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Sentence 1: A.C. Milan is in second place with 13 points, after two first-half goals from captain Paolo Maldini earned them a 2-1 victory over Reggina. Sentence 2: A.C. Milan lost to Reggina. | 11
Sentence 1: On April 27th. Pavolini went on, ahead of his: troops.- and reached Mussolini. Accompanying him were Angela Curti, the former mistress of Mussolini. Sentence. 2: Angela Curti was Mussolini's mistress. | 00
Sentence 1: In other words, with its 2 million inhabitants, Slovenia has only 55 thousand professional soldiers. Sentence 2: Slovenia has 2 million inhabitants. | 00
Sentence 1: The President George Bush administration, on Friday, ordered the sale of 30 million barrels of ‘crude oil from the government's emergency stockpile to halt runaway oil prices triggered by Hurricane Katrina. Sentence 2: European nations were considering releasing oil reserves to help the United States after Hurricane Katrina. | 11
Sentence 11 The.World Health Organization’ moved Friday, t- revise alarming “predictions: that a pandemic stemming’ from the bird flu virus ravaging parts of. Asia, could kill.ds many ab 150. million people, Sentence 2: The U.N. health agency has’ distanced itself from.a top officials prediction that a global influenza:panderhic, Could kill as,rany:as 150 million people. | 11
Sentence 1 Hell teach” the new. environmental engincering classes at Carrell asa, full-time professor. The school said his position will be funded by a twe-year grant from the US. “ Department ‘ of ‘ Education. While Weight. couldn't .be reached by phone this week, past studies have taken “him to Lake Titicaca in. Peru, where he studied mercury “levels in’ the’ lake's fish, He authored the "Hydrology . Fiéld.. Manual,” along ‘with. ‘other. professional journals: In ‘the fall semester, Weight will begin teaching water quality, as :well as a hands-on class in stream restoration. The following spring, hell, teach new ‘classes in‘ air quality and groundwater flow ‘rnodeling Sentence 2: Lake Titicaca, is located. in Peru. | 00
1 HN, On i, 2,205 Hain Wit. atin, Ti Ce ed ie ert Pai ols in Had rig fie dyn w Ca. eri he ie i erie 12,2005 Minie ero oad a pi ‘Cab and rate fh ‘ane ein mie vote” kd wing ig. be inn a, wh th ty oe ion Mn i esi ne i.” = | 00
Sentence) 12, There;|.are:cmore;:than '4,000street children: in the capital city of Ulan Bator. Senteinke 2: The popitlation of Ulan Bator is 4,000: | 11
‘Sentence I: GUS on Friddy disposed of its Femaining homne-shopping. business and: shopping Ing company. Wehkamp:'to Industri Kapital. private equityf é | 00
Sentence’: 1: The | Dow. “Jones ’ lidusirial’ “Average (DJIA), one’ ofthe maii’ stock indices: in “the United States, has’ broken an all-time: ‘closing’ record, to. close: :aé 44,000.41. points ‘whichis up 82.19 points (0.59%):, from -its: last: close. -Just, 59. days before, thé ‘Dow hit‘an_all-time ‘high. when it passed 13,000, This is. the first. time the DJIA. has ‘ever closed” above “14,000 ‘since its’ debut. on: May 26,1896; Sentencé’'2: The Dow:Jones. bas._ gained points. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Hydrogen cyanide is used in manufacturing chemicals ‘sich as tryptophan and other amino acids ‘Sentence 2 Cyanide is used in the production of pharmaceuticals. | 11
’Setitence Prime”. Minister» Matnoud Abbas~ has. ‘Offered. “the. “harnd’’ :of. peace’. 16° Israel! after’ ‘his. landslide vietory in Sunday” presidential election. Sentence | 2: Mahmoud Abbas: ‘has claimed °. victory: in.‘the presidential élections, | 00
gentéiice1: The bet, whieh won him, dinner for four, was regarding the existence and mass of thé top: quark, ‘ant * ntary "particle discavered ‘in 1905. Poet RS Sentence 2:. The, Top Quark ig the ‘last’ of six flavors. of ‘quarks predicted “by ‘the standard. yiodel theory, of partic pliystes. | 11
Aetcs rs Dy nf Det ptr spr ferns ay ey Leta | 11
Sentence 1: Geoscience Australia said the 5.3 uake did not generate a tsunami. The 2004 Indian \cean earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.0, riggered a series of lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004 that killed over 270,000 people, making it he deadliest tsunami in recorded history. ISentence 2: A tsunami is a series of waves created hen a body of water rapidly displaced on a Imassive scale. | 11
Sentence I: An initial bid to prevent seven former employees of GM from working for Volkswagen for 12 months was thrown out by'a.Frankfurt court. Sentence 2: All charges of anti- competitive staff poaching were later dismissed. | 11
‘Sentence’ 1; Whilst the Government has an absolute miajority in. the Australian Senate, it is not. guaranteed. that. the. necessary legislation will pass this house. Garnering the support of. key, Senator, Joyce is critical-to ensure: that the bills will pass (as he will have the deciding vote) and he has already stated that, due to a damning report released earlier . in ‘the House of Representatives-showing that fourteen. percent _of lines were faulty amongst other criticsm, that it has turned the "green [light] to amber" [1]. Sentence 2: MrJoyce is an Australian Senator. | 00
Sentence t A. young gunman. known, Scarface has -been jailed for life for the murder of a promising teenage footbailer, Richard Harrison-Allen, 20, shot Etem. Cetebi dead in November 2007 as he tried to-flee the scene in the Smalley Close estate, Stoke Newington, north . London. Gang member Harrison-Allen, from Hackney, east London, who was convicted of the teenager's murder earlier this month, was sentenced to a minimum of 26 years at St Albans Crown Court. He Sat _motiogiess as sentence was. passed. ‘Sentence’ 2: "Scarface". is the nickname of Richard Hartison-Alten, | 00
Sentence 1: Fiot’s Gionei Agnelli, camer of Juventus, wos quoted by Itolion newspapers os saying thot when Boggle come off the Feld efter the Meco gome, "Hefocked Whe 0 wet robb.” | Sentence 2: Giovonal Agnelli is the président of Fiot. | 11
Sentence 1: tt Soe eee ae your's date —jine vb hes along with the annouincement of 2 guest Dime anumator Floyd Norman. The events theihe “will be "It's a Jungle OUt There!’ Sertence 21) Hinds hase contact 'with ‘the Mitwssee | 00
Seriténée i: These ‘acoustic. methods are. now;. expectéd: ‘ta, be’ useful : for the -long- Fange: remote sensing af schools of fish. ds well ‘as.. for -distant:*dcedn ‘bottom charactertzations : : Sentence 2: ' Ocean Tetiote : sensing’: is developed. | 00
antence 2: | 11
sentence t: Archaeologists have found: approximately 30: beautifully preserved mummies in a.4,000 year ‘old Egyptian necropolis. which:. held-; 53 tombs. Supervisor of Antiquities - for Middle Egypt Dr Abdel-Rahman El-Ayedi's team: established his archaeological site inthe Faiyum Oasis near the ’El-Lahun; Egyptian pyramid which is just south of Cairo. Besides the. mummies, the team found masks, amulets, clay pots and. an offering table located in a, funerary | 00
Sentence 1: Akmal’s colleague, Walter Murray of the Gulf Intelligence Monitor agreed, saying it would be foolish for the group to alienate potential supporters in the West and endanger the fruits of years of lobbying western governments with such attacks. Murray felt the bombers were more likely “...loose cannons..." in Iran's military or intelligence services. According to Iranian top national security official Ali Agha Mohammadi, "[t]he terrorists of Baez infiltrated Iran from the region of Basta" in southern Iraq." He added that “[t]hese terrorists have been trained under the umbrella of the Americans in Iraq." Sentence 2: Walter Murray works with Akmal. | 00
Sentence 1: Recently of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), where he worked in media and public relations, Mr. Jay Walsh was announced as the replacement for Sandy Ordonez as the communications officer for the imedia Foundation on an_ internal mailing list on Tuesday, 8 January. "I'm extremely grateful for [Sandy Ordonez's] hard work and excellent judgement," said Sue Gardner, Executive Director of Wikimedia Foundation, in her announcement. Ordonez managed the WMF's public and media relations from January 2007, and will stay on in Florida until the end of the month when the Tampa office is closed. | 00
‘Sentence I: The Securities and Exchange jommission’s ‘new rule to beef up the independence of mutual fund. boards resents an industry defeat. ce 2 The SEC's new rule will. give ids independence. | 00
Sentence 1: Castro's. successful. visits} to Harlem and the Bronx, his. speech! to the ‘ United.. Nations ‘Genera Assembly, andthe: October 21 march] of 3,000... against : U.S. « policy. ‘and| subsequent picket lines at. Cuba's U. mission: in defense. of the revolution. -| all these events dealt.blows to the U.S. government's. unceasing ‘efforts to isolate and ‘slander. Cuba. “Sentence 2: Castro visits the UN. | 00
Sentence 1: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize, though he was nominated for it five times between 1937 and 1948, Sentence 2: Mohandas received the Nobel Prize in 1989. | 11
‘tence I: Ahern, who was travelling to ‘okyo for an EU-Japan summit yesterday, ill consult. with other EU leaders by elephone later this week in.an‘effort to ind an agreed candidate te presidency of he European commission. tence 2: EU leaders. found ‘an greement about a candidate to the post f European commission president. | 11
Shed arena ond Jndustrial preventing. affidayits wee wil -be to determine ‘wha copied: from GM “data. \-sanontial Industrial ‘eopionage i to be proved. " Prine woe ont ach wolving GM and. YW: | 00
‘drinks a¥@ 100 pricey hed locations fel fguirvee months oF quarters by Ihe pergaplen that &s 3 Wednesday that-sales-alpestabis! tence 2 Starbucks 6a US cates giant= seoneine| | 11
Sentence 1: Recording go. tradition, they founded. | Tenocheiclas - ( “Place’ of che Iigh, Prise: Tenody’ ) afer imich wandering when, they: Y onan island in Lake Cexcoco the sign that their |) god Duiczilopochsli had indicated -- an eagle perdved on ¢ eaeniis;-earing serpent: | 00
Sentence 1: Three anti-Olympic games protesters, posed asa flower delivery service, quickly ransacked British Columbia, Canada premier Gordon Campbell's downtown Vancouver, British Columbia office yesterday afternoon, breaking windows and throwing pictures, office documents,-and various other items. After the suspects were caught, they said that they were upset over Campbell's support for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia. They also claimed to work for "The vknti- Poverty Committee’. They are now facing charges for property damage and uttering threats during or after the incident. Police are only identifying them as a 23-year-old man, a 29-year-old man; and a 17- year old female. The 23-year-old faces a third charge of assault by trespassing. Sentence 2: Vancouver is located in Canada. | 00
Sentence. Kinbia’s ‘pioduction tnix® wil hi 6 higher sroperton of Inher 2 Unie lost years Qatif-and Abu: see evelopment pearly al roposed: projé Produce: ‘Arai Tighter etudes..” Sentence’ Sdudi Avabia praduces more iil ‘than any. country. | 11
& Tropical Storm Debby is blamed for | Several deaths across the Caribbesa, Sentence 3% wih | 00
4: Tne interest of, the outers) ’ erence 1: The NGag! ine Heh OT ne bee J unput module for me spect. @ four-channe Crcerurer, POF Berman — Cor : _ a pnianed. sentence 2: Porsche # © German cor | 00
Sentence 1: caps, 2g given water to drink, then pire ay rleans Ochsner Foundation Hos |, where nurse Jinny Resor si he was treated for. dohyiiration: Sentence 2: Ochsner Foundation Hospital is located in New Orleans. | 00
Sentence 1: Anorexia in males accounted for approximately six percent of cases | seen in an eating disorder clinic. Sentence 2: Anorexia becomes common in males. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Lt. Mark Banks, of Savannah, Ga. tends to a patient who was medically evacuated by US. Navy helicopter toa temporary triage site in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. ‘Sentence 2:US. Military evacuated U.S.citizens. | 11
Sentence: 1: But “acedrding to Br. Williams, other members of the patel have’ championed ‘other ideas; ‘or exarhple’ that planets stigukd be larger .than 2,000 kilometers or about-1;250 miles). in diameter (Pluto is bout 1,500 miles). . jentence :2°.1he!-diaméter of Pluth,:metisures 1,500 niles, ° | 00
Sentence 1: Three police officers have been killed by a gunman in Pittsburgh - the second mass shooting in the US in 24 hours. The officers were responding to an ‘emergency call from the house of the gunman, named as Richard Poplawski, 23. Police said he was waiting, armed with rifles and a bulletproof vest. He shot two officers as they entered the house, and a third who tried to help them. He then traded gunfire with police for four hours before being injured and giving himself up. His friends said he had recently lost his job, and was worried. that US President Barack Obama was about to ban guns. Sentence 2: In Pittsburgh the police killed a gunman. | 11
Sentence |: Argentina sought heip- from Artain on its i yoaialin program and ‘encguraged-Bitish iy estment. Sentence 2: rpentina soipht UK expertise on privatization cnd agriculture | 11
Sentence 1: Bledsoe will be released by the Buffalo Bills, a move that upset the 33-year-old quarterback who started ‘every game for the team the past three seasons. Sentence 2: The Buffalo Bills are releasing Drew Bledsoe, their quarterback. | 00
Sentence 1: Startling new research into mobile phones ‘claims they may reduce a man’s sperm count by up to 30% Sentence 2: Male fertility may be affected by use of a mobile phones. . | 00
Sentence 1: Thanks to the recent acquisition of ‘J.D. Edwards, Oracle will soon be able to run JDE apps on its Fusion Middleware platform, too. Sentence 2: J.D.E. is the owner of Oracle. | 11
‘Sentence ad | 00
Sentence 1 In Bosnia, diplomatic determination ombined with military muscle to create on The formulated to end the wor in | 11
Sentence 1: United States President Barack Obama unveiled his administration's 2010 United States federal budget on Thursday. The budget calls for a record US$36 trillion in spendingThe new budget will use a $175 trillion deficit, which would be nearly four times greater than any previous deficit and is $250 billion larger than what was projected just days ago due to a proposed new spending for another bank bailout. Sentence 2: Barak Obama planned US$3.6 trillion in spending. | 00
Sentence 1: Taliban have started -to-pull out “of the Buner ‘district: if northwestern. Pakistan-in the ‘light of siiecessfut talks. among ail. stakeholders, local newspaper The News feported or Saturday. The administration. of North-West Erantier- Provitce, Taliban ‘and én -qutlawed group: Tehrik Nifaz ‘Shariat‘e-Muhammadi. (FNSM) Friday held. successful talks.in' Batkhila-to stave off-d'loaming' military operation, said the report. The Taliban liolding Buner district eventually agiéed to vacdte thé area-alorig with: their arms. Soon-after. the, talks, the administration and -Taliban representatives ‘décompanied: Maulana Sufi Muhammad, founding .chief ‘of TNSM to evict the mititants from Buherin their-presence. Sentence 2: Maulana Sufi Muhammad is:the leader of Tehri Nifae Shariat-e-Muhammadi : | 00
Sentence 1: The American television network "CNN" reported that-officials at the: American Defense” Department (The Pentagon) will recommend halting the bombing ‘on. Iraq to. President Bill Clinton this evening, Saturday, Sentence 2: CNN reported that officials at the Pentagon ‘said’. that -President Clinton® is obligated to stop the shelling on Iraq . | 11
Sentence 1: THE Government wants Nigerian mother-of-two Pamela Izevbekhai’s case to stay in this country, struck out after revelations that documents used in her action were forged. Ms Izevbekhai has been to the High Court 22 times to prevent her family's deportation on the grounds that her two daughters Naomi (7) and Jemima (6) will be subjected to, female genital mutilation (FGM). However, she admitted last weekend that some documents given to the courts were forged. She has stood over her claim that she had a baby daughter, Elizabeth, who died from blood loss as a result of FGM. If her case is struck out, she and her daughters face deportation back to Nigeria. Sentence _2: Pamela _Izevbekhai_comes_from ‘Nigeria. | 00
Sentence’ I: Bush and his wife Laura, departed the White Maryland mountains. Along with the first ladys mother, Jenna Wetch, ° the” weekend gathering. includes the president's parents, former President George HW Bush and his wife, Barbara: his sister Doro Koch and her ‘husband, Bobby: and his brother, Marvin, ant his wife, Margaret Sentence 2: The name of George HW. Bush's wife is Barbara. | 00
1: The kidnappers want the Kuwaiti im that employs the men to stop doing jiness in Iraq and to pay compensation to the victims of U.S. strikes in Falluja. 2 The kidnappers paid sation to the victims of the U.S. | 11
Sentence “4 The US. state of Florida entered an agreement on June 24, 2008 fo purchase the US. Sugar Conporation, the largest manufacturer of cane sugar in the US. in an effort to restore the Everglades. Terms of the lagreement —stafed = that_~— the purchase would be cdimpleled within 75 days, but thot US. Sugar | 00
Sentence 1: The world's oldest known child has_been " wan orca ‘appropnat as the Cradie of Humanity. The 33-millon-year-old fossilized toddler was uncovered in north Ethiopia's badlands along the Great Rift Valley (map of Ethiopia). The skeleton, belonging to the primitive human species Australopitheaus afarensis, is remarkable for its age and “Completeness, even Tor a fegon specaculay Nich mi fossils of our ancient ancestors, experts say. The new find may even trump the superstar fossil of the same species: “Lucy.” a 3.2-milion-year-old adult female discovered nearby in 1974 that reshaped theories of human evolution. (Related: "Fossil Find Is Missing Link in Human Evolution, Scientists Say” (April 2006},) ‘Sentence 2: Lucy fossils have been discovered 3.3 mition years ago. | 11
‘Sentence US Secretary’ of State Condoleeza. Rice has’ expressed her anger after “a meeting with Sudanese President mar Hassan al-Bashir during’ which: her aides. and staff were mistreated by Sudanése security agents. Sentence :2: Condoleezza Rice is the U.S. Secretary of State. | 00
Sentence 1.Prosecutors: in’ South Africa are set ‘to. announce, whether . they., wil, drop corruption charges -against African. National, Congress: leader. Jacob Zuma. Mr, Zuma. jis.. widely expected, to: become the .couritry’s hext. president after elections later: this:month. He-is accused of graft, racketeering and» money-laundering, in’ connection with an arms deal. signed with western companies: if, 1999. The, 66-year-old denies the, charges) and. says they are. part of a political plot Mr Zuma: was -first’ Charged in,2005,‘but has. yet to, face trial. Sentence 2, Jacob, Zima is .66-years fd. | 00
S@atOade> 4 Police. say that he. was Wearing orange overalls, a balaclava and a pistol when he. stole, $6300 from Cherrywood at about 3:5 p.m. Outside the bank Leatham was trying to hijacka cat, he threatened an old man with his pistol, eventually stealing a black, Mitsubishi Mirage. The. car Was ater found abandoned around Fairmont Terrace in the Glenn Terrace or Ridge Street. area. Saytegde.2: Children in New. Zealand are forced to wear orange overalls. | 11
Sentence 1 God Fepresents the New Orleans Saints and m Benson's local interests Sentence —2-—Nex—Orleqns Saints aie-paoe. bf Tom Benson. | 00
Sentence t: "The aflershocks were less in the past two months, but it seerns fo be starting again. We are really worried abou! the fale of these islands,” Smnriti Katia Saha of Ranjat village in the Middle Andaman Island told Reulers by phone. Sentence 2: Smrili Kana Scha of Ranjat village is part of the Middle Andaman Island. | 11
_ Settee ie Flos: are one st wpe’ mest itespieid “disasters. . Major flooding “has - occurred, Nearly ‘every «year “somewhere on ‘Ur cotttinent ‘during the Last Fé decades. ~Seatence 2 Fisting in Europe <oxses ‘io economia | 11
Sentence 1: She would later return to the Contest in 2005 with "Angel." an anthem she penned herself, and achieved second place. Now, in 2009, she will be returning to Eurovision for a third try, hoping for the "3-2-1" charm and a victory —something that has eluded her thus far. Her entry, the ballad "What_ If We," has special memories for Chiara; it is dedicated to her father, who is recently deceased. Sentence 2: Ms_Siracura joined the Eurovision Song Contest. | 11
Sentence! i Traditioi OF, the: tiesets: Sold Fal Warped’ °. Tour, . Fa in 3 ce sof the bictiets | 11
‘Sentence +: "Child labor" is, generally speaking, work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mena, coy or by blocking access to education). ‘Sentence 2: Child labor is widely used in Asia. | 11
Sentence 1: Beamon's jump was a world record that eclipsed _ the previous record by 21 3/4 inches. The jump. still stands as an. Olympic record, and stood as a world record until Mike Powell leapt 29' 4 U2" at the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo. Sentence 2: 2,45 m_is the world record in the highgump. * | 11
theumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis, the Nobel. assembly said, Sentence 2: Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by ‘Microbes, | 11
Sentence 1: Zapatero visited the following |) cities in four days: Brasilia, Sao Paulo, | Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile.| According to official sources these visits are’ the last part of the project he began at the| EU-Latin American Summit in Guadalajara,| Mexico and pursued in the Ibero-American meeting in Costa Rica in November. Sentence 2: Zapatero participated in the Tbero-American meeting in Costa Rica. | 00
Sentence k On February 1, 1990, during a spacewalk, Alexander Serebrov dons an experimental flying armchair that had been delivered to Mir with Kvant 2. Unlike US. astronauts, who flew untethered flights with a similar device, the Soviet cosmonaut remains attached to the station with a safety tether, since there is no space shuttle to pick him up in case of an emergency. Sentence 2: US shuttle Atlantis docks with the Mir space station. | 11
named; Nonja, who. was believed to-be. the oldest: living orangutan in the world. both in captivity and. the. wild, has. died at. the Miami MetroZoo’ in Miami, Florida: "Everybody's very sad, ith -an:. animal, like. an . You see t. of yoursel these animals, The great apes are our. closest relatives. She was really a grand: | 11
Sentence I: In an interview this week, the president lsaid that Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will be a valued part of lhis administration until his presidency comes to an lend. |Sentence 2: Dick Cheney is Vice President of the IDefense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. | 11
Sentence |: Centre-left voters’ in haly have chosen Romano Prodi as the candidate who will. challenge... Prime” Minister’. Silvio Berlusconi in. next.’ year's ‘election... The former European Commission president and. Italian PM’ won. 73.5% to Sentence 2: Romano Prodi wins: Italian primaries. =, | 00
“Sentence “1;" CVS." will... stop Selling: its “own. brand : of: -500= milligram acetaminophen Caplets ‘arid pull: bottles ‘From store *:; shelves’. + nation: "wide, “spokesman Mike DeAngelis‘ said: Sentence CVS. will “notsel1 its: own-brand of 500=niilligeam acetaminophen’; caplets. * any longer - : “Sos ~ | 00
Senterice 1: Johti.Letinon’s widow, Yoko Ono, approved! ‘this muséum as the world's first museum to horor Johin| Lennon, - Sentenice 2:.¥dko Ono is John Lennon's widow. | 00
Sentence 1: Aiticgh the bith ates te highest “has bega'for five years, there were stilt more: deaths tf Scotland than iets last yet 7 Sentence 2: » Scotland 1 Te Ewropeah country with. the highést binhrater : | 11
Sentence & The Prine Minister's Office and the Foreign Office had earlier purposely asserted that the case is strictly in the jurisdiction of the police and the justice systen. Sentence % The jurisdiction of the case was queried by the Prine Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. | 11
Sentence 1: Ruth's 1927 single season record of 6@ home runs _ stood ynsurpassed until Roger Maris hit 61 in Sentence 2: abe Ruth hit 6@ home runs | 11
Seritence 1: Althoiugi the ‘dcimesticshiarkets for cigarettes it America inthe “1990s Was ‘greatly Feiluced due to ‘baits. om ailvertising, ‘snokinig-in public places. arid health warnings, ‘Ainerican tobacco coipanies-were showling @ higher profit Sentence’2: Cigiartte sales hive, déclined-dite to vestrictions on advertising | 00
Sentence 1: Among the fascinating sites in the Sry are Independence Hall “where the Dedlaration of Independence was signed. and One of Americas principal symbols of Freedom, he Liberty Bell, located in Congress Hal : Sentence 2 ‘The US ‘laration of Independence is located in Aifierica. | 11
—— Sentence 1: Meanwhile, in an exclusive interview with a TIME journalist, the First one-on-one session given to a Western print publication since his election as president oF Iran earlier this yeor, Ahmadinejad attacked the “threat” fo bring the issue of Iran's nuclear cctivity to the UN Security Council by the US, France, Britain and Germany. Sentence 2: Ahmadinejad is a TIME magazine journalist. | 11
Sentence 1: Dr Raynard Kington, of the US National Institutes of Health, which funded the research, said: "These findings establish that genetic factors play a strong role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). "Detailed analysis of the genes and how they affect brain development is likely to yield better strategies for diagnosing and treating children with autism’ People with ASD, which include autism and Asperger's syndrome, have problems with social interaction, poor communication skills and tend to engage in repetitive behaviours. Sentence 2: The ASD includes diseases such as autism and Asperger's syndrome. | 00
Sentence 1: Seoul City said Monday a 690-meter-tall 133-story multifunctional - skyscraper will be constructed in Sangam-dong. Once built, it will be the second highest after the 800-meter-high Burj Dubai, which is under construction, by South Korean developer ‘Samsung C&T: The construction will cost more than 3.3 trillion won ($2.37 billion), the city estimates. To raise funds, 23 local developers signed an MOU at a Seoul, hotel Monday with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon attending. “The landmark ‘building will help make Seoul more attractive and become a new tourist attraction here,” ‘Oh said. The multifunctional building will have hotels, offices, department stores, convention centers and various recreational facilities including an aquarium and movie theaters. Sentence 2 The highest skyscraper in the world is being built in Dubai. | 00
Mitelice “I: decision. ‘to ‘allow:-the: exited ftalian, ‘dyal family:to-return’to Italy may’ be-granted amid he discovery that’.the: head of ‘the ‘family,.Prince ittorig: Biymanuele, addréssed the: president: of. taly propérly. He" has called President’ Clampi ‘our’ resident; the. president of all Italians’. sentence 2: Italin toyal family feturns hime”. | 11
Sentence 1: Chinese Premier, Zhu Romgii,.dnd German. * Chan¢gllor,.. Gerhard. Schroeder} loperied .: the’; .:world's.. :fipst. : carrimercial magnetic. levitation {imagiew) ‘train -yesterday| hwith-both sides.having much.to gain-from: its} success; Rs [Sentence 2; Both Mr Sthrdedeh and.Mr. Zhu have thuch'to gain if maglev Succeeds. | 00
Sentence ‘1: The .’ship,. ..owned . by Mitsui.0:5.K. Line's: and’ flagged in the Cayman: Istands; < came.:-under. ‘attack. at’ around ..4 p.m: > ‘Somali time (UTC+3) “as gunfire ¢ame from two’ small . priate’. “boats. |. The vessel, with d‘-crew of. eighteen from -the.: Philippines, “suffered Light: damage ‘to. its’. front. and: windows - were. broken: The. Jasmine Ace: was:,. en-route . from Sharjah, United “Arab “Emirates-: to “Mombasa; Kenya. Fhe '126..75m car ‘carrier had loaded’. with”: .377- “used cars | in Sharjah .on March: 17. — | 11
Sentence 1. The settlement midst.’ be “approved. by Citigroups board of directors: gird the: board: of Regents of the University of California: fhe’ leéd’ plaintiff for investors. in the case. ‘ Sentence, 2. The’ Usiversity of ‘California’ board: af Regents’ stil. needs to'rafify the ‘setileinent. = as does Citigroups board of directors: | 00
|| Sestence 1: He graduated trom high’ schooi Tenn. and from Tennessee Tech, Sentence 2: Tennessee Tech is an Organisation, based in Cookville. —. ——_ | 00
Sentence 1: Helena Brighton, an allorney for Eliza May who served as execulive director of the Texas Funeral Services Commission -the stale agency thal regulates the funeral business~ claimed thal she was fired from her stale job because she raised questions aboul SCI. Sentence 2: Eliza Moy hired Helena Brighton. | 00
Sentence .1: German ‘Siemens «and ThyssenKrupp : may ‘sell relevant. core technology. to China, which owns the first commercially operated maglev line. Sentencé:2: Maglev is commercially used: | 00
sentence 1: about the ue of capital punishment are jeterrent_val 7St available because jit impossible t notw who may have been deterred from} | committing a crime. 2: Capital punishment is @ deterrent to crime. | 11
itll nat ; i | i . i | 00
Sentence 1 Local health department officials were quoted (as saying that the bridge over the Santa Barbara river, in southern Bers’s Ayacucho province, “broke in two” as students and teachers fram four rural schools were croming it while foing home. Fernando Valencia, « surgeon with « local hospital confirmed in reports thatthe death toll had risen to nine. The accident also injured ST others, most of whom were children between the ages of 10 and 13, Valencia said. Fourteen of the victims were in critical condition Local police said the 120-meter bridge, made of wooden boards and slats held tofether by steel cables, collapsed becanse too many people were on it Sentence 2: The Peruvian bidge in Ayechuce province broke because of the weight on it. | 00
Sentence 1: Maximo Rene Mendez in an apparent smuggling scheme died after doctors disconnected life-support equipment. Sentence 2: A cocaine-imbibing Miami man had life support removed. | 11
Seritence 4: The article also. nientions. the greater prevalence ‘of obesity’ among two minority populations; African-Americans:.and ”Hispanic/ Latino, but does not consider in its analysis of the increase in obesity the increase of. these these populations #s’‘a. proportion of the United States. population. African-Americans, ‘and .. Hispanic/ Latinos have a higher rates of obesity than White Americans, while “Asian-Americans have: a relatively low rate . of obesity. Despite ‘only representing one third of the U.S.- jopulation, African-Americans and Hispanic/Latinos represent. about.one half of the population growth. ‘Sentence 2: African-Americans are a minority .in the U.S. | 00
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