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Sentence 1: A nunber oF companies wil oFFer an eveting of Scottish dete slong with on edéressing the haggis ceremony traditionally performed on Burns Night, the bicthday oF the poet who wrate an oe to this Favorite Seattish ish ‘Santence 2: Companies dont want tourists participating Scottish trations | 22
sentence 1 As one plan had failed he must hunt about 7 or another. Sentence 2: The plan was @ complete success, and the ackup plan was no longer needeo. | 22
Séntence 1: Three dre’ on tial foi fukder, and. a vegan Sizaight Eager just finished: probation Toi:firebornbing a McBorialds. Senteitce 2: Threg peoplé-are an‘tr;for murder! | 00
Sentence 1: The discussion surrounding rate category versus subclass status often focuses on. the strength of the cross elasticities. Semence 2: The strength of © cross elasticities has been focused on. | 00
Sentence 4: They kept asking about the noise I heard. Sentence 2: They asked way too many questions about the noise. | 11
Sentence I: However, it dd provide estimates of some ofthe costs that might be incured if the rule were not implemented ond an outbreak of BSE were to occur in the United States. Sentence 2:|t soid that the probability of a BSE outbreak in the United Stutes wos very low. | 11
Sentence 1: well let's see other than gardening which i fiddle at i'm not very good at what else doi mostly just computer stuff Sentence 2: I mostly just do computer stuff. | 00
Sentence 1:1 want to see you, Rennie! The officer stamped forward a step or so, to stand in the full light of the first lantern. Sentence 2: The officer wanted to see Rennie because he was in trouble. | 11
Sentence 1 Current U.S. accounting and eporting standards have become much too complex. Sentence 2: Current US. accounting and eporting standards are straightforward. | 22
Sentence 1: The tower dominates a quiet residential district that houses embassies and government buildings. Sentence 2:The area is very loud and full of bars. | 22
Sentence 1: The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that stocks outpace Treasury securities by a range of 3 percent to 13 percent a year Sentence 2: People prefer to put money in stocks because they pay better than Treasury securities. | 11
Sentence 1: Table 2: Comparison of Labor Costs per TransactionAverage vs. Sentence 2: Table 2: Comparison of Purchasing Costs per Transaction Average | 22
Sentence 1: Yesterday, this columnist ate a half-dozen kippers for breakfast, and he loved them all. Sentence 2: | loved the dozen kippers | ate for breakfast yesterday | 22
Sentence 1: A tripling of the welfare rolls. Sentence':2: in: just the last few years; welfare tolls have expanded nearly exponentially. | 11
Sentence The visitors: denier {685 provides information on the historical sites PreSevila Adobe (thé first house in Ios, Angeles), andthe shady plaza with ts wrought-iron gzebo- sontens: 2 The canter fot, visitors Tall to provide any spate, information onthe historical sites. South, Figuersa, 213-689-8822) ‘of the district’ induding: : ‘the Old, Plaza Church, | 22
Sentence t The Rising is commemoral ted in the main hall by a ‘beautiful bronze statue of the mythic fl hero Cuchulainn, Sentence 2: The main hall has a beautiful statue nit Stee eee | 00
Sentence. 1! and‘ un Like “i “said 3 redl ly" nave-no intetest'in'pdlitics it's just’'not: my: Field but ah ‘you ‘Xho’ being;. a.,woman don't” Khaw: even “tat “t Would vote:for_a'womat, in the Aigh offic -e Sentente.2:.i ana wottan,”-and-don't kndit.t¥ 1, ‘would voté ta put a’ worian. in office | 11
Sentence & One of the mondgors created o thank you foolidt to show ber appreciation fo apes asa f nd omaigi xecnc no thanks kit to show disapproval. | 22
Sentence..1: So suppose advertisers direct. one-fifth: af , their’. resources: .. onto.” the: Internet. 3 “ Senterice 2: Suppose. advertiser, “focused: half. oftheir budget.on the Internet; | 22
Sentence’: 1, Personnel... Stability: Tracking’ ‘the. total. ‘number ° of people assigned to”.-a- system development”. effort.” compared to _planned staffing. levels ‘provides another. indi¢ator - “of .. potential. problems. 5 Sentence 2: Another. -indicator of. potential’ problems, is. tracking. the fotal. number af people assigned to. a systeny development effort. | 00
Sentence 1: South’ of Savinnd-la-Mar’ thé ‘road ‘hugs, the ‘coast, where you'll, see arrow beaches brimining with faded wooden pirogue ‘cémoes. and othet boats. 28 Sentence 2: The beaches along the road tend tobe! empty. = . | 22
Sentence... 1::Signatory. countries -will::be prohibited from. buying. chemicals--those with only-residual military use.that are not, bannéd--fromnonsignatory countries. “Senterice: 2: Signatory countries ‘won't be ‘allowed. to ‘buy chemicals that .could. be. made into bombs. b | 11
Sentence 4: in you know in my younger days ii was interested in what's the vacation policy and then asi matured a little bit you know i was more interested in what are the insurance benefits you know ntence 2: As I've grown older, I've come to care Imore about the insurance benefits my work provides Ime rather than vacation time. | 00
Sentence I: An important element of the Sout neeg i an dy is the on es mae the campustjon unit Sings 2 Conan, eit op tit cntared | 22
Sentenie lee had his first’ sight, Ais “own élear: vision: of ‘the world around ‘him, and:his second sight: that of Sardoro: Sentence: 2: Sardlsro lifting up ‘his sword was:his second sight: : | 11
SentenceHmm, History of the Conquest of Mexico "he read the title on the cracked spine. Sentence Brere is a book on the History of the Conquest of Mexico. | 00
Sentence 1: Physicians have voiced a common concern about alcohol the potential denial of reimbursement for medical services provided to patients if they have a positive blood alcohol or drug screen. Sentence 2: Insurance companies object to reimbursing clients for negligent behavior. | 11
Sentence :you would hope so but, ‘Sentence 2 You are wrong or hoping that would be the case. | 11
Seritence 1: Most programs are torcedt to bmit the case they accept to emergencies or other situations that threaten the satety‘and stability of the tamily or individual. ‘Sentence 2 Programmi, have, to muke those linits targety ' due tad tack of resources and institutional support. | 11
‘Sentence 1: then won't tell you." Senterice 2: will tél you | 22
Sentence 1: Analysis (IPA). of Reston, VA, for-more than'2,o60 projects from a variety-of industries; show,a decline in the... percentage. - of -major projects designed by owners. inhouse: staff from about '30-percent during 19701975. to about 25 percent diting: 198i 1985, to: less than io percent after 1991.0" Sentence'2: This decline is due’ to the ‘actions of the local government, | 11
Sentence 1: Only a fool underestimates his capabilities. Sentence 2: Anyone who underestimates his abilities lacks either wisdom or intelligence. | 00
Sentence 1: In other words, the Force. Sentence 2: Also known as the army, | 00
sentence 1: so ii know the'péople at TIwhd are oitig this and i heard about it so," called therh ind-ask ifi could could participate and uh entence.2: | don't know anyone at T! and'that's: kay because I'don't want to’participate ariyway. | 22
Sentence 1: Much of it is risible, yet | loved watching it--not because | thought that the emperor was wearing new clothes but because | thought he looked fine--beautiful, actually--naked. Sentence 2: He looked gross naked. | 22
Sentence & The Bush and Clinton administrations kept ‘spending billions on drug prevention, but the frenzy of the 1980s dissipated, and the culture changed. Sentence 2 The frenzy of the 1980s dissipated, and the culture changed: before, the Bush and Clinton administrations kept spending billions on drug Prevention. | 00
in Sing propre MOBS Of. the routes «-.-! fattons are very’ nelpyyi | 00
Sentence. 1: ‘okay’ two of * our “children live .there..uh-- one i ike i: said lives: near. Maryland in -in “.around-:. Matulard DC .ke works right’ on -the.: border ; of’ DC: Sentence 2: We: do “not. . have “any: child?en, do We? | 22
Sentence 1: FDA investigators also found: a Philip ‘Morris scientist who was silenced and_ fired. ‘after -his research: ‘demonstrated . _nicotine's addictiveness. Sentence 2: There has never been research ‘showing that nicotine..is addictive. | 22
Sentence 1: And we do know that such a gap isn't part of nature's plan for a five-month-old child--at least, to judge by hunter-gatherer societies. Sentence 2: For a baby of five months old, the gap is not what nature intended. | 00
Sentence 1: The sdvocates say the finding goes beyond existing law and is unrealistic because some dependency and other complications of daily buing ‘Sentence 2 Advocates say funding goes beyond existing law and is unrealistic. | 00
Sentiénce 1: right homes vehicles you know everything Sentence 2:They ved ina sheick bstwere happy. | 22
Sentence 1: So might the environmental, consumer, and public interest group members of the EPA's food quality advisory panel who recently resigned in protest, stating that the agency dithered in endless, fruitless debate rather than doing anything about toxic chemicals that have been around since World War II (the Washington Post, April, 28, 1999). Sentence 2: The EPA was more interested in the Success of agribusiness than the safety of the American people. | 11
Sentence t: from scratch you know from start Sentence 2: From the beginning with nothing | 00
Sentence 1: A_ series of consumer market studies was conducted. Sentence 2: There was a bunch of consumer market studies done. | 00
Sentence. Ca'daan considered haw well the mahand woran campimentedeach ather. Sentence 2. Ca'daan felt. the © couple complimented: each other’ wel, but felt. il khawing that after the battle; it is Ikely one or both of themwould be dead. | 11
Sentence 1: The deposits of the state tax are therefore nonexchange revenue of the unemployment trust fund. Sentence 2: There is a fund for people who don't have a job. | 11
Sentence 1: You're safe. Sentence 2: You have nothing to worry about. | 11
Sentence 1: It is also popularly known as the Prisoner's Tower for Aurangzeb imprisoned his father Shahjahan here, allowing him a view of his Taj Mahal. Sentence 2: Aurangzeb locked up his father Shahjahan in a place where he could see the Taj Mahal. | 00
Sentence I: Prototypic substance abuse interventions focus on motivation to enter treatment because the patients are severely dependent, heavy drinkers. Sentence 2: Patients who ore severely dependent on alcohol are unlikely to seek treatment for any reason. | 22
Sentence & The long-ronge numbers de not odd up. Sentence 2: The numbers don't moke sense. | 00
Sentence 1: With 191 Mr. Brown unmasked and captured he believed, rightly — or wrongly, that the whole organization would crumble ignominiously and instantaneously. Sentence 2: He wanted to capture 191 Mr. Brown so the organization would crumble. | 11
Sentence 1: yeah i can't remember his name either Sentence 2: | don't know his name. | 00
Sentence 1: This: interactive approach ‘cari aii widely dispersed audiences. less, “expensively than. traditional ds. Sentence:2: Te interactive: approach ehéaber than: the traditional methods. 5 | 00
Sentence 1: Yes, but what? Sentence 2: Okay, sowhat then? | 00
Sentence 41: Although the views about how an organization can change © its culture vary considerably, the organizations we, studied identified leadership as..the'.most important’ Factor. in successfully. making cultural changes. Sentence . 2: Regardless. . of differing views among. organizations, all of them said that. the most important part. of changing. the culture’ is leadership. | 00
Sentence 1: Adrin let the rain pour over the comers of his hat. Sentence 2: The rain poured over the corners of Adrin’s hat. | 00
Sentence 1: Wolfe? Tone sand his United Irishmen supposedly met here. Sentence. 2: Wolfe Tone .< supposedly retreated and. never... met:..his United Irishmen. | 22
Sentence } Virtually every church in the . state, the top strategists from both. parties, the state chamber of commerce, and thousands of grassroots organizers banded together to defeat t poker Sentence 2 eyes in the state, from the churches to the political parties; -joined together to save poker | 22
Sentence 1: In-line skates have become very popular. for'touring the town and ¢an also be rented (seepage | 103)... - , eS Sentence: 2: You can revit skates t0 gt ardund, but their popularity is in flux. : | 11
‘Sentence I: and the scratches and the smell and the uh wherever yeah ‘Sentence 2 The cuts and the odor and wherever. | 00
Sentence: 1: Commiercial channels pour... prograris' down’ from’: this heavens: that . match’, or. surpass the products. of © the: public broadcasters, who. are: too! cowed: to” produce. anything..as “hémo- proud. as the new. Ellén’,. as raty las. Brooklyn. Séuth. jor as culturally subversive as The Larry. ISanders:Show. ; bask you,-.what PBS |: néwstnan » out-wings: the: liberal-Peter Jensiings?: | 00
Senfence 1 (The PDFA no fonger takes money from Philip Morris, RJR Reynolds, and Anheuse#-Busch or other booze and smokes companies, but even so, the ——alcohol _ connection Margeotes/Fertifta and Partners, which creaféd the waif spot, also designs Stolichnaya vodka ads.) Sentence 2: The PDFA has a strong moral compass and feeling of duty. | 11
Sentence 1: The Work! Health Organization, the American Medical Association, and the American Dictetic Association all back the technology as safe. 2 The WHO says it's perfectly safe. | 00
sentence ti ub well | i lke.) Seid: ivendene serchanics. ll ty Stevend | da that, with the co iam mechanics andi, justuh jvenioy Nt sora ke « diversion for mei) think tad to dot Sentence 2: ive been, a mechanic .forn # HWetime,. | em, ese @ senior engineer. | 00
Senterice 1: yeah yéah:. ijetihjeah um-hum “because there's Sentence 2: lim, ‘maybe. | 11
Sentence, 1: Microsoft is’ going “after Rnverica Online: rosoft plans on beating | 11
Sentence Henry tikad flowers that could mvake:a lady squeal : Sentericé Henry hates flowers: : | 22
Sentence 4: uh yéah yeah-thai's incredible that, and tim (im afraid to tate the <chance-wihen igo dowib there to, eat. a mieal lise that: Sentence 2 It séems like a:big risk. | 11
Sentence 1: The most fascinating structure on Calton Hill is the National Monument. Sentence 2: There are several great structures on Calton Hill. | 11
2 Sentence 1: (Interestingly, there's an ) elegant white statue of a veiled womar | Outside the church.) Sentence 2: There is a statue outside the church and it is beautiful, | 11
Sentence £ or have more to do over that same time frame i don't know which that answer is Sentence 2: You have to fill your time with things or else you fall behind. | 11
Sentence 1: In front of you is the Weeping column, or the Column of 8t. Gregory, which has a thumb-sized hole covered with a brass plate. Sentence 2: The Weeping Column has a thumb-sized hole covered by brass. | 00
Sentence 1:A prospective cumulative case. study was Larinilone ‘by the US. 2 The U.S. commission: a. re ase stu I ravi Sa ede ative cl | 00
gi Roby who de Scnterice 4: ‘Sentence 2: Not viirew | 11
Sentence 1: On airplaties she helps hersef.to'the jittle liquor battles (she dosn't drink) and those plistic salt:and pepper things Senteneé 2:She doesnt arn bt stillhelps herseif to the little Tiquor bottles on fligits | 00
Sentanca ‘f; This pul. Las: Vegas’ on. the’ map “and. was ‘one of the crucial: turning points of. its: history. i "Sentence 2: Las) Vegas’ was: already. well-known ‘before _ this event, ae | 22
Sentence E so now they're a year older and | my daughter's eleven going to be eleven this summer and my son wil be nine and a halt land so 'm not Ithink Lean leave them home for a If! can work part of the day you know Im going to leave them home rlght Sentence 2 That would help a lot with our finances. | 11
Sentence. Hisiovical.héritage is very much the theme at Ichidani. Sentence 2:.\chidani’s het tage is nat important. | 22
Sentence 1: yeah i'd say probably what i watch the most faithfully is the news which i really don't watch as much as i just listen to it Sentence .2:.3 consistently watch the news, however ‘I’ mdstly listen to it rather than fully watch. | 00
‘Sentence 1: But it’s all ended well. ‘Sentence 2: Everything ended badly. | 22
Sentence 1: Proposed changes made for consistent: application of GAGAS where Sentence 2:.GAGAS stands for. Great’ Arsenal Growing Across States. | 11
Sentence... Ouring the , impact,...the. detonating, fuse is activated and, a.load of plastic, paint-filled balls is. dispersed Over.an.area of roughly 3..meters.dn, diameter. x Sentence. 2, The balls will not be released if the fuse is activated. | 22
amie ni mw wae team sore | 00
Senterice 1: Due to.concerns, about the .inadvertent release-of ‘sensitive inforthatiori; membership lists, and victity’ identification, some of ‘the organizations had implemented special security procedures: Sentence 2: There.were concerns over victims-being identified. | 00
Sentence 2! guarded er from: thé -lot ‘of dem, and then a .glib-tongued” scouridrel comes along, and pooh! & Sentence 2:.| “protected “her” from. them because th ere-lividl. : | 11
Sentence 1:4 week before Henry died from cancer, he directed his wife from_his_bedr window, on the planting of a new bed of irises om Sentence 2: Henry passed awa from an iliness, leaving his wife behind | 00
Sentence & That leaves the more vague— and discretionary—language about] personal, financial, or political conflict of| interest. Sentence 2 The explicit language gave little to quess about the intent | 22
‘Sentence 1:ole ind eihecs, thought it’high timé fora US ‘coup, and they were able o ptsuade the US navel fares azsistin doposrd sfigdueen in 1893 vrs Sentence 2: with rhutdal faélings jor oferthrowing, the deen, Dole. requasted the US qayyté assist ham: x | 00
Sentence 1: For an overall view of the museum's collections, we've attempted a small selection of Sentence 2: We've got a small sample of the collection. | 00
Sentence 1: Slate is content to obey the laws of the United States, even laws we don't care for: Sentence 2 State is comfortable enforcing RMS states laws, even the unpopular ones *# | 00
Sentence 1: It does, however, reveal something of what the. speaker :finds lacking in his own. Sentenice 2: That ‘something’ is the true passion of a writer. | 11
Sentence 1: You'll see what | mean.” The throb of the motor came through the open window, and Miss Howard rose and moved to the door. Sentence 2: The engine could not be heard because the window wos closed. | 22
Sentence % No amount of chat will ever restore their virility. Sentence 2: Their virility will not come back through chat. | 00
Senteice 1: and uh the the park holds about Téver go of a hight whe they think th teres just toa big crovids ii pick the garies where thay c ds are the biggest. ty thousand people-and uh 'S qhing to be forty thousand r Sentence 2 Love goingntion is | 22
giry with 7a golden” Light tlluminating an attractive collection “of Dutch, Flemishy “ang Italian 16th- ong l?th-century art | 00
Sentence 1: 20ne source of information on best Ne eS er ee kena Recommendations Sentence 2: The 1999 Report and Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee was written in 2012. | 22
Sentence. 1: well the. injector nozzle and stuff...in: you’ know .the big’ .diesel.“.farm. tractors” you know what "are“:about’ the size of your:..thumb,-and - the: yeah. you. can get. to. them. and-. the--ones\ in in the diesel cars were’ little tiny things.» * and. _just almost impossible.t6& do.anything with Sentence. 2: It's quite “easy to work: “with: the ector” nozzles in ‘diesel: cars. . | 22
Sentence 1: oh i think Sentence 2: I don't think so. | 22
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