int64 1
| Utterances
listlengths 1
847 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay, c mon guys, show us where the presents are!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia847utt1.mp4"
"cause": "The duck seems to think that Monica got Chandler garbage.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh, the duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage! Hmm, I wonder what I could get Monica that is as good as garbage?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia847utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hmm, how about my azzz?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia847utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hey, this is hollow.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia847utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The bench is hollow.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia847utt5.mp4"
"cause": "The bench is hollow and presents are in it.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "This bench, it is hollow! I can not believe I never knew that! Oh, the presents!!!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia847utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe doesn't want to see the presents directly.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No, do not look directly at them!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia847utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe doesn't want to see the presents directly.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia847utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Alright, no, we could look at them!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia847utt9.mp4"
] |
849 | [
"cause": "Monica and Ross were on the platform, ready to dance the world into the new Millennium, and the guy yelled CUT.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "We were on the platform, ready to dance the world into the new Millennium, and the guy yelled CUT!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia849utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Ross actually did the routine from eighth grade.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Uh, wait, so you guys are telling me you actually did the routine from eighth grade?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia849utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Ross actually did the routine from eighth grade.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah. But of course we had to update it a little bit. Hey, by the way, great thinking about catching me!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia849utt3.mp4"
"cause": "There is no way Monica and Ross could have done the end the way they guys did it back then.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Cos I was gonna say there is no way you could have done the end the way you guys did it back then!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia849utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel doesn't believe Monica and Ross could have done the end the way they guys did it back then.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What? We could do it!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia849utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I do not know, I mean you were a lot bigger, I mean, stronger back then.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia849utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I can do it, okay? Come on, let go.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia849utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica and Ross",
"text": "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia849utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Monica can't catch Ross.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I can not do it!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia849utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Now you do that, you are on TV.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia849utt10.mp4"
] |
851 | [
"cause": "Ross is still mad at Phoebe's eager for unique items.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ross, get over it! It is not like she hates you.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia851utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Pottery Barn is really great.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah but Pottery Barn!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia851utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe is not wierd, she just wants her stuff to be one of a kind.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ross, she is not weird, she just wants her stuff to be one of a kind.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia851utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Pheobe is weird and she wants her stuff to be one of a kind.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Huh. You know what not one of a kind? A twin!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia851utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel greets Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ooh, Phoebe here! Okay, let turn out all the lights and we will just watch the movie!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia851utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Ross's sheets are cool.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay. Hey... Ooh, cool sheets!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia851utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Pheobe likes Ross's sheets.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh, you like it? You wanna know where I got it?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia851utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe wanna know where Ross got the sheets.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Sure!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia851utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Ross got the sheets at a flea market.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "He got it a flea market!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia851utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Ross got the sheets at a flea market.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You bought your sheets at a flea market? Ross come on, you gotta loosen the purse strings a little.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia851utt10.mp4"
] |
853 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well there is yore. And uh, you know, yesteryear.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia853utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah no, I am telling you Rachel has such a great eye for this stuff.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia853utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Ross, you know if you ever decide you need to redecorate... And I think that you should.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia853utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You should, you should ask Rachel to help.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia853utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh honey he does not need my help.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia853utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, come on! I think he is ready to get rid of, what did you call it? The cheap knock... offs and dinosaur junk.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia853utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel calls Ross's things' the cheap knockoffs and dinosaur junk'.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Really?!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia853utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey, you know what?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia853utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Since you have such a great sense of what I need, uh ooh, here is... here is 60 bucks, why do not you take Phoebe down to that Colonial flea market of yours and get me some stuff.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia853utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You know what? I do not, I do not think Phoebe really wants to come.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia853utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe really wants to come to that Colonial flea market.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No! I do want to!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia853utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe really wants to come to that Colonial flea market.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, she does want to.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia853utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe really wants to come to that Colonial flea market.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "She does want to.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia853utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe really wants to come to that Colonial flea market.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia853utt14.mp4"
] |
854 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, I am sorry man. You wanna go watch?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia854utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wanna go watch.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia854utt2.mp4"
] |
855 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Dude, you have got to turn on Behind the Music.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia855utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Let go watch it at your place.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia855utt2.mp4"
] |
856 | [
"cause": "Chandler and Joey should go out and get some new sunglasses.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Chandler, Chandler, you know what we should do? You and I should go out and get some new sunglasses.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia856utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey's cable go out.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What? No, I want to watch this... Did your cable go out?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia856utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No, that is VH... 1.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia856utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey's cable go out.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Joey, why is your cable out?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia856utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Joey can't afford the bill of the cable.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I uh, oh! Because, uh, I have not really paid the bill",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia856utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "If you need money, will you please... please just let me loan you some money?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia856utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No, Chandler.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia856utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Joey doesn't want to borrow money from Chandler.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look, forget about it, okay?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia856utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Things have been a little tight since Janine moved out.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look, I know things have been a little tight since Janine moved out.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia856utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Janine is hot.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh, was she hot.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia856utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Janine is hot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Whoa ho.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia856utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I know!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia856utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah, but, look I can handle it.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia856utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia856utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look, I can listen to the radio, huh?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia856utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And Ross gave me this great book",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia856utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Sure.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia856utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Paid your phone bill?",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia856utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Not so much.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia856utt19.mp4"
] |
857 | [
"cause": "Monica and Rachel are watching the Playboy.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, I want to look too!. Yikes!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia857utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "So do you think that these pictures... Are, are they trying to tell a story?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia857utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, yeah, sure.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia857utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I mean, like in the case of this young woman, she has lost her clothes, so she rides naked on the horse, she is crying out, Where are they, where are they?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia857utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well, she is not going to find them lying in the grass like that.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia857utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe remembers the days when she used to go out to the barn, lift up her shirt, and bend over.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, yeah. Aw, remember the days when you used to go out to the barn, lift up your shirt, and bend over?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia857utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia857utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You see, now, I would date this girl.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia857utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "She is cute, she is outdoorsy, you know, and she knows how to build a fire.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia857utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I mean, that is got to come in handy",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia857utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay, I have got a question. If you had to pick one of us to date, who would it be?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia857utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I do not know.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia857utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Me neither.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia857utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Rachel.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia857utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe prefers Rachel to be her girlfriend.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia857utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I do not know. Me neither.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia857utt16.mp4"
] |
860 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh, hey, Gunther, check this out.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia860utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler cracks Gunther up.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "Yeah, that... that Chandler cracks me up.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia860utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey Ross, listen, you want anything to drink, cause I am heading up there.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia860utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Uh, yeah, I will take a coffee. Thanks, man.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia860utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Sure. Coffee? Cause I am going up there.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia860utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia860utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No, thank you.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia860utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You guys need anything, cause I am heading up there.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia860utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "I would love an ice water.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia860utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You got it.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia860utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is like a waiter.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Joey, what are you doing?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia860utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wants to be friendly.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Just being friendly.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia860utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Joey goes back to the counter.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey, honey, I do not think you are supposed to go back there.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia860utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Nah, it is okay. Right, Gunther?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia860utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Joey winks at Gunther and he doesn't wear his apron.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "Do not wink at me. And put on your apron.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia860utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Gunther doesn't ask any other paying customers to put on aprons.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, but I do not see you asking any other paying customers to put on aprons.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia860utt16.mp4"
"cause": "Joey seems to work here.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Joey, do you work here?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia860utt17.mp4"
"cause": "Joey denies working here.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia860utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Customer",
"text": "Hey, waiter.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia860utt19.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah?",
"utterance_id": 20,
"video": "dia860utt20.mp4"
] |
861 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah, and I am okay with being a pushover.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia861utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Good for them guys to accept their shortcomings.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "That is great. Good for you guys.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia861utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is not high maintenance.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am not high maintenance!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia861utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel is not a pushover.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am not a pushover!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia861utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Rachel deny to be high maintenance and a pushover.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Who said you were?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia861utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe said Monica is high maintenance and Rachel is a pushover.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica and Rachel",
"text": "You did!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia861utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, I am flaky. I will say anything.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia861utt7.mp4"
] |
863 | [
"cause": "Joey celebrates the girl's birthday.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "\" Happy birthday to you!\"",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia863utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "You are paying for that.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia863utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Gunther demands Joey to pay for the muffins.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What? No... no it is her birthday!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia863utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey has sung Happy Birthday to 20 different women today.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "You have sung Happy Birthday to 20 different women today!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia863utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But it really",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia863utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia863utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Damnit!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia863utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Ross greets Rachel.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Rach? Hi!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia863utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel greets Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hi!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia863utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Did you tell your sister to ask me out?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia863utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well, yeah.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia863utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel tells her sister to ask Ross out.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh wow!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia863utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel tells her sister to ask Ross out.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean, wow!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia863utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean, I... I... I think she is cute but I... I would never have thought of going out with her, never!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia863utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross would never have thought of going out with Rachel's sister.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Really?!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia863utt15.mp4"
"cause": "After Rachel said it was okay, Ross thinks he can ask her sister out.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah but after you said it was okay, I figured,\" Why not?!\"",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia863utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh so... so not really never.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia863utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I have to say you are a much bigger person than I am.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia863utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean after all we have been through, I just... you know I wish I had a brother to reciprocate.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia863utt19.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey, if you ever want to go out with Monica, you have my blessing.",
"utterance_id": 20,
"video": "dia863utt20.mp4"
"cause": "If Rachel ever want to go out with Monica, she will have Joey's blessing.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh... ho, and mine!",
"utterance_id": 21,
"video": "dia863utt21.mp4"
] |
865 | [
"cause": "Jill is not home yet.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Why are not you home yet?!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia865utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica wonders whether someone is there.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Is someone there?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia865utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh yes, it is me! Sorry!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia865utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What are you doing here?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia865utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Uh, I am just, I am just looking out your window. At... at the view. What are you guys doing?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia865utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "We got some Vap... O... Rub in some places.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia865utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Ross brought Jill back to his apartment.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, he brought her back to his apartment.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia865utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Ross brought Rachel's sister back to his apartment.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Who? Is that your sister?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia865utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is a slut who goes home with Ross.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ugh, she is a slut!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia865utt9.mp4"
"cause": "It is so weird that Ross is on a data with Rachel's sister.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "God, Ross is on a date with your sister! How weird is that?!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia865utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is taking off Jill's clothes.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God, look... look he is taking off her clothes!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia865utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is taking off Jill's coat.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "He is taking off her coat!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia865utt12.mp4"
"cause": "This is terrible that Ross is taking off Jill's coat.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, this is just terrible.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia865utt13.mp4"
] |
866 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh no it is not, no it is not. It is a first date. I am sure that nothing is gonna...",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia866utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is gonna get some.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ho... oh, he is gonna get some!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia866utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Of the glare from the streetlight out of his apartment.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia866utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You know so umm, he is closed the drapes there so he can have a nice, pleasant conversation with your little sister.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia866utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel seems to be angry.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well, I am off to bed!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia866utt5.mp4"
] |
868 | [
"cause": "Monica greets Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey sweetie!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia868utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler greets Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia868utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica found Chandler's book.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "There is no back to this couch!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia868utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is reading Chicken Soup for the Soul.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why are you reading this? You hate this kind of stuff.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia868utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah I know, but I figured a shot you know?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia868utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Maybe one of those stories would make me cry and then you would not think I was you know, all dead inside.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia868utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Monica does not care if Chandler can not cry because she loves him.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh that is so sweet! Look Chandler I do not care if you can not cry, I love you.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia868utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Monica does not care if Chandler can not cry because she loves him.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that makes me feel so warm in my hollow tin chest.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia868utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler thinks his heart is in his hollow tin chest.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Stop it!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia868utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants to cry but he can't.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No, I mean, come on, seriously think about it, we get married, we are up at the altar and I am like this.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia868utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I will not care, because I know you will be feeling it all in here.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia868utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Monica does not care if Chandler can not cry.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah?",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia868utt12.mp4"
] |
869 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "Who is it?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia869utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe came to query Ursula something.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "It is Phoebe! Phoebe!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia869utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ursula greets Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia869utt3.mp4"
] |
870 | [
"cause": "Ursula is making porn movies.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh God. So... so you are making porn movies.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia870utt1.mp4"
] |
871 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "No I am not.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia871utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Ursula is making porn movies right now.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You are making one right now!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia871utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ursula uses Phoebe's name to make porn movies.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And... and you’re using my name!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia871utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "Yeah, can I help you with something?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia871utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The people in the room call Phoebe's name.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Look, I am talking right now! You are... you mean her.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia871utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "You know, twin stuff is always a real big seller.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia871utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Twin stuff is always a real big seller.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia871utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ursula",
"text": "Yeah, I can talk them into giving you like, 30 dollars.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia871utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Ursula wants Phoebe to join her to make porn movies.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No!!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia871utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Ursula uses Phoebe's name to make porn movies and Phoebe wants her to stop it.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And stop using my name!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia871utt10.mp4"
"cause": "It's disgusting to make porn movies and the actors should feel shameful.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And shame on you!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia871utt11.mp4"
"cause": "It's disgusting to make porn movies and the actors should feel shameful.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And shame on all of you!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia871utt12.mp4"
"cause": "It's disgusting to make porn movies and the actors should feel shameful.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You are disgusting!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia871utt13.mp4"
"cause": "It's disgusting to make porn movies and the actors should feel shameful.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Especially you with that!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia871utt14.mp4"
] |
872 | [
"cause": "Rachel thinks Jill is trying to make something happen with Ross to get back at her.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ross! I think she is trying to make something happen with you to get back at me!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia872utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel thinks Jill is trying to make something happen with Ross to get back at her.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh, so that is the only reason she could be here huh?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia872utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross thinks it is his great slide show and being good at listening that attract Jill.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "It could not have anything to do with the fact that... that maybe I am a good listener and I uh I put on a great slide show?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia872utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is using Ross to get back at Rachel.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ross, I am telling you that she is using you to get back at me!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia872utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I think I can take care of myself, I will talk to you later.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia872utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Good... bye.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia872utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is staring at Ross.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Whoa!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia872utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Uh, that was your sister actually. She... she thinks that you are just using me.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia872utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "So?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia872utt9.mp4"
] |
873 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia873utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has been right about Jill that she is using Ross to get back at Rachel.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You uh, you may have been right about Jill.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia873utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross found that Jill is using him.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh! I knew it! What happened?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia873utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Jill kissed Ross.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, she kissed me.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia873utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Jill kissed Ross.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What?! You kissed!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia873utt5.mp4"
] |
874 | [
"cause": "Jill is leaving because Rachel is the one whose out to sabotage her every move.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "All right, I am leaving!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia874utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is leaving because Rachel is the one whose out to sabotage her every move.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "Because I am not going to spend one more day with someone whose out to sabotage my every move.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia874utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is leaving because Rachel is the one whose out to sabotage her every move.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "That is you, Rachel!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia874utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah, I got that.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia874utt4.mp4"
"cause": "It is so gay of Ross that Jill throws herself at him and he says no.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "And you! I throw myself at you and you say no, how gay are you?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia874utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You take care Jill.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia874utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Jill bids farewell to them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Jill",
"text": "Okay, see you!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia874utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel bids farewell to Jill.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Bye... bye",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia874utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Jill is gone and Chandler can't help crying.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I... I can not believe Jill gone. I can not help it, I opened a gate.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia874utt9.mp4"
] |
875 | [
"cause": "Ross wants to bring Rachel to see Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Come on!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia875utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh wait, do not you have to pay for your, Busty Ladies?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia875utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No, it is okay. Some... some kid asked me to pick it up for him, but I do not",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia875utt3.mp4"
] |
876 | [
"cause": "Rachel may be a crazy girl.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "She is not crazy is she?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia876utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia876utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey greets Rachel.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "So uh, how you doing?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia876utt3.mp4"
] |
877 | [
"cause": "This morning was fun, Ross hopping in on Carol in the shower there.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "So honey, this morning was fun, huh? Me hopping in on you in the shower there.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia877utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Yeah! And maybe someday we could get a place with two bathrooms.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia877utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Look Carol umm, I was, I was thinking maybe uh, maybe we can spice things up a little.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia877utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross thinks maybe Carol and he can spice things up a little.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "What do you mean?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia877utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross's sex life is not harmonious.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Carol, our sex life is... it is just not...",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia877utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Ben came for Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ben",
"text": "Dad!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia877utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Ross hugs Ben.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey there, little fella!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia877utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey, uh... hey, why do not we get some shoes on you, huh?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia877utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants Ben to get shoes on in his room.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey, why do not you show dad how you can put your shoes on, in your room!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia877utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants Ben to get shoes on in his room.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yay!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia877utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Ben goes to his room to get on shoes.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ben",
"text": "Yay!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia877utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Ben goes to his room to get on shoes.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yay!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia877utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Seriously, our sex life...",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia877utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I was thinking, maybe I do not know, we could try some... some new things, you know, for fun?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia877utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants to try some new things for fun.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Like what?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia877utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well, I do not know. Um...",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia877utt16.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants to tie each other up.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What if we were to tie each other up?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia877utt17.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants to eat stuff off one another.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, some people eat stuff off one another.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia877utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia877utt19.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, you know we... we could try dirty talk?",
"utterance_id": 20,
"video": "dia877utt20.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, we could, we could have a threesome.",
"utterance_id": 21,
"video": "dia877utt21.mp4"
"cause": "Carol loves the idea of threesome.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "I love that idea!",
"utterance_id": 22,
"video": "dia877utt22.mp4"
] |
878 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh Mon, listen I have to ask!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia878utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay, Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment, now does he do this with a lot of girls?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia878utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah, a lot. A lot, a lot!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia878utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey Tribbiani invites Rachel to his apartment.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ohh! And I am one of them!! Wow! Oh, I just cannot believe this! I mean, Joey Tribbiani!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia878utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well, you know it is none of my business, but are not you married?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia878utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has a crush for Joey but she is married.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah. Oh I just wish we could not be married for a little bit! You know I just wish we could be like on a break!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia878utt6.mp4"
] |
880 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hello? No she can not come to the phone right now. Oh, right no problem. Okay, bye... bye.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia880utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Jack may yell at Phoebe in the phone.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Was it my work? Were they mad? Was it Jack? Did he yell?!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia880utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "J... j... just relax, nobody yelled. Jack just was calling to make sure that you were getting better.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia880utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Jack just was calling to make sure that Phoebe was getting better.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Thank God.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia880utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah, she is fired.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia880utt5.mp4"
] |
881 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Wesley",
"text": "Good... bye and God speed, Hope Brady.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia881utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Drake came to expose Wesley's plot.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Dr. Drake Remoray",
"text": "Not so fast Wesley!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia881utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Wesley's plot is exposed by Drake.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Dr. Wesley",
"text": "Ramoray!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia881utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Dr. Wesley is not a real doctor and that woman's brain is fine.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Dr. Drake Remoray",
"text": "That is right Wesley! I just stopped by to say that, you are not a real doctor! And that woman brain, is fine!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia881utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Dr. Drake Remoray came to reveal the truth.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh! Thank God!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia881utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Dr. Drake Remoray is calling Hope.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Dr. Drake Remoray",
"text": "Hope! Hope!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia881utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Hope woke up and saw Dr. Drake Remoray.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Hope",
"text": "Drake!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia881utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Hope is gonna live a long, healthy life with Dr. Drake Remoray.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Dr. Drake Remoray",
"text": "You are not dying Hope, you are gonna live a long, healthy life. With me.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia881utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Hope is gonna live a long, healthy life with Dr. Drake Remoray.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Hope",
"text": "Oh Drake.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia881utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia881utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Here we go!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia881utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia881utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel calls Joey.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hi, Joey!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia881utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel calls Joey.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "It is Rachel!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia881utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Umm, I am free tomorrow night.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia881utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah, sure, sure I can bring some sandwiches.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia881utt16.mp4"
] |
884 | [
"cause": "Carol is glad to have Susan join them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Looks like it.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia884utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know, if, if this is too weird for you, we can still back out at",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia884utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Carol can't wait to open the door.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "I got it!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia884utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia884utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Carol greets Susan.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Susan! Hi!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia884utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Susan greets Carol.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Susan",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia884utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Carol thanks Susan so much for coming.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Thank you so much for coming.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia884utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Susan is glad to join the threesome.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Susan",
"text": "Oh, I would not miss it for the world.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia884utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I am... I am Ross by the way.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia884utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Susan loves what Carol has done with this space.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Susan",
"text": "Hello Ross. I love what you have done with this space.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia884utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Susan loves what Carol has done with this space.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Thank you so much.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia884utt11.mp4"
"cause": "It is so hot to have a threesome.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "How hot is this?!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia884utt12.mp4"
] |
887 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay to come in?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia887utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Dr. Roger got beeped again.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah, come on, eat, whatever you want. Dr. Roger got beeped again.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia887utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah I know, guess who beeped him?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia887utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is the one who beeped Dr. Roger.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia887utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is the one who beeped Dr. Roger.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I am the ruptured spleen.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia887utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is the one who beeped Dr. Roger.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why would you do that?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia887utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Because you should not be with him. You should be with me.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia887utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler thinks Monica should be with him.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Really?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia887utt8.mp4"
"cause": "When Moncia was talking about Roger, that was killing Chandler.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "When you were talking about Roger, that was killing me!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia887utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Look, things like last night they do not just happen.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia887utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Or at least not to me.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia887utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Or with the other two women, in the morning you know I was just lying there and I could not wait to just go hang out with my friends, but with you I always you know with a friend.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia887utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler likes being with Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Chandler!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia887utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler thinks he is not good enough for Monica.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I know you probably do not want to go out with me, you know because I make too many jokes and I have never been in a serious relationship and I guess I am not technically a\" doctor...\"",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia887utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "There was just one woman, was not there?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia887utt15.mp4"
"cause": "There were two women.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No, there were two.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia887utt16.mp4"
"cause": "There were two women including Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Including me?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia887utt17.mp4"
"cause": "There were two women including Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh yeah.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia887utt18.mp4"
] |
888 | [
"cause": "Joey would like to donate some fluids.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hi uh, I am Joey Tribbiani and with all do respect I would like to donate some fluids.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia888utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Receptionist",
"text": "We are actually at the end of one of our research cycles, so we are not looking for applicants right now.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia888utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey has kinda been saving up but the research is end.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh that is too bad. I have kinda been saving up. Uh, are you sure there is no studies I can participate in?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia888utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Receptionist",
"text": "Well, here is a schedule of what coming up.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia888utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Thanks. Well but this one starts now.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia888utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Receptionist",
"text": "Oh that one is available now, but only identical twins are eligible. It is a twins study.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia888utt6.mp4"
"cause": "The twins study is$ 2000.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But it is$ 2000.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia888utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Only identical twins are eligible for the twins study.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Receptionist",
"text": "Sorry.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia888utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wants to test the effects of him on attractive nurse receptionists.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well how about this one? Testing the effects of Joey Tribbiani on attractive nurse receptionists.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia888utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Joey can't attract the nurse receptionist.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Receptionist",
"text": "We already got the results back on that on, and they are not good.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia888utt10.mp4"
] |
890 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia890utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Chandler. I sensed it was you.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia890utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross sensed it was Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia890utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Unagi. I am always aware.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia890utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay, are you aware unagi is an eel?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia890utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What up?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia890utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can not figure out what to make Monica.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I can not figure out what to make Monica.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia890utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh, why do not you make her one of your little jokes.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia890utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can not figure out what to make Monica and he wants something looks homemade.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I am going crazy! Okay? Do you have any thing around here that looks homemade?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia890utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know what?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia890utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "She would... she would love this.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia890utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Uh, it is an exact replica of Apollo 8.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia890utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I made it in the sixth grade.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia890utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can use the exact replica of Apollo 8.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, I guess I could use that. I could say that your love sends me to the moon.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia890utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah... yeah, except Apollo 8 did not actually land on the moon.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia890utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "But you... you... you could write that umm, your love lets me orbit the moon twice and return safely.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia890utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Wait a minute, I can not give this to her.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia890utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Why not?",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia890utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Because it says\" Captain Ross\" on the side and\" I hate Monica\" on the bottom.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia890utt19.mp4"
] |
893 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Pat Sajak?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia893utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel can kick every single game show host's ass.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yep!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia893utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Alex Trebek?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia893utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel can kick every single game show host's ass.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, of course!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia893utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Chuck Woolery?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia893utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel can kick every single game show host's ass.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Definitely! Phoebe, you will not find a single game show host, who ass I cannot kick.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia893utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel and Phoebe subdue Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Say it!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia893utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel and Phoebe subdue Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Say we are unagi!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia893utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Unagi is not something you are! It is something you have.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "It is not something you are! It is something you have!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia893utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel wants Ross to commit that Rachel and Phoebe are unagi.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Say it!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia893utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Ross can easily get out of this, but there is a chance Phoebe and Rachel can get very, very hurt.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know what? I can easily get out of this, but there is a chance you can get very, very hurt!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia893utt11.mp4"
] |
894 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right Carl, we are next. Now remember, what is not gonna be?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia894utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Carl",
"text": "Another Minute Maid fiasco.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia894utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "That is right! And what are you not gonna do?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia894utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Carl",
"text": "Well, I am not gonna talk because",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia894utt4.mp4"
] |
897 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yes that is right.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia897utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants to know how to beat back.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "The Instructor",
"text": "Why?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia897utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross tired attacking two women, did not work.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I tired attacking two women, did not work.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia897utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross tired attacking two women, did not work.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "The Instructor",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia897utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No, I mean it is okay, I mean, they are... they are my friends.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia897utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "In fact, I... I... I was married to one of them.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia897utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Ross attacked his ex-wife.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "The Instructor",
"text": "Let me get this straight man, you attacked your ex... wife?!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia897utt7.mp4"
"cause": "The instructor misunderstands Ross for attacking his ex-wife.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh, no!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia897utt8.mp4"
"cause": "The instructor misunderstands Ross for attacking his ex-wife.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No... no!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia897utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No, I tired!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia897utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "But I could not.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia897utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is why I am here.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia897utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Maybe we could attack them together?",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia897utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That... that is a no.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia897utt14.mp4"
] |
898 | [
"cause": "Monica found that the CD isn't made by Chandler.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I am so, so, so, so sorry!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia898utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica found that the CD isn't made by Chandler.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Uh... huh.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia898utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is going to cook Monica anything she wants in the kitchen, and he is going to do anything she wants in the bedroom.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "And I will cook anything you want in here, and do anything in there!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia898utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Monica won't have sex with Chandler.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah you will! And, are you kidding me?!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia898utt4.mp4"
"cause": "It is their Valentine Day but Monica is mad at Chandler.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Come on Monica, it is our Valentine Day. Please? Please... please, please?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia898utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia898utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia898utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So, are we going in there?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia898utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is going in the room without Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am!!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia898utt9.mp4"
] |
899 | [
"cause": "Ross found Rachel and Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ah... ha, nowhere to run!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia899utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel does not like sitting up here.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I do not like sitting up here. I am gonna go over...",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia899utt2.mp4"
"cause": "The strangers got here first.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No Rachel! They got here first!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia899utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is outside stealthy.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Why is Ross doing that?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia899utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross rushed to attack two women.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Danger!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia899utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is jumping on those women.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God! Why is he jumping on those women!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia899utt6.mp4"
] |
902 | [
"cause": "Chandler will meet his old date.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "All right, well why do not I go out with an ex... boyfriend and do Joey a favor?!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia902utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler dated with the girl before.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey, you wanna do Joey a favor, maybe you go out with Joey.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia902utt2.mp4"
] |
903 | [
"cause": "Chandler's friend Joey is in the movie business.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that is great, my friend Joey in the movie business.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia903utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "You know who I ran into from school? Howie.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia903utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "My friend name is Joey.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia903utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Apparently Howie editing now.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia903utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Yeah, he... he... he calls me up and asks me if he can edit my new movie.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia903utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Can you believe that?!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia903utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "You know I... I... I have not spoken to him in like ten years and he asks me for a favor!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia903utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, I have always hated that Howie.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia903utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "No, no\" How you doing?\" Man, I mean not even a cup of coffee first!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia903utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "The nerve huh?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia903utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Dana has not spoken to Howie in like ten years and he asks her for a favor even without a cup of coffee first.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia903utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Refill?",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia903utt12.mp4"
] |
904 | [
"cause": "Monica show Phoebe and Rachel the guest room.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Now, this is last minute so I want to apologize for the mess. Okay?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia904utt1.mp4"
"cause": "The room sure did not look this way when Rachel lived here.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God! It sure did not look this way when I lived here.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia904utt2.mp4"
"cause": "The room sure did not look this way when Rachel lived here.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I know!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia904utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Now look, there is only one problem though.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia904utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "There is only room for one, so I guess one of you will have to stay at Joey.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia904utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Since the fire was kinda Phoebe's fault she guesses Rachel should get to stay here.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well, since the fire was kinda my fault I guess you should get to stay here.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia904utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hey! Hey... hey, now this was no one fault Pheebs. Okay? It was an accident.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia904utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well no, it was my fault so you should get the nice room.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia904utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel gets the nice Room finally.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia904utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel is the first guest at Hotel Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "So Rach!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia904utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel is the first guest at Hotel Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You are the first guest at Hotel Monica!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia904utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Umm, you will just have to tell me how you like your eggs in the morning.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia904utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "And I thought I would bring them to you, you know, in bed.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia904utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has been through so much in the fire.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, you have been through so much.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia904utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has been through so much in the fire.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I have.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia904utt15.mp4"
] |
905 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Oh please! It was such a big class! You never even noticed me!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia905utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth thinks that Ross never even notices her.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What? Of course I did! You uh, you sat next to Sleepy Sleeperson.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia905utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Who?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia905utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh uh, I had trouble remembering everyone name, so I... I kinda came up with nicknames.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia905utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Like the guy on the other side of you was Smelly von Brownshirt.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia905utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Oh yeah. So umm, did you have a nickname for me?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia905utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, no. No.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia905utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Ross has a nickname for Elizabeth.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Yes you did! What was it?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia905utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, it is Cutie McPretty.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia905utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth's nickname is Cutie McPretty.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Ohh that is so sweet!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia905utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is having a great time with Cutie McPretty.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Listen, I gotta tell you, I... I am having a great time!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia905utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Ross thought it would be frank that the whole student teacher thing, but it is not.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know how before you said it might be weird, the whole student teacher thing, and to be frank I thought it would be too, but it is not.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia905utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean it is not at all.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia905utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Burt greets Dr. Geller.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Burt",
"text": "Dr. Geller!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia905utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross greets Burt.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Burt!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia905utt15.mp4"
] |
906 | [
"cause": "Monica would not want her best guest to strain her eyes.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Now there you go! I would not want my best guest to strain her eyes!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia906utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica turns on the lamp for Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Thanks Monica!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia906utt2.mp4"
"cause": "The smell from Joey's apartment may bother Phoebe.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Does that smell bother you?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia906utt3.mp4"
"cause": "The smell from Joey's apartment may bother Phoebe.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What the smell from Joey? No, I can hardly smell it over here.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia906utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Monica can bake a pie to cover the smell from Joey's apartment.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well you let me know if you can, because you know I can bake a pie to cover it.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia906utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe can smell it a little.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I can smell it a little, bake the pie.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia906utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe wants Monica to bake a pie.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia906utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia906utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hello? Oh yes, one minute please. It is for you. It is the fire inspector.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia906utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe gets a phone call the fire inspector.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh! Hello? Yeah this is Phoebe. Really?!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia906utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah, so it turns out that it was not the hair straightener that started the fire.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia906utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No... no, it was the candles.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia906utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "It is very not good leaving candles unattended.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia906utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "In fact, one of the first things they teach you in fire school is... Uhh... Uhh... Okay.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia906utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well, I have to go now.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia906utt15.mp4"
] |
907 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well, not really.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia907utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean technically it is... it is not against the rules or anything, but it is frowned upon.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia907utt2.mp4"
"cause": "The teacher student thing is frowned upon especially by that professor Ross ran into last night.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Especially by that professor we ran into last night, Judgey von Holierthanthou.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia907utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Monica gets Ross a reputation as Professor McNails his students.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well Ross, you be careful now. You do not want to get a reputation as you know Professor McNails... his... students.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia907utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross doesn't know what to do with his student.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah. What... what should I do?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia907utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well Ross, it seems pretty clear.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia907utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I mean what more important?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia907utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What people think or how you feel, huh?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia907utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ross, you gotta follow your heart.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia907utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks Ross gotta follow his heart.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Joey that is so sweet.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia907utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia907utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey... hey... hey! So, how did it go with Dana? Any reason I should leave a block of time open say Thursday?",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia907utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can't make it to ask Dana for a favor.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I could not do it.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia907utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can't make it to ask Dana for a favor.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You could not do it?!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia907utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey, relax I just need more time. We are going to dinner tonight.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia907utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is going out with Dana again.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What?! You are going out with her again!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia907utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Going out with who?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia907utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Uh, Dana Keystone from college.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia907utt18.mp4"
"cause": "Ross mixes Dana with another hot woman.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh yeah! Was not she uh",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia907utt19.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No, that was Dana Caplin.",
"utterance_id": 20,
"video": "dia907utt20.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is fantasizing about Dana Caplin even he didn't know her.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Joey! You did not even know her!",
"utterance_id": 21,
"video": "dia907utt21.mp4"
"cause": "Monica stops Joey's fantasy.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ah whatever!",
"utterance_id": 22,
"video": "dia907utt22.mp4"
] |
908 | [
"cause": "Chandler has a great time with Dana.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Great story again! The yarns that you weave! Woo... hoo... hoo!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia908utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "You know uh, actually I... I... I should get going.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia908utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Dana wants to go away.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh no... no... no! Stay! Stay! Because you... you should you... you... you should stay!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia908utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Dana is really flattered by Chandler's enthusiasm.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Wow. Oh, I am really flattered, but I just I do not feel that way about you.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia908utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Dana does not feel that way about Chandler.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh no... no... no, that is not... No... no... no!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia908utt5.mp4"
] |
910 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well, not much has changed in the last five minutes.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia910utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica made cookies.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yes it has! I made cookies!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia910utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh that is all right. I am still full from your homemade potato chips.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia910utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe should eat the cookies now because they are hot from the oven.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "But you should eat them now because they are hot from the oven.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia910utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia910utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Monica wants Phoebe to eat cookies off the bed.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh... ho! But not in here! Can not eat em in bed, remember? No crumbies!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia910utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay, I will be out in a second.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia910utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe will be out in a second to eat cookies.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia910utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What are you doing?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia910utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "That does not lock does it?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia910utt10.mp4"
] |
911 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No that is all right. Do not worry about it.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia911utt1.mp4"
"cause": "That is gonna leave a stain.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh but look! That is gonna leave a stain!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia911utt2.mp4"
"cause": "It is fine to leave a stain because Rachel and Joey are at Joey's apartment.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Rach! Hey! It is fine! You are at Joey!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia911utt3.mp4"
"cause": "It is fine to leave a stain because Rachel and Joey are at Joey's apartment.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Really?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia911utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah! Look!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia911utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has never lived like this before.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I have never lived like this before.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia911utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has never lived like this before.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I know.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia911utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right, do not waste it, I mean its still food.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia911utt8.mp4"
] |
912 | [
"cause": "Rachel doesn't want to switch because she can throw wet paper towels here.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No! No! Phoebe, come on! I do not want to switch! Please come on! I can throw wet paper towels here!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia912utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No but at Monica you can eat cookies over the sink!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia912utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel doesn't want to switch because she can throw wet paper towels here.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I know. I am sorry.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia912utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel doesn't want to switch but Phoebe is going to be mad.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "All right fine! This looks like so much fun.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia912utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia912utt5.mp4"
"cause": "The wet paper towels are totally a mess.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "God, what a mess.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia912utt6.mp4"
] |
913 | [
"cause": "It actually is in the handbook that the teacher can't go on a date with the student.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Wow!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia913utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "It actually is in the handbook.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia913utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can not date you or have a hot plate in my office.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia913utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross and Elizabeth have to stop seeing each other.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can not believe we have to stop seeing each other.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia913utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth did appreciate Ross standing up for her.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "For what it is worth I did appreciate you standing up for me. It felt really nice. It kinda made me like you even more.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia913utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I know, I know I really like you too. But we... we can not date. It is against the rules. It is forbidden.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia913utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Just hearing Ross describes it as forbidden, it is really hot.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Wow!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia913utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth said' Wow'.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia913utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Just hearing Ross describes it as forbidden, it is really hot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Just hearing you describe it as forbidden, it is really hot.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia913utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Just hearing Ross describes it as forbidden, it is really hot.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Really?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia913utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Just hearing Ross describes it as forbidden, it is really hot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Yeah.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia913utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well I... I... I do not care how hot it is it is... it is uh, it is wrong.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia913utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Ross keeps saying something hot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Stop it!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia913utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No! No! It is wrong! It is... it is... it is naughty. It is taboo.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia913utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross keeps saying something hot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Shut the book!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia913utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Ross also wants to get a hot plate.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Let also get a hot plate!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia913utt16.mp4"
] |
916 | [
"cause": "Elizabeth came to see Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Oh good.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia916utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is having a great time with Elizabeth and he just do not want them to move to fast or put to much pressure on them.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Look, I... Look, I am having a great time with you and I just do not want us to move to fast or put to much pressure on us.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia916utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross just does not think he and Elizabeth should go away together yet.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "So, I am sorry I just do not think we should go away together yet.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia916utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross just does not think he and Elizabeth should go away together yet.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "It is... it is too soon.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia916utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Ross, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I just wanted to tell you that I am going to Florida for a couple weeks.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia916utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth just wanted to tell Ross that she is going to Florida for a couple weeks.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No. I think you misunderstood what I was saying.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia916utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is so adorable to misunderstand Elizabeth.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "You are so adorable.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia916utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That! Let talk about that.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia916utt8.mp4"
] |
917 | [
"cause": "Friends are sorry for pushing those guys on Rachel.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Rachel, we are sorry for pushing those guys on you.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia917utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel ended up having a really good time.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh that is all right!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia917utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel ended up having a really good time.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You know, I ended up having a really good time.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia917utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel ended up having a really good time.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You know, the charity was a big success and they raised a lot of money and awareness.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia917utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So what was it for anyway?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia917utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I wanna say a disease.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia917utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia917utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Friends greet Joey.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "All",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia917utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I just got this really weird message from Ross. He said turn on MTV.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia917utt9.mp4"
"cause": "That is Elizabeth on TV.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh my God, look! That is Elizabeth!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia917utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh... oh Professor Geller.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia917utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ahh, to be 13 again.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia917utt12.mp4"
] |
921 | [
"cause": "Chandler is moving out.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh come on guys, it is not like I moved to Europe! I just moved across the hall! And",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia921utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is not dressed yet.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ahh! Are not you dressed yet?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia921utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica wonders why Chandler hasn't been dressed yet.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Am I naked again?!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia921utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "We are supposed to meet my parents in 15 minutes.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia921utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah okay, I was just talking to the guys. Just look at them I mean, is it okay if they come visit?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia921utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants to bring the duck and chick to Monica's apartment.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Wh?! What about my allergies?!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia921utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh right, your allergies. All her, she hates you.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia921utt7.mp4"
] |
922 | [
"cause": "Chandler made a big mistake of forgetting Joey's message.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I can not believe I did this! What an idiot!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia922utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler keeps beating himself up.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, stop beating yourself up!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia922utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "People make mistakes!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia922utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "These things happen!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia922utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "There are not any message you have forgotten to give me are there?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia922utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Apparently Chandler is not very good at it giving messages.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Apparently you are not very good at it!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia922utt6.mp4"
] |
923 | [
"cause": "Joey greets Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia923utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey might miss the message Chandler left for him.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Please tell me you got the message!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia923utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What message?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia923utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "The actor playing Mac could not do it, they needed to see you at 2 o clock.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia923utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The directors needed to see Joey at 2 o clock but it's 6 now.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What?! It is 6 o clock!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia923utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chanler wrote the message on the board and he couldn't find Joey.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Du... du... I wrote it, I wrote it on the board!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia923utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chanler wrote the message on the board and he couldn't find Joey.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I wrote it on the board, then I went all over New York City looking for you!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia923utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I went to Ross!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia923utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I went to the coffeehouse!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia923utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I went to any place that they made sandwiches!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia923utt10.mp4"
] |
924 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay, Chandler!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia924utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia924utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "And your horoscope says,\" On the fifth a special someone is going to give you a gift.\"",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia924utt3.mp4"
"cause": "On the fifth a special someone is going to give Chandler a gift and he thanks Monica in advance.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh, well thank you in advance.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia924utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The twelfth brings a lover spat for Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Op, but the twelfth brings a lover spat.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia924utt5.mp4"
"cause": "On the nineteenth a secret crush announces itself.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, wait and on the nineteenth a secret crush announces itself.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia924utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Joey greets them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey guys!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia924utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler greets Joey.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey!!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia924utt8.mp4"
"cause": "It is Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C. H. E. E. S. E.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God! It is Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C. H. E. E. S. E.!!!!!!!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia924utt9.mp4"
"cause": "It is Joey's first day to be the lead in his own TV series.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that is right. It is your first day! So are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia924utt10.mp4"
"cause": "It is Joey's first day to be the lead in his own TV series.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Am I psyched? The lead in my own TV series? I have dreamed about this for years! Why have I not been preparing?!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia924utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No! Joey, you are going to be great!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia924utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Joey does not know anything about technology.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But I got to act with a robot Pheebs, and... and I do not know anything about technology!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia924utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Joey can not even use Chandler computer except to find porn.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I can not even use Chandler computer except to find porn!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia924utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Joey can not even use Chandler computer except to find porn.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And... and that is only cause it is right there when you turn it on!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia924utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler watches porns on his computer.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I think our lover spat will start a little early this month.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia924utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I will be waiting.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia924utt17.mp4"
] |
926 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "This is my father, Paul Stevens. Dad, this is Ross Geller.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia926utt1.mp4"
"cause": "It is great to meet Paul.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "It... it is great to meet you Paul.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia926utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "I usually prefer Elizabeth boyfriends to address me as Mr. Stevens.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia926utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Of course, of course, Mr. Stevens.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia926utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Paul thinks Ross must have some problems that he can't get a girlfriend his own age.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "So Ross, what your problem?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia926utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Paul thinks Ross must have some problems that he can't get a girlfriend his own age.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Eh... wh... Excuse me?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia926utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Paul thinks Ross must have some problems that he can't get a girlfriend his own age.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Why can not you get a girlfriend your own age?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia926utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is funny. Umm... It is not funny.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia926utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Paul doesn’t like Ross going out with his daughter.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "I don’t like you going out with my daughter Ross.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia926utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia926utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can, I can see that.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia926utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Paul doesn't Ross and Ross wants a chance to change his mind.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, but I think if you give me umm, one chance I can, I can change your mind.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia926utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia926utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia926utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Okay. I will give you one chance to change my mind. You got one minute.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia926utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Paul gives Ross only one minute to change his mind.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Daddy!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia926utt16.mp4"
] |
929 | [
"cause": "This one guy who controls the robot could get Joey fired.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Apparently, there is like a million guys out there that can play Mac, and there is only this one robot and this one guy who controls it!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia929utt1.mp4"
"cause": "This one guy who controls the robot could get Joey fired.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I did not know he could get me fired!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia929utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey will be fired.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What am I going to do?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia929utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is a pretty charming guy and he can win over the guy that controls C. H. E. E. S. E ..",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well you know Joey, you are a pretty charming guy.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia929utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Joey will be fired.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Thanks, but I kinda have a problem to deal with here.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia929utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is a pretty charming guy and he can win over the guy that controls C. H. E. E. S. E ..",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No sweetie, you have got to win over the guy that controls C. H. E. E. S. E.! You have got to kiss some serious robot ass!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia929utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "That is not a bad idea.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia929utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, but if I got to turn on the charm tomorrow I am not wasting anymore of it over here with you guys.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia929utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Joey got a little bit charm saved for Pheebs.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well, actually I got a little bit saved for you Pheebs.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia929utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Monica may think Joey is more charming than Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So do you think uh, Joey more charming than me?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia929utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is asking Monica who is more charming, he or Joey.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah! That is why I am sleeping with him on the side.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia929utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Monica say she is sleeping with Joey on the side.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, you wish.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia929utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "\" You wish.\"",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia929utt13.mp4"
] |
930 | [
"cause": "Joey greets Wayne.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Morning! Hey, how my favorite genius and my little robot buddy?!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia930utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Wayne forbids Joey from touching the robot.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Wayne",
"text": "Do not touch him!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia930utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Wayne forbids Joey from touching the robot.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia930utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia930utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Umm, all right Wayne, level with me.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia930utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey keeps hearing all these rumors that he might get fired.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I... I keep hearing all these rumors that I might get fired.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia930utt6.mp4"
"cause": "The directors even have actors coming in to read for Joey's part.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, they even have actors coming in to read for my part!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia930utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wants Wayne to get to give him a second chance.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Come on man, you... you got to give me a second chance!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia930utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Joey loves the robot.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I mean, I love... I love this little guy!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia930utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Joey pulls down the robot's hand.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ah... ah!!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia930utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Joey pulls down the robot's hand and that is why Wayne wants him not to touch it.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, that is why you did not want me to touch him right?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia930utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Here you go!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia930utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay?",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia930utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks he is stupid.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Stupid!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia930utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks he is stupid and he fails to win over Wayne.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I can not believe it!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia930utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks he is stupid and he fails to win over Wayne.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "God!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia930utt16.mp4"
"cause": "Joey greets a beautiful girl.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey, how you doing?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia930utt17.mp4"
] |
933 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh well, it is not on TV yet.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia933utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Dry Cleaner",
"text": "Well, then it is not on the wall yet.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia933utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, fine, I will bring you a tape, huh?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia933utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "So umm, now do you have any of Matt Lauer clothes here? Maybe? Just ones that have not been cleaned yet?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia933utt4.mp4"
] |
934 | [
"cause": "Ross wanna have sex with Elizabeth.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ohh, okay.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia934utt1.mp4"
"cause": "This is such a beautiful house.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God, what a great surprise! This is such a beautiful house.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia934utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Thank you, it is my mom. So this is the kitchen.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia934utt3.mp4"
] |
935 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You have reached Monica and Chandler, if you are listening to this message, we are probably screening. Yeah we are.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia935utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Museum Official",
"text": "Hi, this is Heldi from the Morgan Chase museum.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia935utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Museum Official",
"text": "I am calling for Monica Geller.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia935utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Museum Official",
"text": "I want to let her know that there was a cancellation and if she is still interested in having the Bing... Geller wedding at our facility, it is available",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia935utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The phone calls to tell that there was a cancellation and the wedding is available now.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "This is Chandler Bing! This is Chandler Bing! Yes, the groom... No! Not the groom!!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia935utt5.mp4"
] |
937 | [
"cause": "Rachel is yelling.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Why are you yelling?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia937utt1.mp4"
"cause": "That Diet Coke just went straight to Rachel's head.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Whoa, that Diet Coke I think just went straight to my head! Woo!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia937utt2.mp4"
] |
938 | [
"cause": "Monica greets Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hi, honey.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia938utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "See you later.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia938utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Moncia bought groceries and she was gonna make Chandler dinner.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What? I... I bought groceries, I was gonna make you dinner!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia938utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has heard the phone call about their wedding.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well next time ask! Or at least wait for me to ask!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia938utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Museum Official",
"text": "Hi, this is Heldi from the Morgan Chase museum. I am calling for Monica Geller.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia938utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler might have heard the phone call about their wedding.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh no!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia938utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Museum Official",
"text": "I want to let her know that there was a cancellation and if she is still interested in having the Bing... Geller wedding at our facility, it is available",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia938utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler might have heard the phone call about their wedding.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh please, he did not hear it! He did not hear it!!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia938utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler found the message from the Museum Official.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "This is Chandler Bing! This is Chandler Bing!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia938utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has heard the phone call about their wedding.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "NOOOO!!!!!!!!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia938utt10.mp4"
] |
945 | [
"cause": "Monica makes Chandler freak out by mistake.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am so sorry. Please stop freaking out.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia945utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica makes Chandler freak out by mistake.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I am not freaking out.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia945utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Why would I be freaking out?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia945utt3.mp4"
"cause": "A woman named Heldi called and said Monica and Chandler were getting married.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "A woman named Heldi called and said we were getting married, but that happens everyday.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia945utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Monica didn't tend to get married.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Honey, we were at this beautiful place, and I... I... I just put our names down for fun!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia945utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I mean, what the harm in that?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia945utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Monca wrote her name for fun but that hurts Chandler.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Right here!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia945utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Monica wasn't trying to pressure Chandler.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Chandler, please do not think I was trying to pressure you. Phoebe and Rachel",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia945utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe and Rachel also know about the wedding thing.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Phoebe and Rachel!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia945utt9.mp4"
"cause": "So the people that knew about their wedding before Chandler were Monica, Phoebe and Rachel, Heldi, and apparently some band called Starlight Magic 7 who are available by the way.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So the people that knew about our wedding before me were you, Phoebe and Rachel, Heldi, and apparently some band called Starlight Magic 7 who are available by the way!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia945utt10.mp4"
"cause": "It was a mistake and it doesn't mean anything.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It was a mistake. Please do not take this to mean anything, because it does not.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia945utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia945utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler seems to be relax now.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Really?",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia945utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes, if it really does not mean anything, because you know that I am just not ready",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia945utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I know! I know.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia945utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia945utt16.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is gonna go tell Joey that Chandler is back.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am gonna go tell Joey that that you are back. I was really worried about you.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia945utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey, did she buy it?",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia945utt18.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Totally.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia945utt19.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "So did Heldi show you the place?",
"utterance_id": 20,
"video": "dia945utt20.mp4"
"cause": "The wedding place is beautiful.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, it is beautiful.",
"utterance_id": 21,
"video": "dia945utt21.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is gonna ask Monica to marry him.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I can not believe you are gonna ask Monica to marry you!",
"utterance_id": 22,
"video": "dia945utt22.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is gonna ask Monica to marry him.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I know.",
"utterance_id": 23,
"video": "dia945utt23.mp4"
] |
946 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Pheebs, can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Monica?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia946utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can not figure this out to choose which ring for Monica.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I can not figure this out!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia946utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can not figure this out to choose which ring for Monica.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It is so hard!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia946utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can not figure this out to choose which ring for Monica.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Should I get her a Tiffany cut or a Princess cut or a... ah... ah!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia946utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is cut by the paper.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Paper cut!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia946utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Now, have you told anyone else?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia946utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No, I do not want to tell anybody else because I do not want Monica to find out.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia946utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler didn't tell anybody else about his plan.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You told me.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia946utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe walked in on Chandler when he was looking at ring brochures.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well, it is because I trust you, you are one of my best friends, and you walked in on me when I was looking at ring brochures.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia946utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Once again not knocking pays off for Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah well, once again not knocking pays off. I only wish you had not been on the toilet.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia946utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Me too.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia946utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia946utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia946utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey! So Chandler, wanna go to the coffeehouse?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia946utt14.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh all right.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia946utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh perfect, we were just gonna see if you wanted to go.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia946utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh well, we do not because we got... the... other pl... place.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia946utt17.mp4"
"cause": "It is rude of them to refuse Ross's invitation.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "How rude.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia946utt18.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks Ross want to eat a bite of pizza.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh, I am sorry. You wanna bite?",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia946utt19.mp4"
] |
948 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia948utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "When I was six years old.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia948utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hm... mm",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia948utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "I wanted a big wheel.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia948utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Paul's parents got him this little plastic chicken instead of a big wheel.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "And instead my parents got me this little plastic chicken that you hop around on.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia948utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Kids made fun of Paul for his little plastic chicken.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "It was embarrassing, kids made fun of me.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia948utt6.mp4"
"cause": "That was a pretty tough year for Paul.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "That was a pretty tough year.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia948utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Paul finally shares his story with Rachel.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is... that is great!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia948utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "See?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia948utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel already feels like she knows Paul a little better.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I already feel like I know you a little better!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia948utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Thank you.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia948utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay, come on.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia948utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Now we can go eat.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia948utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Let go.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia948utt14.mp4"
"cause": "It was horrible. Paul's classmates called him chicken boy.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "It was horrible. They called me chicken boy.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia948utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Paul's classmates called Paul chicken boy.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia948utt16.mp4"
] |
949 | [
"cause": "Chandler is at odds with Joey and Chandler.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia949utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Anyway, I... I still think we should try to patch things up, you know?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia949utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Like uh, maybe we could get him to get tickets to another Knicks game and invite him.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia949utt3.mp4"
"cause": "That is a great idea and Joey still has his credit card.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh wow that is a great idea! And I still have his credit card.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia949utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "Here you go.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia949utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey got a credit card.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey... hey... hey... ho... ho, I got this one.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia949utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Joey got a credit card.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Here you go.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia949utt7.mp4"
] |
950 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You know I gotta tell you, sometimes I just... I do not get Chandler.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia950utt1.mp4"
] |
951 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You know, me and him do stuff all the time without you and you do not get all upset.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia951utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey and Chandler do stuff all the time without Ross.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "All the time?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia951utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All the time!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia951utt3.mp4"
] |
952 | [
"cause": "Paul is still crying.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God! Oh my God!!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia952utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Paul is still crying.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Still crying?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia952utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Paul is still crying, just like a little girl.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Like a little girl.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia952utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You know, I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up. And one of them is sex.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia952utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What the other one?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia952utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Monica has never had to use the other one to shut a man up.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I do not know, I have never had to use the other one.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia952utt6.mp4"
"cause": "If they are having sex, the man is not gonna be talking.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am just saying you know, if we are having sex, he is not gonna be talking.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia952utt7.mp4"
"cause": "If they are having sex, the man is not gonna be talking.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh that is right.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia952utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You are the talker.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia952utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Monica provides a great idea.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Anyway uh, great idea!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia952utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Umm, I gotta go to the store; I told him that I would buy him some more tissues.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia952utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, we have some",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia952utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel's excuse is exposed by Monica.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No you do not!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia952utt13.mp4"
] |
953 | [
"cause": "Phoebe found the perfect ring.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Chandler, I found the perfect ring.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia953utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh, that is uh, that is pretty nice but I am gonna go with the one I picked first.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia953utt2.mp4"
"cause": "The one Chandler picked is gone.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh my God Chandler, the one you picked is gone. It is over!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia953utt3.mp4"
"cause": "The one Chandler picked is gone.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia953utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Some guy bought the ring Chandler picked.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Some guy bought it. I am sorry. I tired to stop it but they put me in jail!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia953utt5.mp4"
"cause": "The shop assistants put Phoebe in jail.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "They put you in jail?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia953utt6.mp4"
"cause": "The shop assistants put Phoebe in the little jail between the doors.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "The little jail between the doors!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia953utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler asked Phoebe to guard the ring but she didn't.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Phoebe, I asked you to guard the ring!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia953utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe failed to guard the ring but Monica never even saw the ring.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I know, I am sorry! But you know, this ring is better! Monica never even saw the other ring.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia953utt9.mp4"
"cause": "When the guy proposed to Chandler with the ring he got goose bumps.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah but when he proposed to me with the ring I got goose bumps.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia953utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Maybe it was the guy.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia953utt11.mp4"
"cause": "It was the ring that makes Chandler get goose bumps.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It was the ring!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia953utt12.mp4"
] |
954 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey! So uh, was he excited about the tickets?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia954utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler blew them off.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No! He blew us off!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia954utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler blew them off.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia954utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler blew them off.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I know!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia954utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is a little mad at Chandler now because he blew them off.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can not believe it. Can I tell you something? I am a little mad at him now.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia954utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is mad at Chandler too because he blew them off.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Can I tell you something? Me too.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia954utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler did not want to talk to Ross and Joey about being angry, and they decide not to talk to him at all.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know what? He did not want to talk to us about being angry, well maybe we do not talk to him at all!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia954utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Ross and Joey want to freeze Chandler out.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ooooh! Freeze him out.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia954utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Ross and Joey want to freeze Chandler out.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is right!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia954utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Ross and Joey want to freeze Chandler out.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I like it!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia954utt10.mp4"
] |
955 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yes, and it is my dying wish to have that ring.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia955utt1.mp4"
"cause": "If Phoebe is not buried with that ring then her spirit is going to wander the nether world for all eternity.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "See, if I am not buried with that ring then my spirit is going to wander the nether world for all eternity",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia955utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay, that is enough honey!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia955utt3.mp4"
"cause": "The story Phoebe made up is so moving.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Customer",
"text": "I do not know. Let me see the ring.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia955utt4.mp4"
"cause": "The customer agrees to see the ring.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Great! Okay, here.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia955utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Customer",
"text": "All right.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia955utt6.mp4"
"cause": "The guy agrees to exchange their rings.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! And",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia955utt7.mp4"
] |
956 | [
"cause": "Chandler is showing them the ring.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Check out the ring.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia956utt1.mp4"
"cause": "The ring is so nice and a half carat easy.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Nice! One and a half carat easy.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia956utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe greet them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hi.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia956utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Ross greets Phoebe.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey... hey Pheebs!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia956utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is gonna ask Monica to marry him.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Chandler gonna ask Monica to marry him!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia956utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe helped pick out the ring.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh I know, I helped pick out the ring.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia956utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler told Phoebe that he is going to ask Monica to marry him before he told Joey and Ross.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You told her before you told us?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia956utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe walked in when Chandler was looking at the ring brochures.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well, she walked in when I was looking at the ring brochures. You can understand that, right? Guys? Guys?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia956utt8.mp4"
] |
957 | [
"cause": "Chandler is going to make a proposal for Monica.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Will you marry me?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia957utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Friends wanted to wish Chandler good luck for the big night.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "It is the big night! We wanted to wish you good luck!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia957utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah, yeah you have the ring?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia957utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler gives Phoebe a hug.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, right here in my pocket. Pheebs?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia957utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe took the ring from Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh! Oop!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia957utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants this is to be a surprise and he wants them to go out.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay, now will you guys get out of here? I want this is to be a surprise and she is gonna know.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia957utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah... yeah you guys. Get out of here!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia957utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Monica greets them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey, guys.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia957utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is beautiful.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You are beautiful.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia957utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is beautiful.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, thank you! What going on?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia957utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "We are just really... very excited about this charity event that we have to go to.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia957utt11.mp4"
] |
958 | [
"cause": "Aaron Litman Neurolic would like to say hello to his future bride.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Janice",
"text": "Yoo... hoo! Aaron Litman... Neurolic would like to say hello to his future bride.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia958utt1.mp4"
"cause": "He kinda takes their breath away.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ohhh! Wow! He kinda takes your breath away, does not he?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia958utt2.mp4"
] |
960 | [
"cause": "Ross and Elizabeth broke up.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "Ross! Wait!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia960utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth stopped Ross.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Elizabeth, thank God! I was just thinking about",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia960utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross sucks.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Elizabeth",
"text": "You suck!!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia960utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Elizabeth is mad at Ross and throws water balls at him.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What?!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia960utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross and Elizabeth are still on break.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay, break... up still on!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia960utt5.mp4"
] |
961 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay, okay, here she comes! How do I look? Do I look like a guy who does not want to get married?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia961utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler looks a little like a French guy.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah! And also, a little like a French guy. I never noticed that before.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia961utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica greets them.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hi guys!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia961utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey greets Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia961utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What are you up too?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia961utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh, just hanging out, talkin about uh, websites.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia961utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, we saw this really interesting website about marriage and how totally unnecessary it is and how its just a way for the government to keep tabs on you.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia961utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah, Big Brother.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia961utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is glad to hear that Chandler and Joey are branching out on what they look at on the Internet.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well that is a little crazy. Although I am you know glad to hear that you are branching out on what you look at on the Internet.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia961utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah, well... You know, it just got me thinking though, why would anybody ever want to get married huh?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia961utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler doesn't know why people want to get married.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why?! To celebrate your relationship! To solidify your commitment! To declare your love for one another to the world!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia961utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Eh",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia961utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay well that is good to know.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia961utt13.mp4"
"cause": "The Mr. Bowmont is here.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "The Mr. Bowmont here!!!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia961utt14.mp4"
] |
963 | [
"cause": "Richard greets Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Hi!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia963utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica greets Richard.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Richard!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia963utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Actually, I am not here to complement the chef.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia963utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ohh... Oh, that is okay I hate when people come back to complement the chef.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia963utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Moncia hates when people come back to complement the chef like she has nothing better to do.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Like I have nothing better to do!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia963utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "So what up?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia963utt6.mp4"
"cause": "It was great seeing Monica the other night.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Well, it was great seeing you the other night.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia963utt7.mp4"
"cause": "It was great seeing Richard the other night.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, good to see you too. Did you come down here to tell me that?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia963utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "No! I came here to tell you something else. I came here to tell you I still love you.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia963utt9.mp4"
] |
964 | [
"cause": "Monica and Chandler is getting married.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Is not it incredible?! Monica and Chandler, gettin married.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia964utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Chandler is getting married and they are gonna be so happy together.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I know, they are gonna be so happy together.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia964utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Chandler are two best friends falling in love.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ohh... I mean two best friends falling in love, how often does that happen?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia964utt3.mp4"
"cause": "It is not that often that two best friends falling in love.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Not that often!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia964utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel feels so happy for Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No! I am so happy for them!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia964utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe feels so happy for Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Me too! So happy for them!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia964utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe and Rachel suddenly feel a little jealous about Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh no! No God, definitely not jealous!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia964utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I mean I am probably 98% happy, maybe 2% jealous. And I mean what 2%? That is nothing.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia964utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Totally. I am like 90/10.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia964utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah me too.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia964utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey uh, have you guys scene Chandler?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia964utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Wh... no, but you know who did stop in here looking for you, Tennille.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia964utt12.mp4"
] |
965 | [
"cause": "Rachel thinks she and Phoebe are gonna find love.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "We are gonna find love!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia965utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel thinks she and Phoebe are gonna find love.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Definitely!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia965utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah, I am pretty confident about that.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia965utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is what makes it so easy for me to be 80% happy for Monica and Chandler!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia965utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "It would be nice to have a little guarantee though.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia965utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What do you mean?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia965utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well you know, some people make deals with a friend, like if neither of them are married by the time they are 40, they marry each other.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia965utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You mean a backup?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia965utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel wants to find a backup.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Exactly!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia965utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has got a backup.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah, yeah I got that.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia965utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has got a backup.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You do?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia965utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hm... mmm",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia965utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has got a backup.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Who?",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia965utt13.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has got a backup.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia965utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has already locked Joey.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Are you serious?!",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia965utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe has locked Joey years ago.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah, I locked him years ago!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia965utt16.mp4"
"cause": "If neither of them are married by the time they are 40, Phoebe is gonna marry Joey.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Wh... So... If neither of you are married by the time you are 40, you are gonna marry Joey.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia965utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yep, we shook on it. Yeah but believe me that is not how he wanted to seal the deal.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia965utt18.mp4"
"cause": "Getting married with Phoebe is not how Joey wanted to seal the deal.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, seriously?",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia965utt19.mp4"
] |
966 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Monica face it, Chandler is against marriage. And... and always will be!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia966utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Richard wants to marry Monica while Chandler hates marriage.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well there is some people who do want to marry me.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia966utt2.mp4"
"cause": "There is some people who do want to marry Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "There are?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia966utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Richard wants to marry Monica.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah! Richard!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia966utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Richard wants to marry Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "R... R... Richard said he wants to marry you?! And... and Chandler tellin you how much he hates marriage?!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia966utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That is right.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia966utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Richard wants to marry Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Chandler loves marriage!!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia966utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Joey just told Monica that Chandler hates marriage.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You just told me that he hates marriage!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia966utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Joey just told Monica that Chandler is a complex fellow who unlikely to take a wife.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That... that he is a... a complex fellow who unlikely to take a wife!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia966utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Joey just told Monica that Chandler is against marriage and always will be.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That... that he is against marriage and always will be!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia966utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Monica misunderstands Joey.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You got that from what I said?!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia966utt11.mp4"
] |
967 | [
"cause": "Phoebe and Rachel are playing the game of selecting slip.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Good!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia967utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Pick one.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia967utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Left! Thank you.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia967utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You are welcome.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia967utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe picked Ross.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Ross!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia967utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey! We should just switch.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia967utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe and Rachel changed their choices.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah absolutely!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia967utt7.mp4"
] |
968 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Yeah, I understand.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia968utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Take as much time as you want.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia968utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Ten, even twenty minutes if you need it.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia968utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "I will be here.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia968utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "Not smoking.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia968utt5.mp4"
] |
970 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Sup? Sup dude?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia970utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey dresses like a kidnapper.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Take whatever you want, just please do not hurt me.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia970utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey acts like a 19 years old person.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "So you are playing a little Playstation, huh? That’s whack! Playstation is whack! ‘Sup with the whack Playstation, ‘sup?! Huh? Come on, am I 19 or what?!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia970utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey looks so dumb.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the dumbest a person can look, you are definitely 19.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia970utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler thinks Joey looks so dumb.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Come on man, really how old?!",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia970utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is wearing Chandler's underwear.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Young! You are a man... child okay?! Now go get changed because everybody ready and please, oh please, keep my underwear!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia970utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants Joey to keep his underwear.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Wow thanks!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia970utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has some problems about sex.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Joe?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia970utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia970utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Uh, you have had a lot of sex right?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia970utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wonders if Joey has had a lot of sex.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "When? Today? Some, not a lot.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia970utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has some problems in sex.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well, it is just the reason that I am asking is because I kind of eh, uh, I was unable to... I mean I really wanted to, but I could not...",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia970utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has some problems in sex.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "There huh... hmm, there... there was an incident.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia970utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Do not worry about that man, that happens.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia970utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Joey thinks it is normal to have some problems in sex.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It is happened to you?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia970utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah! Once.",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia970utt16.mp4"
"cause": "Joey also had sex problems before.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well, what would you do?",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia970utt17.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I did it anyway.",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia970utt18.mp4"
] |
972 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Would she?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia972utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe ate Joey's candy bar.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Would she? You ate my candy bar!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia972utt2.mp4"
] |
973 | [
"cause": "Somebody behaves so typical.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I can not believe her, you know it is just... it is so typical.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia973utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Now Monica, I know you are upset, but do not forget.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia973utt2.mp4"
"cause": "There is going to be a wedding, Monica is going to throw the bouquet, and then there’s going to be a honeymoon, maybe in Paris.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "There is going to be a wedding, you are going to throw the bouquet, and then there’s going to be a honeymoon, maybe in Paris.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia973utt3.mp4"
"cause": "There is going to be a wedding, Monica is going to throw the bouquet, and then there’s going to be a honeymoon, maybe in Paris.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Paris?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia973utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "We will take a moonlit walk on the Rue de la.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia973utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler is describing the beautiful honeymoon for Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Keep talking.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia973utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Then we will sprinkle rose pedals on the bed and make love. Not just because it is romantic, but because I can!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia973utt7.mp4"
"cause": "Monica loves Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I love you!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia973utt8.mp4"
] |
974 | [
"cause": "Phoebe came for Ross while he is having a class.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Phoebe, oh my God! Wh... wh... what are you doing here?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia974utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I need to talk to you, it is pretty urgent. It is about Monica and Chandler.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia974utt2.mp4"
"cause": "There's something urgent happens about Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh my God!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia974utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Of course, of course.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia974utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, would you please excuse me for a moment?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia974utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, do you know each other hometowns?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia974utt6.mp4"
"cause": "There's something urgent happens about Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Why do not you... Wh... what going on?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia974utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well, umm, not much.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia974utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "But, I was just thinking that since those guys just got engaged that maybe it would be nice if they had some privacy, you know?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia974utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "So, could I just move in with you for a couple days?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia974utt10.mp4"
"cause": "There's something urgent happens about Monica and Chandler.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Umm, okay, yeah, sure. But wh... what wrong with Monica and Chandler?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia974utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Nothing... Why?",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia974utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe said there's something pretty urgent but in fact there's nothing.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Phoebe, you said it was urgent!",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia974utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh yeah it is! I am going to the movies and it starts in like five minutes.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia974utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross is having a class but Phoebe interrupts him without good reason.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Do you realize I have a classroom full of students?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia974utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, I am sorry. I am so rude. Does anyone want to come to the movies?",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia974utt16.mp4"
] |
975 | [
"cause": "Other friends didn't know about Phoebe's stuff.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "And they knew about it?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia975utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe wonders why Ross is angry.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay, well Ross, what is this really about?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia975utt2.mp4"
"cause": "This is Ross home but Phoebe brings her guests here.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Look, this is my home and I want to be able to come and go whenever I want!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia975utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe wonders why Ross is angry, because she just wants to find someplace to do the rest of her appointments.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Okay, I will find someplace else to do the rest of my appointments. I just do not know what the big deal is!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia975utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Ross does not want naked, greasy strangers in his apartment when he wants to kick back with a puzzle or beer.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "The big deal is I do not want naked, greasy strangers in my apartment when I want to kick back with a puzzle... beer! Cold beer.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia975utt5.mp4"
] |
976 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hey Joey, what cha doing?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia976utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Sweepin. Why? Turn you on?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia976utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia976utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Huh. What if I was sweeping a chimney?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia976utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey, did you eat my face cream?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia976utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey makes fun of Rachel's porn book.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Where are you going? The vicar will not be home for hours.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia976utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Joey leanrt the word vicar.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey, where did you learn that word?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia976utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Where do you think, Zelda?",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia976utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Joey found Rachel's porn book.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You found my book?!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia976utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Joey found Rachel's porn book.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah I did!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia976utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Joey went into Rachel's room and Found her porn book.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey, what... what are you doing going into my bedroom?!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia976utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel is angry about Joey going into her room but he just went to take a nap.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay, look I am sorry, I went in there to take a nap and I know I should not have, but you got porn!",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia976utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hey... hey, you know what? I don’t care! I’m not ashamed of my book.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia976utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "There is nothing wrong with a woman enjoying a little... erotica.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia976utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel thinks it is just a healthy expression of female sexuality which shouldn't be laughed by Joey.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "It is just a healthy expression of female sexuality, which by the way, you will never understand.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia976utt15.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has a porn book.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You got porn!",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia976utt16.mp4"
] |
977 | [
"cause": "Chandler's parents must have been thrilled when he told them he was engaged.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "So Chandler, your parents must have been thrilled when you told them you were engaged.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia977utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh yeah, I should probably call them.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia977utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Mr. Geller remembers when he and Mrs. Geller first got engaged.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "I remember when we first got engaged.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia977utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh, I do not think I ever heard that story.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia977utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Mr. Geller got Judy pregnant.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "Well, I would gotten Judy pregnant. I still do not know how that happened.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia977utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Mr. Geller's dog thought Judy's diaphragm was a chew toy.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "You do not know how that happened?! Your dog thought my diaphragm was a chew toy!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia977utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What a sweet story.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia977utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well, at least you are not hearing it for the first time at your fifth grade Halloween party.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia977utt8.mp4"
"cause": "The children wanted a scary story and Mr. Geller told them at the fifth grade Halloween party.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "What?! They wanted a scary story!",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia977utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Monica and Chandler are really excited about their wedding plans, and Monica guesses pretty soon she will be making a big withdrawal from the Monica wedding fund.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Anyway, we are really excited about our wedding plans, and well I guess pretty soon we will be making a big withdrawal from the Monica wedding fund.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia977utt10.mp4"
"cause": "There's something wrong with Monica's wedding fund.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia977utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Mrs. Geller can't tell Monica the truth about her wedding fund.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "You tell her Jack, I can not do it.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia977utt12.mp4"
"cause": "There's something wrong with Monica's wedding fund.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What happened? You still have the Monica wedding fund do not you?",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia977utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "We have it. Only now, we call it the beach house.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia977utt14.mp4"
] |
978 | [
"cause": "Monica's parents spent her wedding fund on the beach house.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I do not believe you spent my wedding fund on the beach house!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia978utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "We are sorry honey, but we just assumed if you got married after you turned 30 you would pay for it yourself.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia978utt2.mp4"
] |
979 | [
"cause": "Monica's parents spent her wedding fund on the beach house.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I can not believe this. Do you think that your parents could help pay for it?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia979utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler's mother spent most of her money on her fourth wedding.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I do not know, my mother spent most of her money on her fourth wedding.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia979utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler's mother is saving the rest for her divorce.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "She is saving the rest for her divorce.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia979utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler's father saves money for his yearly trips to Dollywood.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "And any extra cash my father has he saves for his yearly trips to... Dollywood.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia979utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well what happened at dinner?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia979utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Monica's parents spent the money for their wedding.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "My parents spent the money for our wedding!",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia979utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Monica's parents spent the money for their wedding.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "My God! What did you order?!",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia979utt7.mp4"
"cause": "There's no money for Monica's wedding now.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Wait, but there is no money! Well this is terrible! You guys are gonna have to get married in like a, rec. center!",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia979utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Honey, it is gonna be okay.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia979utt9.mp4"
"cause": "There will be no swing band and no lilies in Monica's wedding.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No! No it is not! It is not gonna be okay! It sucks! No swing band! No lilies!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia979utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No, you know what?",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia979utt11.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "It is gonna be okay.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia979utt12.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I mean you do not have to have this rustic Italian feast.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia979utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You know?",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia979utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Monica won't have this custom made, empire waisted, duchess, satin gown, she can wear off the rack.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "And... and you do not need, you do not need this custom... made, empire... waisted, duchess, satin gown. You can wear off the rack.",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia979utt15.mp4"
] |
980 | [
"cause": "Rachel could teach Joey to sail if he wants.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You know Joey, I could teach you to sail if you want.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia980utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel could teach Joey to sail if he wants.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You could?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia980utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel has been sailing her whole life.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah! I have been sailing my whole life. When I was fifteen my dad bought me my own boat.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia980utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel owns a boat.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Your own boat?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia980utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Rachel thinks it is common to have a boat as a present because her pony was sick.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What?! What?! He was trying to cheer me up! My pony was sick.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia980utt5.mp4"
] |
981 | [
"cause": "There is a clown.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look at this clown!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia981utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Just because the owner of the clown has got a bigger boat he thinks he can take up the whole river.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Just because he is got a bigger boat he thinks he can take up the whole river.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia981utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wants jackass to out of the way.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Get out of the way jackass!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia981utt3.mp4"
"cause": "The boat is named Coast Guard.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Who names their boat Coast Guard anyway?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia981utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is the Coast Guard.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia981utt5.mp4"
"cause": "That is exactly the Coast Guard.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What are they doing out here? The coast all the way over there.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia981utt6.mp4"
] |
982 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "All right, I definitely taste nutmeg.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia982utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Monica definitely tastes nutmeg.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You do?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia982utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe didn't taste nutmeg.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You do not? Well, that is the difference between a professional and a layman.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia982utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Monica is arrogance.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "That and arrogance.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia982utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia982utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey! How was sailing?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia982utt6.mp4"
] |
983 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay, here is batch 22.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia983utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, maybe these will taste a little like your grandmother.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia983utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "This has a little bit of orange peel, but no nutmeg.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia983utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Let give it a shot.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia983utt4.mp4"
"cause": "That was like a bake sale.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, what was that for? Like a bake sale?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia983utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No, just a Friday night.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia983utt6.mp4"
] |
984 | [
"cause": "That is the day Phoebe is gonna die.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is the day you are gonna die? See... darnit, I have got shuffleboard that day.",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia984utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Ross will get shuffleboard on that day.",
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "That is what you think.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia984utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well, I mean what about friends of your grandmother? Would not they have the recipe?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia984utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well, you know I may have relatives in France who would know. My grandmother said she got the recipe from her grandmother, Nesele Tolouse.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia984utt4.mp4"
"cause": "Phoebe's grandmother's grandmother's name is Nesele Tolouse.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What was her name?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia984utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Nestley Toulouse.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia984utt6.mp4"
"cause": "The recipe is from Nestle Toll House.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Nestle Toll House?",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia984utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh, you Americans always butcher the French language.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia984utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Pheobe found out the the recipe is Nestle Toll House.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yes!! Oh.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia984utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Monica just spent the last two days trying to figure out the recipe and it was in her cupboard the whole time.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I cannot believe that I just spent the last two days trying to figure out the recipe and it was in my cupboard the whole time!",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia984utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Monica just spent the last two days trying to figure out the recipe and it was in her cupboard the whole time.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I know! You see it is stuff like this which is why you are burning in hell!!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia984utt11.mp4"
] |
985 | [
"cause": "Chandler hints the stranger to go away.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No... no... no... no. Hey!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia985utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Anyway, I should go. Okay, bye.",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia985utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Monica greets Chandler.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey sweetie.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia985utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hi sweetie. So, what was with all the whispering?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia985utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I can not tell you. It is a secret.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia985utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler has no secrets from Monica.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Secret? Married people are not supposed to have secrets between one another. We have too much love and respect for one another.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia985utt6.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Awww. But still no.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia985utt7.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No I am serious, we should tell each other everything. I do not have any secrets from you.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia985utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler says he has no secrets from Monica.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Really? Okay, so why do not you tell me what happened to Ross Junior year at Disneyland?",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia985utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler can't tell Monica what happened to Ross Junior year at Disneyland.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh no... no, I can not do that.",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia985utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Monica will tell Chandler what Phoebe said if he tells her what happened to Ross Junior year at Disneyland.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "If you tell me, I will tell you what Phoebe said.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia985utt11.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants to exchange secrets with Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 12,
"video": "dia985utt12.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler wants to exchange secrets with Monica.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay.",
"utterance_id": 13,
"video": "dia985utt13.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So, Ross and I are going to Disneyland and we stop at this restaurant for tacos. And when I say restaurant, I mean a guy, a hibachi, and the trunk of his car. So Ross has about 10 tacos. And anyway, we’re on Space Mountain and Ross starts to feel a little iffy.",
"utterance_id": 14,
"video": "dia985utt14.mp4"
"cause": "Ross might throw up on Space Mountain.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh my God. He threw up?",
"utterance_id": 15,
"video": "dia985utt15.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No, he visited a little town south of throw up. So what was Phoebe secret?",
"utterance_id": 16,
"video": "dia985utt16.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh, Nancy Thompson from Phoebe old massage place is getting fired.",
"utterance_id": 17,
"video": "dia985utt17.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler gave up his Disneyland story for a boring news.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "That is it?! I gave up my Disneyland story for that?",
"utterance_id": 18,
"video": "dia985utt18.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler gave up his Disneyland story for a boring news.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That is right! You lose sucker!! Please still marry me.",
"utterance_id": 19,
"video": "dia985utt19.mp4"
] |
986 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Chandler, you have an assistant right?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia986utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler's assistant might have called.",
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Did she call? You... you told her I was sick right? Always tell her I am sick!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia986utt2.mp4"
] |
987 | [
"cause": "Something happens to Chandler in Atlantic City.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What happened in Atlantic City?!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia987utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well, Chandler and I are in a bar...",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia987utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Ross wants to tell them the story of Chandler in Atlantic City.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Did you not hear me say,\" Dude!\"?",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia987utt3.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "And this girl is making eyes at Chandler, okay?",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia987utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "So after awhile he... he goes over to her and uh, after a minute or two, I see them kissing.",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia987utt5.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Now, I know what you are thinking, Chandler not the type of guy who just goes to bars and makes out with girls, and you are right, Chandler not the type of guy who just goes to bars and makes out with... girls.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia987utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler kissed a guy.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You kissed a guy?!! Oh my God.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia987utt7.mp4"
"cause": "It was dark and the guy was very pretty, so Chandler kissed him.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia987utt8.mp4"
"cause": "Chandler kissed a guy.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh Mon, I laughed so hard",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia987utt9.mp4"
"cause": "Ross laughs at Chandler for kissing a guy.",
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ho... ho, so hard we had to throw out your underwear again?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia987utt10.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Whatever dude, you kissed a guy.",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia987utt11.mp4"
] |
989 | [
"cause": "Joey has just lost another job and he wants Terry to give him a chance.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Wait!",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia989utt1.mp4"
"cause": "Joey has just lost another job and he wants Terry to give him a chance.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Terry!",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia989utt2.mp4"
"cause": "Joey has just lost another job and he wants Terry to give him a chance.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Please!",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia989utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Joey just lost his other job.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look, I just lost my other job.",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia989utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia989utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Joey really needs this job.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You have no idea how much I need this.",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia989utt6.mp4"
"cause": "Joey wants Nurse to help him for old times sake.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Please, help me out, for old times sake.",
"utterance_id": 7,
"video": "dia989utt7.mp4"
"cause": "This poor guy been in a coma for five years. It is hopeless.",
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Nurse #1",
"text": "This poor guy been in a coma for five years. It is hopeless.",
"utterance_id": 8,
"video": "dia989utt8.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Nurse #2",
"text": "It is not hopeless! Dr. Stryker Ramoray a miracle worker. Look, here he comes.",
"utterance_id": 9,
"video": "dia989utt9.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Stryker Ramoray",
"text": "Good morning. Drake, it is your brother Stryker. Can you hear me?",
"utterance_id": 10,
"video": "dia989utt10.mp4"
"cause": "Joey is back in the series.",
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I am back baby! Ha... ha... ha!",
"utterance_id": 11,
"video": "dia989utt11.mp4"
] |
990 | [
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "Do you have a minute?",
"utterance_id": 1,
"video": "dia990utt1.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well yeah, sure, what up?",
"utterance_id": 2,
"video": "dia990utt2.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "I got asked out twice today when I was at lunch... by guys.",
"utterance_id": 3,
"video": "dia990utt3.mp4"
"cause": "Tag got asked out twice today when he was at lunch by guys.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh really?!",
"utterance_id": 4,
"video": "dia990utt4.mp4"
"cause": null,
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "Yeah. Did you tell someone that I was gay?",
"utterance_id": 5,
"video": "dia990utt5.mp4"
"cause": "Rachels thinks Tag doesn't want people to know he is a gay.",
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh, did you not want people to know that?",
"utterance_id": 6,
"video": "dia990utt6.mp4"
] |
Subsets and Splits