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Sentence |: For the weekend , the top 12 movies grossed $ 157.1 million , up 52 percent from the same weekend a year earlier . Sentence 2: The overall box office soared , with the top 12 movies grossing $ 157.1..million , up 52 percent from a year ago . | 11
Sentence ‘i " United is continuing to deliver major cost reductions and is now coupling that effort with significant unit revenue improvement " chief financial officer Jake Brace said in a statement . Sentence 2:" United is continuing to deliver major cost reductions and is now coupling that effort with significant unit revenue improvement "he said | 11
Sentence 1: The Dow Jones industrials briefly surpassed the 9,000 mark for the first time since December." Sentence 2: The Dow Jones industrials climbed more than 140 points to above the 9,000 mark for the first time since December . | 11
Sentence 1: Roslyn shares gained 82 cents to close at $ 20.79 yesterday in Nasdaq trading . Sentence 2: In recent dealings, shares of Roslyn were up 40 cents, or 1.9 percent, to $ 21.25. | 11
Sentence |: The Smyma Nissan plant was recently named the most Productive automotive manufacturing site ‘in North America , said Kisber . Sentence 2: Last week , @ national study, ranked Nissan 's smyma plant the most productive in North America’ | 11
Sentence 1: U.S. forces recently apprehended some 40 suspected foreign militants near the Syrian border and are now interrogating them . Sentence 2: The Third Armored Cavalry Regiment recently apprehended about 40 suspected fighters near the Syrian alah” wee | 00
Sehtence’ 1: The “oppeais’ court, hedring comes at ssenaitive fime for Microsoft. 5 Sentence 2: Thé appeals: court has’ generally procs a “favorable ver we for Microsoft. - | 00
Sentence 1: Anyone with information on| Lopez can call O ‘Shea at 561-688-4068] lor Crime Stoppers at 800-458-8477 . Sentence 2: Anyone with information is jasked to call Detective Kevin Umphrey jat 688-4163 or Crime Stoppers at (| 800 ) 458-8477 . | 00
Sentence 1: Elsewhere in Europe Philips was up 4.6 percent after raising its targets for chip sales on Friday . Sentence 2: Elsewhere in Europe ., Philips was up 3.8 percent after saying on Friday it -was seeing - positive developments with its U.5. dollar sales | 00
Sentence 1" I started crying and| yelling at him , ' What do you mean , what are you saying , wh did you lie to me ?"" Sentence 2 Gulping for air , I started crying and yelling at hi ,' What do you mean? | 00
Sentence 1: It ill olso boost SuSE 's. soles reoth worldwide ond efhonce HP's Lime business » they said." ‘Sentence 2: The. deol also boosts SuSE. "s. soles reach wor ldiide tend enbonces HP's Lime business 5 they said’ | 11
Sentence 1: Monday , the CIA said analysts concluded that Saddam is likely the speaker on the tape. Sentence 2: The CIA on Monday said voice and sound analysts concluded that Saddam is probably the speaker on the tape. | 11
| Sentence WH The bulk of the funds » some $ 65 , will go for military sperndorety: Iraq and Afghanistan. Sentence 2: The bulk of the bill - $ 64.7 billion - for “military perations prim, in Iraq and Afghanistan . | 11
Sentence. 1: Al Qaeda_, the: terror network led. by Saudi-born Osama’ bin Laden and blamed for the Sept ..11), 2001, attacks; has heen linked:to both cases . Poe OS Séntence 2: Al-Qaida, “the terror” network led. by.Saudi-born bin Laden and blamed for the Sept ..14.,°2004 attacks on the United States , has been linked to both. eases « | 11
Sentence & Shelia Chaney Wison seemed agitated when she came to help prepare for Tormer Monumental AME Church's upcoming 104th anniversary celebration , worshippers said. Sentence 2: Congregants of Tomer Monumental AME Church sid Shelia Chaney Witon , 43 , was agitated when she came to the church , in the Kirlorood neighborhood on the city 's east side. | 00
Sentence 1: hitel Corp. unveiled Wednesday its next generation Processor for cellular Phones”, personal digital. assistants and other wireless devices . r for cell phones , PDAs , and other wireless devices . | 11
Sentence 1: The House version pays 80 percent of a senior 's first $2,000 in drug costs after a$ 250 deductible. Sentence 2: Under the House-passed pian , seniors would pay 20 percent of drug costs , plus a $ 250 deductible annually . | 00
Sentence tp US ex 4) ‘ecutves are feeling creasingly Sumy bout business condtons av Profits , released Monday . | 00
Sentence 1: CiA Director George Tenet said the: two, men were," defined:\by dedication and courage.” Sentence 2:'\[ They] were defined by dedication and courage»; said\the CIA\'s director George: Tenet. | 11
Sentence 1:." The message is : If an individual is thinking of getting a flu shot , they shouldn 't wait. Sentence 2:" The message to the public is : If. ‘you are thinking of getting a flu shot, don't wait any longer, “he-said. " | 11
Sentence tk" Oh . it's never fun to be No 4, especially if you 've been No I before . Seatence 2." t's never fun to, be No. 4, eapectally if you ‘ve been No, | before , °,* said Willams ." | 11
Sentence’, Britali’-nas -sald. t will oppose articlés Calling for closer coordination: of tax. ‘and economic Bolicy-; to uphbld:the national right. oF. veto. Sentence: @: Britain has: said! it wantsto: haggle dver articies ‘oF the:dratt calling for. closet coordinatian of tax and econamgie-policy . | 00
Sentence 1: In 2001 , President Bush named Kathy Gregg to the Student Loan Marketing Association board of directors Sentence 2: In 2 Student Loan Marketing for students President Bush named her to the ciation , the largest US. lender % | 00
Sentence 1: In 2001 and.2002 , wire transfers from 4 of ‘the company 's 40 accounts totaled more than $ 32 billion , prosecutors said . . Sentence 2 Were transfers from four of the 40 accounts open at Beacon Hill totaled more than $ 32 billion from 2001 to 2002 , Morgenthau said . | 11
jentence i: NASA’ satellite images’ show that, Arctic ice has. een’ shrinking at thé rate of nearly 10.percent a decade, jenitence, 2: Researchers fouind-that:sea ice'in the Arctic i§ lisappearing at a Fate of g percent each decade : | 11
Sentence 1: fllso at increased risk are those — whose immune _ systems suppressed by medications or by diseases such as cancer , diabetes and AIDS . Sentence 2: fllso at increased risk are those with suppressed immune systems due to illness or medicines . | 11
‘Sentence: 1: Federal officials \ gave - the DPS officér an. FAA number’ to .call to initiate lost-sircraft. procedures Sentence: 2:. Fedéral ‘officials. then gave the Texas OPS officer’a umber’ to call ‘at the FAA ,to, initiate’ lost’ aircraft procedures : | 11
Sentence: 1: On Wail Stréeé , trading resuimed with some glitches from .the ‘blackout that continued to affect parts of New York City . Sentence, 2: Stocks barély ‘budged Friday as ‘trdding resumed with some. glitches from the blackout jn New: York . * | 00
Sentence st shares of Cellegy were down $ 2.08 , or 39%, 0 $ 3.48 in midday trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market - Sentence shares of Cellegy plunged $ 4.99 to $3.23 Monday on the Nasdaq Stock Market. | 11
1: Both Blair and Bush @ccusations thar they many tod intob insugonce bout weapons of struction to@nake | 11
Sentence I: By the time the two-term president leftoffice in 1989 ae ‘Navy had nearly 600 ships - about twice the ships it has Sentence 2: By the time that Reagan left office in 1989 . the Navy hhad nearly 600 ships - about twice the number that it has today | 11
Sentencé 1: Whe. Belice. remeved. the feur from © the heine’, they weighed 286 pounds combined - Sentence 2: Each wey weighed less than ‘pounds: when they were femeved frem the heme ects 18 | 11
‘Sentence 1: The truck carried the equivalent of 1.6 tons of TNT , emergency ministry official Ruslan Khadzhiyev said . Sentence 2: Another Chechen emergency ministry official , Ruslan Khadzhiyev , said the truck was carrying the equivalent of 1.6 tons of TNT. | 11
‘Sentence 1: It still remains to be seen-whether the revenue ‘recovery. willbe shoft-’ or: long-lived.., Sprayregen said . Sentence 2: It remains to’ be seen whether the “revenue recovery willbe Short- or long-lived , ” said James Sprayregen , UAL-bankruptcy attorney , in ‘court | 11
Sentence 1: By late Thursda saidthe US. A: New York had subpoenaed it taising the Possibility of a cri ttomey in the y/atternoon ; Putnan | 11
AOL. and FIC also said Jy rebates 6 | ‘led to, deliver timels Sentence) 1: CompuServe fail consumers - Sentence 2::in.a,,separate complaint the oF IC alleged that.AQL and Compuserve failed to deliver, timely $ 400 rebates, to,consumersi- | 11
Sentence 1:" People who are high in positive emotions sleep better , they have better diets , they exercise more , they have lower levels of these stress hormones , " Cohen said. Sentence 2:" Happy people sleep better , have better diets , exercise more and have less levels of stress hormones , " Cohen said . | 11
nce t -PC-related) products were: «ithe: trongest sellers , with microprocessors up 5.6 ent and DRAWs-up &2percent , the SLA said strongest sector with/microprocessors up 5.6 nce Zin July: PC-related products: were si cent and DRAM up 8.2 per cent over June. | 11
Sentence 1: without admitting or denying the S.E.C. * s allegations , ltr. Markovitz agreed to a permanent ban from associating with an investment jadviser or mutual fund . Sentence 2: He has agreed to a Lifetime ban from association with an investment adviser or mutual fund . | 00
‘Sentence tHe wag sentenced if Jihe-to more: than.seyer years. in prison for sectiities fraud, perjiy, ancl Other “erimes “Sentence 2 Tie was. sentenced to: niche eign. seven Years in: prisor after pleading guiky.to‘charges including. seculities Hated “ | 00
Sentence i: Though that slower spending made 2003 look better , many of the expenditures actually will occur in 2004, Sentence 2 Though that slower spending made 2003 look better , many of the -expenditures will actually occur in 2004, making that year 's shortfall worse, | 00
Sentence 1: The single currency droppéd ‘to 136,94" yeri compared-with.its late US. levélof 37.64 Sentence:2: Against the Japanese’ currency, ., the Euro was at. 136.06 yen.cémpared-with thé late New York level of.136.037 14 | 11
Sentence }:On' Wednesday’, Judge’ Pollack: dismissed another case ; this-one against Meriill Lynch investérs.in the fi $ Global Technology Fund. Sentence 2: On Wednésday , Judge Pollack dismissed a similar class-action lawsuit filed by investors who. lost money in Merrill $ Global Technology fund : | 11
Sentence’ I: ‘the ‘30.yedr bond US30YT: =) RK firmed 26./:32 , takin} yield to-4:17, percent, ‘after: hitting ancien record low of 4:16 percent Sentence 2:: Thé. 30-year; boad “USSOYT’-=. RR firmed 14.7 32 5 taking:its viel aa 4:19 percent from 4.22 percent. | 00
Sentence 1: They found molecules that can ‘only be produced when ozone breaks down cholesterol . Sentence 2: And all of the samples contained: molecules that can’ only be produced: when cholesterol interacts with ozone.” | 11
2 Sentence 1 She said in 2003 , not one US. state (Bhad an obesity rate below 1S percent ff Sentence 2- She said in 2003 . state had an obesity level less not one American the population . than IS percent of | 11
Sentence 1; Aniother piece would be-:sent to the lab in Virginia. for. additional testing’, Contesaid . Sentence 2: Another piece of the suit will be sent to Virginia for tiiore testirig , Corite said, | 11
SentencéF The company Feported that if terminated, Sequeit’s Unix ‘contract for” improper . transfer oF sourcecode and. development methods if. Linux. Sentence: 2 ‘SCO’ .-said--it, termhinatéd Sequent 's contr’ ‘to imptoper'transfer Of the company ‘s'Siurce code ‘nd development methods into Linux %% | 11
Sentence 1Zhe technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC > rose 8.25 points , or 0.45 percent, to 1,861.15. Sentence 27he Nasdoq composite index dropped 6.8 percent , and the Standard & Poor ‘s fell 4.9 percent . | 00
‘Sentence 1: Oracle 's offer“ undervalues the company and is fot in the best interest of stockholders , * PeopleSoft CEO Craig Conway said . Sentence 2: " Oracle 's offer undervalues the company and is, not in the best interest of PeopleSoft stockholders , " said PeopleSoft President and CEO Craig Conway ,' in the statement. | 11
L Both have aired videotapes of ~—ex-president = —_Sadda Hussein encouraging Iraqis to _ fight e US. occupation of Iraq . 2 Both have aired videotapes apparently from deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein . encouragii iraqis to fight the US. occupation . | 11
Sentence 1: During the fiscat second quarter , Cisco’ earned $ 991 million , or 14 cents a share, on sales of $ 4:7 billion . Sentence 2: Cisco reported earnings of $ 987 million , or 14 cents share , on revenue of $ 4.62 billion for the quarter ending in April, | 11
Sentence 1: Dixon put his style on display Sunday afternoon in winning the Honda Indy 225 at Pikes Peak International Raceway . Sentence 2: Scott Dixon eventually made winning the Honda Indy 225 look easy Sunday a Pikes Peak International Raceway . | 11
Sentence 1: While. it. was'| being. called _mandatory..; Dupont’ said. authorities ‘were net. forcing ~ people.’ from their honies:, : Sentence..2: It. was called mandatory. , -but Dupont said authorities “didnot. force people. to leave ” | 11
Sentence 1: Recall advocates say they ve turned in 1.6 million signatures ito counties . Sentence 2: Recall proponents say they we turned in nearly twice the umber of necessary signatures . | 11
Sentence 1: Thursday , Mr. Romanow called it an offence to democracy to not implement a council that so many Canadians support . Sentence 2: Yesterday , Mr. Romanow said it was an affront to democracy to not implement a council that so many Canadians support . | 11
Sentence 1: On Wednesday , 2 man was shot near Kut as Iiated 1o1un over hwo meres ofa checkpoint Sentence 2. Je Marines shot on attacker stare town of ia as he wed ton over hao Manes ate checkpomt “4: | 11
etree Geverahy umanied = nd hen parnog aD ; it raulentient -spamis arse an 6STO00" «Gates writes, waning us up fr the punchline sestence2:Geney unwarted — andaen pO vith rave inent — paisa ada S100 | 00
Sentence 1: Strong spokeswoman Stephanie Truog said , " We are in the process of a thorough internal review with the assistance of outside professionals Sentence 2: Patria! Financial released tement Wednesday night 2" We are in the process of a thorough internal review . | 00
Sertence &* imagine that in someone 's fucking brain.” Kieboid sakd Sertence 2 imagne . one said, wirat @ buset wots do ln someone ' brain - | 11
Sentence t Based on the ristory and success of The Winston Charette , | Detteve theres no piace Dut Lowes Motor Speeawoy tnat can ait pastice. ‘Sentence & * Bosed/on the history ond success of The Winston Chartotte, iDetleve there 's no place but Lowe 's Motor Speeawoy ‘nat can ait pstice. * | 11
Sentence 1: Geoghan , 68 , was takento Leominster Hospital , where he was pronounced dead at 1: 17 pan. Sentence 2: Mr...Geoghan was taken to the University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Alliance Hospital in Leominster , Mass . , where he diedat1:17 p.m. | 11
Sentence 1: Associated Press Wriler Sara’ Kugler contributed . [to [his report from New York Cily . Sentence 2: Associated Press” Writer Michael Gormley con[ribuled. [0 this report from Albany . | 00
Sentence 1: The Taiwan Stock Exchange will sk the Securities and Futures Commission ( SFC ) to suspend trading in Mosel sl ares . Sentence 2: A request for a two-month extension was denied and the Taiwan Stock Exchange is to ask the Securities and Futures Commission ( SFC ) to suspend trading in Mosel shares . | 00
‘Sentence 1: The lawmakers were departing Wednesday and expected ‘to arrive in Pyongyang on Friday . Sentence 2 The lawmakers expected to arrive in Pyonavang on Friday and leave Sunday for South Korea | 00
Despite compatition ene drug ‘Aceutang} flaghip drug sales tase paren Excluding exchange} rate ewings and nine pareent in franes to 1031 billion a 2 Flagship firug sales rose 21 pareent exeluding exchange nate ewings and rine pereant in franes to 1031 billion , while diagnosaiés sales} fall one ares kn foanes to 387 billion . | 00
tence i: Phone calls to itzer ‘s office , Citigroup ind Goldman Sachs were not immediately returned . ntence 2: A message left with pitzer ‘s office as well as| itigroup and Goldman Sachs were ot immediately returned . | 11
Sentence J: Lucent 's stock shed 6 cents , or 27 emt, to close at $ 2/6 after heavy trading on the New.York Stock Exchange on iday Sentence 2: Lucent ’s stock was up a penny at $2.22 mhea trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday afternoon | 00
Sentence 1: Like the outgoing centre-left Coalition , the next goverment is expected to come under pressure to hand over indicted war criminals or risk losing Western aid . Sentence 2: The next government is expected quickly to come under pressure to hand over iwar criminals or risk losing crucial Western aid | 00
Serterce f Barbiri 6 commerce came Tuseday | the @econd diay of the Mirfetertal Corference ard Expo on Agricutural Science ard Technology Sereerce © US Agriculture Secretary Ann Vermmari — Kicke =—OfF— tha ~—three-clay Mirtevertal Conference and Expo on Agricuttural Science and Technology on Moreiay . | 00
Sentence -1: He also: said he. advised his grown-up children ‘not'to run up credit card debts , Sentence 2: Barclays chief executive Matt Barrett also’, said he -had. advised his children never to use credit cards . | 11
Sentence. fF? Around 9.2 GO'am, LOT | 1300°GMT:) the eura ‘was at.$- 1.1566 against the dollar | up-0.07:petcent on the day Sentenice2: Agairist. thie Swiss franc the dollar:was “at. 1.3289 francs”, up. OS Bércent’én the day’: | 00
Sentence i The euro was at 15276 versus the| ‘Swiss franc , up 0.2 percent on the session , after hitting its highest since mid-200) around 15292 earlier in the session . Sentence 2 The euro was steady versus the ‘Swiss franc after hitting its highest since| mid-2001 of L526l earlier in the session . | 00
Sentetice 1: Turki Nasser al-Dandani, another key” Saudi “operator: for’ Al. Qaeda* and--a second main suspect in the Riyadh Bombings remains.at large ‘ Sentence 2: Turki Nassér-al-Dandani , another suspected: Saudi’. operative’ for “Osama_ bin Laden's al-Qaida terror ‘network ‘and :top suspect in.the Riyadh. bombings"; femainis. at lage” | 11
‘Sentence 1: The draft of the report was forthright : * Climate change has global consequences for human health and the environment . * |Sentence 2: The original report had concluded that ‘| " climate change has global consequences human health and the environment , ' ' according jan internal EPA memo . | 11
Sentence 1: Only 12 of the last 30 attempts to reach Mars‘have ‘succeeded (two are in | transit}. 2 Sentence 2: Of about 30 ‘attempts to reach Mars, only 12 missions have succeeded. | 00
Sentence I: Although Mr Sorbello -was taken to hospital for.a check-up + he was later released-. Sentence 2: Mr Sorbello was taken to hospital for a check-up and later released , while Mr Pennisi thinks he may have cracked ribs - | 00
Sentence 1: He blamed guerrillas from the Taliban regime ousted in late 2001 and said it was possible the bomber died inthe blast . Sentence 2: He blamed the blast on guerillas from. the Taliban regime overthrown in late 2001 and said it was possible the bomber was killed in the blast. | 11
Sentence I: Excluding food and energy costs , the core CPI was up 0.1 percent last month , compared to a rise of 0.2 percent in July . Sentence 2: Excluding food and energy costs , the core CPI ts seen rising 0.2 percent , matching the July figure . | 11
Sentence 1:" We have. concluded’ that -the outlook for price ‘stability over the medium term has improved significantly since our last decision to lower interest rates," Duisenberg said. Sentence 2: In a statement, the ECB said the outlook for price ‘stability over the medium term-had " improved significantly " since its last decision to lowerinterest rates inMarch . | 11
Sentence 1: Novell is acquiring SuSe Linux in a S| 210 million cash deal subject to regulatory, approval . Sentence 2: Linux company SuSE was today acquired by Novell in a $ 210 million all-cash deal . | 00
Sentence ': Standard & Poor 's 500 stock index futures declined 4.40 points to 98350 | while Nasdaq futures fall 65: points to 1206.50 . . Sentence 2: The Standard’ & Posit’'s 500 Index was up 175 points: or 0.18 percent , to 977.68. | 00
Sentence 1: Hay wo mobile Koes and numerous, outhuildings. were destriy the niow-smoldering fire. ie jose of Boule ne ‘Sentence 2: He said eight or nivie hones had been secieplne sha rcwseclderind fon northwest of | 11
Sentence 1: He was the Ace of Diamonds in a pack of cards depicting Iraqi fugitives that has been issued to U.S. troops . Sentence 2: He was the ace of diamonds in a U.S. deck of cards showing pictures of most-wanted Iraqi leaders . | 11
i Ghulam Mahaiuddin , head of Cgministration in the southern province oF famand. said the bus blast happened early in the morning , west of the provincial capital Lashkargah . Sentence 2: The bus blast in Helmand happened early in the morning in Nod Al’ district , west of the provincial capital Lashkargah - | 11
Sentence 1 Many compensation experts had predicted Carty would get a generous severance deal because his voluntary resignation helped keep the concessions deals in place. Sentence 2: Many compensation experts had predicted that Carty. would get a generous severance package because his voluntary resignation helped preserve the concessions , the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported . | 11
Sentence 1: And although he has acted in period dramas before in screen versions of dane Austens Persuasion and Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Henchard is a breed apart Sentence 2: And although he has acted in period dramas before - in screen versions of Jane Austen 's" Persuasion " and Charlotte Bronte 's " Jane Eyre " - Henchard i a breed apart | 11
tence 1: The Standard & Poor 's 500 index rose 11.67, or 1.2 percent , to 975.26 having risen 3.3 percent last week ntence 2: The broader Standard & Poor 's 00 Index < .SPX > was up 9.05 points , or 94 percent, at 972.64 | 00
Sentence 1 Hernandez has __been treated For breast cancer . and Moore suffers From non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma Sentence 2: Hernandez had breast cancer and Moore is being treated For nontHodgkins lymphoma | 11
Sentence + At first , the animals ' performance declined compaed to the sessions on the joystick . Sentence 2: At first , the animals ' performance declined compared with the joystick sessions . a | 11
Sentence 1: It will be the first handset to ship with the . Smartphone -2003 version of Microsoft 's ( Nasdaq : MSFT ) Windows Mobile software , the mobile operator said Sentence 2: According to the company . it will be the first handset to ship with the Smartphone 2003 version of Microsoft 's ( Nasdaq : MSFT ) Windows Mobile software | 11
Sentence 1:" We must defend those whom we dislike or even despise , * said Neal R. Sonnet , a Miami lawyer who led an association panel on enemy combatants . Sentence 2:" We must defend those whom we dislike or even despise , * said Neal Sonnett , a Miami lawyer who headed an ABA task force on enemy combatants . | 11
Sentence 1: Daniel said it takes about two hours and 15 minutes to drive from his home to Nashville . Sentence 2 Daniel said D ‘Antonio left between 7:28pm. and. gpm adit takes about two fours to deve from 2s Home to | 00
Sentence % Yale spokesman Tom Conroy said the university was prepared to keep the campus running with temporary workers and managers doing extra work. Sentence 2: Yale spokesman Tom Conroy said the university planned to keep the campus running with managers and temporary workers performing union workers" jobs. | 11
Subsets and Splits