‘Sentence 1: Two large dogs running in some grass. ‘Sentence 2: Two brindle dogs running in the grass.
Sentence «t= Russian «TV reports fled «= attemgt oo Pin Sentence 2 Russia, Ukraine felled plot fo kill Putin report =p
‘Sentence. ‘di; Maldives ‘president quits.” after. police ..mutiny, protests Q vy ES Sentence 2: Naldives” president “quits: after.weeks ‘of: protest; * *"
‘Wells’ other series include NEC's ER and ‘2 Wells other series inctude NBC's "ER" and Watch”
Sentence 1: Missing plane search turns to Vietnamese islands Sentence 2: Missing Malaysia Airlines plane ‘crashes off Vietnam’
‘Sentence t the international community should modernize and seek a fair, reasonable and effective way to enhance the nuclear non- proliferation regime through _ extensive consultations. Sentence 2: the third proposal was that countries should advance with the times and seek a fair, reasonable and effective way to enhance the nuclear non-proliferation regime through broad consultation.
‘Sehtence: mantookeff he sunglasses whiléjalking. Sentence2:4 mamireaniiga harttat removes hisplsses as espe
Sentence A. womani. with two men ’-in hats socializing outside. ‘Seiitemce 2: A:.young. woniail ‘with @ knit’“cap: statids ‘against-the wall of 4 Domino's Pizza.
Sentence 1: ‘The man _ is riding a motorcycle down the road. Sentence 2: A man is riding a red motor yele on the road.
Sentence. 1; Bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350 : -Senterice 2: Bangladesh’ factory ‘owners arrested
‘Sentence 1: lol Looking forward to seeing your built-in’s! ‘Sentence 2: Look forward to seeing it!
‘Senin F Rina joy seins tenisuade win sucag ve
Sentence 1: Or this one by Jim Croce We are all vessels filled with many wonders. Sentence 2: We are all vessels filled with many wonders.
Sentence 1: Man'dies in-Co Donegal Holle fre Sentence 2 Woman dies in Co Cork house fire
Sentence 1: Dotson ‘told FBI agents that he shot’ Dennehy: after the player. tried. to shoot him, according to the arrest warrant affidavit. Senitencé 2: Dotson was arrested July 21 after telling FBI. agents he shot Dennehy when? Dennehy tried to.’ shoot :: him, according to the-arrest warrant affidavit.
Sentence 1: The onus is on the manufacturer of a product to convince consumers it is safe. Sentence 2: The manufacturer has to convince the government it's safe.
Sentence 1: North Korex: experts call for dialogue Ad and say China must play apart Sentence 2: North Korea cs last ties with South by barring joint industrial park
Sentence t The woman was hospitalized june 15. Kansas heath officiats said. Sentence 2 Missouri health officials said he had not been hospitalized and is recovering
Sentence 1: g Bailout Tax, Cypri to Get Cash Out of Banks Try) y Sentence 2: Bailout terms prompt run on Cyprus banks
Sentence 1: Te lawyer representing Tach Concepts Rich Marsten didnot respondto repeated phone calls Sentenee 2: Officials with Torch and ftBlue didnot respond to repeated phone cals om the Mercury News seeking comment
‘Sentence 1: Glover spoke at a news conference that included about 20 relatives of the victims. 4s Sentence 2: About 20 family members of the victims were invited'to the news conference.
Sentence b A man Is playing « guitar. Sentence 2: A man is playing an electric gukar.
Sentence’ Ahad Sentéace.2
Sentence t: French, retirees will increase from. -one® fifth. to” @ third of the population’ by 2040. Sentence 2: By 92040, retirees’ wilt account for-a third of the population, up® from a fifth today. 7
Sentence 1: A potted plant in sunlight from a window. Sentence 2: fi potted plant with only a few sprouting.
Sentence J: Equpt's Masti Brother Reluses to Back foots . ae “Sentence 2: Equption ‘court sentences Muslin Brother hood leedps to. tile in betson
Sentence 1: A black dog with a blue collar is running in the snow. Sentence 2: A black dog wearing a blue collar is |running through the snow.
Sentence The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index IXIC-was off 0.11 percent, of 178 points, at 1594.13. Sentence 2: The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index SPX was down 0.04 points, or O percent, at 97152 <
Sentence 1: Mali interim leader takes office Sentence 2 Malis interim. President Sworn Into Office
‘rman 6 spicswmman Maria Geng red yng loos ry moh ke an aed een” Sete 2 ok ey woh tan ae vet Wr eh razon poesnoman Mala eng sal
Sentence 1: group of people sing. ‘Sentence 2: Some people are singing.
‘Sentence 4: Formiet-Indisna Rep. Frank Velie, 64, died Sunday, it it Blsominigton after a battle with. Bladde cancer: Serene Nclokey ded Sry from in shone ee legit ith der cance
Sentence hb A boy: plays violin ‘on stage: : Sentence ene boy is:onstage playing: the violin.
fence i UN) Chief Finds His Voice; Remains Cautious:on! China entence: 2: Insight: |U.N. chief’ finds = his’ oice, bub remains: cautious on China
1: you have no remains of o missile ot Pentagon. 2 you have no witnesses for o missile ot! pentagon.
Sentence: “1 ‘Sentence 2:
Sentence t The monkey is hanging from the trees. Sentence 2: The monkey swung from branch branch.
Gentence 1: Pictures show completed Costa Concordia operation Sentence 2: Timelapse of Costa Concordia operation
Seite 1 he Seiad Elis SAE er rent “or $200 per naried user. : ‘serkence: 2the’ Standard: Edtion ‘One’: is ca. singe’ processor version’ (oF ‘the’ -Ofatle~ Standard Eaton Dikiibase,
Sentence t Angelina Jolie's aunt dies of breast cancer ‘Sentence 2: Angelina Jolie and the complex truth ‘about breast cancer
Sentence 1: A man is tying on a stenographers machine. Sentence 2: the man used a stenograph.
Senténce -1: Staff writers: Selwyn, Crawford. and Colleen’ MéCain’ Nelson’ -and.: Brian Atidersen.of DallasNews.cdm'contributed to this:réport. Sentende2:.Staff writers ‘Brandon Fojrnby ‘and Callkem Maca, TER ISON SOM to this report
Sentence 1: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies of cancer Sentence 2: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dies of cancer at 58
Sentence 1: A woman is sitting on a sidewalk with a cell phone at her ear. Sentence 2: A woman is riding her bicycle.
Sentence t Chinese president maeggy Greek PM, calling fer strenger partnership Sentence 2yp President meets Indian vice ts
Sentence kA woman is swinging her arms. Sentence 2:A womag is ° slicing an onion.
Sentence 1: Winter Storm Jon: State-By-State... Sentence 2: Winter Storm Janus: State-by-State...
“Sentence 1: Yahoo agrees to buy’ Tumblr: for. $1.1 billién cash Sentence 2: Yahoo ‘to. Buy Tumblr for $1.4, Billion
Sentence I: A few miles further ‘east ig Jehuacan, where corn: ? may first: have been domesticated 4: OOO years ago:
Sentence Li) A civoman splits garlic.cloves. : Sentence 2:-/A° woman. is.-breakihg a head-of garlic into: claves.
Sentence\1: Russian Prime Minister Ore Second. Day Of Crimea Visit Sentence BMRussia» warns-against ssetting preconditions for Syria
Sentence 1: indian Maoist rebels offer talks to free Malian hostages: Sentence 2: india: Maoist rebels in tatks on freeing Malians
Sentence I: Someone is greasing a pan, Sentence 2: Smeone is laying down,
Sentence 1: The broad Standard & Poor's S00 index <.SPX> advanced 11 points, or 1.25 percent, to 931. Sentence 2 The Standard & Poor's S00 index gained 10.89, or 1.2 percent, to 931.12 as of 12:01 p.m. in New York.
Sentence 1: At Teast two Nato killed in Afgbantstan helicopter crash: military Sentence 2: At least 18 killed in Afgban bomb attacks: officials
Sentence 1: A group of people are marching in place. Sentence 2: A group of people are dancing in concert.
Sentence 1: Nadal tops Djokovic for 7th French Open title. Sentence. 2: Tennis: Nadal defeats Djokovic for Montell title
Sentence 1 He also could be barred permanently from the securities industry. Sentence 2: Young faces a fine, suspension or being permanently barred trom the securities Industry.
Sentence ‘1s: Sendmail .said’ the. system can. ‘even | be: sét” up-to. permit. -business-only usage." : : “Sentence 2: The: predict can ‘be instructed .-to permit business-only Use, according to, Séndmait: = mai *
that forced al but one of Yale's dining hails to close. Sentance 2 The unions also staged 2 five-day strike in March, strikes have preceded eight of the last 10 contracts.
Sentence 1; ‘The: Cleveland Cavaliers Won the. Fight -to draft, James.” by: winning -thé -NBA's ‘annual’ Lottery Thursday. night;. Sentence 2:. Sich. wag “the case Thursday’ night when’ the ‘Cleveland’. Cavaliers “won the- “LeBron Janes, Lottery," otherwise’ known as~ the~ NBA draft lottery:
Sentence % Asian markets gain on upbest US economic date Sentence 2: Asion markets lifted by positive US, Chine date
Sentence 1: AMD's chip sales jumped 7 percent year-on-year to $402 million. Sentence 2: Second-quarter sales grew 7 percent, to $645 million from $600 million in 2002.
Sentence 1: US Atiomey. General Holder reigns Semtence 2: Attamney General Exc Holds eo Regn
Sentence 1: A boy is playing the piano. Sentence 2: A man is playing a piano.
‘Sentence 1: China trade returns to surplus in March Sentence = Tense calm returns to south Tel Aviv
Sentence 1: "Would you like to pay for others health care?" Sentence 2: "Would you like to wear your seatbelt?"
Sentence 1. The statewide- unemployment ‘rate fell.to.64 percent, down ‘from.a revised 67 pércent in August. Sentence 2. The ‘unemployment rate in: ‘San Joaquin County dipped last month tg.85 percent, down nearly a full percentage point from August.
Scatence I: i don't want a president who ‘ares’ Scatence 2: don't want a president that is compassionate.
Sentence 1: A\woman fires a shotgun. Sentence 2: A woman is shooting a gun.
Sentence 1: A manis playing guiter Sentence 2: A boy is playing a guitar.
Sentence 1: Three.) bays are running on the beach playing a game. Sentence 2: Two young Pays and one, young man run oP 8 beach with water behind them:
Sentence t Sentence 2
; suns PAH tt money i te gt do ty ) fit Senten 3 Bet wey ten tn 8 hes to ot many et
Sentence 4: The-darre survey. rionth aga tiad Stroet eee Heir avin ieee ante Alle Percent undecided. : . ja Serene 2 One moh go te ne bo Kotz: was lnscing 46 to 40,perostt,
Sentence 1: A'yellow: shirted man wearin @ golden sun mask Sentence 2:'A man in a yellow shirt wears a gold, sun-shaped’ mask.
Sentence 1: New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday Sentence 2: DealBook: Stock Exchanges Prepare to Open
‘Sentence t A person is playing a guitar. ‘Sentence 2 The man played his guitar.
Sentence : Qn Tuesday, the central bank left intarest rates steady, as expectad, but also declared that overall risks were weighted toward wookness and warned of ioFlation risks, Isentonca 2: The contral bank's policy board left rates steady far now, 2s widely expocted, but surprised the markt by doclaring that overall risks were weighted Howard weakness.
Sentence -1:-Death.:toll from Phil ippine earthquake rises, ‘to 185 Sentence /2: Deatti tolk from. + Philippines quake tises to'144
Sentence ceiling. main is swinging'from a'rop¢ attached to.the man is switigitig-on @ rope. Senténice
Sentence 1: the mexican govggiment has adopted a series of measures agains® drug trafficking and| organized crime within mexico since 2006. Sentence 2: since 2006 mexico has adopted a series of measures against drug trafficking and organized crimes.
+ Two dogs prying wath a bal in a pix, 2: Two dogs stand in & puso, and one, MAS & yellow tents bal. : . ory
Sentence Te ilet jump a fence Sentencé 2:A idecrjimping over. a frig
‘Gentance 1: The woman holding a black purse is smoking 2 cigarette ‘Genance 2: A woman with a back bay is smoking a dgarette
Sentence 1: A kitten is eating its food from a plate. Sentence 2: A kitten eats some food.
Sentence 1: 4 cat s ploying with an antenna. Sentence 2: A boy i playing in the mud
Sentence 1: A man and woman are walking. Sentence 2: A man and woman walking hold each other.
‘Sentence 7: In. 2006; the group.says the inarket ‘will rebound 29.6 percent. 'to $21.3 billion in-sales. Sentence 2°:In: 2006,*Asia Pacific’ will ‘report. growth of. 79: ges to: $81.8 billion:
Sentence I: Sorieane is sliiig o cucumber Sentence 2: man is skcing « cucumber
Sentence 1: Named in the complaint were former: chief executive officers Paul -A Allaire and G. Richard Thoman and former CFO Barry D. Romeril. Sentence 2: The executives fined included former Chief Executives Paul A. Allaire and. G. Richard Thoman as well as former Chief Financial Officer Barry Romeril.
jentence 1: president viadimir putin signed a jecree suspending russia's participation in the ‘onventional forces in europe treaty. jentence 2 russian president vladimir putin igned a decree suspending russia's participation in the conventional forces in europe treaty due ‘0 circumstances that affect the security of the ussian federation and require immediate easure.
Sentence: 4:‘A .wornan .placit (ona. skateboard on.the bead Senténce.-2: ‘@ woman, hglds ‘a babyson'e skateboard dt the,beac
Sentence A. large jet on-the-ground: at the airport. ’ : Sentencé'2:‘A passenger jet'flies through the air,
Sentence 1: Egypt forces set to block access to Morsi protest camps Sentence 2: Egyptian forces move to clear pro-Morsi protest camps
Sentence}: A grdiip of river: barges with trees inthe background: Sentence '2:° A “young. igi wearing a bike helmet with a bicyelin inthé ‘background
Sentence .1: Suspected - ‘al-Qaeda : financier: arrested in France Sentence 2:. Three al, Qaeda suspécts arrested in Spain
Senlence tA woman is in the ran Soinee 2A ox r abng the