In the same way, not only would online courses allow students to fulfill duties to the family, such as working, students can also prioritize their hobbies and ambitions;. For example, in this generation, common teenagers gain fame and fortune from becoming social media influencers. This requires them to travel for meet and greets with fans, have tours, always take pictures, make videos and advertise products. Additionally, some athletes are apart of extremely competitive travel teams that require them to travel often for tournaments and competitions. Such extracurricular activities should not be given up because it interferes with school. Those activities are the passions and hobbies of some individuals and online schooling would allow them to get their education and participate in events they love.
Lastly, online schooling would compel students to develop valuable traits and skills. Taking online courses is different from physically going into school buildings because in the buildings, students sit at a desk and are instructed by a teacher, versus, online classes require communication via email or conference call. As a result of this, online students must develop initiative and independence. They cannot rely on constant reminders from teaches and classmates about when assignments are due, additionally, because they have the freedom to complete assignments at any time prior to the due date, they must have time management skills so not all tasks are left undone until the last minute. The students must also acquire mental and emotional strength, as they will always be studying alone in their homes without the comfort of their peers. When the students learn to acquire these traits, success in their online courses and beyond would be inevitable.
In conclusion, there are many benefits from being able to attend school classes from home through online school or video conference calls. Some examples include: reduced stress, ability to fulfill other responsibilities and prioritize hobbies, and finally, develop valuable skills that will assist with success in the online course and life after high school. Generic_School is very aware of the damage some students suffered from because they were compelled to attend school away from home, so they instituted the Hybrid Program and Virtual Generic_School, which allows the students to take either all their classes from the comfort of their home, or just a few so they take a few courses in the building and others at home. This gives the students the power to control their schedules and make their high school experience and academic load less stressful.         Dear Principle,
I am an eighth grader at your school.
And I am going to propose an opinion on whether or not the whole school should be required to do community service or not.
My answer will be supported with examples and other forms of evidence.
I think that you should not make everyone do community service.
There are plenty of people who should do it and people who cannot do it.
Many teens these days play sports and have families to attend to.
Although everyone SHOULD do it, doesn't mean they can do it.
I, for example, can't because of baseball.
I play in two different leagues and I am trying out for the school team.
There are many others who are just like me and just can't even if they wanted to.
The people that do have time to do it are doing good for our society and so it does not mean that everyone must contribute.
Also, if you think about it, a lot of teens, especially eighth graders, will not want to do it at all.
Teens these days just aren't caring for our economy, society, etc.
And if you do not listen to me and make everyone do it anyway, there will be protesters and you never know what they might do to get you to stop it.
It is great if people want to do it but like i said before, not everyone wants to or they just cannot have the time to help out.
Thank you for taking your time to read my (hopefully convincing) letter to you.
And that you please consider the possibilities of what might happen if you do go through with your plan.
Eighth grade student,
STUDENT_NAMEThe Reality of Distance Learning
Have you ever taken the time to consider how much technology dominates our daily lives. The worldwide increase in technological advancements have changed people's lives drastically in the past few decades. Like almost all other aspects of society, the education system was also majorly affected by this spur of innovations across the globe. Online resources such as e-textbooks and file sharing has made it possible to replace almost all physical assignments in our school system. While some technological advances do make education much easier and efficient, this doesn't mean doing everything regarding schoolwork online is a good idea. Schools are starting to offer distance learning as an option for students to work from home through online conferences and tools. This may seem very beneficial at first, however, distance learning has certain negative aspects that should not be overlooked. Being able to attend classes from home would not be beneficial to students because this will cause a decrease in student productivity, increase chances of cheating among students, and deprive students of the discipline and social skills that a regular school environment teaches.
Students are scientifically proven to be more productive while working in places they associate with said work. A regular school environment helps students be more productive by eliminating outside distractions and helping students focus better on their work. These are conditions that simply cannot be replicated in a house environment for the student. A house is associated with relaxation, sleep, safety, and nourishment. Being in an environment like this simply doesn't help students be productive and focus. An example to this is my uncle who works in the I.T field. He used to work from home for a long time, giving advice to companies about their online systems and programs. He switched to working in an office two years ago and saw a major increase in his productivity. He said having a designated place to work helps get in a working mindset which directly translates to more work being done. The working environment a school provides for its students is an essential part of education and shouldn't be eliminated through distance learning.
Cheating and plagiarism are major issues that are being fought against all over the country. Every school district wants to combat cases of cheating as much as they can. Many guidelines and regulations are put in place in an attempt to end this widespread phenomenon. However, offering students to attend classes from home goes against everything that's being done in order to prevent cheating. Without a teacher to supervise them, students who work from home will be much more prone to cheating on test or other assignment, which would give them an unfair edge on their peers. Last year, my math teacher gave us a take-home quiz. Her goal in doing so was to give us more time to work on it so we can work at our own pace. She did this in order for us to be more successful on the test. At first glance, it seemed like her plan was working since everyone in the class got very good scores on said assignment. However, we later found out that most people were looking up the answers online when the class average for the real test came out to be unexpectedly low. In a case like this, having students take the quiz assignment in class would've led them to actually learn the material instead of searching the answers up online and taking the easy way out. Most students don't put an effort to seeking out ways to cheat, but when given an easy opportunity, most of them will be prone to do so instead of trying to challenge themselves.
Along with all the academic advantages schools have over distance learning, they also provide a social environment that school age students need to be exposed to in order to develop necessary social skills. A school is the best place for students to make lifelong friends, share memorable moments with people, and go through so many more social experiences that will prepare them for adulthood. A friend of mine, who was home schooled until ninth grade, always talks about how much better a real school environment is compared to being educated at home. Because of this, he's very socially awkward and anxious around people. A distance learning program, where the student can stay home all day and isn't encouraged to go outside and socialize, is destined to result in students suffering from similar consequences.
In conclusion, technology has been useful in many aspects of our education system. This, however, doesn't mean our education should be completely dominated by technology. Schools offering students a distance learning option where they can study from home results in many problems such as lowering students' work productivity, and having them be more inclined towards cheating. On top of this, distance learning eliminates the advantages of a school environment such as providing better focus and teaching students necessary social and disciplinary skills. The distance learning option may seem like a decent idea at first glance, but in its roots lie many problems that would have to be solved in order to make it beneficial.Phones and Driving
In these times, phones are a huge distraction while on the road of driving. A Georgia law was made that drivers are to have a phone holder while driving in the vehicle, but there is still a large abundance of deaths in due to car accidents. According to research conducted at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), teens who do not frequently use a phone while driving believe the benefits of putting away their phone while driving outweigh any drawbacks. In my opinion, I believe that phones should not be allowed of use during driving because it is inconsiderate of other drivers, it is illegal, it increases the number of deaths per year, and because it's a myth of multitasking while driving.
One reason I believe that phones should not be allowed of use during driving because it increases the number of deaths per year. For example, cell phone use while driving statistics and texting and driving facts show that this behavior is common and dangerous for teen drivers. Distracted driving is dangerous, and cell phone use while driving is a major factor. In 2018 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving was involved in 2,841 motor vehicle crash fatalities. Among those killed: 1,730 drivers, 605 passengers, 400 pedestrians and 77 bicyclists. Knowing cell phone use while driving statistics and texting and driving facts may help people manage a dangerous crash risk. Though texting and driving caused many injuries and deaths, there are still people who don't think it's a problem and are confident that they can use their phone and drive simultaneously. However, 34% of teens aged sixteen to seventeen spend about 10% of their driving time outside of their lane. This affects other people who are driving and can cause the deaths of innocent lives.
Another reason I believe that phones should not be allowed of use during driving because it is inconsiderate of other drivers. The consciousness of events happening around vehicle has a huge impact on driving. It is necessary for the drivers to monitor outside events and their possible impacts on driving. Using cell phones make it difficult to keep an eye on the outside events. Negligent behavior is highly immoral and unethical as it exposes human lives to a huge threat of accidents that could ultimately lead even to death. Now, a new study indicates that damn near everybody uses their phone while behind the wheel, damn near all the time. Using sensor data from more than 3 million drivers and 5.6 billion miles of trips, driving analytics company Zendrive found drivers are using their phones on 88 percent of their journeys. The average driver spends 3.5 minutes on the phone per hour trip, a stat that sounds worse when you realize just a two-second distraction increases your risk of crashing by 20 percent.
The last reason I believe that phones should not be allowed of use during driving because it's a myth of multitasking while driving. Multitasking is valued in today's culture, and our drive for increased productivity makes it tempting to use cell phones while behind the wheel. People often think they are effectively accomplishing two tasks at the same time. And yes, they may complete a phone conversation while they drive and arrive at their destination without incident, thus accomplishing two tasks during the same time frame. Most people think that the electoral college is not reasonable. I don't think they're wrong. The electoral college is very unfair. It is unfair because the people's votes might be overuled, the electoral college is biased, and they may not pay any attention to the people's opinions.
First of all, in some cases the popular vote might not be of any value. Besides, the popular vote doesn't matter in the decision for president it elects members for the electoral college. So if I wanted to vote for a republican president but the electoral college ends up voting for the democrat I would have wasted my time going to vote. Clearly, the electoral college's vote overrules the popular vote.
In addition to overruling the popular vote, the people on the electoral college are biased. If the people who are on the electoral college are biased then, they might not take people's votes into account to their electoral vote. I know no one would want their vote to be ignored so this is another reason why the electoral college should be abolished. If a democracy means the people decide who their leaders are, then why are there other people who might not represent the people chosing our president. Quite obviously, the electoral college is biased and might not care about the popular vote.
Furthermore, even if the people's votes go to the electoral college, the college might not even pay attention to the reasons people give to vote for someone. Most people don't really care that their votes go to deciding who is on the electoral college, but they are missing the point. The electoral college are made up of human beings and they will say no to ideas they don't like. I don't think that the fate of our country should be resting on the idea that if one person doesn't like someone they will reject the idea. Obviously, the electoral college might reject some ideas just because they don't like them.
To conclude, the electoral college cannot be trusted to decide the future of our great nation. This group of electors might be biased, their votes overrule the popular vote, and they might not be open to opinions. Consider these reasons for the electoral college not deciding the future of the United States. These people cannot be trusted to vote for our new president. In many cases, higher-level schools (such as middle and high school) require their students to complete some sort of project or assignment over summer vacation. This is an important task for students to take on, to insure that they keep their brains active and running smoothly. Creating a system where students choose their own project and compute it in a way that makes sense to them could, in turn develop a more inspired group of students.
Often times, leaders of any group come up with a "game plan' for their followers to carry on, but in many cases, said "game plan" might only make sense to the leader or designer of it. In classroom settings it is important for kids to learn in a way that flows with their individual brain. By letting students come up with and develop a study or project that they're passionate about could create a higher participation rate in secondary education. For example, a student who doesn't excel in things such as English or math could create a photo or video essay that reflects who they are and what they stand for. An athlete might spend the summer watching old, recorded basketball games and documenting how or what a certain player did in order to grow in the sport. Some families spend every chance they get traveling; maybe that child might write about and critique the places they visited, or even start a blog. The possibilities are endless.
A common misconception from teachers is that all students should be given an equal opportunity at the same assignment, but how is it an equal opportunity if not everyone's brain grasps concepts the same way? By changing common curriculum, and letting students draft their own projects and assignments, kids would feel more engaged and inspired to research and create something that they hold close to them, rather than something they feel no emotional connection to. A few reasons why you should be a seagoing cowboy are you can join the military, see different people, go different places. meat different people, help people out after wars, when you have free time you can build things, play games when you have free time, take care of animals and if you are a city person mabey after you go home you might want to be a counterty person.
If you want to join the military you might be able to when you are done being a seagoing cowboy. You'll be stronger from lifting feed. The people on the ship might give you some training. You will be able to see new people, meat new people and go places that you've never been befor all while going to help people get some things back after a war, whitch is the right thing to do.
You might like to build thing, and if you do you should be a seagoing cowboy. When you have free time on your hands you can do what ever you want with in in reason. When you have no animals to take care of you can build more, or you can play games. Some of the games are: boxing, table tinnise, baseball, softball, fencing and whittling. All of the games are really fun.
Some people want to become countery people, but they don't know how to take care of animals, but if their willing to lear than they should become a seagoing cowboy. Other people just like to take care of animals. If you are one of those people then a seagoing cowboy is the right job for you.
Being a seagoing cowboy might be hard, but at the same time it's really fun.Dear, TEACHER_NAME
I am aware of the your dilemma about the cell phone policy. i think you should let the students use their cell phones during free times such as lunch time and other free times. i believe that was your first choice. i think that's the best choice because schools have such a tight grip over students these days since they don't have recess anymore (middle school& high school kids) I think we should let them us cell phones during free periods. If their parents loosen the leash at home who are we to tighten it up here. plus if we don't let students have theirs cell phones at school what if their was an emergency when they have to call their parents or the police or someone of importance and we cant reach them because the don't know the number and picks up. so theirs know reason we should stop the kids from bringing the cell phones to school so. so i strongly agree with the first choice.
i hope you take this into consideration thank for your time
STUDENT_NAMEIn this aricle , the author its trying to you take you to Venus with all the danger. For explain, in paragaph 1 it say that "Venus is simple to see from distant but safe vanage point of earth, it has proves a very challenging place to examine more closely " its is ever challenging visting, trying to do go and rescreach on a plant where you dont know anything about it.
Venus is the twin of earth, right around the corner. In the pharagh 2, it say, "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world." Every previous mission was unmanned. You may be asking yourself why , because no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours . They belived thats why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus. Its a really challeng for plant for human to study.
One of the challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acis in Venus atmosphere. On planets surface, temperatures avarage over 800 degrees , and the atompheric average 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar systems.
Let me tell you this , long ago Venus was probably covered largely with and COULD
have supported various froms of life, just like Earth.