Robert Gillies Robert Gillies may refer to: Robert Gillies (New Zealand politician) (1835–1886), Member of Parliament in the Otago Region Robert Gillies (Australian politician) (1876–1941), member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly Bob Gillies (Robert Arthur Gillies; born 1951), Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney Robert Gillies, musician, member of New Zealand band Split Enz
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: translating from base 10 to base X: an easy method I've studied binary-- a number represented by $1$'s and $0$'s. (like $1010_2=10_{10}$) i know you can represent numbers in other bases(base 3, base 16, base 36) I was wondering--is there an easy way to convert between bases? as an example, convert 12045732 to base-37 (i used a random number generator) A: To convert $12045732$ to base $37$: Compute the remainder of $12045732$ divided by $37$. The remainder is $12$. This is your ones element. Subtract the remainder of $12$ from $12045732$ and divide by $37$. The result is $325560$. Go back to $1$. with this new number and continue to get the $37$'s digit, and so on. In this case, you get $(6)(15)(29)(34)(12)$. In other words, $$ 12045732=6\cdot 37^4+15\cdot37^3+29\cdot37^2+34\cdot 37+12. $$
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Sven Dietrich Spearheads the SkyNET Drone Project 9/20/2011 Recently, a team from Stevens Institute of Technology showed off a remote-controlled aerial vehicle loaded with technology designed to automatically detect and compromise wireless networks. The project demonstrated that such drones could be used to create an airborne botnet controller for a few hundred dollars. Attackers bent on network reconnaissance could use such drones to find a weak spot in corporate and home Internet connections, said Sven Dietrich, an assistant professor of computer science at Stevens, who led the development of the drone. "You can bring the targeted attack to the location," continued Dietrich. "Our drone can land close to the target and sit there – and if it has solar power, it can recharge – and continue to attack all the networks around it." Dietrich and two of his students, Ted Reed ’11 and Joe Geis ‘11, presented details of their drone, dubbed SkyNET, at the USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies, co-located with the USENIX Security Conference in San Francisco, in mid-August. They used a quadricopter – a toy that costs less than $400 – to carry a lightweight computer loaded with wireless reconnaissance and attack software. They controlled the homemade drone with a 3G modem and two cameras that send video back to the attacker. It cost less than $600 to build. The researchers showed that the drone can even be used to create and control a botnet – a network of compromised computers. Instead of controlling a botnet via a command-and-control server on the Internet – a common technique that can lead investigators back to the operator – the hackers can issue commands via the drone. This method creates an "air gap" – where two systems, or networks, are physically separated – that could prevent investigators from identifying those responsible for an attack. "The SkyNET drone project originated as a class project in the advanced cybersecurity class CS675 (Threats, Exploits, and Countermeasures) given in the spring 2011 semester,” explained Dietrich. “There students such as Ted and Joe had an opportunity to apply their computer and network security skills working with me on a project with real-world impact, publish their work at a well-known security conference, and now continue on the cutting-edge beyond graduation."
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NO. 07-10-00476-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT AMARILLO PANEL D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGUST 19, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE INTEREST OF S.J.P.P., A CHILD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. 3 OF LUBBOCK COUNTY; NO. 2010-551,141; HONORABLE JUDY C. PARKER, JUDGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before QUINN, C.J., and CAMPBELL and PIRTLE, JJ. MEMORANDUM OPINION Appellant, Bill, appeals from the trial court's order terminating his parental rights to his child, S.J.P.P. He presents two issues. We will overrule his issues and affirm the judgment of the trial court. Background Bill and Daniele were married and had a son, S.J.P.P, born in May 2003. The parties divorced in January 2005. At that time, Bill was named possessory conservator, was not ordered to pay child support, and had visitation at any time mutually agreed by the parties. At the time of the divorce, both parties were incarcerated for forgery of the same check. Daniele was sentenced to one year and Bill to 15 years. On April 13, 2010, Daniele filed a petition to terminate Bill's parental rights and to change the child's name. In that petition, Daniele alleged Bill's parental rights should be terminated under subsections (F), (H) and (Q) of Family Code § 161.001(1). Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 161.001(1)(F), (H), (Q) (West 2009). A hearing was held on the petition on October 5, 2010. Bill's request for a bench warrant to attend the hearing was denied but he participated via telephone. At the hearing, the court heard testimony that Daniele took S.J.P.P. to see Bill while he was in prison but the visits ended when the child was five months old. Since then, Bill has continually written to his son, making effort to stay in contact with him. He also took several educational and behavior modification classes while incarcerated, including a gang renouncement class, parenting classes, anger management classes, and four substance abuse classes. He also became a certified painter, estimator and appraiser and worked toward an associate's degree in business administration. He has a job prospect when he is released that will earn him $3000 per month. In April 2010, he was required to, and did take, a "Changes One" class. This class is a prerequisite for being released on parole and, according to Bill, may be taken only when release is expected within two years. The court concluded the hearing without ruling and later issued a letter ruling, followed by an order, terminating Bill's parental rights under § 161.001(1)(Q). It is from that order Bill now appeals. Analysis By his two issues on appeal, Bill argues the evidence presented at the hearing was legally and factually insufficient to support termination of his parental rights under Family Code § 161.001(1)(Q) because he presented evidence showing he would be paroled before the expiration of that subsection's two-year period and showing he would be able to care for S.J.P.P. during his incarceration. The natural right that exists between parents and their children is one of constitutional dimension. In re J.W.T., 872 S.W.2d 189, 194-95 (Tex. 1994). A parent's right to "the companionship, care, custody and management" of his children is a constitutional interest "far more precious than any property right." Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 758-59, 102 S.Ct. 1388, 1397, 71 L.Ed.2d 599 (1982) (quoting Stanley v. Illinois, 405 U.S. 645, 651, 92 S.Ct. 1208, 1212, 31 L.Ed.2d 551 (1972)). Therefore, in a case terminating parental rights, the proceedings are strictly scrutinized, and the involuntary termination statutes are strictly construed in favor of the parent. Holick v. Smith, 685 S.W.2d 18, 20 (Tex. 1985). Termination of parental rights is a drastic remedy and is of such weight and gravity that due process requires the petitioner to justify termination by "clear and convincing evidence." Spangler v. Texas Dept. of Prot. & Reg. Servs., 962 S.W.2d 253, 256 (Tex. App.-- Waco 1998, no pet.). This standard is defined as "that measure or degree of proof which will produce in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction as to the truth of the allegations sought to be established." Id.; Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 161.001 et. seq (West 2010). In a proceeding to terminate the parent-child relationship brought under section 161.001 of the Texas Family Code, the movant must establish by clear and convincing evidence two elements: (1) one or more acts or omissions enumerated under subsection (1) of section 161.001 and (2) that termination is in the best interest of the child. Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 161.001 (West 2010); Swate v. Swate, 72 S.W.3d 763, 766 (Tex.App.-- Waco 2002, pet. denied). The factfinder must find that both elements are established by clear and convincing evidence, and proof of one element does not relieve the petitioner of the burden of proving the other. Holley v. Adams, 544 S.W.2d 367, 370 (Tex. 1976); Swate, 72 S.W.3d at 766. In a legal sufficiency review, a court should look at all the evidence in the light most favorable to the finding to determine whether a reasonable trier of fact could have formed a firm belief or conviction that its finding was true. In re J.F.C., 96 S.W.3d 256, 266 (Tex. 2002). In this context, looking at the evidence in the light most favorable to the judgment means that a reviewing court must assume that the factfinder resolved disputed facts in favor of its finding if a reasonable factfinder could do so. Id. A corollary to this requirement is that a court should disregard all evidence that a reasonable factfinder could have disbelieved or found to have been incredible. Id. In determining a factual-sufficiency point, the higher burden of proof in termination cases also alters the appellate standard of review. In re C.H., 89 S.W.3d 17, 26 (Tex. 2002). "[A] finding that must be based on clear and convincing evidence cannot be viewed on appeal the same as one that may be sustained on a mere preponderance." Id. at 25. In considering whether evidence rises to the level of being clear and convincing, we must consider whether the evidence is sufficient to reasonably form in the mind of the factfinder a firm belief or conviction as to the truth of the allegation sought to be established. Id. We consider whether disputed evidence is such that a reasonable factfinder could not have resolved that disputed evidence in favor of its finding. J.F.C., 96 S.W.3d at 266. "If, in light of the entire record, the disputed evidence that a reasonable factfinder could not have credited in favor of the finding is so significant that a factfinder could not reasonably have formed a firm belief or conviction, then the evidence is factually insufficient." Id. Subsection 161.001(1)(Q) allows termination of parental rights when a parent knowingly has engaged in criminal conduct, resulting in the parent's conviction of an offense, and the parent is both incarcerated and unable to care for the child for at least two years from the date the termination petition was filed. Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 161.001(1)(Q) (West 2010). Incarceration and a parent's inability to provide care are separate requirements for termination of parental rights under subsection 161.001(1)(Q)(ii). In re E.S.S., 131 S.W.3d 632, 639 (Tex. App.-- Fort Worth 2004, no pet.); In re B.M.R., 84 S.W.3d 814, 818 (Tex. App.-- Houston [1st Dist.] 2002, no pet.). Subsection Q's two-year time period applies prospectively. In re A.V., 113 S.W.3d 355, 360 (Tex. 2003). That Bill knowingly engaged in criminal conduct and was convicted and incarcerated is not disputed. Bill's challenge focuses on the evidence his incarceration will continue for at least two years from the date the termination petition was filed, that is, until April 13, 2012, and that he will be unable to care for his son during that time. Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 161.001(1)(Q). Bill testified he would be considered for parole in July 2011. He also acknowledged he was denied parole in July 2010 and his long-term projected release date is March 5, 2018. A letter from the Texas Department of Corrections was admitted into evidence, confirming this information. As noted, Bill testified he participated in a pre-release class in which only inmates expected to be released within two years may participate. He attributed his denial of parole in July 2010 to the fact he then had not yet completed the pre-release class. Evidence of the availability of parole is relevant to determine whether the parent will be released within two years of the date the termination petition was filed. In re H.R.M., 209 S.W.3d 105, 108 (Tex. 2006) (per curiam). However, mere introduction of parole-related evidence does not prevent a fact-finder from forming a firm conviction or belief that the parent will remain incarcerated for at least two years. Id. Parole decisions are inherently speculative, and while all inmates doubtless hope for early release and can take positive steps to improve their odds, the decision rests entirely with the parole board. Id. Evidence of participation in a pre-release program available to inmates within two years of parole does not preclude a finding the parent will remain incarcerated. Id. While the evidence illustrated the possibility of Bill's release prior to April 13, 2012, as the court determined on a similar record in H.R.M., such evidence did not prevent the trial court from forming a firm belief or conviction he would remain incarcerated after that date. H.R.M., 209 S.W.3d at 109. The trial court was free to credit and give greater weight to the facts Bill was serving a 15-year sentence, had once been denied parole, and had a projected release date of March 5, 2018. Id. Viewing the evidence under the proper standards, we find the evidence before the trial court was sufficient to permit the court to form a firm conviction or belief Bill would remain incarcerated until at least April 13, 2012. We find the evidence similarly sufficient that Bill would be unable to care for his son during his incarceration. We note initially that the requirement of showing an inability to care for a child is not met by evidence of incarceration alone. In re Caballero, 53 S.W.3d 391, 396 (Tex.App. -- Amarillo 2001, pet. denied) (addressing term "care" in subsection (Q)). At the same time, evidence that the child resides with his mother does not preclude a finding Bill is unable to provide for him. See H.R.M., 209 S.W.3d at 110 (absent evidence non-incarcerated parent agreed to care for child on behalf of incarcerated parent, merely leaving child with non-incarcerated parent does not constitute ability to provide care). Courts have determined that the factors to be considered when deciding whether an incarcerated parent is unable to care for a child include the availability of financial and emotional support. See, e.g., In re B.M.R., 84 S.W.3d 814, 818 (Tex.App. -- Houston [1[st] Dist.] 2002, no pet.). Holding that subsection Q applies prospectively rather than retroactively, the court in A.V., described its aim as ensuring "that the child will not be neglected," because a parent "will be unable to provide for" the child during incarceration. A.V., 113 S.W.3d at 360. Daniele testified Bill never provided support to S.J.P.P. She testified she alone supported their son and Bill was not ordered to pay child support. Bill acknowledges that until he is released, he has neither the means to provide financial support to his son nor anyone willing to care for S.J.P.P. in his stead. Bill has not seen his child since S.J.P.P. was five months old. Bill argues on appeal, however, that he stayed in contact with S.J.P.P. by writing letters to him and thus provided him emotional support. He highlights his effort to maintain contact, including filing a motion for enforcement at one point, seeking to obtain a mailing address for his son. While Bill is correct that emotional support is an important element of care for a child, the concept of "care" in subsection Q clearly involves more than emotional support. Caballero, 53 S.W.3d at 396. The evidence to which Bill points speaks not at all, for example, to how S.J.P.P. will be fed, clothed, sheltered, or educated until Bill is released, or how the boy will be ensured the presence of nurturing adults. See In re E.S.S., 131 S.W.3d at 640 (incarcerated parent proposed mother and brother as possessory conservators with visitation rights). We overrule Bill's challenges to the sufficiency of the evidence termination was warranted under Family Code § 161.001(1)(Q). As noted, Bill does not challenge the court's finding that termination was in his son's best interest. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the trial court. James T. Campbell Justice
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
98 Cal.App.3d 745 (1979) 159 Cal. Rptr. 762 CITY OF LOS ANGELES et al., Plaintiffs and Respondents, v. AL SILVER et al., Defendants and Appellants. Docket No. 56317. Court of Appeals of California, Second District, Division Two. November 14, 1979. *747 COUNSEL Jonathan K. Golden for Defendants and Appellants. Burt Pines, City Attorney, William B. Burge, Assistant City Attorney, and Claudia McGee Henry, Deputy City Attorney, for Plaintiffs and Respondents. OPINION ROTH, P.J. In July of 1977, appellant began operation of an amusement center known as "Rock City" located at 7001 Hollywood Boulevard in the City of Los Angeles, part of an area designated for zoning purposes as "C4." At its inception, the center's business inventory consisted of some 28 coin-operated game machines of the pinball or *748 electronic variety. Within days of its opening, the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety issued its order to discontinue the venture's operation because it was in contravention of Los Angeles Municipal Code (L.A.M.C.) section 12.16.[1] When the order was not complied with, a criminal complaint was filed against appellants on September 14, 1977, for violation of the section, and on May 25, 1978, they were found guilty of the charge. By this time more than 60 machines of the type described had been installed and that number increased to some 118 operating on a 24-hour day, 7 days a week, basis by July 13 the same year, when respondent city filed its complaint below for an injunction against continued code violation.[2] On September 12, 1978, a preliminary injunction was issued by the trial court which provided: "IT IS ORDERED that during the pendency of this action or until further order of the Court, defendants Al Silver and Kathryn Silver, their agents, officers, employees, and representatives, and all persons acting in concert with or participating with them are hereby enjoined from engaging in, or performing any and all of the following: a) Maintaining the amusement enterprise known as "Rock City," located at 7001-03 Hollywood Boulevard (hereafter called premises) in the City of Los Angeles, in violation of any provisions of law. b) Using the premises for the maintenance and operation of a penny arcade, to wit an amusement center where coin operated devices for entertainment are made available to members of the public; c) Using the premises for the maintenance and operation of games of skill and science including any games where consideration is paid by a player for the right to play or participate in a game; pinball machines; football game machines; electronic games; and any other coin operated amusement games; and d) Using the premises in violation of the provisions of Section 12.16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code." *749 After the injunction likewise was ignored, appellant Al Silver was adjudged guilty of contempt at a hearing held for that purpose on November 7, 8 and 9, 1978, and he was sentenced to 45 days in jail, with the proviso that if after serving 5 days he agreed to cause cessation of the activity described in the injunction the remainder of the sentence would be suspended. When that agreement failed to be entered upon and the business continued as before, the trial court on December 22 the same year, following notice and hearing, issued its order restating the provisions of the preliminary injunction and further directing the Los Angeles Police Department to remove "all coin operated devices for entertainment which are made available on the [business] premises to members of the public." That directive was executed and the items referred to were seized. Both the order granting the initial preliminary injunction and that which revised it in the fashion described are the subjects of this appeal. For the purposes of our disposition herein, the issues are: 1. Whether the coin-operated game machines at Rock City are games of "skill and science" within the meaning of L.A.M.C. section 12.16. 2. Whether Rock City is a "penny arcade" under the same section. 3. Whether the order directing removal of the machines was properly granted. (1), (2) Respondents advance pertinent legal propositions reiterated by Lockard v. City of Los Angeles (1949) 33 Cal.2d 453, 460, [202 P.2d 38, 7 A.L.R.2d 990], which are not controverted by appellants, namely, that: "It is well settled that a municipality may divide land into districts and prescribe regulations governing the uses permitted therein, and that zoning ordinances, when reasonable in object and not arbitrary in operation, constitute a justifiable exercise of police power. (Wilkins v. City of San Bernardino, 29 Cal.2d 332, 337 [175 P.2d 542]; Acker v. Baldwin, 18 Cal.2d 341, 344 [115 P.2d 455]; see Skalko v. City of Sunnyvale, 14 Cal.2d 213, 215 [93 P.2d 93].) In enacting zoning ordinances, the municipality performs a legislative function, and every intendment is in favor of the validity of such ordinances. (Jardine v. City of Pasadena, 199 Cal. 64, 72-73 [248 P. 225, 48 A.L.R. 509].) It is presumed that the enactment as a whole is justified under the police power and adapted to promote the public health, safety, morals, and *750 general welfare. (See Wilkins v. City of San Bernardino, 29 Cal.2d 332, 338 [175 P.2d 542].)" (3) It is likewise pointed out that municipal regulation through zoning specifying permissible locations of entertainment and amusement enterprises has long been recognized judicially. (Sunset Amusement Co. v. Board of Police Commissioners (1972) 7 Cal.3d 64 [101 Cal. Rptr. 768, 496 P.2d 840], app. dism. (1973) 409 U.S. 1121 [35 L.Ed.2d 254, 93 S.Ct. 940] [skating rinks]; Carolina Lanes, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles (1967) 253 Cal. App.2d 831 [61 Cal. Rptr. 630] [strip tease]; Francis v. County of Stanislaus (1967) 249 Cal. App.2d 862 [57 Cal. Rptr. 881] [commercial card rooms]; In re Lawrence (1942) 55 Cal. App.2d 491 [131 P.2d 27] [pinball machines].) (4) Finally, it is noted it is within a legitimate province of a city to legislatively declare violation of its zoning ordinances to be a public nuisance subject to abatement by injunction (see City and County of San Francisco v. Padilla (1972) 23 Cal. App.3d 388 [100 Cal. Rptr. 223]) and that the City of Los Angeles has done so. (L.A.M.C. § 11.00(m).) Based upon the foregoing respondents maintain the trial court was justified in deciding the injunctions herein should issue. There is no doubt that contention is well taken, provided only that the Rock City enterprise is such as to fall within the excepted activities enumerated in L.A.M.C. section 12.16. (See fn. 1.) Appellants urge that is not the case. They maintain, first, their coin-operated machines are not, under the city's own definition, "games of skill and science." Thus they point out L.A.M.C. section 103.116 defines such a game to be: "(a) Definitions. As used in this Article: 1. `GAME OF SKILL AND SCIENCE' means any game of amusement, but not including athletic sporting events, which is participated in by one or more players for any prize, gift or award of anything of value where or when any charge is made by the person conducting, operating or maintaining such game, or any consideration is paid by any player for the right to play or participate in any such game, and the dominating factor in determining the result of such game is dependent upon the skill of the player or players and not upon chance; provided, that in any case where the result of such game may be dependent to some extent upon the judgment, intelligence or adroitness of the player, but nevertheless the dominating factor in determining the result of such game is chance, *751 such a game shall not be considered as a game of skill and science, but shall be considered as a game of chance." (Italics added.) Similarly, appellants maintain they were not operating a "penny arcade" as that term must be understood for the purpose, and that they may not constitutionally be found in violation of section 12.16 under its "other similar uses" phraseology. (5a) In our view, whatever are the merits of appellants' arguments respecting the first and last of these contentions,[3] it cannot fairly be said the designation "penny arcade," though not otherwise defined, is such as to fail to embrace within its meaning those activities engaged in at Rock City or to be constitutionally offensive as either vague or ambiguous. (6) As in other instances where it has been necessary to test against a constitutional scale the import of language admittedly subject to dispute regarding definition, (see e.g., Rose v. Locke (1975) 423 U.S. 48 [46 L.Ed.2d 185, 96 S.Ct. 243]; County of Nevada v. MacMillen (1974) 11 Cal.3d 662 [114 Cal. Rptr. 345, 522 P.2d 1345]; In re J.T. (1974) 40 Cal. App.3d 633 [115 Cal. Rptr. 553]), what is required is only that interpretation proceed in accordance with what would commonly be understood by the language employed. (See People Younger v. Superior Court (1976) 16 Cal.3d 30 [127 Cal. Rptr. 122, 544 P.2d 1322].) (5b) Here the trial court concluded that by the term "penny arcade" as used in the ordinance in question what was meant was "an amusement center where coin operated devices for entertainment are made available to members of the public." That interpretation accords not only with ordinary understanding of the language but as well with the administrative construction of the term expressed in an opinion promulgated by the Los Angeles City Attorney in 1974.[4] We are persuaded the meaning arrived at was correctly determined. *752 We are likewise of the view there was no error respecting the trial court's action in ordering seizure of the proscribed devices in order to enforce its otherwise valid directives in the face of what clearly amounted to a persistent, obstinate and unlawful refusal by appellants to abide by them. (7) "Every court has power to compel obedience to its judgments and orders (Code Civ. Proc., §§ 128, subd. 4, 177), and a court of equity retains inherent jurisdiction to oversee and enforce execution of its decrees. ([4] Witkin, Cal. Procedure (2d ed. 1970) Judgments, § 79, p. 3240; see, e.g., Lesser & Son v. Seymour. 35 Cal.2d 494, 500 ...; Green Trees Enterprises v. Palm Springs Alpine Estates, 66 Cal.2d 782, 788 ... Vallelunga v. Gomes, 102 Cal. App.2d 374, 382...." (8) (See fn. 5.) (Brown v. Brown (1971) 22 Cal. App.3d 82, 84 [99 Cal. Rptr. 311].)[5] The orders appealed from are affirmed. Compton, J., and Beach, J., concurred. A petition for a rehearing was denied December 14, 1979, and appellants' petition for a hearing by the Supreme Court was denied January 8, 1980. NOTES [1] "SEC. 12.16. `C4' COMMERCIAL ZONE: The following regulations shall apply in the `C4' Commercial Zone: "A. USE — No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses, and when a "Supplemental Use District" is created by the provisions of Article 3 of this Chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein: ".... .... .... .... . . "2. Any use permitted in the `C2' Zone except: (a) The following amusement enterprises: ... (1) boxing arena; (2) games of skill and science; (3) merry-go-round, ferris wheel or carousel; (4) penny arcade; (5) shooting gallery; (6) skating rink; (7) taxi dance hall; (8) strip tease show; (9) billiard or pool hall; (10) bowling alley; and other similar uses." [2] In the face of the Department of Building and Safety's order and of the criminal complaint, appellant entered into a renewal of his lease agreement covering the business premises for an additional four-year term at a total rental of $240,180, for the express purpose of conducting thereon "an arcade and for no other purpose." [3] We note in passing that the definition of "Game of Skill and Science" set out above is limited to the article in which it appears; that that article does not contain section 12.16; and that section 103.116 is concerned essentially with whether or not a police permit is required by the operator of the game. For a similar but less restrictive understanding of what constitutes a game of skill, see Cossack v. City of Los Angeles (1974) 11 Cal.3d 726 at page 732 [114 Cal. Rptr. 460, 523 P.2d 260]. [4] "Section 12.16A2(a)(4) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code does not permit a `penny arcade' enterprise in a C-4 commercial zone. "While `penny arcade' is not defined for zoning purposes in the Municipal Code, Webster's Third New International Dictionary states that a `penny arcade' is an amusement center where each device for entertainment may be operated for a penny. The fact that a penny may not be used today to operate these devices has no effect on the basic definition. We would interpret a `penny arcade,' for zoning purposes, to mean a place of business devoted primarily or in some substantial degree to maintaining coin-operated amusement machines and devices for the purpose of providing public entertainment." [5] Appellants' further contention the trial court's order of police enforcement constituted a mandatory injunction which should have been stayed pending appeal is also without merit, since the directive was no more than in aid of the preliminary injunction and was not an order directing appellants to do anything. (See Kettenhofen v. Superior Court (1961) 55 Cal.2d 189 [10 Cal. Rptr. 356, 358 P.2d 684].)
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
36 Mich. App. 211 (1971) 193 N.W.2d 412 PEOPLE v. RODGERS Docket No. 8675. Michigan Court of Appeals. Decided October 1, 1971. Leave to appeal granted December 16, 1971. Frank J. Kelley, Attorney General, Robert A. Derengoski, Solicitor General, William L. Cahalan, Prosecuting Attorney, Dominick R. Carnovale, Chief, Appellate Department, and Thomas P. Smith, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, for the people. Samuel A. Turner, for defendant on appeal. Before: J.H. GILLIS, P.J., and R.B. BURNS and LEVIN, JJ. Leave to appeal granted December 16, 1971, 386 Mich 776. J.H. GILLIS, P.J. Defendant, Larry Douglas Rodgers, appeals his conviction by a jury of the offense of robbery armed.[1] The offense occurred on March 7, 1969, at approximately 8:40 p.m. in the City of Ecorse, Michigan. The victim testified that while he was driving his automobile it was bumped from behind by another vehicle. The complainant observed that the car which struck him had no lights on and he immediately pulled to the curb. The other car pulled *215 parallel to complainant's car. Mr. Walker, the complainant, rolled down the window and noticed that the other car was occupied by five or six men. One man, sitting in the right front seat of the striking vehicle, said "We don't think there is much damage". Mr. Walker got out of his car to inspect the damage; he left his vehicle running and the lights on. Mr. Walker stated that one of the occupants of the striking automobile ran past him just as he reached the rear of his car to inspect the damage. This individual got into Mr. Walker's car, and when Mr. Walker rushed back this person leaped out with a gun in hand. The gun wielder pointed it at Mr. Walker saying, "I got a gun, I got a gun". The complainant testified that the remaining occupants of the striking vehicle got out of their car and began "working me over", and one of them took the complainant's wallet from his back right pocket. Mr. Walker identified the person with the gun as defendant, Larry Douglas Rodgers, and testified that the defendant pointed the gun at complainant's face and struck him with it. The assailants attempted to force Mr. Walker into his own automobile, but Mr. Walker ran from them at his first opportunity. After he traveled about 25 or 30 feet, he was shot in the back. The bullet struck about an inch from the spine at belt level. Mr. Walker ran to the nearest house where the occupants summoned police. Patrolman Ohannasian of the Melvindale Police Department testified that on the morning of March 8, 1969, at approximately 12:45 a.m., he and his partner drove into a White Castle restaurant parking lot where he observed the complainant's automobile parked.[2] Officer Ohannasian testified that *216 the car was empty, and thus the officers drove out of the parking lot to a point nearby where continued surveillance could be made. The officer testified that he observed defendant and a young lady enter the car. At that moment the officers drove back into the lot and parked behind the automobile in question. Defendant was placed under arrest. At trial, the victim identified defendant as the assailant who held the gun on him. The defense was alibi. Defendant claimed he was at a high school basketball game at the time the robbery was committed. The defense produced several witnesses to substantiate this argument. One of those who testified on defendant's behalf was Samuel King. On direct examination Mr. King stated that he met the defendant at a basketball game and that they were together for the remainder of the evening. Later in the course of the trial, the prosecution recalled the investigating officer, Detective Taylor, who read, over defendant's objection, a statement he allegedly took from witness King at the time Taylor interviewed him:[3] "The witness [Detective Taylor]: This is the statement of Samuel King taken by Detective Charles Taylor at 2249 South Electric, Detroit, Michigan. Time: 1:30 a.m. Saturday, June 14, 1969: `I went to the game that night. I saw Larry there but it wasn't until after the game. Anyway, the game was over I don't know what time it was but Larry did not go to the Castle with me. We were parked in the Castle parking lot. Larry might have come over sometime during the time he was at the Castle and got in my car and got right back out but he didn't go to the Castle with me. They told me *217 to say that he was with me but I told them I wasn't going to lie for them and I didn't want to get involved.' "This is what he told me." The court overruled the objection following the prosecutor's explanation that the evidence was being introduced solely for impeachment purposes. The statement was not read to prove the truth or falsity of witness King's prior testimony. Instead, it was read to contradict the prior testimony. The statement is not hearsay information as that term is evidentially understood. "Testimony, the truth of which is not to disprove the crime but which if believed would tend to discredit the witnesses, cannot be classed as hearsay." Smith v. United States (CA6, 1960), 283 F2d 16, 20, cert den 365 US 847 (81 S Ct 808, 5 L Ed 2d 811). In accord: United States v. 88 Cases, More or Less, Containing Bireley's Orange Beverage (CA3, 1951), 187 F2d 967, 974; Carantzas v. Iowa Mutual Insurance Co. (CA5, 1956), 235 F2d 193, 196; Young v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. (CA4, 1957), 244 F2d 333, 337. Nor is the use of witness Taylor's memorandum statement an example of present memory improperly refreshed. For unlike present memory refreshed, the document referred to by the testifying witness was not set aside. People v. Thomas (1960), 359 Mich 251; People v. Redman (1969), 17 Mich App 610. Instead, this document was read into the record. The memorandum now in question allegedly is Detective Taylor's verbatim transcription of his interview with witness King. Its contents, if actually stated by witness King and accurately recorded *218 by Detective Taylor, constitute a prior inconsistent out-of-court statement. To introduce such a prior inconsistent statement, the laying of a proper foundation is required. Osborne v. United States (CA9, 1967), 371 F2d 913, cert den 387 US 946 (87 S Ct 2082, 18 L Ed 2d 1335); People v. Keller (1933), 261 Mich 367. The foundation was laid when Mr. King, on cross-examination, was challenged with the information he allegedly gave Detective Taylor: "Q. Do you know this man right here sitting in front of me? "A. I don't know him. "Q. You don't know him? "A. No. "Q. Do you know who he is? "A. I know he is a detective. "Q. Do you know what his name is? "A. Taylor. "Q. Taylor? "A. Yeah. "Q. All right. Is today the first day you ever saw him? "A. No. "Q. Did he come to see you over the weekend? "A. Yes. "Q. Did you talk to him over the weekend? "A. Yes. "Q. Did you tell him anything different than you told us here today? "A. No. "Q. Did you tell Detective Taylor, when he came to see you this weekend, that this man had never been in your car on that evening and wasn't riding with you that evening? "A. No, I didn't. "Q. And you hadn't been with him a whole year at that time? "A. No. *219 "Q. Did you tell the detective that? "A. No. "Q. You didn't? "A. No. "Q. You are sure about that, huh? "A. Yes." Witness King denied ever telling Detective Taylor anything which was inconsistent with his trial testimony. When the prosecution recalled Detective Taylor to refute this, he testified: "Q. Did you take a written statement from Mr. King? "A. I wrote it down and Mr. King was talking. "Q. As Mr. King was talking to you, you wrote it down? "A. Yes, exactly word for word what he said. "Q. All right, I'm going to show you a piece of paper and ask you if you can identify that. "A. Yes. "Q. All right, can you tell me what it represents to you? "A. That is a statement Mr. King given [sic] to me by him." Detective Taylor also testified that Mr. King declined to sign this statement because he "did not want to get involved". Detective Taylor's memorandum was introduced solely to impeach Mr. King's prior in-court testimony. It is generally held that a witness may be impeached by showing that his testimony upon a material matter is inconsistent with a prior statement made by him. 3A Wigmore on Evidence, §§ 1017-1022, pp 993-1018; McCormick on Evidence § 36, pp 66-67. A witness may be impeached by producing written statements which are inconsistent with the testimony given at the trial. 1 Underhill's *220 Criminal Evidence (5th ed), § 230, p 531. Michigan courts have traditionally allowed written statements made at the direction of the witness to be later used to impeach the witness's prior testimony. People v. Kennedy (1895), 105 Mich 434; People v. Tice (1897), 115 Mich 219; People v. Dellabonda (1933), 265 Mich 486; People v. DeBeaulieu (1944), 308 Mich 173. Witness King allegedly told witness Taylor what he knew. The memorandum, written in the hand of witness Taylor, represents the summary of that interview. Whether it is a verbatim transcription or the conclusions of witness Taylor is for the finder of fact to determine. However, in either instance it represents an alleged contradictory position to witness King's in-court testimony, and for the purposes of impeachment, was admissible. People v. Nemeth (1932), 258 Mich 682. Furthermore, the trial court correctly instructed the jury that they could only consider this evidence for impeachment purposes. People v. Durkee (1963), 369 Mich 618. The court advised the jury that they could not consider the statement of King as recited by witness Taylor for the purpose of its truth nor could it be considered as substantive evidence. He further advised the jury that they could consider this testimony only for the purpose of testing the credibility of the witness. We find no error in this regard. Other questions raised on appeal have been considered, and we find no reversible error. Affirmed. R.B. BURNS, J., concurred. LEVIN, J. (dissenting). I am in full agreement with my colleagues that the people were entitled to *221 impeach the credibility of a witness who testified in support of the defendant's alibi by showing that the witness told a different story to a detective than the one he related at the trial. Plainly, incontrovertibly, that is the law. The real issue — not touched on in the majority opinion — concerns the manner in which the people were allowed to prove the prior inconsistent statement. Over the objection of the defendant's lawyer, the trial judge allowed the detective to read a written statement he wrote out at the time of his conversation with the alibi witness; the witness had refused to sign the statement. The judge ruled that the detective could read the statement under the exception to the hearsay rule for past recollection recorded. In that ruling the judge erred on the facts of this case. I. The defendant was convicted of committing the offense of armed robbery. The defense was alibi.[1] The defendant claimed that he was at a high school basketball game at the time of the robbery. Sixteen of his friends, among them, Samuel King, supported various time sequences of his alibi. *222 The trial commenced on a Thursday and ended the following Wednesday. On the intervening Saturday King was interviewed by a detective. King testified on Monday. On direct examination, King said that he met the defendant at the game at halftime, was with him during the second half and left the game with him and other persons in King's automobile. The group made two stops and then proceeded to the drive-in restaurant where the defendant, a short time afterwards, was arrested. During cross-examination, King denied having given the detective a different account. Specifically, King denied telling the detective that the defendant was not in King's automobile during the evening the crime was committed. The people called the detective as a rebuttal witness. He testified that when he interviewed King on the intervening Saturday he wrote down what King said but King refused to sign the writing. The defendant's lawyer objected to the introduction or reading of the writing on the ground that it was hearsay.[2] The judge overruled the objection saying *223 that the detective's testimony was admissible as past recollection recorded. The detective then read the statement as follows: "This is the statement of Samuel King taken by Detective Charles Taylor at 2249 South Electric, Detroit, Michigan. Time: 1:30 a.m. Saturday, June 14, 1969: `I went to the game that night. I saw Larry there but it wasn't until after the game. Anyway, the game was over I don't know what time it was but Larry did not go to the Castle with me. We were parked in the Castle parking lot. Larry might have come over sometime during the time he was at the Castle and got in my car and got right back out but he didn't go to the Castle with me. They told me to say that he was with me but I told them I wasn't going to lie for them and I didn't want to get involved.' "This is what he told me." II. The majority ignore the judge's ruling that the statement was admissible under the exception for past recollection recorded and affirm his ruling admitting the statement on the ground that "the statement is not hearsay information as that term is evidentially understood." We will, of course, ordinarily sustain on appeal a ruling by a judge who reaches the right result even though the grounds for decision stated by him are erroneous.[3] In this case the judge reached the wrong *224 result — the unsigned written memorandum was not shown to be admissible. It is also true that a prior inconsistent statement of a witness, admissible to impeach his credibility, is not regarded as admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule. It is admissible on the tenet that it is not hearsay because it is not offered as substantive evidence to prove the truth of the statement attributed to the witness but to prove that he said it. In theory at least the trier of fact is not being asked to accept the substance of the prior statement as the true account of the matter but rather to discount the witness's at-trial testimony because on an earlier occasion he gave a different account. However, merely because the statement made by King to the detective when offered to impeach King's credibility is not hearsay, does not grant free license to introduce it by any means. Whether the earlier statement is, as here, oral or is written, the fact that it was made must be proved. If the earlier statement is written, the witness's handwriting or signature must be proved. If the earlier statement is oral the impeaching witness must be able to testify that the inconsistent statement was in fact made. Just as an impeaching witness could not testify, in the name of impeachment, that Frank told him that Joe told Frank that Sara remarked to Bill that the chief defense witness had told her that the defendant had threatened the victim, so, too, an out-of-court written memorandum of an oral statement allegedly made by the witness to be impeached may be used to prove the fact that the statement was made only if that fact — the fact that the witness made the statement — is provable by means of such a memorandum. *225 Although the inconsistent statement, when admissible to impeach credibility, is not hearsay, the written memorandum of the statement, unsigned by the witness being impeached, is hearsay and therefore admissible, if at all, only under an exception to the hearsay rule.[4] A written memorandum of an oral statement made by another person, not signed by that person, necessarily reflects two statements; one written, the other oral: (1) it is the written statement of the writer of the memorandum that (2) the other person made the oral statement attributed to him. Since the written memorandum, not signed by the other person, is an out-of-court statement made by the writer that the other person said what is contained in the writing, the writing itself is hearsay without regard to whether the statement recorded in it is offered as substantive evidence or solely to impeach credibility. The rules of evidence concerning the proof of facts do not evaporate upon utterance of the magic word "impeachment".[5] *226 III. A witness who does not have a present recollection of the facts may refer to a written memorandum. *227 If the memorandum refreshes his recollection, "when he speaks from a memory thus revived, his testimony is what he says, not the writing".[6] Accordingly, the general rule is that a party who uses a memorandum to refresh the memory of a witness may not introduce it in evidence or have it read to the jury.[7] In this case the witness did not claim that his recollection was refreshed by reading the writing — he read the writing itself. This was not a case of testimony from refreshed recollection. Nor, contrary to the ruling of the judge, did the prosecution make out a case for introduction of the writing as past recollection recorded. The exception for past recollection recorded may be availed of only in a case where it is claimed that the witness has no present recollection of the facts and, upon reference to the document, his memory is not refreshed.[8] When a witness testifies based on past recollection recorded it is the writing, not refreshed recollection, that is the evidence. It is most difficult to cross-examine a witness who is allowed to "testify" based on past recollection *228 recorded. In allowing him to read the writing, the judge finds that he now has no present recollection of what was said when the writing was made and that his memory cannot be revived by reference to the writing; when cross-examined, such a witness is bound to retreat behind the writing. The written word has a way of carrying greater weight than the spoken word. The law, therefore, wisely limits the use of past recollection recorded to those situations where the just mentioned preconditions to admissibility have been satisfied. Dispensing with the requirement that the witness not have "sufficient recollection to enable him to testify fully and accurately" would, as stated in the commentary accompanying the Revised Draft of Proposed Rules of Evidence for the United States District Courts and Magistrates, "encourage the use of statements carefully prepared for purposes of litigation under the supervision of attorneys, investigators or claim adjusters". (Emphasis supplied.)[9] *229 The detective was not asked whether he had any present recollection of what King told him on Saturday — three days before he testified — or whether his recollection would be refreshed by reference to the writing. It is doubtful whether, if the detective had been so questioned, he would have claimed both that he had no recollection and that his recollection could not be refreshed from a writing he made just three days before he testified. IV. The admission of this inadmissible testimony could not properly be said to be harmless. There was a close question for resolution by the trier of fact. Although the defendant was seen, just a few hours after the robbery, entering the stolen automobile at the drive-in restaurant by police officers who had staked out the automobile, that did not establish that the defendant was one of the assailants. There were a number of assailants and what was done with the automobile between the time of the robbery and the time the defendant was apprehended was *230 not shown. The defendant's act of entering the automobile was at best circumstantial evidence, implicating him but not pointing assuredly to his guilt. This left the identification testimony of the victim. His identification was not certain; he conceded that it was possible — although not probable — that he was mistaken. In this connection it is noteworthy that, although the defendant was in custody, the police showed a photograph to the victim the day he was released from the hospital.[10] The victim had not theretofore given the police a description of any of his assailants. He was not asked to view the defendant in a lineup. He did not view the defendant after he was arrested until the defendant was brought into the courtroom for the preliminary examination. The resolution of the factual issue depended on the jury's evaluation of the victim's identification testimony and the contradictory testimony of the alibi witnesses. The detective's rebuttal testimony discrediting alibi witness King tended to discretit not only King's testimony but also the testimony of the other alibi witnesses who said they saw the defendant when he was with King. The detective's rebuttal testimony was especially damaging to the defendant because of the statement attributed to King that "they told me to say that he was with me but I told them I wasn't going to lie for them and I didn't want to get involved". (Emphasis supplied.) It is doubtful whether the quoted words were admissible on any basis. They purport to be a statement by King as to what other *231 unidentified people — "them" — told him; triple hearsay: (1) the writing was hearsay, (2) the statement by King to the detective was hearsay (although when offered to impeach credibility it is not), and (3) the statement attributed to "them" was hearsay. It is well nigh impossible for a party to respond to a hearsay statement attributed to "them". "Them" are not identified; King denied making the statement — he, therefore, could not or would not identify "them". Who among "them" could the defendant call to answer the charge that "them" asked King to lie? We could not properly declare that the detective's inadmissible testimony did not contribute to or affect the result. NOTES [1] MCLA § 750.529 (Stat Ann 1971 Cum Supp § 28.797). [2] Identification of the automobile in question was made by observing its license plate. The plate number was traced to this vehicle. [3] The trial commenced on a Thursday and ended the following Wednesday. Witness King testified on Monday. On the intervening Saturday, he was interviewed by Detective Taylor. [1] The facts are set forth at some length in the majority opinion. In summary, the people's evidence was as follows: The victim testified that while he was driving his automobile it was bumped from behind by another automobile. After he had alighted to inspect the damage, one of the five or six occupants of the other automobile confronted him with a gun. The man with the gun and his companions struck the victim and took his wallet. The victim broke away and ran toward a nearby house and was shot in the back. He obtained aid and survived. Four hours after the robbery the victim's automobile was sighted by police officers at a drive-in restaurant. They staked it out and a short time thereafter the defendant and a young lady entered the automobile. The defendant was arrested. At the trial, the victim identified the defendant as the occupant of the automobile who held the gun on him. See footnote 10 and accompanying text. [2] Hileman v. Indreica (1971), 385 Mich 1, 10, shows that our Supreme Court does not require absolute precision in voicing objections in order to preserve for review the propriety of a trial judge's ruling concerning the admissibility of evidence where the judge fails to see all the aspects of a multi-faceted problem of admissibility. The defendants in that case contended successfully in our Court (see Hileman v. Indreica [1969], 15 Mich App 662, 664, 665) "that plaintiff did not state to the trial judge that she sought to use the deposition [of a witness] to refresh the recollection of the witness and to induce her to correct her testimony, but rather sought to have the trial judge declare the witness hostile in order to impeach her testimony" (emphasis supplied). The judge had ruled that the deposition could not be used because the witness was not hostile and plaintiff could not impeach her own witness. On appeal the Supreme Court reversed and held that the deposition could be used to refresh the witnesses' recollection saying that the judge had erroneously "looked upon the effort of counsel [emphasis added] solely as an attempt to impeach [the witness], or as an effort to have her judged `hostile'". (Last emphasis added by the Court.) Implicit in the judge's ruling that the statement was admissible under an exception to the hearsay rule is recognition on the judge's part that the writing itself was hearsay. See footnote 4 infra and accompanying text. [3] 2 Michigan Law & Practice, Appeal, § 282. [4] See 3 Wigmore on Evidence, § 754a; McCormick on Evidence, §§ 276, 278. [5] I have found no authority holding that the fact that an inconsistent statement was made may be proved by the use of a memorandum of the statement not signed by the witness to be impeached without a showing that the person who made the memorandum cannot testify from present memory refreshed. See discussion in Part III of this opinion infra. The question can arise whenever a stenographic transcript is offered to prove a prior inconsistent statement. Understandably in that kind of case, where it is obvious that the stenographer could not possibly recall the testimony or truly refresh his recollection by reading it and must testify based on past recollection recorded, no point is sometimes made about a failure to prove inability to testify from refreshed recollection. See St. Louis, S.F. & T.R. Co. v. Williams (Tex Civ App, 1937), 104 SW2d 103, 105; People v. Sherman (1950), 97 Cal App 2d 245 (217 P2d 715, 721). Nevertheless in other cases the governing principle has been recognized, the courts stating that the stenographer could read a transcript of shorthand notes because he could not testify from refreshed or revised present recollection. See State v. Polan (1956), 80 Ariz 129 (293 F2d 931, 933); Hudlow v. Langerhans (1936), 230 Mo App 1160 (91 SW2d 629); Klepsch v. Donald (1894), 8 Wash 162 (35 P 621, 623). Similarly see Stahl v. City of Duluth (1898), 71 Minn 341 (74 NW 143, 146); Cooper v. Hoeglund (1946), 221 Minn 446 (22 NW2d 450, 455). Cf. Robertson v. M/S Sanyo Maru (CA5, 1967), 374 F2d 463, holding that a purported copy of a statement signed by a witness and offered for impeachment purposes was improperly admitted since it had not been authenticated and the best evidence rule had not been complied with. See, also, Boulch v. John B. Gutmann Construction Company, Inc. (Mo App, 1963), 366 SW2d 21, 36. In this case, the statement was not taken down by a stenographer. It does not purport to be a verbatim report of the questions and answers. It is a brief memorandum of a conversation. There is an obvious difference between a stenographic transcript prepared by a court reporter and a memorandum prepared by an investigator for one of the litigants. The cases cited by the majority are distinguishable: People v. Kennedy (1895), 105 Mich 434, 436, dealt not with out-of-court statements but with depositions made by a witness at a preliminary examination. The court held that the statements were "admissible as original evidence". It was sought to introduce the depositions through the testimony of the deputy clerk who recorded them at the preliminary examination. The court approved use of the written record only to refresh the memory of the witness. In People v. Tice (1897), 115 Mich 219, no writing was involved and the testimony was solely from memory. No question of past recollection recorded was, therefore, presented. In People v. Dellabonda (1933), 265 Mich 486, the earlier written statement sought to be introduced for impeachment purposes had been written by the witness being impeached. Again, no question of past recollection recorded was presented. In People v. Nemeth (1932), 258 Mich 682, the prosecutor read to the jury statements made to the police by defense witnesses. The opinion does not indicate that the witnesses denied having made the statements or that the statements were not signed by the witnesses. Furthermore, there is no discussion of what foundation, if any, was laid for their admission. Finally, People v. DeBeaulieu (1944), 308 Mich 173, 177, rather than supporting the position taken by the majority, held that a writing, signed by the witness sought to be impeached but prepared by another, was properly excluded where it appeared that the witness was unaware of what she had signed. The Court cited 6 Jones, Commentaries on Evidence (2d ed), § 2406, p 4746, for the proposition that "in order to serve as in itself a contradiction a writing must be shown to have been made by the witness himself, or by someone under his direction, or to have been approved and adopted by the witness as his own act and deed." [6] McCormick, Law of Evidence, § 9, p 15; 58 Am Jur, Witnesses, § 579. [7] 29 Am Jur 2d, Evidence, § 876. [8] See People v. Hobson (1963), 369 Mich 189, 190-192; People v. Blakes (1966), 4 Mich App 13, 16; People v. Bracy (1967), 8 Mich App 266, 276; Jaxon v. City of Detroit (1967), 379 Mich 405, 413 (per T.E. BRENNAN, J.); 58 Am Jur, Witnesses, § 588. Additional pre-conditions to admissibility are a showing that the document was prepared at some prior and rather remote date (People v. Hobson, supra), that the document is an original memorandum made by the witness from personal observation contemporaneously with or near the time of the transaction recorded (People v. Hobson, supra; Jaxon v. City of Detroit, supra) and that the substance recorded is not otherwise admissible (Jaxon v. City of Detroit, supra). And, since in a case of past recollection recorded, in contrast with refreshed recollection, the writing, not revived recollection, is the evidence, most courts hold that the writing may be introduced in evidence in connection with the witness' testimony during his direct examination. See 29 Am Jur 2d, Evidence, § 877, p 978. [9] Text writers argue that the evidence should be admissible without regard to whether the witness remembers the event recorded (3 Wigmore on Evidence [Chadbourn Rev, 1970], § 738, p 91), but their views have not been accepted by most courts. Indeed, the very argument advanced by these writers points up the danger of allowing use of past recollection memoranda indiscriminately. Just as they are of the opinion that the memoranda is likely to be more accurate than the witness' recollection, so, too, the trier of fact is likely to be under that impression. It is to guard against the indiscriminate creation, without any necessity, of "better" evidence that most courts have restricted the use of past recollection recorded writings. The following appears in the commentary accompanying the Revised Draft of Proposed Rules of Evidence for the United States District Courts and Magistrates (March, 1971), Rule 803, p 111, exception 5 (51 FRD 315, 425): "The principal controversy attending the exception has centered, not upon the propriety of the exception itself, but upon the question whether a preliminary requirement of impaired memory on the part of the witness should be imposed. The authorities are divided. If regard be had only to the accuracy of the evidence, admittedly impairment of the memory of the witness adds nothing to it and should not be required. McCormick § 277, p 593; 3 Wigmore § 738, p 76; Jordan v. People (1962), 151 Colo 133 (376 P2d 699), cert den 373 US 944 [83 S Ct 1553, 10 L Ed 2d 699]; Hall v. State (1960), 223 Md 158 (162 A2d 751); State v. Bindhammer (1965), 44 NJ 372 (209 A2d 124). Nevertheless, the absence of the requirement, it is believed, would encourage the use of statements carefully prepared for purposes of litigation under the supervision of attorneys, investigators, or claim adjusters. Hence the example includes a requirement that the witness not have `sufficient recollection to enable him to testify fully and accurately.' To the same effect are California Evidence Code § 1237 and New Jersey Rule 63(1) (b), and this has been the position of the federal courts. Vicksburg & Meridian R.R. v. O'Brien (1886), 119 US 99 [7 S Ct 118, 30 L Ed 299]; Ahern v. Webb (CA10, 1959), 268 F2d 45; and see N.L.R.B. v. Hudson Pulp & Paper Corp. (CA5, 1960), 273 F2d 660, 665; N.L.R.B. v. Federal Dairy Co. (CA1, 1962), 297 F2d 487. But cf. United States v. Adams (CA2, 1967), 385 F2d 548." In all events, the Michigan Supreme Court appears to have aligned itself with the view that the writing is not admissible if the witness can independently recall the event or can refresh his recollection from the writing. See cases cited in fn 8. [10] See People v. Rowell (1968), 14 Mich App 190, 198 (LEVIN, J., concurring); People v. Adams (1969), 19 Mich App 131, 133, n 1; United States v. Zeiler (CA3, 1970), 427 F2d 1305, 1307; Commonwealth v. Whiting (1970), 439 Pa 205 (266 A2d 738).
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Examining the cultural validity of fear survey schedule for children: the contemporary fears of Turkish children and adolescents. The authors examined the cultural validity of Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSSC-AM) developed by J. J. Burnham (2005) with Turkish children. The relationships between demographic variables and the level of fear were also tested. Three independent data sets were used. The first data set comprised 676 participants (321 women and 355 men) and was used for examining factor structure and internal reliability of FSSC. The second data set comprised 639 participants (321 women and 318 men) and was used for testing internal reliability and to confirm the factor structure of FSCC. The third data set comprised 355 participants (173 women and 182 men) and used for analyses of test-retest reliability, inter-item reliability, and convergent validity for the scores of FSSC. The sum of the first and second samples (1,315 participants; 642 women and 673 men) was used for testing the relationships between demographic variables and the level of fear. Results indicated that FSSC is a valid and reliable instrument to examine Turkish children's and adolescents' fears between the ages of 8 and 18 years. The younger, female, children of low-income parents reported a higher level of fear. The findings are discussed in light of the existing literature.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The epidemiology of agriculture-related osteoarthritis and its impact on occupational disability. Hip and knee osteoarthritis and undiagnosed chronic joint pain are more prevalent in agricultural workers than other occupational groups, significantly impacting the ability of small farm operators and farm workers to maintain a livelihood. Agricultural risk factors, economic impacts, national and state AgrAbility data, gender, and farm/non-farm prevalence differences of arthritis and joint arthropathy in a Wisconsin farm cohort are reviewed. Agricultural workers (primarily male) are at increased risk for developing osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. In Wisconsin, the prevalence rate of osteoarthritis is higher in a male farm vs. a male rural non-farm cohort. Arthritis comprises 10%-12% of the disability referrals to state and national AgrAbility programs. Back pain, joint injury, and orthopedic injury account for another 38%. The ability to perform agricultural job duties is significantly affected by arthritis and lack of access to health care. Obesity is an additional independent risk factor for osteoarthritis in the rural population. The agricultural work force is at particular risk for arthritis-related disability. Improved access to health care for diagnosis and treatment can lessen disability. Prevention of arthritis is multi-factorial, involving ergonomic improvements, lifestyle modification to prevent obesity, and adequate medical treatment of arthritis.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Summary: Guest author Bernard Finel examines the public excerpts from the latest book of Woodward, stenographer to the greats of our Versailles-on-the-Potomac. What does this tell us about Obama? Nothing good. Nothing we did not already suspect. A lot of people have been pitching the revelations in the Woodward book as Obama vs. the Generals. But, if it was a contest, it wasn’t much of one. The Gates, Mullen, Petraeus troika dug in their feed for a major escalation (on top of an initial 19,000 man increase, ordered immediately after Obama came into office), and Obama was apparently left floundering about — falling back on political constraints to limit the commitment. Really, the president could not come off worse than he does from the Woodward book. Obama allowed the military to simply stonewall him on providing an alternative to a large escalation in Afghanistan. “So what’s my option? You have given me one option,” Obama said, directly challenging the military leadership at the table, including Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen and Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, then head of U.S. Central Command. “We were going to meet here today to talk about three options,” Obama said sternly. “You agreed to go back and work those up.” Mullen protested. “I think what we’ve tried to do here is present a range of options.” Obama begged to differ. Two weren’t even close to feasible, they all had acknowledged; the other two were variations on the 40,000. Silence descended on the room. Finally, Mullen said, “Well, yes, sir.” Mullen later explained, “I didn’t see any other path.” Then, when the President finally gets them to brief something of an alternative — still involving a 20,000 man additional commitment, he allows himself to get talked out of considering it due to a war game that was so rigged that LTG Douglas Lute – in theory the point man for the President on Afghanistan in the NSC (also a Bush holdover, btw) – boycotted it: When word of the hybrid option reached Obama, he instructed Gates and Mullen to present it. Mullen had other ideas. He used a classified war game exercise – code-named Poignant Vision and held at the Pentagon on Oct. 14, 2009 – to support his case against the option. Believing the game was rigged, Army Lt. Gen. Douglas E. Lute, Obama’s representative from the National Security Council, boycotted it. According to participants, Poignant Vision did not have the rigor of a traditional war game, in which two teams square off. This exercise was a four-hour seminar. Mullen and Petraeus both attended, as did Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair, a retired admiral who had once headed the Pentagon’s war gaming agency. Blair had suggested the game, thinking it might help in assessing various troop levels. As the exercise ended, Blair hinted at its limitations. “Well, this is a good warm-up,” he said. “When is the next game?” But in the end, the President let Gen. Petraeus using this “war game” as a key argument against the hybrid model. Obama seems to have had an intuitive feel that the proposal he was being given was not in the national interest. He balks at the price tag. He promises not to leave the situation to his successor. Woodward seems to suggest that Obama would have preferred a smaller training mission in Afghanistan: The military did not understand, he said. “It’d be a lot easier for me to go out and give a speech saying, ‘You know what? The American people are sick of this war, and we’re going to put in 10,000 trainers because that’s how we’re going to get out of there.’ ” It was apparent that a part of Obama wanted to give precisely that speech. He seemed to be road-testing it. Donilon said Gates might resign if the decision was 10,000 trainers, an option the military leaders had all rejected in the early stages of the review. “That would be the difficult part,” Obama said, “because Bob Gates is . . .there’s no stronger member of my national security team.” No one said anything more about that possibility. But, he backs away out of fear that Gates might resign! The difficult part isn’t sending 30,000 men to Afghanistan. The “difficult part” is that Secretary Gates might resign if he doesn’t! Of course, pitching it as the politically “easier” option was hardly likely to win over the confidence of the brass. But the bigger issue is that Obama gave Bob Gates — President Bush’s Secretary of Defense — veto power over his decision on Afghanistan. Extraordinary. Now, I don’t know whether Woodward has the story right. Maybe he’s spinning to sell books. I don’t know. But the message that comes out of this strikes me as clear. The President lacks confidence in his national security judgments. He feels he need approval from a “grownup” in the form of a Republican Secretary of Defense. The President may think this signals a balanced and thoughtful judgment. What it signals to me is doubt. And believe me, what it signals to others, in the military, is that Democrats and liberals can’t be trusted on national security. They can’t be trusted because they don’t even trust themselves. This is going to be a common sentiment. Bush may have been wrongheaded, but he was decisive and a leader. Obama is more careful and analytical, but ultimately needs approval from others. I just don’t know that you can command the respect of your national security professionals if you allow them to stonewall you, rig analytical exercises, and then win debates through threats of resignation. Worse, you can’t command respect when you’re final decision is announced like this: Under the redefined mission, Obama told Gates, the best I can do is 30,000. “This is what I’m willing to take on, politically,” the president said. Wow. Not a strategic decision. A political one. After Obama came into office, the military asked for 19,000 more troops (which they got) and 40,000 (of which they got 30,000). Some people will call that “splitting the difference.” I call it turning over strategic decision-making on Afghanistan to the military. And look, that’s fine. Had President Obama run for office saying, “Look, I don’t know much about military affairs. And frankly, I don’t think we Democrats can be trusted to make decisions of war and peace. So, my role as commander in chief will be largely to rubber stamp recommendations coming from the military and Bob Gates,” then at least there would have been no surprises. But that isn’t how Obama ran for office. He ran for office making a lot of powerful, sophisticated assessments of international affairs. And in the Woodward book, he comes off as someone who has very good instincts about Afghanistan – e.g. wanting to minimize the commitment, develop an exit strategy, focus on training. He has the brains and the instincts to make the right decisions, but apparently not the confidence to impose his will on the national security bureaucracy. If Woodward’s reporting is accurate, it is very, very disappointing. About the author Bernard Finel currently serves as Associate Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College. His views are his alone and do not represent the position of the National War College, National Defense University, or the Department of Defense. Before that he was senior fellow at the American Security Project, a non-partisan think tank located in Washington, DC. Previously, he was an Associate Professor of Strategy and Policy at the National War College and Executive Director of the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University. At his website he writes about politics, national security, crime and justice, and social commentary. He holds a BA in international relations from Tufts University and an MA and Ph.D. in international relations from Georgetown. Other posts about Obama vs. his generals About the policies of the Obama Administration
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Q: unit test in ruby not printing results to console I'm trying to set up a testing environment in ruby using rake. It seems like the code I have gets reached by rake but it doesn't return any test results. I'm hoping I'm missing something simple and you could lend me a hand. rakefile require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs = ["lib"] t.warning = true t.verbose = true t.test_files = ['test/numbersTest_test.rb'] end task default:[:test] numbersTest_test.rb require "test/unit" class TestMyApplication < Test::Unit::TestCase def dummyCase assert(false, "dummy case failed") end end Result when I run "rake" C:\Users\Daniel\Classes\assign1\PerfectNumbersRuby λ rake C:/Ruby21-x64/bin/ruby.exe -w -I"lib" -I"C:/Ruby21-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib" "C:/Ruby21-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/numbersTest_test.rb" test A: There are no testcases in your code. Testcases are methods whose name starts with test_.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Weather Display with Forecast.io / Dark Sky API We have 3 possible scenarios for displaying weather. This is a dedicated weather add-on for PowerPoint to display weather information in a presentation. This is very easy to use and it can show current weather information and forecasts. If you need to display the weather information then use this option. When you need to display more than just a weather, try our DataPoint solution or combine with other Dynamic Elements add-ons. It has the same weather data provider (as in the first solution). This is very easy to use and can combine information from other data providers like database and Excel information. The weather information from any weather source or weather API is typically communicated with XML or JSON format. DataPoint can use any XML or JSON data feed. So, if you want to have a full flexibility yourself, then take full control with the XML or JSON data providers of DataPoint. This blog article covers option 3. Normally we use Yahoo Weather as a weather API because it is good and free to use. But recently, a customer needed a weather display with weather information per hour of today. This type of information, hourly weather forecasts, is not available in the Yahoo Weather API, so we had to look elsewhere. Forecast.io is another weather data provider, with a free and paid plans, and is providing this hourly weather information that we need. Let’s explore the capabilities of Forecast.io. Jusr recently the Forecast.io service was renamed into Dark Sky. Sign up at Forecast.io and get your API key in order to retrieve data. Documentation of what and how to retrieve weather information, can be found here. Typically a call looks like this: https://api.forecast.io/forecast/APIKEY/LATITUDE,LONGITUDE The APIKEY is the unique key that you get from them and identifies you and your application. The latitude and longitude are geographical coordinates to identify a location or city. In this article we will create a dynamic weather display for Rome in Italy. So we have to look for the coordinates of Rome. Use the Google search engine for this. With this geographical information, we can now rewrite the API call like: 52cec5ff313a4d19b60540cfe89675a5 is our API key that we got from our sign up process at forecast.io. We will change this API key after publication of this article. So use your own API key instead. Using this key in your weather display presentation will not work. You will have to use your own key. The reason for this is that, you will get a free number of calls per day, and otherwise we would exceed that number of calls if everyone would use the same together. 41.9028,12.4964 are the coordinates for Rome, Italy, as we got them from our Google search. We can use DataPoint to link PowerPoint to this weather service. Click DataPoint in the PowerPoint ribbon and click the List button. Select the JSON node at the list of possible providers and click the Add Connection button. JSON is used by forecast.io to exchange the information between 2 applications. There are some extra parameters added for this purpose. Units=si returns the information as degrees in Celsius. And we want to include daily information only. Click OK to close. Name the connection and click the Add Query button. The information we need was stored in the data table. Select it. Set the refresh rate to 900 seconds, or 15 minutes. Click OK to close. At this stage, we have a first connection and query established for the forecasts per day. We need to add a new connection for the hourly information of today. Add a new connection by clicking the Add Connection button and set the URL this time to: You will see that currently, minutely, daily, alerts and flags are excluded and that basically only hourly intervals are included with this call. Here again, select the data table and set the refresh to 900 seconds. Click OK to close and now we have 2 weather queries set up in our PowerPoint presentation. Now the fun part starts as we are going to use the information on our weather display slides. We designed our presentation like this: Select your text box to host the temperature value and click DataPoint menu then click Text box to open its properties. Open the list of connections and choose the connection named Rome weather per day | data. Choose the column name TemperatureMax and set the row number to 3. Row 1 is for the past hour, 2 for the current hour and 3 holds the info for the next hour, what we want to display. Click OK to close. The text box will now show the dynamic temperature value from our data source. For the weather icons, insert a default weather icon to your weather display slide. Click Insert then Pictures and select a default icon. Place this on your slide. Select the inserted image and click DataPoint, Picture in order to dynamically link it. It asks to convert the normal picture into a dynamic or DataPoint picture. Choose Yes. Set the connection to Rome weather per day | data and choose icon as column. Set the row number to 3 for the info of the next hour. At the option The data of the selected column contains, switch it to filename only. Set the folder to .\icon set 1 and enter png as an extension. The weather API communicates the weather status as words like clear-day, clear-night, rain, snow, sleet, wind, fog, cloudy, partly-cloudy-day, or partly-cloudy-night. We have a folder with all these words as images. That is how we can translate a weather condition text into a weather icon. Click OK to close. Complete all text boxes and images on all slides, and link all to the various weather information. Save it and run the slide show. While the weather display slide show is running, DataPoint will communicate with Forecast.io every 15 minutes about the weather information of Rome. Whenever a new value like temperature is detected, DataPoint will update the information in the text boxes without stopping and restarting the slide show. All updates will happen while the slide show is running. Follow Us Copyright Notice CounterPoint, DataPoint, Dynamic ELEMENTS, iPoint, MessagePoint, NewsPoint, OutlookPoint, PlanPoint, ShowPoint, TickerPoint and VideoPoint are trademarks or registered trademarks of PresentationPoint. Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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Thursday, June 13, 2013 Canetti's mother - she forgot about the time, we kept reading and reading I should write something about Elias Canetti and his mother. Early in The Tongue Set Free, just a fifth of the way into the memoir, Canetti’s father suddenly dies. Canetti is eight, I think. He ends up moving into his father’s role in some ways. The mother’s psychology is the curious thing, how she demands from her young son some of the intellectual and emotional satisfactions she once got from her husband. Thus her insistence that he learn German instantaneously, or her course of reading Shakespeare and Schiller with Canetti – German was the language she shared with her husband, theater was the art the loved together. I hate to think what this would do to a kid less tenacious and brilliant than Canetti, but she likely would have demanded less in that case. She made an effort not to influence me. After each scene, she asked me how I understood it, and before saying anything herself, she always let me speak first. But sometimes, when it was late, and she forgot about the time, we kept reading and reading, and I sensed that she was utterly excited and would never stop… Her wide nostrils quivered vehemently, her large, gray eyes no longer saw me, her words were no longer directed at me. I felt that she was talking to Father when she was seized in this way, and perhaps I, without realizing it, had become my father. (83) A break is inevitable; thus Canetti’s confusion between the Schnitzler-like doctor who pursues his mother and the forbidden sexual content of the Schnitzler books his mother reads in place of Schiller. Canetti’s own move toward independence occurs in Switzerland, in part due to his discovery of Swiss literature. He first has contempt for it, as when, at the celebration of the Gottfried Keller centennial, he cannot believe that this writer he has never heard of can be any good: “but what struck me to the core of my naïve attitude was the lofty claim for a writer whom not even mother had read” (168). This bit of the story has a happy ending, by the way: “at the time, I couldn’t guess with what delight I would some day read Green Henry.” The Zurich poet and historical novelist Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (who I have not read) breaks through Canetti’s resistance, as does Jeremias Gotthelf’s nightmarish The Black Spider (“I felt haunted by it, as though it had dug into my own face,” 253), which leads to some sort of break with his mother, who uses the novella as a weapon to attack Zurich, Switzerland, and her son (“nobody with any understanding took Gotthelf seriously today,” 254). The memoir ends with the mother’s long, brutal attack on Canetti’s Bildung, his education, his interest in Switzerland, and the writers he likes. It is wild; neurotic, cruel and misguided and, psychologically, of high interest, however strange. And it is only half as strange as the story Canetti tells his mother about a circle of dancing mice: “You’re being unfair,” she said, “that’s just like you. You expect too much. Mice aren’t people, after all, even if they do have a kind of dancing.” (221) Good point, Mom. Canetti’s memoir and mother often reminded me of Romain Gary’s Promise atDawn, as different as the books are, as different as the mothers are, two stories of powerful but displaced Jewish mothers and their brilliant sons wandering across Europe, searching for not just a home but a culture. It is striking how exposure to literature in general, or a particular type of literature, in this case Swiss, so often leads folks to question assumptions that they were brought up with. More evidence as to how dangerous reading is:) The big irony is that the mother's argument at the end of the memoir is an abrupt turn away from her earlier pedagogy, which was eminently Viennese - reading, culture, Bildung, the usual stuff. She may be something of a strategist, too. Contact Me [email protected] I too could now say to myself: Be no longer a Chaos, but a World, or even Worldkin. Produce! Produce! Were it but the pitifullest infinitesimal fraction of a Product, produce it in God's name! 'Tis the utmost thou hast in thee; out with it then. Up, up! Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy whole might. Work while it is called To-day, for the Night cometh wherein no man can work.
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76 Ariz. 390 (1953) 265 P.2d 447 STATE ex rel. JONES, Atty. Gen. v. LOCKHART. No. 5857. Supreme Court of Arizona. December 26, 1953. *391 Ross F. Jones, Atty. Gen., in pro. per. A.M. Crawford and Thaddeus G. Baker, Asst. Attys. Gen., for plaintiff. Ruffo Espinosa, Nogales, for defendant. Parker & Muecke, and Robt. L. Myers, Phoenix, amici curiae. UDALL, Justice. The State of Arizona upon the relation of Ross F. Jones, Attorney General, brings this original action in quo warranto, asking that this court adjudge defendant Lynn Lockhart not entitled to hold or enjoy the office of state senator from Apache County, and that judgment of ouster be entered against him. *393 The undisputed facts are that on March 30, 1953, there was filed with the secretary of state a regularly adopted Senate concurrent resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Arizona relating to the legislature, and directing that said amendment be submitted to the qualified electors at the next regular general election or at a special election called for that purpose. Thereafter, by the provisions of Chapter 123, Laws 1953, the legislature called a special election, to be held September 29, 1953, for the purpose of submitting the above and other proposed constitutional amendments to a vote of the people. The election was held, and when the official returns were canvassed it appeared the amendment in question had carried by a majority of 444 votes. Thereupon His Excellency, Governor Howard Pyle, in obedience to Article IV, Part 1, Section 1, subsection (13) of the Constitution, issued a proclamation declaring said amendment to be law. The amendment is an amendment of Article IV, Part 2, Section 1, subsection (1) of our Constitution, Laws 1953, p. 360, and provides in part as follows: "2. The Legislature "(1) The Senate shall consist of two members from each county elected at large. "Beginning with the Twenty-second Legislature the House of Representatives shall be composed of not to exceed eighty members, to be apportioned to the counties according to the number of ballots cast in each county at the preceding general election for governor in the manner herein provided. * * *" (Then follows a complicated apportionment formula, presently based upon each 3520 ballots cast for Governor, which will freeze the House membership at the maximum above prescribed.) At all times prior to the adoption of the foregoing amendment, the state senate had been composed of nineteen members, the apportionment by enumeration of counties being as follows: two senators each from Cochise, Gila, Maricopa, Pima, and Yavapai counties, and one senator from Apache County and each of the other eight counties of the state. The governor evidently considered that with adoption of the amendment, in the nine counties having but one senator under the old provisions of the Constitution, there was a newly-created additional office of state senator, and that there was a vacancy in the term thereof. The parties to this case seem to agree, and we think properly so, that Chapter 37, Laws 1923, which appears in Article 11 of Chapter 55, A.C.A. 1939, providing for special election to fill vacancies in the legislature, has no application to the instant situation, wherein there has never been an incumbent of the *394 office. That law obviously provides only for the filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal of a person who is already serving a term in the legislature. However, Article 5, Section 8, of our Constitution provides: "When any office shall, from any cause, become vacant, and no mode shall be provided by the constitution or by law for filling such vacancy, the governor shall have the power to fill such vacancy by appointment." Believing that this section did apply to the situation, that a term existed and there was a vacancy in the office, and that he was by law empowered to fill the same, the Governor on October 31, 1953, undertook to appoint defendant Lynn Lockhart, of Springerville, Arizona, as state senator from Apache County for a short term, effective November 2, 1953. On that day defendant appeared at the office of the Governor and took his oath of office as state senator, and in compliance with the rules of the Senate subscribed to a non-communist oath. On the following day while the Senate was assembled in open session, defendant intruded upon that body and made demand upon the Senate President, Hon. Hubert Merryweather, that he be seated as a duly qualified senator from Apache County. His words were substantially as follows: "I am a member of this Senate; my name is Lynn Lockhart. I have been appointed by the Governor of this State to serve as the second state senator from Apache County. I hand you my certificate of appointment, my noncommunistic oath, and my oath of office. There not appearing to be any desk available for me at this time, I will sit here until a desk is provided for me." Apparently Mr. Lockhart then seated himself in a vacant chair on the Senate floor. Thereupon a motion to adjourn sine die was made and carried, and the senators left the chambers. Defendant presently claims to hold and exercise the office of state senator, and to assume and perform the duties pertaining thereto, and to be entitled to receive the emoluments thereof. Upon the verified complaint of the Senate president and pursuant to Section 28-301, A.C.A. 1939, the attorney general has brought this quo warranto action, asking that judgment of ouster be entered against defendant. Article 6, Section 4 of the Constitution of Arizona, confers upon this court original jurisdiction in quo warranto proceedings as to all state officers. Members of the legislature are undoubtedly state officers. While elected from a single county or a subdivision thereof, this fact cannot alter their official rank, which arises from the fact that the legislature is under our Constitution a co-ordinate branch of the state government. Certainly their duties *395 concern the state at large, for the legislature is an instrumentality appointed by the state to exercise a part of its sovereign powers. See Morril v. Haines, 2 N.H. 246; 42 Am.Jur., Public Officers, § 20; 49 Am.Jur., States, Territories and Dependencies, § 28. Therefore, it is of great public concern that only persons lawfully entitled thereto shall discharge the duties of a member of the state legislature, and from the facts here presented we deem the case to be a proper one for this court to exercise its original jurisdiction. Some question is raised whether quo warranto is a proper proceeding to decide the problems here involved. We hold that it is. Section 28-301, A.C.A. 1939, says: "An action may be brought by the attorney-general in the name of the state upon his relation, * * * upon the verified complaint of any person, in the Supreme Court, * * * against any person who usurps, intrudes into or who unlawfully holds or exercises any public office or any franchise within this state, and he shall bring such action whenever he has reason to believe that any such office or franchise is being usurped, intruded into or unlawfully held or exercised." When defendant received a purported appointment by the highest executive officer of this state, and pursuant thereto took an oath of office, entered the Senate chambers, claimed to be a duly qualified and acting senator, and seated himself therein as a regular member of that body, he was more than a mere volunteer or interloper without color of right, and brought himself within the terms of our statute as one who "usurps, intrudes into or who unlawfully holds or exercises any public office." Whether the ancient prerogative writ would lie in these circumstances we need not decide. It suffices that there is a controversy justiciable by this court. We stated in State ex rel. Sullivan v. Moore, 49 Ariz. 51, 65, 64 P.2d 809, 815, "No officer nor tribunal other than the courts may determine whether an election or appointment is void or not." Nor is this exercise of jurisdiction by the courts an encroachment upon the power of the legislature to judge the qualifications of its own members. See State v. O'Brien, 47 Ohio St. 464, 25 N.E. 121. The constitutional amendment in question embraces both (a) an increase in the size of the Senate, and (b) a limitation on the future membership of the House to freeze it at its present size, accomplished by a changed basis of apportionment. It is contended that the amendment never became part of the Constitution of this state because the manner in which it was submitted to a vote of the people violated Article *396 21, Section 1, of the Constitution of Arizona, which provides in part as follows: "* * * If more than one proposed amendment shall be submitted at any election, such proposed amendments shall be submitted in such manner that the electors may vote for or against such proposed amendments separately. We believe the prohibition of Article 21, Section 1 was not violated, and we shall proceed to point out why. In the case of Kerby v. Luhrs, 44 Ariz. 208, 36 P.2d 549, 554, 94 A.L.R. 1502, this court laid down the yardstick to be used in determining what matters fall within the ban of the constitutional provision, and said: "If the different changes contained in the proposed amendment all cover matters necessary to be dealt with in some manner, in order that the Constitution, as amended, shall constitute a consistent and workable whole on the general topic embraced in that part which is amended, and if, logically speaking, they should stand or fall as a whole, then there is but one amendment submitted. But, if any one of the propositions, although not directly contradicting the others, does not refer to such matters, or if it is not such that the voter supporting it would reasonably be expected to support the principle of the others, then there are in reality two or more amendments to be submitted, and the proposed amendment falls within the constitutional prohibition." In applying that gauge to the facts shown therein, the court had no hesitancy in declaring as "log rolling of the worst type" and violative of "both the spirit and the letter of the Constitution", three new proposed amendments to the Constitution to be voted on as a single measure. The amendments would have (a) made the Tax Commission a constitutional body, (b) changed the method of taxing public utilities, and (c) changed the procedure by which copper mines should be taxed. It had been contended that all of said measures fell under the general head of "taxation". Deciding just what changes do or do not fall within the purview of the prohibition becomes a matter of applying reason to fact. At the outset it should be stated that courts do not lightly declare laws unconstitutional, and we agree with the Supreme Court of Colorado that: "* * * every reasonable presumption, both of law and fact, is to be indulged in favor of the validity of an amendment to the Constitution when it is attacked after its ratification by the people. * * *" People ex rel. Elder v. Sours, 31 Colo. 369, 74 P. 167, 169; Cf. State v. Gastelum, 75 Ariz. 271, 255 P.2d 203; Duhame v. State Tax Commission, 65 Ariz. 268, 179 P.2d 252, 171 A.L.R. 684. *397 Since the organization of the Territory of Arizona in the year 1863, the Legislative Assembly, as our legislative body was known prior to statehood, was composed of two bodies, viz.: the Council and the House of Representatives. With the framing and adoption of the Constitution of Arizona in the year 1912, and at all times since, the provisions for the composition and apportionment of the two houses of the legislature have been consolidated into Article 4, Part 2, Section 1, subsection (1), thereof, as a Senate and House of Representatives. Until the adoption of the amendment now in question the Senate membership, by constitutional mandate, has remained the same, i.e., nineteen members to be elected in the fourteen counties according to the apportionment heretofore set forth. However, the people through the initiative, first in the year 1918 (see Sess. Laws Arizona 1919, Initiative and Referendum Measures, p. 7), and later in the year 1932 (see Sess. Laws Arizona 1933, p. 619) amended said subsection and changed the size and apportionment formula for the House membership, while leaving unchanged the Senate membership, although somewhat different phraseology was used each time to accomplish this last result. True, only the latest amendment has changed the number of senators from any county, but each amendment was an amendment of the whole subsection. Although it did not change the number of senators, it amended the previous provisions just as much as if it had changed the number. The question of change in the number of senators has nothing to do with the problem, the question is whether a provision as to senators and their apportionment to the counties may logically and lawfully be coupled with a provision as to representatives and their apportionment. Clearly both relate to, and are germane to, one general subject, i.e., the composition of the state legislature, and historically the people of this state have considered that but one subject was involved, to-wit: "The Legislature", albeit that legislature is bicameral. We cannot say that the people of this state in dealing with this subject for the past forty years have erred and acted unreasonably in treating their legislature as a single subject in constitutional amendments. We hold that but one proposed amendment was submitted to a vote of the people, and the legislature did not violate Article 21, Section 1, of the Constitution. The action of the governor in appointing defendant necessarily is founded upon the premise that proclamation of the amendment made it law, and that the law operated eo instanti to create the second office of senator from Apache County and to create a short term thereof to which defendant could be appointed. If this premise be false, all else falls with it. The date a measure becomes law and the date it becomes operative may be the same, as in Priser v. Frohmiller, 42 Ariz. 30, 21 P.2d 927, but, the authorities agree, and reason *398 compels us to accept as true, that the date a provision becomes law and the date it becomes operative may be different. 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, § 39. For example, a provision that today becomes part of the body of law of the state may by its terms declare that beginning one year from the date thereof an officer shall have certain powers conferred upon him. While the law exists as law in the interim, it operates to confer the powers only upon the day specified. Let us examine the amendment here with a view to determining at what time it operates to create the term of office which defendant purports to occupy. It is fundamental that "The prime effort in construing Constitutions or statutes is to ascertain the intention of those who framed them * * *." Clark v. Boyce, 20 Ariz. 544, 185 P. 136, 140. In 11 Am.Jur., Constitutional Law, Sec. 61, the rule is phrased: "The fundamental principle of constitutional construction is to give effect to the intent of the framers of the organic law and of the people adopting it. A constitutional clause must be construed reasonably to carry out the intention of the framers, which gives rise to the corollary that it should not be construed so as to defeat the obvious intent if another construction equally in accordance with the words and sense may be adopted which will enforce and carry out the intent. The intent must be gathered from both the letter and spirit of the document. "It has been very appropriately stated that the polestar in the construction of Constitutions is the intention of the makers and adopters. "Wherever the purpose of the framers of a Constitution is clearly expressed, it will be followed by the courts. Even where terms of a constitutional provision are not entirely free from doubt, they must be interpreted as nearly as possible in consonance with the objects and purposes in contemplation at the time of their adoption, because in construing a constitutional provision, its general scope and object should be considered. Of course no constitutional provision is to be construed piece-meal, and regard must be had to the whole of the provision and its relation to other parts of the Constitution. Guided by the foregoing principles, our examination of the amendment has convinced us defendant purports to hold a nonexistent term of office. The amendment begins by declaring "The Senate shall consist of two members from each county elected at large." (Emphasis supplied.) The word "elected" here can refer only to the regular election processes provided for by the Constitution and laws of this state. Certainly nothing in the phraseology of the amendment leads us to believe *399 it was the intent of the electorate to have the amendment become effective instanter and of itself create a term for the new offices. To uphold the appointment we would be forced to read into the amendment something conspicuously absent from it, namely, the creation of a "short term" to be filled by appointment, for the nine new offices. We reject such a strained interpretation, and hold the legal effect of the amendment was to create, at the time it was proclaimed to be law, the nine additional senate offices therein named, and that it was intended the terms thereof should commence when the offices had been filled by persons elected in the manner other senators are elected. The second sentence of the amendment declares "Beginning with the Twenty-second Legislature the House of Representatives shall be composed * * *." Here the matter is left in no doubt whatsoever, it is spelled out clearly and completely, and in unmistakable terms tells us the change wrought in the manner of apportioning the House of Representatives is not effective until the 1954 elections are held. Here it is both possible and reasonable to read the provisions as to the House as applicable to the Senate, not merely because the provisions follow one another in the amendment, but because the sense of the amendment as a whole when read by an intelligent voter is that it was not meant to become operative as to either house until the next elections. We reiterate, the amendment treats with but one subject, "The Legislature", and the changes made are changes in that legislature. There is one amendment, and one set of changes, and ordinarily we should expect but one date for the changes to become effective. We are not impressed with the construction urged by defendant that it was intended during the interim we should have a legislature with an increased Senate membership but with an unchanged House apportionment. To say the new offices are created and the term thereof becomes presently effective (the vacancy thus resulting to be filled by appointment), would in our opinion be in direct conflict with the plain language of the amendment, and the result would be to deprive the people in the nine counties granted an additional senator, of the privilege of exercising their electoral franchise to select the person to fill the office. We believe this was never the intent of the electorate, for they have ever jealously guarded their right to elect their public officials and vested the appointing power in other hands only in exceptional cases. For example, see Chapter 135, Laws 1947 (now Section 19-210 of the 1952 Cumulative Supplement), enlarging the membership of the Supreme Court. A departure from this policy would have to be declared in clearer words than are here found. Furthermore, we note that the amendment was proposed by a concurrent resolution of the legislature, and therein it was *400 provided that it should be submitted to a vote of the people at the next regular general election, or at a special election called for that purpose. This meant that possibly there would be no submission to the electorate until November, 1954, which indicates the legislature never intended there be any term other than the regular two-year term provided for by Article 4, Part 2, Section 21, of the Constitution, which reads: "The members of the first legislature shall hold office until the first Monday in January, 1913. The terms of office of the members of succeeding legislatures shall be two years." It appears that another court has reached a similar conclusion upon a comparable fact situation. In State ex rel. Sanchez v. Dixon, La. App., 4 So.2d 591, 595, the issue presented was whether the governor could appoint as interim appointments, four additional police jurors, under an act authorizing the creation of these offices upon varying population increases. The court said: "The general rule is that, where no time is fixed for the beginning of the term of an elective office, it begins at the time the office is filled by an election, and if the office is an appointive one, the term begins when the appointment is made. So, where an election is necessary, the term does not begin until after that election is held. 46 C.J., pages 965, 966; 22 R.C.L. p. 550, Sec. 251; State [ex rel. Foot] v. Rogge, 80 Mont. 1, 257 P. 1029; State [ex rel. Kriebs] v. Halladay, 52 S.D. 497, 219 N.W. 125 et seq.; People [ex rel. Quereau] v. Hamrock, 74 Colo. 411, 222 P. 391." Cf. Graham v. Lockhart, 53 Ariz. 531, 91 P.2d 265; People ex rel. Bagshaw v. Thompson, 55 Cal. App.2d 147, 130 P.2d 237; State ex rel. Rosenthal v. Smiley, 304 Mo. 549, 263 S.W. 825; and State ex rel. Cotter v. Leipner, 138 Conn. 153, 83 A.2d 169. Following the analysis of the Louisiana court, the failure of the amendment to declare otherwise means the office, though created, was not to be filled until the beginning of the term prescribed by law. The new term not yet having come into existence, there is no vacancy to be filled. It is the judgment of the court that the defendant is guilty of usurping or intruding into the State Senate, in that he is claiming without right to be a member thereof as a Senator from Apache County, and he is therefore ordered ousted and excluded from said legislative body. STANFORD, C.J., and PHELPS, LA PRADE and WINDES, JJ., concur.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Score breakdown (from 170 reviews) Average rating for: Cleanliness Service Comfort Condition Neighborhood Our stay at the Comfort Inn was wonderful from start to finish! We checked in near midnight and I had called in advance to secure our reservation and was cheerfully confirmed. We were offered a cart upon arrival from the desk staff, although we didn't need it, but it was nice he offered. Our room was super clean and perfectly met our needs. Breakfast was AMAZING!! The staff was very efficient and we had everything we could possibly desire! I liked that there was a convenient meeting room right next to the breakfast area for overflow seating. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Oct 27, 2013 Nancy US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Very nice room" Very nice room, the tub was fantastic. We only stayed 1 night but the location is close to most anything you would want to see in Duluth. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night romance trip Sep 16, 2013 Cheryl US 5.0 / 5Outstanding pleasant experience. would recommend. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night family trip Oct 10, 2013 Pam US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Great hotel in Duluth!" We loved the room, very comfortable. And the breakfast was delicious! Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night trip with friends Oct 11, 2013 Mari US 3.0 / 5Good "Nice place to stay" Good stay Genuine Hotels.com guest review 3 night business trip Oct 7, 2013 Mike US 5.0 / 5Outstanding A first-rate experience. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night trip Sep 22, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nice Hotel-Enjoyed our stay" Staff very helpful. Enjoyed our stay. It is a 5 minute drive to the lift bridge and most attractions. Hotel was clean. Breakfast very good. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to change our plans at the last minute. The staff was wonderful in meeting our needs with this last minute change. The room was comfortable and the facilities were clean but need some minor "fixing" in some spots, nothing major. We went down for breakfast the morning after staying and did not realize that they do not start serving until 7:00am Sunday mornings. We started eating and soon realized, as they were not ready for us, that we were early; this was our fault and our misunderstanding. About 6:55, a couple of others in our group went down to get ready to eat. They were told, very rudely, that breakfast does not start until 7:00! I was not annoyed that they were not able to start early, as it was not quite 7am, however, the tone and way that they were treated over something rather minor did not sit well with me. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Sep 5, 2013 A Traveler US 3.0 / 5Good "an ok place to stay" it wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. as soon as you walk into the hotel, you can smell from the hallway that some of the rooms are smoking rooms and you can also smell a strong odor of chlorine from the pool. the fitted sheets on the bed kept slipping off while we were sleeping so we would end up on the mattress pad by the time we woke up in the morning. the breakfast in the morning was decent, not anything spectacular and the "hot" foods weren't very hot. that being said, the rooms were clean and quiet. it was a nice place to keep our things and sleep between going out and discovering duluth. canal park is really close and very nice, full of wonderful restaurants and cute little shops. the hotel is very conveniently located along the highway that we used to get to the canal park area and the duluth aquarium. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Sep 3, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nice, but noisy." The hotel was just about everything you could want from a moderate priced hotel. It was clean and well maintained. Staff was courteous and helpful. Breakfast offerings were very nice and coffee was plentiful. Pool was clean and well maintained. The one drawback to this hotel was its location. Located near and surrounded by a heavy industrial area the trucks at the intersection were very loud and noisy at 5am thru the morning; this was during the week of course. If you're an early riser it probably wouldn't matter, but when I'm on vacation I don't appreciate it. Otherwise we enjoyed the rest of the aspects of the hotel, plus it was easy to get to. Genuine Expedia guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Dear Brin, Thank you for taking the extra time to review our hotel. Your feedback is very important to us and we can assure you that we will use this information to do everything possible to create an enjoyable experience for each of our guests. I'm already looking into purchasing ear plugs for those who may be light sleepers and are located near the intersection you mentioned. We hope to see you again soon! Other trip Aug 21, 2013 Brin US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Comfort Inn in Duluth" Our experience at this hotel was excellent. I can't think of one negative thing. We checked in late in the eve and out after breakfast the next morning. It would have been a pleasure to stay longer. Genuine Expedia guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Thank you for the great comments about the hotel. I appreciate you taking the extra time to let others know of your experience. Visit us again when in Duluth! Other trip Aug 15, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nice motel" I think the motel is nice. The room is spacious and comfortable. Genuine Expedia guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Thanks for your review! It's great to hear you liked your room and the hotel. Please visit us again if you return to the Duluth area. Other trip Aug 13, 2013 A Traveler US 3.0 / 5Good "Comefortable Enough" Everything was satisfactory, except my room had a strange smell. It was a non-smoking room that smelled like it had been smoked in for years, then covered up with some air freshener. It was fine, but not excellent. Genuine Hotels.com guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Thank you for taking the extra time to review the hotel and your stay with us. I'm sorry to hear there was an odor in the guest room. We've been a smoke free facility for several years and have completed renovations to improve the overall condition in those rooms that were designated "smoking". I will definitely follow up with the hotel staff regarding the room you were assigned. I hope you choose to stay with us again the next time you visit Duluth! 2 night business trip Aug 6, 2013 Amy US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Great hotel!" I choose this hotel because it had the best reviews out of other hotels in the area. I'm glad I picked this hotel because rooms were clean, the hotel was beautiful, the staff were all very friendly and it wasn't terribly difficult to get to. Would definitely book here again! Genuine Hotels.com guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Thank you for such kind words and for taking the time to share your hotel experience! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you again soon. 3 night trip with friends Jul 30, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Comfortable, felt right at home" Staff professional & pleasant. Rooms were not overly big, but comfortable, 'homey' and (important to me) extremely clean. The bathroom spotless. Staff quickly supplied extra feather free pillows upon request. At first when I saw that we were right across the hall from a large family with toddler -age children, I thought noise might be an issue -- but the walls blocked sound well. The free breakfast is awesome. For our next trip to Duluth we will definitely book this hotel again! Genuine Expedia guest review Response by Comfort Inn West Dear Crystal, Thanks so much for taking the extra time to share your hotel experience. It's great to hear the staff took care of your needs. Feedback from our guests is very important to us and your input helps with our continuing efforts to provide excellent service and a great stay. We hope to see you again soon! Staff was all business. Tried to get info on area. Acted as if we were bothering them. Maid actually turned her back as we were walking up to her in the hall. Never spoke to us except to answer our questions. Tho in our room we could hear her talking to the other maids.No microwave or fridge in room. Evening "meal" was NOT offered on July 4 even tho the rate went up for the night. Only plus of tis motel was location. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night trip with friends Jul 3, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding We were very pleased with the accommodations at the Comfort Inn in Duluth, Mn. My wife could not believe that you even had a magnifying mirror in the bathroom. Thank you; we will certainly visit again. Genuine Venere guest review Other trip Jul 8, 2013 A Traveler US 3.0 / 5Good "4th of July 2013" We got to the hotel at about 4:00 pm and were greeted by two very warm and welcoming hotel staff members. We were quickly checked in and on our way to our room. Upon entering the non-smoking room we were overwhelmed by a very strong smoke smell. I went to the front desk where the staff apologized and gave us a different room, which was very clean and smoke free smelling. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jul 7, 2013 rock hounds US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Very nice hotel." Everything clicked and even received a room on the first floor as requested. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jun 14, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Enjoyable stay and great staff" The motel was conveniently located. The facilities were clean and well maintained. The room was comfortable and clean. We had all we wanted and needed. The breakfast was plenty and very good. All the staff (front desk, cleaning, food etc.) were all friendly, helpful and always smiled and thanked us for staying with them. We stayed four nights and did not have one issue arise. When we return to Duluth we will stay at this motel again and have already recommended it to others who are planning a trip to the Duluth area. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jun 12, 2013 Ken US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nice for the price." Our room was nice, great pool, sauna, whirlpool. One complaint was traffic from the highway was noisy when sleeping at night. We had an exterior room next time I would request an interior room. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jun 11, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "easy access to freeway, Perkins across the street" My only complaint is that my room was right next to in exit, and the door made a loud clanging noise everytime someone opened it! I think it was the door people were using to go smoke. Very difficult to sleep when you hear this loud noise every 5 minutes. It did finally quite down around 1:30 am. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night trip May 31, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Pleasing stay" This was a very pleasant experience. Our room was ready early and in great condition. It was pleasingly decorated. The desk staff were helpful and friendly. Although we did not use the pool, the children using it were having a blast. The pool area was clean and safe. Perkins is located across the street which offers a varied menu at an excellent price. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jun 2, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nice hotel, convenient location." Great Place to stay. Great location. Short drive to anything around Duluth. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip May 28, 2013 Jenifer US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Clean rooms, great price" Overall we really enjoyed our stay. Nice clean rooms, friendly staff and nice pool area. The noise from the hall was a little loud in our room. Beds were a little on the hard side but nice fluffy pillows. We would stay here again! The price was great for the rooms and the service we got! Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night family trip May 11, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Recent visit" Staff very friendly and helpful. Bed very comfortable. Room had stain on carpet, torn wallpaper. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night business trip Apr 24, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "vacation" Our stay was very pleasant. Nice hotel and great staff. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 3 night trip Apr 11, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Family get together" Wonderful time for the kids, although the staff was really disappointing Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Apr 16, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent The location was GREAT! Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night trip Apr 8, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Review" Our stay was very pleasant. The room was very nice and comfortable with a lovely bathroom. If we came to Duluth again we would stay here. All the amenities were available and it was very quiet. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Apr 11, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Nicely priced." Nice motel. In better shape than some of those comparatively priced. Location next to I-35 was not a problem. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Mar 29, 2013 Northern WI US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Stopover" It was a nice hotel with everything we needed for our stopover on the way to the destination. Decent breakfast was included. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night trip Mar 22, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Great hotel for family" Stayed only one night, but it was enjoyable! Pool area, food court was very nice. Enjoyed the breakfast! Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Mar 9, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Worked-for-me" It appears the lobby area has been recently been updated. The staff was friendly and accommodating. The pool area was very clean. The hot tub was large enough to fit a number of people. The temperature of the pool was comfortable and my husband loved the sauna. The rooms are average. The continental breakfast offered a nice assortment. A good place to stay if you don't want to pay the higher rates of Canel Park area however you don't have the view or ease of walking around Lake Superior - it just depends on what you are looking for or needing. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night trip Feb 21, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Comfortable, affordable" We had a great experience, using the pool, beds were comfortable, great breakfast and great deal on the 2 for 1 drink special. Would come back again. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night family trip Feb 2, 2013 A Traveler US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Would stay again" We stayed for 3 nights. The overall experience was a 4/5. The only downfall was the Wireless connection. We couldn't sustain a good connection long enough on our iPad so we used or phone. We were on a house hunting trip and used the Internet constantly. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 3 night trip Jan 20, 2013 Nancy US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "I'd stay here again" This was a great hotel. The hot breakfast was really good. They had both blueberry and regular waffles! it was a nice pool and hot tub area. The room was big and the beds were comfortable. The girl at the front desk was fantastic. She recommended a good place to eat nearby and she gave us a coupon book for several locations in Duluth. I would definitely stay here again on future trips to Duluth. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night trip Jan 17, 2013 DS US 3.0 / 5Good We were kept awake most of the night by talking adults. In the morning we realized our room was right next to an upper level lounge area. That is the last room that should be booked in a hotel. Or they should construct a door between the lounge areas and the rooms. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night trip Jan 11, 2013 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Awesome" Did not expect much; however, it was wonderful. Lobby was very clean & comfortable seating. Breakfast area was neat & clean. Only grip would be the eggs & sausage, eggs were very watery & sausage should have been cooked more thoroughly. Other than that the rest of the breakfast was delicious, especially the waffles. Pool area was clean, a little on the cool side. Our room was very clean, neat & comfortable. Would definitely book again. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Jan 11, 2013 Cheryl US 4.0 / 5Excellent "Overall very good" Our stay was very nice. The only complaint was that the pool could have been warmer. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 3 night family trip Dec 29, 2012 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "4.9" This hotel was very clean. The breakfast was very good. Staff very friendly. It was much more then rated. I would recommend it highly. We will go back to Duluth again and stay there again... Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Dec 4, 2012 The krueger's US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Happy in Duluth" Breakfast was very good, hotel very clean, people friendly and the TV was good. What else can a business traveler want? Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night business trip Nov 6, 2012 Chuck US 4.0 / 5Excellent "visit to Duluth" I will stay there again on my next visit. The pool and hot tub were great. The food was above standard. I,ve never had eggs and bacon in the morning at a hotel. We loved that only minutes after arriving to our room as we were getting settled the front desk called and ask if everything was ok and to be sure to call them if we needed anything. Great customer service! Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Oct 29, 2012 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding It was good. Very welcoming and clean!! The breakfast was great!! Genuine Hotels.com guest review 2 night trip Oct 18, 2012 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "Helpful staff, very clean and comfortable" We would definitely stay here again. Completely satisfied. Genuine Hotels.com guest review 1 night family trip Oct 12, 2012 A Traveler US 5.0 / 5Outstanding "hotel review" Great hotel! Room was spacious, quiet hallways, beds comfortable, breakfast was delicious - great choices. The pool was large, staff very friendly. I've been coming to Duluth for many years, staying at different hotels, but I'd definitely come back to this one again. Genuine Expedia guest review Other trip Oct 8, 2012 A Traveler US Reviews and ratings contained within this site are the subjective opinions of customers and suppliers; they do not represent or reflect Hotels.com’s position. Neither Hotels.com nor the parties involved in providing review content shall be held liable for any damages of any sort resulting from use of these reviews
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
This antique painted turquoise corner TV stand will look great in your home. Each piece is made from pine wood and hand painted to create a piece that is entirely unique as functional. Hand painted over a dark stain, then the paint is wired brushed to make the piece look old and weathered, revealing the woods natural texture and characteristics. Imperfections are what makes this corner TV stand so unique and one of a kind piece. No two TV stands are alike, so expects are what makes this corner TV stand so unique and one of a kind piece. No two TV stands are alike, so expect variations from the picture. Features include handcrafted from distressed pine wood, small pull down panel door, for your cable box, the center cabinet doors open to an open space and side cabinet doors open to 2 shelves for additional DVD/Blue Ray/CD��s and fitted with forged iron metal handles to add a rustic look. Comes already assembled and is 6 sided to fit in the corner.Dimensions: 50.50"L x 34.25"H x 28"DColor: Dark Wax Stain and Painted Turquoise… read more #SayIDo Whether you're making your holiday plans or booking your dream honeymoon, there's nowhere better to score deals on travel gear than Nordstrom. From weekender bags to sunglasses, the selection is currently rife with major markdowns that are not to be missed — and with Black Friday approaching, the discounts only promise to get better (last year's savings included up to 40% off select designer items). Planning a wedding can be stressful, making it hard to remember everything you need on your registry. Find out our top six registry essentials you may have forgotten or didn't know you needed on your wedding registry. Editors' Top Finds Let's face it, when you are first starting out, you're lucky if your new home has furniture in every room. Your first house, although magical, is often pretty piecemeal and low on funds. It's difficult to look like you have an aesthetic all your own. Depending upon the colors and presentation plaid can be preppy, rustic, autumnal, cheerful, traditional, elegant, or even Christmasey. We love this bold pattern, so we are so excited to see plaid back in a big way. Spring weddings celebrate not only the new beginning of the wedded couple, but also the spectacular start to warmer weather, bright blooms, and (finally) more sunshine! Here are 5 color palettes ideal for spring weddings. As fall is officially here in full force, we say goodbye to the relaxed sundresses of summer and hello to more formal choices for the holiday wedding season. If you are planning a late fall or winter wedding, chances are you are looking for bridesmaid dresses that are elegant and chic. Emily and Joseph's elegant wedding doesn't sacrifice warmth for sophistication. Emily was inspired by one of her favorite artists when it came to designing the vibrant centerpieces. This allowed her to use rich colors in the tablescapes against an otherwise neutral palette. And we love the effect! Related Stow electronics, media accessories and other belongings in handsome style with the Prescott 2-Door TV Console With Drawers. Craft...ed from oak with a warm rustic finish, this piece adds instant character to your design. Natural slate accents, waterfall... read more Our Martine Media Cabinet blends the rustic vibe of reclaimed pine wood with the mid-century modern style of the cabinet's silhoue...tte. Adorned with iron strips along the front and the sides, the base of the cabinet seems to extend till the top, adding... read more Seen as the centerpiece to a living room, give your entertainment unit a fresh update with the Jack Media Center. Crafted from sol...id wood, decorated with oil rubbed antique hardware and finished with beadboard panel doors, this traditional style... read more Provocative and stunning, The Executive Remix stands alone in a crowd of uninspired followers. With its geometric design and funct...ional resume, it truly boasts innovation and style. The Executive's white high gloss finish, stainless steel accents, and... read more This antique painted turquoise corner TV stand will look great in your home. Each piece is made from pine wood and hand painted to... create a piece that is entirely unique as functional. Hand painted over a dark stain, then the paint is wired brushed to... read more This antique painted turquoise 60" TV stands will look great in your home. This TV stand is made from pine wood and hand painted t...o create a piece that is entirely unique as functional. Hand painted over a dark stain, then the paint is wired brushed to... read more With its rustic charm and simple elegance, the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living ro...om. Featuring a corner design to save space, as well as a selection of available sizes, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability, this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR, DVD player, and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes, controllers, and more. With your choice of available finishes, this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Eagle Furniture Eagle Furniture Manufacturing is based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. All their furniture products are proudly made in the USA read more With its rustic charm and simple elegance, the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living ro...om. Featuring a corner design to save space, as well as a selection of available sizes, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability, this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR, DVD player, and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes, controllers, and more. With your choice of available finishes, this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Eagle Furniture Eagle Furniture Manufacturing is based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. All their furniture products are proudly made in the USA read more With its rustic charm and simple elegance, the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living ro...om. Featuring a corner design to save space, as well as a selection of available sizes, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability, this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR, DVD player, and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes, controllers, and more. With your choice of available finishes, this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Eagle Furniture Eagle Furniture Manufacturing is based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. All their furniture products are proudly made in the USA read more This antique painted turquoise 60" TV stands will look great in your home. This TV stand is made from pine wood and hand painted t...o create a piece that is entirely unique as functional. Hand painted over a dark stain, then the paint is wired brushed to make the piece look old and weathered, revealing the woods natural texture and characteristics. Imperfections are what makes this TV stand so unique and one of a kind piece. No two TV stands are alike, so expect variations from the picture. Features include handcrafted from pine wood, 3 center shelves for your hardware, 2 side cabinets and fitted with forged iron metal handles to add a rustic look. Dimensions: 60"L x 30"H x 18"DColor: Dark Wax Stain and Painted Turquoise read more Select from available sizesDurable wood constructionYour choice of available finishes2 solid wood panel doors open to reveal 1 she...lf1 open shelf for storage and displayCorner design saves spaceBuilt-in cord management. With its rustic charm and simple elegance the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living room. Featuring a corner design to save space as well as a selection of available sizes you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR DVD player and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes controllers and more. With your choice of available finishes this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Size: 56.75W x 17D x 32H in.. Color: Yellow Stone. read more Select from available sizesDurable wood constructionYour choice of available finishes2 solid wood panel doors open to reveal 1 she...lf1 open shelf for storage and displayCorner design saves spaceBuilt-in cord management. With its rustic charm and simple elegance the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living room. Featuring a corner design to save space as well as a selection of available sizes you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR DVD player and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes controllers and more. With your choice of available finishes this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Size: 41.25W x 17D x 27H in.,50.25W x 17D x 27H in.,56.75W x 17D x 32H in.. Color: Olive Stone/Summer Sage Stone/Yellow Stone/Concord Stone/Bright White Stone/Aqua Stone/Soft White Stone/Black Stone/Smokey Blue Stone/Red Stone. read more Select from available sizesDurable wood constructionYour choice of available finishes2 solid wood panel doors open to reveal 1 she...lf1 open shelf for storage and displayCorner design saves spaceBuilt-in cord management. With its rustic charm and simple elegance the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living room. Featuring a corner design to save space as well as a selection of available sizes you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR DVD player and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes controllers and more. With your choice of available finishes this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Size: 41.25W x 17D x 27H in.. Color: Summer Sage Stone. read more Select from available sizesDurable wood constructionYour choice of available finishes2 solid wood panel doors open to reveal 1 she...lf1 open shelf for storage and displayCorner design saves spaceBuilt-in cord management. With its rustic charm and simple elegance the Eagle Furniture Rustic Stone Corner TV Stand adds style and beauty to any living room. Featuring a corner design to save space as well as a selection of available sizes you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect fit for your home. Built from robust wood for durability this corner TV stand is a great choice for high traffic areas. A single open shelf with built-in cord management is designed to hold your DVR DVD player and other media devices while the shelf behind the two solid wood panel doors makes it easy to organize your remotes controllers and more. With your choice of available finishes this piece complements any home in a winning fashion. Size: 56.75W x 17D x 32H in.. Color: Olive Stone. read more Since 1998 Home Styles has merged highly functional, great-looking design with the affordability of ready-to-assemble furniture. V...ersatile styling and classic finishes make our furniture an ideal complement to traditional and contemporary decor. Our collections not only look good, but offer innovative functionalities in storage and configuration. Hardwood construction and quality hardware offer resilience through years of use. Our assembly directions are visual and easy to follow. The ready to assemble Mission corner TV stand is made of solid Parawood construction. Since the TV stand is unfinished you can easily finish it to match your existing furniture. Mission TV Sta- SKU: ZX9INTC421 read more Select from available sizesDurable wood constructionYour choice of available finishes2 solid wood panel doors open to reveal 1 she...lf1 open shelf for storage and displayCorner design saves spaceBuilt-in cord management. With its rustic charm and simple... read more
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Fully automated computer-aided volume estimation system for thyroid planar scintigraphy. Patient-specific dosimetry calculations are often performed for radioiodine therapy in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. The radioiodine doses are typically calculated to deliver the desired amount of radiation based on gland size and radioactive iodine uptake. Thus the estimation of thyroid gland volume is of great importance for radioiodine therapy. In clinical practice, thyroid volume determinations are usually performed with ultrasonography (US) or with planar scintigraphy (PS). In traditional planar scintigraphic studies, the thyroid boundary is estimated using a fixed threshold value if the shape of the thyroid is well-defined or a manually drawn region of interest (ROI) if the thyroid shape is irregular. The thyroid volume is then calculated based on the area thus determined. Delineating the thyroid area on a planar scintigram is not easy when applying a fixed threshold value. Moreover, hand-drawn ROIs are time consuming, tedious, and highly operator-dependent. In this study, for a PS image, a fully automated thyroid volume estimation system mainly consisting of four steps, i.e. preprocessing, image contrast enhancement, image segmentation, and automated ROI finding, was proposed to obtain the maximum height and area of each thyroid lobe, and thus calculate the thyroid volume using either Himanka-Larsson's formula or Allen-Goodwin's formula. A set of 40 Graves's disease patients regarded as training set were used to determine empirically some parameters operated in the system. A set of 30 Graves's disease patients being independent of the training set, regarded as test set for thyroid volume measurements were used for comparisons and performance analyses. In this study, the US was adopted as a standard reference. The statistical analyses were performed with bias, precision, and relative differences. The results of thyroid volume estimation from the proposed approach correlated well with those from US, and the statistical performance analyses showed good agreement between them. In comparison, our automated approach with Allen-Goodwin's formula had not only good correlation with US (R(2)=0.99) but also the best bias (0.8), precision (±2.32 ml), and low relative differences (2.2 ± 6.1%). It is expected that this automated computer-assisted approach can help physicians in the determination of patient-specific administered activities for treatment of thyroid disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
to "Valerie Solanas" to June 3, 1968: Valerie Solanas shoots Andy Warhol June 3, 1968 - The Shooting of Andy Warhol Viva and Andy Warhol's mother after the shooting 11:00 am Andy Warhol and Fred Hughes talk on the phone. Fred tells him how he was mugged the night before on 16th Street coming home from Max’s. 2:30 pm Valerie Solanas goes to the Factory (33 Union Square West) and is told Warhol is out. She thinks that he is conspiring against her with Maurice Girodias, publisher of Olympia Press. (UV170/171) . She leaves and waits outside near 16th Street. (L&D296/7) She had once brought a script to the Factory for Andy to read called 'Up Your Ass'. Warhol “looked through it briefly and it was so dirty,” he . “thought she might be working for the police department and that this was some kind of entrapment.” When Warhol admitted to losing the script, Solanas started asking for money. Andy Warhol (via Pat Hackett in POPism): “One afternoon when she [Valerie Solanas] called, we were in the middle of shooting a sequence for 'I, A Man, so I said why didn’t she come over and be in the movie and earn twenty-five dollars instead of asking for a handout. She came right over and we filmed her in a short scene on a staircase and she was actually funny and that was that.” (POP271) 4:15 pm Warhol arrives at the Factory in a cab, wearing a brown leather jacket over a black t-shirt , black jeans and black Beatle (Chelsea) boots. (L&D296) Previously, he had picked up a prescription for Obetrol, then browsed at Bloomingdales, and had also rung the bell of Miles White, the costume designer, who lived on East 55th Street, but he wasn’t home. (POP270/DD71) When Andy arrives outside the Factory, his boyfriend Jed Johnson approaches from 17th and Broadway carrying some fluorescent lights. Valerie Solanas joins them and all three enter the building. While waiting for the elevator, Warhol notices that Valerie is wearing a thick turtleneck sweater underneath a trenchcoat on a hot summer day. Even stranger, she has on mascara and lipstick even though as a die-hard feminist she never wears make-up. Warhol also notices that she is “bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, twisting a brown paper bag in her hands." Upstairs, Fred Hughes is sitting at his desk writing a memo, Paul Morrissey is talking to Viva on the phone who is ringing him from Kenneth’s Hair Salon where she is having her hair dyed in preparation for her role in John Schlesinger’s film Midnight Cowboy. Art critic and curator, Mario Amaya, is waiting for Andy in order to discuss an upcoming retrospective in London. When Warhol, Jed and Valerie arrive, Paul leaves the office to go to the bathroom, leaving Andy to talk to Viva. (L&D) Jed goes into Warhol's private office in the rear corner of the room. Andy signals to Fred Hughes to take over the conversation with Viva.Valerie Solanas takes a .32 automatic from the paper bag and fires a shot. Viva hears the shot over the phone but thinks it is somebody cracking a whip left over from theVelvet Underground days. Andy screams "No! No! Valerie! Don’t do it!" She fires a second time. He falls to the floor and tries to crawl under a desk. She fires a third time. The bullet enters Andy’s right side and goes straight through him, coming out the left side of his back. Warhol later tells friends "It hurt so much, I wished I was dead." Thinking that she has killed Warhol, Solanas turns to Mario Amaya who is crouching on the floor and fires a fourth shot at him. She misses so she shoots again, hitting him slightly above the hip. The bullet goes through him without damaging any organs, exiting from his back. He gets up and runs into the back room, using the weight of his bleeding body to hold the doors shut. Valerie Solanas points the gun at Fred Hughes who begs her not to shoot him. “I’m innocent,” he protests. “Please, just leave.” She walks over to the elevator and presses the button then returns to him, aiming at his forehead with the gun. She pulls the trigger, but it jams. She grabs a back up gun, a .22 caliber from the paper bag but the elevator arrives and she leaves. As soon as she leaves, Fred Hughes calls for an ambulance and the police. The phone rings. It is Viva, still at the hairdresser's, wondering what is going on. Fred tells her that Valerie just shot Andy and that there is blood everywhere, then hangs up the phone. Viva, thinking it is a joke, decides to have her hair trimmed before having it dyed. She tells the hairdresser to charge it to United Artists. Gerard Malanga arrives at the Factory with Angus Maclise two or three minutes after the shooting. Gerard was preparing a one man show at the Cinematheque and was picking up money from Andy to pay for a film announcement. The scene at the Factory was "total mayhem." (GM193) Warhol lies bleeding on the floor with Billy Name leaning over him crying, while they wait for the ambulance to arrive. (POP273) 4:35 pm The ambulance arrives at the Factory. Instead of bringing a stretcher, the attendants arrive with a wheelchair to carry Warhol out. Andy: "I thought that the pain I'd felt lying on the floor was the worst you could ever feel... but now that I was in a sitting position, I knew it wasn't." (DD75) The ambulance takes away both Warhol and the wounded Mario Amaya. The driver tells Mario that "if we sound the siren, it'll cost five dollars extra." Mario replies "Go ahead and sound it. Leo Castelli will pay." (DD75) 4:45 pm Andy Warhol arrives by ambulance at the emergency room of Columbus Hospital on 19th Street between Second and Third avenue. (POP274) 4:51 pm Andy Warhol is pronounced clinically dead. The doctors cut open his chest and massage his heart. They are amazed by the damage caused by the bullet which went through his lung, then ricocheted through his oesophagus,gall bladder, liver, spleen, and intestines before exiting his left side, leaving a large hole. He is dead for 1 1/2 minutes before they revive him. They operate for five and a half hours, removing his spleen. He is in critical condition, but survives. 8:00 pm Valerie Solanas walks up to rookie traffic cop, William Shemalix and says “The police are looking for me and want me.” She hands the guns over to the cop saying that she had shot Andy Warhol “because he had too much control of my life”. (L&D296/03) She is arrested and sent to Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric examination, then to Elmhurst General in Queens. She is initially held without bail but eventually her bail is set at $10,000. (UV186) Valerie Solanas: "I just wanted him to pay attention to me. Talking to him was like talking to a chair." (BC32) Footage of Valerie Solanas being led from court to jail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dAEFshPrXY) 9:00 pm Fred Hughes and Jed Johnson are released from the 13th Precinct police station where the police had been questioning them. Fred later tells Andy: “They questioned us until about nine o’clock that night. They told us we were ‘material witnesses,’ and I was so naive I didn't realize that that meant they were holding us as suspects... until after they booked Valerie, I guess.” (POP278) Fred Hughes: “About eight plains clothes detectives came up, and they were running all over the place... like the Keystone Kops... and after they’d been poking around for at least two hours - every drawer in every cabinet was pulled out - I saw a paper bag sitting right on top of the desk where you [Andy] were shot... in this paper bag was another gun, Valerie’s address book, and a Kotex pad!” (POP279) Ivy Nicholson 1965 While Andy is recuperating in the hospital, Ivy Nicholson, (Batman Dracula/Couch/The Thirteen Most Beautiful Women/****/The Loves of Ondine/I, A Man),“a tall beautiful model, sometime actress, and mother of four children,” threatens to kill herself if Andy dies, thinking that Andy will marry her. Louis Waldon (Nude Restaurant/Lonesome Cowboys/Blue Movie) takes her home and keeps an eye on her while she calls the hospital “every ten minutes, ready to jump at the fatal word.” (UV173) In a telephone conversation to Andy while he is still in the hospital, Ultra Violet asks him “How do you explain it all? Why were you the one to get shot?” He replies, “I was in the wrong place at the right time.” (UV178) to "Valerie Solanas" to June 3, 1968: Valerie Solanas shoots Andy Warhol
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/* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // This file was autogenerated by go-to-protobuf. Do not edit it manually! syntax = 'proto2'; package k8s.io.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1; import "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/generated.proto"; import "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema/generated.proto"; import "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr/generated.proto"; // Package-wide variables from generator "generated". option go_package = "v1"; // APIGroup contains the name, the supported versions, and the preferred version // of a group. message APIGroup { // name is the name of the group. optional string name = 1; // versions are the versions supported in this group. repeated GroupVersionForDiscovery versions = 2; // preferredVersion is the version preferred by the API server, which // probably is the storage version. // +optional optional GroupVersionForDiscovery preferredVersion = 3; // a map of client CIDR to server address that is serving this group. // This is to help clients reach servers in the most network-efficient way possible. // Clients can use the appropriate server address as per the CIDR that they match. // In case of multiple matches, clients should use the longest matching CIDR. // The server returns only those CIDRs that it thinks that the client can match. // For example: the master will return an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. // Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or request.RemoteAddr (in that order) to get the client IP. repeated ServerAddressByClientCIDR serverAddressByClientCIDRs = 4; } // APIGroupList is a list of APIGroup, to allow clients to discover the API at // /apis. message APIGroupList { // groups is a list of APIGroup. repeated APIGroup groups = 1; } // APIResource specifies the name of a resource and whether it is namespaced. message APIResource { // name is the name of the resource. optional string name = 1; // namespaced indicates if a resource is namespaced or not. optional bool namespaced = 2; // kind is the kind for the resource (e.g. 'Foo' is the kind for a resource 'foo') optional string kind = 3; // verbs is a list of supported kube verbs (this includes get, list, watch, create, // update, patch, delete, deletecollection, and proxy) optional Verbs verbs = 4; // shortNames is a list of suggested short names of the resource. repeated string shortNames = 5; } // APIResourceList is a list of APIResource, it is used to expose the name of the // resources supported in a specific group and version, and if the resource // is namespaced. message APIResourceList { // groupVersion is the group and version this APIResourceList is for. optional string groupVersion = 1; // resources contains the name of the resources and if they are namespaced. repeated APIResource resources = 2; } // APIVersions lists the versions that are available, to allow clients to // discover the API at /api, which is the root path of the legacy v1 API. // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message APIVersions { // versions are the api versions that are available. repeated string versions = 1; // a map of client CIDR to server address that is serving this group. // This is to help clients reach servers in the most network-efficient way possible. // Clients can use the appropriate server address as per the CIDR that they match. // In case of multiple matches, clients should use the longest matching CIDR. // The server returns only those CIDRs that it thinks that the client can match. // For example: the master will return an internal IP CIDR only, if the client reaches the server using an internal IP. // Server looks at X-Forwarded-For header or X-Real-Ip header or request.RemoteAddr (in that order) to get the client IP. repeated ServerAddressByClientCIDR serverAddressByClientCIDRs = 2; } // DeleteOptions may be provided when deleting an API object. message DeleteOptions { // The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. // The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the // specified type will be used. // Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. // +optional optional int64 gracePeriodSeconds = 1; // Must be fulfilled before a deletion is carried out. If not possible, a 409 Conflict status will be // returned. // +optional optional Preconditions preconditions = 2; // Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. // Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" // finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. // Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. // +optional optional bool orphanDependents = 3; // Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. // Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. // The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the // metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. // +optional optional string propagationPolicy = 4; } // Duration is a wrapper around time.Duration which supports correct // marshaling to YAML and JSON. In particular, it marshals into strings, which // can be used as map keys in json. message Duration { optional int64 duration = 1; } // ExportOptions is the query options to the standard REST get call. message ExportOptions { // Should this value be exported. Export strips fields that a user can not specify. optional bool export = 1; // Should the export be exact. Exact export maintains cluster-specific fields like 'Namespace'. optional bool exact = 2; } // GetOptions is the standard query options to the standard REST get call. message GetOptions { // When specified: // - if unset, then the result is returned from remote storage based on quorum-read flag; // - if it's 0, then we simply return what we currently have in cache, no guarantee; // - if set to non zero, then the result is at least as fresh as given rv. optional string resourceVersion = 1; } // GroupKind specifies a Group and a Kind, but does not force a version. This is useful for identifying // concepts during lookup stages without having partially valid types // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message GroupKind { optional string group = 1; optional string kind = 2; } // GroupResource specifies a Group and a Resource, but does not force a version. This is useful for identifying // concepts during lookup stages without having partially valid types // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message GroupResource { optional string group = 1; optional string resource = 2; } // GroupVersion contains the "group" and the "version", which uniquely identifies the API. // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message GroupVersion { optional string group = 1; optional string version = 2; } // GroupVersion contains the "group/version" and "version" string of a version. // It is made a struct to keep extensibility. message GroupVersionForDiscovery { // groupVersion specifies the API group and version in the form "group/version" optional string groupVersion = 1; // version specifies the version in the form of "version". This is to save // the clients the trouble of splitting the GroupVersion. optional string version = 2; } // GroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion // to avoid automatic coersion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message GroupVersionKind { optional string group = 1; optional string version = 2; optional string kind = 3; } // GroupVersionResource unambiguously identifies a resource. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion // to avoid automatic coersion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling // // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message GroupVersionResource { optional string group = 1; optional string version = 2; optional string resource = 3; } // A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and // matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null // label selector matches no objects. message LabelSelector { // matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels // map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the // operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. // +optional map<string, string> matchLabels = 1; // matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. // +optional repeated LabelSelectorRequirement matchExpressions = 2; } // A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that // relates the key and values. message LabelSelectorRequirement { // key is the label key that the selector applies to. optional string key = 1; // operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values. // Valid operators ard In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. optional string operator = 2; // values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, // the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, // the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic // merge patch. // +optional repeated string values = 3; } // ListMeta describes metadata that synthetic resources must have, including lists and // various status objects. A resource may have only one of {ObjectMeta, ListMeta}. message ListMeta { // SelfLink is a URL representing this object. // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // +optional optional string selfLink = 1; // String that identifies the server's internal version of this object that // can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed. // Value must be treated as opaque by clients and passed unmodified back to the server. // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency // +optional optional string resourceVersion = 2; } // ListOptions is the query options to a standard REST list call. message ListOptions { // A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. // Defaults to everything. // +optional optional string labelSelector = 1; // A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. // Defaults to everything. // +optional optional string fieldSelector = 2; // Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of // add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. // +optional optional bool watch = 3; // When specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource. // Defaults to changes from the beginning of history. // When specified for list: // - if unset, then the result is returned from remote storage based on quorum-read flag; // - if it's 0, then we simply return what we currently have in cache, no guarantee; // - if set to non zero, then the result is at least as fresh as given rv. // +optional optional string resourceVersion = 4; // Timeout for the list/watch call. // +optional optional int64 timeoutSeconds = 5; } // ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects // users must create. message ObjectMeta { // Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although // some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name // automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration // definition. // Cannot be updated. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names // +optional optional string name = 1; // GenerateName is an optional prefix, used by the server, to generate a unique // name ONLY IF the Name field has not been provided. // If this field is used, the name returned to the client will be different // than the name passed. This value will also be combined with a unique suffix. // The provided value has the same validation rules as the Name field, // and may be truncated by the length of the suffix required to make the value // unique on the server. // // If this field is specified and the generated name exists, the server will // NOT return a 409 - instead, it will either return 201 Created or 500 with Reason // ServerTimeout indicating a unique name could not be found in the time allotted, and the client // should retry (optionally after the time indicated in the Retry-After header). // // Applied only if Name is not specified. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#idempotency // +optional optional string generateName = 2; // Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique. An empty namespace is // equivalent to the "default" namespace, but "default" is the canonical representation. // Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for // those objects will be empty. // // Must be a DNS_LABEL. // Cannot be updated. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/namespaces // +optional optional string namespace = 3; // SelfLink is a URL representing this object. // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // +optional optional string selfLink = 4; // UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by // the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT // operations. // // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids // +optional optional string uid = 5; // An opaque value that represents the internal version of this object that can // be used by clients to determine when objects have changed. May be used for optimistic // concurrency, change detection, and the watch operation on a resource or set of resources. // Clients must treat these values as opaque and passed unmodified back to the server. // They may only be valid for a particular resource or set of resources. // // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // Value must be treated as opaque by clients and . // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#concurrency-control-and-consistency // +optional optional string resourceVersion = 6; // A sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. // Populated by the system. Read-only. // +optional optional int64 generation = 7; // CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was // created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. // Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. // // Populated by the system. // Read-only. // Null for lists. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata // +optional optional Time creationTimestamp = 8; // DeletionTimestamp is RFC 3339 date and time at which this resource will be deleted. This // field is set by the server when a graceful deletion is requested by the user, and is not // directly settable by a client. The resource is expected to be deleted (no longer visible // from resource lists, and not reachable by name) after the time in this field. Once set, // this value may not be unset or be set further into the future, although it may be shortened // or the resource may be deleted prior to this time. For example, a user may request that // a pod is deleted in 30 seconds. The Kubelet will react by sending a graceful termination // signal to the containers in the pod. After that 30 seconds, the Kubelet will send a hard // termination signal (SIGKILL) to the container and after cleanup, remove the pod from the // API. In the presence of network partitions, this object may still exist after this // timestamp, until an administrator or automated process can determine the resource is // fully terminated. // If not set, graceful deletion of the object has not been requested. // // Populated by the system when a graceful deletion is requested. // Read-only. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata // +optional optional Time deletionTimestamp = 9; // Number of seconds allowed for this object to gracefully terminate before // it will be removed from the system. Only set when deletionTimestamp is also set. // May only be shortened. // Read-only. // +optional optional int64 deletionGracePeriodSeconds = 10; // Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize // (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers // and services. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels // +optional map<string, string> labels = 11; // Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be // set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not // queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotations // +optional map<string, string> annotations = 12; // List of objects depended by this object. If ALL objects in the list have // been deleted, this object will be garbage collected. If this object is managed by a controller, // then an entry in this list will point to this controller, with the controller field set to true. // There cannot be more than one managing controller. // +optional repeated OwnerReference ownerReferences = 13; // Must be empty before the object is deleted from the registry. Each entry // is an identifier for the responsible component that will remove the entry // from the list. If the deletionTimestamp of the object is non-nil, entries // in this list can only be removed. // +optional repeated string finalizers = 14; // The name of the cluster which the object belongs to. // This is used to distinguish resources with same name and namespace in different clusters. // This field is not set anywhere right now and apiserver is going to ignore it if set in create or update request. // +optional optional string clusterName = 15; } // OwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning // object. Currently, an owning object must be in the same namespace, so there // is no namespace field. message OwnerReference { // API version of the referent. optional string apiVersion = 5; // Kind of the referent. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds optional string kind = 1; // Name of the referent. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names optional string name = 3; // UID of the referent. // More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids optional string uid = 4; // If true, this reference points to the managing controller. // +optional optional bool controller = 6; // If true, AND if the owner has the "foregroundDeletion" finalizer, then // the owner cannot be deleted from the key-value store until this // reference is removed. // Defaults to false. // To set this field, a user needs "delete" permission of the owner, // otherwise 422 (Unprocessable Entity) will be returned. // +optional optional bool blockOwnerDeletion = 7; } // Preconditions must be fulfilled before an operation (update, delete, etc.) is carried out. message Preconditions { // Specifies the target UID. // +optional optional string uid = 1; } // RootPaths lists the paths available at root. // For example: "/healthz", "/apis". message RootPaths { // paths are the paths available at root. repeated string paths = 1; } // ServerAddressByClientCIDR helps the client to determine the server address that they should use, depending on the clientCIDR that they match. message ServerAddressByClientCIDR { // The CIDR with which clients can match their IP to figure out the server address that they should use. optional string clientCIDR = 1; // Address of this server, suitable for a client that matches the above CIDR. // This can be a hostname, hostname:port, IP or IP:port. optional string serverAddress = 2; } // Status is a return value for calls that don't return other objects. message Status { // Standard list metadata. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds // +optional optional ListMeta metadata = 1; // Status of the operation. // One of: "Success" or "Failure". // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status // +optional optional string status = 2; // A human-readable description of the status of this operation. // +optional optional string message = 3; // A machine-readable description of why this operation is in the // "Failure" status. If this value is empty there // is no information available. A Reason clarifies an HTTP status // code but does not override it. // +optional optional string reason = 4; // Extended data associated with the reason. Each reason may define its // own extended details. This field is optional and the data returned // is not guaranteed to conform to any schema except that defined by // the reason type. // +optional optional StatusDetails details = 5; // Suggested HTTP return code for this status, 0 if not set. // +optional optional int32 code = 6; } // StatusCause provides more information about an api.Status failure, including // cases when multiple errors are encountered. message StatusCause { // A machine-readable description of the cause of the error. If this value is // empty there is no information available. // +optional optional string reason = 1; // A human-readable description of the cause of the error. This field may be // presented as-is to a reader. // +optional optional string message = 2; // The field of the resource that has caused this error, as named by its JSON // serialization. May include dot and postfix notation for nested attributes. // Arrays are zero-indexed. Fields may appear more than once in an array of // causes due to fields having multiple errors. // Optional. // // Examples: // "name" - the field "name" on the current resource // "items[0].name" - the field "name" on the first array entry in "items" // +optional optional string field = 3; } // StatusDetails is a set of additional properties that MAY be set by the // server to provide additional information about a response. The Reason // field of a Status object defines what attributes will be set. Clients // must ignore fields that do not match the defined type of each attribute, // and should assume that any attribute may be empty, invalid, or under // defined. message StatusDetails { // The name attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason // (when there is a single name which can be described). // +optional optional string name = 1; // The group attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason. // +optional optional string group = 2; // The kind attribute of the resource associated with the status StatusReason. // On some operations may differ from the requested resource Kind. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds // +optional optional string kind = 3; // The Causes array includes more details associated with the StatusReason // failure. Not all StatusReasons may provide detailed causes. // +optional repeated StatusCause causes = 4; // If specified, the time in seconds before the operation should be retried. // +optional optional int32 retryAfterSeconds = 5; } // Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct // marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many // of the factory methods that the time package offers. // // +protobuf.options.marshal=false // +protobuf.as=Timestamp // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message Time { // Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to // 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive. optional int64 seconds = 1; // Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative // second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values // that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 // inclusive. This field may be limited in precision depending on context. optional int32 nanos = 2; } // Timestamp is a struct that is equivalent to Time, but intended for // protobuf marshalling/unmarshalling. It is generated into a serialization // that matches Time. Do not use in Go structs. message Timestamp { // Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to // 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive. optional int64 seconds = 1; // Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative // second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values // that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 // inclusive. This field may be limited in precision depending on context. optional int32 nanos = 2; } // TypeMeta describes an individual object in an API response or request // with strings representing the type of the object and its API schema version. // Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta. message TypeMeta { // Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. // Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. // Cannot be updated. // In CamelCase. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds // +optional optional string kind = 1; // APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. // Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and // may reject unrecognized values. // More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#resources // +optional optional string apiVersion = 2; } // Verbs masks the value so protobuf can generate // // +protobuf.nullable=true // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false message Verbs { // items, if empty, will result in an empty slice repeated string items = 1; } // Event represents a single event to a watched resource. // // +protobuf=true message WatchEvent { optional string type = 1; // Object is: // * If Type is Added or Modified: the new state of the object. // * If Type is Deleted: the state of the object immediately before deletion. // * If Type is Error: *Status is recommended; other types may make sense // depending on context. optional k8s.io.apimachinery.pkg.runtime.RawExtension object = 2; }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Under Pressure From Uber, Taxi Medallion Prices Are PlummetingThe New York Times So here’s my take: Cab fares are in the cross-hairs today but that’s just the beginning. Starting with Millennials, car-service apps can jumpstart carpooling, redefine ride-sharing and undercut the logic of single-occupancy driving. Here’s hoping Uber’s Bad Boys don’t turn people off, because Massachusetts needs to encourage these new services — while stoking competition among them and setting minimum safeguards for customers and drivers. The prize is lowering the CO2 costs of passenger trips, a big win in the fight against climate change. Thoughts?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Is it possible to redirect user to a code block within a java file using vis? I am using the vis library to visualize data and I want to redirect the user to a certain code block within java after pressing a button. I am using the following code from the library to process a button click: s = "test"; b = box(text(str () { return s; }), fillColor("red"), onMouseDown(bool (int butnr, map[KeyModifier,bool] modifiers) { s = "<butnr>"; return true; })); render(b) After the user clicks the button I want him to be redirected to a certain java code block in eclipse (just like what happens when you get a parse error of some sorts within the terminal). Any help would be greatly appreciated. A: I have the feeling there is a bug in onMouseDown, but if that works than the public void edit(loc file) function in util::Editors is your friend. The editor will open and the selection will be set around the offset and length targeted by the location. If you use a logical location like java+method://... you must register the m3 model first for this to work. This is a standard side effect of createM3FromEclipseProject but otherwise check out analysis::m3::Registry to make those locations resolve to a hard file plus offset.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
The development of spatial capacity in piloting and dead reckoning by infant rats: use of the huddle as a home base for spatial navigation. Two forms of spatial navigation, piloting using external cues and dead reckoning using self-movement cues, are manifest in the outward and homeward trips of adult rats exploring from a home base. Here, the development of these two forms of spatial behavior are described for rats aged 14-65 days using a new paradigm in which a huddle of pups or an artificial huddle, a small heat pad, served as a home base on an open circular table that the rats could explore. When moving away from both home bases, the travel distance, path complexity, and number of stops of outward trips from the home base increased progressively with age from postnatal day 16 through 22. When returning to the home bases, the return trips to the home base were always more direct and had high travel velocities even though travel distance increased with age for the longest trips. The results are discussed in relation to the ideas that: (1) the pups pilot on the outward portion of their excursion and dead reckon on the homeward portion of their excursion, and (2) the two forms of navigation and associated spatial capacity are interdependent and develop in parallel and in close association with locomotor skill.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard. // #import "CBaseContact.h" #import "WCDBCoding.h" @class EnterpriseRoomData, NSString; @interface CEnterpriseContact : CBaseContact <WCDBCoding> { _Bool m_bHeadImageUpdateFlag; _Bool m_bUpdateFlag; unsigned int m_uiUserFlag; unsigned int m_uiContactType; NSString *m_nsContactDisplayName; unsigned long long m_uiContactVer; NSString *m_nsProfileJumpUrl; NSString *m_nsAddMemberUrl; EnterpriseRoomData *m_oRoomData; NSString *m_nsBrandUserName; long long m___rowID; } + (id)contactFromBizChatUser:(id)arg1 brandUserName:(id)arg2; + (const basic_string_a490aa4c *)getWCDBPrimaryColumnName; + (const struct WCDBIndexHelper *)getWCDBIndexArray; + (unsigned long long)getWCDBIndexArrayCount; + (const map_0e718273 *)getFileValueTagIndexMap; + (id)getFileValueTypeTable; + (const map_0e718273 *)getPackedValueTagIndexMap; + (id)getPackedValueTypeTable; + (const map_7a576766 *)getValueNameIndexMap; + (id)getValueTable; + (id)dummyObject; @property(nonatomic) long long __rowID; // @synthesize __rowID=m___rowID; @property(nonatomic) _Bool m_bUpdateFlag; // @synthesize m_bUpdateFlag; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsBrandUserName; // @synthesize m_nsBrandUserName; @property(nonatomic) _Bool m_bHeadImageUpdateFlag; // @synthesize m_bHeadImageUpdateFlag; @property(retain, nonatomic) EnterpriseRoomData *m_oRoomData; // @synthesize m_oRoomData; @property(nonatomic) unsigned int m_uiContactType; // @synthesize m_uiContactType; @property(nonatomic) unsigned int m_uiUserFlag; // @synthesize m_uiUserFlag; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsAddMemberUrl; // @synthesize m_nsAddMemberUrl; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsProfileJumpUrl; // @synthesize m_nsProfileJumpUrl; @property(nonatomic) unsigned long long m_uiContactVer; // @synthesize m_uiContactVer; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsContactDisplayName; // @synthesize m_nsContactDisplayName; - (void).cxx_destruct; - (_Bool)isContactTop; - (_Bool)isFavorite; - (_Bool)isSelf; - (_Bool)isChatStatusNotifyOpen; - (_Bool)isChatroom; - (const map_0e718273 *)getValueTagIndexMap; - (id)getValueTypeTable; - (const WCDBCondition_d7690721 *)db_m_bUpdateFlag; - (const WCDBCondition_c6db074e *)db_m_uiDraftTime; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsDraft; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsAtUserList; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsBrandUserName; - (const WCDBCondition_d7690721 *)db_m_bHeadImageUpdateFlag; - (const WCDBCondition_8dd2b00c *)db_m_oRoomData; - (const WCDBCondition_c6db074e *)db_m_uiContactType; - (const WCDBCondition_c6db074e *)db_m_uiUserFlag; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsAddMemberUrl; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsHeadHDImgUrl; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsProfileJumpUrl; - (const WCDBCondition_7786cbb5 *)db_m_uiContactVer; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsContactDisplayName; - (const WCDBCondition_22fabacd *)db_m_nsUsrName; // Remaining properties @property(readonly, copy) NSString *debugDescription; @property(readonly, copy) NSString *description; @property(readonly) unsigned long long hash; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsAtUserList; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsDraft; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsHeadHDImgUrl; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *m_nsUsrName; @property(nonatomic) unsigned int m_uiDraftTime; @property(readonly) Class superclass; @end
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Wikipedia - Thank You for stopping SOPA - justhw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CongressLookup?new=yes ====== carlsednaoui Yesterday's blackout was simply incredible. When I woke up and saw all of the sites that were protesting I got chills down my spine.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Q: Excel и массив Python df = pd.read_excel(r'E:\PYTHON\exelbot\Образец_бот.xlsx', dtype={'Долг': 'str','Телефон1': 'str'}) # print(df) a123 = df.loc[df['Телефон1'] == str(a)] # str(a) в данном случае это номер телефона 505808904 print(a123.values) #этот принт выдает [[1 3 '505808904' nan nan 'АА1580ТЕ' nan nan nan '450']] a222 = str(a123.values) print(a222) # [[1 3 '505808904' nan nan 'АА1580ТЕ' nan nan nan '450']] print(len(a222)) #56 if len(a222) == 2: bot.send_message(m.chat.id,'Такого номера нет') print('rabotaet') else: bot.send_message(m.chat.id, 'Долг : ' + a222[9])#выдает цифру 5из номера тел(505808904) А проблемма заключается в том что: скрипт выдает цифру номера телефона, и почему то скобки массива работают не правильно (при индексе [ 1 ] -выводит [) Тоесть переменная a222 вроде бы и отображается как масив,но возможно из-за модуля Panda ,не является массивом Подскажите ,как можно достать поле долг (450) и поместить его в переменную abc например. A: Попробуйте так: abc = df.loc[df['Телефон1'] == str(a)]['Долг'].values[0]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
There's a problem with your browser or settings. Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that javascript is enabled. All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below. At Baikonur/Kazakhstan, the new cargo ship Progress M-08M/40P was launched today on time at 11:11am EDT (9:11pm local time) on a Soyuz-U rocket. Ascent was nominal, and all spacecraft systems are without issues. Docking to the ISS at the DC1 (Docking Compartment) nadir port is planned for Saturday (10/30) at ~12:40pm. At wake-up, FE-2 Skripochka conducted the regular daily early-morning check of the aerosol filters at the Russian Elektron O2 generator which Maxim Suraev had installed on 10/19/09 in gaps between the BZh Liquid Unit and the oxygen outlet pipe (filter FA-K) plus hydrogen outlet pipe (filter FA-V). [Oleg again inspects the filters before bedtime tonight, currently a daily requirement per plan, with photographs to be taken if the filter packing is discolored.] After wake-up, CDR Wheelock, FE-6 Walker & FE-3 Kelly performed another session of the Reaction Self Test (Psychomotor Vigilance Self Test on the ISS) protocol. [The RST is done twice daily (after wakeup & before bedtime) for 3 days prior to the sleep shift, the day(s) of the sleep shift and 5 days following a sleep shift.The experiment consists of a 5-minute reaction time task that allows crewmembers to monitor the daily effects of fatigue on performance while on ISS. The experiment provides objective feedback on neurobehavioral changes in attention, psychomotor speed, state stability, and impulsivity while on ISS missions, particularly as they relate to changes in circadian rhythms, sleep restrictions, and extended work shifts.] Also at day’s begin, Oleg Skripochka terminated his 2nd experiment session, started last night, for the long-term Russian sleep study MBI-12/Sonokard, taking the recording device from his Sonokard sports shirt pocket and later copying the measurements to the RSE-Med laptop for subsequent downlink to the ground. [Sonokard objectives are stated to (1) study the feasibility of obtaining the maximum of data through computer processing of records obtained overnight, (2) systematically record the crewmember’s physiological functions during sleep, (3) study the feasibility of obtaining real-time crew health data. Investigators believe that contactless acquisition of cardiorespiratory data over the night period could serve as a basis for developing efficient criteria for evaluating and predicting adaptive capability of human body in long-duration space flight.] FE-1 Kaleri configured the hardware for the Russian MBI-21 PNEVMOKARD experiment, then conducted the 1h15m session, his first, which forbids moving or talking during data recording. Oleg took documentary photography. The experiment is controlled from the RSE-med A31p laptop and uses the TENZOPLUS sphygmomanometer to measure arterial blood pressure. The experiment was then closed out and the test data were downlinked via OCA. [PNEVMOKARD (Pneumocard) attempts to obtain new scientific information to refine the understanding about the mechanisms used by the cardiorespiratory system and the whole body organism to spaceflight conditions. By recording (on PCMCIA cards) the crewmember’s electrocardiogram, impedance cardiogram, low-frequency phonocardiogram (seismocardiogram), pneumotachogram (using nose temperature sensors), and finger photoplethismogram, the experiment supports integrated studies of (1) the cardiovascular system and its adaptation mechanisms in various phases of a long-duration mission, (2) the synchronization of heart activity and breathing factors, as well as the cardiorespiratory system control processes based on the variability rate of physiological parameters, and (3) the interconnection between the cardiorespiratory system during a long-duration mission and the tolerance of orthostatic & physical activities at the beginning of readaptation for predicting possible reactions of the crewmembers organism during the their return to ground.] Working on the ESA VIS (Vessel ID) System, Doug Wheelock replaced the operational receiver unit with a stowed receiver. [Steps included deinstalling the anomalous LUXAIS receiver and installing the NORAIS receiver instead, including making cable connections and taking documentary photography. ESA’s ship tracking system is on an experimental run alongside the Norwegian AISSat-1 satellite with its own AIS (Automatic Identification System), the short range coastal traffic system used by ship and vessel traffic services around the world, launched last July (7/12). NORAIS (Norwegian AIS) is an improvement and advancement of AIS. The alternate LUXAIS receiver was developed in Luxembourg by LuxSpace and EmTronix. The primary goals of the ISS-based VIS NORAIS/LUXAIS experiment are to receive and decode AIS messages globally, as well as to aid in the development of an operational system. The system is financed under the ESA GSTP (General Support Technology).] Afterwards, the CDR accessed and prepared the OGS (Oxygen Generator System) for taking water samples of the OGS recirculation loop which is under investigation for off-nominal water quality. After sample collection, the sampling gear was torn down again. Doug also had ~45 min set aside for troubleshooting the Node-3/Cupola PCS (Portable Computer System) laptop. [The troubleshooting (bus issue) was not successful and will be continued.] In the US A/L (Airlock), the CDR made preparations for the two planned ULF5 EVAs (Extravehicular Activities). Wheels and Scott then unstowed and transferred equipment required for the spacewalks. Alex Kaleri conducted his first onboard session of the Russian MedOps assessment MO-12, (“Study of the Veins in the Lower Extremities”), using the KARDIOMED (Cardiomed) complex with orthogonal leads in the SM. [After loading the RSE-med laptop with the Cardiomed software, Sasha set up the equipment, which involves KARDIOMED-TsB, KARDIOMED-KP, KARDIOMED-PMO and KARDIOMED-KRM assemblies with ECG (electrocardiogram) electrodes in a HOLTER monitor harness, a PLETISMOGRAF (Plethysmograph) instrument with calf measuring cuff, pneumatic hose, thigh occlusion cuff, hand pump & valve, and a DOPPLER complex. A Plethysmograph (sometimes called a “body box”) is an instrument for measuring changes in volume within an organ or the whole body (usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it contains).] Alex also performed his first data collection for the psychological MBI-16 Vzaimodejstvie (“Interactions”) program, accessing and completing the computerized study questionnaire on the RSE-Med laptop and saving the data in an encrypted file. [The software has a “mood” questionnaire, a “group & work environment” questionnaire, and a “critical incidents” log. Results from the study, which is also mirrored by ground control subjects, could help to improve the ability of future crewmembers to interact safely and effectively with each other and with Mission Control, to have a more positive experience in space during multi-cultural, long-duration missions, and to successfully accomplish mission activities.] Before sleeptime tonight, Kaleri sets up the Russian MBI-12 payload and starts his 2nd Sonokard experiment session, using a sports shirt from the Sonokard kit with a special device in the pocket for testing a new method for acquiring physiological data without using direct contact on the skin. Measurements are recorded on a data card for return to Earth. [Sonokard objectives are stated to (1) study the feasibility of obtaining the maximum of data through computer processing of records obtained overnight, (2) systematically record the crewmember’s physiological functions during sleep, (3) study the feasibility of obtaining real-time crew health data. Investigators believe that contactless acquisition of cardiorespiratory data over the night period could serve as a basis for developing efficient criteria for evaluating and predicting adaptive capability of human body in long-duration space flight.] Kelly had ~1h45m set aside to use the MAS (Microbial Air Sampler) kit for taking the periodic microbiology (bacterial & fungal) air samples from two specific sampling locations in the SM, Node-1, Lab and Node-3 as well as mid-module in JPM (JEM Pressurized Module). Later, Scott also had ~2h15m more to collect surface samples in the Lab using the Microbiology SSK (Surface Sampling Kit). [After a 5-day incubation period, the air & surface samples will be subjected on 11/1 to visual analysis & data recording with the surface slides and Petri dishes of the MAS & SSK.] After familiarizing himself with the procedures for the SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites) research program by reviewing reference files, Scott Kelly conducted a teleconference with the PD (Payload Developer) at ~12:55pm to discuss procedures. [SPHERES was originally developed to demonstrate the basics of formation flight and autonomous docking, using beacons as reference for the satellites, to fly formation with or dock to the beacon. A number of programs define various incremental tests including attitude control (performing a series of rotations), attitude-only tracking, attitude and range tracking, docking with handheld and mounted beacons, etc. The payload consists of up to three self-contained 8-inch dia. free-floating satellites which perform the various algorithms (control sequences), commanded and observed by the crew members which provide feedback to shape algorithm development. Each satellite has 12 thrusters and a tank with CO2 for propellant. In addition, there are 5 beacons, one beacon tester and a seat track extender for Beacon 5. The first tests, in May 2006, used only one satellite (plus two beacons – one mounted and one hand-held); a second satellite arrived on ULF1.1, the third on 12A.1. Formation flight and autonomous docking are important enabling technologies for distributed architectures.] Afterwards, FE-3 performed the periodic inspection of the CGBA-4 (Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus 4) and CGBA-5 payloads in their ERs (EXPRESS Racks). Scott also serviced the DECLIC (Device for the Study of Critical Liquids & Crystallization) experiment in ER4 (EXPRESS Rack 4) by replacing the RHDD (Removable Hard Disk Drive) #003 in the DECLIC ELL (Electronics Locker) with a new one (#005). FE-6 Walker set up the PPFS (Portable Pulmonary Function System) hardware in COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory), including MBS (Mixing Bag System), and then conducted her 4th session with the VO2max assessment, integrated with Thermolab. After concluding without issues, Shannon downloaded the data, including Thermolab, to a PCS (Portable Computer System) laptop, powered down, cleaned up and temporarily moved all hardware aside for Wheels’ VO2max session tomorrow. [The experiment VO2max uses the PPFS, CEVIS ergometer cycle, PFS (Pulmonary Function System) gas cylinders and mixing bag system, plus multiple other pieces of hardware to measure oxygen uptake, cardiac output, and more. The exercise protocol consists of a 2-min rest period, then three 5-min stages at workloads eliciting 25%, 50% & 75% of aerobic capacity as measured pre-flight, followed by a 25-watt increase in workload every minute until the crewmember reaches maximum exercise capacity. At that point, CEVIS workload increase is stopped, and a 5-min cool down period follows at the 25% load. Rebreathing measurements are initiated by the subject during the last minute of each stage. Constraints are: no food 2 hrs prior to exercise start, no caffeine 8 hrs prior to exercise, and must be well hydrated.] Shannon Walker & Fyodor Yurchikhin undertook the standard 30-min Shuttle RPM (R-bar Pitch Maneuver) onboard skill training, the third for both of them, using D2X digital still cameras with 400 (Shannon) & 800mm (Fyodor) lenses to take in-cabin target imagery using an Orbiter tile diagram. Afterwards, FE-6 downlinked the obtained photographs for ground analysis. [The RPM drill prepares crewmembers for the bottom-side mapping of the Orbiter at the arrival of the Shuttle (STS-133/Discovery/ULF-5) on 11/3. During the RPM at ~600 ft from the station, the “shooters” have only ~90 seconds for taking high-resolution digital photographs of all tile areas and door seals on Discovery, to be downlinked for launch debris assessment. Thus, time available for the shooting will be very limited, requiring great coordination between the two headset-equipped photographers and the Shuttle pilot.] Afterwards, Oleg worked in the SM on the BITS2-12 system itself, replacing one (ZU1A) of its four ZU memory/recording devices (EA025M) with another unit (ZU2B). [BITS2-12 is the primary telemetry downlink path for both FGB and SM parameters. The system collects, records, and transmits measurement data concerning all RS systems, science hardware and health status parameters of crewmembers to the ground. It provides ground specialists with insight in RS systems operations.] BITS2-12 & VD-SU control mode were turned on again afterwards, allowing the Russian Elektron O2 generator to be reactivated by ground commanding, with Skripochka monitoring the external temperature of its secondary purification unit (BD) for the first 10 minutes of operations to ensure that there was no overheating. [Temperature is checked twice, about 3-4 minutes apart, with the MultiMeter with temperature probe. The standard manual check is required because the gas analyzer used on the Elektron during nominal operations for detecting hydrogen (H2) in the O2 line (which could cause overheating) is not included in the control algorithm until 10 minutes after Elektron startup.Elektron had to be turned off while the BITS2-12 onboard telemetry measurement system & VD-SU control mode were temporarily deactivated for EA025M maintenance.] Oleg completed another photography session for the DZZ-13 “Seiner” ocean observation program, obtaining NIKON D3 photos with Nikkor 80-200 mm lens and the SONY HD video camcorder on oceanic water color bloom patterns in the waters of the South-Western Atlantic, then copying the images to the RSK-1 laptop, FE-2 also initiated overnight (10-hr) charging of the KPT-2 Piren battery for the new Piren-V Pyro-endoscope, part of the Russian BAR science instruments suite (other BAR components being the ТТМ-2 Anemometer-Thermometer, the charger cable, and the video display unit). [Piren-V, a video-endoscope with pyrosensor, is part of the methods & means being used on ISS for detecting tiny leaks in ISS modules which could lead to cabin depressurization. Objective of the Russian KPT-12/EXPERT science payload is to measure environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air flow rate) and module shell surface temperatures behind SM panels and other areas susceptible to possible micro-destruction (corrosion), before and after insolation (day vs. night). Besides Piren-V, the payload uses a remote infrared thermometer (Kelvin-Video), a thermohygrometer (Iva-6A), a heat-loss thermoanemometer/thermometer (TTM-2) and an ultrasound analyzer (AU) to determine environmental data in specific locations and at specific times. Activities include documentary photography with the NIKON D2X camera and flash.] Starting at ~11:20am, Shannon had 1h20min set aside for an in-depth audio/teleconference with ground specialists to discuss the upcoming Robotics work with the SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System) in support of ULF5, in particular the transfer of the PMM (Permanent Multi-purpose Module) “Leonardo”. After completing recharge of its battery, Kaleri installed the hardware of the GFI-1 “Relaksatsiya” (Relaxation) Earth Observation experiment at SM window #1 and then used it to observe & measure the high-rate interaction spectra of the Earth’s ionosphere. [Using the GFI-1UFK “Fialka” ultraviolet camera, SP spectrometer and HD (High Definition) camcorder, the experiment observes the Earth atmosphere and surface from window #1, with spectrometer measurements controlled from Laptop 3. “Relaxation”, in Physics, is the transition of an atom or molecule from a higher energy level to a lower one, emitting radiative energy in the process as equilibrium is achieved.] Sasha also completed the daily IMS (Inventory Management System) maintenance by updating/editing its standard “delta file” including stowage locations, for the regular weekly automated export/import to its three databases on the ground (Houston, Moscow, Baikonur). Oleg did the routine daily servicing of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM. [Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists, among else, of checking the ASU toilet facilities, replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers and replacement of EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine containers.] Wheelock performed the periodic T2 snubber arm inspection on the T2/COLBERT treadmill, checking the joints of the arm stacks to track the structural integrity of the hardware following exercise sessions. CEO (Crew Earth Observation) photo targets uplinked for today were Chiloe Island, Southern Chile(Beagle Site: Looking right of track for this large, rugged and forested island as ISS approached the southern coast of Chile from the southwest. Trying for context views of the island as a whole. Darwin arrived at this island on June 12, 1834), Villarrica Volcano, Chile (looking left of track at the line of glacial lakes extending at right angles away from track as your visual cue, with Villarrica between two of these lakes. Shooting along the line of lakes to capture the target. Snow-covered Villarrica is one of Chile's most active volcanoes and one of only four worldwide known to have an active lava lake within its crater), and La Paz, Bolivia (La Paz has a population of 1 to 2 million and is the world’s highest capital city, at over 10,000 feet elevation. Looking right for this target as ISS approached the Andes from the southwest. The city is located in the western part of the country, less than 50 miles southeast of Lake Titicaca).
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Eruption cyst treated with a laser powered hydrokinetic system. Eruption cysts are benign cysts that appear on the mucosa of a tooth shortly before its eruption. The majority disappear on their own. If they hurt, bleed or are infected they may require surgical treatment to expose the tooth and drain the content. Here we present a clinical case of a six-year-old child with an eruption cyst on the permanent maxillary central left incisor, which was handled using treatment with an Er,Cr-YSGG laser. It did not require suture, there was no haemorrhage, swelling, infection or postoperative pain. The treatment of eruption cysts with this technique facilitates obtaining the cooperation of pediatric patients and makes behavior management by the pediatric dentist easier.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama In his debut effort, director/writer Steven Baigleman put together an interesting premise and collected a talented cast to execute it. Unfortunately, he never sets the tone, so we are caught between a wildly black comedy and an emotionally brutal drama. A firmer footing in either genre would have better defined our reactions to it. Keanu Reeves plays Jjaks, a man so badly trod upon by fate that his very name is the result of a typo. He arrives back at his mother's house in a lower working-class Minnesota neighborhood to witness the marriage of his older brother (Vincent D'Onofrio) to an obviously reluctant bride (Cameron Diaz). By the time Jjaks is on his way, he's stolen a car, a dog, and his brother's wife. You have to give Baigleman credit for serving up intriguing characters. Unfortunately, he spins the story in circles instead of moving it along. Reeves and Diaz attempt to leave Minnesota, but never quite make it. Reeves repeatedly returns to a boyhood home he hates, always stumbling into his brother's angry clutches. What does work are the performances. Diaz is both sad and strong as the tough cookie who happens to be the smartest character in the movie. D'Onofrio's stupid nastiness is offset by his crushing love for her and an uncontrollable jealousy of Jjaks. Most surprising is Reeves, who makes us feel for his angry, unhappy loser by revealing flashes of decency under a toughened exterior. --Rochelle O'Gorman
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
var rules = require('../../../../lib/rules/util').rules; module.exports = function(req, res) { rules.disableDefault(); res.json({ec: 0, em: 'success', defaultRulesIsDisabled: rules.defaultRulesIsDisabled(), list: rules.getSelectedList()}); };
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Incidence of port site hernias and/or dehiscence in robotic-assisted procedures in gynecologic oncology patients. The incidence of port site hernia and/or dehiscence using bladeless trocars is 0-1.2%. Robotic surgery uses additional port sites and increases manipulation of instruments, raising the concern for more complications. We sought to characterize the incidence of port site complications following robotic surgery when fascia was not routinely closed. Robotically-assisted (RA) procedures performed for suspected gynecologic malignancy between 1/2006 and 12/2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Bladeless 12 mm and 8mm robotic trocars were used. Fascial closure was not routinely performed except after specimen removal through the port site. The decision to close the fascia remained at the discretion of the surgeon. Data from 842 procedures were included. Mean patient age was 55.6 years. Mean Body Mass Index was 33.6 kg/m(2). RA-total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH)± unilateral or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO)± lymphadenectomy (LND) accounted for 91.6% of procedures. Final pathology confirmed malignancy in 58.6% of cases, primarily endometrial cancer. In 35 cases, the specimen was removed through the port site; fascia was closed in 54.3% of them and no port site hernias or dehiscences occurred. Only one patient underwent a RA-TLH/BSO/LND for endometrial adenocarcinoma and had a port site dehiscence of the 8mm trocar site. No port site hernias occurred. Port site hernias and dehiscences are rare in RA gynecologic oncology procedures. When bladeless dilating trocars are used, routine closure of even up to a 12 mm port site is unnecessary, even in cases requiring removal of the specimen through the trocar sites.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Case: 13-14229 Date Filed: 07/09/2014 Page: 1 of 4 [DO NOT PUBLISH] IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT ________________________ No. 13-14229 Non-Argument Calendar ________________________ D.C. Docket No. 5:13-cr-00002-RS-1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff-Appellee, versus DONYEL JAMES FITTS, Defendant-Appellant. ________________________ Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida ________________________ (July 9, 2014) Before HULL, MARCUS, and FAY, Circuit Judges. PER CURIAM: Case: 13-14229 Date Filed: 07/09/2014 Page: 2 of 4 Donyel James Fitts appeals his three consecutive life terms of supervised release, imposed after he pled guilty to three counts of production of child pornography, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2251(a) and (e). We affirm. I. BACKGROUND Fitts was arrested after his girlfriend notified the Jackson County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office she had found a digital camera containing child pornography. The camera contained video showing the victim, his girlfriend’s four-year-old- daughter, performing oral sex on Fitts, as well as nude pictures of the victim. A federal grand jury indicted Fitts on four counts of production of child pornography. Fitts pled guilty to three of the counts in exchange for the government’s dismissal of the remaining count. During his sentencing hearing, Fitts asked the district judge to impose consecutive 15-year sentences for each count, the mandatory minimum for each offense. The government joined in the request. Fitts was sentenced to consecutive 15-year sentences for each count; a total of 45 years of imprisonment. The district judge also imposed three consecutive life terms of supervised release. Neither party objected. II. DISCUSSION On appeal, Fitts argues the district judge plainly erred, when he imposed consecutive, rather than concurrent, supervised-release terms, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 3624(e) and U.S.S.G. § 5G1.2. When a convicted defendant did not raise 2 Case: 13-14229 Date Filed: 07/09/2014 Page: 3 of 4 a sentencing error before the district judge, we review for plain error only. See United States v. Rodriguez, 627 F.3d 1372, 1380 (11th Cir. 2010). Establishing plain error requires the defendant show (1) an error (2) that was plain, (3) affected one’s substantial rights, and (4) seriously affected the fairness of the judicial proceedings. Id. Fitts argues the district judge erred by imposing three consecutive life terms of supervised release. Under the clear language of 18 U.S.C. § 3624(e), terms of supervised release must run concurrently. 18 U.S.C. § 3624(e); U.S.S.G. § 5G1.2, comment. (n.2(C)); United States v. Magluta, 198 F.3d 1265, 1283 (11th Cir. 1999), vacated in part on other grounds, 203 F.3d 1304 (11th Cir. 2000). Therefore, the district judge committed error that was plain, when he sentenced Fitts to consecutive, rather than concurrent, supervised-release terms. See Magluta, 198 F.3d at 1283. The error, however, did not affect Fitts’s substantial rights, because his total term of supervised release, life, would remain the same even without the error. See United States v. Gallego, 247 F.3d 1191, 1200 n.19 (11th Cir. 2001) (recognizing combining consecutive sentences “to equal life imprisonment are effectively the same as one sentence of life imprisonment,” and a defendant’s substantial rights are unaffected by affirming the sentence”). Fitts has identified no consequences, collateral or otherwise, from the imposition of consecutive life terms of supervised 3 Case: 13-14229 Date Filed: 07/09/2014 Page: 4 of 4 release that could affect his substantial rights. Therefore, he has failed to satisfy the third prong of the plain-error test. AFFIRMED. 4
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Holy Martyr Alban and Venerable Father Sergius, pray to God for us
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
10. Assicurazione diretta diversa dall'assicurazione sulla vita (competenze d'esecuzione della Commissione) (votazione) - Relazione Pervenche Berès Prima della votazione Pervenche Berès relatore. - (FR) Signora Presidente, si tratta di un fascicolo importante nel campo della comitatologia. Non intendo importunare a lungo l'Assemblea, ma vorrei che potessimo votare contro la prima parte dell'emendamento del Parlamento europeo e a favore della seconda parte. Penso che tutti i colleghi abbiano compreso l'importanza di questa votazione. Presidente Grazie, onorevole Berès. Dunque voteremo solo sulla seconda parte.
{ "pile_set_name": "EuroParl" }
5-Way Optimization: Fan Xpert 4 – Elevates customized cooling to new heights, with the ability to detect PWM/DC fans on all headers, utilize high-amperage fans and control water-cooling pumps in software and UEFI.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Matheson No Longer An Option For “Old Joe” After months and months of negotiations, Alachua County is no longer considering moving the confederate statue to the Matheson History Museum. The county initially began discussions with the Matheson to relocate”Old Joe” in January 2016, but the museum eventually declined in October. The county tried again in January 2017, passing a motion to meet with museum board members to discuss the conditions that would allow the statue to be moved to the Matheson. The following Monday the county announced, in a policy meeting, the Matheson was no longer a possible destination for Old Joe. Ultimately, Macdonald said, the discussion with the county was about placing the statue in the park behind the museum, but the park is actually owned by the city. Macdonald said the museum’s property is actually quite limited outside the museum. The county would have to transfer the statue to the city. “The only spots that it could go is right in front of the museum, or in the parking lot, or in the retention pond – that’s clearly not a good option, or in front of the 1987 Matheson House, which would alter the historical character of that property,” Macdonald said. “When we told the commissioners that on Tuesday night, it was just a whole new wrinkle they hadn’t expected, Macdonald said. Although Old Joe won’t be moved to the Matheson, the commission passed a motion Tuesday to explore other options for the relocation of the statue. Macdonald said funding for the statue would be a complicated issue. “It’s not just paying for the move,” Macdonald said. “There’s paying for the insurance, for liability – covering liability.” The United Daughters of the Confederacy, the organization that raised the funds for “Old Joe” to be erected in 1904, recently sued in another state when a Confederate statue they had donated was moved, Macdonald said. It’s important the county finds out what the UDC thinks about the possibility of “Old Joe” being relocated. Nansea Markham Miller, president of Gainesville’s UDC Kirby Smith Chapter No. 202, said she and her chapter want the statue to remain where it is. I can only speak for my chapter, UDC Kirby Smith 202. We respect and admire our sisters in service honoring Alachua County Veterans by erecting the monument. We are patriotic and believe in honoring all Alachua County Veterans. We respect, support, and are especially grateful for the Alachua County Veterans Advisory Board’s recommendation that the statue should stay where it is. How Veterans of yesteryear are treated today, signals how today’s Veterans will be treated tomorrow. God Bless them all! Virginia Fettes, who has been a member of the UDC since 1974, is also opposed to relocating the historic statue. “We’re honoring veterans with that statue, and we just don’t want to disrespect any veteran,” Fettes said. Despite the statue’s uncertain future, the Alachua County Historical Commission, an advisory board to the Alachua County Commission, met Monday Feb. 13, to discuss creating text for a historical plaque that will provide context for “Old Joe.” The historical commission reached out to University of Florida professors who could provide authoritative input on what would be most appropriate for the plaque to include. One of these professors, Matthew Gallman, agreed to help. Gallman, professor of history, said the plaque is a good idea as long as it meets some basic standards. “I think that if you’re going to put up a plaque, it ought to communicate three periods of history, not just the Civil War,” Gallman said. First, Gallman said, the plaque should explain the Civil War and mention old Gainesville and the status of slavery in Gainesville at that time. Second, it’s important it talks about the history of when the monument went up, which was 1904. “Why is it that 50 years after the Civil War, Gainesville put up a monument to celebrate Confederate veterans?” Gallman said. “I think we can imagine some reasons.” Finally, Gallman said, the plaque should convey what’s happening now, so 10 to 20 years from now people can know why the plaque was made and what incited it’s creation, which was a mass shooting in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015 by a man associated with white supremacy and Confederate symbols. 5 comments Then tear it down: isn’t there a sinkhole that needs filled? Some gardeners and landscapers that could use the rubble? Or a perfect solution: give it to the fine people at the Repurpose Project! Kirby Smith and the DAC, if you are truly “patriotic and believe in honoring all Alachua County Veterans” then you need to renounce the inscription on this Confederate monument and its celebration of slavery. (Inscription reads “They counted the cost and in defense of right they paid the martyr’s price.”) Leave it alone, and forget to plaque as from what the so called professor said it would be more pc garbage. In fact we know it will not be historically accurate because he said it himself when discussing phase two and the erection of the monument “i think we imagine why” the key words being I think, not facts but supposition and personal beliefs. For Heavens sake, do you people really have nothing better to do? It is sickening to think that you would actually consider spending all those taxpayer dollars on this pc boloney. Sure could feed a lot of poor people and house a lot of homeless for what it would cost to move a statue. So why do you waste taxpayers money? ” I think we can imagine why.” Politicians trying to make a name for themselves by race baiting.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
<?php /** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magento.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Api * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Magento, Inc. (http://www.magento.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) */ /** * Enter description here ... * * @method Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Rules _getResource() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Rules getResource() * @method int getRoleId() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setRoleId(int $value) * @method string getResourceId() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setResourceId(string $value) * @method string getPrivileges() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setPrivileges(string $value) * @method int getAssertId() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setAssertId(int $value) * @method string getRoleType() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setRoleType(string $value) * @method string getPermission() * @method Mage_Api_Model_Rules setPermission(string $value) * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Api * @author Magento Core Team <[email protected]> */ class Mage_Api_Model_Rules extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract { protected function _construct() { $this->_init('api/rules'); } public function update() { $this->getResource()->update($this); return $this; } public function getCollection() { return Mage::getResourceModel('api/permissions_collection'); } public function saveRel() { $this->getResource()->saveRel($this); return $this; } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The Virgin's Daughters Giveaway! In a court filled with repressed sexual longing, scandal, and intrigue, Lady Katherine Grey is Elizabeth’s most faithful servant. When the young queen is smitten by the dashing Robert Dudley, Katherine must choose between duty and desire—as her secret passion for a handsome earl threatens to turn Elizabeth against her. Once the queen becomes a bitter and capricious monarch, another lady-in-waiting, Mistress Mary Rogers, offers the queen comfort. But even Mary cannot remain impervious to the court’s sexual tension—and as Elizabeth gives her doomed heart to the mercurial Earl of Essex, Mary is drawn to the queen’s rakish godson… Giveaway 411: * Giveaway ends on August 3rd. Winner will be announced on August 4th. * Open to US entries ONLY. Sorry kiddos, I'm not fronting the shipping on this one! * For 5 additional entries sign up as a follower; if you already are a follower you will automatically get this. * For another additional one entry: post, sidebar, facebook or twitter about this giveaway.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
function [improvedRxns, intermediateSlns] = analyzeGCdesign(modelRed, selectedRxns, target, deletions, maxKOs, objFunction, delPenalty, intermediateSlns) % Analyzes results with replacement knockouts % should get closer to local maxima. Must have num `KOs` > 1. % % USAGE: % % [improvedRxns, intermediateSlns] = analyzeGCdesign(modelRed, selectedRxns, target, deletions, maxKOs, objFunction, delPenalty, intermediateSlns) % % INPUTS: % modelRed: reduced model % selectedRxns: selected reaction list from the reduced model % target: exchange `rxn` to optimize % deletions: initial set of `KO` `rxns` (must have at least 1 `rxn`) % % OPTIONAL INPUTS: % maxKOs: maximum number of `rxn` `KOs` to allow (Default = 10) % objFunction: pick an objective function to use (Default = 1): % % 1. `obj = maxRate` (yield) % 2. `obj = growth*maxRate` (SSP) % 3. `obj = maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)` (yield with KO penalty) % 4. `obj = growth*maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)` (SSP with KO penalty) % 5. `obj = maxRate*(slope^(-1))` (GC_yield) % 6. `obj = growth*maxRate*(slope^(-1))` (GC_SSP) % 7. `obj = maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)*(slope^(-1))` (GC_yield with KO penalty) % 8. `obj = growth*maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)*(slope^(-1))` (GC_SSP with KO penalty) % delPenalty: penalty on extra `rxn` deletions (Default = .99) % intermediateSlns: Previous set of solutions (Default = deletions) % % OUTPUTS: % improvedRxns: the `KO` `rxns` for an improved strain % intermediateSlns: all the sets of best `KO` `rxns` that are picked before the % final set is reached % .. Authors: % - Jeff Orth 7/25/07 % - Richard Que 1/19/10 Replaced try/catch blocks if (nargin < 5) maxKOs = 10; end if (nargin < 6) objFunction = 1; end if (nargin < 7) delPenalty = .99; end if (nargin < 8) intermediateSlns = {deletions}; end %set the objective function switch objFunction case 1 objectiveFunction = 'maxRate'; hasSlope = false; case 2 objectiveFunction = 'growth*maxRate'; hasSlope = false; case 3 objectiveFunction = 'maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)'; hasSlope = false; case 4 objectiveFunction = 'growth*maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)'; hasSlope = false; case 5 objectiveFunction = 'maxRate*(slope^(-1))'; hasSlope = true; case 6 objectiveFunction = 'growth*maxRate*(slope^(-1))'; hasSlope = true; case 7 objectiveFunction = 'maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)*(slope^(-1))'; hasSlope = true; case 8 objectiveFunction = 'growth*maxRate*(delPenalty^numDels)*(slope^(-1))'; hasSlope = true; end if isempty(deletions) error('no knockout reactions defined') end delArraySize = size(deletions); %make sure deletions list is horizontal if delArraySize(1) > 1 rxns = deletions'; else rxns = deletions; end BOF = modelRed.rxns(modelRed.c==1); %get biomass objective function modelKO = changeRxnBounds(modelRed,rxns,0,'b'); FBAsol1 = optimizeCbModel(modelKO,'max',0,true); %find max growth rate of strain if FBAsol1.stat>0 modelKOfixed = changeRxnBounds(modelKO,BOF,FBAsol1.f-1e-6,'l'); %fix the growth rate modelKOfixed = changeObjective(modelKOfixed,target); %set target as the objective FBAsol2 = optimizeCbModel(modelKOfixed,'min',0,true); %find minimum target rate at this growth rate growth = FBAsol1.f; maxRate = FBAsol2.f; numDels = length(rxns); if hasSlope %only calculate these if the obj function includes slope modelTarget = changeObjective(modelKO,target); %set target as the objective FBAsol4 = optimizeCbModel(modelTarget,'min',0,true); %find min production rate modelTargetFixed = changeRxnBounds(modelKO,target,FBAsol4.f,'b'); %fix production to minimum FBAsol5 = optimizeCbModel(modelTargetFixed,'max',0,true); %find max growth at min production minProdRate = FBAsol4.f; maxGrowthMinRate = FBAsol5.f; if growth ~= maxGrowthMinRate slope = (maxRate-minProdRate)/(growth-maxGrowthMinRate); else slope = 1; %don't consider slope if div by 0 end end objective = eval(objectiveFunction); bestObjective = objective bestRxns = rxns; % if the initial reactions are lethal else bestObjective = 0 bestRxns = rxns; end % loop through each KO rxn and replace with every rxn from selectedRxns to % search for a possible improvement showprogress(0, 'improving knockout design'); for i = 1:length(rxns)+1 bestObjective2 = bestObjective; bestRxns2 = bestRxns; for j = 1:length(selectedRxns)+1 showprogress((j+(i-1)*length(selectedRxns))/((length(rxns)+1)*(length(selectedRxns)+1))); newRxns = rxns; if (i==length(rxns)+1)&&(j==length(selectedRxns)+1) %don't do anything at the very end elseif j ~= length(selectedRxns)+1 newRxns{i} = selectedRxns{j}; %replace rxn with different one elseif i == 1 %or else remove one of the rxns newRxns = rxns(2:length(rxns)); elseif i == length(rxns) newRxns = rxns(1:length(rxns)-1); else newRxns = cat(2,rxns(1:i-1),rxns(i+1:length(rxns))); end if length(newRxns) <= maxKOs %limit the total number of knockouts modelKO = changeRxnBounds(modelRed,newRxns,0,'b'); FBAsol1 = optimizeCbModel(modelKO,'max',0,true); %find max growth rate of strain if FBAsol1.stat>0 modelKOfixed = changeRxnBounds(modelKO,BOF,FBAsol1.f-1e-6,'l'); %fix the growth rate modelKOfixed = changeObjective(modelKOfixed,target); %set target as the objective FBAsol2 = optimizeCbModel(modelKOfixed,'min',0,true); %find minimum target rate at this growth rate FBAsol3 = optimizeCbModel(modelKOfixed,'max',0,true); %find maximum target rate at this growth rate growth = FBAsol1.f; maxRate = FBAsol2.f; numDels = length(newRxns); if hasSlope %only calculate these if the obj function includes slope modelTarget = changeObjective(modelKO,target); %set target as the objective FBAsol4 = optimizeCbModel(modelTarget,'min',0,true); %find min production rate modelTargetFixed = changeRxnBounds(modelKO,target,FBAsol4.f,'b'); %fix production to minimum FBAsol5 = optimizeCbModel(modelTargetFixed,'max',0,true); %find max growth at min production minProdRate = FBAsol4.f; maxGrowthMinRate = FBAsol5.f; if growth ~= maxGrowthMinRate slope = (maxRate-minProdRate)/(growth-maxGrowthMinRate); else slope = 1; %don't consider slope if div by 0 end end newObjective = eval(objectiveFunction); %see if objective is increased by this new gene if newObjective > bestObjective2 bestObjective2 = newObjective bestRxns2 = newRxns intermediateSlns{length(intermediateSlns)+1} = bestRxns2; %add new intermediateSln to the list end end end end if bestObjective2 > bestObjective bestObjective = bestObjective2 bestRxns = bestRxns2 end end bestObjective bestRxns % recursively call analyzeGCdesign again until no improvement is found if length(bestRxns) ~= length(rxns) [bestRxns,intermediateSlns] = analyzeGCdesign(modelRed,selectedRxns,target,bestRxns,maxKOs,objFunction,delPenalty,intermediateSlns); elseif length(find(strcmp(bestRxns,rxns)))~=length(rxns) [bestRxns,intermediateSlns] = analyzeGCdesign(modelRed,selectedRxns,target,bestRxns,maxKOs,objFunction,delPenalty,intermediateSlns); end % print final results improvedRxns = sort(bestRxns)
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Malcolm Pitt Malcolm Upshur "Mac" Pitt (January 10, 1897 – September 16, 1985) was an American football, basketball, and baseball coach and college athletics administrator. At the University of Richmond he served as the head men's basketball coach from 1933 to 1952, the head baseball coach from 1935 to 1971, and the athletic director from 1942 to 1967. Pitt was also the head football coach for two seasons, from 1943 to 1944. Pitt's 1934–35 basketball squad finished a perfect 20–0, the only unbeaten Spider basketball team in history. As a student at Richmond from 1915 to 1918, Pitt played football and baseball and ran on the track team. Honors and death Pitt was elected to the American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1971 and the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame in 1974. Malcolm U. Pitt Field, the baseball stadium at Richmond, is named in Pitt's honor. He died after a brief illness in 1985 at a Richmond hospital. Head coaching record Football Basketball References External links Category:1897 births Category:1985 deaths Category:Richmond Spiders athletic directors Category:Richmond Spiders baseball coaches Category:Richmond Spiders baseball players Category:Richmond Spiders football coaches Category:Richmond Spiders football players Category:Richmond Spiders men's basketball coaches Category:College men's track and field athletes in the United States Category:Sportspeople from Richmond, Virginia Category:Players of American football from Virginia
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Risk factors for cancer of the oesophagus in Kerala, India. A case-control study of oesophageal cancer was carried out in Trivandrum, Kerala, involving 267 cases and 895 controls. Risk factors studied in males were pan (betel)-tobacco chewing, bidi and cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol and taking snuff. Only pan-tobacco chewing was investigated in females as very few indulged in the other habits. Among males significant associations with higher risk were observed for bidi smoking (p less than 0.001), bidi plus cigarette smoking (p greater than 0.05) and drinking alcohol (p less than 0.001). While a significant effect of duration of pan-tobacco chewing (p less than 0.005) was observed in males, there was no significant trend, the risk first falling then rising as duration of use increased. This was partly due to confounding with smoking. No effect of pan-tobacco use was observed in females. A step-wise model was fitted, retaining only those risk factors which were significant when adjusted for other factors; the risk factors included were duration of pan-tobacco chewing, duration of bidi smoking, daily frequency of bidi and cigarette smoking and alcohol use (yes or no). An adjusted relative risk of 2.03 was observed for a pan-tobacco habit of more than 40 years' duration, of 4.70 for more than 20 years of bidi smoking, of 4.80 for more than 20 bidis/cigarettes per day, and of 2.33 for regular alcohol use (in each category relative to a baseline of those never indulging in the relevant habit).
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Here at Seven Wonders cinema, we're working on a visual effects sequence for a project that we're doing. We shot this project in a number of locations downtown Philadelphia. We shot in a stunt studio called Pinnacle Parkour, where we shot the visual effects plates to composite into drone footage that we captured over the Philadelphia skyline. We work on a lot of branded content and we all know as content creators that a music track can completely change the vibe of a scene. Epidemic sound is a music company reimagined and their mission is to provide creators like us quality music. The staff at epidemic really cares about you getting the right feel for your project. Our mission as a company is to create work that emotionally engages people and having music that can do that on its own, enhances our ability to produce videos that engage people on an emotional level.
{ "pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles" }
HTML5 Browser Games Fuckerman in the Russian village Help him to fuck all the girls he meets! Complete the game and open the gallery of porn animations. support my games on www.patreon.com/bambook version for Windows 64 bithttps://mega.nz/#F!ur5w0KRK!wgI6tCq4zZRFMlU2v6k1tg version for Android https://mega.nz/#!TupWAYgY!0JMqbXMhhTOL1Ax8VPKHR6KN8K1M54fgDxMfabfIEq0 Views: 28701 This is an unfinished alpha version of the game. Will be added: - new April emotions - new pose - new items - new heroines All news about this game and my other projects you can find here https://www.patreon.com/feodosiy Views: 15181 Hentai Diaries is an erotic hentai adult game featuring a free-roaming environment, rotating and updating cast and richly animated adult sex scenes. Characters with interactive scenes require a small amount of in game money, however Riley's tutorial free. In game money can be found at respawn points in-game which respawns roughly once a week. Hentai Diaries was build by a small team of developers. We have put our heads together on the development for many hours but we don't consider our game perfect. Help us improve Hentai Diaries by writing a review, but do keep in mind that we have costs to cover to keep the game online and get new content added. We read and take any and all suggestions into consideration. Thank you for your time checking us out! Views: 3731 This thing's been in the works since something like March 2018, and is still very much a work in progress. Use Ctrl to skip text. Esc to access main menu. Saves are automatic. Get the OFFLINE VERSION of the game, latest construct, news, pictures and help to keep the project alive by supporting PinkTea on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pinktea Or on SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/pinktea Views: 16363 (WARNING: Using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox is highly recommended! Game may crash at start otherwise. If you still have problems with the game, you can download the desktop version here:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x7MG8X3gwNEUuROYdRIhoDqD6lFHGkhQ Don't worry if your antivirus pops up, it's 100% safe!) It took a while, but here's the chapter 2 of Into the Forest! This chapter features a script almost twice as long as the first one. Also, by popular demand I've added the Log and the Hide UI features! Give it a go and tell me what you think! If you liked this game, consider supporting me at:https://www.patreon.com/babusgames My patrons can download the beautiful HD, full-screen version of this game, and also access an exclusive scene! Views: 22759 NOTE:This is the HTML build. Episode 1-10 is available for PC and Mac downloads on my Patreon (link below) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdlab Website: https://www.lewdlab.com/ This is a story about power, lust and corruption with a mystery to solve! You play as the so called Main Character, a young guy living in a small town. Due to unfortunate circumstances, it looks like he is forced to go to military school. Our hero however, has other ideas. He never wanted to be a soldier. As things start to look inevitable, he stumbles upon an old book about the ways of the mind. With the help of newfound knowledge he can change the course of his life. But how will he do it, and what's the price he has to pay? Views: 16719 In this fantasy world, you are playing Amir - a slave trainer and merchant who has lost most of his money. Your last chance to save yourself is "Julia" - a beautiful slave you have spent your last dime to purchase. You depend on her, but she will need a lot of harsh training on her way of becoming a proper sex slave which you can sell or offer her services. You can be nice at times (or not), but at the end of the day.. you know that slaves need discipline and total abidance. Lucky for you.. you know just what to do. Patreon: www.patreon.com/SlavesOfAmir Views: 3008 LustFlux is an adult, management type game, where you hire characters, assign them to specific jobs and use them to complete tasks (rewards are animated sex scenes). Getting started: -Right click on bar (bar window will pop up) -Select and hire the girl you like -Drag girl to shop, bar or hotel -Click on that building to receive income Don't forget to check other buildings, give girl new items and specializations, and If you like this game, please consider supporting development at patreon:https://www.patreon.com/obliqq Also, if you have troubles playing this game online - you can get free standalone (offline) version at patreon. Views: 2309 Take on the role of an intergalactic spaceship transporter as she gets involved in plenty of fun and erotic scenarios while trying to do her job. First things first: Thank you to all the artists who have graciously allowed me to use their artworks in this project! Please click the artist links found in the game and check out their respective pages~ The music for the game consists of this royalty free track: https://soundcloud.com/lyfomusic/high And ambient tracks provided by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/akurozinnui/ please check him out as well~ Lastly I'd like to give a special thanks to Sorin and Tom for helping me with a bit of spellchecking. To everyone who gave me feedback on the beta. This game would not exist as it is now without your input. And to everyone who let me use their characters in my game, you know who you are:3 -------------------------- By request I made a walkthrough for the game: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15x0YKD0OQehiTNZxzN_rCE98s58mzYlK1IM2UjHc1FI/edit Given the result of the first hundred or so responses to the survey I have decided to set up a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SamanthaSnow And a standalone version: https://mega.nz/#!LWAVAQyJ!nNic0ZSjpbwLYRBALhuyGeLQP1pLBw8q5PbP4mZuKMM Views: 8391 Very titillating and depraved fuck-a-thon game. The rules of the game are very elementary. Use the keys on the keyboard to fuck lovely and huge-boobed Jade. Notice how she licks your fat jizz-shotgun and plays with big pouch. Fuck her in the mouth until you pour spunk into her deep facehole. After that, embark fucking Jade in her cock-squeezing and humid vag. Fuck her over and over again until she reaches a multiple orgasm. Then fuck her in the chocolate eye. Jade screams in agony and sexual pleasure when a fat jizz-shotgun rips her cock-squeezing arse in half. Definitely Jade loves deep buttfuck foray. So if you're ready to do it, then let's embark playing at this time. Views: 8863 HI! I'm a hentai artist and I'm working on a new "slave-maker" game. It's first concept of gameplay and art. Looking for reviews:) Time speed changes when you click on clock numeral. All news and updates will be published here https://www.patreon.com/neshmorgan Views: 26490 Risqué Vice is an adult game about Rebecca and her journey to become a successful girl and (hopefully) pay the rent. Rebecca - or Becca, if you prefer - will start as a hot humble girl and with your help, she'll become a true star of the porn industry! Please, consider supporting the game on Patreon.:)http://www.patreon.com/RisqueVice Views: 828 *UPDATE: House of Maids v0.2.4 is now available on Patreon. DOWNLOAD v0.2.4: https://www.patreon.com/dark_cube "House of Maids" visual novel tells a story about a youthfull glamor photographer who shows up on an isolated island for a photo shoot with a smoking hot model but instead detects a secret private mansion inhabited by astonishing maids and kinky servants. And that's how an arousing player's venture starts! You may start looking for a quick way off the island or get acquainted with its sexy inhabitants and dive into an incredible story - the choice is always yours! After ending v0.0.3A, you're welcome to go to game's Patreon page and perform the latest v0.0.3B game updatet! It gives even more characters, locations, hot scenes, kinky secrets and CG artworks to enjoy!:) "House of Maids" on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dark_cube Gameplay features: - visual novel story progression - high-quality animated game characters - diversity of well-liked fetishes - interactive bang-out scenes - branching dialogues - multiple choices - multiple endings. ---------------------------- Changelog v.0.0.3a ---------------------------- Gameplay: - three new characters; - new futanari content (optional); - new unlockable CG artworks; - new secret CG artworks; - new locations, including the Mansion; - new meaningful choices, which unlock new routes and characters. Fixes: - new design for maid Sofia; - immovable CG gallery artworks; - immovable multiple typos; - immobilized scripts; If you like the game and wish to support its production, please visit its Patreon page and get these rewards: - latest PC/Mac sort of the game; - character sketches; - character pin-ups (high performance ); - bang-out scenes (high performance ); - secret CG's (high heeled ); - participate in voting polls; - your name in the game credits; - and more!:) "House of Maids" on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dark_cube Thanks for playing the game along with sharing your feedback!:) Views: 3031 Create your own animations with a few simple tools. Pic2Jelly is a game where you can select any static image and apply some neat animations on top of it. This collection is composed of a few already animated images that you can edit and play with. If you like to try the app with your own images, you can get it here:https://jitd.itch.io/pic2jelly The project is a WIP and is constantly being updated, so there may be some bugs. Credits: Audio: Mimi --Sound Pack 1 By Gia F. Simone Views: 2155 Absolutely Haunting! is a shorter eroge Visual Novel about your school's Occult Club, which only has three members! Gabrielle, Lucy, and you decide to liven up your club activities, and investigate the rumors about the abandoned old school. As you start your ghost hunt, the doors slam shut behind you and you discover you're locked in! The haunting rumors of this place may not be rumors at all. Figure out who or what is haunting the school, why Gabby and Lucy are acting so enjoyably strange, and get out without becoming the next ghost! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone! This is just the public demo (chapter 1) of a small project that I've been working on with a couple of my friends. The game will remain free-to-play, and this is just our current checkpoint in production. We intended for the full version to easily have three times the number of h-CGs, a solid soundtrack, and original Backgrounds instead of the free-to-use ones we have now. We recognize that there are some deficiencies, especially in the CG and music department, and we hope to remedy those in future versions. It also takes like...ten seconds to start after you hit New Game, for some reason... >. Views: 5408 Finally! Here is a new demo release of the Whoreizon Game! After being silent for a long time and having some life changes I got back to Whoreizon development. There is a lot of work ahead. While you are waiting for updates I want to introduce some new characters to you and tell about events that will take place in the new game. Game cycle consists of repeatable and non-repeatable actions. Depending on what Roxy will do different unique events will be accessible. Also each event contains different scenario options as well as consequences for passing the game. One of such events is job interview in LewdRobotics. This is the point of demo game. Controls: WASD – movement E – interact It's a 40 MB game – please wait for the download! In case out of memory error. Try to close any other tabs you have open and then refresh this page. Enjoy and leave your feedback, please! It really helps me!https://www.patreon.com/whoreizon Views: 3817 The UPN (The Underworld Porn Network) is my new project for a videogame, it is the successor to UWXtudio. The game revolves around a porn network that starts it's mission of having supernatural girls from the world and underworld to share their erotic and sexual activities with the camera. This demo is for NetherRider. This page is about Loreneth, this demoness is a member of an outlaw motorcycle club from the underworld, this club is known on the surface to rise from hell to terrorize the roads and small communities, actually killing and dragging other motorcycle clubs members to the underworld. Control her actions and watch her posing, masturbating and having sex. press 1 + U to make her urinate, also you can shove billiard balls and stuff up her butt while you're on the first "Wait" pose On the full game you can film the girls, earn money by making videos and buying accessories and sex toys to use on more videos. You also have access to the other girls and film locations, you can download it for free at my patreon page. If you like this game please consider supporting me on patreon, you get access to additional content no the full game and early releases. The game is on constant development, so expect to see much more content, like girls, poses, places and more on future releases! https://www.patreon.com/matpneumatos Views: 2111 Game Fixed. BG back in. This game was the combination of several factors mostly a way of telling more text based stories while breaking up the words in a way that made reading more easy and fun. CYOA are very interesting as the method of breaking up stories and choices can vary dramatically so there is a lot of room for exploration. I plan to make a few more of these as I enjoyed making this one. For a better play experience please try it here. http://prismblush.com/night-angel-cyoa-game/ And of course the patreon to help make more.http://patreon.com/doxygames Views: 6116 Gameplay is based on a motion comic with a non-linear plot mixed with MATCH3 puzzle fights. Jon Lockhart walked through the prison gates a free man, after spending years imprisoned as the supposed murderer of an old friend. He returned once more to the city where it all started intent on figuring out who it was that framed him for the murder and make them pay in blood for the crime. http://store.steampowered.com/app/671390/Metropolis_Lux_Obscura/ Views: 1665 Whoreizon — It’s a story-driven adult game with RPG-elements. Your actions influence the course of the game and you can get one of many endings. Уou can play the game for free. But the free version does not include the latest updates and all super add-ons, available for Patrons-only. Also I recommend you to download desktop version, for better graphics and performance. Development requires a lot of time, but I want to create a cool game with a lot of endings, gameplay features and hidden «easter eggs». If you join me as my Patron — you’ll receive the latest build and all unique rewards according to your pledge. Voting, last news, secret stages, X-Ray vision of erotic actions or even unique in-game model by your wish — it will be yours. Also, I want to remind you, that It’s a Demo Version — only a demonstration of graphics, gameplay ideas and my first steps on the Road to the Great Game. While you reading this, I’m finishing first Alfa-build of full edition of Whoreizon Game. Interesting story, unusual behaviour of in-game camera, RPG-elements, a lot of endings— every story is a unique journey in a Whoreizon World. For better perfomance and graphics download a desktop versions:www.patreon.com/whoreizon Thank you for playing! Support me on Patreon! XOXO Views: 1401 Gameplay guide at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NGFqSm9UrV16D8KluB9-9eGv0wvVbraufS7kYDNHiLk/edit?usp=sharing Heroine Rumble is a 3D act yuri/futa wrestling game where you try to out intercourse each other at the ring. You have total control over your character(s). Train her stronger together using the Lewds dropped by enemies or from winning matches, pack her repertoire with all kind of lewd moves, then dress her up to your liking, or perhaps transform her bod using unspeakable lewd procedures. And eventually, decide her fate. Features Fully animated Yuri focused, together with all optional futa Over 50 unique"positions" Story Mode with character progression Destructible and customizeable garments Build your own character. Don't like the default woman appearance, moveset, color or garment? No problem. Make your own! Difficulty settings copious custom-built exhibition modes - 1v1, 2v2, 1v3, 4v4 and more. Adjustable controls, graphics options, sound choices. It should work on Firefox also, although recommended and the web version to play on Chrome. IE/EDGE ARE NOT SUPPORTED. It is a 3D game and it might take a while to stream all of the assets. If it freezes, try reloading the page. Game window size and controls are customizeable in-game under options. Offline version is available at https://www.patreon.com/enlit3d. This is an updated version compared to the former html5 build. For total patch notes, see https://enlit3d.blogspot.com or www.patreon.com/enlit3d. Views: 6710 If you like the game, then please support it. If you do, you'll get even more content too. https://patreon.com/chaos00177 Want to see future games and updates on this one? Follow me herehttp://chaos00177.newgrounds.com/follow Let me know what you'd like to see for future updates and what you thought for this version of the game. If you want a high quality game, then tell me what you want to see improved so that I can make one for you. Views: 2700 Deep Secrets v0.1 Adult Thriller Game Hale Wolfe is a successful executive in an international corporation, but he has secrets, secrets he determined to keep after all they give him his status and money even if he has no control over them. But one visit in a middle of the night from his sister makes him feel like he starting to lose control over his life Features Interactive Sex Scenes - Giving you ability to relive same moments again and again each time differently Immersive Reality Environment - Surf the Internet, Watch TV, Listen to Music, Play in Games all inside this game If you would like to support the development of this game visit HotLine Games: https://www.patreon.com/HotLine Views: 1614 "House of Maids" visual novel tells a story about a young glamor photographer who appears on an isolated island for a photo shoot with a smoking hot model but instead discovers a secret private mansion inhabited by amazing maids and kinky servants. And that's how an exciting player's adventure begins! You may look for a quick way off the island or get acquainted with its sexy inhabitants and dive into an amazing story - the choice is always yours! "House of Maids" on Patreon (NEW v0.2.4 is available): https://www.patreon.com/dark_cube Gameplay features: - visual novel story progression - high-quality animated game characters - variety of popular fetishes - interactive sex scenes - branching dialogues - multiple choices - multiple endings. ----------------- CHANGELOG V0.0.3B ----------------- Gameplay: - Jessie Joys story arc (complete); - three Jessie Joys scene endings; - new CG artworks; - new locations; - new meaningful choices, which unlock new routes and scene endings. Fixes: - fixed multiple typos; - fixed incorrectly displayed previews in the CG gallery; - improved scripts. If you like the game and wish to get an exclusive content, visit its Patreon page and get these rewards: - latest PC/Mac versions of the game; - character sketches; - character pin-ups (high-resolution); - sex scenes (high-resolution); - secret CG's (high-resolution); - participate in voting polls; - get your name in the game credits; - and more!:) "House of Maids" on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dark_cube Thanks for playing and sharing your feedback! Views: 2544 NOTE: For some reason the background music is not starting correctly on starting the game. To enable the music go to the sound menu and switch soundtracks to start up the music. Its time for another public Alpha of Occupational Hazards Episode 2! The game is still pretty bare-bones, and not very polished. But I think there is enough new content for a public release. Most notably for this version a whole new planet has been added, with a decent amount of new content to boot, some of which is main-story related. Since some of the new content require asking for rumours at the bar I will mention that there are three placeholder replies, and *two* fleshed out replies that open new locations on planet 2. I hope the game is moderately enjoyable, and any feedback is greatly appreciated <3 I still have not found a way to explain this well in the game itself, so I will mention it here. once the option to ask your chosen relationship character out on a date, don't fret, the system is not broken. Just keep calling them and eventually *they* will ask *you* out:3 Downloadable public builds are available via my Patreon for those who are interested.https://www.patreon.com/SamanthaSnow V0.4.0 Changelog: - Added one regular and one partly hidden "machine masturbation" scene to the home spaceship. - Improved the inventory management system. It is now impossible.to right-click and drag as right clicking is reserved for use item/auto-equip functionality. - Added the mechanic to the "ask mechanic for help to install hyperdrive" scene. - Added the starmap. - Added planet 2. - Added a chastity gear production factory to planet 2 with acquirable gear and integrated functionality. - Revised the dating functionality to make it harder to get stuck at milestone dates. - Added the ability to make emergency clothing should you find yourself in your ship without the clothes needed to leave. - Added military blockade scenes to direct you to the correct planet and a scene progression if you refuse to listen. - Added the bar location to planet 2 - Added the cartel HQ location with 5 complete jobs to planet 2 - Added a brothel with a small selection of scenes to planet 2 - Added a backup autosave system. - Added more clothing, mainly a selection of collars. - General buxfixes. - Added some new art assets. Views: 10191 Pigglet would do anything for a free meal. Even entering a restaurant full of monster girls! Fight, talk and puzzle your way into their hearts! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play the ❤️ **SEXtended Edition** ❤️ at https://www.patreon.com/peninja! Enjoy TWICE the lewd content (200%)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use *WASD* to walk, *E* to interact and *Q* to access the menu (WIP). In case you get stuck, use some lube:P Or, you could use this guide here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/pigglet-in-mrs-v-24773308 If you find something you don't like (or *do* like), let us know! Have fun playing!:) Stay funky, your Team Tailnut: Dezue & OniGiri Views: 742 Hi! My name is Viktor, and I love hardcore games, porn, and I always wanted to do something cool. So I decided to create The Last Barbarian – a hardcore adult game. The idea of this game came to me after a few hundreds of hours spent in Dark Souls. I thought that this game literally raped me! And I wanted to make a game in which the main character will have sex instead of death. _________ Attention! This is a WEB BUILD. Because of memory limitations, it significantly REDUCES THE QUALITY of textures, models, and animations. The Last Barbarian – is a third-person game. And for the best gaming experience, please, play FULL SCREEN MODE authorize ability to LOCK THE MOUSE CURSOR inside the game screen. And of course, you can always download a FULL HIGH RESOLUTION public version on my Patreon Page!www.patreon.com/thelastbarbarian WASD - controls LMB - attack SPACE - evade SHIFT - run E - interact ESC - Mouse Lock/Main Menu Views: 3374 How to play: 1. Remove unwanted vegetation to get grass, that's how you milk the cow and get milk. 2. Get wheat seeds, That's how you get beer and let the cow drink it and, It makes her mood better, Producing more milk. change log: Fixed text font. Fixed overall layout. Easier to play. Added mating scene. Views: 7696 ‘Sex Bet Episode 1 - Raiser's Club’ is a point-and-click adventure game with mouse-only mechanics. The game follows Seth, a successful man in his late twenties. Together with his friend and business partner, Harry, he forms a plan to break out of a boring and repetitive streak in his life by making an unusual bet. New in Sex Bet v 2.0: - New girl Tina & side mission:) - Five sex scenes with Tina - Better hint system - New quick intro with Seth - Optional dancing in club & quit-dancing-button - New dialog icons ● Sex Bet Episode 1 - Raiser's Club Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVJ2eXx9K_c ● Itch Iohttps://sexraft.itch.io ● Game Jolthttps://gamejolt.com/@SexRaft If you like the game & what we do please consider becoming our valued patron. Your support will be greatly appreciated! ● SRF Studio [aka Sex Raft] Patreon page:https://www.patreon.com/srfstudio What's on SRF Patreon page: ● Patron-only version of the game with lots of exclusive content! ● Desktop & Android versions of the game & derived mini-games! ● Cheats, artwork, music, videos, polls, beta & wip game content! What's on SRF Patreon page for non-patrons: ● Desktop & Android mini games [Public version] ● Cheats, artwork & videos! Cheers:) Views: 2732 What's your preference? Slime girls? Manly minotaurs?...Tentacles? All can be found in Monster Ambassador, as you traverse the region making friends with monster species of all kinds. Press 'Z' to skip through text quickly! We're always working on the next segment of Monster Ambassador to include new monsters & features! We want to know what you like, so leave a comment of what you want to see next! Future development plans: • Magic abilities learned from befriending monsters • Quests for befriending monsters • More story • TONS of new monsters & scenes If you like this game and want to throw Kiwi or Melon a few bucks, or see development updates, or see BONUS CONTENT:https://www.patreon.com/kiwimelon Views: 3059 New version here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/722388 If you have issues with this version, try the standalone public build: https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-build-23054562 Price for Freedom: Avarice is a top down RPG, heavily inspired by old games such as Baldurs Gate. So expect decent amount of text, and people to talk to. It is based on the webcomic series (http://priceforfreedom.net ), in the same setting and region. The game will tell the story of another cast of characters, in another town, and another time. The format will allow our team to drastically expand on world lore, side stories, and overall depth. Just as the original webcomic the game includes adult material, integrated naturally with the story and game flow. Adult material will be dedicated CG animated scenes with supportive narration. Combat will not include adult material, so no "lose to get smut reward" scenario. The game is still in early development. Views: 7274 Bend or Break is a Legend of Korra Hentai Parody based on her being kidnapped by Tarrlok in season one by SunsetRiders7. If you like this game, or our other ongoing projects, please help us make more content by supporting us on patreon.https://www.patreon.com/gunsmokegames Use the icon in the corner to fullscreen. Space or click to advance and Shift + Space to skip rapidly. Enjoy! Views: 7239 Hey everyone. This mini game is just a part of a game. It shows the base concept of what we want to develope. It's far from beeing finished. Some sprites have low resolution too improve the loading time. - The 4 sliders control the movement of the scene. play with them to see what happens. - the characters have different movement preferences. At some points the preferences of the woman will change. - the heart on the top left shows the joy of the woman, big and red is really good, small and blue is bad. - the bar on the left shows the actual satisfaction level of the woman. - the bar below shows the endurance of the penis. the darker it is, the faster it gets filled. Hope you like it! Views: 7078 Young college student Shinn Akatsuki comes back to his high school as a advisor for the under performing mathematics student, at the apparent request of their main. Although an impeccable and courteous man on the outside, Shinn hides a very dark side to him: as part of the unending perversion, he likes observing femmes that he considers"out of everyone's league" succumb to him. Never pleased before, nevertheless, he discarded his past victims. But now, Shinn decides to create his"ultimate hump harem", and with all these dark thoughts in mind, and selects the candidates he considers"ideal" as he becomes acquainted with the college: the star of the track and field team, the guiltless and tomboyish Makoto Shinjugai, the wealthy and disoriented tennis player Ritsuko Yasuhiro, the graceful, severe and traditional Satuski Katsuragi, the swimming team's promising, dutiful and charming Aina Aozaki, and the basketball star, Touko Takatsukasa. Since he starts his"hunt", Shinn also adds gymnastics instructor Rina Akiyama to his passion after she makes an impression him with her luscious bod and maturity. And consequently, under the pretense of a"responsible adviser" and the assistance of his one remaining past hump lover, professor Reika Tohno, the protagonist's wicked quest to create his ideal hump harem starts... Warning: Chrome seems to not be able to play this game. Firefox is always a finer choice for playing html5 games. Views: 11271 (WARNING: Using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox is highly recommended! Game may crash at start otherwise. If you still have problems with the game, you can download the windows desktop version here:https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Qvt5pAoYXjNUsz0Vwmr-6fy__9-wYdk Don't worry if your antivirus pops up, it's 100% safe!) And here we go with the chapter 4 of Into the Forest! Finally, you will be able to uncover some of the mansion's secrets... Or maybe not? Give it a go and tell me what you think! If you liked this game, consider supporting me at:https://www.patreon.com/babusgames My patrons can download the beautiful HD, full-screen version of this game, and also access an exclusive scene! Views: 7989 UPDATE 6/1/19: This project has been (regrettably) dead for the last several months. I apologize to those looking forward to seeing it completed. Given the support I've gotten, I may see about finishing it to some degree (at least to the point of it having legitimate H scenes). I have shut down my Patreon, since I don't want to immediately start shilling it before I have any significant amount of work done. Once I have a few projects 100% finished, I'll reopen it. If you've got any criticism, they're welcome and if you just like the game that's cool, too! All art and music is free to use. I would like to thank the following people for the art assets:https://studiomugenjohncel.wordpress.com/tag/background/http://ayaemo.skr.jp/ And these people for the music: Radiata Alice DJ Rolfsky Scott Holmes Aniquatia Night Club Topher Mohr and Alex Elena Views: 3222 Heiya guys, I'm back and better than ever! This is update ver 1.4.1 (Act 4) and here are the patch notes: (PS: this patch is mostly to foraward the story and to improve the gameplay by adding certain fucntions I'm sure you would enjoy) 1. Crafting table is ADDED! Now you can make use of many of your previously useless monster parts and items to craft weapons/armor. (Will update recipe books in future updates.) You have to use the Blacksmith's Hammer to open the crafting menu. You should get one either by: a) talking to Blake the Wandering Blacksmith in Act 1, b) getting one automatically is 'Chapter Select' was chosen. c) Finding one on the desk just in front of Blake in Hailstar City's Weapon shop. 2. Mercenary system up and running! You can hire mercenaries into your team (4 max) and get them to help you out of a pinch. 3. Party system added. You can now swap team members in the middle of a fight or outside of it. Max 4 active party members. 4. A new trial of the goddess is now available (Hooray!) 5. This update focuses on gamplay so theres not many new H-CGs added. Sorry. Next: Some info you might find useful. Mercenary camp is located on the first stretch of the Kingsroad. Getting there is indicated by a yellow shine among the trees. How to hire Mercs: Simply buy a contract and use it in the menu to verify. Afterwards, they will remain on your team until you dismiss them using the Tags they give you. (Individual mercs has their own tags with theirn names so you won't dismiss the wrong person by mistake) For people using previous load files, I've added another Blacksmith Hammer at the Hailstar Weapon store, since you're supposed to receive it early in chapter 1 but since that route is not possible for you, Ive duplicated the Hammer for you. (Use it to open the crafting Menu.) AS ever, LAG issues might exist for some users. There is no fix for this. I've discovered the lag is caused by two reasons: 1. Internet speed. Since all the script files are online and progress as you go, your internet is regularly loading each area and enemy and event in REAL TIME. To get rid rid of this problem, DOWNLOAD the game and play the.exe version. 2. Your drive has not been updated. Other than that, it should be fine. Majority of players who made their complaint about the online version later called me up to say the DOWNLOADED version was much smoother so give it a go. The file isn't that big; only 165 MB. Here's the link for the downloadable ver: https://mega.nz/#!dtg1FaDY!Phr44H1VbReYMjyHjpGw_NLFfNFGUc1ikPPuHvh9Pn8 If you'd like to support me, You can find me on Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Saizokun See you next update! Views: 570 In this interesting game you are given a chance to lure some magical creatures to deal with rough hump with them. So look at the game screen. Then customize your character. Choose skin color, your breast size and name. After that, the game embarks. So you are in the pub. You see a few men and women. Start a conversation. Your duty is to like a playmate and after that you are able to go to a private area. By way of example, you see a dude from the far west. He has a fat boner and he wants hump. Talk to him a little and go to the room. Then you will see a game animated hump scene in which the dude will fuck you in the donk. After this, come back to the pub. Tvia mission is to have hump with all visitors to the pub. Do it at this time. Views: 5876 Gay erotic Visual Novel TITLE: STRANDED Michael Bester is the last survivor on a planet many light-years from Earth. His monotonous existence is shaken when a mysterious second survivor appears in the facility. Please rate and review the game if you enjoyed it! Download the game: Windows https://mega.nz/#!8mh3EKgD!c0fA1HP-uM907IQCUaufQIpPI6tFq9H0TSIP9vYl9-M Mac https://mega.nz/#!F2wUBADb!8L90TlWnknB9cuz6XDV9i7ssTfA3RzPZLI44FoIiUdw Download CG gallery(standlalone CG viewer + Bonus CGs)https://www.patreon.com/posts/stand-alone-cg-14431498 Check my Patreon(It's free, though any support is much appreciated) for updates on Part 2. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=927168 Follow my tumblr:http://jyagger.tumblr.com/ Views: 4580 #### Introduction ################################################################# Fox Fire is a spin off to our TsukiWare's Tower of Five Hearts yuri(lesbian) visul novel game. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/690692 ### Description ################################################################## Fox Fire is a stripping bullet hell shooter. ** NOTE: This is the Second public Alpha release of a game we will continue to update as a free game and creative criticism and suggestions would be appreciated to help improve the game! ### Support Us! ################################################################## Running a Patreon campaign to support it and other titles we produce!https://www.patreon.com/TsukiWare ### Updates & Progress info on trello - June 20th, 2017 by: mintymiyazaki ####################https://trello.com/b/CecfLdBo - Boss Level - Momo added with nudity and animations - Full Controller Support, I still need to add the (press start to proceed to next level) - I fixed some issues where the images were being downscaled and looking like trash. - Fixed the issues where UI elements looked like trash as the sprite quality Known Issues: - I had to scale down web version of the boss and game due to too many projectiles. I possibly may need to intervene with the garbage collection and activation (not instantiation) of objects due to PC/Linux version having over 4k projectiles on screen at once which causes performance losses. If you would like the true fidelity of the bullet hell, please consider downloading the Linux or PC versions. (Mobile Version Pending). - The score doesn't mean anything at the moment, just have fun as it increases since there doesn't seem like there's a point to it and finishing the objective seems more important. Future Implementations (Posting some here so I won't get hate messages for people that won't look at the trello link) - Boss Phases - Funnier Transitions - Level Loading Screens (This is rather easy... I just wanted to design something enjoyable to look at). - Galleries - More updates on Trello Love, mintymiyazakihttp://mintymiyazaki.newgrounds.com/ ### End of change Log: ### Downloadable build available here(Higher res/better performance)https://www.patreon.com/posts/11811678 Views: 4501 !!![NOTE]!!! There are many broken things in this build: user interface, sounds, language and others. This build of the game was made for UNITY WEBGL TESTING PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROPER FULL VERSION OF THE GAME. By playing you acknowledge that this is a buggy test build only. That said, this web demo version is still playable from start to finish. If you prefer to play the proper demo version or the full game, please visit the links bellow for more information. [ABOUT] Pixie Panic Garden is a fun and challenging 2D action/puzzle game in the style of classic bomberman games. It also contains a variety of erotic 2D sprite animations and CG. [STORY] You play as Pixie and you must help her defend her garden from a monster invasion and discover who is behind it. But be careful, if she is defeated the enemies might want to do lewd things to her! [CONTROLS] Z - Bomb/Confirm X - Use Skill/Cancel A - Zoom In/Out S - Show/Hide Status P - Pause Menu Arrow Keys - Movement [LINKS AND MORE INFORMATION]https://mega-blue-ball.itch.io/pixie-panic-gardenhttps://megablueball.blogspot.com/ Views: 4683 QUICK ERROR FIX: If you go to school with exactly 2,00$ you will be stuck at the lunch for ever. So reload your game and before going to school buy a Ramen, that will put your money at 0,00$ and will allow you to progress at school. Meet Chloe, After having her dream destroy she decide to change her live around, you have full control f how she does that... 13 full scenes most have more than one animation on it and several smaller scenes Game is fully playable, Achievements are working Game is still on development, but it’s already bigger and with more contented then a lot of finished games out there. For offline version (windows) go here: https://goo.gl/DGwn1V For next update date and what is coming next: https://goo.gl/RkYHyG Views: 7264 "Tia the Techy Witch stands amongst the headstones of those long since passed. The silent cemetery provides a perfect place for her next spell. The truth is... she's got a different type of magic planned for tonight..." Since the Alpha Phase, there have been many changes. I hope you enjoy all the new stuff that's been added. No, seriously, that's quite a bit of new content listed below. There's always more stuff around the corner, so keep an eye out. I give Special Thanks to those who I've mentioned in the "About" menu. Let's go over what's new in the Beta; The witch's name is "Tia". New Logo. (I tried a slightly more "Heraldric" approach, while keeping the cartoony look.) More cyborg stuff. (Gotta love a girl in armor...) 2 New animations for the "Dirty DEED". Changed the color for the UI, although the selection menu seems to need some more work. A new song has been added. Changed around the credits menu, but these were only minor changes. New magic effects and what-not. BUTTONS! Now you can change the speed, tunes, POV and more! The CLIMAX/CUM button doesn't send you directly to the credits menu anymore. Nova's gotta wait. Is that the Sergeant from the RAVER universe, calling from beyond the grave? Show meh sum tiddies! ( Views: 899
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Bill Morneau in the hot seat, and looking back on 2 years of Trudeau and the Liberal Party | At Issue Finance Minister Bill Morneau is in the hot seat over his personal assets. And what should we make of Trudeau and the Liberal Party after two years in office? Our At Issue panel has some answers.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Meiosis in chromosomally heteromorphic goitered gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). Chromosomal-pairing behaviour was studied in the spermatocytes of individual goitered gazelles which were heteromorphic for a 14/15 Robertsonian translocation and which possessed an autosome-to-X translocation. Both translocations exhibited trivalent pairing configurations in pachytene and diakinesis/metaphase I nuclei. Synapsis of the sex chromosomes during pachynema was followed by end-to-end association of the X and Y during diakinesis/metaphase I. The only univalents identified were of the Y chromosome; Y univalency ranged from 15.9% at pachynema to 5.7% at diakinesis/metaphase I. Robertsonian trivalents exhibited evidence of synaptic adjustment in the paracentromeric region. Chiasmata were formed in most bivalents and trivalents; chiasmata were restricted to the autosomal portion of the autosome-to-XY trivalent. Analysis of metaphase II configurations (secondary spermatocytes) revealed no nondisjunction in individuals homozygous or heterozygous for the Robertsonian translocation. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that neither the autosomal nor the gonosomal heteromorphism reduces the meiotic fitness of male goitered gazelles.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Effects of a cold-water stressor on psychomotor and cognitive functioning in humans. The effects of an acute stressful and painful stimulus, cold water, on psychomotor and cognitive functioning, was assessed in 14 healthy volunteers. Subjects immersed their forearm in ice-cold water (2-3 degrees C) and luke-warm water (37 degrees C) for 3 min, and during this time period a psychomotor or cognitive test was performed. These immersions were done over the course of two experimental sessions, spaced at least 2 days apart, with six trials in each session. Within each session, cold and warm water immersions alternated. Results indicated that flicker-from-fusion threshold from the critical flicker frequency test was higher in the cold-water condition than in the luke-warm-water condition, indicative of increased alertness from the cold stimulus. Short-term memory was attenuated, however, in the cold-water condition. Performance on other tests including those that required speed and/or concentration were not affected by the manipulation. Subjects rated the cold-water stimulus as painful and bothersome, and their blood pressure was significantly elevated by the stimulus. We conclude that a painful stimulus may affect psychomotor and/or cognitive functioning, but the relationship is somewhat complex and depends on the particular tests used.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Gene cloning, expression, and substrate specificity of an imidase from the strain Pseudomonas putida YZ-26. A gene-encoding imidase was isolated from Pseudomonas putdia YZ-26 genomic DNA using a combination of polymerase chain reaction and activity screening the recombinant. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed that an open reading frame (ORF) of 879 bp encoded a protein of 293 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 33712.6 kDa. The deduced amino-acid sequence showed 78% identity with the imidase from Alcaligenes eutrophus 112R4 and 80% identity with N-terminal 20 amino-acid imidase from Blastobacter sp. A17p-4. Next, the ORF was subcloned into vector pET32a to form recombinant plasmid pEI. The enzyme was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity by Ni(2+)-NTA column, with 75% activity recovery. The subunit molecular mass of the recombinant imidase as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was approximately 36 kDa, whereas its functional unit was approximately 141 kDa with four identical subunits determined by size-exclusion chromatography. The purified enzyme showed the highest activity and affinity toward succinimide, and some other substrates, such as dihydrouracil, hydantoin, succinimide, and maleimde, were investigated.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
995 F.2d 228 Edwards (Nathaniel)v.Delo (Paul) NO. 92-3109 United States Court of Appeals,Eighth Circuit. Dec 15, 1992 1 Appeal From: E.D.Mo. 2 DISMISSED.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Q: JTextPane with HTML, Why do certain inline style attributes get selectively removed? I am currently working with a JTextPane with html in it. I set its content type to html and everything worked just fine... or so I thought. The function of the JTextPane is to output paragraphs(with tags), each in a different color. Each set of tags comes equipped with an inline style attribute. Now I am printing the tags like this: String myLine = "<P style=\"color:blue;" + "padding-left:25px;" + "text-indent:-25px;" + "font-family:Courier New;" + "font-size:11;" + "\">" ; doc.insertBeforeEnd(body, myLine); Where doc is the JTextPane HTMLDocument of the JTextPane, body is the body element in my HTMLDocument. It outputs everything just fine in the JTextPane, the text is blue, courier, 11 size with a hanging indent. PERFECT! You would think that if you recovered the text once more you would see that P tag just the way you built it. So I recover the html inside it using getText() method: Reality <p style="text-indent: -25px; padding-left: 25px"> when I was actually expecting to see this: Expectation <p style="color:blue; text-indent: -25px; padding-left: 25px; font-family:Courier New; font-size:11;"> Why does it do this? Is there a way to avoid this? If I had to guess, it seems that Java extracts the text attributes so that it can more efficiently process those attributes by its own means. However, the reason I am asking this is because once I began customizing my JTextPane more in depth, the coloring started becoming unreliable. I would rather just have the attributes directly on the inline style. Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate your help. EDIT: Someone asked to see full html output before and after tags were added. Before: <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html> Now I execute this code in java: String htmlLine = "<p style=\"color:blue; " + "text-indent: -25px; " + "padding-left: 25px; " + "font-family:Courier New; " + "font-size:11;\" >" ; try { doc.insertBeforeEnd(body, htmlLine); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } After: <html> <head> </head> <body> <p style="text-indent: -23px; padding-left: 25px"> First Text </p> </body> </html> A: As per the Java doc of insertBeforeEnd() Unlike the insertAfterEnd method, new elements become children of the specified element, not siblings. It means that the inserted elements are becoming the children and inherit the style of their parents. Internally while inserting, the HTMLDocument removes duplicate style info from the children which are already present for the parent. So this is the reason you are getting <p style="text-indent: -25px; padding-left: 25px"> Instead of <p style="color:blue; text-indent: -25px; padding-left: 25px; font-family: Courier New; font-size:11;" > Finally the cause which have been in your case is You had set the same style for the parent.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
2008 Cachantún Cup – Doubles Līga Dekmeijere and Alicja Rosolska won the final 7–5, 6–3 against Mariya Koryttseva and Julia Schruff. Seeds Draw Draw External links Draw Cachantun Cup
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Dealer Network To find a dealer in your area or for new dealer inquiries, please call us at 800-518-1230. About Us Parking BOXX accommodates the needs of small lots as well as large, complex parking systems. Parking BOXX has over 75 years of parking industry experience, dealers throughout North America, and parking sites in operation from Los Angeles to the Caribbean to Newfoundland. Parking BOXX systems reliably run sites with thousands of daily vehicles and millions in annual parking revenue.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
A hybrid vehicle comprises an internal combustion engine, which transmits power to the driving wheels by means of a transmission provided with a gearbox, and at least one electric machine which is electrically connected to an electric storage system and mechanically connected to the driving wheels. The following is possible while traveling: either a thermal working mode, in which the torque is generated only by the combustion engine and the electric machine possibly acts as a generator for recharging the electric storage system; or an electric working mode, in which the internal combustion engine is off and the torque is generated only by the electric machine working as a motor; or by a combined working mode, in which the torque is generated both by the combustion engine and by the electric machine working as a motor. Furthermore, in order to increase the overall energy efficiency during all deceleration steps, the electric machine may be used as a generator for carrying out a regenerative deceleration in which the kinetic energy possessed by the vehicle is partially converted into electric energy, which is stored in the electric storage system, instead of being fully dissipated in frictions. The arrangement of the electric machine within the vehicle and thus the mechanical connection of the electric machine to the driving wheels may be very complex in an existing vehicle, as in an existing vehicle which was not specifically designed for hybrid traction, finding the space required for accommodating the electric machine is generally very difficult. Therefore, modifying an existing vehicle to make the vehicle itself hybrid is often impossible; such a limitation is particularly serious, because it does not allow to produce a hybrid vehicle from an existing vehicle of conventional type, but requires a completely new design of the hybrid vehicle. Therefore, the design and development costs of a hybrid vehicle are often very high, thus making the hybrid vehicle marketing not so profitable. US2005139035A1, US2002033059A1, US2008142283A1, DE102005004207A1 and DE102006059664A1, which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties, describe a double clutch transmission for a hybrid vehicle, wherein one of the two primary shafts of the double clutch transmission is angularly integral with the rotor of a reversible electric machine. EP1097831A2, which is incorporated herein in its entirety, describes a road vehicle with hybrid propulsion including: a couple of driving wheels; a thermal internal combustion engine; a gearbox provided with a primary shaft, a first clutch interposed between the thermal internal combustion engine and the primary shaft, a secondary shaft constantly meshing with the driving wheels, and a plurality of couples of gears, each of which defines a respective speed and comprises a primary gear mounted to a primary shaft and a secondary gear which is mounted to the secondary shaft and constantly meshes with the primary gear; a reversible electric machine having a shaft, which is connected to the primary shaft of the gearbox; and an auxiliary mechanism provided with a rotatably mounted shaft which takes the movement from the primary shaft.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 52223); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 52225); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 100 WHERE (ID = 52227); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52226); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52228); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 48752); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 48764); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48767); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48770); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 48752); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48761); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51568); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48768); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52044); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52049); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52050); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51380); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 52050); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48754); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48755); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 48756); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48757); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 48769); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51016); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51313); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51361); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51365); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51962); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 130 WHERE (ID = 51964); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51965); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 52014); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 135 WHERE (ID = 52015); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 130 WHERE (ID = 52016); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52017); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52055); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 130 WHERE (ID = 51971); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 130 WHERE (ID = 52046); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2565, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52053); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 60 WHERE (ID = 51575); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 100 WHERE (ID = 52213); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 100 WHERE (ID = 52216); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52217); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 60 WHERE (ID = 52214); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2557, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 52215); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51230); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51243); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51448); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51452); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51464); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51478); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51481); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51482); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 50 WHERE (ID = 51498); UPDATE quest_template_addon SET RequiredSkillID = 2549, RequiredSkillPoints = 150 WHERE (ID = 51503);
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Probal Chaudhuri Probal Chaudhuri (born 1963) is an Indian statistician. He is a professor of theoretical statistics and mathematics in the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Chaudhuri obtained his BStat and MStat degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, and PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He then joined University of Wisconsin, Madison as an assistant professor in 1988. After two years he returned to India in 1990 and joined the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, as a lecturer. He was promoted to full professorship in 1997. Some of the widely used statistical techniques and concepts that he has invented and developed include: local polynomial nonparametric quantile regression, a geometric notion of quantiles for multivariate data, adaptive transformation and re-transformation technique for the construction of affine invariant distribution-free tests and robust estimates from multivariate data and the scale-space approach in function estimation and smoothing. He was awarded the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology in 2005, the highest science award in India, in the mathematical sciences category. He was an invited speaker in International Congress of Mathematicians 2010, Hyderabad on the topic of "Probability and Statistics." Other awards/honours BM Birla Science Award (2001) C. R. Rao National Award in Statistics (2005) Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad References Category:1963 births Category:Living people Category:20th-century Indian mathematicians Category:Fellows of the Indian National Science Academy Category:Indian Statistical Institute faculty Category:Indian Statistical Institute alumni Category:University of California, Berkeley alumni Category:University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty Category:Indian statisticians Category:Probability theorists Category:Recipients of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award in Mathematical Science
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: Teradata - Invalid Date supplied for FIELD I'm trying to query a table that has a varchar(100) "VALUE" column. This column can hold anything from a letter, a number or, in this case, a date. The date will always be entered in the table as 'YYYY-mm-dd'. However, when I run the following query: select * from myTable where VALUE = '2009-12-11' (Date, Format 'yyyy-mm-dd') I receive the following error: Invalid date supplied for myTable.VALUE. Example of the value table: (1,'122') (2,'red') (3,'2009-12-11') Any ideas as to what might be causing this? Thanks! A: if the data type is declared as varchar, it should just treat it like a string. try not specifying anything about the date format, like select * from myTable where VALUE = '2009-12-11'
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
10/11/2018 A truck bearing pro-Trump stickers was torched after the owner left the vehicle at a bar parking lot in Vancouver, Wash., overnight. Johnny MacKay told KOIN News the incident occurred late Monday night, after he opted to take an Uber home after having a few drinks, leaving his Nissan Titan pickup in the Garage Bar and Grille’s parking lot. During the night, Randy Sanchagrin, who lives near the bar, told the local station he heard an explosion. He then exited the house and began filming what turned out to be MacKay’s truck being engulfed by flames. “By the time I ran back to the street it was so bad there was no getting close to it,” Sanchagrin told the local outlet. SEARCH AMAZON USING THIS SEARCH BOX: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. About Patterico Pronounced "Patter-EE-koh" E-mail: Just use my moniker Patterico, followed by the @ symbol, followed by gmail.com
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: (Java) can't find method I am new to java and have a compile error: /tmp/jc_16831/Gondvv.java:71: cannot find symbol symbol : method File(java.lang.String) location: class Gondvv File llf = File( "c:/Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/lastlogin" ); O am including the File class, so I don't get it.. the code is here: package cve2012xxxx; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.beans.Expression; import java.beans.Statement; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.String; import java.net.*; import java.security.*; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.io.*; import java.io.File; public class Gondvv extends Applet { public Gondvv() { } public void disableSecurity() throws Throwable { Statement localStatement = new Statement(System.class, "setSecurityManager", new Object[1]); Permissions localPermissions = new Permissions(); localPermissions.add(new AllPermission()); ProtectionDomain localProtectionDomain = new ProtectionDomain(new CodeSource(new URL("file:///"), new Certificate[0]), localPermissions); AccessControlContext localAccessControlContext = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { localProtectionDomain }); SetField(Statement.class, "acc", localStatement, localAccessControlContext); localStatement.execute(); } private Class GetClass(String paramString) throws Throwable { Object arrayOfObject[] = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] = paramString; Expression localExpression = new Expression(Class.class, "forName", arrayOfObject); localExpression.execute(); return (Class)localExpression.getValue(); } private void SetField(Class paramClass, String paramString, Object paramObject1, Object paramObject2) throws Throwable { Object arrayOfObject[] = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject[0] = paramClass; arrayOfObject[1] = paramString; Expression localExpression = new Expression(GetClass("sun.awt.SunToolkit"), "getField", arrayOfObject); localExpression.execute(); ((Field)localExpression.getValue()).set(paramObject1, paramObject2); } public void start() { String userName = System.getProperty("user.name"); File llf = File( "c:/Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/lastlogin" ); InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(llf); ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(13346); Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream(); int len = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; while ((len = inputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) outputStream.write(buffer, 0, len); inputStream.close(); outputStream.close(); socket.close(); } public void init() { try { disableSecurity(); // Process localProcess = null; // localProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("calc.exe"); // if(localProcess != null); // localProcess.waitFor(); } catch(Throwable localThrowable) { localThrowable.printStackTrace(); } } public void paint(Graphics paramGraphics) { paramGraphics.drawString("Loading...", 25, 50); } } A: You want to construct a new File object, so you should use the new operator. File llf = new File("..."); Also note that it is usually you that's being unreasonable and not the code you're using, especially in the first few years of your programming career.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT MICHAEL SLOVIK,  No. 06-55867 Petitioner-Appellant, D.C. No. v. CV-05-00193-BEN/ JAMES A. YATES, Warden,  NLS Respondent-Appellee. ORDER AND AMENDED  OPINION Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of California Roger T. Benitez, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted April 9, 2008—Pasadena, California Filed February 10, 2009 Before: William C. Canby, Jr., Andrew J. Kleinfeld, and Jay S. Bybee, Circuit Judges. Opinion by Judge Bybee 1513 1516 SLOVIK v. YATES COUNSEL Kurt David Hermansen, Law Office of Kurt David Herman- sen, San Diego, California, for the petitioner-appellant. Garrett Beaumont, Deputy Attorney General of the State of California, San Diego, California, for the respondent-appellee. ORDER The Opinion filed October 6, 2008, slip op. 14145, and appearing at 545 F.3d 1181 (9th Cir. 2008), is hereby SLOVIK v. YATES 1517 amended. The amended opinion is filed concurrently with this Order. With these amendments, the panel judges have voted to deny Appellee’s petition for rehearing. Judges Kleinfeld and Bybee voted to deny the petition for rehearing en banc, and Judge Canby recommended denying the petition for rehearing en banc. The full court has been advised of the petition for rehearing en banc and no judge has requested a vote on whether to rehear the matter en banc. Fed. R. App. P. 35. Appellee’s petition for rehearing and petition for rehearing en banc, filed October 20, 2008, are DENIED. No further petitions for rehearing or rehearing en banc will be accepted. OPINION BYBEE, Circuit Judge: California prisoner Michael D. Slovik petitions for a writ of habeas corpus, contending that his confrontation rights under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution were violated when a California trial court prevented him from asking questions on cross-examination that would establish that one of the prosecution’s key wit- nesses had likely lied under oath. The district court denied the petition. For the reasons explained below, we agree that Slovik was denied his confrontation rights and that the right was clearly established; accordingly, we reverse. I. FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS This case arises out of a billiard ball fight—not a billiard hall fight, although it certainly was that as well—but a fight involving billiard balls. On the evening of November 20, 1998, Slovik was drinking at a bar named Gusser’s Carousel. 1518 SLOVIK v. YATES It is clear that a bar fight occurred that night, and that Slovik was one of the main belligerents in that fight. After that, the details get kind of hazy. The various witnesses and participants—as the State points out, indisputably not picked from a Sunday school choir—offered conflicting testimony.1 The prosecution relied largely on the eyewitness testimony of the bartender, Katherine Buckley-Stoffel, and bar patrons Mark Featherstone, Marilyn Woods, and Zachary Johnson. The defense relied on the eyewitness testimony of bar patron Bridgett Lewis. The trial error that is the subject of this appeal occurred during Featherstone’s testimony. We are going to relate the story as each of the witnesses recounted it. Buckley-Stoffel testified that at approximately 1:00 a.m. she stopped serving Slovik alcohol because he was intoxi- cated and antagonistic. In response, Slovik threw a tip at Buckley-Stoffel, yelled obscenities, and threatened to kill her as he was escorted outside. After Slovik was removed from the bar, Buckley-Stoffel attempted to shut and lock the door, but Slovik grabbed it, pushed her back inside, and then shoved her and punched her in the shoulder. She testified that Slovik grabbed pool balls2 and threw one toward Lewis and 1 Our recitation of the facts is drawn from the findings of fact in the opinion of the California Court of Appeal, whose findings are presumed correct unless rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. 28 U.S.C. § 2254(e)(1). Neither Slovik nor the State has challenged these findings. 2 At oral argument, counsel for both sides indicated that cue balls were thrown. We are fairly confident that not everyone was throwing cue balls, although the record doesn’t reveal whether one side was stripes and the other solids. Given that there seems to have been only one pool table at the bar, there would only have been a single cue ball. Therefore, if Slovik threw multiple balls they must have been pool balls and not cue balls. In addition to the difference in color (the cue ball is, of course, white), on coin-operated tables the owners use slightly larger and heavier cue balls, or occasionally magnetic cue balls in order to ensure that the cue ball is returned to the game after a scratch. See EWA MATAYA LAURANCE & THOMAS C. SHAW, THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO POOL & BILLIARDS 90 (1998). SLOVIK v. YATES 1519 one toward her, which came within six inches of her head and broke the Plexiglas wall covering behind her. Buckley-Stoffel saw Slovik on the floor with Featherstone standing over him and then saw Slovik chasing Featherstone. Featherstone testified that Buckley-Stoffel took Slovik’s drink after Slovik did backflips through the bar. According to Featherstone, when Buckley-Stoffel asked Slovik to leave, Slovik yelled, cursed and shoved her. Buckley-Stoffel screamed for Featherstone to call 911. Featherstone further testified that as he attempted to shut the door, Slovik grabbed it and reentered the bar, shoving both Featherstone and Buckley-Stoffel against the wall. Slovik chased Lewis, and then slipped on pool sticks he had knocked down earlier. Fea- therstone denied touching Slovik, but claimed that Slovik chased him around the pool table, and threw two pool balls at his face. When Featherstone ducked, the balls hit the wall, and Slovik then threw a third ball. The incident that is the basis for Slovik’s habeas petition occurred during Featherstone’s cross-examination. Feather- stone was asked whether he was currently on probation. He answered “no.” Slovik’s counsel apparently had a form estab- lishing that Featherstone had been placed on five-years’ pro- bation for driving under the influence of alcohol, and he wished to impeach Featherstone with this evidence. After an unreported side-bar discussion, the trial court apparently sus- tained a prosecution objection under California Evidence Code § 352 to any further questioning of Featherstone about his probationary status, ruling the inquiry would be too time consuming. Although, due to the unrecorded side-bar, the written record is ambiguous as to what exactly Slovik’s coun- sel was attempting to introduce, at oral argument the State conceded that Slovik’s counsel was not permitted to show Featherstone the document and ask him an “isn’t it true that” question. Woods testified that Johnson jumped on Slovik and they began scuffling. Woods also testified that after Johnson and 1520 SLOVIK v. YATES Slovik scuffled, others unsuccessfully tried to remove Slovik from the bar. Featherstone called 911 and Johnson ran out the back door. Woods confirmed that Slovik shoved Buckley- Stoffel and hit Buckley-Stoffel’s arm. She testified that while Featherstone was on the other side of the pool table egging him on, Slovik grabbed two pool balls and threw one of them. Johnson testified that he went to assist in the effort to remove Slovik from the bar. According to Johnson, Slovik swung at Buckley-Stoffel and missed, and when Johnson stepped in the way, Slovik swung at him instead, and they began fighting. Johnson hit Slovik twice in the back of the head and they fell. The defense relied principally on the testimony of Lewis, another customer at the bar that night. According to Lewis, Slovik was intoxicated and belligerent and refused to leave until Buckley-Stoffel accompanied him to the door. When Lewis heard a disturbance, she went outside and witnessed Johnson holding Slovik in a chokehold against a car, as John- son’s sister screamed to “let him go!” Lewis testified that Slovik followed Johnson back into the bar, and when Lewis and Buckley-Stoffel attempted to shut the door, Slovik pushed Buckley-Stoffel aside and entered the bar. Lewis then kicked Slovik; he threatened her, and she ran outside. Lewis wit- nessed Featherstone pushing Slovik, and then kicking and pushing him back down when he tried to get up. Lewis testi- fied that after Slovik got up he angrily threw pool balls in an erratic fashion “not to pinpoint anybody out. He was just throwing them to throw them.” On cross-examination Lewis testified that she was unsure what he was trying to hit: “I guess people. I don’t know how.” She further testified that as Slovik moved toward the door, Featherstone threw a ball in that direction.3 3 Lewis testified that when the police asked them to write statements, they discussed the events among themselves, and Featherstone indicated that they should not mention that he had pushed or kicked Slovik. SLOVIK v. YATES 1521 As a result of the bar fight, Slovik was charged with assault with a deadly weapon (the pool balls) and by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury upon Buckley-Stoffel (count one), and upon Featherstone (count two) in violation of California Penal Code § 245(a)(1); and battery upon Fea- therstone (count three) and Buckley-Stoffel (count four) in violation of California Penal Code § 242. A jury found Slovik guilty of counts two and four as charged, guilty of the lesser included offense of simple assault for count one, and not guilty of count three. On June 28, 1999, the trial court sen- tenced Slovik to 40 years to life as a result of the California three-strikes law and other sentencing enhancements. Slovik appealed his conviction on numerous grounds. The California Court of Appeal affirmed Slovik’s conviction on the merits, but struck some of the sentencing enhancements in an unpublished decision. The California Supreme Court denied Slovik’s petition for review. In September 2001, Slovik was resentenced to 35 years to life, which the Califor- nia Court of Appeal affirmed in another unpublished decision. Slovik then filed a state habeas corpus petition, which was denied by the Superior Court, the state appellate court, and the California Supreme Court. In February 2005, Slovik filed a 28 U.S.C. § 2254 petition for writ of habeas corpus in federal district court. Magistrate Although she wrote that Slovik hit Buckley-Stoffel, she testified that she meant that he pushed Buckley-Stoffel when being escorted out of the bar. She explained that she did not mention the parking lot fight in her state- ment because the police told them to write about the incident in the bar. Lewis also failed to note in her written statement that Featherstone had thrown a pool ball, but she testified that she decided to tell the truth when she learned that Slovik would receive a long sentence. A defense investigator testified that when he interviewed Lewis she never mentioned anyone besides Slovik throwing pool balls, but she did state that Featherstone pushed Slovik to the ground and then kicked him, and that Buckley-Stoffel and Featherstone did not plan to inform the police about either that or the parking lot fight. 1522 SLOVIK v. YATES Judge Stiven recommended that the habeas petition be denied, and Judge Benitez adopted that recommendation and denied the petition on May 1, 2006. Slovik timely appealed. II. DISCUSSION This case is governed by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (“AEDPA”), 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d).4 See Lindh v. Murphy, 521 U.S. 320, 327 (1997). Under AEDPA, we may not grant Slovik habeas relief unless the last reasoned state court adjudication, here the California Court of Appeal’s first unpublished decision addressing the merits of his case, “(1) resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States; or (2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented 4 After briefing, oral argument, and publication of an opinion in this case, the State argued for the first time in a petition for rehearing that Slovik did not sufficiently raise a Confrontation Clause argument in state court proceedings. Moreover, Slovik apparently cannot return to state court to raise a Confrontation Clause claim because he failed to raise the argument in his original state habeas petition. See In re Clark, 855 P.2d 729, 760 (Cal. 1993) (holding that “absent justification for the failure to present all known claims in a single, timely petition for writ of habeas cor- pus, successive and/or untimely petitions will be summarily denied”). Accordingly, Slovik is no longer subject to an exhaustion requirement, but he has procedurally defaulted his Confrontation Clause claim. See Frank- lin v. Johnson, 290 F.3d 1223, 1229-32 (9th Cir. 2002). We find, however, that the State has forfeited this procedural default argument, and we refuse to raise the issue sua sponte. See id.; Vang v. Nevada, 329 F.3d 1069, 1073 (9th Cir. 2003). In similar circumstances, the court in Franklin, 290 F.3d at 1233, went on to review the petitioner’s claim under AEDPA’s deferential standard despite the fact that the issue had not been raised in state court. However, in Chaker v. Crogan, 428 F.3d 1215, 1221 (9th Cir. 2005), the court held that when a state has forfeited a procedural default argument we review the claim de novo. We need not resolve any tension between these cases, because we conclude that under either standard, a writ of habeas must be issued. SLOVIK v. YATES 1523 in the State court proceeding.” 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d). We review de novo a district court’s decision to deny a habeas petition. Campbell v. Rice, 408 F.3d 1166, 1169 (9th Cir. 2005) (en banc). We granted a certificate of appealability on two questions: (1) whether Slovik’s constitutional rights were violated by the trial court’s exclusion of evidence that would have impeached Featherstone; and (2) whether Slovik’s right to present a defense was violated by the assault instruction given to the jury. Because we find the limitation on use of impeachment evidence for cross-examination adequate to grant the petition, we do not reach the jury instruction issue. A. Confrontation Clause Violation [1] The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment guarantees a criminal defendant the right “to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” U.S. CONST. amend. VI. The Supreme Court has explained that the right of confrontation “means more than being allowed to confront the witness physically,” but rather “[t]he main and essential purpose of confrontation is to secure for the opponent the opportunity of cross-examination.” Davis v. Alaska, 415 U.S. 308, 315-16 (1974) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). The Confrontation Clause does not prevent a trial judge from imposing “reasonable limits on such cross-examination based on concerns about, among other things, harassment, prejudice, confusion of the issues, the witness’ safety, or interrogation that is repetitive or only marginally relevant.” Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 475 U.S. 673, 679 (1986). Nevertheless, the Court has held that a defendant’s Confrontation Clause rights have been violated when he is “prohibited from engaging in otherwise appropriate cross-examination . . . and thereby ‘to expose to the jury the facts from which jurors . . . could appropriately draw inferences relating to the reliability of the witness.’ ” Id. at 680 (quoting Davis, 415 U.S. at 318). “[A] criminal defendant states a violation of the Confrontation 1524 SLOVIK v. YATES Clause by showing that he was prohibited from engaging in otherwise appropriate cross-examination designed to show a prototypical form of bias on the part of the witness.” Id. Accordingly, the defendant has met his burden when he has shown that “[a] reasonable jury might have received a signifi- cantly different impression of [a witness’] credibility had . . . counsel been permitted to pursue his proposed line of cross- examination.” Id. [2] Slovik’s Sixth Amendment right to be confronted with the witnesses against him was violated because a reasonable jury might have received a “significantly different impres- sion” of Featherstone’s credibility had Slovik been permitted to confront Featherstone with the record of probation and cross-examine him concerning his apparent lie under oath. See id. During his cross-examination of Featherstone, Slovik’s counsel asked “You’re currently on probation right now?” to which Featherstone responded “No.” When, during cross-examination, Slovik’s counsel attempted to approach Featherstone with evidence that Featherstone was in fact on probation, the trial court denied permission to approach the witness with that evidence. Had Slovik’s counsel been permit- ted to ask Featherstone something along the lines of “isn’t it true that you are currently on probation for driving under the influence of alcohol?” Slovik might have shown that Feather- stone’s prior statement, made under oath, that he was not on probation was a lie.5 [3] The evidence that Featherstone was placed on five- years’ probation for driving under the influence was not being proffered to establish that Featherstone was unreliable simply because he was on probation, but rather to establish that Fea- 5 At oral argument the State suggested that Featherstone was not neces- sarily lying because he may not have known that he was on probation. We find it extremely improbable that a person is unaware that he is on proba- tion. In any event, that argument should have been left to counsel and resolved by the jury. SLOVIK v. YATES 1525 therstone was unreliable because he had lied about being on probation and to establish that he had an ulterior motive to place the blame on Slovik so as not to admit to violating the terms of his probation.6 It is clear to us that the jurors might have formed a significantly different impression of Feather- stone’s credibility if they had heard cross-examination show- ing that Featherstone was willing to lie under oath and that he had a motive for lying because of the terms of his probation status. Therefore, the trial court’s refusal to allow Slovik to present such evidence violated Slovik’s constitutional rights under the Sixth Amendment, so clearly set forth in Van Ars- dall and Davis. The State concedes that the exclusion of the proffered impeachment cross-examination would violate Slovik’s Sixth Amendment confrontation rights if the excluded testimony would have produced a significantly different impression of the witness’ credibility, but it contends that exclusion of cross-examination with the record of Featherstone’s probation did not significantly alter the jurors’ impression of Feather- stone’s credibility. Inexplicably, the State argues that “[j]urors could reasonably infer from defense counsel’s cross- 6 Slovik argues that if Featherstone was on probation, he would have had an additional motive for lying about whether he attacked Slovik first, because an assault or battery charge would have violated the terms of his probation. The State argues that Slovik never advised the trial court, pur- suant to California Evidence Code § 354(a), that he intended to pursue evidence of Featherstone’s current probation status to show Featherstone had a motive for testifying falsely. California evidentiary law is irrelevant to the determination of Slovik’s constitutional rights, and we find Slovik’s argument sufficient to raise the issue to the state trial court. The record clearly indicates that Slovik argued that he should have had the opportu- nity to question Featherstone regarding his probationary status under Davis v. Alaska, 415 U.S. 308 (1974). Davis involved the right to confront a witness based on his motive to lie due to his probationary status. Id. at 319. Insofar as the State now wishes to assert that Slovik is procedurally barred by failing to raise this issue in the state courts of appeal, we find that the State has forfeited the argument by failing to raise it prior to the filing of its petition for rehearing. See Franklin, 290 F.3d at 1229-32. 1526 SLOVIK v. YATES examination question and Featherstone’s answer that Feather- stone committed an offense resulting in a prior placement on probation.” The entire exchange proceeded as follows: Slovik’s counsel asked Featherstone, “You’re currently on probation right now?” to which Featherstone responded “No.” It is baffling how jurors could reasonably infer from this exchange that Featherstone committed an offense resulting in a prior placement on probation. The only conclusion that a juror could reasonably draw is that Slovik’s counsel was attempting to impeach Featherstone’s credibility, but failed. Indeed, because use of the evidence was prohibited, it would have been improper for the jurors to read anything else into the exchange. The State has not offered any reason why the jury would suspect that Featherstone was lying when he answered “No.” The jurors were left to assume that Slovik’s counsel was fishing and that Featherstone testified honestly. The State also contends that the trial court’s ruling did not significantly alter the jury’s impression of Featherstone’s credibility because Slovik’s trial counsel had already estab- lished that some of the prosecution’s witnesses were regular bar patrons, and some were on probation, and that this “suf- ficed to dispel any lingering illusions that the prosecutor picked his witnesses from a Sunday school choir.” This argu- ment fails to recognize the effect that cross-examination might have had on the jurors’ perception of the individual wit- ness. Although we will consider this argument again in our harmless error analysis, the fact that defense counsel impeached other witnesses bears no relevance in the confron- tation right analysis, which asks whether impeaching Feather- stone would have produced a significantly different impression of Featherstone’s credibility. Featherstone was an important witness. He was in the middle of the dust-up and, if his testimony was believed, was a victim of Slovik’s billiard-ball assault. The Supreme Court has emphasized that “the focus of the Confrontation Clause is on individual wit- nesses” and thus “the focus of the prejudice inquiry in deter- mining whether the confrontation right has been violated must SLOVIK v. YATES 1527 be on the particular witness, not on the outcome of the entire trial.” Van Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 680. That defense counsel was able to impeach other witnesses is irrelevant to whether the trial court’s limit on Slovik’s ability to cross-examine Fea- therstone violated the Confrontation Clause. [4] The California Court of Appeal analyzed Slovik’s claim as an evidentiary issue governed by state law, rather than a confrontation question governed by the Sixth Amendment. The California Court of Appeal approved the trial court’s rul- ing under California Evidence Code § 352, which states: The court in its discretion may exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the probability that its admission will (a) necessitate undue consumption of time or (b) create substantial danger of undue prejudice, of confusing the issues, or of misleading the jury. Applying a California evidentiary standard of review, the Court of Appeal concluded that “[a]bsent a clear showing of abuse, the trial court’s exercise of discretion under this section will not be reversed.” See People v. Avila, 133 P.3d 1076, 1137 (Cal. 2006) (“We review for abuse of discretion a trial court’s rulings on relevance and the exclusion of evidence under Evidence Code section 352.”). AEDPA gives us no basis here for questioning a California court’s decision apply- ing its own evidentiary rules. However, had the Court of Appeal applied Van Arsdall and Davis, we believe it would have come to a different conclusion. In this regard, the Cali- fornia Court of Appeal’s decision was objectively unreason- able in light of clearly established Supreme Court precedent regarding the Confrontation Clause. B. Harmless Error Analysis [5] Confrontation Clause errors are subject to harmless- error analysis. Normally, for constitutional errors “[t]he cor- 1528 SLOVIK v. YATES rect inquiry is whether, assuming that the damaging potential of the cross-examination were fully realized, a reviewing court might nonetheless say that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.” Van Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 684. However, in reviewing state court decisions for harmless error in the context of a habeas petition, federal courts review to determine if the error had “a substantial and injurious effect or influence in determining the jury’s verdict.” Brecht v. Abrahamson, 507 U.S. 619, 623 (1993) (quoting Kotteakos v. United States, 328 U.S. 750, 776 (1946)); see Fry v. Pliler, 127 S. Ct. 2321, 2325-27 (2007). “If a habeas court is left with ‘grave doubt’ about whether a constitutional error sub- stantially influenced the verdict, then the error was not harm- less.” Parle v. Runnels, 387 F.3d 1030, 1044 (9th Cir. 2004). In making this inquiry, the court must review the record to determine “what effect the error had or reasonably may be taken to have had upon the jury’s decision.” McKinney v. Rees, 993 F.2d 1378, 1385-86 (9th Cir. 1993) (quoting Kot- teakos, 328 U.S. at 764). In any particular case the relevant factors include “the importance of the witness’ testimony in the prosecution’s case, whether the testimony was cumulative, the presence or absence of evidence corroborating or contra- dicting the testimony of the witness on material points, the extent of cross-examination otherwise permitted, and, of course, the overall strength of the prosecution’s case.” Id. Applying these factors, we conclude that the trial court’s limit on Slovik’s ability to cross-examine Featherstone had a substantial and injurious effect or influence in determining the jury’s verdict. Assuming, as we must, that the damaging potential of Featherstone’s cross-examination was fully real- ized, Fowler v. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Dep’t, 421 F.3d 1027, 1041 (9th Cir. 2005), we are left with a grave doubt as to whether the trial error had a substantial influence on the jury’s decision. [6] The conviction at issue in Slovik’s habeas petition is count two, assault with a deadly weapon, for throwing pool SLOVIK v. YATES 1529 balls at Featherstone. Featherstone’s testimony is critical to that conviction because Featherstone testified plainly that Slovik threw one or more pool balls at him. The only other witness who testified that Slovik may have thrown a pool ball at Featherstone is Woods. According to the California Court of Appeal, Woods testified that “while Featherstone was on the other side of the pool table egging him on, [Slovik] threw one of the balls.” Given that Slovik’s defense was based on self-defense, and he argued that Featherstone was the aggres- sor, a reasonable jury would have had a much more difficult decision on a charged count of assault with a deadly weapon based solely on Woods’ testimony—that Slovik “threw one of the balls” while Featherstone was egging him on. Woods’ tes- timony did not even indicate that Slovik was aiming at Fea- therstone, as opposed to just throwing a ball aimlessly. Moreover, Woods only testified that Slovik threw one ball and does not indicate the target of that ball, whereas Feather- stone contended that Slovik threw three balls at him. Other witnesses testified either that Slovik threw pool balls haphaz- ardly, or that he threw them at others. Lewis, for example, tes- tified that Slovik “was just throwing [pool balls] to throw them” and was not trying “to pinpoint anybody.” Feather- stone’s testimony thus appears crucial to the prosecution’s case and is not cumulative. We gravely doubt whether the prosecution’s case was so strong that the trial court’s decision to exclude cross-examination on evidence discrediting Fea- therstone did not have a substantial and injurious impact on the jury’s decision. The State does not attempt to argue that its case was partic- ularly strong, or that Featherstone was inconsequential to its conviction. Rather, the State alleges that even if the state court committed constitutional error, “the state court trial jurors knew that none of the trial witnesses led a purely law-abiding life.” We are not sure what we should take from this admis- sion. This argument is presumably an attempt to show that the testimony was cumulative, but it merely serves to emphasize that the State’s case rested on the testimony of shaky wit- 1530 SLOVIK v. YATES nesses and reminds us that if these witnesses were further contradicted, the jury might not have returned a conviction. The California Court of Appeal found “harmless error in the court’s excluding evidence a witness was on probation when the witness testified to the contrary.” People v. Slovik, No. SCE193584, at 2 (Cal. Ct. App. filed Mar. 2, 2001). The court provided no reasoning to support that statement. The court’s analysis is limited to another conclusory statement that “there is no reasonable probability of a different result had the court allowed questioning of Featherstone’s probationary sta- tus.” Id. at 13. The court fails to explain why there is no rea- sonable probability of a different result, in light of any of the factors provided by the Supreme Court to guide the harmless error inquiry. Instead, the court just concludes for a third time that “[t]he fact [that] the defense was not allowed to question Featherstone further about whether he was on probation did not result in a miscarriage of justice.” Id. [7] We review a state court decision regarding harmless error to determine if it “is contrary to Supreme Court prece- dent or objectively unreasonable.” Inthavong v. Lamarque, 420 F.3d 1055, 1059 (9th Cir. 2005).7 Although it is unclear whether the California Court of Appeal simply failed to con- duct a harmless error analysis, or whether it misapplied that analysis, its conclusion that the trial court’s exclusion of the evidence of Featherstone’s probation was harmless error either contradicted or unreasonably applied established fed- 7 Here, because Slovik failed to directly raise the Confrontation Clause issue, the California Court of Appeal appears to have applied the state harmless error standard under People v. Watson, 299 P.2d 243, 253-55 (Cal. 1956), rather than the constitutional harmless error standard under Chapman v. California, 386 U.S. 18, 24 (1967). As noted above, we find that the State has forfeited any procedural default argument on this issue by failing to bring it to the attention of the court prior to filing a petition for rehearing. Under either de novo review, see Chaker, 428 F.3d at 1221, or the more deferential standard under AEDPA, see Franklin, 290 F.3d at 1233, we conclude that the writ of habeas must be issued. SLOVIK v. YATES 1531 eral law as determined by Supreme Court precedent. See Van Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 684. III. CONCLUSION [8] We reverse the denial of the petition, and direct the dis- trict court to issue an order stating that a writ of habeas corpus will be issued with regard to Slovik’s assault conviction unless he is retried or resentenced within a reasonable period of time to be determined by the district court. REVERSED AND REMANDED.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Ready your teams for battle! We're just a few days away from the full launch of Echo Combat, the latest expansion in Ready At Dawn’s critically-acclaimed Echo universe. A new team-based shooter set in a zero-gravity environment, Echo Combat takes the award-winning mechanics from Lone Echo and Echo Arena and mashes it up with a fresh take on competitive gameplay. Echo Combat launches on November 15, but we’ve got plenty of new content to talk about today. At Oculus Connect 5 in September, Ready At Dawn revealed additional details about Echo Combat, including another map, Combustion, as well as an additional game mode, called Capture Point. It also announced private matches and trophy-like achievements for Oculus Home, making your accomplishments that much sweeter. September also marked the end of numerous frag-filled public betas, which saw the Echo VR community battle for robotic supremacy. As for the new content, there's plenty in store for long-time Echo fans and newcomers alike. First up, there’s a whole new map available at launch: Dyson. A massive open-space destination for Control Point mode, Dyson will treat players to new strategic opportunities including a variety of entry points to the map to help teams divide and conquer. There’s also an explosive addition to the Echo Combat arsenal called the Meteor, which acts like a classic rocket launcher; the perfect tool when you’re staring down enemies and you’re running out of options. Just as handy, and far less messy, is a grenade-like device called Instant Repair that heals targets on impact, including yourself. If you’re the kind of player that loves a good exit strategy, then the new Phase Shift ability is for you. Letting players phase out of reality for short periods, Phase Shift is a particularly useful TAC-MOD that’ll help you sneak behind enemy lines or make a hasty retreat. There’s also a new progression system in Echo Combat to help you keep track of your heroic exploits. You’ll gain experience by competing in public matches, gaining character levels, bragging rights, and access to a suite of new customization options, like decals, emotes, and patterns. Plus, once you’ve unlocked something in Echo Combat, it’s also available in Echo Arena; you can even review combat stats for both games at once, using your arm computer. Lastly, after months of serious play-testing, the default game size has been bumped up from 3v3 to 4v4—the more the merrier. Echo Combat will be available on November 15 as an in-app purchase through Echo VR for $9.99 USD (€7.99, GBP 9.99). If you already own Echo VR, you can purchase the Echo Combat DLC on the Echo VR Oculus Store page. Echo VR players can also log in to Echo VR and purchase Echo Combat from the Main Menu or in the Echo VR lobby at any of the Matchmaking Terminals or Customization Terminals, confirm your purchase in headset, and you’re ready to take off into zero-g glory. Echo Arena will remain free-to-play and players can except Echo VR support from Ready At Dawn through 2019.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Morgan, a Yorkshire terrier, jumped at owner Pamela Plante’s leg so incessantly that she that she finally inspected it in the mirror, and realized it was red up to her knee. She was diagnosed with an infection that had spread throughout her body and she spent a week in the hospital.“After she jumped on my leg, she would sit and look at me and shake or shiver,” says the Smithfield, R.I., woman. (Photo by Pamela Plante) “From past experience, I knew she would shake like that when she was in pain, so I picked her up and checked her all over trying to find out what was wrong and couldn’t find anything. When I put her down she would jump on my leg again.” Finally, Plante inspected her leg in a mirror and discovered it was red up to the knee. Plante called her doctor who told her to get checked immediately. She was diagnosed with sepsis and spent a week in the hospital recovering from the infection that started in her leg and spread through her body. Sensitive dogs, such as Morgan, are proving that besides being man’s best friend, some canines also have a lifesaving sixth sense. Dogs’ keen ability to differentiate smells enables some of them to know we’re sick long before we might ourselves. Combine that with their 24/7 observation of us and some pets have proven to be skilled diagnosticians, even if we’re not always sure what they’re trying to tell us. In the past few years, studies have shown that dogs can sniff out both early and late stage lung and breast cancers. The Pine Street Foundation, a non-profit cancer education and research organization, in San Anselmo, Calif., is even training dogs to recognize ovarian cancer. Some dogs have also been shown capable of detecting skin cancer. Riker, a 9-year-old Australian Shepherd who lives with Liz and Paul Palika in Oceanside, Calif., poked insistently at Liz’s father’s chest. “Dad, did you leave some of your dinner on your shirt?” Liz teased him. But Riker wouldn’t stop. To satisfy him, Liz and her mother took a closer look. There was a lump on her father’s chest. A trip to the doctor revealed a melanoma that had spread beneath the skin. Other dogs have been taught to catch when diabetics’ blood sugar levels drop. And for about the past 20 years, “seizure dogs” have been used to alert their owners to a pending seizure and assist them to a safe place until it’s over. Lifesaving cat It’s not just dogs who have proven to have life-saving noses. Ardis Matson of Brookings, S.D., credits a gray tomcat named Tuffy with keeping her mother alive and able to live on her own for several years. “My mother was elderly and had insulin-dependent diabetes,” Matson says. “Often, her blood sugar would go dangerously low during the night and if left unchecked it could have caused her to go into a coma and die. Tuffy always slept with her, and when her blood sugar started slipping really low during the night, he would nudge her and walk across her body and keep aggravating her until she would get up and take glucose to make her blood sugar levels rise. When she was in control again, Tuffy would go back to sleep.” And then there’s Oscar, a cat who lives at Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I. He alerts staff to the impending death of patients, a gift that allows families to be notified in time to say their good-byes. The answer to how animals know something is wrong may be up in the air — literally. Dogs and cats have a keener sense of smell than humans, and that may enable them to detect subtle changes in body odor caused by such things as cancer cells or lowered blood sugar. In the case of Oscar, for instance, veterinarian Margie Scherk, president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners, notes that he may be picking up a variety of clues that people are too busy to notice or don’t have the sensory capacity to detect. “Cats live in a world of smells; their olfactory sense is a lot more acute than that of a human,” Scherk says. “People who are dying, as well as those who aren’t eating, emit ketotic odors, which might be one cue that cats like Oscar detect. There could easily be other odors that a dying individual produces that our noses are unable to note.” In addition to being able to pick up certain odors, dogs and cats also seem to be able to recognize that it means there’s a problem their owners need to know about. “There is reason to believe that some odors do have an ‘intrinsic’ value to the animal, that evolution has led to the development of neural pathways that specialize in detecting and processing relevant categories of smell,” says Timothy E. Holy, assistant professor of anatomy and neurobiology at Washington University in St. Louis. “Experience, too, plays a big role. You can train a dog to react in particular ways to relatively arbitrary smells.” Those smells might include the breath of a person with lung cancer or the urine of a person with bladder cancer. So the next time your dog or cat is nagging you, don’t ignore him. He might have something important to say. Just ask Joan Beck of Cottage Grove, Minn. “One morning I woke up in the throes of a severe asthma attack. My husband was already awake and taking a shower. I was having so much trouble breathing that I couldn’t call for help. Our English springer spaniel, Sam, suddenly appeared, nosed me for a moment, then turned around and left the room. My husband said later that Sam pushed the bathroom door open and insisted that he follow Sam back to our bedroom. ‘Who needs Lassie when we have Sam?’ my husband says.” By: Kim Campbell Thornton is an award-winning author who has written many articles and more than a dozen books about dogs and cats. She belongs to the Dog Writers Association of America and is past president of the Cat Writers Association. She shares her home in California with three Cavalier King Charles spaniels and one African ringneck parakeet. Save a Life…Adopt Just One More…Pet! Everyday we read or hear another story about pets and other animals being abandoned in record numbers while at the same time we regularly hear about crazy new rules and laws being passed limiting the amount of pets that people may have, even down to one or two… or worse yet, none. Nobody is promoting hoarding pets or animals, but at a time when there are more pets and animals of all types being abandoned or being taken to shelters already bursting at the seams, there is nothing crazier than legislating away the ability of willing adoptive families to take in just one more pet!! Our goal is to raise awareness and help find homes for all pets and animals that need one by helping to match them with loving families and positive situations. Our goal is also to help fight the trend of unfavorable legislation and rules in an attempt to stop unnecessary Euthenization!! “All over the world, major universities are researching the therapeutic value of pets in our society and the number of hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and mental institutions which are employing full-time pet therapists and animals is increasing daily.” ~ Betty White, American Actress, Animal Activist, and Author of Pet Love There is always room for Just One More Pet. So if you have room in your home and room in your heart… Adopt Just One More! If you live in an area that promotes unreasonable limitations on pets… fight the good fight and help change the rules and legislation… Save the Life of Just One More…Animal! Recent and Seasonal Shots As I have been fighting Cancer… A battle I am gratefully winning, my furkids have not left my side. They have been a large part of my recovery!! Ask Marion Photos by the UCLA Shutterbug are protected by copyright, Please email at [email protected] or find us on twitter @JustOneMorePet for permission to duplicate for commerical purposes or to purchase photos. By JoAnn, Marion, and Tim Algier This past week, we lost our dear family member Rocky who had just outlived his “huep – na-napbdad”, Tom, by just a few months. His perspective would have been interesting!! Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been […] By JoAnn, Marion, and Tim Algier This past week, we lost a dear family member, Rocky, who had just outlived his “human pet-dad”, Tom, by just a few months. It certainly would have been interesting to know what they thought and what experiences they had had in common!! Just this side of heaven is a […] Bristol Palin: Fellow SixSeeds blogger Zeke Pipher has a great question: If they were dead puppy parts, or parts from homosexual babies, or babies that self-identified as adults, it’d be a different story. Meaning, it would be a story. But as it is, the fact that these fetuses don’t look like puppies, and their sexual […] Family and friends of G.R. Gordon-Ross watch his private fireworks show at the Youth Sports Complex in Lawrence, Kan., Friday, June 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Mercury News – Originally posted on July 02, 2013: The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. Hot dogs, potato salad and, of course, fireworks. But Independence […] Very few dogs have the experience of being parents these days and especially seeing their litters through the process of weaning and then actually being able to remain part of a pack with at least part of their family. Apachi is our Doggie Dad. He is a Chiweenie and here he is is watching his […] By Marion Algier – Just One More Pet (JOMP) – Cross-Posted at AskMarion Anderson Cooper met Chaser, a dog who can identify over a thousand toys, and because of whom, scientists are now studying the brain of man’s best friend. Chaser is also the subject of a book: Chaser: Unlocking the Genius of the Dog […] By Tamara – Dog Heirs – Cross-Posted at JOMP Quebec, Canada – Animals will be considered “sentient beings” instead of property in a bill tabled in the Canadian province of Quebec. The legislation states that "animals are not things. They are sentient beings and have biological needs." Agriculture Minister Pierre Paradis proposed the bill and […] […] Flickr Photos Meta Great Book for Children and Pet Lovers… And a Perfect Holiday Gift One More Pet Emily loves animals so much that she can’t resist bringing them home. When a local farmer feels under the weather, she is only too eager to “feed the lambs, milk the cows and brush the rams.” The farmer is so grateful for Emily’s help that he gives her a giant egg... Can you guess what happens after that? The rhythmic verse begs to be read aloud, and the lively pictures will delight children as they watch Emily’s collection of pets get bigger and bigger. If You Were Stranded On An Island… A recent national survey revealed just how much Americans love their companion animals. When respondents were asked whether they’d like to spend life stranded on a deserted island with either their spouse or their pet, over 60% said they would prefer their dog or cat for companionship!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: after_sign_in_path_for I use devise in my application. I want to pop-up a welcome message while the user login. so in my application_controller.erb I defined: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :authenticate_user! def after_sign_in_path_for(user) alert('Welcome!') end def after_sign_out_path_for(user) new_user_session_path end end when I tried to sign-in to my app, I got an error: ArgumentError in Devise::SessionsController#create wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) Rails.root: /home/alon/alon/todolist Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace app/controllers/application_controller.rb:14:in `after_sign_in_path_for' A: By default devise adds flash messages. No need to set the flash message.Just you need to display the flash message in the view. Try the below code. in your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <% flash.each do |type, message| %> <div class="flash"> <%= message %> </div> <% end %> FYI after_sign_in_path_for is not for setting the flash message. Its the just to inform the path to devise where you want to redirect the application after successful login. Lets set the successful login redirect path in you config/routes.rb match "users/dashboard" => "controllername#action" And finally change the after_sign_in_path_for method def after_sign_in_path_for(user) users_dashboard_path end
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Russell M. Church Professor [email protected] (401) 863-2328 Office Location: Metcalf 245 Office Hours: Wednesdays 3-3:50pm or by appointment Research Focus: Computational, cognitive, and neural basis of interval timing Russell Church is an experimental psychologist who studies learning, memory, and decision processes of animals. He has been a member of the Brown faculty since 1955 where his early research concerned studies of social learning and punishment. During the last 25 years he has concentrated on the ability of animals (rats and humans) to discriminate time intervals, and adjust their behavior to the temporal constraints of tasks. His research, which involves behavioral, neuroscience, and mathematical approaches, has been published primarily in scientific journals. Since 1957 his research has been supported continuously by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Science Foundation. He has served as President of the Eastern Psychological Association, the Society for Computers in Psychology, and two Divisions of the American Psychological Association. He is currently teaching courses to graduate and undergraduate students in experimental analysis of behavior and mathematical models of psychological processes. Research Interests: The ability to estimate durations of time is an essential characteristic of animals and people that is required for rational decisions, accurate memory, association of events, and coordination of various components of behavior with each other and with environmental events. Research in my laboratory is being conducted with rats and human subjects. Four approaches to the study of duration discrimination have been employed: behavioral, mathematical, cognitive, and biological. Understanding duration discrimination requires a knowledge of the relationship between stimulus conditions and temporal behavior, of mathematical models of timing and learning, of mental mechanisms (such as perception, memory, attention, decision), and of biological mechanisms (anatomy, pharmacology, and electrophysiology). A mathematical timing theory accounts for performance in many timing tasks. These include tasks involving temporal discrimination and temporal performance. The results of such experiment have led to the development of more general principles of scalar timing and mathematical process models of temporal perception, memory, and decision. The predictions of the theory can be directly compared to the behavior of the animal with a Turing test. Various biological manipulations (drugs and brain lesions) appear to have a selective influence on one or more of the mental mechanisms, and there are neural correlates of timing behavior.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Mattias Persson Mattias Persson (born April 9, 1985) is a Swedish professional ice hockey player. He currently plays for Malmö Redhawks of the SHL. References External links Category:1985 births Category:Living people Category:Luleå HF players Category:Swedish ice hockey forwards
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
n-3 fatty acids and blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus. Our knowledge of the effects of n-3 fatty acids on the glucose homeostasis in diabetes mellitus is at present incomplete. The results are in certain respects conflicting. Several studies have shown that addition of n-3 fatty acids, especially in type-2 diabetes, may increase blood glucose concentrations without a concomitant increase of insulin or C-peptide concentrations. The glucose/insulin ratio is increased in fasting as well as after meals. On the other hand, some data indicate that, in spite of increased or unchanged glucose concentrations, there may be an improved peripheral insulin sensitivity. The stimulated insulin response may be reduced after mixed meals, although there are no indications of significant impairments of the response to intravenous glucose. The reasons for the observed changes are still obscure. More controlled studies, during prolonged periods of time, are needed. At present it would seem important to closely follow diabetic patients with respect to glucose and lipid metabolism if treated with n-3 fatty acids. As for now, diabetic patients are recommended to increase their intake of fish in the diet. The use of pharmacological doses of n-3 fatty acids remains investigational.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: python I get a nameerror ? I already have a variable named that # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # ötszaz.py # , 2017 érték = {"1":500, "2":450, "3":400} # --- 1.feladat --- with open("penztar.txt","r") as ff: adatok = ff.read() # --- 2. feladat --- print("2.feladat\nA fizetések száma: {}".format(adatok.count("F"))) # --- 3.feladat --- kosar = [] sok_kosar = [] for dolog in adatok.splitlines(): if dolog != "F": kosar.append(dolog) elif dolog == "F": sok_kosar.append(kosar) del kosar ##kosarak = elso(adatok.splitlines()) for i in sok_kosar: print(i) I get this error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Zsolt\Desktop\python ératségi\ötszáz\otszaz.py", line 23, in kosar.append(dolog) NameError: name 'kosar' is not defined A: for dolog in adatok.splitlines(): if dolog != "F": kosar.append(dolog) elif dolog == "F": sok_kosar.append(kosar) del kosar What are you expecting to happen in the iteration after the iteration in which dolog == "F"? If dolog == "F" You delete kosar. In the next iteration, kosar is undefined. Your code is essentially equivalent to: >>> li = [] >>> nums = [1, 2, 3] >>> for num in nums: ... print(num) ... if num == 2: ... del li ... else: ... li.append(num) ... 1 2 3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module> NameError: name 'li' is not defined If you meant to empty the list, instead of del kosar use kosar = [].
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Photography Website Service liveBooks Acquired by WeddingWire PetaPixel Yesterday we shared some news coming out of photographer Vincent LaForet’s camp that the website service liveBooks — which is used by many photographers — was quite possibly on its way out. This after a month of silence and “knowledgeable sources” indicating that the US branch of the business was all but shut down. A few hours after that news broke, however, we found out what was really happening: liveBooks has been acquired by the online event marketplace WeddingWire. In addition to dropping several apologies to liveBooks customers for the past month’s “transition period,” CEO Andy Patrick wants to make this clear that this is a good thing. “We are thrilled to announce that liveBooks has been acquired by WeddingWire,” says Patrick in the press release. “They are … passionate about being great stewards of the liveBooks brand, and focused on maintaining our leadership role in all aspects of the photography and creative professional industry.” At this point, liveBooks customer service — which, according to LaForet, has been nearly impossible to get ahold of for the last 30 days — is back up and running, ready to answer any questions you might have regarding the brand and its services from this point forward. As far as what this means for liveBooks customers, the change shouldn’t have much of an effect yet beyond another transition period (which the company is promising to make “as seamless as possible”). But once the integration is complete, clients can expect more in way of exciting innovations. “We’re excited to partner with the WeddingWire team to continue to serve the liveBooks community,” says Patrick. “The acquisition means more resources will be available for product innovation and we will be sharing the details of these developments in the coming months.”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The Sword in the Stone The Sword in the Stone may refer to: the medieval sword of Galgano Guidotti, embedded in a rock at Montesiepi Chapel, Siena, Italy The Sword in the Stone (novel), a 1938 novel by T. H. White a weapon in the Arthurian legend of Excalibur, which only the rightful king of Britain can pull from the stone Film The Sword in the Stone (1963 film), a 1963 Disney animated film based on the T. H. White novel The Sword in the Stone (upcoming film), a live action remake of the 1963 film "The Sword in the Stone", a 2011 two-part episode in the fourth season of the British television series Merlin Music The Sword in the Stone, a music composition for a 1939 six-part radio show composed by Benjamin Britten A song by Kayak on their 1981 studio album Merlin A song by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists on the 2003 EP Tell Balgeary, Balgury Is Dead A song by Banks & Steelz on the 2016 Anything But Words "Sword and Stone", a song released by the German band Bonfire on their 1989 album Point Blank Other uses "Indiana Jones and the Sword in the Stone", one of three adventures in the game Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Templars The Sword in the Stone, a play by Chinese-Canadian playwright Marty Chan See also Excalibur (disambiguation)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Podium Villa with Full Marina View Property Description LuxuryProperty.com is delighted to present this four-bedroom villa at Marina Gate. This home is one of the beautiful duplex villas located along the podium level of the tower, looking directly onto the Marina waterfront. It features a warming neutral palette, complemented by stone flooring in the living areas, parquet flooring in the bedrooms, wood cabinetry and lovely marble countertops. The very spacious living room on the lower level of the villa connects with a partly open kitchen and dining room, leading into an en suite guest bedroom with a walk-in closet. Two outdoor terraces are also located on this level, one accessible from the living room and one from the dining and guest rooms. The upper level houses a family room and the remaining en suite bedrooms, including the master bedroom which has a very spacious walk-in closet space. Marina Gate offers its residents every possible lifestyle convenience, including a temperature-controlled pool, dual-level gymnasium, squash courts, 24 hour concierge service and round-the-clock security. With a convenient location along the Marina boardwalk, residents also enjoy easy access to several premium retail and dining destinations. For the most discerning buyer, this gorgeous waterfront villa represents an incredible principal residence or indeed a perfect second home in Dubai At LuxuryProperty.com we offer a bespoke property finder service for all your real estate needs for villas at Marina Gate, Dubai Marina. We are not just property advisors we pride ourselves on our friendly and professional approach making your next property move an easy one. Features & Amenities Sauna Lounge Fine Dining Polyclinic Cycling Track Infinity pool Retail outlet Fitness Center Concierge service Location Map Dubai Marina If you want to live by the waterfront with a view of the waterfront outside your window & the trendiest lifestyle destinations only a few steps from your home, Dubai Marina is where you want to be. Dubai's most popular residential neighbourhood with some of the city's finest waterfront properties.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Introduction {#Sec1} ============ Metformin is one of the most widely used glucose-lowering agents to treat type 2 diabetes \[[@CR1]\] and is now recommended as the first-line drug therapy by a recent joint consensus statement \[[@CR2]\]. This unique survivor of the biguanides family is prescribed for its effective anti-hyperglycaemic action, achieving a potent reduction of hepatic glucose production through inhibition of gluconeogenesis \[[@CR3]\]. An increase in peripheral glucose uptake by the drug has also been reported, although the extent and significance of this effect in humans is still being discussed \[[@CR3]\]. Metformin also exerts beneficial effects on circulating lipids and exhibits cardio-protective features in obese patients treated with the drug compared with conventional hypoglycaemic agents \[[@CR4]\]. More recently, epidemiological studies have shown a decrease in cancer incidence in metformin-treated patients, suggesting a new potential application of the drug as an anti-cancer agent \[[@CR5]\]. However, although prescribed since the end of the 1950s and despite extensive effort during the last years, the precise molecular (or biochemical) mechanism or mechanisms of action of metformin remain as yet incompletely understood. At the beginning of the millennium, a remarkable study by Zhou et al. provided a new mechanistic insight by showing for the first time that metformin activates the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in hepatocytes; however, they did not provide an underlying mechanism for this activation \[[@CR6]\]. More recently, Shaw et al. reported that activation of the hepatic LKB1/AMPK axis in mice could be involved in the inhibitory effect of metformin on gluconeogenesis, highlighting the putative role of these kinases in the therapeutic action of the drug \[[@CR7]\]. AMPK is a well conserved serine/threonine-protein kinase, which acts as a cellular energy and nutrient sensor, and plays a crucial role in the regulation of metabolic pathways \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. AMPK consists of a heterotrimeric complex containing a catalytic subunit α and two regulatory β and γ subunits. Each subunit has several isoforms (α1, α2, β1, β2, γ1, γ2, γ3), which are encoded by distinct genes, giving multiple combinations of holoenzyme with different tissue distribution and cellular localisation \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. The α subunit contains a threonine residue (Thr 172) whose phosphorylation by upstream kinases (AMPK kinase \[AMPKK\]), such as the serine/threonine-protein kinase LKB1 or calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase IIβ (CaMKKIIβ), is sufficient and necessary for AMPK activation to occur. The β subunit acts as a scaffold to which the two other subunits are bound, and also allows AMPK to sense energy reserves in the form of glycogen \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. Binding of AMP to the γ subunit activates AMPK via a complex mechanism involving direct allosteric activation, phosphorylation on Thr172 by AMPKK and inhibition of dephosphorylation of this residue by specific protein phosphatases that remain to be identified \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. Thus, any increase in the intracellular AMP:ATP ratio activates AMPK, which results, through phosphorylation of various downstream targets, in concomitant inhibition of energy-consuming processes and stimulation of ATP-generating pathways in order to restore energy balance \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. Finally, it has recently been shown that ADP, and therefore the ADP:ATP ratio, could also play a regulatory role in AMPK activities by binding to selective Bateman domains on the γ subunit \[[@CR10]\]. While metformin has been previously shown to decrease cellular ATP levels in hepatocytes owing to its specific inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1 \[[@CR11]--[@CR13]\], some of the early works suggested that the drug activates AMPK without increasing the AMP:ATP ratio \[[@CR14], [@CR15]\]. Although these initial conclusions were later refuted by the authors \[[@CR16]\], the absence of clear data linking the mitochondrial effect of metformin to activation of hepatic AMPK still nurtures confusion. Thus, an alternative AMP-independent hypothesis involving mitochondrial-derived peroxynitrite was recently proposed, prolonging the controversy \[[@CR17]\]. Taken together, a clarification of the mechanism by which metformin activates hepatic AMPK is required, especially in humans. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that activation of AMPK by metformin in primary hepatocytes is consecutive to change in cellular energy status owing to metformin's mitochondrial inhibitory effect on the respiratory-chain complex 1. Methods {#Sec2} ======= **Materials** All chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). **Ethics** All experiments performed in animals were done in accordance with the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. All procedures on human tissues have received approval from the university and hospital Ethical Review Boards (St Luc Hospital, Brussels, Belgium). **Generation of liver-specific Ampkα1/2 knockout mice** The generation of liver-specific *Ampkα1/2* (also known as *Prkaa1/2*)^*−/−*^ mice has been described previously \[[@CR18]\]. **Isolation and primary culture of murine and human hepatocytes** For rodent experiments, liver cells were prepared by the collagenase method of Berry and Friend \[[@CR19]\], modified by Groen et al. \[[@CR20]\], from male Wistar rats (200--300 g) or from male mice (25--30 g) after anaesthesia with sodium pentobarbital (6 mg/100 g body weight) or ketamin/xylazin (8/1 mg/100 g body weight), respectively. For human experiments, hepatocytes were isolated from whole livers or liver segments not used for transplantation, using collagenase P (Roche, Mijdrecht, the Netherlands). For primary culture, rat or human hepatocytes were first seeded for 3 to 4 h on type I collagen-coated dishes (2 × 10^4^ cells/cm^2^) and then cultured in M199 medium (Invitrogen, Leek, the Netherlands) supplemented with antibiotics in the presence of the indicated concentrations of metformin. **Western blot analysis** Hepatocytes or liver samples were lysed in ice-cold buffer containing: 50 mmol/l HEPES (pH 7.6), 50 mmol/l NaF, 50 mmol/l KCl, 5 mmol/l NaPPi, 1 mmol/l EDTA, 1 mmol/l EGTA, 1 mmol/l dithiothreitol, 5 mmol/l β-glycerophosphate, 1 mmol/l sodium vanadate, 1% NP40 (vol./vol.) and protease inhibitors cocktail (Complete; Roche). Homogenates were centrifuged (16,000 *g*; 15 min, 4°C) and the protein content of the supernatant fraction was determined using a kit (BCA Protein Assay Kit; Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA). Proteins (10--50 μg) were separated by 7--10% SDS-PAGE, followed by transfer to a polyvinylidene fluoride transfer membrane. Membranes were blocked for 1 h at room temperature in TRIS-buffered saline Tween-20 buffer with 5% non-fat dry milk, followed by overnight incubation with phospho-specific or total antibodies (all of them cross-reacting with human, rat and mouse forms, see electronic supplementary material \[ESM\] Table [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=""}). Blots were then incubated for 1 h with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies at room temperature. Bands were visualised by enhanced chemiluminescence and quantified using Image J (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). **AMPK assays** AMPK activity was assayed either after precipitation with 10% (wt/vol.) polyethylene glycol 6000 or after immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies directed against α1- or α2-AMPK catalytic subunits (Kinasource, Dundee, UK), as described \[[@CR18]\]. **Determination of adenine nucleotide concentrations** Samples of the cell suspension or cultured hepatocytes were lysed in ice-cold HClO~4~-EDTA (5% wt/vol., 25 mmol/l) and centrifuged (13000 *g*, 2 min). The supernatant fractions were immediately neutralised and determination of adenine nucleotides was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography, as previously described \[[@CR18]\]. **RNA purification and quantitative reverse transcription-coupled real-time PCR** RNA was extracted from isolated hepatocytes using an RNA isolation reagent (Tripure; Roche). Total RNA (2 μg) was reverse-transcribed and quantitative real-time PCR then performed with a kit (SYBR Green Core; Bio-Rad, Veenendaal, the Netherlands) on a thermal cycler (MyIQ; Bio-Rad). mRNA expression was normalised to *GAPDH* mRNA content and expressed as arbitrary units. All the primer sets used were designed to span an exon (avoiding eventual amplification of gDNA) and have an efficiency of ∼100 ± 5% (ESM Table [2](#MOESM2){ref-type=""}). **Determination of mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate in intact and permeabilised hepatocytes** Mouse or human hepatocytes (7--8 mg dry cells per ml) were incubated in a shaking water bath at 37°C in closed vials containing 2 ml Krebs--Ringer bicarbonate-calcium buffer (120 mmol/l NaCl, 4.8 mmol/l KCl, 1.2 mmol/l KH~2~PO~4~, 1.2 mmol/l MgSO~4~, 24 mmol/l NaHCO~3~, 1.3 mmol/l CaCl~2~, pH 7.4) in equilibrium with a gas phase containing O~2~/CO~2~ (19:1) and supplemented with lactate/pyruvate/octanoate (20/2/4 mmol/l) in the presence or not of 5 mmol/l metformin. After 30 min, the cell suspension was saturated again with O~2~/CO~2~ for 1 min and immediately transferred into a stirred oxygraph chamber equipped with a Clark oxygen electrode (HEITO, Paris, France). The mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (*J*O~2~) was measured at 37°C before and after successive addition of 0.5 μmol/l oligomycin and 150 μmol/l 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). To permeabilise hepatocytes, intact cells were first incubated for 30 min as described above, then collected by centrifugation and resuspended in KCl medium (125 mmol/l KCl, 20 mmol/l TRIS-HCl, 1 mmol/l EGTA and 5 mmol/l Pi-TRIS, pH 7.2) containing 200 μg/ml digitonin. After 3 min at 37°C, the permeabilised hepatocytes were transferred to the oxygraph. As indicated, 5 mmol/l glutamate-TRIS plus 2.5 mmol/l malate-TRIS, or 5 mmol/l succinate-TRIS plus 0.5 mmol/l malate-TRIS plus 1.25 μmol/l rotenone were added. *J*O~2~ was measured before and after the successive addition of 1 mmol/l ADP-TRIS, 0.5 μg/ml oligomycin and 50 μmol/l DNP. All the results are expressed in percentage of the maximum activity of cytochrome oxidase, after addition of 0.15 μg/ml antimycin and 1 mmol/l *N*,*N*,*N*′,*N*′-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine (TMPD) plus 5 mmol/l ascorbate to normalise the results according to respective mitochondrial content in wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice. **Statistics** All data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 software package for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) with two-tailed unpaired Student's test or one-way/two-way ANOVA, followed by a Tukey's post hoc test for multiple comparisons. Differences between groups were considered statistically significant at *p* \< 0.05. Results {#Sec3} ======= **Effects of metformin on AMPK activity and cellular energy status in rat hepatocytes** In a first set of experiments, the effects of metformin on AMPK activity and AMP:ATP ratio were studied in primary rat hepatocytes. As shown in Fig. [1a](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}, metformin induced a significant time- and dose-dependent activation of AMPK, which was already detectable at 0.5 mmol/l after 3 h. This dose-dependent effect persisted after 24 h and was paralleled by a concomitant decrease in ATP and increase in AMP intracellular levels (Fig. [1b, c](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}), resulting in a significant increase of the AMP:ATP ratio (Fig. [1d](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 1Time- and dose-dependent effects of metformin on AMPK activity and intracellular adenine nucleotide levels in primary rat hepatocytes. Primary cultured rat hepatocytes were incubated for 0, 0.5, 3, 6, 9, 18 and 24 h in M199 medium with different concentrations of metformin (white triangle, 0.5 mmol/l; white square, 1 mmol/l; white diamond, 5 mmol/l) or vehicle (black dots). **a** AMPK activity was measured after polyethylene glycol fractionation. **b** Intracellular ATP and (**c**) AMP concentrations were determined by HPLC, and the AMP:ATP ratios (**d**) calculated. Results are expressed as means ± SEM; *n* = 3--4; \**p* \< 0.05 compared with control-vehicle **Species-specific activation of AMPK by metformin** We next assessed whether the effects of metformin on AMPK activity and the AMP:ATP ratio were similar in rat and human primary hepatocytes. As shown in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}, metformin increased the AMP:ATP ratio, AMPK activity and Ser79-acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation at concentrations higher than 100 μmol/l in rat and human hepatocytes. However, the extent of AMPK activation by metformin was higher in human than in rat hepatocytes at intermediate concentrations of the drug (472% versus 66% at 500 μmol/l, respectively) (Fig. [2a, d](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}), although the increase in the AMP:ATP ratio was similar (69% versus 54%, respectively) (Fig. [2b, e](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}), suggesting a species-specific difference in AMPK sensitivity toward AMP, ADP and/or ATP. Strikingly, the determination of isoform-specific AMPKα activities after immunoprecipitation of the α1 or α2 AMPK catalytic subunits revealed that AMPKα2 activity was undetectable in human compared with rat hepatocytes, while AMPKα1 activity was comparable in the basal condition (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}). Accordingly, metformin only increased AMPKα1 activity in human hepatocytes, although both AMPKα isoforms were activated by the drug in rat hepatocytes. The apparent species-specific difference in AMPKα2 activity was confirmed by the absence of protein and mRNA expression of this catalytic subunit in human hepatocytes (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, protein levels and mRNA hepatic expression of the β and γ regulatory subunits also significantly differed between species, showing that the β2, γ1 and truncated γ2 forms are expressed in human hepatocytes, whereas the β1, γ1 and γ2 forms are mostly present in rat and mouse hepatocytes (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}). We confirmed that these species-specific differences in AMPK isoform levels is also found in whole liver (ESM Fig. [1](#MOESM3){ref-type=""}), excluding experimental bias induced by hepatocytes isolation.Fig. 2Dose-dependent effects of metformin on AMPK activity and the AMP:ATP ratio in primary rat and human hepatocytes. **a**--**c** Primary cultured hepatocytes isolated from rats or (**d--f**) human liver segments were incubated for 24 h in M199 medium with increasing concentrations of metformin (white bars) or vehicle (black bars). **a, d** AMPK activity was measured after polyethylene glycol fractionation and the AMP:ATP ratios (**b**, **e**) were calculated after determination of intracellular adenine nucleotides by HPLC. **c**, **f** The phosphorylation states (p) of Thr172-AMPK and Ser79-ACC, and the abundance of AMPKα were assessed by western blot. Results (**a**, **b**, **d**, **e**) are expressed as means ± SEM; *n* = 3--4; \**p* \< 0.05 compared with control-vehicleFig. 3Effects of metformin on AMPKα1 and α2 activities. **a** Primary cultured hepatocytes isolated from rats or (**b**) human liver segments were incubated for 24 h in M199 medium in the presence of 500 μmol/l metformin (white bars) or vehicle (black bars). AMPKα1 and α2 activity was measured after immunoprecipitation with isoform-specific antibodies. Results are expressed as means ± SEM; *n* = 3--4; \**p* \< 0.05 compared with control-vehicleFig. 4**a** Protein levels of AMPK subunits and (**b**) the corresponding mRNA gene expression were determined in hepatocytes isolated from human (black bars), rat (hatched bars) or mouse (white bars) livers by western blot and RT quantitative PCR, respectively. Western blot analysis (**a**) is representative of three separate experiments and shows that AMPK subunits migrated to their expected molecular mass (α1, 62 kDa; α2, 62 kDa; β1, 38 kDa; β2, 30 kDa; γ1, 38 kDa; γ2~full-length~, ∼75 kDa; γ2~truncated~, ∼55 kDa; γ3, 55 kDa). The western blots for AMPKα2 were performed using three different primary antibodies cross-reacting with human, rat and mouse forms (see ESM Table [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=""}). **b** The results from RT quantitative PCR were corrected for *GAPDH* and are expressed as means ± SEM (*n* = 3). a.u., arbitrary unitsTaken together, the fact that AMPK activation by metformin is associated with an elevated AMP:ATP ratio in hepatocytes strongly suggests that inhibition of the mitochondrial machinery by the drug might be the main underlying mechanism for hepatic activation of the kinase. **Mechanism(s) of AMPK activation by metformin** To investigate the mechanisms by which metformin affects the cellular energy state, together with the putative involvement of AMPK in this process, we used hepatocytes from wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice. Freshly isolated hepatocytes were incubated with metformin, and AMPK activity and expression, as well as the AMP:ATP ratio and *J*O~2~ were measured. As expected, metformin increased the AMP:ATP ratio, AMPK activity and Ser79-ACC phosphorylation in hepatocytes from wild-type mice (Fig. [5a--c](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). In hepatocytes from liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice, AMPK expression, activity and activation could not be detected (Fig. [5a, b](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}), but the increase in the AMP:ATP ratio induced by metformin was still present and even significantly higher than in hepatocytes from wild-type mice (Fig. [5c](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Metformin induced a similar inhibition of *J*O~2~ in wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice, an effect that persisted after addition of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) uncoupler DNP (Fig. [5d, e](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). This clearly indicates that the inhibitory effect of metformin on *J*O~2~ was exerted on the electron transfer chain rather than on downstream step(s) linked to ATP synthesis. The effect of metformin in intact cells from wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice was further investigated after permeabilisation of the plasma membrane by digitonin, allowing the mitochondrial OXPHOS pathway to be investigated in situ. In the presence of glutamate/malate, a substrate for the respiratory-chain complex 1, a significant decrease in mitochondrial respiratory rates could be detected after metformin pre-treatment of cells from wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice, occurring regardless of the mitochondrial energy state (Fig. [5f, g](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). By contrast, no differences were observed with succinate/malate, a substrate for the respiratory-chain complex 2 (Fig. [5h, i](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Importantly, a similar specific inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1 by metformin was found in freshly isolated human hepatocytes incubated in the same conditions (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 5Effects of metformin on AMPK activity, AMP:ATP ratio, and cellular and mitochondrial *J*O~2~ in intact or permeabilised hepatocytes from wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice. Hepatocytes from wild-type *or Ampkα1/2*^−/−^ mice were incubated at 37°C in a Krebs/bicarbonate medium containing lactate/pyruvate/octanoate (20, 2, 4 mmol/l) in the presence of vehicle (black bars) or 5 mmol/l metformin (white bars). After 30 min incubation, AMPK activity in U/g of dry cells (**a**), isoform-specific AMPKα abundance and Ser79-ACC phosphorylation (p) state (**b**), and the AMP:ATP ratio (**c**) were determined. **d**--**i** Oligomycin-sensitive *J*O~2~ was measured after the successive addition of 6 μg/ml oligomycin (basal) and 100 μmol/l DNP in separate experiments, after hepatocytes from wild-type (**d**, **f**, **h**) and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ (**e**, **g**, **i**) mice had been incubated as described above and permeabilised in a KCl medium containing 200 μg/ml digitonine. *J*O~2~ was measured in the presence of glutamate/malate (5 mmol/l; 2.5 mmol/l) (**f**, **g**) or succinate/malate/rotenone (5 mmol/l; 0.5 mmol/l; 1.25 μmol/l) (**h**, **i**) after the successive addition of 1 mmol/l ADP (state 3), 6 μg/ml oligomycin (state 4) and 75 μmol/l DNP. All *J*O~2~ results are expressed as percentage of the maximum activity of cytochrome oxidase (cyt.ox) determined after the final addition of 0.15 μg/ml antimycin and TMPD/ascorbate (1 mmol/l, 5 mmol/l). Results are expressed as means ± SEM; *n* = 3; \**p* \< 0.05 compared with control-vehicle; ^†^*p* \< 0.05 compared with wild-type miceFig. 6Effects of metformin on *J*O~2~ in permeabilised human hepatocytes. Hepatocytes isolated from human liver segments were incubated in the presence of vehicle (black bars) or 5 mmol/l metformin (white bars), and the *J*O~2~ was measured in the presence of (**a**) glutamate/malate (5 mmol/l, 2.5 mmol/l) or (**b**) succinate/malate/rotenone (5 mmol/l; 0.5 mmol/l; 1.25 μmol/l) as described (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). The results are expressed as means ± SEM; *n* = 3; \**p* \< 0.05 compared with control-vehicleCollectively, these results demonstrate that the inhibition of *J*O~2~ and resultant increase in the AMP:ATP ratio induced by metformin in hepatocytes is due to a specific and AMPK-independent inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1. Discussion {#Sec4} ========== Collectively, our results show that activation of AMPK by metformin in primary hepatocytes from rodents and humans is due to a decrease in cellular energy status resulting from metformin's AMPK-independent and specific inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1. Strikingly, we report here for the first time that the distribution of AMPK catalytic and regulatory subunits in hepatocytes differs between rodents and humans. This new important finding suggests possible consequences for pharmaceutical strategies focusing on the development of AMPK activators for the treatment of metabolic diseases. **The mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1 is the primary target of metformin** The inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1 by metformin was first reported in perfused livers and isolated rat hepatocytes by Leverve's group \[[@CR12]\] and later confirmed in various other cellular models by us \[[@CR21]--[@CR25]\] and others \[[@CR11], [@CR13], [@CR26], [@CR27]\]. Due to its weaker lipophilic property, metformin, in contrast to the other biguanides, induces only mild and specific inhibition of the respiratory-chain complex 1 and does not affect OXPHOS downstream machinery (Figs [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"} and [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}; B. Guigas, unpublished results). In the present manuscript, we show for the first time that this mitochondrial effect of metformin is also present in human hepatocytes, confirming that the respiratory-chain complex 1 constitutes the primary target of the drug, whatever the species.Although the exact mechanisms by which metformin decreases complex 1 activity remains unknown to date, it has been shown that this effect requires intact cells \[[@CR12], [@CR22]\] and, at least in hepatocytes, is not prevented by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase or by various reactive oxygen species scavengers \[[@CR12]\]. On the other hand, the mechanism by which metformin activates AMPK is still being discussed. Despite the indisputable mitochondrial effect of the drug, Fryer et al. and Hawley et al. initially reported that metformin activated AMPK in muscle and rat hepatoma cells without affecting the AMP:ATP ratio \[[@CR14], [@CR15]\]. In the present study, we clearly demonstrate that the activation of AMPK by metformin is associated with an increased AMP:ATP ratio resulting from inhibition of the respiratory-chain complex 1. These discrepancies may be explained by technical differences in nucleotide measurement \[[@CR28]\] and subcellular AMP compartmentalisation \[[@CR29]\], or by the fact that immortalised cell lines are highly glycolytic and therefore much less sensitive to impairment of mitochondrial OXPHOS for ATP supply \[[@CR30]\]. Interestingly, metformin was shown to increase cytosolic AMP and AMPK activity in heart \[[@CR29]\]. In addition, the involvement of complex 1 in the activation of AMPK by metformin has also been elegantly demonstrated in pancreatic MIN6 cells, by showing that methyl succinate, a substrate of complex 2 that bypasses the inhibition of complex 1 by the drug, prevented AMPK activation \[[@CR26]\]. Finally, two recent publications also support the finding that metformin activates AMPK via changes in cellular energy status. Thus Hawley et al. showed that the activation of AMPK by metformin is abolished in a cell line stably expressing AMPK complexes that contain an AMP-insensitive γ2 mutant; this indicates that increased cytosolic AMP triggers activation of the kinase by the drug \[[@CR28]\]. On the other hand, Foretz et al. also demonstrated that, contrary to what was initially suggested by others \[[@CR7]\], metformin inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis by an LKB1- and AMPK-independent mechanism involving an acute decrease in the hepatic energy state \[[@CR31]\]. **AMPK is not required for the inhibitory effect of metformin on respiratory-chain complex 1** In mammalian mitochondria, the respiratory-chain complex 1 is made up of 45 subunits, of which several can be phosphorylated by various Ser/Thr protein kinases, thus affecting respiratory-chain complex 1 activity \[[@CR32]\]. To rule out the possibility that the mitochondrial effect of metformin is secondary to AMPK activation via some putative AMP-independent mechanism, we used AMPK-null hepatocytes isolated from liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice \[[@CR18], [@CR30]\]. By showing that metformin inhibited the respiratory-chain complex 1 in hepatocytes from wild-type and liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ mice, we can clearly rule out the notion that a primary effect of the drug is mediated by AMPK through phosphorylation of some subunits of the respiratory-chain complex 1 and/or other mitochondrial proteins regulating OXPHOS. The more pronounced effect of metformin on the AMP:ATP ratio in primary hepatocytes from liver-specific *Ampkα1/2*^*−/−*^ compared with wild-type mice (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}) could be explained by a decrease in ATP synthesis secondary to impaired mitochondrial biogenesis and/or by a lack of AMPK-mediated inhibition of ATP consumption, as previously reported \[[@CR18], [@CR30]\]. **Species-specific differences in hepatic abundance of AMPK subunits** The AMPK protein is a heterotrimer composed of a catalytic α subunit and two regulatory β and γ subunits, in a ratio of 1α:1β:1γ, all of which are required for the formation of a stable and fully functional AMPK complex \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. While some minor differences could be shown, depending on the fibre types, for the γ regulatory subunit \[[@CR33]\], it is well established that the α1 and α2 catalytic subunits are both expressed in human and rodent skeletal muscle, and that the α2β2γ1 complex constitutes the majority of AMPK heterotrimers in this metabolic tissue, showing a high degree of consistency between species \[[@CR33]--[@CR37]\]. In the present study, the mRNA expression pattern and protein levels of the AMPK subunits found in rodent livers is in agreement with those previously reported \[[@CR35], [@CR38]\], leading to many possible combinations of heterotrimers containing either α1 or α2 catalytic subunits, and β1, γ1 and γ2 regulatory subunits. As far as we know, our finding showing that the abundance of hepatic AMPK subunits differs in humans compared with rodents is unprecedented. Thus, it might be speculated that the resulting differences in heterotrimeric composition of AMPK could affect the regulation of kinase activity, notably its sensitivity toward AMP. Indeed, it is striking that the activation of AMPK by metformin seemed more potent, although the increase of the AMP:ATP ratio in humans compared with rat primary hepatocytes was similar (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}), suggesting that the human AMPK α1β2γ1 or α1β2γ2 truncated complexes could be more sensitive to subtle changes in cellular energy status. However, this is in contradiction with previous in vitro results showing that, in rat liver extract, AMPK complexes containing the α2/β2 isoforms had a greater dependence on AMP \[[@CR35], [@CR39]\]. Interestingly, it has been very recently shown that ADP, like AMP, could also bind to the γ subunit, leading to modulation of the AMP-triggered phosphorylation of AMPK on Thr172 \[[@CR10]\]. It seems therefore possible that subtle species-specific differences in the metformin-induced increase of the ADP:ATP ratio could also be involved. Unfortunately, the determination of intracellular ADP levels by HPLC was technically not possible in our conditions, so further investigations are required to clarify this point. It is worth mentioning that AMPK has also been reported to have a differential and tissue-specific localisation pattern in mammalian cells, with the AMPKα1 subunit being mainly localised in the cytosol, and the AMPKα2 and β2 subunits being localised to the nucleus and cytosolic fractions \[[@CR39]--[@CR42]\]. While not as yet clarified, the subcellular localisation of the kinase might have an important functional role, such as regulation of gene expression by phosphorylation of nuclear targets of AMPK. This would therefore suggest that differences in the composition of AMPK complexes between rodents and human hepatocytes could result in different physiological outcomes, including putative nuclear regulatory functions.Taken together, the species-specific differences shown in AMPKαβγ complexes in the liver imply that pharmaceutical activation of hepatic AMPK could have different effects in rodents and humans. **Therapeutic relevance of the metformin concentrations used in vitro** As shown in Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}, the key determinant of AMPK activation by metformin is a balance between the concentration and the time of exposure to the drug. It is worth noting that most of the in vitro experiments reporting activation of AMPK by metformin were generally performed with drug concentrations far above those found in tissues from rodents after oral administration of metformin \[[@CR43], [@CR44]\]. In the present study, we show that hepatic AMPK is activated by metformin at concentrations higher than 100 μmol/l, i.e. about five times the highest plasma level reported in humans after a single oral drug administration \[[@CR45], [@CR46]\]. However, the liver is one of the few organs that can accumulate significant amounts of metformin, with tissue concentrations that reached hundreds of μmol/l in the periportal area \[[@CR43], [@CR44]\]. In addition, the intracellular transport of metformin is mediated by the organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1) \[[@CR47]\], the deletion of which in hepatocytes resulted in impairment of metformin-induced AMPK activation \[[@CR48]\]. Interestingly, increased OCT1 levels and metformin concentrations were recently reported in the liver of mice on a high-fat diet \[[@CR49]\], suggesting that hepatic accumulation of the drug could be even higher in diabetic patients. Conclusions {#Sec5} =========== We have demonstrated here that the primary target of metformin in rodent and human hepatocytes is the mitochondrial machinery. The specific inhibition of the respiratory-chain complex 1 by the drug leads to a dose- and time-dependent decrease in ATP levels, which results in a concomitant increase in cytosolic AMP concentrations (and the AMP:ATP ratio), triggering the activation of AMPK. One of the important new findings of this study is the species-specific differences in the profile of AMPK subunits, suggesting that regulation of the kinase, which is well characterised in rodents, could differ significantly in humans. Further investigations are still required, but this point should certainly be considered when developing new pharmacological agents that target AMPK. Electronic supplementary material {#AppESM1} --------------------------------- Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. ###### (PDF 23 kb) ###### (PDF 24 kb) ###### (PDF 112 kb) The authors are grateful to L. Maisin and M. de Cloedt for technical assistance. This work was supported by FNRS, the Inter University Pole of Attraction, the Association pour l'Etude des Diabètes et des Maladies Métaboliques (ALFEDIAM), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-10-BLAN-1123-01) and the European Union FP6 programme (Exgenesis/LSHM-CT-2004-005272). B. Guigas was recipient of the ICP "Michel de Visscher" Fellowship. **Contribution statement** XS, NT and GCvdZ performed experiments, analysed data, and critically reviewed the manuscript; MF and BV provided mouse model and reagents, contributed to discussion and critically reviewed the manuscript; ES and LH contributed to discussion and critically reviewed the manuscript; BG conceptualised the project, performed experiments, analysed data, wrote and edited the manuscript. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript. **Duality of interest** The authors declare that there is no duality of interest associated with this manuscript. **Open Access** This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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Kinetic analysis of the bisubstrate cysteine desulfurase SufS from Bacillus subtilis. Cysteine is the major sulfur donor for thio cofactors in bacterial and eukaryotic systems. The first step in sulfur mobilization involves a PLP-dependent enzymatic mechanism. During catalysis, free cysteine is converted into alanine with the concomitant formation of a persulfide bond with the catalytic cysteine residue, thus forming a covalent enzyme intermediate. Cysteine desulfurases in their persulfurated forms serve as donors at the intersection of various cellular sulfur-requiring pathways. Most Gram-positive bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, contain a cysteine desulfurase gene sufS located adjacent to the gene encoding the proposed Fe-S cluster scaffold SufU. In this work, we identified the participation of SufU as a substrate in the SufS catalytic mechanism. Development of a sensitive method for detection of alanine formed in the SufS reaction enabled the identification of its associated mechanistic features. Steady-state kinetic analysis of alanine formation provided evidence of a double-displacement mechanism (ping-pong) of the cysteine:SufU sulfurtransferase reaction catalyzed by SufS. Results from site-directed mutagenesis of the catalytic cysteine (SufS(C361A)) and iodoacetamide alkylation of SufU support the occurrence of persulfide sulfur transfer steps in the mechanism of SufS.
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Q: Is there any way to refresh the page only for specific times in jquery I am using jquery to reload a page with the below code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ setInterval(function() { window.location.reload(); }, 10000); }) </script> But i had some requirement, that i need to refresh the page only for 6 times, and display a message that "Something problem occurred" So how to refresh/reload a page only for specific times(6 in my case) using jquery ? A: Just an idea: you can use query string to pass the counter between page refreshes. Something like this: <script type="text/javascript"> var counter = 0; $(document).ready(function(){ counter = parseInt(getParameterByName("counter")); if(counter < 6){ setInterval(function() { window.location.href = "http://" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?counter=' + (counter + 1); }, 10000); } }) //convenient method to get parameters from query string function getParameterByName(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"), results = regex.exec(location.search); return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } </script> A: Based on the comment of LShetty: A basic example of using localStorage could be seen here http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2010/10/11/local-storage-and-how-to-use-it/ E.g. something along the lines <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var counter = localStorage.getItem('counter'); if (counter == null) { counter = 0; } counter++; if (counter<=6) { localStorage.setItem('counter', counter); setInterval( function() { window.location.reload(); }, 10000 ); } }) </script> Of course you could use a cookie for the same purpose, as you are going to store just a counter (way bellow the 4K limit of data stored in a cookie). For example you could utilize the createCookie and readCookie functions from the following article http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Synchronized swimming at the 2001 Southeast Asian Games The synchronized swimming competitions at the 2001 Southeast Asian Games in Kuala Lumpur took place from 16 to 17 September 2001 at the National Aquatics Centre within the National Sports Complex. It was one of four aquatic sports at the Games, along with diving, swimming and water polo. Participating nations A total of 13 athletes from five nations competed in synchronized swimming at the 2001 Southeast Asian Games: Medalists Medal table Women References 2001 Southeast Asian Games Category:2001 Southeast Asian Games events
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Trouble logging in?If you can't remember your password or are having trouble logging in, you will have to reset your password. If you have trouble resetting your password (for example, if you lost access to the original email address), please do not start posting with a new account, as this is against the forum rules. If you create a temporary account, please contact us right away via Forum Support, and send us any information you can about your original account, such as the account name and any email address that may have been associated with it. That aside, after I read the article, I think that ANN might have been talking about something else instead, and were completely misled. I don't think Enterbrain has anything to do with DAL. Unless Enterbrain was the error, but then who cares if they get it right anyway? I was rather suspicious of such a big reveal being intentionally leaked so long before the game came out, so I did some check-up, and indeed Enterbrain has nothing to do with the DAL novels or even the game. Dragon Magazine/Fantasia is the company that runs the chapter in its magazine and publishes the novel volumes. I don't know which part ANN got wrong, but now I'm definitely suspicious of this announcement. Quote: P.S. I got someone to help me pre-order the limited edition off Wondergoo. B2 tapestry, here I come! So it could actually be good info, as Ebiten isn't saying they're the ones who are saying it. It's teaser info to promote the game, just like preview screenshots, trailers, and synopses. ANN just got it wrong that Enterbrain had anything to do with the DAL novels. I was rather suspicious of such a big reveal being intentionally leaked so long before the game came out, so I did some check-up, and indeed Enterbrain has nothing to do with the DAL novels or even the game. Dragon Magazine/Fantasia is the company that runs the chapter in its magazine and publishes the novel volumes. I don't know which part ANN got wrong, but now I'm definitely suspicious of this announcement. So it could actually be good info, as Ebiten isn't saying they're the ones who are saying it. It's teaser info to promote the game, just like preview screenshots, trailers, and synopses. ANN just got it wrong that Enterbrain had anything to do with the DAL novels. Lol, so I see. How did they get the info anyway? As to the B2 tapestry thing, go to the bottom of this page. One of the stores was offering it as a store exclusive item. Goes by the name of WonderGOO. Or something along those lines. Spoiler: Looks like Origami really has a pregnancy ending! And according to the comments I found online, seems like she's not the only one too. Say, is there any chance of a sequel of DAL:RU adding in the later Spirits as well? Yamai and Miku routes would be fun. 8D I don't know where they got the info, but between that and the magazine scan of Origami (I'm honestly quite surprised they're going so far as to actually revealing end-game CGs before the game is even out), it's cleaer that it was accurate. Quote: As to the B2 tapestry thing, go to the bottom of this page. One of the stores was offering it as a store exclusive item. Goes by the name of WonderGOO. Or something along those lines. Oh, I thought you were talking about some other game called "WonderGOO." I pre-ordered mine off of Ami Ami. I don't know where they got the info, but between that and the magazine scan of Origami (I'm honestly quite surprised they're going so far as to actually revealing end-game CGs before the game is even out), it's cleaer that it was accurate. Oh, I thought you were talking about some other game called "WonderGOO." I pre-ordered mine off of Ami Ami. Well, it's to answer to the pregnancy rumours that would eventually arise because of what was stated on the preorder site. And even without said rumours, it would only be natural for someone like Origami to have a pregnancy ending. So they just decided to release one CG image of a pregnant Origami. Because more would be overkill. Lol, I said off not of. I was advised to get the tapestry because it was worth the most out of all the store-exclusive preorder goodies. Shipping's going to hurt quite a bit though, B2 tapestry won't be light and small. I doubt we'll see magazine spoilers for the other girls' routes, and frankly I prefer it that way. Too many spoilers. >.> Agreed. Granted, for me, I'm not really interested in Origami, but rather I like the Spirits more than the other characters in the show. So the less spoilers for them..the better the game experience for me. But that makes me wonder though, since I'm assuming this is a Magazine Scan and they showed Origami, did they show her "ending" I guess you can call it that due to her high/low popularity? Was there even a popularity poll to see which of the girls stand in popularity? Say, is it just me or is Tohka's hair more purplish in this game than it is in the anime or light novel? Or maybe just the anime. Light novel Tohka's hair seems to fluctuate in between these two ranges. EDIT: Quote: Originally Posted by Shinji103 Well there was a poll on the popularity of the novel characters a bit back in the novel thread. Origami was actually rated #5, behind all the spirit characters who are in the game. So if that is any kind of indication, they decided to spoil her ending since she's the least popular of the heroines in the game. I just noticed just how unpopular Origami is compared to the top 4. Fourth place Yoshino got over 60% more votes than her lol. You might be on to something there. And I continue to wonder why "Shiori" was one of those you could vote for. I'll never understand the hype over traps. Can anyone confirm me how many character gets their after story with pregnant endings? My bet would be all of them. Though I really doubt anybody will get any confirmation until the game comes out and we see the endings for ourselves. They probably just let Origami's ending out to show that the game does indeed have pregnancy endings. I know I was skeptical about that leak until I saw that magazine scan. My bet would be all of them. Though I really doubt anybody will get any confirmation until the game comes out and we see the endings for ourselves. They probably just let Origami's ending out to show that the game does indeed have pregnancy endings. I know I was skeptical about that leak until I saw that magazine scan. My bet would be all of them. Though I really doubt anybody will get any confirmation until the game comes out and we see the endings for ourselves. They probably just let Origami's ending out to show that the game does indeed have pregnancy endings. I know I was skeptical about that leak until I saw that magazine scan. I didn't need the magazine scan, or even the leak, and I already knew that Origami would get a pregnancy ending. I mean, just look at her and how she behaves towards Shidou, and then try telling me that she won't get one. Quote: Originally Posted by holybell84 If all of them... Yoshino pregnant???? Yup. They'll probably give her a more grown-up look to go with it though, if it happens. And Kotori. Reminds me of this line in the side story Kotori Birthday: Spoiler: If he was unable to control himself here, Shidou would have reached the point of no return. When his parents return from overseas work, he may possibly have to introduce a new family member to them. I didn't need the magazine scan, or even the leak, and I already knew that Origami would get a pregnancy ending. I mean, just look at her and how she behaves towards Shidou, and then try telling me that she won't get one. I meant they leaked the game CG of her ending to show that the info about the pregnancy endings was true.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Why inline javascript doesn't work? This piece of code doesn't work on my firefox 12 browser. javascript:alert("hi"); But it works on IE8. What's the problem? A: see http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/876916#answer-248299 You can no longer run JavaScript code via the location bar in Firefox 6 and later. You can see an error message in the Tools > Error Console. That code now gets a null principal for security reasons and doesn't have any effect (Bug 656433). You need to create a (keyword) bookmarklet and run the code by invoking that bookmark. NoScript can allow you to run such code via the location bar, see: http://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6488&p=27991 Google chrome has a different approach, if you copypaste javascript: to your location bar, it will be silently swallowed. You can only run it if you directly write it out in the location bar. Both browsers come with a built-in console that can be used to run code that affects the current page.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has hinted at a presidential run several times, and now a campaign committee has formally filed to draft the actor for president. The committee, called "Run the Rock 2020," was filed on the "Moana" actor's behalf with the Federal Election Committee on Sunday, as first reported by The Hill. "Sexiest Man Alive" A freelance writer based in West Virginia named Kenton Tilford is behind the organization. A Twitter account for the campaign committee describes the organization as "a grassroots movement to send the People's Champion to the White House in 2020. #MakeAmericaRockAgain." Get Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox Click here to view related media. click to expand Tilford told CBS News in an e-mail, "I don't have any relationship with Dwayne Johnson. The amazing enthusiasm and energy on the ground for Mr. Johnson prompted me to create the organization. The hope is that Mr. Johnson will see how much America desires the real leadership only he can provide and jumps in the race." In May, the former pro wrestler told GQ that a presidential run is "a real possibility." At the time, he said of President Donald Trump, "I'd like to see a better leadership. I'd like to see a greater leadership." Later, he jokingly announced on "Saturday Night Live" that he and Tom Hanks were running on a joint ticket.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Google automotive alliance targets Android-compatible cars in 2014 Google has formed a new industry alliance committed to bringing the tech giant’s Android operating platform to cars by the end of 2014. Dubbed the Open Automotive Alliance (OAA) and comprising Audi, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai and US technology company Nvidia, the group says it is dedicated to driving innovation and vehicle safety via a more intuitive common platform. Aimed at having an open development model intended to allow car makers to bring “cutting-edge technology” to vehicle owners faster and more easily, the OAA says it will also create new opportunities for developers to deliver safe and scalable systems to users. Senior vice president of Android, Chrome and Apps at Google, Sundar Pichai, says the expansion of the Android platform into vehicles will not only allow alliance partners to more easily integrate mobile technology into their cars but also offer drivers “a familiar, seamless experience so they can focus on the road”. The OAA says timing from each manufacturer will vary, “but you can expect to see the first cars with Android integration by the end of this year”. The alliance is inviting other automotive technology companies to join its “endeavour”. It’s not yet clear if the new alliance will impact on Honda, GM and Hyundai’s existing relationship with Google arch-rival Apple and its Siri Eyes Free program. The formation of the alliance also goes to explaining Hyundai’s recent announcement that the all-new Genesis sedan – tipped to reach local shores in July – will debut a new, cloud-based technology platform called Blue Link Glassware, capable of linking to Google Glass. Google is late to the in-car technology war, with Apple’s Siri and the Microsoft-designed Sync app already making their way into vehicles from the likes of Mercedes-Benz and Ford.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Red Shadows (novel) Red Shadows is an original science fiction novel written by Mitchel Scanlon and based on the British comic strip Anderson:Psi Division (a spin-off from Judge Dredd) in 2000 AD. It is Scanlon's second Anderson novel. Synopsis Anderson pursues a vicious serial killer, only to become his next target. External links Review at 2000adreview Entry at Fiction DB Category:Judge Anderson novels
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
--- bibliography: - 'references-Forstneric.bib' --- [**Holomorphic embeddings and immersions\ of Stein manifolds: a survey**]{} [**Franc Forstnerič**]{} > [**Abstract**]{} In this paper we survey results on the existence of holomorphic embeddings and immersions of Stein manifolds into complex manifolds. Most of them pertain to proper maps into Stein manifolds. We include a new result saying that every continuous map $X\to Y$ between Stein manifolds is homotopic to a proper holomorphic embedding provided that $\dim Y>2\dim X$ and we allow a homotopic deformation of the Stein structure on $X$. > > [**Keywords**]{} Stein manifold, embedding, density property, Oka manifold > > [**MSC (2010):**]{} > > 32E10, 32F10, 32H02, 32M17, 32Q28, 58E20, 14C30 Introduction {#sec:intro} ============ In this paper we review what we know about the existence of holomorphic embeddings and immersions of Stein manifolds into other complex manifolds. The emphasis is on recent results, but we also include some classical ones for the sake of completeness and historical perspective. Recall that Stein manifolds are precisely the closed complex submanifolds of Euclidean spaces ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ (see Remmert [@Remmert1956], Bishop [@Bishop1961AJM], and Narasimhan [@Narasimhan1960AJM]; cf. Theorem \[th:classical\]). Stein manifolds of dimension $1$ are open Riemann surfaces (see Behnke and Stein [@BehnkeStein1949]). A domain in ${\mathbb{C}}^n$ is Stein if and only if it is a domain of holomorphy (see Cartan and Thullen [@CartanThullen1932]). For more information, see the monographs [@Forstneric2017E; @GrauertRemmert1979; @GunningRossi2009; @HormanderSCV]. In §\[sec:Euclidean\] we survey results on the existence of proper holomorphic immersions and embeddings of Stein manifolds into Euclidean spaces. Of special interest are the minimal embedding and immersion dimensions. Theorem \[th:EGS\], due to Eliashberg and Gromov [@EliashbergGromov1992AM] (1992) and Schürmann [@Schurmann1997] (1997), settles this question for Stein manifolds of dimension $>1$. It remains an open problem whether every open Riemann surface embeds holomorphically into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$; we describe its current status in §\[ss:RS\]. We also discuss the use of holomorphic automorphisms of Euclidean spaces in the construction of wild holomorphic embeddings (see §\[ss:wild\] and §\[ss:complete\]). It has recently been discovered by Andrist et al. [@AndristFRW2016; @AndristWold2014; @Forstneric-immersions] that there is a big class of Stein manifolds $Y$ which contain every Stein manifold $X$ with $2\dim X< \dim Y$ as a closed complex submanifold (see Theorem \[th:density\] ). In fact, this holds for every Stein manifold $Y$ enjoying Varolin’s [*density property*]{} [@Varolin2000; @Varolin2001]: the Lie algebra of all holomorphic vector fields on $Y$ is spanned by the ${\mathbb{C}}$-complete vector fields, i.e., those whose flow is an action of the additive group $({\mathbb{C}},+)$ by holomorphic automorphisms of $Y$ (see Definition \[def:density\]). Since the domain $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^n$ enjoys the volume density property, we infer that every Stein manifold $X$ of dimension $n$ admits a proper holomorphic immersion to $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^{2n}$ and a proper pluriharmonic map into ${\mathbb{R}}^{2n}$ (see Corollary \[cor:harmonic\]). This provides a counterexample to the Schoen-Yau conjecture [@SchoenYau1997] for any Stein source manifold (see §\[ss:S-Y\]). The class of Stein manifolds (in particular, of affine algebraic manifolds) with the density property is quite big and contains most complex Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, as well as many nonhomogeneus manifolds. This class has been the focus of intensive research during the last decade; we refer the reader to the recent surveys [@KalimanKutzschebauch2015] and [@Forstneric2017E §4.10]. An open problem posed by Varolin [@Varolin2000; @Varolin2001] is whether every contractible Stein manifold with the density property is biholomorphic to a Euclidean space. In §\[sec:PSC\] we recall a result of Drinovec Drnovšek and the author [@DrinovecForstneric2007DMJ; @DrinovecForstneric2010AJM] to the effect that every smoothly bounded, strongly pseudoconvex Stein domain $X$ embeds properly holomorphically into an arbitrary Stein manifold $Y$ with $\dim Y>2\dim X$. More precisely, every continuous map $\overline X\to Y$ which is holomorphic on $X$ is homotopic to a proper holomorphic embedding $X{\hookrightarrow}Y$ (see Theorem \[th:BDF2010\]). The analogous result holds for immersions if $\dim Y\ge 2\dim X$, and also for every $q$-complete manifold $Y$ with $q\in \{1,\ldots,\dim Y-2\dim X+1\}$, where the Stein case corresponds to $q=1$. This summarizes a long line of previous results. In §\[ss:Hodge\] we mention a recent application of these techniques to the [*Hodge conjecture*]{} for the highest dimensional a priori nontrivial cohomology group of a $q$-complete manifold [@FSS2016]. In §\[ss:complete\] we survey recent results on the existence of [*complete*]{} proper holomorphic embeddings and immersions of strongly pseudoconvex domains into balls. Recall that a submanifold of ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ is said to be [*complete*]{} if every divergent curve in it has infinite Euclidean length. In §\[sec:soft\] we show how the combination of the techniques from [@DrinovecForstneric2007DMJ; @DrinovecForstneric2010AJM] with those of Slapar and the author [@ForstnericSlapar2007MRL; @ForstnericSlapar2007MZ] can be used to prove that, if $X$ and $Y$ are Stein manifolds and $\dim Y>2\dim X$, then every continuous map $X\to Y$ is homotopic to a proper holomorphic embedding up to a homotopic deformation of the Stein structure on $X$ (see Theorem \[th:soft\]). The analogous result holds for immersions if $\dim Y\ge 2\dim X$, and for $q$-complete manifolds $Y$ with $q\le \dim Y-2\dim X+1$. A result in a similar vein, concerning proper holomorphic embeddings of open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ up to a deformation of their conformal structures, is due to Alarcón and L[ó]{}pez [@AlarconLopez2013] (a special case was proved in [@CerneForstneric2002]); see also Ritter [@Ritter2014] for embeddings into $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^2$. I have not included any topics from Cauchy-Riemann geometry since it would be impossible to properly discuss this major subject in the present survey of limited size and with a rather different focus. The reader may wish to consult the recent survey by Pinchuk et al. [@Pinchuk2017], the monograph by Baouendi et al. [@Baouendi1999] from 1999, and my survey [@Forstneric1993MN] from 1993. For a new direction in this field, see the papers by Bracci and Gaussier [@BracciGaussier2016X; @BracciGaussier2017X]. We shall be using the following notation and terminology. Let ${\mathbb{N}}=\{1,2,3,\ldots\}$. We denote by ${\mathbb D}=\{z\in {\mathbb{C}}:|z|<1\}$ the unit disc in ${\mathbb{C}}$, by ${\mathbb D}^n\subset{\mathbb{C}}^n$ the Cartesian product of $n$ copies of ${\mathbb D}$ (the unit polydisc in ${\mathbb{C}}^n$), and by ${\mathbb{B}}^n=\{z=(z_1,\ldots,z_n)\in{\mathbb{C}}^n : |z|^2 = |z_1|^2+\cdots +|z_n|^2<1\}$ the unit ball in ${\mathbb{C}}^n$. By ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$ we denote the algebra of all holomorphic functions on a complex manifold $X$, and by ${\mathcal{O}}(X,Y)$ the space of all holomorphic maps $X\to Y$ between a pair of complex manifolds; thus ${\mathcal{O}}(X)={\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}})$. These spaces carry the compact-open topology. This topology can be defined by a complete metric which renders them Baire spaces; in particular, ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$ is a Fréchet algebra. (See [@Forstneric2017E p. 5] for more details.) A compact set $K$ in a complex manifold $X$ is said to be [*${\mathcal{O}}(X)$-convex*]{} if $K={\widehat}K:= \{p\in X : |f(p)|\le \sup_K |f|\ \text{for every} \ f\in {\mathcal{O}}(X)\}$. Embeddings and immersions of Stein manifolds into Euclidean spaces {#sec:Euclidean} ================================================================== In this section we survey results on proper holomorphic immersions and embeddings of Stein manifolds into Euclidean spaces. Classical results {#ss:classical} ----------------- We begin by recalling the results of Remmert [@Remmert1956], Bishop [@Bishop1961AJM], and Narasimhan [@Narasimhan1960AJM] from the period 1956–1961. \[th:classical\] Assume that $X$ is a Stein manifold of dimension $n$. - If $N>2n$ then the set of proper embeddings $X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ is dense in ${\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}}^N)$. - If $N\ge 2n$ then the set of proper immersions $X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ is dense in ${\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}}^N)$. - If $N>n$ then the set of proper maps $X\to {\mathbb{C}}^N$ is dense in ${\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}}^N)$. - If $N\ge n$ then the set of almost proper maps $X\to {\mathbb{C}}^N$ is residual in ${\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}}^N)$. A proof of these results can also be found in the monograph by Gunning and Rossi [@GunningRossi2009]. Recall that a set in a Baire space (such as ${\mathcal{O}}(X,{\mathbb{C}}^N)$) is said to be [*residual*]{}, or a set [*of second category*]{}, if it is the intersection of at most countably many open everywhere dense sets. Every residual set is dense. A property of elements in a Baire space is said to be [*generic*]{} if it holds for all elements in a residual set. The density statement for embeddings and immersions is an easy consequence of the following result which follows from the jet transversality theorem for holomorphic maps. (See Forster [@Forster1970] for maps to Euclidean spaces and Kaliman and Zaidenberg [@KalimanZaidenberg1996TAMS] for the general case. A more complete discussion of this topic can be found in [@Forstneric2017E §8.8].) Note also that maps which are immersions or embeddings on a given compact set constitute an open set in the corresponding mapping space. \[prop:generic\] Assume that $X$ is a Stein manifold, $K$ is a compact set in $X$, and $U\Subset X$ is an open relatively compact set containing $K$. If $Y$ is a complex manifold such that $\dim Y>2\dim X$, then every holomorphic map $f\colon X\to Y$ can be approximated uniformly on $K$ by holomorphic embeddings $U{\hookrightarrow}Y$. If $2\dim X \le \dim Y$ then $f$ can be approximated by holomorphic immersions $U\to Y$. Proposition \[prop:generic\] fails in general without shrinking the domain of the map, for otherwise it would yield nonconstant holomorphic maps of ${\mathbb{C}}$ to any complex manifold of dimension $>1$ which is clearly false. On the other hand, it holds without shrinking the domain of the map if the target manifold $Y$ satisfies a suitable holomorphic flexibility property, in particular, if it is an [*Oka manifold*]{}. See [@Forstneric2017E Chap. 5] for the definition of this class of complex manifolds and [@Forstneric2017E Corollary 8.8.7] for the mentioned result. In the proof of Theorem \[th:classical\], parts (a)–(c), we exhaust $X$ by a sequence $K_1\subset K_2\subset \cdots$ of compact ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$-convex sets and approximate the holomorphic map $f_j\colon X\to{\mathbb{C}}^N$ in the inductive step, uniformly on $K_j$, by a holomorphic map $f_{j+1}\colon X\to{\mathbb{C}}^N$ whose norm $|f_{j+1}|$ is not too small on $K_{j+1}\setminus K_j$ and such that $|f_{j+1}(x)|>1+\sup_{K_j} |f_j|$ holds for all $x\in bK_{j+1}$. If the approximation is close enough at every step then the sequence $f_j$ converges to a proper holomorphic map $f=\lim_{j\to\infty} f_j\colon X\to{\mathbb{C}}^N$. If $N>2n$ then every map $f_j$ in the sequence can be made an embedding on $K_{j}$ (immersion in $N\ge 2n$) by Proposition \[prop:generic\], and hence the limit map $f$ is also such. A more efficient way of constructing proper maps, immersions and embeddings of Stein manifolds into Euclidean space was introduced by Bishop [@Bishop1961AJM]. He showed that any holomorphic map $X\to{\mathbb{C}}^n$ from an $n$-dimensional Stein manifold $X$ can be approximated uniformly on compacts by [*almost proper*]{} holomorphic maps $h\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^n$; see Theorem \[th:classical\](d). More precisely, there is an increasing sequence $P_1\subset P_2\subset \cdots\subset X$ of relatively compact open sets exhausting $X$ such that every $P_j$ is a union of finitely many special analytic polyhedra and $h$ maps $P_j$ properly onto a polydisc $a_j {\mathbb D}^n\subset {\mathbb{C}}^n$, where $0<a_1<a_2<\ldots$ and $\lim_{j\to\infty} a_j=+\infty$. We then obtain a proper map $(h,g)\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{n+1}$ by choosing $g\in {\mathcal{O}}(X)$ such that for every $j\in{\mathbb{N}}$ we have $g>j$ on the compact set $L_j=\{x\in \overline P_{j+1}\setminus P_j : |h(x)|\le a_{j-1}\}$; since $\overline P_{j-1}\cup L_j$ is ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$-convex, this is possible by inductively using the Oka-Weil theorem. One can then find proper immersions and embeddings by adding a suitable number of additional components to $(h,g)$ (any such map is clearly proper) and using Proposition \[prop:generic\] and the Oka-Weil theorem inductively. The first of the above mentioned procedures easily adapts to give a proof of the following interpolation theorem due to Acquistapace et al. [@Acquistapace1975 Theorem 1]. Their result also pertains to Stein spaces of bounded embedding dimension. \[th:ABT\] [[@Acquistapace1975 Theorem 1]]{} Assume that $X$ is an $n$-dimensional Stein manifold, $X'$ is a closed complex subvariety of $X$, and $\phi\colon X'{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ is a proper holomorphic embedding for some $N > 2n$. Then the set of all proper holomorphic embeddings $X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ that extend $\phi$ is dense in the space of all holomorphic maps $X \to{\mathbb{C}}^N$ extending $\phi$. The analogous result holds for proper holomorphic immersions $X\to {\mathbb{C}}^N$ when $N\ge 2n$. This interpolation theorem fails when $N<2n$. Indeed, for every $n>1$ there exists a proper holomorphic embedding $\phi \colon {\mathbb{C}}^{n-1} {\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^{2n-1}$ such that ${\mathbb{C}}^{2n-1}\setminus \phi({\mathbb{C}}^{n-1})$ is Eisenman $n$-hyperbolic, so $\phi$ does not extend to an injective holomorphic map $f\colon {\mathbb{C}}^n\to {\mathbb{C}}^{2n-1}$ (see [@Forstneric2017E Proposition 9.5.6]; this topic is discussed in §\[ss:wild\]). The answer to the interpolation problem for embeddings seems unknown in the borderline case $N=2n$. Embeddings and immersions into spaces of minimal dimension {#ss:minimal} ---------------------------------------------------------- After Theorem \[th:classical\] was proved in the early 1960’s, one of the main questions driving this theory during the next decades was to find the smallest number $N=N(n)$ such that every Stein manifold $X$ of dimension $n$ embeds or immerses properly holomorphically into ${\mathbb{C}}^N$. The belief that a Stein manifold of complex dimension $n$ admits proper holomorphic embeddings to Euclidean spaces of dimension smaller than $2n+1$ was based on the observation that such a manifold is homotopically equivalent to a CW complex of dimension at most $n$; this follows from Morse theory (see Milnor [@Milnor1963]) and the existence of strongly plurisubharmonic Morse exhaustion functions on $X$ (see Hamm [@Hamm1983] and [@Forstneric2017E §3.12]). This problem, which was investigated by Forster [@Forster1970], Eliashberg and Gromov [@EliashbergGromov1971] and others, gave rise to major new methods in Stein geometry. Except in the case $n=1$ when $X$ is an open Riemann surface, the following optimal answer was given by Eliashberg and Gromov [@EliashbergGromov1992AM] in 1992, with an improvement by one for odd values on $n$ due to Sch[ü]{}rmann [@Schurmann1997]. \[th:EGS\] [*[@EliashbergGromov1992AM; @Schurmann1997]*]{} Every Stein manifold $X$ of dimension $n$ immerses properly holomorphically into ${\mathbb{C}}^M$ with $M = \left[\frac{3n+1}{2}\right]$, and if $n>1$ then $X$ embeds properly holomorphically into ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ with $N = \left[\frac{3n}{2}\right]+ 1$. Schürmann [@Schurmann1997] also found optimal embedding dimensions for Stein spaces with singularities and with bounded embedding dimension. The key ingredient in the proof of Theorem \[th:EGS\] is a certain major extension of the Oka-Grauert theory, due to Gromov whose 1989 paper [@Gromov1989] marks the beginning of [*modern Oka theory*]{}. (See [@ForstnericLarusson2011] for an introduction to Oka theory and [@Forstneric2017E] for a complete account.) Forster showed in [@Forster1970 Proposition 3] that the embedding dimension $N=\left[\frac{3n}{2}\right]+ 1$ is the minimal possible for every $n>1$, and the immersion dimension $M=\left[\frac{3n+1}{2}\right]$ is minimal for every even $n$, while for odd $n$ there could be two possible values. (See also [@Forstneric2017E Proposition 9.3.3].) In 2012, Ho et al. [@HoJacobowitzLandweber2012] found new examples showing that these dimensions are optimal already for Grauert tubes around compact totally real submanifolds, except perhaps for immersions with odd $n$. A more complete discussion of this topic and a self-contained proof of Theorem \[th:EGS\] can be found in [@Forstneric2017E Sects. 9.2–9.5]. Here we only give a brief outline of the main ideas used in the proof. One begins by choosing a sufficiently generic almost proper map $h\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{n}$ (see Theorem \[th:classical\](d)) and then tries to find the smallest possible number of functions $g_1,\ldots, g_q\in {\mathcal{O}}(X)$ such that the map $$\label{eq:f} f=(h,g_1,\ldots,g_q)\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{n+q}$$ is a proper embedding or immersion. Starting with a big number of functions $\tilde g_1,\ldots, \tilde g_{\tilde q}\in {\mathcal{O}}(X)$ which do the job, we try to reduce their number by applying a suitable fibrewise linear projection onto a smaller dimensional subspace, where the projection depends holomorphically on the base point. Explicitly, we look for functions $$\label{eq:ajk} g_j=\sum_{k=1}^{\tilde q} a_{j,k}\tilde g_k, \qquad a_{j,k}\in {\mathcal{O}}(X),\ \ j=1,\ldots,q$$ such that the map is a proper embedding or immersion. In order to separate those pairs of points in $X$ which are not separated by the base map $h\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{n}$, we consider coefficient functions of the form $a_{j,k}=b_{j,k}\circ h$ where $b_{j,k}\in{\mathcal{O}}({\mathbb{C}}^n)$ and $h\colon X\to{\mathbb{C}}^n$ is the chosen base almost proper map. This outline cannot be applied directly since the base map $h\colon X\to{\mathbb{C}}^n$ may have too complicated behavior. Instead, one proceeds by induction on strata in a suitably chosen complex analytic stratification of $X$ which is equisingular with respect to $h$. The induction steps are of two kinds. In a step of the first kind we find a map $g=(g_1,\ldots,g_q)$ which separates points on the (finite) fibres of $h$ over the next bigger stratum and matches the map from the previous step on the union of the previous strata (the latter is a closed complex subvariety of $X$). A step of the second kind amounts to removing the kernel of the differential $dh_x$ for all points in the next stratum, thereby ensuring that $df_x=dh_x\oplus dg_x$ is injective there. Analysis of the immersion condition shows that the graph of the map $\alpha=(a_{j,k}) \colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{q{\tilde q}}$ in over the given stratum must avoid a certain complex subvariety $\Sigma$ of $E=X\times {\mathbb{C}}^{q{\tilde q}}$ with algebraic fibres. Similarly, analysis of the point separation condition leads to the problem of finding a map $\beta=(b_{j,k})\colon {\mathbb{C}}^n\to {\mathbb{C}}^{q{\tilde q}}$ avoiding a certain complex subvariety of $E={\mathbb{C}}^n\times {\mathbb{C}}^{q{\tilde q}}$ with algebraic fibers. In both cases the projection $\pi\colon E\setminus \Sigma\to X$ is a stratified holomorphic fibre bundle all of whose fibres are Oka manifolds. More precisely, if $q\ge \left[\frac{n}{2}\right]+1$ then each fibre $\Sigma_x= \Sigma\cap\, E_x$ is either empty or a union of finitely many affine linear subspaces of $E_x$ of complex codimension $>1$. The same lower bound on $q$ guarantees the existence of a continuous section $\alpha\colon X\to E\setminus \Sigma$ avoiding $\Sigma$. Gromov’s Oka principle [@Gromov1989] then furnishes a holomorphic section $X\to E\setminus \Sigma$. A general Oka principle for sections of stratified holomorphic fiber bundles with Oka fibres is given by [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 5.4.4]. We refer the reader to the original papers or to [@Forstneric2017E §9.3–9.4] for further details. The classical constructions of proper holomorphic embeddings of Stein manifolds into Euclidean spaces are coordinate dependent and hence do not generalize to more general target manifolds. A conceptually new method has been found recently by Ritter and the author [@ForstnericRitter2014MZ]. It is based on a method of separating certain pairs of compact polynomially convex sets in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ by Fatou-Bieberbach domains which contain one of the sets and avoid the other one. Another recently developed method, which also depends on holomorphic automorphisms and applies to a much bigger class of target manifolds, is discussed in §\[sec:density\]. Embedding open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ {#ss:RS} ----------------------------------------------------- The constructions described so far fail to embed open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. The problem is that the subvarieties $\Sigma$ in the proof of Theorem \[th:EGS\] may contain hypersurfaces, and hence the Oka principle for sections of $E\setminus \Sigma\to X$ fails in general due to hyperbolicity of its complement. It is still an open problem whether every open Riemann surface embeds as a smooth closed complex curve in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. (By Theorem \[th:classical\] it embeds properly holomorphically into ${\mathbb{C}}^3$ and immerses with normal crossings into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. Every compact Riemann surface embeds holomorphically into ${\mathbb{CP}}^3$ and immerses into ${\mathbb{CP}}^2$, but very few of them embed into ${\mathbb{CP}}^2$; see [@GriffithsHarris1994].) There are no topological obstructions to this problem — it was shown by Alarcón and L[ó]{}pez [@AlarconLopez2013] that every open orientable surface $S$ carries a complex structure $J$ such that the Riemann surface $X=(S,J)$ admits a proper holomorphic embedding into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. There is a variety of results in the literature concerning the existence of proper holomorphic embeddings of certain special open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$; the reader may wish to consult the survey in [@Forstneric2017E §9.10–9.11]. Here we mention only a few of the currently most general known results on the subject. The first one from 2009, due to Wold and the author, concerns bordered Riemann surfaces. \[th:FW1\] [[@ForstnericWold2009 Corollary 1.2]]{} Assume that $X$ is a compact bordered Riemann surface with boundary of class ${\mathscr{C}}^r$ for some $r>1$. If $f \colon X {\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ is a ${\mathscr{C}}^1$ embedding that is holomorphic in the interior $\mathring X=X\setminus bX$, then $f$ can be approximated uniformly on compacts in $\mathring X$ by proper holomorphic embeddings $\mathring X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$. The proof relies on techniques introduced mainly by Wold [@Wold2006; @Wold2006-2; @Wold2007]. One of them concerns exposing boundary points of an embedded bordered Riemann surface in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. This technique was improved in [@ForstnericWold2009]; see also the exposition in [@Forstneric2017E §9.9]. The second one depends on methods of Andersén-Lempert theory concerning holomorphic automorphisms of Euclidean spaces; see §\[ss:wild\]. A proper holomorphic embedding $\mathring X {\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ is obtained by first exposing a boundary point in each of the boundary curves of $f(X)\subset {\mathbb{C}}^2$, sending these points to infinity by a rational shear on ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ without other poles on $f(X)$, and then using a carefully constructed sequence of holomorphic automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ whose domain of convergence is a Fatou-Bieberbach domain $\Omega\subset {\mathbb{C}}^2$ which contains the embedded complex curve $f(X)\subset {\mathbb{C}}^2$, but does not contain any of its boundary points. If $\phi\colon \Omega\to {\mathbb{C}}^2$ is a Fatou-Bieberbach map then $\phi\circ f \colon X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ is a proper holomorphic embedding. A complete exposition of this proof can also be found in [@Forstneric2017E §9.10]. The second result due to Wold and the author [@ForstnericWold2013] (2013) concerns domains with infinitely many boundary components. A domain $X$ in the Riemann sphere $\mathbb P^1$ is a *generalized circled domain* if every connected component of ${\mathbb{P}}^1 \setminus X$ is a round disc or a point. Note that ${\mathbb{P}}^1 \setminus X$ contains at most countably many discs. By the uniformization theorem of He and Schramm [@HeSchramm1993; @HeSchramm1995], every domain in $\mathbb P^1$ with at most countably many complementary components is conformally equivalent to a generalized circled domain. \[th:FW2\] [[@ForstnericWold2013 Theorem 5.1]]{} Let $X$ be a generalized circled domain in ${\mathbb{P}}^1$. If all but finitely many punctures in $\mathbb P^1\setminus X$ are limit points of discs in $\mathbb P^1\setminus X$, then $X$ embeds properly holomorphically into $\mathbb C^2$. The paper [@ForstnericWold2013] contains several other more precise results on this subject. The special case of Theorem \[th:FW2\] for plane domains $X\subset {\mathbb{C}}$ bounded by finitely many Jordan curves (and without punctures) is due to Globevnik and Stens[ø]{}nes [@GlobevnikStensones1995]. Results on embedding certain Riemann surfaces with countably many boundary components into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ were also proved by Majcen [@Majcen2009]; an exposition can be found in [@Forstneric2017E §9.11]. The proof of Theorem \[th:FW2\] relies on similar techniques as that of Theorem \[th:FW1\], but it uses a considerably more involved induction scheme for dealing with infinitely many boundary components, clustering them together into suitable subsets to which the available analytic methods can be applied. The same technique gives the analogous result for domains in tori. There are a few other recent results concerning embeddings of open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}\times {\mathbb{C}}^*$ and $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^2$, where ${\mathbb{C}}^*={\mathbb{C}}\setminus \{0\}$. Ritter showed in [@Ritter2013JGEA] that, for every circular domain $X\subset {\mathbb D}$ with finitely many boundary components, each homotopy class of continuous maps $X\to {\mathbb{C}}\times {\mathbb{C}}^*$ contains a proper holomorphic map. If ${\mathbb D}\setminus X$ contains finitely many punctures, then every continuous map $X\to {\mathbb{C}}\times {\mathbb{C}}^*$ is homotopic to a proper holomorphic immersion that identifies at most finitely many pairs of points in $X$ (L[árusson and Ritter [@LarussonRitter2014]). Ritter [@Ritter2014] also gave an analogue of Theorem]{} \[th:FW1\] for proper holomorphic embeddings of certain open Riemann surfaces into $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^2$. Automorphisms of Euclidean spaces and wild embeddings {#ss:wild} ----------------------------------------------------- There is another line of investigations that we wish to touch upon. It concerns the question how many proper holomorphic embeddings $X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ of a given Stein manifold $X$ are there up to automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^N$, and possibly also of $X$. This question was motivated by certain famous results from algebraic geometry, such as the one of Abhyankar and Moh [@AbhyankarMoh1975] and Suzuki [@Suzuki1974] to the effect that every polynomial embedding ${\mathbb{C}}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ is equivalent to the linear embedding $z\mapsto (z,0)$ by a polynomial automorphism of ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. It is a basic fact that for any $N>1$ the holomorphic automorphism group ${\mathrm{Aut}}({\mathbb{C}}^N)$ is very big and complicated. This is in stark contrast to the situation for bounded or, more generally, hyperbolic domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ which have few automorphism; see Greene et al. [@Greene2011] for a survey of the latter topic. Major early work on understanding the group ${\mathrm{Aut}}({\mathbb{C}}^N)$ was made by Rosay and Rudin [@RosayRudin1988]. This theory became very useful with the papers of Anders[é]{}n and Lempert [@AndersenLempert1992] and Rosay and the author [@ForstnericRosay1993] in 1992–93. The central result is that every map in a smooth isotopy of biholomorphic mappings $\Phi_t\colon \Omega=\Omega_0 \to \Omega_t$ $(t\in [0,1])$ between Runge domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$, with $\Phi_0$ the identity on $\Omega$, can be approximated uniformly on compacts in $\Omega$ by holomorphic automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ (see [@ForstnericRosay1993 Theorem 1.1] or [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 4.9.2]). The analogous result holds on any Stein manifold with the density property; see §\[sec:density\]. A comprehensive survey of this subject can be found in [@Forstneric2017E Chap. 4]. By twisting a given submanifold of ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ with a sequence of holomorphic automorphisms, one can show that for any pair of integers $1\le n<N$ the set of all equivalence classes of proper holomorphic embeddings ${\mathbb{C}}^n{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$, modulo automorphisms of both spaces, is uncountable (see [@DerksenKutzschebauchWinkelmann1999]). In particular, the Abhyankar-Moh theorem fails in the holomorphic category since there exist proper holomorphic embeddings $\phi \colon {\mathbb{C}}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ that are nonstraightenable by automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ [@ForstnericGlobevnikRosay1996], as well as embeddings whose complement ${\mathbb{C}}^2\setminus \phi({\mathbb{C}})$ is Kobayashi hyperbolic [@BuzzardFornaess1996]. More generally, for any pair of integers $1\le n<N$ there exists a proper holomorphic embedding $\phi\colon {\mathbb{C}}^n{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$ such that every nondegenerate holomorphic map ${\mathbb{C}}^{N-n}\to {\mathbb{C}}^N$ intersects $\phi({\mathbb{C}}^n)$ at infinitely many points [@Forstneric1999JGA]. It is also possible to arrange that ${\mathbb{C}}^N\setminus \phi({\mathbb{C}}^n)$ is Eisenman $(N-n)$-hyperbolic [@BorellKutzschebauch2006]. A more comprehensive discussion of this subject can be found in [@Forstneric2017E §4.18]. By using nonlinearizable proper holomorphic embeddings ${\mathbb{C}}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$, Derksen and Kutzschauch gave the first known examples of nonlinearizable periodic automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^n$ [@DerksenKutzschebauch1998]. For instance, there is a nonlinearizable holomorphic involution on ${\mathbb{C}}^4$. In another direction, Baader et al. [@Baaderall2010] constructed an example of a properly embedded disc in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ whose image is topologically knotted, thereby answering a questions of Kirby. It is unknown whether there exists a knotted proper holomorphic embedding ${\mathbb{C}}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$, or an unknotted proper holomorphic embedding ${\mathbb D}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^2$ of the disc. Automorphisms of ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ and ${\mathbb{C}}^*\times {\mathbb{C}}$ were used in a very clever way by Wold in his landmark construction of non-Runge Fatou-Bieberbach domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ [@Wold2008] and of non-Stein long ${\mathbb{C}}^2$’s [@Wold2010]. Each of these results solved a long-standing open problem. More recently, Wold’s construction was developed further by Boc Thaler and the author [@BocThalerForstneric2016] who showed that there is a continuum of pairwise nonequivalent long ${\mathbb{C}}^n$’s for any $n>1$ which do not admit any nonconstant holomorphic or plurisubharmonic functions. (See aso [@Forstneric2017E 4.21].) Embeddings into Stein manifolds with the density property {#sec:density} ========================================================= Universal Stein manifolds {#ss:universal} ------------------------- It is natural to ask which Stein manifolds, besides the Euclidean spaces, contain all Stein manifolds of suitably low dimension as closed complex submanifolds. To facilitate the discussion, we introduce the following notions. \[def:universal\] Let $Y$ be a Stein manifold. 1. $Y$ is [*universal for proper holomorphic embeddings*]{} if every Stein manifold $X$ with $2\dim X<\dim Y$ admits a proper holomorphic embedding $X{\hookrightarrow}Y$. 2. $Y$ is [*strongly universal for proper holomorphic embeddings*]{} if, under the assumptions in (1), every continuous map $f_0\colon X\to Y$ which is holomorphic in a neighborhood of a compact ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$-convex set $K\subset X$ is homotopic to a proper holomorphic embedding $f_0\colon X{\hookrightarrow}Y$ by a homotopy $f_t\colon X\to Y$ $(t\in[0,1])$ such that $f_t$ is holomorphic and arbitrarily close to $f_0$ on $K$ for every $t\in [0,1]$. 3. $Y$ is (strongly) [*universal for proper holomorphic immersions*]{} if condition (1) (resp. (2)) holds for proper holomorphic immersions $X\to Y$ from any Stein manifold $X$ satisfying $2\dim X\le \dim Y$. In the terminology of Oka theory (cf. [@Forstneric2017E Chap. 5]), a complex manifold $Y$ is (strongly) universal for proper holomorphic embeddings if it satisfies the basic Oka property (with approximation) for proper holomorphic embeddings $X\to Y$ from Stein manifolds of dimension $2\dim X<\dim Y$. The dimension hypotheses in the above definition are justified by Proposition \[prop:generic\]. The main goal is to find good sufficient conditions for a Stein manifold to be universal. If a manifold $Y$ is Brody hyperbolic [@Brody1978] (i.e., it does not admit any nonconstant holomorphic images of ${\mathbb{C}}$) then clearly no complex manifold containing a nontrivial holomorphic image of ${\mathbb{C}}$ can be embedded into $Y$. In order to get positive results, one must therefore assume that $Y$ enjoys a suitable holomorphic flexibility (anti-hyperbolicity) property. \[prob:Oka\] Is every Stein Oka manifold (strongly) universal for proper holomorphic embeddings and immersions? Recall (see e.g. [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 5.5.1]) that every Oka manifold is strongly universal for not necessarily proper holomorphic maps, embeddings and immersions. Indeed, the cited theorem asserts that a generic holomorphic map $X\to Y$ from a Stein manifold $X$ into an Oka manifold $Y$ is an immersion if $\dim Y\ge 2\dim X$, and is an injective immersion if $\dim Y > 2\dim X$. However, the Oka condition does not imply universality for [*proper*]{} holomorphic maps since there are examples of (compact or noncompact) Oka manifolds without any closed complex subvarieties of positive dimension (see [@Forstneric2017E Example 9.8.3]). Manifolds with the (volume) density property -------------------------------------------- The following condition was introduced in 2000 by Varolin [@Varolin2000; @Varolin2001]. \[def:density\] A complex manifold $Y$ enjoys the (holomorphic) [*density property*]{} if the Lie algebra generated by the ${\mathbb{C}}$-complete holomorphic vector fields on $Y$ is dense in the Lie algebra of all holomorphic vector fields in the compact-open topology. A complex manifold $Y$ endowed with a holomorphic volume form $\omega$ enjoys the [*volume density property*]{} if the analogous density condition holds in the Lie algebra of all holomorphic vector fields on $Y$ with vanishing $\omega$-divergence. The algebraic density and volume density properties were introduced by Kaliman and Kutzschebauch [@KalimanKutzschebauch2010IM]. The class of Stein manifolds with the (volume) density property includes most complex Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, as well as many nonhomogeneous manifolds. We refer to [@Forstneric2017E §4.10] for a more complete discussion and an up-to-date collection of references on this subject. Another recent survey is the paper by Kaliman and Kutzschebauch [@KalimanKutzschebauch2015]. Every complex manifold with the density property is an Oka manifold, and a Stein manifold with the density property is elliptic in the sense of Gromov (see [@Forstneric2017E Proposition 5.6.23]). It is an open problem whether a contractible Stein manifold with the density property is biholomorphic to a complex Euclidean space. The following result is due to Andrist and Wold [@AndristWold2014] in the special case when $X$ is an open Riemann surface, to Andrist et al. [@AndristFRW2016 Theorems 1.1, 1.2] for embeddings, and to the author [@Forstneric-immersions Theorem 1.1] for immersions in the double dimension. \[th:density\] [[@AndristFRW2016; @AndristWold2014; @Forstneric-immersions]]{} Every Stein manifold with the density or the volume density property is strongly universal for proper holomorphic embeddings and immersions. To prove Theorem \[th:density\], one follows the scheme of proof of the Oka principle for maps from Stein manifolds to Oka manifolds (see [@Forstneric2017E Chapter 5]), but with a crucial addition which we now briefly describe. Assume that $D\Subset X$ is a relatively compact strongly pseudoconvex domain with smooth boundary and $f\colon \overline D{\hookrightarrow}Y$ is a holomorphic embedding such that $f(bD) \subset Y\setminus L$, where $L$ is a given compact ${\mathcal{O}}(Y)$-convex set in $Y$. We wish to approximate $f$ uniformly on $\overline D$ by a holomorphic embedding $f'\colon \overline{D'}{\hookrightarrow}Y$ of a certain bigger strongly pseudoconvex domain $\overline{D'} \Subset X$ to $Y$, where $D'$ is either a union of $D$ with a small convex bump $B$ chosen such that $f(\overline {D\cap B})\subset Y\setminus L$, or a thin handlebody whose core is the union of $D$ and a suitable smoothly embedded totally real disc in $X\setminus D$. (The second case amounts to a change of topology of the domain, and it typically occurs when passing a critical point of a strongly plurisubharmonic exhaustion function on $X$.) In view of Proposition \[prop:generic\], we only need to approximate $f$ by a holomorphic map $f'\colon \overline{D'} \to Y$ since a small generic perturbation of $f'$ then yields an embedding. It turns out that the second case involving a handlebody easily reduces to the first one by applying a Mergelyan type approximation theorem; see [@Forstneric2017E §5.11] for this reduction. The attachment of a bump is handled by using the density property of $Y$. This property allows us to find a holomorphic map $g\colon \overline B\to Y\setminus L$ approximating $f$ as closely as desired on a neighborhood of the attaching set $\overline{B\cap D}$ and satisfying $g(\overline B)\subset Y\setminus L$. (More precisely, we use that isotopies of biholomorphic maps between pseudoconvex Runge domains in $Y$ can be approximated by holomorphic automorphisms of $Y$; see [@ForstnericRosay1993 Theorem 1.1] and also [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 4.10.5] for the version pertaining to Stein manifolds with the density property.) Assuming that $g$ is sufficiently close to $f$ on $\overline{B\cap D}$, we can glue them into a holomorphic map $f'\colon \overline{D'}\to Y$ which approximates $f$ on $\overline D$ and satisfies $f'(\overline{B})\subset Y\setminus L$. The proof is completed by an induction procedure in which every induction step is of the type described above. The inclusion $f'(\overline{B})\subset Y\setminus L$ satisfied by the next map in the induction step guarantees properness of the limit embedding $X{\hookrightarrow}Y$. Of course the sets $L\subset Y$ also increase and form an exhaustion of $Y$. The case of immersions in double dimension requires a more precise analysis. In the induction step described above, we must ensure that the immersion $f \colon \overline D\to Y$ is injective (an embedding) on the attaching set $\overline{B\cap D}$ of the bump $B$. This can be arranged by general position provided that $\overline{B\cap D}$ is very thin. It is shown in [@Forstneric-immersions] that it suffices to work with convex bumps such that, in suitably chosen holomorphic coordinates on a neighborhood of $\overline B$, the set $B$ is a convex polyhedron and $\overline{B\cap D}$ is a very thin neighborhood of one of its faces. This means that $\overline{B\cap D}$ is small thickening of a $(2n-1)$-dimensional object in $X$, and hence we can easily arrange that $f$ is injective on it. The remainder of the proof proceeds exactly as before, completing our sketch of proof of Theorem \[th:density\]. On the Schoen-Yau conjecture {#ss:S-Y} ---------------------------- The following corollary to Theorem \[th:density\] is related to a conjecture of Schoen and Yau [@SchoenYau1997] that the disc ${\mathbb D}=\{\zeta \in{\mathbb{C}}:|\zeta|<1\}$ does not admit any proper harmonic maps to ${\mathbb{R}}^2$. \[cor:harmonic\] Every Stein manifold $X$ of complex dimension $n$ admits a proper holomorphic immersion to $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^{2n}$, and a proper pluriharmonic map into ${\mathbb{R}}^{2n}$. The space $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^n$ with coordinates $z=(z_1,\ldots,z_n)$ (where $z_j\in {\mathbb{C}}^*$ for $j=1,\ldots,n$) enjoys the volume density property with respect to the volume form $$\omega= \frac{dz_1\wedge\cdots\wedge dz_n}{z_1\cdots z_n}.$$ (See Varolin [@Varolin2001] or [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 4.10.9(c)].) Hence, [@Forstneric-immersions Theorem 1.2] (the part of Theorem \[th:density\] above concerning immersions into the double dimension) furnishes a proper holomorphic immersion $f=(f_1,\ldots,f_{2n})\colon X\to ({\mathbb{C}}^*)^{2n}$. It follows that the map $$\label{eq:log} u=(u_1,\ldots,u_{2n})\colon X\to {\mathbb{R}}^{2n}\quad \text{with}\ \ u_j=\log|f_j|\ \ \text{for}\ \ j=1,\ldots, 2n$$ is a proper map of $X$ to ${\mathbb{R}}^{2n}$ whose components are pluriharmonic functions. Corollary \[cor:harmonic\] gives a counterexample to the Schoen-Yau conjecture in every dimension and for any Stein source manifold. The first and very explicit counterexample was given by Bo[ž]{}in [@Bozin1999IMRN] in 1999. In 2001, Globevnik and the author [@ForstnericGlobevnik2001MRL] constructed a proper holomorphic map $f=(f_1,f_2)\colon{\mathbb D}\to{\mathbb{C}}^2$ whose image is contained in $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^2$, i.e., it avoids both coordinate axes. The associated harmonic map $u=(u_1,u_2)\colon {\mathbb D}\to{\mathbb{R}}^2$ then satisfies $\lim_{|\zeta|\to 1} \max\{u_1(\zeta),u_2(\zeta)\} = +\infty$ which implies properness. Next, Alarc[ó]{}n and L[ó]{}pez [@AlarconLopez2012JDG] showed in 2012 that every open Riemann surface $X$ admits a conformal minimal immersion $u=(u_1,u_2,u_3)\colon X\to{\mathbb{R}}^3$ with a proper (harmonic) projection $(u_1,u_2)\colon X\to {\mathbb{R}}^2$. In 2014, Andrist and Wold [@AndristWold2014 Theorem 5.6] proved Corollary \[cor:harmonic\] in the case $n=1$. Comparing Corollary \[cor:harmonic\] with the above mentioned result of Globevnik and the author [@ForstnericGlobevnik2001MRL], one is led to the following question. Let $X$ be a Stein manifold of dimension $n>1$. Does there exist a proper holomorphic immersion $f\colon X\to {\mathbb{C}}^{2n}$ such that $f(X)\subset ({\mathbb{C}}^*)^{2n}$? More generally, one can ask which type of sets in Stein manifolds can be avoided by proper holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds of sufficiently low dimension. In this direction, Drinovec Drnovšek showed in [@Drinovec2004MRL] that any closed complete pluripolar set can be avoided by proper holomorphic discs; see also Borell et al. [@Borell2008MRL] for embedded discs in ${\mathbb{C}}^n$. Note that every closed complex subvariety is a complete pluripolar set. Embeddings of strongly pseudoconvex Stein domains {#sec:PSC} ================================================= The Oka principle for embeddings of strongly pseudoconvex domains ----------------------------------------------------------------- What can be said about proper holomorphic embeddings and immersions of Stein manifolds $X$ into arbitrary (Stein) manifolds $Y$? If $Y$ is Brody hyperbolic [@Brody1978], then no complex manifold containing a nontrivial holomorphic image of ${\mathbb{C}}$ embeds into $Y$. However, if $\dim Y>1$ and $Y$ is Stein then $Y$ still admits proper holomorphic images of any bordered Riemann surface [@DrinovecForstneric2007DMJ; @Globevnik2000]. For domains in Euclidean spaces, this line of investigation was started in 1976 by Forn[æ]{}ss [@Fornaess1976] and continued in 1985 by L[ø]{}w [@Low1985MZ] and the author [@Forstneric1986TAMS] who proved that every bounded strongly pseudoconvex domain $X\subset {\mathbb{C}}^n$ admits a proper holomorphic embedding into a high dimensional polydisc and ball. The long line of subsequent developments culminated in the following result of Drinovec Drnovšek and the author [@DrinovecForstneric2007DMJ; @DrinovecForstneric2010AJM]. \[th:BDF2010\] [[@DrinovecForstneric2010AJM Corollary 1.2]]{} Let $X$ be a relatively compact, smoothly bounded, strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold ${\widetilde}X$ of dimension $n$, and let $Y$ be a Stein manifold of dimension $N$. If $N>2n$ then every continuous map $f\colon \overline X \to Y$ which is holomorphic on $X$ can be approximated uniformly on compacts in $X$ by proper holomorphic embeddings $X{\hookrightarrow}Y$. If $N\ge 2n$ then the analogous result holds for immersions. The same conclusions hold if the manifold $Y$ is strongly $q$-complete for some $q\in \{1,2,\ldots, N-2n+1\}$, where the case $q=1$ corresponds to Stein manifolds. In the special case when $Y$ is a domain in a Euclidean space, this is due to Dor [@Dor1995]. The papers [@DrinovecForstneric2007DMJ; @DrinovecForstneric2010AJM] include several more precise results in this direction and references to numerous previous works. Note that a continuous map $f\colon \overline X \to Y$ from a compact strongly pseudoconvex domain which is holomorphic on the open domain $X$, with values in an arbitrary complex manifold $Y$, can be approximated uniformly on $\overline X$ by holomorphic maps from small open neighborhoods of $\overline X$ in the ambient manifold ${\widetilde}X$, where the neighborhood depends on the map (see [@DrinovecForstneric2008FM Theorem 1.2] or [@Forstneric2017E Theorem 8.11.4]). However, unless $Y$ is an Oka manifold, it is impossible to approximate $f$ uniformly on $\overline X$ by holomorphic maps from a fixed bigger domain $X_1\subset {\widetilde}X$ independent of the map. For this reason, it is imperative that the initial map $f$ in Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] be defined on all of $\overline X$. One of the main techniques used in the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] are special holomorphic peaking functions on $X$. The second tool is the method of holomorphic sprays developed in the context of Oka theory; this is essentially a nonlinear version of the ${\overline\partial}$-method. Here is the main idea of the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\]. Choose a strongly $q$-convex Morse exhaustion function $\rho\colon Y\to{\mathbb{R}}_+$. (When $q=1$, $\rho$ is strongly plurisubharmonic.) By using the mentioned tools, one can approximate any given holomorphic map $f\colon \overline X\to Y$ uniformly on compacts in $X$ by another holomorphic map $\tilde f\colon \overline X\to Y$ such that $\rho\circ \tilde f > \rho\circ f + c$ holds on $bX$ for some constant $c>0$ depending only on the geometry of $\rho$ on a given compact set $L\subset Y$ containing $f(\overline X)$. Geometrically speaking, this means that we lift the image of the boundary of $X$ in $Y$ to a higher level of the function $\rho$ by a prescribed amount. At the same time, we can ensure that $\rho\circ \tilde f > \rho \circ f -\delta$ on $X$ for any given $\delta>0$, and that $\tilde f$ approximates $f$ as closely as desired on a given compact ${\mathcal{O}}(X)$-convex subset $K\subset X$. By Proposition \[prop:generic\] we can ensure that our maps are embeddings. An inductive application of this technique yields a sequence of holomorphic embeddings $f_k\colon\overline X{\hookrightarrow}Y$ converging to a proper holomorphic embedding $X{\hookrightarrow}Y$. The same construction gives proper holomorphic immersions when $N\ge 2n$. On the Hodge Conjecture for $q$-complete manifolds {#ss:Hodge} -------------------------------------------------- A more precise analysis of the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] was used by Smrekar, Sukhov and the author [@FSS2016] to show the following result along the lines of the Hodge conjecture. If $Y$ is a $q$-complete complex manifold of dimension $N$ and of finite topology such that $q<N$ and the number $N+q-1=2p$ is even, then every cohomology class in $H^{N+q-1}(Y;{\mathbb{Z}})$ is Poincaré dual to an analytic cycle in $Y$ consisting of proper holomorphic images of the ball ${\mathbb{B}}^p\subset {\mathbb{C}}^p$. If the manifold $Y$ has infinite topology, the same result holds for elements of the group ${\mathscr{H}}^{N+q-1}(Y;{\mathbb{Z}}) = \lim_j H^{N+q-1}(M_j;Z)$ where $\{M_j\}_{j\in {\mathbb{N}}}$ is an exhaustion of $Y$ by compact smoothly bounded domains. Note that $H^{N+q-1}(Y;{\mathbb{Z}})$ is the highest dimensional a priori nontrivial cohomology group of a $q$-complete manifold $Y$ of dimension $N$. We do not know whether a similar result holds for lower dimensional cohomology groups of a $q$-complete manifold. In the special case when $Y$ is a Stein manifold, the situation is better understood thanks to the Oka-Grauert principle, and the reader can find appropriate references in the paper [@FSS2016]. Complete bounded complex submanifolds {#ss:complete} ------------------------------------- There are interesting recent constructions of properly embedded complex submanifolds $X\subset {\mathbb{B}}^N$ of the unit ball in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ (or of pseudoconvex domains in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$) which are [*complete*]{} in the sense that every curve in $X$ terminating on the sphere $b{\mathbb{B}}^N$ has infinite length. Equivalently, the metric on $X$, induced from the Euclidean metric on ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ by the embedding $X{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{C}}^N$, is a complete metric. The question whether there exist complete bounded complex submanifolds in Euclidean spaces was asked by Paul Yang in 1977. The first such examples were provided by Jones [@Jones1979PAMS] in 1979. Recent results on this subject are due to Alarc[ó]{}n and the author [@AlarconForstneric2013MA], Alarc[ó]{}n and L[ópez]{} [@AlarconLopez2016], Drinovec Drnov[š]{}ek [@Drinovec2015JMAA], Globevnik [@Globevnik2015AM; @Globevnik2016JMAA; @Globevnik2016MA], and Alarc[ó]{}n et al. [@AlarconGlobevnik2017; @AlarconGlobevnikLopez2016Crelle]. In [@AlarconForstneric2013MA] it was shown that any bordered Riemann surface admits a proper complete holomorphic immersion into ${\mathbb{B}}^2$ and embedding into ${\mathbb{B}}^3$ (no change of the complex structure on the surface is necessary). In [@AlarconGlobevnik2017] the authors showed that properly embedded complete complex curves in the ball ${\mathbb{B}}^2$ can have any topology, but their method (using holomorphic automorphisms) does not allow one to control the complex structure of the examples. Drinovec Drnov[š]{}ek [@Drinovec2015JMAA] proved that every strongly pseudoconvex domain embeds as a complete complex submanifold of a high dimensional ball. Globevnik proved [@Globevnik2015AM; @Globevnik2016MA] that any pseudoconvex domain in ${\mathbb{C}}^N$ for $N>1$ can be foliated by complete complex hypersurfaces given as level sets of a holomorphic function, and Alarc[ó]{}n showed [@Alarcon2018] that there are nonsingular foliations of this type goven as level sets of a holomorphic function without critical points. Furthermore, there is a complete proper holomorphic embedding ${\mathbb D}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{B}}^2$ whose image contains any given discrete subset of ${\mathbb{B}}^2$ [@Globevnik2016JMAA], and there exist complex curves of arbitrary topology in ${\mathbb{B}}^2$ satisfying this property [@AlarconGlobevnik2017]. The constructions in these papers, except those in [@Alarcon2018; @Globevnik2015AM; @Globevnik2016MA], rely on one of the following two methods: - Riemann-Hilbert boundary values problem (or holomorphic peaking functions in the case of higher dimensional domains considered in [@Drinovec2015JMAA]); - holomorphic automorphisms of the ambient space ${\mathbb{C}}^N$. Each of these methods can be used to increase the intrinsic boundary distance in an embedded or immersed submanifold. The first method has the advantage of preserving the complex structure, and the disadvantage of introducing self-intersections in the double dimension or below. The second method is precisely the opposite — it keeps embeddedness, but does not provide any control of the complex structure since one must cut away pieces of the image manifold to keep it suitably bounded. The first of these methods has recently been applied in the theory of minimal surfaces in ${\mathbb{R}}^n$; we refer to the papers [@AlarconDrinovecForstnericLopez2015PLMS; @AlarconDrinovecForstnericLopez2017TAMS; @AlarconForstneric2015MA] and the references therein. On the other hand, ambient automorphisms cannot be applied in minimal surface theory since the only class of self-maps of ${\mathbb{R}}^n$ $(n>2)$ mapping minimal surfaces to minimal surfaces are the rigid affine linear maps. Globevnik’s method in [@Globevnik2015AM; @Globevnik2016MA] is different from both of the above. He showed that for every integer $N>1$ there is a holomorphic function $f$ on the ball ${\mathbb{B}}^N$ whose real part $\Re f$ is unbounded on every path of finite length that ends on $b{\mathbb{B}}^N$. It follows that every level set $M_c=\{f=c\}$ is a closed complete complex hypersurface in ${\mathbb{B}}^N$, and $M_c$ is smooth for most values of $c$ in view of Sard’s lemma. The function $f$ is constructed such that its real part grows sufficiently fast on a certain labyrinth $\Lambda\subset {\mathbb{B}}^N$, consisting of pairwise disjoint closed polygonal domains in real affine hyperplanes, such that every curve in ${\mathbb{B}}^N\setminus \Lambda$ which terminates on $b{\mathbb{B}}^N$ has infinite length. The advantage of his method is that it gives an affirmative answer to Yang’s question in all dimensions and codimensions. The disadvantage is that one cannot control the topology or the complex structure of the level sets. By using instead holomorphic automorphisms in order to push a submanifold off the labyrinth $\Lambda$, Alarc[ó]{}n et al.  [@AlarconGlobevnikLopez2016Crelle] succeeded to obtain partial control of the topology of the embedded submanifold, and complete control in the case of complex curves [@AlarconGlobevnik2017]. Finally, by using the method of constructing noncritical holomorphic functions due to Forstnerič [@Forstneric2003AM], Alarc[ó]{}n [@Alarcon2018] improved Globevnik’s main result from [@Globevnik2015AM] by showing that every closed complete complex hypersurface in the ball ${\mathbb{B}}^n$ $(n>1)$ is a leaf in a nonsingular holomorphic foliation of ${\mathbb{B}}^n$ by closed complete complex hypersurfaces. By using the labyrinths constructed in [@AlarconGlobevnikLopez2016Crelle; @Globevnik2015AM] and methods of Andersén-Lempert theory, Alarc[ó]{}n and the author showed in [@AlarconForstneric2018PAMS] that there exists a complete injective holomorphic immersion $\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}^2$ whose image is everywhere dense in $\mathbb{C}^2$ [@AlarconForstneric2018PAMS Corollary 1.2]. The analogous result holds for any closed complex submanifold $X\subsetneqq \mathbb{C}^n$ for $n>1$ (see [@AlarconForstneric2018PAMS Theorem 1.1]). Furthermore, if $X$ intersects the ball $\mathbb{B}^n$ and $K$ is a connected compact subset of $X\cap\mathbb{B}^n$, then there is a Runge domain $\Omega\subset X$ containing $K$ which admits a complete injective holomorphic immersion $\Omega\to\mathbb{B}^n$ whose image is dense in $\mathbb{B}^n$. Submanifolds with exotic boundary behaviour {#ss:exotic} ------------------------------------------- The boundary behavior of proper holomorphic maps between bounded domains with smooth boundaries in complex Euclidean spaces has been studied extensively; see the recent survey by Pinchuk et al. [@Pinchuk2017]. It is generally believed, and has been proved under a variety of additional conditions, that proper holomorphic maps between relatively compact smoothly bounded domains of the same dimension always extend smoothly up to the boundary. In dimension $1$ this is the classical theorem of Carath[é]{}odory (see [@Caratheodory1913MA] or [@Pommerenke1992 Theorem 2.7]). On the other hand, proper holomorphic maps into higher dimensional domains may have rather wild boundary behavior. For example, Globevnik [@Globevnik1987MZ] proved in 1987 that, given $n\in {\mathbb{N}}$, if $N\in{\mathbb{N}}$ is sufficiently large then there exists a continuous map $f\colon \overline {\mathbb{B}}^n \to \overline {\mathbb{B}}^N$ which is holomorphic in ${\mathbb{B}}^n$ and satisfies $f(b{\mathbb{B}}^n)=b{\mathbb{B}}^N$. Recently, the author [@Forstneric2017Sept] constructed a properly embedded holomorphic disc ${\mathbb D}{\hookrightarrow}{\mathbb{B}}^2$ in the $2$-ball with arbitrarily small area (hence it is the zero set of a bounded holomorphic function on $\mathbb{B}^2$ according to Berndtsson [@Berndtsson1980]) which extends holomorphically across the boundary of the disc, with the exception of one boundary point, such that its boundary curve is injectively immersed and everywhere dense in the sphere $b\mathbb{B}^2$. Examples of proper (not necessarily embedded) discs with similar behavior were found earlier by Globevnik and Stout [@GlobevnikStout1986]. The soft Oka principle for proper holomorphic embeddings {#sec:soft} ======================================================== By combining the technique in the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] with methods from the papers by Slapar and the author [@ForstnericSlapar2007MRL; @ForstnericSlapar2007MZ] one can prove the following seemingly new result. \[th:soft\] Let $(X,J)$ and $Y$ be Stein manifolds, where $J\colon TX\to TX$ denotes the complex structure operator on $X$. If $\dim Y > 2\dim X$ then for every continuous map $f\colon X\to Y$ there exists a Stein structure $J'$ on $X$, homotopic to $J$, and a proper holomorphic embedding $f'\colon (X,J'){\hookrightarrow}Y$ homotopic to $f$. If $\dim Y\ge 2\dim X$ then $f'$ can be chosen a proper holomorphic immersion having only simple double points. The same holds if the manifold $Y$ is $q$-complete for some $q\in \{1,2,\ldots, \dim Y-2\dim X+1\}$, where $q=1$ corresponds to Stein manifolds. Intuitively speaking, every Stein manifold $X$ embeds properly holomorphically into any other Stein manifold $Y$ of dimension $\dim Y >2\dim X$ up to a change of the Stein structure on $X$. The main result of [@ForstnericSlapar2007MZ] amounts to the same statement for holomorphic maps (instead of proper embeddings), but without any hypothesis on the target complex manifold $Y$. In order to obtain [*proper*]{} holomorphic maps $X\to Y$, we need a suitable geometric hypothesis on $Y$ in view of the examples of noncompact (even Oka) manifolds without any closed complex subvarieties (see [@Forstneric2017E Example 9.8.3]). The results from [@ForstnericSlapar2007MRL; @ForstnericSlapar2007MZ] were extended by Prezelj and Slapar [@PrezeljSlapar2011] to $1$-convex source manifolds. For Stein manifolds $X$ of complex dimension $2$, these results also stipulate a change of the underlying ${\mathscr{C}}^\infty$ structure on $X$. It was later shown by Cieliebak and Eliashberg that such change is not necessary if one begins with an integrable Stein structure; see [@CieliebakEliashberg2012 Theorem 8.43 and Remark 8.44]. For the constructions of exotic Stein structures on smooth orientable $4$-manifolds, in particular on ${\mathbb{R}}^4$, see Gompf [@Gompf1998; @Gompf2005; @Gompf2017GT]. In order to fully understand the proof, the reader should be familiar with [@ForstnericSlapar2007MZ proof of Theorem 1.1]. (Theorem 1.2 in the same paper gives an equivalent formulation where one does not change the Stein structure on $X$, but instead finds a desired holomorphic map on a Stein Runge domain $\Omega\subset X$ which is diffeotopic to $X$. An exposition is also available in [@CieliebakEliashberg2012 Theorem 8.43 and Remark 8.44] and [@Forstneric2017E §10.9].) We explain the main step in the case $\dim Y > 2\dim X$; the theorem follows by using it inductively as in [@ForstnericSlapar2007MZ]. An interested reader is invited to provide the details. Assume that $X_0\subset X_1$ is a pair of relatively compact, smoothly bounded, strongly pseudoconvex domains in $X$ such that there exists a strongly plurisubharmonic Morse function $\rho$ on an open set $U\supset \overline {X_1\setminus X_0}$ in $X$ satisfying $$X_0 \cap U = \{x\in U\colon \rho(x)<a\},\quad X_1 \cap U = \{x\in U \colon \rho(x)<b\},$$ for a pair of constants $a<b$ and $d\rho\ne 0$ on $bX_0\cup bX_1$. Let $L_0\subset L_1$ be a pair of compact sets in $Y$. (In the induction, $L_0$ and $L_1$ are sublevel sets of a strongly $q$-convex exhaustion function on $Y$.) Assume that $f_0\colon X\to Y$ is a continuous map whose restriction to a neighborhood of $\overline X_0$ is a $J$-holomorphic embedding satisfying $f_0(bX_0) \subset Y\setminus L_0$. The goal is to find a new Stein structure $J_1$ on $X$, homotopic to $J$ by a smooth homotopy that is fixed in a neighborhood of $\overline X_0$, such that $f_0$ can be deformed to a map $f_1\colon X\to Y$ whose restriction to a neighborhood of $\overline X_1$ is a $J_1$-holomorphic embedding which approximates $f_0$ uniformly on $\overline X_0$ as closely as desired and satisfies $$\label{eq:lifting} f_1(\overline {X_1\setminus X_0})\subset Y\setminus L_0, \qquad f_1(bX_1) \subset Y\setminus L_1.$$ An inductive application of this result proves Theorem \[th:soft\] as in [@ForstnericSlapar2007MZ]. (For the case $\dim X=2$, see [@CieliebakEliashberg2012 Theorem 8.43 and Remark 8.44].) By subdividing the problem into finitely many steps of the same kind, it suffices to consider the following two basic cases: - [*The noncritical case:*]{} $d\rho\ne 0$ on $\overline{X_1\setminus X_0}$. In this case we say that $X_1$ is a [*noncritical strongly pseudoconvex extension*]{} of $X_0$. - [*The critical case:*]{} $\rho$ has exactly one critical point $p$ in $\overline{X_1\setminus X_0}$. Let $U_0 \subset U'_0 \subset X$ be a pair of small open neighborhoods of $\overline X_0$ such that $f_0$ is an embedding on $U'_0$. Also, let $U_1\subset U'_1\subset X$ be small open neighborhoods of $\overline X_1$. In case (a), there exists a smooth diffeomorphism $\phi\colon X\to X$ which is diffeotopic to the identity map on $X$ by a diffeotopy which is fixed on $U_0\cup (X\setminus U'_1)$ such that $\phi(U_1)\subset U'_0$. The map $\tilde f_0=f_0\circ \phi \colon X \to Y$ is then a holomorphic embedding on the set $U_1$ with respect to the Stein structure $J_1=\phi^*(J)$ on $X$ (the pullback of $J$ by $\phi$). Applying the lifting procedure in the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] and up to shrinking $U_1$ around $\overline X_1$, we can homotopically deform $\tilde f_0$ to a continuous map $f_1\colon X\to Y$ whose restriction to $U_1$ is a $J_1$-holomorphic embedding $U_1{\hookrightarrow}Y$ satisfying conditions . In case (b), the change of topology of the sublevel sets of $\rho$ at the critical point $p$ is described by attaching to the strongly pseudoconvex domain $\overline X_0$ a smoothly embedded totally real disc $M\subset X_1\setminus X_0$, with $p\in M$ and $bM\subset bX_0$, whose dimension equals the Morse index of $\rho$ at $p$. As shown in [@Eliashberg1990; @CieliebakEliashberg2012; @ForstnericSlapar2007MZ], $M$ can be chosen such that $\overline X_0\cup M$ has a basis of smooth strongly pseudoconvex neighborhoods (handlebodies) $H$ which deformation retract onto $\overline X_0\cup M$ such that $X_1$ is a noncritical strongly pseudoconvex extension of $H$. Furthermore, as explained in [@ForstnericSlapar2007MZ], we can homotopically deform the map $f_0\colon X\to Y$, keeping it fixed in some neighborhood of $\overline X_0$, to a map that is holomorphic on $H$ and maps $H\setminus \overline X_0$ to $L_1\setminus L_0$. By Proposition \[prop:generic\] we can assume that the new map is a holomorphic embedding on $H$. This reduces case (b) to case (a). In the inductive construction, we alternate the application of cases (a) and (b). If $\dim Y\ge 2\dim X$ then the same procedure applies to immersions. A version of this construction, for embedding open Riemann surfaces into ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ or $({\mathbb{C}}^*)^2$ up to a deformation of their complex structure, can be found in the papers by Alarcón and L[ó]{}pez [@AlarconLopez2013] and Ritter [@Ritter2014]. However, they use holomorphic automorphisms in order to push the boundary curves to infinity without introducing self-intersections of the image complex curve. The technique in the proof of Theorem \[th:BDF2010\] will in general introduce self-intersections in double dimension. Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered} ---------------- The author is supported in part by the research program P1-0291 and grants J1-7256 and nd J1-9104 from ARRS, Republic of Slovenia. I wish to thank Antonio Alarc[ó]{}n and Rafael Andrist for a helpful discussion concerning Corollary \[cor:harmonic\] and the Schoen-Yau conjecture, Barbara Drinovec Drnov[š]{}ek for her remarks on the exposition, Josip Globevnik for the reference to the paper of Bo[ž]{}in [@Bozin1999IMRN], Frank Kutzschebauch for having proposed to include the material in §\[ss:wild\], and Peter Landweber for his remarks which helped me to improve the language and presentation. Franc Forstnerič Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Jadranska 19, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: [[email protected]]{}
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
If there’s one thing the Republican field’s disgusting groveling for cash should show us once and for all, it’s how much money it takes to buy a nomination. This “donor primary” is shaping up to be as hard fought as any down-and-dirty local election between a hard core Tea Partyer and an old school main-street conservative. The amount of money being collected is going to be breathtaking. The main question now is whether or not the candidates can even find enough places to spend it all. (One imagines that political strategists and campaign operatives will be happy to stash some of it in their pockets.) Still, it is a bit startling to see a hardcore rightwing firebrand like Ted Cruz cozying up to gay New Yorkers, even if they are billionaires: [O]n Monday night, at a reception for him at the Manhattan apartment of two prominent gay hoteliers, the Texas senator struck quite a different tone. During the gathering, according to two attendees, Mr. Cruz said he would have no problem if one of his daughters was gay. He did not mention his opposition to same-sex marriage, saying only that marriage is an issue that should be left to the states. The dinner and “fireside chat” for about a dozen people with Mr. Cruz and his wife, Heidi, was at the Central Park South penthouse of Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, longtime business partners who were once a couple and who have been pioneers in the gay hospitality industry. “Ted Cruz said, ‘If one of my daughters was gay, I would love them just as much,’” recalled Mr. Reisner, a same-sex marriage proponent who described himself as simply an attendee at Mr. Weiderpass’s event. Mr. Reisner and Kalman Sporn, who advises Mr. Cruz’s Middle East team and served as the moderator for the evening, said that the senator told the group that marriage should be left up to the states. It seems like only yesterday that he was saying gays were waging “jihad” on good God fearing Christians. Well, actually it was two weeks ago: [T]he GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.” “We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. At that nice dinner party in Manhattan he went to some lengths to point out that one of his best donors is gay, the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, so that’s nice. Why any gay people, billionaires or not, would be attracted to someone like Ted Cruz remains a mystery, but perhaps the tax accountant wants what the tax accountant wants. According to the article, the gay billionaires believe that gay marriage is a done deal, and now that the messy business is taken care of they are free to be conservatives again. They say they like Cruz for his extremely hawkish foreign policy which is, apparently, the new radical chic. Meanwhile, since Scott Walker’s untimely little slip about being against legal immigration may have cost him their early endorsement, the Kochs have decided to hold more auditions later this summer. Walker’s misfortune is the rest of the crowded field’s gain as they all get a chance to hone their act for the Hundred Billion Dollar Boys. Until then, there are plenty of other filthy rich one-percenters on whom to practice their act. As it stands today, the top candidate for leading man is the babyfaced Marco Rubio, who seems to be doing a much better job of finessing the GOPs immigration quagmire than Walker. Being Latino himself certainly doesn’t hurt, but as my colleague Elias Isquith pointed out yesterday, his slipperiness on the issue is actually quite impressive: After putting together a big, bipartisan and comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2013 — which passed the Senate only to die ignominiously in the House — Rubio has spent more than a year disowning his sole legislative accomplishment and urging heartbroken Tea Partiers to forgive him for his sins. His dalliance with “amnesty” didn’t mean anything; he promises he’ll “secure the border” first, if only they’ll give him the chance and take him back. The whole incident was embarrassing and led to his being “unceremoniously defenestrated,” as BuzzFeed puts it, from the rarefied air of the 2016 elite. But now there’s reason to wonder if what looked like a blunder was really part of a larger scheme — or at least that’s what Rubio wants donors (and the BuzzFeed-reading political class) to think. Rubio’s onetime support of comprehensive reform, BuzzFeed reports, “has proved to be a substantial draw within the GOP money crowd.” And I’d guess there are a few gay Republican billionaires to whom he’d be happy to whisper his personal tolerance for marriage equality too. You can’t let Cruz corner the market, after all. Rubio would also certainly be one guy you could depend upon for a hawkish foreign policy, which seems to be a must among these super-rich puppet masters. And what would you know, mega-donor Sheldon Adelson is smitten: In recent weeks, Adelson, who spent $100 million on the 2012 campaign and could easily match that figure in 2016, has told friends that he views the Florida senator, whose hawkish defense views and unwavering support for Israel align with his own, as a fresh face who is “the future of the Republican Party.” He has also said that Rubio’s Cuban heritage and youth would give the party a strong opportunity to expand its brand and win the White House… Since entering the Senate in 2011, Rubio has met privately with the mogul on a half-dozen occasions. In recent months, he‘s been calling Adelson about once every two weeks, providing him with meticulous updates on his nascent campaign. During a recent trip to New York City, Rubio took time out of his busy schedule to speak by phone with the megadonor. Rubio really is a GOP dreamboat, isn’t he? He even calls when he’s on the road! This donor primary is likely to get a little bit frantic with all the candidates jockeying for the role of the Republican party’s leading man. Will it be the Wisconsin cheesecake Scott Walker, the Texas beefcake Ted Cruz or the spicy Cuban manwich Marco Rubio? And don’t forget the rest of the chorus line. There’s the B-Actor Jeb Bush who could turn in a credible, if not transcendent, performance, or the Wild Arkansas Preacher Mike Huckabee, along with a whole crew of character actors who could be in a position to step up if they are given the chance. It’s wide open. If nothing else the contest should be wildly entertaining for the rest of us. The only problem for the billionaires is that these candidates all have to eventually perform in a series of tryouts we call “party primaries” where the audience, also known as voters, gets a chance to weigh in. They may not agree with the billionaires’ choice, no matter which lucky fella they anoint in their auditions. Democracy is such an inconvenience that way. These rich donors obviously believe that founder John Jay had it right when he said, “Those who own the country ought to govern it.” Unfortunately for them, he was outvoted.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: How do I autorun ng serve on pc startup I'm developing an app in angular 2 and I always use ng serve to start my app running in localhost. the app that I wanted is not going to go live. So my question is how can I automated ng serve at startup? so that everytime I restart the pc i no need to go to my project folder and do ng serve. Please advice Thanks John A: for windows 8 / 10 create file foo.bat CD (project folder) npm start Create a shortcut to the batch file. Once the shortcut has been created, right-click the file and select Cut. Press the Start button and type Run and press enter. In the Run window, type shell:startup to open the Startup folder. Once the Startup folder has been opened, click the Home tab at the top of the folder and select Paste to paste the shortcut into the folder.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Когда пишутся слитно слова нерусский, немосковский, немосквич и др.? Насколько ЧЕТКИМИ являются правила выбора слитной или раздельной формы написания НЕ в подобных словах (немосковский, нерусский, нездешний, неженский, немужской, неспециалист, нелитератор)? A: Для меня - вполне чёткие: Слитное написание этих слов возможно только в том случае, если они приобретают качественное значение, например:неженская логика – это строгая, системная логика, которая обычно несвойственна женщинам; немосквич – человек, который мыслит и ведет себя иначе, по сравнению с коренными москвичами. Обычно эта группа слова употребляются в синтаксических конструкциях со слитным написанием, где они играют роль определения, подлежащего или дополнения, например: рассуждать с неженской логикой. Если такого качественного значения в данном тексте нет, то эти слова пишутся раздельно с частицей НЕ, при этом они, как правило, используются в отрицательных конструкциях, например: это не женская работа (НЕ относится к словосочетанию). немужской (слабый) характер,неженский (сильный) ум-прил. с приставкой НЕ обозначают качеств. признак. Немужской поступок. Немужские замашки какие-то. Но ум у нее – сильный, как говорится «неженский». это не женская работа - НЕ относится к словосочетанию Рубить дрова – не женская работа. логика не мужская, а женская-противопоставление Это интуитивная логика – не мужская, а женская. У него немосковский взгляд на Москву. Немосквичу(чужому, далёкому по духу)трудно понять это. совсем не московская погода-усиление отрицания На Волхонке – совсем не московский пейзаж: гигантская лужа глубиной больше метра. он не москвич (живет не в Москве)отрицание: не является москвичом Каждый третий покупатель квартир в Москве – не москвич. его признали все грамотные люди века – и литераторы, и нелитераторы- существительное имеет качественное значение Но и для нелитератора чтение поэзии – это воспитание тонкости восприятия жизни. я не литератор и не поэт-отрицание, усиление отрицания Ты знаешь, что я отнюдь не литератор. нездешняя (чужая) красота,нездешние повадки - прилагательное обозначает качественный признак.Блистать нездешней красотой. Сидел он, не смыкая очи, нездешней мукою томим. он не здешний - отрицание: не является здешним Думаю, они не здешние. нерусский менталитет, внешность -качественный признак Учебники для нерусских школ. он не русский -отрицание Не русский я, но россиянин. http://pochit.ru/filosofiya/1926/index.html?page=3
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Depression is an astonishingly common mental disorder; it affects as many as 1 in 4 people during their lifetime, and between 5 and 10% of the population are suffering from the illness to some extent at any one time. Despite extensive research into this area, the underlying causes of depression are not well understood, although many believe it could stem from changes in brain chemistry. In particular, two chemicals have taken center stage: dopamine and serotonin, which are often found in lower levels in patients with depression. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this could be a symptom rather than a cause. Another molecule that has recently piqued the interest of scientists is a protein called beta-catenin. β-catenin is known to play a variety of roles in the central nervous system, and its malfunction has been implicated in numerous mental illnesses, including depression. Supporting these links, a newly published study has suggested that our brain’s ability to cope with stress and resist depression is determined, at least in part, by the activity of this protein. These findings challenge current ideas about the etiology of depression and could eventually lead to novel and potentially more effective ways to treat the disorder. As described in Nature, scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine started off by exposing mice to chronic social stress, which caused some animals to exhibit depression-like symptoms. They then examined their brains to see if any notable differences could be identified, and found a disparity in the levels of active β-catenin between mice that were resistant or susceptible to stress. More specifically, they found the mice that showed resilience to stress possessed more active β-catenin in the brain’s reward and motivation center, the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Conversely, those that succumbed to stress and developed signs of depression were found to have inactive β-catenin in the NAc. In support of this, the researchers also found suppression of this protein in the brain tissue of deceased patients that had suffered from depression, regardless of whether they had been taking antidepressants at the time of death. Further examination revealed that the pro-resilient effects observed in the mice were mediated through interactions between β-catenin and a type of dopamine receptor called a D2 receptor. Taking this forward, the researchers blocked β-catenin from being able to interact with D2 receptors in mice that had previously shown resilience to depression, which rendered them susceptible to stress. Similarly, activating β-catenin in susceptible mice made them more resilient to depression after exposure to stress. Lastly, by snipping out β-catenin from NAc neurons and examining the resulting gene expression patterns, the researchers were able to identify a network activated by β-catenin that is associated with resilience. Specifically, they found that β-catenin targets a gene called Dicer1 which produces a protein that plays key roles in regulating the expression of other genes. How these genes affect depression, however, remains unknown at the moment. Although more work needs to be done, these initial findings suggest that targeting β-catenin could lead to a novel way to treat depression. Rather than undoing the negative impacts of stress, scientists may be able to activate natural resilience mechanisms. [Via Nature and Mount Sinai Hospital]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
1. Field of Invention The present invention relates to an Identification (ID) configuration method and particularly to a method of ID configuration for advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC) in a multiprocessor computer system. 2. Related Art As the coming of the information era, the computer system has become one of the essential instruments of people's life. In order to improve the processing efficiency of the computer system, a symmetrical multiprocessor (SMP) system has been developed in the recent years. When the computer system processes a task, the speed of performing the processing task by two processors in parallel is much faster than that by one single processor, similarly, when the processing task is performed by four processors in parallel, its speed is faster than that by two processors. And even when one processor among them is failed, other processors can take over its task to maintain the stability of the computer system. In view of the above advantages, the multiprocessor architecture is adopted by most of the large workstations or server systems For the system level, the multiprocessor system needs two advanced programmable interrupt controllers (APICs) to process the interrupt request (IRQ), in which one is a local APIC located in the central processor units (CPU), the other is an input/output APIC (I/O APIC) belonging to the I/O system, and the two may be connected to each other through an dedicated APIC bus. The local APIC is in charge of processing the local interrupts for the local processors, and may also accept and produce the interrupt request between the processors through the AIPC bus; and the I/O APIC uses a redirection table to redirect an interrupt request sending from one local APIC to another local APIC through the APIC bus. However, the I/O APIC may also cause the system malfunction, and one of the causes is the ID assignment problem when there are a large number of processors. When the computer system is powered on, the IDs stored in the register of each APIC will be set by a basic input output system (BIOS), and the APIC ID needs to be read from the MP configuration table to provide the information required by the operation to the operating system. The MP configuration table stored in the BIOS has its specific format convection, such as the MP configuration table following the Intel MP1.4 specification, i.e. using a specific multiprocessor and architecture. Previously, in the BIOS, the parameter of the CPU's local APIC in the MP configuration table was set first, and its ID is set from 0, while the I/O APIC ID is arranged behind the last CPU's local APIC ID. For example, when there are 8 dual-core CPUs in the computer system, IDs need to be assigned to 16 (8*2) local APICs, and IDs 0˜15 are occupied by each local APIC sequentially, therefore, the I/O APIC IDs should be arranged from 16, and stored in the register of the I/O APIC chipset. But generally, I/O APIC only support the register with limited bits, e.g. the registers of two I/O APICs in the AMD 8131 bridge chip only support 4 bits respectively, that is, it is only possible to be set to 15 (0˜15) at most. When the ID 16 is to be written into the first I/O APIC register, it will be written as 0000 (binary), the same with the first CPU's local APIC ID, as the entire 10000 (16 in the binary) can not be written into, and in that way, a conflict comes into being. Therefore, how to provide an APIC ID configuration method becomes one of the problems to be solved by the researchers.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[Surgical treatment of tumor metastases in the lungs, brain or liver]. Metastases are generally an expression of widespread disease and therefore warrant systemic treatment. However, clinical observations have revealed that local surgical treatment might be beneficial in the case of organ-confined metastatic disease. Randomised studies have revealed that in the case of brain metastases, metastasectomy followed by radiotherapy, has a favourable outcome with respect to both the quality of life and overall survival. Retrospective non-randomised studies in selected patient groups show prolonged post-treatment survival in the case of both lung and liver metastasectomy. The most important prognostic factors for metastasectomy are: disease control elsewhere in the body, tumour species, the patient's general condition, and the possibility of a total resection of the metastasis. These factors form the basis of the separate decision-making process for each individual patient.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
/// @ref simd /// @file glm/simd/integer.h #pragma once #if GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_SSE2_BIT GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER glm_uvec4 glm_i128_interleave(glm_uvec4 x) { glm_uvec4 const Mask4 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000FFFF); glm_uvec4 const Mask3 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00FF00FF); glm_uvec4 const Mask2 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0F0F0F0F); glm_uvec4 const Mask1 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x33333333); glm_uvec4 const Mask0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x55555555); glm_uvec4 Reg1; glm_uvec4 Reg2; // REG1 = x; // REG2 = y; //Reg1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(x, y); Reg1 = x; //REG1 = ((REG1 << 16) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 16) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); Reg2 = _mm_slli_si128(Reg1, 2); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask4); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 8) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 8) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF); Reg2 = _mm_slli_si128(Reg1, 1); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask3); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 4) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 4) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 4); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask2); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 2) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x3333333333333333); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 2) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x3333333333333333); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 2); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask1); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 1) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x5555555555555555); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 1) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x5555555555555555); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 1); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask0); //return REG1 | (REG2 << 1); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 1); Reg2 = _mm_srli_si128(Reg2, 8); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg1, Reg2); return Reg1; } GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER glm_uvec4 glm_i128_interleave2(glm_uvec4 x, glm_uvec4 y) { glm_uvec4 const Mask4 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000FFFF); glm_uvec4 const Mask3 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00FF00FF); glm_uvec4 const Mask2 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0F0F0F0F); glm_uvec4 const Mask1 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x33333333); glm_uvec4 const Mask0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0x55555555); glm_uvec4 Reg1; glm_uvec4 Reg2; // REG1 = x; // REG2 = y; Reg1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(x, y); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 16) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 16) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); Reg2 = _mm_slli_si128(Reg1, 2); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask4); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 8) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 8) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF); Reg2 = _mm_slli_si128(Reg1, 1); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask3); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 4) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 4) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 4); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask2); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 2) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x3333333333333333); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 2) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x3333333333333333); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 2); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask1); //REG1 = ((REG1 << 1) | REG1) & glm::uint64(0x5555555555555555); //REG2 = ((REG2 << 1) | REG2) & glm::uint64(0x5555555555555555); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 1); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg2, Reg1); Reg1 = _mm_and_si128(Reg1, Mask0); //return REG1 | (REG2 << 1); Reg2 = _mm_slli_epi32(Reg1, 1); Reg2 = _mm_srli_si128(Reg2, 8); Reg1 = _mm_or_si128(Reg1, Reg2); return Reg1; } #endif//GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_SSE2_BIT
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201 (Petrillo, Jr. et. al.) describes certain esters of phosphinylalkanoyl prolines or phosphinylalkanoyl substituted prolines as inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). These enzymes convert angiotensin I into angiotensin II, the latter being a powerful vasoconstrictor causing hypertension. Inhibition of ACE results in reduction of blood pressure, thereby improving the quality of life of the patient susceptible to or suffering from hypertension. Among the phosphinylalkanoyl esters described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201 is the compound generically known as fosinopril sodium, marketed under the brand name Monopril®. Fosinopril sodium is administrated orally either alone or in combination with diuretics for treatment of hypertension. It is also used as an adjunct in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Fosinopril is an optically active compound having total four centres of asymmetry, three on carbon and one on phosphorous atom. Out of the sixteen isomers possible for this compound, only one of the isomers is a therapeutic i.e. a pharmaceutical. The desired isomer possessing therapeutic value is [1[S*(R*)], 2α,4β]-4-cyclohexyl-1-[[[2-methyl-1-(1-oxopropoxy)propoxy](4-phenylbutyl)phosphinyl]acetyl]-L-proline, mono-sodium salt and accordingly fosinopril sodium is represented by formula (I). The prior art methods for synthesis of fosinopril, essentially consists of the following: (i) Petrillo, Jr. et. al. in U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201 discloses a process for preparation of phosphinyl alkanoyl proline esters of general formula (3) comprising of reacting a phosphinyl acetic acid of formula (1) with a proline derivative of formula (2), the coupling reaction being accomplished using known amide forming procedures. Alternatively, compound of formula (3) is prepared by alkylation of the hydroxy compound of formula (4) with a halo compound of formula (5), followed by basic hydrolysis. In compounds of formula (1) to (5) mentioned hereinbefore synthesis of fosinopril is achieved and completed when R1 is phenylbutyl; R2 is isobutylpropionate; R3 is hydrogen; R4a is alkyl or arylalkyl, preferably benzyl; R4 is hydrogen; R5 is 4-cyclohexyl proline, n is zero and X is halogen. However, this patent does not: (a) even remotely suggest any method for synthesising to specifically obtain the desired isomer of fosinopril sodium (I), thus making it clear that the product obtained by the methods described in the patent is a mixture of either all possible sixteen isomers or is a mixture of some of the possible isomers, (b) suggest, teach or disclose any method for separating the desired isomer of fosinopril from the mixture of isomers and (c) suggest, teach or disclose any synthesis of esters of phosphinyl alkanoyl prolines with the cycloalkyl group at the 4-position of the proline ring having a (trans) configuration. All examples described in the patent relate to synthesis of such esters with the said cycloalkyl group having a (cis) configuration. The (trans) configuration of the cyclohexyl ring is required in fosinopril sodium. (ii) Petrillo, Jr. et. al. in U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356 describe a method for synthesis of the desired isomer of fosinopril sodium (I), which is an improvement over the general method described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201.It addresses the shortcomings associated with the said U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201. The method disclosed in this patent comprises of alkylating a phosphinyl acetic acid derivative of formula (6) with a haloester of formula (7) in the presence of an organic base selected from triethylamine, pyridine, tripropylamine and DBU to give the corresponding ester of formula (8) as a mixture of two diastereomers. The carboxylic acid ester protective group is removed by hydrogenolysis to give the phosphinyl acetic acid compound of formula (9), which is obtained as mixture of a pair of racemic forms i.e. a mixture of two diastereomers, namely a mixture of compounds of formula (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B); (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D). The racemic mixture of compounds (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B) is separated from the other pair (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D) by recrystallisation from suitable solvents such as isobutyl acetate or methyl isobutyl ketone, which is further resolved by treatment with optically active amines such as L-cinchonidine or other conventional resolving agents to give the resolved salt of enantiomer (9 B). Treatment with a strong acid gives the pure phosphinyl acetic acid isomer (9 B), the desired addendum for further elaboration to fosinopril sodium. Thus, the pure single isomer (9 B) when reacted with trans)-4-cyclohexyl-L-proline gives fosinopril, which is converted to the sodium salt of formula (I) by conventional methods. The chemistry practised in U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356 is schematically summarised in Scheme-1. U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356 further claims that compound (8) including all stereomers thereof, compound (9), including all stereomers thereof i.e. compound (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B); compound (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D) and the intermediate salt of compound (9 B) with the resolving agent are all novel compounds. This further substantiates the earlier observation that separation of such racemic mixtures or diastereomeric mixtures formed in the reaction was never meant to be a part of the spirit and scope of the process(es) disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201. (i) U.S. Pat. No. 5,008,399 (Sedergran et. al.) describes a process which is an improvement over that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356. The improvement effected comprises carrying out the reaction of compound (6) and compound (7) in the presence of organic bases such as 4-methylmorpholine, diazabicyclooctane, quinuclidine, 1-methylpyrolidine or cinchonidine to give compound (8) as a mixture of four isomers, which on hydrogenolysis gives compound (9) as a mixture of two diastereomeric pairs i.e. a mixture of compounds (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B); (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D). The diastereomeric pair is separated and resolved as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356 to give the pure isomer (9 B). U.S. Pat. No. 5,008,399 claims that by utilising the organic bases mentioned therein an increase in diastereoselectivity is achieved affording the racemic mixture of compounds (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B) in a ratio of 1.5 over the other racemic mixture i.e. (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D). This is an improvement over a ratio of 1.2 achieved by employing a base such as triethylamine as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,873,356. An overall increase in efficiency of preparing fosinopril sodium (I) is thus achieved. The processes described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,873,356 and 5,008,399, while leading to the synthesis of fosinopril sodium having the desired optical purity, are associated with the following disadvantages. In particular, the processes of this patent: involves separation of isomers that are mirror images of each other i.e. enantiomers or a racemic mixture (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B) from (9 C) and its mirror image (9 D) requires optical resolution for further separation of the enantiomers (9 A). requires optical resolution for further separation of the enantiomers (9 A) and its mirror image (9 B), involves considerable wastage of the desired isomer (9 B) and utilisation of expensive resolving agents (one to two molar equivalents) and organic bases (about two molar equivalents), in the separation of enantiomers followed by optical resolution thereby resulting in an overall decrease in efficiency and increase in the cost of manufacture of the end product i.e. fosinopril sodium and do not teach or disclose any method for recycling of the unwanted isomers (9 A), (9 C) and (9 D) back to the desired isomer (9 B). (i) Besides the aforementioned process patents, various methods are reported for preparation of key intermediates required for synthesis of fosinopril. For instance, U.S. Pat. No. 4,168,267 (Petrillo, Jr., et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,384,123 (Petrillo. Jr., et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,448,772 (Karanewsky et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,594,199 (Thottathil et. al.) and U.S. Pat. No. 4,602,092 (Thottathil et. al.) disclose processes for synthesis of the phosphinyl acetic acid fragment of fosinopril. U.S. Pat. No. 4,316,905 (Krapcho et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,501,901 (Thottathil et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,588,819 (Thottathil et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,734,508 (Thottathil et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,912,230 (Anderson et. al.), U.S. Pat. No. 4,912,231 (Kronenthal et. al.) and U.S. Pat. No. 4,937,355 (Kloss et. al.) describe processes for synthesis of the optically active (cis/trans)-4-cyclohexyl-L-proline fragment. (ii) In addition, it is known that the sodium salt of fosinopril can exist in two polymorphic forms, designated as Form-A and Form-B. The polymorphic forms differ in their respective solid state IR, 13C NMR and 31P NMR spectra as well as X-ray (powder) diffraction patterns. Of the two forms, Form-A, which is the therapeutic is believed to be thermodynamically more stable. No other polymorphic form for fosninopril sodium has been reported so far. (iii) U.S. Pat. No. 5,162,543 (Grosso et. al.) discloses a selective process for preparation of any one of the two polymorphs of fosinopril sodium as well as a process for inter conversion of one form into the other. Polymorphic Form-A is obtained by crystallisation of fosinopril sodium in a keto or hydroxylic solvent or a mixture thereof in presence of water, the requirement being water should constitute ≧2% or more of the total solvent(s). When the crystallisation is carried out in a keto or hydroxylic solvent or a mixture thereof, wherein the water content is ≦0.2% Form-B is obtained. Rapid evaporation of a methanolic solution of Form-A containing ≦0.2% of water converts it to the other form i.e. Form-B. (iv) The inference one draws from the methods described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,162,543 is that the formation of the respective polymorphs is not only dependent on the solvent employed but also on the amount of water present in the solvents(s). H. G. Brittain et. al. [Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis, 1993, Vol 11 (No. 11/12), pp 1063–1069] describe methods for preparation of the two polymorphic forms. For instance, Form-A is obtained by crystallisation of fosinopril sodium from various organic solvents such as acetone, acetonitrile, alcohols and the like containing water. The authors claim that formation of this polymorphic form is independent of the solvent used as long as the crystallisation is slow. There is no mention on the amount of water that is necessary for formation of this form. Form-B, on the other hand, is obtained by rapid/flash evaporation of the solvent from a solution of fosinopril sodium in that solvent. There are no reports available on the existence of polymorphic forms for other salts of fosinopril, such as alkali metal salts with lithium, potassium, rubidium and cesium or alkaline earth metal salts with beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium or salts of fosinopril with heavy metals. Thus, to summarise the prior art: a) the general methods described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,201 lead to a mixture of all possible sixteen isomers or mixture of some of the possible isomers of fosinopril. No method for separation and isolation of the pure desired isomer is mentioned, b) the specific methods disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,873,356 and 5,008,399, lead to formation of only four isomers of fosinopril. However, enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other are separated from the mixture, c) separation of the pure desired isomer from the racemic mixture calls for optical resolution, d) optical resolution leads to considerable wastage of the desired isomer leading to low efficiency and increase in cost of manufacture, e) no method is described for recycling of the unwanted isomers back to the desired one, and f) formation of polymorphic Form-A of fosinopril sodium is dependent on the solvent(s) employed and the amount of water present in the solvent(s). A need, therefore, exists for a method for the synthesis of fosinopril sodium, which in addition to eliminating/minimising the disadvantages, specially optical resolution associated with the prior art methods, provides a cost-effective and convenient method for synthesis of the objective compound.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Identification and characterization of errors and incidents in a medical intensive care unit. To assess the frequency, type, consequences, and associations of errors and incidents in a medical intensive care unit (ICU). Two-hundred and sixteen consecutive patients with predominantly cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders admitted between December 2002 and February 2003 were enrolled. Demographic data, SAPS II, and TISS-28 were obtained for all patients. Prior to patient enrolment all staff members (physicians, nurses, physiotherapists) were repeatedly encouraged to make use of the Incident Report Form (IRF) and detailed descriptions on how, why and when to use the IRF were provided. During the observation period of 64 days, 50 errors involving 32 patients (15%) were reported. Patients subjected to errors were more severely ill (SAPS II 42 +/- 25 vs. 32 +/- 18, P < 0.05), had a higher hospital mortality (38% vs. 9%), and a longer ICU stay (11 +/- 18 vs. 3 +/- 5 days, P < 0.05). Gender, age and TISS-28 were equally distributed. Each day of ICU stay increased the risk by 8% (odds ratio 1.078, 95% confidence interval 1.034-1.125, P < 0.001), and by 2.3% per SAPS II point (odds ratio 1.023, 95% confidence interval 1.006-1.040, P < 0.001). The majority of errors and incidents were judged as 'human failures' (73%), and 46 errors and incidents (92%) as 'avoidable'. The identification and characterization of errors and incidents combined with contextual information is feasible and may provide sufficient background information for areas of quality improvement. Areas with a high frequency of errors and incidents need to undergo process evaluation to avoid future occurrence.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Albinów, Sokołów County Albinów is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Kosów Lacki, within Sokołów County, Masovian Voivodeship, in east-central Poland. References Category:Villages in Sokołów County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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PARIS — Iran’s largest dissident group is getting a fresh burst of support in its decadeslong push for regime change, as pressure builds on the Islamic regime in Tehran from the inside as well as the outside. A large, boisterous rally here over the weekend was led by the largest opposition organization in Iran of exiles, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a well-connected group that has found new prominence and influence in the strongly anti-Iran Trump administration. The pressure in Iran has been mounting in the weeks since the U.S. pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal. President Trump announced a tightening of oil and other economic sanctions, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unveiled a string of demands to increase the pressure on Tehran, and advocates of regime change such as National Security Adviser John R. Bolton were brought into the administration’s inner circle. Saturday’s rally also was held amid a string of large street protests in Iran over the country’s faltering economy, including traders in the conservative Grand Bazaar in Tehran incensed over a plunge in the value of the currency and persistent workers strikes. Gunfire erupted early Sunday as Iranian security forces confronted protesters rallying against water scarcity in the country’s south. Police officers were among the 11 people reported wounded, according to The Associated Press. Many in Paris insisted that the Iranian regime is at its weakest point in decades. In one measure of the NCRI’s growing clout, some three dozen current and previous officials from the U.S., Europe and Middle East attended the gathering. One of the most prominent U.S. notables was Rudolph W. Giuliani, now the personal attorney for President Trump and a veteran of many NCRI events. Mr. Giuliani made a strong call to ramp up sanctions as the protests in recent months have spread to more than 140 cities. “When they do that, and when these protests continue to grow and grow, this threatens to topple the regime, which means freedom is right around the corner,” he said. “This is the time to put on the real pressure. The sanctions will become greater and greater.” Red and green confetti rained on the crowd, which organizers estimated to be 100,000, right before NCRI leader Maryam Rajavi spoke. The stage became a waving sea of red tulips in homage to the 30,000 MEK members, an NCRI faction, who were executed by the Iranian regime in 1981, still a searing memory in the MEK’s checkered and tragic history. The floral tribute was a nod to an Iranian folk song about red tulips rising from the blood of martyrs. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican, urged European nations that have balked at Mr. Trump’s tough line against Iran to get on board to tighten the economic vise. “We need to insist that [European governments] join the sanctions once again,” Mr. Gingrich said at the rally. The NCRI backed the ouster of the Shah of Iran with other revolutionary groups in 1979 but clashed with the Islamist forces led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini afterward. After losing a vicious power struggle, NCRI leaders now say they renounce violence. On stage at the rally were photos of “ashrafs,” or cells of resistance in Iran. Covert activists inside Iran appeared with their faces covered because many face arrest and imprisonment from a regime that views the group as one of the prime challenges to its authority. A question of influence Despite its influential friends and sophisticated media outreach, analysts are divided over the relevance of the NCRI and other exile dissident groups to the political tensions inside Iran. Mahan Abedin, a British-Iranian journalist for Middle East Eye, said he no longer tracks the group. “They are not important anymore in a strategic sense,” he said by telephone from London. But many consider the group to be the only credible and organized opposition force outside of Iran, with extensive contacts inside the country. The NCRI has pursued its objective of regime change with discipline and laserlike focus. Emblazoned along the stage was a giant banner, in English and Farsi for the #RegimeChangeIran, a hashtag that emerged right after Mr. Pompeo last month laid out a long list of conditions and concessions Iran would have to meet to escape future U.S. pressure. Former Sen. Robert Torricelli, New Jersey Democrat, speaking to The Washington Times on the sidelines of the huge Paris gathering, praised the NCRI’s organizational strength and persistence. “It’s their intensity, it’s their strength, it’s their willingness to sacrifice, and it’s the appeal of their messaging,” he said. Ms. Rajavi inspired intense fealty from her large cohort of followers, an intensity that critics say verges on cult status. On Saturday, clad in her customary turquoise blue hijab and suit, she reiterated the NCRI’s plan for freedom and democracy in Iran, which includes separation of church and state, gender equality and freedom of expression in an Iran free of nuclear weapons. After Ms. Rajavi spoke, the people in the crowd, wearing yellow vests to symbolize the sun in the Iranian crest, stood up to show the sign on their backs, which read, “Every moment for the uprising.” The strong showing of dignitaries from leading Western countries included former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Stephen Harper, a former prime minister of Canada. Among the U.S. officials present were Bill Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations; former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh; and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Donya Jam, a 23-year-old graduate student studying human rights and European history at George Mason University, took time off from her studies to help plan the rally. A Christian whose parents fled Iran because of religious persecution, she has never visited Iran. “I will not step foot in Iran until it is free,” she said. Sign up for Daily Newsletters Manage Newsletters Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Transient azomethine-ylides from a stable amino-carbene and an aldiminium salt. Catalytic amounts of a protic reagent such as tert-butyl alcohol promote the isomerization of a stable amino-aryl-carbene into a transient azomethine ylide. Deprotonation of an alkyl-aldiminium salt also leads to a transient azomethine ylide, but labeling experiments rule out the transient formation of the corresponding amino-alkyl-carbene. The potential hypersurface between model amino-carbene, aziridine, and azomethine ylide is investigated.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
African presidents urge Congo rebels to abandon war People displaced by recent fighting in eastern Congo wait to receive aid food in Mugunga IDP camp outside of Goma. Photo by Reuters African leaders have called on eastern rebels in Democratic Republic of Congo to abandon their aim of toppling the government and leave the city of Goma they captured this week. The appeal came from heads of state of the central African Great Lakes region who fear that if left unchecked the offensive by the M23 rebels could drag the volatile, ethnically-diverse and mineral-rich region back into another bloody conflict. A statement signed by the regional leaders meeting in the Ugandan capital Kampala urged the M23 to abandon its threat to overthrow the elected government in Kinshasa and to "stop all war activities and withdraw from Goma". It proposed deploying a joint force at Goma airport comprising of a company of neutral African troops, a company of the Congolese army (FARDC) and a company of the M23. The leaders told M23 "to withdraw from current positions to not less than 20km from Goma town within two days", but did not say what the consequences would be if the rebels did not comply. The rebel M23 movement, which has announced it intends to "liberate" all of Congo and march on the capital Kinshasa 1000 miles to the west, said it was still waiting to hear back from its political representative who was in Kampala. But it expressed initial scepticism about a proposed joint deployment in Goma that included government troops returning. "Will the population accept that? I doubt it. The population sees that M23 has changed things. With the (Congolese army) it was just harassment," M23 military spokesman Vianney Kazarama told Reuters. Regional and international leaders are scrambling to halt the fighting in eastern Congo, fuelled by a mix of local and regional politics, ethnic rifts and competition for large reserves of gold, tin and coltan. The region has suffered multiple uprisings and invasions over the last 20 years. The meeting in Kampala brought together Congo's President Joseph Kabila and the heads of state of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. But Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who has vehemently denied accusations by Congo and U.N. experts that his government is supplying, supporting and directing the M23 rebellion, did not attend the summit, although he sent his foreign minister. As the regional leaders met in Uganda, the Congolese government army reinforced its positions southwest of rebel-held Goma, in what appeared to be a move to block any further advance by the insurgents, who have routed Congolese army forces backed by United Nations peacekeepers. The Great Lakes heads of state also proposed that U.N. peacekeepers present in and around Goma should provide security in a neutral zone between Goma and the new areas seized by M23. They said police that were disarmed in Goma by the rebels should also be re-armed so they can resume working. GOMA SITUATION "A MESS" In the Congolese capital Kinshasa, authorities banned protests, citing the need to keep order in what national police chief Charles Bisengimana called a "undeclared state of war". Goma was calm on Saturday, but UK-based international charity Oxfam said the city's resources were being strained by the influx of more than 100,000 people displaced by the recent fighting, many of them taking shelter in schools and churches. "The Goma situation is a mess .. we've just got the green light to set up another camp, because all the other sites are full already," Tariq Riebl, Oxfam's humanitarian programme coordinator, told Reuters. Riebl said M23 was allowing Oxfam to operate. "The main thing is access, and we have that. They (the rebels) are not al Shabaab or the Taliban," he said. Goma has been a regional HQ for the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Congo, known as MONUSCO, which has a 17,000 strong force across the huge country. MONUSCO is tasked with assisting government troops keep the peace and protect civilians. MONUSCO has faced criticism inside and outside Congo for not doing enough to halt the rebels when the Congolese army fled Goma, but U.N. officials have argued it is not the mandate of the U.N. peacekeepers to directly engage the insurgents. U.N. helicopter gunships fired at the rebels but were unable to beat them back at Goma, U.N. officials said. Congolese government troops attempted a counter-offensive against the advancing rebels this week but were forced to pull back to the town of Minova on Lake Kivu, leaving a trail of soldiers' bodies and abandoned equipment in their wake. "We are going to defend Minova, but we'll also try to push back the rebels," Congo army (FARDC) spokesman Olivier Hamuli said. Reinforcements were on their way to the front, he said. M23 forces moved south through the hills towards Minova, in a strategic position on the road to Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu province. The rebels have said that Bukavu is their next objective and have vowed to sweep across the vast nation to Kinshasa if Kabila does not agree to talks. Kabila, who has said he is willing to hear the rebels' grievances, appointed a new interim head of ground forces late on Friday. General Francois Olenga Tete takes over from former army boss General Gabriel Amisi, who was suspended on Thursday over charges he had sold arms to other eastern rebels. A MONUSCO spokesperson in Goma said around 10 women were raped in Minova by retreating Congolese soldiers. The Congolese army, FARDC, said some soldiers had been arrested and sent to Bukavu for looting and extortion, but it denied there had been rapes.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Sunday, July 01, 2007 Anyone speak Portuguese? I've found canal*MOTOBOY, which looks like a very interesting photoblog by motorcyclists in São Paulo, but am hindered more than a tad by my poor language skills. There's a bit more information here, which is where I found the first link. I've also been looking at some of the corredor -running videos on YouTube. [via The Abaporu Project]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Dosimeter placement in the Rando phantom. Each section of the Alderson Rando phantom contains a tissue-equivalent plastic coating layer approximately 2 mm thick, applied to both faces. This compensates for material removed in the sawing process. Conventional use of thermoluminescent dosimeters positions them totally or partially within the coating layer. Analysis shows that, in the lung region, dosimeters placed in this layer received a dose averaging 39% lower than those placed at midsection. Where bony structures interfere, some dosimeters in the coating layer received an 18% higher dose than those at midsection. Therefore, positioning dosimeters at the center of a section is recommended.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Check out our new site Makeup Addiction add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption Finds golf club on the course Keeps it
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
New Perl Releaase 5.8.4 is a maintenance release for perl 5.8, incorporating various minor bugfixes and optimisations. This release updates Perl to the Unicode Character Database, Version 4.0.1, and fixes some minor errors in Perl's UTF8 handling. It provides optimisations for Unicode case conversion functions, map and sort, and on most platforms now provides protection against memory wrapping attacks. Please see the perldelta for the full details. Please report bugs using the perlbug utility. If the build or regression tests fail, make nok. If the build fails to early to run this, please mail perlbug at perl.org directly. This is a source code release, not a binary release. You will need a C development environment to build the sources. Binary releases will be made available by various vendors. 5.8.5 is planed for release in July 2004, concentrating on bug fixing and stability, and will be followed by further 5.8.x releases. To build and install Perl, and to find out how to report problems, please read the INSTALL file, and any relevant README.platform file. As specified in the licenses for Perl (see the files named Artistic or Copying), THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. As always, you should conduct an appropriate level of testing before using any new product in your production environment. The "perldelta", which describes the most important changes for this release is available in the source distribution, or at:
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Need help with HttpWebRequest on a Compact Framework Project not so long ago I´ve created a small iphone app for my Daily use. Now I want to port this app to a Windows Mobile Device while using C# and the Compact Framework. But I really have no clue how to use the HttpWebRequest and the msdn doesn´t help me either. I think I have a lag of understanding on how Web Requests work in general. In the iPhone app I have the following lines code: NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://xxx:[email protected]/RPC2"]]; [theRequest setHTTPMethod:@"POST"]; [theRequest addValue:@"text/xml" forHTTPHeaderField:@"content-type"]; [theRequest setCachePolicy:NSURLCacheStorageNotAllowed]; [theRequest setTimeoutInterval:5.0]; NSString* pStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><methodCall><methodName>xxx.SessionInitiate</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>LocalUri</name><value><string></string></value></member><member><name>RemoteUri</name><value><string>xxxx</string></value></member><member><name>TOS</name><value><string>text</string></value></member><member><name>Content</name><value><string>%@</string></value></member><member><name>Schedule</name><value><string></string></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall>", number.text, TextView.text]; NSData* pBody = [pStr dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [theRequest setHTTPBody:pBody]; NSURLConnection *theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest delegate:self]; The Webservice has no wsdl so I have to use the HttpWebRquest Object in .Net CF. What I didn´t get is, where to put the Body (the long XML) in my Request? HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"https://xxx:[email protected]/RPC2"); req.Method = @"POST"; req.ContentType = @"test/xml"; req.Timeout = 5; I started this way, is the first line it´s own HttpWebRequest and for the XML Body I have to create anotherone?! How do I use it correctly, how do I send it? Sorry if this might be normaly totaly easy but I really don´t get it. I´ve searched the web, 2 Books and the msdn but in every tutorial is only a Webrequest with an URL but without a body. Thank you twickl A: You need to write the POST data to the request stream. HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"https://username:[email protected]/RPC2"); req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "test/xml"; req.Timeout = 5; using (Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream()) using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Write("PUT THE XML HERE"); } using (StreamReader reader = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
/* * Copyright 2010-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #import "EC2Response.h" /** * Authorize Security Group Ingress */ @interface EC2AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse:EC2Response { } @end
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The adventures of two sisters + food enthusiasts as they bake, cook, and eat anything, anywhere. January 31, 2012January 25, 2012 Khayyam Restaurant, Brookline I think the Persian language sounds absolutely beautiful and I have been wanting to try Persian food for years. There are several Persian restaurants in Watertown such as Jasmine (under the same ownership of Khayyam), Molana and Shiraz and Beacon Hill’s Lala Rokh, all I have not been to yet. Initially, I was going to go to Khayyam restaurant for dinner, however my friend who is half Iranian, persuaded me to try their less expensive lunch menu. We ordered from the Monday through Friday Lunch menu on a Saturday. Because it was not a week day, the restaurant added an additional dollar to each item . There were several customers who ordered take out during our visit and it seems like a great option if one lives in the immediate area. Persian black tea scented with cardamom Chicken Barg, thick strips of lightly orange hued, juicy marinated boneless chicken breast skewered and grilled on an open fire. Both of our plates were served with white basmati rice, salad and velvety hummus for $7.99. Unfortunately, the POS system was down so the time to receive the check was a bit delayed. My friend described that several Persian dishes utilizes rose-water and oftentimes sumaq spice is sprinkled on rice. Next time, I will have to get the Dolmeh Moe, tender grape leaves stuffed with mixed herbs & rice, baklava and Dough, salty yogurt drink with mint flavor.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
With the advent of VR, and along with its accessories, finding good VR games that suit your needs and preferences may still prove to be a challenge. But 2017 is the year when tech giants will release their big titles and expect a really big movement in the gaming industry. VR gaming is a new turf, an acquired taste. While some people are still enjoying their old school online casinos with latest casino bonus offers, more and more people are transitioning to a more fun-filled virtual reality gaming. Especially not that both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift have gone on sale and PlayStation VR I awaits in the corner for a grand reveal. Do not fret, friends, we have come up with the best VR games you should definitely check out this year. These titles come different brands and cover many genres so it would not be hard to choose what’s good for you regardless of whether you wish to play using a console, mobile, or a Windows PC. Elite: Dangerous The Elite brand and franchise have been in the industry for more or less 30 years, and it is alive and well. David Braben, the creator, was able to reacquire its license ushering a rebirth. Getting the original elements from its predecessor which includes exploring, trading, and involving in combat in an alternate universe, Elite: Dangerous is a version for the modern world and targets audience that crave the technologically advance century. It even has a vast and vivid representation of our place in the galaxy. The best thing about Elite: Dangerous is that it can be played in many platforms which means you are able to enjoy the game both online or in VR. Perfect There will come a time when you will feel sluggish to play hardcore games, or perhaps you wish to rest your eyes for a bit before tackling head-on the boss stage, Perfect is indeed perfect for you! It is not totally a game, per se, but more of an app that lets you relax. You are able to choose from more than three outdoor destinations, which include their own daily and nightly sequences. If you think you have an explorer side, this is for you. You are also able to play with different objects found in the virtual world like rocks, trees, water, and you will be delighted to know what happens next. Eagle Flight If you could still remember when this certain game was released on Nintendo 64 where you would soar in the clouds and jump through hoops in order to complete game objectives? Eagle Flight is a bit like that, but instead, the gameplay is more minimalistic and you play as an eagle. This game can be played on multi-platforms including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR. This game gives you the freedom to explore the skies of Paris five decades after humanity has ceased to exist. Surgeon Simulator This game may also be about aliens just like Alien Isolation but instead of fighting or running away from them, you are tasked to chip away at their insides. You will be doing brain and heart transplants. It is fun especially when played using a VR headset. Minecraft VR Minecraft has arrived in the virtual reality world, and many fans think it’s long overdue. Minecraft Windows 10 edition is now also available on the Oculus Rift, and you would not even have to shell out tons of cash just to enjoy the experience. It can also be played using the Samsung Gear VR. Imagine playing your favorite all-time game on VR, how fun can it be? Eve: Valkyrie Set faraway in deep, modern space, Eve: Valkyrie is a fast-paced, group space simulator that gives you a very real experience. The gameplay is centered on combat styles which gives the game a bit more realistic and better than other games under the same genre. You need not look further if you wish to enjoy an arcade-like game but does not take much of your time, Eve: Valkyrie is the best pick for you. Pool Nation VR There will come a moment when you and your friends wish to play pool but could not find the motivation to go to a bar. Say no more, friends! Pool Nation is here. The game does not fall short if we take the billiard experience into consideration. The beers along the sides of the pool table are even present in the game. The game is fun, comical, and visually pleasing without compromising its realistic representation. Dear Esther The beauty of VR gaming is that it gives you a sense of presence in an alternate world and the ability to interact with it. With VR environment, Dear Esther shine brightly as a “walking simulator” game. Being an exploration-type of game, Dear Esther tasks you to roam around an isolated island in Scotland, exploring its heights and hidden gems. Imagine playing a game while you just wander aimlessly. This could be good for people who are pondering about a decision as the environment may help you think clearly. Dying Light If you are a fan of post-apocalyptic games wherein zombies rule the world and all you have to do is survive by all means possible (close combat, lots of running) then Dying Light is good for you. It is a not so official sequel to Dead Island. The graphics and stunning visual make up for what they fell short in storyline. There you have them! We hope that you’re able to find the best game for your taste and needs. Note that not all of these games are available through all platforms, so be sure to check it out first. What we can guarantee is you will not waste any time or money playing these games. Have you played any of the games we listed above? If so, let us know what you think when it comes to its gameplay, storyline, and graphics! We would love to hear about your opinion. Do this by leaving a comment below. Share this: Saurabh Mukhekar is a Tech Blogger from Pune, India. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Google+ Just amazing and interesting information you provided here about VR games. There are nice list of all the VR games.I really love this type of game and some time I will play this also.By the way thanx for sharing all the games !
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }