chicago.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia388utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "That is not a state Joe.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia388utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, and Mississ... Pete is?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia388utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "I got to go, so ah, I will see you guys later.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia388utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "All", "text": "Okay.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia388utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete is their age.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You are our age!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia388utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "So ah, we on for tomorrow?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia388utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica and Pete on for tomorrow.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Absolutely!", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia388utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica says goodbye to Mark.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Now get out of here you!!", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia388utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is running out of places she can touch him!", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay, I am running out of places I can touch him!", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia388utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is something wrong with Monica so she can't love right person.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Look, is there something wrong with me?", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia388utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is something wrong with Monica so she can't love right person.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I mean why am I only attracted to guys where there is no future?", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia388utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is something wrong with Monica so she can't love right person.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Either they are too old, or they are too young, and then there is Pete who... who crazy about me, and who absolutely perfect for me, and there is like zip going on!", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia388utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is something wrong with Monica so she can't love right person.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I mean, seriously, does it sound like something wrong with me?", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia388utt19.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Kate is supposed to be happy.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Happy?! Is that what I am supposed to be Vic? Happy?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia389utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well, why do not you tell me what you are supposed to be!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia389utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey has no idea what Kate is supposed to be.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Huh?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia389utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Because I sure as hell can not figure it out!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia389utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I talk to you and nothin.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia389utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "You look at me, and it is nothin.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia389utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Nothing.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia389utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Their act is so nice.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "The Director", "text": "Tasty! I am really starting to feel like you guys have a history, it is... it is nice.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia389utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "I have a question about this scene.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia389utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "The Director", "text": "Yes?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia389utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Kate does not understand why Adrienne attracted to Victor.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Well, I do not understand why Adrienne attracted to Victor.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia389utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "The Director", "text": "Peel the onion. First of all, he is good looking.", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia389utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia389utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "I think my character gonna need a little bit more of reason than that.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia389utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, hey, how about this one.", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia389utt15.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is says so in the script that Adrienne attracted to Victor.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Ah, it is says so in the script!", "utterance_id": 16, "video": "dia389utt16.mp4" }, { "cause": "It says in the script here that Adrienn is a bitch.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "You know ah, I... I do not know why my character likes you either, I mean it says in the script here that you are a bitch.", "utterance_id": 17, "video": "dia389utt17.mp4" }, { "cause": "It does not say Adrienne is a bitch in the script.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "It does not say that in the script.", "utterance_id": 18, "video": "dia389utt18.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "It does in mine!", "utterance_id": 19, "video": "dia389utt19.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I can blow dry it.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia390utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I can put gel on it.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia390utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "It does not matter, I still wind up with this little cowlicky thing on the middle part of my head.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia390utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler's hair is so annoying.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "It is so annoying.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia390utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler's hair is so annoying.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Does it bug you?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia390utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler bugs Ross.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You bug me.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia390utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Is there any chance you did not see that?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia390utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross just stares through the peep hole for three hours.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Ross! You gotta stop! Okay?! You can not just stare through the peep hole for three hours! You are gonna get peep eye!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia391utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross thinks Rachel likes Mark.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I knew it!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia391utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross thinks Rachel likes Mark.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I knew it!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia391utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross thinks Rachel likes Mark.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "I always knew she liked him!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia391utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross thinks Rachel likes Mark.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "You know, she would say no, but here we are!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia391utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Right?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia391utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross and Rachel just broke up, first thing Rachel does is to go out with Mark.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "We just broke up, first thing she does!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia391utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You did not just break up.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia391utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross and Rachel just broke up for three weeks.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Hey, it is been like three weeks!", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia391utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Ross slept with somebody three hours after he thought he broke up.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "You slept with somebody three hours after you thought you broke up. I mean bullets have left guns slower!", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia391utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Mark supposes that Rachel won't go out with him.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "No. And I do not think I am gonna want to.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia393utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't like Mark.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I can not do this.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia393utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't like Mark.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Yep. Yep, that is what I did not want to know.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia393utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just doing it to get back at Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Well, oh, Mark, I am doing this for the wrong reasons, you know?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia393utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just doing it to get back at Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I am just doing it to get back at Ross.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia393utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just doing it to get back at Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I am sorry, it is not very fair to you.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia393utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just doing it to get back at Ross.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Ahh!", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia393utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel is just doing it to get back at Ross.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Fair, shmair", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia393utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "You know?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia393utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "If Rachel wants to get back at Ross, Mark is here for her.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Look, if you want to get back at Ross, I am here for you.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia393utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Really?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia393utt11.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "No... no, I say... I say, I say we get back at him right on this couch.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia394utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Right here!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia394utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't like Mark.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh God. I am sorry about this.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia394utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "That is okay.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia394utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel can't like Mark.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "You sure?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia394utt5.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Mark", "text": "Yeah. I can just go home and get back at him by myself.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia395utt1.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Kate is supposed to be happy.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Happy?! Is that what I am supposed to be Vic? Happy?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia396utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well, why do not you tell me what you are supposed to be!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia396utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Huh?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia396utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Because I sure as hell can not figure it out!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia396utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I talk to you and it is nothin.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia396utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "There is no love between them.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "You look at me, and nothin.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia396utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Nothing.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia396utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Their act is so nice.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "The Director", "text": "You guys make me fly! High! Okay, we are gonna pick it up here, tomorrow.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia396utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Well, that was ah...", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia396utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Hey, Rach, how was work?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia397utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, great. Although I did sit down where there was not a chair.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia397utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "By the way, Ross dropped by a box of your stuff.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia397utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, well, I guess I had that one coming.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia397utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "I am just gonna throw it out, it is probably just a bunch of shampoo and...", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia397utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Something wrong?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia397utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "No. Nothing.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia397utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Chandler is fantastic!", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Chandler is fantastic!!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia400utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna thinks Chandler is fantastic.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "What?!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia400utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna likes Chandler and she thinks the date was fantastic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "You know how people just click?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia400utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna likes Chandler and she thinks the date was fantastic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Like he came by to pick me up, and I opened the door, and it was just like, click!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia400utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna likes Chandler and she thinks the date was fantastic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Did he tell you?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia400utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna likes Chandler and she thinks the date was fantastic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Oh, and he is got such a good heart! Does not he have a good heart?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia400utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna likes Chandler and she thinks the date was fantastic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Oh, I know...", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia400utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler said he was going to call.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Oh, I know and he is soo sweet! Listen, he said he was going to call, so put him straight through.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia400utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joanna had a good date.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Sophie", "text": "Is not this great?!", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia400utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joanna", "text": "Do not spoil it.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia400utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Ross scared Monica in there.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Sorry I ah, I scared you in there.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia403utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, that is okay. By the way, I was just checking the shower massager.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia403utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia403utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe greets everyone.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia403utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "There has been a fire and Phoebe's toy house was burned down.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I tried to reach you at work. There is... been a fire.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia403utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "There has been a fire and Phoebe's toy house was burned down.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "What?! Oh my... Oh my God!! What happened?!", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia403utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Well, we believe it originated here. In the Aroma Room.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia403utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe worries about the toy people in the toy house.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "All right. Did everyone get out okay?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia403utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Well, the giraffe okay. And so is the pirate.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia403utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "There's something under the paper.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "What is this?", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia403utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "The Foster puppets' body is under the paper.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "No Phoebe, do not look! You do not want to see what under there!!", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia403utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "The Foster puppets' body is under the paper.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ohh, the... the Foster puppets!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia403utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Joey feels sorry and wants Beth to forgive him.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well, so anyway Beth, what I am saying is I should have considered your feelings before I went home with you that night.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia404utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey feels sorry and wants Beth to forgive him.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I have ah, I have recently learned what it like to be on your side of it, and I am sorry.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia404utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey feels sorry and wants Beth to forgive him.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "So, do you think you can forgive me?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia404utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Beth forgives Joey.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Great.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia404utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Beth forgives Joey.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Thanks.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia404utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Okay, bye.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia404utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hello, Jennifer?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia404utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "It is Mrs. Loreo who picks up the phone.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh hi, Mrs. Loreo, is Jennifer there?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia404utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Jennifer is not home.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, she is not home huh?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia404utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well ah, actually I kinda need to talk to you too.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia404utt10.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "So who idea was it to put everybody in the diner on skates?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia405utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box to put everybody in the diner on skates.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Oh, some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia405utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "It was Phoebe's suggestion to put everybody in the diner on skates.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh my God, they took my idea!", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia405utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "It was Phoebe's suggestion to put everybody in the diner on skates.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "That was you?!", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia405utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe pushed Monica to Rachel.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah! Okay, here you go.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia405utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "Rachel, I made you a cocoa.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia405utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica knocked Rachel down.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh my God, are you guys okay?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia405utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica knocked Rachel down.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Gunther", "text": "Are you all right?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia405utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica lay on the ground with Rachel.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh my.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia405utt9.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Pete wishes Monica great luck.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Yeah, sure. Good luck!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia408utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica is quitting.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I am quitting!! Woo... hoo! I am okay!! I am all right!!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia408utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete went to Japan, made up a woman.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Wow! That is exciting, you went to Japan, made up a woman.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia408utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe said Pete made up a woman.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia408utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe thinks the woman is fictitious.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "I am just saying, this woman, I mean she is fictitious. No?", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia408utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Why would you say that?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia408utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Cause you are still into Monica.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia408utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "So you told her there was somebody else so she would agree to work with you, so cause you figure oh if you spent a lot of time together, maybe something might happen, and...", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia408utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is fairly intuitive and psychic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "You are good. You are good!", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia408utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe is fairly intuitive and psychic.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Yeah, no, I am fairly intuitive and psychic. It is a substantial gift.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia408utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Pete doesn't want Phoebe to tell Monica the truth.", "emotion": "fear", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Listen, can you promise me that you will not tell her?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia408utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Absolutely, oh I promise. Tell her what?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia408utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Pete", "text": "Thanks a lot.", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia408utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No I am serious. I mean I am intuitive, but my memory sucks.", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia408utt14.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Okay, but this is the last time.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia409utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "With a chick... chick here, and a chick... chick there.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia409utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick... chick... chickeeeen.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia409utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia409utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Hey.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia409utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "How she doing?", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia409utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey thinks the chick is female.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "She?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia409utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well yeah, do not... do not you think it is a she?", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia409utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "I do not know. I can not tell, what ever it was went back in too quickly.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia409utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Well, anyway, I got to go change, I am ah, meeting some of the cast for drinks.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia409utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey is meeting some of the cast for drinks.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Excuse me?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia409utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia409utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Rachel cannot do this with her left hand and she wants Ross's help.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "You know what? I cannot do this with my left hand! Would you please, help me with this too?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia410utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Okay. Let use this brush.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia410utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay. This stuff?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia410utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Yeah.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia410utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "All right.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia410utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Careful. Light. Okay, do you know how, just sweep it across the lid. Okay? Just sweep it.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia410utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Ross", "text": "Okay... Dokey", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia410utt7.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "I know.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia412utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Ooh, I have to tell you something.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia412utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe has to tell Monica something.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "What?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia412utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "But I can not tell you.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia412utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay, but would not it be easier if you had to tell me something that you could tell me.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia412utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Well, sure in a perfect world. But, no, I promised I would not tell, and I swore to like all my gods.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia412utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Okay. Does it have to do with Ross and Rachel?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia412utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia412utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica wonders whether it has to do with Joey.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Does it have to do with Joey?", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia412utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia412utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Monica wonders whether it has to do with Chandler and that sock that he keeps by his bed.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Does it have to do with... with Chandler and that sock that he keeps by his bed?", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia412utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "There's something with Chandler and that sock that he keeps by his bed.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "No, but let come back to that later!", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia412utt12.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Joey shows up.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "There he is!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia417utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey shows up.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "There is our star!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia417utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "So, so, what would you think?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia417utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "Chandler thinks the play is almost as good as that play with the two naked girls on the seesaw.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Chandler", "text": "Almost as good as that play with the two naked girls on the see... saw.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia417utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey was not in that play.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "I... I was not in that.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia417utt5.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Monica greets Phoebe.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia418utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Rachel greets Phoebe.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Rachel", "text": "Hey!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia418utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, is the play over?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia418utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "Yeah. Where were you?", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia418utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Hold Voice", "text": "Thank you for your patience, you are the next caller.", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia418utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Phoebe was the next caller five hours ago. She must be going crazy.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Monica", "text": "You were the next caller five hours ago. You must be going crazy.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia418utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Nah. I kept myself busy.", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia418utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Oh, okay, yeah. I put your stuff in her room, and her stuff in your room.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia418utt8.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey! Are you okay?", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia419utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "Kate feels fabulous.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Fabulous.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia419utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "Drama critics they are nothing but people who could not make it as actors.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Listen, drama critics they are nothing but, but people who could not make it as actors. You know what you should do?", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia419utt3.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": "Kate thinks she should become a drama critic!", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Become a drama critic!", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia420utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "The director is hurt.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "The Director", "text": "I am hurt! A plague on both your houses!", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia420utt2.mp4" }, { "cause": "The director dumped Kate tonight after he read her review.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "By the way, he dumped me tonight after he read my review.", "utterance_id": 3, "video": "dia420utt3.mp4" }, { "cause": "The director dumped Kate tonight after he read her review.", "emotion": "disgust", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, classy.", "utterance_id": 4, "video": "dia420utt4.mp4" }, { "cause": "Kate gave up a part on a soap for this play.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Yep! I sure know how to pick them, huh? You know I gave up a part on a soap for this!", "utterance_id": 5, "video": "dia420utt5.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey gave up a job for this play.", "emotion": "sadness", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Wow! Yeah I ah, I gave up a job too.", "utterance_id": 6, "video": "dia420utt6.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey gave up a job for this play.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Really. What?", "utterance_id": 7, "video": "dia420utt7.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Uh, de... clawing cats.", "utterance_id": 8, "video": "dia420utt8.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Hey, tell you what.", "utterance_id": 9, "video": "dia420utt9.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Let me walk you home.", "utterance_id": 10, "video": "dia420utt10.mp4" }, { "cause": "Times and the Post published negative comments about Kate.", "emotion": "anger", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "We will stop by every news stand and burn every copy of their Times and the Post.", "utterance_id": 11, "video": "dia420utt11.mp4" }, { "cause": "Joey suggests to stop by every news stand and burn every copy of their Times and the Post.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "Why the Post?", "utterance_id": 12, "video": "dia420utt12.mp4" }, { "cause": "Kate did not see the Post.", "emotion": "surprise", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "Oh, you did not see the Post?", "utterance_id": 13, "video": "dia420utt13.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Kate", "text": "No. You?", "utterance_id": 14, "video": "dia420utt14.mp4" }, { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Joey", "text": "No. Why?", "utterance_id": 15, "video": "dia420utt15.mp4" } ]
[ { "cause": null, "emotion": "neutral", "speaker": "Phoebe", "text": "Okay, and then this is the coffee house. This is where I play my music.", "utterance_id": 1, "video": "dia423utt1.mp4" }, { "cause": "This is the coffee house where Phoebe plays her music.", "emotion": "joy", "speaker": "Vince", "text": "Good deal.", "utterance_id": 2, "video": "dia423utt2.mp4" } ]