Unfaithfull wife (part 2)
Part of 2 the day of the castration
` During the two weeks after she had agreed to castrate her husband John Susan found herself getting sexual excited every time she thought about it. The one evening whilst lying in bed with John she reached over to him with her left hand, grabbed his tiny cock, and started to play with it. As she did, she laughed at him and said, “If you a very good boy Russ might let you watch him fuck me.” John’s breathing showed that the idea of watching Russ fucking his wife Susan excited him and then his cock confirmed it by getting hard and erect. This made Susan laugh louder at him making his cock get harder the more she laughed at him. “But if you’re a bad boy then I won’t let you watch and I will crush your balls in my hands.” Purred Susan sexily. This made John’s cock throb excitedly prompting Susan to continue talking as she started to rub her hand up and down his tiny cock shaft. “If you’re very bad I will bite off your tiny cock and balls and eat them.” This made John very excited causing him to thrust his hips back and forward as Susan wanked him off “Oh, yes please I think you should do that. I mean bite off my cock and balls even if I have not been bad. I want you to eat them if you really want to darling.” “I think I might just do that the next time Russ fucks me. In fact I might just bite them off as he cums in me.” As she said this John gave a long loud moan, came onto Susan’s hand, and groaned “OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH yes bite off my cock and balls as Russ’s big lovely cock fills your sexy pussy with his hot divine cum.” ` Susan laughed to herself and then punched John as hard as she could in his balls as a punishment for shooting his vile cum onto her lovely sadistic hand. Then she punched him hard in his face just for the fun of it and made him kiss her feet and pussy. Kicking John out of the way, she picked up the phone in the bedroom and asked Russ to call round and fuck her whilst John watched. It only took Russ about 30 minutes to get round and 2 minutes to get naked and hard enough to start fucking Susan as John watched them. As he fucked, Susan Russ dragged John closer to them, pulled his cock and balls, and made Susan open her mouth and take them into it. Then as he fucked her with his huge lovely hard cock, he panted for her to start to bite through John’s cock and balls. “Go on darling do it to me eat them, bite them off.” Begged John. This made Russ thrust his cock harder and faster into Susan as her urged her to bite harder into Johns manhood. Then as she started to bite down on him Susan noticed that her 10 year old neighbour Anne had crept into the house and was playing with her own pussy and clit as she watched them through the slightly opened bedroom door. The sight of her young sexy neighbour masturbating herself as she watched her start to bite off her with husband small manhood as her stud lover fucked drove her wild with sexual excitement. She made firm sawing motions with her teeth and rocked her head from side to side as she as she bit down hard onto John’s cock and balls forcing her teeth through his skin. The taste of his blood and flesh excited and made her feel elated as Russ fucked her and Anne watched. Then as her teeth finally sliced off John’s manhood John came in her making her cum sending Anne into her own orgasm as she watched them. Pulling up her panties Anne waved to Susan and blew her a kiss and left. To be continued. * * *
I'd Give My Left Nut
17 year old Jared gets even with the High school hunk AND his miserable bitch!
I’d Give MY Left Nut by Boy Sucker Trey Swenson was da man! Just 18, with piercing ice blue eyes.6 foot 1 of man-boy with sandy blonde hair, 6pak abs and a smooth body with a wispy white blonde treasure trail that lead right to heaven. Every girl (and every boy who dared to admit it) at Middleton High lusted after Trey. Fittingly, everyone whispered that Trey also had the dick to complete this fantasy package. Classroom gossip estimated Trey’s package at a little over 8 inches hard…and nearly as big around as your wrist. My name is Jared Lindsey. I’m 17 and junior at Middleton. I am gay. Not that anyone knows this, but I can confirm the rumors about Trey’s penis. Trey is straight, of course, but like everyone else I thought he was the ultimate hottie and I know he caught me checking out the perfect dick that went the perfect body. Right around the holidays last year, I was at a party at some friends house from school. Everybody was drinkin’ and rollin’ on X. Trey was there, too with trophy girl friend, Chrystal. She was not in anyway a cool human being. she was always causing trouble and spreading lies about people. She was kinda like the chick in the movie “Cruel Intentions”, pretty and charming on the outside, so cold and calculating on the inside that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. As I cruised the party with my friend Cameron, I noticed Trey bent over the couch trying to wake Chrystal who had one drink too many and was out cold. We were all pretty lit from the effects of drinks and chemicals and Trey was no exception. He kept shaking his prone princess and saying “c’mon Chrys…I gotta get home! Chrys! I got practice at 7am…” Then he turned around and “hey bro…could you get me home? I’m gonna be so screwed.” I waited for who ever was apparently behind me to answer, and suddenly I realized he was talking to me! “Gerald” he said looking right at me, “are you that tweaked that you’ve gone deaf?” Gerald ??? “Oh, it’s Jared” I sort of mumbled back. Trey sort of rolled his glazed eyes and said “Jared, Jarhead…whatever, can you please give me a lift home. My dumb ass bitch is wasted” “Sure” I managed. Up to this point, Trey hard hardly acknowledged my existence, so him asking me for a ride was hardly what I expected. I quickly arranged for Cameron to get a ride home with Justin in time to hear Trey yelling “Hey, Jerome…where the fuck are ya, I need to get home, bro!” “Dude, the names Jared. I’m ready now, Trey” I said pushing my way through the rockin’ and “rollin” revelers. My mind started to go wild at thought of a very fucked up Trey, in my car alone, for what would be a good 30 minute ride to his house. Maybe he’d pass out in the car, I thought to myself. Maybe while he was out he’d get wood and…suddenly the outside chill snapped me back to reality. “You OK to drive, Jermaine? “ Trey said as he slid gingerly on to the cold passenger seat. I thought I’d have a little fun of my own as I replied “I’m fine, TROY. Just chill and I’ll have you home in no time”. Trey said “No prob, bro just checkin’.” Whoa, he was lit up big time. He didn’t even catch that I’d called him Troy. This was gonna be an interesting ride. Trey eased the seat back as I pulled on to the two lane road. He sort of spread his legs apart, trying to get himself comfortable in the rather small seat of my Honda Civic. There seemed to be quite a bulge in his jeans, but I didn’t dare let myself start thinking about that. He almost seemed to be slipping off to sleep when said “Fucking Chrystal Methamphetamine!” Startled, I said “What! ?” I didn’t know you were doin’ that!” “No, that’s what I call that ignert bitch Chrystal when she’s not around”, he said giggling. I laughed, too. It was good to have the ice broken. Still laughing, I said “Dude, that really sucks! No ride home and no blow job! That’s fucked up! I couldn’t believe I just said that out loud. Shit, I thought. Much to my surprise, Trey was still snickering. Whew, I said under my breath. Then, he looked right at me and said “with that self righteous fuckin’ bitch, there’s NEVER a blow job. She’s like eeewwwww…I’m not putting my mouth on that…yuk!” My brain was starting to spin out of control, my heart started racing and yep… here comes Mr Stiffy. Trey announced “It’s Woody!” Oh My GOD! He noticed, I thought as I broke out in a sweat. “Someones got a hard on.” I glanced out the corner of my eye to see that he was staring at the lump in his own pants, not at me. “I always get so fuckin’ crazy when I’m coming off X. Lemme ask you something..uh Joe…Jer, what’s your name again, dude?” “Gerald…uh Jared. I’m so wound up…I spaced for a sec, Trey. What did you wanna ask?, I barely spit out. “ I heard that you’re…you know, like Bi or somethin’” Trey said in sort of a soft whisper. “Bullshit!” I said, “That is fucking bullshit!” Trey sort of pulled back and said “Dude, I’msorry…I” “I am not Bi. I am GAY” I managed as I busted out laughing! After a stunned silence, Trey roared “Fuck you…you cocksucker…er um no offense.” We both started laughing like complete fools. I pulled the car over and said “Trey, your pants are gonna explode if you don’t that dick outta there”, I said “and I bet you’d like a good blow job, too. I love to suck dick, dude.” Trey, fumbling for words said “ I always heard that guys do it better” “Whatever, just take it out and let me suck it” I told him. I was not of a mind to play games. Here, by my side was the hunk of hunks that any red blooded faggot would give his left nut to be with. As Trey pulled his jeans down, I think I fell in love on the spot. There…inches away, was a dick that I though only existed in pornos. A throbbing pink mushroom head, leaking pre-cum, probably near 8 inches, the skin was darker below the circumcision scar…but what really blew me away was the thickness! Trey’s penis was as big around as a coke can. “So…have you actually sucked dick before?” Trey demanded. I didn’t say anything. I just lean over and wrapped my lips around this magnificent organ. Trey had that awesome aroma that only boys in heat seem to have. “Mother fucker!” Trey mumbled “I wanna make you my own personal bitch, dude.” After about 20 seconds of sucking, Trey nearly blew the back of my head off with an explosion of boy cum. “Yeah, dude…take it” he said as I struggled to swallow as fast as the shower of juice filled my mouth. As the eruption slowed, Trey started to give the surprise of my young life. Without a word, he reached over and undid my pants and reached to my damp crotch and grabbed my 6 inch boy dick slick with pre- cum. “You have got one awesome mouth, bro. Can I give you something to remember me by?” whispered Trey. I managed something “uh huh” before the most sickening, gut wrenching pain I had ever felt began, followed by an awful popping sound. It was morning when I came to, alone in my car on a country road with my pants around my knees. The awful aroma of vomit wafted into my nose as I noticed the ugly bruise on the left side of my young nutsack. I felt…and it seemed as though my left nut was flat. Another wave of nausea swept over me as I passed out again. To be continued
The Housewife's Party #1
A wife has her husband’s balls removed, tells her friends, and shows them photos of him, now they all want their husbands done.
** One of my favorite pass times for relaxing, is surfing the net. I don’t know why, but I clicked on the past history button. Bingo a whole page of items came up, as I read the topics, I thought to myself, I don’t remember being on all those sites. They seem to be sex related, so I began searching some of them. Sure enough there was a bunch of sex topics, among them. Several sites were about male castration, and the benefits of having it done. I thought to myself, that’s scary, just thinking about having that done. A funny thing though as I read a couple of them I suddenly developed a ripping hard on. As I sat there reading them, I was wondering, who the devil had been on my computer, and into those sites. It most certainly had to be my wife, as your kids were grown and gone. But I thought, all she used the computer for was to find recipes. I didn’t say anything to her, just kept checking the history files from time to time, to see what she had been reading. Our sex live had been little to none for the past 4 to 5 years, much to my dismay. I sure couldn’t figure out what her interest in castration was. Several weeks later we were at a friends house for dinner, and some how the topic of horny husbands came up, My wife piped up and said, heck just cut their nuts off and they will stop that. We all laughed at the remark, But it got me thinking, I believe she really ment it. Later on that night I heard her talking to our friends wife, and I heard her say, " ya, eunuch’s make good house boys". I didn’t get the rest of the conversation, as much as I would have liked to. I kept checking the computer history, and sure enough she had been on it surfing BME and other sites about castration, plus reading many of the stories about it. Several weeks later, I was trying to get a little one night, and she was putting me off as usual. I got a little pissed, and said, I might as well go get my nuts cut off so I won’t want it any more. She just looked at me and smiled, but said nothing. Several weeks later, she said to me, were you really serious when you said, you might as well get castrated, yes, why I asked. Well she said, there is a Doctor about 20 miles from here that can do it if you want, on an outpatient basis. I asked her, you really want me to get it done? Sure she said, if it will cut down your sex drive, and you won’t be hounding me all the time for it. OK I said, make me an appointment. The next evening when I got home, she said, I had an appointment with the Doc. in two weeks from Friday at 2 pm. A chill ran down my spine, thinking about it. I had been looking at several eunuch’s on the web and I really liked the look with no nuts, and the sack removed. She said, did I want the sack removed at the same time or not. Yep I said, might as well do the whole job at once, and get it over with. I do want one thing though, I said, I want to preserve them in a jar, just to remember, what I once had. She seemed OK with that. Well setting the date, did do something, that night she played with my nuts for about an hour when we went to bed. Just think she said, in two weeks I will really be able to hold them in my hand, Just the thought of what she said, provided me with a large hard on. She grabbed my hard cock and remarked and I won’t have to put up with that, any more. Knowing I was to loose them in a few days, she paid more attention to them, than she had in the last five years. The day finally rolled around, she jumped in the shower with me, with razor in hand, and did a great shave job, on me. It felt funny with all my hair shaved off. When she was done, She kneeled down and started sucking on my cock. She said she wanted to empty them before they were cut, I had no objection to that. By noon we were on our way to the Doc’s office. We arrived at one forty five, and they took us right in, the Doctor to my surprise was a female, and a pretty good looking one at that. She asked the wife if she wanted to watch and maybe even participate in the operation, with a little hesitation, my wife said OK, and went into the operating room with us. I was to disrobe and get up on the operating table. Sitting there, I looked down at my two happy nuts setting there, totally unaware that they would be dead in a few minutes, and be in a jar in my wives pocket book. A nurse strapped me to the table, and painted my crotch with a disinfectant. The Doc. than said, I would have local injections, and would be fully awake, and I could watch the whole operation if I liked. That was fine with me. With the reality of what was about to happen, I now had the biggest hard on I have ever had before in my life. The nurse then got some tape, and taped it to my stomach, out of the way. She then proceeded to inject my groin and nuts to numb them, and with the last shot in my left nut, I exploded with a huge load of cum, all over my stomach and chest, my last load. My nuts now only had but a very few minutes to live, as the Doc. picked up the scalpel and made one slice down the middle of my sack, and gently she put pressure on both sides of my sack and out popped both testicles. My wife remarked, oh my god, look at them, they are beautiful. The Do. then yanked hard on them and they stretched about a foot from my body. She then tied off the blood vessels, and turned to my wife and said, do you want to make the final cuts. Trembling ,she got up and took the scissors and cut where the Doc. showed her, and they both fell into the pan between my legs, they were now dead but still dribbling sperm out of them. I also manage one last climax, just as she cut the last one off. The Doc. finished up with the cords, then put a large clip on my sack, the nurse pulled up on the clip and the Doc. ran the scalpel around the clip and off came my sack, as clean as could be. A few more stitches and I was pronounced a eunuch. A few bandages and I was off the table, on my feet and ready to go home, with instructions to return in three days for a look see and if all was well I should be healed pretty much in three weeks or so. I was healing so well, I had the bandages off in four days, and in ten days it looked just about healed. My wife was so excited with my new look, she got out the camera and shot a bunch of photos of me. Several weeks after that, one afternoon I came home early and my wife had several of her friends over for tea. As I entered the room, I guess I caught them by surprise, as they were trying to cover something on the coffee table. I caught a glimpse of them, they were the after photos of me she had taken, after the operation. Later that evening, she told me she had shown them to the girls, and three of the girls wanted their husbands done. When they saw the photos they got all excited over my nice clean look. Two weeks later we were invited to dinner at one of the girls house. When we got there, we found out there were several other couples there also. Later I found out, what was really up. Seems these women had talked it up to their husbands, so we were all invited for dinner to discuss the subject. Believe it or not, my wife even had me drop my pants, and show the group what a real eunuch looked like. To my surprise the women were all delighted with what they saw, and the men seemed to be very interested also. Several days later I ran into one of the gals that was at the dinner, with her husband. She asked if we could go get a cup of coffee, as she had wanted to discuss something with me, so off we went to StarBucks. She said, she had been working on her husband, and he was willing to go through with it, as were three of her other friend’s husbands. Her thought was, lets have a party soon, I could be the Master of Ceremonies, and if I could get the Doctor to come and do all the guys at one time, it would be lots of fun. I said I would check with the Doc. and see if a house call could be arranged. Damm, she was dancing, all grins, she said, let her know as soon as possible, and she would make all the arrangements, for the event. As we parted she was walking on cloud nine. The next day I checked with the Doctor, that did me, she said, no problem, that she could do all four, at the same time, at this gal’s house. She said that a Friday night, would be best, as they would have a couple of days to recover, at least before the new week started. Just to be sure, I checked to see if she could do a penectomy also that night if asked. Not really, she said she needed a well equipped operating room, for that, just in case the unexpected happened. Fine I said, just thought I would ask, No problem she replied. How did you ever get four men to want it done, she asked. You can blame that on my wife I said, she got to talking to her friends and showed them the photos she had taken, then finally, me live, and I guess that did it, they all went bonkers, and wanted their men done too. So we thought it would be fun to make a cutting party out of it, sounds good she said, let me know the date, OK? So I can plan for it. Great, I said, I will let you know, bye, bye. When I got home and told the wife, she got all excited, and beamed like a five year old. Got right on the phone, and called her friends. I could hear her say, " hay it’s a big go, we can start making plans right now, yep soon as possible". We can start getting things together, it looks right now that in three weeks there would be four more eunuch’s in the world. We all would meet here, one week before the party, and go over the things we had to do for the cutting, and who’s house it would be at, and so on. I must say, since all this has happened to me, my wife has given me more sex, than in the last ten years. I still, am not having any troubles getting a raging hard on yet. The Doc. said if I used it a lot, it would work for a much longer time, before I needed the patches, and she was right. All of a sudden, all the women in the group were acting, as if they had just discovered sex again, in their lives. They talked about it openly, and would giggle, and laugh, and taking about it, there was a big difference, several other guys noticed it also. I must say though that a couple of the guys were getting nervous about, loosing their nuts, as the days got closer, and only two of them wanted their sacks removed at the same time. Two thought if they didn’t like it, they could have fakes implanted back in the sack, and nobody would be the wiser. My wife started talking about, possibly having a little party, oh, once a month, with the folks that were neutered, for a little harmless sex fun, seen we were all one hundred percent safe from having kids, we could enjoy ourselves, and live out our fantasies. Sounded good to me. Maybe I would get to play with the gal down the street I had, had my eye on. I sure liked my new look, without my nuts, I looked about three inches longer, and if I can loose a few pounds, it would probability make me look even larger. So for the next three weeks the women were flitting around, making arrangement’s for our little party. The men were getting a lot of sex, also, before they were chopped. Tensions was starting to rise. one week before the party they were all at my house, planing the arrangements, the women decided to wear bathing suits, to the event, or could be nude if they liked. If they wanted to be nude thought they would have to shave their pusses of all hair. We would decide whether, all the guys would be cut at once, or done one at a time. The women were more in favor of, one at a ,time, as they said, the thrill of the cutting, would last longer for them, plus, the excitement of doing it. All the cuttings would be video taped, but no faces would be taped. The wife’s could do the final cut if she liked. The men would be only under local anesthesia, and would be awake and watching the hole procedure take place. If the men were done one at a time, they would have thirty minutes for their wives to do what they wanted to do, with them for that time. Everyone wanted to keep their goodies, and I was to get the jars, and the formaldehyde, for the job. We would all go out to Dinner, at an Italian Restaurant, meet at six there, and be finished by eight, then off to Jake and Lisa’s house, at the edge of town, as they had a farm with no close neighbors. It would start at nine o’clock, and all would be cut, by eleven. All in all there would be ten couples there, including the ones to be cut. All the couples invited had the choice of bathing suit, or nude, if they attended. As we discussed the plans, I looked around the room and all the males had bulges in their pants, including me. The women seemed, real excited about the whole affair too, and it was almost like when we were kids, waiting for Christmas to come. Up to this time no one there, ever talked about sex, or anything like that when we were together. They were very straight laced, for all we knew. But not now, as the excitement grew, they discussed it a lot. With all the issues settled we said our good nights and said "See you all at the restaurant at six next Friday". ( Part 2 to follow) ** * * *
The Ultimate Match Part II
Two former high school wrestlers meet up again for one last match on the mats. In the end, only one will walk away with his manhood intact...
` Here is Part II and the conclusion of one of my all-time favorite stories ever written. It appears to have been written by an author who differs from that of Part I. ` From: RLWIII ([email protected])Subject: Testicle abuse story Here is a story I found,...enjoy. Jake and Bobby return: In our last episode Jake and Bobby wrestled each other until Jake passed out due to repeated slams and hammering to his balls. Bobby was initially attacked by Jake the bully and turned the tables. A few years pass.... Jake, now 24, works out regularly at a local gym for about 3 hours each day. Weighing in at about 195lbs and standing 6'2" Jake commands respect from the local jocks. He spends his day mowing lawns for the city department. While riding around in the sun he has attained a dark brown tan. Jake likes to show off his massive pecs. Flexes them at girls as they ride by. His 6-pack abs ripple as he bounces around. His muscular "Christmas tree" back is strong from being bent over all the time. 24" biceps get their constant workout on the steering wheel. Bobby, now 23, attends college in a small town in the midwest. He pulls a 4.0 GPA and is very active in college wrestling. He keeps in shape by running each morning for 1.5 hours and aerobics in the evening. He is 6'1" and weighs 175lbs. His body is very toned with tight skin wrapped around every muscle. His pecs are boy-like with a washboard stomach. The story begins with spring break in the town of Palmdale, CA. This is a typical California town with HOT summers and mild sunny winters. Bobby is home for the session and finds himself out one night at the local bar. Jake is already there, as usual, and playing pool with a couple of buddies. Bobby recognizes Jake and is stunned by his muscular appearance. He notices Jake's bulge in his jeans indicating the beating he gave him years ago only enhanced his maleness. He wonders if Jake will even notice him at the bar. Soon after this thought one of Jake's friends walks over to tell him something while looking directly at Bobby. Jake soon turns around and confirms his previous question. As Jake makes his way gruffly through the crowd Bobby sits awaiting looking cool with a long neck bottle of Bud in one hand and a copy of the local paper in the other. "Well if it isn't Bobby boy ! " Jake exclaims loudly. "How's it hanging ?" Bobby replies calmly, "Same o'le stuff Jake...you?" "Well after our little....lets say....scrap, I have been thinking about you." Jake replies snidely. "What do you say we have another match tonight, let's say midnight?" Jake follows "Jake, I am not interested..." Bobby replied when interrupted by Jake's fist sent between his legs as he sat on the stool, impacting his balls squarely. "Like I said, I'll meet you tonight at 12:00 at the Miller Gym....Got it !" Jake snapped. After Bobby's hands went down to massage his bruised nutsack, Jake left with an interest to get back to the pool game. Bobby kinda slumped for moment and regained his composure. That night was going to be a long one and he figured he better go work out before the match for peak performance. At about midnight Bobby arrived at the gym wearing his spandex workout shorts and white socks. Jake is in the ring alone wearing the same jeans he had on at the bar indicating he came directly from the bar and didn't even warm up yet. He had white socks on as well and had removed his shirt. "Hey asshole.....I see you didn't chicken out " Jake belted out. "You didn't have nail my balls at the bar Jake" Bobby replied "I would have accepted your offer anytime" "Well that little tap is light duty compared to what you have got coming tonight" Jake barked back "Let's get it on....." Jake said as Bobby pulled himself into the ring. "all right buddy, no rules, no holds barred and ANYTHING GOES !......OK? " Jake commanded Bobby nods as they begin to circle each other. First they grapple in an arm lock and pull and twist to gain control. Jake pulls Bobby down and slams his head on the mat. He reaches out and grabs Bobby's leg to lock a cradle on him but he keeps his leg extended forcing Jake to change his tactics. Jake rolls back and stands waiting. Bobby gets up carefully and meets Jake's foot to his head which makes him fly backwards into the ropes. Jake quickly follows with a shoulder ram to Bobby's midsection making him gasp for air. Bobby standing doubled over is launched by Jake into the opposing ropes. Bouncing back Jake clotheslines him sending Bobby to the mat on his back. Jake grabs both of Bobby's legs and spread them wide yelling "Let the game begin !" followed by his foot slamming Bobby's exposed nuts head on. Bobby curls up in a fetal position as the pain wave races to his head. Jake now climbing the ropes in the corner turns to deliver a flying knee to Bobby's back making Bobby arc back in pain. Jake grabs Bobby's hair and yank him to his feet then through him into the turnbuckle. His back, again impacts the hard buckles and he slumps slowly. Jake races to the corner to deliver a chest to chest slam that takes the wind out of Bobby as he stands dazed. Jake then follows up with wrapping his opponents arms around the ropes and grabs Bobby's spandex shorts by the waist and yanks up hard on them. The fabric holds tightly to Bobby's crotch outlining his cock and balls clearly. Jake grabs Bobby in a bearhug using the turnbuckles as leverage and proceeds to pump his knee into Bobby's bulging crotch. "1...2...3...4...5, Oh that's gotta hurt !" Jake commentates as he bashes Bobby's nuts soft. "Were only beginning...."Jake proclaims as he pumps 3 more times Bobby let out a loud yelp on the 2nd knee and a loud cry on the 7th. Jake let him go as he slumped lower in the corner. "Hell.....I'll give ya a sec to recover" Jake bellows boastfully. Bobby slowly rises to stand and Jake grabs Bobby's arm and yanks him into the opposing corner, back crashing into those intolerant buckles. Jake again races across the mat to chest slam his opponent just to find Bobby's knee raised in time with his impact and Jake jams his own crotch into the awaiting knee. "ARRGGGGGHHHH F U C K !!" Jake bolts out as his meatballs meet the skinny knee. Bobby with increasing energy snaps his knee to Jake head sending him backwards to the center of the mat. Bobby follows up with a underarm flip and slams Jake to the mat. Bobby drops his knee into Jake's bulging basket as Jake blurts out a gasp of air. Bobby seeing the need to end the match soon like before or Jake will endure due to his strength, reaches down and unzips and unbuttons Jake's jeans to expose his black boxer shorts. Bobby grabs the legs or the jeans to remove them and in the process ends up holding Jake's foot only inches from his own balls. Jake recovering realizes the same thing and grabs Bobby's legs and with this leverage forces his foot into Bobby's awaiting nuts. Bobby stops stunned by the locked hold Jake's foot has as he increases the pressure. Bobby throws his head back in pain as Jake foot crushes away at the young boys male seeds. Jake twist his foot and punishes the balls repeatedly. Bobby is stuck in this crushing hold. He can't move. He can't fall because his own weight will only increase the pressure on his now swelling balls. Jake is loving this, but he can't actually see the damage he is inflicting on his opponents balls so he drops his foot and rolls to get up. Bobby now drops to the mat like a sandbag, his hand holding his damaged jewels. Jake reaches down to Bobby's shorts and forces his finger in-between his ass cheeks and pierces a hole in the rear. Jake finger roughly passes through the material and jams into his bunghole. Jake drags his nail over the tender pink skin catching the material and ripping it back up to the waist. Jake winds up and jams his knee into Bobby's back making him recoil backward. Jake now grabs his legs and spreads them wide noticing his enlarged balls roll out of the ripped fabric. And what a target they become. Jake grabs the hanging fruit and locks a eagle claw onto them compressing them tightly in his fist. Bobby begins flailing about in pain. His arms were beating the mat violently as his screams volume increased. "How this situation ?" Jake says coolly. "Your nuts feel like they are about to bust !". Bobby now in serious trouble as his testicles are roughly manhandled by his boyhood bully. "I was thinking of crushing your balls right now....but I think I will have more fun with you." With that. Jake releases his nuts and stands and walk to the opposing corner. Bobby, laid there panting and trying to regain his composure. Slowly he makes his way to his feet and props himself in the corner facing Jake. Hanging on to the rope by his elbows he awaits Jake's next tactic. Jake walks with leisure across the ring and stands in front of Bobby. So close they could smell each others sweaty body. "Well, what do you think ?, should I give you a chance....?" Jake says slyly. "Yes, I think I will" he says as he opens his fly and reaches in deep and pulls out his own balls. They are the size of grade AA eggs. Huge! Bobby thinks to himself as he regains power in his arms. "I will let these babies hang out for your advantage" Jake proclaims. "I am still going to win you know" Jake finalizes. As Jake reached forward to grab Bobby's head, Bobby he raised his knee into Jake totally exposed balls. Slap ! the sound rang out. "Aaauuuhh....." Jake exhausted. He staggered backwards. He didn't realize that his bare nuts hanging out like that would hurt so much. Bobby approached and grabbed the zipper of his jeans and yanked up trapping the meatballs outside of the tough denim. "This way", Bobby commentates "these lemons won't run and hide for protection!". Bobby grabbed Jake's left nut with his right hand and it filled his fist. Bobby still stunned by the serious size advantage of Jake's balls over his own slowly tightened his grip around that lone nut. "Whoaaa man..." Jake purred "I didn't mean that stuff about crushing your balls". "Yea, but I do..."Bobby replied as he was bearing down with full force. "FUCK !.......ahhh.......FUCK!" Jake blurted as Bobby's hand squeezed away. Every other squeeze he would yank down on the tortured teste and bring it to the full extent of Jake's leathery sac. Just then Jake wound up and used his index knuckle to impact Bobby's left eye. "Whew !.....the lights flashed for both Bobby due to the impact and Jake as Bobby's fist clenched in surprise. Fortunately for Jake the impact was good enough so that Bobby let go of his ball and staggered back to tend to his eye. Jake followed through with a knee to the midsection, grimacing to the now swelling left nut still exposed and bouncing with every move. Bobby doubles over and Jake completes the move with a knee list to his head making Bobby fly backwards into the ropes. Jake stood back to catch his breath conscious that Bobby would as well. Bobby recovering from the blows faster than Jake from the ball torture grabs Jake in a bear hug and proceeds to pump his knee into the vulnerably expose balls. "1........2.........3... is that how to count them ?" Bobby asks shyly. Jake is blubbering obscenities and howls each time Bobby's boney knee slams into his aching nuts. Jake with little energy ties to head-butt Bobby but the impact was not hard and Bobby dropped Jake to the mat. "Its time to finish this off Jake" Bobby exclaims as he drags Jake over to the corner and props him up sitting. He then wraps Jake's arms around the center rope on each side to keep him upright. As Jake sits there with no energy he watches Bobby step out of his short, rip them into beginning with the hole and tie each of Jake's legs to the lower ropes. This leaves Jake spread eagled with those monster balls stretched out in the sack but resting on the mat. Man, what a sight, Bobby thinks to himself as he looks over Jake's nuts touch the floor about 8 inches from his crotch. Just then Jake realizes his situation and tries to free himself. Just then Bobby's right heel slammed down upon his balls making Jake all but pass out. His head hung low as he couldn't find the energy to pick it up. SLAM ! again the heel smashes down softening the huge orbs into a spongy mass. Bobby repositions himself sitting in front of Jake between his legs. He grabs a ball in each hand and rams them into each other, while enjoying the feeling of the heavy mass colliding. Again and again he unmercifully bashes them into each other. As a final blow Bobby puts a double eagle claw on each swelling nut and digs his thumbs into the soft orbs. Just like the last episode Jake's cock twitches to life and while 3/4 erect and full a stream of thick cum drools from his massive purple crown. Down the fat vein on the underside and reaches Bobby's relentless fingers. Bobby squeezes each nut alternately as he watches the effect on the flow of the cum. When he lets up and re-clamps the claw a small spurt of cum jumps from Jake cock landing on Bobby's flat stomach. Again and again it is tested until a pool of Jake's cum gathers on Bobby's navel. When the spurts stopped, Bobby scooped up the cum in his hand and smeared it on Jake's face. Bobby licked of the remaining tasting the "fresh squeezed" juice of his buddy. Bobby got up, turned away from Jake and stepped backwards until his heels were touching Jake's balls. Bobby raised each heel and placed them over the left and right nut and stood back grinding his heels into Jake's balls. A little wiggle of the legs and he felt Jake's manhood give way and flatten. "That should do it" Bobby says finally and steps from the mat to shower and dress himself for the evening. * * *
Farmhands at play
Joey pulled the bull into the barn, snorting and pulling at the rope. It behaved like it knew what was going to happen next. Cody and Jacob stood and watched as the younger farmhand wrestled it into the holding ties, observing the cut of Joey's bare arms and stomach. "There he is, guys. All by m'self, no less." Joey was positively beaming, his smooth chest heaving and soaked in sweat. James spoke up. "Good job. Next we cut him." James hopped off the bench and fed the band into the castrating tool. As he held the knife under the propane torch, Joey spoke up again. "Gawdam, he's got a big 'un," the boy guffawed. "Aw hell, that's nuthin," Cody replied. "Jacob's got one that big and he ain't even a bull." Jacob looked at his boots. "Yeah, right," snorted Joey. "Whatever." "Naw, he does. Don't ya, Jake?" Cody punched Jacob lightly on the shoulder. Jacob looked sheepish and smiled nervously. "Well, it's not _that_ big..." The bull snorted and stamped the ground. "Well let's see that thang then," James challenged, really more to Cody than to Jacob. Jacob shook his head back and forth. "Yeah, Jake, let's see it," Cody jibed him. "Asshole," James muttered under his breath, but nobody heard. "Yeah, whip it out." Jacob sighed and rolled his eyes. "You whip yours out and I'll show mine." Jacob had peeked at Cody when they were pissing out in the fields and knew Cody had a tiny little pecker - Jake figured that was why Cody was such a prick. Cody was taken aback momentarily, but then smugly retorted, "I'll whip mine out if James does." Cody looked at the older man, that sly grin on his face. Surely James would be above this, Cody thought. James shrugged, playing it cool but wanting to show Cody up. "Okay," he spat out, and undid his belt. Cody and the others just stared for a moment as James stepped out of his pants, now naked but for his socks and hat. "Your turn, bitch." Joey stared; he had never actually seen another guys' penis before. Cody glanced around. "Shit," he muttered under his breath, and started to pull off his boots slowly. "Come on, come on, let's see it," James harrassed him. "Stop stalling." Cody pulled his boots off and made a show of undoing his belt. Joey looked around, unsure what to make of the situation, while Jacob suppressed the urge to laugh. "Here, then." Cody dropped his jeans. Joey eyes bulged at the sight - Cody barely had a penis, lost in the hair as it was. Normal sized balls, stub of a cock. Uncircumcised, at least. James looked pretty small too to Joey but at least usable. "Oh my," James spoke with sincere pity. "What are you doing with balls? We should be gelding you with a cock that small. Put ya in a better mood." "Fuck you!" Cody spat back. He turned to Jacob. "All right then, asshole, let's see it!" Jacob dropped his pants and out flopped his member, shaven so it would look bigger. Joey still didn't see what the big deal was - that looked pretty normal to him. "Fucking huge, ain't it?" Cody smiled menacingly at Joey. "It's okay, I guess," the younger man replied nonchalantly. "What, you got somethin' bigger?" "Well, maybe. Close if not." "Let's see it then!" Joey looked around, a little nervous, but dropped his shorts. That even made Jake's eyes bug out a little. "Hot damn," James muttered. "Hell, I bet that ones' bigger n' Jake's!" Cody exclaimed. "No way," Jacob muttered. "Mine's bigger than that." "I doubt it," James commented. Cody heard what James said, so took the opposite side. "Well, maybe not. Sorry, kid," he patted Joey on the back. "Betcha it is," James said to no one in particular. "Bet it ain't," Cody shot back. "It is." James was riling him now. "What do you wanna bet?" Cody replied. "You don't got much left, Cody," James stared the cowhand right in the eyes. Cody looked down at James' package, then back up. "I got these," he held out his balls. "My balls against yours, Jake's cock is bigger than that little shit's." "You're on. You lost last time." Lost? Last time? What were they talking about, Joey wondered. He shot a quizzical look to Jacob, but he just shrugged, as if to say he didn't know either. "All right, kids," James said. "You heard the bet. Start jacking, we need to see." "What?" Joey was confused. "Jack off. My balls on Cody's that your cock's bigger than Jake's." Joey stayed confused for a minute or two until the idea was finally hammered home that Cody had actually bet his balls. "Man, I'd like to see that fucker's balls cut off," he thought. Jake had a similar notion, but all his life had had a bigger cock than any other guy he knew - he didn't want to be second fiddle to this one, and thought of blowjobs, huge tits, Cody's ass...anything he could to get hard. Joey wanted to see Cody cut and did more or less the same thing, jacking slowly to try to come to full erection. After a few moments they were both up to using two hands, fondling balls like mad. Joey started to tire out, so James lent him a hand and started jacking the younger guy off. "Hey!" Cody exclaimed, and grabbed Jake's cock, pumping it harder, staring at James. After a minute or so of this, Joey said to the room, "That's about as big as it gets." At this point it was well over a foot long. "Jake?" James asked. "What about you?" Jake's was also easily over a foot. "I'm ready." "Let's compare 'em, then." James had the two stand facing each other, pointing their cocks out straight ahead. They were close, but Joey's head touched Jake's groin while Jake's was still at least half an inch away from Jakes'. "Well, shit," Jacob exclaimed. "He is bigger." Cody paled. "Bend over," James ordered him. "Not again," Cody muttered. "Please, not again..." James now took the time to explain. "Cody once bet me his cock that his balls were bigger than mine. He used to have a pretty decent one. Didn't you, Cody?" "Please..." "But you just didn't learn. Hold, him, men." Neither of the others minded - both were hard and even turned on by the scene. James clearly was; his cock was sticking right out. Cody didn't put up much struggle. They bent him over a sawhorse while James put the band on him, snapping it tight. Cody grunted. "Just like a bull," Jacob joked, trying to hide his own disappointment.. "Now watch this, Joey. It's just like on a bull." Joey bent down as James showed him where to put the knife. "About here, half and inch or so below the band. Too high and the band could slip off, then a quick pull," he jerked back and Cody shuddered. James stood up, Cody's balls in hand. "And there it is. Easy once you see it, huh?" "Yeah. Wish I could have another practice go, though." Now Cody spoke up. "You could cut off Jake's useless marbles. Ya don't have the biggest cock anymore, do ya Jake?" "Well, no, but..." "Even the new kid's bigger than you." "Yeah, well..." "So what good is that sausage you have, then?" "Fuck off, Cody," Jake shouted. "Come on, Jake. Weenie," "FUCK YOU!" Jacob shouted, and lunged at him. "I should just fuck you up the ass, you dickless asshole!" Joey and James stood by and watched, their cocks sticking out at attention. "Okay," Cody sneered. "Fuck me then. All I'll charge you is that flesh between your legs." "What?" "You let them do to you what they did to me and you can fuck my virgin ass right now, you miniature wannabe." Jacob was fuming, face and chest flushed with anger. He gripped Cody by the gut and shoved his member into the object of his hatred. With every thrust, he shouted a new epithet. He pulled out with blood on his cock and Cody let out little screams. With a final thrust Jacob shoved himself into Cody and stood there a moment, pumping into Cody's asshole. Cody could barely stand afterward, bleeding and with cum leaking out his ass. "Now you pay the price, ol' Jake," he smiled sardonically. "Fine, cut my balls off. It was worth it." Jake leaned over the same bench Cody had been castrated on. "Fix me, James. Cut 'em off. I don't need 'em anymore." James shrugged and showed Joey how to put the band on. "Don't put it too high up the sac or it won't stay on either." This time he let Joey make the cut. Jake let out a yell as he cut but stood up right away. "Now his cock," Cody spoke. "What?" exclaimed Jake. James was reheating the knife. "My price was that James do to you what he did to me. James cut my dick off; now he cuts off yours." "No way!" "'fraid so," James concurred. "Hold still." James took ahold of Jacob's still partially erect member, and before the man could react, swiped up from the bottom with the heated knife, right at the base. Jake screamed and fell to the floor. Cody smiled. "Holy shit!" Joey exclaimed at the sight of Jake's severed cock in James' hand. Jake held his crotch but there was no blood; the knife had cauterized as it went. Cody kicked him lightly. "Now you know how I felt, asshole." Joey was amazed by this turn of events. If he had known this would happen he wouldn't have tried so hard; he liked Jacob. Joey didn't even like his cock, it was so big it was embarrassing. He just figured there was something wrong with him that other guy's didn't have boners in public or whatever. It had never occurred to him that he could get rid of it. Jake looked pretty pained, but if this was his only chance... "James?" he asked. "Yeah?" "Can you...ya know, um..." "What?" "Well," Joey held his still erect cock out, "trim me down some?" Joey said this while looking at James' cock, beautiful and shorter. It stuck straight out now, only about six inches long. "You mean, cut it off?" James was incredulous. "Well, not all of it...just some. So I'm not so huge." "Well, not really son," James lied. He couldn't believe his luck on this one. "You have to go all or nothing." Joey sighed. "All of it, then. I hate it." "Okay. Hold it out." Joey grasped his sausage by the head and held it straight out. James held the heated knife on the underside facing upward. "Ready?" he asked the younger man. Joey nodded yes. James brought the knife up quickly, then held it over the stump to cauterize it. Joey screamed but held his ground, grasping his rapidly deflating cock in his right hand. Once the stump seemed closed, James pulled the knife away and let the boy fall to the ground. James looked over at the bull. "Looks like you got a reprieve, boy." The bull snorted. After a few weeks everybody had healed up okay. Cody did calm down a little. Jacob had an irrestible craving for cock for a week or so but it went away when his sex drive did. He couldn't understand Joey at all; that kid had actually asked James to cut his dick off. Joey tried to explain it to him but never really got through. Joey's real problem now was the lack of a sexual outlet. So now here it was, a year later. Cody and Jacob had adjusted to their lack of testosterone. They had stayed in good shape from the farm work, and both had adjusted. It was easier for Cody as he hadn't had a dick in a long time. Jake took longer. He cried a lot that first year but got over it with a surprising amount of support from Cody. Joey had some problems - he was glad it was gone but rubbing the stump or his testicles wasn't enough for him, and he was too proud to let anybody fuck him. James, on the other hand, was in a state of near constant arousal. He felt a little guilty about the whole thing with Jake. Joey had asked for it and Cody had been asking for it for a long time, if not out loud. He could have gotten away with not cutting off Jake's dick but had been so hot at the time - he'd thought about removing that monstrous thing for so long. James' whole problem now was that he still had a monster fetish for cutting and the cutting he had done had only made it worse. He wanted Joey's balls now, and badly. Lately when he jacked off he even thought about castrating himself. Cody and Jacob were so beautiful with their totally smooth groins, just a scar where their manhood had sat. Time came around again for a calf to get his. Joey by now knew how to do it, but James had something in store for him. The two men were alone this time; the others were out in the field. Once the bull was secure, James made his pitch. "Joe?" The younger man had asked them to call him Joe but they rarely did. "Yeah?" "You horny?" "Am I ever not?" He looked at James quizzically. "Look, I don't want you to fuck me." "That's not what I was going to ask. You remember the practice you got doing this for the first time." It was a statement, not a question. "Yeah." Joey shook his head, still in disbelief. James undid his pants. "I want you to get some more in before we do this calf." "What? You want me to cut you?" "Yeah. I really think you want me to cut you, too, Joey. It's really time those came off." Joey sighed. James watched the way his torso moved. He's grown a lot this last year, James thought. Lots more mass. "I guess so. You want that I should cut your dick off, too?" "Yeah." "Then I guess you better do me first." Joey snapped the first band on and handed James the tool. "Go to town." James' erection grew as Joey dropped his pants. "You really get off on this, don't you?" he asked the older hand. "Yeah. You...you are happy that way, right?" Joey thought for a minute before responding. As James snapped the band on, he replied, "Yeah. Yeah, I really am." James reloaded the tool and snapped the band on the bull. "Can't forget to do him this time." Joey held the knife in front of the torch. "Better not. You ready?" He handed the knife to James and braced himself. James positioned the knife and Joey could feel the whitehot line of heat near the neck of his remaining genitals. "Oh, yeah," James responded, and with one cut severed the last remnants of Joey's manhood from his body. Joey grit his teeth but made no sound. He stood still and let the flesh settle down as James heated the knife. Once it had gotten hot enough again, he handed the blade off to Joey and stood firm, chest out, stomach in, erect cock protruding. "You want to jack off or something first?" Joey asked him. James just nodded his head no. "Just do it." Joey jerked his hand up quickly, and found himself holding onto James' organs, the older man leaning against the wall grimacing. Joey turned around and headed for the bull...
A financial reimbursement
Man pays for a desperate female co-worker to help castrate him.
In my profession I have worked with several women ranging in age from 26 to 55. I developed a great relationship with two of these women and we became fast friends. Maryann was the older of the two, but at 35 she was still a real knockout. Being married, she made it clear that she was not interested in developing an intimate relationship, still we were close. Maryann revealed a lot of personal things with me, her serious financial problems, her inability to conceive, her problems with her husband; I listened and felt empowered that she allowed me to be her confidant. At the same time, my castration desire raged on. Several times I wanted to tell her, to confess, to reveal my hidden desire, but I couldn’t. Then one day a sex offender attacked a poor little girl. It was a hot topic and Maryann made a statement that caught me off guard. She said about this sex offender, "He needs to have his balls cut off. I’d do it if they’d let me. If a man can’t control himself sexually, he needs to be castrated. I wish I had the opportunity, it’d be pure pleasure for me." "Really," I said questioningly. "Sure," she said. "For a few summers when I was a teenager, I helped my Aunt in her veterinary office, I helped her neuter a lot of dogs & cats. It’s not much different for men, only their balls are bigger." "Wow," was all I could say. That night I thought about what Maryann said and came to the conclusion that she just might be willing to take my balls from me. I began to scheme and plan out how I might accomplish this and then one day Maryann told me that she might lose her home if she couldn’t come up with two thousand dollars to pay her mortgage and taxes. She had already missed one payment and she was desperate. She complained about her husband, calling him a jerk, blaming him for the fiasco. Then she asked me if she could borrow the money from me. Wheels began to turn and I thought, "It’s now or never!" I asked her if we could talk in private and so we went outside and sat down. I said to her, Maryann, I consider you a very close friend and I’m willing to help you if you’ll help me. In fact, I won’t lend you the money, but I’ll give it to you if you’ll help me. I had her attention and she shouted out, "Oh anything, anything! I consider you a close friend too and I’ll do anything to help you." That was it, the hook was set. "Alright I said, but please hear me out before you say anything." "Sure, sure," she said. Looking her straight in the eyes, I told her my story with a little adjustment to ensure her participation. "Maryann, I’ve got an extremely high sexual desire that’s driving me crazy. I can hardly control it anymore and I’m afraid of doing something that will ruin my life forever as well as the lives of others. The only way that I know of that can stop these raging sexual desires is to have my testosterone lowered and the only way to achieve that totally is to have my balls removed and I want you to help me remove them." Maryann was in shock, this wasn’t what she expected. Before she could answer I told her that if she helped me to remove them, I’d give her the two thousand dollars that she needed. I threw in that it wouldn’t be a loan, but a thank you for her help. Finally, after a prolonged silence, she said, "I’ve always wanted to castrate a man, but I never ever thought a man would actually ask for my help in doing it. This is too good to be true. Sure I’ll help you, when do you want to do it?" That was a good question. "Was I ready?" Throwing caution to the wind, I told her, as soon as possible, even tonight. Better to do it while I have the nerve then to wait any longer. "Well," Maryann replied, "I don’t have the instruments and what will we do for pain?" Looking at her I said, "I’ve been planning this for years. I’ve got all the things that we’ll need. You won’t have to do anything but squeeze some handles together. Let’s do it tonight." "Tonight is great," Maryann replied. "My husband is out of town for the next week." So we set the time and after work I raced home to get my "burdizzo, emla cream, pruning shears, and etc." When I arrived, Maryann met me at the door in her bathrobe. I thought this was a little strange, but she invited me outback and there was a beautiful deck, complete with hot tub. Maryann took my stuff and threw off her robe, revealing the body that I had always dreamed about. This time I was stunned. Then with out speaking she took off all my clothes and invited me into the hot tub. Finally she said, "I want you to be completely comfortable and relaxed before we do this. I don’t want to hurry either, I’ll probably never get another chance to castrate a man. Besides the hot water will make your balls hang low and then they’ll be easier to remove." Boy was she right about that. We talked for over an hour and then finally she said, "Let’s see if you’re ready?" I stood up and sure enough, my balls were hanging way down. Maryann looked at my cock and though it was flaccid, she soon made it stand up, just by blowing on it. "I like your scrotum ring, it’s awfully large, when did you get it pierced." I told her a year ago and again she said, "Nice." Then she put her hands over her face, giggling as my rod rose to the occasion. "Nice instrument, can I try it out before we go to work?" I didn’t answer her. She stood up and again I saw her body in all it’s glory. Her breasts were large and round, each nipple was pierced with a small ring, a red heart decorated her left breast. My eyes moved down to her mons and vagina. Without hesitating, she hopped up on the edge of the hot tub and spread her legs. Her labia’s had both been pierced several times with at least a dozen rings that glittered in the light. I wanted her bad and I’m sure I was drooling. She stood up and reached her arms around me, pressing her heavy breasts tight against my chest. I almost lost my load immediately. Thankfully I was able to control things, but then she lifted herself up, stepping on her tip toes, with her hand she guided my cock into herself. Slowly she ground herself down onto my shaft, finally bottoming out. Then she went to work and I was ecstasy. Before I could stop myself I was flooding her with my jism. I started to apologize, but she stopped me, saying, "It’s alright, it’s what I wanted to do for you." I sat down in the hot water and after awhile I composed myself. Finally Maryann said, "Alright now, it’s time to get this done. Show me how to do it?" "Get the "Emla Cream" and put on those rubber gloves," I told her. "Now, rub the cream all over my scrotum, it’ll numb things a great deal." Maryann went to work, but she couldn’t resist rubbing it up and down my shaft, giggling. It’ll take awhile for things to numb, so we’ve got to wait. While we waited we talked and I gave Maryann the two thousand dollars for helping me. She was really appreciative and told me that she’d help me and cover for me if there were any problems related to my castration. Then she asked me a question I hadn’t thought about, "What was I going to do with my scrotum and balls?" I told her that I didn’t know and she suggested that she keep them for me until I decide. She said she’d keep them in her freezer for me until I decided. I told her that that was a great idea. Finally she said, do you think they’re numb yet? "Let’s find out," I replied. Pinch my scrotum and I’ll tell you if I feel any pain. So she pinched, and nothing. "What about your balls?" she asked. "Well," I told her, "The emla cream has difficulty penetrating them, but they should be a little numb, why don’t you squeeze them." So she did. I could feel it, but not much. So I said, "I can’t feel much, they’re ready!" "Great," she replied. I took the elastrator tool and put a green rubber band on it. Maryann said, "I’ve used this before, when we’d go out to the farms." So she took it from me and squeezed it open. She looked at me in the eyes and grabbed my balls. Still looking me in the eyes, she took the elastrator and pushed my balls through, one at a time. Finally she looked down and said, "That’s as high as it’ll go." Then she pushed the band off of the tines and it snapped in place. "Can you feel any pain?" she asked. "Yes," but just a little. I want you to put several more under the first one, to hold things in place. So Maryann did exactly that, putting a total of four little green bands around my scrotum. Then she asked me, "Is that good?" "Yes," I replied. She smiled and asked, "O.K. now what, do we wait?" "No," I said. Get the pruning shears and the alcohol. Then I told her to rub the alcohol all over the shears, but to be careful because they were extremely sharp. Finally she said, "O.K. all done." Then I instructed her on what to do. I put the tips of the shears around the compressed neck of my scrotum, under the last band and I told her to gently squeeze the handles until they were almost closed." "There," that’s the place I said. "Do you have a bowl that we can catch them in?" I asked her. "Better then that," she yelled, and oft she ran into her house. She came out a minute later with a large crystal goblet. I was sitting on the edge of a chair and she guess-timated where my balls would fall. Then she said , "I’m ready!" "O.K." I told her, but give me one more minute. Maryann then gave me a description of my ball sack. "It's turning purple and it looks a little like a big plum." I leaned my head back and took a deep breath, O.K. Maryann I said, "Do me quickly." I felt her position the blades into place around my balls and scrotum, then she asked me to look up. When I did, I looked right into her beautiful eyes, then with one quick motion, she closed the handles. I jumped and doubled over,she had done it. She cut my balls off. Maryann fell down in my lap, panting and gasping. I felt her quiver & tremble a few times. We stayed like this for a few minutes. Finally she got a chair and sat down. "Wow! I never expected that. I’ve never climaxed like that, never! It was as if something gripped my clitoris and made it explode. Whew!" Finally she said, "Oh my gosh, I castrated you! I really did it. I castrated you! You’ve been neutered. Are you all right?" "I don’t feel to bad," I told her. Then she reached underneath me and pulled out the goblet. Smiling she said, "Missing anything?" I looked down between my legs and all that remained were a few rings, tightly holding my remaining scrotum together. Maryann reached under me and picked up the goblet. Reaching with her hand, she picked up my scrotum by the ring and holding it over the goblet, she let it drain. She set the goblet down and pushed my scrotum inside out. Then she picked up my balls and swayed them slowly over the goblet. Maryann took them inside the house and when she came back she explained why. She had washed them off, rinsing away the blood. Then she showed them to me again. "Can I keep the ring that was in your scrotum?" "Sure," I said, but you’ll have to cut it out. "No problem." Maryann reached under the grill and brought out a steak knife. She laid my scrotum on a cutting board and slowly cut through it, until the large ring came free. Then she reached down to her labia and removed one of her labia rings. She took my larger scrotum ring and with some effort, pushed it through the hole, screwing it fast. "Now I’ll have something to remember my castration by." It looked great and I was drooling again. "Maryann then asked me a question." "Is it wrong to have sex with a eunuch if you’re married?" "No, it’s not wrong and I want too!" You can’t impregnate me, you have no balls. In fact, I have your balls! She was delirious and off the chart, she attacked me and forced me to screw her. She kept calling me her eunuch, her delicious castrated eunuch. After a few minutes she was riding me hard and then she exploded and drove her nails deep into me. Maryann was like a wild animal, possessed by some primeval urge. I saw her reach for the goblet, she took out my balls and stuffed them into her mouth. That made her even more wild, I started to fight against her, but she punched me and held me down. All of a sudden she started quivering again and her whole body started to tremble. I looked at her and she looked at me and her eyes were on fire. Then she titled her head back and with one gulp, she swallowed my balls whole. I watched them slide down her throat. She rolled off of me and she laid on the ground twitching. She pulled on her nipple then her clitoris, which was large and hard. I couldn’t do anything but wait. When she came out of her trance like condition. She apologized over and over. She said she was sorry for swallowing my balls. I told her it was all right and that I was happy that she had castrated me. My balls were part of her reward. As for my scrotum, she kept that too, as a reminder of her accomplishment. The moral of the story: If you find a desperate woman who’s in need of financial assistance, who knows if you might not be able to enlist her services. Happy hunting! * * *
` # THE EROTIC PERILS OF STEFFEN By: Razor ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [PENECTOMY] [MINOR] Other: A beautiful lusty teenage boy is sent into a savage kingdom with a ruler whose perverse tastes run to sexual torture and penectomy. * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/newfiles.html) * * * THE EROTIC PERILS OF STEFFEN by Razor Chapter One Sultan Ibn-Sabin-Hussein sat cross-legged, his vast weight sunk deep into the satin cushions that were piled high upon his golden throne. Absently, he stroked the sleek black cat curled up upon his lap and watched through puffy thin-slitted eyes as Steffen was led naked into the royal chamber by two Nubian guards. This one would be perfect, the sultan mused. Perfect for what he had planned. The boy had seen but 15 summers and his body was still in transformation from that of child to man. His frame was lean and tight, his tanned flesh still boyishly soft, and his face had a feminine sensitivity to it and a full blonde mane fell to his shoulder blades. His wrists were secured behind his back with leather cord. The sultan had to concede to himself that the boy was more classically beautiful than even the most lovely girl in his harem. It would, no doubt, be quite a show to watch his most endowed Nubian fuck this boy. It would, of course, had not the sultan something even better in store for the youth. It was what was between the boy’s legs that made him such a singular youth. The youth’s cock was magnificent. His face and body might have a soft and delicate femininity to them, but the huge circumcised cock and pendulous balls that hung down between his legs were those of a mighty warrior. The sultan had seldom seen such an impressive set of genitals on anyone, much less upon a such svelte man-child. “Welcome, boy.” Steffen cast a defiant glare in his direction. Although he had, on occasion, punished such impertinence harshly, the Sultan now simply smiled. “You have been a bad boy, Steffen,” he said. “A most bad boy indeed.” Steffen said nothing, feeling the gaze of this oily gnome of a man upon his young nakedness. He had never felt as vulnerable as he did at this moment. Seemingly tired of the affection, the cat sauntered from the man’s lap and strolled lazily towards the boy. “I take it,” the sultan continued. “That you are familiar with justice is this land. We do not believe that thieves should be coddled.” Steffen nodded. “I am sure you have heard the stories of what a cruel man I am. And they are, for the most part, true. I am not a man given to succumbing to the womanly weaknesses of mercy or pity. One must be hard to rule these lands. In my kingdom, thieves have their hands cut off; adulterers are stoned to death. But you should understand that I am little worse than any other ruler in this harsh desert. Indeed, compared to a few of them, I am what some would consider an enlightened despot.” The sultan leaned forward. “Some forty miles to the south is the border of the kingdom of Khallistan.” He smiled as he saw the boy visibly flinch at the enunciation of the kingdom’s name. Yes, he thought, he knows. He knows. “You think that I am cruel over my domain?” he continued. “I am sure you have heard tales of how justice is administered in Khallistan.” “There is a traditional way of administering justice in these lands. An undeniable logic. A thief will lose his hand to the sword. The man who flees from arrest shall lose his foot to the axe. A rapist shall lose his balls, his cock, or both at the discretion of the judge. The caliph, however, rules his domain and administers his justice without regard to such logic. There is but one punishment in Khallistan. You see, he has a most incurable fascination with every possible permutation of emasculation, especially when it comes to beautiful teenage boys. “Boys,” he added with a wry smile that made Stephen shiver, “such as yourself.” Steffen said nothing. He could feel the gooseflesh rising on his arms and thighs. The cat, as if drawn to his fear, sensuously rubbed its soft black body against his calf. “I’m sorry,” the sultan leaned forward, his smile broadening into a wide grin. “Perhaps I am employing too esoteric a term. You do know what emasculation means, don’t you?” “Yes,” Steffen answered. His mouth suddenly dry. “Tell me.” “Tell you?” “Yes. Tell me what ‘emasculation’ means. I want to hear it from those pretty lips of yours.” Steffen hesitated. “It means to cut off...” He swallowed hard. “To cut off someone’s cock.” His own cock began to ache and throb as the blood began to fill and stiffen it. He was naked and on display before this cruel monster and his guards and now he was getting hard at the mention of emasculation. “Yes, indeed it does,” the sultan nodded, his eyes now on the boy’s swelling member. “To this end the caliph has created a special elite force whose sole specialty is erotic sexual dismemberment. And I do mean erotic not only for the sexecutioners and the audience who may be viewing the spectacle but for the condemned as well.” Steffen shifted uncomfortably. He could feel the fat pig’s gaze on his nakedness. On his swelling cock. The sultan sat back and put his bloated fingertips together before him. "And but one example of the caliph’s uniquely perverse cruelty is the town of A’Ka’mor which rose up against the Caliph’s outrageous tyranny. He ordered that the boys of the rebellious town between the ages of 14 and 19 be staked out naked in the desert in a line. Then each boy’s cock was caressed to erection and masturbated to orgasm by the caliph’s sexecutioners. As each boy ejaculated, the cruel masturbater would slice the spasming cock from his body with a gilded blade then move onto the next boy in line. If any boy could resist his own body’s desires, he would avoid the gruesome fate. But no boy could and no boy can for the caliph’s sexecutioners have no equals in their twin and twinned skills of erotic pleasure and sexual amputation.” Steffen listened with a horror-tinged fascination, even as he felt his cock rising to full attention. “And then there was the case of the rebel Saya,” the sultan continued. “An exquisite boy of 18 who, in addition to leading an uprising against the caliph, was also reputed to have several prominent wives of his ministers amongst his many sexual conquests. When he was finally captured the caliph had him secured naked and spread-eagled upon an executioner’s block in the public square and had his sexecutioners erotically tease him to a state of maximum arousal. Then, just as he was on the brink of a powerful ejaculation, the tormentors removed his young cock, at the base, with a pair of shears and his awful wound was cauterized on the spot. But that was not the end of his punishment. Oh no. Far from it. For another 365 days the boy was erotically tortured: his young body licked and caressed by the most beautiful and sadistic women that you can imagine. He was forced to ingest all manner of aphrodisiac. His balls continued to produce copious amounts of boy-seed but without a cock, he was unable to experience the sweet release of ejaculation. Instead, for a year he knew nothing but non- stop frustration as his balls swelled to nearly three times their normal size. After a year of unending erotic frustration, the caliph finally had the boy put to death. The manner of his execution was to be drawing and quartering but with an especially cruel twist. His naked body was secured between four powerful bulls and he was pulled taut. Then a rope was secured around his balls and the other end was fastened to a powerful stallion. The horse was then set off at a gallop and the boy had his balls violently ripped from his body. Only then was he finally finished off by being torn apart by the bulls. “The sadistic ingenuity of the caliph and his sexecutioners seems to have no end. His engineers are always at work in search of more sexually creative execution and emasculation machinery. There are, for instance, his specially modified cock guillotines.” Steffen shuddered at the phrase. “Yes,” the Sultan continued, enjoying the boy’s reaction. “Mechanisms designed specifically to sever a boy’s cock...frequently, I might add, when it is in the spasms of its final ejaculation. In the Caliph’s mind, cumming and punishment go hand in hand. Your pleasure begets your punishment, your punishment begets his pleasure. The caliph’s greatest pleasure is watching a beautiful boy be made to cum totally against his will. Watching a boy cum when he knows it will trigger his outrageously excessive punishment. Watching a boy cum when he knows it will be for the last time.” Steffen’s cock was rock hard now. “A most interesting reaction my words have apparently elicited from your body,” the old man noted with a sadistic leer. “Most interesting indeed. It is erotically compelling --don’t you agree?-- the outrageous atrocities that can be visited on a spurting cock. There are, of course, two ways to appreciate it. One is to empathize with the cutter. To feel the surge of power that comes with stripping a boy of his most treasured possession. The other is to empathize with the victim; to feel the excitement of inevitability and total vulnerability. Faced with their fate, it is amazing how many boys respond with a stiffened cock.” His eyes went down to Steffen’s groin. “As if some part of them actually desired it.” “What is it that you want of me?” the boy asked. “You are a brave, if foolish, youth. Your attempt to steal from my treasury is ample proof of that. Surely you knew what the penalty for such a rash action might be. Steffen said nothing. “The penalty for theft is amputation of your hands. The penalty for stealing from a sultan is death by torture. You understand that?” The boy nodded. “I could have you killed now with but a word from my lips.” “I know.” “It is not in my nature to be merciful.” “Yes,” Steffen said softly. “But I have decided this one time to be merciful and give you an opportunity to cancel your debt to me. Perform the task that I ask of you and I will give you a pardon for your crime.” Steffen listened. “Come here, boy.” Steffen came forward and stood a foot before the sultan, his enormous cock bobbing in the air. The ruler directed his attention to the two guards. “A’dha, Khumarr! Masturbate the boy! Make him cum!” The boy flinched at the Sultan’s words and attempted to step back. One of the giants standing behind him, grasped him with both hands around his upper arms. The callused black fingers held him with a grip of iron. The second guard bowed and walked towards the sultan’s throne where he picked up a vase set before it on the marble floor. The black giant looked back at Steffen with a fearsome grin as he poured the contents of the vase, a clear viscous liquid, into the palm of his right hand. He strolled back to the captive white boy and knelt down at his right and tightly took the slim boy’s giant cock in a tight oily grip. “What do you say, boy?” the sultan asked as the guard began to hard-stroke the boy. “Will you take the chance? Will you risk it all for a slim chance at freedom?” “Ooooh,” Steffen moaned softly, his eyes closed; sensuous lips parted. “If you risk it all, you understand this beautiful cock of yours will most likely end up on a sexecutioner’s cutting board or pushed through a guillotine.” “Yessss.” Steffen sucked in his breath at the image, feeling his erection tighten in the black man’s strong grip. “So what say you then? Will you take my offer?” Steffen hesitated, then shook his head vigorously. “What?” the Sultan exclaimed. “You dare refuse me!” “You gave me a choice...And I’ve made it.” “You turn down your one and only chance at regaining your freedom?” Steffen nodded. “Your cock means THAT much to you, does it?” The boy took a deep gulp of air. The strong Nubian was stroking him forcefully to a quick and powerful orgasm. “Very well then. KuBaar,” he barked to one of the nubians who flanked his throne. “Cut the boy’s cock off. Do it when he cums.” The black guard nodded and pulled from his scabbard belt a large curved blade. Steffen felt his stomach tighten as he watched the hulking black giant approach him as with the silver blade gleaming in the torchlight. “I thought you said you were giving me a choice?” “I did,” the Sultan smiled a thin cruel smile. “And I am. You still have a choice. You can risk the chance of having your cock removed in some torturous manner by the caliph’s sexecutioners or you can choose the certainty of a relatively painless decocking now.” “Painless?” Steffen gasped, the sweat glistening now on his naked flesh. “I believe the key word for you is ‘relatively,’” the Sultan replied. “Oh, make no mistake. When that blade slices effortlessly through your sex meat, the white-hot agony of it all will be indescribable. But even that pain will be nothing compared to the exotically delicious horrors that have been dreamed up by the caliph’s engineers of sexual atrocity. “Perhaps they will split your cum-spurting cock down the middle, bisecting it into two, four, or even more long bloody strips. Or will they, perhaps, remove your manhood a slice at a time? In any event I have no doubt that should you endure such a fate that you will, at that time, wish with all you have that you had chosen the relatively benign method of decocking when it had been offered to you by the Sultan Ibn-Sabin-Hussain.” The boy squirmed in the grip of the sultan’s guards. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and could almost feel the blood flowing through his iron-hard member. He could feel the cruel edge of the blade pressed against the base of his cock. It was so sharp. One slice from this black giant and it would all be over. He would lose it all. Despite his terror --or, possibly, because of it-- he felt his desire rising with each tight stroke of the guard’s oily fist. “No, please!” he gasped. “What do you say, boy?” the sultan leaned forward. “What do you say?” “Oh God, I’m going to cum!” “What is your answer?!” The boy groaned in erotic agony as he attempted to hold out, every muscle in his young body taut and strained. Instinctively, he raised himself up onto the balls of his feet and his body arched, his pelvis thrusting forward. “When that cock shoots! Slice it!” the Sultan hissed. “Slice it off!” “Noooo!” He felt the cold blade press into his flesh. The ebony giant was focused on the white youth’s thick cock, his muscles taut and ready for the moment he would slice. The guard betrayed no emotion but it was clear that he held no qualms about his duty. Steffen’s cock meant nothing to this man. Every ounce of will he possessed was focused on holding on .But even the desire to escape the agonizing amputation of his cock was not a strong enough force to hold back his young body’s need to ejaculate. The demand of his flesh would not be denied. The boy cried out as the powerful ejaculation shook his body. The Sultan’s beady eyes followed the first thick pearl-white rope of cum as it shot from his cock and arced high into the air before splattering some seven feet away on the smooth marble. Steffen was lost in the overwhelming sensation of the powerful orgasm that had been forced from him. There was no outside world. There was no one else but Steffen and his cock. The indescribable pleasure of cumming! And the burning cold of the blade slicing into his cockflesh. Oh God! They were cutting it off! “Wait!” the Sultan barked and the blade halted in its path. The boy gasped in the throes of orgasm, his knees buckling as he let loose one shot of hot cum after another; the strong fist stroking him hard and fast. Steffen slumped in the grip of the guard, his naked body quivering. He gazed down at his still rock-hard member, a pearl of cum hanging down penduoudly by a liquid thread from his cockhead. Blood ran from a thin cut along the top near the base. It had felt as if the blade had sliced halfway through but gazing at the wound he saw the blade had barely sliced the skin. What would it really have felt like to have the steel slice his cock from his body? “You accept my assignment then?” the sultan asked. Steffen, still gasping for breath, only then realized that at the height of his orgasm he had screamed the words “I’ll do it!” Now, he said nothing. The sultan leaned forward. “I can have KuBaar finish the job. Right now!” The guard grasped Steffen’s cock and brought the blade back up again to threaten the spent but still-stiff member. “No!” the boy flinched as the blade’s cold edge again pressed against the base of his manhood.. “Don’t! Please!” “For the last time. What is your answer?” “I’ll do it!” “You will purloin this item for me?” “Yes!” “Do not think that you can change your mind on this, boy. When you leave this chamber, you will begin preparations to leave for Khallistan immediately and shall be within its gates before the sun has twice risen and set. My guards will accompany you there. If, at any time, you give them reason to doubt your sincerity on this matter, they shall have the full authority to sever that sausage between your legs and leave you to die in the desert.. And I shall not be there to call them off.” “I understand,” Steffen nodded. “I hope that you do,” he said with a nod and then barked the order to his guards: “Take him away and prepare him for his journey.” TO BE CONTINUED [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20100107052354/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
Daddy’s Little Girl
How I went from Momma’s Boy to Daddy’s Little Girl
I used to be a 15 year old stud muffin, big pendulous balls, a cock 5 inches soft and 8 inches hard, and hard sexy teen body that seduced girls with ease. But all was not well at home, my father died when I was 5 and since then I was the man of the house, my mom and I were extremely close and as I grew older, we relied on each other mentally and emotionally. My mom and I never did anything sexual but in hindsight perhaps the relationship was unhealthy. My home life and school/social life was separate and few knew of my relationship with my mom, which would ruin my cred. My mom came home one night with a man, his name was Chuck, Chuck was 25 (ten years younger then my mom) and a big strong young man, a bit more developed than I. I soon became jealous of Chuck and his relationship with my mother, they started to date seriously and a few months later they were engaged, that was enough for me. I started yelling and screaming when they told me and my mom could not calm me down. I then got violent and started threatening Chuck “You fuckin piece of shit! I’m gonna kill you!” I screamed. I then lunged at him. Chuck fought me and it was a brief fight, Chuck was bigger than I and he was a better fighter. Once I was knocked down, I was done or so I thought “I told you” Chuck said, “I know” my mom replied. Chuck grabbed me, and he ripped all my clothes off, I tried to fight him off but I couldn’t. Nude, Chuck grabbed my testicles and began to squeeze. “No, no, not my balls, please” I screamed as the pain consumed me “Mom! Mom, do something!” all she said was “It’s for your own good” My balls were being crushed and finally I passed out. I woke up an hour later in extreme pain. I was still nude and I felt down between my legs, my balls were broken in pieces. “No!” I screamed, then I started to cry. Chuck and my mom married and they dosed me with estrogen in my food so not only did I lose my sex drive and masculinity, but I started to grow tits and become soft. After a few weeks I could no longer get boners, and my mom was no longer a prize to be fought for but someone to go shopping with and check out clothes, Chuck wasn’t so bad after all, I grew to crave his affection over time and forgave him for taking my manhood, after all, I am calm and happy, and my mom is happy too. * * *
humiliation or slow castration
Damsel in distress! A be careful what you wish for fantasy.
My wife had had enough it seems. And I just didn't see it. What happened, what she did, was only the last act. She said good-bye to me in a motel room where I had meantto meet a profesional dom for some fantasy play not available at home. My kinks were too far out for her. Crossdressing she could only just tolerate. Bondage was out of the question. Banding, when I finally got up the nerve to talk about it, was the last straw. Separate bedrooms. Celabacy. Then came the dom and periodic sessions of relief. Then came the private detective and instead of the dom it was my wife who came to the door of the motel. I was dressed in my best black negligee with stockings and stappon high heels. The room had my full collection of 'ladies things' scattered around and the bander was in plain sight. Nothing I had to say seemed to have any impact on her. The detective had broken into my computer at her request and couldn't help seeing what was there. He had followed me to the same motel several times and had photo's of me meeting a woman who looked like what she was. All too much and now she had come to make an end on her own terms. Still, I didn't see it coming, didn't guess that her mind was made up and set. I blubbered my excuses and she just stood there, listening but not careing. When I'd done she took up the bander and said, "Show me how to use this" I did and once the band was in place I was completely at her mercy. "How do you get it off?" Special scissors. "Give them to me" 'Not while you're so angry.' " Think you can use them and wrestle me at the same time? Give them to me and put your hands behind your back." 'I need those scissors and my hands to take the band off. It has to come off soon or not at all.' "Make a choice. Make a run for it now or put your hands behind your back." The band was deeply bedded, the familiar preasurised pain filled my guts while the cutting pain of the band itself burned round my trapped scrotum. The scissors were in the bathroom. I tried to bolt for the door and lock it from the inside but she was too quick. Then she had the scissors in her hand. " You're my husband and you're goiing to let me tie your hands in this room or you need to leave this room and go get help." 'The band has to come off in less then half an hour or my balls are dead. Please baby, that's all the time I've got.' This says I as she ties my hands behind me with a long silk scarf. Round and round the layers then a creul cinch and knot. "You could have put your real clothes on and gone begging for some scissors but you didn't." she declares "And you put that band on yourself." 'Please baby!Please!' She took my street clothes and stuffed them in a sack. My wallet, car keys cell-phone. "There will be divorce papers for you to sign. My lawyer will send them to your office." Flash! Flash! Digital camera. "Don't come home. Ever." 'Please baby, please just cut the band off! Please untie my hands. Please!!!' "Someone down at the desk can help you. Or you can wait and I,ll send the same detective that found you round to help you in the morning." * * *
Harry Potter and the Potion of Power -- Chapter 18
Harry's wedding<BR><BR><A href="http://www.slammr.com">http://www.slammr.com</A>
` ` _**Chapter18: The Wedding**_ Harry set up a Floo network connection between his house and the Weasleys'. It should be safe since he wasn't adding his house to the entire network, but just directly to the Weasleys' fireplace. On morning of the wedding, Harry and Colin gathered in front of their fireplace. They were dressed normally, Harry in jeans and a t-shirt and Colin in a skirt and a blouse. Colin rarely wore jeans anymore. Their wedding apparel was already at the Weasleys'. The wedding wouldn't be until 2:00 PM. Mrs. Weasley had invited them for breakfast, and after eating meals prepared by Kreacher they were ready for a good meal. One could never tell what kind of surprise he might find in a meal prepared by Kreacher. If Harry wasn't exact in his instructions, Kreacher might insert something unpleasant among the other ingredients. Because of specific instructions, he couldn't put anything in that would poison them or make them sick, but Harry had found that, "nothing that doesn't taste good," could be too broadly interpreted. When he'd found worms in his food, Kreacher had said, "Birds like them." Colin might be good in bed, but she was no cook. Her mother had never anticipated she would some day be married to a man. Beside, her mother had been a muggle and would have taught her the muggle way of cooking. Harry would rather take a chance on the meals Kreacher prepared than see his wife cooking the muggle way. Mrs. Weasley had prepared a feast: eggs, sausages, fruit, pancakes with fresh butter and syrup, anything one could have wanted. It was the best meal Harry had eaten since he'd last been at the Weasleys'. Everyone remarked about how pretty Colin was -- except for Dennis who wasn't pleased to be exchanging a brother for a sister. He had been taking a potion which supplied male hormones and -- except for his genitals -- was a normal fourteen year-old boy, even having gone through puberty since Harry had seen him last. His voice had changed and he had grown. He was already as tall as Colin who was two years older. After breakfast, Harry had gone up to Ron's room with him to talk. Colin was spending some time with her brother, trying to convince him they she was still the same person underneath. She wasn't really, Harry knew. She had changed, but her brother wouldn't want to think so. Once they were alone, Ron said, "I can't believe you're going to marry Colin." "You're still thinking about the Colin you knew at Hogwarts. She's changed. She's not anything like she was." "You call him, she?" "Doesn't she look like a girl?" asked Harry. "Yeah," said Ron. "She's got nice tits --oops." Ron clamped his hand over his mouth. "I guess I shouldn't have said that about your -- wife." Harry laughed. "That's ok. I think she's got nice tits, too." "I thought you'd marry Ginny," said Ron. Harry looked away, the smile fading from his face. "It wasn't meant to be." Ginny was the only one he'd ever told about the potion. Ron wouldn't know the real reason he hadn't married Ginny -- or at least, hadn't asked her to wait for him. "She's preggars, you know," said Ron. "Ginny's pregnant?" said Harry, hearing it for the first time. He felt as though someone had grabbed his heart and was squeezing it in his hand. Who was the father? Had Ginny found someone new? Why would she get pregnant while was still at Hogwarts? She would have to leave the school before having the baby. Hogwarts had no provisions for babies. Could it be his? Could Ginny have become pregnant by him? She'd said she was using the protective spell, when her mother had asked back at Hogwarts. That only left the time they'd spent together at the Burrow. But she'd said nothing. Wouldn't she have asked him first? If she had, what would he have said? _No_. He would have said _no_. Having his child would have only put Ginny in more danger, and would have put the child in even greater danger. Voldemort would do anything to get his hands on Harry's child. What would he do, if Ginny were having his child? Could he still marry Colin? Wouldn't his responsibility be to Ginny and the child? "Is Ginny going with someone?" Harry asked, half hoping she'd fallen in love with someone else -- half hoping she hadn't. "No," said Ron. "It's Dean's git, I told her she should abort it. She'll have to leave Hogwarts. I even told her I didn't want any of Dean's git calling me uncle, but you know how stubborn she is." In a way, Harry was relieved it wasn't his child. He could marry Colin. If it had been his, he didn't know whether he could have -- but Ginny pregnant with Dean's kid? She'd come to his bed, making him love her again, carrying Dean's kid? She had to have known. Any witch would have known whether she was pregnant -- and she would have become pregnant on purpose. Ginny had chosen to have Dean's child -- but had come back to him when he had his genitals restored. She was a slut! She had wanted Dean when Harry didn't have a cock she could use; and she'd wanted the _Great Harry Potter_ , when she thought he was once again a whole man. _ _ How would she have explained the child to him, if he had taken her back? Would she have lied, saying it was his? Or would she aborted it without telling him she'd been pregnant? She had betrayed him with Dean; then cheated on Dean with him, while carrying Dean's child. What decent girl would do that? Maybe that's when he stopped loving Ginny. Until then, he still did. "So she's going to have Dean's baby?" "Yeah," said Ron. "Even mother wanted her to abort it, so she could stay in school -- and you know how much my mum wants a grandchild -- but she wouldn't. "Is she going to marry Dean?" asked Harry. "No," said Ron. "That's the funny part. From what I've heard she won't have anything to do with him." "Why's she having his child, then? "I don't know, Harry," said Ron. "I don't know why girls do any of the things they do." _________________ Colin was beautiful in her wedding dress. Both Mrs. Weasley and Hagrid cried. "It jus seem like yesterday when yeh was startin at Hogwarts," said Hagrid after the Wedding, "now yer married." George and Fred gave them another case of Arse Fucking Lube as a wedding present. "What was that?" asked Mrs. Weasley, as Harry quickly tucked the present away. "Oh, just one of George and Fred's little jokes," said Harry. Hermione kissed both Harry and Colin on the cheek. "You make a pretty girl," she said to Colin. "She is a girl," said Harry. "I -- I didn't mean anything," said Hermione. "It's just a little hard to get used to the idea. The last time I saw Colin, he was an obnoxious boy. Now he's a sweet -- and pretty girl." "She," said Harry, for the umpteenth time that day. "She," said Hermione. "I didn't mean anything about it, Colin. I'm just having a hard time remembering to call you, she." "That's ok, Hermione," said Colin. "I don't mind. It's Harry who makes such a big deal about it." "SHE," said Dennis, "stole my brother. I had a brother last spring. That's not my brother." He said it as if some body snatcher had replaced his brother with an alien creature, like in a muggle movie Harry had once seen.. _________________ "Why do you still use the name, _Colin_?" Hermione asked, when the two of them were alone. "Why don't you change to a girl's name?" "Harry likes Colin; and I've been called that all my life. He fell in love with me as Colin. Why should I change it just because I look like a girl? The only thing's that's different is that I have these now. Colin placed her hands under her breasts, lifting them up. "It's more than that, Colin. You've changed. You're not the silly little boy you used to be. You've grown up." "I don't think I ever knew how to act like a boy. I never felt like a boy, so I had to act like I thought one would act. Acting like a girls seems to come natural. I just relax and act like I feel. Besides, knowing Harry loves me helps. I don't have to run around making a fool of myself trying to make him love me." "You don't miss being a boy. You're not sorry you were neutered?" "I don't miss being a boy, but I wish I hadn't been neutered. If I hadn't, I could have had a TS potion and be a real girl. That's the only thing I regret -- that I can't be a real girl for Harry." "He seems to think you are. He keeps telling everyone to call you _she_." "Don't you see? If I were really a girl, he wouldn't have to tell that to everyone. I'm afraid he's trying to convince himself as much as anyone else." "He loves you, Colin. Anyone can see that." "Yeah, I think he does -- but I was his second choice." "What do you mean?" asked Hermione. "He loved Ginny first. He came to me because she cheated on him with Dean. He doesn't think I know, but I do. He even made love to her when we stayed here last spring. I saw her sneak up to his room. I didn't say anything because I knew I'd lose him, if I did." "You were lovers before that?" "He made love to me the first time at Hogwarts. We were sleeping together when the Infantiliamus spell reversed itself. He made love to me that night." "Then he cheated on you with Ginny, and you still loved him?" said Hermione. "I've loved Harry since the first moment I saw him. I think I loved him even before that, but I was a boy -- a silly little boy. I didn't know how else to act around him. At least he paid me some attention when I pestered him, even if it was to tell me to go away." "I knew he was screwing Ginny while we were here. I cried myself to sleep at night -- and played my Colin role during the day. I didn't know what else to do. I was glad Ginny wasn't going to be here. I didn't know how Harry would feel if he saw her. I was afraid he wouldn't marry me, if she said she wanted him. Ginny still has a hold on him." "I don't think you have to worry about Ginny," said Hermione. "She's going to have Dean's baby." "But, he was neutered. How can that be --" Colin paused -- "you mean she was already pregnant when she was sleeping with Harry?" "Yes," said Hermione. "Ginny said she was pregnant with Dean's child. She had to be already pregnant." "Is she marrying Dean?" asked Colin. "No," She sees him at school, I guess. They're both in Griffindor; but I'm sure they're not going together." "Why would she have his kid? No witch gets pregnant by accident. Even I know that. Why would she get pregnant and then not marry him?" "Maybe she didn't want to marry a eunuch." I'd marry Harry even if he didn't have a cock -- even if we were both eunuchs." Of course, she had. She knew Harry was only going to have a cock for a few more weeks. He'd told her about the potion. He'd also told her about the dildo spell, and she would let him use it; but her orgasms came from knowing she pleased Harry. She didn't know if she could have one, if he didn't. "Oh," said Colin, looking inward. "You asked me if I was sorry I'd been neutered. I am -- but if I hadn't been, I wouldn't be Harry's wife. I'd still be a boy, and he would be with Ginny or some other girl. I'm sorry I can't be a real girl, but I'm not sorry about anything else. I'm luckier than Dennis and the other boys who were neutered, anyway." "How do you mean?" asked Hermione. "They're boys with no penis or testicles. What chance at happiness do they have? Potions can make them look like boys, but -- without cocks they won't be. They can't make love to a woman. If they were smart -- and lucky -- they'd find a man like I did. They'd take a feminizing potion and grow tits. I might not have a vagina, but I make Harry happy." "You have changed, Colin" "It's love that did it, Hermione -- Harry's love. It's all I ever wanted. When he made love to me the first time, I realized that there was a way I could express my love for him -- and he could for me. I only wish I had known about the TS potion and had taken it my first year at Hogwarts. Maybe Harry would have liked me better as a girl; but my parents were muggles and didn't know about such things -- and even if they had, probably wouldn't have wanted their son to become a girl. * * *
Nacktbadetag 2 (German)
Er geht am Nacktbadetag ins Spaþbad - und verliert seinen Penis (Variante 2 von 3)
` Als er auf den Eingang des Schwimmbades zuging, wunderte er sich schon ein wenig. Es schienen fast ausschlieþlich Frauen hineinzugehen, kaum ein Mann war zu sehen. Und die Frauen sahen ihn teils erstaunt, teils am¸siert an. Auch die Frau an der Kasse schien ziemlich erstaunt, als er an der Reihe war. ` "Wollen sie wirklich hier rein?" "Ja, wieso nicht" "Heute ist aber Nudistentag." Nacktbadetag! Das hatte ich zwar nicht gewuþt, aber es macht mir auch nichts aus, ja es reizte mich sogar. Baden wir eben nackt, gibt es was Nettes zu sehen. "Sie kennen die Bedingungen am Nudistentag?" "Na ja, man badet nackt." "Das ist ja logisch, aber das meine ich nicht," raunzte sie mich an. "Sonst weiþ ich nichts." "Haben sie einen Penis?" Ich dachte ich h‰tte mich verhˆrt. Vˆllig verwirrt antwortete ich stotternd "Na klar habe ich einen Penis." Die Frauen um mich rum lachten Darauf die Kassierin:"Das ist das Problem. Mit Penis kommen sie heute hier nicht rein." Das konnte ja wohl icht wahr sein. Nur M‰ner ohne Penis durften rein. Klar, daþ ich nur so wenige M‰nner gesehen hatte. Zu meiner eigene Ðberraschung erregte mich der Gedanke - mein Pimmel stand wie eine eins. Anstatt zu gehen, blieb ich zu meinem eigenen Erstaunen und fragte stotternd:"Und was heiþt das?" "Nun ja. Wenn sie wirklich rein wollen, kˆnnen sie sich hier den Penis abschneiden lassen," meinte die Kassierin mit einem hinterh‰ltige L‰cheln. Irgendwo tief in mir nagte die Angt, ich wollte eigentlich endg¸ltig gehen aber etwas hielt mich. Ich wurde immer erregter, mein Pimmel immer h‰rter.Und ich hˆrte mich selber fragen: "Wohin muþ ich dazu gehen?" Jetzt war es an der Kassiererin, erstaunt zu sein. "Da rechts durch die T¸r." Die Frauen um mich rum stˆhnten auf oder lachten, als ich tats‰chlich langsam auf die T¸r zuging. Hinter der T¸r erwartete mich eine nackte Frau mit Traumfigur, was meinen Pimmel weiter wachsen lieþ. "Ziehen sie sich aus und legen sich auf die Liege," meinte sie nur kurz angebunden zu mir und verlieþ den Raum durch eine andere T¸r. Ich zog mich aus und legte mich folgsam auf die Liege - mein Pimmel stand senkrecht. Die Nackte kam wieder, sah auf meinen Pimmel und meinte:"Na, den kann man ruhig abschneiden." Damit spielte sie auf die Tatsche an, daþ ich nicht gerade groþ gebaut war - erregt mal gerade 8,5 Zentimeter! Das war auch der Grund, wieso mich der Gedanke an eine Amputation erregt hatte. "Na dann wollen wir mal," meinte sie, nahm meinen Pimmel mit der linken Hand , zog ihn in die L‰nge und zwackte ihn mit einer Art Rosenschere ab. Der Schmerz lieþ mich ohnm‰chtig werden und als ich aufwachte hatte sie die Wunde bereits versorgt. Als sie fertig war sagt sie:"So, jetzt kˆnnen sie in die Halle, aber schwimmen d¸rfen sie heute nat¸rlich nicht." Noch immer etwas benebelt stand ich plˆtzlich in der Halle, umringt von jungen Nackten die meist ausrasiert waren. Davon hatte ich immer getr‰umt - nur hatte ich in den Tr‰umen noch einen Pimmel. * * *
The epic tale of Lauren and Tardirion - the scenario
This is not a complete story, but the description of a scenerio in stories to follow. If anyone is reminded of Tolkien\'s tale \"The Lord of the Rings\" - yep, that is by far my most favorite book and I\'m greatly influenced by that masterpiece (I don\'t use the nickname Smeagol without reason).The stories to follow will be mostly written from a female point of view, so any help from females will be appreciated (still hanging round, Dorria?). My e-mail is [email protected] you for reading!
` In ancient times the evil spirit Trolldon came to earth. He took to ` himself the shape of a human male, and settled down in the land that was called Anfaug-Loth. That land was then ruled by five queens who were dearly loved from the folks dwelling there. However, Trolldon promised them greater power and life everlasting and more riches and wider lands to rule - all they had to do was to consume his cum, then part of his power would flow into them. And so it happened indeed, but Trolldon ensnared them in the end, for not only his power did flow into them, but also his will, which proved too strong for the queens to handle. It did not take long, and they had no longer a will of their own, they were completely and utterly controlled by Trolldon. Then they began to establish a dominion of terror and they used Trolldon's knowledge that a male's brain is totally controlled by his cock and balls to enslave all the males of the country. All they had to do was to cut off the dick and balls and claim them for their own, and then the male's mind would no longer be free. They did not have to perform that act on every male - the knowledge was purposefully spread all over the lands, so that the fear proved enough to control the males; they only did it from time to time to have some fun. The enslaved males were used for different purposes: some had to work in mines to dig for metals and jewels, others were to work on the fields and the rest were put together to form armies to overwhelm the realms near Anfaug-Loth. And so they came at last to the borders of a beautiful land that was called Laurelindorenán. There lived the young female Lauren and the male Tardirion, and there also dwelt the good spirit Luthvenia who was Trolldon's foe before time began to exist. She knew that Trolldon had one weak point - because he chose to take the shape of a human male, he also was controlled by his cock. And so Lauren was sent on the hopeless quest to find Trolldon, to cut off his cock and balls and to cast them into the fire. Then that evil spirit would disappear from the earth and everything build with his power would vanish and the lands could be free again. Lauren did not go alone, because Tardirion accompanied her to help her to fulfill the quest; but that is a different story and will be told in "The epic tale of Lauren and Tardirion - the quest" * * *
An All Around Improvement
Muscular bruiser Phil has a beautiful body - but an incredibly small cock. His 15 year old son Timothy, however, is not only just as good looking as his dad - but has a huge 11 inch cock! With the help of the family doctor - It\'s time for Dad to \"settle the score\"...A story that is partly autobiographical (My own cock is QUITE a bit larger than my dad\'s) and partly WISHFUL THINKING. I wish my dad would have just had this big, hateful thing between MY legs removed when I was a teenager....Please let me know what you think - and please offer any ideas about HOW to to do this, because I WILL have this thing removed, once and for all....
` An All Around Improvement ` I’m thirty-four and I’ve been a doctor for seven years. I started off in the Army Medical Corps after I finished my training at one of the big teaching hospitals. The Army really isn’t my kind of life, and I only did a couple of years, but there’s one thing to be said for it. If you enjoy performing circumcisions, you get your chance to keep in practice there. There’s always someone being posted to the tropics, or having some little problem with a tight foreskin, and I often found it quite surprisingly easy to persuade them that what they needed was that little bit of skin removed by my own highly skilled hand. Even better were the poor dumb squaddies who believed the tale that it got you ten days leave. I made sure that a couple of my corporals kept spreading that story among the new recruits. In return, they got to watch the circumcisions I performed. They enjoyed that. My two sidekicks would encourage the recruits to come and ask for it, and when I looked at their dicks the skin would be loose and the head completely clean. In fact I can say that I mostly cut the lads who didn’t need it. And need it or not, they were back on parade the following morning with a very sore weapon in their rough army trousers. I think that’s where I developed a taste for the whole idea. Of course at medical school they had decided that circumcision was a bit unfashionable but I’ve found that the practice I got in the Army has stood me in good stead. Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t approve of the sort of wholesale slaughter of the innocent that happens in the States. I do circumcise babies; of course, from time to time, but only if the parents are really insistent. Fewer of them are, these days, but that’s all to the good. Cutting a baby is OK, but the real thrill is doing it for an adolescent, and because there are fewer babies done, it means there are more teenagers around to play with. And that is really nice. Part of the interest is persuading their parents. I tell them how much cleaner, and how much better the penis looks. I warn the about dirt behind tight foreskins and penile cancer. I talk about irritations and ulcers and all the other “medical” reasons. But what I don’t say is that they are all so much nonsense. Doctors, and especially me, we circumcise because we enjoy it. And so, since I left the Army, I have had the privilege and pleasure of taking my scalpel to some twenty-five or thirty healthy teenagers’ foreskins. Now you must understand that I am a professional. They got the best treatment. After all, if you’re going to get a reputation for circumcision, it ought to be a good one, and I took great care over all of them. They all had an anaesthetic injected carefully into the skin. They all had the cut ends lined up neatly, the fraenum carefully preserved. The fraenum is the little bridge of skin just under the opening, the meatus as we call it. It’s quite sensitive and most guys ask to keep it. Mostly I let them. Anyway they all healed up looking smooth and neat. But I have to say that I began to feel that I was not getting all the pleasure I might from the operation. Then about a month ago, two things happened. First, I read an article in an American magazine. It was about some of the customs of the Arabs and of the slaves they took from the African tribes. Now I don’t know how true it all was, but it was obvious that the writer was as turned on by the idea of primitive circumcisions as I was. It was terrific, and I began to think that perhaps I wasn’t being very ambitious with the foreskins that came under my knife. I also began to wonder what it would be like to own slaves. The second thing that happened was that a good-looking guy of about thirty-five or thirty-six, a patient of mine, Phil by name, brought his fifteen year old son, Timothy, to my surgery. They were the last patients of the afternoon session. I’ve known Phil for some time. He’s good-looking, a bit of a bruiser, not the world’s most intellectual guy, but sharp. He works at Nine Elms, in the new Covent Garden fruit market, and humping tons of fruit around has given him a very fair set of muscles. He doesn’t make a great deal of money, and you can tell from the way he dresses – his muscles are fairly rippling under tight tee shirts and tighter trousers not because he likes to show off – there’s just not enough money coming in to spend on clothes, would be my guess. But he has the body of a body builder, and his tight clothes really show it off – except for the muscle between those massive thighs of his. After all, I’m his doctor, and I know from past examinations that Phil has been seriously short changed in the cock department. Funny how God divides, but for all his wonderful musculature, his cock is just a mere 4.5 – 5 inches, and really thin and sort of pencil-like. His balls are just as small – like little tiny marbles. It makes for a rather interesting picture, actually – as I cast my mind back to Phil’s last physical – this big, muscular, masculine hunk and that little tiny cock, all shrivelled up between those huge thighs of his. Shame, really. But if big cocks are not your thing, and if you find body hair sexy, well, he has just the right amount of fine white-blond hair covering all those muscles, matching his cold, ice blue eyes. There’s just one thing though. Whoever circumcised that little piece of meat of his was a butcher; they left what little cock he’s got looking like a little piece of chopped meat. What was left was a tiny little cock head, and a thin little shaft, but too much skin was removed from one side, too little off the other, and a thick, raised scar that looks as if it was stitched up with string. Of course, as I said, I am his doctor, so I’d never actually had my hands on it except purely for medical purposes, but I didn’t somehow think he’d have been surprised that another guy was interested in the state of his equipment. Anyway, here he was, with young Timothy. The other thing I knew about Phil was that his wife, Timothy’s mother, had been carrying on with more or less anything in trousers for a long time now – maybe in search of a bloke with a “normal” sized cock? Perhaps, and who could really blame her, I guess. Of course you and I don’t see much wrong in that, and maybe neither did Phil, because he stuck with her. But seeing Phil there was a bit of a surprise. In the past it was always Sylvia that came in with Timothy. Any good doctor, when he sees a patient, goes through the patient’s history notes. I didn’t have much on Timothy, but what there was quite interesting, to me at least. Like for example, he’d been brought to see my predecessor in the practice. You remember I said I only circumcise babies if the parents insist? Well, the notes said that Sylvia had come up with the idea, but the guy before me turned her off. I didn’t know him, but I was glad he had. Probably, like me, he thought that circumcising a baby seemed a bit tame. There have been several I’ve thought, ‘save him for later, or if not him, well, there will be lots more’. When he was eight, she and her then boyfriend came and asked again. It was my writing on the notes and I remembered it now. Timothy’s little cock looked very good as it was, and it stiffened nicely as I handled it, but again I said no. Of course I didn’t close the door on the idea entirely. I’d had a feeling then that she would come back, but I pointed out that there was no tightness or soreness and if she was still worried, bring the lad back when he has developed, I’ll take another look then. However, in the past seven years or so I’d seen him only two or three times. He was a tough kid, and they get the harder knocks. I took a quick look through his notes and registered a broken arm and some concussion from a fight. Looking at the boy himself, he certainly seemed to have developed very nicely indeed. He was well muscled for a teenager, compact and trim, with pale, creamy white skin with a pink hue like his father, short blond hair and pale blue eyes and a very fair packet in his trousers. I asked what seemed to be the problem. Phil answered. “It’s like this, Doc”. Timothy has not been sleeping very well and he’s got these exams coming up. I thought you might be able to give him something. To get him off to sleep, like.” Timothy looked a bit sullen, I thought, but Phil looked embarrassed. I knew there had to be something else, you get a instinct as a doctor, so I waited. “See,” he said, “When he doesn’t get to sleep at night, he starts, you know, playing with himself.” “Oh, yes,” I said, “masturbating.” “Well, that’s the fancy word…” “Still, it’s the right one.” Now you and I, we know that everyone does it. So did Phil, I thought, after all, he is quite a sharp character. I wondered why he was making a thing of it. Timothy looked a bit guilty. Still, he was my patient, so I thought I’d better talk to him. “All right,” I said, “let’s have some more information. What do you think is keeping you off your sleep? Is there anything you’re worried about? “ The lad shrugged. “Dunno,” he said, “not really.” “How long have you been masturbating?” “Dunno.” “Well, that wasn’t the first time, was it, son,” said Phil. Then he turned to me. “Maybe you heard, Doc, his mum and me, we’ve split up. She’s gone off, oh, four months back, with her new bloke. This time she says she’s not coming back.” “Good riddance,” said Timothy. “We’ll do better without her.” Phil seemed pleased at this, but he carried on. “That’s as may be, son. Anyhow, you know what it means. I am your father and you’ll do what I say. And that means no more beating your meat every night. It’s not good for you. You carry on like that and we’ll have to talk to Doc about that other little job.” I pricked up my ears. The ‘other little job’ had an interesting sound. Then I looked at Phil, and suddenly, just from the look in his eye, I knew exactly what the ‘other little job’ might be. What’s more he looked back at me, and I saw that he knew I knew. He wasn’t going to say the word, and nor was I, but I could tell we were both savouring the same idea. Then I looked at Timothy. I wondered if he knew, too. Was that fear in his eyes? Or was it interest? Or maybe, was it both? “Right,” I said. “I’d better take a look at you. Lots of boys masturbate, and the reason is often some minor irritation, even something you can’t really feel, which keeps you off your sleep and makes you want to touch your penis. And of course having done that, it’s a short step to playing with it.” I looked him straight in the eyes. “We can probably do something about that.” I could tell that he too knew what we could do. What interested me was that something about him seemed almost to welcome the idea. “Go behind that screen, please, and strip down to your underpants.” The boy did so and I had him come and stand by my table. He had a lovely body, with the taut muscles, the tight little arse and smooth pale white skin of the adolescent; so creamy white you could almost see the pale blue of his veins beneath the surface of the skin. I slipped his briefs down over his thighs. The hair at his groin was soft and silky and so blond it was almost white. And curled tightly at the base of his shaft. The cock itself was big and beautiful, measuring about 6 inches soft, and rather thick. The skin was very soft and a pale milky white. It hung freely down thick and heavy, a little proud of his testicles. The foreskin covered the big mushroom head completely, and extended over it into an overlap of about ľ of an inch, and no more. The head was big and flanged and I gradually, slowly and gently took it in my hands and pushed back the foreskin. The soft teenage skin slid easily back and as the fleshy purple glans was released from its covering it expanded like a widely flanged flower. Though the skin covered the head closely there was no tightness. The foreskin rode back across the corona easily. As it slid over the edge I could feel Timothy’s erection beginning. I continued to press it further, and the clean, perfect, beautiful sulcus appeared. There were vivid blue veins beneath the pink and white skin. I paused for a second. Then I thrust the foreskin firmly back as far as it would go. Under the tension the fraenum showed white amid the surrounding skin. I took hold of the glans and spread the wide lips of the meatus. It was a large slit – quite unusual for a boy his age and size and as it opened I could clearly see the dark, moist flesh inside. When I released it a spot of thick pre-cum fluid appeared at the tip. I had been fighting to be a professional doctor, to keep my hard on down. What finished me was that lone, sticky spot of juice from the gaping hole of his meatus. It was all I could do not to bend down and lick it off. Timothy was half erect now, and when I let his cock go it stayed there – my best estimate put it at 9 inches, and it was not even fully hard. The foreskin slowly unrolled of its own accord almost to its original position, hiding his heavy cock head. I looked at Phil. I recognised the look he had on. Lust, of course. For his own son, yet. He had sex written all over his face. I wondered if he ever… But I let THAT thought go. But as he gazed at Timothy’s huge, perfect cock, I saw envy in Phil’s eyes as well. And I knew what he wanted to do about it, too. So I let the boy dress himself and sent him into the waiting room so that I could have a private word with Phil. I noticed though that when Timothy came out from behind the screen, he hadn’t just stuffed his cock back into his jeans. He had deliberately not put his briefs back on and he had carefully placed his semi-hard cock on the right side of his trousers. His half erection showed clearly pressing against his thigh in his pants, and he had stuffed his briefs into his back pocket. When he had gone I looked Phil, straight in the eye. “Stand up, Phil,” I said. He looked surprised, then embarrassed. He wriggled a bit in his trousers, but I held his eye and he stood. It was as I expected. Phil’s jeans were very tight and clearly outlined I could see the shape of his little erection trying to get out of them; I smiled to myself. I had never had any reason to see Phil’s cock hard, but on his massive body – it would have been a treat to see such a little hardon. “Thought so,” I said. “OK, now I know where we stand.” Phil looked at me hard. Then he laughed. “Bloody hell, Doc. How did you know?” “That’s not the only thing I know,” I said. “Now, this door is soundproof, no- one can overhear us and everything you say to me is confidential, right? So you can say exactly what you like. But I’m going to say one thing. Every kid has a wank now and then. I bet you did when you were Timothy’s age.” He shook his head a little, as if he was remembering it, but he didn’t deny it. “So why’d you bring him here? I mean, if it’s just that he isn’t sleeping, I’ll give him something. But it’s not that, is it? It’s the other thing. And what do you expect me to do about that?” “Well,” he said, “You said yourself there might be something wrong, something irritating him. Can you do anything about that?” “There’s nothing at all wrong with Timothy’s penis. In fact it’s as close to perfect as you could wish to see, no marks, no dirt, no tightness, no irritation. And what’s more, it’s much, much bigger than average for boys his age, and it will probably get bigger. He knows that. You know it too, surely. Or is that the first time you’ve seen it? I saw you getting a good look.” Phil looked embarrassed and looked at the floor. “First time close to. I’ve seen it a couple of times in the bath.” “Anyway,” I went on, “I think you had something else in mind, or am I wrong. You said something about ‘some other little job’. Were you thinking of some sort of punishment or other? No-one punishes a kid of fifteen for wanking, not in the twentieth century.” His face clouded over. “They did me, didn’t they?” he said, his mind recalling some previous horror he had as a teenager. “Just the once I got caught and they did me.” I thought I knew just what he meant, then – his own circumcision nightmare - and I said “All right, let’s have it then. I think you’ve got something in mind. You said masturbation was a fancy word, and I said it was the right one. What’s the right word for this one, then? Revenge? He looked at me then. He didn’t know if he could trust me, but I knew he was too horny with the idea to let go now. From what I could tell, Phil’s cock was rock hard and I could see the little head clearly outlined against his tight trousers. From what I could tell, if that was the full size of Phil’s cock when hard – he had a LOT to envy his son about; Phil’s hard cock could be no bigger than 5 inches at the most. No wonder he was jealous! His own son was over twice as big as him! “Revenge. Circumcision,” he whispered. “That’s what the word is. That’s what they did to me. And Christ! It hurt!” I thought of his tiny, butchered cock. “My two brothers, Ron and Kevin, they caught me wanking one night, just like I caught Timothy. They thumped me, and I swore at them and thumped them back. My cock was really small, and they were much bigger than me – and they kept laughing and pointing and joking about how nobody would ever want anything to do with my little cock, not even the gay bloke who hung around the docks at night. Next night they’re in the bar and they meet this bloke they don’t know from Adam. They have a bit to drink and they tell him all about it. ‘I know a trick worth two of that’ says the bloke, and the next thing I know the three of them are back home, pissed as ferrets and up in my bedroom. ‘We’re going to put a stop to your larks’ says Ron ‘and make you sorry you ever had that little piece of meat between your legs’, and then he and Ron hold me down and the other guy gives grabs a hold of my cock and in one quick move he pulled up my foreskin and gave me the treatment with the kitchen scissors. Have you seen the result, Doc? You have haven’t you? It isn’t pretty, and my God it hurt!” “And that’s what you want for your own son?” “That’s what I want. It want his cock ripped and mutilated - just like mine” He paused and smiled. “Like father like son, eh, Doc?” I looked at him straight. He was still standing. One hand was in his pocket, and I could see he was gripping the stiff little hardon in his pants. “All right, drop your pants. Let’s see what you want for him, and I’ll think about it.” Slowly he undid the belt of his jeans and slipped them down. His cock was barely distinguishable in his old dirty briefs. I could see the shape of the cock-head only barely against the growing sticky wet stain. “I don’t like showing this,” he said. “I’m a doctor, I’ve seen worse, I expect.” He slipped down his briefs and took the little piece out, handling it ever so gently, like a precious piece of crystal. In my career, I must say that I have never seen a more terribly mangled penis – or what was supposed to be a penis – and indeed one that was so small, attached to a fully grown man, The one good thing was that it was straight – and just like a little pencil nub it stuck out straight out hard and stiff – and I was right in my estimate, too. Barely 5 inches it was, perhaps closer to 4.7 inches would be the best estimate. With the same soft, creamy white skin as his son, the head was particularly noticeable in that it was much thinner and more tapered; usually cock heads flare out a bit. Phil’s pointed little cock head was swollen with excitement to colour of a little plum; QUITE different from his son! And as I’ve said, he’d been seriously butchered. On one side the skin was tight and scarred from a knife blade and the horrible, messy scar had pulled – a careless job of suturing a wound. On the other there side there was a cuff of thick white skin covering part of the head, also sliced many times by a blade. The scar there was ugly too. Underneath the little shaft there was a rough, ragged scar running back all along the shaft, down to his little balls. It was thick and red, and clearly visible in profile; because his cock shaft was so thin – his whole cock seemed to be just one mass of scar tissue. I leant forward. I could smell the sweat from his dirty briefs and matted pubic hair. “Oh, Christ,” he said, “Don’t touch it or I’ll come.” I didn’t want that, of course, so I said, “OK, now I’ve seen it. You’re right it’s not pretty, and it is a bit small.” “Yeah – insult to injury, eh? Sylvia used to say…” But he didn’t go on, obviously not wanting to repeat her past taunts. Women can be bitches indeed! “I’ll bet. You know, maybe I could do something about those scars. Anyway, is that the butcher job you want done on your son? It’s not entirely impossible, but I’ll tell you one thing if it is. I don’t do circumcisions with kitchen scissors.” He shuddered a bit as he remembered his own mutilation. He put his little tool back into his filthy white cotton briefs – still rock hard, but small enough to get in without any strain. He pulled up his tight trousers and just like that – his crotch was gone! Then he said, “Look Doc, you’re way ahead of me. Timothy’s a good kid, mostly, and I do love him. When I came in here I didn’t have any of this in mind.” But I saw he couldn’t meet my eyes, and I said “Don’t give me that, Phil. You’ve been thinking about this ever since you caught him wanking. Maybe even earlier. In fact, I think you’ve wanted his cock cut up ever since the first time you saw him in the bath.” I didn’t look at his eyes; I looked at his cock. The way it twitched when I said it, I knew I was right. “You know, you got me,” he said. “So help me I don’t know how you knew, but you’ve known since we came in, isn’t you. And you’re dead right. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that he’s a good-looking kid, and that time I caught him, he had left the bathroom door open. First time I went in it was an accident, and I only got a quick look. I couldn’t think of anything else all fucking evening. So I made sure I got another look, real soon. Well you saw it, Doc. That kid’s prick, it’s fantastic, its huge and powerful - it’s perfectly shaped and formed… magic.” He grinned. “Course the second time I reckon he left the door open on purpose, just so I would get a good look at him. See, he put the face cloth on the top of it when I came in, but he left it long enough so I got quite a good look.” “After that, I used to catch him pretty regular, just going at it – and I know he knew I was watching because it was always at the same time. He’d say good night and go up to bed, and I KNEW that if I went up in about ten minute’s time, he would be laying on the bed, the door open about six inches – just so I could see in. And I would go upstairs for some reason and make a lot of noise – and he KNEW I was there – and he knew I would see him and he would jack that big piece of meat real slow and deliberate, spreading his legs out wide, and just taking his time. And he would hold off as long as he could until he shot that big load of his – all the time with that big smile on his face, knowing I was watching his little show. Bastard.” Phil paused, and a deep scowl came across his lips as he thought of his young son’s perfect cock and his own mangled little morsel between his legs. “And after I thought about it, I realised that my boy didn’t deserve to have a cock like that, better than his dad. He needed bringing down a few pegs. Here Doc, when exactly did you suss out that’s what I wanted.” “Soon as you said he was playing with himself.” “Yeah, well I’ll tell you something. Soon as I said it I knew you knew. And I knew you were going to help.” “Well... that depends exactly what it is you want. Like I said, no kitchen scissors.” “Nah, nah,” he said, “I want it done proper – in a medical sense. If I’d wanted the other I’d have done it myself, and I don’t say I wasn’t tempted, poor little fucker. You know, the first time I caught him, he was so ashamed; I think he’d have let me. After that, though… Course you see it wasn’t like what happened to me. I didn’t thump him, and he didn’t give me lip. Anyway, I want him scarred permanently, but he should be able to USE it. Unless…” His voice trailed off as he thought about – what? “Unless WHAT, Phil?” I was genuinely curious. This man HAD given this some thought. “Unless something were to happen, you know – go wrong with the procedure. Something real wrong. Prevent him from ever using that cock of his again. Forever. That would be the ideal situation, I guess. A genuine and permanent improvement to the situation, as they say.” Now I am not a stupid man, but what was he getting at? Then it hit me. And I thought in all my years as a doctor, I had done it all – this was a new thing completely, and something of a challenge. I smiled at Phil and looked right into his eyes, and saw him in a new light. Not just a BIG bloke, but a MEAN one, too. Mean enough to destroy his own kid’s life, for the sake of his own envy. If I didn’t know Phil was seriously straight – I tell you, right then and there… I would have gone for him. I was getting hard myself, just thinking about this mean fucker. Tiny dick, but mean and sexy as hell! Phil smiled back at me; he looked down and noticed my own hardon coming up in my white trousers. “I mean, if a little accident were to just HAPPEN – there’s not much we can do, is there, doc?” I thought he would burst out laughing, that smug bastard! I brought it back to reality; I was NOT going to play mind games with this semi – intellectual. No. But I knew what he wanted for his lad, and as a doctor… I would serve. And have a pretty interesting time doing, I supposed. “Okay. Agreed. I will do this for you, if this is what you genuinely want for your son.” Phil smiled broadly. “Does Tim know why he’s even here?” “No. Just told him it was a check up and knowing that he had been jacking off a lot – I told him I would have that foreskin off him. We talked a bit about it, all serious, and I says we’re going to see you, and maybe that’s what you’ll say.” “What did he say to that?” “He didn’t seem to like it a lot. In fact not one little bit.” Phil grinned all over his face. “But then, he’s not got a lot of choice, has he. I mean, I’m his father, and you’re his doctor, and if we say ‘cut’, it’s cut. Mind you, it’s funny; in a way I think he’s quite interested. I told him I’d been done.” “Did you show him?” “Didn’t want to frighten him off, did I? Anyhow, he cheered up a bit.” “He knew what it meant, though, circumcision?” “Oh sure, all kids do.” “So, that won’t be a total surprise – but obviously he doesn’t know about your other idea.” “Not at all – would he even be here? If he knew I was taking him to the doctor to have that big cock of his cut right off – he’d be in the next county.” Dancing around all this, it was the first time Phil SAID it. And it hung in the air for a moment… HE WANTED HIS SON’S COCK CUT OFF. And once Phil said the words, we both relaxed, and he was on a roll. He HAD thought about this and just knew what he wanted. “Anyhow, like I said, I want him done safely and properly; I want it all gone. Start like it’s just a circumcision and then – however you want to do it (hell, you’re the doctor) but if your knife should slip up a bit, or a LOT – that would probably be the best way, so it looks like it’s not all planned out. But I know you’re a good doctor, and I know you’ll take good care – but I DO want it as clean as possible – no stumps or half jobs – all the way down to the root, GONE.” His voice became low and mean, almost hateful. “I want the lad and ruined forever – the boy needs to be brought down a peg or two. This is the only way. The best way...” He paused, surprised at his authority. I could see his own little cock leaking pre cum profusely – or had he even cum in his trousers? – and the crotch of his pants was wet and sticky – maybe he HAD cum. He continued. “But safely. I don’t want him bleeding to death or anything like that. He is my son.” Phil’s voice trailed off, and it was quiet for what seemed like a long time. Christ, after that – I thought I would shoot in my trousers any minute! “Gotcha. I think I can manage that, Phil. You’d be surprised what can be done in the medical sense, yet still keep things safe – relatively speaking anyway. Now, once I remove his foreskin – then just go for broke, do my best, so to speak?” Phil’s head was spinning at the thought of his boy’s cock being removed by this very helpful doctor. “Yes. Yes. I don’t want any chance of corrective surgery when he grows up. Permanent. Forever.” He was so intense at this point; his voice was at a whisper. “Trust me, Phil, it will take a LOT of correcting to repair what I will do to your boy.” I knew exactly how to handle this, and I said so. “But what about his testicles? His balls?” There was no mention of the lad’s balls! “It might look a bit strange, to say the least – your lad without a cock and those big balls just hanging there. THAT would look VERY odd indeed, Phil.” Phil had not even thought about this, but quickly he decided – and surprised me by how much he knew about anatomy. “If he keeps his balls, he still makes hormones, right? He’ll still be a MAN, right?” “Well, yes, but…” I considered the prospect. Phil followed his thought. “But a man who’s making hormones and he has NOTHING TO USE THEM WITH. No cock – no FUCK. Balls, and LOTS of hormones – and nothing he could do about it. What would you call that, doc?” He seemed ready to explode with excitement, just thinking about his lad’s body – making all those hormones, wanting to fuck around and nothing to do about it. “I would call that frustration, Phil. Complete and utter FRUSTRATION.” And needless to say, Phil liked that idea very much indeed! “Very well. Do you want to be here, do you want to watch his operation?” Of course you do, I thought and watched Phil’s cock. It twitched again against that sticky patch. “I suppose so,” he said. “Best to make sure it’s done right, eh Doc? Anyhow, it’d be interesting. Especially since I couldn’t see a thing when mine was done.” “Right. Next, circumcision and surgery and a penectomy can be painful. Well, you know that.” I paused to make sure he got the message. “With the proper anaesthetic things can be completely painless, but without it…” A pause as a smile slowly crept over Phil’s lips and a gleam came to his eyes. “Do you want him to have an anaesthetic?” I noticed his huge bulge twitch and he grabbed it unconsciously. That dark patch on his crotch began to get bigger; I thought he was going to come on the spot. “Fucking Christ,” he gasped, “Oh fucking Christ. Oh, the poor little bugger. I tried not to think about that, but I admit that I HAD dreamed that we could skip the anaesthetic altogether.” His whole body seemed to relax. “I mean, the main point is for the boy to always remember the pain. So anaesthetic would be stupid, right? I mean, I know that’s going to hurt and I want it to hurt very much, but I didn’t say anything because being a doc I thought you’d never agree to it; I thought you’d insist on giving him a jab or something. But since you are asking me, as his father… Christ, no. Certainly not. Don’t use anything. Nothing at all.” I felt a slight movement in my own crotch and dryness at the back of my throat “Come on,” I said, in a very unconvincing voice “It’s good for him to learn to take some pain in his life. It will do him good.” “Yes,” Phil said, “but I’ve had it done to me, remember. I know what it’s like. It’s not just a LITTLE pain - God, would you really do that to my boy? For me?” I WAS going to cum. “I need your signature.” “You’ve got it.” I knew I had. “And I can watch?” “Sure. Just one more thing. When?” “Soon as you like.” I looked at my watch. “OK, Strike while the iron is hot. I’ll get rid of my secretary, and we’ll do it now. One of the nice things about this is that it’s all perfectly legal. You’re his father and I’m his doctor, like you said. But I don’t think we really want witnesses. I think I should tell him – and only about the circumcision, nothing else.” He sat down when Timothy came in. I went out to the waiting room and sent my secretary home. Timothy was sitting there, looking apprehensive. I called him into the consulting room. “I’m sorry we took so long,” I said, “But I’ll come straight to the point. You were brought here because you were playing with yourself. I examined your foreskin, and I can find nothing the matter with it, but we have decided that you should be circumcised, here and now. Your father tells me you know what that means. I am going to remove your foreskin which is the ring of skin at the tip of your penis.” Not surprisingly, Tim looked very apprehensive, but was I wrong, or was it mixed with anticipation? I wondered if he’d maybe been curious, as some kids are, what it would be like to be circumcised. If so, he was going to find out – and then some. I sent him to undress again behind the screen. While he did so I put a mat on the floor and positioned the light. Then I went out to the store cupboard to fetch my kit. I heard voices and wondered what they were saying to each other. Whatever it was they were silent when I came back. I waited for Timothy to finish undressing. When Timothy came from behind the screen he was naked. He watched fascinated as I laid out the instruments for his circumcision. First I laid out the needles and the sutures on the sterile tray. I took the clamp with which I would seize the foreskin to draw it forward. Then from a sealed pack I took a scalpel. I remembered the article I had read, and thought that if a witch doctor with a rusty razor blade could get a perfect result time after time, I could do the same with my experience and a surgical steel blade so sharp that it could slice a human hair. I showed Timothy the edge. He gazed at it horrified, but I could tell he was rather curious. I could tell that in imagination he felt it already in his flesh. He looked long and hard at my tray of equipment. Of course there was no hypodermic needle on the tray, and he looked around cautiously; I think it was then he realised there would be no anaesthetic. His face went very pale and his fists clenched at his sides, but he tried to remain calm. Moving slowly, almost ritually, I took a bowl and washed the boy’s genitals. The warm water and the gentle pressure bought on an almost instant erection and the boy’s cock stood upright straight in front of him. I could not see Phil, but I could tell that he was hardly daring to breathe. I dried the boy’s penis and testicles. Then I washed my own hands and dried them. I shone the light upon the naked boy’s thick, heavy and yet defenceless penis. I studied it carefully. Without anaesthetic this operation would have to be done exactly, precisely and as swiftly as lightning – if I was to effectively remove this boys beautiful penis, and COMPLETELY as Phil had asked – no stump, he HAD seemed to emphasise - the cuts had to be exact. I knew exactly what to do; I knew exactly what Phil wanted for his only son. I had the sinking feeling that the boy knew this too as he looked at me wanly and surrendered himself and his very beautiful penis to me, his doctor. In that moment I knew he was a virgin, and after I was done modifying him, he may very well remain one for the remainder of his life. As his father said from experience: women can be cruel – and from what I knew, so can men. This had to happen quickly. I was turning over in my head what sort of cutting pattern I should undertake - quickly thinking back to my anatomy days in college - because I had never done this, you see. Would there be much blood? With out anaesthetic, the boy would naturally pull away in pain, and I did not want him to bleed to death or spoil my work, so speed was of the essence… And I quickly resolved my plan. I took a silicone catheter out of its plastic wrapping and showed it to Tim. “I need to insert this into your penis, Tim; I need you to relax.” There was no reason for this lad to question me, but he did look a bit apprehensive – why would the doctor put something into his penis if he was just going to remove a little flap of skin on the OUTSIDE of his cock? “Perhaps you should sit up on the table, so you’re more comfortable.” The boy jumped up on the medical table and spread his white legs apart. God, what a beautiful sight! But not for long. I took a tube of medical lubricant and squeezed a drop onto Tim’s huge cock, smearing it all around the huge piss slit – which was so wide, my little finger almost fit into it. Phil moved closer to get a better look; the sod had never seen a catheter, I guessed. I began inserting the silicone tube into Tim’s penis (which was becoming semi-erect) and it was the easiest insertion I had ever done, no doubt because his piss hole was so wide. The lad winced as I pushed the tube all the way inside of him, and seemed to wince as the last few inches reached his bladder. A few stray drops of urine dribbled out the end and then stopped. The thought crossed my mind that I had not shaved the boy down, first – but that would have made him very suspicious indeed – and besides…. He had so little crotch hair, and if my knife was sharp (and it WAS) it shouldn’t be a problem. I rubbed Tim’s crotch area down with some alcohol and picked up my trusty, favourite scalpel. I took a deep, deep breath. Then with my left hand I held up Tim’s long, thick cock – looking a bit silly with that red tube sticking out of it - and with my thumb and forefinger, I held up his droopy foreskin, pulling it forward as hard as I could. His cock was already beginning to stiffen and the boy gave a sharp intake of breath from surprise and pain. Then I took the scalpel in my right hand. The blade is much keener than a razor. It was hard to imagine that such a small tool could do so much damage. There was no need for kitchen scissors… There was no mistake. I held his foreskin taut out with my two fingers. Then I struck like lightning. In two swift cuts I had run the scalpel round the outer skin. It parted cleanly, and the boy gave a gasp of agony. As the skin severed under the blade I pulled it forward, letting his fat cock droop down, but not completely – he was almost completely erect! Smiling, I turned outside-in the useless collar of prepuce covered the glans for the last time. I ran the biting steel around it and it came free. I was working so fast that Timothy had not lost that amazing erection – soon his his cock had grown to it’s maximum 11 inches. The sight of it spurred me on. Timothy’s cock was to be my masterpiece, and I did not hesitate. I pushed it upwards and the wounded boy gave a brief cry as in two quick strokes I slit out the fraenum. The boys’ foreskin was now severed, and as time was of the essence, I tossed it away. It hit the tiled floor with a bloody splat and the boy and his father stared at the piece of pale, white meat in astonishment… Then, in keeping my promise to Phil, my artistry began. Holding the boys’ engorged penis aloft with my left hand, I took that lad’s cock and pulled it. God, it was amazing – such a beautiful piece of cock meat – and I was going to remove it! I pulled on the thick shaft again, and again – and I could see the lad’s chest heaving… Then there was a pause, and with a sudden great cry, the boys’ engorged, bleeding cock erupted in the most colossal orgasm I have ever seen. His pale body jerked forward for what seemed an eternity as the thick, hot load of cum and blood came spurting out of his bloody cock. Anatomically, it was truly a sight to behold – and I was secretly happy that he was able to experience ONE LAST EJACULATION; for there would be no more, after today. The loads of sperm spewed out of his cock head and I was covered in his sperm and blood, as were the tops of his big, white feet. Then, with another great cry, his father climaxed furiously in his own fist, spraying his cum all over his dirty briefs. I paused for a moment as my own hot load of sperm oozed into my briefs, staining my white trousers. This was truly amazing – where WAS my camera? But I HAD to get back to work; I quickly placed the scalpel at the very base of the lad’s softening cock, pushing in ever so slightly – those words “NO STUMP” ringing in my ears – and very quickly pushed my knife into his groin, cutting IN and around his fat cock as quickly as possible. First to the left side, then to the right – this was a sharp knife! Tim’s thick penis was now severed. Quickly, I slid that fat piece of meat down the catheter tube and OFF. Knowing time was of the essence, I realised my med table was too far away to reach, so – as indecorous as it seems – I just dropped that dead piece of meat on the tiled floor. Splat. Oh, I had every intention of keeping it – when Tim and Phil were gone and I was left to clean up this mess, I would make sure to keep that cock. What I would do with it, who knows, but I was SURE that Tim’s beautiful cock would be mine. Tim’s cock was now completely gone. And despite the incision that remained, there was no stump at all. I looked up quickly, in time to see the boy turning a deathly white – even whiter than he was which is almost ghostly – and I sensed he would pass out any minute. But amazingly, he did not. His eyes were back in his head and his fists were clenched at his sides, and I could even see out of the corner of my eye, on either side of me – the boy’s huge white feet with the long dirty toenails, curling into their soles, turning a bright pink. Sweet. Mindful of the time (and PHIL, he was so close behind me, he could have been in my pocket, for Christ’s sake!) I knew it was time to reroute Tim’s urethra. I leaned the boy back, ever so slightly, to get closer to his perineum, and he just fell back, swooning, and amazingly with some kind of instinct – spread his pale, thin legs even wider so I could get close. Our eyes met for an instant, and rather than fear or anguish, he looked at me with a gentleness and resolve that I have never seen on the face of a fifteen year old boy. I then realised that there were no tears, and he had not cried out once. Instead, a far off look of resignation? But I had to look away, to do this right – I could have stared into those blue eyes all day, if I had a mind to! Using my scalpel, I cut a v-shaped opening between his balls and his asshole. The opening pointed forward. Then I quickly reached in through the hole (Damn! No gloves!) where Tim’s penis had been and pushed the urethra backward until it reached his new pisshole. I pulled the urethra through this new hole; it extended several inches beyond the opening, and quickly grabbing my needle and sutures, I quickly stitched up the new hole, keeping the urethra in place and stitching around it. I cut the pisstube even with the hole and stitched it there. The lad fell back at this point, and went completely limp - passed out from shock – but surprisingly, there was not a lot of blood. Amazing. I quickly sutured up the front of his groin, making the tiniest possible stitches, and pulling the skin as tightly as possible – hoping to make the lad’s crotch as smooth as possible. I stopped, my work done – and I was just a BIT proud. I had never performed a penectomy, and here my first was probably the best. I quickly looked at my brilliant suturing work – few scars if any – and a crotch that would be nice and smooth, with NO STUMP. Perfection. Of course, Tim still had those huge balls of his – looking just ridiculous hanging between his legs, but at least when he was clothed; they would give him SOMETHING of a bulge. Little did that girl (or boy?) know when they got this one home, what they would find in Tim’s trousers – or rather, NOT find! Plus, Tim would have a new way to piss: he would have to sit down just like girls did. No more standing at urinals or in front of the toilet. No more writing his name in the snow. Every time he went into a public bathroom, the other men would hear him piss just like girls did. But perhaps he would grow to LIKE pissing like that. Perhaps. I looked back at Phil, his heavy breathing fast and quick, even after shooting his little cum load. I could see in Phil’s eyes the memory of his own mutilation, and the happiness that HE had gone one better for his only boy. He was happy at last to give his only son what he felt he deserved, and thus – he had done his duty as a father. He had IMPROVED his boy, as he saw it – an all around improvement. * * *
Kevin and Karen
Feeling a little fatigued lately? Maybe your wife can fix a nice health drink for you.
` KEVIN AND KAREN ` I want to tell you a story. Come sit here beside me on the couch, and I'll entertain you while I sip my after-dinner wine, and you drink the diet supplement I made for you. Gotta look out for your health, you know. My story is about our neighbors, Kevin and Karen, and at the time it begins, they'd been married less than ten years, but considered themselves as "old marrieds", and probably quite normal in all respects. Like many couples nowadays, they had freely chosen to have no children, and were completely happy with that decision. It meant they didn't have to be quiet when they had sex, which was usually two or three times a week, and almost always at Kevin's instigation. It also meant that they were financially secure, since they didn't have all the expenses associated with bearing and raising kids. All things considered, they were pretty happy. It was Kevin's habit to have nights out with "the boys" on a weekly basis, and he probably thought of such things as one of the "rights" enjoyed by men everywhere. That he expected Karen to wait at home, or maybe to have a girlfriend over for coffee and conversation, seemed the normal state of affairs to him. It was how things were done in his boyhood home, and also in the homes of his work associates and friends. One of his regular friends was Harry, a neighbor a few houses down the block. They both worked for the same large company, and enjoyed spending time, on their nights out, at bowling alleys, pool halls, and the occasional topless nightclub. Neither of them thought of ogling a young girl's tits as any sort of infidelity, but rather a harmless way of letting off steam, and relieving the stresses of the workday. The fact that they both always wanted sex from their wives later that night seemed in no way to indicate, to them at least, that there was any erotic content to their viewing pleasures. Beginning several months ago, Kevin began to notice that Harry would more-and- more often beg off accompanying Kevin on what used to be their regular entertainments away from home. Following Harry's third refusal in a row, Kevin exasperatedly asked, "What gives Harry? Don't you enjoy looking at titties anymore, or is it something about me?" His friend seemed puzzled for a moment, then answered, "Oh, I don't know, Kevin. It just seems that it's not right for me to go out and do stuff like that while Sally's stuck at home. She deserves better, and I think I should just stay home tonight and keep her company." Kevin was slightly put off by his friend's explanation, and more than a little puzzled by it. After all, hadn't men being doing such things from time immemorial? What could possibly be wrong with a man having a little innocent fun? He simply didn't understand it, and finally decided to put it down to Harry being older, and maybe that meant he was slowing down, and couldn't enjoy a good time anymore. Whatever, there were other guys who would welcome an invitation for a little fun, so he'd get by just fine. As Kevin turned to other friends for night-out company, he thought less and less of his former playmate. He would occasionally see him at work, but it seemed they didn't have much in common anymore. All Harry wanted to talk about was his wife, and how important it was to please her and keep her happy. Kevin's usual thoughts then were of words like "wimp" and "pussy whip". It was at about that time Karen convinced her husband that he should be taking some sort of diet supplement to augment his vitamin intake. She suggested a special brand that one of her friends had told her about, and told Kevin it would keep him healthy and young. He was enough of an egotist to want to remain that way, so he readily accepted her suggestion. Every evening, before retiring for the night, Karen would mix her secret recipe in the blender, and serve a large glass of the stuff to her husband. It was quite tasty, so he didn't object at all. He hadn't really expected to notice any difference in his health anyway, so when nothing happened after a few weeks of drinking the mixture, he wasn't concerned. It seemed to make her happy that he drank it, and that was good enough for him. It was probably two months later that Kevin turned down, for the first time in his life, an invitation to join his friends for a night out at a local go-go bar, ogling pole-dancing young girls, and paying for lap dances. He didn't notice the raised eyebrows of his friends as he told them he would be staying home with his wife that night, so she wouldn't feel lonely. As that excuse was used more and more frequently by him, Kevin never thought to compare his behavior to Harry's of several months before. It just seemed natural for him to want to spend more time with his wife, because after all, wasn't that the way things were supposed to be? By the time he'd been drinking the health juice for three months, Kevin stopped entirely his nighttime forays with his buddies. He would stay home and talk to Karen, or they'd watch some sappy movie together. It seemed to make her happy, and that was becoming very important to him, somehow. Where before he'd do things without consulting his wife, now it seemed that her opinion was very important, and sometimes was the only thing he considered. It probably never occurred to him that he was becoming the wimp and pussy-whip he had accused Harry of being. Their sexual sessions were nearly always centered on him giving head to Karen, and he began to take more time at it, and to accept her suggestions about how to make it more pleasurable for her. It began to seem natural for her to orgasm first, and then to tell him to "take care of yourself, if you want to." He always did just that, and the taste and smell of his wife's pussy that lingered on his face was the focus of his orgasms. If he had taken the time to think about it, he'd have realized that they hadn't had actual intercourse for a long time. After six months of drinking the elixir, Karen began to make subtle hints about how ugly a man's penis was. A few weeks later, the hints became simple statements. Finally, she began to tell him how disgusting and repulsive his cock actually was, and how useless it had become to her. When she reminded him that he hadn't put it in her pussy in a long time, he had to agree. When she began to suggest that he'd be better off without it, he could make no counter argument. It was simply the plain truth she was speaking, and he accepted it. There finally came a Friday night when she mixed Kevin's health drink, and then watched closely as he drank it to the last drop. She suggested that he take a bath then, and that as a special treat, she'd wash his back. That was indeed something special, and he eagerly agreed. As he sat in the tub, he began to feel both aroused and sleepy at the same time. Maybe "sleepy" is the wrong word to use, because he certainly had no urge to go to bed to rest. However, he was feeling very relaxed and lethargic, and really didn't want to make any effort at all. It was so relaxing to sit there, with his beautiful, wonderful wife caressing his back, and he hoped it would continue forever. When she directed her attentions to his raging erection, his lethargy momentarily left, but soon returned, seemingly doubled in intensity. Her voice seemed to come from a long distance as she said, "Your penis is just about the ugliest thing in the world, isn't it? How can you stand to have such a disgusting thing hanging from your body? You'd be much more handsome if it were gone, wouldn't you?" Kevin was completely relaxed mentally, even though his cock certainly looked to be larger than he'd ever seen it. He looked at the thing standing there, bobbing back and forth, and had to agree it was certainly not good looking. Although he wouldn't have characterized it as "disgusting", he was in no mood to argue with his loving, supremely-caring wife, and so he answered, "Yes, it's ugly all right. And if you think I'd be more handsome without it, then I agree." Karen was pleased to hear him agree with her, and continued her ministrations to his raging hardon. At last she said, "Why don't I shave off your pubic hair? Maybe without it you'd be even more handsome." Without waiting for his assent, she took a pair of scissors from the vanity drawer and told him to stand in the tub. She began to trim the growth, and soon it was ready for the lather and razor, which she used expertly. Soon he was as smooth as a baby, and she rinsed away the remnants of the shave cream and said, "Why don't you step out now, and I'll dry you off? You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He lazily agreed that he would indeed like that, thinking that it would mean more stimulation to his cock. After climbing out of the tub, he stood on the bath mat while his wife vigorously rubbed his body dry, again seeming to spend more time than necessary toweling his newly-naked penis. Finally she pronounced him dry, then said, "I want to show you something Sally gave me. It's in the kitchen. You don't need to get dressed. It won't take but a minute to show it to you." Kevin had not the slightest shred of curiosity then, and simply followed her from the bathroom. They walked to the kitchen, where Karen flipped the wall switch to turn on the lights. She then led him to the table and pointed at an appliance setting there. The thing was all chrome and stainless steel, and looked for all the world like an old-time Motorola radio. It was about 14" wide and also that approximate depth. Its bottom sat flat on the table, and the two sides rose up to terminate in a large rounded top, about 18" above the tabletop. The only remarkable features were a 2" hole in the middle of the face of the thing, a single button that was probably an on-off switch, and a cord that ran off the edge of the table, and that was plugged in to the electrical outlet below. There was a very slight humming sound that seemed to be coming from the thing, but it was so soft that Kevin really wasn't sure he heard it or not. He stared at the appliance for several seconds, trying to fathom its use. It was obvious that his wife was excited about the thing, but to him it was just another kitchen appliance, and of very little interest. To feign interest, he asked, "What's it for, honey? It looks like an old radio, but I'm sure that's not what it is." Karen grinned slyly at him, then replied, "No, it's not a radio. It's made for slicing wieners for use in beans and wienies, or for slicing the sausage sections I put in macaroni and cheese. Sally said she'd used it for something else once, but that's not important now." She got a wiener from the meat drawer in the refrigerator, saying, "Watch this. It has a really sharp blade inside there, and it's amazing how good a job it does." She then inserted the weenie in the hole with one hand, and pressed the button with the other. A louder hum was heard momentarily, and when she showed her husband the frank, it was shorter, having been neatly sliced by the internal blade. She put the thing on the table, then stood behind him. As she reached around his body, she caressed his nipples with one hand, while working the other slowly downward to his larger-than-ever erection. As she stimulated him, she nuzzled his neck and whispered, "Just think how easy it would be to get rid of your ugly thing. In just a few seconds, you could be the handsomest man in the world. I would love you so much more if you didn't have that disgusting thing hanging off you. You'd be so handsome without it." She continued to stimulate him with her hands and lips, and to convince him with her words. When she at last forced his erection downward, until it was sticking straight out from his crotch, and then gently pushed against him with her body, he had no will of his own. He began to move forward slowly, seeming propelled by a force beyond his control. As he watched his penis approaching the hole, his only thoughts were of pleasing his wife. She continued to tell him how very ugly, horrible, and disgusting his penis was, and he completely accepted her words. By the time the head entered the hole, he simply had no mind of his own. Karen's urgings had the desired effect, and soon her husband's penis was entirely inside the machine. He marveled at how warm it was, and how soft. He had expected to feel nothing but cold metal, but apparently the thing was lined with some soft material, and was heated by the electrical current. Whatever it was, the sensation was wonderful, and he forced his crotch against the thing with as much force as he could muster, striving to get every fraction of an inch inside it. She then grasped one of his arms, and began directing it toward the switch button. When his finger finally reached it, she whispered, "Please push it for me, dear heart. You know I'll love you much more if you don't have that horrible thing between your legs. Please take it off for me. Show me how brave you are, and how much you love me. Please push it." His arm and finger were not his own, and he had no conscious control over their actions. He watched in fascination as his finger very slowly descended toward the button, feeling all the time the increasing heat and stimulation the machine was giving his cock. He knew that his orgasm would very soon overcome him, and he longed for it. The arousal, the excitement, the lust he was feeling then was greater than any he'd ever felt, and it was the focus of his being. His groan was a confirmation of his orgasm's beginning, and Karen whispered more forcefully, "Now! Do it now! Press it!" He had no conscious thought at that moment, and apparently none was required. His finger dropped to the button and an immediate hum was heard in the room. As his cum spurted from his cock, the blade began its work. Karen had forcefully pressed herself against his backside at that moment, to prevent his pulling away at the crucial time. He felt the cutting edge enter his shaft almost flush with his abdomen, and quickly slice its way through the yielding flesh. Then the pain came, as the blade, which was heated almost red hot, cauterized the wound. As he lost consciousness due to the overwhelming stimulation of the orgasm, plus the pain of the severing and burning, his loving wife slowly lowered him to the floor. She carefully kept his head from striking the hard surface, even though she had eyes for nothing but his crotch. She saw the ring of cauterized flesh there, and knew that not even a stub remained of the part of him that had so controlled their lives all those years. She smiled sweetly as her loving gaze fell on his face, then whispered, "Thank you, my pet. I've wanted that for so long." Then, almost overcome with her own lust, she lowered her hand to her crotch and quickly brought herself to orgasm. Ever since that fateful night in the kitchen, Kevin has been entirely devoted to serving his wife. He still drinks the nightly libation of health drink, and seems to love Karen more with each passing day. He lives to please her, and her slightest wish is his command. They're more happy than ever before, and their lives are just about perfect. __________________ Well, did you like my story, dear? I see you've finished the drink I made for you. You look very sleepy now, but that bulge in your pants seems to indicate that you have other ideas. Why don't you stand up and get undressed? If you'd like, I'll give you a bath now, and maybe spend some time playing with that horribly ugly, disgusting cock of yours. You'd like that wouldn't you? Hurry up now, and let's get you in the tub. After awhile, I want to show you something that Karen gave me today. It's in the kitchen. * * *
Random Acts of Violence
&nbsp;To be safe is to&nbsp;belong! &nbsp;
Random Acts of Violence In the world of today an intact male needed the protection of a female. To belong to a house. To wear the brand of a mistress or mistress's was paramount in a males life today. Those of us who still stood with our testicles were fortunate in this female dominated society. I belonged to the house of Ann. My mistress of 27 years. She was sixteen when she first pressed her brand into my back side. A large capital A inside a circle. I was just 21. Sported a big cock and huge testicles which she loved. It being fashionable at the time to own a male with big hanging balls! She would always parade me in public and social events with a leash attached to a ball choker. Soaking in the complements at having such a big balled male in her service. I was also proud of the size of my testicles, and at belonging to her. My cock would always stay hard while tetherd to her wrist. Atnticipating her slightest tug on her big dangling scrotum as we would make the rounds. We grew old and comfortable together! She 40 now was even more beautiful. Tall slender, muscular! Very statures as a woman. I on the other hand. Had succumbed to the forces of gravity! My balls hung loose halfway to my knees like an embarrassing bloated pendulum! I would hear comments from her friends about how offensive I've become, and how may be it was time to do something about me! Even I was tired of them! Carrying them between my legs was becoming a heavy burden for me. Plus lately I had taken up the habit of carrying them around in my hands as I walked. It was comical to Ann and her friends to watch me drop them when I had to use my hands. I felt so ashamed of myself and mainly for Ann! That's when I made my decision! The next day I applied makeup the best I could to cover mistress's Ann's brand! I would go into the city to find and be castrated by one of the roving bands of young teenage girls who considered castrating males a sport! It would be a status symbol for one of them to castrate one such as I. I would act arrogant dareing one to cut my balls off! I would come at them with a full hardon challenging them! I had it all planned in my minds eye. Deliberately giving one of the girls complete access to my testicles but begging her not to castrate me! Strangely enough the though of finally being castrated gave me an enormous hardon. I had never been harder when I left the house. It was only a mile to the outskirts of the city and the more I walked the harder I seemed to get. Going down a street a young girl maybe 10 stopped and stared at my cock then slapped it hard saying! "You're not allow like that you turd"! I just laughed saying! "Well what are you going to do about it little girl"? Poking her in the chest with it! Then walked on! Fifteen minutes later leaning against a wall outside a small shop. I spotted three girls in short shorts and high heel boots smoking cigarettes walking with deliberation towards me! The moment of my castration had arrived! A tall blond maybe seventeen stood in front of me with hands on hips! "You poked my little sister with that cock of yours"! "Why don't you try poking me with it"? Another girl beside her flicked her cigarette into my balls saying! "Look at the balls on this bitch"! I could make an entire purse out of that sack! The third girl suddenly brought her high heeled booted foot sideways up into my balls! I took the blow! It didn't catch my balls square! But the impact lifted me! The blond in front grabbed my cock pulling me forwards, slamming her knee up into my balls. My balls were so big and floppy she couldn't compress them up against my pelvis bone with her knee! Frustrated at me not collapsing she twisted my cock hard, brought her fist square into my dangling balls smashing them against the wall finally bringing me down! Standing back lighting a cigarette calming herself she said! "Lets take this bitch back to my place! I want my sister to watch while I cut it's balls off"! It seemed like an instant! Suddenly I was looking down into the eyes of a ten year old little girl. The little girl I had poked with my cock! My hands were hooked to the ceiling my legs spread wide with straps connected to the floor! Her a little hand slapped my cock hard again yelling! "You're not suppose to have this hard like this"! Her little fist slamming into my balls! My cock suddenly discharged directly into her face! Stunned momentarily she moved back. Than came at my cock and balls with a fury punching and slapping! Causing my cock to discharge uncontrollably covering her with my cum! Finally drained cock hanging limp her little fists still pounding me! Her sister and friends came in! "Ann this is for you my Mistress" * * *
Frat Initiation
Tim joins a fraternity.
` Tim had never really wanted to join a fraternity. It wasn't that he particulary had anything against them, but he was just beginning his junior year of college, and had so many reasons not to. For one thing, he had to study most of the time to keep his 4.0 GPA and scholarship. Most of the time he wasn't in class or studying, he was in the campus gym working a body that most guys would already kill for. ` He lived in town in a crappy small apartment he had had since leaving the care of the state - he'd never known either of his birth parents, and been shuffled around to various foster homes and orphanages most of his life. When adolescence hit, Tim had had a hard time of it - the people he was living with at the time were not especially kind to him, so Tim had signed up for all sorts of afterschool activities so he didn't have to go home until he absolutely had to. By the time he'd finished high school, he'd quit nearly all of them and spent hours after school in the weight room or running. By the time he got to college, he could have killed in any regional bodybuilding competition, and likely won some national junior titles, but he never had much interest in it. He lifted at first to get away from the things he didn't like in his life, but now did it because he enjoyed it. Tim loved the power his body gave him over others. He wasn't an asshole about it, but he got off on how he'd get stared at in the grocery store. He worked for the campus landscaping service, and when it was warm out shed his shirt at every opportunity, reveling in the appreciative (and sometimes lustful) looks of the other guys on the crew or of the people walking by. At the gym he'd get off on how the other guys in the gym admired him as he shoved the weights up and down, up and down. When he was done working out he'd stare at himself in the mirror at the gym for a few minutes, flexing his pecs or arms and admiring himself. One day, there were only three guys in the gym - Tim, taking his usual narcissism time, and two other guys doing curls. He couldn't really help but overhear their conversation. "Yeah, dude, they actually pay you, like, fourteen hundred for having good grades. That's the only way I can afford the membership fee," one said. Pay for good grades? Tim thought. This sounded interesting - as a foster kid, he didn't have any parents he could really fall back on, and when he left for college he pretty much told Roy and Nadine to go fuck themselves - Roy would get drunk and try to fuck him, and Nadine just popped tranquilizers all the time. Tim survived on the stipend from his scholarship and the campus job, and barely made enough to feed himself, buy his supplements, and pay his rent. "Can you join after your freshman year?" the other guy asked. "Yeah, it's just a little harder. They always want guys with good grades and shit, though. You should come to rush. Initiation's hell though, and they always make it harder on the older guys." Tim looked at the guy in the mirror and noticed the guy's shirt - Nu Tau Rho. He knew they were a newer fraternity, and their national chapter had just built them a huge nice new frat house near the athletic center. "I can't join a fraternity," Tim thought to himself, "Even if they do pay." He thought of all the reasons he couldn't - no time, no money, but most of all, Tim was gay. It was another of the reasons he just worked out all the time. Tim had known pretty well that he was queer early on in life, and was okay with it, but just, well...his sexual tastes ran toward the bizarre. "You're not even a real man," George had told him after catching a twelve-year-old Tim in the bathroom with a gay porn mag he'd found. George was his third foster father, a construction worker whose IQ was somewhere near his belt size. George flexed his bicep and pointed to it, Tim cowering in the corner expecting another beating. "This is what makes a man," George continued. "Hell, if I had my way, pussies like you would have their balls cut off 'em." George hadn't beaten him that night but Tim ran away soon after. He'd left on a rainy night in the spring, walking down the city streets with no particular destination, muttering to himself. "Asshole. I'd like to cut his balls off," young Tim muttered to no one in particular. For years, even as much as he hated George, Tim had still felt like he deserved to be castrated. At first it was guilt over being gay or not being masculine enough, but with time he accepted his queerness, and by George's definition was more of a man than that fuck was, but still, he fantasized about his big balls being tied off with twine and cut free from his body, about his cock being chopped off with a butcher knife or cigar cutter. He'd think about knives to do it, machines, other people. At home when he got horny he'd tie them off with string or a rubber band, and sometime in high school had gotten into putting hot needles through his scrotum and then testicles. Toward the end of high school he'd started cutting on his dick with a knife one of his foster dads had given him. The pain made it all really come alive to him; made him feel like more of a man for being able to take it. He'd squeeze his balls through the thick rubber band or tie the string really tight until his balls started to swell a bit and his sac turned purple, then heat up his surgical needles with a lighter, press the point to the skin, close his eyes, and just shove it through the skin between his balls and his cock, piercing it all the way through. The neck of his scrotum was now just a big scar from all the times he'd done it. After putting a few of those through himself, he'd get the courage up to spear a nut. One time he'd taken a really long needle and shoved it through both at the same time, pushing it through both testicles, then cumming in big spurts all over his chiseled stomach, thinking about the damage the needles were doing to his balls, and wishing he could just make them go away. His self-mutilation ritual was also self-perpetuating. At this point his cock and balls were so scarred up he couldn't really feel them that well anymore unless he poked them with something. He never showered much in public either, unwilling to deal with people staring at his genitals. So there was the rest of the problem: would a frat really take a guy who's queer? He wasn't going to try and pull it off closeted; he respected himself too much for that, and if they found about his sexual habits there was no way they'd let him stay. Still, fourteen hundred bucks a semester just for doing what he did anyway...that was certainly tempting. He'd have to look into it. Tim headed back home to his tiny shoebox apartment and stripped his sweaty workout clothes off. He would have showered at the gym but nobody else was in it, and if he couldn't show off then he figured he might as well come back home and do it. He got naked and stood in the bathroom admiring himself for a few minutes, flexing his pecs alternately, feeling up his own muscles, and generally getting his courage up for what he was about to do. He got the thick rubber band he'd been using lately out of his room and looped it twice around his balls, wincing as he forced them through the second time. His cock was already rock-hard, and his balls hanging low in their sac. Tim jacked himself a few times, looking at his muscles, and saying to himself in the mirror, "Yeah, flex, you big bull! You can take this...you can take this!" He flicked himself in the nut, feeling the pain, and held his first needle over a lighter until it was good and hot. "Oh yeah, you big stud. You can take this..." Tim held his right nut inbetween his fingers and positioned the needle, the heat burning his skin a bit. He sucked in his breath and held it for a moment, then shoved the needle through his sac and his nut. "Ahh..." he moaned a bit, and held himself steady on the sink, relishing the pain. Once he'd recovered, he heated up the second needle and found a spot without much scarring. It was getting harder and harder to push the needles through his balls now, and he idly wondered how much more damage they could take. Another breath, and then he shoved it through and out the other side, pinning his left ball in his sac. He now had two needles, one spearing each nut, pushed in from front to back. "Oh, yeah," he muttered, and struck a most-muscular pose, admiring his body as he endured the pain. "Fuck, yeah!" he shouted to the room, taking his thick cock in hand and jacking it quickly, imagining someone taking a knife to his balls, or crushing them between two bricks, or whatever...anything. As he moved his hand up and down his beer-can dick, rubbing his fingers over its flared head, his balls swung, striking against his taint and hurting him even more. Next for the last part of his little ritual. Tim grabbed the knife he'd been using for this since he was in high school and found a good spot on the side of his cock. He closed his eyes, poked it just in under the skin, and ran the blade down his erect cock, imagining it severing his penis clean off instead of just giving it the gash it was. When he got to his head he started just nicking it, picking away at the corona. His head used to have a wide flare on it, but after years of hacking at it (and cutting little pieces off when he got he nerve) it was just surrounded by a thick white scar. "Yeah, bull stud," he muttered to himself some more. "Watch that useless cock get cut!" He came quickly, as he always did when he speared his balls, shooting thick white ropes up onto the mirror and spattering blood all over the sink. Once the fuzziness of his orgasm passed, he gently removed the needles from his testicles and hopped in the shower, gently rubbing them with antiseptic to avoid infection, and then bandaging them later. It would be at least two weeks before he would try to jerk it again... The next day he found out when rush was for the Nu Tau Rho's - this weekend, Friday night, at the house. He decided to go, even if he didn't think it would work out. "I should at least find out for sure," he thought to himself. Friday he finished up his workout and got ready for the party. He shaved his face all nice and baby-smooth, the way he liked it, and got dressed - tight white sleeveless t-shirt, another tight semi-transparent button-down shirt over that, khaki shorts and sneakers. Heads turned when he showed up at the party. Both the pledges and the brothers seemed pretty impressed by him, but he didn't really think much of them. He did find out the deal on GPA, though - if you kept it above a 3.5, they gave you cash every semester and waive the membership dues. He'd done the math; that money would help immensely, and with his 4.0 he could even live in the house for free...not that he was sure he wanted to. Still, the money was attractive, so he signed up. The guy that took his form looked it over. He was pretty good looking; a little skinny with shaggy blond hair and a scraggly goat. At first the dude seemed a little surprised that a junior would want to rush, but when he saw Tim's GPA, his eyes lit up. "Wow, man. We really need to get our average up - a guy with a 4.0 would be great for us," he told Tim. "You still gotta do all the initiation stuff, though." "That's okay," Tim told him. "Everybody else does it, right?" he smirked at the dude. "Yup. Everybody does it. It's tough, but if you come through it, you'll be a man's man." The guy ran his eyes down Tim's body. "You must work out all the time, uh..." he glanced down at Tim's form, "Tim. I'm Josh, by the way." Tim felt a little flush. "Uh, yeah, I really like lifting. Always trying to get bigger, you know?" he smiled at the guy. "Yeah, dude, keep it up. It's obviously working. I mean, compared to you," Josh started, pulling up his sleeve and flexing his bicep, "I'm tiny." Hell yeah you are, Tim thought to himself. "Just keep working it, man." "How big are yours, anyway?" Josh asked him. "You mind showing me?" Oh, yeah, Tim thought. "Uh, no, I don't mind." Tim pulled off the button down shirt and flexed his arm. "Holy shit, man, it's like you got a couple of guinea pigs in there!" Josh exclaimed. He reached out and grabbed Tim's arm, not really even thinking about what he was doing. He squeezed and Tim flexed harder. As if suddenly self-aware, Josh pulled off. "Strong like bull," he joked. Tim laughed. "Yeah. Strong like bull." "Man, it'll be nice having a guy like you around here," he commented. "We get all these circuit boys wanting to join up..." he motioned toward the room. Circuit boys? Tim wondered to himself, and looked about. Hmm...it looked like a lot of these guys were, well, kinda gay. "What's a circuit boy?" he wondered aloud. "Eh? These kids that hit up parties all night long. You know, real effeminate, like, say, that guy," he pointed to one of the hopeful pledges, a short skinny white kid with a pronounced lisp. "We try to keep the frat a little more masculine than that. You know, try to give a more positive image of gay people and shit." "This is a gay fraternity?" Tim remarked aloud, surprised. "Uhh...yeah, but we actually have a few straight and bi guys. That a problem?" Josh went on the defensive. "No, no...I'm queer, man, I just didn't even realize." That was a relief. There went one of his problems with the frat. This was starting to sound a lot better. Josh just laughed. "Man, there's a surprise. Most guys try to join us just because they're queer. You're probably the first not to." Another guy came up to turn his little form in. "Hey, I gotta do all this, but hang around, man. Maybe we can meet up later." Josh winked at Tim. "Definitely." Tim turned around and saw the party in a whole new light. He hung out the next few hours, meeting the brothers. They all seemed like pretty okay guys, and they were all sure excited that he wanted to join, both because of his grades and, although they didn't say it at first, his body. Tim's opinion of the whole thing was rapidly turning around - for a guy who liked to be admired, having an entire fraternity of guys wanting to feel him flex or whatever was making him heady. As the night wore on, Tim was getting ready to leave but was stopped by Josh, who came jogging up. "Hey, dude," he got Tim's attention. "Hey. What's up? I was just leaving..." Tim answered with a smile. Josh grabbed his arm and plead, "No...not yet. Once most of these guys take off, we're pulling out the beer. You're invited to stay if you want." "I dunno, man, I gotta study..." Tim protested. "No, no, dude, it's a Friday night. You can study tomorrow or whatever, but man, stay out tonight! It'll be fun, ya big bull!" Josh teased. Well, that pushed my buttons, Tim thought. "I guess so," he relented. "Just for a coupla beers, though." "I was kind of hoping for all night," Josh smiled, "but a couple of beers is better than nothing, I guess." With that, he took off back over to his post for the night. Tim wandered around, waiting for the people to leave, and then finally one of the brothers came out and announced, "Okay guys, we gotta get everybody out." Tim looked over and Josh, who was slowly shaking his head no. Tim just leaned back up against the wall and waiting while the brothers ushered the party guests out, smiling and shaking hands. "Man, finally," Josh muttered as he approached Tim. "I swear, I'm never working the damn stand again. Stuck for the whole party behind that damn table...anyway, dude, how you doin'?" Josh greeted him. "I'm all right," Tim smiled. Josh beckoned him inside, where one guy had already started pulling beer cans out of a cooler and passing them out. They each got one and found a seat on one of the plush couches around the room, drinking the beer and making small talk while everybody filtered in from around the house. The guy who had ended the party stood up. "Okay, so we got three potential pledges over tonight. I'm Harry, the president this year. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?" he pointed at Tim, a pretty thick blond redneck-looking dude, and a black guy with a shaved head. The black guy went first. "Uh, hey, I'm Andrew," he sort of waved to the room. Everybody looked at Tim next. "Hi, I'm Tim," he spoke loudly, trying to project confidence. Last was the redneck dude. "Hey, y'all, I'm Cyrus," he spoke slowly and with a deep, relaxed voice, and just a bit of an accent. "Party on," Harry raised his beer, and sat back down. Guys started getting up and moving about the room. Tim, Josh, and this other guy, Eric, ended up over in a corner talking. Eric was this redheaded kid from south Boston - Irish, big nose. He was the frat's general all-around athlete - the guy played soccer, football, basketball, baseball, you name it, and could kick your ass in most of them besides. They, of course, immediately got into a conversation about working out, while Josh piped up occasionally. "I dunno, man, I've never gotten much out of power sets," Eric said. "They just don't seem to do much for me." "You can't do them all the time," Tim countered. "You just do them for a bit, then go back to your old method, and a month or two later do another few days of them." Tim flexed his pecs, as if to make his point. "I've made some great gains that way," he finished. "Maybe I just need a new workout partner," Eric winked. "Man," he shook his head, looking Tim up and down, "you're just huge." Tim, starting to feel the alchol, blushed a little bit. "He's a beast," Josh joked. "A big bull. All he needs now is a ring in his nose." Tim really blushed now. "Man, dude, your ears are the color of my pubes," Eric chortled. He drew in close to Tim, who was a bit buzzed. He didn't drink much. "You must really get off on being admired for your body, eh?" he smiled a conspiratorial smile, and Tim just smiled and looked down, at little embarrassed at being found out so easily. Jesus saved him. Well, the hay-soos variety, a black-haired Brazilian guy, damn hot. "Hey, who's up for strip poker?" he butted in. "We need three more." "I'm in," Eric instantly agreed. "Me too," Josh barked out. All three of them looked at Tim, who had recovered from his blushing spell. "Well, uh, I gotta get going soon, and..." "No way," Josh interrupted him. "C'mon, we're just getting started." "Yeah, man, you should stick around," Jesus interjected. Eric just stared at Tim's crotch. A few minutes later the guys had all assembled in the kitchen with fresh beers. Jesus was dealing first, and to his right were Eric, Tim, Josh, Cyrus, and Joey. Joey was a senior this year, one of these Italian greaseheads; he was some kind of musical genius and on scholarship, but to hear him talk he sounded more like a mechanic in Brooklyn. "Okay, boys, these are the rules," Jesus explained as he dealt the cards. "Nothing wild, five card draw. No all in, only one raise. We don't want to end the fun too quickly, yah?" Everybody agreed, and took a few swigs of beer. Tim was pretty buzzed by this point, and both Josh and Eric kept 'accidentally' brushing up against his legs. Tim didn't really know poker all that well, but knew the lower hands. He got a pair of sixes and a king off the deal, traded in the chaff, and got crap back again. Eric passed, and so did Tim and Josh. Cyrus bid, and everybody stayed in. "Okay boys, let's see 'em." Everybody put their cards on the table. Joey had lost the hand, and off went his shoes. "Hey, you gotta take socks off too if you're taking shoes off," Jesus told him. "What?" Joey protested, half-jokingly. "One article! Hell, we used to play shoes each counted separately!" "No way, man. Then people wearing sandals n' shit get shafted," Jesus argued. "Rrrrghgh!" Joey groaned in mock frustration, and peeled off his socks. Eric chimed in. "I thought it was the guys not wearing underwear that got shafted." Everybody laughed and Eric dealt the next hand... Well, pretty soon it got down to the wire. Jesus was in his underwear, Eric still had his pants on. Josh was down to a pair of ratty boxers. Tim had only lost his footwear and his outer shirt; he was tied with Joey for the most clothes still on. Cyrus had on his tighty-whities and his boots ("My boots are the last thing to go, boys."), and finally, Joey had still only lost his shoes. "C'mon, boys, down to the wire," Josh chattered. "Two guys, nearly down for the count!" About three people made "I'm up for it," jokes, two of them not even playing. More people were hanging out in the kitchen, surreptitiously watching the card players as they got progressively closer to naked. Josh lost the hand. After they showed his cards, he just stood up, sighed, and dropped his shorts while the other guys laughed. "We know who's the bitch tonight!" came the jokes. Tim appreciated the look at Josh's body. The kid was lean, pretty well defined, with just a sprinking of hair on his chest and belly, leading to sparse brown patch. His dick was pretty average, but his balls... "Man," Tim thought to himself. "Those are fucking huge!" And he was right. Together Josh's balls were bigger than Tim's fist. "Yeah, yeah," Josh blushed. "Hey, you know the rules," Jesus chided him. "Get me a beer." Josh sighed and went to get Jesus a beer. "See, anybody that loses is beer bitch for the rest of the game," Eric instructed Tim and Cyrus. "You have to do more or less what anybody still playing tells you to." "Ah, sheeit," Cyrus cursed, laughing. "'course, I could use a beer. Yo, fetch me one," he told Josh just as Josh brought Jesus his beer. Josh rolled his eyes and turned back around. Eric lost the next round and revealed that under his shorts he only had a jock on. He shook his ass a little to the table and Joey dealt the next hand. Tim lost his t-shirt, pulling it off slowly and flexing a little as he did it. Cyrus was staring at him so hard he didn't even realize one of the cards he thought was a heart was actually a spade, which meant the flush he had was pretty much worthless, and there went his tighty-whities. He had a nice, thick, uncut cock, and balls that looked pretty normal until Tim looked back over as Josh's, which swung heavily back and forth as he walked. "Good thing you can't lose these, eh?" Harry smiled as he grabbed Josh's exposed nuts while he was on his way to the bathroom. All the brothers giggled a bit. Tim turned back to the game. Jesus lost next, dropping his undies to reveal a smallish black cock, but with the same amazingly huge balls as Josh's! Tim was amazed. "What are they feeding these guys?!?" he wondered. Next came Cyrus, who grudgingly pulled his boots off Tim got really nervous the next round when his pants came off. He had also only come in a jock. "His ass's as nice as the rest of him," somebody hooted, and Tim flexed it for a moment. Josh reached over and slapped it. Tim was taken aback, then gave Josh his best superior look. "Get me a beer, boy," he ordered him. Everybody hooted, and Tim sat back down for what would be his last round. All eyes were on him as he stood up and dropped his jock; his thick cock flopping out, chestnut sized balls swinging free. "Yeeeah, good n' smooth," Eric said to himself. "Up against the wall, man," Eric ordered him, and Tim walked naked over to the other three boys, who were leaning up against the kitchen wall in a row. Eric dealt the next hand and Tim basked in all the eyes on him, mometarily forgetting how screwed up his dick looked. He remembered soon enough when a drunken brother asked where all the scars came from. After Tim's ears turned bright red but before he had a chance to answer, Eric berated the guy. "None of your fucking business, Greg! Leave the guy alone." Greg, cowed, staggered off. "Besides, I bet they just give more texture when you're fucking, yah?" he smiled at Tim. Tim hesitantly smiled back. "Hey, we should go streaking after this," Josh suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "I dunno, man, runnin' nekkid always makes my nuts hurt," Cyrus said. "I never thought so," Jesus disagreed. "They hurt mine, too," Tim added in, hoping for a reason not to have to go running around the neighborhood naked. "I don't think so," Eric shouted from across the room. "All four of ya, do a lap 'round the block!" "What?" Cyrus protested. "You gotta do what they tell you, man," Harry laughed. "Better get runnin'!" With a hail of "Ah shits!" and other protestations, Josh and Jesus herded them out the door. "C'mon, man, big man like you?" Jesus said to Tim. "I'd be showing off more if I looked like that. But big guy like you, bet you're slow," he jibed, and took off running. "Slow?" Tim shouted after him. "I'll show you slow!" He was just drunk enough to chase Jesus down the street, outpacing him after the first turn. He pulled ahead of the others, with only Josh really keeping up to him, balls banging and dick flying about. Tim's balls bounced against his thighs as he ran. "Fuck, I wish they were just gone!" Tim thought to himself, keeping up the pace and getting back to the house just moments before Josh. They staggered back into the kitchen panting, followed soon by Jesus and a while later by a very out-of-breath Cyrus. "Oh God, my balls hurt!" he exlaimed, and leaned up against the walls clutching it. Josh leaned into Tim's ear and said, "Bet a big bull like you could run for miles, eh? Wouldn't matter to you if your balls hurt, would it, ya big bull!" Tim's dick started to get a little turgid. Just as they got back, Eric and Joey showed their cards, and Eric threw his three-of-a-kind down to the table as soon as he saw Joey's full house. "Fuck!" he shouted, tore off his jock, and tossed it at Joey, his smooth-shaven beercan flared cock flopping down on top of, you guessed it, a well-stuffed sac. Joey's cock was short but thick, and growing a bit now that it was free of its confinement. Joey dodged Eric's soiled jock and smiled. "You only had me by one hand, you know," he smiled conspiratorially, and pulled down the top of his pants to show he wasn't wearing any underwear. "And I'm drunk enough to wanna be naked, anyway." He dropped his pants, and, well, you get the picture. Huge nuts. What the hell were they putting in the water here? Did they only take guys with huge balls or something? Tim didn't really want to ask, but was damn curious. He didn't have much time to think about it, as Josh whispered in his ear, "Meet me by the bathroom in five minutes; Eric and I wanna get some time alone with ya." Tim nodded, his already plump cock getting a bit harder at the thought. All worry of getting home in time for sleep and studying tomorrow was gone - for the first time in his whole life, Tim was thinking unhesitatingly of sex, with no worries about being judged for his gayness or scars. He took the opportunity to piss before he got too hard to do it, then waited outside the bathroom for Eric to meet his eye and gesture toward the stairs. Tim followed him up, clothing forgotten, and down to the room at the end of the hall. Josh was already inside, cock hard. Just seeing Josh's erection made Tim's pop up, and his formidable manhood sprang to full attention. He felt Eric's poke him from behind, and spun to see Eric's smiling face looking down at his body. "God, you're so fucking hot," Eric muttered, inspecting Tim up and down. His own shaven erection brushed up against Tim's, sending little waves of electricity up through his body. Tim felt Josh's hands run down his sides, slick with oil, and continue onto his ass. Eric dropped to his knees and took what of Tim's cock he could into his mouth, working it slowly, deliberately. Josh continued to oil Tim up from behind, spreading it over his back, ass, legs, and arms. Tim obliged him by flexing each body part as Josh ran his hands over it, trying not to collapse from the pleasure of his first blowjob. After Josh had oiled up his arms, he whispered in Tim's ear, "C'mon, you big bull. Flex 'em and keep 'em flexed!" Tim obliged, striking a double bicep pose and spreading his legs a little while Josh jerked him off a little, oiling up his cock and balls in the process. Eric and Josh both continued running their hands over Tim's hard, defined body, while Tim just struck poses, trying to keep his muscles flexed as hard as possible. His dick was having no trouble; Tim's scarred cockhead was a full two inches in diameter at this point, his massive dong sticking straight out ahead. He felt the snap of a rubber band go around his scrotum, but ignored it, instead choosing to focus on Josh's voice as he kept telling Tim that he was a big bull, a macho man, strong, hard, a beast... He was vaguely aware of Eric snapping another band around his cock, making it grow so hard it hurt. Tim didn't even look down, but just tried not to cringe at the pleasure when Eric's hand would have a jerk and brush his cock. His normally rather insensitive dick was almost painful to the touch now, he was so turned on. He imagined the bands cutting off circulation, turning his cock and balls black and cold, so that they would have to be cut off. Maybe that's why all the brothers have these enourmous balls, Tim thought. Maybe they all had theirs removed and replaced with bigger ones. That was a hot idea, and he nearly came at the thought. Maybe they were going to cut his off, fulfilling his dream! Josh produced a tape measure and started measuring Tim's body, wrapping the measure around each bicep, his chest, his thighs and calves...Tim was about to explode. His balls were aching and purple; he cock growing almost numb. "A big bull," Eric muttered. "Maybe we should steer him." "Maybe later," Josh replied. "For now we want him all excited like this. You are excited, aren't you, you big bull?" Josh asked Tim. "Oh, yeah...oh, god!" he cried out as Eric brushed against his cockhead. Eric took a pair of scissors and held them up to the neck of Tim's scrotum. Tim just flexed harder, waiting for the pain, but it never came - just the snap as the Eric cut the rubber bands, first around his balls, then around his cock. The aching in his balls began to subside, but Eric kept it going by thwapping them with his finger. "They do this to horses, you know, to make them run faster, or to bulls to make them angry," Eric whispered to Tim, rubbing up against his body, humping Tim's hip. Josh was down at the floor now, running his hands over Tim's buttocks, legs, thighs...all over his body, whispering admiring nothings as he did so. "You like the thought of having these cut off, don't you?" Eric said in Tim's ear. Tim didn't answer, but just struck another pose. Eric squeezed Tim's nuts. You can take it, he said to himself, and didn't even wince at the pain. "This too, I bet, yah?" Eric pumped his cock a few times, then his own. "Of course, then you'd just have to take it from behind, wouldn't you?" Eric moved around behind him, his hard cock brushing up against Tim's toned glutes. Josh dropped to his knees and sucked Tim off while jacking himself. Eric began pushing up against Tim in a slow rhythym. "You'd have to take it like this, once that's gone," he muttered to Tim, then pulled off. "But not until then," he smiled, and grabbed Tim's biceps. "Oh, shit," Tim muttered, his entire body shuddering as he came violently in Josh's mouth. Tim bucked involuntarily, waves of pleasure racking his body. Josh pulled off his cock, cum dribbling out of his mouth. He licked his lips and wiped his mouth on his hand, then sat back and jerked himself some more, his big balls bouncing on the floor as he did it. Eric was unrolling a condom. Tim leaned back against the bed and tried to catch his breath, watching as Eric bent Josh over and took him over the side of the bed. Both came quickly, moaning as they did so. Eric pulled out right beforehand and flipped Josh over, yanking the rubber off and spurting all over the smaller boys' chest and face. "Oh, fuck yeah!" Eric exclaimed as the last of his jizz dribbled out. "Come on, cumdog," Eric berated Josh. "Squirt that shit, boy!" Josh closed his eyes, moaned, and white goo dribbled out the end of his cock, mixing on his abdomen with the cum of Tim and Eric. Afterward, they all just lay for a bit, toweling off. Josh lit up a cigarette, and he and Eric lay across Tim's chest, basking in the moment. After a few minutes, Josh got up to shower. Tim and Eric followed, soaping up in the communal shower and washing the cum, oil and sweat off their glistening bodies. The next day Tim got up late with a bit of a hangover. He thought about the previous night all day, it even keeping his normally focused mind off his workout while he mechanically went about the motions of his routine. No flexing that day, but straight back to his apartment for a shower and shave. He flexed in the mirror a bit and thought about his big bull nuts being cut off, his cock sliced clean off at the base...but it just didn't do it like last night had. He checked the mail eagerly when it came, but it was only junk mail. Same the next day, and the next, until Thursday, when he finally got a letter with the Nu Tau Rho letters stamped on it. He tore it open eagerly, and was relieved to see that he had indeed gotten a bid. He was pretty sure it would happen, but still...he worried. He really wanted to be with these guys, money or no. The letter said he was supposed to show up Saturday night wearing only shorts, an old t-shirt, and flipflops or sandals. Nothing else, it said, very clearly. Tim studied extra hard Friday to make up for what he knew would be a busy evening. Saturday afternoon he took a long bath and shaved himself to the skin, wanting to look his best. When the time came for the party, he wore a tight wife-beater, a pair of running shorts, and some five-dollar flipflops he bought at the supermarket. He showed up to the house, eager and horny, and rang the bell, shifting his weight back and forth nervously. When the door finally opened, one of the brothers stood there wearing only a pair of well-stuffed jockeys. "Tim, right?" he asked with a smile. "Yeah, I'm Tim," he said. "Come on in. We're only waiting on one more." The brother stood back from the door to allow Tim into the living room. Cyrus was already there, dressed in a pair of cargo shorts and a plain white T. "Hay, man," he greeted Tim. Tim said hi back and sat down. The brother stood behind them both, not saying anything. Tim and Cyrus just sat there in silence, assuming they weren't supposed to say anything either. After a minute or two of the awkward silence, the door rang again. The brother took his time opening it, and did to find Andrew there, looking as nervous as they were. The brother let him in and he sat down on the couch, after answering the cautious greetings offered by the others. After a few more minutes of silence, the brother spoke from behind them. "It's time. Strip," he ordered the three. They did, removing their clothing quickly and nervously looking around at the others. "Follow me," the brother ordered. They did follow him, back into the kitchen of the frat house and down into the dirt and wood basement, where the rest of the fraternity awaited. What little light fell off a pair of lightbulbs was dim, and it was hard to make out their faces, but all were naked, their skin glistening in the light. Each sported their gigantic (and identical, Tim noted) pair of balls and a wide variety of cocks to accompany them. The brother who led them had them stand in a row against the far wall, and the brothers circled in around them. A voice Tim recognized as Harry's boomed out, "You three have been selected to enter the Nu Tau Rho fraternity. Membership is for life, once you join, you are forever one of us. Your initiation shall be swift but painful. This is your last chance to turn back. "Cyrus Beauregard Turnbull! Do you wish to join Nu Tau Rho?" "Hell yeah, man," Cyrus answered in his twang. "Timothy Sean Whalen! Do you wish to join Nu Tau Rho?" came the question. Tim piped us, "Yes!" "And finally, Andrew Tyrell Newman! Do you wish to join Nu Tau Rho?" "Yes," he answered, clearly and calmly. "Commence initiation," came Harry's voice. One brother took each of their arms and held it up to the wall to fasten it to a manacle, while others spread their legs apart and latched their ankles into manacles on the wall. One brother lined up in front of each of them and was similarly manacled, but one of their feet was left unshackled. It all kinda turned Tim on, and he got hard. "Each side will take a turn kicking the other," Harry instructed them. "After each kick, the kicker will be restrained, and the other side will have a foot freed. If you last long enough," he voice took on a warning tone, "you will be a full brother in the fraternity." Tim looked down, helpless, as a brother poked a syring into his sac and shot it up with something. "Of course, we want it to go on for at least a few rounds," Harry told them. Tim felt a numbness spread throughout his nether regions. He couldn't even feel his own cock. "Ready, pledges?" he asked them. Tim, Cyrus, and Andrew all nodded and braced themselves for the first kick. The man in front of Tim reared back, then swung his leg forward in a mighty kick. Tim felt a dull thud from his groin area, followed by a low ache. That wasn't so bad, he thought. Tim's leg was unshackled and the other man's clamped down. Tim reared back and let loose the strongest kick he could, throwing the man across from him off the ground, the chains jerking him back. He cried out, and Tim thought he heard Eric's voice...could be. Another thirty seconds to change shackles, and Tim braced himself for the attack, showing his manliness by spreading his legs a little further apart to give his opponent a clear target. Another thud and a crunching noise. Tim felt a little spear of pain in his right nut and then a bit more pain than last time. He saw a hand hold his sac from behind, roll his balls around a little, and let go. While they changed shackles again, he heard Josh's voice in his ear. "One down, you big bull, but the shot'll wear off soon. Take it like a man, yah?" One down? That meant...he tried to look down but without being able to move his cock out of the way, he couldn't tell. Had his opponent burst one of his balls? The brothers were around him, chanting for Tim to take his kick. He swung back, using the chains to pull himself off the ground, throw his leg back, and then pivot on the chains, muscles straining as he sought to make use of his full momentum. Tim threw himself forward, bringing his leg up with as much force as possible into the other man. His leg connected and thudded directly between his opponent's firm balls. He could feel the skin tear a bit, and the hear Eric's voice cry out. It was definitely Eric; he knew for sure now. Cries came out from either side of him as well - Cyrus's sac was swelling up, and Andrew was on struggle. Tim braced himself for another strike. It missed his left ball but still connected with the wreckage of his right, sending a little wave of pain up through his body. Tim could see his sac swelling a bit and feel the ache rising; that shot didn't last long. He could take it, though. He had to see this through. His leg crunched up against the Eric's sac. Why weren't his balls bursting? They felt so hard...and then it hit him. They were fakes. The size, the feel of them...they had to be. And if his were, then all the brothers had fake balls. They must have taken hormone shots or something... Tim tried to drown out the shouts of the brothers cheering them on. A big cheer went up for Cyrus, who was being taken down, his scrotum swollen and purple. They lay him on the ground and felt around his sac. "Yeah, both gone!" Harry shouted, and they carried Cyrus back upstairs. Tim didn't even try to watch. The pain was growing rapidly in his groin, and he knew he wasn't going to be let down from here until his other ball burst. The next time Eric's foot came up into his groin, he tried to move his hips to swing it into the way, but Eric's foot only grazed it, striking his wounded sac again. Andrew cried out as his first testicle popped but Tim didn't hear. He focused all his will into striking Eric's sac, trying to burst it open. He could feel it tear a little further, and blood dripped from it slowly. Tim shook his remaining ball square in front of Eric's foot, but this kick was weaker and it didn't burst. Tim was having the same problem...his groin hurt so much it was becoming hard to kick, but he did anyway, rending the skin of Eric's sac. Tim took another kick, but this time, as Eric kicked, one of his testicles fell plumb out of his sac and onto the ground! Bewildered by the suddern feeling, Eric faltered and brushed his foot against Tim's leg. The other testicle was partially protruding from the hole but couldn't make its way out yet. There was another cry from Andrew, and he was taken down and checked. "Both gone here, too," Harry announced, and Andrew was taking upstairs. All but a few of the brothers were concentrated now on Tim and Eric. Tim's sac was turning purple, his cock swollen and monstrous. Eric's was bleeding slowly, his detached testicle still on the floor where it had fallen. Tim reared up for another kick, and relished the splat as his foot made contact even as his stomach convulsed from the pain in his groin. The manacles switched and Tim tried to catch his breath, his strength leaving him...he was having difficulty holding himself up. "C'mon, you big bull," Josh encouraged him. "You can take this! A big stud like you losing to a shrimp like that? Take it like a man!" Tim struggled to his feet and prepared for one last strike. He swung and made contact, but to no avail. Eric's other ball still lay there, protuding slightly but not coming out. The brothers were talking loudly now, openly speculating on what would happen, but Tim couldn't hear them. All he knew was there was another strike coming, and this one had to hit its target. Tim steeled himself for it, flexing the muscle between his legs that made his dick flip up, giving Eric the best target possible. Eric's foot came up, and to Tim it was if things were in slow motion. He watched the foot flying toward him, and slightly shifted his weight toward it, then shoved his hips forward and smashed his ball against the upward moving heel of Eric's foot. Even the pain was in slow motion, from the initial ache of his left (and only) nut first compressing against the heel of Eric's foot, the rising intesnsity as more pressure went onto it, the explosive rush of agony as the ball finally burst, and finally the warm achy feeling of more blood filling his swollen scrotum. Tim collapsed into the chains, and the brothers reached to unchain him. "No!" he rasped hoarsely. "One more." He struggled to his feet, the brothers standing back in awe. With so many crowded around them the light no longer gave such contrast, and Tim could see Eric, hanging in the chains, struggle to lift his head to Tim...and smile. Tim reared back for the last kick, and wham! There were doctors on hand, of course, to patch up the three pledges, their opponents, and Joey, who had been knocked clean unconscious by Eric's last testicle as the force of Tim's kick knocked it clear out of Eric's tattered scrotum, off his bruised abdomen, and back into Joey's unfortunate head. By the time Eric and Tim had been taken up to the makeshift operating area in the kitchen, Cyrus was finished up and sitting on the couch, surrounded by admirers, his burst testicles already removed and replaced with fakes nearly as large as the other brothers'. The doctor, an alumnus himself, was just inserting the second of Andrew's new set. Tim and Eric sat on the couch, Josh and some of the other brothers tending to them and chattering amongst themselves at the show the two of them had put on. "That was the craziest initiation I've ever seen," muttered one of the men, massaging his own groin as he thought of it. "Hell, yeah, man," agreed another. It was about to get crazier. Before he knew it, the doc was done with Joey and the other pledges' two opponents. It was his turn. He lay on the table, his scrotum cut open, drained, and hollowed out, happy to have achieved part of his dream. The doctor was measuring what size fake testicles to install in him, and Tim said, "I don't want...fake ones." It was a struggle to get the words out, but he did it. "Just...clean it up. Nice and neat...no...sac." "Me either," Eric muttered to the boys watching him. Everybody got quiet. "Is that okay?" somebody asked. "Can you do that?" "I...I don't know," Harry replied. "Somebody fetch the rulebook." They waited in silence for a few moments as a brother fetched the book. Harry thumbed through the index, looking for something relevant. "I can't leave him like this all day," the doc warned. "Decide soon." "Uh...uh...okay," Harry sighed, finding something that looked like the rules. "Um...shit. It doesn't say. It says he may have them implanted." "May? That means it's his choice, right?" Josh replied. "But nobody ever has," Harry countered. "Too late, I'm fixing him up," the doctor finished the argument, snipping away at Tim's tattered scrotum with a pair of scissors. Tim relaxed, happy he'd gotten his way with this. Why lose his balls just to get even bigger ones? * * *
The Prince of Slaves Chapter 30
The story continues, winding down to a close, a few more chapters, no more.<BR><BR><A href="http://www.slammerstories.com">http://www.slammerstories.com</A>
` ` _**Chapter30:**_ Dylan looked back at Mihangel, surrounded by guards, pinned between two golems that held his arms. Although he knew this had to happen, that Mihangel had to die to return to the otherworld to defeat Nysrogh once and for all, he knew what he was about to suffer for the good of his people, for him and Megan, because they were really the only people he had left. All other nobles were dead, or at least castrated, so they couldn't propagate. No other generation of nobles would be born. Humans, too -- if Mihangel's plan came to fruition -- would come to an end. They would castrate themselves out of existence, believing that they were doing so to obtain heaven on Earth, but Dylan knew that it was only being done to rid the Earth of their kind, making room for a new race, one given birth to by him and Megan, once he was again Emrys and had his cock and balls restored. They would rule over an empty land after the current generation had died, but Mihangel had promised him and his children long lives. They might live as much as a thousand years, and given such a long life, could take strides toward repopulating the Earth, this time with a pure race, one infused with the essence of the God, both from the male and female lines, not just from the male line, as the nobles had been. His and Megan's children would truly be the God's children. As Dylan, he felt a twinge of guilt at having betrayed his men, now his friends, although human they might be, but then again, Dylan was human, not noble. When Megan had changed Emrys to Dylan, she had cast him a human body. The soul and body of Emrys was nobly born, but not the body occupied by Dylan, not without his cock and balls. When he'd been changed to Dylan, he'd retained the cock and balls of Emrys, but had cut them off to avoid becoming a golem shell; and the essesence of the God resided in a noble's balls. Without them, he was no better than a human. Only when he once again became Emrys and had his cock and balls restored as Mihangel had promised, would he once again become a noble. That's why, as Dylan, he felt empathy for the humans. Dylan was one of them. He, too, would cease to exist. But, without balls, Dylan had no future -- and unlike his human companions -- he knew it. Only Emrys --- the part of him that became more and more foreign to him every day -- had a future. Once the God restored his cock and balls -- that is -- the cock and balls he held in trust in the otherworld. * * * The soldiers and golems led Mihangel away, followed closely by Glendower. Mihangel hadn't looked at Glendower since that first moment after Glendower had kissed him on the cheek. For some reason, Glendower would have preferred Mihangel's curse to his silence, but Mihangel ignored him as if he were of no consequence. But then, he, too, ignored his guards. To a casual observer, Mihangel would have seemed their leader, rather than their prisoner. When Glendower had seen the guard release the others and had seen them walk away, he'd wanted to shout at the guards to prevent Dylan and the disciples from escaping, but he hadn't been able to speak. Even if he had, though, it probably wouldn't have done any good. It was as if the guards, golem and human alike, at Mihangel's command, had become unaware of the existence of the disciples. Why, Glendower wondered -- if he had such power -- didn't he free himself? Once at the castle, they were led into the hall where the king held court. Merfyn sat on his throne, flanked by both Cadell and Heddwyn. When Mihangel was led before them, Merfyn's sharp intake of breath made an audible sound. "Emrys," he said, "so, you still live." "I am not Emrys," said Mihangel. "Think I would not know my own brother's son?" "The brother you murdered?" said Mihangel, "Nevertheless, I am not Emrys. I am Mihangel." "Strip him," said Merfyn. If he had his cock and balls, and he were Emrys, he was the rightful king, not Merfyn, and since the God was no longer weak, could attain his throne. If Emrys, with cock and balls, he would be under the God's protection, and with the God no longer blinded, they wouldn't be able to kill him. Merfyn had sacrificed his two sons to blind the God. He had no others to give for that purpose. He had no children. His wife had killed herself upon hearing of the deaths of her sons, upon hearing that Merfyn had sacrificed them to become king. He'd had women since, but none of them had conceived. When Mihangel was naked, they saw that he had neither genitals or manhair. Other than the hair on his head, he had none, his body as smooth as that of a baby -- or an angel. Perhaps, he wasn't Emrys, as he'd said. Emrys would have manhair and a scar where his cock and balls had been. Even upon close inspection, the three of them, Merfyn, Cadell, and Heddwynn, saw that Mihangel had none. He appeared to have been born without cock and balls, and of course, he had been. Even a magical healing would have left a scar on a boy castrated after achieving his manhair. "Who are you, if not Emrys?" asked Merfyn. "I told you. I am Mihangel." "The one calling himsef 'the God?" asked Heddwynn. "I am that one," said Mihangel. "Are you telling us you are the God?" asked Cadell, a look of scorn on his face. "I am," said Mihangel. "Yet, we captured you?" replied Cadell. "It serves my purpose," said Mihangel. "And what purpose is that?" asked Cadell. "Your end and that of Nysrogh. You and he have lost. Nysrogh's rule has come to an end. The time of the God has arrived. The three of you will join Nysrogh in the netherworld. He will have little else other than your souls to feast on for eternity." "If you're the God, free yourself," said Merfyn. Guards, human and golem surrounded him, swords and spears pointed at Mihangel. Making no move to free himself, Mihangel smiled. "Do you think, had I not wanted you to capture me, you could have? Have you not tried for years? Have I not castrated all the noble boys under your protection?" "You were betrayed by one of your own," Heddwynn said, looking at Glendower, standing beyond the guards surrounding Mihangel. "Glendower," said Mihangel. "He but does my bidding, as do you?" "We do your bidding?" scoffed Merfyn. "We are in charge. I am king of Gwynedd. Nysrogh is the god of Gwynedd." Mihangel laughed. "Nysrogh," he said, glancing at Cadell, "what power does either Nysrogh or this charlatan of his have left? When's the last time you even found a human to cut for a golem. Not even these humans you have for soldiers have cocks and balls. Other than those hanging between your legs," he said to Merfyn, "none exist in the city. And those -- other than to provide you with momentary pleasure -- have done you little good. You have no sons to replace those you killed. You are the end of your line." "It matters not," said Merfyn, "I will live forever." "Not without noble boys to sacrifice, you won't," said Mihangel. "I've cut all the boys you held captive. They are of no use to you, now." "There are other boys of noble birth," said Cadell, thinking of those sons of nobles loyal to Merfyn. "No longer," said Mihangel. "I think you'll find that they've all mysteriously died. Not one noble with cock and balls exists in this kingdom, or elsewhere." Not one? None of the three believed that. None of them could allow themselves to believe it. If true, Nysrogh would feast on their souls before the year was out. The loss of the cock and balls of all the captive nobles had been devastating. The loss of the remaining noble boys, those supposedly safe in their father's castles and keeps, was incomprehensible. That possibility wasn't one they would even allow themselves to contemplate. "Take him to the dungeon," said Merfyn. "Scourge him. On the morrow, he will be set on a pole." To Heddwynn he said, set guards around, both human and golem. If he escapes, it will be you that sits on a pole in his place." "Set wards around him," he said to Cadell, "to prevent the use of magic by him or someone trying to free him." "I will," said Cadell, even though he knew, without noble boys to sacrifice, his magic would be of little use against the God, and although he didn't think Mihangel was the God, he evidently add access to the God's magic; otherwise he wouldn't have accomplished what he had. At least, Cadell had the blood of the noble boys still held captive. Perhaps, even without their cocks and balls, it would be of some use. The power of the God, though, resided in their balls. He could only hope that some of it had leaked into their blood. The guards took Mihangel away to the dungeon. Under the watchful eyes of both Heddwynn and Cadell, they began their scourging of him, whipping him with flails and other instruments that cut into his flesh and burning him with hot irons. The human part of him screamed with the pain of their torture of him. Whether the God felt that pain, no one knew. * * *
La Crucifems, Part 4
More in the saga of a man\'s descent into Hell through the tortures inflicted upon him by his wife and her lesbian lover.
` La Crucifems, Part 4 ` Gloria led us down the stairway to the basement, followed closely by me, with my wife immediately behind. For a moment, I felt like a condemned man being led to the gallows, and looking back now, realize I wasn't far off the mark. When the door to the torture chamber was opened, I saw that all the lights were on this time. At my first visit, only a single spotlight above the crucifixion table had been burning. Because of that, I hadn't noticed Gloria's husband Don standing in the shadows, prepared to take photographs and make a videotape of the session. I saw that Don was setting up a videocamera on a tripod. Gloria said, "Don has a new toy to use this time. The new equipment will make tapes in color, as well as record sound. We've had lots of money coming in from selling the photos and tapes of your last session. The perverts seem to be really turned on by how much you like being tortured, and are buying the films as fast as we can make them. Did Chrissy tell you how much we've made so far?" I replied that she hadn't, and my wife responded that my little weenie was a real money-maker for them. In the two months since they'd been selling the images on the Internet, they had cleared over $15,000 by selling the six photos for $20 a set, and the videotapes for $100. Chrissy again told me how proud she was of me, and that she knew that tonight's session would bring at least twice that amount. Gloria said, "We've had some special requests from the perverts who want to buy more of the tapes of your sessions, and that's why we invested in a color camera with sound. You'd be surprised how many of our customers want to hear you scream when you're being tortured, and want to see the blood running out of your cock and balls. We're going to double the price of the stuff, and even then we'll sell twice as much." Chrissy then told me that it was time to get rid of my clothes so they could get started. She also said that I would have to wear a small mask to hide my identity, and that she and Gloria would also. Apparently they wanted Don to focus on my face frequently during the session, so that the viewers could see my reactions to the pain that was being inflicted on my genitals. I quickly shed my clothes, with no hesitation this time. The cum pressure in my balls was very intense by this time, since I hadn't been allowed to have an orgasm for almost two weeks. I wanted nothing more than to again feel the agonizing pain and torment that would soon be given me by my wife and her lover. Chrissy handed me a small mask that would cover my upper face. It had holes for my eyes so that I would be sure to see what was being done to me, and what sort of equipment they were planning to use next. They both said it was important for me to suffer as much as possible, not only for the "enjoyment" of the people who bought the films, but also that the two women were more turned on with each increase in my agony. They then also removed their clothing, as they had done in the first session. The sight of those two beautiful female bodies was a separate torment for me. When they kissed and caressed each other's breasts and pussies, my desire to please my wife only increased. Looking back on the situation now, I realize that at no time was I jealous of Gloria, but instead was even more turned on by the fact that Chrissy was finding new outlets for her passion. After the women donned their own masks, Don turned off all the lights except one that was in a far corner of the room. He directed the cameras at that spot and then announced that he was ready. The three of us walked to the lighted area, and I could see that there was a pulley mounted to the ceiling, and a rope had been passed through it. The free end of the rope was hanging about halfway to the floor, and the other end ran to a small hand-cranked winch that was fastened to the wall. Chrissy took the end of the rope in her hands, and said, "Okay sweetie pie, let's have those wrists." I held out my hands, with my wrists touching. She quickly wrapped the rope around them several times, and then tied a knot to hold it in place. She then said to Gloria, "Ready. Stretch the little bastard." Gloria began to turn the handle of the winch, and I could feel my arms being pulled upward. Soon my shoulders were feeling the weight of my body, and I expected the lifting to stop. Instead of stopping, it continued until my feet were completely off the floor. I felt pain in my neck and shoulders as they tried to become accustomed to the unusual amount of weight they had to now support. Chrissy saw my discomfort and mocked me, saying, "Makes your shoulders hurt, huh? Well don't worry, little man, you'll soon have other things to worry about." At that time, Gloria came walking back to the pool of light. She was carrying two black-leather whips. As she handed one to my wife, I saw that they had handles about one foot long, and two- foot long leather strips fastened to the handles. I couldn't tell how many strips there were on the whips, but Chrissy soon told me. "Do you know what these are called?", she asked. When I shook my head, she said, "They're cat-o-nine-tails. Old time sailors were whipped with them when they had been naughty. Gloria told me that she read that most of the floggings were performed with the man naked, and most of them got hard ons. It looks like it's too late to give you a hard on, isn't it?" She was right on that point, since my cock had been at full attention for a long time. The women then stood on each side of me and began to flip the whips through the air. I could hear the whistling sound made by the thongs, and knew that I was in for some major pain when they began to flog me. My wife said, "The fellow we had down here last week was really in to being whipped, and we flogged him until his ass was nothing but bloody meat. Since you're more of a cock man than an ass man, we'll go easy on your butt." She then raised her arm as high as she could and then brought it swiftly toward my ass. When the thongs hit my flesh, it felt as if I had been cut with a handful of knives, and I cried out with pain. "Oh dear, I may have misspoken. It looks like I hit you too hard that time, and your ass is already bleeding. You try it Gloria, and go easy on him." Gloria laughed and raised her whip, then brought it whistling down with even greater force than my wife had. She had aimed at a slightly different part of my backside, and the pain felt like it doubled. Again I cried out. I was afraid that the pain would become so great that I would shame my wife by losing my erection, or even worse would beg to be released. Chrissy again raised her whip, saying, "Just hold on for a little longer. We're going to give your ass ten strokes, then we'll look for some other target." Her whip again bit into my butt, followed in short order by Gloria's. I focused every bit of my concentration on controlling the pain, and was able to get through the ten strokes. The women then turned their attention to the other side of my body, and began to make jokes about wondering what to whip next. They ridiculed the size of my penis, saying it was "way too small to hit with such big whips". Chrissy placed the thongs of her whip across my cock and said, "How about it little wee-wee? Would you like to feel mama's whip? Hmmm?" Seeing that I was still erect, she decided that my dick did indeed want to feel the thongs. She again raised her hand high, then brought the whip down across the top of my cock. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared, being dulled by the throbbing in my ass. It was enough to make me whimper, and that brought smiles to their faces. "I think the little fellow felt that one, don't you?", Gloria asked. "Not enough, by half, though", said Chrissy. "Let's give him ten good ones to see how he takes it." Gloria said that sounded like a good plan, and she raised her whip and quickly brought it down across the shaft of my manhood. As soon as her stroke was finished, Chrissy swung upward and whipped the bottom of the shaft. That hurt lots more, and I couldn't stop myself from crying out. "That's right. Make lots of noise for the customers. We're going to make you scream so much tonight that you won't be able to talk for two days." I could see that my wife was becoming more and more aroused by the punishment she was giving my cock. Her beautiful nipples were as hard as diamonds, and I could smell her pussy juice flowing from her. Gloria was also aroused, and the sight and smell of the two women in heat was raising my desire to new levels also. Gloria's next stroke came directly in toward my body and landed full force on the tip of my penis. It was by far the most painful of the evening, and caused me to again scream in pain. The women then began to whip my dick in quick succession, giving it in all ten strokes each. When they stopped, I thought my torment at their whip-weilding hands was at an end. That was not to be though. My wife then said, "Okay, enough of the playing around. Now it's time for the real thing. Spread your legs and keep them spread!" I couldn't believe that they were going to also whip my balls. I was sure that I'd never be able to stand the pain of that, and that I'd either go soft or pass out. Either would mean that my wife would be ashamed of me. I made a resolution to get through the next minutes still hard and still awake. It was difficult to spread my legs when they weren't touching the floor, but I was able to manage it. Chrissy warned me to keep them wide open, or they'd tie them apart and give me fifty additional strokes. She then lowered the whip thongs to the floor behind her, then quickly brought the handle forward. I could hear the thongs whistle through the air, and then felt pain explode from my balls. It took every bit of my willpower to hold my legs apart when every fiber of my being was demanding that I bring them together to protect my precious eggs. I managed to keep my legs spread, even as I saw Gloria preparing her stroke. When it landed on my nuts, I was sure that I could take no more. I was now screaming and crying in the same breath. The pain was incredible. Just at that moment, the endorphins kicked in and I became immediately "high". As before, I seemed to step out of my body and felt that it was another man being tortured. It was only because of this that I was able to hold my position for another eight strokes to my balls. Chrissy then stepped up to me and began to fondle my cock and balls. She whispered to me, "Thank you for being the man I always knew you were. I love you so much." She then turned to Gloria, saying, "I think he's warmed up enough now, don't you. Why don't we get him down from there and start on the painful part?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Instead of my torture being over, it was going to continue and even become more painful. It was doubtful that I could take much more. My only hope was that the pain killers my brain was dosing out would not fail me. Gloria released the winch and turned the handle to lower my feet to the floor. As soon as I was able to stand, my wife untied my wrists and told me to follow her to the next "station". We walked toward another corner of the basement, every step bring fresh stabs of pain from my abused ass, cock, and balls. I knew that if I made it through this night, Chrissy's prediction of my condition the next day would be pretty close to the mark. As we walked slowly across the floor, a spotlight was turned on to illuminate the next place where my torture would continue. I saw a floor-to-ceiling post there. Mounted to the ceiling above the post were two pulleys, each about three feet to the sides of the post, with a length of rope passing through each. The free ends of the ropes dangled about halfway to the floor, and the other ends were connected to another wall-mounted winch. Laying on a table in front of the post was what looked like a leather collar with a short length of chain and a single handcuff attached to each side. Also on the table were the familiar hammer and nails, only this time I could see that there were more than three. I also saw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, which oddly enough surprised me, since neither of the women had ever smoked. As we entered the cone of light, Chrissy placed her whip on the table, picked up the collar, and then fastened it around my neck. She and Gloria then used the handcuffs to fasten my wrists to the collar. My wife said, "Okay sweetie, lie down on the floor and get your worthless little wee-wee and peanuts against the post. I'm more turned on than ever, and just can't wait to get started on you and hear you screaming." I doubt that her level of excitement was any higher than mine at that point. Given the length of time since my last cum, and the fantasies conjured up by the post and ropes, I would have consented to anything that my wife wanted to do to me. I lay down on the floor and quickly pressed my crotch against the post. I was ordered to lift my ankles as high into the air as I could, and then the women tied the ropes around them. Gloria then walked to the winch and began to slowly turn the handles. I was drawn upwards by the ropes, and soon the only parts of my body touching the floor were my shoulders and the back of my head. My cock was harder than ever before by this time, and it was almost purple in color because of its distended condition. Gloria said, "He does have a nice- size dick, doesn't he? Do you think you'll miss it when it's gone?" Even given my brain-in-balls condition, I was frightened by what Gloria had said. Were they planning to cut off my cock? Surely Chrissy wouldn't do something like that to me. She must have noticed my look of panic, for she said, "Don't worry lover. We won't cut it off as long as you're still able to get it hard for us. I can't guarantee what'll happen after that, though." Both of the women laughed at this. Then my wife said, "We're going to add some extra things to the session tonight. What we did to you the first time will seem pretty mild when you look back at it tomorrow. Are you ready for us to get started?" I could see by their nipples, and smell by the scent of their cunts, that both of the women were excited and turned on. I wanted nothing more than for Chrissy to sit on my face and allow me to lick and suck her to orgasm, but knew that I had to earn that privilege first. Earn it I would, by my agony at her hands, and by my best effort to make her proud of me. Gloria then picked up the pack of cigarettes from the table and shook out two of them. She placed them in her mouth and lighted them, then handed one to Chrissy. I had never known my wife to smoke, and was surprised. I should have known that she had no intention of drawing the smoke into her lungs, but instead had plans for the glowing coal on the other end of the cigarette. As I watched in fear and anticipation, she slowly moved the tip of the cigarette toward the head of my cock. When it was about one inch away, I began to feel the heat. Chrissy looked at me and asked, "Ready to begin sweetie?" I could only nod my head, since my throat was fully constricted by the desire I was feeling. Chrissy touched the glowing tip of the cigarette to the head of my cock. The pain was much worse than what I had felt from the nail during the first session. It seemed to race up the shaft of my dick, blossom in my stomach, and then explode in my brain. Immediately I screamed, which seemed to please my wife very much. She smiled at me, saying, "Did that hurt?" I controlled my cries by sheer force of will and nodded my head, "Yes". She then said, "Just tell me if it's too much for you. We can always stop and find another man who has more guts." I resolved again to endure whatever she wanted to do to me. Gloria then raised her cigarette to my cock, and touched the tip to another part of its head. Again the pain shot through me, but by that time my brain had made enough endorphins to lessen the effect. The women then took turns burning the head and shaft of my dick, and then they started doing the same to my nuts. It seemed to me that the torture went on for hours, but I know by watching the tape now that it was less than ten minutes. I was conscious during this time of Don directing the camera toward my face in order to record my agonized cries of pain. Watching the tape now, I am amazed that a human throat could produce such volume and intensity. I'm sure that the people who wanted to hear my pain got their money's worth. When the women tired of burning my genitals, Chrissy said in a voice made husky with passion, "I think that's enough of this part. He's not feeling it as much as I want him to. Hand me one of the nails." Gloria picked up a nail and handed it to my wife, who, as before, held it to my lips to be kissed. After I had done so she pressed the point of the nail against the pain-filled head of my cock, hard enough to dimple the flesh and turn it white. Gloria then handed the hammer to Chrissy, and I knew that my second crucifixion was about to happen. Chrissy looked at me and said, "I hope that this hurts you more than anything I've ever done to you. Just remember, what I'm doing makes me hotter than Hell, and it's all because of you. Make me proud." With that she tapped the nail lightly, driving the extremely sharp point about one-fourth inch into the head. She said, "I want to make it last as long as possible this time. It went too fast the first time." She again tapped the head of the nail, driving it further into my cock head. She was right about the increased pain I would feel with this method. When she had first nailed me, she drove the nail completely through in only two blows, and that had given me much less pain than I felt from this slow nailing. It seemed like an eternity before I heard and felt the nail strike the post. When that happened, Chrissy then struck it two sharp blows to seat it and anchor my dick in place. Gloria then picked up a nail and offered it to me to kiss. When Chrissy tried to hand the hammer to her, she said, "No, that's too quick. I'm going to try it another way." She then placed the sharpened tip against the head of my cock and slowly begin to force it into the flesh. The head of the nail was large enough to allow her to do this without hurting her hand. As the point slowly disappeared, I began to feel a new type of pain which seemed to increase with each millimeter of penetration. I again had to scream at this new torment, and could feel how sore and raw my throat was becoming. Gloria continued to slowly push the nail into my cock, until it finally reached the post. She then took the hammer from my wife and drove it home. My dick was now anchored to the post by two nails through the head. I knew that there were several more nails on the table, and wondered if they would use all of them on me. In a secret part of me, I was hoping that would be the case. Chrissy then began to roughly squeeze and jerk on my ball sac, which quickly became loose. I knew that she was getting my nuts ready for the stretching cords, and soon saw her placing the cords around each nut and tightening the loops. She then asked Gloria, "Which one do you want to do?" Gloria replied, "It really doesn't matter. I'm going to destroy whichever one you don't. Let me go around to the other side and work on his right one." After she reached the opposite side of my body, Chrissy handed her the cord that was attached to my right ball. The women then placed the free end of their cords through small rings screwed into the sides of the post toward the top. They then began to pull on the cords, which in turn stretched my nuts and caused jolts of pain to shoot through the semen ducts and into my abdomen. I knew for sure that this little bit of pain was nothing compared to what was soon to come. When they were satisfied with the stretched condition of my balls, the women tied the cords to the rings. Chrissy said to Gloria, "You know, I think your method of pushing the nails in without using the hammer was more fun for him. I think I'll try it with his left nut." Gloria laughed, saying, "Go for it lover. The more he hurts, the more I like it." Chrissy picked up another of the nails and ordered me to, "Bless it with your kiss, sweetie." As soon as I had done so, she began to press the point into my aching teste. As the point entered my flesh, my whole body began to shake from the agonizing pain I was being forced to endure. I could hear someone screaming, and then realized it was me. Soon my throat became unable to make any intelligible sounds, and all that came forth were gasps and grunts of pain. After forcing the nail completely through my left nut, Chrissy picked up the hammer and struck two quick blows to drive it deep into the post. She then said to Gloria, "Your turn, my love. Try to make it hurt worse than mine did." Gloria smiled, saying, "No problem. I've had something in mind for a few minutes. We'll see just how long his little pee-pee stands up after he feels what I've going to do to his ball." At that, she picked up another nail from the table and made me kiss it. Instead of pushing it into my right nut, she then picked up the lighter and held it so both my wife and I could see what she had planned. Even through my raw throat, I began to whimper in anticipation of what she was going to do to me. Gloria flicked the lighter, and then held the point of the nail in the flame. Since the nails were almost four inches long, I knew that the point could reach a high temperature before the head became too hot for her to hold. After a few seconds of heating the point, Gloria turned off the lighter and said, "There. That should do it, don't you think?" Chrissy laughed and told Gloria that she had never known anyone who was as creative when it came to causing pain. Gloria agreed, saying that she'd had lots of practice. She then pressed the nail against my right ball, and pushed it about halfway through it. As she held it in place, she said, "I'll just give it a few seconds to cool down. Don't want to start a fire in the post." Both of the women then laughed. I was almost beyond consciousness at this point. I could feel the burning deep inside my ball, and my body was shaking uncontrollably with the pain. If my throat had been able to form words, I would have cried out to be released. I was saved from the shame and embarrassment of doing so simply because I could no longer speak. Chrissy saw my agonized reaction to the heated nail and laughed. "I think that's the best ever. He's really feeling that one. I'm going to try that with my next nail." I realized then that they weren't going to stop after nailing my cock head and balls, as they had done the first time. I knew that I would soon slip into unconsciousness, but at that point was beyond caring. I watched as my wife picked up the fifth nail and heated it with the cigarette lighter. She smiled at Gloria and said, "Let's try to think of some way to insulate the heads of these nails so we can get them red hot. That would be lots more fun than using these that are just barely warm." "I like the way you think, girl. We can surely come up with something before the next session." Chrissy decided that the nail was sufficiently hot to cause me additional pain, and set the lighter on the table. "Now I wonder where we can put these extra nails. Do you suppose his little wee-wee has enough room for any more?" She then pressed the heated nail to the shaft of my cock, just below the head. The flesh there was not as easily penetrated as the head and balls had been, so she asked Gloria to hand her the hammer. She used a couple of taps with the hammer to center the nail within the shaft, and then paused so I could "enjoy" it. When she estimated that the heat had lessened, she drove the nail home in the post. The women then took turns heating the remaining five nails and driving them through the shaft of my cock. By the time the final nail had been seated, I was completely "out of it" from the pain and the endorphins produced by my brain. I could see a tortured cock and balls nailed to a post, but wasn't sure just whose it was. It was as if I were standing in the background and watching some other victim being tortured by my wife and her lover. Chrissy took notice of my glassy-eyed condition and said, "Hang on lover. Almost done. You've made me proud so far, so don't fail me now." I heard Gloria ask, "Shall we see just how long it'll get before it tears off?" My wife said in a husky voice, "Yes. Do it quick before he passes out on us." Gloria then walked to the winch and began to release the tension on the two ropes that were holding my ankles high in the air. My legs were no longer able to support my body, and I could feel the pain intensify in my cock and balls as they pulled against the embedded nails. I tried to support my weight on just my shoulders, but could not do it for long. As my genitals stretched, the places where the nails had penetrated me began to show a small bead of blood. As I watched my dick and nuts stretch even further, the holes became larger and blood began to run down my tortured flesh. Chrissy said, "That should please the jack-off artists who wrote to us. Let's use the whips now and see if he can still cum when we're through." Gloria picked up the whips and handed one to my wife. They began to whip my cock and balls, causing the blood the flow even more. Finally, they stopped the punishment and Chrissy whispered in my ear, "Cum for me now lover. Make it the biggest and strongest orgasm you've ever had. Make me proud." It was as if every fiber of my being had been waiting for her order. I could feel the saved-up cum began to boil upward in my cock. Then I remember my body spasming so strongly that it was actually lifted off the floor. I momentarily saw a fountain of jism shooting out of the tip of my cock, and then felt my head strike the floor. That was the last thing I remember of that session. To be continued . . . * * *
Between Two Forbibben Worlds [B]
` # Between Two Forbibben Worlds By: David Huff ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [BI] Other: A story of a bi male who lives sexually between an incest relation with his aunt and a gay relation with his best friend finally chooses to end the issue by living as an eunoch. * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/newfiles.html) * * * Between Two Forbidden Worlds It didn't take long for me to discover both my sexual orientation, bisexual and when to start doing it. I became sexually active at the age of 12 years old, however it didn't happen the way most boys learn about sex. I found myself in bed with my 32 year old aunt discovering how women have their orgasms. For me this was not particularly an exciting turn on, but a chance encounter my neighborhood friend in the shower two years later convinced me the male side of the street was far more preferable. At the age of 14, I was leading a double life. After I found out my aunt was pregnant by me, I decided for a while to stay on the gay side for a while. During the pre-don't ask/don't tell military days, life was pure hell, at this point in my life a new idea was beginning to jell in my head. Between the AIDS fear and the homophobic fundamentalist witch hunts of the 1980s my mental state was getting shaky. I tried again to reestablish my old lifestyle only to discover how very perilous things were in the late 1980s, between gays who could not form relationships and a relative who played a head game it was time to put the plan into action. The simple idea of going to a Urologist and asking for a castration was a disaster, don't do it folks, these guys are just plain crap artists and are afraid. Finally after a year on the Internet I found a medico in Philadelphia. He said he would do the operation for cash no questions asked. Fine with me. In August 1998 I flew there and took care of the matter. I was castrated, but my penis was left intact. Two years later I do have sizeable breasts and may eventually wear a brassier. Contrary to myth I do still have erections on a regular basis. Any regrets? Few to none, reason is simple, I fathered 2 kids by my aunt, they grew up and are doing fine. I can still have sex with a woman or man minus the baggage anytime. With a minor surgical procedure anytime I can opt to go into the domain of the female if I should tire of the male world at sometime. [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20100214124034/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
Playing Lukas Sorensen - Chapter 17
Matthew learns the secret of mind control.
Chapter 17 It was only when he was in the cab, and on the way to Lukas’, that he realised he wasn’t wearing trunks, hadn’t brought a towel, didn’t have any sunglasses, any sunscreen, or even any money in his wallet except a five dollar bill. He didn’t even have enough to pay for the taxi. And he couldn’t go to the beach. He was wearing Lukas’ jocks. He would just say to Lukas, that it was too late, that they wouldn’t have got up the coast til one-thirty or two, and that’d he’d thought, fuck it, they could just go out on the boat. He would say it was too cold. And they would maybe go tomorrow. Yeah, he would say they could go tomorrow. When he got to Lukas’, he had to go in, and ask Lukas for some money, while the cab waited. He got fifty dollars a week. Nothing. An allowance he’d been getting for years. No wonder he didn’t have any money. Lukas gave him a fifty, and he ran back out to the cab. When he ran up to the door again, he offered Lukas the change and Lukas’ eyes locked onto his groin, his eyes goggling out of his head. Matthew looked down. He still had a hard on and he had angled it up in his jeans. He had got so used to the feeling of it, in the cab, that he had forgotten about it, and now, because he had ran back out to the cab and back, the head of his cock was visible in the waistband of his jeans. There was nothing covering it. He was naked. His cock was straining forward, opening the waistband out, and it had a bead of precum on it, a string of it, stretching between his stomach and his cock. Lukas was looking down at it. The thing was so big it looked like a bar of iron in his jeans, though it obviously wasn’t. Matthew pulled at his T-shirt, holding the change in his hands and trying to pull his T-shirt down, though it was a muscle shirt, and he could barely get it to cover his waistband. There was an obvious bulge. He handed Lukas the money and Lukas turned away, nervously putting the change away in his wallet, and pretending like he had seen nothing, as though nothing had happened. ‘Can I use your bathroom?’ Matthew said. Lukas nodded, without looking at him, concentrating on putting his wallet away, and Matthew walked across the hall. He closed the bathroom door and exhaled. He twisted the button on his jeans and ripped his fly down, angling his cock over the sink. He rolled the palm of his hand over the head of his cock, feeling the slippery sensation of the precum. He worked it down onto his cock. Spat on his hand and pulled himself three times. That was enough. He could feel himself orgasming just from that, and he stopped, waiting. The jism erupted and hit the tiled wall behind the basin. He pulled a couple of times, milking all of it out of him, and then he cleaned the wall, cleaned the basin, and sat down on the toilet, waiting for his cock to go down. He would roll it downwards, in the jocks, and then, if he got hard again, it wouldn’t be so noticeable. Fuck, he thought, running his fingers through his hair. What must Lukas think of him? He put his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands, and tried to calm himself down. He was going crazy. How the fuck had that looked? Running up to someone’s door with your cock jutting out of your jeans? Still, though, compared to the things that Lukas did, that was nothing. Matthew shivered. And felt the shiver trace the length of his spine. When Lukas had opened the door, when he had seen him, Matthew had felt all at once that he knew Lukas, that he knew everything about him. He knew what it felt like to be Lukas. To be in Lukas’ body. Could Lukas tell that? How would he? He wouldn’t be able to, Matthew said to himself. But then, he had seen Lukas this morning. Been in Lukas’ shower. In Lukas’ body. Wanked in his body. Matthew groaned. He rolled his cock down and stood up. The only way he could do it was to get it in the middle of Lukas’ jocks, in the groin of them, while his balls were spread out either side. He tucked it down as much as he could, and pulled the jocks up. If only he was wearing some of his own jocks. Some tight ones. But ones that fit him. It wasn’t very comfortable. He did the jeans up. And they were too tight, he said to himself. You fucking idiot. What the fuck are you wearing? The T-shirt didn’t even reach his waistband, and these were old jeans. Waist high. And they were too small. Narrow cut. And too short. He could see his ankle socks. ‘What the fuck are you wearing?’ he said, keeping his voice low. He washed his face in the basin and ran his fingers through his hair. He dried his face on the towel, and looked at himself. He looked okay. He opened the door. Lukas was sitting on a chair in the hall, waiting for him. ‘We should probably go,’ Lukas said, getting up as Matthew approached him, stealing a look, surreptitiously, at Matthew’s groin. He seemed nervous. Like it was him who had done something wrong. ‘I forgot my stuff.’ ‘Stuff?’ ‘Yeah. I thought it was maybe too cold to go. And too late.’ ‘Do you think?’ Matthew nodded. ‘We can go out on the boat.’ ‘The boat?’ ‘Yeah. If you want to. Or we could just hang out.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Sure,’ Matthew said. ‘Whatever you want.’ ‘I thought you wanted to drive the car.’ Was that what he thought? That the only reason Matthew would come, would want to go up the coast, was so he could drive the car? ‘I don’t have to,’ he said. ‘I mean, I didn’t come just so I could do that.’ Oh, Lukas seemed to say, nodding. He brightened at the idea. ‘Well you could drive it down the marina.’ ‘Do you want to do that?’ ‘Okay,’ Lukas said. Lukas went to get the keys and they went out to the garage, passing through the small, dark hall at the back, which Matthew did recognise, he suddenly realised. Of course he had been here before. But... Lukas opened the door and the garage lights flickered on. The car looked impossibly real, low slung, and shiny. Matthew remembered all at once the last time they had been in the garage, what had happened with Lukas, the padlock, the vice. He wanted to look at the vice again, stand there at the bench and turn the handle, though he couldn’t think of any reason for doing this. Lukas handed him the keys. They got into the car. Matthew took a deep breath, blinking at the dash. It was so impossibly stylish, the middle console red and black. The gauges backlit in blue. And there were so many buttons. He put the key in the ignition and stopped, remembered his seatbelt and pulled it over his shoulder while Lukas hit the remote for the door. Sunlight flooded the room, hitting the back of the car, and Matthew winced. ‘It’s a paddle shift, right?’ Matthew said. He knew he had never driven one. He had seen them on TV, but he didn’t even know how the thing worked. ‘Yeah. But you can put it in automatic.’ ‘Do you know how to do that?’ ‘If you turn it on, you can see what mode you’re in on the screen there.’ There was a screen between the speedo and rev counter. Matthew turned the key. The engine roared, the muffler sounding like something off a racetrack. ‘Shit,’ Matthew said. ‘Yeah. It’s pretty powerful.’ It was in MSP, whatever that meant. Five minutes later, after switching the engine off and looking through the manual, Matthew managed to back it out of the garage, on automatic. He drove to the marina as carefully as he knew how, found a park, and blew a breath of relief when he switched the engine off. ‘Well, it was probably a good idea to get a feel for it today,’ he said. ‘I wouldn’t want to crash it.’ * * *
A Boy's Tale, by Touchstone
The true story of a young boy who underwent chemical castration in a Middle Eastern country
` A BOY’S TALE ` by Touchstone I was subjected to a form of chemical emasculation when only ten years old. As a child I was raised in one of the Gulf states where my parents were in the diplomatic service. I lost them in a sailing accident when I was no more than five, and after that, I had a succession of guardians. To them I was little more than a nuisance and permitted to run wild, which is how I came to fall in with a crowd of local urchins who were always up to something. I should explain now that castrating boys, at this date and in this location, was not at all unusual. Youngsters with any form of learning disability, like Downes syndrome, were always castrated. In country districts it was also done to many orphans, to prevent them trying to inherit from more distant relatives in later life (only “entire” men could be validly named in wills.) Thirdly, it was the lot of juvenile delinquents to be castrated – the State Government thought that this was the most effective way of taking criminal elements out of the gene pool. Ordinary people felt that naughty boys would be better behaved with that part of them gone. As I said, I used to run around with a lot of local boys and one fine evening found a bunch of us sitting on a bridge throwing stones at passing trains. Then a police van came up with screaming tyres and we were quickly nabbed and hauled off to the nick. My guardians were not at all pleased at having to pay the fine for my misbehaviour and raised no objection to the other consequences, which took place in the prison clinic the same day. Not many years before, doctors had perfected a process of injecting a drug into a boy’s testicles which caused the blood vessels to close up and the organs to wither away. This was the manner of my castration. A quick prick with a hypodermic in each one, and then I was pulling my shorts and pants up and being told to go home. It was all over in seconds. Outwardly there was nothing to see. The drug took effect over the next 3 – 4 weeks. At the end of this time my testicles had shrunk to small blobs of tissue. Six months later it was as if they had never been there at all and my once-plump scrotum was a fold of loose wrinkled skin. More importantly my penis, which had been quite sturdy for a boy of my age, also shrank until it would not have been out of place on a four-year-old. There was very little sensation in it and it never went stiff. At school this caused me no embarrassment at all. As I said, the operation wasn’t uncommon. Some boys had their testicles intact and perhaps as many as one in ten did not. I continued to go around with my crowd of fellow- delinquents who had all had the same treatment, except one. The leader of the gang was older than the rest of us, about twelve, and he had undergone full surgical removal of his testicles, cords and all, under general anaesthetic. For boys of his age, this was thought to be “safer” than the chemical method. The doctor had also used a hot iron to ensure he would be impotent, as by now we all were. Before, we had all enjoyed getting schoolboy erections, but now no amount of pulling our penises had any effect: we were boy-eunuchs. It was as a boy-eunuch, aged eleven, that I had my first and last sexual encounter with a girl. Wendy was a neighbour’s daughter and precocious. She had lured me to a quiet spot – some out-buildings – and there pulled up her skirt, opening her legs and showing me her sex bulging under her tight white knickers. In a fierce whisper she told me to pull her pants down “and then you can put yours in me, up my front or up my bottom, just as you like”. When I hesitated she began feeling up the leg of my white cotton shorts ( since my castration I never wore underpants, there was so little to hide) and she soon found my tiny penis and the loose fold of skin that had held my testicles. Wendy became helpless with laughter and began skipping around chanting “M-------‘s had his balls pricked! M-------‘s had his balls pricked”. She’d learned enough to know that a boy who had had his balls pricked was impotent and unable to do anything with a girl. A year later and I had a change of guardian – an uncle who sent me off to boarding school in England. At twelve I was tall for my age, with particularly long legs. I discovered an unexpected skill at sport - long-distance running and hurdling. Apparently this often happens with castrated boys and there is a parallel with horses that are trained for steeplechasing. They are gelded very early and grow long slender legs that are good for jumping. It’s all to do with hormones or the lack of them. Besides this, if I ever landed astride a hurdle, as sometimes happened, I had nothing there to get damaged. Boys of my own age respected me for my athletics and never said anything about my inadequate genitals although they saw me in the showers often enough. So did Ramsay, a ginger-haired brute of eighteen who was Captain of Boxing. This was the “down” side of life at this school: the prefects were well known for sodomising junior boys, and before long Ramsay asked me to be his “flower” (at other schools the term is “bum-chum”). Ramsay treated me like a girl-friend, always buying me small presents and treating me to cream teas. In return I had to go with him to a derelict cottage he knew, and there, while I bent over a broken chair with my trousers and pants round my ankles. he would open my buttocks, smear Vaseline round my anus and then force his enormous rigid penis up my rectum and ejaculate into my bowels, groaning out loud with sex pleasure, while he fiddled about with my little acorn, trying to arouse me. For me it was very painful and uncomfortable and put me off homosexuality for life. Someone else regularly saw my bottom: the Matron. We all had to see Matron on Friday afternoons, lining up outside her door in our white gym-shorts. She had a lot of little sticks of soap on her table and a jar of cold cream, and wore rubber gloves. Each boy had to drop his shorts and bend over, for Matron to push a stick of soap right up into his anus, where it stimulated his bowels into action. The school was obsessed about regular use of the toilet and this practice made sure that everyone “went” at least once a week. Matron saw my genitals as well and drew the conclusion that I was suffering from the fairly common complaint of undescended testicles. As a consequence I was packed off to a clinic where I spent a day and a night while doctors poked around, and finding me with no visible testicles, decided on some massive doses of HRT, initially by injection but more routinely in tablet form. They also put two small implants into my scrotum so that I had the appearance of external genitals. That spelt the end of my time as a boy-eunuch: not before time. To have a smooth hairless body, tiny genitals and a lovely soprano voice is tolerable at thirteen, but becomes a bit noticeable a year or two later. I didn’t have to worry. Within a short time my voice dropped an octave and I sprouted a rudimentary moustache on my top lip. I also grew a limited amount of pubic hair and more importantly, my penis grew an inch or two longer. Till then, emptying a 13-year-old’s bladder through the cock of a 4-year-old had been difficult and sometimes painful. However, I never became able to get an erection: my prostate was permanently damaged. Now and again people who know my story ask whether I regret never having a sex life. The honet answer is that I can’t regret not having something I’ve never known and can’t understand. * * *
A hard cock never lies
A boy experiences the burdizzo.
` The boy said he wanted me to stop, but his dick said something else. ` The shaft was rock-hard and lying on his stomach, throbbing. The swollen uncut glans was purple, and a drop of pre-cum was dripping from the slit. This boy was incredibly turned on . And so was I. What a sight to see on my bed! He was naked and spread-eagled, black leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles and tied to the corners of the bed.. His crotch was clean-shaven, making his cock and balls look even bigger. He had a very hot body for a 16-year old. His hairless abs and pecs were nicely defined. His nipples were erect, not surprising since just I spent a good long time sucking and pinching them. And the boy was pretty, no doubt about it. Blue eyes, blond hair, and three earrings in his right ear. Tears were pouring from those pretty eyes as he begged me not to castrate him. I had seen this before. Young men who told me they wanted to lose their balls, only to chicken out when the moment approached. But their cocks always gave them away. You can’t argue with a nice erection, can you? I wrapped my hand around his dick and slowly began to jerk him off. I must say I was impressed with the boy’s equipment. It must have been 7 inches and hard as steel. Pre-cum dripped down my hand as his orgasm approached. Too bad this will soon be nothing but a memory for the kid, I thought. He continued to plead with me not to hurt his balls, but he also was gasping as I brought him to the brink of cumming. I could see his sack pull tight against his crotch, his balls clearly outlined by the tight skin. I quickened the movement of my hand to push him over the edge, and watched as his toes curled and body arched against the bed. His shout of ecstasy came a split second before a rope of cum erupted from his dick. By the time his body sank into the sheets again, white sticky fluid covered his stomach and chest. I took my left hand and slowly spread the cum around his heaving chest, while my right hand began massaging his scrotum, feeling for the cords that give his balls life. Before the boy could completely recover from the powerful orgasm, I picked up the silver burdizzo and positioned it around the cord connected to his right ball. He screamed as the jaws clamped down and began crushing the life out of the cord. He thrashed around, but there was no way to get loose. I patiently counted the seconds, ignoring his cries and tears. A minute later I repeated the procedure, completing the boy’s journey. Cum still dripped from the tip of his cock as my hand held the handles tightly closed. His thrashing diminished as the reality of his fate sank in. He sobbed loudly as I released the burdizzo. It was done. An hour later I came back into the room, where the boy still lay. I gently felt around his scrotum, checking to make sure both cords were completely crushed. His balls felt cold to the touch. The job was done. I told him what to expect in the weeks and months ahead. At first he would continue to get hard and ejaculate normally, but that would quickly change. It would become harder to achieve and maintain erections, and the ejaculate would become clearer. His sex drive would diminish, and his body would undergo a number of changes. I explained that the hard muscles in his chest and stomach would soften, and his nipples would become very tender. He listened quietly as I told him what his life would be like from now on. I couldn’t help but notice that his dick was already stirring from the reality of being a eunuch. I smiled and wrapped my hand around his penis, starting one of the last hand-jobs of his young life. * * *
Total Torment
Bboy This is for you. Hope you enjoy!
Bobby was still upstairs thinking about the motorcycle crash he had just seen. He was watching it come down the street when a car hit the bike the rider flipped over the handlebars ripping his dick right off. Bobby told the police officer what had happened and then he went home and stright to his room. He tried to think about how it would feel his little dick started to get hard this was something new to Bobby. He tried to push it back down but the more he touched it the harder it got. He wanted it to be gone off of his body just like the man on the bike. This was when Bobby shot his first wad, this was when his life started towards his total torment. Bobby couldn't wait to go to bed that night he ate his dinner as fast as he could then did homework and a quick shower, Good night everyone I'am going to bed now. Once his door was closed he being thinking about how it would feel and look once again it was just like before Bobby was starting to get into it when a friend stopped by. Bobby's mom yell up Martin's here. Bobby yelled back just send him up this bought him a little time to get things covered up and back under some kind of control. Hey man what up? Bobby blushed and said not much. What about you? Martin begans telling Bobby about the wreck and how it just tore that poor guy's dick off and that some poor kid saw everything. Yeah I was the poor kid just as Bobby began telling him how it looked he realized his dick was standing stright out and it was tingling all the way to his balls. Martin noticed Bobby's tent in his shorts and then realized his was getting hard too. Martin and Bobby both begn playing with their own dicks untill they shot squirts of cum all over their stomacks. Bobby knew from that night on one day somehow he was going to be dickless. The next morning Bobby began his search trying to find something or anything but to know avail. The thought never leaves his mind for very long his and Martins best sessions are when they recall the dickless man. Two years later at his uncle's farm while visiting for the summer. He got another lesson, this time it was something he could build on. His uncle and cousin woke him up at the buttcrack of dawn to give them a hand in the barn. His uncle still smelled from last drunken bing. He muttered it was time the moon is in the right sign boy get up and go to the barn. Inside the barn it smelled from the muck the pigs where laying in. Then he saw his cousin holding the squealing pig, he was trying hard to adjust his eyes to the dim light, as he looked he saw his uncle wobbling between the legs of the struggling pig. With the strightedge razor in his hand. His uncle moved in on the pig and before he could get a good look they relased the pig and pitched something in the bucket. As he neared his uncle his cousin grab another pig. He was full of question as the uncle was making the next cut, his uncle looked up and slipped the razor down the through the pigs dick. He couldn't belive his eyes the pig was squealing total out of control. It was a fantasy come true but it was the pig not him. However he knew it was just a matter of time. After they finished cutting the pigs and butchering the dickless pig. His aunt had fixed a feast of rockie mountain oyster and fresh tenderloin for dinner, knowing it was the dickless pig made it that much better. That night was the hardest his dick had ever gotten all because of the dickless pig. Bobby was excited to be home but even more when he saw Martin standing on the porch, he couldn't wait to tell him about the dickless pig. That night Martin and him were alone in his room when Bobby began telling him about his summer and how he had seen the castrastion of the pig and that he even ate their balls. He saw that Martin was getting the same reaction in his shorts' that he was so he reached in and pulled his dick out and Martin did the same. He told him about the dickless pig as they pounded their puds harder and faster than ever before, as they were both exploding their juices all over each other. Bobby began school that year laerning about computers and the net. He was spending all his free time on the net trying to find out about people who have lost their dicks. The years passed and Bobby learned alot his favorite site was BME although Bobby never posted anything just reading learning how, who, where, and cost. He began working and saving all of his money the only thing he ever spent money on was information on his future operation. Then one day in a chat room Bobby saw the story of the motorcycle wreck. Could it be the same wreck he saw, the one he has fantsied about. He finally type in Where was the Wreck at? As the words Greenville N.C. came across the screen, Bobby got the biggest hard on of his 17 year old life. He was typing before he could even think. I am the kid who saw the wreck. Are you ok? What is life like for you with out a dick? Have you had your balls removed? Bobby I am fine. It has been a life of total torment. I still have my balls. My life is just one of serving my master. I became gay after the wreck and now he owns the only hole that can give me any releif. However it has grown on me and now I like my torment as it gives me a powerfull pleasure in serving my master. What do you mean by a powerfull pleasure? Bobby asked. With out my dick I still get the urge to have sex but I can not release so my pleasure is in the fact that my master must lose control in my ass and therefore I am still in control. As the words came back to Bobby he was losing control also. This was the answer Bobby was looking for. With out a doubt Bobby was going to have it done. He started making plans for spring break. He was going to talk his parents into a trip to Cancun Mexico. There was a doctor there who would perform the operation all he needed was 2500.00 dollars. Bobby had been saving ever since he was old enough to work he had the money for the operation but not for the trip. Bobby began with his mother asking no begging her to help him pay for the trip. Who said you were going, his mother replied. Bobby's heart sank he knew they weren't going to let him go. The Friday before spring break his Dad handed him an envelope inside was a round trip ticket to Cancun and 500.00 dollars. Then his dad said when I was your age I wanted to go to Cancun to the nude beaches to strut my firm and 6 1/2 inch dick too. Have a good time and don't come home with something that ajax won't wash off. I promise I won't, Thanks Dad for my dream come true. Quickly he returned to his room and his computer to make all the necessary arragements. Upon arriveing he made his way to the clinic the building didn't look like it did on the web page. But it didn't matter he had waited long enough and he only had 9 days before his return trip home. Once inside he began the necessary paperwork. Once finished he was handed a hospital gown and told to put it on with the slit in the front. He was in the bathroom thinking about it his dick was hurting it was the hardest it had ever been it was also the hardest it was ever going to get. He was standing in front of a full lenght mirror looking and knowing it was his last time and he was going to shoot it he wanted this one to last he tried not to think about his future without his dick. I have never even been with a girl. I don't even have a master. He started to put his clothes back on when the nurse walked in and said the doctor is ready. Bobby had already paid the nonrefundable fee. He knew he was going to have second thoughts but he didn't think it was going to be like this. The nurse grab his dick and said we have had many who change their minds but we can't allow that because if you got out of here you would talk to everyone and that can't happen. Bobby was picked up by two interns and placed on a gurney he was kicking and scratching trying to break free of the straps that held him tight. Once inside the operating room Bobby was still screaming the doctor walked in and said Ahh another one who changed their mind. Bobby your going to feel a stick and then you won't feel anything. The Doctor began preparing Bobby he was shaved and then washed and swaped with a betadine solution. Bobby was out like a light, but since he had never been given any anesthetic he had know idea that he had a high tolrence to it. Bobby could not talk or move but he could see the doctor sliding his dick off the ureatha tube and he began to cry the tears was what caught the nursees attenion she told the doctor he was awake. The doctor said it was ok he was just finishing up recovey won't take as long. Bobby knew when he was in recovery it was all over but he still had to take a look just to make sure. As he looked he could think of nothing but the way the man on the motorcycle looked. He knew now how the man must have felt. Bobby was healing just fine the doctor came in on the fourth day and said that you will be going home tomorrow. The next morning Bobby got up and went to squat to pee his ball touch the water as they were being sprayed with his pee. He got dressed and went to the door As he left one of the male nursees brush up agaist him this was the start of his torment. Bobby went to the nude beach but he stayed fully clothed. However he knew he had to take some picture home for his dad. Bobby was glad to be on the plane but he was thinking of his flight down and how he was gald that the seatbelt sign was taken off so he could go to the bathroom and jackoff. Thats when he realized that was the last time he was ever going to get off. After his plane landed Bobby tooka package out of his bag and stuck it in the first mailbox he could find. Bobby's parents were at the airport gate waiting on him. Bobby was a little bit quite on the way home. Martin was there on the porch when they pulled in the drive way. Bobby wasn't ready to deal with Martin yet, but he knew if he didn't say something his parents would know. He said he had to go to the bathroom. Bobby's little brother came on in the bathroom. Bobby started yelling at him he asked what the bandages where for and said if you don't tell me I'am telling mom. Bobby told him he was on the beach and he was attacked by a sea gull it bit it off and then I had to go to the doctor and they couldn't fix it so they just cut my dick off, and you better keep your mouth shut. It was back to school on Monday back to torture all of the other kids would be talking about who they did over spring break. How could he tell anyone about his spring break. The next weekend Martin was coming over Bobby knew what this meant he would just have to tell him he didn't feel like getting off the way they used to. Martin came over and started truth or dare but Bobby just told him he didn't want to get off but he was so tore up it was all he could think about he even felt like it was still on and it was as hard as it was in the bathroom at the hospital. But it wasn't it was really gone and he wanted it back. They went to bed and Bobby went to sleep real fast Martin on the other hand was just laying there thinking about seeing Bobby's dick Martin reached in his shorts and pulled his dick out he was thinking about turning Bobby over and pulling his shorts down and giving him a blowjob when Bobby rolled over on his back. Martin couldn't belive his luck he reached for Bobby's dick but it was gone. He woke Bobby up and ask what happened Bobby told him about his life long dream and about the torment he was going through now, and how he had even talked to the man on the motorcycle and how he had a master who would take care of him and how that gave him his pleasure. It didn't take anything else Martin stood up and began telling him to service his master. Bobby took his dick in his mouth and then he turned and provided his master with want he wanted a virgin ass. After Martin had exploded inside of Bobby they fell asleep in each other arms.
Die Krankenschwester Ausbildung (German)
Krankenschwester Ausbildung
` Die kleine Mandy war den 3. Tag im Krankenhaus zur Schwesternausbildung. ` Auf der Station war totale Hektik, die Dienst habende Oberschwester hˆrte nicht recht hin als sich die Kleine vorstellte. Mandy lief mit den Schwestern durch die Zimmer sah zu und half ein wenig. Sie stellte sich recht geschickt an. Am Bett eines Patienten der zur OP sollte fragte die Oberschwester ob Mandy weiþ wie ein Klistier geht? M. nickte und schon hatte sie eine Aufgabe. Sie wusste aber gar nicht wie es im der Praxis geht. Rasieren und Einlauf lautete der Auftrag. M. holte sich die Utensilien aus dem Schwesternzimmer und ging mit dem Mut der Verzweiflung an das Werk. Sie zog dem Patienten die Hose aus und seifte seinen Bauch ordentlich ein. Sie hatte den Vorgang einer gewˆhnlichen Bartrasur bei ihrem Vater beobachtet, und legte nun an der anderen Stelle kr‰ftig los. Der Patient dankte es Ihr mit einer heftigen Erektion. Sie ¸bersah, mit roten Ohren, diesen Zustand und setzte ihr Werk fort. Nun kam der Rasierapparat zum Einsatz. Da sie das doch recht ¸ppige Schamhaar nicht vorgeschnitten hatte, bereitete es jetzt M¸he voran zu kommen. In ihrem Eifer umfasste sie das steife Glied und noch bevor sie das Werk vollbracht hatte , spritzte eine Ladung Sperma auf Ihren Kittel. Sie versuchte auch das zu ignorieren. Nun kam der Einlauf. Das konnte sie. Hatte sie schon selbst von der Mutti bekommen. Sie drehte den sichtlich begeisterten Patienten rum, nahm einen Finger voll Vaseline und cremte das Loch des woll¸stigen Knaben intensiv und bis zu einer gewissen tiefe...... . Die Station, ƒrzte, Schwestern, Patienten lachten sich wochenlang krumm . Nur M. verlieþ die Lehre ,bis in die tiefsten Tiefen ihrer Seele verletzt, voller Hass und Wut. Sie hasste alle M‰nner, die mit diesen fiesen Dingern zwischen den Beinen, welches ihr solch eine Schande einbrachte. Ihre Ausbildung setzte sie als Tierarzthelferin fort, dort und in einer anderen Stadt begann sie alles zu vergessen. Bis eines Tages ein junger Praktikant in der Praxis auftauchte um sein Praktikum zu absolvieren. Er stellte der Mandy nach und machte sie st‰ndig an. Sie wollte eigentlich nicht aber dann siegte ihre geile Natur und sie verabredete sich auf abends in der Praxis, zu der sie den Schl¸ssel besaþ. Alles kam wie es kommen musste. Nach einigen Streicheleinheiten die gegenseitig ausgetauscht wurden, fand seine Hand zu ihrem Hˆschen. Sie meinte, das sie es tun kˆnnten aber auf ihre Weise. Sie w¸sste ein tolles Spiel. Sie wollen so tun als ob sie ihn vergewaltigt, er war voll begeistert und stimmte freudig zu. Sie f¸hrte Regie, er war nur noch in der Unterhose und sollte im Schlaf ¸berrascht werden. er lag auf dem Behandlungstisch und wartete , sich schlafend stellend auf sie. Plˆtzlich zuckte eine Injektionsnadel in seine Pobacke. Er sprang auf und wollte protestieren .Sie ,fast entkleidet beruhigte ihn und sagte , er w¸rde gleich schlafen. Dann wolle sie ihn vernaschen, er kˆnne es dann auch mit ihr so tun. Er lieþ sich wieder auf die Liege zur¸ckdr¸cken, als ihm auch schon die Sinne schwanden. Sie entkleidete den stattlichen Burschen ganz und schnallte ihn auf den Behandlungstisch. Nun besah sie ihn gr¸ndlich. sie spielte mit seiner M‰nnlichkeit und brachte diese zur Erektion ,sie drang mit ihren Fingern in sein Anus und dann rasierte sie seinen Schwanz. Sie tat dies ganz langsam und gen¸sslich. Als das Werk vollbracht war, reizte sie seinen Schwanz bis dieser spritzte. Sie genoss es, da sie wusste das es das letzte mal sein sollte das dieser Schwanz das tat. Sie sammelte das Sperma sorgf‰ltig in einem Glassch‰lchen. Nun begann sie total erregt ihr Werk. Zuerst trennte sie die Vorhaut dicht hinter der Eichel ab. Das tat sie fachgerecht und schnell. Sie stillte die Blutung. Nun schnitt sie unterhalb des Penis zweimal in den Hodensack. Sie dr¸ckte die Hoden durch die kleinen Schnitte. wieder und wieder wurden alle Schritte fotografiert. Sie spielte mit den nun freih‰ngenden Eiern, dann band sie die Blutgef‰þe und den Samenleiter ab. Die Durchtrennung des rechten und dann des linken Stranges lieþ sie sein ,bis sie vorher den Hodensack, ausgenommen einem kleinen Hautrest ,amputiert hatte. Dann trennte Sie die die Eier von seinem Kˆrper. Sie war nun in eine geile Extase geraten. Der Boy begann zu erwachen. Sie spritzte ein ˆrtliches Bet‰ubungsmittel in die Lendengegend. Dann band sie einen Knebel in seinen Mund. Sie r¸ckte einen groþen Spiegel so, das der Boy alles ansehen konnte. Entsetzen und Verzweiflung zeichneten seine sonst so schˆnen Gesichtsz¸ge. Nun setzte sie ihr Werk fort. Sie entfernte Schritt f¸r Schritt seinen Penis. Alles wurde vern‰ht und verbunden. Nun entfernte sie den Knebel aus dem Mund. Nachdem sich der Boy redend und heulend beruhigte, erkl‰rte sie ihm wie sie die Sache sah. Sie erz‰hlte ihre Geschichte und sagte sie wollte einen Mann ohne die so gehasste M‰nnlichkeit. Sie w¸rde Ihn lieben und immer zu ihm stehen. Sie zeigte das Sperma, f¸llte es in eine Spritze und brachte es tief in ihre Scheide ein. Sie sagte, entweder ist alles in Ordnung und die Kastration bleibt unter uns, dann bekomme ich ein Kind von dir. Das einzige was es von dir geben kann. Sie h‰tte heute den Tag der wahrscheinlichsten Fruchtbarkeit. Anderseits , er h‰tte sie dann vergewaltigt, der Beweis ist da. Sie zeigte auf Ihre Genitalien. Die Kastration war dann eine Effektreaktion, bei ihrer Vorbelastung.. . Aber dann treibe ich ab und dein Kind stirbt bevor es geboren wurde. Nun entscheide dich! Sie einigten sich und nach vier Monaten stand er nackt in ihrer Wohnung trug nur noch einen ganz neuen Ehering und streichelte den anschwellenden Bauch seiner schwangeren Frau. Sie strich ¸ber seinen glatten Bauch, der ohne Geschlecht und auch fast ohne Behaarung war. Er sah sich traurig im Spiegel an. Dann durfte er ihre Muschi lecken, aber er empfand nichts dabei, es war ihm egal. Sie schenkte Ihm eine Tochter. Einen Sohn machte ihr dann der Hausfreund, welcher bei ihnen einzog. Bei der Zeugung lag er mit im Bett und sp¸rte mit den Fingern ,die den starken Penis des Hausfreundes umfassten, wie das Sperma in straffen Zuckungen einspritzte. Er war dabei, wenn sie in den Arsch gefickt wurde und sich im Orgasmus w‰lzte. Er wischte die feuchten Genitalien der Fickenden nach dem Orgasmus ab und manch kleine Tr‰ne war in seinem Augen. Aber er war ein treuer und gehorsamer Sklave. Wenn er besonders lieb war, wie zum Beispiel, wenn der Hausfreund den unterbrochenen Beischlaf als Verh¸tung praktizierte, lieþ er sich das Sperma in den Mund spritzen und schaffte es dann zur Toilette, Ja dann wurde sein Arsch gefickt, was ihm recht angenehme Gef¸hle brachte. Aber die Pein war ihm dabei meist nicht den Spaþ wert. * * *
The female of the species is the most deadliest (part 2) [S]
` # The female of the species is the most deadliest (part 2) By: Millie ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [STRAIGHT] [PENECTOMY] [TESTICLES] Other: Lesbian After getting over the fun she had in part 1, Susan seduces and makes love to Jane. They then make their way back to base camp and on the journey back through the bush Susan tricks a man into a position where Jane Castrates him. * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/newfiles.html) * * * As Susan lay in Jane’s bed a shiver of excitement ran through her bed as she thought about the intense pleasure she got from castrating Paul and Jon. “Oh, Jane, I can’t stand this heat please help me take of my nightdress I’m burning up!” Gasped Susan. Because Jane thought that Susan was still distressed and upset by what had happened that night she happily helped Susan out of her nightdress and pulled it off. Susan felt her pussy tingle with joy as she felt Jane’s body rub against hers as her nightdress was pulled off her. Lying naked next to Jane Susan found it hard to control her breathing as she panted with the first real sexual excitement she had ever felt for another person. Jane pulled Susan close in her arms and comforted her like a mother caring for a distressed child. That is when Susan started to kiss Jane’s soft neck gently and then worked her lips so to Jane’s face and then onto her lips kissing her full on her mouth. Before Jane could realise she opened her mouth and let Susan push her onto her back and climb on top of her and kiss her passionately. Jane did not realise what was happening even as Susan pulled off her nightdress and started to make love to her. Both Jane and Susan moaned in pleasure as their naked breasts rubbed together and then groaned in ecstasy as Susan pushed Jane’s thighs apart and pushed her pussy lips onto Jane’s making them groaned in ecstasy. Susan rubbed her hot wet pussy against Jane’s and experienced for the first time love making that she really enjoyed and wanted to repeat. As Susan ground her pussy into Jane’s she panted her love for her protector as she brought them both to a heart stopping, mind-blowing orgasm. As they recovered from their orgasm Susan heard the loveliest sound to come from another woman as Jane gasped “Oh, Susan, what have you done to me?” “I’ve fallen in love with and I’ve done something I thought I could never to do to another woman. I’ve made love to you and I don’t how it happened or why I’ve never done this before.” Replied Susan. “Susan, you’ve not only made love to me but you’ve made me love you.” Said Jane in a breathless whisper. The next morning they made wild lesbian love again and dressed ready for breakfast. “Ok, Susan we’d better start to long journey back to base and get you home.” Said Jane. “Yes Jane. I’ll pack my bags and get ready to set off in the next hour.” They both backed their backs and set off through the bush towards the main base camp. As they made their way through the bush Susan heard the sounds of someone nearby. It was not until about midday on the first day of walking back to the base camp that Susan saw who was creeping through the bush near to them. It was a big young white man carrying a large bladed machete in his right hand and a rifle over his left shoulder. Susan did not tell Jane about the man as she had a wicked plan to get to play with him in mind. Susan’s chance to put her plan into action came the next day as Jane went ahead to scout for a way through a dense part of the bush they had wondered into by accident. That is when she managed to get the attention of the lone male. “What are doing on your own in the bush?” asked the man. “I’m lost. What are you doing alone in the bush?” asked Susan in response to his question. “I’m hunting for poachers with my men but we got separated by accident. “Have you killed many poachers with that machete and rifle?” asked Susan. “Yes, in fact I’ve just shot a few of them a few miles back.” Answered the man. “What is your name?” asked Susan. The man said that his name was David. “I wish I could have seen you kill them poachers.” David smiled in surprise as he listened to Susan tell him that she loved the thought of a dominant sexy man like him killing other strong men. She showed to him that the mere thought of him killing another man had turned her on so much and that she wanted him to make love to her as her repeated to her the words of warning he had shouted at the poachers just before her killed them. Susan waited until Jane was due to return and started to undress both herself and David and then begged him to throw her onto her back on the ground and then ram his big hard cock into her hot wet pussy. When he done this and was thrusting his 9 inch cock into her pussy she whispered into David’s left ear that she wanted him to pretend that she was one of the male poachers and that he was giving her a warning to surrender or be killed by him. “Ok.” he gasped. “But wait till I the words stop then give me the warning.” David felt his cock stiffen as he agreed to wait until she gave him the word and then give her his warning to surrender to him. Susan waited until she saw Jane appear out of the bush and walk towards them and loudly shouted in a trembling voice the word stop so that Jane would hear it. Hearing Susan shouting “Stop!” loudly Jane rushed to find out what was happening to her and found her naked on her back with a naked man on top of her that she seemed to be fighting off. Then Jane heard the man shout aggressively “OK! You bastard don’t move and I won’t kill you, just stay still and surrender to me and you won’t be hurt!” Susan felt her heart leap for joy as she heard Jane running towards them. Looking at Jane with a fake look of panic, she begged her for help. Susan could not believe that her plan had worked so well as she watched Jane take her rifle and shouted “Get off her you revolting bastard she’s mine!” making David look back to where Jane was standing to see her left her rifle and hit him hard on his forehead with the butt of her rifle. This made her swoon with lust and feel an orgasm explode through her body. As her pussy contracted and clamped down onto his cock as she came she triggered off an orgasm in David as Jane beat him unconscious with the butt of her rifle. Jane dragged his limp body off Susan and they both tied him spread eagle on the ground and gagged him with Susan soiled panties. The sight of Jane beating David about his head trying to kill him with the butt of her rifle had made Susan wild with sexual lust so Susan grabbed hold of Jane and tore of Jane’s panting “I love you darling, you saved my life. I want you let’s make love!” Susan pushed her breasts, stomach against Jane’s and pushed her down onto her back on the ground next David and started to grind their pussies together. As they made love in front of him David came round to see two sexy young women making love next to him. Then he remembered and started to panic and try to escape. This excited the women even more and made their pussy-to-pussy love making even more passionate sending them over the edge into a powerful orgasm that made them nearly faint with exhilaration. After their orgasm, Susan and Jane stood up next to David and glared at his puny body trussed up at their feet. “Look at his revolting cock Jane darling don’t it make you want to vomit?” asked Susan. “Yes, darling, think about it, I don’t like men very much and I hate their cocks. What should we do with him Susan?” “I think we should cut his balls and cock off with his machete!” gasped Susan. Jane looked at Susan in amazement and then a sadistic smile broke across both of their faces. “Should we?” asked Jane in a breathless excited voices as she looked at Susan with a bright eager child like face. “Yes, lets do it lets cut off his balls and slice off his cock with his machete!” panted Susan. They then turned to David and knelt down next to his thighs and stared into his eyes and savoured the looked of fear that looked back at them from David. Susan took firm hold of his balls in her hands and squeezed hard loving every groan and wriggle that the pain she made David experience as she started to crush his balls in her hands. She smiled as she stopped short of crushing them flat and then took hold of the head of his cock and pulled it tightly away from his body stretching it taut. Then she said to Jane in a soft sexy panting voice “Come Darling get the machete and cut off his cock whilst I hold it for you.” Jane smiled at Susan, dashed over to the machete, picked it up, held it tight in both of her hands, then knelt to the right of David’s right thigh, and then waved it in front of his face. Then she said, “You might have used this to kill men but I’m going to use to kill your manhood.” After waving it cruelly before his eyes she swung it slowly so that she could place the blade against the shaft of his cock just in front of his balls and pressed it gently and told him that she was going to slice it all off with her next move. Looking at Susan, Jane smiled and kissed her then slowly lifted up the machete and then held it high above his cock and waited. The suspense of the moment made Susan and Jane coo with pleasure and David beg for mercy into his gag. Jane then brought the machete down slowly but very firmly in a decisive cutting motion and sliced off his cock in what seemed to slow motion. Susan felt a spurt of blood spatter onto her hand, David jerk and wriggle in pain and his cock come loose in her hand causing her to have a powerful orgasm. Jane also had an orgasm as she sliced off David’s revolting cock. Savouring her orgasm Jane enjoyed the sight of the bleeding stump of his manhood and then stopped his bleeding by burning the open blood vessel with a match causing even more pain and her more pleasure. Susan then took David’s pen knife and sliced open his scrotum and cut off his balls and put one onto the tip of David’s penknife and the lit a fire and started to cook his balls and as she cooked them she started to sing “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.” When they were ready, she gave one to Jane and ate the other. During the next night, they made wild lesbian love next to David making fun of him as they had multiple orgasms. The next morning they untied him and warned him not to tell anyone about what had happened or they would inform on him to the police that he had raped Susan. Then they made him their slave and made him carry their bags for them. To be continued. [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20090321045739/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
The Best-laid Plans
<P>A 17-year-old has his entire life planned,when an athletic accident changes everything.</P>
` "The best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley." - Robert Burns. I had it all planned and everything was going my way. I had always loved the sea and I decided to make the Navy my career. In my senior year of high school, I was accepted for admission to the U.S. Naval Academy. I had only to maintain my grade point average at the Watkins School and admission to Annapolis was assured. I planned to make a career of the regular Navy, spend 20 years on active duty, and then retire, marry, and raise a large family. I wasn't interested in team sports, but I enjoyed gymnastics very much and was good at it. Not Olympic quality, perhaps, but good. So it was that, on a hot September day, dressed in my tights, I was working out on the parallel bars. I was doing a hand-stand on one bar when my sweaty hands lost their.grip and I slipped. Before I could regain control, I fell, slamming my crotch against the bar and crushing my precious "family jewels" . I couldn't believe what had happened. I fell off the bar onto the gymnasium floor and rolled about holding my sex glands, the core of my manhood and the future of my family, for I am an only child. I had never gotten hit really hard in the groin before and the intensity of the pain was unexpected. I was embarrassed and ashamed to scream like a wounded animal, but the excruciating agony was entirely unanticipated. Nausea overcame me and I vomited in racking spasms. My anguish was not merely physical, though. I was sickened with fear that I would lose my testicles and be, as the popular expression goes, "ruined for life." When the coach reached me from the other end of the gymnasium, I was curled up in a fetal posture and my screams had died down to moans. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness and wondered if I was dying. I regained consciousness and awareness of unbearable pain momentarily a couple of times in the ambulance. When I finally regained full consciousness, I was in very little pain. My scrotum stung and burned and there was a sick ache in my groins, negligible compared to what I had suffered before. There was no pain at all in my testicles. My relief was short-lived. As my mind cleared, I suddenly realized _why_ there was no pain in my testicles. I HAD NO TESTICLES ! I could have wept. All my plans had just gone down the drain. A doctor came into the room just then and I asked "They're gone, aren't they ?" He nodded. "This ruins everything." I continued. "The Naval Academy will never accept me now. I don't think the Navy commissions eunuchs." I added bitterly. "They won't accept me even as an enlisted man without testicles." The doctor shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I doubt it, though, even though your duties wouldn't require using your sex organs." I sighed. "There goes the rose-covered cottage and the big family, too." The doctor looked sympathetic but only nodded. "Dad will be so disappointed when he learns that he won't have any grandchildren." "Fortunately," said the doctor, nowadays, hormone replacement therapy will make it possible for you to lead a normal sex life except for sterility. You can maintain your masculine physique and strength. Fifty years ago, you'd have become fat and flabby with wide hips and breasts. As far as your career is concerned, have you considered going to sea as a merchant seaman ? The physical requirements are less stringent." I had had no occasion to consider this possibility before, but now I began to. I doubted that they'd admit me to the Merchant Marine Academy, but I could almost undoubtedly go to sea as a common sailor on a merchant vessel. The next day, I was back at school, in the infirmary, resting. My father came down from New Bedford to see me. He was, as I'd expected, greatly saddened that I could never present him with grandchildren, at least of our bloodline. As I pointed out to him, if and when I married, my wife and I could adopt children Curiously, though, now that I was relieved of the responsibility of begetting offspring, the prospect of marriage held much less charm for me than it had .Now, I was planning to join the merchant fleet and see the world and let the future take care of itself, as it tends to do, whatever we may plan. I was quite disenchanted with the making of long-range plans. In fact, now that I wasn't going to attend the Naval Academy, I began to reconsider going to college at all. A merchant seaman doesn't need a college education and would probably fit in with his shipmates better if he didn't have one. I finally decided to finish my studies at Watkins, forego college,or, at any rate, postpone it indefinitely, and ship out as an able-bodied seaman (without semen) at eighteen. And, that was exactly what I did. I was a deck hand at first, scrubbing decks, coiling lines ("ropes" to you land-lubbers), chipping paint, painting......all the usual jobs that nobody else did.Whatever I was given to do, I did to the best of my ability without slacking or loafing. In this way I earned the liking and respect of the bo'sun and my shipmates as a man who pulled his weight. I made no attempt to hide my condition from my shipmates and nobody made any remarks to me about it. It was, after all, nobody's effing business but mine.Nonetheless, I felt different, isolated, cut-off, somehow an outsider. This came from me, not my shipmates who were friendly enough. I had one shipmate, Neil, who seemed very shy and, like me, a loner who didn't quite fit in. He kept to himself much more than I did and actually seemed afraid of human contact. We gravitated together. He seemed to try never to take a shower if there was anyone else in the shower room. But I saw him come out of the shower room a couple of times, enough to show that he wasn't missing anything. We started going ashore together, as we were the youngest men in the crew and neither of us had much interest in visiting brothels. I guess I could have performed in bed, but, somehow, I wasn't very interested. Neil didn't seem to be, either, though I heard it said of him that he masturbated a lot. I never caught him doing it though, and wouldn't have wanted to because it wasn't any of my business. One evening in Bangkok, we went to see a live sex show just for the hell of it. It had something for everybody, straight sex, gay sex, sex with eunuchs, interracial sex, pedophilia, you name it. During the gay sex part of it, Neil got an erection and I suddenly realized why he was so shy and withdrawn. I was not repelledby the discovery that Neil was gay, rather, I felt very sorry and sympathetic toward him. I didn't say anything right away, though. After the show, we both got rather drunk and Neil suggested that, inasmuch as we didn't have to be back aboard until tomorrow morning, we should get a hotel room and get a good night's sleep. I agreed, though I suspected that Neil had something other than sleep in mind. We talked for a couple of hours about our feelings of strangeness and isolation and Neil asked me if I'd ever had sex with a man and I admitted that I'd never had sex with anybody of either sex. Then he asked me in that peculiarly formal way of his "May I presume to offer you some pleasure ?" I thought about it for a moment and came up with a rationalization more ingenious than logical. Sex between to persons of the same sex is homosexual, but eunuchs aren't male any more. Therefore, sex between a man and a eunuch is not homosexual. I told this to Neil and he bursted out laughing and said "You should have been a Jesuit." Nonetheless, we both accepted the rationalization and Neil introduced me first to frottage (aka the collegiate fuck, rub-off- or slick-leg). Somehow, while we were rubbing our bodies together and rubbing our penises against each other's belly it just seemed natural to kiss. We rubbed each other to orgasm, hugging each other tightly. We enjoyed frottage so much that we indulged in it three times that night and never progressed to oral sex until the next time we were ashore, in Hong Kong. I didn't care for the taste of semen and we went back to frottage. Neither of us found anal sex attractive, and so, though we came to be known as "asshole buddies" we confined our activities to frottage and mutual masturbation. Inasmuch as we did not spend our money like typical drunken sailors, both Neil and I accumulated substantial savings. After serving together for six years on the M.V. Suffolk Merchant. we had had enough of the sea and had seen enough of the world. We quit the merchant service and ,pooling our resources, opened a boatyard in Niantic, Connecticut which we have operated ever since. * * * `
She Needs It
"Hey, honey, want a date?" inquired the alluring young black woman in the fishnet stockings, halter-top, and black leather miniskirt. "Sure, sweetcheeks," said the balding, portly middle-aged white man with a nervous leer. "You got a room nearby?" "Sure thing, big daddy. Follow me." "By the way, I'm... Andy. What's your name?" "You can call me Delilah." Delilah led "Andy" to a nearby motel. It looked like the stereotypical seedy dive with a malfunctioning neon sign and a surly old guy at the check-in desk. He waved them through and she unlocked the door to number 13. It was dark inside and Andy followed her in. Suddenly he was grabbed by dozens of slender arms and he fought but remained fast against the greater number. The lights came on and Andy grinned widely as he saw that he was held by a score of young black women, all buxom and nude. "Hey, Delilah, you could have told me you had friends, there's enough of me to go around." Delilah slapped him hard. "That's the point, honky asshole." He struggled anew as the others started to strip him nude revealing flabby pale flesh like the underbelly of a fish. Handcuffs were slipped on him from behind and he was pushed down on the one stained and malodorous bed. "Don't bother screaming," said a tall, muscular, more mature woman with the lithe beauty of a cat, obviously the leader of this crew. "The management's hip to our thing, and no one else gives a damn. Plus we'll give you something to scream about. By the way, my name's Raven, I could care less what yours is." With this, Raven kissed the now-nude Delilah full on the lips, tongues working feverishly, their pointed nipples indenting each other's breasts. The younger woman ran her hands over the other's full buttocks, pulling her closer. Raven pulled back, saying, "wait till we've looked at what you've brought us. Spread your legs, man." "Andy" did so, revealing the boner he'd gotten observing the lesbian display. For such an otherwise unremarkable man, he had been blessed in the endowment department, a full foot-long rose there. "Woooh, you sure know how to pick 'em girl," said one unidentified member of this female gang. Raven declared, "I sure do hope you like the taste of pussy, honky, cause you're gonna eat plenty tonight. Do a good job and I'll let you have some release. And don't even think of biting any of my girls or I'll blow your fucking head off. Now on your knees, honky-slave!" He did as he was ordered and the first cunt in front of him was the lovely Delilah. He looked around and was nervous to see about half the women buckling on strap-on harnesses with realistic looking dildos of various sizes and shapes attached. But Delilah grabbed his head and forced him to lick her hairy box. As he did so, the first cunt he had ever licked, he felt a probing at his asshole. Raven was behind him, ramrodding her enormous strap-on roughly deep inside him. He felt violated, as if his virginity were taken by rape. But as she relentlessly pounded him, he began to relax and it actually became stimulating to him, though without direct friction to his penis, he could not come. Instead he became engrossed in pussy-eating, exploring tastes, trying to produce new sensations in the woman beneath him. After each had come, another took her place and a new one started fucking his ass. The ones not involved with him made love with each other, in 69s or with their dildos either anally or vaginally. After the tenth woman had been eaten out, the ones with dildos switched with the ones receiving oral service. He began to concentrate on the feelings he was getting from the anal intercourse. Each woman fucked differently, as expertly as if she'd been a man. Some pressed in and pulled out all the way, others did short fast strokes. He began to find a part of himself he'd never let himself feel before. Yes, he could get used to this. Finally all the pairs had their turns with both oral and anal except for Raven and Delilah again. Raven directed him to turn over, and as Raven lowered herself onto his wet and willing, though tired, face and tongue, Delilah (lacking a strap-on harness) slowly impaled herself on his throbbing erection. "Andy" was in ecstasy. He writhed, stretching out the sensations. He sensed from the contractions of their vaginas and copious lubrication that both the black beauties were ready to come and he wanted it to be a three- way simultaneous orgasm. As he shot off to the most intense orgasm in his life, beside which all the others combined would only have been a pale reflection, Delilah took the stiletto she had palmed in her hand and flicked it out at the junction of their bodies. Pleasure and pain merged inside him like a hammer blow, rendering him unconscious. Delilah stood up over the man, his penis still buried inside her. Slowly she pushed it out as if expelling a turd and it fell out over the man in a wash of blood. Raven picked the severed cock up almost reverently and said, "I will deliver it to our taxidermist friend and soon you will have your very own personal strap-on. Congratulations, you have been initiated into the Sistahs of the Night!" Everyone cheered. "Now, let's eat!" And the women descended upon Andy with tooth and nail. \--------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com \---------------------------------------------------------
Self-defence lesson [S]
` # Self-defence lesson By: Mille ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [STRAIGHT] [PENECTOMY] [TESTICLES] [NULLIFICATION] Other: A young girl is introduced to the joys of ball busting and castration by her self-defence tutor. * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/newfiles.html) * * * Standing in front of her women’s only self-defence young Julie smiled to herself when wondered if her group had the right stuff to join her special group. “OK! Listen up I want you to stand up and come closer and watch carefully what I am about to show you!” said Julie. The women slowly stood and moved forward to sit on the floor round Julie in the centre of the Gym. “This lesson is the most important part of your self-defence training and as far as I am concerned the most pleasurable part of the basic course. Those of you who do well in the lesson today will get a free introductory advanced self-defence lesson. Do you understand?” continued Julie. The women looked puzzled at each and nodded quietly that they did. “I want you to shout that you understand. BE ENTHUTHIASTIC!” snapped Julie. “Yes we do understand.” Shouted the women. “Good.” Said Julie with a smile on her face. Waving her right arm in the air she shouted “Ok, come in now we’re ready for you.” Shouted Julie. To the women’s surprise a young man of about 18 walked through them and stood submissively in front of Julie. “Now I want you to watch what I do as this young animal tries to attack me. I don’t want you to feel any guilt when you get your turn to do what I am about to do to this vile disgusting beast. In fact I want you to enjoy it as what I am about to do to it is for me one of the sexiest things I have done to a revolting creature like this.” She then indicated to the young man that she was ready for him. He then made to move forward and shouted at her that she was to keep quiet and not resist him. The women in the group gasped in shock as her lunged forward and tried to grope her young firm breasts with both of his hands. Sighs and groans of pleasure erupted from all of the women as Julie quickly evaded him and gracefully swung her right foot back and sent flying with the beauty of a ballerina ramming her foot as hard as she could into his soft balls making him groan in pain and fall heavily with a loud thud. The group sat in silent awe as Julie then swung her right foot and kicked him hard in his stomach and head as he lay on the floor crying in pain. Looking round the group Julie savoured the cries of approval and applause she got from the women. “Now I want a volunteer to have a go at kicking a man in his balls!” All of the women thrust their hands high into the air and shouted to Julie to let them have a go at kicking a man in his balls. Julie just smiled and looked round the group and pointed at young Anne and told her to stand next to her in the centre of the group. “What’s your name?” asked Julie. “Anne.” The girl replied. “How old are you?” “I’m just 17.” Replied Julie. “Have you kicked on of these vile creatures in the balls before?” “No.” answered Anne. Julie looked at young Julie with amazement and muttered “You’re a bit backward for a girl you know you should have kicked a beast in his balls by now. Any way you have a go.” Julie dragged the man onto his feet and indicated him to attack Anne. Lunging forward the man made the same moves against Anne as did against Julie. She felt panic and fear at first as he moved towards her but to her surprise felt a surge of joy and power as she swung her right foot back as far as it would go and thrust it hard into his balls. As he fell back onto the fall she experienced an orgasm powerful that she nearly fainted. Standing over his prostrate body Anne felt giddy with excitement and couldn’t stop herself from kicking him again in his balls as he lay groaning on the floor. Her pussy felt electric shock like pulses of sexual pleasure as her foot struck home onto his cock and balls. After she had finished Julie put her arms round Anne and pulled her close to her and kissed her on her neck and rubbed her breasts and stomach onto Anne’s. As she held Anne against her she whispered into the girls ear “MMMMMMmmmm good girl I like you enthusiasm. Would you like to have a free advanced lesson when the rest have gone? Would like to do more of what you have just done?” Anne let Julie rub her breasts against hers and told Julie that she wanted another chance to kick a man in his balls. After the group had left and there were only Julie, Anne and the man in the Gym Julie suggested that they took the man back to Julie’s place for the Advanced Lesson. At Julie’s place the man was made to kiss their feet as sign of respect and prepare himself for Anne’s lesson. When her was ready Julie gave Anne a stun gun and told what she wanted the girl to do. The scene was set and Anne waited until the man grabbed hold of Julie and then she came from behind him and kicked him hard in his balls making him stagger backwards away from Julie. Then Anne took the stun gun and discharged it into his body making him have a convulsion and fall to the ground twitching and urinating. Anne and Julie moaned in pleasure as they watch him fitting on the floor. Julie looked at Anne’s face and felt love for as she saw the young girls face light up with pleasure and glow red with sexual excitement as she stood over the man. Julie then got Anne to help her to strip him naked and tie him up before he recovered from the effect of the stun gun. Julie then told Anne that she could do anything she wanted to the vile creature as long as it ended with his cock and balls being removed. Anne felt dizzy and giddy with excitement at the thought of castrating him that she rubbed her pussy slowly as she stared sadistically down at him. Stepping forward Anne grabbed hold of his left ball in her right hand and started to twist, squeeze and pull hard on it. Her pussy was by now very wet and wide open for sex as she crushed his ball in her soft young hand. Moving her hand backward she wrapped her fingers round the skin just behind his left ball and pulled it hard away from his body making his skin become tight over it. She then took a match and lit it and then started to put it close his ball to but not close enough to touch his skin. The sound of him screaming in pain brought her off to another powerful orgasm. Anne then heated up some pins and then slowly pushed them into his left ball and twisted and flicked them with her fingernails. She then sucked his left ball into her mouth and slowly bit into it with her molars crushing it flat with a loud pop. Anne laughed with delight as she heard Julie give herself a frantic and noisy orgasm as the loud pop of the man’s left ball popping flat ended. Taking a sharp knife of Julie Anne pulled the man’s penis hard towards her stretching it and put the blade into the opening of his urethra and then slowly pushed it towards him slicing his cock down it length into two. As he looked into Anne’s face he felt a sense of duty and love to her as he saw the look of sexual ecstasy in her face and eyes as she pushed the blade through his cock. When she had reached the base of his cock both Julie and Anne dived down and took one half into their mouth and lovingly bit if off. Staring into each others eyes they ate his cock raw and then vowed undying love for each other and stripped off naked and made mad lesbian love. When they had finished Julie stood between his legs and purred “Oh! This is no good to you.” As she put her left foot onto his right ball and leaned forward putting all of her weight onto it crushing it flat. [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20090620064717/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
Tammys Tail
Young girl goes full-circle
` Tammy’s Tail ` It had all began when Tammy was quite young and her curiosity overwhelmed the warnings of her overprotective Mother and alcoholic Father. His name was Martin and he always had a devilish grin with all the right reasons to do what was wrong. Red-haired and scrawny, Martins overactive hormones kept him on a constant quest for the hidden fruit his female counterparts hid between their unsuspecting legs. Few were prepared for his candy bribes, and suave proposals. Alas, little Tammy was about to become another victim in his growing list of conquests, but the outcome would have much deeper ramifications than either dared to suspect. Down by the whispering stream close to the back fence of the schools playground, Tammy quietly lay beneath the giant weeping willow, and allowed Martin’s trembling fingers to explore the delicacies of her adolescent femininity. The first downy strands of pubic hair had just begun to emerge along her flushed virginal lips as she spread her legs to allow Martins fingers to explore her hidden recesses. As his hands crept over her torso, she felt the small buds of her unprotected nipples become inflamed with arousal as they strained against the soft cotton restraining them. But it was when Martin lowered his weather jeans to reveal the straining erection of his youth that Tammy became aware of an innate fascination that would convert her childhood innocence to mature desire. It was love at first sight. The throbbing, mushroom crowned cock that rose in the warm air in front of her surpassed her most vivid childhood imagination. At first, Tammy thought that Martin had experienced some childhood tragedy that had torn the skin from the throbbing cock head to be gathered abound its base in loose folds, while puncturing a small hole in the otherwise smooth contours above. The hard blue vein that stood out remarkably appeared to be a long bruise that traveled down the length of the still maturing shaft only to disappear in the red curls that all but obscured the two small life producing almonds tucked tightly close to his abdomen. The coarsely wrinkled deep-red sack was pulled tight by his arousal making his curly pubic hairs stand straight out in anticipation. Enthralled, Tammy instinctively reached out to the quivering appendage, allowing the textures to cascade across her fingers as she fondled it’s length and girth with an air of amazement. Within moments, Martin was on the knees that could no longer support him with his hands on his hips and his head turned towards the heavens with pleasure. Her caresses became more intense as her fingertips explored his aroused equipment, gasping and groping in a clumsy exhibition of virginal curiosity. It was more than his tender manhood could endure, and within moments his young cock was erupting with an explosive volley of youthful seed. Feeling his cock expand in her hand to be immediately accompanied by the stream of salty cream made Tammy fall backwards in amazement. Her senses were intensely alive and her breaths came in short rapid bursts as she watched her counterpart fall to the ground as his hips bucked violently upward with each new stream of ejaculate. They both lay on their backs staring into the long sinewy boughs of the weeping willow that seemingly enshrouded them as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Tammy recovered first and turned her attention to the flaccid flesh between Martins legs, wondering if it all hadnt been just a dream. But the semi-translucent liquid that dribbled from the small puncture wound at the tip of his cock assured her that this new experience was for real, and, with a slight twinge of apprehension, she reached over to touch the soft spongy tissue. Martin gasped by the softness of her touch and mumbled something incoherent as she continued to explore his soft cock with her instinctive nurturing caresses. To Tammys amazement, the lifeless flesh began to harden anew, expanding to fill the palm of her hand within just a few brief moments. The silky sensation of the smooth outer skin gliding over the firm core within made her mouth water and her pussy throb. She could feel his cock throbbing and watched with amazement as his balls repositioned themselves in the tightening ball sack until they eventually disappeared into his trembling abdomen. With agility that surprised even herself, she rolled over to confront the aroused cock. With her tongue extended tentatively, she experienced her first taste of male ejaculate as it dribbled down the purplish crown and down the smooth firm shaft. She was instantly and permanently addicted to the male reproductive organ. Eagerly now, Tammy engulfed the trembling cock head within her mouth and tried to suck the remaining cream from deep within his loins. Almost instantly, his hips arched to the sky as he shot a diminished yet nonetheless powerful stream of his seed down the back of her unsuspecting throat. Briefly she gagged, but once she became accustomed to the pungent flavor, began sucking more vigorously than before, forcing him to withdraw while in the painful throes of over stimulation. She watched Martins contortions with amusement, then quietly arose and strolled back towards the schoolyard with her mind awash with strange emotions. It would be several years before Martin would engage in any form of sexual activity, yet, the experience launched Tammy into the world of male sexual stimulation and exploitation. Brad was her an all-state letterman in Cross-country and Track and became her first conquest. Within a week of Tammys first sexual encounter, she cornered the unsuspecting yet experienced runner as he was warming-up on the oval track. Within moments she was leading him to the weight-room by the crotch, fumbling with the hardening treasure hidden within the thin trunks. By the time they had reached the unoccupied back room, his jersey was half torn from his thin frame and his shorts were wrapped around one of his ankles. She buried her face into the sweaty mass of pubic hair and noisily brought the youthful white meat to its full glory within a few brief moments. Her tongue continued to circle his cock head with a flurry of sensation and stimulation. He grasped her flowing black hair tightly and with an abrupt involuntary thrust of his hips, shot his cream frantically between her moist, sucking lips. Brad slowly eased the eager little princess from his spent manhood, and began to show her the innate differences in their anatomy. Slowly he undressed his trembling partner, and gently caressed every new exposed part of her fledgling youth. By the time he had positioned his erect cock at the entrance of her moist pussy lips, she was quivering in anticipation. Although the gentle thrusting that followed the slightly painful insertion into her virginal passage became more and more pleasurable, it just couldnt compare to the fulfillment Tammy experienced when she was in control. Her first orgasm came quickly as quite a surprise, but not without apprehension and embarrassment. She quickly dismounted, grabbed her clothes, and disappeared into the woman room only to emerge hours later dazed and frightened. It didnt take long for Tammy to learn that her eagerness to manipulate the individually unique male member could also reap substantial financial rewards. It was a double bonus for her, and she eagerly anticipated the thrill of each new encounter. To see the flaccid flesh of her male counterpart become resurrected to its full glory simply by her touch was, in itself, the most stimulating portion of the encounter and soon became the main focus of her life. There were so many men and so little time. As the years passed, the once curious virgin became an extremely popular companion to many of the elite and frustrated policy makers of her world. She learned the skills of nurturance and encouragement, spending many of nights in the arms of her wealthy counterparts feigning more that she could possibly ever provide. As her financial security and reputation became secure, Tammy spent her days on activities that would preserve her womanly beauty and her nights in various elaborate bedrooms, grateful for youthful passion and fascination of male sexuality. It was as she felt her future could only continue to bring fulfillment that Ben entered her life. He introduced himself at a dinner reception she had decided to attend at the last minute, and completely swept her off her feet. Love and lust became confused, especially when he repeatedly rejected her attempts to seduce him. Within a week, her world was turned upside down, and the smooth continuity that had become her trademark had become a disorganized series of forgotten obligations. Finally, one night, entranced by the moonlight on Tammys soft features and embalmed by a little too much libation, he allowed her enticing words to coerce him into a nearby hotel. There, she gave her heart away to one who had lost his. The feigned tenderness and orgasmic euphoria all too soon succumbed to pragmatic realities and emptiness. By the morning light, as he showered, she espied a photo of Bens lover in his now empty wallet. It was an amazing likeness to Martin. By the time Ben opened the door to the steamy bathroom, Tammy had disappeared in the morning mist. Several days later in the plush offices of the large interstate bank office downtown, she signed away the deed to her beach front property and was handed a large satchel of uncirculated currency. Walking briskly to her European convertible parked in the VIP space, she roared off into the mid-day traffic to a previously unvisited address in the upper class part of town. Parking several blocks away, she strolled through the unattended metal filigree gate and up to the large oak double doors that were perfectly framed by a large two story Victorian structure. The butler unknowingly allowed the beautiful visitor into the elaborate drawing room where one of its two unsuspecting residents would soon experience a life changing transformation. Tammy stood discretely behind the large drawing room door as Martin entered dressed in a smoking jacket and fuzzy bunny slippers. With one well aimed kick she had him helplessly doubled over on the Persian carpet as she quickly closed and locked the heavy door behind him. Before he could react to his assailant, she was on top of him with one hand locked in a death grip around his pale genitals and the other over his whimpering mouth. Slowly, savoring the torrent of emotions reflected in her first lovers face, she pulled up firmly on the deep red ball sack, digging her immaculately manicured nails into the sensitive flesh. His muffled screams became more shrill as she continued her onslaught of his now mangled gonads and his struggles, although frantic were no match for her conditioned strength and determination. As the last shreds of his ball sack were torn away, she dug her nails deep into the tendons at the base of his semi-erect cock and savagely tore it free from its birthplace. Martin arched his back high in the air, strangely reminiscent of their first encounter under the willow, then collapsed on to the rug as his life’s blood spurt in gently diminishing geysers into the air only to pool under his quivering torso. Tammy stuffed the genital remnants into her handbag and briskly let herself out much to the butlers’ disappointment. By the time Martin was found, he had ascended into a sexless reality, while his assailant was whistling gleefully in her own, destined for the peaceful serenity of her Mothers humble abode in the burbs. Once again, Martin had unknowingly launched Tammy into a new world of sexuality that she could only experience true to her unique style. But that is another story that Ben made me swear never to publish. * * *
Lady Daphne Castrates Her New Eunuch
The male testes are not, for example, fed to animals, disposed of, or otherwise mutilated. Rather, in contrast, Lady Daphne carefully harvests the tissues, in order to display undamaged male balls and foreskin among Her prized possessions. The scrotal bag is carefully recovered, tanned and used prominently, its \'angry red scars,\' to further symbolize Her Female Superiority. Using Her eunuch\'s former nutsac as both something so quotidian as Her jewelry bag, yet, at the same time, so privileged, She both degrades Her male eunuch, yet honors his sacrifice.
My name is lady Daphne, and as the head mistress of the breeding male's harem, I hold a position of power. I am the leader of all the other 20 women concubines, and personally select new men to be cut into eunuchs. As head mistress I am also responsible for all the preparations of a new male slave, assisting his mistress in castrating him, and training the man to be obedient to the mistress he will serve as an eunuch once his precious balls have been removed. I grew tired of my old eunuch, and sold him off to a lady in another harem. Today I will select a new man to serve me. After washing and getting dressed I headed down to the courtyard, where the guards had six young men all in their thirties chained naked to a wall, ready for my inspection and selection. I carefully studied the men, but one immediately drew my attention. He was a tall and handsome man with stunning black hair and a pure complexion. He was well built, and I could see that his muscles were used to exercise. As he stood before me, I looked into his defiant blue eyes, and reached behind him with both hands to feel his buttocks, and was impressed that they were hard as rock. I had to suppress a faint smile creeping across my face as I noticed the man's penis starting to become erect, but my humor quickly disappeared as I saw how huge his erect penis was. It was a length that would put most men to shame, and its width was enough to satisfy any women. The stiff, proud member had a superb foreskin covering its bulbous head, and underneath this marvel hung two large testicles, almost bursting with their seed inside a long, low hanging sack. Already I was wet between my legs, and I could feel my clit starting to swell at the thought of rendering that proud penis impotent, and teaching this muscled hunk before me the true power of a women. "I see you like the attention I'm giving you big boy" I said with a smile as I pulled back his foreskin and admired his naked, swollen head. I looked at his face, and he did little to hide his anger and annoyance at my inspection. "I know you think I am just a small sexy women with beautiful eyes and long blond hair, but after some training and some small surgical modifications, you will come to learn that from now on women are your superiors, and that you will serve us ladies with total submission and humility for the rest of your life" I said to him as I turned to the guard closest to me. "This is the lucky man I choose", I told the guard, "shave and clean him up, and return him to the castration table in one hour". The slave started cursing and trying to break free of his chains without avail as I left to attend to other duties. One hour later, I went down to the courtyard, and found all the ladies of the harem already gathered around the castration table. The man I selected to become the harem's newest eunuch was laying on his back, with his legs spread wide and thrown up, and over a steel rod thereby exposing his cock, balls and anus for easy access. His arms and legs were tied down, but that did not deter him from struggling against the ropes. I smiled as I reached the table, noticing that his penis was fully erect, its bulbous head pointing at the sky and straining against the large foreskin containing it. "Why do all men get erections during castration?" I asked, and the ladies started laughing and giggling. Michael, the male chosen to copulate with this harem's females was also present at the castration table as prescribed by the rules. Since the ladies chose Michael as a breeder because of his good looks and well-hung dick and nuts, he was allowed to keep his balls. He was only given an extremely tight circumcision and frenulum removal in order to make sex less stimulating and pleasurable for him. A neatly circumcised dick also looks more attractive, is much cleaner and always taste better during oral sex. Michael's magnificent penis was exclusively for the pleasure of the ladies. If any mistress catches him attempting to masturbate, his penis will be cut off at its base, and Michael will be sold as a farm worker. Until the day us ladies choose a new alpha male, it is Michael's duty to attend and witness all castrations. The ladies also benefit by having Michael present, because by reminding him how easy it would be to unman him, we make him more grateful to us for the privilege we have bestowed upon him by letting him keep his pair of testicles inside their sack. After witnessing a castration, Michael would almost double his efforts to keep us sexually satisfied, since he has been reminded that the future of his balls depended on it. "Silence please ladies", I said, and started addressing the slave. "As you know, I have selected you for castration and to serve us ladies in the harem, but first let me explain the process that will take place and it's goals." "As is customary, I will begin your initiation into this harem by circumcising you. Make no mistake.... your circumcision will be a radical one. I will remove your entire foreskin, together with your frenulum. We will not allow you to have any play in the remaining skin surrounding the shaft of your penis at all. The reason for this is to remove the sensitive skin from your dick that undoubtedly gave you much pleasure from masturbating. Your male g-spot, that exquisitely tender piece if skin underneath the head of your penis called a frenulum, will also be cut away to remove even more sensitivity from your penis. The pain you will experience will teach you about the superiority of females, and the power they have over man. The humiliation will teach you obedience to all females. Next I will castrate you to render your penis impotent, and to make it impossible for you to achieve orgasm and ejaculation. Your purpose at the harem is to satisfy me, not yourself. I will geld your eggs today, but we will allow your scrotum to heal. Your empty bag will be cut off in two weeks, after the castration cuts have healed. Us ladies needs a little pouch every now and then to keep our jewelry in you know?", I said, and looked at the tied man on the table. During my little lecture I could not help but notice that although the man was clearly terrified, his penis was still at full attention, and a drop of clear precum had started to run down the outside of his long foreskin overhang. "Your empty bag will be tanned to produce the softest leather, and the castration scars on each side of the scrotum will be testimony to the superiority females have over men. Maybe you will be fortunate enough to shoot your load one last time today, but after today, never again. Your penis will shrink to the size of a small finger in a couple of months... but don't worry, as your new mistress, I will still be able to play, lick and suck on your tiny, impotent little prick if it pleases me. Once unmanned, you will become calm and docile, your male aggression will disappear and you will become the perfect lady companion. It sure is amazing how a castration can change a man. It's time for your gelding to begin", I said, and a loud cheer went up amongst the excited ladies gathered around the table. I placed a bag on the table next to the man, took out some oil, and used some to lubricate my middle finger. I slowly started to rub his exposed anus with my oily finger, using circular motions to oil the dark, tight anus and lubricate the tiny folds in his eager ass hole. When his anus was shiny with the oil, I started to work my finger into his warm, dark orifice, once again using circular motions to lubricate and relax his anal sphincter. With his anal muscle drenched in oil, I started to slide my finger into him, working it around the inside of his ass hole, until my finger disappeared all the way up his anus. I pulled out my finger from that warm, most sensitive opening, took out a dildo from the bag, and slowly rubbed the head against the slave's anus. I starting applying some pressure, and the dildo slipped passed his relaxed anal sphincter and disappeared inside his sensitive hole until only a couple of inches of the dildo was visibly protruding from his anus. I smiled at the sight of his anal sphincter painfully stretched around the large intruder. Just a small measure to keep that magnificent pole of man-meat out of my way while I castrate your eggs I said, but immediately added "not that it looks like you need it", and laughter went up amongst the ladies surrounding us. I started by examining the huge erect penis pointing at the sky in front of me. The man was shaved totally clean, and his humongous pears bulged in their huge sack, hanging down on the dildo protruding from his asshole and drooping down on both sides of it. I tested the length of the magnificent cock in front of me by first closing my one hand around his shaft against his body, and then my other hand immediately above it. I could not manage to close my hands around his thick cock, and noticed with admiration that more than a third hand would be needed to hide the gigantic swollen head from view. I released the swollen, throbbing member and used a pen to draw a line around the foreskin covering the gland, marking the path the blades would cut along until his foreskin comes free from the head. "Hand me the surgical scissors please Michael, I asked, and he quickly obeyed by taking the instrument from the bag and handing it to me. I grabbed the end of the foreskin's overhang between my left hand's thumb and forefinger and pulled the tube of skin away from the swollen head. Next comes the dorsal cut. I positioned the open blades of the scissors at the top end of the stretched tube of soft foreskin, and slowly closed the handles. I continued the cut lengthwise in the middle of the foreskin's top until I reached the line I had marked. I readjusted my grip on the left side of the skin, repositioned the scissors, and with the right flap of skin stretched towards me, I started to cut from the end of the top cut, downwards along the marked line until the blades reached the middle of the head's underside. With the right side of the bulbous red head exposed, and the flap of sensitive foreskin hanging below the exited penis, some of the ladies started cheering and clapping hands. I could feel my swollen clit protruding from my lips, and already my panties was soaking wet. Some of the ladies that enjoy a circumcision more than a castration and find it a greater sexual turn-on had already started playing with themselves, and breaking the deafening silence came the occasional moan and soft cry escaping their mouths. Turning my attention away from my own sexual excitement, I started the cut that will ruin the superb foreskin forever. I slowly closed the handles of the sharp scissors, and cut along the left side of the bulging head, down towards the frenulum, stopping just short of that most sensitive little piece of skin between the valley running underneath his prick's head. I nodded my satisfaction as the cut foreskin hung down the middle below the gigantic penis in two flaps, attached to the ridge below the head by the frenulum. "Almost done big boy", I said and grasped the two flaps of foreskin in my left hand. I stretched the entire foreskin away from the underside of the penis head, until it could not be stretched any more, and trapped the doomed frenulum directly against the head between the two open blades. A quick cut as close to the swollen head's underside as the blades can manage, and the entire trophy came free in my hand. "The bowl please Michael", I asked, and the breeding male held a wooden bowl in trembling outstretched arms towards me. I dropped the amputated foreskin in the bowl, and expertly used a needle and sutures to join the cut edges of the remaining shaft skin. "That's better," I said to the circumcised man tied to the table", "now you are beginning to look like a true gentleman." Seeing or doing a circumcision gets me hot, but nothing makes me as horny as watching or performing a castration. The sense of power over a man, utterly helpless as his most prized possessions are taken away from him, leaving him weak in his newfound emasculated state is simply overwhelming. My own sex was soaking wet, and my nipples strained against the confines of my bra as I took the hairless soft scrotum with its almost chicken sized eggs inside in my hand, and lifted the hanging bag from the dildo sticking out from the slave's ass hole. I worked both eggs to the bottom of their bag of skin, and then used both hands to pull the trapped nuts and their soft bag away from the slave's body. "Tie the cord around the top of the bag Michael", I ordered, and Michael looped a strong cord around the top of the scrotum, thereby trapping the doomed balls at the bottom of their bag. I smiled at the slave who moaned with pain as Michael tightened the string as hard as he could around the bag's top. "Don't worry, I told the slave, "emasculation is not as painful as you think... it's the effects of the castration that should worry you." Next is one of my favorite steps in performing a castration. Michael handed me a small razor sharp knife with a slightly curved blade. I took the twin orbs bulging against their sack in my one hand, and used my fingers to stretch the scrotum tightly over the left pear. I placed the wicked tip of the blade at the side of the prized bag, and slowly slit the scrotum open by drawing the blade over the soft, thin, defenseless skin until I completed the cut along the whole length of the left ball. Next I squeezed the folds of scrotum bag, and popped the naked white egg from the safety of its bag. The ball fell from its pouch and hung down below the stuffed anus, suspended by its thin cord. I took the bag with it's remaining pear, forced the doomed orb to it's uncut right side of the bag and slowly drew the blade's cutting edge across the stretched scrotum using the egg as backing surface for the blade, but at the same time taking great care not to cut the nut in the process. As the soon to be proud owner of a new pair of balls, foreskin and jewelry pouch, I would not be pleased if I had a damaged testicle to display in a glass jar on my wall unit. I pulled the cut open with the fingers of my left hand's thumb and forefinger, and used my right hand's fingers to feel inside the slit I had made. Carefully I coaxed the shy testicle from its hiding place, and allowed it to hang down next to its brother. Next I took a small syringe, filled with a clear liquid, and injected first the left, and then the right. An uninformed person might easily think that the idea for these injections is to anesthetize the balls, but no. As women we all understand that the pain is necessary to teach the man his rightful place as a servant. The injections only purpose is to paralyze the cremaster muscles that form part of those thin cords attaching the eggs to the body. In a few minutes both cords will be fully paralyzed, and this will cause the testicles to hang out even further from the slave's body, making it impossible for the little muscles to pull the pears upwards towards the body. While waiting for the full effect of the injections, the ladies came forward and started playing and touching the naked white eggs dangling by their cords outside their scrotum, much to the discomfort of the slave laying on the table. The ladies handling the defenseless eggs and pulling on them only seemed to excite the slave more, and precum was now oozing from his naked circumcised head. His enormous penis also started throbbing with a heartbeat of it's own, and the swollen dick stood at full attention for the event that will change it's existence forever. After a few minutes the cords were fully paralyzed, and both eggs hung down, making contact with the table's surface, and still leaving quite a bit of slack in the cords attaching them to the slave's body. I took the left ball in the palm of my hand, and the beautiful white egg filled my palm with its magnificent size. I pulled the testicle away from the man's empty bag until the cord holding the testicle was stretched to its fullest extent. To prevent any bleeding, I instructed Michael to tie a tin piece of surgical suture around the top of the narrow, stretched cord, as close to the empty scrotum as possible. Michael tied a knot around the thin tube, thereby cutting the blood supply to my first trophy. While keeping the cord attaching the testicle drawn out to it's maximum, I once again picked up the scissors, and positioned the open blades just below the tied off point. I felt a tremendous orgasm shooting through my entire body as I closed the blades on the thin cord, and the testicle came free in the palm of my hand with it's impressive length of cord dangling from it. I swung the ball by its cord a couple of times, before dropping the gland in the wooden bowl containing the severed foreskin. I grabbed his last dangling testicle in the palm of my hand, and once again stretched the cord to its fullest extent. I turned my attention to the slave: "You have been a good little boy during your castration so far", I said. "I will allow you to experience one last orgasm, but to humiliate you even more, I will order Michael to make you cum. Michael, play with his penis while I castrate his second ball, but ensure that he does not squirt his last load on me.". Michael, who had a huge bulge in his pants stepped forward, and took the slave's throbbing penis in his hand. Without the benefit of it's foreskin, and the remaining skin stretched tightly over the shaft, Michael could not manage to masturbate the eager cock, and he quickly poured some oil into the palm of his hand before starting to pump his hand along the shaft and head. Expertly he stroked his palm up and down the swollen penis, using his fingers to spread a flood of crystal clear pre-cum over the freshly circumcised, naked head of the bulbous head. This time I modified my castration technique. I picked up the knife and started to slowly scrape the cutting edge of the blade back and forth across the highest visible point of the cord emanating from the empty scrotum. Michael masturbated the soon to be eunuch's cock, working the glistening precum into the naked head while stroking the erect shaft with his oiled palm, occasionally rubbing his fingers along the freshly made sutured circumcision scars, and teasing the ridge at the bottom of the head with his index finger where the frenulum used to be. Feeling that the huge organ was about to shoot it's load for the very last time, Michael picked up the wooden bowl, and pointed to head of the throbbing, pre-cum oozing penis at the bottom of the bowl. After a few more scrapes of my knife's blade against the paralyzed cord, the last testicle came free in the palm my hand. The slave's penis started to spasm in Michael's palm as the remaining cord slipped back inside the empty bag of skin. Increasing his hand's pumping motion along the dick's shaft and head, the friction triggered the eunuch's last orgasm. Violently, the dick pumped gush after gush of thick creamy white semen into the wooden bowl Michael was holding in front of it. Ten powerful squirts shot from the head being held between Michael's fingers as he aimed the cumming prick at the bowl while milking the proud organ of it's juices. As the large drops of semen exploded from the penis in Michael's hand, I saw the slave's anal sphincter tightening around the dildo, embracing the intruder with vice- like contractions. After the excited penis calmed down, Michael used his fingers to milk the remaining semen from the penis and wiped the tip of the naked head against the rim of the bowl. I dropped the last testicle in the bowl containing the foreskin, left egg and a quite large puddle of cum. I pulled the dildo free from his anus and handed it to Michael. I used the needle to close the open cuts of the empty bag. When done, the eunuch was untied and lifted to his feet. "Stand with your legs apart", I ordered, and the slave obeyed." We as women know that castration can take some time to make you impotent, so as a preventative measure, you will be wearing this chastity belt until I am satisfied that your days of having erections and shooting your loads of semen are forever at a end. The chastity belt will make it impossible for you to jerk off. Since this belt comes with an anal plug, it will keep you in a constant state of arousal by stimulating your rectum and prostate, but you will not be allowed to satisfy your sexual urges. When bathing, or going to the toilet, you will have to ask for the key I will keep on a chain around my neck. You will always be observed by myself or one of the other ladies while unlocked. Just try and masturbate, and I will be removing your penis as well! I said with a stern voice. I fitted the eunuch with the belt and left the crowd to put my new testicles and foreskin in some preserver so I can proudly display my new trophies in a glass jar together with all the others previously cut by me. Two weeks later, a huge change was visible in my new eunuch. He calmed down, became gentle and extremely obedient. Since most men's scrotums starts shrinking away along with the penis, prostate and seminal vessel after a castration, I had to hurry to collect my jewelry bag while its size was still admirable. My slave and I went back to the castration table, but this time he offered no resistance. Lady Natasha kindly offered to assist me in cutting the empty scrotum, and she had a knife and clamp ready. I was also pleased to see that she had a nice fire going with a red hot metal poker laying in the fire. I took the key hanging from the chain around my neck and unlocked his chastity belt that kept him sexually frustrated while he lost the lost his ability to achieve erection and orgasm. After pulling the butt plug out of his anus I removed the belt and handed it to my female assistant. "Lay down on the table, spread your legs like a women, and throw your front legs over the metal bar", I instructed. "Yes mistress", he answered, and obeyed. I was pleased to see that the two cuts in his scrotum were fully healed, and that they had formed the angry red scars so highly prized on a mistress's jewelry bag. The empty bag still managed to maintain it's proud original size, and I looked in awe at the empty, soft folds of skin held between my fingers. As with castration, there are many ways to collect the empty bag from the eunuch, but my favorite way, is to use a bronze castration clamp to do the job. The clamp forms a ring on top that goes around the penis, while the two jagged edged arms of the clamp closes around the top of the scrotum. The ring keeps the penis out of harm's way, while the arms prevents the balls from swinging around in their sack. With the jagged edges of the arms griping the scrotum as close to the body as possible, the entire sack with it's nuts can be cut away in one quick stroke of a curved knife positioned below the penis. This method is too quick to use for castration, and all women prefer a slower method of emasculating a man. As the man on the table had already been neatly castrated, and no longer had his balls, I would only use the clamp to hold his scrotum in position while I cut the empty bag from his body. I gripped the empty bag with both hands, and spread the folds of skin while pulling the bag away from the eunuch's body. Lady Natasha lifted the limp penis into the air, before closing the clamp around the base of his penis, and trapped the empty bag between the jagged arms as close to the eunuch's body as possible, before securing the closed arms with a small metal latch. With everything locked in position, I took the knife, and using the clamp as a guide for my blade, I started cutting the empty pouch from directly below his limp penis, kept upright by the clamp. While pulling the soft folds of skin away from the clamp, I used short controlled strokes of my blade to cut the empty bag as closely against the arms gripping it as possible. Cut by cut I worked my way down until the pouch was only attached to the clamp with an inch of remaining skin. My eunuch whimpered and his body trembled with each stroke of my blade, but he did not dare to pull himself away from my blade. I completed the last stroke of my knife against the arms of the clamp, and the beautiful scrotum came free in my hand. The cut edges of the scrotum can either be sutured or cauterized, but I prefer cauterization to close the cut edges. Although this is obviously much more painful to the slave, it produces a neater result when the scar eventually heals. The intense heat also kills any viruses and bacteria that might be present at the cut edges, and totally eliminates bleeding from the site. My eunuch started pleading with me as I took the red-hot staff from the fire, but I ignored him. I carefully positioned the searing hot metal above the clamp still holding the cut edges were his scrotum used to hang, and gently touched the cut edges of skin with the poker. My slave passed out almost immediately as I touched him against those sensitive folds of skin with the hot poker. White smoke rose from the cut edges of skin as the intense heat welded the cut edges together. Satisfied that my work was done, I had to use a glove to remove the hot clamp from his limp penis and welded edges where his proud scrotum and eggs used to hang. After reviving my servant, I once again locked him up in the chastity belt, and asked lady Natasha to keep me company while I tanned the large scrotum into the softest leather pouch known to womankind. Three weeks later I was ready to test my eunuch to ensure he his totally impotent and unable to cum. I also had the pleasure of giving him a severe whipping as punishment for forgetting to clean out my bathtub. I ordered my eunuch to my bedroom, and removed his chastity belt. "Kneel in front of my bed and bend over so I can see your buttocks", I commanded, and my eunuch obeyed, as docile as a little lamb. When his muscled buttocks were raised in front of me, I took my leather whip, and started to teach him the real meaning of fear and subservience. I hit his naked butt with all the power I could muster, and angry red lines crossed his butt cheeks. His muscular body flinched each time my whip made contact with his butt cheeks, and his moans from the pain made my legs feel like rubber with power and lust. After thirteen lashes, my slave started crying and begging for mercy. I gave him five more lashes, and delighted at the way he clenched his buttocks after each stroke, his superb muscles contracting in a vain effort to escape the sting of each new lash. I was so eager that my panties was soaking wet and my nipples had a life of their own. "That will be enough", I said, and hung my whip back against my wall. "Let's see if you can remember the lessons I taught you. "Remove my clothes, and you had better do it skillfully, or I will whip you some more!" He stood up and did as ordered. Lay down on my bed, with your head raised by my pillow." "Yes mistress" the slave replied, and did as he was instructed. I took a large dildo from my bedside drawer, and handed it to my eunuch. I climbed on the bed and kneeled with my eunuch trapped between my spread legs, and my naked buttocks exposed to his face. Sex with a eunuch in a 69 position and me on top (of course!) always gave me wonderful orgasms. "I want you to pleasure my cunt with the dildo while you lick and tongue-fuck my ass", I ordered him. Skillfully he shoved the dildo up my eager vagina, and I shuddered as I felt his moist tongue starting to explore my anus. With a passion that belied his emasculated state he flicked his warm tongue away at the tiny folds of my puckered anus while slowly stimulating my wet vagina and swollen clit with the dildo. He licked away at my most private opening, until my anus was soaking wet with his saliva, before he started darting his tongue in and out of my asshole. With expert circular motions of his tongue he licked my rectum into a total state of relaxation and bliss, while clenching and kneading the flesh of my left buttock with his one hand. My labia lips were swollen with excitement as I took his limp penis in my hand, and started licking away at its circumcised head. With my other hand I caressed the scar that ran from his tiny penis to his anus where his prized bag with balls used to swing. I flicked my tongue at the V - shaped scar between the valley underneath his dick where his erogenous frenulum once gave him pleasure, and felt my pussy get even wetter when the eunuch grunted in frustration and helplessness beneath me as he desperately wanted to pump his cum inside my warm mouth. Over the next few months he would come to learn and accept that without his precious balls, his prostate, penis and remaining shaft skin had shrunk away, and that he would never again be capable of having an erection or spurting his ejaculation. The sole purpose of his existence was to satisfy me with total dedication. The head of his penis, neatly cleaned of its foreskin, simply soaked up the saliva in my mouth, and was unable to produce even the tiniest droplet of precum. My ecstasy was overpowering at the thought of my total power and control over the frustrated eunuch beneath me, his balls and foreskin displayed on my wall unit as proof of my supreme dominance. While I felt his tongue licking and probing away at the inside of my anus, and his right hand moving the dildo back and forth inside my soaking wet cunt, I used some spit to lubricate his tiny penis, and started masturbating his penis. His once huge penis had shrank away, and the tiny soft prick before me could not manage to erect. What used to be a marvelous dick had become even smaller than my thumb. The pleasure my eunuch was giving me was overwhelming, and his own inability to receive any pleasure added to my excitement. The thought that I had the power to remove his ability to erect and cum made my clitoris swell up larger and harder than ever before as I flicked my tongue around his soft, circumcised head in my mouth. I felt his hot lips pressing against my anus as he licked away at my anal sphincter, and his hand caressing my left buttock. I felt him gently forcing some of his spit inside my asshole, and I added to my intense feeling of ecstasy, by slowly pushing his spit from my insides, only to feel his greedy tongue immediately licking the offering away from my blissful anus. I felt the dildo rubbing against my swollen clit as the welcome intruder filled me to the full, and felt the most intense orgasm of my life approaching. The eunuch moaned in shame and frustration as his useless dick felt my tongue caressing it's tiny head, while I rubbed and fondled the scar where his once proud bag with swollen eggs used to be. Between the indescribable pleasure of the eunuch's tongue deep inside my anus and his expert manipulation of the dildo causing friction against my swollen clit, I could not hold back and shuddered as an intense orgasm shot through my entire body. After a few more orgasms, I ordered my eunuch to stop. Laying on my bed with my eunuch standing next to my bed I turned to him. His pathetic, impotent little dick dangled limply between his gloriously muscled legs, the absence of his balls clearly visible. "You are now a true gentlemen since you have been neatly castrated, and can no longer enjoy sexual pleasure. Seeing that your penis shrank away, and almost disappeared, you will be able to concentrate on my sexual happiness, not your own. For the time being, Michael is the only male with the equipment necessary to really satisfy a woman, so always remember that I am simply using you for sexual amusement. You are not a man anymore, simply a sex toy to be used for my pleasure. Now that you are totally impotent and unable to cum, you will not be required to wear your chastity belt anymore. Your castration made you gentle and obedient, with all that nasty aggression taken out of you. You will please me sexually if I demand it, and you will serve me with total obedience for as long as I wish it so. You may continue your cleaning and cooking duties now", I said, and he hurriedly left the room after thanking me. Laying there, my desires totally fulfilled, I looked at the seven jars filled with neutered balls and foreskins, and marveled at how much the world has changed. Only fifty years ago, some Arab and African men still had their wives' clitorises removed to make it impossible for them to enjoy orgasms. During the last fifty years women became the leaders of the world and it's men, and today, in the year 2060 it is the women who rule over men. Castration as mandatory procedure for all men not selected by women for procreation purposes, had the pleasant side effect of eliminating all wars and violent crimes. The word "rape" can now only be found in history books, and the last man surgically castrated as punishment for rape was back in 2062. I reached for my remote control to switch on the television and watch some news. * * *
NULLIFICATION, Minors mentioned, No sex
Trip to Wally-world
There’re everywhere. Almost every town and mud-hole-burg has one. The major retailer has taken over the world. Every locale has its own colloquialism for the store. Most in our area refer to them as Wally-world, but me...I just call them Wally-weird because their ‘customer-no-service’ is famous. I decided to stop and get some milk on my way home from work. That’s all I needed, and I could have stopped anywhere, as I usually hate having to deal with all the pedestrian traffic the store receives. But, I had already passed the only other surviving grocery store in the area, and the mega-mart was near the house. I didn’t feel like back-tracking. “Heck, it couldn’t take that long just to get a gallon of milk.” I said to myself, as I pulled off the highway into the crowded parking lot, knowing full well that it usually takes a while to get through the check-out lines. “Would you like to try one?” the cute young thing asked, offering up a hors-d’oeuvre-looking something, as I passed through the door. “Uh, no thanks,” I muttered instinctively, not really paying too much attention...my mind on the sea of soccer moms trying to juggle children and shopping carts. But then, for some reason, I turned and glanced back at the kid, thinking...”damn, they get younger and more androgynous every year.” I couldn’t tell if the kid was male or female. He, she, or whatever, was rather cute in that tight seasonal costume. The costume left nothing to the imagination. The kid had a curvy ass, but a rather flat groin, and long thick hair surrounding an angelic face with sparkling eyes. “Uh...maybe on my way out,” I called back. My mind was still on business even though the day was over. That’s the trouble with owning your own business. You never really get a vacation from ‘work’. I eventually made my way over to the dairy section and grabbed a gallon of the white stuff, and turned to get out of the place. All the soccer moms seemed to need milk at that moment too, and I was getting claustrophobic. But then, I had the thought that I should get some batteries for my new camera while I was already in the damn place...no need in making two trips. So, I headed off to the electronics section to get the special type I needed. I had to pass the Deli on my way, and passed right back by the kid offering the ‘new treats’. And, as I had not eaten all day, the area smelled pretty good. Well, as most rational folks know...you should never go into a grocery store hungry. I stopped and tried one of the ‘treats’ the kid was hawking. “Hey, that’s pretty good.” I said. “Where can I get some of these?” “They’re from one of our new vendors’ kiosk set up near the rear of our store, sir.” The kid exclaimed in a voice that was a little more male than I originally thought. “They’re stir-fry, or easy to fix in the oven and microwave. They make excellent snacks alone, or quick salad additions,” the kid finished his spiel, smiling. “OK, I just might have to go back over there and pick me up some...Thanks,” I said, turning to go on toward the electronics area. As I neared the electronics area, the same smells I encountered coming into the store assailed my nostrils again. This time it was a carnival-like booth set up near the storeroom entrance, between the shoe department and the electronics department. The booth had a line about 30 feet deep. All the waiting patrons were male of various ages, sizes and shapes...and all of them were naked! I was momentarily shocked and stupefied. I don’t know if it was the shock, tantalizing aroma in the air, the ‘snack’ I just had, or because I’d not eaten all day, but I began to feel ill and woozy. My head was spinning. I caught a glimpse of a smock-wearer in tights leading one on the younger guys in line over to a rail, and shoving something like a dildo up his ass. Then, nothing. “Sir, were you waiting in line?” the angelic face asked me. “Huh? Ah...I guess so,” I replied, not really knowing what or why. “What’s going on?” “You fainted, sir. It’s normal...lots of guys do. Why don’t you step over here so we can get you ready?” I staggered to my feet wondering why I was covered in cold milk. Another be-smocked kid was wiping the floor with a towel, but stopped to offer me a hand. He led me into the storeroom and offered me a chair and a box. There were several other men and boys scattered around the storeroom in various stages of undress. Some were coming in naked, as some were going out naked. All appeared to be a little dazed like me. My eyes were still blurry, and I shook my head to clear it. I’m sure I saw that some of those guys getting dressed had no genitals! I shook my head again. “Ow, my head hurts,” I thought, as I sat down hard. Great...I love migraines. “Here, let me help you with that.” The kid from the front door said, reaching for my shoes. He helped me stand and started undoing my belt and slacks. It was so weird, but everyone else was doing it, and for some reason, I felt I had to do it too. He took my shirt and folded it neatly and placed it in the box with the rest of my clothing...then slid the box under my chair. He grabbed a pair of electric clippers and began to run it through my bush. He clipped all my pubes, and then some of the hair on my legs and ass. He wiped me down with a moist cloth. The floor was cold on my feet. I felt a little chilly. “Geez, its cold in here,” I thought...then, “Why am I naked?” “Sir, if you are ready...step this way please,” the kid asked, cupping my elbow. “Huh? Oh...right.” I replied, following him. He took me to the line and left me with the other naked males. No one was talking or looking around. My head was still spinning, and my mind seemed to go blank again. The jostling crowd brought me back to the present. Everything was foggy. I felt very relaxed, though my head still throbbed. “Why are there naked guys in a line, in the middle of the store?” I wondered, not thinking about myself being naked too. “I wonder if someone can get me some Tylenol while we’re waiting.” I pondered. The soccer moms with their little children were passing by the line as though nothing were wrong or out of the ordinary. A few of the children passing were snickering, but their mothers scolded them...threatening to put them in the line if they didn’t behave. A teen-aged girl brought a teen boy over to the line and left him in charge of one of the helpers. I gathered he was her boyfriend. He had glazed eyes too. An employee took him in back, but returned with him shortly. He was standing right behind me with a boner poking my ass- cheeks. It felt a little odd, but I didn’t care for some reason. I looked down, and I had one too. The line was moving again. I stepped forward, and saw one of the helpers doing something in front of one of the men, two butts up in line. When he came to the guy in front of me, he placed a ring device around the guy’s cock and balls, and then plastered everything with some kind of goop. He had the guy bend over a railing in front of the carnie booth, and stuck the guy’s ass hole with a long floppy dildo-type device. The man in front of me then moved to the head of the line inside of the booth. The kid smiled at me when he grabbed my cock. I felt him pulling my balls, but I didn’t move away. I looked down and saw a shiny metal ring bound tightly around my junk. He led me to the railing and plastered me with the sticky goop; then asked me to bend over. I felt the dong-like thing enter my ass, but again, I didn’t resist. It kept going, and going. I started to feel all warm and tingly. I was floating. My dick got so hard. “Next!” I heard a voice inside the booth call out. I didn’t move right away. One of the employee helpers pushed me toward the door with a hand on my back. “Step right up, sir...That’s it, right there.” The kid was saying. I looked down. I was in front of a table with something like a sausage grinder on one end, and a big funnel-looking contraption in front of me. A big bearded guy, dressed in only a carnie vest and hat, was standing behind the table. He had no genitals and a huge toothy grin. The kid pushed my ass until I was slap up against the table and my junk was hanging over the funnel. The Carnie guy reached out and grabbed my junk and quickly sliced right through everything below the tight band with a huge sharp knife. It all fell into the funnel and landed on a cutting board. He sliced away the skin and tossed it into a barrel. He threw the meat into the sausage grinder, and called “...Next!” “Damn, that was my dick,” I thought, strangely detached. A kid was scraping the ground meat from the grinder into a large bowl. Another kid was mixing stuff into the meat before scooping it into little paper cups before placing them on a tray for the oven. At the same time, another kid was placing what looked like the treats I ate onto trays being carried back out into the store by the youths dressed in the tight costumes. “Just place your thumbprint here, sir,” a young lady said, garnering my attention. She smiled at me as she placed the sheet of paper into a folder. “Over here, sir,” another young lady said. She was dressed all in white like an old-fashioned nurse from the 50’s. I walked over to her table. She sprayed my crotch with something and, after a few minutes, removed the tight ring with a clamping tool of some kind. She inspected my groin for a moment, threaded a tube into my bladder, and taped it in place. “This one’s ready to go,” she said to one of the smock-wearers. The kid that came for me was the same one with the angelic face that met me at the door. He took me into the storeroom and helped me into the chair. “If you can lean back some, please, sir,” he said looking into my eyes. I leaned back and he began to pull the long dildo out of my ass. He didn’t remove it completely before he shoved it back in. He kept repeating his motions. It was feeling so good. I was on the verge of passing out again. My head was swimming. My mind was racing. I climaxed in great floods. Some of it landed on the kids face, arms, and smock. He just smiled wiped my goo off his face and removed the dildo. He threw it into a container and wiped my ass clean. I collapsed. “Ready to get dressed, sir?” He asked. “Huh?...Oh, yeah, OK.” I replied. I was remembering my really terrible headache. Strangely I felt relaxed though. Was I naked? Why are my clothes soaked? “You slipped, sir. Here, I ran and got you a new jug of milk. We’re so sorry you had a spill. If you’d like, I can take you to customer service, if you need to make a complaint,” the kid was saying, seeming to read my thoughts. “No, I don’t have time for all that. I’m OK. Thanks for getting me a fresh gallon of milk, though. I’m sorry I dropped the other one.” I replied, still wiping at my soaked clothing with the towel he had. I got into the checkout line, swiped my debit card, thinking, “That didn’t take too long.” I went out to the parking lot thinking, “Geez, it got dark soon. Man, my head hurts. I should have stopped to eat lunch.” “Crap...I didn’t buy any Tylenol. Aw, fuck-it, there’s some in the cupboard.” “Man, I pulled a groin muscle in that fall.” * * *
Three hundred fifty five years after 2035 a new species arises outof Homo sapien, the wise ape. Homo Omniscense! The knowing Ape!Mankind, H.S., becomes extinct within one hundred years of producingthis new race. All brought about by cosmic shift in the Earth axisof 173 degrees.
` HARD-BARGAIN HOLD ` By Waddie Greywolf THE SETTING Date: 355 New Date (355 years after the disaster that occurred in the year 2035 Old Date) A new retro-society has risen from the ashes of the terrible consequences of a complete shift in the Earth's axis of 173 degrees. The geography of the world would be unrecognizable to us today. The north pole became subtropical along with the North American continent that now rotates below the old tropic of cancer. Major portions of Russia, Western Europe, and North America, are under water. Land masses never before seen on our planet have arisen from the seas. Austraulia and Antarticia is now approximately in the position that North America use to be. CHAPTER ONE: WORMWOOD Oh, what made fatuous sunbeams toil, To break Earth's sleep at all. ~Wilfred Owens The sun was setting on one of the most successful species since the last of the dinosaurs disappeared one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. I know, you're probably thinking, I thought the dinosaurs were extinct ninety three million years ago. True, the majority of the vast herds of dinosaurs did become extinct around that time: however, several species existed until as late as fifty thousand years ago. Numerous species existed until approximately a thousand years before that when something happened to decimate the survivors. The last bands of species homosapiens roamed the planet in small groups foraging like animals for food. It had been three hundred and twenty years since a rogue planet entered the solar system causing great devastation to all the planets. It would have been a wonderful time for anthropologist and evolutionist to observe how an advanced technological society could digress to an almost primative state. How nature, in it's infinate wisdom, could make a last minute reprieve for a species about to vanish from the planet with an evolutionary jump to strengthen and thus insure the best of it's genetic qualities are passed on to a new hardier species. Homo sapien was about to go the way of the dinosaurs. It's extinction was immanent. It was often stated in scientific publications that Darwin's theories of evolution were questionable due to large gaps in the fossil records and sudden evolutionary jumps that could not be explained by the concept of survival of the fittest. Creationist tried and would have loved to plug in the missing equation but somehow, "...and then a miracle occured..." just didn't get it for the scientific process. Then in the late '80's a couple of scientist published a paper and from their research concluded evolution was not necessarily a slow process. They discovered that evolution came in jumps and spurts and that numerous species were quite capable of adapting quickly to changes in there enviornment. There seemed to be periods in Earth's past when there occured an explosion of new speices and jumps in the genetic strengths of existing species. During the Cambrian period hundreds of thousands of new species emerged. Twentieth century scientist discovered that just before this phenomenon occurred there seemed to be a thin layer of iridium in the Earth's strata and it seemed to repeat approximately every 150,000 years. Iridium is an extremely rare in the Earth and can only be found in minor quantities in the ash of volcanos and larger amounts in the chemical break down of comets. It was questionable whether one or even two large volcanos could layer the Earth with such significant quantities of iridium and the sporatic comets that burned up in the Earths atmosphere could not have created these layers in such proportions. To add to the mystery or at least solve the conundrum of an evolution explosion in regular intervals was the microbiological study in the early twenty first century that found the introduction of even minute quantities of iridium absorbed or digested by a species would cause the emergence within five generations of an altogether new species. Was the emegence of several new species of apes that walked upright nine hundred thousand years ago a fluke? What's that got to do with the time period of one hundred fifty thousand years? Do the math! Divide 900 by 150 you get 6. There may have been six shifting of the Earth's axis with large quantities of iridium falling to Earth since a man like creature took it's first steps. Each time producing genetic jumps in the intelligence of the naked ape until the arrival of Homosapiens, freely translated, the wise ape! Twentieth century scientist found undeniable proof in ice core samples from the artics that there had been a significant shift of the Earth's axis one hundred fifty thousand years ago. Was the timing of these phenomena coincidental? Hardly! In the early '60's paleontologists discovered a near complete Woolly Mammoth in the Tundra of Siberia. It appeared to have been flash frozen because the flesh was so well preserved that the natives took some for eating. They claimed they had often stumbled across a frozen hairy beast and thought nothing of scavaging the meat. The most remarkable thing about this frozen find was it still had a mouth full of buttercups that it was chewings when it was suddenly frozen. The flowers were perfectly preserved. What force of nature could have flash frozen something as large as a Woolly Mammoth? Astronomers knew for sometime that there was a mathematical error in the constancy of our solar system. They were not quite sure of the reason but suspected that there might be another undiscovered planet that was throwing the calculations off. Then in the 1940's O.D. they discovered Pluto and thought, "Ah, ha! The missing equation!". Well, to their disappointment it didn't prove to be the answer and in the year 2001 O.D. Pluto was downgraded to a significant large chunk of floating cosmic ice. The only other explanation that made any sense was the existance of another planet slightly larger than Earth that had an unusual elongated eliptical orbit that would only return to the boundries of our eight planets (Pluto was demoted, remember!) every one hundred fifty thousand years. Anthropologist had discovered in the writings of ancient people all over the Earth the description of another planet that was the cause of some gigantic cataclism which occurs every one hundred fifty thousand years. Mysteriously, even a primative African tribe, the Dogons, perform a ritual dance in which they describe the orbits of the planets of our system. Then tied to a huge leather ball they swing this final representative of a planet way out and then through the other dancers representing our solar system. They have told anthropologist that people who came from the sky had told them about this tenth or ninth planet. All of this information was beginning to form a picture. Then in the year 2005 O.D. a brilliant young meterologist Christopher Wormwood, connected all the dots, the unusual weather patterns of the past fifty years and found the missing equation. Planet X or as it was later known, Wormwood, did indeed exist and was on it's way back to pass through our solar system. Shortly thereafter it was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope and it's exact time of arrival was plotted. The most horrible thing was there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it. The scientist knew that the planet would cause the Earth to shift it's axis but they had no idea of the destruction the comets would reak upon the Earth. Hundred's of thousands of Comets followed the gravatational pull of Planet Wormwood, as it passed through the ort belt, a large cloud of comets and debris on the the outer rim of our solar system. There was no way to estimate the number that slammed into the Earth let alone the other Planets in our system. The orbits of Venus and Mars was slightly altered and so was the Earths to a smaller degree. As usual, the governments of the the Earth shifted into their Need to Know mode (knowing something everyone else dosen't, makes you more important!) and decided not to tell people due to the potential of panic. The fatuous bureaucrates knew that probably four fifths of the Earth's population were going to die but they were more concerned about panic. When small men cast big shadows it is a sign the sun is setting! The devastation of the Earth and it's people due to the shift in it's axis was the death knell of a society already in decay and what the catastrophe did not rip asunder, small bands of starving, scavenging, marauding survivors did! Some tried to hold on to the memories of a civil, organized society where the better Angels of their natures sought to recreate even a small facsimile of what they had lost. But it was too late. As soon as one of the groups began to settle into a community of any kind a stronger more aggressive band would attack and wipe them out. Thus it was, for over three centuries. Ideas and concepts of how a community could best survive with the greatest benefits to all came and went. As time passed memories of what had been became vague mouth to mouth myths. No one really knew what an organized society should be, democracy and the -ism sisters were mear words that had little meaning to people that had digressed to barely more than an agrarian, hunter gather bands of struggling humans. The concept of survival of the fittest was never more apt. The struggle for exsistance overcame any attempt to organize. The bands of retched people roamed through the caverns of abandoned cities that over the centuries had decayed and overgrown with vegetation. They literally walked over and around technology that could have made their lives a bit more comfortable but no one remembered what it was for nor how to use it. It's best purpose for them , if it could be picked up, was to throw at an attacker. Then toward the middle of the third century, known as the years of pathos, or the darkest years, things began to change. It always seems the darkest hour is just before dawn. The fifth generation since the Old Date was just coming to maturity and had a new superior genetic quality which made them more intelligent and physically larger. Some possessed what we would describe as full blown paranormal powers thanks to the iridium that their ancestors had injested during the comet storms of 2035 O.D. Perhaps a better term would be pan-normal. The prefix para gives the idea of above normal. They considered these mental gifts as a bridge to greater power, an understanding of the universe and their place in it! Pan- means across. Thus, pannormal. The arrival of a new bipedal hominid species and it's rising from the ashes of a destroyed world much like the fabled Phoenix bird had come to be. Homo Omnisciens was born! Homo sapiens, humankind, the wise ape was to become extinct within less than a hundred years of giving birth to this new species. Homo sapien became the flowering branch which bore the fruit that all human kind had strived for centuries to become. And it's extinction became their gift to their children to become the new hope, a bigger, stronger, gentler, more intelligent, knowing, aware, understanding, compassionate, loving and tolerant new species. Indeed, the meek had inherited the Earth! End Chapter I Waddie Greywolf [email protected] * * *
Susan loses cherry; gains a pair....
Susan wants to lose her virginity. She offers Bob a threesome with his girlfriend, for that purpose. However, she has a hidden agenda...
` Susan was now in her last school year. She would get really horny when she saw boys kissing girls. She wanted to lose her cherry, and decided on Bob as the boy to do it. They started going out, and agreed to do it. Then one evening, Susan saw him kissing & fondling Kelly..a girl who was blonde, leggy, and huge-breasted. ` Susan rushed away before they could see her. Initially she burned with jealousy. Then 2 other desires took hold. One, to avenge herself on Bob and Kelly. Two, to squeeze Kelly's big tits and stroke her hair...Susan was slowly beginning to find her sexuality. Next day she met Bob, and said, "I know about Kelly." He tried to deny it, but Susan said, " I don't mind. Is she a virgin?" "No," stuttered Bob. "Good," said Susan. "I want a 3-some - with both of you. That way I'd lose my virginity with a man and a woman." They agreed that it'd take place at Susan's place, one evening when her parents were out. Susan brought along, and hid, a huge dildo. They all stripped off. Susan almost creamed herself at the sight of Kelly's heaving mound. She had to pretend to be gawping at Bob's middling-sized penis and balls. "Let's tie him up," sniggered Susan. Before he could protest, Bob had been firmly bound and gagged by both girls. "What are we going to do??" asked Kelly. "You'll see!!" said Susan. She pulled out the dildo, and enjoyed the look of fear on Blob's face as he said to Kelly, "We're BOTH going to use this to fuck him right up the arse!!" Kelly was glad to hear that. Bob loved taking her up the arse, which she hated but pretended to like. Susan took the first go, riding Bob's arse, till he cried bitterly. Then Kelly took over, riding till his hole was no longer tight. Susan took Kelly's left index finger and put it in her cunt, touching her hymen. "Want to take my cherry??" asked Susan. "Y-y-yes!!" said Kelly. "Then cut off Bob's balls," said Susan. Kelly was reluctant, but couldn't turn down the prize of another woman's virginity..and the feeling of power this would give her. "Okay," she said. Susan took out a razor, shaved Bob, and cut open his scrotum. She slapped him smartly across the face to stop him crying. She pulled his balls out and left them hanging out of the scrotum. Then she handed the razor to Kelly. "All yours," she said. Kelly looked triumphantly into Bob's eyes, enjoying the sheer terror. Then with a swift slash, she cut his balls off. Susan took them, placed them in a sample jar, and lay down, parting her legs. Kelly still had the dildo on. She rode Susan, till they both came. With a dull pop, Susan's hymen broke. "I'll love you forever," said Kelly, getting up and removing the dildo. Susan slapped her. "Turn around, " she ordered. Kelly did, thinking this was a dom sex game. Susan tied her up. "I didn't forgive you for what you've done, fucking my man," said Susan. "Here you get yours!!" Susan picked up a heavy-buckled belt and mercilessly thrashed Kelly's bare arse. Then she wore the dildo and brutally sodomized Kelly. She untied the weeping couple. "Now fuck off!!" snapped Susan. "Kelly..you wanted him. Now you've got him all to yourself...a 'man' with no balls!!" * * *
The Prince of Slaves Chapter 14
<P><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000000><STRONG>Braith finds Dylan</STRONG></FONT></P>
` ` _**Chapter14:**_ Braith hadn't known what had happened to Dylan. He knew he had been captured. Tomos had told him that he had. Weeks had passed since then. All the boys in the stockade had been castrated with golems made from their cocks and balls. Braith had no reason to believe that Dylan -- the essence of Dylan -- wasn't already a golem, too, Dylan and all the market boys. Braith knew, too, that Trista was dead. He'd seen her atop the pole on the way back to town -- Trista next to Llywellyn. She hadn't been dead when Braith had seen her, but her eyes had been glazed over. In Trista's world then, pain had been the only reality. He had become a jilly boy in truth, first raped by the soldiers that had captured him, the first to fuck him other than Dylan and Emrys. Many had since, though. He'd become one of several jilly boys for a barracks of soldiers. Several had used him each night. Not so many any longer. Most of those soldiers had been replaced by their golems, and although golems always had erections -- always -- their cocks were always hard -- they only fucked when told. They raped and pillaged when they attacked a town, but that was for the terror it induced, not because any of them wanted sex. Braith was glad they didn't. He would kill himself before letting himself be fucked by a golem. He wondered, though -- would he feel the same if it were Dylan's golem? Yes, he thought it would. It would look like Dylan. It would even be Dylan's cock, but the creature behind the eyes -- he had seen the eyes of other golems -- wouldn't be Dylan. It would be a creature right out of hell. With the soldiers gone, Braith only had to fuck a sergeant, one of the few not a golem -- and he didn't have to fuck him often. The man was so afraid that he'd become a golem, he couldn't usually get his cock hard. Well, if he were a golem, his cock would always be hard. A golem even fought with an erection Braith could imagine how frightening it must be to fight a golem, who didn't feel pain and who could only be stopped by cutting off its legs or head. It did no good to pierce its heart. It pumped no blood, anyway. Braith didn't know why he hadn't killed himself. Without Dylan, he didn't want to live; and Dylan must be a golem by now. All those Braith had known must be golems now. Then Glendower -- the traitor -- had told Braith that he'd seen Dylan's golem shell, wondering around the compound, unseeing and unhearing. If Braith could get into the stockade, he could release Dylan from his torment. If he took a knife with him, he could kill the thing that had been Dylan, freeing him from his torment -- although that wouldn't free him from Nysrough. Dylan's soul -- whatever Braith did --belonged to Nysrogh. Still it would be better for him to be dead than to be a golem shell. Braith would kill Dylan -- then kill himself. He would want Dylan to do the same for him. First, he had to get into the compound. Finally, he had an opportunity. With so many golem shells, all available slaves were needed to feed them. Braith was one of over a hundred slaves sent to feed and water them -- over two thousand of them. Would Braith be able to find Dylan among so many? He took a knife, hiding it in a loaf of bread. He had wandered about the compound for over a half hour before he saw him. Dylan had been cut -- so long ago that he had healed. The cock Braith had loved, was gone. So were Dylan's balls. His crotch was as empty as Braith's but it was horribly scarred. He looked like all the others, shuffling, taking small, mincing steps around the yard, looking, but not seeing. Braith circled behind him, pulling the knife from the loaf of bread. He would stab him from behind, knowing he wouldn't be able to do it, if he looked into his face -- into his unseeing eyes. He would kill Dylan, then cut his own throat. Dylan's golem would die at the same time. Dylan's hair had grown out since he'd been in the stockade. He had his man hair again, marred as it was by the scar where his cock and balls had been. Braith had seen that, but had been careful not to look into Dylan's eyes. He hadn't wanted to see the same blank stare that the others had. Dylan was covered with ordure, lice and fleas. All of the golem shells were. The stockade was covered with shit, since the shells shit wherever they were, then walked through it, scattering it about. It seemed that every inch of the ground was covered with it. Braith's feet were already were. Surely the Dylan he'd known would rather be dead than to live like this -- if it could be called living. Braith crept up behind him, even though he knew the shell couldn't hear. Dylan was thinner -- dirty -- but otherwise still looked like Dylan from the back, the same broad shoulders, the same protruding ass. Stabbing him would be the hardest thing he'd ever done, harder than killing himself afterward -- but it had to be done. Close behind Dylan -- so close he could hear him breathe -- Braith raised the knife -- pictured where Dylan's heart must lie. He took a deep breath. In a moment, it would be over. _Forgive me, Dylan._ * * *
Sander's Story - Part 12
Sander's Story - Part 12 by curious_guy (with Timothy's permission). I couldn't have written this if Timothy had not started the story with some great characters and situations. I have gotten some help from StefanIsMe and yashmakkk with the story. Thank you Stefan and yashmakkk. Part twelve starts up where part eleven ends. If you have not read the previous parts, you should.
` After my training was over, my first client was the guy I met on the beach after Chris and I went to the waterfall. He was the one who called the office and asked that I be nullified. ` I expected to have a bad time but I didn't. I thought he would throw me on the bed and start banging away at my butt-hole but he didn't. When he opened the door, he said, "Hello Sander I'm Jacob. You're a few minutes early. I like that." He had me sit on the sofa and gave me some pear wine and said, "You were very beautiful when I first saw you but now that you are a nullo you are even more beautiful and I like your new hairstyle too. I think you are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. I apologize for the way I acted when we first met. I was under a lot of stress and I acted like a jerk." I said, "That's ok. How did you know I like pear wine?" He said, "It's in your file in the computer." He paused for a few seconds and said, "I was there when you were nullified. You were very brave. You didn't cry or beg and I liked the way you got an erection. Would you like to watch the recording of your ceremony?" "NO," I said loudly. "Ok. Maybe in a few months you will want to see it," he said. After I finished my wine he said, "I want you to undress me. I wish you had clothes on so that I could undress you. I like undressing my sexual partners. It's like unwrapping a present." I said, "We are allowed to wear clothes in the client's rooms. The island has all sorts of clothes and costumes for the slaves to wear. Next time you can have me dress as a cowboy or a rock star or just about anything and then you could take the costume off." "I know that but I forgot because I was so eager to be with you," he replied. I took off his shoes, socks, pants, shirt and then his underpants. I saw that he had a big dick but it wasn't as big as my dad's or the man who humped Timmy on the beach. I knew I could take it 'cause Matti had trained me with some real big dildos. I started licking his dick so that it would be wet and slippery. After a few seconds he said, "Let's go to the bed now." He was surprisingly gentle with me. He lubed his dick and my butt hole, had me lie on my back with my legs over his shoulders and then he pushed his dick in slowly. While he was thrusting, he stroked my nullo place. I actually had an orgasm a few seconds before he did. After he finished, he asked me if I had an orgasm. He seemed pleased when I said that I did. He said, "Let's take a quick shower and then we can get on the computer and make another appointment and pick out your costume for the appointment." When we were in the shower, he washed my back and ran the soap between my legs and up over my nullo place the way Matti did with me and Chris and I did with each other. He let me pick the costume and I picked an "Interstellar Stowaway" costume based on the pictures in the books and not the ones they used in the movies. After he ordered the costume, he pressed a button on my collar and said, "Appointment duration?" The computer voice said, "43 minutes remaining." He said, "Let's go down to the bar. I want to introduce you to some of my friends." In the bar he led me to a table with three men all about his age. He said, "This is Sander, the most beautiful boy in the solar system and he's really good in bed too. I got Sander's very first appointment. I already made another appointment with him. If you guys want an appointment with him, you better make one fast because he is already booked up for the next several days. I guess other clients saw him while he was still in training or saw his picture on the island's computer system." I felt myself blushing but I tried to ignore it. I was afraid that one of them would mention it but none of them did. Jacob said, "These guys and I own a business together." He pointed to one guy and continued, "This is Daniel." Daniel shook hands with me and said, "You really are extraordinarily beautiful. May I stroke your nullo place?" I said, "That's up to Jacob, he owns me for a while yet." Jacob said, "It's fine with me." Daniel stroked my nullo place for about a minute and then Jacob introduced me to Aaron who also shook hands and stroked my nullo place. Then Jacob said, "And last, but not least this is Isaac." Isaac shook my hand and stroked me. He said, "He isn't beautiful." For a second I thought he would say I was homely but then he said, "He's absolutely gorgeous." Jacob said, "If it's all right with you, I would like to make a special eight- hour appointment with you so that all of us can enjoy you. It won't be too hard on you because we all use lube and we take it slow. What do you say?" I liked these guys and I knew that I'd get a big bonus for agreeing to the appointment so I said, "I'd like that." Jacob said, "Ok. I'll do it. Would you like another glass of pear wine?" I said, "No, but I'd like a root beer float." Jacob said, "Root beer float it is." He took out his phone, ordered me one and then set up the eight-hour appointment. When the computer voice came from my collar and asked me if I agreed to the eight-hour appointment with Jacob, I said, "Yes I do." Then after the computer hung up, I said to the guys, "I'm glad I get to decide if I will go on an all day appointment. I would hate to spend that much time with someone I don't like." Jacob said, "I'm glad you like us enough to agree to an eight-hour appointment with us. I'm also glad that you don't have to have ones with clients you don't like." We sat around talking and drinking our drinks until my collar said, "Appointment over." When I got back to our room Chris was there and I said, "You'll never guess which client I just had a real good time with." He guessed several clients and then said, "I give up. Who was it?" I said, "It was the guy we met on the beach after we went to the waterfall. He was the one who called the office and asked that I be nullified. His name is Jacob and he was real nice." "No way," Chris said. "Yes way," I said. Then I continued, "He was so nice I agreed to an eight-hour appointment with him and three of his friends." Chris said, "I can't believe he was nice. Did he give you a tip?" I said, "He said that he was under a lot of stress the first time we met and he acted like a jerk. He didn't say anything about a tip." Chris said, "He sure did act like a jerk on the beach that day. I'm glad you had a good time with him. "Clients usually don't tell you if they are going to leave you a tip but you can check with the computer. Do you want me to show you how?" I said, "That'd be great." When Chris pulled up my tip page, he said, "Wow. A fifty credit tip on your first appointment. If this keeps up, you are going to be able to buy lots of stuff at the island store." My next client did me "doggy style". When he finished, he asked, "Did you cum?" I had been told not to lie to clients so I said, "Sorry. No." He looked real disappointed and he said, "Don't be sorry. It's my fault you didn't cum. I should have had you lie on your back with your legs over my shoulders. The computer says that's your favorite position. "Lie down on your back. I'll massage your prostate with my finger while I lick your nullo place. That should give you an orgasm." I said, "You hafta have real short fingernails or wear a rubber glove to stick your fingers up my butt cause I could get hurt." He held up his right index finger which did have a real short nail and said, "I always keep this one trimmed really short for just that reason." He was right. I did have an orgasm from him wiggling his finger in my butt hole and licking my nullo place. I wasn't so lucky with my next client. When he opened his door, he was already naked. He had a huge boner. It was as big as the biggest dildo Matti had trained me with, maybe a little bigger. He said, "Get on the bed on your belly." I said, "I gotta lick your dick first." He said, "Ok. Just hurry. I'm really horny." I licked his dick for a while and then I got on the bed. He stabbed his huge dick into my butt hole. No one had ever stuck his dick in nearly so fast. It hurt real bad. I screamed and then he pulled out. He said, "Oh god. I hurt you. You're bleeding. I didn't mean to hurt you." He grabbed the phone by the bed and said, "I need help here. I hurt my slave. He's bleeding. Please hurry!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw a painting fall down and a small robot came shooting out. I heard a voice say, "Are you in pain?" I said, "Hell yes!" The voice said, "The robot will give you an injection. Don't be frightened." The robot landed on the right side of my butt and I felt a needle go in. The pain in my butt hole decreased rapidly. About a minute later an adult I didn't know came in. The client said, "I hurt him when I fucked him. I didn't mean to do it. It's my first time. I must have done it wrong. Please help him." Then he started crying. The adult I didn't know said, "Lie down on your back until the stretcher gets here." Then he put some pillows under my knees. I said, "Why the pillows and who are you?" He said, "They will help if you go into shock. I'm trainer Peterson, Sander. I was the closest so the computer called me when you needed help." I started to feel real sleepy and then a stretcher came in and trainer Peterson picked me up and put me on the stretcher. I must have fallen asleep 'cause the next thing I remember was waking up in the infirmary. Dr. James and Ben were there. Dr. James said, "You had a small rectal tear. I repaired it with some tissue glue but you won't be able to service any clients for several days." I looked at Ben and said, "I'm sorry." Ben said, "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. You did everything exactly right. The client had a very large penis, he didn't use lube and he stuck his penis in you very quickly. It was his first time, he didn't know about proper lubrication and he didn't know that he should take it slow. He is very sorry about what happened. He sent you flowers and gave you a big tip. He will be coming to apologize in person later when you are feeling better. "One good thing has come from this. Because of what happened to you, I managed to do something I have wanted to do for a long time. I got the rules changed so that from now on all clients will have to use proper lubrication when they have anal intercourse with slaves. All clients will also have to watch a video that shows and tells them how to avoid injuring the slaves." I said, "What about when we are on the beach or other places outside? There are no nightstands with lube in them there." Ben said, "Clients will be issued small tubes of lube and slaves will have small tubes attached to their collars whenever they go on an appointment." It was four days before I was able to start seeing clients again. My first appointment after the incident was with Jacob again. As soon as the door closed after I came in he hugged me, kissed me and said, "Are you all right, I heard about what happened?" I said, "I'm fine now. Dr. James says I'm all healed and I can service clients again." Jacob said, "I'm glad you are ok. I was so angry at the man who did that to you, I wanted to kill him until I learned that he was a new client and he didn't know it would hurt you." He hugged and kissed me again and then said, "Your costume is in the bathroom. Why don't you go and put it on?" When I put on the underpants, they felt and looked kinda funny. Then I realized that it was 'cause the little pouch in the front that used to have my boy parts in it was empty. It made me a little sad. Then I cheered up after I had the whole costume on and I saw how good it looked on me. Ever since I had read the first "Interstellar Stowaway" book I fantasized about being Ralph Meyers the Interstellar Stowaway and now I was dressed just like him and with the pants on I didn't look like a nullo. After we undressed each other I said, "I really liked putting the costume on and having you take it off but I am glad I didn't have to wear it very long. It was hot and confining and I didn't like the way it rubbed on my skin after more than four weeks of being naked." Jacob said, "You don't have to worry. I will never make you sit around in a costume for a long time because you are so very beautiful when you are naked and I can see your nullo place." Jacob refused to mount me even though I asked him to. He said, "Next time." He had me lie on my back while he got on his hands and knees over me in the opposite direction and he licked my nullo place while I sucked on his dick. We both had orgasms but I would have liked it more if he had mounted me the way he did the first time. The next day I had an appointment with Daniel, one of Jacob's partners. When I came in, he said, "I like to do it outside. Do you mind?" I said, "I had sex with my trainer in a pool in the reef and I really liked it." He said, "Let's go to the same pool then. I was going to offer you some wine but since we are going in the water it isn't safe. He put on his trunks and we went down to the desk where he turned in his room key. Then I led him to the pool." When we got there, the water was up almost to my neck. I said, "The water is deeper than it was when my trainer and I were here. The tide must be in further." Then I pressed a button on my collar and said, "Is the tide coming in or out?" After several seconds the computer said, "The tide is going out. Low tide will be in ten hours and seven minutes." I said, "I was afraid that the tide might be coming in and that the water would get too deep but since it's going out, we can do this." Daniel said, "I have never heard the computer take that long to answer a question. It must not be asked about tides very often." I liked the sex in the pool with Daniel but not as much as I did with Matti. I knew it wasn't 'cause I didn't have a dick anymore 'cause Matti and I had sex here again after I was snipped and that time was better than with Daniel. I guess Chris was right when he said, "Sex with someone you love is lots better than sex with a client." When Daniel and I finished having sex, he kissed me on the back of my neck just like Matti did and said, "You were wonderful. I'm falling in love with you." A few days later, I had the eight-hour appointment with Jacob and his partners. When I first came in Jacob said, "We want you to have as much pleasure as we do, so anytime one of us is not stroking or licking your nullo place, you can stroke it." He gave me a glass of wine and when I finished it he said, "Go in the bathroom and put on the first costume in the stack." The first costume box said on it, "Scottish schoolboy." It was a blue kilt with real high socks, black lace-up shoes, a white dress shirt, a clip-on tie, and a small purse on the belt. I had to read the instructions to figure out how to put everything on. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw that all four men were wearing kilts too. I said, "It bothered me a little that the kilt looks like a skirt but now that I see that you guys are wearing them too, it doesn't bother me anymore." Jacob said, "Many boys wear kilts." He went to the room's computer and showed me a bunch of pictures of boys in kilts. We pretended that I was a student at a private Scottish school and they were instructors who would only give me an A if I let them mount me. The Scottish costume didn't come with underpants and all the guys mounted me with our costumes still on by lifting the kilts up. It was strange to have sex while dressed but I liked it. I wore several other costumes that they took off before they mounted me. I lost track of how many times I was mounted and how many times I had an orgasm but I had one almost every time I was mounted. I had a real good time but I got real tired and I must have fallen asleep before the time was up 'cause I woke up in our room. Matti said that Jacob had carried me back to the room after about seven hours. I sent Jacob an email saying, "Sorry for falling asleep before your time was up. I owe you an hour." He wrote back saying, "You don't owe us anything. We got much more than our money's worth. You were GREAT! We all had a wonderful time. We especially enjoyed the kilt. We have already decided that we want another eight-hour appointment in about three weeks. Will you agree to one?" I replied to his email saying, "I had a real good time too. Of course I agree to another all-day appointment with you guys. Be sure to order another ‘Scottish schoolboy' costume and an ‘Interstellar Stowaway' costume but make it the costume from the movies and not the one from the books this time." My next client was Andrew, the guy who hurt me by sticking his HUGE dick in me so fast. When I saw who it was I was scared and I wanted to run away but I knew I would get into trouble if I did, so I didn't. He said, "I know you are scared Sander, but I won't hurt you this time. I watched the video several times and I did some research." He gave me some wine to drink this time. It wasn't pear wine and it was a bigger glass than clients usually gave me but I drank it all 'cause I knew it would relax me. When I got on the bed on my belly like he wanted, I was scared but I hoped that the wine and the lube that he would have to use would be enough to let me take his dick without being hurt. While I did my relaxation breathing, he opened the nightstand drawer, took out a tube of lube and a medium sized dildo. It was a little bigger than Matti's dick. He lubed my butt hole and the dildo and then he put the dildo in me real slow. It must have taken him a minute to get it all the way in. He left it in for about a minute then he pulled it out and slowly put in a large dildo (it wasn't as big as his HUGE dick). Finally he put the end of his dick against my "boy pussy" and pushed it in even slower than he pushed the dildos in. After he pulled out, he asked me if I had an orgasm. When I said, "Sorry. No." He asked how he could give me one. I said, "If you can get it up again, you can mount me again with my legs over your shoulders while you stroke my nullo place. It's my favorite position. You don't hafta go so slow this time. My butt hole is all stretched out and relaxed now." He said, "I can do that." I looked and he was hard again. He mounted me and I did have an orgasm this time. This time when he pulled out I said, "That was much better. I had an orgasm this time." He said, "It was better for me too because I wasn't so worried about hurting you. I wish I had known what your favorite position was before we started." I said, "My favorite position and my favorite wine are in my file on the computer. I think all the slaves have files with stuff like that in them." He said, "That's good to know. The wine I gave you wasn't your favorite was it?" I said, "No, but it was good." The next morning I had a terrible experience. I slept very well but when I woke up something stank. Then I realized that I had pooped in my sleep. It was kinda loose and it was all over my butt and some of it was on Matti. I was real upset. I wanted to die. I wanted the bed to open up and swallow me. I wanted to flush myself down the toilet. I moaned and said, "No. This can't be happening." Matti and Chris woke up and Chris said sleepily, "What stinks?" Matti looked around and said, "Sander had a little accident." I pulled my knees up to my chest with my arms, put my head down and mumbled, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll sleep on the floor from now on." Chris said, "Did your client last night have a big dick?" I said, "It was HUGE but what does that have to do with the terrible thing I did?" Chris said, "Just how big was it and how many times did he fuck you?" I was puzzled but I answered, "It was about the size of Matti's biggest training dildo or maybe a little bigger and he mounted me twice." Chris said, "This happens sometimes after slaves have had big dicks up their butts. The bigger the dick and the more times they fuck you, the more likely it is. With a dick that big fucking you twice it's no wonder it happened. It's no big deal." I said, "But I made a terrible mess and it got on Matti." Matti said, "Chris is right. It's no big deal. It must have happened to me a dozen times when I was a slave. I don't care that it got on me. I was going to shower anyway. I'll call and have a robot change the sheets and we can go shower together. Later I will teach you some exercises you can do after you have a client with a big dick. They will help tighten up your butt hole so that it won't happen too often." Chris said, "It's happened to me four times so far. I think it happens to all of us. Don't worry about it." When we got out of the shower, the robot had already changed the bed and it must have sprayed some air freshener around 'cause the room smelled like roses. I started to feel a little better. That night when Chris went to bed, I laid down on the floor to sleep and Chris said, "Sander, what are you doing?" I said, "I'm sleeping on the floor because of what happened last night." Chris said, "Don't be a silly goose. You can't sleep on the floor. Get in the bed." Matti swiveled his desk chair around and said, "Chris is right. You can't sleep on the floor." I said, "But what if IT happens again?" Matti said, "I'm sure it won't, but if it does, I'll spend 30 seconds calling to have a robot change the sheets and if some gets on me an extra minute in the shower. It'd be no big deal." I lay on my belly at the very edge on the bed as far away from Chris as I could get. I expected him to move away from me to the other edge of the bed but he didn't. He moved right up against me and put his arm around my shoulders. He kissed my cheek and said, "Don't worry Sander. I'll still love you even if you poop in the bed every night but I know you won't." Matti said, "I feel the same way." I felt a lot better. Then Chris said, "Let's move toward the middle of the bed so that we don't fall off." We did and I soon fell asleep in Chris' arms. When I woke up, I was in the middle with Matti and Chris cuddling against me. I was real relieved to find that I had not pooped in my sleep again. My client after Andrew seemed nice. When I came in, he said, "Hello Sander. My name is Sam. I think we are both going to have a good time. Is pear wine still your favorite wine?" I said, "Yes, it is." Sam said, "I got you some and a small wine Margarita. I thought you might want to try it." I tried the other drink and said, "It tastes good but it's a little strong. I think I'll just drink the pear wine." He said, "That's fine with me." After I finished my wine he said, "Please lie down on your belly." I did and instead of mounting me he massaged my back and then my front. Then he said, "Is with your legs over your partner's shoulders still your favorite position?" I was glad he was going to start mounting me 'cause the massage had gotten me turned on. I said, "Yes it is." He stroked my nullo place while he mounted me and I had a good orgasm. When he finished, he said, "Thank you Sander. You were great. Did you have an orgasm?" I said, "Thank you. I had a good orgasm." He said, "I'm glad. I like it when my slaves have orgasms. Let's just cuddle here until the appointment is over." I said, "That sounds good to me." I liked cuddling with him. When my collar said, "Appointment over." I got up to leave and he said something that really upset me. He said, "It would really turn me on if you were missing an arm. I am going to ask your owner to have one of your arms cut off at the shoulder." I was so shocked that I didn't say anything for several seconds. I just thought about how hard it would be to have people stare at me and pity me even when I had clothes on. At least no one can see that I am nullified when I am dressed. I thought about not being able to do archery anymore and how difficult it would be to play baseball and basketball. I thought about how hard it would be to do ordinary things like put on clothes or costumes or cut my food. I thought, "How would I wash my remaining hand and arm if one arm were cut off?" Then I said, "NO! You can't mean that." He said, "Why not? You are just a slave. You are here to please the clients and it would please me if one of your arms were cut off. Besides, I hear that you and your father were paid two million credits and a college scholarship for a one year contract. That's worth more than one arm." I couldn't stand it any longer and I ran crying back to our room and into Matti's arms. Matti said, "What's wrong Sander, you look awfully upset?" I said, "A client said that he would ask Ben to cut off one of my arms. Ben wouldn't do that to me would he? It's bad enough that he cut off my dick and balls. He wouldn't cut off my arms too, would he?" Matti kissed me, hugged me, massaged my back a little and said, "Of course not. Ben would never do anything like that. It's not even legal to cut off slaves' arms, legs or even fingers and toes here on the island. I don't think it's legal anywhere." I said, "Are you sure it isn't legal here?" Matti said, "Yes. I am sure. I have been studying the island's legal system so that I can qualify as a slave owner and it's definitely not legal. That isn't going to change soon because there was a vote a few years ago to allow owners to cut off slaves' toes and the vote was 72 percent against and that was back when Ben had fewer votes. I'll look in my legal books and find the part about it later and show it to you." I said, "Ben has more votes now?" "Yes. All the slave owners, business owners and adult employees get votes proportional to the amount of taxes they pay. Each slave owner pays 10 percent tax on each slave rental fee. Since Ben is now more successful than he was when the vote was taken, he gets more votes than he did then," Matti replied. Then he said, "That client really upset you. I am going to call Ben and ask him to tell the client not to say things like that. I want you to drink some wine and take a bath, because it will relax you. While you bathe, I will call Ben." After I finished my bath, which did relax me, Matti said, "Ben let me listen when he talked to the client. He really told him off. Ben said that if the client ever upset one of his slaves like that again he would be banned from the island for life." Then Matti showed me the law that said that owners were not allowed to cut off anything but dicks and balls. Boy was I relieved. When I told Chris about it he said, "That is just like a man to want a boy's arm cut off just to satisfy his disgusting sexual urges. If he got his way, he wouldn't be satisfied with one arm. In a few months he would want your other arm cut off. Hell, he would probably want arms cut off dozens of us. What an asshole. He should be nullified and have an arm or both arms cut off. I bet he wouldn't like having his arms cut off. Aren't you glad you'll never be a man and be like him?" I said, "Even if I was a man I would never want to cut anything off a boy, not his arms, not his legs, not his fingers, not his toes, not his dick and not his balls." Chris said, "You never know what would have happened if you weren't nullified and your dick had gotten big and you needed sex all the time." I didn't think I would want to cut off boys' parts even if I was a man but I didn't argue with Chris. That night I dreamed that I was back at my old school. All the students stared and pointed at me because I was naked, a nullo and I had no arms. I woke up screaming. Matti and Chris had to hold me for a long time before I could go back to sleep. Within a few days I was booked up all the time for the next two weeks with repeat appointments with most of my clients, just like Chris. My appointment fee was raised and I got my second bonus. Every week or so my fee was raised again and soon Ben told me that I was his highest fee slave but that I shouldn't tell anyone especially Chris. (To be continued.) If you liked this part of the story, please send me a private message. If there was something you did not like please send me a private message and tell me what it was and how you think I should have done it differently. Comments such as, "I did not like it." do not help me improve my writing. * * *
My Ultimate Fantasy
GAY, WARNING, TESTICLES, Sissification, brainwash, torture
Mark is a 21 year old, masc. guy in college, looking to meet some older gay guys in the Oklahoma area. He meets a couple online, and they discuss what they are looking for. Mark is turned on by the thoughts that are going through his head about being someone's slave for a night. He does not know what he is in for...
Mark is a Junior in college, in Oklahoma, looking to meet some older gay guys. He is a masc. guy, who is not gay but is interested in being gay. He recently has been talking to this couple online how are interested in making him a sex slave and much more. He becomes extremely interested at the thought of someone controlling his body, but he thinks this is only a temporary thing. Mark and this couple make a date to meet at their house so they can talk and get to know each other. On Friday night, after Mark finished his classes, he took a shower and got prepared to meet his new friend's. So he arrived at their house 7 sharp as they requested and knocked, knocked on their door. No one answered, so Mark knocked again. He heard a voice yell, "get on your knees" from inside the house. Mark chuckled and decided to play along, so as he got on his knees the door opened. One of the men firmly greeted him and told him that if he was to come in there would be know return back to his old, college student, indepent life. Mark replied hesitently, "I understand and let's do this." The man moved out of the way and Mark entered the large, two-story house. He was led to the couch and sat down as the man and him started to converse. Mark started off by asking the man what his name was and the man replied, "My name is Richard but you will call me Sir" he said firmly. Mark all of a sudden became frightened at the stern look the man was giving him. The man calmed Mark down and suggested getting ready. Mark said, "Sure I guess, do you want me to strip." The man replied "Nah man, not yet at least, just stick out your hands and make a fist." So Mark did and the man put fist mits on Mark's hands, making it impossible for Mark to be able to take hold of anything. All of a sudden the man's partner walks up behind Mark, with some headphones and this big round leather thing. The partner put the headphones on Mark, but there was no music, then all of a sudden he slipped the round leather thing over Mark's head. This thing is a sensory deprivation mask. Mark is now freaking out and trying to but unable to speak. The couple lead him to a room in the house with a padded table. They put him on the table as he is stuggling, and firmly secure is wrists and ankles to the table. Then, the headphones are turned on and Mark hears the couple speaking to him, telling him that he is now their slave, he is nothing but a mindless, nameless sex-slave that can only follow their orders, he will eat only when they tell him to eat, he will go piss and shit only when they say he can, he will clean the house daily, he will always willingly service them sexually however they want him to, if he does not do what they do or even hessitates there will be punishment, he will only be allowed to have a erection when the deem it necissary, and he is an it and will referr to the two men as Master/s. As Marks hears the last statement, the couple begin flogging him and slapping his body, so he can experience some of the punishment. As chasity belt is placed on Mark's penis and balls. The headphones keep replaying the same orders and information. Although Mark is only put through the punishment pain every 6 hours. Mark looses all sense of time and slowly becomes brainwashed into his new life. A day goes by, Mark has pooped and pissed on itself, but without permission. its Masters take the hood off his head some that it can drink some water and eat some crackers, but before they let it eat and drink they punish it for pooping and pissing without permission. Once it had some water and crackers they placed the hood back over its head and it willingly allowed them to put the hood on it. After repeating this process for three days they allowed it to become their offical slave. its first job was to suck its Masters off and swallow. The Masters were actually great Masters and let it have some exercise time, where it did not have to service the Masters for an Masters is a former dancuer (male ballerina). it was dressed in a dance belt, leotard, tight short-shorts, and ballet shoes. One thing that was hard for it, formerly Mark, to get used to was having to be its Masters urinal's. It was hard for it to get used to because of its' tastebuds were not used to drinking piss. its' butt was plugged during the day, the Masters only allowed it to poop once a day, and it had to be at night. the casity belt was only removed for ballet lessons. The Masters decided to never allow it to have any sexual desire again, so they removed his scrotum. They would occasionaly inject it with hormons to sissifiy it. it became the best looking slave ever, and was recognized as one of the best slaves ever as its' Masters would sometimes lend it out to their friends. * * *
The Perils of Vela
The 10,000 year old city of Vela has never changed in the slightest over that long period. Its beauty and integrity have been maintained, however, by terrible spells and frightful forces. An invisible being controls its populationby castrating overly prolific fathers, adulterers, begetters of bastards, and rapists.Defilers of the city are burnt to ashes on the spot. These are the perils of Vela.
All characters, places, and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, places, or events is entirely coincidental. The city of Vela is very beautiful, gleaming brilliantly white against a background of dark verdure on the hills behind it. The buildings are immaculately white and the streets are spotlessly clean, a very pale grey in colour. The city is very ancient. The inhabitants claim that it is 10,000 years old. Yet no building, no structure of any kind in the city shows any evidence of age. It could have been built yesterday, yet it has stood since time immemorial. And, it has stood unchanged. No building has ever been razed and no new building has been constructed in thousands of years. This having been said, it is necessary to add that Vela has a very sinister reputation. Although Vela exports elsewhere unknown perfumes, priceless jewelry, and textiles of unparalleled fineness, most merchants shun it. The waterfront with its piers, warehouses, cranes and drays lies outside the city wall which is 40 cubits high and has but one gate, heavily guarded and facing the harbour. Some captains refuse to allow their men to pass that gate. That spotless cleanliness is achieved by terrible means. The city of Vela is girt about with fearsome spells to assure its safety, changelessness, and absolute cleanliness. Those captains who do allow their men to enter the city warn them NEVER to spit onto the street, blow their noses onto the street, piss in alleys or onto walls or in any way deface or defile anything in the city. Punishment will be swift, sure, and horrible. Tales are told of a sailor who ran screaming out of the gate, incoherent and utterly mad, who never regained his right mind. There was an eye-witness account of a sailor who claimed that it was all shit and swore that he'd spit on the street and return. His friends gathered outside the gate to watch him stride down the middle of the street, turn to face the gate, hawk, and spit a gob of mucus into the middle of the spotless pavement. Instantly, he was enveloped in blinding white-hot fire [known to the natives as "venge-fire"] which consumed his body to fine dust. Lest even that defile the street, a dust-devil arose on the spot, raising the sailor's ashes high into the air where an offshore wind dispersed them over the harbour. His shipmates ran screaming back to the ship where they cowered trembling and whimpering for several days. Why then, would anyone want to go ashore in such a horrible place ? Because, for anyone willing to abide by the rules, laws, and customs, Vela offered everything a tired, bored, thirsty, lustful sailor could possibly ask. The wine shops sold exquisitely delicious, fragrant, powerfully intoxicating wines like nothing the sailors had ever tasted before. The brothels were prepared to gratify any taste, however perverse, that any man might desire to satisfy. They offered women of rare and exotic beauty, boys with the bodies of gods, men of inexhaustible virility, eunuchs who would submit to anything, dominatrices, torturers, ANYTHING one could ask. Drugs were to be had which could bring about unimaginably beautiful and unforgettable dreams, or could endow a man with more than human sexual prowess, or make him, in his own mind, King of the World. There were strange and wonderful things to be bought there, erotic paintings and sculptures, aphrodisiacs, perfumes so strangely fragrant that they might have come from another world, lacquer work, leather, embroidered and brocaded fabrics, and jewelry of unearthly splendour. The merchants, winesellers, and procurers of Vela accepted the money of all nations. If it were in the form of precious metal coinage, it would be accorded the same value as Velan currency of the same weight. For those who scrupulously followed the rules, then, Vela could be a wondrous place to visit. The natives, of course, having lived with these restrictions and constraints since infancy, had no fear of them. Proper behaviour was second nature to them. There was, however, one place in Vela which even they shunned: the Secret City. This was a circular area of about 10 square nautical miles in the centre of the city and separated from it by a dazzlingly white porcelain wall. In this wall there was but one gate, guarded by giants about six cubits tall. None were ever seen to pass this gate. Speculation was rampant about the dwellers in the Secret City, but no man ever saw them. Although Vela was supposedly ruled by a council of nine Archons, many suspected that the real power lay behind the porcelain wall, and that the spells which had preserved the city unchanged for so many millennia originated there. However, if the men of Vela dreaded the mysterious beings in the Secret City, what they feared far more was the Night-gelder. The population of Vela had always averaged 100,000 +or- 3 . It was maintained within these narrow limits by draconian ancient laws, but, even more, much more, by the Night-gelder. No one knows who or what the Night-gelder is. Every married couple knows that they are to have no more than two children, enough to replace themselves. Husbands seek to avoid a third pregnancy by withdrawal, but accidents happen and, when they do, the husband receives a visit from the Night-gelder. For example, Mantris and Farilla had two offspring, a boy and a girl. One night, ejaculation came upon Mantris before he expected it. Farilla douched herself, and on the next morning, Mantris went to the temple of Ning, the fertility god, and prayed that she not conceive. Apparently, Ning disapproved of such prayers which sought to thwart his purpose. Farilla missed her next menstrual period and Mantris trembled with fear of the vengeance of the Night Gelder. He purchased bolts for the doors and window- shutters and another bolt for the bedroom door. The morning after he had taken these precautions, Mantris awoke and was surprised to see that he lacked the morning erection with which he had awakened daily since he was twelve years old. Disturbed, he reached under the covers to feel his private parts and screamed. This woke Farilla and, when he had cast aside the covers, she screamed also when she beheld that his scrotum was flat and empty. Carefully he felt his scrotum and groins. There were no severed cords to be found, no evidence, indeed, there had ever been testicles. The effects of his mysterious castration manifested themselves with unnatural swiftness. He was already completely impotent when he awoke. That morning, he shaved for the last time in his life. Four days later, the rest of his body, except for his head, was hairless and he had breasts as large as Farilla's. And, then there was Zuthor, a young man about town who confined his frequent amorous exploits to married women. He assumed that, if he gave a married woman her third child, her husband would be blamed, and the Night-gelder would visit him. If 'twere but her second, her husband would be cheated of his second chance to impregnate her, but the child would not be a bastard inasmuch as all children born to a married woman were legitimate. This was true legally, but laws were of no concern to the Night-gelder. After a night of drinking, gambling, and swiving, Zuthor walked home in the darkness. The streets of Vela are not lighted and those who need to be abroad after dark usually carry lanterns, or employ the services of guides who carry large lanterns with from 3 to 5 candles. (At one time, this service had been performed by link-boys carrying pine torches, but after a few had been consumed by the Venge-fire for allowing drops of burning pine-pitch to fall onto the street, the boys sought other forms of employment.) The night was lit by the half-moon and bright enough for Zuthor to find his way easily. Fearing no harm, he took a short-cut through a dark alley. Near the middle of the alley, he felt faint and, suddenly, a deep sleep fell upon him. When he awoke, he wondered if he had drunk too much, though it did not seem to him that he had. Arrived at his home, he stripped down for bed while standing before a full- length silver mirror, a very expensive luxury which gratified his vanity. Suddenly, Zuthor gasped and moved closer to the mirror. He lifted his virile member and gave a cry of dismay, for, behind it, he beheld only a crumpled empty scrotum. He realized that, during his syncope in the alley, he had been visited by the Night-gelder ! The Night-gelder had more than one string to its bow, however. Though most of its castrations were painless, even unnoticeable to the victims, the fate of the forcible rapist was very different. No sooner was penetration achieved than the testicles of the rapist bursted with great violence, causing him unimaginable excruciating agony. Impotence, loss of over half of his muscular strength, and feminisation of the body occurred instantly. The shock of this injury prostrated the rapist for days. His victim, on the other hand, was surprised and gratified to find that, if a virgin, she remained a virgin despite the attack. Therefore, sea captains made sure that their men knew the Velan word for NO ! which was "OT!" Of course, not all captains knew this. Especially, pirates who had never visited Vela before and saw in it a bird of rare plumage, ripe for the plucking, received a rude awakening. Bronzebeard, the pirate had heard vague rumours about Vela, describing it as mysterious, dangerous, and VERY rich. Mystery just lent spice to adventure and danger was his meat and drink. Thus it was that Bronzebeard's ship, the Messenger of Death, sailed boldly into the harbour of Vela one summer day and , unopposed, tied up at the pier. By chance, there were no merchant vessels there on that day. The waterfront was almost deserted inasmuch as Vela had never had a navy. The archons depended, perhaps too heavily, on the fearsome and powerful spells which defended the city. Before going ashore, Captain Bronzebeard examined the city carefully from the steersman's position. His attention was immediately captured by the white porcelain wall within the city. Surely, this marked the outer boundary of the Acropolis and it was logical to assume that the treasury would be within its precinct. Both the outer and inner city walls appeared to be poorly guarded. Bronzebeard gathered together 18 of his fiercest boldest fighting men for a lightning raid upon the acropolis. The gate in the porcelain wall faced that in the city wall. They could charge up the broad avenue from the waterfront into the city before anyone could stop them. The plant was put into action immediately. The guards at the city gate made no effort to interfere, nor did the giants who guarded the gate in the porcelain wall. They stepped back and made no effort to impede the pirates' impetuous charge. Bronzebeard attributed this to wise yielding to force majeur. 9:1 odds were not very favourable. No sooner had the pirates all passed the gate when 13 of them were engulfed in dark swirling clouds from which were heard horrible screams followed by ominous silence. The clouds retreated into the secret city leaving 13 withered dessicated mummies in pirate clothing on the pavement, scarcely to be recognised as the men who had charged into the secret city minutes before. Frozen on the faces of the mummies were expressions of unspeakable horror, upon beholding which, Bronzebeard and the other 5 survivors fled through the gate even faster than they had entered, screaming and nearly deranged by their experience. They neither stopped nor slackened their pace until they were safe again upon the deck of the Messenger of Death. Thus did Bronzebeard learn how Vela was really defended. So shaken were he and his companions that it was some time before they even noticed an old man in a hooded blue robe standing a pace from the foot of the gangplank. He called up to them, very courteously, "May I come aboard ?" "Yes." replied Bronzebeard, not trusting himself to say more yet. "I am Akraos, the senior archon of Vela." announced the old man. "You would have been better advised to seek information about the city before attacking it. None of us dares to pass the gate in the porcelain wall or to enter the secret city. From your reduced numbers and your expressions of horror, it is clear that you have learned why. I can and willingly shall tell you all that you wish to know about Vela. Though you are pirates, you are welcome to visit our wine shops and brothels, if you behave yourselves and pay for your pleasures. Do the city no harm and its terrible guardians will do you no further harm." Bronzebeard, looking over the shorter archon's head noted brilliant fires in the secret city. He pointed toward them and asked "What is that?" The archon looked over his shoulder and replied. " That is the Venge-fire, consuming the remains of your dead companions to prevent them from defiling the streets. It is lit by no man and spares none who defile any part of the city in any way, as by spitting on the street or pissing against a wall. Thus has the city been kept immaculately clean for 10,000 years. Soon whirlwinds will carry away the ashes of your men and drop them into the sea." "I believe that we shall forego the pleasures of your wine shops and brothels. This city is too perilous." "I can well understand that." replied Akraos "but, if I may, I should like to explain to you how our city became such a place of horrors. I believe that five of you returned from the secret city. Therefore, I know that there were originally eighteen of you. The secret city is ruled by thirteen vampires, not bloodsuckers, but beings who take a man's vitality and his life expectancy from him. This attack on your men means they they will not lure any of us into their lair for probably another half century. They are sated with stolen life. They do not belong there. They have taken over the secret city and made a prisoner under house arrest of Velaő, the Genius Loci. He it is by whose will this city was built by the men of old and he it is who created its protective spells. The Venge-fire and the Night-gelder (of whom you shall hear more later, if you are willing) are his creatures, but he has no control over them, because his will is thwarted by the vampires. Who then, are the vampires and whence do they come ? They were once mortal men who were so avid of immortality that they would sacrifice their humanity to get it. They learned to achieve it by stealing lives. They have even less power over the Venge-fire than does the Genius Loci. It is the one thing they fear, and it is loose and responsible only to itself. The population of Vela has always been between 99,997 and 100,003 . To maintain it within these limits, Velaő created the Night-gelder whose function it is to castrate men who beget more than two offspring, begetters of bastards, adulterers, and rapists. So secret, painlessly, and surreptitiously are all but the rapists castrated by night that they often are not aware until the next day that they are eunuchs. Not so the rapists. Before a rapist can complete the act, whenever or wherever it may be, his manly glands burst with such violence, pain, and shock that he is very likely to fall dead on the spot. If he should survive, of course, he will always wish that he had not. Sometimes, however, being responsible, like the Venge-fire, only to itself, and not controlled by the Genius Loci, the Night-gelder will castrate in their sleep men who merely intend to commit adultery or rape and mean to do nothing to prevent conception. Now you know what the perils of Vela are. Its pleasures are also very great, but undeniably, attended with risk." "I thank you, Akraos." responded Captain Bronzebeard. "I shall tell my men as much of what you have told me as they should know for their own protection, and leave it to their own judgement whether they wish to go ashore. We cannot depart until the onshore wind subsides, so we must stay here until tomorrow morning. As for myself, I had rather leave my lust unsatisfied than chance the loss of my manhood. " However, lust drives men to do things which they know better than to do. Bronzebeard and his men had been deprived for too long of sexual release for prudence or discretion to restrain them. All went ashore, even though aware of the danger, burning with no-longer-to- be-denied lust. First, though, they visited the wine shops where they partook of the heady powerful wines of Vela. As agreed, they paid for their refreshment which proved less expensive than they had anticipated. In the Tropics, a man can raise a fierce thirst and they slaked it generously. The wines of Vela are more than mildly aphrodisiacal, exactly what Bronzebeard and his men did not need. Throwing discretion to the winds, they accosted women and girls on the streets, exposing themselves (for they wore nothing under their tunics) and soliciting sex. Though they had been taught the meaning of the word "OT !", they ignored it. Shortly, the captain and his crew were all molesting women and girls, though none had yet achieved penetration, for strong drink enhances lust but reduces prowess, and they were having some difficulty in achieving sufficient rigidity. The Night-gelder's powers were not restricted to one man at a time, though it may never before have had to use them on twenty-one men simultaneously. However, it was equal to the task. Suddenly, the air was rent by the piercing screams of twenty-one men whose manly glands had bursted. The lust which they had been seeking to assuage was instantly and permanently quenched as they became eunuchs. Rendered helpless by their intolerable agony, they were easily and quickly disarmed and bound by the men of Vela and carried back aboard their ship. They would be in no condition to fight for many days and would have lost their taste for it by the time they had regained sufficient strength. An ancient trireme, the last of Vela's long-unused navy, was brought out into the harbour and rowed ahead of the Messenger of Death which was swiftly unmoored from the bollards on the pier. A line from the trireme was thrown over and made fast to the bowsprit of the Messenger of Death and the pirate ship was towed out of the harbour and the anchor dropped some distance outside the entrance to the harbour. For the next fortnight, food and medicines were brought out to the pirate ship until its crew were able to man it [or better , perhaps, to "eunuch" it, considering that none of the crew were men any longer.] Then, weak and dispirited, they made haste to leave the site of their ruin. Akraos called a meeting of the Council to discuss and deal with issues pertinent to the security and welfare of the city. "Archons, it cannot have escaped your notice that the infestation of the secret city by vampires has had dire effects upon the reputation and economy of Vela. Equally troublesome has been the lack of supervision of those well-intended creatures of the Genius Loci, the Venge-fire and the Night-Gelder, another consequence of the occupation of the secret city by selfish evil beings. Foreigners shun our city. They will trade with us on the waterfront outside the city, but dare not enter even the outer city. The craft shops, wine shops, and brothels are patronised almost entirely by our own people. Before mariners and traders fear even to trade with us on the waterfront, steps must be taken to protect visitors. I propose, therefore, that shops and brothels be set up on the waterfront for the convenience and safety of visitors. For centuries we have tried to conduct business as usual while the vampires drive away customers. ENOUGH ! For centuries, the duties of the Civic Guard have been purely ceremonial. I have work for them to do. Let them earn their salaries henceforth. Starting today, forty heavily armed Civic Guardsmen will guard the gate of the porcelain wall, standing before the giants . Their duty will be to prevent anyone from entering the secret city, including those ensorcelled and lured thither by the vampires..Only the Venge-fire, which they have no power to hinder, and the Night-Gelder, which they cannot see, may enter the secret city. If any of the vampires should seek to leave the secret city, the Guardsmen will withdraw lest they be destroyed. Another forty Guardsmen will be deployed before the gate of the outer wall which will be locked except as ordered by the Archons. Individuals with authorisation from the Archons will be permitted to enter through the postern gate. In short, no foreigners will be permitted to enter the city except by special authorisation of the Archons. This is for their protection. No mortals will be permitted to enter the secret city under any circumstances. Lastly, let me address a few remarks to the spies of the vampires who are doubtless within earshot. YOU are not immortal. You cannot feed on the life of others. You are both expendable and contemptible. You will no longer be able to report to your masters and, if you are caught trying to slip into the secret city, you will be burned before its gate." Haste was made to put into effect the intentions of the senior Archon. Before nightfall, the two gates of the city were guarded by eighty very disgruntled Civic Guardsmen who had theretofore had a sinecure. Construction of buildings, some temporary, some more nearly permenent was begun outside the outer wall of the city to house shops, inns, wine-shops, and brothels. Meanwhile, the usual waterfront activities were taking place, loading and unloading cargoes to and from merchant vessels and into warehouses. Some of the imported wares were subdivided into smaller, more manageable packages wrapped in burlap. The wind caught a sheet of burlap carrying it over the city wall and depositing it on the broad avenue connecting the two gates of the city. Seeing this, Akraos hastened to be nearby. When the Venge-fire appeared to consume the litter, he spoke to the Venge-fire as the burlap was burnt to fine ash. "A word with you Venge-fire. As the senior Archon, I am the vicar in this city of your creator and master, Velaő, the Genius Loci. You have been denied access to and guidance from the Genius Loci for centuries by the evil vampires who have imprisoned your creator in his own dwelling. You have done well in carrying out his will as it was made clear to you when last he could address you. But for the stolen lives of others, the vampires would be mortal. Within their veils of shadow there are human bodies. They are not indestructible . All of the evil in this beautiful city proceeds from them. I have every reason to believe that you have the power to destroy them. Do you have any certain knowledge to the contrary ?" Akraos himself had no idea whether or how the Venge-fire could answer his question. To his surprise, a deep voice emerged from the amorphous mass of fire. "They have said that they have the power to destroy me and I have never questioned it until now. I have not known what they were, but, if they have the bodies of men, it ought to be possible to consume them. Nevertheless, not knowing what powers they may have which they could bring to bear upon me, I fear them." "Do you think that you could destroy one of them if he could be lured out of the secret city ?" "That would surely put the matter to the test. I am willing to try. When next they seek a victim, restrain him from entering the secret city so that whichever of them seeks his life must pursue him through the gate. If he is alone, I shall try to consume him." It might have taken decades before any of the vampires needed to feed again, had it not been that one of the pirates was mortally ill. His vitality was low and his life expectancy was very short. Only a few months more than two years after the pirate raid, one of the vampires desperately needed to feed again. He mounted a tower and surveyed the city below. On a street no more than 1/4 mile from the gate, he saw a muscular virile-looking young man. Immediately, he placed a geis upon his prey forcing him to come to the secret city whence none so summoned ever returned. Then, glancing down, the vampire noticed the extra guards before the gate and divined their purpose. They would try to deter the vampire's prey from entering the secret city, but none of them would dare stand up to a hungry vampire. He would rush out and seize his prey. The young man walked as if in a dream up the deserted avenue leading to the gate in the porcelain wall. As he approached it, the guards called out to him to stop and go back, but he heard them not. Ensorcelled by the vampire's geis, he kept on. When he reached the guards, they laid hands on him and dragged him away from the gate . They held him back but noted to their horror that the gate was opening. Suddenly, a figure of black cloud and shadow rushed out of the gate toward the enchanted victim. But, no sooner had the vampire cleared the gate than the Venge-fire appeared before it and between the vampire and his prey. The vampire stopped irresolutely for a moment and then shouted "Get out of my way, Venge-fire. I command you ! " "You have no authority or power over me. I answer only to Velaő." replied the Venge-fire whom no one present had ever heard speak before. With these words, the Venge-fire took one step forward and enclosed the vampire in a bear hug. For a brief moment, the Venge-fire's brilliance was shrouded in the vampire's veils of cloud and shadow, and then they dissipated. For an instant, the vampire stood revealed as a wizened, ugly, little man, and then he was engulfed in the fierce white-hot flames of the Venge-fire which swiftly reduced the vampire's body to fine ash which was carried aloft by a strong updraft into the upper air where the winds dispersed it. No guardsman sought to hinder the Venge-fire from entering the secret city. All stood in awe as screams reached their ears and pillars of fire rose into the sky and were torn apart and dispersed by the upper-level winds. Twelve times this occurred, and the secret city was cleansed. There followed a brief period of silence and then, all the beholders were astonished to see a radiant being approaching the gate from the secret city. The Venge-fire preceded it through the gate and withdrew to one side. The radiant figure, glowing like moonlight, passed through the gate and stood before it. In a powerful musical voice, it spoke. "I am Velaő, the tutelary god and founder of this city. Long have I been kept under house arrest by the vampires. During this period of enforced inactivity, I have had many opportunities to reflect upon the wisdom of my intention to keep this city immaculate and inviolate, to protect it from change by man and immune to the ravages of time. Vela's changelessness is unnatural and has been achieved at the cost of unnecessary human suffering. I have selfishly kept this city unchanged for myself, but it should not be my city but your city. Today, I give this city to you. I now dissolve the spells which have kept this city unchanged for 10,000 years. Now, it is your responsibility to keep it clean. It is your responsibility to control its population by such means as you see fit to employ. It is now your responsibility to maintain as much of it as you choose to against the ravages of time. No longer is it forbidden to change the city, to build new buildings or remove those which have outlasted their utility. You need no longer fear the Venge-fire or the Night-gelder. You are free. We have left the secret city and we shall not return. Rejoice in your freedom, but remember that, with it, comes responsibility." Suddenly, the flames of the Venge-fire went out and in their place stood a handsome red-haired young man with a ruddy complexion, clad in cloth-of-gold. He went to the Genius Loci and stood beside him. On the other side of Velaő appeared a black-haired man clothed in a skin-tight black garment, the first anyone had ever seen of the Night-gelder. "Farewell" exclaimed the Genius Loci. "Take good care of your city." With those words, the three figures standing before the gate of the secret city vanished. * * *
Immigration Procedures
Where there is hygiene, there is no pleasure. (French Proverb)
The admission process was turning into a kafkanian nightmare. After spending 12 hours in an economy-class plane seat, one just wants to catch a cab and collapse on his hotel bed. Instead, I had already passed trough three different queues and three different desks only to be admitted to yet another room with yet another queue. I had travelled through half the World and knew that governments could be more or less paranoid about letting people in (and out!), but nowhere else I had witnessed such a slow and complicated process. Not that I hadn’t be warned: ‘— Going to Molraine?! What for?!’ Stella’s tone was not reassuring. ‘— Why not? I’ve been almost everywhere, and I really want to see the Temple of God Taitei.’ ‘— Look. I’ll buy you a nice book and you’ll forget about this crazy idea, o.k.?’ ‘— You talk like I were going to a war zone!’ ‘— It’s worse! The Molrainians are a crazy bunch. They are fanatical about sanitary safety. They invent a new rule every week. And they deeply distrust everything foreign.’ ‘— I heard they can be very kind. Willing to guide visitors through the monuments and stuff.’ ‘— Because they are conceited show-offs!’ I laughed. Never before I had heard the slightest xenophobic rant out of my friend’s mouth. Not even against the French. And now this passionate diatribe! She continued: ‘— Look, Mark. I will concede that Molrainians can be hospitable. I heard that if someone is willing to abide by their stupid rules, they can be lovely. But if you dare to take one step out of line…’ ‘— Stella, you know me! I am a Citizen of the World! I promise you that in two days they will take me for a local.’ ‘— That is to be seen,’ she said sceptically. ‘Besides, a lot can happen in two days.’ But if this conversation had any effect on me, was to heighten my desire to go to Molraine. Oh, I would love to put to the test my abilities to blend in a foreign culture. This would definitely prove everyone I was not an ‘Ugly American’. But a three hours wait is not a sign of hospitality anywhere. Neither is the sight of men with machine guns at every corner. I noticed that the English spoken by the immigration control staff would be irreproachable, if it wouldn’t be for the seeming complete unacquaintance with the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. At this room, they were again screening people. Men where separated from women, and each sex proceeded through a separate door, in groups of six. Only the ones who were accompanying children came back to escort them through a third door. The others, I supposed, advanced one more step in the baroque procedure. A large banner in six languages said ‘Wait in line for the medical exam’. After an eternity, I entered the examination room, with five other men. It was a small room covered in white tiles. The air smelled of bleach. Two male nurses, wearing masks, where discarding used gloves and putting on new ones. A military man, perhaps a sergeant, guided us sternly to six painted yellow squares in the floor. ‘—Take off your shoes and socks before stepping into the yellow square. Then strip from all your clothes.’ He was commanding, not asking, but added in what he thought was a reassuring tone: ‘— The spot where you will step is disinfected, so don’t worry.’ I was more worried about his much-too-visible gun than about athlete’s foot. He repeated the command in five other languages, while I did as instructed, hanging my clothes in a peg behind me. ‘— Now, just stay still while one of the nurses examines you.’ It was the most embarrassing experience, but none of the other men seemed to mind. I remembered my purpose of ‘blendind in Molrainian culture’ and thought to myself ‘just consider it a full body biometric scan’. The nurses started to work in parallel, with two ‘patients’ at a time. They made a quick but through examination, examining hair, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. They felt the lymphatic nodes. Even the nails of both hands and feet were quickly inspected. What seemed worse, of course, was the ‘below the belt’ check up. They manipulated the guy’s package without any embarrassment, and then spread the buttocks to take a good look in between. The torture was over with the pricking of the index finger with a lancet, which was then inserted in a machine. The nurse would then take off his gloves, check a few ticks in a pad, put on new gloves and proceed to the next guy. It finally came my turn. I tried to emulate the coolness of the other men, but when the nurse grabbed my buttcheeks, I secretly wished for my yellow square to turn into a hole where I could vanish. Meanwhile, the ‘sergeant’ walked around the room, distributing some words of kindness like ‘stay put!’, ‘be quiet!’, ‘spread your legs!’ in a stern voice. When the nurse was over with me, he told us to ‘wait in silence’. The machine with the lancets started to bip softly and spat a strip of paper. One nurse took a look at it and nodded approvingly. He spoke a few words in Molrainian to his colleague, who left the room. Then he checked a few more ticks on the pad and handed it to the sergeant. ‘— You, you, you, you and you!’, he pointed to the other men. ‘Dress up and leave.’ They started to put back their clothes, in a rush. I was wondering the reason I was not ordered to do the same, when the sergeant came directly to me: ‘— You are sick!’ he barked. I frowned at him: ‘— Not that I know of!’ ‘— You are saying you didn’t know you were sick?’ ‘— I am saying I am healthy.’ ‘— No, you are sick! You’ll see!’ The nurse who had left the room came back with a box, which he handed to his colleague. By this time, everybody else had left. The nurse who had examined me before put on a new pair of latex gloves (glove- making must be a flourishing industry in this country) and came towards me. ‘— Show him,’ said the sergeant. I was pretty sure I was in perfect health. I always did a complete check up before travelling abroad. But when the nurse grabbed my dick, I froze. ‘— There is nothing wrong there!’ He gently twisted my member to show a large and unsightly mole. ‘— Hey!’ I protested. ‘I have this since I was twelve. It is not pretty but it is not a disease or anything!’ The sergeant was furious. ‘— You may not care about your health. But we won’t let you bring disease to this country.’ I opened my mouth to retort, but the man gave a bloodcurdling shout: ‘— Be quiet!’ This left no place for further argument. Stella’s voice echoed in my mind ‘if you dare to take one step out of line…’ ‘— Your obligation was to check this out before coming here. But the nurse will fix the problem.’ I found nothing to say. The nurse opened the box and took a piece of equipment form inside. It was the size of a large book and it looked threatening. ‘— Stay put while the nurse work.’ The nurse broke a seal from the extremity of the machine, revealing a hole of the shape of a 2€ coin. He handed the seal to the sergent. ‘— This shows the machine is sterile, so don’t worry.’ He really needed to work more on that reassuring tone. But when the nurse took my penis and tried to insert it in the machine, I recoiled instinctively: ‘— What the hell do you think you’re doing!?’ ‘— Stay put and shut up!’ was his answer. The nurse tried to put me at ease: ‘— Don’t worry. We will remove the wart.’ ‘— And quick,’ the sergeant added, ‘the entire queue is stalled because of you.’ Remove the wart. I was not pleased with the situation, but what could I do? Start to shout for my rights? I doubted that giving a tantrum would be the right attitude. Anyway, I was not upset for getting rid of that mole. Only I preferred to do it in a nice clinic, at home. The machine was turned on and started to swallow my dick slowly. The sergeant shouted ‘stay put!’, but he didn’t have to. The devilish device had got a good grip of my meat and would not let it go. The tug grew to a very uncomfortable level and then all sensation disappeared. ‘— What the hell…’ ‘— Anaesthesia,’ the nurse said, while pressing a few more buttons. ‘— Stay put!’ the sergeant intervened. ‘It will be a short wait.’ The machine made some awful gurgling noises. Stupid idea of operating on standing people! The thought on what would be happening inside that box started to make me dizzy. ‘— I don’t feel so good.’ ‘— It is almost over.’ Indeed, a minute later the device biped gently. The nurse spoke something in Molrainian, which I could not understand. The sergeant translated: ‘— We will take off the machine now.’ The nurse pressed a button and the tugging sensation came back in all its previous intensity, but now it was decreasing instead of growing. I was curious to see how neat that kind of ‘surgery in a box’ would be. My cock would certainly look nicer without that mole. I only wished it would heal fast, so I could share the benefits of my small cosmetic surgery with a nice Molrainian girl. The sergeant cleared his throat and said in a softer voice: ‘— After we remove the machine, try to keep your calm. Please.’ Keep my calm? ‘Please’?! This was the first time I heard the word in Molraine, and it didn’t hit me as a good sign. For some reason, he moved behind me. The machine relaxed completely its grip and the nurse took it away. Nothing could prepare me for that shock. My eyes were surely playing tricks on me, otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing that tiny stump in the place occupied by my cock a few minutes before. On the hope my fingers would expose the deception of my eyes, I reached for it, but felt only a pitiful stub. When I blacked out, the sergeant was ready to catch me. I woke up in a very small room, completely dressed. The nurse took my wrist and felt my pulse. ‘— Hope you are feeling better.’ he said. ‘I am pleased to say the admission process is over and you are free to enter the country.’ I couldn’t decide if I was more shocked or furious. ‘—What have you done to me? You said you would remove the mole!’ ‘— And that’s what we did,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘— You can’t do this to me! I’m an American!’ Never before I conceived those words leaving my mouth. I could hear Stella saying ‘I told you so!’. The nurse gave me a sympathetic look. ‘— It is already done. It was a necessary sanitary measure. But now that you are clean, you are very welcome to Molraine.’ ‘— Welcome, my ass! You will put it back, oh, you will! I will call the Embassy!’ He scratched his head, amused. ‘— Look, not even the ambassador will be able to reimplant an incinerated penis.’ One could not argue with that. I went to my hotel, made some phone calls, and slept like I had run the marathon. The next morning, the ambassador received me in person, but she offered no sympathy: ‘— We keep telling people not to come here! The Morainians are a crazy bunch. They are fanatical about sanitary safety. They invent a new rule every week. And they deeply…’ ‘— I know, I know! But this is a scandal! I am a foreign citizen! An American citizen! They can’t just castrate me like that!’ ‘— It was not castration, it was penectomy. And if you read the Treaty of Sogue, you will discover that the gonads are protected under Section 4, Paragraph 23 of International Sanitary Measures. But not the membrum virile. It was a technical oversight of the committee.’ ‘— Technical oversight?! And what am I to do now?’ ‘— If you want to return immediately, the Embassy can help you to negotiate with your Airline.’ ‘— Not without seeing the Temple of Taitei!’ ‘— The Temple of Taitei is closed for renovations. But if you are interested on it, the Embassy can offer you a beautiful book.’ She looked puzzled when I broke down, sobbing. * * *
Jill II: Jill's Summer Continues
STRAIGHT, WARNING, TESTICLES, MINOR, Ball-busting, Testicle Torture, Submission
So, here it is. The long awaited sequel to \"Jill\". I hope it pleases. I\'ve put a little of something for everyone who has ever emailed me about the original work. Let me know if I\'ve hit-the-mark.
That glorious day of ball crushing ended with Tony calling an army surgeon buddy over, who quickly and efficiently removed the squashed testicles of the three males who lay in various states of agony on the floor. Jill asked if she could keep the broken organs, and since it was the only preservative handy, the army medic dropped the testicles into a large jar of honey, which Jill immediately placed on the shelf above her bed. The surgeon then did a superb job of suturing up their scrotums (so well, in fact that once it healed, the incision line didn’t show all), giving them anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory shots and left the house without really asking any questions, what-so-ever. One would think that after an event so traumatic, Tony, Josh and Paul would be bedridden for weeks, but amazingly in less than five days, her father was back at attention to be kicked in the groin, Josh was coming back over to be brought to his knees, and Paul returned daily to offer his ball to his little S&M; mistress for punishment. In most respects, the summer progressed much as Jill had anticipated. In the mornings, Jill required her father to stand at the side of her bed, hands cuffed together, legs slightly spread, waiting for her wake up so she could beat on his hanging piece of fruit. After saying, “Good morning, daddy” she would sometimes just slide a foot out from under the covers and squish around his ball with her toes or slide her head between his legs and let it dangle above her so she could squeeze and kneed it with her hands. While underneath it, she would also sometimes tell her father lower it into her mouth so she could suck on his goolie, causing Tony considerable discomfort. Other times she would yank on it to see how far his voluminous sack would stretch or fondle it roughly while her father would whimper. But, since what she really enjoyed was seriously busting it, no matter how she started the session, it always escalated to full on kicking, punching or slapping his dangling orb, and always with as much force as she could muster. Unbeknownst to Jill, the destruction of his prized left nut had instilled in Tony a strange sense of inevitability, of doom, and every morning, as he waited for his daughter to wake, he had no choice but to stand in his white socks and stare at his own mangled testicle floating around in the jar of honey, along with the balls of the two boys. Each day, he wondered how longer it would be until his other one was in there too, glazed in golden sweetness, smashed beyond repair, and he no longer able to sire children at all. He was forced to conclude that his manhood would soon be nothing but a perverted knickknack. Already, in three different sessions, Tony had invited Jill to squeeze his nut as hard as she could while he masturbated into a plastic specimen cup. “Harder, harder,” he’d moan, “Squeeze out daddy’s cum.” And from these sessions came the thickest, ropiest semen ever to issue from his body. These samples Tony then sent away to a company to fertilize eggs with and plant them in surrogate mothers. It would only be a matter of time before the eggs took, and then his egg would be taken from him. He wasn’t even sure how long the remaining testicle would last. Jill was getting more and more brutal in her ball-busting, and usually by the time Tony would leave for work in the afternoons, his nut was so swollen that putting on his jeans was like squeezing it in a vice. It appeared that Josh and Paul were similarly moved by their experience, but instead of dreading their time with Jill, they both seemed to really enjoy coming over almost every day, stripping down to their socks in the living room, and then finding Jill so she could bust their remaining balls. Neither seemed phased that she would undoubtedly be castrating them fully or had even thought about being sexless for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, both only looked forward to having another mind-bending orgasm when she popped the ones they had left. During that wonderful summer, Jill invented many games to abuse their privates with, but her most consistent favorite she called “high priestess”. Jill would dress up in a grown-up woman’s cloak, put on some soft pink socks (to make her feel more feminine), and stand on the couch, holding the honey jar with their balls in it, while the two boys got down on their hands and knees below her, gazing at her in adoration. Jill would call upon her imaginary gods and holding up the jar, ask them to accept the sacrifice of these two boy’s manhood’s for their pleasure, and then lower the jar so that Paul and Josh would have to kiss it, and thank her for making them each only half a man. The two boys had to eye their own balls floating in honey while feeling a genuine gratitude for taking it from them. Next the two young men would beg Jill to punish what remained of their maleness, telling her that only she deserved to hurt their balls and hurt them ‘where they lived’. She would naturally oblige them, first setting the testicle jar on the side table, then hopping down off the couch and standing behind them. They’d obligingly spread their legs so they were exposed, and then Jill would gleefully smack her socked foot into it. When they were reduced cradling their respective nut in their hands and rocking back and forth moaning, she then would tell them that her gods demanded a sample of their semen (Tony had since explained to her what it was, what it was for, and how it could be extracted from a man). Both boys would then have to try and jack off (still while in gut wrenching nut-pain) and provide for their mistress a sample of their ball-juice. She found it fun to further torture them by squeezing or slapping their bollock while they did so. Usually they’d just spurted their issue upon the carpet, but sometimes she’d have them ejaculate into cups, and humiliate them by making them drink it, or to really degrade them, by make them drink each others. After cumming, she’d order them to place their drained nut upon her god’s altar (coffee table). She would slip on a pair wicked stiletto heel shoes, climb up onto the table and then place the heel of her shoes on each ball, bearing down. This made the boy’s balls dimple and warp under the mercilessly sharp point. She never put on enough pressure to pop the delicate organs, of course, but more than enough to make them whimper and beg for mercy in high pitched voices. Unbeknownst to the two teens, she had already planned to save the final bursting of their balls until the end of August, when she planned to invite them for a sleep- over on a Friday night. She didn’t actually intend for them to get much sleep that night, though. On many warm afternoons, Jill would bust the two boys in the backyard. Forced to be naked, they’d play any number of agonizing games, such as Jill’s version of hide-and-seek: testicle exposed but the rest of their bodies hidden. This way, when she found it, she could have her way with it. Josh in one session decided to hide in the tool shed. He stood with his pink testicle trapped on the outside of the sliding door’s jam, while he stood naked just inside, surrounded by spider webs and holding the door tightly closed against his scrotum. In the sweltering heat he stood there in the dark, sweat dripping down his naked body, until he heard Jill laugh in delight as she caught sight of his ball. She naturally began to punch the pink orb. She punched and smacked it in a steady rhythm that caused the latch on the outside to fall into place. Now Josh was trapped inside and unable to protect himself or stop the ball-beating. Jill, being a child, didn’t notice this, and thought Josh hadn’t opened the door because he was having as much fun as she was. As Josh started to lose consciousness from a combination of pain and suffocating heat, he and his ball slid down the doorjamb, and naturally Jill switched to kicking the delicate orb as it migrated towards the ground. Had she not heard Paul calling to come find him (he was getting bored), she might have destroyed Josh’s testicle right then and there, since he’d passed out. Tony found the teen later that evening, and helped walk him home, but Josh wasn’t upset, just glad that Jill had had fun. Ball busting happened in the evening too. Some nights the boys would come over and all three men would strip to their tee-shirts and socks and the four of them would watch movies together. Jill would lay across all three of their laps, her heel digging into Paul’s nut or squishing it between her toes, her knee planted between Josh’s legs so she could grind his remaining ball into the couch, and one hand wrapped securely around her father’s testicle, kneading it and squeezing it for emotional comfort. Things got especially exciting when they watched a scary movie, as Jill would inevitably thrash around in fright and really rack their balls good. Ultimately, ball pain gave all three of them a sense of excitement and emotional fulfillment. In much the same way as guys who did extreme sports, or jumped out of planes. It was the thrilling prospect of overriding their natural instincts to protect their crotches plus the promise of gut-wrenching pain that kept them all going, and every opportunity to be hurt by Jill was eagerly seized. As the summer wore on, Tony knew he’d need to expand Jill’s pool of available men to ball-bust if she was going to remain entertained, and he began to look for willing victims. Since he worked with an all-male crew in his construction job, he started there. One day, Tony was changing in the locker-room with Gary and Val (two co-workers0, and when he pulled off his underwear, Gary noticed that Tony only had one ball left. “Hey, since when do you have only one nut?” asked Gary, a fiftyish, well built guy. Tony smiled, and said simply. “Jill took my other one a month ago.” He held out his ball for them to see it was alone in its sack. “Really? Wow, was it fun?” asked Val, stripping naked, and revealing his own tough, wiry body and his boyish cock and balls. “Incredibly. I came like a racehorse when it exploded,” replied Tony. “Hot damn!” exclaimed Gary, who was also naked. “Wish someone would pop Ol’ Bessy, here” He squeezed out his right nut so they could all look at it. It was huge. It easily approached the size of a small grapefruit. “I HATE this thing. All it does is cause me trouble. It won’t fit into my pants, I aches like a motherfucker every time it gets cold or gets dunked in hot water, and it keeps jamming into things. Last night, I got up to get a drink of water, and accidently walked right into the corner of the credenza. Fucking corner ended up right in Bessy, and it hurt like a motherfucker. Having this thing is a nightmare.” Gary continued to squeeze his oversized orb and looked down at it in disgust. “I don’t suppose your daughter would be willing to crush it for me?” he said wistfully. Tony’s smile turned wry. “I think she’d be happy to.” Val snorted derisively. “I bet she can’t squish MINE. I’ve got balls of steel, man. I’ll let her kick them as much as she wants, and I’ll bet you she can’t even make a dent in ‘em.” Val hefted his sack, and squeezed it to prove his point. His balls were small, but they did indeed look tough. “I’ve been kicked playing football, riding cupless in rodeos, six times in fights, and over seventeen times by my crazy ex-wife,” he continued. “None of them ever managed to crack these babies.” He slammed his own fist into his balls as demonstration, and they all watched the organs warp around his fist. Val hadn’t even flinched. “Well, why don’t you come over this Friday, and we’ll see if they live up to their reputation,” smirked Tony as he pulled his jeans over his own swollen berry and let the fabric put the squeeze on it. “If you do come, there are just two rules you have to follow: shave your nuts and crotch, and do whatever my little girl tells you to do. She’s the mistress of our house.” Friday night, after dinner, Tony told Jill the exciting news – she was going to have two more sets of balls to inflict torture on, and one of which she was going to get to pop that very evening! Jill started jumping up and down with joy. In less than a half an hour she was so over-stimulated, that Tony (who was always naked in the house for Jill’s pleasure) had to lie down on the floor, spread wide, and convince Jill to kick him in the nut, just to distract her. At eight o’clock, the doorbell rang. Jill let her father close his legs and curl up in a ball, and ran to open the door. Jill didn’t even wait for introductions or pleasantries. She just grabbed them buy by the hands and pulled them inside. She pulled them to the center of the living room and then said boldly, “I’m Jill, I want you take of your cloths, now! Let me see my new toys!” Both men looked at each other, and then Gary chuckled. “It’s nice to meet you too, Jill.” Then he looked sideways at Val. “Well, you heard the lady, take those cloths off!” Both men dutifully stripped down to their socks, and when Jill saw Ol’ Bessy fall out of Gary’s pants, she squealed in delight. Before she could reach out for it herself, Gary actually took her hand and wrapped it around his own, giant nut, and said in a genteel way, “Little lady, I would consider it a great honor if you popped this ball tonight. I’ve waited thirty years for someone to take it from me, and I don’t think I’ve wanted anything more, in my entire life. Do you think you could do me a huge favor and crush it beyond repair?” Jill looked up at him with a serious face, and then after a few moments nodded gravely. Meanwhile, she popped the huge organ back and forth between her two hands. She couldn’t even reach all the way around it, it was that big! “Thank you,” said Gary, with the sound of relief in his voice, and the hint of tears in his eyes. “You’ve made me the happiest man in Chicago. Truly.” Jill smiled at him, happy to oblige. Then Val interject. “Hey, what about mine! Come take a look at these,” cupping his nuts for her. Gary’s big ball fall out of Jill’s little hands and she went to examine the other new set of toys. They were small, by her standards, but she liked the way they stayed separate in their pouch so that they each stood out distinctly. She plucked one each from his grasp, and gave them a firm squeeze. “You’re welcome to kick my nuts into paste, but I’ll bet you a year’s supply of candy-bars that you can’t even make them mushy,” Val bragged. “Really, a whole year of candy bars?” asked Jill excitedly. “Yep. Pop my balls, and I’ll make you the happiest little girl in the whole state. But you’re going to have to work hard to crush these puppies.” By this time, Tony had gotten up off the floor and came over to greet his guests. He shook their hands. “Well, shall we get down to business? Jill’s got to be in bed before ten. I’m taking her to a cattle ranch tomorrow.” “Yeah!” squealed Jill. “Daddy says that the male cows have HUGE testicles hanging between their legs and the men there are going to let me play with them before they cut they get cut off. It’s that castrating thing they do to boys. I’m gonna bring home some to eat, too,” said Jill happily. She was already wondering what they were going to taste like. ”Well, if you wouldn’t mind, you can have my ball after we pop it. Val here used to rustle cattle and ride horseback a lot, didn’t you? And I’m sure he’d be willing to take it out for you.” Val nodded. “I’ve cut more bulls and stallions than I can count. Yours isn’t much smaller than theirs” Gary patted Jill on the head and winked at her. “Eat mine tomorrow too, and then you can compare the taste.” “OK,” said Jill, jumping up and down with glee. “Guys,” interrupted Tony, “let me show you what we do in this house.” First he told them get down on their knees, spread them open to Jill. Both gladly obliged. Then, as instructed, they both said, “Bust my balls, please,” and waited patiently for her to do so. Jill decided to kick them from behind so they couldn’t anticipate the blows, and she teased them a bit first by just running her pink socked foot up the inside of their legs, and then just tapping their sacks. This made both of them shiver. When they were fully aroused from this, she laid into their groins. Hard kicks to their balls. With the arch, the toes, the heel. Everything she had. Gary grunted at each impact, his bigger ball receiving most of the kicks, but Val didn’t even move. He just smirked, his eyes closed as Jill’s pink foot slammed into his hard little eggs over and over. However it was going to take more than that to get a response out of Val. Jill stopped kicking and reached through their legs to yank on their sacks. She pulled and pulled and pulled, squeezed their eggs as she did so. She really did try to yank their balls off, but she just wasn’t that strong, so she circled to the front. True to male form, both guys had rock-hard dicks, and Jill was glad they were enjoying it too. She told them to sit down and spread their legs for her. Then she retrieved two child-height wooden stools from her play-room, and placed them between their legs. Neither had to be told what to do. They willingly placed their own testicles onto the hard wooden surface so she could stand on them. They were both excited, and their cocks were dripping cum. Jill did indeed step up onto their manhood’s, one at a time, and began bouncing, as if their nuts were a trampoline. She bounced around mashing their gonads into the hard wooden surface, but in both cases the men held her steady as she did. They certainly didn’t want her to hurt herself! After a while of jumping, she took the stools away, and had all the men (naturally Tony didn’t want to be left out) get into her most favorite position - on their backs, legs pulled towards their heads and their arms hooked under their knees. Now she had three vulnerable sets of sacks hanging there, totally open to her. She ran up between her father’s legs and kicked his nut as hard as she could. Then she got between Val’s legs and did knee drops down onto his hard pebbles. “Oh, yeah that was great. Oh yeah” he said, yelling. Then she ran to Gary and kneeled in front of him. She grabbed his normal size nut (which was more sensitive) and squeezed it as hard as she could. Gary ululated in the back of his throat, but didn’t resist or try to stop her in any way. Jill’s little hands squeezed and squeezed just to watch Gary make funny faces. Nothing was more satisfying than to see these males completely at her mercy, and willingly let her make them sterile. Next, she moved on to Ol’ Bessy. It was the largest testicle she’d ever seen up till now, and she gathered it in her hands. First she just squeezed it from behind, and rubbed it with her face. Even though Gary hadn’t made good use of it in years, it seemed so warm to her, so virile, so alive. Then she licked it all over with her little pink tongue and sucked on it a bit, hoping this would cause at least some pain. She even tried to bite into it, but it was just too big, and all she could do was leave a few dents. However, the more she mouthed the oversized organ, the more she couldn’t wait to actually eat it. It sure was gonna taste good! Eventually she dropped it, and began to simply smack Gary between the legs with the flat of her hand. For some reason, boy’s always shuddered when she did this to them, and they usually made a weird keening noise in the backs of their throats. She found it immensely enjoyable, and she spent a while smacking Gary as hard as she could. Then she tried smacking Val in the nuts too but he only said, “Oh yeah, Oh yeah. Harder. Harder!!!” That was discouraging, so she soon moved onto her father. She stood above him, waiting for his natural encouragement, waiting for him to make the experience pleasurable for her. Tony bounced his butt a bit, so that his swollen testicle bounced and quivered in its sack like jelly. He really did want to make it as inviting a target as possible. Finally, he looked at her from between his knees and said, “Go ahead and hurt me, sweetie. You know my nut is always yours,” Jill smiled happily, and grasping his socked feet for stability started pounding his ball into his pelvis. Jill knew her father’s testicle so well. The way the curve of it fit so well in the arch of her foot when she stepped on it. The way its springy flesh kept bouncing back for more abuse. The way it rolled around and squished between her toes. It was like her best friend. It was her security blanked, and it was the center of her ball-busting universe. She simply couldn’t wait to take it from him. Tony couldn’t wait for her to bust his berry, either. An agonizing ache throughout his whole abdomen his constant companion now, and it would be a relief to finally be castrated. But, he wouldn’t trade even a second of the bruising, the swelling or the aching if it meant that Jill was happy even for second. Tony gratefully accepted every punt of her pink foot. Naturally, Gary and Val wanted in on the action too, and actually slapped their own balls to get her attention. So, she went back to kicking them, plus some punching, more slapping, and finally squeezing. She was like a kid in a candy shop. So many nuts to crush! She tried especially hard to squeeze the sperm out of Val’s two walnuts, but try as she might, their solid centers just seemed implacable. So, she had an idea. Even if they were immune to regular pain, perhaps they would respond to the elements. Jill had them all get up, and then she told her dad she wanted Val to straddle the arms of the two couches and to be secured. Shortly thereafter, Val was tied up, his naked testes were dangling between the two couches, swinging freely in air and waiting to be tortured. While he was being positioned, Jill had gone and got some ice cubes, two cups, and the hottest water she could get from the tap. She assembled the liquids, and came back into the living room. She smiled at Val, while he wondered what was going to happen. Then she just walked up and dunked his nuts into the ice water. Val made a sharp intake of his breath. She held the cup there until she knew his nuts ached but were not yet numb, then she quickly switched to the near-boiling water in the other cup. Val yelped and then groaned loudly. The ache in his balls deepened. Then, before he could get use to the heat, it was back to the stinging cold one. Back and forth she went, until he wasn’t saying “Harder” or “Oh yeah!” but rather “ Please stop, please stop, PLEASE!” Jill just smiled. She knew, from experience with her father, that Val now had an ache worse than any broken tooth, worse than any sports injury, and which extended deep into his abdomen. She was delighted. The water torture wouldn’t pop his balls, of course, but at least it was lots of fun! Now that his balls were softened up, and prepped with pain, she smacked his little balls as hard as she could. Val was reduced to whimpering pile of jelly in a matter of minutes. However, Tony interrupted her play-time, recommending they start softening up Gary’s nut so it could be burst. She reluctantly left Val, still tied up, to focus on Ol’ Bessy. Tony got some twine and wrapped it around Gary’s scrotum. Then he wrapped it around Ol’ Bessy, and made the testicle stand out as it never had before. The big pinkish-red ball just pulsed there, waiting to be tenderized, and Jill said she wanted to soften it up first by using her knee on it. Gary sank to his knees almost reverently, as if he were about to receive Holy Communion, and let Tony kneel behind him to pin his arms out of the way. Then, while his hard cock waved around, flinging droplets of cum everywhere, Jill brought her knee cap up into his bulbous testicle as hard as she could. She kneed him over and over. WHAM WHAM WHAM. She really did do her best to soften up his big egg, trying to drive her little thigh into, and through, its fertile flesh. Tony could only marvel at has his daughter’s stamina. He watched her jam her leg between Gary’s spread ones for at least13 minutes – never slowing, doing her level best to make it mushy. Tony felt for sure that his little daughter would some day be a star athlete, or at the very least, a notorious ball crusher. Jill reached down at regular intervals to check on the ball’s integrity. It was definitely getting soft. She backed up and took 16 running kicks to the swollen agate. She reached down to feel it again. Now it felt almost liquid, inside its tight skin. It was ripe and ready to explode. “Daddy, I think it’s ready. It’s getting really soft in the center.” Jill clapped excitedly, “This will be so much fun!” “Of course, sweetie,” replied Tony. “Let’s get him to the dinning room table.” Gary, despite some disorientation from all the ball busting, seemed eager to lose the nut, too, and with Tony’s help lurched into the kitchen. Tony left him to set his sack on the table, and went to rouse Val so he could help with the proceedings. Together, Tony and Val lifted Jill onto the sturdy table, and then took their positions – Tony under the table to stabilize Gary’s legs, and Val to pin Gary’s arms behind him. Although Val had castrated many animals before, he’d never watched a guy get nutted, nor had he seen a testicle explode. He was nearly as excited as Jill to see Ol’ Bessy self-destruct. Gary was groaning in pain, but still wanted everyone to know he was enjoying himself. “Thank goodness I’m going to be rid of it,” he said, out loud. “I hope it makes a noise we can all hear, then I’ll know it’s finally gone.” Gary seemed a bit punch drunk, but otherwise cheerful about the situation. He looked down at the big testicle that was lying flat on the table. “Bye Bessy, Don’t let the door hit you in the butt. You’ll make this little girl far happier than you ever made me, and you’d better taste good, too damn-it-all!” Everyone laughed at this, and Jill began her work by untying the ball so there was room in the scrotum for it to explode. She slipped off her pink socks so her feet would feel naked ball flesh, and she then assessed what she saw before her. Gary looked like he was having a spiritual experience, a mild grin on his lips. His dick was as stiff as a pole and had that glossy look about its head, being smeared with semen, and the guest honor, his huge kidney bean of a testicle was patiently waiting for her. Jill looked into Gary’s eyes and smiled. He nodded his head, “Go for it, Jill,” he said, giving her a tremulous smile. Jill decided to first kick that hard dick of his, and she stabilized herself by holding onto the top of Gary’s head. She took careful aim and punted him straight in the cock, causing it to bury itself in his stomach. Over and over she kicked his rigid pole, savoring the slapping sound it made and watched it start to bruise. It also started to leak more and more cum, and when the flow had increased to a steady dribble, she decided to move onto the main event. She stepped up onto his ball with both feet, and bounced on her heels. First just light bounces, feeling the springy reproductive flesh support her weight, and then higher and higher until her heels started to leave the surface his gonad. They were coming down so hard on it that dents were forming in its fat center. Gary was moaning, but in sort giddy, ecstatic way. He also let out a pained chuckles whenever her heels penetrated especially deeply. Jill kept ramping up her jumps until the dents in his ball were so deep it became unstable, and she nearly fell off. Grabbing onto his huge cock saved her (although it gave his penis a painful wrench and bruised its head), and she steadied herself, but Gary didn’t complain, he was just happy that she hadn’t gotten hurt, as was glad that his cock was there for her when she needed it. Getting back to work, and knowing that the ball was close to popping, she took just one foot, and began to squish the ball like she was squishing a bug. She pivoted her foot back and forth hoping that would do the trick. The nut meat bowed and bent under her foot, but it didn’t give way. In fact, it took one more stomp of her heel. Just one. She raised her foot, took careful aim at the gland’s dead-center, and slammed her heel into it The testicle exploded, and detonated inside its silky-soft pink pouch. The whole scrotum puffed up like a balloon filled with semen, and then deflated as the contents of his nut leaked out into the scrotum. Jill naturally continued to pound the remains, after pausing for everyone in the room had savored its destruction and registered the wet popping sound it had made. Gary started to shudder, and instead of his dick exploding with cum, it simply increased its volume of leaking until was a stead river, gushing and spreading out all over the table top. Jill switched to hopping on the deflated contents with both feet, and it made such a wonderful squelching noise that she laughed out loud. It was like jumping on a pile of Jell-O, or a wad of that colored, gooey slime you could buy from toy dispensers at supermarkets. She could feel little bits of his sperm tubes still resisting her feet, and she jumped on those especially hard. These made further, but softer, bursting noises. Jill was immensely pleased. After about five minutes of this, Gary passed out, and Jill stepped off. Tony let him sink to the ground and both he and Val groped Gary’s scrotum - Tony wanting to make sure his daughter had extracted every last ounce of pleasure from the testis, and Val to start planning his operation. The cords were intact, and there seemed to be remarkably little swelling, so Val got a bowl, a sharp knife, and a cigarette lighter. While Tony and Jill watched, he placed the bowl under Gary’s sac and slit it open, letting Gary’s seed spill out. It filled the entire bowl, and looked like vanilla pudding. Val found the cord attaching it and with a flick of his wrist, separated the two. Then he cauterized the whole thing with the lighter. With some fine thread he sewed the scrotum back together, and slathered it all with Neosporin. “All done. Nothing to it.” said Val. “He’ll be fine in a day or two.” Val ran some camphor under Gary’s nose to bring him back and they all heard him groan. “How you feelin’?” asked Val. Gary actually smiled, though his eyes were still closed, “Awesome. I feel free for the first time in my life. That thing was a menace to society. ‘The Ball That Ate Chicago’. Now it’s gonna be eaten.” He chuckled groggily, and so did everyone else. Val helped his co-worker up and get dressed, while Tony cleaned up in the kitchen. Jill meanwhile was swirling Ol’ Bessy in its bowl, and was thinking about the upcoming feast she’d get tomorrow. Then she peeked through the door and noticed that Val was still naked, and while he was kneeling down to tie Gary’s shoes and not paying attention to his surroundings, Jill ran up behind him and gave him a solid kick to the balls. This one caught him off guard and he grunted. “Open your legs to me,” demanded Jill. She knew the house rules. Whatever she wanted, Jill got. Val stopped his tying and spread his knees wider, using one hand to keep his cock out of the way. Jill punted his danglers about twenty times, each time hoping to pop at least one. The adrenaline behind her kicks made Val groan loudly, but try as she might, she just couldn’t soften those balls of his. Eventually she did give up, but not before reaching down under his crack and slapping the little things from behind. She noted satisfactorily that his tough frame twitched a lot at this, his taut abs rippling with each smack. “Have a good night,” she said finally. “I need to go to bed now. Come back soon!” and with that, Jill skipped off to bed, while Tony saw his guests out to the car. “You up for getting your other ball kicked by Jill,” asked Tony as they stood outside. Gary grunted ascent. “I’m already over-the-hill. What do I need balls for? Tell her is she can pop my left one, I’ll get her a year’s supply of Oreos.” Gary grinned weakly, and Tony smiled back. “Yeah,” said Val, “Let’s make it every Friday night. Sure a lot more fun than sitting at home drinking beer. Bye!” As they drove off, Tony was pleased at Jill’s expanding harem. Now for the next member. While Tony was tucking Jill into bed, she was gentle squeezing both his cock and his ball, and she said, “Daddy, I wish I had more nuts to play with. Will you get me some more?” “I’m working on it, sweetie. Did you remember to brush your teeth?” “Yes. And I used the washcloth on my face.” “Did you get behind your ears?” “I did.” “Good,” said Tony. “You have a big day tomorrow. I want you at least as clean as those cows.” “Daddy, how will I get to play with their balls? They’re so big, and I’m so small. They might hurt me.” “Oh, don’t worry. They’ll be kept sill for you. There’s a gate that closes around their head, and their legs will be tied to posts. You can do anything you want to their balls. They’ll be hanging there, just for you.” “Ok.” Jill turned her head and went to sleep, but for Tony, it generated an idea. Once his own nut was busted, Jill would be home alone, more often, and she’d need something to protect her. Time to get Jill a companion. Six days later, on Friday, while Jill was at a friends’ house, Tony visited an ex-army buddy of his, Dr. Jameson. Jameson was one of those handsome, hearty types who could walk over a landmine and come out the other side unscathed. After the army, he went on to become a locally famous veterinary surgeon, running a hospital, a wildlife sanctuary and an animal shelter all at once. Tony drove up the shelter, and there was blond, blue eyed Jim waiting for him, as solid, handsome and sturdy as ever. They shook hands and then Tony described what he was looking for. “So, you want a big dog, un-neutered who’s good with children? I see. What is he going to be doing?” asked Jim as they toured the facility. “I want him to protect my daughter, and to provide company, and . . . to let her play with his balls.” Tony, for the first time, was a little nervous about bringing up the subject. Jim, surprisingly, was unphased by this. After being in the Marines, nothing surprised him. “OK. So, it has to be good with children, and trainable. How do you plan to train and discipline it?” “Well, Jill’s rather fond of going for the balls, so I thought maybe we could train it to actually enjoy getting kicked there.” Tony was still nervous. Jim stopped and rubbed his square jaw with one hand, thinking. Then he said, “Actually, that’s not as difficult as it sounds, and I have just the dog. I think I should have an active hand in its training, though. What we need to do is get the dog to see ball pain as normal, and the only way to do that is to let him see a human receiving it. Tell you what, I’ll come over and your daughter can beat my balls while the dog watches. Then he’ll know what to expect.” Tony relaxed, and was mildly amazed at his own good fortune. Who knew so many men were into getting nutted? Jim led him to a kennel in a far corner of the shelter, and introduced him to Sasha, a mixed Akita and Basenji with a smooth coat and beautiful white and orange coloration. The dog put its two front paws on the chain fence, and climbed up halfway to smell the newcomer. This let Sasha show off his two big pink balls hanging down between his legs. His balls were so hairless and pink that they looked almost human. They were big, too. The dog had an inquisitive but innocent expression, and was obviously good natured. “Perfect,” said Tony, as he let the dog smell his hand. “Yeah, he’s a well-trained dog, and we were going to turn him in to a Seeing Eye dog, but I think this is a better use. I’ll bring him over tomorrow, and we can begin the training.” “You sure about getting your nuts busted?” asked Tony. “My daughter’s pretty experienced at it. She might do some damage to you. She’s actually popped a few.” “Hmm, that’s interesting,” commented Jim, and paused a second to think about it. “Naw, it’s all good. My wife say’s I’m too horny all the time anyways, and she always seems to have a headache. I’m tired of not getting off, and she’s tired of me trying to mount her while she’s asleep.” He waved his hand dismissively. “You’re daughter can do what she wants with me.” Tony grinned. ‘Better and better,’ he thought to himself. “Ok,” said Tony. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow at noon. Be sure to shave your sack, I don’t like Jill playing with hairy balls, and she’s a take-charge kind of girl, so don’t be surprised.” Jim laughed. “No worries. Do you remember sergeant Bilks? I never told anyone, but one time I forgot to make my bed. He took me in his office, ordered me to strip, and then kneed me in the nuts about fifty times. Man it hurt so bad, and I think he got off on it, so getting from a girl couldn’t possibly be worse than that.” They both laughed. They began to reminisce about their army days, and each shared several stories about getting racked or hit in the nuts. By the end, they were in hysterics. “This one time, Billy was doing pushups while I was holding his feet, and one foot slipped right into my balls! I dropped him, and he fell on HIS nuts. It was great.” “That’s nothing,” countered Tony, “Sid, that stocky football player, was cleaning his rifle, and as I walked passed it, he rammed the butt right into my jewels. I went down like a ton of bricks! Then the guy behind me, not noticing I’d fallen, walked right into me and booted my balls a second time. Ah man, it was horrible.” “Ha!” exclaimed Jim, “I can top that. A bunch of us were taking a shower, and someone thought it would be fun to sack-tap all of us while we were naked. Then Jerry decided it would be fun to seriously hurt that half Asian guy, can’t remember his name. You know, the one we all hated. Anyways, we all ganged up on him, and held his legs open while Jerry hit him in the balls, oh, about fifty times. Jerry pasted those little Asian balls like he was trying to make peanut butter outta them, and the guy actually started begging Jerry to just pop them so the pain would stop. It was brilliant.” They both laughed. “I don’t think he ever came again,” added Jim with a chuckle. “Ah. Good times,” said Tony wistfully, as they continued to chat until late evening. Then, Tony drove home. The next morning, after he’d waited in his socks for Jill to play with his ball, he told her about the new dog, and vet friend who was going to train it for her. While she lay under him and punched his nut, she asked for more information. “I want you *oof to be safe, sweetie. We’re going to *oof train the dog to let you play with and bust his balls, and he’s going to keep guard, so I won’t have to *oof worry about your safety.” Jill started pulling on his egg. “And what about the man?” Tony tried to keep his balance, his socks slipping on the floor slightly. “He’s an army friend *ungh. He’s happy to let you hurt him, and that’s how we’re *groan going to train the dog. See, another pair of nuts for you.” “Yippeeee!” yelled Jill. She stood up on her bed, bounced around on it for a few moments, and then took a running kick to her dad’s last testicle. This knocked him backwards, and he fell on his bound hands. Jill jumped off the bed, and landed right in his groin with her feet, squishing his trapped nut. Not for the first time, Tony silently wished she’d just pop him and get it over with, but out loud he said, “Do you want me to spread them wider for you, sweetie?” Jill said, “Yes!”, and they spent another hour of ball busting fun before Jill undid his handcuffs and went to take a bath. At noon, Jim and the dog arrived. As soon as Jill opened the door, Sasha rushed forwards and began to lick his new mistress’s hand. It was love at first sight. Jill squealed and began to pet the handsome dog all over. Naturally she went to look under him to see what kind of equipment he had, and she loved how big and unfurry his balls where. Sasha, it turned out, was a natural at ball submission, and immediately sat down to let Jill play with his balls. He seemed to like it “Well, miss Jill, you seemed to have discovered the new friend I’ve brought you. I’m Jim Jameson, and I’m going to help you train him. I understand you’ve become quite a ball-busting expert.” Jim was already taking off his cloths. It wasn’t that he’d been told to, but the atmosphere in the house, combined with the fact that Tony was mostly naked, just made it seem right. He unzipped his leather jacket, unbuttoned his dress shirt, undid his belt, shrugged off his shoes, and finally pulled down his cotton boxers. Now he was a match for Tony, except that his white socks looked newer and he was far more muscular and ripped than her father. He obviously worked out all the time. “Now,” he said, “I’m going to get down on all fours like the dog, and I want you to tell the dog to ‘watch’. He already knows what that means, and he’ll try to learn whatever you show him. He’s a bright lad.” Tony patted the dog’s head, and then got down on all fours and spread his back legs slightly, making room for his own droopy balls to swing heavily. Jill stopped petting the dog, and took off her own shoes, revealing baby blue socks that matched her blue-flower dress. Then she told the dog to “Sit” and then “Watch”. Sasha cocked his head at his new owner, and then looked at her expectantly. “Ok. Now,” said Jim, “I want you to clearly and distinctly say ‘Submit’ and then bring your foot as hard up into my testicles as you can.” He put his head down, waiting for her. Jill smiled at having another man to submit to her, and when she did say “Submit” it was meant for Jim even more than it was for the dog. Jill kicked the new man as hard between the legs as she could. “Good, again,” said Jim after grunting “Submit!” A second kick, her toes squishing his fat orbs deep into his perineum. Jim coughed. “Again.” Jill obliged. This went on for some time, while both Sasha and Tony watched. The dog seemed intrigued, rather than scared, and Jim seemed turned on by the kicks, because he’d taken one hand off the floor to stroke his dick. It was already dripping. “OK.” Huffed Jim, who rose to his knees, “I think that’s enough of that position. Sasha, come!” Jim motioned for the dog to come over, and Jim offered the dog his own nuts to examine. That way, Sasha it could see the state they were in, then said, “Submit, Sasha.” The smart dog looked at him for a moment, and then turned around and spread his back legs to Jim. “Good boy!” he exclaimed to the dog, patting it again. “Now, sit!” The dog turned around, and went back to watching. “OK, Jill. Now I’m gonna lay on my back, and you say ‘Spread’ clearly and distinctly. Go ahead and kick and stomp my nuts like you’re trying to turn them to mush.” “I can really destroy your balls too?” asked Jill with innocent wistfulness. “Oh, I think so. This is really quite fun, and I’ve always wanted to see how much my balls can take.” He laid down on his back, and motioned for Jill to stand at his feet. He started stroking his dick and let Jill follow his instructions. “Spread!” she said loudly. Jim obediently spread his legs as wide as they could go. His ball sack dropped between his legs, and Jill confidently stepped up to it. She kicked those two roly-poly orbs for all she was worth, interjecting “Spread” before each one. His years in the Marines had made Jim both tough and kinky, and he seemed to be getting off pretending to be Jill’s ball-busting pet. Jill noticed this too as her victim accepted her foot over and over, and kept stroking himself. Finally he groaned for her to stop. Jill took the lead and called Sasha over. “Come!” She said commandingly. She took the dog over so he could reexamine Jim’s swollen baby-makers and then told the dog to “Spread!”. The dog’s tongue lolled with a smile, and then obligingly dropped to his back and spread his legs so she had access to his huge pink balls. Jill experimented with a light punt to them, and the dog, instead of yelping or barking or even jumping up let out a soft, crooning noise. He obviously liked pleasing Jill. She punted him again. He enjoyed it and panted happily. ‘This is going to work’ thought Tony. Jim had watched this, and congratulated Jill. “You’ve done an excellent job. Now, just be clear with your orders at all times, and reward him with pleasure and treats each time he does the right thing.” “And now that the training’s over, would you like practice your commands on me? I could use some more discipline. At least until I nut,” he said, smirking. Jim cupped his balls for Jill, offering them up for more torture. Jill smiled back. “OK!” she said happily. Of course she would hurt him some more! “Sit!” she ordered. Jim sat up, and his balls dropped to the carpet. Jill walked up and smooshed them under her heel. Jim kept jacking himself. “Present!” Jim put his legs underneath him, and with a flexibility that was at odds with his football-player body, leaned backwards over his own legs and spread his knees. As his dick arched above them, his balls hung a ways off the floor, and Jill liked what she saw. She backed up a ways, took her aim, and then ran straight between his legs and nailed his nuts with her shin. The hard bone squished the organs into his pelvic bone. She stepped back and repeated the maneuver four, five, six times. Jim’s hand was a blur on his dick. “Get on all fours!” Jim obliged, and soon was looking at Jill through his legs. He was ready for it. Jill took off her soft blue socks, so she could feel his raw eggs under her toes. Then she walked up to him. “Do you deserve to be punished?” she demanded. Jim groaned. “Yes, punish me. I’ve been bad. Make me hurt, bust my balls, Jill.” Tony was watching this all in amusement. “Do bad boy’s deserve to have balls?” “No, take my balls from me,” he replied in a moan, following her lead in the heat of the moment. “Who owns your balls?” said Jill as she reached from behind and grabbed them. “You do (*gurggle). Take them. They’re yours” Jill pressed her thumbs harder into them, making him groan even louder. “Tell me I can do anything I want with them!” She barked. It came out as a gut-deep moan from his lips, “You’re in charge of my balls now. Pop them for me!” Jill increased her squeezing until the ripe ball-flesh was oozing out from her fingers. His testicles were ballooning in her grip and she could feel into the very heart of his nuts. Were she a little bit stronger, she probably could have popped them right then and there, but she wasn’t and all she could do was torture him. She gathered up more of scrotum so she could pinch the tubes behind the balls, and as the urgency of his cries and the frequency of his jacking reached a climax, he gave a cry that sounded like a animal in ecstatic pain - Jim’s cum spurted out, spraying the carpet. Out it gushed, one sticky stream after another, but Jill didn’t relent her squeezing. She was determined to punish him good! Jim’s face fell to the floor, and he just started to moan softly. The part of him that wasn’t in afterglow-pain wondered how such a little girl’s hands could feel like vices. Jill dropped his balls. Then she kicked them. Once. He grunted. She slapped the dangling things. He let out an “oof”. Then, seeing that he was done, she just shoved his big bubble butt with both hands. He fell completely forward. Jill clapped excitedly. “Did I do good?” she asked both of them. Jim mumbled. “Oh yeah. That was great.” Tony smiled at his daughter. “I think Jim will make a great pet for you. Why don’t we let him get dressed and we can have dinner?” So, Jill had added two more sacks to her lineup of punching bags. Tony’s final addition to the list was a new baby-sitter for Jill. It had to be someone as caring and giving as himself, protective, compliant, willing to offer up his livelihood to Jill, and finally someone who would put Jill’s needs before his own. A tall order, but so far Tony had only experienced success. The answer came when Tony was at the gym. It was his only real hobby, after ball busting. When he wasn’t at home with Jill or on a construction site, he was pumping iron, swimming, playing racket ball or running laps. A set of balls is only as good as the body that frames them, after all. While he was changing, he noticed a quiet, handsome guy with brown hair, soft green eyes, and a gentle demeanor changing over in the corner. Tony had seen him before, and knew that he worked with the physically handicapped, was currently single and didn’t mind painful sex – gyms were actually a close knit group and everyone knew the gossip of everyone else. What else was there to talk about on the treadmills? It was also rumored he’d either lost his wife, his kids or both to some tragic accident, and Tony felt that he might just fit the bill. Tony made sure he went to the same fitness block as the young guy, and eventually struck up a conversation. His name was Keith and he lived very close to Tony. An hour later, Tony left with Keith as at least an acquaintance. Tony timed his next visit to the gym to coincide with Keith’s, and it was only a few weeks before they were close friends. Eventually the subject of Jill came up naturally. “Yeah, I lost my daughter in a fire. The preschool she was at burned down. She was the only one who died. Five years ago.” “I’m so sorry. I have a little girl too, Jill. She’s a handful, but sweet.” replied Tony. “What does she look like?” Keith’s clear green eyes looked pained. Tony got out a picture from his back pocket. “God damn. She’s the spitting image of my daughter. What’s she like?” Tony smiled and launched into a subdued version of Jill’s activities. Keith nodded. “Cindy liked to play rough, too. We’d wrestle, play hoops, play dodge ball, soccer, baseball. I can’t tell you how many times I got hit in the balls. Geeze.” He chuckled sadly. “It’s been so long.” “Well. If it’s nut-checks you’re looking for, why don’t you come on over and visit. Jill would love to play rough with you, and it would probably do you good to spend time with children again. Come on. Give it a try.” “I . . I . . “ Keith sighed. “Ok. Tell me when.” “How about this Thursday. I’ll tell Jill. She’ll be thrilled.” “Alright. See you then.” Jill was thrilled, and when Tony told her something about her new potential baby-sitter, she was moved. She was determined to make Keith feel better. When he showed up, Jill answered the door as she always did. There stood Keith, looking a bit shy and awkward. Jill looked at him too, and then gently held out her hand to lead him inside. “You must be Jill. My name is Keith. I, uh, came over to see if you wanted to play.” Keith took her hand, and followed the little blond into the living room. She pulled on his hand until he was forced to sink to his knees. But, she didn’t kick him or hit him. Instead she gave him a fierce hug and kissed his cheek. Keith’s eyes swelled up with tears. “Thank you,” he stammered. “You’ll feel better.” Said Jill, confidently. “I promise. You’ll be my special friend.” Jill then took him by the hand, and showed him around the house. She introduced him to Sasha who licked Keith’s hand enthusiastically and seemed thoroughly pleased to see him. “Where’s your father?” asked Keith. “I don’t see him here.” “Oh, he said we should have some alone time together. I think he’s at the gym.” “Oh. Ok.” Said Keith, wondering what they were going to do. “How about we go outside and play?” asked Jill. “Oh, All right,” Keith perked up at this. “I think we should play soccer, but I don’t have very good aim. Sometimes the ball hurts people if I miss.” Jill looked worried and concerned for him. “Oh,” chuckled Keith. “My little Cindy used to peg me in the face or the stomach or the nuts all the time. You’ll be OK.” Jill smiled too. “Ok. Let’s go play.” Soon they were having a grand time, tossing the football around, kicking it back and forth, and Jill did indeed slam the ball into his stomach and his groin, but Keith just laughed. He was so thrilled to have a little playmate again. Then they switched to some baseball. Jill wasn’t a very good shot, and Keith wasn’t the best catcher, so at one point she drove the ball right into his groin as he was squatting to catch it. While he was on the ground holding himself, Jill went over and gently pried his hands away from him and softly rubbed his crotch. Keith actually sighed and relaxed, letting this darling little girl sooth his throbbing, aching manhood. As it was getting dark they shot some hoops with the basketball, and there was no doubt in either of their minds that this should happen again. When they finally went inside, and Jill thanked him, Keith promised to come over again so they could play. He even teased her, “And you can peg me in the nuts again,” smiling broadly. Jill giggled. Keith left in the best mood he’d had in years, and on Monday, he came over again. Tony was again absent, and they played outside, and then afterwards played some board games. This went on for two weeks, until their relationship broke through to a new level. They had just finished playing Clue, and Jill asked him if he’d like to watch a movie with her. He agreed and they watched Police Academy, which was one of Jill’s favorite movies because it had so many nut-shots in it. Jill was sitting on his lap when a particularly good scene came up, and when it did, Keith laughed. “That’s what you do to me all the time. Do you like seeing that?” Instead of replying, Jill simply turned and gently cupped his cheek with her hand, looking into his eyes. She looked deeply into them for a few minutes, showing how much she cared, and finally asked. “Can I . . . see them? Your balls I mean?” Keith didn’t answer for a long moment, and then he nodded silently, the movie now completely forgotten Still looking into his eyes, Jill slid down his legs, and undid his shoes. She then gently undid the button holding his pants together and slowly unzipped his fly. Her gaze never waiver from him, and as she tried to pull of his pants Keith found himself helping her. Something in him had broken loose, and he couldn’t get his pants off fast enough. Together they pulled off his tight speedos, and now Jill knelt between his legs while he sat on the couch. Gently she reached out to cup his gonads and softly rolled them around in their gossamer-thin sack. They were nicely sized, as was his dick, and he began to shudder as chills coursed through her body. He didn’t resist at all. He let Jill do whatever she wanted. Jill, however, just gently played with his equipment until he was fully aroused, and then just suddenly stopped and helped him get his cloths back on. She kissed his cheek and hopped back onto his lap to finish watching the movie. She was now sitting on his rock-hard dick, and it remained hard throughout the rest of the movie, pulsing against Jill through his pants. The whole event moved Keith deeply, and the next couple of times he came over, after Jill hugged him, she would unzip his fly, pull his pants half –down and just gently fondle him, sometimes rubbing her soft cheek against his dangling objects. Conversely, their sports playing became more intense. Jill seemed to really like it when she pegged Keith between the legs, and one day he just asked her outright, “Do you like it when I get hit there, Jill? Do you like nailing my nuts?” Jill smiled. “I get to hit lots of guys there. My daddy lets me hit him between the legs all the time.” She went up and touched his cheek. “They’re the most beautiful things in the world to me.” She boldly reached down into the running shorts he was wearing and gently squeezed his two balls. “These are yours, and I like that they made Cindy for you.” “Cindy misses you,” continued Jill, gently brushing the side his face. “I know that she wants you to be happy.” All Keith could do is look into her eyes, and tears again began to form. “Would, would you like to have them?” he stuttered. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. “Yes,” said Jill simply. “Ok”, he said, he was now almost crying. “They’re all yours.” He wiped he nose on his shirt. “Cindy would have wanted it that way. My balls are yours, Jill.” Somehow, Keith knew he was handing his manhood over to someone who might rupture them beyond repair, but he didn’t care. Jill was now his little girl as much as she was Tony’s and he was ready to do anything to make her happy. And, to make himself happy as well. This had been the best three weeks of his life. Jill kissed his other cheek, and hugged him tight. Then she said, “You should be naked when you come over and play, from now on, so I can seem them all the time.” She squeezed his balls firmly, now that they belonged to her, and then said, “Stand up.” “Ok.” Keith sniffed loudly. He stood up. Jill gently pulled down his shorts, and then his Speedos, getting them off and over his shoes and socks. Then, she kissed each of his balls and the tip of his dick, her soft little lips sending tingles up his spine. Finally she hugged his torso fiercely, squeezing herself against his groin. She looked up. “I love you, Keith. I love you and your balls.” Keith just held her too him. From then on Keith was unreservedly hers, and surprisingly unabashed at playing outside and walking around inside in someone else’s house with nothing on but his tennis shoes and some sock, and play time changed to Jill’s versions of sports. Soccer was now a game where Keith stood still while Jill punted the ball into his naked nuts while he kept his hands on his head and out of the way. Baseball involved Keith bending over, with his back to her, and letting his balls hang down low in their sack while Jill hit the ball as hard as she could through his legs to splatter them. Basketball became a contest to see how many shots Keith could either make or miss while Jill either hit or squeezed his balls, and when he missed, she got to suck his balls as hard as she could, usually making him fall to his knees in abject, vulnerable pain. Meanwhile, his testicles had begun to swell and stretch from Jill’s attention’s, and looked bigger and bigger each time he came over. At one point, Jill passed along a key to him, and said he could come over any time he wanted. At the gym, Tony and Keith discussed the whole reality of ball busting, and Keith was immensely moved at how many guys were in love with little Jill. He accepted the house hold rules gladly, wanting any chance to spend time with her, and when Tony talked about the testicles she’d already burst and ball crushing in general, Keith just shook his head and gave a melancholy smile. “My balls mean nothing to me, now. I lost everything in that fire, and now with Jill, I’ve got it all back. She can have all of me, whatever that means and whatever the cost. I’m your daughter’s, to do with me she as she will.” Tony smiled at his own endless good fortune, and just accepted his daughter’s ability to make everyone fall in love with her. Jill’s life was now filled with people to play with, to watch over her and to make her happy. She had Keith to baby-sit her all the time. She had Val and Gary to testicle torture every Friday night. Jim was available most weekends for ball busting, and finally there was her father and Sasha, who made them available for nut-games 24/7. But Jill was getting bored, and decided that, as it was the end of August, it was time to nut Josh and Paul. On a warm Friday evening, Tony set up a big domed tent in the back yard, and called the two boys to come over. The arrived, stripped as usual, and sat down. Tony told that Jill was taking a bath and getting ready for the sleep- over. As they were about to lose their balls, Tony felt they should have something special and got them each a beer. He sat down, and they all talked and reminisced about ball busting, and how much the loved it. “Remember that time she squeezed mine between the door hinge? God that was intense. I would have passed out of the door hadn’t kept me up,” said Paul, laughing. “Yeah. Or how about the time she took us both into the bathroom, had us straddle the tub-ledge and then made us drop right onto our nuts. Man that hurt,” commented Josh enthusiastically. “I think that best, though,” said Paul, “Was when she had us get up on the highest parallel bar, you know, that metal one, with our nut between us and the bar, and then she hung on our legs, and we were pulled down onto our own nut. Man, I thought my jewel was gonna pop right then and there. I could feel it squishing on that bar. I never knew I weighed enough to bust my own balls.” Josh laughed too. “Fuck yeah. She hung on my legs forEVER. You know, she feels a lot heaver when your ball is being crushed on metal. I’m pretty sure my ball warped permanently from damn bar. Thank god it didn’t burst though, before she was ready for it.” Both boys agreed at that. On the whole, Paul and Josh agreed that their experience had been great. Jill had made them all so happy, and added such spice to their lives. And tonight, they were willingly going to give everything they had left to her. When Jill was spruced up, Tony said good night to them, and added that everything had been prepared. Jill and the boys went out to the tent, and ducked inside. There they found sleeping bags, lots of pillows, food, a deck of cards, sodas, ropes and handcuffs for tying up the boys (if needed), clamps and vices for torturing their nuts, as well as a home-made electric shocking device (hooked up to a car battery), and finally lots of board games for them to play. Jill was excited beyond words. They sat down and started to play. The first thing they played was a modified form of poker. It was simplified for Jill’s sake, but the important part was when one of the boys said, “Hit me!”, so that Jill could hit them, right in their naked testicles. Jill won all the hands (or they just let her), and whichever boy had the worst hand gladly got on his knees and spread them. Jill obligingly kicked between them. “Oh yeahh!” they said, or “FUCK YEAH!” “or HIT ME!!!” “Or god DAMN that’s sweet”. Since they were about to lose their last ball, they’d stopped caring how much noise they made or about controlling their reactions. It was time to just rip loose and let Jill give them her best. Next they played Chutes and Ladders. Whenever the boys had to move down a chute to a lower number, she’d slap their nuts as hard as she could that many times. When she when down a chute, she instead got to pick any number that was higher than either of their current positions, and then actually kick their balls that number of times. After that, they settled down into a long game of Monopoly. Jill was naturally the banker. All withdrawals by Josh and Paul required equity in their nuts. They had to punch or squeeze their own bollocks until Jill was satisfied. No pain, no dough. And not only did she fine them money when they passed through her property, but they had to stand up and count out rock crushing kicks to their goolies for each house that she had on the square. Even though it was only midnight, the boys were aching, sweating, and leaking precum like crazy, but Jill seemed to have endless stamina, and the night continued. Next they played a game of Disney Trivial Pursuits, and this time, instead of hurting them, Jill humiliated them. She knew all the answers of course, she loved Disney, but being guys, Josh and Paul missed most of the questions. Whoever got a question wrong had to suck the other guy’s dick, swallowing his precum, and then suckle on his balls. Even though it was kind of gross to them, they loved degrading themselves for her. And they realized that this was the last sex they’d probably ever get to have, so what-the-hell. Just to up the anti, Jill started making them beg the other boy if he could suck his cock and gush how much he loved the taste of it. The last board game they played Operation. Tony, being the handy man and electrician extraordinary, had created a new cavity, the balls area, with two tiny orbs to take out. Jill hooked up the car battery to the boy’s single nuts, and whenever they couldn’t take out the appropriate organ and it buzzed, Jill shocked their balls. And whenever SHE got the “balls” card, she turned on the electrocution for as long as she felt like it, not even bothering to extract the organs. The boys were shrieking, and their lone testicles were squirming in their sacks, as if trying to escape from the horrible current. Next Jill switched to a simple game of Animal, Vegetable and Mineral. She had the boys lay down, and put each testicle in a vice. She thought of the item, and then they had to guess what it was. Each incorrect guess brought a turn of the screw. On the very first round, the boys were sweating and moaning in a matter of minutes. Their nut flesh was squeezed out from the sides of the vice, and the insides of their balls were being tenderized. This, of course, was exactly what Jill wanted. Balls needed to be softened before they were popped, it was just common sense. Both managed to get the answer right in the first round, and they played a number of sessions, before Jill began to get sleepy. But, before things wound down, they played one more game, and this was a cruel, made-up one. Basically Jill would make up a tongue twister, and while she sucked in their testicles and squeezed it between her teeth, they had to say the rhyme 20-times-fast. If they messed up at all, they had to start over. After four rhymes, their testicles were starting to liquidize inside, and they were moaning their limericks as Jill sucked on their nut. But, as children are want to do, Jill suddenly became really tired, and made the two boys crawl into the sleeping bags with her, turn off the lights, and let her go to sleep. She lay across both their bodies, weighing them down, and putting the bony parts of her weight directly on their groins. Jill drifting off to sleep, squeezing their manhood’s as she did so. The fact that she was laying on top of them, plus their pain, meant they couldn’t jack off to relieve the pressure in their nuts. Instead, both boys were in forced to lay there in torturous agony and exquisite ecstasy. Jill had never actually intended to pop their balls that night. Instead, she would do it in the morning. With her dad, she’d found it caused more pain to him when he was half asleep, early in the morning. Not only would these boys be more vulnerable, but they’d have blue balls from not cumming. It would be perfect. Dawn came, bright and cold, and Jill awoke. She was still lying across their muscular, sexy teenage bodies, and they’d obviously passed out from the heady mixture of pain and fatigue. She quietly pulled back the covers and got up to stand between them. Jill was insulated from the cold - she had her warm pajamas and fluffy pink socks to keep her warm, but the boys were not. They shivered in their sleep. Before her lay two willing, helpless, handsome young men, and she was going to nut them. She was going to scramble their eggs, and then actually eat them for breakfast. In the last month, she’d developed a taste for testicles, and she couldn’t wait to have the glands fried up with some eggs. She patiently waited for each one of them to spread their legs a little bit more, unconsciously in their sleep. Then, she stepped between Josh’s legs. WHAM. Josh curled up into a ball, and moaned loudly. Then between Paul’s younger legs. WHAM. Paul woke up with a start and clutched her foot while she squished his testicle underneath it. Jill turned demanding. “Get on all fours”. She kicked them again, so they’d get a move-on. “Beg me to kick you, you bad boys!!” Josh groaned again, and after rubbing his cock vigorously to wake himself up and gather some enthusiasm, said in a husky voice, “You’re my mistress, Jill. Kick me between the ball until I beg you to take it from me.” Paul was on all fours giggling in a giddy, anticipatory way. “Jill I want you to kick me so hard they can hear me in China. Look,” he said as he gazed at his already erect cock. “I’ve never leaked cum this early in the morning, before! This is so cool.” SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT. Jill busted Josh, softening the ball so it was crushable. SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT. Paul’s one testicle flattened under her foot. This went on until she was satisfied that they’d pop easily. She pulled off her fuzzy socks, and got ready to do the deed. Now was the moment. “Lay on your backs!” Both of them did so. “Spread them RIGHT NOW!” They spread their legs so wide that Josh’s right leg overlapped and intertwined with Paul’s left leg. Next Jill place small wooden pedestal-cups which Tony had created for this exact occasion, under each ball. The cups had slight indentations so the testicles wouldn’t roll off, but would provide a hard enough surface to pop them on. “Now,” she said, “I want you to hold each other’s hands.” “Why?” asked the boys. She kicked them each in the balls for their insolence. “Because it’s cute,” she said, smiling and twirling in place. Reluctantly, they did so. “Can we jack off while you pop them?” asked Paul groggily. His youthful penis was pulsing on its own - eager to please Jill, but to also release its pent up juice from last night. Josh’s bigger penis was doing the same. “NO! You’re gonna use the other hand to stabilize the cups.” Both boys grumbled, but complied. After all, she was the one in charge of their balls, not them. They were just here to give her pleasure. “OK. Paul, you got to go first last time, so I’m going to pop Josh’s first,” she said as she position herself between Josh’s legs. She put her bare flesh against his naked, swollen testicle, and let it rest there, lightly. “Say you want me to pop it, Josh.” Jill waited, letting him feel her foot on his ball. “Say it. Make me want to crush your little nut.” Jill waited while Josh mustered the strength to reply. “Oh god,” he groaned, his head arched back. “I’ve waited for this for months now, Jill. My ball feels like road-kill. I’ve let you kick it, squeeze it, hit it, hang by it, and I’ve loved you for every minute of it. Even when I threw up or felt like passing out, you owned my nut. I’ve had the sweetest and deepest ache that a man can ever have, and it’s made me hard for three months straight. My nut’s been waiting for it. So, go ahead.” His head thrashed some more and another moan escaped his lips. “Splatter my ball all over the tent, Jill. Don’t make me wait, anymore. Do it. DO IT!” He now really was begging her to pulverize his remaining manhood. The look of need and anticipation of losing his last nut was all the encouragement Jill needed. “OK.” she said, smiling, and began to twist her foot on his testicle. She was going to pop it, for sure. Harder and harder the pressure bore down on his ball. She could feel it start to leek out and split at the seams. There was a soft squishing noise, and the beleaguered ball spontaneously leaked its contents out, spreading under her foot. She kept twisting the ruptured nut until she could feel the very heart of his ball give way. It made another squishing sound, and Josh’s body spasmed over and over. The pinkish cum dribbling out of his dick started making rivulets down his cock, and it was obviously coming from deep with the ball that she’d just ruined. It was the last of his ability to make babies, and Jill was determined to take it away totally. With one hand she reached down and jacked the spurting member, while squishing his last ball even harder. All that would she was going to leave of his manhood would be jelly. Josh looked like he was having an epileptic seizure, and kept spasming in time with the spurts of cum, but there was no stopping Jill. She just kept squished out every last drop of sperm. Five minutes later, Josh was shivering, exhausted and in incredible agony. The sperm gushing from his dick-slit lessened to a stream, and then a dribble and finally the last small doses that spurted out were an even mixture of blood and jizz. Josh gave one last gurgling sound in the back of his throat and then passed out. Meanwhile Paul, who was kneading his own nut and slapping it lightly, was immensely turned on, watching his ball busting buddy get neutered, and was eagerly anticipating his own nutting. He was next. Whoopee! As she stepped between his legs, Paul reached out and gently took her right foot. He lifted it up to his lips, and lovingly kissed her toes, the arch of her foot, licked the underside of it and nuzzled his face against it. This was the foot she was planning to emasculate him with, and he wanted her to know how much he adored it, and her. Jill watched happily as he did this. Naturally she agreed that her foot was worthy of worship, and wiggled the toes just to tease him. Instead of letting go of the foot, he placed it reverently on his own testicle, and he started talking. He didn’t have to be told to submit, he wanted to submit. “Jill, I know I’ll never be able to make babies or jack off again. Hell, I probably won’t even have an erection again, but I can’t think of any better way of saying ‘I love you’ than to give my last ball to you. I actually sort of wish I had a third one for you to pop. But I don’t so all I can say is . . . . . . . . go ahead. It’s yours.” Jill was about to place her foot on his ball like she had with Josh, but Paul suddenly spoke again, “Wait, don’t!” Jill stopped, in surprise. Was he suddenly afraid to be castrated? How odd. “Jill, I know you could just step on my ball until it pops or stomp it ‘til it gives, and this little cup thingy would be dead handy for that, but wouldn’t you rather have my ball in your mouth when it explodes? I mean, you’ve never had that happen before, right? Imagine this nut,” which he cupped for her, his offering, his manhood, “being testicle-paste in your mouth. Wouldn’t you like to chew on it to feel it explode? You’re going to be eating it for breakfast anyways, and I really want to feel it in your mouth when it bursts. Please Jill, take my ball by eating it. Could you do that? For me . . . .Please?” Jill cocked her head to the side, looking at Paul, her foot hovering just an inch above his ball. A mischievous smile spread across her face. “OK. Stand up so I can kick it first.” Paul gratefully stood up. He put his hands behind his head and spread those muscular teenage legs for her. His dick was stiff-as-a-board, his lone testicle was bloated, shiny and red, and Paul was aching for her to obliterate it. “No, turn around. I don’t want you to see me.” Paul smiled to himself, he knew she did this to prevent him from reflexively protect his nut. Around he turned. WHAM. Her pretty little foot squashed the testicle almost flat. SPLAT, again she drove her toes into his plum. WHACK WHACK WHACK. Jill delivered kicks to Paul that would down an ordinary man, but thanks to three months of conditioning, his ball merely softened up. Eventually he sank to his knees, and couldn’t take any more kicks. Jill roughly pulled his hands behind him, away from his groin, and tied them together, then she pushed him on his side and then his back, and tied his feet to the tent ribs. Now he couldn’t go anywhere, nor could he shield himself from her. She got down in between his split legs and roughly handled his ball for a while. She popped it this way, and that. She squeezed it, feeling its insides squish around. He felt it too, and could see his ball meat warp and distort, unable to spring back into shape. It was now like a bean-bag filled with gel. He was holding his breath, hoping and waiting, for the moment she would suck it into her mouth. ‘Clearly my ball’s useless for anything but popping anyways,’ he thought to himself ‘I’ve probably been sterile for months, now.’ Clearly the only one who was going to get any enjoyment out of it now was Jill. “Please pop it in your mouth, Jill. Please,” groaned Paul, out loud. “OK.” Jill placed the huge gonad in her mouth sucked it in. It filled her entire mouth, and holding his scrotum still, began to chew on it. While she did this she also rammed her fist into his rock-hard dick. Like Josh, it began to leak more and more cum. Her cute little molars bit down on the testicle, pushing its tight sheath to the limits of their capacity. The dam was about to burst, the ball was about to go. Inside his head, Paul was imagining that Jill was actually eating his nut, and he was nearly raving with excitement and pain, The most beautiful girl in the world was about to ingest his manhood, raw, in a heated moment of sexual frenzy. And as he felt it go, there was one pristine moment, where his heart ached as much as his ball. One supreme moment of emotional bliss where everything he could ever have imagined came true. They both knew his testicle was about to rupture. And then . . . it did. Jill felt the ball squeeze out between her teeth explode into her mouth, puffing out her cheeks and filling her entire mouth with spermy goo. Paul screamed and screamed and screamed. He didn’t want too, it just happened that way. Jill chewed on the remains and then swallowed the whole thing. ‘Raw testicle was much more interesting than cooked,’ she thought, even though it wasn’t nearly as big or filling as the ones she’d eaten a while back. Jill swallowed and Paul bucked his hips wildly. Jill then began to chew on his spermatic cords. More convulsions and whining from Paul. It wasn’t too long before he fainted, and Jill got up. She brushed herself off, put her cute little pink socks back on, and skipped into the house, so her father could remove Josh’s nut sack and serve it up for her to eat. ‘I think I’ll spread it on some toast,’ she decided. And so, Paul and Josh lost their places in Jill’s entourage. But, they still loved her so deeply that they recruited their own replacements. A thin redhead named Alex was more than willing to take Paul’s place, and he started coming over to get nutted, while Josh found a beefy football player, from his own high school, who desperately wanted to have his balls condition so he’d be tougher in games. Now, all that was left was her father. It was the end of the summer, Jill was due to go back to school in a week, and she and Keith were outside playing. Tonight the game was peek-a-ball. Keith had put on some jockey shorts that were about five sizes too small and they played dodge ball. Whenever a testicle popped out from his white pouch from jumping around, Keith had to stand still, and Jill would get a free toss directly into his nut. If both balls popped out, she got to run up and either punch them or kick them, whichever she preferred. Then Keith would stuff them back inside, and they’d continue. “Oh, there’s one,” said Jill, pointing. Keith’s left testicle had indeed slipped from its restraints. “Cool!” Keith spread his legs and let her slam the pink rubber ball right into it. The hit from the ball caused the other nut to pop out. Now Jill got to kick or hit them both! “Go for it!” said Keith, with enthusiasm. He spread his legs wider. Jill aimed and punched his separated testicles several times. They jiggled and bounced, and Keith just smiled broadly as she did so. ‘Who knew my little eggs could be such a great toy?’ he thought. Sasha, who was playing with them also, saw the ball punching going on, and not wanted to be left out of the game, lay on his back and spread them open for Jill. She took the opportunity to reach down and squeeze the dog’s bollocks as hard as she could. They felt just right in her hand, and the dog crooned as she pressed hard against them. In the distance, Keith and Jill both heard the phone ring, and Tony, who was in the house, answered it. A while later he came out. He had a big, but slightly sad smile. “Jill, guess what?” “What, daddy?” as she paused, ready to throw the ball at Keith’s exposed right testis. Tony looked at them both for a few seconds, letting the surprise build, and then said, “You’re about to have a baby brother!!!” He grinned. Jill stood there for a moment and then her eyes grew wide. She was so happy that she’d been moved to tears. Now her father was going to give up his last nut to her, and when her brother was old enough, he could give her his too. Jill ran to her father and they hugged for a few moments. Then, Keith started clapping, while Sasha, sensing that something good had happened started barking. “I think this calls for a celebration?” said Keith. Tony agreed that they should celebrate, and what better way than to have Jill hurt them some more? Keith and Tony got on their hands and feet, their legs spread, and Sasha followed suit. Jill happily ran between the three males as they let her kick their privates. It was a happy night. They ended the evening by watching Alice In Wonderland together, and whenever Alice changed size, or the white rabbit appeared, Jill got to hit any set of testicles in range. She got in one really good hit to Keith’s nuts the first time the White Rabbit said, “I’m late, I’m late, I’m late for an important date!” Keith actually fell off the couch and started laughing and dry heaving all at the same time, which merged into a sort of throaty cough. When he’d caught his breath, he just looked up at Jill with a pained smile and said, “Man, that was intense. Thanks Jill!” As Tony tucked Jill into bed, that night, he asked her how she wanted to ruin his nut and destroy his sex life forever. Jill thought about it for a while. She finally told him it would be a surprise, and all he’d have to do is set up some equipment. Tony agreed and said she should castrate him tomorrow. Jill smiled and nodded happily. Then he added, “Do you want daddy to pleasure himself before you burst it, or should I be aching?” “Oh, you mean you can make it hurt even more?” “Of course. I can stay up all night jacking off, but I won’t cum, and then when you do pop it, I’ll be that much happier to see it go.” Jill agreed instantly, and that night, Tony lay on his bed, stroking to lesbian porn but always stopping just before release. By daybreak he was both exhausted and horny, with a case of blue-ball(s) almost unheard of. He couldn’t WAIT for her to pop it for him. Bright and early, before Jill awoke, Tony went to the barber shop and got a buzz cut. Then he came back home and shaved his head smooth. He also shaved every other part of his body. It seemed sacrilegious to have Jill burst his ball with anything but an immaculately clean body. One might expect that every hour leading up to the main even would be filled with testicle torture, but in fact the two of them just spent a quite day, enjoying each other’s company. They showered together, and Jill got to explore all of her father’s smooth body, squeezing things, pinching things, pulling on his water-softened scrotum, and watching him stroke a bit for her. They watched TV, ate lunch, read some books. Throughout it all, Jill would be squeezing or playing with the doomed ball. Sometime after noon, Tony suggested they take a nap, and the two of them lay down on Tony’s bed, side by side, naked, with Jill wrapped in her father’s strong arms, his newly soft and smooth skin touching hers. “Daddy, will you still love me when I’ve burst your ball?” “Of course,” he added sleepily. “You’re my little girl. You can do anything you want to me. Always.” They rested for a long while, and the only ball busting that day was when Jill woke up from the nap - just a few, well aimed slaps to his soft, vulnerable ball to wake him up, which it did. They ate dinner and watched another movie. Six o’clock arrived, and Tony said they’d better do it. “Are you excited to castrate me?” asked Tony with a smile “Yes, Daddy. I’m going to splatter it all over the walls!” Then Jill told him what he had to do. Tony was to set up a vice, mounted on a block, in his bedroom, and he was to place the vice between his legs and clamp it behind his ball. Then he was to lay there, and wait patiently for her. When the vice and Tony were in place, Tony’s ball was completely stationary and exposed for torture. He reasoned that she could step on it, hit it, drop something heavy on it, or smash it with something. He hope it would be the last one, since that might be quicker. He waited and waited, and then heard something being lugged down the stairs. Thump, Thump, Thump. Then he heard Jill dragging something into his bedroom. She finally came around the corner, dragging something. It was his old set of golf clubs. She set it down, and huffed and puffed. They were heavy for little girl like her. Tony asked if she was OK. “I’m OK, Daddy. I just wanted to bring down the whole set to find one your ball couldn’t stand up to.” “Of course.” It was pretty obvious what she was going to do, and Tony felt relieved. A quick end to his manhood would be delightful. As Jill decided which iron to destroy his nut with, she asked her father some questions. “Will I get to hit my new brother’s ball?” “Of course, but not until he’s old enough to cum.” “How long is that?” She was testing the size of the heads to see which one had the most weight and surface area. “Oh, about thirteen years.” Jill turned and pulled a sad face. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I know there are lots of boys out there who would drop their pants for you in a second. I promise you, you won’t be bored.” Jill was mollified, and went back to examining the bag. “When will he come to us, and what’s his name going to be? “Well, I was thinking of calling him Tony Jr. That way you could think of all our happy times together whenever he was around, and he’ll be coming in about nine months.” “Why that long?” Jill extracted the four-iron. It was just perfect. “That’s how long it takes for babies to grow.” “Oh, OK. Well.” Jill got between his spread legs and raised the club up over her head. She smile happily. “Say good by to your big nut, Daddy.” Tony was perversely reminded of Kathy Bates in Misery. But then he immediately realized, no, this wasn’t a psycho about to hit him with a sledgehammer, this was his daughter, who loved him, and who was about to release him from the burdens of sexuality. He was actually proud of her. Tony smirked, remembering Paul’s first nutting. “Goodbye, big nut!” he said, waving down at his forlorn ball. Tony wasn’t afraid; he was willing and eager for this to happen. It was the logical and inevitable ending to this summer’s activities, and what a small sacrifice a nut was, for someone as wonderful as Jill. Then he looked up at the head of the golf club. Tony realized he’d never seen the potential of it for doing such damage to man. Then again, testicles were a very delicate part of the body, and only someone as clever and inventive as Jill would see its potential. The cold steel gleamed in the morning light. Jill was watching her father’s face, and when his eyes met hers, she began her downward stroke, as that was what she’d been waiting for. In the split second before it connected with his trapped ball, Tony thought with irony that if Jill were only a little older and more experienced she’d yell “FOUR”. The rock hard iron head connected with his baby maker, and the whole thing exploded with one big SPLAT. Tony’s testicle did indeed splatter all over the room, landing on the bed, the chair, the armoire, the ceiling, all four walls, Jill, himself. Testicle cream was everywhere. Tony didn’t even make a sound. The enormity of the situation was too much for him to process. It literally took his breath away. All he could do was look down at the scrotal crater where his ball used to be. Then he passed out with a gurgling sigh. Jill was delighted. She dipped her finger into the molten sperm that was on his stomach, and licked. “Oh daddy,” she said to him, not realized he was out cold. “You taste so good!” * * * A week later the recovered Tony was showing around a Mexican cleaning crew who were going to clean up his room. The fellow he was talking to was a young, light skinned, muscular guy. Naturally the cleaner asked what all the yellow stuff was on the walls. “Oh, well, my daughter likes to pop testicles. That’s my baby-batter you’re looking at.” The young guy’s face turned first to astonishment and then interested. “I’ve always wanted to get nutted by a girl. Mexican girls are too timid for that sort of thing. Tell you what,” he said leaning in to whisper conspiratorially, “I’ll do this job for free if you get her to kick me in the cahones.” Tony smiled, and took him by the shoulder. “Tell me, do you shave your nuts?” * * *
Quiet Boys. my training is complete
Finally i have completed these 3 short stories.&nbsp; i wish i cold have made one long one but i will do better next time.
` ` When I was first recovering, they said it would take a week for the dead skin above the band to fall off. It took a full 10 days. I felt this pop and then it was gone. All that was left was just a little piece of dried up stuff and a band on the floor. I looked down and saw this little button and that was all. Just then Jean walked in and looked at me. She told me to follow her to the servants dinning room and had me lay on the table. She deflated the balloon at the end of the catheter with a syringe and pulled it out. That felt so good! Then she snipped at the end of the stitch that held the skin together at the pee hole (it was a long rolling stitch) and slowly pulled on the end with a pair of tweezers. This also felt strangely good for some reason. “Now, take a shower!” she said and I retreated to the servants laboratory and took a long hot shower. It felt like heaven not to have to wash up in the sink anymore. I dried off on a full thick towel. It was amazing how much more human I felt all of a sudden. I did not notice anything at first since my eyes had soap in them in the shower and I really was not paying attention during the shower, when I washed myself down there. I was still in a bit of denial. There were these two beautiful women, all be it a mother and her daughter and I was still quite aware of just how beautiful they were. When I got out of the shower, the steam had fogged all the mirrors in the bathroom and the fog was quite thick. I switched on the fan to clear the room and stepped into the bedroom. That is when I noticed myself in the mirrored closet doors. My knees wobbled for a moment. I was quite sexless now. There was indeed nothing between my legs. Nothing at all! Maybe the catheter and the little flap helped with the denial, but now they were gone and there I was. It seemed like time had just frozen solid. I stood there for almost hours in my mind but it also may have just been for a moment. Some things happen in our lives that are so profound that time is irrelevant. This is surely one of those. After an eternity, in which I came to grips with the fact that all I have known to this point I will never know again. I will never see my family again. How could I. They would never understand this. No old friends. Maybe despair is not quite the word that comes to mind. That’s when Jean’s hand came to rest on my shoulder. I turned to look at her. The hurt puppy eyes were met with kind eyes and a soft smile. I started to say something but never got past the finger she gently placed on my lips. After a moment she moved the finger under my chin and just lead me to the bed. She was, as I now noticed, completely naked. I must have looked pretty silly just staring at her but she did not seem to notice or maybe took that as a complement. She smiled at me and motioned to me to join her in bed. Ok, tell me, you were a man for years. You know the drill and all. Now all of a sudden the rules are totally changed. What exactly are you supposed to do here? I must have looked pretty stupid, but again this was only met with a smile. I awkwardly joined her there and she guided my lips to hears and as we kissed, she directed my hand to her right breast. I really had no plans of rushing anything, as I was not really sure what I should do here. There was a familiar tingling between the legs, but no embarrassing erection. My hand did find its way down to her vagina. She then placed very subtle pressure on my neck and directed my mouth to her right breast. It tasted sweet and became instantly erect. I played with her nipple with my tung while I tried to suck as much of it in my mouth as I could hold. She began to ride my finger in her vagina. I tried to reach her clitoris with my thumb but I could not make my hand go that way. I felt the hand almost pulling at my hair now and sort of directing me to the neglected left breast. Her rhythmic riding of my hand was now more noticeable. This time the tugging at my hair was so obvious, I was sure I was loosing hair as she tried to guide my tong to her now swollen clitoris. I sucked it into my mouth and dove 3 fingers into her vagina. The faster I sucked the more she rocked. She began to moan and stretched her hands down my back. Then as she rocked harder and faster, she dug her nails deep into my back. That is the strangest deeply hurtful wonderful feeling. I cannot describe it but I really did know I was making her feel pretty good. I cannot ever remember doing that to a woman before. Just a few minutes and well, sorry but I gotta go. Then it was over. She was just laying there breathing deeply and sweating heavily. She looked at me and just smiled and patted my head. Then she looked at my back. There were trickles of blood running down the small of my back. She called for her daughter. Without even asking what she wanted, her daughter arrived with some moist towels and a tube of white salve. Jean got up and left for the bathroom. I looked up. Expecting some kind of embarrassment or something, having just walked in on her mother just having sex with a servant would to most be a bit odd but she did not bat an eye. She toweled off my back and began applying salve to the wounds. She commented on the fact that she had never actually seen a back in this condition before and that due to the depth and number of scratches, I must have done quite a good job. I looked up at her, totally embarrassed, and said: “pardon me for being ignorant, but what is your name? I have been waiting patiently for someone to mention it but nobody has.” “My ‘Name’ is Jennifer, but nobody calls me anything but Jenny” “What may I call you? Or am I limited to Ma’am” She giggled, “Do I look like somebody’s Grandma to you?” “No!” “Well, don’t call me Ma’am then, call my mom that! How is your back now?” “fine thanks” “Good” she said and jumped into bed and plopped her feet in my lap. Without saying a thing, I undid her shoes and slid off her socks and neatly tucked them into her shoes. I slowly worked my thumbs deep into the souls of her feet and worked towards the balls of her feet from her heels. First the right foot then the left. I pulled on her toes to realign the bones and rubbed deep into the tops of her feet. She was now seated in the middle of the bed and grabbed my ears and pointed my head up at her and smiled. She let go of my ears and started taking off her top. She jumped out of bed and turned away from me and slid off her skirt almost knocking my face with her beautiful but. I felt like kissing it but she turned around and said: “ I want a back rub? Are you up to it. She bounced into the bathroom and reappeared with a bottle of mineral oil and I resumed work on her feet. I have to admit, it was a whole lot easier to do the foot rub now, that there was something so beautiful to look at. I really had a much harder time concentrating on my work and she seemed to not only know this, but was happy as well. It was as though I approved of her beauty. I rubbed the back of her calves and worked my way up to her thighs and she giggled and rolled over. Now I stood beside the bed and leaned into it. I was not an especially big guy to start with, but I have always been relatively strong. I felt the tension melt off as I worked my hands deep into the back sides of her thighs and spent a long time there and on her buttocks. I re- oiled my hands and worked deep into the muscles on both sides of her spine and worked my way out towards her sides and around almost to her tight firm breasts. She reached back and stopped my hands. “Not yet, not here”, she said. “Just the back” I worked my hands deep into the back of her neck and up to behind her ears. She purred deeply and was as relaxed as I had ever seen anyone. She rolled over and smiled. “now, lets get that oil and salve off of you, you are really lagging behind in your lessons for today. Come!” and she got up and I followed her into the shower. The shower was very large and easily accommodated 2 people. She handed me the soap and requested that I remove the oil I had so generously applied to her. I Scrubbed her with a soft cloth from her head slowly down to her ankles. She turned around and guided my soapy hands onto her now erect tight little breasts. She was not a young woman. She was probably at least twenty-something but if she dressed right she could look much younger. While I was washing her breasts, she gently placed a hand between my legs. She flashed me an evil smile and a wink and pushed away and wrenched off. We toweled off and she handed me a pile of now soaked towels and got dressed. I delivered them to the laundry chute and headed for the kitchen. I spent the rest of the day there making salads and helping the more senior servant prepare dinner. I had my own room now. I knew it would not be long until a guest would come and I would have to leave. I guess my sadness was obvious the next day, because Jenny stopped me. “Why are you so sad today. “ “I am almost trained now. It won’t be long and I will have to leave” “And that is a bad thing?” She asked? “I really like you and I like it here” “Believe me, it shows. We have never had a servant that worked harder at trying to please everybody. Never. Not once! I wish I could keep you. Mom wishes she could too. But we do have rent to pay and you will be undoubtedly much better taken care of wherever you end up. But I will miss you so!” In the few weeks that followed, I have learned how to cook quite well. I can do laundry, iron delicate clothing and have a better appreciation of how to dress a woman. I can now apply makeup and paint finger nails and toe nails. I am trusted to trim them, but I have yet to learn how to properly apply acrylic nails. I can arrange a room for a party and can properly set a table. I even have the what course goes when and what fork to use for each and even what wine to recommend (even though I personally cannot stand wine). The thing I learned early on was the harder I work to please the ones I care for, the better I feel. What a change! * * *
New balls please!!
A tennis instructor gets his wings clipped when he tries it on with one of his pupils...celeb names used but this is a PURE work of fiction!!
` I'd been coaching Serena and Venus for years now. Venus had matured first, and by threats and intimidation I'd managed to fuck her. Slowly, her sister Serena was maturing. She was only 17 but had round hips and huge breasts with wheelnut sized nipples. I knew I just had to have my wicked way with her, too. ` One day, after a lesson in which I'd constantly undermined her at every turn, I followed her into her dressing room. I told her that her playing was so crap, that unless she did something special for me, which she shouildn't tell anyone else about, I'd tell her dad she was no good. "What do you want me to do for you?" she said,acting all wide eyed and innocent. I walked up to her, pulling one of her full round succulent breasts out of her top. "What do you think..." I asked. To my surprise she reached into my shorts and started fondling my balls. "These are HUGE..I'm looking forward to this!!" she said. I got her to lie down on a couch, where I joined her as we both peeled off our clothes. "Are you into kinky stuff??" she said seductively. "Y-y-yes," warily, not knowing what she had in mind. "good," she said, "'cos that's the only way I do it." She then reached into a small compartment in her bad, pulling out a pair of cuffs. Before I could say anything the cuffs were on my wrists, and she had me on my back. Her huge breasts with their outsized nipples and aureolae were teasing my lips. Then she took my vest and tied my legs to the foot of the couch. She pulled my cuffed hands over my head. I thought she was going to fuck me or give me a blow job. But she pulled a camcorder, a pair of surgicval scissors, a sample jar and a scalpel from the compartment in her bag. Setting up the camcorder to film me, she said, "I'm telling you what I'm going to do so you don't think you can wheedle your way out of it.I am going to castrate you. That's right, I'm going to cut your balls off. I've heard that you were abusing Venus, and I swore I'd never let you do it to me." "No, Serena...please..." I whimpered. "Wuss!" she snapped, slapping me across the face. She gagged me with her cunt -juice soaked panties..she must really have creamed herself at the thought of castrating me. I was powerless as she cut my scrotum open with the scissors, pulling out my huge, throbbing testicles. Brandishing the scalpel she leered, "Say good bye to them!!" Then she sliced off my gonads, one by one. She placed my severed balls in the sample jar, sticking on a label with my name and date. "After a few weeks, you'll retire from coaching on grounds of ill health," said Serena, removing her panties from my mouth, "otherwise I'll show this video and your severed balls to everyone on the circuit. I know you must be annoyed at becoming a eunuch, but you're not the first person I've de- sexed...lots of boys who said I was a crap player have lost their balls to me. I even took the clit of my first instructor, as she was trying to abuse me too." "But what will I do if I can't coach..."I whimpered. "You can always umpire, " said Serena. "And when you call out 'New balls please!' you'll wish it was possible!" She then untied me,and left me squirming in my blood, with one last barb in my ears:" I'm going to tell Venus what I've done. I'll show her the tape, and your balls. She'll be so horny, she'll give me the fuck of my life. As you're now a eunuch, and quite safe, I MAY invite you to watch...." * * *
The Games
In a future world, games will be played to determine who gets to remain male.&nbsp; If you don\'t want to read the long set up, just skip to the end.
_ In the year 2085 after a population boom, several costly wars for oil, arable land and water as well as a number of ecological disasters, the World Governing Council (the international organ that replaced the UN) created a stable peace by putting in place mandates that were designed to limit the consumption of natural resources. One of these mandates involved a limit on population growth. The United States as well as many other powerful nations instituted a program of competitive eugenics as the system for authorizing reproduction. The belief was that if the number of children born in the United States was to be limited, then the children that were born should have the best potential to succeed in certain key strategic areas._ _ All citizens with genetic defects were ordered sterilized (vasectomy or tubal ligation for women). Those who graduated high school were given the choice of either voluntary sterilization, or competing for breeding licenses. Those who showed talent in academics, the arts or certain sports were allowed breeding licenses according to a quota system. Those who failed to secure breeding licenses in those areas had one more area in which they could be allowed to breedŚThe Games. _ _ In addition to scientists, engineers, teachers, athletes, and artists, the United States needed soldiers (especially if the World Governing Council collapses). The Games were a way of breeding a population of individuals that could be called to serve if the need arose. This population was designed to be about 20% male and 80% female. Some women would qualify for immediate reproduction. They were allowed to have children after a 5-year stretch in the military. Most of the women however would be designated as wartime reserve. They would be required to take mandatory birth control, and would only be called upon to bare children if the United States entered a major war. This meant that any woman could rest assured that she could at least be placed in wartime reserve. It was a different story for the men. _ _ The men would enter three months of boot camp. After graduating boot camp, the men would compete in The Games. The Games were a series of simulated war games with a twist. All of the men would be injected with a population of nanites that were programmed to castrate. These nanites would remain inert until activated by a beam of energy from a mock assault rifle or grenade. The process was relatively painless and was actually designed to be pleasurable. Those men who were castrated would be re-engineered (physically and psychologically) as women and placed into the wartime reserve. Some re- engineered women do qualify for breeding licenses though and begin their required military service. The men who were victorious would keep their manhood. They would be required to have a sample of their sperm frozen in a sperm bank, and they would be required to put in a 5-year stretch in the military, but it was a small price to pay for the freedom to fuck. _ _ _ This was it. It was Game Day, and I was ready. I was standing at attention with my unit while the lieutenant gave us our final instructions. ôYou have been divided into five companies of 20 men each. You will compete against each other until only 20 remain. Since this is such a highly competitive event, your weapons have been programmed to be ineffective against members of your own unit to prevent treachery. We want only the best 20 of you to move on to active duty as men.ö ôAs you all know, if you are hit, you will feel a powerful tingling sensation in the area were you were hit as well a loss of bladder control. This is to let yourself and others know that you are no longer a combatant. If you are hit, all of your weapons will be immediately de-activated, and for the purpose of this war game, you will be considered dead. As soon as you are hit you will have approximately ten seconds until paralysis begins. I strongly advise you to use that ten seconds to lie down, or hitting the panic button on your rifle if you are in the water or up in a tree or somewhere where paralysis could cause you injury. Remember you have a responsibility to the members of your unit. If any member of your unit dies as a result of negligence or if your flag is captured, every member of your unit will be immediately castrated and subject to gender reassignment. Also anyone breaking the rules of this engagement will permanently castrated and not re-engineered. Does anyone have any questions?ö ôNO MAAME NO!ö ôNow many of you are going to lose your balls today, just like I did eight years ago. I can honestly tell you that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. It didnĺt seem like it at the time, but it was. My advice to you is that if you get hit, just lie down, forget about your bruised egos and enjoy the experience. It will be the last time you will have an orgasm as a man and let me tell you, it will be the best you ever had. After you cum and your manhood shrivels up, just remember that by Friday you will be flickinĺ your bean and playinĺ with your tities for the first time and realizing just how incredible life as a woman can be. Hell, if I was going to do it all over again, I would just run out into the middle of the battlefield, scream ĹI want a pussy!ĺ and get hit. Now letĺs get it on. Sergeants, order your men to fall out and take their positions. Dismissed!ö Our unit was positioned on bravo hill. It was a good position with some cover. We immediately decided to rush delta hill and take their flag. Their position seemed the weakest, and we were close by. It was a risk, but it would mean 20 fewer men on the field. I assumed that some other groups would come to the same conclusion. I was selected to lead a team of 8 men to assault their position. The counter on my rifle was at 98 when we moved out. Two were gone already. We crossed the stream and headed up the delta hill through the thick brush. It was slow going, but I thought it would be the least defended flank. Our team had made it almost to the edge of the brush, when Jim signaled with his hands that the enemy was close by. As we crouched down I looked over and saw what Jim was alerting us about. There were some men from alpha unit who seemed to have the same idea that we had. I looked over and made eye contact with someone from alpha company. I think it was Tyrone. He winked at me and gestured with his head indicating that he was going to lead his team to assault on a different flank. I held up my hand telling my team to hold their fire and let them pass. We waited in the bush until we heard fighting start on the other side of the hill. Most of delta unit foolishly charged down the hill at the attacking alphas. Only three men were left to guard the flag! My unit crept up behind them. Mack pulled the pin out a grenade and lobbed it toward the enemy flag. The grenade landed and flashed. The surprised deltas looked around in confusion and suddenly the realized they were hit. Two were able to shout to their team to warn them before the paralysis gripped them. As I ran up the hill toward the flag I saw them as their castration began. They had already pissed their pants, and the rest of their motor control was failing. All eight of us made it to the flag. The rest of the delta unit was pinned down by alphas. I pulled the flag out of the hole and heard the entire delta squad scream. We immediately took our positions and were ready to fend off what was left of the alpha team when suddenly they all stopped running and started screaming. I looked down at the unit counter on my gun. It was down to 44. Some unit must have assaulted the alpha base and taken their flag. While my unit regrouped I looked down at one of the deltas that we had gotten with the grenade. It was Paul, one of the guys I trained with. I asked him, ôDoes it hurt?ö ôNgů.nůgů..kö, was all he could manage to say, but he had a smile on his face and he was trying to nod his head. He tried to tell me something, but I wasnĺt sure what quite sure what he wanted to tell me. ôNgků.BNGK!ö He was able to gesture downward with his head. I undid the buckle on his pants. Paul nodded his head. So I unbuttoned them and pulled them down. Freeing his massive hard-on. Paul smiled and closed his eyes. ôNkew.ö ôYour welcome.ö The guy was loosing his nuts, the least I could do is make him comfortable so he could enjoy it. I also wanted to see what the hell the process was like. Paulĺs hard cock was about eight inches long and really wide. It was throbbing in time with the slight bucking of Paulĺs hips. Paulĺs balls however seemed to be shrinking. His scrotum was turning a dark purple color, and seemed to be much to large for his now tiny balls. ôYo we gotta get the fuck out of here! I donĺt want that happening to us. We better get back to base. I just got off the radio, they said they lost three guys already. Come on!ö Rick was right. I grabbed my rifle and was just leaving when I heard something. ôNGK! NGK! NNNGK! NGK!ö I looked over just in time to see Paul shooting thick wads of cum all over himself. His ball sack was completely empty. Paul kept moaning and then did something really unexpected. All of the sudden a small, bloody lump of flesh about the size of a raisin came shooting out of his dick, followed by another one. Holy shit! I think those were his balls! His dick was still squirting. Now it was squirting blood as it began to shrink. It was still hard, and the head remained the same size, but the foreskin was wrinkling up as the inside of his shaft was ejected out of the head. I watched as Paulĺs dick shrunk down until it was just a head, and then to my horror, I saw the head just fall off and roll onto the ground. ôMike (thatĺs me) we gotta go! Move your ass!ö We started running back to bravo base. Echo unit had set up a sniper covering the stream. As soon as we were half way across, and chest deep in water, he started picking us off. We couldnĺt abandon our unit members or we would all be nutted, so we had to risk pulling them to the shore. Jim got off a lucky shot that nailed the sniper. We all heard him fall from the tree he was in. Three of our team were so hit we put them on the shore. I told the other guys to loosen their pants so they would be comfortable. When we got back to base the unit count was down to 22. We still had 15 guys left in our unit. All we had to do was defend our position, and we were going to win! Suddenly we heard a voice from the tree line. ôDonĺt shoot, Iĺm unarmed!ö We all took cover and aimed at the rock that concealed the voice. A rifle and three grenades were tossed over the rock and a member of echo unit came out with his hands up. ôPlease donĺt shoot!ö He started to approach while three of us kept him covered. The rest of the team was watching in case this was a trap. ôThatĺs far enough pal. What do you want?ö The soldier stopped 20 feet away. ôLook, Iĺm the last guy from echo unit. And I want to get de-balledŚBUT WAIT! All I ask is that I get fucked in the ass while Iĺm getting castrated. Thatĺs all I ask. Search me. Iĺm unarmed. We let him approach. He was unarmed. We took him and his abandoned weapons, into our camp. We all looked around at each other until during about a minute of uncomfortable silence until Bob finally said, ôFuck it, Iĺm game, but I need someone to help me an cover my ass. I donĺt want to be the last guy to get shot.ö I decided to go. Bob was my friend, and besides I liked a little guy on guy action every now and again. Bob and I found a secure area and we had the prisoner strip. He was already hard. Bob covered me while I took his dick into my mouth. It was a little funky from all of the sweat, but that just turned me on more. This was the last time this bastard would get his dick sucked. I gave him some oral thrills, but I didnĺt let him cum. He wanted to cum from the castration. My cock was throbbing from the excitement, but it was my turn to stand guard, and I didnĺt want to get ambushed. I stood up and held my rifle at the ready while Bob and the prisoner got their freak on. Bob bent the prisoner over a log that would support him when the paralysis took over. ôOh, yeah! Fuck me! Unh!ö Bobĺs cock slipped inside of the prisonerĺs ass and started pumping. ôOk, do it! Do it! Nut me! Turn me into your bitch!ö I put tip of my riffle right up against the prisonerĺs balls. ôYes! Right there! I want to feel it in my nuts!ö I pulled the trigger. ôYes! Oh my balls! Theyĺre tingling!ö I could hear the pee start to trickle on the ground. ôYes! Yes! I feel so dizzy. Iů. Canĺt stůstandů.Unh! Oh! Ngů..nků..ků.ö The paralysis had set in, freezing the look of ecstasy on the prisonerĺs face. I tried to look, but I couldnĺt really see what was happening to the prisonerĺs balls. Bob was fucking him in the ass. The coast was clear, so reached under Bob and squeezed the bitchĺs balls. I could feel them shrinking in their sack. My hard-on was straining against my pants. Suddenly his balls just slipped into his body. I could feel the spasms of his orgasm with my hand. Then I felt a little trickle of blood on my hand. Our bitchĺs cock was entering the final stages. While I scanned the horizon for any unfriendlies, I heard Bob moaning as he came in the bitchĺs ass. I reached under and plucked the head of his dick off. I thought he might want it later as a souvenir. I was so fuckinĺ turned on I was ready to bust. We lifted the prisoner off of the log and laid him down on his back. His balls and cock were completely gone. Just a bit of blood around what looked like an open sore where his dick had been attached. ôMike I just wanted to thank you for hookinĺ me up.ö ôNo problem Bobö Maybe I can get some from Bob now! ôAnd one more thing Mikeö I heard a rifle click off a shot. I felt a tingling sensation in my ass as to my amazement I started to pee uncontrollably in my pants. Bob must have switched rifles with the prisoner. I instinctively grabbed my stricken manhood. ôYou mother fucker! I am going to kill you! Iĺll find you and you will ů die. Iĺll ů kůö My voice was paralyzed, and I could feel weakness in my legs. I pulled my wet pants down while I still had use of my hands and arms. I fell to my knees and laid back on a tree that was right behind me. Bob just laughed and walked away, leaving me to my fate. My cock was already hard from what I had witnessed a few minutes ago. I was starting to feel light headed and euphoric. It must be a side effect of the process. Waves of intense pleasure started emanating from my dick. They seemed to flow out through my body and bounce back to my balls. I could feel my balls tightening up. There was a little discomfort. It felt like I had been hit in the balls, but the pain was not very intense. The pleasure was building. It felt like an angel was sucking my cock. I could feel cum building up inside me as my balls disappeared from view. The sight of my empty scrotum horrified me, but also filled me with a perverse sense of pleasurable submission. I was becoming a bitch. There was nothing I could do now, so I resigned myself to my castration. The first wad of cum shot out and hit me in my own face. My back arched and I tried to cry out in pleasure. My jizz just began to pour out until I felt an even greater build up of pleasure. All of the sudden a second, more powerful orgasm was building as I felt a tremendous pressure deep in my crotch. My balls were coming out! I shot one out and felt the most incredible pleasure throughout my whole body. My shriveled little nut landed on my chest. The second one came out but just dribbled out of my dick hole. Now I could feel my dick collapsing as I was writhing with ecstasy. Blood ran down my leg and down my crotch. Finally I felt the head of my dick fall off and roll onto the ground. I was nutted. Bob turned me into a little bitch. My manhood was gone. I didnĺt care any more. I just laid there just glowing from head to toe. The army did an inquiry into the incident after I lodged a formal complaint. Our prisoner verified my story, which was fairly close to the truth. I said that the prisoner had surrendered to us, but left out the part about the anal sex. The prisoner who saw what happened to me, said that he (now a she) was raped by Bob after he was shot. Bob was charged with Conduct Unbecoming as well as engaging in treachery during The Game. The penalty for treachery is permanent castration. The JAG office allowed me to carry out the sentence with a burdizzo, but thatĺs another story. The army restored my manhood. The doctor even let me pick how big I wanted my new cock and balls to be. I guess thatĺs the armyĺs way of saying, sorry you were betrayed. Right now, I have a date with Becky, my former prisoner. Sheĺs coming over to my place and canĺt wait to try out her new body. Itĺs good to be a man! * * *
Forced Fantasy
A man\'s fanasy to become a slave comes true agenst his will.
` I first ordered my chastity belt as a way to experience the kind of sexual frustration I had always craved. I wanted to not be able to get off. I picked my belt because it pointed my dick downward and made me pee sitting. I also was unable to get erect or touch my cock and balls. My ass would still be exposed for frequent pounding, a change from my non-belted status as a top. This, I believed was the perfect way to adapt to a future life as a cockles, ball less sex slave. ` I was too chicken to give the keys to anyone, so I got into the habit of sending the keys to myself in the mail. Other times I would lock the keys in a safe deposit box for the weekend. With my job I would sometimes have to go weeks before being able to get to a bank during business hours. Most of the time however I kept the key in my wallet, and the spare around my neck. I slowly made friends that were also into castration and forced chastity and we started going to leather/bondage bars. At first I was shy, but eventually I started stripping and spending my time there wearing only the belt. Guys would caress it and beg to take me home to be fucked, sometime I would go along with them. On one such occasion I was having a few drinks at a bar and the conversation drifted towards castration. I told the guy that I would get my cock and balls removed only after I had spent a year in the belt. So far I had only made it a max of a month over two years. I usually only belted up for my bar weekends. Needless to say the guy was incredibly turned on by my interests. He explained that he was a master that lived in rural West Virginia. He begged me to let him hold the keys for a year and then let him make me his slave after the year was over. This was a commitment I was not ready to make. Even if I wanted to, I kept my keys at home when I went to the bar. After a few more drinks the man said he'd settle for having me to fuck over night. I agreed, and since he was from out of town I invited him to my place. When he removed his jeans I could see that his shaft was massive, but he quickly over powered me and got to pounding my ass. I begged him to use a condom but he refused. He continued to rape me for three hours. I passed out before he was done. When I awoke he was gone. Lying on the pillow next to me was a note which read "Your mine now slave!" I looked around and discovered he had taken both of my keys. I panicked. Had I actually mailed them out, or were they in the safe deposit box. This time around I had been belted for a week which meant the keys might not have been in my home. Weeks went by, I checked my mail and my safe deposit box. Eventually I gave up. It didn't take long before weeks became months. My friends consoled me and said the guy probably just took the keys. We all agreed I'd never see him again. A year passed; I remained belted. Escape was impossible and locksmiths couldn't get at the locks. I had gotten pretty used to it at this point. I couldn't even remember what an orgasm felt like. I brought my share of guys home with me and began to enjoy the anal and oral sex as my only release. I got to be very good in bed. When a year came and went I decided that I would never see my West Virginian friend again. One night I went to the bar with my friends, it was a normal night, but I kept catching this really hot young guy checking me out. He was perfect. Totally built, shaved head, goatee, shaved body. He was shirtless and wore a tight pair of jeans and combat boots. I wanted him bad. He made his way over to me, grabbed my caged crotch and asked "how long you been in this thing?" "Over a year," I answered. His southern accent gave me knots in my stomach. I wanted him to fuck me so badly. We talked for a little while. I stood submissivly next to him as he probed my body with my hands. He instructed me to open my mouth. I complied and he proceed to check my teeth. "No fillings I see," he said "very nice." I was confused but decided it must just be a fetish of his, I was hardly one to criticize another's fetish. "Want to come back to my place he said?" Without hesitation I answered "hell yes." He smiled at me. We walked out together and I went to pick up my clothes in the changing room. "That won't be nesasary, " he said. My car is parked right at the entrance and I'll drop you off here in the morning. I was a little concerned, but decided that I could trust him. We left the bar. It was cold outside and he smiled at my shivering. "Common slave," he said. He opened the door to his SUV. in the back was a large iron cage. "Get in," he said. I pulled away. "Either get in or I'm heading out without you." I paused then finally got into the car and crawled into the cage. I figured I wouldn't be in it for long any way. He pulled out of the parking space and we headed out. It was weird not knowing where we were going. When an hour passed I got concerned. When I asked he didn't answer. Two hours passed, then three. "I have to pee," I said. "Do it in there," he said. I tried to hold it but I couldn't. I had to go. I sat in a puddle of my own urine for another two hours. We had pulled off the main road and were on what felt like a dirt road. Finally he stoped, He turned off the car and opened the back hatch. We were in a wooded area. He reached into the cage, it was too cramped for me to defend myself. He locked an iron collar around my neck. I heard foot steps. The man who stole the keys to my belt stepped in front of me. "Hows it going slave?" he asked. They opened the cage and pulled me out. I fought but they were stronger than me. "We are too far out for anyone to hear you scream, if I were to release you you would freeze to death over the night." I was lead into a small cabin. Another man was there. "So shall we get started?" he asked. I was lifted onto a metal table and my legs were locked in sterups. By now I had realized there would be no escape. My new master took out the keys to my belt from his pocket. I was unlocked for the first time in over a year. "Lets clean it up and get started." A gag was forced into my mouth. My attractive kidnaper asked if he should get me off before they preceded. My master answered no and explained that I had gone for a year without it and could stand to never get it again. I cried as I was cleaned, shaved, and then as they inserted a catheter into me. The process took a while, I don't know how long, but my penis and testicles were slid off the catheter all at once when they were done. From there I do not remember. I woke up still strapped down and saw nothing between my legs. the catheter was still in me but I couldn't see it, they must have moved it closer to my anus. A year has passed and no one has come to look for me. My days consist of shaving my body, cleaning my masters house and pleasuring him and his friends. They do not hurt me, I am only used for domestic work and sex. I have grown numb to my new life, nether liking it or hating it. The dream that I will someday be free is all that keeps me going, But the collar and long chain around my neck keep me confined to the yard and the lower floor of the house. I have never seen a visiter and know that I never will. I fear that my end will come when my masters die and I will be left to starve. * * *
Die Badebekanntschaft German Language
Tim studierte Wirtschaft. Aber im Moment erholte er sich von einer Knieverletzung. “Gehen Sie viel schwimmen.” hatte der Arzt gesagt. Und Tim verbrachte seine Zeit im Freibad. Schließlich war Sommer, und er beobachtete die hübschen Jungs in engen Badehosen. Mancher wäre schon eine Sünde wert. Einer fiel Tim besonders auf. Ein Bursche Mitte zwanzig. Dunkle Haare, blaue Augen, Schnauzer, leicht Muskulös und eine bronzene Haut. Tim konnte den Blick kaum von dem Mann abwenden. Am nächsten Tag, rückte Tim mit seinem Badetuch näher an das Objekt seiner Begierde ran. Der Bursche nahm aber keinerlei Notiz von ihm. Tags darauf kam der Bursche nicht, und Tim brach seinen Badetag frühzeitig ab. Erst Tage später kam der Bursche wieder ins Freibad. Und jetzt ergriff Tim die Gelegenheit. Er sprach ihn an. “Hallo. Ich bin Tim. Ich habe gesehen, wie Du vom Turm gesprungen bist. Das war sehr Elegant.” Der Bursche grinste ihn an und sagte: “ Freut mich, das es Dir gefallen hat. Ich heiße Micha.” Die beiden unterhielten sich den ganzen Tag, nur unterbrochen von einigen Badeeinlagen. Abends wußte Micha alles von Tim, aber Tim wußte nichts von Micha. In den nächsten Tagen freundeten sich beide immer mehr an. Sie planschten im Wasser wie kleine Jungs, und trockneten sich gegenseitig ab. Wie zufällig, strich Tim immer wieder mit dem Handtuch zwischen Michas Beine, und dem schien es zu gefallen. Eines Abends, als die beiden in die Umkleidekabine gingen um sich umzuziehen, drängte sich Micha mit in Tims Kabine. Er fing an, Tim zu streicheln, und küßte ihn leidenschaftlich. Tim gefiel das, und seine Hand wanderte in Michas Hose, und ergriff dessen harten Schwanz. Micha seinerseits, zog nun Tims Badehose runter, und dann ging er auf die Knie. Sein Mund umschlang Tims harten Penis. Mit der Zunge, öffnete Micha Tims Vorhaut, und schob sie dann mit den Lippen zurück. Dann lutschte er Tim bis zum Orgasmus. Tim stöhnte auf, als er seinen Saft in Michas Mund spritze, und seine Beine zitterten. Micha stand wieder auf, leckte sich Tims Sperma von den Lippen, und schluckte den Saft dann genüßlich runter. Tim schwebte noch auf Wolke sieben, als Micha ihn umdrehte, und ihm dann sein Teil in den Hintern schob. Sehr sanft fing Micha an, Tim zu ficken. Langsam wurde er aber schneller, und schließlich ritt er Tim wie ein Wilder. Tim spürte, wie heißes Sperma in ihn hineinfloß. Micha blieb noch eine Weile in Tim. Dann zog er seinen abschwellenden Schwanz vorsichtig wieder aus Tims Hintern. Keiner der beiden sagte ein Wort, aber beide waren glücklich. Sie zogen sich um, und verabschiedeten sich. Tim fuhr mit dem Rad nach Hause. Er betrat seine Studentenbude. Dort saß sein Studienkamerad Klaus vor dem Computer. Klaus war Zwanzig Jahre alt, etwas dick, und nicht besonders gutaussehend. Tim zog Klaus vom Computer weg direkt ins Bett. Er fegte ihm förmlich die Klamotten vom Leibe, und fickte Klaus wie von Sinnen mehrmals. Klaus seinerseits wurde auch schnell Geil, und verpaßte Tim auch mehrere Ladungen in den Hintern. Aus ihren Hintern floss das Sperma. Tim sagte Klaus nicht, daß sein Sperma sich in ihm mit dem von Micha vermischt hatte. Am nächsten Tag spielte Tim wieder mit Micha im Freibad. Anschließend hatten die beiden wieder viel Spaß in der Garderobe. Bevor die beiden sich verabschiedeten, sagte Micha: “ Ich mache Samstag eine Party. Du bist herzlich eingeladen. Es gibt etwas ganz Besonderes zu essen, und ein paar Freunde kommen auch.” Tim überlegte kurz und sagte dann: “ In Ordnung, ich komme. Kann ich meinen Mitbewohner Klaus mitbringen?” Micha lächelte und sagte:” Klar. Umso besser. Hier ist meine Adresse. Um 15 Uhr geht’s los. Am besten nehmt ihr den Bus. Denn der Alkohol wird in Strömen fließen.” Pünktlich um 15 Uhr standen Tim und Klaus vor Michas Haus. Etwas abgelegen, und von einer hohen Hecke umgeben, sah es aus wie ein Lustschloß. Tim klingelte. Micha öffnete die Tür. Er war völlig Nackt und Tim sah Geil auf Michas bronzene Haut. Nur wo er sonst die Badehose trug, war die Haut im vergleich Schneeweiß. Und sein schwarzer Schamhaarbusch wirkte auf der weißen Haut noch schwärzer. Klaus fiel das Kinn herunter als er das sah. “Da seid Ihr ja. Willkommen. Kommt rein und legt ab.” sagte Micha. Er führte sie durch das Haus in den Garten. Dort tummelten sich etwa 20 bis 30 Männer. Alle ungefähr im Alter um die 25. Und alle Nackt. Tim und Klaus wurden freundlich begrüßt. “Zieht Euch aus. Sonst fallt ihr noch auf.” sagte Micha lachend. Sofort begannen die beiden sich auszuziehen, und dann stellte Micha einige seiner Freunde vor. Im Pool tummelten sich auch einige Nackte. Ein riesiger Schwarzer entstieg gerade dem Pool. Er war mindestens 1Meter 90 groß. Wie eine Katze kam er auf Tim und Klaus zu. Die beiden konnten ihren Blick nicht von dem riesigen Schwanz des Schwarzen abwenden. Der war mindestens 30 cm lang, und 6 bis 7 cm dick. Der Schwarze griff sich Klaus, und nahm ihn auf den Arm. Klaus stammelte nur:” Oh Gott, Oh Gott.” Es sah aus, als ob der Schwarze einen kleinen Jungen auf dem Arm hatte, obwohl Klaus auch 1 Meter 78 groß war, und um die 95 Kilo wog. “Darf ich euch Kevin vorstellen.” sagte Micha. “Laßt Euch nicht täuschen. Kevin ist lammfromm. Außerdem ist er völlig Impotent. Er hat nämlich keine Eier mehr.” Micha hob Kevins riesigen Schwanz hoch. Und tatsächlich war dort nicht die spur eines Hodensackes zu sehen. Klaus beruhigte das nur wenig. Mit ängstlichen Augen sah er Kevin an. Der sagte:” Du bist Heute meine kleine Braut. Und er trug Klaus davon. Hilfesuchend sah Klaus Tim an, doch der zuckte nur mit den Schultern und Grinste. Tim hielt sich an Micha und beobachte das Treiben. Auf dem Rasen liebten sich ein paar Pärchen. An eine Theke schenkte man Bier und härtere Sachen aus. Die beiden tranken ein paar Cuba Libre und tauschten ein paar Zärtlichkeiten aus. “Wieso ist der Schwarze Kastriert?” fragte Tim Micha. Der lachte und sagte: “Nicht nur Kevin. Ein paar von den Jungs sind Eunuchen. Hier. Detlef zum Beispiel haben wir im letzten Sommer Kastriert. Detlef. Wie fühlst Du Dich ohne Eier?” Detlef rief zurück:” Klasse. Ich vermisse nichts.” “Siehst Du? Uns hat es Spaß gemacht, und ihm auch. Übrigens kastrieren wir Heute noch Jürgen. Den Blonden da. Er freut sich schon ein paar Monate darauf endlich sein Gehänge loszuwerden. Dann losen wir noch aus, wer im nächsten Jahr seine Eier verliert. Wenn Du willst, kannst Du Dich als Kandidat aufstellen.” sagte Micha. Tim schüttelte schnell den Kopf.” Auf keinen Fall.” sagte er schnell. Micha lachte und sagte:” Da entgeht Dir was. Aber Du kannst mir mal kurz helfen die Grillgeräte aus der Garage zu holen.” Tim nickte und folgte Micha in die Garage. Auf dem Weg dorthin, kamen sie an Klaus und Kevin vorbei. Klaus kniete hinter Kevin, und besorgte es ihm von hinten. Kevins mächtiges Gerät hing schlaff bis auf die Erde. Micha und Tim holten 2 große Drehspieße aus der Garage. Tim dachte: Wahrscheinlich grillt er Ochsen. Lecker. In zwei Blechwannen verteilte Micha Holzkohle und steckte sie an. “So. jetzt haben wir ein paar Stunden Zeit. Holt mal einer einen Stuhl? Ich will mir das Fell abrasieren lassen.” Einer der Männer holte einen Holzstuhl. Micha setzte sich drauf und machte seine Beine breit. Jemand hatte Rasierzeug geholt. Micha sagte zu Tim:” Das hier ist Werner. Wie Du siehst, ist er ein Eunuch. Außerdem ist er Frisör. Ein Künstler mit dem Rasiermesser.” Tatsächlich sah Tim hinter Werners kleinem Pimmel keinen Hodensack. Werner schäumte Michas Teile sorgfältig ein, und begann mit der Rasur. Schnell und Kunstvoll rasierte er Michas Schambehaarung ab. Nach wenigen Minuten war Micha völlig blank rasiert. Er stand auf und sprang kurz in den Pool. Als er herauskam bekam Tim einen steifen. So Geil sah Micha aus. “Fass mal an. Glatt wie ein Knabenarsch.” sagte Micha zu Tim. Tim streichelte über die glatte Haut und nahm Michas Sack in die Hand. “Ja.” sagte Micha. ”Erst wenn die Haare ab sind, weißt Du wie klein deine Eier wirklich sind.” Inzwischen rasierte Werner schon den Nächsten. Dann wurde ein zweiter Stuhl geholt, und Jürgen setzte sich drauf. Micha rieb Jürgens Schambereich mit Rasierschaum ein. Er sagte grinsend: “So Jürgen. Jetzt ist es soweit. Erst wirst Du Rasiert und dann Kastriert.” Werner hatte den nächsten fertig rasiert und wandte sich nun Jürgen zu. Dieser wurde schnell von seinem Fell befreit, und sprang ebenfalls in den Pool um den restlichen Schaum loszuwerden. Dann setzte er sich wieder auf den Stuhl. Micha massierte jetzt Jürgens Hoden schön weich. Legte einen Elastrator darüber und löste ihn ohne zu zögern aus. Jürgen stieß einen kurzen Schrei aus und verzog das Gesicht schmerzhaft. “In einer Viertelstunde schneide ich sie ab. Geh solange ins Wasser, da schmerzt es nicht so sehr.” sagte Micha. Jürgen humpelte zum Pool und sprang wieder rein. Währenddessen rasierte Werner einen nach dem anderen die Sackbehaarung weg. Schließlich hatten nur noch Tim und Klaus ihre Haare. Micha hatte nämlich zwischenzeitlich auch Werner enthaart. Jürgen verließ den Pool, und setzte sich wieder auf einen der Stühle. Er sagte: “Los jetzt Micha. Kastrier mich endlich.” Jürgens Sack hatte eine bläuliche Färbung angenommen. Micha nahm Werners Rasiermesser, und begann Jürgens Hodensack unterhalb des Elastratorringes abzuschneiden. Danach hielt er den abgetrennten Sack in die Höhe, und alle klatschten Beifall. “Hiermit ernenne ich Dich Offiziell zum Eunuchen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Du kannst Dich im Haus etwas hinlegen.” sagte Micha. Jürgen lächelte gequält, und ging sehr breitbeinig ins Haus. Der Schwarze Kevin trug nun Klaus heran und sagte: “Hier ist noch einer der nicht Rasiert ist.” Und er setzte Klaus auf einen Stuhl. Klaus lächelte unsicher. Micha stieß Tim Augenzwinkernd an und sagte: “Sei kein Frosch. Los. Du auch.” Tim setzte sich zögernd hin. Alle standen schön Rasiert um die Stühle rum. Werner schäumte erst Klaus ein, und dann Tim. Klaus sagte: “Hoffentlich gibt’s nach der Rasur bald mal was zu Essen. Ich muss nach dem vielen Alkohol mal langsam was zu mir nehmen.” Dann begann Werner mit der Rasur. Klaus sah mit großen Augen zu. Als Werner fertig war, wollte Klaus aufstehen. Aber auf ein Zeichen von Micha, ergriffen ein paar Männer diesen, und drückten ihn zurück auf den Stuhl. Klaus Protestierte laut, aber ihm wurde schnell ein Knebel in den Mund gedrückt. Tim wollte auch aufspringen, aber auch er wurde festgehalten und geknebelt. Werner holte aus dem Pool einen Eimer Wasser und wusch Klaus den Schaum zwischen den Beinen ab. Micha kam dicht an Tim heran und grinste Diabolisch. “Essen war das Stichwort. Schau genau hin wie Dein Freund kastriert wird. Und dann bist Du dran.” Tim sah mit weit aufgerissenen Augen zu, wie Werner das Rasiermesser an Klaus Hodensack ansetzte. Mit drei Schnitten hatte er den Sack abgetrennt, und übergab ihn an Kevin. Blut schoss aus der Wunde, und Klaus wurde Ohnmächtig. Der Schwarze Kevin hielt den Sack von Klaus in der Hand, lächelte und sagte:” Ah. Jungbullenhoden. Köstlich.” Dann drückte er die Hoden aus dem Sack, steckte sie sich in den Mund, und zerkaute sie genüsslich. Den leeren Sack warf er auf den Rasen. Werner war inzwischen dabei, Tim zu rasieren. Micha flüsterte Tim ins Ohr: “Keine Angst. Deine Hoden werde ich vor dem Essen grillen. Und zu Essen gibt es Heute Euch beide.” Klaus war die Schlagader geöffnet worden. Er war schon Tot. Kevin steckte ihm gerade einen der Drehspieße in den Hintern, und drückte ihn durch den Körper, bis er aus dem Mund wieder raus kam. Die Arme wurden an den Körper gebunden, und die Beine an die Stange. Dann trug Kevin den Spieß zum Holzkohlefeuer und hängte ihn in die Halterungen. Er fing an, Klaus langsam über der Glut zu drehen. Micha sah Tim an und sagte: “Ich danke Dir, das Du Deinen Freund mitgebracht hast. Alle werden schön Satt werden.” Dann schnitt Werner Tims Sack ab, und öffnete ihm die Schlagader. Wenig später hing auch Tim über dem Grill. Eine Stunde später fing die Gruppe an zu Essen. Schnell waren Tim und Klaus verspeist. Als alle Satt und vollgefressen waren sagte Kevin zu Micha: “Ein gelungenes Fest. Diesmal, mein lieber, hast Du Dich selbst übertroffen. Zwei solcher leckeren Jungbullen hatten wir noch nie. Das kannst Du nächstes Jahr kaum Toppen. Daher sage ich. Die Auslosung, wer nächstes Jahr seine Eier verliert, wird hiermit abgesagt. Nächstes Jahr, verspeise ich Deine Eier.” Alle klatschten und lobten Micha. Micha hielt sich seinen Vollgefressenen Bauch, rülpste laut und sagte: “So sei es. Lassen wir den Abend gemütlich ausklingen.” Die abgenagten Knochen von Tim und Klaus, und ihre Sachen, wurden noch in der hellen Glut der Holzkohle verbrannt. Dann wurde dem kastrierten Jürgen noch eine Portion Fleisch gebracht, und nach seiner Wunde gesehen, dann löste sich die Grillfeier langsam auf. Bis zum nächsten Jahr. * * *
Thecia's word of mouth job.
Thecia gets a job from a repeat customer.Fiction and not for minors.
Thecia’s word of mouth job. My name is Thecia. I’m an engineer and an underground cutter on the side. I’m 31 years old and I’ve been cutting for about seven years I’ve cut over 200 sets, at least 130 Of them human. People either know Thecia the engineer or Thecia the cutter, very few know both. Several years ago I de-balled a man for his own reasons. Whatever they were he didn’t share them with me. His sister was with him during the procedure. Her name was Patti and as I remember she was about my age and very beautiful. I received the call on a Saturday morning, As It happened I had a male friend staying over and the call was a bit too early. It was Patti with a question about my services. She wanted to know how much I would charge for the cutting of an unwilling participant. I took her number and promised to call her back when the timing was a little better. Later that morning I called her back. She told me the story; The target in question had been a party in the gang rape of Patti’s sister over ten years earlier. The rape happened in the small city of Dixon, IL almost a thousand miles west of the area in NJ where she now lived. By some strange chance he moved into the same apartment complex as she. He didn’t recognize her but she knew him well. I told her my rate but I also explained that some people need to find themselves ball less and we might get financial help. I called my friend Dr. Pann who is a woman’s rights advocate and had helped with this kind of thing before. She offered to pay any expenses and give any help that her large organization could supply. I told Patti that if she wanted this done, she would have to man up and be the bait. She said that she would do it with pleasure. One of Dr. Pann’s operatives had followed the man, his name was Lou, to a local watering hole where he never missed happy hour. Dr. Pann had procured a room in a nearby Hampton Inn and I met Patti there. She was as beautiful as I remembered. We fitter her out in a formfitting dress and just the right amount of make-up. I dropped her off so that she arrived at the bar just before Lou was due to show. I entered the restaurant side of the bar, ordered a Miller Lite and a BLT. I watched through the slats in the divider. At exactly 5:45 Lou walked in. Patti had already fended off a few suitors and refused a few drinks. Lou sat two stools away and ordered a beer. The person between them got up to go to the john and Patti said across the space, “You look like you worked today.” Lou said something like, “Yeah, it was a long one.” He bought her a drink and we were in. It took about an hour to reel him in. She gave me the signal and I left for the hotel. When they arrived in the room I was already in the closet with my little nutting kit. We had secured leather “Sap” under the bed stand and she was to “put his lights out” when she deemed it the right time. I watched through the slightly ajar door as they tossed clothes everywhere and kissed passionately. I saw her reach under the stand and then stop. To my surprise she mounted his erect cock from the top. They changed position several times and finally he shot his load doggy style. As he fell to the side, exhausted she reached under the bed stand and in less than a second the sap fell and he was out like a light. I asked her why she didn’t stick to the plan and why she fucked him. Her answer was that she wanted him to know what he would never have again. We quickly secured him to the bed with the parachute cord I had brought and put a pillow case over his head. A short time later he woke and mumbled, “What happened?” Patti told him that he hit his head. He noticed the bindings and Patti assured him that it was just kinky sex and he would love it. I liked Patti’s idea and began to play with his big balls. In a very short time his eight inch cock sprung back to life. Following Patti’s script I mounted his bulging erection. I was already wet, just knowing that I’m going to de-ball a man makes me hot. It did feel pretty good and I actually had an orgasm. A few seconds later he shot his second load. Patti startled his face, held his nose so his mouth opened and dripped his own load of viscous cum into his mouth. He gagged and turned his head but she got it in there. Again I thought it was a good idea and followed suit. I cleaned up and wiggled back into my jeans. Patti pulled a 9 inch dildo from her purse, asked the may, “How do you feel about being violated?” With his hands and feet tied he had no defense against the big dildo as it was forced into his ass. He screamed in pain, so we ball gagged him. The screams went on for some minutes, I almost felt sorry for the guy, almost. When she removed the dildo, I noticed his cock was rock hard again. I said, “rapist huh?” as I took his big cock in both hands and bent it in half. I actually felt the structure fail as the internal support of his erection snapped. He writhed so much that I thought the nylon bonds would break. When the muffled screaming stopped I sliced open his nutsack on each side and popped each ball out into the open air. I tied off the vessels to prevent any bleeding but I left his sperm ducts open. Patti began to suck his soft dick. As it hardened, I could see alternate expressions of pain and pleasure on his face. When it got hard it was no longer an arrow straight rod, it had a 30 degree bend in it. The bend was bright red and swollen more than just his erection. I knew that snapping his dick was overkill, he would never get hard again anyway, but it was a fun thing. I could tell he was ready to cum, his balls tightened up and he screamed as the load passed through his damaged plumbing. At the first strong pulse of his ruined dick my scalpel passed thought the cords and ducts of his right testicle, a second later the left one fell into my hand. The thick white cum flowing into Patti’s mouth turned red as the blood began to mix in. She took the whole load and when the final drip stopped, she spit it full in his face. Although I don’t like to give pain, I have no problem torturing a rapist. I sewed his sack up and placed his warm dead balls in a waiting formaldehyde filled peanut butter jar. They would later take a trip to Mexico where my Mexican friend Maria would sun dry them, encase them in acrylic and make earrings out of them. Patti’s sister would wear them proudly. Patti and I met Dr. Pann at the Newark Airport Marriott for a late dinner. We shared a good bottle of merlot, Patti had veal Oskar, Dr. Pann had prime rib and I had twin lobster tails. Nutting always makes me hungry. I don’t know what happened to Lou, but I do know he never raped anyone again. Respectfully Submitted, Thecia * * *
Size Matters
How do you deal with a drunken troublemaker at a dance? You distract him.
ôHey asshole, do you know I fucked your missus before you did?ö He was motherless drunk and looking for a fight. Iĺd cheerfully have killed him but he was a lot bigger than me. He was a hell of a conversation stopper too. The other three couples on our table looked at me wondering how I was going to deal with the situation. Fortunately the band played on. Other couples were dancing on a crowded floor and no-one except our table seem to have heard. Oh yes. Some people from adjacent tables turned in their chairs in expectation of entertainment. There was a girl pulling at his arm. She looked distressed. ôRoger, come away,ö she kept saying. The drunk shook her off and she fell. I think she ran off at that point which was probably the best thing she could have done. ôThen you must be Roger,ö I said. ôYouĺre the one with the tiny prick.ö There were titters of laughter from the girls at that. It didnĺt do anything to improve his mood. ôIsnĺt that right? Youĺre the one girls call Silly Willie ĺcos itĺs too small for them to feel.ö More laughter put Roger on the defensive. ôIt ainĺt small.ö ôDonĺt worry Pencil Prick. We wonĺt tell anyone. Your secret is safe with us.ö ôBut it ainĺt small. Itĺs normal.ö He was displaying all the befuddled confusion of the drunken mind ôMy missus wouldnĺt lie. She told me about you. She said she couldnĺt even feel it in her. We had a good laugh about it but itĺs quite sad really.ö Behind Roger I could see three huge bouncers making their way to our table. Everyone else was concentrating on me and the drunk. ôI tell you it ainĺt small.ö He was starting to get aggressive again. ôThen prove it. Lay your little willie out on the table for all to see.ö He wasnĺt quite drunk enough to fall for it. Then one of the girls started on him. ôYeah come on Roger. Iĺve never seen a tiny one before.ö The other girls picked it up, urging him on. Even the girls from the next tables got in on it. It was quite wicked of them. He unzipped and put his normal sized chopper out on the table for all to see. One of the girls got to stroke it before it was whipped away. The three bouncers manhandled Roger out of the ball room. They didnĺt even give him a chance to put it back in his pants. Roger got the fight he wanted. Outside the three bouncers, probably all on steroids, beat him senseless before the police arrived. The police charged him with being drunk and disorderly as well as indecent exposure. The girls from our table had to give evidence. The magistrate gave him six months corrective servitude. ôWell, I think your old flame got what he deserves,ö I remarked to my wife as we drove home from the court. ôMy old flame? Iĺd never seen him before in my life.ö She was highly indignant. Roger got another court appearance, this time to give evidence against the bouncers for assault. Amongst other things a kick in the groin had cost him both his balls. * * *
The Dollmaker, Part 4 -- Justin awakes
Justin wakes following his surgery and thinks over what has happened and comes to some conclusions.
` ` The Dollmaker, Part 4 Janice moved a large, overstuffed wingback chair into Justin’s room, close to the hospital bed and stayed by his side as he slept. She wanted to be available when he woke. Janice wasn’t sure how the young man would behave once he woke – but she planned to be there for him to offer him support, or to take any abuse he might hurl her way. Ben watched television on the other side of the room or studied in between checking the patient’s blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. He assured Janice that everything was well within normal expectations and that the sedative often made some people sleep through the day. Ben kept an IV drip running and periodically checked the outflow bag attached to the catheter. The urine flow looked good – no signs of blood or cloudiness that could mean infection. Justin slept through the rest of the day – his sleep undisturbed by dreams. From time to time, Janice would wipe her new toy’s face with a damp cloth. He looked even more innocent and vulnerable in his drugged sleep than he usually did – his long, soft lashes against his cheek. Using the palm of her hand, Janice smoothed down the short fringe of bangs across his forehead. He’d probably need to have his hair bleached and trimmed again before returning to the university after Spring Break. The sun had been down for hours when Janice finally tucked her legs under her and curled up in the wingback chair. In the hours just before dawn, Justin finally stirred. He wasn’t quite awake, but in that surreal state between wakefulness and dreams. His mind was finally free of most of the effects of the sedation and beginning to recall recent events. Justin opened his eyes, at first he thought the images in his head had been a part of a nightmare – he remembered Janice telling him the doctor was going to cut off his genitals. He remembered tears as he first begged that the surgery not be done, and the tears as he agreed to let it continue. He could vaguely remember feeling needles entering his groin and a growing numbness – but everything after that was so hazy that he couldn’t clearly remember anything. As Justin became aware of his surroundings, he dismissed those thoughts as a dream. About that time, he became aware of several things – there was a strange pressure in his left arm, not a pain exactly, but more like an ache. Both his ears hurt and they felt like they were covered over in warm ear muffs. Finally, there was the dull, throbbing ache in his groin. His legs were spread wide, and it felt like he was wearing a diaper – but that couldn’t be right because he could feel the sheet under him against his bare backside. But, the front of his groin seemed to be covered in a diaper – but nobody made half diapers. He knew what he would find even before he slipped his right hand under the covers, letting his thin fingers explore his lower belly. His fingertips tenderly explored the mass of thick bandages taped over his groin. He could also feel a plastic tube deep between his legs, snaking over his left thigh. Justin leaned his head back and bit his lip to keep from making a sound. A part of his mind told him he should be screaming, ranting, and making a scene. But, the thing making Justin bite his lip was the fact that another part of his mind said it really didn’t matter – he was better off the way he was now. That was the thing that had him biting his lip until it hurt. He supposed anyone’s normal reaction would be some kind of hysteria – but he really didn’t feel that way. The truth was that he had never used his penis for sexual activity – he was still a virgin, unless you counted masturbation and he didn’t think that really counted. Well, maybe he supposed it did count for some super Conservative types, but he certainly hadn’t been raised to think like that. Justin realized he didn’t miss his genitals. He was concerned about the humiliation he would suffer if others – mostly guys – found out about him being a eunuch. But, he didn’t think Janice would put him in a situation where that would be a problem. Sure, she had made him stand naked in front of people – but those were all carefully chosen people who shared her interests. No, if anyone found out about him, it would be because of a mistake on his part. Then he thought about not being able to masturbate anymore. Sure, he did it, but the truth was he didn’t do it nearly as often as other guys – at lest he thought that he didn’t based on the locker room talk he’d heard as other guys bragged about doing it. In fact, he knew he could go nearly a month before feeling the urge to wank off. And even then, the few moments of pleasure it brought him were overshadowed by the feelings he had of it being – not dirty, exactly – just messy. He realized he’d never be able to have sex now and thought about how that made him feel. Well, he had never had sex and couldn’t figure out how he could miss something he’d never had. He thought about Janice. It was true that he was attracted to her the first time he’d seen her. It was impossible not to be attracted to her – with her long, thick auburn hair, deep blue eyes, and figure – she radiated sensuality. In the six months or so he’d worked in her shop, Justin had fallen more and more in love with her. He wanted her approval and affection – and she’d always shown an interest in him. He realized the other day that he really had meant it when he said he would do anything for her after she found those digital pictures he had taken of himself wearing the collars. Maybe he had unconsciously wanted her to find those pictures – maybe that’s why he didn’t erase them from the disc or just leave the disc in his dorm room. Justin thought back to the night he had taken those pictures – the thrill he had felt in his belly as he slipped the first collar on, pretending it was Janice’s fingers wrapping the leather band around his neck and buckling it. He knew at that moment that he wanted to belong – really belong to Janice. The funny thing was that even then Justin didn’t imagine having sex with her – Justin just realized that as he lay there in the bed. He had imagined being held, caressed, and kissed by her. He had imagined how wonderful it would be to have her arms wrapped around him, pulling him close to her – but not once did the thought of him having sex cross his mind. Justin felt his eyes getting heavy again, and he was having trouble keeping them open. They sagged closed and he slept again. This time he dreamed. Justin dreamed of being in Dr. Mark’s office. But, the dreams distorted the truth – this time there were no tears. He proudly stripped his clothing off revealing his smooth body, his penis and testicles flopping and looking silly as he walked across the room. There was a large silk bow tied around his genitals – he wanted Janice to know they were his present to her. Justin jumped up on the table and fitted his legs into the stirrups, smiling proudly over at Janice. In his dream, Justin refused the sedative – although he did accept the local anesthesia and asked for the head of the table to be raised. He looked around the room, giving everyone a wink and broad smile before announcing loudly that he was ready for the cutting to begin. He watched with interest as Dr. Mark lifted a large meat cleaver, raising it high above his head before bringing it down with a meaty thunk. Of course, in the dream there was no blood, no pain – he hadn’t needed the local after all. Dr. Mark closed the would with a couple of stitches and the incision healed almost as soon as the stitches were in. Justin stood on the table, proudly showing his new smooth groin to everyone in the room – strutting up and down the table like a model on the catwalk. Janice woke when Ben came into the room to check on Justin’s vital signs. The early morning sun was just beginning to brighten the room. Looking down at his elfin features, Janice was surprised to find the corners of Justin’s mouth curled up slightly. She wondered what he was dreaming to cause that little Mona Lisa smile. Carol tiptoed into the room, carrying a tray with steaming mugs of coffee. The three of them had just finished their coffee when Justin stirred and opened his eyes. Seeing Janice, he smiled. “How’s the boy?” Janice asked. “Okay.” Justin croaked, his voice raspy. “Sore in a couple of places.” “Want something for the pain?” Janice asked, glancing over at Ben. “No.” Justin shook his head. “I don’t want to go back to sleep just yet.” “Take just a sip of this.” Janice offered, pouring a glass of water from the carafe on the table near the bed. Justin tried to gulp the water, and Janice had to pull the glass away twice as she reminded him to take small sips only. She didn’t want him coughing, which could cause stress on the incisions. “It’s hard to hear with these bandages covering my ears.” Justin complained, reaching up and touching the bandages. Ben assured him that the heavy bandages would come off soon, and Justin nodded thankfully. The only other complaint that come from the young man was when Janice brought him a tray of breakfast – Justin hadn’t eaten on over a day and a half and claimed to be ravenous. Mark had insisted on bland foods for the first meal or two to make sure the young man’s stomach didn’t become upset. Violent spasms from vomiting could pull the incision open, requiring another trip to the office and possible complications. Accordingly, Janice had fixed small portions of hot oatmeal and a soft boiled egg. Justin complained and pouted a little – claiming he didn’t like either oatmeal or soft boiled eggs. His complaints fell on deaf ears as Janice spoon fed him, insisting he eat every bite on the tray. Although Janice was paying Ben and Anita to act as private nurses, they found little to do other than change his dressings and offer pain killers. Even Carol found little chance to help out – Janice insisted on being the one to give her little toy sponge baths and caring for most of his needs. Janice wanted to be around to give Justin a chance to talk over his surgery if and when he was ready. She didn’t feel any pangs of regret for the decision she made, but she did want to be able to give him any explanations he might want. As far as she was concerned, being nullified was the best thing for Justin – he would retain the boyish qualities that made him so appealing, especially those elfin qualities that had attracted her in the first place. Even though he was eighteen, Justin looked much younger – he could easily pass as fifteen or so, and Janice wanted to preserve that innocent look. Brian and Mark stopped in for visits during the day. Mark, who wanted to check the incisions, was satisfied when he saw no unusual signs of redness or inflammation. He was surprised to find his young patient less subdued than he expected. Justin wasn’t exactly cheerful, but there was no sign of the tears from the day before, either. Justin mentioned that sitting up caused some pain, and Mark explained that was natural and would pass in a day or so. He also vetoed Justin’s request to be allowed out of bed for another day at least, telling the college boy to use a bed pan if necessary and pointing out that the catheter was draining his bladder nicely, so he could just stay in bed and relax. He did agree to bandage only the upper part of Justin’s ears after he had checked his work there. Mark was impressed – there wasn’t as much swelling as he had expected. He was pleased with his work – the change in the shape of Justin’s ears was subtle enough to pass as natural, if a bit unusual. Mark knew Janice wanted additional surgery on those ears once Justin finished his studies at the university. When Brian arrived, Justin surprised everyone by asking if he and the piercer could be left alone for a while. That request was confusing enough to Brian, but Justin’s next request was even more confusing. He shyly asked if Brian would mind stripping naked. Brian didn’t have any problem with that – he liked being naked in front of other guys and was never shy about showing off his gym toned body. He quickly stripped and stood by the side of the bed as Justin looked him over intently. “You’re bigger than I am – or was.” Justin said. He had been staring with interest at Brian’s seven and al half inch cock and the large balls that hung loosely behind it. “Hey – you had a pretty good package for someone your size.” Brian said. He was a little uncomfortable with the direction the conversation might go. He didn’t know if Justin was having regrets that might make him flip out or something. “I’m about a foot taller than you are and outweigh you by at least seventy or more pounds.” “You think so?” Justin asked. “I mean about me having a nice package down there?” Before Brian could answer, Justin asked him to sit down, then get up and walk across the room and back again. The requests didn’t make much sense to Brian, and he was starting to worry about the little guy. When Brian was standing next to the bed again, he stared down at the curling mass of pubic hair covering Brian’s crotch. “You have brown hair.” Justin seemed surprised – then Brian realized the young man had never seen his natural hair color or seen him naked before. “I like your hair bleached better.” “Thanks – you look pretty good bleached, too.” Brian said. “Are you really going to do it?” Justin asked. “Do what?” Brian was unnerved by the question. “Shave yourself smooth.” Justin replied. “You said that yesterday when you saw me all smooth. You said you liked the way it looks.” “Oh – that.” Brian said, relieved. “You know, I might at that – you do look good smooth.” Brian sat on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on Justin’s chest. “Listen, are you okay?” “Yeah – why?” Justin asked. “Well, I gotta tell you – I’m a bit worried about you dude.” Brian admitted. “You okay with … well, you know.” “Castrated?” Justin marveled at himself, it was the first time he had said the word aloud. “Oh yeah, I just needed to see something for myself to make sure.” He grinned at Brian, the impish glint back in his eyes. “I’m okay, I promise. Thanks, though, for being concerned.” “Well – what was all this about, then?” Brian asked in confusion. “I’d rather not say.” Suddenly, Justin’s shyness had returned – his face flushing a bright crimson. “Come on, spill it, dude.” Brian insisted, curious about Justin’s reaction. “Something’s up and you better tell me.” “Well, I don’t want to you take this the wrong way.” Justin explained, searching for the right words. "See, I woke up early this morning – when it was still dark and everyone was asleep – and, um – well, I did a lot of thinking and well, I got to thinking about how I looked when I was naked before the operation.” “Okay, that makes sense.” Brian agreed. “What did you come up with?” “Well – I think you’re right about me looking better smooth. It just looks cleaner and nicer without any body hair.” “Okay – that makes sense.” Brian said. “And – well, there’s this other thing I realized.” Justin looked down, embarrassed. “Don’t get me wrong or anything – I think you have a great body, okay?” Brian nodded, unsure of where this was going. “But, it looks pretty silly – I mean, even though I was a lot smaller than you – well, haven’t you ever noticed how a dick flops around when a guy moves? Even when you turned to walk across the room, your dick swung to the side and then bounced around as you walked.” Justin glanced up sheepishly. “Oh come on!” Brian protested. “It doesn’t flop around and look silly.” “Sure it does.” Justin said, grinning in spite of himself. “Haven’t you ever paid any attention to how it looks?” Brian stared down at his seven and a half inches, laying against his thigh. He stood up and turned around a couple of times, watching his cock swing from side to side. “It doesn’t look that silly.” Brain said, returning the eunuch’s smile. “I mean in general.” Justin said, his grin growing wider. “Oh yeah?” Brian started grabbing his clothes and climbing into them. “Well, maybe you need more experience – your sample might have been too small.” “I wouldn’t call you small.” Justin shot back. Brian wagged his finger warningly at the young man and stepped out into the hall. He returned a few moments later with Ben and asked him to strip and pose for them while he was naked. Ben looked confused but, at Brian’s urging, stripped down and stood before them. He was slightly bigger than Brian, almost eight inches and neatly circumcised. Like Brian, his equipment hung low. Brian sat on the bed again, his arm around Justin. The young man asked Ben to walk back and forth across the room. The med student didn’t know what was going on, but did as Justin asked walking back and forth a couple of times. Ben’s confusion grew as first Justin, and then, Brian started grinning and then giggling. “I told you so!” Justin said, his giggles growing into laughter. Brian couldn’t help himself – Justin was right. It did look kind of silly to watch a cock bob up and down, and swing back and forth. By that point, Justin was laughing so hard tears were rolling down his face. In between peals of laughter, Justin grimaced from stabs of pain in his lower abdomen. Ben rushing over to the bed to make sure the young man was alright, his large package flopping up and down wildly, only made matters worse. Brian laughed so hard he fell off the bed, making Justin laugh even harder, which increased the pain so much that he actually cried out a couple of times. It took a while, but Ben finally got the other two calmed down enough to explain what was going on. The explanation threatened to send all three of them into another fit of laughter – which was the last thing Ben wanted for his young patient. Ben shook his head in wonder – this was the second nullification he assisted on, and after about a dozen castrations of testicles only, he thought he’d seen all possible reactions. The guy who had the other nullification had claimed it wanted it for years and had been searching for a doctor who would make his wish come true. That guy had practically leaped onto the table, he was so eager to get it done. Then, after the procedure, he asked if it was possible to undo the surgery – maybe had had been too hasty. That was just a phase, and it passed quickly enough – but he hadn’t been almost convulsing with laughter, either. Ben was pretty sure this young man was going to embrace his changes. When Janice finally entered the room, she found Brian and Justin watching reruns of old sitcoms. Like Ben, they both refused to enlighten her about what had happened in the room earlier. She did find the sparkle back in Justin’s eyes, and his infectious elfin grin back in place. Justin’s small hand slipped into hers while she sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers entwining with hers. Looking down at him, Janice wondered if Sebastian could bleach those slightly arched eyebrows to white. After a while, she announced she was going to bring her elf boy some lunch. She expected some more pouting when she refused his request for a cheeseburger rather than a bowl of broth and some pudding. As she started to stand, Justin pulled her back down and leaned up to her, his pink lips close to her ear. “Thank you.” He whispered. To be continued in Part 5 -- Justin begins his new life * * *
Jenny Goes South
Jenny cuts up in the south.
` JENNY GOES SOUTH ` “You do what in church?” Exclaimed Jenny. “We handles snakes, rattlers, cophar heds, you know, just like it says in the Bible.” Was Vickie’s response. “Vickie, that is a metaphor, not a test you are supposed to pass.” “Meta what?” “Sort of like an old saying, a comparison. Has anyone been bitten” “Yeah, since me and Max have been agoing there have been ten people bitten.” “I am almost afraid to ask, has anyone died?” “Yeah, two didn’t have the faith, and they went to Jesus.” “I am really going to have to talk to Roger about attending the service with you and Max, he may have other plans.” “Okay.” Jenny had been in the south for six months and she was still learning the ropes. Actually, she and her husband Roger were living in what is more popularly known as hillbilly country, near the Cumberland Gap. Roger had gotten an unbelievable offer to spend a year or two in this area accounting and auditing a string of clothing manufacturing shops, so south they had moved. Jenny would be happy working in any garden shop. They had rented a double wide in a development. It was pretty neat actually. They kept their home in the Mid Hudson, since they would be going back eventually. Jenny had been able to get a job in a garden center, it seems there are four times as many of these in this area as there were in New York. She had been immediately adopted by her next door neighbor Vickie, actually Max and Vickie. They were a childless couple a year or two older. Vickie tookJenny under her wing and showing her all the good buys, and auctions in the areas, places were you could buy out of date food and unheard of brands for next to nothing. Jenny tried to refuse these offerings as well as she could, but would occasionally succumb to Vickie’s blandishments to save money. Jenny missed her fouled mouth friend Judy, and their closeness. She and Roger had even began to have a sex life of sorts. This sex life would not be endorsed by any mental health organization but it suited them. It had been two years now since Jenny had castrated Roger. He had almost seemed relieved. She had her clit removed by a woman in Philly a year before, in an episode that came close to an epiphany. So far she had racked up three sets of balls, and one clit. Getting back to the sex life, it was not orgastic, but rather comforting closeness. Jenny still didn’t have all that much of an interest, but this activity she and Roger came up with affirmed their fondness for one another. They would lie naked side by side, Roger would lick her slick grove, and she would nurse his limp penis. He would get a little stiff and shot a clear fluid into her mouth, she would then share this with him. This sharing she had learned from the woman in Philly. Jenny is not a sadist, sexual psychopath nor is she on a power trip. Actually, where she exists it is quiet, peaceful, and free of stress. She thinks of herself in terms of tree husbandry: Clip some sprouts here (a pair of testicles), clip a bud there (clits) and remove a branch there (penis) and you have a whole new creation to admire. Damn she hadn’t done a branch yet. Roger’s branch would have to stay, at least for a while, she was getting a great deal of comfort from their pseudo love making. One evening it had happened. Vickie and Max had come over for dinner. Jenny’s cooking was exotic to them, full of spices as it was. After dinner, while enjoying a cup of coffee Max had broached the subject of their all going to the Wednesday Church service with them. Roger, much to Jenny horror agreed, allowing how attending church never hurt anyone. After they had left Jenny asked Roger: You do know they are snake handlers and even here this is illegal.” “Oh mi gosh.” “Well they are such dear sweet people, we will go and make the best of it. But if you get the call to grab a snake, I am going to knock you out with a hymnal.” So Wednesday came and they went to the service. It was in an old Church in a back valley, well off the main highway. Roger and Jenny watched with the horrified fascination one gets at a carnival sideshow, as one member of the congregation after another got up and held rattlesnakes and copperheads as testament to their faith. Vickie and Max didn’t get the call much to the relief of Jenny and Roger and no one was bitten. The minister seemed mean spirited, narrow minded, and just plain stupid. Jenny was deeply moved by what she saw that evening. In part she was offended and in part intrigued. These people were searching for something, and in their own clumsy way they were sincere. Finally one evening while having coffee with Vickie and Max in their doublewide she felt she was ready to bring the subject up, and knew the thing that was needed was pinching, pruning and branch removal. “Max, Vickie, you have been wonderful to Roger and I since we moved in to this area, and I appreciate all of the help you have given me. Now, forgive me, I am nothing but a rude crude Yankee, but it is my belief that your minister is a false prophet. He claims to know the mind of God, and doesn’t realize that he is not the potter but the potters clay.” “What ever do you mean?” “He is going by one tiny part sentence of a very long book. Who would if his son asked for bread, give him a stone. He is giving you a stone.” “How can you be so sure of yourself.” “I am not, but I have been in the room when a young man made his decision to lead the proper life, he had parts that offended him, he prayed and they were removed. Roger and I both had offending parts and they have been removed. I may be able to help you find the truth path to happiness, it is ever so peaceful here.” They were both quiet for a moment then Vickie asked: “What do we do, who do we see where do we go?” “I will be your guide, tomorrow evening, Wednesday we will meet her in your home, and you will be tested.” With that Jenny got up quickly and left. Perhaps at this point you are thinking our Jenny has gone round the bend, perhaps she has, after all castrating you husband was never shown on Leave it to Beaver. The next evening at 8 PM there was a knock on Vickie and Max door. They admitted a Jenny who was loaded down with paraphernalia, two new video cameras and a satchel with her goodies in it. She explained that she would make a tape for them to prove their conversion and went about setting up the equipment in the bedroom. This would not be as professional as the work of the woman in Philly but it would have to suffice. She had driven to Knoxville to rent the two low light stedi-cams, which were going to set the grocery budget back a week or two. It took until nine pm to get things ready. She came into the living room asked them both to join her in their own bedroom. Jenny then instructed them to disrobe and lie on the bed naked side by side. To begin the proceedings on the bedroom TV she showed them the tape of the castration of Johnny Feldon in Philly a year before. Surprisingly they understood the metaphor of the apples and avidly watched the film as it turned from religion to pornography then Jenny popped into the frame and cut the poor kids balls off. They were aroused, they had been mesmerized. “Max, Vickie you see the boy knew his apples were rotten and would spoil the barrel. When he realized the problem he asked that it be corrected. I too had a problem and it was corrected.” Jenny threw open the wrap around she was wearing and exposed her clitless cunt to them. “Now I shall test you both.” First going to Max, she grabbed his nuts and massaged them, loosening them and getting them into the bottom of the sack. “These are no longer of use to you, they are infertile and they are causing you to follow false prophets. I saw you at the service, you were excited, you wanted someone to be bitten by the snakes.” She banded him with the elastrator. She reloaded another band moved to Vickie. “Vickie you too were excited, you have wicked thoughts don’t you.” Jenny leaned into Vickie’s cunt and licked her. Vickie jumped as if struck by lightning. “We must remove the cause of your impure thoughts.” Jenny pulled the clit out from Vickie’s cunt painfully far and banded it as she had done Max’s balls. “Now the real test, this will tell us all what should stay and what should go.” She gave Max the first blow-job of his life, he thought Jenny was going to suck his eye balls right out of his head and out the end of his dick. Max and Vickie had a perfunctory unimaginative sex life, the blow job put Max in into a different time zone. In about a minute flat he was shooting his load into Jenny’s mouth. Jenny continued to suck until she was sure she had drained his tank. She got up from his crotch went to Max and kissed him, dumping the whole load of cum in his mouth. She kept the lip lock solid until she was sure Max had swallowed himself. Jenny then put her mouth next to Max’s ear and began to whisper and she stroke his now cold balls. “Max, you see the problem, you get excited in church. You want to see someone bitten by those terrible snakes, you get a thrilled by the thought, isn’t that right?” “Yes” “Max, these are the problem.” Jenny squeezed his balls so hard he grunted. “What should I do Max.” “I don’t know.” “You saw that young man in the tape, he knew what to do didn’t he?” “Yes.” “He knew his apples were bad, and they needed to be pruned, because he wanted to be good. Do you want to be good Max.” “Yes” “Then tell me what to do?” “I can’t, Vickie help me.” “Max, this seems right to me honey, I feel something.” One more time Jenny asked in a low sweet voice as she breathed in Max’s ear: “Max dear tell me what to do.” “Cut them off” “Louder Max so everyone can hear of your change?” “CUT THEM OFF…’ Jenny all business sat up quickly, keeping her grip on Max’s balls she sliced them off with a practiced stroke. “Now Vickie it is your turn to be tested.” Said Jenny as she mounted Vickie’s face and kneeled on her chest. Jenny parted the lips of her sex and said: “See Vickie, I have been tested too. Smell me.” Vickie began to sniff. “Now Vickie, taste me stick you tongue in my cunt and fuck me with your tongue, that is what you have wanted to do since we met isn’t IT. You have dreamed of putting your mouth in my sex, and of me putting my mouth on your sex haven’t you.” “NOOOOOOOO.” “LIAR.” Jenny sat down on Vickie’s face, Vickie did as she was told and began to eat Jenny with a unholy enthusiasm. “Vickie.” Jenny whispered: “you have failed haven’t you?” No response. Jenny lifted up, but Vickie pulled her back. Jenny hadn’t counted on this. “What should I do Max?” Poor Max was having a little pain of his own, and the shock of seeing his wife chowing down on Jenny’s snatch was causing him some distress. It took a moment for him to form the words. “Do what you must do.” So Jenny did, she reached down with her branch cutters slide them into Vickie’s cunt, and cut out the clit that it contained. Vickie stopped eating. Jenny got up reached into her bag and withdrew a catheter, all greased and ready to go. She grabbed Max’s prick and shoved the tubing in. Surprisingly he still had and erection. “Max Vickie do you think angels fuck in heaven?” The couple was having some serious pain about this time and didn’t quite know how to respond. “MAX-VICKIE TO YOU THINK ANGELS FUCK IN HEAVEN?” “No” a very soft reply from both of them. “Then you have no need of this do you?” Jenny yanked on Max’s cock so Vickie could see it. “No.” Again very softly. Jenny quickly reloaded the elastrator and banded Max’s cock close to the short and curly. Max’s cock begin to swell from the added pressure. “What should I do?” No answer. “We are being watched. WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS PIECE OF FLESH?” In unison the said: “Cut it off.” Jenny picked up the razor knife and ran it a circle around Max’s cock above the band as you would cut a potato in half. “You are both free now, feel the lightness.” Max was having trouble experiencing the lightness, because he was still screaming. Over the next six months before their return to New York, Jenny castrated four more members of the congregation, did one more branch (penis) and removed two clits. She had a real bad moment when the minister of the church showed up, thinking he was there to berate her. It turned out he wanted to be tested, snakes weren’t enough for him. He failed the test and Jenny cleaned him up root and branch. They had been home a week, they were rested and they were comforting one another and sharing themselves. They were locked in a 69 position, Roger was tenderly licking Penny, as she nursed on his member. Finally Roger got a little stiffy and shot his load into Jenny’s mouth, she got up turned around and they shared the fluid in a long French kiss. “I like New York Roger, it was fun in the south, but it is good to be home.” Then she began to whisper: “Roger soon I am going to remove your branch, it is nearly time for it to be pruned back, but I will make it so very special for you.” * * *
Ricky Visits America - Chapter 2 of 4
In chapter 2 of 4, Ricky and Roddy learn to play baseball. The boys notice that someone is stalking them, though, and the only balls on the team are the ones you use for the game...
Chapter 2: Ricky’s Great American Pastime (A Simon Scott Spin-off) by Paolo, Based upon characters created by C van D *^**o**^* Dinner was, to say the least, a nervous affair. Roddy and I kept looking over our shoulders the whole time, thinking we’d catch a glimpse of Autograph-Man. I know, it’s cumbersome, but what else to call him? ‘The Audiophile’? or perhaps ‘The Audiophile-Paedophile’? I really shouldn’t say that, but that’s what my instincts were yelling at me. Heck, after what happened to Jason Price when Simon and Elliot rescued him?! You can read about THAT in “Simon & the Paedophile Ring”, though. But back to dinner. I think Grandma & Grandpa must have noticed how jumpy we were, too, because once we had finished, (having more dessert that we probably didn’t need) we were all about going home. I hadn’t eaten much of the meal myself, as I hadn’t been sure what the ‘mystery meat’ in thick gravy was. Grandpa seemed to like it, though, and he ordered it. I have to admit, it was better than Southdown’s meat pies, though. Note that I used the term “meat” very loosely with the word “pie”. “Are you feeling all right, sweetheart?” Gran … Grandma, rather … asked me, as we got in the Lexus to go home. Funny, how I was thinking of their house as “home” already, isn’t it? I assured her I was, maybe that it was just the jet lag or all this rich American food getting to me? “Well, you and Robby should go to bed earlier tonight, then,” she added. Roddy didn’t correct her this time. So far, he’d been: Roddy, Robby, Rodney, Roger, Robert, and Bobby. I figured it was about time for Gran to start in on the “B-names” next. He’d probably be known as ‘Barney’ by the morning! (Sorry, but it’s the truth!) Back at the mansion, seeing as how that’s what it was, Roddy and I went straight up to bed. Roddy was looking queasy as well, and when we found our pyjamas laid out for us, that was just the cap of the evening. “I am not wearing zip up yellow pyjamas with attached FEET,” Roddy declared, even if he was small enough to fit into them. The tag read “BOYS XL 20” and while they did fit, they itched. They were also hot, despite the fact that Grandpa turned the air-conditioning up at night to cool the house. “You sleep better in a cool room with a blanket in the summer,” he told us. Into the laundry the pyjamas went. The sheets felt nice, although they weren’t the silk kind that Simon had in our suites at the Centre, or like the ones he’d bought for our dormitory beds. Still, they felt soft enough to sleep bare in, so into bed we got. That should have been it for the night, but it wasn’t. I’d never had to endure the “being tucked in” ritual before, even with Dr. Geller. When I lived there in the Orient in her orphanage, lights out was lights out, and all the “tucking in” consisted of was making sure everyone had a blanket on right. In fact, we were lucky to have a light bulb. When it got dark, we went to bed. Good thing Grandma didn’t check the laundry! I’m not sure how she’d have reacted to two neutered boys, bare, in the same bed. Remember when I said I don’t like sudden, loud noises? Well, have any of you ever been woke up in the middle of the night by a thunderstorm? We have weather in Britain, but it’s NOTHING compared to that storm that rolled through that night. The first clap of thunder almost made me hit the ceiling, and if hadn’t been for the fact that I’d drained my bladder with the Robinson cath before bedtime, I’d have probably peed the bed! To make a long story short, I screamed. A lot. I’m not sure how Roddy reacted to it, since I was in too great of a panic to notice. All I remember is that I had a hold of him, until Grandma and Grandpa showed up and I got hold of THEM. Grandpa finally got a little yellow pill down me, and it knocked me out until noon the next day. Dr. Bruce came by again, and left a whole bottle of them for me. “Didn’t know that castrati were prone to panic attacks,” he commented, “Just be glad you don’t live in a trailer park, boy!” What the heck was a “trailer park”, and where’d the doctor pick up that word? All I knew was that if that storm could shake a brick mansion like that, it must have been some serious business. There were some pretty big tree branches down on the lawn, but other than that, nothing serious. At least the storm cooled off the heavy, hot air and I could breathe again. Dr. Bruce also left us two asthmas inhalers, just in case. “Must be jet lag, they’re looking a bit sick,” he also pointed out. “Food here not agreeing with you?” I didn’t have an answer for that. “Maybe some more exercise, Wendell?” He also suggested, “I don’t know much about boy- eunuchs, seeing as how there haven’t been any since way before our day, you know?” I could tell he was beating that proverbial bush that Gran kept talking about, and I had a feeling I knew what he wanted. In the end, Roddy finally piped up and offered that a complete physical probably wouldn’t hurt either of us, as the last we’d had had been for sports at the beginning of the school term. Dr. Bruce was elated, although he tried not to show it. In the end, he was fascinated that Roddy had been neutered by a Neutersol Plus injection, while I’d had old-fashioned surgery. “You know, Dicky,” (I didn’t bother to correct him this time), “Seeing as how you were operated on, it’s very likely that your erectile nerves are still intact. Other than being sterile, there’s no reason you couldn’t take hormones and mature into a fine, young man? You would develop normally, and even have a normal sex life. Why’d they have you fixed, anyhow?” he asked. I explained the laws in the Orient about neutering ‘half-breeds’ to him. “They why don’t they just do a quick vasectomy, then?” He asked. I had no answer for that. That was the second time I’d been confronted by that question. I thought about that hormone comment, but the look on Roddy’s face made me not want to talk about it. After all, Roddy’s erectile nerves had been destroyed by the Neutersol, and he’d be impotent for life - hormones or not. All hormones could do for Roddy was turn him into something that he didn’t want to be. We were surprised when Simon phoned us up later on. It was getting on towards eleven back in Britain, and he just wanted to make sure that everything was OK. I mentioned the incident with little Shekhar on the plane, and he laughed. “I wish I could have seen his Uncle’s face,” Simon said, “Anything else exciting?” I told him about the storm, and about seeing Dr. Bruce. He seemed pleased that my grandparents were looking out for us so, and added that it wasn’t unusual for some boy-eunuchs to have problems peeing if their cock kinked up inside when it shrank up so much. I was walking around with the mobile talking to him, taking turns with Roddy, when we ventured back into the kitchen and I noticed that the rubbish bin was overflowing. I grabbed it up to take it out, the bag burst, and while Simon talked to Roddy, I picked up my mess. Then I saw the leaflet – all coffee stained and soggy: SNIP SATURDAY “Because so many loving parents and legal guardians of young boys know that it would be in the best interests of their boys to have them snipped, but also feel that the cost of this minor surgery is more than they can easily afford, the GELLER MEDICAL CLINIC has set aside July 31 for a free and low cost clinic to snip boys ages 5 through 13. As our June 19th date was such a success, we are offering it again for anyone that we had to turn away. For further information, or to make an appointment for your boy’s snip, call 555-6000 today.” My heart skipped a beat. Surely it couldn’t be? No one had seen Dr. Geller – MY Dr. Geller – since the fire at the Grand Met! And she was a wanted criminal, anyway! There was simply NO way she could be in practice in the States – could there? I grabbed the mobile and showed the soggy paper to Roddy while I was reading it to Simon. There was silence on the line for a bit, and I thought I’d lost the connection. “Read me that telephone number again, Ricky,” he said coldly. I did that. “I’ll get Jan Raxworthy on it and let you know. Anything else?” I didn’t want to, but I told him about Audiophile-Man. Oh, and incidentally, Raxworthy is a computer hacking genius. Between him and Simon, there’s nothing they can’t break into. Simon’s reaction wasn’t quite calm. I won’t repeat here what he said, other than, “You stay AWAY from anyone like that, Ricky! And don’t be caught out alone anywhere! The world is full of perverts who’d just love to get their hands on a pair of neutered boys like you and Roddy! Promise me that you’ll keep close to your grandparents when you go out?” I did that, and after what must have run up a huge phone bill, Simon bid us goodnight. There was something in his voice, though, that bothered me. One yellow pill later, and Roddy and I both slept through the whole night. As for the exercise part that Dr. Bruce had suggested, we were both very surprised when Grandpa took us downtown to a bicycle shop the next day and promptly dropped $250 USD on each of us for new bikes. I bit my tongue the whole time; I wanted to protest about the money, but my manners got the best of me. After all, if Grandpa had a house like that and a new Lexus, he could probably afford two new bikes. I picked out a metallic green one, and Roddy a metallic gold one. They were both 20”, with front and back axel pegs and multi-speed on shifters on the handlebars. The brakes were also handbrake- type, and the bikes came with the obligatory helmets, pads, you name it. That was it for the rest of the day. The absolute cap of the evening came when I got the brilliant idea (it seemed brilliant at the time!) of setting up an old board on a brick at the end of the drive and jumping the little brook there. Things were just going smashingly well until Gran saw me fly off of the ramp, sail over a downed tree branch, and come to a skidding halt that send sod flying. That was the end of our ramp. Gran was still tirading about breaking our necks when a lorry came rumbling up the drive. At least, I mistook it for a lorry. It turned out to be a “pickup truck”, a white Ford F-350, to be precise. It had four doors, a long bed, rattled like a Lorry, and had tires half as tall as I was. It also blew clouds of black diesel smoke from chrome stacks when the driver went by. When the awful contraption finally fell silent, a man in an athletic uniform of some type jumped down from it, along with a young boy. The boy was a sturdy, tanned blonde with closely cropped hair that was gelled into short spikes near the fringe. The rest was fairly close shaven. He was wearing the same strange outfit as the man I assumed was his father, and also had on red leather cleats that scraped loudly on the pavement. He had a splash of freckles on his nose, and his tight red-pinstriped-black pants (trousers, pants as Americans call them; I’ll go with that) not only accentuated his behind, but also gave no doubt to the fact that he was a boy-eunuch. They were absolutely flat and snug in the crotch area, and his bright red socks went up to his knees, where the pants stopped. He also had on a black jersey with red lettering, an emblem of a red running horse, and a red cap to match. The red belt was a bit much though, I think. “You must be our two ‘ghost-players’!” The man greeted us with arm-breaking handshakes, “The Judge told me all about you! I’m Coach Sherwood, and this is my son, Michael.” About then, Grandpa came dashing (well, as fast as he COULD dash) out the front door. “Todd! I completely forgot! Oh dear, Lib, you’re going to have to remind me on things like this! Don’t tell me first practice is today?” Todd nodded. “Practice?” I asked Roddy. “’Ghost players’?” Roddy asked in return. “Hey!” Michael then cut in, while the adults all began talking about games and schedules and whatnot, “You must be those two British kids Dad’s been talking about? Where were you all regular season?” “Errrm, in Britain?” I offered. Silly boy – where else would we have been? I could tell from his red cleats that we’d obviously been signed up for a sports team of some kind. It was Roddy that realized what it was. “Baseball?” Roddy asked. “Isn’t that the American game that’s something like cricket?” Michael looked shocked as he pulled his red ‘bat-bag’ out of the back of the truck, and then handed one to each of us as well. It was quite heavy. It turned out to be full of the equipment that we’d need to use. I recognized the box, what Michael called “a cup”, at once, and discarded it. Michael just blinked. “Well, hurry up and get dressed!” Michael then said, grinning. “We’ve got to finish regular season, then tourney, then All-Stars starts!” “Aren’t you running a bit late in the season, Todd?” Grandpa was asking. “Well, usually the regular season is over by July 1 or so, but we had to postpone some. A lot of the boys were out for that latter half of June, healing up, and tournaments haven’t even been held yet. That, and I’ve got two of my players out with injuries,” Todd explained. “And the weather’s just been crazy, all those rain-outs!” “I wonder what they had to heal up FROM?” Roddy whispered. Michael pulled a face and sort of tightened his legs. His face went a bit pink. “Uhhhm, well,” he offered, but I cut in before he could say it. “A bunch of you got neutered, didn’t you?” I asked. I saw Todd wince, and the look he gave his son was apologetic. I also figured that if we had to wear trousers like Michael’s, then he’d soon know that we had been, too. But Roddy went ahead and dropped that bomb on them. “Haven’t you people ever heard of Neutersol?” Roddy asked. “A lot of the boys we know rode their bikes to and from the doctor’s office to have it done. It’s no big deal, actually, and there’s almost zero recovery time.” “Oh, are you both…?” Michael asked, realizing why I’d tossed box…cup…testicle- protector…whatever. Useless thing that it was… “Well, now, would they be on OUR team if they WEREN’T?” Todd asked. Michael looked down at his bright red high-topped cleats. “We’re gonna get creamed in tournament, seein’ as how the only balls on our team are the baseballs,” he said, his face even pinker and his ears red. “West Chester Mustangs, huh?” Roddy asked. “More like ‘the geldings’,” Michael replied sourly. Then he seemed to look at me for the first time; I mean, really look at me. “Are you Chinese?” He asked, confused. (I do that to a lot of people. I rather like it.) “Half,” I replied. “The Bensons are my grandparents on my mum’s side.” Michael grinned. “I like your accent!” He laughed. “It’s cool!” “What bloody accent, old boy?” Roddy asked sarcastically, laying the accent on thickly. Coach Sherwood was by then flipping through some papers. “Rod Fisher and Richie Benson, right?” I looked at Grandpa. He just nodded. Apparently, he’d pulled some strings and had us registered in the league all season long. I suppose being a Judge, you can do that, as well as fit fourteen-year-olds onto a twelve-and-under team. Then again, I could have been twelve, and Roddy sure looked more like ten or eleven. Well, to get right to it, Roddy and I changed into our ridiculous red and black outfits. Roddy commented that there had to a bad castrati joke in those uniforms somewhere, and it was probably the red belts. “We look ridiculous,” I growled, when I saw myself in the mirror. That hurt Michael’s feelings, I could tell, when Roddy reminded me that Michael probably felt the same way about baseball as we did about rugby. I felt bad and apologized. “So how long you two been fixed?” He asked, as we climbed up into that behemoth of a truck to go to the pitch…field…park…whatever they called it. “MICHAEL!” Coach Sherwood exclaimed. “It’s quite all right, sir,” I assured him, “We’ve both been eunuchs for a few years now, along with about 100 other boys at our school.” “A hundred?!” Michael squeaked, which made us grin. “Before that Dr. Geller came to town, there was only a couple of neutered boys around. She did FIFTEEN of us the day I got cut!” I exchanged a hard look with Roddy. It certainly was beginning to sound like our Dr. Geller. “Whereabouts is she located?” I asked. “Over on Lincoln, corner of 14th street,” Michael answered, “Why?” “Just wondering, old boy,” Roddy replied, and promptly changed the subject to baseball. After all, neither of us knew a bloody thing about it. To make a long story short, there didn’t seem to be that much to it. There are nine players on the field at once, while the other team sends one boy at a time up to the starting point, called ‘home plate’. The team in the field will have one, the pitcher, throw a baseball at him. That boy will try to hit it with a long, thin, round bat. If he missed, it’s a ‘strike’, and their boy behind the batter, the ‘catcher’, throws the ball back to the pitcher. Three strikes, and he’s back on his bench so the next boy can try. If he hits it, he runs forward to ‘first base’, and he’s out if the boys in the field can get the ball to their boy guarding first base before the batter gets there. If the next boy at bat hits it, they all advance a base. There were four bases, laid out in a square called a ‘diamond’. (Made sense to me…) Also, not all the throws were good. Sometimes the official called them a ‘ball’ (really?!). Four balls, and the batter goes to first base for free. This can go on for a while, I might add, until three boys at bat are out. You can also be out if a boy on the field catches the ball you hit, before it hits the ground. He can also touch you with his mitt (the large glove on his one hand) if he has the ball, before you make it to the next base, and you’re out. After three outs, the teams change places. Once both teams have had a go at bat, it’s called an ‘inning’. After six of them, the team that moved the most boys all the way around the diamond, (runs, they called the scores) wins. Catching balls wasn’t hard, we soon found out. Coach Sherwood seemed impressed with that, though, and said we’d make great outfielders. We soon came to find out that this involved a lot of standing around in the grass near the far fence at about 63 metres and counting dandelions. (190 feet for you Americans.) Hitting that little ball proved to be more of a challenge though, but after an hour so, Roddy and I fairly well had the hang of it. Again, the coach seemed impressed. I tried to tell him it might be easier to hit the ball with a cricket bat, which he called a ‘paddle’. Well, I suppose you could row a boat with a cricket bat if you had to… “Well, it’s not like the other players are trying to tackle you and stomp your face into the sod,” Roddy offered. Coach just blinked at him, and we explained the game of Rugby to everyone. We tried to explain cricket, too, but that was a lost cause. I should probably give you a rundown on the team. I’m sure you Americans all know the nine positions, but for those who don’t: Roddy and I were to be the substitutes. That meant that a boy or two could take a break for an inning. Coach explained that a few of his boys got tired more easily now, since they’d been castrated, and needed a rest during the game. I just sort of shook my head. Roddy and I didn’t have all that much stamina for hard effort, but how much could this baseball thing require? It wasn’t like swinging a cricket bat all day long, or running for your life in Rugby? The other boys we met, as I should introduce you to them, were: Michael Sherwood, you know already; he was the pitcher/catcher, and he’d cried a great deal when he’d been castrated as his twelfth birthday present. It turned out he could sing, and Roddy made a note to get him some of ours CD’s. I should probably mention that the pitcher stands in the center of the diamond and throws the ball to the catcher, who sits dangerously close to and behind the batter. Bradley Jones was also a pitcher/catcher, and he was a bigger boy for his age who traded positions with Michael. He’d been neutered by surprise at his “routine checkup”, also by Dr. Geller. Come to find out, all but one of the boys on our team had been castrated by her, and all of them recently. Bradley, however, was entering puberty and the sudden cut-off of his recent testosterone surges was really getting to him. He tended to burst into tears, and he got tired more than the others and was always hot. (I don't recall that ever happening to me, but I digress.) Gary Martin was a lanky and nondescript boy who played first base. He’d been neutered because he didn’t pay attention in school, got bad grades, but he also had a girlfriend named Selma who sounded like a clone of Melanie. Selma just adored having a gelded boyfriend, since he couldn’t get stiff and penetrate her. He seemed like a good kid, though. Kerry Robinson played second base, and while the youngest at just having turned nine, he was a big nine. He was also a very good player, and had been Rookie MVP for two seasons. (Rookies are the boys on teams who are younger and have to have their coach pitch five times to them.) He was a ginger, and reminded us a great deal of the Roebuck Twins. His mum had seemed to think that neutering would be good for him, never really told him why he’d been castrated, and so there he was in all of his gelded cluelessness…All Kerry knew was that he didn’t need to wear a box/cup anymore. Third base was played by Tyler Moretti. Some of the boys called him a wimp, and he DID look rather frail. At first glance, the androgynous child might have been a girl! But he had a passion for the sport, and he could steal a base faster than anyone. (Stealing is when you run to the next base before the next batter can hit the ball.) We never found out why Tyler got neutered. Tyler told us he’d thrown a fit in the doctor’s office, though, and didn’t WANT to be a eunuch. Well, I guess he was stuck with it now, though? Jamie Grigor was the shortstop, and he was almost ten. He was also a singer, but had had a history of wetting himself and had to wear diapers. He had done it for attention, and castration soon broke him of that. Jamie was also one of those boys who were proud of the fact that he no longer had balls. Our other outfielder was Jeremy Orman, a good friend of Bradley’s as well. He’d “been snipped” because his parents thought it would be a good idea, and he was slightly autistic. He could sure play ball, though, even if he didn’t talk much. I think I'd heard of that before, in certain cases of autism. The other original outfielder was Stevie Smith, and while he hadn’t actually been cut yet, Bradley informed us that his genitals were so tiny that he should have been born a girl! Stevie was all for the idea of getting “snipped” though, and no one on the team was making any effort to talk him out of it. I supposed misery must love company, though, seeing as how most of the boys on the team would later tell us that they just weren’t sure about this eunuch- thing at ALL. But I’m getting ahead of myself… So, with Roddy and I as subs, that gave us ten men…boys…fellows…on the team. That meant that someone was always on the bench for a rest, in a building called the ‘dugout’. The rules of baseball stated that only nine of us could be in the batting lineup, however. As Stevie was quite small and just rubbish at batting, he sat out of that. In fact, waiting to bat consisted mainly of sitting in the “dugout” (it wasn’t dug out, it was a block building with a bench in it), chewing bubble gum and drinking sugary sports drinks, and just chatting while shouting encouraging words at the boy at bat. I soon learned that not every pitch was good, and that sometimes, the batter got hit by a “wild pitch.” In this case, he could go to first base for free. It looked quite painful, though, but I’m getting ahead of myself again. The first two innings (‘inning’ - that’s where both teams have had a try and had three boys get out) went by quickly. There was also an announcer, but we tended to ignore him. It was some boy with a changing and squeaky voice, and I found that quite irritating, in addition to his commentary. I won’t bore you with that. Needless to say, he found himself quite entertaining, even if the rest of us didn’t. Our first three batters – Kerry, Gary, and Bradley - all struck out. Kerry cried when he came back to the dugout, which we found wasn’t all that unusual. Bradley was our starting pitcher and struck out two of the other team’s batters and fielded a ground ball to Gary at first base for three outs. At our next ‘at bat’, Tyler walked, which meant that he had four bad pitches not in his ‘strike zone’ (the ball has to pass by the batter in just the right spot to be a strike); he got first base for free, but was thrown out at second by their catcher when he tried to steal on a dropped ball, which happened when Jamie was at bat. Jamie struck out, and he cried too. I was determined that ‘I’ was not going to cry for the entertainment of the other team. Especially NOT when some of them looked quite older and had bulges in the fronts of their pants! Michael was up next, but he was thrown out at first on a weak hit. Bradley then struck out all three of their batters in a row, and at the beginning of the third inning, it was apparent that things were going to get exciting. I should probably mention that most of the parents shout encouraging things to the boys, some of them to boys on the other team, even. Our parents did that; theirs didn’t. In fact, all they seemed to do was gripe at their players, while ours encouraged us. No wonder those boys in the other dugout all looked so surly. We were having a good time – they weren’t. Then there was the “chatter”. This involved chanting things to distract the batter, or pitcher. “We want a pitcher, not a belly-itcher,” was one. I thought this must be intended to make the pitcher angry and throw a ‘ball’, maybe four, so our batter could get to first base for free? Another was the continual chant of “Yep, yep, yep,” done very out of synch by the outfielders. My favorite, however, was “Batter, batter, look at me! I’m a monkey in a tree!” The word “tree” was then yelled when the batter was intended to swing. I guess it was supposed to make him miss the ball. Some of those other boys had no clue how close to correct they were, though…apes was more like it! Were the officials certain that they were all 12 and under?! I think a couple of them were even shaving. So there we were at the top of the third inning, no score, and Jeremy at bat. Jeremy wasn’t a great hitter, and our coach had staggered his ‘big hitters’ and others to keep things even. Most teams, he said, put their three best up first, then the “clean up man”, who had the job of hitting a good one and getting them into home again in a thing called an RBI – run batted in. So many new terms and rules to learn! By this time, I was almost considering a rugby match by the way the other side was acting. Things might turn ugly at any moment, I could sense. So could Roddy. “Hey batter,” the other team was all saying, “Hey batter!” I guess they wanted to distract him. “Hit it to me! NO! Hit it to ME!” They’d all add in rotation, as if arguing about it. Their pitcher then fired off a fast one, and it hit Jeremy right in the bright red helmet! Good thing he had one on, because it took him right off his feet and flipped him over backward! He just lay there and didn’t move. It was quite terrifying. Now, I’ve seen blood and broken bones on the rugby pitch, but everyone always yelled and cried and bled and it was such a bru-ha-ha. The crowd here went deathly calm. I thought Jeremy was dead! “OH, THAT had to hurt!” Announcer-boy commented. Was he daft?! Of course it hurt, you prat! I thought. Then the umpire held up two fingers in front of Jeremy’s nose, and he giggled. “Four!” He shouted, then he went limp again, giggling. Coach Sherwood carried him off the field and into the concessions stand. (That’s where you go to get a drink and snack, and business was always booming there. No wonder so many of the mums were so … large! They didn’t come to watch baseball – they came to eat.) It was then Roddy’s turn at bat, and Michael was called in to be the pinch- runner for a loopy Jeremy. Michael went to first, as Jeremy would have, for free since the ball had hit him. Roddy took the plate, trembling. “Redcoat!” One of the other boys in the field yelled, and the chant was on. Roddy let the first pitch, a strike, go by him. “Now you see it,” Coach yelled at him. “Get the next one!” The next two were balls, thrown too low. The next, Roddy took a great swing and missed. “STRIKE TWO!” The umpire shouted. The next pitch was also a ‘ball’ over his head, too high. “FULL COUNT!” He called out, which meant that the next pitch was either going to make Roddy walk to first, or strike out. I hoped he wouldn’t cry as I watched him from my warm-up spot. I too had a silly red helmet on, but I was glad of it as I saw Jeremy sitting at the food stand with an ice bag on his head. The next pitch was quite fast, and I held my breath. Roddy swung. **CRACK!** The ball was in the air and going high, sailing out over the second base line and into the outfield. Roddy ran, but only after the umpire poked him and yelled “RUN, BOY!” as Michael took off for his next base, too. Roddy hit first without stopping, the base-coach (I forgot his name) sent him to second base. Roddy slid into second base in the dirt as the fielder threw the ball in, which he’d failed to catch on the fall and gotten shouted at over. Michael had rounded third base. Their second baseman dropped it, though, and it rolled – hard. More angry yelling from their coaches. Michael crossed home plate. There was cheering. Even I was screaming. “UP! Come on!” Coach Sherwood yelled from his place near third base, as Roddy got up and ran for third as Coach waved his arms like a mad Dutch windmill. I should probably mention that by now, our legs had begun to lengthen and we’d been doing track and field back home. Roddy slid into third base, sending dirt and dust all over, and the throw was close. The umpire yelled “SAFE! Under the tag!” It seemed that Roddy’s cleated foot had touched third base before the boy playing third base could touch him with his mitt. I think. The other side went nuts and began shouting insults at the official, rather, the umpire. He put a stop to that, though, when he threatened to eject some of them. I took the plate as Roddy dusted himself off. He was covered in reddish-brown dust, and he looked thrilled. I had decided right then and there that I was not going to draw this out, nor cry. On the first pitch, I swung – hard. “STRIKE ONE!” The umpire called. Did he have to shout so loudly? “China,” Someone then said; I think it was their shortstop. “Japan,” Someone else added. Then it was “Korea, Viet Nam,” and back to “China.” Apparently a jab at my dubious ethnicity. I was a bit put off, but then again, most of these boys had probably never seen an Asian before and were probably lucky that they knew that much Asian geography. Talk about pure racial stock – I hadn’t seen one mixed-race boy since I’d arrived here. “Malaysia, actually, old chaps,” I yelled back, thickening my British accent intentionally, and that shut them up. It seemed they didn’t know what to do about that! The next pitch was also fast, but it was high. I let it go by, and the catcher missed it and couldn’t see it through his helmet. “GO!” Coach yelled at Roddy. “Outta the box, boy!” The umpired yelled at me, and I jumped back to see Roddy coming hard for home plate. Coach had sent him to ‘steal home’, as they called it. A quite difficult maneuver, I would later find out. I got out of the way as the catcher grabbed up the ball and charged the plate. He charged at Roddy, bent down, spread his legs, and made to tag Roddy with his mitt. He hadn’t counted on several things, however: 1\. Roddy was moving fast on those conditioned legs of his. 2\. The catcher wasn’t wearing a box/cup, and he obviously wasn’t a eunuch. 3\. Roddy had a very hard red helmet on. 4\. Roddy’s velocity as he got down to slide was frightening. 5\. Roddy’s head was positioned just so… In short, Roddy’s foot went between the catcher’s legs and touched home plate just as his helmet touched the catcher’s bulging crotch - hard. Needless to say, the catcher dropped the ball right in Roddy’s lap and bent over with a great “OOOF!” His eyes were wide, and his hands went to his overdeveloped crotch as he toppled over. Fortunately, Roddy rolled out of his way just in time and avoided being flattened. (This kid probably weighed more than three of us put together!) Roddy had scored, and we were up 2 – 0! Then the arguments broke out. “He left third too soon!” “He was leading off too far!” “He didn’t slide right!” “He attacked the catcher!” Then our side: “You can’t block the plate!” “HE was attacking the runner!” “He shoved Ricky!” The umpire let this go on for about a minute before he held up his hands. All the while, no one seemed interested in the very-probably-now-neutered-catcher, who was still rolling about in the dust and moaning in agony. At least we’d never have that problem again, and it was one I certainly didn’t miss! “The runner is safe, no illegal moves,” The umpired declared, as he then turned his attention to the catcher. “Well if that Chink knew to get out of the way, he might have had a chance!” Some parent shouted. The umpire stood up slowly, and the crowd went quiet. I just watched, still holding my bat and wondering if I’d need it for self-defense? Chink? How original, I rolled my eyes. “You’re outta here!” The umpire then yelled at the parent, who stalked off to his car muttering things I’ll not repeat here. That was it. My next pitch, I was determined to hit and show them. I wasn’t that bad at cricket; I just didn’t have the stamina for all that batting. This bat wasn’t that heavy, though, and I’d been swinging the hell out of it at practice. The pitch was fast and low, and I had to ‘dig’ for it, but I hit it. (Digging is when you swing at a very low throw.) The bat made a very loud CRACK! sound, and I vaguely heard Announcer-Boy squeak, “It’s a high drive up the middle! Second baseman jumps, but it’s WAY over his head! It’s going, going…Benson is rounding first and he’s not letting up at all…it’s going… **HOLY COW! IT’S GONE!** ” And it was. Right over the fence, all 190 feet (about 63 metres) of it. Coach Sherwood was going mad at third base, and he slapped my bum hard as I rounded it and slid into home, sending a cloud of dust all over my entire team who was congregated there, waiting for me. It seemed to be a ritual to greet the runner at home plate when he hits a ball out of the park, in what is called a ‘home run’. It also seemed to be a custom for the coach to touch our bums whenever he liked, which I wasn’t too sure about. Was that even legal? “Uh, Ricky, you didn’t have to slide,” Michael coughed, as I was mauled by them all, all the way back to the dugout. “Absolutely smashing, old chap,” Roddy commented, sounding as British as he possibly could, and overdoing it, I thought. The team just laughed. We were back to the top of our lineup, 3 runs up. Kerry was up to bat again, and he’d just come scampering back from the toilet with Stevie and missed all the excitement. “Boy, am I glad I can still stand up to pee, that restroom is a MESS!” He declared. I raised an eyebrow at Roddy. That could be a problem… Kerry then grabbed up his bat, shoved his helmet on, and dropped a small foil packet in my lap. “Hang onto that, found it in the bathroom!” He called back. Kerry got walked, it turned out – four bad pitches. He’d crowded the plate and hid his strike zone so the pitcher couldn’t find it. Gary hit a double into the outfield, and that got Kerry back around to home plate when Bradley went to bat. He seemed to be OK, over his short bout of being tired, and his hit moved Gary to third. We were up 4 – 0. In all the excitement, I hadn’t looked at what Kerry had handed me. It was a metallic foil package, puffed and vacuum-sealed. It had two cylindrical objects in it, hard, I could feel. When Kerry got back, he grabbed it and said, “What’s ‘Neutersol Rapid’ do?” I almost choked on my Gatorade. (I know, carbohydrates and calories and sugar, but it was hot and I was feeling run down already! I’d already used the inhaler once!) In the meantime, Bradley was taking some pitches and had three balls, two strikes, and kept hanging in there with ‘foul balls’ he hit over the back fence. (I won’t make a pun there.) “WHERE did you get that?” I demanded of Kerry, as I grabbed it back. Then Roddy grabbed it. He recognized it right off. “Tha’s what they did ME with!” He exclaimed, “Look at the label! ‘Licensed for sale in the UK to professionals only’!” “I think the photo guy dropped it,” Stevie said, “He was showing me some shots on his camera, us playing, you know, action shots, they’re so cool!” He chattered away, “And when he pulled a memory card out of his pocket, this fell out!” “What’s a photographer in the USA doing with a UK packet of Neutersol?” I asked Roddy. “Good question,” Roddy nodded, “But it’s got a lot number printed on it. I think it’s time to call up Simon and Jan again?” CRACK! Bradley had hit the ball, and it was a close play at second as he tried for a double. We were all hanging on the fence, suddenly very excited and screaming at him as the fielder overthrew it. But Bradley was thrown out at third in a call that just drove our parents wild. The boos and insults were deafening. It did knock Gary in, though, putting the score 5 – 0 with one out. “The lot number will trace this to who bought it,” Roddy told us, as he handed it back to Kerry. “It’s not expired.” “What IS it?” Kerry asked again, as Stevie began studying it. “It’s a quick-neutering pack,” Roddy explained, as the umpire called time to go and pee. THAT was funny! “You see, the syringes are preloaded with Neutersol, just the right amount to prick a boy’s balls with. See here – ‘for ages 8-12, if not in puberty’. All you do is open it, place the round end firmly on the testicle, and shoot the drug in. In a few weeks, your balls die and shrink up. In a month or so, they’re gone, along with the cords. You’re a eunuch.” “That’s gotta be better than surgery!” Stevie crowed, stuffing the pack into his bat bag. “The safety seal ain’t even broke!” “It looks safe,” I told Roddy slyly, “But it’s ‘Rapid’; that kind makes your balls dissolve even faster!” “Think about it, Stevie,” Roddy said darkly. “There’s not a set of bollocks in this dugout, but for yours. And once you shoot this stuff into your balls, you CAN’T undo it. Your balls die, and you never get hard again – ever, no matter what you try ‘cause it destroys your erectile nerves, too. No more erections, not for the rest of your life! You can’t fuck girls, you can’t wank, and your cock will shrink up so much you can’t even pee standing!” The rest of the team just listened. “Dude, I wanna be castrated,” Stevie declared. “I didn’t think it was fair that Jamie got castrated so early, and I’m eleven already! I don’t wanna grow all that hair and turn into…into…THAT!” He pointed at the other dugout. We looked across the field, and granted, what we saw wasn’t all that appealing. If the wind shifted, you could even smell some of those boys. “They’re your balls,” Roddy told Stevie. “Just think about it, OK?” Stevie nodded as the umpire came back and the game resumed. To make a long story short, we won 10 – 1 and played all six innings. The last inning was tough, though, as the other team didn’t like the idea of being beaten by a bunch of smaller boys. I wondered if they knew that they were being beaten by a team of boy-eunuchs, when it was apparent that only one or two of them MIGHT have been? Then again, I had no proof of that. They could have just been boys who hadn’t hit puberty yet. For twelve and under, it wasn’t impossible, after all. The cap of the game, though, was when little blonde Tyler Moretti (the wimp) hit a hard grounder right to the pitcher. The ball took a ‘bad hop’, got him right in the old bollocks, and took him down! Tyler then stole second, and took third on an error. Jamie batted him in, and once Michael (who had relived Bradley at pitching) struck out their last three batters and that was the ballgame! For the record, I had another hit, but not over the fence. It was a single. I struck out once, too, and to my own surprise, I had to try hard to not cry when I got back to the dugout. It was humiliating, and I now understood why some boys cry. Grandpa and Grandma telling me it was OK over and over didn’t help, either. I just wanted them to be quiet. “It’s OK to cry,” Bradley and Michael both told me. “I cried like a baby when they cut my balls off, you know,” Bradley added, and that made it OK. Must be one of those eunuch-things, like Simon always says… Another of those baseball-things in America is the party after the big win. Although we were all sweaty, dirty, tired, somewhat smelly (but nothing compared to those pubescent boys!), we were obliged to all go to the local pizza place and eat pizza and drink cola (fizzy drinks) until we were ready to vomit. This must be some obscure American sports ritual that Roddy and I didn’t understand. Once we got washed off in the bathroom and cooled down, though, we found that we WERE ravenous. Did our parents know that, too? But come to find out, the reason for such a big party was that our win over SafeHome Insurance (THAT was their team, I remember now!) had put us at the number-one position for the tournament, which was to begin the day after tomorrow! And so, we ate pizza. And breadsticks. And salad. And pasta. We ate until our trousers were uncomfortably tight! Then followed the cola-chugging (rapid drinking) and burping contests. The waitresses took it all in stride. I supposed they were used to being invaded by rowdy ball teams? All too soon, it was over, and I was surprisingly disappointed. “Did you have a good time, boys?” Grandpa asked. “How do you like baseball, Ricky?” “It’s just brilliant!” I exclaimed, then I yawned. “And not nearly so bloody as rugby!” Roddy added happily. We were tired again. Roddy and I were asleep in the back seat of the Lexus, and the AC felt so good…all I remember was waking up (clean, I might add) later that evening in a clean dressing down (and nothing else) on a daybed (a small bed not used at night) in the family room. Roddy was, too. By then, Grandma was asking what we wanted to do. All WE wanted to do was sit and rest. It was amazing how tired we both were! I wasn’t this exhausted after a rugby match back home! All this running about in the heat and sweating! And so we spent the next few hours that evening watching the next DVD in that boy- wizard series that Roddy just adores. Another ritual at this time seems to be eating more pizza, left over, but cold. So we did that. By then it was bedtime, but I remembered we had to call Simon. It was nearing four in the morning there, I think, but we called him anyway. Luckily, his mobile was on, and yes, there was a phone in our bedroom! I told you the place had it all, just like a room at the Grand Met! We told him all about the game, then I mentioned how Stevie and Kerry had found the packet of Neutersol. “And you let this Steven-boy KEEP IT?!” Simon squeaked. Simon squeaks too, by the way, when he’s excited. “How did a photographer in the USA get a UK pack of Neutersol, though?” “No idea, hoped you’d know?” I replied. “But Steven’s going to use it on himself?” Simon asked anxiously. “He should be supervised, you know.” “Well, he does want to be neutered,” I offered, “He’s the only boy on the baseball team who isn’t, and it WAS still factory sealed.” “Yes, the seal is the giveaway, so it’s perfectly safe. The packets are a bitch to open,” Simon agreed. “I don't recall!” Roddy laughed. “You were asleep at the time,” Simon said gently. “Are you both really all right? You sound like you’re having such a good time?” He asked, sounding all misty again. I found that I missed him, and I sniffled again. WHY do I do that?! Anyway, we told him all about the game, over and over again, and about the party. Once I explained the details about hitting the ball over the fence, which I compared to cricket, Simon was quite impressed with me. “I wonder if the other team realizes they just got pounded by a bunch of eunuchs?” Simon laughed. “I don't think so,” I replied, “I think most of the boy-eunuchs in this town all hang out together and don’t make much of an issue of it?” Then it was back to chattering about the game. He listened for about half an hour, then yawned. “Give me the lot number and expiry date,” Simon added, and Roddy did that. “I’ll get Raxworthy on it at once, see if we can break into the pharmaceutical database. Did this photographer approach either of YOU?” Simon then demanded. I said no, and tried to describe him from Stevie’s ramblings. The best I could come up with was that he was sort of a ‘dark personality’, kind of thin, and scary. “That’s half the men in the world,” Simon muttered. “You say there were two, taking photos? Hmmm,” He mused. “Keep me posted, boys. In the meantime, must have a rest! Big day with Melanie tomorrow, you know!” “Goodnight, Simon,” we both said. “WAIT!” Simon yelled, “Your phone has video, right?” It did. “Shoot a video of this guy and email it to me – both of them, if you can! Just to be safe.” Then he bid us goodnight and hung up. I then headed to the toilet to fully drain my finicky bladder with the catheter. Once that was done and our teeth brushed, we were done for the night! The day had just done us in. “Simon sounded terribly excited about these men?” Roddy wondered, as we dropped our gowns and got into bed. “I had fun, Ricky. Thanks for bringing me along!” That made me wonder about what Roddy did on vacations. He now had no family, and was a ward of the school. What would he have been doing if I hadn’t invited him along? What would I have been doing, for that matter, if my Grandparents hadn’t surfaced when they had? I knew quite well how lonely it could be when you were an orphan, and it made want to cry again. No surprises there, is there? “The fun’s just started, I think!” I smiled back, and much to my surprise, Roddy kissed my cheek! I had no idea what to do, and while it made me feel funny, it also made me feel good. It was like when Melanie had kissed my cheek, and I felt my face flush. I returned it, and felt Roddy moved closer to me. “I was scared of being hit by that big boy who was throwing,” Roddy whispered, “At least I hit it and didn’t look like an idiot. I don't think it would have looked good to come back to the dugout crying. I probably would have, and…” his voice drifted off, and he was asleep with his head snuggled up into my shoulder. I think we fell asleep that way. Sorry if you were expecting some lurid description of graphic sex. We’re both boy-eunuchs with practically non-existent cocks…what were we going to do?! That was all I remembered before waking up late the next morning with what Grandma called “the party hangover.” Oh, God, WHY did they let us eat all that JUNK?! Why didn’t someone stop us?! Breakfast was out of the question, as both of our stomachs were making these odd noises and we were both having pains. Grandpa called Dr. Bruce, and his advice must have come straight from Matron! “They’re not used to this rich American food,” Dr. Bruce diagnosed, “Give ‘em both a good dose of the salts and see if you can get a warm enema into ‘em!” That was the problem, I realized. Matron had cleaned us both out before we’d left, but good, as I said before. It had been a few days, though, and the boy-eunuchs our age got at least two enemas a week from her. Roddy and I were in the Wednesday & Saturday rotation, and we were due for one. Of course, all that greasy pizza floating around in our guts didn’t help. Much to our mutual surprise, Grandma produced a standard red bag. After gulping down some fruity-tasting fizzy drink from a small glass bottle (it was a powerful laxative, she told us, AFTER we drank it!), we were trotted right up to our bathroom for a good cleaning out. It was a bit embarrassing, lying there nude, while Grandma administered our enemas with a skilled hand. She went easy on the soap, though, which Matron tended to overdo sometimes. At least there was no ‘rubber band on the penis’ thing…I hate that! I haven’t wet myself since I was like four! “The last thing you want is more cramps,” she said, as Roddy volunteered (begged, really) to go first. She couldn’t get the full two quarts into him, but she came close. Then it was my turn. I should point out that all of us in my year are used to this. Enemas are a standard procedure, as I’m sure Simon has told you. Some of the older folks, like Matron, are true believers in them. So it didn’t bother me to have the tiny little white nozzle poked up my bum. In fact, I was used to a much larger one. It didn’t feel the same as Matron’s enemas, though, and it was a struggle to hold it in. “Good Lord!” Grandma exclaimed, when we were all done with the first round. “I had no idea a boy could smell that bad!” Then she laughed. I felt my face burning. Then it was another round of salt-water rinses. When it was all said and done, both of us felt much better and went right back to bed. Those high- volume enemas were exhausting, and we always needed a nap thereafter. Of course, the rest of the afternoon, we were pretty much confined to the house as the oral laxatives began working on us, and of course, I was having to pee a lot. I was going to have to start using the catheter more often. “I’m calling a urologist today,” Grandma informed me, and there was no arguing with her. I had to wonder if she’d call Dr. Geller, though, so I suggested it. OK, I admit it – I wanted to see her. Rather, I had to know if this Dr. Geller was MY Dr. Geller. We had just gotten up to try a bit of a bland late lunch when the telephone rang. I thought it would be Simon, but then I recalled how he’d said he’d email my phone if he found out anything. It turned out to be Coach Sherwood, and in a few minutes, he came over. The photographer was with him. One of them, anyway. “Judge, you just HAVE to see these wonderful shots of the boys!” Coach was saying, as we looked up from the video game we were playing. Stevie and Kerry had been right – this guy looked like an undertaker, or something. More like one of those creepy movie extras they always use when they need a villain to come out of the woodwork! He was tall, thin, and he just looked “dark”. I was frightened of him, and didn’t want to go near his laptop, where images of us playing ball were scrolling by. I couldn’t help but wonder what else might be on there. “Hello, Ricky, Roddy,” he greeted us. Coach must have told him our names. “Come and look at your pictures!” He said sweetly, which didn’t come out too sweetly at all. It sounded, to us, more like: “Come here, little boy, so I can do wicked things to you!” At least, that’s how WE heard it! “Bloody good game, for a gang of castrati, don't you think?” the photographer asked, and my fuzz stood up again. Americans don’t use the word “bloody”, unless they’re talking about first aid, and I hadn’t volunteered any information to this stranger about the state of my genitals! How did he know that the Mustangs team were all a bunch of geldings? Something was wrong. In addition to that, Roddy had vanished, leaving ME at the table with the creep. Of course, Grandma went insane ordering photos, and after about a half hour, the photographer presented her with a CD-ROM that she could take to have prints made from. “Oh, look, Wendell!” she crowed, “Here’s where he hit it over the fence! I have to have enlargements made of this one!” I made a note to give her MY new camera and save her money. “Iain might have some other good shots, I’ll ask him,” the photographer said, as he and Coach were leaving. Iain must have been the other one who had been there with his long lenses, following us, watching us, stalking about and clicking away… We politely walked him and Coach back out to the F-350, and it rumbled to life like a train engine when Coach started it. “Where’s Michael?” Roddy asked him, as he just then came out the door with my mobile in his hand. “Oh, he’s sleeping it off. Ever since he got…snipped…,” Coach said it in a whisper, “He just sleeps like a baby after a game, and he’s quiet and pretty inert until the next evening. Just wears him out, you know.” Of course we both knew. We were both still tired. Of course, Michael was probably used to eating this American food, too. “You should email a few of those image files to Simon, boys,” the photographer said, as Coach backed up the truck. He was grinning at us from the open window and waving. Roddy and I looked at each other after they’d gone. “How does HE know Simon?” Roddy asked. “Good question!” I agreed. “Roddy, I don’t trust this guy!” “Me either,” Roddy grinned, holding up the mobile phone. “What say we take his advice, though, and send Simon the video I shot of him just now?” “Genius!” I breathed. * * *
In a Feminine World - 4
Continuing the story in a feminine world not so far in the future, Lady Delphine\'s lover, Helena, returns and brings her a new boy eunuch as a present. Poppy agrees to see if she can arrange for Boy Jennifer to be converted soon, and receives an invitation from her Petal-Mistress.
` In a Feminine World - 4 ` The day came soon enough. In forty-eight hectic hours the servant girls, Zebbie and Flare, cleaned their mistress's apartment from top to bottom and decked it out with flowers and put new silk sheets on Delphine and Helena's bed. The two eunuchs, Lap and Scom, ran errands and cooked while Tamsina, Poppy and Boy Jennifer, did the washing and decided what everyone should wear for Helena's welcome home party. When the moment came. Lady Delphine, was excited but on edge. She wore a quite demure white lace body stocking, decorated with flower motifs and wore some of her own jewellery designs and a sparkling tiara on her head. Poppy wore her usual French knickers and stockings with high heeled shoes and one of the tiny nipple-covering bras she bought a few days ago. Tamsina was still in her chastity belt but did not seem to mind. Both the girls had garlands of flowers in their hair and the identical pearl chokers Helena had given them on their last birthdays. The two eunuchs were allowed to wear make up and bras and party skirts and Boy Jennifer was pleased with himself as he put on his new lilac tutu. At three o'clock in the afternoon the door bell rang and both Zebbie and Flare, in pale blue satin mini tunic dresses, ran to answer it. There before them stood Helena, petite, slender, her long brown hair piled high, a silk cape drawn across her. The two eunuchs brought in her cases form the airport car and took them to her room. Delphine and Helena approached each other tentatively. "It's been three months," whispered Delphine drawing her ballerina girl friend closer to her. They kissed tenderly and studied each other with a hunger in their eyes. "Too long a tour, said Helena. Some of the company went to an island in Greece fro a holiday after the last performance but I just wanted to be right back here. They kissed again and Helena flicked off her cape to reveal, a body stocking like that of her partner. They had obviously planned what they should wear. They embraced, their bodies pressed close together, only the flimsy gauze between them. Then Helen greeted the others with hugs and kisses, admiring Poppy's growing awareness, was clearly amused by Tamsina's attachment to her chastity belt and cooed over Boy Jennifer's tutu. Flare, who had attending to Helena's belongings in her room, brought in a tray of champagne, and Helena flopped onto a sofa. "It's so wonderful to be back home," she said. "I feel as though I've danced until my feet and legs would drop off. A lovely hot bath is my next priority. Then I shall feel much better." "And you can tell us all about it," declared Poppy, anxious to hear all about Europe and what the girls were like. "Plenty of time," interrupted Lady Delphine. She told Lap to go and prepare a hot path and he fairly scampered off an all fours to the bathroom. When Helena was ready to go through, Lap expected to follow her, but Delphine raised a hand. "Just the two of us on this occasion," she said, slipping an arm around Helena's tiny waist. It was half an hour later when they reappeared, looking contented and refreshed. They had also abandoned their body stockings and wore only lace thongs. Their bodes smelt sweetly and looked well powdered and perfumed. "Cool," thought Poppy. Boy Jennifer gazed longingly at the real ballerina before him. Her body was porcelain white, trim but strong. Her breasts were very small, hardly bigger than Poppy's, while the nipples on Lady Delphine's full rounded bust seemed to stand out even more prominently than ever . Eunuch Lap offered his back for Helena to put his feet on as she stretched out on the sofa alongside her partner, whose dark skin seemed to glow with pleasure. Zebbie poured champagne for everyone including a little glass for Poppy. Delphine raised her's to her girlfriend's and toasted her return. Poppy and Tamsina eased themselves on to the rug at Helena's feet next to Lap like children expecting to hear a story. Boy Jennifer crawled up and Poppy eased her head into the folds of his tutu. "So, where can I begin?" said Helena thinking out loud. She told them how she had danced in all the major cities of Europe and mingled with the cream of society ladies who attended her performances and been waited on by a hundred eunuchs a day and by countless armies of little girls. "Did you go to lots of parties?" asked Tamsina. Helena laughed and glanced sideways with a smile at Delphine. "OK I suppose I can tell you everything. You all seem to have grown up since I left. The balls and parties wherever we went were amazing. In Venice in Italy we went to a masked ball, where masks were the only garments allowed. Five hundred naked masked ladies danced the night away, served by naked eunuchs. You can imagine it. And in the palace where we were, there long galleries between each room and in the galleries were tableaux of eunuchs and young girls in classical poses. They stayed like that for six hours and were refreshed by warm fountains of water they lifted up their mouths to drink and constant sprays of perfume to keep them smelling sweet, for you know what, standing all that time the girls just did their wee wees standing up onto the eunuchs lying their feet and the water and the perfume washed it all away. I just found it very exciting to watch the girls peeing all over the eunuchs. It was so popular that some of the ladies climbed into the tableau and did it themselves. "And then went we went into have our banquet we walked over a carpet of young eunuchs, all lying on stretched out on the floor not an inch between their limbs and we stepped on them to enter the hall. They were so well disciplined they didn't flinch or move a muscle. After supper the masks were removed we all danced together in one group, all 500 of us. At the end every lady was dancing and was holding another two at least and everybody moved as though we were one. It was ecstasy. "We should do that here," commented Delphine. "Oh we can learn lots from them. They have lots of different ways of doing things. But everywhere girls and women are freeing themselves and the numbers of eunuchs are growing by thousand every day. Men know they can't share anything of this luxury if they stay as males. We have quite a few eunuch in the ballet company now. They are very good and you don't have to worry about the bulges in their tights and accidentally kicking them if you turn too close. When we were in France a Countess asked a small ensemble to do a naked performance in her salon for a few close lady friends, which we did of course, and they enjoyed the eunuchs especially. None of the eunuch dancers have anything left to show at all and it's quite nice to see them like that. "They like looking good eunuchs in France and making them into works of art almost, with make up and making them really very pretty. In Russia they turn boys into eunuchs at the age of five and make them very feminine. In Germany and England, though, men are kept in camps and on farms for as long as possible and not until they are unto their twenties are they castrated. And every Friday and Saturday nights, the girls' disco-dance clubs have a castration cabaret, where males have their penises or testicles cut off watched by hundreds of screaming, dancing, girls. But by of diversion she said, nothing can beat the Rio Carnival these days. Did the others see the images? Over three thousand males castrated this year. Of course some were done in such a frenzy they didn't survive, but they say it was best party ever. "We must go," said Delphine. "That would be nice," mused Helena and continued her tale, her audience in wrapt attention as she told of the different ways of dealing with males and eunuchs and the ways ladies enjoyed themselves. In some places, they're finding ways of castrating men by injection so they keep they penises and testicles and then give them the right implants to grow breasts. Not everyone likes to see a eunuch with all their male parts, even if they are no danger. Just being castrated isn't enough anyway, you have change the whole being. The breasts for eunuchs are a good idea though. Most European eunuchs have a little bit of penis left but they removed the testicles completely. It reminds them what they used to be and younger girls still like to play with them. For a eunuch ballet dancer though being completely without anything, like Lap, is best. Poppy tried not to catch Scom or Boy Jennifer by the eye and was sure all through Helena's story she had been blushing because of its directness. Her breathing was certainly very rapid and she sipped nervously at her champagne. She wanted to go to Rio and all these other places too. "And now, I've got something for you," Helena said to Delphine, and covered her lover's eyes with her hands. "What's this? What's going on?" said Delphine with a laugh I her voice. She could hear footsteps and sensed someone approach her. There was a gasp from Poppy. Helena withdrew her hands and her partner looked up. Before her stood the most exquisite sight imaginable, a naked boy eunuch, fair, slim, white skinned and with just half an inch of a penis left, just visible dangling between freely his legs, his arms held lightly by Zebbie and Flare. It was Delphine's turn to let out a gasp. "What.....?" she stammered. A gift for you, my loveliest," said Helena kissing Delphine on the cheek. "I found him in Europe. He's called Vlav and he's eleven and quite the cutest eunuch boy I've ever seen." "For me.... to keep?" "We'll keep him for parties and such if you like. He doesn't speak English but he is very, very willing and he's not been converted long." "Where have you been keeping him?" asked Delphine. "I'd no idea." "In the maids' room. They smuggled him in when I arrived." "Well, hello, Vlav," purred Delphine. "Let me get a better look at you." Delphine stood up and circled the boy, feeling his buttocks and running her hands down his body. He smiled and put his hands on his head. Delphine looked at his genital area and lifted up the boy's puny instrument to inspect further. "Not a bad job actually," she said. "Quite neat in fact. Well, you're quite a cutie aren't you, Vlav?" The boy smiled again as the others gathered round him. Poppy was there first peeping round from behind to catch sight of what once was his penis but was too minute now to be anything. "It's tiny isn't it," the eight-year-old said. "Not like Scom's." "Come here Scom," added Delphine and told the two eunuchs to stand face to face and press against each other. "Oh yes, Scom wins by half an inch easily," said Helena, who found the comparison very amusing. "but Vlav is very obliging. Press more." Scom thrust himself into the boy's groin and they wiggled their bottoms about to rub themselves together. Delphine and Helena then stood behind the eunuchs and put their arms around their waists and rubbed their bare breasts against the eunuchs' backs. The maids watched on cuddling each other while Tamsina, seized hold of Lap, patted his sexless crotch and whispered in his ear. Boy Jennifer had crawled up behind Poppy and was gazing up at her from the floor. All eyes were on the foursome in the middle of the room, Helena pressing against Scom, the two eunuchs squeezed face to face and Delphine almost climbing on Vlav's back. Helena put an arms across the shoulders of the eunuchs towards Delphine who licked the outstretched fingers. Slowly the two ladies peeled away and fell to the floor in a full embrace. The maids came forward to ease down their panties as they rolled over, Delphine full length on top of her white-skinned ballerina, her full breasts squashed against the petite Helena's hardening nipples. It was Lap who directed the eunuchs to their next duty, pointing Vlav to Delphine's rising and falling bottom. Scom had to spread himself almost flat under Vlav to put his mouth to Helena's wet femininity. Vlav spread-eagled his legs on either side of Scom's body, working slowly, rhythmically on Delphine as though he had known all her his life. The sight stirred Poppy to instant action. She dropped her knickers to the floor and whipped off her top. Kneeling down she slid her left hand though Vlav's legs to take hold of his flaccid maleness. And with her other hand she sought out Scom's vaguely stiffening member. She squeezed both eunuchs as tight as she could, which spurred them on to great efforts to please their love-making mistresses, their lips now competing against the ladies' own searching fingers. Then, in a moment of rapture, Poppy felt another's cool lips across her bottom. Boy Jennifer had stooped to do what she had asked him to do whenever he could, to kiss her there, gently tenderly, passionately. She would not forget. When he was a eunuch she would forever let him look at her body and watch over her making love no matter with who, when or where. Seeing Poppy take over her claim to be the wild child, chaste Tamsina sank to her knees before the eight-year-old and turned her face to hers and kissed her, opening her panting mouth with her tongue, urgent, questing, wet. The two maids undressed each other. Zebbie then kissed Tamisna's back and neck and her buttocks, and all else that remained receptive and unrestricted by her cold silver belt of chastity. Finally Flare put upon herself lightly on Boy Jennifer's back to shower him with soft caresses and kisses. His face was between Poppy's legs. His ache had turned to a throb and he wanted more than ever to cut loose his genital binding to rid himself of what lay within and bring to his darling Poppy the selfless love that only a eunuch can convey. Only Lap stood aloof, the complete eunuch, he stood over the nine bodies now locked in their own paths to ecstasy to spray them with perfume, at once to arouse their senses further still with its heady sensual aroma and to cool their pulsating bodies. Helena let out a shriek and her body seemed to crumple. They lay quietly still joined together, Poppy almost asleep with her hands still holding the eunuchs. Next morning was quiet in the house. Tamsina had been released from her chastity belt and she and Poppy played together naked on the rug. "Let's get a eunuch to play with," Tamsina suggested, and tiptoed into Delphine and Helena's bedroom where Vlav was sleeping at their feet. She asked if she could take Vlav to play with and Delphine murmured her permission. The rest of the morning Tamsina and Poppy used the boy eunuch Vlav as their plaything, putting lipstick and make up on him, finding some stockings to fit him and riding him around the round on all fours. His lithe body was complaint and willing. Like all new eunuchs he was rapidly becoming used to being the mere toy of girls and women, existing only for their amusement and pleasure. Jennifer crawled in to join them and Poppy took even greater pleasure in finding a nice shade of lipstick and some earrings for him. "When can I become a eunuch?" he asked Poppy as she rubbed perfume into the boy's nipples. "Soon enough," answered his favourite child-mistress. "I don't want to grow up with boy's parts," he said quietly. "I want to be a proper eunuch so I can do everything for you." Poppy promised to speak to Delphine and see if she could arrange it. She wanted him to be a eunuch too. She wanted to take off his genital binding and be able to give him playful little spanks on his bare bottom and pat him between his legs. Tamsina meanwhile had taken Vlav to the shower. Poppy joined them. Vlav kneeling before and was very attentively soaping Tasmania's thighs and legs. "He's good," she said. "Jennifer wants to have his man's parts taken off," announced Poppy. "He's only a bit younger than Vlav and if he can become so good ever so quickly then I don't see why Jennifer can't." "What do you want me to do about it?" asked Tamsina, easing open her legs for Vlav to wash her. "We can both go and see Delphine." Tamsina agreed and Poppy kissed her excitedly on the lips. She then looked down at Vlav busily attending to his duties. "Mmm. A Petal Mistress and a eunuch, all to myself," she sighed, as she suddenly stooped to knock Vlav's knees from under him, laughing as he slipped over on to his back under the jet of warm, perfumed water. Stay there, my pretty boy," she said as she stood astride him. Without a further word Poppy bent her knees and let forth a jet of her own, a pee pee all over the limp remnants of what in another time would have his growing manhood. "Wow," exclaimed Tamsina. "I think he liked that," said Poppy coolly. "Come on, he can clean himself up while Jennifer dries us." Outside the shower room Delphine was waiting for them. "What are you up to now to two?" she demanded. "What with all the shrieks coming from in there." "Just teaching Vlav what's expected of him," replied Tamsina with a shrug. "OK," said Delphine doubtfully. "But Poppy you're in demand again. You Petal Mistress is collecting you at five this afternoon. She wants to take you out apparently." Poppy jumped up and down with joy. "I'd better get ready them," she said, with a gleam in her eye. To be continued: Poppy and Madame Aristasia go to a party, where pretty boys are chosen for conversion to eunuchs on the spot. * * *
GAY, TESTICLES, Modification
The team mascot is set on by the opposing team and loses his balls and the head of his cock but the tiger’s bite back.
` Tiger ` By: Littledick Hi, my nickname is “Tiger” and I am the mascot for the Tigers basketball team. I have been with the team for some fourteen years. I am twenty now and started with the team when I was six in the nipper's. As I reached my teenage years I stopped growing and am just five feet tall where all my mates on the team are all over six foot six inches tall. I soon became the mascot and have been so for five years. As I said I am only five-foot and one quarter inches tall. I am as skinny as a rake, with a juicy and tender bubble butt that is enchanting and invites attention. Not to mention my hairless but natural bronzed toned body topped by my bright blue eyes, cute sharp features and short cropped blond hair. My basket always created an impression around front of me with my five-inch slack cock that grew to seven and a half inches when standing tall. My cock stood up close to my body and the head touched my navel due to the bend in it. My balls were on the large size but not the biggest I have ever seen and most others were smaller. My balls hung proud and dangled on the bottom of a large constantly floppy hairless sack. At the basketball matches all I wore a tiger suit with no underwear or other clothing on. I was able to keep the tail up as it was attached to a butt plug that was well bedded way up my butt. The backside of the costume was made up of a flap that covered my butt that was press studded together along with the butt plug. My cock and balls were pulled through a small hole in the front that trapped them out there and covered with a pouch. With the costume on there was no way I could get my cock and balls back into the suit or get the butt plug out because of the way the arms and paws of the suit had been constructed. I had to hope no one would grab me and pull the pouch off or pull the flap down when I was in public. However I thoroughly enjoyed being the club mascot especially when we won and the team would screw me silly in the club rooms afterwards, what else would you use your mascot for? The club was in the semi-finals and we had just knocked out last year's premiers and now had the right to play in the finals. The semi-final was a rather brutal game with no love lost between our team and the thugs from the Port the other team. Members of the team and support staff had screwed me about eighteen times. I was tied to a special bench that they had constructed that positioned my butt at the right height for the taller guys to screw me and positioned my mouth to either suck others or allow them to fuck my face. My cock and balls hung between my furry suited legs for all to fondle or tortured as they saw fit. The guys loved punching my balls as they came and my cum would splatter all over my stomach and chest and run down my balls and legs. For some reason I always shot buckets of cum over myself every time my nuts were hit till I was totally spent, then I would just dry shoot in ecstasy. Today had been no different and I was left tied to the screwing platform whilst the team went and had a shower and team meeting in another area of the building. It was during this time that several guys from the team we had just beaten came in. I was quickly gagged with a more than used and sweaty jock strap that was lying on the locker room floor. They waisted no time and before I knew it my balls had been pulled through some sort of device and then tugged to the bottom of their sack again. I felt the device being manoeuvred close to the base of my cock and then I felt what ever my nuts had been pushed through slam closed like a thick rubber ring around the neck of my precious jewels, well they were precious to me at lease and gave me so much pleasure. It was at this point I knew I was in real trouble and that an elastrator ring had been fitted but I was surprised when I felt two more rings tighten around my nuts closer to the base of my shaft. I tried to struggle but to no avail as my balls ached totally cut off from their life giving nourishment. The three rings did their thing quickly and pain was radiating from my groin like I had never felt before. My cock was at full attention dribbling pre-cum when it was brutally pulled down against itself. I panicked when I felt them pushing the head through the elastrator but again there was not a thing I could do about it. The ring was let go around the crown of my rather large mushroom head and hurt like hell. The guys slugged me in the balls that many times I passed out. When I came too I was alone still tied to the platform. My balls ached and my groin was on fire. The head of my cock felt like it was going to explode into a million pieces. None of my team members had returned from the meeting and I don't know how long I was out to it when I passed out. Everything was rather itchy and that feeling was subsiding as time moved on. I tried to wriggle to get the circulation going but my balls felt ice cold as they hit my legs a couple of times. One of the guys finally came into the area where I was and when he saw my predicament he called for help and the others came running. Peter the team captain came in and immediately embraced me, he was furious and vowed and declared he would get the ones who did this back. Peter was my favourite; he is also the tallest team member with the biggest block and tackle of them all. The team Doctor was brought in to inspect my balls when he indicated to Peter that it was too late to save them. I was taken to hospital where the bands were removed along with my balls and the head of my cock. Peter asked that my balls and the head of my cock be preserved in a jar of fluid so that they could be kept as a reminder to the team of what I went through for them. He also wanted my large scrotum tanned so he could use it as a money pouch, it was then he said to me you are coming home to my place and I will look after you. I didn’t know at that point he meant for the rest of my life. Nothing was said publicly of what happened and the Port team thought that they had got away with it. However a charity match at the end of the season had been organised with the Port team and the Tigers. Again it was a brutal game as Port usually won by fowl means behind the game but the Tigers were ready and waiting for them, as well as motivated by what they had done to me. We ended up winning again. Both teams returned to their locker rooms and it was just a matter of waiting as the drinking water in their rooms had been laced and they would soon be laying around in a semi stupor as they all had sucked on the cold water after the game. They were given about a half hour whilst our guys all showered and dressed again. Our team began the celebrations and partied on in the rooms at the stadium. Peter had secretly lined up some people who removed the Port team and their support staff once they went quiet over in the other building from us. Once they were ready they were loaded into some vans that were parked in the building by their changing rooms. When loaded the vans whisked them away unnoticed. They were taken to a disused abattoirs facility where they were pulled out one by one and suspended on an overhead rail by meat hocks in the loading docks. When they were all hanging like slabs of meat they were pushed in one by one and then had their balls banded and pushed away on the sliding hooks. It didn’t take long before the whole team; their coaches and support staff had been banded and left hanging by their arms from the overhead rail system. We were all still in our locker room celebrating when some people came and asked if we knew where the other team was. They were told in their change rooms if they hadn’t left already. In the mean time the captain of the Port team had his nuts cut from his body and he was left hanging upside down, but his hands were untied so he could get himself loose when he came too. By the time he came too it would be too late to save any of their dead balls. All of our team was accounted for when the Police came looking for them, we were all celebrating in our rooms. Peter’s mates had covered all the angles and bases. They had used gloves and all wore old boots during the event and everything was burned after they got away. They also used old tyres on the vans which were discarded and dumped with thousands of old tyres that were use for an off shore reef so there was absolutely no trace of them. It was strange how none of this got to the media and how the Port team just disappeared as a long distant memory from the league history. In other words don’t mess with a tiger or it could bite back when you least expect it. The End. * * *
Temporary Internet Files
Steve liked to write castration fantasy stories and post them to his favorite internet site, the eunuch archives (where else!). One day he was called away to work, leaving his fiancé alone in his house. She got into his computer and discovered his secrets. She shared the info with her two bawdy, sadistically playful, girlfriends and they decided to make his fantasy come true!
Temporary Internet Files Who's sport-ute is that in the driveway? Steve wondered as he returned home from the office. It was Friday and Jeanie had promised to have dinner fixed when he got home. Jeanie had been his live-in girlfriend, on weekends only, for some time now, but she was about to move in full time. If everything went as planned they would be getting marred in the next couple of months. The automatic garage door opened in response to Steve's remote unit, revealing Jeanie's car parked in its usual place. The sport-ute was parked behind Jeanie, leaving room for Steve to pull into the double garage. Snickers, Jeanie's brown and white English Springer Spaniel, bounded up to greet Steve as he got out of his car. That's all it took to jog Steve's memory. He remembered who the sport-ute belonged to now; it was Nanette's. Nanette lived on a ranch about ten miles out of town. Nanette, who was apparently rather wealthy, operated the ranch in addition to owning and managing a restaurant in town. He and Jeanie had taken Snickers to Nanette to have him neutered when he was a year old. She had done it as a favor to Jeanie, as friend, and didn't charge anything. Jeanie had waited tables in Nanette's restaurant when she was working her way through college and they had been friends ever since. "Hi, babe," Jeanie said, as Steve came in from the garage. "I hope you don't mind having a couple of guests for dinner tonight." "No, not at all," said Steve, as he saw Nanette, and Donna, Jeanie's friend and next door neighbor, sitting on the sofa. "By the way, what's for dinner tonight anyway?" "Dinner is on me tonight, honey," said Nanette. "I cooked up one of my specialties and your favorite, lasagna." "Don't forget to give me my kiss, Stevie," Jeanie said, grabbing him around the neck. Their lips met and they held each other in a firm embrace, exchanging a long and sensuous kiss. Then Jeanie, with her arms still around Steve's neck, looked up at him with her big soft brown eyes. "After dinner, babe" she whispered, "we've got a big surprise for you. I know you'll like it." Jeanie giggled smugly and kissed Steve again. After a dinner that certainly lived up to Nanette's reputation and Steve's expectations, Steve washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, as was customary when Jeanie or one of her friends cooked dinner. Finishing up, and still puzzled about the surprise they had for him, he joined the three women in the living room, seating himself beside Jeanie on the sofa. Nanette was in the middle of telling a story from her showgirl days in LasVegas. Nanette was usually careful not to give any clues that would allow anyone to determine her actual age, but Steve guessed she was around fifty, give or take a couple of years. But Nanette kept herself in excellent shape and had all the poise and countenance of someone who was accustomed to performing for the public. Steve could only imagine what she must have looked like in her heyday. Now her blonde curls were accented with a hint of gray. There was something about Nanette that was vaguely reminiscent of a country and western singing star, although she reminded Steve of no one in particular. Maybe it was her Southern accent; Nanette was raised on a ranch in Texas. That's where she learned things like how to neuter animals. Nanette had been married once, but that was many years ago. Donna, a divorcee around thirty, was not much older than Steve and Jeanie. She was a manager and fitness instructor at a local health spa (Jeanie and Nanette both took aerobics there), and to say she had a great body would be a gross understatement. Donna had brown hair and green eyes, and Steve thought she looked a lot like Xena, the Warrior Princess on television. Donna liked to walk around in her back lawn wearing a skimpy little bikini, and Steve couldn't keep his eyes off her whenever he visited Jeanie. He almost wished it were he who was moving in with Jeanie and not the other way around. However, he realized that Donna could spell real trouble for his and Jeanie's relationship, and he would be ashamed for anyone to know about the fantasies he had about her. "Okay," said Steve, "what's the surprise you said you had for me after dinner." Jeanie smiled and looked at the other two women. Steve could see apprehension in her face. "Do you think he's ready for this?" Jeanie asked, directing her question mostly to Nanette. "It's your show, honey," Nanette said. "If you want to go ahead with it I'm behind you all the way." "Me too," Donna added. Smiling, Jeanie looked back at Steve. "Well, I need to dress properly to get you in the mood for this conversation, babe." With that, Jeanie began to slither out of her dress. She was wearing white panties and bra with a garter belt and straps holding up her dark nylons. Steve's mouth dropped open in disbelief. Of course he was expecting Jeanie to do something like this later, in private, after the other women had gone. Why was she stripping in front of them? He was about to speak when Nanette began doing her own striptease, and Donna stepped out of the room. Steve just sat there spellbound, almost in shock. Nanette was wearing a pair of silky red tights with black trim, over sheer pantyhose. Shortly, Dona returned wearing a Xena costume, as though she knew exactly what would turn Steve on. "Whata you think, Stevie?" said Donna. "I've been told that I look like her, do I?" "Y... yes, you do. Wh... what's this all about, anyway," Steve sputtered. Jeanie laughed. "Remember, about two months ago, back in February, the Saturday it snowed. You had to go to work that day because the guy who was supposed to be there couldn't get through the snow to work. That left me here all day with nothing to do. But you left your computer on and I played with it. Maybe that's snooping, but I am going to be your wife soon, and you did leave me here all day with nothing but that computer to keep me company." Steve was still very confused. The sight of the women in their sexy costumes was turning him on and his budding erection was showing through his pants. Maybe they just wanted to give him a little costume show; that was the surprize. But why was Jeanie talking about the computer? "Steve, do you know what your temporary internet files are?" "Well, no; not really. I don't get into that technical stuff too much. I just use the thing." Jeanie and Donna laughed. Nanette turned to Steve with a sympathetic expression. "Don't feel pregnant, honey," she said. Most of that stuff's over my head too. I'll leave the details to techies like Jeanie and Donna." All three women laughed and Steve was still confused. "Anyway, Steve," Jeanie continued, "your temporary internet files keep track of where you go on the web; when you went there; and how long you stayed." "You... you mean you can look at every web site I've..." "I can, and I did, Steve. That was a very long Saturday, here all by myself. I had lots of time to browse around." Steve was looking a little worried now. "You like to look a nude models, don't you, Steve?" "Yeah, well, I ah...." Steve mumbled, blushing. "And lingerie models; and bikini models; and female body builders; and female wrestlers; and..." "Well, what's so wrong with that?" Steve retorted defensively. "It's not like I'm cheating on you or anything." "Only in your mind," Jeanie said, giggling. "He's really just a regular guy," Nanette said, "and all guys cheat; in their minds or any other way if you give them a chance." "Well, actually, Steve," Jeanie said, "there's one particular site that really grabbed my attention. You spend more time there than at all the others put together. Does ‘eunuch.org' ring a bell, Steve?" Steve's palms began to sweat as he rubbed his hands together. His eyes darted nervously back and forth between the women. "W... well, it's not fair. You shouldn't have been looking at my stuff." "But now we know where your real interests lie, Steve. At first I thought that stuff was too weird and that I couldn't possibly get into it, but after I found the story archive and read a few of the stories I was hooked. Oh god was I hooked! I got so soaked I had to go change my panties!" The women all laughed. Steve's eyes were bulging and still darting back and forth between the women. Perspiration was running down his forehead and he looked like he might bolt and run at any second. However, his huge erection was now clearly visible through his pants. The women were looking at it and smiling, and Steve knew they were looking at it. Steve wipped his brow then wipped his hands and sweating palms on his pants legs. The women laughed again. "Then I found out your pen name," Jeanie continued. "H... how... did you...?" "From your posts, silly! Your e-mail address was still the same." Jeanie was smiling and laughing as she talked. "Then I told Nanette and Donna about the site and we've all been kind of lurking ever since." "...And that was such a cute pen name you picked," Nanette interjected; "Snickers. Named yourself after Jeanie's little neutered dog." Suddenly the conversation was interrupted by the sound of four pattering little feet coming into the living room. "Awww, Snickers, honey, did you think Nan Nan was calling you, huh?" Nanette said to the dog, in a doating, condenscending voice. Snickers started to rear up on Nanette and put his paws on her knees, but Nanette spread her legs and forced him to place his paws on the cushion between her legs. Then she started petting him on the head and scratching behind his ears. "No, mustn't rear up on Nan Nan. She don't want to tear her hose. Oh, but him like Nan Nan doesn't he. Yeah, he say, ‘Nan Nan neutered me and made me into a good little doggie. Yes she did!' Yes, he remember who neutered him and that make Nan Nan sooo special. Yes it does!" The dog was panting and looking up at Nanette with an expression of total trust and contentment, enthusiastically wagging the stump of his little bobbed tail. "You should have seen him, Nanette," said Jeanie. "About four months after you neutered him Donna's German Shepherd bitch, Jasmine, came into heat. We put her in the back yard with him just to see what would happen. The first time they were together Snickers just foundered himself. He just couldn't get enough!" "So that's why you had that litter of mixed breed pups to give away," Nanette said, laughing. "Yeah, I know," said Donna, "but it was my own fault. I just wanted to watch them, and it gave little Snickers such a wonderful last time! Actually I guess it was both his first and last time." All the women laughed. Snickers knew he was being talked about. He left Nanette's chair and paced in a little circle on the floor, dividing his attention between the women before finally going over to Jeanie. "And I assume," mused Nanette, "that he was a little less enthusiastic on their second meeting." "Oh, it was so cute, Nanette," said Jeanie. "I wish you could have seen him. He went up and sniffed Jasmine, then looked back at me with that real puzzled expression on his face. It was like he was saying, ‘What's the matter, Mommy, The last time we did this it felt so good and was so much fun!' Then he came back to me and looked up at me like he was expecting me to give him something to make it fun again. So I gave him a doggie treat and he just held it in his mouth without chewing it. Then he looked up at me like he was saying, ‘Are you sure, Mommy?' Then he took the treat back over to Jasmine and dropped it. He sniffed Jasmine again and ran back to me and whimpered as if to say, ‘It didn't work, Mommy. Give me something else!' But there was nothing else. Nothing will ever work for little Snickers again, will it, Snickers." The women were all laughing now. They obviously thought the story was very cute and funny. Snickers, realizing he was the center of attention and the topic of their conversation, began to turn in little circles on the floor and make whimpering, groaning noises like he was trying to imitate human speech. Occasional frustrated barks punctuated his whimpers as though he wanted to talk so badly, but knew he couldn't. This tickled the women even more and their laughter became almost delirious. "Say!" Donna exclaimed, as their laughter subsided, "we haven't told Steve what his surprise is yet. But I'll bet you have a real good clue, don't you, Stevie?" "Well, I... ah... er..." "Oh, don't be so bashful," Donna admonished. "We've all read the stories you posted to the eunuch site. You changed the names, but we still recognized ourselves. Why do you think I went to all the trouble to make this Xena costume, huh? I did it for you, Stevie. This is your big scene; the grand finale to your days as a man!" "What we're going to do to you tonight," Jeanie said, "will practically follow the script of one of your own stories - almost to the letter! This is really your idea, Steve; your fantasy. You just didn't know we would be willing to make it come true for you. Of course you can always back out, Steve, but I don't think you will. I think you're too much into it." "You've got that right, kid," said Nanette. As far along as he is, if we don't do it he would likely try to do it himself, and that could be dangerous. Steve, honey, we're going to give you the most beautiful last time a man can have!" "Just think, Stevie," Donna said, "tomorrow night this time we will be sitting right here talking again and you won't be a man anymore. But you will have had me, and you can keep having me until you run out of testosterone and then you can't have anybody, and won't want anybody anymore. Jeanie won't care because that's part of her gift to you for your last few hours as a man. I'm going to enjoy fucking your eyeballs out Stevie!" "You won't back out now, will you, babe," Jeanie said, laughing naughtily. "Well, I... ah... I er... had kind of thought about trying Depo- Provera for..." "Oh, fuck Depo-Provera!" Nanette snorted. "I've seen men try that. It's expensive, difficult to obtain legally, and there are health risks with the side effects. Every man I know who's used it wound up having himself cut for real, anyway; so why waste the time and money? Honey, when it's time, it's time! I've read your posts on that message board, inquiring about cutters and urologists. In six month's time you'll be using the garden shears on yourself to whack em' off, and that's what we've got to avoid." "See there, babe," said Jeanie, "this is really best for you. We're just going to do something for you that you would wind up doing to yourself anyway, and we're going to make it wonderful for you!" "Honey, go get undressed and take a shower. Jeanie and Donna are going to shave you while I get everything ready. It's just like in your story, remember?" Once Steve was on the bed, Jeanie snipped off most of his pubic locks with a pair of barber scissors, then lathered him up with warm shaving cream. Then she and Donna took turns shaving him with safety razors. "Nanette, I don't mean to be prying," said Donna, "but I'm curious. How many men have you nutted in your career?" Nanette laughed. "Honey, you make it sound like I had a career of neutering men. I only wish!" "No," she said pensively, "let's see; Steve will be number seventeen. Well, actually number eighteen if you count the boy I neutered when I was a teenager. But that wasn't exactly consensual. He was passed out drunk in the hay loft and I used my dad's Burdizzo on him. He never knew exactly what happened to him, let alone who did it. Remind me to tell you that story some time." Steve had maintained a throbbing erection throughout his shave. Hearing Nanette talk about her neutering exploits just added to his excitement. He thought those stories were very erotic. They were getting close to the end now. Donna stretched Steve's scrotum while Jeanie shaved the final few hairs from it. Drooling with pre-cum, Steve felt he could explode any second. "Well, that's it, babe," Jeanie said, chucking the disposable razor into the trash. She had him roll off the sheet that had caught his hair and she took it away while Donna placed a hot, damp washcloth on Steve's freshly denuded groin. Jeanie returned with a small mirror and Donna removed the wash cloth, allowing Steve to savor the full glory of the cosmetic change they had just effected. Steve gasped in astonishment. He had never really contemplated just how different this would make him look - and feel. For a fleeting moment he had second thoughts about what he was about to do. Something inside him suddenly told him that this was crazy and he didn't really want to go through with it. It was just a silly fantasy, something fun to write about on the web, but nothing he would actually want to do; not in real life. He started mumbling, trying to say he wanted to back out, but Jeanie's and Donna's soft caresses were distracting him. The sight of their beauty; Jeanie in her sexy lingerie; Donna in her stunning Xena costume; had him mesmerized. Suddenly, Nanette strutted up to the bed, smiling admiringly, almost smugly, as she inspected Jeanie and Donna's handiwork. Seeing Steve's distress, she smiled at him warmly and sympathetically, at the same time reaching out and gently taking hold of his testicles. "A little scared, honey?" she asked, softly. "Yeah, a little," he said weakly. His apprehension began to melt as he looked at Nanette's warm, condescending smile. "It's okay, honey. All men get a little nervous as the moment draws near. It's kind of like going to the dentist, isn't it?" Nanette chuckled warmly as she began massaging and kneading his testicles. "Y... yeah, I guess so," Steve said, giggling a little and lightening his mood. His reservations about his upcoming castration and his feelings of apprehension disappeared as quickly as they had come. The feel of Nanette's gentle fingers - those delicate and practiced neutering fingers - on his scrotum stripped any thoughts of resistance from his mesmerized mind. "My, you've got a pretty little pair of balls," she said, scrutinizing his face as she carefully watched for his most subtle reactions to what she was saying and doing. Nanette was playing with his emotions like a violinist plays a violin. "Honey, are you sure you want to part with these, huh?", she crooned, watching the doubt and apprehension flow back into his eyes. "I... ah... ah... don't..." He never finished his sentence. His face was filled with the ambivalent mixture of fear and desire. Nanette looked softly into his eyes as she kneaded and massaged his testicles. Finally she took her other hand and gently caressed and pinched the newly barred skin of his pubic mound before gripping his penis near its base. "Ooooo, you're so smooth," she whispered. "I love men who are smooth. I have four eunuchs out at my ranch and three of them are nullos. Would you like to be like that, honey, hmmm?" Unable to form words, all Steve could say was, "Ah... ahh... ahhh..." Tears filled his eyes and began flowing down the side of his face. No matter what might be going on in his mind at the moment, one thing was obvious. He was helpless! "Well don't worry, Steve, honey," said Nanette, unable to conceal her sadistically wicked smile. "We're not going to do that tonight. That will come later, when you're ready. Tonight Nan Nan's just going to neuter you. Your little balls are going to go bye bye tonight. Are you ready, honey?" "Ye... ye... yeah," he squeaked weakly, spreading his legs farther apart as a sign of acquiescence. "Honey, you'd let me nut you right now, before you had your last time, wouldn't you?" "Oh... oh... yes," he gasped, spreading his legs still wider. "Well, girls," Nanette said, looking at Jeanie and Donna, "this wasn't in the script. In his story he fucked all night before we cut him. But I will tell you one thing, though, he'll never be more ready than he is at this minute." Nanette walked over to the dresser and began assembling the tools of her trade, placing them on a tray. Jeanie and Donna looked down on Steve and his huge erection, as they gently stroked his thighs and newly shaved pubic mound. "In his story," said Donna, "he told how wonderful it felt to have my warm, fuzzy muff jam against his bare helpless crotch. He was so inadequate and incomplete, but in my wonderful, functional wholeness - my hair against his hairless inadequacy - I made him feel whole again. His last night in his story was wonderful, but he's going to let us castrate him without even a last time!" "He's got it bad," Nanette said from across the room. "I've seen them like him before. You can count yourself lucky, Jeanie. Steve will make a very loyal little eunuch. His kind aren't usually much good in the sex department though; not even with testosterone replacement." Steve was just laying there helpless, looking up at Jeanie and Donna's mesmerizing beauty. Tears were running down his face and he was whimpering and mumbling nonsense. "It seems so cruel to do this to him," Donna said. "Well, Jeanie," said Nanette, as she walked back over to the bed with the tray, a syringe filled with Xylocaine in her right hand, "it's your call, girl. He's your pet. What will it be?" Jeanie was trembling with erotic excitement. Saying nothing, she unfastened her garter belt and slipped out of her soaked panties. She climbed onto the bed and positioned herself above Steve's face, then lowered her damp fuzzy muff onto him. Steve responded by thrusting his face up to meet her oozing dampness. His slurps and smacks were as awkward as they were sincere and frantic. He was emitting submissive little squeaks like some helpless rodent. The high register of his voice didn't even sound human. Jeanie threw her head back and closed her eyes. She was in a dream. Her body began to convulse in the throws of her orgasm. "Nut him!" she gasped. "Please, Nanette, do it now! Nut him like a little piggy!" THE END
A modern day slave trader tell his tale.
The Sheik’s coded e-mail message included an unusual request. His twin daughters would soon be turning fourteen and for their birthday gifts they desired a pair of playmates who were also twins. Not only that, but they had to have read hair, and they had to be young, preferably only a few months into puberty. The Sheik, naturally enough, demanded that they also be virgins. That would be a tough order to fill even for a person who makes his living procuring and selling young boys into slavery. This sale would be different, however; instead of being an on-line auction open to all qualified bidders he was proposing that I do this for a flat fee. The challenges associated with even finding, let alone successfully abducting, a pair of young red- headed twins was certainly daunting, but the compensation that he suggested was absolutely staggering so I accepted the commission, knowing that I only had two months in which to make it all happen. By the next morning I was in a large city, one of several within a thousand miles from my home. Finding one suitable boy to abduct isn’t much of a problem. There are always boys running around the streets alone, and one just has to go near the low-income housing projects, which are shunned by people of wealth and influence, and make his selection. Hundreds of kids disappear every year in communities like these and the police usually only make a cursory inspection before writing it off as just another runaway or non-custodial parent abduction. Twins are rare, however, and red headed twins of a suitable age are even rarer still, so I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Shopping malls, particularly those near schools, are usually promising, and the blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic types that bring the best price at auction are abundant, but none seemed to contain twins, let alone red-headed ones. Local newspapers that cover the local school sports action sometimes offer possibilities, but most focus only on the high school level and the boys I wanted were probably still in middle school. I only had a few weeks left before the birthday party and I had already decided to call it quits, and maybe pick up a common lone boy for the next Internet auction. I was standing in line in the public swimming pool lobby, casually scanning the pictures on the wall, when I hit pay dirt. I never troll around schools, and I only go to pools during adult hours and then only to swim. People charged with the safety of kids take their jobs very seriously and are always on the lookout for lurkers. The South Side Sixth Grade Sharks team picture, taken two years ago, clearly showed a pair of red haired twins. Last year’s picture only included one of the boys. It wasn’t a very good picture, but the boys looked as if they might by now be the right age. I surreptitiously looked at the caption and determined the names of the boys, Josh and Jared Smith. I holed up in my motel room and marked the location of the pool on my city map, identified the streets within a mile radius, then went to work with the telephone book. Telemarketing type calls eliminated two of them as retired people too old to have kids that young, so I concentrated on the others. I have a Ford cargo van that is equipped with ladder racks and a cable utility logo on the door. It is completely anonymous, and no one gives it a second glance. I drove to each of the addresses, climbed nearby utility poles, and focused small video cameras equipped with motion detectors on each of the homes. I retrieved the cameras the next day and reviewed their contents. The third one, the home of a Ms. Anna Smith, clearly showed the two boys leaving for school. They dressed differently to express their individuality, and sported slightly different hairstyles, but they were obviously twins. I was still working in the area, tracking down that pesky ‘intermittent failure’ the next morning when they left for school. No apparent facial hair, piercings, or tattoos, which was good, and only soft, downy fuzz on their legs. I hoped they were indeed pubescent or I’d have to turn them loose. I won’t sell young boys. Period. I stayed in the area the next week and by the following Friday I had their routine pretty well nailed. They left for school together and quickly joined other kids on their walk to school. They went to the pool after school for swim practice and were picked up afterward by their mother if the weather was sloppy, otherwise they walked home by themselves. My hopes soared when I heard them talk. Their voices had the sort of warbling contralto caused by the first influx of testosterone. All I had to do was capture them and I’d be a half a million dollars richer. A single boy is easy to take. Just get him alone in an isolated area and set out some bait. I usually use a device that looks like an expensive aluminum flashlight that has been carelessly left unguarded. It is a flashlight, but it has been modified to deliver a powerful, incapacitating electric shock. Once they have been stunned by it the boys are quickly maneuvered into the plywood box that is in the back of the van. That approach would never work with two boys at once, and I had to modify my method to accommodate them both. Ultimately, Josh and Jared’s downfall was their laziness. They liked to take a shortcut home through the backyard of an unoccupied home instead of sticking with the streets and sidewalks. The setup was perfect because a large untrimmed hedge obscured most of their trespass from view. Unbeknownst to their swim coach and their mother they also paused there to share either a cigarette or a joint, I couldn’t tell which it was from my perch on the utility pole. The boys had just turned the corner into the back yard of the vacant house and already had their cigarette out, tobacco and not dope, when they saw the van. The ladder racks and the door logos were gone now, and it had curtains on the back windows and wide chrome wheels. Soft rock music was playing on the stereo, and a voice inside was saying ‘Gee Howard, I don’t think I can take it all, it’s so big,’ followed by a soft moan of pain as the van started rocking in perfect synchronization to a man’s low grunting. Some say the gas was a product of the CIA, others swear that it was invented by the military; all I know is that it works. Two sets of curious adolescent eyes appeared at the open back window momentarily, only to be met by a whiff of the gas in their faces. The boys were quickly transferred to the wooden box and I left town, headed the opposite direction from my home. I stopped out of town and removed the boy’s clothing, which they had fouled, cleaned them up, and put disposable diapers on them. They dim light revealed that they were indeed pubescent, but just barely. I left their clothing and identification there and reversed direction toward my home and settled in for a long night’s driving. To help pass the time I contemplated how I might spend the money, and early the next morning I pulled into my garage. I transferred my cargo to the cell in my soundproof basement and laid them out on the padded sleeping bench. I was tired and needed to sleep, but first I had work to do. I changed their diapers, which were only wet this time, and paused to check them over. They were truly identical twins, and even the cut of their circumcisions was the same. Their soft, downy pubic hair hadn’t yet started creeping towards their thighs and navels, and their testes and penises, while obviously functional, lacked the fullness of those found on older adolescents. The only apparent difference was an appendectomy scar on one of the boys’ abdomens, and that probably accounted for his missed season on the swim team. I applied fresh diapers, then set out juice and snacks for them as well a printed instruction card commanding them to deposit their diapers in the slot and to shower and clean up when they awakened, and warning them not to masturbate and informing them that they were under video surveillance. They would wake up in a few hours with wet diapers, somewhat disoriented, and extremely thirsty. In addition to temporary incontinence while asleep another side affect of the gas was that they would have erections when they woke up. The camera on the ceiling would probably make them too timid to jack off, but as far as I was concerned their bodies and their emissions now belonged to the Sheik and he would have to authorize any sexual activity. The final thing I did before going to bed was to affix a metal collar to each boy to make them a little easier to control when they were picked up by the Sheik. The nature of the commission made my job a little easier; normally each boy would have to be secured to the examining room table in the adjacent room for measurement and photographing prior to his Internet auction. He would be brought to erection, the dimension of which would be verified with a ruler, then forced to orgasm so that the strength and volume of his ejaculate could be documented. A semen sample would also need to be collected to authenticate the viability of his sperm. These boys, being pre-sold, would not be subject to that trauma. There is a story circulating in the trade that tells of an unscrupulous dealer who used a doctored ruler in his pictures. It is probably just another urban myth, but as the story goes the buyer altered the dealers personal penile dimensions to match the deception. It actually works both ways: Some buyers want a slave of heroic dimensions while others would be intimidated if a slave was better endowed than themselves. Either way an accurate representation is important and if the story is true then the dealer got what he deserved. I finally went upstairs, sent the Sheik a coded e-mail, and went to bed. “They are perfect, are they not?” The Sheik commented as he surveyed his purchases. The boys squirmed uncomfortably as he ran his hands through the soft, fine hair of their crotches, and then between their legs to gauge the size of their balls. “Yes, Your Excellency, I believe they are,” I answered. He wasn’t any more excellent than myself, but it didn’t hurt to stroke him a little. The boys weren’t looking too excellent. Their collars were affixed to fasteners on the wall of the examination room, and their feet could barely touch the floor, and it was bad enough to be naked in a room full of well-dressed strangers, let alone being groped by one. “The one difference,” I said, pointing to the appendectomy scar on Josh’s abdomen, “And it can be duplicated on his brother, if you wish.” Jared didn’t seem too enthused at that idea. “That decision will be left up to my daughters,” The Sheik decided, “I don’t think I could tell them apart without the scar.” The Sheik motioned to the heavier of his two bodyguards, who with a slight flourish opened the attaché case that had been chained to his wrist. “Your payment, Mr. Miller, as agreed.” I didn’t bother to verify or even estimate the count; to do so would have been an insult to the Sheik’s integrity. “Thank you, Excellency,” I said, “I’m sorry that I can’t authenticate their virginity.” “Children so young?” He answered, raising his bushy eyebrows, “Even in your country?” I simply shrugged my shoulders and thought about how little we all know about young people today. “I would like to use your facilities for a few minutes, if I may,” The Sheik said, motioning to the examination table. The Sheik tended to do what he damn well pleased anyway, so I just nodded and steep to the side. The bodyguards seized Jared and held him fast to the table. Another man, who was the Sheik’s personal attendant, placed his hand between the boy’s thighs and gently fondled his testicles. After a few minutes Jared’s prick began to swell, and the man then gently stroked it. “Please continue on your own,” He told the embarrassed lad, who had never before been commanded to masturbate. The boy took a few tentative strokes, and then he closed his eyes, ignored his audience, and really got into it. He may have been new to the sport but he had already figured out what he liked, and he paused every few strokes to rub his scrotum. I glanced over at Josh to find that although his hands remained at his side he was also erect, with his slender teenage cock arching upwards at an angle that older men can only envy. He seemed intent on watching his brother, although as twins and roommates they had doubtless seen and had perhaps even shared each other’s erections. It was over with quickly; the boy had evidently obeyed the injunction I had placed on unauthorized emissions and was packing a four-day load. Jared suddenly stiffened, arched his back slightly, and released the grip on his cock. The first spurt was so powerful that it reached almost to his neck, with the two follow-ups only slightly less intense. “It is a pity that such vitality is bestowed on mere children, whom society prohibits from utilizing and truly appreciating what they have,” the Sheik said, solemnly, nodding to his assistant, who then retrieved a hypodermic from his case and administered it to the boy. Already groggy from the orgasm, he promptly went to sleep under the drug’s influence. “I love my daughters very much,” the Sheik commented, “But I’m still their father and I’m not stupid.” He nodded again to the assistant. The man retrieved a small surgical pack from his case and opened on the table. He swabbed the youth’s scrotum with disinfectant, taped the flaccid penis to the hairless abdomen, looped a rubber tourniquet tightly above the testicles, and took a jewel encrusted gold handled knife with a blade so thin and sharp that it was almost invisible and excised the sleeping boy’s genitals. “This knife has been in the family for generations,” the Sheik said, “It is only used for this one purpose.” The bodyguards carried the new eunuch to a waiting stretcher and then went to the wall where Josh was restrained. The boy had just had the unique experience of seeing his own future and he wasn’t about to be a willing participant in his final ejaculation and subsequent neutering. Small as the boy was it took all of the effort of both large bodyguards to secure him to the table. “Please accept this as a token of my appreciation,” the Sheik said, handing me the priceless knife that had just been used to castrate his two purchases. “I’m sure that it will never again be used for a more noble purpose.” I could have argued about just how noble it was to nut thirteen-year-old boys, but instead I just thanked the Sheik for his generosity. No use pissing him off, particularly when I was planning to shut down my business and retire. My luck wouldn’t hold forever, no matter how careful I was, and his payment had just secured my retirement. I did know one thing however; as treacherous, vile, and diseased as prostitutes are these days I was going to need one later that night, and the bulges in the guard’s pants as they watched the emasculations made me believe that I wasn’t the only one needing a practitioner of the world’s oldest profession. * * *
Thecia's "Package" Deal
All of the jobs that Thecia does are not for just one set. Fiction and not for minors. Boxite miners are ok though.
** Thecia’s "Package" Deal My name is Thecia and I’m a 31-year-old female "cutter." I get all my work from two sources. A tattoo artist named "Digger" and a woman who runs a women’s advocacy group, Dr. Pann. Dr. Pann gave me a number to call in PA. She said it was a little out of her purview, but that I might be interested. I called the number and asked for Suzanne, the name Dr. Pann had given me. The woman who answered talked in circles, not wanting to speak of my avocation on the phone. I told her that I had an idea of what she wanted, but I didn’t like to talk on the phone either. She suggested that she fly to Dallas and meet with me in person. She flew down the following Saturday and we met at a nearby Denny’s. She was a striking brunette, about thirty years old and with an hourglass figure. Since Dr. Pann had vouched for me, she got right into her proposal. It seems that she is part of a group called "York Wives," a take off on the Stepford Wives, but with a twist. They all had turned their husbands or lovers into slaves or kept (mostly male) slaves. Since it’s inception some 20 years ago, the group had cut off almost 40 sets of balls. They had a female horse vet who did the cutting. The vet passed away and none of the other women had a clue on how to safely cut a man. Her proposal to me was a bulk contract. Instead of my normal rate of $3000.00 a set would I do 15 men at $1500.00 each. All in one night and I was to pay my own expenses. That would come out to $22,500.00, not bad for a little travel and a nights work. I would get to keep some of the severed nuts while some of the women wanted to keep their lovers balls preserved. Somehow she had found out about my penchant for collecting preserved balls. There was an additional $3000.00 if I could find a woman to destroy one set with her teeth. While I’m not into that, my friend Beth is. That was easily arraigned. Beth is a petite woman, with a near perfect figure and a face more cute than beautiful. Men hit on her all the time, but her only thought is to bite their balls off. Somewhere in her life I assume that a man really hurt her. She has never said and I never asked. On the agreed upon weekend I took a flight from Dallas to Newark and then a shuttle flight to Scranton PA. Suzanne and another equally beautiful woman met me at the airport and dropped me at the local Holiday Inn. Beth would meet me the following day. On the agreed Saturday night, Beth and I drove to the house on Tudor Street in the car that they had loaned to me. The address was a large mansion that sat by itself on a huge expanse of grass. I still found it hard to believe that an underground movement could exist that was large enough to find 15 male slaves ready to be nutted. There were about 40 women there and about 19 men, most with nylon ball leashes tight around their sacks. We were introduced to the women one at a time and then the men. Names that we had no chance of remembering. Suzanne passed me thirty some postal money orders as my fee. She said, "There is extra there, we’ve added two more men." I explained that I would cleanly and surgically remove 32 of the34 balls. We would place them in labeled peanut butter jars of preservative. Beth would deal with the special set. Beth was paid separately for her service but I still got my $1500. for that set. It was quite a party atmosphere, the women were mostly dressed in leather and the men mostly in their ball leashes. Some had shoes, but all had exposed balls. Suzanne pointed out two men who were not to be cut. She told me that they were for use by the women, in fact she offered Beth and I use of them if we wanted. They were called Slave Tom and Slave Jerry, I had to laugh at the cartoon reference. Tom was huge, maybe six foot six and 280 pounds with a package to match. On the other hand Jerry was a 150-pound, nerd looking guy. When Jerry turned I gasped, his cock and balls must have been half of his weight. Maybe it was because of his body size, but I think it was the biggest package I’d ever seen. His dick hung to his knees and his balls were as big as apples. Suzanne caught my gasp and said, "Now you know why we don’t have their nuts cut off." It was agreed that each woman would "Drain" their men, with some help from the other women. It doesn’t really matter if they cum or not before cutting, but it is a nice thing to let them have one last orgasm. The "draining" quickly turned into an orgy of sorts. Forty women sucking and fucking about 17 men. The two "stud slaves" stood to the side and did not participate. The slave that was to be totally destroyed also had a very nice package. I learned that he had been one of the "stud slaves" but had committed an act that was just not allowed. He had sex with a strange woman without his mistress’s permission. One woman was sucking him off while his mistress stood behind him and licked his rather large balls. One by one the men were drained of their last loads. Several were then required to eat the cum out of several different women. The slaves were passed around freely. I watched as one woman, who had been fucked by three or four slaves, kneeled over the face of one slave and made him lap up the huge load of cum that dripped out of her soaked pussy. I had volunteers clean and shave the men before the party, so that was not a problem. I normally nut a man from the face up position with his knees bent. This time they wanted me to cut them in the all fours doggie position. Harder work but do-able. Each slave was placed on all fours atop one of two very large conference tables. Their nuts open to me. I made a production line out of it. I went down the line and shot a needle into the groin near where the cords enter the body. On the second run, I sliced each side of each scrotum and exposed their nuts. By now I was already wet...nutting turns me on no end. The balls ranged from grape sized to very large lemons. The former "stud" was tied with the rest, however I did not cut him. I tied off all 32-nut cords on the next pass. Now they were ready. Several of the slaves had erections and I asked their owners to have them drained again. Some of the women were actively masturbating by now. Watching a man having his balls cut off does that to most women. The morning before, I had purchased 20 disposable scalpels and now 16 of them came into use. I walked up behind each slave and said, "are you ready? I’m going to cut your balls off now." Only one said, "No, No Please, Not my balls." As he said that, I sliced with my scalpel and his big juicy nuts fell into my gloved hand. I almost came myself then. None of the other slaves even answered my question. The fifth man in line was getting a blowjob from one of the women as I approached. I held my scalpel to his cords and waited. When the unmistakable orgasm came and his hot, thick load shot into her mouth, I brought the scalpel to bear. His nuts fell off as he spurted. Again I was close to cumming. The woman, a stunning redhead, opened her mouth to show him his last and quite ample load. She then made him, even through his pain, use his tongue to collect the thick gooey cum from her mouth and swallow it himself. I’ve never been into S & M but I was starting to like this slave thing. The rest were just so many balls, no big thing. At this point I was so wet that my own juices ran down my leg. Loping balls sure does get me wet and horny. Beth helped by jarring each set and labeling the jars. 32 nuts in jars make for quite a display. A gauntlet of women was beating the one (other than the studs) uncut slave. His back and ass were bleeding from the whip. Each punched his balls as they went by and his nuts were swollen even beyond there normal huge size. At that time Suzanne pointed to his huge hanging balls and asked Beth if she would,"Kiss them and make them better." The grin on Beth’s face scared even me. She walked up behind him and gently held his balls. She said, "Oh my, What a beautiful set you have." She softly massaged them and began to gently lick each one. His big cock was hard as a rock and stood straight out from his body. She reached under him, between his legs and began to stroke it. As she put each ball into her mouth, precum began to form on his cock tip. With the tip of her finger she took the pearl colored drop and slipped it between her lips with a "ummmm" sound. All of the women were in a semi circle, most were fingering themselves again. We saw his balls tighten up, we could even see the first tiny pulse of his huge cock. When he finally exploded the first ribbon of cum shot about a foot, that’s when Beth bit. He screamed, but the second spurt went 5 feet if it went an inch. I had never seen so much cum or a stream go that far. By the third spurt we saw his right ball crushed in her strong teeth. It lost its shape and flattened, he was screaming too much to hear it pop, but pop it did. (I’ve heard balls pop before, A satisfying sound.) He tried to pull at his bonds as he screamed, but I had tied them myself and they were sound. Beth bit again in the same place and twisted, his sack opened and ball guts fell out. She tore off a part of his nutsack and spit it out. His other ball fell out, hanging by it’s ducts and she pounced on it like a tiger. Again we didn’t hear it pop, but we saw it. The ball went to almost pancake flat and finally popped. It looked like angel hair pasta in it’s own blood sauce. With the ruined ball in her mouth she pulled and twisted, it ripped right from his body. The slave passed out, but Beth never missed a beat. She chewed and ripped until there was nothing left of what had been a beautiful set of balls. As we watched, astounded, she dove for his now flaccid cock. Before we could get to her she had it half bit off. We pulled her away from the slave, but her teeth were firmly attached to the now ruined piece of meat. As we pulled on her shoulders, his destroyed cock came with her. The table was covered with cum, blood, and ruined "package" meat. It was all that I could do to get the bleeding to stop and save his life. Beth was smiling and had a crazed look in her eyes even as blood and ball pieces hung on her lips. I was so horny after cutting so many balls that I decided to "use" one of the stud slaves. Suzanne suggested that I use the little guy with the huge dick. She also told me to use him like a slave and not to be nice to him, like all their "stud slaves" he was STD free and checked by a doctor regularly. Suzanne ordered Slave Jerry to eat me until I came or he would be beaten. We went into a small alcove that was a coatroom off of the main room. I lay back on a table as Slave Jerry ate me as only a practiced man could, his tongue just brushing my clit until it was time. After I came a second time, I ordered him to fuck me. I was so wet that I could feel my own juices run down the crack of my ass. His dick was every bit as big as it looked, as wet as I was, it didn’t slide right in. I felt it open my inner lips, I could feel his huge cock stretch the opening until the skin was tight. I was afraid that the skin of my pussy would split, but, it yielded and that monster slid in another inch or so. Before he even got it in, I came again. He gently worked it in and out until he got most of it buried in me. With a couple of inches still to go he hit bottom and it hurt me. I’d had this before and I turned to allow it to go deeper. When he finally drove it to the hilt he began to fuck me. He had been trained well, each time he drove that big cock home the root hit my clit and brought me closer, I got a feeling deep inside too. I must have cum ten times. Finally he asked permission to cum. By now I was exhausted from pure sex and I readily agreed. I felt his balls pull up and his huge cock throb. When he came, he came in proportion to the size of his balls. Stream after stream shot deep into my waiting pussy. I could actually feel it shoot inside me (a rare feeling.) He held it inside me until his orgasm subsided. When he pulled his now softening cock out, a gusher of cum followed it. Slave or not, I had to feel that thing in my mouth. I gently cleaned the tip with my tongue and took as much of it as I could into my mouth. I felt it begin to harden at once. I let him go, as I knew a couple of the other women wanted to use him and I didn’t want to drain him completely. I kept nine of the 16 cut sets, the others were given to the slave owners who requested them. The following morning I drove Beth to the airport for her trip back to Enid OK, Suzanne met me later at my motel. As I had a later flight we went to a Denny’s much like the one where she first met me and had breakfast. I had eggs over corned beef hash and she had a western omelet. She gave me four more $700. Dollar money orders and said, "the girls had such a great time, they felt that you deserved a tip. And they want you happy so that you will do it again the next time." I had packed my peanut butter jars full of nuts and sent via UPS to Dallas. I couldn’t carry them on the plane as they’re hard to explain to an airport security checker. Respectfully submitted, Thecia ** * * *
My Wife, Her Stud, and My Castration (straight, testicles)
` ` `By Tom:` ` ` `<< << My wife and I had been married for 2 years when she strated to work` `late. Being the whimp that i am my dick is only 5" hard. I never suspected she` `was fooling around boy was i wrong She had found a hard big stud that after` `his 9" hog she would come home and say idont need a limp boy's dick. Then one` `day she could stand it no more. She told me about her boyfriend how He was` `extremely well hung and them fucking, it was as like being a virgin again she` `said.. She soon was dating numerous big men, being gone 5 or 6 nights a week` `and upon returning she always wanted me to lick the sperm from her wet` `dripping pussy. She usually was too sore and not interested in screwing` `laugfhing at the thought of my half hard 5" wet noddle interesting her. This` `went on for 6 months and I began to worry when she started to fantasize about` `getting pregnant from one of her big studs. I checked her birth control pills` `frequently to be sure she was using them. I had not fucked her in over 5` `months and noticed a decline in my sex drive, along with some difficulty in` `even getting an erection at any time. ` ` ` `One night, when she returned home from a date, I confronted her about` `her hung stud. She said she would explain every thing and fixed us some` `drinks. Setting down on our bed naked I could see the insides of her thighs` `were slick with sperm. As I drank, she slowly stroked my cock and said yes, I` `know you want to try and use your pathetic cock to have sex with me so go` `ahead and try. Come on stud get up that 5" stump and i will let you screaw my` `cum swollen pussy. Try as i did i could not get hard. She said let me help and` `as she sat on my face and made me lick out her studs cum she stroked my tiny` `dick and i still could not get hard. She stopped stroking and laughed look at` `you even after i sexly stroked your cock it was totally limp. She floored me` `by telling me that she was pregnant and that I had been taking her birth` `control pills (mixed into my meals) for 4 months, causing me to be temporarily` `impotent and docile. I was in shock , but felt very sleepy (I later realized` `she had spiked my drink). The last thing I remember was her talking on the` `phone, saying that she would get me ready and to walk in, the door was` `unlocked.` ` ` `I awoke tied to the bed, to find my wife and 3 other women ( one a` `beautiful woman they addressed as "Doctor")standing around the bed. As two` `women shaved me from head to toe. First they used no shaving cream only` `straight razors. They laughed at the fact a man so hairy had balls so` `useless.They took get pleasure in doing long strokes taking the hair off in` `strips with some nicks.She was just extracting a needle from my bald ball sac` `which was apparently what woke me (it felt like my balls were on fire, but` `quickly was replaced with numbness). A ball gag was in my mouth and my scream` `was greatly muffled. One of the women came close and said, "today is the big` `day, your wife has decided to have your balls removed". My wife agreed and` `said that I would not bother her to have sex ever again and my family line` `would end here, allowing her to start having big dicked babies, without any` `resistance from me. With pleading eyes, I tried to beg them not to castrate` `me, only to be muffled by the gag. "Don't waste your energy, in a few minutes` `you man hood will be sitting in this jar, you are going to feel very weak and` `need your strength", the doctor said, "I know what I'm talking about, there` `are over 100 husbands, I've castrated in this city alone."` ` ` `Just then a stud ented the room 8" of hot meat my wife sreamed you will` `be licking his cum from my pussy lips as you lose your balls.As I watched in` `horror, she fucked him until he shot his load into her slit. Then as she` `lowered she pussy on my face i saw drops of cum coming from her pussy. As i` `eat her cum fulled pussy the other bitch opened the bottom of my scrotum with` `a scalpel. Even with the injection, I could feel the sting. Noticing my` `reaction , my wife said "Hope you like pain i gave you a shot of water! Now` `eat my cum filled pussy while being castrated". She squeezed both testicals` `out into her hand and slipped them between her fingers, into the palm of her` `hand and said, "I'm going to use a knive and cut off your worthless balls. The` `cords will be cut close to your thighs as i tie off your cords making for very` `little blood loss. Your family line ends here!". She jerked her arm back and` `cut both my balls at once up went the knive and i saw my balls for the first` `time without them being adtached to my body. The pain was deep inside and` `unbearable. Like that little boy! She said with a smile, while laying my` `gristly testicals on my chest. My wife laughed as did the stud. Look at you` `now your dick is totaly worthless! The doctor quickly sewed up my empty sac` `after trimming of all but enough to cover the site, "It will heal very smooth,` `without any extra skin hanging down your wife will tan the rest for a pouch!` ` ` `As the doctor was preparing to leave she handed my wife some` `instructions and told me what to expect. "In a few weeks you will be totally` `impotent. No erections, no sex drive and you will be much more docile and easy` `to deal with. When you see your wife fuck a stud in your bed, you will wonder` `what all the fuss is about and you will get on your knees and lick both of` `them. Thats right now you can lick a real mans balls!. It might seem like the` `end of the world right now but you will learn to deal with it. When your wife` `has her child, you will be better able to handle it as a eunuch and perhaps` `grateful, because the only children you can have now will be fathered by real` `functioning men."` ` ` `One month after my castration, I no longer can get an erection and can't` `seem to get as angry about having my testicals taken against my will. It does` `not bother me anymore when I see some stud using my wife as a slut while my` `useless dick hangs limp between my legs, He is screwing her in front of me in` `our bed laughing at me telling me to lay on my back and get ready to eat my` `big tittyed wife out. As he pumps a load into my wife's pussy she cums also` `and says you could never satisfiy me like that. The stud jumps up and gags me` `with his still hard 8" dick. Lick off all your wifes juice. After i like off` `his dick and big hairy balls he laughs and says now do your wife you wimp boy.` `She jumps on me and i lick out all the cum that had just been depostited. It` `does remind me of how great that felt to have her slick pussy sliding over my` `mouth. I realize that I'll never be able to feel that sensation again with my` `tiny useless dick. ` `>>`
Collage course -- Eunuchs in Greek and Roman Society
Other: ALL
Found this searching the web....sounds like an interesting course
HS3312 Eunuchs in Greek and Roman Society Available in the Spring Semester of alternate years (1998/99, 2000/01) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 1 module: 10 credits Necessary for: No courses currently build onto this one Availability: All Ancient History Degree Schemes Staff: Shaun Tougher AIMS To consider the cultural phenomenon of the castrated male in both Greek and Roman society and the diverse roles that eunuchs fulfilled in these societies. In addition to place the phenomenon in a wider historical context. OBJECTIVES To understand the origins of eunuchs, methods of castration, the desire to create or become a eunuch, and the contribution of eunuchs to Greek and Roman society. Also to appreciate the nature of the presentation of eunuchs in literary sources, from Herodotus to Claudian. In addition to secure knowledge of the phenomenon of the castrated male in other societies for comparative purposes. SYLLABUS CONTENT The time span runs from Herodotus’ Histories to Claudian’s invectives against Eutropius, but incorporates material from other periods and cultures for comparative purposes. The module considers the phenomenon of the eunuch, the origins of eunuchs, castration and self-castration, slavery and the slave trade, the attitude of the law to eunuchs, eunuchs as the third sex, the literary image of the eunuch, and the roles filled by eunuchs, concentrating especially on the phenomenon of the powerful court eunuchs of late antiquity. GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION Eunuchs are referred to in the texts of classical works from Herodotus onwards, attaining a peak in late antiquity with the emergence of a significant eunuch presence at the Roman court. The module will trace this aspect of the worlds of Greece and Rome, drawing on the piecemeal nature of the evidence, and focusing on those texts that have a particularly significant contribution to make to our knowledge of eunuchs, and the sexual, religious and political roles of eunuchs. In addition the issue of eunuchs as a third sex will be considered, as well as the phenomenon of the eunuch in other societies, such as Byzantium, China, India, and also in the world of opera. PRELIMINARY READING K. Hopkins, Conquerors and Slaves (Cambridge, 1978), chap. 4 J. Long, Claudian’s In Eutropium (Chapel Hill and London, 1996) O. Patterson, Slavery and Social Death (Cambridge Massachusetts/London, 1982), chap. 11 W. Stevenson, ‘The Rise of Eunuchs in Greco-Roman Antiquity’, Journal of the History of Sexuality 5 (1995), pp. 495-511 S. F. Tougher, ‘Byzantine Eunuchs: An Overview’, in Women, Men and Eunuchs: Gender in Byzantium, ed. Liz James (London and New York, 1997), pp. 168-184 Teaching: 11 lectures and 2 seminars Assessment: 1 essay (50%) and 1 one hour examination (50%) Other modules to consider taking in conjunction with this one: HS3309 Greek Values HS3362 Gender & Sexuality in Greece and Rome HS3360 Slaves, Serfs and Freedmen -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Return to the HISAR Homepage or go to Shaun Tougher's Homepage. http://www.cf.ac.uk/uwcc/hisar/modules/HS3312/
2 Jungs & ihre Totalveränderung - German Language
Eric und Marvin gehen den Schritt der Modifikation....
[Teil 3] Bahn um Bahn der blonden Pracht fiel zu Boden. Was Marvin über fünf Jahre gezüchtet und gepflegt hatte, wurde nun binnen weniger Sekunden total abrasiert. Er merkte, wie Erics Schwanz in seinem Mund zu zucken begann und machte trotzdem weiter. Eric zog die letzt Bahn bis zum Nacken durch und sein Freund war nun radikal kahlgeschoren. Fast einen Meter lange blonde Haarsträhnen lagen auf einem großen Haufen rund um den Stuhl. Eric schaltete die Maschine aus, legte sie auf den Tisch daneben und rieb mit beiden Händen über Marvins frisch rasierte Glatze. Das Gefühl dieses blanken Schädels ließ ihn zum Orgasmus kommen und er spritzte so viel ab, wie lange nicht mehr. Ein Teil der Ladung schoss direkt in Marvins Mund, der Rest ergoss sich auf Marvins kräftiger Brust. Beide atmeten tief durch und Marvin legte den Kopf erleichtert auf Erics Bauch. An das Gefühl, seine Kopfhaut zu spüren, musste er sich wohl erst noch gewöhnen. Eric beugte sich nach unten und drückte seinem neuen Skin-Freund einen dicken Kuss auf den Mund. Dann ging er rüber zu seinen Klamotten und nahm sein Handy aus der Bermuda-Short. „Hallo? Ja, hier ist Eric... Genau der! Ist es okay, wenn wir eine Stunde später kommen? Gut, prima, wir müssen nämlich noch was erledigen. Okay, bis dann! Ciao!“ Er legte auf und zog sich an. “Ich bin noch mal für ´ne Stunde weg! Könntest du vielleicht die Hemden bügeln??“ Marvin verstand nichts mehr und schaute nur, wie Eric sorgfällig die Haare Strähne für Strähne zu einem Zopf zusammenlegte. „Was hast du vor???“ fragte er erstaunt? Eric hatte nun alle Haare zusammen und streifte sich wieder sein T-Shirt über. „Ich bin ganz in der Nähe, Süßer! Und vergiss nicht, deine neue Glatze unter der Dusche noch mal naß nachzurasieren.“ Grinste er und verschwand mit einem flüchtigen „Ciao, bis in einer Stunde...“ durch die Wohnungstür. Marvin hatte nicht die leiseste Ahnung, was sein Freund vor hat. Er ging rüber zum Spiegel und schaute sich an. Langsam strich er mit der Hand über den kahlen Kopf. Zu seiner kräftigen Figur passte das ausgezeichnet. Es machte ihm wesentlich maskuliner. „Hm, irgendwie geil...“ Dachte er. Dann verschwand er unter der Dusche und rasierte seinen Kopf ausgiebig mit der Klinge nach und fühlte immer wieder drüber. „Dass ich das nicht schon viel früher getan habe.... das Feeling ist ja echt der überwältigend....“ Als Marvin mit dem zweiten Hemd fertig war und die Tasche packte mit den wichtigsten Sachen für die nächste Tage, schloss es an der Tür. Marvin schaute auf. „ERIC???????????“ fragte er und hielt sich die Hände vor den Mund. Vor ihm stand sein Freund mit einer pechschwarzen rückenlange Mähne. Marvin musste sich setzen. „Das ist ja oberhammergeil!!!!!! Du siehst ja klasse aus!!!!!!!!!!!!“ entfuhr es ihm spontan. „Ja, nicht war? Ich habe mir deine Haare unten im Laden als Extentions anschweißen lassen und anschließend haben wir alles in einer Farbe gefärbt. Ich muss schon sagen, das ist ein super Gefühl, so eine Mähne zu haben. Solltest du auch mal haben... so lange Haare!“ stichelte er mit einem breiten Grinsen. Marvin gewann seine Fassung wieder und entgegnete cool: „Nee, danke! Ich habe grade eine andere Megaerfahrung gemacht! Ich trage die nächste zeit mit Sicherheit NUR noch Glatze!“ Eric staunte nicht schlecht. „Liebe.... Gleichberechtigung....“ ging es ihm durch den Kopf. „Komm, wir müssen, sweet Longhair!“ scheuchte ihn Marvin mit einer Handbewegung aus der Wohnung. „Ach komm, eine Wurst schaffst du noch, Marvin! So ein kräftiger Kerl wie du! Außerdem solltet ihr euch stärken, damit ihr nach den Modifikationen umso schneller wieder fit seit!“ Meinte Marcs Vater und wendetet ein paar Bratwürste auf dem Grill. „Also, ich würde noch eine nehmen! Sie sind echt ein toller Grillmeister!“ schwärmte Eric, wobei er mit dem Messer auf dem Teller abrutschte und der Rest der Bratwurst in seinem Schoß landete. Die Runde danke es ihm mit schallendem Gelächter. Eric startete den unglücklichen Versuch, die neue Mähne aus dem Gesicht zu streichen. „Mist, die Haare hängen mir immer vor die Augen“ Grummelte er. „Tja,“ entgegnete Marvin schadenfroh, „dann müssen sie wohl schnipp-schnapp ab!“ Er imitierte dabei ebenfalls mit Zeige- und Mittelfinger eine Schere, ohne einen Gedanken daran zu verschwenden, dass er so über seine so einst geliebte Mähne sprach. „Nee, geht schon!“ verteidigte sein Freund seine neue Haarpracht stolz und band sie im Nacken zu einen Zopf zusammen. Marcs Vater legte ihm eine frische Bratwurst auf den Teller. „Ich würde dir empfehlen, sie mit den Finger zu essen. Denn ab morgen wirst du das dann nicht mehr können.“ Riet er. Eric überlegte kurz und nahm die Wurst dann in die Hand! „Ich muss mal für kleine Glatzen gehen.“ Meinte Marvin und erhob sich. Tobias Vater saß neben ihm und rief ihm hinterher: „Geh, solange auch du das noch kannst!“ Marvin grinste keck und die Runde lachte wieder. Als er weg war, wandte sich Eric an Marcs Vater. „Sagen Sie, wie geht das morgen eigentlich von statten?“ „Also, zunächst ist dein Freund dran, du kannst gerne zuschauen, wenn du magst. Anschließend bekommst du eine Narkose und dann werde ich die Modifikationen an dir durchführen.“ Erklärte der Arzt. „Cool, sagen Sie, kann ich noch einen besonderen Wunsch äußern?“ fragte er neugierig und immer darauf bedacht, dass Marvin nicht in der Nähe ist. „Aber klar doch! Um was geht’s denn?“ wollte Marcs Vater wissen. Die Runde verstummte, aber Eric stand auf und flüsterte es Marcs Vater ins Ohr, damit es auch wirklich geheim blieb. „Gar kein Problem!“ entgegnete der Arzt. Eric setzte sich wieder und auch Marvin kehrte zurück - mit einem fragenden Gesichtsausdruck. „Ich hab da mal ´ne Frage...“ meinte Marvin und setzte sich. „Wenn Sie Eric morgen den Schwanz entfernen, was passiert dann eigentlich mit seinen Eiern und dem Sack? Bleiben das dran?“ Marcs Vater winkte ab. „Das müsst ihr zwei unter euch ausmachen!“ Marvin schaute seinen Freund fragend an. „Naja, wenn wir deinen Sack dranlassen, bist du bestimmt immer ziemlich geil.“ „Schon,“ entgegnete dieser, „aber ich glaube, das sieht nicht so toll aus und außerdem kamen deine Haare ja auch komplett ab. Also, wenn schon, dann gleich alles weg!“ Er verdrückte den letzten Rest seiner Bratwurst und lehnte sich müde zurück. „Na, dann sind wir uns ja alle einig!“ freute sich Marcs Vater. „Dann sollten wir noch einmal anstoßen!“ Er achtete wieder darauf, dass sein Sohn und Tobias die richtigen Becher bekamen. Am Morgen schlenderten Marvin und Eric rüber zu dem Wohnwagen von Marcs Vater. Marvin versuchte dabei, besonders intensiv zu laufen und seine Beine bewusst zu spüren. Eric indes drückte die Hand seines Freundes besonders intensiv. Sie stellten sich gegenüber. „Naja, nehmen wir es in Angriff, hm?“ meinte Marvin leise. „Ja, packen wir es. Für die Liebe!“ „Ja, für die Liebe“ Ein intensiver Kuss besiegelte den Pakt zwischen den beiden. Marcs Vater wartete bereits an der Tür zu seinem Wohnwagen. „Hallo, ihr zwei! Gut geschlafen?“ Die Jungs nickten wortkarg. „Kommt, ich zeige euch noch was!“ sagte er und führte die beiden in den Wohnwagen nebenan, in dem die Jungs schliefen. Drinnen flüsterte er: „Schau mal, Eric, Tobias hat es schon hinter sich.“ Und hob die Bettdecke leicht an. Ein schlafender Tobias kam zum Vorschein, seine Armstümpfe steckten in Verbänden. Zudem waren beide Ohrmuscheln mit einer Reihe von Ohrsteckern versehen. „Cool“ flüsterte Marvin! „Das sieht ja geil aus!!“ Hat Marc so was auch bekommen?“ und deutete auf den verbundenen Kopf von Marc. „Nein,“ meinte der Vater, „aber das zeige ich euch drüben!“. Die Männer verließen den Wagen wieder. Im Nachbarwagen angekommen, zeigte er den beiden jungen Männern eine Metallschüssel. Die schauten sich beim Anblick des Inhaltes an. „Krass!“ staunte Marvin, „das sind ja Marcs Ohren und seine Nase!“ „Ja,“ lachte der Vater, „damit ist sein Kopf jetzt schön rund und glatt und bereit für weitere Modifikationen. Aber jetzt seid ihr erst einmal dran. Marvin, hier ist dein Drink. Bitte alles austrinken und dann zieh bitte deine Sachen aus und lege dich dort drüben auf die Liege.“ Marvin tat wie ihm geheißen. Nachdem er den Becher komplett geleert hatte und auch seine Klamotten ausgezogen hatte, nahm er Eric noch einmal fest in den Arm. „Ich vertraue dir, hörst du? Für die Liebe!“ „Für die Liebe!“ bekräftigte Eric!! Und küsste seinen Freund noch einmal fest! Marvin legte sich auf die Liege und fühlte sich schon leicht benommen. „Ich habe die Beine extra noch mal rasiert und die Nägel pedikürt.“ Scherzte er mit einem müden Lächeln, bevor er tief und fest einschlief. Marcs Vater bereitet alles vor, während Eric die Zeit noch einmal nutzte, seinen schlafenden Freund intensiv zu berühren. Seine Hände glitten über die Glatze, die muskulöse Brust, über den Schwanz, der auch im schlaffen Zustand ein Ausmaß von fast 18 Zentimetern hatte und schließlich über die kräftigen Beine. „Eigentlich schade drum..... was machen wir hier eigentlich.....?“ dachte er sich, doch dann wurde er von Marcs Vater aus den Gedanken gerissen. „So, wollen wir?“ „Ja... ja... wir können... “ sagte Eric leicht benommen und setzte sich auf einen Stuhl und schaute dem Arzt bei der Arbeit zu. Nach einer viertel Stunde steckte bereits der linke Beinstumpf in einem Verband und wieder 15 Minuten später auch der rechte. Sein kräftiger athletischer Freund hatte keine Beine mehr. „So, kommen wir zu deinem Wunsch.“ Lächelte der Arzt und entfernte mit gekonnten Handgriffen die Vorhaut und die Eichel von Marvin. Eric nickte zufrieden. „Sagen Sie, diese Ohrstecker, die Tobias hat, geht das bei Marvin auch?“ „Logisch.“ Antwortete dieser knapp und griff zu der Ohrlochpistole. „Hier, bitte! Es ist dein Freund. Setz ihm einfach die Stecker dorthin, wo du möchtest.“ Eric nahm das Gerät und setzte am linken Ohrläppchen an. ’ZISCH’ Der erste Stecker saß. Dem ersten ’ZISCH’ folgte auch gleich der zweite und dritte und vierte. Nach fünf Minuten waren beide Ohren von Marvin am äußeren Knorpelrand mit Steckern versehen. Aus dem einstigen blonden Longhair ist nun ein gepiercter Skin ohne Beine, Eichel und Vorhaut geworden. „Na, wie gefällt er dir?“ fragte Marcs Vater zufrieden. „Ich bin begeistert! Echt! Wenn ich ihn da so liegen sehe, würde ich am liebsten weitermachen.“ „Weitermachen?“ Der Arzt schaute verwundert. „Also,“ führte Eric fort, „halt auch mit den Armen, dem kompletten Sack und dem Schwanz. So wie bei Tobias!“ Marcs Vater schaute skeptisch. „Ich dachte, ihr hättet eine Abmachung. Wegen Vertrauen und so...?“ Eric schaute betreten nach unten. „Schon...... Würden Sie es trotzdem machen?“ Marcs Vater zuckte mit den Schultern. „Von mir aus. Legen wir los....“ [Teil 4 folgt.......] © by [email protected] (Meinungen und Anregungen erwünscht - DANKE für die zahlreichen mails bisher!) * * *
Christine VI: Psychotherapy
The Elliot’s and Reynold’s get to know each other while Josh goes looking for Christine. Christine and her father go fishing after they make up. Christine begins what will be a long session of psychotherapy. [p]
` Christine VI Psychotherapy ` When I woke up, I was lying on my back looking straight up. The tall pine trees seemed to go on forever, with the shroud of green branches somewhere high above me. There weren’t so many shafts of light now, and I knew the sun was going down. Then I felt something tug gently on my hair. I turned my head slightly and looked into Josh’s face as he looked down at me. My head was in his lap, and he was just sitting there, running his fingers through my hair. He didn’t say anything, didn’t even smile. He just sat there looking at me, gently combing my hair with his fingers. “I’ve known a couple kids like you,” he said softly. “I think it’s a crime the way the other kids pick on them. If you’ll be my friend, I promise I won’t let them pick on you any more. I don’t care if you’re a girl or a boy, it doesn’t matter. I hope you’ll still be a girl ‘cause then maybe some day you’ll be my girl friend, but it really don’t matter. I want to be your friend, Christine. I want you to join the clogging club and be my partner. I want to join ballet with you so we can be partners there too. I wanna play dolls with you and help you learn to swim better. Please?” “You... you heard everything?” I whispered. “Uh-huh. I wanted to go in there and flatten your dad. He had no right...” “If you heard everything, then you already know I’m not gonna be allowed to be your friend, or girl friend, or anything else.” I started to cry again. “Don’t be too sure,” he said as he put his other hand in my hair and combed with both hands. “After you ran off,” he said as he seemed to look off in the distance, “your father came out of the camper. When he saw me I thought he was gonna kill me or something. But instead he just gave me a real funny look. He said he was sorry I had to hear all that, and that he just didn’t realize how unhappy you were. I didn’t realize either, Christine. I had no idea!” “It’s ok,” I replied. “I been real happy since we came here camping.” “We all sat down and talked after that,” Josh went on. “Then my mom and dad showed up and we all started to talk. Your dad said he was worried about you and asked me if I’d come find you. He felt real bad for the things he said, Christine. That was a long time ago. I don’t think I ever woulda found you except for all the white and blue you’re wearing. I found you here fast asleep, an’ suddenly all I wanted to do was to stay here with you an’ make sure you were ok. I... I dunno, this is gettin’ so complicated! I... All I know for sure is you’re a really neat kid an’ I wanna be your friend.” “You feel sorry for me.” “Well, yeah, I do. I hate all that’s goin’ on, but it’s not that. I wanted to be your friend before we found out about all this stuff. I like the way you dress, the way you dance, an’ I think you’re one of the nicest people I know. I mean... well... you’re just.... well, NICE!” “Me? You talkin’ about me? Christopher the nerd?” “Christopher, Christine, Winnie the Pooh, Dracula... call yourself anything you like. It don’t change what’s inside. It’s what’s inside that I like. An’ my dad can do all the therapy he likes, it ain’t gonna change what I think. I think there’s a girl inside.” “Really? You think so? I mean, there’s so much about bein’ a girl I don’t even know...” “That’s what makes me so sure. There’s a lot of things ‘bout bein’ a girl that just come natural to you. It would take me years to learn.” I thought for a few moments about Josh’s comments. Then before I realized what was happening, those thoughts were coming out. “Josh,” I said tentatively, “have you ever... I mean... like, have you ever tried on any of Amanda’s clothes?” Josh looked down at me with a real funny look on his face. He was thinking real hard. “No,” he finally answered, “not really. Last Hallowe’en ‘Manda and I dressed up as each other, but I don’t think that counts.” “What was it like?” “It wasn’t like anything really, just another costume. It was kinda fun foolin’ everybody, but...” He stopped in mid-sentence and looked at me sharply. “Wait a sec!” he exclaimed. “You think I might be like you? You think that’s why I like you?” “No, Josh,” I said desperately, wishing I’d never asked. “I’m just tryin’ to understand what’s happened. I mean, when I first started gettin’ dressed in Gail’s clothes, I had the strangest feeling, like I shoulda been doin’ this before. It was like... like I had found a piece of a puzzle I’d been lookin’ for. I didn’t want to do it at all at first, but before I was dressed all the way I was picking out a different pair of underwear ‘cause I didn’t like the ones Gail gave me. It was like I’d been dressin’ that way all my life.” “Be sure and tell my dad that. I think it’s prob’ly important.” “I can’t wait to meet him,” I said anxiously. In my mind, I would see the good Dr. Reynolds for an hour or so, he could come up with his conclusions, then do whatever he had to do to “fix” whatever was broken, and all would live happily ever after. “He’s anxious to meet you too,” Josh assured me. “He really believes he can help you. By the way, you should hear the way my mom talks about you. She said she loves you like you was one of her kids. I mean, she told me you had really made her love you.” “Your mom said that?” “Uh-huh. But you need to know something else too. Christine, when I left to come look for you, your dad was crying. He said he hated how much he’d hurt you, and he asked me to tell you that he’s stayin’ here tonight, an’ he’d like to take you and me fishing tomorrow.” I sat up when Josh was telling me about the things his dad and mine had said, but he pulled me gently back down. As I relaxed with my head resting in Josh’s lap, he told me that my mom had told his dad about my theory that I was indeed a girl, but with the wrong body parts. “What did he say?” I asked. “He laughed at first,” Josh replied. I felt crushed. “Then after he’d thought about it for a few minutes, he said why not? He said he’d never heard it expressed exactly that way, but after thinking about it, he thought it might be possible.” “So... Does he think that’s what happened to me?” “I asked him that. He said that there’s no way he could tell ‘cause he doesn’t even know you. He told me it would take a long time of therapy before he could be sure of something like that.” “Therapy?” I asked. “That’s what he does, Christine. He wants to give you therapy. You gotta let him, Christine. He’ll help you, if you trust him.” “That’s what my mom said. But my dad... He doesn’t believe in all that stuff. He says psychol... well, shrinks... he thinks they’re all crazy.” “Then you and your mom have got to talk him into it. You gotta, Christine!” It was getting quite dark by the time Josh and I returned to the camper. All the grown-ups had started to worry about us, fearing that we’d both got lost. “We were fine,” Josh said with no hint of fear, “we were just talking.” “We’d better get back to the trailer,” Josh’s mom said. “I’m sure Christine and her parents have a lot of talking to do, and it’s already getting late.” “Ok, Mom,” Josh said. “See ya in the morning?” he asked more of my dad than me. “Eight sharp,” Dad said as he looked at me, still in my good Sunday dress, which was by now rather soiled and quite rumpled. Without addressing me by name, he said “You and I need to talk, ok?” After I was cleaned up and ready for bed, Mom and Dad took me into the van and closed the door so no one could hear what was said. “We’ve had a long talk with Dr. Reynolds,” Dad began as soon as the door clicked shut. “We want to lay down some ground rules, ok?” “Yes, sir,” I said, knowing I really didn’t have an option. “First of all, you need to understand how I feel about this... er... latest development,” he said. “John,” Mom said, “That’s not first. You promised...” “I’m getting to that,” Dad said. I could tell she had pissed him off. “Chris, I want to apologize for the way I acted this afternoon. I was out of line and I’m sorry.” “It’s ok Dad,” I said. It really wasn’t ok, it wasn’t ok at all! But I sure didn’t enjoy fighting with my dad. “D’you suppose I could get a hug before we start our talk?” I had on one of my sheer silky night gowns, and I have to say for the first time I felt really strange wearing it as I put my arms around my father. The way he hesitated before hugging me back, I’m sure he felt rather awkward as well, but we both gave it a good try. “I’m sorry, Dad,” I said to him. “I wish I didn’t feel this way.” “I wish that too, son,” he said. “I wish that more than anything in the world, but... well, you do, so let’s see if we can’t work things out so we all feel better.” I had a somewhat strange feeling when Dad called me “son.” I had always loved it when he did that, but now things were different. Now it made me uncomfortable. Now I was starting to feel regret that if I got my wish, I would never again hear him call me “son.” Could it be that he and Mom were right? Was I already beginning to get over my infatuation with being a girl? Why in the world did everything have to be so complicated? Should I consider just dressing up when I felt like it, but remain a boy? I think deep down I knew this wasn’t what I wanted, but I knew my dad could live with it. My mom had told me that he said when she first told him that there was nothing wrong with a boy wearing a dress now and then... in the right situation. Of course the “right situation” meant in the privacy of our own home, behind closed doors where no one could see. But that missed the whole point, didn’t it?” “The first thing we need to talk about is going fishing tomorrow,” Dad said after we were all seated comfortably. “First of all, you still want to go, right?” “Oh yeah!” I said enthusiastically. Fishing with my dad was another of those things that knew no gender. “Josh won’t be coming. Does that change anything?” “Not coming? But Dad, I already talked to him about it, an’ he’s real excited about it. How can I tell him...” “His father is probably telling him right now. Dr. Reynolds thought it would be a good idea if you and I spend some time alone together right now. He said he’d make sure Josh understands. Do you still want to go?” I did of course, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about being alone with Dad in a boat all day. And then there was the matter of clothes. What was I going to wear? As if sensing my last thought, Dad brought it up. “About what you’re going to wear,” he said. I guess I kinda stiffened, because he held his hand up as a signal for me to shut up and listen to what he had to say. “Your mother and I have gone through the boxes of clothes the Reynolds gave us. There are some very good jeans and shorts in Josh’s box. I think you’ll find they’ll fit you almost perfectly.” “But Dad...” I started to protest. He held his hand up again. “Let me finish,” he ordered. I did. “It just doesn’t make sense for you to be in a boat all day wearing one of those sun dresses your mom says you like so much. So I’m gonna insist that you wear pants or shorts. That’s just plain practical. But you can wear whatever you wish for underwear, and you can wear anything for a top you want, or no top at all if you want. I’m still not convinced that this isn’t just some notion you’ve got and you’ll get over it, so for now in my mind you’re still a boy wearing girls’ clothes. I am not going to call you “Christine,” but I won’t embarrass you by blowing your cover to others. If I have to introduce you to anyone, I’ll just introduce you as “Chris.” I’m not going to call you a boy or a girl, but if anyone says anything about you being a girl I won’t correct them. Is that agreeable to you?” “Yes, sir,” I agreed. I wasn’t too happy with his proposition, but I knew this was hard for him so I let it pass. Of course Mom was sitting there giving me a look that said I’d better agree. “Dr. Reynolds is going to see you tomorrow when we get back. After that he’s gonna come up early every Friday for the rest of the summer, so I want you to be available for him every Friday afternoon. He wants to try to help you work through all your feelings so we’ll know what to do when school starts. I’m gonna be seeing him in town as well, and your mom will be seeing him up here, but he will not tell us anything about his meetings with you unless you give him permission. He told us today that you’re in for some pretty intense therapy, and some of it might get pretty... well... pretty tough. Are you ready for that?” “I’m ready, Dad,” I answered. I wasn’t at all sure I was really ready, but at the same time I didn’t see where I had any choice. “Isn’t that gonna cost an awful lot of money?” I inquired. I had been told countless times that there simply wasn’t any extra money right now, until they got our new house finished and the business got on its feet. “Dr. Reynolds and I have worked out a deal,” Dad answered. “Actually you’re gonna have to help with that a little. He needs some computers for his office in town, so we’ve worked out a swap. I supply his computers and set them up, and he works with you.” “But, what can I do?” “As soon as you get home and started in school, you’re going to start helping me around the computer store. Actually you and Josh both, if Josh wants to. Amanda has already said she’s not interested.” “Really?” I said, making no effort to hide my excitement. I’d been aching to spend time in that store ever since Dad and Uncle Dan had started it. This was a dream come true. When I awoke in the morning, I heard the familiar cough of my mom sitting outside the camper. Everyone else was still sleeping soundly, so I quietly got out of the sleeping bag and padded over to where she was sitting and climbed into her lap. She hugged me warmly without a word for a few minutes, then kissed me lightly on the forehead. “While you’re out in the boat,” she whispered, “I’d like you to tell your dad you don’t hate him.” I agreed, but then added that I still didn’t understand why he couldn’t call me “Christine.” She got a little angry at me then, and explained that he had made some pretty big compromises, and that I should be willing to do my part too. I said I’d try, because I really did want to be on good terms with him. My dad’s approval had always been important to me and I already knew it was at an all time low right now. “Mom,” I said after we’d just sat for a few more minutes, I having stolen several sips of Mom’s coffee, “Would you... er... would you put my hair in pigtails for today? Please?” “Pigtails?” she questioned. “Why on earth do you want pigtails? I thought you’d just wear a pony tail.” “I dunno, I just thought I’d like to try them. Maybe Dad’ll like them.” “What your dad would really like...” she started, then thought better of it. “Ok, I’ll do it for you. Sit between my legs with your back to me.” I knew Mom loved fooling with my hair, and she had once said if I was a girl she thought I’d be cute in pigtails. But as she was creating the braids, I made the mistake of telling her that Josh had said he thought it would be cute. “Josh!” she exclaimed. “I think you’d turn yourself inside out for Josh. What’s going on between you two anyway?” “Nothing, Mom,” I answered. “It’s just... well... he’s just so nice all the time. He’s the first real friend I’ve ever had that I can talk to, I mean REALLY talk to.” “Honey, there are usually things that girls just don’t tell boys, no matter what.” “I know, Mom. But most of those kinda personal girl things I don’t even know myself yet. But Josh is just a really good friend.” “I’ve got to ask, honey,” she said as she turned my face to look me in the eye. “You and Josh... are you two doing anything... like... well, anything that involves your...” “I know what you’re talkin’ about, Mom,” I interrupted. “I’ve heard guys at school talkin’ about that stuff. No, Mom! I think that’s gross.” “Ok, sweetheart. I won’t ask again any time soon, but I wouldn’t be a good mother if I didn’t check once in a while.” “Ask as much as you like,” I said with determination. “The answer’s always gonna be the same.” The fishing trip was, well, about what one might expect. When I presented myself to my father wearing a pair of Josh’s shorts, to which Mom had added a wide web belt to make them more feminine and turned up the legs two folds and tacked them, a purple girls’ tank top with a scalloped bottom that fell three inches short of my waist, my pigtails tied off with matching purple ribbons, white sandals with no socks, he gave me a look of disapproval. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, then said simply, “Morning, Chris. You ready to go?” “Yes, sir,” I replied with a smile. “There’s one thing I don’t understand,” Dad said as we packed the lunch Mom had made for us. “I just can’t figure out why you absolutely HAVE to look like a girl ALL the time, twenty-four hours a day.” I started to answer, but Mom got there first. “You’re right, John,” she said, “you don’t understand. That’s only reasonable because you still haven’t accepted what Christine is pretty sure is the truth: that she’s a girl and always was. Until you accept that, you’ll have trouble understanding. But you gave your word.” “I remember, honey. And I’ll go one step further. Chris, it kills me to say this, but I do have to admit, you look kinda cute.” Dad could not have made me happier at that moment if he had told me the entire family had suddenly been transported to the land of barbeque, where all we had to do for the rest of our lives was to eat barbequed chicken and fish. I grinned widely and threw my arms around his waist. “Thanks, Dad!” I said. “Thanks, John,” Mom said. “That was a nice thing to say.” “I meant it,” Dad said casually as we started walking for the river. Well, Dad was walking and I was kinda floating about three feet off the ground. As we reached the boat, I wondered if he knew what kind of underwear was concealed beneath Josh’s shorts. Of course he does, I told myself, because he knew I had no boys’ underwear at all except for the pair of white briefs that still lay unopened on top of my sleeping bag. Once in the boat, I was determined to demonstrate to my dad that girls can fish as well as boys. Unfortunately I hadn’t let the fish in on my plan. By lunch time I had only caught two medium sized catfish. Dad had caught five, and one was an absolute monster. No matter though, he did the same amount of teasing that we always did, the more successful always rubbing it in to the utmost. It was really great being friends with my dad again. After lunch, I announced that I had to use the bathroom. “So why are you telling me?” Dad asked. “Cause, Dad... I... uhhh... I have to go to shore.” “I don’t understand why. Just stand on the side of the boat and pee over the side like you always did.” “Dad!” I scolded. He gave me a somewhat disgusted look and muttered something like “oh, all right!” then started pulling in the anchor. I suppose I could have compromised that one small point, but to me right then it was important. So he took me to shore and I hopped out, ran into the woods and did my business, then returned. I might as well have stayed in the woods, because neither of us caught any more fish. “I suppose now that you’re a girl you’ll be expecting me to clean your fish ‘cause they’re so yucky, right?” Dad said as we got back to the campground at 3. I saw a slight smile on his face and I knew he was fooling with me. “Not this girl,” I replied. “I been cleaning my own fish since I was six and I still remember how.” “I’m not sure those two minnows are worth cleaning anyway,” he joked. I ignored him and set about to cleaning the fish at the rivers edge. “Want me to clean yours too?” I said. “That would be nice,” Dad answered with an even wider grin. Damn! I didn’t mean it and he knew it. But now I was stuck cleaning seven fish. As soon as we were back at the camper, Mom instructed me to go to the washroom and get cleaned up, then go directly to the Reynolds’ trailer. She said the doctor would be waiting for me. Suddenly I was nervous. Everyone was making such a big deal out of all the therapy I was going to have, I wondered if that therapy would change me so that I could live my life as a boy. I didn’t want that at all, Especially now that I had proven that girls can do boy things like fish with their dad. “What did your folks tell you about why you’re here?” the doctor asked as soon as we were settled in his spacious trailer. None of the rest of the family were anywhere to be seen, and Dr. Reynolds assured me he’d sent them to the pool and we wouldn’t be disturbed. “Not much, sir,” I answered nervously. “They just told me I needed some... er... therapy so you could tell me what to do.” “I’m not going to tell you what to do, Christine,” he said. “I’m going to spend the next few weeks getting to know as much about you as I can, and then I’m going to try to help you decide what to do. But it’s important that you understand, anything you decide is going to have to be YOUR decision, not mine. All I can do is help you figure out what you’re really feeling, what you REALLY want.” He started by giving me a complete physical, which he said he did with all his new patients. “There will be more tests when you’re in my office,” he said as I removed my clothes. “For now I’ll just check you over, listen to your heart, lungs, things like that.” He did all the usual doctor things, then he checked over the parts I’d learned to hate really well. As he looked he explained that he was looking for any physical signs at all that there might be even a hint of female parts. There were none. As far as my physical body was concerned, he told me I was an absolutely perfect little boy. Damn! I’d been hoping... “Don’t be discouraged,” he said when he saw my distress. “That really doesn’t mean too much. It would have been easier to sell your proposition in the system if I’d been able to find some hint of female genitalia, but I wasn’t really expecting it.” “What’s genit... err....?” “Genitalia!” he repeated. “That’s the ten dollar word to describe the physical parts that make you a boy or girl.” “But, they didn’t make me a boy.” I argued. “Most of the world thinks they did.” “Most of the world is wrong. I thought you said you thought so too.” “No, Christine, that’s not what I said. What I said was, you made a good point. That’s why we’re here... to find out exactly what you are, ok?” “How long is it gonna take?” I inquired. I was already getting disappointed because I had thought we’d know by now. “It could take all summer, Christine. Maybe longer. Maybe years. And we might never find out all the answers for sure. But we’re gonna try, aren’t we?” “I already know,” I said defiantly. “I know you do, honey. Unfortunately the law and the school board and medical profession won’t take your word for it. So I have to side with them until I have enough evidence to convince them.” “Cause I’m a kid, right?” “Not entirely. I’ve read of men in their forties in exactly the same situation as you’re in, and no one believes them either until they satisfy themselves. But I’m going to do my best for you. Please understand sometimes I’m going to say things that will make you think I don’t believe you. I do, but sometimes I have to pretend I don’t, so we can make others believe you, ok?” “You mean like my dad?” I questioned. “Yes, your dad. And your school. I assume you’re planning to go to school as Christine?” “Yes, sir.” “Then let’s get to work, so we can PROVE you’re Christine, ok?” On and on it went. So far I have covered about one week or so in the campground. I’m going to sort of skim over the rest of the summer, hopefully to illustrate how fast it seemed to go for me. Suffice to say it was without doubt the best summer, actually the best time period, of my entire life. Gail and I drew closer and closer to Amanda and Josh, and more or less in that order. We would often pair off, and it was usually, but not always, Josh and me together while Amanda and Gail were off somewhere else. When Josh and I were together we usually walked through the pines, just soaking in the serenity of the forest. We liked to watch birds, explore new places, and talk. It’s hard to believe how much an eight year old and an eleven year old can find to say given the chance, but we never ran out of things to talk about. My therapy sessions with Dr. Reynolds could only be described as intense. He spent the first few sessions getting to know me, gaining my confidence and trust. He succeeded on all counts, and then he got nasty. No, he didn’t mean to be nasty and he had forewarned me several times that some of the sessions would be downright painful; and that they were. He took me in my mind to places I really didn’t want to go; while there, he delved into my feelings and thoughts like few people on earth could do. Meanwhile he was no less abusive with my mom and dad. If there was a truth to be learned, he was determined to find it. He admitted that he’d never worked on a case like mine before. He’d had teenagers who were cross dressers, and one of them actually expressed a wish to become a girl. But he had never encountered anyone in his practice who was absolutely convinced that he’d never been a boy in the first place. So along with my therapy, Dr. Reynolds had to spend hours reading, researching, consulting with other more experienced therapists. Unfortunately for Dr. Reynolds, Josh was always waiting for me when we were through. Sometimes I was in tears, sometimes little more than a basket case. At those times the good doctor suffered no small amount of abuse from my self appointed protector: his own son. True to his word, he never divulged anything he and I talked about to his family or mine, which made it all the harder on Josh because he had to simply trust his dad that what he was doing with me was necessary and beneficial. In late July, for a sort of advance eleventh birthday party for Josh, we all journeyed to an amusement park in Virginia, then to Virginia Beach for the weekend. We had one of the best times in our young lives. And I discovered yet another secret about myself: I am an absolute total roller coaster freak! I couldn’t get enough! Those things are so totally wildly awesome, I made a vow that weekend to ride every single roller coaster in the USA before I die. I haven’t accomplished that goal yet, but I haven’t forgotten it either. On the last day of July, Mom and Aunt Julia took Gail and me home to see our new house, and to pick up Dad and go for our final conference with Dr. Reynolds. He had asked my parents to hold off registering me for school until after this conference. Among other things, he’d been hoping to have enough data to justify registering me as the correct gender, whatever that turned out to be. I had pumped him pretty hard... as hard as an eight year old could... about what he planned to say in that conference, but he was far too smart for me. When we walked into his conference room, I still had no clue what he was going to say, nor did my parents. To be continued... * * *
Stretching the Truth - Phase 6
After several body modifications, with several more to come, Master has me continually erected and at His service.
` Stretching the Truth - Phase 7 ` When the Master returned, a huge puddle of pre-cum had accumulated and when i heard the door being unlocked and opened, my cock began to rise. Even the heavy PA and the chrome ball stretcher could not hold it down. It seemed to have a life of its own and i began to feel the desire to cum, to have Master's hand jacking me. i wanted it so bad. The Master opened the door and immediately came to where i was bound and took hold of my rock-hard cock. Master was very happy with the puddle of pre-cum and my erection. Master loosened the ceiling chain and unhooked my head harness from it and led me by my leash to the bathroom. my spreader bars and thigh restraints were removed along with the head harness and gag. Master bathed me, let me use the toilet, gave me an enema, fed me, and led me back to the dungeon to the rolling bench. Master had me lay face-down on the bench which supported my torso and began to strap my legs and arms to the legs of the bench. my ankles were folded up behind my forelegs and bound there as were my forearms folded and bound to my upper arms. my genitals hung down through a cutout at the bottom of the bench and a hinged piece of the bench was swung into place to hold them there. Master hooked my PA to the floor of the bench. A head harness hood was placed over my head and gaged mouth and buckled in place. The butt plug was inserted into my hole. After all bindings were retightened so i wasn't able to move, Master rolled me to the van and secured the bench in the back. Then, Master started the van and off we went to the surgeon's. When we arrived, i was rolled out of the van and into the operating room. An IV was inserted in my arm and i was soon no longer aware of anything. The next thing i knew i was just waking up and was still (or again) tied to the bench. Tubes were coming out of my penis, ass, and nose but all straps were securely tightened. It wasn't long before i realized that two wide straps were buckled around my chest and stomach holding me securely to the bench. As soon as i began to move my head to clear it, i felt the Master's hands rubbing it and when i was pretty much awake, Master began to gently remove the nose tube. Since the mask was still in place, i couldn't see anything. However, i felt Master gently pulling on the tubes in my penis and ass and they were also removed. As soon as the penis tube was removed my cock was again stretched and attached to the floor of the rolling bench. Master then set down beside my head and asked me how i felt. Of course, i couldn't say anything except to nod my head up and down. Master asked me if i knew how i had been modified this time? i shook my head no. He said i had been kept unconscious for 2 weeks so i could heal but that the bandages were still in place having been changed every day. He said that He thought they would not be needed anymore. Soon, the surgeon came and he and the Master undid all my bindings and set me up on the bench. This was the first time in a long time, i was not bound in any way. Master said he would leave the hood on until the bandages were removed but that the ceiling chain would be lowered and attached to my head harness. After that was done, i could feel hands around my abdoman and chest beginning to remove bandages. i felt them being unwrapped from around my chest and around my neck. i wondered what had been done. Had my nipples been removed; what? After several minutes of unwrapping and an exclamation from the Master; the surgeon said i had healed very quickly - that there was only a bit of redness but very, very little scarring and that even that might disappear. i could hear the voices moving toward the door as the surgeon left and the Master returned and asked if i had figured out what modification had been done? i wasn't sure until, all of a sudden, i realized that i couldn't feel my arms bound to my thigh restraints. In fact, i couldn't even feel the thigh restraints. Master sat down beside me very closely and put his arms around me and pulled me to him. i tried to hold him but couldn't feel my hands on His body. Then Master said He would remove the eye patches from the head harness. He stood in front of me to removed the patches. Master said He would stand in front of me until my eyes could adjust to the light since my eye patches had been on for 3 weeks now. It took several minutes before i could focus on the Master's chest and then my eyes wandered down to Master's stub which was even more beautiful than it had ever been. There was no hair and that stub was standing straight out from his beautiful bald groin. Immediately, i wanted Master's stub in my mouth and began to lower my head. As Master realized what i was doing, He stopped me and told me that could wait. Then he moved from between where i was sitting on the bench and the mirror on door behind which the torso hung. At first, i thought the torso was sitting on the bench; but it wasn't because the torso had no legs. The person on the bench had legs - BUT NO ARMS! Master had had my arms removed. i turned my body and saw in the mirror that where my arms had been connected to my shoulders, there was a very rounded and smooth nub. Both sides of my chest were the same as i turned to see the other nub. It was as if i had been born with no arms. Since there was no under arm hair, it was just as if this is the way a body is supposed to be. At first, i was scared- then, i was totally blown away. i looked fantastic. Now, Master didn't have to bind the arms. It would be easier to keep me - AND there was no way i could masturbate myself now. Thinking about that really made me erect. Master noticed my cock pointing straight up even with that heavy PA and the chrome ball stretcher. i moved my body over to touch the Master's and He slowly and firmly encircled my cock with His huge, warm hands and then Master began to move His hand back and forth extremely slowly until i thought i would faint. i wanted Master to make me cum. i wanted Master to make me beg to cum. It hurt wanting to cum that much and it felt so good, i didn't think i could take it as the Master slowed down the jacking motion. Pretty soon, Master was taking several seconds to move back and forth jacking me. Just as i thought He would not let me ejaculate, Master stopped and said it was time to let my cock rest because He didn't want me to get tired. Then Master stood in front of me and placing His hand on my head pulled it forward to His cock. It felt so good having his shaved stub in my mouth - feeling His pee slit and stub with my tongue. i wanted the Master to have the best orgasm ever. Master let me suck Him until He had a violent explosion on my mouth. i sucked Him dry - until Master finally removed my head from His crotch. Then, Master led me to my cage and bound me in the usual way except that my wrists didn't have to be bound since i no longer had any wrists. i wondered if my legs would be next to go? After the butt plug was inserted and turned on to vibrate, i heard the door close and lock. There i was left to await the next day and whatever it would bring. So far, i loved everything that had happened. i loved my new armless look. i wondered what was next? Dare i hope? Then, my mind wandered back to a few minutes ago when i had the Master's stub in my mouth. Of course, my cock began to get rock hard again. In fact, it had been some time since i rememberd my cock being soft. All i wanted was the Master's hairless stub in my mouth. i went to sleep sobbing because of needing my Master. As i sobbed my cock was hard and trying to flex up and down but not being able to move very far because a chain from my PA was attached to the floor of the cage. Soon, i was totally asleep and dreaming of Master firmly jacking my cock to climax. * * *
A new life
Dreamed for years of being castrated. Finally it happened, and pretty young girl talked him out of his penis also
A new life ( part 1 ) by: bob_cross2000 [ testicles ] [nullification ] \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A new life for an older man and his wife. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There I was, in my 60s, retired, married 30 odd years, children married and gone, and me with a wife, with no desire for sex at all after she went through the change of life. The happy years right? Wrong, to her sex was a dirty word now, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Well thats what I thought, then. I would get ranting on about not having any sex, and finally she would go get the cream and give me a hand job, to quiet me down some. Its hard to believe at this time in life, ones best friend would be the sex sites on the web. A couple of friends and I went on a 3 day fishing trip, had a great time, and I came home hornier than ever. Do you think that woman would even give me a hand job, hell no. So I had to be satisfied, with old trusty my computer. While checking out my favorite sites, I happened to hit the Document key and up popped several sights with photos of men being castrated, and stories on how to talk your horny husband into having it done. I knew sure as hell I hadn’t been checking them out and the only other person that knew the password to get into it was her. So I started checking out some of the sites, she had been on. Well after being on them for about 5 minutes, and reading some of the stiff, there I was sitting there reading with a big old hard on, with pre cum all over the place. I could hardly believe my reaction to them. I think right then and there I was hooked on the idea. As time went on, I checked, and sure enough she had been on other sites. From the sites she had been on, I could almost read her mind. I would check them all out, a couple of times a week, and always wind up with a ripping hard on. One day I finally said to her, well if you won’t give me any, I might as well get my nuts cut off, to cut down my desire to get laid all the time. She just smiled, and said that it might help. I just can’t figure her out, I have a good nine inches fully erect, she never had any problem with me in that department, and believe you me my nuts were a hand full also. But she never really played with them that much, she would always go after my cock and see how fast she could make it cum. One day from a cold start, she made it blow in 43 seconds. One day about 3 months later, we were watching a rented CD from Block-Busters, she asked me, well when are you going to do it, Do what I asked, she smiled and said, cut down your desire for sex all the time. I froze, did I hear what I thought I heard, You want me cut I said? Why of course she said, if it will help you, to stop thinking about sex all the time. You could have blown me over with a feather at that moment, instantly I came down with the worst hard on I have ever had. I got on the net and started checking, about getting castrated, and hearing how hard it was to get a Dr. to do it, so I started looking to the underground for advice. I got on several Groups and left a message about what I was looking for, and just sat back and waited. Several weeks later I got an e-mail asking for just my phone number, and saying they could help out. That’s all it said, a little apprehensive I sent it off. A week or so later I got a phone call, from a lady, saying it was in reference to what I wanted done, and wanted to know if I really did in deed want it, either yes or no, final decision. Yes I said, I want it done, fine she said and asked me several questions about my life and health. She then said it will be free, no charge, they will come to me, and pick me and any friends including my wife if I want, up and take us to the place where they will operate. The whole operation will be photographed with no facial shots, and they get to keep the film, plus I get to keep my nuts in a jar if I want. She said they will check the information I had given her, and they will be in touch with me in a few days to set up the date, also that the deal was sealed and there was no way of backing out of it now, that it will happen, then she hung up. I sat there in a daze for a few minutes, while it all sunk in, I was within a week or two of having my nuts cut off, by strangers. When my wife got home from shopping I told her what had just happened, she smiled and said, great. She said she wouldn’t go watch, but she wanted my nuts in a jar to see. Two days later the call came, I was to meet a man Friday noon at a certain place, and the code was, do squirrels like nuts, and to shave my growing the morning before the operation. I reached down and cupped my nuts in my hands, and said, well fellas, you got 2days more to live, then you will be museum pieces. Friday finally rolled around, and the wife and I jumped in the shower. Her with razor in hand, she shaved me clean from knee caps, to navel, and all in between, As a final gesture she sucked on my nuts, and said, the next time she will see them will be in a jar. Of course by now I had a pretty good hard on, so she bent over and grabbed her ankles, and said stick it in one last time while they are still hooked up. I slid it in and out several times, and shot my last big load in her. At noon she drove me to the location the man said, and we made contact, he said for her to meet him at the same spot at 9pm to pick me up, I got in his car and off we went, to a hotel room they had. When we arrived, there were several people there, including a very beautiful, very young lady, that seemed to be waiting for me, she was introduced to me as my nurse, 4 gentleman, one for the camera and the other three were going to do the operation, one was a Doctor, and the other two were nurses. They had the place all set up like an operation room, very professional looking, this put me at ease, right at the start. The gals name was Lori, they said she was in training, learning how to do castrations, and under their supervision, she would be doing most of the job. Plus she got to play with me for an hour, doing anything I or she wanted to do to me. It would all be photographed. The hotel room was a suite so there was other rooms, she took me into one of the rooms, and removed my cloths and hung them in the closet. When I removed my underwear, she seemed to get very excited, and with a huge smile said thetas nice, as she viewed my genitals. What a beautiful package, she remarked. Its a shame to break it up she remarked. There I was standing there being admired by this young girl, and my wife didn’t give a shit what I had between my legs. At the time I was so scared I didn’t even have a hard on. I am in very good shape for my age though. She walked over and took my cock in her hand, gently squeezing it, saying wish I could talk you out of this along with your nuts. You know she said, we are prepared to take it all if you like. I was just listening, hardly believing what I was hearing, she wanted my cock too. With that she backed away from me, and proceeded to undress. I would say she looked about 17 or 18 with a body to die for, about 5’5”, with more than ample breasts, smooth, soft skin, and a clean shaved pussy. Looking at her made me forget about all that was about to happen, and my 5 incher started heading toward 9 inches. The bigger it got, the more excited she got, and her female juices were running down her leg, I could really see her excitement mounting. After my dead wife, her reaction was very exciting to me. She sat on the bed and called me over, I stood next to her, my dick was face high to her. She started to play with my dick and nuts, with much glee, taking my cock as far as she could in her mouth. She could see I was about to dump a load on her, as she jumped up and left the room. She came back with a hypo and injected into the side of my dick, don’t worry she said it will only numb you a little so you won’t cum right away, and will maintain your hard on for about 4 hours. She played and played with me for quite a while, then she laid back on the bed so I could mount her. She said softly, go very slow as I may not be able to handle you, in my little pussy. As I entered her now very wet pussy, I could feel the resistance of her very tight hole. She held my hips with both hands, and would pull and push me in and out slightly. Every time she pulled, it would go in a little further, as she stretched, I finally reached bottom in her at 7 inches, she told me not to push and that she would do all the movement. She was like a wildcat on my cock. I will never forget the feeling of it. What ever she injected me with, sure was working well, as I had all the feeling, but never came, and was hard as steel. I will tell you one thing, at that moment I sure didn’t feel like a 60 plus year old man, more like a 20 year old. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and said stand up, she must have been all of 103 pounds. As I stood up, she let go of my neck, arched her back, and legs, at which time she was totally impaled on me by my cock and nothing else. The guy taking the photos, must have burned 5 rolls of film on that alone. The only contact she had to me was my cock. We had to get on with the rest, she reluctantly slid off my cock onto the bed, saying that was a first for her, and she loved it. Next she said, she had to stretch my scrotum and pull my nuts as far down as possible to pull all the pipes down , so when they are cut, they will snap way back up inside, and won’t be hanging, where they can be bumped as they may be sensitive. At that time one of the nurses came in with a big syringe, and gave it to her. She had me stand in front of her, where as she started injecting around my scrotum and cock base, Then she pushed the needle half into my left nut and gave it a big shot, then like wise to the right one. She looked up at me and said, she had enough left to do my cock too, if I wanted, as she wanted it very much to have it to keep. My cock was still hard as a rock, in its 9 inch glory, and with just a nod of my head it would soon be gone too. She held the syringe at the base of it and slowly pushed it half way through, at this point I had such a rush on, I never felt it going into my cock. Slowly she emptied the rest into it. Suddenly I realized I was about to loose it too, and I said , No, No I want to keep it for now, maybe some other time. she said OK, no cock at this time. I how had no feeling in my genital area at all. She had me stand and she lay on her back between my legs, reached up with both hands, grabbed my nuts and began doing chin ups on them. I could feel a slight pulling in my stomach, but thetas all I felt. She managed to stretch my scrotum and nuts a good 4 inches down longer, I couldn’t believe it. She then ushered me in to the other room, and I was strapped me to the table for the operation. Lorie still naked came in with a pan of hot water, and washed my crotch, them applied the iodine wash to the area. Then she went between my legs, with scalpel in hand, and very carefully slit my scrotum open where the Dr. told her to. Gently she squeezed out both nuts and pulling straight down on them. To my surprise they went almost all the way to my knees, then she laid them on my stomach. Next to my taped down , 9 inch numb hard cock. Then up on the table she jumped, and set facing my cock, and gently placed her warn wet pussy on my mouth. Her honey ran onto my mouth, I swallowed it eagerly. The Doc. clamped off my left nut, as she pussy fucked my face. Even with my numb cock, deep inside of me I could feel a pressure building, and suddenly explode, the powerful sperm load hit Lorie all over her beautiful breasts. At that very moment he sniped the cords to free my left testicle, and laid it on my tummy. Lorie jumped off me, and pointed at my testicle lying there on my tummy still pumping sperm from its severed cords. Then it slowly stopped, and just laid there, it was dead. Next Loire took my right testicle in her mouth, pulling way back with her head, she severed my right testicle with a pair of scissors. With my testicle still in her mouth she started kissing me all over my body with the tubes dangling from her mouth. God it was sensual. When she kissed me on the lips she slid my testicle in my mouth, when she did that I came again. Loire turned and said that last load was for her , and she licked it all up with her tongue. Then with a big kiss, took my testicle out of my mouth, back in her’s. The Doc. handed her a jar and she placed both testicles in it. I was very surprised there was very little blood, and the Doc. began sewing me up. Lorie untaped my cock, that was still pretty hard, kissed and sucked the last bit of cum out of it, and said some day it will be mine. she said there is still time, may I have it now??? I said, No, not yet. Other than being tired, I felt pretty good, and still very little pain, the Doc. bandaged me up good and I was set to go. I kissed Lorie goodbye, and she whispered in my ear, You will see me sooner than you think Love, with that we left. As we got back to the meeting place there was my wife waiting for me, with a big smile on her face. A hug and a kiss, she asked how did it go, just fine I replayed. We started toward home. She said, did they take it all or just the testicles, no just the testis, they wanted the rest but I said the rest was yours and they would have to ask you, Oh she said, as we arrived home, you should of let them have it all. When we got inside she wanted to see, but it was all bandaged up and there was really nothing to see. then I handed her the jar with my nuts in it, a big smile broke out on her face, and she said, they are beautiful, and right where they should be. Now I feel you really belong to me, she said. In a couple of weeks, I was pretty much healed. They had told me that in two weeks I would have trouble getting a hard on. but with the bandages off now, I was about half hard all the time , and had been since the operation. Of course by this time several of my and the wives friends knew about me, and wanted to see it. My wife even let a couple of them screw me, just so they could feel what it was like with no nuts hanging there. They loved it, and wanted their old men to get cut too. Believe it or not even my wife screwed me more than she had in years. Then one day at work, the phone rang, it was Lorie, my heart skipped a beat, to hear her voice again. She asked how I was doing, I told her fine, and would love to see her again. She said that was why she called, as she would be passing through in a couple of days, and wanted to visit her 9in. cock if she could. I laughed and said of course you can, it will be waiting for you. In a couple of days, at noon she called and told mw to meet her, so I closed my shop for the afternoon, and went to see her. She already had a room and invited me up to it. She met me at the door , in her birthday suit. This resulted in, instant hard on again. She said man it still works fine, I see. Again that was an afternoon to remember. Several times she mentioned how bad she wanted the rest of me, in a jar, but I kind of brushed off what she said. She asked how my wife liked the new me, I said fine I guess as I had got laid from her more lately then in the past 5 years. She asked me if my wife had a lover, I replied I was sure she did. Lorie said, next time we meet, please bring her too, as she wanted to meet her. I said I would. Again I was sad to see, Lorie have to leave, but she had to. Again several weeks later, Lorie called, and said she would be in town, for the weekend, and would Me and Lorie be available. Of course I said that would be great. I talked it over with the wife, and she said she would love to meet Lorie. Lorie called and said she would be in town, Friday night and we all could have dinner together, at the hotel, she was staying at, fine I said, see you then. Friday night came and we met in the lobby, Lorie kept admiring my wife, and telling her how beautiful she was. We talked at dinner, Lorie asked my wife how she liked my new look, My wife said she loved it, and she wished I had done it sooner. I could sense there was something between Lorie and my wife from the first they had met, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Anyway we all got along good together. Lorie asked my wife if me and her could have sex together, my wife said sure if she could watch. So off we went to Lorie’s room to have some fun. Lorie and I got undressed and started making love. My wife got so physically aroused, she to got undressed, and joined in. She went kind of after Lorie, and seemed to enjoy her very much, in fact so much I became the bystander, watching them go at it. During their love making , I heard Lorie ask my wife, if she would mind letting her have my cock, in a jar. My wife said, she didn’t mind, it was up to me. When I heard that, it was instant hard on again for me. I jumped on the pile and started fucking my wife and Lorie with all my heart, and it never did get a little soft till after 2 hours or so. My wife laid back and close her eyes, as Lorrie reached over and grabbed my cock and said, come here my nice cock, and took it in her mouth and started sucking it. I will have this one day in a jar, she said, as she loved it. * * *
Los Creadores de Eunucos Espańol
Esteban es una joven víctima de una banda de pervertidos que le extirpan los huevos sin que se de cuenta. Sado violacion no Consentido. Ablación de Testículos.
Los creadores de eunucos. En la antigüedad, los reyes musulmanes, para custodiar a su harem, ponían una serie de guardianes a quienes antes les "cortaba" los testículos de forma de garantizar que no pudieran coger a ninguna de sus mujeres. Si bien no mucho se dice en la historia, pero estos guardianes se transformaban poco a poco en las "putitas" de otros guardias y dado que no podían obtener placer por su miembro, lo obtenían por su culo. Primer día: Desvirgue, vergüenza y extorsión. Nuestra historia de hoy, comienza en la obra de un edificio en construcción abandonada, en la cual, Esteban -un chico de 12 ańos, con la curiosidad típica de su edad, entra en la obra para "investigar" y es sorprendido por una banda de pervertidos y sadomasoquistas auto apodados: "Creadores de Eunucos". Dicha banda –formada por 6 hombres y 1 mujer-, le increpa al chico, que está en terrenos de su propiedad y por ende, debe pagar por haber cometido un abuso de intromisión. Esteban al principio no les cree y supone que sólo es para asustarlo, pero algunos miembros de la banda le cierran el paso y le hacen prisionero. En pocos instantes, Esteban estaba puesto en 4 patas y con sus pantalones y calzoncillos bajos. Lloraba por lo bajo pidiendo que no le hagan nada. Alcides (uno de los principales de la banda) poniéndole una navaja en la garganta le dice: "ahora vas a ayudar a un amigo"… y de pronto, Esteban siente la mano de un negro apodado el "Cubano" que le agarra la pija y comienza a hacerle la paja. Esteban no entendía nada. Estaba aterrado por si se lo cogían… y de repente, no sólo lo estaban pajeando, sino que ahora, el tipo apodado "Cubano" se le comenzaba a chupar la pija. Como Esteban aún era virgen, la mamada que le estaban dando era algo espectacular. Tan buena que el chico no aguantó ni dos minutos antes de mandarle un par de chorros de leche en la boca del cubano. Éste terminó de mamarle bien la pija, y parándose ahora por detrás de él, le abrió las nalgas y con su boca fue escupiendo el semen de Esteban, depositándolo dentro de su ano. Otro de los principales de la banda -llamado Mateo-, se colocó entonces por detrás de él y lo obligó a "cagar" su propio semen. Mientras Esteban, intentaba hacerlo, la única mujer: Juanita, comenzó a chuparle el glande a Esteban. Esteban comenzó a sentir un montón de sensaciones juntas: temor por cagarse encima más allá de largar el semen, temblor por la chupada que le estaba dando Juanita y miedo por lo que podría llegar a pasarle. El semen, comenzó a salir de su culo poco a poco. Apenas salían las primeras gotas, Mateo, con su dedo anular, lo iba esparciendo como quien esparce crema en un agujero antes de penetrarlo. Ahí Esteban entendió que lo cogerían por el culo utilizando su propia leche como lubricante. Y pocos segundos más, al terminar de expeler su propia leche, entendió lo que era la frase "me rompieron el culo". La verga de Mateo, ingresó de a poco, pero firme. Solamente se detuvo una vez que la cabeza se adentró, como acomodándose en el recto del chico. El dolor de la dilatación de su ano iba de la mano del placer de la chupada de glande que Juanita le estaba dando. Tanto fue así que en pocos instantes, Esteban se encontró con su pija parada y con ganas de acabar nuevamente, mientras sentía una vara de carne penetrándolo por atrás. Conocedora de estas lides, Juanita no dejó que el chico le acabara en la boca y le terminó haciendo la paja; ello redobló las ganas de acabar de Mateo que recibía como regalo las contracciones del ano que Esteban hacía con cada acabada, y entonces casi al mismo instante, lo bańó de leche por dentro. El resto de la banda, había sacado fotos de Mateo y Esteban mientras el primero lo cogía al segundo, y también de Juanita chupándole la pija. Con esta foto lo extorsionaron para que el próximo día y a la misma hora, estuviera solo en la obra. Segundo día: La Operación. El terror de Esteban porque se descubriera esa foto, le hizo acudir el segundo día a la hora que le indicaron. Todavía sentía dolor en el ano, sobre todo cuando intentaba cerrarlo fuertemente o cuando hacía fuerza en el bańo. Pasados 20 minutos de la hora indicada, la banda apareció y saludaron a Esteban como si éste fuera un viejo amigo. El cubano le acarició la verga, cosa que hizo sonreír y sonrojar a Esteban, mientras que Mateo le decía: "mirá, la cosa es así, vos te dejás coger hoy y nosotros no decimos nunca nada de esto. Si te portás bien, vos también la vas a pasar bien, sino, te vamos a coger y encima vas a salir lastimado". Esteban no sabía que hacer ni responder. Mateo prosiguió: "Aparte si te chupan la pija y acabás, y ya tenés el culito abierto, qué te cuesta? Mucho más ya no te va a doler y hasta creo que vas a disfrutar". Juanita ya se había puesto detrás de Esteban y lo abrazaba en la panza. Bajando la mano por dentro del pantalón comenzó primero a acariciarle la pija y una vez que esta estaba medianamente dura, a pajearlo lentamente por dentro de su ropa. "Vamos, ponete como ayer" – le indicó finalmente Alcides. Y Esteban, preso del miedo y la confusión por un lado, y de la buena mano de Juanita comenzó a bajarse los pantalones. Juanita paró un momento y ayudándolo a colocarse en 4 patas le bajó los calzoncillos. "Hoy te vamos a poner vaselina y si te duele, te ponemos un aerosol para calmarte el dolor, y de paso te enseńaremos a chupar la pija" –dijo Alcides riéndose. "Chupar?" dijo Esteban. "Sí… al menos una o dos mamadas como las que te pega el Cubano. Te vas a tener que tragar la leche una vez y la segunda se la vaciarás en el culo de Juanita para que nosotros la cojamos". Esteban sabía que cualquier cosa que quisieran la iban a lograr, lo único que quería era que su pesadilla terminara rápido, así que no dijo nada, ni siquiera cuando por delante de él se encontró con la verga de "Trompeta" el tercero de los varones. Éste le acercó la pija a su boca y le dijo "Abrí la boca y despacio andá pásanosle primero la lengua o métetela de golpe si te da asco y chupala como una pastilla". Solo el olor de la poronga del Trompeta le daba asco; así que Esteban cerró fuerte sus ojos y se tragó el glande en su boca y siguió las instrucciones de quien ahora comenzaba a pajearse en la boca del chico. El cubano comenzó a chuparle la verga a Esteban, y previo envaselinamiento, Mateo se lo cogió por el culo. A la ambivalencia de la situación de ayer: ser chupado mientras te culean, hoy se sumaba que él se estaba chupando una verga. Como el cubano hizo un trabajo excelente, nuevamente Esteban acabó de maravilla y Mateo volvió a llenarle el recto de leche, mientras que Trompeta comenzaba a descargar dos chorros de semen en la boca del chico. Éste, a pesar del asco que sintió al inicio, se tragó los chorros rápidamente, para evitar vomitar. Alcides, reemplazó a Mateo, y Leandro (otro de la banda) se hizo chupar la pija. La pija de Alcides si bien era un poco más gruesa que la de Mateo, no le causó mayor dolor a Esteban, aún cuando éste sentía que le estaban agrandando el orto. Los chorros de leche de Alcides no tardaron en llegarle a los intestinos. Y mientras Leandro seguía haciéndose chupar la pija despaciosamente, y Juanita comenzaba a pajearlo nuevamente a Esteban, el Cubano le introducía un consolador con la forma de una pija en su ahora dilatado culo. Toda la maniobra no era más que una forma de distraerlo a Esteban de las reales intenciones de la banda: puesto que mientras el cubano parado al lado de Esteban jugueteaba con el consolador, otro de los hombres de la banda le aplicaba un aerosol anestésico justo en el escroto (la bolsa de las pelotas) del chico… durmiéndole toda esa zona. Rápidamente, con un escalpelo, Alcides le hizo un pequeńo corte de 1,5 cm. en el saco de las pelotas. Y a través de ese corte sacaron para afuera uno por uno los dos testículos de Esteban. Nuevamente le rociaron anestesia al chico, ahora directamente sobre los dos huevos al aire y le ligaron con hilo de sutura cada uno de los conductos que ligan los testículos al cuerpo. Tiraron fuertemente del hilo y cada conducto quedó sellado. Pasados cinco minutos, la paja que Juanita le estaba haciendo a Esteban tuvo sus frutos y éste acabó en la mano de ella. El sellado de los conductos seminales parecía estar actuando, porque los dos chorros ya contenían muy poco semen. Los huevos del muchacho en poco tiempo más serian historia. Esteban sentía algo raro, pero sin que le provocara dolor alguno; su preocupación en los últimos minutos había sido la pija de Leandro que le entraba cada vez más sobre su garganta y ello le provocaba pequeńas arcadas. El escalpelo (de la mano de Alcides) pasó rápidamente por debajo de las ataduras realizadas y los dos huevos cayeron al piso. Metieron lo que quedaba de los conductos dentro de la bolsa y se la sellaron con un líquido adhesivo de contacto. La poca sangre que le había salido fue delicadamente limpiada por el cubano. Le retiraron el consolador del orto, y mientras que Palito (el ultimo integrante de la banda) comenzaba a cogerlo, Leandro descargaba su leche en la boca del chico. Esteban recordó que esta descarga no tenía que tragarla y la mantuvo en la boca. Enseguida, Juanita se bajó su pantalón y la bombacha. Poniéndole el culo a la altura de la boca, Esteban le escupió la leche lo más adentro posible; aunque como no sabía bien como hacerlo, bastante leche quedó entre las nalgas de la única mujer del grupo. Juanita le pidió a Esteban que le metiera el dedo anular profundamente en el ano, para dilatarle el conducto antes que alguien se la cogiera, y al hacer lo solicitado, la pija de Esteban comenzó a latir nuevamente. El cubano -que estaba esperando este momento- comenzó a chupársela nuevamente, lo que hizo que el miembro comenzara a ponerse bien duro nuevamente. Pasaron los minutos y Esteban que estaba disfrutando como loco, no acababa. Entonces Juanita le hizo retirar el dedo de su culo, se paró, se puso por detrás de Esteban e introduciéndole el dedo a él en su culo, buscó su incipiente próstata, y comenzó a acariciarla con la punta de su dedo. La lengua del cubano y los movimientos que éste le hacía para pajearlo al chico, sumados ahora al masaje interno que le daba Juanita hicieron que Esteban no aguantara más. El cubano –dándose cuenta de que el lechazo era inminente-, se sacó la verga de la boca y lo pajeó hasta que, -casi quebrándose en dos-, Esteban largó tres chorros, que el cubano hizo caer en una gasa que tenía en una mano. Lo pajeó por dos minutos más, exprimiendo casi el miembro del pobre chico que estaba casi sin fuerzas por todo el movimiento que tanto anal como bucalmente había tenido y por los tres orgasmos que le habían hecho alcanzar. El cubano le alcanzó la gasa a Mateo con una sonrisa. La gasa tenía solamente líquido seminal, y se percibían claramente los tres chorros: el primero –más lejano- , acompańado de un mínimo coágulo de sangre; el segundo chorro no tenía coágulos, pero era levemente sanguinolento, mientras que el tercero, era completamente limpio. "Le dejamos la cańería limpia!!!" –Gritó el cubano- riendo a carcajadas. "Sí" -respondió Mateo-, "esta vez nos fue mejor que con vos, no?" Esteban no comprendía nada. Estaba cansado y solo quería retornar a su casa. Lo habían cogido bastante, y se había chupado dos pijas, pero él había acabado tres veces. Antes de levantarse, Alcides le dijo que le faltaba un último polvo, y se lo cogió por última vez, llenando nuevamente el recto del cansado Esteban. Al retirarle la pija del ano, le introdujo como si fueran dos supositorios los dos testículos que le habían cortado y se los mandó bien adentro del recto, llegando casi al comienzo de las tripas. Esteban se levantó y se arregló la ropa. Pero cuando se incorporó, se dio cuenta de que algo le había ocurrido a sus huevos, porque sintió un tirón en la pequeńa herida que ahora estaba cerrada pero sensible al tacto. Un frío le corrió a Esteban por su espalda. Todo le daba vueltas. Mientras sentía la voz de Alcides como en un fondo reverberante que le decía: "aprendé de todo lo que te hizo el cubano, porque ahora sos uno igual a él". Mientras escuchaba esa voz, el cubano se bajaba toda su ropa mostrándole a Esteban que él tampoco tenía sus huevos. Darse cuenta… el comienzo de Esteban como eunuco. Esteban salió lo más rápido que pudo y apenas llegó a su casa, fue al bańo a revisarse mejor. Abrió las piernas y se puso un espejo abajo. Pudo ver, que lo que días atrás era su ano virgen y bien cerrado, era ahora una roseta roja, con el agujero un poco agrandado y muy morado por la fricción provocada por las pijas y el consolador. Movió el espejo y pudo ver –con terror- el pequeńo corte, y la inexistencia de sus huevos. Tocaba con miedo la bolsa, pero no encontraba nada. Se sentó entonces en el inodoro, porque las descargas de leche que le habían hecho comenzaron a hacer un efecto de enema y sentía ganas de cagar. Con la primera y segunda contracción, Esteban había cagado casi toda la leche que le habían metido en el culo; y en la tercera, como en un segundo torrente despachó un poco de mierda líquida y sintió como dos pequeńos excrementos que caían al agua. Pero cuando se fijó en el inodoro, vió cómo entre pequeńos trozos de materia fecal, flotaban sus dos testículos. Entre el terror y la sorpresa, la imagen del cubano le vino a su mente. Casi sin pensarlo, llevó sus manos al escroto y acariciándolo tomó conciencia de su nueva condición: él era ahora… un eunuco más. * * *
Harry Potter and the Secret of the Golden Unicorn Chapter 03
WARNING, TESTICLES, Strong Sexual content & language
A young British wizard named Harry Potter comes of age in a time of brutal war between rival magical factions vying for power. This novel length story replaces the final book in the Harry Potter series.
Harry Potter and the Secret of the Golden Unicorn By Lord Wrackspurt [email protected] This novel length story replaces the final book in the Harry Potter series. It is best enjoyed by those who have read the books of the series, but can be followed by those who have only seen the movies. This story is intended for reading only by adults. It contains depictions of torture, including genital abuse, castration and emasculation; rape; sexual assault; explicit sexual content including straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, fantasy interspecies, & polyamorous sexual relationships; often with characters who are under 21, but above the UK age of consent (16). This story is a work of fan-fiction based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3: The Inquisitor’s Apprentice “CRUCIO!” “AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!” Lucius Malfoy rolled on the stone floor of his cell in agony as his Master, Lord Voldemort, tortured him again. Malfoy had only shortly before joined enthusiastically in the torture of the Aurors at Azkaban. He had laughed with glee as their pleas for mercy had fallen on deaf ears. He had delighted in seeing their young bodies convulse in agony. He had experienced his greatest sadistic nirvana as he had raped and mutilated the bodies of the young female Aurors. He had giggled in ecstacy as he had slowly crushed the testicles of the young wizards, and plucked out their eyes, while reveling in their shrieks of pain. The thrill of seeing the mortal terror of their impending deaths in their young eyes was the ultimate aphrodisiac for him. However, the wheels of terror had turned on him when he returned with the Dark Lord to his lair. Now he was receiving a taste of pain and terror of his own. “My dear Lucius,” said Voldemort coldly. “How disappointed we have been in you. We send you as our trusted right hand to retrieve that prophesy which holds our destiny, and not only do you fail to retrieve it, but let it be destroyed. You allowed a handful of school brats to out maneuver and out fight you to the point that we were forced to expose ourself publicly to try and salvage something of the situation. “You then compounded your failure by allowing yourself to be captured, and betrayed us to our enemies; thus causing us to have to cancel our carefully conceived plans. Is it any wonder that your own son failed in his duty to us at the moment of truth? If not for our faithful servant, Severus, here, our most powerful enemy would still be working against us.” Between the residual waves of pain that coursed through his body, Lucius Malfoy struggled weakly to his knees. “My Lord … the Inquisition tortured me. I struggled to resist, I spent many days screaming in torment … no one can resist them for very long, my mind broke down involuntarily, and they used their damned mind rape spells on me.” “Exactly why you shouldn’t have allowed yourself to be taken alive, Lucius. If you truly loved us as you claim then you would have destroyed yourself rather than be taken and tortured into betraying us. Did you truly think we wouldn’t know? That we wouldn’t eventually have you before us to atone for your treachery? That our revenge wouldn’t be more terrible than anything the Inquisition could do? Maybe you thought the Ministry could protect you from us? If so, you are a damned fool, Lucius — CRUCIO!” The sound of screams of mortal torment filled the chamber again as Malfoy writhed in pain on the hard stone floor. After about a half minute of this Voldemort turned to Severus Snape, “Severus, we are fatigued with this necessary duty for the moment, we leave our wayward follower here in your care. You are the professor; teach him the error of his ways. Have a care though that he is kept alive and sane, even if it is his greatest desire to be neither. He may still be useful to our designs. The Ministry would place a high value on his recapture; he might make an excellent piece of expendable bait.” “Yes, my Lord,” replied Snape with a smile. “I shall prepare a special accommodation for our dear Lucius befitting his current status. One where he can be properly tutored in the fate awaiting traitors to your Lordship.” “Excellent. We know you will endeavor enthusiastically at your task,” said Voldemort as he left the room. Malfoy was now left alone with Snape. Looking up at his former rival for position in the Death Eater organization, he saw the evil grin encompassing Snape’s face, the glint of pure malice in his eyes. Lucius Malfoy, who had never shown mercy to others trapped within his power, knew what that look meant was in store for him. “The Dark Lord was right,” he thought, “I should have killed myself.” *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [BEGIN HERE] Summer was a time of conflict for Hermione Granger. She dearly loved her parents, and they loved her. But she also loved magic, and despite the present dangers she considered that her world now. So, for her, summer vacation had become a conflict between being with those you love and doing what you love. Hermione’s parents were both muggles, but they produced a witch who had very strong magical powers. Unlike Harry Potter’s horrible Aunt and Uncle, Hermione’s parents had accepted their daughter’s difference completely. She had never known anything but love and happiness with them. However, Hermione knew that things were about to change. Hermione had one more year at Hogwarts and then she would have to make her own way in the world. She had tried thinking of what she might do with herself, but nothing in particular had been decided. Professor McGonagall, the Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, and now the new Headmistress since Professor Dumbledore’s death, had once told her that muggleborns tended to fall into two categories in the magical world. About two-thirds to three-quarters had barely noticeable magical powers; they were practically just above the level of a squib (a person born of magical parents who didn’t have any magical ability). This was, in part, the reason why all ‘mudbloods’ were looked down upon, although pure snobbery also played a part. The Professor had also told her that there were instances where a muggle-born possessed powers superior to that of many purebloods. Most of her professors had placed Hermione into this latter category. Still, she had endured the catcalls and insults from those who considered themselves her superior because they were born purebloods, regardless of whether they had the actual talent to support a claim of superiority. Fortunately, the worst offender would not be returning to Hogwarts this next term, he was busy running for his life after participating in the murder of Professor Dumbledore. This summer also had potential, Hermione was now 17, she was an adult witch and could apparate legally to wherever she desired, whenever she desired. Broom flying had never been one of her magical fortes, and floo powder was so messy. It was so nice to simply imagine being in another place, disapparating from where you were, and apparating where you wanted to be a moment later. It was a far more civilized way for a modern witch to travel. The summer started out ordinary enough, getting used to being home again, shopping with her mum, helping in the garden. Her dad in particular was interested in seeing Hermione do her “witchy things” as he laughingly called them. Hermione would frequently leave in the evenings to visit friends, and go to Diagon Alley, the hidden wizarding business and shopping district in London, for special shopping trips. Then came the news of the horrible events at Azkaban, now simply known as 7-11. The damned Daily Prophet had told graphically of how those captured had been horribly tortured, the bastards had even run pictures of the corpses being taken down off crossbeams. She knew practically all of those killed. They had been students with her at Hogwarts; some had only been a year ahead of her. Now they were all dead. Naturally, there had been an outcry from the magical community of how could something like this happen. As per the norm, a scapegoat in the form of Gwain Robards was soon forwarded. While there were never any formal charges of incompetence or dereliction of duty, the Daily Prophet had been quick to run inciteful articles suggesting that it might have been his fault. Robards had quickly resigned his post as Chief Auror and the job had been given with much fanfare to Kingsley Shacklebolt. The worst blow to Hermione personally had been the death of Bill Weasley. The Weasley family had befriended her from the start. They were one of the pureblood families that were not prejudiced against muggle born children. Bill’s youngest brother, Ron, was Hermione’s boyfriend although their relationship was still platonic. Bill’s funeral had been almost unbearable to attend, her good friend, Harry Potter, had come with the help of Professor McGonagall. Seeing Mrs. Weasley and Fleur in such grief was hard to take. Ginny, Bill’s younger sister and Hermione’s best friend at school, had been dangerously stoic. She had acted as if in deep shock throughout the whole event. All of Bill’s five brothers had been there. One surprising thing had been how hard Percy was taking Bill’s death. Percy had become a Class A arselicker to former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. This had left him estranged from his family because Fudge’s policies of reconciliation with the Death Eaters were strongly opposed by the rest of the family. At the funeral, Percy appeared to be taking Bill’s death quite hard. “Perhaps he’ll see Voldemort for his true nature now,” thought Hermione. Once the funerals for the murdered Aurors were done, the Minister of Magic had gone before the Wizengamot to ask for special war powers to deal with the 7-11 crisis. The Patriotic Wizards Act, or PWA as many called it, passed with little opposition. It gave the Aurors and the Inquisition a wide range of discretion in how they handled dark wizards, some said too much discretion. It also allowed the Inquisition to completely deal with the accused in secret, something that had never been allowed before. A few days later the Daily Prophet’s obituary column had run a small article that announced the death of Amos Diggory. Hermione had known Amos only slightly, and there were no details given of his death and hasty funeral. Hermione remembered how Amos had grieved so after the death of his son at the hands of the Death Eaters two years earlier. She hoped that at least his spirit would find peace now. It was late July, and Hermione was at home when she had received an owl from an old Hogwart’s professor asking to meet with her in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks pub for lunch and a chat. Madam Hooch had been the part time flying instructor and Quidditch referee at Hogwarts during Hermione’s first five years there. After that, she had moved on to work in the Ministry, and little more was heard of her. Therefore, it was a surprise to Hermione that Madam Hooch wanted to meet with her for lunch. Hogsmeade was a village just outside of Hogwarts School. The village only had magical inhabitants, no muggles allowed. The village had a number of shops that served the local populace as well as the students at Hogwarts. Third year students, and older, were allowed to go there on special weekends during the school year. It was a favorite meeting place where magi could relax and use magic without worrying that a muggle might see them. Under wildly antiquated Ministry laws, muggles were not supposed to know that magical people really existed. This law persisted despite most magi now having some muggle relatives; or, as in Hermione’s case, all of her family were muggles. In a pub named the Three Broomsticks the crowd was light, most were still in a state of shock and fear over Dumbledore’s death and the events at Azkaban. Madam Hooch greeted her from her table at the back with a broad smile and a wave. She looked the same as before. Madam Hooch had never been what anyone would consider a beautiful woman. She had sort of a plain look to her face. Her body was lean but strongly proportioned. She could be an intimidating figure as a professor, but she had always seemed to like Hermione. “Hello, my dear,” Madam Hooch started. “My word how you have grown into a beautiful young witch. A very accomplished one too if all I’ve heard is true.” “Thank you, Madam Hooch.” “You are not one of my students now, and you are an adult; so please call me Rolanda,” she said with a smile. “Thank you . . . Rolanda,” Hermione stumbled, then laughed. “It’s very hard for me to call an adult by their familiar name. I still can’t believe I’m an adult, I guess I still don’t have the self confidence I thought I would have at this point.” “Most of us didn’t at your age, Hermione. Remember that at seventeen you are really only considered mature enough in our world to perform magic competently without hurting yourself or others. Your magical powers are based in your mental abilities to concentrate, and that part of you, your mind, is only starting to begin its true development to its full potential. Hermione, I’m afraid that you are soon to evolve into a very powerful witch, and you have choices to make as to what you will do with that power.” “I’ve always been afraid of my magical powers to a degree. I was raised as a muggle; I am different than everyone I love.” “Everyone?” said Madam Hooch with a quizzical lifted eyebrow. “I was given the impression you had a special someone at school that you had come to care about.” “Yes, his name is Ron, Ron Weasley.” Hermione said. “You met him the same year as me in broom riding class.” “Since it’s just us girls here … have you done the nasty with him yet?” Madam Hooch’s blue eyes positively beamed with impish delight. “No, not with him ….or anyone else …yet,” came Hermione’s embarrassed reply. “But I think I would if he asked me to though. I want to get more intimate, but he seems more frightened of doing it than I do. I’m the one who could get knocked up, even though I’ve been practicing some contraception spells.” “Be careful with those, my dear. Some witches have sterilized themselves with bad spells. There are also contraception spells that can be used on the wizard. But they are dangerous too. I remember one witch who was three years above me was going to lose her virginity in the owlery with her final year boyfriend named Humphrey. She’d heard that warming the balls makes the sperm die, so she tried to heat her lover’s balls to kill the sperm, but was a little over anxious. She boiled his balls inside his sack.” “Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Hermione. “Did he die?” “No, but he probably wished he had before it was over. Poor Humphrey was rushed to St. Mungo’s hospital to the Testi-Gro ward to have a new set of testicles grown.” “Ehhhh,” hissed Hermione, “I’ve heard that the Testi-Gro procedure is very painful.” “It is extremely painful, my Dear, remember when Harry had to have his arm bones regrown? How much it hurt just to grow bones, now think about a boy’s tender little love nuggets being regrown. The full process of growth and recovery is quite tedious and extremely painful; some have said it was almost like the Cruciatus curse. The new glands are super sensitive for the first year or so, and nonfunctional. Humphrey came back to Hogwarts a year behind; he had a special holder for his testicles that he had to wear so he could walk with out screaming in pain. Made him look like a moron. He was teased mercilessly by all the girls. Oh, Merlin, how cruel we were to each other back then.” “I understand what you mean. I still have to put up with being called mudblood by some of those little turds in Slytherin. I try to tell myself that it doesn’t hurt, or make me mad, but it does.” “I know, I’ve been there my dear. I’m not what anyone would call a classic beauty now, and I too was muggle born,” she said as she saw Hermione try to hide an embarrassed flush. “But when I was a teenager I looked even gawkier and plainer than now. Oh, my, back in the day I had pureblood bastards who called me Hooch the Hag. I endured all the little snippets of venom thrown at me for not being pretty, plus all the mudblood sneers as well. Sound like some of what you have had to deal with?” “Yes Ma’am, I mean Rolanda,” muttered Hermione. “I get a lot of similar treatment. It’s the only bad thing I’ve seen at Hogwarts. I don’t know how to deal with it sometimes.” “Would you like for me to offer you a way to deal with it creatively?” “Yes…, Rolanda,” came Hermione’s reply. Madam Hooch smiled and reached inside her robes to bring out a beautiful dragon skin wallet. Opening it, she showed Hermione a golden badge issued by the Ministry of Magic identifying Rolanda Hooch as a Deputy Chief Inquisitor in the Inquisitor General’s office. Hermione was shocked; Madam Hooch was a member of the Inquisition. “Hermione, when I was at Hogwarts I was working on an undercover assignment in addition to my regular duties as a senior field Inquisitor. Last year I was promoted to DCI standing with all powers and privileges appertaining thereunto that office; and those powers and privileges are very considerable, especially right now with the PWA in force. I answer directly to the Inquisitor General. I trust you know what we do?” “Yes Ma’am,” said Hermione with no pretense of called a member of the Inquisition ‘Rolanda’ anymore. “Aurors track down suspected dark wizards and capture them, or kill them if they resist arrest. The Inquisition questions the suspects and obtains information by whatever means are needed, and then prosecutes the offenders before the Wizengamot Council. The Wizengamot determine final guilt and decree punishment.” “Exactly, my dear, with the exception that we now have special court rules for trying the Death Eaters. If, for example, I thought that you were involved in dark wizardry then I could directly issue a warrant to have the Aurors pick you up and bring you to me. From there you would be physically and magically secured in an interrogation room in the lower levels of the Ministry building. From that point on I am the spider and you are the fly in my web.” “Madam Hooch, I swear to you I have never supported You-know-who in any way, I’ve always …” said Hermione who was now visibly shaking with fear. “Shh, shh, shh, darling,” said Hooch. She reached out to gently hold and stroke Hermione’s hands, and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. “I know exactly where your loyalties lie. I’ve followed your career at Hogwarts with great interest. I know all about you, and how you’ve helped Harry defy Lord Voldemort. I know for a fact that your loyalties are with us in this war. How would you like to formally join the fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters? As a Deputy Chief Inquisitor, I rate having my own personal staff to assist me in my investigations, and can begin training them in the service. So I’m here to offer you an assistant Inquisitor’s job as my apprentice.” The look on Hermione’s face quickly changed from fear to shock. She, become an Inquisitor! She couldn’t answer, she was struck dumb. “You would begin intensive orientation training over the remainder of the summer. You could stay at home with your parents on weekends and nights if you wished, then apparate to our site in the Ministry building for training. When the new term begins at Hogwarts, we’ll arrange for special class sessions there and in the Ministry. You already know that as a final year you can leave school for outside training, we will arrange everything with the new headmistress, Professor McGonagall. “You’ll learn powerful magic, but as an adult, not a child, no more turning gerbils into teacups. You’ll learn from experts in the craft, witches and wizards who are working in the field every day. We will develop your mental power to a level that you can barely dream of now. With a little help from us, you'll have the ability to become a sorceress of the first order. Not only will you have the ability to perform advanced magic, but the permission to use it. I assure you, Hermione, when we are done with you, no witch or wizard in their right mind would dare use the ‘M’ word in your presence again.” Hermione just sort of stared at Hooch in amazement. “I … I’m not sure what to say. The offer sounds wonderful, but I don’t know if I’m up to it. What if I fail?” “Some apprentices do fail, either by their own choice, or they just don’t have the ability to make it. Still, they retain the training they have received, so they are no worse off. However, in your case I firmly believe that if you desire to succeed that you will. I mean this in all earnestness; you could be sitting on the Wizengamot in twenty years time. Believe me when I say that this offer is not made frivolously. We know about you, we have been watching you all these years. If we weren’t pretty sure of your abilities then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. ” “How do you know about me, who’s been watching?” asked Hermione. “We have our contacts at Hogwarts, Hermione. The Inquisitor General’s office tries to make sure that someone there is friendly to the Inquisition. That person makes us aware of situations of concern; after all, children do so love to talk about what their parents are up to; and to let us know when a potential future recruit is moving through the grades. “That was part of my covert duties at Hogwarts, to locate new talent. My primary mission was to go undercover to watch for signs of dark wizardry in the faculty. We already had our eyes on Quirrell because of suspicious movements on his part, but not enough was known to approach him. Especially if he were part of a conspiracy, we didn’t want to scatter the herd by pouncing on him too soon. I was to observe and report. “Back then we were worried that someone was shaping themself to be a replacement to Voldemort. No one suspected that the real Voldemort was still alive and planning a comeback. I stayed close to Quirrell that summer and sensed his desire to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone, but not why. Actually, it was my report to the IG that resulted in the stone being returned to Dumbledore’s personal care, just in time too as it turned out. Of course, Snape had always been under suspicion by our office too. We also wanted to start observation of two new students to get a sense of them, one was the only son of Lucius Malfoy, and the other was Harry Potter.” “Why were you interested in them, we were all still just children then?” asked Hermione. “Lucius Malfoy was always a potential target as a replacement leader for the Death Eaters. We knew he was one of Voldemort’s leading supporters, but he was politically protected. Draco could be an alternative path to discovering what was happening with his dad. Harry was an enigma. He had been exiled to the muggles after his parent’s death and jealously protected by Dumbledore. No one understood how Harry had survived the killing curse; how he had destroyed, or so we thought then, one of the most powerful wizards known. There was a lot of fear and uncertainty in the Ministry concerning Harry and his impending return to the Wizarding world. “So I was sent in undercover to check out the situation. When the first year ended with Quirrel’s death and the Stone’s destruction, our fears changed now that we knew that some part of Voldemort remained alive, even if some in the Ministry chose to steadfastly deny the truth. After a few years part time work on my faculty job there I was pulled out and returned to full time regular Inquisition work again.” “But the Inquisition still has someone at Hogwarts observing all that’s happening then?” “Oh yes, Hogwarts and Harry had become too important not to watch over and protect.” “Who is it?” “I can’t tell you that, even if you decide to join us.” Hermione’s only previous experience with an Inquisitor had been Madam Umbridge, who had been appointed by Cornelius Fudge to be a special Inquisitor at Hogwarts during their fifth year there. Hermione had taken a severe dislike to Umbridge who had used her authority to try and stifle Harry and Dumbledore from making the wizarding community aware that Voldemort had returned. She’d done this at the behest of the former Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. “Would I have to have anything to do with Umbridge?” asked Hermione. “Absolutely not,” laughed Hooch. “You’ll work with me and the training officers I assign to you. Obviously, I can’t give you names right now, but I promise you that you won’t be left with strangers. Practically everyone on my team is ex-Hogwarts, mostly Gryffindor and a few Ravenclaws. They were offered the same thing that I’m offering you, and that I was once offered by my mentor, a chance to show what you could do. “As for Umbridge, that stupid cow was only retained by her political connections to that idiot Fudge. She’s still there, but she’s been strictly relegated to shit detail managing the library. Now that we are in a real war, it’s back to basics. Competency counts more than politics. This is a good time for a muggleborn to come in, Hermione, when it’s how many arses you kick and not how many you kiss that determine success. You can establish yourself in the war time footing, by the time this war is won you’ll be set as a full Inquisitor.” “I don’t know …, Rolanda,” said Hermione. “I don’t think I could do what’s necessary. Don’t you torture prisoners who won’t talk? Umbridge was going to use the Cruciatus curse on us; I don’t think I’m strong enough to do that, even to a Death Eater.” “Sometimes we do use extreme measures, and we are permitted to use forbidden curses to get information. We can also use truth potions, but things such as Veritaserum can be fooled by dark wizards with a little training. For most prisoners our main weapon is psychological. Think about this Hermione, what did you feel when I showed you this badge? Fear? There is good reason to if you are a dark wizard. Because I can make their life a living hell of an existence. I can insure that they take every remaining breath of their life in pain, fear, and despair. That they never know comfort, security, love, warmth, or any other good thing in life again. I’ve had some of those that teased me back then in front of me, suspended spread-eagle in one of our special Sphere’s of Despair. I assure you there were no smart-arse quips to be heard from them. I was no longer Hooch the Hag, I was Hooch the Horror.” She stopped and smiled a bit as she saw the effect she was having on Hermione. “Most suspects are so terrified of what we might do to them that they just submit. In my interrogation parlor I have racks of bottles full of bubbling evil smelling potions with all sorts of wicked names on the bottles. Actually, it’s just foul scented bubble water. I have all sorts of devices hung on the wall that look like torture tools; they're actually just some muggle artifacts I bought at a market sale. The suspect is led down a corridor of cells from which he hears pitiful moans and pleas. It actually just a door on the wall that’s been enchanted to make those sounds. Ninety-nine percent are so frightened by the time they are secured in the interrogation room that the problem is getting them to slow down their babbling so you can understand what they are saying.” “But you do sometimes have to hurt someone?” “Sometimes we have the hardcore cases who aren’t frightened by the theatrics. Powerful and fanatical witches or wizards who have the mental capacity to resist standard potions like Veritaserum. You have to develop a plan to break their ability and will to resist your interrogation. You don’t want them to die; they are no good to you then. A mix of psychological and physical stress provides the best results, and the more powerful the mind of the interrogator the less physical torture is needed. Only very poor Inquisitors, such as Umbridge, would have needed to have used the Cruciatus curse on Harry that time to have gotten him to talk.” “What do you do to them?” asked Hermione. “Depends upon them my dear. When it does come to pain, you’d be surprised how little it often requires to break their resistance. For the males, a good hard kick in the knackers still works wonders for bringing them around. I’ve had lesser Death Eaters who were trained to resist the standard skull fuck techniques …” “What’s a skull fuck?” Hermione interjected. “Oh that’s just our pet name for a MPR, mental probe and recovery; some others also call it the brain rape. We project our mind into the suspect’s mind, search for thoughts related to criminal activities; we can view the thoughts, or bring those thoughts to the forefront of the mind, and forcibly draw them out for placement in a case Pensieve. The completed case Pensieve holds all the memory evidence used to convict a suspect, members of the Wizengamot can view the memories for themselves during the trial.” “But you hurt wizards in their … you know, down there?” asked Hermione. “Oh yes, physical trauma combined with psychological terror is quite an effective motivator. For example, one of the little arseholes who used to tease me was a certain Lucius Malfoy, of whom you know, and in fact helped to capture. He was brought before me last year for interrogation. I was assigned to find out what activities the Dark Lord was planning. “Malfoy started the interrogation as arrogant as ever claiming to be under the Imperious curse. He was certain that no one would dare to actually place torment on a pureblood of noble family.” “What happened?” asked a grinning Hermione. “Oh, I touched the tip of my wand to his right testicle and gave him a nice taste of the Cruciatus curse. You know Lucius actually has a nice tenor voice when he needs it. I then crucio’d the left testicle, and left the room for about 10 minutes for a cup of tea. When I returned I could see nothing but teardrops and pure terror of me in his pretty blue eyes. I said, ‘Now, Lucius, let’s try this again shall we?’ He spilled his guts about everything.” “You’re allowed to do by the Ministry?” asked Hermione. “Of course, dear, we do what is necessary to determine the truth. There’s none of that muggle bullshit about right to remain silent, and having a solicitor present. When you are brought before the Inquisition it’s our duty to determine the truth, and, to a large degree, it’s our decision on how it’s done. The only time the process fails is when the politicians attempt to exert influence over the process, or we can’t find witches and wizards with the necessary skills and intelligence to do the job.” “What if a person is innocent?” said Hermione. “They might still resent having the probe done.” “That’s true, Hermione. However, the probe is done only on serious cases. This is where the Inquisitor’s discretion comes in. I’m not going to crucio someone and give them a MPR over a stolen cauldron. Just remember that in muggle law a person who is accused of a serious crime may spend years in a prison cell awaiting a trial verdict. Then, because of faulty data collection, that innocent person may be convicted anyway. “In our system if an accused person freely opens their mind to the Inquisitor they are not injured, the probe lasts maybe as little as a few minutes or so. The truth of their innocence is known and they are often released that day to resume their normal life free of suspicion. “In the case of Malfoy, he gave us valuable information that prevented several planned attacks on others. In the first raid the Death Eaters were ambushed and several were captured. Voldemort realized that Malfoy had talked and cancelled his planned campaign of terror. By my actions I saved innocent lives. For example, Lucius Malfoy has a particular hatred of some very good friends of yours, Arthur Weasley and his family. He considers them blood traitors. There was to have been an attack on their home last Christmas eve. The intent was to kill the whole family if possible, and make an example of what happens to blood traitors.” Hermione looked into Madam Hooch’s eyes. On Christmas Eve she had been at the Weasley’s home, which they called the Burrow, as had Harry. They could have all been killed. “So yes, sometimes we have to do bad things to a few, but hopefully we do it for a good cause, to protect the many. That comes back to getting the right people in the job. Someone is going to become an Inquisitor. Would you rather that it be someone who is weak or incompetent, or someone who wants power only for the betterment of themselves? Would you prefer it to be someone who is intelligent and strong, someone who realizes that power is a trust to be used for the greater good? There are often alternatives to inflicting pain on a suspect, but a stupid or weak Inquisitor doesn’t know them, or can’t perform them. The Umbridge type let’s say. But sometimes it still comes down to the suspect knowing you have the ability, and the will, to hurt them in ways they can not endure or evade.” “Can I think about this for a while?” Hermione asked. “Of course, I know I’m asking for a commitment that isn’t easy to make. I tell you what, let’s eat lunch, and talk about nothing but happy days at Hogwarts. My treat, or rather the Ministry’s treat. Did I mention you would get a generous expense account and the salary is pretty good too? There are some other lifestyle perks as well.” Hooch smiled and added a wink to the last comment. They both laughed and ordered lunch. They talked of the days when Hermione came to Hogwarts like it was ages ago. After lunch, they retired to the lounge and had a glass of wine. For the first time Hermione realized she was an adult, she was having a conversation with a real adult she wasn’t related to as an equal, drinking wine, talking over old times, — it felt good. In the back of her mind she deliberated the offer. It was definitely a position where she could make a difference, where she could fight Voldemort and his minions. She thought of what her life would be like if Malfoy had been able to kill Ron, or Harry. She though of the grief Ginny had endured over Bill’s death at Azkaban on 7-11. She’d seen firsthand what the Death Eaters were willing to do, and what they wanted to do to all the ‘Mudbloods’ like her. She made up her mind, the answer was yes. Turning to Rolanda, she realized that her new mentor had stopped talking and was just searching her face. “Welcome to the fight, Hermione. When do you want to get started?” “I didn’t say anything.” “You didn’t have to. So — when do you want to start?” “I promised my mum I’d help with the housework tomorrow, muggle style. But I’m free after that.” “Excellent. That’ll give me time to get you clearances into the Inquisitor General’s section of the Ministry, and I’ll pick you up day after tomorrow at your front door at 8 AM. I’ll show you how to apparate in.” After Hooch left, Hermione sat there alone to ponder what she had done. She was both frightened and elated at the prospect of what awaited her, but she had made her choice. Hermione was going to become an Inquisitor. * * *
Tribute 3
<FONT size=2><P align=center>This is the third instalment of the 5-part story, based on fact, about Dios, an unheralded hero of ancient Greece.</P><P align=center></P><P>The gremlins affecting the first part of the story continued into the second. In both episodes, an extra but unwanted Roman numeral crept into Darius the Great’s title. The Persian king in the tale was, of course, the first Darius. Meanwhile, the ancient Greek lettering in the story’s second part, unlike in the first, turned to gobbledygook, although strangely only after appearing at eunuch.org for a while, as the writer’s own copy, downloaded early from the board, displays no such faults.</P><P>Pueros apologises again for such problems and, for those who like to retain downloads of his works, he has also re-submitted corrected versions of the first two parts. </P></FONT>
` **_ ΦÓΡΟΣ _ (TRIBUTE) __ __ By Pueros _ Part γ΄ - ‘Έυνούχος’ _** (Part 3 – Eunuch) (Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, summer 500 BC) __ ‘Character is a god over every man.’ - Herakleitos of Ephesus Aspamites smilingly observed the sudden growth to horizontal hardness of Dios’ smooth slender cock and immediately realised that he could render the beautiful brave boy one further service before the child was flogged and castrated with the advent of dawn. The spasaka, or ‘eye of the king’, therefore instructed the Persian night guard, who had been summoned to replace the less ethnically reliable local dock sentinel to watch over the 11 year- old, to bring the child closer. Quietly observing the scene, which was illuminated by the bireme’s night lanterns, were three other nearby men and one boy. They shared with Aspamites the accommodation provided under the scarlet awning at the stern of the flagship and had also been awakened like the spasaka by Dios’ unexpected arrival. One adult was the vessel’s Phoenician captain and another was the Persian officer in charge of the warrior escort, whom Dios had presumed shared their commander’s nationality. The third was Panionius, who unashamedly slept with his pretty 12 year-old eunuch slave boy, Atrios, whose rectum was still very sore from being the recipient earlier of much attention from his master’s large erection. The men’s four bunks were at night separately enclosed by curtains to permit some personal privacy. Given such skimpy partitioning, Panionius’ pleasurable groans, as he slowly sodomised Atrios during the hours of darkness, plus the boy’s simultaneous but more pained moans, could easily be overheard by the others. However, the bearded naval and army officers did not complain about the noise, as they were at the same time enjoying the company of a female prostitute apiece, before finally paying the women and kicking them out of their beds so that they could sleep alone in greater comfort. Aspamites also did not object, as he was not the type of person to deny his most important subordinates their pleasures as long as they served him well. The spasaka’s generous attitude was helped by the fact that he had been so weary after another long day, spent selecting delectable Chian children to serve the King of Kings, that he had slept soundly through the sexual commotion. The curtains originally surrounding the four bunks had now been drawn back by the occupants. Aspamites had, of course, done so to address the arriving dock guard and his young still naked captive, Dios, whilst the others had replicated the spasaka’s action simply out of curiosity. Despite Dios being accustomed to public nudity in the gymnasia and sports- fields of his hometown, the boy somehow now felt ashamed at appearing naked before the witnesses to his conversation with Aspamites. His feeling probably emanated originally from the fact that his hands were tied behind his back, as if he was a miscreant slave stripped to await chastisement. However, his embarrassment was certainly subsequently acutely intensified by the sudden development of his unwanted erection. Dios’ discomfort was worsened by the presence of the smirking Panionius. The boy, after all, knew he would be castrated at this man’s hands shortly after the arrival once more into the world of the sun god, Helius, to give mankind light. Dios had also noticed the slightly older boy sharing the castrater’s bunk. However, despite his own distressing circumstances, he actually felt some sympathy for Atrios, who was obviously Panionius’ bumboy. The young Chian could think of no worse fate that to be a catamite, especially for such a clearly sadistic man like the professional castrater. Dios, of course, had not yet realised that the fate of many freshly castrated boys destined for service in the households of the Persian elite was to play such a degrading role, usually alongside other duties. Young pretty eunuchs did not just serve in the harems of females but also formed more informal ones comprising themselves, especially if selected to be an intimate personal servant of Darius I, King of Kings. Darius I actually had a preference for boys over girls and women. The king also had a particular penchant for young Greeks with fair hair and blue eyes, which was why most of the children of both genders chosen by Aspamites to form part of the Chian tribute sported such features. Dios’ sympathy for Atrios was actually reciprocated, especially as the former had apparently bravely and sacrificially aborted his flight out of selfless consideration for a friend. The 12 year-old slave now knew about the courageous free boy’s recent escapade and new sad destiny, which involved a comprehensive flogging as well as castration, through overhearing the earlier conversation between the slightly younger Chian and Aspamites. Having been castrated by Panionius in the previous year, Atrios appreciated what Dios was about to experience, and his suffering was also to be compounded by a harsh preliminary whipping. Some dampness then invaded the young slave’s eyes at the thought that he would actually soon be helping his evil master to geld the courageous young Chian. Atrios had been born into slavery in Mytilene on the island of Lesbos, which was north of Chios but just opposite Atarneus on the coast of Asia Minor. The boy’s ancestors were actually Macedonians, captured in war with mainland Greeks, who considered their northern neighbours to be barbarians and therefore worthy of nothing better than death or enslavement. Philip II of Macedon, and his son Alexander the Great, would, of course, later try to encourage the southern Greeks to alter their opinion. However, the beginning of the reign of the first of these two great kings was still 141 years in the future. Atrios had been tearfully separated from his family and sold when he was an 11 year-old by their owner, who only allowed slaves to breed so that he could profit from their children when the latter were old enough to go to market. The boy had been bought by a trader whose residence was in Atarneus, which happened to be Panionius’ home base. Panionius bought Atrios, mainly for his looks, at market and immediately castrated his new slave for two reasons. Firstly, he sadistically enjoyed gelding pretty young boys. Secondly, successful conversion of such purchases into eunuchs actually increased their resale value, which was useful because the man proposed to exchange the child for another when he eventually tired of the youngster’s charms. Atrios hated Panionius intensely, and not just because his new owner had castrated him and then forced him to help perpetrate the cruel deed on other boys, as well as degradingly and painfully used him as a sex toy. The young Macedonian was also badly treated by the sadistic man, who regularly beat his 12 year-old slave at the slightest provocation. Atrios’ lovely body was frequently spoiled by the marks of recent cruel chastisement, which also made being Panionius’ bumboy more painful. For example, when the castrater sodomised his slave earlier on this night, his manly thighs crashed against curvaceous young buttocks bearing the vivid stripes of a recent beating by a sturdy leather crop. The child’s offence had been to drop the man’s precious gelding knife whilst sharpening it on a small pedal-powered revolving grindstone owned by the evil adult Chian. Atrios had often considered trying to run away from Panionius. However, the boy refrained for two main reasons. Firstly, he really had nowhere to flee to, and therefore might actually end up in worse circumstances, such as being forcibly enlisted into the service of an even more evil master or becoming a starving street urchin, of which there were many in the ancient world. Secondly, the punishments for recaptured escaped slaves in the Persian Empire were horrendous, and he did not relish the concept of being mutilated by the loss of his nose, ears and feet, or alternatively being crucified. Atrios therefore simply stoically endured serving Panionius, hoping someday to be sold on to a kinder master. The boy also contented himself for now by dreaming of sometime extracting vengeance for the man’s cruelty. Dios was brought by the attendant guard to stand within easy reach of Aspamites. In order to deal with the boy, the spasaka had moved from his bunk to sit, still under the awning at the stern of the bireme, on one of the chairs located in the communal section, which served as a dining and rest area. Aspamites then astonished the bound Dios by reaching out to rub the manicured nail of his right forefinger gently up and down the boy’s personally very embarrassing erection, before equally carefully moving on to the 11 year-old’s completely smooth scrotum. "I think you deserve one final orgasm from your genitals before they are changed forever," the spasaka subsequently explained to the suddenly red-faced young Chian, who was held firmly in place to prevent retreat by the now grinning attendant guard. Dios’ initial sense of affront and shame at such intimate manhandling made him unsure whether he wanted to be brought to climax by someone else in such public circumstances. However, the blushing boy’s unruly penis apparently possessed a mind of its own and reacted by becoming even harder, rising almost to the vertical and beginning to dribble some clear fluid from the uncut cockhead. Dios’ real mind then rapidly became attuned with his cock. The speedily accumulating ecstasy now being engendered by Aspamites’ fingernail within the boy’s beautiful frame could increasingly not be denied ultimate satisfaction, regardless of the shameful nature of the child’s circumstances. Dios closed his sensuous blue eyes and could not help himself emit a low groan of pleasure. Aspamites had earlier correctly presumed from the evidence of the boy’s erection, which was quite decently proportioned for someone of such tender years, that the young Chian would occasionally masturbate, albeit probably without producing any sperm. The spasaka therefore continued his gentle genital fingering, whilst trying to ensure that the beautiful and brave child standing naked before him was building up to the best orgasm of his undoubtedly short sex life. Aspamites became aware that he was about to succeed in his aim of bringing Dios to a climax of previously unprecedented pleasure when the boy’s moans grew in quantity and volume, in line with the heavy breathing exhibited by his bare cute belly. The spasaka then realised that his objective had indeed been achieved when the gorgeous young nude form visibly vibrated within the firm confines of the attendant guard’s resolute grip and generated some creamy white fluid at the engorged cockhead. Aspamites viewed the semen with a degree of sadness, as he believed that the sperm would probably be not only the first that Dios would produce but also the last. However, the spasaka’s slight melancholy at the sight did not deflect him from his intent of ensuring that this particular very worthy boy entered the King of King’s service as a eunuch. Aspamites was sure, from experience, that Dios would eventually be chosen to serve in Darius I’s own select retinue of eunuchs. The spasaka was very content with this thought, as he still deeply loved the King of Kings and so wanted to ensure that his royal master was only provided with the best possible tribute, including that comprising the young human kind. The beautiful and brave naked Chian boy, who had just orgasmed in front of him, certainly matched such expectancy. The attendant guard and the naval and army officers watching the scene laughed heartily at Aspamites’ achievement in bringing such a young boy to obvious ecstatic and productive climax. They were joined in the hilarity by Panionius, although Atrios remained sullen, appreciating that Dios’ pleasure would be not only short-lived but also the last of its kind. All three of the naval and army men preferred women to boys. However, they would nevertheless have happily accepted the particular specimen of young Chian masculinity represented by Dios into their beds. The threesome also secretly thought that the very handsome smooth-chinned Aspamites was rather wasted in his current role, as the charms of his body would surely keep any discerning man happy, regardless of the strength of his taste for females. However, as the spasaka was an ‘eye of the king’, and therefore far superior in rank to them, none ever actually shared their opinion with anyone. Just a little wave of the powerful Aspamites’ manicured little finger could signal the demise of any of the men by whatever means the spasaka chose, and without reference or explanation due to or wanted by anyone else. The Babylonian eunuch’s position meant that he acted on behalf of and in accordance with the direct instructions of the King of Kings, to whose regal and sacred form he had ready access when at the royal court. No other authority was needed to enable Aspamites to do virtually anything he pleased within the Persian Empire, short of acting directly against local satraps and tyrants. However, even these powerful local potentates were wary of spasakas, as the very influential ‘eyes of the king’ could recommend to their regal master the dismissal and even possible punishment of incompetent, corrupt or potentially rebellious regional rulers. Dios gradually recovered from his unparalleled ecstasy. As the boy did so, he still displayed a red face, which also now additionally betrayed guilt at enjoying his climax, as well as shame about the public circumstances in which his orgasm had been achieved. However, there was also a hint of amazement and pride, presumably at the new ability of the 11 year-old to ejaculate some sperm, although he appreciated that such a capability was sadly destined to be short-lived. Dios might only have been an 11 year-old. However, the boy fully appreciated, mainly from chatter at school, what being a eunuch entailed, despite their scarcity on Chios. Castration was rarely practised in the ethnically Greek elements of the Persian Empire but was rife in many other parts. The six people watching Dios then noticed that the boy’s slowly softening cock was oozing some extraneous cum, some of which was embarrassingly beginning to form into a long narrow thread. This humiliatingly developing string of semen started to expand and point downwards in the direction of the bireme’s wooden deck, where a few small droplets of the same spilt spermatic substance had already accumulated. Recognising Dios’ abashment and now considerately deciding to put an end to it, Aspamites then ordered the attendant guard to return the boy to his bed in the nearby dock warehouse to await the dawn and his destiny. However, as the Persian warrior turned the young nude in order to be able to walk him to the steep gangplank, which linked the bireme to the quayside, the spasaka caused the pair to pause and look back to him once more. "By the way, Dios," Aspamites advised, "you were correct to be concerned about Capros’ welfare if you had successfully escaped. My anger would undoubtedly have encouraged me to choose him in particular to restore the required number of fifty boys who are to be castrated. As it is, I now can only hope that, after your friend’s release, Panionius here does not require more than four replacements to compensate for losses or I’ll be forced to conduct another selection exercise." The thought of the toll that the gelding process might cause then tempted Aspamites unusually to comment that "I hope you, Dios, are not one of the losses." The spasaka also provided the boy with unprecedented advice, as the Babylonian eunuch normally left such duties for Panionius to perform once he had individuals strapped to his castration table. "When you are resting on Panionius’ castration table,Dios," Aspamites thoughtfully and sagely suggested, "do not struggle but remain still whilst he gelds you. Fighting the inevitable is not only a waste of energy but also displays cowardice and stupidity, which could be damaging to not only your honour but also your body!" "Although boys are tightly bound in a spreadeagled position on top of the castration table, Dios," Aspamites continued, "some slight movement is still generally achievable, which could cause Panionius’ gelding knife to be deflected and result in unwanted genital damage. I’ll tell you, by way of illustration, of an unfortunate incident that recently occurred on Lesbos, where we recently called to collect that island’s annual tribute for the King of Kings, including the new requirement for fifty fresh young eunuchs." "One particular young Lesbian," Aspamites informed, "struggled so much under the knife that Panionius’ blade slipped after almost completing the gelding process. As a result, the boy’s penis was virtually severed and our proficient castrater here had little choice then but to sever the child’s sexual organs completely. However, the poor youngster’s tribulations had still not finished." "Such severe genital mutilation," Aspamites next commented, "naturally made the young Lesbian unsuitable for service in Persia, where nullified eunuchs are not particularly liked. The boy was therefore returned to his parents, who clearly themselves did not want such a damaged child. I understand that, after healing, he was retailed cheaply to a slave trader, who guaranteed that, in order to help alleviate the family shame, he would be sold on in some faraway country." As Dios, whose now re-softened penis still dribbled a little embarrassing thread of cum from his cockhead, heard Aspamites’ story about an unfortunate young Lesbian, he realised that the spasaka was considerately only trying to provide him with sensible advice. However, the tale only increased the boy’s worries about the nature of the dreadful deed that Panionius would soon inflict on him. After Dios’ guard then disembarked his naked young charge off the bireme, the Persian army officer turned to Aspamites and asked "Surely you don’t really intend to flog the boy twenty times with a heavy scourge? Such a whipping would undoubtedly damage him for life, therefore rendering him useless as tribute!" However, the spasaka just smiled mischievously in answer before returning wordlessly to his bunk to resume his interrupted slumber. Later, as Dios lay on his straw mattress once more, surrounded by 49 other fitfully sleeping boys waiting to be castrated, whilst the full perimeter of their warehouse prison was patrolled by guards intent on preventing further escape, he continued to contemplate what would happen to him at dawn. As he did so, he could not make his mind up whether the fact that first light arrived quite early in summer in the eastern Mediterranean was unfortunate or the opposite. Dios, now thankfully released from his earlier bondage but understandably unable to sleep, did not want, of course, to be flogged or castrated. However, if such dreadful actions against his vulnerable young body were inevitable, the brave boy wondered whether it would be best to endure his sufferings sooner rather than later. The mental anguish of the wait for the deeds to occur was currently extremely painful to him. Dios therefore prayed to the gods to grant him some immediate respite from the mental torment. The deities obviously felt pity for the boy because he then amazingly succumbed to deep sleep within moments. The possibility, however, that the gods’ pity would extend to what was scheduled to happen to Dios, after the sun deity, Helius, next began to dispel darkness from the world of mortal men, remained distinctly unlikely. (Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, dawn, next day) __ ‘At the hour when dawn’s grey half-light first shines in the heavens Rising from the horizon, and paths become visible, And dew-pointed meadows glitter brightly….’ - Apollinius of Rhodes (i.1280) The amazingly soundly sleeping Dios was awoken at dawn by one of the adult slaves who had been appointed to look after the young eunuchs-to-be and their duties did not only comprise frequently emptying slop buckets. They were also required to ensure that their young charges often drank fresh water, which was necessary to offset the dehydrating effects of the consumed purgative plus the hot weather, and were regularly washed. Neither Aspamites nor Panionius wanted to lose any of the precious youngsters through lack of other care whilst they were being purged and starved. The awakened and rightly freshly petrified Dios was now again subjected to a sponge, dipped into a leather bucket of cold water, which carefully cleansed his young and, despite the recent purging and lack of food, still delectable body. However, the boy’s simultaneous shivering was not mainly caused by the coolness of the liquid washing him but rather the sight of the warrior standing next to the attendant slave and what the soldier represented. The warrior, whose sword was menacingly but, given Dios’ oath to Aspamites, unnecessarily unsheathed, had obviously been sent to collect the freshly cleansed boy for his imminent flogging and castration. (Royal Road, Asia Minor, same time) __ ‘Nothing mortal travels so fast as these messengers. These men will not be hindered from accomplishing at their best speed the distance that they have to go, either by snow or rain or heat or by the darkness of light.’ - Herodotus of Halicarnassus (who was contemporary to some of this story and was referring to the official Persian messengers who traversed the Royal Road in relay 2˝ millennia before the American Pony Express did something similar) The large caravan of covered wagons, heavily protected by a significant force of Scythian cavalry, had set out at first light from Sardis in Asia Minor along the very lengthy Royal Road. The famed route would eventually lead to the Persian heartland but was currently beginning the long easterly ascent onto the Anatolian Plateau. Before the advent of the Persian Empire, the majority of international arterial roads had been little more than caravan trails between one centre of civilisation and another, and these risked attack from marauders and thieves. However, Darius had created a network of better routes, made much safer by the presence of military patrols and garrisons at key locations. The Royal Road of 2,672 kilometres [1,670 miles] was the most important of these significant improvements in land connections, which substantially assisted essential communications and lucrative coomerce. The route was basically a cleared and widened track, paved only where soft subsoil demanded. Nevertheless, it was designed to accommodate the rapid passage of not only trading caravans but also large armies accompanied by many horses, chariots, ox-drawn wagons and pack-animals. The route ran from Ephesus on the western coast of Asia Minor through the inland Lydian capital of Sardis before ascending and traversing the Anatolian plateau. It subsequently passed through the old Hittite capital of Hattusas [modern Bagazkale] before tackling the Antitaurus Mountains in Cappadocia and descending into Mesopotamia and then proceeding to Persia and Media. The present large caravan was transporting the annual tribute to the King of Kings donated by the island of Lesbos, which had recently been collected by Aspamites. The accompanying spectacularly attired Scythians were formidable horsemen and cavalry archers and were escorting the convoy to deter brigands from attacking. They carried bows and arrows in a dual-purpose quiver slung at the hip and were also armed with the ‘sagaris’, which was a nasty chopper similar to a carpenter’s adze. Scythians were spread across Europe and Asia. Some lived within the Persian Empire, were subject to the King of King’s authority and therefore provided him with permanent forces for the imperial standing army. The contingent of cavalrymen escorting the caravan was such a unit. The cumbersome caravan being escorted by the Scythians would take over three months to reach its destination. In contrast, messages, conveying imperial commands and despatches, verbally or in Aramaic script carved on tablets or more usually written in ink on papyrus or parchment, could traverse the route in relay in a week, with both carrier and horse changed at regular staging- posts. The service was complemented if needed by a primitive but efficient system of signal communication using hilltop fire towers. The Lesbian tribute in the caravan included 50 freshly gelded beautiful 11 year-old eunuchs and the same number of lovely virginal girls, two years older. As with the similar goods to be soon despatched from Chios, most of these children possessed fair hair and blue eyes. One exception was Theanos. He featured black hair and eyes. However, he had nevertheless been selected on Lesbos by Aspamites because the boy’s looks were truly exceptional and so might still be desired by Darius I. The King of Kings liked some variety in his informal harem of eunuch catamites, of which the spasaka had once been a member until he had become too old for his royal master’s tastes. Theanos’ castration wound, skilfully inflicted and then repaired by Panionius, had quickly healed. However, the boy’s mental scars, caused by the loss of his balls, family and homeland, and transfer to demeaning servitude in distant Persia, would take a much longer time to repair. Such a situation was evident by the quiet sobbing of the 11 year-old, whilst he rode with some other freshly gelded and similarly aged and sad Lesbian eunuchs in the back of one of the wagons. In fact, Theanos’ mental scars would only begin to heal when he eventually met in a Persian palace a boy of another nationality, who nevertheless shared his language and predicament. (Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, same time) __ Harming another, man harms his own heart.’ - Callimachus of Cyrene The quayside of the harbour of the Chian capital did not possess a whipping post, as the locale was not normally the scene for formal public punishments. The officer in charge of the supposed Persian warriors accompanying Aspamites therefore elected to use as a substitute one of the tall wooden contraptions, full of pulleys and rotating arms, which was actually an ancient version of the modern dockside crane, and whose feet were resolutely embedded into the ground. The naked and freshly washed Dios now found himself firmly bound in a spreadeagled pose by rope firmly fixing his wrists and ankles to the crane contraption’s two thick and sturdy rear feet, which immediately faced the warehouse in which he had recently been kept. From the boy’s degrading pose, he would have been staring directly ahead at the harbour waters and the blue Aegean Sea beyond if the bireme on which he had been aboard in the middle of the previous night had not been in the way. Dios subsequently could just about turn his head enough to confirm a further humiliating development in his fortunes. He had expected his imminent flogging to be witnessed by his fellow eunuchs-to-be, who had considerately been extracted only from homes where there were brothers to propagate their family lines. These boys were indeed currently being ushered out of the warehouse, in which they had been detained with him, and were now being aligned in neat lines behind him to watch the spectacle. However, he had not thought that his flagellation was also to be witnessed by the fifty girls, who comprised the other half of the Chian child tribute to the King of Kings and were additionally being escorted out of the adjacent building to form tidy rows behind his naked rear. Dios’ increased humiliation emanated not just from the fact that the girls would witness his cruel chastisement. His previously nonchalant attitude to public nudity was coloured by the reality that females on Chios were not allowed anywhere near the gymnasia and sports-fields, where naked males would practise and play their sports. Outside the marital bed, Chian girls and women were not supposed to see the bare masculine form beyond a boy’s infancy. Dios’ acute abashment at the unexpected and unwanted debasing development was shared by his fellow eunuchs-to-be, who were as naked as he was but could at least hide some of their embarrassment because their hands remained unfettered. Forty-nine sets of young and endangered genitalia were therefore quickly hidden from the clearly interested gaze of the girls, who had compounded the boys’ misery by still being clothed. There had, of course, been no need to purge or starve the young females, who had consequently been allowed to retain their attire, simultaneous to being well fed and otherwise looked after. In fact, there had only been two embarrassments for the girls to endure. Firstly, the young females had recently been humiliatingly inspected by slave women, appointed by Aspamites to check that their hymens remained intact and that they were therefore still genuine virgins. Secondly, in ancient Greek fashion, the 13 year-old Chians, being of a marriageable age, would normally have been attired in public from head to toe, including being veiled. However, their current predicament meant that they had been originally paraded for selection by the spasaka and subsequently kept dressed in the simpler tunics they would have worn in the sections of their homes where only closest family members ventured. Their current garments therefore disrespectfully and disgracefully defied cultural convention but their helpless parents had been unable to do anything about such sacrilege. Nevertheless, most of the victims appeared to be presently unconcerned about the matter because they were more interested about either their worrying futures or, more immediately, the unusual delight of viewing naked pretty boys, one of whom appeared about to be flogged. Dios’ humiliation was subsequently increased still further when some local dock-workers and native and foreign sailors additionally began to gather to watch the shameful flogging of a naked miscreant boy. Any thoughts that any of the more considerate Chians present might have had about attempting to intervene to save a fellow national from such degrading punishment had already been dispelled by the earlier appearance, from some of the moored Phoenician ships, of a large number of heavily armed warriors. These soldiers were in fact not actually Persian, as Dios had presumed. They were Assyrians, who carried tall ‘gerrhon’ shields but, unlike most other members of the empire’s ordinary heavy infantry and cavalry corps, wore no iron scale armour under their quilted tunics, although they did sport conical bronze helmets with ear-protectors. They were also not combined archers and spearmen like the other units but were technically only the latter, although they did carry an array of side arms in the form of swords, daggers and clubs. The Assyrians were supported in their current duties by a few Phoenician marines from the moored ships. These sported Greek-style bronze helmets, which engulfed the whole of the head except the eyes, nose, mouth and chin, stiff linen cuirasses and small round shields, and were armed with short swords and javelins. Dios, however, did not have too much time to reflect on his deepening degradation, caused by the arrival of more spectators. He was instead now distracted by the sight of Panionius and his bumboy, their normal dress covered by leather aprons and assisted by a few slaves, manoeuvring a large sturdy wooden table down the gangplank of the bireme immediately in front of his eyes. The purpose of the specialist furniture was clear to the appalled 11 year-old by sight of the leather bondage straps fixed to metal rings embedded in each corner, plus the obvious evidence of bloodstains on the upper wooden surface. It appeared evident to Dios that, as he was being flogged, Panionius and his bumboy would be readying the castration table to receive his flagellated body for subsequent immediate gelding, as ordered by Aspamites. To exacerbate their imminent young victim’s distress, the 11 year-old’s intelligent mind also realised that many of the Chian dock-workers and native and foreign sailors, already gathered to observe his whipping, would undoubtedly remain to watch his shameful emasculation, although he presumed that his fellow child tributes would be excused the spectacle. As Dios contemplated these awful developments, he next saw, disembarking from the nearest bireme, a big, immensely strong, muscular and hairy warrior, stripped to the waist and attired for the duty to come only in a leather kilt and sandals. The man held a long heavy thick leather whip in his right hand, which he was already flailing around, presumably in practice for his imminent task. Despite Dios’ determination to try to display bravery during his sufferings, the accumulation of his various humiliations and the imminent devastating threats to his young form caused some tears to leak from the boy’s sensuous blue eyes and run down his cheeks. These droplets began to flow more comprehensively when Aspamites also began to disembark from the nearest bireme, presumably to initiate events. (Egypt, same time) __ ‘Saith Darius the king: I am a Persian. From Persia, I seized Egypt. I gave the order to dig this canal from a river by name Nile, which flows in Egypt to the sea that goes from Persia. Afterwards this canal was dug thus as I had ordered and ships went from Egypt through this canal to Persia thus as was my desire.’ * inscription at the side of a certain canal built according to the command of Darius the Great As was common, a naked Darius woke up with a beautiful and similarly nude young eunuch sleeping next to him in the royal bed. However, the king was not in one of his many palaces but on a royal Egyptian ship. As was also frequent, Darius’ sexual appetite had been recharged by his overnight rest. The King of Kings, who was also Pharaoh of Egypt, therefore woke the 13 year-old Babylonian eunuch, who was currently one of his favourite catamites, and pulled back the shared silk bedclothes. Darius did not need to issue the well-trained boy with any order for a young tongue and sweet rosy lips to begin obediently to lick and suck the similarly reawakened and now re-aroused royal penis. After being sexually sated again, the king would then proceed to open the new canal that linked the Red Sea and Persia to the Mediterranean by sailing a fleet of twenty-four ships north along the amazing watercourse. The canal, designed to unite in sea trade Mesopotamia and India with the eastern Mediterranean, including Egypt, was 45 metres [150 feet] wide and 144 kilometres [90 miles] long. Including the natural channel through the Bitter Lakes, the watercourse extended 200 kilometres [125 miles]. (Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, same time) __ ‘A god caused this fate; A god created this disaster!’ - Euripides (‘Andromache’, 1203) The big, immensely strong, muscular and hairy Assyrian warrior, stripped to the waist and attired for the duty to come only in a leather kilt and sandals, took up his position behind the petrified Dios, as did Aspamites. Whilst the soldier continued to flail his heavy whip in practice behind the now quivering and quietly sobbing boy, the spasaka addressed the gathered crowd of young child tributes. "This boy," Aspamites announced, "is to be punished for attempting to escape. You others have been gathered to watch in order to learn a lesson regarding what you too might suffer if you try to replicate him." "I have sentenced the boy to twenty lashes from the heavy leather scourge," Aspamites next declared, in reaction to which the resultant noisy exclamation of horrified sympathy came mostly from the watching civilian adults rather than the child tribute. The latter had no real appreciation of what immense excruciation and damage such a punishment with such a whip would cause, whilst the appalled men did. However, the presence of the heavily armed Assyrian warriors and Phoenician marines prevented any of them from even contemplating an attempt to rescue the grievously threatened young Chian. Aspamites then turned to the Assyrian holding the whip and advised him that "You may begin!" On hearing this command, Dios, attempting to stop his sobs, prayed to the gods again, this time to let him bear his penance with quiet courage. However, the boy’s entreaty appeared this time to go unheeded, as the first agonising and damaging lash of the scourge landed with speedy efficiency across his slender bare back. In reaction to the excruciating blow, which tore his flesh to open a sanguine wound, Dios could not help but scream very loudly and then cry vociferously, whilst begging for mercy between his sobbing. The feel of blood trickling down the boy’s back compounded his immense distress. However, he did not have much time to contemplate such grief because the next strike of the wicked whip then rapidly landed with expert precision across his bare buttocks, creating similar damage to the first, this time across the luscious curvature of his exposed bottom. The damage to Dios’ naked body was now such that, even after just two blows from the evil scourge, it was now obvious to everyone, including the watching children and the young victim himself, that the ultimate result from twenty strikes would be permanent scarring. However, the warrior performing the flagellation ignored the boy’s continued shrieked pleas for mercy and next expertly struck the rear of the child’s legs, creating similar bloody damage to that already inflicted on the screaming youngster’s back and buttocks. Dios’ agony was now so acute, and his appreciation of the serious damage that his small body would suffer from twenty blows from the scourge was so pessimistic, that he began to believe that he would be dead by the time that he arrived on the waiting castration table. (Royal summer palace, Ecbatana, Media, same time) __ ‘The woodwork was all cedar and cypress, but no part of it was left exposed, and the rafters, the compartments of the ceiling, and the columns in the porticoes and colonnades were plated either with silver or gold, and all the tiles were silver.’ - Polybius, about the palace at Ecbatana Darius I’s octogenarian Lord High Chamberlain, or ‘Hazarapatis’ or ‘Chiliarch’ in respectively ancient Persian and Greek, who had not accompanied his king to Egypt because of his advanced age and frailty, was inspecting the latest array of 11 year-old Hellenic eunuchs to arrive from the west. The 200 young gelded boys had been despatched with the other tribute from cities on the mainland of Asia Minor, including a similar number of girls, two years older, by the highly efficient Aspamites. To improve efficiency, Aspamites had combined the tributes from four relatively close cities to form one huge caravan, just as he had previously done with a preceding similar convoy. They represented four-fifths of the largesse due from the Lydian satrapy of western Asia Minor and had both taken almost one hundred days to reach Ecbatana. Only two more, smaller caravans were now due from Asia Minor. These convoys were from the offshore islands of Lesbos and Chios, which were geographically inconvenient and untimely to combine. The Lord High Chamberlain had already been advised by official courier that the caravan from Lesbos was on the Royal Road and that the one from Chios would soon follow. (Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, same time) __ ‘Forgiveness yields a better return than revenge.’ - Diodorus Siculus Dios awaited the fourth blow of the awful scourge but the hit never materialised because the warrior wielding the whip already had his orders to stop at this point. Aspamites therefore did not need to command the soldier to cease but instead turned again to the horrified watching child tributes to address them, although he fully appreciated that the crying young Chian victim of the lash would be listening to his every word. "Punishment is now suspended," Aspamites now announced, "with the boy only receiving the next seventeen lashes if he errs again. Naturally, as I’m sure that you can all judge, if he goes on to receive full punishment, he would be marked grotesquely for life. He would therefore not then be any good as tribute to Darius I, or the King of King’s nobility, but would instead be sold in a Persian slave market. However, the three wounds you see on his body, although severe, will heal completely because others have not been inflicted on top." "I am compassionate to this particular boy," Aspamites advised, "because he wisely thought better of escaping and instead surrendered himself. However, having been shown this lesson, I shall grant no mercy to anyone else who attempts flight or otherwise becomes a nuisance. All of you should therefore heed most carefully what you’ve been taught by witnessing this child’s flogging!" Having provided the tributes, including the still quietly hurting and sobbing Dios, with their salutary lesson, Aspamites then returned purposefully to his nearby bireme, having given orders for the children, with the exception of the recent young victim of the scourge, to be returned to their accommodation. The spasaka had no wish to see the joyous Panionius now begin his genital cutting of fifty 11 year-old boys, commencing with one whom the Babylonian had come to admire. However, he did take the trouble, as he advanced to his flagship’s gangplank, to pass close to the first imminent victim of the gelding knife to suggest to him, in a whisper, "Remember my advice as to what to do when on the castration table!" Dios, somehow rapidly restraining his sobs and tears, bravely replied "I shall!" The boy then discovered that Panionius and Atrios, accompanied by some warriors, had also approached him. They quickly became engaged on releasing the young Chian from his bondage, presumably because the table, aforementioned by Aspamites, was ready for immediate use. The warriors had undoubtedly accompanied Panionius and Atrios in order to ensure that a probably struggling Dios was delivered safely to the castration table. However, after the boy, who had now ceased crying, had been released from his bondage and been firmly gripped by the soldiers, he surprised everyone by loudly requesting "Please release me. I’m no coward and shall go to my fate compliantly, in line with the oath that I have given to your superior, whom I’m sure would welcome the chance to observe me being honourably obedient to my word." The loudness of Dios’ request had caused Aspamites to stop walking up the gangplank onto the nearby bireme and instead turn back to look at the boy, who was clearly now displaying courageous determination and fortitude in his lovely blue eyes. The spasaka also noticed that those attending to the young Chian were reluctant to comply with the 11 year-old’s request, probably because they were concerned about another attempt at escape. Aspamites therefore intervened to inform "The boy is correct. I would like to see him honour his word." He then commanded "So release him!" Few dared even question an instruction from a spasaka and therefore the young Chian’s wish was immediately granted. Aspamites was then rewarded for his consideration by the sight of the naked Dios, three cruel bloody marks from the scourge spoiling his otherwise gorgeous rear, advance unhesitatingly towards the nearby waiting castration table and climb on top. The boy then lay face up and spreadeagled himself, despite the agony induced by his recent whip wounds meeting the cool wooden surface. Dios considerately positioned himself so that the leather strapping at each corner of the table touched either his hands or feet, thereby allowing himself to be firmly fixed without much further ado to the sturdy wooden surface, now made even more bloodstained by his fresh whip wounds. Meanwhile, Aspamites could not help but admire such courage and was tempted to grant the boy amnesty from castration, making up the fifty required eunuchs from Chios with one of the reserves. However, the spasaka then again realised how such a spirited child could be invaluable in the service of his beloved King of Kings. Aspamites therefore just turned back to walk up the gangplank of his bireme in order to hide himself from the distressing dockside scene under the scarlet awning at the flagship’s stern. (Ephesus, Ionian mainland of Asia Minor, 2 weeks later) __ ‘One acquires his skill from another, now as in days of old.’ - Bacchylides of Cos (Fragment 5) Dios looked in awe at the largest building in the known world, the almost finished temple of Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana, in Ephesus on the Ionian mainland of Asia Minor. The former king of Lydia, the fabulously wealthy Croesus, who once ruled the city, had begun the construction of the edifice about fifty years previously. However, the Persian conquest and the borrowing of many local craftsmen to help erect palaces in the homeland of the new overlords had prolonged the enormous time-consuming project. "What do think of the temple?" a smiling Aspamites, who was sitting on a magnificent white horse, asked of Dios. "I’ve never seen anything so huge, Sir," replied the boy, who was mounted on a smaller but excellent pony, issued to him by the spasaka for the splendid bravery the 11 year-old had recently exhibited. Dios, like the other Chian child tributes, was also now dressed in the costliest Greek-style simple light summer tunic that he had ever sported. The worth of the garment, of which he had several duplicates to allow a fresh one to be worn every day, came from the excellent material and workmanship. Aspamites’ flotilla of Phoenician ships, the merchantmen amongst which were capable of sailing up to 130 kilometres [80 miles] in a day and transporting up to 200 tonnes of freight by sea and half that amount on the shallower great rivers, had recently sailed southeast from Chios. The vessels were laden with tribute from the island for the King of Kings. The ships had crossed the short stretch of the Aegean Sea that the Romans would someday call the ‘Sinus Caystrius’, or ‘Gulf of Caystrius’, towards the mouth of the eponymous river, near which the great Ionian city of Ephesus was situated. The metropolis was now the western terminus of the long Persian Royal Road that would take the Chian tribute to the King of Kings. The various transport components that would make up the relevant caravan were already efficiently assembled at the quayside to receive the variety of commodities destined for the King of Kings. The goods, of course, included fifty beautiful 13 year-old virgin girls and the same number of gorgeous, freshly gelded but rapidly recovering eunuchs, two years younger, who, apart from one boy, were all loaded into covered and relatively uncrowded and comfortable wagons for the long journey. The exception was Dios, who was surprised but also honoured to be presented with a lovely pony by Aspamites. However, the boy was also initially hesitant to accept the transport, and not just because mounting the animal could still induce some hurt from his mending whip and other wounds. The boy explained to Aspamites, who was accompanying this last caravan with his personal Assyrian guards, because his mission was completed, that he had never ridden a pony previously. The smiling spasaka replied "Well then, Dios, doing so now means that you’ll be an accomplished horseman by the time we arrive in Persia!" Aspamites had then discreetly whispered to the boy, whilst glancing at the nearby Panionius and cavalry escort, "I’d like you to ride beside me because I’d appreciate good company on our long journey!" The Babylonian eunuch was, of course, kindly hinting that the obviously courageous and intelligent young Chian would fulfil such a role whilst the others would not. With the assistance of good advice from Aspamites, who was already an excellent horseman, having been personally trained in the art as a boy by a certain King of Kings, Dios quickly became accustomed to riding his pony with skill. He did so despite the lack of stirrups, which would not be introduced into the western world by Mongols from China for another 1˝ millennia. Steps on all sides led up to the temple of Artemis, which measured 55 by 110 metres [180 by 360 feet]. The building had double rows of very tall and massive fluted columns on three edges, and a more deeply colonnaded entrance porch on the other. Above the marble columns, colourful friezes ran round the sacred place of worship, with mythological scenes carved between windows onto the pediments. Golden sculptures adorned the corners and side apexes of the sloping roof, whilst a huge statue of Artemis herself was located inside the huge edifice. Meanwhile, most of the current construction work was being performed on another colonnaded building in front of the entrance porch. This structure formed the external altar and would be considered a temple in its own right in most other cities. "Who are they, Sir?" Dios politely enquired of Aspamites, whilst pointing at some men attired in the Persian manner and strangely carrying a bundle of sticks. "They’re Magi," Aspamites answered. "Magi are the priests of Persia, Dios," Aspamites continued in his accented but otherwise excellent Greek, "who are traditionally recruited on a hereditary basis from the Median tribe of the same name. They carry bundles of sticks, or ‘barsoms’, to denote their status." "Unlike in the beliefs of my fellow Babylonians, Dios," Aspamites next advised, "the Persians are similar to the Jews in that they accept that there is only one god, whom they call Ahuramazda, after their word for ‘Wise Lord’. Their faith is called ‘Zoroastrianism’, after the prophet, Zoroaster, who centuries ago first established the tenets of the religion." "Why are the Magi here, Sir," Dios then asked, "in a temple dedicated to one of the many Greek gods? Have they displaced the worship of Artemis by instead introducing that of Ahuramazda?" "No, Dios," Aspamites replied, "as my lord and master, the King of Kings, respects the different religions of all people in his vast empire. For example, he has supported the Jews, who were returned to their homeland from exile in Babylon by Cyrus, with not only good will but also money for their reconstruction of their great temple in Jerusalem. He additionally offers regular sacrifice to the deities of Egypt’s ancient pantheon, especially Apis. However, the priesthood is a powerful influence in Persia and, despite culling their hierarchy on ascending the throne, for reasons I’ll tell you about later, Darius therefore also feels occasionally obliged to defer to the wishes of the Magi." "In respect of the presence of Magi in this temple in Ephesus, Dios," Aspamites informed, "such a policy also happens particularly to suit Darius, as it is an example of an attempt to increase his status amongst his subject peoples. You see, the Persian monarchy is based on the theory that god has delegated someone, the king, to be his representative amongst mankind. In times of peace, such a person is often anticipated to adopt a priestly role, whereas in wartime he is expected either to be a great military leader or be clever enough to select suitable generals to fight victoriously on behalf of him and the deity." "It is a current dogma of Zoroastrianism, Dios," Aspamites commented, "that Darius is directly descended from Ahuramazda and the Magi want the other religions of the empire also to believe that the king is divinely appointed. My fellow Babylonians have been encouraged to consider that he is a descendant of the main local deity, Marduk. Meanwhile, in Egypt, he is supposedly the begotten of Amun and, for their efforts in helping them, both he and Cyrus are regarded as amongst the most blessed of the Jew’s god!" "Darius has also allowed the Persian Magi, Dios," Aspamites remarked, "to promote the relevant tenet of Zoroastrianism into some parts of the wider empire where kings are not normally supposed to be descended from the local gods. Members of the order therefore now operate in this great temple, as well as in others in the likes of Sardis, alongside the normal priesthood." "The job of such Magi, Dios," Aspamites concluded, "is to attempt to shape local opinion about the divine status of the King of Kings. They do so by encouraging other priests to promote such an idea to the adherents of their faith within the context of their own religion." "Do you believe that Darius is divine, Sir?" Dios next enquired of Aspamites, who took no affront at what would be considered serious impiety by the Magi. However, the spasaka preceded his answer by gently warning the boy about asking such questions in the company of people who might be dangerously offended, as those who allegedly insulted the King of Kings could be punished horribly for such a crime. The handsome Babylonian eunuch also obtained from his younger companion a promise not to tell anyone else about the reply he was about to give. Having received such a reassurance, Aspamites replied to the boy’s question by advising "Darius personally, but also by necessity, does not, Dios, consider himself to be divine. Who am I therefore to question the King of King’s own judgement?" "Please excuse me for asking," the ever curious and inquisitive Dios then queried, "but how do you know Darius’ secret views, Sir?" Aspamites again took no affront at one of the boy’s questions, as the spasaka had actually not just recruited the child as his companion for the long journey to Persia as a reward for earlier bravery and personal company. Aspamites had two other reasons for giving Dios his pony and having the boy ride alongside him as they traversed the Royal Road to Persia. Firstly, the child’s constant intelligent curiosity thoroughly entertained the spasaka. Secondly, the Babylonian eunuch had quietly identified the youngster as an ideal candidate to serve Darius I personally. Providing him with comprehensive background information about his impending new life should give him an enormous advantage over the others during the eventual selection process, overseen by the Lord High Chamberlain, when the human tribute came to be dispersed amongst various functions. Aspamites also believed that Dios’ new question provided him with an ideal opportunity to advise the apparently rather innocent boy about one possible aspect of his new life that he might, initially at least, consider awful. The spasaka therefore bluntly answered "Darius told me his view once, during pillow talk after he had made love to me!" Dios’ face blushed bright crimson on hearing Aspamites reply but his insatiable curiosity, now regarding his own future, nevertheless still encouraged the boy next to splutter "Do…do…you think, Sir, that D….D….Darius might want to make l….l….love to me?" The spasaka felt that the young Chian should receive another blunt and truthful answer in response. "Given your marvellous attributes of mind and body, Dios," Aspamites informed the boy, whose facial blushing intensified in colour in response, "I think that the King of Kings will undoubtedly take you to his bed on a regular basis!" (Plain of Nesa, Media[modern Kermanshah in Iran], almost 3 months later, late summer, 500 BC) __ ‘Tell me, Muse, of the man of many ways, who was driven Far journeys…. Many were they whose cities he saw, whose minds he learned of, Many the pains he suffered in his spirit….’ - Opening words of Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ Dios was asleep on his bed in the large luxurious pavilion tent he was kindly allowed to share with Aspamites. The caravan had camped for the night alongside both the Royal Road and a stream on the plain of Nesa [modern Kermanshah in Iran]. Dios had previously been amazed at the distances the long caravan, of which he formed a part, had covered on most days because of the excellence of the Royal Road, which had no parallel on his home island of Chios. The boy’s very clever mind estimated that on level terrain the convoy regularly traversed roughly 12˝ dolichoi [28 kilometres or 18 miles]. Each dolichos comprised 6 diauloi or 12 stadia [1 stadion = 185.4 metres or 608.5 feet]. Dios had also been amazed at the existence for the convenience of travellers of regular staging posts, with official inns or other types of resting place, which were maintained along the entire Royal Road and thoughtfully became more frequent with any increased local geographical difficulty. The boy was told by Aspamites that no other routes in the Persian Empire were provided with similar government amenities, although the main passage through the Sinai to Egypt was equipped along the desert stretches with caches of water stored in large Greek-style amphorae previously used for wine. When the caravan eventually attained the central Anatolian plateau after leaving Sardis, the convoy passed through the ancient Phrygian city of Gordium, later famous for its knot. The border between Lydia and Cappadocia at the Halys River was reached shortly afterwards. Dios discovered that a heavily-manned military checkpoint was located at this border. The pontoon bridge over the river possessed gates to enable the local garrison to check the credentials of all who passed, possibly confiscating illicit goods or censoring any carried unauthorised messages in the process. Aspamites described to Dios in an amusing anecdote how a certain Histiaeus of Susa had allegedly overcame this problem of privacy for his own correspondence. He had the wording pricked onto the freshly smooth scalp of one of his slaves before letting the hair grow back and sending the poor man to Miletus with the instruction ‘Bid Aristagoras shave your head and look thereon’. As Dios was to discover, there were other similar checkpoints situated in the Cicilian and Armenian borderlands. Travellers were also liable to be stopped and searched by smaller military garrisons placed at provincial boundaries and at other key locations along the Royal Road, such as at bridges, ferries and mountain passes. However, a tribute caravan personally led by one of the King of King’s spasakas naturally elicited no trouble or delay whatsoever at such places. Dios’ caravan next passed through the Cappadocian city of Comana, where Aspamites showed him the great temple of the local goddess, Ma. The deity was served by thousands of attractive priestesses, who regularly indulged in orgiastic rites with male celebrants. The fertile plain of Melitene was then traversed, after which the Royal Road headed northeast round a spur of the Antitaurus Mountains, from which the route descended into Mesopotamia. Dios’s caravan subsequently crossed the Euphrates at Tomissa [modern Izolu in Turkey] and followed the eastern bank of the Tigris to the old ruined Assyrian capital of Nineveh, which was across the river from modern Mosul in Iraq. Dios’ caravan later crossed the Khawsar [modern Great Zab], a tributary of the Tigris before continuing southeast to the ancient Assyrian city of Arbela [modern Irbil in Iraq]. Aspamites told the young Chian that Darius I had had the rebel leader, Tritantaechmes crucified here twenty-one years previously. The spasaka also showed the boy the local temple dedicated to the fertility goddess, Istar, where priestesses regularly went into ecstatic trances in order to pronounce the latest desires of the deity. The Royal Road then moved further south to another ancient Assyrian town, Arrapha [modern Kirkuk in Iraq]. This was on a river now called the Khasa and was dominated by a citadel built on an artificial mound. Dios’ caravan next proceeded to the ancient Babylonian city of Opis, which was situated on the eastern bank of the Tigris, close to the southern confluence with the tributary river, the Diyala. Aspamites told the young Chian that the locale had been the scene, thirty-nine years previously, of a major battle between Cyrus the Great and Nabonidus of Babylon, from which the Persian king had emerged victorious. Aspamites also showed Dios the beginning of the great canal built by the Babylonians to link the mighty Tigris and Euphrates, which was close to Opis. The spasaka additionally allowed the boy to view the nearby ruined walls that Nebuchadnezzar had once built between the two rivers to try to discourage invasion by the Medes. The Royal Road split at Opis. The southern route continued to Babylon, Susa and Persepolis, whilst the easterly one ventured to Ecbatana [modern Hamadan in Iran] and beyond. The convoy, of which Dios was a part, now proceeded to the city where the King of King’s summer palace was located. As the Royal Road ventured east towards Ecbatana, it encountered a sheer rock face lining the northern edge until, where one of the adjacent peaks rose to a height above of about 1,160 metres [3,800 feet], an angular crevice was reached just before the alluvial plain of Nesa. At its foot, a spring welled out in a broad pool and meandered across the adjacent broad vale. The local rains of spring were also kindly and so the locale was covered with grass, whilst the mountain crannies contained many colourful flowers. On the face of the crevice, about 90 metres [300 feet] above the road, the rock had been polished into a big rectangular frame, similar in size to a large modern cinema screen. From the Royal Road, it was difficult to make out the detail enclosed within but Aspamites advised Dios that twelve large figures were carved above cuneiform inscriptions in the ancient Persian, Elamite and Akkadian languages. Darius’ successful battles of accession, including one that took place on the adjacent plain, were depicted on this still extant tableau on Mount Behistun. Nine rebel leaders, including the crucified Tritantaechmes, were portrayed, hands bound behind backs, chained together by the neck and kneeling, awaiting vengeful judgement at the feet of the victorious king, who was attended by two servants and had one foot on the main insurgent. The inscriptions listed each rebellion and its suppression. They also repeated invocations by Darius to the Persian god, Ahuramazda, through whose favour and battlefield assistance the king had been victorious and who was portrayed above the twelve figures as a man within a winged disc. Whether subconscious recall of this monument caused Dios to have his nightmare that same night, the boy could not subsequently confirm. However, he suspected that the depiction of chained men kneeling at Darius’ feet, along with the continued presence of Panionius and Atrios in the caravan, did indeed instigate other painful remembrances. Panionius and Atrios were accompanying the caravan for two reasons. Firstly, the man was charged by Aspamites to ensure that the genital wounds, of all of the last fifty of the five hundred Greek eunuchs he recently created, mended completely. Secondly, the castrater proposed to practise his trade in the Persian heartland until it was time in the following year to collect one thousand more geldings in tribute, first from Babylon and then from western Asia Minor. In Dios’ nightmare, he remembered that Atrios had been delegated by Panionius to attach and secure the leather strapping at the corners of the castration table to the young Chian’s waiting wrists and ankles. The 12 year-old Macedonian did so proficiently, knowing that it was in the interests of the next imminent victim of his master’s gelding knife to be tightly and virtually immovably bound. Atrios then told the petrified but still bravely compliant Dios to grip a strong leather chew between his perfect array of sparkling white teeth. "It’ll prevent you from damagingly biting your lips or tongue," the sympathetic young Macedonian advised the naked younger boy, whilst attempting to smile reassuringly. Dios complied with the instruction of Atrios, whom he had subsequently come to know well during the long journey along the Royal Road. However, as soon as he had obeyed the young Macedonian on the quayside of Chios, the slightly older boy’s very pleasant smiling smooth face had been quickly replaced by the ugly and smirking bearded facade of Panionius. Panionius appeared to take great delight in displaying his well-used very sharp gelding knife before the clearly alarmed and frightened sensuous blue eyes of the spreadeagled Dios, who was trying his best to show further courage by not shedding any more tears. "This, dear child," the cruel castrater then needlessly but sadistically commented, whilst referring proudly to his blade, "will now deprive you of your aspiring manhood!" The smirking Panionius then nodded to Atrios, who understood the signal to hold Dios’ currently flaccid cock out of harm’s way, whilst his master proceeded with his latest gelding. As the castrater subsequently presented the tip of his blade to the young Chian’s completely smooth and presently pleasantly fulsome exposed scrotum, a noticeable bulge appeared in the groin area of the man’s leather apron. Dios tried to concentrate his mind on a liitle wispy cloud passing far overhead in the otherwise totally blue sky, in order to try to ignore what Panionius was doing to him. However, two factors diverted the boy’s attention from the small cirrus. Firstly, Dios heard a few muted squeals and his eyes instinctively moved from the overhead cloud to seek the source of the noise. The boy was then appalled to see that many of the tribute girls, recently returned from the quayside to their warehouse prison, were watching his castration from their windows. Some of their obviously fascinated faces displayed horror, whilst others exhibited only keen interest, sometimes accompanied by rather sadistic grins. Secondly, the pain from Panionius’ knife, as the man began his scrotal incision, was so great that Dios could do little but immediately forget both cloud and girls and issue his own muted shriek, although he thankfully managed not to dislodge his protective chew in the process. The boy also felt the shame of tears reappearing on the cheeks of his gorgeous face. Dios’ agony was acute during the thankfully quick gelding procedure, which was conducted rapidly and efficiently by Panionius, despite the fact that his inherent sadism would have much preferred to prolong the, for him, highly pleasurable pastime. The castrater knew that Aspamites would dismiss him from his enjoyable job if he proceeded unprofessionally. He therefore contented himself with the quantity rather than the quality of cruel genital operations he was asked to perform. Dios’ excruciation was such that he did not appreciate that Panionius had conducted the first little snip that cut one of his spermatic cords to separate the first of his testes from his body until the happy man held up the little white orb for visual inspection. The former owner also looked at the small organ that represented half of his true masculinity before losing sight of it when it was placed a bowl situated for the purpose between the boy’s splayed legs. Dios’ suffering also did not allow him to appreciate fully that he was now a eunuch until a happy Panionius held up for inspection the second of the boy’s testes before placing the organ alongside the first in the waiting bowl. The man subsequently carefully and successfully stitched the freshly gelded boy’s now empty scrotum with very thin animal gut, in a procedure that, to his young victim, was more anguishing than anything the 11 year-old had previously experienced. However, such torment also proved a blessing when the young Chian then fainted. Dios awoke unbound in the hold of one of the Phoenician merchant ships. The boy’s genitals had been carefully covered in healing salve and then bandaged, and his whip marks had been similarly treated. However, both sets of wounds remained very painful. Dios was lying on one of fifty new straw mattresses located in the ship’s hold, where he was alone apart from Atrios, who was standing next to him, holding a pottery beaker. "Drink this," the young Macedonian suggested, proffering his new fellow eunuch the cup, "as it’ll dull the pain." Dios again did as he was told, despite being disgusted at the taste of the strange brown liquid filling the beaker. The boy was rewarded for his compliance when Atrios’ promise subsequently came true and the bodily anguish lessened. However, the young Macedonian had not waited to see the result of the medication, as he instead reluctantly rushed off to assist Panionius with the second castration of the day. Atrios only told Dios much later that, after the young Macedonian had finally removed his protective hand from the now unconscious younger boy’s cock, which had hardened during the castration process, he had needed to wipe sticky semen from his fingers and palm. The 11 year-old Chian had not known that he had ejaculated again whilst being gelded. A long day subsequently passed in the gloomy hold of the Phoenician merchant ship, during which Dios observed forty-nine other freshly gelded new beautiful eunuchs of his own age slowly occupy one-by-one the other mattresses. Recall of this subsequently caused the boy to ask Aspamites another question, as they rode side-by-side along the Royal Road towards Persia. "Why, Sir," Dios enquired, "did you accommodate the Chian boys kept in reserve as possible replacement eunuchs elsewhere from the rest of us? After our castration, we were not returned to the warehouse but were sent on board the merchant ship straight away." "The boy reserves," Dios then commented, "would therefore not have been distressed by the sight of us returning with our genital wounds, which was a reason you gave for accommodating them separately." In reply, Aspamites initially remarked, with a smile that indicated his satisfaction with the boy’s astute memory, "It’s clever of you to remember the reason I gave for housing the nominated replacements concerned differently." Aspamites then advised "I did so out of habit, as in cities that were not ports the freshly castrated boys were returned to their original accommodation. Even if they weren’t, I’m sure that the reserves would have been very disturbed at the sight of their companions slowly disappearing to meet their fates, whilst appreciating that they too could follow if something untoward happened to the original selection." On this night, however, on the alluvial plain of Nesa in western Media, the smile that Dios now saw on Aspamites’ handsome face did not reflect satisfaction at the boy’s memory but rather the reverse. The spasaka had been compelled to leave his own bed to comfort the young Chian, who shared his tent and had woken up screaming from his nightmare, which recalled his recent castration. Aspamites’ smile was an attempt to reassure and calm the tearful Dios, whom he was amicably swaying in a gentle hug in a further effort to repair the boy’s emotions. "There, there, child," the spasaka soothingly commented as he held the young Chian, "everything’s fine. You’ve just experienced nothing worse than a nasty nightmare, which I suppose involved your recent castration. I used to suffer such bad dreams regularly but they eventually went away, helped by someone’s love." Dios subsequently broke Aspamites’ embrace to enable his lovely but currently damp blue eyes to peer into the older eunuch’s similar but dry variety. The boy then asked another of his many questions. "Who’s love cured you of your castration nightmares, Sir?" Dios enquired. Aspamites, who had maintained his reassuring smile, was both happy and proud to answer the boy’s latest probing query. Aspamites answered "The true love of the King of Kings, which I sincerely believe that he still has for me, although I’m no longer needed for his bed!" Dios, who had tried to banish the distressing idea of becoming a bumboy like Atrios to the back of his mind, immediately began to re-evaluate his attitude. Dios realised that he was currently very far from home and family but still desperately desired someone to love, cherish and care for him in his new life, like his devoted parents had once done. The considerate Aspamites clearly liked him but his job kept him away for long periods from the Persian court. ‘Who was therefore better to provide him with true love in his new life,’ Dios now asked of himself, ‘than the King of Kings?’ (Plain of Nesa, Media[modern Kermanshah in Iran], next day) __ ‘There will appear a warrior king. He will rule a vast kingdom and will do what he chooses.’ * the Biblical Book of Daniel, referring to Cyrus the Great (xi.3) In reply to a request from Dios, Aspamites was now telling the boy about the Persian kings, as they rode side-by-side across the water-rich and therefore very green and fertile Nesa Plain, heading for Ecbatana. As they proceeded, they passed numerous ponds, springs and streams, which were the source of the longest river in Iran and were testament to the beneficence with which nature had blessed the area, which was also famous for wild horses. Aspamites spoke of a relatively obscure tribal family of Asiatic origin, who had created in little more than a generation the vast Persian Empire, which was the first of its kind that the world had known. It incorporated more lands and diverse peoples and cultures than its more parochial Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian predecessors. Many of the component nations also actually enjoyed net benefits for being part of this entity, which granted them military protection and fostered trade and commerce and the exchange of ideas. Tribal lands that had for the previous three millennia been mainly noted as a place of transit for merchants and armies between east and west Asia now became the centre of the first commonwealth of nations, where the king was the unifying symbol, as well as the all-powerful ruler. This Persian hegemony eventually reached a zenith during the reign of Darius I, known to posterity as ‘the Great’. He ruled an empire that extended over five million square kilometres [over two million square miles], with an estimated population of ten million souls. The term, Persia, was actually first applied by the Greeks and was derived from the area, separated from the sea to the south by an inhospitable strip of coast, which comprised the south-western lowland part of the eponymous plateau. This was called Parsa, or ‘Persis’ to the Hellenes and ‘Fars’ to the Arabs, and was the homeland of the Achaemenian clan, who rose from obscure tribal leadership to become the kings of the vast empire. The wider land incorrectly called ‘Persia’ was actually named by the local inhabitants ‘Iran’, which evolved from the collective description for the peoples who shared their Indo-European languages, ‘Aryan’. They had invaded and settled in the region during the second and first millennia before the birth of Christ. Iran was and still is geographically, climatically and ethnically a land of great diversity. The central part comprises a vast plateau, mostly between 1,000 and 2,000 metres [3300 and 6600 feet] above sea level, positioned between the Caspian Sea to the north and the Persian Gulf to the south. In the centre and east of the Iranian plateau are two great salt deserts, which are dried lakes where settlement is virtually impossible. However, most of the rest of the region enjoys a largely pleasant warm climate, although crowded cities can become almost intolerably hot in summer and snow regularly falls in winter. In the west, Iran is separated from the lowland Mesopotamian plains by the high Zagros Mountains. The northern Elburz range forms a similar barrier to accessing the Caspian Sea. The Zagros represents a particularly imposing defensive bulwark, with the only practical routes through the tall peaks being the passes termed the ‘Gateway to Asia’ and the ‘Persian Gates’. Darius I had led his conquering armies westwards through the first named channel, whilst Alexander the Great’s victorious forces would march in the opposite direction almost two centuries later through the second. Meanwhile, the Elburz Mountains could be crossed via a defile called the ‘Caspian Gates’. Eastward passage through the ‘Gateway to Asia’ led to Ecbatana. Similar transit through the more southern ‘Persian Gates’ led ultimately to Susa and Persepolis. Situated on the south-western flanks of the central Zagros, where the Karun River flows from the mountains to the Persian Gulf, was the large triangular lowland plain of Susiana [modern Khuzistan]. Here, the earliest organised civilisation in the region, the kingdom of Elam, was established, with its capital at Susa on the Kerkha River, which was later to become the chief administrative centre of the Achaemenian empire. The Achaemenians achieved their eventually supremacy under Cyrus the Great. He first defeated the similar tribal group called the ‘Medes’, who originally had their capital at Ecbatana and had previously been ascendant over the Persians. These people had allied themselves with the Babylonians to destroy the previously regionally predominant Assyrian Empire, obliterating the great city of Nineveh in the process. The culminating battle between the Persians and Medes, who were led by their king, Astyages, took place at Pasargadae on the high Dasht-i-Morghab, or ‘Plain of the Water Bird’. Defecting Median nobles, seeing more of a future for themselves and their people with the enemy rather than with their own ageing leader, substantially assisted Cyrus’ conclusive victory. As Cyrus was to do with other conquered peoples, he treated the defeated Medes well. He absorbed them seamlessly into his growing empire, including granting them positions of honour and adopting many of their cultural practices, in the process effectively uniting them with the Persians. Cyrus went on to subdue Greek Asia Minor and obtain the subjection of the offshore islands of Ionia, including Chios and Lesbos. The latter had succumbed to the king’s suzerainty after their pleas for Spartan military assistance had been refused. Cyrus subsequently took Babylon and its empire, relatively bloodlessly. He managed to penetrate his forces into the surprised city through cleverly bypassing the formidable fortified walls by means of fording the Euphrates when the river level was particularly low. He then forbade sacking and pillaging. Cyrus’ remarkable achievement in taking Babylon was helped by the fact that the local population was somewhat distracted. Internal dissent had arisen because the local king, Nabonidus, was highly unpopular. He had usurped the throne and had subsequently become something of a religious fanatic, creating unrest and provincial revolt. Narbonidus had then handed responsibility for security and military affairs to his son, Belshazzar, who unfortunately proved more interested in pleasure than in the safety of his subjects. The prince and many of his people were indulging in a great feast to celebrate a religious festival when Cyrus and his army invaded the streets of Babylon. The capture of Babylon also brought the lands of Mesopotamia, Assyria, Syria, Phoenicia and Palestine, down to the borders with Egypt, into the Persian Empire. The event also brought Cyrus Biblical immortality because his compassion and religious tolerance allowed the exiled Jews to return to their original homeland and rebuild their great temple in Jerusalem, thereby becoming a hero to them. Cyrus also allowed Babylon to retain significant importance by permitting the city to remain a key commercial, academic and religious centre, as well as become another main hub of Persian imperial government. Meanwhile, the king still kept Susa as his capital and the lofty and therefore cooler Ecbatana as his summer abode but he also bequeathed to his son a splendid royal residence at Pasargadae. The latter was the scene of his momentous victory against Astyages, which forever cast away from the Persians the Median yoke and to which he had become emotionally attached. It is perhaps ironic that such a great king as Cyrus, still vigorous in his 60s, died whilst fighting a female leader. Despite the king’s success in acquiring and largely subduing a vast empire, one area remained troublesome, namely the north-eastern steppes inhabited by the Massagetae, a nomadic branch of the fierce Scythians. The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, alleged that Massagetae females were notoriously promiscuous. ‘If a man wants a woman,’ he wrote, ‘all he does is to hang up his quiver in front of her wagon and then enjoy her without misgiving’. Whatever the truth of his assertion, their queen, Tomyris, was spirited enough to suggest to the previously all-conquering Cyrus that he should ‘Rule your own people, and try to bear the sight of me ruling mine!’ Such defiance was naturally too much for Cyrus, who launched a campaign against the Massagetae, during which, in an early encounter, he captured Tomyris’ son, who later committed suicide. The queen’s subsequent grief not only made her extremely vengeful but also inspired her and her forces. The Massagetae overwhelmed the hitherto invincible Persian army and Cyrus was killed in battle. His retreating men then encountered great difficulty in retrieving the king’s body but eventually succeeded in returning the corpse to be entombed in Pasargadae. On the eve of the fateful battle, Cyrus had dreamt that he had seen the son of Hystaspes. The latter, who was campaigning with the army, was another great grandson of the king’s great grandfather, Teipses, along a different branch of the royal family. In his dream, Cyrus saw Hystaspes’ son, Darius, sporting a pair of wings, with the shadow of one cast over Europe and the other over Asia. The spectre implied possible usurpation and so the king immediately sent his relative back to Parsa to check on the continued loyalty of the young man concerned. Hystaspes was therefore spared from being involved in the fateful battle with the Massagetae. He also found that his son’s loyalty to Cyrus should never have been doubted. Cyrus had reigned for twenty-nine years, during which he had created the largest empire the world had known. The king had also supplemented his achievement by being benevolent to those whom he had conquered, with his government being noted for they way that it thereafter protected rather than degraded his new subjects. After being returned to Pasargadae, Cyrus’ body was placed in a golden sarcophagus in a still extant rectangular mausoleum, which comprised a single chamber built on a foundation of six steps. Alexander the Great visited the site to pay his respects to the Persian king, whom he hero-worshipped. According to the Roman biographer of the Macedonian monarch, Arrian, the entrance doorway to the tomb was made so narrow after the internment that only small men could squeeze through. Cyrus’ son and successor, Cambyses, subsequently killed his own younger brother, ‘Bardiya’ in Persian or ‘Smerdis’ in Greek, to secure his position because he had dreamt that his sibling had seized the throne. The king did so quietly so that the murder, to use Darius’ own later words, ‘was not known to the people’. Cambyses then, after four years’ preparation and with relative ease, successfully invaded Egypt, decisively shattering the army of the new pharaoh, Psammetichus III, at the battle of Pelusium, east of the Nile delta. Meanwhile, Hystaspes served loyally as the satrap for the northern province of Parthia, whilst Darius married the daughter of the governor of Babylonia and became the king’s spear-bearer. The latter was a high position demanding both integrity and valour. Cambyses did not follow his late father’s compassion towards those he conquered. Despite being acknowledged as the new legitimate pharaoh, acceptable to the country’s ancient gods, he instead treated the Egyptians harshly, including ridiculing their national religion and damaging many of their temples. For example, he violated the tomb of Amasis and outraged the priesthood of Apis at Memphis by slaughtering their sacred bull. Cambyses was, however, not assassinated by the Egyptian priesthood but by some of the senior members of the Persian version. The leader of the regicidal Magi conspirators then pretended to be the previously murdered Bardiya or Smerdis. Cambyses’ assassination took place in Syria on his return to Persia from Egypt to quell a revolt instigated by the Magi and the murderous deed was successfully disguised as an accident. The story was spread that the king had gashed an artery in his leg with his own sword and the subsequent loss of blood could not be stemmed. The story was actually true, apart from the identity of the person who had truly inflicted the fatal wound. Even Cambyses’ spear-bearer, Darius, publicly accepted the official version of events, despite having private reservations, particularly when someone claiming to be Bardiya quickly declared himself to be king back in Persia. The impostor’s succession to the throne was helped by that fact that the earlier murder of Bardiya was known only by a few. His accession was therefore initially generally accepted, including by the satraps and aristocracy, especially after the new king promised to boost imperial prosperity by adopting anti-war and tax-cutting policies. The conquest of Egypt had proved very expensive and had led to substantially increased taxation. However, the new stance was not universally popular, causing, perhaps naturally, disaffection amongst the army and its generals, one of the most senior of whom was Darius. The senior Magi had been afraid of Cambyses’ ruthlessness and unhappy with his expensive wars. The priesthood had also been outraged by the king’s religious irreverence, being particularly scandalised when he had emulated the common practice of the rulers of ancient Elam and Egypt by marrying incestuously in another attempt to consolidate his position. Not content with being wed to one sister, Atossa, he also entered into marital union with another, Roxane, and probably would have been united with a third, Artystone, if he had not considered her to be too young. Cambyses had earlier taken the precaution of seeking the advice of his own high court before marrying his two sisters. His judges told him that, under Persian law, the deed would be forbidden incest but that there was also other legislation decreeing that the king could do anything he wanted. He therefore ignored the former dictum and followed the latter. However, the consequent consummation of the unions brought forth no sons by the time that he was assassinated. 28 year-old Darius, direct descendent through another paternal line of Cambyses’ great great grandfather and knowing that the king was a false usurper, therefore plotted to assassinate the pretender and seize the crown. He did so despite the fact that his own father and grandfather were still alive and therefore had better claim to the throne if they chose to exert it. Six important Persian and Median aristocrats helped Darius, including his father-in-law, the satrap of Babylonia, Gobryas. They eventually managed to penetrate into the inner sanctum of the false Bardiya’s court to kill the usurper [522 BC]. ‘You, who shall be king hereafter,’ Darius later declared, whilst addressing his successors, ‘preserve well the families of these men’. He was referring to the six nobles who had assisted him to kill the false Bardiya and who now also helped him to fight for the succession. The nobles concerned were rewarded by having their families become the chief aristocratic houses of Persia. Members, tied to Darius through oaths and ties of blood, became very influential in the inner circle of the royal court and were appointed to some of the highest bureaucratic positions. Darius had needed the help of these nobles because, for three main reasons, he was confronted with a lot of opposition. Even his bow-holder, Vindafarnah, who was second only in importance to the man charged with holding the royal spear, rebelled and had to be executed. Firstly, many people believed the false Bardiya to be the late king’s younger brother and so Darius was initially unpopular because he was considered to have perpetrated regicide. Secondly, some of the imperial aristocracy tried to make use of the uncertainty and power vacuum created by the murder and the disputed succession by claiming the crown for themselves. Thirdly, some of the provincial elite, also hoping to benefit from the political situation, rebelled in order to secure independence for themselves and their homelands. Fourthly, the new claimant’s bid was considerably weakened in the minds of many by him being the son not of one of Hystaspes’ wives but of one of his concubines, although his father had subsequently legitimised him. Nevertheless, after nineteen battles in three years, which cost thousands of lives in the fighting and aftermath, Darius eventually emerged as the undisputed king, taking particular bloody vengeance against the senior Magi for supporting his usurper predecessor. He was assisted to victory by lack of co-ordination between his enemies, and by the better attributes of his loyal allies, who were boosted in number by diplomatic marriages to Camyses’ widow and sister, Atossa, and youngest female sibling, Artystone. These princesses were, of course, Cyrus the Great’s daughters, and the weddings helped to legitimise their new husband’s claim to the throne in some doubtful minds. The daughter of Gobryas, was demoted by these diplomatic marriages. However, the satrap of Babylonia remained loyal and was appointed to the honoured position of royal spear-holder. Darius happily inherited Cambyses’ harem of gorgeous women and boys, which had long been an institution of the Achaemenian kings and similar rulers. However, he correctly perceived that, in order properly to rule his empire, which he proposed to consolidate and expand, he had to establish better administrative systems and make each province sensibly interdependent. He recognised that the prime motivation behind people’s acceptance of central imperial authority, which had previously been exercised in a rather rudimentary manner, would be the equity in law, stability and prosperous development of agriculture and trade that such submission would bring. Darius was to prove an organisational reformer of genius, adapting the best Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian precedents to initiate good, carefully balanced government. Apart from overhauling the satrapy system to more rational effectiveness, and wisely separating civilian and military commands, the new king also instituted the post of Lord High Chamberlain, ‘Hazarapatis’ and ‘Chiliarch’ in respectively ancient Persian and Greek, to head the imperial administration, initially appointing a Mede, Farnaka. Darius also surrounded himself with capable people from all over his empire, whom he appointed to important positions in order to help him to introduce his reforms. He formalised taxation, introduced coinage, instituted the effective imperial post system and built good roads and canals to aid movement round his vast domains. The likes of Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Jews provided significant numbers of bureaucrats, scribes, architects and engineers, as well as doctors, generals and admirals. Darius also created his surveillance network, which was part overt and part covert. His inspectorate of spasakas, or ‘eyes of the king’, were well-known to and feared by the satraps, tyrants and other regional rulers. However, his secret ‘ears’ could belong to anyone. Darius initially chose the old Elamite capital of Susa, 375 kilometres [233 miles] to the south-east of Babylon, to be his main winter base. The city was located in humid lowlands and so was only comfortable in the cooler seasons. Persian kings spent the summer 350 kilometres [217 miles] to the north in the old Median capital of Ecbatana, which was located on the great northern trade route, over 1,800 metres [6,000 feet] above sea-level in the Zagros highlands, where the climate was pleasantly temperate. Having consolidated his position, Darius went on to try to expand his empire further in order to attempt to surpass Cyrus the Great in achievement. The king did so first in the east, where he made use of local tribal wars to invade the Indian Punjab [517 BC] and then south into Sind, which matched Sardis in terms of lucrative trove and therefore became the highest-taxed imperial satrapy. Five years later [512 BC], the Persians invaded the mainland of Europe for the first time, largely for exploratory reasons. Darius took an army across the Bosporus and marched north to cross the River Danube. However, the area was then inhabited by fierce and elusively mobile unconquered Scythian tribes renowned for their cavalry, who cleverly withdraw before the attackers, burning crops as they did so to deny supplies and forage to the enemy. Darius was humiliatingly forced to withdraw. Nevertheless, he obtained the alliance of the king of Macedonia and the submission of the Greeks on the Aegean coast of Thrace, thereby securing a little part of mainland Europe for his empire. Immediately after the Thracian campaign, Darius began to concentrate on consolidating rather than expanding further his empire. This was the current political situation twelve years later when Dios, whose knowledge about the Persian kings had been greatly improved by the considerate Aspamites, finally saw, two days after seeing the monument at Mount Behistun, the tall circular walls of Ecbatana come into view. Ecbatana was situated in a very attractive spot, in a fertile valley setting. The city was situated aside the slopes of a beautifully peaked 3570 metres [11,700 feet] high mountain, which was the tallest in the Zagros range. Dios quietly wondered again what his destiny would become after he entered the ancient summer capital of the Persian King of Kings. (Royal summer palace, Ecbatana, Media, next day) __ ‘Whoever does not love horses and boys and hounds, his spirit never shall have peace.’ - Theognis Dios, standing on a cool marble floor, again found himself shamefully naked. The boy was being paraded along with his fellow Chian eunuchs in a massive colonnaded hall of the vast royal summer palace in Ecbatana, which sparkled from the gold and silver covering on the columns and ceiling. All of boys had previously been carefully washed, groomed and perfumed by older servants of the King of King’s Ecbatana harem, who were also geldings. Dios and the other forty-nine Chian eunuchs were lined up for inspection by the very elderly Lord High Chamberlain, or ‘Hazarapatis’ in ancient Persian, who would decide their immediate destinies. This most senior official was being advised by Aspamites. Dios and his fellow eunuchs were not permitted the slight comfort of covering their gelded genitalia with their hands, which had instead to remain at their sides. Part of the Lord High Chamberlain’s inspection was to check the neatness of the boys’ castrated sexual organs. The Lord High Chamberlain, accompanied by Aspamites, eventually appeared in front of Dios. The boy immediately thought that the rather wizened octogenarian Hazarapatis appeared to possess Jewish features. Dios had seen many Jewish traders on Chios, both resident and transitory. The Hebrew people had quickly returned to their successful mercantile ways after being released from their Babylonian exile thirty-eight years previously by Cyrus the Great. The chin of the Lord High Chamberlain was also hairless, indicating that he too had once been castrated. Although many eunuchs could grow at least some form of beard, contemporary cultural fashion dictated that they were not allowed the hirsute facial feature proudly sported by most male adults of the time in this part of the ancient world who had retained their testes. Aspamites now advised the esteemed Lord High Chamberlain that "This is the boy of whom I spoke." The Hazarapatis’ aged eyes widened, as they then carefully examined Dios’ appearance, during which process he asked the boy to turn round so that he could inspect the child’s now unmarked rear. One look at Dios’, in both senses of the word, outstanding buttocks then helped the Lord High Chamberlain to reach a quick conclusion as to the boy’s immediate destiny. As the Hazarapatis had already done with the other young Chians he had checked, he then announced the 11 year-old’s fate. "Have him sent to Susa for confirmation of his new status," the Lord High Chamberlain commanded of Aspamites, "and relevant training in the role we discussed last night." The Hazarapatis then moved on to the next boy. Dios was puzzled by the meaning of the Lord High Chamberlain’s order but his confusion was later removed by the considerate Aspamites, although the boy first asked about the name and ethnicity of very elderly Hazarapatis. The spasaka, who had visited the 11 year-old in the large, airy and comfortable barrack-style accommodation allocated to the Chian eunuchs in the royal palace, was happy to provide the required information. Aspamites then went on to explain that the King of Kings would be heading, after his visit to Egypt, to spend the winter in Susa. Whilst there, Darius would undoubtedly regularly persue his beloved hunting and also occasionally check on the progress of the building of his new palace in the more southerly Persepolis. The spasaka did not add that he believed that, although Darius had many nice and pretty gelded boys with whom to enjoy sex, the King of Kings had had no- one whom he truly loved in his bed ever since a certain Aspamites left such service. The Babylonian eunuch also did not advise Dios that he considered that the man, who did not find any of his queens or female concubines to be satisfactory soulmates, needed such affection in his daily life. He additionally did not tell the young Chian that he had somehow instinctively identified the 11 year-old as someone who might solve the problem. Aspamites, however, did inform the boy that "The Lord High Chamberlain, whose Jewish name you now know is Daniel, has decided that you will be presented in Susa to the King of Kings, who will then decide if he wants you as a new catamite for his bed!" Άυαπυοή (Pause) (To be continued in the penultimate part δ΄ - ‘Γύναικωνίτις’ [part 4 - ‘Harem’]) * * * `
Porno Flick Part 2
Continuation of original Porno Flick
` Porno Flick - Part 2 ` Allowing the tape to rewind as I cleaned up my mess, I couldn’t escape a singular fascination with something from the tape that had stuck in my mind. It was when Nina explained the club rules about which men were deemed to be worthy studs and which were undeserving and must become eternal boys. Six inches was the magic pivot point. More than six, you’re a stud; less than six, you lose it. (I wondered what happened if you were exactly six inches.) I hadn’t really put a ruler to my dick since high school. The idea had always seemed unimportant and rather silly. To the best of my recollection, that time I measured in high school I came up a little short of six inches. But I reasoned that I wasn’t fully mature and would surely grow. I thought little more of the matter. I knew Michelle always seemed satisfied with what I had and that was certainly good enough for me. Surely I was normal. Six inches was normal, so I must have about six inches. Sure, those guys in the porno flicks were human donkeys, but I was normal. That was good enough for Michelle and good enough for me. Nevertheless, that tape and Nina’s rules had put a bug in my mind. I had to know. Slipping on my briefs, I walked down to the desk in our living room. I looked in the drawer, removed a plastic twelve-inch ruler and returned to the bedroom. Flaccid, or turgid doesn’t count so I restarted the tape for stimulation. At the end of the shaving scene (I had been masturbating) when Kim engulfed Herb,s denuded member inside her healthy bushy cunt and Nina ground her crotch into his face, I was hard as a rock. Quickly popping the ruler on top of my shaft I was shocked and disappointed. I had less than five and one-half inches! Rationalizing that I was not at my maximum potential, I frantically pumped and stroked, watching the erotic scenes on the tape. However, each time I applied the ruler I got the same demoralizing reading. Putting a pillow beneath my hips, arching my back and pushing the ruler hard against my pube, I could only get a little more than five and three-quarters. I was overwhelmed with the sobering realization that if I were in Nina’s club I would be found wanting. I would be reduced to an eternal boy! I found the idea both frightening and compelling. It added fresh exuberance to my masturbation session. This time I lasted until I watched Herb’s penis slipping off over the catheter, then I couldn’t hold it any longer. Watching the tape, I masturbated to climax three more times that day and four times the next day. Finally, I forced myself to put the tape away twenty-four hours before Michelle was due to return. I was afraid that if Michelle came home and found my sexual energies reduced or spent she would suspect me of cheating on her. Hiding the tape in the bottom of my underwear drawer, it was to remain my dirty little secret. To my surprise, when Michelle returned, I found my sexual stamina increased rather than decreased. In spite of my marathon masturbation sessions over the weekend, I had more vitality and enthusiasm than ever! I felt a heightened awareness and appreciation for my equipment and manhood I had never felt before. Michelle had an exquisitely proportioned 5’3" body; voluptuous, but firm. She worked out several times a week and always took advantage of the fitness spas at the hotels where she stayed on her business trips. Gazing on her beauty as I lay beside her in bed, I felt grateful and privileged to be her partner. I experienced a new level of erotic bliss as my 5 ˝-inch member frantically probed the warm slick depths of Michelle’s pulsing womanhood. With my tight balls pressed against her soft labia and my mouth buried the tangles of her silky red hair, I would climax, squealing with rapture and ecstasy like I had never felt before. I was so thankful to have an intact organ that allowed me to consummate life’s greatest pleasure. At the moment of orgasm it seemed to be the essence and meaning of existence itself! All the while, I had an underlying preoccupation with the thought that I was indulging a pleasure of which I was not truly worthy. The next week at work, I thanked Matt for the tape and gave him a new blank to replace the one he had copied for me. Other than that, neither Matt, Al, nor I mentioned the tape again. Michelle must have noticed my increased lovemaking vigor. But she only responded with tighter hugs, tighter leg locks, and more wildly bucking hips. I was in paradise! On the weekends when Michelle was out of town, which was about once a month now, I would pull the tape out of its hiding place and recharge my fantasy. But one weekend, to my dismay, I reached into the bottom of my underwear drawer and found nothing. My heart came up in my throat as I grappled frantically through the briefs, socks, and tee-shirts. I must not have put it back in its place last time, I reasoned. I tried to think. Was it in the garage; the den; the basement? I was frantic! I didn’t want Michelle to find it and think I was some kind of pervert. I searched the house thoroughly that weekend, to no avail. I picked Michelle up at the airport as usual, and when she was in the bedroom unpacking her bags her green eyes lit up with mischief. "Darling, you haven’t been looking for something this weekend, have you?" "Uh, ah, me… looking? Looking for what?" Michelle laughed as she pulled the tape from her suitcase. "This!" My fears were confirmed. "Uh… ah… I guess that means you know?" "I’ve known for over two months now," she said, still laughing. "I was hoping you would come forward and tell me about it, but I suppose you wanted to keep the fun for yourself." "Well… I was… you know, I was afraid…" "And I was afraid you were going to wear it out!" she said, cackling with laughter. "But I’ve taken care of that. I had it burned onto a DVD disk. I have some friends in Dallas that do that, you know. That’s why I took it this weekend. I hope I didn’t ruin your weekend." "Ah… no, of course not." "Tell me, Eddie, do you ever masturbate while watching it?" I was too embarrassed to answer. I stammered and uttered a couple of syllables, but no words came out. "Well, now that I have it on disk I can take it with me on business trips and watch it on my laptop. I’ll leave you the tape. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with masturbating to a video like that." Reaching inside her suitcase, she took out a small paperback book and handed it to me. It was one of those little self-help books written by a psychiatrist. The book was basically about how sexual fantasies - even bizarre sadomasochistic fantasies - could actually be healthy and enhance lovemaking. I was relieved. Not only did Michelle not think I was a pervert, she was fascinated by the subject herself! I must say I found that thought a little disconcerting, but it was also turning me on. "There’s one thing we’ve go to do right now, though, before we go any further." Michelle said, interrupting me as I leafed through the pages of the little book. "I’ve had my suspicions, but I need to know for sure. This will settle it once and for all." Reaching back into her suitcase, Michelle pulled out a twelve-inch plastic ruler! END OF PART 2 Farrell Squire December 2, 2001 Continued in Part 3 * * *
Havoc I : ToyBoy
I had given and thought quite cruel tortures to willing slaves in my early years... but Martina\'s ideas for this boy were quite daring to me.
Being a young girl i had always fantasized about pain and torture. Was however always righteous about human rights and all so never dared to inflict pain unless explicitly required. Early experimentation as a junior mistress under Her (i promised not to name) protection and guidance allowed me to find the correct mind balance to do so and enjoy it fully. Was in the early 90's when this kind of requests were first required as part of my services. It seems canning and whipping were not quite enough for some slaves anymore... hmmm... It always tickles my cruelest insides... Anyhow it wasn´t the slaves themselves. Since I dont deal with individual slaves but rather couples, threesomes and groups, it is quite common to see a darker, far far more wicked soul is behind requests of this kind... And it was in the early 90's that this particular lady came to the realm of dry thorny plants which i call my home. She was in her mid sixties, quite preserved, breasts and buns almosts as fine as my own. Disgustingly wealthy, terribly divorced and bored with her mild existence, her perved dark desires where translucent to this Mistress. Martina, thats her, was more than anxious to bring her brand new aquisition, a troubled young piece with gigolo expectations, to my dungeon, to test her financial and perhaps sexual might over him as I gave him unspeakable pain. I had given and thought quite cruel tortures to willing slaves in my early years... but Martina's ideas for this boy were quite daring to me. Well... it took this wicked soul a few minutes to accomodate.. Ha ha.. as if... Martina came to the dungeon as usual, but i wouldnt make it easy on her flesh to watch this as a Mistress, that pleasure is only for myself and she knows it for sure. Spread nude in the rough wooden cross I allowed her to see, her gag was not there just for me to listen to her moans... of sure pleasure. The star of this evening was the lovely David, her 19 yo bedmate. Can i say i was delighted with this particular piece of male specimen. Lucky bitch! my own guts said, as my arm used all its might to can his low back and naked bottom with a thin fresh willow branch. The strawberry blonde boy skin was a yummy pinkish white, that kind which you look hard and gets red or bruised. I was in excelent mood for this task! After lusciously getting some blood from his 30 minute canning, I tied both his legs and arms to the cement column in the middle of my room. One of the main targets of our wicked perversion was fully engorded with young blood. It was standing straight 90 degrees from his body, giving quick adolescent jumps as i moved the heavy oak table under it. I couldnt help feeling his tight swimmer's frame with my burning hands... It would be good... so good for me. My nipples... hard as steel, trying to escape my black leather top as if with will of their own. It would be so pleasurable, as she had promised, to wreck this young manhood in a single session. To hear his bare screaming at loud... horrible, futile, unhuman.. hmmm.. I had trained Tormenta, my brand new four-month kitty to promptly respond to quick object motion. My poor old setter's tail had suffered some since Tormy came home! Can you imagine?? Tormenta's claws where those of the young kittens, sharp and very thin. My first silent orgasm came when I placed her on the old oak table. The implications were so terrible!!! Even after giving the kid penis a nice rub with codfish oil and tying it tightly by the base i didnt know how it would work for sure. Attracted by the oil Tormenta came closer to the vulnerable flesh tube, hipnotized by the smell of it. Amazing... pussy watering! It was there, tied, shiny and bulging as hell. The deep blue veins portruding. I must say i love the look of uncut blonde men cocks, they look so smooth and vulnerable. As i made it jerk and strike the table repeatedly, Tormenta's claws came to play. At first I wanted the couple to just watch this, so I moved the young man tube out of her reach with quick reflexes. But after getting tired of so much expectation, i allowed her to aim. And then it began! The first blows came to David's foreskin covered arrowhead- shaped cockhead. Such sharp claws could only cut the skin after a few well aimed blows. Ohhh.. and they did!! As some blood started to be extracted by this wicked game, my ovaries trembled with anxiety. More i wanted! More i searched! So exposing the purple bloated glans was my next step. His crying was still low tone and manly, ha ha ha... really??? let's see now... And quick jerking of the cock tempting her reflexes made this an incredible sight! Blood was drawn heavily out of it as she inflicted deep cuts with her kitten claws. Those on the helmet ridge where more painfull and horrible since the curved claws often got stuck in the tight tissue. She was getting bored and more bold, i was getting hornier and bolder as well, so next step i punched Tormy's nose with the cockpiece and that made it. Angry now with this bloody intruder she sunk her teeth on the teenage flesh and as seen, the shaft was now the target, more blood drawn as the thin skin and then those heavy veins where ripped from the penis. Amazing to behold, multiorgasmic madness in my leather outfit. Martina's privileged viewpoint also offered me her orgasmic screams and shouts for more as she laughed, wickedly, in her cross... dildo embedded... All this, so much pleasure for us both... as the young once strong beauty of this young man cock, now unconscious, was being attacked by such small harmfull creature. Tormenta's animal instinct failed on her as she began feeding on this cock with so much exposed inner tissue. My own wicked femme instinct betrayed me as I couldnt stop fingering my bloated lips to a wild and evil orgasm... Hmmm.... -Comments welcome to kathycba43 AT hotmail.com. Merci. MissK.- * * *
XY-N 2 : The Fire Still Burns
Xyn finds acceptance in Shar\'s Domain of Unapproved Orphans, while he tries to help Jayk find acceptance of himself.
` **XYN 2**` Time & Again “I have time, or rather, Time has ME.” - _Waverider_ , DC comics, circa 1990 Xyn awoke to find himself alone in the large bed that Jayk had shared with him. What had awakened him was an itch that seemed to come from here and there and just kept moving around. He sat up, and his small body screamed at him when he did. His head didn’t hurt as much as it had the night before, though. He looked at the empty side of the large bed with its ragged blankets and near flat pillow and thought of Jayk. Xyn sighed - then realized that he was still alive. Jayk hadn’t killed him in his sleep. He hadn’t meant to turn his back on him the night before, but his experiences with Shar, not to mention walking in the woods all of the previous night, had left him worn out. Then there had been the incident with the dying little Mutant, Dan, and the Psi - both his and Shar’s. He realized, as he began to uncovered himself, that Dan was still wearing the suit. He uncovered himself the rest of the way and slowly got up. His legs were weak, and he rubbed at his eyes. It was strange not being awakened by the Voice in the Facility. For every morning that he could remember, it had been the same. He also realized that he wouldn’t be getting a hot shower, either. He stared around the surprisingly well lighted room, wondering what time it was. He had fallen asleep early, he was sure, but he had no way to know how long he had slept. He didn’t feel very refreshed, and he was still sore all over. He scratched at his scalp, and gasped. His head didn’t feel right. It was rough to the touch. For a moment, he almost panicked as he took a step and felt a wave of vertigo. Then the simplicity of it struck him. It was hair growing in! He hadn’t had a shower in at least 2 days or so, and his hair was coming back. He realized quickly - he WAS intelligent after all - that the shower foam must also dissolve off hair. He smiled and thought of Jayk and his long, braided dark locks. Xyn had never had hair before. Then he itched, right on the base of his scrotum, and scratched at it vigorously. He scratched a bit too hard, however, and never having felt pain in his testicles before, let out a yelp. He stared in surprise as his penis became erect, his mind instantly realizing what that feeling in the suit had been all those times lately. He stayed hard as he shook the final bits of sleep from his head and began to explore Jayk’s room. Of course he knew about erections and sex and such from his studies, all the Bios did. It was all part of learning about the biological makeup of Humans. However, all they had studied was cut-and-dried reproduction facts and nothing else, so his erection didn’t give him any ideas. He scratched again as he wandered about the room, noting the threadbare rug on the floor, the rough and crumbly brick walls with their myriad pipes with various conduits running here and there. The room was large, Xyn thought, for an impromptu shelter for Runaways. Then he realized that they had probably been there for a while, and since they were right under the Ruins, that they probably planned to stay for as long as they could. He shuddered as he crossed the room, a chill settling into his naked body. He fervently wished that he could know if Dan were done with his one day in the suit so he could have it back. The suit, if nothing else, would stop the itching that was about to drive him insane. It would also protect him from any of the BioRemnants or Leftovers that floated around, making the Ruins almost uninhabitable. He certainly didn’t want to come down with one of those, as it seemed that Dan had. He thought about sending his Psi out as he scratched again, but a strange sensation stopped him. As he stared at a bookcase that covered one whole wall of the room, he realized that he was still scratching at his penis. It felt strange, and it was so hard that it almost hurt. He pulled his hand away, convinced that something was wrong. He hadn’t thought much about it before, but as he looked down at his erect penis, which looked somehow strange when it was like this, he reached back down and moved it a bit to look at the sac hanging underneath. He gently rolled the two orbs contained therein around, and wondered at the feelings it was giving him. He remembered how the sac hung down in the hot shower, as it did on all the other XY Bios who still had them. All but the ones who had been used for parts were pretty much the same. He didn’t understand it, so he stopped. He thought of Jayk, what his Psi had seen of Jayk’s memories, and shivered. The thought of his own crotch, smooth and empty like Jayk’s didn’t appeal to him and he wasn’t sure why. As an Unapproved Bio from a Facility, he hadn’t really thought of having little ones of his own, and that’s what those part were for, if you were an XY. He made a conscious effort to keep his hands off of those parts until he could get his suit back. He turned his attention instead to the books, keeping his Psi where it belonged as well. He didn’t want Shar angry with him for snooping. The bookcase was large, and Xyn stared at it. His eyes went from end to end, not reading titles, but trying to estimate the number of books. Most of them looked very old, and they smelled like old books usually do - musty and strange. The books on the topmost shelf looked to be covered with a layer of dust, with the amount of dust decreasing as his eyes moved down and over, down and over, until they reached the end of the last shelf. Xyn had seen books before, but he had never actually read one. He pulled one off at the end of the shelf and looked at the title. It was by some guy named Hawking, and it talked about the nature of the universe. The pages were brittle, and Xyn took special care not to damage it. He soon realized something else as he scratched at his scalp. “It’d take YEARS to read all of these!” he exclaimed, looking over the bookcase again. Then he felt it. Jayk was approaching rapidly. Xyn turned back to the shelf, replacing the book. He didn’t want Jayk mad at him for messing up his books on top of everything else that the Mutant eunuch didn’t like about him. He did not, however, turn towards the direction from which he felt Jayk coming. He heard a dull thud, and realized that Jayk had entered the room from some unseen portal near the ceiling. He could feel him approaching, although his bare feet were making no sound on the worn out rug. “Yea, and I’ve read them all,” Jayk said by way of greeting. “Hello, Jayk,” Xyn replied, sensing a bit of elation in the Mutant’s voice. He said nothing else, however, and he didn’t turn to face him. Xyn knew what was waiting for him. Sharply upturned eyebrows, mouth slightly agape to accommodate the fangs, and brows creased. The same smelly ragged green tunic, the long braided hair, and the sense of self-loathing; it was all there, and Xyn didn’t have to see it with eyes to know it. He sighed. Yet there was still something else. “You’re supposed to come with me,” Jayk said after a moment of silence. Xyn nodded, still not moving. “What’s wrong with you ?” Jayk asked in irritation, “Shar doesn’t like to wait.” “I was just thinking about your books,” Xyn replied. “Not much else to do, really, and up above is an old building just full of them. I read fast, and I keep the ones I like. It’s not like anyone is going to miss them.” “You must know a lot from reading all these,” Xyn mused, “All we read was schoolwork stuff.” “I like the fiction, stuff that isn’t real, just stories.” Xyn nodded. “That’s an awful lot of books.” He could feel the consternation, the irritation, and a flash of the blind little one. They were sitting in the old chair opposite the bed, a chair with torn coverings and stuffing falling out here and there that was big enough to hold them both while Jayk read to Scot. The little one’s white eyes were wide open as Jayk read, his mouth slightly agape as Jayk gave life and depth to the words he read to the little one who couldn’t see them. He heard Jayk make an indelicate sound. “You have to remember, I’m a Slow Mutant,” he explained, “and other than scavenging for stuff, there isn’t a whole lot else to do.” “How long to read one book?” Xyn asked, genuinely curious. “About a week, why?” Jayk asked. Xyn whistled. “Jayk,” he asked bravely, “How old ARE you?” And he knew it was a mistake. He felt the animosity coming off of Jayk, and the annoyance. It was borderline hatred, but it was unfocused. “C’mon,” Jayk retorted curtly, “Shar wants to see you, and wants you to see Dan and your suit.” Xyn nodded and turned, and Jayk made another indelicate sound. Although Jayk was dressed, Xyn wasn’t - no one had offered him anything to wear. Jayk stared at Xyn’s XY parts, his pupils changing diameter rapidly. Xyn felt a confused welter of emotions coming off of him, but he had no idea what to do. He was still hard, and for some reason that bothered him. He slammed his eyes shut as the flood of images came from Jayk’s tormented mind. He wasn’t even trying to Psi, but Jayk’s pain was so great that he could not tune it out. He in too close a proximity to him. He heard Jayk say, “Looks nice. Right on the verge of turning into a Man. Hard as a rock, and balls hanging down there just waiting to make you into a Man. Do you even know what to do with that stuff, Psion?” The foremost emotion was jealousy. He could hardly hear Jayk’s words. Jayk was fading before him, and he was looking at plain light gray walls. He was laying in a soft and warm bed. The lights were on, and when he looked around, gasping, he saw that he was in a small room with only the bed and one door and no windows. He wanted to get up and try the door, but knew it was locked. Still, he did, with an extremely uncomfortable sensation coming from his ass. It felt as if he had to go bad, but couldn’t. He felt soft carpeting under his bare feet, and looked down. He sniffed. He was clean, and he could feel that his belly was full. There was also something around his neck, and he reached up to feel a snug and wide collar of some kind there. It felt warm. A sense of panic began to set in as Xyn realized that he was seeing Jayk’s memory, but it was too clear. It had never been like this before, and try as he did, he couldn’t bring back Jayk’s room and the bookcase. Unconsciously, as he must be remembering it, he felt a hand move to his crotch. Xyn remembered scratching when he had gotten up, how he’d wondered about his XY parts, but this time there was nothing there except for smooth skin. The hand trembled as he pulled it away, and he spun around to see what was on the other side of the small room. The feeling in his ass worsened, and he arched his back and groaned in discomfort. He tried to relax, but that only made it feel worse. As he took a few steps, he could feel that there was something up inside of him, something being held in there and he couldn’t expel it. Xyn had had rectal exams before, during physicals, so knew what something being inserted into his rectum felt like. This, however, wasn’t right. Something large was moving inside of him, inside of Jayk then, and he didn’t like it at all. Tears formed up in his eyes as he reached back to try and remove it, but his probing fingers met with soft fabric that felt thick. He gritted his teeth, the pressure in his bowels building as he moved. There was something large in his asshole, and it came out of him to connect to a wrapped mount of some kind that was somehow attached to thin straps that went down below his ass cheeks and up the inside of his thighs to attach to a wide belt around his waist. Try as he might, Xyn ( or rather, as the Psion felt it, Xyn/Jayk) couldn’t budge the belt. It fit like a legless suit with no top, he thought, but it exposed his smooth and empty crotch and also his ass cheeks. As he stood still, the pressure decreased. He felt as if he had to pee, but there was nowhere to go. He held it, afraid to move for fear that the thing that was up inside of him would squeeze it out. He began to cry. Then the door opened. In the doorway, as Xyn/Jayk turned, stood an Adult. He was huge, muscular, and well dressed. His short hair was cut in a flat-top style, and he moved with a grace that Xyn would not have expected from one so large. His face was clean shaven, and not fat. It was simply as proportionately large as the rest of him. He was wearing a clean and pressed plain white shirt and tan pants. Xyn had seen uniform clothes like that before; in fact, he thought of Mr. Rick and his clothing. This man’s eyes, however, told Xyn/Jayk that he wasn’t like Mr. Rick. His grin was evil, not comforting. Xyn/Jayk looked at him, feeling very afraid. The man was smiling openly now, leering at him. His eyes were on the Mutant’s empty crotch, and they sparkled in delight. “Well, little one, I see you’re awake. All healed up fine from yesterday’s performance?” He moved closer, and Xyn/Jayk took a reflexive step back. The thing inside of him poked at his bowel as he did, and he cried out. The Adult laughed. “What’s wrong, little eunuch? The training device not seated right? I myself thought it a bit large, but the Dealer transmitted the specs to me and I had one duplicated just for you. You don’t like it do you?” Xyn could feel the sarcasm, as if the memory had burned itself into perfect detail in Jayk’s mind as a data writer would make a flawless and indestructible copy of isolinear data packets. He shook his head in a gesture of NO, the tears falling down his cheeks. The Adult approached him, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his face. “Please, sir, I have to go bad,” Xyn/Jayk was saying. The Adult nodded. “Good little slave, on with the ‘sir’ already. Excellent. After last night, I was wondering if the sedatives were ever going to wear off. You must have to go really bad, don’t you?” Xyn/Jayk nodded vigorously. “Follow me, then,” the Adult ordered. He did his best to follow him, but after only a dozen or so steps, he couldn’t take it. Whatever the Adult had stuck up inside of him simply wouldn’t let him walk comfortably, and it made his empty crotch feel funny. It also made him almost pee on the floor. He put his hands over his smooth area where his manhood had once been and whimpered. The Adult turned, laughing. He smoothly scooped Xyn/Jayk up into his huge arms, kissed him soundly on the mouth, and took one step through a door that the confused eunuch hadn’t seen. It looked like a large bathroom of some kind, with odd fixtures and furniture here and there. He stood him over a drain in the floor, nodded, and the eunuch knelt and let go. It seemed like he peed forever, amazed at seeing it coming out of something other than his penis. He thought of the suit, but he wasn’t Xyn, he was Jayk. Xyn didn’t pee like Jayk had, the suit took care of him. But Jayk hadn’t peed like this before...it was very confusing. He sighed in relief as the thing inside of him poked at him. He winced. When he was done, the Adult handed him a tissue and he wiped himself off. “Thank you, sir,” he said softly. He stood up, and instinctively looked down at his feet. “Very good!” the Adult praised him, “You know, you might not be so bad after all. The Dealer said you were a Slow Mutant, and I’d hate to have to spend five or ten years training you!” “No, sir,” Xyn/Jayk answered softly. “Tell me, they estimated you at a late 13 Cycles in Bio growth. Is that right?” Xyn/Jayk felt his head nod. The Adult was touching him now, one hand on the back of his neck and the other caressing his smooth crotch. “So close you were, too,” he said softly, kissing the point of Xyn/Jayk’s right ear. “From the looks of what the Dealer took from you, you would have grown up into a fine Adult in a few centuries!” He could feel the Adult moving now, the hand still on his nape and he followed him. They walked down the hall to a larger room full of furniture and things that Xyn/Jayk had never seen before. It looked like the cubicles in some of the buildings in the Ruins, but it was all clean and new. There was another Adult there. “Ah, Doctor! Our newest toy is alive and well it would seem!” the Adult greeted the Stranger. Xyn/Jayk glanced at him and continued to look at the beige colored carpet, praying that someone would take whatever it was out of his ass. The one he had called Doctor came over to him, waved a wand of some kind in front of him, and stared at a handheld unit of some kind. Xyn/Jayk knew it was a Medscan. “Let’s see - genital nullification 60 hours prior, rapid healer protocol used, repair of anal tearing after sexual intercourse 36 hours ago ... just couldn’t wait, could you?” the Doctor asked in a light tone, “and what’s this? Oh. He’s not constipated after all. I see you’ve given him a training device already.” The Doctor’s tone was a bit disgusted. The first Adult was laughing. “He was too tight, Doc. Hurt him bad, had to call Emergency Medtechs for him! You wouldn’t believe the bill! I paid a fortune for a Slow Mutant Eunuch-little one, then I almost broke my new toy the first night! I thought that while they were here, we’d put the thing in him so that they could fix him for me if anything went wrong.” “Well, with that device up inside of him, it won’t be long until he can easily handle all you’ve got,” the Doctor agreed, “Why don’t you stick to just touching, kissing, oral maybe, you know - stuff that will be EASY on him?! You could have given him a little more time to adjust you know.” Xyn felt it as Jayk remembered it. The terror of being cut up - his manhood stolen from him. And right on the verge of the change all XY’s had too! He now knew why Jayk had some musculature. It was bad enough to be cut up, but Jayk had been just starting to grow into being an Adult! Xyn brought his Psi to bear, and he thought of a computer downloading as fast as it could. He saw the Adult holding Jayk - holding him - holding Xyn/Jayk. He was waking up in his bed, naked and warm. The Adult fed him, talked to him, explained that he was his slave now. He listened as he ate, his disgust not affecting his ravenous appetite. This Adult was his new Master, and he a slave. The Master wanted him for sex, having a taste for little e-XY’s, cut smooth and healed well. He would do what his Master told him, and he would address him as “Sir” at all times and speak only when spoken to, or when he had a question on something that he needed to know. He would be cared for medically, fed and housed, but his freedom was over. He was Property now, and his Master owned him. He was crying, and the Master was holding him close. He dimly remembered a Man - his Father? - holding him like that. The Master made him eat, explained more and more to him, showed him the whole house. He showed him things he could do for fun if he were a good little slave and pleased him. He showed horrific video of what would happen to him - video of his last slave - if he did not. Xyn felt Jayk’s terror and instant submission. Fear for his life was the paramount driving force, and Xyn sifted through Jayk’s tortured mind as fast as he could. That night, after just letting Jayk get used to the place, the Master had taken him to his soft and warm bed. Jayk had known what was coming, and he tried as best he could. He did alright up until the Master had lubed his ass and begun inserting his stiff penis. The sucking of it, which had almost choked him, hadn’t been bad. Swallowing his Master’s cum when he climaxed has been strange, but hadn’t killed him. But this very nearly had. Taken by his passions, the Master had not been gentle enough and hurt him. He had taken Jayk’s cries of agony as simple protest. It was during the rest afterwards, when he kissed Jayk’s mouth, being careful of the fangs, that the Master had found him bleeding badly and unconscious. Although Xyn didn’t see this directly, since Jayk didn’t remember it, he knew that he had come in to Jayk’s mind when he had awakened, healed up, two days later. The previous day was lost to pain haunted slumber as the Medtechs had repaired his torn rectum, using rapid healing on it as the Dealer had used on his crotch during his emasculation. The next day was the day that Jayk had awakened to find the training device inserted into his butt, and where Xyn had come in via his Psi. The belt to which it was attached locked, and there was no way for the Mutant eunuch to get it out. The Master informed him that it would slowly stretch his butt to accommodate his penis, so that there would be no further danger of hurting him. The Master had apologized, but still hadn’t offered Jayk anything to wear to hide his semi-nakedness and shame. And Jayk had been so ashamed. The Master left his butt alone for a week, removing the training device only when he requested permission to relieve himself. When he was done, the Master would wash his butt out with a quart of warm solution that made him drowsy. He would then gently reinsert the device and lock the belt back into place. By then, the Master would carry him to his bed and Jayk would awaken there the next morning in his Master’s arms. During the day, Jayk was left to the various entertainments of his Master’s home while he was at work. The security system wouldn’t let him leave, and the Master warned him not to try unless he wanted to spend his days locked in the small room in chains. After a week, a slightly larger training device was inserted. Another week, and a larger one. The same the week after. Jayk had to learn to walk differently each week with the devices inside of him, and as much as it shamed him, he actually found that there were certain ways that he could move or sit that made the device give him strange feelings of pleasure. By the end of the fourth week, it was almost with a feeling of regret that the Master told him that he wouldn’t have to wear the devices any longer. As he watched, Xyn struggled with the one nagging complexity that marred Jayk’s whole existence of his enslavement - when would it end? That night, the Master had taken him. The near month of no full-blown sex had ripened his appetite. He used Jayk in every way that he could before finally rolling him over onto his stomach. This time, when he slid his stiff penis into Jayk’s stretched and trained ass, it didn’t tear him up. It did hurt a bit, but as it slid in further and further, Jayk worked at it as he had worked on the training devices, attempting to ease his own suffering by duplicating his own feelings of pleasure. He relaxed as best he could, taking his Master’s full length into himself. This, of course, drove the Master wild with ecstasy, and Jayk stopped suddenly. Xyn heard him asking in alarm, “Master, what is it? What’s wrong?” But the Master had simply said, in a voice full of pleasure, “Don’t stop, little one!” And Jayk had not stopped. He was a slave. He did his duty to the best of his abilities, and if he himself took some small pleasure in it, so what ?! His Master had not pulled out of him when it was over, his hot seed shot far up inside of Jayk. Xyn felt the shame as the Master kissed his pointed ears and pulled him closer, falling asleep with Jayk in his embrace. But for as much as his Psi felt - shame, pleasure, lust, curiosity, and many other strange feelings that Xyn didn’t know about - he felt no love. What Xyn felt for Mr. Rick wasn’t there. What he felt for the other little Bios in the Facility wasn’t there. What he so wanted Jayk to have, what he knew Jayk didn’t have in him, wasn’t there. Xyn looked deeper, his Psi at full power. He had never taken It so far, and he saw night after night of Jayk and the Master entwined in bed, sweat coming from their naked bodies. He saw the Master holding Jayk, even when they were not in bed, treating him not as a slave but as a beloved little one. This he could almost sense from the Master, but how many Parents made their own little ones prisoners in their homes and kept them naked? How many of them disciplined their little ones with control collars? It was almost love, but Xyn saw through the facade, as Jayk must have, realizing that it was lust, and not love. Xyn’s Psi cringed back from the memories of the Master showing Jayk - his prize - off to his friends who used him as well. If it bothered him, Xyn couldn’t see that. Jayk did as he was told, and he was seldom punished. He saw the Master’s happiness, but in Jayk he saw none. Jayk knew his duty as a slave so very well, and his Master soon recovered his huge investment in the Slow Mutant that he had had made into a eunuch. And although he learned much in the few moments that his Psi roamed through Jayk’s memories, he didn’t understand much of it. He was wrestling with one particularly disturbing question that Jayk was asking in bed one morning as his Master was stroking his smooth crotch and just watching him. Jayk had asked his Master, if he would do something for him before leaving for the day’s work. The Master had laughed at his audacity, but Jayk had had such a pleading expression on his face that the Master simply HAD to hear it. His slave wanted a favor! Xyn’s Psi went over it three times before he began to move on. “Master, it’s been a long time since I had to wear the training device, and well, I was just wondering if you could ... if you could ... put it back on me today, just for today?” Jayk had asked in a quiet voice, his face flaming. His Master had looked shocked for a moment, then roared with laughter until he cried. In fact, he’d gone and gotten the largest of the devices out of storage immediately and watched his slave squirm in pleasure as he seated it and locked it into place. Xyn didn’t understand the words, “A good slave like you SHOULD be rewarded from time to time. I may just have to work late tonight, too!” Then he heard her. A Psi more powerful than his invaded the mental ‘download’. It said one word - “STOP!” Jayk and Xyn both cried out, each falling backwards onto Jayk’s worn rug in his room. The link broken, each one shook his head and panted, trying to clear his mind. It was Shar who spoke in their minds. Shar, the Queen of the Runaways under the Ruins. “Bring him to me NOW, Jayk!” she commanded. Jayk slowly got up and offered Xyn his hand. Xyn blinked. “So now you know just how foul and depraved I am,” Jayk whispered, “Let’s go.” Xyn took his hand, and strangely, Jayk didn’t release it. Xyn saw Scot flashing in Jayk’s mind, but he also saw something else - it was like a door, and it was cracked open just a bit. Xyn asked again, “Jayk, how old are you? And, uh, I’m sorry for all that, I really am, but YOU did it to me this time. You’re strong Jayk, strong in the mind. Did you know that?” Jayk nodded. The anger that Xyn expected, oddly, wasn’t there. “I’ve been HERE for 15 Cycles. Scot was here with us for 4 of those. He’s been gone for almost 1. I was with my Master for almost 13, before Shar rescued me. Before that, I was with Tevis in our Refuge on the other side of the Old City in the top of an old building they tore down. I was there for, let’s see,” Jayk mused as his sloped eyebrows creased in thought, “I think it was 10. Then Tevis died of a Remnant attack. Before that, I was running the streets and roaming the forests for about 20, give or take a year here and there.” Xyn stopped and stared in amazement as Jayk explained it. His hand slid from Jayk’s grasp. “You’re almost 60?” he breathed, unable to believe it. Jayk shook his head. “Slow Mutants age approximately 50 Cycles to a normal Bio’s 1,” he said dismally. “If I hadn’t been rescued, I could have been enslaved for centuries before I grew undesirable. Remember, I was 13 in Bio growth when my Master got me. That made me almost 65 in real time then. Try something like 125 or so. I lost track long ago.” By then, they had entered the main room. They were all standing there, behind Shar. There were even ones that Xyn hadn’t felt before. All in all, there were about 12 of them. Xyn suddenly felt embarrassed to be seen naked in front of all of them. “Xyn Psion,” she began, gesturing to Dan, “we cannot thank you enough for your gift. There was no reason for you to do what you did for young Dan, yet you did. You literally gave your life for his, not knowing if we would let you leave or not. We are grateful, as only a Family can be grateful. Believe me when I say that we ARE a Family - a Family of Outcasts. The pain of one is the pain of all.” Then she bowed her head to him again. When she lifted it, Dan approached her. He was dressed in a dirty gray tunic that was almost too short to cover his butt and he had no shoes. Xyn watched in absolute amazement as the little Mutant handed her the suit, but she shook her head and pointed to Xyn. “Take it to him, Dan, and thank him,” she said softly, “He won’t hurt you.” Dan approached him warily, but he was smiling. His cheeks were rosy, and his skin was no longer so white. His lips were now a deep red, and his flesh-tone was good. His hair had been washed and combed, and he had had a bath. Despite his other Mutations, Xyn noticed something else - his arms had shortened. In repairing him, the suit had borrowed bone and muscle mass from his too-long arms and redistributed it! Dan also appeared to have put on about 10 pounds in weight. Xyn had not known that the suit could do that. He smiled as he took it back from the little Mutant, who shyly looked down at his bare feet. Xyn thought he looked like a smaller and paler version of Jayk. “Thank you, Xyn Psion,” he said softly, “Thank you for saving my life. I’ve been sick for a long, long time.” “You’re welcome, Dan,” Xyn said in return, draping the suit over his back and sighing in genuine relief as it enveloped his naked body. The intermittent itching stopped, and Xyn flexed. The stiffness in his muscles and joints dissipated instantly as the suit began its minor repairs. It hissed and beeped once and then settled. Dan was grinning at him. “I can breath now too!” he piped, his face lit up like the sun rising. Xyn smiled back at him, although he made no effort to touch him. Dan reminded him now - except for the ears and fangs - of the other little ones back at the Facility. He sighed. “I know you are uncomfortable here,” Shar said then, “But know this - you have proven yourself to us. You are no street Orphan, just an unfortunate. You are more than welcome to stay here with us, if you like. I know you and Jayk share a bond, not unlike the one he shared with Scot. He won’t admit it, not yet, but I also know that you learned much from him when I summoned you.” She then turned to the others. “Leave us now,” she ordered, but her tone was soft, “We all have work to be about.” They did that. Dan left last, still smiling at Xyn and running back the dim tunnel. Jayk laughed as he went, and Xyn liked the sound of it. “He hasn’t been able to run in months,” Jayk said. Shar nodded. Then she looked directly at Xyn. “Let your mind roam, Xyn Psion,” she told him, “and know that we truly welcome you. Stay if you wish, or go. But know this as well - despite your gifts, and your suit, you will not last a week above if you go alone. A Hunter will find you. No doubt your Facility wants a specimen like you back. I sense in you a great longing for this Adult called ‘Rick,’ but know this as well - he was an Adult in charge of a Facility. He cannot give you a home, nor a Family as we can. This I know to be Truth. Do not fear me, for I shall not harm you. I never intended to harm you.” And with that, Xyn felt her defenses fall. The minds of all the Orphans and Runaways in this strange underground complex opened up to him, and he felt them all. Shar’s Psi was so strong that she had been able to mask all of them from Xyn! There was respect, friendship, awe, trust - but most of all, there was love. Love for one another and fierce devotion to making sure that each and every one survived another day. Xyn gasped as he felt most of this from Jayk as well. The pain and loss and humiliation were all still there, but Xyn saw the door opening a bit further. The love was behind that door, and Xyn knew it. He bowed his stubbly head to Shar. “I will stay a while,” he said softly. Shar nodded. “Xyn Psion is YOUR responsibility now, Jayk, since you brought him here. Take him in hand and instruct him. Teach him our ways. For today, however, it is yours. Do as you will. Resume that which I interrupted, if you wish. It was not my intent to eavesdrop.” She then turned and left the room, her bearing as regal as any Approved Lady. After she had gone, Jayk turned back to Xyn. He gestured at the corridor, and Xyn followed him, his Psi switched off. When they arrived back at Jayk’s room, Xyn’s curiosity got the best of him. “Where did you get the books?” he asked. Jayk pointed at the ceiling. “Up there. I think they called it ‘library’ or something. There’s a ton of books and stuff up there, machines that don’t work, all kinds of stuff. No one’s been in it for a long, long time.” He flopped in the old chair, and it creaked. “You like to read, don’t you?” Xyn asked, his eyes on the bookcase again. “You should know what I like by now,” Jayk said dismally. “I didn’t mean to do that, Jayk. I couldn’t keep YOU out that time.” Jayk sighed. “I’m sorry. I guess it was coming back in and seeing you naked that did it. I was so jealous. I mean, I got cut up about 30 years ago and I’m still pissed off about it. Stupid, huh ?” Xyn shook his head. “I know sometimes the other little Bios cried for a long time when they took a part from them at the Facility.” “Did a lot of them get gelded?” Jayk asked. “I only remember 3 who got that. Most of the time it was an eye or something from inside.” Then Jayk sighed heavily. “I don’t know if me being in charge of you is a good thing or not,” he admitted, “You might not like me after a while.” Xyn turned back to him. “I liked you when I met you in the woods. You didn’t like me though. Why the change of heart?” Jayk hung his head, his long braided hair falling over his slumped shoulders. “I ... I guess ... I dunno. Maybe I just wanted somebody to know. Not even Shar’s been in my head that deep. She doesn’t know what you know, like, what he did to me - or how I got to like it after a while.” Even with his Psi turned off, Xyn could still sense the shame in Jayk’s confession. Yet he saw no crime in it; Jayk had merely made the best of what Life had dealt him. Where was the shame in that? He let his mind range back over the things he had seen in Jayk’s mind. He shifted his legs as he felt his penis getting hard again. The suit would hide it, of course, so Jayk wouldn’t know it. Jayk might get mad or jealous, and Xyn didn’t want that. It was becoming uncomfortable, though, and he didn’t know what to do about it. He walked over to where Jayk sat and placed a hand on the Mutants eunuch’s shoulder. “If you WANT me to know more, or you NEED to just talk, I’m here,” he offered. Jayk looked up at him sharply. “You can’t understand, Xyn,” he replied in a sick tone, “You can’t understand what it’s like, what it WAS like. I’m surrounded by others who love me, they say, and almost worship me because I’m the most talented and biggest, oldest one here. But I don’t FEEL it, Xyn! How do I FEEL it? What did my Master cut out of me so long ago besides my manhood?” “I know one way to do it, for how the others feel about you. I can’t do it without one of them though, I need to touch him. What I can do is tell you I know what being loved is like. I can share that with you if you want it. You saw a small bit of it in the woods,” Xyn offered. He shifted again, trying to make his throbbing erection a bit more comfortable. It was beginning to annoy him. Why was it doing that when he wasn’t trying to make little ones of his own? Jayk caught that. “What’s wrong with you, you got bugs?” Xyn flushed. “I don’t know. I think my suit’s messed up. I was itchy and I had an erection this morning. I have one now, and it feels weird. I don’t get it.” Jayk laughed, and Xyn let his Psi come up just a bit. Jayk was amused. “Tell me what you know about sex and XX’s and XY’s.” Xyn did that, reciting his textbook lesson letter perfect. Jayk was convulsed with laughter when he was done. Xyn was confused. “What?” he asked in an embarrassed tone. “Xyn, that’s only a scrap of it! You’re in your 13th Cycle? You’re hitting the Change, buddy! You’re slowly becoming an Adult Man, and you’re feeling sexual arousal for the first time!” Jayk answered him. Then he went back to laughing. When he was done, Xyn was staring at him like he was an idiot. He had also removed his suit. He felt Jayk’s mirth turn to shock. Jayk gaped at his new charge. Xyn was standing there with his full 4 ˝ inches of late boyhood erection pointed at him. Jayk tried to recall how large his had been before they’d cut it off, but he found he couldn’t. He thought of how large his Master’s penis had been, and when he saw Xyn’s, he realized that the Psion had potential. He also saw that Xyn was worried. “This is normal?” Xyn asked. Jayk nodded, staring at the throbbing erection and Xyn’s well-formed balls hanging below his uncut penis. For his age, Xyn was pretty well set, Jayk thought. He wasn’t nearly as large, not by any means, as the Adults who had used him for sex, but still, Jayk found himself feeling things that he thought were long since buried. It had been 15 Cycles since he had last had sex with his Master, and none of the Orphans here had ever been old enough to be sexually mature. Shar was, or course, but she was an XX and Jayk couldn’t do much with her, even if she’d wanted to. “You’re in good shape,” Jayk offered lamely. Xyn felt the pain in Jayk’s voice and let his Psi open up to him. “You hurt so bad, Jayk. Tell me what I can do to make it go away,” Xyn offered. He watched as the tears welled up in Jayk’s eyes. Very slowly, the eunuch took his hand and led him to the bed. As they sat, Xyn’s suit on the arm of the chair and Jayk’s green tunic falling to the floor, Jayk laid his head across Xyn’s lap. He could feel the erect penis on his cheek, and he knew how much he wanted to do with this Newcomer what he had done with his Master. He wasn’t sure if he could bring himself to do it, though. Once again, the shame. Xyn felt it keenly, and felt his own discomfort. From what Jayk had told him, sometimes XY’s had non-reproductive sex with each other for fun, because it felt good. He had seen proof of this in Jayk’s memories. Yet Xyn only knew that his penis didn’t feel right and that he didn’t like it. If Jayk could fix it, he was all for it. Very gently, he let his own memories of the other little Bios and Mr. Rick filter into Jayk as he stroked the eunuch’s hair and touched his pointed ears. He gasped as Jayk turned his head a bit, and being very careful of his fangs, took Xyn’s erect penis into his mouth. Time and again, Jayk had wanted it. Time and again, he had been denied it. But as Xyn’s Psi flooded his aching mind and heart, Jayk found not only his mouth filled with Xyn’s penis, but his heart filled with something else of Xyn’s. They laid back on the ragged blankets, each one doing what he knew how to do best ... **“...the Heart grows older, but never ever learns.** The Memories smolder, and the Soul always yearns... After the Fire, the Fire still burns.” -Roger Daltrey, ‘Under a Raging Moon’ * * *
Matties Rag
Mattie vs the Alien
` Matties Rag ` LeRoy and Mattie were sitting on the back porch, watching the fireflies and swatting at the mosquitos when junior staggered out onto the creaking boards of the porch and dropped his head on his mommas lap. Life was slow here, and there was always just enough to eat and do around the farm that had been in Leroys family for years. The hogs out back were always making young ones and the two milkers in the lower forty always seemed ripe for plucking so there was always food around in case LeRoy didn’t feel like working at the gas station down the road a ways. Mattie never seemed to mind much of anything as her Pa always saw that she had the pills she needed from the pharmacy he owned. LeRoy belched loudly as the beans they had for dinner came back up for another round, and sighed as the seasonings tickled his throat on their way back down to his uneasy stomach. It was about then when LeRoy noticed the small twinkling green light nestled among the stars. Strange, he thought to himself briefly, but then turned his attention back to porking his wife who always seemed to desire his long, lanky dick. She knew just how to coax the cum from him and always seemed to hunger for her creamy reward. Mattie had lost her two front teeth one night right after they were hitched when she tripped and fell face first into the old rusty plow. Although it did little to help her appearance, the unintentional dental modification instantly converted her into the best cock sucker in the county. Every time her Pa opted to pay for restorative dental work, LeRoy would put up such a fuss that her Pa would quickly abandon the attempt. LeRoy had just buried his face into Matties ample breasts when a loud explosion rolled through the countryside and everything was instantly bathed in an eerie green glow. With a start LeRoy turned just in time to see the green glowing object disappear behind the barn and impact with a second and much louder explosion. The ground trembled violently for an instant collapsing the far end of the porch in a frightening display of splintered oak and rusted nails. Mattie screamed and pushed LeRoy away from her chest with such force that he tumbled from the deck onto the weed covered ground. She disappeared into the house to look after junior, and LeRoy quickly stood up and tucked his dick back into his coveralls as he began trotting towards the barn with his trusty bloodhound Red trembling by his side. As he rounded the corner, LeRoy swore loudly upon seeing the carcass of his beloved Bessie as she lay in a grotesque position on a mound of dirt the fully encircled the still glowing rock. Mattie started yelling at LeRoy from the second story window as he slowly climbed into the crater and broke wind with a grimace and a groan. The rock was glowing and throbbing, making a multitude of clicking noises that could barely be discerned over the hissing sounds as a geyser of water rose from the ruptured water main nearby. Columns of steam rose from the evaporating water making the air so thick that it was almost unbearable. The rocks glow had an almost hypnotic effect, and he climbed down to watch it more closely as Red whined from atop the embankment. After several minutes, he figured there was nothing worth frettin about so he staggered back out of the culvert and into the barn where he grabbed an old leaky wash basin to cover up the the unwelcome visitor. He’d figure out what he was going to do with it tomorrow when his head was clear; but for now, he wanted to get back to his unfinished business with Mattie. As Matties shrill squeal of fulfillment drifted through the still night air, the crickets chirped and Junior buried his head in his pillow. Red stirred and whimpered softly from his burlap bed on the back porch, molested by the strange odor that tainted the humid night air. Back behind the barn, several delicate plumes of powder green mist drifted through the holes in the bottom of the old tub and began to congeal several feet above their origins. One stray plume drifted towards the battered carcass of the cow and drifted into her flared nostrils. Within a few brief moments, Bessies eyelids fluttered and focused on the indistinct cloud that was forming a few feet from where she lay. It was enough to startle the poor milker to her senses and within moments she was making a hasty retreat for the dew laden pasture. LeRoy staggered to his feet as the morning sun stabbed at his face. He swore softly to himself knowing Mattie had arranged the down stuffed mattress just so the morning light would strike him in the face and get him outa bed before he tried to jump her bones. He glanced over at her face that was half obscured by the motheaten comforter that had been a gift at their wedding not all that long ago. Somehow she always found a way to fulfill him and leave him wanting more at the same time. She was a rare wench, he mused as he straightened out his overalls, and chuckled at to himself. Silently he tip-toed for the stairs to feed the animals and Mattie smiled softly to herself as the remnants of his seed dribbled onto the sheet from between her thighs. Red hobbled to his feet and dutifully followed LeRoy down the stairs towards the barn. Sometime during the night the water had been turned off although a large pool of water remained where the green visitor had first arrived. Sitting next to the tranquil pool, he first saw her naked and radiant. Man and dog froze. She slowly turned to face the awestruck pair with an enchanting smile and a pair of blue eyes that charmed the fleas right off of Reds back. The dog split for the house with his tail tucked without a backward glance. LeRoy sank to his knees at the feet of the enchanting goddess and drooled. With a perfectly manicured finger, she slowly reached over and touched a lock of his hair on his bowed head. His eyes rose to meet hers and he could see an entire galaxy slowly moving within the depths of her gaze. She rose from the side of the pool and stretched deliciously, savoring the sensations the washed over her. Her new body was craving nourishment, protective attire, and most fervently, the warm creamy substance that could only be found springing from the loins of the males of this fragile species. Enraptured, LeRoy absently unfastened his coveralls and they slid to his ankles. She grasped the thick knarled pole of his masculinity and filled her mouth with it. The sensations were beyond their wildest imaginings, instantly launching his seed on its long journey from his dangling balls to his pee hole with such velocity, that if accurately measured, would have set a new land speed record. She sucked the life giving liquid greedily from him, draining his cream as quickly as his body could generate it. LeRoy was bucking his hips frantically, with his head turned towards the heavens in an orgasmic trance. It was, and would be the longest orgasm he would ever experience as an unbroken stream of his seed boiled from his gonads and surged into his madly pulsing prostrate. Spurt after spurt churned through his cock and into her warm and willing mouth only to cascade down her throat as she hungrily gulped down his precious life giving fluid. Suddenly, she too joined him in an erotic haven, as her torso contracted violently from the initial spasm of her own orgasm. She began to see stars as her body convulsed with ever increasing intensity and a fountain of pee erupted from between her legs as she lost control of her bladder muscles. She couldn’t get enough of LeRoy and took his cock into her throat so that she could take his drained balls into her mouth. He yelped from the over stimulation, and grabbed her hair as he desperately thrust his hips into her face. Her hands dropped to her pussy, and she rubbed the sensitive saturated flesh wildly, bathing her hands with copious amounts of cum. Wave after wave of passion encompassed them until they were rolling in the mud in total abandon. That was when Mattie happened to peer out the window, and all hell broke loose. With grim determination, she thundered down the stairs, grabbed the shooting iron, and bounded off the porch towards the passionate couple in one fluid stride. She was on them in an instant, and before they could react, the first round blew the aliens head clean off. As LeRoy rolled off of the disfigured creature, Mattie took careful aim and squeezed the trigger once more. Like a slow motion scence from a B rated horror movie, LeRoy watched his once magnificent cock disappear in a spray of gore. Mattie turned on her heel and stormed back to the house, almost tripping over her dress hem several times as she continually shook her head in disgust. Mattie has the run of things now, and LeRoy is up early every morning, plantin’ and feedin’ and doing all the things Mattie asks him to. If he’s good, she sometimes fingers his grotesque little stub of masculinity; but if he’s bad, she grabs him by the over ripe balls. She never tells him how much she truly misses the cock she once called her own - she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction; but ever now and again you can hear her out back in the fruit cellar gruntin’ and groanin’. The impact crater has long since been covered over and Bessie seems none the worse over the entire incident. Ever once in awhile, during the dead of night when no one is around, a small green flicker can be seen coming from a pile of old rusty debris behind the barn, and if one listens very carefully, they can hear a fulfilling feminine sigh followed by a burp. * * *
Slide Into Hell
A young Arizona boy achieves his aim of upstaging a rival, but not in the manner expected.
` SLIDE INTO HELL ` By Pueros & Erik (Arizona, USA, early July 2002) Doug was very angry. The 14 year-old was also acutely jealous, although he would not admit this latter emotion, even to himself. Doug knew that he was the handsomest boy in his year at school. He knew so from looking regularly at his nude frame in the mirror in the privacy of his bedroom. He liked the way his straight blonde hair had been fashionably and expensively cut with a part in skater style. He felt that the freckles on his face, arms and shoulders enhanced rather than detracted from his perfect visage. He also believed that most of the girls in his circle were entranced by his physical allures, or so his sensuous blue/grey eyes suggested to his biased mind. Doug was actually right in all his beliefs but it had been his cocky vain assurance about these facts that had lost him the competition, as well as the respect of his male and female contemporaries, because personality counted as much as looks. The most popular boy in his year had won instead. Doug already hated the winner intensely because his fellow 14 year-old was too nice and too liked. He therefore felt that his rival’s success in gaining the honour of being the one to open officially the new neighbourhood water theme park, by being the first to slide down the largest chute, the biggest in the State, was too much. Doug accordingly proposed to sabotage the event, which was scheduled to be in front of many specially invited spectators, including top civic dignitaries, and television cameras, in two ways. First, he would sneak into the park before it opened to be the first to enjoy the slide. It would be an action he would film using his video camera to provide later evidence of the deed and so undermine the status of his rival’s accomplishment. Second, he would furtively damage the chute somewhere, probably out of sight in one of its covered sections, so that the opening was marred by a terrible and painful accident to the young guest of honour. The local media had announced the theme park’s completion and readiness for opening the following day and so Doug proceeded to the venue. It was a hot sunny lunchtime, just after the start of the school holidays. The boy could see through railings that the site was largely empty, apart from a few workmen, most of whom were going for their midday meals, many to the local McDonalds. The 14 year-old had planned and timed his arrival to perfection. Doug expertly scaled the metal barrier and crept to the main pool, where the super slide was located. He found that not only were the water systems fully operational for testing and imminent publicity purposes but also the supervising workmen in the area were amongst those who had departed to consume Big Macs. Doug, wearing only a dark blue t-shirt and speedos with white trainers, removed his video camera with tripod from its shoulder bag and set the equipment up so that it would film his triumphal unofficial inauguration of the super slide. The boy then took off his upper garment and footwear and proceeded to make the climb to where the very tall and long, and consequently intensely exciting-looking, chute started. On the way, he noticed a workman’s toolbox and borrowed the hammer within to use to perpetrate the later second act of malicious sabotage. Doug’s remaining attire was very skimpy. The boy preferred sparse tight speedos to the swimming shorts now much more commonly sported by his male contemporaries, as his liked to show off his superb contours, including his very pleasant rear curvature and the clearly discernible outline of his young teenage genitalia. He thought that such exhibition would make the girls drool and the other boys jealous. Doug was particularly pleased with how his uncut genitals were developing. His slender cock was of substantial length for a 14 year-old, even when flaccid, and the twin orbs of his ball sac were fulsome and hung low. The latter now produced much fuel for the former to gush during his frequent masturbation sessions. The whole gorgeous scene was smooth and hairless, apart from a small neat crowning bush of golden pubic hair. Doug eventually reached the vertiginous top of the super slide and positioned himself in a sitting pose in readiness to begin his inaugural descent. However, the boy’s intent to open the attraction informally without delay was disturbed by a tingling in his groin and a noticeable growth in the pleasant bulge displayed at the front of his speedos. Over the last few years, the 14 year-old had acquired an erotic interest in furtively exposing his delicious genitalia in quiet potentially public places, such as his own back garden or the local park, to indulge in secret masturbation. The delight obtained by the exercise in outdoor self-pleasure appeared to be splendidly intensified by the open air and dangers of possible discovery. Doug recognised that this was a perfect opportunity to indulge a favourite pastime. After all, he could edit his video later to exclude the scene. The boy therefore looked around again from his lofty perch and saw that no one was in the near vicinity. Accordingly, he slid his eager hands into the sides of his minuscule dark blue speedos and pushed downwards. His rapidly growing cock soon popped into view. Doug stood up, speedos around ankles, and began to rub his now desperate member, which quickly achieved its full slender erect length. The boy again took in the splendid view, not only of his surrounds but also of what he was playing with. The 14 year-old saw some people going about their business in the distance but was reassured that they would be unable to appreciate what he was up to or even the fact that he was currently nude. However, the whole erotic scenario quickly induced the juices within his balls to want to explode down the readied penile shaft into the rushing waters of the slide at his feet. Doug’s body was overwhelmed by gorgeous feelings, causing his beautiful frame to vibrate as the acute sensations of delectable orgasm seared through him. The boy’s cockhead spurted load after load of creamy white semen into the waiting rapidly flowing water. It seemed that the first human burden to successfully traverse the super slide would not be the 14 year-old himself after all, but his reproductive juices. Later, after he had climbed down from his ecstatic high but not from the slide, Doug pulled his speedos back up over his now softening cock and resumed his sitting position, ready to follow his sperm into the waiting rushing waters and the pool far below. However, his intent to open the attraction informally without further delay was again interrupted, this time by a helicopter flying overhead. The boy looked up and noticed that there was a television cameraman in the chopper, clearly filming an aerial perspective of the theme park, presumably for some advertising trailer or news item. Doug paused to wonder whether he should defer his descent until the helicopter had gone away but then realised that its appearance might mean that his imminent action to undermine his rival’s achievement could gain wider publicity. Leaving the hammer at the top of the slide for later use, the boy therefore waited for the moment the cameraman began to focus on the super slide before launching himself happily into the rapid flood of falling water. Meanwhile, in the nearby McDonalds, two of the workmen responsible for the safe installation of the massive slide were talking. “So what’s left?” asked one, as he bit into his Big Mac. “Just need to tidy up some of the joints,” answered the other, “as there’s quite a few that still have large nasty splinters. I had to stop the job prematurely for the aerial publicity shoot, which should be taking place now. However, it won’t take long later to shave the dangerous slivers into smooth unnoticeable safe perfection.” “Imagine, though,” the other responded, “the damage that could be caused to someone using the chute without that finishing work!” Both then simultaneously laughingly exclaimed, whilst extending symbolic protective hands to their groins, “Oooo, ouch!” “Oooo, ouch!” exclaimed Doug but much more loudly than the workmen, as his speedos began to shred. The boy knew instantly that there was something faulty with the slide and tried desperately to stop his descent but the flow of water, set to maximum for testing and filming, was too powerful and his fast fall proceeded inexorably. Meanwhile, the helicopter cameraman had indeed spotted the boy and was focusing right in on his action. However, the technician was to record far more than expected and the advertising promo would soon be turned into the main feature of that day’s television news bulletins. Shreds of dark blue lycra started to appear noticeably in the water around Doug and then red fluid. The boy’s initial happy laughter had also now become horrified, agonised and tearful screams. Doug’s speedos were rapidly being completely shredded away. However, the boy was not concerned by his involuntary strip because he was now also beginning to suffer much worse, namely physical harm. As Doug’s trip down the super slide continued remorselessly, the first pained anguish was felt to his cock. The boy looked down and, just underneath the reddened water, he managed to see that the tip of his suddenly uncovered penile foreskin had been torn off. However, as if this was not bad enough, the 14 year-old then suddenly experienced acute excruciation just beneath his freshly damaged member. Doug now observed that, beneath the swirling foam, his smooth scrotum had been neatly sliced open, the cut more or less incising the two ball sacs apart. The shocked, horrified and agonised boy could then do little to prevent another splinter from freeing his first testicle from its home to allow the white orb to become an independent agent in the fast flowing descending water. The ball was Doug’s left and it did not have to wait long to be painfully joined in freedom by its twin. The boy’s now bare bottom was also comprehensively shredded by the time the 14 year-old splashed into the large pool that indicated the end of his slide into hell. Doug had certainly inaugurated the new attraction in an innovative manner, publicly becoming a circumcised eunuch in the process. THE END of ‘SLIDE INTO HELL’ by Pueros & Erik * * *
How a Depraved Libertine Found Salvation
A cynical young sophisticate goes to an Evangelist\'s camp meeting to sneer and jeer but reckons without the Evangelist\'s eloquence and his own suppressed guilt feelingswhich lead him to seek redemption by becoming \"a eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven\'s sake.\"
All persons, places, and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or events is purely coincidental. By the time he had attained the age of 24 years, there were few depths of depravity that David Thornbush had not plumbed . He was a seducer, fornicator, adulterer, and sometime sodomite. His lust was uncontrollable and insatiable. He took no thought for the fate of his immortal soul except to say jokingly that by now he ought to have qualified for an executive position in Hell. He associated with a group of rakehells like himself who sought to assure that the number of virgins in town be kept to a minimum. Curiously enough, and surely not for lack of trying, he had never impregnated a young woman. His luck was better than he deserved, for he also had never contracted a venereal disease. He considered himself a most well-favored and lucky young man. One day, he chanced upon a handbill advertising a camp meeting to be held that evening by the Evangelist, Willy Mundy on the subject "Hell's Punishments for Lust" FOR MEN ONLY. Amused, David decided to go to the meeting for a good laugh and perhaps to heckle the Evangelist. He had reckoned without Mr. Mundy's eloquence and his vividly graphic depiction of the horrors of Hell. Once, when a skeptic had asked him if he had ever visited Hell, Mr. Mundy replied. "No, but Jesus did, for three days, and he has told me." For amusement , then, and out of prurient interest, David Thornbush paid his 20˘ admission at the gate and entered the huge tent. On this tour, Mr. Mundy appeared alone. His wife, Mother Mundy, was indisposed, and his choir under its director Hosmer Rodhurler, were occupied in making recordings for Conquistador Records. Actually, he needed neither. His voice and his careful choice of words for the greatest emotional impact were quite sufficient. Beneath David's case-hardened exterior lurked a much-suppressed, but very guilty conscience. Willy Mundy possessed the emotional keys to the doors behind which David Thornbush had imprisoned his conscience. David had always had a vivid imagination and Mr. Mundy played upon it as upon a stringed instrument. Soon he was visualizing, in terrifying detail, the unspeakable horrors which Willy Mundy depicted verbally with such skill. David found himself being overwhelmed by guilt and fear such as he had not felt since childhood. He wanted desperately to run out of that tent and hear no more, but he was seated in the middle of a row. It is very doubtful that Mr. Mundy noticed David in particular, but he pointed dramatically out into the crowd and thundered "I see you out there, tryin' to git up and run away. You kin run away from me, but you cain't run away from yore conscience and YOU CAIN'T RUN AWAY FROM GOD ! There's nowhere to hide. God sees all and knows all. How will you hide your filthy thoughts ? How will you hide those sins which GOD ALREADY KNOWS ? ! Only by penitence, only by throwin' yoreself before God as a suppliant kin you ever hope to escape his WRATH ! You stay here and listen, and you will learn the way to redemption. God knows the weakness of the flesh. God knows the weakness of man's will. He has provided help for you to redeem yourself in his eyes. Wait, hear me out and you will learn what it is." So, David waited. Finally, Brother Mundy came to the point he had been awaiting. " Brother, even if you are one of those vile sinners, do not despair. Despair is lack of faith. Always, Jesus makes clear before you a pathway to redemption. Even you can be saved. Are there some here who do not know what a eunuch is ?" A number of hands were raised. "A eunuch is a gelded man, just like a steer is a gelded bull. Hear what Matthew [19:12] has to say about eunuchs, quoting Our Lord's own words 'There be those who were born eunuchs out of their mothers' wombs, and there be those who are made eunuchs of men , and there be those who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake . He who is able to receive it, let him receive it.' These are our Saviour's own words. Clearly, he don't disapprove of men makin' themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. If he did, would he not have said so ? Instead, he says 'He who is able to receive it, let him receive it.' There, brother is the pathway to redemption. In every town where I have preached, there is at least one good Christian surgeon who is willing to help sinners control their lust by making them eunuchs. If you want to know the name of the surgeon here who will help you in this way, speak to me after the sermon." After exhorting the sinners to abandon their evil ways and accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, Mr. Mundy left the stage. David was one of about a dozen men who sought Mr. Mundy out after the sermon. Mr. Mundy gave him the doctor's name and address: "Dr. Randolph Parsons, 240 Eastway Ave. God bless you, brother." He shook hands with David and turned to the next in line. David went home and to bed where he spent a miserable night, tormented by nightmares of demons thrusting white-hot iron rods up his behind, tearing out his privates (which immediately grew back so that he could suffer again) with glowing pincers, and of embracing desireable women who turned into white-hot iron mannekins. By morning, he was exhausted and even more distraught than he had been the night before. David was at Dr. Parsons' office at 8:00 the following morning, but already there were a few before him. He noticed two of his associates in the waiting room who averted their faces from him as he did from them. David was especially surprised to recognize Roscoe Arbuthnot . Roscoe was a big man who insisted that any woman he went to bed with be a virgin. If any woman deceived him about that, he would beat her brutally before raping her. What, wondered David, could Brother Mundy have said to bring this hulking brute to a surgeon, presumably to be castrated ? The other was Sylvain Burdette, whose preference ran to teenaged boys whom he corrupted, debauched, and ultimately buggered. Brother Mundy had had much to say about and to sodomites, enough to scare the living daylights out of them, successfully in Sylvain's case, judging from the way he was trembling. David gave his name to a bored-looking young man seated at a table beside the only other door in the room. The door to Dr. Parsons' office opened and Tom Evans came out, walking very carefully with his legs well apart. There was a smile on his face as he walked through the anteroom and he said softly "I'm saved; I'm pure again." Dr. Parsons came to the door , a grey-haired bespectacled man, probably in his fifties. "Burdette", he called out. Sylvain jumped up and walked unsteadily into the doctor's office. Roscoe still wouldn't meet David's eyes. He did, however speak without looking at David, almost as if speaking to himself. "This gal I knew who died, I saw her in Hell and she said she'd be waiting for me when I got there and she'd help make it good and hot for me. It wasn't no dream. I SAW her. Jesus is the only one who can save me and he won't even look at me if I keep sinnin' like this. I DON' WANNA GIVE UP MY BALLS. But I gotta." David spoke, almost as if to no one in particular, though he and Roscoe were the only ones there, "After the things I've done, the only possible hope I have of avoiding the horrors of Hell is to 'Go and sin no more.' but I sure can't do that burning with lust the way I do." They said no more. Sylvain entered the waiting room from Dr. Parsons' office and said "Well, that's over. I'll never look at another boy again. I couldn't do anything if I did." He left and the doctor poked his head into the waiting room and called "Arbuthnot." Rosco got up and , like a prisoner walking the "last mile" to his execution, trudged into Dr. Parsons' office. David was alone for about ten minutes when the outer door opened and Timothy Grayson, the son of an Episcopalian priest, entered the waiting room nervously, carrying a Bible. After reading in it for a while, he looked up and said to David. "The words in Matthew 19:12 'He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.' have nothing to do with those 'who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake.' They refer to the previous teaching about matrimony which eunuchs cannot receive because it obviously wouldn't apply to them. It isn't an endorsement of self-castration." "Then are we justified in taking this step ?" asked David. "I guess so." replied Timothy."I think that Mr. Mundy makes a good point in saying that 'If he did, [disapprove of men making themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven's sake] would he not have said so ?', but it does leave the whole matter rather vague. " David shook his head. "I find it hard that to believe that you're such a terrible sinner that you need to atone in such a drastic way as this." "I haven't sinned in my body, but I have sinned in my mind and I continue to sin in my mind all day every day. I can't hold my mind on God's word for five consecutive minutes before I wander off into lustful imaginings. Although I don't abuse my body, I indulge in mental masturbation incessantly. I pray for strength to overcome my lust and think of Jesus. But, when I do think of Jesus I see his naked body on the cross and I am filled with filthy lust. The source of lust hangs between my thighs and I 'll tolerate it no more." "Does your Church allow eunuchs to be priests ?" David asked. "I don't know, but it doesn't matter." replied Timothy. "I never intended to be a priest anyhow. I'm better suited to be a scholar than a priest. How is it with you ?" David smiled. "The sins of the mind are put into practise by the body as soon as possible." he answered. " 'It is better to marry than to burn' I've read, but, considering my propensity for adultery, I'd make a very bad husband, so I burn and I fornicate." Just then, the door to Dr. Parsons' office opened and a rather grim-looking Roscoe Arbuthnot emerged. "Well, that takes care of that. Now if I can just get on the right side of Jesus, Carol will have a damn' long wait for me. " David, though not overly confident of Roscoe's ability to make a good Christian, made no comment. Dr. Parsons called his name, and it was time for him to atone for his sins. David explained to Dr. Parsons that he had been sent by Willy Mundy to seek redemption by becoming a eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. "You must realize, young man" said Dr. Parsons, "that merely becoming a eunuch is not enough. You must genuinely repent of your sins. 'A broken and a contrite heart, Oh Lord, wilt thou not refuse .' 'Though thy sins be as scarlet, thou shalt be as white as snow', but only AFTER you have been washed in the blood of the Lamb." "I consider" replied David "becoming a eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake, thus assuring that I shall sin no more, to be a necessary preliminary step to expressing my repentance to the Lord. How can I appear before the Lord as a suppliant if distracted by lust ? Do you imagine that I would take this drastic step if I did not repent of my sins ?" "Do you, then, regret sacrificing your manhood to assure that you sin no more ?" asked Dr. Parsons. "OF COURSE I DO." replied David. "What man would not ? And, what kind of a sacrifice would it be if I did not ? Would it be of any use to sacrifice something which was of no value to me ? Of course I regret sacrificing my manhood, just as I regret the sins which it led me to commit. For the sake of avoiding future sins, I am giving up the love of a woman, marriage, parenthood, all of which, in the light of the way I have misused my manhood, I do not deserve. I dare to hope that this sacrifice will enable my plea that my past transgressions be forgiven to be looked upon favorably. NOW, may we proceed to the surgery ?" Dr. Parsons nodded and opened the door to a short corridor which led to the operating room. There were clothes hooks on the walls. "Disrobe in the corridor before entering the operating room. I shall join you momentarily." David undressed in the corridor and entered the operating room. Dr. Parsons entered it through another door, attired in a white smock. He trimmed David's pubic hair closely with scissors and then lathered the pubic area and the insides of his thighs and shaved off all the hair . "I have found that hair interferes with healing." he explained. He then had David lie on the operating table and strapped him down securely. "I shall use only local anćsthesia. You will see and hear all that occurs. Inasmuch as castration does not always cause complete impotence, I intend to resect the sensory nerves of your membrum virile so that it will be devoid of all sensation henceforth. Thus, whether or not you can still achieve erection will become irrelevant." Dr. Parsons injected cocaine into the scrotum and through it into the spermatic cords, and then into the dorsal surface of the penis at the base and into the perineum. He then washed the pudendum and perineum with alcohol. As soon as the local anćsthetic had taken effect, Dr. Parsons made two long incisions in the scrotum, on the dorsal surface, exposing the testicles, which he drew out through the incisions, pulling on them to expose as much as possible of the spermatic cords. He then clamped the spermatic cords with hćmostats and tied two silken ligatures on each cord, about 1/2 inch apart. Between them, he severed the cords with surgical scissors and held the testicles up by them so that David could see that they had been severed from his body. David had now become a eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake, but there was more to be done. Dr. Parsons sutured the incisions on the scrotum. Then he made a transverse incision on the dorsal surface of the penis close to the base exposing the sensory nerves, each of which he caught with a blunt hook which he twisted, winding up a skein of nerve fiber about an inch long, therefore containing about 2 inches of nerve. This procedure David could feel and it felt most unpleasant. Dr. Parsons snipped off each skein of nerve fiber as close to the incision as possible, thus resecting the sensory nerves of the dorsal surface of the penis. The final procedure was to make an incision in the perineum exposing the pudendal nerve, the principle sensory nerve of the penis. Dr. Parsons then drew out as much of the pudendal nerve as possible and wound it up by twisting the blunt hook with which he had drawn it out. He severed the twisted nerve close to the incision as possible, while holding the proximal end of it with his smallest hćmostat. To that end of the nerve, he applied lunar caustic to cauterize it and prevent re-growth of the nerve. Even after the anćsthetic wore off, no feeling would ever return to David's [formerly] virile member. Dr. Parsons sutured the incision, and the job was done. "There", said Dr. Parsons, "you are now no longer a man. Now it is time to make your peace with God. " David nodded glumly, wondering what kind of a life lay ahead of him as a eunuch in a society which had no niche for a eunuch. * * *
Team Chastity Belts
GAY, PENECTOMY, chastity, nudity
A player on his college team is fitted with a special chastity belt, aka protector.
` ` Coach Thruster called the team into the locker room. “Get undressed, men. Then I have a special announcement, but first you all have to be naked.” Johnny Wrey and his husband Garry Barnes had lockers next to each other. They both got undressed and got big erections while looking at each other. Years ago, Johnny learned not to try to hide his erections. He had the biggest penis in the school, a nicely veined 15 inch cock. He knew that secretly all the straight guys envied him, and every gay guy wanted to suck or be fucked by him. “You guys should be very proud that our team has advanced to the finals,” stated coach Thruster, “but in order to play the final games, you have to be fitted with genital protection. I know you all know about the incident that happened a few years ago, when almost all the players on both teams ruined their balls and are now eunuchs.” Everyone nodded at this remark. A few guys winced and grabbed their family jewels. “Okay, everyone, single file, step up to the equipment manager and receive your protector, then proceed through the shower area into the gym, where we have the installation stations set up. You will have your official ‘Finals Photo’ taken with your parents, be sure your penis is fully erect for your family photo, then proceed with your parents to the installation booth, where the protector will be installed on your groin for the next two months.” The guys lined up and got the protector from the equipment manager. When the manager was about to hand Johnny his protector, Coach Thruster stopped him. “That isn’t the right one for Johnny. This one is.” “Gee, thanks coach!” said Johnny, as he took the protector into the gym, and was met by his parents. “Mom, Dad, Hi,” said an embarrassed Johnny. He tried to act calm and nonchalant about being naked and having his parents see his penis. “Hi Johnny,” said his mother, kissing his cheek “Hi son,” said his father, “I see it’s true, you do have the biggest penis here, well, at least amongst your team mates. I can’t tell the size of the father’s cocks because, as you can see, we’re all wearing suits.” Johnny tried not to blush from his father’s comments. The three walked over to the photographer for the family photo. “Okay, Johnny, you’re in the middle. Face slightly to the right,” said the photographer. “Now, Mrs. Wrey, you’re on Johnny’s left. Johnny, put your left arm around your mother. Mr. Wrey, you’re on Johnny’s right. Good, now Mr. Wrey, take hold of Johnny’s erect penis with your right hand, but try not to block it. We want to see his length and juicy head in the photo. Okay, now point the urethra right at the camera lens. Everyone say ‘cheese’,” said the photographer. “Okay Mr. & Mrs. Wrey, you’re done with the photos. Johnny, your husband, the school and your coach want you to have a bunch of nude photos taken now. I know that none of your classmates are having this done, but believe me, you will appreciate them someday.” Johnny took various poses for the photographer. Most were fully body but a lot were close up shots of his penis. In all about 100 photos were taken, including every angle of his cock. Johnny went with his parents to the installation station. A technician had his parents sit in the chairs and told him to lie down on the special table. The table supported his entire back and his lower legs, but left his buttocks and thighs in mid air. There were grab bars overhead that he had to hold on to while the technician fitted the protector on to him. “Johnny, this may be uncomfortable for a moment, as I fit these parts onto your cock. I’m glad to see that you’re still hard.” The technician opened the bag with the protector in it and started taking out various parts. He started by inserting a catheter into the penis, then attaching various strange looking pieces to the cock head, then the shaft. Once the penis was encased in various strange parts, the technician snapped a hard cup over Johnny’s balls. The protector cod piece was fitted over the whole works and adjusted to Johnny’s waist. Straps went up the back attached to the waist band. Once on, it looked like a big red jock strap. “Okay, it’s on. I’ll see you in two months to remove it,” said the technician. The next day, Johnny woke with a sore penis. “Garry, Garry, wake up.” “Uh, morning Johnny.” “Garry, how does your protector feel on you?” “Fine Johnny, I just wish I could jack off.” “Well, mine isn’t fine, my penis really hurts,” said Johnny. “Oh, its got to be 'cause you’re so big. You’ll probably be fine by tomorrow.” “You’re probably right, Garry. What would I do without you for my husband?” The next day, Johnny woke with a numb and tingling penis. “Garry, Garry, wake up.” “Uh, morning Johnny.” “Garry, my cock is numb and tingling.” “Well, Johnny, why don’t you see the coach today?” Later that afternoon, in the coach’s office, Johnny spoke to the coach. “Coach, I think something’s wrong. Yesterday my cock was sore then it started throbbing in extreme pain. Then the pain settled down and it has been replaced by a strange numbness and tingling, kind of the same feeling when your foot falls asleep.” “Any thing else?” asked Coach Thruster, “Have you spoken to any other guys? Have they had similar reactions?” “Well, the other guys had different problems,” explained Johnny, “They’re uncomfortable when they get excited and the protector doesn’t let them get an erection. And they’re all horny, not being able to jack off, get sucked or fuck. Also my husband is moody ‘cause he hasn’t gotten his morning blow job from me, or his evening fucking. He wants me to use a dildo on him tonight.” “Well Johnny, I always suspected you two had sex every day. You should us a dildo on Garry. He will enjoy it, and you want to please your husband, don’t you? All I’m going to tell you is that the side effects are all normal. Your pain and problems are normal for the protector model that you are wearing. You see, yours is different than all the other guys. The company offered us a one dollar discount on the shipping charge if we used this model on one of you guys. You know, with budget cuts and higher costs, the school, and myself, thought it would be a good thing to take their offer.” “Gee coach, I would have gladly donated the dollar, I mean, you can’t even get a can of soda for a buck anymore.” “I know it, but I can’t take money from students, regulations. Anyways, I think the decision was best for the team. You know your team mates, including your husband, are jealous of your 15 inch penis. Why every man at this school is jealous, and your problems are satisfying to us.” The team played in the finals and won. Coach told the team that the technician from the company was coming in two weeks, so make plans to come back to school and have the protectors removed. On the day of the removal, everyone was there and jumpy with anticipation of jacking off. It was announced that Johnny will go last. Everyone else would cast lots for the order. Once everyone was free, and had jacked off once, it was Johnny’s turn to have his protector removed. Everyone gathered around the table and started jacking off. Everyone gasped then cheered and shot their loads on Johnny’s chest when they saw the remains of Johnny’s penis, even Garry. Johnny looked in disbelief. His once beautiful penis was a rotting black mass. It had broken off at the base. The technician was cleaning the stump with iodine and removed the catheter. He announced, “Gentlemen, as you can see, the special model worked perfectly. Johnny’s is the largest penis ever removed using this model. All other penises were in the 3 inch to 10 inch range, so you can see that this is a viable method of penectomy for any size penis. Johnny, you’re the 493rd man to have a penectomy using this model, but you are the first involuntary one. All other men wanted to have a penectomy. The school has authorized me to install this model on any team member who would like a penectomy. As you can see, the stump is nicely healed over. We have had that result on all cases, let me show you.” The technician dropped his pants showing the stump where his penis used to be. Everyone gasped. Coach Thruster dropped his pants showing his stump, as did five of the school officials. The team members started jacking off again. All other men dropped trou and started jacking off. Every member of the team signed up, and had the special model installed that afternoon, as did all the men present who still had their penis. In total, there were 8 men without penises in the room. * * *
The Mask
This is the story of how my self-indulgence and lust caused the lost of my nuts
` The Mask ` This is the story of how my self-indulgence and lust caused the lost of my nuts. We have been married for 20 years. We had been going together since we were both in high school. We both went to college and married our senior year. I was very sexual and was in for about anything. I was always looking for new outlets and new experiences for my obsession with sex and orgasms. When I couldn't have sex with my love or someone else I would masturbate. I was very much into pornography and was always interested in anything that would get my interest and get me off. My wife was very much subdued. She liked sex very much and was very hot in bed but absolutely did not want to experiment, try anything new or even look at pornography. She is a slight petite lady of 110 pounds and has a fantastic body. Even today she is a very lovely striking women. I was tall well built and had a great cock and pair of nuts. My problem was I was just not satisfied with the normal routine sex. Sometimes I would even prefer jacking off to some weird fantasy to having sex with my wife - too boring. It started very slowly. One night as I was at our computer I attempted to introduce my wife to a pornography site. It was a site that had a wide variety of subjects and very clear explicit sex. As normal she did not want to look at it. But I noticed, as we were looking at different fetishes she seemed interested in a Fem Dom site. She tried to hide that fact that it caught her eye but I saw glint in her eye that I had never seen before. She left the room but later that night I attempted to get her to be dominant over me she said no but we had unusually hot sex. I wondered if that site had anything to do with it. A few weeks later I noticed that in the history on our computer there had been a lot of visits to a Fem Dom porn site. I asked her about it later and she gave me a very cold glare then quickly changed the subject. I thought it very strange but left it alone for the moment. I was excited about the prospect that my very straight wife was coming out of her shell and kept trying to get her to dominate me in bed. She was excited by it but did not want to give up her strangle hold on our straight sex life. It was a month or so later one night when we had been out for supper and plenty of drinks and after returning home we were both in the mood for sex. She told me to get ready and wait for her in bed, with the lights off. She insisted that I have the lights off. I followed her weird request without much thought. A few minutes later I heard the sound of high heels coming to the bedroom door. The door opened and I could only see a very slight outline of her petite form enter the room. She lit a candle, there was a burst of light and I could, to my pleasant surprise see my straight wife in sleek pair of high heel, knee high black leather boots. Black leather corsets which exposed her breasts and great ass, and a black mask. As she lit another candle on the other side of the room I could see that her public hair was completely shaved except for a thin tuft on her pubic mound. And she had a baton like object with long leather thongs on the end. I thought it was once called a cat O nine tails? I was extremely excited that my very straight wife was in such a getup. I was never really into domination but what the hell. After lighting yet another candle she very gracefully strolled to the side of the bed. I jokingly said are you my hot mistress? She unexpectedly snapped her nine tails and the sound cracked loudly. She very sternly snapped "Quiet Bitch!" I looked into the eyes glaring through the black pointy mask and a chill ran though my body. It was a very cold dark glare. Who was this woman? It was my wife's body but not her tender voice or eyes. I said what do you want me to do mistress. I still had, I guess a not submissive sounding enough tone in my voice because she raked the nine tails across my chest, which stung & burned like hell. She again snapped "Quiet!" That really pissed me off but I obeyed. I looked into her very cold hard eyes and was again at a loss who this person was. She went to her dresser drawer and dug out four leather straps. She tied my arms and legs spread-eagle to the bedposts. I was becoming very excited by all this. My cock stood straight up. She gently flowed the leather thongs of the nine-tails across my skin, even over and around my cock and balls. She then climbed onto the bed and put her very wet, hot, neatly shaved pussy in front on my face and commanded "Eat Me!" I eagerly complied and she became very hot and climaxed as she said, "Suck It Hard". After she had climaxed on my waiting mouth she ended up my first Dom session by riding my very hard cock until I exploded inside her. She brought her dripping wet pussy back to my mouth and told me to lick her clean. I did so gladly. I had never eaten my own cum before but this new side I was witnessing to my once docile wife was so exciting I did not mind. The next morning at breakfast I mentioned something about the wonderful night and she just looked with an indifferent gaze and walked away without any response. It was very clear we were not to discuss our sexual outlet so I let it go. The Dom sexual sessions continued and I grew to like her controlling the activities. I even started to like the sting of the nine tails. It excited me in a very different way and I developed a taste for the pain much like people who eat very hot food. The feeling a pain made me feel alive inside. It took the boredom away. But I never got over the transformation that took over my sweet wife when she put the mask on. I also noticed that the mask was not new as the rest of her Fem Dom items but appeared old and worn. She had a room in the basement converted into our playroom but she kept it locked and had the only key. Sex was never a planned thing anymore. It was always a surprise to me. She planned it. We did it when she needed and wanted sex and I always willingly complied with her demands. My wife seemed to take to these roles very naturally; it was almost like she was born to it. Six months or so after the first time I had an opportunity to have sex with a young hot associate who worked in my office. We were away to a convention when it just happened. It was incredible sex, she was very hot and had a fantastic body but it did not have the excitement of sex with the "Mask", as I refereed to her in my thoughts. On my little affair away from home a very bad thing happened I ran into a close friend of my wife's in a nightclub where I was all over my young associate. She came up to our table and surprised me as I was kissing the hot young associate. When I turned to face her and she saw for sure that it was me she just coldly looked at both of us and quickly departed. I ran after her to try and explain but she was out the door and away in a cab before I could get to her. I was terrified that she would tell my wife and held my breath every minute I was around my wife for the next two weeks. Nothing happened and I was sure I was in the clear. I vowed to myself to stop my fucking around and masturbating and save myself for the "Mask". I came home late from the office one night. I was very tired and ready for a quick supper, a drink and some good rest. As I walked through the front door. I was clubbed in the head. I fell forward and almost went unconscious. As I recovered my senses I saw my wife in her leather outfit and mask was standing over me with her nine tails in hand and a very piercing glare. There were two young men standing behind her. I started to ask what was going on when she violently kicked me in the groin. I nearly passed out from the pain. The next thing I new I was being dragged down the stairs to our play room by the two very well built guys that looked to be in their 20's. I knew at once what was going on, or thought I knew. That bitch had told my wife about seeing me in the nightclub. The look in my wife's eyes told me that I was in serious trouble and retribution from the "Mask". This was no longer a game. They tied me very tightly with leather straps to the posts on the massive bed in the playroom, face up. She commanded that the two stud's strip and the three of them climbed on top of the bed with me. My wife kept on her leathers and mask. She made very hot animal sex on top of me with the two studs. They acted, as if I wasn't there. At one point my wife lay across my chest on her back as one of the studs made passionate love to her feet, legs, and very wet cunt. The other one kissed her and sucked her breasts from above her head. My fear left me for a time and I became very excited about seeing my hot wife taking on these two young bucks. I was the only one who had ever had sex with my wife but she went at this like a pro. I was somewhat sickened by the thought of my wife being so flagrantly unfaithful to me but at the same time I had a tremendous hard on. My balls ached in anticipation of an orgasm. Finally the foreplay was over and my wife positioned her cunt doggie-style directly over my face. She commanded one of the young lads to, "fuck me hard - NOW"! He crawled in position behind her and I watched very closely as he penetrated her hot, dripping cunt which his very large meat. She had the other stud kneel in front of her so she could suck his big cock. The action was at fever bitch now and it was extremely erotic to witness this. The big cock slammed vigorously in and out of my wife's cunt as she back thrusted to take it all in. Then I could hear and see the both of them coming to a climax and I could see the studs nuts tighten close to his body as he came violently into my wife's eager box. They both gave out deep guttural sounds as they came together. The hot mix of cum and my wife's juices began to drip in globs out of her hole. I could smell the pungent odor of cum, sweat, and sex. I turned my head to the side so the goo was not dripping into my mouth. My wife suddenly picked up her nine-tails and whacked my very hard cock with the handle. She snapped "eat it bitch". The pain was consuming as I opened my mouth and caught the drops of sex juice. The stud pulled his softening cock out of my wife's hole and it slapped onto my face. She commanded the other stud to fuck her now. They changed places as my wife kissed the first fucker passionately the other thrust his hard pole into my wife's loose soaked hole. She thrust back to engulf it and they to went at it. The juices plopped out of her hole into my mouth. I had never tasted another mans cum. As the pain subsided from my softened cock it grew hard again. I could feel the pain but the erotic site I was witnessing dulled it. They fucked violently and soon the young buck shot huge load of cum into my wife. She shuttered and thrust back to accept it. As before I ate the aftermath as it dripped out of her punished cunt. This stud also pulled his cock out and allowed it to slap onto my face. It was very degrading. My wife lowered her cum-soaked pussy to my mouth and rubbed it back and forth. The two bucks watched as she fucked my tongue and face. I swallowed all that came out of her hole. I was very hot now and wanted a release of my own. After she climaxed again she removed herself from my very wet face and commanded the two bucks to stand me up. They released the leather straps and stood me at the foot of the bed where they tied me in a standing X. to the massive bedposts. My wife stood by with her nine tails and guarded the situation. They also at her command put a ball-gag in my mouth. After I was secured with the leather straps. She said to the two bucks "you can leave now". They kissed her passionately, gathered their cloths and quickly left. My wife paced the floor behind me and at each pass raked the nine-tails across my naked ass, legs and back. She said "you have been unfaithful to me and you shall now pay the price." I was pretty much use to the sting of the whip but beyond that, my fear returned. And my mind raced in anticipation of what she was going to do. She then swung the handle of the nine-tail upward into my already very tender nuts. She blurted "these must go". I screamed into the gag as my body tried to buckle and the intense pain rushed through my nuts into my gut. She tossed the nine-tails onto the bed and left the room. She returned with a steel tray on a stand and placed it between my legs. She climbed onto the bed and looked into my eyes. The cold hate peered through the mask and sent a chill through my naked body. She said " this will be your last sex as a whole man you pig" and she began to stroke my cock. Glaring through the mask. The pain was easing in my nuts and on my skin. She said. Come on now one last shot of cum" Make it a big one". I was scared out of my mind but the animal urge to have sex slowly took over. She started to suck on my cock to make it hard again and it responded. She stroked and sucked on it and teased my aching balls. The events of the evening were took much and soon I came violently into her hot mouth. She sucked a mean cock but never liked for me to cum in her mouth so this really surprised me. She continued to suck the cum out of my cock as I looked down at her. Then she removed her mouth and as if a vampire had just sucked the life out of a poor victim she looked up at me with cum dripping out of her mouth. She said try to remember that you ass hole. She wiped her mouth then began to work. She took a leather thong off the tray with a weight tied to the end and looped in around my nut sack. She dropped the weight and it hurt as the weight pulled my poor nuts to the bottom of my sack. My sack stretched down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She then picked up a scalpel and began to cut the skin around sack. The scalpel cut so easily through the skin. In no time she had cut the skin all around my sack and it dropped several inches from the pull of the weight. I could feel the cords being pulled clear into my gut. The pain was awful. She lifted the weight and I could feel the cords pulling back up inside me. She removed the weight and my nutsack. She dropped my sack into a container of liquid. I could not believe she was doing this. I looked at my poor nuts hanging naked out of my body. She looped the thong and weight back onto my bare nuts and dropped it. The pain was so intense I almost passed out. She then tied a thread around the cord on each nut. My eyes bugged out; my heart was racing so fast I thought I would have a heart attack. I screamed into the gag with everything that I had as she picked up the scalpel and lay it against my left cord. She looked up at me and said "say goodbye" She slid the scalpel forward then back and it eased through the cord. I could not feel the cutting; the pain was all mixed up. The cord fell limp to the side as my remaining nut took on the extra weight. My body lunged back and forth against the leather straps as I screamed into the gag. She snapped "Hold still". One more glance from the devil peering through the mask and she made the final cut. The weight and my nuts fell to the floor. That was the last thing I remember. I woke up in the bed in the spare bedroom. It took me a minute to put my thoughts together. I then remembered what had taken place and reached between my legs to feel a bandage where nuts once lived. I couldn't believe what had happened. Then the door opened and my wife walked in. She was dressed like the normal wife she use to be. She said how do you feel Dear? I looked at her in amazement. She said "there, there now". "It is all over and you are healing fine". "You will be up and around in no time". I asked what day was this; I needed to call work. She said no need my dear I called for you. I told them you were going to retire. You will no longer need to go to the office. You will stay home and care for my home and me. I have money you know nothing about and my job will support us very well. I love the idea of our new relationship and if you ever do anything to disrupt it you will quickly loose your shrinking pecker and be out on your ass. You will do exactly as I say. I will fuck who and when I want and you will clean it up with your tongue and beg for more. She went on to say, "I was content to live a simple plain life but you wanted something more exciting so enjoy it". I couldn't help but to ask about the mask that always seemed to cause such a strange transformation in her behavior. "Where did you get that mask"? I said. She calmly replied, "oh that, my mother gave it to me". It has been in the family a very long time. She left the room saying "get some sleep dear". As I got up to go the bathroom I saw on the dresser my nuts frozen in a block of acrylic and my nutsack tanned with a black thong stitched through it as a synch strap. All of a sudden it was very clear why her mother and grandmother were always so domineering and the poor males were always quiet, obedient, and sullen. I finished in the bathroom and returned to my bed where I feel back to sleep reluctantly accepting my fate as eunuch and slave. I did have to admit to myself, in a strange way I had asked for it. Submitted by chilijon * * *
The Hunter and the Boy
12 year old Jamie is marooned on a desert island after being swept overboard from the steamship he is travelling on. His south pacific life on the island is idyllic until the arrival of the Hunter, who has other plans for Jamie!
1.0 Lost at sea Jamie couldn’t remember how long he had been in the water only that is seemed like an awfully long time. Just as he was about to give in to exhaustion and descend into the deep-blue oblivion, of the South Pacific Ocean, the swell lifted him up and his weary eyes fell upon a startlingly white sandy beach. At first Jamie thought that his imagination was playing a cruel trick on him, but then the swell lifted him up even higher and he could clearly see the beach, maybe one mile away, it was hard to tell for sure, distances are deceiving when you are exhausted and fighting for your life, with the last of your energy reserves being rapidly used up. Jamie willed his tired arms and legs to move, to swim, to save his life, he didn’t want to die, `and twelve years old was too young. Begrudgingly his arms moved and his legs kicked, like a huge ship caught in a strong current, slowly his body began to turn towards his salvation. If he had known that it was going to take him four hours to reach the beach he would have surely given up, but with every stroke of his tired arms he could see the island slowly begin to take definition, the trees, palm trees, he guessed seemed to grow taller and now he could definitely hear the sounds of the surf pounding onto the beach. Suddenly Jamie felt something make contact with his feet, he panicked, thinking that a shark had gotten hold of him, after all this effort, surely he was not going to be eaten by a hungry shark, so close to dry land? Then he realized it was in fact that, dry land. His feet were dragging along the sandy bottom of the shoaling beach. Jamie was too exhausted to get up and walk to the safety of the trees, so for a long time he lay on his stomach on the low tide line, until his body was being submerged as the waves washed over him. Deep down in his subconscious he knew that he had to move or else risk being drowned, or dragged back out by the relentless tide. He tried to move his legs but they had stiffened up and wouldn’t co-operate. Finally he managed to get up onto his hands and knees and crawl. Each foot of travel seemed to take an eternity, but finally he reached the high tide line and then onto the soft grass below the coconut palms, where he collapsed into a black sleep of exhaustion. The next time Jamie awoke, it was dark; he opened his eyes and for a while could not remember where he was, or indeed even who he was. Then slowly but surely his memory returned. It seemed like only hours ago that Jamie and his younger sister Cara, were playing pirates, on the fore-deck of the East bound steamer. Jamie had soon tired of the game and had retreated to the stern of the ship to watch a school of dolphins frolicking in the wake. He had grown accustomed to the constant rolling and pitching of the ship, and did not even give what he was about to do, a precautionary second thought, as he climbed up onto the hand rail to gain a better view over the stern railing of the ship. Quite un-expectantly the ship pitched and rolled simultaneously. It happened so fast that Jamie was completely unprepared for what was about to happen, by the time his mind had comprehended the danger, it was already to late, his grip was torn from the railing as he was heaved over-board. One moment he had been standing securely on the second rung of the safety barrier, watching the dolphins play merrily and the next he was free falling downwards towards the swirling propellers, furiously beating the water below him. A screamed filled his lungs, but not a sound made its way to his lips, as suddenly Jamie was engulfed by the churning waters. Fortunately for Jamie, just as quickly as the huge blades had ascended from the maelstrom of boiling waters the propellers dipped back into the ocean, and as they bit deeply into the dark blue water, the swirling current bodily flung Jamie tumbling and turning ten feet to starboard. Jamie flung his arms wildly, his lungs threatened to explode; he had no idea as to in which direction the surface of the ocean was. But finally just as he was about to black out, his head broke through to the surface of the water. Jamie coughed uncontrollably as his body expelled the sea water from his lungs. By the time he had come to his senses and started screaming for help, it was already to late. The ship was too far away and getting smaller by the second. 2.0 The Hunter The Gods had been kind to the hunter, for three weeks he had paddled his long canoe from island to island, gathering livestock to sell and for eating. So far he managed to capture six pigs, several monkeys, and two large sea dragons, all of which he had safely penned up at his camp on the big deserted island he called home. The hunter realized that at 53 summers old he was nearing the age where it was becoming increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Occasionally he had been lucky and been able to capture the odd native or two that had drifted to far from the safety of their village. The hunter himself was an outcast from his own village but he had many connections with the old world. Even though the English had outlawed slavery and cannibalism the practice was still rife in the south pacific, mostly in the places well beyond the reach of the white man. Two weeks earlier had had made a tidy profit on a young couple he had caught making love in the moonlight at a deserted lagoon. He had sat silently watching as the young buck exhausted himself within the loins of the pretty Melanesian teenager, and when they were both languishing in the aftermath of their lovemaking he had sprung his trap. His trump card was his two hunting dogs, many of the other hunters had scoffed at his use of the dogs but he had never regretted his two most prized acquisitions. He knew nothing of breeds, he didn’t need to, to appreciate their hunting skills, but had he known he would have realized that the dogs were cross bred bull terriers and Rhodesian ridge backs, purposely bred for hunting. The hunter had acquired the dogs as puppies from a trader on the weather coast of the Solomon islands, and he had trained them to carry out their tasks with skill and efficiency. Not having ever had any contact with humans other then their master, they did not differentiate between their prey. The dogs seemed to appreciate the challenge of the larger prey, ordinarily wild bush pigs and monkeys were their primary targets, but today they both salivated as they stood ready to pull down the two humans mating by the waters edge. The sensitive noses of the large two male dogs sensed the juices of the girl as she bit down on her lip and moaned quietly into her lovers shoulder as he thrust deep within her. Both the dogs were well accustomed to interspecies mating, as neither of them had ever had the pleasure of a female bitch, being isolated as they were. Although mating was hardly the right word to describe the slaking of their lusts, mostly their victims, whether they be pigs monkeys or humans, were un-cooperative, but that mattered not to them, if sinking their teeth into the soft flesh of their victim was what was needed then so be it, an ends to a means as far as they were concerned. The hunter smiled wickedly as he looked across at his two dogs, he didn’t mind playing second fiddle to their sexual urges, besides the hunter much preferred males to the females, the more humiliating and disdainful raping them was to the victim, the happier he was. For the hunter was not a good looking man, as a youth he had been mauled by a wild pig, and his face was contorted and twisted as a result of the injuries he received, he had been lucky to survive, but some times late at night he had wished he hadn’t, for life afterwards was devoid of love and consisted mostly of isolation. He had been exiled from his village as a teenager and had lived alone ever since, making his living on the fringes of village society and aligning himself with the darkest corner of humanity. The hunters reminiscing was interrupted by a final cry of ecstasy from the young man, as he thrust one last time into the pretty dark haired girl. The dogs seemed to sense it was time, both of them swiveled their heads eagerly from the two victims to the hunter, neither of them dared to act before his signal, as the consequences were well known to both of them. Suddenly the Hunter gave the signal, and the two dogs bolted growling from the bushes and made a dash towards the two teenagers. The girl saw the dogs first and screamed, the boy sensing alarm swung his head around and saw the two dogs rushing down the beach towards them. Being young and agile the youth quickly recovered and jumped to his feet dragging the young girl up with him. Buck naked the two of them ran for their lives. The girl was the first to go down, the dog bit down sharply on her ankles and she stumbled to the ground screaming. The boy knew he couldn’t help her, his sense of self preservation overcame him as he turned and ran as fast as he could. Meanwhile the dog moved from the girls ankle and clamped his huge maw around her throat and shook her violently until she stopped fighting and lay there submissively. The dog waited patiently for the Hunter to arrive. Meanwhile the second dog was hot on the heals of the youth, the boys balls dangled invitingly between his legs, the dog knew the males weakness and in one sudden lurch leapt six feet and clamped his teeth down on the boys balls. The boy screamed in pain and tripped over his own feet as he fell to the ground in agony. The dog bit down hard on his balls causing the boy to nearly pass out from the pain. The hunter couldn’t help but laugh when he saw the boy, laying on his back, legs spread submissively, arms above his head, tears streaking down his cheeks, the dog resting between his thighs, the boys nuts firmly held in his grasp. The pair had fetched a good price, the girl was sold as a slave to the much darker skin natives of the nor-west, the males in that tribe enjoyed the lighter skin of the exotic natives of Melanesia. The hunter himself had enjoyed the boy for nearly a month, before selling him. The Hunter had learnt a long time ago, that nearly all males animals, humans included were a lot more passive and easy to handle if nutted. So on the very first night of returning to his lonely island he had taken the balls of three male pigs and one young native boy. The boy had screamed in agony as he tied a leather thong around his large nuts, but the boy couldn’t move as the hunter had him, along with the pigs suspended from a bar, tied by his wrists and ankles. The hunter first tied the animals and then the boy in this manner, he then tied off their ballsac’s, the noise of squealing pigs and crying boy was almost deafening, which made it all the more enjoyable for the hunter. Finally he retrieved the molten hot knife from the fire and first gelded the pigs, the boys eyes widened in horror and the pigs squealed in terror as their nuts were cut off in one clean swipe of the red hot knife. The hunter gave his dogs their reward, the pigs nuts, which they devoured in seconds. Finally it was the boys turn, the hunter ran his hand up the boys smooth torso, and painfully pinched his nipple. He grasped hold of the boys penis which was now fully erect. He had noticed this phenomenon before, just before gelding, the males animals tended to get an erection and cum in abundance, as if nature realized this was their last chance to propagate as males, and this boy was no different. As the knife sliced into his ballsac the boys penis erupted with three large squirts of cum that splashed wetly onto his belly, and then his ballsac was gone, his last vestige of maleness was caught mid flight in the hunters dogs jaws and in one noisy gulp disappeared down his gullet. The boy was now a eunuch. Though the hunter was a cruel man, he was more so a practical man. Gelding the males made them more passive and easier to manage, also if he sold the boy to the cannibal tribes then they would appreciate the gesture, as the eunuchs tended to be easily fattened up, a practice which nearly all cannibals took great relish in. But selling the boy wasn’t on his mind for today. The hunter himself had become completely erect, his ten inch black rod literally pulsated within his loin cloth. Without bothering to untie the boy, he thrust deeply into his anus and swept away his virginity with one lunge into the hapless boys loins. Sometime during the rape the boy gratefully passed out, when next he awoke he had a severe pain in his lower body. Both his groin and his anus were bleeding from the attack. The Hunter kept the boy for nearly a month, for him that was nearly a record. Finally he sold the boy to natives on the island of tribadad, the boy had served him well and besides he should consider himself lucky as the tribadad natives did not practice cannibalism, but a sex slave was another matter altogether, not such a bad life all things considered. 3 Jamie’s new home Jamie was too tired to cry or to show outward emotions regarding his fate, he fell back into a dreamless sleep, a solitary tear rolled down his cheek, the boy choked back a sob as he cried out, “mummy where are you” The next morning, strange sounds woke Jamie. For a moment he thought that he was safely tucked into his bunk on the steamer, but the sounds were not familiar. He blinked as he opened his eyes, the glare of the morning sun on the pure white sand blinded him, forcing Jamie to shade his eyes. Suddenly the memories of the last two days came back to him and he sobbed uncontrollably. For the next little while he sat feeling sorry for himself, would he ever see his mum and dad again? And even his little sister, even though she was a pain in the butt most of the time, he still loved her. For the moment another feeling was invading his mind, hunger. His stomach cramped and he realized that he hadn’t eaten for nearly 24 hours. Jamie brushed his long blond hair away from his eyes and looked down at himself, sometime in the last two days he had lost his shoes and stockings as well as his shirt. He was dressed only in a pair of knicker-bocker shorts, although considering how warm it was and it was only early morning, he seriously doubted that he would die of exposure in this tropical climate. Slowly he got to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. A white palm tree fringed beach stretched as far as he could see to the right, to the left a small rocky outcrop, and then the open sea. He realized how lucky he had been, if he had drifted another half a mile he would have missed the island completely. The island at first glance did not appear large, he could see a small hilltop in the distance, he suspected from his geography lessons that the island wasn’t volcanic, rather it was a coral atoll. A reef far off in the distance confirmed his theory, again he thought how lucky he had been to pass over the reef on a rising tide, and Jamie shuddered at the thought of being ripped to shreds by sharp coral. A short climb up to the rocky outcrop confirmed it as being the headland. From his elevated view he could see nearly all of the island stretched before him. The island was at best two miles long and one mile wide. Off in the distance he could see other smaller islands, all about the same size. Considering the size of the island, Jamie thought it unlikely that it would be occupied, that thought filled him with mixed emotions, first and foremost was that it would make rescue in the near future unlikely, but then again he had heard stories of cannibals and such that populated these remote islands, and he shuddered at the thought. Once again Jamie stomach cramped, he knew he would have to find both water and food soon, especially water. Even though he was still very sore and tired and his muscles ached, Jamie set of down the beach in search of the latter. It didn’t take long for him to see the small stream that was flowing across the beach. Tentatively he knelt down and cupped a mouthful of water into the palm of his hands and held it to his mouth. Fresh, how excellent is that he thought to himself. Jamie was suddenly startled by a deep throated grunting noise coming from behind him, from somewhere through the trees. At first he was tempted to run, but like all young boys, curiosity overcame fear and he stealthily crept into the forest, trekking the source of the noise. About a hundred yards from the beach he saw a small lagoon, the source of the water, he surmised. Just on the other side of the lagoon a wild pig was sloshing noisily in a small pool, Jamie burst into laughter, “ what a brave warrior I am, afraid of a pig” he chuckled to himself. Well at least he now knew that there was both water and food on the island, though he didn’t have the foggiest idea as to how to go about catching the food, the water of course was easy. The food turned out to be a non-problem, as nearly every tree on the island contained some fruit or the other. Jamie quickly discovered his favorite to be a breadfruit, which like its name sake tasted exactly like sweet bread. The coconuts proved to be more of a challenge to him but were also more rewarding in that both the coconut meat and the milk were delicious. After he had drank and eaten much more then he should have, Jamie collapsed onto the sand, and for the moment he was contented. His smooth chest and torso were completely covered in juices from coconuts and breadfruit. Jamie wanted to have a swim to clean off but he wasn’t sure about the beach, he was worried about sharks and such, so instead he waded into the crystal clear water of the pool. Jamie frolicked in the water for over an hour, before a thought occurred to him; this was his drinking water, not a good idea to bath in your drinking water, so reluctantly he climbed back onto the bank. The pigs, having never seen a human before, did not seem to fear Jamie and they became curious, but not in an aggressive way, they stood a short distance from Jamie and grunted at him disdainfully, probably having realized that this silly animal was batching in the islands only fresh water supply. Jamie knew that he would have to explore the island, but not yet, he was still too tired from the swim to the island. So instead he lay back in the bright sunlight and relaxed, he stripped off his pants and hung them carefully over a branch to dry. At first he felt self conscious at the thought of being naked, but then decided he kind of liked it and lay back naked on the grass. While he was asleep his only item of clothing was unceremoniously ripped from the branch it was hanging from by a curious pig, the pig dragged Jamie’s woolen shorts into the bushes where he proceeded to rip it to shreds with his sharp tusks, the mild smell of the boy had attracted the male pig, he could smell competition and wanted to assert his maleness. So it was that Jamie awoke naked and alone on this small coral atoll, he soon found the remnants of his pants and for the life of him couldn’t understand what had happened to them. What he was able to salvage he decided to store safely, being stranded alone and naked on a desert island was one thing, but to be rescued buck naked was unthinkable. For the moment he would remain naked, besides the weather was warm and the sea was inviting. Over the coming weeks, Jamie became less sad concerning his predicament, and he started to recognize some of the benefits of being on a deserted island. First and foremost was, no school and then there was no rules and finally, and perhaps the best part, Jamie was able to spend countless hours partaking in his newly acquired favorite pastime, masturbating. Though he didn’t even know of the word, or what it meant, he did know the special feeling he got when he played with his penis. Besides he had plenty of time to practice, some days he would awake with an erection, play with himself until that special feeling came, swim, sleep and do it all over again. As time went by Jamie couldn’t stomach the thought of harming the only other inhabitants of the island. Whilst he could have stood for pork chops, eating his cohabitants had absolutely no appeal to him. The pigs recognized that the boy appeared to be of no threat to him and mostly they left him alone. The boars, of which there were six or so, he gave a wide berth, as they were aggressive and on one occasion had chased him into the water. Jamie didn’t think that he was on their menu for dinner but rather that they felt that their territory was being invaded. The sows paid him no mind at all and just went about their daily business of foraging for food in the undergrowth. The piglets on the other hand were extremely affectionate and playful. Jamie would spend countless hours chasing the teenage piglets and being chased by them in a constant game of tiggy. So it was that Jamie formed an unlikely alliance with his neighbors, for their part they provided companionship, and Jamie provided fruits that they could not reach, being ground foragers. After six months on the island, Jamie milky white skin had turned a golden brown and his hair had almost turned white from the constant exposure to sun and surf, if he had been aware of the dates he would have known that he was rapidly approaching his thirteenth birthday. The only outward sign to Jamie was that small hairs has started to sprout at the base of his penis, and it seemed to him that his penis was getting larger as well. Which with he a chuckle he realized it was growing probably because of all the pulling on it, he had done recently. 4 The dogs are restless The hunter knew that he had best lay-low for the next season, taking the boy and girl had been profitable but foolish. He knew that the village elders would be organizing a search and that regardless of how cleverly he covered his tracks that some clue would be left behind as to their fate. So it was best to leave that part of the island group and hunt in safer waters. The hunter hadn’t been to the remote islands in the south for many seasons, in fact he hadn’t intended on going there now, except the wind and current were pushing his large canoe that way. For a moment he considered paddling across the current and going to the east, but he realized he was getting to old to fight wind and wave so he simply lay back in his canoe and dozed, which the seas slowly pulled his boat towards and island, inhabited only by wild pigs and one very small white boy, though that fact was as yet unknown to the hunter. For all of that night the current carried him further and further south, finally as dawn broke over the horizon he stirred. He sat idly watching the small atolls drift by. He knew the signs to look for, water running onto the beach meant fresh water which usually meant animals. In the distance he sighted a small atoll, smaller then the rest by some degree, he also sighted the dangerous reef surrounding the island and immediately picked up his paddle and turned his canoe back into open water. But today fate was on his side, the wind was blowing from the island, and the dogs picked up a scent they had not smelt in a long time, human. The dogs ears picked up and they both looked intently at the small island, suddenly barking. The hunter looked at the two dogs perplexed. He knew to trust their hunting skills, and even though he scanned the beach with his eyes and saw neither running water or any signs of life, he stopped paddling and turned the boat back towards the beach. As it turned out he was on the exact opposite side of the island to Jamie. It took the hunter the better part of an hour to find a navigable path through the reef, finally just past lunch he pulled his canoe up onto the beach. The two dogs jumped out eagerly and the hunter had to call them back. The hunter gathered his tools of trade and gave the signal to the dogs to hunt. Eagerly the dogs bounded into the thick foliage. Within an hour the hunter was rewarded with 4 large male pigs, 2 sows and a three piglets. He was very happy with himself. He estimated that there were more pigs on the island but simply did not have room in his small craft for any more, so he bound the pigs together on the beach next to his canoe, ready to head off through the reef before the tide turned. To the hunters surprise the dogs were still extremely excited and agitated. He was surprised because they had already brought down the pigs, more pigs would not have gotten them this excited. He gave them the signal to hunt once again. The Hunter and the dogs trekked clear the way through the island and the hunter became annoyed as it was getting to the point where he would be stuck on the island overnight if he did not leave soon. He was just about to call the dogs back when something caught his eye. At first he thought he was hallucinating, he rubbed his eyes vigorously to clear them, and when he opened them again he saw the same thing. What appeared to be a boy was playing naked at the waters edge, but not a normal boy, this boy was a golden white color and his hair was white, his beautiful body glistened wet in the sunlight, causing the hunters penis to jump to attention. The boy was laughing and chasing a piglet up the beach. The Hunter had only seen white men twice in his life, and after that encounter he wasn’t in a hurry to see any more of them as they had only brought him misery and suffering, not to mention that they were extremely bad for business. But it didn’t make sense, this boy appeared to be alone? The hunter called the dogs back under cover and hid. He watched the boy from a safe distance as he played some kind of chasing game with the piglets, laughing and yelling as he dived on top of a piglet whilst another piglet nipped at his ankles. Idly the Hunter fondled his penis as he became more and more aroused by the young boy playing at the waters edge. The hunter crept back away from the beach and over the next hour did a complete survey of the island and found no trace whatsoever of the boys parents, he became more and more excited as each moment went by. He hurriedly made his way back to the beach, and gave the dogs the signal to hunt. 5 Jamie’s capture Deep inside Jamie felt uneasiness, he had felt it all afternoon but could not work out why. The older pigs seemed to sense it also, most of them hid in the bushes. At one point Jamie thought he was going crazy because he thought that he had heard a dog barking. The piglets were completely oblivious to anything other then the game they were playing with the curious companion. Suddenly Jamie heard it again, this time he knew he wasn’t dreaming, it was a dogs bark. Jamie scanned the beach with his eyes, then suddenly he saw them! Two large dogs, and an even larger native were running down the beach towards him, Jamie panicked, turned and ran as fast as he could, the piglets scattered into the bushes. The dogs caught the scent of the boy and chased after him, he wasn’t as large as the previous humans they had run down and this time there was two of them to do the work so they decided to let the human exhaust himself for a while. The caught up with the boy about midway up the beach and just nipped at his heels. Jamie screamed in terror and peed himself. The dogs smelled the urine, smelt the fear and grew even more excited. Suddenly the larger of the two dogs lunged at Jamie. Jamie was running as fast as his 13 year old legs could carry him, when all of a sudden he felt something close around his scrotum, teeth sharp teeth. The pain was unbearable and Jamie cried out in terror as the dogs ran him down. He landed flat on his stomach, ten feet short of the rocky outcrop and probably safety, or so Jamie thought. He clawed the sand with his fingernails to try and reach the safety of the rocks but the big dog dragged him back by the balls. Jamie screamed yet again. He twisted onto his back and tried to kick out at the dog, but the dog managed to avoid being hit. Suddenly the second dog was upon Jamie, and he went straight for Jamie’s smooth white throat. The dogs huge maw locked down on his throat, cutting off his air supply. The fight went on for a couple more minutes, one dog dragging the small boy backwards through the sand by his balls, whilst the other dog stretched him out by the throat. Suddenly the fight went out of the boy and he lay there and pray that somehow he would survive. The dogs sensed his submission and let up enough to allow the boy to breath, and that’s exactly how the hunter found his dogs, with the beautiful golden boy stretched out between them, completely at the mercy of their teeth. The hunter looked on in awe at the beauty of the child, near as he could tell the boy was probably in his 11th season maybe 12, but he had not hair on his cocklet to speak off so probably more like 11 he decided. His cocklet was small but beautifully formed and his body was lean but not yet muscular. The Hunter called off the dogs, and the boy instantly clamped his legs shut and tried to conceal his private parts, he curled up into a ball and cried. Continued in, The hunter and his booty…. Email to [[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20090928074600/mailto:[email protected]) * * *
Interview with a Modifier - Part 8
GAY, TESTICLES, extreme mods / canine
Dr. James describes clients with a canine fixation.
` Questioner: What was the most extreme modification you performed? ` James: It was definitely to Ryan. He was a dog slave to Matthew. Q: Can you describe it? J: Well, Ryan was just 22 years old, and Matthew was in his late 40s. It was an extreme master-slave relationship. When they visited me, Ryan had a collar on and Matthew was holding his leash. Ryan sat on the floor by Matthew the whole time. They described their relationship to me. At home, Ryan was kept naked except for his collar. He ate dog food from a bowl on the floor, and had to use the backyard to relieve himself. He wasn’t allowed to talk, just make barking sounds when he needed to communicate. Matthew said he wanted to perform extensive modifications to Ryan, to make him a dog in the physical sense. What he asked for shocked me. Q: Did you consider not agreeing to do the modifications? J: My rule is that it has to be consensual. And Ryan certainly seemed willing. When Matthew described his plan for him, Ryan sat nearby quietly. I told Matthew that the modifications couldn’t be done all at once, that Ryan would have to come back a few times to complete the work. He said that wouldn’t be a problem. Q: Tell me what modifications you made to Ryan. J: I started with the most radical part of the work, namely, the alteration of Ryan’s arms and legs. Matthew wanted me to amputate his arms just above the elbow, and his legs at the knees. He planned to attach prosthetic devices to the stumps to give Ryan paws. So on the first day I performed those amputations. The surgery went well, and Ryan spent a couple of nights at my office healing up before going home. Q: Was he upset about the loss of his limbs? J: Not at all. His master gave him lots of praise, and Ryan seemed pleased. He licked Matthew’s hands in gratitude. They returned a week later for a follow-up checkup. The wounds had begun to heal nicely, and I told Matthew that I could perform other modifications that day if he wanted. He agreed so I put Ryan under anesthesia and continued the work. Q: What did you do to Ryan that day? J: Matthew wanted me to alter Ryan’s larynx, so that he’d lose the ability to talk. I also worked on Ryan’s tongue, both to help him create the barking sound and to give it a more dog-like appearance. Also, I removed several of Ryan’s teeth and implanted dog’s teeth. Finally, I modified Ryan’s ears, giving them more of a point to resemble a dog’s. Again, it all went well, and I schedule a follow-up for the following week. Q: Were those the extent of the modifications? J: No, the final stage had to do with Ryan’s genitals. When they came back for the next appointment, Ryan was already using the prosthetic devices on his arm and leg stumps. It was startling to see how much he now walked like a dog. It really looked like he had paws. Then Matthew ordered “speak” to Ryan, and he obliged with several barks. It was uncanny. He really did sound like a dog now. With Ryan sitting at his feet, Matthew told me the final modifications he wanted me to perform. He said that a male dog has a penis that is attached lengthwise to his abdomen, to protect it. He wanted me to do that to Ryan. Matthew also said that as a responsible pet owner, he believed in neutering his dogs. So castration would be required as well. When Matthew mentioned that, Ryan began whining like an unhappy puppy. Matthew just patted Ryan on the head and said he would be happier, that he wouldn’t need to rub his penis on the carpet all the time in order to ejaculate. Q: Did you perform those modifications that day? J: Yes. Luckily, Ryan was uncircumcised, so I was able to attach his foreskin to his stomach. It would hang somewhat loosely, but still would be closer to his abdomen and more protected than before. Lastly, I opened up Ryan’s scrotum and removed both of his testicles. I left the scrotum intact at Matthew’s request. Q: So Matthew was present during the modifications? J: Oh yes, he was there for all of the work. He was very interested in watching me. Q: How has Ryan adjusted to his modifications? J: He’s adjusted very well. Being castrated did make him happier, just as Matthew said. He trots along nicely on his new paws. Being a dog certainly agrees with Ryan! Q: Did this case make you hesitate to perform such extreme modifications? J: Definitely not. I don’t judge other people’s needs and desires. This was certainly a very unusual case, but both Ryan and Matthew wanted it done, and have been happy about the results. Q: Thank you again, doctor, for telling us about your work. J: You’re very welcome! (To be continued). * * *
El-Hani - A Story of Ancient Anatolia - parts 8, 9, 10 [S]
` # El-Hani - A Story of Ancient Anatolia - parts 8, 9, 10 By: Finder ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [STRAIGHT] [PENECTOMY] Other: Goddess Worship El-Hani meets Anya again; personal revelations; the penis guillotine * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/file:///C:/My%20Documents/archive/archive1/newfiles.html) * * * El-Hani – A Story of Ancient Anatolia Previous sections of this story may be found at: http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/Alpha/E/ea_28323El-Hani_.htm http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/Alpha/E/ea_6403El-Hani_.htm http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/Alpha/E/ea_27503El-Hani_htm http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/Alpha/E/ea_53573El-Hani_.htm In the Kitchen – Part 8 Two weeks later came a day free of all responsibilities. The High Priestess and most of her staff were away in neighboring Ibhama for a law-making congress. He slept late, lazily awoke himself, wondering momentarily at the unaccustomed quiet around his quarters before remembering why they were all gone. Most of the priestesses-in-training had also taken the day off to be with their families. El-Hani finished washing up, put on a plain tunic, and headed toward the kitchen, to find something for his growling stomach. The morning cooking shift had already gone for the day when he entered. Finding some grapes in a bowl, still filmed by a layer of morning dew, he stood looking out the open windows over the terraced gardens below, idly plucking grapes from the bunch and eating. He heard someone enter the room behind him. He thought at first it was the kitchen help, but when he looked around he was startled to see one of the priestess-trainees – the girl the High Priestess had called Anya. In an instant he felt the blood rushing to his face, a surprisingly school-girlish and completely irrepressible response to the memory that burst unbidden into his mind – the last time he had seen Anya, and the last time she had seen him: standing naked before her class, his rigid penis in the firm grip of the High Priestess, blasting the most explosive ejaculation of his life toward the ceiling, in full view of the assembled class of priestesses-in-training. Awkwardly, he tried to divert his own mind from the memory. “Good grapes here – want some?” he asked. She nodded assent, came closer, seemed to examine the bunch in his hand closely, then took the offering, with a very direct smile. “Thanks”. She plucked off two and put them in her mouth, chewing slowly. She regarded him without a hint of embarrassment or self- consciousness. Maybe, he thought, she simply doesn’t remember I’m the same boy... “I know!” she exclaimed, dashing his hopes abruptly. “You were the ... the anatomy lesson!” Her face reddened a little, she rolled her eyes to the ceiling, as if to express “there I go again”, the implicit acknowledgement of a thoughtless impulsiveness that had probably gotten her into social trouble countless times before. He sighed, smiled tentatively. How could he deny it? and, what would be the point? He had, after all, done it entirely at the behest of the one obeyed by all, the High Priestess. “I was the lesson”, he acknowledged. “I didn’t ... I had no idea what she was going to do, until just before the class.” He looked away from her, out the window, afraid she – a little older than him – might view it all with condescending amusement. He was a training tool, an in-vivo anatomy lesson for use as the High Priestess saw fit. He hoped Anya wouldn’t keep asking questions. “What she did to you in that class ... has she done that to you before? Were you very embarrassed? You shouldn’t be, you know. You have a very nice ... body”. He looked at her, and was surprised to see a faintly rosier color rise to her cheeks. Did she, herself, feel awkward asking about it? Or, was it something else? “Watching you – your penis – rise up like that, and being able to touch it – and the way she made you squirt at the end...” “Ejaculate”, he corrected. “You never saw a boy like that before?” He began to feel more comfortable with her. She held some sympathy for him, seemed to be trying to be friendly. He was a little surprised, but secretley pleased, at her boldness. He turned away from her, feigning interest in the stack of bowls on the kitchen table next to him. Her recounting of the “male anatomy” class was having an effect; although very recent, it was now treasured in his memory as probably the most profoundly erotic moment of his brief love life with the High Priestess. “Oh, I’ve seen lots of little boys ... I’ve got two little brothers, you know. And a few men naked, across a courtyard. But a guy like you ... never up close like that. And I never ... touched one before.” “No boyfriends?” He was teasing, a little. The life of a priestess-in-training left little time, and less opportunity, for even casual relations between sexes. “Well, I’ve known a few boys – but not like that,” she said, a bit defensively. “I don’t meet boys my age at the Temple. I’m training to be a priestess, though. ALL the rituals.” Her emphasis on “all” he knew to be a reference, obliquely, to the spring fertility rituals, when priestesses and female devotees would choose men from the community for the rites of fertility, sacred sex dedicated to the Goddess. “And who”, he asked, “were the men you saw naked in the courtyard? I don’t recall an orgy taking place in front of the Temple recently.” “You silly”, she said. “It wasn’t an orgy, and it wasn’t in that courtyard. I shouldn’t say, I’ll get into trouble.” “I won’t tell. I promise. Goddess smite me if I tell.” He winked conspiratorially at her. She sighed, looked doubtfully at him, then up at the ceiling, back at him again. “I can’t talk about it here”, she said. “Anyone could come in.” She averted her eyes, looked around the kitchen and surveyed the several doorways opening into the room. Then, she seemed to suddenly decide he could be trusted. “There’s a place we can talk”, she said softly. “You’ve got to promise.” She looked up at him, her eyes firmly demanding. He nodded, more seriously this time. “All right, follow me then ... but NOT right behind me, I don’t want us seen going together there.” She gave him the firm look again, he nodded, and without another word she turned and walked from the kitchen. He watched her, made sure to note which doorway she disappeared through, in the long hallway coming off the kitchen. No one else was around. He turned and casually followed. He thought she was being a little silly, playing spy games. Or was it hide-and-go-seek? He walked a little faster, headed down the hallway, turned into the doorway where he had seen her turn. Several doors opened into this hallway, all closed except for one. This door had a heavy bar and locking mechanism, but it was open – just enough for Anya’s slim figure to slip through. He looked back behind him, and, seeing no one, approached the opening and slid through, into darkness. Anya’s hand, invisible, grasped his wrist and he felt himself pulled farther into the blackness. He felt her move past him, saw the light from the open doorway glow briefly on her young face. He was struck again, in the dim instant, by the illusion that he was seeing the face of the High Priestess; then she had pulled the door shut and all was dark. “Wait here”, she said softly, almost in his ear. He heard her move past him again, away into the echoing darkness. She seemed to have an uncanny knowledge of the room, finding her way in the smothering blackness. A few seconds later he heard the grating sound of a ceiling cover sliding to, and a brilliant shaft of pure sunlight poured down into the space ahead, illuminating dust motes in bright sparkles as they drifted into the light. She was stepping down carefully from a bench she’d stood on to reach the ceiling window cover. She grinned conspiratorially at him. El-Hani - The Storeroom: Confessions and Revelations – Part 9 “There!” Anya announced. “Welcome to the storeroom, repository of all things dark and secret in the Temple.” He gazed around, but could make out little in the dim light illuminating the rest of the room. He stepped tentatively toward her, into the light. “All right, we’re here,” he announced. “I’m sure no one can see us or hear us now.” He looked around, into the dimness. “What is this place? I’ve never been in here before.” He could begin to make out rows of shelves against the wall, bowls and baskets of all sizes, equipment on benches and stacked in corners. “The priestesses keep all kinds of stuff in here,” she answered. “I don’t know what it’s all for. People only go in here a few times a year.” “So... “ he wanted to get back to the interrupted disclosure she had begun back in the kitchen. “Who are these naked men you saw in the courtyard? More anatomy classes?” He stepped closer to her, looked down into her face. In the light, her face seemed to glow, and her eyes sparkled. Being near her was unsettling, exciting. He felt his heart pounding, was sure she must be able to hear it. “It wasn’t at the Temple, it was the little courtyard at the altar to Attis ... out by the edge of the forest, it’s a long walk from here. Me and a friend – another priestess-trainee – were near there, and we heard people talking. They had a man bound to a post – the priestesses and eunuch guards brought him there. He was a criminal.” “Spying” he accused. “Only priestesses are supposed to be there.” He knew of the place, but didn’t say more. “We didn’t go there to spy!” she retorted. “But we heard the commotion, and went closer to see what it was about. They punish criminals at the altar to Attis, and my friend and I found a place we could see from, in the woods, without anyone knowing. They bring men there - men who assaulted women for sex – raped them, or beat them up – and were sentenced for punishment. Do you know what they do to those men? “ He squirmed a little, said, “I’ve heard about it, yes.” “It’s a horrible thing”, she said earnestly. “But, it has to be done. These men don’t deserve a penis anymore. He’s bound to a post, and they tear the front of his tunic so he’s all ... exposed, and we could see his penis and everything. The priestesses make him hard – I don’t know how he does, knowing what they’re going to do to it – but he gets very hard, and long, and they keep doing things to his penis until he squirts – just like you did, in class, but they aim his penis into a little bowl and collect it all, and then... oh, I don’t know if I should tell you this ... one of the priestesses holds his penis with one hand, and she has a ritual knife in the other, and then – while he’s actually still spurting his seed...” She came very close to him, looked up into his face, straight into his eyes – said, very softly, as if someone near might hear, even though there was no one else... ”Then, she cuts off his penis! In one stroke, it’s off.” She gazed into his face for a moment, looking for reaction. “Sometimes they use a kind of a machine”, she continued. “They make him hard, and then they push it right up against his stomach, with his penis going through a hole, and just as he starts to spurt, a big blade drops, and ... ka-chunk! it just drops straight down, into the bowl.” “After the first time, we could tell when it was going to happen again because they keep the man in the Temple for a week, beforehand – he’s kept in a cell here. So when they take him out, we know where he’s going – what they’re going to do to him. We went back a few times, to watch. Sometimes my mother does it – cuts them off. I’ve seen her do it. She’s very good at it.” Almost proudly. El-Hani stared at her, but she didn’t seem to notice. Her mother! “Someday I’ll do it,” she continued. “My mother will teach me, and other priestesses, how to cut men.” She shivered visibly, looked down. “I’m not sure if I could do it. Even to a bad man...” He reached toward her, gripped her arm firmly, looking at her intently. “You said ... your mother. She’s a priestess?” She looked at him in surprise, then a slow smile crept a across her face. “Don’t you know? I thought everybody knew! How long have you lived here?” “I’ve been ... “ he started. “I’m new here. Five months...” “Oh, well – and I’ve been away at Ibhama for training, the last three,” she said. That’s why we didn’t see each other – until the class.” She looked away for a second, thinking she’d said something wrong again by reminding him of the class. Then she looked at him again. “The High Priestess has three children,” she continued, speaking slowly and deliberately. “Two boys, and a girl. The girl is the oldest... her name is Anya.” She looked at him steadily, waiting for the light to go on. He could only stare at her, stunned. It all made sense now – the striking similarity, staring him right in the face all this time. The daughter of the High Priestess! His mind was in turmoil. He sensed, suddenly, a growing and fundamental emotional conflict: He was legally, sexually, the chosen consort to the High Priestess, a relation that had a deeply religious foundation. From its formal and official beginnings, it had nonetheless grown into mutual respect, admiration, and genuine fondness for each other – not to mention, considerable passion – but on a schedule, dictated by the Temple, seasonal rituals, and the teachings inscribed in temple scrolls. And here was Anya, daughter of the High Priestess, a girl his own age, and he was surprised at the intensity of his feeling for her. He wondered why, with all the frequency and variety of physical release offered by the High Priestess, sometimes with assistance from her retinue of priestesses, he nonetheless felt a growing and lusty ardor toward this newcomer. It was more than sex. Perhaps it was the sense of control, the empowerment, he was beginning to feel with Anya. With the High Priestess, there was never any question of who was in charge, who took the initiative. Now, with Anya, he felt a liberating give-and-take, the possibility of togetherness with a partner of equal status, where either of them could take the lead. She was spontaneous, there were no restraints, no rules, no rituals. The possibilities were endless, the future an infinite array of possibilities ...except for one unyielding obstacle, a wall of stone: his future was entirely preordained; he was the Chosen. He felt constricted, trapped, unable to breathe for a long moment. She was looking up at him expectantly, wondering perhaps at his reticence, the visible inner turmoil – he was no good with the poker face, he knew that. “I understand, now”, he said, carefully. “You do look - remarkably - like your mother.” He remembered the High Priestess’ hands working on him, sometimes her lips and teeth, sometimes pressing the cold bronze blade into the skin of his rigid shaft... he imagined Anya’s hands holding his hot flesh, pulling him into her, her eyes wanting him... he shook his head, as if to make the images fly away. His penis ignored the turmoil, grew hot and long and heavy under his tunic. He saw, through Anya’s eyes and memory, a procession of boys and men, members hard and upright, meeting the blade weilded by the High Priestess. One by one, penises came away in her grip, fell to the ground, a growing sacrificial mountain of once-hard, proud flesh. He began to wonder if she realized who he really was. All along, he assumed that Anya, like most of the priestesses in the temple, would have heard about him. Perhaps, that assumption was wrong... “Anya, I should tell you something”, he started. She looked at him, expectantly, and then was a little chastised, apologetic. “I’m sorry, El-Hani”, she said. “I can imagine a boy – or a man – you’re practically grown up, I know – doesn’t want to hear such things. But, you must have heard stories about how bad men are punished, before this. I thought everyone at the Temple knew about it.” El-Hani realized she was entirely mistaking the basis of his discomfort. “And”, she was saying, “it isn’t just criminals. You know about the Chosen? A boy who is the lover – consort – of the High Priestess for a year, or until she’s pregnant.” He nodded. “She’s had nine or ten of them by now, some of them were very nice, and almost my age. I know she loved them all, very much ... but after their year with her, they can never have sex with another woman. Her power and authority come from the Goddess, pass through her. Those powers, transferred through her, and then through him, would go to the other woman, and that mustn’t happen. So those boys have to have it cut off too. That’s the only way. It’s so sad, I know sometimes my mother cries for hours after doing it. She hates that part of being a High Priestess, even told me that once. But please don’t tell anyone that, I’d be in big trouble.” He paused, wondering how to proceed. Her comments about “the Chosen” made it clear to him, for the first time, that she knew nothing about his role in the Temple – and, more importantly, his relationship with the High Priestess – her mother. A minute before, she had seemed amused at his surprise and ignorance. Perhaps, now, it was her turn. El-Hani sighed heavily. If he revealed any more about himself, she would have no trouble figuring out that he was the next Chosen, and what would that do to this friendship? Should he just tell her, and get it over with? There could be no friendship, no romance, no passion with this sweet girl, who seemed pleased with his company. El-Hani - The Penis Guillotine – Part 10 Under his tunic, he was half-erect, and he didn’t think he could face her without her noticing. She was surveying the dusty stacks of small brass bowls in front of them. “Look at all these bowls! it looks like a kitchen pantry in here, doesn’t it? Why do they need so many?” “It’s for the day of sacrifice”, he said. “When the Consort to the High Priestess makes his final ritual sacrifice, every man there also offers his seed to the Goddess. Every woman is given a small collection bowl, and she collects her man’s semen. He has to save it for eight days, before that time. Then they combine it all in a bigger vessel – probably like that big brass one there. Then they take it all out to the fields under the full moon, and sprinkle it on the ground.” She studied him for a moment. “You know a lot about rituals,” she said. “I thought you said you’d never been in here before.” “I haven’t!” he protested. “I just happen to be better-educated than most around here.” Under his tunic, his erection was relentlessly stiffening, and he bent over a little so it didn’t push out the fabric in front quite as much. Five months of conditioning was having the intended effect, although this wasn’t the intended time or place. She wasn’t looking at him now, however. Her attention was drawn to some shelves and equipment in a corner, dimly lit by the light from the small window overhead. She went over and began studying a tall structure closely. “I’ve seen this before,” she exclaimed. “They used it at the Attis altar on some of the men. Come here, look at this.” She was examining a tall frame consisting of two parallel vertical rails, connected by several evenly spaced cross beams. Three millennia before the invention by the Frenchman Dr. Guillotine, its virtual twin – albeit considerably reduced in size – rested in a storage room, in a Temple dedicated to the Goddess Ishtar, in ancient Middle East. El-Hani waited until she began studying its release mechanism before awkwardly stepping forward, over to the other side of the device, still trying to hide his erection. Its intended function was immediately apparent, although he had never seen it before. At crotch height, a thin crosspiece was constructed with a circular aperture. The top half of the crosspiece could be raised and then clamped down tightly over the doomed penis. At the top of the frame, a thin angled iron blade, honed to razor sharpness in the center, hung suspended by a cord. A thin slit ran across the full width of the top of the crossbar, through which the blade passed in its descent. This blade, once released, would slash downward irrevocably through even the hardest masculine flesh, without any perceptible slowing in its relentless progress. Anya gingerly put a finger through the opening, looking up at the blade, then snatched it back. “Scary thing”, she said. She came around to his side of the frame, and in an unnecessarily low voice, challenged him: “Dare you to put your penis through the hole.” Somehow he had guessed that she might say that, and he felt a flush of arousal and embarrassment working up to his face, and down into his groin, at the same time. Some wild, primitive urge made him want to thrust his concealed but full-grown erection into the opening, but he suppressed it firmly. He was sure she was joking, and he had no intention of exposing his condition to her. Then, he remembered her stories of watching the machine in use, and wasn’t so certain anymore. He couldn’t have admitted it to himself, but - more than anything in the world - he wanted her to see again his rigid erection, feel her hands stroking his hardness. He was forming a polite reply when she seemed to realize she’d gone too far, said, “I’m sorry – that was stupid of me. Just forget I said that.” She looked up at him for forgiveness; then, more brightly, “I’m sure it’s a horrible thing for a man to have his penis cut off. Anyway, you’re supposed to have an erection when you poke it through there to be chopped. I’m sure just looking at this would have quite the opposite effect on a man - I don’t know how they could get hard when they ... “ – she playfully batted at the loosely-hanging front of his tunic as she spoke, and halted, startled, when her hand struck the end of his erect penis, well out from his body. “Oh, by the Goddess ... “ she whispered, and stared into his face, wonderingly. Her hand slowly returned to him, seemingly unbidden, pressed softly through the fabric of his tunic, and ever so gently closed around the hardness projecting from his body. A soft sigh escaped him; her touch was exquisitely arousing, and they both felt a surge pulsing through the rigid flesh, trapped in her hand. She looked up at him, hesitated, reluctantly pulled her hand away. “Is it because you’re with me? Do I make you like that?” “Anya, you’re a very attractive girl”, he said. “You probably don’t realize the effect you can have on a guy. Especially when you’re talking about sex, and particularly when you’re talking about that part of his anatomy. And it’s more than that ... you remind me a great deal of someone I ... a woman I know.” “Ah, so that’s it...” She was trying to hide it, but disappointment came through in her voice. “You have ... a girlfriend, then? You’re very young to have that kind of relation ... is it that kind of relationship?” she pressed onward, much too bluntly, he thought. He was getting flustered, and began to think she would never settle for not knowing the whole story. For those who knew them, his relationship with the High Priestess was no secret, but Anya had spent most of her life training in other Temples. She hadn’t seen them together in his six months at this Temple, except for the day in the classroom. “Anya, I didn’t want it to be that way. She chose me”, he said, simply. [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20110111025329/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
Byzantium 10: For Three Days
A Continuation Of The Byzantium Series
` It was something that I did not wish to do. ` The Secretary to Governor was coming to stay with my master for three days, on route to Byzantium. My master wished to impress him because of the favours the man could bestow. The Secretary was one of those men who likes a boy in his bed, and preferably a new eunuch, one not long cut. So the master had ordered Marcus, his estate-manager to pick out the best boy that he could find and have him gelded for the Secretary’s visit in a month’s time. I have always done the gelding of slaves, just as I geld the horses. My master has no interest in eunuchs and the only times I have done it have been as punishment for sexual trespass. The last was a sixteen year old Greek slave who was caught with one of the household women. Before that there was the fourteen year old Slav house-servant who seemed to always have an erection and whom the master no longer trusted to keep himself contained, especially after he was found rubbing his prickle in a used garment belonging to the master’s wife. But the idea of gelding a boy just to serve a man for three days was abhorrent to me. A male slave has not much in his life but the pleasures his balls can give him. To nut a boy and rob him of this pleasure, just for three days, seemed to be wrong. Especially the boy Marcus had chosen. He was a fathered by a Dacian slave, who was still now in his prime. The slave had sired more than ten children. His blood was good and the children he produced were not only fit and healthy but they were also good-looking. The eldest was a boy, now fifteen. He had dark brown hair, grey-green eyes, and a creamy perfect skin. His smile was infectious. He also had the easy confidence of a slave who knows his own value. He also assumed that he would soon inherit the same position as his father, being permitted to sire children on a number of women slaves. Now, all his presumptions were to be changed. I had cleared a stall in the stables and tied the ropes ready at its four corners. It was where we usually gelded slaves. They’d be spread-eagled on the straw-covered floor, their legs tied to the two door posts, their hands to the end of the stall. Then I’d then kneel down and cut them. Marcus always stood over me and directed, when I gelded a slave. I’d also got two of the other stable-hands to wait there. Marcus was impatient with me when I reached the house. ‘You’re late,’ he said shortly. ‘I do have other things to do this afternoon.’ The boy was working in the kitchen courtyard. He was supervising some younger slaves as they moved sacks of grain to the pantries. He was laughing as he stood there because one of the smaller boys had trouble lifting a sack. ‘It’s bigger than you,’ he said, ‘take a smaller one.’ His voice was clear and crisp. He was at his ease. He stood there, his legs placed apart and his back to us as he directed the younger boys. I could see the well-shaped rear, which had been his doom. Marcus ordered him over to us. The boy approached confidently. ‘Follow us,’ Marcus curtly commanded, and the boy walked behind us to the stables. This was the place where we usually stripped down slaves to check them and he’d been here two days before when Marcus had the best looking youths of the estate assembled so that he could choose which one would become the Secretary’s bedmate. I had not been there but I could imagine the six or seven naked youths lined up while Marcus examined him with his cold attention. So the boy was prepared when Marcus ordered him to strip again. The two stablehands stood waiting behind me. Both were visibly excited and their eyes gleamed narrowly. I always hated the way slaves enjoyed the humiliation of other slaves. It was always the same when I had to geld a slave. If I’d asked for volunteers to help me, there would have been a line. When we had gelded the 14 year old Slav, Marcus had assembled some of the other houseboys of the same age to watch, so they could learn a lesson. But I noticed that they did not so much learn fear, as satisfaction that someone other than them was the focus of the gelding knife. The boy was puzzled at Marcus’s request though. For him, this second time made him curious, but he shed his clothes easily. His face was open and handsome. He had fine brows, a neat nose and full lips. His body was well-made. His skin was pale and only very lightly tanned. His nipples were broadening, though they were still small. He was also beginning to become muscled. When he removed his trousers I could see the small flat patch of dark-brown hair above his prickle and his barely haired balls. His prickle itself was not big but, like his fathers, it was not its size but how it was used. ‘Check him,’ Marcus ordered. I walked towards the boy. I really only needed to check that his balls were free and could be cut. I put one hand on his shoulder. His skin was pleasant to the touch. He looked at me, frowning slightly. ‘Now put your legs apart a little,’ I said. “I have to look at your balls.’ This was something that he knew was done as he approached manhood and his face became proud. I knew he thought he was perhaps being chosen to be put to a girl. He put his legs apart. His thighs were still hairless. I put my hand between his legs and felt his nuts. They were hard round stones in the softness of his sac. They would be easy to cut. It was a quick examination. Marcus was still annoyed. ‘Come on, come on’ he said. ‘The master will be waiting for me.’ I signalled the two stablehands over. It was simple from there on. They took the boy by his arms and walked him to the back of the stables. The boy was confused but went easily. He turned his back to us and I could see the creamy tight curves of his buttocks. Then they paused in front of the stall. The boy could see the ropes and the gelding knife and the bowl by the door but he didn’t react for a moment. The slaves drew him almost up to the stall before he realised what was in store for him. Slaves passed to each other the stories of things and he knew that geldings were done like this, in a stall in the stables… His just-deepening voice called out ‘No!’ Then he repeated it as the stablehands dragged him further in and flipped him down on his back. Then there was a struggle and Marcus and I could hear his gasps and half-protests. One of the stablehands sat on his stomach, while the other tied the boy’s arms to the far corners of the stall. We could see the boys legs kicking out, and between them his prick, his balls and a thin line of dark of hair beneath them. Then once the boy’s legs had been secured to the doorposts, the two slaves left the stall. The boy was still yelling, except now he begged for mercy. ‘Please don’t do this to me,’ he called. But Marcus only made me gag him and I forced a rag into his mouth. ‘Let’s get him done, ‘ Marcus said flatly and impatiently. I picked up the bowl and pushed it between the boy’s legs, right up the top, under his balls. He squirmed. Looking down on him, I could see his still- hairless armpits exposed. He kept on trying to raise his head. On his stomach, to the left side, I noticed just a small mole. It was at that moment that Marcus chose to talk. ‘Now boy, you’re being gelded so that you can serve as a bed-servant for the Governor’s Secretary when he visits. It is important to the master that you serve well.’ It was a pompous speech. The boy struggled even more and his thighs shook. His prickle flopped loosely on the bed of his pubic hair but I could see that it was swelling slightly. First I had to tie his balls. I took a strip of leather in which I’d already put a wide slip knot, took it over my wrist, grasped his balls firmly. They were round and full. I pulled them hard towards me and took the knot up over my hand, over his balls up to where they joined his body. My pull must have hurt him because all his muscles were taut. ‘Is that good and tight?’ asked Marcus. I just nodded. ‘What about getting him hard?’ I knew Marcus thought that every youth, when gelded, should be stiff, and should spurt, but some did and some didn’t. The boy though now had a half- erection. ‘Tickle him up a bit,’ ordered Marcus. I had to take his prick in my hand and caress it, while my other hand moved under his balls. The boy’s eyes were panicked and I knew my effort was going to be useless. Even though the tie frequently does make them hard, he only got half erect. ‘Don’t worry,’ ordered Marcus, finally, with disgust in his voice. ‘Just get him done.’ The boy struggled more, lying on the straw of the floor. I was crouched between his splayed legs, his pale thighs and knees and his calves just darkening with hair. I reached for the knife and the boy lifted up his head to see it. His eyes widened even more. I could hear him trying to yell. ‘You not the first slave to lose his nuts, and you won’t be the last,’ said Marcus to him, with annoyance I took they boy’s balls into my hand again. I could feel Marcus move closer to me, standing almost directly behind me. ‘I want a good neat job,’ he said. I moved the slave’s nuts around a little, pushing his right one close to the wall of the sac. Then I moved my hand with the knife in downwards. The boy arced with his hips upwards. ‘Be still,’ ordered Marcus. I rested the knife against the boy’s sac with the nut behind it. Then, swallowing, I did what I had to do. I pushed the point of the curved knife into that tender skin and slit downwards. The boy shook. He threw his head back and arced his hips in a rhythm into the air. Once the slit had been made, I pushed the ball through it. A pale blood- stained fluid wet my hand. The whole round ball, pale white and pink, rested in my hand and the cord that linked to the inside was clearly visible. I cut it with the knife, but it was hard to sever and it tugged on the boy’s inside. His face was contorted with pain behind the gag. Then suddenly, he spurted seed from his half-stiff prick, a great pool of it, onto the flat of his stomach. I could smell its sudden ammonia smell amid the warm sweat of the boy’s fear. I dropped the ball in the bowl ‘Good, good,’ commented Marcus. ‘Now get his other nut and we’re finished.’ The boy’s balls were clammy with fluid and blood. They were slippery but I managed to get the ball in position on the other side. The boy was groaning through his gag. I did it quickly as I could, but with the first new slit of the knife, the boy shuddered again and arced. The pool of watery semen on his stomach was joined by more fluid which leaked out of his prick. Then his other ball was in the bowl with the first. ‘Good,’ commented Marcus again. ‘ Now get him cleaned up and healed.’ He turned and walked away. I wanted to swear at him in my head. As I watched him leave, I saw one of the stablehands look at the other and grin with satisfaction. ‘One more look like that,’ I said, ‘and you’ll be down here.’ The look vanished from his face. I had to tend the boy over the next week. He hated me and wouldn’t look directly at me. Each day, I had to get him to lift his shirt to expose his groin and thighs with that empty ball-sac there between them. And every day I cleaned him with salty water, until it had healed, with just two small vivid red scars down each side.. Then the Secretary arrived. The master laid on a banquet that first night. Towards the end the boy was presented to him. I brought him into the house. He was sullen, knowing what was about to occur. His face was hard and rebellious. Marcus spoke to him angrily. ‘You’ll do this estate proud, boy’ he said, ‘ otherwise you’ll be out there getting strips torn off your back by the whip.’ ‘Now strip him down,’ he said to me. I looked at him. I hadn’t thought we’d send him into the banqueting hall nude. ‘The master wants his charms displayed,’ Marcus said sarcastically. The boy stripped slowly and reluctantly. I saw his throat tighten and when he stood naked there, he kept his eyes closed for a long minute. Then when I took him into the banqueting hall, he kept his head bowed, though every eye there was upon him. I stood him in front of the Governor’s Secretary. ‘I had him gelded for you,’ said the master, ‘to serve as your servant while you are here. The boy stood there, his body perfect in the lamplight, the small patch of pubic hair visible beneath his flat stomach, his prickle dangling and, behind it, his empty ball sac. The Secretary looked pleased, and the boy was seated below him, where he was given a glass of wine. The next morning when the boy was returned to my care he was even more sullen. I could sense his anger. I made him turn around and show his rear to see if he had been split or not. He hated me for this reminder of his night, but he finally bent over. I parted his buttocks and inspected him. He was fine. Marcus later told me that the Secretary had taken him three times during the night. And the boy was returned to the Secretary that night, then the next. Two days after the Secretary had left Marcus ordered me to take the slave into town and sell him. ‘He’s of no use now,’ he commented. The next day I stood in the slave market. The slave was in a line of boys of a similar age. He was the only eunuch. Where their balls were full and round, his sac was empty. Where their futures were sometimes discussed in terms of their potency and ability to breed, his was one of servitude to masters who relished the thought of a ball-less boy in their bed, or as a body-slave to rich women. A number of men looked at him. He had his body examined, his fine hair felt, his nipples pinched, his buttocks parted and his prick lifted up to expose his ball-less state. He stood with his head down much of the time, but when he raised it, I could see his fiery hatred for his position. That would ebb in time, I thought. And his final buyer was the owner of a bath-house. I was asking a high price for the boy and finally I got it from someone who knew his value and knew also that that price would soon be recompensed. The boy would serve with his rear for a while in the baths, that was clear, to any man who had the money. And then, when he was a little older he’d be sold on as a house servant. It was the natural order of things. I could do nothing to change it now. * * *
Ms. Smythe's School
STRAIGHT, TESTICLES, MINOR, Female circumcision
Long story, many aspects...
` Ms Smyth buzzed me on the intercom and asked me to meet her at the stables. Ms Smyth believed in strict rules and corporal punishment, she also believed in fair play. Staff were subject to the same rules and punishment as the students. I was the only male on her staff, well the only complete male anyway. ` As I came down the path to the stables, Ms Smyth was waiting holding her finger to her lips, I got the message no noise. As we came into the doorway we saw Ms Graham the school doctor taking a deep drag on a joint. When she saw us she turned several shades of red. " I'm sorry Ms Smyth I just had the one left from holiday, please don't punish me." "You know the rules Amanda, my office at 9 tonight." As we walked back to the main building Ms Smyth said " you'll do the punishment John." I just about cheered but I just said "yes Ms Smyth." I sometimes got to spank the younger girls when Ms Smyth thought they needed a little embarasment, but to get Doctor Graham's bare ass was a real thrill. At 8:45 I knocked on Matron's office door, " come in John" I heard. As entered the office I saw the special bench Ms Smyth had me make in the centre of the room. It had knee pads with straps to secure the legs when the victim was on all fours, a padded bench with a wide strap to hold the body down and a head rest again with a strap to hold the victim secure face down. The hands were held behind the back with padded hand cuffs. "Will you wait behind the screen please John. " I sat behind the screen which took up one corner of the office, I could see the room clearly throught the fabric, but I was completly hidden. At 9 on the button there was knock on the door and Ms Graham entered.I felt a tingle in groin as I saw her in the teacher's uniform, white blouse, short tartan skirt and black nylons. She put her hand to her mouth when she saw the bench. " You know the punishment for staff smoking, 6 strokes of the strap on bare skin." Ms Smyth reminded her. "But I don't need to be tied up, I'll just bend over the desk." "Sorry Amanda this is the way it has it be, on your knees please." Resigned to fate Amanda put her knees in the pads and got on all fours over the bench. Ms Smyth quickly did up all the straps. "Now your hands behind your back," The handcuffs clicked and Amanda was helpless. " Ok John you can come out now." Amanda tried to move but she was held fast. "Please, Please Ms Smyth not with John watching." I had come form behind the screen and saw that Ms Smyth was also in the school uniform. "You know what to do John." I had to bend over reach the crank between Amanda's knees and gave it two full turns. Amanda's knees were pulled open about 18 inches, I heard her give a little gasp. I then lifted her skirt up over her back. Amanda was wearing a white silk thong, she was hoping to bare her bottom but hide most secret parts. I looked up at Ms Smyth who nodded her head. I hooked my fingers under the waistband and slowly drew them down, as the fabric peeled off her lips I could feel the heat on my face which were only inches away. I heard Amanda's low moan as the last of her cover was peeled away. Whisps of her red hair were visible but the lips were shaved smooth. I dare not stand so I stayed on my knees and held out my hand for the strap. Ms Smyth had a little smile as she handed it to me. I quickly gave Amanda the required 6. Amanda was howling as I moved aside so Ms Smyth could release her. I stepped behind the screen to hide the bulge in my pants as Amanda hurried out. "John." I looked out and Ms Smyth was on the bench. " I've been a bad girl John, I tricked Amanda, she was getting too smug. I think I better have same. And then I think I better give you 6 for what you were thinking when you had your nose to Amanda. As I secured Ms Smyth to the bench, she said " put my head down John " I pulled the pin holding the front of the bench and lowered her head to the floor. Her bottom was now turned up to me as I raised her skirt. She had white cotton panties which covered her cheeks. I was a little shakey as I drew them down to expose a thick black bush which completely hid her lips. " It must be hard for you here John with all the young girls to tempt you. " " Yes Matron it is" I replied" How would you like to have me right now, I know your balls must be bursting after seeing Amanda." I looked at her slightly open legs and that rich black bush, my balls were beginning to ache." Will you waive punishment" I asked. " I can't do that John, but I will fix it so that you also get have Amanda. if Amanda says no you can have had me as a freebee." I was sure Amanda would never agree. I hadn't had a woman for 2 month, the girls were on holiday and I had been kept busy getting some special things ready for their return next week. "Ok your on " I said as I got out of my pants and shorts. "Theres a condon on my desk under the memo pad" she replied. In a flash I had it on , I ran my finger through her bush and found her dripping wet.As I parted the hair and slid smoothly into her, the alarm bells went off in my head. She had this planned right down to the condom. I had a hard time to hold back, but I did, when your screwing the boss you want to do it right. When she came ,I couldn't hold on any longer, pulse after pulse I must have come a cup. I gave her the 6 and took her place on the bench. As she tied me downshe reached between my legs and gave my balls a close examination. She took each one between her thumb and fingers and also found the cords and rolled them between thumb and two fingers." One of these will soon be mine. what is it you guys say, I'd give my left nut." As I took 6 of Ms Smyth's best, I hoped Amanda would save my left testicle. The punishment for having sex with another staff member was the removal of one testicle. Sex with a student got you castrated! When I got back to my room, I went right to bed. I didn't want to spend any time sitting down! I must have dozed off, I opened my eyes as I felt the covers being pulled back. The Matron and Dr Graham were standing one on each side of my bed. NAKED ! " Sorry John, you lost Amanda is going to spend the night with you " Matron said with a smile. Amanda reached down and took my sleeping member in her right hand and laid it on my stomach. Her left hand was giving my left testicle a workout. " You got a very good look at me in Matron's office now it's my turn " said Amanda. " I think you need a little clean up " said Amanda and opened her little black doctor's bag. Matron had gone into my bathroom and I had heard water running. Matron returned and handed Amanda a shaving mug with a brush in it. " You need to be shaved for tomorrow anyway " Amanda said. Matron sat on the bed beside me and took my hands and held them up beside my head. One breast was on my chest. I was wide awake now as Amanda lathered up my groin. My sleeping member was also awake and rock hard. " Be very still now John, I'm using a straight razor." Amanda removed all the hair between my belly button and knees. When she had wiped me dry, she took me fully in her mouth. I was I heaven. Amanda released me and asked Matron to bring us two sandwiches. " John can't have anything to eat after midnight, I'm going to do him at 10 tomorrow morning. " Roast beef with mustard and horseradish ? " asked Matron. She knew that was my favourite. " Yes please " was my reply. As soon as Matron left Amanda had me in her mouth, After a minute she sat up, " You don't know how must I missed that, as an intern I used to blow the guys so they would work my midnight shifts. I really got to enjoy it ." Then she mounted me, she was so wet she slipped right in to the hilt. She rocked back and forth, fingering herself. As she came, I did too, it was bliss. Amanda snuggled beside me and whispered in my ear " You've made me so happy, I assisted with castrations as an intern in the cancer ward, but you'll be my first solo. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. There was a knock at the door and Matron came in with the sandwiches, I found I was really hungery. Matron also brought me a beer, which was a strict no no when the students were in residence. " Have a good night " Matron crooned as she slipped out the door. Amanda slipped out of bed and got her bag, She handed me two pills. "You need a good rest John, tomorrows a big day for you and for me." I took the pills with the rest of the beer and was out like a light. The next thing I knew Amanda was kissing my ear. " Time to get you showered " she said and got into the shower with me. She took special care to soap up my now hairless equipment. She dried me off and helped me into a terry towel robe. She got her black bag and came up with another pill, this one large oblong blue one. " This will help you relax" she said and gave a sip of water to get it down. She had her own robe and put it on, then picked up her bag. " Lets go " she said and took my arm. As Amanda and I walked down the hall to her OR I began to feel very mellow. When we entered Matron was there also wearing a terry towel robe. I was surprised to see Miss Carter Amanda's nurse was also there. Amanda said " Nurse Carter is going to assist, she was called back early for the special preparations." Nurse Carter was 22 years old just graduated from nursing school. She was a slim dark haired girl and was wearing a white lab coat, white stockings and shoes with a low heel. Her hair was covered with a blue paper cap and a surgical mask hug around her neck. " Nurse Carter will get you ready while I scrub up." Amanda walk through into the scrub room. Nurse Carter took my hand and lead me over to a corner of the room, where there was a stool beside a small table. On the table was a covered tray. Nurse Carter sat on the stool and still holding my hand turned me to face her. " Just slip out of your robe please John " she said. I dropped my rope and stood before her in all my fresh shaved glory. She was pulling on a pair of latex gloves. Matron had come up and picked up my robe and hung it on a hook. Nurse Cater uncovered the tray which had some funny looking tubing ,sort of orange in colour. " I'm going to see that your bladder is empty " she said. She took that funny tube and squeezed some gel on the end. She took my pecker between the thumb and first finger of her left hand just behind the glans and started to insert the tube into it with her right. I started to become aroused. "Just relax John it's going to enter your bladder now" I felt very uncomfortable as that happened, but not painful. About half a cup of urine flowed in the jar. " Ok Matron it's your turn " I looked at Matron as she hung up her robe, she was also naked. " Yes John I'm also here for a procedure " Just then Amanda returned with her hair under a blue cap and a surgical mask around her neck. Other than that she was also naked. Nurse Carter had just finished draining Matron. "John we have a proposition for you. As you know the girls are coming back next week I have the consent of all the parents, and the girls are all going to be circumcised. I am going to be circumcised today." I must have been standing there with my mouth open. " I want to know what it's like before the girls do. If you let Dr Graham take out that other pesky nut, you can shave the girls an inch above the clit and the lips , just like Amanda is shaved. Also Nurse Carter will give you a blow job, she's still a virgin so you can't screw her." As I was thing about how great it would be to shave 30 14 year old girls Nurse Carter took off her lab coat. All she was wearing as a garter belt and the white nylons. I guess that did it for I heard myself saying " Ok you can have them both ". Matron gave me a hug and said " Thank you John, If you don't mind I'll go first. " Matron sat on the table and put her feet in the sirrups. She lay back and closed her eyes. Amanda handed me a battery powered clipper and said " cut down that bush ,You'll need the practice." I set to work starting on the belly and working down spread the lips to clear around the clit. Nurse Carter rubbed shaving cream on the stubble and handed me a disposable razor, when I had finished Matron looked like a young girl, except for the lips puffing out, Matron had a pretty big clit as well. Amanda waved me aside and stepped between Matrons legs. She nodded to Nurse Carter and was handed a hypodermic . She made 3 injections, one to each side of the clit and pulling back the hood one right under.Nurse Carter then wiped the whole area with a brownish liquid. "while that takes hold Nurse Carter, I guess you'd better start calling her Jean , will drain the rest of your liquids." Amanda smiled. Nurse ...I mean Jean took me over to a cot and had me lay back. " I've jerked lots of boys off, but this is my first blow job." She said as she licked her lips, Dr Graham and Matron both watched as she took the tip in her mouth. Soon her head bobbing up and down, her fingers lightly stroked by balls. She knew just when to pull back as I shot 2 feet in the air. "Matrons ready " Amanda called and Jean went to assist. I got up and looked over the girls shoulders. Amanda took a small scissor and made a half inch snip in Matrons hood. I could see Matron was watching in the overhead mirror. Taking a clamp Amanda gripped Matrons clit and pulled it out about an inch. Amanda held out her hand and Jean gave her a stainless steel clip, very thin in two parts one fitting inside the other. The clip was about 2 inches long with a hole about one half inch in diameter in the centre. Amanda released the clit and pressed the hole over the clit which protruded through the hole. Holding the clip tight against Matron with thumb and finger, she again gripped the clit pulled it though the hole. With nod to Jean, Jean pushed on each end of the clip. I could hear several clicks as the ends of the clip came together. Matrons clit started to turn blue. " All done, now lets get you on the table John." The girls helped me sit on the edge of the table, and lifted my legs into supports which held my legs between the knee and ankle. " Just lay back John and put you head on the pillow. " Nurse Carter came up and gave me a kiss on the forehead. " I've got to restrain you John, this is a much more delicate procedure tham Matrons " she said. She put a set of soft fabric cuffs on my wrists with a steel ring attached to each. She drew my hands up behind my head and I heard a snap as they were attached to something behind my head. She then pulled a wide strap from under the table and fastened it just above my hips. Two more straps below my knees and I was secure. Amanda stepped between my legs and I felt cold liquid on my sack. "Just cleaning with alcohol " she held up a clamp holding a cotton swab. Jean had tied a loose loop from a roll of gauze and slipped it over my penis, pulling it snug under the glans. She taped the ends under my belly button with elastoplast. " Got to keep little John out of the way " she said with grin. Both girls put on new gloves. Matron stood on one side Jean on the other and Amanda between my legs. It was a real turn on to see 3 naked ladies about to take my manhood, but little John was to tired to stand. " A little sting now John." Amanda squeezed my sack near the top. I felt the needle go in and then the sting as Amanda pushed the plunger. Almost instantly I was numb. Amanda Kept moving the needle and injecting, I could feel the freezing spread but no pain. I could feel her catching the cords between thumb and finger. " You may feel this a little " she said as she injected the cord. There was a sharp jab of pain and then my left nut was numb. She quickly did the same to the right. Nurse Carter gave me a wipe with that brown stuff, and handed Amanda a scalpel. " Let me know if you feel anything " Amanda pressed the scalpel to my sack. " Only a little pressure " I replied. I felt a funny sort of pulling and then Nurse Carter dabbed with a cotton swab and it came away red. Amanda was squeezing my sack and I could feel the push against my groin. " There it is! " Nurse Carter squeeled. She reached forward and I felt a pull like guts were coming out , but not any pain. I looked up in the mirror and saw her hand holding a bluish pink egg with the cords between her 2nd and third fingers. " Just a little more Jean " Amanda said and I saw my cords come an other 3 inches out of the sack. Amanda put clamp on the cord close to the sack, and then spent several minutes tying the various bits of my plumbing. She then clamped again about an inch away and with her little snips cut it off. Jean held it up and said " It's just beautiful". Amanda was working away at the other side. In about 20 more minutes both my nuts were in a stainless steel bowl." I'm going to put you to sleep now John " and I felt a needle in my arm. I woke up in the ward with all three girls beside my bed. " How do you feel John " Matron asked. " Just fine, I'm kind of hungry " I replied. " Only soup and liquids today " said Amanda as she patted my groin. " Any pain " "No none at all " I replied. I spent 2 days in bed and I was up and around again. Matron came by every day to show me her clit clip, her clit was now turning black. " After the 2nd day it hasn't hurt at all " she reported. " Just 2 more days till the girls get back, are ready start shaving." I can hardly wait Matron called a meeting of all staff the day before the girls were to return. Mr Rodgers and Mr Koch, who had been castrated by Dr Marshall the year before Amanda took over as school doctor were in attendance as was the cook Mrs Watson and the two orphan girls who did the dishes and laundry. Matron announced that the girls would all be circumcised on their return, and then talked about the benefits. She the told of her own circumcision and my castration. She asked if any of the staff would like to be circumcised. Mrs Watson put her had up right away followed by the two girls a few seconds later. Dr Graham drew me aside as the meeting broke up, "We'll do Mrs Watson today and Amy and Lisa can be done tomorrow with the other girls." She went off to speak to Mrs Watson who was a widow and the 2 girls. She came back to me and said " meet Jean and I in the OR at 8 tonight I've told Mrs Watson to skip lunch and dinner." At 8 I entered the OR to find Amanda and Jean naked except for caps and masks. Amanda gave me a cap and mask and had me strip and scub up. She helped my on with my gloves. Just as we had everything laid out, Mrs Watson arrived fresh from the bath, wearing fuffy house coat. Jean helped her out of the house coat, revealing a chubby woman with large firm breasts. " Ever since my husband died I've had these awful urges, when I heard Matron's talk this morning I knew I had to have this done." Amanda and Jean helped her onto the table, and Jean restrained as I had been. I looked at Amanda who said " Mrs Watson is having a clitoridectomy and she has to stay still." Mrs Watson had a full thick black bush, as I clipped the hair away a large clit and protruding lips were exposed. As I shaved her she closed her eyes and her mouth opened and she began to take deep breaths. Amanda went up and whispered in her ear. " Oh yes please " she said. Amanda turned to me and said Mrs Watson would like to have a man one last time " she told me. "But " I blurted. Amanda said " Not to worry " she went over to the drug cabinet and took out a small bottle. She took my hand and had me lay back on one of the tables we had prepared for the girls tomorrow. We had set up screen and tables so we could do the girls 5 at a time. Jean came and stood at my side, then reached down with both hands and lifted up my empty sack. Amanda gave me a shot on each side of my penis. Like magic little John stood right up. As I stepped between Mrs Watsons legs I could see she was dripping, I opened her lips with my thumbs and slowly went all the way in. Jean had put some lube on her fingers and began to massage Mrs Watsons clit." We need her aroused anyway " she said. Mrs Watson was gasping for breath, suddenly she screamed and I could feel ripple afer ripple up and down little John. I came too, and I could feel the stubs of my cords drawing up. "You'd better go and have another shower while we get Mrs Watson ready " Amanda said. When I returned Mrs Watson had been painted brown all around her clit. " We were Just waiting for you " said Jean. She took a clamp and gripped the tip of Mrs Watsons clit. Amanda made little cuts all around clit, as Jean pulled a tube the thickness of a pencil emerged from Mrs Watson. When it was nearly 2 inches out Amanda took a probe of some sort and slid it into the incision, as she pulled up I could see the clit was divided on each side of the probe. A few more cuts and Jean was holding what looked like a snakes tongue. " All done Mrs Watson, did that hurt at all " Amanda asked." Not a bit, thank you girls and you too John " she replied. " Just a few stitches now, and I'll give you some pills for when the freezing wears off, I've arranged with Matron for you to have 2 days off." I watched as Amanda expertly stitched her up and applied a sanitary napkin. Tomorrow we start on the girls! As Dr Graham, Nurse Carter and I waited for the first 5 girls, Amanda said to me " You know Jean and I will be the only uncut girls by supper time, after the girls are done I'm going to do a special on Jean, Matron is not to know." She explained Matron had been after them to get circumcised and they wanted keep the magic button. Amanda explained she would cut under the hood and under the clit, then sew it together, when it had healed the clit would be hidden, she was also going to burn the hood with a red hot instument to form a scar. " We're going to do it at 8 tonight while Matron is serving ice cream and telling the girls how proud she is of them, we want you to assist." She also said if everything looked right when healed, Jean and I would do her. Then in a couple of months they'd show Matron and say they did it as a surprise. Just then Matron came in with the first 5 girls, the girls were bare foot with just a white T-shirt and panties. The girls giggled a little as they saw us naked except for caps and masks. Matron put them each in a little cubicle we had make with screens. " I'll be in the dinning hall with the rest of the girls, just use the intercom when your ready for the next 5. " and she was gone. Nurse Carter and I went into the first cubicle, Brenda a red head about 4 foot six was waiting. " Just slip out of the T-shirt and panties " Jean said. Brenda slipped the T-shirt over her head and stepped out of her panties. I asked her to put her hands behind her head and examined her small breasts, the nipples were rock hard. I then had her sit on the edge of the table and lean back. The back had been raised so that it was like sitting in a recliner. She had a thin patch of curly red hair on her mound and down the sides of her lips. Her clit was peeking out of the folds. Using my thumbs I opened her. Nurse Carter reached in and pulled the hood back between 1st and 2nd fingers. " No need to cut, I'll get Amanda to make it numb, you can start shaving John." As soon as Jean had left Brenda whispered " I'm glad its you doing me, I've been dreaming about it all summer." This was why Matron had male teachers, young girls have crushes and their teacher. " I'm so glad too Brenda I replied. Just as I started to shave her, Amanda came in and gave her 2 shots one on each side of the clit. Amanda said " I've frozen the other girls, only Ronda and Joyce need the hood cut , so you can shave them as soon you are done with Brenda,". Brenda had her eyes closed as I finished shaving her.Nurse Carter came in with a tray, the clip was in a sealed package and a bottle of the brown disinfectant, a clamp and a cotton swab were the other items on the tray. " Are you ready Brenda " she asked. " Yes miss " was the reply. " John we need the clit erect, how do you want to do it " Jean asked. I bent down and took her clit in my mouth and rolled back and forth with my tongue. Brenda had a smile on her face. When I lifted my head her clit was standing out from the folds. Nurse Carter was ready with the swab, she wiped all around the clit. I broke open the clip package and pressed the clip down over the clit, Jean grabbed it with the clamp and pulled it out, with my other hand I closed the clip with thumb and finger. I heard the clicks plainly as it locked in place. " All done Brenda " Nurse Carter said. Brenda sat up and looked at the little silver clip, with her little clit trapped inside, the clip was horizontal so it held her lips slightly open. " It's beautiful, thank you so much Miss Carter and you too Mr Gilbert " As Brenda stood up she said " I heard you'd been castrated Mr Gilbert, can I feel it ?" I stood up and put my hands behind my head , just as I'd had her do at the start. She lifted my penis and felt the stitches, then squeezed my empty sack, finally poking at the stubbs of my cords with one finger. " Does it hurt " she asked. " Not anymore " I said. Nurse Carter told Brenda to sit on the table so the girls could all go down together. As we were about to go in search of Ronda , Amanda came in to check Brenda's clip. " very nice , Rondas in number 3. " The rest of the day was a blur of pubic hair, beautiful clits, silver clips and the sweet taste of young girls. When we had done the last 5 Amanda took my arm, " How about a coffe before we eat, sorry Jean you can't have any, We'll tell Matron you were to tired and are taking a nap, see you back here at 8. As I lay on my bed waiting for 8 o'clock, I replayed the day in my mind. After we had the clips on 15 girls, Matron came in with Lisa and Joan the 2 orphans. They had just come from the bath and had their terry towel robes on. They had a good look at the 3 of us in our working clothes, ( or lack of ). Jean had them take off their robes and hang them up. Both girls were full breasted, Lisa had a triangle of dark hair whereas Joan had a strip of light brown hair that came about half way to her belly button. Matron said " I've got to make lunch, since Mrs Watson has some time off, come down for lunch when you finish. " We got the girls in the cubicles and I checked Lisa's breasts as I had all the other girls. As I had her lay back she said " Mr Gilbert can I see your castration." Most of the girls had asked to have a feel. I came up beside the table and she looked at my stitches, which would not be coming out for an other week. She also stroked my shaft which had been at half mast all day. Before I started cutting her hair Amanda came in " Just let me freeze her before you start John, I've got Joan already done." Amanda spread Lisa's lips and asked me to pull back the hood. She did the usual 2 injections and then motioned for me to follow her out. Nurse Carter had the 2 trays ready. " Put a sewing kit on each one Jean " she whispered " Both these girls have long hoods, I'm going to do the same procedure as I plan for you Jean except we'll pull the hood skin through the clip after, It will look just like the other girls, I can compare their scar with yours, when the clips fall off, You can then do me which ever method gives the best scar." I clipped and shaved lisa and then went to the next cubicle to do Joan. Amanda and Jean started to do Lisa. Joan was looking at little John. " I heard you and lisa " she whispered " can I see your castration too." She gave me the same sort of feel I'd been getting all day. " Can I give him a kiss " she asked. She took little John in her mouth and her nose was pressed to my now hairless belly. After several long pulls she released me. " I did a lot of that at the orphanage and I sort of miss it." I got busy with the clippers and the razor. When she was clean she said " Will you kiss my clit goodbye for me." How could I refuse, I was still sucking and Joan was holding her hand over her mouth, when Amanda and Jean entered. Joan turned red in the face,but Amanda said " It's ok he's blown just about all the girls today, I think you just had the big O, which they didn't." I went back to Lisa, as Amanda and Jean started on Joan. Lisa was looking at her clit clip with a hand mirror. The hood skin looked just like a clit. " Heard what Dr Graham was saying, I seem to have missed out, can I blow you now." I took her place on the table, she knew what she was doing, I came in her mouth. " I did a lot of this in the orphanage too " she said. Jean's procedure went as planned. Amanda had seen the girls using a wood burning tool in the craft room, it was like an electric pencil for burning designs on wood panels. She used it to burn Jean's hood just above the stitches. The next morning Amanda was on the phone. " Matrons just been to see me, her clip is starting to itch, that's good because it means its healing, But the itch was driving her nuts." She went on to explain that Matron was afraid the girls would be pulling off their clips when the itch started. She then told me she'd sprayed Matron with solarcaine a produce used for sunburn and it fixed the itch. As we didn't have enough in stock to give the girls each a can, Matron was making me chief sprayer, Jean was going to bring 5 cans to my room and Matron was puting a notice on the board for the girls to see me when the itch struck. Sure enough when I came back from the stables next morning I had a line-up of girls in the hall. I had the girls come in one at a time lay back on my bed, put their hands behind their knees and pull their legs up to their chests. Matron had told them none were to wear panties till the clips came off. The girls giggled or gasped them the cold spray hit their lips. The itch lasted 4 days and then tapered off. I still had 3 girls at the end of a week, but I think they came for the spray not the itch. Ten days after circumcision day I woke to the sound of feet pounding down the hall. Six naked girls burst into my room holding up their clips. They wanted me to be the first to see their scar. Matron had told the girls to keep the clips to be cast into 2 inch square clear plastic paper weights as a keepsake. Punishment had been suspended until all the clips had fallen. The day after the last clip fell, Matrons voice boomed over the load speakers" ALL STAFF AND STUDENTS TO THE DINNING HALL ON THE DOUBLE." As I entered I saw that the tables had been moved aside, and folding chairs set up, the stocks had been set up facing the rows of seating. Someone was going to get 6. To the side were 3 chairs, Mrs Watson, Mr Rodgers and Mr Koch sat on them. When everyone was seated Matron came forward " The girls have been pestering me to see a man castrated, Dr Graham and Nurse Carter have supported these evil thoughts. John will give 2 to each of you except the 3 seated apart. The floor is marked where you will stand with your legs 18 inches apart as marked by by the tape. Starting with Lisa you will come forward 5 at a time and grap your ankles. " The first five girls came forward, Matron handed me the strap, a 2 inch wide 1/4 inch thick rubber belt 2 feet long with a wooden handle. As I looked down the row of beautiful bottoms I felt sorry for the girls. I walked down the row, first a forehand SMACK then a backhand SMACK as I finished 5 more took their place. Dr Graham and Nurse Carter were the last in line, they had stepped out of their panties and left them on their chairs. All of the girls wore no panties. As they took their 2 , Matron again came forward " Put me in the stocks John, I'm arranging for 3 boys to come from the orphanage to help you at the stables. Now that the girls have been circumcised we are starting our riding programme. I have 3 colts comming to add to the two horses we have. Dr Graham will castrate these colts next week and the girls will watch. I know that within a month the boys will have tried to mess with the girls, and will need to be castrated, for even thinking about this I need 6, and for making it happen I want 6 more." The girls gave Matron 3 cheers as I put her in the stocks. The girls had remained standing after they received their punishment, some had been crying, now they were all smiles. Matron was howling by the time I had given her the first 6. Dr Graham came up with her black bag, as she bent to set it down I saw the 2 wide red marks on her bare bottom. She took a jar and rubbed some cream on Matron glowing cheeks. She whispered to me " Lay it on John, she woun't feel the next 6." The morning after punishment, Matron called Dr Graham and I to her office. Matron was sitting on a rubber blow up cushion. Amanda said " Let me have a look at you. " Matron stood and turned her back to us, bent over and flipped her skirt over her back. She had left her knickers off and her bottom was covered in welts. Amanda applied the cream and Matron sat down again. Matron expained she wished to discuss the riding programme with us as we were the only 3 who could ride. Matron told us she had engaged a mother, daughter team to teach the girls horsemanship. Matron had spoken to the mother by phone earlier and had been asked not to geld the colts till they arrived. She explained that the team liked to work with the colts for 2 or 3 days before the were castrated and to handle the colts while they were restrained for the procedure. The team would arrive in 4 days time. Matron said I would have 2 days to get 3 stalls ready and 4 or 5 days to build an area, with seating for the girls to watch the operations. Matron said " We will do 1 colt a day so the girls enjoy it over time." Matron said she was going for the boys tomorrow and the boys were to have the room next to the showers in the gym. I knew that room was open at the top and the boys could hear the girls in the shower. They would soon be peeking over the wall. Matron told me I could have as many girls as I needed to help, and the boys could do the lifting and carrying as soon as they arrive. When Matron got back with the boys, she had them in her office for about an hour before she brought them down to the barn. The girls and I had been busy painting and sweeping, I just had on shorts and rubber boots and the girls had T-shirts, shorts and rubber boots. We had all worked up a sweat and some of the girls had taken off their T-shirts. The boys eyes just about poped out. Matron said " Remember the rules." The boys choked out " Yes Matron." Matron had 2 of the topless girls take the boys into the change room to get rubber boots. By the end of the next day the boys and I had built a 12 foot square area with ring bolts in the wall and floor and seating for the girls. It was like a small basket ball court, except that the balls here would not be bouncing very high. The following day the colts arrived. They were beautiful horses,about 2 year olds. The girls spent most of next day at the corral watching the horses. As the boys knew nothing about horses, I just had them watch as I handled the horses, they got to carry bales of hay and shovel manure. The next afternoon the team arrived. The mother was about 45, slim and looking very fit. The daughter looked like a younger version. Matron had a meeting in her office, the 3 of us with riding experience and the new horsewomen. Matron explained that now that the girls were 14 they were old enough to take up riding. The mother said that they had found that girls of this age often became aroused when riding and lost control of the horse. Matron laughed and explained that all of the girls had just been circumcised and that arousal would been no problem. The mother and daughter looked at each other.The mother said " You know Rachel has lost a couple of competitions because of that and has taken to wearing a napkin when she rides to avoid the problem." Rachel asked what all was involved and Dr Graham explained how the clip worked, and how the girls were done. Rachel told her mother that it sounded like a good idea, but that she couldn't take 2 weeks off if they were to get started training the horses. Dr Graham laughed " The girls wore theirs till they dropped off as a rite of passage, I could have cut off the dead clit in 3 days and removed the clip. Rachel asked if she could see one of the clips. "Sure, come on up to the OR, I,m sure Matron and your mother can work out the programme." Amanda got up and motioned me to come as well. The 3 of us went into the OR and Amanda got out a box of clips, and opened a package and handed Rachel a clip. Rachel said " It's so small, and you say I could ride again in 3 days." Amanda asked if Rachel would like her to examine her. Rachel gave me a look, and Amanda told her I was a Medical Technician and had cliped most of the girls. Amanda gave her a gown and showed her the scrub room where she could change. In a few minutes Rachel came out holding the gown closed at the back and blushing profusely. Amanda had her sit on the examination table and put her feet into the stirups. Amanda handed me a pair of gloves and put on a pair herself. She lifted the gown over Rachels knees and slid it down completly exposing Rachel. Rachel had light brown pubic hair but not very thick. We could she her opening as we watched. Amanda went forward and took Rachels hand. " John is just going to check your hood, Just relax." I stepped between Rachels legs and putting my left arm around her leg I spead her lips at the clit with my thumb and finger. With my right hand I pushed her hood back and pressed down on each side of her clit. The hood went back easily and the clit was a hard button between my thumb and finger. "No problem , You don't have to cut, Just snap on the clip."I said to Amanda. I'll have to talk to my mother, when could you do it, if she says ok." Rachel asked. "Tonight if you like." Amanda replied. Rachel went and got dressed and the 3 of us returned to Matrons office. When we returned, Matron and Mrs Mattson had the desk covered with notes. Rachel went over to her mother and whispered in her ear. Mrs Mattson asked Matron if they could use her bathroom to talk. Matron gave permission and mother and daughter entered and closed the door. We could hear the sound of their voices. but couldn't tell what was being said. As they came out of the bathroom Rachel said " Mum says it's up to me, can we do it tonight, Mum would like to be there too." Amanda picked up the phone and asked Jean to have the OR ready for 8 o'clock. " Nothing to eat till after, and take a hot bath with this in the water." Amanda instructed. She handed Rachel a small bottle from her bag. She told Rachel to just put on a robe and nothing else. At 8 Matron, Mrs Mattson and Rachel come into the OR. Mrs Mattson look us over, taking an extra long look at me. She whispered to Matron. " Oh yes Amanda castrated John about 6 weeks ago." she said. Jean had taken Rachel's robe and she now stood naked. I hadn't seen her breasts before , they were lovely with no sag, the nipples were quite large and were standing stiff. Matron took Mrs Mattson aside and showed her a clip from an open package. I heard the clicks as she closed it. Mrs Mattson stood beside me as I clipped and shaved her daughter. I moved out and Amanda sat on the stool between Rachel's legs. I moved to the side opposite Mrs Mattson and reaching down from above, opened her lips. Amanda made her 2 injections. " We'll wait 5 minutes for that to take hold, and in another 5 minutes we'll be done." Mrs Mattson took Rachel's hand and they smiled at each other. Mrs Mattson went over to Matron and said something " Oh it doesn't hurt a bit I had it done to me Just a few weeks ago." Matron said " Would you like to see." Matron went over to one of the tables where we had done the girls, lifted her skirt and slipped off her knickers. Mrs Matttson went over and Matron lay back opening her legs. Matron opened herself with 2 fingers. Mrs Mattson asked if she could feel, and ran her fingers over Matron, poking at the scar with fingers. She said something to Matron and Matron motioned for me to come over." Mrs Mattson has castrated a lot of horses, but your the first man she's seen, can she have a feel. Everyone else had so why not. I took Matrons Place on the table. Mrs Mattson gave me a check-up that was as good as what Dr Graham had done the day after she cut me. Rachel had been watching and she said " Can I feel Too." Amanda and Jean helped her off the table and she came over to me, looked me in the eyes and gave me a smile. She lifted my penis and drew the skin up and down with her thumb and 2 fingers of her left hand, her right hand closed around my empty sack, she felt my scar with thumb and my cord stubbs between thumb and forefinger. " Thank you John " she said and went back to the exam table. Jean helped her back up then said " Ok John" I sat on the stool and opened Rachel's lips wide. Jean wiped on the brown liquid. Amanda broke open a clip package and gave me a new clip, I squeezed Rachels clit and pulled it up then I pressed the clip down hard over the clit and Jean grabbed it with a clamp and pulled through. I then closed the clip counting the clicks. "All done Rachel " I said. Amanda handed the girl a mirror and she sat up to look at her new clip, spreading the lips slightly, the clit already changing colour. Mrs Mattson sat on the stool and had a good look at our handywork. Then she helped Rachel up, Jean was holding her robe for her . Matron said " how about some milk and cookies before we all turn in." After 3 days of working with the colts, Mrs Mattson told Matron they were ready to be gelded. Matron said the girls could hardly wait and that she would make an announcement in the dinning hall. Mrs Mattson said " I only wish it was going to be a man, I'm sorry we missed seeing John get cut." Matron smiled " Not to worry the 3 boys are going to be castrated, they just don't know it yet." " You can't do that can you " Mrs Mattson asked. Matron explained that the boys had signed a document that they agreed to the rules of punishment. Matron also explained that the reason she had taken 3 boys, when John only needed 1 to help with the horses was that these 3 had raped Lisa and Joan at the orphanage, and the girls had told her who they were. Lisa and Joan enjoyed jerking the boys off and giving them a suck, but didn't want to have intercourse. These 3 jumped them and held them down, it really hurt. At 10 o'clock next morning the girls were all seated in the barn. Mrs Mattson and Rachel brought in the colt, they were wearing white lab coats, as were Dr Graham and Nurse Carter. They talked to the colt and rubbed his nose. The colt allowed his feet to be secured to the floor and the halter tied to the wall. Mrs Mattson showed Amanda where to inject in the neck. Amanda told the girls that the injection was to calm the horse, and that the horse would remain standing. Amanda then had Jean wipe the sack with disinfectant. Jean had 4 needles ready and Amanda injected 2 into each testicle. The colt gave a little start, like he had been bitten by a fly, but calmed right down as Mrs Mattson and Rachel talked to him. Amanda had the girls form a line and they all filed past to feel the big balls. She had the 3 boys feel as well and the girls giggled at the bulges in their pants. Amanda jabbed the sack with the scalpel, no reaction from the colt. Amanda cut the sack on 1 side from end to end. A big blue -pink testicle fell out and hung swinging from the cords. The girls did another file past, the boys were walking funny as they took their turn. Jean lifted the testicle and Amanda crushed the cords with a funny looking tool, the testicle came off into Jeans hand. As the testicle was passed around on a tray, Amanda explained that crushing the cords made them swell up so there would be a minimum of bleeding. In a few minutes the colt was back in his stall. The girls were gathered around the tray giggling. The boys were standing to the side trying to hide their hard ons. Nurse Carter went over and said something to them, they got red in the face and looked around to see if Matron was watching. They saw that Matron, Mrs Mattson, Rachel and Dr Graham were on their way back to the main building. They then all nodded their heads and went sneeking out the back door. As soon as the boys had left I went over to Jean. " What was that all about" I asked. " Matron wants to get the boys scheduled, I told them Rachel and I got so hot watching the gelding that we had to have a man and they were the only 3 around." She went on to say that she told them Matron would never know, because she and Rachel would get 6 in the dinning room if they were found out. She told them she would leave the window to the storage room open and they could come though the woods and nobody would see them. Rachel and Jean would meet them there at 7 o'clock. I laughed, I had put in a motion detector hooked up to a video camera last year, when racoons had got into the storage room. Matron would have them on tape. " What about you girls getting 6 each " I asked." Amanda's going to freeze our butts so we wount feel a thing, Rachels ever getting hot about baring her ass to the whole school. I got a call to meet Amanda in the OR at 10 P.M. when I got there Amanda and Jean were already suited up ( well you know what I mean ) Amanda said " We're going to sew me up and clip the skin of the hood, the scars on Lisa and Joan look just like the other girls." I asked Jean how things had gone in the storage room. " Perfect, they each had us twice, or we them." I told her it would never work, the boys would be over the hill and through the woods to Granma's house before you could say " Matrons got my nuts." " You know Matron always sweetens the pot " she said. Matron would tell them that the girls needed to learn to jack-off boys and give head to protect themselves from intercourse. The boys would be tied to cots in the class room and Dr Graham and myself would teach the girls to give hand-jobs and give head. The girls would then practice on the boys. Matron is also going to tell them the woun't be castrated unless they ask to be. If at the end of a month they have not asked to be castrated they will get 6 in the dinning hall and all will be forgiven. I could just see those poor buggers, they'd think they could beat Matron Just as I had, they'd take the deal. By 11 Amanda had her clip on and we were all in bed, tomorrow the girls would see another colt lose his. Many of the girls skipped breakfast to get front row seats for the next colt. When the colt was brought in, I noticed even Mrs Watson had come down from the kitchen, she had heard the girls talking in the food line and wanted to see for herself. Only Matron was missing. Mrs Mattson was going to do the gelding this morning, she was telling the girls that the colt would be put on his back to demonstrate another method of gelding. I saw Matron come in and stand in the background. Amanda had given the colt a bigger dose. and Mrs Mattson had the boys and I help get get him turned over as he slowly sank to the floor. Rachel tied a rope to 1 hind leg and pulled it out of the way. Mrs Mattson injected into each testicle to kill the pain, as the colt was not completely out. Rachel held to colts head and patted the neck. The boys were standing a little to the side whispering to each other and giving Rachel and Jean knowing looks. When the testicles were being passed around for the girls to see, Matron came up to the boys and asked them to come with her to the office. About 20 minutes later the barn phone rang. I took the phone and Matron asked me to come to the office and bring Jean, Rachel and Mrs Matson. When we entered the office a few minutes later, the VCR was set up. Matron said " You should see this, the boys just have." Matron pushed play and the TV screen came to life. Jean and Rachel pretended to be shocked. " You 2 girls will come naked to the dinning room at 8 tonight and receive 6 with girls and staff in attendence." she said gruffly. She went on to say that the boys should have been castrated at the same time, but had volunteered to be models for the girls in the Safe Sexual Practices Class and would not be castrated unless they asked to be. After punishment, where Jean and Rachel put on a good show, I had gone down to the staff hat tub to have soak. Mrs Mattson came in wearing one of our white robes and asked if she could join me. As she hung up her robe beside mine I could see she had an all over tan. When she turned around I could see she had shaved her pubic hair in the shape of an arrow, pointing at the biggest clit I had ever seen.It was like a small penis. She saw that I was looking at it. " I'm going to talk to Amanda tomorrow about it " she said " As you can see a clip would never fit over it." In my dreams I saw all the girls missing clits dancing around Mrs Mattson's like a totem pole. * * *
Castration Clinic Series: Erikĺs Treatment, part 1
I had Erik castrated for his masterbation and wet dreams.
Iĺve changed some names and details in the following story to protect the guilty (mostly myself). As a psychologist and general surgeon practicing in Denmark in the late Ĺ50s and early Ĺ60s I was called upon to diagnose and recommend treatment for a variey of junvinile disorders. I eventualy became reknown in my field for my pioneering treatment of sexual disorders and deviencies with castration and other therapies. I also pioneered the treatment of "problem" patients with occipital lobe lobotomies, often combined with castration. No matter how troublesome the patient, I could usually find a suitable cure, and I wasnĺt afraid to throw every medical treatment and tool at a patient until he was either cured ů "What brings you here?" I asked Erik and his mother. They were seated in my office, sitting nervously on a long green couch. The early morning light pouring through the shutters gave Erik and his mother a warm, healthy glow. Erikĺs pale skin illuminated his bright youthful face, which was further lit up by his sparkling blue eyes. His boyish frame was lithe and sexy ľ he had the natural sexual magnatism possessed only by those who are completely unaware they possess it. Erikĺs mother answered awkwardly. "Well, you see, Erikĺs always been a very good boy. But lately we have started to worry about his ů " Her voice trailed off, and Erik grew bright red, obviously shamed and embarrased about what was about to be said. "Perhaps you should step out of the room and let Erik and me discuss his problem." I suggested. His mother stepped outside the office, and the door closed crisply behind her. "So Erik, do you want to tell me about what is troubling you?" I asked gently. He seemed nervous, no doubt intimidated by the site of me, dressed in my white medical uniform, peering at him from my round glasses; I looked like a kindly professor or perhaps a high-shool councelor. Slowly he began to speak: "My mother thinks that I masterbate too much. She and my dad have caught me several times in the bathroom ů they made me vow never to do it again, so I stopped masterbating altogether to avoid getting in trouble." "Then what happened?" I asked. "Since I stopped masterbating, Iĺve been having wet dreams. Probably about once a week Iĺve been having them, and I havnĺt been able to hid this from my parents. They accuse me of still masterbating, and they donĺt believe that Iĺm just having wet dreams. I donĺt know what to do, because I canĺt stop having them, and they donĺt believe me. And thatĺs why my mom brought me down here, they threatened to throw me out of the house if I donĺt get some sort of treatment," said Erik. I determined right then and there that I would have Erik castrated. I had to be very careful at this point, because I had to help him make the decision to be castrated himself without suspecting he had no choice; at this point I basically had to have Erik admit to a "sexual deviance" so that I could justify theraputic castration for him. "So Erik, do you feel guilty about having wet dreams?" I asked. "Lately I feel very ashamed of it. They check my sheets and underwear every morning and if they find any semen Iĺm punished," said Erik. "Ok Erik, Iĺm going to ask you some questions now; you must listen very carefully and answer as truthfully as possible so we can come up with the proper treatment for you. Do you understand?" I asked. "Yes," said Erik. I started from the top, asking Erik about his masterbation habits, his sexual thoughts, anything unusual he had ever done. Finally I asked if heĺd ever had or thought about having sex with other boys. "Well, my cousin John and I played with each other once when we were five. We never told anybody. We basically just touched each other penis, but didnĺt do anything else." Said Erik. That was all I needed. I wrote "Castration due to deviant sexual tendencies ordered 1/15/57" at the bottom of the form. Now I would have to inform Erik of his fate and try to get as little resistance as possible from him. "It sounds like the right treatment for you might involve some minor surgery Erik," I said as matter-of-factly as possible. His eyes widened and he was listening to my every word. "This is very common therapy, and it will help you deal with your sexual problems. In fact it is a very effective treatment for almost everything we have discussed today," I said. "What is this treatment?" Erik asked. "Itĺs a very minor proceedure, nothing to worry about at all. It takes less than an hour, and it will heal in less than a month. We make a very minor incision, and perform the surgery under local anaesthesia. You wonĺt have any discomort or pain at all." "What do you mean, and incision? What are you going to cut?" said Erik, his voice slightly trembling. "Weĺre going to remove your testicles. A small incision is made into your scrotum, and I press your testicles out of the sack with my thumb. Once itĺs on the outside of your body, we merely sever the cords and tie them off. Itĺs very minor surgery ľ nobody will even have to know you have had it. Believe me, it is very routine ľ many boys your age are castrated for a variety of reasons." "Youĺre going to cut my balls off? What? Why are going to do that? I donĺt want my balls cut off? What will that do to me? Will I still be a man? Can I still have sex?" asked Erik. "First of all Erik, from the information you have told me, I am required by law to have your castrated. If I donĺt give you the proper medical treatment, I could lose my medical licence. So itĺs not a matter of choice on my part or yours. Castration is really minor surgery ľ it will reduce your sex drive and you will no longer masterbate or have wet dreams. Other than that you will be totally functional. Of course your penis will eventually become non- functional ľ you will become impotent. But because youĺre body will no longer produce testosterone, you wonĺt even want sex." End, part 1
Gone Huntin'
On a hunting trip to buddy up with the boss, three young male employees get stuck on the idea of hooking up with his daughter instead. And the boss is pleased to accommodate on one condition....
Dylan, Dermott, and Bart all waited with duffel bags in hand for the van to pick them up and take them to Mr. Whitechapel's ranch in rural Washington. They had all been loyal employees at his real estate business and all expected eagerly to share in a partnership with their boss. There was one thing holding their dreams of climbing the ladder away from them though. Mr. Whitechapel had told them that although they were all equally matched to succeed in his business, there was family tradition to uphold. As previous generations of his family had done, there was always a hunting trip; a competition involving the best and the brightest of the his employees. "The one of you three that shows the most cunning, the quickest of body, the most physically fit, and the most intelligent, will succeed to win my favor. The other two will have to go home empty handed I'm afraid." This was no problem for the three employees. They were all cut throat in their own trade and quick of the tongue. Though none of them knew anything about hunting, all three would find their own way of pleasing their boss the most. All three men were in their late twenties to early thirties. All three had sculpted bodies, the sign of obsessively spending time in public gyms, the rest of their time being spent working the business. "You two can just give up now," Dylan said. "You think you're gonna hunt the best game, huh?" Bart asked, trying to antagonize Dylan. Dermott was a little more reserved, "Do either of you even know what we're hunting up here?" he asked. None of the three men were instructed to bring any kind of firearm or rifle. "There's a special kind of red breasted elk that we're supposed to cap," Dylan lied, "so keep an eye out for it and shoot nothing else. Ok big guy?" he teased. Minutes later a beige colored van came and picked them up. The driver was a huge Swedish guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. They had seen him around. He was Mr. Whitechapel's personal assistant. And by assistant, it is meant bodyguard. His name was Sven. Sven drove them without a word for the next hour far away from town where things were familiar, and into forests and private property. Mr. Whitechapel's summer house on the hill was quite large and spacious enough for fifty people to live year round and never see each other. The three men were escorted to their temporary rooms where they would be sleeping the night before the Big Hunt, as Mr. Whitechapel would say. That night dinner was in a huge dining hall in the company of Mr. Whitechapel. He was a short, fat, bald man with a brush like moustache. He wore a smoking jacket as the three of them ate the finest fillet mignon with shrimp scampi, potato, salad, and red wine. There was only talk of business, and no talk of the hunting trip the next day. The three men were perfectly fine to talk shop with the boss, actually preferring to not look inexperienced as to the nature of the Hunting Party. Later they sat in the lounge and drank brandy in front of a roaring fireplace. It was then that Mr. Whitechapel's daughter Lillith entered. With introductions all around, Lillith was a stunning sight to behold and at the tender age of twenty. She spent most of her time at this very house and worked with tending animals. She had a strong, firm body with olive colored skin and sandy blond hair. "Centerfold" was the word Dylan, Dermot, and Bart thought simultaneously without a word to each other. And Lillith was not dressed for a social occasion. She was turning down for the night, having just bathed, and wore a thin fabric bathrobe. Mr. Whitechapel smiled at her fondly as she kissed him on the cheek. Being the independent type, she took the liberty of not summoning the servants, and stoked the fire herself. In the light of the huge fire, the three men saw in full view the outline of her nude body under her robe as she stood before the flames. Dylan had to shift his pants uncomfortably as he was sprouting an erection and made sure the rest of the time she was in the room was while he was sitting down. Dermott could control his biology but found himself breathing hard at the sight of the young woman. Bart just sat and stared. He found the honest approach to be virtuous, though most women just found it creepy. Lillith on the other hand, didn't think anything of it. As she bent over to return the poker to its rightful place, Bart spied the top of one of her nipples, a sweet flat rose perched on the front of her perfect breast. When she caught him looking, she gave him the smallest hint of a devious smile. Not enough that her father would catch on, but enough to make Bart's heart race. She then bid the men goodnight, and said she looked forward to the Hunting Trip in the morning. As she left the three men suddenly remembered why they were there and questions as to the nature of the Hunting Trip came up. By now Mr. Whitechapel was boozed up enough that he was in no mood to talk about tomorrow's "Escapade" as he referred to it. His choice of words made the men that much more curious but Mr. Whitechapel changed the subject to his daughter. He asked the men if they thought she was pretty. All three men had no trouble whatsoever voicing their approval of Mr. Whitechapel's daughter's all around virtues. With that, Mr. Whitechapel ended the discussion cheerfully and went off to bed without another word. When the three men were alone in the room, "Fuck," Dylan said "what I wouldn't give to plow that hottie!" He had been trying to tame his raging hard-on without the others taking notice. "She's quite the something," Bart said, "I saw her titties. They were sweeet, sweet." "You lucky bastard," Dylan said. "If I could have a woman lie that, I'd treat her well, I'd make sure all her needs were met till my dying day." Dermott professed. He had always been the white knight type. "She ain't goin' for you chump," Bart said, "she gave me a look you all missed like she wanted my fuckin' sausage." There was more words exchanged between the men but they all agreed it would be best to turn in early to keep their energy for the Hunting Trip. That night as the other two slept, Bart waited in horny silence, expecting Lillith to come in his room any second. He found himself fantasizing about her young body and almost needed to jerk off before he heard the door of his bedroom open. He starred into the darkness, expecting to see that bathrobe slip off her tender body. Instead Sven charged him with a damp rag in his hand, and pressed it into his nose and mouth. Bart was not strong enough to keep the big man off of him and succumbed to a chemical smell that put him fast asleep. Bart awoke on the cold dirt of morning. He was completely naked save for something that was on his head that he couldn't make out. His hands and feet were bound behind him and he was gagged. He saw the sun just coming up over the horizon and looked around. To his right and his left were Dylan and Dermott, also both naked and bound, a look of terror and confusion passing over their faces. Bart spied that each one of them wore deer antlers attached to a kind of fur hood that was draped over their heads and shoulders. He realized he was wearing one as well. Horses hooves could be heard and the three men tried to sit up, leaning on each others naked bodies. The horses approached them. There were three of them. On one was Mr. Whitechapel with an intimidating .44 magnum in a holster at his side, on the second was Sven, and on the third was Lillith. She held a rifle and had a sash of tranquilizer darts across her shapely chest. "Oh, beautiful," Mr. Whitechapel said, with marvel, "you did an excellent job Sven." "Yes," Lillith agreed, smiling at the big Swedish man. Sven only smiled himself, quietly admiring his handy work. He dismounted from his horse with a knife in his hand, and cut each of the three men's ropes. They stood, their muscles cramped. They wanted to speak but couldn't. "Welcome to the competition boys." Mr. Whitechapel said. "I told you I wanted to find the best one of you three and it has been a family tradition for generations that this is the only way to decide." Lillith started to load her tranquilizer gun. Mr. Whitechapel continued his speech. "Now each one of you has fifteen minutes to run off into those woods. At the mark of fifteen minutes. We will begin the chase. The last one of you to be caught will become my partner." Lillith whispered something in his ear. Whitechapel added onto his presentation, "And the one of you who becomes my partner will also get a chance, if he so desires, to court my daughter." The three men perked up instantly. "Fifteen minutes gentlemen," Mr. Whitechapel looked at his watch, "starting............NOW." With asleep feet and clouded heads, Dylan and Dermott hobbled into the wilderness as fast as they could. As soon as Bart made it six feet, Lillith shot him in the butt cheek with the tranquilizer gun. Immediately, Bart fell to the ground, fully conscious, but also fully paralyzed. Mr. Whitechapel looked at his daughter confused. "So soon?" he asked. "That one is a creep Dad," Lillith said, "I caught him staring at my tits." Mr. Whitechapel bellowed a tremendous laugh as Lillith dismounted and joined Sven on the ground in front of Bart. Sven handed Lillith his knife. "Sorry Bart," Lillith said, "this is hardly legal as it is but we're not going to kill you. On the other hand we can afford to stave off the law with just enough money to castrate you." Bart looked absolutely in a panic as Lillith slid the large bone handled hunting knife up under his puny scrotum with her black leather gloves. With a back and forth motion, she flawlessly cut through his manhood, severing scrotum, testicles, and penis all in one clean motion. Bart screamed through his gag but there was no one around for miles who cared about his troubles. From a saddlebag Sven pulled out a large plastic bag where Bart's genitals were dropped into. Sven tied Bart back up so they could find him later when they came back. He returned the bag of cock and balls to the saddle and the two returned to their horses. "I'd say it's time," Lillith said. Mr. Whitechapel shrugged, "this will be a short trip I suppose," they nudged their horses into a fast pace. It didn't take Dylan long to realize that in order to be the last one to be caught, he was going to have to get rid of Dermott. He tackled the other man when they happened upon a gravel pit passed the trees. As the two naked men wrestled in their deep antler hoods, Dermott pleaded for some rational thinking. "We have to work together if we're going to get through this!" Dermott yelled, "can't you see these people are crazy?!" Dylan figured Dermott just wanted to trick him and picked up a huge rock. "Sorry buddy," Dylan said, "it's been nice working with you." As Dermott tried to scramble out of the way of the enormous rock, he didn't see the Whitechapels up on the hill above them. Lillith's aim was true as she caught Dylan in the back of the thigh, and he dropped to his knees. Dermott disappeared into the thicket as the horses descended the hill and surrounded Dylan. Lillith eyed Dylan lustfully. His cock was a handsome specimen, well endowed, and quite an pleasure to look at in her eyes. "Oh Daddy, I want this one but he's just not the right kind of guy or me." "Then you know the drill my princess," Mr. Whitechapel bade. She shrugged and picked up his cock in her hand. she rolled the head between her fingers, and Mr. Whitechapel and Sven gave a blind eye as she popped the head of Dylan's penis in her mouth and rolled it over her tongue playfully. "Let's get it over with my dear," Mr. Whitechapel said to the forest behind them, sounding only a tiny bit annoyed. Lillith sighed and slid Sven's knife under Dylan's scrotum. This time she only cut of the balls and scrotum. Sven got out the bag with Bart's manhood in it. "Pumpkin," Mr. Whitechapel lectured at his daughter, "All of it." Lillith played with Dylan's cock a little, swaying it back and forth at the base. she didn't want to cut it off. But then reluctantly and rebelliously, she cut off the head first, then severed it midway, then sliced off the remaining stump at the base. All the while Dylan watched, unable to move. Lillith dropped the four pieces of Dylan in Sven's plastic bag before they all got on their horses again. Sadly, for all his good intentions, Dermott was easy to find. He had found the perimeter of Mr. Whitechapel's property and was trying to climb over the cyclone fence with his bare feet. Lilith tagged him with the tranquilizer gun and he fell into the soft grass. "Oh," Lillith looked enthusiastic when she spied Dermott's cock. It was even bigger and more handsome than Dylan's had been. Dermott lay in the grass motionless, looking up at the blue sky. "Well Dermott," Mr. Whitechapel said after dismounting. "It seems you have won the Hunting Party. Once we get back into town, you're going to be my new business partner. Congratulations." Lillith looked at him, waiting for him to get to the courting his daughter part. He continued, "And as an added bonus, you can court my daughter." he grumbled. Lillith smiled and looked down at Dermott, "And by 'court,' he means 'fuck.' You're a nice guy Dermott, but I wouldn't want to spend any time with you, you're not my type." With that, Lillith took off her boots and her panties, exposing her smooth legs and vulva. Her pubic hair was kept trim. Mr. Whitechapel and Sven left the two of them alone while Lillith did what she liked best on the Hunting Trip. She took Dermott's cock in her hand and pumped it till it was hard. Dermott looked at her like the angel he thought she was. She removed her shirt and bra. Now both were naked. She took off his silly deer hood and threw it in the grass next to them. Though he couldn't move his mouth, she still brushed her soft young nipples against his lips and thrust her hips up and down to get him harder. When he was at the peak of his girth, she made him mount her, sitting down on his shaft. Her cunt was wet and warm. Dermott had never had anything so sweet in his life. She rode his cock forward and backward for what seemed like forever, taking it out to briefly rub her asshole with the head, and then slamming it into her pussy to ride him some more. He watched her young breasts bounce up and down as she rode him, perspiration gathering on her neck, matting her hair to her shoulders. And then she came. Her body arched backward and she stared at the sky as the orgasm rocked through her body. Seeing Lillith cum made Dermott cum. His body stiffened for a second and then his seed rushed out of him and in to her like lightening. He kept his eyes on her as she smiled down at him as they came at the same time. With his cock still in her and still cumming, she ran the knife through his manhood and separated it from his body, taking balls and scrotum with it. He continued to lay on the ground in a dreamy state, cum still spurting from the hole where his sex had been. Lillith stood with the severed cock and balls still in her, and grabbed it with her hands and fucked herself again with the severed genitals like a living dildo. She quickly came again and dropped to her knees. She kissed Dermott delicately on the mouth and the two lay in the grass together, looking up at the sky. Later that night there was a cook-out. Over an open fire was prepared kebabs of penis and testicles. All three men were still bound at the wrists and still naked, though their deer horns and mouth gags had been removed. They sat in front of the fire side by side. Sven held out the severed parts of the two men's cock and balls to Bart and Dylan and they ate their own genitals with scowls on their faces. Dylan looked over at Dermott who was not eating. The whole night Dermott had this dreamy smile on his face. "Hey, how come you're not eating dick?" Dylan snarled contemptuously. Dermott stared off into the starry night. "Had to make sure she was well taken care of." he smiled. "Huh?" Dylan growled. But Dermott didn't say anything after that. * * *
Ultimate Pleasure Ring II
Kristy and her friend Tina have fun with Derek\'s detached cock
Kristy woke up the next morning with Derek’s cock in her pussy. It had become soft again and was a little hard to remove. She took it out and started sucking on it. It had the scent of her pussy mixed with his cum on it, which made her suck it even harder. His detached member began to grow until it was its full 9.5”. This caused Derek to wake up, he turned and for a moment completely forgot about the night before when his cock had become detached from his body. Kristy moved the cock back to her now dripping wet pussy and began to fuck herself with it. Derek still could not believe how hot it felt to watch her use his cock in that way, his member became harder than it had ever been, maybe even reaching a full 10”. As Kristy pumped Derek got closer to orgasm, until finally he began to shoot his load all over the place through the hole where his cock once sat. When Kristy saw this she took out his cock and began to rub it in the cum puddle, getting cum all over it and then licking it off. After their fun it was time for Kristy to shower and go to class. She shower with Derek’s cock and cleaned it so it smelled nice and fresh. After she was done drying it off she kissed Derek goodbye. Derek said, “Hey, wait, what about my cock?” Kristy replied, “I need to take it to the Sorority house tonight, don’t worry I’ll bring it back….and if you’re lucky, maybe I’ll share it with Tina later.” Tina was a super hot small Latina girl that Derek had always wanted to bang. He had begged Kristy to have a threesome with her, but had never gotten the opportunity. Kristy went through the day as usual…but was obsessed thinking about the cock she had in her bag. Every so often when the teacher and students looked away she would uncover the head and give it a little kiss or a lick. This was a little weird at first for Derek, but he began to like it. Around dinner time Kristy came home to Derek’s house. When he opened the door, next to Kristy stood Tina, in a tight little outfit that showed her large breast. They smiled at each other. Kristy turned ot Derek and said, “Let’s head to the bedroom.” As she ripped off her top. Tina followed. When Derek got to the bed room they already had all of their cloths off and his cock out. He stripped. Tina was holding his cock and it instantly became hard. She began giving him head, it felt amazing. The Kristy announced, “Derek hunny….do you like that? Do you want to fuck all night with her and I?” Derek, eyes closed said, “Hell yes!!” Kristy smiled, “well then you have to let us play with you first. We are going to put your cock in this strap on belt. Tina want to fuck you in the mouth with your own dick and I want to fuck your tight little asshole. If you don’t agree to it we stop right here and I will not do anything else with you cock.” What choice did Derek have? He agreed. Tina put on the strap on and slowly inserted Derek’s cock into his own mouth. He began sucking on it. It was a weird sensation, he could feel it was his cock, but didn’t know it was his mouth. He started slow at first, but then he realized, he could finally do everything he ever wanted when he received head. He sucked his cock for 30 minutes and gave himself the best blowjob he had ever had. He shot a huge wad of cum all over the bed. After Tina had finish Kristy took the cock. She sucked it to fullness again and made Derek turn around. She put some lube and cum in his ass and began to fuck him. Again it was a very strange feeling for Derek. His cock felt good plunging into his asshole, but his ass was starting to hurt. After about 45 minutes he could feel himself cumming and he shot another load. Now that Tina and Kristy had had their fun it was Derek’s turn to watch what would be the most orgasmic even of his life. First, they both took one end of his cock into their mouth. Tina had the head, and Kristy the base. They went up closer to each other until they were almost kissing, which his cock in each of their mouths. They began to have a suction tug of war with his dick. The feeling was amazing, being sucked from both sides. He came again only after about 20 minutes. Then Tina put the cock back into the strap on and began to fuck Kristy. Derek just laid in his pool of cum, in almost complete bliss. He was slightly hurt when Kristy began cumming and said “Oh GOD you use his cock SO MUCH BETTER THAN HE DID!!!” but he figured it was just a heat of the moment thing, after all it was still his cock. Then Kristy took the strap on and began to fuck Tina. Afterwards Tina sucked off Derek’s cock that was attached to Kristy. After that they were all exhausted….especially Derek. He lost count of the amount of times he came. His dick was sore from all the fucking and sucking. They all fell asleep, Derek at the foot f the bed and Tina and Kristy facing each other holding Derek’s cock between them. To be continued … * * *
Das Schlachthaus Teil 1
Ich arbeite in einem Schlachthaus. Hier werden jeden Monat mehrere hundert Kinder in Delikatessen umgewandelt.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2057. Im Zuge der Gammelfleischskandale, die sich immer weiter verschlimmert haben, verzehrt man keinerlei Tiere mehr, sondern Menschenfleisch. Im Zuge der drastisch gestiegenen Arbeitslosenzahlen hat jede Familie mindestens 4- 6 Kinder. Man muss sich ja die Zeit vetreiben. Um zu überleben, verkauft man hin und wieder eins ans Schlachthaus. Ich selber bin Mitarbeiter in solch einem Schlachthaus. Die Ware beziehen wir entweder direkt über die Familien, oder aber auch über Kinderheime. Die sind bis zum Bersten voll. Meist sind das 40 bis 50 Kinder auf einmal, die dort abgeholt werden, pro Heim versteht sich. Oder aber man fährt durch die Straßen der Großstädte und schnappt sich einige im vorbeifahren. Da schaut keiner mehr hin, im Gegenteil, die Menschen sind froh das wieder weniger rumlungern. Außerdem sind Kinder Nummer eins in der menschlichen Nahrungskette. Mit Jungs machen wir das meiste Geld, denn hierbei können wir drei Einnahmequellen verzeichnen. Das Fleisch selber, das Sperma, das wird für Kosmetika verwendet, und Penis und Hoden, die als Kostbarkeit gehandelt und nach Gewicht verkauft werden. Der Großteil der Kinder sind eh Jungs, da viele Mädchen gleich nach der Geburt vernichtet werden, da sie nicht genug Umsatz machen, Hin und wieder sind jedoch welche dabei. Diese dienen bis zur Schlachtung als "Handlanger". Dreimal in der Woche wird die Ware angeliefert. In LKW kommen dann die Kinder zwischen 6 und 14 Jahren an. Sie werden in ein großen Raum getrieben, wo sie sich erstmal beruhigen können. Immer 10 werden dann weitergeschickt in den nächsten Raum, egal ob Junge oder Mädchen. Hier müssen sie sich nackt ausziehen. Die Kleidung wird gesammelt, gewaschen und im Nebengeschäft wiederverkauft. Wenn die Kleinen dann nackt sind, werden sie in ein Becken mit warmen Wasser geschubst, und werden über Bürsten hin und hergeschleudert. Da viele der Kinder dreckig und verwahrlost sind. Anschließend werden sie mit Warmluft getrocknet und in dem nächsten Raum gesammelt. Immer 50 nackte Kinder stehen nun im Raum und warten aufs weitere Schicksal. Fast alle kindlich schön, zart und unbehaart. Ihre Geschlechtsteile schimmern vom warmen Wasser rosig und die Hoden hängen schön tief. Alle Kinder müssen sich auf eine Art Pritsche legen, viele heulen dabei schon, aber ein Schlag ins Gesicht lässt sie meist schweigen. Ihre Beine werden weit auseinandergepreizt und angewinkelt festgezurrt. Nun bekommen sie einen dicken Schlauch in den After gedrückt und werden dann mit 2 Litern Kochsalzlösung gefüttert. Kurze Zeit später werden alle Reste aus dem Hintern ausgesaugt, bis klare Flüssigkeit kommt. Der Darm ist nun bestens gespült. Feste Nahrung bekommen sie eh nicht mehr. Über Fließbänder werden Jungen und Mädchen getrennt. Die Mädchen fahren direkt in die Schlachtung, die Jungen werden immer 10 in einen Raum verteilt. Hier nimmt ein Mädchen, auch so um die 12 Jahre, die geschwächten Jungs in Empfang und legt immer einen auf einen Bearbeitungstisch. Die Mädchen die hier arbeiten werden nach 2 Wochen durch neue ausgetauscht. Sie fesselt nun die Beine der Jungs weit auseinandergespreizt an den Tisch. Die Jungs sind völlig wehrlos, da auch der Oberkörper fixiert wird. Da die Jungs noch nicht in der Pubertät sind, aber Sperma produziert werden soll, trete ich nun ins Spiel. Ich nehme jeden einzelnen, jungfräulichen und zarten Hodensack in die Hand und ziehe ihn weit vom Körper weg, damit die kleinen Hoden gut zu tasten sind. Ich nehme nun die bereitgelegte Spritze und infusiere in jeden Kinderhoden 20ml einer Hormonlösung. Das Gejaule dabei, na man gewöhnt sich dran. Die meisten Jungs bekommen darauf hin sofort einen Steifen. Doch das legt sich schnell. Wenn ich alle 20 Hoden bearbeitet habe, kommt die nächtse Arbeit. Ich ziehe jedem Penis die Vorhaut zurück und durchtrenne das Vorhautbändchen, denn das ist sonst im Weg. In den Penis wird nun ein Plastikröhrchen geschoben, das je nach Penislänge bis 10 cm lang ist. Damit es nicht rausrutscht, ist ober eine Klammer mit vier kleinen Piekern dran. Die werden nun umgeklappt und hinter die Eichel in das Penisfleisch eingehakt. Nun ist ein Herausrutschen ausgeschlossen. Anschließend kommt die Vorhaut wieder drüber. In jedem Abteil liegen nun 10 nackte Jungen im Alter von 6 bis 12 Jahren. Die älteren werden maschinell abgemolken, da sie aufgrund beginndender Beharrung eine Extrabehandlung bekommen. Jedes Abteil bsitzt an der Decke ein Schienensystem, in denen viele Haken montiert sind. Die nun vorbereiteten Jungs werden mit Flüssignahrung versorgt und zwei Tage liegen gelassen. Am ersten Tag schwellen die Hoden sehr an da die Hormone nun wirken und die Hoden auf Spermaproduktion umwandeln. Am zweiten Tag kommt nun je ein nacktes jungfräuliches und unbehaartes Mädchen und beginnt mit ihrer Arbeit. Sie schliesst ein Schlauch an die Penisöffnung und beginnt den kleinen Jungen abzuwichsen. Der schaut ziemlich blöd aus der Wäsche, weil er erstens nicht weiß was mit ihm geschieht, und außserdem kein anderer ausser seiner Mama jemals an seinem Penis hantiert hat. Das Mädchen wichst den Penis, der dann daraufhin steif wird. Zusätzlich knetet sie noch kunstvoll das kleine Jungensäckchen. Beim ersten Mal dauert es noch ziemlich lange, doch irgendwann kommt der Junge und spritzt seinen ersten Samen ab. Der wird sofort abgesaugt. Der erschöpfte Junge wird liegengelassen und das Mädel geht zum nächsten Knaben. Nun wird auch er abgemolken. Wenn alle 10 dran waren, kommt der erste wieder dran. das geht mindestens 10 Stunden am Tag so, bis die Hoden nur noch Luft spucken. Die Penisse aller jungen sind rotgewichst, der Hodensack ist vor Erschöpfung sehr weich und die Jungs schlafen fast alle ein. Am nächsten Tag geht es weiter... Fortsetzung folgt....(Ideen? Vorschläge? jade91 at freenet.de) * * *
Harry Potter and the Secret of the Golden Unicorn Chapter 49
A young British wizard named Harry Potter comes of age in a time of brutal war between rival magical factions vying for power. This novel length story replaces the final book in the Harry Potter series.
This story is a work of fan-fiction based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 49: Reign of Terror ôCan you believe this?ö yelled Molly Weasley as she read the Morning edition of the Daily Prophet. ôThe whole set of yellow bastards simply gave up and surrendered. Fudge is back in power, Umbridge controls security; and our Percy is in with this bunch!ö ôMolly dear, we have to hurry if we are to save what is left,ö said Arthur Weasley as he sat a common looking lampshade on the kitchen table. ôCharlieĺs reply was to get our arses to the safehouse on the continent as soon as possible using this port key he sent us, from there he can get us to his home in Romania. Weĺll be safe there.ö ôWhat about Ginny, we canĺt leave her; we have to find her, help her escape too.ö ôThere is no time, we save Fred and George, get ourselves together, then we come back for Ginny. She is safe with the Granger girl somewhere; they are probably hiding out by blending in with the muggles. The Granger girlĺs muggleborn, she knows how to blend in all right.ö There was a rustling in the hallway and the twins came in carrying their backpacks. Both had a look of utter despair on their faces, with the attack on Godricĺs Hollow the mall and the shops had all been destroyed. The accounts at Gringotts Bank were all frozen, they couldnĺt get their money, all that work and now they were dead broke again. ôAll right everyone, gather round and we do this together,ö said Arthur motioning them to the lampshade portkey. Then the coo-coo clock on the wall began to whistle frantically, the sign that intruders had crossed the perimeter defenses. Instinctively, Molly turned to run to the window, hoping beyond hope that it was Ginny and her friends trying to get home. Arthur ran to her and grabbed her shoulders. ôNO,ö he shouted, ôwe have to go now.ö But it was too late, the back door exploded inward from a powerful Reducto spell. Arthur and Molly were knocked flat to the floor, Fred ran to help his parents but saw the Carrows enter the backdoor, similar noise in the front of the house indicated that Death Eaters were coming in that way too. ôHALT!ö shouted Alecto Carrow. ôYou are all under arrest. Drop your wands and surrender.ö ôSAVE YOURSELVES BOYS,ö screamed Arthur as he grabbed Alectoĺs leg and pulled her off balance into her brother. ôPLEASE BOYS, GO NOW!ö ôUSE THE PORTKEY!ö shouted Molly. Fred hesitated a moment then turned and ran back to the portkey; Georgeĺs hand hovered above it waiting for him. Amycus pointed his wand at Fredĺs back and uttered the killing curse, a bolt of green light shot out towards Fred as his hand touched the portkey. In a flash, the two boys disappeared. ôThey made it,ö shouted Arthur, ôthey escaped.ö ôYes, but you didnĺt,ö said Alecto menacingly as she broke free of Arthurĺs grasp. Arthur looked to see if Molly was all right and ignored his own safety, this left him open as Alecto saw Arthurĺs unprotected groin, and put all her rage into a devastating kick there with the toe of her boot. Arthurĺs piercing scream as his testicles were crushed against his body brought Mollyĺs attention back to him, she tried to help her husband, but a heavy fist laid into the side of her head by Amycus sent her crashing back down to the floor in a daze. ôSilencio,ö said Alecto to shut up Arthurĺs screams. Amycus had other things on his mind. He roughly grabbed Molly and threw her face down across Arthur Weasleyĺs already heaving chest as he strained to breathe. Molly was no lightweight, and the addition of her body pressing down increased the strain on her husband. With a flick of his wand, Mollyĺs clothes vanished, leaving her struggling naked to get off her husbandĺs thrashing body. Amycus relished the moment as Bellatrix and Draco Malfoy entered to report the rest of the house was empty. He used his wand to painfully bind Mollyĺs arms behind her back at the elbows and the wrists, then to spread her legs widely exposing her furry pubic cleft to the Death Eaters. Amycus removed his robes and his trousers beneath showing an erection of quite substantial size. Alecto licked her lips appreciatively, normally she was very jealous of her brotherĺs attentions to another woman, but not when it involved rape. Nothing other than her brotherĺs penetration of her could carry her to ecstasy than to see him commit a brutal rape upon a helpless woman who didnĺt want him. She would watch him roughly shove himself into the struggling victim and finger herself to an incredible orgasm. This would be especially delicious as they were now the law, they had nothing to fear, and poor little Molly could watch her dear loving hubby die painfully as she got her pubic furrow plowed by Amycusĺs cock. Alecto grabbed Mollyĺs bound wrists and pulled upward while the sole of her boot was pressed down hard between Mollyĺs shoulders. This painfully tilted Mollyĺs bum upwards for her dear brother to roughly penetrate her twat. As Amycus forced his cock into her, Molly screamed in pain. She had never had anything this large put inside her, in fact, Arthur was the only man she had ever had, and he was far smaller in size than her attacker. Amycus hunched over the prone Molly, his pelvic thrusts driving her body downward onto Arthur while adding his own weight to hers. Arthur struggled to draw oxygen into his lungs as he tried to deal with the unbearable pain in his groin from his ruptured testicles, but he couldnĺt draw air into his lungs from the force pressing down on him, his heart began to beat wildly as he panicked. The strain this produced on Arthurĺs heart was too great and he started to have a myocardial infarction. As his face reddened and his mouth gasped for air like a fish out of water, Alecto recognized what was happening, poor Arthur was having a heart attack. She smiled down at him and moved around to place the sole of her boot across Arthurĺs groin and began to grind the hard stacked leather heel in, crushing the damaged gonads against the bone till they completely burst. The intense pain this produced worsened the load on the heart ensuring he would die a slow and painful death as he watched his beloved wife raped on top of him. As the heart of Arthur Weasley failed within his chest, Amycus relished the torment and terror he was dispensing to Molly. He grunted and groaned loudly, pulling back on her hair painfully as he roughly plunged his cock into her. Finally, when he could restrain himself no longer, he released his seed deep into Molly. Standing and fastening his trousers, he turned to Draco and the now laughing Bellatrix. ôWhat the hell are you waiting for, boy, your turn now,ö he said indicating the upturned bum of Molly Weasley. ôMake it into a family tradition, Draco,ö squawked Bellatrix in high-pitched laughter as Draco took his position behind Molly with his trousers down and started thrusting into her as hard as he could manage. Sometime just before Draco ejaculated, Arthur Weasleyĺs strained heart stop beating and he died there on the floor of his family kitchen where he had spent many wonderful moments with his family. The last view he had of life was that of his childhood sweetheart, his wife of nearly thirty years, and mother of his seven children, crying in torment as she was raped across his body. Amid the laughter of his enemies, the veil of darkness settled quietly over his eyes, and he contemplated his end. He had thought that he would die an old man, surrounded at the end by his loving children, and grandchildren. It was not to be, the surrounding pool of darkness opened to admit him, the intense pain withered away, and all was silent. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Charlie Weasley arrived late at the stone barn in Normandy, it was a safe place he knew of across the Channel that belonged to a good friend from Hogwarts who now lived in France. Charlie entered cautiously and called out to his mum and dad, there was no reply, but in the back he heard sobbing. Moving slowly, Charlie located the source of the sound, it was his brother George. In his arms he was holding Fred. One look at the wide-open eyes staring into nothing and Charlie knew that he had now lost another brother. Bill, Ron, and now Fred were gone. Charlie knelt beside George and wrapped his arms around his brother, why was this awful thing happening to them? *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* THE DAILY PROPHET RAIDS BY AURORS AND INQUISITION RESULT IN CAPTURE OF SUSPECTED DARK WIZARDS. Special Report to the Daily Prophet By Correspondent Rita Skeeter In a series of raids conducted under lawful warrant, two suspected Dark Wizards were captured by Aurors and agents of the Inquisition for interrogation, while one suspect was killed. Yesterday, Ministry conducted raids in the area surrounding the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, a known hotbed of radical dissidents anxious to see the government left in chaos. At one site, the home of the notorious Weasley family, often called ôThe Burrowö in dark wizarding circles, agents attempted to peaceably serve a lawful warrant to search the premises for wanted criminals and contraband magical artifacts. Before they could serve the warrant they were attacked by fugitives lurking within and those willingly granting them shelter and sustenance. In the process of performing their lawful duties to the community, and their self- defense, the agents called for reinforcements and assaulted the criminalĺs hideout. In the ensuing melee one prisoner (Molly Weasley) was apprehended, one suspected dark wizard (Arthur Weasley) was killed, and two wanted criminals (Fred and George Weasley, known members of the infamous Potter gang), escaped, although one of them may have been wounded in his cowardly flight to delay justice. A fire started by the criminals to cause confusion and aid their escape was responsible for the complete destruction of the homestead and it outbuildings. Several agents received minor wounds in the battle despite the ferocity of the criminalĺs attack, but valiantly carried out their sworn duty despite the danger. All credited the inspiring leadership of Madam Delores Umbridge, newly appointed Head of the Inquisition, as having made the difference in the new wave of optimism. Agent-in-training Draco Malfoy, of the ancient and pureblood wizarding family of the same name, was particularly cited for his gallantry in the face of danger. He has been credited as a rising star in the new Ministry organization. In a related raid in the same area, one Xenophilius Lovegood, father of Luna Lovegood (a known criminal and member of the Potter gang), was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, breach of the peace, and resisting arrest, after he attempted to start a scuffle with agents attempting to duly serve a lawful search warrant on the premises. Mr. Lovegood was reported to have received several minor cuts and bruises in the scuffle when he fell down a flight of steps due to his heavily inebriated state. Another rising star in the Inquisition, Agent in training Millicent Bulstrode, was credited with being instrumental in the success of the second raid. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* ôSome things donĺt change, even when you die,ö thought Harry as he watched Fred Weasley laugh his arse off sitting on the floor, or whatever it was, of the anteroom to the next world, as he listened to Sirius Black tell him about Harry getting punched in the knackers by Ron for about the fifth time. Harry had been sickened when he first heard, then saw, Mr. Weasley wandering around in the mist, then Fred had joined him. The two hadnĺt known the other was dead till they met in the antechamber. Mr. Weasley had, at first, acted glad to see Fred, then realized what it meant to see his son here. Fred had explained that as the portkey started to pull him away from the Burrow he had been hit in the back by the curse, so he had died in transit. The two of them filled Harry, and the others, in on what had happened after his death, that Ginny and the others had managed a quick escape, and were in hiding somewhere. Harry figured he knew where they were at; he just hoped Dumbledore could contact Fleur or Gabrielle in a dream soon. He would need help when he left the antechamber for the real world. Harry was dismayed to hear that the Minister had just surrendered everything to Voldemortĺs demands, and that Voldemort now claimed Harryĺs estates as his own. The only bright spot was that the elves had escaped, without them the business was worthless to Voldemort. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* It was a beautiful day in the Alps, the sky was clear, the air was cold but not bitterly so, and the wind was calm. A beautiful day for skiing, thought Albus Dumbledore. It was one of the things of Earth that he would miss this year; very few knew that he had been an accomplished skier in his time. He had been very happy here on those Christmas vacations with Desiree and the girls, so many wonderful memories of teaching them to ski. He was quite glad that Fleurĺs mind had chosen this to be their meeting point. Looking to his right Albus now saw that his daughterĺs mind had arrived here. She was in REM sleep and producing this setting in her mind for them to communicate across the divide. ôIs your mother and the coven safe, my dear?ö ôYes, father,ö she answered, ôthey are staying in the void, apparently Voldemort hasnĺt figured out that it really exists, or, if he does, he canĺt get in. The elves are there too, including the ones at Grimmauld place. Mum had the presence of mind to fetch Harryĺs cloak and other things when she heard the news of his death. Is Harry all right on the other side?ö ôHarry is close to me in the antechamber. He cannot pass into the light so he is not really dead, he is in a spirit state like Voldemort was before he reconstituted himself. If you and the coven can get into the room with the stone arch I think we can get Harry to the veil and force him back through it into your world, but he will have no body.ö ôSo he must reconstitute himself? I donĺt know if I can do magic like that.ö ôOnce he is back through the veil Harry will still be a warlock, he can draw the covenĺs power unto himself using the family sword as a foci to help with reconstitution. Iĺll help you all I can with the incantations. But there is something youĺll need if it is available, Harryĺs old body.ö ôThe Death Eaters petrified his corpse and put it on display in the lobby of the Ministry. His head is on a spear next to the body. Do you think he can go back into the old body?ö ôNo, the corpse has decayed by now, but he can use it to fashion a new one that his spirit can then enter. If it works then Harry will look the same as before, that ought to really scare the shit out of the Death Eaters. Plus, Voldemort destroyed his last remaining Horcrux when he cursed Harry, he is completely vulnerable, and probably doesnĺt even know it. He can be killed now just like anyone else.ö ôI had hoped that even if Harry was really dead that he had at least left Voldemort unprotected, but Voldemort has Excalibur, he has immense power through it.ö ôThatĺs only because his reconstituted body was made using Harryĺs blood, there is a trace of Harry inside Voldemort. The sword recognizes this, but I believe that when Harry returns the sword will recognize him as its true master, it may even turn on Voldemort.ö ôThat would require that Harry get very close to Voldemort, I donĺt know how we can arrange that.ö ôIf we can reconstitute Harry then I have a plan that plays on Voldemortĺs core fears. Itĺll require excellent timing, but it will work if properly played out.ö ôWe will do our best,ö said Fleur. ôBy the way, we have heard that Mr. Weasley is dead, is that true? Ginny wants to know.ö ôThe news is worse than that Iĺm afraid, Fred Weasley was killed as he escaped by port key as well. Both have arrived safely and were admitted by the light as was Ron and Bill. They are going to be all right.ö ôSo what do I need to do to put Harry back into a new body?ö Fleur asked. ôThis is part conjecture, but I think this will worků.ö *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Richard Clearwater was the Earl of Masham; he was also a muggle, but a muggle whose family had many links to the magical world that was hidden to most muggles. The eldest of three children, he inherited the title and estate of his muggle father and witch mother upon his fatherĺs untimely death in a boating accident, but his younger brother and sister had inherited their motherĺs magical abilities. He did not resent his siblingĺs gifts and thus was invited to participate in the periphery of their world. Part of that participation had been to attend his sisterĺs wedding twelve years earlier to a wizard whom she had met at Hogwarts. At the wedding reception, Richard had seen a lovely Slytherin witch, a friend of his sister, who was one of the bridesmaids. She seemed interested in the handsome young muggle Lord and they struck up a conversation. During the evening feast and the dance that followed, the two were already being labeled as an item by their friends. The next morning the beautiful witch awoke, stretched, and then looked down in the bed beside her and smiled at the young Lord she had given herself to the night before. A few weeks later she found out that she was pregnant with his child. He had offered to make her his wife when he was told of the baby, but she had refused his offer. Joan Brennan did care for her muggle lover, and was perfectly willing to have his baby, but she wanted to live her own life on her own terms. Joan had joined the Aurors earlier that year, and knew the risks. The job was dangerous, even though the evil Lord Voldemort was believed dead, his followers still existed. She would accept risks for herself, but she couldnĺt endanger him. However, even though she wasnĺt ready to take him as her husband, she still showed up to share his bed on a fairly regular basis. The result of their first night of passion was a beautiful little girl named Jeanne. Jeanne was a witch like her mum, but she had spent many weekends and summers with her beloved muggle father. She also knew that she was not to speak of him to outsiders, or tell anyone that her real name was Lady Masham. Joan had done her best never to involve Richard in any of the dangerous aspects of the magical world, but it couldnĺt be helped now. She asked for his help, and Richard had been only too glad to step forward to give it. To avoid taking loyalty spells to Voldemort and his Death Eaters, the surviving loyal agents of the Aurors and Inquisition had fled the service. Their positions were readily filled with Death Eaters, and Death Eaters want- to-beĺs who had recently flocked to Voldemortĺs standard. Fortunately, they were untrained and quite incompetent for the most part at the job. Still, those who had resigned were now considered enemies of the state and subject to false charges and imprisonment. Some had fled the country, but most just went underground. The area around Masham was lightly populated; the land was mostly used in agricultural production. The region was very picturesque, looking like what everyone who had never been to England thought England looked like. There were rolling hills and woodlands, and a fair number of old ruins that dotted the landscape, and many of these were now on lands held by the Earl. Nearby there had once stood an old abbey named Jervaulx. It was only ruins now, but like many abbeys the main structure was only a small part of it, there had been a number of buildings and complexes dotting the surrounding area that had provided infrastructure support to the abbey. While the main site still drew a sizable number of muggle tourists out gawking, the outbuildings were forgotten. One such outbuilding, a large medieval stable, had been converted by the Earl into a romantic bed and breakfast hotel. It was the perfect hideaway from the modern world, and that was exactly what Joan Brennan and some of her friends who had escaped the Death Eaters in Godricĺs Hollow needed desperately right now. Together with Oliver Wood, Cho Chang, Roe Hooch, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Penelope Clearwater (who was Richardĺs first cousinĺs daughter), they had taken up residence in the bed and breakfast to hide out a bit and see what was about to happen next. Before the take over by Umbridgeĺs goons, Hooch had smuggled the real Percy Weasley out of the building and erased the records of his ever being held there. Roe Hooch knew that the group had to make contact with Harryĺs coven and try to join forces if they were to have any hope of fighting back. The resistance was too weak to do anything as splintered as they were. Even though Roe knew that she and Ripa were the two most wanted lesbian witches in England right now, she still had to take a chance and try to contact her, and she knew where to try. Back in the old days at Hogwarts, Ripa and Roe had a meeting place in the Forbidden Forest where they could be together privately. It was a hollow stump of a great tree, the inside had been just the right size for both of them to lie on transfigured blankets and enjoy themselves. They often met there when they were frightened or felt in danger. In their school days Ripa had always told her that if they became separated that she would meet her there. Roe hoped that Ripa remembered about their old hiding place. With her camouflaging cloak to protect her, Roe began apparating to Hogwarts just after dark and cautiously going near the old hollow tree, there she would wait to see if Ripa came to the place too. For several nights nobody showed, and she had started to worry about Ripa. On the fourth night, at about the time when the evening meal would be over, she felt a presence in the woods around her. She remained still and on guard, her wand ready if needed. Whoever it was also froze in place having detected her presence. After a few minutes a low whistle was heard, just a few notes, almost like a bird, but it was their old system at work, there was a calling whistle and a reply whistle. Roe softly gave the reply and waited for the caller to come to her. Whatever else could be said about Ripa Balzhoff she knew how to move silently, even in the forest. Even Roe was a bit surprised when her friend and lover seemed to virtually appear in front of her with her wand pointed directly at her heart. ôWhat was the nickname you gave your first vibrator?ö she asked in a hushed voice. ôThe pussy poker! Speaking of which, what was your favorite fruit to eat out of my pussy?ö ôHmmmm, I donĺt think I ever had an absolute favorite, but I was very fond of canned peaches ů cherries are good too, but never blueberries ů I hate those things.ö The two looked at each other for a moment, then they embraced and kissed. Roe was the first to break the kiss, ôWe need to find someplace better than here to do this.ö ôAgreed,ö said a smiling Ripa, who then gave her another long deep kiss. ôIĺve missed you. I know just the place we can go.ö Taking Roeĺs hand they disapparated, using several apparition jumps they made it to the place they had once been their happiest. It was a small woodland cottage on a pond just outside of Winchester. The summers following their fourth, fifth, and sixth years at Hogwarts they had spent some or most of the time here together. The cottage had been owned by Professor McGonagall, and she had taken care of them while they had developed their newfound sense of womanhood here. Minerva had always kept its existence a closely guarded secret, only a few had ever known of this place as her private summer retreat. Checking the cottage, and the surrounding area, they found both were clear, using their wands they convinced the door to open for them. It actually seemed to remember them after all these years and appeared to desire the company. The two began weaving security spells inside and outside the cottage, and only when they felt safe did they disrobe and slip into the Jacuzzi. They took turns washing and massaging each other, their wands never more than an armĺs length away. Dinner was produced from can stores in the pantry and the two pranced and cuddled around the kitchen wearing only thongs, and that was primarily so they could have a place to carry their wands. Finally, they went to their old bedroom, the thongs were removed, wands laid on the edge of the bedstead ready for immediate usage. Ripa lay on her left side, her legs apart, Roe gently knelt straddled her left leg and slid into position where their pubic mounds touched. Kneeling over her lover, Roe dangled her breasts onto those of Ripa, who responded by rubbing back. Even though their absence from each other had made them anxious, sex between them was never as frantic as when they had been with men; there was no hurry to shoot their load, only slow sensuous pleasure that was deeply fulfilling. When they were mutually satisfied, they cuddled into each otherĺs arms and slept deeply, trusting to their charms for protection. The next morning they awoke in each otherĺs arms, after a good morning kiss they knew it was time to get serious. ôWell isnĺt this a fine fix weĺre in,ö said Roe. ôWeĺre both unemployed, no money, and every Death Eater with a badge is trying to kill us or put us in a prison cell.ö ôWrong about the unemployed part,ö replied Ripa. ôHarry isnĺt dead, not really.ö ôLook, I know about the bullshit fake death he pulled at Hogwarts, but I saw his body in the Ministry lobby. He sure looked pretty dead to me.ö Ripa explained to Roe what Fleur had found out from her father. Roe still seemed mystified at the end; this was some heavy duty dark arts magic that almost made head spin. ôSo Harry reversed Voldemortĺs own black magic back on him, heĺs like Voldemort was after he tried to kill Harry and failed?ö ôThatĺs it in a nutshell. Voldemort was able to get back and reconstitute himself in a new body, so can Harry. We need to get inside the Ministry and get Harryĺs body, get into the Department of Mysteries room with the veil.ö ôThatĺs not going to be easy to do, the building is highly guarded, and everyone is checked. Can you come in using the void thing?ö ôWe could, but Fleur says the problem is the void is not a one to one correlation to the real world, we are on a rounded surface with depth, and the void is more two dimensional. Itĺs finding your way to a specific place that is the hangup. We canĺt just pop in and out looking for the veil room and the lobby all over the place, itĺs sure to alert the security. The best way would be to grab body and soul at the same time, then split.ö ôWhat needs to be done?ö asked Roe. ôWe need to infiltrate the Ministry, plant homing beacons at Harryĺs body and in the room with the veil. Fleur can simply make small holes in the void to find her way to them; from there she can mark the spots in the void. We can stage the raid at three or four AM when everyone on guard is sleepy, however, to do it in one fell swoop we need more people who know how to fight.ö ôI have seven wands you can add to your current total, five are Ministry trained. That should be enough, and I can get your homing beacons planted.ö ôGood,ö said Ripa. ôI figured that if there was still anyone on the inside that could help us youĺd know about it.ö ôThere is,ö replied Roe. ôIĺve had to keep it secret, but Granger knows whom Iĺm talking about. Get the devices to me as soon as you can, Iĺll see what we can do about getting them set in place, itĺll be a bit tricky.ö ôAll right, I have until noon before Fleur will come for me, how about some pancakes for breakfast, Iĺll cook.ö ôPut some blueberries in Ĺem for you?ö ôEat me, bitch!ö *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* It had taken a little while to get everything and everybody coordinated, but Fleur finally opened the void into Masham and the two groups were joined. To this assembly were added Charlie and George Weasley who arrived from the continent with money and supplies from friends there. It had been a sad reunion as Ginny hugged her remaining brothers. Finally, Fleur sat everyone down and explained to them about Harry and what had gone wrong in Godricĺs Hollow. As a group they all decided that the only real chance of victory now was to get the sword back from Voldemort, and only Harry could do that. They agreed to take the offensive by attacking the Ministry building and getting Harry out as well as those members being held in the cells. ôBut how are we going to get in to where we need to be?ö asked Fleur. ôWe have two operatives still inside the Ministry who are going to set marker portals for you to home in on,ö answered Hooch, ôone at Harryĺs body, and one in the room with the veil passageway.ö ôWhose left on the inside that will help us?ö asked Ginny. ôI guess we might as well trust everyone at this point,ö sighed Hooch. ôPansy Parkinson is an undercover agent of the Inquisition, and has been for nearly two years now.ö ôPANSY PARKINSON!ö screamed Ginny. ôShe took part in trying to kill us, sheĺs a Death Eater.ö ôNo, Ginny,ö said Hermione, ôPansy was the one who brought you and Neville to me and Harry. She saved your lives, thatĺs why we had to keep pretending you two were dead. If anyone found out you two were alive then Voldemort would know Pansy didnĺt really finish you off like she was supposed to have done. She released the Dark Mark over Hogwarts and set off the alarms to warn the Ministry that an attack was underway.ö ôItĺs completely true, Ginny,ö said Poppy Pomfrey. ôI was there when she arrived with you, Harry almost killed her on the spot but Hermione stopped him.ö ôI canĺt see Pansy as one of the good guys,ö said a disbelieving Ginny. ôI been waiting so long just to kill that skanky bitch, and now you tell me sheĺs been playing on my side all along.ö ôYou wonĺt like the second part any better Iĺm afraid,ö said Hooch, who then proceeded to explain about Percyĺs part in supplying information to Voldemort and the resulting arrest and injuries. ôWhere is our brother now?ö asked Charlie. ôWe have him in a bed in the basement, Iĺve done the best I could for him, and I would like Poppy and Desiree to see if there is anything they can do to help him.ö ôSo after all thatĺs happened to us youĺre going to feed another of my brothers to the Dementors if we succeed at this?ĺ asked George. ôPercyĺs been a git, but heĺs not evil.ö ôPlease listen to me,ö said Hooch. ôThe Dragon went berserk and got medieval on him. Bartleby is beyond accountability for it now, so letĺs put that aside.ö The next night, together with Ripa, Roe Hooch managed to have the Dementor named Beershebhat call to Baalgrog to meet them for instructions. Baalgrog was then able to pass a message to Pansy Parkinson to meet Hooch at an Inquisition safe house the two knew of that they hoped hadnĺt been compromised. There, with Ripa standing guard outside, Hooch explained to Pansy what had to be done and gave her the three markers Fleur had enchanted. One looked like an ordinary stone and was to be laid in the room with the veil and arch; the second looked like a shirt button and was to be placed near Harryĺs body; the third was a bronze Knut to be kept in Pansyĺs pocket so she could exfiltrate out with the prisoners held in the dungeons. The first part of the plan was for Pansy to get Jizzlobber to help her; she would need his shape changing abilities. Surveillance and security were tight inside the Ministry building but Pansy managed to find Percy alone and talk to him. It was difficult at first to get the elf to break character and trust her, but finally Pansy was able to convince the elf of her true allegiances and the need to help her. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* It was almost three in the morning, and all was quiet inside the main lobby of the Ministry building. Security for the night was being supervised by the Aurors Crabbe and Goyle, both resplendent in their official robes of office, and both quite asleep at their posts. Pansy had waited for two days until tonight because she knew two things were going to happen, the imbecile twins would be in charge of security, and Severus Snape would be gone from the Ministry on a ôgoodwillö visit to the continent to smooth over fears there. The last thing the Dark Lord needed was for the continental magi to throw their support behind the dissident factions here. Through the main lobby, there was a clicking of stiletto bootheels on the stone floor up to the pair of Aurors who were on guard duty. Even though Pansy tried to walk as loudly as she could the dumbarse duo still sat there snoring in front of her. ôHowĺs it going, boys?ö she asked sweetly, the sound of her voice finally panicking them awake. They looked around but calmed a bit when they saw it was just her standing there in her tight fitting black jeans and white blouse with her Inquisitor badge on it. ôUHMů Ah, all right,ö said Goyle staring at Pansyĺs ample breasts with obvious lustful thoughts. ôJust taking a break, whatchu doin ere?ö ôJust stretching my legs,ö replied Pansy as she sexily stretched for them, knowing their beady little eyes were following every curve. ôIt gets cramped down in the interrogation rooms, and smelly. Most of that mudblood and blood traitor lot we have down there have no staying power. One or two good kicks in the appropriate gender specific places and theyĺre pissing themselves, and covered in sweat. And the bleating noises the silly buggers make, always begging for mercy and shit like that, like itĺs my fucking fault that they canĺt stand the pain anymore. Fuckĺem, right, eh?ö ôYeah, right,ö laughed Crabbe. ôI been wanting to come down and take a lick or two at them. You got some cunt down there too for the taking I hear.ö ôOy, Draco said he did a turn on the old Weasley hag, busted a right fair nut in her as the old fart of a husband died right under her,ö Goyle laughed. ôI could stand a turn on that.ö ôI donĺt see why you havenĺt been sent down before now then, course itĺs not up to me who gets the duty assignments,ö Pansy replied as she casually, but sexily, strode over to the raised podium where Harry Potterĺs body lay petrified. ôSo how is our old schoolmate holding out against the mildew and mold?ö The two Aurors laughed as they walked over to join her by Harryĺs body. ôOh yeah,ö said Crabbe, ôlook at the silly git, thought he was so tough, said he could come back from the dead.ö ôWell itĺs been over a week now and the stupid git still looks dead to me,ö chuckled Goyle. ôI think heĺs going to stay dead this time.ö Pansy bent over Harryĺs corpse with the button portal palmed in her hand. ôAw, look at that,ö she said in a mocking falsetto voice, ôHarryĺs dropped a button, Iĺll put it in his pocket so he wonĺt lose it, he might need that if he does come back to life.ö The three laughed cruelly as Pansy slipped the portal into Harryĺs trouser pocket. ôWell, I guess Iĺd better get back to work. We may soon have some information on the location of Potterĺs old gang. If we can drag in that bunch of mudbloods and muggle lovers thereĺll be plenty of work involved in softening them up. Might need extra help, Iĺll keep you in mind if we do.ö Pansy walked out of sight leaving the two standing there laughing at Harry and leering at her arse as she walked off. The first part of the job was done. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Yaxley was always afraid when he drew duty to guard the Department of Mysteries. He never liked the place; it was too damned spooky for him. It was nearly half past three when he heard voices and footsteps approaching the main door. No one was supposed to be allowed in here without authorization from either the Dark Lord or Severus Snape, and nobody ever came here at night. Yaxley had his wand at the ready as the door opened, and then saw that the person entering was Severus Snape, accompanied by the Parkinson girl. ôBut, Sir, why do we have to do this in the middle of the night, canĺt this shit wait until morning,ö argued Pansy. ôThis shit, as you call it, was ordered done immediately by the Dark Lord himself,ö shouted back Snape in a very nasty tone of voice. ôWhen the Master gives me an order I follow it, and I donĺt question its value, I certainly donĺt call it shit. Perhaps tomorrow you can ask him why this shit is important to him, would you like me to arrange that for you?ö ôNo, Sir,ö said a cowed Pansy with her head lowered. ôThen just keep your fucking mouth shut and follow your fucking orders, is that clear?ö Snape growled as Pansy nodded slowly. ôYaxley,ö said Snape. ôSpecial orders; you are to tell no one about our being here if you enjoy having your head and your arse connected to the same body. Open the door for us, close it behind us. Weĺll knock when we are ready to leave, we wonĺt be long.ö Yaxley nodded vigorously and proceeded to open the locked gate, and then relock it after them. Inside the door was a round room with dozens of similar looking doors that led to different mysteries. ôShow us the door to the room with the veil between the worlds,ö said Pansy. The room rotated until it stopped with a door immediately in front of them. Opening the door Pansy and Jizzlobber, in the form of Snape, entered the room. It looked just as Hermione and Luna had described it. A large stone amphitheater with a pointed stone archway in the center. Hanging in the archway was a wispy black veil that flapped as though in a mild breeze, but none could be felt. Walking to the edge of the veil, and careful not to touch it, Pansy could indeed hear voices on the other side, but could not distinguish any particular voice. If all were going according to plan, then Harry should be right on the other side with Dumbledore. ôHarry!ö she shouted into the slightly flapping veil. The murmur of voices seemed to grow quieter. ôIf you can hear me, itĺs Pansy Parkinson, the time is three forty-five. Be ready for them in half an hour.ö With that, she laid the second portal on the floor near the archway. The second task was accomplished. Then she and Jizzlobber, in Snapeĺs form, left the Department of Secrets, with Yaxley again cautioned not to mention their appearance there for any reason. The two then hurried to the lower basement floors where the cells holding the prisoners were located. There she would locate the cells holding Ginnyĺs mum, Lunaĺs dad, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* It was an interesting week for Harry. It was the longest he had ever gone without eating, drinking, sleeping, as well as pissing, crapping, and, in the recent past anyway, sex. He knew a little about what was going on from Dumbledoreĺs conversations with Fleur. He wasnĺt sure if all this would work or not, but it was worth a try. Moody and Sirius had tracked down the loose Horcruxes in the anteroom area, and had finally managed to bind them up where they couldnĺt get loose. They looked like a couple of crazed street urchins. Their skin was bruised and torn; their faces had nothing but hate and pain in them. Dumbledore said that the injuries had come from tearing them out of Voldemortĺs soul. There was nothing to do with this lot except chuck them in when the rest of Voldemort arrived. At least now they couldnĺt hamper Harry. Harry got to spend plenty of time with his parents for the first time in his life. He was pleased to finally see them of course, but after a while it got fairly tense. There was something they werenĺt telling him, but he didnĺt know what it was. Also, they still acted like he was their little one year old boy who had simply gotten bigger. Harry was a man, heĺd fought in battles, heĺd killed men, and he had several babies on the way. He saw himself more as their equal rather than their child, and it was starting to grind on him a bit. Still he knew that it wasnĺt their fault, death had been as traumatic for them as it had for him. Sirius was the one who primarily helped Harry stay calm by treating him as an adult, with Dumbledoreĺs help. Dumbledore spent time talking with Harry about a plan he had to defeat Voldemort if everything worked out with returning him to Earth. He also advised Harry to avoid using magic in the immediate presence of Voldemort. ôHe canĺt hijack power from you if you donĺt call it to yourself,ö advised Dumbledore. ôHarry, darling, there is someone I want you to meet,ö his mum said to him later as he and Fred had been talking to Sirius about the Tickle Twat Mints. ôThis is my motherĺs older sister, Myrtle. She was a witch and my mother never told Tuney or me about it, we were only told that a sister of hers died as a young girl. But this is the Myrtle who was killed in the girlĺs room at Hogwarts.ö Harry looked up in sheer amazement at the figure of Moaning Myrtle standing there in the flesh, so to speak. Myrtle was his mumĺs aunt, which meant she was his great aunt. ôHoly shit!ö thought Harry. ôI got a blow job in the bathtub from my great aunt!ö ôHello, Harry,ö said Myrtle graciously, ôI understand you finally killed the big snake that murdered me all that time ago. Thank you.ö She then leaned over and gave him a hug. It felt very different from the last time she had made contact with him. ôYes ů I, ah ů I killed it,ö fumbled Harry. ôItĺs just odd really seeing you like this.ö ôSo Iĺm a ghost back on Earth, and haunting the girlĺs bathroom moaning and crying all the time,ö she said with an embarrassed look. ôThatĺs kind of humiliating.ö ôWell, everyoneĺs kind of used to it by now, sort of part of what made Hogwarts unique, like Peeves,ö said Harry. ôPlus you helped me find the Chamber of Secrets and get through the Triwizard tournament. We are friends back there.ö ôIf this works and you do get to go back will you tell my ghost that Iĺm all right here, that she can move on if she wishes to?ö ôIf this works out Iĺd be happy to do that for you, Aunt Myrtle, I just donĺt know that the other you would believe me.ö Pulling Harry aside, Myrtle whispered so only Harry could hear. ôYou tell her that the night before I died I diddled myself to sleep while fantasizing that Rupert Edgecombe was doing me under the stands at the Quidditch field after he had just won the house cup for Ravenclaw, that ought to convince her.ö There were others who came by to see Harry. Amos and Cedric Diggory dropped by to say hello. Professor Sprout came by to introduce Harry to Loretta Lovegood, Lunaĺs mum. Spout had been entirely correct when she had told Harry that Lunaĺs mum was beautiful. They talked about Luna a while, and Harry came away from the meeting with a totally different take on Luna if this is what she would look like in a couple of years of filling out. Arthur and Fred came by several times to talk, Bill showed up once with them and acted fairly civil. Ron was still pissed off it seemed, and never showed again. Harry had hoped that Ron would cool off and talk to him; the two of them had taken the piss at each other before, but had always worked it out. It bothered Harry that his former best friend hated him so now. Finally, the moment came when Sirius ran up to him. ôHarry, itĺs time. Dumbledore just heard the call from the other side of the veil. Weĺre going to try and send you back tonight. Follow me.ö Harry set off after them at a trot. Just as in the void, it was difficult to measure direction and distance as everything looked like a fogbank in here. After a bit, Harry saw it looming in the mist, it was the stone arch and flapping veil like the one he had seen inside the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry building, but it just stood alone here. Dumbledore, Merlin, Moody, Tonks, Arthur, Fred, Amos, Cedric, Loretta Lovegood, Aunt Myrtle, James, and Lily were already there clustered around the veil. As Harry stood there beside Dumbledore, he decided to ask him the one question that had been bothering him since that night at Hogwarts when Dumbledore had died. He wouldnĺt likely get another chance. ôProfessor, why did you trust Snape?ö ôHarry, thereĺs something I want you to remember,ö said Dumbledore with the old gleam now back in his blue eyes. ôKeep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I figured that Voldemort would show up again some day. With Snape at my side I knew that I would know when he did. I only ever trusted Snape to act in his own best interest and played him accordingly.ö ôBut he ended up killing you.ö ôAnother thing I want you to remember, every once in while, no matter how clever you are, everybody fucks up,ö said Dumbledore with a wink. ôYou canĺt always cover all the angles; youĺve just got to do the best you can.ö ôIĺll try to remember that if I make it back,ö said Harry with a grin. ôBy the way, what exactly are we waiting for?ö ôWe are waiting until hailed from beyond the veil,ö said Dumbledore. ôThen we will concentrate on pushing you through while they mentally pull on you. If successful, you will be transported back into their world, but as a disembodied soul. Someone will call to you and you should go to them, occupy their body with them, just like Voldemort did Quirrell. Fleur knows what to do next. They should have everything ready at a safe place they have prepared.ö ôA lot will still depend upon you, Harry,ö said Merlin. ôYou have to want to go back, itĺs almost like apparition, you have to see yourself there with them. Take a good running start, focus on where you want to be, on being with those calling you back, and make a leap of faith into the veil.ö ôAnd remember that the Horcruxes are all gone now, there is no more magical protection for either him or you,ö said Moody. ôFuck up this time and itĺll be a one-way trip back.ö The wait was interminable to Harry. As was the fear. What if he was somehow to remain trapped between the worlds, not able to truly join either and move on? He mostly spent the time talking with his mum and dad. She told him about her experiments with her perfume and that she would like for Harry to finish it if he could. ôIt was almost ready,ö she said, ôit just needed a little something to make it more sexually attractive. Desiree said that she had an idea, but I never had the chance to get back into my lab with her and try it.ö ôThe lab has stayed locked tight, mum,ö said Harry. ôItĺs like you left it, no oneĺs been able to get it all these years.ö ôOh, yes, I forgot, thatĺs because the door is a fake,ö said Lily. ôYou have to apparate in like you do into the apartment. Take the pendant that your father gave me for our engagement, and my wand. Stand at the doorway and tap the ruby three times with the wand, and youĺre inside. Same to leave. All my stuff should still be in there, youĺll be rich, darling, if you finish developing the formula.ö ôWell you two left me well setup as it was,ö said Harry. ôNot a bad inheritance, eh?ö asked James. ôI knew that Śô James was interrupted by Dumbledore calling for silence. From the veil, Harry heard a faint voice he thought he would never hear again, it was Ginny calling to him to come to her. Dumbledore came over and shook his hand, ôNow or never, my boy, finish this.ö James and Lily came to him and hugged him close to them. ôWe love you, baby, and we are proud of you. We just regret we missed out on raising you.ö ôI love you too, I hope to see you all again some day, just not too soon I hope.ö The assembled crowd laughed a bit. Then Harry focused his mind on the veil, he remembered the room beyond in the Ministry. He heard Ginnyĺs faint voice calling out again. He focused on her voice, he saw her in his mind, and he willed himself to be where she was. In front of him, Harry heard Albus Dumbledore yell into the veil, ôHEĺS COMING NOW!ö Turning to those around him, Dumbledore said, ôLetĺs join our thoughts and push him through this. Go Harry! Go now!ö Doing his best to stay focused on Ginny; Harry ran full till and leapt into the veil. * * *
Gamblers Gonads
Kim uses her husbands gambling habit...to take his balls from him
Al was snatched right off the street...and thrown into the back of the long black limo. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the dark...he found himself sitting between two big thugs in grey suits. Across from him....sitting facing rearward towards him, was Vixen....the female loan shark he owed $10,000 to. Al didn;t even speak...before he saw his wife on the floor of the limo. kim was naked, secured on her back spread eagle, with a huge black man between her legs fucking her!! "AL!...You MOTHERFUCKER!...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" The guy fucking kim stabbed into her and a loud grunt ended her ability to speak! "You're a week late...on your payment" Vixen finally said.... "So we're going to start making your wife...pay the interest!" Kim was grunting loudly as the guy stabbed about 12 inches of black cock into her belly!! He buried himseld balls deep, grunted half a dozen time and stopped. "I've.....cum"...he said to Vixen. He was so tight in Kims pussy, that not a drop was leaking out of her...Al just stared at his wifes bulging belly...with all that cum still inside her! "Do it again!" Vixen ordered! The black guy started fucking again....and Kim stared whinning "NOOOOO!" Al was driven around for an hour...the guy in Kims pussy came again...but now just laid on top of her with his cock still inside her! When the limo stopped...Vixen got ot with Al and the thugs... "24 hours" was all she said... "We'll keep your wife busy...and every time you turn around...we'll be there" vixen then slammed her knee into Als balls and he fell screaming to the ground! "Thats how your wife is going to feel...by tomorrow!" Back in the limo...Kim crawled onto a seat...exhausted! "Do you think he bought it?" she laughed! "His balls did!" Vixen replied! While Kim and her new boyfriend...Max, drank champagne in the limo...Al limped home in pain! That evening Al recieved a courrier letter at his door. As soon as he signed for it...the sexy young driver...looked at him... "Oh Yeah'...she added, then she kicked him square in the balls, dropping him to the floor in pain! "Have a nice night...while your wife is being gang raped!" The next morning at a gas station, Al got it again...from a lady at the next pump, she spit in his face! At work, he got it in the balls from a lady in the elevator and barely made it to his desk! In the bathroom, the guy next to him...kneed him in the nuts just as he was zipping up...then he forced Al into the handicapped stall...shoved his cock into Als throat...and pissed into his belly!!! At home....the house was dark when Al limped in...Vixen and her thugs were waiting for him! "You don't have the money, do you?" "NO!....please...let my wife go...kill me if you have to..." "We're not going to kill you" vixen whispered. "It'll be more fun...to let you live...you see...your wife and I have come to an agreement." Al was stripped, and tied down on the floor, beween his couch and love seat. Next, the black guy who was fucking kim in the limo, stripped and squatted near his head. Al had no ida he was Kims new lover! "I'm going to take your balls" Kim said... "While you suck on his!" The black guy crammed both of huge huge balls into Als mouth!!! "If you BITE him...you'll lose your cock too...but if you manage to make him cum...I'll let you get by with just your balls!!' Vixen cut slowly...stretched his balls...and held them for a while just to make Al scream...she twisted them...sucked on the raw orbs...ground them into the rough carpeting a while...then she "had" to wash them off with the green scratcher side of the kitchen sponge...delighted by Als screams around he guys balls in his mouth! She handed the guy...Als removed ball pouch, and he placed it over the head of his cock, and began masturbating himself...into Als ball sack!! Vixen tied off and cut Als balls free...then held them high...licking the ooze and blood from his free hanging nuts!! Al was in such agony...Vixen stitched him up...then began to play with his cock...while the black guy, exploded into als ball sack!! Als now cum filled scrotum was stuffed into his mouth when the guys balls came out...and his mouth was taped shut!! "suck THAT....chew it up...swallow it...whatever" Vixen laughed...then she showed Al his balls..... "I'm gonna take these to your wife....and send her home to untie you...and by the way....since she'll need a REAl man to fuck her now...Max here...is going to move in...do all your fucking for you....probably teach you how to suck cock...and that $10,000?.....your wife is going to pay your debt...at $1 a day...so quit gambling asshole...you've already lost...more than you can afford! Vixen slipped Als balls into her mouth, with the cords hanging out between her lips...and she walked out! * * *
Tim's Last Orgasm 28: Terry's Awakening
Terry gets an unpleasant surprise when he wakes up. His friends try to console him and help him understand how such a thing could happen. In the end it is Coach Masterson who is the most help. The teens all have a good time in Cancun while the healing takes place; Terry gets yet another unpleasant surprise when the bandages come off and the catheter comes out; Tim tells Nate about his brief encounter with Carlos on the plane, which starts Nate wondering if he has made a mistake.
` XXVIII Terry’s Awakening ` By the time Dr. Smith and Tim arrived in the recovery room, Terry was lying stone-faced, staring at the ceiling. As is usually the case when one recovers from anaesthetic, there is no time reference. Terry had assumed his senses were accurate and he had been out only a few seconds, having been too late to prevent the initial shot of the sleeping drug, but that his final scream had put a stop to the surgery. What he didn’t know until his hands went to his crotch was that he hadn’t screamed at all, but just thought he had as he lost consciousness. What he found with his hands was a thick bandage where a penis should have been, with a rubber tube exiting beneath the root of his scrotal sac exactly where Tim’s urethra exited his body. Like his brother, Terry no longer had a penis. “They cut it off, Tim,” he said when he saw his brother. Then he burst into tears. “That’s why we’re all here,” Tim reminded him. “I know it’s a bit of a shock when you first wake up, but...” “I told them to stop, Tim,” Terry wailed. “I saw the doctor put the needle in the IV, and at that instant I knew it was too soon and I screamed at him to stop. But they went ahead anyway! I got no dick, Tim!” “I’m deeply sorry, Terry, I didn’t know,” a shocked Dr. Smith said as he took Terry’s hand. “As soon as that anaesthetic got into your bloodstream you were paralyzed instantly, so you couldn’t speak even though you thought you had. We had no way of knowing, Terry.” “It’s ok,” Terry said without looking away from the spot he was staring at, “I shoulda said something sooner.” Tears were slowly flowing from the corners of his eyes and down the sides of his face. “It’s probably for the best anyway.” “You want me to get Laura?” Tim offered as he squeezed his brother’s hand. “Please don’t, Tim,” a broken and trembling voice answered. “Just give me a minute or two alone, then I’d like to see her. But I can’t let her see me until I get my shit together.” Tim kissed his brother’s forehead and promised he wouldn’t be far away. Then he went to assist the aides as they tried to get Jared and Nate on their feet. They were both still pretty shaky, but they knew they had to get moving or they’d never be stable enough to go back to the motel tonight. “What’s wrong with Terry?” Nate inquired. “He changed his mind,” Tim explained, “but it was too late. He’d already had the anaesthetic and he couldn’t say anything. I think he’ll be ok though... at least I hope he will.” “Maybe I should sleep with him tonight,” Nate offered. “We’ll see,” Tim replied. In his mind he wasn’t at all anxious for any of the three patients to be alone, but unless Carlos stayed with them, someone was going to have to be alone. He shuddered at the thought that he might end up sleeping with Laura, and he wasn’t at all sure why that thought had made him shudder. Dr. Smith admitted to Tim that he had never seen such a variance of emotion in the recovery room all at the same time. Jared was beaming, looking forward to a long life as a nullified eunuch, the realization of a dream he’d never thought he would achieve so young and so easily. He was a little annoyed at himself that he had opted to be put to sleep, but there were no regrets concerning the surgery. Nathan was ok with what had been done to him, but extremely apprehensive about his future. He was becoming quite a respected basketball player in his own right so he didn’t want to give it up; but there was that locker room confrontation he had to face, so say nothing of the sexual frustration that was now to be a part of his life. Terry was still devastated, still lying very still, staring straight at the ceiling, tears still streaming down the sides of his face. “That’s what I meant when we were discussing minimum age,” the doctor said to Tim. “Fourteen is just too young to make a decision like that! His mind is too volatile and can change too quickly. That’s precisely the sort of problem we need to avoid.” “He’ll be ok,” Tim insisted. “I can understand his shock, but he’s been looking forward to this day for long enough that I know it’s what he really wanted. I would never have signed that consent form otherwise, Doctor. After all he is my brother!” Tim decided that it was time to get Laura, and the doctor agreed with him. Terry and Nate had been moved to another room, and had walked there, albeit somewhat wobbly and with a lot of help; but they were walking, and Tim was impressed. There was no way he could have walked that soon after his surgery. Terry was still in the recovery room. He had stopped crying but the expression on his face was still one of dismay and defeat, very much unlike anything Tim had ever seen before in his brother. “We need you to come see Terry,” Tim said nervously in the waiting room. “Before we go in though, there are some things you need to know.” “Is he all right?” Laura asked with concern. “Physically, yes,” Tim replied. “Emotionally he’s a mess.” Tim then explained what had happened as well and as briefly as he could. To his surprise, Laura wasn’t at all surprised. “I was afraid of something like this,” she observed. “He’s just so doggoned young, and he takes everything so seriously!” When they arrived in the recovery room they found Coach Masterson already there, talking with Terry. He was still clad in a hospital gown with a disposable robe over it. The sight was a significant shock to both Tim and Laura. Even though they’d heard Terry exclaim his name, it hadn’t really registered on them that the coach was here and a patient. Tim took Laura’s arm and signalled her to wait to see what was being said. “You were so sure of yourself before the surgery,” the coach was saying. “What in the world happened, Terry?” “I dunno, coach,” the distressed teen answered. “I guess I just began to realize all the hassles I’m gonna have, especially if I keep playing basketball. I don’t wanna get in trouble, and I especially don’t wanna get my brother in trouble. If my parents ever find out what we’ve done they’ll kill him! And then there’s Laura. If she ever changes her mind about having sex, we’re fucked! I’ve screwed up bad, Coach!” “I don’t think so, Terry,” the coach replied. “Your brother has certainly done ok, and with the kind of determination you’ve got, I think you’ll survive. You just have to concentrate on the reasons why you did it in the first place.” “I know, but I can’t help thinking, how could I have been so stupid?” Laura started toward Terry, to comfort him, but Tim held her back. “Now you’re gonna see what kinda coach Masterson is,” he whispered. “That’s his specialty: dealing with kids who think they’ve screwed up.” Neither Terry nor the coach had seen their two witnesses, so they thought they were alone. “Terry, you remember when you first started playing for me, how many times you fouled out?” “Yeah,” Terry admitted. “But I was just so anxious, and I guess I was too determined to block every shot...” “And every time it happened, you went back to the dressing room really beating yourself up. What did I tell you all those times?” “You... you told me that the only screw-up that’s really a screw-up is the one where we don’t learn anything.” “Exactly! Didn’t I tell you to analyze your plays, realize what you did wrong and concentrate on learning to do what you were trying to do without fouling?” “Yes, sir,” Terry said. Tim and Laura could hear the change in his voice. He was beginning to understand what the coach was trying to tell him. Coach Masterson paused and allowed Terry to think, then he went on. “I don’t know if what you have just done was a mistake or not, Terry,” he said quietly, gently. “Only time is going to tell us that. Frankly I don’t know if my castration was a mistake, but I’m a eunuch now and that’s never going to change, so the way I see it I only have two choices now. I can give up and die, or I can learn to live as a eunuch, and learn all the benefits of being a eunuch and take advantage of those benefits. That’s what you have to do now, Terry. What you did seemed a good idea at the time, you made the decision with your eyes wide open the same as I did. Now we’ve both taken what we considered the best course, and that course will only be a mistake if we convince ourselves that it is. “When you try to pass the ball and an opposing player intercepts it, it could be said that you made a mistake attempting the pass. But you don’t head for the bench and sulk, you adapt to the new situation and go on the defensive. That’s what makes you such a great player, Terry. You can adapt to a new set of circumstances quicker than anyone I’ve ever seen! In basketball everyone has a specialty, something that they’re better at than anything else. For some it’s lay-up’s, others it’s free throws, still others are better at defensive plays or drawing fouls. You have it all, Terry! You immediately adapt to whatever is needed at that instant and you’re up for it. All you have to do is use that ability in your new life situation. Your body is changed forever and there’s no changing that. Whether that change was a good or a bad thing is entirely up to you!” “Thanks, Coach,” a more cheerful voice said. “I hear ya. Actually I’ve also decided I’d like to play on your team next year, if the invitation’s still open.” “You bet it is,” the coach said happily. “You just get yourself healed up and we two emasculated misfits will go get that championship.” Tim was still aghast as his former coach, a new eunuch, turned to leave. When he saw Tim he smiled and shook his hand warmly, but he didn’t say anything, nor did Tim. The latter was still too taken aback to coax his lips to form words. Nevertheless he was grateful that the man was here and could do what Coach Masterson does best: inspire Terry into consider something other than the negative. Laura was standing beside the gurney that was holding her lover, kissing him and holding his hand when Tim again turned his attention to his brother. “You’re so awesome,” he heard her say. “It’s gonna be all right, Terry, I just know it is. Someone as super as you can deal with this, and we’re gonna have so many young’uns around our house is gonna look like a YMCA playground!” “You’re not mad at me for having it done?” Terry wondered. “Why in the world would I be mad?” she asked. “We talked about this, Terry. You know how I feel, and how special you make me feel knowing you did it for me. I think it’s awesome!” Laura didn’t think it was quite so awesome a few hours later when Carlos and Tim changed the bandages for the three patients. All three were bruised extensively, there were still traces of dried blood here and there that hadn’t been cleaned off, and there were all those stitches with their loose ends dangling. “You just wait,” Carlos promised the three of them. “My dad told me you guys were the best work he had ever done. I know it doesn’t look like much right now, but when the bruising fades and the stitches come out, you’re gonna be pleased.” Oddly enough, Jared’s crotch looked considerably better than the other two even though his surgery had been more radical. Carlos told them that was normal too because his dad’s technique was considerably different when everything was being taken. “You want me to stay with you again tonight?” Carlos offered Jared after all the bandages had been changed. “That’d be great,” Jared said, “but don’t you have school?” “I do, but I can afford to miss a couple days,” Carlos replied. At that point Tim wondered if something was getting started between the two, but he decided he’d wait for one of them to bring it up. “I’m sorry, Tim,” Nate said after Terry and Laura had gone back to their own room. “I had no idea it was gonna look so gross after the doctor finished. I’m sure not much to look at down there right now.” “So I won’t look down there, and besides it’s all covered up with a bandage anyway,” Tim said as he gently crawled into bed. “Your face is just as gorgeous as ever, and your eyes are just as deep, your chest and shoulders are just as incredible. I think I’ll find some way to amuse myself while you’re healing, even if it’s just holding you.” Tim noticed the tears flooding into his lover’s eyes. He had been lying very quiet, just reveling in Tim’s touch as he allowed his hands to wander all over Nate’s lithe, beautiful body. “You didn’t want to do it, did you?” he said tenderly. “It’ll be all right,” Nate replied after a moment’s hesitation. “As long as you hold me and touch me, it’ll be ok.” “But you really didn’t want to do it, did you?” Tim pressed. “No,” Nate finally replied, “I didn’t. I didn’t want you to do it two years ago either, but I didn’t have a choice. Nobody asked me, Tim. But we’re bonded now. We’re two of a kind, and I’m ok with that. But I could kinda use a hug right now.” “Are you having much pain?” Tim asked with concern. “If you are, I’ve got pain pills you can have.” “Dull the pain and you’re gonna also dull the sensation of you holding me, and I don’t want that. I want to feel your every touch tonight, Tim. Just hold me and touch me, all over, even over the bandage. Knowing that it’s gone and we’ll always be together is all I need.” Tim didn’t bother to share the dialog that had gone on between him and Carlos. He hadn’t done anything wrong, nor was he feeling guilty; but he knew that Nate felt a little threatened knowing what had happened two years ago, and he was certain that right now Nate didn’t need any more reason to feel he had anything to fear from their Mexican friend. He would tell him later, he thought, or perhaps never. At the exact same time, there was very much the same conversation going on between Laura and Terry. Laura also asked about Coach Masterson and what he was doing in Cancun. “Was he really castrated?” she asked. “I didn’t see it done,” Terry answered, “but that’s what he told me.” He explained the theory to Laura that some men tend to either have too much testosterone in their body, or overreact to what they do have, and that his coach subscribed to that theory. “Is that why you didn’t want to be castrated?” she asked. “Were you afraid you’d lose some of your aggression?” “I guess that’s part of it,” Terry reflected. “Mainly though I’m hoping to do a little more growing and maturing, and I gotta keep my muscle tone if I’m gonna play college ball. Besides, without hormones I would never grow any body hair, never shave, actually I would always look... well, either immature or maybe even more feminine. Would you want to be married to someone who looks like your son?” The last question shocked Laura a little bit. That was the first time she could remember that Terry had brought up the subject of marriage, uninvited. “What makes you think I’m gonna marry a man with no penis?” she teased. “I guess I don’t know,” Terry teased back. “I just thought I’d give you first chance, before the line starts to form.” Laura sighed. Sometimes it was hard, not being able to tease Terry without getting it back with interest. But at the same time she was thankful because she knew his mind was as bright as ever; it was nigh impossible to have the last word with Terry because that razor sharp mind of his was always in high gear, always ready with an answer. She was also to learn that beneath that strong, macho facade there lived a very tender hearted little boy who was more easily hurt than she ever would have imagined. They were settling down for sleep, each making the occasional comment to the other about nothing in particular, when Laura suddenly noticed the glint of a tear on Terry’s handsome face. “What is it, Terry?” she inquired. “What is what?” he asked back. “You’re crying, Terry, and don’t even try to deny it. What’s wrong?” “It’s nothing.” “If you’re crying, it isn’t NOTHING! Now come on, out with it!” “You wouldn’t understand.” “Not if I don’t know what’s bothering you. Please, Terry? Let me share whatever it is?” Terry was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling in the darkness. He was in a lot of pain, but he had refused medication. For a good five minutes he didn’t say anything, then at Laura’s continued prompting he started to sob. “I just didn’t think it would be like this,” he said. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have done it.” “You mean the pain?” Laura questioned. “If that’s it, it’ll be gone in a day or so.” “I don’t mind the pain really,” Terry said. “It’s not really that bad. But...” “But what, Terry? Is it something I’ve done?” “I just... well... I used to love it when you touched me all the time. You said you loved to touch me, but now I’ve ruined that.” “How in the world have you ruined it, Terry? Believe me, I love your body now more than ever! How can you say...” “If you love my body, why are you clear on the other side of the bed?” he demanded. Laura carefully, gently moved closer to her young boyfriend. “Terry,” she said softly, “I know you’re hurting, and I’ve had surgery before and I know that every time the bed moves it hurts you. I just didn’t want to cause you any more pain. Believe me, I’m not staying away from you because I want to. I just want you to get better as quickly as you can, and I can’t bear to hurt you.” “I’m ok,” he said as he pulled her to him. It did hurt, sometimes a lot, when the bed moved; but Laura now realized that the physical pain of the jiggling bed was nothing compared to the emotional pain of her avoiding him. She allowed one hand to roam over his young, hard body while the other went around his neck. Terry had stayed naked because it was a warm night, and it was just easier to deal with bandages, catheters and drainage bags. He didn’t say any more, but very quickly drifted into a deep sleep as Laura’s hand roamed over his chest, neck, then downwards to lightly touch his bandaged groin - the groin that no longer had the thing that most would say made Terry a man. “You’re more of a man than half the studs at school, with or without a penis,” she whispered; and then she too fell asleep. The atmosphere in Jared’s room was a little strained as he and Carlos got into bed. Like his two buddies, Jared had refused the pain pills Carlos offered, so Carlos knew he would be experiencing some discomfort. Carlos had decided he would make an attempt to develop something with his new millionaire friend before he left for home, but Jared had made it very clear such advances would not be welcome. “I don’t understand your attitude toward sex,” Carlos said as they settled in bed. “I know you enjoyed last night, but still you seem perfectly happy being a nullified eunuch.” “I guess I don’t understand it either,” Jared replied. “All I know is that sex never held any attraction for me. Ever since I first learned what it was all about I found it... well, not disgusting or anything like that, but just something that didn’t interest me at all. I just couldn’t be bothered.” “Do you ever plan to fall in love?” Carlos wondered. “I don’t think that’s something we get to plan,” Jared offered. “If it happens, it happens; if not, well, that’s ok too. But either way I don’t ever have to worry about all the things I see my classmates doing. Some of ‘em will sacrifice everything, even their grades, to get laid. I don’t like distractions, Carlos. Once I set goals I like to remain focused on those goals, and I can’t do that if I’m always taking time to jerk off or get laid or something. Now that I’m a eunuch I won’t ever have to worry about it. I had that one experience with you which was really great, but now I’ve satisfied my curiosity I’m quite content to just live my life as a eunuch.” Carlos began to realize he had a lot to think about. He regarded his bed mate, now sleeping peacefully, and he compared the boy’s life with his own. While Jared was seemingly at peace with himself and with the world, having just been nullified, Carlos’ life was a total mess. He’d had what might have been a pretty great love with another boy but had turned his back on it, saying he wasn’t gay. His attempt at a love affair with a girl had ended in disaster, hurting both himself and the girl. Now he didn’t know what to do, nor what he was. “Maybe it’s time to have a long talk with my dad,” he mused. The next few days were uneventful. By morning none of the patients was in much pain as long as they didn’t try to move around too much, so they all gathered in one room and lay on the bed, bandages off to expose their wounds to the air, and watched TV or read. Tim and Laura never strayed far from the motel, but Tim did take the opportunity to have another long talk with Dr. Smith, who said that he would stand by his earlier decision to lower the age of consent in his clinic to 16. When the three patients felt well enough, they began venturing out of the motel. Tim and Carlos wanted to take Laura to meet some of the scholars who’d helped them with their project, so Jared, with the help of Dr. Smith, rented a van so they all could go. By the end of the first week they were all enjoying their vacation, as much as they could with three of them having leg bags attached to their catheters. Finally on the 9th day it was time for the stitches and catheters to come out. As he’d done with Tim, Dr. Smith provided each of his patients with a pair of disposable incontinence pants, declaring that it wasn’t the least unusual to lose bladder control for a few days. Jared and Nate had no such problem, but Terry was quite another matter. Before the end of the first night, he had to change his disposable garment because the one he was wearing was full to overflowing. “Why me?” Terry moaned as everyone walked back to the clinic next morning. “Why does everything have to happen to me?” Tim didn’t say anything, but he thought plenty. In his mind he went over all that had happened to Terry during the past two years. He was extremely bright, a super and talented athlete, had the sensitive nature of an angel; but he was also one of those people who always seem to have something bad happen to them. Tim wondered if there might be some connection. “Your control will come back,” Dr. Smith promised. “I’ve checked you thoroughly and there is nothing wrong physically. I’m going to teach you a few exercises that will help, but you might just have to be patient. If it hasn’t cleared up in a year or so, we’ll have to do more surgery.” “A YEAR!” Terry exclaimed. “You mean I gotta wear diapers for a freakin’ year?” “I seriously doubt it will take that long,” the doctor said, “but it’s possible. Just do the exercises I’m going to teach you as often as you can and try to relax. Get back into sports, but don’t exert yourself to the point of pain. Let your body set your limitations and obey them. Your biggest enemy right now is your fear, Terry. As long as you THINK you’re going to remain incontinent, you probably will.” Dr. Smith presented each of the 4 penectomized boys with a little device he called a “pee-pee.” There was a short tapered piece of soft rubber, a little flange, then a longer piece of tubing. “One of my patients developed this thing,” he told them. “I don’t recommend using it all the time, but there are those times when sitting down to urinate is just a little more inconvenient than anyone wants to tolerate. I think you’ll find at those times that this little thing works quite well. Just be sure to keep it absolutely clean or you’ll get an infection from it.” “Fat lot of good it’ll do me,” Terry said ruefully. “It may do you more good than the others,” the doctor told him. “I suggest you use it when you’re alone. Go through all the motions of urinating even if you don’t get anything. It’ll help to retrain your sphincter and all the other muscles you use when you relieve yourself.” Tim was quick to tell the others that indeed it would be a handy gizmo, if it worked. When he tried it he was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to insert, and how well it worked. He didn’t even want to use it all the time, but as the doctor had said there were times when it would be handy. Terry did learn to live with his new handicap, albeit reluctantly. They only had 4 days left in Cancun, and they were four fun-filled days in spite of Terry’s “special” undergarment. They spent a lot of time at the beach where they swam and danced, made some new friends and concentrated on getting the tan that would be expected when they returned home. For those four days it was as if the surgery had never happened; they were just five teenagers having a wonderful vacation in a wonderful place. It was their last night in Cancun when Nate took the initiative with Tim to discover what their new sex life would be like. Tim had been fondling Nate gently ever since that first night, but they had both understood that it was just that: fondling and gentle caressing. Tonight, Nate announced that he had no pain and was anxious to see if they could have a repeat of the night before the surgery. They were not intense, nor were they desperate for an orgasm, but they were curious and more than a little tired of their celibacy over the past two weeks. They both had phantom erections that felt so real they wondered if their penises had miraculously reappeared, but such was not the case. “You feel like you’re gonna cum?” Nate inquired after they’d been kissing, nuzzling, touching for about a half hour. “Not exactly,” Tim panted a reply. “Sometimes I think I feel it building, but that’s not unusual. How’s about you?” “Same,” Nate said. “I can’t believe how real my hardon feels, but of course I can’t touch it. That’s kinda frustrating.” “Believe me I know what you mean,” Tim agreed. “But frankly I don’t think I’m gonna cum.” Tim was right; he didn’t have an orgasm, nor did Nate. It would be inaccurate to say they weren’t a little disappointed, but they agreed that they had a whole lifetime to experiment and try different things. In the meantime they were together, and that was really all that mattered. Laura wanted to see how Terry was healing, but Terry was reluctant. “I know I’m wet again,” he protested. “You don’t wanna be fooling around with my pissy crotch.” “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” Laura retorted as she gently pulled Terry’s incontinent pants down. They were indeed wet, but she found to her surprise that the area was not foul smelling as she had expected. The two lovers embraced and kissed, Laura using one hand to gently caress the area that was now free of the appendage that had been there since birth. “I love it,” she whispered as her fingers lightly roamed over the soft stubble that was just beginning to grow. “Once the hair grows back you’re going to be irresistible!” They got a little more intense. She rubbed a little harder as Terry’s hand began to do the same with her. He loved the soft bush that was Laura’s pubic hair; he couldn’t wait till his was the same. His testicles were a lot closer to his body now and he knew Laura liked that as well. They continued to kiss and explore each other’s body when all of a sudden Terry’s entire frame began to shudder. “Are you all right?” Laura inquired with alarm. “Uh-huh,” Terry grunted. “I’m... I’m cummin’!” Quickly he grabbed his padded underwear and shoved it into his crotch to catch the boy semen that was erupting from his new pee hole. As Laura held Terry’s quaking body, she went over the edge as well in her very first orgasm. “I didn’t know that was possible,” Laura exclaimed after they had both come down off their high. “Sometimes it isn’t,” Terry replied. “Tim can’t do it, at least most of the time. It’s gonna be interesting to see if Nathan can or not. Maybe now I’ll get some control back.” “I seriously doubt there’s any connection between the two,” Laura surmised. “But that reminds me, handsome, you’ve still got those exercises to do before we sleep.” “Not tonight, Laura,” Terry whined. “Please?” “Tonight, Terry!” she ordered. “And every night, and every morning until you get your bladder control back!” When they finally boarded the big jet that would take them home, Terry was still incontinent and wearing his disposable incontinent underwear, wondering how on earth he was going to get away with this added complication at home. Carlos was there to see them off, as were Roger and Miguel. “Take care of yourself, Gringo,” he said to Tim as he gave him a lingering hug. “You know I still love you.” “Believe it or not I love you too, Mex,” Tim replied. “You be well too, and don’t be a stranger.” “What was that all about?” Nate asked suspiciously as they boarded the plane. “I’ll tell you all about it once we’re in the air,” Tim said. He had already decided that it would probably be best not to share what had happened, but having been asked a direct question he changed his mind. He hadn’t done anything and he knew Nate would believe him, so why not be completely honest? To all their total surprise, Coach Masterson was on the same plane. No one in the group had seen or heard from him since the day of their surgery, and they had all assumed that he was long gone back to Chicago. Then as soon as the plain had leveled out at cruising altitude and the seat belt lights were turned off, the coach was leaning over Terry and Laura, who were of course sitting together. “May I borrow your champion for a few minutes?” he asked Laura. “Long as you promise I can have him back,” Laura said brightly. Naturally she knew who he was, but she didn’t really know him aside from what she’d heard from Terry, and what he had told her was all good. It seemed that Terry still admired his coach as all boys should in spite of all that had happened. So Terry got out of his seat and joined the coach further back in the plane. “Ok, now we’re in the air, what as all that with Carlos?” Nate demanded. “I saw that look in his eyes, Tim, and it wasn’t just the look of a good friend. I also saw the tears. Is he still in love with you?” “Yes, Nate, he is,” Tim admitted. “And?” “And what?” “And, what are you gonna do about it?”“I don’t see that there’s anything I CAN do about it, Nate. I admit I care a lot about Carlos, but I don’t love him...” “But you told him you did love him!” “Yeah, you’re right, I do. But I don’t love him that way. He’s a good friend, Nate, and that’s all! Do you think I’d tell him I love him right in front of you if there was anything to it? “I dunno, Tim, but... well... he’s still got all his parts, and I know that’s gotta be tempting for you...” “I wanted to talk to you to tell you I want to be as much help as I can,” Coach told Terry as soon as they were seated. “Dr. Smith noticed you and me talking, so he asked me what our relationship is. As soon as I explained, he told me about your... your problem with the incontinence. He said he usually doesn’t tell one patient about another, but he thought I might be able to help. I think it might work to our advantage, Terry.” “Advantage?” Terry echoed with surprise. “How it the world can it be an advantage to be almost 15 and still peeing my pants all the time?” “It’s simple, really,” the coach said. “Believe it or not incontinence is not that uncommon with boys your age, and bedwetting is even more common. You never know about it because we take steps to protect those boys from the humiliation of having their peers find out. You will not have to shower or dress with the other kids, and it will be done in such a way that no one will even notice. Of course they’ll know you’re not showering with them, but usually they think nothing of that because lots of boys don’t at one time or another.” “Except that’ll make me different, like I’m being treated special,” Terry pointed out. “But you ARE different, Terry! And if you’re still wearing your... err...” “Diapers,” Terry offered. “The doctor has all sorts of special names for them, but they’re really diapers made not to look like diapers. But it don’t matter ‘cause I’m not gonna be wearin’ ‘em by next fall.” The coach went on to explain that he was hoping to get the team together as soon as he got back, and even if he didn’t there was baseball, and he had also decided to put together a summer open air basketball team if he could get enough players. He told Terry there was a whole league in the inner city who were always looking for more teams, so he knew they’d be welcomed with open arms. “That all sounds great,” Terry said stubbornly. “I dunno how much I’ll be able to play ‘cause my dad says we’re gonna be busy with the business and all, but even if I do play I can handle all those situations. Only thing I’m concerned about is when the regular season starts in the fall, and I don’t plan to be wearin’ freakin’ diapers by then!” The coach tried again to get Terry to agree with what he called “special treatment,” but Terry stubbornly refused. “I knew this was gonna be a problem when I signed up to have it done, and I’m gonna deal with it,” he stated flatly. “As for the diapers, I’m just not gonna wear ‘em much longer, even if I have to put some sorta plug in. I’m just not gonna wear them!” “I hope you’re right,” the coach said sincerely. “The doctor seems to feel that your control will come back if you just keep up your exercises, but I just wanted you to know I’m here for you. Anything I can do...” “Let’s just get that team back on track,” Terry said. “I think we’re gonna have a really good team next year. Most of the good players are gonna be back, an’ we might get a few new guys out of the freshmen. I just wanna play basketball, coach.” Tim began his dialog with the climax. “We didn’t do anything, Nate,” he said. “Before I tell you what happened I want to be sure you know we didn’t do anything.” Then having secured Nate’s assurance that he believed him, he jumped in with both feet and told Nate the entire story. Nate sat and listened with wide eyes, imagining Tim and Carlos together while he was unconscious on the operating table. Tim noticed his bright eyes begin to cloud as the story unfolded, but it was too late now so he forged ahead. When he had finished he repeated his earlier statement that he hadn’t done anything, nor had he encouraged Carlos. Nate sat for a long time, just staring at Tim. “You went back to the motel with Carlos?” Nate finally said, “while I was in surgery?” “He wanted to talk, Nate,” Tim said defensively. He didn’t know why he was being defensive, but he was. “He wanted to... he wanted you to...” “I know it sounds terrible, but it wasn’t like that, Nate,” Tim said. “I don’t think that was why Carlos took me back there. I honestly think he just wanted to talk, but once we were there...” “I know,” Nate said. “I know only too well what it’s like bein’ alone with you in a bedroom. But I was just wondering, Tim... Did you want to?” Of all the questions Tim had anticipated, this one had escaped him. He should have known, should have realized it was a perfectly logical question, but it took him completely by surprise, and he did not know how to respond. He knew that Nate had felt threatened by Carlos from the moment they met, and the fact that he no longer had a penis and Carlos did certainly hadn’t done anything to allay his fears. And now he had to make a decision. Should he take a chance and lie to shore up his young lover’s much needed self confidence, or should he trust him and tell the truth, as he’d always done? Obviously the decision was truly a no-brainer, and fortunately Tim realized that before he did something stupid. “I... I was sorta tempted in a way,” he finally answered. “That’s not what I asked you,” Terry said evenly, the most searching, penetrating look in his eyes that Tim had ever seen. “Did you want to, Tim? Did you want to make love to Carlos?” “Nate, you gotta understand,” Tim stammered, “Carlos and I... we... he was my very first lover. I had never known what it was to have someone I loved, who loved me back... And I was so... so totally destroyed when he said he had figured out that he didn’t want to be my lover...” “So what you’re saying is you DID want to make love to him?” Nate pressed. “Not exactly,” Tim answered, trying desperately to find words to describe how he had felt, and how he still felt about Carlos. “Then what?” Nate demanded. “What exactly ARE you saying, Tim?” Now Tim was really desperate. He had dug a hole for himself that there was no crawling out of. He had to be infinitely delicate; he had to say exactly the right thing or he would hurt the one he loved more than anyone, anything in the world. And he had no confidence that Nate would survive that hurt. It occurred to him that they were still sitting on a jet plane, some five miles above the Gulf of Mexico, and over a hundred other passengers could see, if they so chose, what he was doing, any display of affection, anything he did. But mere moments after he’d had that thought, he had another. To his absolute astonishment, Tim realized that he didn’t care! There was only one thing in the universe that was important to him at that moment. It wasn’t the other passengers, nor was it the flight attendant who was trying to offer them drinks and stale peanuts; nor was it his brother, his former coach, or anyone else in the world he could think of. It was of utmost importance at that moment that Nathan Seymore know, in no uncertain terms, that he was the only thing in Timothy Chandler’s life that was really important! And it was time to make sure that he did know. “What I’m saying, exactly,” Tim said as he wrapped an arm around Nate’s neck and pulled him close so he could kiss him, “What I’m saying is that Carlos and I had a brief two week affair two years ago, and it was great! But it cannot even come close to what we have, Nate! I admit I was tempted to go back in time because I have so many good memories of Cancun, but then I remembered how many memories you and I have, going back even before I went to Cancun the first time, and I knew that what’s really important to me is you, Nate. YOU! I told you before and I’ll tell you again, you’re stuck with me, like it or not! That’s what I’m saying exactly, Nate!” Nate sat quietly, looking Tim directly in the eye, trying to read his face. Had he just been conned? Was Tim’s long dialogue just so many words meant to mask some deep desire he had for Carlos? Nate had never known Tim to say something he didn’t mean and he didn’t doubt his love, but still, there was that nagging doubt. Nate also knew how much Tim had loved that part of him that was no longer there. Suddenly he was very aware of the vacancy in his groin, and he was overwhelmed almost to tears with a desire to have it back. Carlos still had all his parts, as did most of the male population in the world! Could he hope to compete with that? How long before Tim would feel temptation again? How many times would he be tempted before he yielded? What about the other males in Tim’s life who still had all their body parts? What about that tux guy? Nate tried to think of Marvin’s name, but it completely escaped him. _I bet Tim remembers it_ he thought to himself. When Terry returned to his seat he was grinning widely. “What in the world put that devlish grin on your face?” Laura asked. “Baseball,” Terry said happily. “Coach Masterson wants me to pitch for the team. He said he’s got some ideas that’ll turn me into a really good pitcher.” “But I thought you’d have to go through tryouts first,” Laura questioned. “Coach isn’t gonna do tryouts any more for anyone he already knows,” Terry announced. “He said it’s time he showed his boys the same loyalty that we show him. So from now on the only ones that have to go to tryouts are the new kids, and even then it’s only gonna be to try to find the right playing position. He’s really changed, Laura. He’s always been a great coach, but now he’s gonna be even better!” “Do you think his... his surgery had anything to do with it?” she asked. “Not directly,” Terry speculated. “I think it’s too soon for that to have had any effect yet. Actually I didn’t tell him but I don’t think he needed to be castrated at all. He’s already changed more than I would have thought possible.” “So you think it’s psychological?” “I dunno, Laura. All I know for sure is if all eunuchs are like Coach Masterson, it should be a requirement for all teachers. He’s really great!” “What about your... err... problem? Does he know about that?” “Uh-huh. He just said I won’t be the first kid in diapers he’s ever worked with, and I probably won’t be the last.” Next: XXIX Adjusting to New Lives * * *
Giving Back
A lawyer who loves to fish leaves unusual instructions in his will.
` ` When Henry Wentworth died he left some of the strangest instructions that anybody had seen in Swan Quarter having to do with disposal of the body. Henry was a lawyer and single, having been married three times without success. He had no children, only nieces and nephews survived him. He took care of them financially, so when it came to his instructions about the body, no one objected, they just figured it was something Henry had given a lot of thought to and really wanted to do, so they did it. Henry had made a lot of money in real estate on the outer banks and he invested well in the stock market, but when it came to his love life, it was terrible. He had three wives, each one worse than the other, he couldn’t have children, so he did not have that burden. The one thing that he derived the most pleasure from in his life was fishing. He and a group of buddies went fishing religiously every year on the Core Banks, living in fishing shacks, taking their four wheel drive vehicles on the beach and living it up primitive. They drank, played cards at night, and fished by day. This group of fifteen to twenty men was the closest thing that he had to family in the world. The idea came to him one time when he was fishing. They were catching a lot of blue fish, but they were all small, so they kept them, and used them as bait. Occasionally they caught some big ones, but most of them were small. The blues loved to strike the flesh of their own kind, better than any bait. Henry saw all those fish giving up their flesh so that he could have a great time fishing with his buddies. He figured when his time came it was time to give something back. The instructions were neatly typed and given to the funeral home in a sealed envelope; his law partner of thirty years also had a copy. This is what they said: “I wish to dispose of my body in the following manner. I want my executor to hire an experienced butcher to first open my body and remove all of the vital organs except the genitalia. He is then to remove the head, feet and hands. Next he will prepare the cadaver in the following manner. First he is to de- hair it, then fillet it, remove all of the flesh from the bones, making neat two to three pound packages of meat. He is to keep the liver but ground up the innards into mush. He is to remove the sex organs as a whole, the penis and its root, testis, and scrotum and make a separate package of them. The bones, head, hands, and feet are to be cremated with the ashes to be placed in my niche in the natatorium at St. Michaels Episcopal Church. He is then to deliver the packages of meat to my friend Mac Hardy to be kept in his deep freezer for use as cut bait the next time he and my friends go fishing on the Core Banks. The innards are also to be kept by Mac and used as chum before fishing. I want my friends to use my flesh as cut bait as long as it lasts and have a great time at the beach catching fish with it.” When word got out about Henry’s instructions the town was abuzz. It was the talk of the coffee shop downtown, the drug store, the barbershop, all the beauty parlors and just about any place where two people were gathered together. It all but eclipsed the gossip about where and how Henry died. Henry was not as successful at love as he was with financial affairs, but affairs he had, and lots of them. He was no wallflower and had lots of women friends. The rumor was that he died just as he was coming to climax with Patsy Gaskill, the cute twenty something blond that worked the bar at Pops Bar and Grill. The EMS, the doctors and the hospital swore secrecy, but the rumor was started by one of the nurses in the ER. It was said that he died with a hard- on. Another rumor about Henry was that though he shot blanks, he shot them with a huge cannon. Henry was an avid outdoors man. He was very active and in great shape for his fifty-eight years. He was slim, walked several miles a day, he could run a much younger man in the ground on the fishing trips, and he could drink more than any man in the county and stay standing. His only problem was that he had a bad heart. His doctor, Ted James, talked him into taking a physical in his mid-forties. “Henry the tests show that you have very high cholesterol and your heart is a time bomb that could go off at any time. You are going to have to change your lifestyle, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop eating high fat foods, and start taking cholestral medication.” Henry thought about this for about a minute and told the doctor. “Doc, you only live once, I would rather live well and die young than to live a long life and live miserably. I thank you for your advise, but I think I am going to continue doing exactly what I have always done and have a hell of a time doing it, thank you.” “Suit yourself, Henry, but I am warning you. If you had a wife or children you wouldn’t be able to get by with this. I can’t make you do what you need to do, but I can tell you you ought to.” That was the last time he went to a doctor. “I appreciate it Ted. The best I can say is that I will take it under advisement.” Dr. James was one of his fishing buddies and a good friend, but he couldn’t get Henry to listen to him. Henry did great until his mid-fifties when he started to have occasional chest pains, but he didn’t tell Dr. James. It was at this time that he wrote his will and wrote out the instructions for the disposal of his body. None of his friends knew that he had heart problems, they all thought of Henry as being as strong as an ox, and someone who would outlive them all. It struck Jim Waxman as odd when Henry waxed philosophical on the beach one day at Core Banks. It wasn’t like Henry. They were slicing the flesh from living blues to use as cut bait to catch more blues. What they didn’t use they fed to the sea gulls who stood waiting for a piece to fall to the ground. When they got a piece the gulls would fluff their wings and puff up their chests, and stream line their necks in an attack mode, sometimes the biggest bird would get it all, and the others just watched, other times two big birds took the piece of meat and ripped it to shreds as they fought over it. “You know that little guy just made the supreme sacrifice,” Henry said looking at the filleted blue fish, “so that we could have the best fun I have ever had in my life. When it comes my time I would like to give something back.” Now Jim knows what Henry meant. After the memorial service at the church where Henry’s ashes were interred, the butcher called Mac Hardy to come pick up the neatly wrapped packages of meat. Henry was a big man, six feet one inch, he weighed about two hundred pounds, not an ounce of fat - all muscle. But after the butcher had taken care of his duties the meat weighed a total of about a hundred pounds, not including the bucket of innards which were to be frozen too. Henry died in August and the group went fishing in November. Henry knew Mac had the biggest freezer and could handle it. Mac was also one of his best friends and Henry knew he could trust him to carry out his wishes. The group crossed the ferry at Atlantic and took several four-wheel drive vehicles to the primitive cabins where they would stay for the week. Before they left Swan Quarter Mac divided up the packets of meat between the twenty men who were going this year. There was more than usual interest this year, maybe out of curiosity. The men put their packets in coolers filled with ice. Mac took the bucket of ground up innards, which were frozen solid. The family who operated the ferry rented to cabins and would keep them stocked in ice for the week. The cabins were lit with kerosene and Coleman lanterns. Mac waited until the bucket of mush thawed out to use it, but the men true to their friend Henry began using the bait as soon as they got there. The meat was so neatly butchered that very little of it resembled human remains. The men mostly forgot it was Henry as they cut strips of flesh and muscle and ran their hooks through it. It fished very well, catching strippers, sea bass, puppy drum and a few blues. On the third day when the bucket of innards had thawed the men saw a huge group of birds over the ocean and under them the ocean was churning. It was a big school of blues. Blues love blood, so the innards were ready just in time. Mac through it into the waves and the Blues went wild. The men baited their hooks and threw them into the waves catching blues two at a time, as soon as they cast, they would catch them. These were big blues, too, keepers, ten to twenty inches. It was a shame Henry wasn’t there to see it, Mac said, he would be proud. The men agreed and cut up more and more of the bait as they pulled more and more blues in. It was a regular frenzy. Jim Waxman finished one packet of meat, and pulled another out of the cooler, this packet was smaller than the rest, was long and thin, but didn’t have the bulk of the others. It also didn’t weight as much. He wondered why the butcher made this one different from the others. When he opened it he saw why. In it were Henry’s genitals. He called Dr. James who was fishing beside him to come look. Clearly the rumors were true. Henry died with a hard on and it was still hard. His penis was also much larger than any Jim had seen. It was easily ten inches from the top of the scrotum to the end of the glans. What surprised Jim was how long it was below that, the part that included the root of the penis. It was fully another six inches long. The scrotum was still attached roughly in the middle. The testes and about a foot of spermatic cord rested in the scrotum. “Looks like the rumors were true,” Doctor James said when he saw what lay on the brown paper on Jim’s bait box. “Does it always stay hard like that?” Jim asked. “Only if you die with a hard-on.” The doctor said with a smile. “I didn’t realize it is so white under the skin, and what is all this other part,” he said pointing to the root of the penis which ended in two points separated like the forked tongue of a reptile. “That is the root of the penis, the crux penis where it attaches to the pubic bone. Under the skin, the penis is white because it is surrounded by a tightly woven sheath of muscles and ligaments so it will keep its cylindrical form and not damage the two chambers of the corpus cavernosa which fill with blood and keep the penis hard during erection.” The doctor said, pulling out a measuring tape to see just how long it was. “What do you suggest I do with it?” Jim asked. “Well before you cut it up, lets see if anyone else wants to see it. The doctor called out to his closet fellows who called out to the others until all were gathered round to admire their late friend’s exposed private parts. “I always heard it was big, but I had no idea it was that big.” Bill Hankins said, vocalizing the thoughts of most of the men. After the men had looked at it, touched it, and measured it – one even took a picture - they went back to catching blues. “Well it seems a shame to cut it up, but that is what Henry wanted.” Jim said. “Doc you know how it’s put together, do you have any suggestions about how we should do this.” He said picking his freshly sharpened fishing knife. “Yes, I do. Let’s first pull the testis out and cut off the cords and put them aside.” He then pulled out the fat white testicles and cut the thick cords with his fillet knife. “I would then cut off the glans like this.” He then cut off the thick purple glans, still swollen from its night of pleasure. Then he pulled the skin of the penis which was still attached to the scrotum off like a sheath. He cut the scrotum from the skin of the penis and set them aside. “The penis is made up of two large chambers filled with blood. I would suggest divided it in two, trying to maintain the integrity of the chambers as much as possible. They hold a lot of blood, which the blues will like. He then took the white headless shaft of the penis and carefully divided it down the middle from the top to the middle of the fork at the end of the crux penis. There was blood, but he largely kept the two chambers of the corpus intact. The two long chambers could then be cut into one to two inch sections that could easily be placed as bait on the two hooks of Jim’s Blue rig. Jim cut the pieces and began to fish with them. They were filled with blood - though it was coagulated - the fish loved them. He caught several large fish using the pieces cut from the corpus cavernosa. He also hooked the glans of the penis and saw it quickly devoured by a hungry large fish. What the fish did not eat, but masticated into mush, Jim threw to the birds who quickly devoured it. He also hooked the testicles which were fat fleshy morsels that the fished loved. He did not know what to do with the skin of the penis, the scrotum and the cords, so he threw them to the birds. Two large birds fought over the scrotum stretching it between them, then quickly ripping it to shreds then devouring the torn strips of flesh. They did the same to the tube of skin from the penis, and got into a tug of war with the cords until the larger bird won, swallowing them in one gulp. At first Henry was squeamish as he watched his friends privates being devoured by the wildlife, but then he thought that was what Henry wanted, it was his way of giving back some of what he had been so richly rewarded with during his life. That night the men feasted on blues, the biggest catch they had ever had of the fish. Mac check to see if any of the bait provided by Henry was still left. It had all been used up. * * *
Simon Camden Came Home Early ...
Fanfiction by Erik and Paolo ... Simon Camden from the WB television series \"7th Heaven\" comes home and is caught red-handed in a sin of the flesh by his Father, the Reverend Camden, who decides to save his son from his sins!
` Simon Camden came home from school early that day. He was still dressed in his gym class uniform, which consisted of quite short gym shorts, a T-shirt, white ankle socks, and high top tennis shoes. He had twisted his ankle really bad in gym class while playing basketball, and the school nurse had sent Simon home with his mother. ` Simon’s mother helped him onto the living room couch. She took some pillows and raised his leg up. As she placed an ice pack onto her son's ankle, she saw the small dark hairs starting to grow on Simon’s lower legs. She made a mental note to tell her husband, Eric to talk to their son about the evils of masturbation; it was painfully obvious that the boy was far into puberty, and that certainly couldn’t be far behind. While Simon was reading his schoolbooks and doing homework, the phone rang and he tried to hear what his mother was saying, but he could not understand anything that was said. After his mom hung up the phone she came out and told Simon there was trouble at Lucy's school and that she had to go and deal with their youngest daughter. She would be gone for a about an hour and made sure Simon could be left alone for so long. The boy promised not to get up and put any weight on his damaged ankle until she returned to take him to get it checked out. Simon’s mom grabbed up the twins and stormed out of the house. Simon waited a few minutes to make sure that his mom did not come back, before he turned on the TV. Simon surfed around the channels until he came across 'Baywatch'. Simon watched the show and as he was watching large-breasted women running in slow motion, his penis started to fill with blood inside his jock strap. All too soon, Simon’s penis was rock hard and the pressure of it being trapped inside of his tight jock was causing his dick to hurt. So Simon lifted his butt up off of the couch and pushed both his gym shorts and jock strap down to his knees. Now that his cock and balls were free, Simon sat back down fully on the couch. Simon ran his hand through his thick patch of dark pubic hair just above his genitals, caressing his still-hairless scrotum and sighing. He then ran his hand down to his low hanging balls once again. Simon took a hold of his jewels and started to feel them up in their smooth bag of flesh. He could feel his freshly sprouted hairs that had filled in nicely, and wondered when they would spread to his scrotum as well. The woman with the bouncing tits on the TV screen was causing Simon’s balls to pump out large doses of hormones into his blood stream. He was becoming hornier by the second. He could not wait any longer. He took a hold of his hard five-inched circumcised penis with his right hand. He stroked his teen tool in the familiar up and down motion with his right hand; while he took a hold of his balls with his left hand. While he slowly worked on his tube of flesh, Simon rubbed and pulled on his baby makers. His nipples became hard as pebbles as he slowly built up speed on his wanking. Simon closed his eyes and instead of his hand, he thought that his dick was inside a hot dripping pussy of a girl he liked at school. As he watched the girl of his dreams ride up and down his throbbing cock in his mind’s eye, Simon pumped his fist harder and faster on his cock. Simon was enjoying himself so much his own moaning drowned out the sound of the front door opening and then closing. The Reverend Eric Camden walked into the house and he first heard the TV was on, and then when he turned towards the TV room, he heard his son’s moans. Eric did not know what was going on, but being the man he was, he thought one of his kids was sick or in pain. He dropped his briefcase and went quickly into the next room. What he saw first scared the hell out of him, and then made him extremely mad. More than mad. Righteously angry. Simon was too far-gone. He was fast approaching his orgasm, and not even God Himself could stop the flow of sperm, flooding his tubes, getting ready to fire out his piss slit. Right when Eric Camden was about to yell at Simon, Simon let out a yell of his own. Simon had his orgasm. His dick got just a little bit harder and started to give mighty twitches in his hand. A large rope of white cum shot out of the eye of his penis and hit Simon right on his chin. Another blast of semen shot out of Simon’s dick and landed right between his pink, nickel sized nipples, right in the center of his hairless chest. Right when the third rope of sperm shot out of Simon’s cock, Eric yelled, "WHAT THE DEVIL ARE YOU DOING, BOY?" Simon shot up off of the couch, his hard dick still shooting ropes of boy goo. Simon’s bad ankle gave out when he landed on it, and he fell onto the floor with a cry of pain as his orgasm faded away. Semen flooded out of Simon’s twitching cock and as his dick flopped around from his fall, his cum shot onto the new Asian carpet, which made his dad even madder at his son. _Semen spilt on the Chinese rug,_ he groaned inwardly. Eric Camden stormed off to his office and grabbed a pair of handcuffs that he had in his desk drawer from the time Lucy was arrested and the police officer forgot to take them with him when he left. Eric then went back into the living room and as Simon was recovering from his orgasm and fall, he slapped on the handcuffs. Eric took a hold of Simon’s ear and made him stand up, hopping on one foot to favor his injured ankle. Eric looked at his son. He new it was his own fault for not talking to his son earlier about the evils of masturbation, but now it was to late. He had to cure his son, so as he would not go to hell. He had three more sons, plus three daughters, so Eric was not worried about the family name going on. As he was looking at his son, his anger had started to calm down and he started to have second thoughts about what he was about to do to Simon. Then he looked down just in time to see a large string of Simon’s semen hanging off the tip of Simon’s half hard dong, let go of the tip and drop down right on Eric's polished shoe. That got Eric's anger to a boiling point once again. Eric took a harder hold of Simon’s ear and dragged the hopping boy to his office, ignoring his yelps of pain about his ankle. He used a free hand and pushed all the things off his desk. Eric pushed Simon down on his back onto the desk. He told Simon to NOT move. Eric stormed out of his office. Simon stayed on the desk. He was majorly freaked out. He had never seen his dad this pissed off before, and Simon was too scared to move. Eric came back into his office and he had a hand full of rope and a large knife. Using the cuffs, he used some of the rope to secure Simon's hands to the desk. He used the rest of the rope to tie Simon’s legs spread far apart to the desk. He knew his son was going to scream from the pain, so Eric went into a desk drawer and pulled out a small hand towel he kept in his desk. He forced Simon’s mouth open and crammed the towel into it. Eric went to the closet and pulled the laces off of his track shoes. He went over to Simon and he looped the lace around the very top of Simon’s ball bag, up close to his body. Eric tied several knots into the shoelace. Each lace was making it tighter and tighter, and he knew that it probably stung like all hell. He smiled, then pulled the other lace out and strung it from Simon’s bound scrotum to his feet. Simon’s eyes were watering from the pain he was feeling in his balls. He was trying to beg to his dad to stop, and at the same time he was praying to God to help him and forgive him. Eric walked out of his office, and that was when Simon started to fight his bonds. All the struggling did was to make the knots dig into his skin and pinch him harder, so Simon stopped the struggling quick when he moved a foot and it yanked on his balls and pulled them down. He wailed into his gag. The blood not being able to flow in or out of his balls was starting to cause the pain to build up. Several minutes passed and the pain in Simon’s sac was almost too much for the poor teenager. Simon lifted his head and was just able to see his balls. They looked very swollen and a very dark purple in color. Tears of pain dripped down Simon’s face as the pain got even worse, and then Simon passed out. He awoke with a start as ice-cold water was splashed onto his face. The pain Simon he had felt earlier was now gone. It had been replaced by a dull ache. Eric started to give Simon the “sins of masturbation” speech and how he was going to cure him of his sinful ways, and how this cure will also redeem Simon, in the eyes of the Lord. He explained how he was going to make Simon one of God’s eunuchs. It took a few seconds for it to sink in and for Simon to remember what a eunuch was. He remembered Daniel in the Bible, and the verse in Matthew about “eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven.” Once it all kicked in, Simon started to fight his bonds once again, his bravado renewed. His father, the Reverend Erick Camden, was planning to cut his own son’s balls off! Eric gave Simon a hard slap to the face, and Simon calmed down. He started to talk into his gag and cry, but it was all just mumbles to Eric. And even if he could understand what Simon was saying, it would of all fallen on deaf ears. He was going to cure his boy. Eric took a hold of Simon’s baby makers. He felt the coolness of the bag of skin, instead of the natural warmth that he should of felt. Eric did not know really know what he was doing, so to be safe, he plugged his laptop into the power and plugged the modem into the phone line. He started to do a Yahoo search for castration information. The only information Eric had was what he had learned in college, seminary school, and the Bible. Eric found two very helpful sites. Once was a Eunuch support board with a lot of stories, and by reading some of those stories, and also reading about different ways to castrate a horse on a horse breeders web page, Eric was able to piece together what he had to do, to help his poor son. It didn’t sound that hard to him. Eric left his office again and came back shortly with the other items he would need. He used a lot of Vaseline on the turkey baster he had grabbed from the kitchen. He made sure it was well lubed up, and then slowly pushed it up into Simon’s ass. _Sodomy,_ he thought, _Sodom and Gomorrah. If my son wants to lose himself to the sins of the flesh, he should well understand them!_ He made a mental note to pick up a new one before the Holidays; no way was he going to let his wife cook with this one again! He pushed it in slowly but with enough force to keep it sliding in until it stopped on its own. Eric was a bit surprised that Simon’s ass took the entire length of the baster, stopping just at the bulb. Eric then took a roll of duct tape, and used it to secure the baster in place, because just as he had read, Simon’s natural reaction would be to push out with his anal muscles to push it out. Simon’s penis was rock hard once again. Eric did not like what the instructions told him to do next, but he was too scared to skip any of the steps. Naďve as he was in the ways of more bizarre sex, the Reverend Camden didn’t realize that he was actually playing out someone else’s fantasy on his young son. Eric took some more of the Vaseline and smeared it all over Simon’s hard cock. Simon could not believe it when he first felt, and then saw his dad take a hold of his throbbing cock and start to masturbate him. He also couldn’t believe that his dad had stuck something up his ass! He’d had rectal thermometers before, but a cooking baster? Why was he doing this to him? Simon put his head back down and closed his eyes. It sort of felt good. He got a shiver down his spine thinking about what was going on, so he pretended that it was a super good-looking girl from his math class he had the hots for, which was giving him the hand job. Simon pretended to be looking at the girl’s tits bounce around as her hand was rubbing his hard and drooling member. A pain filled Simon’s aching balls as they tried to pull up while getting ready to expel sperm. Simon’s breathing came in gasps as the orgasm approached fast. White ropes of boy cum shot out of the piss slit and landed all over Simon’s chest and belly. Eric took a damp washcloth and cleaned up the sticky goo. Once it was all cleaned up, he used some duct tape to hold Simon’s now softening penis out of the way. Simon was still recovering from his orgasm when his dad took a hold of his darkened and cold balls. Simon's balls had lost almost all feeling in the orgasm, but he had enough feeling to feel the cold blade of a knife press into the flesh of his scrotum. Eric said a small prayer to God, and then with all his might he pulled the knife upwards. Simon screamed into his gag as he felt the knife cut into his tender flesh and cut away his balls. He watched in stupefied horror as his father made the cut, slowly, his face agonized and flushed with shame. Eric dropped the boy balls that were still in the scrotum and the bloody knife. He then ran to the kitchen and then back to his office. When he returned, he had a red-hot butter knife wrapped in a oven mitt. He pressed the red-hot knife to the open wound that had blood coming out of it. The burning of flesh made Simon scream once again into his gag. He could not believe what his dad has done to him. Simon could not believe this was being done to him for something that felt so good. If it felt so good, why was it a sin? Why was everything that the young blond teen wanted to always a sin? Why did HE have to be the Reverend’s kid? Simon saw his dad run out of the room and then come running back in. He has another red hot butter knife in his hand, and Simon saw his dad lower the knife down to the area were his balls once hung. Simon felt the burning pain once again, and just as he was about to scream again, he passed out. The Reverend Eric Camden sighed and returned the knives to the kitchen and cleaned up the mess. He then gently untied his newly castrated son and carried him up to bed. As he tucked him in, he ruffled the long blond hair and patted his smooth cheek that would now never need to be shaved. He kissed the unconscious boy softly, and then left the room. He had saved his son’s Soul from Hell, from the carnal lusts that he was sure would have been his undoing. He had seen the look on the boy’s face when he had come home, seen him – caught him – IN the act! It had to be done, he told himself. Origen had done it; the Valesians had done it. Many Catholic priests had done it, and hadn’t the Italians done it in history as well to produce sublime Papal singers for the Church? Surely he was justified, and he felt a great deal better as he went back to his study to prepare his sermon for Sunday. “In the end times,” he rehearsed aloud as Simon slept off his trauma, “The Lord will pour out his wrath upon the sinners and the lovers of the flesh!” * * *
poem abc [S]
` # poem abc By: annon ([[email protected]](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/mailto:[email protected])) Post [ feedback](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/feedback.htm) for this author or review this story for Archive readers. [STRAIGHT] [NULLIFICATION] Other: an acrostic poem * * * ` [A - H](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha1.html) [I - P](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha2.html) [Q - Z](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/alpha3.html) [Newest Files](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://bmeworld.com/eunuch/newfiles.html) * * * (A Poem for jealous king and unlucky servant) A is for amusement, that’s all the servant was to me. B is for his balls, which will no longer be. C is for castration in my garden court. D is for dejected as he hears the report. E is for a eunuch to powder my puss and bum. F is for F’ing and he will be watching some. G is for grateful that by my plea he was not hanged. H is for his majesty that my king’s manhood reign. I is for the more inches which will be filling me, (I had too short servant, as my friends will see.) J is for just minutes until he meets his fate. K is for a last kiss, the king is coming, and he will not wait. L is for my lover-king who will pleasure me today. M is for my maidens to take the judged away. N is for naked, the servant, my lover and soon me. O is for opening of my arms and legs to his rising majesty. P is for my pure pleasure, and my longing to be caressed. Q is for me, a queen royally mounting, riding into bliss. R is for rhythm building up the beat. With each and every movement feeling greater heat. S is for the signal to the courtyard below, my loud pleasured cry which all will know. T is for the timing of this unique event. U is for understanding of what it all has meant. V is for the very moment when manhood is shorn. W is for then watching the desire of my lover reborn. X is for the exchange that has taken place: An erotic cry, a falling cock, an ejaculatory embrace. Y is for yes to marriage, love and a fulfilled life. Z is for my now zealous husband and me his pussy-powdered wife. [Return To The Eunuch Archive](http://web.archive.org/web/20090211210528/http://www.bmeworld.com/eunuch/index2.htm)
Gangs, Balls, and Banded Sacs
A gang member pays the price for breaking the CODE.
` The CODE is one of the things that makes a gang what it is. The code controls everything; the thoughts, the actions, and the thinking of every gang member. It is a code to know, to understand, and to live by. The Scorpions all understood the code, and the honor and the right to be a Scorpion rests in the willingness to live by the code. It is a code of honor and a code of respect; the guarantee to put the gang first before individual welfare. ` Right now the gang members were gathered just because one of them had failed to live the code. To rat on a fellow member was unforgivable, and everyone knew it. Johnny Cramer knew it too, but somewhere along the line he had forgotten it. When the police had stuck him with four counts of dealing, he had crumpled under the threat of a long prison sentence and talked like there was no tomorrow to get out of it...squawking out the names and implicating his friends to gain his own release. If it wasn’t for the code it would have been understandable. Hell, he was just 21 then, and scared, and the cops had him and so he had sung like a bird he had oh he had. Shit...he knew it too and he also knew it was wrong. It had gotten him off though, with nothing but a misdemeanor, while two of his former friends were convicted and ended up in the “penn.” It had seemed smart, back then, but not now, and he knew the code and he knew he had broken it. He was scared shitless, and had been since the cops had let him go. It hadn’t taken the gang long to find him, and now he was tied, standing in the old warehouse on the little platform of a stage while the rest of his friends and fellow Scorpions were standing around him watching. His arms were stretched out and tied over his head, over the beam that ran through the warehouse ceiling. His t-shirt had been ripped, ripped as they had tied him, and while it still was on his shoulders his chest was exposed and the right armpit of the shirt was torn and hung open, exposing his armpit and entire right side. His jeans had been taken when they had strung him up, and now he was standing in his gap boxers, the oh-so-cool ones that he loved so much. Only he preferred it a lot more when he wasn’t showing them off to anyone. His hands were tied, his wrists bound together and his arms in the air. Otherwise, he could move and turn, and as he turned he didn’t see much sympathy in the faces that were staring back at him. The leader of the Scorpions, Chris Harriman, was standing at the bottom of the little platform looking up at him, at the young man the gang all knew as Johnny. He was pissed, and while he at one time really liked the kid, as he thought of him, that was a long time ago. As he walked forward, and up on the stage, the other gang members stepped aside, making room, curious to see what would happen and knowing that the code required that something had to be done. All of them were pretty sure what it was going to be, and yet you could never be sure, not with Chris running things now. Still, there was the big gallon jar, in the “ready room” as they called it, and it was more than half full of the tied scrotums of guys that had been more than a little stupid over the years. The code said that when you joined the Scorpions you gave your manhood to the gang. If you left the gang, or were kicked out, then you left your manhood behind. It was a simple rule, but a powerful one. Needless to say, the Scorpions for the most part stayed, and their loyalty was total and complete. They were not a gang to fool with, and while they didn’t believe in murder as a rule some of the guys they dealt with probably wished they were dead after they had lost their balls. As Chris came up on stage, Johnny began to speak: “Chris...Oh God...Chris...please.....please man....I tried to call you...I did...you know me Chris...we are friends...I mean I know I screwed it but please...oh PLEASE don’t take em....please..please not that Chris.” The leader looked at him, and answered: ”Oh Johnny, you know, I was up at the Penn today. Went in to visit Bobby and Frank...and they aren’t too happy. Bobby got 5 years thanks to you, and Frank, well Franky boy was crying his heart out and from what they are tellin’ him he is gonna be in there a very long time. If you hadn’t fingered them you would have been out in a year or two. Hell, you are barely 21. Yep. Just barely a full fledged adult, and hell, they would have gone soft with you. It was your first offense man. You did wrong Johnny...you chickened and you broke the code. You know what has to happen, and so do I.” “Please...Chris....I had to talk...I mean....they had me....they told me they would throw away the key man....OH GOD....don’t take em from me...Please Chris, you guys are the only family I have. I love you guys, and you know it. The Scorpions are all I have and you know I’ve been a good member. You know I have!” “No Johnny, you broke the code. It can’t go unpunished, and you can’t stay. There is no room for you in the Scorpions now, no room at all. I promised Bobby and Frank that I’d take them myself, today, and it’s gonna be done and you know it’s gonna happen. You know it should happen too Johnny, you know it.” Johnny started crying...the tears flowing from his eyes. He looked out at the gang, his friends for so long, and there wasn’t any mercy in their stares. He turned back to Chris, and then he said: “Ohhhhhhhhh, God. Oh not THAT Chris...I mean, not THAT. I’m only 21, you know I am..just turned 21 and you gave me the cake and the six pack and made such a deal of it. You arranged my party...oh PLEASE Chris, please! Remember? Please, don’t take em.....do something else. I’ll do anything man....I’ll pay you guys back somehow....I will. Oh pleasessssssssse. I wanna be a Scorpion. Oh please!” Chris Harriman looked hard at him. The lad was young, good looking, with a firm, flat chest and strong, powerful muscles. He had that light blond hair and blue eyes that the girls died for, and he also had that hard body to match that reflected his youth and the time he spent at the gym building it up. His upper lip was growing a thickening peach fuzz, not quite a mustache but more than just nothing across the lip. His armpits sprouted small patches of hair, and right now the hair there was damp and he was sweating. It was a pity in a way to unman him, but something had to be done, and this was one man that had broken the code. With that thought, Chris Harriman reached out and grabbed his Gap shorts, and with a single, quick motion, he jerked them down, hard, until they came to the young man’s knees. His dick was hanging limp and scared, hanging down below his little patch of blond pubic hair. His balls were drawn up and his sac was firm and round. The young man gasped as his shorts were lowered, and he looked down, down at his own limp dick and the balls that he knew he was going to lose. His faced flushed red as everyone stared. He started whimpering then, and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing with his fear, and then, in desperation, he starting begging again, hoping for a miracle and desperate to delay the inevitable. “Ohhhhhhhh, GOD. Oh...oh no. Oh PLEASE Chris....please let me work to make it up. I’ll do anything....just don’t take them. Not in the jar...oh GOD NOT IN THE JAR. Please....I’ve got a girl now Chris...you met her...oh please...don’t take my balls. I love this girl and she’s my first girl that ever amounted to anything. Please, for God’s sake! Don’t take my balls. Please don’t Chris....PLEASE!” Chris reached out with his right hand and gently cupped the young man’s balls. As he fondled them, lightly feeling the hairs and gently touching them, he let his thumb slide along the side of the sac, gently back and forth, tickling his sack and feeling the orbs within it. As he was doing that, he answered: “Well....such a nice set too. Seems a pity..doesn’t it.....ah...yes....you have some little hairs there too, and it’s got a good weight to it. You know...I know about Sandra...yeah...nice girl she is...and you were so excited when you fucked her that first time too. Yeah...not that long ago, we talked all night after you did her.....sad now...thinking of it...of your only real girl and now, your fucking days behind you. Yeah...seems such a waste to end your days sliding your hard cock in and out of a wet pussy. No more pussy. Bad break Johnny. No more...no more hard cocks even. But don’t look so sad Johnny; you know it as well as I do that these beauts have got to go. They aren’t yours, haven’t been since you joined us, and now that you are leaving well, you know you can’t take em with you. Nope, you are gonna be leaving them behind. Still, seems such a pity to take them. You know...as I am feelin em, touching them, they seem such a nice set too....young and so full of cream and I can see by the way your dick is growing that you like having them held. Yeah...well, your dick is getting excited and perhaps it knows that your balls aren’t really yours anymore and they need to go in the jar.” Then, looking down at one of the members, Chris said “Jason, go get the jar. Johnny’s got something to contribute to it.” The boy’s dick was growing stiff from the feeling of his balls being touched...and within only a few minutes, while all the gang looked on, it grew until it was rock hard and jutting out and up, almost as if he was eager for a fucking even though there wasn’t a woman in the room for him to mount. Soon his dick was literally and figuratively dripping, and his balls were tight and firm, the boy’s big sack filled with his orbs. When he heard the word “jar” his dick had bounced, almost as if it was excited, eager even for his own unmanning. The boy then had started babbling, the fear increasing by the second as his balls were being felt and handled. When Jason came back with the big jar, filled with scores of human balls floating in formaldehyde, he almost feinted. “OH please...OH GOD. OH GOD. No...not MY balls. Oh please....oh no...not that...NOT THE JAR!!!! I’m sorry...I’m sorry Chris...I’m sorry....give me another chance man...I won’t let you down. You don’t have to take them....not in the jar....I’ll not let you down I won’t. I swear! I swear to God Chris....just give me another chance!” Chris Harriman continued to caress his sac, sliding his fingers under the sac and cupping it...then tickling it gently.....rubbing his fingers lightly over the skin as he listened to the boy’s begging. Yes...such a pity. He had a nice set, and it was gonna be a shame. The girl would not be happy either, but she would get over it, and there were plenty of members that would be willing to fuck her if a fuck was what she wanted. Well, it was time. Chris let go of the boy’s balls and turned around then, ignoring the crying and the tears that were now flowing down the boy’s 21 year old cheeks. After he turned around, he took the case that was being held up to him. It was about three feet long, and heavy, and he picked it up and then set it on the small stand that had been placed on the stage for that purpose. He could feel the young man watching him, carefully watching every movement. When he opened the case, the man gasped. Chris couldn’t help but smile. At the top of the case were two clothespins. He looked at them, and wondered how many nipples they had pinched and how many balls had been taken while they squeezed hard on a man’s nipples. He took the clips, and then, without any hesitation, he just turned around and clipped them, one at a time, to the nipples of the 21 year old staring at him. The reaction was immediate. The young man went wide-eyed....his nipples feeling like they were being crushed, even if they were not. He struggled, then said “OH SHIT...OH GOD..THAT HURTS...OH SHIT MAN..TAKE EM OFF...OH TAKE EM OFF CHRIS--PLEASE!!!!” As he yelled, the gang members watching actually laughed, a loud laugh that really set the mood. Ignoring his begging, Chris looked back down, at the box, and the device resting in the green velvet. It was beautiful. Called an “E-Z Bander”, it was made of polished chrome and it was designed for castrating bulls. It worked well for its intended purpose, and it also worked well on a human male. It was sure-proof, and easy to operate, and as he held it in his hand he could feel the young male staring at it...looking at it with an interest that only one about to be castrated could really understand. As he watched, his nipples aching, Chris picked up the device and opened the handles. Next, working slowly, he took the thick surgical tubing that was the heart and soul of the device, and slid in the piece through the ratcheting lever, over the roller, and then around, forming a loop. With the other end he pushed it over the second roller, and then back through the ratcheting lever and out the back of the device. He then closed the handles. The loop of surgical rubber was sticking out the end of the device, and the six-inch loop was ready, and just looking for something to strangle. Johnny was watching everything....and although his lips were still quivering he wasn’t really talking anymore, not after the clothespins had been snapped on his nipples. He knew it was real, and the pain in his nipples told him it was beginning. He had heard of it being done to others and he had even seen the jar. Why had he broken the code? WHY? As he looked at the bander, he knew it was going to happen to him and the time was now. He hadn’t been a member long enough to have seen it mind you, but he had heard the stories and had seen the jar, and now that he was staring at the bander and feeling the pain in his nipples he knew it was real. The tears were flowing out of his eyes, his mind already feeling the loss and all that it was going to mean. He stared at the device, watching everything, wondering what it was going to feel like and knowing that he was about to find out. As he watched, Chris loaded the steel crimps into the jaws, so that they were around the tube as it exited the machine. Finished, Chris looked up at him, and smiled. Then he spoke. “Johnny, it’s all ready. Ready for you. Don’t worry, the E-Z Bander is simple, and it does a neat job. You know you deserve it, and besides, the rest of the gang needs to see it work from time to time. It’s a good reminder for all of us, the code is the code and it applies to everyone. You knew that. I guess it’s time now, wouldn’t you say?” As he said that, he started to move the bander up, towards the boy’s genitals. As he did so, the boy started to squirm, and turned around and tried to face away, to keep what was going to happen from happening. With a nod from their leader, several of the other members jumped up on stage, and came up to the boy and spun him back around. Holding him, the members knelt down and grabbed the boy’s thighs, steadying him, and forcing him to face the leader and wait for his unmanning. His prick was jutting straight out and upward, almost as if it was trying to get out of the way to make the job easier. Seeing him squirming in his desperation, Chris then said: “Johnny...Johnny my boy, I’m ashamed of you. You know you broke the code. Don’t make me tie your legs apart to put on the band. It is time and you and I both know it. Besides, when it’s all said and done I’ll take off the clips, and then you will feel better. So, stop whining. Spread your legs, and accept it... If you struggle, we are gonna hold you down and then we are gonna put on the band anyway and if we do that I don’t know when I’ll get around to taking off the clips on your nipples. So, stand there like a man, and stop fighting and just enjoy getting what you deserve.” The young man looked at him, the tears flowing. His lip was quivering more, and he was babbling then: “Oh...oh God....oh GOD its gonna hurt man...oh GOD my balls....oh why.....oh not my balls...I don’t want to loose em Chris...I don’t want to loose em. Mommy....oh GOD..mommy...not my balls don’t let them take my balls oh please oh please oh please.” With that, the tears just opened like a river, and as he stood there, unmoving, crying, Chris moved the device up to the youth’s balls, and then with one hand he worked the loop of surgical rubber over the young man’s scrotum, up high until it was around it. Once he had it in place, he began to pump the handle of the bander. “CLICK...TICK..........CLICK.......TICK...........CLICK.......TICK” With each ratchet of the handle, the loop of thick rubber was reduced in size. CLICK.....TICK. CLICK....TICK. CLICK.....TICK. Tighter and tighter the rubber loop was pulled....at first it was just air it was grabbing. Then, it was gently touching the scrotum....then tighter still, pinching into the skin, then tighter...and tighter....and tighter....and TIGHTER. Suddenly, the boy screamed. “ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG” OH GOD! OH GOD THAT HURTS-----then he started to struggle like a madman, trying to move, to somehow get away and stop the pain that was grabbing at his balls and squeezing them like they had never been squeezed. The other gang members on his sides held him...held his legs, and the leader of the Scorpions kept squeezing the handles, tightening the band more and more and more. CLICK...... TICK. CLICK......TICK. CLICKKKKKKK......TICKKKKKKKKKKKKK. “OH..OH...OH.....ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” He bucked his hips in desperation, the rubber growing ever smaller and trapping his balls and isolating them from his body. Finally, it was done. The device had reached the end of the retraction limit, and the surgical tubing was as tight as it could be retracted. The top of the boy’s scrotum was pulled so tight and made so small that it literally looked like the circle of rubber was a single point....the top of the scrotum was so small in fact that it didn’t even look like a piece of flesh anymore, much less like part of a man’s scrotal sac. The young man’s balls themselves were now cut off from the blood they had been nourished with for the previous 21 years, and the testicles bulged within their sac and sent waves of pain to his brain. He grunted from the feeling....almost like someone was kicking him in the groin, and then doing it again, and again, and again. It was a continuous “kick” that had no beginning and no end...just the pain and the pain and the pain. Meanwhile, his prick was still hard and stiff, and had grown even stiffer if that was possible as the handle had ratcheted closed his sac. With the handle bottomed out, Chris pulled a different lever, and there was a snap as the machine crimped the tubing and then snipped off the excess. What was left was a tiny, very tiny, circle of rubber with a metal crimp keeping it closed, crushing the top of the sac and strangling the young man’s balls within it. Johnny’s eyes were wide....the feeling in his nutsack beyond anything he was prepared for. He looked down, and could see his balls bulging in his scrotum, and as he looked at them he could see them turn almost instantly bright red, flushed as they desperately sought the oxygenated blood that was gone to them forever. He bucked his hips then, struggling to get it off....turning and twisting in his desperation to somehow free his balls and save them in the process. He moved his legs together, then apart....then together, bending his knees and hanging from the ropes...then turning, twisting, and bouncing up and down. Nothing he did made any difference. He was grunting then, the deep pain primal, his hard prick so stiff and bouncing to his heartbeat, the tip starting to ooze copious amounts of precum that was literally drooling down, out of his tip and hanging almost in a thin line to the knees. He was desperate then, and he tried to talk, but the words were gone and the pain that had taken him over was just too much for him to speak. He grunted, his blue eyes wide open, desperate, and as he looked around the room he was met with the smiling faces of his fellow members, all pleased and even excited to be watching his balls die. “I know Johnny. I know. It’s not a lot of fun to lose them, and I know it hurts as they are dying in their sac. Just stand there and wait it out....it takes about an hour and perhaps a little bit more and then the feelin will start getting just a little better. Just got to be patient.” Then, reaching out to the boy, Chris wiped some of the tears that were flowing out of the boy’s eyes. After doing that, he continued. “Tsk tsk tsk. Such great big crocodile tears Johnny. You know you deserve this....don’t cry so. My, your balls are already startin to darkin’ up now. Yep....they are getting the deeper red they get when they can’t get the nourishment they want. Soon they will be sorta purple, and after that they will get real dark and that’s when they will start to get cold. Soon they will match the color of the ones in the jar and you won’t even want them anymore. So, just wait it out.... I know..I know...your nipples hurt too. That’s ok...they deserve to hurt, like your balls deserve to hurt, and you know you deserve it and after a while I’m gonna take them off and then they won’t hurt you anymore. You know, your cock is really drooling Johnny.....just so full of cum it is I guess. You should have jacked off this morning. Well, I’m sorry...I can’t let you cum now, not as a man I can’t. Nope, not yet, but in just a little while I’ll take care of that for you too, after your balls are gone and you aren’t a man anymore. Don’t worry....I won’t leave you frustrated today and your cock full and oozing. Just be patient, and wait it out. God, your balls are really bulging, and your cock is so stiff I almost think it’s enjoying this!” With that, Chris stepped off the stage, and worked his way to the far side of the warehouse, leaving Johnny to hang by his wrists and feel his balls die. As he walked away, Chris was followed by the other gang members. There were business items to be discussed, and they had to go over the planned operations that would keep them busy over the next few months. The meeting was a typical one, in spite of the beginning. As they talked about their plans, and discussed the future and the past, they ignored the young man they had just banded, leaving him instead to hang by his rope and feel the feeling that no man ever wants to feel. Watching his balls die. It’s a terrible thing to have to do, and the helplessness can be overwhelming as you can see the rubber tie, and see the little crimp, and see the balls getting darker and not being able to reach down there and save them. It a very frustrating feeling. Watching your balls die. Yes, a terrible thing to do. Johnny of course was doing just that, barely standing now, most of the weight on his arms that were stretched over the beam in the ceiling. He was limp, like a rag doll, staring at his balls and watching them grow darker and darker with each minute that past. They hurt so fucking bad! He tried moving his legs wide apart, rubbing them together and pushing them tight together, popping his balls out and making them bulge even more. Nothing he did though made any difference. His balls were dark and dying and it didn’t matter how he moved his legs or how much he jerked or rubbed his thighs together. His balls were dying sure as shit they were, and he knew it. As he watched and felt it happen, the tears flowed down his face and he stood and felt his misery and all he could do was cry as it happened. On the little stand, next to him, was the jar, and as he looked at the jar and the scrotums that filled it, he thought of all the other men that had lost their balls. He wondered what it had been like for them. How much it hurt when they were finally cut off. He wondered what they were doing now, now that they had lost their balls. Oh FUCK it hurt....so fucking bad. Time passed slowly, and the young man’s banded balls grew darker and darker and slowly began to grow numb. The meeting lasted close to two hours, and by the time it was over his balls were dead. Dead and dark and cold. Still, his prick was still stiff, and from the end of his stiff prick a long line of drool ran to the floor. When Chris and the gang returned, coming back to the young man with the stiff prick and dark balls, they found him staring down, down at his tied balls and his dead manhood. Chris then reached out and grabbed his stiff cock, and when he did the young man looked up, and their eyes met. Chris slowly began to jerk the young man’s rod, and as he did so he began to speak: “Hey Johnny....you missed a great meeting. Yeah, a great meeting. You aren’t a man anymore, you aren’t you know. Your balls are dead, and even though they are hanging on you still they aren’t really yours anymore. Now your prick, well you’ve got a nice prick, and I can tell it is still very much alive. Yeah, for now it is, but you know soon without your balls your prick isn’t going to stay hard anymore.” The 21 year old started to grunt, partly from the feeling growing in his cock and partly because the spot was hurting, the tender little spot where the top of his scrotum was attached to his body. Chris dropped the boy’s cock and reached up and slowly unhooked the leather tie that held the scorpion pendant around his neck. Removing it, he reached down, to where the dark balls were hanging, and there he retied the pendant around the young man’s sac, until it was tight, tied just below where the crimped rubber was doing its job. With the loop of leather below the band, the little scorpion pendant was tied against his balls, becoming in a way a part of the scrotum on which it had been secured. Johnny never flinched, the feeling in his numb balls no longer feeding the sensations from them to his brain. He knew the leather was tied around his nads though, but he didn’t feel it as the knot was made. Chris was moving slowly, and then he reached up, and jerked off the two clothespins that had been squeezing Johnny’s nipples. As the blood rushed back into them, he screamed, the pain intense, and shocking. “Oh GOD...oh SHIT....oh...oh...oh GOD.” Then, ignoring him, Chris reached back, into his pocket, and while the young man watched, he pulled out his switchblade, and holding it up to his face so he could see it, he pressed the button and the blade popped out. Nothing was said...nor needed to be. Chris grabbed Johnny’s rod again, and then once again he began to stroke it. It was so stiff, like a piece of steel, and the tip was still drooling and the line of precum ran and hung down and glistened in the lights. Chris looked him in the eyes, and stood right next to him, the faces of the two men so close you feel the heat of the moment. As Chris stroked the young man’s cock, he slowly brought the knife down, down to his balls, and hooked the blade up, next to the metal band. The knife rested in a little notch there, just below the crimped band, between the rubber that had strangled the testicles and the leather cord that held the pendant. He started stroking the penis faster then, faster still, his hand moving like a piston. Suddenly, the young man grunted, and then with a shudder he started pumping out a long, thick rope of cum, shooting out of his cock with such violence and with such intensity it was almost as if he knew it was his last. As he shot his spunk, Chris moved his other hand, and as he made the movement the knife did the work. It seemed to happen in slow motion. The rope of cum was still shooting out in waves, shot after shot, vivid and intense, the boys eyes open and staring wide, his mouth open as well with the feeling. It was the most intense orgasm of his life, and as it happened Chris castrated him. His balls came off with the switchblade, clean and neat, dropping with a splat on the floor as the young man convulsed and his dick continued to spasm. His sperm seemed to shoot forever, just on and on. Chris kept his hand moving, pumping his ball-less dick, slowly pumping it until it had been pumped dry and then even then, he pumped it still. Slowly it began to soften, even as he was stroking it, and when that began to happen he let it go, and reached down and picked up the severed sac that was no longer part of the young man who had carried it for more than 21 years. Chris dropped the balls in the jar, and resealed the lid. They floated at the top for a minute, then slowly the still creamed filled balls began to sink to the bottom, resting on the pile that was submerged in the preserving fluid. As they sank, Chris handed the jar to one of his lieutenants, and then he spoke to the young castrated man who was whimpering with his loss. “Nice wad Johnny. I hope it was a good one. It was the last wad you will ever shoot with any sperm in it. Within a few days you won’t get hard anymore, and after that your dick will hang like a noodle and you eventually will give up even trying to make it perform. I am gonna leave you in a minute, but want to give you three messages. If you forget what I am about to tell you, then I’m gonna come back and fine you and if I do I’ll take this cock too, and if I do that you aren’t even gonna be able to pee.” Chris then picked up Johnny’s spent cock, and slowly played with it again, gently, feeling the wet tip and caressing the boy’s slippery dick. It was like a noodle, soft and hanging, but still it felt good as it was handled and you could tell from the young man’s reaction that he was enjoying it to a degree. It was wet with his slime. Still, it didn’t grow hard. “Yeah, such a nice dick. If I were you, I’d do what I was told, cause if you don’t then I’m gonna take it from you. I swear I will. So don’t you dare to cross the line. Here is what you are gonna do, for the rest of your life.” “Number one, I’m going to have your pubes shaved. You aren’t a man, and you don’t deserve to have pubes anymore. So, you remember that and you keep it smooth. No hairs allowed, anymore, not ever. Nothing in your armpits and nothing above your dick. Don’t even think about a beard, and get that hair off your lip. Don’t worry, it won’t want to grow for long anyway, so it should be easy to keep it smooth. But just make sure, and when those few hairs start to come back in you better make sure you take em right off. That’s the first rule for you, no more sexual hair, ever! You understand that?” Johnny was looking right at him, feeling his dick and Chris’s hand moving up and down the soft shaft. The tip was so sensitive, and the pain where his balls used to hang was still pronounced, and as he felt his dick being moved around it actually hurt deep in his groin. He nodded his head, YES, he understood. Chris continued then: “Number two, we are gonna put you on a bus in the morning. When I saw him today I asked Franky where he wanted you to live, and he said West Virginia. Now, good old West-by-God Virginia is a beautiful state, it is, and there is plenty to do there. I don’t care what you do...you can turn burgers, work in the mines, or be a castrated bum on the streets if you want. Just don’t ever leave that great state. It’s your new home, and you stay there. For the rest of your life. If you leave that state, ever, we will track you down and find you and if we have to do all of that then I’ll be taking a lot more than your dick. I mean it. You understand?” Johnny stared. His eyes started to cry again. He had been there once before, through Charleston and then south to Logan and over the winding roads. Yeah, he even remembered passing through little unincorporated communities, and the old mine houses set in the “hollers” as they called them. Oh GOD! He hated the mountains. Sure, it was a beautiful place, but not the kind of state he would choose, not for himself, and work was hard to come by and he knew for him personally it was like being sent to hell. He wondered what it was gonna to be like living there, and he wondered how the hillbillies of West Virginia would treat a eunuch if they figured him out? The tears were running down his cheeks then, and yet he didn’t protest and instead just nodded. Chris then said: “Number three, don’t ever see a doctor and try and get hormones. You even think of taking any hormones and your dick is coming off. You see, from time to time we are gonna pay you a visit. Now, it will be a real nice short little visit, and all we will want to do is to make sure that you are doing your three things, like a good little boy. So, we will come and visit you, and you will get to take down your pants and show us that hairless, castrated dick of yours. Then, well, then, we are gonna hold your dick, just like I am holding it now. And just like now, it better stay limp, hanging, like a noodle, cause if it doesn’t then I’m gonna know you are taking something, and if you are then I’ll make sure this dick never gets stiff again. If you pop a boner on us, ever again, well, we will take that bone right off and add it to the jar. You got THAT Johnny?” Staring, eye to eye, he nodded. The tears were flowing then, and he looked down at the jar and saw his balls here, his scorpion pendant tied around them, trapping his black testicles in his dead sac. Castrated. Unmanned. A eunuch. Oh GOD. Chris gave him a little pat on the top of his head. Then he said “OK...then see you later Johnny. Don’t forget the three things.” With that, he turned around, and picked up the jar and started to walk away. As he did, he said “Jason, take care of it. Make sure his crotch and pits and that stupid mustache on his lip are as smooth as a baby’s ass, and then put him on the bus and get his ass down to West Virginia. I want him out of here.” With that, Chris walked out of the warehouse and into the sunshine, the big scrotum jar in his hands. [Authors comments: OK...this is another saga in the ‘Gangs’ series. I’m not sure I’ll do more, but I might, depending on how it is received. If it pressed a button of yours, I’d appreciate hearing about it. Thanks. [email protected]] * * *
A cut above
**[eunuch.org/_private/stories_ahdr.htm]** ## A cut above **Date:** 18 Nov 1997 **Time:** 18:36:42 **Remote Name:** **Remote User:** ### description A woman's slave can't control himself, so she finds a doctor whi will make a cut above . . . his sac! (penectomy) ### Comments "A Cut Above the Rest" I am a doctor. I have been practicing medicine for 15 years. I have my own practice and I do minor surgery at one of the clinics in the city. I'm divorced. My husband divorced me in 1975\. I mention this because my divorce turned me sour to men. I think that had some bearing on my decision to undertake this venture. One afternoon in 1993, a couple came into my office, a hefty woman, around 45, and a young man around 26 or so. They sat down and the conversation that was struck that day amazed me and left me speechless. The woman sat down and the man stood behind her. She introduced herself then introduced the man. She simply said, "This is my houseboy and personal slave." She snapped her fingers and this young man knelt down beside her chair, never saying a word. I was shocked. She explained that they lived a different lifestyle from most people. She explained how her slave had given his life to her service. Now I wasn't born yesterday. I'd read stories about this -- I was fascinated. "Well, what can I do for you?" I asked. "We're looking for a woman doctor to help us. You see, my slave here has agreed to give his manhood to me. We need a doctor to perform the surgery." I was dumbfounded. I was going to flat out say no. I mean a doctor can lose his or her license for performing an unnecessary surgery like that. However, she told me she understood it was illegal but was asking me to bend the rules a bit. She explained how she too would want this quiet, and she promised not to make public her visit. She tried to make me understand how significant this offer made to her was. For a slave to offer his manhood was the ultimate sacrifice every woman in her select circle of lady friends desires. Also, she said she had very personal reasons for asking for this unique surgery. She gave me her number and ask me to think about it and then to call her. Well I thought about her visit for two weeks. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Finally I called her. She asked me to come to her home for supper. I arrived at her home around 6:30. She met me at the door and directed me to the kitchen. There I found this young man totally in the nude, making final preperations for the evening meal. We sat down and her slave served us dinner, but he didn't join us; he stood at attention behind and to her left. At dinner, she explained that her slave had been her property for five years. She worked and he took care of the house and was not allowed out of the house unsupervised. She said he was not supposed to relieve himself without permission. That was where her slave had faltered. She had bought him cock collar after cock collar, but he kept getting out of them. "There's nothing that pisses me off more than a slave who continually plays with his ugly cock and disobeys my orders. This slave is the hornest slave I've ever seen," she said. She made it quite clear that she was the boss, and that his latest infraction had violated his oath to her. She then took a plate and scraped off the scraps on her plate. Then she took the scraps from my plate. She set the plate on the floor and her slave knelt down and began to eat them like a dog. I sat there in total amazement. "You know what he did last week?" she asked as I shook my head. "I took him out of his cock collar. He promised that he wouldn't cum. He was lying in front of the chair and I was using his face and body as a footrest, when my foot just happened to brush against his cock. And he shot a load of cum all over my foot! It was disgusting. Well, that was it. For five years he hasn't been able to control his urges or his cock. I made up my mind I w slave cleaned up. She said that what she really wanted was not for me to do the surgery, but she wanted me to be present so she could do the surgery herself. In other words, I was to talk her through it. That wouldn't be so difficult. Castrations are done by farmers everyday (of course on cows and pigs). We talked some time about the operation. "You know something?" she said. "I'm going to miss his balls. You don't know how much fun they are to torment. I like to put weights on them and watch them stretch. And when I bend him over to put a whip to his backside, it's exciting to watch his balls dangle between his legs. It gives me something to try to hit. You know, he has some nice balls." "Yes," I said, "I noticed that at dinner." "They're so big and loose this time of year, it almost seems a shame to remove them." "We don't have to remove them if you'd rather not," I said. "There are alternatives." "I thought the only way to handle this was to remove his balls." she questioned. "Oh, heavens no. You see, there are various forms of castration. The most common is the type that farmers do. They are trying to improve their herd so they sterilize all the bulls except their stud bull. They do that by removing the testicles. Another way is to remove the entire genitals. That can be considered a major surgery. I think we had better rule that one out. But the final way is the way that I think would fit your purpose." With that, I drew a brief drawing of what I was talking about. "You see," I said, "what we do is basically remove the penis. Not all of it; we'd have to leave a very small stub, giving us room to clamp off the blood vessels. Also, that stub will save room for the urethra. He has to pee. You see," I said as I drew a jagged line across the drawing, "all we have to do is make a cut above the rest, leaving those beautiful balls for you to torment as much as you please." "You make it sound so simple," she exclaimed. "It basically is. I mean the penis is only skin and muscle. Contrary to belief, there is no bone there. The biggest problem will be to cut off the blood vessels. Once we deaden and localize the area, the muscles will go limp." "Will he be awake for this?" "Sure. Once he's been deadened, he won't feel a thing." She looked at me in amazement. "Will his voice change? You know the stories, the ones about the high squeeky voice and all." "No. And here's the real beauty of this type of operation... all the male hormones are supplied by the testicles. We're not removing the testicles. What we are going to do is remove the highly sensitive underside of the penis. I don't know about you, but I've never seen a man cum without rubbing and stroking his penis. By removing the penis, there is nothing for him to stroke. The cruel part is that the juices will be bubbling in his balls. He'll still be horny, but there can never be release. He'll be hornier than ever, but he must suffer through it. I mean this is permanent. It's pretty cruel, probably the worst thing you can do to a man." "Yeah," she answered with an evil gleam in her eye. " But it sure is exciting to think about, ain't it?" I had to admit that it did make my juices flow. At that time her slave came in. He knelt down at her feet and kissed both of them. We started telling her slave about the surgery. We described how it would be done and what the consequences would be. But before we finished, he began crying. He looked into his mistress's eyes and asked, "Isn't there another way?" She reached down and gently brushed his head. "I'm afraid not, Tony. I've been patient with you for five years. You just the best slave I can get. Don't you think so?" He shook his head in agreement, but I could tell he was devastated to be involved in the conversation. Looking at me she asked, "Where do you propose we make the cut?" Motioning for Tony to come over to my chair, I proceeded to use Tony's penis to illustrate where the final transection would take place, when I marveled, "My what an enormous penis he has. It must be at least 8" long. It seems a sin to cut off so much beautiful cock. What a waste, when scores of men would love to have this cock. A lot of women, too, I might add." "Yes," she said, "too bad he has absolutely control over his urges. I want a slave who eats and sleeps thinking about pleasing me. He says he wants to be my slave, but he concentrates more on his own sexual urges than on mine. And for women who run in my circle, there's no excuse for that. The whole essence of a female dominant lifestyle is sexual fulfillment for her and sexual denial for him. Tony refuses to be denied. It's time he accepts denial, or I have no place for him in my domain. I've been patient long enough." She seemed quite determined as I proceeded to illustrate where to place the cut above the rest of his genitals. Reaching out, I took hold of his erect penis, and with my other hand I ran my finger across an invisible line just above his balls. "I'd say we'd remove it right about here, leaving him a short little stub." But before I could get another sentence out, Tony's penis spasmed right in my hand and a huge glob of cum shot all over my fingers. As I jerked away, this eruption spewed all over the floor. "Oh my," I groaned, shaking cum from my hand. The woman sprang up and slapped him to the floor and started screaming at him. He was crying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" as she screamed, "Lick this mess up! Lick it up!" Then he was on all fours, licking sperm off the floor. When I returned from the bathroom where I had gone to wash my sticky hands, she had him standing in the corner yelling obscenities at him. She had produced a paddle and was smacking his ass with it. All the while he sobbed, "I'm sorry! I couldn't help it!" But she kept landing that paddle on his butt! "Doctor, it's you who should be doing this," she said, offering me the paddle. "It was you hand that he defiled." Now this is not what I expected. His butt was already red, but he made me mad. I took the paddle and smacked his ass as hard as I could at least ten times. And he kept crying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" "You see, doctor, he has absolutely no control. It's a perfect waste of a beautiful cock. I can't even use him as my stud, for no sooner do I put that long hard penis inside me, when he shoots and then looses his hard-on. He's got to be fixed. He's disappointed me for the last time. I can't even bring my girlfriends over as I could never be sure he wouldn't make a mess on one of them." "I don't understand it," I said. "All I did was simply touch it!" "That's all it takes... what a tragedy. A beautiful cock gone to hell. I can't ride it; I can't even torment it. What a bunch of bullshit... You know, my sister has a slave that has teriffic staying power. He's in control of his balls and goes for weeks before he is allowed an orgasm. He doesn't cheat, either. He doesn't sneak off and play with himself, either. He turned his balls over to my sister and he's happy to accept his slave status... But not Tony. He sneaks around, shoots at the drop of a hat, and denies the thing every dominant woman must have -- complete control over his sex life. He's got to be fixed." Tony was still in the corner, crying like a whipped dog. I felt sorry for him but could understand the situation. So I decided I'd help. We made arrangements to practice sof each session, that knife would slice the sausage into two parts and each time I watched, my pussy creamed, thinking about the real thing. Finally the evening came. I arrived at her house with all the surgical equipment. There were several cars parked out front and when I entered, there in the living room were six other women that I had never seen. "Well, I guess this is the night," my hostess said, greeting me at the door. "Let me introduce you to some of my friends." As I was being introduced, I found myself shocked and amazed at the way some of the women were dressed. Some wore leather with spiked boots, while others dressed more casually. They apparently were fellow dominants invited to watch the proceedings. There ws also a man dressed in a maid's outfit, walking around in heels. He approached me with a tray and offered me a drink which I gladly took. When we entered the living room, low and behold, there was a totally naked man lying face up in front of the couch and two ladies were resting their feet on him. They were using him as a footrest and one big old fat woman had her foot smack in his face. But the amazing thing is the complete mater-of-factness about the whole thing. Yet each lady I was introduced to was exceedingly nice and friendly. The only seat available in the room was on the couch. "Have a seat, doctor," the fat woman on the couch said, as she patted the place beside her. I had to step over the man on the floor. And I sat down. "Don't be shy. This slave is down there to be used . Feel free," the fat woman said. Well, when in Rome, I thought to myself. I slipped off my shoes and rested my feet on this man's chest. Once I was seated, the owner of the slave came over and said to me again, "Now you're sure it won't hurt too much, right?" "Once he's deadened, he won't feel a thing. Though the needles hurt some, we can't help that," I assured her. For the next fifteen minutes we ladies talked. They had hundreds of questions to ask and I did my best to answer them. But in no time, we were on our way downstairs. It was time for the thing to be done. Tony was already bound to a sort of X-frame with his hands bound overhead and his legs fastened at the bottem arms of the X. Across the middle, he was also bound with straps around his thighs so he couldn't move. The rest of the ladies took seats in the chairs provided. One of the ladies I noticed didn't even hesitate. She raised her dress, spread her legs and after sitting down, forced the man in the maid's outfit to bury his face between her legs. She simply laid back and prepared to enjoy the so-called entertainment. I remember one other woman saying, "That looks like a good idea," and she took the naked man who for a time had been my footrest, and pushed his face between her legs also. It was apparent that these ladies were here to have a good time. As we prepared the equipment, the slave's owner stood in front of the assembled group of women waiting anxiously for the evening's main event. "Tony," she said, looking out at the women who were there to watch, "these ladies are here to watch something special. What you're doing is the supreme, unselfish act any slave can do for his loving mistress. In a way, I'm very proud of you." With everything now ready, I sat down with the other ladies. Slowly some of them began a soft chant... "one last cum, one last cum" The ladies in the room chorused the chant, "One last come... one last cum..." Tony's penis was erect and firm as his mistress took her hand and gently stroked his cock. It wasn't even ten seconds and his balls shot a geyser of sperm. His mistress shook her head and whispered, "Even now he can't last longer than a few seconds." The room was full of electricity. The chorus "One last cum," the stroking of the penis and the moans as Tony orgasmed his last time. Cleaning the mess, his mistress wiped his cock and balls with alcohol. Then taking the needle, as we had practiced, all eyes watched as the needle slid underneath the skin at the base of the penis. She squeezed the fluid in, then removed the needle and injected it again, only underneath where she had made the first injection. She did quite well. Only this time it wasn't a sausage. It would take five minutes for the area to deaden enough to proceed. Next, she took the clamp and about half an inch above his scrotum she applied the clamp and tightened it as tight as she could. This of course would restrict the flow of blood, allowing her to seal off the blood vessels once the transsection was made. His penis was perfectly limp now. It hung long and lanky. She took it in her hand, flipped it back and forth, lifted it and let it go, watching it swing freely. Looking at Tony, she took the needle and poked the base of his penis. "Do you feel anything, slave?" she asked. "No, nothing, Mistress." he answered. "Is there anything you'd like to say before the thing is done?" she asked. "Mistress, I would like to say that I understand." With courage, he looked out at the ladies who were creaming with excitement from what they were seeing. He stoically said, "And all you other ladies here, I want you to know that I'm giving my mistress my penis because I love her, and I want her to be happy. As my mom told me, I've always wanted to be a slave, ever since I was in junior high school. But I haven't been a very good slave. I have been too selfish and uncontrollable. I hope this will make me a good slave." "Tony," his mistress said, with a proud look in her eyes, "I'll bet after this you'll be the best slave that any woman can have. It's a great sacrifice you're making for me and today you've made me very very proud." With that, she picked up the knife. It wasn't a surgical knife. She had insisted she use one of her kitchen knives. "It adds excitement to it," she said to me. And I guess that's true. I'll bet there's not a woman out there who has cut through one of those thick hot dogs or sausages and hasn't in her mind thought, "what if this were what's-his-name's cock!" Besides, I had taken the knife to the clinic and sterilized it. Reaching out with her left hand, she took the glans of his penis and stretched it straight out. She held the knife in her right hand and brought it within inches of his penis. Now I have to relay what was happening from the audience. all eyes were on the knife, but each lady had either a hand or a face in her pussy. The woman next to me had taken her breasts out of her outfit and was rolling her fingers and kneading her erect nipple and with her other hand she was furiously rubbing her pussy. Her eyes, as big as saucers, were fixed on the knife and from from her lips the words, "Doit, do it, doit," could be heard. In fact, every woman was on the verge of sexual explosion as each one got so wrapped in it. I too slid my hand down into my panties and rubbed my clitoris. I couldn't help it. And soon, more of the ladies took up the chant, "Do it, do it, do it." And we watched. And we watched. Pulling his penis even more, she let the knife blade slowly descend until it came to rest on that invisible line that lay 'a cut above the rest.' In less than a few seconds, there would be no long heavy cock hanging in front of us, just empty space. Then, when she was sure everyone was looking, I saw her fingertips on the knife turn white and I knew she was pressing it into that cock - she was going to really cut it off. I started rubbing my pussy really hard then, loving what I was seeing...and then, loud gasps and moans of ectasy went out througout the room as we all watched her saw that knife back and forth through his cock. When the knife was halfway through his meat one woman shouted out in her orgasm, "Oh fuck YES!". I could feel my own cum mounting in my cunt as I realized how much I was loving seeing a huge cock get sliced right off. She kept sawing away at that now useless cock, and sooner than I liked, it was done. The cock fell onto the floor with a soft 'thud' and the room erupted in cheers and applause and cum.... She bent down and lifted it for all to see. From her left hand hung the 'penis of many troubles.' It would cause no one trouble anymore. The women all moaned and seemingly erupted. They literally shook in their chairs as they orgasmed to what they had seen with their unbelieving eyes. I too uncontrollably exploded in the best orgasm I had had in years. It was purely Freudian. But it was more than my libido could stand. Call it penis envy. Call it sadism. Call it anything you want, but my pussy shook and I simply closed my eyes and blacked out for nearly a minute. When I came to, I found my hostess busy preparing the wound; so I jumped up to help. When I was finished, we released Tony who looked beaten but in good shape. I took him upstairs to lie down and rest. I administered him a shot to make him sleep. Then I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Returning to the dining room, I found all the ladies around the table. Someone had washed Tony's penis, and it lay on a tray. Each woman reached out and squeezed it or touched it in some fashion. There before them lay the 'penis of many troubles.' Tony's mistress seemed to have a little regret in her voice as she said, "I wish I hadn't had to do it." "He had the most beautiful cock," she said, pinching it between her thumb and forefinger. "I just wish he could have controlled it." "What are you going to do with his penis?" one of the ladies asked. "I've got a beautiful decorated jar. I plan to keep it as a reminder of this day. That way Tony can, from time to time, look at it and remember. It will help remind us both of what was sacrificed this day." I checked on Tony off and on for a few weeks. He healed fine and the skin covered over the wound, giving him the tiniest little stub. Tony's problem was solved. There wasn't enough for him to accomplish an orgasm. I haven't seen them for years. However, that Christmas I received a nice Christmas card from Tony and his Mistress. From what Tony wrote on the card, I could imagine that things were running smoothly at their home. Tony worte, "Thank you for all you help. Come this Christmas season you will have truly helped me to understand that it is more blessed to give than to receive." \--
Karl's Penectomy
Submissive young men accepts total penectomy to continue relationship with his (lesbian) girlfriend. The practical impact on his life is reported.
My name is Karl. I am 25 years old and student. I am heavily attracted by a lovely girl (Susan). I do everything she wants, to keep her happy. She had one condition for our relationship: I had to get my dick removed as she never wanted me to be able to penetrate her. I am writing thru her e-mail account because she does not want me to have one of my own. Maybe someone is interested in my situation and will email me? I have no penis anymore as mentioned before. I had a total penectomy done voluntarily three years ago by a surgeon in a hospital. The entire penis was completely removed, including the roots that extend into the pelvis. The urethra was relocated to a new 'pee hole' behind my scrotum. This new opening for the urethra (tube from the bladder) was created between my scrotum (sac for the testicles) and the anus. The testicles remained unchanged and are fully functional. The operation was done by an experienced surgeon who performs many also operations of transsexual people. The time after surgery was painful in the beginning both physically and psycologically. However the healing of the sutures went without complications. Only minor scars are left, which are hidden behind the pubic hair now. In the days after the operation I had a catheter in bladder until the new pee hole was save to use. I can still control my urination, because the Sphincter is still in place and working. However I have to squat now as the urine stream is directed downward. I have to pull the scrotum slightly away from the urine stream to avoid getting wet when peeing. There is no way to pee standing without causing a mess. Sometimes it is very inconvenient that the quick pee e.g. when hiking is no longer possible. Also I experience many dirty toilets, which I would have avoided previously. The feeling during urination is completely different from before. Almost immediately the urine flows out of the pee hole once I release it. Also the stream appears to be stronger than before the operation. The doctor told be that I can still father a child. In this case sperm has to be extracted from my testicles in a small surgery and the used for insemination. In case I can ejaculate by myself only insemination would have to be done. Sex life has changed dramatically. There is no stump left of my penis, no erectile tissue. I can get some pleasure even after total penectomy. This is the case when sensitive areas such as the scrotum, skin behind the scrotum, and the area surrounding the surgical scars are caressed. Very important is also mental stimulation. I have to admit that due to reduced sensation and absence of the main 'pleasure sensor' my urge for sex has been reduced. Only occasionally I am able to get an orgasm and to ejaculate. My girlfriend Susan is very happy with me (body and behaviour) after the penectomy. She helped me a lot to overcome periods of depression after the surgery. She taught me how to enjoy making love in a peaceful way with touching and licking each other. It is more like lesbians having sex. She definitely gets a lot of stimulation from me. Somehow she already gets exited when she sees me naked. I have to face some embarrising situations in everyday life as you can imagine. Visiting a doctor is such a situation in the beginning. Usually he is curious untill I have explained everything. Going to the swimming pool I feel a little bit unsecure as my swimwear looks empty. When making sports there are difficult situations in the locker room and shower. I have to suffer sometimes for my nice girlfriend. But as she is a fantastic woman I am happy to do it. * * *
The Battle of the Sexes!
Two college girls talk about past busting experiences and decide to choose a new victim.
Ira and Cindy sat alone in their college dorm watching a movie they just rented at a video store. During one of the scenes a young man was causing trouble during a gym class basketball game. Apparently he was mad about having girls playing ballwith the rest of his buddies. He was causing rude fouls by pushing and shoving the girls around, until one of them decided to take a stand against him. "Watch this, it is really funny", Cindy said. "Why what's going to happen?", asked Ira puzzled at Cindys response. Their attention was then turned to the screen. When the young man was passed the ball, he got himself ready to shoot a three point shot. But when he jumped up high in the air the young girl stood her ground and took careful aim at the man's crotch, which was now eye level to her. As he reached the peak of his jump, the girl threw an outstanding uppercut to his unprotected crotch. The bully quickly let out a groan and landed hard on his knees. The ball didn't make it far and one of the other girls made the shot instead. Cindy was cracking up at this and Ira was wondering why this was so funny. The young man then fell to his side and clutch at his injured area. "Bastard got what he deserved!" Cindy yelled out. "What's so funny about that Cindy?" Ira exclaimed. "Men think they are all big and tough until a small girl teaches them a lesson" Cindy said. "Their sorry balls offset their muscular advantage over us girls, and every male has this great weakest. Have you ever nut-checked a guy in your life?" "Of course not, I don't think it works to well. I would rather hit him in the face or stomach." "Well Ira, let me tell you about my first encounter with a male's balls. Back in High school this one cute boy always use to kick the back of my seat in History class. I told him to stop it, but he didn't listen. I decided to take action. The next day he continued to kick the chair, and even started to laugh along with one of his buddies. When the bell rang, I waited for him to leave before me, and I watched him with the corner of my eye. I've heard men are weak between the legs, so I paid close attention to his crotch. That is when I noticed the lump in his jeans four inches below his belt. As he began walking by my desk I brought back my elbow and then swung it into the bulge in his baggy jeans. It was very soft, and my elbow kept traveling into him. It felt like I pushed his limp bulge two to three inches inward. At first I didn't think it would do anything until he let out a deep groan. He dropped his books, and doubled over with both his hands between his legs. I looked at his face and notice his eyes were squeezed shut, and all of his teeth showing as they are clutched together. He stood like that for about ten seconds. I thought it was funny because he stood with his knees together, and his hands between his legs doubled over. I realized he was fighting to block out the pain, and so far he was doing a good job, but his ball pain soon overpowered his vain effort. He started coughing and slowly sank to his knees, then he fell hard on his face retching. His whole body was rolling back and forth, and many of the girls started laughing at this male reaction. A teacher ran up to us, and asked what had happen, I explain it was an accident and didn't realize he was behind me. She believed the story and told us to all leave the classroom. As I left I took one more look and the poor male, and smiled. He was crying as I left. The next day I laughed at him and he got red in the face, but never again bothered me in class." "Wow!" Ira shouted and give her friend a high five. "I guess that technique really works, I would definitely try in on the next person who bothers me!" "How about your boyfriend Jake, I've notice he sometimes domainates the relationship between you, and he always stares at other girls during his wrestling matches." "No, I couldn't do that he is much bigger than me, and he knows how to fight and wrestle. Plus he is six foot two, and weights around 200 pounds. And also Cindy, that isn't 200 hundred pounds of fat, it is muscle." Cindy realized exactly what Ira was talking about and knew her boyfriend was quite a stud. He wasn't built with too much muscle, but he was lean, and hard. "Well," Cindy said, "what about when he bosses you around, and only uses you the way he wants. I think he needs to be taught a lesson." Ira began thinking about Jake, and the times he stared at this one girl and whistled at her during a date. She then remembered a time he was caught cheating on her, and she never forgave him for that. Now she wanted to get back at him for all the times he's been like an asshole. Plus, she and Cindy were actually getting a lot closer, and felt feelings for one another. She knew Cindy wanted her to leave him, and be with her. "So what do you think, should you finish him off, and perhaps me and you can spend more time together?" Cindy said, moving closer to Ira. "Let's do it, but I want you to fight him instead of me. I think the outcome of the match will help me make up my mind of who I want to continue being with. I mean, I still like his strong body in all, and then again, I would really want to spend more time with you Cindy." Ira said, laying her hand on Cindy's knee. "I would like you to win, but he is going to put up a challenge." Cindy said calmly, "I won't lose, if I have a plan." Together Cindy and Ira began planning tomorrows fight with Jake. * * *
Kabelbinder II
Ein Junge rächt sich aus verschmähter Liebe an seinem Freund und sich selbst.A Boy castrates his best friend and himself.
Meine Eltern waren, entsetzt als sie mich so liegen sahen. Mahmud hatte sich aus dem Staub gemacht und Papa verbot mir sofort jeglichen Kontakt zu ihm. Dann brachte er mich ins Krankenhaus, wo ich unter Vollnarkose gesetzt und noch einmal operiert wurde. Nach einer Woche war alles vorbei und ich konnte wieder nach Hause. Ich wollte sofort zu Mahmud, aber meine Eltern erlaubten das nicht. Sie bewachten jeden Schritt von mir und hatten mir auch das Handy gesperrt. Da Ferien waren, hatte ich keine Chance, erst einmal fuhr ich mit meiner Familie nach Südfrankreich. „Na, so schlimm sieht es ja nicht mehr aus und manche Frauen mögen das sogar.“ Meinte Papa, als ich mich nach dem Baden umzog. Ich fragte ihn, ob ich jetzt noch Kinder kriegen könnte und er verneinte strickt. Als er meinen schockierten Blick bemerkte, nahm er mich in den Arm. „Na du weißt doch, wer die Kinder kriegt, und um die zu zeugen, braucht man keine Vorhaut, sondern Spermien und die wachsen in den Hoden. Zu deinem Glück sind deine völlig intakt. Bist ein schöner Junge.“ Dann gab er mir einen Schmatz. Als wir aus den Ferien zurück waren, versuchte ich trotz des Verbotes Mahmud zu treffen, aber er war wohl auch verreist. Dann begann die Schule, und ich traf ich ihn wieder, aber er tat so als würde er mich gar nicht kennen. Ich sprach ihn nach dem Handballtraining unter Dusche an. „Sieht besser aus“ meinte er nur, hast du schon versucht zu wichsen?“ Ich verneinte und erklärte ihm, daß ich es jetzt so machen wollte, wie er damals in der Wanne mit mir. Mahmud grinste nur und gab mir einen Klaps auf den Hintern. „Man! Nun bist du zwar beschnitten aber im Kopf immer noch ein Kind.“ Lachte er; „Männer wie ich lassen sich nicht in den Arsch ficken. Außerdem hab ich jetzt eine Freundin.“ Mit diesen Worten ging er davon, aber ich hatte eine Idee. „Kommst du wenigstens noch zu meiner Geburtstagsparty? In unserem Garten“. „Ja klar“, war sein Antwort, „aber keinen Kinderkram mit Luftballons und sonem Scheiß. Wann?“ „Na am Sonnabend so gegen drei und wir machen was für richtige Männer.“ Am Sonnabend hatte ich alles vorbereitet: Meine Eltern waren verreist und glaubten ich wäre bei einer Freundin. Alles lag bereit und pünktlich um drei kam Machmud angeradelt. „Wo sind die anderen?“ fragte er. „Die... die kommen schon noch“ erwiderte ich und stellte ihm erst mal ein Glas Pepsi hin, die mochte er am liebsten. Er trank es sofort aus und damit die K. O. Tropfen, er war nun mal stärker als ich. Eine halbe Stunde später schlief er wie ein Stein. Ich entkleidete ihn und fesselte seine Daumen auf dem Rücken mit Kabelbindern und ebenso seine großen Zehen. Dann drehte ich ihn auf den Bauch und spreizte seine Arschbacken. „So, mein Freund jetzt bin ich dran“, dachte ich und drang in ihn ein. Es war nicht so toll, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte, wohl weil von Mahmud keine Reaktion kam, er schlief einfach. Nun kam der zweite Teil meines Plans. Ich drehte Mahmud auf den Rücken und griff zwischen seine Beine. Zwei gutentwickelte Hoden hielt ich da und murmelte; „Wenn nicht ich, dann auch niemand anderes.“ Dann nahm ich einen weiteren Kabelbinder und legte ihn um Mahmuds Hoden. Als ich ihn anzurrte, zuckte er kurz zusammen, schlief aber weiter. Mahmuds Glied wurde steif und ich lutschte es, sollte er noch mal Spaß haben und richtig, er spritzte sogar ein wenig Samen in meinen Mund. Dann holte ich eine Zange und zog den Kabelbinder fester zu. Mahmuds Hoden waren nun schon hochrot angelaufen. Jetzt war es an mir. Ich warf noch mal einen Blick auf meine Hoden und zog sie lang. Dann band ich auch einen Kabelbinder um. Es tat sehr weh, besonders als ich mit der Zange nachfaßte. Wenn ich es richtig gelesen hatte, würden wohl vierundzwanzig Stunden ausreichen. Ich legte mich neben Mahmud und streichelte ihn. Unter meinem Bauch war ein höllischer Schmerz und mein kleines Ding pochte an die Bauchdecke. Irgendwann schlief ich trotzdem ein. Geweckt wurde ich am nächsten Tag durch einen Schrei. Mahmud war wach und schubste mich von sich runter. „Was hast du Idiot da gemacht?“ Seine Hoden waren inzwischen blauschwarz angelaufen. Ich sagte nichts und holte eine Heckenschere. Mahmud versuchte sich aus seinen Fesseln zu befreien, es gelang ihm aber nicht. Ein letztes Mal nahm ich seine Hoden in die Hand und meinte nur: „So, jetzt kannst du dein blödes Gequatsche von ich bin ein Mann und tu dies nicht und jenes nicht vergessen.“ Dann schnitt ich ihm seine Juwelen langsam ab. Er schrie, wie verrückt und wimmerte nur noch, als ich ihm die zwei zuckenden Fleischklumpen auf die Brust legte. Erstaunlicherweise war kaum Blut geflossen. Nun war auch ich dran. Ich setze mich mit gespreizten Schenkeln auf den Boden und betrachtete mein letztes Mal meine Hoden, sie sahen schon richtig tot aus, fast schwarz. Dann stellte ich mich breitbeinig hin, nahm die Schere und noch während der Schnitt vollzogen war und ich wie in Zeitlupe meine beiden Kügelchen auf den Boden Klatschen sah, fiel ich nach hinten. Dann wurde es dunkel. * * *
Bboy's vacation penectomy (part 1)
At Bboy's request a straight author attempts a gay penectomy story. Hope it is good enough for all of you.
Bboy’s Dream Story Diary Spring break, March 10 – March 19, 2000 March 10, 2000. Cozumal, Mexico Well, here I am. I just arrived by plane today. With my limited Spanish skills I look the typical Gringo at 17 and away from home on my own for the first time. This place is great. I have two days not counting today to live it up before it has to come off as I have agreed. Even if I tried to back out now they would probably hunt me down and take it. My cock is as good as gone. I sold it. I though that I’d have to pay for the removal but now I could make money living out this fantasy. I find it hard to accept this reality but it is, after all, what I saved for since the thought occurred to me. The Eunuch Archive made it possible. The right connections with the right people and I am getting paid to have it done instead of having to pay. I know that that many have went down this road before me. Their stories are on the Eunuch Archive and I spent many evenings locked in my room naked at my computer jerking off at the thought of losing my cock! My bell would ring and I could stay hard for hours thinking about some guy losing his cock and keeping his balls so that he would be horny all of the time. With the cock gone there could be no release. The only feeling left was perpetual horniness and no way to satisfy urges. I had to experience it no matter what the cost. There was only one way to do it and one price to pay. I wonder what they would say at school if they could know that the Valedictorian was dickless! No more strip poker parties for me now, I had a secret to keep. Now I had only 24 hours left before I had it cut away in front of a paying audience. I had spent the better part of last month tanning and getting ready for spring break. I had a hard time convincing my parents that I would be all right going. Little did they know that I would be going alone, since Billy was supposed to be going with me. I told no one what I was going to have done to me. They wouldn’t understand. I don’t know if I do. Now I was tan and ready to spend my last day with a cock attached to me roaming a nude beach alone. I would be a virgin forever now. I feel sad at this prospect but at the same time the feeling of being so close to having it cut off is exciting and exhilarating. I have had a constant erection since I got off of the plane. Erection or not I am going to spend my last few days whole naked on the beach. I am going to jerk off before I go and if I should start to become erect I will just go out into the water up to my waist and do it again. I knew that everyone would be looking at me because the girls had shaved all of my blonde body hair off last month at the party. I lost the strip poker game and I had to spend the evening naked. I would have stayed erect if a guy had done it but they laughed at me as I went limp while the girls were shaving me. I got hard as Billy and the other boys came over to watch. Ever since Sheryl I preferred guys. Not that I have anything against girls, but the guys are more generous with giving sex. The girls are stingy. Most guys give better head, too. At least that’s what I have heard. March 11, 2000. Cozumal, Mexico What a glorious day! For a short period of time I even forgot that I had made arrangements to have it removed. I found some guys from California down here on holiday at the nude beach. They were very Gay and they are proud of it! There were two of them and they seemed to be comfortable with their sexuality. They kissed and cuddled and played with each other like there was no one else in the world. They noticed my erection and giggled just like the girls at school did. Will I ever fit in anywhere? After it is gone I doubt it. I will be mutilated but I don’t care. I wish it was already done one moment and I never want to have it done the next. March 12, 2000. Cozumal, Mexico My last day on this earth possessing a penis started like any other here in this paradise. Beautiful sun, beautiful surf and tall palm trees. They are going to cut my cock off tomorrow night and I am going to go through with the whole thing. It’s hard to believe but true. The instructions were very explicit. After supper I have to wait on the corner by the restaurant with my white Panama straw hat with the peacock feather. A limousine will pick me up and I will be stripped once inside and a hood will be placed over my face to protect my identity. I won’t be allowed to see any of them either. I will be taken naked from the Limo to a waiting private plane to be flown to the place where I am to give up my penis. The only thing is that anyone who witnesses what was done to me will not have a hard time identifying me without my clothes. I will never see them naked, though. Let alone see them naked having their sex parts cut off! Just like the strip poker game I lost but this time I am really losing something! Life without a cock is something I want but something I dread. Why am I going through with this? March 13, 2000. Some where on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Nervous, So nervous as I lay here in this small room looking at the fan rotating around and around on the ceiling. I can’t believe that I actually went through with it, but I did. Now as I lay here naked and shaven in my own room in this resort I wonder what the rest of my life will be like without it. I know that I will miss it but I’m glad that it’s gone. That doesn’t make sense but it’s how I feel. It doesn’t hurt except if I move wrong. It feels like it is still there. They said that the stitches would dissolve so I won’t have to worry about taking them out. Sooner or later someone will find out. It doesn’t make any difference now but I already wish that I could rub it. Just for a little while. But I know that if I hadn’t went through with it that I would have the same low, let down feeling after I spermed. Just like I always did ever since I can remember. I’m glad that it’s gone. The $50,000.00 U.S. dollars that I was paid for it will more than pay my way through college. The movie that they made of the process of my loss will not show my face, but Billy would recognize my naked body if he ever saw it. Even with all of my hair shaved off. It was something that he said about the freckle pattern last month at the party the last time that we played strip poker and I had to be the one that had to spend the evening and the rest of the night naked. I was the one who had to be jerked off all evening long while the rest of the guys and even a couple of their girlfriends watched and laughed. I was humiliated but at the same time I was excited. Especially when they all drew cards and the loser had to jerk me off. The final humiliation was the body shave that I experienced at the hands of the girls who were present. I lost my erection while they were handling me. I wonder if it’s because I’m gay like they teased. I think that I’m just shy. I never thought that girls would do a thing like that to a boy. The girls told all of their friends at school and every girl in school giggled at me in the hallways for a better part of a month. Ever since I started jerking off at the age of 10 I had liked the smooth skin of another’s naked bum as I massaged myself. At first it was the butt of the little girl down the street. We had a favorite game. We used to have a foot race and the loser had to get in the closet and take their pants off and let the winner come in and feel between their legs. I usually lost. The few times that I won I knew it was because Sheryl let me win so she could be felt. She would only let me handle her butt and that’s all I ever stuck my finger into. I had to use a lot a vaseline to do that because her virgin ass was very tight. Mine was too when she fingered me. She loosened me up because she usually won at least 10 times before she let me win once. She would make me come without touching me by massaging inside my ass with her long fingers. She would always use two or three at a time. She only allowed me to stick one into her backside though. I was never allowed to feel her front parts. She told me that she was saving them for her future husband. She moved away after her father died. She was the only girl that I ever saw naked. It wasn’t fair because everybody had seen me naked. It happened during gym class one day and the girls at school still laugh about it. After Sheryl I preferred looking at butts. It didn’t really matter if they were boy’s butts. Billy was about my age and we played with each other because there were no girls who liked to play our kind of games. In fact, Sheryl was the only girl I knew who would consent to even pulling her pants down in front of a boy. Billy and I weren’t gay, but we sure enjoyed playing our games. Games which I usually lost because the loser always had to come for the winner and boy did I like to come. I would jerk off at least three times a day. Even more if I could get away with it. Sometimes though I wnjoyed jaking Billy off and making him cum for a change. So you see I will miss it. I will also enjoy the money that I was paid for having it cut off in front of that crowd while I was being filmed. One thing is for sure. My penis is gone forever now. Like it or not I will never cum again. I am glad that I did it. Now I lay here looking at my stitches and the catheter coming out from the small hole that will be my pee hole from now on. I can only see it with this hand mirror. It’s hard to look at my piss hole with the mirror and hold my scrotum and balls away at the same time. They showed me how to remove the catheter after the swelling goes down. Now I get to spend the rest of the break taking it easy. My whole crotch is bruised. I can’t believe that it’s gone. I was led into this large room naked without my mask. All who were present wore masks and some came up to me and fondled me. I was erect form the time my clothes came off in the Limo until I was cut. It was cut off while it was still hard. Oh God it hurt but I still wanted it. They explained to me on the plane that I was going to have my entire penis removed so that not even a stub was left. They explained to me that I would be impotent and that I would be horny the rest of my life unless I could come from prostate massages. I would have no choice. If I were to have sex my ass would have to be reamed. I don’t think that I could get used to that. I might do a lot of things though if I get horny enough. At 17 I was too young to give up sex but give it up I did! Eventually I would have to get used to being ass fingered if I didn’t want to be horny all the time. My mask was put on and as I stood there I felt a sharp, intense pain in the head of my penis. As I looked down I saw that I had been pierced and that a ring had been inserted through the head. It hurt and I screamed. Blood dripped from the penis ring as I was led by it with a chain attached to the table in the middle of the room. The cameras were rolling and I was ready to receive the cut. I felt hands pick me up and put me on the table. My legs were spread and I was strapped down so that I couldn’t move. A lubricated sound was shoved into my urethra. I felt a cutting under my scrotum as the catheter was passed into my bladder and the sound was removed. I felt the catheter slide into me and my pee started draining from me. I felt shame as my piss drained into a bag and I couldn’t control it. My 17 year old frame shuddered as the cutting began. Oh, how I hurt. There was no anesthetic what so ever and I felt every cut as my cock was cut out while it was still erect. The pain of the piercing was nothing compared to the pain of losing my cock to the knife. My scrotum was moved out of the way and I felt every cut and stitch. My penis was pulled by the new piercing ring and chain and was held up for everyone to see. Soon I felt the burning, stinging pain before the numbness as the nerves that run along the top of my cock were severed. After the main erect part was removed and held up by it’s ring and chain to the barbaric cheers of the crowd the deep cutting at the cock root began. The cutter was relentless and from the manner in which he cut I could tell that he had cut off cocks before. It was happening to me. ME! I wished that he would slow down and somehow make the pain bearable. I couldn’t control the pain of the deep digging. The last thing I remember before waking up in the plane flying back was screaming as the darkness closed in. I vaguely remember being brought to my room and put to bed by two beautiful guys in their 20’s. Their caresses conveyed that they felt sorry for me. They expressed how sorry they were that I had my cock cut off at 17 while still in high school. They seemed very familiar and then I placed them. It was the same two guys that I had seen yesterday at the nude beach. They were going to take care of me until I went home. I was cockless forever! TO BE CONTINUED
A visit to Fly Island
Fun and games withe the Lord Of The Flies boys.
Forty-some years ago I was tasked with reading William Golding’s Lord Of The Flies and writing an essay about how I would cope if marooned on the island with the bunch of schoolboys who, in the absence of authority, had went apeshit and became savages. I wrote some pap about how I would assure the group that rescue would come eventually and that all we had to do was keep our cool and everything would be okay. Now I realize that isn’t at all what I would have done. “Look,” I told Ralph, Jack, Sam, Eric and the rest of the survivors, “It’s been a year, the war is probably over, and if we were going to get rescued it would have happened by now.” Ralph and Jack and Sam, our elected leaders, conferred quietly for a few minutes. “We agreed, after Piggy and Simon, uh, died, that the majority rules, and most of us are inclined to keep on waiting,” Ralph finally announced. “That’s well and fine for most of you,” I said to Ralph. I moved my hands away from my naked crotch to reveal my erection and the forest of hair that had recently sprouted on my groin. “Eric and I and some of the other guys have, ah, needs. You’ll probably know how we feel in a few months.” I had turned thirteen a couple of months ago and had entered puberty. Eric had preceded me, and Jack would be right behind me. His dick was already getting bigger and his crotch was slightly darkened by a smoky haze. He didn’t have real hair like Eric and I, but he soon would and he usually woke up with a stiffy. “You know what your Mum said about going blind or insane?” I challenged. “It hasn’t seem to made any difference yet,” Sam commentated, rather sarcastically. “I mean it hasn’t seemed to stop you from, you know, doing yourself.” I felt my face get red. It was, after all a small island and it was hard to keep secrets. “That’s exactly why we need this new rule,” I said, trying to get the pre- pubescent child to see things a man’s way. “When a guy gets one of these,” I motioned to my boner, “it means he’s ready for a girl. There aren’t any of those here, so we’ll just have to do it like they do in the Navy.” “How’s that?” Sam asked. “With another guy. My uncle in the Royal Navy told me all about it.” “No way!” Sam declared instantly, and then covered his crotch with his hands. Like the rest of us, he was naked. His pizzle was small and wrinkled and his prepubescent grapes hung loosely in a tiny scrotum beneath a hairless groin. He was only ten and therefore a little’un, and even though he was as tall as Ralph and jack he still had the flabby musculature of a child. “I propose a new law,” I said, breaking the silence that had suddenly descended on us. “When a man gets old enough, say like Eric and I are, we get to pick like a, uh, wife from the little’uns. No one else can mess with her, uh, him, and we have to provide for him, just like a real wife.” “The Council will give the matter due consideration,” Jack stated lowering his hands to cover his erection. He and Ralph and Sam then adjourned to the other side of the clearing to discuss my proposal. The rest of us couldn’t hear what they said, but judging by the arm waving and gesturing, it was obviously a heated discussion. “The Council has reached a decision,” Ralph finally announced. “The first half of us to get hair, can pick a, uh, wife from the other half.” My cock swelled with delight at his announcement. I chose Reggie as my wife. He was nine at the time and had long blonde curls and a rather chubby physique. All of the boys gathered round and watched as I consummated our marriage. He screamed in pain and even bled a little the first time I entered him, and it was only after I exercised my duly wedded right to knock him around a little that he finally opened his mouth to me. Once tamed, he was docile enough and he eventually accepted everything I tried. He was also low-maintenance; he thrived on a diet that consisted mostly of my frequent meat injections. Eric also took a wife, and after the novelty of having an audience wore off we each built small huts to make our activities less public. We got together and shared what we’d learned about different techniques and positions, and many times I hurried home, erection pointing the way, to try out what I’d just learned. “Have you ever thought about what we’ll do when our wives start getting, you know, hairy and growing balls?” Eric asked one day. “I mean, it just won’t be the same, will it?” “No, I guess it won’t,” I pondered his question. “But it still won’t be all that bad.” “What I mean is,” Eric pressed, “Do we have to let our wives, uh, do us? You know, like we do them? I don’t think I’d like that, you know what I mean?” I knew what he meant, and like him, I didn’t think I’d like it, but the very thought gave me an erection so I hurried back to my hut. Reggie dropped to his knees and opened his mouth wide as soon as he saw my condition, but I shook my head to indicate no, so he applied a thin coat of coconut butter to my shaft and dabbed more into his hole and bent over with his ass in the air, my favorite position. I took his little grapes between my fingers as I rode him and fondled and squeezed them until he cried out in pain. I took my newest proposal to the Council the very next morning. Jack and Ralph were both married by then and instantly saw merit in my idea. Sam, now Jack’s wife, was adamantly opposed, but was outvoted by the other two, and since it was my idea and I’d been the first one to marry, they charged me with being the first to institute my plan. We all gathered on the beach a month later. Jack had sent a hunting party to the high meadow to pick a bunch of the special mushrooms that grew there. I had dried them and ground them into the fine powder that I had given Reggie that morning, and he was now incoherent and totally unaware of his surroundings or of what was about to happen to him. Four of the largest of the husbands held him on the ground with his legs apart, and I had tied the best of our rotting shoelaces tightly around his small ball bag. I placed a leaf from what we called the medicine plant, with which we bound our wounds, on a large rock between the boy’s legs. Another leaf was wrapped around the large flat rock that I held in my hand. Jack pulled the shoelace tight so the thin pink skin was stretched tightly around the little grapes, making them an easy target. The boy’s already insignificant prick was almost buried inside his hairless groin. but my own cock was harder than it had ever been and oozing in anticipation. As soon as I was done with the rock I’d roll him over and take him right here on the beach, in front of everyone, just like I had on our wedding night. I lifted another large rock high over my head and squatted between my wife’s legs. Most of the little ‘uns had shut their eyes tightly and had their hands clamped over their genitals, unwilling to witness what would doubtless be their own future. The rest of the audience sported erections. The husbands would be extra busy tonight “What in the Queen’s name is going on here?” A loud voice suddenly boomed over the water. A tall man in an immaculate white naval uniform stood in the bows of a small boat, and a large vessel flying the Union Jack slowly steamed around the point. “I say, unhand that boy! You’re acting like a bunch of savages!” * * *
The Wicked
Her beauty was as deceptive as a political campaign. She emerged from the early morning mists in the small town with only a small handbag filled with fake ID, cosmetics, and a handgun. Don noticed her first as she slithered up to the gas station in her towering heels and asked for the key to the restroom. So captivating was her long blond hair and her deep chestnut eyes, that he could scarcely finger the keys from the wall and hand them to her. With a wisp of a smile she turned the corner and disappeared into the dirty restroom only to emerge thirty minutes later, smelling of cheap perfume. He was changing the oil on Macs new T-bird, and was unaware of her approach. With a quick slight of hand, she twisted the handle on the jack and the car dropped unmercifully onto his chest. After taking a few steps, she turned and smirked as she threw the keys on his twitching legs. The coroner later announced his death had been instantaneous. Waltzing slowly into the local bar, she ordered a martini and awaited her next victim. Mac arrived first. After some senseless small talk he offered her a ride in his new car. With an air of sophistication that made the bars patrons pause, she accepted, and took the arm of the pudgy man firmly in her own. As they rounded the corner, he spotted Don struggling beneath his car and froze in his steps. She yanked his arm fiercely, almost separating it from his shoulder, and guided him to the car where he stood in horror. She ordered him to join his friend beneath the shiny T-bird and finish what his friend had started. He refused, until she revealed the handgun, and he struggled underneath to replace the drain plug and tighten the filter. As he began to emerge from beneath the car, she mercilessly emptied the revolver into his abdomen. She slowly poured the oil into the engine, taking the time to wipe her hands gingerly after each quart was emptied. After slamming the hood, she dug around in Macs' exposed pockets until she found the keys, then got into the car and drove over the two corpses. There were no fingerprints, and no witnesses. Sunday afternoon in the heart of big city U.S.A. She drove through the quiet streets, humming to a new tune on the stereo, and drumming her delicate fingers on the dash. Her eyes captured every movement, and lingered on a young couple making love on a dark street corner with disgust. Circling the block once, she parked in the back of an apartment complex and briskly walked towards the two. Before either could speak, she withdrew a small hunting knife from her coat pocket, and plunged it into the young mans' right kidney. The girl started to scream, and was brutally slapped, stunning her and sending her to her knees. As she watched, the predator ripped the clothing away from the dying mans body, and began to suck on his flaccid manhood. Using expert oral skills, she quickly brought him to his last orgasm, sucking every drop of warm sperm from his throbbing pole before closing her teeth firmly around him, severing the engorged flesh swiftly. Taking time to slowly chew the gristle in front of his terrified girlfriend, she once again dove between his legs and tore his testicles and scrotum away viciously. With an effortless motion she rose, giving the terrified lover a smile of conquest, and disappearing around the corner. The eyewitness passed out in shock, and could barely remember the details when she was questioned by the police as the prime suspect several hours later. Later that evening in a remote all-night convenience store, a tall dark woman with flowing blond hair entered. She wore a long black trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a large hat that obscured half of her face. After lingering several minutes around the soft drinks, she opened the door and gingerly extracted a six pack. The young clerk, fresh out of high school was so enraptured by her countenance, that he rang-up the wrong dollar amount. Nervously trying to reverse the transaction, he never saw the shiny blade as it sliced through his jugular. He fell backward gasping for breath in horror, his eyes rolled up into his head, and his legs twitched convulsively as his brain died of suffocation. Again, with the fury of a crazed beast, she ripped the clothes from his torso, and devoured his developing genitals; savoring their unique flavor and texture before disappearing. The local authorities notified the FBI. For several days the major topic of discussion among those who know, was the ghastly murder of the two young men. Law enforcement was put on full alert and parents kept their young men home from school in the affected areas. FBI officials scoured the crime scenes, and puzzled over the motives, but little was found, and no answers were given. The young girl, who had seen her lover murdered, took her own life in despair. Meanwhile, down in the bowels of the city, a stunning blond strolled along the deserted streets, staring at the homeless with the eyes of a famished beast. Animals dared not draw near, and an aura of death along with a foul odor followed her every step. She would sleep in the darkness, the black trench coat covering her to form a dark mound that would occasionally growl in its sleep. When she would awaken to the night, and would once again prowl the dark places, but did not feast again, until she caught the scent of another virgin male. He was a young runaway, angered by the false accusations of his parents, and the rejection of his girlfriend. He sat at the bus stop for hours, trying to face his realities as despair gnawed away at his spirit. She approached from behind and, grabbing him firmly by the neck, she pulled her gasping victim behind a secluded dumpster. His struggles were met by several jabs to his stomach that left him retching and gasping for air. Quickly she unfastened his jeans and pulled them from his writhing form to expose his young manhood, framed by just the slightest wisp of dark pubic hair. Burying her face into his abdomen, she passionately sucked the soft flesh to life, encircling his glans repeatedly with her moist flickering tongue. Her hand found his small testicles, and rhythmically began to message them through the tightening ball sack. As her oral administrations increased, he spasmed violently, arching his back high in the air as the first load of essence shot into her throat. She reached around his firm buttocks and firmly held him in that position as he continued to pump his sperm into her. They both groaned in unison, fully lost in erotic passion, until she moved her mouth over his now tight ball sack, and bit down fiercely. Just as he screamed, she jabbed his throat with her fist, and tore her treasure free, sucking it into her mouth greedily, as the torn veins and ligaments dangled from her lips. After swallowing the last of her meal, she wiped her chin on the back of her hand to remove the blood, and vanished into the night. It had been too easy she thought, and she half laughed, half- snarled under her breath. She drove out of the city into the sprawling suburbs, still savoring the tiny remnants of her victims' manhood lodged between her teeth. Just before she entered the next county, she saw the roadblock up ahead on the bridge, and quickly diverted the new car to a service road that followed the river. Satisfied that she was safely out of view and earshot, she aimed the vehicle into the rapids and dove for the safety of the shoreline as the shiny vehicle splashed into the white water. With powerful strokes, she crossed the raging waters, and emerged unharmed, yet soaked. Walking further up the river, she found a large willow, and huddled beneath to rest and allow the warm summer wind to dry her coat. Sleep came easy for her with a full stomach, and her dreams were both erotic and satisfying. The next morning, the farmer that found her instantly became fish food, and she headed up to the interstate less than a mile away. With her composure restored, and her thumb pointing towards the sky, it wasn't long until a careful of young athletes offered her a seat. With raging virgin hormones surrounding her, she was in paradise, and was quick to offer her body for their eager exploitation. Her firm round breasts tipped with large rose colored nipples were the primary focus of their attention, and it wasn't long until their eager hands were exploring all of her unique contours with childlike curiosity. She allowed their fantasies to be fulfilled even when they became too forceful with the fur between her slender legs. By now, they were parked on the side of the road, and the four young men were in various stages of undress, stroking her body in an increasing frenzy. With one manhood firmly embedded in her throbbing pussy, one in her tight anus, and two in her mouth, she took control of the scene. Locking her ankles together, and rolling onto her back, she effectively pinned the two violators, and with one quick snap of her jaws, her hunger was immediately abated. While the two men were howling and cringing as they grasped the bloody mass between their legs, the other two tried to escape, but she was far to strong, and quickly immobilized both of them with well placed jabs to their groins. Dragging them back to the customized convertible, she opened the trunk and threw their senseless bodies within. Returning to the first two, she ripped their hands away, and completed her meal, ripping their ripe gonads away with her sharp teeth as they screamed in agony. She squatted over the youngest teen, and continually rubbed her oozing pussy across his face until, with a low growl she orgasmed, covering his face with her pungent cream. Kicking the other victim senseless with repeated blows that caved in his head, she smirked at the memory of their frenzied moments earlier. She turned her naked glistening body to the sun, and strolled back to the car, driving off in a cloud of dust. The warm blood from the two dead freshmen soon drew an army of insects that consumed most all of the bloody residue prior to the bodies being found. An APB was placed, and various scrapings were sent to the lab in neatly labeled plastic bags, including the pungent liquid found on the face of one of the victims. Known only as Drew by those who were required to know, he stepped from the black government sedan, and slowly strolled over to the crime scene where two young men lay naked and dead, with their reproductive organs missing. Fumbling with his keys, a nervous habit he had adopted when in deep thought, he turned to one of the nearby officers, and, in a soft-spoken voice, requested the make and model of their vehicle and the time of death. He reached for his cell phone buried in the oversized sports jacket he wore, and spoke with the lab briefly. Drew was a slight man, barely 5'10" at 140#. He seldom was angered, and had a soothing effect on those with whom he worked with his calm voice and unhurried demeanor. But his greatest asset was his ability to maintain his perspective amidst mountains of misleading information, and would frequently finger the prime suspect long before his peers. Because of this, he was only utilized on the most compelling cases, and was given full access to the department's multitude of resources. Within a few moments, a police helicopter arrived, and once he was safely aboard left the grassy field in search of a man-eater. His associates had fingered the creature as an escaped con that had a violent history, and the ability to disguise his appearance in a myriad of ways. But Drew was not convinced the solution was that simple. This creature was compulsive, unrelenting and merciless; qualities he had long ago found perfected only in the opposite gender. The trail of its victims was too easy to follow; the crimes had been effected brutally without afterthought, and had always involved young male victims. The two bodies found at the secluded gas station may very well not be related except for the bar patrons who thought they saw Mac leave with a tall, sophisticated female. Drew knew that if he could uncover her motive, he could solve the puzzle to her future agenda, and to her true identity. His quarry was savage, powerful, and driven; three elements that would make her difficult and dangerous to capture. She didn't see herself in the same perspective however; if asked, she would respond that she was merely hungry for that which she craved. As she drove along the interstate, her mind drifted back into the past; the horrible crash, the sight of her two parents mangled bodies, the endless nights of hunger and cold, the silent and lonely days amidst the towering firs, then finally the warmth of the she-beast with her warm teats and her soft growls. She learned to when and where to hunt, when to feed, and when to hide. Honing her skills repeatedly on lower life forms, she became highly skilled and feared among her forest companions, but it was the first taste of a young hunter that drew her into the world of the human. She learned of their ways quickly in her youth while watching the glowing boxes through open windows at night. Unseen, yet feared, she hid during the day, until she learned to alter her appearance and become more like one of their females. Once threatened or satiated, she would return to the hidden glen high above the valley, and rest peacefully among her adopted kin. So lost was she in the warm memory of her youth, that the car missed a curve and plunged into a ripening wheat field. Relying on her instincts, she guided the car through the ruts and a maelstrom of flying debris until it finally came to rest up against the rusty decaying hulk of a century-old tractor. Off in the distance were the remains of a barn, partially collapsed after years of neglect. As she opened the trunk lid to reveal the two awakened and terrified youth, she laughed fitfully, knowing that her hunger would soon be stayed, and she could return to the tranquility of her forest home. She slammed her fist into their throats, then grabbed her naked victims by the hair to complete her feeding in the privacy of the collapsing wooden structure. One of the young males began to struggle and she quickly turned to still his flailing form. It was then that she first saw the small mechanical bird in the sky. She stopped and watched it slowly approach; unaware of the threat it posed until it was almost upon her. Then, with a frightened snarl, she resumed her labors with intensity, safely reaching a fully enclosed area of the aging structure before the helicopter was upon her. Drew has seen the abandoned convertible long before any of associates. Smoke was curling from under the hood, and he knew that it would soon be engulfed in flames. Scanning the surrounding area, he saw his quarry for the first time, staring back at him with the eyes of a frightened animal. He immediately called for back up, and soon the farm was surrounded by screaming sirens and blaring loudspeakers. The creature had already devoured one of her victims' sexual organs, barely taking time to savor the warm salty discharge of his arousal before ripping the engorged organs from his torso. The second victim had been more difficult to arouse as he kept lapsing into unconsciousness. Just before the police opened fire on the structure, her persistence paid off as the young, virile victim shot his essence deep into her throat, almost choking her by the sheer volume of his volatile discharge. She gulped several times, clearing her airway for the main course. Just as the she tore away the ball sack, a continual hail of lead ripped through the rotting timbers. Unable to hear the warnings during her feeding frenzy, she was astounded by the barrage, as bullets exploded all about her. Two shots of lead found their mark; one ripped through the muscles of her left thigh impaling itself into her right knee, and the other grazed her left shoulder. She howled in anger and pain, and leapt into one of the rafters. After, what must have been a small eternity, the clamor stopped, and was followed by hushed voices from outside. She crouched and waited. With the flashlight in his left hand and the service revolver in his right, Drew slowly entered the structure. His senses were keen to every inflection, and he scarcely breathed, preceding alone so as not to frighten her further, and hopefully arrange a non-violent surrender. As he drew closer to her position, she stopped panting, and collected all of her energies to focus on the threat he posed; her senses keen for the kill. Once he crept under the rafter she sprang onto his small frame, and ripped his throat open with one swift motion. As his lifeblood began to flow freely from the open wound, she tore his clothing to shreds, and angrily clawed at his face and chest. Numbed and dying, Drew begged for mercy, only to emit senseless syllables. She reached her delicate fingers down to her foes' manhood, and gently fondled the dangling flesh as she watched the light in his eyes fade. With a swift fluid motion, she was gone, and the trail she left behind soon vanished along with the daylight. Safely back in the den with her kin, she licked her wounds. They knew they would soon be discovered and hurriedly made preparations to move further into the depths of the forest.
The Genital Weight-Lifters' Club
Men who enjoy hanging weights from their testicles, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
` The Genital Weight-Lifters' Club is a group of men who get together weekly to see how much weight each man's cremasteric muscles, spermatic cords, and scrotum can support. Some of us do not increaase the weight much or at all from week to week for many weeks, hoping to strengthen the muscles so that we can safely increase the amount of weight they can bear. Others throw caution to the winds, increasing the weight as much as possible each week. ` One non-participating member is essential and we do not hold a competition if he is not there. Dr. Braun is our security blanket. If anything goes wrong, and it often does, he is there to repair as much of the damage as possible immediately. Even so, several times a year one of the members tries to do too much and becomes a eunuch. I'm one of the cautious ones. I increase the weight slightly about once a month. I'm also the only member who lets his balls hang. All the others wear briefs or a jockstrap. I wear boxer shorts. I like the feel of my balls bumping against my left knee as I walk. Of course, the cords and bag stretch permanently after a while and All of us have abnormally low-hanging balls. Bruno Hofmeister, our present champion genital weight-lifter has to stand on a couple of boxes so that the weights will clear the floor because his nuts hang four inches below his knees. There are several ways of lifting weights with your balls. I use a weight- hanger, a large metal disc attached to a giant U-bolt made of 3/8" steel rod. That is tied to my bag with a polyethylene rope and weights are piled on the disc. Right now, I use only 70 lbs. Bruno loops a steel chain with 1" by 3/8" links around his bag and bolts the end of it to the other side of the loop. Then he passes the chain through the hole in the center of barbell plates and secures them with another bolt. He does this squatting down and then straightens up, lifting the barbell plates off the floor. Bruno has lifted 150 lbs. this way. We have a chain hoist attached to a girder in the old warehouse we rent for our meetings. Darryl Chambers lies on his back on a mattress with a rope tied around his cock and balls and to the hook of the chain hoist. Then the chain hoist is raised until Darryl's head and heels both clear the floor. Darryl weighs 130 lbs. Several others tie a bucket to their bags and have the members drop weights into it. Stu Wilkins prefers 5-lb ingots of plumbers' lead, lowered in one at a time. He tries to add another each week Hank Johnson, the only black in the club, likes people to file by and add iron washers one at a time to the pile in his bucket. When he can't stand the pull any more, he says so and then the bucket is lifted and weighed. The weight he can stand varies back and forth between 80 and 90 lbs. Dave Billings ties a stirrup to his bag with clothesline and invites people to put their hands on his shoulders, step up on the stirrup and them take their hands off his shoulders for as long as they can without falling over. If anybody gets a hernia, Dr. Braun sends him to the ER and won't let him compete any more. Even those who don't get ruptured or get their balls ripped out suffer damage. All of us have varicocele (varicose veins of the epididymis) and all of us show declining sperm counts. Dr. Braun runs sperm counts on all of us at the end of every meeting and the trend is always downward. Mine was 100 million when I joined and now it's 15 million, so I'm sterile. The varicocele and the pinching of the spermatic vein and artery as the cord is stretched probably accounts for it. One man hangs weights from his dick. Geoffrey Crowninshield has a dick which curves sharply upward like a fishook. He started hanging weights from it when he was 12 years old, trying to straighten it out. He can bend it down until the end is level with the base, but in between it's still just as strongly curved as ever. Dr. Braun says he'll fracture it one of these days and may well make himself impotent. There's a meeting tonight. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I'm not going to increase the weight I use just yet. Man ! This was Disaster Night. We sure kept Dr. Braun busy. Bruno tried for 175 lbs. and ruptured himself. He never lifts those barbell plates more than 6 inches above the floor, but they fell with a loud CLANK and two fist-sized bulges popped out in his groins . Telling us to take a recess, Dr. Braun drove Bruno to the ER for hernia surgery. When he came back, about 40 minutes later, we resumed out weight-lifting. Geoffrey had just hung 70 lbs from just behind the corona of the glans of his dick when we all heard a distinct "CRACK" and it straightened out ! Immediately, it went limp and a swelling shaped like a donut appeared around the base of it. Dr. Braun bandaged it and sent Geoffrey home to rest. Well, things went along quietly for about a half hour and then Stu Wilkins' buddy Ed dropped an ingot of lead that he had been holding over the bucket waiting for Stu to decide if he dared take any more. Stu was well above his previous limit, up to 95 lbs. He had just been about to say "That's enough." as he told us afterward, when Ed lost his grip on the ingot and dropped it into the bucket. The extra weight plus the impact was too much. We heard two "SNAP"s, one slightly ahead of the other, and a ripping sound as the bag tore, dropping the bucket onto the floor followed by Stu's bag, balls, and about half of his cords. Dr. Braun tied off Stu's broken cords and sewed up the remains of his bag, gave him an antibiotic and a pain killer and then drove him home telling us to adjourn the meeting. We had never had more than one injury in a single meeting before. Everybody I spoke to said that this shouldn't stop us from continuing to hold genital weight-lifting sessions and we agreed to meet again next week. * * *
The Curse
Gheorghe discovers that there are certain people in life whom you should not anger.
` THE CURSE ` By Pueros (Cluj, Romania, July 1986) Gheorghe was not a pleasant character. The 15 years old only child of senior Communist Party officials, local henchmen of the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, mixed bullying arrogance, stemming from his father’s status, with a selfish, sly and sadistic streak. As a result, no-one at his school liked him and, in fact, everyone tried to avoid him as much as possible. He therefore had no male friends let alone female friends, all the girls considering him a heartless weirdo. Such an attitude was not helped by the boy’s appearance. His brown curly hair was generally unkempt, his spotty face and body were nothing special and his clothing very conservative even for Romania. However, like it is for all teenagers, the hormones in his young body needed occasional attention. There were days when Gheorghe’s frame demanded relief and was fed up of acquiring satisfaction through his own hand. This was just such a day and the teenager had therefore strolled to a rather dowdy local park where there was a certain public toilet. Gheorghe’s parents were seemingly more interested in their work than in their son and often palmed their offspring off with money instead of spending the time with him that the boy really craved. The teenager was therefore never short of a few lei and accordingly proposed to spend some buying the temporary services of one of the young tarts, male and female, who often sold their mouths near the park urinal. However, he was mean with his cash and did not intend to use much. It was a pleasant summer’s evening and the park was busy. A few young whores were loitering close to the toilet, trying to look alluring to secure trade. Gheorghe’s eye was caught by the attractiveness of one, a younger boy aged about 11. He had dark straight hair with matching eyes and a tanned complexion. “Looking for business?” asked Gheorghe after approaching the younger boy. “Might be,” the 11 years old answered, eyeing the gawky 15 years old, “what do you want?” “Blow,” replied the teenager, to which the response was “30 lei!” The haggling continued for a while until the younger boy reluctantly agreed to accept 10 lei and the duo proceeded inside the shabby urinal to one of the cubicles. Gheorghe stood astride the pan facing the cubicle door, which the tart locked behind him before kneeling in front of his client. “Oh no,” declared Gheorghe, “I want a naked sucker for my money!” More argument ensued but the younger boy, in far worse domestic circumstances than the older, was relying on his fee to eat that day and was so again forced to agree to his client’s demands. He blushed slightly as he removed his shoes and socks. His embarrassment grew as the footwear was joined on the cubicle floor by his clean but old t-shirt. However, his lovely face became much redder as he undid the button on top of his trousers, unzipped the fly and pushed down on the waistband. The garment slid down his lithe thighs and legs and was soon resting on top of his other discarded clothing. The younger boy now stood in front of the older, attired only in skimpy black briefs displaying a small but pleasant bulge at the front. He reluctantly moved his hands to the sides of his last cover but hesitated in fulfilling the final demeaning act and so Gheorghe commanded “Hurry up, I haven’t got all day. You’d think that little tarts like you were used to prancing around before others in the nude.” In fact, the 11 years old had only just taken up such activity in desperation and had done nothing other than give a few men blow jobs whilst remaining fully clothed. He had found fellatio awful and very difficult to perform properly at first, frequently gagging and being sick, but had now become more proficient, aware from experience that clients might not pay if they thought that their pleasure had been ruined by incompetence. The younger boy took a deep breath and, with face now a vivid red, lowered his briefs. His smooth genitals, nicely hung and proportioned ball sac dangling under a pleasantly sized and semi-erect cock, now popped into view. After placing the garment on top of his trousers, the humiliated youngster finally stood naked in front of his client, resisting the temptation to hide his prize assets with his hands as he knew that his customer would not appreciate such timidity. Gheorghe did appreciate the sight of the nude in front of him, causing his own, already stiff cock, to throb. The teenager reached out to fondle the younger boy’s genitalia with his left hand whilst he unzipped his own trousers with his right. The 15 years old carefully felt the sweet orbs of the 11 years old’s delicious scrotum before moving his attentions to the youngster’s now rigid penis, by which time his own hard member, drooling precum, had been exposed through his fly. Gheorghe took his time in enjoying the vision of the sublime form in front of him, immaculate young body not even marked by a tan line. The teenager wanted value for his 10 lei but the younger boy, being brought close to his own dry climax by his client’s fondling and also wanting to expedite his degrading mission with speed, broke the reverie by kneeling again. He was soon rewarded by being presented with his customer’s engorged cock for oral manipulation. Gheorghe rested his hands on top of the younger boy’s head as the tart proceeded with his unpleasant task. The teenager’s uncut cock, displaying early growth of pubic hair, was unimpressively smaller than that of most 15 years olds and so was accommodated fully in the 11 years old’s mouth. The penis also did not have much staying power and was soon enticed to spurting its load down the young whore’s throat. Gheorghe now roughly held the younger boy’s head in place whilst his climax subsided and all orgasmic product was absorbed into the tart’s innards before pushing the 11 years old away so that he fell harshly on his bare bottom, back resting against the cubicle door. The shocked younger boy, breath temporarily taken away by the act of fellatio and his tumble, now heard the older lie, as he re-zipped his fly, “Not very good and certainly not worth 10 lei!” Before the naked 11 years old appreciated what was happening, Gheorghe had picked the youngster’s clothes up, stuffed them down the toilet pan and activated the flush before stepping over him to unlock the door. The 15 years old then stepped outside and threw a coin at the lad before walking away whilst suggesting with a smirk “Get your mouth working better and get your money up front next time if you want your full fee!” The younger boy scrambled to his feet and re-locked himself in the cubicle, not wanting anyone to see him in his current state, naked and with excess semen dribbling down his chin. Tears came to his eyes as he heard his client’s departing laughter and saw that the virtually worthless coin in his hand was for 10 bani, representing 1% of the agreed fee. The 11 years old knew that not only could he not chase the teenager in his state of nudity but also would have to wait awhile where he was to allow his clothes to dry. He also recognised that he would not be eating that day. The 11 years old, of ancient Romany extraction, therefore uttered a bloodcurdling curse on the 15 years old. Gheorghe went home to the apartment block where senior Party members lived, much better accommodation than that of the proletariat they were supposed to serve. As usual, his father and mother were out and would not be returning home until late. The teenager therefore prepared a simple meal for himself and watched some programmes on the black and white television the family owned. The fare offered by the single channel was, as usual boring, with too much talk of agricultural quotas and not enough adventurous action, especially that offered by western nations. Gheorghe therefore went to bed early where he enjoyed a long masturbatory session whilst thinking of his fun with the park slut. Pleasurable action eventually concluded, the teenager felt tired and so, still chuckling to himself, he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. Gheorghe’s customary first desire the next morning was for urination and so he left his bed to go to the toilet. It was his mother who later found the teenager collapsed unconscious on the bathroom floor, briefs around his ankles. Romanian doctors were never to discover how a young penis could shrivel away and disappear overnight. THE END of ‘THE CURSE’ by Pueros * * *
summer camp reductions, mom's a great urologist
two brothers with their mom an expert urologist experience some of her best work with reversible penis shrinkage and reomval for bad boys. older brother gets to help with nullos and brings stuff to remove genitals with him to camp. all just fantasy
` Well, after having the pleasure of shrinking Blakes dick tonothing i was very curious abpout the procedure, so mom and i went out for lunch, i asked her about the different steps and she explained them.The cream was for hair removal, it killed all of the hair follicles so yoru crotch would be bare, like mine she said. 2 treatments usually will make any one hairless. sSecond the gel wrap sucks out extra tissue and blood from the penis helping to shrink it. The tube applies suction and pressure to insert the penis into their groin, and uses a glue substance from the gel wrap to hold his penis in place on their groin. The tube is to help increase the size of their pee hole for easy urination and to keep the penis inplace until the adhesive and skin forms around the outer penis walls. She said when we got back i could do an ultra sound on randy to see that his penis is stil there. I asked why then the shots in the balls.Temporary chemical castration, sothere are no errections. ` Each shot lasts 6 months depending on age. and it is reversible at almost up to 2 years. So randy 'sdick is just leing dormant, just used to expel urine right mom? Exactly she said. She then floored me with a request, Timmy i have several clients who need artificial insemination to get pregnant and i would like to use your healthy sperm for them. Your bright, handsome atletic and perfect for their types. In fact several clients have requestedthat i ask you. I said sure, what do i have to do? First i will have to give you several shots of a special sperm producer to increase your production. Then you will have to wear a special device on your dick so you can't jerk off at all, so we can save up your sperm. This will take only take a few weeks, and while on this regimen, you will have to work out alot, as the chemicals wil make your muscles nice and buff. It might make your dick too big< but if that'sa problem we canshrink it a bit with just the gel wrap. I was so in shock i didn't know what to say, but when mom said that i would get a $1000 bill for my sperm and the best sneakers and clothes for school, i said sure. But thinking fast, i asked mom if i could take some of that gel wrap to camp? there is a patrol that we hate and the gel wrap woudl work great in our patrol wars. Infact , i'd love to take an entire removal kit, for a few of the punks that pick on us. She said it shouldn't be problem, except we would need masks, sop no one knew what we wrere doing, all mom wanted was a poloroid of who we got. I said sure and back to her poffice wewent. When mom told me to take a seat in exam 2 i got a bit nervous, she gently rubbed my head and said relax, i won't hurt you timmy. So i tried my best, as i lwered my jean shots and briefs, she cleaned my balls and took a rather large needle and as gently as she could squeezed some cool liquid into my balls , the right then the left, and then gently massaged it in.Actually it wasn't too bad, but she then lubed donw my prick tieda shoe laceto it and guided it through a tube with attached to a clamp behind my balls. She tightened it and secured it with a little lock, and when i looked down, my dick was pointing down, and thehint of an errection caused so much pain i lost my boner real quick. It was real comfortable, lined with leather and soft rubber backing, it was kind of neat. No mom said i was ready to help make us plenty of money. She said to go get randy so i can see his tiny dick on the ultra sound. I puled up my shorts and kind of awkwardly ran upstairs to get randy whowas playing nintendo. He asked why do you want me, i've been good? Mom wants to do a checkup on you squirt, let's go. So we ran down together, and randy hopped up on the exam1 table. I said drop em and he did, lay back we want to check out your sleeping dick, and i gelled up the ultra sound rubbed it on his crotch and you could see his dick nicely tucked in his crotch with the tip nice and wide for his pee hole. you could even see the glue like stuff that held it in place. It was awesome!!. In a matter of minutes i said all done you can go, so little randy ran backup stairs. Well the next few weeks were really kind of tough. Every other morning i had to get another shot in my balls which were getting really big and hung real low. Mom dropped me off toher friends who owneda gym and they worked me until i passed out. It was tough, but man could i see my muscles were getting huge, i looked like a young teen body builder. The roughest part was no jerking off at all. And whe randy saw me in my chastity, he tried to make me get a boner whenever he could. After 1 week of treatments mom had me go into the private office and lie facedown ona special table with 2 holes in it one crotch level and one padded for my face. She first suprized me with a apir of my favorite new sneakers, adidas samba classics, and then told me how proud she was of me to help. She then removed my chastity quickly and told me to lie face down on the table. Underneath she lubed up my dick and put some kindof tube on it. I could feel a soft rubber thing invade the tip of my dick and expand. Then mom flipped the switch and told me to relax the machine will milk yoru dick until it is dry. As she massaged my back she bet me that i would shoot 6 loads before i went dry. So i layed there in pure extasy, Man i came real fast and it felt like i'd never stop cumming. By the third time, i was out of breath, so mom gave me a drink. I want dry by the 5th time and the machine stopped automaticlly. When it stopped mom came back in and released me. As she grabbed a huge jar of my sperm she showed me all of my sperm. Man it seemed like alot.I then had to endure 2 more shots inmy tender balls and get locked back into my chastity. Thi slasted for 2 more weeks.I was doing so well mom made me me secret pack of stuff for camp, lots of the penis reduction gel wrap a couple of tubes and the computer removal device.Wheni went to the patrol meeting I told the guys about the stuff i got for camp and they were more excited than me. When tyler asked does it work, Franky and Billy held Tyler down and said test it on him. Strangley enough he didn't protest. Tyler asked if i can just shrink hisdick a bit and before i asked why, franky was jerking off tyler, and we were all amazed at his 10 inch dick tyler was only 13,he said it's terrible too big, it scares away the girls. So out of my backpack i grabbed some of the gel wrap and molded it perfectly around his huge stiff dick.I slipped a protective sheath around itand told Tyler he can pull up his pants so we can continue the meeting.All through the meeting tyler gave us a play y play, as the wrap felt cold, hpot warm. We discussed how we would battle our rival patrol of cobras, and i suggested that we kidnap them at night and either remove or shrinkall of their cocks. I told them my mom made us all masks, so we can hide our idenity.At the end of the meeting tyler bugged about seeign the results, so we all gathered around as he dropped his shorts and let me remove the gel wrap. His dick was limp, but franky reached over and sat tyler on his lap and pumped away. As tyler moaned we were all breathless as is once mighty 10 incher was a nice 6 inch pole. Not as fat, nice andskinny long dick. He was soo happy he shot a huge load all over us. He asked if he woudl keep growing and i told him yes but at a slower rate. Summer camp details to follow * * *
Biologie in der Schule
Im Biologieunterricht wird alles erklärt und gezeigt. Auch wenn es weh tut.
Biologie in der Schule Bei der letzten Schulreform wurde beschlossen, dass der Unterreicht durch viel Praxis aufgelockert werden soll. So werden viele Ausflüge gemacht. Museen besucht, Orte besichtigt und vieles mehr. In Biologie sind wir gerade beim Thema Sexualität. So musste sich letzte Stunde ein Junge und ein Mädchen nackt nach vorne stellen und es wurde an ihnen alles erklärt. Für heute hat unsere Lehrerin das Thema Selbstbefriedigung angekündigt. Ich bin mal gespannt, was da abgeht. Es klingelt und Frau Maron betritt die Klasse. Sie ist eine sehr attraktive Lehrerin und bei ihr macht der Unterricht richtig Spaß. Sie ist auch sehr direkt und redet nicht um heiße Themen herum. So spricht sie offen über das Thema und erklärt uns erst einmal was Selbstbefriedigung den wirklich ist. Natürlich haben wir wohl alle schon etwas Erfahrung, sind wir doch schon in der zehnten Klasse, doch sind wir natürlich neugierig, was das andere Geschlecht so macht. Als erstes sucht Frau Maron ein Mädchen, das sich öfters selbst befriedigt. Es melden sich fast alle und Martina wird von ihr ausgewählt. An ihr erklärt sie nun die verschiedenen Techniken der Selbstbefriedigung bei Frauen und am Ende muss Martina es sich sogar vor der Klasse besorgen. Natürlich jubeln wir alle, als sie laut stöhnend einen Orgasmus bekommt. Dann kommt der Mann dran. Auch hier sucht sie wieder jemand, der Erfahrung damit hat. Erstaunlicherweise meldet sich hier keiner. Haben alle etwa Angst es zuzugeben? Ich erhebe meine Hand und melde mich, weiß ich doch, das ich so gute Noten bekomme, und gerade in Biologie stehe ich mehr schlecht als gut. Frau Maron freut sich und ich muss mich nackt nach vorne stellen. Sie nimmt meinen Penis fest in die Hand und zeigt die Wichsbewegungen. Auf verschiedene Arten greift sie zu. Ebenso krault sie dabei meine Hoden. Ich genieße es, ist sie doch mit ihren Fingern sehr geschickt. Doch dann hört sie auf und ich soll selber weiter machen. Wie immer greife ich mit der einen Hand meinen Schwanz und wichse ihn. Mit der anderen Hand ergreife ich meinen Sack und massiere mir kräftig meine Eier. Es dauert auch nicht lange, da spritze ich mehrere kräftige Stöße in die Klasse. Auch ich bekomme kräftigen Applaus. Dann kommt der zweite Teil des heutigen Unterrichts. Frau Maron macht uns deutlich, das die Selbstbefriedigung beim Mann eigentlich unerwünscht ist. Es ist Verschwendung das gute Sperma so unnütz zu vergeuden. Aus diesem Grund werden Jungen häufig sehr stark beschnitten. Dann fragt sie in die Klasse, ob einer hier beschnitten ist. Nach langen zögern meldet sich Frank. Er zeigt uns sein Schwanz. Frau Maron streichelt ihn ein wenig, so dass er schön prall wird. Dann sieht man sehr gut wie stramm seine Vorhaut ist. Ein normales wichsen ist hier sehr schwer. Doch es gibt auch so Möglichkeiten es sich immer noch selber zu machen. Sie bittet mich noch einmal nach vorne. Ich muss mich noch einmal ausziehen und Frau Maron wichst meinen Schwanz noch einmal hart. Jetzt stehen wir beide nackt vor der Klasse und haben einen Ständer. Dann fragt sie Frank, wie oft er es sich denn selber macht, bzw. sich vor der Beschneidung gemacht hat. Früher war es so 1 bis 2 mal die Woche. Dann zögert er etwas und Frau Maron schaut ihn ernst an. Nun ja, heute macht er es sich noch so 1 mal im Monat. Frau Maron lächelt, „seht ihr, es hat bei ihm geholfen. Und ein mal im Monat kann man akzeptieren. Und wie steht es mit dir?“ fragt sie mich. Ich traue mich nicht etwas zu sagen, habe ich doch Angst Beschnitten zu werden. Frau Maron betrachtet meinen Schwanz und kommt zu der Erkenntnis, das so wie meine Vorhat aussieht, ich mehrmals in der Woche es mir selber machen muss. Ich nicke leicht und fühle mich ertappt. Dann gebe ich zu, dass ich es manchmal sogar 2 mal am Tag mache. Frau Maron bekommt leuchtende Augen. Ich denke mal, dass ich nun beschnitten werde, doch habe ich mich geirrt. Während sich Frank wieder anziehen darf, erklärt sie der Klasse, das es Sache der Eltern ist, die Jungen beschneiden zu lassen. Ich atme erleichtert auf aber bekomme sofort wieder einen Dämpfer. „Natürlich werde ich seinen Eltern darüber berichten, damit sie die erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergreifen,“ sagt sie dann. Ich will mich auch anziehen, aber sie hält mich zurück. „ Moment, Thomas, es geht noch weiter, ich brauche dich noch hier vorne. Ich habe ja vorhin schon erwähnt, dass mit der Beschneidung das wichsen zwar erschwert wird, aber nicht unmöglich wird. So wie bei Frank ist es akzeptabel, sollte es aber öfters werden, gibt es noch weitere Möglichkeiten die Selbstbefriedigung zu verhindern. Wie ich euch in der letzten Stunde erklärt habe, sind die Hoden ja für die Jungen sehr wichtig. Wenn sie weg sind oder zerstört werden, verliert der Junge auch seine Potenz und sein Sexualleben. So wurden früher die Haremswächter kastriert, damit sie gefahrlos die Frauen bewachen konnten. Nun ist es so, dass natürlich damit auch die Fähigkeit Kinder zu bekommen verloren geht. Aus diesem Grund macht man heutzutage etwas anderes. Mann droht den Jungen diese Folgen nur an. Sie müssen richtig Angst bekommen damit sie es zukünftig sein lassen es sich selber zu machen. Und wie man das macht zeige ich euch jetzt mal an Thomas.“ Ein Schock durchfährt mich. Ich stehe wie versteinert da. Frau Maron bittet mich, mich mit dem Rücken auf das Pult zu legen, so dass meine Beine in die Klasse zeigen. Dann stellt sie sich neben mich und ergreift meinen Sack. Sie fingert ein wenig darin herum, bis sie beide Hoden in den Händen hat. „So, jetzt passt mal gut auf was jetzt kommt, am besten kommen die Mädchen mal nach vorne“ sagt Frau Maron und beginnt nun meine Hoden zu massieren. „Erst mal müssen seine Hoden ein wenig geknetet werden. Dann muss er seinen Schwanz nehmen und es sich noch einmal selber machen.“ Sie fordert mich auf es zu tun, und so fange ich an, meinen Schwanz ein zweites mal vor der Klasse zu wichsen. Frau Maron wird dabei immer härter zu meinen Hoden und massiert sie kräftig durch. „Und damit Thomas gleich begreift, das er das, was er gerade macht nicht mehr machen soll, werde ich ihm gleich ein Hoden zerdrücken.“ Voll erschrocken will ich aufhören, doch da quetscht Frau Maron mir kurz beide Hoden zusammen. Voller Angst mache ich weiter. „Es wird ihm natürlich gleich fürchterlich weh tun, wenn ich ihm ein Hoden zerquetsche, aber so merkt er wenigstens, das es nicht richtig ist was er macht. Er wird sein ganzes Leben lang Angst davor haben, auch seinen zweiten Hoden zerquetscht zu bekommen und bei den meisten Jungen und Männern hilft das wirklich, damit sie mit der Selbstbefriedigung aufhören. Nun aber weiter mit Thomas. Erst mal massiert und quetscht man beide Hoden, bis man merkt, das er kurz vor dem Orgasmus steht.“ Es tut sauig weh, wie sie meine Hoden quetscht, und ich habe Schwierigkeiten mich auf das wichsen zu konzentrieren. „ Los, Thomas, gib Gas, sonst zerquetsche ich dir gleich beide Hoden!“ feuert mich Frau Maron an. Der Schmerz wird enorm und ich spüre wie es mir kommen will. Und als ich merke, dass sie einen Hoden los lässt, weiß ich, dass es gleich passiert. Ich schreie vor Schmerzen auf. Sie presst mit alle Kraft meinen rechten Hoden zusammen, und dann kommt es mir. Eine gewaltige Fontäne spritzt aus meinem Schwanz und im selben Augenblick spüre ich einen stechenden Schmerz im rechten Hoden. Mit einem deutlich hörbarem Plop gibt er ihren Fingern nach und zerberstet im Sack. Einige male noch stoße ich mein Sperma aus dem Schwanz, bevor ich in Ohnmacht falle. Als ich wieder aufwache befinde ich mich im Schulsanitätsraum. Die Ärztin erzählt mir, das sie mir die Matsche aus meinem Sack geholt hat und mein anderer Hoden die Sache gut überstanden hat. Aber ich sollte jetzt vorsichtig sein, denn wenn ich meinen letzten Hoden verliere, bin ich kastriert. Und wie geht es im Biologie Unterricht weiter? In der nächsten Stunde petzen einige Mädchen, das zwei Jungen aus der Klasse damit rumgeprahlt haben, sie könnten es sich bis zu 5 mal am Tag machen und immer kräftig abspitzen. Aber die Namen haben sie nicht genannt. Also mussten sich alle Jungen nackt ausziehen und sich von Frau Maron begutachten lassen. Und so hat sie dann sogar 4 weiteren Jungen aus meiner Klasse noch einen Hoden zerquetscht und 5 andere den Eltern gemeldet, damit sie beschnitten werden. * * *
Kissing cousin go riding
Two young cousins beat and castrate a man when they go horse riding.
Young Jane pulled on her riding boots, jodhpurs then put on her blouse, jacket, hat and picked up her riding crop. Walking to her stables and prepared her horse for a long ride in the countryside. Climbing onto her horse she guided it out of the stable and up the lane to pick up Lucy her 8-year-old cousin. It didn’t take Jane long to ride over to Lucy’s home and find her in the garden. Jane looked down from her horse at Lucy and admired the young girl in her riding clothes. Jane looked Lucy from head to toe and felt a blush of desire as she saw Lucy’s red hair extending in a long thick plat from the back of her riding hat, her soft white skin, blue eyes, flat chest with tiny bud like mounds, her small pert bottom, developing thighs and legs encased in her riding jodhpurs and boots made Jane swoon. The sight of young Lucy’s body in her riding clothes made Jane shiver with love. Holding down her right hand she glanced into Lucy’s hand as the young girl reached up to her. Not wishing to be seen Jane kissed her cousin Lucy on her mouth in a manner not usual for cousins and then helped her up and behind on the saddle. Jane felt a strong feeling of contentment as she felt Lucy’s arms wrap round her and Lucy’s head come to rest against her back. Giving the horse a quick kick Jane told it to walk on. To Jane’ delight Lucy started to rub her hands up her stomach and then onto her chest. Lucy felt her pussy moisten as she slipped her hands up Jane’s blouse and onto her ten-year cousins tiny bud like breasts and started to play with them. Young Lucy played with Jane’s sexy breasts as they rode through the countryside until the came across a young man about the age of 22. He had dark brown hair and was tall and well built. Jane and Lucy tried to ignore him as they rode past, but he couldn’t help notice that Lucy as caressing Jane and kissing the back of her neck as they rode past him. The sight of young Lucy acting in a very sexual way with Jane intrigued him and made himself want to talk to them. Introducing him he told them that they looked wonderful together and begged to allowed to walk with them as they rode their horse. They reluctantly allowed him to at first but Jane felt a tingle of excitement when Lucy pointed out that they could have a bit of fun with him if they played their cards right. Jane laughed and then made him follow them into a quite place and then stood her horse next to him and looked down at him with utter contempt and disdain. The crueller the look she gave him the happier he seemed to be and more servile he became. Taking her riding crop she held it in front of his face and threatened him with it. Lucy became very excited by the way that Jane was dominated the man and put her hands into Jane’s pants and started to play with her pussy. Jane felt a mixture of desire for Lucy and a growing urge to get pleasure from being violent and cruel to the man. The man felt himself swoon with desire as he saw what Lucy was doing to Jane and the look of sadistic lust in Jane’s eyes as she looked down at him with wide bright excited eyes as she waved her crop in front of his face. Jane slowly swung her crop right back and then hit him hard across his face as hard as she could. Lucy and Jane both groaned with delight a wonderful feeling filled their young bodies and caught their breath leaving them with re flushed faces, wide dilated pupils and breathless with sexual excitement. Lucy begged Jane to whip him again in a low gasping voice and gasped and panted with joy as Jane struck him hard across his face again with her crop. Jane whipped again and again with her crop across his face and body. Both of the girls looked with bright excited eyes at the red lines that Jane’s crop left on the man’s face as Jane whipped him with it. Lucy felt as sudden urge to kick him and swung her right boot at his head knocking him to the ground. They both climbed down off the horse and started to kick him hard in his chest, stomach and then striking gold Lucy kicked him hard in his balls. The way that he doubled up and screamed for mercy as she kicked him in his balls sent the girls wild with sadistic lust and had them kicking him in his balls in sexual frenzy. After they had kicked for what seemed like ages Lucy pulled down his pants and took out her riding knife and took out the tool for pulling out stones from horses hooves and grabbed hold of his left ball and pulled his skin tight and then forced the sharp end slowly into it. As she pushed it into his ball she wiggled it about to maximise the pain it caused him. Jane looked at Lucy and felt her pussy flood wetter and wetter as she looked at Lucy’s sex young face showing just how much she was loving stabbing a stranger in his left ball with her horse riding knife. Jane looked on in sexual ecstasy as Lucy worked cruelly on the man’s ball. Lucy then pulled out the knife and punched him hard in his balls and took the sharp blade of the knife and slit open his scrotum and pulled both of his balls out of his sack. Lucy then looked up at Jane and told her to bite his left ball off as she bit of his right ball. Jane and Lucy felt giddy with excitement as they pulled a ball each into their mouths and started to torment him with their teeth as they nibbled on his balls. They put their hands down each other’s knickers and brought each other to an orgasm and as they came they bit off his balls and ate them raw. Lucy then rubbed his cock till it was big and hard and then slipped it into her mouth and slowly forced her teeth through its head. Biting it off Lucy then told Jane it was her turn to bite a bit of his cock off. Put her lips over the stump that was left of his cock Jane made rocking movements with her head as she forced her teeth through the shaft of his cock. Lucy and Jane had another orgasm as Jane bit off what was left of his cock and chewed it into small pieces and then pushed some of the pieces into Lucy’s mouth as they rubbed their sexual excited young bodies together. Lucy smiled and said, “Mmmmmmmm boys are only good for one thing. Castrating.” They both laughed then made wild lesbian love next to the man’s broken, groaning body. Savouring the sexy music of his groans and moans of pain. (To be continued)
Time In The Woods
A bad walk in the woods.
Wayne had been wandering through the woods now for a long time and he was exhausted. The girls had taken all his clothes and tied up his balls tight and given him a very dull knife. He could hear the barking of some hunting dogs that were chasing him through the woods and probably would kill him if they came upon him. His balls had ached, now had turned a dark purple and he was afraid he would lose them no matter what he did. Attached to his balls was a fairly heavy weight and it was slowing him down. The girls said there was a cabin and if he reached that he would probably be safe from the dogs. He came upon the cabin and quickly entered it feeling somewhat safer for the moment. It was dark in the cabin and Wayne did not realize that the three girls that put him into this situation were hiding in the cabin. After laying on the floor for a while to catch his breath the girls turned a light on him and laughed at his sorry state. Wayne begged them to let him go. One of the girls said if he jacked off they would then untie his balls and he would probably be able to save his balls. Wayne started to jack off his soft penis, but being afraid and exhausted it was not getting very hard. One of the girls started to rub his penis and that got him hard. She kept rubbing him until he started to feel himself shoot. She immediately dropped his penis and stomped on his purple balls. Wayne felt an intense pain; like he had never felt before. He lied sobbing on the floor and his penis did a couple more soft spurts and then started to deflate. The girls let him sob for a long time and they dragged him out of the cabin. They tied him spread eagle on the ground. They left on arm free though and handed him the knife. They then lit a candle under his balls and said he could watch as it ate through his balls and penis or he could cut off his balls to save his penis. Wayne cried at the horror but then he started to slice off his balls. With the dull knife it took longer than he expected to cut all the way through. After a moment he held his balls in one hand and looked in horror at his limp little penis. They quickly tied his free hand and one of girls took his balls from his hand. Another one stuck his balls in his mouth and he tried to spit them out but they put a knife to his penis and he got the message and started to chew and then eventually swallow his balls. The girls then laughed and cheered and thanked him for a fun day. * * *