class label
2 classes
Sentence 1: Bill passed the half-empty plate to John because he was Full Sentence 2: John was Full
Sentence 1: Fred was supposed to run the dishwasher, but he put it off, because he wanted to watch TV. But the show turned out to be boring, so he changed his mind and turned it on. Sentence 2: He changed his mind and turned the TV on.
‘Sentonce : The sculpture roled off the shelf because it wasn't level. |Sentonce 2: The sholf wasn’t lovel.
Sentence 1: If the con artist has succeeded in fooling Sam, he would have lost a lot of money. Sentence 2: The con artist would have lost a Jot of money.
1: Frank felt vindicated when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the inner of the competition. 2: Frank was the winner of the competition.
Sentence A:was trying. to open the lock with the. key, but someone had filled the’ keyhole with chewing gum, arid | couldn't get it in. . Sentence Beouldn't get the key.in.
Sentence 1:1 cant cut that tree down with that axe; it is too small. Sentence 2: The tree is too small.
Sentence 1 Stretching her back, the woman smiled at the oft. Sentence 2: Stretching the womans. back, the woman smiled at the git.
|Sentence 1: Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they tere not prepared for the cold in Alaska. | Sentence 2: Fred and Alice were not prepared for the cold in Alaska.
Sentence ¥ There is a gap in the wall. You can see the Garden behind it. ‘Sentence 2 You can see the garden through the gap.
Sentence: 1: Adam’ can't. leave: work here until-Bob’‘artives t6:replace him..If Bob had left: home:-for. work: on. time, he would be gone: by this time: Sentence 2: Boh would be gone by. this
‘Sentence 1: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookiés; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies. Next time, we should make more of them. Sentence 2: We should make more of the oatmeal cookies.
‘uw Jim yelling at some guy in a military jth 2 huge red beard. I dont know who he wad but he looked very unhappy. Sentence 2: I don't kn }ow who the guy in uniform was, but he looked very un happy. ee 44§ ——__—_l
+ Joe paid the detective after he delivered he Tinal report on the case. 2 The detective delivered the final report n the case. ”, ° *
Sentence t: Sentence 2;
The table won't fit through the Sentence 1: is too narrow. doorway because it i Sentence 2: The doorway is too narrow.
Sentence i: Ann’ asked Mary what time the library closes, because she had forgotten. Sentence 2: Ann had forgotten.
Sentence t The cat was lying by the mouse hole wailing for the mouse, but it was too impatient Sentence 2: The mouse was too impatient.
Sentence,.1: Jackson was greatly influenced by. Amold| though." fe’. lived”. two" centuries * * eartier ‘Sentence 2: jacksoatived two centuriés ‘earlier.
Sentence 1: Jim Sercied pe bomon ond gesnred foward his bamrroom key. ‘Sentence 2 Jim signaled he barman and gespred foward” The = barman's ~~ bofroom key.
jentence 4 The journalists interviewed the stars of the new movie. They were very persistent, 0 the interview lasted for a long ime. entence 2: The stars were very persistent. so. the interview lasted ‘or a long time.
Seritence-J: Lionet is holding ‘captive. a-scierttist, Dr. Vardi,.who has ‘invented.a device’ that tums. anifhals -irvisibte;, Lionel plans, to. usé it, “on Geoffiey and’ sénd:him ‘to Steal nuclear: material fram divvdemy vault. Sentence 2:Lidnel plans to:ube it art Geoffrey and send Br. Vardi fo Steanuctear-material. fram an ainiy vault.
heya read Paul's books ‘Ske popular because
Sentence & The father carried the sleeping boy Ifghis bassinet. Sentence 2: The father carried the sleeping boy In the father's bassinet.
Senténce 1: When the shohsors Of the.bill got to the’tavin ‘all, they were Surprised 10 find. that the root was full-oF ‘opportents.Théy weFe very much iti ihe majérity Sentence..2°"The.” oppiénents..were very. ffuchy in the thdjprity. :
4: Sam broke both his ankles and he's iking with crutches. But 9 month or so from ow they should be unnecessary. 2: The ankles should be unnecessary.
Sentence 1: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon veryone talked that night. that not one thing should be damaged on the ship xcept only the ammunition, but the aptain and all his crew had best stay in fhe cabin until the work was over. tence 2 The captain and all Mr.
Sentence 4: | can't cut that tree. down, with that axe; it is too thick. Sentence he axe is too thick,
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more truthful. Sentence 2: Mark should have been more truthful.
Sentence 1: Billy cried because Toby wouldnt accept his toy. Sentence 2: Billy cried because Yoby woulda ccept Toby's toy.
Sentence 1: What about the time you cut up tulip bulbs in the hamburgers because you thought. they Were onions? Sentence 2: You thought hamburgers were onions?
Sentence 1: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had cancer and presented several options for future treatment. ‘Sentence 2: Dr. Adams had cancer and presented several options for future treatment.
Semence 1: Even before they reached town, they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said it was firecrackers. Sentence 2 Dora asked what the town was.
Sentence 1: ‘Sam pulled up:a chair ‘to the piano, : > butit was broken, so he hadtosing instead. <*~» Sentence 2:.The'chait was ‘proken, $0 he had to sing instead. > .
‘Sentericé 1 Ad, Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, shé colild'see'the landing’ gear. Senténge 2 andrea’ guild see the landing:gear.
Sentence 1: I'm sure that my map will show this building; it is very good. Sentence 2: The map is very good.
‘Sentence t:Lily spoke to Donna, breaking her concentration. Sentence 2:Lily spoke to Donna, breaking Lily's concentration,
Sentence 1: I couldn't find a spoon, so I tried using a pen to stir my cof it that turned out to be a bad id because it got full of coffee. Sentence 2: The pen got full of coffee. *
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more truthful Sentence 2: Pete should have been more truthful.
Sentence 1: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoyed. Sentence 2: The man was very annoyed.
Sentence 1 Mary took out her fide and.played one of nev Favorite pieces. She has had it since she was 3 chic. Sentence-2, She has‘had the piece, sine she was 8 chile
Sentence 1: AS Andrea “in the -crop duster passed over Susan, she could. see the lariding strip: Sentence 2: Andrea could See the landing strip.
Sentence 1: Bob was playing cards with Adam and was way ahead. If Adam hadn't had a sudden run of good luck, he would have won Sentence 2: Adam would have won
entence 1: The table won't fit throug because it is too wide, n the doorway entence 2: The table is too wide.
Sentence: Beth didn't get angry with Sally, who had cuther off, because she stopped and apologized. Sentence 2: Beth stopped and apologized.
Sentence 1: The signs over the shops' doors had pictures that indicated what work was done inside. Although more and more people were learning how to read, each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because he happened to be illiterate. Sentence 2: Each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a pgggible patron merely because the patron happened to be illiterate.
| Sentence i: Everyone loved the oatmeal conlias Bny 0 Few People liked the chocolate chip | Cookies Next time, we should make fewer of them.
Sentence t: [ couldn't put the pot on the shelf because it was too tall. Sentence 2: Che pot was too tall.
Sentence 1: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had recieved. Sentence 2: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help Joan had recieved.
Sentence Lk. The firemen arrived before the police’ because’ they were coming from so far away. Sentence 2% The firemen were coming from so far away.
Sentence Billy fh, fooht. oF him because Sehtence’: Bily'is's!
ence |: Archaeologists have oncluded that humans lived in Laputa 0,000 years ago. They hunted for deer n the river banks. ence 2: Prehistoric’ humans hunted ‘or deer on the river banks.
Sentence 1: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop. Sentence 2: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took Ralph's bishop.
paid she detective ater he revetieihihe. Teporton the case | Sentence #he detedtjve pried the final Teport on the case; fi
Sentence 1: Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't convince him. Sentence 2: Mark couldn't convince him,
2: He could not help Dad now.
Sentence Bernard, who” had. not told “the government official that he was ess than 21 onan he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything’ dishonest. still, anyone wha knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from hi Sentence 2: Anyone who-knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away fram Bernard. :
Sentence Alice ted frantzaly to stop her daughter rom barking at the party leaving us to wonder why she was behaving <0 ‘Sentence 2: Alice's daughter was behaving so strangely.
‘Sentence + Although they ran at about the same speed Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start ‘Sentence 2: Sue had such a bad start.
Sentence 1: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall, they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents. They were very much in the minority. Sentence 2: The sponsors were very much in the minority.
Sentenée 1: The cdr (clogged: with’ nai. IP fa ramoved. =. 7" Séntericg 2: "Wie hair
Sentence “1: When - Tatyana “reached. the® cabin, ‘her mother: was: sleeping. She was Careful. not. to: disturb. her, undressing: and: clisbing back: ‘into her berth. : Sentence 2: ‘She’ Was. ‘carefut. not to disturb “her, undressing: .: “and elinbing back si Tatyana’ S-berth.
‘Sentence 1: this book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe: it was a fine selection of his writing. Sentence 2: It was a fine selection of ‘Shakespeare's writing.
Sentence 1: Larry, a timid teen-ager, lives with his widowed mother in a Brooklyn housing project. Larry's father, a gang leader, was shot to death; his father’s disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and quickly molds him into a drug runner. Sentence 2: His father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and quickly molds Larry into a drug runner.
Sentence 1:1 couldn't find a spoon, so | tried using’ a pen to stir my coffee. But that turned out to be a bad idea, because it got full of ink. Sentence 2: The coffee got full of ink.
' Sentence 1 Paul tried to call | Seorge on the phone, but ni wasn't successful, Sentence successful, George wasn't
Sentenos i: -Archaeologista ~ have concluded. : that. -humans . lived’. in Eaputa ” 20,000." :years.. ago. ° They nunted: -for: vevidence onthe river banks .. Sentence 2: Archaeologists” hunted for’ evidence on. the ‘river ‘banks.
Sentence 1: | was trying to open the lock with the key, but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum, and I couldn't get it out. Sentence 2:1 couldn't get the chewing gum out.
Sentence I: The customer walked into the bank ‘and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the police station Sentence 2: The customer was immediately taken to the police station
Sentence George got free tickets to the play, but he gave them to Eric, even though he was particularly eager to see it. Sentence Bzeorge was particularly eager to see it.
Sentence t Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down. They are popular because Paul writes so well Sentence 2: Paul's books ae popuar because Pau writes so wel.
Sentence t: Thom: on visited Cooper's grave in 1765, At ‘hat datehe had been dead forfive years Sentence 2: Thomson had been dead for five years,
‘Sentence Tom threw bis sehootbay dows fo Rey ater be reached the top of the tees. ‘Sentence E Yom resched the top of the stairs
Sereerce 8 The door oF the ahop cowed i j
Sentence 1: The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't anchored. Sentence 2: The sculpture wasn't anchored.
Sentence 1: tm sure that my map will show this buikling; it is very good. Sentence 2: The building is very good.
Sentence 1: Jane knocked on the door, and Susan answered it. She invited her to come out. Sentence 2: Susan invited her to come out.
Sentence 1 The customer walked into the bank and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the hospital. Sentence 2: The teller was immediately taken to the hospital.
Sentence ‘1: Sam pulled up a chair to the piano, but it was broken, so he had to sing instead. Sentence sing instead. hhe piano was brokeri, so he-had to
Sentence 1: The’ older’ students were bullying’ the Younger ones, so.we punished them. Sentence 2: We pxinshad the older students ae
sentence f John couldn't see the stage w ie is so short th Billy in front of him because sentence 2 Joli is so short
‘Sentence 1: James asked Robert fora favor but he refused. Sentence 2: Robert refused.
Sentence 1: Mory tucked her doughter Anne ito bed, thot stie could work. ‘Sentence 2: Mory tucked her doughter Anne into bed. that Mary could work.
Seritence b Mary tucked’ her daughter, Anne. into bed so that she. could sleep, 2 Mary, ticked her daughter “Anne into:bed, sa‘ that Illaryj could sleep.
Sentence 1: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't use it. Sentence 2: We couldn't use the path.
Sentence 1: The foxes are getting in-at night dind attacking the ‘chickens, They havé gotten.very nervous: “Sentenced: The foxes huve gouten Very Rervouse
Santeace | used on ott rag to clean the beife, ant then | petit in the freer. Sentence 2:| pt the rag in the drawer.
Sentence 1: Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was next. Sentence 2: Bill's turn was next. ag
sR se ete fee oe Sieh a i ie
Sentence &: fam tried to paint a picture of shepherds with sheep, but they ended up looking more like golfers. Sentence 2 The shepherds ended up looking more like golfers.
Sentence & Beth didn't ‘ge angry with Say: ha ath DRE she stopped a ind counted totem. Sentence 2: Beth stoppei. atid counted ta tan, “ee
Sarena ice its ising he. ron dtr of he buon Maa fod in: No tne tof okt resin ie oat pho bin sh hd ht for abot, so she pu te abun ona chariot even enn i : ‘Serio 2 Sh psf obi oc wit eve pring eau”
[Sentence 1: Then Dad figured out how much the man lowed the store; to that he added the man's board- bill at the cook-shanty. He subtracted that amount {from the man's wages, and made out his check [Sentence 2: Dad subtracted that amount from the man's wages.
isin: Jobin vind Soap igh Oe when he aie rence mat
‘Sentence 1: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs dangled. ‘Sentence 2: Ollie's legs dangled.